
Sample records for seno silente una

  1. Aneurisma del seno de Valsalva disecando hacia el septo interventricular en una paciente embarazada

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    Edison Muñoz O.


    Full Text Available El aneurisma del seno de Valsalva es una entidad rara en la población general, con una incidencia de 0,14 al 3,5% en cirugías de corazón abierto; con un espectro clínico amplio y complicaciones cardiacas mecánicas o eléctricas que pueden ser fatales. En mujeres embarazadas también ha sido reportada esta entidad en unos cuantos casos en la literatura médica publicada. Se presenta un caso de una paciente gestante con aneurisma de seno de Valsalva, sus complicaciones y las medidas terapéuticas que se llevaron a cabo, además de una revisión del tema.

  2. Trombosis del seno sagital en un neonato

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    Lisett Hernández León


    Full Text Available La trombosis de los senos venosos durales es una rara y devastadora enfermedad. Se presenta generalmente en mujeres y ancianos, y no es frecuente en niños, aunque se reconoce ya como una causa de morbilidad y mortalidad en la población pediátrica. Se han reportado pocos casos en el mundo de neonatos afectados por esta entidad, en su mayoría fatales e insuficientemente investigados. A continuación se presenta el caso de un recién nacido con una trombosis del seno sagital que sobrevivió. Los factores predisponentes para la aparición de la enfermedad en este caso fueron la asfixia neonatal, la deshidratación severa unida al uso de una línea venosa central, y la inmovilización prolongada. Aunque la TAC contrastada no es el estudio ideal para su diagnóstico, permitió realizarlo oportunamente en este caso. El tratamiento temprano con anticoagulantes permitió una rápida recuperación y favoreció la recanalización venosa del seno involucrado. Hasta el momento no se han detectado secuelas neurológicas y el paciente tiene buen desarrollo psicomotor.

  3. Asistolia por compresión del seno carotídeo: una complicación potencialmente fatal de la parotiditis vírica

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    Alba Novoa-Gómez


    Presentamos una rara complicación, no descrita en la literatura, de asistolias recurrentes provocadas por la compresión del seno carotídeo, debido a la inflamación local producida por la parotiditis.

  4. Apoyo social percibido y recibido en mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de seno


    Rengifo Hincapié, Marcela


    Debido a que el cáncer de seno, constituye en la actualidad una enfermedad crónica y en ese sentido, existe cada vez un mayor número de casos de mujeres viviendo con esta patología, surge la necesidad inherente de crear estrategias que contribuyan en brindar una mejor calidad de vida a esta población. Es así como la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general comprender las valoraciones que realizan mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de seno frente al apoyo social percibido y recibido. L...

  5. Tratamiento de cáncer de seno y farmacogenética

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    Yeimy Viviana Ariza Márquez


    Full Text Available El cáncer de seno es una enfermedad con gran impacto a nivel mundial dado que es una de las patologías con mayor prevalencia en mujeres y el cáncer con mayor tasa de mortalidad en varios países (GLOBOCAN 2012. El uso de la farmacogenética y farmacogenómica, en pacientes con cáncer de seno tiene como fin, generar una salud personalizada que permita tratar a cada paciente como individuo y no como enfermedad, pues cada paciente tiene necesidades particulares a la hora de suministrarle un tratamiento. El propósito  de esta revisión es identificar las variantes genéticas reportadas en la literatura científica, donde se evalúan diferentes poblaciones y su posible uso como herramienta para medicina de precisión. En población colombiana es poca la caracterización poblacional que existe y por tanto estudios poblacionales son necesarios para definir los perfiles genéticos que deberán implementarse en nuestra población.

  6. 296. Aneurisma de Seno de Valsalva no Coronariano Fistulizado a Aurícula Derecha Acompañado de Comunicación Auricular Tipo Ostium Secundum

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    M. García Vieites


    Los aneurismas del seno de Valsalva tienen una prevalencia estimada de 0,14%, siendo más comunes en la población masculina. Su localización más frecuente es el seno coronario derecho (70–90%, seguido de seno no coronariano (10–20%, y raramente de seno coronariano izquierdo. Aunque frecuentemente se presentan con defectos congénitos, su asociación con comunicación interauricular es baja. Evolucionan hacia la dilatación progresiva que puede llevar a rotura hacia pericardio o bien fistulizar a cavidades cardíacas. Un diagnóstico e intervención quirúrgica precoz son fundamentales, con una tasa de mortalidad posquirúrgica baja a corto y largo plazo.

  7. Origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria derecha del seno aórtico izquierdo

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    Francisco José Valera Martínez


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 32 años que presentó síntomas de fibrilación ventricular mientras estaba practicando una maratón. El estudio diagnóstico puso de manifiesto la existencia de un origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria derecha en el seno coronario izquierdo, con trayecto no intramural entre la aorta y la arteria pulmonar. La reparación quirúrgica consistió en la realización de una anastomosis laterolateral de la coronaria derecha al seno aórtico derecho. El postoperatorio del paciente transcurrió con normalidad. El origen aórtico anómalo de las coronarias es una alteración congénita rara asociada a un mayor riesgo de muerte súbita. En muchos casos la enfermedad es asintomática hasta producirse el infarto o la arritmia ventricular. Cuando la coronaria sigue un trayecto intramural la corrección mediante el unroofing es la técnica más empleada. Si no hay trayecto intramural y la translocación no es posible, la técnica descrita constituye una alternativa válida.

  8. Trombosis del seno sagital en un neonato Sagittal sinus thrombosis in a newborn

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    Lisett Hernández León


    Full Text Available La trombosis de los senos venosos durales es una rara y devastadora enfermedad. Se presenta generalmente en mujeres y ancianos, y no es frecuente en niños, aunque se reconoce ya como una causa de morbilidad y mortalidad en la población pediátrica. Se han reportado pocos casos en el mundo de neonatos afectados por esta entidad, en su mayoría fatales e insuficientemente investigados. A continuación se presenta el caso de un recién nacido con una trombosis del seno sagital que sobrevivió. Los factores predisponentes para la aparición de la enfermedad en este caso fueron la asfixia neonatal, la deshidratación severa unida al uso de una línea venosa central, y la inmovilización prolongada. Aunque la TAC contrastada no es el estudio ideal para su diagnóstico, permitió realizarlo oportunamente en este caso. El tratamiento temprano con anticoagulantes permitió una rápida recuperación y favoreció la recanalización venosa del seno involucrado. Hasta el momento no se han detectado secuelas neurológicas y el paciente tiene buen desarrollo psicomotor.Dural venous sinus thrombosis is a rare devastating disease. It is generally found in females and old people, but is infrequent in children; however, it is already recognized as a morbidity and mortality cause in the pediatric population. Few cases of newborns with this disease have been reported worldwide; most of them were poorly studied and had fatal outcomes. Here is the presentation of a newborn with sagittal sinus thrombosis, who managed to survive. The predisposing factors for the disease were neonatal asphyxia, severe dehydration together with the use of central venous line and extended immobilization. Although contrast CAT is not the ideal study, it helped to promptly arrive at the right diagnosis in this case. The early treatment based on anticoagulants allowed rapid recovery and facilitated venous retaking of the involved venous sinus. No neurological sequels have been so far

  9. Tratamiento quirúrgico del aneurisma de arteria circunfleja con fístula a seno coronario e insuficiencia aórtica


    Valera, Francisco J.; Doñate, Lucía; Hernández, Carlos E.; Schuler, Mona; Bel, Ana; Montero, José A.


    Presentamos el manejo quirúrgico para la corrección de un aneurisma gigante de arteria circunfleja con fístula al seno coronario e insuficiencia valvular aórtica, una combinación muy infrecuente. El procedimiento consistió en el cierre epicárdico de la fístula, la resección del aneurisma y plicatura del seno coronario, junto con reemplazo valvular aórtico. Se discuten otras modalidades de manejo quirúrgico.

  10. Displasias del seno

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    Ernesto Andrade Valderrama


    Full Text Available En general, las Displasias no se presentan antes de la iniciación del estímulo Gonadal y tienden a desaparecer con el climaterio. Se definen entonces como las afecciones benignas del Seno, de origen endocrino.

  11. Trombosis de senos venosos cerebrales: epidemiología, características clínicas, imaginología y pronóstico

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    María Isabel Zuluaga


    Full Text Available Introducción. La trombosis de senos venosos cerebrales representa entre 0,5 y 1 % de las enfermedades cerebrovasculares en adultos, y sus factores de riesgo son diferentes a los del resto de dichas enfermedades. Objetivo. Determinar la epidemiología, las características clínicas e imaginológicas, así como los resultados en pacientes con trombosis de senos venosos cerebrales, y explorar los aspectos asociados con los puntajes desfavorables en la escala modificada de Rankin. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal en el Instituto Neurológico de Colombia entre marzo de 2006 y junio de 2011, periodo en el que se analizaron las historias clínicas de 37 pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado por neuroimágenes. Resultados. El 86,5 % de los pacientes eran mujeres, con una edad promedio de 41 años. El síntoma más frecuente fue la cefalea (86,5 %, el cual se presentó como único síntoma en el 40,5 % de los casos. El 68 % tenía, por lo menos, un antecedente de riesgo para trombosis de senos venosos cerebrales, siendo el más frecuente la obesidad (24,3 %, seguido del uso de anticonceptivos hormonales (21,9 %. El examen neurológico fue normal en el 43,2 %. El hallazgo más frecuente en la tomografía fue la hiperdensidad de los senos venosos (33 % y, en la resonancia magnética, el infarto venoso (37,5 %. El promedio de senos comprometidos fue de 2,27+1,3, siendo más frecuente el compromiso de los transversos. La estancia hospitalaria promedio fue de 7,8+3,6 días. El 92 % de los pacientes presentaba resultados funcionales favorables al dárseles de alta. La mortalidad hospitalaria fue de 5,4 % y se relacionó directamente con la trombosis de senos venosos cerebrales. Conclusiones. La trombosis de senos venosos cerebrales difiere de los otros tipos de enfermedad cerebrovascular en cuanto a su perfil epidemiológico, factores de riesgo, presentación clínica y pronóstico. Es una condición que

  12. Obliteración de fracturas de seno frontal con colgajos pediculados

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    J. Pefaure


    Full Text Available El compromiso del seno frontal con fractura de sus paredes es un tipo de lesión infrecuente, en torno al 5-12% de todas las fracturas faciales. Suele asociarse a lesiones intracraneales, oftalmológicas y a otras fracturas máxilofaciales y cuando conlleva fractura de la pared posterior de seno frontal requiere tratamiento inmediato, siendo necesaria la obliteración del seno frontal debido a la comunicación con meninges y lóbulo frontal, con el riesgo infeccioso que ello representa. Tratamos 18 pacientes con traumatismos craneofaciales y fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior en el periodo comprendido entre 2007 y 2011; 8 mujeres y 10 varones con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 64 años. Todos los casos fueron tratados con reducción y osteosíntesis por vía abierta con distintos abordajes y realizamos en todos colgajos pediculados de vecindad. La vitalidad de los colgajos fue del 100% . Certificamos el posicionamiento correcto mediante tomografía axial computarizada. El tratamiento de las fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior o del conducto nasofrontal requiere obliteración con tejido vascularizado para evitar comunicaciones con la cavidad nasal.

  13. Alternativas a la elevación de seno maxilar: implantes cortos Alternatives to maxillary sinus elevation: short implants

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    J. González Lagunas


    Full Text Available La mala calidad del hueso, reabsorciones extremas y la presencia de la cavidad del seno maxilar constituían obstáculos insalvables para la rehabilitación implanto-soportada en el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico. La elevación de seno es probablemente la primera opción de tratamiento en el paciente tributario de rehabilitación con implantes en ese sector. El uso de implantes cortos (menos de 10 mm se ha asociado tradicionalmente con unas tasas de supervivencia menores que la de los implantes largos. No obstante la aparición de nuevas superficies y diseños indican que este tipo de implantes puede soportar de forma fiable restauraciones dentales. Presentamos la técnica de instalación de implantes de superficie porosa sinterizada, asi como una revisión actualizada sobre el comportamiento de los implantes cortos.Poor bone quality, extreme bony resorption and a pneumatized mqxillary sinus are a severe Challenger for reconstruction of the atrophic edentuous posterior maxilla. Sinus lift is probably the gold standard for Management of that area. Short implants (<10mm have traditionally been associated with lower survival rates. The introduction of new surfaces and designs indicate that this type of implants can adequately support dental restorations. We present the technique of installation of sinterised porous dental implants together with an update on the behaviour of short implants.

