
Sample records for sensoriamento remoto multi


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    Ana Letícia Silva Ferreira


    Full Text Available O sensoriamento remoto e a cartografia são campos do conhecimento geográfico e, como tais, não se devem dissociá-los ou negligenciar a sua existência, como comumente se observa em escolas de nível fundamental. O aluno do século XXI é por excelência um dominador nato da tecnologia. O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar como pode ser utilizado o sensoriamento remoto e a cartografia enquanto instrumentos para melhoria da qualidade do componente curricular geografia no nível fundamental. Dentre os procedimentos metodológicos, foram feitos levantamentos bibliográficos, escolha do campo de aplicação e nível de ensino, bem como a preparação das propostas de trabalho. Durante a realização da pesquisa percebeu-se o interesse e a facilidade com que os alunos têm de aprender a cartografia (modos de implantação: pontual, linear e zonal, quando feita uma abordagem através de imagens de sensoriamento remoto (padrões de interpretação, conseguindo obter uma melhor percepção do espaço geográfico. Concluiu-se que aliar os conhecimentos do sensoriamento remoto e da cartografia, no contexto do ensino, permite aos alunos, conhecer melhor seu lugar, familiarizar-se com a visão vertical, fazer inter-relações entre problemáticas, bem como desenvolver o domínio da linguagem cartográfica. Palavras-chave: Ensino de Geografia; Geotecnologias; Cartografia; Ensino Fundamental.     THE REMOTE SENSING AND CARTOGRAPHY AS EDUCATIONAL TOOLS IN GEOGRAPHY TEACHING ABSTRACT Remote sensing and mapping are fields of geographical knowledge and as such, it should not dissociate them or neglect their existence, as commonly observed in elementary schools. The student of the XXI century is par excellence a born domineering technology. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how you can use the remote sensing and cartography as a tool for improving the quality of curricular geography component at the fundamental level. Among the methodological


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    Edilberto Bezerra de Sousa

    Full Text Available RESUMO Esta pesquisa consistiu no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de ensino, a partir da utilização de ferramentas da INTERNET, para a disciplina de Sensoriamento Remoto I, ministrada no DEAg (Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola da UFPB (Universidade Federal da Paraíba e está vinculada ao programa da UFPB para informatização de disciplinas dos cursos de Engenharia. Nesta metodologia são abordados todos os tópicos do seu programa. Na abordagem, apesar de ser dirigida aos cursos de Engenharia Agrícola, os temas básicos e aplicações são de interesse de diversos cursos de engenharia e áreas afins. A deficiência de material didático básico para dar suporte a tal disciplina é muito grande, principalmente nos cursos de Engenharia Agrícola, que tratam de um segmento específico relacionado aos Recursos Naturais, o que motivou a realização deste trabalho que, certamente, preencherá a lacuna de um material didático ilustrado e com várias aplicações na Engenharia Agrícola. Nesta pesquisa constatou-se que a utilização da informática nos seus mais diversos modos é uma experiência que, além de estimular e familiarizar o aluno ao uso de novas ferramentas de trabalho, permite formar um engenheiro melhor preparado para as novas necessidades do mercado de trabalho. Verificou-se ainda que a metodologia de ensino desenvolvida nesta pesquisa mostrou-se eficaz no aprendizado do conteúdo da disciplina Sensoriamento Remoto I, ministrada no curso de graduação em Engenharia Agrícola da UFPB.

  3. Gestão agroecológica de microbacias hidrográficas através de técnicas de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto: caso Fazenda Pantanoso

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    Santos Fioravante Jaekel dos


    Full Text Available O manejo sustentado de agroecossistemas passa pelo planejamento de uso dos mesmos, para o que necessita serem avaliados os recursos naturais e as condições sociais, culturais e econômicas dos habitantes. Técnicas de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto, que permitem avaliar os recursos de grandes áreas e anexá-los a bancos de dados georreferenciados, foram utilizados para caracterizar o meio físico e planejar o uso da fazenda El Pantanoso, Departamento de Cerro Largo, Uruguai. Dados topográficos, planialtimétricos, de solo e uso atual, foram usados para gerar os planos de informação: mapa base, modelo numérico do terreno, declividade, solos, aptidão de uso agrícola dos solos, uso atual, zoneamento ambiental e conflitos de uso. A pesquisa mostra que a região apresenta Planossolos, Argissolos, Chernossolos, Vertissolos, Organossolos, Neossolos e Gleissolos e que os mesmos apresentam ampla faixa de aptidão de uso, o que facilita seu zoneamento ambiental. Considerando-se que a tradicional pecuária desenvolvida nas áreas de topografia ondulada e arroz nas várzeas, constitui o uso adequado dos solos, então lavouras de arroz encontradas ao longo dos sistemas de drenagem, onde deveria ser mantida a vegetação ciliar natural, constitui o principal conflito de uso relacionado ao zoneamento ambiental da região. O geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto mostraram-se eficientes no planejamento de uso da Fazenda Pantanoso.

  4. "Estimativa da produção primária e biomassa fitoplanctônica através de sensoriamento remoto da cor do oceano e dados in situ na Costa Sudeste Brasileira"


    Milton Kampel


    A biomassa e a produtividade primária fitoplanctônica da costa sudeste foram estimadas através de sensoriamento remoto da cor do oceano e dados in situ. Foram realizados quatro cruzeiros hidrográficos sazonais de mesoescala nas regiões de plataforma e talude continental durante os verões e invernos de 2001 e 2002. Com a descrição das características hidrográficas e distribuições de nutrientes inorgânicos dissolvidos, complementada pela análise de imagens orbitais (AVHRR e SeaWiFS), foi possív...

  5. Sensoriamento remoto multifonte aplicado na detecção do fitoplâncton em águas interiores

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    Rejane E. Cicerelli


    Full Text Available Florações de fitoplanctôn podem constituir em riscos à saúde humana e biota aquática, sendo necessários o monitoramento da comunidade fitoplanctônica e a adoção de mecanismos visando à prevenção de sua ocorrência. Neste contexto métodos tradicionais de monitoramento podem ser mais efetivos se complementados por abordagens que utilizam as propriedades ópticas dos pigmentos fitoplanctônicos por meio do Sensoriamento Remoto. Com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial de dados espectrais multifonte na detecção remota do fitoplâncton, foi selecionada uma área de estudo no reservatório de Nova Avanhandava, SP, caracterizada por intensa atividade agrícola no seu entorno. Para esta análise foram adquiridos dados hiperespectrais em campo e imagens multiespectrais Modis e RapidEye, os quais foram relacionados a variáveis limnológicas indicadoras do comportamento fitoplanctônico; clorofila a e ficocianina. Os resultados mostram que imagens multiespectrais permitem uma avaliação da biomassa fitoplanctônica pela clorofila a; contudo, para ficocianina, pigmento fitoplanctônico diagnóstico da presença de cianobactérias, dados mais refinados são necessários, tais como os hiperespectrais.


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    André Luiz Conceição Santos, Celso Morato de Carvalho, Thiago Morato de Carvalho


    Full Text Available São discutidos aspectos relevantes sobre fragmentos florestados para a conservação da biodiversidade e especificamente são analisados 403 remanescentes florestais (31.000 ha na mata atlântica de Sergipe através de sensoriamento remoto com base em imagens Spot 5 e fotografias aéreas. Os remanescentes foram categorizados em cinco grupamentos: i Santa Luzia do Itanhy-Estância, ii Aracaju-São Cristóvão-Itabaiana, iii Rosário do Catete, iv Japaratuba, v Pacatuba-Japoatã. A maioria dos fragmentos variou entre 17 – 70 ha; os grupamentos entre Aracaju e Santa Luzia do Itanhy estão entre os maiores. A conectividade entre os fragmentos variou entre 2-19 km; as distâncias médias entre fragmentos variaram em torno de 1 km. Os índices de circularidade variaram entre 0,006-0,31, mostrando prevalência de fragmentos com bordas irregulares.

  7. Estimativa do balanço de radiação por sensoriamento remoto de diferentes ssos de solo so sudoeste da Amazônia Brasileira / Estimative of radiation balance by remote sensing of different soil uses in the brazilian southern amazon

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    Luiz Carlos da Silva


    Full Text Available Mudanças no uso do solo têm motivado pesquisas sobre a dinâmica de trocas radiativas e energéticas na Amazônia Brasileira que, por sua vez, geram demanda destas informações de superfície em escalas espaciais e temporais. Enquanto a medição destas trocas em torres micrometeorológicas fornece resultados pontuais, o sensoriamento remoto apresenta resultados acurados e de baixo custo para estimá-las em escala regional. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a distribuição espacial e temporal de estimativas de saldo de radiação e parâmetros biofísicos por sensoriamento remoto de diferentes usos do solo no sudoeste da Amazônia Brasileira. Foram selecionadas 04 áreas de solo coberto por floresta amazônica natural, floresta amazônica manejada, sistema silvipastoril e pastagem. O saldo de radiação, NDVI, índice de área foliar, albedo e temperatura radiométrica foram estimados pelo algoritmo SEBAL, usando imagens do sensor TM do satélite Landsat 5 em julho de 2009, 2010 e 2011. O NDVI, IAF, albedo e saldo de radiação apresentaram maiores valores na floresta natural, seguida por floresta manejada, sistema silvipastoril e pastagem. A temperatura radiométrica da superfície apresentou maiores valores para o sistema silvipastoril seguido por pastagem, floresta natural e floresta manejada.


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    Carolina Gusmão Souza

    Full Text Available A cafeicultura é uma das principais culturas agrícolas do Brasil e realizar o mapeamento e monitoramento desta cultura é fundamental para conhecer sua distribuição espacial. Porém, mapear estas áreas utilizando imagens de Sensoriamento Remoto não é uma tarefa fácil. Sendo assim, este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de comparar o uso de diferentes variáveis e algoritmos de classificação para o mapeamento de áreas cafeeiras. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três áreas diferentes, que são bastante significativas na produção de café. Foram utilizados 5 algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquinas e 7 combinações de variáveis: espectrais, texturais e geométricas, associadas ao processo de classificação. Um total de 105 classificações foram realizadas, 35 classificações para cada uma das áreas. As classificações que não usaram variáveis espectrais não resultaram em bons índices de acurácia. Nas três áreas, o algoritmo que apresentou as melhores acurácias foi o Support vector machine, com acurácia global de 85,33% em Araguari, 87% em Carmo de Minas e 88,33% em Três Pontas. Os piores resultados foram encontrados com o algoritmo Random Forest em Araguari, com acurácia global de 76,66% e com o Naive Bayes em Carmo de Minas e Três Pontas, com 76% e 82% de acerto. Nas três áreas, variáveis texturais, quando associadas às espectrais, melhoraram a acurácia da classificação. O SVM apresentou o melhor desempenho para as três áreas


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    Morris Scherer Warren


    Full Text Available Estimativas remotas de evapotranspiração real têm sido utilizadas no monitoramento do balanço hídrico de bacias hidrográficas. Diferentes métodos têm sido empregados para a estimativa da evapotranspiração por sensoriamento remoto, incluindo métodos de bases físicas que utilizam a equação de balanço de energia. Mas o processamento da equação de balanço de energia é complexo e operacionalmente não eficiente. O objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar um procedimento que utiliza regressão linear para estimar a evapotranspiração real em diferentes imagens do sensor Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, tornando mais ágil a construção de uma série temporal de evapotranspiração. A utilização de regressão linear, conjuntamente com o emprego da equação de balanço de energia em uma imagem de referência, se mostrou um procedimento viável, com erro máximo de 6% em todas as imagens analisadas.

  10. Classificação orientada a objeto de imagens de sensoriamento remoto em estudos epidemiológicos sobre leishmaniose visceral em área urbana

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    Andréa Sobral de Almeida


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, explorou-se o uso da classificação orientada a objeto de imagens de sensoriamento remoto em estudos epidemiológicos sobre leishmaniose visceral (LV em áreas urbanas. A classificação orientada a objeto foi aplicada a cenas Landsat 5 TM da cidade de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil, para obtenção de informações ambientais e temperatura. Para o período de 1993-1996, a taxa de incidência de LV nos setores censitários da cidade foi positivamente correlacionada com a área do setor censitário coberta por vegetação densa, rasteira e solo exposto e negativamente com a área coberta por água e áreas densamente ocupadas. No período de 2001-2006, foram encontradas correlações positivas com vegetação densa, rasteira, solo exposto e áreas densamente ocupadas e negativas com áreas urbanas com alguma vegetação. A temperatura da superfície terrestre foi negativamente associada à incidência de LV nos dois períodos. A classificação orientada a objeto pode ser útil para caracterizar paisagens associadas à ocorrência da LV em áreas urbanas e delimitar áreas de risco para definição de prioridades na implementação de intervenções.


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    Diego Tarley Ferreira Nascimento


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho são utilizadas técnicas de sensoriamento remoto para identificação e análise do fenômeno de ilhas de calor em Goiânia-GO, tendo como recorte temporal o ano de 2001. Foi utilizada a proposta metodológica de Monteiro (1976, do Sistema de Clima Urbano – SCU, em particular o subsistema Termodinâmico, visando proceder a uma análise do funcionamento, desempenho e organização do fenômeno de ilhas de calor. A elaboração do trabalho baseou-se na classificação da cobertura do solo e em um mapeamento do campo térmico do município de Goiânia, por meio das imagens das bandas 3, 4, 5 e 6 (banda termal do Landsat 7, nas quais foram considerados como instrumentos de análise: a urbanização, as características geoecológicas (topografia e o sistema meteorológico (clima regional. Os resultados demonstram que o fenômeno de ilha de calor é constatado no município de Goiânia, havendo diferenças de temperatura de até 10°C entre a área urbana e a rural do município, sendo possível caracterizar determinados usos antrópicos (classes de cobertura do solo e intervalos altimétricos como potencializadores de maiores valores de temperatura.

  12. Evapotranspiração e estimativa da água consumida em perímetro irrigado do Semiárido brasileiro por sensoriamento remoto

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    Bernardo Barbosa da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear a evapotranspiração real (ETr e determinar o volume de água utilizado no projeto de irrigação de São Gonçalo, PB, no Semiárido brasileiro, com auxílio do sensoriamento remoto. Foram adquiridas imagens TM/Landsat 5 da área em estudo, em 2008, que foram utilizadas na obtenção dos mapas temáticos da ETr diária. Selecionaram-se dois pomares de coqueiro‑anão para validação dos resultados da evapotranspiração obtida com o "surface energy balance algorithm for land" (ET Sebal e com o método FAO‑56 (ET FAO. Para determinação da ET FAO, utilizou-se o produto entre o coeficiente de cultura, o coeficiente de ajuste e a evapotranspiração de referência. As diferenças obtidas, com uso das duas técnicas, resultaram em raiz do erro quadrado médio, erro relativo médio e erro absoluto médio iguais a 0,53 mm, 9,46% e 0,43 mm, respectivamente. Nas áreas irrigadas, a ETr representou 85% do saldo de radiação e, nas de sequeiro, apenas 12,5%. O mapeamento da ETr delimitou claramente as áreas irrigadas das de sequeiro, bem como as diferenças existentes no interior do perímetro irrigado do projeto em investigação. O volume de água empregado no projeto de irrigação representa, somente no período de julho a dezembro, mais de 60% da capacidade do açude de São Gonçalo.

  13. Parâmetros biofísicos obtidos por sensoriamento remoto em região semiárida do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

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    Joel M. Bezerra


    Full Text Available Apesar de ser o único bioma brasileiro cujos limites estão restritos ao território nacional, pouca atenção tem sido dada à conservação da diversificada paisagem da Caatinga. Em virtude da carência de dados de campo para monitorar os parâmetros biofísicos da Caatinga em região semiárida do Nordeste brasileiro, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a dinâmica espaço-temporal por meio de técnicas e produtos de Sensoriamento Remoto. A área de estudo compreendeu a Unidade de Conservação do Parque Nacional da Furna Feia e suas adjacências, situada entre os municípios de Mossoró e Baraúna (RN, Brasil. Utilizaram-se seis imagens orbitais do TM LANDSAT 5, órbita 216 e ponto 63, no período de 2007 a 2010. Com auxílio da ferramenta Sistema de Informação Geográfica se implementaram os algoritmos com geração das cartas temáticas expressando a variabilidade dos parâmetros de albedo da superfície, NDVI e temperatura de superfície. Os resultados obtidos não só foram consistentes com dados da literatura para os diferentes usos do solo e variações climáticas. Além de demonstrar o potencial das geotecnologias, a compreensão da dinâmica dos padrões espaciais e temporais dos processos biofísicos de interação solo-planta-atmosfera da Caatinga no Semiárido.


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    Marcos Ronielly Silva Santos


    Full Text Available A identificação dos montantes de chuva para uma região corrobora para a gestão eficiente das politicas públicas e o desenvolvimento social, econômico e ambiental dos centros urbanos.  A mesorregião metropolitana de Belém detém a maior concentração populacional e urbana da Amazônia Oriental, apresentando elevados índices pluviômetros durante todo o ano. Neste contexto o presente trabalho visa identificar a distribuição temporal e espacial da precipitação na mesorregião metropolitana de Belém e associa-la aos principais sistemas precipitantes que atuam na região. Para isto se utilizou o sensoriamento remoto por meio da técnica do CPC MORPHing technique (CMORPH com resolução temporal de 30 min e espacial de 8/8 km. A partir da técnica empregada foram gerados mapas da distribuição têmporo-espacial da chuva com as médias mensais para os dozes meses do ano, decorrentes dos acumulados do período de Jan/2000 a Dez/2010. Os resultados mostram que há uma grande variação temporal e espacial da chuva na mesorregião evidenciando de modo satisfatório a sazonalidade regional da precipitação, com altos índices durante o período chuvoso e baixos índices no período menos chuvoso. Trabalhos que visem à interdisciplinaridade podem contribuir de forma eficaz para estruturação das ciências ambientais e para a tomada de decisões.

  15. Sensoriamento remoto da vegetação: evolução e estado-da-arte = Remote sensing of vegetation: evolution and state of the art

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    Laerte Guimarães Ferreira


    Full Text Available Levantamentos sistemáticos da cobertura vegetal no Brasil, à escala desemidetalhe, incluem aqueles realizados no âmbito dos projetos Radam e Radambrasil, no período de 1971 a 1977, tendo por base imagens de radar aerotransportadas e, mais recentemente, os mapeamentos, com base em imagens Landsat 7 ETM+, dos remanescentes da cobertura vegetal nos biomas brasileiros (projeto MMA/PROBIO, concluídos em 2006. Nestes pouco mais de 30 anos, muitas mudanças ocorreram, tanto na cobertura vegetal do país quanto no sensoriamento remoto orbital. Neste artigo de revisão, apresentamos, do ponto de vista conceitual e tecnológico, a evolução e o estado-da-arte dos sistemas sensorese discutimos algumas das técnicas mais utilizadas para decodificar (ex. em parâmetros biofísicos etc. e classificar a resposta espectral da vegetação. Da mesma forma, apresentamos as principais iniciativas, históricas ou em curso, voltadas ao monitoramento da cobertura vegetal dos biomas brasileiros.Systematic surveys of the vegetative cover in Brazil include the semi-detailed mappings conducted within the scope of the Radam and Radambrasil projects, between 1971 and 1977, based on side-looking airborne radar images, and more recently, the assessments, based on Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery, of the remnant vegetation cover of the Brazilian biomes (MMA/PROBIO, finished in 2006. In a little more than 30 years, many changes have occurred, both in vegetation cover as well as in orbital remote sensing. In this review article,we discuss, from a conceptual and technological perspective, the evolution and the state of the art of imager sensors, as well as some of the enhancement techniques utilized for decoding (e.g., in biophysical parameters, etc. and classifying the spectral response ofvegetation. Likewise, we present the main current (pioneering initiatives for land cover monitoring of the Brazilian biomes.

  16. Ciclo de vida da família e desmatamento na Amazônia: combinando informações de sensoriamento remoto com dados primários

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    Marcellus Marques Caldas


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina as relações entre as características sociodemográficas das famílias de pequenos produtores na Amazônia e a hipótese do ciclo de vida no processo de tomada de decisão de desmatar. A análise foi conduzida combinando informações de sensoriamento remoto e de sistema de informações geográficas com dados primários de 153 pequenos produtores estabelecidos ao longo da rodovia Transamazônica. Análises de regressões foram efetuadas juntamente com testes de autocorrelação espacial. Os resultados levaram à conclusão de que as características sociodemográficas das famílias, bem como fatores institucionais e de mercado, influenciam a tomada de decisão de uso da terra. Esses resultados permitem concluir ainda que, apesar de não serem muito populares entre os cientistas sociais brasileiros, os dados obtidos através das imagens de satélite podem ser muito úteis neste tipo de estudo. Além disso, a pesquisa aqui apresentada indica que dados sociodemográficos da família, bem como os de mercado, podem resultar em problemas de má especificação do modelo. O mesmo se aplica a modelos que não incorporem análises espaciais.This paper examines the relationships between the sociodemographic characteristics of small settlers in the Brazilian Amazon and the life cycle hypothesis in the process of deforestation. The analysis was conducted combining remote sensing and geographic data with primary data of 153 small settlers along the Transamazon Highway. Regression analyses and spatial autocorrelation tests were conducted. The results from the empirical model indicate that sociodemographic characteristics of households, as well as institutional and market factors, affect the land use decision. Although remotely sensed information are not yet very popular among Brazilian social scientists, these results confirm that they can be very useful for this kind of study. Furthermore, the research presented by this paper strongly

  17. Utilização de sensoriamento remoto em análises de albedo e temperatura de superfície em Londrina - PR: contribuições para estudos de ilha de calor urbana

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    Nancy Laura Rios Gamarra


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o albedo (αs e a temperatura de superfície continental (Tsup provenientes de sensoriamento remoto, e a temperatura do ar (Tar medida in situ no intuito de caracterizar a Ilha de Calor Urbana (ICU na cidade de Londrina (Paraná. Foram utilizados dados de αs e Tsup obtidos do sensor MODIS, e medições in situ de Tar realizadas entre junho e agosto de 2011 por sensores meteorológicos instalados em 13 locais na cidade. Os dados de αs e Tsup foram utilizados para calcular um índice de urbanização (IU na região e posteriormente comparado com Tar. A análise dos dados de αs e Tsup foi consistente com as medições in situ, evidenciando sua aplicabilidade na avaliação espaço-temporal de fenômenos acoplados continente-atmosfera, tais como a ICU. A mancha urbana da cidade de Londrina apresentou valores de IU compreendido entre 18 e 20, bem maiores que as áreas mais vegetadas (14 - 16. Nesse sentido, o IU demonstrou-se ser uma metodologia útil para representar a evolução espaço-temporal de áreas urbanas, o que pode propiciar uma avaliação detalhada do impacto da mudança de cobertura de solo no clima local e regional. Além disso, os resultados indicam que dados obtidos via satélite podem auxiliar grandemente na quantificação da ICU, quando dados in situ estiverem indisponíveis.

  18. Redes neurais artificiais auto-organizáveis na classificação não-supervisionada de imagens multiespectrais de sensoriamento remoto


    Christopher Silva de Pádua


    O uso de imagens provenientes de sensores remotos, tal como sistemas acoplados em aviões e satélites, é cada vez mais frequente, uma vez que permite o monitoramento continuo e periódico ao longo do tempo por meio de diversas observações de uma mesma região, por vezes ampla ou de difícil acesso. Essa ferramenta tem se mostrado importante e significativa em aplicações como o mapeamento de solo e fronteiras; acompanhamento de áreas de desmatamento, queimadas e de produção agrícola. Para gerar re...

  19. Experiencia de Uso de un Laboratorio Remoto de Control

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    Nourdine Aliane


    Full Text Available Resumen: En los últimos años, hemos asistido a un desarrollo significativo de los laboratorios remotos. Su integración en el ámbito académico ofrece muchas ventajas desde el punto de vista logístico, pero también conlleva un impacto substancial desde el punto de vistas pedagógico. En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia de utilización de un laboratorio remoto de control, cuyo objetivo es mostrar el alcance de la experimentación remota desde el punto de vista de los alumnos así como desde la perspectiva del profesor. Palabras clave: Laboratorios Remotos, Ingeniería de Control, Educación

  20. Remote sensing applied to the study of vegetation with emphasis on index of vegetation and landscapes metrics

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    Karla Maria Pedra de Abreu


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho consiste em uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o sensoriamento remoto, com enfoque no estudo da vegetação. Nele são abordados fundamentos, conceitos e métodos. Delimitam sua história os períodos de uso de sistemas fotográficos, a evolução e a multiplicidade dos sistemas imageadores. Descrevem-se princípios e métodos necessários para correção, tratamento, interpretação visual, avaliação de parâmetros das imagens e cruzamento de dados aplicados a estudos de índices de vegetação (NDVI e de paisagens. A eficácia dos estudos da vegetação via sensoriamento remoto é embasada pelos resultados e pelas considerações obtidas por revisão conceitual, que priorizou a consulta a periódicos especializados.

  1. Infraestructura para laboratorios de acceso remoto

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    López Luro, Francisco


    Full Text Available Las tecnologías de Internet permiten el uso de sistemas de software distribuido para el acceso en forma remota a laboratorios físicos y virtuales, para llevar a cabo actividades de investigación experimental a distancia. A partir de los marcos teóricos que definen los estructurantes de los laboratorios, los implementadores de laboratorios de acceso remoto deben diseñar y desarrollar arquitecturas de servicios que permitan un acceso flexible y controlado. Este trabajo define una infraestructura para la implementación de aplicaciones para el acceso remoto a laboratorios físicos y virtuales y para la gestión de los mismos. Se presentan conceptos que permiten extender la modalidad tradicional de conexión con un dispositivo, para llevar adelante actividades prácticas de laboratorio colaborativas y concurrentes.


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    Fernando Paz


    Full Text Available El uso de información espectral multi-angular de sensores remotos en plataformas espaciales tiene el potencial de discriminar clases de coberturas del suelo y otras aplicaciones. En este trabajo se explora el uso de la base del sensor POLDER-1(fuera de operación en la plataforma ADEOS, el cual permitió obtener hasta 14 mediciones multi-angulares de un mismo pixel. La base de datos fue analizada ajustando un modelo de la función de distribución bidireccional de las reflectancias (BRDF en las bandas centradas en 443, 565, 670, 765 y 865 micrómetros, para diferentes clases de cobertura del suelo del sistema GLC2000 y así analizar el potencial de usar información multi-angular para discriminar clases de cobertura. Los resultados mostraron los mejores ajustes en las bandas 765 y 865, seguidos por las bandas 565 y 670 y, finalmente, los peores ajustes se dieron en la banda 443. Los errores de ajuste pueden ser interpretados por problemas en la corrección atmosférica asociada a los aerosoles troposféricos (mayores efectos en las bandas del visible. Con el modelo de la BRDF ajustado, que usa un solo parámetro (G, se analizó su uso para discriminar clases de cobertura, resultando que la banda 670, seguida por la 443, mostraron un mayor potencial, con una precisión aceptable, de realizar una clasificación de coberturas del suelo.

  3. Sazonalidade de variáveis biofísicas em regiões semiáridas pelo emprego do sensoriamento remoto Biophysics variables seasonality on surface in semiarid regions by using remote sensing

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    Joseilson O. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Para investigar alterações no albedo, no Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI, no saldo de radiação e no fluxo de calor no solo, em decorrência do regime pluviométrico no semiárido cearense, desenvolveu-se um estudo na bacia do Rio Trussu - Ceará, empregando-se sensoriamento remoto. Foram utilizadas duas imagens Landsat 7 ETM+, datadas de 25-10-2000 e 24-7-2001, sendo as variáveis estimadas pelo emprego do algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land. Os resultados mostraram que as variáveis investigadas apresentaram alterações entre as duas estações, sendo os maiores valores de albedo registrados na estação seca. O NDVI apresentou maior sensibilidade ao regime hídrico, mostrando alto potencial de recuperação da vegetação ao efeito da precipitação. As margens do Rio Trussu apresentaram NDVI superior a 0,39, sendo indicativo de preservação da mata ciliar. A vegetação da bacia mostrou alto poder resiliente expresso pelo incremento nos valores de NDVI para o ano de 2001. A estação chuvosa exerceu também influência marcante sobre o saldo de radiação e fluxo de calor no solo, confirmando o efeito da estação climática na modificação do balanço de energia sobre a bacia.To investigate the rainfall regime effects over the albedo, NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index, net radiation and soil heat flux in a semiarid region (Northeast of Brazil, a study in the Trussu watershed was developed by using remote sensing. The study focuses on two images (Landsat 7 ETM+ provided by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, from October 25, 2000 and July 24, 2001, each of them having a different rainfall regime (dry and wet seasons. The images were analyzed by using the SEBAL algorithm (surface energy balance algorithm for land. The results showed that the amount of rainfall affected the investigated variables, and the highest values of albedo were registered during the dry season

  4. Diseño de Laboratorios Virtuales y/o Remotos. Un Caso Práctico

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    J.M. Andújar Márquez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este articulo se realiza un analisis sobre las formas de acceso a los recursos experimentales de un laboratorio universitario (presencial o remoto a traves de Internet, asi como de los propios elementos y/o sistemas para realizar los experimentos, los cuales pueden ser virtuales (simulados en un ordenador o fisicos tangibles (tradicionalmente usados en las practicas presenciales. A partir de aqui, se proponen unas pautas de diseno de laboratorios de acceso remoto con control de sistemas fisicos a traves de instrumentos virtuales. Como caso practico de aplicacion se presenta un proyecto educativo y de investigacion: el Laboratorio de Ensayo de Robots (LER, que dirigido a la ensenanza en Automatica, esta siendo llevado a cabo por profesores y alumnos de grado y posgrado de la Universidad de Huelva. Palabras clave: Educacion en Automatica, E-learning, Instrumento Remoto, Instrumento Virtual, Laboratorio Remoto, Laboratorio Virtual, Robotica

  5. GEOGRAFIA, GEOTECNOLOGIAS E AS NOVAS TENDÊNCIAS DA GEOINFORMAÇÃO: indicação de estudos realizados na região Nordeste

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    Francisco Jonh Lennon Tavares da Silva


    La difusión del Geoprocesamiento, Sensoriamento Remoto y Sistemas de Información Geográficas abrieron nuevas posibilidades de aplicación a los estudios geográficos. En este contexto y teniendo en cuenta el método bibliográfico como procedimiento analítico, el artículo tiene como objetivo: (i reflexionar sobre el impacto de la postura geotecnológica en el objetivo básico de la ciencia geográfica, que es explicar la organización del espacio, a través de enfoques y técnicas exitosas; (ii indicar algunas tecnologías de análisis espacial utilizadas en Brasil, destacando las nuevas tendencias en el contexto de la Geoinformación y (iii discutir las posibilidades de aplicación de Geotecnologias, indicando estudios realizados en la región Nordeste. A partir del levantamiento preliminar de estudios regionales, se pudo inferir que las Geotecnologias tienen un gran potencial para su aplicación en los estudios de Geografía Física. Palabras clave: Geoprocesamiento; Sistemas de Información Geográficas; Sensoriamento Remoto; Geoinformación.

  6. Diseño de un laboratorio remoto de robots y procesos de manufactura industriales

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    Rafael Castillo Ortega


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda el diseño de un Laboratorio Remoto de Robots y Procesos de Manufactura Industriales. Primero se presenta el estado del arte y después se expone una propuesta que consiste en acceder por software al escritorio remoto de las PC que controlan dichos dispositivos y también acceder por hardware a un dispositivo diseñado para manipular el Teach pendant (consola de programación de los robots industriales para su programación sin modificar tanto el software propietario como el hardware original de cada equipo. Se utilizó un servidor web tipo LAMP programado con software libre para la administración del uso de los equipos; la retroalimentación de los usuarios remotos se realizó mediante monitoreo con cámaras IP.

  7. Alarma activada por control remoto selectivo.


    Eguíluz Morán, Luis Ignacio; Lara Santillán, Pedro María; Mañana Canteli, Mario


    La finalidad de esta invención consiste en disponer de una alarma que bien evite el robo de objetos ligeros y portátiles por el procedimiento que se conoce como "del tirón" --es decir, arrebatar algo y salir corriendo--, bien permita identificar un equipaje entre otros. La originalidad del dispositivo reside en la activación/desactivación del dispositivo de sonido por control remoto, así como la posibilidad de seleccionar el sonido de salida dependiendo de su finalidad. Se reivindica como de ...

  8. Web-LABAI: Laboratorio Remoto de Automatización Industrial

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    Francisco De La Cruz F.


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este trabajo presenta un laboratorio remoto que permite a los alumnos interactuar y realizar, desde Internet, prácticas de automatización y control de procesos. Se desarrolló un sistema Hardware-Software que permite monitorizar y controlar variables, remotamente desde una pagina Web, de la maqueta de un proceso industrial localizado en el Laboratorio de Automatización Industrial del Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Universidad Politécnica “Antonio José de Sucre”, UNEXPO, Barquisimeto, Venezuela. La interacción de un computador servidor, un Controlador Lógico Programable o PLC y una cámara IP permite el control y monitorización remota de una maqueta que simula un proceso de fabricación de alimentos. El software está constituido por una aplicación Servidor y una aplicación Cliente. La primera contiene un Servidor Modbus TCP/IP, embebido en el PLC, y un Servidor Web, que aloja una página Web a través de la cual los usuarios accederán al laboratorio remoto. La aplicación Cliente se compone de un conjunto de applets de JAVA que permite controlar y monitorizar el sistema, y además visualizar el proceso en tiempo real a través de la cámara IP. Palabras clave: Automatización, Laboratorio Remoto, Controlador Lógico Programable, Control en Tiempo Real, Ayudas educativas

  9. Integración de dispositivos físicos en un laboratorio remoto de control mediante diferentes plataformas: Labview, Matlab y C/C++

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    R. Costa-Castelló


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los laboratorios remotos de control posibilitan la realización de prácticas con equipos físicos reales que se encuentran ubicados en entornos remotos siendo accesibles por parte de los alumnos en cualquier instante de tiempo y desde cualquier lugar con conexión a Internet. En este artículo se presenta un conjunto de dispositivos físicos incorporados dentro de una esquema global de laboratorios remotos (AutomatL@bs que posibilitan la realización de prácticas a distancia con estos dispositivos. El rasgo principal común a estos dispositivos consiste en que posibilitan la actuación con sistemas físicos remotos para la realización de prácticas de control clásico con los mismos. Se prestará una especial atención a las diferentes posibilidades de comunicación entre la herramienta visual que dispone el usuario para su interconexión basada en Easy Java Simulations, y la conexión directa con los dispositivos físicos ubicados en los laboratorios remotos. Estos sistemas se han empleado para la realización de prácticas dentro del sistema AutomatL@bs desde el curso 1997/98. Palabras clave: Educación en Control, Laboratorio remoto, Laboratorio virtual, Control remoto, Control PID, Técnicas de Laboratorio

  10. Uso do sensoriamento remoto para estudar a influência de alterações ambientais na distribuição da malária na Amazônia brasileira Use of remote sensing to study the influence of environmental changes on malaria distribution in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Cíntia Honório Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available A construção da hidroelétrica de Tucuruí, no sudeste do Estado do Pará, Brasil, em 1981, impôs grandes mudanças ambientais, desmatamentos e migração para a região. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a influência destas mudanças na ocorrência da malária no Município de Jacundá, Pará, Brasil, utilizando-se técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e sistemas de informações geográficas. Os parâmetros utilizados para a construção dos mapas foram: distância das estradas, classe agrossilvopastoril, distância de coleções hídricas (rios, igarapés e do reservatório e da área urbana do município. Neste estudo, verificou-se o caráter epidêmico da malária a partir da construção da barragem de Tucuruí. Sugere-se que o padrão sazonal da incidência está relacionado com o período de maior estabilidade das margens do reservatório e ocorrência de áreas alagadas, além de maior exposição de trabalhadores na época de colheita na região. Foi observado que a distribuição dos casos está relacionada com as formas de uso e ocupação da terra, principalmente em áreas de maior influência das estradas, locais onde se concentra grande parte da população.Construction of the Tucuruí hydroelectric dam in Southeast Pará State, Brazil, in 1981, caused enormous environmental changes, deforestation, and human migration to the region. This study focuses on the influence of these changes and the appearance of malaria in the municipality of Jacundá, Pará, using remote sensing and geographic information systems. The variables used to construct maps were distances from roads, farming areas, rivers, the dam, streams, and the urban area. This study confirmed the elevation of malaria to the epidemic level since the construction of the Tucuruí dam. The study suggests that a seasonal pattern of malaria incidence is associated with the flooding season and exposure of workers during harvest. Malaria cases were related to the form of

  11. Controlo remoto de condições ambientais


    Valente, Bruno Alexandre Loureiro


    Relatório de projecto no âmbito de Bolsa Universidade de Lisboa/Fundação Amadeu Dias (2008/2009) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, LASIGE Foi tomado em conta neste projecto o desafio de oferecer um serviço remoto de domótica. Assumindo que a maioria das pessoas não têm tempo para pensar nelas mesmo nem no mundo que as rodeiam e que desejam uma forma fácil e eficiente de controlar as suas casas foi criada uma aplicação que lhes desse a oportunidade de desfrutarem...

  12. Registros neotectônicos no Distrito Federal : implicações para o condicionamento dos recursos hídricos subterrâneos


    Xavier, Thaísa Oliveira


    Os processos neotectônicos apesar de pouco estudados são de fundamental importância no entendimento de reativações recentes de estruturas como fraturas e outras anisotropias originadas em período geológico anterior. A identificação das reativações é principalmente evidenciada em feições impressas em depósitos quaternários, nos solos e no modelado da paisagem. Aliada a estas estruturas, estudos de outras áreas das geociências como hidrogeologia, geomorfologia, sismicidade, sensoriamento remoto...

  13. Uso de imagens de satélite como suporte à estimativa da demanda hídrica na sub-bacia do Rio Urucuia, MG


    Silva, Lorena Santos Cordeiro da


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a demanda hídrica destinada à irrigação na sub-bacia Urucuia, MG, utilizando dados de sensoriamento remoto e comparar os resultados obtidos com a disponibilidade hídrica da sub-bacia. Para estimativa da demanda hídrica foi calculada a evapotranspiração de referência a partir dos dados coletados da Plataforma de Coleta de Dados (PCD) do município de Santa Fé de Minas e, posteriormente, foi calculada a evapotranspiração das culturas existentes na área. Atra...


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    John Anderson Sandoval Moreno


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta el diseño y automatización de dos Laboratorios Remotos manejados virtualmente a través de Internet: Laboratorio Remoto de Estructuras y Laboratorio Remoto de Ingeniería Sísmica y Dinámica Estructural; el laboratorio de estructuras consta de 3 módulos correspondientes al Módulo de Estabilidad, Módulo de Resistencia de Materiales y Módulo del Marco Universal. El módulo de dinámica estructural es una mesa vibratoria que a través de un sistema de control reproducediferentes movimientos como sismos, impulsos y vibraciones armónicas y permite realizar ensayos con pequeñas estructuras modelo. A cada módulo se le adicionaron actuadores y sensores electrónicos de desplazamiento, aceleración, y fuerza, una tarjeta de adquisición de datos para enviar y recibir señales y comunicar el hardware de experimentación con el computador asociado; los cuales se interconectan a un Servidor Central que recibe a los usuarios y autoriza el acceso al móduloexperimental adecuado gracias a la interconexión de estos equipos por medio de un switch. Además, se presenta la estructura general de las interfaces de experimentación y el procedimiento realizado por el estudiante para utilizar los laboratorios remotos.

  15. Laboratorio remoto para la enseñanza de la programación de un robot industrial

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    Carlos Ariza L.


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe la evolución del desarrollo y funcionamiento de un laboratorio remoto para la enseñanza de la automatización. Por medio de una aplicación Web, un software de acceso remoto que permite una conexión multiusuario independiente y archivos que contienen código con comandos del símbolo del sistema. Con esto se logra administrar el laboratorio evitando conflictos de uso entre los usuarios. Con este desarrollo se busca incrementar el tiempo de productividad y eliminar las restricciones de espacio y tiempo para la utilización de un robot manipulador de tipo industrial.

  16. Modelos de correção geométrica para imagens HRV - SPOT


    Antônio José Ferreira Machado e Silva


    A correção geométrica apresenta-se como uma ferramenta extremamente importante nas diversas aplicações de Sensoriamento Remoto. Por este motivo, ela deve incluir o rol das tarefas que compõem o pré-processamento de imagens. A literatura apresenta diversos modelos matemáticos para este fim, bem como modelos para refinar a correção geométrica. Esta dissertação busca apresentar, analisar e comparar alguns métodos de correção geométrica, procurando estudar a relação entre custos computacionais e ...


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    Ericson Hideki Hayakawa


    Full Text Available A caracterização da rede de drenagem atual utilizando variáveis como propriedade, padrão e morfologia, auxilia na identificação dos fatores que controlaram seu desenvolvimento na paisagem. A disponibilidade de diferentes produtos e técnicas de sensoriamento remoto potencializa estudos desse escopo, principalmente em áreas como a região amazônica, onde a obtenção de dados em campo é dificultada pela fisiografia. Este trabalho apresenta a caracterização do sistema de drenagem atual da média e baixa bacia do rio Madeira a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto, com o intuito de verificar o registro de influência tectônica no seu desenvolvimento, especialmente em áreas de cobertura sedimentar terciária e quaternária. A integração de diferentes produtos e técnicas de sensoriamento remoto foi eficiente na caracterização da rede de drenagem atual da área de estudo. Os resultados indicam padrão de drenagem predominantemente subdendrítico-subtreliça (39.6%, seguido dos padrões subdendrítico (23.5% e treliça-subtreliça (13.8%. Grande parte das bacias que constituem a área de estudo apresenta bacias de drenagem assimétricas. Anomalias de drenagem são abundantes, sendo exemplificados pelo alinhamento de rias, rios com segmentos retilíneos alternados com segmentos fortemente meandrantes, mudanças abruptas e ortogonais de cursos e meandramento isolado. O rio Madeira apresenta segmentos retilíneos de até 35 km de extensão. A densidade de drenagem e de lineamentos morfoestruturais é menor em área de sedimentação quaternária do que em áreas do embasamento cristalino. O direcionamento dos lineamentos morfoestruturais revela comportamento similar em toda a área de estudo e independente da cobertura geológica, sendo modas direcionais para E-W, NE-SW e NW-SE as mais comuns. Os resultados sugerem que as bacias de drenagem do médio e baixo rio Madeira são controladas por estruturas tectônicas. A integração com os


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    Bruno Azevedo Cavalcanti Tavares


    Full Text Available Desde a sua identificação, a unidade geomórfica Gráben do Cariatá se tornou se fundamental importância para a interpretação do cenário morfotectônico regional no contexto do rebordo leste do nordeste do Brasil, desafiando algumas hipóteses prévias sobre a evolução geomórfica do piemonte do planalto da Borborema. Neste sentido faz-se necessário refinar o conhecimento referente à história geomórfica do gráben, de seus preenchimentos sedimentares, unidades pedo-estratigráficas e controles lito-estruturais sobre as associações de formas de relevo. Um estudo desta ordem pode lançar luz sobre a evolução dos compartimentos escalonados que antecedem a escarpa da Borborema e suas implicações sob pontos de vista páleo-climáticos e neotectônicos, a partir de abordagens que prescindam da utilização do conceito das superfícies regionais de aplainamento. A combinação de Modelos digitais do terreno e imagens de satélite propiciaram uma modelagem mais precisa da área de estudo, sendo uma importante ferramenta para a análise da influencia da neotectônica sobre a compartimentação do relevo. Desse modo, feições como escarpas, facetas triangulares, anfiteatros de erosão e vales lineares foram identificados a partir de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e estão estritamente ligadas às linhas de reativação de falhas no gráben. A rede de drenagem principal da área de estudo, o rio Paraíba, também está influenciada pela dinâmica morfotectônica, o que se faz explicitar a partir de uma incisão de maior ordem em determinados setores, resultando mesmo no abandono da antiga planície sob a forma de terraços erosivos.



    Ramírez Lora, Víctor; RITEC Riegos Tecnificados, Chiclayo, Perú; Fuentes Alcántara, Antonio Junior; RITEC Riegos Tecnificados, Chiclayo, Perú; Fuentes Alcántara, Susana Elizabeth; RITEC Riegos Tecnificados, Chiclayo, Perú


    El prototipo de máquina inteligente de fertiriego de control remoto y bajo costo desarrollado por la empresa RITEC Riegos Tecnificados E.I.R.L. optimiza el proceso de control y monitoreo remoto de inyección de nutrientes y ácidos en un sistema de riego tecnificado. El desarrollo de este prototipo identificó oportunidades y limitaciones en la confección de productos de alta tecnología para el sector agrícola en la región Lambayeque. El prototipo está compuesto de un hardware electrónico de baj...

  20. Controle Remoto: principio de funcionamento (parte 1 de 2

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    Marisa Almeida Cavalcante


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo a difusão da utilização do micro-controlador Arduino, no ensino e aprendizagem de Física Moderna. Para isso, elaboramos uma sequência didática com o objetivo de explorar o funcionamento de controles remoto. Esta sequência será apresentada em dois módulos; o primeiro deles destinado ao estudo dos fenômenos físicos envolvidos na transmissão de sinais sem fio por meio de radiação infravermelha e, que será objeto desta 1ª parte do artigo. O segundo módulo destinado à compreensão do modelo associado à lógica e interpretação dos sinais pelo receptor infravermelho. Para este último, atividades são desenvolvidas acoplando o receptor IR da serie PNA4601M ao micro-controlador Arduino, que interpreta e executa ações a partir dos códigos recebidos. Todos os experimentos propostos nestes módulos visam tornar possível a compreensão não apenas do funcionamento de um controle remoto, mas de todo o processo de comunicação envolvido e dos diferentes comandos/códigos advindos de cada tecla. Pretendemos, com isso, explorar conceitos de física a partir de instrumentos e aplicações tecnológicas presentes no dia a dia dos estudantes, tornando as aulas de Física mais dinâmicas e motivadoras.

  1. Análise de solos afetados por sais nas paisagens do semi-árido de Pernambuco, Brasil.


    Luiz Guilherme Medeiros Pessoa


    A sodificação e salinização do solo são os principais tipos de degradação do semi-árido de Pernambuco. Em casos extremos , a vegetação não se desenvolve nestes solos , tornando-as degradadas. Conseqüentemente, há um abandono destas áreas. Hoje em dia, pode não existir a identificação dessas áreas para o estado de Pernambuco , o que poderia ser feito por meio de ferramentas como o sensoriamento remoto e SIG. Este estudo foi realizado a fim de identificar e diagnosticar as áreas afetadas pela s...



    Cláudia Maria Sabóia de AQUINO; José Antonio Pacheco de ALMEIDA; José Gerardo Beserra de OLIVEIRA


    A cobertura vegetal é um componente de grande relevância para o equilíbrio ambiental, uma vez que assegura a proteção dos solos contra a erosão hídrica. Esta é recomendada pela ONU como um indicador para fins de avaliação do processo de desertificação. Considerando que aproximadamente 45,3% do estado do Piauí apresentam suscetibilidade a desertificação, este trabalho objetivou analisar de forma espaço-temporal, com o emprego de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto (detecção de mudanças), a dinâmi...



    Maria Madalena Sousa; Wallace de Oliveira


    A caracterização da rede de drenagem utilizando variáveis como morfologia, propriedade e padrão auxiliam na identificação dos fatores de evolução da área. O uso dos dados e técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto fornece ajuda significante em áreas com fisiografia complexa de difícil acesso como é o caso da Amazônia. Este trabalho consiste numa análise morfológica da rede de drenagem atual do Rio Juruá mais especificamente na região denominada Alto Juruá, no estado do Acre, utilizando imagens obtida...



    Mickaelle Braga da Silva; Rubson Pinheiro Maia


    O presente trabalho propõe uma análise morfoestrutural do alto curso da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jaguaribe, Ceará-Brasil, através da relação litologia/drenagem/relevo. A análise baseou-se em levantamentos bibliográficos e cartográficos; na aplicação de técnicas de geoprocessamento e tabulação e análise dos dados. Dentre os produtos de sensoriamento remoto disponíveis para a área, destacam-se os dados Shuttle Radar Topography Mission-SRTM, com resolução espacial de 30 metros. Este produto com...

  5. Arquitectura de un laboratorio remoto desde el enfoque de la formación de ingenieros en ead

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    Harold Esneider Pérez Waltero


    Full Text Available La Educación Abierta y a Distancia, EaD, soportada en las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación TIC, se proyecta como una de las mejores alternativas para responder de manera pertinente al nuevo contexto de globalización, en procura de generar una sociedad incluyente, desarrollada y competitiva. Sin embargo, es necesario avanzar en el desarrollo de recursos tecnológicos que permitan garantizar procesos formativos de calidad a nivel de Ingeniería bajo esta modalidad, dado que aún persistencuestionamientos al respecto. Son varios los aspectos que se pueden abordar para evidenciar la calidad con la que se puede desarrollar un proceso de formación soportado en las Tecnología de la Informacióny la Comunicación, TIC. Uno de los aspectos estructurales en el proceso formativo de ingenieros en esta metodología, es la práctica de laboratorio; desde esta perspectiva se plantea un escenario real de práctica,aunque remoto, denominado Laboratorio de Acceso Remoto o Laboratorio Remoto (LR. En este sentido, lo que se plantea es el diseño de una arquitectura a nivel de ingeniería para LR, que elimine la barrera de espacio y tiempo, reduzca costos en infraestructura y tenga un mayor grado de universalidad en el acceso, sin sacrificar la calidad que demanda el ejercicio riguroso de la práctica de laboratorios en la formación del Ingeniero.

  6. Leishmaniose tegumentar americana em municípios da região noroeste do estado do Paraná: utilização de sensoriamento remoto para análise do tipo de vegetação e os locais de ocorrência da doença American cutaneous leishmaniasis in municipalities in the northwestern region of Paraná State: use of remote sensing for analysis of vegetation types and places with disease occurrence

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    Sandra Mara Alessi Aristides Arraes


    Full Text Available A leishmaniose tegumentar americana, doença endêmica da região noroeste do Paraná, é transmitida por flebotomíneos ao homem e a animais como cães, tatu, gambá e roedores silvestres. A doença vem ocorrendo em locais de derrubadas de matas e às margens de rios e lagoas com vegetação arbórea, onde o homem entra em contato com o inseto infectado. Esta doença constitui-se num problema de saúde pública devido à ocorrência de surtos epidêmicos em todo o Paraná. Em decorrência da importância de se conhecer áreas endêmicas, este trabalho utilizou dados de fichas epidemiológicas de pacientes atendidos no período de 1999 a 2004 associado às áreas de desmatamento identificadas por técnicas e produtos de sensoriamento remoto por satélite. Os resultados mostraram que a ocorrência de casos em municípios da região coincidem com as prováveis áreas supostas de infecção dos pacientes.American cutaneous leishmaniasis, an endemic disease in the northwestern region of Paraná, Brazil, is transmitted by phlebotomines to man and animals like dogs, armadillos, opossums and wild rodents. This disease has been occurring in places where forests have been felled and on the banks of rivers and lakes with arboreal vegetation, where man comes into contact with infected insects. This disease is a public health problem because of the occurrence of epidemic outbreaks throughout Paraná. Because of the importance of finding out about endemic areas, this study used epidemiological file data on patients attended between 1999 and 2004. These data were correlated with areas of forest felling that were identified by means of satellite remote sensing techniques and products. The results showed that the occurrences of cases in the municipalities of this region coincided with the presumed likely areas for patient infection.

  7. Análise da expansão do cultivo da palma de óleo no Nordeste do Pará (2008 a 2013)


    Lameira, Wanja Janayna de Miranda; Vieira, Ima Célia Guimarães; Toledo, Peter Mann de


    A palma de óleo (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) ganhou maior visibilidade e incentivos na região nor­deste da Amazônia nos últimos dez anos e um conjunto de ações políticas recentes per­mitiram a formação de territórios da palma. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a expansão dessa cultura no período 2008 a 2013, na re­gião conhecida como polo do dendê no Pará, utilizando Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistema de Informação Geográfica. O polo está loca­lizado no nordeste do estado e abrange cerca de 59.60...

  8. Acceso remoto seguro a cuentas de usuario utilizando plataformas de virtualización

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    Walter Fuertes, Maritza Enríquez y Diego Veloz


    Full Text Available En  las  universidades  persiste  el  problema  de  la subutilización de recursos tecnológicos; sin embargo, sesigue  incurriendo en gastos por adquisición de servidores,hardware  y  software. Frente  a  este  escenario,  en  laindustria se han venido desarrollando las tecnologías devirtualización, que ahorran energía y costos de inversiónde hardware. En  consecuencia,  el  artículo propone  elacceso remoto seguro a cuentas de usuario en un servidoruniversitario  virtualizado;  para  llevarlo  a  cabo  sediseñaron  e  implementaron  varias  topologías  deexperimentación, utilizando Virtual Box 3.1.3 y VMwareServer 2.0.2,  y  se  evaluaron diversas  tecnologías  deconexiones remotas seguras, bajo  idénticas condicionesy parámetros de  comprobación. En  cada  topología  seevaluó el rendimiento del servidor, el performance y  laseguridad  de  la  red  en  producción. Los  resultadosmuestran  la  funcionalidad  de  este  proyecto  deinvestigación  que  facilita  el  acceso  remoto  seguro deusuarios a los recursos informáticos universitarios.

  9. Utilização de series temporais de imagens AVHRR/NOAA no apoio a estimativa operacional da produção da cana-de-açucar no Estado de São Paulo


    Cristina Rodrigues Nascimento


    Resumo: O Brasil é líder mundial na fabricação, exportação de açúcar e na produção de álcool. O estado de São Paulo responde por 60% da produção de açúcar e 61% de todo o álcool produzido no país. Em função da alta relevância da produção, é importante que se tenham estimativas e levantamentos seguros das áreas cultivadas com a cultura. O avanço das diferentes técnicas de sensoriamento remoto tem permitido utilizar imagens de satélites para monitorar e auxiliar a estimativa dessas áreas. São i...


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    Morris Scherer Warren


    Full Text Available A hidrologia geográfica busca o entendimento do padrão espacial da água em sua fase terrestre. Para monitorar e simular a água terrestre, diferentes ferramentas tecnológicas têm sido utilizadas nos últimos anos, com especial destaque para o sensoriamento remoto e a modelagem hidrológica. O presente artigo traz uma revisão acerca da utilização dessas ferramentas no entendimento da evapotranspiração, uma variável-chave na análise geográfica. O levantamento realizado mostra o benefício de se utilizar estimativas remotas de evapotranspiração para diminuir a incerteza das simulações realizadas com modelos hidrológicos.

  11. Desarrollo de un sensor de temperatura remoto basado en la radiación infrarroja


    Díaz García, Abraham de los Ángeles


    Este proyecto fin de carrera se centra en el estudio y diseño de un sensor de temperatura remoto. El objetivo principal del proyecto es desarrollar un dispositivo capaz de obtener la temperatura de un objeto situado a una cierta distancia, conocida su emisividad y la radiación infrarroja emitida por éste. Además, se plantea dentro de este proyecto el estudio de los principios básicos de termometría infrarroja y la clasificación de los distintos tipos de termopilas en el mercado atendiendo a s...

  12. Fatores ambientais associados à ocorrência de leishmaniose visceral canina em uma área de recente introdução da doença no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Tuanne Rotti Abrantes


    Full Text Available Resumo: Foi avaliada a associação entre características ambientais obtidas por sensoriamento remoto e a prevalência da leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC no bairro do Jacaré, área de recente introdução da doença, no Município de Niterói, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo seccional para avaliação da prevalência de LVC, definida por meio da positividade no teste imunocromatográfico rápido em dupla plataforma (dual path platform - DPP, confirmada com o ensaio imunoenzimático (EIE. Foram incluídos 97 cães com prevalência de LVC de 21,6%. Houve maior frequência de LVC em cães com a convivência com outro cão, gambá, mico e ouriço-terrestre, assim como com a história de remoção de outros cães com LVC do domicílio. Na análise multivariada, ajustada por sexo e idade do cão, cães residentes em áreas com maior cobertura de vegetação esparsa apresentaram prevalência da infecção por Leishmania infantum cinco vezes maior do que aqueles que residiam em áreas menos vegetadas (OR = 5,72; IC95%: 1,47-22,20. Por outro lado, áreas mais urbanizadas caracterizadas como comerciais ou residenciais carentes, identificadas pelo sensoriamento remoto como aquelas com alta densidade de estruturas cinza, estiveram associadas à menor ocorrência da LVC (OR = 0,09; IC95%: 0,01-0,92. A maior prevalência de infecção em cães convivendo com outros animais silvestres e em áreas com maior cobertura vegetal, associada com menor prevalência em áreas urbanizadas, indica um padrão rural de transmissão da LVC nessa área.


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    Philippe Maillard, Priscilla S. Costa-Pereira


    Full Text Available Nas regiões em que a rede de monitoramento hidrossedimentológico é precária ou inexistente, a utilização de modelos hidrológicos, de base física que proporcionem estimativas da geração de escoamento superficial e a perda de solo, se torna muito útil para fins de planejamento das bacias hidrográficas. O presente trabalho trata da aplicação do modelo hidrossedimentológico “Soil And Water Assessment Tool” nas Sub-Bacias 2 e 1 da Bacia Experimental de São João do Cariri. O modelo com a interface ArcSWAT, que se une ao SIG, necessita da entrada de “Modelo Digital de Elevação” (MDE da bacia e as simulações foram realizadas utilizando dois MDEs para fins de análise comparativa: um originado a partir da interpolação de dados de campo e outro obtido através de sensoriamento remoto. Com isto foi possível verificar a confiabilidade do uso de MDE obtido por sensoriamento remoto. Em nível das sub-bacias experimentais, foi realizada a parametrização, na Sub-Bacia 2, e a validação, na Sub-Bacia 1. O desempenho do modelo, para a geração da lâmina escoada, foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de determinação (R² e do fator da eficiência de Nash-Sutcliffe. Os resultados mostram desempenho satisfatório para ambos os MDEs, mostrando a pouca sensibilidade da topografia da geração de lâmina simulada em pequenas bacias. Por outro lado, a produção de sedimentos apresentou resultados insatisfatórios, além do que foi significativa a discrepância da distribuição da erosão do solo na superfície da bacia pelos dois MDEs utilizados.

  14. Gestión del acceso remoto a kits de laboratorio de prácticas CISCO


    Domínguez Parrón, Borja


    El presente trabajo está enfocado a facilitar la realización de prácticas con equipamiento de laboratorio físico en remoto, gestionando el acceso a los diferentes equipos de forma exclusiva para un alumno o grupo de alumnos. Este trabajo pretende contribuir a la realización de prácticas por parte de los alumnos, ofreciéndoles la posibilidad de realizar prácticas con equipamiento real, pero eliminando las dificultades inherentes al acceso físico a dicho laboratorio. La Escuela dispone de do...


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    Thiago Morato de Carvalho


    Full Text Available The mean of this papper is to present the methodology used by SRTM products, like an essential tool toproducts in geomorphology. The mapping of Goiás State and Brasília D.C. from SIEG-GOIAS was usedlike example. The SRTM products were obtained by sensor SIR-C/X-SAR (Spaceborn Imaging RadarC-band/X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar on board of Endeavour space shuttle, during 2000, to mappingthe relief topography just the 80º. N an S parallels. The results showed which the SRTM images have agood utility to geomorphologic mappings in small and middle scales, like this application in the Goiás state,Brazil.

  16. LAS GEOTECNOLOGÍAS Y LA EDUCACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA: comparaciones metodológicas de la disciplina de teledetección

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    Roberto Barboza Castanho


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Esta investigación se refiere al período de estudios de Pos Doctorado en la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina, con el objetivo central de la comparación de las formas de enseñanza de las geotecnologías, que se desarrollan en la disciplina de sensores remotos, ofrecida en las instituciones de Brasil y Argentina. La realización de la investigación fue delineada a partir de lecturas, observaciones en el aula, visitas técnicas, las conversaciones con los educadores, el desarrollo de un cuestionario enviado a los profesores que enseñan la disciplina de sensores remotos en las universidades (UBA y UFU y, finalmente, análisis basadas en las conclusiones derivadas de dichos procedimientos. Ante este escenario, se obtuvieron las situaciones adversas, resultado de una diferencia tanto curricular, cuanto estructurales en relación a los procedimientos de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, pero que convergen en el mismo punto, y por lo tanto se obtienen resultados satisfactorios en relación con el conocimiento entre los alumnos. Una experiencia significativa, lo que permitió una vista previa de un contexto que sobrepasa las fronteras, sino que abarca un gran punto en común, la preocupación del docente en la enseñanza que en realidad será de utilidad a los estudiantes (futuros profesionales en el desarrollo de su actividades después de la graduación. RESUMO: Este artigo é fruto do período de realização de Estágio Pós Doutoral na Universidade de Buenos Aires (Argentina, tendo como o objetivo central comparar as formas de Ensino Superior das geotecnologías, sendo estas enfocadas na disciplina de Sensoriamento Remoto, ofertada em instituições do Brasil e da Argentina. A condução da pesquisa delineou-se a partir de leituras, observações em sala de aula, visitas técnicas, conversas com educadores, elaboração de um questionário dirigido aos docentes que ministram a disciplina de Sensoriamento Remoto das universidades

  17. Análisis y monitoreo remoto de las variables ambientales en un entorno indoor, por medio de un dispositivo móvil con android

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    Diego Felipe Prieto Morales


    Full Text Available La implementación de técnicas de automatización en el desarrollo de actividades en la vida cotidiana, ha permitido elaborar sistemas orientados a mejorar el confort en el interior de las estructuras habitadas por personas, permitiendo estudiar variables ambientales como la temperatura, humedad e intensidad de luz. Entre las temáticas con mayor interés en investigación, se encuentra la domótica, la cual integra la necesidad de proporcionar seguridad, gestión energética y bienestar en el mismo. En el presente artículo, se expone los resultados obtenidos del análisis y control remoto de las variables ambientales en el interior de un prototipo de un apartamento. Los resultados obtenidos se orientaron a mejorar las condiciones de hospedaje y seguridad, en entornos cotidianos de la población urbana y de este modo realizar un monitoreo remoto por medio de un dispositivo móvil con sistema operativo Android.

