
Sample records for simple kantor triple

  1. Hermitian (ϵ,δ)-Freudenthal-Kantor Triple Systems and Certain Applications of *-Generalized Jordan Triple Systems to Field Theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamiya, Noriaki; Sato, Matsuo


    We define Hermitian (ϵ,δ)-Freudenthal-Kantor triple systems and prove a structure theorem. We also give some examples of triple systems that are generalizations of the u(N)⊕u(M) and sp(2N)⊕u(1) Hermitian 3-algebras. We apply a *-generalized Jordan triple system to a field theory and obtain a Chern-Simons gauge theory. We find that the novel Higgs mechanism works, where the Chern-Simons gauge theory reduces to a Yang-Mills theory in a certain limit

  2. Insurgent neoist Kantor / Kiwa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiwa, pseud., 1975-


    Kuraator Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Muusemis 17.06.-15.07.2012 toimunud Istvan Kantori näitusest "Mässav neoist" (The Istvan Kantor or Monty Cantsin? Amen!) ja selle tagamaadest, Istvan Kantorist ning neoismist


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    Sukarti Sukarti


    Key words      : Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Management Roadmap Penelitian menghasilkan rancangan strategi untuk pelayanan pembuatan akta pada kantor Notaris, study kasus pada kantor Notaris Theresia Dwi Wijayanti, SH. Mekanisme dan alur kerja/prinsip pelayanan pembuatan akta masih berupa instruksi kerja, yang dipahami oleh beberapa pegawai saja, dan sering menjadi pertanyaan berulang pada bagian pelayanan serta menjadi kendala pada saat pegawai izin tidak masuk kerja. Karena mekanisme dan alur kerja/prinsip pelayanan belum jelas dan belum adanya media untuk pelayanan pembuatan akta otentik, mekanisme dan alur kerja/prinsip pelayanan dalam pembuatan akta pada kantor Notaris. Rancangan strategi ini difasilitasi dengan aplikasi pelayanan pembuatan akta yang dapat digunakan sebagai media dalam berbagi pengetahuan, menjadi portal Knowledge Manajement pada bagian pelayanan, sehingga menumbuhkan budaya penyebaran pengetahuan (Knowledge Sharing diantara pegawai dan pelayanan optimal kepada klien.  Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Knowledge Management Roadmap dengan tahapan pemodelan bisnis, pemodelan use case, analisis, perancangan, dan implementasi. Dengan metode Knowledge Manajement Roadmap menghasilkan rancangan strategi untuk bagian pelayanan pembuatan akta dan kantor Notaris memiliki sebuah media berbagi pengetahuan. Kata kunci: Manajemen Pengetahuan, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Manajement Roadmap.

  4. Pengaruh Sistem Rekrutmen dan Penempatan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Kantor PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Kantor Pos Medan 20000




    The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of the system of recruitment and placement of the work performance of employees at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Kantor Pos Medan 20000. This type of research is explanatory. The sample in this study were employees of PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Kantor Pos Medan 20000, amounting to 51 people. The data used is secondary data. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis me...

  5. Analisis Pengaruh Human Capital Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan (Studi Empiris pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Indonesia

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    Martina Dwi Puji Astri Ongkorahardjo


    Full Text Available Human capital is of the intellectual capital components owned by a company. This study evaluates if individual capability and organizational climate affect business performance partially and simultaneously. We use public accounting firms as our subjects.. Our study shows that individual capability and organizational climate respectively influence performance in public accounting firms. Additionally, these two factors simultaneously affect performance. Overall individual capability shows stronger relationship to performance compared to organizational climate. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Human capital sebagai salah satu komponen utama dari intellectual capital (intangible asset yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan obyek kantor akuntan publik Penelitian ini berusaha menguji apakah individual capability dan the organizational climate yang merupakan komponen dari human capital memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan kantor akuntan publik baik secara individual (parsial maupun secara simultan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, individual capability berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja kantor akuntan publik. Kedua, the organizational climate berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja kantor akuntan publik. Ketiga, individual capability dan the organizational climate berpengaruh signifikan secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja kantor akuntan publik. Pengujian juga membuktikan bahwa individual capability adalah variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh paling besar terhadap kinerja kantor akuntan publik. Kata kunci: Human capital, individual capability, the organizational climate.

  6. AKTIVITAS PENGENDALIAN MUTU JASA AUDIT LAPORAN KEUANGAN HISTORIS (Studi Kasus pada Beberapa Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya

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    Yulius Jogi Christiawan


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to get the descriptive in depth and holistic the quality control activities in several CPAs%2C in Surabaya in order to answer the audit quality questioned by the audit report user. This study was a qualitative research with multiple case studies and multiple unit analysis approach. The study was focused on the competence and independence standards as well as the control procedures and its activities by partners and managers in CPA firms. There were%3A 1%29 the CPA firms face difficult in establishing independence in fact standards and objectives%2C 2%29 the CPA firms applied the professional standard to establish independence in appearance standards and objectives%2C 3%29 the CPA firms applied human resources management function to secure personnel educational competence%2C 4%29 the CPA firms applied planning%2C supervising and performance evaluating in order to obtain experience personnel%2C and 5%29 the CPA firms give strict punishment for violation of independence and competence. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui secara mendalam %28in depth%29 dan menyeluruh tentang aktivitas pengendalian mutu audit yang terjadi di beberapa Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya%2C sehingga diharapkan bisa menjawab keraguan pengguna jasa audit terhadap mutu audit yang ada di kantor akuntan publik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan multiple case study dengan multiple unit analysis. Penelitian diarahkan pada standar independensi dan kompetensi di Kantor Akuntan Publik serta aktivitas dan prosedur pengendalian oleh partner dan manajer Kantor Akuntan Publik. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap empat dari lima puluh satu Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya. Hasil penelitian ini sedikitnya menunjukkan lima fenomena terkait dengan aktivitas pengendalian mutu Kantor Akuntan Publik. Lima fenomena tersebut adalah%3A 1%29 Kantor Akuntan Publik sulit menetapkan suatu standar%2

  7. Tadeusz Kantor i iluzja powtórzenia

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    Piotr Dobrowolski


    Full Text Available The article deals with a category of repetition. This category is used as an artistic technique by Tadeusz Kantor in his unique theatre performances. The author analyzes an aesthetics' agenda of its practical use. The category is shown in a philosophical perspective of Soren Kierkegaard's, Cilles Deleuze's and Henri Bergson's writings. Cricot 2 theatre late performances (called Theatre of the Memory were repeating Kantor's personal past and his family's history by re-playing it onstage. An artistic attempt was about to form actors' gestures and activities in a shape of one's memories. A problem, that a director had to deal with was connected with a deformation and a blur of remembered pictures. Each one of these faint pictures was under an influence of passing time and experiences that came with it. Another kind of distortion was made by actors, that were unable to embody the people from the past. Kantor's artistic imagination could make a single picture that was taken from the past (e.g. as a photograph alive. Memory of the artist, prompted by a prosthetic celluloid device was reawakening to alternative existences of the people that have passed by. Theatre inspired the repetition that introduced a difference to an original. Continuation of one's life that was retaken leads to a development of a repeated gesture and an object that opens a new field of its meaning. Infinite repetition approaches its infinite forms to an idealistic idea of a subject, a gesture, an activity.

  8. Tadeusz Kantor jõudis Kumusse enneolematus suuruses / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Näitus "Tadeusz Kantor. Poola avangardist ja teatriuuendaja" Kumu Kunstimuuseumis 18. detsembrini 2011. T. Kantori eluloost, mõjust Eestile. Näituse haridusprogramm. T. Kantori teatrireform puudutas peamiselt lavastuse visuaalset külge, kujundust. Kantori muuseumi direktori Natalia Zarzecka kommentaarid


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    Prihati Prihati


    Full Text Available Abstrak Permasalahan yang timbul adalah sejak pemindahan kantor kurangnya inovasi yang dilakukan aparatur kecamatan dalam mengelola sarana dan prasarana, seperti belum melakukan renovasi/ tata ruang kantor baik internal maupun eksternal. Kemudian kurang stabilnya penyelenggaraan pemerintahan karena belum mengacu pada rencana tata ruang wilayah. Adapun tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana budaya organisasi di Kantor Camat Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru dan menganalis hambatan budaya organisasi di Kantor Camat Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru.Penelitian di lakukan di Kantor Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah aparatur kantor camat. Mereka dipilih karena terjangkau. Camat dijadikan sebagai Key Informan. Teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalah sensus. Sumber dan jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah primer dan sekunder. Untuk menghimpun data yang diperlukan, maka dipergunakan observasi, wawancara dan kuestioner. Data dianalisi secara deskriftip kualitatif.                 Dari kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan diketahui budaya organisasi di Kantor Camat Rumbai Pesisir sudah berjalan dengan cukup baik. Karena secara umum, aparatur spilil negara (ASN di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir sudah memahmi pengertian budaya organisasi. Yakni, sebuah karakteristik yang dijunjung tinggi oleh organisasi dan menjadi panutan organisasi sebagai pembeda antara satu organisasi dengan organisasi yang lain atau budaya organisasi juga diartikan sebagai nilai-nilai dan norma perilaku yang diterima dan dipahami secara bersama oleh anggota organisasi sebagai dasar dalam aturan perilaku yang terdapat dalam organisasi tersebut.  Kata Kunci: Analisi, Budaya, Organisasi Abstract                     The problems arising from the transfer of the office is the lack of innovation that made the apparatus districts in managing facilities and infrastructure, such as has not been


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    Masirun Masirun


    Full Text Available Abstrak : Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kantor pertanahan kota pekanbaru riau, yang terletak dijalan, Pepaya NO 47 Kantor pertanahan merupakan kantor pelayanan masyarakat bertujuan membuat sertifikat-sertifikat tanah dan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kinerja karyawan pada kantor pertanahan kota pekanbaru. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan pada kantor pertanahan Pekanbaru. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampling jenuh (sensus dimana seluruh anggota populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian, diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 62 karyawan. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif.Dalam penelitian ini, jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan berupa data primer yang diperoleh dari kantor pertanahan kota pekanbaru.diolah lebih lanjut, serta data sekunder yang berupa data yang telah jadi tanpa mengalami perubahan seperti sejarah singkat perusahaan, job description masing-masing bagian perusahaan, serta struktur organisasi perusahaan.Adapun pendidikan dan pelatihan pada kantor pertanahan kota pekanbaru riau jugak di katagorikan cukup baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kualitas, produktivitas yang meningkat dengan adanya pendidikan dan pelatihan serta pengembangan idividu dan jugak dengan adanya pendidikan dan pelatihan tersebut sangat membantu dalam hal meningkatkan kualitas dan produktivitas kerja serta merupakan perencanaan dalam menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang lebih baik lagi.Dari hasil analisis penelitian tersebut diketahui bahwa rata-rata karyawan yang bekerja pada kantor pertanahan kota pekanbaru cukup baik, Kinerja karyawan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu : Sifat, Perilaku, Kompetensi. Abstract : This study was conducted in the Office of Riau pekanbaru city land, which is located in the street, Papaya NO 47. The land office is aimed at making the civil service of the certificates of land and the purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of employees at the land office


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    Fani Firmansyah


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini PT Panin Bank Syariah, Tbk. (PBS perlu menetapkan strategi-strategi yang tepat agar kehadirannya dapat memperoleh respon positif dari masyarakat dan produk serta jasa yang ditawarkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan masyarakat. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan di PT. Panin Bank Syariah, Tbk. Kantor Cabang Malang yang terletak di Jl Mgr Sugiopranoto No 7 kota Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Dari hasil matriks SWOT dapat diambil beberapa strategi yang sesuai dengan keadaan PT Panin Bank Syariah, Tbk. Kantor Cabang Malang bedasarkan beberapa hal yaitu : Segmentasi, Targeting, Positioning, Marketing Mix. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti, maka kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu: (a Strategi pemasaran khususnya pemasaran produk pembiayaan yangditerapkan oleh PT. Panin Bank Syariah, Tbk. Kantor Cabang Malang meliputi beberapa strategi, yakni strategi jemput bola, referal, membangun jaringan, memberikan servise excellent, dan memberikan fasilitas yang memuaskan untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan dan kepuasan nasabah, sehingga nasabah yang ada tidak akan lari dari bank. (b Hasil analisis SWOT menyebutkan bahwa PT. Panin Bank Syariah, Tbk. Kantor Cabang Malang sudah bisa bersaing di pasar persaingan yang kompetitif yang ada di wilayah Malang.  


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    Agus Yan Praptasany


    Full Text Available Loyalitas nasabah adalah puncak pencapaian pelaku bisnis perbankan. Nasabah yang puas dan setia tidak akan ragu untuk menjadi penyebar kabar baik yang selalu menyebarkan kebaikan mengenai produk perbankan yang di gunakannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kualitas layanan yang terdiri dari bukti fisik, kehandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan dan empati secara parsial dan simultan  terhadap loyalitas nasabah PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia kantor cabang Madiun. Populasi penelitian ini adalah nasabah yang menggunakan SMS Banking di PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia kantor cabang Madiun. Sampel perbankan dalam penelitian ini adalah nasabah selama periode awal tahun 2013 sampai dengan bulan Maret 2014. Pengambilan sampel dilaksanakan dengan teknik Indidental Sampling sehingga didapat sampel sejumlah 377 responden. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini didapat dengan wawancara dan kuisioner.  Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis Regresi Linear Berganda. Dari hasil uji parsial yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa bukti fisik, daya tanggap, kehandalan, jaminan dan empati  berpengaruh  secara parsial terhadap loyalitas nasabah PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cabang Madiun. Hal ini dikarenakan kelengkapan fisik ruang kantor, kecepatan, ketepatan, keamanan, kemudahan bertransaksi dengan SMS Banking mempengaruhi loyalitas nasabah Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cabang Madiun. Dari hasil uji simultan diperoleh hasil bahwa kualitas layanan yang terdiri dari bukti fisik, daya tanggap, kehandalan, jaminan dan empati secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas nasabah PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia kantor cabang Madiun. Hal ini menunjukkan apabila Dimensi kualitas layanan dilaksanakan secara bersama – sama akan membuat nasabah semakin Loyal.


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    Latifah Nurul Hidayah


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan hasil� observasi di SMK Negeri 1 Pemalang, diketahui bahwa mata diklat yang sulit bagi siswa adalah mata diklat Mengelola Peralatan Kantor. Kompetensi dasar dalam mata diklat tersebut yang masih dianggap sulit oleh siswa adalah Kompetensi dasar Menggunakan Peralatan Kantor. Salah satu faktor penyebab kesulitan siswa dalam belajar adalah kurang tepatnya model pembelajaran yang diterapkan oleh guru. Berdasarkan fakta di atas maka dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa yaitu melalui penggunaan model pembelajaran NHT. Rancangan� penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan hasil belajar. Siklus I menunjukan hasil penelitian yaitu rata-rata hasil belajar siswa 70,75 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 67,5% , keaktifan siswa 70,48%, kinerja guru 73,33%.� Penelitian siklus II menunjukan bahwa rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebesar 79,13 dengan kriteria ketuntasan klasikal 85%, keaktifan siswa 79,52% dan kinerja guru 80,83%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran Mata diklat Mengelola Peralatan Kantor kompetensi dasar Menggunakan Peralatan Kantor dengan model pembelajaran NHT dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar, sehingga disarankan kepada guru agar menggunakan model pembelajaran NHT dalam pembelajaran Mata diklat Mengelola Peralatan Kantor untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ Based on the observation in SMK N 1 Pemalang, it shows that the difficult subject for the students is Managing Office Equipments. The most difficult basic competence in this subject for students is Using office Equipments. One of the factors which causes the students� difficulties is using the learning model inappropriately applied by the teacher. In line with the problem above, it needs an effort to improve the students� achievement such as using NHT learning model

  14. Olemuse teater. Kantor ja Brook / Jan Kott ; tõlk. Eva-Liisa Linder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kott, Jan


    T. Kantori lavastustest "Surnud klass" ja "Wielopole Wielopole" ning P. Brooki "Carmeni" lavastusest. Tõlgitud raamatust : Jan Kott. The Theatre of Essence: Kantor and Brook.- The Theatre of Essence and other Essays. Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1984, lk. 159-165


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    Aditya Yudha Primantoro


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem pengelolaan arsip di Kantor Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah, kendala-kendala yang dihadapi setra upaya-upaya untuk mengatasi kendala dalam sistem pengelolaan arsip. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun subyek penelitian ini adalah petugas Sub.Bag. Umum dan petugas kearsipan di Kantor Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan empat teknik yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, simpulan verivikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sistem pengelolaan arsip di Kantor Perum Perhutani tahap pertama pengumpulan warkat, selanjutnya memeriksa tanda-tanda pelepasan oleh pimpinan, penetapan indeks, pemberian kode warkat, penyortiran, penyimpanan dan penataan warkat, pemeliharaan dan pengamanan arsip, penyusutan arsip, pemusnahan arsip. Kendala yang dihadapi pada saa tmemerikasa tanda-tanda pelepasan serta pendistribusian surat. Upaya yang dilakukan dengan mengirim surat kembali serta menyerahkan kepada pimpinan. The purpose of this study was to determine the records management system in the Office of Perum Perhutani Central Java Regional Division, constraints faced by Setra's efforts to overcome the obstacles in the archive management system. This study used a qualitative approach. The subject of this research is Sub.Bag officer. General and archival officer in the Office of the Regional Division Perhutanioffice Central Java Province. Data were collected by using interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed using four techniques of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification conclusions. The results show records management system in the first phase of the Office Perhutanioffice collection slips, then check for signs of release by the leadership, the determination of the index, script coding, sorting, storage and slips


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    Tasril Tasril


    Full Text Available Abstrak : Kualitas pelayanan merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan kepuasan masyarakat. Pelayanan yang baik pada akhirnya akan mampu memberikan kepuasan kepada masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelayanan publikyang dilakukan pada Kantor Camat Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. Objek penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang melakukan pengurusan pada kantor Camat Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat kecamatan Rimba Melintang yang melakukan pengurusan di kantor camat. Teknik pengambilansampel dilakukan dengan metode accidental sampling. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 99 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa kualitas pelayanan publik untuk variabel bukti fisik, kehandalan, ketanggapan, jaminan dan empati meyoritas responden menjawab tidak setuju(tidak baik terhadap pelayanan publik pada kantor Camat Rimba melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. Kondisi ini menunjukkan jika kualitas pelayanan publik ditingkatkan seperti dalam hal kedisiplinan petugas/aparatur, kemampuan petugas/aparatur dalam proses pelayanan, ketepatan waktu dalam melakukan pelayanan, memberikan jaminan legalitas dalam pelayanan, melayani dengan tidak membeda-bedakan masyarakat dalam memberikan pelayanan maka masyarakat akan merasa puas dari pelayanan tersebut. Abstract : The quality of service is one of the factors that determine people’s satisfaction. Good Service will eventually be able to give satisfaction to nthe public. The purpose of this study is to analyze the public service performed at the district office of Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. The object of this study people who the maintenance in the district office of Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. Population in this research is the district community of Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir who do the maintenance in


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    Masasti Suci


    Full Text Available Kinerja adalah suatu hasil kerja baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas yang dicapai oleh seseorang untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Kinerja yang baik tentunya dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, seperti disiplin kerja, motivasi kerja, dan tata ruang kantor yang ada di kantor Kelurahan Kecamatan Purbalingga Kabupaten Purbalingga. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kedisiplinan pegawai dalam jam kerja yang kurang baik, rendahnya semangat pegawai untuk memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dengan maksimal, masih terdapat ketidakteraturan dalam hal penataan ruang kantor dan lingkungan fisik. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode angket dan dokumentasi. Uji keberartian persamaan regresi dilihat dari uji Fhitung = 49,993 dengan probabilitas sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga diperoleh hasil analisis regresi linear berganda dengan persamaan Y = 0,281 + 0,357X1 + 0,252X2 + 0,222X3. Besarnya pengaruh secara simultan antara disiplin kerja, motivasi kerja, dan tata ruang kantor terhadap kinerja pegawai yaitu 59,2%. Variabel yang memberikan pengaruh paling besar terhadap kinerja pegawai secara parsial adalah disiplin kerja yaitu sebesar 21,34%, sedangkan untuk motivasi kerja, dan tata ruang kantor berpengaruh lebih kecil yaitu masing-masing sebesar 19,53%, dan 9,18%. A performance is the work result either qualitatively or quantitatively achieved by a person to reach the certain goal. The good performance is influenced by some factors such as work discipline, work motivation, and office room arrangement in the village office. The problems of this reserach were the low disipline of civil servants’ in the work time, the low motivation of the civil servants to give the service for the guests, and the bad ordered office room arrangement and the physical environment. The data were colleted by questionnaire and documentation. The significance test of regression was found out from F test = 49.993 with probability was 0.000 < 0.05, therefore the

  18. Maximum mass-particle velocities in Kantor's information mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sverdlik, D.I.


    Kantor's information mechanics links phenomena previously regarded as not treatable by a single theory. It is used here to calculate the maximum velocities υ m of single particles. For the electron, υ m /c ∼ 1 - 1.253814 x 10 -77 . The maximum υ m corresponds to υ m /c ∼ 1 -1.097864 x 10 -122 for a single mass particle with a rest mass of 3.078496 x 10 -5 g. This is the fastest that matter can move. Either information mechanics or classical mechanics can be used to show that υ m is less for heavier particles. That υ m is less for lighter particles can be deduced from an information mechanics argument alone


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    Devi Permatasari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keinginan berpindah auditor dari Kantor Akuntan Publik, yaitu faktor-faktor gaya kepemimpinan, konflik peran, ambiguitas peran, kesempatan promosi, kepuasan gaji, kebutuhan untuk berkembang, komitmen organisasi, dan kepuasan kerja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua auditor yang bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 127 responden yang bekerja sebagai auditor di Kantor Akuntan Publik yang tersebar di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, yaitu kota Semarang, Surakarta, Purwokerto, dan Yogyakarta. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi menggunakan teknik multivariat Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa keinginan berpindah auditor dari Kantor Akuntan Publik banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor, seperti gaya kepemimpinan, konflik peran, ambiguitas peran, kesempatan promosi, kepuasan gaji, dan kebutuhan untuk berkembang yang dimediasi oleh variabel komitmen organisasi dan kepuasan kerja The objective of this research is to investigate the factors of auditor’s turnover intention at public accountant firms, there are leadership style, role conflict, role ambiguity, promotion opportunities, pay satisfaction, personal growth needs, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Population of the research is all of auditors who have been working at public accountant firms in Central Java and DIY. Whereas the sample is 127 respondents who have been working as an auditor at public accountant firms, spread in Central Java and DIY, there are Semarang, Surakarta, Purwokerto, and Yogyakarta. The hypothesis test was done by regression analysis using multivariate techniques Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. Based on the results of hypothesis test, then the conclusions are auditor’s turnover

  20. Efektifitas sistem informasi berbasis online dalam pengurusan vaksin calon keberangkatan jemaah umrah di kantor kelas II pekanbaru

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    Bayu Febriadi


    Full Text Available AbstrakSeiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat, sistem informasi berbasis komputer sangat berpengaruh pesat dalam dunia kerja, begitu juga halnya sistem informasi berbasis web dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana peningkatan informasi. Pemanfaatan tersebut akan mempermudah suatu pekerjaan seperti halnya pengolahan data lebih cepat, keputusan yang akan diambil lebih tepat, menghemat waktu dan biaya. Selain itu, sistem informasi yang berbasis web juga dapat menjadi sarana promosi yang efesien dan sumber informasi yang dapat diakses oleh pengguna internet yang semakin lama semakin luas. Pada kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru selalu dihadapi dengan kendala antri atau lama dalam pengurusan vaksin keberangkatan calon Jemaah umrah, karena dalam pengurusan vaksin pada kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan pekanbaru belum adanya sistem terkomputerisasi, sehingga hal ini memperlambat kinerja kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan pekanbaru, begitupun bagi calon Jemaah umrah yang selalu tidak puas dalam pelayanan vaksin untuk keberangkatan calon jemaah umrah karena terlalu lama dalam pemprosesan hasil dari analisa vaksin keberangkatan calon Jemaah umrah. Adapun metode yang digunakan dengan mengumpulkan data-data yang ada dan menganalisa permasalahan dalam pengurusan vaksin dengan membangun sebuah sistem berbasis web. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini memberi suatu efisiensi atau peningkatan dalam pengolahan data yang berbasis web sehingga membantu kegiatan kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru, tujuan khususnya dimana calon jemaah umrah bisa melihat jadwal vaksin nya dan bisa melihat pengumuman yang lebih cepat dan tepat tanpa harus datang ke kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru, hanya dengan mengakses internet dan mengakses website Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan pekanbaru dengan mudah, tidak memerlukan waktu yang lama. Kata kunci: Vaksin, Web, Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru. AbstractAlong with the development of technology so fast, computer-based information systems are very


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    Eka Eka


    Full Text Available Abstract Public services at the district office coastal fringe. The quality of public services can be measured include the following elements: the turnaround time of service, details of fees or tariffs, procedures, facilities and infrastructure. In the implementation of public services in the district during the coastal fringe still constraints in implementing the four elements of the charter, because of the lack of openness to the public, although the sub-district officials had to undertake socialization activities that also involve the public. Although officially a maximum service is 15 minutes, the findings in the field expressed ketidaksusuaian with what has been set. The factors that affect the quality of services at the district office coastal fringe is: 1. Work Motivation bureaucracy and apparatus; 2. The ability of the apparatus; 3.pengawasan / social control; 4. The behavior of bureaucracy / apparatus; 5. Communication, disposition and bureaucratic structure and organizational communication climate and the flow of information; and 6. Restructuring the organization. Keywords: public service, influence factor Abstrak                Pelayanan publik di kantor camat rumbai pesisir. Kualitas pelayanan publik dapat diukur meliputi unsur berikut : waktu penyelesaian pelayanan, rincian biaya atau tarif pelayanan, prosedur pelayanan, sarana dan prasarana. Dalam pelaksanaan layanan publik selama ini di kecamatan rumbai pesisir masih adanya kendala dalam menjalankan keempat unsur terserbut, karena masih kurangnya keterbukaan kepada masyarakat, meskipun aparat kecamatan sudah melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi yang juga melibatkan masyarakat. Meskipun secara resmi pelayanan maksimal adalah 15 menit, temuan di lapangan menyatakan ketidaksusuaian dengan apa yang telah di tetapkan. Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan di kantor camat rumbai pesisir adalah : 1. Motivasi Kerja Birokrasi dan aparatur; 2. Kemampuan

  2. The Centroid of a Lie Triple Algebra

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    Xiaohong Liu


    Full Text Available General results on the centroids of Lie triple algebras are developed. Centroids of the tensor product of a Lie triple algebra and a unitary commutative associative algebra are studied. Furthermore, the centroid of the tensor product of a simple Lie triple algebra and a polynomial ring is completely determined.

  3. Analisis Sistem Antrean Pelayanan Di PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Kantor Pos II Semarang


    Kusumawardani, Anggraini Susanti; Sugito, Sugito; Rahmawati, Rita


    PT Pos Indonesia (Ltd.) is one of state-owned enterprise engaged the field of service. Along with the development of communication device which more sophisticated and modern, PT Pos Indonesia (Ltd.) has to restructure, reform, and transform. Hence, that mail and delivery service through post remains used and preferred by community. There are many things to do by the customers, this is the reason why PT Pos Indonesia (Ltd.) Kantor Pos II Semarang is always crowded by customers. Therefore, it's...

  4. Imitação musical segundo o Kantor Caspar Ruetz (1754

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    Mônica Lucas


    Full Text Available The poetic principle that all arts are reducible to a unified principle (imitation of nature was largely spread in 18th Century Germany, especially by the influential Les Beaux Arts Réduits a un Même Principe (The Fine Arts reduced to a same principle, by Charles Batteux (1746. However, in the Lutheran world, this ideal was accommodated to the Augustinian musical thought, and the resulting synthesis provided the basis for the Romantic music conception. This fusion of ideas is clearly perceptible in the comment to Batteux’s work (1754 published by the Kantor Caspar Ruetz (1708-1755.

  5. Proses Penanganan Tata Kearsipan Daerah pada Kantor Perpustakaan Arsip dan Dokumentasi Deli Serdang

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    Lisnawati Lisnawati


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan manusia akan informasi begitu penting, beragamnya jenis media saluran informasi turut menambah kemudahan bagi siapa saja untuk mencari informasi tidak terkecuali bagi pemerintahan daerah sebagai penyelenggara pemerintahan memiliki peran penting untuk menyediakan sistem pengarsipan dalam mendukung kinerja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat bagaimanakah proses penanganan tata kearsipan daerah pada kantor perpustakaan arsip dan dokumentasi Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah berjenis kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dimana pencarian data menggunakan data primer dan data skunder. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan peralatan penyimpanan arsip masih mengunakan peralatan sederhana dan belum berbasis teknologi.


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    I Made Pradana Adiputra


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kompleksitas tugas terhadap kinerja internal auditor  dengan budaya Tri Hita Karana sebagai  variabel moderating  di Kantor Inspektorat di Provinsi Bali. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh auditor di 6 (enam Kantor Inspektorat di Bali (Klungkung, Karangasem, Gianyar, Bangli, Buleleng dan Badung. Teknik sampling yang digunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria tertentu, yaitu kerja internal auditor minimal 1 tahun. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda dan moderated regression analysis. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kompleksitas tugas terhadap kinerja internal auditor dan moderasi tri hita karana pada kompleksitas tugas berpengaruh terhadap kinerja internal auditor pada Kantor Inspektorat di Provinsi Bali This study aimed to examine the effect of task complexity on the performance of the internal auditor with Tri Hita Karana culture as a moderating variable in the Office of the Inspectorate in Bali Province. The study population was all auditors in 6 (six Office Inspectorate in Bali (Klungkung, Karangasem, Gianyar, Bangli, Buleleng and Badung. The sampling technique used purposive sampling to certain criteria, namely the internal auditor's work a minimum of 1 year. The research design used in this study is a survey method by distributing questionnaires. Analysis of data using multiple linear regression and moderated regression analysis. The results of the data analysis showed that there are significant task complexity on the performance of the internal auditors and the moderation of Tri Hita Karana on the complexity of the task affect the performance of the internal auditor in the Office of the Inspectorate in Bali Province


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    Heri Sudiono


    Full Text Available Upaya untuk meningkatkan sistem layanan dan pengurusan paspor yang dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, seperti pelayanan dan pengurusan  paspor agar lebih efisien, cepat dan akurat dapat uga dikatakan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pelayanan, meghindari terjadinya penerbitan ganda dan pemalsuan surat perjalanan rebpublik  Indonesia ( selanjutnya disebut  disebut dengan SPRI , sehingga dapat memberikan jaminan pengamanan terhadap dokumen negara serta kenyamanan bagi pemengangnya. Dengan merubah sitem pelayanan dan pengurusan paspor yang bersifat manual kearah yang berbasis biometrik atau penerapan sistem photo terbadu berbasis biometrik ( selanjutnya diebut dengan SPTBB berdasarkan peraturan menteri hukum dan hak Azasi Manusia republik Indonesia Nomor : M.02,-12.0310 Tahun 2006 yang bersifat ‘’on-line’’ diseluruh wilayah republik Indonesia. Sistem ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah bagi semua pihak. Oleh karena itu, maka hal –hal yang perlu dikaji adalah bagaimanakah proses membuat sampai menerbitkan dalam pelaksanaan birokrasi pengurusan paspor berbasis biometrik di kantor imigrasi polonia medan, hambatan – hambatan apa sajahkah yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan birokrasi pengurusan paspor bebasis biometrik di kantor imigrasi polonia medan dan bagaimanakah akibat hukum terhadap pelaksanaan birokrasi pengurusan, memberikan sanksi dn melakukan pendeportasikan terhadap pemilik paspor Indonesia dan asing.

  8. Implementasi Program E-Filing dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi (Studi pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Bojonegoro)


    Abdurrohman, Sisilia


    : Implementasi Program E-Filing dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi (Studi Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Bojonegoro). Modernisasi perpajakan dilaksanakan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak pada tahun 2002. Salah satu tahap dalam modernisasi perpajakan adalah perbaikan Business process dan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Salah satu wujud dari perbaikan business process dan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi adalah program e-Filing yang juga merupakan wujud penerap...



    Indah Anisykurlillah; Agus Wahyudin; Kustiani -


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh role conflict, role ambiguity dan role overload pada kepuasan kerja, pengaruh role conflict, role ambiguity dan role overload pada komitmen organisasi serta pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer berupa kuesioner di mana subyek penelitian ini adalah auditor yang bekerja pada Kantor Akuntansi Publik ( KAP ) di Jawa Tengah. Sampel yang diambil adalah non probabi...

  10. Triple axis spectrometers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clausen, K.N.


    Conventional triple-axis neutron spectroscopy was developed by Brockhouse over thirty years ago' and remains today a versatile and powerful tool for probing the dynamics of condensed matter. The original design of the triple axis spectrometer is technically simple and probes momentum and energy space on a point-by-point basis. This ability to systematically probe the scattering function in a way which only requires a few angles to be moved under computer control and where the observed data in general can be analysed using a pencil and graph paper or a simple fitting routine, has been essential for the success of the method. These constraints were quite reasonable at the time the technique was developed. Advances in computer based data acquisition, neutron beam optics, and position sensitive area detectors have been gradually implemented on many triple axis spectrometer spectrometers, but the full potential of this has not been fully exploited yet. Further improvement in terms of efficiency (beyond point by point inspection) and increased sensitivity (use of focusing optics whenever the problem allows it) could easily be up to a factor of 10-20 over present instruments for many problems at a cost which is negligible compared to that of increasing the flux of the source. The real cost will be in complexity - finding the optimal set-up for a given scan and interpreting the data as the they are taken. On-line transformation of the data for an appropriate display in Q, ω space and analysis tools will be equally important for this task, and the success of these new ideas will crucially depend on how well we solve these problems. (author)

  11. Nuclear collective flow from gaussian fits to triple differential distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gosset, J.; Babinet, R.; Cavata, C.; Marco, M. de; Demoulins, M.; Fanet, H.; Fodor, Z.; L'Hote, D.; Lucas, B.


    A simple characterization of triple differential cross sections is needed for a systematic study of the nuclear matter collective flow in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions. Our analysis is based upon a fitting procedure, so that the triple differential distributions need not be measured in the whole momentum space. If the detector acceptance eliminates most spectator particles or if it is artificially restricted for doing so, this method leads to a flow characterization of the participant nuclear matter. The center-of-mass triple-differential momentum distributions are fitted to a simple analytical shape, namely an anisotropic Gaussian distribution. The adjusted parameters (flow angle and aspect ratios) are corrected for uncertainty in the event-by-event determination of the reaction plane azimuth (finite-number effects). Results are presented for neon-nucleus and argon-nucleus collisions at incident energy between 400 and 800 MeV per nucleon. Flow is already significant for light systems, and depends clearly upon the impact parameter

  12. Analisis Pengaruh Ukuran Kantor Akuntan Publik, Audit Fee, Audittenure, Dan Karakteristik Komite Audit Terhadap Audit Quality Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia


    William, Richi


    130503129 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh ukuran kantor akuntan publik, audit fee, audit tenure, dan karakteristik komite audit terhadap kualitas audit pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Indikator karakteristik komite audit yaitu gender dan usia komite audit. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 151 perusahaan manufaktur. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, sehingga diperoleh 27 perusahaan s...


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    Elisa Tjondro


    Full Text Available This research intends to know the influence of the level of assurance, CPA firm's reputation, aspirant debitor's capital structure and bank size on bank loan decisions. The applied regression technique used to solve this problem are Chi-square test, Friedman test and Regression with the help of software SPSS 10th version. This research's results proved that the aspirant debitor's capital structure and bank size have influence on bank lending decisions, while level of assurance and CPA firm's reputation proved of no influence on bank lending decisions. From these two variables, aspirant debitor's capital structure has the highest impact on bank loan decisions in Indonesia. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah level of assurance, reputasi kantor akuntan publik, struktur modal calon debitur, dan ukuran bank mempengaruhi keputusan pemberian kredit oleh bank. Teknik analisis yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut adalah Chi-square test, Friedman test, dan Regresi dengan memakai alat bantu software SPSS versi 10.0. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa struktur modal calon debitur dan ukuran bank berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pemberian kredit bank, sedangkan variabel level of assurance dan reputasi kantor akuntan publik terbukti tidak mempengaruhi keputusan pemberian kredit bank. Dari kedua variabel tersebut, struktur modal adalah variabel yang memiliki tingkat pengaruh paling tinggi terhadap keputusan pemberian kredit bank di Indonesia. Kata kunci: level of assurance, keputusan pemberian kredit bank.

  14. Respuestas de J.R. Kantor y de B.F. Skinner a las preguntas epistemológicas básicas


    Blanca Patricia Ballesteros; Amanda Rey


    Diferentes variables académicas, científicas y sociales hacen necesario el escrutinio de las categorías de clase de los diferentes conductismos en un marco epistemológico. El presente artículo hace una comparación entre el Interconductismo de J. R. Kantor y el Conductismo Radical de B. F. Skinner. Las preguntas para las cuales se identifican las posturas de cada autor y su evolución histórica son: (1) ¿Qué es conocimiento?, (2) ¿Qué se conoce?, (3) ¿Cómo se conoce?, (4) ¿Para qué se ...

  15. Penerapan INLISlite (Integrated Library System di Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah Kabupaten Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Abdul Hamid


    Full Text Available Information and communication technology (ICT has been undoubtly applied in all fields of life. It provides variety of services in which it is dependent on user needs. The Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah (the District Library and Archieve of Pangkep has been implementing ICT to enhance its services to the citizens of Pangkep. INSLISLite was choosen as its automted library system. The current study investigates how INLIS lite has been implemented in the library, what were the challanges the library faced, and the floating library services of KPAD. The data were collected throughout the representative informans. The study found that INLIS lite needed to be more optimized, the challenges were human resources and budgetary, and the floating library has played important roles to educate the Pangkep island citizens.

  16. Recovery and normalization of triple coincidences in PET. (United States)

    Lage, Eduardo; Parot, Vicente; Moore, Stephen C; Sitek, Arkadiusz; Udías, Jose M; Dave, Shivang R; Park, Mi-Ae; Vaquero, Juan J; Herraiz, Joaquin L


    Triple coincidences in positron emission tomography (PET) are events in which three γ-rays are detected simultaneously. These events, though potentially useful for enhancing the sensitivity of PET scanners, are discarded or processed without special consideration in current systems, because there is not a clear criterion for assigning them to a unique line-of-response (LOR). Methods proposed for recovering such events usually rely on the use of highly specialized detection systems, hampering general adoption, and/or are based on Compton-scatter kinematics and, consequently, are limited in accuracy by the energy resolution of standard PET detectors. In this work, the authors propose a simple and general solution for recovering triple coincidences, which does not require specialized detectors or additional energy resolution requirements. To recover triple coincidences, the authors' method distributes such events among their possible LORs using the relative proportions of double coincidences in these LORs. The authors show analytically that this assignment scheme represents the maximum-likelihood solution for the triple-coincidence distribution problem. The PET component of a preclinical PET/CT scanner was adapted to enable the acquisition and processing of triple coincidences. Since the efficiencies for detecting double and triple events were found to be different throughout the scanner field-of-view, a normalization procedure specific for triple coincidences was also developed. The effect of including triple coincidences using their method was compared against the cases of equally weighting the triples among their possible LORs and discarding all the triple events. The authors used as figures of merit for this comparison sensitivity, noise-equivalent count (NEC) rates and image quality calculated as described in the NEMA NU-4 protocol for the assessment of preclinical PET scanners. The addition of triple-coincidence events with the authors' method increased peak

  17. Recovery and normalization of triple coincidences in PET

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lage, Eduardo, E-mail:; Parot, Vicente; Dave, Shivang R.; Herraiz, Joaquin L. [Madrid-MIT M+Visión Consortium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 (United States); Moore, Stephen C.; Sitek, Arkadiusz; Park, Mi-Ae [Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 (United States); Udías, Jose M. [Grupo de Física Nuclear, Departamento de Física Atómica Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, CEI Moncloa, Madrid 28040 (Spain); Vaquero, Juan J. [Departamento de Ingeniería Biomédica e Ingeniería Aeroespacial, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés 28911 (Spain)


    Purpose: Triple coincidences in positron emission tomography (PET) are events in which three γ-rays are detected simultaneously. These events, though potentially useful for enhancing the sensitivity of PET scanners, are discarded or processed without special consideration in current systems, because there is not a clear criterion for assigning them to a unique line-of-response (LOR). Methods proposed for recovering such events usually rely on the use of highly specialized detection systems, hampering general adoption, and/or are based on Compton-scatter kinematics and, consequently, are limited in accuracy by the energy resolution of standard PET detectors. In this work, the authors propose a simple and general solution for recovering triple coincidences, which does not require specialized detectors or additional energy resolution requirements. Methods: To recover triple coincidences, the authors’ method distributes such events among their possible LORs using the relative proportions of double coincidences in these LORs. The authors show analytically that this assignment scheme represents the maximum-likelihood solution for the triple-coincidence distribution problem. The PET component of a preclinical PET/CT scanner was adapted to enable the acquisition and processing of triple coincidences. Since the efficiencies for detecting double and triple events were found to be different throughout the scanner field-of-view, a normalization procedure specific for triple coincidences was also developed. The effect of including triple coincidences using their method was compared against the cases of equally weighting the triples among their possible LORs and discarding all the triple events. The authors used as figures of merit for this comparison sensitivity, noise-equivalent count (NEC) rates and image quality calculated as described in the NEMA NU-4 protocol for the assessment of preclinical PET scanners. Results: The addition of triple-coincidence events with the

  18. Pengaruh Komunikasi, Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Studi Pada Kantor Wilayah XII Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara (DJKN Banjarmasin

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    Andi Susanto


    Full Text Available This research aims to fi nd out and analyze the infl uence among communication (X1, leadership (X2, and work motivation (X3 as indefendent variables either partially or simultaneously toward employee’s performance (Y as dependent variable at Kantor Wilayah XII DJKN Banjarmasin. The method of this research used questionnaire with 32 employees of Kantor Wilayah  XII  DJKN  Banjarmasin  as  a  sample  and  it  has  been  selected  from population  as  45  emplyees.  The  variables  measurement  uses  Likert’s  Scale technique with weighting scale from 1 to 5. To fi nd out the correlation among variables X1 X2 X3 towards Y uses statistical technique of correlation analysis,  multiple linear regression and to test the signifi cance rate uses F test and t test processed with SPSS Program. The  result  of  research  concludes  that  there  is  a  positive  signifi cant  infl uence from each indefendent variable’s toward the dependent variable. From the three indefendent  variables,  the  highest  percentage  (25.9%  is  the  communication (X1  as  compared  with  the  two  other  independent  variables.  And  there  is  a signifi cant  simultaneously  infl uence  from  the  three  independent  variables toward the variable of employee’s performance. Keyword :Communication, leadership, work motivation, performance.


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    Donni Juni Priansa


    deskriptif dan eksplanatori survei, dengan data utama diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner. Populasi penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang menjadi nasabah di Kantor Cabang Utama PT Bank Jabar dan Banten Tbk yang memanfaatkan layanan deposito dan ATM. Unit analisis dalam penelitian berjumlah 100 sampel yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin, sedangkan teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur dengan SPSS 20.00. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suku bunga deposito dan layanan ATM berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap ekuitas merek. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa suku bunga deposito, layanan ATM, dan ekuitas merek berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan konsumen untuk menjadi nasabah di Kantor Cabang Utama PT Bank Jabar dan Banten Tbk.   Kata Kunci: Suku Bunga Deposito, Layanan ATM, Ekuitas Merek, dan Keputusan Konsumen

  20. Two-week, high-dose proton pump inhibitor, moxifloxacin triple Helicobacter pylori therapy after failure of standard triple or non-bismuth quadruple treatments. (United States)

    Gisbert, Javier P; Romano, Marco; Molina-Infante, Javier; Lucendo, Alfredo J; Medina, Enrique; Modolell, Inés; Rodríguez-Tellez, Manuel; Gomez, Blas; Barrio, Jesús; Perona, Monica; Ortuño, Juan; Ariño, Inés; Domínguez-Muñoz, Juan Enrique; Perez-Aisa, Ángeles; Bermejo, Fernando; Domínguez, Jose Luis; Almela, Pedro; Gomez-Camarero, Judith; Millastre, Judith; Martin-Noguerol, Elisa; Gravina, Antonietta G; Martorano, Marco; Miranda, Agnese; Federico, Alessandro; Fernandez-Bermejo, Miguel; Angueira, Teresa; Ferrer-Barcelo, Luis; Fernández, Nuria; Marín, Alicia C; McNicholl, Adrián G


    Aim was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of a moxifloxacin-containing second-line triple regimen in patients whose previous Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment failed. Prospective multicentre study including patients in whom a triple therapy or a non-bismuth-quadruple-therapy failed. Moxifloxacin (400mg qd), amoxicillin (1g bid), and esomeprazole (40 mg bid) were prescribed for 14 days. Eradication was confirmed by (13)C-urea-breath-test. Compliance was determined through questioning and recovery of empty medication envelopes. 250 patients were consecutively included (mean age 48 ± 15 years, 11% with ulcer). Previous (failed) therapy included: standard triple (n = 179), sequential (n = 27), and concomitant (n = 44); 97% of patients took all medications, 4 were lost to follow-up. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol eradication rates were 82.4% (95% CI, 77-87%) and 85.7% (95% CI, 81-90%). Cure rates were similar independently of diagnosis (ulcer, 77%; dyspepsia, 82%) and previous treatment (standard triple, 83%; sequential, 89%; concomitant, 77%). At multivariate analysis, only age was associated with eradication (OR = 0.957; 95% CI, 0.933-0.981). Adverse events were reported in 25.2% of patients: diarrhoea (9.6%), abdominal pain (9.6%), and nausea (9.2%). 14-day moxifloxacin-containing triple therapy is an effective and safe second-line strategy in patients whose previous standard triple therapy or non-bismuth quadruple (sequential or concomitant) therapy has failed, providing a simple alternative to bismuth quadruple regimen. Copyright © 2014 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Hari Purnomo


    Full Text Available Indonesia sebagai Negara yang beriklim tropis memiliki areal perkebunan kelapa luas yang menghasilkan buah, daun dan kayu serta limbah. Limbah sabut kelapa seringkali diabaikan dan tidak dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh masyarakat. Daging buah adalah komponen utama buah kelapa, sedangkan sabut, tempurung, dan air buah merupakan hasil samping. Sebagian besar petani hanya membuang sabut kelapa atau memanfaatkan untuk kerajinan seperti sapu, keset dan tali tambang. Sabut kelapa jarang dimanfaatkan menjadi produk dengan sentuhan teknologi yang bernilai jual tinggi. Penelitian ini merupakan pemanfaatan limbah serat sabut kelapa dijadikan produk tas kantor wanita dengan teknologi komposit. Lembaran sabut kelapa (leskap dengan teknologi komposit dilakukan dengan penggabungan serat sabut kelapa dengan karet alam yang di pres selama 30 menit dengan suhu 100oc. Desain tas dibuat beberapa alternatif yang selanjutnya dilakukan seleksi konsep dan dilakukan penilaian konsep dengan scoring. Hasil seleksi konsep didapat : (a Konsep desain 5 dijadikan sebagai desain A; (b Konsep desain 8 dijadikan sebagai desain B; (c Konsep desain 10 dijadikan sebagai desain C; (d Konsep desain 3, 6, 7 digabung yang dijadikan desain D. Sedangkan konsep desain 1,2,4 dan 9 tidak diikutkan dalam penilaian konsep. Berdasarkan scoring terpilih konsep desain D dengan nilai 3,0. Spesifikasi tas wanita yang terpilih adalah : (a Model tas jinjing dan selempang; (b Warna tas hitam dan coklat; (c lebar atas 40 cm; (d lebar bawah 35 cm; (d Tali tas jinjing dan selempang warna hitam; (f Tinggi 30 cm; (g Panjang tali selempang 120 cm; dan (h Panjang tali jinjing 23 cm.

  2. Behavior of Triple Langmuir Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasmas (United States)

    Polzin, Kurt A.; Ratcliffe, Alicia C.


    The triple Langmuir probe is an electrostatic probe in which three probe tips collect current when inserted into a plasma. The triple probe differs from a simple single Langmuir probe in the nature of the voltage applied to the probe tips. In the single probe, a swept voltage is applied to the probe tip to acquire a waveform showing the collected current as a function of applied voltage (I-V curve). In a triple probe three probe tips are electrically coupled to each other with constant voltages applied between each of the tips. The voltages are selected such that they would represent three points on the single Langmuir probe I-V curve. Elimination of the voltage sweep makes it possible to measure time-varying plasma properties in transient plasmas. Under the assumption of a Maxwellian plasma, one can determine the time-varying plasma temperature T(sub e)(t) and number density n(sub e)(t) from the applied voltage levels and the time-histories of the collected currents. In the present paper we examine the theory of triple probe operation, specifically focusing on the assumption of a Maxwellian plasma. Triple probe measurements have been widely employed for a number of pulsed and timevarying plasmas, including pulsed plasma thrusters (PPTs), dense plasma focus devices, plasma flows, and fusion experiments. While the equilibrium assumption may be justified for some applications, it is unlikely that it is fully justifiable for all pulsed and time-varying plasmas or for all times during the pulse of a plasma device. To examine a simple non-equilibrium plasma case, we return to basic governing equations of probe current collection and compute the current to the probes for a distribution function consisting of two Maxwellian distributions with different temperatures (the two-temperature Maxwellian). A variation of this method is also employed, where one of the Maxwellians is offset from zero (in velocity space) to add a suprathermal beam of electrons to the tail of the

  3. [Julija Z. Kantor. Pribaltika. Vojna bez pravil (1939-1945) Sankt-Peterburg, 2011 ; Lev F. Sockov. Pribaltika i geopolitika 1935-1945 gg. Rassekreennye dokumenty Služby vnešnej razvedki Rossiskoj Federacii. Moskva, 2009 ; Anatolij A. Sazonov. "Sove

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Makhotina, Ekaterina, 1982-


    Arvustus: Julija Z. Kantor. Pribaltika. Vojna bez pravil (1939-1945) Sankt-Peterburg, 2011 ; Lev F. Sockov. Pribaltika i geopolitika 1935-1945 gg. Rassekreennye dokumenty Služby vnešnej razvedki Rossiskoj Federacii. Moskva, 2009 ; Anatolij A. Sazonov. "Sovetskaja okkupacija" Pribaltiki v archivnych dokumentach. Projekt "Argumenty istiny". Moskva, 2009

  4. Simple Lie algebras and Dynkin diagrams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buccella, F.


    The following theorem is studied: in a simple Lie algebra of rank p there are p positive roots such that all the other n-3p/2 positive roots are linear combinations of them with integer non negative coefficients. Dykin diagrams are built by representing the simple roots with circles and drawing a junction between the roots. Five exceptional algebras are studied, focusing on triple junction algebra, angular momentum algebra, weights of the representation, antisymmetric tensors, and subalgebras


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    Agustinus Fritz Wijaya


    Full Text Available Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP Pratama merupakan salah satu instansi di bawah Kementerian Keuanngan. Tugas utama dari KPP Pratama yaitu melaksanakan penyuluhan, pelayanan, dan pengawasan terhadap Wajib Pajak khususnya dibidang Pajak Penghasilan, Pajak Penjualan, Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, serta pajak tidak langsung lainnya. Dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya KPP Pratama menerapkan sistem IT governance untuk pencapaian tujuan bisnis namun kurangnya tata kelola dalam penerapan sistem IT governance mengakibatkan kurang optimalnya KPP Pratama dalam menjalankan tugas dan pencapaian tujuan. Diperlukan penilaian tingkat kematangan IT governance untuk mengetahui pencapaian KPP Pratama dari tujuan bisnisnya, sehingga menghasilkan rekomendasi untuk memperbaiki tata kelola dalam penerapan IT Governance. Dalam menilai tingkat kematangannya digunakan pendekatan dengan COBIT 5. Dengan 15 responden dari 2 divisi menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan kuesioner penelitian berfokus pada domain proses APO 13, BAI 06, dan DSS 05. Domain proses yang digunakan dalam penelitian didapat dari hasil pemetaan terhadap tujuan bisnis, tujuan TI, dan terkait proses TI. Hasilnya rata-rata tingkat kematangan  dari ketiga domain proses yaitu 1,22 dengan berada pada level 1 (Performed Process.

  6. Improvement of a triple-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser using a Fabry–Perot laser diode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, P C; Hu, H L; Wang, J B


    This work demonstrates the feasibility of a simple construct of a tunable triple-wavelength fiber ring laser using a Fabry–Perot laser diode (FP-LD) and an optical tunable bandpass filter. An optical tunable bandpass filter is used within the cavity of an erbium-doped fiber laser to select the lasing wavelength. Because the Fabry–Perot laser diode is in combination with the tunable bandpass filter, the erbium-doped fiber laser can stably lase three wavelengths simultaneously. Moreover, this laser is easily tuned dynamically. This triple-wavelength output performs satisfactorily, with its optical side-mode-suppression-ratio (SMSR) exceeding 40 dB. Furthermore, the wavelength tuning range of this triple-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser is greater than 27 nm. (paper)

  7. Analisis dan Desain BI-Dashboard Monitoring Realisasi Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA pada Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPN

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernestina Rahmanasari


    Full Text Available Transaksi keuangan badan pemerintahan tingkat daerah dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Kementrian Keuangan melalui Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPNsetiap bulan dalam bentuk Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP. Laporan Keuangan, didukung dengan teknologi Business Intelligence(BI dashboarddapat dimanfaatkan sebagai data-driven decision support system yang mendorong performa kinerja. Analisis dan desainterhadap pembuatan BI dashboard menunjukkanbagaimana Laporan Keuangan dapat digunakan untuk monitoring realisasi penyerapan dana DIPA dan kinerja instansi secara tepat waktu dan interaktif.Analisis terdiri dari analisis Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU dan analisis Laporan Keuangan. IKUpada analisis dan desain ini mencakup ketercapaian estimasi dengan penerimaan, ketercapaian pagu dengan belanja, ketepatan waktu pengiriman rekonsiliasi oleh instansi, validasi, akurasi, dan ketepatan data. Desain terdiri dari katalog dashboard, alur analisis, sumber data, desain User-Interface, dan desain objek dashboard. Sedangkan dashboard yang dirancang menggunakan aplikasi Vera sebagai Enterprise System, mengakses basis data MySQL, dan menampilkan data dengan teknologi data-driven business-intelligence Qlikview. Desain aplikasi yang telah dibuat akan menampilkan 4 (empat Tab yaitu: Dashboard utama, Analisis, Monitoring, dan Laporan


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    Agus Arianto Toly


    Full Text Available The high level of turnover intentions by accountant staffs had raised the potential cost for public accountant firms. The prior research done by Suwandi and Indriantoro (1999 had succesfully identified the process of turnover intentions, which related to the antecedents and consequences of job insecurity. The responses of 30 accountant staffs from some public accountant firms to a questionnaire designed to measure variables were analyzed using a Pearson's correlation coefficient. The result of this study was not generally consistent with Suwandi and Indriantoro (1999 because some hypotheses were rejected. This study identified that public accountant firm must be noticed organizational factors, such as organizational commitment, role conflict, role ambiguity, and organizational change. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Tingkat keinginan berpindah yang tinggi para staf akuntan telah menimbulkan biaya potensial untuk Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP. Penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan oleh Suwandi dan Indriantoro (1999 telah berhasil mengidentifikasi proses keinginan berpindah, yang berhubungan dengan anteseden dan konsekuensi dari ketidakamanan kerja. Respon 30 staf akuntan dari beberapa KAP terhadap kuesioner yang dibuat untuk mengukur berbagai variabel, dianalisis menggunakan kofisien korelasi Pearson. Hasil dari studi ini secara umum tidak konsisten dengan Suwandi dan Indriantoro (1999 karena ditolaknya beberapa hipotesis. Studi ini mengidentifikasi bahwa KAP harus memberi perhatian terhadap beberapa faktor organisasional, seperti komitmen organisasional, konflik peran, ketidakjelasan peran, dan perubahan organisasional. Kata kunci: konflik peran; ketidakjelasan peran; perubahan organisasional; ketidakamanan kerja; komitmen organisasional; keinginan berpindah.

  9. Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Penatausahaan Surat dan Arsip Berbasis Web Studi Kasus Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Bengkulu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Triyono Triyono


    Full Text Available Penatausahaan surat dan arsip merupakan kegiatan pendukung bagi pelaksanaan tugas pokok Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPN Bengkulu. Kegiatan ini ditangani oleh Sub Bagian Umum KPPN. Saat ini terdapat beberapa aplikasi penatausahaan surat maupun arsip yang dibuat oleh beberapa pegawai pada Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan yang digunakan secara terpisah pada beberapa KPPN. Pada umumnya aplikasi ini tidak mengakomodasi proses yang melibatkan bagian-bagian di KPPN, dan belum digunakan sepenuhnya. KPPN bahkan lebih memilih penatausahaan dengan cara manual daripada dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang ada. Penatausahaan yang dilakukan dengan cara manual menyebabkan inefisiensi, redundansi data, kesulitan dalam proses pencarian surat dan pengawasan proses penatausahaan surat kurang dapat dilakukan. Sistem informasi penatausahaan surat dan arsip pada KPPN Bengkulu akan dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses dengan bahasa pemrograman inti PHP dan MySQL sebagai pendukung sistem manajemen basis data. Aplikasi ini akan mengakomodasi proses-proses yang melibatkan unit eselon IV pada KPPN, monitoring penyelesaian surat dan penyimpanan arsip elektronik baik surat masuk maupun surat keluar. Sistem informasi ini dikembangkan melalui proses ICONIX. Hasil dari penelitian ini merupakan aplikasi yang berguna untuk penatausahaan surat dan arsip bagi KPPN Bengkulu.

  10. Almost convergence of triple sequences


    Ayhan Esi; M.Necdet Catalbas


    In this paper we introduce and study the concepts of almost convergence and almost Cauchy for triple sequences. Weshow that the set of almost convergent triple sequences of 0's and 1's is of the first category and also almost everytriple sequence of 0's and 1's is not almost convergent.Keywords: almost convergence, P-convergent, triple sequence.

  11. Banach Gelfand Triples for Applications in Physics and Engineering (United States)

    Feichtinger, Hans G.


    The principle of extension is widespread within mathematics. Starting from simple objects one constructs more sophisticated ones, with a kind of natural embedding from the set of old objects to the new, enlarged set. Usually a set of operations on the old set can still be carried out, but maybe also some new ones. Done properly one obtains more completed objects of a similar kind, with additional useful properties. Let us give a simple example: While multiplication and addition can be done exactly and perfectly in the setting of Q, the rational numbers, the field R of real numbers has the advantage of being complete (Cauchy sequences have a limit…) and hence allowing for numbers like π or √2 . Finally the even "more complicated" field C of complex numbers allows to find solutions to equations like z2 = -1. The chain of inclusions of fields, Q⊂R⊂C is a good motivating example in the domain of "numbers." The main subject of the present survey-type article is a new theory of Banach Gelfand triples (BGTs), providing a similar setting in the context of (generalized) functions. Test functions are the simple objects, elements of the Hilbert space L2(Rd) are well suited in order to describe concepts of orthogonality, and they can be approximated to any given precision (in the ‖ṡ‖2-norm) by test functions. Finally one needs an even larger (Banach) space of generalized functions resp. distributions, containing among others pure frequencies and Dirac measures in order to describe various mappings between such Banach Gelfand triples in terms of the most important "elementary building blocks," in a clear analogy to the finite/discrete setting (where Dirac measures correspond to unit vectors). Our concrete Banach Gelfand triple is based on the Segal algebra S0(Rd), which coincides with the modulation space M1(Rd) = M01,1(Rd), and plays a very important and natural role for time-frequency analysis. We will point out that it provides the appropriate setting for a


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    Raden Yogi Arieffiandi


    Full Text Available The objectives of this study are to analyze the factors that affect the financing collectability in XYZ Sharia Bank branch office in West Jakarta, to formulate and recommend a strategic planning of the bank to reduce the level of Non-Performing Loans (NPF in the future. Logistic regression and SWOT matrix were utilized as the methods of this study. Thus, the results showed that the factors influencing the financing collectability of XYZ Sharia Bank customers are financing agreement types, margin/profit sharing equivalent rate, economic sectors, and value of the company Altman Z-Score. From the analyses of both external and internal factors, it reveals that strategic factors are identified to reduce the value of NPF in XYZ Sharia Bank West Jakarta i.e. by performing defensive actions. The assessment results of the strategy in XYZ Islamic Bank, West Jakarta, in terms of SWOT in tightening the cost analysis of SME sector, are as follow: carrying out the process of cost analysis more carefully and thoroughly, and conducting HR personnel training, or sharing with other branches in the neighboring areas, anticipating over assessment by adopting an independent assessor, performing more detailed screening in doing financing disbursement, and maximizing the existing internal regulations related to the financing facility.Keywords: Collectable financing, logistic regression, SWOT, Altman Z-Score, SMEABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kolektibilitas pembiayaan pada Bank Syariah XYZ kantor cabang Jakarta Barat dan merumuskan dan merekomendasikan perencanaan strategis Bank Syariah XYZ dalam rangka menekan tingkat Non Performing Loans (NPF di masa yang akan datang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan regresi logistik dan matriks SWOT. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kolektibilitas pembiayaan oleh nasabah Bank Syariah XYZ adalah Jenis akad pembiayaan, tingkat equivalent

  13. Nuclear collective flow from gaussian fits to triple differential distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gosset, J.; Demoulins, M.; Babinet, R.; Cavata, C.; Fanet, H.; L'Hote, D.; Lucas, B.; Poitou, J.; Valette, O.; Alard, J.P.; Augerat, J.; Bastid, N.; Charmensat, P.; Dupieux, P.; Fraysse, L.; Marroncle, J.; Montarou, G.; Parizet, M.J.; Qassoud, D.; Rahmani, A.; Brochard, F.; Gorodetzky, P.; Racca, C.


    In order to study the nuclear collective flow, the triple differential momentum distributions of charged baryons are fitted to a simple anisotropic gaussian distribution, within an acceptance which removes most of the spectator contribution. The adjusted flow angle and aspect ratios are corrected for systematic errors in the determination of the reaction plane. This method has been tested with Monte Carlo simulations and applied to experimental results and intranuclear cascade simulations of argon-nucleus collisions at 400 MeV per nucleon. (orig.)

  14. Geodynamical simulation of the RRF triple junction (United States)

    Wang, Z.; Wei, D.; Liu, M.; Shi, Y.; Wang, S.


    Triple junction is the point at which three plate boundaries meet. Three plates at the triple junction form a complex geological tectonics, which is a natural laboratory to study the interactions of plates. This work studies a special triple junction, the oceanic transform fault intersects the collinear ridges with different-spreading rates, which is free of influence of ridge-transform faults and nearby hotspots. First, we build 3-D numerical model of this triple junction used to calculate the stead-state velocity and temperature fields resulting from advective and conductive heat transfer. We discuss in detail the influence of the velocity and temperature fields of the triple junction from viscosity, spreading rate of the ridge. The two sides of the oceanic transform fault are different sensitivities to the two factors. And, the influence of the velocity mainly occurs within 200km of the triple junction. Then, we modify the model by adding a ridge-transform fault to above model and directly use the velocity structure of the Macquarie triple junction. The simulation results show that the temperature at both sides of the oceanic transform fault decreases gradually from the triple junction, but the temperature difference between the two sides is a constant about 200°. And, there is little effect of upwelling velocity away from the triple junction 100km. The model results are compared with observational data. The heat flux and thermal topography along the oceanic transform fault of this model are consistent with the observed data of the Macquarie triple junction. The earthquakes are strike slip distributed along the oceanic transform fault. Their depths are also consistent with the zone of maximum shear stress. This work can help us to understand the interactions of plates of triple junctions and help us with the foundation for the future study of triple junctions.

  15. Simulation of triple coincidences in PET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cal-González, J; Herranz, E; Vicente, E; Udias, J M; Lage, E; Dave, S R; Parot, V; Herraiz, J L; Moore, S C; Park, M-A


    Although current PET scanners are designed and optimized to detect double coincidence events, there is a significant amount of triple coincidences in any PET acquisition. Triple coincidences may arise from causes such as: inter-detector scatter (IDS), random triple interactions (R T ), or the detection of prompt gamma rays in coincidence with annihilation photons when non-pure positron-emitting radionuclides are used (β + γ events). Depending on the data acquisition settings of the PET scanner, these triple events are discarded or processed as a set of double coincidences if the energy of the three detected events is within the scanner’s energy window. This latter option introduces noise in the data, as at most, only one of the possible lines-of-response defined by triple interactions corresponds to the line along which the decay occurred. Several novel works have pointed out the possibility of using triple events to increase the sensitivity of PET scanners or to expand PET imaging capabilities by allowing differentiation between radiotracers labeled with non-pure and pure positron-emitting radionuclides. In this work, we extended the Monte Carlo simulator PeneloPET to assess the proportion of triple coincidences in PET acquisitions and to evaluate their possible applications. We validated the results of the simulator against experimental data acquired with a modified version of a commercial preclinical PET/CT scanner, which was enabled to acquire and process triple-coincidence events. We used as figures of merit the energy spectra for double and triple coincidences and the triples-to-doubles ratio for different energy windows and radionuclides. After validation, the simulator was used to predict the relative quantity of triple-coincidence events in two clinical scanners assuming different acquisition settings. Good agreement between simulations and preclinical experiments was found, with differences below 10% for most of the observables considered. For

  16. Wakeless triple soliton accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mima, K.; Ohsuga, T.; Takabe, H.; Nishihara, K.; Tajima, T.; Zaidman, E.; Horton, W.


    We introduce and analyze the concept of a wakeless triple soliton accelerator in a plasma fiber. Under appropriate conditions the triple soliton with two electromagnetic and one electrostatic waves in the beat-wave resonance propagates with velocity c leaving no plasma wake behind, while the phase velocity of the electrostatic wave is made also c in the fiber

  17. NIM Realization of the Gallium Triple Point (United States)

    Xiaoke, Yan; Ping, Qiu; Yuning, Duan; Yongmei, Qu


    In the last three years (1999 to 2001), the gallium triple-point cell has been successfully developed, and much corresponding research has been carried out at the National Institute of Metrology (NIM), Beijing, China. This paper presents the cell design, apparatus and procedure for realizing the gallium triple point, and presents studies on the different freezing methods. The reproducibility is 0.03 mK, and the expanded uncertainty of realization of the gallium triple point is evaluated to be 0.17 mK (p=0.99, k=2.9). Also, the reproducibility of the gallium triple point was compared with that of the triple point of water.