  14. Mucocele del seno maxilar post-traumático Post-traumatic mucocele of the maxillary sinus

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    E. Charro-Huerga


    Full Text Available Los mucoceles de los senos paranasales son lesiones benignas pero con un considerable potencial destructivo por la reabsorción ósea que pueden generar. La localización en el seno maxilar es muy poco frecuente así como el origen postraumático. Presentamos el caso de un mucocele de seno maxilar tras 28 años después de un traumatismo facial. Analizamos la etiopatogenia, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de este tipo de lesiones.Mucoceles of the paranasal sinuses are benign lesions but they can be destructive because they cause bone resorption. The location in a maxillary sinus and a traumatic origin are uncommon. We report a case of mucocele of the maxillary sinus 28 years after facial trauma. We analyzed the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of this type of lesions.


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    Juan Armando Mejía C.


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    Objetivo: Hallar reparos anatómicos que permitan el abordaje seguro al seno cavernoso, utilizando medidas cronométricas para la conservación de estructuras vasculonerviosas.

    Métodos: Se disecaron 25 especímenes frescos obtenidos del Instituto de Medicina Legal y ciencias forenses a través de un abordaje extradural y la medición con microcalibrador L& W tools desde la apófisis clinoide anterior y posterior hasta las estructuras neurovasculares de importancia. Se presentan los resultados de las mediciones y se hace un análisis de sus resultados donde se especifica la longitud de cada una de las aristas de los triángulos de dicha región.

    Resultados: Se encuentra que a 5 milímetros de la punta del apófisis clinoide anterior medidos hacia abajo en una línea imaginaria perpendicular al piso de la fosa media en 21 especímenes se accedió al área del triangulo de Parkinson es decir entre el IV par y el oftálmico de Willis, pudiendo fácilmente encontrar el tronco meningohipofisiario, la porción transversa de la carótida interna intracavernosa y el segmento cavernoso del motor ocular externo; solo en cuatro piezas se llego al triangulo superior (cuya área es menor que la del triangulo de Parkinson y a través de este no fue fácil evidenciar ni el tronco meningohipofisiario ni el sexto par.

    Conclusiones: Debido al mayor área del triángulo de Parkinson (dada por su arista posterior más larga el abordaje a dicho triángulo podría ser una vía útil para la búsqueda de patologías asociadas con las estructuras neurovasculares que a través de dicho triangulo se pueden visualizar (aneurismas del tronco meningohipofisiario, aneurismas saculares del segmento transverso de la carótida interna intracavernosa y/o neurinomas del VI par intracavernoso; y se en cuentra a 5 milímetros desde la punta de la apófisis clinoide anterior medidos hacia abajo en una línea imaginaria

  16. Aneurisma del seno de Valsalva derecho

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    Rebeca Manrique


    Full Text Available Varón de 60 años con antecedente de hipertensión arterial, diagnosticado incidentalmente de aneurisma del seno de Valsalva derecho de 7 cm con insuficiencia aórtica ligera. Bajo circulación extracorpórea y pinzamiento aórtico se reseca el aneurisma y se reconstruye el defecto con un parche de prótesis Dacron Hemashield Platinum® (Maquet, Rastatt, Alemania, reimplantando el ostium coronario derecho y realizando derivación aortocoronaria a primera marginal con vena safena (hallazgo en cateterismo preoperatorio. La ecocardiografía intraoperatoria objetivó insuficiencia aórtica trivial residual. Como complicación postoperatoria presentó ictus en el territorio de la cerebral media izquierda, con restitutio ad integrum.

  17. 382 elevaciones de seno con técnica de ventana lateral y uso de biomaterial de relleno Sinus augmentation with a lateral window technique and use of a biomaterial filling

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    María Herrero


    Full Text Available Introducción: Desde los estudios de Boyne y James y Tatum, la elevación de seno maxilar y colocación de injertos óseos se ha convertido en un procedimiento estándar que permite la colocación de implantes dentales en casos en los que la altura ósea posterior del maxilar es insuficiente. Aunque la utilización de hueso autólogo se considera la técnica gold-standard, en la actualidad se utilizan diversos biomateriales que obvian los inconvenientes de los injertos autólogos. Uno de los biomateriales más ampliamente utilizados es la matriz mineral ósea bovina desproteinizada en forma de gránulos (Bio-Oss®. Objetivos: Mostramos nuestra experiencia en implantología tras 382 elevaciones de seno. Material y métodos: Presentamos el estudio de una serie de 382 casos de elevaciones de seno maxilar realizadas con técnica abierta y abordaje lateral utilizando Bio-Oss® como material de relleno y colocando implantes dentales simultáneamente o en una fase posterior, describiendo los protocolos utilizados y el seguimiento. Resultados: Se realizaron un total de 382 casos (de los cuales 340 fueron en una sola fase y 42 en dos fases durante el periodo comprendido entre octubre de 2002 y febrero de 2010. Se colocaron un total de 726 implantes de los cuales fracasaron 27 (3,7%. Conclusiones: La elevación de seno maxilar para colocación de implantes dentales utilizando Bio-Oss® como material de relleno es una técnica fiable y con resultados predecibles a largo plazo como pone de manifiesto nuestro estudio.Background: Since the studies of Boyne and James research and then Tatum, maxillary sinus floor augmentation and grafting has become a standard procedure for dental implants in cases where the bone height in posterior maxilla it was insufficient. Although autogenous graft is considered the gold standard, there is currently a large amount of biomaterials which avoid the problems of autogenous bone grafts. One of the most used biomaterials is

  18. Rol biológico y aplicaciones de los miRNAs en cáncer de seno

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    Yeimy Viviana Ariza Márquez


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Biological role and applications of miRNAs in breast cancer Resumen:  Los miRNAs son pequeños RNAs que participan en diversos procesos de regulación génica, mediante ribointerferencia y juegan un papel clave en diversos procesos biológicos, tales como proliferación celular, diferenciación y apoptosis. En consecuencia, la expresión alterada de miRNAs contribuye a la enfermedad humana, incluyendo cáncer. En esta revisión, nos centraremos en los recientes hallazgos de miRNAs que  inciden en el desarrollo de cáncer y particularmente en cáncer  de seno, simultáneamente evaluaremos  sus mecanismos de regulación, su clasificación, su uso como marcadores de invasión tumoral, de sensibilidad a fármacos y adicionalmente exploraremos la utilidad de los miRNAs en el diagnóstico, seguimiento y tratamiento individualizo. Finalmente encontramos que los miRNAs representan una gran alternativa para entender las bases moleculares de los procesos tumorales implícitos en cáncer de seno y una vez se conozcan todas sus dianas, será posible dilucidar  al menos en  parte este proceso complejo y multigénico, ayudado mediante herramientas como la generación de bases de datos, para reportan la expresión diferencial de  miRNAs,  elementos que nos permitirá realizar medicina preventiva y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sus familias. Palabras clave: cáncer de seno; miRNAs; anti-oncomir;   oncomir; regulación post-transcripcional; RNAm. Abstract:  MiRNAs are small RNAs that are involved in various processes of gene regulation by RNAi and play a key role in various biological processes, such as cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Consequently, the altered expression of miRNAs contributes to human disease, including cancer. In this review, we will focus on the recent findings of miRNAs that affect the development of cancer, particularly breast cancer; and simultaneously, we will evaluate their

  19. Regeneración ósea en el seno maxilar


    Almeida, Jéssica Cristina de; Frascino, Alexandre Viana M


    Resumen:El uso de biomateriales para elevar el piso del seno maxilar permite la instalación de implantes de metal y la rehabilitación estética y funcional de los pacientes con pérdida de dientes en sus maxilares. Actualmente existen diferentes biomateriales que pueden utilizarse en estos procedimientos con diferentes propiedades osteoinductivas y osteoconductivas. Es fundamental para el odontólogo conocer profundamente cada unode los biomateriales para precisar correctamente el tratamiento. E...

  20. La “Escuela de Frankfurt”, una constelación en movimiento


    Manchado, Mauricio Carlos


    [es] El presente trabajo propone una introducción -o entrada posible-a una de las líneas de pensamiento más importantes einfluyentes en el campo de la comunicación: la Teoría Crítica,también conocida como “Escuela de Frankfurt”. Perspectivacrítica que, en el transcurso del texto, calificamos como“constelación en movimiento” porque en su seno alberga nosólo una continua movilidad teórica-territorial sino tambiénuna heterogeneidad de intelectuales que formaron parte ose vincularon a ella. Const...


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    Mila Kurnia Sari


    Abstract This study aims to reveal the intertextuality relationship between the novel Wisanggeni Sang Buronan by Seno Gumira Adjidarma and Lahirnya Bangbang Wisanggeni by  of R.A. Kosasih in the context of Indonesiaan today. This type of research is qualitative approach using content analysis. Data collected by inventory events such as the similarities and differences of both text and see the transformation of the puppet in the text. The research results indicate first, Wisanggeni Sang Buronan  by Seno Gumira Adjidarma can be interpreted as a social critic. Seno Gumira Adjidarma signaled to readers that characters like  Wisanggeni indispensable in this country. Second, Wisanggeni, in the novel Wisanggeni Sang Buronan and  Comics Lahirnya Bangbang Wisanggeni by R.A Kosasih has a very strong character. And third, Seno Gumira Adjidarma presents the figure Wisanggeni in different forms such as  presented by RA. Kosasih in Lahirnya Bangbang Wisanggeni by  Seno Gumira Adjidarma want to re-introduce Wisanggeni as a knight in the puppet is also example in courage. Keywords: Transformation, Pupets, Novels, Comics, Intertektualitas.

  2. Neoplasias de Cavidad nasal y senos paranasales en caninos

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    Giovanni Torres


    Full Text Available Las neoplasias de cavidad nasal y senos paranasales en caninos son de escasa presentación; llegan tan sóloal 1.5% de los quistes diagnosticados en esta especie.Con referencia al total de tumores del tracto respiratorio representan entre el 60 y el 80%. Son más comunes en caninos de nariz larga, no existe predilección por género; por el comportamiento, las neoplasias que se desarrollanen la cavidad nasal y senos paranasales son benignas y malignas, siendo estas últimas las más frecuentes. Teniendo en cuenta el tejido de origen pueden ser epiteliales, mesenquimales y de otro origen como los linfomas y el tumor venéreo transmisible. La apariciónde la sintomatología se asocia con la capacidad de obstruir las vías aéreas, la invasión y destrucción local de tejido. En general los signos clínicos asociados consistenen: dificultad respiratoria, estornudo, secreciónnasal, hemorragia nasal y la presencia de masas de características variadas en tamaño y forma. El diagnóstico se basa en signos clínicos, evaluación citológica e histológica de las lesiones. Esta última es 100% diagnóstica, para el tratamiento se utiliza la extracción quirúrgica combinada con terapia de radiación y quimioterapia.

  3. The prevalence and quality of silent, socially silent, and disclosed autobiographical memories across adulthood. (United States)

    Alea, Nicole


    Two separate studies examined the prevalence and quality of silent (infrequently recalled), socially silent (i.e., recalled but not shared), and disclosed autobiographical memories. In Study 1 young and older men and women remembered positive events. Positive memories were more likely to be disclosed than to be kept socially silent or completely silent. However, socially silent and disclosed memories did not differ in memory quality: the memories were equally vivid, significant, and emotional. Silent memories were less qualitatively rich. This pattern of results was generally replicated in Study 2 with a lifespan sample for both positive and negative memories, and with additional qualitative variables. The exception was that negative memories were kept silent more often. Age differences were minimal. Women disclosed their autobiographical memories more, but men told a greater variety of people. Results are discussed in terms of the functions that memory telling and silences might serve for individuals.

  4. Prevalencia de neumatización del seno maxilar en población del Hospital Geriátrico Militar


    García Linares, Sixto; Villaverde Mosco, Lizeth


    RESUMEN: Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia de neumatización del seno maxilar y la relación con la pérdida de piezas adyacentes, en la población peruana geriátrica de un centro reconocido por la atención médica integral a los pacientes adultos mayores. Material y métodos: Se recogieron como muestras 60 radiografías panorámicas del Servicio de Odontología de la Clínica Geriátrica Militar de Chorrillos. El conteo de milímetros de la neumatización del seno maxilar...