  18. Utilização do sistema de avaliação do potencial de uso urbano das terras no diagnóstico ambiental do município de Santa Maria - RS

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    Pedron Fabrício de Araújo


    Full Text Available A expansão urbana acelerada tem provocado diversos impactos negativos ao ambiente. A necessidade de novas metodologias que permitam um planejamento mais adequado dos recursos naturais é cada dia mais evidente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um diagnóstico ambiental em áreas urbanas de Santa Maria - RS, determinando-se os conflitos de uso das terras através, do Sistema de Avaliação do Potencial de Uso Urbano das Terras (SAPUT. Foram utilizados produtos e técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento de imagens. Os problemas de uso indevido das terras identificados estão relacionados com a fragilidade do material geológico e do recurso solo. Até 33% da área vem apresentando utilização acima do seu potencial devido ao seu uso inadequado para construções e agricultura urbana.

  19. Aplicaciones y retos del sensado remoto hiperespectral en la geología colombiana

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    Ariolfo Camacho-Velasco


    Full Text Available El Sensado Remoto (SR es una técnica que permite captar información de una escena sin entrar en contacto físico con ella, mediante el empleo de sensores ubicados, principalmente, en plataformas aéreas, los cuales captan información en diferentes rangos del espectro electromagnético, incluyendo el visible (VIS, el cercano al infrarrojo (NIR y el de ondas cortas del infrarrojo (SWIR. Teniendo en cuenta que cada material presente en una escena tiene características espectrales diferentes, es posible, a través del análisis de las firmas espectrales, realizar su identificación o clasificación mediante algoritmos. Las Imágenes Hiperespectrales (HSI captadas por sensores remotos en cientos de bandas espectrales son de importancia en áreas como la geología, la mineralogía, la agronomía y la ecología, entre otras; sin embargo, el gran volumen de literatura dispersa en diferentes líneas (SR, HSI y geología dificulta su acceso y análisis. Este trabajo presenta un compendio de conceptos, principios básicos y fundamentos matemáticos del SR, e incluye investigaciones y tendencias de él, destacando su desarrollo y sus retos en Colombia, y un caso de uso de HSI en la geología colombiana, cuyas evaluaciones muestran la capacidad de detección del sensor hiperespectral Hyperion, ubicado en el satélite EO-1, para el mapeo geológico en un sitio de prueba al noroccidente del municipio de Girón, departamento de Santander. Los resultados de las evaluaciones son satisfactorios; espectralmente, el coeficiente de correlación fue alto y la relación espacial entre la firma espectral obtenida y la geología conocida del área fue aceptable y correspondió al análisis de Difracción de Rayos X (DRX realizado a muestras tomadas del área de estudio.

  20. Quantificação da dinâmica dos remanescentes florestais no município de Jaquirana, RS, em imagens de satélite

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    Maria do Carmo Lima e Cunha


    Full Text Available Técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e de geoprocessamento foram usadas com o objetivo de avaliar a dinâmica da cobertura vegetal, mais especificamente das classes Floresta Ombrófila Mista e Silvicultura, no Município de Jaquirana, Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 2002 e 2007. Os resultados revelaram significativo aumento da silvicultura em detrimento da cobertura florestal natural nesse curto espaço de tempo. A perda da mata natural pertencente à classe de Floresta Ombrófila Mista no município foi de 5.643,37 ha no espaço de cinco anos. No entanto, a silvicultura que ocupava 921,10 ha em 2002 passou a ocupar 4.814,37 em 2007. Foi observado também que extensas faixas ao longo das margens dos rios Antas, Tainhas e Camisas que permeiam a região estão ocupadas por plantações de Pinus sp.


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    Vitor Matheus Bacani


    Full Text Available The Upper Coxim River Basin (UCB has an area of approximately 1375 km² located in the municipalities of São Gabriel do Oeste and Camapuã in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The aim of this work was to evaluate the environmental fragility of the UCB using fuzzy logic implemented at a Geographic Infor- mation System to propose a model of physical-territorial management. Spatial data used were arranged in a database implemented in a Geographic Information System (GIS. The generation of the physical-territorial management model was carried out considering preparation of UCB relief mapping, potential natural ero- sion, land-use and land-cover, environmental fragility and, environmental legislation. Results indicated a significant relationship between landforms and their uses: mechanized agriculture in the Chapada of the São Gabriel and livestock development on the Plateau Taquari hills. The guidelines set out by the type of land use proposals were: Priority areas for permanent preservation, priority area for rehabilitation and preservation and areas for sustainable use.

  2. Sensoriamento remoto como subsídio à modelagem do balanço energético superficial

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    Vassiliki Terezinha Galvão Boulomytis


    Full Text Available O balanço energético superficial interfere no funcionamento do sistema terrestre através da relação existente entre a água e a energia solar e do modo como ocorre o seu processo de partição. Para a sua estimativa, modelagens vêm sendo realizadas utilizando-se de um ou mais sensores com diferentes resoluções, a fim de se obter dados com resoluções temporal e espacial adequadas a uma escala local. Neste estudo serão apresentados modelos para estimar a evapotranspiração e outros parâmetros biofísicos através do balanço energético superficial com a utilização dos sensores MODIS e AMSR-E.

  3. Comparação de produtos de precipitação para a América do Sul Comparison of precipitation products for South America

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    Lucía Iracema Chipponelli Pinto


    Full Text Available Este trabalho compara cinco bancos de dados de precipitação para a América do Sul, para o período 2000 a 2004, considerando a variação meridional, a variação por diferentes bacias hidrográficas (Amazonas, Tocantins, São Francisco, Orinoco, Paraná/Prata, além das bacias dos rios da Patagônia e pelos principais tipos de vegetação (floresta tropical perene, floresta tropical semi-decídua, caatinga, cerrado e pampas. Foram utilizados três produtos provenientes da composição de dados observados com sensoriamento remoto (TRMM, CMAP e GPCP e dois de dados de reanálise (NCEP/NCAR e CPTEC. Os resultados indicam que os campos de intensidade média da precipitação anual dos diferentes produtos apresentam comportamento diferenciado entre si. Por exemplo, a reanálise do CPTEC não é capaz de representar os principais regimes de precipitação existentes no continente, demonstrando uma forte tendência em superestimar a intensidade média da precipitação no interior do nordeste brasileiro e subestimá-la na maioria das demais regiões. Os produtos que combinam dados de estações pluviométricas com os de sensoriamento remoto, mostram-se com valores bem próximos do esperado, principalmente o CMAP e GPCP.This work compares five precipitation datasets for South America, for the period 2000-2004, considering the meridional variation, the variation across the main continental watersheds (Amazonas, Tocantins, São Francisco, Orinoco, Paraná/Prata, in addition to the main Patagônia basins and across the main vegetation types (tropical evergreen forest, tropical deciduous forest, woodland, savanna and grassland/steppe. We compare three products based on a combination of rain gauge measurements and satellite data (TRMM, CMAP and GPCP and two based on reanalyzed meteorological datasets (NCEP/NCAR and CPTEC. The results indicate that the annual average precipitation fields of the different products present different behavior among them. For

  4. Sensoriamento Remoto com VANTs: uma nova possibilidade para a aquisição de geoinformações

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    Henrique Lima de Sousa


    Full Text Available Os Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANTs – ou Drones, como conhecidos popularmente – estão cada vez mais em alta, como se pode notar na excitação do mercado geoinformacional. Muitas são as possibilidades de aplicações oferecidas, com os mais diversos tipos de modelos e sensores. Contudo, não se pode negar que ainda existem dúvidas com relação aos reais ganhos ao optar por esta plataforma. Refletindo acerca dessas incógnitas, já é possível encontrar pesquisas que buscam respostas ou confirmações técnico-científicas sobre o que é exposto comercialmente. Seguindo, então, o mesmo raciocínio, este trabalho avaliou o quão de fato já é viável o emprego desses equipamentos para aquisição de geoinformações, seus ganhos e seus desafios (até o momento, a partir de uma revisão da literatura e também de uma análise da qualidade posicional – que apresentou resultados positivos – de um projeto piloto realizado com imagens adquiridas por uma Aeronave Remotamente Pilotada (ARP em Portugal.

  5. Proposta didática de utilização de fotografias aéreas com pipas no ensino de Geografia

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    Evanio Santos Branquinho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho discorre sobre a aplicação de projeto de extensão que introduz a Fotografia Aérea com Pipa na Geografia junto a outras áreas do conhecimento. O texto apresenta as principais diretrizes e demonstra como executar este trabalho. Desde a confecção das pipas, até sua prática em campo e a análise das fotografias aéreas obtidas, sua técnica pode ser aplicada na construção de um conhecimento de forma lúdica e interdisciplinar. Pois, para sua execução, há a interrelação de conhecimentos matemáticos, físicos, históricos e geográficos. Na geografia, sua utilização pode ocorrer, entre outras áreas, no sensoriamento remoto, na climatologia, na cartografia e na análise da paisagem. Apresenta, assim, um bom potencial para o desenvolvimento de práticas de ensino-aprendizagem interativas e a partir de um instrumento acessível.

  6. Planejamento ambiental da bacia hidrográfica do Córrego da Olga, UGRH Pontal do Paranapanema – São Paulo / Environmental planning of Olga Stream hydrographic basin, UGRHI Pontal do Paranapanema - Sao Paulo

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    Marcela Prado Silva


    Full Text Available O Córrego da Olga é afluente da margem direita do rio Santo Anastácio, localizado no município de Presidente Prudente, na Unidade de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos Pontal do Paranapanema - Estado de São Paulo. Esta pesquisa, teve como objetivo levantar as condições ambientais na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego da Olga e assim contribuir para o planejamento ambiental destinado à sua recuperação, conservação e preservação. Para tal foram realizados levantamentos bibliográficos e levantamento das características da bacia hidrográfica, análise da água do córrego da Olga e valendo-se de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento, foram gerados mapas de uso e ocupação do solo e vulnerabilidade ambiental, com vistas a realizar uma investigação mais profunda sobre as condições ambientais da bacia, bem como inferir sobre possíveis fatores de degradação da bacia hidrográfica.

  7. Identificação de Unidades de Paisagem e sua Implicação para o Ecoturismo no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos, Rio De Janeiro.

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    Sandro Nunes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A análise da heterogeneidade da paisagem é fundamental para o planejamento do ecoturismo porque estima uma relação ótima entre a conservação e as alternativas turísticas. A metodologia de paisagem possibilita descrever não só a beleza cênica, porém também o grau de estabilidade do sistema ecológico. A pesquisa da paisagem para o ecoturismo integra os diferentes componentes naturais (relevo, condições climáticas, solo, cobertura da vegetação, etc. e avalia suas inter-relações com as características do destino turístico. A geomorfologia é sempre considerada um dos fatores mais importantes que controla a heterogeneidade espacial em áreas com alta variação topográfica. Nesse caso, os parâmetros do relevo indicam a distribuição da temperatura e da umidade, exposição à direção de vento, vegetação, habitat entre outros. A área de estudo é o Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos, um dos mais visitados no Brasil, com um vasto número de opções para visitantes de ecoturismo, tais como diversidade ecológica, significado histórico e oportunidades de recreação. O presente artigo objetiva definir unidades de paisagens do  parque nacional da Serra dos Órgãos a partir de sensoriamento remoto e atributos de terreno. Além disso, o artigo analisa a distribuição das atrações turísticas em relação às unidades de paisagem. Assim o procedimento de análise considera os tipos de paisagem, estruturas espaciais e limitações. A metodologia pode ser dividida nos seguintes passos: (a processamento digital das imagens de atributos de terreno a partir do modelo digital de terreno, (b interpretação de imagens de sensoriamento remoto, e (c delimitação e análise das atrações de ecoturismo. A integração dos dados possibilitou identificar unidades em dois diferentes níveis hierárquicos de escala. Na escala de geossistema, sete classes foram identificadas apresentando diferentes dinâmicas e vulnerabilidades


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    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou determinar o balanço radiativo na bacia hidrográfica do rio Tapacurá - PE, área com presença intensa de nebulosidade, por meio de produtos MODIS dos satélites Terra (MOD11A1 e MOD09GA e Aqua (MYD11A1 e MYD09GA. Instalou-se uma estação meteorológica experimental no período de janeiro/2010 a agosto/2011, destinada ao monitoramento de dados meteorológicos complementares ao processamento do saldo radiativo, além do cômputo in loco do mesmo. O saldo de radiação instantâneo estimado com os produtos MODIS situou-se entre 400 e 700 W m-2, com maiores valores registrados no reservatório do Tapacurá e os menores nas áreas urbanas. Já o saldo de radiação diário estimado variou de 95,4 a 157,5 W m-2, com média de 125,4 W m-2. As diferenças entre o saldo de radiação medido na estação experimental (área de pastagem e o estimado pelos produtos MODIS, resultaram em Diferença Absoluta Média, Diferença Relativa Média e Raiz da Diferença Quadrática Média, com valores de 122,4 W m-2, 30,1% e 140,7 W m-2, respectivamente, para o saldo de radiação instantâneo, e 7,4 W m-2, 5,8% e 9,7 W m-2, para o saldo de radiação diário. Concluiu-se que não obstante a intensa presença de nuvens na região foi possível obter o saldo radiativo na bacia do rio Tapacurá - PE, com base em produtos MODIS, onde os resultados foram compatíveis com outros estudos, confirmando a eficiência na aplicabilidade da técnica.

  9. Uso de dados de Sensoriamento Remoto para identificação de ilhas de calor em Teresina - PI

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    Felipe Ferreira Monteiro


    Full Text Available As mudanças climáticas globais são uma das grandes preocupações da atualidade e em áreas urbanas o aumento de temperatura é o fenômeno mais percebido. O trabalho objetiva identificar ilhas de calor em bairros da zona leste de Teresina-PI utilizando dados do satélite Landsat-5, para o ano de 2010. Foi possível verificar a relação entre a densidade construída, o padrão de ocupação e a pouca cobertura vegetal com as áreas de maiores temperatura na área estudada. O estudo demonstrou a influência da urbanização no aumento da temperatura e a necessidade das áreas verdes para minimizar os efeitos das mudanças climáticas.


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    Sâmara Rachel Ribeiro da Silva


    Full Text Available La diversidad de paisajes en la cuenca de la presa de Cámara, sobre todo en relación con la forma del relieve, el suelo y en la producción, inducida por la realización de la zonifi cación geoambiental. Su importancia radica en su preocupación por la conservación del medio ambiente y el desarrollo socio-económico y la preservación de los recursos naturales en la zona en búsqueda del desarrollo sostenible. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo crear una base de datos actualizada y con la zonifi cación geoambiental, realizar un breve análisis de las características fi siográfi cas, el suelo, el clima, la topografía y el uso de la tierra, la separación y la descripción de las unidades de paisaje, sus fortalezas y limitaciones. Se utilizaron en esta imagen CBERS investigación y técnicas de SIG, SPRING del programa, bases para el trabajo descriptivo en el campo. De la información de suelo, topografía y el uso de la tierra se describieron las zonas propensas a la degradación del medio ambiente. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron en la cuenca dividirlo en 19 unidades ambientales.

  11. Estimación de evapotranspiración real en trigo con distintas condiciones de estrés hídrico: aplicación de modelos y sensores remotos


    Iglesias, María del Rosario


    Tesis (Magister en Aplicaciones Espaciales de Alerta y Respuesta Temprana a Emergencias)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física, 2016. Maestría conjunta con el Instituto de Altos Estudios Espaciales "Mario Gulich"-CONAE El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estimar la evapotranspiración real de un cultivo de trigo, mediante modelos semiempírico, que incorporan datos de sensores remotos y de sensores meteorológicos a campo. También, se corroboró la...

  12. Modelagem e Simulação no Âmbito da Hidrologia

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    Vassiliki Terezinha Galvão Boulomytis


    Full Text Available A modelagem hidrológica pode ser considerada como um conjunto de ferramentas destinadas ao cálculo e à representação de dados que possibilita a previsão de eventos, a realização de projetos, o gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos, além de outros tipos de aplicação. No entanto, devido à variabilidade na ocorrência dos processos hidrológicos, escassez e dificuldade na obtenção de dados levantados em campo, os modelos conceituais vêm sendo combinados com os físicos e empíricos, utilizando-se de novas técnicas, entre elas, o sensoriamento remoto e o geoprocessamento para a coleta, processamento, análise e geração de resultados. Neste trabalho será apresentada a base conceitual e a importância do conhecimento do tipo de ferramenta que se deseja utilizar para a implementação ou uso de um modelo hidrológico, para que deste modo seja possível verificar a possibilidade do mesmo ser de fato desenvolvido.

  13. Aplicação de modelos digitais do terreno (MDT em análises macrogeomorfológicas: o caso da bacia hidrográfica do Araguaia

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    Thiago Morato de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O trabalho consiste na aplicação e teste de técnicas de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto para estudo geomorfológico de macroescala em sistemas fluviais de grande porte. A área de estudo é a bacia do Rio Araguaia, 2 com uma área de drenagem que se estende por 375000 km ao longo do Brasil Central. Foi gerado um modelo digital do terreno (MDT através do sensor Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR, obtido da Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM. O objetivo foi identificar o potencial desta ferramenta para estudos geomorfológicos. Os principais produtos obtidos foram imagem sombreada, mapa hipsométrico, identificação de lineamentos estruturais, mapa de declividade e rede de drenagem, assim como perfis topográficos e o perfil longitudinal do rio Araguaia. Os resultados mostraram que em geral, os modelos tridimensionais do terreno - MDT - são ferramentas bastante eficientes para análises macrogeomorfológicas em grandes bacias hidrográficas. Entretanto, a baixa resolução vertical, produz alguns resultados de declividade relativamente pobres em áreas planas.

  14. Comportamento espectral dos solos na paisagem a partir de dados coletados por sensores terrestre e orbital Spectral response of soils in the landscape based on terrestrial and orbital data acquisition levels

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    José Geraldo de Abreu Sousa Junior


    Full Text Available Parte da variabilidade dos índices de produção agrícola está associada com as características do solo e da paisagem. Dessa forma, práticas de manejo, como a adubação, devem levar em consideração esta variabilidade. O sensoriamento remoto é uma ferramenta que pode fornecer, de maneira rápida, informações para o manejo do solo, pois relaciona a radiação eletromagnética com os atributos do solo. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento espectral, em dois níveis de aquisição de dados (terrestre e orbital, de diferentes classes de solos ao longo de toposseqüências na região de São Carlos e Ibaté, SP. Para isso, amostras de terra georreferenciadas foram coletadas em 319 pontos, em três profundidades. Em seguida, obtiveram-se os dados radiométricos em laboratório, na faixa espectral entre 450 e 2.500 nm. Os mesmos locais amostrados na camada superficial, no campo, foram avaliados na imagem de satélite. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que: (a teores de areia grossa, argila e matéria orgânica, e cor tiveram relação com a reflectância dos solos; (b ao longo das vertentes ocorrem variações nos dados espectrais dos solos; e (c solos da mesma ordem taxonômica, porém com classes texturais diferentes, apresentam diferentes comportamentos espectrais, podendo ser discriminados por sensoriamento remoto.Part of agricultural production index variability is associated with soil and landscape characteristics. Management practices such as fertilizer application should therefore take the soil spatial variability into account. Remote sensing is a tool that can provide faster information for soil management because it relates electromagnetic radiation with soil attributes. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating the spectral response, at two data acquisition levels (terrestrial and orbital, of different soil classes across toposequences in the region of São Carlos and Ibaté, SP. For this


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    Diego Tarley Ferreira Nascimento


    Full Text Available O processo de crescimento urbano acelerado e desorganizado tem desencadeado uma gama de impactosambientais. Dentre estes, ressalta-se a alteração do clima local, no qual o comportamento espacial simultâneoda temperatura se revela como o mais importante elemento, tendo como principal consequência a formaçãodo fenômeno de “ilhas de calor”. Nesse contexto, o presente artigo analisa a evolução das ilhas de calorno município de Goiânia/GO, tendo como recorte temporal o período de 1986 a 2010, valendo-se de dadosde sensoriamento remoto, para estimar os valores de temperatura superficial terrestre, e de técnicas degeoprocessamento, para análise e mensuração do fenômeno. Com base nos dados e nas análises realizadas,pôde-se constatar que as temperaturas superficiais terrestres apresentaram certo padrão de variaçãoespacial e, sobretudo, temporal, haja vista ter-se constatado uma verdadeira inversão na representatividadedas classes de temperatura superficial no decorrer dos anos de 1986 a 2010, que oscilaram do predomínioabsoluto das temperaturas abaixo de 24º C, para o domínio amplo das temperaturas acima desse patamar.


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    Thiago Vinicius N. de Menezes


    Full Text Available O foco deste estudo foi saber as características do Município de João Dourado, Estado da Bahia, Região Nordeste do Brasil, onde foi detectados o primeiro caso confirmado de sarampo em 2006 e avaliar o impacto das ações de vigilância epidemiológicas adotadas para a contenção do mesmo. Foi avaliado o número de casos de sarampo por faixa etária, com a utilização de dados secundários existentes na base do Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação, e de cobertura vacinal da base de dados do Sistema de Avaliação do Programa de Imunizações. Bem como na caracterização do local de incidência com o Google Earth e imagens provenientes de sensoriamento remoto. Esta técnica permitiu a identificação do espaço geográfico como um sistema de objetos e ações, que trouxe a tona um novo cenário para a transmissão da doença e o planejamento de ações de controle.


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    Maria Madalena Sousa


    Full Text Available A caracterização da rede de drenagem utilizando variáveis como morfologia, propriedade e padrão auxiliam na identificação dos fatores de evolução da área. O uso dos dados e técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto fornece ajuda significante em áreas com fisiografia complexa de difícil acesso como é o caso da Amazônia. Este trabalho consiste numa análise morfológica da rede de drenagem atual do Rio Juruá mais especificamente na região denominada Alto Juruá, no estado do Acre, utilizando imagens obtidas do MDE –SRTM. A análise mostra que o rio Juruá apresenta fortes evidências de feições tectônica afetando a paisagem, isto é revelado pelas seguintes características encontradas: lineamentos morfoestruturais coincidindo com a orientação geral das falhas, predomínio de padrões de drenagem variáveis, incluindo treliça, paralelas e retangular, abundância de anomalias nas drenagem tanto atuais quanto pretéritas, incluindo desvios de drenagem em ângulos retos e canais retilíneos.

  18. Validación de requisitos funcionales de un Laboratorio Virtual Remoto como apoyo al blended learning

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    Javier Gamo Aranda


    Full Text Available Esta investigación analiza los requisitos detectados entre estudiantes y profesores de enseñanzas científico-técnicas, sobre el diseño y funcionalidad de una futura plataforma web que implemente un Laboratorio Virtual Remoto (VRL. El VRL actualmente está en fase de diseño, y pretende servir como complemento a la enseñanza experimental en el laboratorio presencial, en las áreas de Óptica y Fotónica. A tal fin, se han diseñado dos cuestionarios (para profesores y estudiantes, respectivamente, con el fin de recabar las necesidades y expectativas de ambos colectivos, en el uso y contenidos de la plataforma virtual. Los cuestionarios se han editado en inglés y español , su contenido ha sido validado previamente por expertos nacionales e internacionales en ciencias, ingeniería y educación, y se han distribuido en línea entre estudiantes y profesores de universidades españolas y extranjeras. El trabajo detalla la estructura de los cuestionarios, la valoración de los expertos sobre su contenido, el análisis de fiabilidad realizado, los resultados obtenidos en la cumplimentación por profesores y estudiantes, y la discusión de dichos resultados, realizada con la ayuda de un grupo de expertos.

  19. plataforma cloud computing como infraestructura tecnológica para laboratorios virtuales, remotos y adaptativos

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    Frey Alfonso Santamaría Buitrago,


    RESUMO Hoje em dia, as instituições de ensino superior estão a desenvolver processo de ensino apoiado em campus virtual, em sala de aula e blended learning; bem como a internacionalização do ensino cria novos desafios, tais como: a criação de redes de investigação, espaços de trabalho compartilhados, laboratórios virtuais e remotos, entre outros; apostando em sistemas de produção, publicação e distribuição de conteúdos digitais educativos que permitem a partilha de conhecimentos e material educativo. Esta proposta pretende potenciar o desenvolvimento de ecossistemas experimentação acadêmicos abertos, reutilizáveis e interoperáveis, através da concepção de um quadro ea integração tecnológica orientada para a implementação de laboratórios virtuais operados e tele, com base em IMS Learning Tools Interoperability ® (LTI® padrão . Isso, combinado com a caracterização de um conjunto de métodos e tecnologias aplicáveis ao desenvolvimento de laboratórios operados virtuais e tele, identificando o seu âmbito e critérios técnicos, a fim de oferecer serviços de informática em ambientes acadêmicos através da Internet e que permite uma alta escalabilidade e flexibilidade na modificar o dimensionamento do serviço, pesquisa acadêmica e científica, apoiada em padrões abertos, arquiteturas, tecnologias, ferramentas e aplicativos.

  20. Los docentes investigadores de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba como usuarios remotos de bibliotecas universitarias The Teacher Researchers Belong to the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba as Remote Users of the University Libraries

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    María Carmen Ladrón de Guevara


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de la investigación "Los docentes investigadores de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC como usuarios remotos de bibliotecas universitarias". La misma tuvo como objetivos conocer si los docentes investigadores de la FFyH son usuarios remotos de las bibliotecas universitarias e identificar sus hábitos y conductas en relación con el uso de la Web, lo que ayudará a construir un perfil de esta tipología de usuarios para poder satisfacer sus necesidades de información. Mediante el análisis de los datos obtenidos, se pudo reconocer la situación de los docentes investigadores de la Facultad en cuanto a la integración y apropiación que han tenido de Internet por medio de diferentes herramientas y servicios remotos brindados, especialmente por la biblioteca de la FFyH.The results of the research "The teacher researchers belong to the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH of the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (UNC as remote users of the university libraries" are outlined. The aims of the research are to know if the PHS teacher researchers are remote users of the university libraries and to identify their habits and behaviors related to the use of the Web. This research will allow building a user profile in order to satisfy their information needs. The analysis of the information obtained revealed the teacher researchers situation about their integration and appropriation of the Internet, especially those remote tools and services offered by the PHS library.


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    Aguinaldo Silva, Sandra Mara Alves da Silva Neves, Ronaldo José Neves


    Full Text Available O presente artigo objetivou investigar a dinâmica da margem esquerda do rio Paraguai, através da avaliaçãoda erosão do segmento localizado entre as ruas Cândido Mariano e Senador Azevedo, no Bairro SãoMiguel em Cáceres/MT, nos anos de 1977 e 2005. Para realização do estudo foram utilizadas: a plantabaixa do bairro, feita em 1977, que foi digitalizada visando sua manipulação em ambiente SIG; e imagemdo satélite Quick Bird do ano de 2005, georreferenciada via pontos de controle de campo, coletadoscom GPS Diferencial. Uma vez combinadas layer da planta e da imagem, no Sig ArcGis, foram realizadasas quantificações de perda de solo dos terrenos da área de estudo. A partir desta análise foi possívelperceber que a área de estudo vem passando por processo de solapamento e conseqüentementeocasionando a queda de blocos, provocando assim, a redução da área dos lotes, e destruição dos imóveis.No período analisado, o canal apresenta uma mobilidade relativamente alta, com média anual superior a0,70 metros por ano. Além disso, o fato da área estar localizada na margem côncava do canal, ondedesenvolve uma maior velocidade contribui para o processo de aceleração da erosão marginal.

  2. Detecção da Infraestrutura para Exploração Florestal em Rondônia Utilizando Dados de Sensoriamento Remoto

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    Ekena Rangel Pinagé

    Full Text Available RESUMOA infraestrutura para exploração florestal é fundamental nas atividades de exploração madeireira, mas responde por grande parte dos impactos ambientais dessa atividade. O presente estudo aplicou e testou cinco técnicas de processamento digital de imagens orbitais com três resoluções espaciais distintas para a detecção de estradas e pátios florestais construídos em áreas sob manejo florestal sustentável na Floresta Nacional do Jamari, estado de Rondônia. Os resultados mostraram que o NDVI e a Análise de componentes principais apresentaram a melhor acurácia global nas resoluções espaciais de 5 e 10 metros e na de 30 metros, respectivamente. De maneira geral, a acurácia do produtor para a classe de interesse não foi alta, alcançando no máximo 39,2%, e índice Kappa de 0,38. A baixa performance das técnicas de geoprocessamento utilizadas na detecção de florestas exploradas seletivamente está relacionada às alterações ocorridas no dossel da floresta manejada, pouco perceptíveis em imagens de satélite.


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    Marcos ESDRAS


    Full Text Available A formação de favelas não é um problema social presente apenas nas grandes cidades. A cidade média brasileira se destaca entre as áreas urbanas com maior número de assentamentos urbanos ilegais, como a favela. Diante do contexto de crescimento demográfico dessas cidades que desde a década de 1990 apresenta um crescimento demográfico maior que as metrópoles há uma perspectiva pessimista que o déficit habitacional nessas cidades tende a aumentar e, consequentemente, surgirão novas favelas. Por isso, é importante contar com instrumentos geotecnológicos que permitam monitorar o espaço urbano de maneira rápida para subsidiar eficazmente a gestão da cidade. Nesse sentido este artigo teve como objetivo entender o processo de formação das favelas de Montes Claros. Além disso, de forma específica analisou as características socioambientais desses assentamentos urbanos, no intuito de identificar os riscos ambientais comuns nas favelas de Montes Claros. Para atingir esses objetivos foi fundamental o uso do sensoriamento remoto, através de imagens de satélites de alta resolução espacial, e o Sistema de Informação Geográfica – SIG.

  4. Geotecnologias como suporte para análise da vegetação natural na sub-bacia hidrográfica do Rio Gavião (1988 a 2015

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    Carlos Magno Santos Clemente


    Full Text Available O histórico de ocupação da sub-bacia do rio Gavião passou por transformações socioeconômicas expressivas nos últimos 30 anos. Desse modo, preocupações com preservação ou recuperação da cobertura vegetal influência, positivamente, na manutenção do ciclo hidrológico da sub-bacia. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a modificação da vegetal natural entre os anos de 1988 a 2015 na sub-bacia hidrográfico do rio Gavião (semiárido brasileiro. Foram utilizadas as como suporte técnico o sensoriamento remoto, Processamento Digital de Imagens - PDI e o Sistema de Informações Geográficas - SIG (satélites landsat 5 e landsat 8. Os resultados indicam redução da cobertura vegetal de 751,69 km², entre os anos de 1988 a 2015. Também, manchas de desmatamento em áreas de nascentes, na parte alta da rede de drenagem e no dessegue do canal principal. Assim, a presente pesquisa chama atenção para os efeitos da mudança da vegetação natural para outros usos da terra (solo exposto, plantio, entre outros, a concentração do desmatamento em áreas de fragilidade ambiental.

  5. Uma Avaliação da Variação da Temperatura da Superfície do Mar durante a Passagem do Furacão Catarina

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    Rodrigo Carvalho de Sousa


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho tenta-se observar a variação da temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM durante a passagem do ciclone tropical que atingiu a costa leste do Brasil em 2004, conhecido como furação Catarina, utilizando dados de temperatura da superfície do mar estimado via sensoriamento remoto orbital provenientes de dois sensores nos espectros de micro-ondas e infravermelho termal. Os resultados apontam que houve resfriamento máximo de aproximadamente 2,00o C quando comparados com dados de anos subsequentes ao evento. Além disso, os resultados indicaram, conforme esperado, que durante a passagem do Catarina o resfriamento da TSM realmente ocorreu, atingindo os valores máximos de -1,00o C e -0,99o C quando comparados com a TSM diária do sensor TMI e a composição diária de TSM usando dados dos sensores TMI e AVHRR (via método de interpolação de Barnes, respectivamente. Estimativa de TSM via dados infravermelho pouco contribuiu na análise, enquanto os dados de TSM micro-ondas apresentaram uma razoável capacidade de representar o comportamento qualitativo da TSM durante o evento Catarina. Os resultados estão em conformidade com os encontrados na literatura


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    Gisele Barbosa dos Santos


    Full Text Available O sistema lacustre da bacia do rio Grande situa-se em um local que reúne particularidades do ponto de vista geológico e geomorfológico, no noroeste do Cráton do São Francisco. A partir da investigação de elementos morfoestruturais, pretendeu-se apresentar um panorama da geomorfologia deste sistema. Mediante o uso de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, procurou-se estabelecer a influência da litologia e da tectônica na dinâmica atual da rede de drenagem e do sistema lacustre. Os resultados revelaram a presença de feições como anomalias de drenagem, assimetria de bacias, confinamento de planícies aluviais, diferenças bruscas de densidade de drenagem e distinção na distribuição de lagoas quanto à forma e dimensão. A área do sistema lacustre foi compartimentada em dois domínios: Domínio I com morfoestruturas NW-SE e Domínio II com predomínio de morfoestruturas NE-SW e, subordinadamente E-W, concordantes com orientações dos falhamentos regionais, o que mostra que a reativação de antigas falhas e o contexto litológico são importantes fatores para a origem e desenvolvimento deste sistema lacustre.

  7. Variação da Cobertura do Solo no Pantanal de 2000 a 2015 por Sensoriamento Remoto com Software e Dados Gratuitos

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    Poliana Neves Peres


    Full Text Available Devido à grande importância ambiental e diante do avanço das atividades agropastoris no Pantanal, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as modificações ocorridas na cobertura do solo na região, considerada uma das áreas mais ricas em biodiversidade do planeta. O trabalho justifica-se na relevância da preservação do Pantanal, já que este desempenha papel importantíssimo na manutenção de tal biodiversidade. Sendo a pecuária a base da economia local, e sabendo que é a atividade que mais promove o desmatamento, deve-se redobrar o monitoramento para garantir a conservação e prever possíveis impactos na vegetação. Assim, para a realização deste trabalho utilizaram-se imagens do satélite TERRA, sensor MODIS, as quais estão disponíveis de forma gratuita na rede, utilizando-se também dados de NDVI (índice de vegetação da diferença normalizada, produto MOD13Q1, do mesmo sensor e também gratuito, de dois anos distintos – 2000 e 2015. Tais dados foram analisados no SIG (sistemas de informações geográficas livre e gratuito QGIS versão 2.8 (QGIS Development Team, 2015, onde através de composições falsa-cor multitemporais e de reclassificação verificou-se a mudança na cobertura do solo do Pantanal entre os dois anos. O resultado apresentou a redução de 28,8% de vegetação arbóreo-arbustiva e o aumento de 11,6% de vegetação rasteira (campos ou pastagens. É interessante destacar que a metodologia utilizada neste trabalho é passível de ser aplicada em outros locais sem custo, visto que não houve a necessidade de gastos com compra de imagens e softwares.

  8. Variação da Cobertura do Solo no Pantanal de 2000 a 2015 por Sensoriamento Remoto com Software e Dados Gratuitos


    Poliana Neves Peres; Camila Leonardo Mioto; José Marcato Junior; Antonio Conceição Paranhos Filho


    Devido à grande importância ambiental e diante do avanço das atividades agropastoris no Pantanal, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as modificações ocorridas na cobertura do solo na região, considerada uma das áreas mais ricas em biodiversidade do planeta. O trabalho justifica-se na relevância da preservação do Pantanal, já que este desempenha papel importantíssimo na manutenção de tal biodiversidade. Sendo a pecuária a base da economia local, e sabendo que é a atividad...

  9. Caracterização da floresta urbana de Curitiba-Pr por meio de sensoriamento remoto de alta resolução espacial


    Monteiro, Mayssa Mascarenhas Grise


    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Daniela Biondi Co-orientador : Prof. Dr. Hideo Araki Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa: Curitiba, 12/02/2015 Inclui referências Área de concentração : Conservação da natureza Resumo: Na medida em que a concentração da população mundial nas cidades aumenta, estas se tornam áreas cada vez mais vulneráveis, tanto social quanto ecologicamente. Desta manei...

  10. Late Quaternary drainage dynamics in northern Brazil based on the study of a large paleochannel from southwestern Marajó Island

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    Dilce F. Rossetti


    Full Text Available Marajó Island shows an abundance of paleochannels easily mapped in its eastern portion, where vegetation consists mostly of savannas. SRTM data make possible to recognize paleochannels also in western Marajó, even considering the dense forest cover. A well preserved paleodrainage network from the adjacency of the town of Breves (southwestern Marajó Island was investigated in this work combining remote sensing and sedimentological studies. The palimpsest drainage system consists of a large meander connected to narrower tributaries. Sedimentological studies revealed mostly sharp-based, fining upward sands for the channelized features, and interbedded muds and sands for floodplain areas. The sedimentary structures and facies successions are in perfect agreement with deposition in channelized and floodplain environments, as suggested by remote sensing mapping. The present study shows that this paleodrainage was abandoned during Late Pleistocene, slightly earlier than the Holocene paleochannel systems from the east part of the island. Integration of previous studies with the data available herein supports a tectonic origin, related to the opening of the Pará River along fault lineaments. This would explain the disappearance of large, north to northeastward migrating channel systems in southwestern Marajó Island, which were replaced by the much narrower, south to southeastward flowing modern channels.A Ilha do Marajó mostra uma abundância de paleocanais que são facilmente mapeáveis em sua porção leste, onde a vegetação consiste principalmente em savanas. Dados SRTM possibilitam reconhecer paleocanais também na porção oeste do Marajó, mesmo considerando a cobertura vegetal de floresta densa. Uma rede de paleodrenagem bem preservada nas adjacências da cidade de Breves (sudoeste da Ilha do Marajó foi investigada neste trabalho combinando-se sensoriamento remoto e estudos sedimentológicos. O sistema de drenagem palimpséstico consiste

  11. Un Banco de Pruebas Remoto para Experimentación en Robótica Ubicua

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    Adrián Jiménez-González


    Full Text Available Resumen: La escasez de herramientas experimentales adecuadas ha sido señalada como un factor crítico en el desarrollo de la robótica ubícua. Este artículo describe un banco de pruebas remoto para experimentación en robótica ubicua integrando robots con redes inalámbricas de sensores. El banco de pruebas está compuesto por 5 robots Pioneer 3-AT, por una red de cámaras y por una red inalámbrica de sensores, todos ellos equipados con una amplia variedad de sensores. La arquitectura del banco de pruebas permite una gran diversidad de esquemas de cooperación entre sus elementos abstrayendo sus particularidades y capacidades sensoriales, computacionales y de comunicaciones. Permite ejecutar experimentos con distintos grados de descentralización. El banco de pruebas, instalado en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Sevilla, es abierto y hace posible el acceso de forma remota mediante una interfaz gráfica intuitiva. Abstract: The lack of adequate experimental tools has been highligh- ted as a major critical issue in the development of ubiquitous ro- botics integrating mobile robots and wireless sensor networks. This paper describes a remotely operated testbed for ubiquitous robotics experimentation. It is currently comprised of 5 Pio- neer 3-AT robots, a camera network and a wireless sensor net- work WSN, each equipped with widespread off-the-shelf sen- sors. The testbed architecture allows wide variety of coopera- tion schemes among its elements, abstracting their particula- rities and sensory, computational and communication capabi- lities. It also allows performing experiments with different de- grees of decentralization. The testbed, currently deployed in the School of Engineering at the University of Seville, is open and can be accessed remotely through a friendly graphical user in- terface. Palabras clave: Bancos de pruebas, robótica ubicua, redes inalámbricas de sensores, Keywords: testbeds, networked

  12. Localização de áreas de monitoramento telemétrico em ambientes aquáticos da Amazônia Location of telemetric monitoring sites in Amazon floodplain lakes

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    Ivan Bergier Tavares de Lima


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho demonstra a aplicabilidade de imagens de sensoriamento remoto e de métodos de processamento de imagens digitais para definição de locais adequados à instalação de sistemas telemétricos de monitoramento de variáveis ambientais em sistemas aquáticos, localizados em regiões de difícil acesso. A técnica consiste essencialmente da aplicação de operações Booleanas entre mapas da pluma do Rio Amazonas e de zonas inundadas do Lago de Curuai em diferentes etapas do ciclo hidrológico. A localização exata para o sistema de monitoramento telemétrico será vital para o desenvolvimento de modelos de troca de gases traço entre a planície de inundação Amazônica e a atmosfera.The present work illustrates the application of remote sensing and image processing methods to define appropriate sites for installing buoy moored telemetric systems at the surface of Amazon floodplain lakes for long-term limnologic-micrometeorologic monitoring. The technique consists essentially of Boolean operations over Amazon plume maps and historic inundation of the Curuai Lake at distinct stages of the hydrologic cycle. The precise location for the long-term monitoring is vital to the development of models concerning air-water trace gas exchange in the Amazon floodplains.

  13. Modelagem Simplificada Para Estimativa do Balanço de Energia à Superfície em Escala Regional (R-SSEB

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    Argemiro Lucena de Araújo

    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo apresenta uma metodologia simplificada e ajustada a partir de algoritmos existentes a dados de sensores orbitais disponíveis para a região Nordeste do Brasil (NEB com o intuito de operacionalizar a determinação espacial da evapotranspiração (ET apenas com dados de sensoriamento remoto, utilizando dados MODIS/Terra do período de 2002 a 2011. Os resultados obtidos para diversos alvos espalhados pelo NEB foram comparados a dados CLM (Common Land Model e MOD16. Obteve-se erro médio percentual (EMP e erro médio absoluto (EMA da ordem de 23,6% e 181 mm.ano−1, respectivamente, nos valores de ET quando comparados a dados CLM. Avaliou-se a ET obtida pelo algoritmo proposto, com dados de ET do produto MOD16, o que resultou em valores de EMP e EMA de 38,6% e 288 mm.ano−1, respectivamente. Os dados médios anuais da ET variaram de 482 a 1105 mm.ano−1 relativos a áreas de Caatinga e floresta tropical pluvial, respectivamente. Os resultados apresentaram-se condizentes com a literatura e evidenciaram que a metodologia proposta possibilita operacionalizar o cômputo da ET em toda a região Nordeste, não obstante a grande heterogeneidade topográfica e climática da região.

  14. Geração de imagem georreferenciada do município de Santa Maria utilizando imagem de satélite e sistemas de informações geográficas Generation of georreferenced image of Santa Maria county utilizing satellite image and geographic information systems

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    Edson Luís Piroli


    Full Text Available O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento, do Departamento de Engenharia Rural, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, tendo como objetivo a criação de uma imagem georreferenciada do Município de Santa Maria - RS. Foram utilizados para o seu desenvolvimento os sistemas de informações geográficas IDRISI e SITER e imagens do satélite Landsat 5 - TM. Os procedimentos para a obtenção da imagem georreferenciada foram basicamente de elaboração de composição falsa-cor, georreferência e corte da área abrangida pelo Município de Santa Maria. Os aplicativos SIG utilizados e as imagens de satélite foram suficientes e eficazes para a elaboração de imagem georreferenciada do município de Santa Maria.This work was developed at the laboratory of Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing of Department of Rural Engineering of University Federal of Santa Maria, had as objective the creation of a georreferenced image of Santa Maria county - RS. Made possible the development through the associated by the digital Landsat 5 - TM and they Geographic Information System IDRISI and SITER. The proceedings to again imagery georeferenced were elaborated from the color compositae, georreferencing techniques and the out line municipality boundary. The softwares GIS and the satellite image utilized were effective to reach the main goal of this work.


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    Cláudia Maria Sabóia de AQUINO


    Full Text Available A cobertura vegetal é um componente de grande relevância para o equilíbrio ambiental, uma vez que assegura a proteção dos solos contra a erosão hídrica. Esta é recomendada pela ONU como um indicador para fins de avaliação do processo de desertificação. Considerando que aproximadamente 45,3% do estado do Piauí apresentam suscetibilidade a desertificação, este trabalho objetivou analisar de forma espaço-temporal, com o emprego de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto (detecção de mudanças, a dinâmica da cobertura vegetal/uso da terra no Núcleo de São Raimundo Nonato, para fins de avaliar a degradação/desertificação. Os resultados mostraram que houve decréscimo significativo da classe de cobertura vegetal/uso da terra do tipo agricultura+solos exposto. Esta decresceu de 31,1% em 1987 para 26,8% em 2007. Já na classe caatinga arbustiva densa, constatou-se incremento de 24,9% para 39,3%. Os resultados sugerem o aumento da proteção oferecida pela cobertura vegetal que em 1987 era de 15,7% passou para 17,5% em 2007, com consequente diminuição do processo de degradação/desertificação na área de estudo.

  16. Orientação exterior de um par estereoscópico Ikonos II com base no modelo não-rigoroso DLT

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    Sydney de Oliveira Dias

    Full Text Available O crescente avanço tecnológico ocorrido nos últimos anos, tanto da área da Informática, Fotogrametria e também Sensoriamento Remoto, vem contribuindo significativamente para diversas pesquisas sobre extração de informações tridimensionais a partir de imagens de alta resolução. No presente trabalho, uma solução utilizando modelagem não rigorosa baseada na transformação matemática DLT (Direct Linear Transformation foi utilizada para a orientação exterior de um par estereoscópico de imagens Ikonos II e determinação de coordenadas tridimensionais por intersecção fotogramétrica. O objetivo principal foi o de avaliar o desempenho do modelo na aplicação, como também a obtenção de melhor configuração de pontos de apoio necessários na orientação exterior para fins da determinação de coordenadas tridimensionais por interseção espacial. Os experimentos realizados permitiram recomendar a configuração adequada para a distribuição dos pontos de apoio, onde a exatidão planimétrica foi equivalente a precisão teórica tolerável igual a um pixel de erro nas observações, enquanto a exatidão altimétrica ficou próxima de 1,5 pixels.

  17. Correspondência eficiente de descritores SIFT para construção de mapas densos de pontos homólogos em imagens de sensoriamento remoto

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    Marcelo Teixeira Silveira

    Full Text Available Métodos automáticos de localização de pontos homólogos em imagens digitais baseados em área, combinados com técnicas de crescimento de região, são capazes de produzir uma malha densa e exata de pontos homólogos. Entretanto, o processo de crescimento de região pode ser interrompido em regiões da imagem, cuja paralaxe no eixo horizontal apresenta variação abrupta. Essa situação geralmente é causada por uma descontinuidade na superfície ou espaço-objeto imageado, tal como um prédio numa cena urbana ou um paredão de exploração de uma mina a céu aberto. Nesses casos, novos pares de pontos homólogos (sementes devem ser introduzidos, normalmente por um operador humano, a partir dos quais o processo é reiniciado. Dependendo do tipo da imagem utilizada e da estrutura 3D da região mapeada, a intervenção humana pode ser considerável. Uma alternativa totalmente automatizada em que se combinam as técnicas SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform, pareamento por mínimos quadrados e crescimento de região foi proposta anteriormente pelos autores. O presente trabalho apresenta uma extensão a essa técnica. Basicamente, propõem-se alterações na etapa de correspondência do SIFT, que exploram características de estereogramas produzidos por sensores aéreos e orbitais. Avaliações experimentais demonstram que as modificações propostas trazem dois tipos de benefícios. Em primeiro lugar, obtém-se um aumento do número de pontos homólogos encontrados, sem aumento correspondente na proporção de falsas correspondências. Em segundo lugar, a carga computacional é reduzida substancialmente.

  18. Técnicas de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto aplicadas na identificação de conflitos do uso da terra em Seropédica-RJ

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    Kaio Allan Cruz Gasparini

    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o uso e a cobertura da terra, e comparou os dados obtidos com aqueles das Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs, para identificar conflitos do uso da terra no município de Seropédica-RJ. Utilizaram-se duas cenas do satélite CBERS2 e a classificação supervisionada com o método da mínima distância. As APPs foram delimitadas com o auxílio de geotecnologias, baseando-se na legislação ambiental (Lei n.º 12.651/2012 (Brasil, 2012. Utilizou-se no mapeamento das APPs um Modelo Digital de Elevação (1:25.000 e, para a rede de drenagem, cartas planialtimétricas (1:10.000. Identificaram-se 40,02 km² de APPs, o que correspondeu a 15,01% do município. A APP do rio Guandu apresentou maior área (7,23% e lagos urbanos, a menor (0,04%. O município não apresentou APPs de declividade (<40° e de topo de morro (declividade < 25° com altitude < 100. Em relação aos conflitos do uso da terra, o solo exposto correspondeu a 58,1%, pastagem a 21,7%, areia/mineração a 7,8% e área urbana a 3,9%. Os resultados obtidos indicam eficiência dessas geotecnologias na gestão municipal.

  19. Teleoperación de un vehículo remoto en un medio de acceso inalámbrico mediante el uso de una interfaz háptica Remote vehicle teleoperation through a haptic interface

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    Arys Carrasquilla Batista


    Full Text Available La teleoperación permite que el ser humano pueda llevar a cabo ciertas tareas en lugares muy lejanos, de difícil acceso o de condiciones hostiles para la presencia de un operador. Con este proyecto se logró teleoperar un vehículo remoto por medio del protocolo de comunicación Bluetooth, para lo cual se adaptó una interfaz háptica (Novint Falcon. Desde la interfaz, el operador puede enviar la consigna de movimiento y, además, obtener sensaciones conforme a la información de los sensores incluidos al sistema. Como vehículo remoto se utilizó un Lego Mindstorms con capacidad de comunicación Bluetooth, al cual se incorporó un sensor de contacto y otro de ultrasonido con el fin de percibir en la interfaz háptica la retroalimentación de fuerzas. A una computadora estándar se le dio capacidad de comunicación Bluetooth por medio de un adaptador USB, desde la cual se ejecuta un programa creado en C++ para controlar las acciones de la interfaz háptica, enviar los comandos de movimiento al vehículo y recibir la información de los sensores, la cual reproduce sensaciones al operador.Teleoperation allows human beings to carry out certain tasks in places far away, inaccessible or with hostile conditions for the presence of an operator. In this project a remote vehicle is teleoperated using a bluetooth wireless connection, to accomplish this an haptic interface (Novint Falcon was used. The operator can give movement instructions to the vehicle and obtain sensations, according to the information received from the sensors connected to the system. The remote vehicle was a Lego Mindstorms with bluetooth communication capabilities, a touch sensor and ultrasonic sensor were included in order to perceive reflection of forces through the haptic interface. A USB adapter for bluetooth communication was added to a standard computer; a program in C++ is executed over this computer to control the haptic interface, send movement commands to the vehicle and


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    Rodrigo Praes de Almeida


    Full Text Available Com a intensificação das atividades humanas, com aumento das taxas de uso e ocupação dos solos, aumentaram as discussões no âmbito da reforma agrária e da viabilidade dos assentamentos rurais. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo comparar o uso e a ocupação dos solos em áreas de assentamentos rurais na região norte de Minas Gerais. Três assentamentos rurais foram selecionados para comparação das classes de uso da terra nos anos de 2003 e 2014, com auxílio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto. A amostragem de solo foi realizada nas classes do uso definidas para determinação dos atributos químicos. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05, com auxílio do programa R. Foi possível verificar que os três assentamentos rurais, apresentaram decréscimo nas áreas de vegetação nativa e acréscimo nas áreas de culturas e de solo exposto. Na análise da acurácia da classificação foi observado um Índice Kappa satisfatório, e pode-se inferir que os assentamentos rurais tiveram significante mudança no intervalo de 11 anos de uso. A fertilidade do solo melhorou na camada superficial (0-20 cm das áreas ocupadas com culturas e que foram bem manejadas.

  1. Caracterização física em duas bacias hidrográficas do Alto Juruá, Acre

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    Eth R. da Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, realizar a caracterização física das Bacias Hidrográficas do Igarapé Canela Fina e Igarapé Preto, ambas localizadas no município de Cruzeiro do Sul, AC. Para a classificação não supervisionada empregou-se o ISODATA através dos produtos do sensor TM, a bordo do satélite Landsat-5 fornecidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. O período avaliado se estende entre os anos de 2005 a 2010. Os resultados mostram um aumento médio de 48,11% em áreas desflorestadas para essas bacias e redução média em áreas florestadas de 50,58%, em consequência de intervenções antrópicas ocorridas ao longo dos últimos anos. As características físicas calculadas demonstraram similaridade entre as bacias hidrográficas, ambas respondem lentamente a eventos hidrológicos e, portanto, não propícias a enchentes. As modificações realizadas ao longo dos últimos anos na superfície das bacias hidrográficas alteraram possivelmente a dinâmica hídrica dos igarapés e os resultados obtidos indicam a eficiência do Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistema de Informação Geográfica na análise da dinâmica espaço-tempo da vegetação e caracterização morfométrica das bacias hidrográficas.


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    Rodrigo Vitor Barbosa Sousa


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar como a integração entre imagens orbitais, cartas sinóticas e dados meteorológicos coletados em superfície pode ser aplicada para a identificação de alguns fenômenos meteorológicos, sob uma perspectiva da climatologia. Nesse sentido, torna-se uma contribuição ao processo ensino-aprendizagem de climatologia. A relação estabelecida entre os diferentes dados foi importante para entender a gênese dos fenômenos investigados e verificar como a dinâmica atmosférica em escala regional repercute em escala local. Assim, observa-se que os dados registrados na estação meteorológica refletem a dinâmica atmosférica, espacialmente mais perceptível por meio das cartas sinóticas e das imagens orbitais. Foram identificados fenômenos como: Frentes estacionárias, frentes oclusas, nebulosidade, vapor d’água e ciclones. A elaboração desse artigo é resultado das discussões teóricas e das atividades práticas realizadas com alunos de graduação em geografia, especificamente, na disciplina de climatologia. Além disso, é decorrente também dos conhecimentos adquiridos na disciplina Tópicos Especiais: Sensoriamento Remoto e Meio Ambiente, ofertada no curso de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Presidente Prudente, em parceria com professores da Universidade de Rennes 2, França.


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    Roberto Nunes Vanacôr


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um método para mapeamento de suscetibilidade a deslizamentos na região nordeste do Rio Grande Sul, Brasil. O método é baseado em duas principais linhas de pesquisa: 1 a seleção e análise dos fatores condicionantes de deslizamentos e 2 o mapeamento de susceptibilidade com uso de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG, sensoriamento remoto e estatística bivariada. Durante a pesquisa foram testados estatisticamente parâmetros topográficos, geológicogeotécnicos e antrópicos gerados a partir de imagens ASTER, fotografias aéreas e mapas temáticos. Para determinar o peso dos fatores e diminuir a subjetividade no processo de decisão, foi avaliada a contribuição relativa de cada um deles com uso da técnica Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP, baseada na lógica de comparação pareada. Por fim, através da avaliação por critérios múltiplos, foi definido o peso de cada plano de informação empregando o método de combinação linear ponderada, obtendo como produto o mapa de susceptibilidade da área. A metodologia utilizada se mostrou rápida, de fácil aplicação e relativamente de baixo custo, podendo ser usada por instituições públicas para a previsão de deslizamentos e para auxiliar no gerenciamento do uso do solo.


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    Ian Willian Rodrigues da Silva, Rafael Coll Delgado, Leonardo Paula de Souza, Givanildo de Gois, José Francisco de Oliveira Júnior, Rafael de Ávila Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o comportamento da floresta e demais classes espectrais do Projeto de Assentamento Dirigido Santa Luzia, utilizando os recursos do Geoprocessamento e Sensoriamento Remoto. O período avaliado estende-se entre o ano de 2005 a 2010, e procurou avaliar o comportamento da evolução espacial de áreas como a floresta, pastagens e áreas utilizadas para agricultura, assim como demais benfeitorias realizadas no perímetro do assentamento. Neste sentido, os objetivos gerais deste trabalho foram: caracterizar a contração ou a expansão de classes de floresta, pastagens, regeneração da floresta e áreas alagadas, no PAD Santa Luzia, AC. Os resultados encontrados mostraram um significativo aumento do índice de regeneração da floresta e conversão de áreas de pastagens e cultivos em capoeira, considerando que esta tipologia florestal é essencial para o processo de transição de áreas desflorestadas em sua reestruturação à condição de floresta novamente. São ainda apresentados dados que demonstraram a elevação dos valores referentes a corpos d’água, embora as imagens tenham sido adquiridas em períodos de estiagem (período seco amazônico na região. Os dados obtidos pelo algoritmo de Mahalanobis, evidenciaram um significativo aumento destes recursos na superfície estudada. Os dados apresentaram o comportamento de leve decréscimo para a floresta durante o período avaliado.

  5. Detecção de mudanças baseada em objetos para o bairro do Camorim/Jacarepaguá

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    Gabriel Lousada


    Full Text Available A detecção de mudanças baseada em objeto (Object-based Change Detection, OBCD configura-se como uma área em grande crescimento dentro das pesquisas em Sensoriamento Remoto, isto porque, utilizando-se das possibilidades oferecidas pela análise de imagens baseada em objetos (Geographic Object-based Image Analysis, GEOBIA é possível realizar a produção de mapeamentos de detecção de mudanças em uma única etapa, sem a necessidade da elaboração de mais de um mapa de cobertura da terra para posterior comparação entre as áreas que sofreram alterações. Partindo deste pressuposto, o presente trabalho buscou realizar um mapeamento de detecção de mudanças baseada em objetos para o bairro do Camorim em Jacarepaguá, zona oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro, entre os anos de 2011 e 2015. Os resultados obtidos indicam que 19,12% da área total do bairro sofreram modificações durante o intervalo de tempo em questão, tal resultado confirma que o bairro vem passando por grandes modificações para construção de infraestrutura dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016. O processo de validação do mapeamento resultou em uma exatidão global de 0,80 e um índice Kappa de 0,60, considerado de boa qualidade para este tipo de mapeamento, especialmente se levado em conta sua replicabilidade para outras áreas.


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    Felipe Martins Marques da Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo:Atualmente, sensores de alta resolução espacial e radiométrica adquirem imagens onde feições terrestres são representadas por pixels de resolução espacial submétrica. Aliado a isto, o ALS (Airborne LiDAR System - tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto ativo de varredura a laser acoplada em aeronaves - é capaz de coletar dados de altimetria de milhares de coordenadas de pontos na superfície terrestre. A integração destas tecnologias é desejada, pois geram dados complementares. Este artigo apresenta uma metodologia para detecção de edificações em ambiente urbano, utilizando imagem GeoEye(r e dados ALS, baseada na segmentação de objetos, e submetidos a um processo de classificação baseada em árvores de decisão. Os dados adquiridos pelo ALS permitem gerar o MDS (Modelo Digital de Superfície, o MDT (Modelo Digital de Terreno e o MDSn (Modelo Digital de Terreno normalizado da área de estudo. Com o MDS e a imagem GeoEye, fez-se a ortorretificação da imagem, a qual, junto com o MDSn, foi segmentada pela ação do segmentador FLSA (Full-Lambda Schedule Algorithm. Amostras representativas das classes de interesse, foram usadas para treinar o processo de classificação, com a finalidade de criar regras de decisão. Os experimentos realizados buscaram verificar os atributos mais importantes para a detecção de edificações

  7. Evapotranspiração real diária em sub-bacias do Paracatu, utilizando produtos do sensor Modis

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    Evaldo de Paiva Lima


    Full Text Available A evapotranspiração define a perda total de água do sistema solo-planta para a atmosfera. Nas áreas agrícolas, particularmente onde se pratica algum tipo de irrigação, a determinação da evapotranspiração, por via de sensoriamento remoto, vem ganhando cada vez mais importância, pois possibilita identificar a eficiência com que a água tem sido utilizada. Nesse contexto, este trabalho tem o objetivo de determinar a evapotranspiração real diária (ETr diária, com a utilização de produtos do sensor MODIS, nas sub-bacias do Ribeirão Entre Ribeiros e Rio Preto, que ficam entre os Estados de Goiás e Minas Gerais. O SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land foi utilizado para a obtenção da ETr diária em quatro dias diferentes, no período de julho a outubro de 2007. Os resultados encontrados foram compatíveis com os citados em outras literaturas e a comparação entre a evapotranspiração, obtida pelo SEBAL, e a evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc demonstraram que esse algoritmo pode ser utilizado como boa opção para determinar, com a utilização de produtos do sensor MODIS, a evapotranspiração diária nas condições das sub-bacias do ribeirão Entre Ribeiros e rio Preto.


