
Sample records for sociedad civil migrante

  1. La sociedad civil como base de la educación y la educación como base de la sociedad civil


    Alvira, Rafael


    La tesis fundamental del trabajo está expresada en el título: la sociedad civil es condición indispensable para que se pueda realizar una tarea educativa de altura y, a su vez, sin una educación bien hecha la sociedad civil sería imposible. Como sucede siempre, se puede comenzar por intentar mejorar las estructuras de la sociedad civil, o por potenciar la educación, pero en realidad la clave ahora está en cambiar la concepción tanto de la sociedad civil como de la educación. Para ello, result...

  2. Sociedad civil: una concepción radical


    García Marzá, Vicente Domingo


    El presente trabajo1 tiene como objetivos presentar un concepto de sociedad civil desde una perspectiva crítica, una perspectiva que pueda dar razón del potencial de cambio y transformación social que encierra este ámbito de la interacción social. Con este fin, se adentra en primer lugar en la difícil relación entre democracia y sociedad civil, analizándola desde el paso de las democracias participativas a las democracias deliberativas. El caràcter global de la sociedad civil y los problemas ...

  3. Sociedad civil: una concepción radical

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    Domingo García Marzá


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivos presentar un concepto de sociedad civil desde una perspectiva crítica, una perspectiva que pueda dar razón del potencial de cambio y transformación social que encierra este ámbito de la interacción social. Con este fin, se adentra en primer lugar en la difícil relación entre democracia y sociedad civil, analizándola desde el paso de las democracias participativas a las democracias deliberativas. El carácter global de la sociedad civil y los problemas de realización práctica nos conducen, en segundo lugar, a la discusión de la propuesta de autores como J. Habermas y M. Kaldor, destacando las insuficiencias de sus respectivos enfoques. A continuación, y en discusión con los trabajos de J. Keane, se presenta una propuesta de definición y fundamentación del concepto de sociedad civil apoyado en una hermenéutica crítica, capaz de justificar su núcleo moral como ética de la sociedad civil y, al mismo tiempo, de sus posibilidades reales de aplicación. Por último, se propone el concepto de recursos morales para reconstruir las características básicas que definen a los recursos propios de la sociedad civil.The objective of this paper is to present a concept of civil society from a critical perspective that can explain the potential for change and social transformation encompassed within this sphere of social interaction. To this end, we first explore the difficult relationship between democracy and civil society, through an analysis of the shift from participative to deliberative democracy. The global character of civil society and the problems of its practical achievement lead us, in a second stage, to discuss proposals from authors such as J. Habermas and M. Kaldor, and to uncover the inadequacies of their respective approaches. This is followed by a proposal, arising from debate on the works of J. Keane, in which the concept of civil society is defined and grounded

  4. Antinomias y paradojas de la sociedad civil global

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    Edwin Cruz Rodríguez


    Full Text Available ¿Qué podemos entender por sociedad civil global y cuáles son sus implicaciones sobre el ejercicio del poder a nivel mundial? El presente trabajo examina este problema. Primero, analiza las antinomias del concepto de sociedad civil global desde una perspectiva analítica. Segundo, estudia sus contenidos normativos en relación con la democratización y el poder a escala global. Existen tres antinomias cuando se trata de precisar el concepto de sociedad civil global como categoría analítica: no puede concebirse por referencia a un Estado o comunidad política global, pues este es inexistente; no se erige en un ámbito de civilidad que excluya la violencia; y no es posible definirla desde una perspectiva objetiva, porque la disputa por su significado hace parte de sí misma. En términos normativos, existe una paradoja pues la sociedad civil global no representa ciudadanos o intereses generales sino cuerpos con intereses particulares vinculados a la necesidad de gobierno o gobernanza global. Sin embargo, ha generado un cambio en las concepciones y las condiciones de ejercicio del poder en el escenario global, que potencialmente contribuye a la democratización de la política mundial.

  5. La sociedad civil en el proceso de toma de decisiones

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    Margarita Marín Aranguren


    Full Text Available ¿Qué es la sociedad civil? Es la pregunta más recurrente cuando se intentan explicar sus objetivos, alcances, impacto y fines. En este documento se recogen las distintas definiciones que en la teoría política se han dado acerca de la sociedad civil. Luego, se intenta demostrar la necesidad e importancia de las dinámicas efectivas que ejerce la sociedad civil sobre la gestión pública y su incidencia para el engrosamiento del capital social y el desarrollo democrático. Finalmente se propone que, posteriormente, desde la academia, se hagan análisis más precisos alrededor de las organizaciones no gubernamentales con posibles temas aún no investigados en Colombia como por ejemplo: la responsabilidad y la democratización; la tercerización de la sociedad civil, los pros y contras del marketing social, las ventajas y desventajas al hablar de ciudadanía corporativa, entre otros problemas que involucran a este actor

  6. La sociedad civil en el proceso de toma de decisiones

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    Margarita Marín Aranguren


    Full Text Available ¿Qué es la sociedad civil? Es la pregunta más recurrente cuando se intentan explicar sus objetivos, alcances, impacto y fines. En este documento se recogen las distintas definiciones que en la teoría política se han dado acerca de la sociedad civil. Luego, se intenta demostrar la necesidad e importancia de las dinámicas efectivas que ejerce la sociedad civil sobre la gestión pública y su incidencia para el engrosamiento del capital social y el desarrollo democrático. Finalmente se propone que, posteriormente, desde la academia, se hagan análisis más precisos alrededor de las organizaciones no gubernamentales con posibles temas aún no investigados en Colombia como por ejemplo: la responsabilidad y la democratización; la tercerización de la sociedad civil, los pros y contras del marketing social, las ventajas y desventajas al hablar de ciudadanía corporativa, entre otros problemas que involucran a este actor.

  7. Movimiento estudiantil, sociedad civil, democracia y gobernabilidad en Venezuela: 2000-2010

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    Egda Ortiz


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo explicar la relación entre movimiento estudiantil, sociedad civil, democracia y gobernabilidad en Venezuela. Se adelanta una revisión conceptual y teórica respecto a los aspectos mencionados para el período seleccionado. La gobernabilidad para este período se explica al encontrarse una interrelación histórica entre democracia, movimiento estudiantil y sociedad civil venezolana. La democracia es la construcción de consensos y mayorías políticas para realizar los. PNUD-OEA (2010. En el caso venezolano, los distintos actores políticos y sociales que conforman la sociedad civil han expresado la defensa de los valores democráticos desde las dictaduras del siglo pasado hasta la actualidad. Son las sociedades civiles las que amplían el espacio público de los derechos yde la conciencia social sobre éstos. Grzybowski (2004. Se concluye que la construcción democrática requiere de la participación de distintos actores políticos y sociales que intercambien valores, procesos e ideas en el seno de la sociedad civil venezolana; y en este proceso complejo de la última década el movimiento estudiantil y los ciudadanos en general han destacado en el rescate de la gobernabilidad y la democracia en el país

  8. Movimiento estudiantil, sociedad civil, democracia y gobernabilidad en Venezuela: 2000-2010

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    Egda Ortiz


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo explicar la relación entre movimiento estudiantil, sociedad civil, democracia y gobernabilidad en Venezuela. Se adelanta una revisión conceptual y teórica respecto a los aspectos mencionados para el período seleccionado. La gobernabilidad para este período se explica al encontrarse una interrelación histórica entre democracia, movimiento estudiantil y sociedad civil venezolana. La democracia es la construcción de consensos y mayorías políticas para realizarlos. PNUD-OEA (2010. En el caso venezolano, los distintos actores políticos y sociales que conforman la sociedad civil han expresado la defensa de los valores democráticos desde las dictaduras del siglo pasado hasta la actualidad. Son las sociedades civiles las que amplían el espacio público de los derechos y de la conciencia social sobre éstos. Grzybowski (2004. Se concluye que la construcción democrática requiere de la participación de distintos actores políticos y sociales que intercambien valores, procesos e ideas en el seno de la sociedad civil venezolana; y en este proceso complejo de la última década el movimiento estudiantil y los ciudadanos en general han destacado en el rescate de la gobernabilidad y la democracia en el país.

  9. Tradición, modernidad y sociedad civil en la costa de Yucatán Tradición, modernidad y sociedad civil en la costa de Yucatán

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    Citlalli Cantú Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available It describes the organizational processes of civil society on the coast of Yucatan. His players built their associations, came into conflict and collapsed their organizational structures. Weanalyze the causes of the recent past and shaping processes of associative structures of civil society. In the cases presented showed that the erosion of the ancestral forms of organization and influence of the individual patterns represent endogenous and exogenous historical causes that increase the entropy of the organizational processes of local civil society. Wediscuss the peaceful non-profit and organizational behavior defined by law, act limiting the right of rebellion and restoring the power. Yes organized civil society bows to government funding processes, becomes bureaucratized and mimics mechanisms, corruption can occurprocesses that collapses.Se describen procesos de organización de la sociedad civil en la costa de Yucatán, donde sus actores construyeron asociaciones civiles, entraron en conflicto y colapsaron sus estructuras organizativas. Se analizan las causas últimas y recientes de los procesos de conformación de estructuras asociativas de la sociedad civil. En los casos presentados se observó que la erosión de las formas ancestrales de organización y la influencia de los patrones individualistas representan causas históricas endógenas y exógenas que incrementan la entropía de los procesos de organización de la sociedad civil local. Se discute el carácter no lucrativo y pacífico del comportamiento organizacional definido en la ley; acto que limita el derecho a la rebelión y la recuperación del poder. Sí la sociedad civil organizada se pliega a los procesos gubernamentales de financiamiento, se burocratiza e imita mecanismos, pueden presentarse procesos de corrupción que la colapsa.

  10. Sociedad civil: una interpretación y una trayectoria

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    Pérez-Díaz, Víctor


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    El lector me permitirá quizá que le explique de entrada el propósito y el alcance de este brevísimo ensayo, anticipándole los temas de las tres partes que lo componen. Primero, explico lo que quiero decir con la expresión «sociedad civil». Con este fin, describo un tipo o carácter ideal de sociedad civil, en torno al cual he organizado un esquema conceptual que utilizo desde hace años en un amplio programa de investigación en ciencia social; y esbozo las líneas de demarcación entre mi uso de esa expresión y otros usos que se han hecho y se hacen tic ella. Segundo, reelaboro el proceso por el que comencé a utilizar este concepto a mediados de los años setenta. Se trata de un esbozo de reconstrucción, hipotético y fragmentario, del contexto de descubrimiento de aquel esquema conceptual. Es un flash back que me lleva de los primeros sesenta (podría haberme llevado más atrás a mi libro Estado, burocracia y sociedad civil, que escribí en 1976 (Pérez- Díaz, 1978. Tercero, tomo nota de los cambios en mi posición a lo largo de estos años, y me interrogo sobre algunos de los problemas que me han llevado de la concepción de 1976 a la que expongo en La primacía de la sociedad civil de 1993 (Pérez- Díaz, 1993, y en mis trabajos ulteriores, donde hay un desplazamiento sistemático del énfasis de mi trabajo desde lo que Hamo (en la Primada «sociedad civil sensu stricto» hacia la «sociedad civil sensu lato». La explicación podría radicar en la necesidad de revisar, ampliar y formalizar el esquema «acomodándolo»: uno, al proceso en curso de mis trabajos de investigación empírica, y a la importancia creciente en esos trabajos de los temas de autoridad pública, esfera pública y política pública; dos, al horizonte histórico del whithcring away del totalitarismo comunista; y tres, a mi interés creciente en los temas de tradición, instituciones y retórica. Aunque los

  11. Comunidades transnacionales, academia y sociedad civil hacía la construcción de una agenda migratoria en México; Comunidades transnacionais, academia e sociedade civil desde a construção de uma agenda migratoria no México; Transnational communities, academia and civil society were building a migration agenda in Mexico

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    Rodolfo García Zamora


    Full Text Available Resumen: El tema migratorio ha sido tratado en México como una fuente de ingresos económicos que no requiere mayores inversiones y como un tema postergable, pero el tema del retorno de los migrantes mexicanos de Estados Unidos, a causa de las crisis económico de 2007-2008, las políticas antimigrantes y las deportaciones masivas, cuestiona la estructura económica, política e institucional del país, de los estados y municipios y plantean el reto de generar nuevas políticas públicas que apoyen a los migrantes y a la reintegración de los migrantes retornados y sus familias por parte de todos los actores sociales del fenómeno migratorio. Cuando las autoridades gubernamentales se muestran carentes de propuestas se encuentra un terreno fértil para que los involucrados en el fenómeno se apropien de la agenda y sean capaces de generar propuestas serias y concretas, este trabajo es pues, el recuento de este camino, el de la sociedad civil que está organizándose y planteando acciones para encarar a la migración desde sus diferentes aristas. Palabras clave: Políticas migratorias, organizaciones de migrantes, políticas públicas, agenda, propuestas.   Resumo: A questão migratória foi tratada no México como uma renda que não requer investimentos e como um tópico que pode ser adiado. Mas a migração de retorno dos mexicanos dos Estados Unidos, devido à crise econômica de 2007-2008, às políticas anti-migrantes e às deportações maciças, questionam a estrutura econômica, política e institucional do país, dos estados e dos municípios; E levanta o desafio de gerar novas políticas públicas que apoiem os migrantes mexicanos e a reintegração dos migrantes retornados e suas famílias. Políticas que devem ser geradas a partir de todos os atores sociais do fenômeno migratório. Quando faltam propostas das autoridades governamentais, as pessoas envolvidas na questão migratória encontram um caminho estéril para levar em mãos a

  12. Sociedad civil: democracia monitorizada y medios de comunicación en John Keane


    Feenstra, Ramón Andrés


    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral consiste en analizar de manera exhaustiva el concepto de sociedad civil en la obra de Keane. Un estudio que pretende mostrar la potencialidad de la propuesta de sociedad civil de este autor que, ampliamente entendida en la definición de su espacio y de sus actores, ha destacado el papel central de los medios de comunicación en el modelo de democracia monitorizada. Un modelo democrático que se constituye fruto del creciente contrapoder adquirido por una socie...

  13. Bases legales para la transformación de Sociedades Civiles en Sociedades Cooperativas

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    Javier Divar Garteiz-Aurrecoa


    Full Text Available El Derecho interno vigente permite abiertamente la transformación de Sociedades Civiles con personalidad jurídica, Asociaciones y Fundaciones, en Cooperativas. Ello está además integrado en las propuestas del Parlamento Europeo en beneficio del empleo, la lucha contra la exclusión en la UE y el mantenimiento del bienestar social en la Unión.Recibido: 11.12.2012Aceptado: 20.04.2013

  14. Ambientalismo y sociedad civil en la frontera México- Estados Unidos

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    Basilio Verduzco Chávez


    Full Text Available En este ensayo se propone un modelo interpretativo de la dinámica mostrada por los grupos ambientalistas de la frontera México-Estados Unidos. El modelo está inspirado en teorías contemporáneas de movimientos sociales y de sociedad civil y rescata dimensiones clave del concepto de ciudadanía que se consideran clave para analizar los avances y limitaciones del movimiento como catalizador de la participación cívica en defensa del medio ambiente. Tomando en cuenta que el movimiento ambientalista de la frontera abarca una gran diversidad de grupos se propone que sus actividades pueden tener dos grandes orientaciones. La primera dirigida a influir directamente en la formulación de política ambiental, y la segunda dirigida a promover la participación ciudadana como un compromiso cívico en sí mismo. Se identifican siete dimensiones en las que el ambientalismo puede hacer contribuciones al fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil: conocimiento del problema, principio de asociación, orientación de acciones individuales, respeto a la comunidad, origen del compromiso con la comunidad ,vinculo social institucional, relación con estructuras de poder y tipo de individualismo. El trabajo concluye señalando la importancia de que el movimiento logre evitar el fraccionalismo y la apropiación individual de beneficios de la acción colectiva para fortalecer a la sociedad civil.

  15. Civil society and political power in the Dominican Republic Sociedad civil y poder político en República Dominicana

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    Jana MORGAN


    Full Text Available In the Latin American context, the Dominican Republic displays high levels of civic engagement and political activism, yet they have not translated into a civil society that is able to exercise considerable influence in reforming the political system or enhancing democracy. Building on this observation, this article explores two questions. The first is if there is tendency toward dual participation in civic and political organizations, which reduces civil society’s ability to pressure political parties and the State. The second refers to the nature of the connections that civil society participants have with the State and with political parties. The analysis demonstrates that an important segment of the population that participates in civic associations also participates in political parties and in clientelist networks.República Dominicana registra un alto nivel de asociacionismo social y activismo político en el contexto latinoamericano. Esto, sin embargo, no se ha traducido en mayor capacidad de la sociedad civil dominicana para reformar el sistema político y mejorar la democracia. Con este planteamiento de fondo, se exploran dos preguntas. La primera es si existe una tendencia a la coparticipación en las organizaciones sociales y políticas que reduce la capacidad de presión de la sociedad civil sobre los partidos y el Estado. La segunda refiere a la naturaleza del vínculo de los participantes en organizaciones de la sociedad civil con el Estado y los partidos. El análisis muestra el involucramiento de un segmento de participantes en actividades cívicas, también en actividades partidarias y en redes clientelares.

  16. Sociedad civil, política y dominio colonial en Cuba (1878-1895

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    José A. PIQUERAS


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El presente artículo se interesa por la evolución de la sociedad cubana en el período de entreguerras comprendido entre 1878 y 1895 y por el marco político en que pudieron expresarse la diversidad de formas e intereses sociales. Se destaca el desarrollo superior de la sociedad civil en relación a un sistema político que debía asegurar el dominio español. La instauración de ese sistema político, sin embargo, legalizó las expresiones políticas y las situó en un terreno público contribuyendo a poner de relieve las insuficiencias y el carácter opresivo de la dependencia, fomentando con ello la conciencia de discriminación que estuvo en la base de la nación emergente en vísperas de la insurrección de 1895. Palabras Clave: Cuba, política, sociedad civil, nacionalismo, insurrección. ABSTRACT: This article deals with the evolution of Cuban society in the period between wars (1878-1895 and with the political framework in which a variety of social forms and interests were expressed. It focuses on the higher development of civil society in comparison with a political system which had to ensure Spanish control. The establishment of that political system, however, legalized political expression and placed it in the public arena, thus helping to underline the inadequacy and oppressive character of dependence, and to foster the awareness of discrimination which was in the foundations of the emerging nation on the eve of the 1895 insurrection. Key words: Cuba, Politics, Civil Society, Nationalism, Insurrection.

  17. "Bases legales para la transformación de Sociedades Civiles en Sociedades Cooperativas" (Legal bases for the transformation of Civil Societies into Cooperative Societies

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    Enrique Gadea Soler


    Full Text Available El Derecho interno vigente permite abiertamente la transformaciónde Sociedades Civiles con personalidad jurídica, Asociaciones y Fundaciones,en Cooperativas. Ello está además integrado en las propuestas del ParlamentoEuropeo en beneficio del empleo, la lucha contra la exclusión en la UEy el mantenimiento del bienestar social en la Unión.

  18. La disolución de la sociedad civil: sobre los ideales y las vaguedades en la esfera de las asociaciones de voluntariado

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    Paul Dekker


    Full Text Available El pensamiento sobre la sociedad civil siempre ha estado caracterizado por una doble referencia hacia las relaciones sociales existentes y hacia los ideales sociales. La principal hipótesis de numerosas investigaciones sobre la sociedad civil es que una floreciente esfera que lleva este nombre es el portador del ideal de una sociedad más civilizada. Este artículo empieza con una pequeña discusión sobre el trasfondo histórico y los debates públicos en torno a la sociedad civil, y continúa con un planteamiento más analítico del concepto como designación de un orden social asociacional y una esfera de la sociedad dominada por las asociaciones voluntarias. Más adelante nos centramos en esta esfera describiendo sus caracteres nacionales en Europa y analizando las reivindicaciones de sus beneficios civilizadores: la formación de capital social y de discurso público. Encontramos muy pocas evidencias para tales reivindicaciones y por ello profundizamos en el desarrollo de la sociedad moderna occidental, una sociedad en la que las asociaciones voluntarias se han convertido en menos relevantes, mientras que otras esferas de la sociedad, en particular los ensanchados márgenes de la sociedad civil, son más importantes para el desarrollo de una sociedad más civilizada.The thinking about civil society has always been characterized by the double reference to existing social relations and to societal ideals. The basic hypothesis of much civil society research is that a flourishing sphere with this name is the carrier of the ideal of more civilized society. This article starts with a brief discussion of the historical background and public debates about civil society, and continues with a more analytic approach of the concept as designation of an associational social order and a sphere of society dominated by voluntary associations. We further focus on this sphere, describe its national patterns in Europe and analyze claims of its

  19. Sociedad civil y educación de la conciencia moral

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    José Manuel TOURIÑÁN LÓPEZ


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El sentido de lo social se ha enriquecido en nuestros días debido al carácter transnacional de las acciones globales. Ya no hablamos simplemente de derechos sociales que requieren la subsidiación del Estado con unos medios que no pertenecen a ningún individuo en particular; hablamos de derechos que reclaman la cooperación positiva de los Estados y la sociedad civil, más allá de las fronteras territoriales. Esto modifica el carácter de territorialidad del Estado y el sentido del compromiso de la sociedad civil.Este nuevo desafío tiene que asumir las consecuencias de entender la transnacionalidad y la glocalización como condiciones inherentes de los derechos de tercera generación y esto exige replantear los problemas en la sociedad civil desde una ética que asume la realidad del otro y está elaborada a partir de la singularidad de las situaciones y la universalidad de los valores.ABSTRACT: The meaning of «social» has been enriched nowadays due to the cross-cultural nature of global actions. We do not now simply refer to social rights under the State supervision with means that do not belong to any concrete individual. We talk about rights that require the positive co-operation of States and civil society, co-operation which surpass countries' boundaries. Indeed, this modifies the state belonging sense and the civil society's commitments.This new challenge has to be able to manage the consequences of seeing both cross-culturalism and glocalism as inherent conditions of the third generation rights, and all of that requires rethinking the problems within civil society from an ethic scheme that understands «the other» and that is also based on the singularity of each situation and the universalisation of (human values.SOMMAIRE: Le sens de ce qui est social c'est enrichi dans nos jours, étant donné le caractère transnational des actions globales. Nous ne parlons pas simplement de droits sociaux qui requièrent l

  20. La sociedad civil mexicana y el reto de la justicia epistémica en el regionalismo contemporáneo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    markdownabstract__Introducción__ En respuesta a la pregunta fundamental de cuáles son los retos de la sociedad civil mexicana frente al multilateralismo del siglo xxi, en este artículo se argumentará que uno de los retos más urgentes que enfrenta la sociedad civil mexicana que busca incidir

  1. Nivel operacional de la sociedad civil

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    Zoraida Mendiwelso Bendek


    Full Text Available Michael Walzer (2002 afirma que las organizaciones de la sociedad civil se generan en procesos de auto organización pero que existen algunas organizaciones con mayor capacidad que otras para organizarse y que también es necesario que el estado provea la asistencia que requiere la vida en asociación en donde primero que todo se debe proteger a los más débiles. En este artículo, desde una visión sistémica, se intenta reflexionar sobre las competencias requeridas para un efectivo proceso de auto-organización en la construcción de lo público. Se sostiene que esto hace necesario observar las estructuras que apoyan el aprendizaje y participación ciudadana.Michael Walzer (2002 claims that self-organization underpins the emergence of civil society organizations and that some of these organizations have more opportunities than others to be effective, suggesting that it is necessary for the State to support those associations that operate in weaker contexts. In this paper, from a systemic perspective, the author reflects upon the required competencies to enable effective self-organizing processes in the construction of the public sphere, in particular she advocates the need to observe the emerging organization structures supporting citizens' learning and participation.

  2. Organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC y el fenómeno histórico de la migración en Jiquilpan, Michoacán

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    Rubén Ramirez Arellano


    Full Text Available En Jiquilpan, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil formadas por migrantes ayudan a mejorar las condiciones de su comunidad. Este objetivo en común recuperó la agenda social de la cual no se ocupaba el gobierno. Sin embargo, actualmente representan uno de los actores de transformación más importante en la región, por lo que el gobierno local promueve su articulación con las organizaciones a favor del desarrollo en sus comunidades de origen. La construcción de las relaciones políticas a partir de las estructuras jerárquicas se reproduce desde la familia hasta otras instituciones. De manera notable las organizaciones tienen una base familiar y barrial como un componente cultural sustantivo. La emergencia de las OSC como un actor político en el contexto migratorio, se relaciona con su capacidad de reivindicar la pertenencia a través de la participación en procesos sociales de su lugar de origen y arribo promoviendo relaciones menos jerárquicas entre gobierno y sociedad.

  3. Sociedad civil / sociedad informacional: redes sociales basadas en tic en argentina

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    Susana Finquelievich


    Full Text Available Este trabajo es una contribución al estudio sobre las redes sociales sustentadas por Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TICs, en relación con el proceso de apropiación social de las TICs como instrumentos de comunicación y organización social para el desarrollo local. Definimos este desarrollo como el empoderamiento de organizaciones intermedias y de base, movimientos y movilizaciones populares y, en general, de entidades y organizaciones comprometidas con el apoyo popular a nivel local, y sus interacciones con otros actores sociales, como el sector público, el privado y el académico, para el progreso económico y social de la comunidad en su conjunto. A fin de ilustrar las consecuencias y desarrollos de esta perspectiva, se estudia la evolución del uso de TIC en las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en Argentina y específicamente, aquellas con sede en la ciudad de Buenos Aires.

  4. The role of organized civil society in tobacco control in Latin America and the Caribbean El papel de la sociedad civil organizada en el control del tabaco en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

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    Beatriz Marcet Champagne


    Full Text Available Civil society has been the engine that has permitted many of the accomplishments seen in tobacco control in Latin America and the Caribbean. However, the role of civil society is not clearly understood. Civil society plays five main roles: advocate, coalition builder, provider of evidence-based information, watchdog and service provider. Some of these roles are played weakly by civil society in the region and should be encouraged to support beneficial societal change. Civil society working in tobacco control has evolved over the years to now become more professionalized. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use have brought about significant change with positive and negative consequences. Strengthening civil society not only supports the tobacco control movement but it provides competencies that may be used in many ways to promote change in democratic societies.La sociedad civil ha sido el motor que ha permitido muchos logros en el control del tabaco en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Sin embargo, no se comprende bien el papel que juega. La sociedad civil tiene cinco roles principales: abogar, construir coaliciones, proveer información basada en evidencia, ser perro guardián y proveer servicios. Algunos de estos roles se juegan débilmente y deben ser promovidos para apoyar cambios benéficos en la sociedad. La sociedad civil ha evolucionado a través de los años en el control del tabaco y ahora se ha profesionalizado más. El Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco (CMCT de la OMS y la iniciativa Bloomberg para Reducir el Uso del Tabaco han traído consigo cambios significativos con consecuencias positivas y negativas. El fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil no sólo significa un beneficio para el movimiento del control del tabaco sino que también provee las competencias que sirven de muchas formas para promover el cambio en las sociedades democráticas.


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    Luis Moretto Neto


    Full Text Available Um dos maiores desafios enfrentados pelas Organizações da Sociedade Civil diz respeito à falta de recursos para a concretização de suas missões. Essas organizações atuam em diversos campos do espectro social dependendo das relações que estabelecem com as outras esferas da sociedade, tais como o Estado, o mercado, as organizações do terceiro setor e a própria sociedade civil. Este estudo de caso tem como propósito analisar a interface de uma organização da sociedade civil de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, com outros atores sociais de seu entorno no que diz respeito à mobilização de recursos e suas parcerias para o alcance de sua sustentabilidade e autonomia enquanto sujeito político. Os conceitos de sustentabilidade e mobilização de recursos de uma organização são aqui tomados no sentido de capacidade para tornar permanente o valor de seu projeto políticoinstitucional, o que implica fortalecer as dimensões sociopolítica, técnico-gerencial e financeira. Em linhas gerais, atesta-se que a organização objeto deste estudo precisa reestruturar suas estratégias de mobilização de recursos, uma vez que estas remetem a simples captação de recursos de empresas e órgãos do governo, sem considerar as dimensões da vida institucional a partir de uma abordagem relacional.

  6. Desconocimiento social, exotismo y discriminación racial: representaciones y prácticas hacia migrantes africanos en la sociedad argentina

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    Orlando Morales


    Full Text Available Este artículo desarrolla dos cuestiones que consideramos de interés en relación con la integración de migrantes africanos recientes en la sociedad argentina, donde la negritud y la afrodescendencia han sido históricamente negadas e invisibilizadas: sus identificaciones sociales; y las representaciones y prácticas que los construyen como Otros. El corpus de análisis que retoma el artículo corresponde a una investigación desarrollada entre los años 2008 y 2014, que interpeló a través de una aproximación etnográfica, con observación participante y entrevistas abiertas y semi-estructuradas, a un grupo de migrantes procedentes de África y radicados desde la década de 2000 en las ciudades de Buenos Aires y La Plata (Argentina. Con base en ese corpus describimos las identificaciones de los migrantes, en tensión con un imaginario social dominante en la sociedad mayor que representa a las personas socialmente construidas como negras y de origen africano en términos de diferentes, exóticas, desconocidas y objeto de discriminación. Luego avanzamos puntualmente sobre el desconocimiento social, el exotismo y la discriminación racial en tanto representaciones y prácticas recurrentes hacia los migrantes africanos, que entregan elementos de conocimiento sobre las (discontinuidades de la invisibilización de lo africano y lo negro en Argentina.

  7. Estudio comparado sobre la incidencia de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en políticas públicas : análisis de percepción a partir del índice de la sociedad civil en países de América Latina


    Cortés Vázquez, Lorena


    El reconocimiento de la sociedad civil organizada en América Latina como un conjunto de la población activa, con cierto nivel de institucionalización y diferenciada del sector gubernamental y del mercado, tiene una historia reciente. Se han realizado muchos estudios a escala local sobre la incidencia de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) en la esfera pública, pero pocas han intentado establecer la relación existente entre las características que guarda el régimen de gobierno de los...

  8. Intervenciones internacionales noviolentas en los territorios palestinos. Contribuciones de la sociedad civil global a la lucha no-violenta contra la ocupación

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    Diego Checa Hidalgo


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el fenómeno de las intervenciones internacionales noviolentas para la transformación de conflictos a partir del estudio del caso del conflicto palestino-israelí y de la lucha no-violenta emprendida por la sociedad civil palestina e israelí para poner fin a la ocupación. Este fenómeno es desarrollado desde sectores de la sociedad civil global para beneficiar a los movimientos sociales de base proporcionándoles protección frente a la violencia y facilitando sus procesos de empoderamiento. Junto a ellos, estas intervenciones están extendiendo la cultura de paz en la región y desafiando el militarismo existente en las sociedades israelí y palestina.Palabras clave: Resistencia Civil, Transformación de Conflictos, Oriente Medio, Sociedad Civil Global._______________This paper discusses the phenomenon of nonviolent international interventions for conflict transformation. It studies the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and it analyses the non-violent struggle waged by the Palestinian and Israeli civil society to end the occupation. Global civil society sectors carry out nonviolent international interventions to benefit grassroots social movements. They provide protection against violence and facilitate empowerment processes. Together they are spreading the culture of peace in the region and challenging the existing militarism in the Israeli and Palestinian societies.Keywords: Civil Resistance, Conflict Transformation, Middle East, Global Civil Society.

  9. Estado e sociedade civil na teoria política: alguns paradigmas, muitas trajetórias

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    Raquel Kritsch


    Full Text Available O objetivo primeiro deste artigo é discutir algumas das inúmeras definições elaboradas por pensadores políticos modernos para a noção de sociedade civil e sua particular ligação – de contiguidade ou de oposição – com a ideia de Estado. Tal reconstrução parece relevante para que possamos refletir com certo rigor analítico sobre os muitos usos de sociedade civil, ideia tão cara ao pensamento político e social, tornada hoje quase uma “entidade regulatória”, em nome da qual os mais variados tipos de agentes sociais pretendem falar e cuja vontade supõem ser capazes de interpretar, como bem ilustram os levantes populares recentes ocorridos em várias partes do mundo, inclusive, no Brasil. Para tanto, são apresentados e discutidos alguns dos modelos interpretativos mais conhecidos nas ciências sociais – Hegel, Marx, Gramsci e Habermas e Cohen e Arato – acerca do papel da sociedade civil e sua relação com o âmbito estatal. O intuito é contribuir para o enriquecimento das possibilidades analíticas relacionadas à investigação sobre a agência de atores e movimentos sociais inseridos em coletivos complexamente organizados. Destina-se, assim, principalmente, a servir de orientação teórico-metodológica para alunos de graduação que pretendem pesquisar movimentos sociais em sociedades Contemporâneas.

  10. La ironía de la solidaridad: cultura, sociedad civil y discursos sobre el conflicto racial de El Ejido




    El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar el potencial analítico de un programa fuerte de sociología cultural a la hora de estudiar cómo la sociedad civil responde ante un fenómeno de conflicto racial (los disturbios de El Ejido de febrero de 2000). El estudio muestra cómo en el ámbito de la sociedad civil pueden surgir discursos que, aun proporcionando una narrativa diferente del conflicto, reproducen un mismo código semiótico profundo caracterizado fundamentalmente por ser una estructura de c...

  11. Sociedade civil, Estado e autonomia: argumentos, contra-argumentos e avanços no debate

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    Adrian Gurza Lavalle


    Full Text Available O cenário brasileiro das relações entre Estado e sociedade civil tem se reconfigurado ao longo das últimas três décadas, suscitando esforços da literatura especializada para diagnosticar tais mudanças mediante deslocamentos analíticos e revisões de pressupostos. Em diálogo com um diagnóstico recente de conjunto que recoloca algumas teses importantes na literatura e segundo o qual essa reconfiguração é uma passagem de um período histórico de autonomia plena dos atores sociais para um momento de interdependência com o Estado, o artigo desenvolve quatro contra-argumentos amparados em deslocamentos teórico-analíticos e metodológicos que, junto à extensa pesquisa empírica, marcam avanços no debate do país sobre as relações socioestatais. Os contra-argumentos partem do pressuposto da mútua constituição, ou codeterminação, entre Estado e sociedade civil e revisam criticamente os argumentos sobre a emergência tardia da sociedade civil no Brasil, seu nascimento sob o signo de uma não relação com o Estado e os partidos políticos, bem como sobre o advento da interdependência com o Estado no período pós-constituinte. No seu todo, o conjunto dos contra-argumentos mostra os ganhos analíticos de uma perspectiva centrada nas interações socioestatais e de uma compreensão relacional de autonomia tanto no plano da prática dos atores quanto no plano da teoria.

  12. Responsabilidade Social das empresas: a contraface da sociedade civil e da cidadania

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    Simionatto, Ivete


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como objeto o estudo das mudanças que vêm ocorrendo nas relações entre Estado e sociedade civil e sua manifestação específica nas propostas articuladas em torno da responsabilidade social das empresas. Parte-se da hipótese de que estas práticas vêm contribuindo para a formação de consensos que fortalecem a hegemonia do capital na atualidade, mediante a redução do papel do Estado e o fortalecimento da esfera privada como setor de regulação social. Este cenário indica mudanças nas relações entre Estado e sociedade civil, uma vez que a responsabilidade social das empresas manifesta-se como uma nova proposta de sociabilidade e de resposta às expressões da questão social. Por fim, identifica-se que os serviços sociais oferecidos através da responsabilidade social fortalecem o campo do voluntariado, da solidariedade e das instituições do terceiro setor, precarizam o trabalho do Assistente Social com rebatimentos na esfera da cidadania e dos demais valores e princípios que sustentam o projeto ético-político da profissão

  13. La ironía de la solidaridad: cultura, sociedad civil y discursos sobre el conflicto racial de El Ejido

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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar el potencial analítico de un programa fuerte de sociología cultural a la hora de estudiar cómo la sociedad civil responde ante un fenómeno de conflicto racial (los disturbios de El Ejido de febrero de 2000. El estudio muestra cómo en el ámbito de la sociedad civil pueden surgir discursos que, aun proporcionando una narrativa diferente del conflicto, reproducen un mismo código semiótico profundo caracterizado fundamentalmente por ser una estructura de clasificación binaria y albergar una inherente dialéctica de inclusión y exclusión. Este código dicotómico puede considerarse como la estructura simbólica de la cultura política de la sociedad civil. El análisis de los discursos que compiten por la autoridad interpretativa de un conflicto racial desde una perspectiva derivada de la teoría de la religión de Durkheim permite, así, mostrar la ironía de que la producción de los afectos y compromisos civiles implicados en las narrativas de la solidaridad social sea inseparable de una representación polarizada del "ellos" y del "nosotros" bajo la forma de lo sagrado y lo profano. El potencial analítico de esta perspectiva teórica permite, en definitiva, subrayar la estrecha relación que guarda la producción discursiva de la solidaridad con la estructura de clasificación del mundo social y la dificultad que esto entraña para pensar la sociedad civil como una comunidad moral global.

  14. La sociedad civil global en la gobernanza ambiental del sector agua en el mundo

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    Margarita Marín Aranguren


    Full Text Available Para referirse a la gobernanza ambiental en la que tiene un rol importante la sociedad civil global, se precisa, en primera instancia, determinar cuatro conceptos clave: sociedad civil, red, gobernanza ambiental y geopolítica. En segunda instancia, trabajar el recurso más que un servicio es un derecho que ha de ser inabrogable, justamente por ser una necesidad. Sin embargo, tomó más de una década tal reconocimiento en el contexto internacional. En la tercera y última instancia, se recurre a un par de casos para evidenciar que las redes robustecen la información existente y así la SCG logra ser exitosa en su labor de denuncia de irregularidades que suceden en diferentes partes del mundo. Esta dinámica revela un juego de poderes entre actores internacionales llenos de intereses geoestratégicos, que son susceptibles de futuros conflictos y en donde se requieren análisis más complejos en teoría de acción colectiva aplicada a los recursos de uso común.

  15. Virtude, trabalho e riqueza: a concepção de sociedade civil em Benjamin Franklin


    Ana Maria Brito Sanches


    Neste trabalho examinamos a concepção de sociedade civil no pensamento social e político de Benjamin Franklin, cujas idéias exerceram grande influência na formação da mentalidade do homem do Novo Mundo. Essa mentalidade inaugura um novo modo de conceber a vida em sociedade, exaltando tudo o que se opõe aos valores da velha ordem. Contra o princípio da honra, os títulos de nobreza e a posição social dos indivíduos, ela exalta a virtude republicana, celebra o trabalho e reclama o respeito à dig...

  16. Novos desafios para os atores da sociedade civil brasileira em un contexto de mudancas na cooperacao internacional

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    K. Biekart (Kees)


    markdownabstractIntro A pesquisa conduzida pela FGV sobre cooperação internacional e a arquitetura financeira das Organizações da Sociedade Civil (OSCs) brasileiras (CEAPG & ARTICULAÇÃO D3, 2013) tem gerado resultados importantes. Auxiliam no melhor entendimento sobre as mudanças nacionais e

  17. "Sociedade civil global": agentes não estatais e espaço de interação na sociedade política "Global civil society": non-state agents and space of interaction in political society

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    Victor Coutinho Lage


    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa compreender o conceito de sociedade civil global, a partir de um diálogo entre o construtivismo em Relações Internacionais e o pensador francês Michel Foucault. Dividido em três seções seguidas por uma conclusão, o texto almeja inserir-se em um espaço acadêmico de profunda contestação das bases filosóficas que permeiam as teorias convencionais nas ciências sociais e, em especial, nas Relações Internacionais. A primeira seção dedica-se à discussão acerca da sociedade civil global como espaço de interação agente-estrutura; na seção subsequente, ao conceito como um conjunto heterogêneo de agentes não estatais de escopo global. A terceira seção funde as duas partes da definição. Assim, propõem-se duas dimensões definidoras da sociedade civil global: na primeira, como espaço político; na segunda, como conjunto de agentes de características específicas. Por fim, uma breve conclusão encerra o texto - mas não a polêmica da discussão. Conclui-se que o contexto contemporâneo é marcado por uma complexidade de tal magnitude que torna urgente uma abordagem que evite oposições binárias e fronteiras ontológicas naturalizadas e reificadas, estando, assim, apta a interpretar de maneira mais adequada as relações sociais e políticas atuais.This article aims at understanding the concept of global civil society, from a dialogue between constructivism in International Relations and the French thinker Michel Foucault. Divided in three sections, followed by a conclusion, the text intends to insert itself in an academic space of a profound contestation concerning the philosophical basis of the conventional theories in the social sciences and, specially, in International Relations. The first section is dedicated to the discussion about global civil society as a space of agent-structure interaction; the next section treats the concept as a heterogeneous set of non-state agents of global scope. The

  18. Educação, cidadania e sociedade civil. Repensando sentidos e articulações em tempos de mudança

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    Manuel BARBOSA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El presente artículo proyecta una nueva mirada sobre la conocida relación entre la educación, la ciudadanía y la sociedad civil, repensando, con espíritu crítico, los sentidos y las articulaciones que esa relación puede asumir en la cotidianidad de sociedades profundamente marcadas por las dinámicas de la cosmopolitización y por las exigencias de un reconocimiento sin márgenes para discriminaciones. La intención es aclarar, en primer lugar, la necesidad de reconfigurar las relaciones de la educación con la ciudadanía, sabiendo que los nuevos conceptos de ciudadanía son influyentes a ese respecto. En segundo lugar se promueve la «desocultación» de las agendas que se construyen sobre esa relación, partiendo de un análisis hermenéutico de las principales corrientes políticas de nuestra contemporaneidad, tanto en términos de concepciones de sociedad civil como de ciudadanía y de educación para la ciudadanía. Por último, se pregunta sobre lo que podemos esperar de la simbiosis entre educación, ciudadanía y sociedad civil no sin cuestionar y lanzar algunas sospechas a los discursos que sobrevaloran las aportaciones educativas de la sociedad civil en materia de ciudadanía. La cuestión es simplemente ésta: ¿A quién interesa hoy por hoy sobrestimar las virtudes educativas de la sociedad civil? El tramo final del artículo elige a los destinatarios y lanza luz sobre lo que pretenden.ABSTRACT: This paper provides a fresh examination of the familiar relationship between education, citizenship and civil society, by critically rethinking the meanings and the articulations that this relationship may take on in societies that are deeply marked by the dynamics of cosmopolitanism and by the demands for recognition without discrimination. It seeks, first of all, to clarify the need to reconfigure the relationships between education and citizenship, bearing in mind that the new concepts of citizenship play a decisive role

  19. Derecho y Sociedad

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    Full Text Available Reseña de actividades desarrolladas por la Asociación Civil Derecho y Sociedad, a lo largo de su permanencia-dentro de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú vinculadas a la sociedad en general, algunas ligadas al campo jurídico, mientras que otras tuvieron un sentido altruista.

  20. Las asociaciones de inmigrantes como sociedad civil: un análisis tridimensional

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    Guillermo Toral


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina las organizaciones de inmigrantes con una perspectiva triple: desde el punto de vista de sus relaciones con las autoridades públicas, de las relaciones establecidas entre las propias asociaciones y de su grado de participación interna; con el objetivo de analizar hasta qué punto puede hablarse de sociedad civil en ese ámbito. El estudio aquí presentado toma como objeto de análisis las organizaciones de inmigrantes en España, centrándose en aquellas que gozan de un mayor reconocimiento público a través del Foro para la Integración Social de los Inmigrantes, órgano consultivo del Gobierno. Sobre la base de entrevistas en profundidad a líderes y trabajadores de estas organizaciones, se utilizan las contribuciones de la literatura sobre movimientos sociales, movilización étnica y capital social para explicar la situación actual. Sin dejar de relacionar las dinámicas de las organizaciones de inmigrantes con las del resto de organizaciones sociales en España, el artículo argumenta que las relaciones establecidas con los poderes públicos no se ven equilibradas por una red interorganizativa densa ni por una participación activa de sus miembros, y ello en detrimento de una auténtica sociedad civil en este ámbito. Esto tiene implicaciones negativas para la capacidad de las organizaciones para actuar como generadoras de capital social e integración de los inmigrantes, lo cual pone en cuestión el papel del Estado en su apoyo a las organizaciones de inmigrantes.

  1. Sociedade Civil e Governo na Gestão de Cidades: a incidência do Movimento Nossa BH nas políticas públicas


    Teodósio, Armindo dos Santos de Sousa; Cardoso do Nascimento, Daniele; Rocha Palmeira, Elis; Copolillo Ayres, Laise


    O artigo analisa a atuação do Movimento Nossa BH (MNBH) na construção de espaços participativos de discussão de políticas públicas na capital mineira, a partir das relações que se estabelecem entre organizações da sociedade civil (OSCs) e governo. Os principais constructos teóricos utilizados são o de participação popular e esfera pública, de modo a se problematizar as formas de participação da sociedade civil em políticas públicas e as dificuldades enfrentadas para que ela se fortaleça na tr...


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    William Ortiz Jiménez


    Full Text Available El ensayo hace una reflexión en torno al proceso de paz que se llevó a cabo en el gobierno del presidente Andrés Pastrana, y la participación que tuvo la sociedad civil en este asunto. Pero, trasciende, además, a la situación actual del conflicto en Colombia. A partir de las formulaciones de varios teóricos, entre los que se destacan Daniel Pécaut, Cohen, y Arato., Margarita Bonamusa, María Teresa Uribe, Daniel García-Peña, Habermas, Rawls, entre otros, se fortalece un marco teórico y de referencia bastante sólido para mostrar cómo lo público es indispensable en las acotaciones que lleven a la solución de los conflictos. Sin el concurso de lo público, tampoco sería viable la participación de la sociedad civil. Los espacios de solución de conflictos, el ágora, en palabras de Hanna Arendt, es el lugar esencial para la discusión, el consenso y los acuerdos. En política, la esfera de lo público prima sobre lo privado, porque el reconocimiento de las libertades, manifestaciones y la plenitud de los derechos sólo se logra en lugares comunes.

  3. La inscripción de las sociedades profesionales en el Registro mercantil y en el de Sociedades profesionales


    García Presas, Inmaculada


    La Ley 2/2007, de 15 de marzo, de Sociedades Profesionales considera, entre otras cuestiones, la inscripción de las Sociedades profesionales en el Registro mercantil y en el de las Sociedades profesionales. En este sentido se valora, entre otros contenidos de dicha Ley, su artículo 8, incidiéndose en el grado de exigencia de la inscripción de las Sociedades profesionales en el Registro Civil.

  4. Las Cumbres de las Américas: una nueva plataforma para la sociedad civil


    Tussie, Diana; Botto, Mercedes


    RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza los avances logrados por las Cumbres de las Américas en materia de incorporación de los actores no gubernamentales en la definición de la agenda hemisférica. La descripción identifica los alcances de la apertura a nivel regional y a nivel nacional. En la conclusión, se evalúan los desafíos que enfrentan los foros de participación de la sociedad civil para institucionalizarse como plataformas democráticas de consulta y diálogo entre gobiernos y actores no guberna...


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    Sérgio Luiz Gadini


    Full Text Available A emergência de TVs comunitárias no Brasil, a partir de meados dos anos 1990, vem ao encontro de uma histórica demanda pela democratização da informação. Com base na legislação da TV a cabo brasileira (Lei 8.977/95, aprovada com o apoio do Fórum Nacional pela Democratização da Comunicação, movimentos, entidades sociais sem fins lucrativos, sindicatos, associações comunitárias e ONGs passaram a instituir associações de usuários dos canais comunitários de TV que surgiram em dezenas de cidades do Brasil. Num país marcado por grandes dificuldades de organização da sociedade civil, tal iniciativa representou, por muitos anos, uma alternativa que parecia indicar um outro horizonte de mobilização social por questões de interesse público (como é o caso das concessões e acesso à mídia. Mas, a eleição de um governo federal teoricamente identificado com demandas e problemas sociais forjados ao longo de séculos de exclusão (como ocorreu com a escolha do presidente Lula, eleito pelo PT acabou por indicar alguns limites nos projetos sociais envolvendo a luta pela democratização da comunicação. Tão logo o governo petista expressou sua política comunicacional, a fragilização da sociedade civil passou a expressar alguns dos limites e desafios para se pensar na execução de projetos de comunicação popular, o que também apresentou reflexos nos canais de TVs comunitárias de diversas regiões do País.

  6. A sociedade civil e os conflitos na construção dos megaeventos esportivos no Brasil

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    Silvia Cristina Franco Amaral


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo foi analisar a atuação e articulação da sociedade civil na resistência contra a remoção forçada das comunidades em localidades próximas às construções de equipamentos para os megaeventos esportivos. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa descritivo-interpretativa realizada em duas etapas: na primeira, coletaram-se dados nos jornais Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo (Estadão; e, na segunda, no Portal Popular da Copa e das Olimpíadas. Constatou-se que o processo de remoção forçada de comunidades tem ocorrido em diversas cidades sedes dos megaeventos esportivos, atingindo as camadas sociais menos favorecida da população. A sociedade civil tem se organizado pela Articulação Nacional dos Comitês Populares da Copa (Ancop, que reúne as ações dos comitês populares de cada cidade sede, utilizando diferentes formas de ação na luta contra a violação dos direitos. Os repertórios centrais são ocupações de prédios públicos, práticas de protestos, criação de dossiês, abaixo-assinados e postagens de vídeos em redes sociais.

  7. Análisis contrastivo sobre construcción de sociedad civil en tres barrios de la localidad de Suba, Bogotá.


    Cortez Quintana, Marcela Alexandra; Fleurisca, Marc Antonie; Gómez Angulo, María Gabriela; López Silva, Jersson Darío; Correa de la Ossa, Leonardo Favio; Higuera Bautista, Carlos Omar


    En el presente proyecto se realiza un análisis comparativo sobre construcción de sociedad en tres barrios de la localidad 11 de Suba. El barrio Colina Campestre, de estrato 4, fue escogido por los investigadores como patrón, luego se comparan los datos obtenidos con los otros dos barrios, Bilbao de estrato 2 y, Pinar de Suba de estrato 3, para así describir los factores de estratificación que parecen estar asociados a la construcción de sociedad civil. Y luego, se identifican las tensiones en...

  8. Educação e desafios da multiculturalização: uma pedagogia da sociedade civil Education and the challenges of multi-culturalization: pedagogy of civil society

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    Manuel Barbosa


    Full Text Available A progressiva complexificação cultural das sociedades contemporâneas, que se seguiu à extraordinária aceleração da mobilidade e da movimentação das pessoas através das fronteiras dos Estados, vem criando enormes desafios à coesão e à convivência no interior desses cenários e exige, em respeito aos princípios fundamentais da democracia e aos direitos humanos, respostas urgentes e adequadas. As entidades governamentais, por meio de políticas sociais e culturais de antidiscriminação e de redistribuição de bens e serviços, são necessárias ao desenho dessas respostas, porém, não são suficientes para induzir a estima social pelos estranhos culturais, em particular os recém-chegados aos países economicamente mais estáveis e avançados. O apreço pelos outros culturalmente diferentes depende essencialmente de uma mudança de atitudes e comportamentos e estes só podem evoluir para formas mais amigas das diferenças culturais com a contribuição da sociedade civil mediante uma pedagogia do exemplo, centrada em novos valores, novas atitudes, novos olhares e novos comportamentos. Este texto, a partir da análise e da reflexão sobre essa problemática, argumenta em favor do papel educativo da sociedade civil na organização da vida em comum entre estranhos culturais e propõe as linhas mestras da pedagogia que redefine a agenda educativa dessa sociedade em contextos multiculturais.The progressive cultural complexity of contemporary societies in the wake of the extraordinary acceleration of mobility and of people's movement across state frontiers is creating enormous challenges for cohesion and living within those scenarios, and requires, in a framework of respect for fundamental principles of democracy and human rights, urgent and appropriate responses. The governmental agencies, through policies of social and cultural anti-discrimination and redistribution of goods and services, are necessary to the design of these


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    Maria Josefa Cabello Martínez


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda um duplo desafio enfrentado pela educação na atualidade: o tema da educação para a autonomia e a participação em si mesma, por um lado e, por outro, visa fomentar o debate entre educadoras e educadores que, como trabalhadoras e trabalhadores da escola pública, ou seja, da instituição mais visivelmente utilizada por todos, são o principal recurso para alimentar razoavelmente a esperança em um futuro social construído por cidadãs e cidadãos. O texto trabalha a relação entre a cidadania e a sociedade civil, tomando a cidade (a comunidade e a escola em sentido amplo, como espaço público de ambas. Assim, a educação é considerada ao mesmo tempo oportunidade, condicionante e possibilidade de reconstrução de novas cidadanias. O conteúdo se vai construindo a partir de indagações sobre três temas básicos: as concepções, os requisitos sociais e as estratégias curriculares que podem apoiar atualmente uma educação para a cidadania. Está estruturado em cinco partes: O significado da educação cidadã hoje. As relações escola pública - sociedade civil. As relações cidadania-sociedade civil-comunidade. Propostas organizativas e curriculares para a construção da cidadania e a sociedade civil.

  10. À descoberta da sociedade civil regional: Os parceiros sociais, agentes das políticas regionais financiadas pela União Europeia

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    Elisabeth Dupoirier


    Full Text Available A presença de interlocutores da sociedade civil junto da acção pública é estimulada pelas normas europeias, que reforçam o papel dos “parceiros sociais” nos vários patamares da governação. Para as regiões francesas, a possibilidade de associar às suas políticas a expertise e representatividade social dos grupos de interesse constitui um meio importante de legitimação e eficácia. O contexto regional é, todavia, pouco atractivo para os representantes da sociedade civil. Estes, com dificuldade em conciliar posições nos territórios e inibidos pela complexidade dos programas comunitários, preferem apostar no percurso institucional tradicional, privilegiando o relacionamento com o Estado e os departamentos. As regiões, por outro lado, vêem a nível territorial os parceiros sociais virar-se mais para as aglomerações urbanas.

  11. Las Cumbres de las Américas: una nueva plataforma para la sociedad civil

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    Diana TUSSIE


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza los avances logrados por las Cumbres de las Américas en materia de incorporación de los actores no gubernamentales en la definición de la agenda hemisférica. La descripción identifica los alcances de la apertura a nivel regional y a nivel nacional. En la conclusión, se evalúan los desafíos que enfrentan los foros de participación de la sociedad civil para institucionalizarse como plataformas democráticas de consulta y diálogo entre gobiernos y actores no gubernamentales de la región.ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the accomplishments of the Summits of the Americas regarding the inclusion of non-governmental actors in the definition of the hemispheric agenda. The description identifies the reach of the opening at both the regional and national levels. In the conclusion, the authors assess the challenges faced by the civil society participatory forums in order to get institutionalized as democratic platforms for dialogue between governmental and non-governmental actors across the region.

  12. Las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) y la agenda internacional del desarrollo: escenario latinoamericano


    Revilla Blanco, María Luisa


    En este artículo se analiza la acción de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil latinoamericanas: su evolución y el papel que juegan en la definición de la agenda internacional del desarrollo desde América Latina. Para ello, me detendré en los siguientes puntos: 1. Los hitos más importantes en la generación de consensos sobre los contenidos de esa agenda de desarrollo en lo que va de siglo y el reconocimiento del papel de las OSC. 2. La situación de América Latina en este contexto. ...

  13. Tendencias actuales del Procedimiento Civil en Colombia y sus nuevos avances hacia una sociedad moderna


    Luis Rafael Vergara Camargo


    ResumenAnalizar la aproximación actual del Procedimiento Civil en Colombia, es acercarnos a las realidades sociales, políticas, económicas y jurídicas; de ahí que cada día hay que repensar para reubicarnos en nuestro contexto, las normatividades jurídicas que permiten resolver oportunamente las problemáticas que se dan en torno a las relaciones de nuestra sociedad las cuales se presentan y no están alejadas de nuestra realidad; por eso como Colombia es un país en vía de desarrollo, que se enc...

  14. Sociedad civil, Derecho y Política en Uruguay: un modelo desde la perspectiva de Habermas

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    Henry Trujillo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propone un bosquejo de marco teórico que puede ser productivo para investigar el problema de la democracia y la ciudadanía en América Latina, y en particular algunas características del funcionamiento del sistema jurídico en Uruguay. Para ello, en primer lugar se describe un modelo presentado por Habermas que vincula sociedad civil, esfera de la opinión pública y sistema político administrativo. En especial, se discutirá la noción de sociedad civil, subrayando que su componente asociativo y de tradición liberal es el que resulta congruente con este modelo. A continuación, se exploran datos empíricos para América Latina. Luego se retoma el concepto de “partidocentrismo”, propuesta para describir el hecho de que Uruguay fueron las organizaciones de los partidos políticos los que gestionaron el acceso de las demandas sociales al sistema político administrativo. Esto permite comprender mejor algunos fenómenos relevantes para el Derecho y el sistema jurídico, como ser el carácter flexible de la Constitución uruguaya, el papel central que parece tomar la Constitución con relación a ciertas luchas políticas, y el fenómeno de judicialización o juridificación de ciertas áreas de la vida social y política. 


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    Erli Margarita Marin Aranguren


    Full Text Available La actual crisis económica y financiera global, que se vive de manera especial en Europa, exige miradas creativas para el abordaje de una nueva arquitectura de la cooperación al desarrollo y de las relaciones euro-latinoamericanas. Este artículo analiza la ayuda oficial al desarrollo en la relación Unión Europea - América Latina, estudia las dinámicas que se han adelantado con la Comunidad Andina y explora la inclusión y exclusión de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en los temas cruciales de la subregión. En este marco, se ahonda en promoción de la buena gobernanza, los derechos humanos y la democracia, propósitos comunes para Estados y sociedades civiles de uno y otro lado del Atlántico. Al final, se destacan los desafíos que deben considerarse en la nueva programación, donde ya se vislumbra que América Latina cobra un nuevo protagonismo y las entidades sin ánimo de lucro se empoderan más allá de las denuncias.

  16. Imunidade tributária e Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público


    Araújo, José Antônio Gomes de


    Resumo: Esta dissertação tem como objeto a imunidade tributária a impostos, dirigida às instituições de educação e assistência social sem fins lucrativos (art. 150, inciso VI, alínea "c" da Constituição Federal), e sua relação com as Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público tratadas na Lei n.o 9.790/99. Para proceder à análise, são examinadas as diferentes feições estatais e a crise do Estado Contemporâneo. Na sequência, acompanhamos a repercussão dessa crise no Brasil a partir do...

  17. De la ley de la calle a la ley de las élites: la sociedad civil en la encrucijada de la gubernamentalidad en América Latina

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    Morgan Quero


    Full Text Available En la sociedad del riesgo, la aceleración y multiplicación de las crisis políticas y la incertidumbre producida por efectos de la modernización democrática genera vacíos políticos, que son ocupados por actores de la sociedad civil al asumir responsabilidades de gobierno. Pero se pueden rastrear rasgos autoritarios, reflejos de las continuidades de la cultura política latinoamericana, donde las élites reaparecen con un papel de liderazgo. Así el autoritarismo con rostro democrático se originaría, no tanto en la supuesta separación teórica entre Estado y sociedad civil, sino más bien en su compenetración, en su batalla por definir la gubernamentalidad, expresada a través de la sobre-representación de las élites y la paulatina desaparición de la auto-representación de los sectores populares.