  5. Tratamiento y complicaciones de las fracturas de seno frontal Frontal sinus fracture treatment and complications

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    S. Heredero Jung


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las fracturas de seno frontal se producen como resultado de impactos de alta energía. Un tratamiento inadecuado puede conducir a complicaciones serias incluso muchos años después del traumatismo. Objetivos. Evaluar los datos epidemiológicos y revisar las complicaciones asociadas. Estandarizar el protocolo de tratamiento. Materiales y métodos. Se revisaron 95 pacientes diagnosticados de fracturas de seno frontal pertenecientes al servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre de Madrid, entre enero de 1990 y diciembre de 2004. Resultados. La edad media de los pacientes revisados es de 34 años. La mayoría son hombres (78% y la causa más frecuente del traumatismo, los accidentes de tráfico. El patrón de fractura más común es el que afecta únicamente a la pared anterior del seno frontal. Las complicaciones descritas son: deformidad estética frontal, sinusitis frontal, mucocele frontal, celulitis fronto-orbitaria, intolerancia al material de osteosíntesis, complicaciones infecciosas del SNC y persistencia de fístula de líquido cefalorraquídeo. Conclusiones. El objetivo ha de estar encaminado a prevenir las complicaciones asociadas a los pacientes con fracturas de seno frontal. Hay que individualizar el protocolo de tratamiento en cada caso. Es recomendable un seguimiento a largo plazo para identificar precozmente las posibles complicaciones.Introduction. Frontal sinus fractures are caused by high velocity impacts. Inappropriate treatment can lead to serious complications, even many years after the trauma. Objectives. To evaluate epidemiological data and associated complications. To standardize the treatment protocol. Materials and methods. the clinical records of 95 patients with frontal sinus fractures treated between January 1990 and December 2004 at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, "12 de Octubre" Hospital (Madrid, Spain, were reviewed. Results. The average age of

  6. 'Silent mentors'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Douglas-Jones, Rachel


    Unlike cadaver donation in the West, which has to a large degree maintained the anonymity of the body used to teach medical students, the Taiwanese Tzu Chi Buddhist Silent Mentor programme at the centre of this article foregrounds the identity of the training cadaver as an essential element in me...... for medical pedagogy, body donation, and Buddhist practices prompted by this programme, putting the ‘Silent Mentors’ into conversation with the ‘new immortalities’ of this special issue....

  7. The threat of silent earthquakes (United States)

    Cervelli, Peter


    Not all earthquakes shake the ground. The so-called silent types are forcing scientists to rethink their understanding of the way quake-prone faults behave. In rare instances, silent earthquakes that occur along the flakes of seaside volcanoes may cascade into monstrous landslides that crash into the sea and trigger towering tsunamis. Silent earthquakes that take place within fault zones created by one tectonic plate diving under another may increase the chance of ground-shaking shocks. In other locations, however, silent slip may decrease the likelihood of destructive quakes, because they release stress along faults that might otherwise seem ready to snap.

  8. Cultura material y religiosidad popular en el seno familiar castellano del siglo XVIII

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Se ponen de relieve dos aspectos fundamentales y concatenados durante el siglo XVIII: el arraigo de numerosas prácticas religiosas colectivas en el seno familiar y la relación entre las vivencias domésticas y las formas externas de la existencia cotidiana popular.Se analizan la reiteración de los rituales funerarios sacralizados y el consumo de ropa, y la incidencia de ambos temas en las prácticas culturales populares. El mantenimiento de los signos externos de la religiosidad y los cambios en la civilización material tenían igual cabida en la cotidianidad de aquella Castilla semiilustrada.La gran cuestión giraba en torno a la necesaria mezcla de los cuidados espirituales y mundanos para lograr una cómoda felicidad terrena junto a la ansiada salvación. «Nada de lo divino era extraño; todo era religión»; pero también era una realidad en la época el ideal: «viva la industria de la persona».ABSTRACT: This paper highlights two fundamental closely connected developments of the Eighteenth century in Castile, namely: that many collective religious practices became deeply rooted in the family household; also, that a relationship took shape between domestic experiences and the outer forms of the people’s daily existence.Thus the reiteration of sacralized burial rites and the consumption of clothing are analysed, as well as the effect of both on popular culture practices. In the everyday life of semi-Enlightened Castile, the preservation of external signs of religiousness was on an equal footing with the evolution of material culture. It was a matter of attaining the necessary mixing of spiritual and worldly cares so as to attain comfortable, earthly happiness along with the much longed-for salvation. «Nada de lo divino era extraño; todo era religión», but no less true was the motto: «viva la industria de la persona».

  9. Silent ischaemia and hypertension

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boon, D.; Piek, J. J.; van Montfrans, G. A.


    For many years now, silent ischaemia has been recognized as a distinct clinical entity, and its relevance in different patient groups has been established. However, a number of basic questions have not been answered. In explaining the pathophysiology of silent ischaemia, factors affecting both the

  10. Factores de la dinámica familiar de los niños y niñas en situación de calle en alrededores del Mercado Mayorista que determinan su expulsión del seno familiar

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    Cecilia Aliaga Sandoval


    Full Text Available Objetivos: La investigación fue para determinar los factores de la dinámica familiar de los niños y niñas en situación de calle en alrededores del Mercado Mayorista que propiciaron su expulsión del seno familiar. Métodos: Es una investigación de tipo básica, de nivel descriptivo; de carácter cualitativo; el método que se utilizó fue el análisis síntesis, y una muestra no probabilística, se desarrolló a partir del estudio de caso de cinco niños que viven en la calle en alrededores del Mercado Mayorista de la ciudad de Huancayo, Perú; que fueron identificados a partir de informantes claves, se hizo abordaje paulatinos y progresivos y cuando ya se estableció un nivel mínimo de confianza, se les registró su testimonio. Resultados: Los factores de la dinámica familiar que determinan la expulsión del seno familiar son la desestructuración en su cohesión familiar no solo por producto de ruptura conyugal; sino también por dos características identificadas en esta población uno es el proceso de “migración” y otro es “las experiencias de violencia” que se dan al interior del seno familiar; otros factores de la dinámica familiar son: la existencia de inadecuados niveles de comunicación familiar producto de la incompatibilidad de caracteres entre padres e hijos y por la existencia de un negativo clima emocional afectivo por las escasas expresiones de afecto entre padres e hijos. Conclusiones: Se encontró que son niños y no niñas que se ven afectados por los problemas al interior de la familia y los principales factores para determinar su expulsión son el proceso de “migración” y otro es “las experiencias de violencia”; así mismo los inadecuados niveles de comunicación familiar y la existencia de un clima emocional afectivo.

  11. Eye Movement during Silent and Oral Reading: How Can we Compensate the Loss of Multisensory Process during Silent Reading?

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    Maiko Takahashi


    Full Text Available While reading texts orally, we process the multisensory language information. Accordingly, in the context of reading aloud, we process the visually presented text and produce the auditory information of the text through articulatory movement. These multisensory processing activities are assumed to facilitate the memory and comprehension of textual information. Conversely, while reading silently, we process only the visual information of the text. Although we cannot use the multisensory language information while reading silently, several researchers have found that there is little difference between the degree of comprehension based on silent and oral reading for adult readers. The purpose of this study is to explain how we compensate the loss of multisensory process during silent reading by comparing the visual processing process during silent and oral reading. By conducting two experiments, we measured and compared the eye movement during silent and oral reading. The results showed that silent reading took shorter time for comprehension than oral reading, and readers had more visual fixation points and read back frequently during reading silently than orally. These reading strategies during silent reading seemed to compensate the loss of multisensory process and support the text comprehension.

  12. Agamaglobulinemia ligada al Cromosoma X: Una revisión de la literatura


    Herrera Corrales, Marlen


    La agammaglobulinemia ligada a X (XLA) es una inmunodeficiencia que afecta a niños varones, caracterizada por niveles de IgG < 100 mg/dL y la disminución o ausencia de las otras Ig, desaparición o niveles casi detectables de células B y por el comienzo de infecciones recurrentes poco después de los 6 meses de vida, cuando desaparecen los Acs maternos, localizadas principalmente en pulmones, senos paranasales y huesos, por microorganismos tales como Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aur...

  13. Angioplastia del seno coronario en el implante de electrodo del ventrículo izquierdo Angioplasty of coronary sinus in left ventricle electrode implant

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    Alejandro Orjuela


    Full Text Available Con el incremento de implantes de dispositivos de estimulación cardíaca en pacientes con miocardiopatía dilatada, el diseno día a día más sofisticado de los mismos para satisfacer los requerimientos de los pacientes con cambios anatómicos que surgen como consecuencia de la misma dilatación cardíaca, tales como modificaciones en el calibre, curso, longitud y número de venas coronarias, cada vez se encuentran mayores dificultades para lograr los objetivos anatómicos, en particular el sitio ideal de posicionamiento del electrodo de estimulación ventricular izquierda en el seno coronario. Esta situación limita, en algunos casos, el beneficio terapéutico de esta técnica, viéndose, en ocasiones, en la necesidad de someter al paciente a toracotomía para posicionar el electrodo en el epicardio posterolateral del ventrículo izquierdo. Es así como, con el objetivo de abreviar los tiempos y la morbimortalidad e incrementar el éxito del implante, se disenó una estrategia basada en la técnica de hemodinámica para vencer las obstrucciones de las arterias coronarias y lograr, mediante angioplastia de las estrecheces del seno coronario, un abordaje más preciso a un determinado vaso epicárdico preseleccionado. Se describe la técnica usada en la angioplastia del seno coronario para este propósito.The design of devices of cardiac stimulation in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy has become more sophisticated due to the increment of its implantation, devices that must satisfy the requirements for patients with anatomical changes that appear as a consequence of the cardiac dilation such as caliber modifications, course, length and number of coronary veins. Every time is more difficult to achieve the anatomical objectives, particularly the ideal place for the left ventricular stimulation electrode position in the coronary sinus. This situation limits in some cases the therapeutical benefit of this technique, occasionally facing to the

  14. Monitoring Progress toward Independent Silent Reading. (United States)

    Franc, Lillian H.; Hildebrandt, Jeannette


    Concludes, among other things, that fluent oral reading is an important step toward reading for meaning and independent silent reading and that silent reading should be encouraged from the beginning of reading instruction. (FL)

  15. Osteoporosis post-menopáusica, una revisión exhaustiva de su manejo actual


    Herrero Rochina, Soledad


    La Osteoporosis es una enfermedad caracterizada por una baja densidad mineral y un deterioro de la micro-arquitectura ósea, lo que desencadena una fragilidad de la misma y una mayor probabilidad de tener una fractura. Se estima que unos 200 millones de personas la sufren actualmente, y que el 30-40% de las mujeres post-menopáusicas la padecen. Además, debido a que es una enfermedad en muchas ocasiones silente, un gran porcentaje de mujeres no están diagnosticadas. El presente trabajo tiene...

  16. Characteristics of silent countingin synchronized swimmers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergey V. Leonov


    Full Text Available This article describes the temporal characteristics of silent counting as used duringa competition by the Russian youth team of synchronized swimmers. Theathletes listened to the music that accompanied their performance at the competition.Diff erent indices of silent counting were defi ned, such as the beginningand cessation of diff erent periods of counting, counting frequency, the stabilityof the temporal structure of silent counting, the degree of synchronization of silentcounting at diff erent moments during the sports program. We studied therelationship of these characteristics of counting with expert estimates of the athletes’sense of tempo, coordination of movements, and choreographic abilities.

  17. Myocardial perfusion in silent myocardial ischemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narita, Michihiro; Kurihara, Tadashi; Murano, Kenichi; Usami, Masahisa


    To investigate myocardial perfusion in silent myocardial ischemia, we performed exercise stress myocardial tomography with thallium-201 (Tl) in 85 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Exercise stress myocardial tomography was obtained both immediately after exercise and three hours later. Patients were classified into two groups according to the presence (Symptomatic Group, n=36) or absence (Silent Group, n=49) of chest pain during exercise stress. Clinical features (age, gender and history of myocardial infarction) and arteriographically determined severity of CAD were the same in both groups. The extent of myocardial ischemia (% Ischemia) estimated by exercise stress myocardial tomography was the same in each group (30±10 % in Silent Group, 28±12 % in Symptomatic Group, NS). The severity of exercise-induced myocardial ischemia was expressed as a minimal value of myocardial Tl washout rate (minimal WOR) of each patient. Although exercise heart rate was identical in both groups, minimal WOR in Silent Group was significantly higher than that of Symptomatic Group (4±10% vs -16±14%, p<0.001). The study in patients who exhibited both silent and symptomatic ischemia showed the same results. These findings suggest that the severity of ischemia is a fundamental factor in determining the presence or absence of pain during exercise induced ischemia. (author)

  18. Unusual ocular manifestations of silent sinus syndrome


    Fonseca, Fabricio Lopes da; Mazoti, Luciana; Polati, Mariza


    Silent sinus syndrome is an acquired condition in which there is a gradual collapse of the orbital floor and inward retraction of the maxillary sinus (atelectasis of the maxillary sinus). This in turn may cause associated ocular occurrences of enophthalmos and hypotropia. This is a report of an 8 year-old boy with silent sinus syndrome and associated ocular motility disorders. The association between silent sinus syndrome and ocular motility disturbance has been recently described in the lite...