  18. Communication: Simple liquids' high-density viscosity. (United States)

    Costigliola, Lorenzo; Pedersen, Ulf R; Heyes, David M; Schrøder, Thomas B; Dyre, Jeppe C


    This paper argues that the viscosity of simple fluids at densities above that of the triple point is a specific function of temperature relative to the freezing temperature at the density in question. The proposed viscosity expression, which is arrived at in part by reference to the isomorph theory of systems with hidden scale invariance, describes computer simulations of the Lennard-Jones system as well as argon and methane experimental data and simulation results for an effective-pair-potential model of liquid sodium.

  19. Communication: Simple liquids' high-density viscosity (United States)

    Costigliola, Lorenzo; Pedersen, Ulf R.; Heyes, David M.; Schrøder, Thomas B.; Dyre, Jeppe C.


    This paper argues that the viscosity of simple fluids at densities above that of the triple point is a specific function of temperature relative to the freezing temperature at the density in question. The proposed viscosity expression, which is arrived at in part by reference to the isomorph theory of systems with hidden scale invariance, describes computer simulations of the Lennard-Jones system as well as argon and methane experimental data and simulation results for an effective-pair-potential model of liquid sodium.

  20. BioBenchmark Toyama 2012: an evaluation of the performance of triple stores on biological data (United States)


    Background Biological databases vary enormously in size and data complexity, from small databases that contain a few million Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples to large databases that contain billions of triples. In this paper, we evaluate whether RDF native stores can be used to meet the needs of a biological database provider. Prior evaluations have used synthetic data with a limited database size. For example, the largest BSBM benchmark uses 1 billion synthetic e-commerce knowledge RDF triples on a single node. However, real world biological data differs from the simple synthetic data much. It is difficult to determine whether the synthetic e-commerce data is efficient enough to represent biological databases. Therefore, for this evaluation, we used five real data sets from biological databases. Results We evaluated five triple stores, 4store, Bigdata, Mulgara, Virtuoso, and OWLIM-SE, with five biological data sets, Cell Cycle Ontology, Allie, PDBj, UniProt, and DDBJ, ranging in size from approximately 10 million to 8 billion triples. For each database, we loaded all the data into our single node and prepared the database for use in a classical data warehouse scenario. Then, we ran a series of SPARQL queries against each endpoint and recorded the execution time and the accuracy of the query response. Conclusions Our paper shows that with appropriate configuration Virtuoso and OWLIM-SE can satisfy the basic requirements to load and query biological data less than 8 billion or so on a single node, for the simultaneous access of 64 clients. OWLIM-SE performs best for databases with approximately 11 million triples; For data sets that contain 94 million and 590 million triples, OWLIM-SE and Virtuoso perform best. They do not show overwhelming advantage over each other; For data over 4 billion Virtuoso works best. 4store performs well on small data sets with limited features when the number of triples is less than 100 million, and our test shows its

  1. BioBenchmark Toyama 2012: an evaluation of the performance of triple stores on biological data. (United States)

    Wu, Hongyan; Fujiwara, Toyofumi; Yamamoto, Yasunori; Bolleman, Jerven; Yamaguchi, Atsuko


    Biological databases vary enormously in size and data complexity, from small databases that contain a few million Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples to large databases that contain billions of triples. In this paper, we evaluate whether RDF native stores can be used to meet the needs of a biological database provider. Prior evaluations have used synthetic data with a limited database size. For example, the largest BSBM benchmark uses 1 billion synthetic e-commerce knowledge RDF triples on a single node. However, real world biological data differs from the simple synthetic data much. It is difficult to determine whether the synthetic e-commerce data is efficient enough to represent biological databases. Therefore, for this evaluation, we used five real data sets from biological databases. We evaluated five triple stores, 4store, Bigdata, Mulgara, Virtuoso, and OWLIM-SE, with five biological data sets, Cell Cycle Ontology, Allie, PDBj, UniProt, and DDBJ, ranging in size from approximately 10 million to 8 billion triples. For each database, we loaded all the data into our single node and prepared the database for use in a classical data warehouse scenario. Then, we ran a series of SPARQL queries against each endpoint and recorded the execution time and the accuracy of the query response. Our paper shows that with appropriate configuration Virtuoso and OWLIM-SE can satisfy the basic requirements to load and query biological data less than 8 billion or so on a single node, for the simultaneous access of 64 clients. OWLIM-SE performs best for databases with approximately 11 million triples; For data sets that contain 94 million and 590 million triples, OWLIM-SE and Virtuoso perform best. They do not show overwhelming advantage over each other; For data over 4 billion Virtuoso works best. 4store performs well on small data sets with limited features when the number of triples is less than 100 million, and our test shows its scalability is poor; Bigdata

  2. Influences of triple junctions on stress-assisted grain boundary motion in nanocrystalline materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aramfard, Mohammad; Deng, Chuang


    Stress-assisted grain boundary motion is among the most studied modes of microstructural evolution in crystalline materials. In this study, molecular dynamics simulations were used to systematically investigate the influences of triple junctions on the stress-assisted motion of symmetric tilt grain boundaries in Cu by considering a honeycomb nanocrystalline model. It was found that the grain boundary motion in nanocrystalline models was highly sensitive to the loading mode, and a strong coupling effect which was prevalent in bicrystal models was only observed when simple shear was applied. In addition, the coupling factor extracted from the honeycomb model was found to be larger and more sensitive to temperature change than that from bicrystal models for the same type of grain boundary under the same loading conditions. Furthermore, the triple junctions seemed to exhibit unusual asymmetric pinning effects to the migrating grain boundary and the constraints by the triple junctions and neighboring grains led to remarkable non-linear grain boundary motion in directions both parallel and normal to the applied shear, which was in stark contrast to that observed in bicrystal models. In addition, dislocation nucleation and propagation, which were absent in the bicrystal model, were found to play an important role on shear-induced grain boundary motion when triple junctions were present. In the end, a generalized model for shear-assisted grain boundary motion was proposed based on the findings from this research. (paper)

  3. Harmonic analysis on triple spaces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danielsen, Thomas Hjortgaard

    In this thesis we study examples of triple spaces, both their structure theory, their invariant differential operators as well as analysis on them. The first major results provide us with some examples of triple spaces which are strongly spherical, i.e. satisfy some conditions reminiscent...

  4. Irreducible almost simple subgroups of classical algebraic groups

    CERN Document Server

    Burness, Timothy C; Marion, Claude; Testerman, Donna M


    Let G be a simple classical algebraic group over an algebraically closed field K of characteristic p\\geq 0 with natural module W. Let H be a closed subgroup of G and let V be a nontrivial p-restricted irreducible tensor indecomposable rational KG-module such that the restriction of V to H is irreducible. In this paper the authors classify the triples (G,H,V) of this form, where V \

  5. mTOR in breast cancer: differential expression in triple-negative and non-triple-negative tumors.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Walsh, S


    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is defined by the absence of estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR) and overexpression of HER2. Targeted therapy is currently unavailable for this subgroup of breast cancer patients. mTOR controls cancer cell growth, survival and invasion and is thus a potential target for the treatment of patients with TNBC. Using immunohistochemistry, mTOR and p-mTOR were measured in 89 TNBCs and 99 non-TNBCs. While mTOR expression was confined to tumor cell cytoplasm, p-mTOR staining was located in the nucleus, perinuclear area and in the cytoplasm. Potentially important, was our finding that nuclear p-mTOR was found more frequently in triple-negative than non triple-negative cancers (p < 0.001). These results suggest that mTOR may play a more important role in the progression of TNBC compared to non-TNBC. Based on these findings, we conclude that mTOR may be a new target for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer.

  6. Teaching Triple Science: GCSE Chemistry (United States)

    Learning and Skills Network (NJ3), 2007


    The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) has contracted with the Learning and Skills Network to support awareness and take-up of Triple Science GCSEs through the Triple Science Support Programme. This publication provides an introduction to teaching and learning approaches for the extension topics within GCSE Chemistry. It…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayu Fitria Yanida, Hengky Pramusinto


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pengaruh motivasi belajar, disiplin belajar dan media pembelajaran terhadap kesiapan belajar siswa kelas X administrasi perkantoran pada mata diklat mengelola peralatan kantor di SMK NU 01 Kendal baik secara simultan maupun parsial.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X jurusan administrasi perkantoran sebanyak 94siswa.Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode kuesioner dan dokumentasi.Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif persentase, analisis regresi linier berganda, analisis uji asumsi klasik, dan analisis uji hipotesis.Analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh motivasi belajar, disiplin belajar dan media pembelajaran terhadap kesiapan belajar siswa kelas X administrasi perkantoran pada mata diklat mengelola peralatan kantor di SMK NU 01 Kendal baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Preparation to studyis the basic need that must be done by students Office Equipment learning outcomes. Learning readiness can be influenced by learning motivation, learning discipline and learning media. The problem of this study:Was there are any influence of learning motivation, learning discipline and learning media toward the 10th grade students’ learning readiness of OfficeAdministration in managing Office Equipment in SMK NU 01 Kendal. The population were 10thgrade student of Office Administration at SMK NU 01 Kendal, they were 94 students. The data were collected by questiononaires and documentation. The data were analyzed by percentage desciptive analiysis, multiple linear regression analysis, analysis classical assumption test, hypothesis testing and SPSS analysis. The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the equation Y = 7.472 + 0.163X1 + 0.155X2+ 0.369X3, with F test was obtained F = 16.278 with a significance 0.000 and less than 0.05. Simultaneously, the influence of learning motivation, learning discipline and learning media toward

  8. A fast and simple solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry method for the assay of urinary markers of glutaric acidemias. (United States)

    Naccarato, Attilio; Gionfriddo, Emanuela; Elliani, Rosangela; Sindona, Giovanni; Tagarelli, Antonio


    The analysis of characteristic urinary acidic markers such as glutaric, 3-hydroxyglutaric, 2-hydroxyglutaric, adipic, suberic, sebacic, ethylmalonic, 3-hydroxyisovaleric and isobutyric acid constitutes the recommended follow-up testing procedure for glutaric acidemia type 1 (GA-1) and type 2 (GA-2). The goal of the work herein presented is the development of a fast and simple method for the quantification of these biomarkers in human urine. The proposed analytical approach is based on the use of solid phase microextraction (SPME) combined with gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-QqQ-MS) afterward a rapid derivatization of acidic moieties by propyl chloroformate, propanol and pyridine. Trueness and precision of the proposed protocol, tested at 5, 30 and 80mgl -1 , provided satisfactory values: recoveries were in the range between 72% and 116% and the relative standard deviations (RSD%) were between 0.9% and 18% (except for isobutyric acid at 5mgl -1 ). The LOD values achieved by the proposed method ranged between 1.0 and 473μgl -1 . Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Biomechanical advantages of triple-loaded suture anchors compared with double-row rotator cuff repairs. (United States)

    Barber, F Alan; Herbert, Morley A; Schroeder, F Alexander; Aziz-Jacobo, Jorge; Mays, Matthew M; Rapley, Jay H


    To evaluate the strength and suture-tendon interface security of various suture anchors triply and doubly loaded with ultrahigh-molecular weight polyethylene-containing sutures and to evaluate the relative effectiveness of placing these anchors in a single-row or double-row arrangement by cyclic loading and then destructive testing. The infraspinatus muscle was reattached to the original humeral footprint by use of 1 of 5 different repair patterns in 40 bovine shoulders. Two single-row repairs and three double-row repairs were tested. High-strength sutures were used for all repairs. Five groups were studied: group 1, 2 triple-loaded screw suture anchors in a single row with simple stitches; group 2, 2 triple-loaded screw anchors in a single row with simple stitches over a fourth suture passed perpendicularly ("rip-stop" stitch); group 3, 2 medial and 2 lateral screw anchors with a single vertical mattress stitch passed from the medial anchors and 2 simple stitches passed from the lateral anchors; group 4, 2 medial double-loaded screw anchors tied in 2 mattress stitches and 2 push-in lateral anchors capturing the medial sutures in a "crisscross" spanning stitch; and group 5, 2 medial double-loaded screw anchors tied in 2 mattress stitches and 2 push-in lateral anchors creating a "suture-bridge" stitch. The specimens were cycled between 10 and 180 N at 1.0 Hz for 3,500 cycles or until failure. Endpoints were cyclic loading displacement (5 and 10 mm), total displacement, and ultimate failure load. A single row of triply loaded anchors was more resistant to stretching to a 5- and 10-mm gap than the double-row repairs with or without the addition of a rip-stop suture (P row repair (P row created by 2 medial double-loaded suture anchors and 2 lateral push-in anchors stretched more than any other group (P row repairs with either crossing sutures or 4 separate anchor points were more likely to fail (5- or 10-mm gap) than a single-row repair loaded with 3 simple sutures

  10. The time domain triple probe method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meier, M.A.; Hallock, G.A.; Tsui, H.Y.W.; Bengtson, R.D.


    A new Langmuir probe technique based on the triple probe method is being developed to provide simultaneous measurement of plasma temperature, potential, and density with the temporal and spatial resolution required to accurately characterize plasma turbulence. When the conventional triple probe method is used in an inhomogeneous plasma, local differences in the plasma measured at each probe introduce significant error in the estimation of turbulence parameters. The Time Domain Triple Probe method (TDTP) uses high speed switching of Langmuir probe potential, rather than spatially separated probes, to gather the triple probe information thus avoiding these errors. Analysis indicates that plasma response times and recent electronics technology meet the requirements to implement the TDTP method. Data reduction techniques of TDTP data are to include linear and higher order correlation analysis to estimate fluctuation induced particle and thermal transport, as well as energy relationships between temperature, density, and potential fluctuations

  11. Theoretical investigation of compounds with triple bonds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devarajan, Deepa


    In this thesis, compounds with potential triple-bonding character involving the heavier main-group elements, Group 4 transition metals, and the actinides uranium and thorium were studied by using molecular quantum mechanics. The triple bonds are described in terms of the individual orbital contributions (σ, π parallel , and π perpendicular to ), involving electron-sharing covalent or donor-acceptor interactions between the orbitals of two atoms or fragments. Energy decomposition, natural bond orbital, and atoms in molecules analyses were used for the bonding analysis of the triple bonds. The results of this thesis suggest that the triple-bonding character between the heavier elements of the periodic table is important and worth further study and exploration.

  12. Triple products of Eisenstein series (United States)

    Venkatesh, Anil

    In this thesis, we construct a Massey triple product on the Deligne cohomology of the modular curve with coefficients in symmetric powers of the standard representation of the modular group. This result is obtained by constructing a Massey triple product on the extension groups in the category of admissible variations of mixed Hodge structure over the modular curve, which induces the desired construction on Deligne cohomology. The result extends Brown's construction of the cup product on Deligne cohomology to a higher cohomological product. Massey triple products on Deligne cohomology have been previously investigated by Deninger, who considered Deligne cohomology with trivial real coefficients. By working over the reals, Deninger was able to compute cohomology exclusively with differential forms. In this work, Deligne cohomology is studied over the rationals, which introduces an obstruction to applying Deninger's results. The obstruction arises from the fact that the integration map from the de Rham complex to the Eilenberg-MacLane complex of the modular group is not an algebra homomorphism. We compute the correction terms of the integration map as regularized iterated integrals of Eisenstein series, and show that these integrals arise in the cup product and Massey triple product on Deligne cohomology.


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    Maksurotul Laili


    Full Text Available Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan arsip dinamis, kendala apa saja yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan arsip dinamis, dan bagaimana usaha dalam mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan arsip dinamis pada Kantor Perpustakaan Umum dan Arsip Daerah Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini sebagai informan yaitu Pengelola Arsip, Kepala TU, dan Arsiparis Bagian Arsip Daerah. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisisi data meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian meliputi, penciptaan arsip berupa penerimaan dan pembuatan arsip. Penggunaan arsip meliputi kegiatan pelayanan peminjaman dan temu kembali. Peminjaman arsip belum menggunakan kartu pinjam arsip. Pemeliharaan meliputi pemberkasan, penataan, penyimpanan, dan alih media. Penyusutan meliputi kegiatan pemindahan dan pemusnahan arsip. Penyusutan arsip belum melakukan jadwal retensi arsip. The purpose of this study was to determine how the management of records , any obstacles encountered in the implementation of records management , and how the effort to overcome the obstacles encountered in the implementation of records management in the Office of Archives and Public Library in Semarang. It was a qualitative research. The data sources – as the informant – were the Archive Manager, the Head of Administration, the Archivists of the Regional Archivessection. The data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis were performed by means of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the creation of the archive consists of two forms; they are acceptance and archiving. The use of the archive includes lending and retrieval services, the archives lending

  14. Warps, grids and curvature in triple vector bundles (United States)

    Flari, Magdalini K.; Mackenzie, Kirill


    A triple vector bundle is a cube of vector bundle structures which commute in the (strict) categorical sense. A grid in a triple vector bundle is a collection of sections of each bundle structure with certain linearity properties. A grid provides two routes around each face of the triple vector bundle, and six routes from the base manifold to the total manifold; the warps measure the lack of commutativity of these routes. In this paper we first prove that the sum of the warps in a triple vector bundle is zero. The proof we give is intrinsic and, we believe, clearer than the proof using decompositions given earlier by one of us. We apply this result to the triple tangent bundle T^3M of a manifold and deduce (as earlier) the Jacobi identity. We further apply the result to the triple vector bundle T^2A for a vector bundle A using a connection in A to define a grid in T^2A . In this case the curvature emerges from the warp theorem.

  15. Targeting Histone Abnormality in Triple Negative Breast Cancer (United States)


    κB pathway in triple negative breast cancer . 8th International Nitric Oxide Conference & 6th International Nitrite/ Nitrate Conference, Cleveland, OH...1 AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-14-1-0237 TITLE: Targeting Histone Abnormality in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Yi...TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Targeting Histone Abnormality in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-14-1-0237 5c

  16. No-neighbours recurrence schemes for space-time Green's functions on a 3D simple cubic lattice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Hon, Bastiaan P.; Floris, Sander J.; Arnold, John M.


    Application of multivariate creative telescoping to a finite triple sum representation of the discrete space-time Green's function for an arbitrary numeric (non-symbolic) lattice point on a 3D simple cubic lattice produces a fast, no-neighbours, seventh-order, eighteenth-degree, discrete-time

  17. Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Dengan Metode Waterfall Untuk Pengarsipan Data Wajib Pajak

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yani Parti Astuti


    Full Text Available Kantor pelayanan pajak (KPP merupakan Kantor yang berfungsi melayani wajib pajak dalam aktivitas pembayaran pajak. Kantor Pelayanan Pajak sejatinya mempunyai data-data yang terkait dengan wajib pajak. KPP Pratama Kudus merupakan salah satu Kantor pelayanan pajak yang terdapat di Jawa Tengah. Dalam aktifitasnya, penggunaan metode konvensional dalam pengelolaan data arsip menyebabkan kendala dalam pencarian data wajib pajak. Dalam paper ini telah dibangun sebuah sistem informasi pengarsipan data wajib pajak yang mempunyai fitur pendaftaran, login, dan pengelolaan data wajib pajak. Analisis dan perancangan menggunakan metode berorientasi objek yakni menggunakan diagram-diagram UML seperti use case diagram dan activity diagram. Implementasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan tool netbean untuk Bahasa pemrograman java dan MySQL sebagai database. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi dan pengujian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode black box didapatkan bahwa sistem informasi pengarsipan yang dibangun dapat membantu dan meningkatkan kinerja di Kantor pelayanan pajak pratama kudus.

  18. On Pythagoras Theorem for Products of Spectral Triples


    D'Andrea, Francesco; Martinetti, Pierre


    We discuss a version of Pythagoras theorem in noncommutative geometry. Usual Pythagoras theorem can be formulated in terms of Connes' distance, between pure states, in the product of commutative spectral triples. We investigate the generalization to both non pure states and arbitrary spectral triples. We show that Pythagoras theorem is replaced by some Pythagoras inequalities, that we prove for the product of arbitrary (i.e. non-necessarily commutative) spectral triples, assuming only some un...

  19. Holonomy loops, spectral triples and quantum gravity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johannes, Aastrup; Grimstrup, Jesper Møller; Nest, Ryszard


    We review the motivation, construction and physical interpretation of a semi-finite spectral triple obtained through a rearrangement of central elements of loop quantum gravity. The triple is based on a countable set of oriented graphs and the algebra consists of generalized holonomy loops...

  20. Triple oxygen isotope systematics of structurally bonded water in gypsum (United States)

    Herwartz, Daniel; Surma, Jakub; Voigt, Claudia; Assonov, Sergey; Staubwasser, Michael


    The triple oxygen isotopic composition of gypsum mother water (gmw) is recorded in structurally bonded water in gypsum (gsbw). Respective fractionation factors have been determined experimentally for 18O/16O and 17O/16O. By taking previous experiments into account we suggest using 18αgsbw-gmw = 1.0037; 17αgsbw-gmw = 1.00195 and θgsbw-gmw = 0.5285 as fractionation factors in triple oxygen isotope space. Recent gypsum was sampled from a series of 10 ponds located in the Salar de Llamara in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Total dissolved solids (TDS) in these ponds show a gradual increase from 23 g/l to 182 g/l that is accompanied by an increase in pond water 18O/16O. Gsbw falls on a parallel curve to the ambient water from the saline ponds. The offset is mainly due to the equilibrium fractionation between gsbw and gmw. However, gsbw represents a time integrated signal biased towards times of strong evaporation, hence the estimated gmw comprises elevated 18O/16O compositions when compared to pond water samples taken on site. Gypsum precipitation is associated with algae mats in the ponds with lower salinity. No evidence for respective vital effects on the triple oxygen isotopic composition of gypsum hydration water is observed, nor are such effects expected. In principle, the array of δ18Ogsbw vs. 17Oexcess can be used to: (1) provide information on the degree of evaporation during gypsum formation; (2) estimate pristine meteoric water compositions; and (3) estimate local relative humidity which is the controlling parameter of the slope of the array for simple hydrological situations. In our case study, local mining activities may have decreased deep groundwater recharge, causing a recent change of the local hydrology.

  1. Prevalence of Germline Mutations in Genes Engaged in DNA Damage Repair by Homologous Recombination in Patients with Triple-Negative and Hereditary Non-Triple-Negative Breast Cancers.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pawel Domagala

    Full Text Available This study sought to assess the prevalence of common germline mutations in several genes engaged in the repair of DNA double-strand break by homologous recombination in patients with triple-negative breast cancers and hereditary non-triple-negative breast cancers. Tumors deficient in this type of DNA damage repair are known to be especially sensitive to DNA cross-linking agents (e.g., platinum drugs and to poly(ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP inhibitors.Genetic testing was performed for 36 common germline mutations in genes engaged in the repair of DNA by homologous recombination, i.e., BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, NBN, ATM, PALB2, BARD1, and RAD51D, in 202 consecutive patients with triple-negative breast cancers and hereditary non-triple-negative breast cancers.Thirty five (22.2% of 158 patients in the triple-negative group carried mutations in genes involved in DNA repair by homologous recombination, while 10 (22.7% of the 44 patients in the hereditary non-triple-negative group carried such mutations. Mutations in BRCA1 were most frequent in patients with triple-negative breast cancer (18.4%, and mutations in CHEK2 were most frequent in patients with hereditary non-triple-negative breast cancers (15.9%. In addition, in the triple-negative group, mutations in CHEK2, NBN, and ATM (3.8% combined were found, while mutations in BRCA1, NBN, and PALB2 (6.8% combined were identified in the hereditary non-triple-negative group.Identifying mutations in genes engaged in DNA damage repair by homologous recombination other than BRCA1/2 can substantially increase the proportion of patients with triple-negative breast cancer and hereditary non-triple-negative breast cancer who may be eligible for therapy using PARP inhibitors and platinum drugs.

  2. Normalization for triple-target microarray experiments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magniette Frederic


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Most microarray studies are made using labelling with one or two dyes which allows the hybridization of one or two samples on the same slide. In such experiments, the most frequently used dyes are Cy3 and Cy5. Recent improvements in the technology (dye-labelling, scanner and, image analysis allow hybridization up to four samples simultaneously. The two additional dyes are Alexa488 and Alexa494. The triple-target or four-target technology is very promising, since it allows more flexibility in the design of experiments, an increase in the statistical power when comparing gene expressions induced by different conditions and a scaled down number of slides. However, there have been few methods proposed for statistical analysis of such data. Moreover the lowess correction of the global dye effect is available for only two-color experiments, and even if its application can be derived, it does not allow simultaneous correction of the raw data. Results We propose a two-step normalization procedure for triple-target experiments. First the dye bleeding is evaluated and corrected if necessary. Then the signal in each channel is normalized using a generalized lowess procedure to correct a global dye bias. The normalization procedure is validated using triple-self experiments and by comparing the results of triple-target and two-color experiments. Although the focus is on triple-target microarrays, the proposed method can be used to normalize p differently labelled targets co-hybridized on a same array, for any value of p greater than 2. Conclusion The proposed normalization procedure is effective: the technical biases are reduced, the number of false positives is under control in the analysis of differentially expressed genes, and the triple-target experiments are more powerful than the corresponding two-color experiments. There is room for improving the microarray experiments by simultaneously hybridizing more than two samples.

  3. Triple F - A Comet Nucleus Sample Return Mission (United States)

    Kueppers, Michael; Keller, Horst Uwe; Kuhrt, Ekkehard; A'Hearn, Michael; Altwegg, Kathrin; Betrand, Regis; Busemann, Henner; Capria, Maria Teresa; Colangeli, Luigi


    The Triple F (Fresh From the Fridge) mission, a Comet Nucleus Sample Return, has been proposed to ESA s Cosmic Vision program. A sample return from a comet enables us to reach the ultimate goal of cometary research. Since comets are the least processed bodies in the solar system, the proposal goes far beyond cometary science topics (like the explanation of cometary activity) and delivers invaluable information about the formation of the solar system and the interstellar molecular cloud from which it formed. The proposed mission would extract three samples of the upper 50 cm from three locations on a cometary nucleus and return them cooled to Earth for analysis in the laboratory. The simple mission concept with a touch-and-go sampling by a single spacecraft was proposed as an M-class mission in collaboration with the Russian space agency ROSCOSMOS.

  4. Drop evaporation and triple line dynamics (United States)

    Sobac, Benjamin; Brutin, David; Gavillet, Jerome; Université de Provence Team; Cea Liten Team


    Sessile drop evaporation is a phenomenon commonly came across in nature or in industry with cooling, paintings or DNA mapping. However, the evaporation of a drop deposited on a substrate is not completely understood due to the complexity of the problem. Here we investigate, with several nano-coating of the substrate (PTFE, SiOx, SiOc and CF), the influence of the dynamic of the triple line on the evaporation process. The experiment consists in analyzing simultaneously the motion of the triple line, the kinetics of evaporation, the internal thermal motion and the heat and mass transfer. Measurements of temperature, heat-flux and visualizations with visible and infrared cameras are performed. The dynamics of the evaporative heat flux appears clearly different depending of the motion of the triple line

  5. Spectral triples and the geometry of fractals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Erik; Ivan, Cristina; Schroe, Elmar


    It is shown that one can construct a spectral triple for the Sierpinski gasket such that it represents any given K-homology class, On the other hand if the geodesic distance and the dimension has to be part of the data from the triple, there are certain restriction....

  6. Stellar evolution and the triple-α reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suda, Takuma


    Nuclear reaction rates play a crucial role in the evolution of stars. For low-mass stars, the triple-α reaction controls the helium burning stars in the red giant and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. More importantly, the cross section of the triple-α reaction has a great impact on the helium ignition at the center of the electron degenerate helium core of red giants and on the helium shell flashes of AGB stars. It is to be noted that stellar evolution models are influenced not only by the value of the cross section, but also by the temperature dependence of the reaction rate. In this paper, I present the impact of the triple-α reaction rates on the evolution of low-mass metal-free stars and intermediate-mass AGB stars. According to the previous study, the constraint on the triple-α reaction rate is derived based on stellar evolution theory. It is found that the recent revisions of the rate proposed by nuclear physics calculations satisfy the condition for the ignition of the helium core flash in low-mass stars

  7. On Pythagoras Theorem for Products of Spectral Triples (United States)

    D'Andrea, Francesco; Martinetti, Pierre


    We discuss a version of Pythagoras theorem in noncommutative geometry. Usual Pythagoras theorem can be formulated in terms of Connes' distance, between pure states, in the product of commutative spectral triples. We investigate the generalization to both non-pure states and arbitrary spectral triples. We show that Pythagoras theorem is replaced by some Pythagoras inequalities, that we prove for the product of arbitrary (i.e. non-necessarily commutative) spectral triples, assuming only some unitality condition. We show that these inequalities are optimal, and we provide non-unital counter-examples inspired by K-homology.

  8. Complementary Split Ring Resonator Based Triple Band Microstrip Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W. Ali


    Full Text Available A new simple design of a triple-band microstrip antenna using metamaterial concept is presented in this paper. Multi-unit cell was the key of the multi resonance response that was obtained by etching two circular and one rectangular split ring resonator (SRR unit cells in the ground plane of a conventional patch operating at 3.56 GHz .The circular unit cells are resonating at 5.6 GHz for the upper band of Wi-MAX, while the rectangular cell is designed to produce a resonance at 2.45 GHz for the lower band of WLAN. WiMAX's/WLAN's operating bands are covered by the triple resonances which are achieved by the proposed antenna with quite enhanced performance. A detailed parametric study of the placement for the metamaterial unit cells is introduced and the most suitable positions are chosen to be the place of the unit cells for enhanced performance. A good consistency between simulation and measurement confirms the ability of the proposed antenna to achieve an improved gain at the three different frequencies.

  9. Development of 600 kV triple resonance pulse transformer. (United States)

    Li, Mingjia; Zhang, Faqiang; Liang, Chuan; Xu, Zhou


    In this paper, a triple-resonance pulse transformer based on an air-core transformer is introduced. The voltage across the high-voltage winding of the air-core transformer is significantly less than the output voltage; instead, the full output voltage appears across the tuning inductor. The maximum ratio of peak load voltage to peak transformer voltage is 2.77 in theory. By analyzing pulse transformer's lossless circuit, the analytical expression for the output voltage and the characteristic equation of the triple-resonance circuit are presented. Design method for the triple-resonance pulse transformer (iterated simulation method) is presented, and a triple-resonance pulse transformer is developed based on the existing air-core transformer. The experimental results indicate that the maximum ratio of peak voltage across the load to peak voltage across the high-voltage winding of the air-core transformer is approximately 2.0 and the peak output voltage of the triple-resonance pulse transformer is approximately 600 kV.


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    Ery Abdul Baary


    Full Text Available Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Surabaya II, sistem informasi pertanahan belum diterapkan, jadi untuk melaksanakan tugasnya hanya menggunakan sebatas peta digital, maka dari itu perlu adanya sistem informasi pertanahan yang terpadu dan mutakhir untuk mendukung dan mengoptimalkan pengelolaan sistem informasi pertanahan di Kota Surabaya II.Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pembuatan sistem informasi pertanahan berdasarkan jenis hak atas tanah dengan menggunakan peta digital Kelurahan Genteng, Kecamatan Genteng, Surabaya skala 1:1000, citra Quickbird 2010, database mengenai bidang tanah dan data hasil survey. Pengolahan data menggunakan software utama Autodesk Land Dekstop 2009, ArcGIS 9.3. Pembuatan program aplikasi menggunakan software Visual Basic 6.0 yang dilengkapi dengan software tambahan MapObject 2.2.Dari hasil pembuatan Sistem informasi pertanahan di Kelurahan Genteng, Program ini mampu mengidentifikasi informasi bidang tanah mengenai jenis hak atas tanah yang meliputi 224 bidang tanah yang terdiri dari 132 bidang tanah atas hak guna bangunan, 89 bidang tanah atas hak milik, dan 3 bidang tanah atas hak pakai, serta dilengkapi dengan buku panduan sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membantu dalam pengambilan kebijakan dalam rencana pelaksanaan program inventarisasi penguasaan, pemilikan, penggunaan, dan pemanfaatan tanah.

  11. Pursuing the Triple Aim: The First 7 Years. (United States)

    Whittington, John W; Nolan, Kevin; Lewis, Ninon; Torres, Trissa


    POLICY POINTS: In 2008, researchers at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) proposed the Triple Aim, strategic organizing principles for health care organizations and geographic communities that seek, simultaneously, to improve the individual experience of care and the health of populations and to reduce the per capita costs of care for populations. In 2010, the Triple Aim became part of the US national strategy for tackling health care issues, especially in the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010. Since that time, IHI and others have worked together to determine how the implementation of the Triple Aim has progressed. Drawing on our 7 years of experience, we describe 3 major principles that guided the organizations and communities working on this endeavor: creating the right foundation for population management, managing services at scale for the population, and establishing a learning system to drive and sustain the work over time. In 2008, researchers at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) described the Triple Aim as simultaneously "improving the individual experience of care; improving the health of populations; and reducing the per capita costs of care for populations." IHI and its close colleagues had determined that both individual and societal changes were needed. In 2007, IHI began recruiting organizations from around the world to participate in a collaborative to implement what became known as the Triple Aim. The 141 participating organizations included health care systems, hospitals, health care insurance companies, and others closely tied to health care. In addition, key groups outside the health care system were represented, such as public health agencies, social services groups, and community coalitions. This collaborative provided a structure for observational research. By noting the contrasts between the contexts and structures of those sites in the collaborative that progressed and

  12. Triple shape memory polymers by 4D printing (United States)

    Bodaghi, M.; Damanpack, A. R.; Liao, W. H.


    This article aims at introducing triple shape memory polymers (SMPs) by four-dimensional (4D) printing technology and shaping adaptive structures for mechanical/bio-medical devices. The main approach is based on arranging hot–cold programming of SMPs with fused decomposition modeling technology to engineer adaptive structures with triple shape memory effect (SME). Experiments are conducted to characterize elasto-plastic and hyper-elastic thermo-mechanical material properties of SMPs in low and high temperatures at large deformation regime. The feasibility of the dual and triple SMPs with self-bending features is demonstrated experimentally. It is advantageous in situations either where it is desired to perform mechanical manipulations on the 4D printed objects for specific purposes or when they experience cold programming inevitably before activation. A phenomenological 3D constitutive model is developed for quantitative understanding of dual/triple SME of SMPs fabricated by 4D printing in the large deformation range. Governing equations of equilibrium are established for adaptive structures on the basis of the nonlinear Green–Lagrange strains. They are then solved by developing a finite element approach along with an elastic-predictor plastic-corrector return map procedure accomplished by the Newton–Raphson method. The computational tool is applied to simulate dual/triple SMP structures enabled by 4D printing and explore hot–cold programming mechanisms behind material tailoring. It is shown that the 4D printed dual/triple SMPs have great potential in mechanical/bio-medical applications such as self-bending gripers/stents and self-shrinking/tightening staples.

  13. Government and Governance of Regional Triple Helix Interactions (United States)

    Danson, Mike; Todeva, Emanuela


    This conceptual paper contributes to the discussion of the role of regional government and regional Triple Helix constellations driving economic development and growth within regional boundaries. The impact of regionalism and subsidiarity on regional Triple Helix constellations, and the questions of governmentality, governance and institutional…


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    Cirilo H. García Cadena


    Full Text Available Se describen algunos aspectos de la vida personal, familiar y académica de uno de los más importantes psicólogos de la historia de la psicología con el doble propósito tanto de humanizar su perfil así como desmitificar su figura para estar en mejor posición para entender el carácter original y contestatario de sus aportes. Se reseñan además las características más importantes de sus contribuciones para la evolución científica de la psicología (Kantor, 2005. Finalmente, se retoma la crítica del objeto de estudio propuesto por Watson, a la luz de la metateoría de Kantor (1959, Kantor (2005, Kantor y Smith (1975 y Kantor (1971a, 1971b, proporcionando dos ejemplos reconceptualizados con la teoría de campo: el experimento de Watson y Rayner (1920b sobre el pequeño Alberto y uno del posmoderno mundo de la comunicación electrónica.


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    Fiftin Noviyanto


    Full Text Available Penempatan karyawan merupakan salah satu fungsi terpenting dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Penempatan karyawan yang tepat sesuai dengan harapan, bakat dan kepribadian karyawan, akan mampu meningkatkan motivasi, produltifitas dan kepuasan kerja. Salah satu tes penunjang penempatan karyawan adalah tes kepribadian. Tes kepribadian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI. Pelaksanaan tes yang dilakukan manual dan terpisah antara kantor pusat dan kantor cabang membuat PT. Winata Putra Mandiri memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk melihat keseluruhan hasil tes seluruh karyawan. Tujuan penelitian ini membuat aplikasi tes kepribadian yang dapat diakses melalui internet adalah agar karyawan dapat melihat hasil tes kepribadian secara langsung dan cepat serta dapat mengintegrasikan hasil tes dari kantor pusat dan kantor cabang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan berbagai metode antara lain : Studi kepustakaan, metode interview dan browsing. Model proses yang digunakan adalah waterfall yang terdiri dari analisa kebutuhan sistem, perancangan, implementasi dan pengujian. Pada perancangan sistem dimulai dari perancangan proses, perancangan tabel, perancangan menu dan perancangan interface. Pada tahap implementasi menggunakan PHPMyAdmin untuk membangun basisdata dan PHP untuk teknologi Serverside. Tahap terakhir adalah pengujian sistem yang dilakukan dengan Black Box Test dan Alpha Test. Hasil penelitian ini berupa aplikasi tes kepribadian menggunakan metode Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI berbasis web yang dapat membantu PT. Winata Putra Mandiri dalam mengintegrasikan hasil tes seluruh karyawan baik dari kantor pusat maupun kantor cabang

  16. Ocular Problems in Triple-A Syndrome and Their Management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seydi Okumuş


    Full Text Available Triple-A syndrome (Allgrove syndrome, is a rare autosomal recessive syndrome that is characterized by adrenal insufficiency, alacrimia and achalasia. In this report, we present a case of triple-A syndrome and discuss the ocular manifestations of the diseases along with evaluation of the therapeutic options. In addition to the classic triad of triple-A syndrome, our patient had intermittent exotropia. The patient was receiving oral steroids for adrenal insufficiency and artificial tear drops for eye dryness. Surgery was planned for exotropia. Punctum plug insertion was made simultaneously with bilateral lateral rectus recessions. Postoperative follow-up revealed near and distant horizontal deviation at the interval of ±10 PD. The patient’s complaints about eyes regressed significantly as well. Triple-A syndrome is a life threatening and rare disorder that could be fatal when undiagnosed. Punctum plugs are convenient therapy option for the treatment of xerophthalmia encountered in triple-A syndrome. With strabismus surgery including punctum plug insertion, any other surgery can be simultaneously carried out during a single session of general anesthesia. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2012; 42: 492-4

  17. Collagenolytic Matrix Metalloproteinase Activities toward Peptomeric Triple-Helical Substrates. (United States)

    Stawikowski, Maciej J; Stawikowska, Roma; Fields, Gregg B


    Although collagenolytic matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) possess common domain organizations, there are subtle differences in their processing of collagenous triple-helical substrates. In this study, we have incorporated peptoid residues into collagen model triple-helical peptides and examined MMP activities toward these peptomeric chimeras. Several different peptoid residues were incorporated into triple-helical substrates at subsites P3, P1, P1', and P10' individually or in combination, and the effects of the peptoid residues were evaluated on the activities of full-length MMP-1, MMP-8, MMP-13, and MMP-14/MT1-MMP. Most peptomers showed little discrimination between MMPs. However, a peptomer containing N-methyl Gly (sarcosine) in the P1' subsite and N-isobutyl Gly (NLeu) in the P10' subsite was hydrolyzed efficiently only by MMP-13 [nomenclature relative to the α1(I)772-786 sequence]. Cleavage site analysis showed hydrolysis at the Gly-Gln bond, indicating a shifted binding of the triple helix compared to the parent sequence. Favorable hydrolysis by MMP-13 was not due to sequence specificity or instability of the substrate triple helix but rather was based on the specific interactions of the P7' peptoid residue with the MMP-13 hemopexin-like domain. A fluorescence resonance energy transfer triple-helical peptomer was constructed and found to be readily processed by MMP-13, not cleaved by MMP-1 and MMP-8, and weakly hydrolyzed by MT1-MMP. The influence of the triple-helical structure containing peptoid residues on the interaction between MMP subsites and individual substrate residues may provide additional information about the mechanism of collagenolysis, the understanding of collagen specificity, and the design of selective MMP probes.

  18. Triple pelvic osteotomy in the treatment of hip dysplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vukašinović Zoran


    Full Text Available Introduction. Insufficient femoral head coverage is found in a variety of diseases, with acetabular dysplasia as the most frequent disorder and triple pelvic osteotomy as the most recently introduced surgical treatment. Objective. This study analyses pre- and postoperative pathoanatomic characteristics of triple in comparison to Salter and Chiari osteotomies, with a logistic regression analysis of outcome predictor and effect explanator factors in relation to the chosen type of operation. Methods. The study involved 136 adolescents treated with Salter and Chiari osteotomies or a triple pelvic osteotomy at the Institute of Orthopaedic Surgery 'Banjica' in Belgrade. The patients were between 10-20 years old at the time of operation. We collected and analyzed data from all the patients: illness history, operative parameters, preoperative and postoperative pathoanatomic data. The data was statistically processed using the statistical software SPSS, defining standard descriptive values, and by using the appropriate tests of analytic statistics: t-test for dependent and independent variables, χ2-test, Fisher's exact test, Wilcoxon's test, parameter correlation, one-way ANOVA, multi-factorial ANOVA and logistic regression, according to the type of the analyzed data and the conditions under which the statistical methods were applied. Results. The average CE angle after triple pelvic osteotomy was 43.5°, more improved than after the Salter osteotomy (33.0° and Chiari osteotomy (31.4° (F=16.822; p<0.01. Postoperative spherical congruence was also more frequent after the triple osteotomy than after the other two types of operations, and with a high significance. Preoperative painful discomfort was found to be a valid predictor of indications for the triple osteotomy over both Chiari and Salter osteotomies. The valid explanators of effect for the triple osteotomy are: postoperative joint congruence (compared to the Chiari osteotomy and increase in joint

  19. Analysis of the Clinicopathologic Features and Prognosis in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Dehong Yang; Hong Liu; Jing Zhao


    OBJECTIVE To investigate the clinical and pathological features,as well as prognosis in triple-negative breast cancer patients.METHODS A total of 509 cases of operable breast cancer from January,2002 to June,2002 treated in the Cancer Hospital of Tianjin Medical University were analyzed.The Her-2,ER and PR status was determined using immunohistochemistry.Of the total cases,one group was identified as triple negative breast cancer,ie defined as ER,PR and Her-2 negative.The other group was nontriple-negative breast cancer.Clinicopathologic features of the groups were compared and 5-year disease-free survival (DFS)analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier method.RESULTS Of the total cases,21.4% (109/509) of cases were found to be triple- negative while 78.6% (400/509) were non-triplenegative.The triple negative group had higher incidence rates than the non-triple-negative group of the medullary type and Grade Ⅲ tumors (P < 0.05).There was no other difference in the clinicopathologic features between the 2 groups.From follow-up to June,2007,21.1% (23/109) of the triple-negative group and 12.7%(51/400) of the non-triple negative group had a local recurrence or distant metastasis,resulting in a significant difference (P < 0.05).In the triple-negative group and non-triple-negative group,5-year DFS were 78.9% and 87.3% respectively.There was a statistically significant difference between the 2 groups (P = 0.031).CONCLUSION Compared with non-triple-negative breast cancer,triple-negative breast cancer patients have an increased likehood of a local recurrence or distant metastasis and a poorer prognosis.

  20. Measurement uncertainty in single, double and triple isotope dilution mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Vogl, Jochen


    Triple IDMS has been applied for the first time to the quantification of element concentrations. It has been compared with single and double IDMS obtained on the same sample set in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of triple IDMS over single and double IDMS as an analytical reference procedure. The measurement results of single, double and triple IDMS are indistinguishable, considering rounding due to the individual measurement uncertainties. As expected, the relative expanded uncertainties (k = 2) achieved with double IDMS (0.08%) are dramatically smaller than those obtained with single IDMS (1.4%). Triple IDMS yields the smallest relative expanded uncertainties (k = 2, 0.077%) unfortunately at the expense of a much higher workload. Nevertheless triple IDMS has the huge advantage that the isotope ratio of the spike does not need to be determined. Elements with high memory effects, highly enriched spikes or highest metrological requirements may be typical applications for triple IDMS. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Pengembangan Model Pengelolaan Arsip (Surat dan Dokumen Pemerintah Berbasis Web pada Kantor Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidrap Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    . Imasita


    Full Text Available Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kantor Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidrap Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan adalah fasilitas penyimpanan arsip (surat dan dokumen tidak sebanding dengan jumlah arsip dan dokumen yang selalu bertambah, penataan  dan penyimpanan arsip belum dikelola dengan profesional, belum ada sistem khusus yang diberlakukan dalam mengelola arsip dan dokumen tersebut. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut di atas, akan dilakukan penelitian. Tujuan adalah untuk memperoleh hasil analisis kinerja pengelolaan arsip dan dokumen pemerintah, untuk memperoleh hasil analisis dan mengidentifikasi masalah yang dialami dalam pengelolaan arsip (surat dan dokumen pemerintah, dan untuk melakukan analisis kebutuhan, desain produk, pengembangan produk  model pengelolaan arsip yang dapat membantu dalam penyajian arsip (surat dan dokumen dengan cepat, tepat dan dapat diakses secara on line oleh semua pegawai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode waterfall. Aktifitas yang dilakukan dengan analisis kebutuhan. Perancangan sistem. Pemrograman dengan pemanfaatan Wamp Server, dan pengujian sistem. black box test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengelolaan arsip (surat atau dokumen pemerintah kabupaten Sidrap Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan menggunakan sistem kearsipan pola lama (sistem manual. Kelebihan program ini adalah: a Menyiapkan buku agenda secara on line b  Memudahkan penemuan fisik arsip dengan cara cepat dan tepat. Pencarian arsip dapat dilakukan berdasarkan asal surat, tanggal surat, tanggal terima/kirim, perihal surat, isi ringkas surat dan lain-lain  c Fisik arsip dapat ditemukan atau diakses oleh semua pegawai  secara on line. Program ini menyiapkan menu print untuk mencetak arsip tersebut. Program ini masih dilakukan penyempurnaan pada tahun ke dua.Kata Kunci: Arsip (surat dan Dokumen Pemerintah

  2. A Tulczyjew triple for classical fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grabowska, Katarzyna


    The geometrical structure known as the Tulczyjew triple has proved to be very useful in describing mechanical systems, even those with singular Lagrangians or subject to constraints. Starting from basic concepts of the variational calculus, we construct the Tulczyjew triple for first-order field theory. The important feature of our approach is that we do not postulate ad hoc the ingredients of the theory, but obtain them as unavoidable consequences of the variational calculus. This picture of field theory is covariant and complete, containing not only the Lagrangian formalism and Euler–Lagrange equations but also the phase space, the phase dynamics and the Hamiltonian formalism. Since the configuration space turns out to be an affine bundle, we have to use affine geometry, in particular the notion of the affine duality. In our formulation, the two maps α and β which constitute the Tulczyjew triple are morphisms of double structures of affine-vector bundles. We also discuss the Legendre transformation, i.e. the transition between the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian formulation of the first-order field theory. (paper)

  3. Topological regularizations of the triple collision singularity in the 3-vortex problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiraoka, Yasuaki


    The triple collision singularity in the 3-vortex problem is studied in this paper. Under the necessary condition k 1 -1 +k 2 -1 +k 3 -1 =0 for vorticities to have the triple collision, the main results are summarized as follows: (i) For k 1 = k 2 , the triple collision singularity is topologically regularizable. (ii) For 0 1 − k 2 | < ε with a sufficiently small ε, the triple collision singularity is not topologically regularizable. First of all, in order to prove these statements, all singularities in the 3-vortex problem are classified. Then, we introduce a dynamical system by blowing up the triple collision singularity with an appropriate time scaling. Roughly speaking, it corresponds to pasting an invariant manifold at the triple collision singularity on the original phase space. This technique is well known as McGehee's collision manifold (1974 Inventions Math. 27 191–227) in the N-body problem of celestial mechanics. Finally, by adopting the viewpoint of Easton (1971 J. Diff. Eqns 10 92–9), topological regularizations of the triple collision singularity are studied in detail

  4. Reliability of twin-dependent triple junction distributions measured from a section plane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hardy, Graden B.; Field, David P.


    Numerous studies indicate polycrystalline triple junctions are independent microstructural features with distinct properties from their constituent grain boundaries. Despite the influence of triple junctions on material properties, it is impractical to characterize triple junctions on a large scale using current three-dimensional methods. This work demonstrates the ability to characterize twin-dependent triple junction distributions from a section plane by adopting a grain boundary plane stereology. The technique is validated through simulated distributions and simulated electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) data. Measures of validation and convergence are adopted to demonstrate the quantitative reliability of the technique as well as the convergence behavior of twin-dependent triple junction distributions. This technique expands the characterization power of EBSD and prepares the way for characterizing general triple junction distributions from a section plane. - Graphical abstract: The distribution of planes forming a triple junction with a given twin boundary is shown partially in the stereographic projections below from a given projection. The plot on the left shows the ideal/measured distribution and the plot on the right shows the distribution obtained from the stereological method presented here.

  5. Development of a simple and rapid solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry method for the analysis of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in human urine. (United States)

    Naccarato, Attilio; Gionfriddo, Emanuela; Sindona, Giovanni; Tagarelli, Antonio


    The work aims at developing a simple and rapid method for the quantification of dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) in human urine. The urinary levels of these biogenic amines can be correlated with several pathological conditions concerning heart disease, stress, neurological disorders and cancerous tumors. The proposed analytical approach is based on the use of solid phase microextraction (SPME) combined with gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-QqQ-MS) after a fast derivatization of both aliphatic amino and phenolic moieties by propyl chloroformate. The variables influencing the derivatization reaction were reliably optimized by the multivariate approach of "Experimental design". The optimal conditions were obtained by performing derivatization with 100μL of propyl chloroformate and 100μL of pyridine. The extraction ability of five commercially available SPME fibers was evaluated in univariate mode and the best results were obtained using the polyacrylate fiber. The variables affecting the efficiency of SPME analysis were again optimized by the multivariate approach of "Experimental design" and, in particular, a central composite design (CCD) was applied. The optimal values were extraction in 45min at room temperature, desorption temperature at 300°C, no addition of NaCl. Assay of derivatized analytes was performed by using a gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-QqQ-MS) system in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) acquisition. An evaluation of all analytical parameters demonstrates that the developed method provides satisfactory results. Indeed, very good linearities were achieved in the tested calibration range with correlation coefficient values of 0.9995, 0.9999 and 0.9997 for DA, 5-HT and NE, respectively. Accuracies and RSDs calculated for between-run and tested at concentrations of 30, 200, and 800μg L(-1) were in the range from 92.8% to 103.0%, and from 0.67 to 4.5%, respectively. Finally

  6. Sound transmission through triple-panel structures lined with poroelastic materials (United States)

    Liu, Yu


    In this paper, previous theories on the prediction of sound transmission loss for a double-panel structure lined with poroelastic materials are extended to address the problem of a triple-panel structure. Six typical configurations are considered for a triple-panel structure based on the method of coupling the porous layers to the facing panels which determines critically the sound insulation performance of the system. The transfer matrix method is employed to solve the system by applying appropriate types of boundary conditions for these configurations. The transmission loss of the triple-panel structures in a diffuse sound field is calculated as a function of frequency and compared with that of corresponding double-panel structures. Generally, the triple-panel structure with poroelastic linings has superior acoustic performance to the double-panel counterpart, remarkably in the mid-high frequency range and possibly at low frequencies, by selecting appropriate configurations in which those with two air gaps in the structure exhibit the best overall performance over the entire frequency range. The poroelastic lining significantly lowers the cut-on frequency above which the triple-panel structure exhibits noticeably higher transmission loss. Compared with a double-panel structure, the wider range of system parameters for a triple-panel structure due to the additional partition provides more design space for tuning the sound insulation performance. Despite the increased structural complexity, the triple-panel structure lined with poroelastic materials has the obvious advantages in sound transmission loss while without the penalties in weight and volume, and is hence a promising replacement for the widely used double-panel sandwich structure.

  7. Simple and inexpensive microfluidic devices for the generation of monodisperse multiple emulsions

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Erqiang


    Droplet-based microfluidic devices have become a preferred versatile platform for various fields in physics, chemistry and biology. Polydimethylsiloxane soft lithography, the mainstay for fabricating microfluidic devices, usually requires the usage of expensive apparatus and a complex manufacturing procedure. Here, we report the design and fabrication of simple and inexpensive microfluidic devices based on microscope glass slides and pulled glass capillaries, for generating monodisperse multiple emulsions. The advantages of our method lie in a simple manufacturing procedure, inexpensive processing equipment and flexibility in the surface modification of the designed microfluidic devices. Different types of devices have been designed and tested and the experimental results demonstrated their robustness for preparing monodisperse single, double, triple and multi-component emulsions. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.

  8. Mometasone-based triple combination therapy in melasma: Is it really safe?

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    Majid Imran


    Full Text Available Background: Kligman′s triple combination formula has been one of the most popular treatment options in melasma over the last three decades. The original Kligman′s formula has been modified in many ways over the years and the most recent modification that has been introduced is a triple combination of 2% hydroquinone, 0.025% tretinoin, and 1% mometasone. The use of this triple combination in patients with melasma has seen a sharp rise over the last few years and with this rampant use the side-effect profile of this triple combination has also come to the fore. Aim : The aim of the present study was to assess the overall safety of the mometasone-based triple combination treatment in the management of melasma. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was performed on 60 patients of melasma who had used a mometasone-based triple combination treatment for at least 3 weeks anytime in the previous 1 year. The patients were given a preformed questionnaire wherein they assessed the overall effect of the triple combination treatment on their melasma during its use as well as after its withdrawal. The patients were specifically asked about the status of their disease as well as the sun sensitivity of their skin before and after the use of triple combination treatment. In addition, the patients were assessed by a single trained dermatologist for the presence of any adverse effects arising out of the triple combination treatment in the form of telangiectasia, hypertrichosis, acne, skin atrophy, etc. Results: Majority of patients (51.7% had used the combination treatment well beyond the recommended duration. About one-third (36.7% of the patients rated their melasma as worse at the time of filling the questionnaire as compared with their disease before the use of triple combination treatment. On clinical examination, the evidence of steroid side effects was seen in 26 patients (43.3%. Steroid-induced telangiectasia was the commonest finding, seen

  9. About the Triple A. Argentina 1973 - 1976


    Rostica, Julieta


    On May 25, 1973, Peronism returned to govern Argentina after about two decades of prohibition and political persecution. After its establishment, certain crimes began to be signed with “AAA”. The Triple A adopted the particularity of disappearing with the coup on March 24 1976. Why could this organization only exist in a democracy erected in the middle of two military dictatorships? Why did it exist during the very wished Peronist government? The article offers an approach to the Triple A, th...

  10. Molecular basis of the triple negative breast cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayse Feyda Nursal


    Full Text Available Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and more than 1 million breast cancer cases are diagnosed each year all over the world. Breast cancer is a complex and heterogeneous disease in terms of its molecular structure, mutation type, metastase properties, clinical course and therapeutic response. Breast cancer is divided into subtypes based on expression properties of molecular markers as estrogen receptor, progestron receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. Triple-negative breast cancer is characterized by the lack of tumors that estrogen receptor, progestron receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 gene expression. These type of tumors lead to agressive clinical course due to unresponsiveness to systemic endocrine therapy and poor prognosis. Triple negative breast cancer constitutes 10-20% of all breast cancers. It affects generally young and African-American women. Triple negative breast cancer have several subtypes based on the gene expression properties. The majority of them are basal-like breast cancers. In this review, current literature is revised and summarized with respect to the molecular basis of triple negative cancers. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2015; 24(2.000: 251-259

  11. Fabrication and evaluation of series-triple quantum dots by thermal oxidation of silicon nanowire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uchida, Takafumi; Jo, Mingyu; Tsurumaki-Fukuchi, Atsushi; Arita, Masashi; Takahashi, Yasuo; Fujiwara, Akira


    Series-connected triple quantum dots were fabricated by a simple two-step oxidation technique using the pattern-dependent oxidation of a silicon nanowire and an additional oxidation of the nanowire through the gap of the fine gates attached to the nanowire. The characteristics of multi-dot single-electron devices are obtained. The formation of each quantum dot beneath an attached gate is confirmed by analyzing the electrical characteristics and by evaluating the gate capacitances between all pairings of gates and quantum dots. Because the gate electrode is automatically attached to each dot, the device structure benefits from scalability. This technique promises integrability of multiple quantum dots with individual control gates

  12. Unexpected Hydration of a Triple Bond During DNA Synthesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fatthalla, Maha I.; Pedersen, Erik B.


    acidic conditions, polarizes the triple bond in the intercalator and this makes hydration of the triple bond possible during the DNA synthesis and an oligonucleotide with 1-(indol-3-yl)-2-(pyren-1-yl)ethanone as the intercalator is formed. Insertion of the unhydrated and hydrated linker systems gave...

  13. Energy Efficient Triple IG Automation EEE (Triple-E)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McGlinchy, Timothy B


    GED Integrated Solutions collaborated with US window and door manufactures to investigate, design and verify technical and cost feasibility for producing high performance, high volume, low material and labor cost window, utilizing a modified window design containing a triple insulating glass unit (IGU). This window design approach when combined with a high volume IGU manufacturing system, can produce R5 rated windows for an approximate additional consumer cost of only $4 per square foot when compared to conventional Low-E argon dual pane IG windows, resulting in a verify practical, reliable and affordable high performance window for public use.

  14. RITA: The reinvented triple axis spectrometer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mason, T.E. [Toronto Univ., ON (Canada). Dept. of Physics; Clausen, K.N.; Aeppli, G.; McMorrow, D.R.; Kjems, J.K. [Risoe National Lab., Roskilde (Denmark)


    Risoe National Laboratory was reported to be in the process of developing a new spectrometer design, RITA, based on the triple axis design. The spectrometer will attempt to incorporate more recent innovations such as multilayer supermirrors and microstrip proportional counters into a rethinking of the triple-axis spectrometer. By optimizing the beam optics, using supermirrors and extending the analyser to map regions of (Q, {omega}) space using an array of independently controllable pyrolytic graphite crystals focussed on an area detector, it was hoped that the efficiency of single-crystal inelastic experiments could be increased by as much as a factor of 20. 7 figs., 20 refs.

  15. "Special Issue": Regional Dimensions of the Triple Helix Model (United States)

    Todeva, Emanuela; Danson, Mike


    This paper introduces the rationale for the special issue and its contributions, which bridge the literature on regional development and the Triple Helix model. The concept of the Triple Helix at the sub-national, and specifically regional, level is established and examined, with special regard to regional economic development founded on…

  16. An optimized clarithromycin-free 14-day triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication achieves high cure rates in Uruguay. (United States)

    Dacoll, Cristina; Sánchez-Delgado, Jordi; Balter, Henia; Pazos, Ximena; Di Pace, María; Sandoya, Gabriela; Cohen, Henry; Calvet, Xavier

    Strong acid inhibition increases cure rates with triple therapy and 14-day are more effective than 7-day treatments. The combination of amoxicillin plus metronidazole at full doses has been shown to overcome metronidazole resistance and to achieve good eradication rates even in patients harboring resistant strains. No previous studies have been reported in Latin-America with this optimized triple-therapy scheme. The aim of the present study was to assess the eradication rate and tolerance of a new first-line treatment regimen associating strong acid inhibition, amoxicillin and metronidazole. Patients from the Clínica de Gastroenterología of the Hospital de Clínicas (Montevideo, Uruguay) were included. Hp status was mainly assessed by at least one of the following: histologyor urea breath test (UBT). A 14-day treatment was prescribed comprising esomeprazole 40mg twice a day plus amoxicillin 1g and metronidazole 500mg, both three times a day. H. pylori cure was assessed by UBT. Forty-one patients were enrolled. Mean age was 53.3±13 years and 17.1% of patients were male. Main indications for treatment were: functional dyspepsia (27.5%), gastritis (45%), gastric or duodenal erosions (20%), gastric ulcer (5%) and intestinal metaplasia (2.5%). H. pylori eradication was achieved in 33 of the 37 patients who returned for follow-up. Eradication rates were 80.5% (95% CI: 68.4-92.6) by intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis and 89.2% (95% CI; 79.2-99.2) per protocol (PP). No major side effects were reported; 26 patients (65.8%) complained of mild side effects (nausea, diarrhea and headache). Cure rates of this triple therapy including esomeprazole, amoxicillin and metronidazole were 81% per ITT and the treatment was well tolerated. These optimal results with a simple clarithromycin-free triple therapy are better than described for standard triple therapy but there is still room for improvement to reach the desired target of 90% per ITT. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S

  17. Coupling characteristics of the spun optical fiber with triple stress elements (United States)

    Ji, Minning; Shang, Fengtao; Chen, Dandan


    An empirical formula related to the stress field distribution in the optical fiber with triple stress elements is proposed and proved. The possible intercoupling between the fundamental modes and the higher order modes is demonstrated. The transmission property of the spun optical fiber with triple stress elements is analyzed. The experimental data from a sample of the spun optical fiber with triple stress elements confirm the theoretical results very well.

  18. Triple junction polymer solar cells for photoelectrochemical water splitting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Esiner, S.; Eersel, van H.; Wienk, M.M.; Janssen, R.A.J.


    A triple junction polymer solar cell in a novel 1 + 2 type configuration provides photoelectrochemical water splitting in its maximum power point at V ˜ 1.70 V with an estimated solar to hydrogen energy conversion efficiency of 3.1%. The triple junction cell consists of a wide bandgap front cell and

  19. Triple-membrane reduces need for ion exchange regeneration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valcour, H.


    Triple-membrane water treatment systems are comprised of ultrafiltration units for pretreatment, electrodialysis reversal primary demineralizers, reverse osmosis secondary demineralizers, portable ion exchange unit polishing demineralizers, and ultraviolet sterilizers. The triple-membrane process is designed to provide an unprecedented degree of pretreatment to maximize efficiency, durability and reliability of the reverse osmosis, whilst reducing the required regeneration frequency of the ion exchange demineralizer by one to two orders of magnitude. (author)

  20. The scalar spectrum of the triple seesaw mechanism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caetano, Wellington; Pires, Carlos


    Full text: The Triple seesaw mechanism provides an expression to the neutrino masses which get suppressed by high-scale M 3 in its denominator. Thus, we have a seesaw mechanism which works naturally at TeV scale, presenting, in this way, a great potential of being probed at LHC. In order to generate the small left-handed neutrino masses, the triple seesaw mechanism also requires only heavy right-handed neutrinos as extra fermionic content as the type I seesaw. The minimum Higgs sector required by the mechanism is composed by the standard Higgs doublet plus another Higgs doublet and a Higgs singlet. In this work we obtain the mass spectrum and the eigenvectors of the scalar sector that realizes the Triple seesaw mechanism. As our results, we recover the standard Higgs boson with mass in a region at 116 H < 151 GeV. We analyzed the expression given in the Triple seesaw mechanism for the neutrino mass in a scenario that is consistent with the small mass from the neutrino oscillation data and compatible with the requirements for a WIMP (weakly interacting massive particles) candidate. Finally, we obtain, as our main result, a neutral pseudoscalar with mass around 8-10 GeV which is stable and can be a possible WIMP dark matter candidate. (author)

  1. Modified Genta triple stain for identifying Helicobacter pylori.


    el-Zimaity, H M; Wu, J; Graham, D Y


    AIM: To evaluate whether lead nitrate could replace uranyl nitrate in the Genta stain for H pylori without sacrificing the advantages of the triple stain (Steiner silver impregnation combined with Alcian blue and haematoxylin/eosin (H&E)). METHODS: A comparison was made in 16 specimens between the original triple stain and the revised version. One pathologist evaluated all sections. RESULTS: Direct substitution of lead nitrate for uranium nitrate produced well stained organisms without interf...

  2. Targeting Prolyl Peptidases in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (United States)


    ABSTRACT Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive sub-type with limited treatment options and poor prognosis. The most life -threatening... negative feedback loops within the pathway limit their effectiveness . For example, AKT inhibitors cause increased expression of IGF1R/ErbB3 and, as a...AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-16-1-0025 TITLE: Targeting Prolyl Peptidases in Triple- Negative Breast Cancer PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Carl G. Maki, PhD

  3. WDVV equation and triple-product relation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shigechi, Keiichi; Wadati, Miki; Wang Ning


    We study the relation between the WDVV equations and the τ-function of the noncommutative KP (NCKP) hierarchy. WDVV-like equations (Hirota triple-product relation) in the noncommutative context appear as a consequence of the nontrivial equation for τ-function of the NC KP hierarchy, while the prepotential in the Seiberg-Witten (SW) theory has been identified to the τ-function of the Whitham hierarchy. We show that the spectral curve for the SW theory is the same as the Toda-chain hierarchy. We also show explicitly that Whitham hierarchy includes commutative Toda/KP hierarchy. Further, we comment on the origin of the Hirota triple-product relation in the context of the SW theory

  4. Triple p-positive parenting program for mothers of ADHD children. (United States)

    Aghebati, Asma; Gharraee, Banafsheh; Hakim Shoshtari, Mitra; Gohari, Mahmood Reza


    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic, highly prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder which affects 9% of school-age children. Triple P-Positive Parenting Program is an evidence-based parenting program reported to be useful in the management of this disorder. The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of Triple P in mothers of ADHD children. In this study, 30 mothers with ADHD children aged between 6 to 10 were randomly assigned to two groups (15 participants in each group). Parenting style, mother-child relationship, maternal depression, anxiety and stress, and children's behavioral problems were evaluated. The intervention group received 120 minute sessions for 5 weeks and 15-30 minute telephone contacts for 3 weeks while no intervention was done for the control group. Analysis of covariance revealed that mothers of the Triple P group showed significant (p parenting style, mother-child relationship, and considerable decrease in depression, anxiety and stress. Women trained in the Triple P group also reported significantly lower rates of child misbehavior than women of the control group. Triple P-Positive Parenting intervention is effective and acceptable for mothers of ADHD children. None. Clinical Trial Registration-URL: Unique identifier: IRCT201111288234N1.