  18. Papel y potencialidades de la sociedad civil en la cooperación euro-latinoamericana. El caso de la Comunidad Andina

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    Erli Margarita Marín Aranguren


    Full Text Available La actual crisis económica y financiera global, que se vive de manera especial en Europa, exige miradas creativas para el abordaje de una nueva arquitectura de la cooperación al desarrollo y de las relaciones euro-latinoamericanas. Este artículo analiza la ayuda oficial al desarrollo en la relación Unión Europea - América Latina, estudia las dinámicas que se han adelantado con la Comunidad Andina y explora la inclusión y exclusión de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en los temas cruciales de la subregión. En este marco, se ahonda en promoción de la buena gobernanza, los derechos humanos y la democracia, propósitos comunes para Estados y sociedades civiles de uno y otro lado del Atlántico. Al final, se destacan los desafíos que deben considerarse en la nueva programación, donde ya se vislumbra que América Latina cobra un nuevo protagonismo y las entidades sin ánimo de lucro se empoderan más allá de las denuncias.

  19. State-Civil Society Partnership: issues for debate and new researches [Parceria entre o Estado e a Sociedade Civil: pontos para o debate e novas pesquisas

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    Mário Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available In this paper we look at the literature related to partnership between state and civil society, especially partnership between public and non-for-profi t organisations. We discuss the differing perspectives of partnership and attempt to identify some of the main theoretical concerns about partnership between state and civil society in the governance context. In this paper, we argue that the historical background of partnership has not been included among factors used in explaining the resort to partnership in governance. In spite of existing analyses showing that partnership brings social benefi ts in their own right, we try to show that there is no evidence that this ‘social technology’ contributes effectively to bringing power to powerless people and social groups. Most of the literature shows that partnership tries to make relationship between local people and local governance stronger and improve the possibilities for powerless people and social groups to participate in local governance. However, we do not fi nd clear evidence in the literature that partnership allows for a shift in political power. Finally, we show that it is unclear whether the interaction between ordinary people and the state through a participatory process has successfully helped to build social cohesiveness for different social groups. The main contribution of this paper is to expand the understanding of the factors that infl uence the process of partnership between state and civil society (positively and negatively for local development. ---- Parceria entre o Estado e a Sociedade Civil: pontos para o debate e novas pesquisas ---- Resumo ---- Neste artigo analisamos a literatura de parceria entre o estado e a sociedade civil, em particular sobre a parceria entre as organizações públicas e as organizações sem fins lucrativos. Discutimos as diferentes perspectivas do conceito de parceria e objetivamos destacar algumas das principais preocupações teóricas sobre

  20. El cáncer de mama en México: evolución, panorama actual y retos de la sociedad civil History, overview and challenges of the breast cancer movement in Mexico

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    María Elena Maza-Fernández


    Full Text Available Este artículo ilustra la evolución que han tenido las organizaciones de la sociedad civil de lucha contra el cáncer de mama, el papel que juegan, y los cambios que debe haber para que sus actividades impacten de fondo la calidad de vida de las mujeres y hombres con esta enfermedad. Hoy día, el concepto de sociedad civil se ha transformado y retoma cierta autonomía y penetra como sinónimo de participación. La sociedad civil es protagonista de temas centrales tales como salud, derechos humanos y asistencia social entre otros. Las asociaciones de cáncer de mama cuentan con libertad para organizarse, impulsar iniciativas a favor de los demás para mejorar su bienestar y desarrollar sus potencialidades en beneficio propio y de la comunidad en la que se desenvuelven. Estas asociaciones deben enfocarse en promover cambios en el sistema que resulten en una mejora de los servicios y en consecuencia de calidad de vida.This essay describes the history of the civil society breast cancer movement in Mexico, the role played by breast cancer NGOs and the changes they must undergo for their activities to impact the quality of life of men and women dealing with this disease. The concept of civil society today has been transformed, regaining a degree of autonomy and being at the center of a participatory democracy. Civil society takes a lead role in key issues such as health, civil rights, and public welfare. Breast cancer organizations have the liberty to organize and promote initiatives that will help others' welfare and develop their full potential for the benefit of themselves and their community. These organizations must focus on promoting changes in the system that will result in better services and better quality of life for their constituents.

  1. A SOCIEDADE CIVIL PODE MUDAR O JORNALISMO? A experiência do jornalismo de defesa civil na América Latina

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    Silvio Waisbord


    Full Text Available Após estudos recentes sobre a “teoria do campo” e o “institucionalismo novo” nos estudos sobre jornalismo (Benson, 2004, 2006, a premissa inicial deste artigo é que a imprensa mantém vínculos com três campos externos: os estados, os mercados e a sociedade civil. Os vínculos são formados tanto pelas relações estruturais quanto pelas práticas de fazer notícias. Os fatores estruturais como propriedade, financiamento e legislação determinam as conexões das organizações noticiosas com os estados, as empresas e os protagonistas civis. Os processos de produção e consumo de notícias envolvendo as redações, as fontes e as audiências afetam também a intensidade das relações entre a imprensa e os campos externos.

  2. Un instrumento de los intereses nacionalsocialistas durante la Guerra Civil española: el papel de la Sociedad Germano-Española de Berlín


    Marició Janué i Miret


    En este artículo, analizamos cómo la Sociedad Germano-Española de Berlín, fundada con la finalidad de fomentar las relaciones culturales entre Alemania y España, durante la Guerra Civil española subordinó su actuación a los propósitos proselitistas de las autoridades nacionalsocialistas. La Sociedad procuró atraer con gran variedad de medios a los círculos falangistas sensibles a la causa del nacionalsocialismo, actuando de mediadora entre éstos y las instancias estatales y del partido en Ale...

  3. Participação da sociedade civil na política ambiental do Governo Lula

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    Cristiana Losekann


    Full Text Available O trabalho analisa um conjunto de formas de participação de organizações civis na política ambiental durante o governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, entre os anos de 2003 e 2008, levando em consideração aspectos da efetividade da participação e da democratização dos debates acerca do meio ambiente. Fundamenta-se em pesquisa qualitativa, com fontes documentais e entrevistas. As conclusões apontam para a existência de uma sociedade civil altamente organizada e que utiliza múltiplos mecanismos de participação visando um alcance maior para a sua efetividade. Sugere, também, que tanto a efetividade quanto a democratização estão ligados à existência de garantias institucionais, sem as quais dificilmente é possível contrapor-se aos interesses econômicos.This paper analyzes the diversified set of forms of participation of civil society organizations within the environmental policy during the government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva between 2003 and 2008. It takes into account aspects of effectiveness of participation and the democratization of debates on environment. It is based in qualitative research, with documental sources and interviews. Conclusions show the existence of a highly organized civil society that makes use of multiple mechanisms of participation to reach most effectiveness. It suggests, also, that effectiveness as well as democratization are intimately linked to the existence of institutional warrants, without which it is very difficult to oppose to economic interests.

  4. A dinâmica entre governo e sociedade civil na gestão da assistência social: uma década de ação do Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social em Bauru


    Soubhia, Ana Paula Cardia


    Essa dissertação de mestrado direciona sua análise para as relações estabelecidas entre sociedade civil e governo no interior do Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social da cidade de Bauru, município com aproximadamente 340.000 habitantes, localizado no interior do Estado de São Paulo, pelo período de dez anos (1995-2005). Pretende-se, assim, apresentar um estudo a respeito da histórica relação Estado e sociedade civil, portanto, busca-se analisar o grau de democratização na gestão da polític...

  5. La relación Estado-sociedad civil a través de las estructuras de los gobiernos descentralizados de Venezuela

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    Carlos Enrique Mascareu00F1o Quintana


    Full Text Available El presente artículo contiene una aproximación a la dinámica de la relación entre la sociedad civil y el Estado descentralizado en las entidades federales y municipios en Venezuela. La hipótesis central que se maneja es la de que a partir del inicio del proceso de descentralización en 1990, han proliferado grupos civiles organizados alrededor de asuntos públicos como salud, vivienda, educación, vecinales o programas sociales, asociados al desarrollo de competencias ejecutadas por gobernaciones y alcaldías y que la relación que se establece con estas estructuras de gobierno territorial, aún es precaria toda vez que su desempeño depende más de la iniciativa de los gobiernos que de la autonomía del espacio civil. El documento resalta la importancia de esta reciente realidad, enmarcada en las tendencias de complejización de los procesos sociales y de la diferenciación funcional creciente que obliga a la existencia de esferas públicas, más allá del Estado. En esta perspectiva, los procesos de descentralización ofrecen un terreno fértil para ampliar los espacios civiles, siempre y cuando se puedan atenuar los marcados signos movilizadores y clientelares del Estado patrimonialista y dar paso a una creciente institucionalización de la actuación de los grupos civiles en los territorios.

  6. Comunitarismo, sociedade civil e a reforma da educação na era FHC (1995-2002/Communitarianism, civil society and the education reforms in Brazil during the Fernando Henrique Cardoso government (1995-2002

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    Sidney Reinaldo da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute a relação entre as reformas da educação e a concepção de sociedde civil na era FHC, a partir de uma crítica ao comunitarismo. Apontamos que a concepção de formação humana pressuposta nas reformas do período em questão, voltada para a aprendizagem do trade off econômico e moral (ajudar os pobres como forma de compensar os benefícios recebidos pela sociedade, como o emprego, bolsas de estudos coaduna-se com o neoliberalismo e com o reforço da histórica cisão “moral” da sociedade brasileira. This paper argues the relationship between education reforms and the civil society conception in Brazil during the Fernando Henrique Cardoso government (1995-2002. We analizes the communitarian people moral formation conception of such reforms showing how it harmonises with the neoliberal values like the exigence of the apprenticeship of the economic and moral trade-off: the market rationality. But such a trend does not help the brazilian people eliminate his historical moral cision grounded on deep economic inequalities conected with an “imoral” social subornination even for liberal values.

  7. Tendencias actuales del Procedimiento Civil en Colombia y sus nuevos avances hacia una sociedad moderna

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    Luis Rafael Vergara Camargo


    Full Text Available ResumenAnalizar la aproximación actual del Procedimiento Civil en Colombia, es acercarnos a las realidades sociales, políticas, económicas y jurídicas; de ahí que cada día hay que repensar para reubicarnos en nuestro contexto, las normatividades jurídicas que permiten resolver oportunamente las problemáticas que se dan en torno a las relaciones de nuestra sociedad las cuales se presentan y no están alejadas de nuestra realidad; por eso como Colombia es un país en vía de desarrollo, que se encuentra articulado al mundo global, se hace necesario implementar las herramientas jurídicas, para hacer más oportuna la solución de los conflictos.Palabras clavesProcedimiento, justicia, desarrollo social, normatividades.AbstractAnalyze the current approach of Civil Procedure in Colombia, is be closer to the social, political, economic and legal, and hence that every day we must rethink our place ourselves in context, legal normativities that solve problems in a timely manner about the relations that exist in our society are presented and are not far from our reality so as Colombia is a developing country, which is articulated to the global world, it is necessary to implement the legal tools to do more timely resolution of conflicts.Key wordsProcedure, justice, social development, normativities.

  8. Participação de representantes da sociedade civil na esfera pública na América Latina. doi:10.5007/2175-7984.2011v10n18p233

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    Maria da Glória Gohn


    Full Text Available Partindo de cenários desenhados pelas novas políticas públicas na América Latina, especialmente no caso do Brasil, o trabalho apresenta os eixos principais destas políticas no que diz respeito à participação de grupos organizados da sociedade civil. Demarcam-se as diferenças entre as atuais políticas sociais voltadas para o atendimento de demandas sociais e a construção e implementação destas políticas nos anos de 1990. O objetivo principal é o de qualificar o caráter e a natureza das novas ações envolvendo a sociedade civil organizada e as instâncias governamentais, indagando sobre os impactos e resultados destas relações no processo democrático em curso.

  9. El actor aglutinante: Nacionalismo y sociedad civil en Quebec.

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    Pablo Giori


    Full Text Available This article aims to reconstruct the history of civil society in Quebec (Canada to relate it with nationalism, the rise of the welfare state, trade unions, Catholic Church and civil society, the dynamic forces of society. Through in-depth interviews with key leaders, exploration of institutional archives and specific literature, we work with a particular case that, when compared to Catalonia, will allow us to evaluate the importance of civil society within nationalism. This actor is not usually considered as the central subject of researches and rarely token into account, unlike political parties, their leaders or intellectuals. Currently, in a context of crisis of the state and political parties, it has begun to be considered that civil society can be a key factor for its ability to produce alliances between sectors, build hegemony and dialogue directly with the population. The study is divided into four parts: 1 the development of the theoretical framework along with the construction of the object of study and the hypotheses; 2 an analysis about the importance of the involvement of civil society in the construction of the nationalist movement in Quebec; 3 a comparison with the Catalan case; and, 4 finally some conclusions.

  10. Estado, economía informal y sociedad civil: una aproximación conceptual desde la teoría de redes


    Guerra Sotillo, Alexei


    Con base en el análisis o enfoque de redes, sustentado metodológicamente en la revisión de literatura académica generada en torno a la temática, el presente trabajo intenta desarrollar la tesis según la cual la sociedad civil y la economía informal representan fuerzas o movimientos complejos en la red social, de acercamiento y alejamiento a la gestión de lo público y al Estado. La interacción de estos tres ámbitos evidencia un esquema novedoso y contradictorio de relaciones que complejizan el...

  11. National Health Service Principles as Experienced by Vulnerable London Migrants in "Austerity Britain": A Qualitative Study of Rights, Entitlements, and Civil-Society Advocacy. (United States)

    Rafighi, Elham; Poduval, Shoba; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Howard, Natasha


    Recent British National Health Service (NHS) reforms, in response to austerity and alleged 'health tourism,' could impose additional barriers to healthcare access for non-European Economic Area (EEA) migrants. This study explores policy reform challenges and implications, using excerpts from the perspectives of non-EEA migrants and health advocates in London. A qualitative study design was selected. Data were collected through document review and 22 in-depth interviews with non-EEA migrants and civil-society organisation representatives. Data were analysed thematically using the NHS principles. The experiences of those 'vulnerable migrants' (ie, defined as adult non-EEA asylum-seekers, refugees, undocumented, low-skilled, and trafficked migrants susceptible to marginalised healthcare access) able to access health services were positive, with healthcare professionals generally demonstrating caring attitudes. However, general confusion existed about entitlements due to recent NHS changes, controversy over 'health tourism,' and challenges registering for health services or accessing secondary facilities. Factors requiring greater clarity or improvement included accessibility, communication, and clarity on general practitioner (GP) responsibilities and migrant entitlements. Legislation to restrict access to healthcare based on immigration status could further compromise the health of vulnerable individuals in Britain. This study highlights current challenges in health services policy and practice and the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in healthcare advocacy (eg, helping the voices of the most vulnerable reach policy-makers). Thus, it contributes to broadening national discussions and enabling more nuanced interpretation of ongoing global debates on immigration and health. © 2016 by Kerman University of Medical Sciences

  12. As Organizações da Sociedade Civil no enfrentamento à AIDS no Amazonas, Brasil

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    Michele Rocha Kadri


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou analisar a percepção que as Organizações da Sociedade Civil fazem de sua contribuição na história do enfrentamento à AIDS, no Amazonas. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa com uso de fontes documentais e orais. Os dados foram coletados entre junho e setembro de 2013. Utilizou-se técnica de entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado com as lideranças de oito organizações que trabalham/trabalharam com grupos mais vulneráveis. A partir da análise do discurso, concluiu-se que com a descentralização de recursos do Departamento de DST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais para as Coordenações locais, as Organizações reconhecem dois momentos distintos: um primeiro momento de fortalecimento organizacional, engajamento coletivo e participação política ativa; e um momento atual de distanciamento entre as Organizações e desarticulação política e, consequentemente, enfraquecimento do movimento social na luta contra AIDS no Amazonas.

  13. 29 CFR 500.143 - Civil money penalty assessment. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil money penalty assessment. 500.143 Section 500.143... MIGRANT AND SEASONAL AGRICULTURAL WORKER PROTECTION Enforcement § 500.143 Civil money penalty assessment. (a) A civil money penalty may be assessed for each violation of the Act or these regulations. (b) In...

  14. La sociedad civil y la gobernabilidad de las migraciones en la agenda política sudamericana: el refugio en los derechos humanos


    Magliano, Maria Jose


    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el "decir" de las principales organizaciones de la sociedad civil que intervienen en la discusión política sobre migraciones en la región sudamericana. A través de una estrategia metodológica cualitativa, sustentada fundamentalmente en el análisis documental, este trabajo pretende examinar el modo en que estas organizaciones cuestionan los sentidos y la definición de la agenda política sobre migraciones y en qué medida se convierten en una alternativa f...

  15. Conservación de la naturaleza en propiedad privada: las Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil en el Valle del Cauca


    Melissa Quintero López; Fabio Alberto Arias Arbeláez


    Las Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil en Colombia cumplen un papel importante en la conservación de ecosistemas. En este trabajo se investiga por qué los dueños de áreas privadas en el departamento del Valle del Cauca conservan la naturaleza en sus propiedades. Se consideran las explicaciones entre la teoría económica de la elección racional, la teoría económica sobre los comportamientos altruistas y recíprocos y la teoría de la psicología social sobre los valores de orientación cultura...

  16. El derecho de acceso sanitario en el contexto del Real Decreto-ley 16/2012: la perspectiva de organizaciones de la sociedad civil y asociaciones profesionales

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    Amets Suess


    Conclusiones: La respuesta al RDL 16/2012 por parte de organizaciones de la sociedad civil y asociaciones profesionales indica el interés de fomentar canales de participación ciudadana para el desarrollo de políticas sanitarias basadas en el objetivo de mantener el carácter universal y la sostenibilidad del Sistema Sanitario Público Español en el momento actual de crisis económica y sistémica.

  17. Engagement citoyen et société civile

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    Gautier Pirotte


    .Compromiso ciudadano y sociedad civil. Reflexión sobre el modelo rumano de sociedad civil poscomunistaSe trata en este artículo de unir la noción de sociedad civil a la noción de compromiso ciudadano, tomando como ejemplo la experiencia postcomunistas rumana. Si el contexto de la sociedad civil no concentra todas las modalidades del compromiso ciudadano, sigue siendo un espacio privilegiado para concretizar dicho compromiso. La cuestión que anima este artículo es simple: ¿como debe y puede ser analizado el compromiso del ciudadano de las nuevas democracias de Europa oriental y en particular de Rumania? Aunque esta interrogación nos parezca simple es en realidad mas compleja de lo que parece si tomamos en cuenta los problemas planteados por los conceptos de sociedad civil y de compromiso aquí utilizados pero también de la experiencia poscomunista a menudo considerada como realidad homogénea en lugar de ser analizada como realidad heteróclita.

  18. Civil society: beyond non profit / Sociedad civil: más allá del non profit

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    Miguel de Haro Serrano


    Full Text Available For a numerous group of recognized and proved authority authors, the Civil Society is limited to the Non Profit organizations. Non Profit is the great limit, the rigid and static border. The limes on the Roman Empire were less overwhelming than the non profit of certain academics. Dura lex and unfair law that keeps aside from the civil society scope the entities on the social economy and the whole market around mercantile enterprises and businesses. Nevertheless, the new changes in the today’s society and the new concept of businesses oriented to the society without forsaking the quest for economic profit, poses a Civil Society beyond non profit.

  19. Construcción del Desarrollo Rural en Chile: Apuntes para abordar el tema desde una perspectiva de la Sociedad Civil

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    Luis Pezo O.


    Full Text Available La construcción del desarrollo rural en Chile ha sido asimétrica y excluyente. La participación de los habitantes de las zonas rurales no se ha incorporado en este proceso con la suficiente influencia para dirigir las acciones que les afectan. Las estrategias y enfoques que se han desplegado han tenido baja efectividad frente a procesos mayores que han aumentado las desigualdades y exclusiones en el medio rural. Es necesario abrir caminos hacia nuevas formas de construcción del desarrollo rural, mediante procesos democráticos en que la sociedad civil sea protagonista, lo que implica pensar también en transformaciones políticas y sociales mayores.

  20. National Health Service Principles as Experienced by Vulnerable London Migrants in “Austerity Britain”: A Qualitative Study of Rights, Entitlements, and Civil-Society Advocacy

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    Elham Rafighi


    Full Text Available Background: Recent British National Health Service (NHS reforms, in response to austerity and alleged ‘health tourism,’ could impose additional barriers to healthcare access for non-European Economic Area (EEA migrants. This study explores policy reform challenges and implications, using excerpts from the perspectives of non-EEA migrants and health advocates in London. Methods: A qualitative study design was selected. Data were collected through document review and 22 indepth interviews with non-EEA migrants and civil-society organisation representatives. Data were analysed thematically using the NHS principles. Results: The experiences of those ‘vulnerable migrants’ (ie, defined as adult non-EEA asylum-seekers, refugees, undocumented, low-skilled, and trafficked migrants susceptible to marginalised healthcare access able to access health services were positive, with healthcare professionals generally demonstrating caring attitudes. However, general confusion existed about entitlements due to recent NHS changes, controversy over ‘health tourism,’ and challenges registering for health services or accessing secondary facilities. Factors requiring greater clarity or improvement included accessibility, communication, and clarity on general practitioner (GP responsibilities and migrant entitlements. Conclusion: Legislation to restrict access to healthcare based on immigration status could further compromise the health of vulnerable individuals in Britain. This study highlights current challenges in health services policy and practice and the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs in healthcare advocacy (eg, helping the voices of the most vulnerable reach policy-makers. Thus, it contributes to broadening national discussions and enabling more nuanced interpretation of ongoing global debates on immigration and health.

  1. Caracterización de la confrontación sociedad civil - Estado en la República del Ecuador 2015-2016: análisis de las redes sociales mediante Twitter

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    Efrén Ernesto Guerrero Salgado


    Full Text Available La República del Ecuador se encuentra en un proceso político que ha reconstruido la administración y ejecución de la política, así como las relaciones entre sociedad civil y Estado. Desde el año 2007, la agrupación oficialista, Alianza País (AP ha promocionado una amplia reforma del Estado, que en su puesta en práctica ha cambiado las estructuras de sociedad ecuatoriana con un uso intensivo de los medios de comunicación, entre ellos las redes sociales. Esta situación ha tenido varios niveles de oposición por parte de grupos de la sociedad civil. Esta confrontación que tiene como escenario la calle y el Internet, ha sido la fuente principal de debate político en el país, pero no ha sido explicado en el funcionamiento de las conexiones humanas y cibernéticas que lo sostienen, así como el comportamiento de los involucrados. El presente documento buscará caracterizar los actores que participan en las relaciones en momentos de manifestaciones sociales, mediante el uso del SNA (Social Network Analysis. Se busca demostrar a través de las interacciones de los ciudadanos en episodios de alta crispación política. la manera en que la conflictividad social es abordada por parte del Estado, manifestada en sus respuestas legales y en sus prácticas políticas y de seguridad.

  2. Las políticas públicas en la sociedad globalizada

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    Martha Isabel Gomez Lee


    Full Text Available En estos días los retos económicos, ambientales y políticos, tales como la falta de una balanceada integración del mercado global y la incertidumbre de la sustentabilidad de la vida en el planeta, hacen imprescindible replantear el rol del Estado. El análisis de las políticas públicas es la disciplina que permite adoptar conocimiento sobre la sociedad civil global a partir del análisis de sus actuaciones concretas. El Estado debe reconocerse a sí mismo como actor posicional en la sociedad civil global, y redireccionar la globalización a una cara más humana y extrahumana. En términos generales el presente artículo se refiere a esta temática basándose en los trabajos de Joseph Stiglitz, Hans Jonas y otros autores.

  3. Medios de Comunicación y Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil: Fortaleciendo alianzas para la Democracia y los Derechos Humanos en América Latina


    Catalina Montoya


    Los medios de comunicación latinoamericanos están trascendiendo de productores de información a gestores de proyectos sociales desde un marco de responsabilidad social empresarial, y en alianza con actores externos, en particular con organizaciones de la sociedad civil (osc). El presente artículo recoge los resultados de una investigación financiada por la embajada del Reino Unido en Colombia que recopila, por primera vez, algunas experiencias en América Latina y Colombia de alianzas entre me...

  4. Migrant screening: Lessons learned from the migrant holding level at the Greek-Turkish borders. (United States)

    Eonomopoulou, Assimoula; Pavli, Androula; Stasinopoulou, Panagiota; Giannopoulos, Lambros A; Tsiodras, Sotirios

    In March 2011, a migrant health project became operational that aimed to provide medical and psychosocial support to migrants at the Greek-Turkish border. The aim of this study is to describe common syndromes, the communicable disease profile and vaccination patterns in newly arrived migrants through a surveillance system that was based on medical records data as well as screening procedures. Data were collected prospectively using one standardized form per patient including demographic information, civil status, and medical and vaccination history. A tuberculin screening test (TST) and serological testing for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C were performed after obtaining informed consent. A total of 6899 migrants were screened, the majority of whom were male (91%) and 18-31 years old (85%), with a mean age of 25.3 years. Of all patients, 2.5% received secondary care. Common complaints and diagnoses included respiratory infections (23%) and myalgia (18%). The tuberculin screening test (TST) was positive in 7.8% out of 1132 patients tested. Out of 632 migrants, 0.3%, 3.2% and 0.8% tested positive for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, respectively. Overall, 22.3% of adults were vaccinated against poliomyelitis. Irregular migrants that enter Greek borders are generally in good health. Nevertheless, the risk of spreading communicable diseases is an important issue to consider among migrants at the holding level due to severe overcrowding conditions. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen surveillance and implement harmonized screening procedures with the aim of providing sustainable and good quality services that are focused on prevention and early treatment. Copyright © 2016 King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Problemas actuales de sobrepeso entre los migrantes mexicanos

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    Full Text Available La idea central de este trabajo es conocer el perfil sociodemográfico y laboral de los migrantes con sobrepeso u obesidad que retornan a México, la atención médica y la autopercepción de la salud. El trabajo se trata de un análisis de tipo descriptivo basado en la información del Módulo sobre Salud de la Emif Norte 2010. Uno de los principales hallazgos es que en su mayoría los migrantes con sobrepeso u obesidad fueron diagnosticados después de haber llegado a Estados Unidos; sin embargo, la percepción que ellos tienen de su estado de salud en el vecino país es positiva en comparación con la que tenían en México. Se concluye que el retorno de migrantes con este padecimiento podría impactar a la sociedad y al sistema de salud mexicano.

  6. Politicisation of migrant leisure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agergaard, Sine; Michelsen la Cour, Annette; Treumer Gregersen, Martin


    understanding of the rationalities of specific political interventions, and the techniques used to monitor the leisure activities of particular target groups. This process of politicization is revealed here through a case study of an intervention that provides sporting activities in holiday periods...... for migrant children and adolescents living in so-called socially disadvantaged areas (DGI Playground). The analysis highlights the rationality that the leisure time of migrant youth is a potentially dangerous time slot and they must be engaged in organized sports; that is not only healthy but also civilizing...... and character forming leisure time activities. Techniques of monitoring the intervention are developed in a partnership between public institutions, regional umbrella organizations and local sports clubs leading to a need for employment of welfare professionals. Furthermore, the article illustrates...

  7. Sociedade Civil e Governo na Gestão de Cidades: a incidência do Movimento Nossa BH nas políticas públicas

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    Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a atuação do Movimento Nossa BH (MNBH na construção de espaços participativos de discussão de políticas públicas na capital mineira, a partir das relações que se estabelecem entre organizações da sociedade civil (OSCs e governo. Os principais constructos teóricos utilizados são o de participação popular e esfera pública, de modo a se problematizar as formas de participação da sociedade civil em políticas públicas e as dificuldades enfrentadas para que ela se fortaleça na trajetória da cidade de Belo Horizonte. Além disso, pretende-se compreender o contexto do surgimento e a atuação do Movimento Nossa BH, a fim torná-la uma cidade mais justa, democrática e sustentável. A pesquisa tem como fundamento metodológico o chamado Estudo de Caso Estendido, recorrendo a técnicas qualitativas de coleta de dados, tais como entrevistas semiestruturadas em profundidade e observação participante. Os principais resultados obtidos referem-se às tensões estabelecidas entre esses atores para o fortalecimento da democracia participativa e o controle social sobre a gestão pública, denotando um rico mosaico de possibilidades e contradições encontrados pelo MNBH para efetivar sua proposta de criar espaços de interlocução e controle democrático do desenho, implementação e avaliação de políticas públicas na cidade de Belo Horizonte.

  8. 29 CFR 500.144 - Civil money penalties-payment and collection. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil money penalties-payment and collection. 500.144... LABOR REGULATIONS MIGRANT AND SEASONAL AGRICULTURAL WORKER PROTECTION Enforcement § 500.144 Civil money... promptly the amount thereof, as finally determined, to the Secretary by certified check or by money order...

  9. Novas relações entre estado e sociedade civil no âmbito da habitação: um estudo de caso

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    Adriana Andrela Camponez


    Full Text Available Observa-se no cenário brasileiro dos anos 90 a redefinição das relações entre Estado e sociedade civil no encaminhamento das políticas públicas. O Projeto Casa Fácil-Convênio de Moradia Popular é um exemplo dessa nova perspectiva. Desenvolvido pelo Clube de Engenharia e Arquitetura de Londrina, é uma forma alternativa de política pública não-governamental no campo da habitação. Este artigo analisa a experiência do Projeto Casa Fácil como exemplo desta nova relação, enfatizando os interesses que permeiam a relação de parceria entre a prefeitura local e o Clube de Engenharia no atendimento das demandas populares do setor habitacional.

  10. Ainda conectado: o PT e seus vínculos com a sociedade

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    Oswaldo Amaral


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar que o Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT continua mantendo vínculos sólidos com a sociedade civil organizada e a atrair filiados, apesar das transformações pelas quais passou a partir da segunda metade da década de 1990, especialmente sob aspecto ideológico-programático. A partir da análise de dados sobre os filiados e a organização partidária, bem como de surveys realizados com os delegados petistas reunidos em encontros nacionais entre 1997 e 2007, mostramos que o PT continua permeável à participação de atores da sociedade civil organizada assim como teve um crescimento significativo no número de membros durante os anos do governo Lula.The main aim of this paper is to show that the Workers' Party (PT continues to be strongly attached to civil society organizations and capable of attracting members after a series of programmatic and ideological changes in the last 15 years. Through the evaluation of membership and organizational data and also the analysis of surveys conducted among PT's delegates between 1997 and 2007, we show that the party still has strong connections to civil society organizations and increased significantly its number of members during Lula's government.

  11. Dahiri, Mohammed; Carmelo García, Juan; González, Santiago; Lozano, Carlos; Otega, Alejandra y Thieux, Laurence (eds., Sociedad civil y transiciones en el norte de África. Egipto, Túnez, Argelia, Marruecos. Barcelona, Icaria Editorial, 2013, 250 pp.

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    Antonio Javier Martín Castellanos


    Full Text Available Dahiri, Mohammed; Carmelo García, Juan; González, Santiago; Lozano, Carlos; Otega, Alejandra y Thieux, Laurence (eds., Sociedad civil y transiciones en el norte de África. Egipto, Túnez, Argelia, Marruecos. Barcelona, Icaria Editorial, 2013, 250 pp.

  12. Understanding civil society before and after 1989

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    Ferenc Miszlivetz


    Full Text Available Entrapped in the ambiguities of the Realpolitik of the Yalta system, East and Central European societies had to proceed on a long path of learning in order to find the right modes of self-organization and articulation to defend their values and identities vis-à-vis dictatorship and authoritarian rule. These bitter lessons contributed to the emergence of a new «strategy», a new vision which materialized in the emerging political philosophy and the political and social practice of civil society. This development would not have been possible without a gradual and fundamental change in political thinking and goal-setting, expressed in the development of a new concept of civil society.Atrapados en las ambigüedades de la Realpolitik del sistema de Yalta, las sociedades del Centro y Este de Europea han tenido que proceder a un largo camino de aprendizaje a fin de encontrar formas correctas de autoorganización y la articulación de la defensa de sus valores e identidades vis-à- vis con una dictadura y una administración autoritaria. Estas amargas lecciones contribuyeron a la emergencia de una nueva «estrategia», una nueva visión materializada en la emergente filosofía política y la práctica social y política de la sociedad civil. Este desarrollo no hubiera sido posible sin el gradual y fundamental cambio en el pensamiento político y el establecimiento de metas, expresadas en el desarrollo de un nuevo concepto de sociedad civil

  13. Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil: perspectivas alternativas para el estudio y la práctica comunicacional

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    Brenda Inés Di Paolo


    Full Text Available Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC han ido ganando terreno en las últimas décadas en Argentina debido a los múltiples conflictos sociales que atravesó y sigue atravesando el país. Estas organizaciones generaron sus propios procesos comunicacionales y se convirtieron en espacios alternativos para el análisis y el ejercicio de la comunicación organizacional. Sin embargo, diversos estudios evidencian la carencia de un corpus teórico consolidado y de una práctica de la profesión homogénea en sus denominaciones y actividades en este ámbito. Así, surge la necesidad de realizar una reflexión tanto teórica como práctica que dé cuenta de dichas diferencias y permita un abordaje especializado. Para ello, este trabajo propone realizar un estudio de campo, en organizaciones sociales de la provincia de Mendoza con la intención principal de profundizar en el conocimiento de las dinámicas comunicacionales propias de las OSC. Asimismo, intenta dilucidar si estas dinámicas, visibles en estratégicas, conceptualizaciones, herramientas y prácticas de comunicación, se presentan de una forma diferenciada a las dinámicas propias de la comunicación organizacional tradicional.

  14. Conservación de la naturaleza en propiedad privada: las Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil en el Valle del Cauca

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    Melissa Quintero López


    Full Text Available Las Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil en Colombia cumplen un papel importante en la conservación de ecosistemas. En este trabajo se investiga por qué los dueños de áreas privadas en el departamento del Valle del Cauca conservan la naturaleza en sus propiedades. Se consideran las explicaciones entre la teoría económica de la elección racional, la teoría económica sobre los comportamientos altruistas y recíprocos y la teoría de la psicología social sobre los valores de orientación cultural. Se encuentra que las razones predominantes para la conformación de las reservas naturales son el interés propio y la valoración de la naturaleza por parte de sus dueños.

  15. Formas de participación en procesos democráticos recientes. Sociedad civil en San Carlos de Bariloche

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    Paula Núñez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo explora los factores que inciden en los procesos sociales participativos, a partir de experiencias de los sectores vulnerables en San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Los detalles de las formas participativas locales se enmarcan en el proceso de democratización nacional. El mismo ha enfrentado sucesivas crisis económicas y políticas, siendoparticularmente relevante el quiebre del año 2001. La recuperación de la gobernabilidad fue de la mano de discursos oficiales que reivindican la participación social en el diseño de políticas públicas. Exploraremos si las vías institucionales que se inauguran resuelven el ocultamiento proyectado sobre los sectores populares. Pondremos a la luz que, al privilegiar la idea de ciudadanía sobre la de sociedad civil, los prejuicios permanecen y se cristaliza el silencio de las voces populares.This paper explores the factors that affect social participatory processes, based on experiences of vulnerable groups in San Carlos de Bariloche. Details of local forms of participation are part of the Argentinian democratization process. The same has faced successive economic and political crises, being particularly significant the breakthrough of the year 2001. The recovery of capacity of governance is connected with the official argue claiming social participation in the design of public policies. We will explore if institutional initiatives solve the concealment projected over popular sectors. We will point out the fact that, when prioritising citizenship over civil society, prejudices remain and the silence of social voices crystallises.

  16. Memoria da mobilizaçao da sociedade brasileira na década de 1970 e os movimentos sociais

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    Wellington de Oliveira


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es señalar cómo fue el contexto socio-político brasileño y de América Latina en la segunda mitad de la década de 1970 del siglo XX en el punto de ebullición. Los conflictos derivados de la dictadura militar impuesta por el golpe de 1964, em Brasil, 1973, en Chile y 1976 en Argentina, se intensifican gradualmente y segmentos de la sociedad civil brasileña comienzan a tomar sus preocupaciones a la calle, es decir, los segmentos de la sociedad civil comienzan a disputar desde sus lugares de residencia incluso para el lugar de trabajo, la creación de nuevas formas de organización de los movimientos sociales en Brasil con repercusiones en América Latina. Esto no quiere decir que no hubo parálisis total en la sociedad antes del plazo que cubre el momento histórico de la dictadura militar. Se puede argumentar que las actividades de organización de los trabajadores tomaron diferentes formas en el período anterior a la segunda mitad de 1970.Palabras clave: movimientos sociales, laborales y de la sociedad civil._____________________Abstract:The aim of this paper is to show how was the Brazilian socio-political context and Latin America in the second half of the 1970s of the twentieth century in the boiling point. Disputes arising out of the military dictatorship imposed by the 1964 coup, em Brasil, 1973 in Chile and 1976 in Argentina, and gradually intensify segments of Brazilian civil society begin to take their concerns to the street, ie segments civil society begin to play from their places of residence even for the workplace, creating new forms of organization of social movements in Brazil with repercussions in Latin America. This does not mean that there was total paralysis before the deadline society covering the historical moment of the military dictatorship. One can argue that the organizational activities of workers took different forms in the period before the second half of 1970.Keywords: social

  17. Globalización, Estado y sociedad civil: El nuevo contexto histórico de los derechos humanos

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    Castells, Manuel


    Full Text Available Not Available

    La globalización es la palabra clave de la transformación estructural que está sufriendo nuestro mundo. Sufriendo es el término adecuado. aún reconociendo el extraordinario desarrollo tecnológico y económico que estamos viviendo en las sociedades desarrolladas, porque el proceso de cambio se presenta para la mayoría de las personas como ajeno, incontrolable e inevitable. De ahí que hayan surgido fuertes reacciones defensivas y movimientos críticos contra el proceso de globalización. Y una de esas críticas se refiere al desarrollo unidimensional de la globalización en torno a intereses económicos capitalistas. Pero en realidad la transformación que estamos viviendo es multidimensional. Y junto a la globalización de la tecnología y la economía se plantea con fuerza creciente la globalización de la política y la cultura. Por arriba. mediante la conexión entre los estados y la expansión planetaria de los medios de comunicación. Por abajo, mediante la emergencia de voces críticas y movimientos sociales que plantean el control social de la globalización económica, junto con la globalización de los derechos humanos y la afirmación política de su respeto universal. Para avanzar la investigación teórica en este debate es necesario partir de la observación de los procesos recientes, así como del esclarecimiento analítico de las cuestiones que se plantean. Mi planteamiento es que una comprensión adecuada de la relación entre globalización y derechos humanos requiere estudiar el cambio de relaciones entre estado y sociedad civil, en una época caracterizada por la crisis del estado nación, sometido a la tensión contradictoria entre globalización instrumental y localización identitaria.

  18. La representación social de las familias diversas: Ley de Sociedades de Convivencia


    María de Jesús González Pérez


    La familia es un pilar fundamental que se relaciona determinantemente con las demás estructuras de un sistema social; en el caso de nuestra sociedad, esta institución se encuentra en el más alto rango del orden moral, sancionando desde una perspectiva heterosexista la presencia de nuevas familias que alteran el modelo tradicional, por lo que la Ley de Sociedades de Convivencia reforma al Código Civil del Distrito Federal, y trae consigo la posibilidad de resguardar jurídica e institucionalmen...

  19. Gendered Boundaries among Latin American Migrants in Brussels

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    Inés Pérez


    Full Text Available Based on ethnographic research conducted in Brussels, this article analyses gender-based constructions in relation to paid domestic work. We focus our attention on Latin American migrants who, unlike migrants from other regions, come from societies where paid domestic work has been the main occupation of women throughout the twentieth century, where it was strongly shaped by a colonial legacy. We identify two main tropes within the discourse of our informants regarding this kind of work: the ‘(gendered professional’ and the ‘(domestic worker’. In our analysis, particular attention is given to the participation of men in paid domestic work within the context of migratory experiences.Resumen: Trabajadores domésticos y fronteras generizadas entre migrantes latinoamericanos en BruselasA partir de una investigación etnográfica realizada en Bruselas, este artículo analiza las construcciones de género relacionadas con el trabajo doméstico remunerado. Focalizamos la mirada en migrantes latinoamericanos, quienes, a diferencia de migrantes de otras regiones, provienen de sociedades donde el trabajo doméstico remunerado ha sido la principal ocupación para las mujeres durante el siglo XX, fuertemente marcada por una herencia colonial. Identificamos dos tropos centrales en el discurso de nuestros informantes sobre dicho trabajo, el ‘profesional (generizado’ y el ‘trabajador (doméstico’. Merece atención particular en nuestro análisis la participación de los varones en el trabajo doméstico remunerado en el marco de experiencias migratorias.

  20. A posição de J. S. Mill em relação ao Estado: os casos das sociedades 'civilizadas' e das sociedades 'atrasadas' J. S. Mill's views on the State: the cases of 'civilized' and 'backward' societies

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    Laura Valladão de Mattos


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa as concepções de Mill sobre quais deveriam ser a forma de governo e o escopo de atuação do Estado na vida econômica e social. Argumenta-se que, segundo o autor, a resposta a essas indagações dependeria do tipo de sociedade em questão. Em sociedades 'atrasadas', por uma questão de imaturidade moral e intelectual da população, a forma mais adequada de governo seria o despotismo esclarecido e o escopo adequado de atuação do Estado na vida econômica e social seria bastante amplo. No caso de sociedades 'civilizadas', ao contrário, o regime político ideal seria a Democracia Representativa e o laissez-faire, em linhas gerais, seria a melhor política. Argumenta-se, ainda, que, apesar de Mill concluir que a Democracia Representativa e a liberdade econômica não seriam aplicáveis ou adequadas a todas as sociedades, estas tinham um peso importante na sua filosofia: representavam ideais a serem buscados.This paper analyses J.S. Mill's conceptions on what would be the proper form of government and the proper scope of State intervention in economic life. It is argued that, for Mill, the answer depended on the type of society in question. In 'backward' societies, in which the population encountered itself in a very low state of moral and intellectual improvement, the adequate form of government would be enlightened despotism and the adequate scope of the State intervention in economic and social life very great. In 'civilized' societies, on the contrary, the ideal political regime would be the Representative Government, and laissez-faire, in general lines, the best policy. It is also argued that despite Mill's conclusion that Representative Government and economic liberty would not be applicable or adequate to every kind of society, they had a great importance on his philosophy as ideals to be aimed at.

  1. "Sentir-se em casa longe de casa": vulnerabilidade, religiosidade e apoio social entre os migrantes brasileiros no Japão "Being home away from home": vulnerability, religiosity and social support among Brazilian migrants in Japan

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    Regina Yoshie Matsue


    Full Text Available Este artigo busca analisar o papel da religiosidade e o impacto da rede de apoio social na vida dos migrantes brasileiros no Japão. Apesar dos brasileiros estarem no Japão por aproximadamente duas décadas, estes não se integraram à sociedade japonesa. Este estado de alienação social na sociedade japonesa exerce um efeito negativo sobre nas condições de saúde dos migrantes, tornando-os vulneráveis a distúrbios físicos e mentais. Eles se sentem encurralados, pois mesmo que busquem ajuda de profissionais da saúde a falta de fluência na língua japonesa os impedem de se expressarem corretamente. Neste contexto os migrantes buscam apoio e solidariedade entre seus compatriotas e nos grupos religiosos. Este estudo foi baseado em um trabalho etnográfico realizado no Japão no período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2006, e enfocou as atividades de um grupo de católicos entre os brasileiros no Japão. No total foram realizadas 15 entrevistas com os membros. Veremos que os migrantes encontram no grupo além de serviços religiosos uma rede de apoio social que os ajudam a lidar com o sentimento de vulnerabilidade. Entretanto, por trás desta atividade de orientação e apoio religioso existe um poder eclesiástico que, indiretamente, controla a conduta pessoal e moral e exerce uma ação regulatória na vida dos migrantes.This paper analyzes the role of religiosity and the impact of social support in the lives of Brazilian migrants in Japan. Despite being in Japan for over two decades, the Brazilians are not integrated into the local society. This social alienation has a negative effect on the health of the migrants, making them prone to mental and physical distress. The lack of language skills prevents the migrants from looking for professional help, and even if they seek for it they cannot express themselves properly. In this context, the migrants found support among their compatriots and religious groups. This essay is based on

  2. The Binational Civic and Political Engagement of Mexican Migrant Hometown Associations and Federations in the United States

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    Xóchitl Bada


    Full Text Available This article focuses on the history and current situation of Mexican hometown associations (HTAs in the United States with a special emphasis on Chicago-based Mexican hometown associations and federations. It presents empirical evidence of new forms of binational engagement among Mexican migrant communities in the United States leading to the creation of a Mexican migrant civil society.

  3. Lo sagrado en las sociedades secularizadas

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    González Noriega, Santiago


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    La potencia tutelar burocrática asume la custodia de una masa amorfa. Frente a ella ha de afirmarse una sociedad civil a partir de núcleos de ciudadanos activos. El motor de esta ciudadanía es la formación de un núcleo básico de creencias -«lo sagrados-e- que desempeña un papel comparable, en cuanto a capacidad de movilización, al de las viejas religiones. Lo sagrado «laico» o «filosófico» apunta a aquello que el hombre puede considerar perdurable y conferir sentido a su existencia.

  4. Indicadores cualitativos de la sociedad de la información

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    Javier Echeverría


    Full Text Available La sociedad de la información (SI requiere un espacio para desarrollarse: el espacio electrónico, generado por las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones (TIC. Si concebimos ese espacio sólo como un mercado informacional (acceso y contenidos, los indicadores que miden el desarrollo de la SI serán cuantitativos y tendrán un claro sesgo mercantilista. En cambio, si promovemos una sociedad civil de la información, tendremos que usar indicadores cualitativos que midan el desarrollo de la vida civil en el espacio electrónico y las capacidades de la ciudadanía por ser activa en él. Como ejemplo, se analiza críticamente el plan europeo e-Learning y los indicadores utilizados por la Unión Europea, centrados en la conexión a internet y el uso de las tecnologías multimedia. Partiendo de que la educación debe desarrollar ante todo las capacidades de acción en el espacio electrónico, se proponen indicadores cualitativos para la educación asistida por las TIC. Estos planteamientos pueden generalizarse a otras actividades sociales en el espacio electrónico.

  5. A decomposição do Estado e o protagonismo da sociedade civil no enfrentamento da questão social no Brasil: os dilemas da cidadania e da democracia na contemporaneidade

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    Freire, Silene de Moraes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo foi elaborado a partir de preocupações profissionais voltadas para desvelar a presença e o enfrentamento, por parte do Estado e da sociedade civil, da questão social no cenário histórico-cultural da sociedade brasileira, evidenciado a partir da década de noventa, sobretudo, quando observamos a guinada do Estado brasileiro para a “mentalidade privatizante” que as reformas estruturais de cunho neoliberal promoveram. No caso brasileiro, tal projeto reafirma uma das particularidades de nossa cultura política: o moderno se constitui por meio do “arcaico”, recriando nossa herança histórica ao atualizar aspectos persistentes e, ao mesmo tempo, transformando-os no contexto da globalização. Pretendemos, assim, discutir de que modo a permanência histórica da desigualdade social, dos limites da cidadania e da democracia serviram como elemento facilitador para a implementação da agenda neoliberal no Brasil

  6. Analysing local-level responses to migration and urban health in Hillbrow: the Johannesburg Migrant Health Forum

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    Jo Vearey


    Full Text Available Abstract Johannesburg is home to a diverse migrant population and a range of urban health challenges. Locally informed and implemented responses to migration and health that are sensitive to the particular needs of diverse migrant groups are urgently required. In the absence of a coordinated response to migration and health in the city, the Johannesburg Migrant Health Forum (MHF – an unfunded informal working group of civil society actors – was established in 2008. We assess the impact, contributions and challenges of the MHF on the development of local-level responses to migration and urban health in Johannesburg to date. In this Commentary, we draw on data from participant observation in MHF meetings and activities, a review of core MHF documents, and semi-structured interviews conducted with 15 MHF members. The MHF is contributing to the development of local-level migration and health responses in Johannesburg in three key ways: (1 tracking poor quality or denial of public services to migrants; (2 diverse organisational membership linking the policy process with community experiences; and (3 improving service delivery to migrant clients through participation of diverse service providers and civil society organisations in the Forum. Our findings indicate that the MHF has a vital role to play in supporting the development of appropriate local responses to migration and health in a context of continued – and increasing – migration, and against the backdrop of rising anti-immigrant sentiments.


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    Renata Guimarães Franco


    Full Text Available A Declaração do Milênio das Nações Unidas de 2000 representou um amplo compromisso envolvendo 190 países em torno de oito metas ou objetivos considerados primordiais para a erradicação da pobreza extrema e suas consequências até este ano de 2015. O presente artigo pretende tecer considerações acerca do alcance das metas pelo Estado Brasileiro no que tange às metas relacionadas à efetivação dos direitos humanos fundamentais da criança utilizando-se para isso de índice e informações colhidos em documentos oficiais do governo brasileiro, mas também em instrumentos de monitoramento e fiscalização de entidades da sociedade civil sobre a temática.


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    Eduardo Maura Zorita


    Full Text Available En este artículo se trata de explicitar, a partir de la clásicaproblemática de la relación entre Estado y sociedad civil y deldiagnóstico sobre el problema que Hegel ofrece en las Grundliniender Philosophie des Rechts de 1820/21, algunos desarrollos de lateoría crítica de la sociedad (Lukács, Adorno, Pollock, Benjamin yPostone.

  9. Determinantes de la vinculación transnacional de los migrantes: La población colombiana en el País Vasco

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    Full Text Available La vinculación transnacional de los migrantes ha sido tradicionalmente confrontada con su integración en las sociedades de destino. Los factores que pueden influenciar la relación del migrante con su origen, tanto personales como contextuales, son diversos. El objetivo ha sido analizar los determinantes de la vinculación transnacional de la población colombiana en el País Vasco, y mediante análisis de regresión lineal identificar un perfil de migrante transnacional. Los resultados mostraron que el nivel educativo, la existencia de familia nuclear en el lugar de origen y una situación estable en destino son factores clave de la vinculación transnacional. Se concluye del estudio que son aquellos migrantes con una posición estable, segura y participativa en destino, los que se vinculan en mayor medida con su origen, sin que el migrante perciba una incompatibilidad entre ambas vinculaciones.

  10. Atores da sociedade civil e ação coletiva: relações com a comunicação de massa Civil society actors and collective action: relationship with mass communication

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    Rousiley C. M. Maia


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo investigar diferentes modos de entender as relações que os atores cívicos estabelecem com os media de massa, a fim de configurar a política pública e promover a comunicação com amplas audiências. Para tanto, exploramos dois modelos: um, derivado das teorias de mobilização de recursos e da mobilização política, e outro decorrente das teorias de identidade coletiva e do reconhecimento. Examinamos as premissas desses modelos e algumas das contribuições e lacunas teóricas que apresentam para tratar a influência que os atores coletivos cívicos podem exercer, por meio da comunicação de massa, nas esferas políticas e civil. O objetivo não é advogar a superação de um paradigma por outro, mas, ao invés disso, apontar que um modelo integrado permite articular as arenas informais da sociedade civil com as arenas formais do sistema político. Permite, também, fazer importantes distinções entre diversas formas de comunicação, tais como a expressão estética, a barganha e a argumentação, as quais apresentam lógicas, efeitos e critérios de sucesso distintos.The aim of this paper is to investigate different ways of understanding the relationship that civil society actors establish with the mass media, in order to shape public policies and to communicate with broad audiences. Therefore, we explore two models - one derived from the theories of resources mobilization and political mobilization, and the other derived from the theories of collective identity and recognition. We examine the premises and some theoretical contributions and weaknesses of these models to approach the influence that collective civic actors may exert on the political and civic spheres, through mass media communication. The objective is not to argue that one model should overcome the other, but rather to point out that an integrated model allows for the articulation between the informal arenas of civil society and the formal

  11. Post-civil war adaptation and need in Managua, Nicaragua. (United States)

    Ahearn, Frederick L; Noble, John H


    Within seven years after the end of the Nicaraguan civil war in 1990, forced migrants, whose lives had been most disrupted by the conflict, were self-settled in a squatter community in the capital city of Managua and lived in extreme poverty with minimal health, education, security and social service supports. Compared with voluntary migrant neighbours, whose lives had been less affected by the conflict, forced migrants exhibited equal clinically significant symptoms of physical and mental health and psychosocial maladaptation. These findings run counter to generally held theory and assumptions about the negative long-lasting effects of the trauma and stress of war, forced migration and resettlement. Explanations are offered to explain the discrepancies between theory and the study findings as well as the dominance of poverty and socioeconomic status. Implications are also drawn for increasing social support and other durable forms of assistance that emerge from the study as important to meeting the needs of equally poor and unhealthy forced and voluntary migrants in proliferating squatter communities throughout the Third World.

  12. La protección social en una sociedad de semejantes

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    Robert Castel


    Full Text Available Los cambios que durante las tres últimas décadas han afectado al estatuto del empleo y las protecciones, a él asociadas, han generado una creciente sensación de inseguridad en las sociedades occidentales. El profesor Castel, tomando como ejemplo el caso francés, examina este fenómeno proponiendo en primer lugar una distinción básica entre inseguridad civil e inseguridad social. Posteriormente se concentra en el segundo tipo de inseguridad y reflexiona sobre los cambios económicos y sociales que acarrea la presente preponderancia del "trabajo flexible". El artículo llama así la atención sobre los peligros de una visión unilateral y simplista de la sociedad y el Estado y sobre el papel determinante que juega la propiedad social en la construcción de una verdadera democracia.

  13. Desigualdad y racismo. Demografía y sociedad en Cuba a fines de la época colonial

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    Tornero, Pablo


    Full Text Available The author discusses the demographic structure and nature of Cuban society in the late 19th-century on the basis of the census of 1899. He argues that the strongly marked social differentiation in Cuba at the time, the duality in its social order of whites v. blacks, was grounded in the prevailing economic structure of the island and ultimately in the plantation economy. This situation conditioned the integration of the black population in Cuba's civil society in the first years of the new republic.

    Estudio de la estructura demográfica y caracterización de la sociedad cubana de finales del siglo XIX, a partir del censo de 1899. En él se trata de demostrar que la fuerte desigualdad social de la sociedad cubana de fines de la época colonial, la dualidad de su entramado social, blancos y negros, es consecuencia de la estructura económica de la isla que tenía su base en la plantación. Este proceso condicionó la integración de la población de color en la sociedad civil cubana, en los primeros años de la república.

  14. Las comisiones de derechos humanos del Congreso de la Unión, a la luz del marco normativo/institucional que rige a las comisiones ordinarias y del diagnóstico de la sociedad civil organizada


    González Veloz, Adriana


    Se analiza la pertinencia, utilidad y certeza de distintas evaluaciones hechas por organizaciones de la sociedad civil a las Comisiones de Derechos Humanos del Congreso de la Unión. El argumento fundamental es que dichos diagnósticos no son acertados en general, en la medida en que se basan en expectativas sobre el trabajo de las comisiones que rebasan sus atribuciones y funciones, a la vez que sus propuestas para mejorar su desempeño no modifican los factores que efectivamente determinan el ...

  15. Papel de la industria alimentaria y de la sociedad civil en los comedores comunitarios de SINHAMBRE. Casos de la Montaña y centro de Guerrero

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    Fredyd Torres Oregón


    Full Text Available Este trabajo estudia cómo la implementa- ción de los comedores comunitarios en la Cruzada Nacional contra el Hambre ( SINHAMBRE ha permitido que empresas de la industria alimentaria y de bebidas, así como organizaciones de la sociedad civil, difundan un modelo del buen comer que incorpora alimentos procesados en la dieta de los beneficiarios. La perspectiva historica que guía la investigación encontró un punto de partida en la sugerencia de Bourdieu de investigar el interés del desinterés . Los resultados del estudio muestran que bajo el estandarte de la filantropía esas corporaciones transnacionales participan en SINHAMBRE para promover un mayor consumo de sus productos en comunidades rurales pobres. El examen de dos comedores comunitarios en Guerrero comprueba los efectos direc- tos e inducidos de esta estrategia.

  16. La participación en los procesos de desarrollo. El caso de cuatro organizaciones de la sociedad civil en el municipio de Cuetzalán, Puebla

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    Sergio Enrique Hernández-Loeza


    Full Text Available El concepto de desarrollo se ha entendido de diferentes maneras, de acuerdo con la perspectiva teórica de que se parta, y su uso lo han criticado duramente diferentes autores. En las páginas siguientes se argumenta a favor de retomar la noción antropológica del desarrollo, ubicando la importancia del análisis micro de los procesos de desarrollo para dar cuenta de los anhelos de la población y las dificultades que enfrentan para realizar ejercicios participativos y generar redes de colaboración. Con base en el análisis de la experiencia de cuatro organizaciones de la sociedad civil ubicadas en el municipio de Cuetzalán, Puebla, se muestran algunos de los alcances, retos y límites de la participación en los procesos de desarrollo.

  17. La sociedad civil y los caminos (inciertos de la ciudadanía

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    Vera TELLES


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este artículo se analiza la adecuación de las instituciones políticas de la Constitución de 1988 a las diversas formas de participación surgidas en el proceso de modernización reciente de la sociedad brasileña. La alteración de los patrones tradicionales de desigualdad (tanto en plano económico como político han dado lugar a una nueva trama de diferencias sociales ante la cual los actores reaccionan de maneras diversas. La de hoy es una sociedad más heterogénea, que presenta grandes disparidades de renta, cultura, valores y acceso a los mecanismos de representación y participación política. La autora señala las principales variables que definen la actualidad sociopolítica del Brasil en los años noventa y sus líneas de evolución.ABSTRACT: In this article it is analyzed how the political institutions designed by 1988 Constitution fit with the different ways of participation appeared in the recent modernization process of brazilean society. The changes in the traditional patters of inequality (both in the economical and political aspects have produced a new set of social differences with distinct reactions from the actors. Nowadays society is less homogeneus presenting great disparities of income, culture, values and access to the representation and political participation processes. The author specifies the main variables which define the brazilian sociopolitical present time in the nineties and its lines of evolution.

  18. Politics of civility: the case of the Association of Undocumented People of Madrid

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    Agustin, Oscar Garcia


    The mobilization of undocumented immigrants in civil society reflects the politics of civility, defined by Balibar as the creation of a space for an inclusive political community based on equality. The case analysed in this article, the Association of Undocumented People of Madrid, refers......, they also require a more radical change in society (i.e. ‘societal change’). Thinking beyond the framework of national citizenship, migrants, as workers, attempt to foster alternative economic and social conditions....