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    Guilherme Augusto Verola Mataveli

    Full Text Available As queimadas atingem grandes áreas, constituindo-se como um agente modelador dos ecossistemas e contribuem para o acúmulo de gases e aerossóis na atmosfera. Atualmente, o sensoriamento remoto é a principal fonte de dados para estudar as queimadas devido à aquisição de dados globais com uma periodicidade constante. No entanto, são necessárias mais informações sobre as queimadas além da sua localização espacial, dentre elas a biomassa queimada. O método mais utilizado para isso atualmente é derivado da Potência Radiativa do Fogo (FRP, já que a energia emitida como radiação eletromagnética durante a combustão pode ser diretamente relacionada com a biomassa queimada. Contudo, alguns fatores introduzem erros nas estimativas de FRP, como o ângulo de visada. Assim, para avaliar a influência dessa variável na FRP foi realizado um experimento de combustão em pequena escala utilizando como biomassa a palha da cana-de-açúcar. Ainda, foi determinado o coeficiente de biomassa queimada para a cana-de-açúcar. As estimativas obtidas permitiram concluir que a FRP diminui com o aumento do ângulo de visada, e, sendo assim, o ângulo de visada foi considerado no coeficiente de biomassa queimada. Pretende-se futuramente empregar os resultados encontrados para estimar a biomassa queimada e suas emissões provenientes da queimada pré-colheita da cana-de-açúcar.


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    Luciana Sousa Frazão


    Full Text Available A região estudada do Porto de Cabedelo/PB é uma área passível ao derramamento acidental de óleo por apresentar um intenso tráfego de navios de grande porte. Nesse contexto, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi a utilização dos métodos geoestatísticos para analisar dados batimétricos (profundidade, físico-oceanográficos (correntes e ondas e meteorológicos (ventos do canal de acesso ao Porto de Cabedelo e sua bacia de evolução. Incluindo também ferramentas do Sensoriamento Remoto (imagens LANDSAT ETM+, para que as imagens, os mapas e os resultados obtidos sejam integrados em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica e utilizados como subsídio na elaboração de medidas e planos de contingência, que visem à proteção ambiental de áreas costeiras sob influência de instalações desse porte em casos de vazamentos acidentais de óleo na região. Como principais resultados destacam-se a elaboração de cinco cartas batimétricas com a profundidade em metros na escala de 1:2.000 no padrão da Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação (DHN, mostrando as principais morfologias submersas, para a bacia de evolução (local onde os navios atracam e canal de acesso ao Porto de Cabedelo. A partir do diagrama de dispersão dos vetores de correntes da bacia de evolução do Porto de Cabedelo, pode-se observar como a corrente de maré sofre uma canalização devido ao canal do rio Paraíba do Norte e com sentido bidirecional provocado pelo efeito da maré (vazante e enchente na bacia de evolução do Porto de Cabedelo, no sentido NW-SE e que a maior velocidade das correntes ocorre na baixa-mar. A caracterização meteorológica apresentou valores dentro das médias esperadas. A integração de produtos multifontes (mapas digitais e imagens de sensores remotos mostrou-se eficiente para discriminar e realçar feições submersas, antes não perceptíveis nas imagens.

  10. Modelo computacional para o gerenciamento de dados e exames de pacientes para o acompanhamento remoto por meio de conferência multimídia Computational model for data and patients' exams management for remote follow-up by multimedia conferences

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    Huei Diana Lee


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Desenvolver um modelo computacional para aquisição, gerenciamento e armazenamento de dados e exames de pacientes, e definir uma arquitetura de conferência multimídia para o acompanhamento remoto de exames. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Definiu-se uma arquitetura computacional para a aquisição de exames a partir de equipamentos hospitalares, e para o armazenamento e gerenciamento de dados e exames de pacientes foram utilizados o servidor de aplicações Jboss, o sistema gerenciador de banco de dados MySQL, o servidor de páginas Apache e o framework Jboss-Seam para o desenvolvimento de aplicações. Para a conferência multimídia, foi aplicado um estudo de caso utilizando a arquitetura Openmeetings. RESULTADOS: Foram definidos modelos computacionais para o gerenciamento consistente e seguro de dados e exames de pacientes e estudou-se uma arquitetura para conferência multimídia. CONCLUSÃO: Os modelos computacionais, o protótipo implementado e a arquitetura de conferência multimídia avaliada poderão ser aplicados em situações reais da área médica, contribuindo para o acompanhamento remoto de pacientes.OBJECTIVE: To develop a computational model for acquisition, management and storing data and patients' exams, and to define a multimedia conference architecture to remote patients' follow-up. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A computational architecture was defined to acquire exams' information from hospital equipment and to store and manage patients' data and exams using the JBoss application server, the MySql database manager system, the Apache web page server and the Jboss Seam framework for application development. For multimedia conference, a case study using the Openmeetins architecture was performed. RESULTS: computational models intended to the consistent and safe management of data and patients' exams were defined and a multimedia conference architecture was studied. CONCLUSION: The computational models, the prototype developed and

  11. Prediction of soil chemical attributes using optical remote sensing=Predição de atributos químicos do solo utilizando sensoriamento remoto ótico.

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    José Alexandre Melo Demattê


    Full Text Available Soil fertility variability management is one of the pioneering and important areas in which Precision Agriculture has been commercially applied. Consequently, the objective of this work was to predict soil chemical attributes through spectral responses. The 1,000 ha study area used for this report was located in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Thirty sampling points were established, at which the soil was collected at 3 different depths. The samples were chemically and physically analyzed and the radiometric data obtained in the 400 – 2500 nm range. Multiple regression equations were generated for sum of bases, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, aluminum saturation, pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, Al, and H, all using 60 soil samples. H, Al, m%, and pH were found to have R2 values less than 0.50. Equations with an R2 > 0.50 for the other attributes were tested for the 30 unknown soil samples, and the estimated values were obtained. These values were then compared with those determined by conventional analysis. The coefficients of correlation were higher than 50% for all attributes except P and V%. Results indicated that determining chemical attributes with models that are specific for the region is feasible. Uma das primeiras e mais importantes áreas nas quais a Agricultura de Precisão está sendo comercialmente aplicada é o manejo da variabilidade da fertilidade do solo. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi predizer o teor dos atributos químicos do solo através da sua resposta espectral. A área de estudo de 1000 ha localiza-se em Uberlândia, Estado de Minas Gerais. Estabeleceu-se 30 pontos de amostragem nos quais o solo foi coletado em 3 profundidades. As amostras foram analisadas química e fisicamente e, os dados radiométricos obtidos com um sensor em laboratório na faixa de 400 – 2500 nm. Equações de regressão múltipla foram geradas para soma de bases, CTC, saturação por bases, saturação por alumínio, pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, Al e H usando 60 amostras de solo. H, Al, m% e pH obtiveram R2 0,50 para os outros atributos foram testadas para as 30 amostras de solo desconhecidas obtendo-se os valores estimados. Posteriormente, estes valores foram comparados com aqueles determinados pela análise convencional. Os coeficientes de correlação foram maiores que 50% para todos os atributos exceto P e V%. Os resultados indicam que é possível determinar atributos químicos com modelos específicos para a região.

  12. Análise florística e estrutural de sistemas silviagrícolas em Tomé-Açu, Pará

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    Édson Luis Bolfe


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a composição florística e estrutural de sistemas silviagrícolas em Tomé-Açu, Pará. Os dados dendrométricos foram obtidos por inventário em 40 parcelas amostrais, com três unidades cada uma, no total de 120 unidades de 10x10 m. Foi inventariada a média de 1.424,3 indivíduos por hectare, pertencentes a 27 famílias e a 54 espécies. Tendo-se considerado a variabilidade dos estágios vegetativos, os diferentes sistemas silviagrícolas (SAF foram divididos em quatro classes hierárquicas: SAF 1, SAF 2, SAF 3, e SAF 4, para estabelecer um sistema de classificação passível de ser utilizado em outras avaliações de campo e em classificações digitais por meio do sensoriamento remoto. Espécies observadas em outros sistemas da região amazônica também foram relevantes para este estudo, especialmente Theobroma cacao, T. grandiflorum e Euterpe oleracea que, juntas, apresentaram médias de frequência relativa de 51%, densidade relativa de 69,2%, dominância relativa de 50,1% e índice de valor de importância de 56,8%. Os dados médios de diversidade florística, abundância, área basal e valor de importância indicam os sistemas silviagrícolas da região de Tomé-Açu como sistemas de produção com potencial econômico e ambiental, se adotado manejo adequado e racional.

  13. Análise Geoambiental de uma microbacia hidrográfica no município de Lençóis, Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brasil / Geoenvironmental analysis of a small watershed in municipality of Lençóis, Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brazil

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    Jonatas Batista Mattos


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo o levantamento da fisiografia e do uso do solo na microbacia do Rio Lençóis, com o intuito de constituir um instrumento de gestão dos recursos naturais. Esta microbacia, localiza-se no município de Lençóis, Chapada Diamantina, estado da Bahia, Região Nordeste do Brasil. As águas drenadas por esta microbacia são destinadas ao abastecimento hídrico da cidade. A metodologia empregada se fundamentou em teorias e métodos geossistêmicos e no uso do geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto. Os resultados indicaram que a microbacia do Rio Lençóis é alongada, com uma hidrografia pouco ramificada e esparsa. A tipologia climática é tropical de altitude, e a litologia é predominantemente metassedimentar, com uma geologia estrutural enviesada por falha transcorrente, que controla o canal fluvial principal. A geomorfologia é composta por serras, vales e terraços fluviais, com declividade média de 27,5%. A classe de cobertura vegetal predominante é o campo rupestre. Os níveis de preservação da cobertura vegetal, detectados no mapeamento, fornecem garantias de proteção ao sistema fluvial, resguardando assim, a boa condição natural das unidades geoambientais predominantes. Na interface geossistêmica, a microbacia do Rio Lençóis apresenta características físico-ambientais que sugerem um gerenciamento direcionado para conservação, a fim de garantir o uso equilibrado dos recursos naturais que promova recursos socioeconômicos.


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    Pedro Enrico Salamim Fonseca Spanghero


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve como objetivo elaborar um mapeamento hidrográfico de detalhe e análise morfométrica comparativa das bacias dos rios Tijuípe e Tijuipinho, situadas no litoral sul da Bahia. Para tal, foram realizadas análises por meio de fotointerpretação, sensoriamento remoto e pesquisas de campo, nos quais restituímos as redes hidrográficas e delineamos os divisores de água das bacias, processando estas informações em um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG, que utilizamos na edição dos mapas e na leitura digital dos dados lineares, de superfície e altimétricos. No geral, constatou-se que a área da bacia do Tijuípe é de 74,66 km2, enquanto que a área do Tijuipinho é de 41,27 km2 e possuem densidade de drenagem de 3,74 km de canais/km² para a bacia do Tijuípe e 2,67 km de canais/km² para a bacia do Tijuipinho. Constatou-se que as bacias estudadas possuem formas relativamente alongadas, influenciadas pelos lineamentos estruturais da região que determinaram a formação de dois vales paralelos, o do Tijuípe e do Tijuipinho, na direção SO-NE. Conclui-se que a abordagem apresentada tenha o potencial de orientar a demarcação de importantes mananciais e de áreas de recarga dos aquíferos, bem como a delimitação de áreas sujeitas a desequilíbrios morfodinâmicos.


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    Wesley de Souza Campos Correa


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a relação entre as mudanças de temperatura de superfície e usos e coberturas da terra do município de Vitória no estado do Espírito Santo, sob condições atmosféricas distintas, por meio de produtos orbitais, sub-orbitais, técnicas de sensoriamento remoto em ambiente SIG. Com a utilização do sensor infravermelho termal foi possível verificar que à aproximação da frente fria com vento predominante sul foi preponderante para minimização das ilhas de calor, e que durante a atuação da Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul (ASAS estes fenômenos são mais intensos, evidenciando que os tipos de tempo são os principais fatores controladores da intensidade desse fenômeno. Os resultados extraídos durante a passagem do satélite evidenciaram áreas no município de Vitória com intensa emitância termal como áreas construídas, pavimentadas, telhados e outras superfícies típicas da paisagem urbana, bem como a distribuição heterogênea dessas respostas, resultando em temperaturas elevadas, sobretudo no dia 30 de julho de 2011. O estudo demostrou também que a utilização dessa técnica pode contribuir na perspectiva do planejamento urbano, na medida em que são definidos padrões na distribuição da temperatura da superfície de acordo com o uso e cobertura da terra.


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    George Deroco Martins

    Full Text Available O cultivo da cana-de-açúcar no Brasil, embora assistido por técnicas modernas de plantio, é alvo constante de parasitas do sistema radicular. Por registrar seletivamente o fluxo espectral da radiação eletromagnética refletida pela vegetação, o sensoriamento remoto tornou-se uma poderosa ferramenta na detecção das plantas infectadas por patógenos do solo. Com o objetivo de caracterizar espectralmente a cana-de-açúcar sadia e infectada por nematoides e pela larva do besouro Migdolus fryanus, foram tomadas medidas radiométricas in situ e geradas curvas hiperespectrais de plantas sadias e infectadas. Técnicas específicas de análise espectral, como a determinação da posição da borda do vermelho limítrofe (Red Edge Position Determination - REPD e diferentes índices espectrais foram avaliados para discriminar as três ocorrências. As curvas de reflectância mostraram diferenças em magnitude principalmente nos comprimentos de onda do vermelho e infravermelho próximo e, assim como a determinação do REP e os índices de clorofila b, NDVI, MCARI e TCARI, permitiram distinguir apenas entre plantas sadias e infectadas. As razões espectrais sensíveis aos pigmentos clorofila a e carotenoides, porém, discriminaram as três ocorrências, inclusive plantas infectadas por nematoides e Migdolus fryanus. A melhor discriminação foi obtida com o índice de carotenoides, um pigmento fortemente relacionado com estresse da planta

  17. Uso de Diferentes Sensores de Satélite na Discriminação de Alvos Naturais

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    Gustavo Ferreira de Souza


    Full Text Available As particularidades nos instrumentos de sensoriamento remoto, mesmo quando possuem características semelhantes, torna as imagens geradas por estes, diferentes entre si. Visando isto, o objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a aplicabilidade e os limites de detecção na identificação de alvos naturais em diferentes imagens de satélites. A área de estudo está localizada no Estado de São Paulo dentro do Município de Onda Verde, os alvos naturais foram selecionados a partir de análises realizadas nas imagens e visita desses pontos em campo. Foram escolhidas áreas que apresentaram bom contraste com o entorno e fácil localização nas imagens de satélite. Para o processamento digital de imagem foi utilizado o software livre gvSIG. Neste estudo foram empregados dados de satélites de média resolução espacial como Landsat-5, CBERS-2B e IRS-P6, disponíveis na base de dados de domínio público do INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais e imagens de alta resolução espacial dos satélites RapidEye e WorldView-2. Nos sensores de média resolução espacial, as menores resoluções espaciais dos sensores TM e LISS-3, não impediram a visualização dos alvos espectrais analisados, visto que, no CCD que possui uma maior resolução espacial, não foi possível a identificação dos alvos escolhidos. As imagens de alta resolução espacial RapidEye e WorldView apresentaram grande riqueza de detalhamento para a cobertura do solo, a isto atrela-se a alta resolução radiométrica desses satélites.


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    Sérgio Cadena de Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available A formação de barreiras arenosas é comum em deltas dominados por ondas, associada ao expressivo aporte sedimentar dos rios. Nesses ambientes é possível o desenvolvimento de barreiras do tipo spit, ilha-barreira e sistema barreira-laguna. Historicamente essas feições foram associadas ao desenvolvimento assimétrico dos deltas e ao papel da deriva litorânea. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar a gênese e a morfodinâmica das barreiras arenosas que ocorrem no flanco norte do delta do rio Paraíba do Sul, considerando aspectos relacionadas às porções submarina e emersa do delta. Foram calculados dados de ondas e sentido de transporte litorâneo; coletados perfis batimétricos junto à costa, perfis topográficos na barreira emersa e mapeamento em planta a partir de sensoriamento remoto sobre imagens de alta resolução espacial. Foi possível identificar, em escala de detalhe, estágios de desenvolvimento e evolução associados à formação de barras submarinas na frente deltaica; a emersão de barreira arenosa na forma de spit; a progradação lateral a partir das correntes de deriva litorânea; e a conexão do spit ao continente, passando a isolar um sistema lagunar. Este processo foi considerado como um dos mecanismos de gênese de cristas de praia que formam a planície deltaica ao norte do rio Paraíba do Sul. Recentemente, tais feições e processos têm sido interpretados como decorrente de um padrão de ondas assimétricas que chegam à linha de costa com ângulo de obliquidade elevado, produzindo as feições de instabilidade e a assimetria do delta.

  19. Análise do Sequestro de Carbono em Áreas de Caatinga do Semiárido Pernambucano

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    Ygor Cristiano Brito Morais

    Full Text Available Resumo Diante do aumento das emissões dos gases do efeito estufa, o presente estudo analisou o sequestro de carbono em áreas de caatinga do município de Petrolina – PE, por meio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto. Foram utilizadas imagens do sensor MODIS, referentes ao produto MOD17, o qual contém a estimativa da Produção primária bruta (GPP e da Produção primária líquida (NPP. A coleta das imagens ocorreu para os anos de 2011 e 2012. No período chuvoso, as áreas de caatinga preservada apresentaram maiores valores de assimilação total (até 160 g C/m2 em janeiro de 2011 e sequestro de carbono, enquanto no final do período seco foram registrados valores inferiores a 20 g C/m2. Quanto ao total anual, em 2011 as áreas de caatinga preservada juntamente com a agricultura irrigada apresentaram os maiores valores de GPP (> 900 g C/m2, enquanto que em 2012 a GPP das áreas de caatinga variaram, em geral, de 500 a 600 g C/m2, com algumas áreas chegando a 700 g C/m2. A NPP, ou seja, o sequestro de carbono, variou de 500 a 700 g C/m2 em 2011 e de 100 a 400 g C/m2 em 2012. Desse modo, são necessárias medidas e elaboração de instrumentos políticos que visem à preservação dos remanescentes de caatinga do município de Petrolina, como forma de contribuir com mitigação do aquecimento global.

  20. Análise da mudança da vegetação nativa ocasionada pela expansão agrícola no município de Uruçuí, Piauí

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    Julianna Lima Queiroz


    Full Text Available Atualmente, a agricultura moderna no Brasil, que antes era concentrada na região Centro-Sul, difundiu-se nos estados do Nordeste. O Piauí vivenciou uma rápida ocupação do Cerrado, devido a introdução de grandes projetos de agricultura e o município de Uruçuí se destaca na produção de grãos, principalmente a soja. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar a mudança da vegetação nativa ocasionada pela expansão agrícola do município de Uruçuí por meio do sensoriamento remoto. O processo foi dividido em fases, tais como: aquisição de dados, pré-processamento, extrapolação e classificação de imagens. Foram utilizadas imagens dos anos de 2003 do satélite Landsat 5 TM e de 2013 do Landsat 8 TM. As imagens desses dois anos foram georreferenciadas e fundidas através da técnica de mosaico com o programa QGIS. Por fim, foi produzido um mapa temático área degradada, para avaliar a evolução do processo de substituição da vegetação. Os dados obtidos nesse estudo indicaram que ocorreu a evolução das áreas de lavouras de grãos no município de Uruçuí. A análise das figuras revelou a substituição da vegetação nativa da região ocasionada principalmente pela crescente expansão agrícola. É de extrema importância o monitoramento dessas grandes áreas, para que seja possível quantificar o nível de exploração e reduzir os impactos ambientais.


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    Juliana da Silva Oliveira


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar temporalmente o uso e cobertura da bacia hidrográfica do rio Cauamé, no ano de 2014 e análise visual para 1943 e 1975, para identificar as vulnerabilidades sócioambientais com base no padrão de uso destinado ao lazer nas praias do rio Cauamé. As etapas metodológicas foram baseadas em técnicas de sensoriamento remoto/geoprocessamento que foram utilizadas para a classificação do uso e cobertura da terra, perfil longitudinal, declividade e hipsometria; idas a campo, para a identificação dos pontos vulneráveis a impactos ambientais e sua caracterização. A bacia foi compartimentada com base em critérios geomorfológicos em três divisões: alta, média e baixa bacia as quais representem o alto, médio e baixo curso do rio Cauamé. Esses três compartimentos foram segmentados em quatro tipos de padrões de drenagem: retangular, paralelos, dendríticos e sub-dendríticos. Foram caracterizadas seis praias para o lazer: Praia do Caçari, Praia da Polar, Praia do Curupira, Banho da Ponte, Banho do Caranã e Banhoda Cachoeirinha. Os resultados desta pesquisa ajudarão a traçar o perfíl do meio físico, como o padrão de uso e cobertura da bacia do rio Cauamé, e servir de base para a caracterização das áreas destinadas ao lazer e seus respectivos impactos ambientais. Informações importantes para o gerenciamento/planejamento urbano e de áreas úmidas, assim como compor bases iniciais do entendimento dos aspectos hidrogeomorfológicos de Roraima.


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    Juliana da Silva Oliveira, Thiago Morato Carvalho


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar temporalmente o uso e cobertura da bacia hidrográfica do rio Cauamé, no ano de 2014 e análise visual para 1943 e 1975, para identificar as vulnerabilidades sócio-ambientais com base no padrão de uso destinado ao lazer nas praias do rio Cauamé. As etapas metodológicas foram baseadas em técnicas de sensoriamento remoto/geoprocessamento que foram utilizadas para a classificação do uso e cobertura da terra, perfil longitudinal, declividade e hipsometria; idas a campo, para a identificação dos pontos vulneráveis a impactos ambientais e sua caracterização. A bacia foi compartimentada com base em critérios geomorfológicos em três divisões: alta, média e baixa bacia as quais representem o alto, médio e baixo curso do rio Cauamé. Esses três compartimentos foram segmentados em quatro tipos de padrões de drenagem: retangular, paralelos, dendríticos e sub-dendríticos. Foram caracterizadas seis praias para o lazer: Praia do Caçari, Praia da Polar, Praia do Curupira, Banho da Ponte, Banho do Caranã e Banho da Cachoeirinha. Os resultados desta pesquisa ajudarão a traçar o perfíl do meio físico, como o padrão de uso e cobertura da bacia do rio Cauamé, e servir de base para a caracterização das áreas destinadas ao lazer e seus respectivos impactos ambientais. Informações importantes para o gerenciamento/planejamento urbano e de áreas úmidas, assim como compor bases iniciais do entendimento dos aspectos hidrogeomorfológicos de Roraima.

  3. Classificação híbrida: pixel a pixel e baseada em objetos para o monitoramento da condição da superfície dos pavimentos rodoviários

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    Marcos Ribeiro Resende

    Full Text Available Monitorar a condição de uso de toda a extensão das rodovias brasileiras é tarefa dispendiosa e demorada. Este trabalho trata de novas técnicas que permitem o levantamento da condição da superfície dos pavimentos rodoviários de forma ágil utilizando imagens hiperespectrais de sensor digital aeroembarcado. Nos últimos anos, um número crescente de imagens de alta resolução espacial tem surgido no mercado mundial com o aparecimento dos novos satélites e sensores aeroembarcados de sensoriamento remoto. Propõe-se uma metodologia para identificação dos pavimentos asfálticos e classificação das principais ocorrências dos defeitos na superfície do pavimento. A primeira etapa da metodologia é a identificação da superfície asfáltica na imagem, utilizando uma classificação híbrida baseada inicialmente em pixel e depois refinada por objetos. A segunda etapa da metodologia é a identificação e classificação das ocorrências dos principais defeitos nos pavimentos flexíveis que são observáveis nas imagens de alta resolução espacial. Esta última etapa faz uso intensivo das novas técnicas de classificação de imagens baseadas em objetos. O resultado final é a geração de índices da condição da superfície do pavimento a partir das imagens que possam ser comparados com os indicadores vigentes da condição da superfície do pavimento já normatizados pelos órgãos competentes no país.

  4. Detecção de cicatrizes de incêndios florestais utilizando a técnica de análise por vetor de mudança na terra indígena sete de setembro - Rondônia / Forest fire scars detection using change-vector analysis in the sete de setembro indigenous land - Rondonia

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    Philip Martin Fearnside


    Full Text Available A Terra Indígena Sete de Setembro (TISS localiza-se no arco do desmatamento, caracterizada por ser uma região de grande pressão antrópica. Esta condição a torna susceptível às ameaças da degradação florestal por incêndios, exploração madeireira ilegal e corte raso para uso agropecuário. Assim, esse estudo teve por finalidade mapear áreas de floresta afetadas pela ação do fogo no período de 2010 a 2011, utilizando imagens TM/Landsat e a técnica de detecção por análise de vetor de mudança. Os resultados mostraram uma área total de 4.187 hectares de florestas afetadas pelo fogo no interior da TISS, correspondendo a cerca de 1,7 % da área total da terra indígena. O monitoramento de terras indígenas por técnicas de sensoriamento remoto é fundamental para avaliar a vulnerabilidade dessas áreas às pressões humanas.AbstractThe Sete de Setembro Indigenous Land is situated in Brazil’s “arc of deforestation,” which is a region characterized by high anthropic pressure. This makes the reserve susceptible to forest degradation by fires, illegal logging and clearcutting for agriculture and ranching. The purpose of the present study was to map forest areas affected by fire from 2010 to 2011 using TM/Landsat images and the changevector analysis detection technique. The results showed a total area of 4187 hectares of forest affected by fire in the indigenous reserve, or about 1.7% of the total reserve area. Monitoring of indigenous lands by remote sensing techniques is essential in order to evaluate the vulnerability of these areas to pressures from human activities.


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    Karine Bueno Vargas


    Full Text Available A bacia hidrográfica do ribeirão Água das Antas localiza-se no centro norte do estado do Paraná, tendo seu maior domínio do município de Grandes Rios, na transição do Segundo para o Terceiro Planalto Paranaense. Está modelada sobre as litoestruturas das Formações Rio do Rasto, Pirambóia, Botucatu e Serra Geral da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná. No presente artigo são identificadas e interpretadas as anomalias de drenagem na referida bacia, a partir da aplicação de índices morfométricos e de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento para a confecção de anomalias da área de estudo. As anomalias de drenagem correspondem a anormalidades ou irregularidades decorrentes principalmente de processos morfoestruturais e morfotectônicos. Os índices morfométricos utilizados, como fator de assimetria da bacia, fator de simetria topográfico transversal e relação declividade-extensão, apresentaram dados satisfatórios, com a identificação de alto índice de assimetrias na bacia. Por meio da fotointerpretação foram identificados curvaturas anômalas, segmentos retilíneos, erosões ativas, zona de abandono de drenagem, drenagens radiais e sub-radiais e tendência de migração do canal, as quais são consideradas anomalias. Devido à forte assimetria do canal, a bacia do ribeirão Água das Antas foi analisada à luz de zonas morfoestruturais, geradas pelo desnivelamento de blocos de falhas, sendo possível verificar a atuação da tectônica recente que afetou a rede de drenagem.

  6. Método geotecnológico integrativo na caracterização de solos desenvolvidos de diferentes materiais de origem

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    José A. M Demattê


    Full Text Available O conhecimento do solo é um aspecto essencial para a aplicação de manejo adequado da cultura. Conciliar a pedologia ao desenvolvimento tecnológico é essencial para o progresso desta ciência. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o uso de produtos do sensoriamento remoto conciliados a um sistema de informações geográficas, na caracterização de solos da região de Piracicaba. Para tanto, incursões a campo e coleta de dados em laboratório foram realizadas. Posteriormente, compilaram-se informações referentes a características qualitativas de rede drenagem e relevo utilizando-se estereoscopia em fotografias aéreas. Características quantitativas de altimetria e declividade através de modelo numérico de terreno, além de características espectrais para os diferentes solos e texturas obtidas a partir de imagens do Landsat 7. Tal metodologia resultou em um banco de dados, no qual se notam diferenças entre todos os solos em pelo menos um dos aspectos avaliados. As características qualitativas da rede de drenagem diferenciaram os solos, não ocorrendo o mesmo com os parâmetros quantitativos de relevo. No caso, os Latossolos e Neossolo Quartzarênicos tiveram grande similaridade. Por outro lado, houve diferença entre as características espectrais destes solos. As características de altitude tiveram maior contribuição na diferenciação dos solos em relação ao parâmetro declividade. A avaliação integrada de informações geotecnologicas permite obter um panorama próximo à real classe do solo.

  7. Evolução do processo de ocupação da soja de 2000 a 2006 em Campo Novo dos Parecis - Mato Grosso, através do sensoriamento remoto Evolução do processo de ocupação da soja de 2000 a 2006 em Campo Novo dos Parecis - Mato Grosso, através do sensoriamento remoto

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    Lunalva Moura Schwenk


    Full Text Available This research is about the soybean spatialization and spread in a 6-year period in the district Campo Novo dos Parecis located in flat areas of the Plateau and Chapada dos Parecis, covered by cerrado vegetation on dystrophic-hallic quartzous sands and Dark-Red Latossolos. It also refers to the environmental and social impacts created and worsened as new areas are added to the productive process, giving place to a more and more modern landscape with the presence of a top technology as a way of achieving a bigger productivity for exportation and to the exclusion of the traditional rural population to the cities. The supervised classification in Spring 4.3 was made in the Landsat-TM5 satellite images with 30 x 30 m resolution in 2000 and CBERS with 20 x 20 m resolution in 2006, with a final scale of 1:500.000. In large and medium size properties, mechanized agriculture associated to entrepreneurs and wealthy families predominate presenting similar occupation characteristics among them. From the results obtained in the total area, the soybean yield rose from 35,66% in 2000 to 48,32% in 2006. The prevailing natural cerrado vegetation, in 2000 was approximately of 59,18%, falling to 41,07% in 2006, it also presents an increment of the modified and remnant vegetation. The district was already undertaken by soja plantation in year 2000, and there was no other place to expand. Then, it took over grazing fields, deforesting and occupying the Utiariti Indian territory. In 2000, this land was preserved from soja, being cultivated with only traditional crops, that represented 1,28% of the area, rising to 6% in 2006 with the mechanized soybean. The partnership of the Indians with the great farmers in the use of this high technified yield resulted in deforestation and fragmentation of the cerrado with yearly increments to areas that were used as refuge and preservation of this cerrado vegetation which is rapidly disappearing. There is also a worsening of cultural and social differences and the appearance of prostitution and diseases like Aids, syphilis and drugs. Soybean has simplified and fragmented the natural vegetation with losses in biodiversity and of much valued economical, industrial and pharmaceutical species. It also, contributes to erosion processes, soil losses, silting and change in the hydrological regime of rivers, as well as the contamination of both water and soil caused by the agro toxics.A pesquisa trata da espacialização e do avanço da soja no período de seis anos neste município situado em áreas planas do Planalto e Chapada dos Parecis coberto pelo cerrado sobre areias quartzosas álicas e Latossolos-Vermelho Escuro distróficos. Também, refere-se aos impactos ambientais e sociais gerados e que são agravados à medida que novas áreas são incorporadas ao processo produtivo dando lugar a uma paisagem cada vez mais mecanizada e modernizada com presença de tecnologia de ponta na busca da maior produtividade voltada à exportação e, a exclusão da população rural tradicional para as cidades. A classificação supervisionada usando o classificador Bhattacharya disponível no Spring 4.3 para comparar as regiões das imagens com as classes discriminadas foi feita nas imagens de satélite Landsat-TM5 com resolução de 30x30m em 2000 e nas imagens CBERS com resolução de 20x20m em 2006 apresentando uma escala final de 1:500.000. Nas grandes e médias propriedades ocupadas com a soja predominam a agricultura mecanizada de alta tecnologia associada aos produtores empresariais e familiares de grande porte econômico, apresentando similaridade nas características da ocupação realizada por grupos empresariais. Dos resultados obtidos verificou-se que na área total do município as áreas ocupadas no processo produtivo da soja, sobem de 35,66% no ano 2000 para 48,32%em 2006. A vegetação natural com predominância dos cerrados que cobria o município em 2000 em torno de 59,18%, cai para 41,07% em 2006, apresentando também incremento na vegetação alterada e com remanescente. Este município já se encontrava consolidado pela soja em 2000, de forma que, praticamente não tinha mais pra onde expandir a soja. Parte deste incremento foi pela substituição das pastagens bovinas em área de cultivo da soja, parte pelo desmate da vegetação natural e também pela ocupação da terra indígena Utiariti que tem uma grande parcela de sua reserva localizada neste município. Em 2000, esta parte da reserva, encontrava-se preservada deste tipo de ocupação, obtendo apenas a cultura tradicional que era de 1,28% subindo para 6% em 2006 com a soja mecanizada. A parceria com os grandes produtores e os indígenas na incorporação desta economia mecanizada e altamente tecnificada, resulta no desmatamento e fragmentação do cerrado, com tendências a aumentar a cada ano, em áreas que antes eram refúgios e que proporcionava a preservação desta formação que rapidamente está desaparecendo do país. Assim como, o agravamento das desigualdades culturais e sociais já existentes entre os mesmos e as manifestações de prostituição e de doenças como a Aids, sífilis e também, das drogas. A ocupação produtiva da soja tem simplificado e fragmentado a cobertura vegetal natural com perdas na biodiversidade e de espécies de alto valor econômico, industrial e farmacêutico. Também, contribuído para os processos erosivos, perdas de solo e o assoreamento e mudança no regime hidrológico dos rios, assim como a contaminação tanto das águas quanto dos solos causados pelo uso dos agrotóxicos. 

  8. JMat - Herramienta remota de cálculo y multiusuario para el aprendizaje basado en problemas usando Matlab

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    Bladimir Bacca Cortes


    Full Text Available JMat es una herramienta de cálculo basada en JAVA y EJS (Easy Java Simulations, con un esquema cliente / servidor, soporte multi-usuario y acceso remoto a Matlab. La aplicación está orientada a brindar a los usuarios una interacción con Matlab usando tres interfaces: Consola de Comandos, donde se invocan remotamente comandos de texto compatibles con Matlab. Espacio de Trabajo y Graficación, donde se mantiene un registro automático de las variables de usuario y se grafican individualmente. Funciones de usuario y Transferencia de Archivos, donde el usuario crea sus funciones, envía y recibe datos hacia y desde el servidor. JMat requiere un acceso a Internet, un servidor remoto donde esté instalado Matlab y un cliente (Navegador WEB o aplicación. No se requiere Matlab en el cliente. JMat está siendo usada actualmente en la Universidad del Valle en los cursos de Control Automático de Procesos, Control Inteligente, Redes Neuronales Artificiales, Procesamiento de Señales y Tratamiento Digital de Imágenes como herramienta para el aprendizaje basado en problemas empleando la plataforma de eLearning de la Universidad del Valle.


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    Jedman Dantas Motta

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho procura obter uma região de solo exposto a partir da observação do atributo cor e inferir sobre determinado tipo de solo a partir de um mapa de drenagem obtido através de imagens temáticas TM-Landsat (banda 5 e composições coloridas 7R/2G/1B, 7R/5G/2B e 5R/4G/3B georefenciadas. A região considerada localiza-se próximo à cidade de Campina Grande, Estado da Paraíba, onde existem poucos trabalhos utilizando produtos Landsat, e quase nenhum trabalho cartográfico, devido à grande concentração de nuvens durante todo o ano, o que dificulta a obtenção dos dados por meio aéreo ou espacial.

  10. Uma avaliação de descritores de textura baseados em códigos binários locais para classificação de imagens de sensoriamento remoto

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    Marcelo Musci

    Full Text Available O presente trabalho avalia descritores texturais multiescalares invariantes à rotação baseados em Padrões Binários Locais e em Quantização de Fase Local (LPQ para a classificação de uso e cobertura do solo em uma imagem IKONOS-2 e uma imagem Quickbird-2. Os experimentos mostraram que ambas as representações de textura propiciaram elevada acurácia quando combinadas com a informação de variância. Além disso, propõe-se no trabalho um novo descritor formado pela concatenação do histograma de variância e o histograma dos códigos gerados a partir dos Padrões Binários Locais ou da Quantização de Fase Local. Com o novo descritor, não obstante serem comparativamente mais compacto, registraram-se os mesmos índices de desempenho obtidos a partir de histogramas bidimensionais que representam a distribuição conjunta de ambas as variáveis. O último experimento realizado indicou para os descritores baseados nos Padrões Binários Locais ou na Quantização de Fase Local um índice Kappa superior em 0,1 ao que alcançou quando se utilizaram atributos de textura derivados da matriz de co-ocorrência.

  11. Aplicación del Sistema de Laboratorios a Distancia en Asignaturas de Regulación Automática

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    I. Santana


    Full Text Available Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es combinar adecuadamente las prácticas presenciales y remotas para la docencia de asignaturas de control. El uso de Laboratorios Virtuales y Remotos en la docencia de asignaturas de Automática es cada vez más un método recurrido por las universidades con vistas a brindar un servicio flexible en horarios y una mayor y mejor explotación de los recursos disponibles. Se presenta en este artículo la implementación de prácticas de laboratorio remotas en combinación con docencia presencial en la asignatura Regulación Automática I de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid usando el Sistema de Laboratorios a Distancia (SLD desarrollado en la Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas. Palabras clave: educación en control, control remoto, laboratorios virtuales, laboratorios remotos, tiempo real

  12. Estado-da-arte da simulação da taxa de fixação de carbono de ecossistemas tropicais State-of-the-art of the simulation of carbon fixation rates by tropical ecosystems

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    Marcos Heil Costa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avalia o estado-da-arte de modelos de simulação da taxa de fixação de carbono, ou produção primária liquida (NPP, de ecossistemas tropicais em duas configurações diagnósticas (simulação em sítios micrometeorológicos e simulação forçada por dados climáticos e por produtos de sensoriamento remoto e uma prognóstica (simulação por um modelo acoplado clima-vegetação. Os resultados indicam que os modelos de estimativa de NPP atingiram capacidade de fazer estimativas não-viesadas de valores médios regionais de NPP, tanto no modo diagnóstico, quanto no modo prognóstico, com erros inferiores a 5%, enquanto o valor esperado do erro em cada sítio é inferior a 10% no modo diagnóstico e inferior a 20% no modo prognóstico. Os modelos estado-da-arte são capazes de monitorar a taxa de fixação de carbono por ecossistemas tropicais de maneira rotineira, sendo esperados baixos erros para essas estimativas.This work evaluates the state-of-the-art of the simulation of carbon fixation rates, or net primary production (NPP by tropical ecosystems in two diagnostic configurations (simulation at micrometeorological sites and simulation forced by climate datasets and remote sensing products and one prognostic (simulation by a coupled climate-biosphere model. The results indicate that the NPP simulation models are capable of unbiased estimates of average regional values of NPP, both in diagnostic and in prognostic mode, with errors smaller than 5%, while the expected value of the error in each site is smaller than 10% in the diagnostic mode and smaller than 20% in the prognostic mode. State-of-the-art models are capable of routinely monitoring the net primary production of tropical ecosystems, with low errors expected for these estimates.

  13. Análise da expansão urbana no entorno da Lagoa Grande e Lagoa da Tabua no município de Feira de Santana-BA a partir de série histórica de imagens Landsat MSS, TM e ETM

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    Alarcon Matos de Oliveira


    Full Text Available É crescente a necessidade de proteção dos recursos hídricos, em especial os mananciais urbanos, uma vez que são constantemente “invadidos” pela expansão desordenada das cidades. Nesse sentido, as ferramentas de análise espacial, o sensoriamento remoto e a cartografia constituem um poderoso instrumento de avaliação dos impactos ambientais. Tais ferramentas foram exploradas nesse trabalho, cujo objetivo é realizar mapeamento multitemporal do entorno da Lagoa Grande e Lagoa da Tabua, município de Feira de Santana/BA, no período de 1975 a 2008. A escolha desse período deve-se ao fato do grande crescimento populacional, ocasionado pela industrialização do município. Para realização do trabalho foram  utilizadas imagens de satélites, disponíveis pela Divisão de Geração de Imagens – DGI do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE, dos sensores MSS, TM do programa LANDSAT. Os procedimentos técnicos adotados na construção desse trabalho consistiram nas seguintes etapas: georreferenciamento das imagens; seleção da composição colorida, com aplicação de técnicas de realce e contraste; e classificação supervisionada, um método clássico de processamento, dando foco maior a avaliação das imagens empregadas (sazonalidade da região e ao correlacionamento do impacto ambiental com os resultados. Foi possível, através deste método identificar alguns indicadores de desequilíbrio ambiental, como por exemplo, o avanço do espaço urbano implicando em sedimentação da Lagoa da Tabua, e na presença de Taboa, vegetação aquática comum em áreas muito poluídas na Lagoa Grande.


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    Luana Cristine da Silva Jardim Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetiva analisar a dinâmica do uso e cobertura da Terra no município de Correntina localizado no Oeste da Bahia durante os anos de 1988 a 2008. A metodologia adotada pode ser subdividida nas seguintes etapas: análise espacial e temporal dos padrões do uso da terra a partir de imagens de sensoriamento remoto; identificação das áreas destinadas à preservação permanente e análise da fragmentação da paisagem. No mapeamento do uso da terra e detecção de mudança foram utilizadas imagens PRISM/ALOS e uma série temporal do sensor TM/Landsat-5. A classe Agropecuária obteve o maior crescimento, passando de 8,45% em 1988 para 26,94% em 2008. Em contrapartida, a vegetação natural decresceu de 85,41% em 1988 para 62,99% em 2008. As áreas constituídas por pequenos agricultores situados na parte leste do município apresentaram a maior porcentagem de utilização indevida de áreas destinadas à preservação. A análise de fragmentação demonstrou que durante o período de análise houve um aumento do número dos fragmentos de vegetação natural e redução do tamanho médio. A expansão do uso agrícola apresenta correlação com outros municípios do Oeste da Bahia. Apesar de ainda ter uma alta porcentagem de área natural no município, o crescimento agrícola ocorre de forma acelerada devendo ser monitorado e gerido dentro de diretrizes sustentáveis. Desta forma, sistemas de monitoramento e campanhas educativas devem ser feitas para aumentar a consciência sobre o meio ambiente, evitando o uso de áreas com alta fragilidade ambiental e a geração de fragmentos isolados de vegetação


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    Lena Simone Barata Souza


    Full Text Available A análise de bacias de drenagem, combinada com dados de sensoriamento remoto e cartográficos, fornece informações significantes para o reconhecimento de lineamentos morfoestruturais e para a detecção de feições tectônicas com expressão na paisagem atual. Este procedimento foi aplicado no estudo de três bacias de drenagem do leste da Ilha do Marajó, correspondentes aos rios Arari, Camará e Paracauari. Todas estas bacias mostram evidências de anomalias morfoestruturais, incluindo-se principalmente: mudanças rápidas no padrão de drenagem dentro de uma mesma bacia, variando de treliça, retangular, multibacinal a subparalelo; canais retilíneos comumente conectados em ângulos retos; canais fortemente sinuosos que se tornam retilíneos; meandros localizados; e bacias altamente assimétricas. Anomalias de drenagem, consistindo em frequentes desvios de direção formando ângulos retos e meandros isolados e comprimidos, são também reconhecidas na paleodrenagem preservada neste setor da ilha. Com base na densidade dos lineamentos estruturais, pode-se reconhecer dois compartimentos morfoestruturais. O compartimento I é localizado na porção centro-leste da área de estudo, onde ocorre densidade de lineamento alta com duas direções preferenciais para NW-SE e NE-SW. O compartimento II, correspondente ao restante da área, apresenta densidade de lineamentos variando entre muito baixa a média e com orientação principal para NE-SW. As características morfoestruturais dos sistemas de drenagem atual e pretérita permitem sugerir área com forte controle tectônico. A deformação tectônica pode refletir reativação de falhas de direções principais NW-SE e NE-SW, melhor registradas no compartimento I.


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    Mickaelle Braga da Silva


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho propõe uma análise morfoestrutural do alto curso da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jaguaribe, Ceará-Brasil, através da relação litologia/drenagem/relevo. A análise baseou-se em levantamentos bibliográficos e cartográficos; na aplicação de técnicas de geoprocessamento e tabulação e análise dos dados. Dentre os produtos de sensoriamento remoto disponíveis para a área, destacam-se os dados Shuttle Radar Topography Mission-SRTM, com resolução espacial de 30 metros. Este produto com o auxílio de softwares de geoprocessamento permitiu a extração da rede de drenagem e de lineamentos estruturais; a identificação e delimitação das unidades morfoestruturais; a compartimentação morfoestrutural dos lineamentos; a identificação e distribuição dos padrões de drenagem. Aplicou-se o cálculo e a geração dos gráficos de rosetas na espacialização da direção preferencial de frequência da drenagem e dos lineamentos estruturais. Neste contexto, foi possível identificar vários padrões de drenagem controlados por estruturas (padrões treliça e paralelo. Esses dados demostraram uma significativa compatibilidade de direções NE-SW e E-W, que sugerem lineamentos estruturais positivos e negativos representados por sequências de cristas e vales e trechos retilíneos escarpados, confinando canais de drenagem. Desta forma, foi possível estabelecer correlações com a distribuição da densidade de lineamentos e padrões de drenagem, constatando que são nos setores tectonicamente mais deformados que apresentam maior concentração de canais estruturalmente controlados.

  17. Estudo do Fenômeno da Ilha de Calor na Cidade de Manaus/AM: Um Estudo a Partir de Dados de Sensoriamento Remoto, Modelagem e Estações Meteorológicas

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    Polari Batista Corrêa


    Full Text Available Resumo O fenômeno da ilha de calor (IC na cidade de Manaus foi estudado usando dados de modelagem do clima urbano com o modelo Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF e dados de estações meteorológicas. Foram usados os dados de temperatura da superfície (TS obtidos pelo sensor MODIS do satélite ambiental Aqua, produto MYD11A2 na resolução horizontal de 1 km por um 1 km para o período de 2002 a 2012 na cidade de Manaus para avaliar o processo de urbanização. Foi realizado um estudo de caso com as simulações de TS e de temperatura do ar (TA nos meses de agosto e setembro de 2009 que foram comparadas, respectivamente, com os dados de satélite e de estações meteorológicas. Identificou-se a distribuição espacial da TS na cidade, e as diferenças de TS entre a área urbana e a de floresta e entre a área urbana e de rios foram quantificadas. As diferenças de TS ao longo das faixas de longitude de 60,03° O a 59,97° O e de latitude de 3,09° S a −3,03° S foram analisadas com os dados do modelo WRF e do sensor MODIS. A intensidade da IC estimada com os dados de TA do modelo e de estações meteorológicas foram, em média, respectivamente de 1,87 °C e de 1,80 °C, consistentes com resultados anteriores. Portanto, a TA simulada pode ser usada para fins de estimar a intensidade da IC em Manaus.

  18. Diseño e Implementación de un Sistema de Seguimiento de Parámetros Ambientales en Plantaciones de Cafe


    Abad Alameda, Ana Sofía


    Este trabajo plantea el diseño e implementación de un sistema de medición y monitoreo remoto basado, principalmente, en la instalación y operación de una estación meteorológica automática, para el seguimiento remoto de las condiciones ambientales bajo las cuales crece una plantación de café. La estación está dotada con los sensores correspondientes, para medir los parámetros del ambiente (Temperatura, Humedad Relativa, Radiación Solar y Lluvia), parámetros del suelo (Temperatura y Humedad del...

  19. Mapeamento e quantificação de parâmetros biofísicos e radiação líquida em área de algodoeiro irrigado Mapping and quantification of biophysical parameters and net radiation over irrigated cotton fields

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    Valéria Peixoto Borges


    Full Text Available O sensoriamento remoto tem se mostrado eficaz na avaliação de fluxos de energia e de propriedades biofísicas de superfícies vegetadas em escala regional. No presente trabalho, utilizou-se o algoritmo SEBAL - Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land e imagens TM - Landsat 5 para mapeamento e quantificação do albedo (α, NDVI, temperatura da superfície (Ts e radiação líquida (Rn em área de algodão irrigado por pivô central, na Fazenda Busato (13,25º S; 43,42º W; 436 m, município de Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia. Seis imagens de céu limpo ao longo do período da cultura (janeiro a agosto de 2007 e os respectivos dados meteorológicos foram utilizados para implementação do algoritmo. Após o processamento digital das imagens, verificou-se nítida relação dos parâmetros α, Ts e NDVI com o desenvolvimento da cultura. Os menores valores de α (10 a 20% e Ts (0,75 ocorreram na fase de máxima cobertura do solo. A radiação líquida (Rn diminuiu progressivamente com o tempo, influenciada, principalmente, pela diminuição da radiação solar incidente com o aumento do ângulo zenital. Os valores de Rn variaram de 430 W m-2 a 700 W m-2 nos pivos cultivados. A técnica de sensoriamento empregada capturou de forma nítida a variabilidade temporal e espacial de Rn e dos parâmetros biofísicos, cujos valores encontrados são compatíveis com os reportados na literatura para a mesma cultura sob regime de irrigação.Remote sensing is currently an important tool for evaluation of net radiation and biophysical parameters over vegetated surfaces on a regional scale. In this research, the SEBAL - Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land and TM - Landsat 5 images were used to map and quantify the albedo (α, NDVI, surface temperature (Ts and net radiation (Rn of center-pivot irrigated cotton fields in the Busato Farm (13.25º S; 43.42º W; 436 m asl, western of State of Bahia, Brazil. Images from six clear-sky days during the cropping season

  20. Diseno e Implementación de un Sistema Automatizado para Control Remoto de Iluminación en Conformidad de la Tecnología INSTEON y Optimización del Sistema de Seguridad CCTV en el Edificio GIMPROMED

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    Ronald Moreno


    Full Text Available El presente documento describe la implementación de un sistema automatizado y la optimización del sistema de seguridad CCTV (circuito cerrado de televisión para el edificio GIMPROMED. El sistema estará basado en la tecnología INSTEON y se orientara principalmente al control remoto de iluminación, y del equipo de climatización (aire acondicionado. La monitorización, supervisión y control del sistema se realizará a través de un software propietario desarrollado en lenguaje de programación de alto nivel JAVA, con un diseño personalizado y en base a los requerimientos del usuario. Los dispositivos del sistema automatizado serán seleccionados tomando en cuenta los tipos de cargas a controlar, el espacio físico disponible y la distribución de circuitos eléctricos. La optimización del circuito cerrado de televisión traerá consigo la implementación de un sistema flexible que permite integrar los dispositivos analógicos con las nuevas tecnologías existentes a fin de ofrecer una solución eficiente, robusta y flexible. En suma, este sistema, coadyuvará al desarrollo integral de la empresa, y proporcionara un ambiente productivo y eficiente a través de la automatización con el fin de brindar seguridad y respaldo a las personas que trabajan en ella.

  1. Discriminación de coberturas del suelo usando datos espectrales multi-angulares del sensor polder-1: alcances y limitaciones

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    Fernando Paz Pellat


    Full Text Available La información espectral multi-angular (visión de un píxel desde diferentes ángulos de visión y con ángulos de iluminación solar diferentes obtenida de sensores remotos tiene potencial para una discriminación adecuada de clases de coberturas del suelo. De acuerdo con varios esfuerzos realizados para poder analizar la capacidad de discriminación de las clases de cobertura del suelo, se introduce un marco teórico-conceptual para el análisis de la información espectral, angular y temporal (tamaño de píxel fijo. En este trabajo se explora el uso del sensor POLDER-1. La base de datos fue analizada ajustando un modelo de la función de distribución bidireccional de las reflectancias (BRDF en las bandas espectrales disponibles, para diferentes clases de cobertura del suelo del sistema GLC2000. Los resultados experimentales muestran adecuados ajustes a nivel de píxeles y datos diarios. Con los parámetros ajustados del modelo de la BRDF se analizó el potencial de discriminación usando espacios espectrales de las bandas de la región del rojo e infrarrojo cercano, utilizando diferentes resoluciones temporales y espaciales (agrupación de píxeles. Los resultados mostraron alta confusión (traslapes de posición en espacios espectrales, detectándose limitaciones de dichos enfoques para el caso de confusiones debidas a mezclas de clases o causadas por la dinámica temporal de las mismas. Al final se define un esquema para aproximar la clasificación de la vegetación al acoplar la información disponible en los sensores ópticos y las clases que pueden ser discriminadas.

  2. Multi-view Multi-sparsity Kernel Reconstruction for Multi-class Image Classification

    KAUST Repository

    Zhu, Xiaofeng; Xie, Qing; Zhu, Yonghua; Liu, Xingyi; Zhang, Shichao


    This paper addresses the problem of multi-class image classification by proposing a novel multi-view multi-sparsity kernel reconstruction (MMKR for short) model. Given images (including test images and training images) representing with multiple

  3. Stochastic multi-period multi-product multi-objective Aggregate Production Planning model in multi-echelon supply chain

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    Kaveh Khalili-Damghani


    Full Text Available In this paper a multi-period multi-product multi-objective aggregate production planning (APP model is proposed for an uncertain multi-echelon supply chain considering financial risk, customer satisfaction, and human resource training. Three conflictive objective functions and several sets of real constraints are considered concurrently in the proposed APP model. Some parameters of the proposed model are assumed to be uncertain and handled through a two-stage stochastic programming (TSSP approach. The proposed TSSP is solved using three multi-objective solution procedures, i.e., the goal attainment technique, the modified ε-constraint method, and STEM method. The whole procedure is applied in an automotive resin and oil supply chain as a real case study wherein the efficacy and applicability of the proposed approaches are illustrated in comparison with existing experimental production planning method.

  4. Integração de dados de sensoriamento remoto multi resoluções para a representação da cobertura da terra utilizando campos contínuos de vegetação e classificação por árvores de decisão


    Latorre, Marcelo Lopes; Carvalho Júnior, Osmar Abílio de; Santos, João Roberto dos; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir


    Este trabalho objetiva desenvolver uma metodologia de integração de multisensores para um sistema de monitoramento da Amazônia. O sistema proposto baseia-se no Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) que utiliza um algoritmo de árvore de decisão. O algoritmo utiliza um conjunto de variáveis independentes, no caso métricas multitemporais do MODIS, para recursivamente particionar uma variável dependente, no caso dados de treinamentos provenientes de classes de uso da terra, em subconjuntos, que maxi...

  5. Industrial applications of multi-functional, multi-phase reactors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harmsen, G.J.; Chewter, L.A.


    To reveal trends in the design and operation of multi-functional, multi-phase reactors, this paper describes, in historical sequence, three industrial applications of multi-functional, multi-phase reactors developed and operated by Shell Chemicals during the last five decades. For each case, we

  6. Who multi-tasks and why? Multi-tasking ability, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. (United States)

    Sanbonmatsu, David M; Strayer, David L; Medeiros-Ward, Nathan; Watson, Jason M


    The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are not the persons who are most likely to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously. To the contrary, multi-tasking activity as measured by the Media Multitasking Inventory and self-reported cell phone usage while driving were negatively correlated with actual multi-tasking ability. Multi-tasking was positively correlated with participants' perceived ability to multi-task ability which was found to be significantly inflated. Participants with a strong approach orientation and a weak avoidance orientation--high levels of impulsivity and sensation seeking--reported greater multi-tasking behavior. Finally, the findings suggest that people often engage in multi-tasking because they are less able to block out distractions and focus on a singular task. Participants with less executive control--low scorers on the Operation Span task and persons high in impulsivity--tended to report higher levels of multi-tasking activity.

  7. Who multi-tasks and why? Multi-tasking ability, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking.

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    David M Sanbonmatsu

    Full Text Available The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are not the persons who are most likely to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously. To the contrary, multi-tasking activity as measured by the Media Multitasking Inventory and self-reported cell phone usage while driving were negatively correlated with actual multi-tasking ability. Multi-tasking was positively correlated with participants' perceived ability to multi-task ability which was found to be significantly inflated. Participants with a strong approach orientation and a weak avoidance orientation--high levels of impulsivity and sensation seeking--reported greater multi-tasking behavior. Finally, the findings suggest that people often engage in multi-tasking because they are less able to block out distractions and focus on a singular task. Participants with less executive control--low scorers on the Operation Span task and persons high in impulsivity--tended to report higher levels of multi-tasking activity.

  8. Who Multi-Tasks and Why? Multi-Tasking Ability, Perceived Multi-Tasking Ability, Impulsivity, and Sensation Seeking (United States)

    Sanbonmatsu, David M.; Strayer, David L.; Medeiros-Ward, Nathan; Watson, Jason M.


    The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are not the persons who are most likely to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously. To the contrary, multi-tasking activity as measured by the Media Multitasking Inventory and self-reported cell phone usage while driving were negatively correlated with actual multi-tasking ability. Multi-tasking was positively correlated with participants’ perceived ability to multi-task ability which was found to be significantly inflated. Participants with a strong approach orientation and a weak avoidance orientation – high levels of impulsivity and sensation seeking – reported greater multi-tasking behavior. Finally, the findings suggest that people often engage in multi-tasking because they are less able to block out distractions and focus on a singular task. Participants with less executive control - low scorers on the Operation Span task and persons high in impulsivity - tended to report higher levels of multi-tasking activity. PMID:23372720


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    Fabiana de Oliveira HESSEL


    Full Text Available A necessidade de mapear e monitorar a superfície terrestre sobre uma amplitude de escalas temporais e espaciais é de importância primária na avaliação dos ecossistemas e para o planejamento do desenvolvimento sustentável. O presente trabalho objetiva analisar o processo de sucessão dos padrões de mudanças da paisagem no município de Cocos usando sensoriamento remoto. O município localiza-se na região do Oeste da Bahia onde ocorre uma intensa expansão agrícola e do agronegócio devido às condições ambientais favoráveis com terras planas e estações de chuvas bem definidas. Imagens do sensor ALOS e Landsat 5 foram usadas para produzir os mapas de uso e cobertura da terra nos anos 1996, 2000, 2004 e 2008. A metodologia proposta possui as seguintes etapas: (a pré-processamento das imagens; (b classificação do uso e cobertura da Terra por interpretação visual e detecção de mudança usando o método de pós-classificação; (c análise multitemporal das infraestruturas; e (d identificação do seqüenciamento dos padrões relativos à transformação dos ambientes naturais em antrópicos. A agropecuária apresenta uma forte tendência de crescimento ao longo do tempo, sendo o principal vetor de alteração da paisagem natural. Observa-se um processo crescente da conversão do Cerrado em áreas agrícolas. O aumento de rodovias é um importante indicador do advento da paisagem agrícola. Apesar do município ainda possuir extensas áreas preservadas, as localidades de ocupação agrícola apresentam a completa devastação do Cerrado. Essas mudanças do uso da terra possuem implicações na conservação do Cerrado e no manejo de uma agricultura sustentável.

  10. Synergism of optical and radar data for forest structure and biomass / Sinergismo entre dados ópticos e de radar da estrutura da floresta e biomassa

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    Sassan S. Saatchi


    Full Text Available AbstractThe structure of forests, the three-dimensional arrangement of individual trees, has a profound effect on how ecosystems function and carbon cycle, water and nutrients. Repeated optical satellite observations of vegetation patterns in two-dimensions have made significant contributions to our understanding of the state and dynamics of the global biosphere. Recent advances in Remote Sensing technology allow us to view the biosphere in three-dimensions and provide us with refined measurements of horizontal as well as vertical structure of forests. This paper provides an overview of the recent advances in fusion of optical and radar imagery in assessing terrestrial ecosystem structure and aboveground biomass. In particular, the paper will focus on radar and LIDAR sensors from recent and planned spaceborne missions and provide theoretical and practical applications of the measurements. Finally, the relevance of these measurements for reducing the uncertainties of terrestrial carbon cycle and the response of ecosystems to future climate will be discussed in details. ResumoA estrutura de florestas, o arranjo tridimensional de árvores individuais, tem um efeito profundo sobre o funcionamento dos ecossistemas e do ciclo do carbono, água e nutrientes. Repetidas observações de satélite óptico de padrões de vegetação em duas dimensões trouxeram contribuições significativas para a nossa compreensão do estado e da dinâmica da biosfera global. Recentes avanços na tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto nos permitem ver a biosfera em três dimensões e nos fornecer medições apuradas da estrutura horizontal, bem como a vertical das florestas. Esse artigo fornece uma visão geral dos recentes avanços na fusão de imagens ópticas e de radar para avaliar a estrutura do ecossistema terrestre e biomassa. Em particular, o trabalho concentra-se em sensores radar e LIDAR de recentes missões espaciais planejadas e fornece aplicações teóricas e

  11. Imagens de Alta Resolução Espacial de Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANT no Planejamento do Uso e Ocupação do Solo

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    Anny Keli Aparecida Alves Cândido


    Full Text Available A criação, aperfeiçoamento e uso de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto com foco em imagens suborbitais vêm aumentando, por apresentarem uma série de vantagens na análise geográfica e ecológica, produzindo dados com alta resolução espacial. O objetivo desse trabalho foi testar técnicas de classificação supervisionada e não supervisionada em imagens aéreas digitais de alta resolução espacial obtidas por veículo aéreo não tripulado (VANT, empregando dois softwares, SPRING e ArcGis. As imagens aéreas possuem resolução espacial de aproximadamente 10 cm, com área útil de recobrimento em torno de 45%. Foram obtidas em junho de 2011 e recobrem um trecho da cabeceira do rio São Lourenço, Campo Verde-MT. As fotografias aéreas foram georreferenciadas e posteriormente foram realizados os testes de classificação, dentre os quais apresentaram melhores resultados as classificações por região. Nessa etapa foram realizados aproximadamente 100 testes de segmentação com parâmetros de similaridade e área diferenciados, até encontrar uma rotina que melhor se adequasse a área de estudo. A classificação que melhor delimitou as diferentes feições presentes na imagem foi a supervisionada por região, cuja segmentação possuía 20 pixels de similaridade e 200 de área. Para comprovar estatisticamente a eficiência da classificação foi realizado teste de cluster e a validação foi realizada por meio do índice kappa e exatidão global. Os resultados apresentados assim como o uso de VANT, são ótimas ferramentas e passiveis de utilização em diversas áreas, incluindo rotina de perícia ambiental e monitoramento de recuperação de áreas degradadas, no âmbito do Código Florestal Brasileiro.