  5. Longitudinal Neuropsychological Profile in a Patient with Triple A Syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luigi Mazzone


    Full Text Available Triple A syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the triad of adrenocorticotropic hormone resistant adrenal insufficiency, achalasia, and alacrima. Our aim was to describe the neuropsychological characteristics and the cooccurring psychopathological and neurological disorders in an Italian male child suffering from Triple A syndrome at the time of admission (T0 and after one year of follow-up (T1. Many difficulties were observed in the motor domain, as well as in manual dexterity and static/dynamic balance domains of the motor task over time. In sharp contrast with previous literature reports on frequent mild cognitive dysfunction in patients with Triple A syndrome, our child did not show any mental retardation. By contrast, he showed an average IQ at T0 with a slight improvement at T1. To our knowledge, this report is the first describing neuropsychological profile and co-occurring psychopathological problems in a child with Triple A syndrome. Considering that the Triple A syndrome is a progressive disorder which can take years to develop the full-blown clinical picture, these patients require periodical medical controls. Moreover, assessment of neuropsychological and psychopathological features should be performed in patients with this disease, in order to underline the variability of this syndrome.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Indah Anisykurlillah


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh role conflict, role ambiguity dan role overload pada kepuasan kerja, pengaruh role conflict, role ambiguity dan role overload pada komitmen organisasi serta pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer berupa kuesioner di mana subyek penelitian ini adalah auditor yang bekerja pada Kantor Akuntansi Publik ( KAP di Jawa Tengah. Sampel yang diambil adalah non probability dengan menggunakan convenience sampling. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM dan Linier Hubungan Struktural (LISREL digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian adalah dengan menerapkan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM dapat disimpulkan bahwa role conflict, role ambiguity dan role overload secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap komitmen organisasi, sedangkan kepuasan kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap komitmen organisasi. The objective of this study is to find out the influence of role conflict, role ambiguity and role overload on working satisfaction, the influence of role conflict, role ambiguity, and role overload on organization’s commitment as well as the influence of working satisfaction on organization’s commitment. The data used in this research are primary data in form of questionnaire in which the subjects are auditors working for Accounting Public Office (KAP in Central Java. The sample taken was non probability by employing convenience sampling. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM and Linier Structural Relationship (LISREL were used to test hypothesis. The results of the study by applying Structural Equation Modeling (SEM can be concluded that role conflict, role ambiguity and role overload are significantly influential on organization’s commitment, while working satisfaction is not influential on organization’s commitment.

  7. Krein Spectral Triples and the Fermionic Action

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dungen, Koen van den


    Motivated by the space of spinors on a Lorentzian manifold, we define Krein spectral triples, which generalise spectral triples from Hilbert spaces to Krein spaces. This Krein space approach allows for an improved formulation of the fermionic action for almost-commutative manifolds. We show by explicit calculation that this action functional recovers the correct Lagrangians for the cases of electrodynamics, the electro-weak theory, and the Standard Model. The description of these examples does not require a real structure, unless one includes Majorana masses, in which case the internal spaces also exhibit a Krein space structure.

  8. Two path transport measurements on a triple quantum dot

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rogge, Maximilian C.; Haug, Rolf J. [Institut fuer Festkoerperphysik, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Appelstr. 2, 30167 Hannover (Germany)


    We present a novel triple quantum dot device made with local anodic oxidation on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. The geometry provides two path transport via a three lead setup with each lead connected to one of the three quantum dots. In addition charge detection is implemented via a quantum point contact. One lead is used as a common source contact, the other two are used as two separate drain contacts with independent current measurement. Thus two paths are formed with two dots in each path. Along both paths serial transport is observed at the triple points of the two corresponding dots. With four side gates a wide tunability is given. Thus the system can be tuned in and out of triple dot resonances. When all three dots come into resonance, quadruple points are formed with simultaneous transport along both paths. The data are analysed in combined two colour plots and compared to the charge detection showing sets of three different lines, one for each dot. This way the two path setup allows to investigate the transition from double dot physics to triple dot physics.

  9. Expectativas en la cirugía de triple procedimiento versus doble procedimiento quirúrgico en afecciones corneales Expectations of triple procedure versus double procedure surgery in corneal diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilio Kuri Cienfuegos


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo con el propósito de evaluar el comportamiento de los procedimientos quirúrgicos doble y triple, en pacientes operados de enfermedades de la córnea en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Clínicouirúrgico “Hermanos Ameijeiras” de Ciudad de La Habana, desde julio de 2003 hasta diciembre de 2005. La muestra estuvo constituida por 45 ojos operados de trasplante de córnea entre enero de 1988 y junio de 2003 en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Clínicoquirúrgico “Hermanos Ameijeiras” de Ciudad de La Habana. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, sexo, antecedentes personales oculares, enfermedad corneal previa, retrasplante, viabilidad del injerto corneal, complicaciones ocurridas durante la cirugía y después de esta, agudeza visual prequirúrgica y posquirúrgica, error de cálculo de la lente intraocular y de refracción. Se obtuvo como resultado: predominio del sexo masculino (51,1%, edad promedio 60,27 años, la enfermedad ocular asociada más frecuente en el doble y triple procedimiento fue el glaucoma con 22,7 % y 26,1 % respectivamente, la enfermedad corneal más común fue la distrofia epitelio-endotelial de Fuchs en ambos procederes (72,7 % y 52,2 %; no tuvieron complicaciones transquirúgicas 90,9 % y 95,5 %, respectivamente. Las complicaciones posquirúrgicas fueron de 9,1 % en el doble procedimiento y de 26,1 en el triple. La opacidad corneal posoperatoria se presentó en el doble proceder en 9,1 % y en el triple en 17,4 %. Hubo más retrasplantes en el triple procedimiento (17,4 %. El error refractivo final en el doble procedimiento presentó mayor cantidad emétropes y menos hipermétropes que el triple, mientras que en relación con los miopes se encontró, solo en el doble procedimiento, mejor agudeza visual en el doble procedimiento. El error de cálculo de lente intraocular fue mayor en el triple procedimiento.A retrospective descriptive study was

  10. EURAMET.T-K7 Key Comparison of Water Triple-Point Cells (United States)

    Peruzzi, A.; Bosma, R.; Kerkhof, O.; Rosenkranz, P.; Del Campo Maldonado, M. D.; Strnad, R.; Nielsen, J.; Anagnostou, M.; Veliki, T.; Zvizdic, D.; Grudnewicz, E.; Nedea, M.; Neagu, D. M.; Steur, P.; Filipe, E.; Lobo, I.; Antonsen, I.; Renaot, E.; Heinonen, M.; Weckstrom, T.; Bojkovski, J.; Turzo-Andras, E.; Nemeth, S.; White, M.; Tegeler, E.; Dobre, M.; Duris, S.; Kartal Dogan, A.; Uytun, A.; Augevicius, V.; Pauzha, A.; Pokhodun, A.; Simic, S.


    The results of a EURAMET key comparison of water triple-point cells (EURAMET.T-K7) are reported. The equipment used, the measuring conditions applied, and the procedures adopted for the water triple-point measurement at the participating laboratories are synthetically presented. The definitions of the national reference for the water triple-point temperature adopted by each laboratory are disclosed. The multiplicity of degrees of equivalence arising for the linking laboratories with respect to the "mother" comparison CCT-K7 is discussed in detail.

  11. Triple Play Service and IPTV Services Offered within it

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dagmar Pajdusakova


    Full Text Available This paper deals with Triple Play multimedia service and figures its architecture. Triple Play offers voice, video and data services together in one customer connection. There is offered IPTV (Internet Protocol Television service within this service, where we can include also Video on Demand service and other different additional services. In the paper is described classification of Video on Demand services.

  12. Triple-root jump in spacecraft potential due to electron beam emission or impact

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lai, S.T.


    Triple-root jump in spacecraft potential is well understood in the double Maxwellian model of the natural space environment. In this paper, however, the author points out that triple-root jumps in spacecraft potential may also occur during photoemission or electron beam emission from a spacecraft. Impact of an incoming electron beam on a spacecraft may also cause triple-root jumps provided that the beam, ambient plasma, and surface parameters satisfy certain inequality conditions. The parametric conditions under which such beam induced triple-root jumps may occur are presented

  13. Common breast cancer susceptibility loci are associated with triple negative breast cancer (United States)

    Stevens, Kristen N.; Vachon, Celine M.; Lee, Adam M.; Slager, Susan; Lesnick, Timothy; Olswold, Curtis; Fasching, Peter A.; Miron, Penelope; Eccles, Diana; Carpenter, Jane E.; Godwin, Andrew K.; Ambrosone, Christine; Winqvist, Robert; Schmidt, Marjanka K.; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S.; Sawyer, Elinor; Hartmann, Arndt; Beckmann, Matthias W.; Schulz-Wendtland, Rüdiger; Ekici, Arif B.; Tapper, William J; Gerty, Susan M; Durcan, Lorraine; Graham, Nikki; Hein, Rebecca; Nickels, Stephan; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Heinz, Judith; Sinn, Hans-Peter; Konstantopoulou, Irene; Fostira, Florentia; Pectasides, Dimitrios; Dimopoulos, Athanasios M.; Fountzilas, George; Clarke, Christine L.; Balleine, Rosemary; Olson, Janet E.; Fredericksen, Zachary; Diasio, Robert B.; Pathak, Harsh; Ross, Eric; Weaver, JoEllen; Rüdiger, Thomas; Försti, Asta; Dünnebier, Thomas; Ademuyiwa, Foluso; Kulkarni, Swati; Pylkäs, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Van Limbergen, Erik; Janssen, Hilde; Peto, Julian; Fletcher, Olivia; Giles, Graham G.; Baglietto, Laura; Verhoef, Senno; Tomlinson, Ian; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Beesley, Jonathan; Greco, Dario; Blomqvist, Carl; Irwanto, Astrid; Liu, Jianjun; Blows, Fiona M.; Dawson, Sarah-Jane; Margolin, Sara; Mannermaa, Arto; Martin, Nicholas G.; Montgomery, Grant W; Lambrechts, Diether; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Severi, Gianluca; Hamann, Ute; Pharoah, Paul; Easton, Douglas F.; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Yannoukakos, Drakoulis; Nevanlinna, Heli; Wang, Xianshu; Couch, Fergus J.


    Triple negative breast cancers are an aggressive subtype of breast cancer with poor survival, but there remains little known about the etiological factors which promote its initiation and development. Commonly inherited breast cancer risk factors identified through genome wide association studies (GWAS) display heterogeneity of effect among breast cancer subtypes as defined by estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status. In the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Consortium (TNBCC), 22 common breast cancer susceptibility variants were investigated in 2,980 Caucasian women with triple negative breast cancer and 4,978 healthy controls. We identified six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) significantly associated with risk of triple negative breast cancer, including rs2046210 (ESR1), rs12662670 (ESR1), rs3803662 (TOX3), rs999737 (RAD51L1), rs8170 (19p13.11) and rs8100241 (19p13.11). Together, our results provide convincing evidence of genetic susceptibility for triple negative breast cancer. PMID:21844186

  14. Regional Dimensions of the Triple Helix Model: Setting the Context (United States)

    Todeva, Emanuela; Danson, Mike


    This paper introduces the rationale for the special issue and its contributions, which bridge the literature on regional development and the Triple Helix model. The concept of the Triple Helix at the sub-national, and specifically regional, level is established and examined, with special regard to regional economic development founded on…

  15. Determination of the solid-liquid-vapor triple point pressure of carbon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haaland, D.M.


    A detailed experimental study of the triple point pressure of carbon using laser heating techniques has been completed. Uncertainties and conflict in previous investigations have been addressed and substantial data presented which places the solid-liquid-vapor carbon triple point at 107 +- 2 atmospheres. This is in agreement with most investigations which have located the triple point pressure between 100 and 120 atmospheres, but is in disagreement with recent low pressure carbon experiments. The absence of any significant polymorphs of carbon other than graphite suggests that the graphite-liquid-vapor triple point has been measured. Graphite samples were melted in a pressure vessel using a 400 W Nd:YAG continuous-wave laser focused to a maximum power density of approximately 80 kW/cm 2 . Melt was confirmed by detailed microstructure analysis and x-ray diffraction of the recrystallized graphite. Experiments to determine the minimum melt pressure of carbon were completed as a function of sample size, type of inert gas, and laser power density to asure that laser power densities were sufficient to produce melt at the triple point pressure of carbon, and the pressure of carbon at the surface of the sample was identical to the measured pressure of the inert gas in the pressure vessel. High-speed color cinematography of the carbon heating revealed the presence of a laser-generated vapor or particle plume in front of the sample. The existence of this bright plume pevented the measurement of the carbon triple point temperature

  16. ACA and the Triple Aim: Musings of a Health Care Actuary. (United States)

    McCarthy, Mac


    In 2008, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) promulgated the Triple Aim, which advocates simultaneous improvements in patient experiences, improved population health and lower cost per capita. In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) promised quality, affordable health care for all Americans. It's fair to assume that the framers of ACA were aware of the Triple Aim, and it is likely that much of ACA was heavily influenced by IHI's positions. So it is reasonable, from time to time, to assess ACA's impact on health care against the Triple Aim principles.

  17. Immunohistochemical Characteristics of Triple Negative/Basal-like Breast Cancer


    Emel Ebru PALA; Ümit BAYOL; Süheyla CUMURCU; Elif KESKİN


    Objective: Triple-negative-breast-cancer that accounts for 10-20% of all breast carcinomas is defined by the lack of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, HER2 expression, and agressive clinical behavior. Triple-negative-breast-cancer is categorized into basal like and other types. The basal-like subtype is characterized by the expression of myoepithelial/basal markers.Material and Method: We studied 41 immunohistochemically triplenegative- breast-cancer patients to determine EGFR, Cytoke...

  18. Absolute migration and the evolution of the Rodriguez triple junction ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Rodriguez Triple Junction (RTJ) is a junction connecting three mid-ocean ridges in the Indian Ocean: the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) and the Southeast Indian Ridge (SEIR). The evolution of the RTJ has been studied extensively for the past 10 Ma and the triple junction is believed to ...

  19. Emission of partial dislocations from triple junctions of grain boundaries in nanocrystalline materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gutkin, M Yu; Ovid'ko, I A; Skiba, N V


    A theoretical model is suggested that describes emission of partial Shockley dislocations from triple junctions of grain boundaries (GBs) in deformed nanocrystalline materials. In the framework of the model, triple junctions accumulate dislocations due to GB sliding along adjacent GBs. The dislocation accumulation at triple junctions causes partial Shockley dislocations to be emitted from the dislocated triple junctions and thus accommodates GB sliding. Ranges of parameters (applied stress, grain size, etc) are calculated in which the emission events are energetically favourable in nanocrystalline Al, Cu and Ni. The model accounts for the corresponding experimental data reported in the literature

  20. Solution Patterns Predicting Pythagorean Triples (United States)

    Ezenweani, Ugwunna Louis


    Pythagoras Theorem is an old mathematical treatise that has traversed the school curricula from secondary to tertiary levels. The patterns it produced are quite interesting that many researchers have tried to generate a kind of predictive approach to identifying triples. Two attempts, namely Diophantine equation and Brahmagupta trapezium presented…

  1. Performance of Mercury Triple-Point Cells Made in Brazil (United States)

    Petkovic, S. G.; Santiago, J. F. N.; Filho, R. R.; Teixeira, R. N.; Santos, P. R. F.


    Fixed-points cells are primary standards in ITS-90. They contain reference material with a purity of 99.999 % or more. The gallium in a melting-point cell, for example, can reach a purity of 99.99999 %. This level of purity is not easy to obtain. However, substances like water and mercury can be purified by means of distillation and chemical procedures. This paper presents the results of mercury triple-point cells made in Brazil that were directly compared to a mercury triple-point cell of 99.999% purity. This reference cell, made by Isotech (England), was previously compared to cells from CENAM (Mexico) and NRC (Canada) and the maximum deviation found was approximately 0.4 mK. The purification stage started with a sample of mercury 99.3 % pure, and the repeated use of both mechanical and chemical processes led to a purification grade considered good enough for calibration of standard platinum resistance thermometers. The purification procedures, the method of construction of the cell, the laboratory facilities, the comparison results and the budget of uncertainties are described in this paper. All of the cells tested have a triple-point temperature within 0.25 mK of the triple-point temperature of the Inmetro reference cell.

  2. Organizing product innovation: hierarchy, market or triple-helix networks? (United States)

    Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Gjelsvik, Martin; Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés

    This paper assesses the extent to which the organization of the innovation effort in firms, as well as the geographical scale at which this effort is pursued, affects the capacity to benefit from product innovations. Three alternative modes of organization are studied: hierarchy, market and triple-helix-type networks. Furthermore, we consider triple-helix networks at three geographical scales: local, national and international. These relationships are tested on a random sample of 763 firms located in five urban regions of Norway which reported having introduced new products or services during the preceding 3 years. The analysis shows that firms exploiting internal hierarchy or triple-helix networks with a wide range of partners managed to derive a significantly higher share of their income from new products, compared to those that mainly relied on outsourcing within the market. In addition, the analysis shows that the geographical scale of cooperation in networks, as well as the type of partner used, matters for the capacity of firms to benefit from product innovation. In particular, firms that collaborate in international triple-helix-type networks involving suppliers, customers and R&D institutions extract a higher share of their income from product innovations, regardless of whether they organize the processes internally or through the network.

  3. RDF 1.1 Turtle : terse RDF triple language


    World Wide Web Consortium


    RDF es un lenguaje de objetivo general para la representación de la información en la Web. Este documento define una sintaxis textual para RDF llamada Turtle que permite a un grafo RDF ser completamente escrito en un formulario de texto compacto y natural, con las abreviaturas para los patrones y tipos de datos de uso común. Turtle ofrece niveles de compatibilidad con el formato N-Triples, así como la sintaxis de patrón triple de la Recomendación SPARQL del W3C.

  4. BPS dynamics of the triple (p,q) string junction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rey, S.-J.; Yee, J.-T.


    We study the dynamics of the triple junction of (p,q) strings in type IIB string theory. We probe the tension and mass density of (p,q) strings by studying harmonic fluctuations of the triple junction. We show that they agree perfectly with the BPS formula provided a suitable geometric interpretation of the junction is given. We provide a precise statement of the BPS limit and force-balance property. At weak coupling and sufficiently dense limit, we argue that a (p,q) string embedded in the string network is a 'wiggly string', whose low-energy dynamics can be described via a renormalization group evolved, smooth effective non-relativistic string. We also suggest the possibility that, upon type IIB strings being promoted to the M-theory membrane, there can exist 'evanescent' bound-states at the triple junction in the continuum. (orig.)

  5. Triple-helix molecular switch-based aptasensors and DNA sensors. (United States)

    Bagheri, Elnaz; Abnous, Khalil; Alibolandi, Mona; Ramezani, Mohammad; Taghdisi, Seyed Mohammad


    Utilization of traditional analytical techniques is limited because they are generally time-consuming and require high consumption of reagents, complicated sample preparation and expensive equipment. Therefore, it is of great interest to achieve sensitive, rapid and simple detection methods. It is believed that nucleic acids assays, especially aptamers, are very important in modern life sciences for target detection and biological analysis. Aptamers and DNA-based sensors have been widely used for the design of various sensors owing to their unique features. In recent years, triple-helix molecular switch (THMS)-based aptasensors and DNA sensors have been broadly utilized for the detection and analysis of different targets. The THMS relies on the formation of DNA triplex via Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen base pairings under optimal conditions. This review focuses on recent progresses in the development and applications of electrochemical, colorimetric, fluorescence and SERS aptasensors and DNA sensors, which are based on THMS. Also, the advantages and drawbacks of these methods are discussed. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Test results for triple-modulation radar electronics with improved range disambiguation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pollastrone, Fabio, E-mail:; Neri, Carlo


    Highlights: • A new digital radar electronic system based on triple-modulation has been developed. • The triple-modulation system uses an improved algorithm for the range-disambiguation. • The new radar electronics has been applied in the IVVS optical radar prototype for ITER. • The performances obtained with IVVS double and triple-modulation were compared. - Abstract: The In Vessel Viewing System (IVVS) is an optical radar with sub milimetrical resolution that will be used for imaging and metrology pourposes in ITER. The electronics of the system is based on a Digital Radar Electronics developed in ENEA Frascati laboratories during the past years. Until the present study, the system was based on amplitude modulation technique having double-modulation frequency. The power of the laser is sinusoidally modulated and the distance of the points scanned by the laser beam is obtained measuring the phase difference between outgoing and echo signals. Recently a triple-modulation radar electronics version and an algorithm able to solve the range disambiguation were developed. The aim of the upgrade was the increase of the robustness in the range disambiguation. The paper briefly describes the updates carried out on the Digital Radar Electronics and extensively the test results obtained by comparing the performance of the triple modulation versus the double modulation techniques.

  7. Role of intertube interactions in double- and triple-walled carbon nanotubes. (United States)

    Hirschmann, Thomas Ch; Araujo, Paulo T; Muramatsu, Hiroyuki; Rodriguez-Nieva, Joaquin F; Seifert, Max; Nielsch, Kornelius; Kim, Yoong Ahm; Dresselhaus, Mildred S


    Resonant Raman spectroscopy studies are performed to access information about the intertube interactions and wall-to-wall distances in double- and triple-walled carbon nanotubes. Here, we explain how the surroundings of the nanotubes in a multiwalled system influence their radial breathing modes. Of particular interest, the innermost tubes in double- and triple-walled carbon nanotube systems are shown to be significantly shielded from environmental interactions, except for those coming from the intertube interaction with their own respective host tubes. From a comparison of the Raman results for bundled as well as individual fullerene-peapod-derived double- and triple-walled carbon nanotubes, we observe that metallic innermost tubes, when compared to their semiconducting counterparts, clearly show weaker intertube interactions. Additionally, we discuss a correlation between the wall-to-wall distances and the frequency upshifts of the radial breathing modes observed for the innermost tubes in individual double- and triple-walled carbon nanotubes. All results allow us to contemplate fundamental properties related to DWNTs and TWNTs, as for example diameter- and chirality-dependent intertube interactions. We also discuss differences in fullerene-peapod-derived and chemical vapor deposition grown double- and triple-walled systems with the focus on mechanical coupling and interference effects.

  8. Comparison of split double and triple twists in pair figure skating. (United States)

    King, Deborah L; Smith, Sarah L; Brown, Michele R; McCrory, Jean L; Munkasy, Barry A; Scheirman, Gary I


    In this study, we compared the kinematic variables of the split triple twist with those of the split double twist to help coaches and scientists understand these landmark pair skating skills. High-speed video was taken during the pair short and free programmes at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics and the 2003 International Skating Union Grand Prix Finals. Three-dimensional analyses of 14 split double twists and 15 split triple twists from eleven pairs were completed. In spite of considerable variability in the performance variables among the pairs, the main difference between the split double twists and split triple twists was an increase in rotational rate. While eight of the eleven pairs relied primarily on an increased rotational rate to complete the split triple twist, three pairs employed a combined strategy of increased rotational rate and increased flight time due predominantly to delayed or lower catches. These results were similar to observations of jumps in singles skating for which the extra rotation is typically due to an increase in rotational velocity; increases in flight time come primarily from delayed landings as opposed to additional height during flight. Combining an increase in flight time and rotational rate may be a good strategy for completing the split triple twist in pair skating.

  9. Simultaneous determination of triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori in human plasma by reversed phase chromatography with online wavelength switching (United States)

    Ahmed, Sameh; Atia, Noha N.


    The infection of gastric mucosa by Helicobacter pylori (HP) is an essential cofactor in the aetiology of gastroduodenal ulcer and gastric carcinoma. Because of the bacterial resistance, combination therapy containing omeprazole (OME), tinidazole (TNZ) and clarithromycin (CLA) is commonly used for eradication of HP. However, the simultaneous determination of the triple therapy in human plasma was not reported. A simple, reproducible, and selective HPLC method was developed for the simultaneous determination of the triple therapy mixture used for management of HP infections in human plasma. An HPLC procedure based on a liquid-liquid extraction, enrichment of the analytes and subsequent reversed-phase chromatography with UV detection was used. To enable sensitive and selective detection, the method involved the use of online wavelength switching detection, with two different detection wavelengths; 280 nm for detection of OME and TNZ and 210 nm for detection of CLA. Separations were performed on C18 analytical column with acetonitrile-10 mM phosphate buffer of pH = 3.0 at flow rate of 1.0 mL min-1. The linear ranges in human plasma were 0.05-10 μg mL-1 with correlation coefficients >0.9990. The detection limits in human plasma were 0.02-0.07 μg mL-1. Validation parameters were assessed in compliance with US-FDA guidelines. The method proved to be valuable for the therapeutic drug monitoring after oral administration of triple therapy tablets.

  10. Syntheses, structures and redox properties of some complexes containing the Os(dppe)Cp* fragment, including [{Os(dppe)Cp*}2(mu-C triple bondCC triple bond C)]. (United States)

    Bruce, Michael I; Costuas, Karine; Davin, Thomas; Halet, Jean-François; Kramarczuk, Kathy A; Low, Paul J; Nicholson, Brian K; Perkins, Gary J; Roberts, Rachel L; Skelton, Brian W; Smith, Mark E; White, Allan H


    The sequential conversion of [OsBr(cod)Cp*] (9) to [OsBr(dppe)Cp*] (10), [Os([=C=CH2)(dppe)Cp*]PF6 ([11]PF6), [Os(C triple bond CH)(dppe)Cp*] (12), [{Os(dppe)Cp*}2{mu-(=C=CH-CH=C=)}][PF6]2 ([13](PF6)2) and finally [{Os(dppe)Cp*}(2)(mu-C triple bond CC triple bond C)] (14) has been used to make the third member of the triad [{M(dppe)Cp*}2(mu-C triple bond CC triple bond C)] (M = Fe, Ru, Os). The molecular structures of []PF6, 12 and 14, together with those of the related osmium complexes [Os(NCMe)(dppe)Cp*]PF6 ([15]PF6) and [Os(C triple bond CPh)(dppe)Cp*] (16), have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Comparison of the redox properties of 14 with those of its iron and ruthenium congeners shows that the first oxidation potential E1 varies as: Fe approximately Os < Ru. Whereas the Fe complex has been shown to undergo three sequential 1-electron oxidation processes within conventional electrochemical solvent windows, the Ru and Os compounds undergo no fewer than four sequential oxidation events giving rise to a five-membered series of redox related complexes [{M(dppe)Cp*}2(mu-C4)]n+ (n = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4), the osmium derivatives being obtained at considerably lower potentials than the ruthenium analogues. These results are complimented by DFT and DT DFT calculations.

  11. Dirac operators and spectral triples for some fractal sets built on curves

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Erik; Ivan, Cristina; Lapidus, Michel L.


    A spectral triple is an object which is described using an algebra of operators on a Hilbert space and an unbounded self-adjoint operator, called a Dirac operator. This model may be applied to the study of classical geometrical objects .The article contains a construction of a spectral triple ass...... associated to some classical fractal subsets of the plane, and it is demonstrated that you can read of many classical geometrical structures, such as distance, measure and Hausdorff dimension from the spectral triple....

  12. Natural triple beta-stranded fibrous folds. (United States)

    Mitraki, Anna; Papanikolopoulou, Katerina; Van Raaij, Mark J


    A distinctive family of beta-structured folds has recently been described for fibrous proteins from viruses. Virus fibers are usually involved in specific host-cell recognition. They are asymmetric homotrimeric proteins consisting of an N-terminal virus-binding tail, a central shaft or stalk domain, and a C-terminal globular receptor-binding domain. Often they are entirely or nearly entirely composed of beta-structure. Apart from their biological relevance and possible gene therapy applications, their shape, stability, and rigidity suggest they may be useful as blueprints for biomechanical design. Folding and unfolding studies suggest their globular C-terminal domain may fold first, followed by a "zipping-up" of the shaft domains. The C-terminal domains appear to be important for registration because peptides corresponding to shaft domains alone aggregate into nonnative fibers and/or amyloid structures. C-terminal domains can be exchanged between different fibers and the resulting chimeric proteins are useful as a way to solve structures of unknown parts of the shaft domains. The following natural triple beta-stranded fibrous folds have been discovered by X-ray crystallography: the triple beta-spiral, triple beta-helix, and T4 short tail fiber fold. All have a central longitudinal hydrophobic core and extensive intermonomer polar and nonpolar interactions. Now that a reasonable body of structural and folding knowledge has been assembled about these fibrous proteins, the next challenge and opportunity is to start using this information in medical and industrial applications such as gene therapy and nanotechnology.

  13. Triple Achilles Tendon Rupture: Case Report. (United States)

    Saxena, Amol; Hofer, Deann

    We present a case report with 1-year follow-up data of a 57-year-old male soccer referee who had sustained an acute triple Achilles tendon rupture injury during a game. His triple Achilles tendon rupture consisted of a rupture of the proximal watershed region, a rupture of the main body (mid-watershed area), and an avulsion-type rupture of insertional calcific tendinosis. The patient was treated surgically with primary repair of the tendon, including tenodesis with anchors. Postoperative treatment included non-weightbearing for 4 weeks and protected weightbearing until 10 weeks postoperative, followed by formal physical therapy, which incorporated an "antigravity" treadmill. The patient was able to return to full activity after 26 weeks, including running and refereeing, without limitations. Copyright © 2017 The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Comparative study on mammography between triple negative and triple positive breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Chunxiao; Lin Qing; Yang Qing; Zhang Chuanyu; Wang Shaohua; Yu Hualong; Duan Feng; Liu Shihe


    Objective: To analyze the mammographic findings of triple-negative breast cancer [TNBC, which is estrogen receptor (ER) negative, progesterone receptor (PR) negative, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) negative] and triple-positive breast cancer (TPBC, which is ER positive, PR positive, and HER2 positive), and to evaluate the relationship of immunohistochemologic receptor status and mammographic findings. Methods: The immunohistochemistry results of 631 cases with breast cancers were reviewed, including 117 cases of TNBC and 44 cases of TPBC. All of the patients took mammography at initial diagnosis. We retrospectively evaluated the visibility, morphology, distribution and size of the lesion (masses and calcifications) and breast density on mammography of TNBC, and compared them with those of TPBC. The age onset and tumor sizes of TNBC and TPBC were compared by using Chi-square test and t test. Results: The visibility rate of TNBC and TPBC on mammography were 88.0%(103/117) and 90.9% (40/44), and the difference between them was insignificant (χ 2 =0.055, P >0.05). TNBC was more frequently associated with merely a mass (56/103) than TPBC (12/40) (χ 2 =6.860, P<0.01), and the mean diameter of the mass of TNBC [(2.6 ± 1.4) cm] was larger than that of TPBC [(2.0 ± 0.6) cm] (t=2.087, P<0.05). TNBC were less frequently associated with microcalcifications (37/103) than TPBC (24/40) (χ 2 =7.423, P<0.01). Mammographic density and lesion visibility were similar between the two different immunophenotypes of breast cancers. The mean age of TNBC (52±9) was more than that of TPBC (48 ±8) (t=2.759, P<0.01). Infiltrating ductal carcinoma was the main pathologic type of both groups. Basal-like breast cancer accounted for 49% (57/117) of TNBC while none happened in TPBC. Conclusions: TNBC shows merely a mass with indistinct margins,lager size and is less associated with microcalcifications. These mammographic features might be useful in diagnosing triple

  15. Tunable Hybrid Qubit in a Triple Quantum Dot (United States)

    Wang, Bao-Chuan; Cao, Gang; Li, Hai-Ou; Xiao, Ming; Guo, Guang-Can; Hu, Xuedong; Jiang, Hong-Wen; Guo, Guo-Ping


    We experimentally demonstrate quantum-coherent dynamics of a triple-dot-based multielectron hybrid qubit. Pulsed experiments show that this system can be conveniently initialized, controlled, measured electrically, and has a good ratio Q ˜29 between the coherence time and gate time. Furthermore, the current multielectron hybrid qubit has an operation frequency that is tunable in a wide range, from 2 to about 15 GHz. We also provide a qualitative understanding of the experimental observations by mapping them onto a three-electron system. The demonstration of the high tunability in a triple dot system could be potentially useful for future quantum control.

  16. An overview of triple infection with hepatitis B, C and D viruses. (United States)

    Riaz, Mehwish; Idrees, Muhamad; Kanwal, Hifza; Kabir, Firoz


    Viral hepatitis is one of the major health problems worldwide, particularly in South East Asian countries including Pakistan where hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections are highly endemic. Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is also not uncommon world-wide. HCV, HBV, and HDV share parallel routes of transmission due to which dual or triple viral infection can occur in a proportion of patients at the same time. HBV and HCV are important factors in the development of liver cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In addition to LC and HCC, chronic HDV infection also plays an important role in liver damage with oncogenic potential.The current article reviews the available literature about the epidemiology, pathogenesis, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, replication, disease outcome, treatment and preventive measures of triple hepatitis infection by using key words; epidemiology of triple infection, risk factors, awareness status, treatment and replication cycle in PubMed, PakMediNet, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Google Scholar. Total data from 74 different studies published from 1983 to 2010 on triple hepatitis infections were reviewed and included in this study. The present article briefly describes triple infection with HCV, HBV and HDV.

  17. A simple method for α determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ho Manh Dung; Seung Yeon Cho


    The a term is a primary parameter that is used to indicate the deviation of the epithermal neutron distribution in the k 0 -standardization method of neutron activation analysis, k 0 -NAA. The calculation of a using a mathematical procedure is a challenge for some researchers. The calculation of a by the 'bare-triple monitor' method is possible using the dedicated commercial software KAYZERO R /SOLCOI R . However, when this software is not available in the laboratory it is possible to carry out the calculation of a applying a simple iterative linear regression using any spreadsheets. This approach is described. The experimental data used in the example were obtained by the irradiation of a set of suitable monitors in the NAA no.1 irradiation channel of the HANARO research reactor (KAERI, Korea). The results obtained by this iterative linear regression method agree well with the results calculated by the validated mathematical method. (author)

  18. Triple-effect absorption refrigeration system with double-condenser coupling (United States)

    DeVault, Robert C.; Biermann, Wendell J.


    A triple effect absorption refrigeration system is provided with a double-condenser coupling and a parallel or series circuit for feeding the refrigerant-containing absorbent solution through the high, medium, and low temperature generators utilized in the triple-effect system. The high temperature condenser receiving vaporous refrigerant from the high temperature generator is double coupled to both the medium temperature generator and the low temperature generator to enhance the internal recovery of heat within the system and thereby increase the thermal efficiency thereof.

  19. Binaries and triples among asteroid pairs (United States)

    Pravec, Petr; Scheirich, Peter; Kušnirák, Peter; Hornoch, Kamil; Galád, Adrián


    Despite major achievements obtained during the past two decades, our knowledge of the population and properties of small binary and multiple asteroid systems is still far from advanced. There is a numerous indirect evidence for that most small asteroid systems were formed by rotational fission of cohesionless parent asteroids that were spun up to the critical frequency presumably by YORP, but details of the process are lacking. Furthermore, as we proceed with observations of more and more binary and paired asteroids, we reveal new facts that substantially refine and sometimes change our understanding of the asteroid systems. One significant new finding we have recently obtained is that primaries of many asteroid pairs are actually binary or triple systems. The first such case found is (3749) Balam (Vokrouhlický, ApJL 706, L37, 2009). We have found 9 more binary systems among asteroid pairs within our ongoing NEOSource photometric project since October 2012. They are (6369) 1983 UC, (8306) Shoko, (9783) Tensho-kan, (10123) Fideoja, (21436) Chaoyichi, (43008) 1999 UD31, (44620) 1999 RS43, (46829) 1998 OS14 and (80218) 1999 VO123. We will review their characteristics. These paired binaries as we call them are mostly similar to binaries in the general ("background") population (of unpaired asteroids), but there are a few trends. The paired binaries tend to have larger secondaries with D_2/D_1 = 0.3 to 0.5 and they also tend to be wider systems with 8 of the 10 having orbital periods between 30 and 81 hours, than average among binaries in the general population. There may be also a larger fraction of triples; (3749) Balam is a confirmed triple, having a larger close and a smaller distant satellite, and (8306) Shoko and (10123) Fideoja are suspect triples as they show additional rotational lightcurve components with periods of 61 and 38.8 h that differ from the orbital period of 36.2 and 56.5 h, respectively. The unbound secondaries tend to be of the same size or

  20. Triple-axis spectrometer DruechaL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buehrer, W.; Keller, P.


    DruechaL is a triple-axis spectrometer located at a cold guide. The characteristics of guide and instrument allow the use of a broad spectral range of neutrons. The resolution in momentum and energy transfer can be tuned to match the experimental requirements by using either collimators or focusing systems (monochromator, antitrumpet, analyser). (author) figs., tabs., refs

  1. Triple-axis spectrometer DruechaL

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buehrer, W; Keller, P [Lab. for Neutron Scattering ETH Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland) and Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen (Switzerland)


    DruechaL is a triple-axis spectrometer located at a cold guide. The characteristics of guide and instrument allow the use of a broad spectral range of neutrons. The resolution in momentum and energy transfer can be tuned to match the experimental requirements by using either collimators or focusing systems (monochromator, antitrumpet, analyser). (author) figs., tabs., refs.

  2. Optimal shape of a cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lefmann, K., E-mail: lefmann@fys.ku.d [Nanoscience and eScience Centers, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Copenhagen O (Denmark); European Spallation Source, University of Lund, St. Algatan 4, Lund (Sweden); Filges, U. [Laboratory for Development and Methods, Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen PSI (Switzerland); Treue, F. [Nanoscience and eScience Centers, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Copenhagen O (Denmark); Kirkensgard, J.J.K. [Institute of Nature and Models, Roskilde University (Denmark); Department of Basic Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen (Denmark); Plesner, B. [Institute of Nature and Models, Roskilde University (Denmark); Hansen, K.S. [Institute of Nature and Models, Roskilde University (Denmark); Mid-Greenland High School, Nuuk, Greenland (Denmark); Kleno, K.H. [Nanoscience and eScience Centers, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Copenhagen O (Denmark); European Spallation Source, University of Lund, St. Algatan 4, Lund (Sweden)


    We have performed a McStas optimization of the primary spectrometer for a generic 40 m long, cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer with a doubly focusing monochromator. The optimal design contains an elliptically focusing guide, a virtual source point before a low-grade PG monochromator, and non-equidistant focusing at the monochromator. The flux at 5 meV shows a gain factor 12 over the 'classical' design with a straight 12x3cm{sup 2}, m=2 guide and a vertically focusing PG monochromator. In addition, the energy resolution was found to be improved. This unexpectedly large design improvement agrees with the Liouville theorem and can be understood as the product of many smaller gain factors, combined with a more optimal utilization of the beam divergence within the guide. Our results may be relevant for a possible upgrade of a number of cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometers-and for a possible triple-axis spectrometer at the European Spallation Source.

  3. Recovering the triple coincidence of non-pure positron emitters in preclinical PET (United States)

    Lin, Hsin-Hon; Chuang, Keh-Shih; Chen, Szu-Yu; Jan, Meei-Ling


    Non-pure positron emitters, with their long half-lives, allow for the tracing of slow biochemical processes which cannot be adequately examined by the commonly used short-lived positron emitters. Most of these isotopes emit high-energy cascade gamma rays in addition to positron decay that can be detected and create a triple coincidence with annihilation photons. Triple coincidence is discarded in most scanners, however, the majority of the triple coincidence contains true photon pairs that can be recovered. In this study, we propose a strategy for recovering triple coincidence events to raise the sensitivity of PET imaging for non-pure positron emitters. To identify the true line of response (LOR) from a triple coincidence, a framework utilizing geometrical, energy and temporal information is proposed. The geometrical criterion is based on the assumption that the LOR with the largest radial offset among the three sub pairs of triple coincidences is least likely to be a true LOR. Then, a confidence time window is used to test the valid LOR among those within triple coincidence. Finally, a likelihood ratio discriminant rule based on the energy probability density distribution of cascade and annihilation gammas is established to identify the true LOR. An Inveon preclinical PET scanner was modeled with GATE (GEANT4 application for tomographic emission) Monte Carlo software. We evaluated the performance of the proposed method in terms of identification fraction, noise equivalent count rates (NECR), and image quality on various phantoms. With the inclusion of triple coincidence events using the proposed method, the NECR was found to increase from 11% to 26% and 19% to 29% for I-124 and Br-76, respectively, when 7.4-185 MBq of activity was used. Compared to the reconstructed images using double coincidence, this technique increased the SNR by 5.1-7.3% for I-124 and 9.3-10.3% for Br-76 within the activity range of 9.25-74 MBq, without compromising the spatial resolution or

  4. Nottingham Prognostic Index in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: a reliable prognostic tool?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albergaria, André; Ricardo, Sara; Milanezi, Fernanda; Carneiro, Vítor; Amendoeira, Isabel; Vieira, Daniella; Cameselle-Teijeiro, Jorge; Schmitt, Fernando


    A breast cancer prognostic tool should ideally be applicable to all types of invasive breast lesions. A number of studies have shown histopathological grade to be an independent prognostic factor in breast cancer, adding prognostic power to nodal stage and tumour size. The Nottingham Prognostic Index has been shown to accurately predict patient outcome in stratified groups with a follow-up period of 15 years after primary diagnosis of breast cancer. Clinically, breast tumours that lack the expression of Oestrogen Receptor, Progesterone Receptor and Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2 (HER2) are identified as presenting a 'triple-negative' phenotype or as triple-negative breast cancers. These poor outcome tumours represent an easily recognisable prognostic group of breast cancer with aggressive behaviour that currently lack the benefit of available systemic therapy. There are conflicting results on the prevalence of lymph node metastasis at the time of diagnosis in triple-negative breast cancer patients but it is currently accepted that triple-negative breast cancer does not metastasize to axillary nodes and bones as frequently as the non-triple-negative carcinomas, favouring instead, a preferentially haematogenous spread. Hypothetically, this particular tumour dissemination pattern would impair the reliability of using Nottingham Prognostic Index as a tool for triple-negative breast cancer prognostication. The present study tested the effectiveness of the Nottingham Prognostic Index in stratifying breast cancer patients of different subtypes with special emphasis in a triple-negative breast cancer patient subset versus non- triple-negative breast cancer. We demonstrated that besides the fact that TNBC disseminate to axillary lymph nodes as frequently as luminal or HER2 tumours, we also showed that TNBC are larger in size compared with other subtypes and almost all grade 3. Additionally, survival curves demonstrated that these prognostic factors are

  5. Magnitude of regge cut contributions in the triple-regge region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartels, J.; Kramer, G.


    Starting from the reggeon calculus, the various possibilities of absorptive Pomeron cut corrections in the triple-Regge region are considered. For the case of pp→pX, we estimate their importance at present day energies. We conclude that at highest ISR energies Pomeron cuts of the eikonal type are not enough, and enhanced diagrams with at least one additional triple Pomeron coupling need to be included. (orig.) [de

  6. An empirical understanding of triple collocation evaluation measure (United States)

    Scipal, Klaus; Doubkova, Marcela; Hegyova, Alena; Dorigo, Wouter; Wagner, Wolfgang


    Triple collocation method is an advanced evaluation method that has been used in the soil moisture field for only about half a decade. The method requires three datasets with an independent error structure that represent an identical phenomenon. The main advantages of the method are that it a) doesn't require a reference dataset that has to be considered to represent the truth, b) limits the effect of random and systematic errors of other two datasets, and c) simultaneously assesses the error of three datasets. The objective of this presentation is to assess the triple collocation error (Tc) of the ASAR Global Mode Surface Soil Moisture (GM SSM 1) km dataset and highlight problems of the method related to its ability to cancel the effect of error of ancillary datasets. In particular, the goal is to a) investigate trends in Tc related to the change in spatial resolution from 5 to 25 km, b) to investigate trends in Tc related to the choice of a hydrological model, and c) to study the relationship between Tc and other absolute evaluation methods (namely RMSE and Error Propagation EP). The triple collocation method is implemented using ASAR GM, AMSR-E, and a model (either AWRA-L, GLDAS-NOAH, or ERA-Interim). First, the significance of the relationship between the three soil moisture datasets was tested that is a prerequisite for the triple collocation method. Second, the trends in Tc related to the choice of the third reference dataset and scale were assessed. For this purpose the triple collocation is repeated replacing AWRA-L with two different globally available model reanalysis dataset operating at different spatial resolution (ERA-Interim and GLDAS-NOAH). Finally, the retrieved results were compared to the results of the RMSE and EP evaluation measures. Our results demonstrate that the Tc method does not eliminate the random and time-variant systematic errors of the second and the third dataset used in the Tc. The possible reasons include the fact a) that the TC

  7. Decreased triple network connectivity in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (United States)

    Liu, Yang; Li, Liang; Li, Baojuan; Zhang, Xi; Lu, Hongbing


    The triple network model provides a common framework for understanding affective and neurocognitive dysfunctions across multiple disorders, including central executive network (CEN), default mode network (DMN), and salience network (SN). Considering the effect of traumatic experience on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this study aims to explore the alteration of triple network connectivity in a specific PTSD induced by a single prolonged trauma exposure. With arterial spin labeling sequence, three networks were identified using independent component analysis in 10 PTSD patients and 10 healthy survivors, who experienced the same coal mining flood disaster. In PTSD patients, decreased connectivity was identified in left middle frontal gyrus of CEN, left precuneus and bilateral superior frontal gyrus of DMN, and right anterior insula of SN. The decreased connectivity in left middle frontal gyrus was identified to associate with clinical severity. These results indicated the decreased triple network connectivity, which not only supported the proposal of the triple network model, but also prompted possible neurobiology mechanism of cognitive dysfunction for this kind of PTSD.

  8. Pengaruh Struktur Audit, Konflik Peran, dan Ketidakjelasan Peran terhadap Kinerja Auditor


    Hanif, Rheny Afriana


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan memperoleh bukti empiris mengenaipengaruh struktur audit, konflik peran, dan ketidakjelasan peran terhadap kinerjaauditor.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jawa Timur dengan responden auditor yang bekerjapada Kantor Akuntan Publik Jawa Timur sesuai dengan Directory KantorAkuntan Publik yang dikeluarkan oleh IAI. Pengambilan sample dilakukandengan tehnik proportionate stratified random sampling yang didasarkan padadua strata yaitu partner dan staf audit. Pe...

  9. Recovery by triple junction motion in aluminium deformed to ultrahigh strains

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yu, Tianbo; Hansen, Niels; Huang, Xiaoxu


    during plastic deformation and decreases during isochronal and isothermal annealing. Based on TEM and EBSD observations, thermally activated triple junction motion is identified as the key process during the recovery of highly strained aluminium, leading to the removal of thin lamellae with small...... dihedral angles at the ends and structural coarsening. A mechanism for recovery by triple junction motion is proposed, which can underpin the general observation that a lamellar structure formed by plastic deformation during annealing can evolve into an equiaxed structure, preceding further structural...... coarsening and recrystallization. Within this framework, the grain boundary surface tension on triple junctions is discussed based on the structural parameters characterizing the deformed and annealed microstructure....

  10. Selective intercalation of six ligands molecules in a self-assembled triple helix

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mateos timoneda, Miguel; Kerckhoffs, J.M.C.A.; Reinhoudt, David; Crego Calama, Mercedes


    The addition of a ligand molecule to an artificial self-assembled triple helix leads to the selective intercalation of two hydrogen-bonded trimers in specific binding pockets. Furthermore, the triple helix suffers large conformational rearrangements in order to accommodate the ligand molecules in a

  11. Evaluation of a novel triple-channel radiochromic film analysis procedure using EBT2. (United States)

    van Hoof, Stefan J; Granton, Patrick V; Landry, Guillaume; Podesta, Mark; Verhaegen, Frank


    A novel approach to read out radiochromic film was introduced recently by the manufacturer of GafChromic film. In this study, the performance of this triple-channel film dosimetry method was compared against the conventional single-red-channel film dosimetry procedure, with and without inclusion of a pre-irradiation (pre-IR) film scan, using EBT2 film and kilo- and megavoltage photon beams up to 10 Gy. When considering regions of interest averaged doses, the triple-channel method and both single-channel methods produced equivalent results. Absolute dose discrepancies between the triple-channel method, both single-channel methods and the treatment planning system calculated dose values, were no larger than 5 cGy for dose levels up to 2.2 Gy. Signal to noise in triple-channel dose images was found to be similar to signal to noise in single-channel dose images. The accuracy of resulting dose images from the triple- and single-channel methods with inclusion of pre-IR film scan was found to be similar. Results of a comparison of EBT2 data from a kilovoltage depth dose experiment to corresponding Monte Carlo depth dose data produced dose discrepancies of 9.5 ± 12 cGy and 7.6 ± 6 cGy for the single-channel method with inclusion of a pre-IR film scan and the triple-channel method, respectively. EBT2 showed to be energy sensitive at low kilovoltage energies with response differences of 11.9% and 15.6% in the red channel at 2 Gy between 50-225 kVp and 80-225 kVp photon spectra, respectively. We observed that the triple-channel method resulted in non-uniformity corrections of ±1% and consistency values of 0-3 cGy for the batches and dose levels studied. Results of this study indicate that the triple-channel radiochromic film read-out method performs at least as well as the single-channel method with inclusion of a pre-IR film scan, reduces film non-uniformity and saves time with elimination of a pre-IR film scan.

  12. One-bit photon polarization in two-photon experiments. An information mechanics perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kantor, F.W.


    In this paper is presented a detailed treatment of amount and representation of photon polarization information in the two-photon experiments of Aspect, Grangier, and Roger, seeking to test Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen's thought experiment. Newton's mechanics, Einstein's relativistic mechanics, and quantum mechanics do not treat as fundamental the amount and representation of information in physical systems. The line of reasoning presented here was reached via Kantor's information mechanics. The information bookkeeping presented here appears to offer a simple, physical insight into what the apparatus and the photons are doing together

  13. On Spectral Triples in Quantum Gravity I

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aastrup, Johannes; M. Grimstrup, Jesper; Nest, Ryszard


    This paper establishes a link between Noncommutative Geometry and canonical quantum gravity. A semi-finite spectral triple over a space of connections is presented. The triple involves an algebra of holonomy loops and a Dirac type operator which resembles a global functional derivation operator....... The interaction between the Dirac operator and the algebra reproduces the Poisson structure of General Relativity. Moreover, the associated Hilbert space corresponds, up to a discrete symmetry group, to the Hilbert space of diffeomorphism invariant states known from Loop Quantum Gravity. Correspondingly......, the square of the Dirac operator has, in terms of canonical quantum gravity, the form of a global area-squared operator. Furthermore, the spectral action resembles a partition function of Quantum Gravity. The construction is background independent and is based on an inductive system of triangulations...

  14. VERITAS: Versatile Triple-Axis Spectrometer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Sung Il


    Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is planning to build a cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer at HANARO, the 30 MW research reactor. The spectrometer is expected to be completed in 2008 with the following configuration from the upstream to the downstream. Guide Supermirror m = 2, In-pile Straight Section, {approx} 5 m Curved Guide, {approx} 26 m w/ R 1500 m Straight Guide before the Instrument, {approx} 40 m Filters PG and Be Neutron Velocity Selector (Future) Monochromators Vertically Focusing Monochromators PG(002) and Heusler(111) Doubly Focusing Monochromators (Future) Monochromator-Sample Distance 2 m Collimation C1 Soller Collimators, 20', 40' 80'Beam Height at the Sample Table 1.5 m Sample-Analyzer Distance 1.0 m Collimation C2 Soller Collimators, 20', 40', 80' Radial Collimator Analyzers Horizontally Focusing Analyzers w/ Fixed Vertical Focusing PG(002) and Heusler(111) Analyzer-Detector Distance 0.5 m Detectors 5 cm Tube Detector 25 cm wide Position Sensitive Detector Once completed, the neutron flux at sample is expected to surpass that of SPINS at NCNR, making this instrument one of the most powerful 2nd generation cold neutron triple-axis spectrometers in the world.

  15. VERITAS: Versatile Triple-Axis Spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Sung Il


    Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is planning to build a cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer at HANARO, the 30 MW research reactor. The spectrometer is expected to be completed in 2008 with the following configuration from the upstream to the downstream. Guide Supermirror m = 2, In-pile Straight Section, ∼ 5 m Curved Guide, ∼ 26 m w/ R 1500 m Straight Guide before the Instrument, ∼ 40 m Filters PG and Be Neutron Velocity Selector (Future) Monochromators Vertically Focusing Monochromators PG(002) and Heusler(111) Doubly Focusing Monochromators (Future) Monochromator-Sample Distance 2 m Collimation C1 Soller Collimators, 20', 40' 80'Beam Height at the Sample Table 1.5 m Sample-Analyzer Distance 1.0 m Collimation C2 Soller Collimators, 20', 40', 80' Radial Collimator Analyzers Horizontally Focusing Analyzers w/ Fixed Vertical Focusing PG(002) and Heusler(111) Analyzer-Detector Distance 0.5 m Detectors 5 cm Tube Detector 25 cm wide Position Sensitive Detector Once completed, the neutron flux at sample is expected to surpass that of SPINS at NCNR, making this instrument one of the most powerful 2nd generation cold neutron triple-axis spectrometers in the world

  16. Self-assembled RNA-triple-helix hydrogel scaffold for microRNA modulation in the tumour microenvironment (United States)

    Conde, João; Oliva, Nuria; Atilano, Mariana; Song, Hyun Seok; Artzi, Natalie


    The therapeutic potential of miRNA (miR) in cancer is limited by the lack of efficient delivery vehicles. Here, we show that a self-assembled dual-colour RNA-triple-helix structure comprising two miRNAs--a miR mimic (tumour suppressor miRNA) and an antagomiR (oncomiR inhibitor)--provides outstanding capability to synergistically abrogate tumours. Conjugation of RNA triple helices to dendrimers allows the formation of stable triplex nanoparticles, which form an RNA-triple-helix adhesive scaffold upon interaction with dextran aldehyde, the latter able to chemically interact and adhere to natural tissue amines in the tumour. We also show that the self-assembled RNA-triple-helix conjugates remain functional in vitro and in vivo, and that they lead to nearly 90% levels of tumour shrinkage two weeks post-gel implantation in a triple-negative breast cancer mouse model. Our findings suggest that the RNA-triple-helix hydrogels can be used as an efficient anticancer platform to locally modulate the expression of endogenous miRs in cancer.

  17. Triple helix interactions for eco-innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Riisgaard, Henrik; Remmen, Arne

    the role of science parks in promoting eco-innovation. This study uses qualitative data gathered in two units of analysis: Panama Canal Authority and City of Knowledge Science Park. The study examines how Triple Helix interactions have built the regional system of eco-innovation at the Panama Canal...

  18. Software-Enabled Project Management Techniques and Their Relationship to the Triple Constraints (United States)

    Elleh, Festus U.


    This study investigated the relationship between software-enabled project management techniques and the triple constraints (time, cost, and scope). There was the dearth of academic literature that focused on the relationship between software-enabled project management techniques and the triple constraints (time, cost, and scope). Based on the gap…

  19. Predicting muscle forces during the propulsion phase of single leg triple hop test. (United States)

    Alvim, Felipe Costa; Lucareli, Paulo Roberto Garcia; Menegaldo, Luciano Luporini


    Functional biomechanical tests allow the assessment of musculoskeletal system impairments in a simple way. Muscle force synergies associated with movement can provide additional information for diagnosis. However, such forces cannot be directly measured noninvasively. This study aims to estimate muscle activations and forces exerted during the preparation phase of the single leg triple hop test. Two different approaches were tested: static optimization (SO) and computed muscle control (CMC). As an indirect validation, model-estimated muscle activations were compared with surface electromyography (EMG) of selected hip and thigh muscles. Ten physically healthy active women performed a series of jumps, and ground reaction forces, kinematics and EMG data were recorded. An existing OpenSim model with 92 musculotendon actuators was used to estimate muscle forces. Reflective markers data were processed using the OpenSim Inverse Kinematics tool. Residual Reduction Algorithm (RRA) was applied recursively before running the SO and CMC. For both, the same adjusted kinematics were used as inputs. Both approaches presented similar residuals amplitudes. SO showed a closer agreement between the estimated activations and the EMGs of some muscles. Due to inherent EMG methodological limitations, the superiority of SO in relation to CMC can be only hypothesized. It should be confirmed by conducting further studies comparing joint contact forces. The workflow presented in this study can be used to estimate muscle forces during the preparation phase of the single leg triple hop test and allows investigating muscle activation and coordination. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Sound transmission through triple-panel structures lined with poroelastic materials


    Liu, Y


    In this paper, previous theories on the prediction of sound transmission loss for a double-panel structure lined with poroelastic materials are extended to address the problem of a triple-panel structure. Six typical configurations are considered for a triple-panel structure based on the method of coupling the porous layers to the facing panels which determines critically the sound insulation performance of the system. The transfer matrix method is employed to solve the system by applying app...

  1. Measurement of triple gauge-boson couplings at 172 GeV

    CERN Document Server

    Barate, R; Décamp, D; Ghez, P; Goy, C; Lees, J P; Lucotte, A; Minard, M N; Nief, J Y; Pietrzyk, B; Boix, G; Casado, M P; Chmeissani, M; Crespo, J M; Delfino, M C; Fernández, E; Fernández-Bosman, M; Garrido, L; Graugès-Pous, E; Juste, A; Martínez, M; Merino, G; Miquel, R; Mir, L M; Morawitz, P; Park, I C; Pascual, A; Perlas, J A; Riu, I; Sánchez, F; Colaleo, A; Creanza, D; De Palma, M; Gelao, G; Iaselli, Giuseppe; Maggi, G; Maggi, M; Nuzzo, S; Ranieri, A; Raso, G; Ruggieri, F; Selvaggi, G; Silvestris, L; Tempesta, P; Tricomi, A; Zito, G; Huang, X; Lin, J; Ouyang, Q; Wang, T; Xie, Y; Xu, R; Xue, S; Zhang, J; Zhang, L; Zhao, W; Abbaneo, D; Alemany, R; Becker, U; Bright-Thomas, P G; Casper, David William; Cattaneo, M; Cerutti, F; Ciulli, V; Dissertori, G; Drevermann, H; Forty, Roger W; Frank, M; Gianotti, F; Hagelberg, R; Hansen, J B; Harvey, J; Janot, P; Jost, B; Lehraus, Ivan; Mato, P; Minten, Adolf G; Moneta, L; Pacheco, A; Pusztaszeri, J F; Ranjard, F; Rolandi, Luigi; Rousseau, D; Schlatter, W D; Schmitt, M; Schneider, O; Tejessy, W; Teubert, F; Tomalin, I R; Vreeswijk, M; Wachsmuth, H W; Wagner, A; Ajaltouni, Ziad J; Badaud, F; Chazelle, G; Deschamps, O; Falvard, A; Ferdi, C; Gay, P; Guicheney, C; Henrard, P; Jousset, J; Michel, B; Monteil, S; Montret, J C; Pallin, D; Perret, P; Podlyski, F; Proriol, J; Rosnet, P; Fearnley, Tom; Hansen, J D; Hansen, J R; Hansen, P H; Nilsson, B S; Rensch, B; Wäänänen, A; Daskalakis, G; Kyriakis, A; Markou, C; Simopoulou, Errietta; Vayaki, Anna; Blondel, A; Brient, J C; Machefert, F P; Rougé, A; Rumpf, M; Valassi, Andrea; Videau, H L; Boccali, T; Focardi, E; Parrini, G; Zachariadou, K; Cavanaugh, R J; Corden, M; Georgiopoulos, C H; Hühn, T; Jaffe, D E; Antonelli, A; Bencivenni, G; Bologna, G; Bossi, F; Campana, P; Capon, G; Chiarella, V; Felici, G; Laurelli, P; Mannocchi, G; Murtas, F; Murtas, G P; Passalacqua, L; Pepé-Altarelli, M; Curtis, L; Dorris, S J; Halley, A W; Lynch, J G; Negus, P; O'Shea, V; Raine, C; Scarr, J M; Smith, K; Teixeira-Dias, P; Thompson, A S; Thomson, E; Thomson, F; Ward, J J; Buchmüller, O L; Dhamotharan, S; Geweniger, C; Graefe, G; Hanke, P; Hansper, G; Hepp, V; Kluge, E E; Putzer, A; Sommer, J; Tittel, K; Werner, S; Wunsch, M; Beuselinck, R; Binnie, David M; Cameron, W; Dornan, Peter J; Girone, M; Goodsir, S M; Martin, E B; Marinelli, N; Moutoussi, A; Nash, J; Sedgbeer, J K; Spagnolo, P; Williams, M D; Ghete, V M; Girtler, P; Kneringer, E; Kuhn, D; Rudolph, G; Betteridge, A P; Bowdery, C K; Buck, P G; Colrain, P; Crawford, G; Finch, A J; Foster, F; Hughes, G; Jones, R W L; Whelan, E P; Williams, M I; Giehl, I; Hoffmann, C; Jakobs, K; Kleinknecht, K; Quast, G; Renk, B; Rohne, E; Sander, H G; Van Gemmeren, P; Zeitnitz, C; Aubert, Jean-Jacques; Benchouk, C; Bonissent, A; Bujosa, G; Carr, J; Coyle, P; Ealet, A; Fouchez, D; Leroy, O; Motsch, F; Payre, P; Talby, M; Sadouki, A; Thulasidas, M; Tilquin, A; Trabelsi, K; Aleppo, M; Antonelli, M; Ragusa, F; Berlich, R; Blum, Walter; Büscher, V; Dietl, H; Ganis, G; Gotzhein, C; Kroha, H; Lütjens, G; Lutz, Gerhard; Mannert, C; Männer, W; Moser, H G; Richter, R H; Rosado-Schlosser, A; Schael, S; Settles, Ronald; Seywerd, H C J; Stenzel, H; Wiedenmann, W; Wolf, G; Boucrot, J; Callot, O; Chen, S; Davier, M; Duflot, L; Grivaz, J F; Heusse, P; Höcker, A; Jacholkowska, A; Kado, M; Kim, D W; Le Diberder, F R; Lefrançois, J; Lutz, A M; Schune, M H; Serin, L; Tournefier, E; Veillet, J J; Videau, I; Zerwas, D; Azzurri, P; Bagliesi, G; Bettarini, S; Bozzi, C; Calderini, G; Dell'Orso, R; Fantechi, R; Ferrante, I; Giassi, A; Gregorio, A; Ligabue, F; Lusiani, A; Marrocchesi, P S; Messineo, A; Palla, Fabrizio; Rizzo, G; Sanguinetti, G; Sciabà, A; Sguazzoni, G; Steinberger, Jack; Tenchini, Roberto; Vannini, C; Venturi, A; Verdini, P G; Blair, G A; Bryant, L M; Chambers, J T; Coles, J; Green, M G; Medcalf, T; Perrodo, P; Strong, J A; Von Wimmersperg-Töller, J H; Botterill, David R; Clifft, R W; Edgecock, T R; Haywood, S; Maley, P; Norton, P R; Thompson, J C; Wright, A E; Bloch-Devaux, B; Colas, P; Fabbro, B; Faïf, G; Lançon, E; Lemaire, M C; Locci, E; Pérez, P; Przysiezniak, H; Rander, J; Renardy, J F; Rosowsky, A; Roussarie, A; Trabelsi, A; Vallage, B; Black, S N; Dann, J H; Kim, H Y; Konstantinidis, N P; Litke, A M; McNeil, M A; Taylor, G; Booth, C N; Brew, C A J; Cartwright, S L; Combley, F; Kelly, M S; Lehto, M H; Reeve, J; Thompson, L F; Affholderbach, K; Böhrer, A; Brandt, S; Cowan, G D; Foss, J; Grupen, Claus; Smolik, L; Stephan, F; Apollonio, M; Bosisio, L; Della Marina, R; Giannini, G; Gobbo, B; Musolino, G; Pütz, J; Rothberg, J E; Wasserbaech, S R; Williams, R W; Armstrong, S R; Charles, E; Elmer, P; Ferguson, D P S; Gao, Y; González, S; Greening, T C; Hayes, O J; Hu, H; Jin, S; McNamara, P A; Nachtman, J M; Nielsen, J; Orejudos, W; Pan, Y B; Saadi, Y; Scott, I J; Walsh, J; Wu Sau Lan; Wu, X; Yamartino, J M; Zobernig, G


    The triple gauge-boson couplings, Awp, Aw and Abp, have been measured using 34 semileptonically and 54 hadronically decaying WW candidate events. The events were selected in the data recorded during 1996 with the ALEPH detector at 172 GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 10.65 pb^-1. The triple gauge-boson couplings have been measured using optimal observables constructed from kinematic information of WW events. The results are in agreement with the Standard Model expectation.



    Priyono, Nuwun


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kota Magelang Periode Tahun 2001-2010. Penelitian berlokasi di Kota Magelang Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Data yang dipakai adalah data sekunder, yang diperoleh melalui website Direktorat jenderal perimbangan keuangan dan Kantor Litbang Kota Magelang, serta datang langsung ke Kantor Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Magelang.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausalitas dibant...



    Meilda Wiguna


    Abstrak: Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh role stress, role ambiguity, self-efficacy, sensitifitas etika profesi, gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja auditor dengan emotional quotient sebagai variabel moderating. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah para auditor yang bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik di Pekanbaru, Batam, Medan.Jumlah auditor yang menjadi sampel penelitian ini adalah 145 auditor dari 29 Kantor Akuntan Publik. Metode penentuan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah purposi...

  4. Pengaruh Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, Self-efficacy, Sensitifitas Etika Profesi, Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Auditor dengan Emotional Quotient sebagai Variabel Moderating


    Wiguna, Meilda


    : Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh role stress, role ambiguity, self-efficacy, sensitifitas etika profesi, gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja auditor dengan emotional quotient sebagai variabel moderating. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah para auditor yang bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik di Pekanbaru, Batam, Medan.Jumlah auditor yang menjadi sampel penelitian ini adalah 145 auditor dari 29 Kantor Akuntan Publik. Metode penentuan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah purposive samp...

  5. Gain uniformity experimental study performed on triple-GEM gas detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong Liyuan; Qi Huirong; Lu Xinyu; Ouyang Qun; Chen Yuanbo; Li Yuhong


    With the application of the two-dimensional GEM gaseous detector in X-ray imaging, the correction method of gain uniformity caused by triple-GEM avalanche structures and electric field uniformity should be studied. The paper reported the study of the triple-GEM detector with effective area 100 mm × 100 mm used the Pad's size of 9.5 mm × 9.5 mm. In the test, 100 readout channels were designed. Results showed that gain remained stable over time; at air flow increases, gain from increases obviously to changes very little. Particularly, triple-GEM's gain uniformity was very good (more than 80%) and the range of energy resolution was from 0.18 to 0.2. To improve gain consistency of results, the difference value revised was obtained to be about 0.1 by the least square method. It provided a better method to improve gain uniformity of GEM detector. (authors)

  6. Triple therapy in type 2 diabetes; a systematic review and network meta-analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin J. Downes


    Full Text Available Aims. The purpose was to evaluate the evidence for triple therapy regimen using medicines available in Australia for type 2 diabetes.Methods. A systematic literature review was performed to update the relevant evidence from 2002 to 2014 on triple therapy for type 2 diabetes. A multiple-treatments network meta-analysis was undertaken to summarise the comparative efficacy and harms of different triple therapies.Results. Twenty seven trials were identified, most were six months of duration. The following combinations were included in the network meta-analysis: metformin (MET + sulfonylureas (SU (used as reference combination; MET + SU+ dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors (DPP-4-i; MET + SU+ thiazolidinediones (TZD; MET + SU+ glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1-RA; MET + SU+ insulins; MET + TZD + DPP-4-i; and MET + SU+ sodium/glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2-i. For HbA1c reduction, all triple therapies were statistically superior to MET+SU dual therapy, except for MET + TZD + DPP-4-i. None of the triple therapy combinations demonstrated differences in HbA1c compared with other triple therapies. MET + SU + SGLT2-i and MET + SU + GLP-1-RA resulted in significantly lower body weight than MET + SU + DPP-4-i, MET+SU+insulin and MET + SU + TZDs; MET + SU + DPP-4-i resulted in significantly lower body weight than MET + SU + insulin and MET + SU + TZD. MET + SU + insulin, MET + SU + TZD and MET + SU + DPP-4-i increased the odds of hypoglycaemia when compared to MET + SU. MET + SU + GLP-1-RA reduced the odds of hypoglycaemia compared to MET + SU + insulin.Conclusion. Care when choosing a triple therapy combination is needed as there is often a risk of increased hypoglycaemia events associated with this regimen and there are very limited data surrounding the long-term effectiveness and safety of combined therapies.