  19. A Conflict Transformation Perspective on Efforts to Protect Human Rights of Haitian Migrants and their Descendants in the Dominican Republic

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    Ingvild Skeie


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata el largo debate en los ámbitos académico y profesional, sobre la relación entre la protección de los derechos humanos y la transformación de conflictos. Son dos enfoques que frecuentemente se han presentado como dos opuestos, representando respectivamente los principios y el pragmatismo. Sin embargo, durante los últimos años, se ha notado una tendencia de considerar cómo ambos campos pueden beneficiarse de las herramientas y las ideas del otro. El artículo utiliza la situación de la República Dominicana como un estudio de caso, observando los esfuerzos de la sociedad civil para promover y proteger los derechos de inmigrantes haitianos y sus descendientes, enfocándose particularmente en el papel de las organizaciones no gubernamentales internacionales (‘INGOs’, por sus siglas en inglés. El artículo argumenta la utilidad de la aplicación del análisis de transformación de conflicto, y específicamente intenta mostrar la relevancia de usar un análisis sistémico de conflicto, analizando y entendiendo los abusos contra los derechos humanos dentro de en una perspectiva más amplia de las relaciones dominico-haitianas. El artículo muestra cómo las intervenciones de las INGO afecta las dinámicas del conflicto tanto positivamente como negativamente, y discute las implicaciones para futuras estrategias para los participantes de la sociedad civil. English: This paper addresses the long-standing debate within academic and practitioner circles about the relationship between human rights protection and conflict transformation. While the two approaches have often been pitted against each other, as representing principles vs. pragmatism respectively, there has over the last years been an increasing tendency to consider how the two camps can benefit from each other's tools and lines of thoughts. The article takes the situation in the Dominican Republic as a case, looking into civil society actors' efforts to promote

  20. Migrants at the Russian labor market: occupations, mobility, intensity of labor and wages

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    V. I. Mukomel


    Full Text Available The aim of the study is to analyze the extent of the presence of migrants and their behavior in the Russian labor market on the basis of largescale sociological surveys of migrants. This is especially important in the absence of reliable statistics on migrants in the labor market. The main attention is paid to the employment profiles of representatives of various socio-demographic and ethnic groups, illegal and informal employment, the intensity and wages of migrants from countries with a visa-free regime with Russia. Particular attention is paid to labor mobility of migrants. The main empirical basis for analysis was the results of sociological polls conducted by the Center for Ethnopolitical and Regional Studies for the Higher School of Economics in 2011. (8,5 thousand respondents and in 2017 (8,6 thousand migrants in 19 regions of Russia. The study showed that education, qualifications, professional knowledge of migrants are not in demand on the Russian market, the typical path of migrants in the labor market is downward labor mobility – occupying a job that is worse than previously occupied in the homeland. At the same time, migrants are adapted to changes in the labor market, which is largely facilitated by the differentiation of migrant employment and the vertical mobility of some of them. Innovations in Russian legislation which came into force in 2015, as well as the integration process within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEA, which greatly facilitated access to jobs in Russia for citizens of the countries of the EEA, had a positive impact on the Russian labor market. The share of illegally employed migrants has significantly decreased in comparison with previous years. At the same time, the problem of informal employment of foreign citizens, excessive exploitation of migrant labor remains. The problems of combating forced labor of migrants and ensuring their decent labor come to the fore. Civilized conditions should

  1. Governmental Promotion of Social Cohesion and Its Effect on Local Civil Society Organisations

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    Semino, Stella Maris


    This article examines how social policy influences social cohesion within a London borough. The focus is on the degree to which civil society organisations facilitate the representation of migrants within the public sphere. The policies considered are those introduced by New Labour and the current...

  2. O Risco na Sociedade de Consumo: Superendividamento como Perda de Capacidades


    Carqui, Vagner Bruno Caparelli


    Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar, críticamente, los riesgos que existen en la sociedad de consumo, vinculándolo a la idea de la modernidad líquida, desarrollada por Zygmunt Bauman, considerando el sobreendeudamiento del consumidor entendido en este trabajo como la pérdida de capacidades civiles de los individuos. Las "necesidades" que surgen en la modernidad líquida están relacionados con el consumismo desechable, responsable, entre otras situaciones,por la redefinición del sentido ...

  3. La traducción de los valores democráticos en la participación organizativa de la sociedad civil: un estudios de caso entre México e Italia

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    Imke Hindrichs


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el tema de la participación democrática al interior de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC desde el punto de vista de la psicología organizacional. En la primera parte se estudia la democracia como horizonte e imperativo en las OSC. Además, se plantea la referencia al liderazgo transformacional y al fortalecimiento como dimensiones útiles para el estudio y la mejora de culturas organizativas democráticas en las OSC. En la segunda parte se presenta un ánalisis cualitativo con base en el método del template analysis, como lectura de dos culturas organizativas en México e Italia vinculadas con las experiencias del movimiento de comercio justo.

  4. Terceiro setor e biopolítica: as organizações diante da sociedade de massas

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    Flavia Leticia Biff Cera


    Full Text Available As organizações do terceiro setor aparecem como uma solução do Estado e da sociedade civil para alcançar uma parcela da sociedade que parece tão distante e necessitada. No entanto temos em sua atuação, bem como na produção acadêmica, contradições fortes que parecem não ser observadas. Partindo deste princípio, o artigo tenta esclarecer estas controvérsias com base em conceitos importantes retirados de Arendt, Foucault, Agamben e demais autores que vislumbram a condição do homem e da sociedade contemporânea. Concomitantemente confrontamos estas posições com a produção teórica do terceiro setor, com o intuito de elucidar a atuação destas organizações e de lançar um olhar crítico sobre as mesmas.

  5. Proyectos de Educacion Migrante (Migrant Education Projects). (United States)

    Gonzalez, Ramon; Garcia, Jose D.

    Written in Spanish and English for project personnel, parents, and others interested in migrant education, the booklet summarizes general concepts and requirements behind Title I-Migrant activities in Oregon, which has been allocated $4,439,341 in Title I-Migrant funds for fiscal year 1980. Following brief definitions of important terms,…

  6. Interstate Migrant Education Task Force: Migrant Health. (United States)

    Education Commission of the States, Denver, CO.

    Because ill-clothed, sick, or hungry migrant children learn poorly, the Task Force has emphasized the migrant health situation in 1979. Migrant workers have a 33% shorter life expectancy, a 25% higher infant mortality rate, and a 25% higher death rate from tuberculosis and other communicable diseases than the national average. Common among…

  7. Migrants and non-migrants in Kücükkale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Connie Carøe


    migrants and non-migrants are not least in existence when it comes to the cultural style of consumption practices, behaviour and manners. The mutual stereotyping of migrants and non-migrants seems to confirm that at least one version of the meaning made locally of migration is that it has deepened...

  8. Atención en salud para migrantes: un desafío ético

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    Mónica Burgos Moreno


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como propósito evidenciar que el fenómeno migratorio en aumento en la sociedad actual, ha traído consigo oportunidades, pero también dificultades para sus protagonistas. La población migrante corresponde a un grupo vulnerable, especialmente en problemas sanitarios. La atención en salud del migrante representa un reto para la salud pública, no solo considerando políticas de acceso y de información, sino que sobre todo por la atención basada en un trato humanizado respetando las creencias, valores y expectativas. Una atención digna exige un compromiso real de los estados y sensibilidad de los proveedores de atención de los servicios de salud, si se pretende otorgar servicios integrales basados en el respeto de los derechos humanos a esta población.

  9. Ética civil y ética religiosa en España

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    Alaminos Chica, Antonio


    Full Text Available This study shows the existence of a civil ethics in Spain, consistent with the process of secularisation and modernisation experienced by european societies. Following a discussion of what “civil ethics” are actually based on, using data from the international pew globes attitudes project survey, a series of hypotheses for Spain are contrasted concerning the weight of structural factors (sex, age, education and ideology inthe acceptance of a civic or religious ethics; and its influence on opinions, attitudes and behaviors related to religion in public life. The empirical analysis of the specified hypotheses reveals the influence that theethical option exerts on public opinion with regard to the State, society and religion. the results are consistent with those obtained in previous research, and are validated by using alternative phrasing and allowing for innovative analysis of civil and religious ethics in Spanish society.

    Se muestra la existencia en España de una ética civil, coherente con el proceso de secularización y modernización experimentado por las sociedades europeas. tras una exposición de las bases conceptuales de lo que se considera “ética civil”, y empleando los datos de la encuesta internacional Pew Global Attitudes Project, se contrastan un conjunto de hipótesis para España relativas al peso de factores estructurales (sexo, edad, educación e ideología en la aceptación de una ética cívica o religiosa, y la influencia de esta en opiniones, actitudes y comportamientos relacionados con la religión en la vida pública. el contraste empírico de las hipótesis especificadas revela la influencia que tiene la opción ética en la opinión pública referida al estado, la sociedad y la religión. los resultados son acordes con los expuestos por investigaciones anteriores, validándolos, al emplear expresiones alternativas y permitiendo un análisis novedoso de la ética civil y religiosa en la sociedad española.

  10. Marco Civil: Liberdade e o Futuro da Internet

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    Rafael Trindade Pellegrini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo expôr de forma simples e objetiva uma correlação entre a obra escrita por Julian Assange e o projeto de Lei 12.965/14, conhecida como Marco Civil da Internet. Trazendo um alerta a sociedade sobre o que está acontecendo no meio de comunicação/informação, a Internet.

  11. Incidencia de la sociedad civil en la re-implementación del componente destinado a incentivar el uso de la bicicleta en el marco de la política pública de movilidad en Bogotá entre los años de 2009 a 2012


    Gómez Pinzón, Juan Camilo


    El texto muestra la evolución del componente destinado a incentivar el uso de la bicicleta en el marco de la política de movilidad de Bogotá desde Mockus hasta Petro y también el papel de la sociedad civil en el proceso de la reimplementación de dicho componente en la alcaldía de Moreno y en la de Petro.

  12. The whereabouts of Migrants : A comparison of Dutch migrant registration systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Faassen, M.


    The whereabouts of migrants: a comparison of Dutch migrant registration systems. Today, one way of visualising the current refugee and migrant crisis on the outer borders of Europe is by showing a bottleneck in the processing of migrant flows: large groups of people waiting endlessly for their

  13. Redes e Capacidade de Ação na Sociedade Civil. O caso de São Paulo - Brasil

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    Gurza Lavalle, Adrian


    Full Text Available Despite the notable political and analytical popularity of the concept of “civil society” in recent years, we know surprisingly little about the modus operandi of real civil organizations, even those that have been highlighted constantly in the literature because of their unprecedented leading role. Against this backdrop and using network analysis which was applied to the result of a survey of 202 civil organizations in the city of São Paulo, this article identifies the main leading actors within civil society and above all their different logics of performance and the dynamics of interaction amongst them. Our findings showed, as one would expect from the literature, that the NGOs comprise the group of actors with the greatest capacity for action within the network; however, little or no attention has been paid to the coordinating bodies which the research reveals as a recent innovation in the creation of collective actors—an innovation which has been notably successful. Moreover, the social movements emerged as the most central actors in the network, despite the supposed loss of their leading role as has been diagnosed and taken for granted in the literature since the 1990’s. The three types of actors accumulate different structural advantages within the universe of civil organizations; they fulfill different roles and differ in importance to civil organizations that are peripheral or of intermediate centrality in the network.

  14. Redes de actores sociales y liderazgos políticos: hacia nuevas formas de relación entre gobiernos y sociedad

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    Laura Loeza Reyes


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza las propuestas teóricas de "regímenes parciales de participación", "instituciones políticas de segundo nivel" y "régimen urbano", relacionándolas, desde una perspectiva histórica, con datos empíricos provenientes de algunas iniciativas exitosas de las redes de organizaciones civiles mexicanas. Dicha relación muestra la viabilidad de nuevas formas de relación sociedad-gobiernos en México, destacando el protagonismo de algunas formas de liderazgo en las organizaciones civiles.

  15. Desenvolvimento sustentável, consumo e cidadania: um estudo sobre a (desarticulação da comunicação de organizações da sociedade civil, do estado e das empresas.

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    Daniela Viegas da Costa


    Full Text Available O consumo, na contemporaneidade, cumpre diferentes funções e implica múltiplas referências como construção social, porém, nos padrões atuais, é insustentável, tanto na perspectiva ambiental quanto da construção de direitos e da cidadania. Para compreender os desafios da construção de ações e políticas capazes de renovar as práticas de consumo, problematizam-se neste artigo as respostas aos dilemas do consumo construídas por atores da sociedade civil, do Estado e do mercado. O consumo sustentável se configuraria como uma das possibilidades de tratamento dos impactos do consumismo, pois envolve mudanças de atitude aliadas à necessidade de transformação do sistema das atitudes e dos valores dos cidadãos. Apesar de ainda não se observar a predominância de um novo modelo civilizatório capaz de superar os dilemas da sociedade do consumo, existem alternativas para promover a sustentabilidade. Esse esforço sugeriria a construção de articulações entre diferentes grupos, quer seja do governo, quer da sociedade civil, quer do mercado, para atender às demandas da população e adotar boas práticas de produção e consumo sustentáveis, por meio da ação política e do exercício da cidadania. Na pesquisa empírica, de abordagem qualitativa, com entrevistas em profundidade e análise descritiva, percebeu-se que a comunicação para a construção de discursos e práticas politicamente corretos para o consumo, por parte dos atores pesquisados, para torná-lo sustentável, nem sempre abarca a complexa relação que envolve o meio ambiente nas esferas pública e organizacional. Muito presente nos textos de relatórios empresariais, o desenvolvimento sustentável não é percebido na prática organizacional cotidiana. Nesse contexto, descortinam-se diferentes dramas e tramas da cidadania socioambiental que podem dar novo sentido às lutas ambientais no campo do consumo, bem como encobrir as armadilhas de um discurso

  16. Migrantes indígenas en la zona metropolitana de monterrey y los procesos de adaptación - INDIGENOUS MIGRANTS IN MONTERREY METROPOLITAN REGION AND THEIR PROCESS OF ADAPTION

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    Arun Kumar Acharya


    Full Text Available En México, un fenómeno notable es la migración del campo a la ciudad. En los últimos años se ha dado un crecimiento en el número de migrantes indígenas hacia las ciudades del norte del país, específicamente a la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey (ZMM en busca de empleo. Al llegar a esta metrópoli, los migrantes tienen problemas para adaptarse e integrarse en el ámbito urbano de esta sociedad, fundamentalmente por la oculta discriminación existente hacia los indígenas, por lo cual, muchos de ellos llegan a sufrir problemas sociales, psicológicos y personales, que provocan el retorno de algunos a sus lugares de origen o el cambio de residencia. En este sentido, en el presente artículo se ha investigado la importancia de la migración indígena hacia la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey y sus procesos de integración y adaptación. El análisis se basó en los resultados de una encuesta aplicada a estos migrantes en los primeros meses del 2008 en esta zona urbana. Palabra claves: Migración Indígena, Proceso de adaptación, Discriminación, y Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey.

  17. Medio ambiente y organizaciones de la sociedad civil: análisis de las redes civiles ambientalistas en Hermosillo, Sonora

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    América N. Lutz Ley


    Full Text Available El surgimiento de organizaciones civiles ambientalistas en Sonora ha ocurrido desde hace más de dos décadas, sin que haya investigaciones suficientes sobre sus características y estrategias. En el presente trabajo se analizan las relaciones de información, apoyo, recursos materiales y financieros que 11 de ellas en Hermosillo establecen entre sí y con otras de fuera del municipio, así como con instituciones académicas y organismos gubernamentales. Para cada tipo de relación se evaluó la densidad y jerarquización de la red interna y de las externas, y se detectaron las organizaciones más sobresalientes. Los resultados indican que entre mayores sean los costos de las ligas, su densidad o frecuencia disminuye. La red hermosillense tiene una estructura jerárquica y las mayores densidades en las relaciones de información, apoyo y materiales; mientras que para los recursos financieros, esta característica se observa en las ligas de organismos gubernamentales hacia los civiles.

  18. Retornados e inadaptados: el "Americano" Gallego, entre mito y realidad (1880-1930

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    Núñez Seixas, Xosé M.


    Full Text Available During the period of mass migration to America, return migrants, also labelled as "americans" or "indianos", played an important role in Galicia's rural regions as technical innovators and catalysers of the articulation of civil society. This article attemps to have a first look on the topic, by researching into the internal diversity of the whole collectivity of return migrants. It also aims at offering a typology of the social and political agency of return migrants in Galicia in comparative perspective.

    En el período de emigración masiva hacia América, los retornados, también denominados "americanos" o "indianos", jugaron un papel importante como introductores de innovaciones técnicas y como catalizadores de la articulación de la sociedad civil en las zonas rurales de Galicia. Este artículo intenta una aproximación al tema, preguntándose por la diversidad interna del colectivo de retornados y ensayando, en virtud de la comparación con otros ejemplos históricos, una tipología de la agencia social y política de los "americanos" gallegos.

  19. Migrants' access to healthcare

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Norredam, Marie


    There are strong pragmatic and moral reasons for receiving societies to address access to healthcare for migrants. Receiving societies have a pragmatic interest in sustaining migrants' health to facilitate integration; they also have a moral obligation to ensure migrants' access to healthcare...... according to international human rights principles. The intention of this thesis is to increase the understanding of migrants' access to healthcare by exploring two study aims: 1) Are there differences in migrants' access to healthcare compared to that of non-migrants? (substudy I and II); and 2) Why...... are there possible differences in migrants' access to healthcare compared to that of non-migrants? (substudy III and IV). The thesis builds on different methodological approaches using both register-based retrospective cohort design, cross-sectional design and survey methods. Two different measures of access were...

  20. La radio en la segunda república española: sociedad y publicidad


    Sebastián Morillas, Sebastián


    El artículo versa sobre la evolución del medio radio durante la II República Española a la vez que analiza la publicidad radiofónica de la época y sus efectos en una sociedad a punto de dividirse en dos bandos enfrentados en armas. This article is about the evolution of the radio broadcast during the Second Spanish Republic. It also analyses the radio commercials in that time, and how this commercials had a great influence on Spanish society, which was close to a civil war.

  1. La sociedad de la información. Tecnología, cultura, sociedad

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    Full Text Available En este artículo se precisa conceptualmente, desde la sociología, lo que puede entenderse por sociedad de la información. Con este objeto se avanzan algunas tesis sobre la naturaleza de los vectores tecnológico, cultural y relacional que subyacen al advenimiento de esta nueva sociedad. El paradigma tecnológico constituye el principio activo o motor de los cambios. Así, definimos la sociedad de la información como aquella sociedad que utilice tanto intensiva como extensivamente el paradigma de ordenadores en red, ahora bien, el vector tecnológico modifica radicalmente el vector cultural en sus dos componentes básicos, el cognitivo y el expresivo. Una nueva cultura del conocimiento y de la expresión esta surgiendo, cultura de la inteligencia artificial y de la realidad virtual. Todavía no podemos concebir cientificamente la naturaleza de la sociedad de la infocomunicación. Frente a la poco rigurosa imaginación de mundos o sociedades digitales, el autor propone el desarrollo de una teoría social de la infocomunicación, todavía hoy inexistente. Para tal empeño, tienen especial interés las obras elaboradas por dos teóricos sociales de excepción ; Niklas Luhmann y Jürgen Habermas. Información y comunicación, infocomunicación, en la trama y en la urdimbre de las futuras estructuras sociales.

  2. Cape Verdean Notions of Migrant Remittances

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    Lisa Åkesson


    Full Text Available The transfer of money from migrants to their non-migrant relatives is a key, symbol of the quality and meaning of transnational kinship relations. This article analyses how people in Cape Verde view migrant family members’ economic obligations and it examines the concomitant moral discourse. Through a detailed ethnographic study the article explores how gender and kinship positions interplay with the moral obligation to send remittances, and it also inquires into the differences between rural and urban people’s attitudes towards monetary gifts. Moreover, the importance of the receiver’s status in the local society is discussed and the role of the personal relation between the sender and the receiver. Thus the analysis goes beyond an instrumental and rationalistic approach to remittances, which is common in much research, and explores the significance of this money for emotions and social relations.Para os seus parentes não emigrantes as remessas dos emigrantes são um símbolo chave da qualidade e do significado das relações de parentesco transnacionais. Este artigo analisa como as pessoas em Cabo Verde encaram as obrigações económicas dos emigrantes membros de família e examina o discurso moral concomitante. Através de um estudo etnográfico detalhado o artigo explora como posições de género e parentesco interagem com a obrigação moral de enviar remessas e também investiga as diferenças entre as atitudes das pessoas rurais e urbanas relativamente às ofertas monetárias. Além disso, discute-se a importância do estatuto do receptor na sociedade local e o papel da relação pessoal entre remetente e receptor. Assim, a análise vai além de uma abordagem instrumental e racionalista das remessas, o que é habitual em muitas pesquisas, explorando o significado deste dinheiro em termos de emoções e relações sociais.

  3. Young Migrants and Discourses on Young Migrants in the Netherlands (United States)

    Gerritsen, Debby; Maier, Robert


    This article compares the perspectives of young migrants in the Netherlands with the dominant discourse on "migrants" at present. The integration of young "migrants" have been studied in the European research projects TRESEGY and PROFACITY with the help of a number of ethnographic studies and a questionnaire in the Netherlands.…

  4. Cultura material y migrantes peruanos en Chile: un proceso de integración desde el hogar


    Bonhomme, Macarena


    El presente artículo busca profundizar las formas en que migrantes peruanos en Chile habitan su espacio privado desde una perspectiva de cultura material, a través del análisis de las posesiones del hogar y la comida. La cultura material del hogar encarna tanto su experiencia y trayectoria migratoria como el proceso de integración en la sociedad chilena, representando el continuo proceso de ajuste que deben enfrentar en términos culturales, sociales y materiales. Los resultados muestran que l...

  5. Educação não-formal, participação da sociedade civil e estruturas colegiadas nas escolas Educación no-formal, participación de la sociedad civil y estructuras de consejos en las escuelas Non-formal education, civil society participation and councils structures in the schools

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    Maria da Glória Gohn


    Full Text Available O trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a educação não-formal e seu papel no processo educativo mais geral. Considera-se a educação não-formal como uma área de conhecimento ainda em construção. Estuda-se a possibilidade deste processo em conselhos de escolas e o aprendizado que resulta da participação da sociedade civil nestes conselhos. O trabalho se divide em duas partes: a primeira tem caráter teórico e discute a categoria educação não-formal em si, seu campo e atributos. Por meio da análise comparativa, busca-se diferenciá-la da educação formal e da educação informal. A segunda investiga a categoria da educação não - formal em conselhos escolares, e em movimentos sociais que atuam na área da educação.El objectivo de este trabajo es realizar un estudio sobre la educación no-formal y sus roles en el proceso de educación más general. La educación no-formal es un campo de conecimiento todavía en construcción. El trabajo investiga la posibilidad del proceso de educación no-formal en los consejos de las escuelas, y hace un análisis de las aprendizajes que estas experiencias generan hacia los consejeros. El trabajo fue ordenado en dos partes: la primera tiene un carácter teórico y discute la categoría educación no-formal, haciendo distinción de la educación formal y de la educación informal. La segunda investiga la categoría no-formal, en los consejos de las escuelas y en los movimientos sociales del area educacional.The paper presents a study about the non-formal education and its role in the wide educative process. It considers the non-formal education as an area of knowledge still in construction. It studies the possibility of this educational process in the councils of schools and the learning that results from the civil society participation in these councils. The paper has two parts: the first has a theoretical character and discusses the non-formal category, distinguishing it from the formal and

  6. Natural resources and rural livelihoods: Differences between migrants and non-migrants in Madagascar

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    Raphael Nawrotzki


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Although natural resources play a central role in rural livelihoods across the globe, little research has explored the relationship between migration and natural capital use, particularly in combination with other livelihood capitals (i.e., human, social, financial and physical. OBJECTIVE Grounded in the rural livelihood framework, this paper explores the association between the livelihood capital availability, especially natural capital, for migrants and non-migrants in rural Madagascar. METHODS Data from the 2008/2009 Demographic and Health Survey are used in combination with satellite imagery of vegetation coverage (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI to proxy natural resources. Hierarchical multilevel models allow for inclusion of cross-level interactions between migrant status and proximate natural resources as determinants of the status of livelihood assets. RESULTS Three key findings emerge. First, higher levels of proximate natural resources are associated with greater financial, human, and social capital for both migrants and non-migrants. Second, migrants have, on average, greater financial, physical, human, and social capital than non-migrants, and urban-to-rural migrants do exceptionally well on all capital asset categories. Third, migrants residing in areas with higher levels of natural capital tend to have significantly higher levels of human capital (education. CONCLUSIONS Although we cannot examine livelihood strategies per se, the results suggest variation in livelihood potential among migrants and non-migrants in rural Madagascar, with migrants tending to have greater capital assets. In addition, access to natural resources is a central livelihood strategy.

  7. Paz, conflicto y sociedad civil en América latina y el Caribe | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jan 1, 2007 ... This volume is a collection of studies conducted by the Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales (CRIES) into the problems of civil society and armed or violent conflicts in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  8. Migrant and Non-Migrant Families in Chengdu, China: Segregated Lives, Segregated Schools

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    Nan Li


    Full Text Available This study documented the experiences of Chinese rural-urban migrant children and their parents living in the host city of Chengdu, China. It was informed by previous studies but applied a theoretical lens cultural reproduction theory—to reveal deeper understanding of rural-urban migrant families’ lives in the city of Chengdu. Participants in this study were 10 families—10 migrant parents, 10 local Chengdu resident parents, 5 local Chengdu children, and 5 migrant children. Through qualitative interviews and observations the researchers created 5 family case studies, documenting differences and similarities in the lives of migrant and local resident families in Chengdu. Results indicated that children in the two groups experienced unequal childhoods. Although the Chinese central government has issued a number of proactive policies to allow migrant children to attend local urban public schools since 2003, the negative effect of the longstanding Hukou residency policy still impacts migrant families’ lives in Chengdu. In this article we discuss an entrenched urban-rural divide between urban residents and rural-urban migrant families, in work, community, and schooling.

  9. Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil de Asistencia Social que atienden a niños, adolescentes y jóvenes en situación de calle en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México

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    Miguel Ángel A. Curiel Arévalo


    Full Text Available El trabajo aporta información sobre los antecedentes, la regulación social y la problemática de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC que atienden a "niños(as, adolescentes y jóvenes en situación de calle"1 en Hermosillo, Sonora, México (OSCASH2, así como el papel que desempeñan en la sociedad. Con ese fin, se aplicó una encuesta a 30 usuarios y 15 empleados que laboran en estas organizaciones en el estado de Sonora, México. Parte de los resultados señalan que, aunque existe un marco legal que protege a los niños(as, adolescentes y jóvenes en situación de calle, y que hay una serie de organizaciones con amplia experiencia en su cuidado, la mayoría de los niños, adolescentes y jóvenes no están integrados a una institución. Nuestra conclusión es que el Estado no ha resuelto el problema y las instituciones y organizaciones que los atienden no responden a los objetivos para los que fueron creadas, limitando así las posibilidades de integración del grupo social al que pretenden atender.

  10. Estratégias de instituições da sociedade civil no acesso a medicamentos para câncer de mama no SUS

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    Aline Scaramussa Deprá


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa objetiva identificar e analisar as estratégias de instituições da sociedade civil dedicadas ao câncer de mama (ISC-CM no acesso a medicamentos no SUS e seus principais atores sociais. Utilizou-se a abordagem qualitativa, empregando-se os métodos de análise de redes sociais e bola-de-neve e as técnicas de observação participante e entrevistas semiestruturadas. A análise temática baseou-se nas categorias: acesso a medicamentos para tratamento de câncer de mama; relacionamento das ISC-CM com o Estado; relacionamento das ISC-CM com a indústria farmacêutica; e outras estratégias utilizadas por ISC-CM no acesso a medicamentos. Os resultados mostraram que as ISC-CM têm influenciado o acesso a medicamentos para câncer de mama no SUS e sua principal estratégia é a pressão sobre o Estado. A indústria farmacêutica patrocina algumas dessas instituições para fortalecê-las com o intuito de ampliar seu mercado. As principais dificuldades no acesso a medicamentos se referem à deficiência de serviços, à iniquidade dos tratamentos oferecidos, e à inclusão de tecnologias no SUS.

  11. A New Protection Orientation and Framework for Refugees and Other Forced Migrants


    James C. Simeon


    The unprecedented current “refugee crisis,” with its 65 million plus uprooted people, demands a new protection orientation and framework for refugees and other forced migrants that are focused on the “root causes” of refugeehood, non-international protracted armed conflict or civil war. It is argued that four essential reforms are required to the international refugee protection system to respond to the “root causes” of refugees in the world today. The first calls for broadening the definitio...

  12. Consideraciones sobre la sociedad civil y los partidos políticos en Venezuela dentro de la problemática de las democracias en América Latina

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    Salvador Cazzatto Dávila


    Full Text Available Estudio multidisciplinar de la construcción simbólica de las representaciones políticas de la oposición al gobierno de Hugo Chávez. Se parte de analizar, desde la teoría política la relación entre sociedad civil, partidos políticos y participación en el espacio público, buscando establecer las formas de articulación de estos tres elementos conceptuales dinamizadores de "lo político", para desembocar en las formas de estructuración en el proceso histórico venezolano reciente (1998-2003 del discurso político de la oposición, su caracterización y principales tramas representativas, estableciéndose escenarios enunciativos que nos permitan entender la dinámica conflictiva que identifica a la democracia en Venezuela, en los actuales momentos.____________________ABSTRACT:This is a multidisciplinary study of the symbolic construction of the political representations from the opposition to the government of Hugo Chávez. It analyzes, from the political theory, the relation between civil society, political parties and participation in the public space, looking for to establish the forms of joint of these three important conceptual elements of "politics", in order to end at the forms of structuring in the recent Venezuelan historical process (1998-2003 of the political speech of the opposition, its characterization and main representative plots, settling down declarative scenes that allow us to understand conflicting dynamics that identifies to the democracy in Venezuela, at the present moments.

  13. Differences in mortality between groups of older migrants and older non-migrants in Belgium, 2001-09. (United States)

    Reus-Pons, Matias; Vandenheede, Hadewijch; Janssen, Fanny; Kibele, Eva U B


    European societies are rapidly ageing and becoming multicultural. We studied differences in overall and cause-specific mortality between migrants and non-migrants in Belgium specifically focusing on the older population. We performed a mortality follow-up until 2009 of the population aged 50 and over living in Flanders and the Brussels-Capital Region by linking the 2001 census data with the population and mortality registers. Overall mortality differences were analysed via directly age-standardized mortality rates. Cause-specific mortality differences between non-migrants and various western and non-western migrant groups were analysed using Poisson regression models, controlling for age (model 1) and additionally controlling for socio-economic status and urban typology (model 2). At older ages, most migrants had an overall mortality advantage relative to non-migrants, regardless of a lower socio-economic status. Specific migrant groups (e.g. Turkish migrants, French and eastern European male migrants and German female migrants) had an overall mortality disadvantage, which was, at least partially, attributable to a lower socio-economic status. Despite the general overall mortality advantage, migrants experienced higher mortality from infectious diseases, diabetes-related causes, respiratory diseases (western migrants), cardiovascular diseases (non-western female migrants) and lung cancer (western female migrants). Mortality differences between older migrants and non-migrants depend on cause of death, age, sex, migrant origin and socio-economic status. These differences can be related to lifestyle, social networks and health care use. Policies aimed at reducing mortality inequalities between older migrants and non-migrants should address the specific health needs of the various migrant groups, as well as socio-economic disparities. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association. All rights reserved.

  14. Sociedades fantasma y Derecho Internacional Privado

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    Javier Carrascosa González


    Full Text Available Las conocidas como "sociedades fantasma" son una realidad en el escenario de la economía mundial del siglo XXI. Se trata de entes jurídicos constituidos en ciertos Estados, en los que poseen su sede social, pero en los que no realizan actividad económica o societaria alguna. El presente estudio analiza el régimen jurídico de estas sociedades fantasma en Derecho internacional privado europeo y español. Se aborda la cuestión de la determinación de la Ley reguladora de las sociedades fantasma, la reacción legal contra las pseudo-foreign corporations, la libertad de establecimiento de sociedades fantasma en la UE y la responsabilidad patrimonial de estas sociedades y de sus administradores, en especial, cuando se emplean testaferros. Por último, se presta una especial atención a régimen jurídico de la insolvencia internacional de la sociedad fantasma, lo que comporta el análisis del "centro de intereses principales" de la sociedad fantasma como deudor insolvente, así como del traslado internacional de la sede social de la sociedad fantasma

  15. Domingo Irwin, Relaciones civiles-militares en el siglo XX, Caracas, El Centauro, 2000, 224 pp.


    Langue, Frédérique


    En la larga lista de los interrogantes planteados por la " revolución bolivariana " del Presidente Chávez en la Venezuela de hoy figura sin lugar a dudas la naturaleza de la misma. ¿Régimen militarista, autoritario, retoño del caudillismo, manifestación de pretorianismo, nueva simbiosis entre la sociedad civil y el sector militar ? Especialista de las relaciones civiles-militares en la larga duración, Domingo Irwin aborda en esta entrega una temática pluridisciplinaria dominada por la histori...

  16. Highly Skilled Migrants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvidt, Martin


    . It is pointed out that while the system facilitated speedy entry to the job market, the lack of inclusion in the Gulf economies of the migrants, the lack of long-term prospects of residing in the countries and the highly asymmetric power balance between sponsor and migrant, provides few incentives...... for the highly skilled migrants to fully contribute to the Gulf economies....

  17. Irlanda y la guerra civil española. Nuevas perspectivas de estudio


    Soler Parício, Pere


    [spa]Enmarcada en el estudio de la reacción internacional y la participación extranjera en la guerra civil española, esta Tesis analiza la respuesta al conflicto que se dio en Irlanda. Tal y como ocurrió en el resto de países democráticos, el contencioso español captó la atención de los habitantes de la isla de un modo significativo. El público se formuló su propia opinión al respecto, abriéndose un debate que se instaló en los principales resortes de la sociedad civil. Las formaciones políti...

  18. The "Ulysses syndrome": An eponym identifies a psychosomatic disorder in modern migrants. (United States)

    Bianucci, Raffaella; Charlier, Philippe; Perciaccante, Antonio; Lippi, Donatella; Appenzeller, Otto


    Due to civil wars, violence and persecutions, between 2015 and 2016, more than 1.4 million people, from the Middle East and Africa, fled their counties and migrated to Europe. The vast majority of migrants, who have already experienced enormous level of stressors, are faced with dangerous, often lethal, migratory journeys. Those who survive are exposed to adaptation stressors such as different languages, isolation, lack of work opportunities, diminished social status and a sense of failure in the new countries of residence. These are stressors that go far beyond the usual adaptation stresses to new cultures and migrants experience permanent crises with an imminent risk of developing the "Ulysses syndrome". As a consequence, many individuals often develop symptoms such as irritability, nervousness, migraine, tension headache, insomnia, tiredness, fear, loss of appetite and generalized ill-defined discomfort. If left untreated these symptoms, originally described by Hofer in the 17th century, may degenerate into a severe psychosomatic disorder leading to reactive depression. Here we expand the concept of Ulysses' syndrome and illustrate new initiatives aimed at reducing the level of stressors in migrants and at promoting their successful integration in their new countries. Copyright © 2017 European Federation of Internal Medicine. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Civil Society and Public Powers : Partners for Social Economy and ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Études. Estudio de casos brasileños : la dinámica de relaciones entre los foros de economía solidaria y las políticas públicas para la economía solidaria en Brasil. Téléchargez le PDF. Études. Estudio de casos bolivianos : las políticas públicas de economía social y el diálogo entre los poderes públicos y la sociedad civil.

  20. A participação da sociedade civil em instrumentos da política ambiental brasileira

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    Roseli Nunes Coletti


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on the evaluation of the civil society participation in the decision-making process of a number of instruments of the Brazilian environmental policy, such as: environmental zoning, environmental impact evaluation, environmental licensing. The current relevance of the matter is emphasized. A brief literature review of the issue is done in order to establish a conceptual theoretical framework about the opportunities for public participation in environmental decision-making process. The need to improve the instruments, techniques and communicative processes is emphasized through documental analysis, in order to encourage a wide and unrestricted participation of the civil society in decision--making of the environmental processes.

  1. Uninsured Migrants: Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Among Mexican Return Migrants. (United States)

    Wassink, Joshua


    Despite an expansive body of research on health and access to medical care among Mexican immigrants in the United States, research on return migrants focuses primarily on their labor market mobility and contributions to local development. Motivated by recent scholarship that documents poor mental and physical health among Mexican return migrants, this study investigates return migrants' health insurance coverage and access to medical care. I use descriptive and multivariate techniques to analyze data from the 2009 and 2014 rounds of Mexico's National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (ENADID, combined n=632,678). Analyses reveal a large and persistent gap between recent return migrants and non-migrants, despite rising overall health coverage in Mexico. Multivariate analyses suggest that unemployment among recent arrivals contributes to their lack of insurance. Relative to non-migrants, recently returned migrants rely disproportionately on private clinics, pharmacies, self-medication, or have no regular source of care. Mediation analysis suggests that returnees' high rate of uninsurance contributes to their inadequate access to care. This study reveals limited access to medical care among the growing population of Mexican return migrants, highlighting the need for targeted policies to facilitate successful reintegration and ensure access to vital resources such as health care.

  2. Who is a Migrant Farm Worker? Quien Es Un Trabajador Agricola Migrante? (United States)

    Escamilla, Manuel

    Concerned with varying definitions of migrants given by Federal agencies helping them, the 2 objectives of this study were to present migrant definitions utilized by these agencies and to initiate discussion on one standard definition of a migrant worker. Using standards of the Office of Economic Opportunity, the Department of Labor, the…

  3. Political anomalies and web-based civil antibodies in Silvio Berlusconi’s Bel Paese

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    Giovanni Navarria


    Full Text Available Italy’s complex history has produced some remarkable path-breaking experiences and quite a few dangerous anomalies (such as Silvio Berlusconi’s media driven political regime,but it has also made the country the perfect ground for testing experimental antibodies that can contrast such anomalies. One of these antibodies is the web-based civil society orbitingaround the blog This article argues that the story of such community shows the path to follow for the Italian civil society. Grillo and his fellow bloggers in fact have so far demonstrated that new communication media have the potential to free citizens’ from control and at the same time increase their capacity to keep a close watch on power.La compleja historia de Italia presenta algunas experiencias innovadoras así como bastantes anomalías peligrosas (por ejemplo el régimen mediáticamente controlado de SilvioBerlusconi, pero ha convertido también el país en el territorio perfecto para el surgimiento de anticuerpos que pueden contrastar dichas anomalías. Uno de estos anticuerpos es la sociedad civil basada en la web que gira en torno al blog Este artículo argumenta que la historia de dicha comunidad muestra el camino a seguir para la sociedad civil italiana. Grillo y el conjunto de sus seguidores blogeros han demostrado de hecho que nuevos medios de comunicación tienen el potencial de liberar a los ciudadanos del control y a su vez aumentar su capacidad para mantener estrechamente vigilado al poder.

  4. La sociedad participativa

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    Juan Díaz Bordenave


    Full Text Available El autor presenta dos artículos que se complementan: El primero analiza los factores que hacen a una nueva sociedad participativa. Presenta a la situación actual como la expansión del consumo, la violencia política y social, la deuda externa, la aceleración del deterioro del medio ambiente rural y urbano. Planea el que la comunicación y la participación deben considerarse como partes orgánicas de un proceso: la histórica construcción colectiva de una sociedad participativa centrada en tres herramientas: la organización de la economía autogestionaria, el papel de la educación y las funciones de la comunicación.El segundo artículo intenta definir el perfil de un comunicador social al servicio de la sociedad, parte fundamental para lograr un mundo más justo.

  5. A sociedade cibernética

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    Euripedes Falcão Vieira

    Full Text Available O artigo analisa as mudanças ocorridas na sociedade na transposição de uma época, a modernidade industrial, à outra, a modernidade cibernética. São épocas marcadas por acontecimentos diferenciados no campo da tecnologia, do conhecimento e da informação. Nas duas últimas décadas, particularmente, a mudança em todos os segmentos da sociedade produziu transformações de escala no arcabouço cognitivo, alterando comportamentos e modos de ação e reação ante a nova realidade. Claramente, a nova realidade se impôs e avançou como sociedade cibernética, a sociedade do ciberespaço-tempo com suas narrativas, ainda curtas, dos eventos econômicos, sociais e culturais.

  6. (Non-)utilization of pre-hospital emergency care by migrants and non-migrants in Germany. (United States)

    Kietzmann, Diana; Knuth, Daniela; Schmidt, Silke


    This study was designed to explore the utilization and non-utilization of pre-hospital emergency care by migrants and non-migrants, and the factors that influence this behaviour. A cross-sectional representative German survey was conducted in a sample of 2.175 people, 295 of whom had a migration background. An additional sample of 50 people with Turkish migration background was conducted, partially in the Turkish language. Apart from socio-demographics, the utilization of emergency services and the reasons for non-utilization were assessed. Migrants had a higher utilization rate of pre-hospital emergency care (RR = 1.492) than non-migrants. Furthermore, migrants who were not born in Germany had a lower utilization rate (RR = 0.793) than migrants who were born in Germany. Regarding non-utilization, the most frequently stated reasons belonged to the categories initial misjudgment of the emergency situation and acting on one's own behalf, with the latter stated more frequently by migrants than by non-migrants. To prevent over-, under-, and lack of supply, it is necessary to transfer knowledge about the functioning of the medical emergency services, including first aid knowledge.

  7. Determinants of internal migrant health and the healthy migrant effect in South India: a mixed methods study. (United States)

    Dodd, Warren; Humphries, Sally; Patel, Kirit; Majowicz, Shannon; Little, Matthew; Dewey, Cate


    Internal labour migration is an important and necessary livelihood strategy for millions of individuals and households in India. However, the precarious position of migrant workers within Indian society may have consequences for the health of these individuals. Previous research on the connections between health and labour mobility within India have primarily focused on the negative health outcomes associated with this practice. Thus, there is a need to better identify the determinants of internal migrant health and how these determinants shape migrant health outcomes. An exploratory mixed methods study was conducted in 26 villages in the Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu. Sixty-six semi-structured interviews were completed using snowball sampling, followed by 300 household surveys using multi-stage random sampling. For qualitative data, an analysis of themes and content was completed. For quantitative data, information on current participation in internal labour migration, in addition to self-reported morbidity and determinants of internal migrant health, was collected. Morbidity categories were compared between migrant and non-migrant adults (age 14-65 years) using a Fisher's exact test. Of the 300 households surveyed, 137 households (45.7%) had at least one current migrant member, with 205 migrant and 1012 non-migrant adults (age 14-65 years) included in this study. The health profile of migrant and non-migrants was similar in this setting, with 53 migrants (25.9%) currently suffering from a health problem compared to 273 non-migrants (27.0%). Migrant households identified both occupational and livelihood factors that contributed to changes in the health of their migrant members. These determinants of internal migrant health were corroborated and further expanded on through the semi-structured interviews. Internal labour migration in and of itself is not a determinant of health, as participation in labour mobility can contribute to an improvement in health, a

  8. Challenges in the provision of healthcare services for migrants: a systematic review through providers' lens. (United States)

    Suphanchaimat, Rapeepong; Kantamaturapoj, Kanang; Putthasri, Weerasak; Prakongsai, Phusit


    , attitudes and practices of practitioners in the provision of healthcare services for migrants were mainly influenced by: (1) diverse cultural beliefs and language differences, (2) limited institutional capacity, in terms of time and/or resource constraints, (3) the contradiction between professional ethics and laws that limited migrants' right to health care. Nevertheless, healthcare providers addressedsuch problems by partially ignoring the immigrants'precarious legal status, and using numerous tactics, including seeking help from civil society groups, to support their clinical practice. It was evident that healthcare providers faced several challenges in managing care for migrants, which included not only language and cultural barriers, but also resource constraints within their workplaces, and disharmony between the law and their professional norms. Further studies, which explore health care management for migrants in countries with different health insurance models, are recommended.

  9. Sociedad digital, sociedad dual


    Gustavo Cimadevilla


    Lejos de las luchas obreras y campesinas contra el maquinismo, más cerca de las preocupaciones y debates interminables de los años ochenta del siglo xx, centrados en la revolución microelectrónica y la telemática; pero dentro de una sociedad que procura seducirse y seducirnos por el crecimiento de las tecnologías digitales y los dispositivos inteligentes, es oportuno repasar las caras y contracaras de lo que puede denominarse dualismo digital, un estado de realidad altamente cargado de noveda...

  10. La cultura del horror en las sociedades avanzadas: de la sociedad centrípeta a la sociedad centrífuga.

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    Full Text Available El presente artículo expone los principales resultados de una investigación realizada con el objeto de analizar el papel que cumplen las emociones colectivas en el mantenimiento del orden social. En concreto, trata de explicar el hecho de que las noticias más importantes que aparecen en los medios de comunicación sean noticias de horror, es decir, noticias en las que la muerte siempre aparece en el primer plano de la escena. Los informativos de los medios de comunicación expresan y fomentan la cultura del horror característica de nuestras sociedades avanzadas. Ahora bien, para entender esta cultura es preciso determinar previamente la naturaleza emocional del horror, así como establecer una definición sociológica de este sentimiento. El horror es una emoción compleja compuesta por sentimientos de terror, de asco y de conmoción. El horror, sociológicamente, puede entenderse como "la emoción mediante la que un orden social señala sus límites más extremos". El estudio concluye señalando que existen dos modos alternativos de mantener el orden y la cohesión en el seno de un sistema social. El primer modo de legitimación, característico de las sociedades centrípetas, funciona mediante la gran potencia atractiva que ejerce sobre el campo social un núcleo central de valores sociales positivos. El segundo, característico de las sociedades centrífugas, funciona mediante la gran potencia repulsiva que ejercen sobre el campo social las transgresiones flagrantes del orden moral. El modo típico en el que las sociedades centrífugas regulan el orden social explica la cultura del horror característica de nuestras sociedades avanzadas.

  11. Luchas migrantes en contextos de tránsito migratorio, el caso del movimiento migrante centroamericano


    Huerta, Amarela Varela


    Resumen Este texto aborda un ejemplo concreto de organización de migrantes, el Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano, que trabaja por los derechos de los migrantes en tránsito por México, de forma coordinada con organizaciones y familiares de migrantes víctimas de desaparición en su tránsito hacia Estados Unidos. Este estudio de caso es un ejemplo de luchas migrantes en contextos de tránsito, tipo específico de movimiento social que ha sido poco abordado en la literatura que piensa la acción cole...

  12. Paz, conflicto y sociedad civil en América latina y el Caribe | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 janv. 2007 ... Cet ouvrage consiste en un recueil d'études sur la problématique de la société civile et des conflits armés ou violents en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes réalisées dans le cadre d'un programme à divers volets (recherches, consultations, réseautage, étude de l'impact et diffusion de l'information) ...

  13. Luchas migrantes en contextos de tránsito migratorio, el caso del movimiento migrante centroamericano

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    Amarela Varela Huerta

    Full Text Available Resumen Este texto aborda un ejemplo concreto de organización de migrantes, el Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano, que trabaja por los derechos de los migrantes en tránsito por México, de forma coordinada con organizaciones y familiares de migrantes víctimas de desaparición en su tránsito hacia Estados Unidos. Este estudio de caso es un ejemplo de luchas migrantes en contextos de tránsito, tipo específico de movimiento social que ha sido poco abordado en la literatura que piensa la acción colectiva de los migrantes. En el trabajo se analizan los actores, las prácticas, las alianzas y el contexto al que se enfrentan los activistas del movimiento en cuestión.

  14. Migrant Education, Interstate Secondary Credit Accrual and Acceptance Manual: Practical Guidelines for School Personnel Serving Migrant Secondary Students. (United States)

    Villarreal, Gay Callaway

    Migrant students graduation rates, although improving, are still significantly lower than those of their non-migrant peers. This manual is a comprehensive reference guide for Chapter 1 Migrant Program personnel counselors and teachers serving migrant students at the secondary level. Migrant students are those who move across school district…

  15. Avaliação Institucional de Prefeituras para Desenvolvimento de Projetos de Gestão Social com Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público

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    Harrysson Luiz da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo foi resultado de uma atividade de aprendizagem realizada por auditores do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Santa Catarina (TCE/SC, no “Curso de Especialização em Gestão Governamental e Responsabilidade Fiscal”, na disciplina de “Avaliação Institucional de Prefeituras para Desenvolvimento de Projetos de Gestão Social”. O objetivo dessa atividade foi avaliar institucionalmente a Prefeitura Municipal de São José, para verificar a necessidade da realização de “Termo de Parceria” com Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público, visando projetos de gestão social. A metodologia adotada partiu da “avaliação institucional” da referida Prefeitura Municipal. Os resultados mostraram que essa Prefeitura estava no nível pré-organizacional e seu objeto da contratação não estava internalizado na sua estrutura organizacional, tornando necessária a celebração de Termo de Parceria com a OSCIP. As conclusões apontaram recomendações que deverão ser observadas pelas Prefeituras para celebração de Termos de Parceria em projetos de gestão social.

  16. Repertórios de interação estado-sociedade em um estado heterogêneo: a experiência na Era Lula

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    Rebecca Abers


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a combinação de rotinas de interação do Estado com os movimentos sociais na construção de políticas públicas durante o governo Lula em três setores de políticas: desenvolvimento agrário, política urbana e segurança pública. O argumento central é que, em um contexto caracterizado por uma permeabilidade inédita do Estado, movimentos sociais e atores estatais experimentaram criativamente padrões históricos de interação Estado-sociedade. Sob o mote da "participação da sociedade civil", movimentos sociais e atores estatais recorreram a um repertório de interação diversificado, que incluiu a participação institucional, protestos, ocupação de cargos na burocracia pública e relações personalizadas, com ênfase variada a depender dos padrões pretéritos de relação Estado-sociedade em cada setor.

  17. Société civile et pouvoirs publics : Partenaires pour une économie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Studies. Estudio de casos brasileños : la dinámica de relaciones entre los foros de economía solidaria y las políticas públicas para la economía solidaria en Brasil. Download PDF. Studies. Estudio de casos bolivianos : las políticas públicas de economía social y el diálogo entre los poderes públicos y la sociedad civil.

  18. Irregular Migrants and the Law


    Kassim, Azizah; Mat Zin, Ragayah Hj.


    This paper examines Malaysia`s policy on irregular migrants and its implementation, and discusses its impact. A survey and interview covering 404 respondents was conducted between July 2010 and June 2011 to ascertain the real situations surrounding irregular migrants in Malaysia, which is one of the major host countries of international migrants from developing nations. The policy on foreign workers was formulated in the mid-1980s to deal with the large number of irregular migrants and their ...

  19. Differences in working conditions and employment arrangements among migrant and non-migrant workers in Europe. (United States)

    Ronda Pérez, Elena; Benavides, Fernando G; Levecque, Katia; Love, John G; Felt, Emily; Van Rossem, Ronan


    To determine migrant workers' exposure to select occupational risks and compare it with that of non-migrant workers in Europe. Based on the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS-2005, n=29,654 workers, 31 countries) we examined differential prevalence amongst migrant and non-migrant workers' primary paid jobs in terms of employment arrangements (working >10 hours/day, working >5 days/week, on Sundays, without a contract, changes in the work schedule and not free to decide when to take holidays or days off) and working conditions (exposure to hazards including chemical, physical agents, physical load and psychological conditions). For the purpose of this study, a migrant is defined as a person without nationality of the country of residence (n=926). Adjusted prevalence ratios (aPRs) for age, economic sector and education were calculated. Differences in employment arrangements and working conditions were noted by migration status, gender and occupational status. Among non-manual workers, migrant males are more exposed than non-migrant males to negative psychosocial conditions--working at a very high speed (aPR 1.23; 95% CI 1.07-1.42) and shift work (aPR 1.66; 95% CI 1.27-2.17)--and adverse employment arrangements: working on Sundays (aPR 1.91; 95% CI 1.42-2.55), variable starting/finishing times (aPR 1.17; 95% CI 1.04-1.32) and changes in work schedule (aPR 1.56; 95% CI 1.30-1.88). Compared with non-migrant males, male migrant manual workers are the group with a greater number of disparities in terms of exposure to negative working conditions. Female migrant non-manual workers are more exposed to psychosocial conditions - working at very high speed (aPR 1.26; 95% CI 1.10-1.44) and shift work (aPR 1.61; 95% CI 1.29-2.01) while female manual migrant workers were more likely to report standing or walking (aPR 2.43; 95% CI 1.98-2.97), not having a contract (aPR 2.94; 95% CI 2.07-4.10) and not being free to decide days off and holidays (aPR 1.25; 95% CI 1.07-1.48) than

  20. Ethos Of Education And Welfare Of Muslim Migrants Case Study in Migrant Settlement of Pangkoh, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province.

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    Abdul Qodir


    phenomenon and welfare ethos that has been found within Muslim migrant families. This  study  shows  that,  first,  the  Muslim  migrants  who  arrived  in  early  1982 and  educated  middle  or  slightly  higher  in  the  second  decade,  increases  in  number. That  is  evidenced  by  number  of  migrants  who  took  up  undergraduate  degree  for himself and family. In the third decade, the settlers produce groups who graduate and work  as  civil  servants.  Main  work  of  some  Muslim  migrants  increased  in  the  career ranks,  and  the  task  of  leading  school.  The  increase  of  revenue  in  the  form  of allowances  and  benefits  lead  to  educator  certification.  Therefore  they  are  able  to improve service, including the conduct of worship umrah, hajj, and help the relatives education.  Second,  the  early  arrival  of  Muslim  migrants  of  basic  education,  primary school or its equivalent, have an indirect educational ethos, in three decades, when the decade  I,  their  pioneering  work  faced  many  obstacles,  unhappy  experience.  Ethos  of the  migrant  children  studying  constrained,  due  to  limited  education,  transportation, economic conditions are relatively difficult parents. Decade II is marked by increasing efforts have been  initiated. They  include some of the children helped odd jobs  while studying.  In  the  third  decade  (2002-2011  most  of  them  have  successful  business. Some  of  them  worked  as  farmers  who  are  now  aging.  Their  children  finish  high school,  extending  college  graduate  or  work.  Muslim migrant  groups  who  have  basic education  are  not  directly  educational  ethos,  but  they  produce  graduates  capable  of working. Migrant children claimed their success in the struggle of parents are blessed by Allah SWT. The contribution of this research

  1. [Migrant vaccinations in Poland]. (United States)

    Sakowski, Piotr


    After the European Union accession in 2004, Poland has been perceived by foreigners as an attractive destination of their migration, and also as a popular transit country for people going further to the Western Europe countries. The Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine is involved in the implementation of the international project PROMOVAX (Promote Vaccinations among Migrant Populations in Europe). The objective of the project is to promote immunizations among migrant populations in Europe. This article presents the up-to-date legal regulations that are effective in Poland, taking into account their relevance to the issue of vaccinations in migrant population. The analysis of the Polish legislation concerning this problem shows that there are no specific regulations addressed to migrant population staying in our country. This issue seems to be popular in the European Union, where immunization of migrants is given high priority. From the point of view of health care professionals it is important to be aware of the fact that EU open borders favor the increased flow of people between countries. The scale of migration from outside the EU to its member states also contributes to the increase in potential contacts between health care workers and migrants working in Poland.

  2. Desnutrición en prescolares de familias migrantes Malnutrition in preschool children of migrant families

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    Georgina Mayela Núñez-Rocha


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar la prevalencia de desnutrición entre prescolares migrantes y no migrantes. Material y métodos. Se seleccionaron al azar 160 infantes de 1-6 años de edad, de parvularios de muy alta marginación. Se excluyeron aquellos con malformaciones congénitas o bajo alguna intervención nutricional. La migración se definió como el desplazamiento geográfico Objective. To compare malnutrition rates between migrant and non-migrant children. Material and methods. One-hundred and sixty children 1-6 years old were selected at random from schools located in highly marginated areas. Excluded were infants with congenital malformations or under nutritional intervention. Migration was defined as any geographical movement during the last 6 years. Malnutrition was assessed through the weight/height and height/age indicators, as recommended by the World Health Organization. Results. Fifty-nine percent of the infants belonged to families whose father had a non-qualified occupation, 27.5% of them did not finish elementary school. Fifty-three referred migration; malnutrition rate was 51.3% among migrant infants and 28.8%, among non-migrant infants (OR= 2.6, CI95%= 1.2, 5.2, p= 0.006. Migrant children registered a mean Z score of -2.4±.40 and non-migrant children, -2.3±.33, based on the indicator height for age. Conclusions. Chronic malnutrition among migrant infants justifies a nutritional intervention, they constitute a specific group at risk. Migration should be considered for health planning.

  3. Cardiovascular risk amongst migrant and non-migrant Greenland Inuit in a gender perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerregaard, Peter; Jørgensen, Marit Eika; Borch-Johnsen, Knut


    surveys among adult Inuit in Greenland and Inuit migrants in Denmark (n = 1542). General Linear Models adjusted for age, smoking, diet (seal, fish, and fruit), and alcohol consumption. RESULTS: Blood pressure was significantly higher among Inuit migrants of either sex than among the Inuit in Greenland....... Among women, HDL-cholesterol concentrations were 1.59 mmol/l in Greenland and 1.83 among migrants (pSmoking, diet, and alcohol...

  4. Exporting by Migrants and Indigenous Entrepreneurs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ashourizadeh, Shayegheh; Schøtt, Thomas; Pişkinsüt Şengüler, Ece


    Migrants may become entrepreneurs in their host countries. They may utilize their dual embeddedness in both the home country and the host country, and also use transnational links to gain a competitive advantage in exporting compared to indigenous entrepreneurs. Migrant entrepreneurs’ advantage may......, however, be contingent on attributes such as gender and education, especially among the first generation of migrants, in that being male and educated is more advantageous for migrants than for indigenous entrepreneurs. A representative sample of 50,371 entrepreneurs establishing or operating enterprises...... around the world was surveyed in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, which reports on migration and exporting. Hierarchical linear modeling shows that migrant entrepreneurs export more than indigenous entrepreneurs, especially in the first generation, and especially among educated and male migrants...

  5. Conselho Estadual de Saúde do Amapá: controle social como forma de empoderamento da sociedade

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    Silvana Rodrigues da Silva


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Este artigo se propõe inicialmente a levantar dados históricos e documentais sobre o Conselho Estadual de Saúde do Amapá e suas formas de empoderamento desde sua formação até os dias atuais e conhecer finalidades e atuação de seus representantes além de registrar como as Conferências Estaduais de Saúde estão sendo implementadas no Estado. Constata-se que houve modificações em seus textos regulamentares no decurso das gestões, mas sempre com intuito de atender o que diz a Constituição de 1988, e principalmente levando em consideração a participação popular e suas relações entre Estado e sociedade civil organizada através do exercício do controle social na saúde efetivado pelo Conselho e das Conferências Estaduais que se configuram como principal instância formal do empoderamento da sociedade

  6. O direito dos povos: uma proposta de sociedade bem ordenada

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    Jéssica de Farias Mesquita


    Full Text Available O presente texto tem como objetivo examinar a visão de John Rawls acerca das sociedades bem ordenadas na obra O Direito dos Povos, bem como o significado destas para o desenvolvimento da proposta de sociedade democrática liberal. Rawls, na primeira parte da obra, que trata sobre a teoria ideal, refere-se à ideia geral de contrato social nas Sociedades dos Povos democráticos liberais. O autor prossegue com a mesma ideia, na segunda parte da obra quando trata da teoria não-ideal, referindo-se aos povos decentes. Uma sociedade dos povos decentes, segundo Rawls, é uma sociedade cujas características são aceitáveis como membro de uma Sociedade dos Povos razoável, embora não seja uma sociedade democrática liberal. Ambas as sociedades, seja ela democrática liberal ou decente, fazem parte de uma sociedade bem ordenada por obedecerem aos critérios estabelecidos pela Sociedade dos Povos. Para a garantia de uma sociedade bem ordenada, Rawls expõe uma série de condições para que esse tipo de sociedade seja possível, uma dessas condições é o modo como essas sociedades se encontram reguladas.