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    Jean Carlo Gessi Caneppele


    Full Text Available O município de Esperança do Sul/RS foi colonizado, a partir da década de 1890, principalmente, por imigrantes alemães e italianos, configurando uma estrutura rural de pequenas propriedades, pautada na derrubada da mata nativa, o que gerou intenso desmatamento. Atualmente, o município passa por uma dinâmica de envelhecimento e abandono populacional, ocorrendo uma mudança no uso e na ocupação da terra, de lavoura e pastagem para regeneração da mata a partir do abandono dessas áreas. Essa modificação no uso e na ocupação da terra ocorre nos últimos 10 anos, com o abandono do jovem do campo e das técnicas tradicionais, gerando o abandono de áreas em relevo íngreme, enquanto o cultivo de commodities figura nas áreas mais planas. O presente artigo busca relacionar as áreas abandonadas no município com a possibilidade de que as mesmas recebam Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais (PSA. Os procedimentos metodológicos do artigo iniciaram com o levantamento da evolução territorial do município, seguidos de um breve levantamento bibliográfico acerca de Serviços Ambientais, PSA e mecanismos de obtenção de recursos, por último foram identificadas e espacializadas as áreas abandonadas. Ressalta-se que o Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais, pode possibilitar a regeneração, preservação e conservação das áreas. Além disso, poderá propiciar um incremento de renda e favorecer a permanência das pessoas no espaço rural e contribuir, assim, para a melhoria de vida dos produtores rurais. Com o uso dos produtos do sensoriamento remoto foram identificadas 431 áreas abandonadas que necessitam de uma definição de áreas prioritárias possibilitando a lisura e a justiça no processo de concessão do beneficio do PSA.

  13. Avaliação Multitemporal da Susceptibilidade Erosiva na Bacia do Rio Urucuia (Mg Por Meio da Equação Universal de Perda de Solos.

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    Clarisse Lacerda Mata


    Full Text Available A Equação Universal de Perda de Solos (EUPS é um modelo de predição de perda de solo segundo um produto da erosividade da chuva, Fator R, da erodibilidade do solo, Fator K, do comprimento de rampa, Fator L, da declividade da vertente, Fator S, da cobertura e do manejo, Fator C, e das práticas conservacionistas, Fator P. Esta metodologia de predição de perda de solos, tem também tem sido utilizada como um instrumento de avaliação de risco à erosão e como medida de planejamento em bacias de uso agrícola. Assim, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar as mudanças da erosão do solo na Bacia do Rio Urucuia, Minas Gerais, Brasil, através dos resultados da EUPS para 1987 e 2007. A Bacia do Rio Urucuia é tributária da Bacia do Rio São Francisco, com aproximadamente 25.000 km², contribui com 10% de vazão e 18% da carga de sedimentos. A metodologia usou o SIG para obtenção do Fator Topográfico (LS e o Sensoriamento Remoto para a determinação dos fatores de cobertura e  manejo (C e práticas conservacionistas (P. A classificação das imagens Landsat-TM foi feita pelo método ISODATA para dois anos, 1987 e 2007. A análise multitemporal determinou para a área estudada a ocorrência de mudanças significativas na erosão do solo, no final de vinte anos. O fator mais significativo para a degradação e erosão foi o aumento das áreas agrícolas. Os resultados mostram a distribuição espacial das distintas áreas propensas à erosão na bacia, onde práticas conservacionistas são fundamentais na prevenção da perda de solo por erosão. A análise é importante para o planejamento ambiental, e pode dar subsídio ao estabelecimento de cenários que visem o desenvolvimento sustentável da bacia.

  14. Índice de Vulnerabilidade à Erosão para Uma Bacia na Mesorregião do São Francisco Pernambucano, d Partir das Relações entre Morfogênese e Pedogênese.

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    Jéssica Bezerra de Menezes


    Full Text Available No contexto semi-árido do Nordeste do Brasil os processos superficiais são comandados pela magnitude dos inputs pluviais, sua recorrência espaço-temporal e interação direta com as formações superficiais peculiares a este domínio e as práticas de uso da terra. De fato, na escala das micro-bacias a erosão hídrica representa a forma mais importante de ocorrência e constitui um problema ambiental nos espaços agrários tradicionais do semi-árido nordestino. Na bacia do riacho Mulungu, o panorama social da comunidade denota o baixo nível de desenvolvimento humano, enquanto o panorama ambiental reflete a pressão que esta exerce sobre o seu suporte natural, sendo observada erosão linear em sulcos e ravinas, formação de leques de dejeção assoreando o leito do rio, crostas salinas na superfície do solo e baixa densidade da cobertura vegetal nativa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar um índice de vulnerabilidade à erosão para a bacia do riacho Mulungu, utilizando os princípios da Ecodinâmica de Tricart e técnicas de sistema de informção geográfica e sensoriamento remoto. A fim de se obter uma imagem sucinta da estruturação superficial da paisagem e sua dinâmica, foram superpostos em ambiente digital os mapas pedológico, geomorfológico, geológico, de vegetação, do modelo digital de elevação e de declividade da área. Em seguida, foram estimados índices de vulnerabilidade considerando a interação entre a geologia, a geomorfologia, os tipos de solo, a vegetação, a distribuição da precipitação e o uso do solo. A partir da análise desses parâmetros, foi estimado um índice geral de vulnerabilidade morfodinâmica para a bacia que correspondeu a 2,0, indicando que a área da bacia possui um grau de susceptibilidade intermediário.

  15. Who Multi-Tasks and Why? Multi-Tasking Ability, Perceived Multi-Tasking Ability, Impulsivity, and Sensation Seeking


    Sanbonmatsu, David M.; Strayer, David L.; Medeiros-Ward, Nathan; Watson, Jason M.


    The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are ...

  16. CtrWeb: Una herramienta de programación para telecontrol de sistemas físicos educativos

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    Jesús Salido


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta una arquitectura software distribuida que proporciona una API (Application Programming Interface de código abierto basada en Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation para la programación, con fines educativos, del control secuencial de prototipos físicos remotos. Los prototipos físicos se construyen mediante el sistema de prototipado de la firma fischertechnikTM. La programación y acceso al prototipo físico se realiza de forma compartida por distintos desarrolladores empleando una estrategia de turnos de tiempo gestionada desde Moodle, un LMS (Learning Management System abierto de libre distribución. Palabras clave: telecontrol, laboratorio remoto, educación a distancia, automatización, control secuencial

  17. Multi-Language and Multi-Purpose Educational Tool for Kids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmen, Hee; Valente, Andrea; Marchetti, E.


    ‘Crazipes’ is one of the prototype games within SMAALL, a multi-language and multi-purpose games project for young kids of age 3-5 years old. The main goal of SMAALL is to expose young learners in multi-purpose and multi-module games. In the prototype of Crazipes, the game is designed to teach fo...

  18. Multi-target consensus circle pursuit for multi-agent systems via a distributed multi-flocking method (United States)

    Pei, Huiqin; Chen, Shiming; Lai, Qiang


    This paper studies the multi-target consensus pursuit problem of multi-agent systems. For solving the problem, a distributed multi-flocking method is designed based on the partial information exchange, which is employed to realise the pursuit of multi-target and the uniform distribution of the number of pursuing agents with the dynamic target. Combining with the proposed circle formation control strategy, agents can adaptively choose the target to form the different circle formation groups accomplishing a multi-target pursuit. The speed state of pursuing agents in each group converges to the same value. A Lyapunov approach is utilised to analyse the stability of multi-agent systems. In addition, a sufficient condition is given for achieving the dynamic target consensus pursuit, and which is then analysed. Finally, simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.

  19. Communication and computer technologies for teaching physics in nuclear reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murua, C; Chautemps, A; Odetto, J; Keil, W; Trivino, S; Rossi, F; Perez Lucero, A


    In order to train personnel inn order to train personnel in Embalse Nuclear Power Plant, and provided that such training given primarily on the location of such a facility, we designed a pedagogical strategy that combined the use of conventional resources with new information technologies. Since the Nuclear Reactor RA-0 is an ideal tool for teaching Reactor Physics, priority was the use of it, both locally remotely. The teaching strategy is based on four pillar: -Lectures on the Power Plant (using a virtual classroom to support); -Remote monitoring of Ra-0 Nuclear Reactor parameters while operating (RA0REMOTO); -Use, through the Internet, of the Ra-0 Nuclear Reactor Simulator (RA0SIMUL); -Made in the Nuclear Reactor RA-0 of Reactor Physics practical. The work emphasizes RA0REMOTO and RA0SIMUL systems. The RA0REMOTO system is an appendix of the Electronic Data Acquisition System (SEAD) of the Nuclear Reactor RA-0. This system acquires signals from Reactor instrumentation and sends them to a server running the software that 'publish' the reactor parameters on the internet. Students may, during the lectures, monitor any parameter of the reactor while it operates, which allows teachers to compare theory with reality. RA0SIMUL is a simulator on the RA-0, which allows students to 'operate' a reactor analyzing the underlying physics concepts (author)

  20. Multi-view Multi-sparsity Kernel Reconstruction for Multi-class Image Classification

    KAUST Repository

    Zhu, Xiaofeng


    This paper addresses the problem of multi-class image classification by proposing a novel multi-view multi-sparsity kernel reconstruction (MMKR for short) model. Given images (including test images and training images) representing with multiple visual features, the MMKR first maps them into a high-dimensional space, e.g., a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), where test images are then linearly reconstructed by some representative training images, rather than all of them. Furthermore a classification rule is proposed to classify test images. Experimental results on real datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed MMKR while comparing to state-of-the-art algorithms.

  1. Multi-View Multi-Instance Learning Based on Joint Sparse Representation and Multi-View Dictionary Learning. (United States)

    Li, Bing; Yuan, Chunfeng; Xiong, Weihua; Hu, Weiming; Peng, Houwen; Ding, Xinmiao; Maybank, Steve


    In multi-instance learning (MIL), the relations among instances in a bag convey important contextual information in many applications. Previous studies on MIL either ignore such relations or simply model them with a fixed graph structure so that the overall performance inevitably degrades in complex environments. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel multi-view multi-instance learning algorithm (MIL) that combines multiple context structures in a bag into a unified framework. The novel aspects are: (i) we propose a sparse -graph model that can generate different graphs with different parameters to represent various context relations in a bag, (ii) we propose a multi-view joint sparse representation that integrates these graphs into a unified framework for bag classification, and (iii) we propose a multi-view dictionary learning algorithm to obtain a multi-view graph dictionary that considers cues from all views simultaneously to improve the discrimination of the MIL. Experiments and analyses in many practical applications prove the effectiveness of the M IL.

  2. Aplicação de dados de sensoriamento remoto orbital de alta resolução à análise da cobertura vegetal intra-urbana e de seu estado de conservação


    Paulina Lopes Hoffmann Domingos


    A contribuição da cobertura vegetal intra-urbana nos ciclos funcionais das cidades está relacionada ao seu estado de conservação. Coberturas vegetais abandonadas podem esconder zonas de proliferação de doenças, depósitos ilegais de detritos e ainda servir como potenciais áreas de loteamentos clandestinos. Portanto, o monitoramento da cobertura vegetal intra-urbana é importante para que o poder público possa vigiar a situação dessas áreas com o intuito de mantê-las em boas condições. Dentro de...

  3. Multi-criteria objective based climate change impact assessment for multi-purpose multi-reservoir systems (United States)

    Müller, Ruben; Schütze, Niels


    Water resources systems with reservoirs are expected to be sensitive to climate change. Assessment studies that analyze the impact of climate change on the performance of reservoirs can be divided in two groups: (1) Studies that simulate the operation under projected inflows with the current set of operational rules. Due to non adapted operational rules the future performance of these reservoirs can be underestimated and the impact overestimated. (2) Studies that optimize the operational rules for best adaption of the system to the projected conditions before the assessment of the impact. The latter allows for estimating more realistically future performance and adaption strategies based on new operation rules are available if required. Multi-purpose reservoirs serve various, often conflicting functions. If all functions cannot be served simultaneously at a maximum level, an effective compromise between multiple objectives of the reservoir operation has to be provided. Yet under climate change the historically preferenced compromise may no longer be the most suitable compromise in the future. Therefore a multi-objective based climate change impact assessment approach for multi-purpose multi-reservoir systems is proposed in the study. Projected inflows are provided in a first step using a physically based rainfall-runoff model. In a second step, a time series model is applied to generate long-term inflow time series. Finally, the long-term inflow series are used as driving variables for a simulation-based multi-objective optimization of the reservoir system in order to derive optimal operation rules. As a result, the adapted Pareto-optimal set of diverse best compromise solutions can be presented to the decision maker in order to assist him in assessing climate change adaption measures with respect to the future performance of the multi-purpose reservoir system. The approach is tested on a multi-purpose multi-reservoir system in a mountainous catchment in Germany. A

  4. Timing system for multi-bunch/multi-train operation at ATF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naito, T.; Hayano, H.; Urakawa, J.; Imai, T.


    A timing system has been constructed for multi-bunch/multi-train operation at KEK-ATF. The linac accelerates 20 bunches of multi-bunch with 2.8 ns spacing. The Damping Ring stores up to 5 trains of multi-bunch. The timing system is required to provide flexible operation mode and bucket selection. A personal computer is used for manipulating the timing. The performance of kicker magnets at the injection/extruction is key issue for multi-train operation. The hardware and the test results are presented. (author)

  5. Multi-stage decoding of multi-level modulation codes (United States)

    Lin, Shu; Kasami, Tadao; Costello, Daniel J., Jr.


    Various types of multi-stage decoding for multi-level modulation codes are investigated. It is shown that if the component codes of a multi-level modulation code and types of decoding at various stages are chosen properly, high spectral efficiency and large coding gain can be achieved with reduced decoding complexity. Particularly, it is shown that the difference in performance between the suboptimum multi-stage soft-decision maximum likelihood decoding of a modulation code and the single-stage optimum soft-decision decoding of the code is very small, only a fraction of dB loss in signal to noise ratio at a bit error rate (BER) of 10(exp -6).

  6. Multi-stage decoding for multi-level block modulation codes (United States)

    Lin, Shu


    In this paper, we investigate various types of multi-stage decoding for multi-level block modulation codes, in which the decoding of a component code at each stage can be either soft-decision or hard-decision, maximum likelihood or bounded-distance. Error performance of codes is analyzed for a memoryless additive channel based on various types of multi-stage decoding, and upper bounds on the probability of an incorrect decoding are derived. Based on our study and computation results, we find that, if component codes of a multi-level modulation code and types of decoding at various stages are chosen properly, high spectral efficiency and large coding gain can be achieved with reduced decoding complexity. In particular, we find that the difference in performance between the suboptimum multi-stage soft-decision maximum likelihood decoding of a modulation code and the single-stage optimum decoding of the overall code is very small: only a fraction of dB loss in SNR at the probability of an incorrect decoding for a block of 10(exp -6). Multi-stage decoding of multi-level modulation codes really offers a way to achieve the best of three worlds, bandwidth efficiency, coding gain, and decoding complexity.

  7. Analysis and synthesis of multi-qubit, multi-mode quantum devices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solgun, Firat


    In this thesis we propose new methods in multi-qubit multi-mode circuit quantum electrodynamics (circuit-QED) architectures. First we describe a direct parity measurement method for three qubits, which can be realized in 2D circuit-QED with a possible extension to four qubits in a 3D circuit-QED setup for the implementation of the surface code. In Chapter 3 we show how to derive Hamiltonians and compute relaxation rates of the multi-mode superconducting microwave circuits consisting of single Josephson junctions using an exact impedance synthesis technique (the Brune synthesis) and applying previous formalisms for lumped element circuit quantization. In the rest of the thesis we extend our method to multi-junction (multi-qubit) multi-mode circuits through the use of state-space descriptions which allows us to quantize any multiport microwave superconducting circuit with a reciprocal lossy impedance response.

  8. Multi-view clustering via multi-manifold regularized non-negative matrix factorization. (United States)

    Zong, Linlin; Zhang, Xianchao; Zhao, Long; Yu, Hong; Zhao, Qianli


    Non-negative matrix factorization based multi-view clustering algorithms have shown their competitiveness among different multi-view clustering algorithms. However, non-negative matrix factorization fails to preserve the locally geometrical structure of the data space. In this paper, we propose a multi-manifold regularized non-negative matrix factorization framework (MMNMF) which can preserve the locally geometrical structure of the manifolds for multi-view clustering. MMNMF incorporates consensus manifold and consensus coefficient matrix with multi-manifold regularization to preserve the locally geometrical structure of the multi-view data space. We use two methods to construct the consensus manifold and two methods to find the consensus coefficient matrix, which leads to four instances of the framework. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms outperform existing non-negative matrix factorization based algorithms for multi-view clustering. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Simulation-optimization framework for multi-site multi-season hybrid stochastic streamflow modeling (United States)

    Srivastav, Roshan; Srinivasan, K.; Sudheer, K. P.


    A simulation-optimization (S-O) framework is developed for the hybrid stochastic modeling of multi-site multi-season streamflows. The multi-objective optimization model formulated is the driver and the multi-site, multi-season hybrid matched block bootstrap model (MHMABB) is the simulation engine within this framework. The multi-site multi-season simulation model is the extension of the existing single-site multi-season simulation model. A robust and efficient evolutionary search based technique, namely, non-dominated sorting based genetic algorithm (NSGA - II) is employed as the solution technique for the multi-objective optimization within the S-O framework. The objective functions employed are related to the preservation of the multi-site critical deficit run sum and the constraints introduced are concerned with the hybrid model parameter space, and the preservation of certain statistics (such as inter-annual dependence and/or skewness of aggregated annual flows). The efficacy of the proposed S-O framework is brought out through a case example from the Colorado River basin. The proposed multi-site multi-season model AMHMABB (whose parameters are obtained from the proposed S-O framework) preserves the temporal as well as the spatial statistics of the historical flows. Also, the other multi-site deficit run characteristics namely, the number of runs, the maximum run length, the mean run sum and the mean run length are well preserved by the AMHMABB model. Overall, the proposed AMHMABB model is able to show better streamflow modeling performance when compared with the simulation based SMHMABB model, plausibly due to the significant role played by: (i) the objective functions related to the preservation of multi-site critical deficit run sum; (ii) the huge hybrid model parameter space available for the evolutionary search and (iii) the constraint on the preservation of the inter-annual dependence. Split-sample validation results indicate that the AMHMABB model is

  10. Multi-view L2-SVM and its multi-view core vector machine. (United States)

    Huang, Chengquan; Chung, Fu-lai; Wang, Shitong


    In this paper, a novel L2-SVM based classifier Multi-view L2-SVM is proposed to address multi-view classification tasks. The proposed Multi-view L2-SVM classifier does not have any bias in its objective function and hence has the flexibility like μ-SVC in the sense that the number of the yielded support vectors can be controlled by a pre-specified parameter. The proposed Multi-view L2-SVM classifier can make full use of the coherence and the difference of different views through imposing the consensus among multiple views to improve the overall classification performance. Besides, based on the generalized core vector machine GCVM, the proposed Multi-view L2-SVM classifier is extended into its GCVM version MvCVM which can realize its fast training on large scale multi-view datasets, with its asymptotic linear time complexity with the sample size and its space complexity independent of the sample size. Our experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed Multi-view L2-SVM classifier for small scale multi-view datasets and the proposed MvCVM classifier for large scale multi-view datasets. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Automatic Multi-Level Thresholding Segmentation Based on Multi-Objective Optimization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. DJEROU,


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present a new multi-level image thresholding technique, called Automatic Threshold based on Multi-objective Optimization "ATMO" that combines the flexibility of multi-objective fitness functions with the power of a Binary Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm "BPSO", for searching the "optimum" number of the thresholds and simultaneously the optimal thresholds of three criteria: the between-class variances criterion, the minimum error criterion and the entropy criterion. Some examples of test images are presented to compare our segmentation method, based on the multi-objective optimization approach with Otsu’s, Kapur’s and Kittler’s methods. Our experimental results show that the thresholding method based on multi-objective optimization is more efficient than the classical Otsu’s, Kapur’s and Kittler’s methods.

  12. Multi-Hop Link Capacity of Multi-Route Multi-Hop MRC Diversity for a Virtual Cellular Network (United States)

    Daou, Imane; Kudoh, Eisuke; Adachi, Fumiyuki

    In virtual cellular network (VCN), proposed for high-speed mobile communications, the signal transmitted from a mobile terminal is received by some wireless ports distributed in each virtual cell and relayed to the central port that acts as a gateway to the core network. In this paper, we apply the multi-route MHMRC diversity in order to decrease the transmit power and increase the multi-hop link capacity. The transmit power, the interference power and the link capacity are evaluated for DS-CDMA multi-hop VCN by computer simulation. The multi-route MHMRC diversity can be applied to not only DS-CDMA but also other access schemes (i. e. MC-CDMA, OFDM, etc.).

  13. Box-Particle Cardinality Balanced Multi-Target Multi-Bernoulli Filter


    L. Song; X. Zhao


    As a generalized particle filtering, the box-particle filter (Box-PF) has a potential to process the measurements affected by bounded error of unknown distributions and biases. Inspired by the Box-PF, a novel implementation for multi-target tracking, called box-particle cardinality balanced multi-target multi-Bernoulli (Box-CBMeMBer) filter is presented in this paper. More important, to eliminate the negative effect of clutters in the estimation of the numbers of targets, an improved generali...

  14. Multi-wavelength and multi-colour temporal and spatial optical solitons

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kivshar, Y. S.; Sukhorukov, A. A.; Ostrovskaya, E. A.


    We present an overview of several novel types of multi- component envelope solitary waves that appear in fiber and waveguide nonlinear optics. In particular, we describe multi-channel solitary waves in bit-parallel-wavelength fiber transmission systems for high performance computer networks, multi......-color parametric spatial solitary waves due to cascaded nonlinearities of quadratic materials, and quasiperiodic envelope solitons in Fibonacci optical superlattices....

  15. Multi-scale and multi-orientation medical image analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haar Romenij, ter B.M.; Deserno, T.M.


    Inspired by multi-scale and multi-orientation mechanisms recognized in the first stages of our visual system, this chapter gives a tutorial overview of the basic principles. Images are discrete, measured data. The optimal aperture for an observation with as little artefacts as possible, is derived

  16. Multi-level trellis coded modulation and multi-stage decoding (United States)

    Costello, Daniel J., Jr.; Wu, Jiantian; Lin, Shu


    Several constructions for multi-level trellis codes are presented and many codes with better performance than previously known codes are found. These codes provide a flexible trade-off between coding gain, decoding complexity, and decoding delay. New multi-level trellis coded modulation schemes using generalized set partitioning methods are developed for Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) and Phase Shift Keying (PSK) signal sets. New rotationally invariant multi-level trellis codes which can be combined with differential encoding to resolve phase ambiguity are presented.

  17. Multi-objective optimization of linear multi-state multiple sliding window system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konak, Abdullah; Kulturel-Konak, Sadan; Levitin, Gregory


    This paper considers the optimal element sequencing in a linear multi-state multiple sliding window system that consists of n linearly ordered multi-state elements. Each multi-state element can have different states: from complete failure up to perfect functioning. A performance rate is associated with each state. The failure of type i in the system occurs if for any i (1≤i≤I) the cumulative performance of any r i consecutive elements is lower than w i . The element sequence strongly affects the probability of any type of system failure. The sequence that minimizes the probability of certain type of failure can provide high probability of other types of failures. Therefore the optimization problem for the multiple sliding window system is essentially multi-objective. The paper formulates and solves the multi-objective optimization problem for the multiple sliding window systems. A multi-objective Genetic Algorithm is used as the optimization engine. Illustrative examples are presented.

  18. PMHT Approach for Multi-Target Multi-Sensor Sonar Tracking in Clutter. (United States)

    Li, Xiaohua; Li, Yaan; Yu, Jing; Chen, Xiao; Dai, Miao


    Multi-sensor sonar tracking has many advantages, such as the potential to reduce the overall measurement uncertainty and the possibility to hide the receiver. However, the use of multi-target multi-sensor sonar tracking is challenging because of the complexity of the underwater environment, especially the low target detection probability and extremely large number of false alarms caused by reverberation. In this work, to solve the problem of multi-target multi-sensor sonar tracking in the presence of clutter, a novel probabilistic multi-hypothesis tracker (PMHT) approach based on the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is proposed. The PMHT can efficiently handle the unknown measurements-to-targets and measurements-to-transmitters data association ambiguity. The EKF and UKF are used to deal with the high degree of nonlinearity in the measurement model. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the target tracking performance in a cluttered environment greatly, and its computational load is low.

  19. Generalized modeling of multi-component vaporization/condensation phenomena for multi-phase-flow analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morita, K.; Fukuda, K.; Tobita, Y.; Kondo, Sa.; Suzuki, T.; Maschek, W.


    A new multi-component vaporization/condensation (V/C) model was developed to provide a generalized model for safety analysis codes of liquid metal cooled reactors (LMRs). These codes simulate thermal-hydraulic phenomena of multi-phase, multi-component flows, which is essential to investigate core disruptive accidents of LMRs such as fast breeder reactors and accelerator driven systems. The developed model characterizes the V/C processes associated with phase transition by employing heat transfer and mass-diffusion limited models for analyses of relatively short-time-scale multi-phase, multi-component hydraulic problems, among which vaporization and condensation, or simultaneous heat and mass transfer, play an important role. The heat transfer limited model describes the non-equilibrium phase transition processes occurring at interfaces, while the mass-diffusion limited model is employed to represent effects of non-condensable gases and multi-component mixture on V/C processes. Verification of the model and method employed in the multi-component V/C model of a multi-phase flow code was performed successfully by analyzing a series of multi-bubble condensation experiments. The applicability of the model to the accident analysis of LMRs is also discussed by comparison between steam and metallic vapor systems. (orig.)

  20. A produção do lugar de transmissão da leishmaniose tegumentar: o caso da Localidade Pau da Fome na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Production of transmission foci for cutaneous leishmaniasis: the case of Pau da Fome, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hélia Kawa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa as características de um dos lugares de transmissão de maior relevância da leishmaniose tegumentar na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, considerando sua configuração territorial e as relações desta com processos de organização do espaço. Utilizou-se o modelo de análise do processo de ocupação e organização do espaço urbano, em escala local, considerando-se as novas funções adquiridas pelos elementos espaciais expressos por diferentes relações de trabalho, uso do solo e valor da terra. Empregaram-se técnicas de geoprocessamento e de classificação de imagens obtidas por sensoriamento remoto, localização de domicílios e casos de leishmaniose tegumentar, associados a dados qualitativos sobre o processo histórico de ocupação e uso do solo. A análise mostrou áreas com distintas condições de vulnerabilidade, e que mudanças destas condições viabilizaram a produção da epidemia em um determinado período e sua posterior redução. O estudo contribui para o monitoramento da enfermidade em nível local e para a aplicação de medidas eficazes para as ações de vigilância e controle da leishmaniose tegumentar.This study analyzes the characteristics of one of the main foci for cutaneous leishmaniasis transmission in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, examining its territorial configuration and the relations with spatial organization processes. An analytical model was applied to the process of occupation and organization of urban space on a local scale, considering the new functions acquired by the spatial elements expressed by different work relations, land use, and land value. The study employed geoprocessing techniques and classification of images obtained by remote sensing, localization of households, and cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis, associated with qualitative data on the historical process of land occupation and use. The analysis detected areas with distinct conditions of vulnerability


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    Rafael Coll Delgado


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica nouso e cobertura da terra em área de abrangência de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Para tanto, utilizou-se o algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land e o método de classificação não supervisionada por meio do algoritmo ISODATA. Foi utilizada uma série históricade temperatura do ar (ºC, da Estação Meteorológica Convencional (EMC do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET e imagens do sensor TM Landsat 5 do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, noperíodo que compreendeu 16 anos (1994-2010. Os resultados mostraram que nos anosde 1999, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 e 2010 mais de 20 mil hectares foram antropizadas, porém, a partir de 1999 inicia-se um acentuado crescimento das áreas classificadas como mata. Os valores demonstraram avanço das áreas antropizadas (58,92% em 1994 para 71,90% em 2010 e uma redução das áreas de pastagens (27,04% em 1994 para 5,90% em 2010. A temperatura da superfície estimada pelo algoritmo SEBAL para os anos de 1994 e 2010, apresentaram valores máximos de 38ºC em áreas antropizadas e valores mínimos de 18ºC em áreas de vegetação. Com base no cálculo do viés médio (VM, o presente estudo mostrou que os dados estimados da temperatura da superfície apresentaram boa correlação de 0,67 com os dados do INMET, já que as temperaturas foram subestimadas e superestimadas com valores mínimos e máximos de -3,83ºC e 2,65ºC em 1994 e 2003. Os resultados obtidos, ainda que em caráter preliminar, indicam a eficiência do Sensoriamento Remoto (SR por meio da análise das bandas refletivas e termal do satélite Landsat 5 como ferramenta de análise na identificação da dinâmica do uso do solo, mostrando-se eficaz quanto à espacialização dessas anomalias no espaço e no tempo.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Coll Delgado


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica nouso e cobertura da terra em área de abrangência de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Para tanto, utilizou-se o algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land e o método de classificação não supervisionada por meio do algoritmo ISODATA. Foi utilizada uma série históricade temperatura do ar (ºC, da Estação Meteorológica Convencional (EMC do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET e imagens do sensor TM Landsat 5 do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, noperíodo que compreendeu 16 anos (1994-2010. Os resultados mostraram que nos anosde 1999, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 e 2010 mais de 20 mil hectares foram antropizadas, porém, a partir de 1999 inicia-se um acentuado crescimento das áreas classificadas como mata. Os valores demonstraram avanço das áreas antropizadas (58,92% em 1994 para 71,90% em 2010 e uma redução das áreas de pastagens (27,04% em 1994 para 5,90% em 2010. A temperatura da superfície estimada pelo algoritmo SEBAL para os anos de 1994 e 2010, apresentaram valores máximos de 38ºC em áreas antropizadas e valores mínimos de 18ºC em áreas de vegetação. Com base no cálculo do viés médio (VM, o presente estudo mostrou que os dados estimados da temperatura da superfície apresentaram boa correlação de 0,67 com os dados do INMET, já que as temperaturas foram subestimadas e superestimadas com valores mínimos e máximos de -3,83ºC e 2,65ºC em 1994 e 2003. Os resultados obtidos, ainda que em caráter preliminar, indicam a eficiência do Sensoriamento Remoto (SR por meio da análise das bandas refletivas e termal do satélite Landsat 5 como ferramenta de análise na identificação da dinâmica do uso do solo, mostrando-se eficaz quanto à espacialização dessas anomalias no espaço e no tempo.

  3. Modelagem hidrológica na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Aiuruoca, MG Hydrologic modeling in the Aiuruoca river basin, Minas Gerais State

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo R. Viola


    Full Text Available A simulação do comportamento hidrológico de bacias hidrográficas consiste em uma das principais ferramentas na gestão dos recursos hídricos, devido à possibilidade de predição do regime fluvial. A bacia em estudo está localizada na região Alto Rio Grande, Sul de Minas Gerais, com área de drenagem de 2.094 km², constituindo uma das bacias fundamentais de drenagem para o reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Camargos (UHE - Camargos/CEMIG. Neste contexto se objetivou desenvolver e aplicar um modelo hidrológico semi-conceitual, na forma semi-distribuída, para simular o comportamento hidrológico da bacia do Rio Aiuruoca, com apoio dos SIGs e sensoriamento remoto, disponibilizando uma ferramenta útil para o gerenciamento e planejamento dos recursos hídricos na região. Os resultados do coeficiente estatístico de Nash-Sutcliffe (CNS foram de 0,87 e 0,92 para as etapas de calibração e verificação, respectivamente, o que, de acordo com a classificação proposta para modelos hidrológicos de simulação, permite qualificá-lo para simulação do comportamento hidrológico na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Aiuruoca.The hydrological simulation of watersheds is one of the most important tools for water resources management due to the possibility of flow regime prediction. The Aiuruoca river basin is located in the Alto Rio Grande Basin, southern Minas Gerais State, with 2,094 km² of drainage area, and is very important drainage basin into the Camargos Hydropower Plant Reservoir (UHE - Camargos/CEMIG. In this context, this work had the objective of developing and applying a semi-conceptual hydrologic model, in semi-distributed approach, for hydrologic simulation in the Aiuruoca river basin, based on GIS and Remote Sensing tools, thus creating an important tool for management and planning of water resources in the region. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients (CNS, respectively, for calibration and validation periods, were 0.87 and 0


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    Sony Cortese CANEPARO


    Full Text Available Este trabalho estuda a dinâmica espacial da ocupação antrópica no perímetro urbano de Paranaguá, Paraná (Brasil, nos anos de 1952, 1962, 1980 e 1996. A metodologia aplicada fundamenta-se na utilização do sistema de informação geográfica, aliado ao sensoriamento remoto. Foram geradas séries temporais de planos de informações (tipos de cobertura vegetal e categorias de uso da terra, os quais foram cruzados, para acompanhar a evolução da mancha urbana. Observações de campo e levantamentos bibliográficos foram necessários para o apoio à compreensão dessa dinâmica. Detectou-se uma forte dinâmica espacial da ocupação antrópica no perímetro urbano de Paranaguá; entre 1952 e 1996, a área antropizada foi de 2.269 ha. Tal antropização ocorreu a partir do centro da cidade em direção ao porto e nas margens dos rios que a banham; é decorrente principalmente dos ciclos econômicos ligados ao setor portuário, à migração, ao crescimento natural da população e ao acesso às praias. Spatial dynamic analysis of antropic occupation in Paranaguá-PR (1952-1996, through the geographical information use Abstract This study covers the spatial dynamics of anthropic occupation in the urban area of Paranaguá, Paraná, Brazil, in the years 1952, 1962, 1980, and 1996. The methodology applied was based on GIS (Geographical Information System associated to remote sensing. Temporal series of information plans were generated (types of vegetation and land use categories, and the information therefore were crossed in order to observe the evolution of the urban sprawl. Field observation and bibliographic surveys were required to support the understanding of such dynamics. It was found strong spatial dynamics of anthropic occupation in the urban area of Paranaguá; between 1952 and 1996, the area occupied was 2.269 ha. This anthropization occured from downtown to the port and at hedge of the rives; due to the economic fases of the port, to


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    Cesar Vinícius Mendes Nery


    Full Text Available A importância das imagens de sensoriamento remoto para o monitoramento da cobertura vegetal é algo inegável. Por mais de três décadas a série Landsat tem fornecido imagens da terra, porém a partir de novembro de 2011 o satélite interrompeu a disponibilização de suas imagens para o monitoramento ambiental. Uma das alternativas de imagens ao Landsat têm sido as imagens do sensor LISS III a bordo do satélite indiano Resourcesat 1. O presente trabalho tem como área de estudo o município de Janaúba, por estar em uma área de transição de dois biomas, e o mesmo tem por objetivo comparar os dois sensores, o sensor TM que se encontra a bordo do satélite Landsat 5 e o sensor LISS III a bordo do satélite Resourcesat 1. Para esse estudo comparativo as imagens foram adquiridas do site do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE e seus valores de níveis digitais (ND foram convertidos em reflectância com correção atmosférica utilizando o método de correção DOS. Amostras de pixels das imagens índice foram coletadas para o estudo de correlação e ajuste de uma equação linear por meio da técnica de regressão. Utilizando a equação ajustada foram gerados dois mapas temáticos de ambos os sensores, sendo os mesmos comparados pelo teste estatístico Kappa. Os resultados mostraram uma forte correlação entre os valores de NDVI (0,81, sendo possível o ajuste de uma equação linear que expresse a forma dessa relação. O sensor TM, superestimou os valores de NDVI em relação ao sensor LISS III (Inclinação de 1,1035. O valor de Kappa para os mapas temáticos obtidos foi de 0,5894 e o índice de acerto foi de 98,81%, o que mostra uma boa similaridade entre eles. O sensor LISS III pode ser perfeitamente utilizado como alternativa ao Landsat 5.


    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — MULTI-TEMPORAL REMOTE SENSING IMAGE CLASSIFICATION - A MULTI-VIEW APPROACH VARUN CHANDOLA AND RANGA RAJU VATSAVAI Abstract. Multispectral remote sensing images have...

  7. Multi-population genomic prediction using a multi-task Bayesian learning model. (United States)

    Chen, Liuhong; Li, Changxi; Miller, Stephen; Schenkel, Flavio


    Genomic prediction in multiple populations can be viewed as a multi-task learning problem where tasks are to derive prediction equations for each population and multi-task learning property can be improved by sharing information across populations. The goal of this study was to develop a multi-task Bayesian learning model for multi-population genomic prediction with a strategy to effectively share information across populations. Simulation studies and real data from Holstein and Ayrshire dairy breeds with phenotypes on five milk production traits were used to evaluate the proposed multi-task Bayesian learning model and compare with a single-task model and a simple data pooling method. A multi-task Bayesian learning model was proposed for multi-population genomic prediction. Information was shared across populations through a common set of latent indicator variables while SNP effects were allowed to vary in different populations. Both simulation studies and real data analysis showed the effectiveness of the multi-task model in improving genomic prediction accuracy for the smaller Ayshire breed. Simulation studies suggested that the multi-task model was most effective when the number of QTL was small (n = 20), with an increase of accuracy by up to 0.09 when QTL effects were lowly correlated between two populations (ρ = 0.2), and up to 0.16 when QTL effects were highly correlated (ρ = 0.8). When QTL genotypes were included for training and validation, the improvements were 0.16 and 0.22, respectively, for scenarios of the low and high correlation of QTL effects between two populations. When the number of QTL was large (n = 200), improvement was small with a maximum of 0.02 when QTL genotypes were not included for genomic prediction. Reduction in accuracy was observed for the simple pooling method when the number of QTL was small and correlation of QTL effects between the two populations was low. For the real data, the multi-task model achieved an

  8. Multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals in spatial rock–paper–scissors games

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiang, Luo-Luo, E-mail: [College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035 (China); College of Physics and Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi 541004 (China); Wang, Wen-Xu [School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 (United States); Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 (China); Lai, Ying-Cheng [School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 (United States); Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 (United States); Ni, Xuan [School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 (United States)


    We study the formation of multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals in spatial rock–paper–scissors games with mobile individuals. We discover a set of seed distributions of species, which is able to produce multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals with a finite number of arms and pairs based on stochastic processes. The joint spiral waves are also predicted by a theoretical model based on partial differential equations associated with specific initial conditions. The spatial entropy of patterns is introduced to differentiate the multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals. For the given mobility, the spatial entropy of multi-armed spirals is higher than that of single armed spirals. The stability of the waves is explored with respect to individual mobility. Particularly, we find that both two armed spirals and one pair antispirals transform to the single armed spirals. Furthermore, multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals are relatively stable for intermediate mobility. The joint spirals with lower numbers of arms and pairs are relatively more stable than those with higher numbers of arms and pairs. In addition, comparing to large amount of previous work, we employ the no flux boundary conditions which enables quantitative studies of pattern formation and stability in the system of stochastic interactions in the absence of excitable media. -- Highlights: ► Multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals are observed. ► Patterns are predicted by computer simulations and partial differential equations. ► The spatial entropy of patterns is introduced. ► Patterns are relatively stable for intermediate mobility. ► The joint spirals with lower numbers of arms and pairs are relatively more stable.

  9. Multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals in spatial rock–paper–scissors games

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, Luo-Luo; Wang, Wen-Xu; Lai, Ying-Cheng; Ni, Xuan


    We study the formation of multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals in spatial rock–paper–scissors games with mobile individuals. We discover a set of seed distributions of species, which is able to produce multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals with a finite number of arms and pairs based on stochastic processes. The joint spiral waves are also predicted by a theoretical model based on partial differential equations associated with specific initial conditions. The spatial entropy of patterns is introduced to differentiate the multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals. For the given mobility, the spatial entropy of multi-armed spirals is higher than that of single armed spirals. The stability of the waves is explored with respect to individual mobility. Particularly, we find that both two armed spirals and one pair antispirals transform to the single armed spirals. Furthermore, multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals are relatively stable for intermediate mobility. The joint spirals with lower numbers of arms and pairs are relatively more stable than those with higher numbers of arms and pairs. In addition, comparing to large amount of previous work, we employ the no flux boundary conditions which enables quantitative studies of pattern formation and stability in the system of stochastic interactions in the absence of excitable media. -- Highlights: ► Multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals are observed. ► Patterns are predicted by computer simulations and partial differential equations. ► The spatial entropy of patterns is introduced. ► Patterns are relatively stable for intermediate mobility. ► The joint spirals with lower numbers of arms and pairs are relatively more stable.

  10. Desenvolvimento de metodologia analítica e de sensoriamento remoto visando analisar os níveis de hpa´s em partículas atmosféricas ultrafinas na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre


    Dayana Milena Agudelo Castañeda


    Nos últimos anos, a deterioração da qualidade do ar urbano devido ao material particulado atmosférico está recebendo atenção significativa e continuamente ameaça a qualidade de vida dos habitantes das áreas urbanas. A poluição do ar pelas partículas atmosféricas nas zonas urbanas é causada principalmente pelas emissões de fontes antropogênicas em sua maioria veiculares. Além disso, a poluição causada por partículas atmosféricas não está apenas relacionada com a sua concentração, mas também co...

  11. Coordinated Multi-layer Multi-domain Optical Network (COMMON) for Large-Scale Science Applications (COMMON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vokkarane, Vinod [University of Massachusetts


    We intend to implement a Coordinated Multi-layer Multi-domain Optical Network (COMMON) Framework for Large-scale Science Applications. In the COMMON project, specific problems to be addressed include 1) anycast/multicast/manycast request provisioning, 2) deployable OSCARS enhancements, 3) multi-layer, multi-domain quality of service (QoS), and 4) multi-layer, multidomain path survivability. In what follows, we outline the progress in the above categories (Year 1, 2, and 3 deliverables).

  12. Middleware for multi-client and multi-server mobile applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rocha, B.P.S.; Rezende, C.G.; Loureiro, A.A.F.


    With popularization of mobile computing, many developers have faced problems due to great heterogeneity of devices. To address this issue, we present in this work a middleware for multi-client and multi-server mobile applications. We assume that the middleware at the server side has no resource

  13. Multi-dimensional Fuzzy Euler Approximation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yangyang Hao


    Full Text Available Multi-dimensional Fuzzy differential equations driven by multi-dimen-sional Liu process, have been intensively applied in many fields. However, we can not obtain the analytic solution of every multi-dimensional fuzzy differential equation. Then, it is necessary for us to discuss the numerical results in most situations. This paper focuses on the numerical method of multi-dimensional fuzzy differential equations. The multi-dimensional fuzzy Taylor expansion is given, based on this expansion, a numerical method which is designed for giving the solution of multi-dimensional fuzzy differential equation via multi-dimensional Euler method will be presented, and its local convergence also will be discussed.

  14. Instance annotation for multi-instance multi-label learning (United States)

    F. Briggs; X.Z. Fern; R. Raich; Q. Lou


    Multi-instance multi-label learning (MIML) is a framework for supervised classification where the objects to be classified are bags of instances associated with multiple labels. For example, an image can be represented as a bag of segments and associated with a list of objects it contains. Prior work on MIML has focused on predicting label sets for previously unseen...

  15. Multi-office engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cowle, E.S.; Hall, L.D.; Koss, P.; Saheb, E.; Setrakian, V.


    This paper addresses the viability of multi-office project engineering as has been made possible in a large part by the computer age. Brief discussions are provided on two past projects describing the authors' initial efforts at multi-office engineering, and an in-depth discussion is provided on a current Bechtel project that demonstrates their multi-office engineering capabilities. Efficiencies and cost savings associated with executing an engineering project from multiple office locations was identified as a viable and cost-effective execution approach. The paper also discusses how the need for multi-office engineering came about, what is required to succeed, and where they are going from here. Furthermore, it summarizes the benefits to their clients and to Bechtel

  16. Extended multi-configuration quasi-degenerate perturbation theory: the new approach to multi-state multi-reference perturbation theory. (United States)

    Granovsky, Alexander A


    The distinctive desirable features, both mathematically and physically meaningful, for all partially contracted multi-state multi-reference perturbation theories (MS-MR-PT) are explicitly formulated. The original approach to MS-MR-PT theory, called extended multi-configuration quasi-degenerate perturbation theory (XMCQDPT), having most, if not all, of the desirable properties is introduced. The new method is applied at the second order of perturbation theory (XMCQDPT2) to the 1(1)A(')-2(1)A(') conical intersection in allene molecule, the avoided crossing in LiF molecule, and the 1(1)A(1) to 2(1)A(1) electronic transition in cis-1,3-butadiene. The new theory has several advantages compared to those of well-established approaches, such as second order multi-configuration quasi-degenerate perturbation theory and multi-state-second order complete active space perturbation theory. The analysis of the prevalent approaches to the MS-MR-PT theory performed within the framework of the XMCQDPT theory unveils the origin of their common inherent problems. We describe the efficient implementation strategy that makes XMCQDPT2 an especially useful general-purpose tool in the high-level modeling of small to large molecular systems. © 2011 American Institute of Physics

  17. Multi-Threaded DNA Tag/Anti-Tag Library Generator for Multi-Core Platforms (United States)


    base pair)  Watson ‐ Crick  strand pairs that bind perfectly within pairs, but poorly across pairs. A variety  of  DNA  strand hybridization metrics...AFRL-RI-RS-TR-2009-131 Final Technical Report May 2009 MULTI-THREADED DNA TAG/ANTI-TAG LIBRARY GENERATOR FOR MULTI-CORE PLATFORMS...TYPE Final 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) Jun 08 – Feb 09 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE MULTI-THREADED DNA TAG/ANTI-TAG LIBRARY GENERATOR FOR MULTI-CORE

  18. Patos Lagoon Outflow Within the Rio de la Plata Plume Using an Airborne Salinity Mapper: Observing an Embedded Plume (United States)


    19 February 2004. Meteorological observations were also re- depths of several meters. In spite of the apparent inaccuracy, we corded manually from the...Brigada de Mantenimiento , Servicio Application of data from near-coincident airborne and in-situ de Sensores Remotos y Aeroespaciales, and Escuadr6n

  19. A quantum-classical simulation of a multi-surface multi-mode ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Multi surface multi mode quantum dynamics; parallelized quantum classical approach; TDDVR method. 1. ... cal simulation on molecular system is a great cha- llenge for ..... on a multiple core cluster with shared memory using. OpenMP based ...

  20. Interactive Approach for Multi-Level Multi-Objective Fractional Programming Problems with Fuzzy Parameters

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    M.S. Osman


    Full Text Available In this paper, an interactive approach for solving multi-level multi-objective fractional programming (ML-MOFP problems with fuzzy parameters is presented. The proposed interactive approach makes an extended work of Shi and Xia (1997. In the first phase, the numerical crisp model of the ML-MOFP problem has been developed at a confidence level without changing the fuzzy gist of the problem. Then, the linear model for the ML-MOFP problem is formulated. In the second phase, the interactive approach simplifies the linear multi-level multi-objective model by converting it into separate multi-objective programming problems. Also, each separate multi-objective programming problem of the linear model is solved by the ∊-constraint method and the concept of satisfactoriness. Finally, illustrative examples and comparisons with the previous approaches are utilized to evince the feasibility of the proposed approach.

  1. Image-Based Multi-Target Tracking through Multi-Bernoulli Filtering with Interactive Likelihoods. (United States)

    Hoak, Anthony; Medeiros, Henry; Povinelli, Richard J


    We develop an interactive likelihood (ILH) for sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods for image-based multiple target tracking applications. The purpose of the ILH is to improve tracking accuracy by reducing the need for data association. In addition, we integrate a recently developed deep neural network for pedestrian detection along with the ILH with a multi-Bernoulli filter. We evaluate the performance of the multi-Bernoulli filter with the ILH and the pedestrian detector in a number of publicly available datasets (2003 PETS INMOVE, Australian Rules Football League (AFL) and TUD-Stadtmitte) using standard, well-known multi-target tracking metrics (optimal sub-pattern assignment (OSPA) and classification of events, activities and relationships for multi-object trackers (CLEAR MOT)). In all datasets, the ILH term increases the tracking accuracy of the multi-Bernoulli filter.

  2. La fisica dell'immortalità Dio, la cosmologia e la resurrezione dei morti

    CERN Document Server

    Tipler, Frank J


    “Questo libro descrive la teoria del Punto Omega: la teoria fisica e sperimentale di un Dio onnipresente onniscente e onnipotente, che in un giorno del futuro remoto farà risorgere ciascuno di noi alla vita eterna in una dimora che per ogni aspetto fondamentale è il paradiso della tradizione ebraico-cristiana. I singoli termini delle teoria – per esempio i concetti di onnipresenza, onniscienza, onnipotenza, corpo (spirituale) risuscitato, paradiso – saranno presentati come principi della fisica pura. In questo libro non farò mai appello alla rivelazione; mi appellerò, invece, ai risultati concreti della scienza moderna e alla ragione del lettore. Descriverò il meccanismo fisico della risurrezione universale. Mostrerò con estrema precisione come la fisica consenta la risurrezione alla vita eterna di tutti coloro che sono vissuti, che vivano o che vivranno. E mostrerò anche perché, nel futuro remoto, tale facoltà di risuscitare esisterà davvero e perché sarà effettivamente usata. A chi ha perd...

  3. Improving Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning by Extreme Learning Machine

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    Ying Yin


    Full Text Available Multi-instance multi-label learning is a learning framework, where every object is represented by a bag of instances and associated with multiple labels simultaneously. The existing degeneration strategy-based methods often suffer from some common drawbacks: (1 the user-specific parameter for the number of clusters may incur the effective problem; (2 SVM may bring a high computational cost when utilized as the classifier builder. In this paper, we propose an algorithm, namely multi-instance multi-label (MIML-extreme learning machine (ELM, to address the problems. To our best knowledge, we are the first to utilize ELM in the MIML problem and to conduct the comparison of ELM and SVM on MIML. Extensive experiments have been conducted on real datasets and synthetic datasets. The results show that MIMLELM tends to achieve better generalization performance at a higher learning speed.

  4. Multi-Source Multi-Target Dictionary Learning for Prediction of Cognitive Decline. (United States)

    Zhang, Jie; Li, Qingyang; Caselli, Richard J; Thompson, Paul M; Ye, Jieping; Wang, Yalin


    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia. Identifying correct biomarkers may determine pre-symptomatic AD subjects and enable early intervention. Recently, Multi-task sparse feature learning has been successfully applied to many computer vision and biomedical informatics researches. It aims to improve the generalization performance by exploiting the shared features among different tasks. However, most of the existing algorithms are formulated as a supervised learning scheme. Its drawback is with either insufficient feature numbers or missing label information. To address these challenges, we formulate an unsupervised framework for multi-task sparse feature learning based on a novel dictionary learning algorithm. To solve the unsupervised learning problem, we propose a two-stage Multi-Source Multi-Target Dictionary Learning (MMDL) algorithm. In stage 1, we propose a multi-source dictionary learning method to utilize the common and individual sparse features in different time slots. In stage 2, supported by a rigorous theoretical analysis, we develop a multi-task learning method to solve the missing label problem. Empirical studies on an N = 3970 longitudinal brain image data set, which involves 2 sources and 5 targets, demonstrate the improved prediction accuracy and speed efficiency of MMDL in comparison with other state-of-the-art algorithms.

  5. A multi-component matrix loop algebra and a unified expression of the multi-component AKNS hierarchy and the multi-component BPT hierarchy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yufeng


    A set of multi-component matrix Lie algebra is constructed, which is devote to obtaining a new loop algebra A-bar M-1 . It follows that an isospectral problem is established. By making use of Tu scheme, a Liouville integrable multi-component hierarchy of soliton equations is generated, which possesses the bi-Hamiltonian structures. As its reduction cases, the multi-component AKNS hierarchy and the formalism of the multi-component BPT hierarchy are given, respectively

  6. Scalar multi-wormholes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Egorov, A I; Kashargin, P E; Sushkov, Sergey V


    In 1921 Bach and Weyl derived the method of superposition to construct new axially symmetric vacuum solutions of general relativity. In this paper we extend the Bach–Weyl approach to non-vacuum configurations with massless scalar fields. Considering a phantom scalar field with the negative kinetic energy, we construct a multi-wormhole solution describing an axially symmetric superposition of N wormholes. The solution found is static, everywhere regular and has no event horizons. These features drastically tell the multi-wormhole configuration from other axially symmetric vacuum solutions which inevitably contain gravitationally inert singular structures, such as ‘struts’ and ‘membranes’, that keep the two bodies apart making a stable configuration. However, the multi-wormholes are static without any singular struts. Instead, the stationarity of the multi-wormhole configuration is provided by the phantom scalar field with the negative kinetic energy. Anther unusual property is that the multi-wormhole spacetime has a complicated topological structure. Namely, in the spacetime there exist 2 N asymptotically flat regions connected by throats. (paper)

  7. Multi-color and artistic dithering


    Ostromoukhov, Victor; Hersch, Roger D.


    A multi-color dithering algorithm is proposed, which converts a barycentric combination of color intensities into a multi-color non-overlapping surface coverage. Multi-color dithering is a generalization of standard bi-level dithering. Combined with tetrahedral color separation, multi-color dithering makes it possible to print images made of a set of non-standard inks. In contrast to most previous color halftoning methods, multi-color dithering ensures by construction that the different selec...

  8. Egalitarianism in Multi-Choice Games

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brânzei, R.; Llorca, N.; Sánchez-Soriano, J.; Tijs, S.H.


    In this paper we introduce the equal division core for arbitrary multi-choice games and the constrained egalitarian solution for con- vex multi-choice games, using a multi-choice version of the Dutta-Ray algorithm for traditional convex games. These egalitarian solutions for multi-choice games have

  9. Multi parton interactions and multi parton distributions in QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diehl, M.


    After a brief recapitulation of the general interest of parton densities, we discuss multiple hard interactions and multi parton distributions. We report on recent theoretical progress in their QCD description, on outstanding conceptual problems and on possibilities to use multi parton distributions as a laboratory to test and improve our understanding of hadron structure. (author)

  10. Image-Based Multi-Target Tracking through Multi-Bernoulli Filtering with Interactive Likelihoods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anthony Hoak


    Full Text Available We develop an interactive likelihood (ILH for sequential Monte Carlo (SMC methods for image-based multiple target tracking applications. The purpose of the ILH is to improve tracking accuracy by reducing the need for data association. In addition, we integrate a recently developed deep neural network for pedestrian detection along with the ILH with a multi-Bernoulli filter. We evaluate the performance of the multi-Bernoulli filter with the ILH and the pedestrian detector in a number of publicly available datasets (2003 PETS INMOVE, Australian Rules Football League (AFL and TUD-Stadtmitte using standard, well-known multi-target tracking metrics (optimal sub-pattern assignment (OSPA and classification of events, activities and relationships for multi-object trackers (CLEAR MOT. In all datasets, the ILH term increases the tracking accuracy of the multi-Bernoulli filter.

  11. Multi-criteria appraisal of multi-modal urban public transport systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keyvan Ekbatani, M.; Cats, O.


    This study proposes a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) modelling framework for the appraisal of multi-modal urban public transportation services. MCDM is commonly used to obtain choice alternatives that satisfy a range of performance indicators. The framework embraces both compensatory and

  12. Closure relations for the multi-species Euler system. Construction and study of relaxation schemes for the multi-species and multi-components Euler systems; Relations de fermeture pour le systeme des equations d'Euler multi-especes. Construction et etude de schemas de relaxation en multi-especes et en multi-constituants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dellacherie, St. [CEA Saclay, Dir. de l' Energie Nucleaire DEN/SFNME/LMPE, Lab. de Modelisation Physique et de l' Enrichissement, 91 - Gif sur Yvette (France); Rency, N. [Paris-11 Univ., CNRS UMR 8628, 91 - Orsay (France)


    After having recalled the formal convergence of the semi-classical multi-species Boltzmann equations toward the multi-species Euler system (i.e. mixture of gases having the same velocity), we generalize to this system the closure relations proposed by B. Despres and by F. Lagoutiere for the multi-components Euler system (i.e. mixture of non miscible fluids having the same velocity). Then, we extend the energy relaxation schemes proposed by F. Coquel and by B. Perthame for the numerical resolution of the mono-species Euler system to the multi-species isothermal Euler system and to the multi-components isobar-isothermal Euler system. This allows to obtain a class of entropic schemes under a CFL criteria. In the multi-components case, this class of entropic schemes is perhaps a way for the treatment of interface problems and, then, for the treatment of the numerical mixture area by using a Lagrange + projection scheme. Nevertheless, we have to find a good projection stage in the multi-components case. At last, in the last chapter, we discuss, through the study of a dynamical system, about a system proposed by R. Abgrall and by R. Saurel for the numerical resolution of the multi-components Euler system.