  7. Rigidity of the polypeptide backbone in the triple-stranded collagen molecule. (United States)

    Nemethy, G


    Conformational energy computations were carried out on collagen-like triple-stranded conformations of several polytripeptides with the structure CH3CO(GXY)3NHCH3, where X and Y can be Pro, Ala, or Gly. The computed minimum-energy conformations for various sequences are compared with that computed earlier for poly(Gly-Pro-Pro). Usually, substitution of Ala or Gly residues for Pro does not cause any strain or distortion of the conformation of the triple-stranded complex. Thus, the structure is a very stable and essentially rigid one. Unfavorable interactions were found only in the case of CH3CO(Gly-Ala-Pro)NHCH3. These interactions are a consequence of differences between the residue geometry of Ala and Pro. They result in small changes of some backbone dihedral angles and in an increase of intra- and interchain energies. The presence of a single Gly-Ala-Pro tripeptide within a sequence of Gly-Pro-Pro tripeptides is not sufficient, however, to cause even a small distoration of the triple strand. No deviation of the peptide groups from planarity is required to stabilize the triple-stranded structure.

  8. Triple helical DNA in a duplex context and base pair opening (United States)

    Esguerra, Mauricio; Nilsson, Lennart; Villa, Alessandra


    It is fundamental to explore in atomic detail the behavior of DNA triple helices as a means to understand the role they might play in vivo and to better engineer their use in genetic technologies, such as antigene therapy. To this aim we have performed atomistic simulations of a purine-rich antiparallel triple helix stretch of 10 base triplets flanked by canonical Watson–Crick double helices. At the same time we have explored the thermodynamic behavior of a flipping Watson–Crick base pair in the context of the triple and double helix. The third strand can be accommodated in a B-like duplex conformation. Upon binding, the double helix changes shape, and becomes more rigid. The triple-helical region increases its major groove width mainly by oversliding in the negative direction. The resulting conformations are somewhere between the A and B conformations with base pairs remaining almost perpendicular to the helical axis. The neighboring duplex regions maintain a B DNA conformation. Base pair opening in the duplex regions is more probable than in the triplex and binding of the Hoogsteen strand does not influence base pair breathing in the neighboring duplex region. PMID:25228466

  9. Triple X syndrome and puberty: focus on the hypothalamus-hypophysis-gonad axis. (United States)

    Stagi, Stefano; di Tommaso, Mariarosaria; Scalini, Perla; Lapi, Elisabetta; Losi, Stefania; Bencini, Erica; Masoni, Fabrizio; Dosa, Laura; Becciani, Sabrina; de Martino, Maurizio


    To evaluate the hypothalamus-hypophysis-gonad axis in a cohort of children and adolescents with nonmosaic triple X syndrome. Cross-sectional study with retrospective analysis. University pediatric hospital. Fifteen prepubertal subjects (median age 9.0 years, range 6.9-11.9 years) with nonmosaic triple X syndrome and age- and pubertal-matched control group (30 girls, median age 9.1 y, range 6.9-11.6 years). None. We evaluated FSH, LH, and E2 levels and performed an autoimmunity screening as well as a pelvic ultrasonography and an LH-releasing hormone stimulation test. All triple X patients (with and without pubertal signs) showed a pubertal LH peak level that was significantly different from controls. Triple X patients showed increased basal and peak FSH and LH values compared with control subjects. However, the mean E2 level was significantly lower than control subjects. However, triple X patients showed reduced DHEAS levels and reduced inhibin levels compared with control subjects. Finally, triple X patients had a significantly reduced ovarian volume compared with control subjects, in both prepubertal and pubertal patients. Triple X patients showed premature activation of the GnRH pulse generator, even without puberty signs. Both basal and peak LH and FSH levels were higher than in control subjects, and E2 and inhibin levels and ovarian volume were reduced, which led to a reduced gonadal function. Other studies and a longitudinal evaluation is necessary to better understand the endocrinologic features of these subjects. Copyright © 2016 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Tidal breakup of triple stars in the Galactic Centre (United States)

    Fragione, Giacomo; Gualandris, Alessia


    The last decade has seen the detection of fast moving stars in the Galactic halo, the so-called hypervelocity stars (HVSs). While the bulk of this population is likely the result of a close encounter between a stellar binary and the supermassive black hole (MBH) in the Galactic Centre (GC), other mechanims may contribute fast stars to the sample. Few observed HVSs show apparent ages, which are shorter than the flight time from the GC, thereby making the binary disruption scenario unlikely. These stars may be the result of the breakup of a stellar triple in the GC, which led to the ejection of a hypervelocity binary (HVB). If such binary evolves into a blue straggler star due to internal processes after ejection, a rejuvenation is possible that make the star appear younger once detected in the halo. A triple disruption may also be responsible for the presence of HVBs, of which one candidate has now been observed. We present a numerical study of triple disruptions by the MBH in the GC and find that the most likely outcomes are the production of single HVSs and single/binary stars bound to the MBH, while the production of HVBs has a probability ≲ 1 per cent regardless of the initial parameters. Assuming a triple fraction of ≈ 10 per cent results in an ejection rate of ≲ 1 Gyr - 1, insufficient to explain the sample of HVSs with lifetimes shorter than their flight time. We conclude that alternative mechanisms are responsible for the origin of such objects and HVBs in general.

  11. Non-resonant triple alpha reaction rate at low temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Itoh, T.; Tamii, A.; Aoi, N.; Fujita, H.; Hashimoto, T.; Miki, K.; Ogata, K. [Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047 (Japan); Carter, J.; Donaldson, L.; Sideras-Haddad, E. [Schools of Physics, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2050 (South Africa); Furuno, T.; Kawabata, T. [Departments of Physics, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8502 (Japan); Kamimura, M. [RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198 (Japan); Nemulodi, F.; Neveling, R.; Smit, F. D.; Swarts, C. [iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences Somerset, West, 7129 (South Africa)


    Our experimental goal is to study the non-resonant triple alpha reaction rate at low temperture (T < 10{sup 8} K). The {sup 13}C(p,d) reaction at 66 MeV has been used to probe the alpha-unbound continuum state in {sup 12}C just below the 2{sup nd} 0{sup +} state at 7.65 MeV. The transition strength to the continuum state is predicted to be sensitive to the non-resonant triple alpha reaction rate. The experiment has been performed at iThemba LABS. We report the present status of the experiment.

  12. Measurement of triple gauge-boson couplings at 172 GeV (United States)

    ALEPH Collaboration; Barate, R.; Buskulic, D.; Decamp, D.; Ghez, P.; Goy, C.; Jezequel, S.; Lees, J.-P.; Lucotte, A.; Minard, M.-N.; Nief, J.-Y.; Pietrzyk, B.; Boix, G.; Casado, M. P.; Chmeissani, M.; Crespo, J. M.; Delfino, M.; Fernandez, E.; Fernandez-Bosman, M.; Garrido, Ll.; Graugès, E.; Juste, A.; Martinez, M.; Merino, G.; Miquel, R.; Mir, Ll. M.; Morawitz, P.; Park, I. C.; Pascual, A.; Perlas, J. A.; Riu, I.; Sanchez, F.; Colaleo, A.; Creanza, D.; de Palma, M.; Gelao, G.; Iaselli, G.; Maggi, G.; Maggi, M.; Nuzzo, S.; Ranieri, A.; Raso, G.; Ruggieri, F.; Selvaggi, G.; Silvestris, L.; Tempesta, P.; Tricomi, A.; Zito, G.; Huang, X.; Lin, J.; Ouyang, Q.; Wang, T.; Xie, Y.; Xu, R.; Xue, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhao, W.; Abbaneo, D.; Alemany, R.; Becker, U.; Bright-Thomas, P.; Casper, D.; Cattaneo, M.; Cerutti, F.; Ciulli, V.; Dissertori, G.; Drevermann, H.; Forty, R. W.; Frank, M.; Gianotti, F.; Hagelberg, R.; Hansen, J. B.; Harvey, J.; Janot, P.; Jost, B.; Lehraus, I.; Mato, P.; Minten, A.; Moneta, L.; Pacheco, A.; Pusztaszeri, J.-F.; Ranjard, F.; Rolandi, L.; Rousseau, D.; Schlatter, D.; Schmitt, M.; Schneider, O.; Tejessy, W.; Teubert, F.; Tomalin, I. R.; Vreeswijk, M.; Wachsmuth, H.; Wagner, A.; Ajaltouni, Z.; Badaud, F.; Chazelle, G.; Deschamps, O.; Falvard, A.; Ferdi, C.; Gay, P.; Guicheney, C.; Henrard, P.; Jousset, J.; Michel, B.; Monteil, S.; Montret, J.-C.; Pallin, D.; Perret, P.; Podlyski, F.; Proriol, J.; Rosnet, P.; Fearnley, T.; Hansen, J. D.; Hansen, J. R.; Hansen, P. H.; Nilsson, B. S.; Rensch, B.; Wäänänen, A.; Daskalakis, G.; Kyriakis, A.; Markou, C.; Simopoulou, E.; Vayaki, A.; Blondel, A.; Brient, J.-C.; Machefert, F.; Rougé, A.; Rumpf, M.; Valassi, A.; Videau, H.; Boccali, T.; Focardi, E.; Parrini, G.; Zachariadou, K.; Cavanaugh, R.; Corden, M.; Georgiopoulos, C.; Huehn, T.; Jaffe, D. E.; Antonelli, A.; Bencivenni, G.; Bologna, G.; Bossi, F.; Campana, P.; Capon, G.; Chiarella, V.; Felici, G.; Laurelli, P.; Mannocchi, G.; Murtas, F.; Murtas, G. P.; Passalacqua, L.; Pepe-Altarelli, M.; Curtis, L.; Dorris, S. J.; Halley, A. W.; Lynch, J. G.; Negus, P.; O'Shea, V.; Raine, C.; Scarr, J. M.; Smith, K.; Teixeira-Dias, P.; Thompson, A. S.; Thomson, E.; Thomson, F.; Ward, J. J.; Buchmüller, O.; Dhamotharan, S.; Geweniger, C.; Graefe, G.; Hanke, P.; Hansper, G.; Hepp, V.; Kluge, E. E.; Putzer, A.; Sommer, J.; Tittel, K.; Werner, S.; Wunsch, M.; Beuselinck, R.; Binnie, D. M.; Cameron, W.; Dornan, P. J.; Girone, M.; Goodsir, S.; Martin, E. B.; Marinelli, N.; Moutoussi, A.; Nash, J.; Sedgbeer, J. K.; Spagnolo, P.; Williams, M. D.; Ghete, V. M.; Girtler, P.; Kneringer, E.; Kuhn, D.; Rudolph, G.; Betteridge, A. P.; Bowdery, C. K.; Buck, P. G.; Colrain, P.; Crawford, G.; Finch, A. J.; Foster, F.; Hughes, G.; Jones, R. W. L.; Whelan, E. P.; Williams, M. I.; Giehl, I.; Hoffmann, C.; Jakobs, K.; Kleinknecht, K.; Quast, G.; Renk, B.; Rohne, E.; Sander, H.-G.; van Gemmeren, P.; Zeitnitz, C.; Aubert, J. J.; Benchouk, C.; Bonissent, A.; Bujosa, G.; Carr, J.; Coyle, P.; Ealet, A.; Fouchez, D.; Leroy, O.; Motsch, F.; Payre, P.; Talby, M.; Sadouki, A.; Thulasidas, M.; Tilquin, A.; Trabelsi, K.; Aleppo, M.; Antonelli, M.; Ragusa, F.; Berlich, R.; Blum, W.; Büscher, V.; Dietl, H.; Ganis, G.; Gotzhein, C.; Kroha, H.; Lütjens, G.; Lutz, G.; Mannert, C.; Männer, W.; Moser, H.-G.; Richter, R.; Rosado-Schlosser, A.; Schael, S.; Settles, R.; Seywerd, H.; Stenzel, H.; Wiedenmann, W.; Wolf, G.; Boucrot, J.; Callot, O.; Chen, S.; Davier, M.; Duflot, L.; Grivaz, J.-F.; Heusse, Ph.; Höcker, A.; Jacholkowska, A.; Kado, M. M.; Kim, D. W.; Le Diberder, F.; Lefrançois, J.; Lutz, A.-M.; Schune, M.-H.; Serin, L.; Tournefier, E.; Veillet, J.-J.; Videau, I.; Zerwas, D.; Azzurri, P.; Bagliesi, G.; Bettarini, S.; Bozzi, C.; Calderini, G.; dell'Orso, R.; Fantechi, R.; Ferrante, I.; Giassi, A.; Gregorio, A.; Ligabue, F.; Lusiani, A.; Marrocchesi, P. S.; Messineo, A.; Palla, F.; Rizzo, G.; Sanguinetti, G.; Sciabà, A.; Sguazzoni, G.; Steinberger, J.; Tenchini, R.; Vannini, C.; Venturi, A.; Verdini, P. G.; Blair, G. A.; Bryant, L. M.; Chambers, J. T.; Coles, J.; Green, M. G.; Medcalf, T.; Perrodo, P.; Strong, J. A.; von Wimmersperg-Toeller, J. H.; Botterill, D. R.; Clifft, R. W.; Edgecock, T. R.; Haywood, S.; Maley, P.; Norton, P. R.; Thompson, J. C.; Wright, A. E.; Bloch-Devaux, B.; Colas, P.; Fabbro, B.; Faïf, G.; Lançon, E.; Lemaire, M.-C.; Locci, E.; Perez, P.; Przysiezniak, H.; Rander, J.; Renardy, J.-F.; Rosowsky, A.; Roussarie, A.; Trabelsi, A.; Vallage, B.; Black, S. N.; Dann, J. H.; Kim, H. Y.; Konstantinidis, N.; Litke, A. M.; McNeil, M. A.; Taylor, G.; Booth, C. N.; Brew, C. A. J.; Cartwright, S.; Combley, F.; Kelly, M. S.; Lehto, M.; Reeve, J.; Thompson, L. F.; Affholderbach, K.; Böhrer, A.; Brandt, S.; Cowan, G.; Foss, J.; Grupen, C.; Smolik, L.; Stephan, F.; Apollonio, M.; Bosisio, L.; della Marina, R.; Giannini, G.; Gobbo, B.; Musolino, G.; Putz, J.; Rothberg, J.; Wasserbaech, S.; Williams, R. W.; Armstrong, S. R.; Charles, E.; Elmer, P.; Ferguson, D. P. S.; Gao, Y.; González, S.; Greening, T. C.; Hayes, O. J.; Hu, H.; Jin, S.; McNamara, P. A., III; Nachtman, J. M.; Nielsen, J.; Orejudos, W.; Pan, Y. B.; Saadi, Y.; Scott, I. J.; Walsh, J.; Wu, Sau Lan; Wu, X.; Yamartino, J. M.; Zobernig, G.


    The triple gauge-boson couplings, αWΦ, αW and αBΦ, have been measured using 34 semileptonically and 54 hadronically decaying W+W- candidate events. The events were selected in the data recorded during 1996 with the ALEPH detector at 172 GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 10.65 pb-1. The triple gauge-boson couplings have been measured using optimal observables constructed from kinematic information of W+W- events. The results are in agreement with the Standard Model expectation.

  13. Integrating Compassionate, Collaborative Care (the "Triple C") Into Health Professional Education to Advance the Triple Aim of Health Care. (United States)

    Lown, Beth A; McIntosh, Sharrie; Gaines, Martha E; McGuinn, Kathy; Hatem, David S


    Empathy and compassion provide an important foundation for effective collaboration in health care. Compassion (the recognition of and response to the distress and suffering of others) should be consistently offered by health care professionals to patients, families, staff, and one another. However, compassion without collaboration may result in uncoordinated care, while collaboration without compassion may result in technically correct but depersonalized care that fails to meet the unique emotional and psychosocial needs of all involved. Providing compassionate, collaborative care (CCC) is critical to achieving the "triple aim" of improving patients' health and experiences of care while reducing costs. Yet, values and skills related to CCC (or the "Triple C") are not routinely taught, modeled, and assessed across the continuum of learning and practice. To change this paradigm, an interprofessional group of experts recently recommended approaches and a framework for integrating CCC into health professional education and postgraduate training as well as clinical care. In this Perspective, the authors describe how the Triple C framework can be integrated and enhance existing competency standards to advance CCC across the learning and practice continuum. They also discuss strategies for partnering with patients and families to improve health professional education and health care design and delivery through quality improvement projects. They emphasize that compassion and collaboration are important sources of professional, patient, and family satisfaction as well as critical aspects of professionalism and person-centered, relationship-based high-quality care.

  14. Evaluation of a novel triple-channel radiochromic film analysis procedure using EBT2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Hoof, Stefan J; Granton, Patrick V; Landry, Guillaume; Podesta, Mark; Verhaegen, Frank


    A novel approach to read out radiochromic film was introduced recently by the manufacturer of GafChromic film. In this study, the performance of this triple-channel film dosimetry method was compared against the conventional single-red-channel film dosimetry procedure, with and without inclusion of a pre-irradiation (pre-IR) film scan, using EBT2 film and kilo- and megavoltage photon beams up to 10 Gy. When considering regions of interest averaged doses, the triple-channel method and both single-channel methods produced equivalent results. Absolute dose discrepancies between the triple-channel method, both single-channel methods and the treatment planning system calculated dose values, were no larger than 5 cGy for dose levels up to 2.2 Gy. Signal to noise in triple-channel dose images was found to be similar to signal to noise in single-channel dose images. The accuracy of resulting dose images from the triple- and single-channel methods with inclusion of pre-IR film scan was found to be similar. Results of a comparison of EBT2 data from a kilovoltage depth dose experiment to corresponding Monte Carlo depth dose data produced dose discrepancies of 9.5 ± 12 cGy and 7.6 ± 6 cGy for the single-channel method with inclusion of a pre-IR film scan and the triple-channel method, respectively. EBT2 showed to be energy sensitive at low kilovoltage energies with response differences of 11.9% and 15.6% in the red channel at 2 Gy between 50–225 kVp and 80–225 kVp photon spectra, respectively. We observed that the triple-channel method resulted in non-uniformity corrections of ±1% and consistency values of 0–3 cGy for the batches and dose levels studied. Results of this study indicate that the triple-channel radiochromic film read-out method performs at least as well as the single-channel method with inclusion of a pre-IR film scan, reduces film non-uniformity and saves time with elimination of a pre-IR film scan. (paper)

  15. Da-Cruz Triple Tool: cómo hacer simple y precisa la cirugía de implante glúteo intramuscular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Da-Cruz

    Full Text Available El Da-Cruz Triple Tool es un instrumento multifuncional diseñado para la colocación de implantes glúteos intramusculares. Tiene 3 funciones; a saber: disector, separador y medidor. Consiste en 2 piezas para su uso articulado o por separado. Como disector logra la profundidad y el grosor deseables del músculo glúteo mayor a través de maniobras precisas que provocan menos trauma; por consiguiente, ayuda a obtener una mejor recuperación y resultados. Al mismo tiempo faculta para elevar los espacios abiertos y controlar adherencias o sangrados. La función de medidor permite calcular la dimensión cefalocaudal y la anchura del espacio para escoger el implante adecuado. Con el entrenamiento adecuado en el uso de esta herramienta y la implementación de medidas pre, trans y postoperatorias bien definidas, cualquier cirujano plástico puede obtener resultados consistentemente exitosos en la colocación de implantes glúteos intramusculares.

  16. The influence of triple bottom line on international operations management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Sperotto Flores


    Full Text Available This paper takes a triple bottom line perspective to analyze how the international operations literature integrates economic, social, and environmental issues. Additionally, it shows the main drivers of and barriers to the adoption of triple bottom line practices by companies in an international context. We conducted a literature review in English language journals which publish research of production and operations management and sustainability, resulting in a final sample of 29 papers. Results show that social and legal pressure for companies to adopt a responsible behavior prompts an isomorphic process that leads them to conduct their operations on behalf of triple bottom line goals. Behavioral differences between spin-offs in various countries caused institutions to create mechanisms that can press and change private standards through regulation and enforcement. There is room for progress in studies that seek to analyze the company’s relationships in its international experience and its multi-institutional relations.

  17. Isolation and characterization of a uranium(VI)-nitride triple bond (United States)

    King, David M.; Tuna, Floriana; McInnes, Eric J. L.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T.


    The nature and extent of covalency in uranium bonding is still unclear compared with that of transition metals, and there is great interest in studying uranium-ligand multiple bonds. Although U=O and U=NR double bonds (where R is an alkyl group) are well-known analogues to transition-metal oxo and imido complexes, the uranium(VI)-nitride triple bond has long remained a synthetic target in actinide chemistry. Here, we report the preparation of a uranium(VI)-nitride triple bond. We highlight the importance of (1) ancillary ligand design, (2) employing mild redox reactions instead of harsh photochemical methods that decompose transiently formed uranium(VI) nitrides, (3) an electrostatically stabilizing sodium ion during nitride installation, (4) selecting the right sodium sequestering reagent, (5) inner versus outer sphere oxidation and (6) stability with respect to the uranium oxidation state. Computational analyses suggest covalent contributions to U≡N triple bonds that are surprisingly comparable to those of their group 6 transition-metal nitride counterparts.

  18. Modal planes are spectral triples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gayral, Victor; Iochum, Bruno; Schuecker, Thomas; Gracia-Bondia, Jose M.; Varilly, Joseph C.


    Axioms for nonunital spectral triples, extending those introduced in the unital case by Connes, are proposed. As a guide, and for the sake of their importance in noncommutative quantum field theory, the spaces R 2N endowed with Moyal products are intensively investigated. Some physical applications, such as the construction of noncommutative Wick monomials and the computation of the Connes-Lott functional action, are given for these noncommutative hyperplanes. (author)


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reipurth, Bo [Institute for Astronomy and NASA Astrobiology Institute University of Hawaii, 640 N. Aohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720 (United States); Mikkola, Seppo, E-mail:, E-mail: [Tuorla Observatory, University of Turku, Väisäläntie 20, Piikkiö (Finland)


    Binaries in which both components are brown dwarfs (BDs) are being discovered at an increasing rate, and their properties may hold clues to their origin. We have carried out 200,000 N-body simulations of three identical stellar embryos with masses drawn from a Chabrier IMF and embedded in a molecular core. The bodies are initially non-hierarchical and undergo chaotic motions within the cloud core, while accreting using Bondi–Hoyle accretion. The coupling of dynamics and accretion often leads to one or two dominant bodies controlling the center of the cloud core, while banishing the other(s) to the lower-density outskirts, leading to stunted growth. Eventually each system transforms either to a bound hierarchical configuration or breaks apart into separate single and binary components. The orbital motion is followed for 100 Myr. In order to illustrate 200,000 end-states of such dynamical evolution with accretion, we introduce the “triple diagnostic diagram,” which plots two dimensionless numbers against each other, representing the binary mass ratio and the mass ratio of the third body to the total system mass. Numerous freefloating BD binaries are formed in these simulations, and statistical properties are derived. The separation distribution function is in good correspondence with observations, showing a steep rise at close separations, peaking around 13 AU and declining more gently, reaching zero at separations greater than 200 AU. Unresolved BD triple systems may appear as wider BD binaries. Mass ratios are strongly peaked toward unity, as observed, but this is partially due to the initial assumptions. Eccentricities gradually increase toward higher values, due to the lack of viscous interactions in the simulations, which would both shrink the orbits and decrease their eccentricities. Most newborn triple systems are unstable and while there are 9209 ejected BD binaries at 1 Myr, corresponding to about 4% of the 200,000 simulations, this number has grown to


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reipurth, Bo; Mikkola, Seppo


    Binaries in which both components are brown dwarfs (BDs) are being discovered at an increasing rate, and their properties may hold clues to their origin. We have carried out 200,000 N-body simulations of three identical stellar embryos with masses drawn from a Chabrier IMF and embedded in a molecular core. The bodies are initially non-hierarchical and undergo chaotic motions within the cloud core, while accreting using Bondi–Hoyle accretion. The coupling of dynamics and accretion often leads to one or two dominant bodies controlling the center of the cloud core, while banishing the other(s) to the lower-density outskirts, leading to stunted growth. Eventually each system transforms either to a bound hierarchical configuration or breaks apart into separate single and binary components. The orbital motion is followed for 100 Myr. In order to illustrate 200,000 end-states of such dynamical evolution with accretion, we introduce the “triple diagnostic diagram,” which plots two dimensionless numbers against each other, representing the binary mass ratio and the mass ratio of the third body to the total system mass. Numerous freefloating BD binaries are formed in these simulations, and statistical properties are derived. The separation distribution function is in good correspondence with observations, showing a steep rise at close separations, peaking around 13 AU and declining more gently, reaching zero at separations greater than 200 AU. Unresolved BD triple systems may appear as wider BD binaries. Mass ratios are strongly peaked toward unity, as observed, but this is partially due to the initial assumptions. Eccentricities gradually increase toward higher values, due to the lack of viscous interactions in the simulations, which would both shrink the orbits and decrease their eccentricities. Most newborn triple systems are unstable and while there are 9209 ejected BD binaries at 1 Myr, corresponding to about 4% of the 200,000 simulations, this number has grown to

  1. The effectiveness of lifestyle triple P in the Netherlands : A randomized controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gerards, Sanne M P L; Dagnelie, Pieter C.; Gubbels, Jessica S.; Van Buuren, Stef; Hamers, Femke J M; Jansen, Maria W J; Van Der Goot, Odilia H M; De Vries, Nanne K.; Sanders, Matthew R.; Kremers, Stef P J


    Introduction Lifestyle Triple P is a general parenting intervention which focuses on preventing further excessive weight gain in overweight and obese children. The objective of the current study was to assess the effectiveness of the Lifestyle Triple P intervention in the Netherlands. Method We used

  2. The effectiveness of lifestyle triple P in the Netherlands: A randomized controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gerards, S.M.P.L.; Dagnelie, P.C.; Gubbels, J.S.; Buuren, S. van; Hamers, F.J.M.; Jansen, M.W.J.; Goot, O.H.M. van der; Vries, N.K. de; Sanders, M.R.; Kremers, S.P.J.


    Introduction Lifestyle Triple P is a general parenting intervention which focuses on preventing further excessive weight gain in overweight and obese children. The objective of the current study was to assess the effectiveness of the Lifestyle Triple P intervention in the Netherlands. Method We used

  3. Discovering Steiner Triple Systems through Problem Solving (United States)

    Sriraman, Bharath


    An attempt to implement problem solving as a teacher of ninth grade algebra is described. The problems selected were not general ones, they involved combinations and represented various situations and were more complex which lead to the discovery of Steiner triple systems.

  4. Normal range of hepatic fat fraction on dual- and triple-echo fat quantification MR in children. (United States)

    Shin, Hyun Joo; Kim, Hyun Gi; Kim, Myung-Joon; Koh, Hong; Kim, Ha Yan; Roh, Yun Ho; Lee, Mi-Jung


    To evaluate hepatic fat fraction on dual- and triple-echo gradient-recalled echo MRI sequences in healthy children. We retrospectively reviewed the records of children in a medical check-up clinic from May 2012 to November 2013. We excluded children with abnormal laboratory findings or those who were overweight. Hepatic fat fraction was measured on dual- and triple-echo sequences using 3T MRI. We compared fat fractions using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and the Bland-Altman 95% limits of agreement. The correlation between fat fractions and clinical and laboratory findings was evaluated using Spearman's correlation test, and the cut-off values of fat fractions for diagnosing fatty liver were obtained from reference intervals. In 54 children (M:F = 26:28; 5-15 years; mean 9 years), the dual fat fraction (0.1-8.0%; median 1.6%) was not different from the triple fat fraction (0.4-6.5%; median 2.7%) (p = 0.010). The dual- and triple-echo fat fractions showed good agreement using a Bland-Altman plot (-0.6 ± 2.8%). Eight children (14.8%) on dual-echo sequences and six (11.1%) on triple-echo sequences had greater than 5% fat fraction. From these children, six out of eight children on dual-echo sequences and four out of six children on triple-echo sequences had a 5-6% hepatic fat fraction. When using a cut-off value of a 6% fat fraction derived from a reference interval, only 3.7% of children were diagnosed with fatty liver. There was no significant correlation between clinical and laboratory findings with dual and triple-echo fat fractions. Dual fat fraction was not different from triple fat fraction. We suggest a cut-off value of a 6% fat fraction is more appropriate for diagnosing fatty liver on both dual- and triple-echo sequences in children.

  5. MDP-based resource allocation for triple-play transmission on xDSL systems (United States)

    de Souza, Lamartine V.; de Carvalho, Glaucio H. S.; Cardoso, Diego L.; de Carvalho, Solon V.; Frances, Carlos R. L.; Costa, João C. W. A.; Riu, Jaume Rius i.


    Many broadband services are based on multimedia applications, such as voice over internet protocol (VoIP), video conferencing, video on demand (VoD), and internet protocol television (IPTV). The combination "triple-play" is often used with IPTV. It simply means offering voice, video and data. IPTV and others services uses digital broadband networks such as ADSL2+ (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) and VDSL (Very High Rate DSL) to transmit the data. We have formulated a MDP (Markov Decision Process) for a triple-play transmission on DSL environment. In this paper, we establish the relationship between DSL transmission characteristics and its finite-state Markov model for a triple-play transmission system. This relationship can be used for a resource management for multimedia applications delivered through a broadband infrastructure. The solution to our optimization problem can be found using dynamic programming (DP) techniques, such as value iteration and its variants. Our study results in a transmission strategy that chooses the optimal resource allocation according the triple-play traffic requirements, defined in technical report TR-126 (Triple-Play Services Quality of Experience Requirements) from DSL Forum, minimizing quality of service (QoS) violations with respect to bandwidth. Three traffic classes (video, audio, and best effort internet data) are defined and analyzed. Our simulation results show parameters like as blocking probability for each class, link utilization and optimal control policies. The MDP-based approach provides a satisfactory way of resource management for a DSL system.

  6. The effect of increasing strength and approach velocity on triple jump performance. (United States)

    Allen, Sam J; Yeadon, M R Fred; King, Mark A


    The triple jump is an athletic event comprising three phases in which the optimal phase ratio (the proportion of each phase to the total distance jumped) is unknown. This study used a planar whole body torque-driven computer simulation model of the ground contact parts of all three phases of the triple jump to investigate the effect of strength and approach velocity on optimal performance. The strength and approach velocity of the simulation model were each increased by up to 30% in 10% increments from baseline data collected from a national standard triple jumper. Increasing strength always resulted in an increased overall jump distance. Increasing approach velocity also typically resulted in an increased overall jump distance but there was a point past which increasing approach velocity without increasing strength did not lead to an increase in overall jump distance. Increasing both strength and approach velocity by 10%, 20%, and 30% led to roughly equivalent increases in overall jump distances. Distances ranged from 14.05m with baseline strength and approach velocity, up to 18.49m with 30% increases in both. Optimal phase ratios were either hop-dominated or balanced, and typically became more balanced when the strength of the model was increased by a greater percentage than its approach velocity. The range of triple jump distances that resulted from the optimisation process suggests that strength and approach velocity are of great importance for triple jump performance. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Trilayered Morphology of an ABC Triple Crystalline Triblock Terpolymer

    KAUST Repository

    Palacios, Jordana K.


    Triple crystalline triblock terpolymers are materials with remarkable semicrystalline superstructures. In this work, we report for first time the alternating triple lamellar morphology that self-assembles inside spherulites of a triblock terpolymer composed of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), and poly(l-lactide) (PLLA). The morphology of the PEO-b-PCL-b-PLLA triblock terpolymer is compared to an analogous PCL-b-PLLA diblock copolymer. Both diblock and triblock form a single phase in the melt. Two crystallization protocols were employed to create particular crystalline morphologies. In both cases, the isothermal crystallization of the PLA block is induced first (at 81 °C, a temperature above the melting points of both PCL and PEO blocks) and PLLA spherulites form a template, whereupon cooling the other two blocks can crystallize within the PLLA interlamellar spaces. WAXS analysis demonstrated the double crystalline and triple crystalline nature of the materials. The lamellar structure was evaluated by AFM observations and SAXS measurements. Moreover, theoretical SAXS curves of one-dimensional structural models were calculated. AFM micrographs of the triblock terpolymer evidenced the three different lamellae of PLLA, PCL and PEO that coexist together within the same spherulite. Three different lamellar thickness were determined, and their dimensions suggested that all blocks crystallized in chain-folded conformations. The evolution of the triple lamellar morphology during heating of tricrystalline samples was followed by in situ synchrotron SAXS measurements. The theoretical analysis of the SAXS curves of the triblock terpolymer allowed us to propose a stacking morphological model, in which a particular trilayer structure exists, where one lamella of PCL or one lamella of PEO is inserted randomly between two adjacent PLLA lamellae.

  8. Triple Giant Resonance Excitations: A Microscopic Approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanza, E.G.; Andres, M.V.; Catara, F.; Chomaz, Ph.; Fallot, M.; Scarpaci, J.A.


    We present, for the first time, microscopic calculations of inelastic cross sections of the triple excitation of giant resonances induced by heavy ion probes. We start from a microscopic approach based on RPA. The mixing of three-phonon states among themselves and with two- and one-phonon states is considered within a boson expansion with Pauli corrections. In this way we go beyond the standard harmonic approximations and get anharmonic excitation spectra. At the same time we also introduce non-linearities in the external field. The calculations are done by solving semiclassical coupled channel equations, the channels being superpositions of one-, two- and three-phonon states. Previous calculations for the Double Giant Resonance excitation show good agreement with experimental cross sections. The inclusion of the three phonon components confirms the previous results for the DGR and produces a strong increase in the Triple GR energy region

  9. Helicobacter pylori second-line rescue therapy with levofloxacin- and bismuth-containing quadruple therapy, after failure of standard triple or non-bismuth quadruple treatments. (United States)

    Gisbert, J P; Romano, M; Gravina, A G; Solís-Muñoz, P; Bermejo, F; Molina-Infante, J; Castro-Fernández, M; Ortuño, J; Lucendo, A J; Herranz, M; Modolell, I; Del Castillo, F; Gómez, J; Barrio, J; Velayos, B; Gómez, B; Domínguez, J L; Miranda, A; Martorano, M; Algaba, A; Pabón, M; Angueira, T; Fernández-Salazar, L; Federico, A; Marín, A C; McNicholl, A G


    The most commonly used second-line Helicobacter pylori eradication regimens are bismuth-containing quadruple therapy and levofloxacin-containing triple therapy, both offering suboptimal results. Combining bismuth and levofloxacin may enhance the efficacy of rescue eradication regimens. To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of a second-line quadruple regimen containing levofloxacin and bismuth in patients whose previous H. pylori eradication treatment failed. This was a prospective multicenter study including patients in whom a standard triple therapy (PPI-clarithromycin-amoxicillin) or a non-bismuth quadruple therapy (PPI-clarithromycin-amoxicillin-metronidazole, either sequential or concomitant) had failed. Esomeprazole (40 mg b.d.), amoxicillin (1 g b.d.), levofloxacin (500 mg o.d.) and bismuth (240 mg b.d.) was prescribed for 14 days. Eradication was confirmed by (13) C-urea breath test. Compliance was determined through questioning and recovery of empty medication envelopes. Incidence of adverse effects was evaluated by questionnaires. 200 patients were included consecutively (mean age 47 years, 67% women, 13% ulcer). Previous failed therapy included: standard clarithromycin triple therapy (131 patients), sequential (32) and concomitant (37). A total of 96% took all medications correctly. Per-protocol and intention-to-treat eradication rates were 91.1% (95%CI = 87-95%) and 90% (95%CI = 86-94%). Cure rates were similar regardless of previous (failed) treatment or country of origin. Adverse effects were reported in 46% of patients, most commonly nausea (17%) and diarrhoea (16%); 3% were intense but none was serious. Fourteen-day bismuth- and levofloxacin-containing quadruple therapy is an effective (≥90% cure rate), simple and safe second-line strategy in patients whose previous standard triple or non-bismuth quadruple (sequential or concomitant) therapies have failed. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Effectiveness of the triple P positive parenting program on parenting: A meta-analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Graaf, I. de; Speetjens, P.; Smit, F.; Wolff, M. de; Tavecchio, L.


    Triple P is a parenting program intended to prevent and to provide treatment for severe behavioral, emotional, and developmental problems in children. The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the effectiveness of Triple P Level 4 interventions on parenting styles and parental competency. Level 4

  11. Hydroxyproline Ring Pucker Causes Frustration of Helix Parameters in the Collagen Triple Helix (United States)

    Ying Chow, W.; Bihan, Dominique; Forman, Chris J.; Slatter, David A.; Reid, David G.; Wales, David J.; Farndale, Richard W.; Duer, Melinda J.


    Collagens, the most abundant proteins in mammals, are defined by their triple-helical structures and distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating sequence, where Xaa is often proline and Yaa, hydroxyproline (Hyp/O). It is known that hydroxyproline in the Yaa position stabilises the triple helix, and that lack of proline hydroxylation in vivo leads to dysfunctional collagen extracellular matrix assembly, due to a range of factors such as a change in hydration properties. In addition, we note that in model peptides, when Yaa is unmodified proline, the Xaa proline has a strong propensity to adopt an endo ring conformation, whilst when Yaa is hydroxyproline, the Xaa proline adopts a range of endo and exo conformations. Here we use a combination of solid-state NMR spectroscopy and potential energy landscape modelling of synthetic triple-helical collagen peptides to understand this effect. We show that hydroxylation of the Yaa proline causes the Xaa proline ring conformation to become metastable, which in turn confers flexibility on the triple helix.

  12. A Biatrial Myxoma with Triple Ripples. (United States)

    Barik, Ramachandra


    Cardiac myxoma is a benign tumor, but it is known for its space-occupying effect at the site of origin and frequent systemic embolization. This case report highlights a biatrial myxoma of interatrial septum who presented with significant tricuspid valve regurgitation, atrial fibrillation, and cardioembolic stroke of the left parietal lobe, i.e., a biatrial myxoma with triple ripples.

  13. Tripled Fixed Point in Ordered Multiplicative Metric Spaces

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laishram Shanjit


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present some triple fixed point theorems in partially ordered multiplicative metric spaces depended on another function. Our results generalise the results of [6] and [5].

  14. E-cigarette Use Triples Among Middle and High School Students in Just One Year (United States)

    ... Information Act Office Public Health Image Library (PHIL) E-cigarette use triples among middle and high school students ... ET Contact: Media Relations (404) 639-3286 Current e-cigarette use among middle and high school students tripled ...

  15. GATA3 expression in triple-negative breast cancers. (United States)

    Byrne, David J; Deb, Siddhartha; Takano, Elena A; Fox, Stephen B


    GATA-binding protein 3 (GATA3) is a well-studied transcription factor found to be essential in the development of luminal breast epithelium and has been identified in a variety of tumour types, including breast and urothelial carcinomas, making it a useful immunohistochemistry marker in the diagnosis of both primary and metastatic disease. We investigated GATA3 protein expression in a 106 primary triple-negative breast carcinomas (100 basal-like, six non-basal-like) using Cell Marque mouse monoclonal anti-GATA3 (L50-823). Reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) was used to quantify mRNA expression in 22 triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs) (20 primary and two cell lines), four luminal (three primary and one cell line) and five human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) (four primary and one cell line) amplified tumours. In 98 TNBCs where IHC was assessable, 47 (48%) had a 1+ or greater staining with 20 (21%) having high GATA3 expression when using a weighted scoring. Our study has demonstrated that GATA3 expression is common in primary triple-negative breast carcinomas. It also suggests that although GATA3 is an oestrogen receptor (ER) regulated gene, it still proves useful in differentiating between primary and metastatic tumours in patients with a history of breast cancer regardless of its molecular subtype. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Thermochemistry of uranium(VI), arsenic, and alkali metal triple oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karyakin, N.V.; Chernorukov, G.N.


    The standard enthalpies of reactions of stoichiometric mixtures of potassium dyhydrogen orthoarsenate, uranium(VI) oxide, alkali metal nitrates, and of mixtures of triple oxides with the general formula M I AsUO 6 (M I =Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs) and potassium nitrate with aqueous solution of hydrofluoric acid were determined an an adiabatic calorimeter at 298.15 K. The standard enthalpies of formation of uranium(VI), arsenic, and alkali metal triple oxides at 298.15 K were calculated form the data obtained. 8 refs., 1 tab

  17. Revised Reynolds Stress and Triple Product Models (United States)

    Olsen, Michael E.; Lillard, Randolph P.


    Revised versions of Lag methodology Reynolds-stress and triple product models are applied to accepted test cases to assess the improvement, or lack thereof, in the prediction capability of the models. The Bachalo-Johnson bump flow is shown as an example for this abstract submission.

  18. Micro-photoluminescence of GaAs/AlGaAs triple concentric quantum rings. (United States)

    Abbarchi, Marco; Cavigli, Lucia; Somaschini, Claudio; Bietti, Sergio; Gurioli, Massimo; Vinattieri, Anna; Sanguinetti, Stefano


    A systematic optical study, including micro, ensemble and time resolved photoluminescence of GaAs/AlGaAs triple concentric quantum rings, self-assembled via droplet epitaxy, is presented. Clear emission from localized states belonging to the ring structures is reported. The triple rings show a fast decay dynamics, around 40 ps, which is expected to be useful for ultrafast optical switching applications.

  19. Analisis Jaringan VPN Menggunakan PPTP dan L2TP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syariful Ikhwan


    Full Text Available VPN adalah teknologi yang membuat jaringan private (pribadi dengan menggunakan jaringan publik agar proses pertukaran data menjadi aman. Teknologi VPN biasanya diterapkan untuk koneksi antara kantor pusat dan kantor cabang. Dinhubkominfo Kabupaten Banyumas sebagai tempat penelitian memiliki beberapa kantor cabang (SKPD. Data yang dipertukarkan antar kantor cabang pada Dinhubkominfo terdiri dari beberapa jenis, namun pada penelitian ini hanya difokuskan pada pertukaran layanan FTP. Teknologi vpn yang saat ini digunakan pada jaringan Dinhubkominfo adalah PPTP. Akan tetapi, penggunaan teknologi tersebut belum tersebut masih belum diketahui tingkat performansi jaringan dibandingkan dengan penggunaan teknologi vpn yang lain. Pada penelitian ini akan dibandingkan penggunaan dua teknologi vpn yang berbeda yaitu antara PPTP dan L2TP, dimana parameter yang digunakan adalah throughput, delay, jitter, dan packet loss. Proses pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menambahkan beban trafik sebesar 512 kbps, 1024 kbps, dan 2048 kbps. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh data bahwa, rata-rata nilai Delay pada L2TP lebih besar hingga 41% dibanding saat menggunakan PPTP, rata-rata Throughput PPTP naik hingga 34% dibandingkan L2TP, Rata-rata Jitter pada PPTP lebih besar hingga 44% dibandingkan L2TP, sedangkan packet loss yang terjadi pada masing-masing layanan vpn adalah 0

  20. Triple dose of gadolinium-DTPA and delayed MRI in patients with benign multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Filippi, M; Capra, R; Campi, A; Colombo, B; Prandini, F; Marcianò, N; Gasparotti, R; Comi, G


    OBJECTIVES--To evaluate whether a triple dose of gadolinium-DTPA (Gd-DTPA) or delayed MRI increase the number, size, and conspicuousness of enhancing lesions in patients with benign multiple sclerosis. METHODS--T1 weighted brain MRI was carried out on 20 patients with benign multiple sclerosis (expanded disability status scale 10 years) in two sessions. In the first session, one scan was obtained before and two scans five to seven minutes and 20-30 minutes after the injection of 0.1 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA (standard dose). In the second session, six to 24 hours later, the same procedure was repeated with 0.3 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA (triple dose). RESULTS--Nine enhancing lesions were found in seven patients (35%) using the standard dose of Gd-DTPA. The numbers of enhancing lesions increased to 13 (P = 0.03) and the number of patients with such lesions to eight (40%) on the delayed standard dose scans. On the early triple dose scans, we found 19 enhancing lesions in 10 patients (50%). The number of enhancing lesions was significantly higher (P = 0.01) than that obtained with the early standard dose. The number of enhancing lesions was 18 and the number of "active" patients 11 (55%) on the delayed triple dose scans. The enhancing areas increased progressively from the early standard dose scans to the delayed triple dose scans. The contrast ratios of the lesions detected in early standard dose scans was lower than those of lesions present in the early (P = 0.01) and delayed (P = 0.04) triple dose scans. CONCLUSIONS--More enhancing lesions were detected in patients with benign multiple sclerosis with both delay of MRI and the use of triple dose of Gd-DTPA suggesting that the amount of inflammation in the lesions of such patients is mild and heterogeneous. Images PMID:8778257

  1. Binary Black Hole Mergers from Field Triples: Properties, Rates, and the Impact of Stellar Evolution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Antonini, Fabio [Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) and Department of Physics and Astrophysics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 (United States); Toonen, Silvia [Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 94249, 1090 GE, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Hamers, Adrian S. [Institute for Advanced Study, School of Natural Sciences, Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540 (United States)


    We consider the formation of binary black hole (BH) mergers through the evolution of field massive triple stars. In this scenario, favorable conditions for the inspiral of a BH binary are initiated by its gravitational interaction with a distant companion, rather than by a common-envelope phase invoked in standard binary evolution models. We use a code that follows self-consistently the evolution of massive triple stars, combining the secular triple dynamics (Lidov–Kozai cycles) with stellar evolution. After a BH triple is formed, its dynamical evolution is computed using either the orbit-averaged equations of motion, or a high-precision direct integrator for triples with weaker hierarchies for which the secular perturbation theory breaks down. Most BH mergers in our models are produced in the latter non-secular dynamical regime. We derive the properties of the merging binaries and compute a BH merger rate in the range (0.3–1.3) Gpc{sup −3} yr{sup −1}, or up to ≈2.5 Gpc{sup −3} yr{sup −1} if the BH orbital planes have initially random orientation. Finally, we show that BH mergers from the triple channel have significantly higher eccentricities than those formed through the evolution of massive binaries or in dense star clusters. Measured eccentricities could therefore be used to uniquely identify binary mergers formed through the evolution of triple stars. While our results suggest up to ≈10 detections per year with Advanced-LIGO, the high eccentricities could render the merging binaries harder to detect with planned space based interferometers such as LISA.

  2. Accuracy of Triple Diagnostic Test in Patients with Thyroid Nodule at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diani Kartini


    Full Text Available The aim of the study is to evaluate the accuracy of triple diagnostic test on thyroid nodules. The data from patients’ medical records who came to Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital for the first time or for evaluation of thyroid nodule and patients who underwent thyroidectomy during 2010 to 2011. Clinical examination was scored by McGill Thyroid Nodule Score. ROC procedure was performed to obtain clinical cut-off scores of diagnosis of malignant. Ultrasonography (USG result was considered malignant for TIRADS 4, 5, and 6. If clinical, USG and histopathology examinations of triple diagnostic give positive results, it will be classified as concordant malignant whereas if all those three show benign results, the classification is benign. Thyroid carcinoma was found in 134 out of 161 patients with thyroid nodule. There were 84 patients with concordant results for all three elements of the triple test. Out of 84 patients with concordant triple diagnostic results, there were 53 malignant cases (32.9% and 31 benign cases (19.3%. Main histopathological findings among patients with thyroid carcinoma was papillary (90.3%, follicular (3%, medullary (0.7%, and anaplastic (6%. The sensitivity and specificity of triple diagnostic was 77% and 94%, with positive predictive value of 98%, negative predictive value of 51,6% and accuracy of 80.9%. Combination of clinical findings, USG, and FNAB gave malignant probability of 92%, better than combination of clinical findings and USG (81.6% or clinical findings and FNAB (87%. Triple diagnostic cannot be used as an ideal test to replace frozen section examination in managing thyroid nodule. However, in cases with concordant results of each triple diagnostic’s element, the positive predictive value (98% and malignant probability (92% is high. Keywords: thyroid nodule, triple diagnostic, accuracy.   Akurasi Metode Triple Diagnostic pada Pasien Nodul Tiroid  di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo   Abstrak Tujuan

  3. Interspecies and intraspecies transmission of triple reassortant H3N2 influenza A viruses


    Lee Chang-Won; Al-Natour Mohammad Q; Yassine Hadi M; Saif Yehia M


    1. Abstract The triple reassortant H3N2 viruses were isolated for the first time from pigs in 1998 and are known to be endemic in swine and turkey populations in the United States. In 2004, we isolated two H3N2 triple reassortant viruses from two turkey breeder flocks in Ohio and Illinois. Infected hens showed no clinical signs, but experienced a complete cessation of egg production. In this study, we evaluated three triple reassortant H3N2 isolates of turkey origin and one isolate of swine o...

  4. Asymptotic behaviour and stability of solutions of a singularly perturbed elliptic problem with a triple root of the degenerate equation (United States)

    Butuzov, V. F.


    We construct and justify asymptotic expansions of solutions of a singularly perturbed elliptic problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions in the case when the corresponding degenerate equation has a triple root. In contrast to the case of a simple root, the expansion is with respect to fractional (non-integral) powers of the small parameter, the boundary-layer variables have another scaling, and the boundary layer has three zones. This gives rise to essential modifications in the algorithm for constructing the boundary functions. Solutions of the elliptic problem are stationary solutions of the corresponding parabolic problem. We prove that such a stationary solution is asymptotically stable and find its global domain of attraction.

  5. Robust Modeling of Stellar Triples in PHOEBE (United States)

    Conroy, Kyle E.; Prsa, Andrej; Horvat, Martin; Stassun, Keivan G.


    The number of known mutually-eclipsing stellar triple and multiple systems has increased greatly during the Kepler era. These systems provide significant opportunities to both determine fundamental stellar parameters of benchmark systems to unprecedented precision as well as to study the dynamical interaction and formation mechanisms of stellar and planetary systems. Modeling these systems to their full potential, however, has not been feasible until recently. Most existing available codes are restricted to the two-body binary case and those that do provide N-body support for more components make sacrifices in precision by assuming no stellar surface distortion. We have completely redesigned and rewritten the PHOEBE binary modeling code to incorporate support for triple and higher-order systems while also robustly modeling data with Kepler precision. Here we present our approach, demonstrate several test cases based on real data, and discuss the current status of PHOEBE's support for modeling these types of systems. PHOEBE is funded in part by NSF grant #1517474.

  6. Torque Analysis of a Triple Acid-Etched Titanium Implant Surface

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Emília Farias Pontes


    Full Text Available The present study aimed to evaluate the removal torque of titanium implants treated with triple acid etching. Twenty-one rats were used in this study. For all animals, the tibia was prepared with a 2 mm drill, and a titanium implant (2 × 4 mm was inserted after treatment using the subtraction method of triple acid etching. The flaps were sutured. Seven animals were killed 14, 28, and 63 days after implant installation, and the load necessary for removing the implant from the bone was evaluated by using a torque meter. The torque values were as follows: 3.3 ± 1.7 Ncm (14 days, 2.2 ± 1.3 Ncm (28 days, and 6.7 ± 1.4 Ncm (63 days. The torque value at the final healing period (63 days was statistically significantly different from that at other time points tested (ANOVA, p=0.0002. This preliminary study revealed that treatment with triple acid etching can create a promising and efficient surface for the process of osseointegration.

  7. Effect of bismuth addition to the triple therapy of Helicobacter pylori eradication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ezel Taşdemir


    Full Text Available Objective: Success rates of amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and proton-pump inhibitor therapy in the Helicobacter pylori (Hp eradication have been decreasing. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of bismuth subcitrate addition to triple therapy.Materials and methods: 148 patients diagnosed Hp infection with both histology and Hp stool antigen (HpSA tests were examined retrospectively. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to the eradication therapy. The first group received triple therapy with claritromycine 2x 500 mg, amoxicilline 2x1 g and PPI 2x1 for 14 days (n=40. The second group had bismuth subcitrate 4x120 mg with triple therapy for 14 days (n=73. The third group received 14 days pretreatment with bismuth subcitrate 4x1 together with PPI 2x1 then had triple therapy for 14 days (n=35. (14C urea breath and HpSA tests were used to detect posttreatment H.pylori status.Results: There were no statistical difference between the groups in terms of gender and age (p > 0.05. In group one 12 patients, in group two 20 patients and in group three 10 patients were identified as Hp positive after treatment. Eradication rates were 70% for group one, 72.6% for group two and 71.4% for group three respectively. There was no statistical difference between the groups in terms of eradication rates of treatment (p > 0.05.Conclusions: The addition of bismuth to conventional triple therapy did not affect treatment success rates.

  8. Minimal representations and Freudenthal triple systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olive, D.


    Unitary representations of noncompact Lie groups have long been sought in physics. The first nice concrete construction was found by Dirac in connection with the anti-de Sitter group. Some subsequent generalizations will be described, in particular the minimal representation thought to be relevant to realising duality in supergravity superstring theories. A relation to Freudenthal triple systems will be described. (author)

  9. Effectiveness of the Triple P Positive Parenting Program on behavioral problems in children: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    de Graaf, Ireen; Speetjens, Paula; Smit, Filip; de Wolff, Marianne; Tavecchio, Louis


    The Triple P Positive Parenting Program is a multilevel parenting program to prevent and offer treatment for severe behavioral, emotional, and developmental problems in children. The aim of this meta-analysis is to assess the effectiveness of Triple P Level 4 interventions in the management of behavioral problems in children by pooling the evidence from relevant literature that included Level 4 Triple P interventions. Level 4 intervention is indicated if the child has multiple behavior problems in a variety of settings and there are clear deficits in parenting skills. Results indicate that Level 4 of Triple P interventions reduced disruptive behaviors in children. These improvements were maintained well over time, with further improvements in long-term follow-up. These effects support the widespread adoption and implementation of Triple P that is taking place in an increasing number of countries in quite diverse cultural contexts around the world.

  10. Frequency tripling with multimode-lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langer, H.; Roehr, H.; Wrobel, W.G.


    The presence of different modes with random phases in a laser beam leads to fluctuations in nonlinear optical interactions. This paper describes the influence of the linewidth of a dye laser on the generation of intensive Lyman-alpha radiation by frequency tripling. Using this Lyman-alpha source for resonance scattering on strongly doppler-broadened lines in fusion plasmas the detection limit of neutral hydrogen is nearly two orders higher with the multimode than the singlemode dye laser. (orig.) [de

  11. Lifestyle Triple P: a parenting intervention for childhood obesity. (United States)

    Gerards, Sanne M P L; Dagnelie, Pieter C; Jansen, Maria W J; van der Goot, Lidy O H M; de Vries, Nanne K; Sanders, Matthew R; Kremers, Stef P J


    Reversing the obesity epidemic requires the development and evaluation of childhood obesity intervention programs. Lifestyle Triple P is a parent-focused group program that addresses three topics: nutrition, physical activity, and positive parenting. Australian research has established the efficacy of Lifestyle Triple P, which aims to prevent excessive weight gain in overweight and obese children. The aim of the current randomized controlled trial is to assess the effectiveness of the Lifestyle Triple P intervention when applied to Dutch parents of overweight and obese children aged 4-8 years. This effectiveness study is called GO4fit. Parents of overweight and obese children are being randomized to either the intervention or the control group. Those assigned to the intervention condition receive the 14-week Lifestyle Triple P intervention, in which they learn a range of nutritional, physical activity and positive parenting strategies. Parents in the control group receive two brochures, web-based tailored advice, and suggestions for exercises to increase active playing at home. Measurements are taken at baseline, directly after the intervention, and at one year follow-up. Primary outcome measure is the children's body composition, operationalized as BMI z-score, waist circumference, and fat mass (biceps and triceps skinfolds). Secondary outcome measures are children's dietary behavior and physical activity level, parenting practices, parental feeding style, parenting style, parental self-efficacy, and body composition of family members (parents and siblings). Our intervention is characterized by a focus on changing general parenting styles, in addition to focusing on changing specific parenting practices, as obesity interventions typically do. Strengths of the current study are the randomized design, the long-term follow-up, and the broad range of both self-reported and objectively measured outcomes. Current Controlled Trials NTR 2555 MEC AZM/UM: NL 31988

  12. A simple and sensitive separation technique of 99Mo and 99mTc from their equilibrium mixture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swadesh Mandal; Ajoy Mandal


    The present work describes a simple and inexpensive separation method of 99 Mo from the equilibrium mixture. The liquid-liquid extraction technique has been employed to separate 99 Mo and 99m Tc using triisooctylamine (TIOA). The 99 Mo and 99m Tc were quantitatively separated out in 2 M TIOA with tripled distilled water; 99m Tc was back extracted from TIOA organic phase to aqueous phase by 0.1 M DTPA. The species information or indirect speciation of molybdenum was also established by the extraction profile of the molybdenum. (author)

  13. Analytic reconstruction algorithms for triple-source CT with horizontal data truncation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Ming; Yu, Hengyong


    Purpose: This paper explores a triple-source imaging method with horizontal data truncation to enlarge the field of view (FOV) for big objects. Methods: The study is conducted by using theoretical analysis, mathematical deduction, and numerical simulations. The proposed algorithms are implemented in c + + and MATLAB. While the basic platform is constructed in MATLAB, the computationally intensive segments are coded in c + +, which are linked via a MEX interface. Results: A triple-source circular scanning configuration with horizontal data truncation is developed, where three pairs of x-ray sources and detectors are unevenly distributed on the same circle to cover the whole imaging object. For this triple-source configuration, a fan-beam filtered backprojection-type algorithm is derived for truncated full-scan projections without data rebinning. The algorithm is also extended for horizontally truncated half-scan projections and cone-beam projections in a Feldkamp-type framework. Using their method, the FOV is enlarged twofold to threefold to scan bigger objects with high speed and quality. The numerical simulation results confirm the correctness and effectiveness of the developed algorithms. Conclusions: The triple-source scanning configuration with horizontal data truncation cannot only keep most of the advantages of a traditional multisource system but also cover a larger FOV for big imaging objects. In addition, because the filtering is shift-invariant, the proposed algorithms are very fast and easily parallelized on graphic processing units

  14. Triple Value System Dynamics Modeling to Help Stakeholders Engage with Food-Energy-Water Problems (United States)

    Triple Value (3V) Community scoping projects and Triple Value Simulation (3VS) models help decision makers and stakeholders apply systems-analysis methodology to complex problems related to food production, water quality, and energy use. 3VS models are decision support tools that...

  15. Triple and quartic gauge boson couplings at the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Kupco, Alexander; The ATLAS collaboration


    This report at the conference Physics in Collision 2017 reviews recent results from the ATLAS and CMS experiments on production of gauge boson pairs, triples, and vector boson scattering (VBS) processes. Large datasets from LHC proton-proton collisions at $\\sqrt{s}=8$ and $13\\,\\mathrm{TeV}$ allowed the first observations of rare processes: triboson production in channel $Z\\gamma\\gamma$ at $\\sqrt{s}=8\\,\\mathrm{TeV}$ and VBS of same signed WW at $\\sqrt{s}=13\\,\\mathrm{TeV}$. Both experiments observe good agreement with the Standard model (SM) predictions. The data were used to set new limits on anomalous triple and quartic gauge couplings not present in the SM.

  16. Static analysis of triple-effect adsorption refrigeration with compressor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fumi Watanabe


    Full Text Available In order to improve the efficiency of the adsorption refrigeration cycle, this study proposes a triple-effect adsorption refrigeration cycle equipped with a compressor. This cycle can run in order to create a large variation in adsorbent concentration range by the compressor, even if there is little temperature variation in the desorption and adsorption processes. The objective of this study is to clarify the effect that regulating adsorption pressure using a compressor has on the adsorption refrigeration cycle, and to that end cycle efficiency was calculated using a static analysis based on a state of equilibrium. As a results from the simulation, the triple-effect cycles can operate by regulating adsorption pressure. Both COP and exergy efficiency can be improved by a factor of 1.2 if the cycled is regulated the adsorption pressure of each cycle rather than using a shared adsorption pressure. For heat sources in the temperature range of 70–100 °C, this method is superior in terms of COP and exergy efficiency. COP values of approximately 1.7–1.8 can be obtained, which is three times higher than single-effect cycles. The triple-effect cycles have one-third the SCE of single-effect cycles but about the same SCE as double-effect cycles.

  17. Clinical effect of calcium hydroxide paste combined with triple antibiotic paste on root canal disinfection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen QU


    Full Text Available Objective To compare the efficacy in disinfection and pain control of calcium hydroxide paste and triple antibiotic paste (ornidazole, ciprofloxacin and minocycline used individually or jointly for root canal disinfection. Methods Two hundred and thirty-five patients with chronic apical periodontitis (235 teeth were involved in the present study and divided into 2 groups: fistula group (n=118 and no fistula group (n=117. Each group was then randomly divided into 4 subgroups: calcium hydroxide paste group, triple antibiotic paste group, calcium hydroxide + triple antibiotic paste group, and camphor phenol group. After regular root canal preparation, root canals of patients in 4 groups were filled with tiny paper ends impregnated with fore 4 different drugs respectively. Visual analogue scales (VAS of pain were given to the patients with a guide for filling the scale. One week later, both the data of the scales and the effects of root canal disinfection were recorded and analyzed. Results Seven days after treatment, the clinical efficacy of calcium hydroxide paste, triple antibiotic paste and calcium hydroxide + triple antibiotic paste was similar (P>0.05 either in fistula group or in no fistula group, but all better than that of camphor phenol (P<0.05. VAS score analysis showed that, at least on the first 3 days after sealing medicine in the root canal, calcium hydroxide + triple antibiotic paste achieved better result of pain control than the other three groups (P<0.05 no matter with or without fistula. Conclusions  Calcium hydroxide paste, triple antibiotic paste, calcium hydroxide + triple antibiotic paste are effective in treatment of chronic apical periodontitis whether with or without fistula. However, the combined use of calcium hydroxide and three antibiotic pastes is better for controlling the pain after root canal preparation than other treatments, which is therefore worthy of clinical application. DOI: 10.11855/j.issn.0577-7402.2014.02.12

  18. High flux polarized neutrons triple-axis spectrometer: 2T (LLB-Saclay)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bourges, Ph.; Hennion, B.; Sidis, Y.; Boutrouille, Ph.; Baroni, P.


    A description of the performance of the newly designed thermal beam triple-axis spectrometer, 2T at LLB (Saclay) is given. The beam tube will be increased to 50 x 120 mm 2 (HxV) before the monochromator. A gain of about a factor 2 on the neutron flux at the monitor position is expected after this operation, scheduled on April/May 1999. Polarized neutrons beam option will be installed on this triple axis. The polarization is obtained using high quality heusler crystals recently grown at ILL. The size of both heusler monochromator and analyzer have been chosen to fully cover the beam size. The monochromator (analyzer) will be equipped with a vertical (horizontal) curvature. The flux of the polarized beam on the detector is then expected to be 5 times better than IN20 at ILL (best existing polarized neutrons triple-axis on thermal beam) with incident energy upto 75 MeV. (author)

  19. Resolution of a triple axis spectrometer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Mourits; Bjerrum Møller, Hans


    A new method for obtaining the resolution function for a triple-axis neutron spectrometer is described, involving a combination of direct measurement and analytical calculation. All factors which contribute to the finite resolution of the instrument may be taken into account, and Gaussian...... or experimentally determined probability distributions may be used. The application to the study of the dispersion relation for excitations in a crystal is outlined...

  20. Triple combination antibiotic therapy for carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae: a systematic review. (United States)

    Jacobs, David M; Safir, M Courtney; Huang, Dennis; Minhaj, Faisal; Parker, Adam; Rao, Gauri G


    The spread of carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae (CPKP) has become a significant problem worldwide. Combination therapy for CPKP is encouraging, but polymyxin resistance to many antibiotics is hampering effective treatment. Combination therapy with three or more antibiotics is being increasingly reported, therefore we performed a systematic review of triple combination cases in an effort to evaluate their clinical effectiveness for CPKP infections. The PubMed database was searched to identify all published clinical outcomes of CPKP infections treated with triple combination therapy. Articles were stratified into two tiers depending on the level of clinical detail provided. A tier 1 study included: antibiotic regimen, regimen-specific outcome, patient status at onset of infection, and source of infection. Articles not reaching these criteria were considered tier 2. Thirty-three studies were eligible, 23 tier 1 and ten tier 2. Among tier 1 studies, 53 cases were included in this analysis. The most common infection was pneumonia (31%) followed by primary or catheter-related bacteremia (21%) and urinary tract infection (17%). Different combinations of antibiotic classes were utilized in triple combinations, the most common being a polymyxin (colistin or polymyxin B, 86.8%), tigecycline (73.6%), aminoglycoside (43.4%), or carbapenem (43.4%). Clinical and microbiological failure occurred in 14/39 patients (35.9%) and 22/42 patients (52.4%), respectively. Overall mortality for patients treated with triple combination therapy was 35.8% (19/53 patients). Triple combination therapy is being considered as a treatment option for CPKP. Polymyxin-based therapy is the backbone antibiotic in these regimens, but its effectiveness needs establishing in prospective clinical trials.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Atika Dyah Perwita


    dilakukan dengan metode Partial Least Square (PLS. Hasil analisis pengaruh faktor-faktor motivasi terhadap kinerja menunjukkan bahwa motivator dan hygiene factor keduanya berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai. Adapun faktor-faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai PT. Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang (KC Jakarta Barat dan Bogor adalah hygiene factor. Indikator yang paling dominan dalam merefleksikan hygiene factor dalam membangun kinerja pegawai adalah kondisi kerja dan hubungan interpersonal.Kata kunci: hygiene factor, kinerja, motivasi ekstrinsik, motivasi intrinsik, motivator

  2. Isolated orbital mass as the primary presentation of a triple-hit lymphoma transformed from a systemic follicular lymphoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiao Yi Zhou


    Full Text Available Purpose: Triple-hit lymphoma is a highly aggressive B-cell lymphoma. We report a case of triple-hit lymphoma transformed from systemic follicular lymphoma (FL after 9-year remission and presented primarily as an isolated orbital mass without systemic symptoms or lymphadenopathy. Observations: A 58-year-old female presented with intermittent vertical binocular diplopia, left upper eyelid swelling and pain and was found to have a 2.9 cm orbital mass. Histological section revealed a CD10-positive large B-cell lymphoma, consistent with transformation of FL. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH analysis demonstrated rearrangements involving C-MYC, BCL-2 and BCL-6 genes, indicating a high grade, triple-hit lymphoma. Conclusions and importance: Triple-hit lymphoma transformed from a low-grade lymphoma may initially present as an isolated orbital mass without systemic evidence of transformation. Early recognition of double or triple-hit lymphomas is important since these patients require aggressive chemotherapy. Keywords: Lymphoma, Triple-hit lymphoma, Orbital mass

  3. Triple Isotope Water Analyzer for Extraplanetary Studies, Phase II (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Los Gatos Research (LGR) proposes to employ Off-Axis ICOS to develop triple-isotope water analyzers for lunar and other extraplanetary exploration. This instrument...