  7. Diabetes among migrants in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Gregers Stig; Kamper-Jørgensen, Zaza; Carstensen, Bendix


    Objective Studies of diabetes in migrant populations have shown a higher prevalence compared to their respective countries of origin and to people natively born in the host country, but there is little population-based data on diabetes incidence and mortality in migrant populations. The aim...... of the current study was (1) to describe the incidence rates and prevalence of diabetes among first generation migrants in Denmark compared to the Danish background population, and (2) to compare standardised mortality rates (SMRs) for individuals with and without diabetes according to country of origin...... to the part of the population without diabetes were calculated based on follow up of the entire Danish population. Results Compared with native born Danes, the incidence of diabetes was about 2.5 times higher among migrants from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, and these migrant groups also showed...

  8. Charactiristies of migrant entrepreneurship in Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baycan, T.; Nijkamp, P.


    The present paper aims to investigate and compare various modalities of migrant entrepreneurship in European countries in order to design a systematic classification of migrant entrepreneurship and to highlight key factors of migrant entrepreneurship in Europe. The paper is based on a comparative

  9. New times for migrants' health in Europe. (United States)

    Reyes-Uruena, J M; Noori, T; Pharris, A; Jansà, J M


    Patterns of migration can change greatly over time, with the size and composition of migrant populations reflecting both, current and historical patterns of migration flows. The recent economic crisis has caused a decrease on migration flows towards the most affected areas, as well as cut offs in health interventions addressed to migrants. The objective of this paper is to review available data about interventions on migrants' health in Europe, and to describe changes in migrant health policies across Europe after the economic crisis, that can have a negative effect in their health status. Although migrants have the right to health care under legal settlements issued by the EU, there is no a standard European approach to offer health care to migrants, since; policies in each EU Member State are developed according to specific migrant experience, political climate, and attitudes towards migration. Migrants use to face greater health problems and major health care access barriers, compared with their counterparts from the EU. Therefore, migrant health policies should focus in protects this vulnerable group, especially during economic hardship, taking into account economic and socio-demographic risk factors. There is an especial need for research in the cost-effectiveness of investing in the health care of the migrant population, demonstrating the benefit of such, even in the health of the European native population, and the need for constant intervention despite of resource constraints.

  10. Las leyes laicas y la Iglesia Católica en los territorios del interior argentino (1884-1920

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    Ana María T. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este artículo investigamos aspectos de la religión en el interior argentino, de manera concreta del Territorio Nacional de la Pampa, desde la última década del siglo XIX hasta los años treinta del siglo XX. Analizamos los múltiples lugares ocupados por la religión, en una “sociedad en formación”, construida sobre el desmembramiento de la sociedad indígena y repoblada por migrantes internos y de origen europeo. En este artículo analizamos la implementación de las denominadas “leyes laicas” a la luz de la problemática de la secularización, interpretada como reacomodamiento permanente, y de la laicidad como expresión de la secularización en el ámbito institucional de las relaciones entre la Iglesia, el Estado y la sociedad civil -todos en construcción-. La particularidad del caso se que focaliza en una sociedad que nació plural, a diferencia de zonas de antigua colonización, donde existía un sustrato católico plurisecular.

  11. Development of the Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire (MFMCQ) for migrants to Western societies: an international Delphi consensus process. (United States)

    Gagnon, Anita J; DeBruyn, Rebecca; Essén, Birgitta; Gissler, Mika; Heaman, Maureen; Jeambey, Zeinab; Korfker, Dineke; McCourt, Christine; Roth, Carolyn; Zeitlin, Jennifer; Small, Rhonda


    Through the World Health Assembly Resolution, 'Health of Migrants', the international community has identified migrant health as a priority. Recommendations for general hospital care for international migrants in receiving-countries have been put forward by the Migrant Friendly Hospital Initiative; adaptations of these recommendations specific to maternity care have yet to be elucidated and validated. We aimed to develop a questionnaire measuring migrant-friendly maternity care (MFMC) which could be used in a range of maternity care settings and countries. This study was conducted in four stages. First, questions related to migrant friendly maternity care were identified from existing questionnaires including the Migrant Friendliness Quality Questionnaire, developed in Europe to capture recommended general hospital care for migrants, and the Mothers In a New Country (MINC) Questionnaire, developed in Australia and revised for use in Canada to capture the maternity care experiences of migrant women, and combined to create an initial MFMC questionnaire. Second, a Delphi consensus process in three rounds with a panel of 89 experts in perinatal health and migration from 17 countries was undertaken to identify priority themes and questions as well as to clarify wording and format. Third, the draft questionnaire was translated from English to French and Spanish and back-translated and subsequently culturally validated (assessed for cultural appropriateness) by migrant women. Fourth, the questionnaire was piloted with migrant women who had recently given birth in Montreal, Canada. A 112-item questionnaire on maternity care from pregnancy, through labour and birth, to postpartum care, and including items on maternal socio-demographic, migration and obstetrical characteristics, and perceptions of care, has been created--the Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire (MFMCQ)--in three languages (English, French and Spanish). It is completed in 45 minutes via interview

  12. Migrant entrepreneurship, economic activity and export performance:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vang, Jan; Baklanov, Nikita; Rezaei, Shahamak

    Recent studies on transnational entrepreneurship) suggest that migrant entrepreneur play an increasingly significant role as sources of economic activities and especially export revenue. The literature is, however, biased on the US experience, lacks a comparative perspective between migrants...... and non-migrants and is primarily anecdotal in nature (Saxenian, 2002; 2006, Ruzzlier et al, 2007; Honig and Drori, 2010, Drodi et al, 2010)). This paper aims at reducing this gap by mapping the recent changes in the role of migrant entrepreneurs as a source of increased economic activity and export...... in across ethic categories. Export revenue is proxied by the number of firms in the different ethnic categories that exports. The Danish context provides unique data allowing for a comparison across migrants and non-migrants, across sectors and across time. The paper reveals that migrants play a decreasing...

  13. Differences in mortality between different groups of older migrants and non-migrants in Belgium, 2001 to 2009

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reus-Pons, Matias; Vandenheede, Hadewijch; Janssen, Fanny; Kibele, Eva U.B.


    Background: European societies are rapidly ageing and becoming multicultural, and Belgium is part of the countries ahead in this transition. Differences in mortality between migrants and non-migrants in Europe have been shown to depend on age, sex, socio-economic status, migrant background and

  14. New times for migrants' health in Europe

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    J.M. Reyes-Uruena


    Full Text Available Patterns of migration can change greatly over time, with the size and composition of migrant populations reflecting both, current and historical patterns of migration flows. The recent economic crisis has caused a decrease on migration flows towards the most affected areas, as well as cut offs in health interventions addressed to migrants. The objective of this paper is to review available data about interventions on migrants' health in Europe, and to describe changes in migrant health policies across Europe after the economic crisis, that can have a negative effect in their health status. Although migrants have the right to health care under legal settlements issued by the EU, there is no a standard European approach to offer health care to migrants, since; policies in each EU Member State are developed according to specific migrant experience, political climate, and attitudes towards migration. Migrants use to face greater health problems and major health care access barriers, compared with their counterparts from the EU. Therefore, migrant health policies should focus in protects this vulnerable group, especially during economic hardship, taking into account economic and socio-demographic risk factors. There is an especial need for research in the cost-effectiveness of investing in the health care of the migrant population, demonstrating the benefit of such, even in the health of the European native population, and the need for constant intervention despite of resource constraints.

  15. Dynamics of Ethnocultural and Civil Identity of Graduates of the Russian Higher Education Institutions Abroad

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    Dergunova Nina Vladimirovna


    Full Text Available Emigration of graduates of the Russian higher education institutions abroad has become the constant phenomenon of modern life. Creation of the social mobility conditions by the higher school emphasizes the problem of preserving ethnocultural identity by emigrants and their positive attitude to Russia. The paper shows the results of the field sociological studies (internet poll and focus group on the graduates of the Russian higher education institutions who currently live in Germany. The objective of these studies has been to investigate the tendencies of a change of the sociocultural and civil identity of the Russian-speaking youth abroad. The wave-like nature of the dynamics of the ethnocultural identification of the 8-year residence abroad is found, and four different models of the behavior of young migrants concerning the sociocultural adaptation and the preservation of ethnocultural identity are described. Two characteristics are used as the criteria for the models’ identification: “success” and “not success” in the adaptation to the sociocultural life in Germany and a strategy of the preservation of enthocultural identity. Based on them, first, the small group of young migrants who experience problems in the intercultural communication and adaptation and who feel their Russianness, home-sickness is separated. Other three different models of behavior are typical for the young Russian-speaking migrants successful from a standpoint of adaptation but they demonstrate diverse forms of the preservation of enthocultural identity. One of these three groups additionally reveals a negative civil identity to Russia. The studies also reveal the negative attitude of the Russian-speaking youth to collective forms of preservation of cultural identity and to the Russian diaspora aged over 50 years old. The forms of the preservation of ethnocultural identity of the youth to a greater extent have individual character with use of modern

  16. Development of the Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire (MFMCQ) for migrants to Western societies: an international Delphi consensus process (United States)


    Background Through the World Health Assembly Resolution, ‘Health of Migrants’, the international community has identified migrant health as a priority. Recommendations for general hospital care for international migrants in receiving-countries have been put forward by the Migrant Friendly Hospital Initiative; adaptations of these recommendations specific to maternity care have yet to be elucidated and validated. We aimed to develop a questionnaire measuring migrant-friendly maternity care (MFMC) which could be used in a range of maternity care settings and countries. Methods This study was conducted in four stages. First, questions related to migrant friendly maternity care were identified from existing questionnaires including the Migrant Friendliness Quality Questionnaire, developed in Europe to capture recommended general hospital care for migrants, and the Mothers In a New Country (MINC) Questionnaire, developed in Australia and revised for use in Canada to capture the maternity care experiences of migrant women, and combined to create an initial MFMC questionnaire. Second, a Delphi consensus process in three rounds with a panel of 89 experts in perinatal health and migration from 17 countries was undertaken to identify priority themes and questions as well as to clarify wording and format. Third, the draft questionnaire was translated from English to French and Spanish and back-translated and subsequently culturally validated (assessed for cultural appropriateness) by migrant women. Fourth, the questionnaire was piloted with migrant women who had recently given birth in Montreal, Canada. Results A 112-item questionnaire on maternity care from pregnancy, through labour and birth, to postpartum care, and including items on maternal socio-demographic, migration and obstetrical characteristics, and perceptions of care, has been created - the Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire (MFMCQ) – in three languages (English, French and Spanish). It is

  17. Sociedad digital, sociedad dual

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    Gustavo Cimadevilla


    Full Text Available Lejos de las luchas obreras y campesinas contra el maquinismo, más cerca de las preocupaciones y debates interminables de los años ochenta del siglo xx, centrados en la revolución microelectrónica y la telemática; pero dentro de una sociedad que procura seducirse y seducirnos por el crecimiento de las tecnologías digitales y los dispositivos inteligentes, es oportuno repasar las caras y contracaras de lo que puede denominarse dualismo digital, un estado de realidad altamente cargado de novedades, estadísticas y tendencias que auguran cierto optimismo tecnológico. El trabajo plantea interrogantes y explora líneas de discusión que procuran apartarse de la tecnofobia y la tecnofilia, que han caracterizado a muchos de los debates del campo.

  18. Older migrants in exile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Dorthe Susanne; Minet, Lisbeth; Zeraiq, Lina


    , Lost in language barriers and Having a national sense of belonging. The main findings emphasise the vulnerability of older migrants in a resettlement country. With an unclear national identity and without the local language, older migrants struggle to develop a clear vision of their role in a minority...


    Florida State Board of Health, Jacksonville.


  20. The migrant suitcase: Food, belonging and commensality among Indian migrants in The Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bailey, Ajay


    The Migrant Suitcase is a metaphor to understand how social remittances are taken, brought back and transformed. Migrants bring with them different cultural norms, food and eating practices. In this paper I review the concept of social remittances in light of material culture, food and eating

  1. The migrant suitcase : Food, belonging and commensality among Indian migrants in The Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bailey, Ajay


    The Migrant Suitcase is a metaphor to understand how social remittances are taken, brought back and transformed. Migrants bring with them different cultural norms, food and eating practices. In this paper I review the concept of social remittances in light of material culture, food and eating

  2. The transnational strategies of migrants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Connie Carøe

    Certain activities among migrants take place in a social space spanning the sending and receiving societies. Migrants who e.g. take part in activities in hometown associations or in Islamic activism tend to do so in these social spaces, increasingly conceptualized as transnational. Our understand......Certain activities among migrants take place in a social space spanning the sending and receiving societies. Migrants who e.g. take part in activities in hometown associations or in Islamic activism tend to do so in these social spaces, increasingly conceptualized as transnational. Our...... to explain. It has been suggested that transnational strategies are applied as a safety net to substitute for prospects of a secure future in the receiving society. Solidarities or obligations, sometimes in the shape of a social contract between stayers and leavers of a family, are another suggestion. While...... both these suggestions obviously have some resonance, against them goes the observation that those who take up transnational strategies are active and most capable of succeeding and managing their lives in the receiving society. In other words, the transnational engagements of migrants...

  3. La empresa familiar y su organización en forma de sociedad mercantil, con especial referencia a la sociedad de responsabilidad limitada

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    María Angustias Díaz Gómez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, tras unas consideraciones generales sobre la Empresa Familiar, analizamos, en primer lugar, los tipos sociales mercantiles que puede adoptar en España la Sociedad Familiar, haciendo un repaso de las formas sociales típicas reconocidas por el legislador, reflexionando sobre sus ventajas e inconvenientes. En segundo lugar, nos centramos en el estudio del régimen jurídico de las dos Sociedades Capitalistas más representativas, la Sociedad Anónima y la Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada, analizando sus rasgos comunes, todo ello con el fin de dilucidar cuál se adapta mejor a las particularidades de la Sociedad Familiar. En tercer lugar, considerando que la Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada es la forma jurídica de creación de Sociedades Familiares más utilizada, se le dedica especial atención, destacando las divergencias fundamentales de regulación entre esta sociedad y la Sociedad Anónima. Asimismo se estudia la Sociedad Limitada Nueva Empresa, como subtipo de la Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada. Como conclusión, se trata de arrojar luz sobre la elección preferente de la Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada como forma jurídica de constitución de la Sociedad Familiar y, al mismo tiempo, de examinar, desde una perspectiva crítica, la normativa que le resulta aplicable.In this work, after a few general considerations on the Family enterprise, we analyze, first, the types of mercantile companies that the Familiar Company can adopt in Spain, doing a revision of the social typical forms recognized by the legislator, thinking about his advantages and disadvantages. Secondly, we centre on the study of the juridical regime of both most representative Capitalist Companies, the public limited liability company and the Private limited company, analyzing his common features, all this in order to explain which one adapts better to the particularities of the Familiar Company. Thirdly, considering that the Private limited

  4. Craniofacial Secular Change in Recent Mexican Migrants. (United States)

    Spradley, Katherine; Stull, Kyra E; Hefner, Joseph T


    Research by economists suggests that recent Mexican migrants are better educated and have higher socioeconomic status (SES) than previous migrants. Because factors associated with higher SES and improved education can lead to positive secular changes in overall body form, secular changes in the craniofacial complex were analyzed within a recent migrant group from Mexico. The Mexican group represents individuals in the act of migration, not yet influenced by the American environment, and thus can serve as a starting point for future studies of secular change in this population group. The excavation of a historic Hispanic cemetery in Tucson, Arizona, also allows for a comparison between historic Hispanics and recent migrants to explore craniofacial trends over a broad time period, as both groups originate from Mexico. The present research addresses two main questions: (1) Are cranial secular changes evident in recent Mexican migrants? (2) Are historic Hispanics and recent Mexican migrants similar? By studying secular changes within a migrant population group, secular trends may be detected, which will be important for understanding the biological variation of the migrants themselves and will serve as a preliminary investigation of secular change within Mexican migrants. The comparison of a sample of recent Mexican migrants with a historic Hispanic sample, predominantly of Mexican origin, allows us to explore morphological similarities and differences between early and recent Mexicans within the United States. Vault and face size and a total of 82 craniofacial interlandmark distances were used to explore secular changes within the recent Mexican migrants (females, n = 38; males, n = 178) and to explore the morphological similarities between historic Hispanics (females, n = 54; males, n = 58) and recent migrants. Sexes were separated, and multivariate adaptive regression splines and basis splines (quadratic with one knot) were used to assess the direction and magnitude

  5. El Registro Civil costarricense a 125 años de su nacimiento

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    Luis Antonio Bolaños Bolaños


    Full Text Available Destaca la importancia de las funciones que cumple el Registro Civil en la sociedad costarricense realizando un breve repaso de sus orígenes y organización, centrando su atención en la credibilidad que los costarricenses tienen en los actos registrales que ejecuta, su aporte al desarrollo de la democracia costarricense al ofrecer un padrón electoral actualizado diariamente y la constante búsqueda en la mejora de los servicios que presta mediante la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías.

  6. La capacidad de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil para mejorar la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores: un estudio cualitativo en zonas urbanas empobrecidas de México

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    Tonatiuh T. González Vázquez


    Full Text Available Recientemente en México se ha incrementado la proporción de adultos mayores (AM y de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC que ayudan a los pobres. Nuestro objetivo fue analizar la capacidad que tienen las OSC de implementar acciones para mejorar la calidad de vida de los AM pobres de zonas urbanas. En 2005 se realizaron 14 entrevistas al personal de diez OSC que trabajaban en colonias pobres de cuatro ciudades de México. La guía de entrevista y el análisis se basaron en la estructura interna y el contexto externo que afecta la capacidad de las OSC. Entre los principales logros se destacan una mayor participación y autogestión de la gente y el número de acciones realizadas para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas. Los principales obstáculos identificados son una demanda poblacional que supera la capacidad de respuesta de las OSC, una población objetivo que generalmente no son los AM y un financiamiento insuficiente. La atención proporcionada por las OSC a los AM, aunque trascendental, es escasa, por tanto es necesario promover una cultura de prevención e interés en los AM y de apoyo a las OSC.

  7. Migrant entrepreneurship and new urban economic opportunities


    Nijkamp, P.; Sahin, M.; Baycan, T.


    Nowadays, migrants form a significant share of the urban population, and their business is critical for urban economic growth. This paper addresses the key factors determining the position of migrant entrepreneurs in the urban economy in the Netherlands. In order to develop a solid assessment of CSFs for migrant entrepreneurs, and to understand business performance in a competitive urban environment, this study will investigate the entrepreneurial behaviour of migrants in Dutch cities from a ...

  8. Migrant integration policies and health inequalities in Europe. (United States)

    Giannoni, Margherita; Franzini, Luisa; Masiero, Giuliano


    Research on socio-economic determinants of migrant health inequalities has produced a large body of evidence. There is lack of evidence on the influence of structural factors on lives of fragile groups, frequently exposed to health inequalities. The role of poor socio-economic status and country level structural factors, such as migrant integration policies, in explaining migrant health inequalities is unclear. The objective of this paper is to examine the role of migrant socio-economic status and the impact of migrant integration policies on health inequalities during the recent economic crisis in Europe. Using the 2012 wave of Eurostat EU-SILC data for a set of 23 European countries, we estimate multilevel mixed-effects ordered logit models for self-assessed poor health (SAH) and self-reported limiting long-standing illnesses (LLS), and multilevel mixed-effects logit models for self-reported chronic illness (SC). We estimate two-level models with individuals nested within countries, allowing for both individual socio-economic determinants of health and country-level characteristics (healthy life years expectancy, proportion of health care expenditure over the GDP, and problems in migrant integration policies, derived from the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX). Being a non-European citizen or born outside Europe does not increase the odds of reporting poor health conditions, in accordance with the "healthy migrant effect". However, the country context in terms of problems in migrant integration policies influences negatively all of the three measures of health (self-reported health status, limiting long-standing illnesses, and self-reported chronic illness) in foreign people living in European countries, and partially offsets the "healthy migrant effect". Policies for migrant integration can reduce migrant health disparities.

  9. Migrants, Labour Markets and Training Programs. Studies on the Migrant Youth Labour Force. (United States)

    Australian Inst. of Multicultural Affairs, Melbourne (Australia).

    The seven papers collected in this report cover the educational and labor market experiences of migrant youth in Australia. Most of the papers address the question of how these youths are affected by government labor programs and services. "Migrant Unemployment in the First Year of Labour Market Activity" (Paul W. Miller) reports that…

  10. Migrant Education Projects. Projectos de Educacion Migrante. Oregon Migrant Education. (United States)

    Oregon State Dept. of Education, Salem.

    Written in both English and Spanish, this booklet briefly summarizes the general concepts and requirements behind Title I Migrant activities for use by project personnel, parents, and others interested in those projects. After a brief discussion of project funding and definitions of commonly used terms, there is an outline of requirements which…

  11. When strong unions meet precarious migrants: Building trustful relations to unionise labour migrants in a high union-density setting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Refslund, Bjarke


    Based on case studies in a fish processing plant and a demolition company, this article shows how strong and institutionally embedded unions interact with migrant workers in a precarious labour market position in order to safeguard their working conditions and organise them. It shows how strong...... in the IR-model. The dynamic relation between migrant workers and national unions in this high-density setting is discussed emphasising the need for building a trustful relation between the migrant workers and the unions in order to empower the migrants to better navigate in the national labour market...... unions are in a good position to include migrant workers and thereby resist labour market segmentation. The strong Danish unions, faced with the serious challenges of intra-European labour migration, have increased their attention and resources devoted to organising migrant workers and including them...

  12. Morocco in transition: Democracy, civil society and human development / Marruecos en transición: democracia, sociedad civil y desarrollo humano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Mª Dorado Nogueras


    Full Text Available This article reflects an overview of the current socio-political situation in Morocco, a country with great relationship and link with Spain he has played, plays and will play an important role in the current geopolitical map. It provides a generic touch on developments in this country in recent years after the death of Hassan II, until the reign of Mohammed VI, and a new way to understand and address the political situation in the country. After a brief overview of the concepts and important events in recent years, will deepen the important role of civil society in all its manifestations and the importance of human development in this context and its relationship to democracy, to really reflect on whether human development in Morocco is producing the most appropriate according to the parameters in the theoretical and practical underpinning.

  13. Psychopathology and resident status - comparing asylum seekers, refugees, illegal migrants, labor migrants, and residents. (United States)

    Heeren, Martina; Wittmann, Lutz; Ehlert, Ulrike; Schnyder, Ulrich; Maier, Thomas; Müller, Julia


    This study aimed to describe, compare, and predict mental health outcomes of different migrant groups and native residents in Switzerland. Asylum seekers (n=65); refugees holding permanent protection visas (n=34); illegal migrants (n=21); labor migrants (n=26); and residents (n=56) completed an assessment by questionnaire. Main outcome variables were symptoms of posttraumatic stress, anxiety and depression. It was tested whether resident status predicted psychopathology over and above the influence of control variables including social desirability, traumatic event types and post-migration resources. Asylum seekers (54.0%) and refugees (41.4%) fulfilled criteria of PTSD most frequently. Clinically relevant symptoms of anxiety and depression were most frequently reported by asylum seekers (84.6% and 63.1%, resp.) and illegal migrants (both 47.6%). Resident status contributed to psychopathology over and above the influence of control variables. Overall, asylum seekers, refugees, and illegal migrants showed high psychiatric morbidity. Differences in resident status appear to be specifically associated with mental health outcomes. This association persists even when controlling for social desirability, post-migration resources and traumatic events. This emphasizes the importance of current socio-political living conditions for mental health, even with respect to the psychopathological sequelae of past traumatic experiences. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Effects of temperate agriculture on neotropical migrant landbirds (United States)

    Nicholas L. Rodenhouse; Louis B. Best; Raymond J. O' Connor; Eric K. Bollinger


    The ecology of Neotropical migrant landbirds in temperate farmland is reviewed to develop management recommendations for the conservation of migrants. Migrants constitute about 71% of bird species using farmland and 86% of bird species nesting there. The number and abundances of Neotropical migrants using farmland are greatest in uncultivated edges with trees and...

  15. Enabling and Predisposing Factors for the Utilization of Preventive Dental Health Care in Migrants and Non-Migrants in Germany

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    Patrick Brzoska


    Full Text Available BackgroundIn many European countries including Germany, migrants utilize preventive services less frequently than the majority population. This is also true for the utilization of dental checkups. Little is known about which demographic, social, behavioral, and health-related factors influence the decision of migrants to seek preventive dental health care and how these factors differ from those in non-migrants. The aim of the present study was to examine the role of these factors among migrants and non-migrants residing in Germany.MethodsData from cross-sectional national health surveys are used, providing information on preventive dental health behavior from n = 41,220 individuals, of which 15.0% are migrants. Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use is the conceptual framework of the investigation. Multiple logistic regression models were applied to examine the role of different predisposing and enabling factors. Interaction terms were included in order to examine whether determinants differ between migrants and non-migrants. Average marginal effects (AMEs are reported in addition to odds ratios (ORs as measures of effect size which are robust against bias arising from unobserved heterogeneity.ResultsMigrants are at an about 36% lower chance of utilizing regular dental checkups than non-migrants [OR = 0.64 (95% confidence interval, 95% CI: 0.61, 0.68; AME = −0.081 (95% CI = −0.093, −0.069]. Differences are partly explained by the influence of demographic, social, behavioral, and health-related factors [adjusted OR = 0.69 (95% CI: 0.64, 0.73; AME = −0.065 (95% CI = −0.076, −0.053]. Younger age, being male, lower socioeconomic status, a non-statutory health insurance, not living in a relationship, living in the Western part of Germany and in an urban setting, and poor limited social support were associated with a lower chance of utilizing regular dental checkups. Interaction effects could be

  16. Psychological health and its associates - A comparative study among migrants and non migrants in a rural area of Northern India.

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    Bhavna Langer


    Full Text Available Background: Migration, whether voluntary or forced, entails major adaptations. An elaborate insight into the circumstances helps to induce various interventions in migrants. Aims and Objectives: To elicit the psychological health, lifestyle variables, religiosity, spirituality and coping among migrants and compare it with non migrants in a rural locality. Material and Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was undertaken among 404 adults aged 20 years and above. The General Health Questionnaire–12, Religiosity scale by Wilkes, The Daily Spiritual Experience Scale and COPE scale were used as psychometric tools for data collection. Data was analysed using SPSS (ver. 20.0. Results: A sample of 137 migrants and 267 non migrants were analysed. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups for occupation and education (p=0.002 & 0.000 resp. The mean scores of the psychological health of migrants (10.58± 6.32 were slightly better than that of non migrants (11.49 ±5.69, p= 0.142. Spirituality scores showed migrants being more inclined towards spiritualism (p=0.016. Young age, religious and spiritual propensity showed a statistically significant correlation with better Psychological health (p=0.036, 0.000&0.013resp. Conclusion: Providing psychosocial assistance to migrant populations focussing on educational, occupational & religious-spiritual issues can reduce vulnerabilities especially for psychological health.

  17. Hamburguesas y eficiencia. Del estado de bienestar a la sociedad del bienestar

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    Agustín García Inda


    Full Text Available La crisis iniciada en 2008 ha mostrado una serie de problemas estructurales en distintos planos del sistema económico global y, en particular, en la sociedad española. Las crisis primero ‘subprime’ norteamericana, de la zona euro después, de la burbuja inmobiliaria, etc. en España ha mostrado algunas contradicciones, especialmente en la formulación y provisión del bienestar social. En esta comunicación se presenta la llamada “metáfora de la hamburguesa” como constructo teórico que explica las ineficiencias del sector público y cómo, por sus características políticas y sociales, fracasan las soluciones. Ese fracaso, las tendencias demográficas y los déficits crónicos exigen respuestas que garanticen los derechos políticos, civiles y sociales. Las soluciones se resumen en la “teoría de las tres eses”: Suprimir iniciativas públicas, Sustituir público por privado y Simplificar; en definitiva, aplicar el principio de subsidiariedad hasta el individuo para pasar del Estado de Bienestar a la Sociedad de Bienestar. Para ello se plantean, –considerando la literatura ‘clásica’ sobre las políticas sociales, el estado social, los mundos del bienestar, el post-capitalismo y el pluralismo del bienestar– tres preguntas: (i. ¿Qué ineficiencias se dan en las políticas públicas y sociales? (ii. ¿Puede la sociedad española en el contexto de la Unión Europea soportar esa ineficiencia cronificada? (iii. ¿Sirve la respuesta al modo holandés tal como se expresó en el discurso del príncipe de septiembre de 2013? Los condicionantes socio-políticos del sector público y sus consecuencias económicas determinan su ineficiencia intrínseca. El propio sistema obstaculiza su solución, dada la preferencia del político por el rédito electoral. Los modelos de empleo y gasto maniatan al gestor y otros factores socioculturales impiden la reforma. Diversos planes de modernización, medidas de simplificación administrativa y

  18. Migrant Crisis, a Security Challenge for the Republic of Macedonia

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    Muhamet Racaj


    Full Text Available The migrant crisis is an imposed problem that requires a thorough solution. The complete understanding of the reasons for migration, as well as the situation in the Mediterranean basin and in the Middle East is a precondition for finding appropriate solutions. Eradication of poverty and disparity, the fight against terrorism and the ISIS extremism as well as the fight against other similar groups are just a fraction of the necessary preconditions for a successful dealing with the current challenges. The solution to the drama with the infinite wave of migrants from Syria and the Middle East, to which we are sad observers, seems is not to be seen soon. First of all, if we look at the European political elite and the general lack of a reliable and clear strategy for solving this problem, all we will see is helplessness and mutual accusations. The migrant or the refugee crisis is followed by a large number of incidents or series of events. The massive arrival of refugees in the European Union, usually illegal migrants from Asia, Africa and parts of Southeastern Europe, started in the mid of 2010 and escalated in 2015. The reasons for the mass arrival are traditionally associated with the chronic unemployment and poverty in these countries, but lately, are also result of the war, especially in Syria, where the civil war caused massive exodus of the population. The situation is similar in Libya, where the fall of Moamer Gaddafi’s regime led to anarchy, used by the well-organized networks of human traffickers. By mid-2015, the refugee crisis mainly took place on the Mediterranean coast of Italy, where refugees were arriving by ships and boats. In many cases, such attempts were futile and led to mass deaths. Lately, there has been a massive influx of refugees and migrants in the Balkans, using Greece and Croatia, EU member countries on the periphery of the Union, as entry point. But also, The Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia, candidate

  19. Direitos civis dos jovens e a insegurança urbana Youth civil rights and urban insecurity

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    Augusto Caccia-Bava Junior


    Full Text Available Este ensaio parte do reconhecimento de uma conjuntura de crise institucional, para analisar o contexto da formação dos direitos civis dos jovens e suas fragilidades ,com vista a alcançar, por meio dessa reflexão, uma exposição dos aspectos da insegurança urbana presentes na sociedade brasileira. Palavras-chave: Crise institucional. Direitos civis dos jovens. Insegurança urbana. This essay starts with the recognition of a particular political institutional crisis as a base to analyze the development of the youth civil wrights and their gaps in order to reach an exposition of the characteristics of urban insecurity that takes place in Brazilian society. Keywords: Institutional crisis; Youth civil wrigths; Urban insecurity.

  20. Migrant Education Administrative Handbook. Revised April 1973. (United States)

    North Carolina State Dept. of Public Instruction, Raleigh. Div. of Compensatory Education.

    The revised handbook provides specific references to the legislation and the National Migrant Program Guidelines, while setting forth the administrative procedures required for migrant projects in North Carolina. Specific topics of discussion in migrant program administration cover Public Law 89-750, state and local educational agency…

  1. Migrant's agency in the smuggling process : the perspectives of smuggled migrants in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Liempt, I.; Doomernik, J.


    This paper focuses on migrants who have been smuggled to the Netherlands from three regions: Iraq, Horn of Africa, and the former Soviet Union. The central questions are: to what extent do smugglers give direction to migration; and how much autonomy do migrants themselves have in deciding where they

  2. Sport and migrants' acculturation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morela, Eleftheria

    . Furthermore, an empowering motivational environment characterized by a mastery climate, supportive of the needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, was positively linked to attitudes favoring migrants' maintenance of their culture and development of interaction with the host culture, whereas......In the era of globalization, multicultural societies are common-place in most developed countries. Therefore, new challenges at both national and international level have come to the fore, and successful acculturation appears to be the key for maintaining social cohesion and promoting...... the acculturation process and to identify factors that may regulate the acculturation process through sport participation. The second study focuses on adolescent migrants and aimed at identifying differences in acculturation attitudes and acculturative stress among young migrants who participate in sports and those...

  3. La sociedad de la información como una sociedad en transición: Caracterización, tendencias y paradojas

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    Migdalia Pineda


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los principales rasgos que caracterizan a la sociedad de la información como una sociedad en transición y se asoman algunas de sus tendencias futuras. Los planteamientos realizados forman parte de una investigación cualitativa que se sustenta en un análisis crítico de lo señalado por diversos autores sobre la sociedad de la información y el conjunto de cambios que las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación producen en diversos órdenes de la vida social (cultural, económico, laboral, comunicacional y de conocimiento, insistiendo en sus posibilidades y contradicciones. Se considera la premisa que, en ese conjunto de cambios, el ser humano es quien adquiere jerarquía por encima de la tecnología y que la sociedad de la información debe ser vista como una oportunidad para rescatar las diferencias, la diversidad y para avanzar hacia una sociedad que, ayudada por las TIC, potencie el conocimiento y el ingenio humano para resolver problemas del entorno.

  4. The inclusion of migrants in health impact assessments: A scoping review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Benkhalti Jandu, Maria, E-mail: [University of Ottawa, Institute of Population Health, 1 Stewart Street, Suite 201, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5 (Canada); Canuto de Medeiros, Bruno, E-mail: [University of Ottawa, Institute of Population Health, 1 Stewart Street, Suite 201, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5 (Canada); Bourgeault, Ivy, E-mail: [University of Ottawa, Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, 1 Stewart Street, Suite 207, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5 (Canada); Tugwell, Peter, E-mail: [University of Ottawa, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, K1H 8M5 Ottawa (Canada); Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Clinical Epidemiology Program, K1Y 4E9 Ottawa (Canada); University of Ottawa, Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, K1H 8M5 Ottawa (Canada); Institute of Population Health, University of Ottawa, K1N 6N5 Ottawa (Canada)


    This article reports the findings of a scoping review assessing the extent and ways in which migrants have been included in health impact assessments (HIAs) and HIA evaluations worldwide. A total of 117 HIAs and two HIA evaluations were included. Only 14% of hand-searched HIAs mentioned migrants, 5% analysed migrants and only 2% included them in their recommendations. Nonetheless, migrants would be expected to be part of the analysis based on the reasons for which migrants were most commonly mentioned. Although the majority of HIAs included in the review mentioned migrants in baseline conditions and impact analysis steps, migrants were seldom included in recommendations. Furthermore, the use of frameworks or tools guiding the completion of an HIA was negatively associated with the inclusion of migrants in recommendations. This is a pivotal risk of frameworks not mentioning migrants. Although workshops and stakeholder engagement were a frequent way of including migrants in HIAs, this usually involved organizations representing migrants, and only seldom included members of the migrant community themselves. The main barriers to including migrants in the HIA impact analysis were the lack of available data on migrants and the significant additional resources required to gather and analyse additional data on migrants. Guidance is needed on ways to optimally include migrants in HIAs and ensure that recommendations for mitigation measures are optimal. - Highlights: • Scoping review found 14% of hand-searched HIAs mentioned migrantsMigrants are seldom mentioned in recommendations even when analysed • Guiding frameworks can hinder the inclusion of migrants if not explicitly mentioned • Often migrants organizations are the ones included in engagement • Main barriers to including migrants are available data and resources required.

  5. The inclusion of migrants in health impact assessments: A scoping review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benkhalti Jandu, Maria; Canuto de Medeiros, Bruno; Bourgeault, Ivy; Tugwell, Peter


    This article reports the findings of a scoping review assessing the extent and ways in which migrants have been included in health impact assessments (HIAs) and HIA evaluations worldwide. A total of 117 HIAs and two HIA evaluations were included. Only 14% of hand-searched HIAs mentioned migrants, 5% analysed migrants and only 2% included them in their recommendations. Nonetheless, migrants would be expected to be part of the analysis based on the reasons for which migrants were most commonly mentioned. Although the majority of HIAs included in the review mentioned migrants in baseline conditions and impact analysis steps, migrants were seldom included in recommendations. Furthermore, the use of frameworks or tools guiding the completion of an HIA was negatively associated with the inclusion of migrants in recommendations. This is a pivotal risk of frameworks not mentioning migrants. Although workshops and stakeholder engagement were a frequent way of including migrants in HIAs, this usually involved organizations representing migrants, and only seldom included members of the migrant community themselves. The main barriers to including migrants in the HIA impact analysis were the lack of available data on migrants and the significant additional resources required to gather and analyse additional data on migrants. Guidance is needed on ways to optimally include migrants in HIAs and ensure that recommendations for mitigation measures are optimal. - Highlights: • Scoping review found 14% of hand-searched HIAs mentioned migrantsMigrants are seldom mentioned in recommendations even when analysed • Guiding frameworks can hinder the inclusion of migrants if not explicitly mentioned • Often migrants organizations are the ones included in engagement • Main barriers to including migrants are available data and resources required

  6. The Impact of the College Assistance Migrant Program on Migrant Student Academic Achievement in the California State University System (United States)

    Ramirez, Adrian D.


    The 7-year longitudinal study examined the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) impact on migrant student achievement in the California State University system. Participants included migrant students, Latinos, and general student populations from 2002-2009. The analysis of variance and chi-square test of independence were used to explore…

  7. Migrant Mexican Traditions = Tradiciones Migrantes Mexicanas. An Exhibit of Folk Art by Mexican Migrant Farmworkers (Geneseo, New York, September 22-October 4, 1990). (United States)

    Camacho, Juana; Gomez, Jose Luis

    This exhibit guide (in Spanish, with translation in English printed on adjoining columns on each page), describes an exhibition of folk art by Mexican migrant farmworkers presented by thre Folk Arts Program of the BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center. The exhibit is divided into four major themes that farmworkers presented by the BOCES Geneseo Migrant…

  8. Responsabilidade civil e ética do ortodontista The orthodontist's civil and ethical responsibility

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    Bruno Minervino


    Full Text Available O que se observa atualmente é um aumento no processo de desenvolvimento social que abrange, praticamente, todas as áreas da ciência. Essa conscientização global assegura direitos bem definidos para toda a sociedade, bem como deveres para os profissionais que detêm o conhecimento científico. Em virtude disso, surge o aumento de conflitos entre profissionais de todas as áreas com seus clientes, assim como de dentistas para com seus pacientes. A preocupação desse estudo é apresentar aspectos relacionados à natureza legal e ética a que os ortodontistas estão submetidos, diariamente, em suas clínicas, mencionando aspectos pilares da responsabilidade civil do ordenamento jurídico atual, como também a postura ética que o ortodontista deverá ter com seu assistido.Considering the social development process, an increase that practically embraces all the areas of science is observed nowadays. This global consciousness properly assures defined rights to the society as a whole, as well as duties to the professionals who detain the scientific knowledge. Therefore, the increase of conflicts among professionals from all fields and their clients, and among the odontologists and their patients arouses. The purpose of this study is to show aspects related to the legal and ethical nature to which the orthodontists are daily submitted to, in their offices, mentioning the main aspects of the civil responsibility of the current juridical ordering, as well as the ethical posture that the orthodontist must have in relation to his patient.

  9. Migrant mortality from diabetes mellitus across Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vandenheede, Hadewijch; Deboosere, Patrick; Stirbu, Irina


    ) is more affluent than the country of birth (COB). We obtained mortality data from 7 European countries. To assess migrant diabetes mortality, we used direct standardization and Poisson regression. First, migrant mortality was estimated for each country separately. Then, we merged the data from all......The first objective of this study was to determine and quantify variations in diabetes mortality by migrant status in different European countries. The second objective was to investigate the hypothesis that diabetes mortality is higher in migrant groups for whom the country of residence (COR...... mortality registers. Subsequently, to examine the second hypothesis, we introduced gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of COB in the models, as an indicator of socio-economic circumstances. The overall pattern shows higher diabetes mortality in migrant populations compared to local-born populations...

  10. Making Migrants Governable

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stenum, Helle


    This paper will investigate the production of knowledge regarding the number of illegalized migrants. Estimation of the number has been the common frame for production of this kind of knowledge, performed by social scientists, government officials, NGOs and others, but now biometric technology...... by biometric technology will produce increased objectivity and depolitization in numbers of irregular migrants which could not be obtained in the field of estimation. The level of truth reflects the level of control and surveillance fixed as a strategy of government of mobility in the biometric technology....

  11. Hacia una sociedad hipertextual

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    Mireya Barón Pulido


    Full Text Available El presente artículo de revisión analiza y relaciona los resultados de varias investigaciones que toman como objeto de estudio los elementos que incursionan en el contexto de la comunicación desde la red: hiperdocumento, macronavegación y micronavegación. Dimensiones y procesos que afectan y transforman los mismos niveles de interacción al interior de las sociedades; hoy día reco- nocidas como sociedades digitales. El lector encontrará referencia a algunos estudios locales e internacionales haciendo referencia a corpus multimediáticos del periodismo y de la publicidad que permiten evidenciar dichos elementos y que sugieren la transformación y, en algunos casos, la construcción de nuevos patrones de interacción social entre lectores y perceptores.

  12. A sociedade dos vivos

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    Leis Héctor Ricardo


    Full Text Available A pergunta: qual é o significado da experiência da morte na sociedade contemporânea? A hipótese: que existe uma faceta sombria e degradante da condição humana, associada à privatização institucional ou "pacificação" da morte que estamos assistindo em nossa época. Muitos teóricos sociais contemporâneos apostam em estratégias como a reflexividade para reconstruir a fragmentação do ser humano, porém essa reconstrução mal poderia vir sem procurar apoio em aspectos chaves da condição humana. Apontar alguns dos déficits da teoria social contemporânea e assinalar alguns caminhos para superar impasses da sociedade contemporânea resume a tentativa deste trabalho.

  13. Maine Migrant Program: 1997-1998 Program Evaluation. (United States)

    Bazinet, Suzanne C., Ed.

    The Maine Department of Education contracts with local educational agencies to administer the Maine Migrant Education Program. The program's overall mission is to provide the support necessary for migrant children to achieve Maine's academic standards. In 1997-98, 73 local migrant programs served 9,838 students, and 63 summer programs served 1,769…


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    Ariana Alves de Castro


    Full Text Available Resumo: A ditadura civil militar instaurada em março de 1964 no Brasil foi marcada por grande turbulência, período que, os militares, sob a justificativa do combate a uma guerra interna, criaram um grande aparato repressivo que abrangeu todos os setores da sociedade. A prática de censura nos produtos culturais, tais como, peças de teatro, músicas, cinemas e novelas foram constantes, com a intenção de vetar conteúdos subversivos à moral e aos bons costumes de uma sociedade conservadora, principalmente a partir do Ato Institucional nº 5, em 1968.Um dos artistas que ascendeu neste período e que foi duramente perseguido pelos militares, Chico Buarque de Holanda, teve diversas de suas composições vetadas pelos censores, sob justificativas variadas, o que demonstra a não existência de uma metodologia unânime entre os censores.Palavras chave: Chico Buarque; censura; ditadura civil-militar. Abstract: The civil military dictatorship estabilished in March of 1964 in Brazil, was marked by a great turbulence, a time that, the military, with a justification of a internal war and combat, they created a great repressive device that covered all the sectors of the society.The censorship’s practice in the cultural products, such as theatrical performances, musics, movies and novels were constant, with the intention to interpose subversives contents to the moral and the good behavior of an conservative society, specially after the institucional act nº 5 in 1968. One of the artists who ascended in this period and was severely persecuted by the military, Chico Buarque de Holanda, had a lot of his compositions vetoed by the censors, under various justifications, wich demonstrates the non-existence of unanimity among the censors. Keywords: Chico Buarque; censorship; civil-military dictatorship.Recebido em: 04/07/2016  – Aceito em 07/08/2016

  15. The Migrant Smuggling Crime in Romania


    Nicoleta-Elena Buzatu


    The study below is meant to focus on the migrant smuggling crime in Romania, especially analysis of the migrant smuggling infraction provided in the Romanian Criminal Code. Being a component of the human trafficking activity, the illegal migration is a phenomenon that is continuously extending and harder to stop due to the involvement of the organized crime networks and also due the ingenuousness and maliciousness of the people and the criminals. Therewith, the migrant smuggling is highly con...

  16. La sociedad de ensueño del turismo

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    Ruth Arroyo


    Full Text Available Este artículo proclama el nacimiento de una nueva sociedad denominada la sociedad deensueño. Se presenta como un tema fascinante sobre la demanda futura de bienes y servicios, que predice que la sociedad actual, basada en la información, se convertirá en una sociedad que valora las historias detrás de los productos y servicios. Estas historias se construyen a partir de la necesidad de riqueza emocional, que la riqueza material ha convertido en algo común. La demanda de productos, a su vez aumentará la demanda de contadores de historias imaginativas que artísticamente pueden dirigir las emociones de los consumidores de una diversificada cultura global, donde imaginar, crear, divertir y fascinar puede resultar un duro trabajo para nuestros conceptos actuales. El resultado de la sociedad de ensueño es que los consumidores no compran productos sino estilos de vida e “historias”, experiencias, emociones y elementos que transmiten un sentido o un significado. En el artículo se menciona cómo los negocios de la industria turística se están transformando, y también se habla de los cambios en otros ámbitos de la sociedad como: el lugar de trabajo, la casa, las relaciones entre las personas y las naciones. Este tema es recomendado para el sector académico y empresarial.

  17. La sociedad de ensueño del turismo

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    Ruth Arroyo


    Full Text Available Este artículo proclama el nacimiento de una nueva sociedad denominada la sociedad de ensueño. Se presenta como un tema fascinante sobre la demanda futura de bienes y servicios, que predice que la sociedad actual, basada en la información, se convertirá en una sociedad que valora las historias detrás de los productos y servicios. Estas historias se construyen a partir de la necesidad de riqueza emocional, que la riqueza material ha convertido en algo común. La demanda de productos, a su vez aumentará la demanda de contadores de historias imaginativas que artísticamente pueden dirigir las emociones de los consumidores de una diversificada cultura global, donde imaginar, crear, divertir y fascinar puede resultar un duro trabajo para nuestros conceptos actuales. El resultado de la sociedad de ensueño es que los consumidores no compran productos sino estilos de vida e “historias”, experiencias, emociones y elementos que transmiten un sentido o un significado. En el artículo se menciona cómo los negocios de la industria turística se están transformando, y también se habla de los cambios en otros ámbitos de la sociedad como: el lugar de trabajo, la casa, las relaciones entre las personas y las naciones. Este tema es recomendado para el sector académico y empresarial.

  18. UNIPERSONALIDAD Y SOCIEDAD CON UN SOLO SOCIO; ALCANCES DE SU RECONOCIMIENTO EN LA ESTRUCTURA DOGMÁTICA DEL DERECHO CHILENO Unipersonality And Company With Only One Partner; Some Scope Of His Insertion In De Dogmatic Structure Of Chilean Law

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    Eduardo Jequier Lehuedé


    Full Text Available La presente investigación surge a partir del definitivo reconocimiento en Chile delfenómeno de la unipersonalidad y, recientemente, de la Sociedad por Acciones -SpA- con un solo socio en su vertiente originaria. Apunta en concreto a explorar el real impacto de la figura unipersonal en la estructura dogmática del derecho chileno y del derecho de sociedades en particular, construida a partir del concepto de sociedad contemplado en el artículo 2053 del Código Civil. Se analiza el origen de la unipersonalidad en el derecho comparado y sus concretas manifestaciones en el derecho chileno vigente, incluida la Empresa Individual de Responsabilidad Limitada -EIRL-, explicando en definitiva la incardinación y los efectos que genera la nueva figura de la sociedad de un solo socio en un sistema positivo inspirado, originariamente al menos, en la noción contractualista de la sociedad en general y en la concepción corporativa tradicional de la sociedad de capital en particular.The present investigation arises from the definitive recognition in Chile of the one man company phenomenon and, recently, of the Stock Company -SpA- with only one partner, in its original aspect. Its objective specifically points out to explore the real impact of this figure in the dogmatic structure of the Chilean law and specially of the company law, built from the concept of a company considered in the article 2053 of the Civil Code. What is being analyzed here is the one man company figure in compared law and its concrete declarations in the current Chilean law, including the Individual Limited Liability Corporation, explaining ultimately the incardination and the possible effects that can arise the one man company figure in a positive system, inspired originally at least, in the contractual sense of the company in general and the traditional corporative conception of the capital company particularly.

  19. Smuggling of migrants in Kosovo

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    MSc. Albulena Hajdari


    Full Text Available Smuggling of migrants, as a serious type of criminality, takes an important place in legal science and criminal legislation. This is due to the fact that actions creating the image of these criminal offences also cause numerous individual, family and societal consequences. Smuggling migrants, with all its consequences, attracts the attention not only of the state authorities, but also the wider public, and numerous researchers and scholars. Nevertheless, despite this fact, this phenomenon has not been studied thoroughly. There is a dire lack of such research in recent years, specifically because of the presence of such crimes in a relatively higher number. This circumstance, specifically the fact that in Kosovo, smuggling migrants is a frequent occurrence, made me engage in studying this type of criminality. The aim of this paper is to research on criminal offences of migrant smuggling in Kosovo, and especially their causes. The causes of these criminal offences may be of numerous natures, but the main causes may be sought in social and economic circumstances, and other conditions related to the unstable political setting, weaknesses in operations of justice authorities, lack of implementation of criminal legislation, etc. In researching the criminal offences of smuggling migrants, I have used the method of historical materialism, legal-dogmatic method, statistical method, complaint method and interviews, and the method of studying individual cases. In the case of addressing criminal offences of smuggling migrants, I have concluded that these offences represent a serious type of crime, thereby resulting in dire individual, family and societal consequences. They are found in all modern societies, including Kosovo.

  20. Smoking and heavy drinking patterns in rural, urban and rural-to-urban migrants: the PERU MIGRANT Study. (United States)

    Taype-Rondan, Alvaro; Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio; Alvarado, Germán F; Gilman, Robert H; Smeeth, Liam; Miranda, J Jaime


    Previous studies have found mixed results about cigarette and alcohol consumption patterns among rural-to-urban migrants. Moreover, there are limited longitudinal data about consumption patterns in this population. As such, this study aimed to compare the smoking and heavy drinking prevalence among rural, urban, and rural-to-urban migrants in Peru, as well as the smoking and heavy drinking incidence in a 5-year follow-up. We analyzed the PERU MIGRANT Study data from rural, urban, and rural-to-urban migrant populations in Peru. The baseline study was carried out in 2006-2007 and follow-up was performed five years later. For the baseline data analysis, the prevalence of lifetime smoking, current smokers, and heavy drinking was compared by population group using prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). For the longitudinal analysis, the incidence of smoking and heavy drinking was compared by population group with risk ratios (RR) and 95% CI. Poisson regression with robust variance was used to calculate both PRs and RRs. We analyzed data from 988 participants: 200 rural dwellers, 589 migrants, and 199 urban dwellers. Compared with migrants, lifetime smoking prevalence was higher in the urban group (PR = 2.29, 95% CI = 1.64-3.20), but lower in the rural group (PR = 0.55, 95% CI = 0.31-0.99). Compared with migrants, the urban group had a higher current smoking prevalence (PR = 2.29, 95% CI = 1.26-4.16), and a higher smoking incidence (RR = 2.75, 95% CI = 1.03-7.34). Current smoking prevalence and smoking incidence showed no significant difference between rural and migrant groups. The prevalence and incidence of heavy drinking was similar across the three population groups. Our results show a trend in lifetime smoking prevalence (urban > migrant > rural), while smoking incidence was similar between migrant and rural groups, but higher in the urban group. In addition, our results suggest that different

  1. Smoking and heavy drinking patterns in rural, urban and rural-to-urban migrants: the PERU MIGRANT Study

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    Alvaro Taype-Rondan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Previous studies have found mixed results about cigarette and alcohol consumption patterns among rural-to-urban migrants. Moreover, there are limited longitudinal data about consumption patterns in this population. As such, this study aimed to compare the smoking and heavy drinking prevalence among rural, urban, and rural-to-urban migrants in Peru, as well as the smoking and heavy drinking incidence in a 5-year follow-up. Methods We analyzed the PERU MIGRANT Study data from rural, urban, and rural-to-urban migrant populations in Peru. The baseline study was carried out in 2006–2007 and follow-up was performed five years later. For the baseline data analysis, the prevalence of lifetime smoking, current smokers, and heavy drinking was compared by population group using prevalence ratios (PR and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI. For the longitudinal analysis, the incidence of smoking and heavy drinking was compared by population group with risk ratios (RR and 95% CI. Poisson regression with robust variance was used to calculate both PRs and RRs. Results We analyzed data from 988 participants: 200 rural dwellers, 589 migrants, and 199 urban dwellers. Compared with migrants, lifetime smoking prevalence was higher in the urban group (PR = 2.29, 95% CI = 1.64–3.20, but lower in the rural group (PR = 0.55, 95% CI = 0.31–0.99. Compared with migrants, the urban group had a higher current smoking prevalence (PR = 2.29, 95% CI = 1.26–4.16, and a higher smoking incidence (RR = 2.75, 95% CI = 1.03–7.34. Current smoking prevalence and smoking incidence showed no significant difference between rural and migrant groups. The prevalence and incidence of heavy drinking was similar across the three population groups. Conclusions Our results show a trend in lifetime smoking prevalence (urban > migrant > rural, while smoking incidence was similar between migrant and rural groups, but higher in the

  2. Utilization of health care services by migrants in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graetz, V.; Rechel, B.; Groot, W.


    : Compared with previous systematic reviews, the results indicate a clearer picture of the differences in health service utilization between migrants and non-migrants in Europe. Areas timely for developing research: A comprehensive comparison across European countries is impossible because the number......Introduction: Our study reviewed the empirical evidence on the utilization of health care services by migrants in Europe, and on differences in health service utilization between migrants and non-migrants across European countries. Sources of data: A systematic literature review was performed......, searching the databases Medline, Cinahl and Embase and covering the period from January 2009 to April 2016. The final number of articles included was 39. Areas of agreement: Utilization of accident and emergency services and hospitalizations were higher among migrants compared with non-migrants in most...

  3. Universal health coverage in 'One ASEAN': are migrants included? (United States)

    Guinto, Ramon Lorenzo Luis R; Curran, Ufara Zuwasti; Suphanchaimat, Rapeepong; Pocock, Nicola S


    As the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) gears toward full regional integration by 2015, the cross-border mobility of workers and citizens at large is expected to further intensify in the coming years. While ASEAN member countries have already signed the Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers, the health rights of migrants still need to be addressed, especially with ongoing universal health coverage (UHC) reforms in most ASEAN countries. This paper seeks to examine the inclusion of migrants in the UHC systems of five ASEAN countries which exhibit diverse migration profiles and are currently undergoing varying stages of UHC development. A scoping review of current migration trends and policies as well as ongoing UHC developments and migrant inclusion in UHC in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand was conducted. In general, all five countries, whether receiving or sending, have schemes that cover migrants to varying extents. Thailand even allows undocumented migrants to opt into its Compulsory Migrant Health Insurance scheme, while Malaysia and Singapore are still yet to consider including migrants in their government-run UHC systems. In terms of predominantly sending countries, the Philippines's social health insurance provides outbound migrants with portable insurance yet with limited benefits, while Indonesia still needs to strengthen the implementation of its compulsory migrant insurance which has a health insurance component. Overall, the five ASEAN countries continue to face implementation challenges, and will need to improve on their UHC design in order to ensure genuine inclusion of migrants, including undocumented migrants. However, such reforms will require strong political decisions from agencies outside the health sector that govern migration and labor policies. Furthermore, countries must engage in multilateral and bilateral dialogue as they redefine UHC beyond the basis of

  4. Sociedad y medio ambiente. Ciudadanos y científicos ante la reforma medioambiental de la sociedad


    Oltra Algado, Cristian


    El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar el papel de los ciudadanos y los científicos en la reforma medioambiental de la sociedad, a partir del estudio de los valores y actitudes que estos dos actores sociales poseen ante la solución de los problemas medioambientales. El argumento esencial que se desarrolla en la investigación es que los factores culturales juegan un papel esencial en el proceso por el que las sociedades avanzadas hacen frente a los problemas medioambientales e in...

  5. Migrantes y refugiados: reflexiones conceptuales (Migrants and refugees: conceptual reflections

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    Espinar Ruiz, Eva


    Full Text Available Resumen: Al margen de las definiciones legales existentes, cada vez resulta más difícil mantener una clara distinción entre refugiados (políticos y migrantes (económicos. En concreto, las restrictivas políticas migratorias, de refugio y asilo están estrechamente relacionadas con lo que los expertos llaman the asylum-migration nexus. Así, la creación de múltiples categorías administrativas de personas protegidas, la presencia de refugiados no reconocidos como tales, la incorporación de refugiados en las redes ilegales de inmigración o la solicitud del status de refugiado por parte de población migrante colaboran en la confusión de realidades. Igualmente, los cambios sociales experimentados en las últimas décadas suponen un reto para las definiciones legales derivadas de la Convención de Ginebra de 1951 y que, desde diferentes sectores, vienen calificándose como excesivamente limitadas.Abstract: Apart from the existing legal definitions, the simple distinction between (politic refugees and (economic migrants is getting more difficult to maintain. Restrictive refugee and migration legislations are strong related with what different experts have called the asylum-migration nexus. The creation of multiple administrative categories of protected people; non recognized refugees; the incorporation of refugees to illegal networks of migration; economic migrants trying to enter a country through refugee status; etc. collaborate to the confusion of the realities. Recent social changes are also a challenge to legal definitions derived from the 1951 Geneva Convention, which are described as excessively restrictive by different actors.

  6. Sexual Violence against Migrant Women: a Study of the Prevalence of and Responses to the Rape of Migrant Women in South Africa

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    Catherine BOYD


    Full Text Available This article investigates the prevalence of and responses to the rape of migrant women in South Africa through the analysis of legislation, secondary sources and interviews conducted by the author with migrant women raped in South Africa. The article considers the legal protections afforded to migrant women in South Africa and the extent to which these safeguard migrant women from rape. The article also assesses whether these legal protections are implemented in practise. It additionally suggests how migrant women could be better protected from rape in South Africa.