  13. Structural damage detection-oriented multi-type sensor placement with multi-objective optimization (United States)

    Lin, Jian-Fu; Xu, You-Lin; Law, Siu-Seong


    A structural damage detection-oriented multi-type sensor placement method with multi-objective optimization is developed in this study. The multi-type response covariance sensitivity-based damage detection method is first introduced. Two objective functions for optimal sensor placement are then introduced in terms of the response covariance sensitivity and the response independence. The multi-objective optimization problem is formed by using the two objective functions, and the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA)-II is adopted to find the solution for the optimal multi-type sensor placement to achieve the best structural damage detection. The proposed method is finally applied to a nine-bay three-dimensional frame structure. Numerical results show that the optimal multi-type sensor placement determined by the proposed method can avoid redundant sensors and provide satisfactory results for structural damage detection. The restriction on the number of each type of sensors in the optimization can reduce the searching space in the optimization to make the proposed method more effective. Moreover, how to select a most optimal sensor placement from the Pareto solutions via the utility function and the knee point method is demonstrated in the case study.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Palotti Polizel


    Full Text Available A costa leste brasileira apresenta uma sucessão de sistemas deltaicos, sendo o delta do rio Doce, localizado no Estado do Espírito Santo, um dos mais expressivos. A progradação principal deste delta, de geometria cuspidada típica de deltas de onda, tem sido atribuída à queda do nível do mar que se seguiu à transgressão holocênica média. Análises preliminares de novos produtos de sensoriamento remoto disponibilizados nesses últimos anos mostraram o potencial de aprimoramento do mapa geomorfológico desse delta, que pode contribuir para a melhor reconstituição paleoambiental e evolução desse sistema deposicional. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo fornecer um mapa geomorfológico detalhado para a planície costeira do rio Doce com base em dados multissensores integrando Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE do Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM, Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR do Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS, imagens TM/Landsat, além de imagens óticas de alta resolução extraídas do Google EarthTM. O mapeamento geomorfológico feito por interpretação visual resultou no estabelecimento de seis classes principais, designadas de: 1 drenagem atual; 2 cordão litorâneo/spit; 3 paleocanal; 4 planície interdistributária; 5 flúvio-estuarino/lagunar/marinho raso; e 6 terraço fluvial. De maneira geral, o emprego combinado dos produtos de sensoriamento produziu resultados satisfatórios para a separação dessas classes. O MDE-SRTM contribuiu para a identificação somente da classe paleocanais. As imagens PALSAR foram úteis na identificação das classes cordão litorâneo/spit, paleocanal, flúvio-estuarino/lagunar/marinho raso e terraço fluvial. As imagens TM/Landsat possibilitaram o reconhecimento das classes drenagem atual, cordão litorâneo/spit, planície interdistributária e flúvio-estuarino/lagunar/marinho raso. O mapa geomorfológico contribuiu na caracterização mais

  15. Carrier-interleaved orthogonal multi-electrode multi-carrier resistivity-measurement tool

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai, Yu; Sha, Shuang


    This paper proposes a new carrier-interleaved orthogonal multi-electrode multi-carrier resistivity-measurement tool used in a cylindrical borehole environment during oil-based mud drilling processes. The new tool is an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access-based contactless multi-measurand detection tool. The tool can measure formation resistivity in different azimuthal angles and elevational depths. It can measure many more measurands simultaneously in a specified bandwidth than the legacy frequency division multiplexing multi-measurand tool without a channel-select filter while avoiding inter-carrier interference. The paper also shows that formation resistivity is not sensitive to frequency in certain frequency bands. The average resistivity collected from N subcarriers can increase the measurement of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by N times given no amplitude clipping in the current-injection electrode. If the clipping limit is taken into account, with the phase rotation of each single carrier, the amplitude peak-to-average ratio can be reduced by 3 times, and the SNR can achieve a 9/ N times gain over the single-carrier system. The carrier-interleaving technique is also introduced to counter the carrier frequency offset (CFO) effect, where the CFO will cause inter-pad interference. A qualitative analysis and simulations demonstrate that block-interleaving performs better than tone-interleaving when coping with a large CFO. The theoretical analysis also suggests that increasing the subcarrier number can increase the measurement speed or enhance elevational resolution without sacrificing receiver performance. The complex orthogonal multi-pad multi-carrier resistivity logging tool, in which all subcarriers are complex signals, can provide a larger available subcarrier pool than other types of transceivers. (paper)

  16. Validação de dados termopluviométricos obtidos via sensoriamento remoto para o Estado de São Paulo Validation of temperature and rainfall data obtained by remote sensing for the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ludmila B. Camparotto


    Full Text Available Dados termopluviométricos são utilizados em diversos estudos. Contudo, a escassez de dados resultante da baixa densidade de estações meteorológicas é um problema frequentemente encontrado. Com isto, a utilização de dados estimados por satélites tem-se mostrado importante para regiões nas quais eles são escassos. Neste trabalho foram realizadas comparações entre dados mensais de precipitação pluvial estimados pelo satélite TRMM e de temperatura, estimados pelo satélite Aqua/MODIS aos dados observados por estações de superfície, para diferentes localidades do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 2003 a 2010. Os resultados demonstraram que para os dados de precipitação pluvial os menores erros foram observados nos meses de inverno e os maiores nos meses de verão. Em relação aos dados de temperatura observou-se que, com a inclusão de um fator de correção, os dados do satélite Aqua apresentaram boa exatidão em todos os meses. De maneira geral, os resultados obtidos indicam que os satélites TRMM e Aqua são alternativas eficientes na aquisição de informações em locais onde há falhas ou escassez dos mesmos podendo ser também utilizados na análise da consistência de dados coletados por meio de redes meteorológicas.Temperature and rainfall data are used in several scientific studies. However, the paucity of data resulting from the low density of weather stations is a problem frequently encountered in these studies. Thus, the use of estimated data from satellites has become an important tool in regions where they are scarce. In this study comparisons were made between monthly rainfall data estimated by TRMM satellite and temperature data estimated by the satellite Aqua/MODIS data observed by surface stations, for different locations in the State of Sao Paulo during the period 2003 to 2010. The results showed that for the rainfall data, smaller errors were observed during the winter and higher during the summer months. In relation to the temperature data it was observed that with the inclusion of the correction factor, the Aqua satellite data showed good accuracy in all months. Overall, the results obtained by validation of the data of rain and temperature, indicating that the satellite TRMM and Aqua are efficient alternatives for obtaining information of locations where there are errors or shortage of the same, may also be used to analyse the consistency of data collected by meteorological networks.

  17. Modeling Multi-Level Systems

    CERN Document Server

    Iordache, Octavian


    This book is devoted to modeling of multi-level complex systems, a challenging domain for engineers, researchers and entrepreneurs, confronted with the transition from learning and adaptability to evolvability and autonomy for technologies, devices and problem solving methods. Chapter 1 introduces the multi-scale and multi-level systems and highlights their presence in different domains of science and technology. Methodologies as, random systems, non-Archimedean analysis, category theory and specific techniques as model categorification and integrative closure, are presented in chapter 2. Chapters 3 and 4 describe polystochastic models, PSM, and their developments. Categorical formulation of integrative closure offers the general PSM framework which serves as a flexible guideline for a large variety of multi-level modeling problems. Focusing on chemical engineering, pharmaceutical and environmental case studies, the chapters 5 to 8 analyze mixing, turbulent dispersion and entropy production for multi-scale sy...

  18. visPIG--a web tool for producing multi-region, multi-track, multi-scale plots of genetic data.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthew Scales

    Full Text Available We present VISual Plotting Interface for Genetics (visPIG;, a web application to produce multi-track, multi-scale, multi-region plots of genetic data. visPIG has been designed to allow users not well versed with mathematical software packages and/or programming languages such as R, Matlab®, Python, etc., to integrate data from multiple sources for interpretation and to easily create publication-ready figures. While web tools such as the UCSC Genome Browser or the WashU Epigenome Browser allow custom data uploads, such tools are primarily designed for data exploration. This is also true for the desktop-run Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV. Other locally run data visualisation software such as Circos require significant computer skills of the user. The visPIG web application is a menu-based interface that allows users to upload custom data tracks and set track-specific parameters. Figures can be downloaded as PDF or PNG files. For sensitive data, the underlying R code can also be downloaded and run locally. visPIG is multi-track: it can display many different data types (e.g association, functional annotation, intensity, interaction, heat map data,…. It also allows annotation of genes and other custom features in the plotted region(s. Data tracks can be plotted individually or on a single figure. visPIG is multi-region: it supports plotting multiple regions, be they kilo- or megabases apart or even on different chromosomes. Finally, visPIG is multi-scale: a sub-region of particular interest can be 'zoomed' in. We describe the various features of visPIG and illustrate its utility with examples. visPIG is freely available through under a GNU General Public License (GPLv3.

  19. Interconnected Levels of Multi-Stage Marketing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vedel, Mette; Geersbro, Jens; Ritter, Thomas


    different levels of multi-stage marketing and illustrates these stages with a case study. In addition, a triadic perspective is introduced as an analytical tool for multi-stage marketing research. The results from the case study indicate that multi-stage marketing exists on different levels. Thus, managers...... must not only decide in general on the merits of multi-stage marketing for their firm, but must also decide on which level they will engage in multi-stage marketing. The triadic perspective enables a rich and multi-dimensional understanding of how different business relationships influence each other...... in a multi-stage marketing context. This understanding assists managers in assessing and balancing different aspects of multi- stage marketing. The triadic perspective also offers avenues for further research....

  20. Realization of multi-parameter and multi-state in fault tree computer-aided building software

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Xiaoli; Tong Jiejuan; Xue Dazhi


    More than one parameter and more than one failed state of a parameter are often involved in building fault tree, so it is necessary for fault tree computer-aided building software to deal with multi-parameter and multi-state. Fault Tree Expert System (FTES) has the target of aiding the FT-building work of hydraulic systems. This paper expatiates on how to realize multi-parameter and multi-state in FTES with focus on Knowledge Base and Illation Engine. (author)

  1. Tuneable resolution as a systems biology approach for multi-scale, multi-compartment computational models. (United States)

    Kirschner, Denise E; Hunt, C Anthony; Marino, Simeone; Fallahi-Sichani, Mohammad; Linderman, Jennifer J


    The use of multi-scale mathematical and computational models to study complex biological processes is becoming increasingly productive. Multi-scale models span a range of spatial and/or temporal scales and can encompass multi-compartment (e.g., multi-organ) models. Modeling advances are enabling virtual experiments to explore and answer questions that are problematic to address in the wet-lab. Wet-lab experimental technologies now allow scientists to observe, measure, record, and analyze experiments focusing on different system aspects at a variety of biological scales. We need the technical ability to mirror that same flexibility in virtual experiments using multi-scale models. Here we present a new approach, tuneable resolution, which can begin providing that flexibility. Tuneable resolution involves fine- or coarse-graining existing multi-scale models at the user's discretion, allowing adjustment of the level of resolution specific to a question, an experiment, or a scale of interest. Tuneable resolution expands options for revising and validating mechanistic multi-scale models, can extend the longevity of multi-scale models, and may increase computational efficiency. The tuneable resolution approach can be applied to many model types, including differential equation, agent-based, and hybrid models. We demonstrate our tuneable resolution ideas with examples relevant to infectious disease modeling, illustrating key principles at work. © 2014 The Authors. WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Multi-objective optimization for generating a weighted multi-model ensemble (United States)

    Lee, H.


    Many studies have demonstrated that multi-model ensembles generally show better skill than each ensemble member. When generating weighted multi-model ensembles, the first step is measuring the performance of individual model simulations using observations. There is a consensus on the assignment of weighting factors based on a single evaluation metric. When considering only one evaluation metric, the weighting factor for each model is proportional to a performance score or inversely proportional to an error for the model. While this conventional approach can provide appropriate combinations of multiple models, the approach confronts a big challenge when there are multiple metrics under consideration. When considering multiple evaluation metrics, it is obvious that a simple averaging of multiple performance scores or model ranks does not address the trade-off problem between conflicting metrics. So far, there seems to be no best method to generate weighted multi-model ensembles based on multiple performance metrics. The current study applies the multi-objective optimization, a mathematical process that provides a set of optimal trade-off solutions based on a range of evaluation metrics, to combining multiple performance metrics for the global climate models and their dynamically downscaled regional climate simulations over North America and generating a weighted multi-model ensemble. NASA satellite data and the Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES) software toolkit are used for assessment of the climate simulations. Overall, the performance of each model differs markedly with strong seasonal dependence. Because of the considerable variability across the climate simulations, it is important to evaluate models systematically and make future projections by assigning optimized weighting factors to the models with relatively good performance. Our results indicate that the optimally weighted multi-model ensemble always shows better performance than an arithmetic

  3. Multi-component and multi-array TEM detection in karst tunnels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Huaifeng; Li, Shucai; Su, Maoxin; Xue, Yiguo; Li, Xiu; Qi, Zhipeng


    Emerging applications of transient electromagnetic methods (TEM) in tunnelling require higher resolution on the distributions and shapes of low resistivity bodies, such as karst water and karst pipes, using multi-component and multi-array receivers. However, there are no apparent resistivity definitions for both vertical and horizontal components with offsets inside the loop. Although the raw field can show the differences of the earth electric structure, it is not straightforward. Apparent resistivity is very convenient and easy for engineers. We have developed a method for multi-component and multi-array TEM which can be applied in tunnelling and defined the expressions of apparent resistivity. This method takes advantage of the difference in resolution among components. A homogeneous half-space model and four typical three-layered models are used to test the effectiveness of the new definition. A field case history is carried out and analysed to demonstrate the viability of this technique. The results suggest that it is feasible to use the technique in tunnelling, especially for identifying the spatial distribution of karst water and karst pipes. (paper)

  4. A New Multi-Sensor Track Fusion Architecture for Multi-Sensor Information Integration

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Jean, Buddy H; Younker, John; Hung, Chih-Cheng


    .... This new technology will integrate multi-sensor information and extract integrated multi-sensor information to detect, track and identify multiple targets at any time, in any place under all weather conditions...

  5. Dynamic configuration management of a multi-standard and multi-mode reconfigurable multi-ASIP architecture for turbo decoding (United States)

    Lapotre, Vianney; Gogniat, Guy; Baghdadi, Amer; Diguet, Jean-Philippe


    The multiplication of connected devices goes along with a large variety of applications and traffic types needing diverse requirements. Accompanying this connectivity evolution, the last years have seen considerable evolutions of wireless communication standards in the domain of mobile telephone networks, local/wide wireless area networks, and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). In this context, intensive research has been conducted to provide flexible turbo decoder targeting high throughput, multi-mode, multi-standard, and power consumption efficiency. However, flexible turbo decoder implementations have not often considered dynamic reconfiguration issues in this context that requires high speed configuration switching. Starting from this assessment, this paper proposes the first solution that allows frame-by-frame run-time configuration management of a multi-processor turbo decoder without compromising the decoding performances.

  6. Investigations of Orchestra Auralizations Using the Multi-Channel Multi-Source Auralization Technique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vigeant, Michelle; Wang, Lily M.; Rindel, Jens Holger


    a multi-channel multi-source auralization technique, involving individual five-channel anechoic recordings of each instrumental part of two symphonies. In the first study, these auralizations were subjectively compared to orchestra auralizations made using (a) a single omni-directional source, (b......) a surface source, and (c) single-channel multi-source method. Results show that the multi-source auralizations were rated to be more realistic than the surface source ones and to have larger source width than the single omni-directional source auralizations. No significant differences were found between......Room acoustics computer modeling is a tool for generating impulse responses and auralizations from modeled spaces. The auralizations are commonly made from a single-channel anechoic recording of solo instruments. For this investigation, auralizations of an entire orchestra were created using...

  7. Analysis of a yearly multi-round, multi-period, multi-product transmission rights auction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ziogos, N.P.; Bakirtzis, A.G.


    A yearly multi-round, multi-period, multi-product transmission rights (TR) auction issuing both point-to-point Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) and Flow-Gate Rights (FGRs) is studied in this paper. In each round the TR market participants (buyers or sellers) submit their bid or offer prices based on past energy market performance. A Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) based energy market is assumed. The TR market participants' bid or offer prices reflect their expectation of the average annual LMP differences between withdrawal and injections points for FTRs and of the transmission link capacity prices for FGRs. The TR auction is performed in four rounds; in each round 25% of the entire system capability is awarded. TRs that are awarded in one round are modeled as fixed injections in subsequent rounds. Market participants that have acquired TRs in one round can sell them in subsequent rounds. A market participant can submit bids or offers for on-peak, off-peak or 24-h TRs. A three-area, nine-bus test system with six TR market participants is used for the analysis of the TR auction. (author)

  8. Multi-Fidelity Multi-Strategy and Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization Environment, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Multidisciplinary design and optimization (MDO) tools developed to perform multi-disciplinary analysis based on low fidelity computation methods have been used in...

  9. Multi-head Watson-Crick automata


    Chatterjee, Kingshuk; Ray, Kumar Sankar


    Inspired by multi-head finite automata and Watson-Crick automata in this paper, we introduce new structure namely multi-head Watson-Crick automata where we replace the single tape of multi-head finite automaton by a DNA double strand. The content of the second tape is determined using a complementarity relation similar to Watson-Crick complementarity relation. We establish the superiority of our model over multi-head finite automata and also show that both the deterministic and non-determinis...

  10. Multi-filter spectrophotometry simulations (United States)

    Callaghan, Kim A. S.; Gibson, Brad K.; Hickson, Paul


    To complement both the multi-filter observations of quasar environments described in these proceedings, as well as the proposed UBC 2.7 m Liquid Mirror Telescope (LMT) redshift survey, we have initiated a program of simulated multi-filter spectrophotometry. The goal of this work, still very much in progress, is a better quantitative assessment of the multiband technique as a viable mechanism for obtaining useful redshift and morphological class information from large scale multi-filter surveys.

  11. Case Study of Multi-Unit Risk: Multi-Unit Station Black-Out

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oh, Kyemin; Jang, Seung-cheol [KAERI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Heo, Gyunyoung [Kyung Hee University, Yongin (Korea, Republic of)


    After Fukushima Daiichi Accident, importance and public concern for Multi-Unit Risk (MUR) or Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) have been increased. Most of nuclear power plant sites in the world have more than two units. These sites have been facing the problems of MUR or accident such as Fukushima. In case of South Korea, there are generally more than four units on the same site and even more than ten units are also expected. In other words, sites in South Korea also have been facing same problems. Considering number of units on the same site, potential of these problems may be larger than other countries. The purpose of this paper is to perform case study based on another paper submitted in the conference. MUR is depended on various site features such as design, shared systems/structures, layout, environmental condition, and so on. Considering various dependencies, we assessed Multi-Unit Station Black-out (MSBO) accident based on Hanul Unit 3 and 4 model. In this paper, case study for multi-unit risk or PSA had been performed. Our result was incomplete to assess total multi-unit risk because of two challenging issues. First, economic impact had not been evaluated to estimate multi-unit risk. Second, large uncertainties were included in our result because of various assumptions. These issues must be resolved in the future.

  12. Case Study of Multi-Unit Risk: Multi-Unit Station Black-Out

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Kyemin; Jang, Seung-cheol; Heo, Gyunyoung


    After Fukushima Daiichi Accident, importance and public concern for Multi-Unit Risk (MUR) or Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) have been increased. Most of nuclear power plant sites in the world have more than two units. These sites have been facing the problems of MUR or accident such as Fukushima. In case of South Korea, there are generally more than four units on the same site and even more than ten units are also expected. In other words, sites in South Korea also have been facing same problems. Considering number of units on the same site, potential of these problems may be larger than other countries. The purpose of this paper is to perform case study based on another paper submitted in the conference. MUR is depended on various site features such as design, shared systems/structures, layout, environmental condition, and so on. Considering various dependencies, we assessed Multi-Unit Station Black-out (MSBO) accident based on Hanul Unit 3 and 4 model. In this paper, case study for multi-unit risk or PSA had been performed. Our result was incomplete to assess total multi-unit risk because of two challenging issues. First, economic impact had not been evaluated to estimate multi-unit risk. Second, large uncertainties were included in our result because of various assumptions. These issues must be resolved in the future

  13. Problems With Deployment of Multi-Domained, Multi-Homed Mobile Networks (United States)

    Ivancic, William D.


    This document describes numerous problems associated with deployment of multi-homed mobile platforms consisting of multiple networks and traversing large geographical areas. The purpose of this document is to provide insight to real-world deployment issues and provide information to groups that are addressing many issues related to multi-homing, policy-base routing, route optimization and mobile security - particularly those groups within the Internet Engineering Task Force.

  14. Autonomous transmission power adaptation for multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Olwal, TO


    Full Text Available Multi-Radio Multi-Channel (MRMC) systems are key to power control problems in WMNs. Previous studies have emphasized through- put maximization in such systems as the main design challenge and transmission power control treated as a secondary issue...

  15. Autonomous transmission power adaptation for multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Olwal, TO


    Full Text Available Multi-Radio Multi-Channel (MRMC) systems are key to power control problems in WMNs. Previous studies have emphasized throughput maximization in such systems as the main design challenge and transmission power control treated as a secondary issue...

  16. CGLXTouch: A multi-user multi-touch approach for ultra-high-resolution collaborative workspaces

    KAUST Repository

    Ponto, Kevin


    This paper presents an approach for empowering collaborative workspaces through ultra-high resolution tiled display environments concurrently interfaced with multiple multi-touch devices. Multi-touch table devices are supported along with portable multi-touch tablet and phone devices, which can be added to and removed from the system on the fly. Events from these devices are tagged with a device identifier and are synchronized with the distributed display environment, enabling multi-user support. As many portable devices are not equipped to render content directly, a remotely scene is streamed in. The presented approach scales for large numbers of devices, providing access to a multitude of hands-on techniques for collaborative data analysis. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Multi-Band Multi-Tone Tunable Millimeter-Wave Frequency Synthesizer For Satellite Beacon Transmitter (United States)

    Simons, Rainee N.; Wintucky, Edwin G.


    This paper presents the design and test results of a multi-band multi-tone tunable millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer, based on a solid-state frequency comb generator. The intended application of the synthesizer is in a satellite beacon transmitter for radio wave propagation studies at K-band (18 to 26.5 GHz), Q-band (37 to 42 GHz), and E-band (71 to 76 GHz). In addition, the architecture for a compact beacon transmitter, which includes the multi-tone synthesizer, polarizer, horn antenna, and power/control electronics, has been investigated for a notional space-to-ground radio wave propagation experiment payload on a small satellite. The above studies would enable the design of robust high throughput multi-Gbps data rate future space-to-ground satellite communication links.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    R. Graham; W. Chow


    Development of multi-photon phosphor materials for discharge lamps represents a goal that would achieve up to a doubling of discharge (fluorescent) lamp efficacy. This report reviews the existing literature on multi-photon phosphors, identifies obstacles in developing such phosphors, and recommends directions for future research to address these obstacles. To critically examine issues involved in developing a multi-photon phosphor, the project brought together a team of experts from universities, national laboratories, and an industrial lamp manufacturer. Results and findings are organized into three categories: (1) Multi-Photon Systems and Processes, (2) Chemistry and Materials Issues, and (3) Concepts and Models. Multi-Photon Systems and Processes: This category focuses on how to use our current understanding of multi-photon phosphor systems to design new phosphor systems for application in fluorescent lamps. The quickest way to develop multi-photon lamp phosphors lies in finding sensitizer ions for Gd{sup 3+} and identifying activator ions to red shift the blue emission from Pr{sup 3+} due to the {sup 1}S{sub 0} {yields} {sup 1}I{sub 6} transition associated with the first cascading step. Success in either of these developments would lead to more efficient fluorescent lamps. Chemistry and Materials Issues: The most promising multi-photon phosphors are found in fluoride hosts. However, stability of fluorides in environments typically found in fluorescent lamps needs to be greatly improved. Experimental investigation of fluorides in actual lamp environments needs to be undertaken while working on oxide and oxyfluoride alternative systems for backup. Concepts and Models: Successful design of a multi-photon phosphor system based on cascading transitions of Gd{sup 3+} and Pr{sup 3+} depends critically on how the former can be sensitized and the latter can sensitize an activator ion. Methods to predict energy level diagrams and Judd-Ofelt parameters of multi

  19. Multi-time, multi-scale correlation functions in turbulence and in turbulent models

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Biferale, L.; Boffetta, G.; Celani, A.; Toschi, F.


    A multifractal-like representation for multi-time, multi-scale velocity correlation in turbulence and dynamical turbulent models is proposed. The importance of subleading contributions to time correlations is highlighted. The fulfillment of the dynamical constraints due to the equations of motion is


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chamisah Chamisah


    Full Text Available This study aims to know the reasons of education ina multi-racial and multi-cultural society demands integration.. The studywhich focuses onMalaysia country typified by three major ethnic groups, namely Malays, Chinese and Indians,foundthat, firstlythe integration of curriculum in creating a holistic education isvital for the society to create a competitive human capital with value laden such as trustworthiness, dedication, creativity, civic awareness and many more. Secondly, integration curriculum emphasizes on the equity and equality of education for all.Through interacting with individuals from a range of religious and ethnic backgrounds, people will learn to understand, accept and embrace differences. Throughsharing experiences and aspirations,a common national identity and ultimately unity can be achieved. Therefore, integrating curriculum is not only to integrate Islamic concepts in the education system but alsoto integrate all the concepts that make one comprehensive curriculum. Thirdly, it is important to integrate the curriculum with a value-laden perspective to encourage solidarity and harmony. Keywords: Multi-racial; Multi-cultural society; Education; Malaysia

  1. First observation of multi-pulse X-ray train via multi-collision laser Compton scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuroda, R.; Toyokawa, H.; Yasumoto, M.; Ikeura-Sekiguchi, H.; Koike, M.; Yamada, K.; Yanagida, T.; Nakajyo, T.; Sakai, F.


    A compact hard X-ray source via laser Compton scattering (LCS) has been developed for biological and medical applications at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan. The multi-collision LCS has been investigated in order to enhance the X-ray yields. The first observation of multi-pulse X-ray train with 6 pulses via the multi-collision LCS has been successfully demonstrated between the multi-bunch electron train with 6 bunches and the multi-pulse Ti:Sa laser train with 6 pulses. The 32 MeV electron train was generated from a Cs 2 Te photocathode rf gun with a multi-pulse UV laser and the S-band linac. The Ti:Sa laser train was obtained with the chirp pulse amplification (CPA) including the modified regenerative amplifier. The X-ray train with 6 pulses with 12.6 ns spacing was observed with the micro-channel plate (MCP). The maximum energy of the X-ray is analytically estimated to be about 24 keV and the total number of generated photons was calculated to be about 1.8x10 6 photons/train.

  2. Range based power control for multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Olwal, TO


    Full Text Available Multi-Radio Multi-Channel (MRMC) systems are key to power control problems in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). In this paper, researchers present a range based dynamic power control for MRMC WMNs. First, WMN is represented as a set of disjoint Unified...

  3. Manifold regularized multi-task feature selection for multi-modality classification in Alzheimer's disease. (United States)

    Jie, Biao; Zhang, Daoqiang; Cheng, Bo; Shen, Dinggang


    Accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), as well as its prodromal stage (i.e., mild cognitive impairment, MCI), is very important for possible delay and early treatment of the disease. Recently, multi-modality methods have been used for fusing information from multiple different and complementary imaging and non-imaging modalities. Although there are a number of existing multi-modality methods, few of them have addressed the problem of joint identification of disease-related brain regions from multi-modality data for classification. In this paper, we proposed a manifold regularized multi-task learning framework to jointly select features from multi-modality data. Specifically, we formulate the multi-modality classification as a multi-task learning framework, where each task focuses on the classification based on each modality. In order to capture the intrinsic relatedness among multiple tasks (i.e., modalities), we adopted a group sparsity regularizer, which ensures only a small number of features to be selected jointly. In addition, we introduced a new manifold based Laplacian regularization term to preserve the geometric distribution of original data from each task, which can lead to the selection of more discriminative features. Furthermore, we extend our method to the semi-supervised setting, which is very important since the acquisition of a large set of labeled data (i.e., diagnosis of disease) is usually expensive and time-consuming, while the collection of unlabeled data is relatively much easier. To validate our method, we have performed extensive evaluations on the baseline Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) data of Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  4. MIMO wireless networks channels, techniques and standards for multi-antenna, multi-user and multi-cell systems

    CERN Document Server

    Clerckx, Bruno


    This book is unique in presenting channels, techniques and standards for the next generation of MIMO wireless networks. Through a unified framework, it emphasizes how propagation mechanisms impact the system performance under realistic power constraints. Combining a solid mathematical analysis with a physical and intuitive approach to space-time signal processing, the book progressively derives innovative designs for space-time coding and precoding as well as multi-user and multi-cell techniques, taking into consideration that MIMO channels are often far from ideal. Reflecting developments

  5. Optimizing survivability of multi-state systems with multi-level protection by multi-processor genetic algorithm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levitin, Gregory; Dai Yuanshun; Xie Min; Leng Poh, Kim


    In this paper we consider vulnerable systems which can have different states corresponding to different combinations of available elements composing the system. Each state can be characterized by a performance rate, which is the quantitative measure of a system's ability to perform its task. Both the impact of external factors (stress) and internal causes (failures) affect system survivability, which is determined as probability of meeting a given demand. In order to increase the survivability of the system, a multi-level protection is applied to its subsystems. This means that a subsystem and its inner level of protection are in their turn protected by the protection of an outer level. This double-protected subsystem has its outer protection and so forth. In such systems, the protected subsystems can be destroyed only if all of the levels of their protection are destroyed. Each level of protection can be destroyed only if all of the outer levels of protection are destroyed. We formulate the problem of finding the structure of series-parallel multi-state system (including choice of system elements, choice of structure of multi-level protection and choice of protection methods) in order to achieve a desired level of system survivability by the minimal cost. An algorithm based on the universal generating function method is used for determination of the system survivability. A multi-processor version of genetic algorithm is used as optimization tool in order to solve the structure optimization problem. An application example is presented to illustrate the procedure presented in this paper

  6. Iterative equalization for OFDM systems over wideband Multi-Scale Multi-Lag channels

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Xu, T.; Tang, Z.; Remis, R.; Leus, G.


    OFDM suffers from inter-carrier interference (ICI) when the channel is time varying. This article seeks to quantify the amount of interference resulting from wideband OFDM channels, which are assumed to follow the multi-scale multi-lag (MSML) model. The MSML channel model results in full channel

  7. Correlations of stock price fluctuations under multi-scale and multi-threshold scenarios (United States)

    Sui, Guo; Li, Huajiao; Feng, Sida; Liu, Xueyong; Jiang, Meihui


    The multi-scale method is widely used in analyzing time series of financial markets and it can provide market information for different economic entities who focus on different periods. Through constructing multi-scale networks of price fluctuation correlation in the stock market, we can detect the topological relationship between each time series. Previous research has not addressed the problem that the original fluctuation correlation networks are fully connected networks and more information exists within these networks that is currently being utilized. Here we use listed coal companies as a case study. First, we decompose the original stock price fluctuation series into different time scales. Second, we construct the stock price fluctuation correlation networks at different time scales. Third, we delete the edges of the network based on thresholds and analyze the network indicators. Through combining the multi-scale method with the multi-threshold method, we bring to light the implicit information of fully connected networks.

  8. Non-convex multi-objective optimization

    CERN Document Server

    Pardalos, Panos M; Žilinskas, Julius


    Recent results on non-convex multi-objective optimization problems and methods are presented in this book, with particular attention to expensive black-box objective functions. Multi-objective optimization methods facilitate designers, engineers, and researchers to make decisions on appropriate trade-offs between various conflicting goals. A variety of deterministic and stochastic multi-objective optimization methods are developed in this book. Beginning with basic concepts and a review of non-convex single-objective optimization problems; this book moves on to cover multi-objective branch and bound algorithms, worst-case optimal algorithms (for Lipschitz functions and bi-objective problems), statistical models based algorithms, and probabilistic branch and bound approach. Detailed descriptions of new algorithms for non-convex multi-objective optimization, their theoretical substantiation, and examples for practical applications to the cell formation problem in manufacturing engineering, the process design in...

  9. Um comentário sobre Gerasa, a cidade de Decápolis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marisa Balsamo Steingberg


    Full Text Available Num remoto e quieto vale, junto às montanhas de Gilead, extendem-se as ruínas de Gerasa (Jerash atual, cidade da Decápolis . Sente-se seu poderio através de suas ruas e monumentos em bom estado de conservação: um dos mais complexos de cidade provincial romana.

  10. Multi-headed comparatives in Portuguese

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rui Marques


    Full Text Available This paper aims at offering a global picture of the subtype of comparative constructions known as ‘multi-headed comparatives’ (from the fact that they exhibit more than one comparative operator in semantic interdependence. As a prerequisite to the fulfilment of his goal, an attempt will be made to clarify the scope of the notion ‘comparative construction’ and to draw a general typology of such constructions. The boundaries of the notion ‘comparative construction’ are defined by contrasting a “genuine” class of comparative constructions with others that hold some syntactic or semantic resemblance to them. Different typologies will be taken into consideration. As for multi-headed comparatives, even though different examples of these constructions have been identified in the scarce literature on the matter, the discussion on their syntactic patterns and meaning is still embryonic. This paper suggests that the expressive power of these comparatives, which seem to provide a particular strategy of information compression, is higher than has been assumed. Four sub-kinds of multi-headed comparatives are identified, based on meaning differences, namely: multi-headed comparatives with a distributive reading, multi-headed comparatives with a cumulative reading, multi-headed comparatives with a comparison of ‘ratios’ reading, and multi-headed comparatives with a comparison of differences reading. While resorting to some classic English examples, the object language will predominantly be Portuguese.

  11. Mainstreaming Multi-Risk Approaches into Policy

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    Anna Scolobig


    Full Text Available Multi-risk environments are characterized by domino effects that often amplify the overall risk. Those include chains of hazardous events and increasing vulnerability, among other types of correlations within the risk process. The recently developed methods for multi-hazard and risk assessment integrate interactions between different risks by using harmonized procedures based on common metrics. While the products of these assessments, such as multi-hazard and -risk indexes, maps, cascade scenarios, or warning systems provide innovative and effective information, they also pose specific challenges to policy makers and practitioners due to their novel cross-disciplinary aspects. In this paper we discuss the institutional barriers to the adoption of multi-risk approaches, summarizing the results of the fieldwork conducted in Italy and Guadeloupe and of workshops with disaster risk reduction practitioners from eleven European countries. Results show the need for a clear identification of responsibilities for the implementation of multi-risk approaches, as institutional frameworks for risk reduction remain to this day primarily single-risk centered. Authorities are rarely officially responsible for the management of domino effects between e.g., tsunamis and industrial accidents, earthquake and landslides, floods and electricity network failures. Other barriers for the implementation of multi-risk approaches include the limited measures to reduce exposure at the household level, inadequate financial capacities at the local level and limited public-private partnerships, especially in case of interactions between natural and industrial risks. Adapting the scale of institutions to that of multi-risk environments remains a major challenge to better mainstream multi-risk approaches into policy. To address it, we propose a multi-risk governance framework, which includes the phases of observation, social and institutional context analysis, generation of

  12. Multi-chamber and multi-layer thiol-ene microchip for cell culture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tan, H. Y.; Hemmingsen, Mette; Lafleur, Josiane P.


    We present a multi-layer and multi-chamber microfluidic chip fabricated using two different thiol-ene mixtures. Sandwiched between the thiol-ene chip layers is a commercially available membrane whose morphology has been altered with coatings of thiol-ene mixtures. Experiments have been conducted ...... with the microchip and shown that the fabricated microchip is suitable for long term cell culture....

  13. Exploring Hardware Support For Scaling Irregular Applications on Multi-node Multi-core Architectures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Secchi, Simone; Ceriani, Marco; Tumeo, Antonino; Villa, Oreste; Palermo, Gianluca; Raffo, Luigi


    With the recent emergence of large-scale knowledge dis- covery, data mining and social network analysis, irregular applications have gained renewed interest. Classic cache-based high-performance architectures do not provide optimal performances with such kind of workloads, mainly due to the very low spatial and temporal locality of the irregular control and memory access patterns. In this paper, we present a multi-node, multi-core, fine-grained multi-threaded shared-memory system architecture specifically designed for the execution of large-scale irregular applications, and built on top of three pillars, that we believe are fundamental to support these workloads. First, we offer transparent hardware support for Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) to provide a large globally-shared address space with no software library overhead. Second, we employ multi-threaded multi-core processing nodes to achieve the necessary latency tolerance required by accessing global memory, which potentially resides in a remote node. Finally, we devise hardware support for inter-thread synchronization on the whole global address space. We first model the performances by using an analytical model that takes into account the main architecture and application characteristics. We describe the hardware design of the proposed cus- tom architectural building blocks that provide support for the above- mentioned three pillars. Finally, we present a limited-scale evaluation of the system on a multi-board FPGA prototype with typical irregular kernels and benchmarks. The experimental evaluation demonstrates the architecture performance scalability for different configurations of the whole system.

  14. TeraSCREEN: multi-frequency multi-mode Terahertz screening for border checks (United States)

    Alexander, Naomi E.; Alderman, Byron; Allona, Fernando; Frijlink, Peter; Gonzalo, Ramón; Hägelen, Manfred; Ibáñez, Asier; Krozer, Viktor; Langford, Marian L.; Limiti, Ernesto; Platt, Duncan; Schikora, Marek; Wang, Hui; Weber, Marc Andree


    The challenge for any security screening system is to identify potentially harmful objects such as weapons and explosives concealed under clothing. Classical border and security checkpoints are no longer capable of fulfilling the demands of today's ever growing security requirements, especially with respect to the high throughput generally required which entails a high detection rate of threat material and a low false alarm rate. TeraSCREEN proposes to develop an innovative concept of multi-frequency multi-mode Terahertz and millimeter-wave detection with new automatic detection and classification functionalities. The system developed will demonstrate, at a live control point, the safe automatic detection and classification of objects concealed under clothing, whilst respecting privacy and increasing current throughput rates. This innovative screening system will combine multi-frequency, multi-mode images taken by passive and active subsystems which will scan the subjects and obtain complementary spatial and spectral information, thus allowing for automatic threat recognition. The TeraSCREEN project, which will run from 2013 to 2016, has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme under the Security Call. This paper will describe the project objectives and approach.

  15. Multi-monopoles and magnetic bags

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bolognesi, Stefano


    By analogy with the multi-vortices, we show that also multi-monopoles become magnetic bags in the large n limit. This simplification allows us to compute the spectrum and the profile functions by requiring the minimization of the energy of the bag. We consider in detail the case of the magnetic bag in the limit of vanishing potential and we find that it saturates the Bogomol'nyi bound and there is an infinite set of different shapes of allowed bags. This is consistent with the existence of a moduli space of solutions for the BPS multi-monopoles. We discuss the string theory interpretation of our result and also the relation between the 't Hooft large n limit of certain supersymmetric gauge theories and the large n limit of multi-monopoles. We then consider multi-monopoles in the cosmological context and provide a mechanism that could lead to their production

  16. Use of multi-frequency, multi-polarization, multi-angle airborne radars for class discrimination in a southern temperature forest (United States)

    Mehta, N. C.


    The utility of radar scatterometers for discrimination and characterization of natural vegetation was investigated. Backscatter measurements were acquired with airborne multi-frequency, multi-polarization, multi-angle radar scatterometers over a test site in a southern temperate forest. Separability between ground cover classes was studied using a two-class separability measure. Very good separability is achieved between most classes. Longer wavelength is useful in separating trees from non-tree classes, while shorter wavelength and cross polarization are helpful for discrimination among tree classes. Using the maximum likelihood classifier, 50% overall classification accuracy is achieved using a single, short-wavelength scatterometer channel. Addition of multiple incidence angles and another radar band improves classification accuracy by 20% and 50%, respectively, over the single channel accuracy. Incorporation of a third radar band seems redundant for vegetation classification. Vertical transmit polarization is critically important for all classes.

  17. CGLXTouch: A multi-user multi-touch approach for ultra-high-resolution collaborative workspaces

    KAUST Repository

    Ponto, Kevin; Doerr, Kai; Wypych, Tom; Kooker, John; Kuester, Falko


    multi-touch tablet and phone devices, which can be added to and removed from the system on the fly. Events from these devices are tagged with a device identifier and are synchronized with the distributed display environment, enabling multi-user support

  18. Undergraduate Student Peer Mentoring in a Multi-Faculty, Multi-Campus University Context (United States)

    Townsend, Robert A.; Delves, Melinda; Kidd, Tracy; Figg, Bev


    This article explores research that utilised a mapping strategy to investigate the elements of peer mentoring and peer tutoring programs across a multi-campus Australian university. Peer mentoring, peer tutoring and peer learning activities at the multi-campus university are occurring in a manner that may be considered ad-hoc which does not…

  19. Investigation of Alien Wavelength Quality in Live Multi-Domain, Multi-Vendor Link Using Advanced Simulation Tool

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Martin Nordal; Nuijts, Roeland; Bjorn, Lars Lange


    This article presents an advanced optical model for simulation of alien wavelengths in multi-domain and multi-vendor dense wavelength-division multiplexing networks. The model aids optical network planners with a better understanding of the non-linear effects present in dense wavelength-division ......This article presents an advanced optical model for simulation of alien wavelengths in multi-domain and multi-vendor dense wavelength-division multiplexing networks. The model aids optical network planners with a better understanding of the non-linear effects present in dense wavelength......-division multiplexing systems and better utilization of alien wavelengths in future applications. The limiting physical effects for alien wavelengths are investigated in relation to power levels, channel spacing, and other factors. The simulation results are verified through experimental setup in live multi...

  20. Generating Multi-Destination Maps. (United States)

    Zhang, Junsong; Fan, Jiepeng; Luo, Zhenshan


    Multi-destination maps are a kind of navigation maps aimed to guide visitors to multiple destinations within a region, which can be of great help to urban visitors. However, they have not been developed in the current online map service. To address this issue, we introduce a novel layout model designed especially for generating multi-destination maps, which considers the global and local layout of a multi-destination map. We model the layout problem as a graph drawing that satisfies a set of hard and soft constraints. In the global layout phase, we balance the scale factor between ROIs. In the local layout phase, we make all edges have good visibility and optimize the map layout to preserve the relative length and angle of roads. We also propose a perturbation-based optimization method to find an optimal layout in the complex solution space. The multi-destination maps generated by our system are potential feasible on the modern mobile devices and our result can show an overview and a detail view of the whole map at the same time. In addition, we perform a user study to evaluate the effectiveness of our method, and the results prove that the multi-destination maps achieve our goals well.

  1. Multi Camera Multi Object Tracking using Block Search over Epipolar Geometry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saman Sargolzaei


    Full Text Available We present strategy for multi-objects tracking in multi camera environment for the surveillance and security application where tracking multitude subjects are of utmost importance in a crowded scene. Our technique assumes partially overlapped multi-camera setup where cameras share common view from different angle to assess positions and activities of subjects under suspicion. To establish spatial correspondence between camera views we employ an epipolar geometry technique. We propose an overlapped block search method to find the interested pattern (target in new frames. Color pattern update scheme has been considered to further optimize the efficiency of the object tracking when object pattern changes due to object motion in the field of views of the cameras. Evaluation of our approach is presented with the results on PETS2007 dataset..

  2. Multiple-state based power control for multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Olwal, TO


    Full Text Available Multi-Radio Multi-Channel (MRMC) systems are key to power control problems in wireless mesh networks (WMNs). In this paper, we present asynchronous multiple-state based power control for MRMC WMNs. First, WMN is represented as a set of disjoint...

  3. Manifold Regularized Multi-Task Feature Selection for Multi-Modality Classification in Alzheimer’s Disease (United States)

    Jie, Biao; Cheng, Bo


    Accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), as well as its pro-dromal stage (i.e., mild cognitive impairment, MCI), is very important for possible delay and early treatment of the disease. Recently, multi-modality methods have been used for fusing information from multiple different and complementary imaging and non-imaging modalities. Although there are a number of existing multi-modality methods, few of them have addressed the problem of joint identification of disease-related brain regions from multi-modality data for classification. In this paper, we proposed a manifold regularized multi-task learning framework to jointly select features from multi-modality data. Specifically, we formulate the multi-modality classification as a multi-task learning framework, where each task focuses on the classification based on each modality. In order to capture the intrinsic relatedness among multiple tasks (i.e., modalities), we adopted a group sparsity regularizer, which ensures only a small number of features to be selected jointly. In addition, we introduced a new manifold based Laplacian regularization term to preserve the geometric distribution of original data from each task, which can lead to the selection of more discriminative features. Furthermore, we extend our method to the semi-supervised setting, which is very important since the acquisition of a large set of labeled data (i.e., diagnosis of disease) is usually expensive and time-consuming, while the collection of unlabeled data is relatively much easier. To validate our method, we have performed extensive evaluations on the baseline Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) data of Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. PMID:24505676

  4. The Integration of Education in Multi-racial and Multi-cultural Society


    Chamisah, Chamisah; M. Daud, Ridhwan


    This study aims to know the reasons of education ina multi-racial and multi-cultural society demands integration.. The studywhich focuses onMalaysia country typified by three major ethnic groups, namely Malays, Chinese and Indians,foundthat, firstlythe integration of curriculum in creating a holistic education isvital for the society to create a competitive human capital with value laden such as trustworthiness, dedication, creativity, civic awareness and many more. Secondly, integration curr...

  5. Multi-peta-watt laser performances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reichart, A.; Blanchot, N.; Nicolaizeau, M.; Ribeyre, X.; Bettinger, A.


    A multi-Peta-watt laser inside the 'Ligne d'integration laser' building is studied. We present simulations of the different amplification stages to reach broadband 10 kJ pulses in order to obtain a multi-Peta-watt laser beam. The results for preamplifier and power amplifier are detailed. Challenges of a multi-Peta-watt system are to increase the limit of compressed energy an order of magnitude, to perform a focal spot around 100 μm for Fast Ignitor applications, and to provide a temporal contrast better than 10 10 , for X-ray laser and plasma interaction applications. These first 1-D calculations are helpful for the design of a multi-Peta-watt laser. (authors)


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    Vladimir Souza


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo determinar o potencial natural à erosão (PNE na bacia do rio Jacaré Guaçú (SP com base nos fatores físicos da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solos (EUPS. Dados pedológicos, de precipitação pluviométrica e de Sensoriamento Remoto foram usados para determinar as variáveis naturais do referido modelo, ou seja, erosividade das chuvas (fator R, erodibilidade dos solos (fator K, comprimento de rampa (fator L e declividade do terreno (fator S. Técnicas de Geoprocessamento desenvolvidas em Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG foram utilizadas para a estruturação e execução do modelo ambiental. Os resultados demonstram que o fator R da área de estudo varia entre 6392 e 8015, o fator K está compreendido entre 0,0097 e 0,610 e o fator topográfico (LS predominante é menor que 4. Em relação ao PNE, dentre as classes definidas, destacam-se os locais classificados com alto, muito baixo, extremamente alto e muito alto potencial, com representatividade em mais de 90% da área de estudo. Os locais com PNE médio e baixo ocupam menos de 10% da bacia hidrográfica. Os resultados obtidos podem auxiliar no ordenamento territorial da área de estudo, sobretudo no que diz respeito ao gerenciamento e expansão das atividades agropecuárias. ABSTRACT This paper aims to determine the natural erosion potential in Jacaré Guaçú stream basin (São Paulo State - Brazil based in the physical factors of Universal Loss Soil Equation (ULSE. Pedological, rainfall and Remote Sensing data were used to define the natural variables of model, that is, rainfall erosivity (R factor, soil erodibility (K factor and topography (LS factor. Geoprocessing techniques developed in Geographic Information System (GIS were used to structure and execute the environmental model allowing determining areas with higher erosion risk. The results show that the areas classified as high, very low, extremely

  7. Classificação espectral de área plantada com a cultura da cana-de-açúcar por meio da árvore de decisão Spectral classification of planted area with sugarcane through the decision tree

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael C. Delgado


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar o classificador "árvore de decisão", em dados provenientes de sensores orbitais, para identificar área plantada com cana-de-açúcar, em diferentes épocas de plantio na Fazenda Boa Fé, localizada no Triângulo Mineiro, mais especificamente no município de Conquista, Minas Gerais. Acoplaram-se técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto (SR em um módulo de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG, permitindo uma análise temporal do uso e ocupação do solo, especialmente com vistas a identificar e a monitorar as áreas agrícolas. Com base no cálculo do viés médio (VM, o presente estudo mostrou que, em áreas de cana-de-açúcar, onde a irrigação é frequente e ocorrem chuvas significativas que antecedem a passagem do satélite Landsat-5, os valores foram ligeiramente subestimados, com valor deste indicador de -0,13 ha. Foi verificado, também, que os valores de NDVI mais altos proporcionaram uma leve superestimativa dos resultados, com valores de viés médio variando de 0,04 a 0,23 ha. Conforme os resultados, o classificador árvore de decisão apresentou um grande potencial para o mapeamento das áreas cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar.This study was carried out to test the "decision tree" classifier via remote sensing (RS, to identify planted areas with sugarcane, at different planting dates in Boa Fé, located in the Triângulo Mineiro, more specifically in the town of Conquista, Minas Gerais, Brazil. RS techniques, integrated into a Geographic Information System (GIS, allow a temporal analysis of land use and occupation, especially in order to identify and monitor agricultural areas. Based on the calculation of mean bias (VM, this study showed that in areas of sugarcane, where irrigation is frequent and significant rainfall occurring prior to the passage of Landsat-5, the estimated values were slightly underestimated, with the value of this indicator equal to -0.13 ha. It was also verified that the

  8. Comparison between hydrographically conditioned digital elevation models in the morphometric charaterization of watersheds Comparação de modelos digitais de elevação hidrograficamente condicionados na caracterização morfométrica de bacias hidrográficas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo A. S. Guedes


    diferença percentual obtida nos dados morfométricos entre os modelos estudados foi inferior a 10%, exceto para a declividade média, que foi de 21%. De maneira geral, verificou-se boa concordância entre os MDEHCs gerados por dados de sensoriamento remoto e pelas cartas do IBGE. O MDEHC ASTER foi ligeiramente mais preciso que o MDEHC SRTM em bacias com elevadas altitudes e relevo acidentado, por apresentar frequências altimétricas mais próximas do MDEHC IBGE, considerado padrão neste estudo.

  9. Variabilidade local e regional da evapotranspiração estimada pelo algoritmo SEBAL Local and regional variability of evapotranspiration estimated by SEBAL algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis C. J. Moreira


    Full Text Available Em face da importância em conhecer a evapotranspiração (ET para uso racional da água na irrigação no contexto atual de escassez desse recurso, algoritmos de estimativa da ET a nível regional foram desenvolvidos utilizando-se de ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto. Este estudo objetivou aplicar o algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land em três imagens do satélite Landsat 5, do segundo semestre de 2006. As imagens correspondem a áreas irrigadas, floresta nativa densa e a Caatinga do Estado do Ceará (Baixo Acaraú, Chapada do Apodi e Chapada do Araripe. Este algoritmo calcula a evapotranspiração horária a partir do fluxo de calor latente, estimado como resíduo do balanço de energia na superfície. Os valores de ET obtidos nas três regiões foram superiores a 0,60 mm h-1 nas áreas irrigadas ou de vegetação nativa densa. As áreas de vegetação nativa menos densa apresentaram taxa da ET horária de 0,35 a 0,60 mm h-1, e valores quase nulos em áreas degradadas. A análise das médias de evapotranspiração horária pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade permitiu evidenciar uma variabilidade significativa local, bem como regional no Estado do Ceará.In the context of water resources scarcity, the rational use of water for irrigation is necessary, implying precise estimations of the actual evapotranspiration (ET. With the recent progresses of remote-sensed technologies, regional algorithms estimating evapotranspiration from satellite observations were developed. This work aimed at applying the SEBAL algorithm (Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land at three Landsat-5 images during the second semester of 2006. These images cover irrigated areas, dense native forest areas and caatinga areas in three regions of the state of Ceará (Baixo Acaraú, Chapada do Apodi and Chapada do Araripe. The SEBAL algorithm calculates the hourly evapotranspiration from the latent heat flux, estimated from the surface energy

  10. Oportunidades e limitações para aplicação de simulação e modelagem como suporte à agricultura de precisão

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    Antonio Odair Santos


    Full Text Available A agricultura de precisão tem sido proposta como manejo estratégico de cultivos agrícolas, em escala menor do que a área total da lavoura, com base na aplicação de informação tecnológica e conhecimento agronômico. O gerenciamento da variação de variáveis de solo e planta se faz necessário para se obter sucesso nesta atividade. Tal fato implica em se lidar com grande número de dados, que devem ser coletados e tratados visando ao desenvolvimento do poder de decisão. A modelagem das interações do complexo solo-clima-desenvolvimento de culturas tende a ser uma escolha natural para a rápida integração e busca por estratégias de manejo. Um experimento foi desenvolvido em Angatuba, Estado de São Paulo (23o33’S; 48o18’W; 670 m, e a cultura do milho foi observada através de duas de estações de crescimento (1999-2000, em duas áreas de cultivo distintas. Foi efetuado o monitoramento de propriedades de solo, relacionadas à produtividade agrícola, além de variáveis de planta. Para uma das áreas análises sítio-específico, foram conduzidas através do uso de modelo de simulação, com base em amostragem esparsa de propriedades de solo. Em uma segunda área, o potencial de implementação desta nova tecnologia, tendo a modelagem e simulação como suporte, foi discutido, com base na estrutura espacial de variáveis de planta e solo, obtidas em amostragem intensiva. Os resultados das observações de campo sugerem que a modelagem de processos físicos é uma ferramenta fundamental para a implementação da agricultura de precisão, tendo por base uma escala de trabalho realística e a utilização de estratégias de amostragem a partir de fontes múltiplas, que devem incluir o sensoriamento remoto. No presente estudo, a malha de amostragem de solo, em uma escala de lavoura, mostrou-se inconsistente com as necessidades da agricultura de precisão, no que se refere à extensão da aplicação de modelagem, baseada em

  11. The Adaptive Multi-scale Simulation Infrastructure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tobin, William R. [Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY (United States)


    The Adaptive Multi-scale Simulation Infrastructure (AMSI) is a set of libraries and tools developed to support the development, implementation, and execution of general multimodel simulations. Using a minimal set of simulation meta-data AMSI allows for minimally intrusive work to adapt existent single-scale simulations for use in multi-scale simulations. Support for dynamic runtime operations such as single- and multi-scale adaptive properties is a key focus of AMSI. Particular focus has been spent on the development on scale-sensitive load balancing operations to allow single-scale simulations incorporated into a multi-scale simulation using AMSI to use standard load-balancing operations without affecting the integrity of the overall multi-scale simulation.

  12. The Role of Attention in Somatosensory Processing: A Multi-Trait, Multi-Method Analysis (United States)

    Wodka, Ericka L.; Puts, Nicolaas A. J.; Mahone, E. Mark; Edden, Richard A. E.; Tommerdahl, Mark; Mostofsky, Stewart H.


    Sensory processing abnormalities in autism have largely been described by parent report. This study used a multi-method (parent-report and measurement), multi-trait (tactile sensitivity and attention) design to evaluate somatosensory processing in ASD. Results showed multiple significant within-method (e.g., parent report of different…

  13. Computational modelling of multi-cell migration in a multi-signalling substrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mousavi, Seyed Jamaleddin; Doblaré, Manuel; Doweidar, Mohamed Hamdy


    Cell migration is a vital process in many biological phenomena ranging from wound healing to tissue regeneration. Over the past few years, it has been proven that in addition to cell–cell and cell-substrate mechanical interactions (mechanotaxis), cells can be driven by thermal, chemical and/or electrical stimuli. A numerical model was recently presented by the authors to analyse single cell migration in a multi-signalling substrate. That work is here extended to include multi-cell migration due to cell–cell interaction in a multi-signalling substrate under different conditions. This model is based on balancing the forces that act on the cell population in the presence of different guiding cues. Several numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the effect of different stimuli on the trajectory and final location of the cell population within a 3D heterogeneous multi-signalling substrate. Our findings indicate that although multi-cell migration is relatively similar to single cell migration in some aspects, the associated behaviour is very different. For instance, cell–cell interaction may delay single cell migration towards effective cues while increasing the magnitude of the average net cell traction force as well as the local velocity. Besides, the random movement of a cell within a cell population is slightly greater than that of single cell migration. Moreover, higher electrical field strength causes the cell slug to flatten near the cathode. On the other hand, as with single cell migration, the existence of electrotaxis dominates mechanotaxis, moving the cells to the cathode or anode pole located at the free surface. The numerical results here obtained are qualitatively consistent with related experimental works. (paper)

  14. Energy-aware Thread and Data Management in Heterogeneous Multi-core, Multi-memory Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Su, Chun-Yi [Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ. (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA (United States)


    By 2004, microprocessor design focused on multicore scaling—increasing the number of cores per die in each generation—as the primary strategy for improving performance. These multicore processors typically equip multiple memory subsystems to improve data throughput. In addition, these systems employ heterogeneous processors such as GPUs and heterogeneous memories like non-volatile memory to improve performance, capacity, and energy efficiency. With the increasing volume of hardware resources and system complexity caused by heterogeneity, future systems will require intelligent ways to manage hardware resources. Early research to improve performance and energy efficiency on heterogeneous, multi-core, multi-memory systems focused on tuning a single primitive or at best a few primitives in the systems. The key limitation of past efforts is their lack of a holistic approach to resource management that balances the tradeoff between performance and energy consumption. In addition, the shift from simple, homogeneous systems to these heterogeneous, multicore, multi-memory systems requires in-depth understanding of efficient resource management for scalable execution, including new models that capture the interchange between performance and energy, smarter resource management strategies, and novel low-level performance/energy tuning primitives and runtime systems. Tuning an application to control available resources efficiently has become a daunting challenge; managing resources in automation is still a dark art since the tradeoffs among programming, energy, and performance remain insufficiently understood. In this dissertation, I have developed theories, models, and resource management techniques to enable energy-efficient execution of parallel applications through thread and data management in these heterogeneous multi-core, multi-memory systems. I study the effect of dynamic concurrent throttling on the performance and energy of multi-core, non-uniform memory access

  15. Generic Automated Multi-function Finger Design (United States)

    Honarpardaz, M.; Tarkian, M.; Sirkett, D.; Ölvander, J.; Feng, X.; Elf, J.; Sjögren, R.


    Multi-function fingers that are able to handle multiple workpieces are crucial in improvement of a robot workcell. Design automation of multi-function fingers is highly demanded by robot industries to overcome the current iterative, time consuming and complex manual design process. However, the existing approaches for the multi-function finger design automation are unable to entirely meet the robot industries’ need. This paper proposes a generic approach for design automation of multi-function fingers. The proposed approach completely automates the design process and requires no expert skill. In addition, this approach executes the design process much faster than the current manual process. To validate the approach, multi-function fingers are successfully designed for two case studies. Further, the results are discussed and benchmarked with existing approaches.

  16. Multi-Resonant-Activation for a System Only Driven by Multi-State Noise

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jinghui


    We consider the escape of the particles over fluctuating potential barrier for a system only driven by a multi-state noise. It is shown that, the noise can make the particles escape over the fluctuating potential barrier in some circumstances; but in other circumstances, it can not. If the noise can make the particle escape over the fluctuating potential barrier, the mean first passage time (MFPT) can display the phenomenon of multi-resonant-activation. For this phenomenon, there are two kinds of resonant activation to appear. One is resonant activation for the MFPTs as the function of the flipping rates of the fluctuating potential barrier; the other is that for the MFPTs as the functions of the transition rates of the multi-state noise. (general)

  17. Multi-component optical solitary waves

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kivshar, Y. S.; Sukhorukov, A. A.; Ostrovskaya, E. A.


    We discuss several novel types of multi-component (temporal and spatial) envelope solitary waves that appear in fiber and waveguide nonlinear optics. In particular, we describe multi-channel solitary waves in bit-parallel-wavelength fiber transmission systems for highperformance computer networks......, multi-color parametric spatial solitary waves due to cascaded nonlinearities of quadratic materials, and quasiperiodic envelope solitons due to quasi-phase-matching in Fibonacci optical superlattices. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved....

  18. Control method for multi-input multi-output non-Gaussian random vibration test with cross spectra consideration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronghui ZHENG


    Full Text Available A control method for Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO non-Gaussian random vibration test with cross spectra consideration is proposed in the paper. The aim of the proposed control method is to replicate the specified references composed of auto spectral densities, cross spectral densities and kurtoses on the test article in the laboratory. It is found that the cross spectral densities will bring intractable coupling problems and induce difficulty for the control of the multi-output kurtoses. Hence, a sequential phase modification method is put forward to solve the coupling problems in multi-input multi-output non-Gaussian random vibration test. To achieve the specified responses, an improved zero memory nonlinear transformation is utilized first to modify the Fourier phases of the signals with sequential phase modification method to obtain one frame reference response signals which satisfy the reference spectra and reference kurtoses. Then, an inverse system method is used in frequency domain to obtain the continuous stationary drive signals. At the same time, the matrix power control algorithm is utilized to control the spectra and kurtoses of the response signals further. At the end of the paper, a simulation example with a cantilever beam and a vibration shaker test are implemented and the results support the proposed method very well. Keywords: Cross spectra, Kurtosis control, Multi-input multi-output, Non-Gaussian, Random vibration test

  19. Multi utility - a successful conception for energy supply companies?; Multi-Utility - Erfolgskonzept fuer Energieversorger? Zusammenwachsen der Maerkte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmidt, C. [LBD-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin (Germany)


    Multi-utility is seen as the most promising marketing strategy for energy companies. In the future, experts say, only the combined supply of electricity, natural gas, water, waste management and services will allow companies to grow. But are today's multi-utility-products answering the needs of the customers? The author goes further into this question and finds the answer: Multi-utility needs to be further developed. Only products from growth and competition markets can generate additional margins. (orig.) [German] Multi-Utility gilt als die Marketingstrategie fuer Energieversorger. Nur wer zukuenftig Strom, Gas, Wasser, Entsorgung und Service aus einer Hand anbietet, heisst es in der Branche, kann im Markt wachsen. Doch inwieweit entspricht das heutige Multi-Utility-Angebot wirklich dem Kundenbeduerfnis? Die Verfasserin geht dieser Frage nach und kommt zu dem Schluss: Die Multi-Utility-Palette muss weiterentwickelt werden. Nur mit Produkten aus Wachstums- und Wettbewerbsmaerkten kann zusaetzliche Marge generiert werden. (orig.)

  20. A Single Rod Multi-modality Multi-interface Level Sensor Using an AC Current Source

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdulgader Hwili


    Full Text Available Crude oil separation is an important process in the oil industry. To make efficient use of the separators, it is important to know their internal behaviour, and to measure the levels of multi-interfaces between different materials, such as gas-foam, foam-oil, oil-emulsion, emulsion-water and water-solids. A single-rod multi-modality multi-interface level sensor is presented, which has a current source, and electromagnetic modalities. Some key issues have been addressed, including the effect of salt content and temperature i.e. conductivity on the measurement.