  4. Symptomatic burden of COPD for patients receiving dual or triple therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen S


    Full Text Available Stephanie Chen,1 Mark Small,2 Leandro Lindner,3 Xiao Xu1,4 1Health Economics and Payer Analytics, AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, MD, USA; 2Respiratory, Adelphi Real World, Bollington, UK; 3Global Payer Evidence and Pricing, AstraZeneca, Cambridge, UK; 4Global Payer Evidence and Pricing, AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, MD, USA Background: COPD is associated with a large disease burden. The use of dual (two maintenance treatments and triple (combination of any three treatments therapy has shown efficacy for symptom relief; however, some patients with COPD remain symptomatic despite these therapies. This study assessed the scope and magnitude of the symptomatic burden for patients with COPD receiving dual or triple therapy. Patients and methods: Cross-sectional data from three Adelphi COPD surveys (2013–2016 conducted in the USA, Europe, Japan, and China were analyzed for patients with COPD and forced expiratory volume in 1 second ≤65% receiving dual or triple therapy for ≥3 months. Physicians completed clinical and disease characteristic forms for identified patients. Corresponding patients completed questionnaires that included validated survey instruments to assess adherence and symptom impact. Descriptive statistics are reported. Results: Our analysis included 690 patients (mean age 68.2 years; 73.3% male; 41.4% and 58.6% were receiving dual and triple therapy, respectively. Most patients had dyspnea with substantial disability (modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale rating ≥2, 56.3%; large health status impairment from symptoms, COPD Assessment Test score >20, 64.4%. A large symptom burden was observed, even for patients highly adherent to treatment (Morisky Medication Adherence Scale 8, 30.3% [185/612], of whom 62.1% still had a COPD Assessment Test score >20. Sensitivity analyses of patients regardless of their forced expiratory volume in 1 second status and of those receiving treatment for >6 months both reported similar results

  5. Triple-frequency GPS precise point positioning with rapid ambiguity resolution (United States)

    Geng, Jianghui; Bock, Yehuda


    At present, reliable ambiguity resolution in real-time GPS precise point positioning (PPP) can only be achieved after an initial observation period of a few tens of minutes. In this study, we propose a method where the incoming triple-frequency GPS signals are exploited to enable rapid convergences to ambiguity-fixed solutions in real-time PPP. Specifically, extra-wide-lane ambiguity resolution can be first achieved almost instantaneously with the Melbourne-Wübbena combination observable on L2 and L5. Then the resultant unambiguous extra-wide-lane carrier-phase is combined with the wide-lane carrier-phase on L1 and L2 to form an ionosphere-free observable with a wavelength of about 3.4 m. Although the noise of this observable is around 100 times the raw carrier-phase noise, its wide-lane ambiguity can still be resolved very efficiently, and the resultant ambiguity-fixed observable can assist much better than pseudorange in speeding up succeeding narrow-lane ambiguity resolution. To validate this method, we use an advanced hardware simulator to generate triple-frequency signals and a high-grade receiver to collect 1-Hz data. When the carrier-phase precisions on L1, L2 and L5 are as poor as 1.5, 6.3 and 1.5 mm, respectively, wide-lane ambiguity resolution can still reach a correctness rate of over 99 % within 20 s. As a result, the correctness rate of narrow-lane ambiguity resolution achieves 99 % within 65 s, in contrast to only 64 % within 150 s in dual-frequency PPP. In addition, we also simulate a multipath-contaminated data set and introduce new ambiguities for all satellites every 120 s. We find that when multipath effects are strong, ambiguity-fixed solutions are achieved at 78 % of all epochs in triple-frequency PPP whilst almost no ambiguities are resolved in dual-frequency PPP. Therefore, we demonstrate that triple-frequency PPP has the potential to achieve ambiguity-fixed solutions within a few minutes, or even shorter if raw carrier-phase precisions are

  6. Characterization of bundled and individual triple-walled carbon nanotubes by resonant Raman spectroscopy. (United States)

    Hirschmann, Thomas Ch; Araujo, Paulo T; Muramatsu, Hiroyuki; Zhang, Xu; Nielsch, Kornelius; Kim, Yoong Ahm; Dresselhaus, Mildred S


    The optical characterization of bundled and individual triple-walled carbon nanotubes was studied for the first time in detail by using resonant Raman spectroscopy. In our approach, the outer tube of a triple-walled carbon nanotube system protects the two inner tubes (or equivalently the inner double-walled carbon nanotube) from external environment interactions making them a partially isolated system. Following the spectral changes and line-widths of the radial breathing modes and G-band by performing laser energy dependent Raman spectroscopy, it is possible to extract important information as regards to the electronic and vibrational properties, tube diameters, wall-to-wall distances, radial breathing mode, and G-band resonance evolutions as well as high-curvature intertube interactions in isolated double- and triple-walled carbon nanotube systems.

  7. A new triple system DNA-Nanosilver-Berberine for cancer therapy (United States)

    Grebinyk, Anna; Yashchuk, Valeriy; Bashmakova, Nataliya; Gryn, Dmytro; Hagemann, Tobias; Naumenko, Antonina; Kutsevol, Nataliya; Dandekar, Thomas; Frohme, Marcus


    The isoquinoline quaternary alkaloid Berberine possesses a variety of pharmacological properties that suggests its promising application for an anticancer delivery system design utilizing its ability to intercalate DNA. In the current work, we have investigated the effects of Berberine on the human T cell leukemia cell line in vitro. Fluorescent microscopy of leukemic cells revealed Berberine nuclear localization. The results showed that Berberine inhibited leukemic cell growth in a time- and dose-dependent manner, that was associated with reactive oxygen species production intensification and caspase 3/7 activity increase with followed apoptosis induction. Berberine was used as a toxic and phototoxic agent for triple system synthesis along with DNA as a carrier and nanosilver as a plasmonic accelerator of Berberine electronic transitions and high energy emission absorbent centers. The proposed method allows to obtain the complex of DNA with Berberine molecules and silver nanoparticles. The optical properties of free components as well as their various combinations, including the final triple system DNA-Nanosilver-Berberine, were investigated. Obtained results support the possibility to use the triple system DNA-Nanosilver-Berberine as an alternative therapeutic agent for cancer treatment.

  8. Second Law Of Thermodynamics Analysis Of Triple Cycle Power Plant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matheus M. Dwinanto


    Full Text Available Triple cycle power plant with methane as a fuel has been analyzed on the basis of second law of thermodynamics.In this model, ideal Brayton cycle is selected as a topping cycle as it gives higher efficiency at lower pressure ratio comparedintercooler and reheat cycle. In trilple cycle the bottoming cycles are steam Rankine and organic Rankine cycle. Ammoniahas suitable working properties like critical temperature, boiling temperature, etc. Steam cycle consists of a deaerator andreheater. The bottoming ammonia cycle is a ideal Rankine cycle. Single pressure heat recovery steam and ammoniagenerators are selected for simplification of the analysis. The effects of pressure ratio and maximum temperature which aretaken as important parameters regarding the triple cycle are discussed on performance and exergetic losses. On the otherhand, the efficiency of the triple cycle can be raised, especially in the application of recovering low enthalpy content wasteheat. Therefore, by properly combining with a steam Rankine cycle, the ammonia Rankine cycle is expected to efficientlyutilize residual yet available energy to an optimal extent. The arrangement of multiple cycles is compared with combinedcycle having the same sink conditions. The parallel type of arrangement of bottoming cycle is selected due to increasedperformance.

  9. Structure of 12C and the triple-α process

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fynbo, H.O.U.; Diget, C.Aa.


    We review experiments at IGISOL and associated work at ISOLDE and KVI on the use of the β-decays of 12N and 12B for the study of the structure of 12C and the consequences for the rate of the triple-α reaction in stars.......We review experiments at IGISOL and associated work at ISOLDE and KVI on the use of the β-decays of 12N and 12B for the study of the structure of 12C and the consequences for the rate of the triple-α reaction in stars....

  10. Studies of the Triple Pomeron Vertex in perturbative QCD and its applications in phenomenology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kutak, K.


    We study the properties of the Triple Pomeron Vertex in the perturbative QCD using the twist expansion method. Such analysis allows us to find the momenta configurations preferred by the vertex. When the momentum transfer is zero, the dominant contribution in the limit when N c →∞ comes from anticollinear pole. This is in agreement with result obtained without expanding, but by direct averaging of the Triple Pomeron Vertex over angles. Resulting theta functions show that the anticollinear configuration is optimal for the vertex. In the finite N c case the collinear term also contributes. Using the Triple Pomeron Vertex we construct a pomeron loop and we also consider four gluon propagation between two Triple Pomeron Vertices. We apply the Triple Pomeron Vertex to construct the Hamiltonian from which we derive the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation for an unintegrated gluon density. In order to apply this equation to phenomenology, we apply the Kwiecinski-Martin-Stasto model for higher order corrections to a linear part of the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation. We introduce the definition of the saturation scale which reflects properties of this equation. Finally, we use it for computation of observables, such as the F 2 structure function and diffractive Higgs boson production cross section. The impact of screening corrections on F 2 is negligible, but those effects turn out to be significant for diffractive Higgs boson production at LHC

  11. Triple Negative Breast Cancer in Pregnancy and Postpartum: Two Case Reports in Hispanic Women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruchi Upadhyay


    Full Text Available Objective. Despite studies suggesting that triple negative breast cancer is more often seen in women of African ancestry, we report here two cases of pregnancy associated triple negative breast cancer in Hispanic women. Cases. Case one is a 37-year-old female para 2-0-0-2, who presented with a left breast mass, at 19 weeks of gestation, the biopsy of which reported an invasive ductal carcinoma, found to be triple receptor negative. The patient underwent chemotherapy during the pregnancy and was delivered with a cesarean at 37 weeks for obstetric indication. After delivery, the patient completed her chemotherapy that was followed by radical mastectomy and radiotherapy. Case two is a 28-year-old female para 6-0-1-5, who presented while breast-feeding with signs and symptoms of mastitis, and an engorged and tender right breast, five months postpartum. However, the sonogram revealed a fluid filled cavity. Aspiration and cytology did not reflect an infection and were negative for malignancy. High suspicion and lack of improvement led to biopsy that identified an invasive ductal carcinoma, found to be triple negative. The patient underwent chemotherapy followed by modified radical mastectomy. Conclusions. Triple negative breast cancer, during pregnancy or postpartum, poses a unique challenge and requires a multidisciplinary team to optimize treatment for these women.

  12. Assembly of Liposomes Controlled by Triple Helix Formation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vogel, Stefan; Jakobsen, Ulla


    Attachment of DNA to the surface of different solid nanoparticles (e.g. gold- and silica nanoparticles) is well established and a number of DNA-modified solid nanoparticle systems have been applied to thermal denaturation analysis of oligonucleotides. We report herein the non-covalent immobilizat...... analysis (NTA) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) show independently from ultraviolet spectroscopy experiments the formation of liposome aggregates.......-covalent immobilization of oligonucleotides on the surface of soft nanoparticles (e.g. liposomes) and the subsequent controlled assembly by DNA triple helix formation. The non-covalent approach avoids tedious surface chemistry and necessary purification procedures and can simplify and extend the available methodology...... sequences (G or C-rich) to explore the applicability of the method for different triple helical assembly modes. We demonstrate advantages and limitations of the approach and proof the reversible and reproducible formation of liposome aggregates during thermal denaturation cycles. Nanoparticle tracking...

  13. Analysis of the heat transfer in double and triple concentric tube heat exchangers (United States)

    Rădulescu, S.; Negoiţă, L. I.; Onuţu, I.


    The tubular heat exchangers (shell and tube heat exchangers and concentric tube heat exchangers) represent an important category of equipment in the petroleum refineries and are used for heating, pre-heating, cooling, condensation and evaporation purposes. The paper presents results of analysis of the heat transfer to cool a petroleum product in two types of concentric tube heat exchangers: double and triple concentric tube heat exchangers. The cooling agent is water. The triple concentric tube heat exchanger is a modified constructive version of double concentric tube heat exchanger by adding an intermediate tube. This intermediate tube improves the heat transfer by increasing the heat area per unit length. The analysis of the heat transfer is made using experimental data obtained during the tests in a double and triple concentric tube heat exchanger. The flow rates of fluids, inlet and outlet temperatures of water and petroleum product are used in determining the performance of both heat exchangers. Principally, for both apparatus are calculated the overall heat transfer coefficients and the heat exchange surfaces. The presented results shows that triple concentric tube heat exchangers provide better heat transfer efficiencies compared to the double concentric tube heat exchangers.

  14. Compact modeling of nanoscale triple-gate junctionless transistors covering drift-diffusion to quasi-ballistic carrier transport (United States)

    Oproglidis, T. A.; Karatsori, T. A.; Barraud, S.; Ghibaudo, G.; Dimitriadis, C. A.


    In this work, we extend our analytical compact model for nanoscale junctionless triple-gate (JL TG) MOSFETs, capturing carrier transport from drift-diffusion to quasi-ballistic regime. This is based on a simple formulation of the low-field mobility extracted from experimental data using the Y-function method, taking into account the ballistic carrier motion and an increased carrier scattering in process-induced defects near the source/drain regions. The case of a Schottky junction in non-ideal ohmic contact at the drain side was also taken into account by modifying the threshold voltage and ideality factor of the JL transistor. The model is validated with experimental data for n-channel JL TG MOSFETs with channel length varying from 95 down to 25 nm. It can be easily implemented as a compact model for use in Spice circuit simulators.

  15. Single particle analysis of TiO2 in candy products using triple quadrupole ICP-MS. (United States)

    Candás-Zapico, S; Kutscher, D J; Montes-Bayón, M; Bettmer, J


    Titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) belongs to the materials that have gained great importance in many applications. In its particulate form (micro- or nanoparticles), it has entered a huge number of consumer products and food-grade TiO 2 , better known as E171 within the European Union, represents an important food additive. Thus, there is an increasing need for analytical methods able to detect and quantify such particles. In this regard, inductively coupled-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), in particular single particle ICP-MS (spICP-MS), has gained importance due to its simplicity and ease of use. Nevertheless, the number of applications for Ti nanoparticles is rather limited. In this study, we have applied the spICP-MS strategy by comparing different measuring modes available in triple quadrupole ICP-MS. First, single quadrupole mode using the collision/reaction cell system was selected for monitoring the isotope 47 Ti. Different cell gases like He, O 2 and NH 3 were tested under optimised conditions for its applicability in spICP-MS of standard suspensions of TiO 2 . The determined analytical figures of merit were compared to those obtained by triple quadrupole mode using the 47 Ti or 48 Ti reaction products using O 2 and NH 3 as reaction gases. This comparison demonstrated that the triple quadrupole mode (TQ mode) was superior in terms of sensitivity due to the more efficient removal of spectral interferences. Particle size detection limits down to 26nm were obtained using the best instrumental conditions for TiO 2 particles at a dwell time of 10ms. Finally, the different measuring modes were applied to the analysis of chewing gum samples after a simple extraction procedure using an ultrasonic bath. The obtained results showed a good agreement for the detected particle size range using the different TQ modes. The size range of TiO 2 particles was determined to be between approximately 30 and 200nm, whereas roughly 40% of the particles were smaller than 100nm. For the

  16. Layout compliance for triple patterning lithography: an iterative approach (United States)

    Yu, Bei; Garreton, Gilda; Pan, David Z.


    As the semiconductor process further scales down, the industry encounters many lithography-related issues. In the 14nm logic node and beyond, triple patterning lithography (TPL) is one of the most promising techniques for Metal1 layer and possibly Via0 layer. As one of the most challenging problems in TPL, recently layout decomposition efforts have received more attention from both industry and academia. Ideally the decomposer should point out locations in the layout that are not triple patterning decomposable and therefore manual intervention by designers is required. A traditional decomposition flow would be an iterative process, where each iteration consists of an automatic layout decomposition step and manual layout modification task. However, due to the NP-hardness of triple patterning layout decomposition, automatic full chip level layout decomposition requires long computational time and therefore design closure issues continue to linger around in the traditional flow. Challenged by this issue, we present a novel incremental layout decomposition framework to facilitate accelerated iterative decomposition. In the first iteration, our decomposer not only points out all conflicts, but also provides the suggestions to fix them. After the layout modification, instead of solving the full chip problem from scratch, our decomposer can provide a quick solution for a selected portion of layout. We believe this framework is efficient, in terms of performance and designer friendly.

  17. Realization of the Gallium Triple Point at NMIJ/AIST (United States)

    Nakano, T.; Tamura, O.; Sakurai, H.


    The triple point of gallium has been realized by a calorimetric method using capsule-type standard platinum resistance thermometers (CSPRTs) and a small glass cell containing about 97 mmol (6.8 g) of gallium with a nominal purity of 99.99999%. The melting curve shows a very flat and relatively linear dependence on 1/ F in the region from 1/ F = 1 to 1/ F = 20 with a narrow width of the melting curve within 0.1 mK. Also, a large gallium triple-point cell was fabricated for the calibration of client-owned CSPRTs. The gallium triple-point cell consists of a PTFE crucible and a PTFE cap with a re-entrant well and a small vent. The PTFE cell contains 780 g of gallium from the same source as used for the small glass cell. The PTFE cell is completely covered by a stainless-steel jacket with a valve to enable evacuation of the cell. The melting curve of the large cell shows a flat plateau that remains within 0.03 mK over 10 days and that is reproducible within 0.05 mK over 8 months. The calibrated value of a CSPRT obtained using the large cell agrees with that obtained using the small glass cell within the uncertainties of the calibrations.

  18. Triple Test in Carcinoma Breast (United States)

    Sameer; Mukherjee, Arindam


    Introduction: The commonest clinical presentation in majority of breast pathology is a lump. A definite diagnosis of breast lump is very important for the surgeon to decide on the final course of treatment and also saves the patient from unnecessary physical, emotional and psychological trauma if there is a definite preoperative diagnosis of benign lesion. The present study was done to evaluate the effectiveness and relevance of “TRIPLE TEST”in diagnosis of carcinoma breast in rural labour class population. Materials and Methods: The present study was a prospective study conducted on patients over 35 years of age having palpable breast lumps presenting in the out patient department of general surgery, ESI Hospital Basaidarapur New Delhi, India. The duration of study was from May 2007 to June 2009 and a total of 100 cases were studied. Each patient was subjected to a detailed history, clinical breast examination ,diagnostic mammography and FNAC. In this study, the results of each modality was divided in three groups: benign, suspicious and malignant. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and diagnostic accuracy of each test was calculated individually and as combined. Result: Out of 100 patients enrolled in this study, 60 cases were benign and 40 cases were of malignant breast disease. The age of patients with carcinoma breast in the series varied from 35 years to 70 years. The highest incidence of malignancy noted was 30% in 41-50 years age group (4th decade) followed by 27.5% in 51-60 years age group (5th decade). The sensitivity of clinical examination was found to be 75%, specificity was 83.3%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 75% and diagnostic accuracy of 80%. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and diagnostic accuracy of mammography was calculated and was found to be 94.9% , 90% , 86% and 92% respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and diagnostic accuracy of

  19. The interface of mental health and human rights in Indigenous peoples: triple jeopardy and triple opportunity. (United States)

    Tarantola, Daniel


    Insufficient understanding of the reciprocal interactions between health and human rights, mental health and human rights and the realization of all human rights by Indigenous peoples constitute a triple jeopardy in how these topics are currently being addressed and/or openly antagonized. This paper will attempt to show how a combined health and human rights approach to mental health in Indigenous peoples can transform a triple jeopardy into a triple opportunity. The vast and growing body of literature on mental health, health as a whole, and human rights as these relate to health and to Indigenous peoples will be used to frame the discussion. Attention to the complex interactions of health and human rights can guide policy formulation and action by offering a method of analysis, a process of participatory decision and a framework for accountability. In addition, mental health can find its rightful place in the health and human rights discourse through efforts to help policymakers and practitioners broaden their vision of mental illness to holistically encompass aspects of physical, social, emotional and cultural wellbeing. Finally, connecting the role that rights realization plays in determining health and wellbeing will add power to the rightful claims by Indigenous peoples to the promotion and protection of all their human rights--civil, political, economic, social and cultural. Broadening the research agenda by applying systematically a health and human rights analytical framework to the understanding of social determinants of health would minimize the risk of assigning health outcome merely to behaviours, practices and lifestyles, uncovering structural determinants of holistic health entrenched in policies and governmental conduct. Building the evidence of the negative impact of human rights violation on health and the negative impact of ill-health on the fulfilment of other human rights can help in designing comprehensive interventions, building on the

  20. Triple-Frequency GPS Precise Point Positioning Ambiguity Resolution Using Dual-Frequency Based IGS Precise Clock Products

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fei Liu


    Full Text Available With the availability of the third civil signal in the Global Positioning System, triple-frequency Precise Point Positioning ambiguity resolution methods have drawn increasing attention due to significantly reduced convergence time. However, the corresponding triple-frequency based precise clock products are not widely available and adopted by applications. Currently, most precise products are generated based on ionosphere-free combination of dual-frequency L1/L2 signals, which however are not consistent with the triple-frequency ionosphere-free carrier-phase measurements, resulting in inaccurate positioning and unstable float ambiguities. In this study, a GPS triple-frequency PPP ambiguity resolution method is developed using the widely used dual-frequency based clock products. In this method, the interfrequency clock biases between the triple-frequency and dual-frequency ionosphere-free carrier-phase measurements are first estimated and then applied to triple-frequency ionosphere-free carrier-phase measurements to obtain stable float ambiguities. After this, the wide-lane L2/L5 and wide-lane L1/L2 integer property of ambiguities are recovered by estimating the satellite fractional cycle biases. A test using a sparse network is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the method. The results show that the ambiguity resolution can be achieved in minutes even tens of seconds and the positioning accuracy is in decimeter level.

  1. Guided search for triple conjunctions. (United States)

    Nordfang, Maria; Wolfe, Jeremy M


    A key tenet of feature integration theory and of related theories such as guided search (GS) is that the binding of basic features requires attention. This would seem to predict that conjunctions of features of objects that have not been attended should not influence search. However, Found (1998) reported that an irrelevant feature (size) improved the efficiency of search for a Color × Orientation conjunction if it was correlated with the other two features across the display, as compared to the case in which size was not correlated with color and orientation features. We examined this issue with somewhat different stimuli. We used triple conjunctions of color, orientation, and shape (e.g., search for a red, vertical, oval-shaped item). This allowed us to manipulate the number of features that each distractor shared with the target (sharing) and it allowed us to vary the total number of distractor types (and, thus, the number of groups of identical items: grouping). We found that these triple conjunction searches were generally very efficient--producing very shallow Reaction Time × Set Size slopes, consistent with strong guidance by basic features. Nevertheless, both of the variables, sharing and grouping, modulated performance. These influences were not predicted by previous accounts of GS; however, both can be accommodated in a GS framework. Alternatively, it is possible, though not necessary, to see these effects as evidence for "preattentive binding" of conjunctions.

  2. Perturbative triples correction for local pair natural orbital based explicitly correlated CCSD(F12*) using Laplace transformation techniques. (United States)

    Schmitz, Gunnar; Hättig, Christof


    We present an implementation of pair natural orbital coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples, PNO-CCSD(T), which avoids the quasi-canonical triples approximation (T0) where couplings due to off-diagonal Fock matrix elements are neglected. A numerical Laplace transformation of the canonical expression for the perturbative (T) triples correction is used to avoid an I/O and storage bottleneck for the triples amplitudes. Results for a test set of reaction energies show that only very few Laplace grid points are needed to obtain converged energy differences and that PNO-CCSD(T) is a more robust approximation than PNO-CCSD(T0) with a reduced mean absolute deviation from canonical CCSD(T) results. We combine the PNO-based (T) triples correction with the explicitly correlated PNO-CCSD(F12*) method and investigate the use of specialized F12-PNOs in the conventional triples correction. We find that no significant additional errors are introduced and that PNO-CCSD(F12*)(T) can be applied in a black box manner.

  3. Quality of the spare triple-GEM detectors

    CERN Document Server

    Lenci, Rosario; Paoletti, Emiliano; Pasquali, Luigi; Pinci, Davide; Piscitelli, Carmelo; Poli Lener, Marco; Sciubba, Adalberto; Tskhadadze, Edisher


    Triple-GEM chambers equip the inner region of the M1 muon station. In order to provide spare detectors in case of problems in the operating ones, new chambers have been assembled at the Frascati National Laboratories of the INFN. This note summarizes the results of the quality tests performed at the end of the production procedure.

  4. Targeting histone abnormality in triple negative breast cancer (United States)


    clinical trials for treatment of cancers such as acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and lung cancer (http://clinicaltrials. gov). LSD2 has been linked to...The Cancer Genome Atlas; AML, acute myeloid leukemia ; DNMT, DNA methyltransferase; TNBC, triple-negative breast cancer; BCSC, breast cancer stem cell

  5. Synthesis and crystal structure analysis of uranyl triple acetates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klepov, Vladislav V., E-mail: [Institute for Energy and Climate Research (IEK-6), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52428 Jülich (Germany); Department of Chemistry, Samara National Research University, 443086 Samara (Russian Federation); Serezhkina, Larisa B.; Serezhkin, Victor N. [Department of Chemistry, Samara National Research University, 443086 Samara (Russian Federation); Alekseev, Evgeny V., E-mail: [Institute for Energy and Climate Research (IEK-6), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52428 Jülich (Germany); Institut für Kristallographie, RWTH Aachen University, 52066 Aachen (Germany)


    Single crystals of triple acetates NaR[UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]{sub 3}·6H{sub 2}O (R=Mg, Co, Ni, Zn), well-known for their use as reagents for sodium determination, were grown from aqueous solutions and their structural and spectroscopic properties were studied. Crystal structures of the mentioned phases are based upon (Na[UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]{sub 3}){sup 2–} clusters and [R(H{sub 2}O){sub 6}]{sup 2+} aqua-complexes. The cooling of a single crystal of NaMg[UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]{sub 3}·6H{sub 2}O from 300 to 100 K leads to a phase transition from trigonal to monoclinic crystal system. Intermolecular interactions between the structural units and their mutual packing were studied and compared from the point of view of the stereoatomic model of crystal structures based on Voronoi-Dirichlet tessellation. Using this method we compared the crystal structures of the triple acetates with Na[UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}] and [R(H{sub 2}O){sub 6}][UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]{sub 2} and proposed reasons of triple acetates stability. Infrared and Raman spectra were collected and their bands were assigned. - Graphical abstract: Single crystals of uranium based triple acetates, analytical reagents for sodium determination, were synthesized and structurally, spectroscopically and topologically characterized. The structures were compared with the structures of compounds from preceding families [M(H{sub 2}O){sub 6})][UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]{sub 2} (M = Mg, Co, Ni, Zn) and Na[UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]. Analysis was performed with the method of molecular Voronoi-Dirichlet polyhedra to reveal a large contribution of the hydrogen bonds into intermolecular interactions which can be a reason of low solubility of studied complexes.

  6. Lifestyle Triple P: a parenting intervention for childhood obesity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerards Sanne MPL


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Reversing the obesity epidemic requires the development and evaluation of childhood obesity intervention programs. Lifestyle Triple P is a parent-focused group program that addresses three topics: nutrition, physical activity, and positive parenting. Australian research has established the efficacy of Lifestyle Triple P, which aims to prevent excessive weight gain in overweight and obese children. The aim of the current randomized controlled trial is to assess the effectiveness of the Lifestyle Triple P intervention when applied to Dutch parents of overweight and obese children aged 4–8 years. This effectiveness study is called GO4fit. Methods/Design Parents of overweight and obese children are being randomized to either the intervention or the control group. Those assigned to the intervention condition receive the 14-week Lifestyle Triple P intervention, in which they learn a range of nutritional, physical activity and positive parenting strategies. Parents in the control group receive two brochures, web-based tailored advice, and suggestions for exercises to increase active playing at home. Measurements are taken at baseline, directly after the intervention, and at one year follow-up. Primary outcome measure is the children’s body composition, operationalized as BMI z-score, waist circumference, and fat mass (biceps and triceps skinfolds. Secondary outcome measures are children’s dietary behavior and physical activity level, parenting practices, parental feeding style, parenting style, parental self-efficacy, and body composition of family members (parents and siblings. Discussion Our intervention is characterized by a focus on changing general parenting styles, in addition to focusing on changing specific parenting practices, as obesity interventions typically do. Strengths of the current study are the randomized design, the long-term follow-up, and the broad range of both self-reported and objectively measured

  7. Design of intelligent locks based on the triple KeeLoq algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huibin Chen


    Full Text Available KeeLoq algorithm with high security was usually used in wireless codec. Its security lack is indicated in this article according to the detailed rationale and the introduction of previous attack researches. Taking examples from Triple Data Encryption Standard algorithm, the triple KeeLoq codec algorithm was first proposed. Experimental results showed that the algorithm would not reduce powerful rolling effect and in consideration of limited computing power of embedded microcontroller three 64-bit keys were suitable to increase the crack difficulties and further improved its security. The method was applied to intelligent door access system for experimental verification. 16F690 extended Bluetooth or WiFi interface was employed to design the lock system on door. Key application was constructed on Android platform. The wireless communication between the lock on door and Android key application employed triple KeeLoq algorithm to ensure the higher security. Due to flexibility and multiformity (an Android key application with various keys of software-based keys, the solution owned overwhelmed advantages of low cost, high security, humanity, and green environmental protection.

  8. Quantitative Determination of Bioactive Constituents in Noni Juice by High-performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrospray Ionization Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry. (United States)

    Yan, Yongqiu; Lu, Yu; Jiang, Shiping; Jiang, Yu; Tong, Yingpeng; Zuo, Limin; Yang, Jun; Gong, Feng; Zhang, Ling; Wang, Ping


    Noni juice has been extensively used as folk medicine for the treatment of arthritis, infections, analgesic, colds, cancers, and diabetes by Polynesians for many years. Due to the lack of standard scientific evaluation methods, various kinds of commercial Noni juice with different quality and price were available on the market. To establish a sensitive, reliable, and accurate high-performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method for separation, identification, and simultaneous quantitative analysis of bioactive constituents in Noni juice. The analytes and eight batches of commercially available samples from different origins were separated and analyzed by the HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method on an Agilent ZORBAX SB-C 18 (150 mm × 4.6 mm i.d., 5 μm) column using a gradient elution of acetonitrile-methanol-0.05% glacial acetic acid in water (v/v) at a constant flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. Seven components were identification and all of the assay parameters were within the required limits. Components were within the correlation coefficient values ( R 2 ≥ 0.9993) at the concentration ranges tested. The precision of the assay method was high-performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization triple quadrupole mass spectrometryThe presented method was successfully applied to the quality control of eight batches of commercially available samples of Noni juiceThis method is simple, sensitive, reliable, accurate, and efficient method with strong specificity, good precision, and high recovery rate and provides a reliable basis for quality control of Noni juice. Abbreviations used: HPLC-ESI-MS/MS: High-performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, LOD: Limit of detection, LOQ: Limit of quantitation, S/N: Signal-to-noise ratio, RSD: Relative standard deviations, DP: Declustering potential, CE: Collision energy, MRM: Multiple reaction monitoring, RT

  9. Dually actuated triple shape memory polymers of cross-linked polycyclooctene-carbon nanotube/polyethylene nanocomposites. (United States)

    Wang, Zhenwen; Zhao, Jun; Chen, Min; Yang, Minhao; Tang, Luyang; Dang, Zhi-Min; Chen, Fenghua; Huang, Miaoming; Dong, Xia


    In this work, electrically and thermally actuated triple shape memory polymers (SMPs) of chemically cross-linked polycyclooctene (PCO)-multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/polyethylene (PE) nanocomposites with co-continuous structure and selective distribution of fillers in PCO phase are prepared. We systematically studied not only the microstructure including morphology and fillers' selective distribution in one phase of the PCO/PE blends, but also the macroscopic properties including thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties. The co-continuous window of the immiscible PCO/PE blends is found to be the volume fraction of PCO (vPCO) of ca. 40-70 vol %. The selective distribution of fillers in one phase of co-continuous blends is obtained by a masterbatch technique. The prepared triple SMP materials show pronounced triple shape memory effects (SMEs) on the dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and the visual observation by both thermal and electric actuations. Such polyolefin samples with well-defined microstructure, electrical actuation, and triple SMEs might have potential applications as, for example, multiple autochoke elements for engines, self-adjusting orthodontic wires, and ophthalmic devices.

  10. Triple dividends of water consumption charges in South Africa (United States)

    Letsoalo, Anthony; Blignaut, James; de Wet, Theuns; de Wit, Martin; Hess, Sebastiaan; Tol, Richard S. J.; van Heerden, Jan


    The South African government is exploring ways to address water scarcity problems by introducing a water resource management charge on the quantity of water used in sectors such as irrigated agriculture, mining, and forestry. It is expected that a more efficient water allocation, lower use, and a positive impact on poverty can be achieved. This paper reports on the validity of these claims by applying a computable general equilibrium model to analyze the triple dividend of water consumption charges in South Africa: reduced water use, more rapid economic growth, and a more equal income distribution. It is shown that an appropriate budget-neutral combination of water charges, particularly on irrigated agriculture and coal mining, and reduced indirect taxes, particularly on food, would yield triple dividends, that is, less water use, more growth, and less poverty.

  11. The Voronoi volume and molecular representation of molar volume: equilibrium simple fluids. (United States)

    Hunjan, Jagtar Singh; Eu, Byung Chan


    The Voronoi volume of simple fluids was previously made use of in connection with volume transport phenomena in nonequilibrium simple fluids. To investigate volume transport phenomena, it is important to develop a method to compute the Voronoi volume of fluids in nonequilibrium. In this work, as a first step to this goal, we investigate the equilibrium limit of the nonequilibrium Voronoi volume together with its attendant related molar (molal) and specific volumes. It is proved that the equilibrium Voronoi volume is equivalent to the molar (molal) volume. The latter, in turn, is proved equivalent to the specific volume. This chain of equivalences provides an alternative procedure of computing the equilibrium Voronoi volume from the molar volume/specific volume. We also show approximate methods of computing the Voronoi and molar volumes from the information on the pair correlation function. These methods may be employed for their quick estimation, but also provide some aspects of the fluid structure and its relation to the Voronoi volume. The Voronoi volume obtained from computer simulations is fitted to a function of temperature and pressure in the region above the triple point but below the critical point. Since the fitting function is given in terms of reduced variables for the Lennard-Jones (LJ) model and the kindred volumes (i.e., specific and molar volumes) are in essence equivalent to the equation of state, the formula obtained is a reduced equation state for simple fluids obeying the LJ model potential in the range of temperature and pressure examined and hence can be used for other simple fluids.

  12. Uncovering the triple omeron vertex from Wilson line formalism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chirilli, G. A.; Szymanowski, L.; Wallon, S.


    We compute the triple omeron vertex from the Wilson line formalism, including both planar and nonplanar contributions, and get perfect agreement with the result obtained in the Extended Generalized Logarithmic Approximation based on Reggeon calculus.

  13. Direct, enantioselective α-alkylation of aldehydes using simple olefins. (United States)

    Capacci, Andrew G; Malinowski, Justin T; McAlpine, Neil J; Kuhne, Jerome; MacMillan, David W C


    Although the α-alkylation of ketones has already been established, the analogous reaction using aldehyde substrates has proven surprisingly elusive. Despite the structural similarities between the two classes of compounds, the sensitivity and unique reactivity of the aldehyde functionality has typically required activated substrates or specialized additives. Here, we show that the synergistic merger of three catalytic processes-photoredox, enamine and hydrogen-atom transfer (HAT) catalysis-enables an enantioselective α-aldehyde alkylation reaction that employs simple olefins as coupling partners. Chiral imidazolidinones or prolinols, in combination with a thiophenol, iridium photoredox catalyst and visible light, have been successfully used in a triple catalytic process that is temporally sequenced to deliver a new hydrogen and electron-borrowing mechanism. This multicatalytic process enables both intra- and intermolecular aldehyde α-methylene coupling with olefins to construct both cyclic and acyclic products, respectively. With respect to atom and step-economy ideals, this stereoselective process allows the production of high-value molecules from feedstock chemicals in one step while consuming only photons.

  14. Physics of lateral triple quantum-dot molecules with controlled electron numbers. (United States)

    Hsieh, Chang-Yu; Shim, Yun-Pil; Korkusinski, Marek; Hawrylak, Pawel


    We review the recent progress in theory and experiments with lateral triple quantum dots with controlled electron numbers down to one electron in each dot. The theory covers electronic and spin properties as a function of topology, number of electrons, gate voltage and external magnetic field. The orbital Hund's rules and Nagaoka ferromagnetism, magnetic frustration and chirality, interplay of quantum interference and electron-electron interactions and geometrical phases are described and related to charging and transport spectroscopy. Fabrication techniques and recent experiments are covered, as well as potential applications of triple quantum-dot molecule in coherent control, spin manipulation and quantum computation.

  15. Two-loop corrections to the triple Higgs boson production cross section

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Florian, Daniel de [International Center for Advanced Studies (ICAS), ECyT-UNSAM, Campus Miguelete, 25 de Mayo y Francia (1650) Buenos Aires (Argentina); Mazzitelli, Javier [International Center for Advanced Studies (ICAS), ECyT-UNSAM, Campus Miguelete, 25 de Mayo y Francia (1650) Buenos Aires (Argentina); Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich (Switzerland)


    In this paper we compute the QCD corrections for the triple Higgs boson production cross section via gluon fusion, within the heavy-top approximation. We present, for the first time, analytical results for the next-to-leading order corrections, and also compute the soft and virtual contributions of the next-to-next-to-leading order cross section. We provide predictions for the total cross section and the triple Higgs invariant mass distribution. We find that the QCD corrections are large at both perturbative orders, and that the scale uncertainty is substantially reduced when the second order perturbative corrections are included.

  16. A Modified Triple Pelvic Osteotomy for the Treatment of Hip Hypoplasia

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    Hassan Rahimi


    Full Text Available Background: The prevalence of hip dysplasia is 1 in 1000. Several pelvic osteotomy methods have been developed to prevent early osteoarthritis, such as triple osteotomy. In this study we are going to introduce our new technique that was done on 4 patients with favorable short-term results.   Methods: Four patients underwent triple osteotomy and fixation using a reconstruction plate and early weight bearing was started. Results: The Harris Hip Score, limb length, center-edge angle, and acetabular inclination showed improvement. Conclusion: This modified technique is suggested for corrective surgery on adult dysplastic hips.

  17. Androgen receptor status is a prognostic marker in non-basal triple negative breast cancers and determines novel therapeutic options.

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    Pierluigi Gasparini

    Full Text Available Triple negative breast cancers are a heterogeneous group of tumors characterized by poor patient survival and lack of targeted therapeutics. Androgen receptor has been associated with triple negative breast cancer pathogenesis, but its role in the different subtypes has not been clearly defined. We examined androgen receptor protein expression by immunohistochemical analysis in 678 breast cancers, including 396 triple negative cancers. Fifty matched lymph node metastases were also examined. Association of expression status with clinical (race, survival and pathological (basal, non-basal subtype, stage, grade features was also evaluated. In 160 triple negative breast cancers, mRNA microarray expression profiling was performed, and differences according to androgen receptor status were analyzed. In triple negative cancers the percentage of androgen receptor positive cases was lower (24.8% vs 81.6% of non-triple negative cases, especially in African American women (16.7% vs 25.5% of cancers of white women. No significant difference in androgen receptor expression was observed in primary tumors vs matched metastatic lesions. Positive androgen receptor immunoreactivity was inversely correlated with tumor grade (p<0.01 and associated with better overall patient survival (p = 0.032 in the non-basal triple negative cancer group. In the microarray study, expression of three genes (HER4, TNFSF10, CDK6 showed significant deregulation in association with androgen receptor status; eg CDK6, a novel therapeutic target in triple negative cancers, showed significantly higher expression level in androgen receptor negative cases (p<0.01. These findings confirm the prognostic impact of androgen receptor expression in non-basal triple negative breast cancers, and suggest targeting of new androgen receptor-related molecular pathways in patients with these cancers.


    Judaki, Arezu; Rahmani, Asghar; Feizi, Jalil; Asadollahi, Khairollah; Hafezi Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza


    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) gastric infection is a main cause of inflammatory changes and gastric cancers. The aim of this study was finding the effects of curcumin on oxidative stress and histological changes in chronic gastritis associated with H. pylori. In a randomized clinical trial, patients were divided into two groups: a standard triple therapy group and triple therapy with curcumin group. Endoscopic and histological examinations were measured for all patients before and after 8 weeks. Triple therapy with curcumin treatment group significantly decreased malondialdehyde markers, glutathione peroxides and increased total antioxidant capacity of the gastric mucosa at the end of study compared to baseline and triple regimen groups. In addition, the oxidative damage to DNA was significantly decreased in triple therapy with curcumin group at the end of study compared to baseline and compared to triple therapy (Pgastritis associated by H. pylori.

  19. Transient cracks and triple junctions induced by Cocos-Nazca propagating rift (United States)

    Schouten, H.; Smith, D. K.; Zhu, W.; Montesi, L. G.; Mitchell, G. A.; Cann, J. R.


    The Galapagos triple junction is a ridge-ridge-ridge triple junction where the Cocos, Nazca, and Pacific plates meet around the Galapagos microplate (GMP). On the Cocos plate, north of the large gore that marks the propagating Cocos-Nazca (C-N) Rift, a 250-km-long and 50-km-wide band of NW-SE-trending cracks crosscuts the N-S-trending abyssal hills of the East Pacific Rise (EPR). These appear as a succession of minor rifts, accommodating some NE-SW extension of EPR-generated seafloor. The rifts successively intersected the EPR in triple junctions at distances of 50-100 km north of the tip of the C-N Rift. We proposed a simple crack interaction model to explain the location of the transient rifts and their junction with the EPR. The model predicts that crack locations are controlled by the stress perturbation along the EPR, induced by the dominant C-N Rift, and scaled by the distance of its tip to the EPR (Schouten et al., 2008). The model also predicts that tensile stresses are symmetric about the C-N Rift and thus, similar cracks should have occurred south of the C-N Rift prior to formation of the GMP about 1 Ma. There were no data at the time to test this prediction. In early 2009 (AT 15-41), we mapped an area on the Nazca plate south of the C-N rift out to 4 Ma. The new bathymetric data confirm the existence of a distinctive pattern of cracks south of the southern C-N gore that mirrors the pattern on the Cocos plate until about 1 Ma, and lends support to the crack interaction model. The envelope of the symmetric cracking pattern indicates that the distance between the C-N Rift tip and the EPR varied between 40 and 65 km during this time (1-4 Ma). The breakdown of the symmetry at 1 Ma accurately dates the onset of a southern plate boundary of the GMP, now Dietz Deep Rift. At present, the southern rift boundary of the GMP joins the EPR with a steep-sided, 80 km long ridge. This ridge releases the stress perturbation otherwise induced along the EPR by elastic

  20. Double- and Triple-Duty Caregiving Men: An Examination of Subjective Stress and Perceived Schedule Control. (United States)

    DePasquale, Nicole; Zarit, Steven H; Mogle, Jacqueline; Moen, Phyllis; Hammer, Leslie B; Almeida, David M


    Based on the stress process model of family caregiving, this study examined subjective stress appraisals and perceived schedule control among men employed in the long-term care industry (workplace-only caregivers) who concurrently occupied unpaid family caregiving roles for children (double-duty child caregivers), older adults (double-duty elder caregivers), and both children and older adults (triple-duty caregivers). Survey responses from 123 men working in nursing home facilities in the United States were analyzed using multiple linear regression models. Results indicated that workplace-only and double- and triple-duty caregivers' appraised primary stress similarly. However, several differences emerged with respect to secondary role strains, specifically work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intentions. Schedule control also constituted a stress buffer for double- and triple-duty caregivers, particularly among double-duty elder caregivers. These findings contribute to the scarce literature on double- and triple-duty caregiving men and have practical implications for recruitment and retention strategies in the health care industry.

  1. Studies of the Triple PomeronVertex in perturbative QCD and its applications in phenomenology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kutak, K.


    We study the properties of the Triple Pomeron Vertex in the perturbative QCD using the twist expansion method. Such analysis allows us to find the momenta configurations preferred by the vertex. When the momentum transfer is zero, the dominant contribution in the limit when N{sub c}{yields}{infinity} comes from anticollinear pole. This is in agreement with result obtained without expanding, but by direct averaging of the Triple Pomeron Vertex over angles. Resulting theta functions show that the anticollinear configuration is optimal for the vertex. In the finite N{sub c} case the collinear term also contributes. Using the Triple Pomeron Vertex we construct a pomeron loop and we also consider four gluon propagation between two Triple Pomeron Vertices. We apply the Triple Pomeron Vertex to construct the Hamiltonian from which we derive the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation for an unintegrated gluon density. In order to apply this equation to phenomenology, we apply the Kwiecinski-Martin-Stasto model for higher order corrections to a linear part of the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation. We introduce the definition of the saturation scale which reflects properties of this equation. Finally, we use it for computation of observables, such as the F{sub 2} structure function and diffractive Higgs boson production cross section. The impact of screening corrections on F{sub 2} is negligible, but those effects turn out to be significant for diffractive Higgs boson production at LHC.

  2. Bilateral triple renal arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pestemalci, Turan; Yildiz, Yusuf Zeki; Yildirim, Mehmet; Mavi, Ayfer; Gumusburun, Erdem


    Knowledge of the variations of the renal artery has grown in importance with increasing numbers of renal transplants, vascular reconstructions and various surgical and radio logic techniques being performed in recent years. We report the presence of bilateral triple renal arteries, discovered on routine dissection of a male cadaver. On the right side, one additional renal artery originated from the abdominal aorta (distributed to superior pole of the kidney) and one other originated from the right common iliac artery (distributed to lower pole of the kidney). On the left side, both additional renal arteries originated from the abdominal aorta. Our observation has been compared with variations described in the literature and their clinical importance has been emphasized. (author)

  3. Prenatal diagnosis and prognosis of triple X syndrome: 47, XXX. (United States)

    Ben Hamouda, H; Mkacher, N; Elghezal, H; Bannour, H; Kamoun, M; Soua, H; Saad, A; Souissi, M M; Sfar, M T


    Triple X syndrome is a relatively common sex chromosomal abnormality occurring in 0,1% of live-born female infants. Most of these infants have a normal phenotype and only a few cases with 47, XXX karyotype have congenital malformations. We report three cases of triple X syndrome that were diagnosed prenatally by genetic amniocentesis for advanced maternal age and have been observed from birth to age of 3 to 12 years. A description of their growth and development is presented. The birth weight was normal in all patients and one of them had facial dysmorphism with right microphtalmia and auricular septal defect. During the first 2 years of life, the neuromotor development of these infants was not distinguishable from chromosomally normal children. By 3 years of age, two patients have a moderate developmental delay in speech and language. One girl 12-year-old had normal schooling. The diagnosis of the triple X syndrome can be never made because clinical demonstrations are not rather important to arouse the demand of a karyotype. Prenatal diagnosis is often made in front of the advanced maternal age. Expectant parents must be counseled as to the significance of this 47, XXX karyotype and prognostic information must be given.

  4. Constructs for the expression of repeating triple-helical protein domains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, Yong Y; Werkmeister, Jerome A; Vaughan, Paul R; Ramshaw, John A M


    The development of novel scaffolds will be an important aspect in future success of tissue engineering. Scaffolds will preferably contain information that directs the cellular content of constructs so that the new tissue that is formed is closely aligned in structure, composition and function to the target natural tissue. One way of approaching this will be the development of novel protein-based constructs that contain one or more repeats of functional elements derived from various proteins. In the present case, we describe a strategy to make synthetic, recombinant triple-helical constructs that contain repeat segments of biologically relevant domains. Copies of a DNA fragment prepared by PCR from human type III collagen have been inserted in a co-linear contiguous fashion into the yeast expression vector YEpFlag-1, using sequential addition between selected restriction sites. Constructs containing 1, 2 and 3 repeats were designed to maintain the (Gly-X-Y) repeat, which is essential for the formation of an extended triple helix. All constructs gave expressed protein, with the best being the 3-repeat construct which was readily secreted. This material had the expected composition and N-terminal sequence. Incubation of the product at low temperature led to triple-helix formation, shown by reaction with a conformation dependent monoclonal antibody.

  5. Constructs for the expression of repeating triple-helical protein domains

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peng, Yong Y; Werkmeister, Jerome A; Vaughan, Paul R; Ramshaw, John A M, E-mail: jerome.werkmeister@csiro.a [CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies, Bag 10, Clayton South, VIC 3169 (Australia)


    The development of novel scaffolds will be an important aspect in future success of tissue engineering. Scaffolds will preferably contain information that directs the cellular content of constructs so that the new tissue that is formed is closely aligned in structure, composition and function to the target natural tissue. One way of approaching this will be the development of novel protein-based constructs that contain one or more repeats of functional elements derived from various proteins. In the present case, we describe a strategy to make synthetic, recombinant triple-helical constructs that contain repeat segments of biologically relevant domains. Copies of a DNA fragment prepared by PCR from human type III collagen have been inserted in a co-linear contiguous fashion into the yeast expression vector YEpFlag-1, using sequential addition between selected restriction sites. Constructs containing 1, 2 and 3 repeats were designed to maintain the (Gly-X-Y) repeat, which is essential for the formation of an extended triple helix. All constructs gave expressed protein, with the best being the 3-repeat construct which was readily secreted. This material had the expected composition and N-terminal sequence. Incubation of the product at low temperature led to triple-helix formation, shown by reaction with a conformation dependent monoclonal antibody.

  6. On intersections of pairs of Steiner triple systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hall, J.I.; Udding, J.T.


    Numerous articles exist in the literature concerning the intersection properties of collections of Steiner triple systems based on the same point set ([4], [5], [11], [12], [14], [15], [16], [19], [20]). In this paper we discuss several methods, first used by the authors in [7], for treating such

  7. Modeling Radiation Effects on a Triple Junction Solar Cell using Silvaco ATLAS


    Schiavo, Daniel


    In this research, Silvaco ATLAS, an advanced virtual wafer fabrication tool, was used to model the effects of radiation on a triple junction InGaP/GaAs/Ge solar cell. A Silvaco ATLAS model of a triple junction InGaP/GaAs/Ge cell was created by first creating individual models for solar cells composed of each material. Realistic doping levels were used and thicknesses were varied to produce the design parameters and create reasonably efficient solar cell models for testing. After the individua...

  8. Isolated orbital mass as the primary presentation of a triple-hit lymphoma transformed from a systemic follicular lymphoma. (United States)

    Zhou, Xiao Yi; Lu, Xinyan; Raparia, Kirtee; Chen, Yi-Hua


    Triple-hit lymphoma is a highly aggressive B-cell lymphoma. We report a case of triple-hit lymphoma transformed from systemic follicular lymphoma (FL) after 9-year remission and presented primarily as an isolated orbital mass without systemic symptoms or lymphadenopathy. A 58-year-old female presented with intermittent vertical binocular diplopia, left upper eyelid swelling and pain and was found to have a 2.9 cm orbital mass. Histological section revealed a CD10-positive large B-cell lymphoma, consistent with transformation of FL. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis demonstrated rearrangements involving C-MYC, BCL-2 and BCL-6 genes, indicating a high grade, triple-hit lymphoma. Triple-hit lymphoma transformed from a low-grade lymphoma may initially present as an isolated orbital mass without systemic evidence of transformation. Early recognition of double or triple-hit lymphomas is important since these patients require aggressive chemotherapy.

  9. Triple collinear emissions in parton showers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Höche, Stefan; Prestel, Stefan


    A framework to include triple collinear splitting functions into parton showers is presented, and the implementation of flavor-changing NLO splitting kernels is discussed as a first application. The correspondence between the Monte-Carlo integration and the analytic computation of NLO DGLAP evolution kernels is made explicit for both timelike and spacelike parton evolution. Numerical simulation results are obtained with two independent implementations of the new algorithm, using the two independent event generation frameworks Pythia and Sherpa.

  10. Triple photonic band-gap structure dynamically induced in the presence of spontaneously generated coherence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Jinwei; Bao Qianqian; Wan Rengang; Cui Cuili; Wu Jinhui


    We study a cold atomic sample coherently driven into the five-level triple-Λ configuration for attaining a dynamically controlled triple photonic band-gap structure. Our numerical calculations show that three photonic band gaps with homogeneous reflectivities up to 92% can be induced on demand around the probe resonance by a standing-wave driving field in the presence of spontaneously generated coherence. All these photonic band gaps are severely malformed with probe reflectivities declining rapidly to very low values when spontaneously generated coherence is gradually weakened. The triple photonic band-gap structure can also be attained in a five-level chain-Λ system of cold atoms in the absence of spontaneously generated coherence, which however requires two additional traveling-wave fields to couple relevant levels.

  11. Grain boundary and triple junction diffusion in nanocrystalline copper

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wegner, M., E-mail:; Leuthold, J.; Peterlechner, M.; Divinski, S. V., E-mail: [Institut für Materialphysik, Universität Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10, D-48149, Münster (Germany); Song, X., E-mail: [College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, 100124 Beijing (China); Wilde, G. [Institut für Materialphysik, Universität Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10, D-48149, Münster (Germany); Institute of Nanochemistry and Nanobiology, School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University, 200444 Shanghai (China)


    Grain boundary and triple junction diffusion in nanocrystalline Cu samples with grain sizes, 〈d〉, of ∼35 and ∼44 nm produced by spark plasma sintering were investigated by the radiotracer method using the {sup 63}Ni isotope. The measured diffusivities, D{sub eff}, are comparable with those determined previously for Ni grain boundary diffusion in well-annealed, high purity, coarse grained, polycrystalline copper, substantiating the absence of a grain size effect on the kinetic properties of grain boundaries in a nanocrystalline material at grain sizes d ≥ 35 nm. Simultaneously, the analysis predicts that if triple junction diffusion of Ni in Cu is enhanced with respect to the corresponding grain boundary diffusion rate, it is still less than 500⋅D{sub gb} within the temperature interval from 420 K to 470 K.

  12. Establishment of a New National Reference Ensemble of Water Triple Point Cells (United States)

    Senn, Remo


    The results of the Bilateral Comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5 (w/VSL, The Netherlands) with the goal to link Switzerland's ITS-90 realization (Ar to Al) to the latest key comparisons gave strong indications for a discrepancy in the realization of the triple point of water. Due to the age of the cells of about twenty years, it was decided to replace the complete reference ensemble with new "state-of-the-art" cells. Three new water triple point cells from three different suppliers were purchased, as well as a new maintenance bath for an additional improvement of the realization. In several loops measurements were taken, each cell of both ensembles intercompared, and the deviations and characteristics determined. The measurements show a significant lower average value of the old ensemble of 0.59 ± 0.25 mK (k=2) in comparison with the new one. Likewise, the behavior of the old cells is very unstable with a drift downward during the realization of the triple point. Based on these results the impact of the new ensemble on the ITS-90 realization from Ar to Al was calculated and set in the context to performed calibrations and their related uncertainties in the past. This paper presents the instrumentation, cells, measurement procedure, results, uncertainties and impact of the new national reference ensemble of water triple point cells on the current ITS-90 realization in Switzerland.

  13. Evaluation of the Beneficial Effects of Triple Intercropping of Maize (Zea mays L., Pinto Been (Phaseolus vulgaris L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Moradi


    Full Text Available In order to evaluate the benefits of maize, pinto bean and naked pumpkin triple cropping, an experiment was carried out as a randomized complete block design with three replications at Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran in 2012. The treatments consisted of maize, pinto bean and naked pumpkin sole cropping (100, 75 and 50% of conventional densities, maize – pinto bean and maize – pumpkin double cropping (100-100%, 75-75% and 50-50%, and maize-pinto bean-pumpkin triple cropping (100-100-100%, 75-75-75% and 50-50-50%. The highest and lowest forage fresh weights were obtained in triple cropping system with high density and sole cropping systems with low density, respectively. In double cropping systems, the maize-pumpkin out-yielded the maize-pinto bean in terms of fresh weight. The relative crowding coefficient, competitive ratio and aggressivity of maize in double cropping of maize-pinto bean and naked pumpkin in double cropping of maize-naked pumpkin were dominant. In triple cropping systems, while maize and naked pumpkin were comparable, but both of the latter crops were dominant over pinto bean. Land Equivalent Ratio (LER for double and triple cropping was greater than one, revealing the profitability of double and triple cropping systems on sole cropping. According to the LER, the cropping systems can be ranked as follows: triple cropping > double cropping maize/pinto bean > double cropping maize/pumpkin

  14. Triple-porosity/permeability flow in faulted geothermal reservoirs: Two-dimensional effects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cesar Suarez Arriaga, M. [Michoacan Univ. & CFE, Mich. (Mexico); Samaniego Verduzco, F. [National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico, Coyoacan (Mexico)


    An essential characteristic of some fractured geothermal reservoirs is noticeable when the drilled wells intersect an open fault or macrofracture. Several evidences observed, suggest that the fluid transport into this type of systems, occurs at least in three stages: flow between rock matrix and microfractures, flow between fractures and faults and flow between faults and wells. This pattern flow could define, by analogy to the classical double-porosity model, a triple-porosity, triple-permeability concept. From a mathematical modeling point of view, the non-linearity of the heterogeneous transport processes, occurring with abrupt changes on the petrophysical properties of the rock, makes impossible their exact or analytic solution. To simulate this phenomenon, a detailed two-dimensional geometric model was developed representing the matrix-fracture-fault system. The model was solved numerically using MULKOM with a H{sub 2}O=CO{sub 2} equation of state module. This approach helps to understand some real processes involved. Results obtained from this study, exhibit the importance of considering the triple porosity/permeability concept as a dominant mechanism producing, for example, strong pressure gradients between the reservoir and the bottom hole of some wells.

  15. Triple-coincidence with automatic chance coincidence correction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chase, R.L.


    The chance coincidences in a triple-coincidence circuit are of two types--partially correlated and entirely uncorrelated. Their relative importance depends on source strength and source and detector geometry so that the total chance correction cannot, in general, be calculated. The system described makes use of several delays and straightforward integrated circuit logic to provide independent evaluation of the two components of the chance coincidence rate. (auth)

  16. A tidally interacting disk in the young triple system WL 20?


    Barsony, Mary; Greene, Thomas P.; Blake, Geoffrey A.


    We present high-resolution λ = 2.7 mm imaging of the close triple pre-main-sequence system WL 20. Compact dust emission with integrated flux density of 12.9 ± 1.3 mJy is associated with two components of the triple system, WL 20W and WL 20S. No emission above a 3 σ level of 3.9 mJy is detected toward the third component, WL 20E, which lies 3."17 (400 AU) due east in projection from its neighbors. A possibly warped structure of ~0.1 M_☉ and ≤3."2 extent encompasses WL 20W and WL 20S, which hav...

  17. Physics of lateral triple quantum-dot molecules with controlled electron numbers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsieh, Chang-Yu; Shim, Yun-Pil; Korkusinski, Marek; Hawrylak, Pawel


    We review the recent progress in theory and experiments with lateral triple quantum dots with controlled electron numbers down to one electron in each dot. The theory covers electronic and spin properties as a function of topology, number of electrons, gate voltage and external magnetic field. The orbital Hund's rules and Nagaoka ferromagnetism, magnetic frustration and chirality, interplay of quantum interference and electron–electron interactions and geometrical phases are described and related to charging and transport spectroscopy. Fabrication techniques and recent experiments are covered, as well as potential applications of triple quantum-dot molecule in coherent control, spin manipulation and quantum computation. (review article)

  18. Transport and interaction blockade of cold bosonic atoms in a triple-well potential

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schlagheck, P; Malet, F; Cremon, J C; Reimann, S M


    We theoretically investigate the transport properties of cold bosonic atoms in a quasi-one-dimensional (1D) triple-well potential that consists of two large outer wells, which act as microscopic source and drain reservoirs, and a small inner well, which represents a quantum-dot-like scattering region. Bias and gate 'voltages' introduce a time-dependent tilt of the triple-well configuration, and are used to shift the energetic level of the inner well with respect to the outer ones. By means of exact diagonalization considering a total number of six atoms in the triple-well potential, we find diamond-like structures for the occurrence of single-atom transport in the parameter space spanned by the bias and gate voltages. We discuss the analogy with Coulomb blockade in electronic quantum dots, and point out how one can infer the interaction energy in the central well from the distance between the diamonds.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naoz, Smadar; Stephan, Alexander P. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (United States); Fragos, Tassos [Geneva Observatory, University of Geneva, Chemin des Maillettes 51, 1290 Sauverny (Switzerland); Geller, Aaron; Rasio, Frederic A., E-mail: [Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA), Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60201 (United States)


    The formation of black hole (BH) low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXB) poses a theoretical challenge, as low-mass companions are not expected to survive the common-envelope scenario with the BH progenitor. Here we propose a formation mechanism that skips the common-envelope scenario and relies on triple-body dynamics. We study the evolution of hierarchical triples following the secular dynamical evolution up to the octupole-level of approximation, including general relativity, tidal effects, and post-main-sequence evolution such as mass loss, changes to stellar radii, and supernovae. During the dynamical evolution of the triple system the “eccentric Kozai-Lidov” mechanism can cause large eccentricity excitations in the LMXB progenitor, resulting in three main BH-LMXB formation channels. Here we define BH-LMXB candidates as systems where the inner BH-companion star crosses its Roche limit. In the “eccentric” channel (∼81% of the LMXBs in our simulations) the donor star crosses its Roche limit during an extreme eccentricity excitation while still on a wide orbit. Second, we find a “giant” LMXB channel (∼11%), where a system undergoes only moderate eccentricity excitations but the donor star fills its Roche-lobe after evolving toward the giant branch. Third, we identify a “classical” channel (∼8%), where tidal forces and magnetic braking shrink and circularize the orbit to short periods, triggering mass-transfer. Finally, for the giant channel we predict an eccentric (∼0.3–0.6) preferably inclined (∼40°, ∼140°) tertiary, typically on a wide enough orbit (∼10{sup 4} au) to potentially become unbound later in the triple evolution. While this initial study considers only one representative system and neglects BH natal kicks, we expect our scenario to apply across a broad region of parameter space for triple-star systems.

  20. December2004 Results of Triple Arthrodesis in Uganda.

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 2, 2004 ... Background: In Uganda, foot deformities of various kinds and complexities are common. The aim of this study was to evaluate ... Conclusion: In the developing world triple arthrodesis still has a role to play in treatment of feet deformities. The results ... on flat ground, high stepping gait, moderate deformity ...

  1. Direct-acting antiviral-based triple therapy on alpha-fetoprotein level in chronic hepatitis C patients. (United States)

    Takayama, Koji; Furusyo, Norihiro; Ogawa, Eiichi; Ikezaki, Hiroaki; Shimizu, Motohiro; Murata, Masayuki; Hayashi, Jun


    To investigate the impact of telaprevir-based triple therapy on the serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level of chronic hepatitis C patients. A total of 210 patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 of high viral load (baseline serum hepatitis C virus RNA > 5.0 log10 IU/mL) were divided into two groups by type of treatment: triple therapy with telaprevir, pegylated-interferon-α (PEG-IFNα), and ribavirin (RBV) for 24 wk (n = 88), or dual therapy with PEG-IFNα and RBV for 48 wk (n = 122). The relationship between virological response and the change in the serum AFP level from baseline to 24 wk after the end of treatment was examined. No significant difference in mean baseline AFP level was found between the triple and dual therapy groups (8.8 ng/mL vs 7.8 ng/mL). Triple therapy produced significant declines in the AFP level in sustained virological response (SVR) and non-SVR patients (7.8 ng/mL at baseline to 3.5 ng/mL at 24 wk after the end of treatment, P < 0.001 and 14.3 ng/mL to 9.5 ng/mL, P = 0.004, respectively). In contrast, dual therapy resulted in a significant decline in AFP level only in SVR patients (4.7 ng/mL to 2.8 ng/mL, P < 0.001), but not in non-SVR patients (10.2 ng/mL to 10.1 ng/mL). Among patients with a high-baseline AFP level (≥ 10 ng/mL), the decline in the AFP level was significantly higher in the triple therapy than in the dual therapy group (15.9 ng/mL vs 1.6 ng/mL, P = 0.037). Regardless of virological response, telaprevir-based triple therapy reduced the serum AFP level.

  2. Using snowflake surface-area-to-volume ratio to model and interpret snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures (United States)

    Gergely, Mathias; Cooper, Steven J.; Garrett, Timothy J.


    The snowflake microstructure determines the microwave scattering properties of individual snowflakes and has a strong impact on snowfall radar signatures. In this study, individual snowflakes are represented by collections of randomly distributed ice spheres where the size and number of the constituent ice spheres are specified by the snowflake mass and surface-area-to-volume ratio (SAV) and the bounding volume of each ice sphere collection is given by the snowflake maximum dimension. Radar backscatter cross sections for the ice sphere collections are calculated at X-, Ku-, Ka-, and W-band frequencies and then used to model triple-frequency radar signatures for exponential snowflake size distributions (SSDs). Additionally, snowflake complexity values obtained from high-resolution multi-view snowflake images are used as an indicator of snowflake SAV to derive snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures. The modeled snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures cover a wide range of triple-frequency signatures that were previously determined from radar reflectivity measurements and illustrate characteristic differences related to snow type, quantified through snowflake SAV, and snowflake size. The results show high sensitivity to snowflake SAV and SSD maximum size but are generally less affected by uncertainties in the parameterization of snowflake mass, indicating the importance of snowflake SAV for the interpretation of snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures.