  19. Embolectomía en una embolia pulmonar aguda masiva

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    Manuel Carnero Alcázar


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un varón de 57 años que, en el seno de un meningioma microcítico, padece una tromboembolia pulmonar masiva aguda con inestabilidad hemodinámica. Dado el riesgo de hemorragia por el tumor craneal, se contraindica la terapia fibrinolítica y se procede a practicar embolectomía pulmonar. Ésta se realiza bajo anestesia general, con canulación convencional y bajo hipotermia moderada. Se extrae émbolo en el tronco de la arteria pulmonar y con catéter de Fogarty se extraen émbolos en ramas lobares y segmentarias. Discutimos la asociación de enfermedad tromboembólica con determinadas neoplasias y el tratamiento de la tromboembolia pulmonar

  20. Unusual ocular manifestations of silent sinus syndrome

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    Fabricio Lopes da Fonseca


    Full Text Available Silent sinus syndrome is an acquired condition in which there is a gradual collapse of the orbital floor and inward retraction of the maxillary sinus (atelectasis of the maxillary sinus. This in turn may cause associated ocular occurrences of enophthalmos and hypotropia. This is a report of an 8 year-old boy with silent sinus syndrome and associated ocular motility disorders. The association between silent sinus syndrome and ocular motility disturbance has been recently described in the literature. However, this is an infrequent association, mainly in childhood.

  1. Silent Synapse-Based Circuitry Remodeling in Drug Addiction. (United States)

    Dong, Yan


    Exposure to cocaine, and likely other drugs of abuse, generates α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor-silent glutamatergic synapses in the nucleus accumbens. These immature synaptic contacts evolve after drug withdrawal to redefine the neurocircuital properties. These results raise at least three critical questions: (1) what are the molecular and cellular mechanisms that mediate drug-induced generation of silent synapses; (2) how are neurocircuits remodeled upon generation and evolution of drug-generated silent synapses; and (3) what behavioral consequences are produced by silent synapse-based circuitry remodeling? This short review analyzes related experimental results, and extends them to some speculations. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of CINP.

  2. Underlying skills of oral and silent reading

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Den Boer, Madelon; van Bergen, Elsje; de Jong, Peter F.


    Many studies have examined reading and reading development. The majority of these studies, however, focused on oral reading rather than on the more dominant silent reading mode. Similarly, it is common practice to assess oral reading abilities rather than silent reading abilities in schools and in

  3. Lactancia materna, destete y ablactación: una encuesta en comunidades rurales de México

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las prevalencias de lactancia humana, uso de leches industrializadas y ablactación así como los factores asociados a la falta de alimentación al seno materno y al destete temprano. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal realizado por pasantes de medicina en Servicio Social en 222 localidades rurales de México, mediante entrevistas estructuradas en 5 409 familias con niños menores de un año. Resultados. Las proporciones de niños que nunca recibieron lactancia al seno materno fueron: en la zona norte (N de 21.4%; en la centro (C de 7.6% y la sur (S de 5.3%. Entre los niños que recibieron lactancia al seno materno, ésta continuó en forma exclusiva o mixta hasta el tercer trimestre de vida en 35.6% (N, 67.6% (C y 77.5% (S; en el segundo trimestre de vida ya habían sido ablactados 67.2% (N, 40.9% (C y 51.6% (S. En la región N se encontró que la falta de alimentación al seno materno se asoció con la atención médica del parto, madres con escolaridad mínima de primaria o con menos de cuatro hijos, casa con piso de material permanente, dos o más enseres domésticos mayores y que el sostén económico no fuera el padre. El destete temprano se asoció con los mismos factores, incluyendo que el niño estuviera al cuidado de una persona distinta a la madre, la lactancia artificial decidida por los padres o por recomendación médica, la ablactación temprana y el uso de servicios médicos de seguridad social y/o privados. Conclusiones. La alimentación con sucedáneos de la leche y el destete temprano son propios de familias pequeñas, con mayor educación materna, mejores condiciones de la vivienda y la influencia de los médicos, sobre todo en el norte del país. Además, la ablactación se efectúa antes del segundo semestre de vida, por lo que es recomendable elaborar programas que promuevan la alimentación al seno materno y la ablactación correcta en la población infantil de las comunidades rurales de México.

  4. Modification of hormonal secretion in clinically silent pituitary adenomas. (United States)

    Daems, Tania; Verhelst, Johan; Michotte, Alex; Abrams, Pascale; De Ridder, Dirk; Abs, Roger


    Silent pituitary adenomas are a subtype of adenomas characterized by positive immunoreactivity for one or more hormones classically secreted by normal pituitary cells but without clinical expression, although in some occasions enhanced or changed secretory activity can develop over time. Silent corticotroph adenomas are the classical example of this phenomenon. A series of about 500 pituitary adenomas seen over a period of 20 years were screened for modification in hormonal secretion. Biochemical and immunohistochemical data were reviewed. Two cases were retrieved, one silent somatotroph adenoma and one thyrotroph adenoma, both without specific clinical features or biochemical abnormalities, which presented 20 years after initial surgery with evidence of acromegaly and hyperthyroidism, respectively. While the acromegaly was controlled by a combination of somatostatin analogs and growth hormone (GH) receptor antagonist therapy, neurosurgery was necessary to manage the thyrotroph adenoma. Immunohistochemical examination demonstrated an increase in the number of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)-immunoreactive cells compared to the first tissue. Apparently, the mechanisms responsible for the secretory modifications are different, being a change in secretory capacity in the silent somatotroph adenoma and a quantitative change in the silent thyrotroph adenoma. These two cases, one somatotroph and one thyrotroph adenoma, are an illustration that clinically silent pituitary adenomas may in rare circumstances evolve over time and become active, as previously demonstrated in silent corticotroph adenomas.

  5. Silent store detection and recording in memory storage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bose, Pradip; Cher, Chen-Yong; Nair, Ravi


    An aspect includes receiving a write request that includes a memory address and write data. Stored data is read from a memory location at the memory address. Based on determining that the memory location was not previously modified, the stored data is compared to the write data. Based on the stored data matching the write data, the write request is completed without writing the write data to the memory and a corresponding silent store bit, in a silent store bitmap is set. Based on the stored data not matching the write data, the write data is written to the memory location, the silent store bit is reset and a corresponding modified bit is set. At least one of an application and an operating system is provided access to the silent store bitmap.

  6. Silent store detection and recording in memory storage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bose, Pradip; Cher, Chen-Yong; Nair, Ravi


    An aspect includes receiving a write request that includes a memory address and write data. Stored data is read from a memory location at the memory address. Based on determining that the memory location was not previously modified, the stored data is compared to the write data. Based on the stored data matching the write data, the write request is completed without writing the write data to the memory and a corresponding silent store bit, in a silent store bitmap is set. Based on the stored data not matching the write data, the write data is written to the memory location, the silent store bit is reset and a corresponding modified bit is set. At least one of an application and an operating system is provided access to the silent store bitmap.

  7. Recurrent Silent Thyroiditis as a Sequela of Postpartum Thyroiditis (United States)

    Kim, Paul


    Thyroiditis encompasses a group of disorders characterized by thyroid inflammation. Though clinically indistinguishable from silent thyroiditis, postpartum thyroiditis occurs in women within 12 months after delivery. Recurrent postpartum thyroiditis in subsequent pregnancies is common, but recurrent silent thyroiditis is rare. We reported a case of patient with recurrent episodes of thyroiditis, unrelated to pregnancy, after an episode of postpartum thyroiditis. It is of interest that postpartum thyroiditis and silent thyroiditis could occur closely to each other; however, the link between these disorders is not well established. This report is to remind physicians of the possibility of recurrent silent thyroiditis in women with a history of postpartum thyroiditis. PMID:24987536

  8. Oseointegración en implantes Bicon® cargados a los tres meses después de haber sido colocados mediante la técnica de elevación interna del seno maxilar en pacientes atendidos en la facultad de odontología de la universidad de Cartagena

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    Lorena Meñaca


    Full Text Available ResumenObjetivo: El objetivo general de este estudio fue evaluar la oseointegración en implantes tipo Bicon® cargados a los tres meses de colocados, mediante la técnica de elevación interna de seno maxilar. Materiales y Métodos: Este estudio se establece como una investigación de tipo descriptivo, basado en una serie de casos clínicos tratados. En la recolección de la información se utilizó un instrumento en donde se registraron los datos personales de los pacientes, se realizó la toma de radiografías panorámicas iniciales y radiografías periapicales utilizadas para observar la neoformación ósea y medir el aumento del piso del seno maxilar. La información fue consignada y tabulada en tablas y gráficos de frecuencia. Resultados: De los implantes colocados ninguno presentó movilidad ni patologías perimplantares, el piso del seno maxilar se aumentó en promedio 2.6 mm y se presentó neoformación ósea adecuada a los tres meses, lo que permitió la carga de los implantes. Conclusiones: Se determinó que a los tres meses se logra una suficiente oseointegración con los implantes, que en conjunto con la elevación interna del piso del seno maxilar y el grado de neoformación ósea alcanzado dieron a los implantes las condiciones necesarias para poder cargar los mismos. Además, la ausencia total de lesiones perimplantarias señalan el cumplimiento estricto de las normas tecnoquirurgicas, evaluación e instrucción a los pacientes que se han estado manejando dentro del proceso de la colocación de los implantes Bicon®. (Duazary 2007; 2: 93 - 99AbstractObjective: The general objective of this investigation was to evaluate the oseointegration of Bicon® dental implants that have been charge after three month of put it with internal sinus lift in maxillary sinus Material and Methods: This investigation has been stablished as a descriptive study, support in clinic cases. In order to recollect the information, a format was used to

  9. Assessment of Silent T1-weighted head imaging at 7 T

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Costagli, Mauro; Tiberi, Gianluigi; Tosetti, Michela [Imago7 Foundation, Pisa (Italy); IRCCS Stella Maris, Laboratory of Medical Physics and Biotechnologies for Magnetic Resonance, Pisa (Italy); Symms, Mark R. [GE Applied Science Laboratory, Pisa (Italy); Angeli, Lorenzo [University of Pisa, Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, Pisa (Italy); Kelley, Douglas A.C. [GE Healthcare Technologies, San Francisco, CA (United States); Biagi, Laura [IRCCS Stella Maris, Laboratory of Medical Physics and Biotechnologies for Magnetic Resonance, Pisa (Italy); Farnetani, Andrea [University of Ferrara, Engineering Department, Ferrara (Italy); Materiacustica s.r.l., Ferrara (Italy); Rua, Catarina [University of Pisa, Department of Physics, Pisa (Italy); Donatelli, Graziella [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana (AOUP), Neuroradiology Unit, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Pisa (Italy); Cosottini, Mirco [Imago7 Foundation, Pisa (Italy); University of Pisa, Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, Pisa (Italy)


    This study aimed to assess the performance of a ''Silent'' zero time of echo (ZTE) sequence for T1-weighted brain imaging using a 7 T MRI system. The Silent sequence was evaluated qualitatively by two neuroradiologists, as well as quantitatively in terms of tissue contrast, homogeneity, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and acoustic noise. It was compared to conventional T1-weighted imaging (FSPGR). Adequacy for automated segmentation was evaluated in comparison with FSPGR acquired at 7 T and 1.5 T. Specific absorption rate (SAR) was also measured. Tissue contrast and homogeneity in Silent were remarkable in deep brain structures and in the occipital and temporal lobes. Mean tissue contrast was significantly (p < 0.002) higher in Silent (0.25) than in FSPGR (0.11), which favoured automated tissue segmentation. On the other hand, Silent images had lower SNR with respect to conventional imaging: average SNR of FSPGR was 2.66 times that of Silent. Silent images were affected by artefacts related to projection reconstruction, which nevertheless did not compromise the depiction of brain tissues. Silent acquisition was 35 dB(A) quieter than FSPGR and less than 2.5 dB(A) louder than ambient noise. Six-minute average SAR was <2 W/kg. The ZTE Silent sequence provides high-contrast T1-weighted imaging with low acoustic noise at 7 T. (orig.)