  1. Developing Multi-Agency Leadership in Education (United States)

    Close, Paul


    This article contributes to the growing debate around how we understand and develop multi-agency leadership in children and young people's services. Bringing together a range of inter-disciplinary research, it presents a framework for multi-agency leadership development, which, it argues, is well theorised, multi-level and versed in key field…

  2. Multi-Directional Environmental Sensors (United States)

    Manohara, Harish (Inventor); Del Castillo, Linda Y. (Inventor); Mojarradi, Mohammed M. (Inventor)


    Systems and methods in accordance with embodiments of the invention implement multi-directional environmental sensors. In one embodiment, a multi-directional environmental sensor includes: an inner conductive element that is substantially symmetrical about three orthogonal planes; an outer conductive element that is substantially symmetrical about three orthogonal planes; and a device that measures the electrical characteristics of the multi-directional environmental sensor, the device having a first terminal and a second terminal; where the inner conductive element is substantially enclosed within the outer conductive element; where the inner conductive element is electrically coupled to the first terminal of the device; and where the outer conductive element is electrically coupled to the second terminal of the device.

  3. Multi-Touch Tablets, E-Books, and an Emerging Multi-Coding/Multi-Sensory Theory for Reading Science E-Textbooks: Considering the Struggling Reader (United States)

    Rupley, William H.; Paige, David D.; Rasinski, Timothy V.; Slough, Scott W.


    Pavio's Dual-Coding Theory (1991) and Mayer's Multimedia Principal (2000) form the foundation for proposing a multi-coding theory centered around Multi-Touch Tablets and the newest generation of e-textbooks to scaffold struggling readers in reading and learning from science textbooks. Using E. O. Wilson's "Life on Earth: An Introduction"…

  4. Teamwork Reasoning and Multi-Satellite Missions (United States)

    Marsella, Stacy C.; Plaunt, Christian (Technical Monitor)


    NASA is rapidly moving towards the use of spatially distributed multiple satellites operating in near Earth orbit and Deep Space. Effective operation of such multi-satellite constellations raises many key research issues. In particular, the satellites will be required to cooperate with each other as a team that must achieve common objectives with a high degree of autonomy from ground based operations. The multi-agent research community has made considerable progress in investigating the challenges of realizing such teamwork. In this report, we discuss some of the teamwork issues that will be faced by multi-satellite operations. The basis of the discussion is a particular proposed mission, the Magnetospheric MultiScale mission to explore Earth's magnetosphere. We describe this mission and then consider how multi-agent technologies might be applied in the design and operation of these missions. We consider the potential benefits of these technologies as well as the research challenges that will be raised in applying them to NASA multi-satellite missions. We conclude with some recommendations for future work.

  5. Interaction Control Protocols for Distributed Multi-user Multi-camera Environments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gareth W Daniel


    Full Text Available Video-centred communication (e.g., video conferencing, multimedia online learning, traffic monitoring, and surveillance is becoming a customary activity in our lives. The management of interactions in such an environment is a complicated HCI issue. In this paper, we present our study on a collection of interaction control protocols for distributed multiuser multi-camera environments. These protocols facilitate different approaches to managing a user's entitlement for controlling a particular camera. We describe a web-based system that allows multiple users to manipulate multiple cameras in varying remote locations. The system was developed using the Java framework, and all protocols discussed have been incorporated into the system. Experiments were designed and conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of these protocols, and to enable the identification of various human factors in a distributed multi-user and multi-camera environment. This work provides an insight into the complexity associated with the interaction management in video-centred communication. It can also serve as a conceptual and experimental framework for further research in this area.

  6. Macrostructural Treatment of Multi-word Lexical Items

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alenka Vrbinc


    Full Text Available The paper discusses the macrostructural treatment of multi-word lexical items in mono- and bilingual dictionaries. First, the classification of multi-word lexical items is presented, and special attention is paid to the discussion of compounds – a specific group of multi-word lexical items that is most commonly afforded headword status but whose inclusion in the headword list may also depend on spelling. Then the inclusion of multi-word lexical items in monolingual dictionaries is dealt with in greater detail, while the results of a short survey on the inclusion of five randomly chosen multi-word lexical items in seven English monolingual dictionaries are presented. The proposals as to how to treat these five multi-word lexical items in bilingual dictionaries are presented in the section about the inclusion of multi-word lexical items in bilingual dictionaries. The conclusion is that it is most important to take the users’ needs into consideration and to make any dictionary as user friendly as possible.

  7. A multi-band, multi-level, multi-electron model for efficient FDTD simulations of electromagnetic interactions with semiconductor quantum wells (United States)

    Ravi, Koustuban; Wang, Qian; Ho, Seng-Tiong


    We report a new computational model for simulations of electromagnetic interactions with semiconductor quantum well(s) (SQW) in complex electromagnetic geometries using the finite-difference time-domain method. The presented model is based on an approach of spanning a large number of electron transverse momentum states in each SQW sub-band (multi-band) with a small number of discrete multi-electron states (multi-level, multi-electron). This enables accurate and efficient two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) simulations of nanophotonic devices with SQW active media. The model includes the following features: (1) Optically induced interband transitions between various SQW conduction and heavy-hole or light-hole sub-bands are considered. (2) Novel intra sub-band and inter sub-band transition terms are derived to thermalize the electron and hole occupational distributions to the correct Fermi-Dirac distributions. (3) The terms in (2) result in an explicit update scheme which circumvents numerically cumbersome iterative procedures. This significantly augments computational efficiency. (4) Explicit update terms to account for carrier leakage to unconfined states are derived, which thermalize the bulk and SQW populations to a common quasi-equilibrium Fermi-Dirac distribution. (5) Auger recombination and intervalence band absorption are included. The model is validated by comparisons to analytic band-filling calculations, simulations of SQW optical gain spectra, and photonic crystal lasers.

  8. Multi-antenna synthetic aperture radar

    CERN Document Server

    Wang, Wen-Qin


    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a well-known remote sensing technique, but conventional single-antenna SAR is inherently limited by the minimum antenna area constraint. Although there are still technical issues to overcome, multi-antenna SAR offers many benefits, from improved system gain to increased degrees-of-freedom and system flexibility. Multi-Antenna Synthetic Aperture Radar explores the potential and challenges of using multi-antenna SAR in microwave remote sensing applications. These applications include high-resolution imaging, wide-swath remote sensing, ground moving target indica

  9. Infrastructure assessment for disaster management using multi-sensor and multi-temporal remote sensing imagery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Butenuth, Matthias; Frey, Daniel; Nielsen, Allan Aasbjerg


    In this paper, a new assessment system is presented to evaluate infrastructure objects such as roads after natural disasters in near-realtime. A particular aim is the exploitation of multi-sensorial and multi-temporal imagery together with further {GIS-}data in a comprehensive assessment framewor...

  10. Changes in the transmission properties of multi-tooth plasmonic nano-filters (multi-TPNFs) caused by geometrical imperfection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khaksar, A; Fatemi, H


    To model the filtering behavior of a multi-tooth plasmonic nano-filter (multi-TPNF), an equivalent circuitry composed of a set of serried impedances is considered. The changes caused in its filtering behavior are proposed as a measuring tool to investigate the effect of the geometrical imperfections occurring during the manufacture of the device. Consequently, the effects of changes in the nominal size of each of the geometrical parameters of a multi-TPNF sample, such as its tooth height, d, its tooth width, w, and the separation between two successive teeth, Δ, on its transmittance are investigated. It is observed that each single tooth of the multi-TPNF and also the waveguide between any of its two successive teeth exhibit a very Fabry–Perot interferometer like behavior. The variation of the transmission spectra of a multi-TPNF whose geometrical parameters are imperfect is compared with the desired filter, and also the effect of the number of geometrically imperfect teeth of the multi-TPNF on the filtering spectra is examined. (paper)

  11. Numerical modeling of macrodispersion in heterogeneous media: a comparison of multi-Gaussian and non-multi-Gaussian models (United States)

    Wen, Xian-Huan; Gómez-Hernández, J. Jaime


    The macrodispersion of an inert solute in a 2-D heterogeneous porous media is estimated numerically in a series of fields of varying heterogeneity. Four different random function (RF) models are used to model log-transmissivity (ln T) spatial variability, and for each of these models, ln T variance is varied from 0.1 to 2.0. The four RF models share the same univariate Gaussian histogram and the same isotropic covariance, but differ from one another in terms of the spatial connectivity patterns at extreme transmissivity values. More specifically, model A is a multivariate Gaussian model for which, by definition, extreme values (both high and low) are spatially uncorrelated. The other three models are non-multi-Gaussian: model B with high connectivity of high extreme values, model C with high connectivity of low extreme values, and model D with high connectivities of both high and low extreme values. Residence time distributions (RTDs) and macrodispersivities (longitudinal and transverse) are computed on ln T fields corresponding to the different RF models, for two different flow directions and at several scales. They are compared with each other, as well as with predicted values based on first-order analytical results. Numerically derived RTDs and macrodispersivities for the multi-Gaussian model are in good agreement with analytically derived values using first-order theories for log-transmissivity variance up to 2.0. The results from the non-multi-Gaussian models differ from each other and deviate largely from the multi-Gaussian results even when ln T variance is small. RTDs in non-multi-Gaussian realizations with high connectivity at high extreme values display earlier breakthrough than in multi-Gaussian realizations, whereas later breakthrough and longer tails are observed for RTDs from non-multi-Gaussian realizations with high connectivity at low extreme values. Longitudinal macrodispersivities in the non-multi-Gaussian realizations are, in general, larger than

  12. Robust, highly customizable, and economical multi-channel electrode for chronic multi-unit recording in behaving animals. (United States)

    Tateyama, Yukina; Oyama, Kei; Shiraishi, Masaru; Iijima, Toshio; Tsutsui, Ken-Ichiro


    Multi-unit recording has been one of the most widely used techniques to investigate the correlation between multiple neuronal activities and behavior. However, a common problem of currently used multi-channel electrodes is their physical weakness. In this study, we developed a novel multi-channel electrode with sufficient physical strength to penetrate a thickened dura mater. This electrode consists of low-cost materials and is easily fabricated, and it enables recording without removing dura mater, thereby reducing the risk of inflammation, infection, or brain herniation. The low-cost multi-channel electrode developed in this study would be a useful tool for chronic recording in behaving animals. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  13. Optimization of multi-phase compressible lattice Boltzmann codes on massively parallel multi-core systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Biferale, L.; Mantovani, F.; Pivanti, M.; Pozzati, F.; Sbragaglia, M.; Schifano, S.F.; Toschi, F.; Tripiccione, R.


    We develop a Lattice Boltzmann code for computational fluid-dynamics and optimize it for massively parallel systems based on multi-core processors. Our code describes 2D multi-phase compressible flows. We analyze the performance bottlenecks that we find as we gradually expose a larger fraction of

  14. Multi level configuration of ETO products

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Thomas Ditlev; Jørgensen, Kaj Asbjørn; Hvolby, Hans-Henrik


    The paper introduces and defines central concepts related to multi level configuration and analyzes which challenges an engineer to order company must deal with to be able to realize a multi level configuration system. It is argued that high flexibility can be achieved and focus can be directed...... in certain business processes if a multi level configuration system is realized....

  15. The Multi-perspective Process Explorer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mannhardt, Felix; De Leoni, Massimiliano; Reijers, Hajo A.


    Organizations use process mining techniques to analyze event data recorded by their information systems. Multi-perspective process mining techniques make use of data attributes attached to events to analyze processes from multiple perspectives. Applying those multi-perspective process mining

  16. Multi-location gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial protein subcellular localization using gene ontology and multi-label classifier ensemble. (United States)

    Wang, Xiao; Zhang, Jun; Li, Guo-Zheng


    It has become a very important and full of challenge task to predict bacterial protein subcellular locations using computational methods. Although there exist a lot of prediction methods for bacterial proteins, the majority of these methods can only deal with single-location proteins. But unfortunately many multi-location proteins are located in the bacterial cells. Moreover, multi-location proteins have special biological functions capable of helping the development of new drugs. So it is necessary to develop new computational methods for accurately predicting subcellular locations of multi-location bacterial proteins. In this article, two efficient multi-label predictors, Gpos-ECC-mPLoc and Gneg-ECC-mPLoc, are developed to predict the subcellular locations of multi-label gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial proteins respectively. The two multi-label predictors construct the GO vectors by using the GO terms of homologous proteins of query proteins and then adopt a powerful multi-label ensemble classifier to make the final multi-label prediction. The two multi-label predictors have the following advantages: (1) they improve the prediction performance of multi-label proteins by taking the correlations among different labels into account; (2) they ensemble multiple CC classifiers and further generate better prediction results by ensemble learning; and (3) they construct the GO vectors by using the frequency of occurrences of GO terms in the typical homologous set instead of using 0/1 values. Experimental results show that Gpos-ECC-mPLoc and Gneg-ECC-mPLoc can efficiently predict the subcellular locations of multi-label gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial proteins respectively. Gpos-ECC-mPLoc and Gneg-ECC-mPLoc can efficiently improve prediction accuracy of subcellular localization of multi-location gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial proteins respectively. The online web servers for Gpos-ECC-mPLoc and Gneg-ECC-mPLoc predictors are freely accessible

  17. Extending multi-tenant architectures: a database model for a multi-target support in SaaS applications (United States)

    Rico, Antonio; Noguera, Manuel; Garrido, José Luis; Benghazi, Kawtar; Barjis, Joseph


    Multi-tenant architectures (MTAs) are considered a cornerstone in the success of Software as a Service as a new application distribution formula. Multi-tenancy allows multiple customers (i.e. tenants) to be consolidated into the same operational system. This way, tenants run and share the same application instance as well as costs, which are significantly reduced. Functional needs vary from one tenant to another; either companies from different sectors run different types of applications or, although deploying the same functionality, they do differ in the extent of their complexity. In any case, MTA leaves one major concern regarding the companies' data, their privacy and security, which requires special attention to the data layer. In this article, we propose an extended data model that enhances traditional MTAs in respect of this concern. This extension - called multi-target - allows MT applications to host, manage and serve multiple functionalities within the same multi-tenant (MT) environment. The practical deployment of this approach will allow SaaS vendors to target multiple markets or address different levels of functional complexity and yet commercialise just one single MT application. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated via a case study of a real multi-tenancy multi-target (MT2) implementation, called Globalgest.

  18. A comparison of multi-spectral, multi-angular, and multi-temporal remote sensing datasets for fractional shrub canopy mapping in Arctic Alaska (United States)

    Selkowitz, D.J.


    Shrub cover appears to be increasing across many areas of the Arctic tundra biome, and increasing shrub cover in the Arctic has the potential to significantly impact global carbon budgets and the global climate system. For most of the Arctic, however, there is no existing baseline inventory of shrub canopy cover, as existing maps of Arctic vegetation provide little information about the density of shrub cover at a moderate spatial resolution across the region. Remotely-sensed fractional shrub canopy maps can provide this necessary baseline inventory of shrub cover. In this study, we compare the accuracy of fractional shrub canopy (> 0.5 m tall) maps derived from multi-spectral, multi-angular, and multi-temporal datasets from Landsat imagery at 30 m spatial resolution, Moderate Resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MODIS) imagery at 250 m and 500 m spatial resolution, and MultiAngle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) imagery at 275 m spatial resolution for a 1067 km2 study area in Arctic Alaska. The study area is centered at 69 ??N, ranges in elevation from 130 to 770 m, is composed primarily of rolling topography with gentle slopes less than 10??, and is free of glaciers and perennial snow cover. Shrubs > 0.5 m in height cover 2.9% of the study area and are primarily confined to patches associated with specific landscape features. Reference fractional shrub canopy is determined from in situ shrub canopy measurements and a high spatial resolution IKONOS image swath. Regression tree models are constructed to estimate fractional canopy cover at 250 m using different combinations of input data from Landsat, MODIS, and MISR. Results indicate that multi-spectral data provide substantially more accurate estimates of fractional shrub canopy cover than multi-angular or multi-temporal data. Higher spatial resolution datasets also provide more accurate estimates of fractional shrub canopy cover (aggregated to moderate spatial resolutions) than lower spatial resolution datasets

  19. DEA Multi-Media Drug Library (United States)

    ... Releases Speeches and Testimony Major Operations Multi-Media Library Micrograms Legislative & Legal Resources Events Social Media Directory ... Envío de información confidencial Press Room » Multi-Media Library IMAGE GALLERY Drug Photos Amphetamines/Stimulants K2/Spice ...

  20. Multi-dimensional imaging

    CERN Document Server

    Javidi, Bahram; Andres, Pedro


    Provides a broad overview of advanced multidimensional imaging systems with contributions from leading researchers in the field Multi-dimensional Imaging takes the reader from the introductory concepts through to the latest applications of these techniques. Split into 3 parts covering 3D image capture, processing, visualization and display, using 1) a Multi-View Approach and 2.) a Holographic Approach, followed by a 3rd part addressing other 3D systems approaches, applications and signal processing for advanced 3D imaging. This book describes recent developments, as well as the prospects and

  1. Interference-aware power control for multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Olwal, TO


    Full Text Available are well known in [9], [6]. The operation of multi-radio multi-channel (MRMC) WMNs generally requires sustainable energy supply. Substantial deployments of WMNs have recently been witnessed in rural and remote communities [4]. In such applications...]. Power resources are dynamically adjusted by each NIC using intra and inter-subsystem (channel) states. Due to the decentralized nature, each MP assumes imperfect knowledge about the global network. Further we assume that there exists...

  2. Multi-band transmission color filters for multi-color white LEDs based visible light communication (United States)

    Wang, Qixia; Zhu, Zhendong; Gu, Huarong; Chen, Mengzhu; Tan, Qiaofeng


    Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based visible light communication (VLC) can provide license-free bands, high data rates, and high security levels, which is a promising technique that will be extensively applied in future. Multi-band transmission color filters with enough peak transmittance and suitable bandwidth play a pivotal role for boosting signal-noise-ratio in VLC systems. In this paper, multi-band transmission color filters with bandwidth of dozens nanometers are designed by a simple analytical method. Experiment results of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) tri-band color filters demonstrate the effectiveness of the multi-band transmission color filters and the corresponding analytical method.

  3. Multi-Layer E-Textile Circuits (United States)

    Dunne, Lucy E.; Bibeau, Kaila; Mulligan, Lucie; Frith, Ashton; Simon, Cory


    Stitched e-textile circuits facilitate wearable, flexible, comfortable wearable technology. However, while stitched methods of e-textile circuits are common, multi-layer circuit creation remains a challenge. Here, we present methods of stitched multi-layer circuit creation using accessible tools and techniques.

  4. An Online Q-learning Based Multi-Agent LFC for a Multi-Area Multi-Source Power System Including Distributed Energy Resources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Shayeghi


    Full Text Available This paper presents an online two-stage Q-learning based multi-agent (MA controller for load frequency control (LFC in an interconnected multi-area multi-source power system integrated with distributed energy resources (DERs. The proposed control strategy consists of two stages. The first stage is employed a PID controller which its parameters are designed using sine cosine optimization (SCO algorithm and are fixed. The second one is a reinforcement learning (RL based supplementary controller that has a flexible structure and improves the output of the first stage adaptively based on the system dynamical behavior. Due to the use of RL paradigm integrated with PID controller in this strategy, it is called RL-PID controller. The primary motivation for the integration of RL technique with PID controller is to make the existing local controllers in the industry compatible to reduce the control efforts and system costs. This novel control strategy combines the advantages of the PID controller with adaptive behavior of MA to achieve the desired level of robust performance under different kind of uncertainties caused by stochastically power generation of DERs, plant operational condition changes, and physical nonlinearities of the system. The suggested decentralized controller is composed of the autonomous intelligent agents, who learn the optimal control policy from interaction with the system. These agents update their knowledge about the system dynamics continuously to achieve a good frequency oscillation damping under various severe disturbances without any knowledge of them. It leads to an adaptive control structure to solve LFC problem in the multi-source power system with stochastic DERs. The results of RL-PID controller in comparison to the traditional PID and fuzzy-PID controllers is verified in a multi-area power system integrated with DERs through some performance indices.

  5. Front-end vision and multi-scale image analysis multi-scale computer vision theory and applications, written in Mathematica

    CERN Document Server

    Romeny, Bart M Haar


    Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis is a tutorial in multi-scale methods for computer vision and image processing. It builds on the cross fertilization between human visual perception and multi-scale computer vision (`scale-space') theory and applications. The multi-scale strategies recognized in the first stages of the human visual system are carefully examined, and taken as inspiration for the many geometric methods discussed. All chapters are written in Mathematica, a spectacular high-level language for symbolic and numerical manipulations. The book presents a new and effective

  6. O povo armênio e sua evolução histórica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yessai Ohannes Kerouzian


    Full Text Available A finalidade das Conferências sôbre os assuntos Orientais (* é de ilustrar e orientar, de maneira prática, o público a respeito da cultura e da história dos povos do Oriente em geral, cujos filhos, desde tempos remotos, começaram a povoar o Brasil e no momento atual vivem e compartilham os destinos do país.

  7. About Multi-Heston SDE Discretization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiberiu Socaciu


    Full Text Available Abstract: in this paper we show how can estimate a financial derivative based on a support if assume for the support a Multi-Heston model.Keywords: Euler Maruyama discretization method, Monte Carlo simulation, Heston model, Double-Heston model, Multi-Heston model.

  8. Multi-channel polarized thermal emitter (United States)

    Lee, Jae-Hwang; Ho, Kai-Ming; Constant, Kristen P


    A multi-channel polarized thermal emitter (PTE) is presented. The multi-channel PTE can emit polarized thermal radiation without using a polarizer at normal emergence. The multi-channel PTE consists of two layers of metallic gratings on a monolithic and homogeneous metallic plate. It can be fabricated by a low-cost soft lithography technique called two-polymer microtransfer molding. The spectral positions of the mid-infrared (MIR) radiation peaks can be tuned by changing the periodicity of the gratings and the spectral separation between peaks are tuned by changing the mutual angle between the orientations of the two gratings.

  9. Multi-agent and complex systems

    CERN Document Server

    Ren, Fenghui; Fujita, Katsuhide; Zhang, Minjie; Ito, Takayuki


    This book provides a description of advanced multi-agent and artificial intelligence technologies for the modeling and simulation of complex systems, as well as an overview of the latest scientific efforts in this field. A complex system features a large number of interacting components, whose aggregate activities are nonlinear and self-organized. A multi-agent system is a group or society of agents which interact with others cooperatively and/or competitively in order to reach their individual or common goals. Multi-agent systems are suitable for modeling and simulation of complex systems, which is difficult to accomplish using traditional computational approaches.

  10. Coupled numerical approach combining finite volume and lattice Boltzmann methods for multi-scale multi-physicochemical processes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Li; He, Ya-Ling [Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering of MOE, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi' an Jiaotong University, Xi' an, Shaanxi 710049 (China); Kang, Qinjun [Computational Earth Science Group (EES-16), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (United States); Tao, Wen-Quan, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering of MOE, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi' an Jiaotong University, Xi' an, Shaanxi 710049 (China)


    A coupled (hybrid) simulation strategy spatially combining the finite volume method (FVM) and the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), called CFVLBM, is developed to simulate coupled multi-scale multi-physicochemical processes. In the CFVLBM, computational domain of multi-scale problems is divided into two sub-domains, i.e., an open, free fluid region and a region filled with porous materials. The FVM and LBM are used for these two regions, respectively, with information exchanged at the interface between the two sub-domains. A general reconstruction operator (RO) is proposed to derive the distribution functions in the LBM from the corresponding macro scalar, the governing equation of which obeys the convection–diffusion equation. The CFVLBM and the RO are validated in several typical physicochemical problems and then are applied to simulate complex multi-scale coupled fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transport, and chemical reaction in a wall-coated micro reactor. The maximum ratio of the grid size between the FVM and LBM regions is explored and discussed. -- Highlights: •A coupled simulation strategy for simulating multi-scale phenomena is developed. •Finite volume method and lattice Boltzmann method are coupled. •A reconstruction operator is derived to transfer information at the sub-domains interface. •Coupled multi-scale multiple physicochemical processes in micro reactor are simulated. •Techniques to save computational resources and improve the efficiency are discussed.

  11. Multi-symplectic Birkhoffian structure for PDEs with dissipation terms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Su Hongling; Qin Mengzhao; Wang Yushun; Scherer, Rudolf


    A generalization of the multi-symplectic form for Hamiltonian systems to self-adjoint systems with dissipation terms is studied. These systems can be expressed as multi-symplectic Birkhoffian equations, which leads to a natural definition of Birkhoffian multi-symplectic structure. The concept of Birkhoffian multi-symplectic integrators for Birkhoffian PDEs is investigated. The Birkhoffian multi-symplectic structure is constructed by the continuous variational principle, and the Birkhoffian multi-symplectic integrator by the discrete variational principle. As an example, two Birkhoffian multi-symplectic integrators for the equation describing a linear damped string are given.

  12. Multi-Quarks and Two-Baryon Interaction in Lattice QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okiharu, F.; Suganuma, H.; Takahashi, T. T.; Doi, T.


    We study multi-quark (3Q,4Q,5Q) systems in lattice QCD. We perform the detailed studies of multi-quark potentials in lattice QCD to clarify the inter-quark interaction in multi-quark systems. We find that all the multi-quark potentials are well described by the OGE Coulomb plus multi-Y-type linear potential, i.e., the multi-Y Ansatz. For multi-quark systems, we observe lattice QCD evidences of 'flip-flop', i.e., flux-tube recombination. These lattice QCD studies give an important bridge between elementary particle physics and nuclear physics

  13. Multi-Photon Entanglement and Quantum Teleportation

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Shih, Yanhua


    The project 'Multi-Photon Entanglement and Quantum Teleportation' concerns a series of experimental and theoretical investigations on multi-photon entangled states and the applications, for example...

  14. Euclidean supergravity and multi-centered solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W.A. Sabra


    Full Text Available In ungauged supergravity theories, the no-force condition for BPS states implies the existence of stable static multi-centered solutions. The first solutions to Einstein–Maxwell theory with a positive cosmological constant describing an arbitrary number of charged black holes were found by Kastor and Traschen. Generalisations to five and higher dimensional theories were obtained by London. Multi-centered solutions in gauged supergravity, even with time-dependence allowed, have yet to be constructed. In this letter we construct supersymmetry-preserving multi-centered solutions for the case of D=5, N=2 Euclidean gauged supergravity coupled to an arbitrary number of vector multiplets. Higher dimensional Einstein–Maxwell multi-centered solutions are also presented.


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    Marcos Casiano


    Full Text Available La caracterización de la fenología de la vegetación, particularmente la asociada a los bosques tropicales caducifolios, permite predecir los impactos del cambio climático y de los intercambios de carbono y agua entre la atmósfera y la vegetación, por lo que es importante modelarla. Existen diferentes métodos experimentales para caracterizar la fenología de la vegetación, sin embargo, el uso de sensores remotos permite caracterizaciones fenológicas de bajo costo y eficientes. No obstante lo anterior, la mayoría de las aplicaciones de sensores remotos cuando se usan índices de vegetación (IV solo modelan el crecimiento del follaje (etapa vegetativa y senescente y no la etapa reproductiva. Dado que la floración es crítica para la viabilidad de la vegetación, además de su valor en la apicultura, es necesario evaluarla con sensores remotos aerotransportados en el segmento visible a infrarrojo del espectro electromagnético. La revisión de experimentos y observaciones de floración muestran que los patrones temporales en las bandas del rojo (R e infrarrojo cercano (IRC son contrarios, lo cual no ocurre en los IV que caracterizan el follaje. A partir de estos análisis, se diseñó un experimento de componentes de la vegetación para simular las etapas fenológicas de pre floración, floración y post floración que hipotéticamente ocurren en un bosque caducifolio. Los resultados mostraron que es posible el desarrollo de un modelo fenológico aproximado si se usa el índice IVIS para caracterizar la inducción floral, el inicio y el pico de la floración, aunque el término de ésta se confunde con el inicio del crecimiento vegetativo del follaje.

  16. Multi-fuel multi-product operation of IGCC power plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cormos, Ana-Maria; Dinca, Cristian; Cormos, Calin-Cristian


    This paper investigates multi-fuel multi-product operation of IGCC plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS). The investigated plant designs co-process coal with different sorts of biomass (e.g. sawdust) and solid wastes, through gasification, leading to different decarbonised energy vectors (power, hydrogen, heat, substitute natural gas etc.) simultaneous with carbon capture. Co-gasification of coal with different renewable energy sources coupled with carbon capture will pave the way towards zero emissions power plants. The energy conversions investigated in the paper were simulated using commercial process flow modelling package (ChemCAD) in order to produce mass and energy balances necessary for the proposed evaluation. As illustrative cases, hydrogen and power co-generation and Fischer–Tropsch fuel synthesis (both with carbon capture), were presented. The case studies investigated in the paper produce a flexible ratio between power and hydrogen (in the range of 400–600 MW net electricity and 0–200 MW th hydrogen considering the lower heating value) with at least 90% carbon capture rate. Special emphasis were given to fuel selection criteria for optimisation of gasification performances (fuel blending), to the selection criteria for gasification reactor in a multi-fuel multi-product operation scenario, modelling and simulation of whole process, to thermal and power integration of processes, flexibility analysis of the energy conversion processes, in-depth techno-economic and environmental assessment etc. - Highlights: • Assessment of IGCC-based energy vectors poly-generation systems with CCS. • Optimisation of gasification performances and CO 2 emissions by fuel blending. • Multi-fuel multi-product operation of gasification plants

  17. Thermotropic phase transitions of catanionic dodecylsulfates with multi-charged and multi-tailed quaternary ammonium centers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mihelj, Tea, E-mail: [Ruđer Bošković Institute, Department of Physical Chemistry, Laboratory for Synthesis and Processes of Self-assembling of Organic Molecules, Bijenička c. 54, P.O. Box 180, HR-10002 Zagreb (Croatia); Popović, Jasminka [Division for Materials Physics, Ruđer Bošković Institute, POB 180, HR-10002 Zagreb (Croatia); Skoko, Željko [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Bijenička cesta 32, HR-10000 Zagreb (Croatia); Tomašić, Vlasta, E-mail: [Ruđer Bošković Institute, Department of Physical Chemistry, Laboratory for Synthesis and Processes of Self-assembling of Organic Molecules, Bijenička c. 54, P.O. Box 180, HR-10002 Zagreb (Croatia)


    Highlights: • Thermal behavior of quaternary ammonium n-dodecylsulfates is characterized. • Typical layered structure dominates in all examined compounds at room temperature. • The dimeric didodecylsulfate crystallizes in monoclinic space group P21/m. • Thermotropic phases formation characteristic for multi-tailed n-dodecylsulfates. • Multi-charged n-dodecylsulfates are soft crystals at higher temperatures. - Abstract: Five novel anhydrous catanionic dodecylsulfates containing multi-charged and multi-tailed quaternary ammonium centers were synthesized and examined with light microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray powder diffraction. This study is an attempt to explain the relationship between chemical structure, molecular architecture, phase transition characteristics and thermodynamics and the nature of intermolecular interactions of the individual amphiphiles that ultimately lead to different mesomorphic product. All examined compounds are of typical layered structure at room temperature. The long spacing decreases linearly with the increase of either ionic head or n-dodecyl chain number. The thermal analysis of the examined multi-charged catanionics indicates thermotropic mesomorphism, whereas multi-tailed dodecylsulfates show only properties of soft crystals. Maltese crosses, oily streaks textures, stepped drops and fan-shaped textures affirmed the existence of various smectic mesophases at room and higher temperatures. Thermodynamically the most ordered compound is dimeric didodecylsulfate, and the most disordered is three-tailed dodecylsulfate. The addition of the new quaternary ammonium center or alkyl chain causes the increment of the lattice energy first, and it decreases by further changes in the structure. The temperatures of crystallization decrease by any mentioned addition.

  18. Approximating multi-objective scheduling problems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dabia, S.; Talbi, El-Ghazali; Woensel, van T.; Kok, de A.G.


    In many practical situations, decisions are multi-objective by nature. In this paper, we propose a generic approach to deal with multi-objective scheduling problems (MOSPs). The aim is to determine the set of Pareto solutions that represent the interactions between the different objectives. Due to

  19. Multi codes and multi-scale analysis for void fraction prediction in hot channel for VVER-1000/V392

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoang Minh Giang; Hoang Tan Hung; Nguyen Huu Tiep


    Recently, an approach of multi codes and multi-scale analysis is widely applied to study core thermal hydraulic behavior such as void fraction prediction. Better results are achieved by using multi codes or coupling codes such as PARCS and RELAP5. The advantage of multi-scale analysis is zooming of the interested part in the simulated domain for detail investigation. Therefore, in this study, the multi codes between MCNP5, RELAP5, CTF and also the multi-scale analysis based RELAP5 and CTF are applied to investigate void fraction in hot channel of VVER-1000/V392 reactor. Since VVER-1000/V392 reactor is a typical advanced reactor that can be considered as the base to develop later VVER-1200 reactor, then understanding core behavior in transient conditions is necessary in order to investigate VVER technology. It is shown that the item of near wall boiling, Γ w in RELAP5 proposed by Lahey mechanistic method may not give enough accuracy of void fraction prediction as smaller scale code as CTF. (author)

  20. Multi-criteria multi-stakeholder decision analysis using a fuzzy-stochastic approach for hydrosystem management (United States)

    Subagadis, Y. H.; Schütze, N.; Grundmann, J.


    The conventional methods used to solve multi-criteria multi-stakeholder problems are less strongly formulated, as they normally incorporate only homogeneous information at a time and suggest aggregating objectives of different decision-makers avoiding water-society interactions. In this contribution, Multi-Criteria Group Decision Analysis (MCGDA) using a fuzzy-stochastic approach has been proposed to rank a set of alternatives in water management decisions incorporating heterogeneous information under uncertainty. The decision making framework takes hydrologically, environmentally, and socio-economically motivated conflicting objectives into consideration. The criteria related to the performance of the physical system are optimized using multi-criteria simulation-based optimization, and fuzzy linguistic quantifiers have been used to evaluate subjective criteria and to assess stakeholders' degree of optimism. The proposed methodology is applied to find effective and robust intervention strategies for the management of a coastal hydrosystem affected by saltwater intrusion due to excessive groundwater extraction for irrigated agriculture and municipal use. Preliminary results show that the MCGDA based on a fuzzy-stochastic approach gives useful support for robust decision-making and is sensitive to the decision makers' degree of optimism.

  1. Derivation of optimal joint operating rules for multi-purpose multi-reservoir water-supply system (United States)

    Tan, Qiao-feng; Wang, Xu; Wang, Hao; Wang, Chao; Lei, Xiao-hui; Xiong, Yi-song; Zhang, Wei


    The derivation of joint operating policy is a challenging task for a multi-purpose multi-reservoir system. This study proposed an aggregation-decomposition model to guide the joint operation of multi-purpose multi-reservoir system, including: (1) an aggregated model based on the improved hedging rule to ensure the long-term water-supply operating benefit; (2) a decomposed model to allocate the limited release to individual reservoirs for the purpose of maximizing the total profit of the facing period; and (3) a double-layer simulation-based optimization model to obtain the optimal time-varying hedging rules using the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, whose objectives were to minimize maximum water deficit and maximize water supply reliability. The water-supply system of Li River in Guangxi Province, China, was selected for the case study. The results show that the operating policy proposed in this study is better than conventional operating rules and aggregated standard operating policy for both water supply and hydropower generation due to the use of hedging mechanism and effective coordination among multiple objectives.

  2. L1 Adaptive Control Augmentation System with Application to the X-29 Lateral/Directional Dynamics: A Multi-Input Multi-Output Approach (United States)

    Griffin, Brian Joseph; Burken, John J.; Xargay, Enric


    This paper presents an L(sub 1) adaptive control augmentation system design for multi-input multi-output nonlinear systems in the presence of unmatched uncertainties which may exhibit significant cross-coupling effects. A piecewise continuous adaptive law is adopted and extended for applicability to multi-input multi-output systems that explicitly compensates for dynamic cross-coupling. In addition, explicit use of high-fidelity actuator models are added to the L1 architecture to reduce uncertainties in the system. The L(sub 1) multi-input multi-output adaptive control architecture is applied to the X-29 lateral/directional dynamics and results are evaluated against a similar single-input single-output design approach.

  3. Unified Multi-Layer among Software Defined Multi-Domain Optical Networks (Invited

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hui Yang


    Full Text Available The software defined networking (SDN enabled by OpenFlow protocol has gained popularity which can enable the network to be programmable and accommodate both fixed and flexible bandwidth services. In this paper, we present a unified multi-layer (UML architecture with multiple controllers and a dynamic orchestra plane (DOP for software defined multi-domain optical networks. The proposed architecture can shield the differences among various optical devices from multi-vendors and the details of connecting heterogeneous networks. The cross-domain services with on-demand bandwidth can be deployed via unified interfaces provided by the dynamic orchestra plane. Additionally, the globalization strategy and practical capture of signal processing are presented based on the architecture. The overall feasibility and efficiency of the proposed architecture is experimentally verified on the control plane of our OpenFlow-based testbed. The performance of globalization strategy under heavy traffic load scenario is also quantitatively evaluated based on UML architecture compared with other strategies in terms of blocking probability, average hops, and average resource consumption.

  4. Removal of Optically Thick Clouds from Multi-Spectral Satellite Images Using Multi-Frequency SAR Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert Eckardt


    Full Text Available This study presents a method for the reconstruction of pixels contaminated by optical thick clouds in multi-spectral Landsat images using multi-frequency SAR data. A number of reconstruction techniques have already been proposed in the scientific literature. However, all of the existing techniques have certain limitations. In order to overcome these limitations, we expose the Closest Spectral Fit (CSF method proposed by Meng et al. to a new, synergistic approach using optical and SAR data. Therefore, the term Closest Feature Vector (CFV is introduced. The technique facilitates an elegant way to avoid radiometric distortions in the course of image reconstruction. Furthermore the cloud cover removal is independent from underlying land cover types and assumptions on seasonality, etc. The methodology is applied to mono-temporal, multi-frequency SAR data from TerraSAR-X (X-Band, ERS (C-Band and ALOS Palsar (L-Band. This represents a way of thinking about Radar data not as foreign, but as additional data source in multi-spectral remote sensing. For the assessment of the image restoration performance, an experimental framework is established and a statistical evaluation protocol is designed. The results show the potential of a synergistic usage of multi-spectral and SAR data to overcome the loss of data due to cloud cover.

  5. Multi-Agent Systems for E-Commerce


    Solodukha, T. V.; Sosnovskiy, O. A.; Zhelezko, B. A.


    The article focuses on multi-agent systems (MAS) and domains that can benefit from multi-agent technology. In the last few years, the agent based modeling (ABM) community has developed several practical agent based modeling toolkits that enable individuals to develop agent-based applications. The comparison of agent-based modeling toolkits is given. Multi-agent systems are designed to handle changing and dynamic business processes. Any organization with complex and distributed business pro...

  6. MTCB: A Multi-Tenant Customizable database Benchmark

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Zijden, WIm; Hiemstra, Djoerd; van Keulen, Maurice


    We argue that there is a need for Multi-Tenant Customizable OLTP systems. Such systems need a Multi-Tenant Customizable Database (MTC-DB) as a backing. To stimulate the development of such databases, we propose the benchmark MTCB. Benchmarks for OLTP exist and multi-tenant benchmarks exist, but no

  7. Fairness in multi-agent systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jong, de S.; Tuyls, K.P.; Verbeeck, K.


    Multi-agent systems are complex systems in which multiple autonomous entities, called agents, cooperate in order to achieve a common or personal goal. These entities may be computer software, robots, and also humans. In fact, many multi-agent systems are intended to operate in cooperation with or as

  8. Multi-Wave Mixing Processes

    CERN Document Server

    Zhang, Yanpeng


    "Multi-Wave Mixing Processes - From Ultrafast Polarization Beats to Electromagnetically Induced Transparency" discusses the interactions of efficient multi-wave mixing (MWM) processes enhanced by atomic coherence in multilevel atomic systems. It covers topics in five major areas: attosecond and femtosecond polarization beats of four-wave mixing (FWM) processes; heterodyne detection of FWM, six-wave mixing (SWM) and eight-wave mixing (EWM) processes; Raman and Rayleigh enhanced polarization beats; coexistence and interactions of MWM processes via electromagnetically induced transparency(EIT); multi-dressing MWM processes. The book is intended for researchers, advanced undergraduate and graduate students in Nonlinear Optics. Dr. Yanpeng Zhang is a professor at the Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, Xi'an Jiaotong University. Dr. Min Xiao is a professor of Physics at University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, U.S.A.

  9. Regulated open multi-agent systems (ROMAS) a multi-agent approach for designing normative open systems

    CERN Document Server

    Garcia, Emilia; Botti, Vicente


    Addressing the open problem of engineering normative open systems using the multi-agent paradigm, normative open systems are explained as systems in which heterogeneous and autonomous entities and institutions coexist in a complex social and legal framework that can evolve to address the different and often conflicting objectives of the many stakeholders involved. Presenting  a software engineering approach which covers both the analysis and design of these kinds of systems, and which deals with the open issues in the area, ROMAS (Regulated Open Multi-Agent Systems) defines a specific multi-agent architecture, meta-model, methodology and CASE tool. This CASE tool is based on Model-Driven technology and integrates the graphical design with the formal verification of some properties of these systems by means of model checking techniques. Utilizing tables to enhance reader insights into the most important requirements for designing normative open multi-agent systems, the book also provides a detailed and easy t...

  10. Estimativa do balanço de radiação por sensoriamento remoto de diferentes usos de solo no sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira / Estimative of radiation balance by remote sensing of different soil uses in the brazilian southern Amazon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Carlos Da Silva


    Full Text Available Changes in land use have motivated research on the dynamics of radiative and energy exchange in the Brazilian Amazon, which in turn cause demand for such data on the surface in spatial and temporal scales. While measuring these changes in micrometeorological towers provides punctual results, remote sensing provides accurate and low cost results to estimate them on a regional scale. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial and temporal distribution of estimates of net radiation and biophysical parameters from remote sensing in different land uses in southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Four sites were selected with soil covers by natural Amazon forest, Amazon managed forest, pasture and silvopastoral system. The net radiation and biophysical parameters (NDVI, leaf area index, albedo and radiometric temperature were estimated by the SEBAL algorithm, using images from the Landsat TM sensor 5 in July of 2009, 2010 and 2011. The NDVI, LAI, albedo and net radiation were higher in natural forest, followed by managed forest, grassland and silvopastoral system. Radiometric surface temperature were higher in the silvopastoral system followed by pasture, natural forest and managed forest.

  11. A Container-based Trusted Multi-level Security Mechanism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Xiao-Yong


    Full Text Available Multi-level security mechanism has been widely applied in the military, government, defense and other domains in which information is required to be divided by security-level. Through this type of security mechanism, users at different security levels are provided with information at corresponding security levels. Traditional multi-level security mechanism which depends on the safety of operating system finally proved to be not practical. We propose a container-based trusted multi-level security mechanism in this paper to improve the applicability of the multi-level mechanism. It guarantees multi-level security of the system through a set of multi-level security policy rules and trusted techniques. The technical feasibility and application scenarios are also discussed. The ease of realization, strong practical significance and low cost of our method will largely expand the application of multi-level security mechanism in real life.

  12. Multi-level predictive maintenance for multi-component systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen, Kim-Anh; Do, Phuc; Grall, Antoine


    In this paper, a novel predictive maintenance policy with multi-level decision-making is proposed for multi-component system with complex structure. The main idea is to propose a decision-making process considered on two levels: system level and component one. The goal of the decision rules at the system level is to address if preventive maintenance actions are needed regarding the predictive reliability of the system. At component level the decision rules aim at identifying optimally a group of several components to be preventively maintained when preventive maintenance is trigged due to the system level decision. Selecting optimal components is based on a cost-based group improvement factor taking into account the predictive reliability of the components, the economic dependencies as well as the location of the components in the system. Moreover, a cost model is developed to find the optimal maintenance decision variables. A 14-component system is finally introduced to illustrate the use and the performance of the proposed predictive maintenance policy. Different sensitivity analysis are also investigated and discussed. Indeed, the proposed policy provides more flexibility in maintenance decision-making for complex structure systems, hence leading to significant profits in terms of maintenance cost when compared with existing policies. - Highlights: • A predictive maintenance policy for complex structure systems is proposed. • Multi-level decision process based on prognostic results is proposed. • A cost-based group importance measure is introduced for decision-making. • Both positive and negative dependencies between components are investigated. • A cost model and Monte Carlo simulation are developed for optimization process.

  13. Project Management – Multi-perspective Leadership

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riis, Eva


    ”Project Management – Multi-perspective Leadership” af Hans Mikkelsen og Jens Ove Riis - anmeldelse......”Project Management – Multi-perspective Leadership” af Hans Mikkelsen og Jens Ove Riis - anmeldelse...

  14. Multi-Level Secure Local Area Network


    Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.); Center for Information Systems Studies Security and Research (CISR)


    Multi-Level Secure Local Area Network is a cost effective, multi-level, easy to use office environment leveraging existing high assurance technology. The Department of Defense and U.S. Government have an identified need to securely share information classified at differing security levels. Because there exist no commercial solutions to this problem, NPS is developing a MLS LAN. The MLS LAN extends high assurance capabilities of an evaluated multi-level secure system to commercial personal com...

  15. Experimental researches and comparison on aerodynamic parameters and cleaning efficiency of multi-level multi-channel cyclone

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksandras Chlebnikovas


    Full Text Available Multi-level multi-channel cyclone – the lately designed air cleaning device that can remove ultra-fine 20 μm particulatematter (PM from dusted air and reach over 95% of the overall cleaning efficiency. Multi-channel cyclone technology is based on centrifugal forces and has the resulting additional filtering process operation. Multi-level structure of cyclone allows to achieve higher air flow cleaning capacity at the same dimensions of the device, thus saving installation space required for the job, production and operating costs. Studies have examined the air flow parameters change in one–, two– and three–levels multichannel cyclone. These constructions differ according to the productivity of cleaned air under the constant peripheral and transitional (50/50 case air flow relations. Accordance with the results of air flow dynamics – velocity distribution of multi-channel cyclone, aerodynamic resistance and efficiency can be judged on the flow turbulence, the flow channel cross-section and select the most appropriate application. Cleaning efficiency studies were carried out using fine granite and wood ashes PM. The maximum cleaning efficiency was 93.3%, at an average of 4.5 g/m3, the aerodynamic resistance was equal to 1525 Pa.

  16. Development of MARS for multi-dimensional and multi-purpose thermal-hydraulic system analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Won Jae; Chung, Bub Dong; Kim, Kyung Doo; Hwang, Moon Kyu; Jeong, Jae Jun; Ha, Kwi Seok; Joo, Han Gyu [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, T/H Safety Research Team, Yusung, Daejeon (Korea)


    MARS (Multi-dimensional Analysis of Reactor Safety) code is being developed by KAERI for the realistic thermal-hydraulic simulation of light water reactor system transients. MARS 1.4 has been developed as a final version of basic code frame for the multi-dimensional analysis of system thermal-hydraulics. Since MARS 1.3, MARS 1.4 has been improved to have the enhanced code capability and user friendliness through the unification of input/output features, code models and code functions, and through the code modernization. Further improvements of thermal-hydraulic models, numerical method and user friendliness are being carried out for the enhanced code accuracy. As a multi-purpose safety analysis code system, a coupled analysis system, MARS/MASTER/CONTEMPT, has been developed using multiple DLL (Dynamic Link Library) techniques of Windows system. This code system enables the coupled, that is, more realistic analysis of multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulics (MARS 2.0), three-dimensional core kinetics (MASTER) and containment thermal-hydraulics (CONTEMPT). This paper discusses the MARS development program, and the developmental progress of the MARS 1.4 and the MARS/MASTER/CONTEMPT focusing on major features of the codes and their verification. It also discusses thermal hydraulic models and new code features under development. (author)

  17. Development of MARS for multi-dimensional and multi-purpose thermal-hydraulic system analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Won Jae; Chung, Bub Dong; Kim, Kyung Doo; Hwang, Moon Kyu; Jeong, Jae Jun; Ha, Kwi Seok; Joo, Han Gyu


    MARS (Multi-dimensional Analysis of Reactor Safety) code is being developed by KAERI for the realistic thermal-hydraulic simulation of light water reactor system transients. MARS 1.4 has been developed as a final version of basic code frame for the multi-dimensional analysis of system thermal-hydraulics. Since MARS 1.3, MARS 1.4 has been improved to have the enhanced code capability and user friendliness through the unification of input/output features, code models and code functions, and through the code modernization. Further improvements of thermal-hydraulic models, numerical method and user friendliness are being carried out for the enhanced code accuracy. As a multi-purpose safety analysis code system, a coupled analysis system, MARS/MASTER/CONTEMPT, has been developed using multiple DLL (Dynamic Link Library) techniques of Windows system. This code system enables the coupled, that is, more realistic analysis of multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulics (MARS 2.0), three-dimensional core kinetics (MASTER) and containment thermal-hydraulics (CONTEMPT). This paper discusses the MARS development program, and the developmental progress of the MARS 1.4 and the MARS/MASTER/CONTEMPT focusing on major features of the codes and their verification. It also discusses thermal hydraulic models and new code features under development. (author)

  18. Multi-Device to Multi-Device (MD2MD Content-Centric Networking Based on Multi-RAT Device

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cheolhoon Kim


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a method whereby a device can transmit and receive information using a beacon, and also describes application scenarios for the proposed method. In a multi-device to multi-device (MD2MD content-centric networking (CCN environment, the main issue involves searching for and connecting to nearby devices. However, if a device can’t find another device that satisfies its requirements, the connection is delayed due to the repetition of processes. It is possible to rapidly connect to a device without repetition through the selection of the optimal device using the proposed method. Consequently, the proposed method and scenarios are advantageous in that they enable efficient content identification and delivery in a content-centric Internet of Things (IoT environment, in which multiple mobile devices coexist.

  19. Analysing and Correcting the Differences between Multi-Source and Multi-Scale Spatial Remote Sensing Observations (United States)

    Dong, Yingying; Luo, Ruisen; Feng, Haikuan; Wang, Jihua; Zhao, Jinling; Zhu, Yining; Yang, Guijun


    Differences exist among analysis results of agriculture monitoring and crop production based on remote sensing observations, which are obtained at different spatial scales from multiple remote sensors in same time period, and processed by same algorithms, models or methods. These differences can be mainly quantitatively described from three aspects, i.e. multiple remote sensing observations, crop parameters estimation models, and spatial scale effects of surface parameters. Our research proposed a new method to analyse and correct the differences between multi-source and multi-scale spatial remote sensing surface reflectance datasets, aiming to provide references for further studies in agricultural application with multiple remotely sensed observations from different sources. The new method was constructed on the basis of physical and mathematical properties of multi-source and multi-scale reflectance datasets. Theories of statistics were involved to extract statistical characteristics of multiple surface reflectance datasets, and further quantitatively analyse spatial variations of these characteristics at multiple spatial scales. Then, taking the surface reflectance at small spatial scale as the baseline data, theories of Gaussian distribution were selected for multiple surface reflectance datasets correction based on the above obtained physical characteristics and mathematical distribution properties, and their spatial variations. This proposed method was verified by two sets of multiple satellite images, which were obtained in two experimental fields located in Inner Mongolia and Beijing, China with different degrees of homogeneity of underlying surfaces. Experimental results indicate that differences of surface reflectance datasets at multiple spatial scales could be effectively corrected over non-homogeneous underlying surfaces, which provide database for further multi-source and multi-scale crop growth monitoring and yield prediction, and their corresponding

  20. Investigating the adaptability of the multi-pump multi-piston power take-off system for a novel wave energy converter

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wei, Y.; Barradas Berglind, J.J; van Rooij, M.; Prins, WA; Jayawardhana, B.; Vakis, A. I.


    In this work, a numerical model is developed in order to investigate the adaptability of the multi-pump multi-piston power take-off ((MPPTO)-P-2) system of a novel wave energy converter (WEC). This model is realized in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment, using the multi-body dynamics solver Multibody

  1. Explicit/multi-parametric model predictive control (MPC) of linear discrete-time systems by dynamic and multi-parametric programming

    KAUST Repository

    Kouramas, K.I.


    This work presents a new algorithm for solving the explicit/multi- parametric model predictive control (or mp-MPC) problem for linear, time-invariant discrete-time systems, based on dynamic programming and multi-parametric programming techniques. The algorithm features two key steps: (i) a dynamic programming step, in which the mp-MPC problem is decomposed into a set of smaller subproblems in which only the current control, state variables, and constraints are considered, and (ii) a multi-parametric programming step, in which each subproblem is solved as a convex multi-parametric programming problem, to derive the control variables as an explicit function of the states. The key feature of the proposed method is that it overcomes potential limitations of previous methods for solving multi-parametric programming problems with dynamic programming, such as the need for global optimization for each subproblem of the dynamic programming step. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Multi-disciplinary decision making in general practice. (United States)

    Kirby, Ann; Murphy, Aileen; Bradley, Colin


    Purpose Internationally, healthcare systems are moving towards delivering care in an integrated manner which advocates a multi-disciplinary approach to decision making. Such an approach is formally encouraged in the management of Atrial Fibrillation patients through the European Society of Cardiology guidelines. Since the emergence of new oral anticoagulants switching between oral anticoagulants (OACs) has become prevalent. This case study considers the role of multi-disciplinary decision making, given the complex nature of the agents. The purpose of this paper is to explore Irish General Practitioners' (GPs) experience of switching between all OACs for Arial Fibrillation (AF) patients; prevalence of multi-disciplinary decision making in OAC switching decisions and seeks to determine the GP characteristics that appear to influence the likelihood of multi-disciplinary decision making. Design/methodology/approach A probit model is used to determine the factors influencing multi-disciplinary decision making and a multinomial logit is used to examine the factors influencing who is involved in the multi-disciplinary decisions. Findings Results reveal that while some multi-disciplinary decision-making is occurring (64 per cent), it is not standard practice despite international guidelines on integrated care. Moreover, there is a lack of patient participation in the decision-making process. Female GPs and GPs who have initiated prescriptions for OACs are more likely to engage in multi-disciplinary decision-making surrounding switching OACs amongst AF patients. GPs with training practices were less likely to engage with cardiac consultants and those in urban areas were more likely to engage with other (non-cardiac) consultants. Originality/value For optimal decision making under uncertainty multi-disciplinary decision-making is needed to make a more informed judgement and to improve treatment decisions and reduce the opportunity cost of making the wrong decision.

  3. Algorithm development and verification of UASCM for multi-dimension and multi-group neutron kinetics model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Si, S.


    The Universal Algorithm of Stiffness Confinement Method (UASCM) for neutron kinetics model of multi-dimensional and multi-group transport equations or diffusion equations has been developed. The numerical experiments based on transport theory code MGSNM and diffusion theory code MGNEM have demonstrated that the algorithm has sufficient accuracy and stability. (authors)

  4. Material properties identification using ultrasonic waves and laser Doppler vibrometer measurements: a multi-input multi-output approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Longo, R; Vanlanduit, S; Guillaume, P


    In this paper a multi-input multi-output approach able to determine the material properties of homogeneous materials is presented. To do so, an experimental set-up which combines the use of multi harmonic signals with interleaved frequencies and laser Doppler vibrometer measurements has been developed. A modeling technique, based on transmission and reflection measurements, allowed the simultaneous determination of longitudinal wave velocity, density and thickness of the materials under test with high levels of precision and accuracy. (paper)

  5. Digital fabrication of multi-material biomedical objects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheung, H H; Choi, S H, E-mail: shchoi@hku.h [Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road (Hong Kong)


    This paper describes a multi-material virtual prototyping (MMVP) system for modelling and digital fabrication of discrete and functionally graded multi-material objects for biomedical applications. The MMVP system consists of a DMMVP module, an FGMVP module and a virtual reality (VR) simulation module. The DMMVP module is used to model discrete multi-material (DMM) objects, while the FGMVP module is for functionally graded multi-material (FGM) objects. The VR simulation module integrates these two modules to perform digital fabrication of multi-material objects, which can be subsequently visualized and analysed in a virtual environment to optimize MMLM processes for fabrication of product prototypes. Using the MMVP system, two biomedical objects, including a DMM human spine and an FGM intervertebral disc spacer are modelled and digitally fabricated for visualization and analysis in a VR environment. These studies show that the MMVP system is a practical tool for modelling, visualization, and subsequent fabrication of biomedical objects of discrete and functionally graded multi-materials for biomedical applications. The system may be adapted to control MMLM machines with appropriate hardware for physical fabrication of biomedical objects.

  6. Digital fabrication of multi-material biomedical objects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheung, H H; Choi, S H


    This paper describes a multi-material virtual prototyping (MMVP) system for modelling and digital fabrication of discrete and functionally graded multi-material objects for biomedical applications. The MMVP system consists of a DMMVP module, an FGMVP module and a virtual reality (VR) simulation module. The DMMVP module is used to model discrete multi-material (DMM) objects, while the FGMVP module is for functionally graded multi-material (FGM) objects. The VR simulation module integrates these two modules to perform digital fabrication of multi-material objects, which can be subsequently visualized and analysed in a virtual environment to optimize MMLM processes for fabrication of product prototypes. Using the MMVP system, two biomedical objects, including a DMM human spine and an FGM intervertebral disc spacer are modelled and digitally fabricated for visualization and analysis in a VR environment. These studies show that the MMVP system is a practical tool for modelling, visualization, and subsequent fabrication of biomedical objects of discrete and functionally graded multi-materials for biomedical applications. The system may be adapted to control MMLM machines with appropriate hardware for physical fabrication of biomedical objects.

  7. Multi-valued LSI/VLSI logic design (United States)

    Santrakul, K.

    A procedure for synthesizing any large complex logic system, such as LSI and VLSI integrated circuits is described. This scheme uses Multi-Valued Multi-plexers (MVMUX) as the basic building blocks and the tree as the structure of the circuit realization. Simple built-in test circuits included in the network (the main current), provide a thorough functional checking of the network at any time. In brief, four major contributions are made: (1) multi-valued Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) chart for describing an LSI/VLSI behavior; (2) a tree-structured multi-valued multiplexer network which can be obtained directly from an ASM chart; (3) a heuristic tree-structured synthesis method for realizing any combinational logic with minimal or nearly-minimal MVMUX; and (4) a hierarchical design of LSI/VLSI with built-in parallel testing capability.

  8. Multi-Domain Modeling Based on Modelica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liu Jun


    Full Text Available With the application of simulation technology in large-scale and multi-field problems, multi-domain unified modeling become an effective way to solve these problems. This paper introduces several basic methods and advantages of the multidisciplinary model, and focuses on the simulation based on Modelica language. The Modelica/Mworks is a newly developed simulation software with features of an object-oriented and non-casual language for modeling of the large, multi-domain system, which makes the model easier to grasp, develop and maintain.It This article shows the single degree of freedom mechanical vibration system based on Modelica language special connection mechanism in Mworks. This method that multi-domain modeling has simple and feasible, high reusability. it closer to the physical system, and many other advantages.

  9. Actuator with Multi Degrees of Freedom(Actuator)


    矢野, 智昭; Tomoaki, YANO; 産業技術総合研究所


    The advantages, problems and the recent developments of the actuator with multi degrees of freedom are presented. At first, the advantages of the actuator with multi degrees of freedom are described. Next, the problems needed to solve for practical use are presented. The recent applications of the actuator with multi degrees of freedom are also reviewed.

  10. Multi-criteria multi-stakeholder decision analysis using a fuzzy-stochastic approach for hydrosystem management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Y. H. Subagadis


    Full Text Available The conventional methods used to solve multi-criteria multi-stakeholder problems are less strongly formulated, as they normally incorporate only homogeneous information at a time and suggest aggregating objectives of different decision-makers avoiding water–society interactions. In this contribution, Multi-Criteria Group Decision Analysis (MCGDA using a fuzzy-stochastic approach has been proposed to rank a set of alternatives in water management decisions incorporating heterogeneous information under uncertainty. The decision making framework takes hydrologically, environmentally, and socio-economically motivated conflicting objectives into consideration. The criteria related to the performance of the physical system are optimized using multi-criteria simulation-based optimization, and fuzzy linguistic quantifiers have been used to evaluate subjective criteria and to assess stakeholders' degree of optimism. The proposed methodology is applied to find effective and robust intervention strategies for the management of a coastal hydrosystem affected by saltwater intrusion due to excessive groundwater extraction for irrigated agriculture and municipal use. Preliminary results show that the MCGDA based on a fuzzy-stochastic approach gives useful support for robust decision-making and is sensitive to the decision makers' degree of optimism.

  11. Multi-strangeness dynamics at PANDA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaitanos, Theodoros; Lenske, Horst; Mosel, Ulrich [Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Universitaet Giessen (Germany)


    Multi-strange bound hadron systems are excellent candidates for studying in-medium hyperon-hyperon (YY) interactions. A better understanding of the strangeness sector of the hadronic equation of state is crucial for our understanding of astrophysical objects like neutron stars. Furthermore, these studies are being motivated by actual and planed experimental activities on hypernuclear physics (HypHI and PANDA Collaborations). In fact, HypHI has already studied single-strange hypernuclei in heavy-ion collisions, whereas studies on double- and multi-strange nuclear systems are being planed by PANDA. We have reported in the past first studies on single- and double-Λ hypernuclei production in reactions induced by heavy-ions and antiprotons, respectively. The YY-interaction is still little known and many controversial theoretical predictions exist in the literature. We therefore extend our previous works by investigating the influence of various hyperon-hyperon interactions on the production dynamics of multi-Λ hypernuclei in reactions relevant for FAIR. Particular attention is paid to the heavy Ω-baryon (S=-3) and its role to the formation of multi-Λ hypernuclei in reactions induced by antiprotons.