  3. La región de la triple frontera: territorios de integración y desintegración The triple frontier region: territories of integration and disintegration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramón Fogel


    Full Text Available En el articulo se analiza la triple frontera (Foz de Iguazú, Puerto Iguazu e Ciudad del Elste como territorio construido, apropriado y controlado por actores, algunos extra regionales. Estos actores mantienen vínculos entre si que implican relaciones de poder, y están involucrados en actividades y procesos con incidencia en la integración regional.This article analyses the triple frontier (Foz do Iguaçú, Puerto Iguazu and Ciudad del Este as a constructed territory, owned and controlled by actors, some of them extra-regional. These actors maintain between themselves ties that imply relations of power, and they are involved in activities and processes that have an effect on regional integration.

  4. Wavelets and triple difference as a mathematical method for filtering and mitigation of DGPS errors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aly M. El-naggar


    Wavelet spectral techniques can separate GPS signals into sub-bands where different errors can be separated and mitigated. The main goal of this paper was the development and implementation of DGPS error mitigation techniques using triple difference and wavelet. This paper studies, analyzes and provides new techniques that will help mitigate these errors in the frequency domain. The proposed technique applied to smooth noise for GPS receiver positioning data is based upon the analysis of wavelet transform (WT. The technique is applied using wavelet as a de-noising tool to tackle the high-frequency errors in the triple difference domain and to obtain a de-noised triple difference signal that can be used in a positioning calculation.

  5. Triple-negative breast cancer: present challenges and new perspectives

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Podo, Franca; Buydens, Lutgarde M. C.; Degani, Hadassa; Hilhorst, Riet; Klipp, Edda; Gribbestad, Ingrid S.; van Huffel, Sabine; van Laarhoven, Hanneke W. M.; Luts, Jan; Monleon, Daniel; Postma, Geert J.; Schneiderhan-Marra, Nicole; Santoro, Filippo; Wouters, Hans; Russnes, Hege G.; Sørlie, Therese; Tagliabue, Elda; Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise


    Triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC), characterized by absence of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and lack of overexpression of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), are typically associated with poor prognosis, due to aggressive tumor phenotype(s), only partial

  6. What can triple helix frameworks offer to the analysis of eco-innovation dynamics? Theoretical and methodological considerations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yang, Yan; Holgaard, Jette Egelund; Remmen, Arne


    stakeholder groups are interacting in this connection. Taking the triple helix as the theoretical departure point, this paper discusses the opportunities offered by these triple helix frameworks for analyzing eco-innovation dynamics from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It adds to the debate about......Bringing environmental concerns into focus of innovation processes will in several cases also expand the numbers of actors involved. Eco-innovation and triple helix are often frameworks applied to analyse how environmental concerns are integrated in the innovation processes and how different...

  7. Triple pelvic osteotomy: effect on limb function and progression of degenerative joint disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, A.L.; Smith, C.W.; Pijanowski, G.J.; Hungerford, L.L.


    The objective of this study was to evaluate prospectively the outcome of 21 clinical patients treated with triple pelvic osteotomies during the year following surgery. Specific aims included documenting the time of and extent of improved limb function as measured by force plate analysis, evaluating the progression of degenerative joint disease (DJD) in the treated and untreated coxofemoral joints, and determining whether or not triple pelvic osteotomy resulted in degenerative joint changes in the ipsilateral stifle and hock. Twelve dogs were treated unilaterally and nine dogs were treated bilaterally with triple pelvic osteotomies. There were no differences in mean anteversion angles, angles of inclination, or preoperative DJD between treated hips and untreated hips. Degenerative joint disease progressed significantly in all hips regardless of treatment. Two cases developed hyperextension of their hocks after the triple pelvic osteotomies. However, no radiographic evidence of DJD was observed for any of the stifles or hocks at any observation time. A significant increase in vertical peak force (VPF) scores was noted for treated legs by two-to-three months after surgery, which continued over time. Untreated legs did not show a significant change in VPF scores over time. No differences were found in progression to higher scores when unilaterally treated legs, first-side treated legs, and second-side treated legs were compared

  8. The triple Higgs coupling: a new probe of low-scale seesaw models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baglio, Julien [Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Tübingen,Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 Tübingen (Germany); Weiland, Cédric [Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Department of Physics, Durham University,South Road, Durham DH1 3LE (United Kingdom)


    The measure of the triple Higgs coupling is one of the major goals of the high-luminosity run of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) as well as the future colliders, either leptonic such as the International Linear Collider (ILC) or hadronic such as the 100 TeV Future Circular Collider in hadron-hadron mode (FCC-hh). We have recently proposed this observable as a test of neutrino mass generating mechanisms in a regime where heavy sterile neutrino masses are hard to be probed otherwise. We present in this article a study of the one-loop corrected triple Higgs coupling in the inverse seesaw model, taking into account all relevant constraints on the model. This is the first study of the impact on the triple Higgs coupling of heavy neutrinos in a realistic, renormalizable neutrino mass model. We obtain deviations from the Standard Model as large as to ∼+30% that are at the current limit of the HL-LHC sensitivity, but would be clearly visible at the ILC or at the FCC-hh.

  9. The Fishery Performance Indicators: A Management Tool for Triple Bottom Line Outcomes (United States)

    Anderson, James L.; Anderson, Christopher M.; Chu, Jingjie; Meredith, Jennifer; Asche, Frank; Sylvia, Gil; Smith, Martin D.; Anggraeni, Dessy; Arthur, Robert; Guttormsen, Atle; McCluney, Jessica K.; Ward, Tim; Akpalu, Wisdom; Eggert, Håkan; Flores, Jimely; Freeman, Matthew A.; Holland, Daniel S.; Knapp, Gunnar; Kobayashi, Mimako; Larkin, Sherry; MacLauchlin, Kari; Schnier, Kurt; Soboil, Mark; Tveteras, Sigbjorn; Uchida, Hirotsugu; Valderrama, Diego


    Pursuit of the triple bottom line of economic, community and ecological sustainability has increased the complexity of fishery management; fisheries assessments require new types of data and analysis to guide science-based policy in addition to traditional biological information and modeling. We introduce the Fishery Performance Indicators (FPIs), a broadly applicable and flexible tool for assessing performance in individual fisheries, and for establishing cross-sectional links between enabling conditions, management strategies and triple bottom line outcomes. Conceptually separating measures of performance, the FPIs use 68 individual outcome metrics—coded on a 1 to 5 scale based on expert assessment to facilitate application to data poor fisheries and sectors—that can be partitioned into sector-based or triple-bottom-line sustainability-based interpretative indicators. Variation among outcomes is explained with 54 similarly structured metrics of inputs, management approaches and enabling conditions. Using 61 initial fishery case studies drawn from industrial and developing countries around the world, we demonstrate the inferential importance of tracking economic and community outcomes, in addition to resource status. PMID:25946194

  10. GW170817: a neutron star merger in a mass-transferring triple system (United States)

    Chang, Philip; Murray, Norman


    The light curve of GW170817 is surprisingly blue and bright. Assuming that the event is a binary neutron star merger, we argue that blueness and brightness of the light curve is the result of ejecta that contains an substantial amount of thermal energy. To achieve this, the ejecta must be reheated at a substantial distance (1-2000 solar radii) from the merger to avoid losing the energy to adiabatic cooling. We show that this reheating can occur if the merger occurs in a hierarchical triple system where the outer star has evolved and filled its Roche lobe. The outer star feeds mass to the inner binary, forming a circumbinary disc, driving the inner binary to merge. Because the outer star fills its Roche lobe, a substantial fraction of the dynamical ejecta collides with the evolved star, reheating the ejecta in the process. We suggest that the process of mass transfer in hierarchical triples tends to form coplanar triple systems such as PSR J0337+1715, and may provide electromagnetic counterparts to binary black hole mergers.

  11. Development of triple axis neutron spectrometer (Paper No. 24)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pal, B.C.; Wadhwa, N.R.; Goveas, S.H.


    The triple axis neutron spectrometers are the basic instruments intended for use with neutron beams from reactors. Various types of spectrometers, each devoted to different kinds of measurement can be designed and manufactured, once a prototype having all the attributes of a versatile instrument is designed and developed. With the view to achieving self reliance in this field, Central Workshops of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Bombay designed and developed a prototype of triple axis spectrometer meeting the specifications prepared by Nuclear Physics Division of BARC . This spectrometer, with a moving wedge system was successfully manufactured and installed at 'DHRUVA'. Another version of this spectrometer, called the 'Polarised Neutron Spectrometer' was also built and exported to South Korea and installed at Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute, Seoul. This paper deals with basic concept, development of design, engineering of mechanical assemblies, the manufacturing approach and problems encountered during manufacture. (author). 3 figs


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    Iswatun Chasanah


    Full Text Available Kinerja adalah suatu hasil kerja baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas yang dicapai seseorang untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu yang didukung oleh faktor internal pegawai maupun faktor lingkungan internal organisasi seperti kemampuan kerja yang baik, fasilitas yang memadai serta prosedur kerja yang memiliki prinsip yang jelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh antara kemampuan kerja, fasilitas kerja, dan prinsip prosedur kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai secara simultan maupun parsial. Sampel sebanyak 113 pegawai dari 5 Kantor Kecamatan yang diambil dengan teknik Cluster Sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan angket. Analisis data dengan menggunakan Regresi linier Berganda, Uji Asumsi Klasik, dan Analisis Deskriptif Presentase. Hasil analisis regresi linier berganda diperoleh persamaan Y = 10,137+0,384X1+0,180X2+0,387X3 + e. Hasil uji F diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 yang menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara kemampuan kerja, fasilitas kerja, dan prinsip prosedur kerja terhadap kinerja pegwai yaitu sebesar 27,2%. Sedangkan pengaruh secara parsial untuk kemampuan kerja sebesar 5,01%, fasilitas kerja sebesar 5,42%, dan prinsip prosedur kerja sebesar 18,6%. Performance is a work result both quality and quantity work achieved by a person to achieve the certain goal that is supported by internal factors of employees and internal factors environmental of organization such as a good work ability, adequate work facilities and job procedures that have clear principle. The purposes of this research was to identify the influence of the work ability, working facilities, and the principle of job procedures to performance of employees simultaneously or partially. Sample were 113 employees of 5 district offices which were taken by Cluster Sampling. Data were collected by using documentation and questionnaires method. Analysis using multiple linear regression, classical

  13. Multicharged Ion-induced simple molecule fragmentation dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tarisien, M.


    The aim of this work is to study the dynamics of swift multicharged ion-induced fragmentation of diatomic (CO) and triatomic (CO 2 ) molecules. Performed at the GANIL facility, this study used the Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy technique (RIMS), which consists of a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, coupled with a multi-hit capability position sensitive detector (delay line anode). The high-resolution measurement of the kinetic energy distribution released (KER) during the CO fragmentation points out the limitation of the Coulomb Explosion Model, revealing, for example, the di-cation CO 2 + electronic state contribution in the case of C + /O + fragmentation pathway. Furthermore, the multi-ionization cross section dependence with the orientation of the internuclear axis of CO is compared with a geometrical model calculation. Finally, different behaviours are observed for the dissociation dynamics of a triatomic molecule (CO 2 ). While triple ionization leads mainly to a synchronous concerted fragmentation dynamics, a weak fraction of dissociating molecule follows a sequential dynamics involving CO 2 + metastable states. In the case of double ionization, (CO 2 ) 2+ di-cation dissociation dynamics is asynchronously concerted and has been interpreted using a simple model involving an asymmetrical vibration of the molecule. (author)

  14. Effectiveness of the Triple P Positive Parenting Program on behavioral problems in children: A meta-analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Graaf, I.; Speetjens, P.; Smit, F.; de Wolff, M.; Tavecchio, L.


    The Triple P Positive Parenting Program is a multilevel parenting program to prevent and offer treatment for severe behavioral, emotional, and developmental problems in children. The aim of this meta-analysis is to assess the effectiveness of Triple P Level 4 interventions in the management of

  15. Building integration photovoltaic module with reference to Ghana: using triple junction amorphous silicon


    Essah, Emmanuel Adu


    This paper assesses the potential for using building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) \\ud roof shingles made from triple-junction amorphous silicon (3a-Si) for electrification \\ud and as a roofing material in tropical countries, such as Accra, Ghana. A model roof \\ud was constructed using triple-junction amorphous (3a-Si) PV on one section and \\ud conventional roofing tiles on the other. The performance of the PV module and tiles \\ud were measured, over a range of ambient temperatures and solar...

  16. TNK2 Tyrosine Kinase as a Novel Therapeutic Target in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (United States)


    Award Number: W81XWH-15-1-0311 TITLE: TNK2 Tyrosine Kinase as a Novel Therapeutic Target in Triple- Negative Breast Cancer PRINCIPAL...Distribution Unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs) represent only 10%-15% of all breast cancers ; however... cancers (TNBC) represent 10-15% of all breast cancers . While significant advances have been made for targeted therapy of ER and HER2-positive breast

  17. Hydrothermal Exploration at the Chile Triple Junction - ABE's last adventure? (United States)

    German, C. R.; Shank, T. M.; Lilley, M. D.; Lupton, J. E.; Blackman, D. K.; Brown, K. M.; Baumberger, T.; Früh-Green, G.; Greene, R.; Saito, M. A.; Sylva, S.; Nakamura, K.; Stanway, J.; Yoerger, D. R.; Levin, L. A.; Thurber, A. R.; Sellanes, J.; Mella, M.; Muñoz, J.; Diaz-Naveas, J. L.; Inspire Science Team


    In February and March 2010 we conducted preliminary exploration for hydrothermal plume signals along the East Chile Rise where it intersects the continental margin at the Chile Triple Junction (CTJ). This work was conducted as one component of our larger NOAA-OE funded INSPIRE project (Investigation of South Pacific Reducing Environments) aboard RV Melville cruise MV 1003 (PI: Andrew Thurber, Scripps) with all shiptime funded through an award of the State of California to Andrew Thurber and his co-PI's. Additional support came from the Census of Marine Life (ChEss and CoMarge projects). At sea, we conducted a series of CTD-rosette and ABE autonomous underwater vehicle operations to prospect for and determine the nature of any seafloor venting at, or adjacent to, the point where the the East Chile Rise subducts beneath the continental margin. Evidence from in situ sensing (optical backscatter, Eh) and water column analyses of dissolved CH4, δ3He and TDFe/TDMn concentrations document the presence of two discrete sites of venting, one right at the triple junction and the other a further 10km along axis, north of the Triple Junction, but still within the southernmost segment of the East Chile Rise. From an intercomparison of the abundance of different chemical signals we can intercompare likely characteristics of these differet source sites and also differentiate between them and the high methane concentrations released from cold seep sites further north along the Chile Margin, both with the CTJ region and also at the Concepcion Methane Seep Area (CMSA). This multi-disciplinary and international collaboration - involving scientists from Chile, the USA, Europe and Japan - can serve as an excellent and exciting launchpoint for wide-ranging future investigations of the Chile Triple Junction area - the only place on Earth where an oceanic spreading center is being actively subducted beneath a continent and also the only place on Earth where all known forms of deep

  18. [Medical expert consensus in AH on the clinical use of triple fixed-dose antihypertensive therapy in Spain]. (United States)

    Mazón, P; Galve, E; Gómez, J; Gorostidi, M; Górriz, J L; Mediavilla, J D

    The opinion of experts (different specialties) on the triple fixed-dose antihypertensive therapy in clinical practice may differ. Online questionnaire with controversial aspects of the triple therapy answered by panel of experts in hypertension (HT) using two-round modified Delphi method. The questionnaire was completed by 158 experts: Internal Medicine (49), Nephrology (26), Cardiology (83). Consensus was reached (agreement) on 27/45 items (60%); 7 items showed differences statistically significant. Consensus was reached regarding: Predictive factors in the need for combination therapy and its efficacy vs. increasing the dose of a pretreatment, and advantage of triple therapy (prescription/adherence/cost/pressure control) vs. free combination. This consensus provides an overview of the clinical use of triple therapy in moderate-severe and resistant/difficult to control HT. Copyright © 2016 SEH-LELHA. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. Living Labs as boundary-spanners between Triple Helix actors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Geenhuizen, M.S.


    Living labs are an increasingly popular methodology to enhance innovation. Living labs aim to span boundaries between different organizations, among others Triple helix actors, by acting as a network organization typically in a real-life environment to foster co-creation by user-groups. This paper

  20. The Triple Helix Model and the Knowledge-Based Economy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leydesdorff, L.; Meyer, M.


    The Triple Helix model of university-industry-government relations can be generalized from a neo-institutional model of networks of relations to a neo-evolutionary model of how three selection environments operate upon one another. Two selection mechanisms operating upon each other can mutually

  1. Case study Early psychomotor development of children from triple pregnancy – case study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Łucja Bieleninik


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to analyze the specificity and dynamics of psychomotor development in children from triplet pregnancy. The studied group was composed of siblings from triple pregnancy (T1, T2, T3, including two girls and one boy. This longitudinal study comprised three stages: stage I – children aged 25 months, stage II – children aged 29 months, and stage III – children aged 38 months. At each stage, the psychomotor development of children was examined with the Third Edition of Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III and subjectively by their mother. Additionally, medical and nursing documentation was analyzed. Individual psychomotor development of children from triple pregnancy is different with regards to various spheres, and has different rates and dynamics throughout consecutive years. Psychomotor development of children from triple pregnancies is determined by gender and postnatal clinical parameters, i.e. birth weight, head circumference, postnatal morbidity, and prematurity-related conditions.

  2. From double Chooz to triple Chooz - neutrino physics at the Chooz reactor complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huber, Patrick; Kopp, Joachim; Lindner, Manfred; Rolinec, Mark; Winter, Walter


    We discuss the potential of the proposed Double Chooz reactor experiment to measure the neutrino mixing angle sin 2 2θ 13 . We especially consider systematical uncertainties and their partial cancellation in a near and far detector operation, and we discuss implications of a delayed near detector startup. Furthermore, we introduce Triple Chooz, which is a possible upgrade scenario assuming a second, larger far detector, which could start data taking in an existing cavern five years after the first far detector. We review the role of the Chooz reactor experiments in the global context of future neutrino beam experiments. We find that both Double Chooz and Triple Chooz can play a leading role in the search for a finite value of sin 2 2θ 13 . Double Chooz could achieve a sensitivity limit of ∼ 2.10 -2 at the 90% confidence level after 5 years while the Triple Chooz setup could give a sensitivity below 10 -2

  3. How To Design A Triple Bottom Line Organization: A Start-Up Case Study

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    Bernhard Schroeder


    Full Text Available In today’s business environment, where success for a start-up company is measured by early revenue and profit, it can be quite challenging to design a triple bottom line organization (people/planet/profit from the very beginning. We present a case study of a U.S.-based start-up firm and discuss its early challenges, developmental processes, and current success as a triple bottom line firm. The company’s founder and CEO, with no initial product, distribution, or revenue strategy, sought to develop a company that could provide the marketplace with a valuable product while also staying true to a corporate vision of positively affecting less fortunate people. Our analysis of the case suggests that the founder’s vision, passion, transparent communication, and leveraging of partners’ resources were key elements in building the firm. We draw implications of our case study for the designers of future triple bottom line organizations.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, B.; Wahhaj, Z.; Dumas, C.; Marsset, M.; Beauvalet, L.; Marchis, F.; Nielsen, E. L.; Vachier, F.


    We present the discovery of a new satellite of asteroid (130) Elektra—S/2014 (130) 1—in differential imaging and in integral field spectroscopy data over multiple epochs obtained with Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research/Very Large Telescope. This new (second) moonlet of Elektra is about 2 km across, on an eccentric orbit, and about 500 km away from the primary. For a comparative study, we also observed another triple asteroid system, (93) Minerva. For both systems, component-resolved reflectance spectra of the satellites and primary were obtained simultaneously. No significant spectral difference was observed between the satellites and the primary for either triple system. We find that the moonlets in both systems are more likely to have been created by sub-disruptive impacts as opposed to having been captured


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, B.; Wahhaj, Z.; Dumas, C.; Marsset, M. [European Southern Observatory, Santiago (Chile); Beauvalet, L. [National Observatory, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Marchis, F.; Nielsen, E. L. [Carl Sagan Center at the SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA (United States); Vachier, F., E-mail: [Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides, Paris (France)


    We present the discovery of a new satellite of asteroid (130) Elektra—S/2014 (130) 1—in differential imaging and in integral field spectroscopy data over multiple epochs obtained with Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research/Very Large Telescope. This new (second) moonlet of Elektra is about 2 km across, on an eccentric orbit, and about 500 km away from the primary. For a comparative study, we also observed another triple asteroid system, (93) Minerva. For both systems, component-resolved reflectance spectra of the satellites and primary were obtained simultaneously. No significant spectral difference was observed between the satellites and the primary for either triple system. We find that the moonlets in both systems are more likely to have been created by sub-disruptive impacts as opposed to having been captured.

  6. From binary black hole simulation to triple black hole simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai Shan; Cao Zhoujian; Han, Wen-Biao; Lin, Chun-Yu; Yo, Hwei-Jang; Yu, Jui-Ping


    Black hole systems are among the most promising sources for a gravitational wave detection project. Now, China is planning to construct a space-based laser interferometric detector as a follow-on mission of LISA in the near future. Aiming to provide some theoretical support to this detection project on the numerical relativity side, we focus on black hole systems simulation in this work. Considering the globular galaxy, multiple black hole systems also likely to exist in our universe and play a role as a source for the gravitational wave detector we are considering. We will give a progress report in this paper on our black hole system simulation. More specifically, we will present triple black hole simulation together with binary black hole simulation. On triple black hole simulations, one novel perturbational method is proposed.

  7. Triple superphosphate obtaining from Bayovar phosphoric rock and labelling with P-32

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, J.


    In view of the fact that in Peru the triple superphosphate utilized is an imported product and that, on the other hand, the phospherous rocks of Bayovar contain an average of 18% of P 2 O 5 , a process of enrichment was carried out in order to obtain at an experimental level the triple superphosphate having the necessary requirements for agricultural use. At a later stage the product obtained was labelled with P-32. To verify the experiment, phosphor was extracted in continuous fractionated form and at the same time colorimetric determinations with the method of the Vanado-Molibdo-Phosphor were carried out

  8. Added flexibility in triple axis spectrometers: The two RITAs at Risø

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lefmann, K.; McMorrow, D.F.; Rønnow, H.M.


    The cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer RITA-I at Rise has been operational for about three years, and in the near future an improved version, RITA-2 will replace the existing triple-axis instrument TAS7. We review the performance of RITA-1 and the operation modes of its flexible secondary...... spectrometer, giving examples of a few key experiments, and describe the software developed for running it. Further, the design of the new RITA-2 instrument is presented. The two RITA spectrometers are compared with their sister instrument SPINS at NIST and with similar instruments planned elsewhere. (C) 2000...

  9. Double Intussusception in a Shih-Tzu Puppy: The Triple-Circle Sign

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. M. Kim, S. S. Kang1, G. Kim and S. H. Choi*


    Full Text Available Intussusception is a common surgical disorder in puppies. Double intussusception (DI however, is an extremely rare form of this pathology. The authors report a case of a 3-month-old, Shih-Tzu puppy referred to Veterinary Medical Center of Chungbuk National University, Korea with symptoms of abdominal discomfort, intermittent vomiting and bloody diarrhea for 5 days. Ultrasonographic examination of the left mid-abdominal region revealed a mass with a ‘triple case’ sign completely different from the classic ‘target sign’. The surgical intervention confirmed it to be an ileocecal DI in ascending colon. The case emphasizes the rare ‘triple case’ sign as a descriptive finding on ultrasonography in DI presentations.

  10. Analysis of eco-innovation with triple helix approach: case-study of biofloc catfish farming in Yogyakarta (United States)

    Purwadi, D.; Nurlaily, I.


    Concerning environmental into focus of innovation process will expand the number of actor involved. Eco-innovation and triple helix are often frameworks applied to analyse how environmental concern are integrated in innovation process and how different stakeholder groups are having inter relation. Case study from biofloc catfish farming in Yogyakarta is presented to demonstrate a possible approach for researching the success of triple helix frameworks. This case is considered on basic of the result of a survey among farmers, academician and government. The paper concludes the creating of full triple helix encounters problem in practice. It also includes suggestion for further research on fisheries development.

  11. Treatment of triple-negative breast cancer with Chinese herbal medicine (United States)

    Meng, Hui; Peng, Nan; Yu, Mingwei; Sun, Xu; Ma, Yunfei; Yang, Guowang; Wang, Xiaomin


    Abstract Introduction: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is featured with the biological properties of strong aggressive behaviors, rapid disease progression, high risk of recurrence and metastasis, and low disease free survival. Patients with this tumor are insensitive to the endocrine therapy and target treatment for HER-2; therefore, chemotherapy is often used as routine treatment in clinical. Because of the fact that a considerable number of patients seek for Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) treatment after operation and chemotherapy and (or) radiotherapy, it is thus need to evaluate the correlation between Chinese herbal medicine treatment and prognosis. Methods and analysis: This is a multicenter, prospective cohort study started in March 2016 in Beijing. A simple of 220 participants diagnosed with TNBC were recruited from nine hospitals and are followed up every 3 to 6 months till March 2020. Detailed information of participants includes personal information, history of cancer, quality of life, symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine and fatigue status is taken face-to-face at baseline. Ethics and dissemination: The study has received ethical approval from the Research Ethical Committee of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine affiliated to Capital Medical University (No.2016BL-014-01). Articles summarizing the primary results and ancillary analyses will be published in peer-reviewed journals. Trial registration: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry: ChiCTR-OOC-16008246. PMID:29095272

  12. Triple-Component Drug-Loaded Nanocomposites Prepared Using a Modified Coaxial Electrospinning

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    Wei Qian


    Full Text Available Triple-component nanocomposites for improved sustained drug release profiles are successfully fabricated through a modified coaxial electrospinning process, in which only organic solvent N,N-dimethylacetamide was used as sheath fluid. Using polyacrylonitrile (PAN as filament-forming matrix, ibuprofen (IBU as functional ingredient, and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP as the additional component, the IBU/PVP/PAN triple-component nanocomposites had uniform structure and an average diameter of 620±120 nm and 650±120 nm when the contents of PVP in the nanofibers were 10.5% and 22.7%, respectively. The optimal sheath-to-core flow rate ratio was 0.11 under a total sheath and core fluid flow rate of 1.0 mL/h. Compared with the IBU/PAN composite nanofibers, the triple-component composites could release 92.1% and 97.8% of the contained IBU, significantly larger than a value of 73.4% from the former. The inclusion of PVP in the IBU/PAN could effectively avoid the entrapment of IBU in the insoluble PAN molecules, facilitating the in vitro release of IBU. The modified coaxial process and the resulted multiple component nanocomposites would provide new way for developing novel drug sustained materials and transdermal drug delivery systems.

  13. The EU must triple its energy saving policy effect

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wesselink, B.; Eichhammer, W.; Harmsen, R.


    The impact of EU energy savings policy must triple to achieve the bloc’s 2020 energy savings goal. But such efforts could get a much better foundation if European leaders set a binding energy consumption target, rather than the current indicative savings target. The evidence for such

  14. The principle of relativity and the special relativity triple

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Hanying; Wu Hongtu; Zhou Bin


    Based on the principle of relativity and the postulate on universal invariant constants (c,l) as well as Einstein's isotropy conditions, three kinds of special relativity form a triple with a common Lorentz group as isotropy group under full Umov-Weyl-Fock-Lorentz transformations among inertial motions

  15. Using snowflake surface-area-to-volume ratio to model and interpret snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Gergely


    Full Text Available The snowflake microstructure determines the microwave scattering properties of individual snowflakes and has a strong impact on snowfall radar signatures. In this study, individual snowflakes are represented by collections of randomly distributed ice spheres where the size and number of the constituent ice spheres are specified by the snowflake mass and surface-area-to-volume ratio (SAV and the bounding volume of each ice sphere collection is given by the snowflake maximum dimension. Radar backscatter cross sections for the ice sphere collections are calculated at X-, Ku-, Ka-, and W-band frequencies and then used to model triple-frequency radar signatures for exponential snowflake size distributions (SSDs. Additionally, snowflake complexity values obtained from high-resolution multi-view snowflake images are used as an indicator of snowflake SAV to derive snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures. The modeled snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures cover a wide range of triple-frequency signatures that were previously determined from radar reflectivity measurements and illustrate characteristic differences related to snow type, quantified through snowflake SAV, and snowflake size. The results show high sensitivity to snowflake SAV and SSD maximum size but are generally less affected by uncertainties in the parameterization of snowflake mass, indicating the importance of snowflake SAV for the interpretation of snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures.

  16. Solutions of simple dual bootstrap models satisfying Lee--Veneziano relation and the smallness of cut discontinuities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiu, C.B.; Hossain, M.; Tow, D.M.


    To investigate the t-dependent solutions of simple dual bootstrap models, two general formulations are discussed, one without and one with cut cancellation at the planar level. The possible corresponding production mechanisms are discussed. In contrast to Bishari's formulation, both models recover the Lee-Veneziano relation, i.e., in the peak approximation the Pomeron intercept is unity. The solutions based on an exponential form for the reduced triple-Reggeon vertex for both models are discussed in detail. Also calculated are the cut discontinuities for both models and for Bishari's and it is shown that at both the planar and cylinder levels they are small compared with the corresponding pole residues. Precocious asymptotic planarity is also found in the solutions

  17. CCR 20th Anniversary Commentary: Triple-Negative Breast Cancer in 2015—Still in the Ballpark. (United States)

    Narod, Steven A; Dent, Rebecca A; Foulkes, William D


    The research article by Dent and colleagues, which was published in the August 1, 2007, issue of Clinical Cancer Research, provided a clinical description of metastatic progression of triple-negative breast cancers. Finding successful treatment strategies for women with triple-negative breast cancer remains a challenge. ©2015 American Association for Cancer Research.

  18. Triple ion-beam studies of radiation damage in 9Cr2WVTa ferritic/martensitic steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, E.H.; Hunn, J.D.; Rao, G.R.; Klueh, R.L.; Mansur, L.K.


    To simulate radiation damage under a future Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) environment, irradiation experiments were conducted on a candidate 9Cr-2WVTa ferritic/martensitic steel using the Triple Ion Facility (TIF) at ORNL. Irradiation was conducted in single, dual, and triple ion beam modes using 3.5 MeV Fe ++ , 360 keV He + , and 180 keV H + at 80, 200, and 350 degrees C. These irradiations produced various defects comprising black dots, dislocation loops, line dislocations, and gas bubbles, which led to hardening. The largest increase in hardness, over 63 %, was observed after 50 dpa for triple beam irradiation conditions, revealing that both He and H are augmenting the hardening. Hardness increased less than 30 % after 30 dpa at 200 degrees C by triple beams, compatible with neutron irradiation data from previous work which showed about a 30 % increase in yield strength after 27.2 dpa at 365 degrees C. However, the very large concentrations of gas bubbles in the matrix and on lath and grain boundaries after these simulated SNS irradiations make predictions of fracture behavior from fission reactor irradiations to spallation target conditions inadvisable

  19. Aplikasi Algoritma Branch and Bound Untuk Optimasi Jalur Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Yogyakarta

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    Sri Margiyani


    Full Text Available Kasus kebakaran di Indonesia, khususnya Kota Yogyakarta dari tahun ke tahun masih menunjukkan angka yang tinggi. Hal ini mengakibatkan kerugian yang cukup tinggi bagi korban kebakaran. Untuk meminimalisasi terjadinya korban jiwa dan kerugian secara material saat terjadi kebakaran, maka pihak pemadam kebakaran mengupayakan melalui rute terpendek untuk sampai di lokasi kebakaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pencarian rute terpendek jalur pemadam kebakaran dari kantor pemadam sampai ke lokasi kebakaran. Permasalahan pencarian rute terpendek jalur pemadam kebakaran secara abstrak dapat digambarkan dengan suatu graf yang merupakan masalah optimasi dalam pencarian rute terpendek (Shortest Path Problem. Pemecahan permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan merepresentasikan peta pemadam kebakaran ke dalam bentuk graf berbobot dan berarah, selanjutnya permasalahan diselesaikan menggunakan Algoritma Branch and Bound. Perhitungan dilakukan secara manual dengan jarak (dalam meter sebagai bobot perhitungan.  Berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan Algoritma Branch and Bound untuk optimasi jalur pemadam kebakaran Kota Yogyakarta untuk wilayah Kecamatan Umbulharjo menghasilkan solusi rute: Kantor pemadam kebakaran – Jln. Ipda Tut Harsono - Jln. Kusumanegara – Jln. Glagahsari – Kantor Kecamatan Umbulharjo dengan total jarak 5305 meter atau 5,035 km.

  20. Frequency tripling of convergent beam employing crystals tiling in large-aperture high-energy laser facilities (United States)

    Wang, Junhua; Li, Dazhen; Wang, Bo; Yang, Jing; Yang, Houwen; Wang, Xiaoqian; Cheng, Wenyong


    In inertial confinement fusion, ultraviolet laser damage of the fused silica lens is an important limiting factor for load capability of the laser driver. To solve this problem, a new configuration of frequency tripling is proposed in this paper. The frequency tripling crystal is placed on downstream of the focusing lens, thus sum frequency generation of fundamental frequency light and doubling frequency light occurs in the beam convergence path. The focusing lens is only irradiated by fundamental light and doubling frequency lights. Thus, its damage threshold will increase. LiB3O5 (LBO) crystals are employed as frequency tripling crystals for its larger acceptance angle and higher damage threshold than KDP/DKDP crystals'. With the limitation of acceptance angle and crystal growth size are taken into account, the tiling scheme of LBO crystals is proposed and designed optimally to adopt to the total convergence angle of 36.0 mrad. Theoretical results indicate that 3 LBO crystals titling with different cutting angles in θ direction can meet the phase matching condition. Compared with frequency tripling of parallel beam using one LBO crystal, 83.8% (93.1% with 5 LBO crystals tiling) of the frequency tripling conversion efficiency can be obtained employing this new configuration. The results of a principle experiment also support this scheme. By employing this new design, not only the load capacity of a laser driver will be significantly improved, but also the fused silica lens can be changed to K9 glass lens which has the mature technology and low cost.

  1. Evaluation of Triple Containment Method for Air Transport of Contaminated Human

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Neville, J


    A triple containment system intended for transport of biologically contaminated human remains was tested for its ability to maintain integrity during exposure to altitude changes representative of air transport...

  2. Interim Report on Mixing During the Casting of LEU-10Mo Plates in the Triple Plate Molds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aikin, Jr., Robert M. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    LEU-10%Mo castings are commonly produced by down blending unalloyed HEU with a DU-12.7%Mo master-alloy. This work uses process modeling to provide insight into the mixing of the unalloyed uranium and U-Mo master alloy during melting and mold filling of a triple plate casting. Two different sets of situations are considered: (1) mixing during mold filling from a compositionally stratified crucible and (2) convective mixing of a compositionally stratified crucible during mold heating. The mold filling simulations are performed on the original Y-12 triple plate mold and the horizontal triple plate mold.

  3. Co-innovatie Triple P: integratie van marketingstrategie en personeelsbeleid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bartels, J.; Hendriks, R.; Ruyter, de P.; Zeelenberg, A.; Engelsman, V.; Eichelsheim, C.; Skoppek, H.; Schmidt, M.


    This project focuses on the integration of Triple P in marketing and personnel policy. The aim of the project is as follows: “How can you effectively use the intrinsic values of sustainable agriculture and corporate social responsibility in the marketing of organic fruit and vegetables?” In the

  4. A Lagrangian framework for deriving triples and quadruples corrections to the CCSD energy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Janus Juul; Kristensen, Kasper; Kjærgaard, Thomas


    Using the coupled cluster Lagrangian technique, we have determined perturbative corrections to the coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) energy that converge towards the coupled cluster singles, doubles, and triples (CCSDT) and coupled cluster singles, doubles, triples, and quadruples (CCSDTQ......) energies, considering the CCSD state as the unperturbed reference state and the fluctua- tion potential as the perturbation. Since the Lagrangian technique is utilized, the energy corrections satisfy Wigner’s 2n + 1 rule for the cluster amplitudes and the 2n + 2 rule for the Lagrange multi- pliers...

  5. Naval Assistance to Spain and the Triple Entente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicholas W. Mitiukov


    Full Text Available During the World War I Spain rendered military support to the Triple Entente, avoiding the regime of neutrality. Five trawlers, converted into minesweepers were sold to Russia and eight – to Italy. Data, concerning France, vary. There is information about no less than 27 trawlers. But probably 243 watercrafts were sold to France and 14 were contracted to build.

  6. An improved computer controlled triple-axis neutron spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooper, M.J.; Hall, J.W.; Hutchings, M.T.


    A description is given of the computer-controlled triple-axis neutron spectrometer installed at the PLUTO reactor at Harwell. The reasons for an nature of recent major improvements are discussed. Following a general description of the spectrometer, details are then given of the new computerised control system, including the functions of the various programs which are now available to the user. (author)

  7. Gender differences in triple jump phase ratios and arm swing motion of international level athletes

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    Vassilios Panoutsakopoulos


    Full Text Available Background: Female triple jumping is a relatively new athletics event. A limited number of researchers have focused on comparing male and female jumpers competing in international events, resulting in scarce findings in the literature regarding gender differences of the determinants of triple jump performance. Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the possible gender differences in the approach step characteristics, the spatiotemporal parameters of the separate phases of the triple jump as performed by athletes participating in sub-elite international events. Methods: The male and female participants of the 2015 European Team Championships triple jump event were recorded with a panning video camera. Approach speed was measured using photocells. Kinematical parameters were extracted using the APAS WIZARD software. The relationships between the examined parameters and the actual triple jump performance were examined with Pearson's correlation analysis. Repeated measures ANOVA and chi-square statistical tests were run to examine the significance of the differences between genders. Results: Approach speed significantly correlated with the actual jumping distance in both males and females (p < .05. Significant gender differences (p < .05 existed concerning basic kinematical parameters. Men were found to have larger average horizontal speed of the 11 m to 1 m segment of the final approach, step length of the final six steps of the approach, step frequency of the final two steps, actual phase distances and percentage distribution of the step. Women, unlike men, used solely single arm swing techniques. No athlete executed the jump using a jump dominated technique. Conclusions: Gender differences in triple jump performance lies upon the kinematical parameters of the final two steps of the approach, the length of the step phase and the support time for the jump. The technique elements of the penultimate step are suggested to

  8. Triple-layer appearance of Brodmann area 4 at thin-section double inversion-recovery MR imaging. (United States)

    Kim, Eung Yeop; Kim, Dong-Hyun; Chang, Jong-Hee; Yoo, Eunhye; Lee, Jae-Wook; Park, Hae-Jeong


    To investigate whether thin-section axial double inversion-recovery (DIR) brain magnetic resonance (MR) imaging at 3.0 T can help distinguish the primary motor cortex (PMC), or Brodmann area 4, from other selected cortical regions, including the primary sensory cortex (PSC), or Brodmann areas 1-3, on the basis of the presence of a "triple-layer" appearance. This prospective study was approved by the institutional review board; informed consent was obtained from patients. This study included 191 patients (94 female, age range, 5-80 years; 97 male, age range, 5-76 years) with normal findings at 3.0-T MR imaging. The presence or absence of a triple-layer appearance within selected cortical regions on DIR images was graded independently by two neuroradiologists as definitely present (grade 2), probably present (grade 1), or definitely absent (grade 0). Ten additional patients with tumors underwent DIR imaging and intraoperative cortical mapping for further validation of the PMC. A myelin-stained brain specimen image in a patient not imaged with DIR was correlated with a representative set of DIR images. A triple-layer appearance was found in the PMC bilaterally in 184 of 191 patients; grade 0 was assigned in only seven patients, who were all younger than 10 years. Grades were significantly lower in patients younger than 10 years than in others (P .0018). Interobserver agreement was excellent (weighted kappa = 0.843). The PMC determined on DIR images was confirmed with cortical mapping in all 10 patients with tumors. Triple-layer appearance was not present in the other cortical regions examined, including the PSC (P < .01). The triple-layer appearance on DIR images corresponded to the myelin band within the PMC present on the myelin-stained specimen image. A triple-layer appearance was found in the PMC at thin-section 3.0-T DIR imaging but not in other examined brain regions and therefore might be useful as an adjunct sign for identification of motor regions.

  9. The triple helix of collagens - an ancient protein structure that enabled animal multicellularity and tissue evolution. (United States)

    Fidler, Aaron L; Boudko, Sergei P; Rokas, Antonis; Hudson, Billy G


    The cellular microenvironment, characterized by an extracellular matrix (ECM), played an essential role in the transition from unicellularity to multicellularity in animals (metazoans), and in the subsequent evolution of diverse animal tissues and organs. A major ECM component are members of the collagen superfamily -comprising 28 types in vertebrates - that exist in diverse supramolecular assemblies ranging from networks to fibrils. Each assembly is characterized by a hallmark feature, a protein structure called a triple helix. A current gap in knowledge is understanding the mechanisms of how the triple helix encodes and utilizes information in building scaffolds on the outside of cells. Type IV collagen, recently revealed as the evolutionarily most ancient member of the collagen superfamily, serves as an archetype for a fresh view of fundamental structural features of a triple helix that underlie the diversity of biological activities of collagens. In this Opinion, we argue that the triple helix is a protein structure of fundamental importance in building the extracellular matrix, which enabled animal multicellularity and tissue evolution. © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  10. One-loop radiative correction to the triple Higgs coupling in the Higgs singlet model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shi-Ping He


    Full Text Available Though the 125 GeV Higgs boson is consistent with the standard model (SM prediction until now, the triple Higgs coupling can deviate from the SM value in the physics beyond the SM (BSM. In this paper, the radiative correction to the triple Higgs coupling is calculated in the minimal extension of the SM by adding a real gauge singlet scalar. In this model there are two scalars h and H and both of them are mixing states of the doublet and singlet. Provided that the mixing angle is set to be zero, namely the SM limit, h is the pure left-over of the doublet and its behavior is the same as that of the SM at the tree level. However the loop corrections can alter h-related couplings. In this SM limit case, the effect of the singlet H may show up in the h-related couplings, especially the triple h coupling. Our numerical results show that the deviation is sizable. For λΦS=1 (see text for the parameter definition, the deviation δhhh(1 can be 40%. For λΦS=1.5, the δhhh(1 can reach 140%. The sizable radiative correction is mainly caused by three reasons: the magnitude of the coupling λΦS, light mass of the additional scalar and the threshold enhancement. The radiative corrections for the hVV, hff couplings are from the counter-terms, which are the universal correction in this model and always at O(1%. The hZZ coupling, which can be precisely measured, may be a complementarity to the triple h coupling to search for the BSM. In the optimal case, the triple h coupling is very sensitive to the BSM physics, and this model can be tested at future high luminosity hadron colliders and electron–positron colliders.

  11. Role of triple fixed combination valsartan, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide in controlling blood pressure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monica Doménech


    Full Text Available Monica Doménech, Antonio CocaHypertension Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, Hospital Clinic (IDIBAPS, University of Barcelona, SpainAbstract: Hypertension is one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases and the search for new therapeutic strategies aimed at optimizing its control remains an ongoing research and clinical challenge. In recent years, there has been a marked increase in the use of combinations of antihypertensive drugs with complementary mechanisms of action, with the aims of reducing blood pressure levels more rapidly and vigorously than strategies employing monotherapy and improving treatment compliance and adhesion. Therefore, as recommended by the 2009 reappraisal of the European Society of Hypertension/European Society of Cardiology Guidelines, the use of a triple combination that combines a calcium channel blocker, an angiotensin II receptor blocker and a thiazide diuretic seems a reasonable and efficacious combination for the management of hypertensive patients with moderate, high or very high risk. This article reviews the clinical trials carried out with the fixed combination of amlodipine/valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide at the doses recommended for each drug in monotherapy. The data show that this combination achieved greater reductions in mean sitting diastolic and systolic blood pressure than amlodipine, valsartan or hydrochlorothiazide in monotherapy, with favorable pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles. The triple combination at high single doses should be used with caution in elderly patients and those with renal or liver failure. Although the tolerability and safety of the triple combination are good, the mostfrequently reported adverse effects were peripheral edema, headache and dizziness. Analytical alterations were consistent with the already-known biochemical effects of amlodipine, valsartan or hydrochlorothiazide in

  12. Design and Analysis of a Triple Stop-band Filter Using Ratioed Periodical Defected Microstrip Structure (United States)

    Jiang, Tao; Wang, Yanyan; Li, Yingsong


    In this paper, a triple stop-band filter with a ratioed periodical defected microstrip structure is proposed for wireless communication applications. The proposed ratioed periodical defected microstrip structures are spiral slots, which are embedded into a 50 Ω microstrip line to obtain multiple stop-bands. The performance of the proposed triple stop-band filter is investigated numerically and experimentally. Moreover, the equivalent circuit model of the proposed filter is also established and discussed. The results are given to verify that the proposed triple stop-band filter has three stop bands at 3.3 GHz, 5.2 GHz, 6.8 GHz to reject the unwanted signals, which is promising for integrating into UWB communication systems to efficiently prevent the potential interferences from unexpected narrowband signals such as WiMAX, WLAN and RFID communication systems.

  13. [Clinical effect of triple therapy combined with Saccharomyces boulardii in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in children]. (United States)

    Zhao, Hong-Mei; Ou-Yang, Hong-Juan; Duan, Bo-Ping; Xu, Bin; Chen, Zhi-Yong; Tang, Juan; You, Jie-Yu


    To evaluate the clinical effect of proton pump inhibitor-based triple therapy combined with Saccharomyces boulardii in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection among children in terms of Hp eradication rate and incidence of adverse events. A prospective randomised controlled study was conducted on 240 children with a confirmed diagnosis of Hp infection. These patients were randomized into triple therapy (n=120) and probiotics groups (n=120). The triple therapy group received amoxicillin [40 mg/(kg·d), Tid], clarithromycin [15 mg/(kg·d), Bid] and omeprazole [0.7-0.8 mg/(kg·d), Qd], while the probiotics group received Saccharomyces boulardii (250 mg, Bid) in addition to triple therapy. The course of treatment was 14 days in both groups. The adverse events in subjects were recorded by their parents during treatment. Hp eradiation was evaluated by (13)C breath test at 4 weeks after treatment, and the eradication rate and incidence of adverse events were compared between the two groups. The Hp eradication rates were 75.8% (91/120) in the triple therapy group and 85% (102/120) in the probiotics group (P>0.05). Compared with the triple therapy group, the probiotics group had nonsignificantly lower incidence of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain (P>0.05) and significantly lower incidence of stomatitis, constipation and diarrhea (PSaccharomyces boulardii cannot significantly increase Hp eradication rate, but can significantly reduce the incidence of stomatitis, constipation, and diarrhea during treatment.

  14. Shifting to triple value healthcare: Reflections from England. (United States)

    Jani, Anant; Jungmann, Sven; Gray, Muir


    Increasing need and demand because of growing and aging populations combined with stagnant or decreasing resources being invested into healthcare globally mean that a radical shift is needed to ensure that healthcare systems can meet current and future challenges. Quality-, safety- and efficiency-improvement approaches have been used as means to address many problems in healthcare and while they are essential and necessary, they are not sufficient to meet our current challenges. To build resilient and sustainable healthcare systems, we need a shift to focus on triple value healthcare, which will help healthcare professionals improve outcomes at the process, patient and population levels while also optimising resource utilisation. Here we present a brief history of the Quality and Evidence-based Healthcare model and then describe how value emerged as a predominant theme in England. We then highlight the four solutions that we, as part of the RightCare programme, designed and refined in the English NHS to turn theory into practice: We end with a description of how triple value is being introduced into Germany and steps that can be taken to facilitate its adoption. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier GmbH.

  15. The monodromy property for K3 surfaces allowing a triple-point-free model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jaspers, Annelies Kristien J


    The aim of this thesis is to study under which conditions K3 surfaces allowing a triple-point-free model satisfy the monodromy property. This property is a quantitative relation between the geometry of the degeneration of a Calabi-Yau variety X and the monodromy action on the cohomology of...... X: a Calabi- Yau variety X satisfies the monodromy property if poles of the motivic zeta function ZX,ω(T) induce monodromy eigenvalues on the cohomology of X. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, and set K = k((t)). In this thesis, we focus on K3 surfaces over K allowing a triple-point...... is very precise, which allows to use a combination of geometrical and combinatorial techniques to check the monodromy property in practice. The first main result is an explicit computation of the poles of ZX,ω(T) for a K3 surface X allowing a triple-point-free model and a volume form ! on X. We show that...

  16. Polarized triple-axis spectrometer TASP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boeni, P; Keller, P [Lab. for Neutron Scattering ETH Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland) and Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen (Switzerland)


    The polarized triple-axis spectrometer TASP at SINQ has been optimized for measuring magnetic cross sections in condensed matter. The neutrons are polarized or analyzed either by means of benders or Heusler monochromators. The beam divergence, i.e. the intensity, and the spectral range of the neutrons is rather large because of the supermirror coatings of the feeding neutron guide. The intensity can be further increased at the sample position by means of a focussing monochromator and a focussing anti-trumpet. The end position of TASP allows the tailoring of the neutron beam already before the monochromator and to scatter neutrons over very wide ranges of angles. (author) 6 figs., 1 tab., 8 refs.

  17. RITA-type triple axis spectrometers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roennow, H.M.


    The RITA spectrometer at Risoe National Laboratory was the first to incorporate a complete re-thinking of the neutron-path from source, through detector to analysis. Since then, other RITA-type spectrometers such as SPINS at NIST, RITA-II at PSI have been built, and several new spectrometers around the world are adapting the same philosophy. The main novelty of RITA was the introduction of a single back-end tank featuring both an analyser block with multiple individually turnable analyser blades and a 2D position sensitive detector. Several new triple-axis spectrometers are presently being built at existing and future sources, and almost all of them have learnt from the experience with RITA. (R.P.)

  18. Prospective audit of a one-centre combined nuchal translucency and triple test programme for the detection of trisomy 21. (United States)

    Babbur, Vijayalakshmi; Lees, Christoph C; Goodburn, Sandra F; Morris, Nigel; Breeze, Andrew C G; Hackett, Gerald A


    To determine detection and false-positive rates for trisomy 21 using two-stage combined nuchal translucency (NT) and triple testing, whilst disclosing abnormal nuchal measurements at the scan. A prospective audit in a UK women's hospital, of 3188 women with singleton pregnancies, requesting screening for trisomy 21. Median age was 37 years (range 19-46). Women were offered NT screening at 11 to 14 weeks. Those with NT > or =3 mm were offered chorionic villus sampling. Those declining CVS, and those with NT risk of trisomy 21 > or = 1:250, based on age, NT, and triple test results were offered amniocentesis. Using a 3-mm NT 'cut-off' identified 16/25 cases of trisomy 21 (64%; 95% CI 38.8, 78.9). Of 2725 women who had a combined nuchal plus triple test assessment, 79 (2.6%) had a > or = 1:250 term risk of trisomy 21. Forty (1.3%) had amniocentesis identifying 6/9 remaining cases (67%:95% CI:27.9, 92.5). Overall, the detection rate was 88% (95% CI:68.8, 97.5) for a 4.8% FPR. For the screened population, to achieve an 88% detection rate using the triple test alone, the predicted FPR would be 20%. Conversely, for an FPR of 4.8% using the triple test alone, the detection rate would be only 60%. In a high-risk group, the combination of NT with triple test offers detection of trisomy 21 at least equivalent to either test, while allowing disclosure of an abnormal NT at the scan and reducing the FPR. Importantly, the FPR is less than 5%, considerably lower than expected for triple test alone for this population.

  19. Aligning emergency care with the triple aim: Opportunities and future directions after healthcare reform. (United States)

    Agrawal, Shantanu; Conway, Patrick H


    The Triple Aim of better health, better care, and lower costs has become a fundamental framework for understanding the need for broad health care reform and describing health care value. While the framework is not specific to any clinical setting, this article focuses on the alignment between the framework and Emergency Department (ED) care. The paper explores where emergency care is naturally aligned with each Aim, as well as current barriers which must be addressed to meet the full vision of the Triple Aim. We propose a vision of EDs serving as a nexus for care coordination optimally consistent with the Triple Aim and the requirements for such a role. These requirements include: (1) substantial integration in coordinated care models; (2) development of reliable and actionable data on ED quality, population health, and cost outcomes; (3) specific initiatives to control and optimize ED utilization; and (4) payment models which preserve surge and disaster response capacity. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. Architecture and spatial organization in a triple-species bacterial biofilm synergistically degrading the phenylurea herbicide linuron

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Breugelmans, Philip; Barken, Kim Bundvig; Tolker-Nielsen, Tim


    influence on the triple-species biofilm architecture. This architecture was dependent on the carbon source supplied, as the biofilm architecture of WDL1 growing on alternative carbon sources was different from that observed under linuron-fed conditions. Linuron-fed triple-species consortium biofilms....... These observations indicate that the spatial organization in the linuron-fed consortium biofilm reflected the metabolic interactions within the consortium....

  1. Viscoplastic sculpting in stable triple layer heavy oil transport flow (United States)

    Sarmadi, Parisa; Hormozi, Sarah; A. Frigaard, Ian


    In we introduced a novel methodology for efficient transport of heavy oil via a triple layer core-annular flow. Pumping pressures are significantly reduced by concentrating high shear rates to a lubricating layer, while ideas from Visco-Plastic Lubrication are used to eliminate interfacial instabilities. We purposefully position a shaped unyielded skin of a viscoplastic fluid between the transported oil and the lubricating fluid layer to balance the density difference between the fluids. Here we address the sculpting of the shaped skin within a concentric inflow manifold. We use the quasi-steady model to provide inputs to an axisymmetric triple layer computation, showing the development of the streamwise skin profile and establishment of the flow. For this, we use a finite element discretization with the augmented-Lagrangian method to represent the yield surface behaviour accurately and a PLIC method to track the interface motion.

  2. Artificial neural network analysis of triple effect absorption refrigeration systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hajizadeh Aghdam, A. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Islamic Azad University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)], email:; Nazmara, H.; Farzaneh, B. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tabriz (Iran, Islamic Republic of)], email:, email:


    In this study, artificial neural networks are utilized to predict the performance of triple effect series and parallel flow absorption refrigeration systems, with lithium bromide/water as the working fluid. Important parameters such as high generator and evaporator temperatures were varied and their effects on the performance characteristics of the refrigeration unit were observed. Absorption refrigeration systems make energy savings possible because they can use heat energy to produce cooling, in place of the electricity used for conventional vapour compression chillers. In addition, non-conventional sources of energy (such as solar, waste heat, and geothermal) can be utilized as their primary energy input. Moreover, absorption units use environmentally friendly working fluid pairs instead of CFCs and HCFCs, which affect the ozone layer. Triple effect absorption cycles were analysed. Results apply for both series and parallel flow systems. A relative preference for parallel-flow over series-flow is also shown.

  3. Metal-oxide-junction, triple point cathodes in a relativistic magnetron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jordan, N. M.; Gilgenbach, R. M.; Hoff, B. W.; Lau, Y. Y.


    Triple point, defined as the junction of metal, dielectric, and vacuum, is the location where electron emission is favored in the presence of a sufficiently strong electric field. To exploit triple point emission, metal-oxide-junction (MOJ) cathodes consisting of dielectric ''islands'' over stainless steel substrates have been fabricated. The two dielectrics used are hafnium oxide (HfO x ) for its high dielectric constant and magnesium oxide (MgO) for its high secondary electron emission coefficient. The coatings are deposited by ablation-plasma-ion lithography using a KrF laser (0-600 mJ at 248 nm) and fluence ranging from 3 to 40 J/cm 2 . Composition and morphology of deposited films are analyzed by scanning electron microscopy coupled with x-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy, as well as x-ray diffraction. Cathodes are tested on the Michigan Electron Long-Beam Accelerator with a relativistic magnetron, at parameters V=-300 kV, I=1-15 kA, and pulse lengths of 0.3-0.5 μs. Six variations of the MOJ cathode are tested, and are compared against five baseline cases. It is found that particulate formed during the ablation process improves the electron emission properties of the cathodes by forming additional triple points. Due to extensive electron back bombardment during magnetron operation, secondary electron emission also may play a significant role. Cathodes exhibit increases in current densities of up to 80 A/cm 2 , and up to 15% improvement in current start up time, as compared to polished stainless steel cathodes

  4. Triple vacuum glazing: Heat transfer and basic mechanical design constraints

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manz, H.; Brunner, S.; Wullschleger, L. [Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA), Laboratory for Applied Physics in Building, Ueberlandstrasse 129, CH-8600 Duebendorf (Switzerland)


    Given the major role played by windows with regard to energy losses from buildings in cold climates, low thermal transmittance is an indispensable property of glazing in low-energy buildings. Evacuation offers the only means of achieving negligible gaseous conduction in glazing cavities. Application of low-emittance coatings to glass sheet surfaces inside the cavity reduces the radiative heat transfer. The feasibility of double vacuum glazing using arrays of support pillars between the glass sheets has been shown by other authors. This type of glazing is commercially manufactured today. Based on these achievements, our study set out to investigate heat transfer in triple vacuum glazing by means of (i) an analytical thermal network model and (ii) a numerical finite difference model. The study focused on the impact of the following parameters on thermal transmittance: emittances of glass sheet surfaces inside the cavity, support pillar radius, support pillar separation and thermal conductivity of support pillar material. The design procedure for triple vacuum glazing taking into account not only thermal but also mechanical stresses due to atmospheric pressure, i.e., to enable identification of favourable parameter sets, is presented. Our findings suggest that use of the triple vacuum glazing concept can significantly reduce the thermal transmittances achieved by the best insulation glazing units currently on the market. E.g., a centre-of-glazing thermal transmittance of less than 0.2Wm{sup -2}K{sup -1} is achievable using stainless steel support pillars, 6mm/4mm/6mm sheets of untempered soda-lime glass and four low-emittance coatings ({epsilon}=0.03). (author)

  5. The efficacy of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program in improving parenting and child behavior: a comparison with two other treatment conditions. (United States)

    Bodenmann, Guy; Cina, Annette; Ledermann, Thomas; Sanders, Matthew R


    The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the efficacy of an evidence-based parenting program (the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program), intending to improve parenting skills and children's well-being. Parents participating in a Group Triple P program (n=50 couples) were compared with parents of a non-treated control group (n=50 couples) and parents participating in a marital distress prevention program (couples coping enhancement training (CCET)) (n=50 couples). The two major goals of this study were (a) to evaluate the efficacy of Triple P compared with the two other treatment conditions over a time-span of 1 year and (b) to answer the question whether this program that was developed in Australia is culturally accepted by Swiss parents. Results revealed that Triple P was effective with Swiss families. Mothers of the Triple P group showed significant improvements in parenting, parenting self-esteem, and a decrease in stressors related to parenting. Women trained in Triple P also reported significantly lower rates of child's misbehavior than women of the two other conditions. However, in men only a few significant results were found. Positive effects of the relationship training (CCET) were somewhat lower than those for the Triple P. These findings are further discussed.

  6. A simple micro-extraction plate assay for automated LC-MS/MS analysis of human serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. (United States)

    Geib, Timon; Meier, Florian; Schorr, Pascal; Lammert, Frank; Stokes, Caroline S; Volmer, Dietrich A


    This short application note describes a simple and automated assay for determination of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels in very small volumes of human serum. It utilizes commercial 96-well micro-extraction plates with commercial 25(OH)D isotope calibration and quality control kits. Separation was achieved using a pentafluorophenyl liquid chromatography column followed by multiple reaction monitoring-based quantification on an electrospray triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Emphasis was placed on providing a simple assay that can be rapidly established in non-specialized laboratories within days, without the need for laborious and time consuming sample preparation steps, advanced calibration or data acquisition routines. The analytical figures of merit obtained from this assay compared well to established assays. To demonstrate the applicability, the assay was applied to analysis of serum samples from patients with chronic liver diseases and compared to results from a routine clinical immunoassay. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. Boundary triples for Schrodinger operators with singular interactions on hypersurfaces

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Behrndt, J.; Langer, M.; Lotoreichik, Vladimir


    Roč. 7, č. 2 (2016), s. 290-302 ISSN 2220-8054 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA14-06818S Institutional support: RVO:61389005 Keywords : boundary triple * Weyl function * Schrodinger operator * singular potential * delta-interaction * hypersurface Subject RIV: BE - Theoretical Physics

  8. Questioning triple rice intensification on the Vietnamese mekong delta floodplains

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tran, Dung Duc; Halsema, van Gerardo; Hellegers, Petra J.G.J.; Ludwig, Fulco; Wyatt, Andrew


    Large areas of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta floodplains (VMDF) are protected by high dikes to facilitate three rice crops per year. While this has increased rice production, there is evidence that triple rice systems have negative long-term effects, both environmental and economic. Double rice

  9. Quasi boundary triples and semi-bounded self-adjoint extensions

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Behrndt, J.; Langer, M.; Lotoreichik, Vladimir; Rohleder, J.


    Roč. 147, č. 5 (2017), s. 895-916 ISSN 0308-2105 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA14-06818S Institutional support: RVO:61389005 Keywords : semi-bounded operator * boundary triple * Weyl function * eliptic differential operator * Dirichlet-Neumann map Subject RIV: BE - Theoretical Physics OBOR OECD: Applied mathematics Impact factor: 1.158, year: 2016

  10. Some observations on the use of the triple points of deuterium and xenon in interpolation schemes for platinum resistance thermometers below 273 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kemp, R.C.


    The use of the triple points of deuterium and xenon is investigated in some interpolation schemes for platinum resistance thermometers between 13.8 K and 273 K. The use of these triple points together is shown to lead to a large sensitivity to errors in the realization of the boiling point of water or the triple point of gallium and of the triple point of xenon for interpolated temperatures below 25 K. The behaviour of these interpolation schemes is presented as evidence that the large non-uniqueness observed in temperature scales between 84 K and 273 K is due in part to measurement errors at the boiling point of water. The use of the triple point of xenon and in interpolation scheme between 25 K and 273 K is shown to lead to a large sensitivity to calibration errors in the triple points of xenon and gallium between 25 K and 54 K. (orig.)

  11. Triple-A: the political economy of the blockbuster video game

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nieborg, D.B.


    David Nieborg onderzocht blockbuster of Triple A games voor spelcomputers. Hij bekeek hoe de game-industrie aan het veranderen is door de druk van voortdurende innovatie en welke weerslag dit heeft op zowel de games zelf (de verscheidenheid) als op hun distributiewijze. Nieborg vindt dat er steeds

  12. Triple Pulse Tester - Efficient Power Loss Characterization of Power Modules

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trintis, Ionut; Poulsen, Thomas; Beczkowski, Szymon


    In this paper the triple pulse testing method and circuit for power loss characterization of power modules is introduced. The proposed test platform is able to accurately characterize both the switching and conduction losses of power modules in a single automated process. A configuration of a half...

  13. A triple quantum dot in a single-wall carbon nanotube

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grove-Rasmussen, Kasper; Jørgensen, Henrik Ingerslev; Hayashi, T.


    A top-gated single-wall carbon nanotube is used to define three coupled quantum dots in series between two electrodes. The additional electron number on each quantum dot is controlled by top-gate voltages allowing for current measurements of single, double, and triple quantum dot stability diagrams...

  14. Improving Ambiguity Resolution for Medium Baselines Using Combined GPS and BDS Dual/Triple-Frequency Observations. (United States)

    Gao, Wang; Gao, Chengfa; Pan, Shuguo; Wang, Denghui; Deng, Jiadong


    The regional constellation of the BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) has been providing continuous positioning, navigation and timing services since 27 December 2012, covering China and the surrounding area. Real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning with combined BDS and GPS observations is feasible. Besides, all satellites of BDS can transmit triple-frequency signals. Using the advantages of multi-pseudorange and carrier observations from multi-systems and multi-frequencies is expected to be of much benefit for ambiguity resolution (AR). We propose an integrated AR strategy for medium baselines by using the combined GPS and BDS dual/triple-frequency observations. In the method, firstly the extra-wide-lane (EWL) ambiguities of triple-frequency system, i.e., BDS, are determined first. Then the dual-frequency WL ambiguities of BDS and GPS were resolved with the geometry-based model by using the BDS ambiguity-fixed EWL observations. After that, basic (i.e., L1/L2 or B1/B2) ambiguities of BDS and GPS are estimated together with the so-called ionosphere-constrained model, where the ambiguity-fixed WL observations are added to enhance the model strength. During both of the WL and basic AR, a partial ambiguity fixing (PAF) strategy is adopted to weaken the negative influence of new-rising or low-elevation satellites. Experiments were conducted and presented, in which the GPS/BDS dual/triple-frequency data were collected in Nanjing and Zhengzhou of China, with the baseline distance varying from about 28.6 to 51.9 km. The results indicate that, compared to the single triple-frequency BDS system, the combined system can significantly enhance the AR model strength, and thus improve AR performance for medium baselines with a 75.7% reduction of initialization time on average. Besides, more accurate and stable positioning results can also be derived by using the combined GPS/BDS system.

  15. Whole-exome sequencing identifies novel MPL and JAK2 mutations in triple-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. (United States)

    Milosevic Feenstra, Jelena D; Nivarthi, Harini; Gisslinger, Heinz; Leroy, Emilie; Rumi, Elisa; Chachoua, Ilyas; Bagienski, Klaudia; Kubesova, Blanka; Pietra, Daniela; Gisslinger, Bettina; Milanesi, Chiara; Jäger, Roland; Chen, Doris; Berg, Tiina; Schalling, Martin; Schuster, Michael; Bock, Christoph; Constantinescu, Stefan N; Cazzola, Mario; Kralovics, Robert


    Essential thrombocythemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF) are chronic diseases characterized by clonal hematopoiesis and hyperproliferation of terminally differentiated myeloid cells. The disease is driven by somatic mutations in exon 9 of CALR or exon 10 of MPL or JAK2-V617F in >90% of the cases, whereas the remaining cases are termed "triple negative." We aimed to identify the disease-causing mutations in the triple-negative cases of ET and PMF by applying whole-exome sequencing (WES) on paired tumor and control samples from 8 patients. We found evidence of clonal hematopoiesis in 5 of 8 studied cases based on clonality analysis and presence of somatic genetic aberrations. WES identified somatic mutations in 3 of 8 cases. We did not detect any novel recurrent somatic mutations. In 3 patients with clonal hematopoiesis analyzed by WES, we identified a somatic MPL-S204P, a germline MPL-V285E mutation, and a germline JAK2-G571S variant. We performed Sanger sequencing of the entire coding region of MPL in 62, and of JAK2 in 49 additional triple-negative cases of ET or PMF. New somatic (T119I, S204F, E230G, Y591D) and 1 germline (R321W) MPL mutation were detected. All of the identified MPL mutations were gain-of-function when analyzed in functional assays. JAK2 variants were identified in 5 of 57 triple-negative cases analyzed by WES and Sanger sequencing combined. We could demonstrate that JAK2-V625F and JAK2-F556V are gain-of-function mutations. Our results suggest that triple-negative cases of ET and PMF do not represent a homogenous disease entity. Cases with polyclonal hematopoiesis might represent hereditary disorders. © 2016 by The American Society of Hematology.