  10. Evidence for presynaptically silent synapses in the immature hippocampus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Jae Young; Choi, Sukwoo


    Silent synapses show NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated synaptic responses, but not AMPAR-mediated synaptic responses. A prevailing hypothesis states that silent synapses contain NMDARs, but not AMPARs. However, alternative presynaptic hypotheses, according to which AMPARs are present at silent synapses, have been proposed; silent synapses show slow glutamate release via a fusion pore, and glutamate spillover from the neighboring synaptic terminals. Consistent with these presynaptic hypotheses, the peak glutamate concentrations at silent synapses have been estimated to be ≪170 μM, much lower than those seen at functional synapses. Glutamate transients predicted based on the two presynaptic mechanisms have been shown to activate only high-affinity NMDARs, but not low-affinity AMPARs. Interestingly, a previous study has developed a new approach to distinguish between the two presynaptic mechanisms using dextran, an inert macromolecule that reduces the diffusivity of released glutamate: postsynaptic responses through the fusion pore mechanism, but not through the spillover mechanism, are potentiated by reduced glutamate diffusivity. Therefore, we reasoned that if the fusion pore mechanism underlies silent synapses, dextran application would reveal AMPAR-mediated synaptic responses at silent synapses. In the present study, we recorded AMPAR-mediated synaptic responses at the CA3-CA1 synapses in neonatal rats in the presence of blockers for NMDARs and GABAARs. Bath application of dextran revealed synaptic responses at silent synapses. GYKI53655, a selective AMPAR-antagonist, completely inhibited the unsilenced synaptic responses, indicating that the unsilenced synaptic responses are mediated by AMPARs. The dextran-mediated reduction in glutamate diffusivity would also lead to the activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), which might induce unsilencing via the activation of unknown intracellular signaling. Hence, we determined whether mGluR-blockers alter

  11. Usefulness of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in silent myocardial ischemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hou, Mami


    The usefulness of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) was assessed in patients with exercise-induced asymptomatic myocardial ischemia (silent ischemia) and compared with exercise-induced symptomatic myocardial ischemia (symptomatic ischemia). Patients with single vessel coronary artery disease (51 with angina pectoris, 40 with old myocardial infarction) and evidence of stress-induced ischemia on thallium-201 single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) underwent successful PTCA. Thirty-seven percent of angina patients and 60% of infarction patients showed asymptomatic exercise-induced ischemia. There was no significant difference in population characteristics between silent and symptomatic patients. Patients with silent angina had significantly higher percentage thallium uptake and washout rate than symptomatic patients. After PTCA, both percentage diameter stenosis and percentage thallium uptake were improved in all patients with angina irrespective of the presence or absence of symptoms. There were no significant differences in percentage thallium uptake and washout rate between patients with silent and symptomatic infarction. After PTCA, percentage diameter stenosis, percentage thallium uptake, and washout rate improved in all infarction patients irrespective of the symptoms. Zero percent of silent angina patients, 12% of symptomatic angina patients, 12% of silent infarction patients, 19% of symptomatic infarction patients had cardiac events during about 4.5 years after PTCA. The incidence of cardiac events did not significantly differ in any patient group. PTCA improved myocardial perfusion in all patients, and the incidence of cardiac events did not differ between the silent and symptomatic groups. Revascularization with PTCA is suitable for patients with silent as well as symptomatic ischemia. (author)

  12. El enfoque de género: una urgente necesidad para el derecho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susana Vázquez


    Full Text Available Los estudios de género surgidos en la década de los '80, en el seno de las corrientes feministas y de las Ciencias Sociales, constituyen hoy un campo inter y transdisciplinario que alumbra con nuevas significaciones los procesos históricos.Uno de los objetivos fundamentales de la teoría feminista en las tres últimas décadas es recuperar la memoria histórica de sus orígenes: reconstruir el entorno social en el que conviven hombres y mujeres, pero en el que las últimas, por siglos, han quedado invisibilizadas, porque ha sido una historia escrita por hombres y, durante muchos siglos también, para los hombres.

  13. Relativistic numerical cosmology with silent universes (United States)

    Bolejko, Krzysztof


    Relativistic numerical cosmology is most often based either on the exact solutions of the Einstein equations, or perturbation theory, or weak-field limit, or the BSSN formalism. The silent universe provides an alternative approach to investigate relativistic evolution of cosmological systems. The silent universe is based on the solution of the Einstein equations in 1  +  3 comoving coordinates with additional constraints imposed. These constraints include: the gravitational field is sourced by dust and cosmological constant only, both rotation and magnetic part of the Weyl tensor vanish, and the shear is diagnosable. This paper describes the code simsilun (free software distributed under the terms of the reposi General Public License), which implements the equations of the silent universe. The paper also discusses applications of the silent universe and it uses the Millennium simulation to set up the initial conditions for the code simsilun. The simulation obtained this way consists of 16 777 216 worldlines, which are evolved from z  =  80 to z  =  0. Initially, the mean evolution (averaged over the whole domain) follows the evolution of the background ΛCDM model. However, once the evolution of cosmic structures becomes nonlinear, the spatial curvature evolves from ΩK =0 to ΩK ≈ 0.1 at the present day. The emergence of the spatial curvature is associated with ΩM and Ω_Λ being smaller by approximately 0.05 compared to the ΛCDM.

  14. Silent Flange Coupling Design Used for the Schenck Eddy Current Dynamometer (United States)

    Schinteie, D.; Croitorescu, V.


    The silent flange used for coupling different machines/systems to an eddy current dynamometer represents one of the modular components each test-bench should use. By introducing a silent flange into a dynamometer, the coupling steps are easier and faster. For an appropriate design, the silent flange was analyzed using dedicated software during different operation procedures and scenarios, for materials that allow easy manufacturing. This study shows that the design for this silent flange model has no danger of failure due to the small deformation and the values for the equivalent stresses. The silent flange coupling is suitable for the dynamometer for his high positioning accuracy, the zero backlash and the fact that there is no motion between the shafts.

  15. Multiple Silent Lacunes Are Associated with Recurrent Ischemic Stroke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Søren Due; Skjøth, Flemming; Yavarian, Yousef


    ackground: Silent lacunes are a common finding on brain imaging in ischemic stroke patients, but the prognostic significance of these lesions is uncertain. We aimed at investigating the association of silent lacunes and the risk of ischemic stroke recurrence, death, and cardiovascular events...... in a cohort of patients with incident ischemic stroke and no atrial fibrillation (AF). Methods: We included 786 patients (mean age 59.5 (SD 14.0); 42.9% females) in a registry-based, observational cohort study on patients with first-ever ischemic stroke. On brain MRI we assessed the number of silent lacunes...... as none, single, or multiple and we calculated stratified incidence rates of the outcomes. Cox proportional hazard ratios (HRs) adjusted for age, gender, congestive heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, and vascular disease were calculated with no silent lacunes as reference. In additional analyses, we...

  16. Differences in autonomic nerve function in patients with silent and symptomatic myocardial ischaemia. (United States)

    Shakespeare, C. F.; Katritsis, D.; Crowther, A.; Cooper, I. C.; Coltart, J. D.; Webb-Peploe, M. W.


    BACKGROUND--Autonomic neuropathy provides a mechanism for the absence of symptoms in silent myocardial ischaemia, but characterisation of the type of neuropathy is lacking. AIM--To characterise and compare autonomic nerve function in patients with silent and symptomatic myocardial ischaemia. METHODS AND RESULTS--The Valsalva manoeuvre, heart rate variation (HRV) in response to deep breathing and standing, lower body negative pressure, isometric handgrip, and the cold pressor test were performed by patients with silent (n = 25) and symptomatic (n = 25) ambulatory ischaemia and by controls (n = 21). No difference in parasympathetic efferent function between patients with silent and symptomatic ischaemia was recorded, but both had significantly less HRV in response to standing than the controls (p < 0.005 for silent and p < 0.01 for symptomatic). Patients with silent ischaemia showed an increased propensity for peripheral vasodilatation compared with symptomatic patients (p < 0.02) and controls (p < 0.04). Impaired sympathetic function was found in patients with pure silent ischaemia (n = 4) compared with the remaining patients with silent ischaemia whose pain pathways were presumed to be intact. CONCLUSIONS--Patients with silent ischaemia and pain pathways presumed to be intact have an enhanced peripheral vasodilator response, and if this applied to the coronary vasculature it could provide a mechanism for limiting ischaemia to below the pain threshold. Patients with pure silent ischaemia have evidence of sympathetic autonomic dysfunction. Images PMID:8297687

  17. Using Early Silent Film to Teach French: The Language of "Cinema Muet." (United States)

    Bloom, Michelle E.


    Discusses the use of early silent films in second-language classrooms, focusing on the experiences of one instructor in using early French silents in elementary and intermediate French courses. Sample lesson plans and information on the availability of French silents are also provided. (Contains 17 references.) (MDM)

  18. Current practice for diagnosis and management of silent atrial fibrillation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dobreanu, Dan; Svendsen, Jesper Hastrup; Lewalter, Thorsten


    for the diagnosis and management of silent AF. This survey is based on an electronic questionnaire sent to the European Heart Rhythm Association Research Network partners. Responses were received from 33 centres in 16 countries. The preferred screening methods for silent AF in patients with rhythm control...... for such patients. Most responders preferred rate control over rhythm control in patients with silent AF, although some favoured pulmonary vein isolation in young patients. However, oral anticoagulant therapy in patients at high thromboembolic risk was considered mandatory by most, provided that at least one......Although it is well known that silent atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with morbidity and mortality rates similar to those of symptomatic AF, no specific strategy for screening and management of this form of AF has been advocated. The purpose of this survey was to identify current practices...

  19. Silent pituitary macroadenoma co-secreting growth hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone. (United States)

    Sen, Orhan; Ertorer, M Eda; Aydin, M Volkan; Erdogan, Bulent; Altinors, Nur; Zorludemir, Suzan; Guvener, Nilgun


    Silent pituitary adenomas are a group of tumors showing heterogenous morphological features with no hormonal function observed clinically. To date no explanation has been provided as to why these tumors remain "silent". We report a case of a silent macroadenoma with both growth hormone (GH) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) staining and secretion but with no clinical manifestations, in particular, the absence of features of acromegaly or hyperthyroidism. The relevant literature is reviewed.

  20. Silent stroke and advance in neuroimaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Okada, Yasushi; Sadoshima, Seizo; Hasuo, Kanehiro; Saku, Yoshisuke; Fujishima, Masatoshi (Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka (Japan). Faculty of Medicine)


    Recently, silent strokes are more frequently demonstrated by CT and MRI with the advance of neuroimaging. The infarcted lesions unrelated to the neurological symptoms were detected in 8, 30, 28, 34, 60, 63% of the patients with cerebral infarction in 1977-78, 1982, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, respectively, by CT and/or MRI, and the asymptomatic patients with incidentally diagnosed cerebral infarction were amounted to 16% (8 of 51 cases) in 1988. Of the recent 50 patients with cerebral infarction examined by CT and MRI, asymptomatic cerebrovascular lesions were detected in 25 (50%) by CT and in 35 (70%) by MRI. MRI also revealed asymptomatic old hemorrhage in 7 (14%). The clinical significance of silent stroke was discussed. (author).

  1. Left ventricular function abnormalities as a manifestation of silent myocardial ischemia. (United States)

    Lambert, C R; Conti, C R; Pepine, C J


    A large body of evidence exists indicating that left ventricular dysfunction is a common occurrence in patients with severe coronary artery disease and represents silent or asymptomatic myocardial ischemia. Such dysfunction probably occurs early in the time course of every ischemic episode in patients with coronary artery disease whether symptoms are eventually manifested or not. The pathophysiology of silent versus symptomatic left ventricular dysfunction due to ischemia appears to be identical. Silent ischemia-related left ventricular dysfunction can be documented during spontaneous or stress-induced perturbations in the myocardial oxygen supply/demand ratio. It also may be detected by nitroglycerin-induced improvement in ventricular function or by salutary changes in wall motion following revascularization. Silent left ventricular dysfunction is a very early occurrence during ischemia and precedes electrocardiographic abnormalities. In this light, its existence should always be kept in mind when dealing with patients with ischemic heart disease. It can be hypothesized that because silent ischemia appears to be identical to ischemia with symptoms in a pathophysiologic sense, prognosis and treatment in both cases should be the same.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Recent studies strongly support the prognostic importance of transient silent ischemia. Because patients with silent ischemia are at higher risk of a cardiac event, they are likely to benefit not only from control of symptoms, but also from treatment directed at prevention of ischemia. The efficacy

  3. (In-)Secure messaging with the Silent Circle instant messaging protocol

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verschoor, S.R.; Lange, T.