  7. Strengthening health system to improve immunization for migrants in China. (United States)

    Fang, Hai; Yang, Li; Zhang, Huyang; Li, Chenyang; Wen, Liankui; Sun, Li; Hanson, Kara; Meng, Qingyue


    Immunization is the most cost-effective method to prevent and control vaccine-preventable diseases. Migrant population in China has been rising rapidly, and their immunization status is poor. China has tried various strategies to strengthen its health system, which has significantly improved immunization for migrants. This study applied a qualitative retrospective review method aiming to collect, analyze and synthesize health system strengthening experiences and practices about improving immunizations for migrants in China. A conceptual framework of Theory of Change was used to extract the searched literatures. 11 searched literatures and 4 national laws and policies related to immunizations for migrant children were carefully studied. China mainly employed 3 health system strengthening strategies to significantly improve immunization for migrant population: stop charging immunization fees or immunization insurance, manage immunization certificates well, and pay extra attentions on immunization for special children including migrant children. These health system strengthening strategies were very effective, and searched literatures show that up-to-date and age-appropriate immunization rates were significantly improved for migrant children. Economic development led to higher migrant population in China, but immunization for migrants, particularly migrant children, were poor. Fortunately various health system strengthening strategies were employed to improve immunization for migrants in China and they were rather successful. The experiences and lessons of immunization for migrant population in China might be helpful for other developing countries with a large number of migrant population.

  8. As contribuições de Gramsci à análise da política na sociedade contemporânea

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    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a contribuição da teoria política elaborada pelo marxista italiano Antonio Gramsci para a interpretação do poder na sociedade contemporânea. Segundo Gramsci, o processo de formação do Estado contemporâneo ocorreu durante a passagem do século 19 para o 20 e decorre de uma “ampliação” das funções do poder público, que assumiu, mais precisamente, a forma de uma expansão dos direitos políticos e sociais no interior da ordem capitalista. Tendo em vista compreender os aspectos fundamentais do pensamento gramsciano, o artigo propõe, como metodologia, uma análise comparativa, que parte de um exame da teoria política de Marx e do Estado liberal do século 19 para, numa perspectiva histórica, aproximar-se das ideias do comunista italiano a cerca da sociedade contemporânea: enquanto Karl Marx (1818-1883 formulou seu pensamento político tendo em vista o Estado liberal saído das revoluções burguesas e suas políticas de fortalecimento do mercado, a obra de Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937 é uma resposta marxista à crise do Estado liberal e à emergência do Estado intervencionista e de massa do século 20. Ao desvelar as novas feições da relação entre Estado e sociedade civil na sociedade contemporânea, Gramsci retoma as teses de Marx ao afirmar o caráter de classe do Estado contemporâneo, demonstrando como que a ampliação das funções do Estado desempenhou um papel fundamental na reprodução das relações capitalistas de produção.

  9. Recruiting migrants for health research through social network sites: an online survey among chinese migrants in australia. (United States)

    Hu, Jie; Wong, Kam Cheong; Wang, Zhiqiang


    Traditionally, postal surveys or face to face interviews are the main approaches for health researchers to obtain essential research data. However, with the prevalence of information technology and Internet, Web-based surveys are gaining popularity in health research. This study aims to report the process and outcomes of recruiting Chinese migrants through social network sites in Australia and to examine the sample characteristics of online recruitment by comparing the sample which was recruited by an online survey to a sample of Australian Chinese migrants collected by a postal survey. Descriptive analyses were performed to describe and compare the process and outcomes of online recruitment with postal survey questionnaires. Chi square tests and t tests were performed to assess the differences between the two samples for categorical and continuous variables respectively. In total, 473 Chinese migrants completed the online health survey from July to October 2013. Out of 426 participants recruited through the three Chinese social network sites in Australia, over 86.6% (369/426) were recruited within six weeks. Participants of the Web-based survey were younger, with a higher education level or had resided in Australia for less time compared to those recruited via a postal survey. However, there was no significant difference in gender, marital status, and professional occupation. The recruitment of Chinese migrants through social network sites in our online survey was feasible. Compared to a postal survey of Chinese migrants, the online survey attracted different group of Chinese migrants who may have diverse health needs and concerns. Our findings provided insightful information for researchers who are considering employing a Web-based approach to recruit migrants and ethnic minority participants.

  10. Сoping with stress in migrant workers

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    Granskaya J.V.


    Full Text Available Migration is an objective process in Russia as worldwide. It has always existed and played an important role in human history. The problem of migrant workers is acute in Russia, because it borders on 18 countries. The collapse of the USSR severely damaged the economy of many former socialist republics. Consequently, people who cannot find employment in their country are forced to migrate to Russia to earn money. Most migrant workers face social, economic and psychological problems. Often, lack of social skills adds more problems to their everyday life difficulties. These things cause stress reactions and slow down their adaptation process. On the other hand, one of the most difficult things for migrants is negative attitudes they encounter as newcomers. People around often associate migrants with illegal work, crime and terrorism. On a regular basis, media report about crimes committed by migrants.

  11. Migrant Workers in Agriculture: A View from Thailand. (United States)

    Thetkathuek, Anamai; Daniell, William


    There has been a dramatic increase in the global movement of workers during the last few decades. As Thailand has developed rapidly over the past 20 years, it has attracted laborers (both authorized and unauthorized) from the neighboring countries of Myanmar, People's Democratic Republic of Lao (Lao PDR), and Cambodia. Given that agriculture has been Thailand's most important industry, its continued growth has been dependent on migrant workers. Both crop agriculture and animal-production agriculture have employed migrant labor. Migrants have been hired to plant, weed, fertilize, spray pesticides, and harvest crops such as rice, corn, sugar cane, and cassava. They have worked at rubber and coffee plantations, as well as in the production of ornamental crops. Also, migrants have labored on pig, beef, and duck farms. There have been numerous documented health problems among migrant workers, including acute diarrhea, malaria, and fever of unknown causes. Occupational illness and injury have been a significant concern, and there has been limited health and safety training. This article reviewed the demographic changes in Thailand, studied the agricultural crops and animal production that are dependent on migrant labor, discussed the health status and safety challenges pertaining to migrant workers in agriculture, and described several recommendations. Among the recommendations, the conclusions of this study have suggested that addressing the cost for health care and solutions to health care access for migrant labor are needed.

  12. Evolución legislativa de las sociedades laborales


    Toribio Cara, Miguel


    Mediante este resumen o trabajo he pretendido realizar un estudio más o menos completo sobre las sociedades laborales en nuestro país. Previo a ello decir que las Sociedades Laborales constituyen una figura del Derecho de Sociedades español que cumple con su regulación en la propia Constitución Española en su artículo 129.2 que otorga a los poderes públicos para promover la participación en la empresa de los trabajadores y su acceso a la propiedad de los medios de producción. ...

  13. Migrant crisis” / “Refugee crisis”

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    New Keywords Collective


    Full Text Available The article highlights the fundamentally misleading and unstable nature of the distinctions between the terms ”refugees”, “asylum-seekers”, and “migrants”, all of whom experience the precariousness produced by the EU’s exclusionary politics on asylum – due to juridical instability and geographical hyper-mobility of migrants subjects. The “hotspot” system, first launched in May 2015, represents the restructuring of mechanisms of capture and identification in response to the migration “turmoil” at the external frontiers of Europe. On the other hand, transit zones such as the Eidomeni camp at the Greek-Macedonian border or the makeshift self-organized refugee / migrant camp at Calais operate informally as de facto “hotspots.” What is commonly called “the migrant crisis” or “the refugee crisis” actually reflects the frantic attempt by the EU and European nation-states to control, contain, and govern people’s (“unauthorized” transnational and inter-continental movements. Naming it a “refugee/migrant crisis” appears to be a device for the authorization of exceptional or “emergency” governmental measures – and then their normalization. The very terms “migrant crisis” and “refugee crisis” tend to personalize “crisis” and relocate “crisis” in the body and person of the figurative migrant / refugee, as if s/he is the carrier of a disease called “crisis,” and thus carries the contagion of “crisis” wherever she may go. The article calls for attention to the new spaces of “transit” opened up by the migrants and refugees themselves, and consequently the ways in which these “irregular” human mobilities have scrambled and re-shuffled the social and political geography of “Europe.”

  14. Injury Patterns Among Illegal Migrants from Africa in Israel. (United States)

    Perlman, Amotz; Radomislensky, Irina; Peleg, Kobi


    In recent years Israel has become a destination for many migrants from Africa that illegally cross the Egyptian-Israeli border. The objective of this paper is to describe the epidemiological characteristics of injuries among illegal migrants in Israel. The study was carried out retrospectively using data from 19 trauma centers that participated in the Israel National Trauma Registry between 1 January 2006 and 31 December 2011. Illegal migrants from Africa were compared to the local population. Migrants were injured more often than the local population from intentional injuries (57.11 %). Migrants were also less likely than the local population (58.38 %) to sustain a minor injury (i.e., injury severity ≤8). The study also shows the hospitalization cost as a result of injuries among migrants from Africa. Preventive measures among illegal migrants from Africa should prioritize intentional injuries and industrial site injuries.

  15. Sumario de Reglamentos Revisados de Titulo I - Educacion Migrante (Summary of Revised Title I - Migrant Regulations). (United States)

    Gonzalez, Ramon

    Extracted from the April 3, 1980 Federal Register, revisions of the Migrant Education regulations are synthesized in this Spanish-English booklet. Revised regulations address program planning and evaluation; needs assessment; identification and recruitment of migrant children; and special discretionary projects for the coordination of migrant…

  16. Migrant Women’s Work: Intermeshing Structure and Agency

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    Mojca Pajnik


    Full Text Available In this article we address the question of migrant women's experiences in accessing the labour market in Slovenia and examine how welfare policies, or the lack thereof, affect migrant workers' lives. By focusing the study on migrant women and their position in the labour market, we problematise these women's perpetual de-skilling and socio-economic exclusion. Drawing on migrant women’s narratives we also point to their activity in counteracting experiences of discrimination and downward social mobility.


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    Andreza Barreto Leitão


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho, busca-se trazer à luz as relações entre Estado, Sociedade Civil e garantias de liberdade tendo em vista a evolução do pensamento político a esse respeito. Para tanto, tomou-se como parâmetro a passagem do estado de natureza ao estado civil segundo as concepções de Thomas Hobbes e de Immanuel Kant, levando-se em consideração as influências e os respectivos contextos históricos em que os arcabouços teóricos de cada autor foram erigidos. O primeiro deles veria tal passagem como fruto de um cálculo interessado, o segundo, como resultado de um dever-ser.

  18. Antimicrobial resistance among migrants in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nellums, Laura B; Thompson, Hayley; Holmes, Alison


    in migrants in hospitals (24·3%, 16·1-32·6; I2 =98%). We did not find evidence of high rates of transmission of AMR from migrant to host populations. INTERPRETATION: Migrants are exposed to conditions favouring the emergence of drug resistance during transit and in host countries in Europe. Increased......, during, and after migration. FUNDING: UK National Institute for Health Research Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, Imperial College Healthcare Charity, the Wellcome Trust, and UK National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare-associated Infections and Antimictobial...

  19. Migrants volontaires et migrants citoyens : les recompositions des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    initiative d'anciens migrants établis dans le champ associatif local. .... à contrôler ces projets, pour lesquels la question des moyens humains demeure ..... un ferment de l'idée nationale ; ils participent aussi au jeu politique factionnel.

  20. A identidade de policiais civis e sucessivos espelhamentos The identity of civil police officers and successive mirroring studies

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    Edinilsa Ramos de Souza


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se analisar as percepções de policiais civis sobre a sua identidade profissional e a instituição na qual atuam, bem como a sua opinião acerca da imagem que a sociedade tem sobre a sua atuação. Os dados provêm de uma pesquisa sobre condições de trabalho e saúde dos policiais civis da Baixada Fluminense, com questionário, entrevistas e grupos focais, envolvendo gestores, delegados e policiais das 18 delegacias da área, mais uma especializada. Neste estudo, calcularam-se as frequências relativas e médias das respostas sobre condições de trabalho, satisfação e melhoria da qualidade de vida após ingressar na instituição. Selecionaram-se questões qualitativas acerca da opinião dos profissionais sobre como a sociedade percebe a polícia civil e o que é ser policial na Baixada Fluminense, efetuando-se a análise segundo o método de interpretação de sentidos. Os resultados apontam para uma imagem negativa que os policiais julgam que a sociedade tem sobre eles, o que implica e reforça uma desvalorização da profissão. Eles recusam essa identificação negativa e procuram diferenciar o ser policial civil do ser policial militar. Não se observam especificidades quanto a ser policial na Baixada Fluminense. Conclui-se que são necessárias ações que melhorem as condições de trabalho, o diálogo com as comunidades e que promovam ações de saúde.The scope of this paper was to analyze the perceptions of civil police officers regarding their professional identity, the institution they belong to and their opinion concerning the image society has of their performance. The data are derived from a survey focused on their work and health conditions, using a questionnaire, interviews and focus groups including managers, sheriffs and officers. The relative frequency and average return for answers about working conditions, professional fulfillment and life quality improvement after joining the institution were then

  1. Competition for Migrants in a Federation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Köthenbürger, Marko

    The paper provides an equilibrium analysis of how countries compete for migrants. The type of competition (tax or transfer competition) depends on whether the competing countries have similar policy preferences. With symmetric preferences, countries compete in taxes for migrants. With asymmetric...

  2. Social Support and HIV Risks Among Migrant and Non-Migrant Market Workers in Almaty, Kazakhstan. (United States)

    Mergenova, Gaukhar; Shaw, Stacey A; Terlikbayeva, Assel; Gilbert, Louisa; Gensburg, Lenore; Primbetova, Sholpan; El-Bassel, Nabila


    Migration processes are listed within the primary factors facilitating the heterosexual spread of HIV. The study examines the relationship between social support, sexual HIV risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among 1342 male migrant and non-migrant market workers from Barakholka Market in Almaty, Kazakhstan. (1) higher level of perceived social support [Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease (ENRICHD) Social Support Instrument (ESSI score)] was associated with a lower likelihood of having sex with a female sex worker (FSW) [OR = 0.952 (0.927, 0.978) p social support factors should be considered as a component of HIV and STI prevention programs for male migrant workers from Central Asia in Kazakhstan.

  3. Employers mexican migrants in the United States

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    Eduardo Fernández Guzmán


    Full Text Available You might think that by definition the migrant labor plays in less profitable niches and meager social mobility. However, a large group of migrants in different economically developed countries have successfully launched businesses of diverse nature and volume. This is why entrepreneurship of migrants is an issue that has received increasing attention in recent years. Compared to other immigrant groups in the United States, Mexicans show low levels of entrepreneurial activity. The aim of this paper is to, through a general literature review of official statistical data, a preliminary analysis of mexican migrant entrepreneurship in the United States, that is to say in recent years has been growing in importance.

  4. Development of the Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire (MFMCQ) for migrants to Western societies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gagnon, Anita J; DeBruyn, Rebecca; Essén, Birgitta


    was undertaken to identify priority themes and questions as well as to clarify wording and format. Third, the draft questionnaire was translated from English to French and Spanish and back-translated and subsequently culturally validated (assessed for cultural appropriateness) by migrant women. Fourth...... Initiative; adaptations of these recommendations specific to maternity care have yet to be elucidated and validated. We aimed to develop a questionnaire measuring migrant-friendly maternity care (MFMC) which could be used in a range of maternity care settings and countries. METHODS: This study was conducted......, and perceptions of care, has been created--the Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire (MFMCQ)--in three languages (English, French and Spanish). It is completed in 45 minutes via interview administration several months post-birth. CONCLUSIONS: A 4-stage process of questionnaire development...

  5. de la sociedad de la ubicuidad

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    Jose Octavio Islas-Carmona


    Full Text Available En el imaginario de la sociedad de la ubicuidad, en el cual las comunicaciones digitales inciden de forma categórica en el desarrollo y la evolución de los nuevos ambientes comunicativos, las figuras de "emisor" y "receptor", así como los modelos que ayer permitían explicar el proceso comunicativo, hoy exhiben evidentes limitaciones en sus capacidades explicativas. La realidad los ha desbordado. En el desarrollo histórico de los medios de comunicación es posible advertir cómo éstos resienten determinadas remediaciones. Desde la perspectiva de la ecología de medios, Internet -el medio de comunicación inteligente-, admite ser comprendido como lógica extensión del telégrafo. El telégrafo representó la primera exteriorización de nuestro sistema nervioso. El desarrollo de las comunicaciones digitales móviles nos desplaza hacia un nuevo ambiente mediático: la "sociedad de la ubicuidad". De acuerdo con Neil Postman, detrás de toda tecnología subyace una filosofía, y los principios comunicativos de la "sociedad de la ubicuidad": comunicación para todos, en cualquier momento, en cualquier lugar, desplazan consigo la necesidad de producir los dispositivos de comunicaciones digitales móviles idóneos para responder a las exigencias del ambiente comunicativo que supone dicha sociedad. El desarrollo de la web 2.0 admite ser considerado como un auténtico parteaguas histórico en la evolución de Internet; éste impuso importantes cambios tanto en el comportamiento como en los hábitos de consumo cultural de los cibernautas. El cibernauta accedió a la condición de prosumidor. Debemos reconocer a los prosumidores como los actores comunicativos de la sociedad de la ubicuidad. El papel de los prosumidores resultará definitivo en las siguientes remediaciones que experimentará Internet, medio que definitivamente admite ser comprendido como lógica extensión de la inteligencia humana.

  6. La Sociedad de la Información y los telecentros comunitarios como herramientas para el desarrollo: un estudio de su aplicación en Quito, Ecuador


    Mora Vera, Daniela


    En esta tesis indagaremos, como objetivo general, la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cuáles son las limitaciones a las que se enfrenta la promoción de telecentros como herramientas de desarrollo? Para tal efecto se realizaron entrevistas a responsables de proyectos y programas asociados al tema de las TIC’s para el desarrollo y los telecentros en Ecuador, y particularmente en Quito, en instancias estatales, privadas, y de la sociedad civil. Los objetivos específicos...

  7. Sundhedsloven og sundhedsydelser hos udokumenterede migranter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aabenhus, Rune Munck; Hallas, Peter


    Health-care workers may experience uncertainty regarding legal matters when attending to medical needs of undocumented migrants. This paper applies a pragmatic focus when addressing the legal aspects involved in providing health-care services to undocumented migrants with examples from the Danish...

  8. PHAMIT: A program on hiv/aids prevention among migrant workers

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    Thongphit Pinyosinwat


    Full Text Available Prevention of HIV/AIDS Among Migrant Workers in Thailand – or “PHAMIT,” which in Thai means “friendly skies”.  The program led by the Raks Thai Foundation with seven NGO partners and one government agency focuses on HIV prevention and health services for migrant workers from Burma and Cambodia in the fisheries, seafood and related industries.  The program demonstrates the complexity of working with undocumented migrant workers and the need to address barriers to the access to health services, migrant rights and policy. The trained migrant health assistants play a significant role in implementation of the program at migrant communities and their workplaces.  Migrant health volunteers distribute information, education and communication materials, as well as condoms.  To increase migrant access to health and reproductive health care, all participating partners support the Department of Health Service Supports in organizing migrant-friendly health services at government health facilities.  These activities include sexual transmitted disease diagnosis and treatment, and voluntary HIV counseling and testing.  The services are based on the rights of migrant workers to basic services and migrants becoming aware of their rights and responsibilities. Over a five year period beginning in October 2003, the program has reached 442,000 migrants and more than 20,800 entertainment workers with information about HIV and reproductive health. A total of 6,878,500 condoms has been distributed.  In addition, over 155,080 migrant workers received information on health and labor rights, including regular updates about migrant registration policy. At the same time, through PHAMIT activities, over 13,330 government officials, employers and journalists attended sensitization workshops on issues of migrants’ rights and policies.Le programme PHAMIT (Prevention of HIV/AIDS Among Migrant Workers in Thailand, qui signifie « cieux amicaux » en thaï, est

  9. Stillbirth and congenital anomalies in migrants in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Anne-Marie Nybo; Gundlund, Anna; Villadsen, Sarah Fredsted


    The risk of giving birth to a stillborn child or a child with severe congenital anomaly is higher for women who have immigrated to Europe as compared to the majority population in the receiving country. The literature, however, reveals great differences between migrant groups, even within migrants...... disparity is a result of the socioeconomic disadvantage most migrants face. Consanguinity has been considered as another cause for the increased stillbirth risk and the high risk of congenital anomaly observed in many migrant groups. Utilization and quality of care during pregnancy and childbirth...

  10. Migrant Rights in Fujian Province (China) | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Migrant Rights in Fujian Province (China). China has the largest internal migrant population in the world, and women account for nearly half of it. Fujian province has been a traditional source of large numbers of Chinese migrants to Southeast Asia and the United States. Now, with the burgeoning economies of southeast ...

  11. An Enrichment Program for Migrant Students: MENTE/UOP. (United States)

    Gilbert, Michael B.

    The report describes the objectives and accomplishments of a summer enrichment program, Migrantes Envueltos en Nuevos Temas de Educacion/Migrants Engaged in New Themes in Education (MENTE), for promising and talented migrant high schoolers. The program is a cooperative one with a university. Students selected by a review committee are tested for…

  12. Colorectal cancer stage at diagnosis in migrants versus non-migrants (KoMigra): study protocol of a cross-sectional study in Germany

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dahlhaus, Anne; Gerlach, Ferdinand M; Blettner, Maria; Siebenhofer, Andrea; Guethlin, Corina; Schall, Arthur; Taubenroth, Maja; Ewijk, Reyn van; Zeeb, Hajo; Albay, Zeycan; Schulz-Rothe, Sylvia; Beyer, Martin


    In Germany, about 20% of the total population have a migration background. Differences exist between migrants and non-migrants in terms of health care access and utilisation. Colorectal cancer is the second most common malignant tumour in Germany, and incidence, staging and survival chances depend, amongst other things, on ethnicity and lifestyle. The current study investigates whether stage at diagnosis differs between migrants and non-migrants with colorectal cancer in an area of high migration and attempts to identify factors that can explain any differences. Data on tumour and migration status will be collected for 1,200 consecutive patients that have received a new, histologically verified diagnosis of colorectal cancer in a high migration area in Germany in the previous three months. The recruitment process is expected to take 16 months and will include gastroenterological private practices and certified centres for intestinal diseases. Descriptive and analytical analysis will be performed: the distribution of variables for migrants versus non-migrants and participants versus non-participants will be analysed using appropriate χ2-, t-, F- or Wilcoxon tests. Multivariable, logistic regression models will be performed, with the dependent variable being the dichotomized stage of the tumour (UICC stage I versus more advanced than UICC stage I). Odds ratios and associated 95%-confidence intervals will be calculated. Furthermore, ordered logistic regression models will be estimated, with the exact stage of the tumour at diagnosis as the dependent variable. Predictors used in the ordered logistic regression will be patient characteristics that are specific to migrants as well as patient characteristics that are not. Interaction models will be estimated in order to investigate whether the effects of patient characteristics on stage of tumour at the time of the initial diagnosis is different in migrants, compared to non-migrants. An association of migration status or

  13. California Migrant Student Movement Study--Region 3 Analysis. (United States)

    Davis, Benjamin G.

    The five counties of Madera, Merced, Contra Costa, San Joaquin and Stanislaus constitute Region 3 of the California Migrant Education Program. A study to evaluate movement patterns of migrant students from, to and within the state was conducted using data from the Migrant Student Record Transfer System. It indicates that in 1977 Region 3 ranked…

  14. Nicaraguan Migrants in Costa Rica

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    Marquette, Catherine M.


    Full Text Available This document is the executive summary of a detailed document entitled, Nicaraguan Migrants and Poverty in Costa Rica, which was prepared for the World Bank in 2006. The more detailed background paper from which this summary is derived was commissioned as a background paper in preparation for an upcoming poverty mission by the World Bank to Costa Rica. This summary and the larger document from which it comes provides: (1 a general overview of the socioeconomic and health situation of Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica and (2 a review of the poverty characteristics of these migrants. The primary data sources for the larger paper were successive recent rounds of the Annual National Household Survey in Costa Rica and the 2000 Census. The more detailed report on which this summary is based also reviews issues of data quality, comparability, and methodological problems with respect to existing information on Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica. As a summary, the document below, does not include detailed citations, which are of course included in the larger report. Readers are thus, referred to the larger report for citations and more detailed information on the data included in this summary.

  15. Nicaraguan Migrants in Costa Rica

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    Catherine M. Marquette


    Full Text Available This document is the executive summary of a detailed document entitled, Nicaraguan Migrants and Poverty in Costa Rica, which was prepared for the World Bank in 2006. The more detailed background paper from which this summary is derived was commissioned as a background paper in preparation for an upcoming poverty mission by the World Bank to Costa Rica. This summary and the larger document from which it comes provides: (1 a general overview of the socioeconomic and health situation of Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica and (2 a review of the poverty characteristics of these migrants. The primary data sources for the larger paper were successive recent rounds of the Annual National Household Survey in Costa Rica and the 2000 Census. The more detailed report on which this summary is based also reviews issues of data quality, comparability, and methodological problems with respect to existing information on Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica. As a summary, the document below, does not include detailed citations, which are of course included in the larger report. Readers are thus, referred to the larger report for citations and more detailed information on the data included in this summary.

  16. Somatic comorbidity among migrants with posttraumatic stress disorder and depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lolk, Mette; Byberg, Stine; Carlsson, Jessica


    BACKGROUND: In a cohort of migrants in Denmark, we compared somatic disease incidence among migrants diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression with migrants without a diagnosed psychiatric disorder. METHODS: The study builds on a unique cohort of migrants who obtained...... for the implementation of the project (No 2012-41-0065). RESULTS: Our results showed that migrants diagnosed with PTSD and depression had significantly higher rates of somatic diseases compared with migrants without diagnosed psychiatric disorders - especially, infectious disease (IRR, 1.89; 95% CI, 1.45-2.48; p ... with migrants without a diagnosed psychiatric disorder. The rates were especially high for infectious, neurological and pulmonary diseases. Our results further suggest difference in the rates of somatic comorbidity according to region of. Preventive and treatment services should pay special attention to improve...

  17. Gendered Configurations: Transborder Professional Careers of Migrant Women

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    Ingrid Jungwirth


    Full Text Available In this paper an analytical model within the framework of life course analysis is outlined, aiming at the multidimensional analysis of professional careers of migrants. Additional to the work cycle, reproduction as well as migration processes are included in the analysis of the occupational biography of migrants. By this, gender and gender relations as well as migration are systematically included in the reconstruction of the life course. This model is presented with reference to a research project on the labour market integration in Germany of highly qualified migrant women from post-socialist states, being qualified in the natural sciences and technology. Focusing on the professional careers of migrant women, the significance within migration studies of labour and migrant women’s chances of employment according to their qualifications is highlighted. After sketching the research project in the context of migration history and the regulation of highly skilled migration in Germany, the analysis of professional careers of migrant women in the life course perspective is conceptualized and discussed.

  18. Universal health coverage in ‘One ASEAN’: are migrants included? (United States)

    Guinto, Ramon Lorenzo Luis R.; Curran, Ufara Zuwasti; Suphanchaimat, Rapeepong; Pocock, Nicola S.


    Background As the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) gears toward full regional integration by 2015, the cross-border mobility of workers and citizens at large is expected to further intensify in the coming years. While ASEAN member countries have already signed the Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers, the health rights of migrants still need to be addressed, especially with ongoing universal health coverage (UHC) reforms in most ASEAN countries. This paper seeks to examine the inclusion of migrants in the UHC systems of five ASEAN countries which exhibit diverse migration profiles and are currently undergoing varying stages of UHC development. Design A scoping review of current migration trends and policies as well as ongoing UHC developments and migrant inclusion in UHC in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand was conducted. Results In general, all five countries, whether receiving or sending, have schemes that cover migrants to varying extents. Thailand even allows undocumented migrants to opt into its Compulsory Migrant Health Insurance scheme, while Malaysia and Singapore are still yet to consider including migrants in their government-run UHC systems. In terms of predominantly sending countries, the Philippines's social health insurance provides outbound migrants with portable insurance yet with limited benefits, while Indonesia still needs to strengthen the implementation of its compulsory migrant insurance which has a health insurance component. Overall, the five ASEAN countries continue to face implementation challenges, and will need to improve on their UHC design in order to ensure genuine inclusion of migrants, including undocumented migrants. However, such reforms will require strong political decisions from agencies outside the health sector that govern migration and labor policies. Furthermore, countries must engage in multilateral and bilateral dialogue as they redefine UHC

  19. Universal health coverage in ‘One ASEAN’: are migrants included?

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    Ramon Lorenzo Luis R. Guinto


    Full Text Available Background: As the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN gears toward full regional integration by 2015, the cross-border mobility of workers and citizens at large is expected to further intensify in the coming years. While ASEAN member countries have already signed the Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers, the health rights of migrants still need to be addressed, especially with ongoing universal health coverage (UHC reforms in most ASEAN countries. This paper seeks to examine the inclusion of migrants in the UHC systems of five ASEAN countries which exhibit diverse migration profiles and are currently undergoing varying stages of UHC development. Design: A scoping review of current migration trends and policies as well as ongoing UHC developments and migrant inclusion in UHC in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand was conducted. Results: In general, all five countries, whether receiving or sending, have schemes that cover migrants to varying extents. Thailand even allows undocumented migrants to opt into its Compulsory Migrant Health Insurance scheme, while Malaysia and Singapore are still yet to consider including migrants in their government-run UHC systems. In terms of predominantly sending countries, the Philippines's social health insurance provides outbound migrants with portable insurance yet with limited benefits, while Indonesia still needs to strengthen the implementation of its compulsory migrant insurance which has a health insurance component. Overall, the five ASEAN countries continue to face implementation challenges, and will need to improve on their UHC design in order to ensure genuine inclusion of migrants, including undocumented migrants. However, such reforms will require strong political decisions from agencies outside the health sector that govern migration and labor policies. Furthermore, countries must engage in multilateral and bilateral dialogue as

  20. Estado, sociedad rural e innovación tecnológica en la agricultura. Los cambios en torno a 1900

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Establecido el marco y los presupuestos de una historia transnacional, el presente artículo se ocupa de analizar el papel del Estado como inductor del cambio técnico en la agricultura y las consecuencias derivadas de su actuación en el mundo rural. Su principal objetivo es conocer la naturaleza y dimensión de los cambios finiseculares en el ámbito rural tanto a nivel económico como social y sus derivaciones en el plano político y cultural. En este sentido, el autor se ocupa preferentemente de tres grandes y decisivos aspectos: el nuevo papel del Estado en relación con la difusión de innovaciones en la agricultura; la consolidación-defensa de la pequeña explotación y la conformación de la sociedad civil en el medio rural a partir de los cambios finiseculares. Palabras Clave. Agricultura, Sociedad rural, Estado, Cambio técnico. ABSTRACT: Once the framework and the assumptions of transnational history have been established, this article analyses the role of the State as the inducer of technological change in agriculture and the consequences deriving from it in the rural world. Its main objective is to learn the nature and extent of the changes at the turn of the century in rural areas both on an economic and social level and their political and cultural derivations. In this sense, the author preferentially deals with three major decisive aspects: the new role of the State as regards the dissemination of innovation in agriculture; the consolidation-defence of the smallholding and the structure of civil society in rural areas after the changes at the turn of the century. Key Words: Agriculture, Rural society, State, Technological change

  1. [Migrant workers. The critical aspects of integration]. (United States)

    Berra, Alessandro


    The integration of migrant poplulations with the indigeneous population is regulated by the Italian Decree, D.Lgs 9/7/2003 n. 215 in enforcement of the directive 2000/43/EC implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin. The Italian decree, D.Lgs 215/2003, at present in force, according to regulation stipulated as to the equal treatment of diverse cohabiting populations, explicitly forbids any form of discrimination whatsoever, be it direct or indirect. A first description of today's migrant panorama is offered by the Caritas Migrantes and the CNEL (Italian National Council of the Economy of Labour). The most critical aspects on the integration of migrants are described and discussed in the text.

  2. A Study of New Mexico Migrant Agricultural Workers. (United States)

    Borrego, John G.; And Others

    The intent of this report, as stated, is to bring about an awareness of the kinds of problems faced by migrant agricultural workers (Mexican Americans and Navajos), by farmers, and by agencies offering services to these migrants in New Mexico. An overview of the national and state migrant situation is presented, as well as case studies of various…

  3. Organizaciones sociales y conflictos sociopolíticos en una sociedad polarizada: las dos caras de la democracia participativa en Venezuela

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Los analistas y estudiosos de la sociedad civil organizada han tendido a identificarla con los valores positivos de la pluralidad, tolerancia, civilidad y democracia. Sin embargo, un análisis de los procesos de polarización sociopolítica existentes en Venezuela indica que dentro de la heterogeneidad ideológica, política, cultural y de clases sociales que la caracterizan pueden desarrollarse tanto proyectos democráticos como proyectos e imaginarios profundamente excluyentes. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las consecuencias de ambas facetas, en los imaginarios y las representaciones sociales de exclusión del «otro», en el espacio y la guetificación de la ciudad de Caracas y en el origen de la violencia urbana y de la violencia inter-clases sociales en un país, donde paradójicamente, se ha institucionalizado la democracia participativa.ABSTRACT: Scholars and researchers have identified organized civil society with positive values such as plurality, tolerance, civility and democracy. Nonetheless, an analysis of current processes of sociopolitical polarization in Venezuela shows that within the ideological, political, cultural and social classes heterogeneity that characterize organized civil society might develop democratic projects as well as imaginaries, representations and non-democratic projects. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of these two faces in the exclusion of the «other», on the space and the guetification of the capital city of Caracas, on urban violence and on interclass violence in a country that, paradoxically, has institutionalized participatory democracy.

  4. National Migrant Education Program: Reading Skills--English (Programa Nacional de Educacion Migrante: Destrezas de Lectura--Espanol). (United States)


    Used as an integral part of the migrant student skills system operated by the Migrant Student Record Transfer System (MSRTS), the reading skills list contains a catalog of reading skills typical of the K-12 grade range. This catalog includes a sample of the MSRTS transmittal record which permits teachers to report the reading skills being worked…

  5. Migrant entrepreneurship, economic activity and export performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baklanov, Nikita; Rezaei, Shahamak; Vang, Jan


    Recent studies on transnational entrepreneurship suggest that migrant entrepreneur plays an increasingly significant role as sources of economic activities and especially export revenue. The literature is, however, biased on the US experience, lacks a comparative perspective between migrants...... and non-migrants and is primarily anecdotal in nature. This paper aims to reduce this gap by mapping the recent changes in the role of migrant entrepreneurs as a source of increased economic activity and export revenue in the Danish context and thereby linking the challenges stemming from...... the transnational entrepreneurship literature to the immigration and internationalisation of entrepreneurship literature. Entrepreneurial economic activity in this paper is proxied by the changing share of self-owned firms across ethic categories. Export revenue is proxied by the number of firms in the different...

  6. Spectral analysis of HIV seropositivity among migrant workers entering Kuwait

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    Mohammad Hameed GHH


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There is paucity of published data on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV seroprevalence among migrant workers entering Middle-East particularly Kuwait. We took advantage of the routine screening of migrants for HIV infection, upon arrival in Kuwait from the areas with high HIV prevalence, to 1 estimate the HIV seroprevalence among migrant workers entering Kuwait and to 2 ascertain if any significant time trend or changes had occurred in HIV seroprevalence among these migrants over the study period. Methods The monthly aggregates of daily number of migrant workers tested and number of HIV seropositive were used to generate the monthly series of proportions of HIV seropositive (per 100,000 migrants over a period of 120 months from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2006. We carried out spectral analysis of these time series data on monthly proportions (per 100,000 of HIV seropositive migrants. Results Overall HIV seroprevalence (per 100,000 among the migrants was 21 (494/2328582 (95% CI: 19 -23, ranging from 11 (95% CI: 8 – 16 in 2003 to 31 (95% CI: 24 -41 in 1998. There was no discernable pattern in the year-specific proportions of HIV seropositive migrants up to 2003; in subsequent years there was a slight but consistent increase in the proportions of HIV seropositive migrants. However, the Mann-Kendall test showed non-significant (P = 0.741 trend in de-seasonalized data series of proportions of HIV seropositive migrants. The spectral density had a statistically significant (P = 0.03 peak located at a frequency (radians 2.4, which corresponds to a regular cycle of three-month duration in this study. Auto-correlation function did not show any significant seasonality (correlation coefficient at lag 12 = – 0.025, P = 0.575. Conclusion During the study period, overall a low HIV seroprevalence (0.021% was recorded. Towards the end of the study, a slight but non-significant upward trend in the proportions of HIV seropositive

  7. Migrants as Cheap Labourers in Europe: Towards Critical Assessment of Integration

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    Mojca Pajnik


    Full Text Available Many “third country” migrants are recruited to the EU for unskilled labour, filling in positions that are unattractive to the “domestic” workforce. Current integration policies declare integration as a two-way process that should equalise migrants’ opportunities with those of the “nationals”. However, integration often appears blind to addressing specific migrant positions, in particular migrants as precarious and low-paid workers. This article discusses in a comparative perspective the precarious positions of migrants from “third countries” in six EU member states – Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia. The article first addresses most recent data on migrant populations and discusses the sectors of migrant work. The assumption is that current migration and integration policies are to a large extent devoid of the migrants’ own perceptions and needs. It is therefore pivotal for the presented argument to provide visibility of migrants and discuss their own living and working experiences. Considering migrants as “partners in communication”, the article analyses interviews and focus groups engaging 150 migrants that were conducted in the six countries in 2009. Attention is devoted to discussing the themes that emerge in migrant narratives, analysing the cross-country similarities and differences in the economies that are largely sustained by a migrant workforce. By exploring the precarious labour market experiences of migrants, the article questions the validity of the concept of integration that remains an important objective of current EU migration regimes.

  8. La inclusión de la perspectiva de la sociedad civil popular en VIH/SIDA: sistematización de experiencias como enfermera en Brasil y Canadá Inclusion of popular civil society perspective in HIV/AIDS: sistematization of experiences as a nurse in Brazil and Canada

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    Hélène Laperrière


    Full Text Available La enfermera en Salud Pública tiene como misión movilizar las organizaciones de base de su país para implantar los programas de salud. Este trabajo implica un acercamiento que le permita captar el detalle de la realidad concreta, pero que sólo una cierta distancia crítica le permitirá situarlo en un contexto de significación global. Una sistematización de experiencias presenta la investigación evaluable comunitaria como una oportunidad metodológica para las ciencias de la salud en general y de enfermería. La perspectiva es especialmente pertinente para las prácticas profesionales de salud, específicamente en contextos imprevisibles y de conflictos de verticalidad sociopolítica entre los diversos actores implicados en un programa de salud pública. La inclusión en barrios periféricos y el trabajo con grupos comunitarios favorece la inclusión desde el punto de vista de la sociedad civil popular dentro de la evaluación de las acciones preventivas del Sida y de otros programas de salud pública.Nurses in Public Health have the mission to mobilize the community-based organizations for the implementation of national health programmes. The work engages a proximity that will allow them to seize the details of a concrete reality, but which only a certain critical distance will lead to place them in a context of global meaning. A systematization of experiences presents the community evaluative research as a methodological opportunity for health and nursing sciences. The perspective is particularly relevant for health professional practices, especially in contexts of unpredictability and of sociopolitical conflicts of verticality among multiple actors involved in a public health program. The field insertion in marginalized districts and the work with community groups favor the inclusion of the popular civil society perspective in evaluations of AIDS preventive actions and other public health programmes.

  9. Migrants in transit: the importance of monitoring HIV risk among migrant flows at the Mexico-US border. (United States)

    Martinez-Donate, Ana P; Hovell, Melbourne F; Rangel, Maria Gudelia; Zhang, Xiao; Sipan, Carol L; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Gonzalez-Fagoaga, J Eduardo


    We conducted a probability-based survey of migrant flows traveling across the Mexico-US border, and we estimated HIV infection rates, risk behaviors, and contextual factors for migrants representing 5 distinct migration phases. Our results suggest that the influence of migration is not uniform across genders or risk factors. By considering the predeparture, transit, and interception phases of the migration process, our findings complement previous studies on HIV among Mexican migrants conducted at the destination and return phases. Monitoring HIV risk among this vulnerable transnational population is critical for better understanding patterns of risk at different points of the migration process and for informing the development of protection policies and programs.

  10. Migrant Families: Moving Up with Technology. (United States)

    Winograd, Kathryn


    Under the direction of the Pennsylvania Department of Migrant Education, an educational software company has adapted educational curricula to a video game format for use in video game consoles that hook into television sets. Migrant children using these at home have made significant gains in math, reading, English fluency, and critical thinking…

  11. Attracting and retaining highly skilled migrants in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berkhout, E.; Heyma, A.; Volkerink, M.; van der Werff, S.


    Empirical analysis provides no evidence that the higher wage threshold for migrants aged 30 and above keep many highly skilled migrants from working in the Netherlands. At the same time, empirical evidence shows that these highly skilled migrants stay in the Netherlands longer if the partner is

  12. El campo neoliberal y su crisis. Agricultura, sociedad local y migraciones en la Europa del Sur. (The Neoliberal country and its crisis. Farming, local society and migrations in the Southern Europe.

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    Gennaro Avallone


    Full Text Available El artículo se basa en un estudio comparativo sobre las transformaciones estructurales en la agricultura de España, Italia y Grecia desde los años 80, a partir de un análisis de investigaciones realizadas sobre el tema y de datos procedentes de los organismos nacionales de estadística y de Eurostat. En el texto se analiza el papel de la agricultura en la organización de las áreas rurales, concentrándose en sus procesos de internacionalización y en las modalidades de gobierno del trabajo vivo, que es especialmente trabajo migrante. Se muestran las transformaciones producidas por la presencia migrante en interacción con las sociedades locales, concluyendo que las poblaciones autóctonas han desarrollado una actitud funcionalista hacia los inmigrantes, favoreciendo una regulación social y política que antepone los derechos y los intereses de los locales a los de los extranjeros. Finalmente, se señala la crisis de esta forma de regulación, que se manifiesta en las relaciones conflictivas que los trabajadores inmigrantes viven con las explotaciones y las poblaciones locales en muchas áreas agrícolas. The paper is based on a comparative review of a part of social researches about the social and neoliberal transformation in the farming of Spain, Italy and Greece since the 1980s and on an analysis of statistical data. The paper analyzes the role of agriculture in the organization of the rural areas, highlighting its processes of internationalization and the management of the living labor, that mainly is migrant labor. It draws attention to transformations produced by migrant presence in interaction with the local societies, recognizing that local populations have developed a functional attitude towards immigrants, favoring a social and political regulation that put first rights and interests of native inhabitants. The paper finally signals the crisis of this way of regulation, that is manifested by the conflictual relationship between


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    Danilo Veiga (Coord.


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Este artículo resume las principales  características sociales del Área  Metropolitana de Montevideo (AM, según  una investigación reciente.[1] Para eso se  combinan dos estrategias metodológicas,  una estadística, basada en las principales  fuentes disponibles (como los censos y las   encuestas de hogares del Instituto Nacional  de Estadística, y otra cualitativa que  recoge, a partir de entrevistas a  informantes calificados, la visión de los  protagonistas de distintas comunidades o  sociedades locales del AM. Ambas  perspectivas son necesarias para configurar  un mapa socio-territorial, que oriente la  definición e implementación de políticas y  programas públicos en el marco de la Agenda Metropolitana y la estrategia de  descentralización promovida por el actual  gobierno desde la administración central y  los municipios. En la primera parte, se presentan las  principales características y tendencias del  AM. Concretamente, se describen a nivel de as subáreas, sus características  sociodemográficas y socioeconómicas, la  desigualdad social y la segregación territorial que caracteriza al AM, y la fragmentación y  polarización socioeconómica que  actualmente imprime un sello particular al  área. En segundo término, se examina cómo  viven sus protagonistas en las condiciones  sociales presentadas. Se describe cual es la percepción de los problemas que estas personas tienen; cuáles son sus demandas y hacia quiénes se dirigen; cuáles son las iniciativas de política y de sociedad civil en curso y cuál es su visión del futuro. La tercera parte presenta una síntesis de las principales implicaciones, en particular en materia de políticas públicas. [1]  “Sociedades locales y estructura social en el Area Metropolitana de Montevideo”. Depto. Sociología FCS UDELAR 2006-2007 Equipo de Investigación Danilo Veiga (Coord. y Ana Laura Rivoir

  14. Impact of the health and living conditions of migrant and non-migrant Senegalese adolescent girls on their nutritional status and growth. (United States)

    Garnier, Denis; Simondon, Kirsten B; Hoarau, Thierry; Benefice, Eric


    To describe the living conditions of Senegalese adolescent girls according to their migration status, and to define the main socio-economic and biological determinants of their nutritional and growth status. Health and living conditions, sexual maturation, and nutritional and growth status of adolescent girls were determined within the framework of a longitudinal study on growth. The capital city of Senegal (Dakar) and a rural community (Niakhar), 120 km south-east of Dakar. Three hundred and thirty-one girls, 14.5-16.6 years of age, were recruited from the same villages. Thirty-six per cent of the sample remained in the villages to attend school and/or to help with household subsistence tasks (non-migrants). The remaining (64%) migrated to cities to work as maids (migrants) and lived in two different socio-economic environments: at the home of a guardian during the night and in the house of the employer during the daytime. Family rural environment and guardian and employer urban environments were socio-economically different (P environment was socio-economically more favourable. Migrants had more advanced sexual maturation and higher body mass index (BMI), fat mass index (FMI) and mid-upper arm circumference than non-migrants. However, migrants were smaller than non-migrants. BMI, FMI and weight-for-age were related to socio-economic levels and duration of migration. Schooling was positively related to height and negatively related to BMI. Migrants enjoyed better living conditions than non-migrants. This could be partly due to the better socio-economic environment of the employer. It was associated with earlier puberty and better nutritional status, but not with a better growth.

  15. Leveraging the Domain of Work to Improve Migrant Health. (United States)

    Flynn, Michael A; Wickramage, Kolitha


    Work is a principal driver of current international migration, a primary social determinant of health, and a fundamental point of articulation between migrants and their host society. Efforts by international organizations to promote migrant health have traditionally focused on infectious diseases and access to healthcare, while international labor organizations have largely focused on issues of occupational health. The underutilization of the domain of work in addressing the health of migrants is truly a missed opportunity for influencing worker well-being and reducing societal economic burden. Understanding of the relationships among migration, work, and health would facilitate further integration of migrant health concerns into the policy agenda of governments and international agencies that work at the nexus of labor, health and development. The domain of work offers an opportunity to capitalize on the existing health and development infrastructure and leverage technical resources, programs and research to promote migrant health. It also provides the opportunity to advance migrant health through new and innovative approaches and partnerships.

  16. O movimento civil-militar de 1964 e os intelectuais

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    José Luís Sanfelice

    Full Text Available Este estudo deseja captar no movimento da história, em uma conjuntura determinada, tensões que opuseram diferentes sujeitos sociais dos anos de 1970, no Brasil. Em um dos pólos localiza-se o pensamento expresso pelos primeiros governantes do movimento civil-militar que ocuparam o aparelho de Estado em 1964. Humberto Castelo Branco, presidente da República, Flávio Suplicy de Lacerda, ministro da Educação e Cultura, e Raymundo Moniz de Aragão, com seus pronunciamentos no V Fórum Universitário, encarregaram-se de transmitir o pensamento do governo à sociedade. Na seqüência, em curto espaço de tempo, os reflexos apareceriam no aparato legal da reforma universitária consentida. O contraponto à visão oficial encontra-se, para fins deste trabalho, em um texto da época de autoria de Florestan Fernandes e que resultou da conferência proferida na abertura do I Fórum de Professores, realizado no Rio de Janeiro em 1968. Espera-se, analisando o conflito ideológico, alcançar uma compreensão crítica mais acurada do movimento civil-militar de 1964 e das suas relações com diferentes intelectuais.

  17. Communication challenges experienced by migrants with cancer: A comparison of migrant and English-speaking Australian-born cancer patients. (United States)

    Hyatt, Amelia; Lipson-Smith, Ruby; Schofield, Penelope; Gough, Karla; Sze, Ming; Aldridge, Lynley; Goldstein, David; Jefford, Michael; Bell, Melanie L; Butow, Phyllis


    Understanding the difficulties faced by different migrant groups is vital to address disparities and inform targeted health-care service delivery. Migrant oncology patients experience increased morbidity, mortality and psychological distress, with this tentatively linked to language and communication difficulties. The objective of this exploratory study was to investigate the communication barriers and challenges experienced by Arabic, Greek and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) speaking oncology patients in Australia. This study employed a cross-sectional design using patient-reported outcome survey data from migrant and English-speaking Australian-born patients with cancer. Patients were recruited through oncology clinics and Australian state cancer registries. Data were collected regarding patient clinical and demographic characteristics and health-care and communication experiences. Data from the clinics and registries were combined for analysis. Significant differences were found between migrant groups in demographic characteristics, communication and health-care experiences, and information and care preferences. Chinese patients cited problems with understanding medical information, the Australian health-care system, and communicating with their health-care team. Conversely, Arabic- and Greek-speaking patients reported higher understanding of the health-care system, and less communication difficulties. Our study findings suggest that migrant groups differ from each other in their health communication expectations and requirements. Lower education and health literacy of some groups may play a role in poorer health outcomes. Public health interventions and assistance provided to migrants should be tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of that language or cultural group. Future research directions are discussed. © 2017 The Authors Health Expectations Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Migrant workers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Starren, A.; Drupsteen, L.


    This article explores Health and Safety aspects related to migrants working in multi-cultural settings (heterogeneous teams, working together on one location). Several assumptions can be made related to cultural differences and safe and healthy behaviour, but research evidence on this matter is very

  19. Migrant women: issues in organization and solidarity. (United States)

    Garcia Castro, M


    To understand the situation of migrant women and their increased vulnerability, it is necessary to consider the structural factors--economic, political, and cultural--that have impelled the movement of labor, and specifically of women, from developing to developed, and also within capitalist countries. Unequal access to land and other resources has been the historic cause of rural men and women migrating, but it is the internationalization of former agrarian economies and their increased dependence on the world economic system that stand out as important new factors. In the US, about 40% of the women in domestic service work are Black women and the rest are predominantly foreigners, especially Latin Americans, Caribbeans, and to a lesser degree, Asians. Contrary to the myth that migrant women have been a passive labor force, the history of the garment industry shows that they have been in the forefront of labor issues in many developed nations. There is a need to guarantee conditions that will enable women to organize and work in labor and migrant organizations and still protect their special characteristics as women. Women migrants, because of their conditions as women and because of their status as citizens without citizenship, especially when they are undocumented, are greatly in need of a solidarity group to educate national populations of migrant worker's rights. It is essential to guarantee the autonomy of migrant women's organization without interfering with their specific demands, considering their race, nationality, and social class.

  20. Psychosocial adaptation of adolescent migrants in a Swiss community survey. (United States)

    Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph; Bearth-Carrari, Cinzia; Winkler Metzke, Christa


    The aim of this study was to compare psychosocial adaptation in adolescent (first generation) migrants, double-citizens (mainly second generation with one migrant parent), and native Swiss, and to compare migrants from various European regions. Data from a community survey were based on 1,239 participants (mean age 13.8, SD = 1.6 years) with 996 natives, 55 double-citizens, and 188 migrants. The adolescents completed the youth self-report measuring emotional and behavioural problems, and various questionnaires addressing life events, personality variables, perceived parental behaviour (PPB), family functioning, school environment, and social network. Adolescent migrants had significantly higher scores for internalizing and externalizing problems. There was a pattern of various unfavourable psychosocial features including life events, coping, self-related cognitions, and PPB that was more common among adolescent migrants than natives. Double-citizens were similar to natives in all domains. Young adolescents from South and South-East Europe differed from natives in terms of more unfavourable psychosocial features. Migrant status was best predicted by adverse psychosocial features rather than emotional and behavioural problems. There is some indication that certain migrant adolescents are at risk of psychosocial mal-adaptation. Obviously, ethnic origin is an important moderator.

  1. Work injuries among migrant workers in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biering, Karin; Lander, Flemming; Rasmussen, Kurt


    to methodological difficulties and cultural disparities. We set out to meet these challenges using population-based work injury registers, targeting a specific and representative region in Denmark. METHODS: This population-based study used data on work injuries from an emergency department (ED) and reported....... Workers who had migrated recently were at even higher risk. CONCLUSIONS: We found increased risk of work injuries among migrant workers. Studying migrants in registers is a methodological challenge as some migrants are not registered, for legal or illegal reasons; thus, only a selected group is studied......OBJECTIVES: Work migration into Denmark has increased during the recent decades, especially after the enlargement of the European Union (EU) in 2004. Whether or not migrant workers experience more work injuries than the native workforce has been debated and results are conflicting, most likely due...

  2. The fertility of recent migrants to England and Wales

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    James Robards


    Full Text Available Background: Estimates of fertility for the overseas-born based on the period Total Fertility Rate (TFR suggest that levels of childbearing are significantly higher among foreign-born women than women born in the UK. However, migration and timing of subsequent family formation mean that aggregate measures of fertility based on period TFRs may not be a useful indicator of the likely completed family size that migrant women will have at the end of their reproductive lives. Objective: The paper quantifies childbearing according to duration since migration among female migrants to England and Wales arriving between 2001 and 2011, and examines how these patterns differ according to age at arrival and country of birth. Methods: Data from the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study, a 1Š sample of the population of England and Wales, are used to identify the reported date of arrival in the UK and to estimate childbearing prior to and subsequent to arrival. Results: Fertility rates peak in the first one to four years subsequent to arrival among migrants from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Migrants from India and Poland show a delay in childbearing after migration to England and Wales, and lower fertility rates compared to migrants from Pakistan and Bangladesh, who show high fertility after migration at least for the first five years. Conclusions: There are large differences in the timing of fertility among migrants according to age at arrival and migrant country of origin, which are likely to be related to the reason for migration. Tempo distortions among some migrant groups mean that the period TFR is not necessarily a useful summary measure of the likely lifetime fertility of migrant groups.

  3. Governança na internet: um estudo sobre o Marco Civil brasileiro

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    Laura Vilela Rodrigues Rezende


    Full Text Available El trabajo tiene como propósito realizar un estudio sobre la legislación que rige el uso de Internet en Brasil, en el Marco Civil de Internet (Ley 12.965/2014. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva, de naturaleza cua litativa, basada en recopilación bibliográfica y estudio comparativo. Se ex pone inicialmente un breve histórico de Internet en Brasil y su panorama actual. Luego, se presenta el concepto de gobernanza en Internet y los su cesos que marcaron las discusiones acerca de esta temática. Se aborda el Marco Civil de Internet en Brasil, el histórico de su creación y los principios que lo rigen. Se concluye que es un importante instrumento oficial regla mentario para asegurar la libertad y los derechos del usuario. Su concep ción se fundamentó en la participación de la sociedad civil, lo que puede considerarse inédito en lo que se refiere a la creación de leyes reglamenta rias. Se considera que esta sea una ley sofisticada en cuanto a sus directri ces, lo que la vuelve una de las más progresistas del mundo. Pese a todo lo anterior, su trayectoria democrática de creación le otorga un carácter ge neralista y superficial.



    João Batista Christófori; Patrycia Pansini de Oliveira; Larícia Olaria Emerick Silva


    Reforçando a necessidade e a importância de cada país sobre a maneira pela qual governos, empresas, organizações e os demais setores da sociedade poderiam cooperar no estudo e nas soluções socioambientais, a Agenda 21, um documento fundamental firmado na Rio-92. A reciclagem, em diversos estudos é citada como uma alternativa para a redução da quantidade de resíduos dispostos nos aterros, além de ser uma proposta sustentável para a destinação dos resíduos de construção civil. Assim, este traba...

  5. Judicialização da política e Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos: uma investigação empírica da atuação das organizações da sociedade civil / Judicialization of Politics and Inter-American Human Rights system

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    Carolina Alves Vestena


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo traz análises sobre a terceira fase de pesquisa que vem sendo realizada pelo grupo Direitos Humanos, Poder Judiciário e Sociedade – DHPJS – sobre o sistema de justiça e a atuação de seus agentes no Rio de Janeiro. O foco de observação é a utilização de normas internacionais de direitos humanos pelos tribunais. Nas fases anteriores, juízes e desembargadores foram entrevistados sobre a utilização das normas de direitos humanos em suas decisões, bem como sobre sua formação nessa temática. Nesta etapa, deslocou-se a perspectiva para os demandantes das cortes, especialmente aqueles organizados coletivamente na sociedade civil. Nossa hipótese é a de que as cortes judiciais têm sido provocadas como espaço de disputas, tanto no plano nacional (hipótese que pode ser fundamentada em diversas formulações teóricas quanto no plano internacional. O fenômeno localizado no plano nacional pode ser pensado em termos de sistemas regionais de Direitos Humanos: o sistema interamericano pode estar se constituindo como etapa “para-judicial” para a efetivação desses direitos. Esta segunda hipótese pode ser construída do ponto de vista teórico e testada do ponto de vista empírico, a fim de averiguar se as organizações não governamentais tem utilizado este sistema como uma arena de lutas sociais. A pesquisa empírica realizada pelo grupo trouxe dados para refletir sobre essa hipótese, além de indicar caminhos a serem explorados. Foram entrevistadas 36 ONGs inscritas na ABONG – Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não-Governamentais - que atuam com a defesa de Direitos Humanos para investigar as formas de atuação destes grupos junto ao Judiciário e ao sistema interamericano. No presente artigo apresentamos potenciais relações da judicialização da política com os sistemas regionais de Direitos Humanos, a partir dos dados encontrados na investigação empírica, que revela a utiliza

  6. Sociodemographic characteristics of the elderly forced migrants in Serbia

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    Lukić Vesna


    Full Text Available In the context of the needs and rights of older migrants, migration history is particularly important where the elderly forced migrants are twice as vulnerable. Bearing in mind the intense process of population aging in Serbia which holds the attention of scientists and experts, and the large number of refugees who immigrated in the 90-ies from the former Yugoslav republics, selected sociodemographic structures of the elderly forced migrants in Serbia were analyzed as well as the relevant legal and strategic framework. The aim was to contribute to increasing knowledge of the demographic challenges of this subpopulation of forced migrants, as well as the differences relative to the domicile aging population. The data used in this study included a contingent of forced migrants aged 65 and over, on the basis of additionally processed Census data from 2011, based on questions about the place of birth of the person, year of arrival, the country in which the person lived and the reasons for migration. Hence, the category which is the subject of research, is not defined on the basis of formal refugee status. A comparison of selected sociodemographic characteristics was made in relation to the domicile population, which in the paper means the population of Serbia without forced migrants. The research results indicate that older forced migrants in Serbia have characteristics of the general population of older people in Serbia. Their age gender and marital structures are relatively similar. Most older women are widows who are heads of households, while a significant number are persons with disabilities as well. However, the process of aging of the elderly, present within the local population has not affected forced migrants yet, so this population is to some extent more vital. Data on the economic activity of the elderly forced migrants in Serbia point out to the lack of income as the main problem they are faced with. Older forced migrants are


    Good Neighbor Commission of Texas, Austin.