  16. Analytical Modeling of Triple-Metal Hetero-Dielectric DG SON TFET (United States)

    Mahajan, Aman; Dash, Dinesh Kumar; Banerjee, Pritha; Sarkar, Subir Kumar


    In this paper, a 2-D analytical model of triple-metal hetero-dielectric DG TFET is presented by combining the concepts of triple material gate engineering and hetero-dielectric engineering. Three metals with different work functions are used as both front- and back gate electrodes to modulate the barrier at source/channel and channel/drain interface. In addition to this, front gate dielectric consists of high-K HfO2 at source end and low-K SiO2 at drain side, whereas back gate dielectric is replaced by air to further improve the ON current of the device. Surface potential and electric field of the proposed device are formulated solving 2-D Poisson's equation and Young's approximation. Based on this electric field expression, tunneling current is obtained by using Kane's model. Several device parameters are varied to examine the behavior of the proposed device. The analytical model is validated with TCAD simulation results for proving the accuracy of our proposed model.

  17. A PZT Actuated Triple-Finger Gripper for Multi-Target Micromanipulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tao Chen


    Full Text Available This paper presents a triple-finger gripper driven by a piezoceramic (PZT transducer for multi-target micromanipulation. The gripper consists of three fingers assembled on adjustable pedestals with flexible hinges for a large adjustable range. Each finger has a PZT actuator, an amplifying structure, and a changeable end effector. The moving trajectories of single and double fingers were calculated and finite element analyses were performed to verify the reliability of the structures. In the gripping experiment, various end effectors of the fingers such as tungsten probes and fibers were tested, and different micro-objects such as glass hollow spheres and iron spheres with diameters ranging from 10 to 800 μm were picked and released. The output resolution is 145 nm/V, and the driven displacement range of the gripper is 43.4 μm. The PZT actuated triple-finger gripper has superior adaptability, high efficiency, and a low cost.

  18. Synchronous triple urogenital cancer (renal cancer, bladder cancer, prostatic cancer). A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takada, Tsuyoshi; Honda, Masahito; Momohara, Chikahiro; Komori, Kazuhiko; Fujioka, Hideki [Osaka Police Hospital (Japan)


    A case of synchronous triple urogenital cancer, which was comprised of renal cell carcinoma of the left kidney, transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, and adenocarcinoma of the prostate, is reported. A 72-year-old Japanese male patient was referred to our outpatient clinic with the complaint of asymptomatic hematuria. At that time, his serum of level of PSA was elevated to 20 ng/ml. Cystourethroscopy showed a papillary bladder tumor and coagula through the left urinary orifice. Ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed a mass lesion measuring about 6 cm by 5 cm in the left kidney. Angiography showed a hypervascular lesion measuring about 6 cm by 5 cm at the same site. Double cancer, consisting of renal cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, was suspected and we performed left total nephroureterectomy, hilar lymphadenectomy, and transurethral rection of the bladder tumor, one month later. At the same time, we performed a biopsy of the prostate. Histological diagnosis was renal cell carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder. Histological diagnosis of the prostate biopsy was moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Since this case fulfilled the criteria of Warren and Gates, it was classified as synchronous triple urogenital cancer. A review of the literature revealed 17 authentic cases of triple urogenital cancer, of which 14 and 10 cases were reported as a combination of renal cancer, bladder cancer and prostatic cancer, in the world and in Japan, respectively. Furthermore, he had been exposed to the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima in 1945. This carcinogenic precursor may be related to the development of the triple cancer. (author)

  19. Synchronous triple urogenital cancer (renal cancer, bladder cancer, prostatic cancer). A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takada, Tsuyoshi; Honda, Masahito; Momohara, Chikahiro; Komori, Kazuhiko; Fujioka, Hideki


    A case of synchronous triple urogenital cancer, which was comprised of renal cell carcinoma of the left kidney, transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, and adenocarcinoma of the prostate, is reported. A 72-year-old Japanese male patient was referred to our outpatient clinic with the complaint of asymptomatic hematuria. At that time, his serum of level of PSA was elevated to 20 ng/ml. Cystourethroscopy showed a papillary bladder tumor and coagula through the left urinary orifice. Ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed a mass lesion measuring about 6 cm by 5 cm in the left kidney. Angiography showed a hypervascular lesion measuring about 6 cm by 5 cm at the same site. Double cancer, consisting of renal cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, was suspected and we performed left total nephroureterectomy, hilar lymphadenectomy, and transurethral rection of the bladder tumor, one month later. At the same time, we performed a biopsy of the prostate. Histological diagnosis was renal cell carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder. Histological diagnosis of the prostate biopsy was moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Since this case fulfilled the criteria of Warren and Gates, it was classified as synchronous triple urogenital cancer. A review of the literature revealed 17 authentic cases of triple urogenital cancer, of which 14 and 10 cases were reported as a combination of renal cancer, bladder cancer and prostatic cancer, in the world and in Japan, respectively. Furthermore, he had been exposed to the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima in 1945. This carcinogenic precursor may be related to the development of the triple cancer. (author)

  20. Nonlinear triple-point problems on time scales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Douglas R. Anderson


    Full Text Available We establish the existence of multiple positive solutions to the nonlinear second-order triple-point boundary-value problem on time scales, $$displaylines{ u^{Delta abla}(t+h(tf(t,u(t=0, cr u(a=alpha u(b+delta u^Delta(a,quad eta u(c+gamma u^Delta(c=0 }$$ for $tin[a,c]subsetmathbb{T}$, where $mathbb{T}$ is a time scale, $eta, gamma, deltage 0$ with $Beta+gamma>0$, $0

  1. The triple test as a screening technique for Down syndrome: reliability and relevance

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    Tim Reynolds


    Full Text Available Tim ReynoldsClinical Chemistry Department, Queen’s Hospital, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, UKAbstract: The triple test is a second trimester screening test used to identify those pregnant women who should be offered a diagnostic test to identify whether their fetus has an aneuploidy. It was first described in 1988, but has largely been superseded by newer tests either conducted earlier in the first trimester (ie, the combined test, using ultrasound measurement of nuchal translucency,pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, and human chorionic gonadotrophin [hCG] or in the second trimester (ie, the quadruple test, using α-fetoprotein, hCG, uE3, and inhibin. These newer tests have been introduced because they offer greater detection and lower screen positive results thereby enhancing diagnosis rates, while decreasing the risk of iatrogenic harm caused by the invasive testing required when collecting suitable sample tissue. Noninvasive alternatives to the triple test have been identified, but these have not been adopted despite 13 years of development. It is likely, therefore, that the triple test (or variants thereof will continue to be used in routine antenatal care for the foreseeable future.Keywords: pregnancy, screening test, antenatal, Down syndrome

  2. Radiative corrections to the triple Higgs coupling in the inert Higgs doublet model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arhrib, Abdesslam; Benbrik, Rachid; Falaki, Jaouad El; Jueid, Adil


    We investigate the implication of the recent discovery of a Higgs-like particle in the first phase of the LHC Run 1 on the Inert Higgs Doublet Model (IHDM). The determination of the Higgs couplings to SM particles and its intrinsic properties will get improved during the new LHC Run 2 starting this year. The new LHC Run 2 would also shade some light on the triple Higgs coupling. Such measurement is very important in order to establish the details of the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism. Given the importance of the Higgs couplings both at the LHC and e + e − Linear Collider machines, accurate theoretical predictions are required. We study the radiative corrections to the triple Higgs coupling hhh and to hZZ, hWW couplings in the context of the IHDM. By combining several theoretical and experimental constraints on parameter space, we show that extra particles might modify the triple Higgs coupling near threshold regions. Finally, we discuss the effect of these corrections on the double Higgs production signal at the e + e − LC and show that they can be rather important.

  3. The efficacy of levofloxacin-based triple therapy for first-line Helicobacter pylori eradication

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    Yusuf Aydın


    Full Text Available Standard triple therapy composed of a proton pump inhibitor, clarithromycin and amoxicillin has been widely preferred for H. pylori eradication in Turkey and World. Alternative therapies are currently under investigation because of an increase in clarithromycin resistance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a levoflox-acin-containing triple therapy.Materials and methods: The study was carried out in 81 H. pylori-infected patients (52 female, 29 male with nonul-cer dyspepsia. The mean age was found 46.3 ± 13.9. Treatment was indicated with lansoprazol 30 mg b.d., amoxicil-lin 1 g b.d., and levofloxacin 500 mg daily for 7 days. H. pylori status was rechecked by (14C urea breath test 6-8 weeks after the end of therapy.Results: Totally 81 patients could complete the treatment and follow-up protocol. Effectiveness was 68%. The distrib-tions of age, gender and smoking were similar between eradicated and non-eradicated groups (p > 0.05.Conclusion: Seven-day levofloxacin based triple therapy is not very effective in the first-line treatment of H. pylori in-fection. The new treatment modalities should be investigated.

  4. Optical Interference Coatings Design Contest 2007: triple bandpass filter and nonpolarizing beam splitter. (United States)

    Tilsch, Markus; Hendrix, Karen


    A triple bandpass filter (28 solutions received) and a nonpolarizing beam splitter (23 solutions received) were the subjects of the design contest held in conjunction with the 2007 Optical Interference Coatings topical meeting of the Optical Society of America. Fifteen designers participated using a wide spectrum of design approaches and optimization strategies to create the submissions. The results differ significantly, but all meet the contest requirements. Fabien Lemarchand wins both contests by submitting the thinnest (6254 nm) triple bandpass design and the widest (61.7 nm) nonpolarizing beam-splitter design. Michael Trubetskov is in second place, followed by Vladimir Pervak in both contests. The submitted designs are described and evaluated.

  5. E-Learning Personalization Using Triple-Factor Approach in Standard-Based Education (United States)

    Laksitowening, K. A.; Santoso, H. B.; Hasibuan, Z. A.


    E-Learning can be a tool in monitoring learning process and progress towards the targeted competency. Process and progress on every learner can be different one to another, since every learner may have different learning type. Learning type itself can be identified by taking into account learning style, motivation, and knowledge ability. This study explores personalization for learning type based on Triple-Factor Approach. Considering that factors in Triple-Factor Approach are dynamic, the personalization system needs to accommodate the changes that may occurs. Originated from the issue, this study proposed personalization that guides learner progression dynamically towards stages of their learning process. The personalization is implemented in the form of interventions that trigger learner to access learning contents and discussion forums more often as well as improve their level of knowledge ability based on their state of learning type.

  6. Practical consensus recommendations on management of triple-negative metastatic breast cancer

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    R Rangarao


    Full Text Available Patients with breast cancer along with metastatic estrogen and progesterone receptor (ER/PR- and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2-negative tumors are referred to as having metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (mTNBC disease. Resistance to current standard therapies such as anthracyclines or taxanes limits the available options for previously treated patients with metastatic TNBC to a small number of non-cross-resistant regimens, and there is currently no preferred standard chemotherapy. Clinical experience suggests that many women with triple-negative metastatic breast cancer (MBC relapse quickly. Expert oncologist discussed about new chemotherapeutic strategies and agents used in treatment of mTNBC and the expert group used data from published literature, practical experience and opinion of a large group of academic oncologists to arrive at this practical consensus recommendations for the benefit of community oncologists.

  7. Triple parton scatterings in high-energy proton-proton collisions arXiv

    CERN Document Server

    d'Enterria, David


    A generic expression to compute triple parton scattering cross sections in high-energy proton-proton (pp) collisions is presented as a function of the corresponding single parton cross sections and the transverse parton profile of the proton encoded in an effective parameter σeff,TPS. The value of σeff,TPS is closely related to the similar effective cross section that characterizes double parton scatterings, and amounts to σeff,TPS=12.5±4.5  mb. Estimates for triple charm (cc¯) and bottom (bb¯) production in pp collisions at LHC and FCC energies are presented based on next-to-next-to-leading-order perturbative calculations for single cc¯, bb¯ cross sections. At s≈100  TeV, about 15% of the pp collisions produce three cc¯ pairs from three different parton-parton scatterings.

  8. Triple differential cross-sections for near threshold ( 2 ) process for ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    gon, krypton and xenon [4,5] have shown that the triple differential cross-sections. (TDCs) are highly dependent on target-dependent short range correlations and lead to different angular distributions even though at asymptotic separations the long-range interactions in the final state are essentially identical and target inde-.

  9. Triple-Layer Vascular Grafts Fabricated by Combined E-Jet 3D Printing and Electrospinning. (United States)

    Huang, Ruiying; Gao, Xiangkai; Wang, Jian; Chen, Haoxiang; Tong, Chunyi; Tan, Yongjun; Tan, Zhikai


    Small-diameter tissue-engineered vascular grafts are urgently needed for clinic arterial substitute. To simulate the structures and functions of natural blood vessels, we designed a novel triple-layer poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) fibrous vascular graft by combining E-jet 3D printing and electrospinning techniques. The resultant vascular graft consisted of an interior layer comprising 3D-printed highly aligned strong fibers, a middle layer made by electrospun densely fibers, and an exterior structure composed of mixed fibers fabricated by co-electrospraying. The biocompatible triple-layer graft was used for in vivo implantation, and results demonstrated that the longitudinally-aligned fibers within the lumen of the graft could enhance the proliferation and migration of endothelial cells, while maintained good mechanical properties. The exterior layer provided a pathway that encouraged cells to migrate into the scaffold after implantation. This experimental graft overcame the limitations of conventionally electrospun vascular grafts of inadequate porosity and lowly cell penetration. The unique structure of the triple-layer vascular graft promoted cell growth and infiltration in vivo, thus provided an encouraging substitute for in situ tissue engineering.

  10. Dispersion cancellation in a triple Laue interferometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemmel, Hartmut


    The concept of dispersion cancellation has been established in light optics to improve the resolution of interferometric measurements on dispersive media. Odd order dispersion cancellation allows to measure phase shifts without defocusing the interferometer due to wave packet displacements, while even order dispersion cancellation allows to measure time lags without losing resolution due to wave packet spreading. We report that either type of dispersion cancellation can be realized very easily in a triple Laue interferometer. Such interferometers are Mach–Zehnder interferometers based on Bragg diffraction, and are commonly used for neutrons and x-rays. Although the first x-ray interferometer was built nearly five decades ago, the feature of dispersion cancellation hasn't been recognized so far because the concept was hardly known in the neutron and x-ray community. However, it explains right away the surprising decoupling of phase shift and spatial displacement that we have discovered recently in neutron interferometry (Lemmel and Wagh 2010 Phys. Rev. A 82 033626). Furthermore, this article might inspire the light optics community to consider whether a triple Laue interferometer for laser light would be useful and feasible. We explain how dispersion cancellation works in neutron interferometry, and we describe the setup rigorously by solving the Schrödinger equation and by calculating the path integral. We point out, that the latter has to be evaluated with special care since in our setup the beam trajectory moves with respect to the crystal lattice of the interferometer. (paper)

  11. Kramers Turnover Theory for a Triple Well Potential

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pollak, E.; Talkner, P.


    Kramers turnover theory is solved for a particle in a symmetric triple well potential for temperatures above the crossover temperature between tunneling and activated barrier crossing. Comparison with the turnover theory for a double well potential shows that the presence of the intermediate well always leads to a decrease of the reaction rate. At most though, the rate is a factor of two smaller than in the case of a double well potential. (author)

  12. One-loop triple collinear splitting amplitudes in QCD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Badger, Simon; Buciuni, Francesco; Peraro, Tiziano [Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh,Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, Scotland (United Kingdom)


    We study the factorisation properties of one-loop scattering amplitudes in the triple collinear limit and extract the universal splitting amplitudes for processes initiated by a gluon. The splitting amplitudes are derived from the analytic Higgs plus four partons amplitudes. We present compact results for primitive helicity splitting amplitudes making use of super-symmetric decompositions. The universality of the collinear factorisation is checked numerically against the full colour six parton squared matrix elements.

  13. The Triple Axis and SPINS Spectrometers. (United States)

    Trevino, S F


    In this paper are described the triple axis and spin polarized inelastic neutron scattering (SPINS) spectrometers which are installed at the NIST Cold Neutron Research Facility (CNRF). The general principle of operation of these two instruments is described in sufficient detail to allow the reader to make an informed decision as to their usefulness for his needs. However, it is the intention of the staff at the CNRF to provide the expert resources for their efficient use in any given situation. Thus, this work is not intended as a user manual but rather as a guide into the range of applicability of the two instruments.

  14. Use of triple microcatheters for endovascular treatment of wide-necked intracranial aneurysms: A single center experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Young Dae; Rhim, Jong Kook; Kang, Hyun Seung; Kim, Jeong Eun; Cho, Won Sang; Han, Moon Hee; Park, Jeong Jin; Jeon, Jin Pyeong


    The dual microcatheter technique is common practice for coil embolization of a wide-necked aneurysm, due to safety and efficacy. However, technical limitations of some complex configurations may necessitate additional microcatheters to bolster coil stability, compact the coil, or for protection. Described herein is a triple microcatheter technique for endovascular management of wide-necked intracranial aneurysms. Data accruing prospectively between January 2006 and October 2014 on simultaneously executed triple microcatheter coil embolization procedures done in 38 saccular aneurysms were reviewed. Clinical and morphological outcomes were assessed, with emphasis on technical aspects of treatment. The triple microcatheter technique was successfully applied to all 38 saccular aneurysms, involving the posterior communicating artery (n = 13), the middle cerebral artery (n = 10), the basilar tip (n = 7), the anterior cerebral artery (n = 5), and the internal carotid artery (n = 3). Stent protection was added in four patients and balloon remodeling in one. Dual microcatheters (n = 24) were usually deployed to deliver the coil within sacs of aneurysms, with the additional microcatheter used for protection. Otherwise, triple microcatheters were deployed for coil delivery (n = 11) or coils were delivered via a single microcatheter, with dual microcatheters deployed for protection (n = 3). Successful occlusion of aneurysms was achieved in 89.5% of cases, with no procedure-related morbidity or mortality. Stable occlusion was maintained in 72.2% (26/36) of the aneurysms at the final follow-up (mean interval, 30.2 ± 22.7 months). The outcomes of this limited study suggest that the triple microcatheter technique may be an effective and safe therapeutic option for wide-necked aneurysms, using technical strategies tailored to complex angio-anatomic configurations

  15. Chemical application of positron annihilation through triple coincidence measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yegnasubramanian, S.; Gangadharan, S.


    This report summarises the work on the application of triple coincidence measurement of annihilation radiation for providing chemical state information; the observations have been corroborated by angular correlation and Doppler broadening measurements and supplemented by the magnetic quenching in the angular correlation and peak-to-valley ratio in the Ge(Li) singles spectrum for the 511 keV line. (author)


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    Novi Rofiani


    Full Text Available Aktivitas ekonomi syariah pada saat ini semakin meningkat, baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitasnya. Indikasinya adalah tumbuhnya perbankan syariah yang telah memberikan stimulus kepada masyarakat tentang alternatif pembiayaan yang lebih adil dan distributif.1 Pertumbuhan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia cukup menggembirakan. Per Desember 2008, tercatat ada lima Bank Syariah (Bank Muamalat Indonesia, bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia, Bank Syariah BRI, dan Bank Syariah bukopin, 28 Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS dan 131 Bank perkreditan Rakyat Syariah. Dari jumlah ini, terdapat 951 kantor jaringan, belum termasuk jaringan kantor Office channeling yang jumlahnya hampir mencapai 1.500 (Desember 2008.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v1i2.2467

  17. Designing Broadband Access Networks with Triple Redundancy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jens Myrup; Riaz, Muhammad Tahir; Knudsen, Thomas Phillip


    An architecture is proposed for designing broadband access networks, which offer triple redundancy to the end users, resulting in networks providing connectivity even in case of any two independent node or line failures. Two physically independent connections are offered by fiber, and the last...... provided by some wireless solution. Based on experience with planning Fiber To The Home, the architecture is designed to meet a number of demands, making it practicable and useful in realworld network planning. The proposed wired topology is planar, and suitable for being fitted onto the road network...

  18. Experimental observation of triple correlations in fluids

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    M.Ya. Sushko


    Full Text Available We present arguments for the hypothesis that under some conditions, triple correlations of density fluctuations in fluids can be detected experimentally by the method of molecular spectroscopy. These correlations manifest themselves in the form of so-called 1.5-(or sesquialteral scattering. The latter is of most significance in the pre-asymptotic vicinity of the critical point and can be registered along certain thermodynamic paths. Its presence in the overall scattering pattern is demonstrated by our processing available experimental data for the depolarization factor. Some consequences of these results are discussed.

  19. The First Experience of Triple Nerve Transfer in Proximal Radial Nerve Palsy. (United States)

    Emamhadi, Mohammadreza; Andalib, Sasan


    Injury to distal portion of posterior cord of brachial plexus leads to palsy of radial and axillary nerves. Symptoms are usually motor deficits of the deltoid muscle; triceps brachii muscle; and extensor muscles of the wrist, thumb, and fingers. Tendon transfers, nerve grafts, and nerve transfers are options for surgical treatment of proximal radial nerve palsy to restore some motor functions. Tendon transfer is painful, requires a long immobilization, and decreases donor muscle strength; nevertheless, nerve transfer produces promising outcomes. We present a patient with proximal radial nerve palsy following a blunt injury undergoing triple nerve transfer. The patient was involved in a motorcycle accident with complete palsy of the radial and axillary nerves. After 6 months, on admission, he showed spontaneous recovery of axillary nerve palsy, but radial nerve palsy remained. We performed triple nerve transfer, fascicle of ulnar nerve to long head of the triceps branch of radial nerve, flexor digitorum superficialis branch of median nerve to extensor carpi radialis brevis branch of radial nerve, and flexor carpi radialis branch of median nerve to posterior interosseous nerve, for restoration of elbow, wrist, and finger extensions, respectively. Our experience confirmed functional elbow, wrist, and finger extensions in the patient. Triple nerve transfer restores functions of the upper limb in patients with debilitating radial nerve palsy after blunt injuries. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Development of triple scale finite element analyses based on crystallographic homogenization methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamachi, Eiji


    Crystallographic homogenization procedure is implemented in the piezoelectric and elastic-crystalline plastic finite element (FE) code to assess its macro-continuum properties of piezoelectric ceramics and BCC and FCC sheet metals. Triple scale hierarchical structure consists of an atom cluster, a crystal aggregation and a macro- continuum. In this paper, we focus to discuss a triple scale numerical analysis for piezoelectric material, and apply to assess a macro-continuum material property. At first, we calculate material properties of Perovskite crystal of piezoelectric material, XYO3 (such as BaTiO3 and PbTiO3) by employing ab-initio molecular analysis code CASTEP. Next, measured results of SEM and EBSD observations of crystal orientation distributions, shapes and boundaries of a real material (BaTiO3) are employed to define an inhomogeneity of crystal aggregation, which corresponds to a unit cell of micro-structure, and satisfies the periodicity condition. This procedure is featured as a first scaling up from the molecular to the crystal aggregation. Finally, the conventional homogenization procedure is implemented in FE code to evaluate a macro-continuum property. This final procedure is featured as a second scaling up from the crystal aggregation (unit cell) to macro-continuum. This triple scale analysis is applied to design piezoelectric ceramic and finds an optimum crystal orientation distribution, in which a macroscopic piezoelectric constant d33 has a maximum value

  1. The Design of High Performance, Low Power Triple-Track Magnetic Sensor Chip

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    Junning Chen


    Full Text Available This paper presents a design of a high performance and low power consumption triple-track magnetic sensor chip which was fabricated in TSMC 0.35 μm CMOS process. This chip is able to simultaneously sense, decode and read out the information stored in triple-track magnetic cards. A reference voltage generating circuit, a low-cost filter circuit, a power-on reset circuit, an RC oscillator, and a pre-decoding circuit are utilized as the basic modules. The triple-track magnetic sensor chip has four states, i.e., reset, sleep, swiping card and data read-out. In sleep state, the internal RC oscillator is closed, which means that the digital part does not operate to optimize energy consumption. In order to improve decoding accuracy and expand the sensing range of the signal, two kinds of circuit are put forward, naming offset correction circuit, and tracking circuit. With these two circuits, the sensing function of this chip can be more efficiently and accurately. We simulated these circuit modules with TSMC technology library. The results showed that these modules worked well within wide range input signal. Based on these results, the layout and tape-out were carried out. The measurement results showed that the chip do function well within a wide swipe speed range, which achieved the design target.

  2. Automated realization of the gallium melting and triple points (United States)

    Yan, X.; Duan, Y.; Zhang, J. T.; Wang, W.


    In order to improve the automation and convenience of the process involved in realizing the gallium fixed points, an automated apparatus, based on thermoelectric and heat pipe technologies, was designed and developed. This paper describes the apparatus design and procedures for freezing gallium mantles and realizing gallium melting and triple points. Also, investigations on the melting behavior of a gallium melting point cell and of gallium triple point cells were carried out while controlling the temperature outside the gallium point cells at 30 °C, 30.5 °C, 31 °C, and 31.5 °C. The obtained melting plateau curves show dentate temperature oscillations on the melting plateaus for the gallium point cells when thermal couplings occurred between the outer and inner liquid-solid interfaces. The maximum amplitude of the temperature fluctuations was about 1.5 mK. Therefore, the temperature oscillations can be used to indicate the ending of the equilibrium phase transitions. The duration and amplitude of such temperature oscillations depend on the temperature difference between the setting temperature and the gallium point temperature; the smaller the temperature difference, the longer the duration of both the melting plateaus and the temperature fluctuations.

  3. Lidov–Kozai Cycles with Gravitational Radiation: Merging Black Holes in Isolated Triple Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silsbee, Kedron; Tremaine, Scott


    We show that a black-hole binary with an external companion can undergo Lidov–Kozai cycles that cause a close pericenter passage, leading to a rapid merger due to gravitational-wave emission. This scenario occurs most often for systems in which the companion has a mass comparable to the reduced mass of the binary and the companion orbit has a semimajor axis within a factor of ∼10 of the binary semimajor axis. Using a simple population-synthesis model and three-body simulations, we estimate the rate of mergers in triple black-hole systems in the field to be about six per Gpc 3 per year in the absence of natal kicks during black-hole formation. This value is within the low end of the 90% credible interval for the total black hole–black hole merger rate inferred from the current LIGO results. There are many uncertainties in these calculations, the largest of which is the unknown distribution of natal kicks. Even modest natal kicks of 40 km s −1 will reduce the merger rate by a factor of 40. A few percent of these systems will have eccentricity greater than 0.999 when they first enter the frequency band detectable by aLIGO (above 10 Hz).

  4. Lidov–Kozai Cycles with Gravitational Radiation: Merging Black Holes in Isolated Triple Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silsbee, Kedron [Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Ivy Lane, Princeton, NJ 08544 (United States); Tremaine, Scott, E-mail:, E-mail: [Institute for Advanced Study, 1 Einstein Drive Princeton, NJ 08540 (United States)


    We show that a black-hole binary with an external companion can undergo Lidov–Kozai cycles that cause a close pericenter passage, leading to a rapid merger due to gravitational-wave emission. This scenario occurs most often for systems in which the companion has a mass comparable to the reduced mass of the binary and the companion orbit has a semimajor axis within a factor of ∼10 of the binary semimajor axis. Using a simple population-synthesis model and three-body simulations, we estimate the rate of mergers in triple black-hole systems in the field to be about six per Gpc{sup 3} per year in the absence of natal kicks during black-hole formation. This value is within the low end of the 90% credible interval for the total black hole–black hole merger rate inferred from the current LIGO results. There are many uncertainties in these calculations, the largest of which is the unknown distribution of natal kicks. Even modest natal kicks of 40 km s{sup −1} will reduce the merger rate by a factor of 40. A few percent of these systems will have eccentricity greater than 0.999 when they first enter the frequency band detectable by aLIGO (above 10 Hz).

  5. Development of the α-IGZO/Ag/α-IGZO Triple-Layer Structure Films for the Application of Transparent Electrode. (United States)

    Chen, Kun-Neng; Yang, Cheng-Fu; Wu, Chia-Ching; Chen, Yu-Hsin


    We investigated the structural, optical, and electrical properties of amorphous IGZO/silver/amorphous IGZO (α-IGZO/Ag/α-IGZO) triple-layer structures that were deposited at room temperature on Eagle XG glass and flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrates through the sputtering method. Thin Ag layers with different thicknesses were inserted between two IGZO layers to form a triple-layer structure. Ag was used because of its lower absorption and resistivity. Field emission scanning electron microscopy measurements of the triple-layer structures revealed that the thicknesses of the Ag layers ranged from 13 to 41 nm. The thickness of the Ag layer had a large effect on the electrical and optical properties of the electrodes. The optimum thickness of the Ag metal thin film could be evaluated according to the optical transmittance, electrical conductivity, and figure of merit of the electrode. This study demonstrates that the α-IGZO/Ag/α-IGZO triple-layer transparent electrode can be fabricated with low sheet resistance (4.2 Ω/□) and high optical transmittance (88.1%) at room temperature without postannealing processing on the deposited thin films.

  6. On Triple Product and Rational Solutions of Yang—Baxter Equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Chun-Hong; Jia Xiao-Yu; Li Min-Li; Wu Ke; Zhao Wei-Zhong


    The Yang—Baxter equation is reinvestigated in the framework of triple system. By requiring the rational R matrix of the Yang—Baxter equation satisfying the generalized Filippov condition, we derive a relation with respect to the rational R matrix. Moreover the case of the super Yang—Baxter equation is also investigated. (general)

  7. Targeting Histone Abnormality in Triple Negative Breast Cancer (United States)


    W81XWH-14-1-0237 Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Davidson, PI U10 CA180844 NCI NCTN-Network Lead 5% 2014- 2019 $11,255 Davidson, Co-PI Academic Site...MD AACR High Tech Strategic Business Meeting, Sunnyvale, CA Medical Oncology Board Review, George Washington University, Washington, DC Great...both ductal car - cinoma in situ and invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. Oncogene 2003; 22: 2021–2033. 25 Lin T, Ponn A, Hu X, Law BK, Lu J

  8. Prem Baby Triple P: a randomised controlled trial of enhanced parenting capacity to improve developmental outcomes in preterm infants. (United States)

    Colditz, Paul; Sanders, Matthew R; Boyd, Roslyn; Pritchard, Margo; Gray, Peter; O'Callaghan, Michael J; Slaughter, Virginia; Whittingham, Koa; O'Rourke, Peter; Winter, Leanne; Evans, Tracey; Herd, Michael; Ahern, Jessica; Jardine, Luke


    Very preterm birth (parenting have the greatest potential to create sustained effects on child development and parental psychopathology. Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) has shown positive effects on child behaviour and adjustment, parenting practices and family functioning. Baby Triple P for Preterm infants, has been developed to target parents of very preterm infants. This study tests the effectiveness of Baby Triple P for Preterm infants in improving child and parent/couple outcomes at 24 months corrected age (CA). Families will be randomised to receive either Baby Triple P for Preterm infants or Care as Usual (CAU). Baby Triple P for Preterm infants involves 4 × 2 hr group sessions at the hospital plus 4 × 30 min telephone consultations soon after transfer (42 weeks C.A.). After discharge participants will be linked to community based Triple P and intervention maintenance up to 24 months C.A. Assessments will be: baseline, post-intervention (6 weeks C.A.), at 12 and 24 months C.A. The primary outcome measure is the Infant Toddler Social & Emotional Assessment (ITSEA) at 24 months C.A. Child behavioural and emotional problems will be coded using the mother-toddler version of the Family Observation Schedule at 24 months C.A. Secondary outcome will be the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID III) cognitive development, language and motor abilities. Proximal targets of parenting style, parental self-efficacy, parental mental health, parental adjustment, parent-infant attachment, couple relationship satisfaction and couple communication will also be assessed. Our sample size based on the ITSEA, has 80% power, predicted effect size of 0.33 and an 85% retention rate, requires 165 families are required in each group (total sample of 330 families). This protocol presents the study design, methods and intervention to be analysed in a randomised trial of Baby Triple P for Preterm infants compared to Care as Usual (CAU) for families of very preterm

  9. Revisions to Conventional Clock Domain Crossing Methodologies in Triple Modular Redundant Circuits (United States)

    Berg, Melanie D.; LaBel, Kenneth A.


    We present updates to the conventional methodology of triple modular redundancy (TMR) insertion as it pertains to clock domain crossings (CDCs). Three types of TMR schemes and their suggested corresponding CDC revisions are discussed.

  10. Combining Formal and Informal Caregiving Roles: The Psychosocial Implications of Double- and Triple-Duty Care. (United States)

    DePasquale, Nicole; Davis, Kelly D; Zarit, Steven H; Moen, Phyllis; Hammer, Leslie B; Almeida, David M


    Women who combine formal and informal caregiving roles represent a unique, understudied population. In the literature, healthcare employees who simultaneously provide unpaid elder care at home have been referred to as double-duty caregivers. The present study broadens this perspective by examining the psychosocial implications of double-duty child care (child care only), double-duty elder care (elder care only), and triple-duty care (both child care and elder care or "sandwiched" care). Drawing from the Work, Family, and Health Study, we focus on a large sample of women working in nursing homes in the United States (n = 1,399). We use multiple regression analysis and analysis of covariance tests to examine a range of psychosocial implications associated with double- and triple-duty care. Compared with nonfamily caregivers, double-duty child caregivers indicated greater family-to-work conflict and poorer partner relationship quality. Double-duty elder caregivers reported more family-to-work conflict, perceived stress, and psychological distress, whereas triple-duty caregivers indicated poorer psychosocial functioning overall. Relative to their counterparts without family caregiving roles, women with combined caregiving roles reported poorer psychosocial well-being. Additional research on women with combined caregiving roles, especially triple-duty caregivers, should be a priority amidst an aging population, older workforce, and growing number of working caregivers. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  11. Polarization Insensitivity in Double-Split Ring and Triple-Split Ring Terahertz Resonators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Qian-Nan; Lan Feng; Tang Xiao-Pin; Yang Zi-Qiang


    A modified double-split ring resonator and a modified triple-split ring resonator, which offer polarization-insensitive performance, are investigated, designed and fabricated. By displacing the two gaps of the conventional double-split ring resonator away from the center, the second resonant frequency for the 0° polarized wave and the resonant frequency for the 90° polarized wave become increasingly close to each other until they are finally identical. Theoretical and experimental results show that the modified double-split ring resonator and the modified triple-split ring resonator are insensitive to different polarized waves and show strong resonant frequency dips near 433 and 444 GHz, respectively. The results of this work suggest new opportunities for the investigation and design of polarization-dependent terahertz devices based on split ring resonators. (paper)

  12. Efficacy of the Positive Parenting Program (Triple-P for a Group of Parents of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mehdi Tehranidoost


    Full Text Available "nObjective: To evaluate the efficacy of the Positive Parenting Program (Triple-P for parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD. "nMethod:  Sixty families who had at least one child with clinically diagnosed ADHD aged between 6 to12 were recruited from the consecutive referrals to a child and adolescent psychiatric clinic. Families were randomly assigned to the intervention group (who participated in an 8- week- group Triple-P, N=30 and a control group (N=30. Parents completed the battery of self-report questionnaires of triple-P at the beginning and after the 8th session. "nResults: There were no significant differences in pre intervention measures between the two groups. Comparing the pre and post intervention data, the Triple- P group was associated with significantly lower levels of parent reported child behavior problems (P=0.001, lower levels of dysfunctional parenting (P=0.001 and greater parental competence (P=0.001 than the control group. The parents the in triple-P group had significant improvement on measures of depression, anxiety and stress, in comparison with the control group (P=0.001. This study did not follow the long term effect which marks its limitation. "nConclusion: The Triple-P program can be recommended for parents of children with ADHD to reduce the problem behavior of their children and to improve their abilities.

  13. Clinical efficacy of local targeted chemotherapy for triple-negative breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He, Jinsong; Wang, Xianming; Guan, Hong; Chen, Weicai; Wang, Ming; Wu, Huisheng; Wang, Zun; Zhou, Ruming; Qiu, Shuibo


    The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of superselective intra-arterial targeted neo-adjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of estrogen receptor (ER)-negative, progesterone receptor (PR)-negative, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative (triple-negative) breast cancer. A total of 47 triple-negative breast cancer patients (29 at stage II, 13 at stage III and 5 at stage IV) were randomly assigned to two groups: targeted chemotherapy group (n=24) and control group (n=23). Patients in the targeted chemotherapy group received preoperative superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy with CEF regimen (C: cyclophosphamide [600 mg/m 2 ]; E: epirubicin [90 mg/m 2 ]; F: 5-fluorouracil [600 mg/m 2 ]), and those in the control group received routine neoadjuvant chemotherapy with CEF. The duration of the treatment, changes in lesions and the prognosis were determined. The average course of the treatment was 15 days in the targeted chemotherapy group which was significantly shorter than that in the control group (31 days) (P<0.01). The remission rate of lesions was 91.6% in the targeted chemotherapy group and 60.9% in the control group, respectively. Among these patients, 9 died within two years, including 2 (both at IV stage) in the targeted chemotherapy group and 7 (2 at stage II, 4 at stage III and 1 at stage IV) in the control group. As an neoadjuvant therapy, the superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy is effective for triple-negative breast cancer, with advantages of the short treatment course and favourable remission rates as well as prognoses

  14. A Study of Triple Negative Breast Cancer at a Tertiary Cancer Care ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    cause of cancer deaths worldwide. It is the ... Background: Triple negative breast cancers (TNBCs) are a diverse and heterogeneous group .... nonHispanic black patients with breast cancer, at 24.6%. ... chance of breast conservation rates.

  15. Efficacy of Single-Dose and Triple-Dose Albendazole and Mebendazole against Soil-Transmitted Helminths and Taenia spp.: A Randomized Controlled Trial (United States)

    Steinmann, Peter; Utzinger, Jürg; Du, Zun-Wei; Jiang, Jin-Yong; Chen, Jia-Xu; Hattendorf, Jan; Zhou, Hui; Zhou, Xiao-Nong


    Background The control of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections currently relies on the large-scale administration of single-dose oral albendazole or mebendazole. However, these treatment regimens have limited efficacy against hookworm and Trichuris trichiura in terms of cure rates (CR), whereas fecal egg reduction rates (ERR) are generally high for all common STH species. We compared the efficacy of single-dose versus triple-dose treatment against hookworm and other STHs in a community-based randomized controlled trial in the People's Republic of China. Methodology/Principal findings The hookworm CR and fecal ERR were assessed in 314 individuals aged ≥5 years who submitted two stool samples before and 3–4 weeks after administration of single-dose oral albendazole (400 mg) or mebendazole (500 mg) or triple-dose albendazole (3×400 mg over 3 consecutive days) or mebendazole (3×500 mg over 3 consecutive days). Efficacy against T. trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, and Taenia spp. was also assessed. Albendazole cured significantly more hookworm infections than mebendazole in both treatment regimens (single dose: respective CRs 69% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 55–81%) and 29% (95% CI: 20–45%); triple dose: respective CRs 92% (95% CI: 81–98%) and 54% (95% CI: 46–71%)). ERRs followed the same pattern (single dose: 97% versus 84%; triple dose: 99.7% versus 96%). Triple-dose regimens outperformed single doses against T. trichiura; three doses of mebendazole – the most efficacious treatment tested – cured 71% (95% CI: 57–82%). Both single and triple doses of either drug were highly efficacious against A. lumbricoides (CR: 93–97%; ERR: all >99.9%). Triple dose regimens cured all Taenia spp. infections, whereas single dose applications cured only half of them. Conclusions/Significance Single-dose oral albendazole is more efficacious against hookworm than mebendazole. To achieve high CRs against both hookworm and T. trichiura, triple-dose regimens are

  16. Triple therapy in chronic hepatitis C: initial series in a public health program in the South of Brazil. (United States)

    Almeida, Paulo R L; Fonseca, Carla Bortolin; Koch, Vivian W; Souza, Amanda M; Feltrin, Alberi A; Tovo, Cristiane Valle


    Chronic hepatitis C has great impact on world's health. Current therapy for genotype 1 hepatitis C virus includes protease inhibitors boceprevir and telaprevir, associated to standard therapy - peginterferon alfa + ribavirin. There are no published data in Brazil on the results of this new therapy, and it is interesting an evaluation of what was accomplished up to this moment. Objectives To evaluate virologic response to triple therapy, as well as the safety profile and tolerability. This study is a clinical series of patients receiving triple therapy for C hepatitis in a single center of a Public Health System of South Brasil. Out of the 121 patients that initiated the triple therapy, the first patients that finished the treatment and evaluated the sustained virological response (24 weeks after the end of treatment) were included. Twenty four genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C monoinfected patients were included. Nineteen (79.2%) patients had been previously treated. Thirteen (54.2%) patients were cirrhotic. Nineteen (79.2%) patients completed the planned therapy. By the end of the treatment, 14 (58.3%) out of 24 patients had undetectable viral load. Sustained virologic response occurred in 12 (50.0%) out of 24 patients, 07 (58.3%) in telaprevir group and 05 (41.7%) in boceprevir group. Out of 24 patients under triple therapy, 58% (n=14) presented anemia. In conclusion, despite the small number of patients treated with triple therapy evaluated in the current study, it possibly reflects the population under this therapy in real-life.

  17. Rendezvous of the "Third Kind": Triple Helix Origins and Future Possibilities (United States)

    Etzkowitz, Henry


    The Triple Helix, representing university-industry-government interactions, was rooted in a 1993 International Workshop on University-Industry Relations at UNAM's Centro Para la Innovacion Technologica in Mexico City. Impelled by Mexican reality, where university-industry interactions and the institutions themselves operated within a governmental…

  18. Modulation of the BRCA1 Protein and Induction of Apoptosis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Lines by the Polyphenolic Compound Curcumin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danica L. Rowe


    Full Text Available In the current study, we sought to examine the effects of curcumin in a specific type of breast cancer called triple negative breast cancer. These cancers lack expression of the estrogen and progesterone receptors and do not over-express HER2. Current treatment for triple negative breast cancers is limited to cytotoxic chemotherapy, and upon relapse, there are not any therapies currently available. We demonstrate here that the bioactive food compound curcumin induces DNA damage in triple negative breast cancer cells in association with phosphorylation, increased expression, and cytoplasmic retention of the BRCA1 protein. In addition, curcumin promotes apoptosis and prevents anchorage-independent growth and migration of triple negative breast cancer cells. Apoptosis and BRCA1 modulation were not observed in non-transformed mammary epithelial cells, suggesting curcumin may have limited non-specific toxicity. This study suggests that curcumin and potentially curcumin analogues should be tested further in the context of triple negative breast cancer. These results are novel, having never been previously reported, and suggest that curcumin could provide a novel, non-toxic therapy, which could lead to improved survival for patients with triple negative breast cancer. Curcumin should be studied further in this subset of breast cancer patients, for whom treatment options are severely limited.

  19. Nanostructured thin films for multibandgap silicon triple junction solar cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schropp, R.E.I.; Li, H. B. T.; Franken, R.H.; Rath, J.K.; van der Werf, C.H.M.; Schuttauf, J.A.; Stolk, R.L.


    A considerable improvement in performance has been achieved for multibandgap proto-Si/proto-SiGe/nc-Si:H triple junction n–i–p solar cells in which hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD) is used to obtain the absorber layers of the bottom and the top cell. To achieve this, optimized Ag/ZnO

  20. Double- and triple-differential cross sections for electron-impact ionization of helium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biswas, R.; Sinha, C.


    Triple- (TDCS) and double- (DDCS) differential cross sections have been calculated for single ionization in electron-helium collisions for asymmetric geometry at intermediate and medium high energies. The TDCS and DDCS results have been presented for different kinematical situations and have been compared with the corresponding experiments. In the present prescription, the final-state wave function involves the correlation between the two continuum electrons and satisfies the three-body asymptotic boundary condition (for asymmetric geometry), which is an important criterion for reliable ionization cross sections. The sensitivity of the ionization cross sections (particularly of the TDCS) with respect to the choice of the bound-state wave function of the He atom has also been studied, using two different forms of wave function of the He atom. The binary-to-recoil peak intensity ratio against momentum transfer in TDCS is found to be in closer agreement with the experiment for the simple Hylleraas wave function than for the Hartree-Fock wave function. The DDCS results are found to be in good agreement with the experimental data of Mueller-Fiedler et al. [J. Phys. B 19, 1211 (1986)] for lower ejected energy (E 2 ), while for higher E 2 the results are closer to the measurements of Shyn et al. [Phys. Rev. A 19, 557 (1979)] and Avaldi et al. [Nuovo Cimento D 9, 97 (1987)

  1. Microstructural evolution in austenitic stainless steel irradiated with triple-beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hamada, Shozo; Miwa, Yukio; Yamaki, Daiju [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment; Yichuan, Zhang


    An austenitic stainless steel was simultaneously irradiated with nickel, helium and hydrogen ions at the temperature range of 573-673 K. The damage level and injected concentration of He and H ions in the triple-beam irradiated region are 57 dpa, 19000 and 18000 at.ppm, respectively. Following to irradiation, the cross sectional observation normal to the incident surface of the specimen was carried out with a transmission electron microscope. Two bands parallel to the incident surface were observed in the irradiated specimen, which consist of dislocation loops and lines of high number density. These locate in the range of the depth of 0.4 to 1.3 {mu}m and 1.8 to 2.4 {mu}m from the incident surface, respectively. The region between two bands, which corresponds to the triple beam irradiated region, shows very low number density of dislocations than that in each band. Observation with higher magnification of this region shows that fine cavities with high number density uniformly distribute in the matrix. (author)

  2. Drying of carrot slices in a triple pass solar dryer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seshachalam Kesavan


    Full Text Available An indirect triple pass forced convection solar dryer was developed and its performance was evaluated for drying of carrot slices. The drying experiments were carried out under the meteorological conditions of Coimbatore city in India during the year 2016. The experimental set-up consists of a blower, triple pass packed bed air collector (using sand with wire mesh absorber plate, and a drying chamber. The air mass flow rate was optimized to 0.062 kg/s. The initial moisture content of the carrot slices was reduced from 87.5% (on wet basis to the final moisture content of 10% (wet basis in 6 h duration. The thin layer drying characteristics were analyzed using twelve mathematical models available in open literature. The results showed that the pick-up efficiency of the dryer was varied in the range between 14 and 43% with an average air collector thermal efficiency of 44% during the experimentation. The drying characteristics of carrot slices was predicted with good degree of accuracy using Wang and Singh drying model.

  3. Evidence for a continental unstable triple junction as an alternate model for Vrancea seismicity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Besutiu, L.


    The Vrancea active seismic zone located in the bending area of Romanian Carpathians stands for a long time as a challenge to geoscientists all over the world. Deep seismicity in continental collision circumstances is rather rare and always constraints on dynamics of subduction. The pattern of the intermediate-depth seismicity in the Vrancea region suggests a confined prismatic nearly vertical seismic body. The small size and geometry of the seismic zone have made it difficult to interpret the kinematics of subduction and continental collision in the area. During the years, several models, almost all subduction-related, have more or less successfully tried to explain this phenomenon. The paper represents an attempt to explain the Vrancea intermediate depth seismicity starting from a new concept, as introduced by the plate tectonics theory: the triple junction. A continental unstable triple junction is proposed as an alternate model to explain the unusual seismicity in the Vrancea seismic area. Three tectonic plates / microplates seem to join in the region: East European Plate (EEP), Moesian microplate (MoP), and the Intra-Alpine microplate (IaP). Their edges are geophysically documented and their motion is evidenced. The differentiation in their relative velocities generated an unstable transform-transform-compression triple junction that determined the vertical collapse of the lithospheric segment to which the intermediate seismicity within Vrancea zone is associated. Three major plates' wedges bound the seismic body: Tornquist-Teissyere zone, Peceneaga-Camena fault, and Trans-Getica fault. Temperature accommodation phenomena associated to the sinking lithospheric body into the hotter upper mantle environment (such as convective cells, phase-transform processes, and devolatilization) could be responsible for the earthquakes occurrence. The problem of the missing subduction related volcanism within Vrancea triple junction (VTJ) area is definitely solved in the case

  4. Nonlinear optical response of the collagen triple helix and second harmonic microscopy of collagen liquid crystals (United States)

    Deniset-Besseau, A.; De Sa Peixoto, P.; Duboisset, J.; Loison, C.; Hache, F.; Benichou, E.; Brevet, P.-F.; Mosser, G.; Schanne-Klein, M.-C.


    Collagen is characterized by triple helical domains and plays a central role in the formation of fibrillar and microfibrillar networks, basement membranes, as well as other structures of the connective tissue. Remarkably, fibrillar collagen exhibits efficient Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) and SHG microscopy proved to be a sensitive tool to score fibrotic pathologies. However, the nonlinear optical response of fibrillar collagen is not fully characterized yet and quantitative data are required to further process SHG images. We therefore performed Hyper-Rayleigh Scattering (HRS) experiments and measured a second order hyperpolarisability of 1.25 10-27 esu for rat-tail type I collagen. This value is surprisingly large considering that collagen presents no strong harmonophore in its amino-acid sequence. In order to get insight into the physical origin of this nonlinear process, we performed HRS measurements after denaturation of the collagen triple helix and for a collagen-like short model peptide [(Pro-Pro-Gly)10]3. It showed that the collagen large nonlinear response originates in the tight alignment of a large number of weakly efficient harmonophores, presumably the peptide bonds, resulting in a coherent amplification of the nonlinear signal along the triple helix. To illustrate this mechanism, we successfully recorded SHG images in collagen liquid solutions by achieving liquid crystalline ordering of the collagen triple helices.

  5. The prevalence of BRCA1 mutations among young women with triple-negative breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, SR; DeSai, Damini; Zandvakili, Inuk; Royer, Robert; Li, Song; Narod, Steven A; Pilarski, Robert T; Donenberg, Talia; Shapiro, Charles; Hammond, Lyn S; Miller, Judith; Brooks, Karen A; Cohen, Stephanie; Tenenholz, Beverly


    Molecular screening for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations is now an established component of risk evaluation and management of familial breast cancer. Features of hereditary breast cancer include an early age-of-onset and over-representation of the 'triple-negative' phenotype (negative for estrogen-receptor, progesterone-receptor and HER2). The decision to offer genetic testing to a breast cancer patient is usually based on her family history, but in the absence of a family history of cancer, some women may qualify for testing based on the age-of-onset and/or the pathologic features of the breast cancer. We studied 54 women who were diagnosed with high-grade, triple-negative invasive breast cancer at or before age 40. These women were selected for study because they had little or no family history of breast or ovarian cancer and they did not qualify for genetic testing using conventional family history criteria. BRCA1 screening was performed using a combination of fluorescent multiplexed-PCR analysis, BRCA1 exon-13 6 kb duplication screening, the protein truncation test (PTT) and fluorescent multiplexed denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). All coding exons of BRCA1 were screened. The two large exons of BRCA2 were also screened using PTT. All mutations were confirmed with direct sequencing. Five deleterious BRCA1 mutations and one deleterious BRCA2 mutation were identified in the 54 patients with early-onset, triple-negative breast cancer (11%). Women with early-onset triple-negative breast cancer are candidates for genetic testing for BRCA1, even in the absence of a family history of breast or ovarian cancer

  6. Clinical Initial Response of Neoadjuvant Chemotheraphy in Triple Negative, HER-2, and Luminal Types of Breast Cancer in Denpasar (A Preliminary Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kristianto Yuli Yarso


    Full Text Available Objectives: Triple Negative, Luminal, HER-2 subtypes of breast cancer are markers to predict behavior, aggressiveness, and response to chemotherapy. The aim of this study is to understand character and response to standard neoadjuvant chemotherapy in different subtypes of breast cancer. Method: This is a descriptive study of breast cancer subtypes. From 687 patients (2003-2010 351 patients have IHC data which divided into 3 groups, Triple negative, Luminal, and HER-2. We used 10% as a cut off point for ER, PR, while 30% & positive 3 for HER-2. We determined initial clinical response after 3 cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy although only 77 got standard neoadjuvant chemotherapy and had clinical response data. We used 50% diameters depreciation & no metastasis as cut off point for respond group. Results: There were 116 (33% Triple Negative, 60 (17% HER-2, and 175 (50% Luminal Subtypes. The mean of age for 351 patients are 48.32 (23-82 years. In this study, it was obtained that no significant difference of means of age (p=0.24 in these 3 groups. Triple negative group significantly more advance in grade if compared with the other two groups (p=0.02. HER-2 group had highest response with standard neoadjuvant chemotherapy (50%, Luminal group had (49%, and Triple negative group had only (15% response. One pCR in HER-2 group. There were no difference ages in subtypes. Triple negative has more advances in grade. HER-2 group has highest response to standard neoadjuvant chemotherapy and Triple negative has lowest response to standard neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

  7. Multicharged Ion-induced simple molecule fragmentation dynamics; Dynamique de la fragmentation de molecules simples induite par impact d'ion multicharge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tarisien, M


    The aim of this work is to study the dynamics of swift multicharged ion-induced fragmentation of diatomic (CO) and triatomic (CO{sub 2}) molecules. Performed at the GANIL facility, this study used the Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy technique (RIMS), which consists of a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, coupled with a multi-hit capability position sensitive detector (delay line anode). The high-resolution measurement of the kinetic energy distribution released (KER) during the CO fragmentation points out the limitation of the Coulomb Explosion Model, revealing, for example, the di-cation CO{sub 2}{sup +} electronic state contribution in the case of C{sup +}/O{sup +} fragmentation pathway. Furthermore, the multi-ionization cross section dependence with the orientation of the internuclear axis of CO is compared with a geometrical model calculation. Finally, different behaviours are observed for the dissociation dynamics of a triatomic molecule (CO{sub 2}). While triple ionization leads mainly to a synchronous concerted fragmentation dynamics, a weak fraction of dissociating molecule follows a sequential dynamics involving CO{sub 2}{sup +} metastable states. In the case of double ionization, (CO{sub 2}){sup 2+} di-cation dissociation dynamics is asynchronously concerted and has been interpreted using a simple model involving an asymmetrical vibration of the molecule. (author)

  8. Phantom studies of triple photon absorptiometry and bone mineral measurement at a hip prosthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farrell, T.J.; Webber, C.E.


    The feasibility of using triple photon absorptiometry (TPA) for the measurement of bone mineral mass about a hip prosthesis was examined. A theoretical expression describing the variance of TPA measurements was verified using a triple photon source and phantom materials which simulate the soft tissue-bone mineral-metal prosthesis system. The expression for the variance was used to determine an optimized set of photon energies. It was shown that a precision of 3% could be obtained for reasonable measurement times using this optimized set of energies and that TPA should be a feasible approach for measurement of bone mineral about a hip prosthesis. (orig.)

  9. Dual and triple therapy to prevent mother-to-child transmission of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective. To determine outcomes of pregnant women and their infants at McCord Hospital in Durban, South Africa, where dual and triple therapy to reduce HIV vertical transmission have been used since 2004 despite national guidelines recommending simpler regimens. Method. We retrospectively examined records of all ...

  10. Equilibrium triple point pressure and pressure-temperature phase diagram of polyethylene

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hikosaka, M.; Tsukijima, K.; Rastogi, S.; Keller, A.


    The equil. triple point and pressure and temp. phase diagrams of polyethylene were obtained by in situ optical microscopic and x-ray observations of the melting temp. of hexagonal and orthorhombic isolated extended-chain single crystals at high pressure. The melting temps. of extended-chain crystals

  11. Triple M-brane configurations and preserved supersymmetries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golubtsova, A.A.; Ivashchuk, V.D.


    We investigate all standard triple composite M-brane intersections defined on products of Ricci-flat manifolds for preserving supersymmetries in eleven-dimensional N=1 supergravity. The explicit formulae for computing the numbers of preserved supersymmetries are obtained, which generalize the relations for topologically trivial flat factor spaces presented in the classification by Bergshoeff et al. We obtain certain examples of configurations preserving some fractions of supersymmetries, e.g. containing such factor spaces as K3, C ⁎ 2 /Z 2 , a four-dimensional pp-wave manifold and the two-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean manifold R ⁎ 1,1 /Z 2

  12. Wnt signaling in triple-negative breast cancer (United States)

    Pohl, SÖ-G; Brook, N; Agostino, M; Arfuso, F; Kumar, A P; Dharmarajan, A


    Wnt signaling regulates a variety of cellular processes, including cell fate, differentiation, proliferation and stem cell pluripotency. Aberrant Wnt signaling is a hallmark of many cancers. An aggressive subtype of breast cancer, known as triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), demonstrates dysregulation in canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling. In this review, we summarize regulators of canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling, as well as Wnt signaling dysfunction that mediates the progression of TNBC. We review the complex molecular nature of TNBC and the emerging therapies that are currently under investigation for the treatment of this disease. PMID:28368389

  13. About the Triple A. Argentina 1973 - 1976


    Rostica, Julieta


    El 25 de mayo de 1973 el peronismo volvió a gobernar la Argentina tras aproximadamente dos décadas de proscripción y persecución política. Tras su establecimiento, ciertos crímenes comenzaron a ser firmados con “AAA”. La Triple A tuvo la particularidad de desaparecer con el golpe de Estado del 24 de marzo de 1976. ¿Por qué esta organización sólo pudo existir en una democracia erigida en medio de dos dictaduras militares? ¿Por qué existió durante el tan anhelado gobierno peronista? El artículo...

  14. Is triple contrast computed tomographic scanning useful in the selective management of stab wounds to the back? (United States)

    McAllister, E; Perez, M; Albrink, M H; Olsen, S M; Rosemurgy, A S


    We devised a protocol to prospectively manage stab wounds to the back with the hypothesis that the triple contrast computed tomographic (CT) scan is an effective means of detecting occult injury in these patients. All wounds to the back in hemodynamically stable adults were locally explored. All patients with muscular fascial penetration underwent triple contrast CT scanning utilizing oral, rectal, and IV contrast. Patients did not undergo surgical exploration if their CT scan was interpreted as negative or if the CT scan demonstrated injuries not requiring surgical intervention. Fifty-three patients were entered into the protocol. The time to complete the triple contrast CT scan ranged from 3 to 6 hours at a cost of $1050 for each scan. In 51 patients (96%), the CT scan either had negative findings (n = 31) or showed injuries not requiring exploration (n = 20). These patients did well with nonsurgical management. Two CT scans documented significant injury and led to surgical exploration and therapeutic celiotomies. Although triple contrast CT scanning was able to detect occult injury in patients with stab wounds to the back it did so at considerable cost and the results rarely altered clinical care. Therefore, its routine use in these patients is not recommended.

  15. Running-coupling effects in the triple-differential charmless semileptonic decay width

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gambino, Paolo; Gardi, Einan; Ridolfi, Giovanni


    We compute the fully-differential B-bar →X u lν-bar decay width to all orders in perturbation theory in the large-β 0 limit. Each of the five structure functions that build the hadronic tensor is expressed as a Borel integral, summing up O(C F β 0 n-1 α s n ) corrections for any n. We derive analytic expressions for the Borel transforms of both real and virtual diagrams with a single dressed gluon, and perform an all-order infrared subtraction, where the Borel parameter serves also as an infrared regulator. Expanding the result we recover the known triple-differential NLO coefficient, and obtain an explicit expression for the O(C F β 0 α s 2 ) triple-differential NNLO correction. This result can be used to improve the determination of V ub from inclusive B-bar →X u lν-bar measurements at the B factories with a variety of kinematic cuts

  16. Crystallographic and Electronic Structure of the Sr3Sb2CoO9 Triple Perovskite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    González, W; Téllez, D A Landínez; Roa-Rojas, J; Cardona, R


    Compounds The perovskites are materials with physical and chemical characteristics that make them optimal for application in the technological and scientist. When the ideal formula of perovskite ABO 3 is modified by introducing a special structural arrangement can get to get triple perovskites, which correspond to the formula A 3 B 2 B'O 9 . In this work we report the synthesis process and the study of electronic structure and crystal Sr 3 Sb 2 CoO 9 new triple perovskite. From the experiments of X-ray Diffraction and the application of the Rietveld refinement method was revealed that the system crystallizes in a perovskite structure with a characteristic triple given by the space group Immm (#71) and lattice parameters a=9.791(9) Å, b=5.656(7) Å and c=16.957(8) Å. Ab initio calculations of density of states (DOS) and electronic structure were carried out for this perovskite-like system by using the Quantum EXPRESSO code. The exchange-correlation potential was treated using the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA). All calculations were carried-out using spin polarization.

  17. Downregulation of Smurf2, a tumor-suppressive ubiquitin ligase, in triple-negative breast cancers: Involvement of the RB-microRNA axis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Xianpeng; Gu, Xin; Sun, Limin; Flowers, Ashley B; Rademaker, Alfred W; Zhou, Yiran; Kiyokawa, Hiroaki


    The HECT family ubiquitin ligase Smurf2 regulates cell polarity, migration, division, differentiation and death, by targeting diverse substrates that are critical for receptor signaling, cytoskeleton, chromatin remodeling and transcription. Recent studies suggest that Smurf2 functions as a tumor suppressor in mice. However, no inactivating mutation of SMURF2 has been reported in human, and information about Smurf2 expression in human cancer remains limited or complicated. Here we demonstrate that Smurf2 expression is downregulated in human breast cancer tissues, especially of the triple-negative subtype, and address the mechanism of Smurf2 downregulation in triple-negative breast cancer cells. Human breast cancer tissues (47 samples expressing estrogen receptor (ER) and 43 samples with triple-negative status) were examined by immunohistochemistry for the expression of Smurf2. Ten widely-studied human breast cancer cell lines were examined for the expression of Smurf2. Furthermore, microRNA-mediated regulation of Smurf2 was investigated in triple-negative cancer cell lines. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that benign mammary epithelial cells expressed high levels of Smurf2, so did cells in ductal carcinomas in situ. In contrast, invasive ductal carcinomas showed focal or diffuse decrease in Smurf2 expression, which was observed more frequently in triple-negative tumors than in ER-positive tumors. Consistently, human triple-negative breast cancer cell lines such as BT549, MDA-MB-436, DU-4475 and MDA-MB-468 cells showed significantly lower expression of Smurf2 protein, compared to ER + or HER2+ cell lines. Studies using quantitative PCR and specific microRNA inhibitors indicated that increased expression of miR-15a, miR-15b, miR-16 and miR-128 was involved in Smurf2 downregulation in those triple-negative cancer cell lines, which have mutations in the retinoblastoma (RB) gene. Forced expression of RB increased levels of Smurf2 protein with concomitant decreases in

  18. Triple Antithrombotic Therapy after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI in Patients with Indication for Oral Anticoagulation: Data from a Single Center Registry.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dawid L Staudacher

    Full Text Available Antithrombotic therapy consisting of a dual anti-platelet therapy (DAPT and oral anti-coagulation (OAC with a vitamin k antagonist is often referred to as triple therapy. This combined anticoagulation is applied in patients undergoing coronary artery stent implantation while also having an indication for OAC. Triple therapy increases the risk for bleeding events compared to either DAPT or OAC alone and thereby might be associated with adverse outcomes. Clinical data on the frequency of bleeding events in patients on triple therapy from clinical trials derives from pre-selected patients and may differ from the real world patients. We report data on patient characteristics and bleeding incidence of patients dismissed on triple therapy from a single university hospital. Within the time span from January 2000 to December 2012, we identified a total of 213 patients undergoing PCI who were prescribed a triple therapy for at least 4 weeks (representing 0.86% of all patients treated. The usage of triple therapy significantly increased over the observed time period. The average CHA2DS2-VASc Score was 3.1 ± 1.1 with an average HAS-BLED score of 2.5 ± 0.86 representing a high-risk group for thromboembolic events as well as considerable risk for bleeding events. An on-treatment bleeding incidence of 9.4% was detected, with gastrointestinal and airway bleeding being the most frequent (5.1% and 1.4%, respectively. This is consistent with data from clinical trials and confirms the high risk of bleeding in patients on DAPT plus OAC. 29.0% of all patients receiving triple therapy had an indication for OAC other than non-valvular atrial fibrillation. This substantial patient group is underrepresented by clinical trials and needs further attention.

  19. Twisted entire cyclic cohomology, J-L-O cocycles and equivariant spectral triples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goswami, D.


    We study the 'quantized calculus' corresponding to the algebraic ideas related to 'twisted cyclic cohomology'. With very similar definitions and techniques, we define and study 'twisted entire cyclic cohomology' and the 'twisted Chern character' associated with an appropriate operator theoretic data called 'twisted spectral data', which consists of a spectral triple in the conventional sense of noncommutative geometry and an additional positive operator having some specified properties. Furthermore, it is shown that given a spectral triple (in the conventional sense) which is equivariant under the action of a compact matrix pseudogroup, it is possible to obtain a canonical twisted spectral data and hence the corresponding (twisted) Chern character, which will be invariant under the action of the pseudogroup, in contrast to the fact that the Chern character coming from the conventional noncommutative geometry need not be invariant under the above action. (author)

  20. Electroluminescence analysis of injection-enhanced annealing of electron irradiation-induced defects in GaInP top cells for triple-junction solar cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yi, Tiancheng; Lu, Ming; Yang, Kui; Xiao, Pengfei; Wang, Rong, E-mail:


    Direct injection-enhanced annealing of defects in a GaInP top cell for GaInP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cells irradiated with 1.8 MeV electrons with a fluence of 1 × 10{sup 15} cm{sup −2} has been observed and analyzed using electroluminescence (EL) spectra. Minority-carrier injection under forward bias conditions is observed to enhance defect annealing in the GaInP top cell, and recovery of the EL intensity of the GaInP top cell was observed even at room temperature. Moreover, the injection-enhanced defect annealing rates obey a simple Arrhenius law; therefore, the annealing activation energy was determined and is equal to 0.51 eV. Lastly, the H2 defect has been identified as the primary non-radiative recombination center based on a comparison of the annealing activation energies.

  1. Development of the α-IGZO/Ag/α-IGZO Triple-Layer Structure Films for the Application of Transparent Electrode

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kun-Neng Chen


    Full Text Available We investigated the structural, optical, and electrical properties of amorphous IGZO/silver/amorphous IGZO (α-IGZO/Ag/α-IGZO triple-layer structures that were deposited at room temperature on Eagle XG glass and flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrates through the sputtering method. Thin Ag layers with different thicknesses were inserted between two IGZO layers to form a triple-layer structure. Ag was used because of its lower absorption and resistivity. Field emission scanning electron microscopy measurements of the triple-layer structures revealed that the thicknesses of the Ag layers ranged from 13 to 41 nm. The thickness of the Ag layer had a large effect on the electrical and optical properties of the electrodes. The optimum thickness of the Ag metal thin film could be evaluated according to the optical transmittance, electrical conductivity, and figure of merit of the electrode. This study demonstrates that the α-IGZO/Ag/α-IGZO triple-layer transparent electrode can be fabricated with low sheet resistance (4.2 Ω/□ and high optical transmittance (88.1% at room temperature without postannealing processing on the deposited thin films.