  12. Optical network control plane for multi-domain networking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manolova, Anna Vasileva

    This thesis focuses on multi-domain routing for traffice engineering and survivability support in optical transport networks under the Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control framework. First, different extensions to the Border Gateway Protocol for multi-domain Traffic...... process are not enough for efficient TE in mesh multi-domain networks. Enhancing the protocol with multi-path dissemination capability, combined with the employment of an end-to-end TE metric proves to be a highly efficient solution. Simulation results show good performance characteristics of the proposed...... is not as essential for improved network performance as the length of the provided paths. Second, the issue of multi-domain survivability support is analyzed. An AS-disjoint paths is beneficial not only for resilience support, but also for facilitating adequate network reactions to changes in the network, which...

  13. Intensity correction method customized for multi-animal abdominal MR imaging with 3 T clinical scanner and multi-array coil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitsuda, Minoru; Yamaguchi, Masayuki; Nakagami, Ryutaro; Furuta, Toshihiro; Fujii, Hirofumi; Sekine, Norio; Niitsu, Mamoru; Moriyama, Noriyuki


    Simultaneous magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of multiple small animals in a single session increases throughput of preclinical imaging experiments. Such imaging using a 3-tesla clinical scanner with multi-array coil requires correction of intensity variation caused by the inhomogeneous sensitivity profile of the coil. We explored a method for correcting intensity that we customized for multi-animal MR imaging, especially abdominal imaging. Our institutional committee for animal experimentation approved the protocol. We acquired high resolution T 1 -, T 2 -, and T 2 * -weighted images and low resolution proton density-weighted images (PDWIs) of 4 rat abdomens simultaneously using a 3T clinical scanner and custom-made multi-array coil. For comparison, we also acquired T 1 -, T 2 -, and T 2 * -weighted volume coil images in the same rats in 4 separate sessions. We used software created in-house to correct intensity variation. We applied thresholding to the PDWIs to produce binary images that displayed only a signal-producing area, calculated multi-array coil sensitivity maps by dividing low-pass filtered PDWIs by low-pass filtered binary images pixel by pixel, and divided uncorrected T 1 -, T 2 -, or T 2 * -weighted images by those maps to obtain intensity-corrected images. We compared tissue contrast among the liver, spinal canal, and muscle between intensity-corrected multi-array coil images and volume coil images. Our intensity correction method performed well for all pulse sequences studied and corrected variation in original multi-array coil images without deteriorating the throughput of animal experiments. Tissue contrasts were comparable between intensity-corrected multi-array coil images and volume coil images. Our intensity correction method customized for multi-animal abdominal MR imaging using a 3T clinical scanner and dedicated multi-array coil could facilitate image interpretation. (author)

  14. High performance pseudo-analytical simulation of multi-object adaptive optics over multi-GPU systems

    KAUST Repository

    Abdelfattah, Ahmad; Gendron, É ric; Gratadour, Damien; Keyes, David E.; Ltaief, Hatem; Sevin, Arnaud; Vidal, Fabrice


    Multi-object adaptive optics (MOAO) is a novel adaptive optics (AO) technique dedicated to the special case of wide-field multi-object spectrographs (MOS). It applies dedicated wavefront corrections to numerous independent tiny patches spread over a large field of view (FOV). The control of each deformable mirror (DM) is done individually using a tomographic reconstruction of the phase based on measurements from a number of wavefront sensors (WFS) pointing at natural and artificial guide stars in the field. The output of this study helps the design of a new instrument called MOSAIC, a multi-object spectrograph proposed for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). We have developed a novel hybrid pseudo-analytical simulation scheme that allows us to accurately simulate in detail the tomographic problem. The main challenge resides in the computation of the tomographic reconstructor, which involves pseudo-inversion of a large dense symmetric matrix. The pseudo-inverse is computed using an eigenvalue decomposition, based on the divide and conquer algorithm, on multicore systems with multi-GPUs. Thanks to a new symmetric matrix-vector product (SYMV) multi-GPU kernel, our overall implementation scores significant speedups over standard numerical libraries on multicore, like Intel MKL, and up to 60% speedups over the standard MAGMA implementation on 8 Kepler K20c GPUs. At 40,000 unknowns, this appears to be the largest-scale tomographic AO matrix solver submitted to computation, to date, to our knowledge and opens new research directions for extreme scale AO simulations. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.

  15. Multi-Model Ensemble Wake Vortex Prediction (United States)

    Koerner, Stephan; Holzaepfel, Frank; Ahmad, Nash'at N.


    Several multi-model ensemble methods are investigated for predicting wake vortex transport and decay. This study is a joint effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt to develop a multi-model ensemble capability using their wake models. An overview of different multi-model ensemble methods and their feasibility for wake applications is presented. The methods include Reliability Ensemble Averaging, Bayesian Model Averaging, and Monte Carlo Simulations. The methodologies are evaluated using data from wake vortex field experiments.

  16. Multi-Unit Considerations for Human Reliability Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    St. Germain, S.; Boring, R.; Banaseanu, G.; Akl, Y.; Chatri, H.


    This paper uses the insights from the Standardized Plant Analysis Risk-Human Reliability Analysis (SPAR-H) methodology to help identify human actions currently modeled in the single unit PSA that may need to be modified to account for additional challenges imposed by a multi-unit accident as well as identify possible new human actions that might be modeled to more accurately characterize multi-unit risk. In identifying these potential human action impacts, the use of the SPAR-H strategy to include both errors in diagnosis and errors in action is considered as well as identifying characteristics of a multi-unit accident scenario that may impact the selection of the performance shaping factors (PSFs) used in SPAR-H. The lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi reactor accident will be addressed to further help identify areas where improved modeling may be required. While these multi-unit impacts may require modifications to a Level 1 PSA model, it is expected to have much more importance for Level 2 modeling. There is little currently written specifically about multi-unit HRA issues. A review of related published research will be presented. While this paper cannot answer all issues related to multi-unit HRA, it will hopefully serve as a starting point to generate discussion and spark additional ideas towards the proper treatment of HRA in a multi-unit PSA.

  17. Benchmarks for dynamic multi-objective optimisation

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Helbig, M


    Full Text Available When algorithms solve dynamic multi-objective optimisation problems (DMOOPs), benchmark functions should be used to determine whether the algorithm can overcome specific difficulties that can occur in real-world problems. However, for dynamic multi...

  18. Modified Multi Prime RSA Cryptosystem (United States)

    Ghazali Kamardan, M.; Aminudin, N.; Che-Him, Norziha; Sufahani, Suliadi; Khalid, Kamil; Roslan, Rozaini


    RSA [1] is one of the mostly used cryptosystem in securing data and information. Though, it has been recently discovered that RSA has some weaknesses and in advance technology, RSA is believed to be inefficient especially when it comes to decryption. Thus, a new algorithm called Multi prime RSA, an extended version of the standard RSA is studied. Then, a modification is made to the Multi prime RSA where another keys is shared secretly between the receiver and the sender to increase the securerity. As in RSA, the methodology used for modified Multi-prime RSA also consists of three phases; 1. Key Generation in which the secret and public keys are generated and published. In this phase, the secrecy is improved by adding more prime numbers and addition of secret keys. 2. Encryption of the message using the public and secret keys given. 3. Decryption of the secret message using the secret key generated. For the decryption phase, a method called Chinese Remainder Theorem is used which helps to fasten the computation. Since Multi prime RSA use more than two prime numbers, the algorithm is more efficient and secure when compared to the standard RSA. Furthermore, in modified Multi prime RSA another secret key is introduced to increase the obstacle to the attacker. Therefore, it is strongly believed that this new algorithm is better and can be an alternative to the RSA.

  19. Incorporating time dependent link costs in multi-state supernetworks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liao, F.


    Multi-state supernetwork represents a promising approach to model multi-modal and multi-activity travel behaviour. A derived feature of this approach is that a point-to-point path through the supernetwork represents a specific activity-travel pattern. A limitation of current multi-state

  20. Integrated multi-scale modelling and simulation of nuclear fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valot, C.; Bertolus, M.; Masson, R.; Malerba, L.; Rachid, J.; Besmann, T.; Phillpot, S.; Stan, M.


    This chapter aims at discussing the objectives, implementation and integration of multi-scale modelling approaches applied to nuclear fuel materials. We will first show why the multi-scale modelling approach is required, due to the nature of the materials and by the phenomena involved under irradiation. We will then present the multiple facets of multi-scale modelling approach, while giving some recommendations with regard to its application. We will also show that multi-scale modelling must be coupled with appropriate multi-scale experiments and characterisation. Finally, we will demonstrate how multi-scale modelling can contribute to solving technology issues. (authors)

  1. Uncertain multi-attribute decision making methods and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Xu, Zeshui


    This book introduces methods for uncertain multi-attribute decision making including uncertain multi-attribute group decision making and their applications to supply chain management, investment decision making, personnel assessment, redesigning products, maintenance services, military system efficiency evaluation. Multi-attribute decision making, also known as multi-objective decision making with finite alternatives, is an important component of modern decision science. The theory and methods of multi-attribute decision making have been extensively applied in engineering, economics, management and military contexts, such as venture capital project evaluation, facility location, bidding, development ranking of industrial sectors and so on. Over the last few decades, great attention has been paid to research on multi-attribute decision making in uncertain settings, due to the increasing complexity and uncertainty of supposedly objective aspects and the fuzziness of human thought. This book can be used as a ref...

  2. Multi-periodic nanostructures for photon control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kluge, Christian; Adam, Jost; Barié, Nicole


    We propose multi-periodic nanostructures yielded by superposition of multiple binary gratings for wide control over photon emission in thin-film devices. We present wavelength- and angle-resolved photoluminescence measurements of multi-periodically nanostructured organic light-emitting layers...

  3. Innovative multi rotor wind turbine designs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kale, S.A.; Sapali, S.N. [College of Engineering. Mechanical Engineering Dept, Pune (India)


    Among the renewable energy sources, today wind energy is the most recognized and cost effective. Developers and researchers in this sector are optimistic and continuously working innovatively to improve the technology. The wind power obtained is proportional to the swept area of wind turbine. The swept area is increased by using a single rotor of large diameter or multi rotors in array. The rotor size is growing continuously with mature technology. Multi rotor technology has a long history and the multi rotor concept persists in a variety of modern innovative systems but the concept has fallen out of consideration in mainstream design from the perception that is complex and unnecessary as very large single rotor units are now technically feasible. This work addresses the evaluation of different multi rotor wind turbine systems. These innovative wind turbines are evaluated on the basis of feasibility, technological advantages, security of expected power performance, cost, reliability, impact of innovative system, comparison with existing wind turbine design. The findings of this work will provide guidelines for the practical and economical ways for further research on the multi rotor wind turbines. (Author)

  4. Multi-Label Learning via Random Label Selection for Protein Subcellular Multi-Locations Prediction. (United States)

    Wang, Xiao; Li, Guo-Zheng


    Prediction of protein subcellular localization is an important but challenging problem, particularly when proteins may simultaneously exist at, or move between, two or more different subcellular location sites. Most of the existing protein subcellular localization methods are only used to deal with the single-location proteins. In the past few years, only a few methods have been proposed to tackle proteins with multiple locations. However, they only adopt a simple strategy, that is, transforming the multi-location proteins to multiple proteins with single location, which doesn't take correlations among different subcellular locations into account. In this paper, a novel method named RALS (multi-label learning via RAndom Label Selection), is proposed to learn from multi-location proteins in an effective and efficient way. Through five-fold cross validation test on a benchmark dataset, we demonstrate our proposed method with consideration of label correlations obviously outperforms the baseline BR method without consideration of label correlations, indicating correlations among different subcellular locations really exist and contribute to improvement of prediction performance. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets also show that our proposed methods achieve significantly higher performance than some other state-of-the-art methods in predicting subcellular multi-locations of proteins. The prediction web server is available at for the public usage.

  5. Statistical Projections for Multi-resolution, Multi-dimensional Visual Data Exploration and Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nguyen, Hoa T. [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States); Stone, Daithi [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Bethel, E. Wes [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    An ongoing challenge in visual exploration and analysis of large, multi-dimensional datasets is how to present useful, concise information to a user for some specific visualization tasks. Typical approaches to this problem have proposed either reduced-resolution versions of data, or projections of data, or both. These approaches still have some limitations such as consuming high computation or suffering from errors. In this work, we explore the use of a statistical metric as the basis for both projections and reduced-resolution versions of data, with a particular focus on preserving one key trait in data, namely variation. We use two different case studies to explore this idea, one that uses a synthetic dataset, and another that uses a large ensemble collection produced by an atmospheric modeling code to study long-term changes in global precipitation. The primary findings of our work are that in terms of preserving the variation signal inherent in data, that using a statistical measure more faithfully preserves this key characteristic across both multi-dimensional projections and multi-resolution representations than a methodology based upon averaging.

  6. Theoretical and algorithmic advances in multi-parametric programming and control

    KAUST Repository

    Pistikopoulos, Efstratios N.; Dominguez, Luis; Panos, Christos; Kouramas, Konstantinos; Chinchuluun, Altannar


    This paper presents an overview of recent theoretical and algorithmic advances, and applications in the areas of multi-parametric programming and explicit/multi-parametric model predictive control (mp-MPC). In multi-parametric programming, advances include areas such as nonlinear multi-parametric programming (mp-NLP), bi-level programming, dynamic programming and global optimization for multi-parametric mixed-integer linear programming problems (mp-MILPs). In multi-parametric/explicit MPC (mp-MPC), advances include areas such as robust multi-parametric control, multi-parametric nonlinear MPC (mp-NMPC) and model reduction in mp-MPC. A comprehensive framework for multi-parametric programming and control is also presented. Recent applications include a hydrogen storage device, a fuel cell power generation system, an unmanned autonomous vehicle (UAV) and a hybrid pressure swing adsorption (PSA) system. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.

  7. Theoretical and algorithmic advances in multi-parametric programming and control

    KAUST Repository

    Pistikopoulos, Efstratios N.


    This paper presents an overview of recent theoretical and algorithmic advances, and applications in the areas of multi-parametric programming and explicit/multi-parametric model predictive control (mp-MPC). In multi-parametric programming, advances include areas such as nonlinear multi-parametric programming (mp-NLP), bi-level programming, dynamic programming and global optimization for multi-parametric mixed-integer linear programming problems (mp-MILPs). In multi-parametric/explicit MPC (mp-MPC), advances include areas such as robust multi-parametric control, multi-parametric nonlinear MPC (mp-NMPC) and model reduction in mp-MPC. A comprehensive framework for multi-parametric programming and control is also presented. Recent applications include a hydrogen storage device, a fuel cell power generation system, an unmanned autonomous vehicle (UAV) and a hybrid pressure swing adsorption (PSA) system. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.

  8. Multi-party Quantum Computation


    Smith, Adam


    We investigate definitions of and protocols for multi-party quantum computing in the scenario where the secret data are quantum systems. We work in the quantum information-theoretic model, where no assumptions are made on the computational power of the adversary. For the slightly weaker task of verifiable quantum secret sharing, we give a protocol which tolerates any t < n/4 cheating parties (out of n). This is shown to be optimal. We use this new tool to establish that any multi-party quantu...

  9. The evaluation of multi-structure, multi-atlas pelvic anatomy features in a prostate MR lymphography CAD system (United States)

    Meijs, M.; Debats, O.; Huisman, H.


    In prostate cancer, the detection of metastatic lymph nodes indicates progression from localized disease to metastasized cancer. The detection of positive lymph nodes is, however, a complex and time consuming task for experienced radiologists. Assistance of a two-stage Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) system in MR Lymphography (MRL) is not yet feasible due to the large number of false positives in the first stage of the system. By introducing a multi-structure, multi-atlas segmentation, using an affine transformation followed by a B-spline transformation for registration, the organ location is given by a mean density probability map. The atlas segmentation is semi-automatically drawn with ITK-SNAP, using Active Contour Segmentation. Each anatomic structure is identified by a label number. Registration is performed using Elastix, using Mutual Information and an Adaptive Stochastic Gradient optimization. The dataset consists of the MRL scans of ten patients, with lymph nodes manually annotated in consensus by two expert readers. The feature map of the CAD system consists of the Multi-Atlas and various other features (e.g. Normalized Intensity and multi-scale Blobness). The voxel-based Gentleboost classifier is evaluated using ROC analysis with cross validation. We show in a set of 10 studies that adding multi-structure, multi-atlas anatomical structure likelihood features improves the quality of the lymph node voxel likelihood map. Multiple structure anatomy maps may thus make MRL CAD more feasible.

  10. Pipelining Computational Stages of the Tomographic Reconstructor for Multi-Object Adaptive Optics on a Multi-GPU System

    KAUST Repository

    Charara, Ali; Ltaief, Hatem; Gratadour, Damien; Keyes, David E.; Sevin, Arnaud; Abdelfattah, Ahmad; Gendron, Eric; Morel, Carine; Vidal, Fabrice


    called MOSAIC has been proposed to perform multi-object spectroscopy using the Multi-Object Adaptive Optics (MOAO) technique. The core implementation of the simulation lies in the intensive computation of a tomographic reconstruct or (TR), which is used

  11. Modelling customer behaviour in multi-channel service distribution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heinhuis, D.; de Vries, E.J.; Kundisch, D.; Veit, D.J.; Weitzel, T.; Weinhardt, C.


    Financial service providers are innovating their distribution strategy into multi-channel strategies. The success of a multi-channel approach and the high investments made in information systems and enterprise architectures depends on the adoption and multi-channel usage behaviour of consumers. We

  12. Co-Labeling for Multi-View Weakly Labeled Learning. (United States)

    Xu, Xinxing; Li, Wen; Xu, Dong; Tsang, Ivor W


    It is often expensive and time consuming to collect labeled training samples in many real-world applications. To reduce human effort on annotating training samples, many machine learning techniques (e.g., semi-supervised learning (SSL), multi-instance learning (MIL), etc.) have been studied to exploit weakly labeled training samples. Meanwhile, when the training data is represented with multiple types of features, many multi-view learning methods have shown that classifiers trained on different views can help each other to better utilize the unlabeled training samples for the SSL task. In this paper, we study a new learning problem called multi-view weakly labeled learning, in which we aim to develop a unified approach to learn robust classifiers by effectively utilizing different types of weakly labeled multi-view data from a broad range of tasks including SSL, MIL and relative outlier detection (ROD). We propose an effective approach called co-labeling to solve the multi-view weakly labeled learning problem. Specifically, we model the learning problem on each view as a weakly labeled learning problem, which aims to learn an optimal classifier from a set of pseudo-label vectors generated by using the classifiers trained from other views. Unlike traditional co-training approaches using a single pseudo-label vector for training each classifier, our co-labeling approach explores different strategies to utilize the predictions from different views, biases and iterations for generating the pseudo-label vectors, making our approach more robust for real-world applications. Moreover, to further improve the weakly labeled learning on each view, we also exploit the inherent group structure in the pseudo-label vectors generated from different strategies, which leads to a new multi-layer multiple kernel learning problem. Promising results for text-based image retrieval on the NUS-WIDE dataset as well as news classification and text categorization on several real-world multi

  13. Multi-level decision making models, methods and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Zhang, Guangquan; Gao, Ya


    This monograph presents new developments in multi-level decision-making theory, technique and method in both modeling and solution issues. It especially presents how a decision support system can support managers in reaching a solution to a multi-level decision problem in practice. This monograph combines decision theories, methods, algorithms and applications effectively. It discusses in detail the models and solution algorithms of each issue of bi-level and tri-level decision-making, such as multi-leaders, multi-followers, multi-objectives, rule-set-based, and fuzzy parameters. Potential readers include organizational managers and practicing professionals, who can use the methods and software provided to solve their real decision problems; PhD students and researchers in the areas of bi-level and multi-level decision-making and decision support systems; students at an advanced undergraduate, master’s level in information systems, business administration, or the application of computer science.  

  14. Statistical theory of multi-step compound and direct reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feshbach, H.; Kerman, A.; Koonin, S.


    The theory of nuclear reactions is extended so as to include a statistical treatment of multi-step processes. Two types are distinguished, the multi-step compound and the multi-step direct. The wave functions for the system are grouped according to their complexity. The multi-step direct process involves explicitly those states which are open, while the multi-step compound involves those which are bound. In addition to the random phase assumption which is applied differently to the multi-step direct and to the multi-step compound cross-sections, it is assumed that the residual interaction will have non-vanishing matrix elements between states whose complexities differ by at most one unit. This is referred to as the chaining hypothesis. Explicit expressions for the double differential cross-section giving the angular distribution and energy spectrum are obtained for both reaction types. The statistical multi-step compound cross-sections are symmetric about 90 0 . The classical statistical theory of nuclear reactions is a special limiting case. The cross-section for the statistical multi-step direct reaction consists of a set of convolutions of single-step direct cross-sections. For the many step case it is possible to derive a diffusion equation in momentum space. Application is made to the reaction 181 Ta(p,n) 181 W using the statistical multi-step compound formalism

  15. Multi-Band (K- Q- and E-Band) Multi-Tone Millimeter-Wave Frequency Synthesizer for Radio Wave Propagation Studies (United States)

    Simons, Rainee N.; Wintucky, Edwin G.


    This paper presents the design and test results of a multi-band multi-tone millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer, based on a solid-state frequency comb generator. The intended application of the synthesizer is in a space-borne transmitter for radio wave atmospheric studies at K-band (18 to 26.5 GHz), Q-band (37 to 42 GHz), and E-band (71 to 76 GHz). These studies would enable the design of robust multi-Gbps data rate space-to-ground satellite communication links. Lastly, the architecture for a compact multi-tone beacon transmitter, which includes a high frequency synthesizer, a polarizer, and a conical horn antenna, has been investigated for a notional CubeSat based space-to-ground radio wave propagation experiment.

  16. Design, simulation and testing of a novel radial multi-pole multi-layer magnetorheological brake (United States)

    Wu, Jie; Li, Hua; Jiang, Xuezheng; Yao, Jin


    This paper deals with design, simulation and experimental testing of a novel radial multi-pole multi-layer magnetorheological (MR) brake. This MR brake has an innovative structural design with superposition principle of two magnetic fields generated by the inner coils and the outer coils. The MR brake has several media layers of magnetorheological (MR) fluid located between the inner coils and the outer coils, and it can provide higher torque and higher torque density than conventional single-disk or multi-disk or multi-pole single-layer MR brakes can. In this paper, a brief introduction to the structure of the proposed MR brake was given first. Then, theoretical analysis of the magnetic circuit and the braking torque was conducted. In addition, a 3D electromagnetic model of the MR brake was developed to simulate and examine the magnetic flux intensity and corresponding braking torque. A prototype of the brake was fabricated and several tests were carried out to validate its torque capacity. The results show that the proposed MR brake can produce a maximum braking torque of 133 N m and achieve a high torque density of 25.0 kN m-2, a high torque range of 42 and a high torque-to-power ratio of 0.95 N m W-1.

  17. Multi-level Bayesian analyses for single- and multi-vehicle freeway crashes. (United States)

    Yu, Rongjie; Abdel-Aty, Mohamed


    This study presents multi-level analyses for single- and multi-vehicle crashes on a mountainous freeway. Data from a 15-mile mountainous freeway section on I-70 were investigated. Both aggregate and disaggregate models for the two crash conditions were developed. Five years of crash data were used in the aggregate investigation, while the disaggregate models utilized one year of crash data along with real-time traffic and weather data. For the aggregate analyses, safety performance functions were developed for the purpose of revealing the contributing factors for each crash type. Two methodologies, a Bayesian bivariate Poisson-lognormal model and a Bayesian hierarchical Poisson model with correlated random effects, were estimated to simultaneously analyze the two crash conditions with consideration of possible correlations. Except for the factors related to geometric characteristics, two exposure parameters (annual average daily traffic and segment length) were included. Two different sets of significant explanatory and exposure variables were identified for the single-vehicle (SV) and multi-vehicle (MV) crashes. It was found that the Bayesian bivariate Poisson-lognormal model is superior to the Bayesian hierarchical Poisson model, the former with a substantially lower DIC and more significant variables. In addition to the aggregate analyses, microscopic real-time crash risk evaluation models were developed for the two crash conditions. Multi-level Bayesian logistic regression models were estimated with the random parameters accounting for seasonal variations, crash-unit-level diversity and segment-level random effects capturing unobserved heterogeneity caused by the geometric characteristics. The model results indicate that the effects of the selected variables on crash occurrence vary across seasons and crash units; and that geometric characteristic variables contribute to the segment variations: the more unobserved heterogeneity have been accounted, the better

  18. Switching dynamics of multi-agent learning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vrancx, P.; Tuyls, K.P.; Westra, R.


    This paper presents the dynamics of multi-agent reinforcement learning in multiple state problems. We extend previous work that formally modelled the relation between reinforcement learning agents and replicator dynamics in stateless multi-agent games. More precisely, in this work we use a

  19. A multi-species multi-fleet bioeconomic simulation model for the English Channel artisanal fisheries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrich, Clara; Le Gallic, B.; Dunn, M.R.


    Considering the large number of technical interactions between various fishing activities, the English Channel (ICES divisions VIId and VIIe) fisheries may be regarded as one large and diverse multi-country, multi-gear and multi-species artisanal fishery, although rarely studied as such. A whole...... of the model is to study the long-term consequences of various management alternatives on the economic situation of the English and French fleets fishing in the area and on exploited resources. The model describes this feature through the links between three entities on the one hand (stocks, fleets...... and "metiers", i.e. gear x target species x fishing area), and three modules on the other hand (activity, biological production and economics). The model is described and some simulation results are presented. An example simulating a decrease of one fleet segment effort illustrates these technical interactions...

  20. Dense Clustered Multi-Channel Wireless Sensor Cloud

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sivaramakrishnan Sivakumar


    Full Text Available Dense Wireless Sensor Network Clouds have an inherent issue of latency and packet drops with regards to data collection. Though there is extensive literature that tries to address these issues through either scheduling, channel contention or a combination of the two, the problem still largely exists. In this paper, a Clustered Multi-Channel Scheduling Protocol (CMSP is designed that creates a Voronoi partition of a dense network. Each partition is assigned a channel, and a scheduling scheme is adopted to collect data within the Voronoi partitions. This scheme collects data from the partitions concurrently and then passes it to the base station. CMSP is compared using simulation with other multi-channel protocols like Tree-based Multi-Channel, Multi-Channel MAC and Multi-frequency Media Access Control for wireless sensor networks. Results indicate CMSP has higher throughput and data delivery ratio at a lower power consumption due to network partitioning and hierarchical scheduling that minimizes load on the network.

  1. Multi-Dimensional Path Queries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bækgaard, Lars


    to create nested path structures. We present an SQL-like query language that is based on path expressions and we show how to use it to express multi-dimensional path queries that are suited for advanced data analysis in decision support environments like data warehousing environments......We present the path-relationship model that supports multi-dimensional data modeling and querying. A path-relationship database is composed of sets of paths and sets of relationships. A path is a sequence of related elements (atoms, paths, and sets of paths). A relationship is a binary path...

  2. Unlearning in feed-forward multi-nets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spaanenburg, L; Kurkova,; Steele, NC; Neruda, R; Karny, M


    Multi-nets promise an improved performance over monolithic neural networks by virtue of their distributed implementation. Modular neural networks are multi-nets based on an judicious assembly of functionally different parts. This can be viewed as again a monolithic network, but with more complex

  3. RNF4 interacts with multiSUMOylated ETV4. (United States)

    Aguilar-Martinez, Elisa; Guo, Baoqiang; Sharrocks, Andrew D


    Protein SUMOylation represents an important regulatory event that changes the activities of numerous proteins. Recent evidence demonstrates that polySUMO chains can act as a trigger to direct the ubiquitin ligase RNF4 to substrates to cause their turnover through the ubiquitin pathway. RNF4 uses multiple SUMO interaction motifs (SIMs) to bind to these chains. However, in addition to polySUMO chains, a multimeric binding surface created by the simultaneous SUMOylation of multiple residues on a protein or complex could also provide a platform for the recruitment of multi-SIM proteins like RNF4. Here we demonstrate that multiSUMOylated ETV4 can bind to RNF4 and that a unique combination of SIMs is required for RNF4 to interact with this multiSUMOylated platform. Thus RNF4 can bind to proteins that are either polySUMOylated through a single site or multiSUMOylated on several sites and raises the possibility that such multiSIM-multiSUMO interactions might be more widespread.

  4. Diseño de un Controlador Híbrido en Ambientes Virtuales para Teleoperación Robótica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecilia Garcia


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se presenta el diseño e implementación de un controlador híbrido para un sistema de teleoperación robótico. La estructura de control de bajo nivel fue diseñada para controlar tanto la posición del manipulador remoto como así también la fuerza de interacción. En la estación local se consideró la dinámica del operador humano y en el sitio remoto se consideró un modelo elástico para el entorno. El controlador supervisor es diseñado utilizando la teoría de sistemas híbridos y en particular se empleó un autómata como herramienta de modelado para el controlador de eventos discretos. Los resultados teóricos se validan a través de una plataforma de simulación de un robot comercial. Palabras Clave: Telerrobótica, Control de Robots, Sistemas de Eventos Discretos, Simulación, Diseño de Sistemas de Control

  5. Building Multi-Agent Systems Using Jason

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boss, Niklas Skamriis; Jensen, Andreas Schmidt; Villadsen, Jørgen


    We provide a detailed description of the Jason-DTU system, including the used methodology, tools as well as team strategy. We also discuss the experience gathered in the contest. In spring 2009 the course “Artificial Intelligence and Multi- Agent Systems” was held for the first time...... on the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). A part of this course was a short introduction to the multi-agent framework Jason, which is an interpreter for AgentSpeak, an agent-oriented programming language. As the final project in this course a solution to the Multi-Agent Programming Contest from 2007, the Gold...

  6. An exact solution for the state probabilities of the multi-class, multi-server queue with preemptive priorities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sleptchenko, Andrei; van Harten, Aart; van der Heijden, Matthijs C.


    We consider a multi-class, multi-server queueing system with preemptive priorities. We distinguish two groups of priority classes that consist of multiple customer types, each having their own arrival and service rate. We assume Poisson arrival processes and exponentially distributed service times.

  7. Ontology-based multi-agent systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hadzic, Maja; Wongthongtham, Pornpit; Dillon, Tharam; Chang, Elizabeth [Digital Ecosystems and Business Intelligence Institute, Perth, WA (Australia)


    The Semantic web has given a great deal of impetus to the development of ontologies and multi-agent systems. Several books have appeared which discuss the development of ontologies or of multi-agent systems separately on their own. The growing interaction between agents and ontologies has highlighted the need for integrated development of these. This book is unique in being the first to provide an integrated treatment of the modeling, design and implementation of such combined ontology/multi-agent systems. It provides clear exposition of this integrated modeling and design methodology. It further illustrates this with two detailed case studies in (a) the biomedical area and (b) the software engineering area. The book is, therefore, of interest to researchers, graduate students and practitioners in the semantic web and web science area. (orig.)

  8. multiPDEVS: A Parallel Multicomponent System Specification Formalism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Damien Foures


    Full Text Available Based on multiDEVS formalism, we introduce multiPDEVS, a parallel and nonmodular formalism for discrete event system specification. This formalism provides combined advantages of PDEVS and multiDEVS approaches, such as excellent simulation capabilities for simultaneously scheduled events and components able to influence each other using exclusively their state transitions. We next show the soundness of the formalism by giving a construction showing that any multiPDEVS model is equivalent to a PDEVS atomic model. We then present the simulation procedure associated, usually called abstract simulator. As a well-adapted formalism to express cellular automata, we finally propose to compare an implementation of multiPDEVS formalism with a more classical Cell-DEVS implementation through a fire spread application.

  9. Consistency in multi-viewpoint architectural design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkman, R.M.; Dijkman, Remco Matthijs


    This thesis presents a framework that aids in preserving consistency in multi-viewpoint designs. In a multi-viewpoint design each stakeholder constructs his own design part. We call each stakeholder’s design part the view of that stakeholder. To construct his view, a stakeholder has a viewpoint.

  10. Closed forms and multi-moment maps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Thomas Bruun; Swann, Andrew Francis


    We extend the notion of multi-moment map to geometries defined by closed forms of arbitrary degree. We give fundamental existence and uniqueness results and discuss a number of essential examples, including geometries related to special holonomy. For forms of degree four, multi-moment maps are gu...

  11. Interconnected levels of Multi-Stage Marketing – A Triadic approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vedel, Mette; Geersbro, Jens; Ritter, Thomas


    must not only decide in general on the merits of multi-stage marketing for their firm, but must also decide on which level they will engage in multi-stage marketing. The triadic perspective enables a rich and multi-dimensional understanding of how different business relationships influence each other......Multi-stage marketing gains increasing attention as knowledge of and influence on the customer's customer become more critical for the firm's success. Despite this increasing managerial relevance, systematic approaches for analyzing multi-stage marketing are still missing. This paper conceptualizes...... different levels of multi-stage marketing and illustrates these stages with a case study. In addition, a triadic perspective is introduced as an analytical tool for multi-stage marketing research. The results from the case study indicate that multi-stage marketing exists on different levels. Thus, managers...

  12. Multi-factor authentication using quantum communication (United States)

    Hughes, Richard John; Peterson, Charles Glen; Thrasher, James T.; Nordholt, Jane E.; Yard, Jon T.; Newell, Raymond Thorson; Somma, Rolando D.


    Multi-factor authentication using quantum communication ("QC") includes stages for enrollment and identification. For example, a user enrolls for multi-factor authentication that uses QC with a trusted authority. The trusted authority transmits device factor information associated with a user device (such as a hash function) and user factor information associated with the user (such as an encrypted version of a user password). The user device receives and stores the device factor information and user factor information. For multi-factor authentication that uses QC, the user device retrieves its stored device factor information and user factor information, then transmits the user factor information to the trusted authority, which also retrieves its stored device factor information. The user device and trusted authority use the device factor information and user factor information (more specifically, information such as a user password that is the basis of the user factor information) in multi-factor authentication that uses QC.

  13. Response of multi-strip multi-gap resistive plate chamber using pulsed electron beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Datta Pramanik, U.; Chakraborty, S.; Rahaman, A.; Ray, J.; Chatterjee, S.; Bemmerer, D.; Elekes, Z.; Kempe, M.; Sobiella, M.; Stach, D.; Wagner, A.; Yakorev, D.; Leifels, Y.; Simon, H.


    A prototype of Multi-strip Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MMRPC) with active area 40 cm x 20 cm has been developed at SINP, Kolkata. Electron response of the developed detector was studied using the electron linac ELBE at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The development of this detector started with the aim of developing a neutron detector but this ultrafast timing detector can be used efficiently for the purpose of medical imaging, security purpose and detection of minimum ionising particle. In this article detailed analysis of electron response to our developed MMRPC will be presented

  14. Fuzzy Multi-actor Multi-criteria Decision Making for Sustainability Assessment of biomass-based technologies for hydrogen production

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ren, Jingzheng; Fedele, Andrea; Mason, Marco


    The purpose of this paper is to develop a sustainability assessment method to rank the prior sequence of biomass-based technologies for hydrogen production. A novel fuzzy Multi-actor Multi-criteria Decision Making method which allows multiple groups of decision-makers to use linguistic variables...

  15. Explicit/multi-parametric model predictive control (MPC) of linear discrete-time systems by dynamic and multi-parametric programming

    KAUST Repository

    Kouramas, K.I.; Faí sca, N.P.; Panos, C.; Pistikopoulos, E.N.


    This work presents a new algorithm for solving the explicit/multi- parametric model predictive control (or mp-MPC) problem for linear, time-invariant discrete-time systems, based on dynamic programming and multi-parametric programming techniques

  16. Multi-floor cascading ferroelectric nanostructures: multiple data writing-based multi-level non-volatile memory devices (United States)

    Hyun, Seung; Kwon, Owoong; Lee, Bom-Yi; Seol, Daehee; Park, Beomjin; Lee, Jae Yong; Lee, Ju Hyun; Kim, Yunseok; Kim, Jin Kon


    Multiple data writing-based multi-level non-volatile memory has gained strong attention for next-generation memory devices to quickly accommodate an extremely large number of data bits because it is capable of storing multiple data bits in a single memory cell at once. However, all previously reported devices have failed to store a large number of data bits due to the macroscale cell size and have not allowed fast access to the stored data due to slow single data writing. Here, we introduce a novel three-dimensional multi-floor cascading polymeric ferroelectric nanostructure, successfully operating as an individual cell. In one cell, each floor has its own piezoresponse and the piezoresponse of one floor can be modulated by the bias voltage applied to the other floor, which means simultaneously written data bits in both floors can be identified. This could achieve multi-level memory through a multiple data writing process.Multiple data writing-based multi-level non-volatile memory has gained strong attention for next-generation memory devices to quickly accommodate an extremely large number of data bits because it is capable of storing multiple data bits in a single memory cell at once. However, all previously reported devices have failed to store a large number of data bits due to the macroscale cell size and have not allowed fast access to the stored data due to slow single data writing. Here, we introduce a novel three-dimensional multi-floor cascading polymeric ferroelectric nanostructure, successfully operating as an individual cell. In one cell, each floor has its own piezoresponse and the piezoresponse of one floor can be modulated by the bias voltage applied to the other floor, which means simultaneously written data bits in both floors can be identified. This could achieve multi-level memory through a multiple data writing process. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5nr07377d

  17. Multi objective multi refinery optimization with environmental and catastrophic failure effects objectives (United States)

    Khogeer, Ahmed Sirag


    Petroleum refining is a capital-intensive business. With stringent environmental regulations on the processing industry and declining refining margins, political instability, increased risk of war and terrorist attacks in which refineries and fuel transportation grids may be targeted, higher pressures are exerted on refiners to optimize performance and find the best combination of feed and processes to produce salable products that meet stricter product specifications, while at the same time meeting refinery supply commitments and of course making profit. This is done through multi objective optimization. For corporate refining companies and at the national level, Intea-Refinery and Inter-Refinery optimization is the second step in optimizing the operation of the whole refining chain as a single system. Most refinery-wide optimization methods do not cover multiple objectives such as minimizing environmental impact, avoiding catastrophic failures, or enhancing product spec upgrade effects. This work starts by carrying out a refinery-wide, single objective optimization, and then moves to multi objective-single refinery optimization. The last step is multi objective-multi refinery optimization, the objectives of which are analysis of the effects of economic, environmental, product spec, strategic, and catastrophic failure. Simulation runs were carried out using both MATLAB and ASPEN PIMS utilizing nonlinear techniques to solve the optimization problem. The results addressed the need to debottleneck some refineries or transportation media in order to meet the demand for essential products under partial or total failure scenarios. They also addressed how importing some high spec products can help recover some of the losses and what is needed in order to accomplish this. In addition, the results showed nonlinear relations among local and global objectives for some refineries. The results demonstrate that refineries can have a local multi objective optimum that does not

  18. Application of multi-stage, multi-disk type downhole seismic source; Tadanshiki taso enbangata koseinai shingen no tekiyosei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shimada, N [Japan National Oil Corp., Tokyo (Japan); Shoji, Y [Oyo Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    A multi-stage, multi-disk type seismic source was developed as a downhole seismic source. The seismic source is an improved version of the downhole seismic source of a system in which an elastic wave is generated by a weight accelerated by restitutive force of a spring striking the upper part of a laminated structure consisted of metal disks and elastic bodies installed in water in a well. Enhancing the vibration exciting efficiency requires impedance radiated from the disks to be increased. The multi-disk structure was adopted because of restrictions on the disk area under the limiting condition of being inside the well. Further limitation has still existed, which led to finally structuring the multi-disk type to a multi-stage construction to increase the radiated impedance. In order to increase average velocity on the radiation surface, mass relationship between the hammer and the anvil was sought so that the maximum velocity is achieved at the process of converting motion energies among the hammer, anvil and disks. The anvil mass may sufficiently be 50% to 100% of the hammer mass. The equipment was installed in an actual oil well for testing. This seismic source was verified to have sufficient applicability in the cross hole measurement. 5 refs., 7 figs., 1 tab.

  19. Multi-symplectic Preissmann methods for generalized Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Junjie; Yang Kuande; Wang Liantang


    Generalized Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation, a typical nonlinear wave equation, was studied based on the multi-symplectic theory in Hamilton space. The multi-symplectic formulations of generalized Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation with several conservation laws are presented. The multi-symplectic Preissmann method is used to discretize the formulations. The numerical experiment is given, and the results verify the efficiency of the multi-symplectic scheme. (authors)

  20. Fully Realistic Multi-Criteria Multi-Modal Routing


    Gündling, Felix; Keyhani, Mohammad Hossein; Schnee, Mathias; Weihe, Karsten


    We report on a multi-criteria search system, in which the German long- and short-distance trains, local public transport, walking, private car, private bike, and taxi are incorporated. The system is fully realistic. Three optimization criteria are addressed: travel time, travel cost, and convenience. Our algorithmic approach computes a complete Pareto set of reasonable connections. The computational study demonstrates that, even in such a large-scale, highly complex scenario, approp...

  1. MAIL3.1 : a computer program generating cross section sets for SIMCRI, ANISN-JR, KENO IV, KENO V, MULTI-KENO, MULTI-KENO-2 and MULTI-KENO-3.0

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suyama, Kenya; Komuro, Yuichi; Takada, Tomoyuki; Kawasaki, Hiromitsu; Ouchi, Keisuke


    This report is a user's manual of the computer program MAIL3.1 which generates various types of cross section sets for neutron transport programs such as SIMCRI, ANISN-JR, KENO IV, KENO V, MULTI-KENO, MULTI-KENO-2 and MULTI-KENO-3.0. MAIL3.1 is a revised version of MAIL3.0 that was opened in 1990. It has all of abilities of MAIL3.0 and has two more functions as shown in following. 1. AMPX-type cross section set generating function for KENO V. 2. Enhanced function for user of 16 group Hansen-Roach library. (author)

  2. MAIL3.1 : a computer program generating cross section sets for SIMCRI, ANISN-JR, KENO IV, KENO V, MULTI-KENO, MULTI-KENO-2 and MULTI-KENO-3.0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suyama, Kenya; Komuro, Yuichi [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment; Takada, Tomoyuki; Kawasaki, Hiromitsu; Ouchi, Keisuke


    This report is a user`s manual of the computer program MAIL3.1 which generates various types of cross section sets for neutron transport programs such as SIMCRI, ANISN-JR, KENO IV, KENO V, MULTI-KENO, MULTI-KENO-2 and MULTI-KENO-3.0. MAIL3.1 is a revised version of MAIL3.0 that was opened in 1990. It has all of abilities of MAIL3.0 and has two more functions as shown in following. 1. AMPX-type cross section set generating function for KENO V. 2. Enhanced function for user of 16 group Hansen-Roach library. (author)

  3. Multi-target-qubit unconventional geometric phase gate in a multi-cavity system. (United States)

    Liu, Tong; Cao, Xiao-Zhi; Su, Qi-Ping; Xiong, Shao-Jie; Yang, Chui-Ping


    Cavity-based large scale quantum information processing (QIP) may involve multiple cavities and require performing various quantum logic operations on qubits distributed in different cavities. Geometric-phase-based quantum computing has drawn much attention recently, which offers advantages against inaccuracies and local fluctuations. In addition, multiqubit gates are particularly appealing and play important roles in QIP. We here present a simple and efficient scheme for realizing a multi-target-qubit unconventional geometric phase gate in a multi-cavity system. This multiqubit phase gate has a common control qubit but different target qubits distributed in different cavities, which can be achieved using a single-step operation. The gate operation time is independent of the number of qubits and only two levels for each qubit are needed. This multiqubit gate is generic, e.g., by performing single-qubit operations, it can be converted into two types of significant multi-target-qubit phase gates useful in QIP. The proposal is quite general, which can be used to accomplish the same task for a general type of qubits such as atoms, NV centers, quantum dots, and superconducting qubits.

  4. A new multi-purpose NIM module

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong Binjiang; Wang Congrong; Du Chunxiang.


    The authors briefly state the function, character and main technique performance of a new multi-purpose NIM interposition (NI01) developed recently. This interposition uses 8031 single-chip microprocessors as the kernel and is multi-purpose, reliable and convenient. Especially, it is suitable for training teaching and scientific researching

  5. Changing ‘Multi-Problem Families’ – Developing a Multi-Contextual Systemic Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Over the past 30 years the Marlborough Family Service in London has pioneered multi-family work with marginalized families presenting simultaneously with abuse and neglect, family violence, substance misuse, educational failure and mental illness. The approach is based on a systemic multi-contextual mode and this chapter describes the evolving work, including the establishment of the first permanent multiple family day setting, specifically designed for and solely dedicated to the work with seemingly ‘hopeless’ families. The ingredients of ‘therapeutic assessments’ of parents and families are outlined and the importance of initial network meetings with professionals and family members is emphasized.

  6. The Combinatorial Multi-Mode Resource Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denis Pinha


    Full Text Available This paper presents the formulation and solution of the Combinatorial Multi-Mode Resource Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem. The focus of the proposed method is not on finding a single optimal solution, instead on presenting multiple feasible solutions, with cost and duration information to the project manager. The motivation for developing such an approach is due in part to practical situations where the definition of optimal changes on a regular basis. The proposed approach empowers the project manager to determine what is optimal, on a given day, under the current constraints, such as, change of priorities, lack of skilled worker. The proposed method utilizes a simulation approach to determine feasible solutions, under the current constraints. Resources can be non-consumable, consumable, or doubly constrained. The paper also presents a real-life case study dealing with scheduling of ship repair activities.

  7. Wireless Multi Hop Access Networks and Protocols


    Nilsson Plymoth, Anders


    As more and more applications and services in our society now depend on the Internet, it is important that dynamically deployed wireless multi hop networks are able to gain access to the Internet and other infrastructure networks and services. This thesis proposes and evaluates solutions for providing multi hop Internet Access. It investigates how ad hoc networks can be combined with wireless and mesh networks in order to create wireless multi hop access networks. When several access points t...

  8. Estimation of continuous multi-DOF finger joint kinematics from surface EMG using a multi-output Gaussian Process. (United States)

    Ngeo, Jimson; Tamei, Tomoya; Shibata, Tomohiro


    Surface electromyographic (EMG) signals have often been used in estimating upper and lower limb dynamics and kinematics for the purpose of controlling robotic devices such as robot prosthesis and finger exoskeletons. However, in estimating multiple and a high number of degrees-of-freedom (DOF) kinematics from EMG, output DOFs are usually estimated independently. In this study, we estimate finger joint kinematics from EMG signals using a multi-output convolved Gaussian Process (Multi-output Full GP) that considers dependencies between outputs. We show that estimation of finger joints from muscle activation inputs can be improved by using a regression model that considers inherent coupling or correlation within the hand and finger joints. We also provide a comparison of estimation performance between different regression methods, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) which is used by many of the related studies. We show that using a multi-output GP gives improved estimation compared to multi-output ANN and even dedicated or independent regression models.

  9. Multi-objective and multi-criteria optimization for power generation expansion planning with CO2 mitigation in Thailand

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kamphol Promjiraprawat


    Full Text Available In power generation expansion planning, electric utilities have encountered the major challenge of environmental awareness whilst being concerned with budgetary burdens. The approach for selecting generating technologies should depend on economic and environmental constraint as well as externalities. Thus, the multi-objective optimization becomes a more attractive approach. This paper presents a hybrid framework of multi-objective optimization and multi-criteria decision making to solve power generation expansion planning problems in Thailand. In this paper, CO2 emissions and external cost are modeled as a multi-objective optimization problem. Then the analytic hierarchy process is utilized to determine thecompromised solution. For carbon capture and storage technology, CO2 emissions can be mitigated by 74.7% from the least cost plan and leads to the reduction of the external cost of around 500 billion US dollars over the planning horizon. Results indicate that the proposed approach provides optimum cost-related CO2 mitigation plan as well as external cost.

  10. Multi-channel mechanical test machine for HANARO (I)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, M. S.; Choi, Y.; Cho, M. S.; Kim, B. G.; Kang, Y. H.


    Design and fabrication of multi-channel mechanical test machine is useful and important for the study of in-pile test of nuclear materials in HANARO. The dimension and shape of the multi-channel mechanical test machine should be fixed to a test reactor and their objectives. KAERI successfully developed a non-instrumented multi-channel mechanical test machine for material irradiation tests in a domestic research reactor, HANARO. This results in strongly stimulating and accelerating irradiation tests of materials in domestic industry and research fields with HANARO. Although various types of in-pile creep capsule were made for well installation in each test reactor, there is no in-pile creep multi-channel mechanical test machine for HANARO. Hence, the objectives of this study are to fabricate and test a multi-channel mechanical test machine of HANARO

  11. Synchrony of sylvatic dengue isolations: a multi-host, multi-vector SIR model of dengue virus transmission in Senegal.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamin M Althouse

    Full Text Available Isolations of sylvatic dengue-2 virus from mosquitoes, humans and non-human primates in Senegal show synchronized multi-annual dynamics over the past 50 years. Host demography has been shown to directly affect the period between epidemics in other pathogen systems, therefore, one might expect unsynchronized multi-annual cycles occurring in hosts with dramatically different birth rates and life spans. However, in Senegal, we observe a single synchronized eight-year cycle across all vector species, suggesting synchronized dynamics in all vertebrate hosts. In the current study, we aim to explore two specific hypotheses: 1 primates with different demographics will experience outbreaks of dengue at different periodicities when observed as isolated systems, and that coupling of these subsystems through mosquito biting will act to synchronize incidence; and 2 the eight-year periodicity of isolations observed across multiple primate species is the result of long-term cycling in population immunity in the host populations. To test these hypotheses, we develop a multi-host, multi-vector Susceptible, Infected, Removed (SIR model to explore the effects of coupling multiple host-vector systems of dengue virus transmission through cross-species biting rates. We find that under small amounts of coupling, incidence in the host species synchronize. Long-period multi-annual dynamics are observed only when prevalence in troughs reaches vanishingly small levels (< 10(-10, suggesting that these dynamics are inconsistent with sustained transmission in this setting, but are consistent with local dengue virus extinctions followed by reintroductions. Inclusion of a constant introduction of infectious individuals into the system causes the multi-annual periods to shrink, while the effects of coupling remain the same. Inclusion of a stochastic rate of introduction allows for multi-annual periods at a cost of reduced synchrony. Thus, we conclude that the eight-year period

  12. Multi-Dimensional Optimization for Cloud Based Multi-Tier Applications (United States)

    Jung, Gueyoung


    Emerging trends toward cloud computing and virtualization have been opening new avenues to meet enormous demands of space, resource utilization, and energy efficiency in modern data centers. By being allowed to host many multi-tier applications in consolidated environments, cloud infrastructure providers enable resources to be shared among these…

  13. Progress and challenges in the development and qualification of multi-level multi-physics coupled methodologies for reactor analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, K.; Avramova, M.


    Current trends in nuclear power generation and regulation as well as the design of next generation reactor concepts along with the continuing computer technology progress stimulate the development, qualification and application of multi-physics multi-scale coupled code systems. The efforts have been focused on extending the analysis capabilities by coupling models, which simulate different phenomena or system components, as well as on refining the scale and level of detail of the coupling. This paper reviews the progress made in this area and outlines the remaining challenges. The discussion is illustrated with examples based on neutronics/thermohydraulics coupling in the reactor core modeling. In both fields recent advances and developments are towards more physics-based high-fidelity simulations, which require implementation of improved and flexible coupling methodologies. First, the progresses in coupling of different physics codes along with the advances in multi-level techniques for coupled code simulations are discussed. Second, the issues related to the consistent qualification of coupled multi-physics and multi-scale code systems for design and safety evaluation are presented. The increased importance of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis are discussed along with approaches to propagate the uncertainty quantification between the codes. The incoming OECD LWR Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling (UAM) benchmark is the first international activity to address this issue and it is described in the paper. Finally, the remaining challenges with multi-physics coupling are outlined. (authors)

  14. Progress and challenges in the development and qualification of multi-level multi-physics coupled methodologies for reactor analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ivanov, K.; Avramova, M. [Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA (United States)


    Current trends in nuclear power generation and regulation as well as the design of next generation reactor concepts along with the continuing computer technology progress stimulate the development, qualification and application of multi-physics multi-scale coupled code systems. The efforts have been focused on extending the analysis capabilities by coupling models, which simulate different phenomena or system components, as well as on refining the scale and level of detail of the coupling. This paper reviews the progress made in this area and outlines the remaining challenges. The discussion is illustrated with examples based on neutronics/thermohydraulics coupling in the reactor core modeling. In both fields recent advances and developments are towards more physics-based high-fidelity simulations, which require implementation of improved and flexible coupling methodologies. First, the progresses in coupling of different physics codes along with the advances in multi-level techniques for coupled code simulations are discussed. Second, the issues related to the consistent qualification of coupled multi-physics and multi-scale code systems for design and safety evaluation are presented. The increased importance of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis are discussed along with approaches to propagate the uncertainty quantification between the codes. The incoming OECD LWR Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling (UAM) benchmark is the first international activity to address this issue and it is described in the paper. Finally, the remaining challenges with multi-physics coupling are outlined. (authors)

  15. The Dynamic Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wen, Min; Cordeau, Jean-Francois; Laporte, Gilbert

    This paper considers the Dynamic Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problem which deals with the distribution of orders from a depot to a set of customers over a multi-period time horizon. Customer orders and their feasible service periods are dynamically revealed over time. The objectives are to minim......This paper considers the Dynamic Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problem which deals with the distribution of orders from a depot to a set of customers over a multi-period time horizon. Customer orders and their feasible service periods are dynamically revealed over time. The objectives...... are to minimize total travel costs and customer waiting, and to balance the daily workload over the planning horizon. This problem originates from a large distributor operating in Sweden. It is modeled as a mixed integer linear program, and solved by means of a three-phase heuristic that works over a rolling...... planning horizon. The multi-objective aspect of the problem is handled through a scalar technique approach. Computational results show that our solutions improve upon those of the Swedish distributor....

  16. 107.5 Gb/s 850 nm multi- and single-mode VCSEL transmission over 10 and 100 m of multi-mode fiber

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Puerta Ramírez, Rafael; Agustin, M.; Chorchos, L.


    First time successful 107.5 Gb/s MultiCAP 850 nm OM4 MMF transmissions over 10 m with multi-mode VCSEL and up to 100 m with single-mode VCSEL are demonstrated, with BER below 7% overhead FEC limit measured for each case.......First time successful 107.5 Gb/s MultiCAP 850 nm OM4 MMF transmissions over 10 m with multi-mode VCSEL and up to 100 m with single-mode VCSEL are demonstrated, with BER below 7% overhead FEC limit measured for each case....

  17. Integrable multi parametric SU(N) chain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foerster, Angela; Roditi, Itzhak; Rodrigues, Ligia M.C.S.


    We analyse integrable models associated to a multi parametric SU(N) R-matrix. We show that the Hamiltonians describe SU(N) chains with twisted boundary conditions and that the underlying algebraic structure is the multi parametric deformation of SU(N) enlarged by the introduction of a central element. (author). 15 refs

  18. Multi-proxy studies in palaeolimnology


    Birks, Hilary H.; Birks, Harry John Betteley


    Multi-proxy studies are becoming increasingly common in palaeolimnology. Eight basic requirements and challenges for a multi-proxy study are outlined in this essay – definition of research questions, leadership, site selection and coring, data storage, chronology, presentation of results, numerical tools, and data interpretation. The nature of proxy data is discussed in terms of physical proxies and biotic proxies. Loss-on-ignition changes and the use of transfer functions are reviewed as exa...

  19. Ontology, epistemology, and multi-methods


    Chatterhee, Abhishek


    Enthusiasm for multi-methods research can possibly be ascribed to the prima facie promise it holds for moving beyond, if not resolving, seemingly intractable debates on the relative merits of “qualitative” (historical, interpretive, etc.) versus “quantitative” (i.e. inferential statistical) research methods. The justification of multi-methods rests on the claim that combining a few case studies with a larger inferential—and not descriptive—statistical study manages to capture the strengths of...

  20. Model-Checking of Linear-Time Properties in Multi-Valued Systems


    Li, Yongming; Droste, Manfred; Lei, Lihui


    In this paper, we study model-checking of linear-time properties in multi-valued systems. Safety property, invariant property, liveness property, persistence and dual-persistence properties in multi-valued logic systems are introduced. Some algorithms related to the above multi-valued linear-time properties are discussed. The verification of multi-valued regular safety properties and multi-valued $\\omega$-regular properties using lattice-valued automata are thoroughly studied. Since the law o...

  1. Active Multi-Field Learning for Spam Filtering


    Wuying Liu; Lin Wang; Mianzhu Yi; Nan Xie


    Ubiquitous spam messages cause a serious waste of time and resources. This paper addresses the practical spam filtering problem, and proposes a universal approach to fight with various spam messages. The proposed active multi-field learning approach is based on: 1) It is cost-sensitive to obtain a label for a real-world spam filter, which suggests an active learning idea; and 2) Different messages often have a similar multi-field text structure, which suggests a multi-field learning idea. The...

  2. Interconnected levels of multi-stage marketing: A triadic approach


    Vedel, Mette; Geersbro, Jens; Ritter, Thomas


    Multi-stage marketing gains increasing attention as knowledge of and influence on the customer's customer become more critical for the firm's success. Despite this increasing managerial relevance, systematic approaches for analyzing multi-stage marketing are still missing. This paper conceptualizes different levels of multi-stage marketing and illustrates these stages with a case study. In addition, a triadic perspective is introduced as an analytical tool for multi-stage marketing research. ...

  3. Multi-frequency excitation

    KAUST Repository

    Younis, Mohammad I.


    Embodiments of multi-frequency excitation are described. In various embodiments, a natural frequency of a device may be determined. In turn, a first voltage amplitude and first fixed frequency of a first source of excitation can be selected for the device based on the natural frequency. Additionally, a second voltage amplitude of a second source of excitation can be selected for the device, and the first and second sources of excitation can be applied to the device. After applying the first and second sources of excitation, a frequency of the second source of excitation can be swept. Using the methods of multi- frequency excitation described herein, new operating frequencies, operating frequency ranges, resonance frequencies, resonance frequency ranges, and/or resonance responses can be achieved for devices and systems.

  4. High prevalence of daily and multi-site pain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rathleff, Michael Skovdal; Roos, Ewa M.; Olesen, Jens Lykkegaard


    Daily pain and multi-site pain are both associated with reduction in work ability and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among adults. However, no population-based studies have yet investigated the prevalence of daily and multi-site pain among adolescents and how these are associated...... with respondent characteristics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of self-reported daily and multi-site pain among adolescents aged 12--19 years and associations of almost daily pain and multi-site pain with respondent characteristics (sex, age, body mass index (BMI), HRQoL and sports...

  5. Applications of Multi-Agent Technology to Power Systems (United States)

    Nagata, Takeshi

    Currently, agents are focus of intense on many sub-fields of computer science and artificial intelligence. Agents are being used in an increasingly wide variety of applications. Many important computing applications such as planning, process control, communication networks and concurrent systems will benefit from using multi-agent system approach. A multi-agent system is a structure given by an environment together with a set of artificial agents capable to act on this environment. Multi-agent models are oriented towards interactions, collaborative phenomena, and autonomy. This article presents the applications of multi-agent technology to the power systems.

  6. Multi-state supernetworks: recent progress and prospects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Feixiong Liao


    Full Text Available Supernetworks have long been adopted to address multi-dimensional choice problems, which are thorny to solve for classic singular networks. Originated from combining transport mode and route choice into a multi-modal network, supernetworks have been extended into multi-state networks to include activity-travel scheduling, centered around activity-based models of travel demand. A key feature of the network extensions is that multiple choice facets pertaining to conducting a full activity program can be modeled in a consistent and integrative fashion. Thus, interdependencies and constraints between related choice facets can be readily captured. Given this advantage of integrity, the modeling of supernetwork has become an emerging topic in transportation research. This paper summarizes the recent progress in modeling multi-state supernetworks and discusses future prospects.

  7. Multi-target molecular imaging and its progress in research and application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Ganghua


    Multi-target molecular imaging (MMI) is an important field of research in molecular imaging. It includes multi-tracer multi-target molecular imaging(MTMI), fusion-molecule multi-target imaging (FMMI), coupling-molecule multi-target imaging (CMMI), and multi-target multifunctional molecular imaging(MMMI). In this paper,imaging modes of MMI are reviewed, and potential applications of positron emission tomography MMI in near future are discussed. (author)

  8. Multi-peak pattern in Multi-gap RPC time-over-threshold distributions and an offline calibration method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, R.X.; Li, C.; Sun, Y.J.; Liu, Z.; Wang, X.Z.; Heng, Y.K.; Sun, S.S.; Dai, H.L.; Wu, Z.; An, F.F.