    Silent Text, the instant messaging application by the company Silent Circle, provides its users with end-to-end encrypted communication on the Blackphone and other smartphones. The underlying protocol, SCimp, has received many extensions during the update to version 2, but has not been subjected to

  4. Ser mujer: una construcción social que incide en la salud

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    Gutiérrez M. María Elsa


    Full Text Available

    El artículo pretende mostrar que la salud y la enfermedad de la mujer así como la identidad de género de la misma, son construcciones sociales que se transmiten a través del proceso de socialización en el seno de la familia y con el aporte de la misma mujer. En una primera parte se ilustra sobre la influencia de la cultura patriarcal, posteriormente se muestran las creencias y dentro de éstas el peso que ha tenido la religión católica en la construcción de esa imagen social tan disminuida, desvalorizada, postergada de la mujer en la sociedad colombiana y cómo hasta los hechos biológicos ligados a su feminidad poseen connotaciones negativas, de suciedad, de enfermedad, de pecado, de culpa.

  5. Recurrent Silent Thyroiditis as a Sequela of Postpartum Thyroiditis


    Hanseree, Preaw; Salvador, Vincent Bryan; Sachmechi, Issac; Kim, Paul


    Thyroiditis encompasses a group of disorders characterized by thyroid inflammation. Though clinically indistinguishable from silent thyroiditis, postpartum thyroiditis occurs in women within 12 months after delivery. Recurrent postpartum thyroiditis in subsequent pregnancies is common, but recurrent silent thyroiditis is rare. We reported a case of patient with recurrent episodes of thyroiditis, unrelated to pregnancy, after an episode of postpartum thyroiditis. It is of interest that postpar...

  6. Saturación del carbonato de calcio en un área de cultivo de mitílidos en el Seno Reloncaví, Patagonia norte, Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilio Alarcón


    Full Text Available Se realizaron mediciones de temperatura, salinidad, alcalinidad total y carbono inorgánico disuelto del agua de mar superficial dentro de un área dedicada a la producción de semillas de mitílidos en el Seno de Reloncaví, Patagonia norte, durante el otoño (mayo 2012 y el verano austral (enero 2013. Se determinó que el estado de saturación del carbonato de calcio (ΩCaCO3 dentro del área de estudio fue bajo (Ωaragonita < 2, inclusive con aguas superficiales "corrosivas" para el CaCO3 (i.e., aguas subsaturadas, Ω < 1, cuando aguas de baja salinidad (<28 y alcalinidad total (<1.800 μmol kg-1 fueron advectadas dentro del centro de producción en mayo de 2012. En enero 2013 la baja salinidad (<25 fue asociada a aguas de baja alcalinidad total (ca. 1700 μmol kg-1 provocando bajos niveles de Ωaragonita en aguas superficiales equilibradas totalmente con la atmósfera (i.e., 400 μatm. Así, se sugiere que eventos corrosivos para el CaCO3 (i.e., aguas subsaturads Ω < 1 pueden ser una condición frecuente en esta área de producción de mitílidos en la Patagonia norte. La potencial disminución en productividad de Mytilus chilensis asociados a la acidificación del océano (AO recientemente descrita por Navarro et al. (2013 y la detección de aguas corrosivas para el carbonato de calcio encontradas, sugieren la necesidad de incluir el monitoreo regular del sistema carbonatos como una variable clave para la evaluación de la capacidad de carga de este sistema de aguas interiores.

  7. Silent Conversations in the Labyrinth of Artistic Research and Practice (United States)

    Eis, Andrea


    This essay explores silent conversations with the past, but also navigates through the labyrinth of artistic process, with its manifold passages of research, chance occurrence and aesthetic experimentation. The double metaphors of silent conversations and labyrinths apply to the essay and the artwork within it, to the research and to the practice.…

  8. Elevación de seno maxilar: Análisis clínico de nuestra experiencia en más de 100 casos Clinical analysis of our experience in over 100 cases of maxillary sinus lift

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gui-Youn Cho-Lee


    Full Text Available Objetivos: La elevación de seno maxilar es uno de los procedimientos más versátiles en cirugía oral, de modo que hay descritos diversos abordajes, tipos de injertos, posibilidad de asociar otras técnicas preprotésicas y colocar implantes de manera simultánea o diferida, dependiendo de la altura ósea inicial. Nuestro propósito es comunicar nuestra experiencia después de intervenir 131 casos. Materiales y métodos: Se analizó una serie de 131 procedimientos llevados a cabo en 91 pacientes consecutivos, entre 1996 y 2007. La edad media fue de 50,43 años (23-69. El control radiológico pre y postoperatorio se realizó mediante ortopantomografía y TC dental. Se analizó la tasa de éxito implantario (implantes osteointegrados y cargados comparando los distintos injertos, el hábito tabáquico, las patologías asociadas y la colocación simultánea o diferida de los implantes. Así mismo, el tiempo (meses necesario para cargar la prótesis se ha comparado entre los diferentes tipos de injerto. Resultados: En las zonas aumentadas se colocaron un total de 228 implantes roscados. La altura preoperatoria media del suelo del seno fue de 6,59±2,11 mm y la postoperatoria de 14,57±2,33 mm. El seguimiento medio fue de 2,94 años (1-12. La tasa de éxito implantario global fue de 96,91%, no habiéndose encontrado diferencias significativas entre los distintos injertos, patologías asociadas o el hábito tabáquico. Conclusiones: En base a este análisis retrospectivo, se concluye que la elevación de seno es una técnica versátil, eficaz, segura y predecible; con una tasa de éxito implantario muy alta independiente del tipo de injerto, comorbilidad, hábito tabáquico y colocación simultánea o diferida de los implantes. El empleo de injerto óseo autólogo requiere un tiempo de espera para la carga protésica significativamente menor.Purpose: Maxillary sinus elevation surgery is one of the most versatile surgical procedures in maxillofacial

  9. Correlation between increased platelet ADP aggregability and silent brain infarcts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ono, Kenichiro; Arimoto, Hirohiko; Shirotani, Toshiki


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between platelet aggregability and silent brain infarcts. The study subjects were 445 people (264 men, 181 women; mean age, 53±14 years) with no neurologic signs, history of brain tumor, trauma, cerebrovascular disease, or antiplatelet medications. Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced platelet aggregation was measured by the aggregation-size analytic method. Platelet aggregability was classified into 9 classes. The presence of headache/vertigo, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, or smoking was elicited by questioning or blood sampling. A head MRI scan was performed, and if marked atherosclerosis or obvious stenosis in the intracranial vessels was detected, it was defined as a positive MR angiography (MRA) finding. Silent brain infarcts were detected in 26.3% of subjects. Hyperaggregability defined as that above class 6, 7, and 8 was present in 43.8%, 30.8%, and 15.7% of subjects, respectively. The risk factors for silent brain infarcts by multiple logistic regression analysis were aging, hypertension, positive MRA findings, and hyperaggregability. Platelet ADP hyperaggregability might be a risk factor for silent brain infarcts. (author)

  10. Silent (painless) thyroiditis. Evidence of a geographic variation in frequency

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vitug, A.C.; Goldman, J.M.


    Recent reports suggest that 14% to 23% of thyrotoxic patients have silent (painless) thyroiditis, a newly described syndrome characterized by transient thyrotoxicosis with a low radioactive iodine uptake. A three-year review at a Brooklyn (NY) hospital showed only one definite and three possible cases of silent thyroiditis among 86 thyrotoxic patients. At most, 4% to 5% of thyrotoxic patients had silent thyroiditis. The authors suggest a geographic variation in this syndrome. Most cases and the largest series are from Japan and the Great Lakes area of North America. The latter may be related to increased iodine intake over many years in a previously endemic area of hypoiodidism and goiter, although other local factors may also be involved.

  11. Silent (painless) thyroiditis. Evidence of a geographic variation in frequency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vitug, A.C.; Goldman, J.M.


    Recent reports suggest that 14% to 23% of thyrotoxic patients have silent (painless) thyroiditis, a newly described syndrome characterized by transient thyrotoxicosis with a low radioactive iodine uptake. A three-year review at a Brooklyn (NY) hospital showed only one definite and three possible cases of silent thyroiditis among 86 thyrotoxic patients. At most, 4% to 5% of thyrotoxic patients had silent thyroiditis. The authors suggest a geographic variation in this syndrome. Most cases and the largest series are from Japan and the Great Lakes area of North America. The latter may be related to increased iodine intake over many years in a previously endemic area of hypoiodidism and goiter, although other local factors may also be involved

  12. Migraine with aura and silent brain infarcts lack of mediation of patent foramen ovale. (United States)

    Calviere, L; Tall, P; Massabuau, P; Bonneville, F; Larrue, V


    Population-based studies have shown a heightened prevalence of clinically silent brain infarcts in subjects who have migraine with aura (MA). We sought to determine whether this association could be confirmed in young patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke, and explored the role of patent foramen ovale (PFO) as a potential underlying mechanism. Patients were selected from a registry of young patients consecutively treated for ischemic stroke in a tertiary university hospital among those without definite cause of stroke. Patients with PFO were matched for age and gender with patients with normal atrial septum. Migraine and MA were evaluated after patient selection and matching. Silent brain infarcts were independently evaluated on MRI. We included 100 patients [60 men; mean age (SD), 44.8 years (8.3)], 50 patients with PFO. We found silent brain infarcts in 36 patients and MA in 13 patients. MA was more frequent in patients with silent brain infarcts than in patients without silent brain infarcts (25.0% vs. 6.3%; OR, 5; 95% CI, 1.4-17.6; P = 0.01). Traditional cardiovascular risk factors were not associated with silent brain infarcts. PFO was neither associated with MA (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 0.5-5.3) nor silent brain infarcts (OR, 0.7; 95% CI, 0.3-1.5). The association of MA with silent brain infarcts was not altered after adjustment for PFO. Findings suggest that silent brain infarcts in young patients with cryptogenic stroke is associated with MA. We found no evidence for a mediating effect of PFO on this association. © 2013 The Author(s) European Journal of Neurology © 2013 EFNS.

  13. Distinct transmitter release properties determine differences in short-term plasticity at functional and silent synapses. (United States)

    Cabezas, Carolina; Buño, Washington


    Recent evidence suggests that functional and silent synapses are not only postsynaptically different but also presynaptically distinct. The presynaptic differences may be of functional importance in memory formation because a proposed mechanism for long-term potentiation is the conversion of silent synapses into functional ones. However, there is little direct experimentally evidence of these differences. We have investigated the transmitter release properties of functional and silent Schaffer collateral synapses and show that on the average functional synapses displayed a lower percentage of failures and higher excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC) amplitudes than silent synapses at +60 mV. Moreover, functional but not silent synapses show paired-pulse facilitation (PPF) at +60 mV and thus presynaptic short-term plasticity will be distinct in the two types of synapse. We examined whether intraterminal endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ stores influenced the release properties of these synapses. Ryanodine (100 microM) and thapsigargin (1 microM) increased the percentage of failures and decreased both the EPSC amplitude and PPF in functional synapses. Caffeine (10 mM) had the opposite effects. In contrast, silent synapses were insensitive to both ryanodine and caffeine. Hence we have identified differences in the release properties of functional and silent synapses, suggesting that synaptic terminals of functional synapses express regulatory molecular mechanisms that are absent in silent synapses.

  14. The written voice: implicit memory effects of voice characteristics following silent reading and auditory presentation. (United States)

    Abramson, Marianne


    After being familiarized with two voices, either implicit (auditory lexical decision) or explicit memory (auditory recognition) for words from silently read sentences was assessed among 32 men and 32 women volunteers. In the silently read sentences, the sex of speaker was implied in the initial words, e.g., "He said, ..." or "She said...". Tone in question versus statement was also manipulated by appropriate punctuation. Auditory lexical decision priming was found for sex- and tone-consistent items following silent reading, but only up to 5 min. after silent reading. In a second study, similar lexical decision priming was found following listening to the sentences, although these effects remained reliable after a 2-day delay. The effect sizes for lexical decision priming showed that tone-consistency and sex-consistency were strong following both silent reading and listening 5 min. after studying. These results suggest that readers create episodic traces of text from auditory images of silently read sentences as they do during listening.