  2. Identifying Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Using Background Parenchymal Enhancement Heterogeneity on Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI: A Pilot Radiomics Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeff Wang

    Full Text Available To determine the added discriminative value of detailed quantitative characterization of background parenchymal enhancement in addition to the tumor itself on dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE MRI at 3.0 Tesla in identifying "triple-negative" breast cancers.In this Institutional Review Board-approved retrospective study, DCE-MRI of 84 women presenting 88 invasive carcinomas were evaluated by a radiologist and analyzed using quantitative computer-aided techniques. Each tumor and its surrounding parenchyma were segmented semi-automatically in 3-D. A total of 85 imaging features were extracted from the two regions, including morphologic, densitometric, and statistical texture measures of enhancement. A small subset of optimal features was selected using an efficient sequential forward floating search algorithm. To distinguish triple-negative cancers from other subtypes, we built predictive models based on support vector machines. Their classification performance was assessed with the area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC using cross-validation.Imaging features based on the tumor region achieved an AUC of 0.782 in differentiating triple-negative cancers from others, in line with the current state of the art. When background parenchymal enhancement features were included, the AUC increased significantly to 0.878 (p<0.01. Similar improvements were seen in nearly all subtype classification tasks undertaken. Notably, amongst the most discriminating features for predicting triple-negative cancers were textures of background parenchymal enhancement.Considering the tumor as well as its surrounding parenchyma on DCE-MRI for radiomic image phenotyping provides useful information for identifying triple-negative breast cancers. Heterogeneity of background parenchymal enhancement, characterized by quantitative texture features on DCE-MRI, adds value to such differentiation models as they are strongly associated with the triple-negative subtype

  3. Triple therapy in COPD: new evidence with the extrafine fixed combination of beclomethasone dipropionate, formoterol fumarate, and glycopyrronium bromide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Singh D


    Full Text Available Dave Singh,1 Massimo Corradi,2 Monica Spinola,3 Alberto Papi,4 Omar S Usmani,5 Mario Scuri,3 Stefano Petruzzelli,3 Jørgen Vestbo1 1Division of Infection, Immunity and Respiratory Medicine, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; 2Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy; 3Chiesi Farmaceutici SpA, Parma, Italy; 4Department of Medical Sciences, Research Centre on Asthma and COPD, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; 5National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK Abstract: The goals of COPD therapy are to prevent and control symptoms, reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbations, and improve exercise tolerance. The triple combination therapy of inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs, long-acting beta2 agonists (LABAs, and long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs has become an option for maintenance treatment of COPD and as a “step-up” therapy from single or double combination treatments. There is evidence that triple combination ICS/LABA/LAMA with different inhalers improves lung function, symptoms, and health status and reduces exacerbations. A new triple fixed-dose combination of extrafine beclomethasone dipropionate (100 µg/puff/formoterol fumarate (6 µg/puff/glycopyrronium bromide (12.5 µg/puff has been developed as a hydrofluoroalkane pressurized metered dose inhaler. Two large pivotal studies showed that this extrafine fixed ICS/LABA/LAMA triple combination is superior to fixed ICS/LABA combined therapy and also superior to the LAMA tiotropium in terms of lung function and exacerbation prevention in COPD patients at risk of exacerbation. This review considers the new information provided by these clinical trials of extrafine triple therapy and the implications for the clinical management of COPD patients. Keywords: COPD, inhaled triple therapy, beclomethasone dipropionate, formoterol fumarate and glycopyrronium bromide

  4. Effect of Pretreatment with Lactobacillus delbrueckii and Streptococcus thermophillus on Tailored Triple Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. (United States)

    Tongtawee, Taweesak; Dechsukhum, Chavaboon; Leeanansaksiri, Wilairat; Kaewpitoon, Soraya; Kaewpitoon, Natthawut; Loyd, Ryan A; Matrakool, Likit; Panpimanmas, Sukij


    Helicobacter pylori plays an important role in gastric cancer and typical eradication regimens are no longer effective in many countries, including Thailand. The aim of our study was to compare the effect of Lactobacillus delbrueckii and Streptococcus thermophillus on tailored triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication. This prospective single-center study was conducted in Thailand. Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis patients were randomized to 2 groups: group 1 (n=100) was tailored triple therapy with placebo (esomeprazole 20 mg bid, clarithromycin 500 mg bid or metronidazole 400 mg tid if clarithromycin resistance and amoxicillin 1000 mg bid), and group 2 was tailored triple therapy plus pretreatment with probiotic containing yogurt. Successful eradication was defined as both negative histology and negative rapid urease test at four weeks after treatment. A total of 200 infected patients were enrolled. PP analysis involved 194 patients: 96 in the tailored triple therapy with placebo group (group 1) and 98 the in tailored triple therapy plus pretreatment with probiotic containing yogurt group (group 2). Successful eradication was observed in 170 (87.6%) patients; by PP analysis, the eradication rate was significantly higher in group 2 (P=0.04, 95%CI; 0.02-0.13) than in group 1. ITT analysis also showed that the value was significantly higher in the tailored triple threapy plus pretreatment with probiotic containing yogurt group (group 2) (89/100; 89%) than in the tailored triple therapy with placebo group (group 1) (P=0.01, 95%CI; 0.04-0.15). In terms of adverse events, there was no significant difference between the two groups. Pretreatment with probiotic containing yogurt can improve Helicobacter pylori eradication rates with tailored triple therapy. Adding probiotics does not reduce adverse effects of the medication.

  5. Triple carbon coated LiFePO4 composite with hierarchical conductive architecture as high-performance cathode for Li-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mei, Riguo; Yang, Yanfeng; Song, Xiaorui; An, Zhenguo; Zhang, Jingjie


    Triple carbon coated LiFePO 4 composite is prepared by spray drying-carbothermal reduction (SD-CTR) method. The triple carbon sources (viz. graphene oxide, thermoplastic phenolic resin and water-solubility starch) play different roles in constructing the hierarchical conductive architecture. The structure, component and morphology of the as-obtained LiFePO 4 composites are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and Raman spectroscopy. The results indicate that, compared with double carbon coated LiFePO 4 counterparts, the triple carbon coated LiFePO 4 composite possesses smaller crystallite and high-efficiency of carbon coating such as more complete coating, lower I D /I G ratio, and better conductive architecture. Benefited from the above mentioned superiority, the triple carbon coated LiFePO 4 composite exhibits outstanding electrochemical performance, especially for high-rate capability, which reaches up to 120 mA h g −1 at 10 C

  6. Simple machines

    CERN Document Server

    Graybill, George


    Just how simple are simple machines? With our ready-to-use resource, they are simple to teach and easy to learn! Chocked full of information and activities, we begin with a look at force, motion and work, and examples of simple machines in daily life are given. With this background, we move on to different kinds of simple machines including: Levers, Inclined Planes, Wedges, Screws, Pulleys, and Wheels and Axles. An exploration of some compound machines follows, such as the can opener. Our resource is a real time-saver as all the reading passages, student activities are provided. Presented in s

  7. Design and construction of a triple-axis crystal neutron spectrometer and performance testing by means of measurements of dispersion relations in copper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuhrmann, C.


    The Triple-Axis Crystal Neutron Spectrometer is the best instrument for the study of lattice dynamics, when the neutron inelastic scattering technique is used. Design, construction and operation of a triple-axis crystal neutron spectrometer, whose construction was recently finished at IEA are described. The design principles employed are directed to mechanical simplicity, facility of construction and flexibility in operation, with no adapted components to industrial applications were used in the construction. The operational characteristics of the spectrometer, such as the neutron wavelenght of the incoming beam and the resolution have been determined. With the purpose to check the performance of IEA Triple-Axis Crystal Neutron Spectrometer, dispersion relation curves for copper, at room temperature, have been measured. The frequency of phonons propagating along three major symmetry directions have been determined. The measurements were carried out operating the Triple-Axis Spectrometer in the 'sup(→)Q-constant' mode. An excelent agreement could be observed between the results obtained in the present experiment and the data for copper presented in the literature. This comparison indicates that the IEA Triple-Axis Crystal Neutron Spectrometer is in good operational conditions and is able to perform original experiments. Details on the experimental procedures for the case of a Triple-Axis Spectrometer operating in 'sup(→)Q-constant' mode are also presented. (Author) [pt

  8. Probiotics improve the efficacy of standard triple therapy in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori: a meta-analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lau CSM


    Full Text Available Christine S M Lau,1,2 Amanda Ward,2 Ronald S Chamberlain1–4 1Department of Surgery, Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston, NJ, USA; 2Saint George’s University School of Medicine, Grenada, West Indies; 3Department of Surgery, Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, Gilbert, AZ, USA; 4Department of Surgery, New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA Introduction: Helicobacter pylori colonization is present in half of the world’s population and can lead to numerous gastrointestinal diseases if left untreated, including peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. Although concurrent triple therapy remains the recommended treatment regimen for H. pylori eradication, its success rate and efficacy have been declining. Recent studies have shown that the addition of probiotics can significantly increase eradication rates by up to 50%. This meta-analysis examines the impact of probiotic supplementation on the efficacy of standard triple therapy in eradicating H. pylori. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted using PubMed, Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials, and Google Scholar (time of inception to 2016 to identify all published randomized control trials (RCTs assessing the use of probiotics in addition to triple therapy for the treatment of H. pylori. Searches were conducted using the keywords “probiotics”, “triple therapy”, and “Helicobacter pylori”. RCTs comparing the use of probiotics and standard triple therapy with standard triple therapy alone for any duration in patients of any age diagnosed with H. pylori infection were included. H. pylori eradication rates (detected using urea breath test or stool antigen were analyzed as-per-protocol (APP and intention-to-treat (ITT. Results: A total of 30 RCTs involving 4,302 patients APP and 4,515 patients ITT were analyzed. The addition of probiotics significantly increased eradication rates by 12.2% (relative risk [RR] =1.122; 95% confidence

  9. Compact printed high rejection triple band-notch UWB antenna with multiple wireless applications

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    Manish Sharma


    Full Text Available In this paper, small printed urn-shape triple notch ultra-wideband (UWB monopole antenna with diverse wireless applications is presented. Notch bands include WiMAX (IEEE802.16 3.30–3.80 GHz, WLAN IEEE802.11a/h/j/n (5.15–5.35 GHz, 5.25–5.35 GHz, 5.47–5.725 GHz, 5.725–5.825 GHz, and X-band downlink satellite system (7.25–7.75 GHz and other multiple wireless services as close range radar (8–12 GHz in X-band & satellite communication (12–18 GHz in Ku-band. By including T-shape stub and etching two C-shaped slots on the radiating patch, triple band-notch function is obtained with measured high band rejection (VSWR = 16.54 at 3.60 GHz, VSWR = 22.35 at 5.64 GHz and VSWR = 6.38 at 7.64 GHz and covers a wide useable fractional bandwidth of 154.56% (2.49–19.41 GHz. In short the antenna offers triple band-notch UWB systems as a compact multifunctional antenna to reduce the number of antennas installed in wireless devices for accessing multiple wireless networks with wide radiation pattern.

  10. Triple pelvic osteotomy in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease using a single anterolateral incision: a 4-year review.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Conroy, Eimear


    Femoral head incongruency at skeletal maturity is associated with the development of osteoarthritis in early adulthood. Containment of the femoral head provides a larger surface area for remodelling of the collapsed femoral head and the development of spherical congruency. Triple pelvic osteotomy has a role to play in Legg-Calve-Perthes\\' disease by improving femoral head containment and preventing subluxation. This is traditionally a two-incision approach with significant associated morbidity. In our unit we perform triple osteotomies through a single anterolateral incision. To retrospectively review the clinical and radiographic outcome of children who had triple osteotomies performed through a single incision over a 4-year period. In our unit from 2003 to 2006 we performed eight triple osteotomies through a single incision in children aged between 6 and 12 years with Legg-Calve-Perthes\\' disease. The procedure was performed through a single anterolateral incision made beneath the middle of the iliac crest and carried forward according to Salter\\'s osteotomy. Image intensification was used to confirm iliac, pubic and ischial cuts. After performing a standard Salter\\'s osteotomy the acetabular fragment was free to rotate anteriorly and laterally. None of the children were casted and all were allowed immediate mobilization nonweight bearing with crutches for 6 weeks. Clinical results and hip function were measured preoperatively and postoperatively using the modified Harris hip score. The average length of hospital stay was 4.7 days. None of the children had a nonunion. The centre edge angle of Wiberg was measured on all preoperative and postoperative anteroposterior pelvic radiographs. In all our patients there was an improvement in the centre edge angle of Wiberg and in the modified Harris hip score. The preoperative modified Harris hip scores ranged from 38 to 60 and postoperatively ranged from 77 to 92. The preoperative centre edge angle of Wiberg ranged

  11. Developing a dashboard to help measure and achieve the triple aim: a population-based cohort study. (United States)

    Seow, Hsien-Yeang; Sibley, Lyn M


    Health system planners aim to pursue the three goals of Triple Aim: 1) reduce health care costs; 2) improve population health; and 3) improve the care experience. Moreover, they also need measures that can reliably predict future health care needs in order to manage effectively the health system performance. Yet few measures exist to assess Triple Aim and predict future needs at a health system level. The purpose of this study is to explore the novel application of a case-mix adjustment method in order to measure and help improve the Triple Aim of health system performance. We applied a case-mix adjustment method to a population-based analysis to assess its usefulness as a measure of health system performance and Triple Aim. The study design was a retrospective, cohort study of adults from Ontario, Canada using administrative databases: individuals were assigned a predicted illness burden score using a case-mix adjustment system from diagnoses and health utilization data in 2008, and then followed forward to assess the actual health care utilization and costs in the following year (2009). We applied the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Group (ACG) Case-Mix System to categorize individuals into 60 levels of healthcare need, called ACGs. The outcomes were: 1) Number of individuals per ACG; 2) Total system costs per ACG; and 3) Mean cost per person per ACG, which together formed a health system "dashboard". We identified 11.4 million adults. 16.1% were aged 65 or older, 3.2 million (28%) did not use health care services that year, and 45,000 (0.4%) were in the highest acuity ACG category using 12 times more than an average adult. The sickest 1%, 5% and 15% of the population use about 10%, 30% and 50% of total health system costs respectively. The dashboard measures 2 dimensions of Triple Aim: 1) reduced costs: when total system costs per ACG or when average costs per person is reduced; and 2) improved population health: when more people move into healthier rather than

  12. Dark and bright-state polaritons in triple- Λ EIT system (United States)

    Selvan, Karthick


    Properties of polaritons in triple-Λ EIT system are investigated using Sawada-Brout-Chong method. The role of dark and bright-state polaritons in the dynamics of the system is studied in detail by including the decay of excited atomic levels. Time evolution of entanglement of single and three-photon EIT modes within the system is investigated to explain this study.

  13. Reynolds-Stress and Triple-Product Models Applied to Flows with Rotation and Curvature (United States)

    Olsen, Michael E.


    Predictions for Reynolds-stress and triple product turbulence models are compared for flows with significant rotational effects. Driver spinning cylinder flowfield and Zaets rotating pipe case are to be investigated at a minimum.

  14. Strain mapping near a triple junction in strained Ni-based alloy using EBSD and biaxial nanogauges

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clair, A. [Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, UMR 5209 CNRS, Universite de Bourgogne, 9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 Dijon Cedex (France); Foucault, M.; Calonne, O. [Areva ANP, Centre Technique Departement Corrosion-Chimie, 30 Bd de l' industrie, BP 181, 71205 Le Creusot (France); Lacroute, Y.; Markey, L.; Salazar, M.; Vignal, V. [Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, UMR 5209 CNRS, Universite de Bourgogne, 9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 Dijon Cedex (France); Finot, E., E-mail: [Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, UMR 5209 CNRS, Universite de Bourgogne, 9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 Dijon Cedex (France)


    Research highlights: > Surface strains measured using nanogauge were compared to the texture obtained by EBSD. > Statistics of the principal strain discern the grains according to the Schmid factor. > Strain hotspots were localized near a triple junction of alloy 600 under tensile loading. > Asymetrical profile of the GB strains is a criterion for surface cracking initiation. - Abstract: A key element for analyzing the crack initiation in strained polycrystalline alloys is the local quantification of the surface strain distribution according to the grain texture. Using electron backscattered diffraction, the local microstructure was determined to both localize a triple junction and deduce the local Schmid factors. Kernel average misorientation (KAM) was also used to map the areas of defect concentration. The maximum principal strain and the in-plane shear strain were quantified using the biaxial nanogauge. Distortions of the array of nanodots used as spot markers were analyzed near the triple junction. The crystallographic orientation and the surface strain were then investigated both statistically for each grain and locally at the grain boundaries. The superimposition of microstructure and strain maps allows the high strain gradient (reaching 3-fold the applied strain) to be localized at preferential grain boundaries near the triple junction. The Schmid factors and the KAM were compared to the maximum principal strain and the in-plane shear strain respectively. The polycrystalline deformation was attributable first to the rotation of some grains, followed by the elongation of all grains along their preferential activated slip systems.

  15. Simulation of the compressor-assisted triple-effect H{sub 2}O/LiBr absorption cooling cycles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jin Soo; Ziegler, F. [Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, Garching (Germany); Lee, Huen [Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology, Taejon (Korea). Dept. of Chemical Engineering


    The construction of a triple-effect absorption cooling machine using the lithium bromide-based working fluid is strongly limited by the corrosion problem caused by the high generator temperature. In this study four compressor-assisted H{sub 2}O/LiBr cooling cycles were suggested to solve the problem by lowering the generator temperature of the basic theoretical triple-effect cycle. Each cycle includes one compressor at a different state point to elevate the pressure of the refrigerant vapor up to a useful condensation temperature. Cycle simulations were carried out to investigate both a basic triple-effect cycle and four compressor-assisted cycles. All types of compressor-assisted cycles were found to be operable with a significantly lowered generator temperature. The temperature decrements increase with elevated compression ratios. This means that, if a part of energy input is changed from heat to mechanical energy, the machine can be operated in a favorable region of generator temperature not to cause corrosion problems. In order to obtain 40 K of generator temperature decrement (from 475.95 K) for all cycles, 3-5% of cooling capacity equivalent mechanical energies were required for operating the compressor. A great advantage of the investigated triple-effect cycles is that the conventionally used H{sub 2}O/LiBr solution can be used as a working fluid without the danger of corrosion or without integrating multiple solution circuits.(author)

  16. Triple-layer smart grid business model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ma, Zheng; Lundgaard, Morten; Jørgensen, Bo Nørregaard


    Viewing the smart grid with the theory of business models may open opportunities in understanding and capturing values in new markets. This study tries to discover and map the smart grid ecosystem-based business model framework with two different environments (sub-Saharan Africa and Denmark......), and identifies the parameters for the smart grid solutions to the emerging markets. This study develops a triple-layer business model including the organizational (Niche), environmental (Intermediate), and global (Dominators) factors. The result uncovers an interface of market factors and stakeholders...... in a generic smart grid constellation. The findings contribute the transferability potential of the smart grid solutions between countries, and indicate the potential to export and import smart grid solutions based on the business modeling....

  17. Modeling and Assessment of Precise Time Transfer by Using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Triple-Frequency Signals (United States)

    Zhang, Pengfei; Zhang, Rui; Liu, Jinhai; Lu, Xiaochun


    This study proposes two models for precise time transfer using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System triple-frequency signals: ionosphere-free (IF) combined precise point positioning (PPP) model with two dual-frequency combinations (IF-PPP1) and ionosphere-free combined PPP model with a single triple-frequency combination (IF-PPP2). A dataset with a short baseline (with a common external time frequency) and a long baseline are used for performance assessments. The results show that IF-PPP1 and IF-PPP2 models can both be used for precise time transfer using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) triple-frequency signals, and the accuracy and stability of time transfer is the same in both cases, except for a constant system bias caused by the hardware delay of different frequencies, which can be removed by the parameter estimation and prediction with long time datasets or by a priori calibration. PMID:29596330

  18. The effectiveness of lifestyle triple P in the Netherlands: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Gerards, Sanne M P L; Dagnelie, Pieter C; Gubbels, Jessica S; van Buuren, Stef; Hamers, Femke J M; Jansen, Maria W J; van der Goot, Odilia H M; de Vries, Nanne K; Sanders, Matthew R; Kremers, Stef P J


    Lifestyle Triple P is a general parenting intervention which focuses on preventing further excessive weight gain in overweight and obese children. The objective of the current study was to assess the effectiveness of the Lifestyle Triple P intervention in the Netherlands. We used a parallel randomized controlled design to test the effectiveness of the intervention. In total, 86 child-parent triads (children 4-8 years old, overweight or obese) were recruited and randomly assigned (allocation ratio 1:1) to the Lifestyle Triple P intervention or the control condition. Parents in the intervention condition received a 14-week intervention consisting of ten 90-minute group sessions and four individual telephone sessions. Primary outcome measure was the children's body composition (BMI z-scores, waist circumference and skinfolds). The research assistant who performed the measurements was blinded for group assignment. Secondary outcome measures were the children's dietary behavior and physical activity level, parenting practices, parental feeding style, parenting style, and parental self-efficacy. Outcome measures were assessed at baseline and 4 months (short-term) and 12 months (long-term) after baseline. Multilevel multiple regression analyses were conducted to determine the effect of the intervention on primary and secondary outcome measures. No intervention effects were found on children's body composition. Analyses of secondary outcomes showed positive short-term intervention effects on children's soft-drink consumption and parental responsibility regarding physical activity, encouragement to eat, psychological control, and efficacy and satisfaction with parenting. Longer-term intervention effects were found on parent's report of children's time spent on sedentary behavior and playing outside, parental monitoring food intake, and responsibility regarding nutrition. Although the Lifestyle Triple P intervention showed positive effects on some parent reported child

  19. The effectiveness of lifestyle triple P in the Netherlands: a randomized controlled trial.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanne M P L Gerards

    Full Text Available Lifestyle Triple P is a general parenting intervention which focuses on preventing further excessive weight gain in overweight and obese children. The objective of the current study was to assess the effectiveness of the Lifestyle Triple P intervention in the Netherlands.We used a parallel randomized controlled design to test the effectiveness of the intervention. In total, 86 child-parent triads (children 4-8 years old, overweight or obese were recruited and randomly assigned (allocation ratio 1:1 to the Lifestyle Triple P intervention or the control condition. Parents in the intervention condition received a 14-week intervention consisting of ten 90-minute group sessions and four individual telephone sessions. Primary outcome measure was the children's body composition (BMI z-scores, waist circumference and skinfolds. The research assistant who performed the measurements was blinded for group assignment. Secondary outcome measures were the children's dietary behavior and physical activity level, parenting practices, parental feeding style, parenting style, and parental self-efficacy. Outcome measures were assessed at baseline and 4 months (short-term and 12 months (long-term after baseline. Multilevel multiple regression analyses were conducted to determine the effect of the intervention on primary and secondary outcome measures.No intervention effects were found on children's body composition. Analyses of secondary outcomes showed positive short-term intervention effects on children's soft-drink consumption and parental responsibility regarding physical activity, encouragement to eat, psychological control, and efficacy and satisfaction with parenting. Longer-term intervention effects were found on parent's report of children's time spent on sedentary behavior and playing outside, parental monitoring food intake, and responsibility regarding nutrition.Although the Lifestyle Triple P intervention showed positive effects on some parent reported

  20. The Effectiveness of Lifestyle Triple P in the Netherlands: A Randomized Controlled Trial (United States)

    Gerards, Sanne M. P. L.; Dagnelie, Pieter C.; Gubbels, Jessica S.; van Buuren, Stef; Hamers, Femke J. M.; Jansen, Maria W. J.; van der Goot, Odilia H. M.; de Vries, Nanne K.; Sanders, Matthew R.; Kremers, Stef P. J.


    Introduction Lifestyle Triple P is a general parenting intervention which focuses on preventing further excessive weight gain in overweight and obese children. The objective of the current study was to assess the effectiveness of the Lifestyle Triple P intervention in the Netherlands. Method We used a parallel randomized controlled design to test the effectiveness of the intervention. In total, 86 child-parent triads (children 4–8 years old, overweight or obese) were recruited and randomly assigned (allocation ratio 1:1) to the Lifestyle Triple P intervention or the control condition. Parents in the intervention condition received a 14-week intervention consisting of ten 90-minute group sessions and four individual telephone sessions. Primary outcome measure was the children’s body composition (BMI z-scores, waist circumference and skinfolds). The research assistant who performed the measurements was blinded for group assignment. Secondary outcome measures were the children’s dietary behavior and physical activity level, parenting practices, parental feeding style, parenting style, and parental self-efficacy. Outcome measures were assessed at baseline and 4 months (short-term) and 12 months (long-term) after baseline. Multilevel multiple regression analyses were conducted to determine the effect of the intervention on primary and secondary outcome measures. Results No intervention effects were found on children’s body composition. Analyses of secondary outcomes showed positive short-term intervention effects on children’s soft-drink consumption and parental responsibility regarding physical activity, encouragement to eat, psychological control, and efficacy and satisfaction with parenting. Longer-term intervention effects were found on parent’s report of children’s time spent on sedentary behavior and playing outside, parental monitoring food intake, and responsibility regarding nutrition. Conclusion Although the Lifestyle Triple P intervention showed

  1. Clinicopathological Characteristics of Triple-negative Breast Cancers in the Northeast Region of Turkey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bülent Yıldız


    Full Text Available Background: Triple-negative (TN breast cancer is a subtype of breast cancer characterised by a loss of estrogen receptor (ER, progesterone receptor (PR expression, and the absence of human epidermal growth factor (HER2 overexpression. Aims: To identify the relationships between clinicopathological characteristics of TN breast cancers in the northeast region of Turkey and disease free survival (DFS and overall survival (OS. Study Design: Retrospective clinical study. Methods: Seven hundred and eighty non-metastatic breast cancer patients were enrolled in this study. The relationships between TN breast cancer and other breast cancers with respect to clinicopathological characteristics, as well as DFS and OS, were studied. Results: The triple-negative phenotype was detected in 204 patients (27.1%. Patients with triple-negative breast cancer had more grade 2-3 tumours compared to those with other types of breast cancer (92.5% versus 84.3%, p=0.004. Invasive ductal carcinoma histology, on the other hand, was less prevalent in patients with TN breast cancer (77% versus 84.5%, p=0.016. No significant differences were identified between the groups in other clinicopathological variables. Relapse and mortality rates were higher in the TN group during the follow-up of both groups [57 (27.9% versus 89 (16.2%, p<0.001 for relapse; 27 (13.2% versus 37 (6.8%, p=0.005 for mortality]. The univariate analysis demonstrated shorter DFS and OS for patients with TN breast cancer compared to those with other types of breast cancer. In the multivariate analysis, patients with TN breast cancer were 2.21 times more likely to develop relapse, while the likelihood of death increased 3.21-fold (p<0.001 and p<0.001. Conclusion: Triple-negative breast cancers demonstrate a more aggressive clinical course compared to other breast cancers. More effective strategies should be developed for the treatment of this subgroup of breast cancer.

  2. Fractura triple del complejo suspensorio del hombro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eraclio Delgado Rifá


    Full Text Available El complejo suspensorio del hombro es una estructura sumamente importante, compuesta por un anillo de huesos y tejidos blandos. Las lesiones aisladas de este complejo anatómico son frecuentes y no afectan su estabilidad. La interrupción doble conduce a la inestabilidad de esta estructura y usualmente requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. La triple interrupción, por su parte, es sumamente rara y es encontrada en casos de trauma de alta energía a menudo en asociación con otras lesiones. Se presenta una triple lesión del complejo suspensorio del hombro en un paciente de 46 años de edad, con una fractura de la glenoides, del acromion tipo III de Kuhn y de la coracoides tipo II de Ogawa. En este caso, la fractura del acromion fue tratada con fijación percutánea con alambres de Kirschner, por tener asociado lesiones de partes blandas que contraindicaron la reducción abierta. La fractura de la glenoides y de la apófisis coracoides fueron tratadas conservadoramente. Después de 6 meses de evolución, el paciente tuvo un resultado funcional aceptable, con una abducción de 90 grados, los 30 grados de rotación externa y 70 de rotación interna, además asintomático y consolidación de todas las fracturas. A pesar de ser catalogada de una lesión grave del cinturón escapular y estar asociada a otras lesiones se obtuvo un resultado satisfactorio al final del tratamiento.

  3. Development of the α-IGZO/Ag/α-IGZO Triple-Layer Structure Films for the Application of Transparent Electrode


    Kun-Neng Chen; Cheng-Fu Yang; Chia-Ching Wu; Yu-Hsin Chen


    We investigated the structural, optical, and electrical properties of amorphous IGZO/silver/amorphous IGZO (?-IGZO/Ag/?-IGZO) triple-layer structures that were deposited at room temperature on Eagle XG glass and flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrates through the sputtering method. Thin Ag layers with different thicknesses were inserted between two IGZO layers to form a triple-layer structure. Ag was used because of its lower absorption and resistivity. Field emission scanning electron...

  4. Large scale production of densified hydrogen to the triple point and below (United States)

    Swanger, A. M.; Notardonato, W. U.; E Fesmire, J.; Jumper, K. M.; Johnson, W. L.; Tomsik, T. M.


    Recent demonstration of advanced liquid hydrogen storage techniques using Integrated Refrigeration and Storage technology at NASA Kennedy Space Center led to the production of large quantities of densified liquid and slush hydrogen in a 125,000 L tank. Production of densified hydrogen was performed at three different liquid levels and LH2 temperatures were measured by twenty silicon diode temperature sensors. Overall densification performance of the system is explored, and solid mass fractions are calculated. Experimental data reveal hydrogen temperatures dropped well below the triple point during testing, and were continuing to trend downward prior to system shutdown. Sub-triple point temperatures were seen to evolve in a time dependent manner along the length of the horizontal, cylindrical vessel. The phenomenon, observed at two fill levels, is detailed herein. The implications of using IRAS for energy storage, propellant densification, and future cryofuel systems are discussed.

  5. High-yield acetonitrile | water triple phase boundary electrolysis at platinised Teflon electrodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watkins, John D.; MacDonald, Stuart M.; Fordred, Paul S.; Bull, Steven D. [Department of Chemistry, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY (United Kingdom); Gu, Yunfeng; Yunus, Kamran; Fisher, Adrian C. [Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3RA (United Kingdom); Bulman-Page, Philip C. [School of Chemistry, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7TJ (United Kingdom); Marken, Frank [Department of Chemistry, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY (United Kingdom)], E-mail:


    A dynamic acetonitrile | aqueous electrolyte phase boundary in contact with platinised Teflon working electrodes is investigated. High concentrations of salt in the aqueous phase (2 M NaCl and 0.1 M NaClO{sub 4}) ensure immiscibility and the polar nature of acetonitrile aids the formation of a well-behaved triple phase boundary reaction zone. The one-electron oxidation of tert-butylferrocene in the organic phase without intentionally added electrolyte is studied. The limiting current for the flowing triple phase boundary process is shown to be essentially volume flow rate independent. The process is accompanied by the transfer of perchlorate from the aqueous into the organic phase and the flux of anions is shown to be approximately constant along the dynamic acetonitrile | aqueous electrolyte | platinum line interface. A high rate of conversion (close to 100%) is achieved at slow volume flow rates and at longer platinum electrodes.

  6. MYC/BCL2/BCL6 triple hit lymphoma: a study of 40 patients with a comparison to MYC/BCL2 and MYC/BCL6 double hit lymphomas. (United States)

    Huang, Wenting; Medeiros, L Jeffrey; Lin, Pei; Wang, Wei; Tang, Guilin; Khoury, Joseph; Konoplev, Sergej; Yin, C Cameron; Xu, Jie; Oki, Yasuhiro; Li, Shaoying


    High-grade B-cell lymphomas with MYC, BCL2, and BCL6 rearrangements (triple hit lymphoma) are uncommon. We studied the clinicopathologic features of 40 patients with triple hit lymphoma and compared them to 157 patients with MYC/BCL2 double hit lymphoma and 13 patients with MYC/BCL6 double hit lymphoma. The triple hit lymphoma group included 25 men and 15 women with a median age of 61 years (range, 34-85). Nine patients had a history of B-cell lymphoma. Histologically, 23 (58%) cases were diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and 17 cases had features of B-cell lymphoma, unclassifiable, with features intermediate between diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma. Most cases of triple hit lymphoma were positive for CD10 (100%), BCL2 (95%), BCL6 (82%), MYC (74%), and 71% with MYC and BCL2 coexpression. P53 was overexpressed in 29% of triple hit lymphoma cases. The clinicopathological features of triple hit lymphoma patients were similar to patients with MYC/BCL2 and MYC/BCL6 double hit lymphoma, except that triple hit lymphoma cases were more often CD10 positive compared with MYC/BCL6 double hit lymphoma (p hit lymphoma and double hit lymphoma and overall survival in triple hit lymphoma patients was 17.6 months, similar to the overall survival of patients with double hit lymphoma (p = 0.67). Patients with triple hit lymphoma showing P53 overexpression had significantly worse overall survival compared with those without P53 overexpression (p = 0.04). On the other hand, double expressor status and prior history of B-cell lymphoma did not correlate with overall survival. In conclusion, most patients with triple hit lymphoma have an aggressive clinical course and poor prognosis and these tumors have a germinal center B-cell immunophenotype, similar to patients with double hit lymphomas. P53 expression is a poor prognostic factor in patients with triple hit lymphoma.

  7. Workplace Triple P: A controlled evaluation of a parenting intervention for working parents. (United States)

    Sanders, Matthew R; Stallman, Helen M; McHale, Mala


    This paper examined the effects of a parenting intervention targeting working parents called Workplace Triple P. The intervention targeted both parenting and work factors, focusing on key transition times (e.g., from home to work) and trained parents to more effectively manage these transitions. One-hundred-and-twenty-one working parents with children ranging in age from 1-16 years were randomly assigned to either a Workplace Triple P condition (WPTP) or to a waitlist control condition (WLC). Results showed that parents who had received the intervention reported significantly lower levels on measures of personal distress and dysfunctional parenting; and higher levels of work commitment, work satisfaction, and self-efficacy. Implications for the delivery of parenting interventions as employee assistance programs are discussed along with how such interventions can enhance work and family life.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Obeso


    Full Text Available Innovation is related to the growth of economies and companies, and in a changing environment, like the present, it is introduced as a fundamental means for competitive advantage. This study aims at analyzing the relation between the companies’ capacity for innovation and obtaining the same information by means of cooperation with competitors, suppliers, universities and public institutions (Triple Helix. First, we developed a literature review on related concepts and, then, by using the structural equation method, we elaborated a model to respond to and accept the hypothesis proposed, which highlights the relation between the innovative performance of companies and the information obtained from the Triple Helix. The survey was conducted with a sample of Spanish companies researched by the National Institute of Statistics (INE from 2008 to 2010.

  9. Which Triple Aim related measures are being used to evaluate population management initiatives? An international comparative analysis. (United States)

    Hendrikx, Roy J P; Drewes, Hanneke W; Spreeuwenberg, Marieke; Ruwaard, Dirk; Struijs, Jeroen N; Baan, Caroline A


    Population management (PM) initiatives are introduced in order to create sustainable health care systems. These initiatives should focus on the continuum of health and well-being of a population by introducing interventions that integrate various services. To be successful they should pursue the Triple Aim, i.e. simultaneously improve population health and quality of care while reducing costs per capita. This study explores how PM initiatives measure the Triple Aim in practice. An exploratory search was combined with expert consultations to identify relevant PM initiatives. These were analyzed based on general characteristics, utilized measures and related selection criteria. In total 865 measures were used by 20 PM initiatives. All quality of care domains were included by at least 11 PM initiatives, while most domains of population health and costs were included by less than 7 PM initiatives. Although their goals showed substantial overlap, the measures applied showed few similarities between PM initiatives and were predominantly selected based on local priority areas and data availability. Most PM initiatives do not measure the full scope of the Triple Aim. Additionally, variety between measures limits comparability between PM initiatives. Consensus on the coverage of Triple Aim domains and a set of standardized measures could further both the inclusion of the various domains as well as the comparability between PM initiatives. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Bridging disparate symptoms of schizophrenia: a Triple network dysfunction theory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tereza eNekovarova


    Full Text Available Schizophrenia is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder with variable symptomatology, traditionally divided into positive and negative symptoms, and cognitive deficits. Yet, the etiology of this disorder has yet to be fully understood.Recent findings suggest that alteration of the basic sense of self-awareness may be an essential distortion of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. In addition, extensive research of social and mentalizing abilities has stressed the role of distortion of social skills in schizophrenia.This article aims to propose and support a concept of triple brain network model of the dysfunctional switching between default mode and central executive network related to the aberrant activity of salience network. This model could represent a unitary mechanism of a wide array of symptom domains present in schizophrenia including the deficit of SELF (self-awareness and self-representation and theory of mind (ToM dysfunctions along with the traditional positive, negative and cognitive domains. We review previous studies which document the dysfunctions of SELF and ToM in schizophrenia together with neuroimaging data elucidating the triple brain network model as a common neuronal substrate of this dysfunction.

  11. Triple M-brane configurations and preserved supersymmetries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Golubtsova, A.A., E-mail: [Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 6 Miklukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow 117198 (Russian Federation); Laboratoire de Univers et Théories (LUTh), Observatoire de Paris, Place Jules Janssen 5, 92190 Meudon (France); Ivashchuk, V.D., E-mail: [Center for Gravitation and Fundamental Metrology, VNIIMS, 46 Ozyornaya Str., Moscow 119361 (Russian Federation); Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 6 Miklukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow 117198 (Russian Federation)


    We investigate all standard triple composite M-brane intersections defined on products of Ricci-flat manifolds for preserving supersymmetries in eleven-dimensional N=1 supergravity. The explicit formulae for computing the numbers of preserved supersymmetries are obtained, which generalize the relations for topologically trivial flat factor spaces presented in the classification by Bergshoeff et al. We obtain certain examples of configurations preserving some fractions of supersymmetries, e.g. containing such factor spaces as K3, C{sub ⁎}{sup 2}/Z{sub 2}, a four-dimensional pp-wave manifold and the two-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean manifold R{sub ⁎}{sup 1,1}/Z{sub 2}.

  12. A CFD study of the flow field and aerodynamic torque on a triple-offset butterfly valve used in nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Qinzhao; Wang Hong


    Triple-offset butterfly valve is one advanced kind of butterfly valve. It is potential in nuclear power plants because of its advantages in high temperature and high pressure occasions. There are few papers on performance of triple-offset butterfly valve. This paper is intended to predict the performance of a triple-offset butterfly valve used in a nuclear power plant using computational fluid dynamics. The flow field and aerodynamic torque on the triple-offset butterfly valve were studied at six different disk positions from 90deg to 20deg (where 90deg is in the full open position). The selected six different disk positions indicated a stroke. The flow fields were predicted using the k-epsilon renormalization group theory (RNG) turbulence model. The computational results were obtained using CFX 12. The flow field is illustrated using velocity contours and disk pressure profiles, illustrating the effects of the disk position. Some results of flow field are compared to those of symmetric disk butterfly valve which have been validated by test results. Based on the flow field, valve resistance coefficient and aerodynamic torque coefficient with the disk positions are obtained, providing a better understanding of the performance of the triple-offset butterfly valve throughout a stroke. (author)

  13. Inhibition of PKM2 sensitizes triple-negative breast cancer cells to doxorubicin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Feng [Department of Gastroenterology, The Tenth People’s Hospital of Shanghai, Tongji University, Shanghai 200072 (China); Department of Nanomedicine, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston, TX 77030 (United States); Yang, Yong, E-mail: [Department of Nanomedicine, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston, TX 77030 (United States); Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY 10065 (United States)


    Highlights: • Suppression of PKM2 sensitizes triple-negative breast cancer cells to doxorubicin. • Repression of PKM2 affects the glycolysis and decreases ATP production. • Downregulation of PKM2 increases the intracellular accumulation of doxorubicin. • Inhibition of PKM2 enhances the antitumor efficacy of doxorubicin in vivo. - Abstract: Cancer cells alter regular metabolic pathways in order to sustain rapid proliferation. One example of metabolic remodeling in cancerous tissue is the upregulation of pyruvate kinase isoenzyme M2 (PKM2), which is involved in aerobic glycolysis. Indeed, PKM2 has previously been identified as a tumor biomarker and as a potential target for cancer therapy. Here, we examined the effects of combined treatment with doxorubicin and anti-PKM2 small interfering RNA (siRNA) on triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). The suppression of PKM2 resulted in changes in glucose metabolism, leading to decreased synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Reduced levels of ATP resulted in the intracellular accumulation of doxorubicin, consequently enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of this drug in several triple-negative breast cancer cell lines. Furthermore, the combined effect of PKM2 siRNA and doxorubicin was evaluated in an in vivo MDA-MB-231 orthotopic breast cancer model. The siRNA was systemically administered through a polyethylenimine (PEI)-based delivery system that has been extensively used. We demonstrate that the combination treatment showed superior anticancer efficacy as compared to doxorubicin alone. These findings suggest that targeting PKM2 can increase the efficacy of chemotherapy, potentially providing a new approach for improving the outcome of chemotherapy in patients with TNBC.

  14. Do Internal and external environmental management contribute to the triple bottom line?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Giovanni, P.


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of both internal and external environmental management (EM) on the triple bottom line (TBL), which embraces environmental, economic, and social performance. Both direct and indirect effects are estimated in order to capture the overall

  15. The effectiveness of a Group Triple P with Chinese parents who have a child with developmental disabilities: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Leung, Cynthia; Fan, Angel; Sanders, Matthew R


    The study examined the effectiveness of Group Triple P, a Level 4 variant of the Triple P multilevel system of parenting support, with Chinese parents who had a preschool aged child with a developmental disability, using randomized controlled trial design. Participants (Intervention group: 42; Waitlist Control group: 39) completed measures on child behaviour, parental stress, dysfunctional discipline styles and parental conflict before and after program completion by the Intervention group. Intervention group participants also completed these same measures six months after program completion. Compared to the Waitlist Control group, parents receiving Group Triple P reported significantly lower levels of child behaviour problems, parental stress, dysfunctional discipline style and parental conflict scores. The Intervention group participants maintained their gains six months after program completion. The results provided promising evidence for the Level 4 Group Triple P as an effective intervention program for Chinese parents who have preschool aged children with developmental disabilities. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. The safety and efficacy of noncorticosteroid triple immunosuppressive therapy in the treatment of refractory chronic noninfectious uveitis in childhood. (United States)

    Little, Jessica A; Sen, Ethan S; Strike, Helen; Hinchcliffe, Annie; Guly, Catherine M; Lee, Richard W J; Dick, Andrew D; Ramanan, Athimalaipet V


    To assess the safety and efficacy of noncorticosteroid triple immunosuppressive therapy in the treatment of refractory chronic noninfectious childhood uveitis. Subjects were retrospectively selected from a database. Patients were included if they were diagnosed with chronic, noninfectious uveitis at 16 years of age or under and treated with triple immunosuppressive therapy for at least 6 months (following failure of a combination of 2 immunosuppressants). Patient demographics, diagnoses, duration of uveitis, drug dosages, active joint inflammation, and ophthalmologic data were recorded. Efficacy outcomes for triple therapy were recorded at 6 months. Thirteen patients with bilateral uveitis were included. Using Standardized Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) criteria, at 6 months only 11 eyes (42%) had a 2-step improvement in anterior chamber cell inflammation (n = 26). In addition, 2 patients required additional oral corticosteroid treatment. There were 4 significant infectious adverse events during a total of 21.9 patient-years (PY) on triple therapy (0.18 events per PY). In this group of children with refractory uveitis, addition of a third immunosuppressive agent did not confer substantial benefit in redressing ocular inflammation and was associated with significant infections in a minority of patients.

  17. A Modified Triples Algorithm for Flush Air Data Systems that Allows a Variety of Pressure Port Configurations (United States)

    Millman, Daniel R.


    Air Data Systems (FADS) are becoming more prevalent on re-entry vehicles, as evi- denced by the Mars Science Laboratory and the Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle. A FADS consists of flush-mounted pressure transducers located at various locations on the fore-body of a flight vehicle or the heat shield of a re-entry capsule. A pressure model converts the pressure readings into useful air data quantities. Two algorithms for converting pressure readings to air data have become predominant- the iterative Least Squares State Estimator (LSSE) and the Triples Algorithm. What follows herein is a new algorithm that takes advantage of the best features of both the Triples Algorithm and the LSSE. This approach employs the potential flow model and strategic differencing of the Triples Algorithm to obtain the defective flight angles; however, the requirements on port placement are far less restrictive, allowing for configurations that are considered optimal for a FADS.

  18. Modeling and Assessment of Precise Time Transfer by Using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Triple-Frequency Signals

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    Rui Tu


    Full Text Available This study proposes two models for precise time transfer using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System triple-frequency signals: ionosphere-free (IF combined precise point positioning (PPP model with two dual-frequency combinations (IF-PPP1 and ionosphere-free combined PPP model with a single triple-frequency combination (IF-PPP2. A dataset with a short baseline (with a common external time frequency and a long baseline are used for performance assessments. The results show that IF-PPP1 and IF-PPP2 models can both be used for precise time transfer using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS triple-frequency signals, and the accuracy and stability of time transfer is the same in both cases, except for a constant system bias caused by the hardware delay of different frequencies, which can be removed by the parameter estimation and prediction with long time datasets or by a priori calibration.

  19. ADAM-17: a novel therapeutic target for triple negative breast cancer.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McGowan, P M


    Validated targeted therapy is currently unavailable for patients with invasive breast cancer negative for oestrogen receptors, progesterone receptors and HER2 [i.e., those with triple-negative (TN) disease]. ADAM-17 is a protease involved in the activations of several ligands that bind to and promotes intracellular signalling from the EGFR\\/HER family of receptors.

  20. Fluid–fluid–solid triple point on melting curves at high temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Norman, G E; Saitov, I M


    An analysis is presented of experimental data where fluid-fluid phase transitions are observed for different substances at high temperatures with triple points on melting curves. Viscosity drops point to the structural character of the transition, whereas conductivity jumps remind of both semiconductor-to-metal and plasma nature. The slope of the phase equilibrium dependencies of pressure on temperature and the consequent change of the specific volume, which follows from the Clapeyron-Clausius equation, are discussed. P(V, T) surfaces are presented and discussed for the phase transitions considered in the vicinity of the triple points. The cases of abnormal P(T) dependencies on curves of phase equilibrium are in the focus of discussion. In particular, a P(V, T) surface is presented when both fluid-fluid and melting P(T) curves are abnormal. Particular attention is paid to warm dense hydrogen and deuterium, where remarkable contradictions exist between data of different authors. The possible connection of the P(V, T) surface peculiarities with the experimental data uncertainties is outlined. (paper)

  1. Application of LBIC measurements for characterisation of triple junction solar cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwarikunda, N., E-mail: [Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, P.O. BOX 77000, Port Elizabeth, 6031 (South Africa); Makerere University, P.O. BOX 7062, Kampala (Uganda); Dyk, E.E. van; Vorster, F.J. [Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, P.O. BOX 77000, Port Elizabeth, 6031 (South Africa); Okullo, W. [Makerere University, P.O. BOX 7062, Kampala (Uganda); Munji, M.K. [Kenyatta University, P.O. BOX 43844-00100, Nairobi (Kenya)


    In this study the Light Beam Induced Current (LBIC) imaging technique was used to characterise InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple junction solar cells. The study focused on the use of monochromatic and solar light as beam probes to obtain photocurrent response maps from which the presence of any current reducing features on the solar cell were identified. Point illuminated current voltage (I–V) curves were obtained simultaneously while LBIC scanning measurements were being made. Curve fitting using an interval division algorithm based on the single diode model was performed to extract basic point device and performance parameters to give a rough indication of the functioning of the triple junction device. Using red and blue lasers as beam probes, reverse voltage breakdown was observed on the I–V curves which could be attributed to the Ge bottom subcell not being fully activated. The extracted parameters obtained when using monochromatic and solar light beam probes showed a large variation, indicating the dependence of I–V parameters on the spectral content of the beam probe.

  2. Application of LBIC measurements for characterisation of triple junction solar cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwarikunda, N.; Dyk, E.E. van; Vorster, F.J.; Okullo, W.; Munji, M.K.


    In this study the Light Beam Induced Current (LBIC) imaging technique was used to characterise InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple junction solar cells. The study focused on the use of monochromatic and solar light as beam probes to obtain photocurrent response maps from which the presence of any current reducing features on the solar cell were identified. Point illuminated current voltage (I–V) curves were obtained simultaneously while LBIC scanning measurements were being made. Curve fitting using an interval division algorithm based on the single diode model was performed to extract basic point device and performance parameters to give a rough indication of the functioning of the triple junction device. Using red and blue lasers as beam probes, reverse voltage breakdown was observed on the I–V curves which could be attributed to the Ge bottom subcell not being fully activated. The extracted parameters obtained when using monochromatic and solar light beam probes showed a large variation, indicating the dependence of I–V parameters on the spectral content of the beam probe.

  3. Behaviors of tribrachial edge flames and their interactions in a triple-port burner

    KAUST Repository

    Yamamoto, Kazuhiro; Isobe, Yusuke; Hayashi, Naoki; Yamashita, Hiroshi; Chung, Suk-Ho


    In a triple-port burner, various non-premixed flames have been observed previously. Especially for the case with two lifted flames, such configuration could be suitable in studying interaction between two tribrachial flames. In the present study

  4. Assessment of the accuracy of coupled cluster perturbation theory for open-shell systems. I. Triples expansions. (United States)

    Eriksen, Janus J; Matthews, Devin A; Jørgensen, Poul; Gauss, Jürgen


    The accuracy at which total energies of open-shell atoms and organic radicals may be calculated is assessed for selected coupled cluster perturbative triples expansions, all of which augment the coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) energy by a non-iterative correction for the effect of triple excitations. Namely, the second- through sixth-order models of the recently proposed CCSD(T-n) triples series [J. J. Eriksen et al., J. Chem. Phys. 140, 064108 (2014)] are compared to the acclaimed CCSD(T) model for both unrestricted as well as restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock (UHF/ROHF) reference determinants. By comparing UHF- and ROHF-based statistical results for a test set of 18 modest-sized open-shell species with comparable RHF-based results, no behavioral differences are observed for the higher-order models of the CCSD(T-n) series in their correlated descriptions of closed- and open-shell species. In particular, we find that the convergence rate throughout the series towards the coupled cluster singles, doubles, and triples (CCSDT) solution is identical for the two cases. For the CCSD(T) model, on the other hand, not only its numerical consistency, but also its established, yet fortuitous cancellation of errors breaks down in the transition from closed- to open-shell systems. The higher-order CCSD(T-n) models (orders n > 3) thus offer a consistent and significant improvement in accuracy relative to CCSDT over the CCSD(T) model, equally for RHF, UHF, and ROHF reference determinants, albeit at an increased computational cost.

  5. Assessment of the accuracy of coupled cluster perturbation theory for open-shell systems. I. Triples expansions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eriksen, Janus J., E-mail:; Jørgensen, Poul [qLEAP Center for Theoretical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C (Denmark); Matthews, Devin A. [The Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 (United States); Gauss, Jürgen [Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, D-55128 Mainz (Germany)


    The accuracy at which total energies of open-shell atoms and organic radicals may be calculated is assessed for selected coupled cluster perturbative triples expansions, all of which augment the coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) energy by a non-iterative correction for the effect of triple excitations. Namely, the second- through sixth-order models of the recently proposed CCSD(T–n) triples series [J. J. Eriksen et al., J. Chem. Phys. 140, 064108 (2014)] are compared to the acclaimed CCSD(T) model for both unrestricted as well as restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock (UHF/ROHF) reference determinants. By comparing UHF- and ROHF-based statistical results for a test set of 18 modest-sized open-shell species with comparable RHF-based results, no behavioral differences are observed for the higher-order models of the CCSD(T–n) series in their correlated descriptions of closed- and open-shell species. In particular, we find that the convergence rate throughout the series towards the coupled cluster singles, doubles, and triples (CCSDT) solution is identical for the two cases. For the CCSD(T) model, on the other hand, not only its numerical consistency, but also its established, yet fortuitous cancellation of errors breaks down in the transition from closed- to open-shell systems. The higher-order CCSD(T–n) models (orders n > 3) thus offer a consistent and significant improvement in accuracy relative to CCSDT over the CCSD(T) model, equally for RHF, UHF, and ROHF reference determinants, albeit at an increased computational cost.

  6. A randomized controlled trial of group Stepping Stones Triple P: a mixed-disability trial. (United States)

    Roux, Gemma; Sofronoff, Kate; Sanders, Matthew


    Stepping Stones Triple P (SSTP) is a parenting program designed for families of a child with a disability. The current study involved a randomized controlled trial of Group Stepping Stones Triple P (GSSTP) for a mixed-disability group. Participants were 52 families of children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, or an intellectual disability. The results demonstrated significant improvements in parent-reported child behavior, parenting styles, parental satisfaction, and conflict about parenting. Results among participants were similar despite children's differing impairments. The intervention effect was maintained at 6-month follow-up. The results indicate that GSSTP is a promising intervention for a mixed-disability group. Limitations of the study, along with areas for future research, are also discussed. © FPI, Inc.

  7. How evidence-based is an 'evidence-based parenting program'? A PRISMA systematic review and meta-analysis of Triple P

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wilson Philip


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Interventions to promote positive parenting are often reported to offer good outcomes for children but they can consume substantial resources and they require rigorous appraisal. Methods Evaluations of the Triple P parenting program were subjected to systematic review and meta-analysis with analysis of biases. PsychInfo, Embase and Ovid Medline were used as data sources. We selected published articles reporting any child-based outcome in which any variant of Triple P was evaluated in relation to a comparison condition. Unpublished data, papers in languages other than English and some book chapters were not examined. Studies reporting Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory or Child Behavior Checklist scores as outcomes were used in the meta-analysis. Results A total of 33 eligible studies was identified, most involving media-recruited families. Thirty-one of these 33 studies compared Triple P interventions with waiting list or no-treatment comparison groups. Most papers only reported maternal assessments of child behavior. Twenty-three papers were incorporated in the meta-analysis. No studies involved children younger than two-years old and comparisons of intervention and control groups beyond the duration of the intervention were only possible in five studies. For maternally-reported outcomes the summary effect size was 0.61 (95%CI 0.42, 0.79. Paternally-reported outcomes following Triple P intervention were smaller and did not differ significantly from the control condition (effect size 0.42 (95%CI -0.02, 0.87. The two studies involving an active control group showed no between-group differences. There was limited evidence of publication bias, but there was substantial selective reporting bias, and preferential reporting of positive results in article abstracts. Thirty-two of the 33 eligible studies were authored by Triple-P affiliated personnel. No trials were registered and only two papers contained conflict of interest

  8. Application of triple-crystal diffractometry for study of ion implanted layer defects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shcherbachev, K.D.; Bublik, V.T.


    Application of a triple-crystal arrangement, unlike traditionally used double-crystal one, allowed one to separate coherent and incoherent scattering components and to improve a resolution significantly. Advantages of the triple-crystal X-ray diffractometry to study defects in ion-implanted layers are demonstrated by example of characterisation of Si-GaAs(100) wafers doped by Si + with energy of 50 keV and does of 1x10 15 and 1x10 14 cm -2 . To explain a behaviour of point defects after implantation and annealing the analysis of strain depth profile was used. Two processes are shown to play a key role in formation of the distorted layer during implantation. The first one is an annihilation of Frenkel pairs components that decreases the total point defects concentration. Another one is a sink of more mobile interstitials to the surface that leads to formation of the thin subsurface layer enriched by vacancies [ru

  9. Perancangan Enkripsi Pada Citra Bitmap Dengan Algoritma Des, Triple Des, dan Idea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agustinna Yosanny


    Full Text Available Rapid development of Information Technology causes information can access easier without space boundaries. Image is a form of information, which contains many information. Some image contains confidential information that cannot distribute to unauthorized persons. Therefore, image encryption application is create to encrypt part of image that has confidential information. The image encryption application is encrypt image by applying DES, Triple DES, and IDEA algorithms. The research was applying analysis and design methodology. The analysis methodology was undertaken through literature study and algorithm research and testing. The design methodology was undertaken through database, features, system, and screen layout design. Results of the research are image encryption application that can encrypt part of image and or all of image by applying three algorithms such as DES, Triple DES, and IDEA. This application is show comparation of these algorithms. In conclusion, method of encryption can apply to image, so that confidential information of the image can protect from unauthorized person. 

  10. Academic Spin-off as Triple Helix Element: Case-Study of Russian Regions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Konstantin Ivanovich Grasmik


    Full Text Available The innovation process is becoming more open. According to the concept of the Triple Helix, this requires the creation of institutions capable of mediating the interaction of agents, primarily related to the different elements of the innovation system. The academic spin-off is not only a form of technology transfer, set up at the university but also the institution that provides the interaction of scientists and entrepreneurs. This article gives an analysis of the implementation of the program of creating academic spin-offs in Russia. The main focus of the study is to analyze the affiliation of university spin-off with other companies, including personal links of founders. Research reveals that linkages are substantially personal: University staff member at the same time could be an entrepreneur. This finding allows not only clarifying the concept of the Triple Helix but also increasing the effectiveness of innovation policy, focusing on employees who can combine science and entrepreneurship.

  11. A CPW-fed Triple-band Antenna for WLAN and WiMAX Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available In this letter, a compact printed antenna fed by coplanar waveguide for triple-band is presented. The proposed antenna consists of two rectangular metallic loops in front and a slit square ring on the backside. Tri-band has been achieved, which can be easily tuned by adjusting the sizes of the rectangles. An analysis of equal lumped circuit mechanism as well the triple band operation is provided. Key parameters to tune the resonant frequencies have been identified. The overall dimension of the proposed antenna is 30×26 mm^2. Simulated results show that the presented antenna can cover three separated impedance bandwidths of ~13% at 300 MHz (2.2–2.5 GHz, ~14% at 500 MHz (3.3–3.8 GHz, and ~15% at 800 MHz (5.1–5.9 GHz, which are well applied for both 2.4/5.2/5.8-GHz WLAN bands and 3.5/5.5-GHz WiMAX bands.

  12. R\\&D results on a CsI-coated triple thick GEM-based photodetector

    CERN Document Server

    Martinengo, P; Paic, G; Paras, D M; Di Mauro, A; van Hoorne, J; Molnar, L; Peskov, V; Breskin, A


    The very high momentum particle identification detector proposed for the ALICE upgrade is a focusing RICH using a C(4)F(10) gaseous radiator. For the detection of Cherenkov photons, one of the options currently under investigation is to use a CsI-coated triple thick GEM with metallic or resistive electrodes. We will present results from the laboratory studies as well as preliminary results of beam tests of a RICH detector prototype consisting of a CaF(2) radiator coupled to a 10 x 10 cm(2) CsI-coated triple thick GEM equipped with a pad readout and GASSIPLEX-based front-end electronics. With such a prototype the detection of Cherenkov photons simultaneously with minimum ionizing particles has been achieved for the first time in a stable operation mode. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Symmetries of the triple degenerate DNLS equations for weakly nonlinear dispersive MHD waves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Webb, G. M.; Brio, M.; Zank, G. P.


    A formulation of Hamiltonian and Lagrangian variational principles, Lie point symmetries and conservation laws for the triple degenerate DNLS equations describing the propagation of weakly nonlinear dispersive MHD waves along the ambient magnetic field, in β∼1 plasmas is given. The equations describe the interaction of the Alfven and magnetoacoustic modes near the triple umbilic point, where the fast magnetosonic, slow magnetosonic and Alfven speeds coincide and a g 2 =V A 2 where a g is the gas sound speed and V A is the Alfven speed. A discussion is given of the travelling wave similarity solutions of the equations, which include solitary wave and periodic traveling waves. Strongly compressible solutions indicate the necessity for the insertion of shocks in the flow, whereas weakly compressible, near Alfvenic solutions resemble similar, shock free travelling wave solutions of the DNLS equation

  14. Twisted traces of quantum intertwiners and quantum dynamical R-matrices corresponding to generalized Belavin-Drinfeld triples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Etingof, P.; Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge, MA; Schiffmann, O.


    We consider weighted traces of products of intertwining operators for quantum groups U q (g), suitably twisted by a ''generalized Belavin-Drinfeld triple''. We derive two commuting sets of difference equations - the (twisted) Macdonald-Ruijsenaars system and the (twisted) quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard (qKZB) system. These systems involve the nonstandard quantum R-matrices defined in a previous joint work with T. Schedler (2000). When the generalized Belavin-Drinfeld triple comes from an automorphism of the Lie algebra g, we also derive two additional sets of difference equations, the dual Macdonald-Ruijsenaars system and the dual qKZB equations. (orig.)

  15. Combining the Sterile Insect Technique with the Incompatible Insect Technique: III-Robust Mating Competitiveness of Irradiated Triple Wolbachia-Infected Aedes albopictus Males under Semi-Field Conditions. (United States)

    Zhang, Dongjing; Lees, Rosemary Susan; Xi, Zhiyong; Bourtzis, Kostas; Gilles, Jeremie R L


    Combination of the sterile insect technique with the incompatible insect technique is considered to be a safe approach to control Aedes albopictus populations in the absence of an accurate and scalable sex separation system or genetic sexing strain. Our previous study has shown that the triple Wolbachia-infected Ae. albopictus strain (wAlbA, wAlbB and wPip) was suitable for mass rearing and females could be completely sterilized as pupae with a radiation dose of at least 28 Gy. However, whether this radiation dose can influence the mating competitiveness of the triple infected males was still unknown. In this study we aimed to evaluate the effects of irradiation on the male mating competitiveness of the triple infected strain under laboratory and semi-field conditions. The results herein indicate that irradiation with a lower, female-sterilizing dose has no negative impact on the longevity of triple infected males while a reduced lifespan was observed in the wild type males (wAlbA and wAlbB) irradiated with a higher male-sterilizing dose, in small cages. At different sterile: fertile release ratios in small cages, triple-infected males induced 39.8, 81.6 and 87.8% sterility in a wild type female population at 1:1, 5:1 and 10:1 release ratios, respectively, relative to a fertile control population. Similarly, irradiated triple infected males induced 31.3, 70.5 and 89.3% sterility at 1:1, 5:1 and 10:1 release ratios, respectively, again relative to the fertile control. Under semi-field conditions at a 5:1 release ratio, relative to wild type males, the mean male mating competitiveness index of 28 Gy irradiated triple-infected males was significantly higher than 35 Gy irradiated wild type males, while triple infected males showed no difference in mean mating competitiveness to either irradiated triple-infected or irradiated wild type males. An unexpected difference was also observed in the relative male mating competitiveness of the triple infected strain after

  16. The Effectiveness of a Group Triple P with Chinese Parents Who Have a Child with Developmental Disabilities: A Randomized Controlled Trial (United States)

    Leung, Cynthia; Fan, Angel; Sanders, Matthew R.


    The study examined the effectiveness of Group Triple P, a Level 4 variant of the Triple P multilevel system of parenting support, with Chinese parents who had a preschool aged child with a developmental disability, using randomized controlled trial design. Participants (Intervention group: 42; Waitlist Control group: 39) completed measures on…

  17. Simultaneous Quantitation of Free Amino Acids, Nucleosides and Nucleobases in Sipunculus nudus by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yahui Ge


    Full Text Available To evaluate the nutritional and functional value of Sipunculus nudus, a rapid, simple and sensitive analytical method was developed using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with a triple quadrupole mass detection in multiple-reaction monitoring mode for the simultaneous quantitative determination of 25 free amino acids and 16 nucleosides and nucleobases in S. nudus within 20 min, which was confirmed to be reproducible and accurate. The limits of detection (LODs and quantification (LOQs were between 0.003–0.229 μg/mL and 0.008–0.763 μg/mL for the 41 analytes, respectively. The established method was applied to analyze 19 batches of S. nudus samples from four habitats with two different processing methods. The results showed that S. nudus contained a variety of free amino acids, nucleosides and nucleobases in sufficient quantity and reasonable proportion. They also demonstrated that the contents of these compounds in different parts of S. nudus were significantly discriminating, which were in the order: (highest coelomic fluid > body wall > intestine (lowest. The method is simple and accurate, and could serve as a technical support for establishing quality control of S. nudus and other functional seafoods. Moreover, the research results also laid foundation for further exploitation and development of S. nudus.

  18. A millisecond pulsar in a stellar triple system. (United States)

    Ransom, S M; Stairs, I H; Archibald, A M; Hessels, J W T; Kaplan, D L; van Kerkwijk, M H; Boyles, J; Deller, A T; Chatterjee, S; Schechtman-Rook, A; Berndsen, A; Lynch, R S; Lorimer, D R; Karako-Argaman, C; Kaspi, V M; Kondratiev, V I; McLaughlin, M A; van Leeuwen, J; Rosen, R; Roberts, M S E; Stovall, K


    Gravitationally bound three-body systems have been studied for hundreds of years and are common in our Galaxy. They show complex orbital interactions, which can constrain the compositions, masses and interior structures of the bodies and test theories of gravity, if sufficiently precise measurements are available. A triple system containing a radio pulsar could provide such measurements, but the only previously known such system, PSR B1620-26 (refs 7, 8; with a millisecond pulsar, a white dwarf, and a planetary-mass object in an orbit of several decades), shows only weak interactions. Here we report precision timing and multiwavelength observations of PSR J0337+1715, a millisecond pulsar in a hierarchical triple system with two other stars. Strong gravitational interactions are apparent and provide the masses of the pulsar M[Symbol: see text](1.4378(13), where M[Symbol: see text]is the solar mass and the parentheses contain the uncertainty in the final decimal places) and the two white dwarf companions (0.19751(15)M[Symbol: see text] and 0.4101(3))M[Symbol: see text], as well as the inclinations of the orbits (both about 39.2°). The unexpectedly coplanar and nearly circular orbits indicate a complex and exotic evolutionary past that differs from those of known stellar systems. The gravitational field of the outer white dwarf strongly accelerates the inner binary containing the neutron star, and the system will thus provide an ideal laboratory in which to test the strong equivalence principle of general relativity.

  19. Calendar time trends in the incidence and prevalence of triple-class virologic failure in antiretroviral drug-experienced people with HIV in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nakagawa, Fumiyo; Lodwick, Rebecca; Costagliola, Dominique


    Despite the increasing success of antiretroviral therapy (ART), virologic failure of the 3 original classes [triple-class virologic failure, (TCVF)] still develops in a small minority of patients who started therapy in the triple combination ART era. Trends in the incidence and prevalence of TCVF...

  20. A momentum space analysis of the Triple Pomeron Vertex in pQCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartels, J.


    We study properties of the momentum space Triple Pomeron Vertex in perturbative QCD. Particular attention is given to the collinear limit where transverse momenta on one side of the vertex are much larger than on the other side. We also comment on the kernels in nonlinear evolution equations. (orig.)