    The Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII) has just updated its end-cap Time-of-Flight (ETOF) system, using the Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) to replace the current scintillator detectors. These MRPCs shows multi-peak phenomena in their time-over-threshold (TOT) distribution, which was also observed in the Long-strip MRPC built for the RHIC-STAR Muon Telescope Detector (MTD). After carefully investigated the correlation between the multi-peak distribution and incident hit positions along the strips, we find out that it can be semi-quantitatively explained by the signal reflections on the ends of the readout strips. Therefore a new offline calibration method was implemented on the MRPC ETOF data in BESIII, making T-TOT correlation significantly improved to evaluate the time resolution.

  9. A Memristor as Multi-Bit Memory: Feasibility Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O. Bass


    Full Text Available The use of emerging memristor materials for advanced electrical devices such as multi-valued logic is expected to outperform today's binary logic digital technologies. We show here an example for such non-binary device with the design of a multi-bit memory. While conventional memory cells can store only 1 bit, memristors-based multi-bit cells can store more information within single device thus increasing the information storage density. Such devices can potentially utilize the non-linear resistance of memristor materials for efficient information storage. We analyze the performance of such memory devices based on their expected variations in order to determine the viability of memristor-based multi-bit memory. A design of read/write scheme and a simple model for this cell, lay grounds for full integration of memristor multi-bit memory cell.

  10. Statistical post-processing of seasonal multi-model forecasts: Why is it so hard to beat the multi-model mean? (United States)

    Siegert, Stefan


    Initialised climate forecasts on seasonal time scales, run several months or even years ahead, are now an integral part of the battery of products offered by climate services world-wide. The availability of seasonal climate forecasts from various modeling centres gives rise to multi-model ensemble forecasts. Post-processing such seasonal-to-decadal multi-model forecasts is challenging 1) because the cross-correlation structure between multiple models and observations can be complicated, 2) because the amount of training data to fit the post-processing parameters is very limited, and 3) because the forecast skill of numerical models tends to be low on seasonal time scales. In this talk I will review new statistical post-processing frameworks for multi-model ensembles. I will focus particularly on Bayesian hierarchical modelling approaches, which are flexible enough to capture commonly made assumptions about collective and model-specific biases of multi-model ensembles. Despite the advances in statistical methodology, it turns out to be very difficult to out-perform the simplest post-processing method, which just recalibrates the multi-model ensemble mean by linear regression. I will discuss reasons for this, which are closely linked to the specific characteristics of seasonal multi-model forecasts. I explore possible directions for improvements, for example using informative priors on the post-processing parameters, and jointly modelling forecasts and observations.

  11. Optimization of multi-branch switched diversity systems

    KAUST Repository

    Nam, Haewoon; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    A performance optimization based on the optimal switching threshold(s) for a multi-branch switched diversity system is discussed in this paper. For the conventional multi-branch switched diversity system with a single switching threshold

  12. A multi-channel photometric detector for multi-component analysis in flow injection analysis. (United States)

    Tan, A; Huang, J; Geng, L; Xu, J; Zhao, X


    The detector, a multi-channel photometric detector, described in this paper was developed using multi-wavelength LEDs (light emitting diode) and phototransistors for absorbance measurement controlled by an Intel 8031 8-bit single chip microcomputer. Up to four flow cells can be attached to the detector. The LEDs and phototransistors are both inexpensive, and reliable. The results given by the detector for simultaneous determination of trace amounts of cobalt and cadmium in zinc sulphate electrolyte are reported. Because of the newly developed detector, this approach employs much less hardware apparatus than by employing conventional photometric detectors.

  13. Real-Time Multi-Target Localization from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xuan Wang


    Full Text Available In order to improve the reconnaissance efficiency of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV electro-optical stabilized imaging systems, a real-time multi-target localization scheme based on an UAV electro-optical stabilized imaging system is proposed. First, a target location model is studied. Then, the geodetic coordinates of multi-targets are calculated using the homogeneous coordinate transformation. On the basis of this, two methods which can improve the accuracy of the multi-target localization are proposed: (1 the real-time zoom lens distortion correction method; (2 a recursive least squares (RLS filtering method based on UAV dead reckoning. The multi-target localization error model is established using Monte Carlo theory. In an actual flight, the UAV flight altitude is 1140 m. The multi-target localization results are within the range of allowable error. After we use a lens distortion correction method in a single image, the circular error probability (CEP of the multi-target localization is reduced by 7%, and 50 targets can be located at the same time. The RLS algorithm can adaptively estimate the location data based on multiple images. Compared with multi-target localization based on a single image, CEP of the multi-target localization using RLS is reduced by 25%. The proposed method can be implemented on a small circuit board to operate in real time. This research is expected to significantly benefit small UAVs which need multi-target geo-location functions.

  14. Crossing Cultures with Multi-Voiced Journals (United States)

    Styslinger, Mary E.; Whisenant, Alison


    In this article, the authors discuss the benefits of using multi-voiced journals as a teaching strategy in reading instruction. Multi-voiced journals, an adaptation of dual-voiced journals, encourage responses to reading in varied, cultured voices of characters. It is similar to reading journals in that they prod students to connect to the lives…

  15. Multi-disciplinary coupling for integrated design of propulsion systems (United States)

    Chamis, C. C.; Singhal, S. N.


    Effective computational simulation procedures are described for modeling the inherent multi-disciplinary interactions for determining the true response of propulsion systems. Results are presented for propulsion system responses including multi-discipline coupling effects via (1) coupled multi-discipline tailoring, (2) an integrated system of multidisciplinary simulators, (3) coupled material-behavior/fabrication-process tailoring, (4) sensitivities using a probabilistic simulator, and (5) coupled materials/structures/fracture/probabilistic behavior simulator. The results show that the best designs can be determined if the analysis/tailoring methods account for the multi-disciplinary coupling effects. The coupling across disciplines can be used to develop an integrated interactive multi-discipline numerical propulsion system simulator.

  16. Multi-Modal, Multi-Touch Interaction with Maps in Disaster Management Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. Paelke


    Full Text Available Multi-touch interaction has become popular in recent years and impressive advances in technology have been demonstrated, with the presentation of digital maps as a common presentation scenario. However, most existing systems are really technology demonstrators and have not been designed with real applications in mind. A critical factor in the management of disaster situations is the access to current and reliable data. New sensors and data acquisition platforms (e.g. satellites, UAVs, mobile sensor networks have improved the supply of spatial data tremendously. However, in many cases this data is not well integrated into current crisis management systems and the capabilities to analyze and use it lag behind sensor capabilities. Therefore, it is essential to develop techniques that allow the effective organization, use and management of heterogeneous data from a wide variety of data sources. Standard user interfaces are not well suited to provide this information to crisis managers. Especially in dynamic situations conventional cartographic displays and mouse based interaction techniques fail to address the need to review a situation rapidly and act on it as a team. The development of novel interaction techniques like multi-touch and tangible interaction in combination with large displays provides a promising base technology to provide crisis managers with an adequate overview of the situation and to share relevant information with other stakeholders in a collaborative setting. However, design expertise on the use of such techniques in interfaces for real-world applications is still very sparse. In this paper we report on interdisciplinary research with a user and application centric focus to establish real-world requirements, to design new multi-modal mapping interfaces, and to validate them in disaster management applications. Initial results show that tangible and pen-based interaction are well suited to provide an intuitive and visible way to

  17. Modelo para estimativa do potencial produtivo em trigo e cevada por meio do sensor GreenSeeker Model for yield potential estimation in wheat and barley using the GreenSeeker sensor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel S. Grohs


    Full Text Available Áreas com diferentes potenciais de rendimento dentro de uma lavoura necessitam ser manejadas separadamente, para fins de aplicação da adubação nitrogenada em cobertura. O equipamento baseado em sensoriamento remoto terrestre (GreenSeeker é um dos instrumentos utilizados para separar diferentes zonas de manejo. Para fazer isso, o sensor permite a definição de classes para estimar o potencial produtivo de forma ágil, precisa e em tempo real. Com o instrumento, foi desenvolvido um modelo para estimativa do potencial produtivo em trigo e cevada, correlacionando o Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI com a biomassa seca acumulada na parte aérea, por ocasião da emissão da sexta folha do colmo principal. A base do modelo foi a formação de classes de potencial produtivo correspondentes a zonas específicas de manejo da lavoura. Essas classes não necessitam ser específicas para diferentes cultivares e/ou espécies, visto que não se detectaram diferenças que justificassem a formação de grupos para elas. As superfícies de fundo (resíduos de restevas de soja e milho tiveram efeitos significativos nas leituras do sensor. O modelo continua válido mesmo se as leituras de NDVI forem feitas antes ou após o período recomendado para tal, podendo ser ajustado com sub ou superestimação. As análises de variabilidade espacial, futuramente, podem avaliar se, as zonas de potencial produtivo estimadas pelas classes de NDVI propostas pelo modelo, correspondem à flutuação espacial da biomassa, doses de N aplicadas e rendimento de grãos.Areas with different yield potential within a field need to be managed separately as for nitrogen application in small grain cereals. Terrestrial remote sensing-based equipment such as the GreenSeeker sensor is one of the tools available to handle different management zones. To do this, the sensor allows the definition of classes to estimate yield potential. A model which correlated the

  18. Caracterização espectral de Paspalum notatum em diferentes níveis de adubação nitrogenada Spectral characterization of Paspalum notatum under different nitrogen fertilization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliana Lima da Fonseca


    Full Text Available As propriedades espectrais da vegetação podem ser utilizadas para o monitoramento das condições de crescimento da vegetação ao longo do ano, assim como a estimativa da produtividade das espécies, por meio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto. Para tanto, é necessário, primeiramente, caracterizar espectralmente as espécies que compõem a vegetação de um ecossistema. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a reflectância do Paspalum notatum Flügge var. notatum crescendo em diferentes níveis de adubação nitrogenada. Foi realizado um experimento de campo na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (30º5'22'' S e 51º39'8'' W, utilizando-se um espectrorradiômetro portátil, em parcelas de P. notatum adubadas com 0, 200 e 400 kg ha-1 de N. A resposta espectral do P. notatum foi alterada pelas variações na quantidade de biomassa do dossel, provocadas por diferenças nos níveis de adubação nitrogenada. Os aumentos na quantidade de biomassa provocaram diminuição da reflectância na porção visível do espectro e aumento na porção infravermelho, o que mostra que a análise da reflectância é um bom indicador das mudanças que ocorrem em um dossel.Remote sensing techniques using spectral properties of canopies may be used to monitor vegetation growth conditions throughout the year, as well as to estimate the yield of different species. However, before these techniques can be used, it is necessary to establish the spectral properties of each of the different species which make up the landscape. The objective of this study was to characterize the spectral reflectance of Paspalum notatum Flügge var. notatum, growing on different levels of nitrogen fertilization. A field experiment was carried out at the Agronomic Experimental Station of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (30º5'22'' S, 51º39''8'' W, using a portable spectroradiometer, on plots with P. notatum fertilized

  19. Avaliação de estimativas de campos de precipitação para modelagem hidrológica distribuída Assessment of estimated precipitation fields for distributed hydrologic modeling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriano Rolim da Paz


    Full Text Available É crescente a disponibilidade e utilização de campos de chuva estimados por sensoriamento remoto ou calculados por modelos de circulação da atmosfera, os quais são freqüentemente utilizados como entrada para modelos hidrológicos distribuídos. A distribuição espacial dos campos de chuva estimados é altamente relevante e deve ser avaliada frente aos campos de chuva observados. Este artigo propõe um método de comparação espaço-temporal entre campos de chuva observados e estimados baseado na comparação pixel a pixel e na construção de tabelas de contingência. Duas abordagens são utilizadas: (i a análise integrada no espaço gera índices de performance que retratam a qualidade do campo de chuva estimada em reproduzir a ocorrência de chuva observada ao longo do tempo; (ii a análise integrada no tempo produz mapas dos índices de performance que resumem a destreza das estimativas de ocorrência de chuva em cada pixel. Como exemplo de aplicação, é analisada a chuva estimada na climatologia do modelo global de circulação da atmosfera CPTEC/COLA sobre a bacia do Rio Grande. Utilizando-se cinco índices de performance, o método proposto permitiu identificar variações sazonais e padrões espaciais na performance das estimativas de chuva em relação a campos de chuva derivados de observações em pluviômetros.There is an increasing availability and application of precipitation fields estimated by remote sensing or calculated by atmospheric circulation models, which are frequently used as input for distributed hydrological models. The spatial distribution of the estimated precipitation fields is extremely important and must be verified against observed precipitation fields. This paper proposes a method for spatiotemporal comparison between observed and estimated precipitation fields based on a pixel by pixel comparison and on contingency tables. Two distinct approaches are carried out: (i the spatial integrated analysis

  20. Diagnose nutricional com o uso de sensor óptico ativo em algodoeiro Nutritional diagnosis with the use of active optical sensor in cotton

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anamari V. de A. Motomiya


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a resposta espectral do dossel de plantas à variação de doses de nitrogênio (N e sua relação com os teores foliares de N, índice de clorofila e produtividade na cultura do algodoeiro. O experimento foi conduzido em Chapadão do Sul, MS, no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco doses de N: 0, 30, 70, 110 e 150 kg ha-1, divididas em duas aplicações aos 28 e 41 dias após a emergência utilizando-se, como fonte, o fertilizante ureia. As maiores correlações dos índices de clorofila e do índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada com a produtividade foram observadas na quarta leitura, aos 56 dias após a emergência, indicando que neste período a produtividade já pode estar comprometida caso haja falhas no suprimento de N à cultura. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o sensor se torna mais sensível à variação do teor foliar de N conforme a planta se desenvolve mas não quando ela atinge um alto índice de área foliar e começa a entrar em senescência. Concluiu-se, então, que o sensoriamento remoto ao nível terrestre permite estimar indiretamente a quantidade de N absorvido, o índice de clorofila e a produtividade do algodoeiro.This research aimed to evaluate the spectral response to variation of nitrogen levels and its relationship with leaf nitrogen, chlorophyll and yield in cotton crop. The experiment was conducted in Chapadão do Céu, MS, in a randomized block design with four replications. The treatments consisted of five N rates of 0, 30, 70, 110 and 150 kg ha-1, divided in two applications at 28 and 41 days after emergence, using urea fertilizer as a source. The highest correlations of the chlorophyll index and normalized difference vegetation index with yield were observed in the fourth observation, at 56 days after emergence, indicating that in this period, yield may already be compromised if there is shortage in the

  1. Morfometria de microbacias do Córrego Rico, afluente do Rio Mogi-Guaçu, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil Morphometric measures of Córrego Rico catchments, Mogi-Guaçu River, State of São Paulo, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Cristina Tarlé Pissarra


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características morfométricas das microbacias (2ª, 3ª, 4ª e 5ª ordens de magnitude da bacia hidrográfica do córrego Rico, sub-bacia do Rio Mogi-Guaçu, localizada na região administrativa de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Para tanto, foram determinados os parâmetros físicos e a configuração topográfica natural do sistema de drenagem. Os procedimentos para a obtenção dos dados foram fundamentados em técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento. A partir da vetorização das cartas topográficas correspondentes à área de estudo, realizou-se a análise morfométrica quanto às características dimensionais, do padrão de drenagem e do relevo no sistema de informação geográfica ArcView. A microbacia é considerada de sexta ordem de magnitude, com área estimada de 542 km², com 85 microbacias de segunda ordem, 22 de terceira, sete de quarta ordem e duas de quinta. Utilizando o critério geométrico, na disposição fluvial das sub-bacias de cabeceiras observou-se a predominância dos modelos dendríticos e subdendríticos, enquanto a jusante predominava o modelo subparalelo, respectivamente, nas áreas de ocorrências dos arenitos Bauru e rochas efusivas básicas.This study had as its objective to evaluate the morphometric characteristics of the catchments of the Córrego Rico watershed, the sub-basin of the Mogi-Guaçu River, located in the administrative region of Ribeirão Preto, the State of São Paulo, Brazil, in order to measure physical parameters and topographical features of the natural drainage system. The procedures for obtaining the data were all based on remote sensing and geographic information systems. The topographic maps corresponding to the study area were extracted for analysis in the geographical information systems ArcView of the dimensional characteristics of the drainage and relief patterns. The watershed is considered a sixth order of

  2. Optimal Multi-Level Lot Sizing for Requirements Planning Systems


    Earle Steinberg; H. Albert Napier


    The wide spread use of advanced information systems such as Material Requirements Planning (MRP) has significantly altered the practice of dependent demand inventory management. Recent research has focused on development of multi-level lot sizing heuristics for such systems. In this paper, we develop an optimal procedure for the multi-period, multi-product, multi-level lot sizing problem by modeling the system as a constrained generalized network with fixed charge arcs and side constraints. T...

  3. Multi-source remote sensing data management system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin Kai; Zhao Yingjun; Lu Donghua; Zhang Donghui; Wu Wenhuan


    In this thesis, the author explored multi-source management problems of remote sensing data. The main idea is to use the mosaic dataset model, and the ways of an integreted display of image and its interpretation. Based on ArcGIS and IMINT feature knowledge platform, the author used the C# and other programming tools for development work, so as to design and implement multi-source remote sensing data management system function module which is able to simply, conveniently and efficiently manage multi-source remote sensing data. (authors)

  4. Modeling activity recognition of multi resident using label combination of multi label classification in smart home (United States)

    Mohamed, Raihani; Perumal, Thinagaran; Sulaiman, Md Nasir; Mustapha, Norwati; Zainudin, M. N. Shah


    Pertaining to the human centric concern and non-obtrusive way, the ambient sensor type technology has been selected, accepted and embedded in the environment in resilient style. Human activities, everyday are gradually becoming complex and thus complicate the inferences of activities when it involving the multi resident in the same smart environment. Current works solutions focus on separate model between the resident, activities and interactions. Some study use data association and extra auxiliary of graphical nodes to model human tracking information in an environment and some produce separate framework to incorporate the auxiliary for interaction feature model. Thus, recognizing the activities and which resident perform the activity at the same time in the smart home are vital for the smart home development and future applications. This paper will cater the above issue by considering the simplification and efficient method using the multi label classification framework. This effort eliminates time consuming and simplifies a lot of pre-processing tasks comparing with previous approach. Applications to the multi resident multi label learning in smart home problems shows the LC (Label Combination) using Decision Tree (DT) as base classifier can tackle the above problems.

  5. Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Auto-Tagging (United States)

    Lee, Jongpil; Nam, Juhan


    Music auto-tagging is often handled in a similar manner to image classification by regarding the 2D audio spectrogram as image data. However, music auto-tagging is distinguished from image classification in that the tags are highly diverse and have different levels of abstractions. Considering this issue, we propose a convolutional neural networks (CNN)-based architecture that embraces multi-level and multi-scaled features. The architecture is trained in three steps. First, we conduct supervised feature learning to capture local audio features using a set of CNNs with different input sizes. Second, we extract audio features from each layer of the pre-trained convolutional networks separately and aggregate them altogether given a long audio clip. Finally, we put them into fully-connected networks and make final predictions of the tags. Our experiments show that using the combination of multi-level and multi-scale features is highly effective in music auto-tagging and the proposed method outperforms previous state-of-the-arts on the MagnaTagATune dataset and the Million Song Dataset. We further show that the proposed architecture is useful in transfer learning.

  6. Adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode control for multi-input multi-output chaotic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poursamad, Amir; Markazi, Amir H.D.


    This paper describes an adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode control algorithm for controlling unknown or uncertain, multi-input multi-output (MIMO), possibly chaotic, dynamical systems. The control approach encompasses a fuzzy system and a robust controller. The fuzzy system is designed to mimic an ideal sliding-mode controller, and the robust controller compensates the difference between the fuzzy controller and the ideal one. The parameters of the fuzzy system, as well as the uncertainty bound of the robust controller, are tuned adaptively. The adaptive laws are derived in the Lyapunov sense to guarantee the asymptotic stability and tracking of the controlled system. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by applying it to some well-known chaotic systems.

  7. Duality and multi-gluon scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mangano, M.; Parke, S.; Xu Zhan


    For the six-gluon scattering process we give explicit and simple expressions for the amplitude and its square. To achieve this we use an analogy with string theories to identify a unique procedure for writing the multi-gluon scattering amplitudes in terms of a sum of gauge invariant dual sub-amplitudes multiplied by an appropriate color (Chan-Paton) factor. The sub-amplitudes defined in this way are invariant under cyclic permutations, satisfy powerful identities which relate different non-cyclic permutations and factorize in the soft gluon limit, the two-gluon collinear limit and on multi-gluon poles. Also, to leading order in the number of colors these sub-amplitudes sum incoherently in the square of the full matrix element. The results contained here are important for Monte Carlo studies of multi-jet processes at hadron colliders as well as for understanding the general structure of QCD. (orig.)

  8. Computational Analysis of Multi-Rotor Flows (United States)

    Yoon, Seokkwan; Lee, Henry C.; Pulliam, Thomas H.


    Interactional aerodynamics of multi-rotor flows has been studied for a quadcopter representing a generic quad tilt-rotor aircraft in hover. The objective of the present study is to investigate the effects of the separation distances between rotors, and also fuselage and wings on the performance and efficiency of multirotor systems. Three-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a spatially 5th order accurate scheme, dual-time stepping, and the Detached Eddy Simulation turbulence model. The results show that the separation distances as well as the wings have significant effects on the vertical forces of quadroror systems in hover. Understanding interactions in multi-rotor flows would help improve the design of next generation multi-rotor drones.

  9. Analytic hierarchy process-based approach for selecting a Pareto-optimal solution of a multi-objective, multi-site supply-chain planning problem (United States)

    Ayadi, Omar; Felfel, Houssem; Masmoudi, Faouzi


    The current manufacturing environment has changed from traditional single-plant to multi-site supply chain where multiple plants are serving customer demands. In this article, a tactical multi-objective, multi-period, multi-product, multi-site supply-chain planning problem is proposed. A corresponding optimization model aiming to simultaneously minimize the total cost, maximize product quality and maximize the customer satisfaction demand level is developed. The proposed solution approach yields to a front of Pareto-optimal solutions that represents the trade-offs among the different objectives. Subsequently, the analytic hierarchy process method is applied to select the best Pareto-optimal solution according to the preferences of the decision maker. The robustness of the solutions and the proposed approach are discussed based on a sensitivity analysis and an application to a real case from the textile and apparel industry.

  10. Multi-level and Multi-component Bitmap Encoding for Efficient Search Operations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Madhu BHAN, Department of Computer Applications


    Full Text Available The growing interest in data warehousing for decision makers is becoming more and more crucial to make faster and efficient decisions. On-line decision needs short response times. Many indexing techniques have been created to achieve this goal in read only environments. Indexing technique that has attracted attention in multidimensional databases is Bitmap Indexing. The paper discusses the various existing bitmap indexing techniques along with their performance characteristics. The paper proposes two new bitmap indexing techniques in the class of multi-level and multi-component encoding schemes and prove that the two techniques have better space–time performance than some of the existing techniques used for range queries. We provide an analytical model for comparing the performance of our proposed encoding schemes with that of the existing ones.

  11. Multi-disciplinary coupling effects for integrated design of propulsion systems (United States)

    Chamis, C. C.; Singhal, S. N.


    Effective computational simulation procedures are described for modeling the inherent multi-disciplinary interactions which govern the accurate response of propulsion systems. Results are presented for propulsion system responses including multi-disciplinary coupling effects using coupled multi-discipline thermal, structural, and acoustic tailoring; an integrated system of multi-disciplinary simulators; coupled material behavior/fabrication process tailoring; sensitivities using a probabilistic simulator; and coupled materials, structures, fracture, and probabilistic behavior simulator. The results demonstrate that superior designs can be achieved if the analysis/tailoring methods account for the multi-disciplinary coupling effects. The coupling across disciplines can be used to develop an integrated coupled multi-discipline numerical propulsion system simulator.

  12. Design of multi-specificity in protein interfaces.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisabeth L Humphris


    Full Text Available Interactions in protein networks may place constraints on protein interface sequences to maintain correct and avoid unwanted interactions. Here we describe a "multi-constraint" protein design protocol to predict sequences optimized for multiple criteria, such as maintaining sets of interactions, and apply it to characterize the mechanism and extent to which 20 multi-specific proteins are constrained by binding to multiple partners. We find that multi-specific binding is accommodated by at least two distinct patterns. In the simplest case, all partners share key interactions, and sequences optimized for binding to either single or multiple partners recover only a subset of native amino acid residues as optimal. More interestingly, for signaling interfaces functioning as network "hubs," we identify a different, "multi-faceted" mode, where each binding partner prefers its own subset of wild-type residues within the promiscuous binding site. Here, integration of preferences across all partners results in sequences much more "native-like" than seen in optimization for any single binding partner alone, suggesting these interfaces are substantially optimized for multi-specificity. The two strategies make distinct predictions for interface evolution and design. Shared interfaces may be better small molecule targets, whereas multi-faceted interactions may be more "designable" for altered specificity patterns. The computational methodology presented here is generalizable for examining how naturally occurring protein sequences have been selected to satisfy a variety of positive and negative constraints, as well as for rationally designing proteins to have desired patterns of altered specificity.

  13. Comparative study of EBE (Equivalent Bilateral Exchanges) multi-area and Zbus multi-area methods to allocate costs by using the transmission system; Estudo comparativo dos metodos EBE multi-area e Zbus multi-area para alocacao de custos pelo uso do sistema de transmissao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caparo, J.L.Ch.; Lima, D.A. [Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Eletrica], Emails:,


    This work is dedicated to study and discuss two methods to solve the problem of cost allocation by the use of the transmission system in multi-areas for generators and loads. The EBE multi-area method (EBE MA), which is based on EBE, and the Zbus multi-area method (Zbus MA), which is based on Zbus method to allocate costs by using the transmission system, are presented and discussed. Results, analysis and conclusions were made with the 8-bar system, which allows a good interpretation of the behavior of methods.

  14. CMS readiness for multi-core workload scheduling (United States)

    Perez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.; Balcas, J.; Hernandez, J.; Aftab Khan, F.; Letts, J.; Mason, D.; Verguilov, V.


    In the present run of the LHC, CMS data reconstruction and simulation algorithms benefit greatly from being executed as multiple threads running on several processor cores. The complexity of the Run 2 events requires parallelization of the code to reduce the memory-per- core footprint constraining serial execution programs, thus optimizing the exploitation of present multi-core processor architectures. The allocation of computing resources for multi-core tasks, however, becomes a complex problem in itself. The CMS workload submission infrastructure employs multi-slot partitionable pilots, built on HTCondor and GlideinWMS native features, to enable scheduling of single and multi-core jobs simultaneously. This provides a solution for the scheduling problem in a uniform way across grid sites running a diversity of gateways to compute resources and batch system technologies. This paper presents this strategy and the tools on which it has been implemented. The experience of managing multi-core resources at the Tier-0 and Tier-1 sites during 2015, along with the deployment phase to Tier-2 sites during early 2016 is reported. The process of performance monitoring and optimization to achieve efficient and flexible use of the resources is also described.

  15. CMS Readiness for Multi-Core Workload Scheduling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez-Calero Yzquierdo, A. [Madrid, CIEMAT; Balcas, J. [Caltech; Hernandez, J. [Madrid, CIEMAT; Aftab Khan, F. [NCP, Islamabad; Letts, J. [UC, San Diego; Mason, D. [Fermilab; Verguilov, V. [CLMI, Sofia


    In the present run of the LHC, CMS data reconstruction and simulation algorithms benefit greatly from being executed as multiple threads running on several processor cores. The complexity of the Run 2 events requires parallelization of the code to reduce the memory-per- core footprint constraining serial execution programs, thus optimizing the exploitation of present multi-core processor architectures. The allocation of computing resources for multi-core tasks, however, becomes a complex problem in itself. The CMS workload submission infrastructure employs multi-slot partitionable pilots, built on HTCondor and GlideinWMS native features, to enable scheduling of single and multi-core jobs simultaneously. This provides a solution for the scheduling problem in a uniform way across grid sites running a diversity of gateways to compute resources and batch system technologies. This paper presents this strategy and the tools on which it has been implemented. The experience of managing multi-core resources at the Tier-0 and Tier-1 sites during 2015, along with the deployment phase to Tier-2 sites during early 2016 is reported. The process of performance monitoring and optimization to achieve efficient and flexible use of the resources is also described.

  16. Multi-dimension feature fusion for action recognition (United States)

    Dong, Pei; Li, Jie; Dong, Junyu; Qi, Lin


    Typical human actions last several seconds and exhibit characteristic spatio-temporal structure. The challenge for action recognition is to capture and fuse the multi-dimension information in video data. In order to take into account these characteristics simultaneously, we present a novel method that fuses multiple dimensional features, such as chromatic images, depth and optical flow fields. We built our model based on the multi-stream deep convolutional networks with the help of temporal segment networks and extract discriminative spatial and temporal features by fusing ConvNets towers multi-dimension, in which different feature weights are assigned in order to take full advantage of this multi-dimension information. Our architecture is trained and evaluated on the currently largest and most challenging benchmark NTU RGB-D dataset. The experiments demonstrate that the performance of our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

  17. Actors with Multi-Headed Message Receive Patterns

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sulzmann, Martin; Lam, Edmund Soon Lee; Van Weert, Peter


    style actors with receive clauses containing multi-headed message patterns. Patterns may be non-linear and constrained by guards. We provide a number of examples to show the usefulness of the extension. We also explore the design space for multi-headed message matching semantics, for example first-match......The actor model provides high-level concurrency abstractions to coordinate simultaneous computations by message passing. Languages implementing the actor model such as Erlang commonly only support single-headed pattern matching over received messages. We propose and design an extension of Erlang...... and rule priority-match semantics. The various semantics are inspired by the multi-set constraint matching semantics found in Constraint Handling Rules. This provides us with a formal model to study actors with multi-headed message receive patterns. The system can be implemented efficiently and we have...

  18. Monte Carlo simulation of magnetic multi-core nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaller, Vincent; Wahnstroem, Goeran; Sanz-Velasco, Anke; Enoksson, Peter; Johansson, Christer


    In this paper, a Monte Carlo simulation is carried out to evaluate the equilibrium magnetization of magnetic multi-core nanoparticles in a liquid and subjected to a static magnetic field. The particles contain a magnetic multi-core consisting of a cluster of magnetic single-domains of magnetite. We show that the magnetization of multi-core nanoparticles cannot be fully described by a Langevin model. Inter-domain dipolar interactions and domain magnetic anisotropy contribute to decrease the magnetization of the particles, whereas the single-domain size distribution yields an increase in magnetization. Also, we show that the interactions affect the effective magnetic moment of the multi-core nanoparticles.

  19. Statin Selection in Qatar Based on Multi-indication Pharmacotherapeutic Multi-criteria Scoring Model, and Clinician Preference. (United States)

    Al-Badriyeh, Daoud; Fahey, Michael; Alabbadi, Ibrahim; Al-Khal, Abdullatif; Zaidan, Manal


    Statin selection for the largest hospital formulary in Qatar is not systematic, not comparative, and does not consider the multi-indication nature of statins. There are no reports in the literature of multi-indication-based comparative scoring models of statins or of statin selection criteria weights that are based primarily on local clinicians' preferences and experiences. This study sought to comparatively evaluate statins for first-line therapy in Qatar, and to quantify the economic impact of this. An evidence-based, multi-indication, multi-criteria pharmacotherapeutic model was developed for the scoring of statins from the perspective of the main health care provider in Qatar. The literature and an expert panel informed the selection criteria of statins. Relative weighting of selection criteria was based on the input of the relevant local clinician population. Statins were comparatively scored based on literature evidence, with those exceeding a defined scoring threshold being recommended for use. With 95% CI and 5% margin of error, the scoring model was successfully developed. Selection criteria comprised 28 subcriteria under the following main criteria: clinical efficacy, best publish evidence and experience, adverse effects, drug interaction, dosing time, and fixed dose combination availability. Outcome measures for multiple indications were related to effects on LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride, total cholesterol, and C-reactive protein. Atorvastatin, pravastatin, and rosuvastatin exceeded defined pharmacotherapeutic thresholds. Atorvastatin and pravastatin were recommended as first-line use and rosuvastatin as a nonformulary alternative. It was estimated that this would produce a 17.6% cost savings in statins expenditure. Sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the evaluation's outcomes against input uncertainties. Incorporating a comparative evaluation of statins in Qatari practices based on a locally developed, transparent, multi

  20. Polarization encoded all-optical multi-valued shift operators (United States)

    Roy, Jitendra Nath; Bhowmik, Panchatapa


    Polarization encoded multi-valued (both ternary and quaternary logic) shift operators have been designed using linear optical devices only. There are six ternary and 24 quaternary shift operators in multi-valued system. These are also known as reversible literals. This circuit will be useful in future all-optical multi-valued logic based information processing system. Different states of polarization of light are taken as different logic states.

  1. Multi-frequency excitation

    KAUST Repository

    Younis, Mohammad I.


    Embodiments of multi-frequency excitation are described. In various embodiments, a natural frequency of a device may be determined. In turn, a first voltage amplitude and first fixed frequency of a first source of excitation can be selected

  2. The design of multi-core DSP parallel model based on message passing and multi-level pipeline (United States)

    Niu, Jingyu; Hu, Jian; He, Wenjing; Meng, Fanrong; Li, Chuanrong


    Currently, the design of embedded signal processing system is often based on a specific application, but this idea is not conducive to the rapid development of signal processing technology. In this paper, a parallel processing model architecture based on multi-core DSP platform is designed, and it is mainly suitable for the complex algorithms which are composed of different modules. This model combines the ideas of multi-level pipeline parallelism and message passing, and summarizes the advantages of the mainstream model of multi-core DSP (the Master-Slave model and the Data Flow model), so that it has better performance. This paper uses three-dimensional image generation algorithm to validate the efficiency of the proposed model by comparing with the effectiveness of the Master-Slave and the Data Flow model.

  3. Guidelines for using sensitivity analysis and auto-calibration tools for multi-gage or multi-step calibration in SWAT (United States)

    Autocalibration of a water quality model such as SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) can be a powerful, labor-saving tool. When multi-gage or multi-pollutant calibration is desired, autocalibration is essential because the time involved in manual calibration becomes prohibitive. The ArcSWAT Interf...

  4. Multi-factor authentication (United States)

    Hamlet, Jason R; Pierson, Lyndon G


    Detection and deterrence of spoofing of user authentication may be achieved by including a cryptographic fingerprint unit within a hardware device for authenticating a user of the hardware device. The cryptographic fingerprint unit includes an internal physically unclonable function ("PUF") circuit disposed in or on the hardware device, which generates a PUF value. Combining logic is coupled to receive the PUF value, combines the PUF value with one or more other authentication factors to generate a multi-factor authentication value. A key generator is coupled to generate a private key and a public key based on the multi-factor authentication value while a decryptor is coupled to receive an authentication challenge posed to the hardware device and encrypted with the public key and coupled to output a response to the authentication challenge decrypted with the private key.

  5. Content provision and multi-homing


    Pires, Armando J. Garcia


    We analyze the effects of multi-homing consumers on content provision by media firms. We develop a model where media firms compete on content provision and advertising revenues, and consumers enjoy network effects from consuming content that other consumers also consume. Media firms have to choose if they are single-content or multi-content, and in the latter case how much content to offer. Competition for advertising revenues gives a two-sided market nature to our model, since advertisers pr...

  6. Development of Curriculum Content for a Unique Career Ladder Multi-Entry/Multi-Exit Nursing Program. Final Report. (United States)

    Rosbach, Ellen M.

    A project was undertaken to develop the curriculum content for a unique career ladder multi-entry/multi-exit nursing program that would provide training for nurse aides, practical nurses, and registered nurses. The major objectives of the project were to conduct a review of the literature on curriculum materials presently in use, to develop 11…

  7. The Goddard multi-scale modeling system with unified physics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W.-K. Tao


    Full Text Available Recently, a multi-scale modeling system with unified physics was developed at NASA Goddard. It consists of (1 a cloud-resolving model (CRM, (2 a regional-scale model, the NASA unified Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF, and (3 a coupled CRM-GCM (general circulation model, known as the Goddard Multi-scale Modeling Framework or MMF. The same cloud-microphysical processes, long- and short-wave radiative transfer and land-surface processes are applied in all of the models to study explicit cloud-radiation and cloud-surface interactive processes in this multi-scale modeling system. This modeling system has been coupled with a multi-satellite simulator for comparison and validation with NASA high-resolution satellite data.

    This paper reviews the development and presents some applications of the multi-scale modeling system, including results from using the multi-scale modeling system to study the interactions between clouds, precipitation, and aerosols. In addition, use of the multi-satellite simulator to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the model-simulated precipitation processes will be discussed as well as future model developments and applications.

  8. Dynamic clustering scheme based on the coordination of management and control in multi-layer and multi-region intelligent optical network (United States)

    Niu, Xiaoliang; Yuan, Fen; Huang, Shanguo; Guo, Bingli; Gu, Wanyi


    A Dynamic clustering scheme based on coordination of management and control is proposed to reduce network congestion rate and improve the blocking performance of hierarchical routing in Multi-layer and Multi-region intelligent optical network. Its implement relies on mobile agent (MA) technology, which has the advantages of efficiency, flexibility, functional and scalability. The paper's major contribution is to adjust dynamically domain when the performance of working network isn't in ideal status. And the incorporation of centralized NMS and distributed MA control technology migrate computing process to control plane node which releases the burden of NMS and improves process efficiently. Experiments are conducted on Multi-layer and multi-region Simulation Platform for Optical Network (MSPON) to assess the performance of the scheme.

  9. Multi-waveband Behavior of Blazars

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marscher Alan P.


    Full Text Available The author reviews recent progress toward understanding blazars that multi-waveband monitoring observations have advanced. The primary techniques include the compilation of multi-waveband light curves, multi-epoch VLBI images at radio wavelengths, plots of linear polarization vs. time at radio through optical wavelengths, and spectral energy distributions (SEDs. Correlations and the coincidence or lag of events across wavebands and in the images indicate where the events take place relative to the “core” that lies ≳ 0.5 pc from the central engine. Rotations of the polarization electric vector suggest a helical geometry of the magnetic field upstream of the millimeter-wave core, while rapid fluctuations in degree and position angle of polarization imply that the jet plasma is turbulent in and downstream of the core. The author is developing a numerical model that simulates the emission from such turbulence as it interacts with a conical standing shock in the core region.

  10. Elliptic genera from multi-centers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaddam, Nava [Institute for Theoretical Physics and Center for Extreme Matter and Emergent Phenomena,Utrecht University, 3508 TD Utrecht (Netherlands)


    I show how elliptic genera for various Calabi-Yau threefolds may be understood from supergravity localization using the quantization of the phase space of certain multi-center configurations. I present a simple procedure that allows for the enumeration of all multi-center configurations contributing to the polar sector of the elliptic genera — explicitly verifying this in the cases of the quintic in ℙ{sup 4}, the sextic in Wℙ{sub (2,1,1,1,1)}, the octic in Wℙ{sub (4,1,1,1,1)} and the dectic in Wℙ{sub (5,2,1,1,1)}. With an input of the corresponding ‘single-center’ indices (Donaldson-Thomas invariants), the polar terms have been known to determine the elliptic genera completely. I argue that this multi-center approach to the low-lying spectrum of the elliptic genera is a stepping stone towards an understanding of the exact microscopic states that contribute to supersymmetric single center black hole entropy in N=2 supergravity.

  11. Multi-Valued Associative Memory Neural Network

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    修春波; 刘向东; 张宇河


    A novel learning method for multi-valued associative memory network is introduced, which is based on Hebb rule, but utilizes more information. According to the current probe vector, the connection weights matrix could be chosen dynamically. Double-valued and multi-valued associative memory are all realized in our simulation experiment. The experimental results show that the method could enhance the associative success rate.

  12. A Brief Review on the Baer-Nunziato type Multi-pressure Multi-fluid Models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Sang Yong; Park, Chan Eok; Lee, Gyu Cheon


    Single pressure two-fluid flow equations have complex characteristics. This causes ill-posedness problem. Even though some authors show that the numerical solutions are well behaved if the number of mesh points is sufficiently small, the stability of the solution is always challenged. There have been several attempts to overcome these problems. Multi-pressure multi-fluid models are one of them. Among them, Baer and Nunziato (BN) derived an interesting two-fluid model. BN model has independent phase pressures. It is closed by inserting volume fraction evolution equation. In this paper, several aspects of the BN type model will be reviewed and some suggestion for the future study will be made

  13. Multi-party semi-quantum key distribution-convertible multi-party semi-quantum secret sharing (United States)

    Yu, Kun-Fei; Gu, Jun; Hwang, Tzonelih; Gope, Prosanta


    This paper proposes a multi-party semi-quantum secret sharing (MSQSS) protocol which allows a quantum party (manager) to share a secret among several classical parties (agents) based on GHZ-like states. By utilizing the special properties of GHZ-like states, the proposed scheme can easily detect outside eavesdropping attacks and has the highest qubit efficiency among the existing MSQSS protocols. Then, we illustrate an efficient way to convert the proposed MSQSS protocol into a multi-party semi-quantum key distribution (MSQKD) protocol. The proposed approach is even useful to convert all the existing measure-resend type of semi-quantum secret sharing protocols into semi-quantum key distribution protocols.

  14. The Dynamic Multi-objective Multi-vehicle Covering Tour Problem (United States)


    144 [38] Coello, Carlos A. Coello, Gary B Lamont, and David A Van Veldhuizen . Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems. Springer...Traveling Repairperson Problem (DTRP) Policies Proposed by Bertsimas and Van Ryzin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.3...queuing theory perspective. Table 3.2: DTRP Policies Proposed by Bertsimas and Van Ryzin. Name Description First Come First Serve (FCFS) vehicles

  15. Current understanding of multi-species biofilms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yang, Liang; Liu, Yang; Wu, Hong


    every year worldwide to deal with damage to equipment, contaminations of products, energy losses, and infections in human beings resulted from microbial biofilms. Microorganisms compete, cooperate, and communicate with each other in multi-species biofilms. Understanding the mechanisms of multi......Direct observation of a wide range of natural microorganisms has revealed the fact that the majority of microbes persist as surface-attached communities surrounded by matrix materials, called biofilms. Biofilms can be formed by a single bacterial strain. However, most natural biofilms are actually......-species biofilm formation will facilitate the development of methods for combating bacterial biofilms in clinical, environmental, industrial, and agricultural areas. The most recent advances in the understanding of multi-species biofilms are summarized and discussed in the review....

  16. Microphysics in Multi-scale Modeling System with Unified Physics (United States)

    Tao, Wei-Kuo


    Recently, a multi-scale modeling system with unified physics was developed at NASA Goddard. It consists of (1) a cloud-resolving model (Goddard Cumulus Ensemble model, GCE model), (2) a regional scale model (a NASA unified weather research and forecast, WRF), (3) a coupled CRM and global model (Goddard Multi-scale Modeling Framework, MMF), and (4) a land modeling system. The same microphysical processes, long and short wave radiative transfer and land processes and the explicit cloud-radiation, and cloud-land surface interactive processes are applied in this multi-scale modeling system. This modeling system has been coupled with a multi-satellite simulator to use NASA high-resolution satellite data to identify the strengths and weaknesses of cloud and precipitation processes simulated by the model. In this talk, a review of developments and applications of the multi-scale modeling system will be presented. In particular, the microphysics development and its performance for the multi-scale modeling system will be presented.

  17. Deterministic algorithms for multi-criteria Max-TSP

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Manthey, Bodo


    We present deterministic approximation algorithms for the multi-criteria maximum traveling salesman problem (Max-TSP). Our algorithms are faster and simpler than the existing randomized algorithms. We devise algorithms for the symmetric and asymmetric multi-criteria Max-TSP that achieve ratios of

  18. Multi-Destination and Multi-Purpose Trip Effects in the Analysis of the Demand for Trips to a Remote Recreational Site (United States)

    Martínez-Espiñeira, Roberto; Amoako-Tuffour, Joe


    One of the basic assumptions of the travel cost method for recreational demand analysis is that the travel cost is always incurred for a single purpose recreational trip. Several studies have skirted around the issue with simplifying assumptions and dropping observations considered as nonconventional holiday-makers or as nontraditional visitors from the sample. The effect of such simplifications on the benefit estimates remains conjectural. Given the remoteness of notable recreational parks, multi-destination or multi-purpose trips are not uncommon. This article examines the consequences of allocating travel costs to a recreational site when some trips were taken for purposes other than recreation and/or included visits to other recreational sites. Using a multi-purpose weighting approach on data from Gros Morne National Park, Canada, we conclude that a proper correction for multi-destination or multi-purpose trip is more of what is needed to avoid potential biases in the estimated effects of the price (travel-cost) variable and of the income variable in the trip generation equation.

  19. Interestingness measures and strategies for mining multi-ontology multi-level association rules from gene ontology annotations for the discovery of new GO relationships. (United States)

    Manda, Prashanti; McCarthy, Fiona; Bridges, Susan M


    The Gene Ontology (GO), a set of three sub-ontologies, is one of the most popular bio-ontologies used for describing gene product characteristics. GO annotation data containing terms from multiple sub-ontologies and at different levels in the ontologies is an important source of implicit relationships between terms from the three sub-ontologies. Data mining techniques such as association rule mining that are tailored to mine from multiple ontologies at multiple levels of abstraction are required for effective knowledge discovery from GO annotation data. We present a data mining approach, Multi-ontology data mining at All Levels (MOAL) that uses the structure and relationships of the GO to mine multi-ontology multi-level association rules. We introduce two interestingness measures: Multi-ontology Support (MOSupport) and Multi-ontology Confidence (MOConfidence) customized to evaluate multi-ontology multi-level association rules. We also describe a variety of post-processing strategies for pruning uninteresting rules. We use publicly available GO annotation data to demonstrate our methods with respect to two applications (1) the discovery of co-annotation suggestions and (2) the discovery of new cross-ontology relationships. Copyright © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Multi-Agent Modeling in Managing Six Sigma Projects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Y. Chau


    Full Text Available In this paper, a multi-agent model is proposed for considering the human resources factor in decision making in relation to the six sigma project. The proposed multi-agent system is expected to increase the acccuracy of project prioritization and to stabilize the human resources service level. A simulation of the proposed multiagent model is conducted. The results show that a multi-agent model which takes into consideration human resources when making decisions about project selection and project team formation is important in enabling efficient and effective project management. The multi-agent modeling approach provides an alternative approach for improving communication and the autonomy of six sigma projects in business organizations.

  1. Monitoraggio in continuo di strutture e del territorio mediante la tecnologia GNSS


    Poluzzi, Luca


    Al giorno d’oggi, la tecnologia GNSS può essere uno strumento utile, non solo in ambito di navigazione, ma anche per applicazioni di posizionamento di precisione come il monitoraggio di strutture o del territorio. Questa tecnica permette un controllo in continuo, anche da remoto, e ha un costo relativamente basso sia per quanto riguarda le strumentazioni che per gli aspetti di materializzazione e mantenimento. Nell’ottica di utilizzare la tecnologia GNSS per applicazioni di monitoraggio, il p...

  2. New Materials for Sample Treatment, MS-Based Methods and Clinical Applications


    Riboni, Nicolò


    Lo sviluppo e l’utilizzo di nuovi materiali per scopi analitici è un campo di grande interesse per la ricerca scientifica. I progressi ottenuti nell’ambito della chimica dei materiali hanno permesso lo sviluppo di nuovi metodi analitici e tecniche di estrazione caratterizzati da alte performance in termini di selettività e sensibilità. In particolare sono stati incrementati nuovi dispositivi in grado di operare in-situ e in tempo reale tramite controllo remoto, interfacciandosi con smartphone...

  3. Projeto de arquitetura - proteção contra incêndio em elementos estruturais de aço


    Cleide Cedeni Andrade; João Carlos Souza


    O desenvolvimento da humanidade, desde os mais remotos tempos, foi e continua sendo submetido a constantes desafios, testando sua capacidade de sobrevivência. Acontecimentos desastrosos causados por incêndios ao longo da história propiciaram a criação de mecanismos legais, impulsionados pela necessidade de construir ambientes seguros. Mostrou-se, a importância do arquiteto, profissional responsável pelo projeto de arquitetura e pelo gerenciamento dos projetos complementares, conheça os sistem...

  4. Multi-decadal Arctic sea ice roughness. (United States)

    Tsamados, M.; Stroeve, J.; Kharbouche, S.; Muller, J. P., , Prof; Nolin, A. W.; Petty, A.; Haas, C.; Girard-Ardhuin, F.; Landy, J.


    The transformation of Arctic sea ice from mainly perennial, multi-year ice to a seasonal, first-year ice is believed to have been accompanied by a reduction of the roughness of the ice cover surface. This smoothening effect has been shown to (i) modify the momentum and heat transfer between the atmosphere and ocean, (ii) to alter the ice thickness distribution which in turn controls the snow and melt pond repartition over the ice cover, and (iii) to bias airborne and satellite remote sensing measurements that depend on the scattering and reflective characteristics over the sea ice surface topography. We will review existing and novel remote sensing methodologies proposed to estimate sea ice roughness, ranging from airborne LIDAR measurement (ie Operation IceBridge), to backscatter coefficients from scatterometers (ASCAT, QUICKSCAT), to multi angle maging spectroradiometer (MISR), and to laser (Icesat) and radar altimeters (Envisat, Cryosat, Altika, Sentinel-3). We will show that by comparing and cross-calibrating these different products we can offer a consistent multi-mission, multi-decadal view of the declining sea ice roughness. Implications for sea ice physics, climate and remote sensing will also be discussed.

  5. Estudo de nitro-hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos em partículas atmosféricas ultrafinas associadas a técnicas analíticas de cromatografia gasosa com detecção por captura de elétrons e sensoriamento remoto


    Karine Oliveira Garcia


    Os nitro-hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (NPAHs – nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) são compostos orgânicos constituídos de dois ou mais anéis benzênicos ligados ao grupo nitro (NO2). Tais compostos são amplamente distribuídos no meio ambiente e associados a partículas atmosféricas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os grupos funcionais dos NPAHs associados ao PM1.0 por espectroscopia de infravermelho termal com transformada de Fourier (FTIR – Fourier Transform Infra...

  6. Multi-focus and multi-level techniques for visualization and analysis of networks with thematic data (United States)

    Cossalter, Michele; Mengshoel, Ole J.; Selker, Ted


    Information-rich data sets bring several challenges in the areas of visualization and analysis, even when associated with node-link network visualizations. This paper presents an integration of multi-focus and multi-level techniques that enable interactive, multi-step comparisons in node-link networks. We describe NetEx, a visualization tool that enables users to simultaneously explore different parts of a network and its thematic data, such as time series or conditional probability tables. NetEx, implemented as a Cytoscape plug-in, has been applied to the analysis of electrical power networks, Bayesian networks, and the Enron e-mail repository. In this paper we briefly discuss visualization and analysis of the Enron social network, but focus on data from an electrical power network. Specifically, we demonstrate how NetEx supports the analytical task of electrical power system fault diagnosis. Results from a user study with 25 subjects suggest that NetEx enables more accurate isolation of complex faults compared to an especially designed software tool.

  7. Design and Fabrication of High Gain Multi-element Multi-segment Quarter-sector Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna (United States)

    Ranjan, Pinku; Gangwar, Ravi Kumar


    A novel design and analysis of quarter cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna (q-CDRA) with multi-element and multi-segment (MEMS) approach has been presented. The MEMS q-CDRA has been designed by splitting four identical quarters from a solid cylinder and then multi-segmentation approach has been utilized to design q-CDRA. The proposed antenna has been designed for enhancement in bandwidth as well as for high gain. For bandwidth enhancement, multi-segmentation method has been explained for the selection of dielectric constant of materials. The performance of the proposed MEMS q-CDRA has been demonstrated with design guideline of MEMS approach. To validate the antenna performance, three segments q-CDRA has been fabricated and analyzed practically. The simulated results have been in good agreement with measured one. The MEMS q-CDRA has wide impedance bandwidth (|S11|≤-10 dB) of 133.8 % with monopole-like radiation pattern. The proposed MEMS q-CDRA has been operating at TM01δ mode with the measured gain of 6.65 dBi and minimum gain of 4.5 dBi in entire operating frequency band (5.1-13.7 GHz). The proposed MEMS q-CDRA may find appropriate applications in WiMAX and WLAN band.

  8. Transitions of the Multi-Scale Singularity Trees

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Somchaipeng, Kerawit; Sporring, Jon; Kreiborg, Sven


    Multi-Scale Singularity Trees(MSSTs) [10] are multi-scale image descriptors aimed at representing the deep structures of images. Changes in images are directly translated to changes in the deep structures; therefore transitions in MSSTs. Because MSSTs can be used to represent the deep structure...

  9. Multi-echelon systems : a service measure perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Diks, E.B.; Kok, de A.G.; Lagodimos, A.G.


    This paper reviews the most important results on divergent multi-echelon systems. In particular, we concentrate on the interactions between the elements that constitute such a multi-echelon system, in order to determine several service measures (e.g. external customer service level and inventory

  10. Multi-jet correlations and colour coherence phenomena

    CERN Document Server

    Lee, Jason


    A study of multi-jet correlations and color coherence effects is performed with data collected with the CMS experiment at the LHC. Multi-jet correlations in the angles between the jets are measured and compared to predictions including higher order corrections via parton showers.

  11. Multi-stage internal gear/turbine fuel pump

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maier, Eugen; Raney, Michael Raymond


    A multi-stage internal gear/turbine fuel pump for a vehicle includes a housing having an inlet and an outlet and a motor disposed in the housing. The multi-stage internal gear/turbine fuel pump also includes a shaft extending axially and disposed in the housing. The multi-stage internal gear/turbine fuel pump further includes a plurality of pumping modules disposed axially along the shaft. One of the pumping modules is a turbine pumping module and another of the pumping modules is a gerotor pumping module for rotation by the motor to pump fuel from the inlet to the outlet.

  12. Multi-fuel reformers for fuel cells used in transportation. Phase 1: Multi-fuel reformers (United States)


    DOE has established the goal, through the Fuel Cells in Transportation Program, of fostering the rapid development and commercialization of fuel cells as economic competitors for the internal combustion engine. Central to this goal is a safe feasible means of supplying hydrogen of the required purity to the vehicular fuel cell system. Two basic strategies are being considered: (1) on-board fuel processing whereby alternative fuels such as methanol, ethanol or natural gas stored on the vehicle undergo reformation and subsequent processing to produce hydrogen, and (2) on-board storage of pure hydrogen provided by stationary fuel processing plants. This report analyzes fuel processor technologies, types of fuel and fuel cell options for on-board reformation. As the Phase 1 of a multi-phased program to develop a prototype multi-fuel reformer system for a fuel cell powered vehicle, the objective of this program was to evaluate the feasibility of a multi-fuel reformer concept and to select a reforming technology for further development in the Phase 2 program, with the ultimate goal of integration with a DOE-designated fuel cell and vehicle configuration. The basic reformer processes examined in this study included catalytic steam reforming (SR), non-catalytic partial oxidation (POX) and catalytic partial oxidation (also known as Autothermal Reforming, or ATR). Fuels under consideration in this study included methanol, ethanol, and natural gas. A systematic evaluation of reforming technologies, fuels, and transportation fuel cell applications was conducted for the purpose of selecting a suitable multi-fuel processor for further development and demonstration in a transportation application.

  13. Wireless Sensor Network Optimization: Multi-Objective Paradigm. (United States)

    Iqbal, Muhammad; Naeem, Muhammad; Anpalagan, Alagan; Ahmed, Ashfaq; Azam, Muhammad


    Optimization problems relating to wireless sensor network planning, design, deployment and operation often give rise to multi-objective optimization formulations where multiple desirable objectives compete with each other and the decision maker has to select one of the tradeoff solutions. These multiple objectives may or may not conflict with each other. Keeping in view the nature of the application, the sensing scenario and input/output of the problem, the type of optimization problem changes. To address different nature of optimization problems relating to wireless sensor network design, deployment, operation, planing and placement, there exist a plethora of optimization solution types. We review and analyze different desirable objectives to show whether they conflict with each other, support each other or they are design dependent. We also present a generic multi-objective optimization problem relating to wireless sensor network which consists of input variables, required output, objectives and constraints. A list of constraints is also presented to give an overview of different constraints which are considered while formulating the optimization problems in wireless sensor networks. Keeping in view the multi facet coverage of this article relating to multi-objective optimization, this will open up new avenues of research in the area of multi-objective optimization relating to wireless sensor networks.

  14. Wireless Sensor Network Optimization: Multi-Objective Paradigm (United States)

    Iqbal, Muhammad; Naeem, Muhammad; Anpalagan, Alagan; Ahmed, Ashfaq; Azam, Muhammad


    Optimization problems relating to wireless sensor network planning, design, deployment and operation often give rise to multi-objective optimization formulations where multiple desirable objectives compete with each other and the decision maker has to select one of the tradeoff solutions. These multiple objectives may or may not conflict with each other. Keeping in view the nature of the application, the sensing scenario and input/output of the problem, the type of optimization problem changes. To address different nature of optimization problems relating to wireless sensor network design, deployment, operation, planing and placement, there exist a plethora of optimization solution types. We review and analyze different desirable objectives to show whether they conflict with each other, support each other or they are design dependent. We also present a generic multi-objective optimization problem relating to wireless sensor network which consists of input variables, required output, objectives and constraints. A list of constraints is also presented to give an overview of different constraints which are considered while formulating the optimization problems in wireless sensor networks. Keeping in view the multi facet coverage of this article relating to multi-objective optimization, this will open up new avenues of research in the area of multi-objective optimization relating to wireless sensor networks. PMID:26205271

  15. The method of separation for evolutionary spectral density estimation of multi-variate and multi-dimensional non-stationary stochastic processes

    KAUST Repository

    Schillinger, Dominik


    The method of separation can be used as a non-parametric estimation technique, especially suitable for evolutionary spectral density functions of uniformly modulated and strongly narrow-band stochastic processes. The paper at hand provides a consistent derivation of method of separation based spectrum estimation for the general multi-variate and multi-dimensional case. The validity of the method is demonstrated by benchmark tests with uniformly modulated spectra, for which convergence to the analytical solution is demonstrated. The key advantage of the method of separation is the minimization of spectral dispersion due to optimum time- or space-frequency localization. This is illustrated by the calibration of multi-dimensional and multi-variate geometric imperfection models from strongly narrow-band measurements in I-beams and cylindrical shells. Finally, the application of the method of separation based estimates for the stochastic buckling analysis of the example structures is briefly discussed. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

  16. Multi-Objective Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: Lexicographic Method


    Zheng, Tao; Wu, Gang; Liu, Guang-Hong; Ling, Qing


    In this chapter, to avoid the disadvantages of weight coefficients in multi-objective dynamic optimization, lexicographic (completely stratified) and partially stratified frameworks of multi-objective controller are proposed. The lexicographic framework is absolutely prioritydriven and the partially stratified framework is a modification of it, they both can solve the multi-objective control problem with the concept of priority for objective’s relative importance, while the latter one is mo...

  17. Multi-Optimisation Consensus Clustering (United States)

    Li, Jian; Swift, Stephen; Liu, Xiaohui

    Ensemble Clustering has been developed to provide an alternative way of obtaining more stable and accurate clustering results. It aims to avoid the biases of individual clustering algorithms. However, it is still a challenge to develop an efficient and robust method for Ensemble Clustering. Based on an existing ensemble clustering method, Consensus Clustering (CC), this paper introduces an advanced Consensus Clustering algorithm called Multi-Optimisation Consensus Clustering (MOCC), which utilises an optimised Agreement Separation criterion and a Multi-Optimisation framework to improve the performance of CC. Fifteen different data sets are used for evaluating the performance of MOCC. The results reveal that MOCC can generate more accurate clustering results than the original CC algorithm.

  18. Experiences with Interactive Multi-touch Tables (United States)

    Fikkert, Wim; Hakvoort, Michiel; van der Vet, Paul; Nijholt, Anton

    Interactive multi-touch tables can be a powerful means of communication for collaborative work as well as an engaging environment for competition. Through enticing gameplay we have evaluated user experience on competitive gameplay, collaborative work and musical expression. In addition, we report on our extensive experiences with two types of interactive multi-touch tables and we introduce a software framework that abstracts from their technical differences.

  19. Intelligent Multi-Media Integrated Interface Project (United States)


    been devoted to the application of aritificial intelligence technology to the development of human -computer interface technology that integrates speech...RADC-TR-90-128 Final Technical Report June 1090 AD-A225 973 INTELLIGENT MULTI-MEDIA INTEGRATED INTERFACE PROJECT Calspan-University of Buffalo...contractual obligations or notices on a specific document require that it be returned. INTELLIGENT MULTI-MEDIA INTEGRATED INTERFACE PROJECT J. G. Neal J. M

  20. Polarization Characterization of a Multi-Moded Feed Structure (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Polarization Characterization of a Multi-Moded Feed Structure projects characterize the polarization response of a multi-moded feed horn as an innovative...