  15. Mucormicosis (ficomicosis en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos E. Peña


    Full Text Available Se presentan dos casos de mucormicosis (ficomicosis, entidad que ha sido muy raramente encontrada en Colombia. El primer caso se refiere a un prematuro con deshidratación consecutiva a vómito y diarrea. A la autopsia se encontró una mucormicosis del intestino delgado con necrosis del mismo e invasión al bazo, a la vez que una candidiasis esofágica. El segundo caso es el de un niño de 5 meses de edad, con diarreas, vómito, acidosis y signos de trombosis del seno cavernoso derecho y de meningitis. La autopsia reveló una mucormicosis ocular y meningo-encefálica acompañada de trombosis de la arteria cerebral media derecha y del seno cavernoso del mismo lado.


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    Florent J. Gaudez


    Full Text Available A partir de la observación de la sobremediatización reciente de figuras que han marcado la actualidad mundial en este último tiempo (Steve Jobs, Julian Assange, The Anonymous se intentará, con la ayuda de un cruce de la sociología de los usos y la antropología de lo simbólico, mostrar cómo la innovación tecnológica –ya sea liberación o alienación– habla sobre nosotros, sobre nuestras sociedades y el estado del mundo y de los hombres. Inversamente, se tratará también de observar cómo los nuevos medios, como Internet, constituyen nuevos espacios públicos de mediación, en el seno de los cuáles la innovación es a la vez reflexiva y performativa. Así, desde el punto de vista de los usos, podemos considerar Internet como una forma de organización política mundial donde los ciudadanos desarrollan determinados usos sociales (y no solamente como un medio a partir de esta transformación radical del espacio público tanto local como global. La aproximación operatoria de una sociología de los usos y de los medios y de una antropología de lo simbólico y de las prácticas culturales parece entonces aquí necesaria a fin de intentar distinguir las dimensiones populistas, subversivas y críticas.

  17. Larvas de Sergestes arcticus Kroyer, 1855, Neotrypaea uncinata (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837 y Munida gregaria (Fabricius, 1793, entre el seno Reloncaví y Boca del Guafo, sur de Chile Larvae of Sergestes arcticus Kroyer, 1855, Neotrypaea uncinata (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837, and Munida gregaria (Fabricius, 1793 between Seno Reloncaví and Boca del Guafo, southern Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando Mujica


    Full Text Available Se analiza la distribución de los estados de desarrollo de las larvas de Sergestes arcticus, Neotrypaea uncinata y Munida gregaria, capturadas entre el seno Reloncaví y la Boca del Guafo, durante noviembre de 2004. Se distinguieron tres zonas oceanógraficas, de acuerdo a los antecedentes relacionados con el grado de participación de aguas continentales y oceánicas. La distribución de las larvas de estas especies y sus estados de desarrollo, permitieron establecer diferencias significativas entre ellas respecto de las características oceanógraficas, lo que estaría relacionado con los lugares de desove y habitat de las poblaciones desovantes en el área de estudio.The distribution of developmental stages of Sergestes arcticus, Neotrypaea uncinata and Munida gregaria larvae caught between Seno Reloncaví and Boca del Guafo in November 2004 was analyzed. Three oceanographic zones were distinguished according to records showing the degree of participation of continental and oceanic waters. Significant differences were determined between larval distribution and development stages for these species with respect to oceanographic characteristics; said differences might be related to the spawning sites and the habitat of the spawning stock in the study area.

  18. Oral Reading Fluency as a Predictor of Silent Reading Fluency at Secondary and Postsecondary Levels (United States)

    Seok, Soonhwa; DaCosta, Boaventura


    This research investigated oral reading fluency as a predictor of silent reading fluency at the secondary and postsecondary levels. Several measures were used, including the Gray Oral Reading Test, the Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency, the Test of Silent Contextual Reading Fluency, and the Reading Observation Scale. A total of 223 students…

  19. Monika Fludernik, Verso una narratologia ‘naturale’

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Filippo Pennacchio


    La traduzione del saggio è fatta precedere da un’introduzione in cui viene presentato, più in generale, il pensiero di Monika Fludernik, e insieme valutato il suo ruolo nell’ambito del dibattito teorico sviluppatosi in seno alla comunità scientifica a partire dai primi anni Duemila.

  20. The clinical dilemma of "silent desensitization" in aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease. (United States)

    White, Andrew A; Bosso, John V; Stevenson, Donald D


    Aspirin desensitization is a treatment option for patients with aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD). Some patients with an excellent history of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) reactions have negative aspirin challenges/desensitization. This study discusses the clinical entity of silent desensitization in AERD and the dilemma that this presents to the practicing allergist/immunologist. We discuss a series of patients with a strong history of NSAID reactions who initially underwent a negative challenge/silent desensitization. These patients were subsequently proven to have AERD after a second positive aspirin challenge. Silent desensitization is an uncommon but important outcome to recognize in AERD. Clinicians performing aspirin desensitization should understand that this can occur and consider a second confirmatory aspirin challenge in some patients.

  1. The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson. (United States)

    Kerstetter, Ned


    Presents a lesson plan examining Rachel Carson's call to arms concerning the harmful consequences of pesticides. Students view a video documentary on Carson's work and read a synopsis of her book, "Silent Spring." Assessment is provided by various activities including writing assignments, creating posters, and editorial cartoons. (MJP)

  2. Benthic biodiversity and ecological gradients in the Seno Magdalena (Puyuhuapi Fjord, Chile) (United States)

    Betti, F.; Bavestrello, G.; Bo, M.; Enrichetti, F.; Loi, A.; Wanderlingh, A.; Pérez-Santos, I.; Daneri, G.


    Due to its complex hydrological, geomorphological and climatic features, the Chilean fjords region is considered among the most productive areas of the world. The benthic fauna of this region accounts for more than 1600 species showing marked latitudinal biogeographic differences characterizing this as one of the most important hotspot of biodiversity of cold-temperate environments. Despite numerous studies have been conducted to depict the biological characteristics of the fjords, the present situation is strongly unbalanced towards specific taxa. Hence, this study takes into consideration a community approach, highlighting the distribution of six benthic assemblages thriving on vertical walls along the Seno Magdalena fjord (Aysen region). Underwater pictures were used to characterize the trends in abundance and diversity of the main taxa showing distinct responses to salinity and turbidity. Among the less tolerant taxa to high fresh water inputs there are encrusting algae, mainly found in the most external sites lashed by outer currents, far from the estuarine plume. The bathymetric zonation of the assemblages, instead, is characterized by a dense mussel belt in the first 10 m, within a thick layer of low-salinity, nutrient-enriched waters. Rich assemblages of sponges, brachiopods, gorgonians and scleractinians thrive in deeper, marine, clear waters. The evaluation of the ecological role of benthic species leads both to the definition of potential bioindicator taxa responding to anthropic disturbances and to the promotion of protected areas.

  3. Silent method for mathematics instruction: An overview of teaching subsets (United States)

    Sugiman, Apino, Ezi


    Generally, teachers use oral communication for teaching mathematics. Taking an opposite perspective, this paper describes how instructional practices for mathematics can be carried out namely a silent method. Silent method uses body language, written, and oral communication for classroom interaction. This research uses a design research approach consisting of four phases: preliminary, prototyping and developing the instruction, and assessment. There are four stages of silent method. The first stage is conditioning stage in which the teacher introduces the method and makes agreement about the `rule of the game'. It is followed by the second one, elaborating stage, where students guess and explore alternative answers. The third stage is developing mathematical thinking by structuring and symbolizing. Finally, the method is ended by reinforcing stage which aims at strengthening and reflecting student's understanding. In this paper, every stage is described on the basis of practical experiences in a real mathematics classroom setting.

  4. Screening for silent myocardial ischemia caseof diabetics : interest of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bahri, Haifa


    Silent myocardial ischemia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients. Its diagnosis by noninvasive means such as myocardial SPECT would improve the management of these patients. The purpose of this study is to assess the frequency of silent myocardial ischemia in asymptomatic diabetics and their evolution. As a result, the myocardial SPECT is a reliable tool for screening for silent myocardial ischemia in diabetic patients. Its prognostic value allows to stratify the cardiac risk and guide therapeutic management. Its integration into a screening strategy in Tunisia seems limited by its low availability and cost. The latter could be reduced by better patient selection.

  5. Silent ischemic brain lesions after transcatheter aortic valve replacement : lesion distribution and predictors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Samim, Mariam; Hendrikse, Jeroen; van der Worp, H. Bart; Agostoni, Pierfrancesco; Nijhoff, Freek; Doevendans, Pieter A.; Stella, Pieter R.

    Silent ischemic brain lesions and ischemic stroke are known complications of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). We aimed to investigate the occurrence and distribution of TAVR-related silent ischemic brain lesions using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI). Consecutive

  6. The Keefe Inventory of Silent Reading: A Window into the Reading Process. (United States)

    Keefe, Donald


    Contains part of the Keefe Inventory of Silent Reading, a silent informal reading inventory. Presents a case study of a student to whom it was administered, including analysis of this individual's reading ability and description of the specific strategies used with this individual on the basis of the results of the inventory. (RS)

  7. Síntomas de una época: Magnetismo, histeria y espiritismo en la Alemania romántica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Montiel, Luis


    Full Text Available By centring on an analysis of three particularly significant cases, the article seeks to understand the historical meaning of the encounter in early 19th-century Europe between a medical theory —mesmerism—, a peculiar system of beliefs —spiritualism— and an already known disease, but which was to be seen from a new perspective: hysteria. Moreover, the disease and the medical theory are the elements that made this system of beliefs flourish and enabled it to take hold in the core of Western culture, affirming itself over other conceptions of the world and showing, with this, the insufficiencies of the latter.

    Centrándose en el análisis de tres casos especialmente significativos se pretende comprender el significado histórico del encuentro en la Europa de comienzos del siglo XIX de una teoría médica —el magnetismo animal—, un peculiar sistema de creencias —el espiritismo— y una enfermedad ya conocida, pero que comenzará a contemplarse con una mirada nueva: la histeria. Serán, por otra parte, la enfermedad y la teoría médica quienes den alas a ese sistema de creencias y permitan su despliegue en el seno de la cultura occidental, afirmándose frente a otras concepciones del mundo y mostrando, con ello, las insuficiencias de estas últimas.

  8. Purely Magnetic Silent Universes do not Exist (United States)

    Vu, K. T.; Carminati, J.


    We present a new Maple package called STeM (Symbolic Tetrad Manipulation). Using STeM, we outline, using a formalism which is a hybrid of the NP and Orthonormal ones, the proof of the nonexistence of purely magnetic silent universes.

  9. Silent Thyroiditis (United States)

    Walker, Peter


    Silent or painless thyroiditis is a frequent cause of transient hyperthyroidism, which is characterized by recent onset of symptoms in a patient with a normal to modestly enlarged and firm thyroid gland. The hallmarks of the disease are the absence of thyroidal pain or tenderness and a markedly reduced radioiodine uptake. Histologically, the gland is characterized by an important lymphocytic infiltration, occasionally to the point of lymphoid follicle formation. However, other indices of an autoimmune cause are usually absent. The disease appears to have a predilection for the postpartum period. Relapses may occur with subsequent pregnancies. Otherwise, the course is usually benign and transient, requiring moderate doses of β-adrenergic blocking agents for symptomatic relief. No pathogenetic factors are known, but the disease may conceivably have an autoimmune basis, particularly in the postpartum patient. PMID:21278944

  10. Transluminal coronary angioplasty in the treatment of silent ischemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergin, P.; Myler, R.K.; Shaw, R.E.; Stertzer, S.H.; Clark, D.A.; Ryan, C.; Murphy, M.C.


    Fifty-four asymptomatic patients with positive thallium exercise tests underwent coronary angiography followed by coronary angioplasty (PTCA), as the primary therapy for silent ischemia. The procedure was technically successful in 89% of these patients. Emergency bypass graft surgery was necessary in 2 (3.6%) and q-wave myocardial infarction occurred in 1 (1.8%) of these. All fifty-four patients have been followed for a mean of 35 months since angioplasty. Of the 48 patients with initially successful PTCA, 12 had either clinical restenosis (9/14 or 19%) or a new lesion (3/48 or 6%) during follow-up, which required a repeat PTCA. At the longest follow-up, 46 (85%) had been successfully treated with on or more PTCA procedures. Two patients (3.6%) had sustained late q-wave myocardial infarction and two additional patients reported angina pectoris. There were no deaths. Angioplasty as a primary therapy for silent ischemia appears efficacious, with success and restenosis rates comparable to those in the symptomatic population. Event-free survival is improved, compared with natural history data for patients with silent ischemia from other studies. Prudent risk/benefit analysis may help to define subgroups most likely to benefit from this intervention

  11. Silent Film in the German Classroom. (United States)

    Caldwell, David

    In addition to using films in the German classroom to introduce students to German culture and history, it is important to show and study the film as film. This procedure emphasizes the importance of the film as a part of creative arts in Germany and demands student participation in observation and discussion. Many German silent films are…

  12. The Seno Otway pockmark field and its relationship to thermogenic gas occurrence at the western margin of the Magallanes Basin (Chile) (United States)

    Kilian, R.; Breuer, S.; Behrmann, J. H.; Baeza, O.; Diaz-Michelena, M.; Mutschke, E.; Arz, H.; Lamy, F.