  8. HIV/AIDS and Croatian migrant workers. (United States)

    Stulhofer, Aleksandar; Brouillard, Pamela; Nikolić, Nebojga; Greiner, Nina


    Due to their geographical mobility and long periods of separation from intimate partners, migrant workers are at increased risk for a variety of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV/AIDS. This study sought to investigate patterns in HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitudes and sexual behaviour in migrant workers in Croatia. In 2003, 566 male migrant workers were recruited during regular required medical examinations and surveyed at seven locations throughout the country. Each participant was asked to complete a self-administered KABP (sexual knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices) questionnaire. The average age of respondents was 38.2 years and the majority worked as seafarers (77.3%) and construction workers (20.5%). Only 18.5% of respondents were able to correctly answer all 13 questions assessing knowledge of HIV/AIDS. Seafarers reported higher levels of knowledge than did construction workers. The average respondent reported having had two sexual partners in the last 12 months, with slightly over half of the respondents (55.3%) reporting condom use at their last intercourse with a casual partner. One fifth of the respondents (20.3%) who reported having had intercourse with a sex worker during the last year reported not using condoms at last intercourse. The number of sexual partners was correlated with age, marital status, faith in God, and personal HIV risk assessment. Attitudes toward condom use, co-workers' HIV/AIDS concerns and the duration of migrant status (within the last two years) were shown to be significant correlates of condom use at last intercourse with a casual partner. The effect of HIV/AIDS related knowledge on analyzed behaviors did not reach statistical significance. Inadequate patterns of migrant workers' condom use, gaps in knowledge about HIV transmission and modes of protection, as well as widespread ignorance regarding available anonymous HIV testing found by this study suggest a critical need for expert intervention to




  10. Marathon Migrants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Piersma, Theunis; van de Kam, Jan

    Marathon Migrants onderscheidt zich van alle andere vogelboeken door de combinatie van tekst van de trekvogelecoloog en waddenonderzoeker prof. dr. Theunis Piersma en de sublieme foto’s van de bekende vogelfotograaf Jan van de Kam. Door de wetenschappelijke blik van de fotograaf zijn de foto’s meer

  11. de la sociedad actual

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    René Alejandro Jiménez Ornelas


    Full Text Available La violencia no es producida aleatoriamente, sino que parte de una cultura de conflictos familiares, sociales, económicos y políticos, y en general, del sistema globalizado que a su vez permea las diferentes formas de vida en la sociedad, donde los estilos de vida de los jóvenes son catalogados como formas de delincuencia. El objetivo de esos estilos de vida, sin embargo, sólo consiste en distanciarse culturalmente de una sociedad que los jóvenes no han fabricado. Víctimas de la discriminación social y excluidos de las decisiones importantes, muchos jóvenes carecen de planes o proyectos de vida, y son considerados incapaces de adaptarse al medio social, por lo cual toman la delincuencia como alternativa de sobrevivencia. El fácil acceso a las drogas, la falta de oportunidades de empleo, salud, educación y espacios para la cultura y el deporte, la desintegración familiar, la impunidad, entre otros factores, componen el contexto en el que nace y crece la juventud mexicana del siglo XXI.

  12. A Migrant Culture on Display: The French Migrant and French Gastronomy in London (19th – 21st centuries)


    Kelly, D.


    The large contemporary French migrant population – estimated by the French Consulate at around 300,000–400,000 in the UK, the majority living in London and the South-East – remains ‘absent’ from studies on migration, and, in a study of migrant food history in Britain, is considered not to have left traces as a migrant community. Over the centuries, the presence of various French communities in London has varied significantly as far as numbers are concerned, but what does not change is their s...

  13. Practitioner and client explanations for disparities in health care use between migrant and non-migrant groups in Sweden: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Akhavan, Sharareh; Karlsen, Saffron


    To investigate variations in explanations given for disparities in health care use between migrant and non-migrant groups, by clients and care providers in Sweden. Qualitative evidence collected during in-depth interviews with five 'migrant' health service clients and five physicians. The interview data generated three categories which were perceived by respondents to produce ethnic differences in health service use: "Communication issues", "Cultural differences in approaches to medical consultations" and "Effects of perceptions of inequalities in care quality and discrimination". Explanations for disparities in health care use in Sweden can be categorized into those reflecting social/structural conditions and the presence/absence of power and those using cultural/behavioural explanations. The negative perceptions of 'migrant' clients held by some Swedish physicians place the onus for addressing their poor health with the clients themselves and risks perpetuating their health disadvantage. The power disparity between doctors and 'migrant' patients encourages a sense of powerlessness and mistreatment among patients.

  14. Will Happiness Improve the Psychological Integration of Migrant Workers? (United States)

    Li, Tian-Cheng; Chu, Chien-Chi; Meng, Fan-Cun; Li, Qin; Mo, Di; Li, Bin; Tsai, Sang-Bing


    Happiness is a major factor that influences people’s perceptions and behavior. Two-stage least squares regression was applied to investigate the effect of happiness on the psychological integration of migrant workers in China. The data for a total of 1625 individuals were obtained from the 2014 China Labor-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS). This study describes happiness from three main aspects: happiness, life satisfaction, and economic satisfaction. The psychological integration includes two dimensions of settlement willingness, and trust level; these have gone through dimension-reduced processing by using the weighted average method. The empirical evidence shows, first, that happiness has a significantly positive effect on the psychological integration of migrant workers and second, that the sense of life satisfaction in particular plays a more significant role. The acceleration of the social and political integration in migrant workers will enhance their psychological integration. Additionally, social, cultural and economic integration is found to influence migrant workers’ psychological integration by promoting happiness. Happiness between different generations of migrant workers was found to have a noticeably positive impact on their psychological integration; however, the happiness of the younger migrant workers was more perceivable than that of the other generations. Preferential policies should therefore be provided to improve the happiness of migrant workers.

  15. Child survival in big cities: the disadvantages of migrants. (United States)

    Brockerhoff, M


    Data from 15 Demographic and Health Surveys are used to examine whether rural-urban migrants in developing countries experience higher child mortality after settling in towns and cities than do lifelong urban residents, and if so, what individual or household characteristics account for this. Findings indicate that children of female migrants from the countryside generally have much poorer survival chances than other urban children. This survival disadvantage is more pronounced in big cities than in smaller urban areas, among migrants who have lived in the city for many years than among recent migrants, and in urban Latin America than in urban North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Within big cities, higher child mortality among migrant women is clearly related to their concentration in low-quality housing, and in part to fertility patterns at early ages of children and mother's educational attainment at later ages. Excess child mortality among urban migrants may also result from factors associated with the migration process, that are outlined in this study but not included in the analysis. Evidence of moderately high levels of residential segregation of migrant women in big cities suggests that opportunities exist for urban health programs to direct interventions to this disadvantaged segment of city populations.

  16. Will Happiness Improve the Psychological Integration of Migrant Workers? (United States)

    Li, Qin; Mo, Di; Li, Bin


    Happiness is a major factor that influences people’s perceptions and behavior. Two-stage least squares regression was applied to investigate the effect of happiness on the psychological integration of migrant workers in China. The data for a total of 1625 individuals were obtained from the 2014 China Labor-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS). This study describes happiness from three main aspects: happiness, life satisfaction, and economic satisfaction. The psychological integration includes two dimensions of settlement willingness, and trust level; these have gone through dimension-reduced processing by using the weighted average method. The empirical evidence shows, first, that happiness has a significantly positive effect on the psychological integration of migrant workers and second, that the sense of life satisfaction in particular plays a more significant role. The acceleration of the social and political integration in migrant workers will enhance their psychological integration. Additionally, social, cultural and economic integration is found to influence migrant workers’ psychological integration by promoting happiness. Happiness between different generations of migrant workers was found to have a noticeably positive impact on their psychological integration; however, the happiness of the younger migrant workers was more perceivable than that of the other generations. Preferential policies should therefore be provided to improve the happiness of migrant workers. PMID:29751489

  17. Migrants' utilization of somatic healthcare services in Europe - a systematic review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørredam, Marie Louise; Nielsen, Signe Smith; Krasnik, Allan


    on the abstracts. Additional searches were conducted via the references of the selected articles. The final number of studies included was 21. Results: The results suggested a diverging picture regarding utilization of somatic healthcare services by migrants compared to non-migrants in Europe. Overall, migrants......Background: Utilization of services is an important aspect of migrants' access to healthcare. The aim was to review the European literature on utilization of somatic healthcare services related to screening, general practitioner, specialist, emergency room and hospital by adult first......-generation migrants. Our study question was: ‘Are there differences in migrants' utilization of somatic healthcare services compared to non-migrants?' Methods: Publications were identified by a systematic search of PUBMED and EMBASE. Appropriateness of the studies was judged independently by two researchers based...

  18. Migrants in Transit: The Importance of Monitoring HIV Risk Among Migrant Flows at the Mexico–US Border (United States)

    Martinez-Donate, Ana P.; Hovell, Melbourne F.; Rangel, Maria Gudelia; Zhang, Xiao; Sipan, Carol L.; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Gonzalez-Fagoaga, J. Eduardo


    We conducted a probability-based survey of migrant flows traveling across the Mexico–US border, and we estimated HIV infection rates, risk behaviors, and contextual factors for migrants representing 5 distinct migration phases. Our results suggest that the influence of migration is not uniform across genders or risk factors. By considering the predeparture, transit, and interception phases of the migration process, our findings complement previous studies on HIV among Mexican migrants conducted at the destination and return phases. Monitoring HIV risk among this vulnerable transnational population is critical for better understanding patterns of risk at different points of the migration process and for informing the development of protection policies and programs. PMID:25602882

  19. El capital social en las sociedades cooperativas. Las Normas sobre los aspectos contables de las sociedades cooperativas a la luz de los principios cooperativos


    Pilar Gómez Aparicio


    Los principios cooperativos tienen un alto contenido económico y marcan particularidades en la estructura financiera y en la generación y reparto del excedente. La diferencia concreta en España entre sociedades cooperativas y de capitales procede de la diferente normativa y las distintas leyes que han influido en el régimen económico de estas sociedades. La aparición de las Normas sobre los aspectos contables de las sociedades cooperativas tienen incidencia directa sobre régimen económico ...

  20. La educación en la sociedad del conocimiento


    Paur, Alicia Beatriz; Rosanigo, Zulema Beatriz; Bramati, Pedro


    En este artículo analizamos el impacto de las TICs en la sociedad y en la educación, resaltando la importancia de adoptar una postura crítica frente a la cantidad de información que nos llega a través de las nuevas tecnologías. La educación es el eje vertebral y director que nos permitirá avanzar desde la llamada sociedad de la información hacia una sociedad del conocimiento más justa y democrática; de ahí que la formación permanente y el logro de la independencia cognoscitiva debieran est...

  1. As organizações da sociedade civil na prevenção das infeções sexualmente transmissíveis em trabalhadoras do sexo, em Portugal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Maia


    Full Text Available Segundo o relatório do Centro Europeu de Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças (ECDC, 2013, que compara dados relativos à prevalência do VIH em trabalhadores do sexo em 27 países da Europa e da Ásia Central, Portugal é o terceiro país com a maior prevalência da infeção entre essa população. A elevada prevalência comparativa da infeção entre os trabalhadores do sexo em Portugal contrasta com o uso reportado de meios de prevenção e diagnóstico. O artigo debruça-se sobre um dos aspetos desse fenómeno: a atividade das organizações da sociedade civil na área da prevenção das infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST em Portugal, de modo a analisar como se relacionam com as trabalhadoras do sexo e concebem as ações de prevenção e o apoio social que lhes dirigem. Essa questão surge como pertinente à medida que a discrepância verificada poderá indicar uma adesão formal (mas não necessariamente real, por parte das trabalhadoras do sexo, a uma retórica socialmente valorizada de prevenção, a qual é canalizada pelas organizações. Esse discurso pode ser por si mais ou menos apreendido, condicionando a implementação prática dos meios de prevenção propostos. Estamos assim perante um potencial fator explicativo a considerar na análise crítica do nível de efetividade dessas ações.

  2. Rights with Capabilities: Towards a Social Justice Framework for Migrant Activism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leah Briones


    Full Text Available The paradigm of rights, established throughout the academic, policy and migrant activism arenas, governs the protection of vulnerable migrant workers against abuse. To what extent this approach has achieved social justice for the migrant worker in the current global political economy climate is, however, uncertain. In analyzing the use of rights in migrant activism in Hong Kong, this paper shows the limitation of rights  in the migrant experience at the same time as it shows how a new paradigm based on the Capablities Approach could provide a more appropriate framework from which to achieve social justice for the migrant worker.

  3. Rights with Capabilities: Towards a Social Justice Framework for Migrant Activism

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    Leah Briones


    Full Text Available

    The paradigm of rights, established throughout the academic, policy and migrant activism arenas, governs the protection of vulnerable migrant workers against abuse. To what extent this approach has achieved social justice for the migrant worker in the current global political economy climate is, however, uncertain. In analyzing the use of rights in migrant activism in Hong Kong, this paper shows the limitation of rights  in the migrant experience at the same time as it shows how a new paradigm based on the Capablities Approach could provide a more appropriate framework from which to achieve social justice for the migrant worker.

  4. O golpe de 1964 e a instauração da ditadura civil-militar no Pará: apoios e resistências

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    Pere Petit


    Full Text Available Este artigo, inserido nos debates historiográficos sobre a ditadura civil-militar no Brasil (1964-1985, pretende contribuir para o conhecimento da história política do estado do Pará antes, durante e após o golpe de estado de 1964. Examinamos preferencialmente a participação dos militares e o apoio de setores da sociedade civil ao golpe militar, e a repressão que sofreram os estudantes e organizações de esquerda e políticos "populistas". Na perspectiva metodológica dos estudos de história local e regional, as principais fontes utilizadas foram os jornais de Belém, livros de memórias, trabalhos acadêmicos e fontes orais.

  5. En el camino de una investigación más potente para la construcción de obra civil

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    Murcia Vela, Juan


    Full Text Available This presentation shows a panoramic view of the current problems in the world of research for civil construction in Spain, as well as its lines of progress, from different points of view. The analysis is mainly focused to improve the social utility of this research, so fulfilling the strategic concept that research should contribute to social welfare and wealth, particularly of closer sectors, those more directly supporting its cost.Some matters are specially underlined, such as the difficulties for making research results useful for civil construction, the relationships between the sector and its research world, as well as the notion that society has about them.A series of conclusions and proposals are presented at the end in order to enhance the research for civil construction, so taking as the starting point a better understanding of this research from inside and outside.La presente ponencia muestra, en forma de panorama general, la problemática actual de la investigación sobre construcción de obra civil, así como de sus líneas de avance, desde distintos puntos de vista. El análisis se sustenta sobre la necesidad de potenciar la utilidad social de esta investigación, en línea con el concepto estratégico de que dicha actividad contribuya realmente a fomentar el bienestar y la riqueza sociales, en especial de la sociedad más cercana, la que más directamente la financia.Entre los asuntos tratados destacan las peculiaridades que dificultan la incorporación al sector de los resultados de la investigación, las relaciones entre el sector y el mundo que realiza investigación, y la percepción que del sector y su investigación tiene la sociedad.Como consecuencia del análisis efectuado, al final se presenta una serie de conclusiones y propuestas orientadas, a partir de una mejor comprensión de la actividad desde dentro y fuera del sector, hacia una investigación más potente para la construcción de obra civil.

  6. Community participation of cross-border migrants for primary health care in Thailand. (United States)

    Sirilak, Supakit; Okanurak, Kamolnetr; Wattanagoon, Yupaporn; Chatchaiyalerk, Surut; Tornee, Songpol; Siri, Sukhontha


    This is the first report of the large-scale utilization of migrants as health volunteers in a migrant primary-healthcare program. The program recruited migrants who volunteered to serve their communities. This study explores the identities of these volunteers, their relationship with program management, and their attitudes. The study also investigates the impact of the volunteers, from the migrants' and healthcare workers' perspective. The study was conducted in two provinces, Tak (northern Thailand) and Samut Sakhon (central Thailand). Primary and secondary information was collected. Mixed methods, comprising in-depth interviews, observation and questionnaires, were used to gather primary data from three groups of participants-migrant volunteers, migrants and healthcare workers. Secondary data, and in-depth interviews with healthcare workers, showed that migrant volunteers made a significant contribution to the provision of both preventive and curative services. The quantitative study covered 260 migrant volunteers and 446 migrants. The results found that <5% of volunteers were selected by the community. Almost all attended a training course. Most were assigned to be health communicators; four stated they did nothing. Volunteers' attitudes were very positive. Most migrants reported that the volunteers' work was useful. It was concluded that the migrant health-volunteer program did help deal with migrant health problems. However, management of the program should be closely considered for more effective outcomes.

  7. Sistema de Transferencia de Archivos para Estudiantes Migrantes: Un Mejor Entendimiento para Padres. (Migrant Student Record Transfer System: A Better Understanding for Parents). (United States)

    Jaramillo, Senaida I.

    When migrant children are enrolled in the Migrant Education Program, they are also enrolled in the Migrant Student Record Transfer System (MSRTS), a national system which accumulates educational and health information for each child on a computer located in Little Rock, Arkansas. The system affords teachers the opportunity to review the records,…

  8. Social Capital and Economic Integration of Migrants in Urban China. (United States)

    Lu, Yao; Ruan, Danching; Lai, Gina


    Based on data from a 2005 survey conducted in Shanghai, China, this research examines the role of social capital in income inequality between rural migrants and urbanites. We find strong income return on social capital, in particular on social capital from strong ties. We also observe a great disparity in social capital possession between rural migrants and urban local residents. Although social capital from strong ties seems to be more important for rural migrants than for urbanites, local ties and high-status ties do not seem to benefit rural migrants. Hence, migrants not only suffer severe social capital deficits but also capital return deficits. Given the strong income returns on social capital and the substantial differences in access to and return on social capital between migrants and urban residents, social capital is consequently found to explain a large part of the income inequality between the two groups. Overall, our findings reveal macro-structural effects on the role of social capital in labor market stratification. In China, the lack of formal labor market mechanisms continues to create both a strong need for and opportunities for economic actions to be organized around informal channels via social relations. Yet, the long-standing institutional exclusion of migrants caused by the household registration system has resulted in pervasive social exclusion and discrimination which have substantially limited rural migrants' accumulation and mobilization of social capital. Under these conditions, social capital reinforces the economic inequality between migrants and urban residents in China. Such empirical evidence adds to our understanding of the role of social capital in the economic integration of migrants and in shaping intergroup inequality in general.

  9. Sociedade justa: palco para o progresso moral do homem em Kant

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    Celso de Moraes Pinheiro


    Full Text Available A tarefa fundamental deste texto é explorar a relação entre a finalidade moral e a finalidade política nos textos de Kant. Buscaremos mostrar que a fundação de uma sociedade justa aproxima- se da efetivação possível de um reino dos fins na terra, desde que a finalidade política da sociedade encontre-se de acordo com a finalidade moral de cada indivíduo membro da sociedade. O pleno desenvolvimento moral, requerido por Kant, apenas poderá ser atingido em uma sociedade politicamente justa, com leis orientadas pela idéia de moralidade.

  10. Rights with Capabilities: Towards a Social Justice Framework for Migrant Activism


    Leah Briones


    The paradigm of rights, established throughout the academic, policy and migrant activism arenas, governs the protection of vulnerable migrant workers against abuse. To what extent this approach has achieved social justice for the migrant worker in the current global political economy climate is, however, uncertain. In analyzing the use of rights in migrant activism in Hong Kong, this paper shows the limitation of rights  in the migrant experience at the same time as it shows how a ne...

  11. Ghanaian migrant women's involvement in microlevel community ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    When migrants remit, there is no expectation to receive a gift but such reciprocity is based on cultural norms, obligations and loyalty to one's kin and community. These cultural norms and obligations override selfinterest in reciprocal arrangements. Keywords: Solidarity, community projects, remittance, Ghanaian migrant ...

  12. Body Mass Index and Self-Perception of Overweight and Obesity in Rural, Urban and Rural-to-Urban Migrants: PERU MIGRANT Study


    Loret de Mola, Christian; Pillay, Timesh D.; Diez-Canseco, Francisco; Gilman, Robert H.; Smeeth, Liam; Miranda, J. Jaime


    Objective: This study aimed to compare self-reported weight and body mass index (BMI) in order to determine discrepancies between subjective and objective obesity-related markers, and possible explanatory factors of overweight and obesity underestimation, in urban, rural and migrant populations. Materials and Methods: Data from the PERU MIGRANT study, a cross-sectional study, in low-income settings, of urban, migrant (rural-to-urban), and rural groups, including BMI, self-reported weight and ...

  13. The occupational promotion of migrant workers: contribution from the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gouw, P.


    Based on two consecutive studies (the Netherlands Working Condition Survey (NEA), TNO), a review (Discrimination Monitor, SCP) and literature it is concluded that non-western migrants experience more labour market problems than western migrants. In general non-western migrants experience more

  14. A First--and Maybe Last--Chance for College-Bound Migrants (United States)

    Richardson, Laura


    Four colleges are now helping migrant students through the federally-funded College Assistance Migrant Program, which provides the children of migrant and seasonal farmworkers with the financial, academic, and psychological resources they need to compete with traditional middle-class students. (LBH)

  15. Compatriots in Ukraine as a reference group of modern Ukrainian migrants in the USA: consequences for social mobility

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    N. V. Vashrova


    In some cases, the former social-ethnic identification was weakened or completely lost, while in others it was reinforced or even arose for the first time. A relationship has been found between the type of identification with the reference groups, as well as the way of their use, on the one hand, and the degree of social adaptation of migrants, on the other. As a result, several trends have been identified. First, the situation of dynamic social progress due to the reliance on identification associated with the reference groups in Ukraine at the stage of initial adaptation. Second, the tendency towards disintegration with American society and narrowing the chances of social mobility, due to the closure of the social-cultural patterns of Ukrainian society in the later stages of social adaptation. Third, the situation of simultaneous social advancement and maintaining close ties with reference groups in Ukraine due to acquiring a social status, confirmed by active participation in civil initiatives in Ukraine or Ukrainian-American projects. Fourth, the expansion of social opportunities for migrants, due to the integration of Ukrainian reference groups into a system of new ones, connected with American society.

  16. Uribe, M. (2013. La Nación Vetada. Estado, desarrollo y guerra civil en Colombia. Bogotá, D.C: Universidad Externado de Colombia, 343 pp.

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    Juan Carlos Villamizar


    Full Text Available El libro plantea una tesis sugestiva que será objeto de discusión en la futura historiografía acerca del proceso político colombiano en la segunda mitad del siglo XX: la explicación de las causas de la persistencia de la guerra civil en Colombia por cerca de sesenta años. Uribe explica cómo la sociedad colombiana ha mantenido una guerra civil prolongada desde 1964, la cual se ha configurado por la coexistencia del veto de las élites a la Nación, un estilo de desarrollo concentrador de la riqueza con sesgo anti-campesino y una adopción irrestricta de las élites a la política norteamericana. Los anteriores elementos se retroalimentan mutuamente generando una ruta, en la cual, la guerra civil es la marca distintiva.

  17. [Assessment of the perioperative period in civilians injured in the Syrian Civil War]. (United States)

    Hakimoglu, Sedat; Karcıoglu, Murat; Tuzcu, Kasım; Davarcı, Isıl; Koyuncu, Onur; Dikey, İsmail; Turhanoglu, Selim; Sarı, Ali; Acıpayam, Mehmet; Karatepe, Celalettin


    Wars and its challenges have historically afflicted humanity. In Syria, severe injuries occurred due to firearms and explosives used in the war between government forces and civilians for a period of over 2 years. The study included 364 cases, who were admitted to Mustafa Kemal University Hospital, Medicine School (Hatay, Turkey), and underwent surgery. Survivors and non-survivors were compared regarding injury site, injury type and number of transfusions given. The mortality rate found in this study was also compared to those reported in other civil wars. The mean age was 29 (3-68) years. Major sites of injury included extremities (56.0%), head (20.1%), abdomen (16.2%), vascular structures (4.4%) and thorax (3.3%). Injury types included firearm injury (64.4%), blast injury (34.4%) and miscellaneous injuries (1.2%). Survival rate was 89.6% while mortality rate was 10.4%. A significant difference was observed between mortality rates in this study and those reported for the Bosnia and Lebanon civil wars; and the difference became extremely prominent when compared to mortality rates reported for Vietnam and Afghanistan civil wars. Among injuries related to war, the highest rate of mortality was observed in head-neck, abdomen and vascular injuries. We believe that the higher mortality rate in the Syrian Civil War, compared to the Bosnia, Vietnam, Lebanon and Afghanistan wars, is due to seeing civilians as a direct target during war. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  18. Assessment of the perioperative period in civilians injured in the Syrian Civil War. (United States)

    Hakimoglu, Sedat; Karcıoglu, Murat; Tuzcu, Kasım; Davarcı, Isıl; Koyuncu, Onur; Dikey, İsmail; Turhanoglu, Selim; Sarı, Ali; Acıpayam, Mehmet; Karatepe, Celalettin


    wars and its challenges have historically afflicted humanity. In Syria, severe injuries occurred due to firearms and explosives used in the war between government forces and civilians for a period of over 2 years. the study included 364 cases, who were admitted to Mustafa Kemal University Hospital, Medicine School (Hatay, Turkey), and underwent surgery. Survivors and non-survivors were compared regarding injury site, injury type and number of transfusions given. The mortality rate found in this study was also compared to those reported in other civil wars. the mean age was 29 (3-68) years. Major sites of injury included extremities (56.0%), head (20.1%), abdomen (16.2%), vascular structures (4.4%) and thorax (3.3%). Injury types included firearm injury (64.4%), blast injury (34.4%) and miscellaneous injuries (1.2%). Survival rate was 89.6% while mortality rate was 10.4%. A significant difference was observed between mortality rates in this study and those reported for the Bosnia and Lebanon civil wars; and the difference became extremely prominent when compared to mortality rates reported for Vietnam and Afghanistan civil wars. among injuries related to war, the highest rate of mortality was observed in head-neck, abdomen and vascular injuries. We believe that the higher mortality rate in the Syrian Civil War, compared to the Bosnia, Vietnam, Lebanon and Afghanistan wars, is due to seeing civilians as a direct target during war. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.



    Abdala Cardona, Alejandro


    El tiempo en el que vivimos: el siglo XXI, presenta a la vez, retos y exigencias al conjunto global de los habitantes del mundo, puesto que, no solo se nos presenta la actualidad como aquella coyuntura histórica en los que el cambio de los acontecimientos gira en torno al rol central del conocimiento, sino también, en torno al potencial que dicho conocimiento trae tras de sí; es decir, el presente siglo impone al conjunto de personas el rótulo de "sociedad del conocimiento" donde se puede enc...


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    Olga Mihailovna Komornikova


    Full Text Available The article analyzes the specifics orientations of students in the tolerant interaction with educational migrants by conditions of migrant´s international educational intensification. This problem is considered in the context of the phenomenon of tolerance as a cultural value, consolidating for society the importance of methods and forms of conflict-free interaction. The article contains the definition of orientations on tolerant interaction. It was defined the characteristics features of tolerant interaction in modern conditions, external and internal factors that determine the orientation of students on tolerant interaction with migrants. Kurgan region is not experiencing a mass influx of migrants; however, the number of foreigners studying in Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University is quite significant. On the basis of the results of a social study in March-April 2016 among students SSPU, we came to the conclusion that more than half of them are focused tolerant interaction with educational migrants. The main area of cooperation is a learning activity. Friendly relationship with migrants is less attractive for young people. With decreasing of social distance, increases the number of negatively-minded students to co-education with migrant students. This is due to such factors as the social attitudes of the people in inter-ethnic relations, the presence of the negative experience of interaction with foreign student.

  1. California Master Plan for Migrant Education, 1976 Edition (Plan Maestro de California para Educacion Migrante, Edicion de 1976). (United States)

    California State Dept. of Education, Sacramento. Div. of Compensatory Education.

    Based on the national migrant education plan, California's master plan aims to mobilize the necessary State and Federal resources, and to unify and assist the efforts of local educational agencies to end the migrant child's failure in school. The plan includes provisions for: instructional activities on a regular and extended year basis designed…

  2. El modelo de gobierno corporativo de una sociedad depende de su estructura legal -Diferencias entre sociedades anónimas y/o limitadas-

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    Elizabeth Prada


    Full Text Available El presente documento tiene como finalidad comprobar que a pesar de existir unos temas comunes a analizar en el gobierno corporativo de cualquier compañía, el mismo dependerá de su estructura legal societaria, entendiendo por esta las diferentes clases de sociedades que existen en Colombia. De acuerdo con los resultados financieros obtenidos y la identificación de las dos sociedades predominantes en la mayoría de los niveles financieros a los que hace referencia el documento, se hacen unas recomendaciones sobre los principios y medidas que pueden ser tomados como referencia al momento de crear un modelo de gobierno corporativo acorde con la realidad y necesidades de las sociedades anónimas y las limitadas.

  3. The Migrant Paradox in Children and the Role of Schools in Reducing Health Disparities: A Cross-Sectional Study of Migrant and Native Children in Beijing, China.

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    Ying Ji

    Full Text Available Migrants usually exhibit similar or better health outcomes than native-born populations despite facing socioeconomic disadvantages and barriers to healthcare use; this is known as the "migrant paradox." The migrant paradox among children is highly complex. This study explores whether the migrant paradox exists in the health of internal migrant children in China and the role of schools in reducing children's health disparities, using a multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method. Participants were 1,641 student and parent pairs from Grades 4, 5, and 6 of eight primary schools in Beijing. The following school types were included: state schools with migrant children comprising over 70% of total children (SMS, private schools with migrant children comprising over 70% (PMS, and state schools with permanent resident children comprising over 70% (SRS. Children were divided into Groups A, B, C or D by the type of school they attended (A and B were drawn from SRSs, C was from SMSs, and D was from PMSs and whether they were in the migrant population (B, C, and D were, but A was not. Related information was collected through medical examination and questionnaires completed by parents and children. Prevalence of caries, overweight and obesity, poor vision, and self-reported incidence of colds and diarrhea in the previous month were explored as health outcomes. The results partially demonstrated the existence of the migrant paradox and verified the role of schools in lowering health disparities among children; there are theoretical and practical implications for improving the health of migrant children.

  4. Participação Social no Brasil Diante da Desestruturação das Políticas Sociais novas configurações da sociedade civil organizada como alternativa para recompor os laços sociais e a civilidade nas relações societárias

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    Samira Kauchakje


    Full Text Available No Brasil, os movimentos sociais pela redemocratização recente e a Constituição Federal de 1988 possibilitaram o fortalecimento de novos atores sociais tais como os Conselhos Gestores, as experiências de Orçamento Participativo na gestão da cidade, os Fóruns temáticos e as Organizações não Governamentais. Estes atores, além dos movimentos sociais étnicos, de gênero, ligados ao meio ambiente, de trabalhadores e os populares, por exemplo, têm inaugurado novos formatos de participação social e possibilitado a construção e ocupação do espaço público em que as demandas por justiça social ganham legitimidade. Historicamente, na sociedade brasileira, a relação entre Estado e sociedade civil não está mediada - ou é mediada de forma muito insuficiente - por políticas públicas e pelos direitos decorrentes (ausência de mediação aprofundada pelo processo de mundialização neoliberal em curso. Isto tem provocado a sobreposição e o agravamento da subalternidade e exclusão sociais tanto de viés econômico e de classe social quanto de viés sócio-cultural. Mas, num movimento contraditório, tem trazido, também, a possibilidade de que as novas configurações da participação social se apresentem como alternativas para (re construção de identidades elaços sociais. Procuramos argumentar, portanto, que, numa sociedade com as características históricas da brasileira, a ocupação e participação nos espaços públicos e nas instituições sociais são alternativas para a (re construção de laços sociais e identitáriosna perspectiva da cidadania e da civilidade nas relações societárias.

  5. Promoting the Recognition and Protection of the Rights of All Migrants Using a Soft-Law International Migrants Bill of Rights

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    Ian M. Kysel


    Full Text Available The rights and movement of people crossing international borders remain inadequately governed and incompletely protected by a fragmented patchwork of institutions and norms. In recent years, debates regarding migration law and practice globally have been focused on subcategories of migrants, such as refugees, or on particular migration contexts, such as migration as a result of crisis or climate change. In response, a transnational initiative housed at the Georgetown University Law Center has drafted a soft-law bill of rights — the International Migrants Bill of Rights (IMBR — that seeks to elaborate the law protecting all migrants, regardless of the cause of their movement across an international border. The bill draws its content from human rights, refugee, and labor law, among other areas, and is drafted to be a comprehensive and declarative tool that articulates a core set of rights to protect migrants and to apply in the migration context.This article articulates how such a tool could be used to promote the recognition and protection of the rights of all migrants, in law and in practice. It argues that a soft-law bill of rights could be leveraged to fill significant gaps and promote an improved normative and institutional infrastructure that better protects all migrants worldwide. Section I provides a brief overview of the gap that a soft-law bill of rights can address. Section II provides a brief overview of the history and content of the bill of rights and IMBR Initiative. Section III describes, specifically, how making use of a soft-law bill of rights stands to improve the recognition and protection of fundamental rights that protect all migrants — and how soft law can help fill specific protection gaps.


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    María Lucrecia Rovaletti

    Full Text Available La irrupción de la informática obliga a replantear el derecho a la intimidad, dada la organización de grandes bancos de datos de carácter personal. Debe añadirse además que la posibilidad del entrecruzamiento de la información contenida en los mismos puede facilitar el control y la manipulación de información sensible. Estas nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC, en continuo desarrollo, se han expandido también a los distintos dominios de salud, incidiendo en todos los actores, tanto usuarios como profesionales, poderes públicos y organismos de seguridad social. Dada la particular estigmatización que conlleva el complejo VIH/SIDA, es preciso exigir severas restricciones en el acceso a estos bancos, pero también normativas internacionales acordes, para que con la "sociedad de la información" no se agudice aún más la "sociedad de riesgo".A irrupção da informática obriga a reconsiderar o direito à intimidade, dada a organização de grandes bancos de dados de caráter pessoal. Deve-se acrescentar, ademais, que a possibilidade do entrecruzamento da informação contida nestes bancos pode facilitar o controle e a manipulação de informação sensível. Estas novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC, em contínuo desenvolvimento, têm se expandido também aos diferentes domínios da saúde, incidindo em todos os atores, seja de usuários e profissionais, poderes públicos e organismos de segurança social. Dada a particular estigmatização que implica o complexo HIV/AIDS, é preciso exigir severas restrições no acesso a estes bancos, ademais de normativas internacionais acordes, para que a "sociedade da informação" não agudize ainda mais a "sociedade de risco".Online bursting obliges to rethink the right to privacy, given the organization of huge databases of personal character. Furthermore, it must be added that the possibility of intercrossing information content may facilitate the control

  7. Sexual behavior of migrant workers in Shanghai, China. (United States)

    Dai, Wei; Gao, Jian; Gong, Jian; Xia, Xiuping; Yang, Hua; Shen, Yao; Gu, Jie; Wang, Tianhao; Liu, Yao; Zhou, Jing; Shen, Zhiping; Zhu, Shanzhu; Pan, Zhigang


    Rapid urbanization of China has resulted in significant domestic migration. The purpose of the present study was to survey the sexual behavior of migrant workers in Shanghai and determine the risk factors for unprotected sex. A cross-sectional study of the sexual behavior of 5996 migrant workers was conducted in 7 administrative regions of Shanghai in 2012 from August to October. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Five thousand seven hundred seventy two out of the 5996 migrants enrolled into the present study were primarily young adults aged 34.3 ± 10.6 years. Of them, 73.5 % were married, 51.1 % graduated from junior high school, 46.0 % earned 1500-2500 yuan (RMB) monthly. The majority (82.3 %) of the migrants engaged in sexual behavior, and 58.0 % did not use condoms in sexual intercourse. Some of the participants (15.2 %) had casual extramarital partners within the previous 12 months; among them, 76.2 % never or only occasionally used condoms. The results of the multivariate logistic regression analysis suggested that condom use was associated with age, occupation, monthly income, education, and housing conditions. Having temporary sexual partners was significantly associated with several factors such as unmarried (OR: 0.47, 95 % CI: 0.38-0.57), working at domestic (OR: 1.65,95 % CI: 1.17-2.34), working at wholesale/retail(OR: 1.65, 95 % CI: 1.13-2.13), and male migrants (OR: 2.37, 95 % CI: 1.96-2.85), but not with other factors such as age, monthly income, or education. Having casual extramarital partners was significantly associated with female migrants working at domestic (OR: 1.89, 95 % CI: 1.09-3.28), unmarried male migrants (OR: 0.51, 95 % CI: 0.36-0.74). Closer attention should be paid to sexual health education among migrant workers, especially women and those working in domestic and wholesale/retail occupations. The use of condoms should be promoted for older (>35 y), low-income, and less-educated individuals.

  8. Heavy Alcohol Use Among Migrant and Non-Migrant Male Sex Workers in Thailand: A Neglected HIV/STI Vulnerability. (United States)

    Guadamuz, Thomas E; Clatts, Michael C; Goldsamt, Lloyd A


    There is scarce research on male sex workers in the context of alcohol use. While heavy alcohol use has been established as a risk factor for HIV and STI infections among men who have sex with men (MSM), men who engage in sex work with other men, particularly from the Global South, have not been included in these studies. Moreover, studies among male sex workers in Asia often do not explore migration contexts of these men. The objective of this exploratory study is to examine the prevalence and correlates of heavy alcohol use among migrant and non-migrant male sex workers in Bangkok and Pattaya, Central Thailand. Between August and October 2015, 18-24 year-old migrant and non-migrant male sex workers (n = 212) were recruited from various male sex work-identified venues (bars, clubs, massage parlors, and go-go bars) to take an interviewer-administered cross-sectional survey in Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand. Measures were adapted from previous studies in similar populations and included structured questions across four domains, including demographic characteristics, alcohol use, stimulant use, and sexual behaviors. Multivariable logistic regression assessed the independent associations between heavy alcohol use (heavy versus not heavy) and demographic characteristics, stimulant use and sexual behavior. Heavy alcohol use was prevalent among one-third of participants. Heavy alcohol use was positively associated with male sex workers who were non-migrant and Thai, currently using stimulants, having 15 or more male clients in the past month and having first consumed alcohol at age 15 years or younger. Current HIV prevention efforts should consider subpopulations of MSM, including male sex workers and migrants, as well as other risk behaviors like alcohol, as important contexts for HIV and STI risks.

  9. Understanding health constraints among rural-to-urban migrants in China. (United States)

    Li, Yan


    The main purpose of this article is to examine the understanding and experience of health and health care among rural-to-urban migrants in China, and to explain the impact of the internal factors of migrants themselves and the external factors of their social environment. Understanding the perceptions and consciousness of health issues among migrants is crucial to prevention, intervention, and other health-related measures for the migrant population in China, but this has rarely been explored in studies. On the basis of a case study of a migrant community in Beijing, I explore the migrants' understandings of health and health care and analyze factors in the social environment, including exclusion from the social system and the possibility of health participation, exclusion from social relation networks, obstructed channels of health maintenance, and exclusion of crowd psychology, which impact heavily on their health understanding and health behavior. I argue that the internal and the external factors are linked together closely and interact as reciprocal causation. However, the migrants should not be seen as primarily responsible, because their poor understanding of health mainly results from the socioeconomic environment in which they live and work.

  10. Deported Mexican migrants: health status and access to care (United States)

    Fernández-Niño, Julián Alfredo; Ramírez-Valdés, Carlos Jacobo; Cerecero-Garcia, Diego; Bojorquez-Chapela, Ietza


    OBJECTIVE To describe the health status and access to care of forced-return Mexican migrants deported through the Mexico-United States border and to compare it with the situation of voluntary-return migrants. METHODS Secondary data analysis from the Survey on Migration in Mexico’s Northern Border from 2012. This is a continuous survey, designed to describe migration flows between Mexico and the United States, with a mobile-population sampling design. We analyzed indicators of health and access to care among deported migrants, and compare them with voluntary-return migrants. Our analysis sample included 2,680 voluntary-return migrants, and 6,862 deportees. We employ an ordinal multiple logistic regression model, to compare the adjusted odds of having worst self-reported health between the studied groups. RESULTS As compared to voluntary-return migrants, deportees were less likely to have medical insurance in the United States (OR = 0.05; 95%CI 0.04;0.06). In the regression model a poorer self-perceived health was found to be associated with having been deported (OR = 1.71, 95%CI 1.52;1.92), as well as age (OR = 1.03, 95%CI 1.02;1.03) and years of education (OR = 0.94 95%CI 0.93;0.95). CONCLUSIONS According to our results, deportees had less access to care while in the United States, as compared with voluntary-return migrants. Our results also showed an independent and statistically significant association between deportation and having poorer self-perceived health. To promote the health and access to care of deported Mexican migrants coming back from the United States, new health and social policies are required. PMID:25119943

  11. La dinámica de la integración social de los inmigrantes y su impacto en la sociedad de acogida. La perspectiva desde Navarra La dinámica de la integración social de los inmigrantes y su impacto en la sociedad de acogida. La perspectiva desde Navarra

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    Miguel Laparra


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to analyse, through a dynamic perspective, the way in which social integration processes are being shaped in some settlement areas, as Navarre, marked by a high economic dynamism, a comparatively high social cohesion and a territorial structure preventing concentrated settlement of immigrants. We will see the specific characteristics of this kind of receiving societies and the differences to other territories with different functions within the Spanish map of migrations, and we will assess in this way their integration potential and their specific problems. Paying special attention to these areas with more integration potential, we will be able to establish the correlation between social integration process of migrants and their positive impact in the welcoming society. The further the process of social integration reaches, the bigger is the profit for the welcoming society in demographic, economic, and social terms. That is a crucial consideration in a moment in which we are facing the first period of a long migration process in Spain, and shows the responsibility of social and employment policies on building an integration model that regards immigration as a positive-sum game in which both migrants and the whole society make profit.Tratamos de analizar en este artículo, en una perspectiva dinámica, cómo se están construyendo los procesos de integración social en determinados espacios de asentamiento como Navarra, marcados por el alto dinamismo económico, un nivel comparativamente alto de cohesión social y un modelo territorial que favorece la dispersión residencial de los inmigrantes. Podremos ver las peculiaridades de este tipo de territorios y las diferencias respecto de otros que cumplen otras funciones dentro del conjunto del mapa de las migraciones en España y valorar así su potencial integrador y sus problemáticas específicas. Centrándonos en estos territorios que presentan mayor potencial

  12. de la sociedad argentina

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    Diego Galeano


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata sobre un período de la historia argentina en el cual la "mirada médica", a través de un grupo de prestigiosos intelectuales, se convirtió en una clave de interpretación de la sociedad argentina. El análisis gira en torno a la obra de uno de los médicos higienistas más influyentes, José María Ramos Mejía, deteniéndose especialmente en su libro más famoso: Las multitudes argentinas (1899. La hipótesis principal que recorre el texto es la siguiente: la medicalización de la sociedad, acentuada luego de las epidemias de cólera y fiebre amarilla de mediados del siglo XIX, ofreció a las elites públicas la posibilidad de construir dominios legítimos de intervención estatal. Intromisiones del Estado en la vida privada que, además de ser algo resistidas por la población, entraban en tensión con los principios teóricos del liberalismo que los propios miembros de la elite defendían.

  13. El Movimiento Civil afrodescendiente en los Estados Unidos: análisis de caso del comic y serie televisiva "The Boondocks"


    Alvarado Saldivia, Vania


    Trabajo de Conclusión de Curso presentado al Instituto de Economía, Sociedad y Política de la Universidad Federal de Integración Latinoamericana, como requisito para la obtención del titulo de Bachiller en Relaciones Internacionales por el curso de Relaciones Internacionales e Integración. Orientadora: Prof. Dra. Tereza Spyer. Co- orientador: Prof. Micael Silva. Este trabajo de conclusión de curso reflexiona sobre las representaciones del Movimiento Civil adroamericano en los Estados Unid...

  14. 34 CFR 200.80 - Migrant Education Even Start Program definition. (United States)


    ... 34 Education 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Migrant Education Even Start Program definition. 200.80... DISADVANTAGED Even Start Family Literacy Program § 200.80 Migrant Education Even Start Program definition. Eligible participants under the Migrant Education Even Start Program (MEES) must meet the definitions of a...

  15. Bienestar social y aculturación psicológica en estudiantes universitarios migrantes (Social welfare and psychological acculturation in migrant college students

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    Fernanda Mariel Sosa


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las estrategias de aculturación psicológica y la percepción de bienestar social en estudiantes universitarios migrantes. El estudio es de tipo descriptivo de diferencias de grupos, de diseño transversal. La muestra es no probabilística intencional, compuesta por 214 estudiantes universitarios, migrantes externos e internos, de ambos sexos, con edades entre 18 y 35 años, residentes en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. En los resultados se aprecia el predominio en las estrategias de aculturación de integración y separación, y niveles medios de bienestar social. Asimismo, los estudiantes migrantes externos muestran predominio en estrategias de asimilación e integración y los estudiantes internos en estrategias de separación, tanto en el ámbito público como privado. ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to analyze the psychological acculturation strategies and social welfare perception in migrant college students. It is a descriptive group differences study with transversal design based on a convenience sample composed by 214 migrants (inner and external students of both genders aged between 18 and 35 years who live in the city of Buenos Aires. Results show that integration and separation prevail as acculturation strategies, and intermediate levels of social well being. Also, external migrant students show higher prevalence of assimilation and integration strategies and inner migrant students show higher prevalence of separation acculturation strategies, in both in the public and private spheres.

  16. Discrimination Against Migrant Workers in Malaysia


    Badarulzaman, Muhammad Hafiz; Ayub, Zainal A; Yusoff, Zuryati M; Wahab, Harlida A


    AbstractMigrant workers are often discriminated against in almost every aspect of life. Discrimination against them is due to irrational dislike of them and also negative perception towards them. It is alleged that migrant workers contribute to the crimes hike in Malaysia. Using doctrinal research methodology, this article discusses direct and perceptive discrimination against them. This article concludes that physical discriminations are mostly happened because ineffective enforcement of the...

  17. Coyotaje from the point of view of Central American migrant women

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    Simón Pedro Izcara Palacios


    Full Text Available This article, based on a qualitative methodology that includes in depth interviews with eighty Central American women who used migrant smugglers to reach the United States, examines her point of view about migrant smuggling. This paper concludes that one-sixth of respondents were deceived by migrant smugglers, and seven women suffered some form of sexual abuse from them, however more than two-thirds of the interviewees expressed a positive opinion towards migrant smugglers. This does not mean that women always trust migrant smugglers, they generally only trust those who were recommended for relatives or friends.

  18. Portuguese migrants in Switzerland: healthcare and health status compared to Portuguese residents. (United States)

    Alves, Luís; Azevedo, Ana; Barros, Henrique; Paccaud, Fred; Marques-Vidal, Pedro


    Most migrant studies have compared health characteristics between migrants and nationals of the host country. We aimed at comparing health characteristics of migrants with nationals from their home country. Portuguese national health survey (2005-6; 30,173 participants aged 18-75 years) and four national health surveys conducted in Switzerland (2002, 2004, 2007 and 2011, totalling 1,170 Portuguese migrants of the same age range). Self-reported data on length of stay, cardiovascular risk factors, healthcare use and health status were collected. Resident Portuguese were significantly older and more educated than migrants. Resident Portuguese had a higher mean BMI and prevalence of obesity than migrants. Resident Portuguese also reported more frequently being hypertensive and having their blood pressure screened within the last year. On the contrary, migrant Portuguese were more frequently smokers, had a medical visit in the previous year more frequently and self-rated their health higher than resident Portuguese. After adjustment for age, gender, marital status and education, migrants had a higher likelihood of smoking, of having a medical visit the previous year, and of self-rating their current health as good or very good than resident Portuguese. Compared to Portuguese residents, cholesterol screening in the previous year was more common only among migrants living in Switzerland for more than 17 years. Portuguese migrants in Switzerland do not differ substantially from resident Portuguese regarding most cardiovascular risk factors. Migrants consider themselves healthier than Portuguese residents and more often had a recent medical visit.

  19. Sociedade e Sustentabilidade: qual o lugar do conhecimento?

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    Maíra Baumgarten


    Full Text Available O texto aporta algumas considerações histórico-teóricas sobre as relações entre sociedade, conhecimento e sustentabilidade, buscando as intersecções desse debate com a problemática do desenvolvimento no mundo contemporâneo. A seguir são apresentados os artigos que integram o dossiê Sociedade, Conhecimentos e Sustentabilidade. Esses artigos têm em comum o enlace entre sociedade, ciência e sustentabilidade, ora trazendo controvérsias teóricas e colocando em discussão o próprio fazer científico e sua crítica, ora apresentando a temática da produção científica sobre sustentabilidade, observando arranjos conceituais, abordagens das interfaces entre humanos e não humanos, hibridismos, disciplinaridade e interdisciplinaridade. As tecnologias da informação e suas aplicações e repercussões sociais também estão presentes nas análises apresentadas, que abordam, de um lado, interações mediadas pela internet e sua capacidade para a criação de apoio social e, de outro lado, o aumento de desigualdades sociais no acesso a bens e a recursos característicos de uma sociedade com uso mais intensificado de tecnologias de informação e comunicação.

  20. Desnutrición en prescolares de familias migrantes

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    Núñez-Rocha Georgina Mayela


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar la prevalencia de desnutrición entre prescolares migrantes y no migrantes. Material y métodos. Se seleccionaron al azar 160 infantes de 1-6 años de edad, de parvularios de muy alta marginación. Se excluyeron aquellos con malformaciones congénitas o bajo alguna intervención nutricional. La migración se definió como el desplazamiento geográfico <6 años, y la desnutrición, a partir de los indicadores peso/talla y talla/edad recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados. El 59.4% de los niños provenía de familias cuyo jefe tenía una ocupación no calificada; 27.5% de los mismos contaba con primaria incompleta, y 52.8% refirió migración. La prevalencia de desnutrición fue de 51.3% en migrantes y de 28.8% en no migrantes (RP= 2.6, IC95%= 1.2,5.2, p= 0.006. Los infantes migrantes presentaron una media de puntaje Z de -2.4±.40, mientras que en los no migrantes fue de -2.3±.33, según el indicador talla/edad. Conclusiones. La desnutrición crónica en este grupo de riesgo justifica la prioridad de implantar estrategias de intervención alimentaria. Se recomienda considerar la migración en la planeación en salud.

  1. Problems and Strategies Regarding Reducing America's Migrant Student Dropout Rate. Congressional Testimony Delivered in Response to a Request from the National Commission on Migrant Education. (United States)

    Helge, Doris

    Studies conducted by the National Rural Development Institute (NRDI) indicate that migrant students have a higher school dropout rate than non-migrant students. In addition, rural migrant students experience higher levels of family dysfunction and abuse, teen pregnancy, emotional difficulties such as depression or low self-esteem, poverty,…

  2. Safety, security, hygiene and privacy in migrant farmworker housing. (United States)

    Arcury, Thomas A; Weir, Maria M; Summers, Phillip; Chen, Haiying; Bailey, Melissa; Wiggins, Melinda F; Bischoff, Werner E; Quandt, Sara A


    Safety, security, hygiene, and privacy in migrant farmworker housing have not previously been documented, yet these attributes are important for farmworker quality of life and dignity. This analysis describes the safety, security, hygiene, and privacy of migrant farmworker housing and delineates camp characteristics that are associated with these attributes, using data collected in 183 eastern North Carolina migrant farmworker camps in 2010. Migrant farmworker housing is deficient. For example, 73.8 percent of housing had structural damage and 52.7 percent had indoor temperatures that were not safe. Farmworkers in 83.5 percent of the housing reported that they did not feel they or their possessions were secure. Bathing or toileting privacy was absent in 46.2 percent of the housing. Camps with residents having H-2A visas or North Carolina Department of Labor certificates of inspection posted had better safety, security, and hygiene. Regulations addressing the quality of migrant farmworker housing are needed.

  3. A Portrait of Low-Income Migrants in Contemporary Qatar




    Though transnational labor migration in the Gulf States has increasingly been of scholarly interest, that scholarship has to date relied largely on qualitative ethnographic methodologies or small non-representative sampling strategies. This paper presents the findings of a large representative sample of low-income migrant laborers in Qatar. The data describe the basic characteristics of the low-income migrant population in Qatar, the process by which migrants obtain employment, the frequency ...

  4. Beneficios fiscales de las sociedades cooperativas en Venezuela


    Ramírez A., Héctor M.


    En la última década (período 2000-2010) en Venezuela, el número de sociedades cooperativas ha aumentado notablemente. Esto debido al énfasis por parte del Estado en promover la creación de estas asociaciones inmersas en la economía social, otorgando a las mismas diversos beneficios fiscales. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo, analizar los beneficios fiscales de las sociedades cooperativas en Venezuela. Se concluye, que las cooperativas poseen varios beneficios fi...

  5. La sociedad del conocimiento: inclusión o exclusión

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    Herminia Moreno Ríos


    Full Text Available En la historia de todas las sociedades, el conocimiento ha sido monopolizado por una élite, que lo utiliza para conservar el poder, se crearon limitantes para excluir a la masa de los saberes relevantes que otorgan la supremacía a unos y confinan a la mayoría a un trabajo físico o menos remunerado. En la actualidad surge el término Sociedad del Conocimiento para designar a nuestra sociedad, denominación que pareciera poner al alcance de todos tan preciado saber, con este trabajo pretendemos analizar si este beneficio es para todos, o es una forma disfrazada para continuar excluyendo y marginando a una gran parte de la sociedad, ya que la realidad muestra solo a una humanidad que tiene mayor acceso a la información, por la tecnología de la comunicación y el Internet, pero esa información aún debe transformarse en conocimiento utilitario, lo que en realidad existe es una sociedad de la información, que realmente no asegura que se pueda compartir con todos, los beneficios que brinda el conocimiento conductor de las sociedades, únicamente ofrece los saberes necesarios para competir en un mundo globalizado en donde cada individuo, según sus capacidades y competencias, debe encontrar su lugar.

  6. International organizations and migrant health in Europe. (United States)

    Kentikelenis, Alexander E; Shriwise, Amanda

    International organizations have defined and managed different aspects of migrant health issues for decades, yet we lack a systematic understanding of how they reach decisions and what they do on the ground. The present article seeks to clarify the state of knowledge on the relationship between international organizations and migrant health in Europe. To do so, we review the operations of six organizations widely recognized as key actors in the field of migrant health: the European Commission, the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization, the International Organization on Migration, Médecins du Monde, Médecins Sans Frontières, and the Open Society Foundation. We find that international organizations operate in a complementary fashion, with each taking on a unique role in migrant health provision. States often rely on international organizations as policy advisors or sub-contractors for interventions, especially in the case of emergencies. These linkages yield a complex web of relationships, which can vary depending on the country under consideration or the health policy issue in question.

  7. Irregular employment amongst migrants in Spanish cities. (United States)

    Sole, C; Ribas, N; Bergalli, V; Parella, S


    This article presents the irregular employment situation of non-European union immigrants in Spanish cities. Foreign labor is remarkable for its heterogeneity in terms of country of origin, demographic characteristics, and the different ways in which immigrants have entered the job market. Legal immigrants tend to concentrate in five different branches of activity, such as domestic service (mostly women), hotel and restaurant industry, agriculture, building and retail trade. Migrants who work in agriculture suffer the worst labor conditions than all other migrants. However, all migrants experience difficulty in obtaining residency and labor permits. Four integration strategies among Moroccan immigrants in Catalonia are discussed and can be viewed as support networks of the immigrants.

  8. Diabetes among Inuit migrants in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moustgaard, Helene; Bjerregaard, Peter; Borch-Johnsen, Knut


    The study aimed to estimate the prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose intolerance (IGT) among Inuit migrants living in Denmark, and to compare with findings from Greenland. Further, we analyzed determinants for diabetes and impaired glucose metabolism.......The study aimed to estimate the prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose intolerance (IGT) among Inuit migrants living in Denmark, and to compare with findings from Greenland. Further, we analyzed determinants for diabetes and impaired glucose metabolism....

  9. [Mental Health Care Utilization of First Generation Vietnamese Migrants in Germany]. (United States)

    Ta, Thi Minh Tam; Neuhaus, Andres H; Burian, Ronald; Schomerus, Georg; von Poser, Anita; Diefenbacher, Albert; Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt; Dettling, Michael; Hahn, Eric


    Vietnamese migrants underutilize and are a "hard to reach group" within the existing mental health care system in Germany. We analyzed migration related and clinical data for all first-time Vietnamese migrants seeking psychiatric help, within the first 30 months of a newly established outpatient clinic, offering culture-sensitive psychiatric treatment in native Vietnamese language. Most first time patients were female, first generation Vietnamese migrants with poor German language skills. Only 1 /3 of all patients had a psychiatric history, while this number was higher in patients with schizophrenia. Over time, more first time patients with depression were seeking psychiatric care, accompanied with an increase of non-professional referrals within the Vietnamese communities. This first study on mental health care utilization in Vietnamese migrants in Germany points towards the fact that "migrants" cannot be considered as a homogeneous group. Mental health care utilization must be evaluated for specific migrant groups, and can be initially improved if offered in native language and when it is referred to by members of migrant communities. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  10. Building Partnership to Improve Migrants' Access to Healthcare in Mumbai. (United States)

    Gawde, Nilesh Chandrakant; Sivakami, Muthusamy; Babu, Bontha V


    An intervention to improve migrants' access to healthcare was piloted in Mumbai with purpose of informing health policy and planning. This paper aims to describe the process of building partnership for improving migrants' access to healthcare of the pilot intervention, including the role played by different stakeholders and the contextual factors affecting the intervention. The process evaluation was based on Baranowski and Stables' framework. Observations in community and conversations with stakeholders as recorded in daily diaries, minutes of pre-intervention workshops, and stakeholder meetings served as data sources. Data were coded using the framework and descriptive summaries of evaluation components were prepared. Recruitment of stakeholders was easier than sustaining their interest. Community representatives led the intervention assisted by government officials. They planned community-level interventions to improve access to healthcare that involved predominantly information, education, and communication activities for which pre-existing formal and informal social networks and community events were used. Although the intervention reached migrants living with families, single male migrants neither participated nor did the intervention reach them consistently. Contextual factors such as culture differences between migrants and native population and illegality in the nature of the settlement, resulting in the exclusion from services, were the barriers. Inclusive multi-stakeholder partnership, including migrants themselves and using both formal and informal networks in community is a feasible strategy for health education and has potential to improve the migrants' access to healthcare. However, there are challenges to the partnership process and new strategies to overcome these challenges need to be tested such as peer-led models for involvement of single male migrants. For sustaining such efforts and mainstreaming migrants, addressing contextual factors and

  11. [Influential factors on psychosocial health of the migrant workers in Guangzhou]. (United States)

    Lin, Qiu-hong; Liu, Yi-min; Zhou, Jing-dong; Cao, Nai-qiong; Fang, Yuan-yu


    To study the influential factors on psychosocial health of the migrant workers in Guangzhou. The Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) were used to investigate 518 migrant workers in Guangzhou. The rate of migrant workers with psychosocial problems was 36.5%. The scores of SCL-90 and positive rates in migrant workers with the different personality types had significant difference (P workers was significantly associated with the personality. The results of present study indicated that different vocation, sex, working years, smoking and drinking might interfere with the psychological states. The migrant workers with the personality of psychoticism, neuroticism and introversion may have unhealthy mental reaction.

  12. Polish migrant youth in Scottish schools : conflicted identity and family capital.


    Moskal, M.


    The perspectives of migrant children and young people have been largely omitted in youth studies. Existing literature focuses predominantly on young people born to migrant parents in the host country, while the problems of first generation of migrant youth have received limited attention. This paper focuses on first-generation Polish migrants and their experiences in relation to school transition, new language learning and the changing family relationships in the new social environment. It dr...

  13. Partnership dynamics among migrants and their descendants in Estonia

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    Leen Rahnu


    Full Text Available Background: Extensive scholarly literature documents the decline in marriage and increase in non-marital cohabitation and divorce across regions and countries of Europe, but we know less about the extent to which these new family behaviours that have emerged in host societies are adopted by migrants. Objective: The aim of this study is to examine partnership transitions among the migrants and their descendants in Estonia, who mainly originate from the European part of Russia. By investigating an East European context, the study contributes to a more comprehensive account of migrant populations in different socio-economic and cultural settings. Methods: The study is based on the Estonian Generations and Gender Survey (2004/2005 and the Estonian Family and Fertility Survey (1994/1997, and employs proportional hazards models. Results: The results show that new family formation patterns, associated with the Second Demographic Transition, are less prevalent among migrants. The difference between migrants and native Estonians is most pronounced in the mode of partnership formation and outcomes of cohabiting unions, whereas the results pertaining to union dissolution reveal a less systematic difference between population groups. Reflecting the relatively slow integration, the second-generation migrants exhibit partnership behaviour that differs from that of the native population. The observed differences between migrants and the native population appear largely similar for both men and women. Conclusions: The results lend support to socialisation, cultural maintenance, and adaptation hypotheses, and underscore the importance of contextual factors. The analysis reveals disruption effects of migration on partnership processes.

  14. Occupational injury among migrant workers in China: a systematic review (United States)

    Fitzgerald, Simon; Chen, Xin; Qu, Hui; Sheff, Mira Grice


    Objectives This review considers the state of occupational injury surveillance and prevention among migrant workers in China and suggests areas of focus for future research on the topic. Methods Bibliographic databases were searched for qualitative and quantitative studies on surveillance of and interventions to prevent occupational injury among migrant workers in mainland China. Additional abstracts were identified from the citations of relevant articles from the database search. Studies fitting the inclusion criteria were evaluated, and findings were extracted and summarised. Results The search uncovered 726 studies in the English-language databases searched, and 3109 in the Chinese database. This article analyses a total of 19 research articles that fit the inclusion criteria with qualitative or quantitative data on occupational injury surveillance and prevention of migrant workers in China. Despite evidence of the vulnerability of migrant workers in the workplace, there is little systematic surveillance of occupational injury and few evaluated interventions. Conclusions Migrant workers account for a disproportionate burden of occupational injury morbidity and mortality in China. However, data are inconsistent and inadequate to detail injury incidence or to evaluate interventions. The following are suggestions to decrease injury incidence among migrants: strengthen the national system of occupational injury surveillance; focus surveillance and interventions on high-risk occupations employing migrants such as construction, manufacturing and small mining operations; improve occupational safety training and access to appropriate safety equipment; evaluate recent changes in occupational health and safety and evaluate outcome of multi-party interventions to reduce occupational injury among migrant workers. PMID:23710065

  15. Interactive Development of Community Education and Migrant Workers’ Continuing Education

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Ning; WANG


    Community education is an essential carrier of continuing education and plays a positive role in promoting continuing education of migrant workers. On the one hand,it can raise employment quality and labor skills of migrant workers; on the other hand,it manifests function of serving society of community education. Besides,it is also an important measure for building learning society and lifelong learning system.From the perspective of interactive development,it discusses interactive relationship between community education and migrant workers’ continuing education,analyzes their interactive mechanism,and comes up with recommendations for developing community education and migrant workers’ continuing education.

  16. Concepções de Estado e Sociedade Civil institucionalizadas em políticas públicas de educação ambiental: um estudo de caso a partir de chamada pública do Ministério do Meio Ambiente

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    Leonardo Kaplan Carlos


    Full Text Available A consolidação de políticas públicas de educação ambiental no Brasil permite o aprofundamento de reflexões conceituais e implicações políticas destas, o que contribui para o posicionamento dos agentes sociais envolvidos. No presente artigo, apresentamos as concepções hegemônicas de Estado e sociedade civil no campo, tendo por referência a análise crítica do discurso de um caso empírico concreto: a chamada pública do Ministério do Meio Ambiente para Coletivo Educadores, de 2006; problematizando-as à luz de um referencial inserido na tradição marxista. Com isso, após a análise detalhada do documento, é possível afirmar que tais concepções hegemônicas se inserem no quadro teórico e discursivo da denominada “Terceira Via” e no modelo de Estado Gerencial, propostas estas que não contribuem diretamente para o avanço das lutas sociais de cunho emancipatório, tal como preconizado pela Educação Ambiental Crítica.

  17. Association between cultural distance and migrant self-rated health. (United States)

    Detollenaere, Jens; Baert, Stijn; Willems, Sara


    We study whether migrant health in Europe is associated with the cultural distance between their host country and country of origin. To this end, we run multilevel regression models on data merging self-rated health and social background of ≥3800 migrants from the European Social Survey with an index of cultural distance based on country differences in values, norms and attitudes measured in the World Values Survey. We find that higher levels of cultural distance are associated with worse migrant health. This association is comparable in size with the negative association between health and female (compared with male) gender but less important than the association between health and education level. In addition, this association is less significant among second-generation than first-generation migrants.

  18. “Making Connection”: Indonesian Migrant Entrepreneurial Strategies in Taiwan

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    Rudolf YUNIARTO


    Full Text Available This paper examines the function of network as a tool of problem solving in Indonesian migrant entrepreneurship escaping labor market challenges and social-cultural adjustment process in Taiwan. As the essential key to social mobility of migrant, networks is considered not only used as a migrant strategic survival, but may help them get resources to spur entrepreneurship. By cohesive personal/social networks with local fellow or nationals and using social media, it facilitated the entrepreneur’s to capital, support (mentoring, knowledge (access to sufficient capital and a reliable supply and customer. In case social network Indonesian entrepreneur in Taiwan is formed through personal or group migrant ties, religion, ethnic and hometown, or group association depends home base city where they work.

  19. Missed Opportunity: The Underutilisation of Forced Migrants in the British Economy

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    Dieu Donné HACK-POLAY


    Full Text Available This paper looks at the work experiences of forced migrants in the country of origin and the host country. The article builds on interviews with forced migrants from three nationalities, Congo (DRC, Kosovo and Somalia to contrast their experience of work in the labour market in the United Kingdom. The research found that the place the migrants occupy in the host labour market is not often commensurate with their qualifications and professional baggage from the country of origin. The forced migrants often landed in menial, unskilled or semi-skilled jobs. Ethnicity or racial origin had little impact on the degree of success in the host labour market. However the article concludes that the professional demise of the forced migrants is not only a loss to them but the host economy might be missing out on valuable human resources, given the high skills that the migrants harbour.

  20. HIV testing behaviour among heterosexual migrants in Amsterdam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stolte, I. G.; Gras, M.; van Benthem, B. H.; Coutinho, R. A.; van den Hoek, J. A. R.


    This cross-sectional study among heterosexual migrant groups in south-eastern Amsterdam, the city area where the largest migrant groups live, provides an insight into HIV testing behaviour in this particular group. Participants were recruited at street locations (May 1997-July 1998) and interviewed

  1. Determinants of Migrant Entrepreneurship in Europe


    Tüzin Baycan-Levent; Peter Nijkamp


    In the last decades migrant enterprises have become more embedded in the European urban economy. With the rising number of migrant entrepreneurs, the largest cities in Europe have acquired a more cosmopolitan outlook and have become dynamic multicultural economies. Actually, the ‘ethnic economies’ are often seen as elements of a solution to structural labour market problems and ethnicity is increasingly regarded as a viable resource for economic advancement on the labour market in Europe. A...

  2. Undocumented migrants have diverse health problems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ehmsen, Boje Kvorning; Biswas, Dan; Jensen, Natasja Koitszch


    on the International Classification of Primary Care, 2nd Edition (ICPC-2). RESULTS: A total of 830 patients (39.75% women and 60.25% men) visited the clinic, which led to a total of 2,088 visits and 1,384 ICPC-2 classifications. The patients seen had 94 different nationalities. The most common reasons for medical......INTRODUCTION: In 2008, 1.9-3.8 million undocumented migrants lived in Europe. We aimed to strengthen the evidence base on undocumented migrants' health problems by describing characteristics of undocumented migrant patients in a Danish non-governmental organisation (NGO) health clinic. MATERIAL...... contact correspond well with the pattern seen in general practice and several chronic and severe cases were observed in the NGO clinic. Furthermore, a larger share of pregnant women presented (11.6%) compared with a Danish general practice (5.1%), and these were seen first in a late gestational age...


    Gawde, Nilesh C; Sivakami, Muthusamy; Babu, Bontha V


    This study aimed to understand access to maternal health care and the factors shaping it amongst poor migrants in Mumbai, India. A cross-sectional mixed methods approach was used. It included multistage cluster sampling and face-to-face interviews, through structured interview schedules, of 234 migrant women who had delivered in the two years previous to the date they were interviewed. Qualitative in-depth interviews of migrant women, health care providers and health officials were also conducted to understand community and provider perspectives. The results showed that access to antenatal care was poor among migrants with less than a third of them receiving basic antenatal care and a quarter delivering at home. Multivariate analysis highlighted that amongst migrant women those who stayed in Mumbai during pregnancy and delivery had better access to maternal health care than those who went back to their home towns. Poor maternal health care was also due to weaker demand for health care as a result of the lack of felt-need among migrants due to socio-cultural factors and lack of social support for, and knowledge of, health facilities in the city. Supply-side factors such as inadequate health infrastructure at primary and secondary levels, lack of specific strategies to improve access to health care for migrants and cumbersome administrative procedures that exclude migrants from certain government programmes all need to be addressed. Migrants should be integral to the urban development process and policies should aim at preventing their exclusion from basic amenities and their entitlements as citizens.

  4. Gender Inequalities in Employment and Wage-earning among Economic Migrants in Chinese Cities

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    Qin Min


    Full Text Available Background: Recent trends show an unprecedented feminisation of migration in China, triggered by the increasing demand for cheap labour in big cities and the availability of women in the labour market. These trends corroborate the evidence that non-agricultural work and remittance from urban labour migrants have become the major sources of rural household income. Objective: This paper investigates the extent of gender inequalities in job participation and wage earning among internal labour migrants in China. We hypothesize that female migrants in cities are economically more disadvantaged than male migrants in the job market. Methods: We use data from the 2010 National Migrant Dynamics Monitoring Survey conducted in 106 cities representing all 31 provinces and geographic regions. The study applies the standard Heckman two-step Probit-OLS method to model job participation and wage-earning, separately for 59,225 males and 41,546 females aged 16-59 years, adjusting for demographic and social characteristics and potential selection effects. Results: Female migrants have much lower job-participation and wage-earning potential than male migrants. Male migrants earn 26Š higher hourly wages than their female counterparts. Decomposition analysis confirms potential gender discrimination, suggesting that 88Š of the gender difference in wages (or 12Š of female migrant wage is due to discriminatory treatment of female migrants in the Chinese job market. Migrants with rural hukou status have a smaller chance of participation in the job market and they earn lower wages than those with urban hukou, regardless of education advantage. Conclusions: There is evidence of significant female disadvantage among internal labour migrants in the job market in Chinese cities. Household registration by urban and rural areas, as controlled by the hukou status, partly explains the differing job participation and wage earning among female labour migrants in urban China

  5. Psychopathology in a migrant population visiting a psychiatric outpatient clinic in Punjab, India

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    Navkiran S Mahajan


    Full Text Available Background: Migration is a risk factor for psychosis in international migrants. Objectives: We compared the psychiatric morbidity in first and second generation interstate migrants in India. Methods: Psychiatric morbidity was assessed in 18-64-year-old first and second generation migrants of both the gender using Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview. Total 70 subjects were included in the study. Males and females of both the generation compared. Results: Mood disorders are found to be most common disorder in second generation migrants. Where females of second generation migrants have a major depressive episode with melancholic features, as compared to males who have manic episode significantly higher in second generation migrants. Conclusion: Migration is a risk factor for mood disorders especially in second generation migrants. As adversity of migration, discrimination, and acculturation faced from birth and early life leads to higher rates of psychiatry morbidity in second generation migrants.

  6. Migrant Image as an "Other Some" in the Russian Mass Media

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    Roman P. Bakanov


    Full Text Available This article reveals the main approaches and methods of forming a perception stereotype of the migrant image as "other some" in the Russian mass media. The authors of this article analyzed three federal print publications - "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", "Trud" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda", characterized as mass editions, which enabled to make the most complete coverage of several segments of the readership and to highlight the most widespread meaning of the "migrant" concept in the public consciousness. The study of the dynamics of using the "migrant" concept for the period of 2000-2013 in the Russian print media made it possible to conclude that there were shifts towards a positive assessment of "other some". If the "language of enmity" was used in the public consciousness to form the migrant image at the beginning of the period under investigation, which led to the consolidation of migrant phobia, then the situation changed by 2013 - the migrant image was more often associated with a victim of interethnic tension and corruption. The new migrant image is the image of a migrant who has not found a better life, but has adopted Russia as a second home and therefore trying to adopt new standards and living conditions and helping to solve many of the social and economic problems of Russian society.

  7. La Argumentación, Capacidad Civil y Conocimiento: la Interpretación Posible Después de la Ley de la Pesona Con Discapacidad

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    Maria Claudia Mercio Cachapuz


    Full Text Available Este trabajo discute el concepto de autonomía en conflictos legales complejos, como se ha visto en la definición de la capacidad civil por la reciente promulgación de la Ley n° 13.146 /15. Debate el establecimiento de límites a priori al ejercicio de libertades y de cómo debe justificarse por serias razones la restrición a cualquier libertad, mientras si expande la autonomía como un principio a la construcción de la moral en la sociedad contemporânea. Propuesta de discusión acerca de la supresión de los parágrafos del artículo 3º del Código Civil brasileño.

  8. [Migrants of high social status in Germany]. (United States)

    Glebe, G


    "The accelerating economic globalization has created a growing demand for highly skilled labourers. As a result, there has been an increase in highly skilled and high-status migrants to Germany, especially to the urban agglomerations with global city functions. This migration process is carried mostly by the internal labour and job movement of multinational companies. In the urban centres these groups of migrants follow specific patterns of spatial organization and segregation with regard to their place of residence. But they also have other distinctive difference to the migrants with a lower social status, such as higher social acceptance in their host country, the transitory character of their stay in Germany, and their intentions to return to their home countries." (EXCERPT)

  9. Estado e sociedade e as reconfigurações do direito à saúde State and society and the new configurations of the right to health

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    Amélia Cohn


    Full Text Available Este ensaio resgata algumas das principais discussões travadas na literatura das ciências sociais sobre as relações entre Estado, sociedade civil e participação social nas políticas de saúde. O recorte adotado é a dimensão política propriamente dita, deixando-se à parte - embora seja igualmente relevante - a participação da sociedade na provisão e produção de serviços de saúde. Os principais eixos de análise são as implicações sociais e políticas da opção pela perspectiva da pobreza ou da desigualdade; os movimentos sociais e os direitos sociais; e a relação Estado/sociedade num contexto de destituição de direitos. Privilegia-se a ótica da instituição da cidadania da perspectiva da justiça e da eqüidade social frente à diversidade e ao pluralismo que marcam as sociedades contemporâneas, em especial a brasileira, dadas as enormes desigualdades sociais que a caracterizam. A última sessão retoma de forma sucinta alguns dos principais traços que vêm marcando a experiência da participação social nos Conselhos de Saúde apontados pelas numerosas análises a respeito, sem no entanto se fazer um balanço dessa literatura quanto aos marcos teóricos e metodológicos aí presentes.The present essay in which the author seeks to reintroduce some of the main discussions within the social sciences literature on the relationship among state and civil society, and which can contribute for a reflection about social involvement in health policies. In this regard, the focus is on the political dimension proper of this relationship, putting aside - despite its relevance - society's participation on the provision of health services. The main axes of the analysis are the social and political implications in choosing the poverty or inequality perspective; social movements and social rights; and the state/society relationship in a context lacking basic rights. Attention is given to the institutionalization of citizenship

  10. Liberalismo vs. neo-fascismo: perspectiva sociosemiótica y análisis político del cómic Guerra Civil

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    Liber Daniel Cuñarro Conde


    Full Text Available La presente investigación analiza desde una perspectiva sociosemiótica y política algunos de los aspectos más relevantes del cómic Guerra Civil de Marvel como expresión de los eventos del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en los Estados Unidos de América. Dicho texto se examina desde los enfoques postulados por Greimas (1966 y Eco (1993. A tal efecto se ha seleccionado un corpus concreto, constituido por los siete ejemplares que representan la historia principal de la serie titulada Civil War, en su lenguaje original. Para lograr la comprensión del programa narrativo del cómic, este estudio proporciona el antetexto y la información pertinente para hacer posible una interpretación de los elementos políticos e ideológicos de la Guerra Civil de Marvel, su relación con la representación alegórica de los hechos históricos y su textualización como expresión simbólica de la sociedad contemporánea.

  11. Migrant Networks across Borders: The Case of Brazilian Entrepreneurs in Japan

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    Naoto HIGUCHI


    Full Text Available Classical studies on migration as those of the Chicago school emphasized the social disorganization of migrants. However, migration researchers have regarded social networks as the key to understanding migration processes. Social capital generated by migrant networks is now considered as essential for the social mobility of migrants. Indeed, the contrasting views of migrant networks are too simple to clarify the dynamic processes of network formation. Few studies have tested how migrant networks are changing in host societies, which ties are transplanted from the home country, and which of them are utilized. This paper aims to clarify the missing link between pre-migration and post-migration social networks, examining the multiplicity of migrants’ social networks. This study tested three hypotheses of social capital on Brazilian entrepreneurs in Japan. By analyzing the social capital these migrant entrepreneurs mobilized to start businesses, this study found that while most depended on social capital in the initial phase of their businesses, they relied less on social relationships transplanted to Japan than on other sources. In addition, Brazilian entrepreneurs selectively used different sources of social capital. These results show that migrants selectively maintain and reconstruct social networks in the process of migration.

  12. Coping strategies among internal migrant students in Turkey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Altinyelken, H.K.


    This article is based on a qualitative study that explored educational challenges and coping mechanisms of internal migrant girls whose families moved from the rural areas in the east to the western parts of Turkey. The study revealed that internal migrant girls have encountered a number of

  13. La relación administrador-sociedad

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    Luis Fernando Sabogal Bernal


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se aborda el tema de la naturaleza jurídica de la relación administrador – sociedad con el fin de dar una mayor claridad sobre el cuerpo de normas y principios jurídicos que definen la posición, facultades y poderes de los administradores de sociedades. En la primera parte se hace una síntesis de las principales doctrinas que explican esta relación en el derecho continental europeo y angloamericano; en la segunda se organizan y concretizan las diferentes soluciones al problema por parte de la legislación, la jurisprudencia y la doctrina nacional colombiana; y finalmente, en la tercera se propone una aproximación interpretativa propia del autor, intentando conciliar las posiciones extranjeras y nacionales de conformidad con la jurisprudencia y la legislación colombianas.

  14. Acceso a la justicia, migrantes y violencia de género: Municipio de Lanús; Acesso à justiça, os migrantes e violência de gênero: Municipio de Lanús; Access to justice, migrants and gender violence: Municipio de Lanús

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    Verónica Jaramillo Fonnegra


    Full Text Available Resumen: La presente es una investigación-acción realizada en el Municipio de Lanús entre 2015 y 2016; que evalúa las formas de acceso a la justicia en casos de violencia machista contra las mujeres migrantes que residen en la zona a través del análisis del sistema de jurídico-institucional. Este sistema tiene un importante rol en las formas en que las mujeres migrantes perciben sus posibilidades de salir de sus situaciones de violencia. Ser pobre, ser migrante, no tener estudios, no tener trabajo registrado y ser víctima de violencia de género es un poderoso cóctel de desigualdades que ejerce un fuerte impacto en las formas de acercamiento a la justicia de las migrantes. A pesar de ello, también existen distintas formas de resistencia, algunas de las cuales mostraremos en el escrito.   Palabras claves: accedo, justicia, migración, violencia, patriarcado.     Resumo: Esta é uma pesquisa-ação realizada no Municipio de Lanús entre 2015 e 2016. Nela são avaliadas formas de acesso à justiça em casos de violência de género às mulheres migrantes habitantes desta área. Analisando o sistema legal e institucional que tem que tem um papel importante no caminho que as mulheres migrantes percebem suas chances de sair das situações de violência. Ser pobre, condição de migrante, baixa escolaridade, não ter trabalho registrado e ser vítima de violência doméstica, são um poderoso coquetel de desigualdades que impactam fortemente sobre maneiras de abordar a justiça de migrantes. Embora haja também várias formas de resistência, alguns dos quais evidenciaremos no presente documento.   Palavras-chave: Acesso, justiça, migrantes, violência de gênero.     Abstract: The following is an excerpt from an action-research carried out in the Municipality of Lanús between 2015 and 2016. In it, we evaluate the access to Justice in cases of gender violence against migrant women who live in the area through the analysis of

  15. [Intercultural aspects of medical care for undocumented migrants]. (United States)

    Cerda-Hegerl, Patricia


    In view of the cultural diversity in German society today, the time has long since come when medical care must adjust to its new clientele. This article provides an overview for doctors, medical personnel and psychologists of approaches, backgrounds and networks of migration to Germany, in particular over the little known undocumented migration. This migration has steadily increased in recent years. The author deals with the circumstances which create psychological problems for migrants and what happens when migrants living in this shadow world fall ill. In addition, the article offers an agenda for interculturally competent action in caring for documented and undocumented migrants. Dimensions of cultural differences such as collectivism versus individualism (most of the countries of origin of these migrants in Germany with or without documents are collectivistic) are explained along with differences in styles of communication. The following styles with their impact in actual practice are analyzed: indirect versus direct communication; emotional control versus expressiveness; functionalism versus relationship orientation.

  16. Fighting poverty: the economic adjustment of female migrants in Dhaka. (United States)

    Huq-hussain, S


    Data from a field survey of slum and squatter settlements in Dhaka, Bangladesh, are used to examine the social adjustment of poor, female migrants to work, occupational choice, work satisfaction, income, control over income, and women's role in the family economy. A "poor household," defined in terms of nutritional intake, included those families receiving under 2122 cal/person/day. 44% of the urban population in Bangladesh do not obtain the daily nutritional requirement. Findings indicate that 61% of all female migrants expected to find work on arrival in the city. 44% of female migrants were willing to take any kind of work available at the time of arrival. Over 66% of all females found work in less than 6 months. Almost 25% took 6 months to a year to find a job, and 15% found work after a year's time. Recent migrants, who were older, found work quicker. 16% of female migrants found their job with help from relatives and friends (23% of recent migrants and 14% of long-term migrants). Among female migrants who sought a job on their own, 14% found work within 6 months. 3% found work between 6 months and a year. The rest were engaged in family and home-based work or found a job much later. In Dhaka, most women migrants worked in the service or informal sector. 40% of the sample worked as domestics, 38% worked in the informal sector, 16% worked in other informal work, and 5% worked in export-based garment industries. Most female migrants lived in the British Dhaka zone and the post-British Dhaka zone. Those living in the Mughal Dhaka zone tended to work in home-based informal activities. Garment industry workers tended to have more education. Women in the informal sector did not receive cash income. Just over 33% received income in kind, about 25% received a low income, and another 25% received a moderate income. In 71% of cases, husbands or fathers handled the money. 29% handled income on their own. Their own earnings went mostly for survival needs. Over 70% changed

  17. Work-life balance of Eastern European migrants in Portugal


    Flenova, Vera


    his study is devoted to the balance between work and life the Eastern European migrants manage to obtain. Work and life balance is considered as one of the core factors for the quality of life of the individual. Processes of migration and integration of migrants make the attainment of the work-life balance even more complicated and involve more resources. In this work the work and personal life balance of migrants is being analysed from the following perspectives: occupation, f...

  18. Housing and Health of Kiribati Migrants Living in New Zealand. (United States)

    Teariki, Mary Anne


    Settlement is a complex process of adjustment for migrants and refugees. Drawing on recent research on the settlement experiences of Kiribati migrants and their families living in New Zealand, this article examines the role of housing as an influencer of the settlement and health of Kiribati migrants. Using qualitative methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with fourteen Kiribati migrants (eight women and six men) representing 91 family members about the key issues and events that shaped their settlement in New Zealand. The stories told by participants affirm the association between housing and health. The study serves as an important reminder that children bear a great cost from living in poorly insulated and damp housing, and adults bear the mental costs, including social isolation resulting from inadequate rental housing. Detailed information about how this migrant group entered the private rental housing market, by taking over the rental leases of other Kiribati migrants vacating their rental properties, indicated some of the unintended consequences related to a lack of incentives for landlords to make improvements. With the most vulnerable families most at risk from inadequate housing, this research concludes that there is a need for minimum housing standards to protect tenants.

  19. Schistosomiasis in european travelers and migrants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lingscheid, Tilman; Kurth, Florian; Clerinx, Jan


    Schistosomiasis remains one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases worldwide and the infection is frequently found in travelers and migrants. The European Network for Tropical Medicine and Travel Health conducted a sentinel surveillance study on imported schistosomiasis between 1997 and 2010...... or antigen testing. Schistosomiasis remains a frequent infection in travelers and migrants to Europe. Travelers should be made aware of the risk of schistosomiasis infection when traveling to sub-Saharan Africa. Posttravel consultations particularly for returning expatriates are useful given the high...

  20. Place making in liminal times: a case study among Karnataka migrants in Goa : A CASE STUDY AMONG KARNATAKA MIGRANTS IN GOA

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bailey, A.; Channakki, H.R.; Hutter, I.


    This article describes how migrants make places in host communities by inscribing these places with parts of their culture. The place making discussion in this article is situated within the cultural-temporal framework of liminality. Data are drawn from fieldwork carried out among migrant and mobile

  1. Citizenship experiences of young migrants: Optimism and disadvantages

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gerritsen, D.


    This study analyses the citizenship experiences of young non-western migrants in the Netherlands. Young migrants are in a disadvantaged position in education and in the labour market and this leads to concerns about their integration in Dutch society. The focus of this study is on the participation

  2. State Title I Migrant Participation Information, 1998-99. (United States)

    Henderson, Allison; Daft, Julie

    States use federal Migrant Education Program (MEP) funds to provide migrant children with services that address the special needs related to continual educational disruption. MEP services can be instructional or supporting. This report summarizes MEP participation information provided by state education agencies for the 1998-99 school year. The…

  3. The International Migrant Child: An Aspect of U.S./Mexico Relations. (United States)

    Guzman, Ralph


    Little is know about the educational, social, and psychological problems that migrant worker children experience. This paper juxtaposes what we know about domestic migrant worker children with what is being discovered about international migrant worker counterparts. The educational experiences in the country of origin and receiving nation are…

  4. Los Determinantes Sociales de Salud y la lucha por la equidad en salud: desafíos para el estado y la sociedad civil The Social Determinants of Health and the struggle for health equity: challenges for states and civil society

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    Eugenio Villar


    Full Text Available La OMS ha creado una Comisión de los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud que producirá su reporte en el 2008. Aunque el tema de los determinantes sociales (DSS de la salud no es nuevo, la nueva visibilidad global en el tema refleja el agotamiento del modelo de desarrollo neoliberal que ha agudizado la inequidad y consecuentemente hace resurgir el tema de la justicia social. Nuevos enfoques y evidencia ubican la inequidad en salud como resultado de la inequitativa distribución de los DSS. Procesos en curso como la globalización de signo neoliberal y el cambio climático agudizan las inequidades así como la exclusión en salud al actuar directa y desigualmente sobre los DSS. Algunos ejemplos de políticas publicas exitosas: Suecia, dado su particular contexto político-institucional ha desarrollado una política (intersectorial de salud publica cuyo objetivo es disminuir la inequidad diseñando estrategias participativas sobre sus DSS. Chile viene también construyendo inclusivamente un sistema de protección social infantil (Chile Crece Contigo a partir de una integración de programas bajo un norte de derechos y de DSS. La meta es la cobertura universal con un enfoque de ciclo de vida. Finalmente, la Sociedad Civil de las Américas viene desarrollando un debate hacia una agenda común en el tema de los DSS, con los gobiernos de Brasil y Chile así como la OEA, OPS y OMS. Los ejes son la lucha por un nuevo modelo de desarrollo participativo y sostenible que democratice el abordaje de los DSS bajo un enfoque de derechos.WHO has launched the Commission on Social determinants of Health which will deliver its final report in 2008. The social determinants of health (SDH approach is not a new subject but one which has gained more visibility with the widening of inequities, blamed on the neo-liberal development model. Progressively, social justice issues are re-emerging, backed by evidence and new approaches which crystallize the relationship

  5. La democratización en Centroamérica desde sus guerras civiles: fortalezas y debilidades

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    Fabrice Lehoucq


    Full Text Available Este trabajo documenta y explica las tendencias de la democracia en Centroamérica. Presenta y actualiza los resultados de la taxonomía de cambio de régimen político y sus hechos fundamentales en la región, y examina cómo los cambios en la gobernabilidad electoral y la naturaleza de las relaciones ejecutivo-legislativas proporcionan una valoración más matizada del alcance del cambio institucional, en parte por el aprovechamiento de otros esfuerzos por evaluar el legado de la guerra civil en Centroamérica. El aporte más importante es que da cuenta de las tendencias de democratización, comparando los resultados de la posguerra en Centroamérica con los de otras 130 sociedades más que han experimentado guerras civiles entre 1940 y 2000, y sugiere que las victorias y los acuerdos negociados han conllevado, en la mayoría de los países, mejoras en los diferentes tipos de regímenes. Sin embargo, la guerra civil siempre ha dejado enormes daños en las economías, por lo que el autor explora el impacto que tuvo la guerra en la crisis económica, para entender cómo la falta de crecimiento contribuye a la decadencia política en Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua, pero no en El Salvador ni en Costa Rica -que también experimentó en 1948 una guerra civil -.

  6. Alcohol and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Male Central Asian Labor Migrants and Non-migrants in Kazakhstan: Implications for HIV Prevention. (United States)

    El-Bassel, Nabila; Marotta, Phillip L


    This paper examines the association between alcohol consumption and sexual risk behaviors (unprotected sex, multiple sex partners, sex under influence of drugs or alcohol and commercial sex) in a sample of Central Asian migrant and non-migrant laborers in the largest marketplace in Kazakhstan. We used data from The Silk Road Health Project, conducted from 2010 to 2013 with 1342 male migrant and non-migrant market workers. Participants were selected through respondent driven sampling at the Baraholka Market in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We used regression analyses adjusting for potential confounders to examine the relationship between alcohol consumption and sexual risk behavior. We found that hazardous drinking was associated with an increase in the odds of sex under the influence of drugs (aOR = 6.09, 95% CI 3.48, 10.65; p < .001) and purchasing commercial sex (aOR = 2.02, 95% CI 1.02, 4.02; p < .05). We identified potential targets for HIV interventions to reduce sexual risk behaviors among this key population.

  7. Cultural Capital of Migrant Students: Teachers' and Students' Perspectives and Understandings. (United States)

    Romanowski, Michael H.


    A study examined the role played by cultural capital in the education of migrant students. Observations and interviews with administrators, faculty, and students during a summer migrant program in a rural Ohio school district indicate that the cultural capital of migrant students, particularly family loyalty, often conflicted with the cultural…

  8. Recent Migrants and Education in the European Union (United States)

    Osadan, Robert; Reid, Elizabeth


    European schools should improve their methods for teaching migrant students. The European Union has been making efforts to meet the needs of migrant students for some time. From the 2009 Eurydice report "Integrating Immigrant Children into Schools in Europe," which suggests measures to foster inclusion in the larger community and…

  9. Forced residential mobility and social support: impacts on psychiatric disorders among Somali migrants

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    Bhui Kamaldeep


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Somali migrants fleeing the civil war in their country face punishing journeys, the loss of homes, possessions, and bereavement. On arrival in the host country they encounter poverty, hostility, and residential instability which may also undermine their mental health. Methods An in-depth and semi-structured interview was used to gather detailed accommodation histories for a five year period from 142 Somali migrants recruited in community venues and primary care. Post-codes were verified and geo-mapped to calculate characteristics of residential location including deprivation indices, the number of moves and the distances between residential moves. We asked about the reasons for changing accommodation, perceived discrimination, asylum status, traumatic experiences, social support, employment and demographic factors. These factors were assessed alongside characteristics of residential mobility as correlates of ICD-10 psychiatric disorders. Results Those who were forced to move homes were more likely to have an ICD-10 psychiatric disorder (OR = 2.64, 1.16-5.98, p = 0.02 compared with those moving through their own choice. A lower risk of psychiatric disorders was found for people with larger friendship networks (0.35, 0.14-0.84, p = 0.02, for those with more confiding emotional support (0.42, 0.18-1.0, p = 0.05, and for those who had not moved during the study period (OR = 0.21, 0.07-0.62, p = 0.01. Conclusions Forced residential mobility is a risk factor for psychiatric disorder; social support may contribute to resilience against psychiatric disorders associated with residential mobility.

  10. Maternal attitudes of Greek migrant women. (United States)

    Dikaiou, M; Sakka, D; Haritos-fatouros, M


    This study examines groups of Greek migrant mothers and their attitudes towards their children in different stages of the migratory process. There were 2 lots of samples of Greek migrants mothers who had at least 2 children 8-10 years old, 1 from the home country (5 villages of the District Drama in East Macedonia) and 1 from the receiving country (the area of Baden-Wurtenberg, where most of the migrants from East Macedonia are living). The 4 groups are: 1) 20 mothers who have always lived with their child in the host country; 2) 20 mothers who live in the host country where their child has joined them in the last 2-4 years; 3) 27 mothers who have lived in the host country with their child and have returned home in the last 2-4 years; and 4) 24 non-migrant mothers who have always lived with their families in the home country (control group). Women were interviewed using 2 questionnaires: a survey and an attitude questionnaire. The range of mothers' ages was 20-50 years. The youngest mothers were in the control group whereas group 1 mothers were the oldest. Groups 1 and 2 were mostly unskilled workers; groups 3 and 4 were mostly housewives. The returnees stayed in the host country a mean of 10 years, whereas the other 2 migrant groups were there 14.6 years. There were significantly fewer children in the families of groups 1 and 2 than 3 and 4. The attitude questionnaire covered the following child rearing practices: 1) training the child to participate in home duties; 2) keeping clean and tidy; 3) self-reliance and social behavior towards visitors; 4) ways of dealing with a child's obedience/disobedience; 5) dealing with favor-seeking behavior, food, and sleeping problems; and 6) mother's degree of permissiveness, supervision, and intervention on child's personal and interpersonal sphere of life. Findings show that moving from home to host country and coming back home creates the most controlling mothers, probably because mothers and children face anxiety

  11. [Culture sensitive analysis of psychosomatic complaints in migrants in Germany]. (United States)

    Bermejo, Isaac; Nicolaus, Leonhard; Kriston, Levente; Hölzel, Lars; Härter, Martin


    To ensure an adequate health care of migrants, differentiated information on the association of cultural background and migration related factors and psychosomatic complaints are necessary. Cross-sectional questionnaire based survey regarding psychosomatic complaints of migrants from Turkey (n = 77), Italy (n = 95), and Spain (n = 67) and ethnic German resettled from the states of the former Soviet Union (n = 196). Questionnaires distributed by non-health specific counselling agencies of welfare associations. The cultural background was a relevant factor for psychosomatic complaints, showing higher complaints in Turkish and ethnic German resettled migrants, also compared to a sample of age corresponding Germans. In contrast, Spanish and Italian migrants showed a lower risk for psychosomatic complaints. Also gender, feeling unwell in Germany and fatalism showed a significant association with psychosomatic complaints. Migrants in Germany do not have per se a higher risk for psychosomatic complaints. A distinct differentiation by cultural background is necessary. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  12. El testimonio ante la cámara. Memoria de los fusilados y desaparecidos durante la Guerra Civil Española

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    Sabin Egilior


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la estrategia metodológica puesta en práctica por parte de un equipo de profesionales de la Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi para realizar el trabajo de campo durante tres años (2003-2006, utilizando el vídeo como herramienta, en torno a la memoria de los fusilados y desaparecidos durante la Guerra Civil Española. Explica la preparación del trabajo, describe su desarrollo a través de ejemplos concretos y recoge algunas concusiones extraídas tras el proceso.

  13. Las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro para el desarrollo: una revisión de su inserción en el concepto de sociedad civil en Colombia

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    Javier Pineda Duque


    Full Text Available La literatura internacional alrededor de los programas de microempresas, se centra en tres debates básicos. El primero, acerca de los modelos de desarrollo apropiados para el alivio de la pobreza, su focalización en los pobres y su sostenibilidad; El segundo se refiere a las consideraciones e impactos de género que contienen los programas, los temas de subordinación y empoderamiento de las mujeres, surgidos a partir de que una gran mayoría de ellos están dirigidos a mejorar las condiciones de la mujer en la sociedad; El tercero está relacionado con el fenómeno de los organismos sin ánimo de lucro. Este artículo se centra parcialmente en este último tema. En él se ha inscrito el análisis acerca de las relaciones entre el Estado y las Organizaciones sin Ánimo de Lucro para el Desarrollo (OSALD, su desempeño en los distintos sectores y políticas de desarrollo, su transparencia y responsabilidad social, su contribución a los procesos de democratización social, las relaciones entre las organizaciones donantes del norte y sus contrapartes en el sur y su contribución a la propuesta de un orden alternativo de desarrollo en el contexto de la globalización. Este texto realiza una aproximación teórica para el entendimiento de las OSALD en el contexto de sociedades del sur y la proliferación de programas de microempresas en dichas sociedades.

  14. Causes of death among undocumented migrants in Sweden, 1997–2010

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    Anna Wahlberg


    Full Text Available Background: Undocumented migrants are one of the most vulnerable groups in Swedish society, where they generally suffer from poor health and limited health care access. Due to their irregular status, such migrants are an under-researched group and are not included in the country's Cause of Death Register (CDR. Objective: To determine the causes of death among undocumented migrants in Sweden and to ascertain whether there are patterns in causes of death that differ between residents and undocumented migrants. Design: This is a cross-sectional study of death certificates issued from 1997 to 2010 but never included in the CDR from which we established our study sample of undocumented migrants. As age adjustments could not be performed due to lack of data, comparisons between residents and undocumented migrants were made at specific age intervals, based on the study sample's mean age at death±a half standard deviation. Results: Out of 7,925 individuals surveyed, 860 were classified as likely to have been undocumented migrants. External causes (49.8% were the most frequent cause of death, followed by circulatory system diseases, and then neoplasms. Undocumented migrants had a statistically significant increased risk of dying from external causes (odds ratio [OR] 3.57, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.83–4.52 and circulatory system diseases (OR 2.20, 95% CI: 1.73–2.82 compared to residents, and a lower risk of dying from neoplasms (OR 0.07, 95% CI: 0.04–0.14. Conclusions: We believe our study is the first to determine national figures on causes of death of undocumented migrants. We found inequity in health as substantial differences in causes of death between undocumented migrants and residents were seen. Legal ambiguities regarding health care provision must be addressed if equity in health is to be achieved in a country otherwise known for its universal health coverage.

  15. Art and Civil Action : Cultural Organizations in the European Civil Domain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gielen, Pascal; Lijster, Thijs


    In this article, the place of new cultural organizationsin the civil domain is analysed. The authors describe a theoretical model that they call the ‘civil chain’, describing the different phases in which civil organizations develop themselves. The civil chain delivers analytic insights into the

  16. Becoming less illegal: deservingness frames and undocumented migrant incorporation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chauvin, S.; Garcés-Mascareñas, B.


    Over the last two decades, research on unauthorized migration has departed from the equation of migrant illegality with absolute exclusion, emphasizing that formal exclusion typically results in subordinate inclusion. Irregular migrants integrate through informal support networks, the underground

  17. Maternal Health Coping Strategies of Migrant Women in Norway

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    Berit Viken


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to explore the maternal health coping strategies of migrant women in Norway. The ethnic and cultural background of the Norwegian population have become increasingly diverse. A challenge in practice is to adjust maternal health services to migrant women’s specific needs. Previous studies have revealed that migrant women have difficulty achieving safe pregnancies and childbirths. Data were obtained by means of 17 semistructured interviews with women from South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Qualitative content analysis was employed. One overall theme is as follows: keeping original traditions while at the same time being willing to integrate into Norwegian society, and four themes emerged as follows: balancing their sense of belongingness; seeking information and support from healthcare professionals; being open to new opportunities and focusing on feeling safe in the new country. The results were interpreted in the light of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model. To provide quality care, healthcare professionals should focus on the development of migrant women’s capabilities. Adaptation of maternal health services for culturally diverse migrant women also requires a culturally sensitive approach on the part of healthcare professionals.

  18. Unusual microorganisms and antimicrobial resistances in a group of Syrian migrants: Sentinel surveillance data from an asylum seekers centre in Italy. (United States)

    Angeletti, Silvia; Ceccarelli, Giancarlo; Vita, Serena; Dicuonzo, Giordano; Lopalco, Maurizio; Dedej, Etleva; Blasi, Aletheia; Antonelli, Francesca; Conti, Alessia; De Cesaris, Marina; Farchi, Francesca; Lo Presti, Alessandra; Ciccozzi, Massimo


    Three years of civil war in Syria have caused death and increase of communicable diseases. The suffering population has been forced to migrate creating a fertile condition for epidemic spread of infection within the refugee camps. Forty-eight Syrian migrants, upon their arrival in Italy, were accommodated at the asylum seekers centre of Castelnuovo di Porto. They received a physical examination and were subjected to microbiological surveillance by blood, rectal, pharyngeal and nasal swabs collection and delivering to the Clinical Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory of the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome. All refugees resulted negative for HBV, HCV and HIV infections. In swabs a large number of unusual gram-negative bacteria species were isolated, such as Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas monteilii, Pseudomonas fulva, Pseudomonas moselii, Aeromonas veronii, Aeromonas caviae, Aeromonas hydrophila, Acinteobacter guilloviae, Acinteobacter lowffii; Acinetobacter johnsonii; Acinteobacter tjernbergae; Pantoea agglomerans; Pantoea calida. Among isolates, strains resistant to carbapenems, ESBL producers and methicillin resistant were found. The microbiological surveillance performed represents a useful action to understand refugees health status and to trace unusual microorganisms movement even carriers of antimicrobial resistance during migrants traveling. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Psiquismo y sociedad de la información


    Robles Rodríguez, Francisco José; Caballero de la Torre, Vicente


    Se quiere mostrar la figura psíquica que podría explicar el entretejimiento entre las nociones de psiquismo y sociedad de la información; tal figura vendría a ser la de una suerte de individuo desfondado que se mostraría como el precipitado del psiquismo telemático característico de la sociedad de la información. A su vez, el desfondamiento inherente a tal forma de individualidad actuaría según una particular y evanescente lógica interna que cabría denominar mentalismo mágico.

  20. When dual identity becomes a liability: identity and political radicalism among migrants. (United States)

    Simon, Bernd; Reichert, Frank; Grabow, Olga


    This article examines the role of dual identity in political radicalism among migrants. Dual identity is defined as identification with both one's ethnocultural minority in-group and one's society of residence. We employed a longitudinal research design using members of the two largest migrant groups in Germany (Turkish migrants and Russian migrants) as participants. We reasoned that when dual identity is burdened with incompatibility between component identifications, it may foster controversial or even destructive forms of political mobilization, such as radicalism. Multiple regression analysis controlling for other influences confirmed the hypothesized moderated relationship between dual identification and sympathy for radical action. When accompanied by high, as opposed to low, perceived identity incompatibility, dual identification predicted increases in sympathy for radical action among both Turkish migrants and Russian migrants. The implications for public life in ethnically and culturally heterogeneous societies are discussed.

  1. Migrant women farm workers in the occupational health literature. (United States)

    Habib, Rima R; Fathallah, Fadi A


    Little attention has been given to the vulnerable populations of migrant women agricultural workers. A systemic review in PubMed was carried out (1990-2008) using terms related to migrant agricultural workers, with specific focus on women. Case studies from Lebanon and California are presented to highlight key physical, psychosocial, and cultural risk factors among these working populations. The review revealed a host of potential problems that span from pesticide exposure and musculoskeletal disorders to socio-cultural barriers. Comprehensive exposure-outcome and intervention studies focusing specifically on migrant women in agriculture are lacking. In depth studies focusing on the work environment of migrant women workers in the agricultural sector are needed. Personal and environmental factors that influence health should be considered in any effective intervention aiming to influence policy making and have a positive impact on these vulnerable working populations.

  2. Pratiche di cittadinanza. L’associazionismo migrante femminile nel napoletano

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    Rosa Gatti


    Full Text Available The paper re-articulates the relation between immigration and citizenship in a gender perspective. The analysis of citizenship practices exercised by migrant women in the local context allows to make visible their mobilization and participation to the public sphere. The analysis, based on interviews with the presidents of the migrants associations in Campania, explores the reasons whereby migrants women undertake participatory activities within their associations, the ways in which they move from informal networks to formal associations and take leadership, as well as barriers and factors that can help to overcome them. The actions of migrant women engaged in the voluntary sector show their capacity to intervene politically and socially, even when they are not recognized as citizens, challenging our idea of citizenship and showing the growing importance of the practices of citizenship.

  3. State Title I Migrant Participation Information, 1997-98. (United States)

    Henderson, Allison; Daft, Julie; Fong, Pauline

    The Migrant Education Program (MEP) is a federal formula grant to states for educational services to migrant children, ages 3-21, who made an eligible move in the past 3 years. States use MEP funds to address effects of continual educational disruption by providing instructional or supporting services. This report summarizes participation…


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    N. Yu. Isayeva


    Full Text Available Tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous infections. First of all it strikes socially unprotected part of the population. The migrants which number grows in St. Petersburg, represent stress expressive category of the people reducing protective forces of immunity. Incidence of tuberculosis among migrants usually significantly exceeds incidence of permanent residents of the city. There are the difficulties connected with problems of adaptation, shortcomings of lows, finance. Thus, the influencing on ecological system of the city more than one million arrived migrants undoubtedly. It is necessary to prevent development of tuberculosis epidemic among migrants by providing with preventive inspection and complete treatment of all new cases of tuberculosis irrespective of their legal and social status. 

  5. Migration and health: exploring the role of migrant status through register-based studies. (United States)

    Nørredam, Marie


    This thesis aims to explore migrant status as a determinant in register-based studies on migrant health. It is based on eight studies that investigate the following three main issues: 1) What is the importance of migrant status for morbidity patterns among migrants compared with Native Danes? 2) Do migrant status and ethnicity affect clinical indicators of access among migrants compared with native Danes? 3) What is the importance of migrant status for mortality patterns among migrants compared with Native Danes? The thesis builds on a register-based historical prospective cohort design. Through Statistics Denmark, all refugees (n = 29,174) and family reunification immigrants (n = 33,287) who received residence permits in Denmark from 1 January 1993 to 31 December 1999 were included and matched 4:1 on age and sex with Native Danes. Register linkage was obtained twice during follow-ups in 2004 and 2008 respectively. Personal identification numbers were cross-linked to the Danish Psychiatric Central Register, the National Patient Registry, the Registry of Coercive Measures in Psychiatric Treatment, the Register of Causes of Death, and the Danish Cancer Registry. Migrant status defined by legal grounds for obtaining a residence permit was dichotomised into refugees and family reunification immigrants and used as the determinant in most studies. Analyses involved both Poisson and Cox regression analysis. Most analyses were stratified by ethnicity and adjusted for age and sex. Some were also stratified for individual income. Three sub-themes were investigated: morbidity, clinical indicators of access, and mortality. The first sub-theme (Papers I-III) showed that refugees had a consistently higher morbidity from several mental health disorders in contrast to family reunification immigrants, whose morbidity from mental disorders was lower than or similar to native Danes. The cancer incidence study did not find an effect of migrant status but found, rather, that migrants


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    Maria Nélida González de Gómez


    Full Text Available Podemos dizer que a Sociedade da Informação ocupa o lugar e assume as expectativas que outrora eram projetadas na Modernidade. Para Habermas, o entendimento do presente passa por pensar no avançar desde e além da modernidade parcial, não já como superada (como quando se fala da pós-modernidade, nem como uma ficção a ser simplesmente negada (como quando se afirma que jamais fomos modernos. Trata-se de pensar, com esses pontos de partida, se estamos hoje a buscar soluções vicariantes ao déficit sistêmico daquela modernidade incompleta, ou se, superando uma modernização periférica ou tardia, empreendemos caminhos auto-reflexivos e inovadores para definir e construir novas configurações do conhecimento, da comunicação e da informação. Como resposta às demandas das quais a Sociedade da Informação é ao mesmo tempo sintoma, apelação e desafio, as Universidades do Brasil e da América Latina tem em suas mãos o poder e a dívida de nutrir as variáveis epistêmicas de processos e práticas auto-reflexivos, gerando novas formas de um diálogo polifônico entre as esferas quase-públicas das Ciências, as plurais redes das tradições locais e os dilemas universais, que colocam hoje um novo cosmopolitismo informacional à luz de um repensar geral do devir da humanidade. Palavras-chave Sociedade da informação; Universidade; Bibliotecas universitárias Resumen Podemos decir que la sociedad de la información ocupa el lugar y asume las expectativas que ya fueran proyectadas sobre la Modernidad. Para Habermas, entender el presente es pensar en avanzar desde y mas allá de una modernidad parcial, ni superada(como cuando se habla de la pós-modernidad, ni puramente una ficción a se negada (diciendo que nunca fuimos modernos. Se piensa, con esos puntos de partida, si hoy buscamos soluciones vicarias del déficit sistémico de aquella modernidad incompleta, o si, superando una modernización periférica o tardía, iniciamos caminos

  7. Vulnerabilities and rights of migrant sex workers in Europe. (United States)

    Brussa, Licia; Munk, Veronica


    In recent years, Europe has witnessed a rise in the number of migrant sex workers, in part because of increased mobility for citizens of European Union member states. However, migrant sex workers find themselves in a highly vulnerable position in regard to having their rights respected and accessing HIV prevention services. In this article, based on a presentation at AIDS 2010, Licia Brussa and Veronica Munk outline the current situation of migrant sex workers in Europe and the steps that need to be taken to ensure that their rights are respected.

  8. Housing and Health of Kiribati Migrants Living in New Zealand

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    Mary Anne Teariki


    Full Text Available Settlement is a complex process of adjustment for migrants and refugees. Drawing on recent research on the settlement experiences of Kiribati migrants and their families living in New Zealand, this article examines the role of housing as an influencer of the settlement and health of Kiribati migrants. Using qualitative methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with fourteen Kiribati migrants (eight women and six men representing 91 family members about the key issues and events that shaped their settlement in New Zealand. The stories told by participants affirm the association between housing and health. The study serves as an important reminder that children bear a great cost from living in poorly insulated and damp housing, and adults bear the mental costs, including social isolation resulting from inadequate rental housing. Detailed information about how this migrant group entered the private rental housing market, by taking over the rental leases of other Kiribati migrants vacating their rental properties, indicated some of the unintended consequences related to a lack of incentives for landlords to make improvements. With the most vulnerable families most at risk from inadequate housing, this research concludes that there is a need for minimum housing standards to protect tenants.

  9. ¿Son diferentes los migrantes circulares? La integración, el bienestar y la intención de quedarse de los que migran por primera vez y de los migrantes circulares (Are circular migrants different? Integration, wellbeing, and intention to stay of first-time and circular migrants

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    Michael Braun


    Full Text Available ResumenCon datos tomados del proyecto PIONEUR sobre la migración interna en la Unión Europea, definiremos (una forma débil de migrantes circulares como el colectivo de aquellos migrantes que ya habían experimentado una estancia prolongada en el país de residencia (en lo sucesivo abreviado a PDR antes de su traslado definitivo. A continuación, se ofrecerá una descripción de este colectivo junto con sus características sociodemográficas y se emplearán análisis de regresión (multinivel para determinar si la migración circular explica las diferencias en algunas variables dependientes (como el dominio del idioma, el apego al PDR que arrojan esos migrantes teniendo en cuenta las características sociodemográficas. De este modo, la migración circular estaría relacionada con un mayor contacto con la cultura del PDR y con una decisión consciente de regresar al país.AbstractUsing data from the PIONEUR project on intra-European migration, (a weak form of circular migrants will be defined by the group of migrants who experienced a prolonged sojourn in the country of residence (in the following abbreviated as CoR already before the final move. Then this group will be described along socio-demographic characteristics and (multilevel regression analysis will be used to determine whether circular migration explains differences in some outcome variables (such as language proficiency, attachment to the CoR, net of the socio-demographic characteristics these migrants have. Circular migration would then be related to additional exposure to the culture of the CoR and a conscious decision to re-enter the country.

  10. 78 FR 40084 - Proposed Requirement-Migrant Education Program Consortium Incentive Grant Program (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 34 CFR Chapter II Proposed Requirement--Migrant Education Program... educational agencies (SEAs) under the Migrant Education Program (MEP) Consortium Incentive Grant (CIG) Program... the interstate or intrastate coordination of migrant education programs by addressing key needs of...

  11. Estado, educação e tecnocracia na ditadura civil-militar brasileira

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    Flávio Reis dos Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo das breves considerações que efetuamos neste trabalho encontra-se na análise da ordem econômica burguesa com a perspectiva de compreender a sua atuação na utilização do Estado em defesa e na imposição de seus interesses à sociedade brasileira e na apropriação do campo educacional como instrumento de difusão e reprodução de sua ideologia por meio da formulação e implementação de políticas públicas com vistas à obtenção de hegemonia, a partir do golpe de 1964 e da instituição do Regime de Ditadura Civil-Militar no Brasil.

  12. "Hospital utilization by Mexican migrants returning to Mexico due to health needs". (United States)

    González-Block, Miguel A; de la Sierra-de la Vega, Luz A


    A total of 12.7 million Mexicans reside as migrants in the United States, of whom only 45% have health insurance in this country while access to health insurance by migrants in Mexico is fraught with difficulties. Health insurance has been shown to impact the use of health care in both countries. This paper quantifies hospitalizations by migrants who return from the US seeking medical care in public and private hospitals in the US-Mexico border area and in communities of origin. The proportion of bed utilization and the proportion of hospitalizations in Mexico out of the total expected by migrants in the US were estimated. The universe included 48 Ministry of Health and 47 private hospitals serving municipalities of high or very high migration in Mexico, where 17% of remittance-receiving households are located, as well as 15 public and 159 private hospitals in 10 Mexican cities along the border with the US. Hospitals were sampled through various methods to include 27% of beds. Patients and staff were interviewed and data triangulated to quantify migrants that returned to Mexico seeking medical care. Official hospital discharge statistics and secondary data from migration databases and published statistics were analyzed to identify bed occupancy, general migrant hospitalization rates and the size of the migrant population that maintains close relationships with households in communities of origin. Up to 1609 migrants were admitted to public hospitals (76.6%) and 492 to private hospitals (23.4%) serving municipalities of high and very high migration intensity in 2008. Up to 0.90% of public hospital capacity was used. In the border area up to 908 and 2416 migrants were admitted to public (27.3%) and private (72.7%) hospitals, respectively. Up to 1.18% of public hospital capacity was used. Between 2.4% and 20.4% of the expected hospitalization needs of migrants with dependent households are satisfied through these services. The most common diagnostic categories

  13. "Hospital utilization by Mexican migrants returning to Mexico due to health needs"

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    de la Sierra-de la Vega Luz A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A total of 12.7 million Mexicans reside as migrants in the United States, of whom only 45% have health insurance in this country while access to health insurance by migrants in Mexico is fraught with difficulties. Health insurance has been shown to impact the use of health care in both countries. This paper quantifies hospitalizations by migrants who return from the US seeking medical care in public and private hospitals in the US-Mexico border area and in communities of origin. The proportion of bed utilization and the proportion of hospitalizations in Mexico out of the total expected by migrants in the US were estimated. Methods The universe included 48 Ministry of Health and 47 private hospitals serving municipalities of high or very high migration in Mexico, where 17% of remittance-receiving households are located, as well as 15 public and 159 private hospitals in 10 Mexican cities along the border with the US. Hospitals were sampled through various methods to include 27% of beds. Patients and staff were interviewed and data triangulated to quantify migrants that returned to Mexico seeking medical care. Official hospital discharge statistics and secondary data from migration databases and published statistics were analyzed to identify bed occupancy, general migrant hospitalization rates and the size of the migrant population that maintains close relationships with households in communities of origin. Results Up to 1609 migrants were admitted to public hospitals (76.6% and 492 to private hospitals (23.4% serving municipalities of high and very high migration intensity in 2008. Up to 0.90% of public hospital capacity was used. In the border area up to 908 and 2416 migrants were admitted to public (27.3% and private (72.7% hospitals, respectively. Up to 1.18% of public hospital capacity was used. Between 2.4% and 20.4% of the expected hospitalization needs of migrants with dependent households are satisfied through these

  14. Association between Social Integration and Health among Internal Migrants in ZhongShan, China.

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    Yanwei Lin

    Full Text Available Internal migrants are the individuals who migrate between regions in one country. The number of internal migrants were estimated at 245 million in China in 2013. Results were inconsistent in the literature about the relationship between their health statuses and social integration. The main difference exists on how to measure the social integration and whether health statuses of internal migrants improve with years of residence. To complement the existing literature, this study measured social integration more comprehensively and estimated the internal migrants' health statuses with varying years of residence, and explored the associations between the migrants' social integration and health. We used the data from 2014 Internal Migrant Dynamic Monitoring Survey of Health and Family Planning in ZhongShan, China. Health status was measured from four aspects: self-reported health, subjective well-being, perception of stress, mental health. We measured social integration through four dimensions: economy, social communication, acculturation, and self-identity. The analyses used multiple linear regressions to examine the associations between self-reported health, subjective well-being, and perception of stress, mental health and social integration. The analytical sample included 1,999 households of the internal migrants and 1,997 local registered households, who were permanent residents in ZhongShan. Among the internal migrants, Adults in the labor force, who were aged 25 to 44 years old, accounted for 91.2% of the internal migrant population, while 74.6% of the registered population were in that age group. Median residential time among migrants was 2.8 (1.3-6.2 years, and 20.2% of them were migrating in the same Guangdong province. Except for mental health, other health statuses among migrants had significant differences compared with local registered population, e.g. self-reported health was better, but subjective well-being was worse. However, these

  15. Migrants and innovation in African societies: definition of a research field. (United States)

    Mabogunje, A L


    Discussion focuses on the position, role, and importance of migrants in African societies. Specifically, it directs attention to the role of migrants both as innovators and as agents for the spatial diffusion of innovations. In this respect it seeks to identify those factors predisposing migrants to innovate and those that induce both their host community and their home community to be receptive to their innovativeness. The 4 sections of the discussion cover the following: a conceptual framework to explain the migrant's predisposition to innovate and the nature of the innovation carried out; empirical evidence, largely from West Africa, of some innovative activities of migrants; research implications of this phenomenon; and the significance of this type of study for current attempts at economic development in Africa. All forms of migrations need not have innovative implications. A simple change of residence from 1 city to another need not encourage innovativeness. It is not so much the distance factor as the intensity of contrast which predisposes to innovativeness. In Africa such intensity of contrasts is found between the social organizations, the behavior and activity patterns, and the norms and thought habits of various ethnic groups. A 2nd element is deprivation of essentials, as referred to by Barnett who regards essentials as an entirely relative term having significance only for a particular group. Migration often creates a sense of deprivation and stimulates innovative cultural readjustments if a people are to survive. Adjustments, at the very least, must be made to accommodate for the absence of essentials that were relied upon in the old habitat. The 3rd dimension is the home area of the migrants, an area to which they can return whenever they like if their migration has been free and voluntary. In this situation their innovative impact can be considerable. Usually, the fact of their having migrated enhances their social. Return migrants can come to be

  16. Migrants and tuberculosis: analysing epidemiological data with ethnography. (United States)

    Littleton, Judith; Park, Julie; Thornley, Craig; Anderson, Anneka; Lawrence, Jody


    Media portrayals of tuberculosis (TB) in New Zealand are of immigrants who enter the country with active disease and pose a threat to inhabitants, which fosters a popular perception that border control is the best and only response to disease control. This paper reviews both New Zealand and international data on TB rates, causes and transmission among migrant populations to elucidate the precise nature of the link between immigration and TB rates. Recent information from scholarly journals on immigration and TB was reviewed. Surveillance data from New Zealand and comparable information from other low-incidence countries were reviewed. The importation of active TB is only a minor part of the total TB burden. While effective border control is essential, equally, if not more important, are the circumstances that promote the reactivation of latent TB infection in migrant communities, including migrants' experiences in transit and after arrival, structural conditions, and personal characteristics. For sound prevention strategies, attention needs to be paid to the existence of transnational communities and the conditions for migrants, rather than placing a singular focus on place of birth.

  17. HIV testing behaviour among heterosexual migrants in Amsterdam. (United States)

    Stolte, I G; Gras, M; Van Benthem, B H; Coutinho, R A; van den Hoek, J A


    This cross-sectional study among heterosexual migrant groups in south-eastern Amsterdam, the city area where the largest migrant groups live, provides an insight into HIV testing behaviour in this particular group. Participants were recruited at street locations (May 1997-July 1998) and interviewed using structured questionnaires. They also donated saliva for HIV testing. In total, 705 males and 769 females were included in this study (Afro-Surinamese (45%), Dutch-Antilleans (15%) and West Africans (40%)). Prior HIV testing was reported by 38% of all migrants (556/1479), of which only a minority (28%) had actively requested HIV testing. Multivariate logistic regression showed that not actively requesting HIV testing was more likely among younger (migrants, especially women (ORwomen: 4.79, p risk should be facilitated by promoting HIV testing and by improving accurate self-assessment of risk for HIV infection, especially among the groups that do not actively request HIV testing. This would increase HIV awareness and provide the opportunity of better medical care earlier in HIV infection.

  18. Health problems of newly arrived migrants and refugees in Europe. (United States)

    Pavli, Androula; Maltezou, Helena


    The number of migrants and refugees in Europe in the past few years has increased dramatically due to war, violence or prosecutions in their homeland. Migration may affect physical, mental and social health. The objective of this article is to assess migrants and refugees' health problems, and to recommend appropriate interventions. A PubMed search of published articles on health problems of newly arrived migrants and refugees was conducted from 2003 through 2016, focusing on the current refugee crisis in Europe. In addition to communicable diseases, such as respiratory, gastrointestinal and dermatologic infections, non-communicable diseases, including chronic conditions, mental and social problems, account for a significant morbidity burden in newly arrived migrants and refugees. Vaccine-preventable diseases are also of outmost importance. The appropriate management of newly arrived refugees and migrants' health problems is affected by barriers to access to health care including legal, communication, cultural and bureaucratic difficulties. There is diversity and lack of integration regarding health care provision across Europe due to policy differences between health care systems and social services. There is a notable burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases among newly arrived migrants and refugees. Provision of health care at reception and temporary centres should be integrated and provided by a multidisciplinary team Appropriate health care of migrants and refugees could greatly enhance their health and social status which will benefit also the host countries at large. © International Society of Travel Medicine, 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  19. Establishing a Tradition of Migrant Brides

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rudolph, Michael


    1949 assisted the development of the migrant bride phenomenon in the 1960s. Catalytic, however, was the desperate situation of the marginalized Mainlander veterans who bought ethnically different wives for matrimony. Similarly, the development of large-scale cross-border and cross-ethnic marriage as we...... outside their own society. The upsurge of the migrant bride phenomenon in recent years is additionally supported by an increasing divergence of value orientations of men and women in Taiwan today, as well as the global rise of the internet, which not only enhances the mutual connectivity of buyers...

  20. The gender approach in community AIDS projects in Mozambique: agreement and disagreement between government and civil society Abordagem de gênero em projetos comunitários de combate à AIDS em Moçambique: convergências e desencontros entre governo e sociedade civil

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    Wilza Vieira Villela


    Full Text Available This article discusses some areas where government and civil society converge and clash in their gender approaches in community HIV/AIDS projects in Mozambique, based on an evaluative study conducted in 2006 encompassing 160 of the 1,124 NGO projects undertaken with the support of the country's national AIDS council, known as the Conselho Nacional de Combate ao SIDA (CNCS. An analysis of projects and official documents shows that, for the CNCS, the term "gender" represents a way of underscoring the epidemic's impact on women. In community projects, the gender approach often times finds expression in initiatives to mitigate the economic impact of the epidemic on widows. Initiatives aimed at men and at the population as a whole generally pay little attention to power relations between men and women or their affect on the epidemic. This suggests that any endeavor to transfer Western analytical techniques or forms of intervention for coping with the HIV/AIDS epidemic to other regions of the world demands painstaking efforts to translate these and adapt them to local cultural standards.Este artigo discute algumas convergências e desencontros entre governo e sociedade civil na abordagem de gênero de projetos comunitários de enfrentamento do HIV/AIDS em Moçambique. Baseia-se em material de pesquisa avaliativa realizada no país em 2006, incluindo 160 dos 1.124 projetos de organizações não governamentais desenvolvidos com apoio do Conselho Nacional de Combate ao SIDA (CNCS. A análise dos projetos e de documentos oficiais mostra que para o CNCS o termo gênero aparece destacando a dinâmica de epidemia em relação às mulheres. Nos projetos comunitários a abordagem de gênero muitas vezes será traduzida em ações de mitigação dos impactos econômicos da epidemia sobre viúvas. Atividades voltadas para a população masculina e para a população em geral pouco abordam as relações de poder entre homens e mulheres e suas conseq

  1. All-cause and cause-specific mortality of different migrant populations in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ikram, Umar Z; Mackenbach, Johan P; Harding, Seeromanie


    of destination. Most migrants had higher mortality due to infectious diseases and homicide while cancer mortality and suicide were lower. CVD mortality differed by migrant population. To conclude, mortality patterns varied across migrant populations in European countries. Future research should focus both...

  2. 77 FR 70788 - National Advisory Council on Migrant Health; Cancellation of Meeting (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Health Resources and Services Administration National Advisory Council on Migrant Health; Cancellation of Meeting Name: National Advisory Council on Migrant....m. STATUS: The meeting of the National Advisory Council on Migrant Health, scheduled for December 4...

  3. Infectious diseases and migrant worker health in Singapore: a receiving country's perspective. (United States)

    Sadarangani, Sapna P; Lim, Poh Lian; Vasoo, Shawn


    Approximately 1.4 million migrant workers reside in Singapore, presenting unique infectious disease challenges to both migrants and Singapore. A Pubmed, MEDLINE (Ovid), EBSCO Host (Global Health) and Google Scholar search was performed for both peer, non-peer reviewed articles and reports relevant to migrant health in Singapore, published between 1 January 1989 and 1 September 2016. Additional studies were identified from citations within searched articles. We also reviewed published data and policy documents from the Ministries of Health and Manpower, Singapore. A significant proportion of malaria, enteric fevers, hepatitis A and E and tuberculosis diagnosed in Singapore involve migrant workers. From the 1990-2000 through 2009-11, while malaria and hepatitis A cases have decreased and remain sporadic, enteric fevers and tuberculosis cases have increased, possibly due to greater influx of migrant workers. Hepatitis E numbers remain low but migrant workers account for half of diagnosed cases. In an interplay of immune naivete, work and living conditions, migrants in the construction industry are at higher risk of arboviral infections such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya. Infections such as chikungunya were likely introduced into Singapore by travellers including migrant workers from the Indian subcontinent but autochthonous transmission continued due to the presence of competent mosquito vectors. There is less data regarding sexual health, networks and infections amongst migrant workers, an area which merits further attention. Migrant workers appear to be at higher risk than Singaporeans for specific infectious diseases, probably due to a complex interplay of several factors, including higher disease prevalence in their countries of origin, socio-economic factors, their living conditions in Singapore and financial, language and cultural barriers to healthcare access. Receiving countries need improved surveillance, expansion of preventive measures and decreased

  4. Depression in older Chinese migrants to Auckland. (United States)

    Abbott, Max W; Wong, Sai; Giles, Lynne C; Wong, Sue; Young, Wilson; Au, Ming


    This study was conducted to identify risk factors for depressive symptomatology among older Chinese migrants. One hundred and sixty-two Chinese migrants aged 55 years or older, living in the community and recruited via Chinese community organizations and general practitioners, were interviewed using a Chinese version of the Geriatric Depression Scale and measures of stressful life events, morbid conditions, self-rated health, acculturation, social support and service utilization. Twenty-six percent of participants met the criteria for depressive symptomatology. No recent migrants showed symptoms of depression. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that lower emotional support, greater number of visits to a doctor, difficulties in accessing health services and low New Zealand cultural orientation increased the risk of showing symptoms of depression. Significant numbers of older Chinese migrants appear to be depressed or at risk for depression and, while participants with depressive symptoms consulted general practitioners more than their counterparts without such symptoms, they reported greater difficulty in accessing health services. The findings point to the need for further epidemiological study of this growing sector of the population and investigation of the nature of its engagement with health services. Social support and aspects of acculturation may play a significant role in preventing depression. This also requires further investigation.

  5. Research on Issues concerning Social Security for Migrant Workers in Harmonious Society


    Zhang, Hua


    This article analyzes the status quo of social security for migrant workers in China, and points out that there are deep system and concept reasons for the lack of labor rights and interests security, social security, equality and the right to development, political participation channels for the current migrant workers. This article then expounds the adverse effects of lack of social security for migrant workers on building a harmonious society: the lack of social security for migrant worker...

  6. Lineage of global civil engineering. Global civil engineering no keifu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hashimoto, M


    This paper considers which way the global civil engineering should go in the future. Civil engineering has now a paradigm with a new dimension debuted as the global environmental problems are taken up specifically. Achieving the target of civil engineering requires a critical review that how the cost effect and efficiency discussions in only the dimensions of the conventional technologies and economies can be incorporated into the dimensions and measures of new fields to create the new horizons. Conceiving the relationship between civil engineered structures and environmental climate encounters the indispensable judgment criterion on how such social scientific conditions as weather, culture, religion, economy, and politics are combined to reach a judgment. The global civil engineering is desired to have the ideas and directional role to work on the ultimate assignment of environment and development called a global environmental problem analytically, comprehensively, innovatively and creatively as the civil engineering science, rather than as a mere existence of one area of the advanced civil engineering science. 5 refs., 1 tab.

  7. Monitoring migrants or making migrants ‘misfit’? : Data protection and human rights perspectives on Dutch identity management practices regarding migrants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    La Fors, Karolina


    Record numbers of migrants and refugees fleeing violence and poverty in parts of Africa and the Middle East present the European Union with unprecedented challenges, including in determining their identity as well as status. In recent years problems of identifying immigrants have been addressed in


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    Andréa Viude


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute a participação do eixo envelhecimento, cultura e sociedade no projeto político-pedagógico do Curso de Gerontologia da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo – EACH/USP. O envelhecimento é discutido à luz do pensamento complexo. A heterogeneidade da velhice encontra-se presente ao longo de toda a discussão, com ênfase nos aspectos socioculturais do envelhecimento. Palavras-chave: envelhecimento; aspectos socioculturais; complexidade.

  9. Transcultural Memory in Eastern European Migrant Literature

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ortner, Jessica

    of the major processes that circulate memories across cultural and national borderlines. This paper will investigate the circulation of memories in Eastern Europe migrant-literature that since 2000 has become an increasingly influential literary tendency in Germany. Articulating an eastern perspective...... consciously follow the mission to “enlighten and inform Western readers about their eastern neighbours” (Haines 2008). Causing an “eastern enlargement” of German literature (Bürger-Koftis 2008), the wave of migrant authors broadens Germany’s cultural memory by supplementing it with “new” memories. Furthermore......The “transcultural turn” of memory studies focuses on the fluid and dynamic aspects of cultural memory. This paper is concerned with the traveling of memories along the paths of migration. As migrants carry along “collective images and narratives of the past” (Erll 2011), migration is one...

  10. Influence of socio-economic and lifestyle factors on overweight and nutrition-related diseases among Tunisian migrants versus non-migrant Tunisians and French

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    Delpeuch Francis


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Migrant studies in France revealed that Mediterranean migrant men have lower mortality and morbidity than local-born populations for non-communicable diseases (NCDs. We studied overweight and NCDs among Tunisian migrants compared to the population of the host country and to the population of their country of origin. We also studied the potential influence of socio-economic and lifestyle factors on differential health status. Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted to compare Tunisian migrant men with two non-migrant male groups: local-born French and Tunisians living in Tunisia, using frequency matching. We performed quota sampling (n = 147 based on age and place of residence. We used embedded logistic regression models to test socio-economic and lifestyle factors as potential mediators for the effect of migration on overweight, hypertension and reported morbidity (hypercholesterolemia, type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (CVD. Results Migrants were less overweight than French (OR = 0.53 [0.33–0.84] and had less diabetes and CVD than Tunisians (0.18 [0.06–0.54] and 0.25 [0.07–0.88]. Prevalence of hypertension (grade-1 and -2 and prevalence of hypercholesterolemia were significantly lower among migrants than among French (respectively 0.06 [0.03–0.14]; 0.04 [0.01–0.15]; 0.11 [0.04–0.34] and Tunisians (respectively OR = 0.07 [0.03–0.18]; OR = 0.06 [0.02–0.20]; OR = 0.23 [0.08–0.63]. The effect of migration on overweight was mediated by alcohol consumption. Healthcare utilisation, smoking and physical activity were mediators for the effect of migration on diabetes. The effect of migration on CVD was mediated by healthcare utilisation and energy intake. No obvious mediating effect was found for hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Conclusion Our study clearly shows that lifestyle (smoking and cultural background (alcohol are involved in the observed protective effect of migration.

  11. Subcontracting, Posted Migrants and Labour Market Segmentation in Finland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lillie, Nathan

    Using evidence from the shipbuilding and construction industries in Finland, this article shows how trade union responses to the introduction of migrant workers can be conditioned by product markets. Growing numbers of posted workers, or intra-European Union work migrants employed via transnational

  12. Intellectually Gifted Rural-to-Urban Migrant Children's Attention (United States)

    Zhang, Hui; He, Yunfeng; Tao, Ting; Shi, Jian-Nong


    The term "intellectually gifted rural-to-urban migrant children" refers to intellectually gifted children who are in migration from rural to urban areas. We compared performances on seven attention tasks among intellectually gifted (n = 26) and average (n = 30) rural-to-urban migrant and intellectually gifted urban children (n = 31). Our…

  13. The Global Crisis’ Impact upon China’s Rural Migrants

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    Sara Hsu


    Full Text Available Towards the end of 2008, as the world economy slowed and export-demand declined due to the global financial crisis, news reports began to appear detailing the return of rural migrants in China to their provincial homes. It was reported that 20 million rural migrant workers were laid off, and social instability rose due to both economic hardship and to the withholding of the payment of wages. Over time, these circumstances have changed, due to both the Chinese government’s fiscal stimulus package and to those programmes that have been targeted specifically at assisting the country’s rural migrants. As a result, the situation for rural migrants is no longer dire; circumstances have been greatly ameliorated by proactive government policies. To confirm these results, in this paper we look both at the situation across China and briefly at a study carried out in Sichuan province.

  14. Housing and Quality of Life for Migrant Communities in Western Europe: A Capabilities Approach

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    Dermot Coates


    Full Text Available Housing is an important determinant of quality of life and migrants are more likely to encounter poor quality housing than natives. This paper draws on the capabilities approach to welfare economics to examine how issues of housing and neighborhood conditions influence quality of life and opportunities for migrants in Western Europe. The analysis utilizes data from the second European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS to explore variation in life and housing satisfaction between migrants and non-migrants (natives in Western Europe and whether being a migrant and living in an ethnically diverse neighborhood contribute to lower satisfaction. The results show that migrants are more likely to experience lower levels of life and housing satisfaction and that living in a diverse neighborhood is negatively associated with life and housing satisfaction. While diverse, inner-city neighborhoods can increase opportunities for labor market access, social services and integration, the tendency towards clustered settlement by migrants can also compound housing inequality. Conversely, migrant homeowners are on average substantially more satisfied with the quality of public services and of their neighborhood and have lower material deprivation than both migrant and non-migrant renters. The findings draw attention to the need to address housing and neighborhood conditions in order to improve opportunities for integration and well-being. 

  15. Skilled migrants and the city : An analysis of housing careers in Nanjing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cui, C.


    With the deepening of economic restructuring and the expansion of higher education, skilled migrants comprise an increasingly significant part of the internal migrant population. With the aim to settle down permanently in the city, skilled migrants need to be considered “prospective citizens”, who

  16. 78 FR 27974 - National Advisory Council on Migrant Health; Cancellation of Meeting (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Health Resources and Services Administration National Advisory Council on Migrant Health; Cancellation of Meeting Name: National Advisory Council on Migrant.... Status: The meeting of the National Advisory Council on Migrant Health, scheduled for May 21 and 22, 2013...

  17. Between integration, security and humanitarianism: Serbian citizens’ attitudes towards migrants

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    Petrović Jelisaveta


    Full Text Available Almost a million people from Middle East and North Africa have passed through the territory of Serbia on their way to Western Europe during 2015 and 2016. Although Serbia has predominantly been a transit country for migrants, this recent passage of a large number of people, as well as a longer retention of some migrants, opened up a number of questions on capacities for emergent acceptance but also on long term integration of this population. The paper examines the characteristics of citizens’ attitudes towards the migrant population with the intention of determining which perspective - security, humanitarian or integrative - is being distinguished as a dominant one? Under the security perspective, it is understood that migrants pose a potential risk for the security of domestic population. The humanitarian perspective refers to a belief that migrants need to be provided with necessary assistance on their way to destination countries. The third, integrative perspective represents the “most open” attitude towards migrants and implies that it is necessary to provide the opportunity for more permanent integration of the migrant population. In addition to that, the paper examines the existence of statistically significant variations in the degree of acceptance of the attitudes measuring mentioned perspectives in terms of socio-demographic and socio-cultural factors. The analysis is based on the data collected through the survey conducted in the spring of 2016 on a representative sample of Serbian citizens (without Kosovo that numbered 998 respondents. Findings show that the humanitarian perspective is the most prevalent in the population, which is in line with the transitional character of migration. Ethnic distance is the most influential factor in shaping attitudes towards migrants. This finding indicates that attitudes toward migrants are more the result of the socio-psychological factors than the micro-structural factors or the demographic

  18. Applying a typology of health worker migration to non-EU migrant doctors in Ireland. (United States)

    Humphries, Niamh; McAleese, Sara; Tyrrell, Ella; Thomas, Steve; Normand, Charles; Brugha, Ruairí


    Research on health worker migration in the Irish context has categorized migrant health workers by country or region of training (for example, non-EU nurses or doctors) or recruitment mechanism (for example, actively recruited nurses). This paper applies a new typology of health worker migrants - livelihood, career-oriented, backpacker, commuter, undocumented and returner migrants (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and WHO, vol. 2:129-152, 2014) - to the experiences of non-EU migrant doctors in Ireland and tests its utility for understanding health worker migration internationally. The paper draws on quantitative survey (N = 366) and qualitative interview (N = 37) data collected from non-EU migrant doctors in Ireland between 2011 and 2013. Categorizing non-EU migrant doctors in Ireland according to the typology (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and WHO, vol. 2:129-152, 2014) offers insight into their differing motivations, particularly on arrival. Findings suggest that the career-oriented migrant is the most common type of doctor among non-EU migrant doctor respondents, accounting for 60 % (N = 220) of quantitative and 54 % (N = 20) of qualitative respondents. The authors propose a modification to the typology via the addition of two additional categories - the family migrant and the safety and security migrant. Employing a typology of health worker migration can facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the migrant medical workforce, a necessary prerequisite for the development of useful policy tools (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and WHO, vol. 2:129-152, 2014). The findings indicate that there is some fluidity between categories, as health worker motivations change over time. This indicates the potential for policy levers to influence migrant health worker decision-making, if they are sufficiently "tuned in" to migrant health worker motivation.

  19. Migrants and racial minorities in the labour market in Ireland


    Vasquez del Aguila, Ernesto; Cantillon, Sara


    This report analyses the situation of migrant workers and ethnic minorities in Ireland over the post-economic boom period. From the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s, Ireland experienced extraordinary economic growth and this brought with it an unprecedented increase in the migrant population. As a result of the economic crisis, the total number of migrants coming to Ireland has fallen dramatically. However, despite this situation, Ireland is likely to remain a multicultural society and ethnic diver...

  20. La interacción transnacional de la sociedad civil centroamericana frente a la violencia juvenil

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La violencia juvenil es uno de los problemas sociales más importantes en Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador. La expansión de las pandillas juveniles ha sido enfrentada por los gobiernos de estas naciones por medio de la adopción de medidas represivas. Las operaciones policiales masivas y la legislación antibandas han sido las principales herramientas utilizadas para tratar de detener el auge de la violencia juvenil, mientras que las medidas preventivas han sido dejadas de lado. Sin embargo, después de cuatro años de implementación de estos planes, los resultados son escasos en términos de un descenso de los niveles de crimen en estas sociedades. Todo ello ha provocado la politización y transnacionalización de las organizaciones que tratan el asunto de la violencia juvenil. Junto a ello, el hecho de que estas políticas hayan sido desarrolladas al mismo tiempo en los tres países ha ayudado a fortalecer lazos entre estas organizaciones. ABSTRACT: Youth violence is one of the most important social problems in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. The expansion of the youth gangs has been confronted by the governments of these nations through the adoption of repressive measures. Massive police operations and anti-gang legislation have been the main tools used in the three countries to try to stop the rise of youth violence, while preventive measures has been left aside. However, after four years of implementation of these plans, the results are scarce in terms of a decrease in the levels of crime in these societies. All this facts have provoked the politization and transnationalization of the organizations that are dealing with the issue of the youth violence.

  1. Stasis and Bellum Civile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lange, Carsten Hjort


    David Armitage’s new monograph Civil Wars: A History in Ideas (2017) will undoubtedly long remain a standard reference work. It presents readers with a vision of civil war as part of the longue durée. The argument might be further strengthened, however, if a more inclusive Greco-Roman approach...... to ancient civil war is accepted. This essay focuses on stasis vs. bellum civile, the origins of the concept of civil war, the approach of later Roman writers (such as Appian and Cassius Dio) to the concepts of stasis and bellum civile, and, finally, the question of what makes a civil war a civil war....... Whatever concepts were used, the Romans were not the first to experience internal war as a civil war—that is, a war between the citizens of a polity....

  2. Respiratory Health in Migrant Populations: A Crisis Overlooked (United States)

    Holguin, Fernando; Moughrabieh, M. Anas; Ojeda, Victoria; Patel, Sanjay R.; Peyrani, Paula; Pinedo, Miguel; Celedón, Juan C.; Douglas, Ivor S.; Upson, Dona J.


    The crisis in the Middle East has raised awareness about the challenges encountered by migrant populations, in particular, health-care access and delivery. Similar challenges are encountered by migrant populations around the world, including those entering the United States as refugees and/or survivors of torture as well as Mexicans and other Latin Americans crossing the border. During the 2016 International American Thoracic Society Meeting held in San Francisco, California, a group of researchers and health-care providers discussed these challenges at a minisymposium devoted to the respiratory health of migrants. The discussion focused on the increased incidence of airway diseases among individuals migrating to more developed countries, the problems created by sleep disorders and their implications for cardiovascular and mental health, the challenges inherent in the control of infections in refugee populations, and the problems resulting from deportation. The group also discussed the potential impact of novel strategies made available by Internet-based technologies and how these strategies could be deployed to support worldwide efforts in assisting migrants and refugees, even in countries that find themselves in the direst circumstances. These presentations are summarized in this document, which is not meant to be exhaustive, but to improve awareness about the challenges confronted by migrants and their host nations regarding respiratory health-care access and delivery, and about the need for adequate investment of resources to better define these challenges through research and for the development of efficient strategies for intervention. PMID:28146384

  3. Comunidades virtuais gerando identidades na sociedade em rede

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    Cynthia Harumy Watanabe Corrêa


    Full Text Available

    A revolução tecnológica concentrada nas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs, que possibilita a conexão mundial via redes de computadores, promove alterações significativas na base material da sociedade, ao estabelecer uma interdependência global entre os países e modificar as relações entre economia, Estado-nação e sociedade.  O uso crescente de redes como a Internet resultou na criação de um novo tipo de organização social, a sociedade em rede, que permite a formação de comunidades virtuais, grupos humanos constituídos pela identificação de interesses comuns.  Neste artigo, elaborado a partir de revisão teórica, abordaremos a formação dessas comunidades como uma estratégia do indivíduo para adquirir uma nova identidade, uma vez que as identidades culturais estão se fragmentando em conseqüência do processo de globalização, que é inerente à modernidade.

  4. La definición del campo estatal y su relación con la guerra civil: un horizonte teórico


    Manuel Alberto Alonso Espinal


    El artículo presenta algunos elementos teóricos que pueden resultar útiles para estudiar los procesos de formación del campo estatal y el papel de las guerras civiles en dichos procesos. En el texto se destacan cuatro asuntos: 1) la imposibilidad de estudiar el Estado bajo el presupuesto de la separación entre este y la sociedad; 2) la importancia de examinar el proceso de formación del campo estatal a partir de una perspectiva histórica y cultural que incluya, entre otras cosas, la reflexión...

  5. Cambios y Continuidades en la Incorporación Espacial de los Migrantes Peruanos en la Ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina

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    Pablo Sebastián Gómez

    Full Text Available Resumen La discusión sobre la incorporación de los migrantes en sociedades receptoras es un tema con una vasta trayectoria en los estudios académicos. En este trabajo focalizamos nuestra atención sobre la dimensión espacial en el análisis de la incorporación de los migrantes peruanos en la Ciudad de Córdoba en el periodo 2001-2010. En primer lugar, analizamos los patrones de segregación espacial de la población nativa y de la población peruana. En segundo lugar, considerando el clivaje concentración/dispersión, analizamos las características sociodemográficas de la población peruana agrupada en clústers y la que se encuentra dispersa. Se sugiere la interacción de dos procesos: a la existencia de patrones específicos de localización de la migración peruana en la Ciudad de Córdoba. La población nativa con niveles educativos alto, por su parte, tiende a concentrarse en la zona centro y noroeste de la ciudad. En esos espacios centrales se localizan clústers de la comunidad peruana, sin embargo, la evolución histórica señala nuevos asentamientos en zonas periféricas; b diferencias estructurales entre los peruanos agrupados en clústers y aquellos dispersos.

  6. Welfare Service Professionals, Migrants, and the Question of Trust

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fersch, Barbara


    The aim of this article is to analyze migrants’ interpretations of their encounters with welfare service professionals in Denmark, focusing on client trust and exploring its diversity across professions. It is based on qualitative interviews with migrants. Migrants as newcomers to the welfare state...

  7. Violence committed against migrants in transit: experiences on the Northern Mexican border. (United States)

    Infante, César; Idrovo, Alvaro J; Sánchez-Domínguez, Mario S; Vinhas, Stéphane; González-Vázquez, Tonatiuh


    Thousands of Mexican and Central American migrants converge at the Mexico-United States border. Undocumented migrants in transit to the United States are vulnerable due to their lack of access to health care and legal assistance. This study attempts to provide evidence on the violent-related consequences that migration has on migrants. A mixed-method study was conducted between April 2006-May 2007 in shelters in Baja California, Mexicali and Tijuana, Mexico. 22 in depth interviews were performed and fifteen hundred and twelve migrants responded a questionnaire. Results from both in-depth interviews and the analysis of the quantitative data shows the different types of violence experiences by migrants which include threats, verbal abuse, and arbitrary detention based on ethnicity, as well as assaults, beatings and sexual violence. It is crucial to stress the importance and the need to evidence the condition in which migrants' transit to the US and to effectively respond to the violence they experience.

  8. El impacto de la Guerra Civil española en la sociedad argentina: Un análisis de la prensa


    Bocanegra Barbecho, Lidia


    El presente capítulo pretende esbozar el panorama de la Guerra Civil española voceada a través de aquella prensa argentina más influyente de la época. La información ofrecida por los diferentes rotativos y seminarios contribuyó a generar un clima de compromiso político-social con España, especialmente con el bando republicano, traducido en las ayudas humanitarias durante y después de la guerra.

  9. Migrant Education Programs Under ESEA Title I Migrant Amendment. (Programas de Educacion Migrante bajo el Titulo I de ESEA.) (United States)

    Minkler, Elton D.

    Migrant Education Programs are designed for those students who, because of the migratory nature of their parents' employment, are required to move from one school district to another during the school year. In many instances these students, because of sporadic attendance and discontinuity of their educational experiences, have found it difficult,…

  10. Household Composition and Longitudinal Health Outcomes for Older Mexican Return Migrants (United States)

    Mudrazija, Stipica; López-Ortega, Mariana; Vega, William A.; Robledo, Luis Miguel Gutiérrez; Sribney, William


    Mexican return migrant population is increasing, yet our knowledge about their lives after resettlement in Mexico remains fragmentary. Using 2001–2012 longitudinal data from the Mexican Health and Aging Study, we investigate difference in household composition for older migrants who returned from the United States compared to nonmigrants. Furthermore, we fit a Cox proportional hazards model to assess the relationship between household composition and health and functional trajectories of return migrants and nonmigrants. The results indicate that return migrants with long duration of U.S. stay have different household composition than nonmigrants or short-term migrants: On average, they have smaller household size, including fewer females who may be available to offer assistance to older adults. Presence of middle-age females in the household has positive effects on health and functional trajectories. We highlight implications of this research for policy makers in Mexico and the United States. PMID:26966255

  11. Migrant Preschool Children's School Readiness and Early Elementary School Performance (United States)

    Tavassolie, Tanya; López, Claudia; De Feyter, Jessica; Hartman, Suzanne C.; Winsler, Adam


    Little is known about the early educational performance of children in migrant farmworker families. The authors examined the school readiness and early school success of 289 four-year-old preschool children of migrant families attending Redlands Christian Migrant Association centers. Children's school readiness was assessed and public school…

  12. Gender, Cross-border Migrant Workers and Citizenship : Case Study ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... of the Burmese-Thai border; final technical report. Documents. Border industrialization and labour mobility : a case of Burmese migrant workers in border area factories. Rapports. Round Table Discussion on Past and Current Research on Migrant Workers in Thailand, Miracle Grand Convention Hotel, 17 January 2007 ...

  13. Collecting data from migrants in Ghana: Lessons learned using respondent-driven sampling

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    Samantha R. Lattof


    Full Text Available Background: Policymakers and program implementers require high-quality data on migrants and migration in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC; however, a shortage of high-quality data exists in these settings. Sampling migrant populations requires better techniques. Respondent-driven sampling (RDS may be one such solution. Objective: Using Ghana as a case study, the objectives of this paper are to: 1 assess RDS recruitment productivity, network size, and ties of internal migrants; 2 test for homophily; and 3 detail the successes of and challenges to implementing RDS in Ghana and how these lessons can be applied to migrant populations in other LMIC settings. Methods: This study used RDS to sample 625 rural-urban female migrants working as market porters (kayayei in Accra, Ghana. Results: This study generated the most comprehensive data set on kayayei to date. Network size increases as participants become more educated and migrate more often to Accra. Ethnic group membership is an important determinant of recruitment, with certain groups preferring to recruit from within. Employing members of the kayayei population to collect data built crucial trust. Conclusions: Whilst RDS is not a one-size-fits-all solution for sampling hard-to-reach migrants in LMIC, it can be a powerful tool to uncover and to recruit hard-to-reach migrant populations. In countries with multiple ethnolinguistic groups, recruiting a migrant population with greater ethnolinguistic overlap may facilitate quicker equilibrium. Contribution: This study expands the evidence base on use of RDS among migrant populations in LMIC and provides lessons learned to assist other researchers implementing RDS in LMIC settings.

  14. Migrants, Manpower and Math in the Coming Europe. (United States)

    Evans, Robert G


    "A dead child" said stalin "is a tragedy. Two million are a statistic." A single photograph of a beach riveted world attention, converting syrian refugees from statistics to tragedy. But the statistics remain. Three Canadian columnists have offered contrasting interpretations. Eric Reguly argues that a static and aging Europe needs more manpower to sustain its economy. Margaret Wente, however, observes the failure of integration of migrants in Sweden. Migrants are drawn by open borders and a generous welfare state, but do not fit an advanced, high-skill economy. Gwynne Dyer notes that current inflows, IF evenly distributed, are a tiny proportion of the overall European Union. But economic migrants from Africa are a much larger issue. Their numbers are effectively inexhaustible. Copyright © 2015 Longwoods Publishing.

  15. Migrant networks and pathways to child obesity in Mexico. (United States)

    Creighton, Mathew J; Goldman, Noreen; Teruel, Graciela; Rubalcava, Luis


    The purpose of this paper is twofold: 1) to assess the link between migrant networks and becoming overweight or obese and 2) to explore the pathways by which migrant networks may contribute to the increasing overweight and obese population of children in Mexico. Using two waves of the Mexican Family Life Survey (MxFLS), we find that children and adolescents (ages 3 to 15) living in households with migrant networks are at an increased risk of becoming overweight or obese over the period of observation, relative to their peers with no migrant networks. Sedentary behavior and household-level measures of economic wellbeing explain some of the association between networks and changes in weight status, but the role of extended networks remains significant. Community-level characteristics related to migration do not account for any of the observed relationship between household-level networks and becoming overweight or obese. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Influence Factors of Sexual Activity for Internal Migrants in China

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    Junguo Zhang, PhD candidate


    Full Text Available Background: Sexual frequency is associated with the quality of life. China’s internal migrants that are sexually active are more likely to participate in sexual behavior. However, less work has been undertaken to assess the sexual frequency and its predictors in migrants. Aim: This study seeks to explore which factors were related to sexual frequency in migrants and how the association varies with different levels of sexual frequency. Methods: A total of 10,834 men and 4,928 women aged 20–49 years from 5 cities in China were enrolled by multi-stage sampling during August 2013–August 2015. Outcomes: Sexual frequency among migrants was determined by asking: How many times have you had sexual intercourse with a man/woman in the past 30 days? Results: In this study, sexual frequency with an average age of 38.28 years was 5.06 (95% CI 5.01–5.11 time per month. Negative binomial showed that male gender, younger age, earlier age of sexual debut, masturbation, more knowledge of sexual and reproductive health, longer time together with a spouse, and higher school education and incomes were predictors of increased sexual frequency in migrants. Communicating with sexual partners frequently had the largest effect on sexual frequency compared with occasional communicating (β = 0.2419, incidence rate ratio = 1.27, 95% CI 1.23–1.31. In the quantile regression, months of cohabitation (β = 0.0999, 95% CI 0.08–0.12, frequent sexual communication (β = 0.4534, 95% CI 0.39–0.52, and masturbation (β = 0.2168, 95% CI 0.14–0.30 were positively related to lower levels of sexual frequency. Interestingly, migrants who had low and high sexual frequency would be affected in opposite directions by the knowledge of sexual and reproductive health. Clinical Translation: Clinicians can more understand the relationship between sexual frequency and its factors that can as the symptom basis of sexually-related diseases. Conclusions: The present findings

  17. Mortality in North Korean migrant households: a retrospective study. (United States)

    Robinson, W C; Lee, M K; Hill, K; Burnham, G M


    A deteriorating economy, coupled with a series of natural disasters in 1995-97, led to a severe food crisis in North Korea. Although the country has received substantial international aid since 1996, demographic assessments of crisis impact have been limited. We assessed mortality trends in North Korea since 1995. At 15 randomly selected sites in China, 440 North Korean adult migrants were interviewed during July-September, 1998. Respondents were asked about births, deaths, and migration patterns in their households between mid-1994 and mid-1998, and about household food sources. The respondents also provided basic demographic information about the households of their relatives. We compared mortality rates from migrant households with data from the 1993 census and with data about households of non-migrant relatives. Households that included a recent migrant to China showed increasing mortality: crude death rates rose from 28.9 per 1000 in 1995, to 45.6 per 1000 in 1996, and to 56.0 per 1000 in 1997 (p=0.0001), with a 3-year average rate of 42.8 per 1000. The crude 3-year birth rate was 11.0 per 1000. Average household size declined from 4.0 at the beginning of 1995 to 3.4 at the end of 1997 (p=0.0002). Among 259 households of non-migrant relatives, the crude death rate was 43.2 per 1000 and the crude birth rate was 8.8 per 1000. In these households, the 3-year trend of increasing mortality was significant (p=0.001), as was the decline in average household size from 4.3 at the beginning of 1995 to 3.7 at the end of 1997 (p=0.0001). Among North Korean households that include a recent migrant to China, mortality has increased and household size has declined since 1995. This trend raises concern about the state of the general population, at least in the province of North Hamkyong, from where most of the migrants originated.

  18. School engagement, acculturation, and mental health among migrant adolescents in Israel. (United States)

    Shoshani, Anat; Nakash, Ora; Zubida, Hani; Harper, Robin A


    This study aimed to explore the role of school engagement and the mediation effect of acculturation in predicting 1.5 and second-generation migrant adolescents' mental health and risk behaviors. Participants included 448 seventh to tenth grade Israeli students (mean age 14.50, 53% boys): 128 non-Jewish 1.5 generation migrant adolescents (children of migrants living in Israel), 118 second-generation migrants (children of migrants born and living in Israel), and an age-matched sample of 202 native-born Jewish adolescents. All participants completed a battery of questionnaires assessing mental health symptoms, engagement in risk behaviors, social adjustment, and school engagement. Both migrant adolescent groups also completed an acculturation questionnaire. Differences between groups in school engagement, mental health symptoms, and risk behavior were examined, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to investigate the hypothesized mediating effect of acculturation. Findings revealed substantially higher levels of mental health symptoms (p mental health symptoms and risk behaviors-older participants engaged in more risk behaviors (p = .02), and females had elevated mental health symptoms (p = .007). Identification with the host country mediated the relationships between school engagement and mental health symptoms (ps .006 and .008) and risk behaviors (ps .001 and .004) in 1.5 generation and second-generation migrants, respectively. The results are discussed in reference to current theories and research, as well as practical implications for prevention and intervention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  19. Homosexuality amongst migrant oil workers in the Niger Delta ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aims: To determine the prevalence of homosexuality among migrant oil workers in Niger Delta. Methods: A prospective questionnaire – based study was conducted among migrant oil workers in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The design was to determine the prevalence of homosexuality in the workers in oil workers.

  20. As tall as my peers - similarity in body height between migrants and hosts. (United States)

    Bogin, Barry; Hermanussen, Michael; Scheffler, Christiane


    Background: We define migrants as people who move from their place of birth to a new place of residence. Migration usually is directed by "Push-Pull" factors, for example to escape from poor living conditions or to find more prosperous socio-economic conditions. Migrant children tend to assimilate quickly, and soon perceive themselves as peers within their new social networks. Differences exist between growth of first generation and second generation migrants. Methods: We review body heights and height distributions of historic and modern migrant populations to test two hypotheses: 1) that migrant and adopted children coming from lower social status localities to higher status localities adjust their height growth toward the mean of the dominant recipient social network, and 2) social dominant colonial and military migrants display growth that significantly surpasses the median height of both the conquered population and the population of origin. Our analytical framework also considered social networks. Recent publications indicate that spatial connectedness (community effects) and social competitiveness can affect human growth. Results: Migrant children and adolescents of lower social status rapidly adjust in height towards average height of their hosts, but tend to mature earlier, and are prone to overweight. The mean height of colonial/military migrants does surpass that of the conquered and origin population. Conclusion: Observations on human social networks, non-human animal strategic growth adjustments, and competitive growth processes strengthen the concept of social connectedness being involved in the regulation of human migrant growth.

  1. Tuberculosis in an urban area in China: differences between urban migrants and local residents.

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    Xin Shen

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The increase in urban migrants is one of major challenges for tuberculosis control in China. The different characteristics of tuberculosis cases between urban migrants and local residents in China have not been investigated before. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed a retrospective study of all pulmonary tuberculosis patients reported in Songjiang district, Shanghai, to determine the demographic, clinical and microbiological characteristics of tuberculosis cases between urban migrants and local residents. We calculated the odds ratios (OR and performed multivariate logistic regression to identify the characteristics that were independently associated with tuberculosis among urban migrants. A total of 1,348 pulmonary tuberculosis cases were reported during 2006-2008, among whom 440 (32.6% were local residents and 908 (67.4% were urban migrants. Urban migrant (38.9/100,000 population had higher tuberculosis rates than local residents (27.8/100,000 population, and the rates among persons younger than age 35 years were 3 times higher among urban migrants than among local residents. Younger age (adjusted OR per additional year at risk = 0.92, 95% CI: 0.91-0.94, p<0.001, poor treatment outcome (adjusted OR = 4.12, 95% CI: 2.65-5.72, p<0.001, and lower frequency of any comorbidity at diagnosis (adjusted OR = 0.20, 95% CI: 0.13-0.26, p = 0.013 were significantly associated with tuberculosis patients among urban migrants. There were poor treatment outcomes among urban migrants, mainly from transfers to another jurisdiction (19.3% of all tuberculosis patients among urban migrants. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: A considerable proportion of tuberculosis cases in Songjiang district, China, during 2006-2008 occurred among urban migrants. Our findings highlight the need to develop and implement specific tuberculosis control strategies for urban migrants, such as more exhaustive case finding, improved case management and follow-up, and use of

  2. Female migrant sex workers in Moscow: gender and power factors and HIV risk. (United States)

    Weine, Stevan; Golobof, Alexandra; Bahromov, Mahbat; Kashuba, Adrianna; Kalandarov, Tohir; Jonbekov, Jonbek; Loue, Sana


    This study aimed to build formative knowledge regarding HIV risks in female migrant sex workers in Moscow, focusing on gender and power. This was a collaborative ethnographic study, informed by the theory of gender and power, in which researchers conducted minimally structured interviews with 24 female sex workers who were migrants to Moscow and who provided sexual services to male migrant laborers. Overall, the female migrant sex workers engaged in HIV risk behaviors and practiced inadequate HIV protection with their clients. These behaviors were shaped by gender and power factors in the realms of labor, behavior, and cathexis. In the labor realm, because some female migrants were unable to earn enough money to support their families, they were pushed or pulled into sex work providing service to male migrants. In the behavior realm, many female migrant sex workers were intimidated by their male clients, feared violence, and lacked access to women's health care and prevention. In the cathexis realm, many had a sense of shame, social isolation, emotional distress, and lacked basic HIV knowledge and prevention skills. To prevent HIV transmission requires addressing the gender and power factors that shape HIV/AIDS risks among female migrant sex workers through multilevel intervention strategies.

  3. Forced Flexibility and Exploitation: Experiences of Migrant Workers in the Cleaning Industry

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    Natalia Ollus


    Full Text Available Globalization has resulted in structural changes in the labor markets over the last decades. These changes have weakened some of the economic and social dimensions of work. At the same time, migration and especially labor migration have increased on the global level. This article looks at the situation of migrant workers in the cleaning industry in Finland. It is based on interviews with migrant workers who have experienced labor exploitation in the cleaning industry, representatives of cleaning industry employers, and representatives of labor unions. The primary aim is to give voice to the migrant workers themselves and to analyze how they experience their work and their position in working life. The findings suggest that there is a risk that migrant workers in the cleaning sector experience various forms of exploitation. This article argues that the demand and need for (employee flexibility may turn into forced flexibility that exploits the powerless and vulnerable migrant workers who have few other options than to agree to work on poor terms. The article suggests that the structural reasons that make the exploitation of migrant labor possible should be identified and addressed in order to prevent misuse of any workers, especially migrants.

  4. El desafío cultural en las sociedades del conocimiento

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    Carmen Rodríguez Martínez


    Full Text Available Los cambios producidos por la revolución tecnológica y la globalización tienen una influencia decisiva en la formación de las nuevas sociedades del conocimiento, con un desafío cultural importante para la sociedad y las instituciones educativas. Para la educación implica desarrollar dos horizontes pedagógicos: una pedagogía de la consciencia y una pedagogía comunitaria.

  5. Retorno de migrantes a México. Su reformulación conceptual

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    Miguel MOCTEZUMA L.


    Full Text Available Cuatro características identifican el nuevo retorno de migrantes a México: en 2000 el retorno de migrantes era un flujo formado por trabajadores jubilados y de aquellos que decidieron no mante - nerse en la migración. En la actualidad, los migrantes ya establecidos y en plena edad productiva son los que están alimentando el nuevo retorno a México. Estos retornos en su mayoría son de tipo familiar ya que destacan aquellos grupos de edades que se corresponden entre padres e hijos. Hay además un segundo elemento: el predominio del ingreso a México de los descendientes de migrantes nacidos en Estados Unidos. Cuando el migrante vuelve con todo y familia tiende a quedarse a vivir en México. Las familias de retorno llegan a los hogares de sus padres y con ello transforman su estructura y dinámica familiar.

  6. O conhecimento e as tecnologias na sociedade da informação

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    Alzira Karla Araújo da Silva


    Full Text Available Artículo de reflexión en torno a la sociedad de la información, la sociedad del conocimiento, el paradigma de la cibercultura y el papel de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el progreso social. Se resaltan los factores de inclusión y exclusión sociales que se producen en la sociedad de la información, y se señalan las acciones, intenciones y necesidades que le son propias. La reflexión contribuye a caracterizar la sociedad de la información en tanto busca entenderla desde perspectivas sociales, culturales, económicas y de búsqueda de la ciudadanía. En especial, se analizan los nuevos entornos originados por la revolución tecnológica y su impacto en la información y el conocimiento en un mundo globalizado. Se reconoce que la educación es uno de los pilares de construcción de esa sociedad y se pone como ejemplo el caso de Brasil, donde hay un círculo virtuoso de avances en el uso intensivo de las tecnologias informativas en las escuelas y en la enseñanza superior, gracias a la creación de nuevos espacios públicos, políticas educacionales y el desarrollo tecnológico. Se concluye que la inclusión y democratización de la información son inseparables y determinates para la consolidación de la sociedad de la información.

  7. Liberalismo vs. neo-fascismo: perspectiva sociosemiótica y análisis político del cómic Guerra Civil

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    Liber Daniel Cuñarro Conde


    Full Text Available La presente investigación analiza desde una perspectiva socios emiótica y política algunos de los aspectos más relevantes del cómic Guerra Civil de Marvel como expresión de los eventos del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en los Estados Unidos de América. Dicho texto se examina desde los enfoques postulados por Greimas (1966 y Eco (1993. A tal efecto se ha seleccionado un corpus concreto, constituido por los siete ejemplares que representan la historia principal de la serie titulada Civil War, en su lenguaje original. Para lograr la comprensión del programa narrativo del cómic, este estudio proporciona el ante texto y la información pertinente para hacer posible una interpretación de los elementos políticos e ideológicos de la Guerra Civil de Marvel, su relación con la representación alegórica de los hechos históricos y su textualización como expresión simbólica de la sociedad contemporánea.

  8. The Weight of Social Assets: Argentinean Migrants in Spain

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    Jorge Ginieniewicz


    Full Text Available Abstract:Using diverse conceptualizations of social capital, this paper will analyse qualitative data obtained from interviews with 49 Ar-gentine migrants to Spain and returnees. Unlike other Latin American migrants to Spain, this group of Argentines approached the migratory experience as a 'nuclear fami-ly'. In general, respondents tended to devel-op diversified networks, avoiding the con-straints experienced by other migrants. I argue that a number of factors including migratory status, certain 'feelings of enti-tlement', cultural affinity and physical fea-tures are all important as far as the inter-viewees' positioning within the 'field' of migrants is concerned. In general, most in-terviewees also pointed out that individuals tend to trust more in institutions and the community as a whole in Spain than in Ar-gentina. Even so, data also suggested that solidarity and friendship ties were stronger in Argentina than in Spain.Resumen: El peso de los activos sociales: ¿qué es lo diferente entre los/as argentinos/as en España? El peso de los activos sociales: ¿qué es lo diferente entre los/as argentinos/as en España?Utilizando diversas conceptualizaciones de capital social, este artículo analiza los datos obtenidos a través de 49 entrevistas con migrantes argentinos a España y retornados. A diferencia de otros grupos de migrantes latinoamericanos a España, los argentinos que formaron parte de este estudio empren-dieron la empresa migratoria como una ex-periencia de la 'familia nuclear'. En general, los entrevistados tendieron a desarrollar redes diversificadas, evitando las dificulta-des experimentadas por otros migrantes. Considero que una serie de factores, inclu-yendo el estatus migratorio, 'sentirse con derecho', la afinidad cultural y las caracte-rísticas físicas son muy importantes en cuan-to al posicionamiento de los entrevistados en el ámbito de los migrantes. En general, la mayoría de los entrevistados también señaló que

  9. Chinese Women Migrants and the Social Apartheid


    Au Loong-Yu; Nan Shan


    Au Loong-yu and Nan Shan examine the conditions of the women among the 150 million migrant workers who have left the rural areas in search of jobs in China. They underline that fierce social regression has accompanied Chinese enormous economic growth where women migrants particularly are exploited in ‘the ‘world's greatest sweatshop’. They argue that hukou system or household registration has proved to be as useful to ‘capitalist construction’ as it once was for ‘socialist construction’. It n...

  10. Migrants and Health in the Nordic welfare states

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Greve, Bent


    This article probes into the health of migrants with a focus on the situation in the Nordic universal welfare states. The Nordic welfare states are further compared to each other with a comparison to the EU28 if possible, including investigation of the differences among the four Nordic countries...... socioeconomic factors, such as the impact of economic inequality. Moreover, the healthy migrant paradox cannot be confirmed....

  11. Interactive Drawing Therapy and Chinese Migrants with Gambling Problems (United States)

    Zhang, Wenli; Everts, Hans


    Ethnic Chinese migrants in a country like New Zealand face a range of well-documented challenges. A proportion of such migrants find that recreational gambling turns into a pernicious gambling problem. This issue is addressed through illustrated case studies of Interactive Drawing Therapy, a drawing-based modality of therapy that facilitates…

  12. Migration processes and self-rated health among marriage migrants in South Korea. (United States)

    Chang, Hsin-Chieh; Wallace, Steven P


    Research on migrant health mostly examines labor migrants, with some attention paid to the trauma faced by refugees. Marriage migrants represent an understudied vulnerable population in the migration and health literature. Drawing on a Social Determinants of Health (SDH) approach, we use a large Korean national survey and stratified multivariate regressions to examine the link between migration processes and the self-rated health of Korea's three largest ethnic groups of marriage migrants: Korean-Chinese, Vietnamese, and Han Chinese. We find that post-migration socioeconomic status and several social integration factors are associated with the health of marriage migrants of all three groups. Specifically, having more social relationships with Koreans is associated with good health among marriage migrants, while having more social relationships with co-ethnics is associated with worse health. Marriage migrants' perceived social status of their natal and marital families is a better predictor of their health than more objective measures such as their education attainment and that of their Korean husbands. The post-migration social gradients among all ethnic groups demonstrate a dose-response effect of marital family's social standing on marriage migrants' health, independent of their own education and the social standing of their natal families. Lastly, we find some ethnicity-specific predictors such as the association between higher educational level and worse health status among the Vietnamese. This variability by group suggests a more complex set of SDH occurred during the marriage migration processes than a basic SDH framework would predict. Using a new immigrant destination, South Korea, as an example, we conclude that migration and health policies that reduce ethnicity-specific barriers and offer integration programs in early post-migration stages may offer a pathway to good health among marriage migrants.

  13. 75 FR 48698 - National Advisory Council on Migrant Health; Notice of Meeting (United States)


    ... Advisory Council on Migrant Health; Notice of Meeting In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of the Federal... Advisory Council on Migrant Health. Dates and Times: October 19, 2010, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. October 20, 2010... of migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their families and to formulate recommendations for the...

  14. 76 FR 58283 - National Advisory Council on Migrant Health; Notice of Meeting (United States)


    ... Advisory Council on Migrant Health; Notice of Meeting In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of the Federal... Advisory Council on Migrant Health. Dates and Times: November 8, 2011, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. November 9, 2011... health of migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their families and to formulate recommendations for the...

  15. 77 FR 2734 - National Advisory Council on Migrant Health; Notice of Meeting (United States)


    ... Advisory Council on Migrant Health; Notice of Meeting In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of the Federal... Advisory Council on Migrant Health. Dates and Times: February 7, 2012, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; February 8... health of migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their families and to formulate recommendations for the...

  16. Exploitation of labour: A study of Migrant labourers in West Bengal

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    Sribas Goswami


    Full Text Available Migrant workers, who constitute a major work force, in the unorganized sector, face various psychological stresses and arrive in an aggravated mental position due to their habit of using different varieties of intoxicants. The researcher’s attempt in this paper is to find out the connection of addiction- related stress and social disintegration of the migrant workers with the wide web of exploitation of labour through an empirical analysis. The intoxicants are the only medium for the migrants to leave the sufferings behind them for a time being. This paper highlights the push factors as the fabricated trap to exploit the migrants physically, socially and mentally for surplus production with cheap labour.

  17. Labour market specific institutions and the working conditions of labour migrants:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arnholtz, Jens; Hansen, Nana Wesley


    Based on a respondent driven sampling survey with 500 Polish migrant workers in Denmark, this article argues that specific labour market institutions and sector differences need to be taken into account when explaining the working conditions of migrant workers. Comparing the working conditions...... of Polish and Danish workers, it is shown that labour market institutional arrangements provide a better explanation for the differences found between the two groups than differences in individual characteristics of the migrants and the Danish workforce. In addition, the article argues that factors...... such as institutionalized wage variability within sectors and the decentralized regulation of working conditions are important when assessing the potential implication of migrant workers in the labour market....

  18. As possibilidades do pensamento e ação transformadores na sociedade do espetáculo The possibilities of thinking and action transformers in the society of the spetacle

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    Fábio Cardoso Marques


    Full Text Available Entre o conceito de sociedade do espetáculo de Guy Debord e de sociedade unidimensional de Herbert Marcuse existe grande afi nidade de base teórica e de perspectiva histórica. O agravamento do domínio da racionalidade instrumental sobre as sociedades modernas, demonstrando o avanço da forma mercadoria sobre a quase totalidade das relações sociais. Ampliação da sociedade de consumo como um estágio, supostamente, mais avançado de civilização. Processo ideológico de domínio político que tenta a obliteração das formas de pensamento e ação críticas ou do surgimento do sujeito histórico transformador, como pensado por Karl Marx. No entanto, esta última fase do capitalismo, o neoliberalismo, pode conter um germe de transformação social e dialética da história. A refl exão de Michael Löwy sobre o ecossocialismo nos sugere que a dominação absoluta da forma mercadoria pode chegar a uma etapa de esgotamento ético e material ou dos recursos naturais. Palavras-chave: Sociedade do espetáculo. Sociedade unidimensional. História. Ideologia. Ecossocialismo. There is a great affinity between the concepts of Guy Debord’s society of the spectacle and Herbert Marcuse’s unidimensional society, concerning the theoretical basis and the historical perspective. The intensification of the instrumental rationality over the modern societies shows the commodity form advance on almost all social relationships. The consumption society enlargement is supposedly shown as the most advanced civilization degree. The ideological process of public control endeavors to obliterate the thinking and action critical forms or the historical transformation subject emergence, as thought by Karl Marx. Nevertheless, this last stage of the capitalism, the neo-liberalism, may contain the seeds to a social transformation and historical dialectic. Micheal Löwy’s refl ections on the eco-socialism suggest that the absolute control of the commodity form may

  19. Migration, legality, and fertility regulation: Abortion and contraception among migrants and natives in Russia

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    Victor Agadjanian


    Full Text Available Background: Migrant-vs.-native differentials in reproductive behavior are typically examined through the prism of socioeconomic and cultural constraints that characterize the migration process and experiences. However, the literature seldom factors in migrant legal status because necessary data is rarely available. Objective: The study seeks to fill this important gap by looking at variations in induced abortion and contraceptive use not only between migrants and nonmigrants but also among migrants of different legal statuses in the Russian Federation. Methods: We use unique survey data collected in urban Russia from Central Asian working migrant women of different legal statuses - regularized vs. irregular - as well as their native counterparts. Binomial and multinomial logistic regressions are fitted to model abortion experience and current contraceptive use and method choice. Results: The results point to higher overall use of abortion among natives, but also to significant differences between migrants with regularized and irregular legal statuses. With respect to contraception, while no variation in overall use between migrants and natives or between migrants of different legal statuses is detected, instructive migrant-vs.-native differences in method choice emerge. Conclusions: The findings underscore the importance of migrants' legal status, along with their other characteristics, for a better understanding of their reproductive behavior and for more effective corresponding policies. Contribution: The study offers pioneering insights into the intersection of migration, legality, and fertility in contemporary Russia and contributes to the cross-national scholarship on migration and reproductive behavior and health.

  20. LGBTI migrants in immigration detention

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    Shana Tabak


    Full Text Available As states increasingly use detention as a means of controllingmigration flows, sexual minority migrants find themselves in detentionfacilities where they may face multiple violations of their human rights.