    Pockmarks are variably sized crater-like structures that occur in young continental margin sediments. They are formed by gas eruptions and/or long-term release of fluid or gas. So far no pockmarks were known from the Pacific coast of South America between 51°S and 55°S. This article documents an extensive and previously unknown pockmark field in the Seno Otway (Otway Sound, 52°S) with multibeam bathymetry and parametric echosounding as well as sediment drill cores. Up to 31 pockmarks per square kilometer occur in water depths of 50 to >100 m in late glacial and Holocene sediments. They are up to 150 m wide and 10 m deep. Below and near the pockmarks, echosounder profiles image acoustic blanking as well as gas chimneys often crosscutting the 20 to >30 m thick glacial sediments above the acoustic basement, in particular along fault zones. Upward-migrating gas is trapped within the sediment strata, forming dome-like features. Two 5 m long piston cores from inside and outside a typical pockmark give no evidence for gas storage within the uppermost sediments. The inside core recovered poorly sorted glacial sediment, indicating reworking and re-deposition after several explosive events. The outside core documents an undisturbed stratigraphic sequence since 15 ka. Many buried paleo-pockmarks occur directly below a prominent seismic reflector marking the mega-outflow event of the Seno Otway at 14.3 ka, lowering the proglacial lake level by about 80 m. This decompression would have led to frequent eruptions of gas trapped in reservoirs below the glacial sediments. However, the sediment fill of pockmarks formed after this event suggests recurrent events throughout the Holocene until today. Most pockmarks occur above folded hydrocarbon-bearing Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks near the western margin of the Magallanes Basin, constraining them as likely source rocks for thermogenic gas.


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    N. I. Romanenkova


    Full Text Available Abstract. The degree of immunity to polioviruses of three serotypes among children of different ages was analysed on certain "controlled" and "silent" territories of Russia in different periods of Polio Eradication Initiative. It was shown that the levels of immunity of children’s population to polioviruses on "controlled" and "silent" territories had no significant difference. It was stated that on the phase which preceded the certification for the absence of circulation of wild polioviruses, when the National Immunisation Days were conducted in the country, the percentage of eronegative children to polioviruses of different serotypes was low on all the territories of Russia. After Russia as a part of the WHO European region was certified as a polio free country and mass immunisation was stopped thepercentage of seronegative children increased, especially to poliovirus of serotype 3, both on the "controlled" and on the "silent" territories.

  14. Incidence and implications of silent hydronephrosis following percutaneous nephrolithotomy
. (United States)

    Dagrosa, Lawrence; Moses, Rachel; Pais, Vernon M


    While routine renal imaging following ureteroscopy for urinary calculi has been recommended to screen for asymptomatic "silent" obstruction, the rate of silent obstruction following percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) remains poorly defined, and no consensus recommendations exist on routine postoperative imaging. At our institution, we sought to assess the incidence of silent hydronephrosis (SH), as a screen for obstruction, following PCNL. The records of all 162 patients who met study inclusion criteria were reviewed. Of this group, 112 patients presented for their scheduled renal ultrasonography 4 - 6 weeks following stent removal to screen for SH. Asymptomatic patients found to have ultrasonographic evidence of hydronephrosis were further analyzed. SH was noted in 16% (18/112) of patients. Two required subsequent ureteroscopic stone extraction (1.8%), one of which also underwent endoureterotomy for a ureteral stricture. Four patients (22%) had stable hydronephrosis and declined functional imaging, 2 patients (11%) had a known partial ureteropelvic junction obstruction and declined intervention. SH resolved spontaneously in 50% (9/18) with a mean time to resolution of 6.3 months. There was no difference in stone complexity based on Guy's stone score between groups, 2.8 (± 0.92) vs. 2.4 (± 1.03), p = 0.34. Although not statistically significant, patients with SH were more likely to have had residual stone fragments postoperatively, 39% (7/18) vs. 19% (18/94), p = 0.067. SH following, PCNL was identified in 16% of this screened population, with the majority requiring no intervention. However, SH may be attributed to residual stone or stricture, which may have been otherwise unrecognized in up to 2% of patients undergoing PCNL. Consideration should be given for routine postoperative ultrasound to screen for silent obstruction following PCNL.

  15. Does phonological recoding occur during silent reading and is it necessary for orthographic learning?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, P.F.; Bitter, D.J.L.; van Setten, M.; Marinus, E.


    Two studies were conducted to test the central claim of the self-teaching hypothesis (i.e., phonological recoding is necessary for orthographic learning) in silent reading. The first study aimed to demonstrate the use of phonological recoding during silent reading. Texts containing pseudowords were

  16. Improvement of ozone yield by a multi-discharge type ozonizer using superposition of silent discharge plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Hyun-Jig; Chun, Byung-Joon; Lee, Kwang-Sik


    In order to improve ozone generation, we experimentally investigated the silent discharge plasma and ozone generation characteristics of a multi-discharge type ozonizer. Ozone in a multi-discharge type ozonizer is generated by superposition of a silent discharge plasma, which is simultaneously generated in separated discharge spaces. A multi-discharge type ozonizer is composed of three different kinds of superposed silent discharge type ozonizers, depending on the method of applying power to each electrode. We observed that the discharge period of the current pulse for a multi discharge type ozonizer can be longer than that of silent discharge type ozonizer with two electrodes and one gap. Hence, ozone generation is improved up to 17185 ppm and 783 g/kwh in the case of the superposed silent discharge type ozonizer for which an AC high voltages with a 180 .deg. phase difference were applied to the internal electrode and the external electrode, respectively, with the central electrode being grounded.

  17. Assessing reading fluency in Kenya: Oral or silent assessment? (United States)

    Piper, Benjamin; Zuilkowski, Stephanie Simmons


    In recent years, the Education for All movement has focused more intensely on the quality of education, rather than simply provision. Many recent and current education quality interventions focus on literacy, which is the core skill required for further academic success. Despite this focus on the quality of literacy instruction in developing countries, little rigorous research has been conducted on critical issues of assessment. This analysis, which uses data from the Primary Math and Reading Initiative (PRIMR) in Kenya, aims to begin filling this gap by addressing a key assessment issue - should literacy assessments in Kenya be administered orally or silently? The authors compared second-grade students' scores on oral and silent reading tasks of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) in Kiswahili and English, and found no statistically significant differences in either language. They did, however, find oral reading rates to be more strongly related to reading comprehension scores. Oral assessment has another benefit for programme evaluators - it allows for the collection of data on student errors, and therefore the calculation of words read correctly per minute, as opposed to simply words read per minute. The authors therefore recommend that, in Kenya and in similar contexts, student reading fluency be assessed via oral rather than silent assessment.

  18. "Para derribar todas las fronteras": un proyecto realizado con inmigrantes latinoamericanos


    Lic. Laura Guillermina Moyano Ortiz


    Quería comentarles que este proyecto que comparto hoy con ustedes surge de una idea inicial gestada en el seno de una organización sin fines de lucro, de inspiración cristiana que, creo, algunos de ustedes conocerán probablemente de nombre: Cáritas Arquidiocesana de Córdoba, Argentina.

  19. Celulitis orbitaria como forma de presentación de la sinusitis complicada en el niño Orbital cellulitis as a way of presentation of the complicated sinusitis in the child


    Odette Pantoja Pereda; María del Carmen Luis Álvarez; Dayamí Benítez Rodríguez; Marlen Rivero González; Laura Pérez-Oliva Sánchez


    La sinusitis aguda es un proceso inflamatorio de la mucosa de los senos paranasales, de etiología bacteriana principalmente. Es más frecuente en las edades escolares y en las épocas de mayor circulación de los virus respiratorios. Se desarrolla cuando se afecta el drenaje normal de los senos y se retienen las secreciones mucosas. Las complicaciones más severas, como celulitis y abscesos periorbitarios, son raras. La celulitis orbitaria es una entidad poco frecuente, cuya importancia radica en...

  20. Silent Atrial Fibrillation in Elderly Pacemaker Users: A Randomized Trial Using Home Monitoring. (United States)

    Lima, Ceb; Martinelli, M; Peixoto, G L; Siqueira, S F; Wajngarten, Maurício; Silva, Rodrigo Tavares; Costa, Roberto; Filho, Roberto; Ramires, José Antônio Franchini


    Pacemaker with remote monitoring (PRM) may be useful for silent atrial fibrillation (AF) detection. The aims of this study were to evaluate the incidence of silent AF, the role of PRM, and to determine predictors of silent AF occurrence. Three hundred elderly patients with permanent pacemaker (PPM) were randomly assigned to the remote group (RG) or control group (CG). All patients received PPM with remote monitoring capabilities. Primary end point was AF occurrence rate and the secondary end points were time to AF detection and number of days with AF. During the average follow-up of 15.7±7.7 months, AF episodes were detected in 21.6% (RG = 24% vs CG = 19.3%, P = 0.36]. There was no difference in the time to detect the first AF episode. However, the median time to detect AF recurrence in the RG was lower than that in the CG (54 days vs 100 days, P = 0.004). The average number of days with AF was 16.0 and 51.2 in the RG and CG, respectively (P = 0.028). Predictors of silent AF were left atrial diameter (odds ratio [OR] 1.2; 95% CI = 1.1-1.3; P pacemaker; left atrial diameter and diastolic dysfunction were predictors of its occurrence. AF monitoring by means of pacemaker is a valuable tool for silent AF detection and continuous remote monitoring allows early AF recurrence detection and reduces the number of days with AF. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Neocortical inhibitory activities and long-range afferents contribute to the synchronous onset of silent states of the neocortical slow oscillation. (United States)

    Lemieux, Maxime; Chauvette, Sylvain; Timofeev, Igor


    During slow-wave sleep, neurons of the thalamocortical network are engaged in a slow oscillation (<1 Hz), which consists of an alternation between the active and the silent states. Several studies have provided insights on the transition from the silent, which are essentially periods of disfacilitation, to the active states. However, the conditions leading to the synchronous onset of the silent state remain elusive. We hypothesized that a synchronous input to local inhibitory neurons could contribute to the transition to the silent state in the cat suprasylvian gyrus during natural sleep and under ketamine-xylazine anesthesia. After partial and complete deafferentation of the cortex, we found that the silent state onset was more variable among remote sites. We found that the transition to the silent state was preceded by a reduction in excitatory postsynaptic potentials and firing probability in cortical neurons. We tested the impact of chloride-mediated inhibition in the silent-state onset. We uncovered a long-duration (100-300 ms) inhibitory barrage occurring about 250 ms before the silent state onset in 3-6% of neurons during anesthesia and in 12-15% of cases during natural sleep. These inhibitory activities caused a decrease in cortical firing that reduced the excitatory drive in the neocortical network. That chain reaction of disfacilitation ends up on the silent state. Electrical stimuli could trigger a network silent state with a maximal efficacy in deep cortical layers. We conclude that long-range afferents to the neocortex and chloride-mediated inhibition play a role in the initiation of the silent state. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  2. The Effect of Background Music While Silent Reading on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    sakineh sahebdel


    Full Text Available This study attempted to determine the effect of background music while silent reading on Iranian EFL learners’ reading comprehension. The participants were 57 Iranian EFL learners between the ages of 14 and 16 in two 3rd grade high schoolclasses at pre-intermediate proficiency level. Before treatment,both experimental and control groups took a reading comprehension pretest. In the experimental group, the researchers played Mozart sonatas as background music and asked them to read the passage silently and then answer the reading comprehension questions. In the control group, the procedure was the same, but no music was played while silent reading by the students. After ten sessions, the students of both groups were asked to answer another independent but parallel form of reading section of PET as their post-test. The independent samples t-testresultsindicated that the experimental group outperformed the control group in reading comprehension posttest, and listening to background music while silent reading had a significantly positive effect on Iranian EFL learners’ reading comprehension. The results of the present study have implications for EFL students, teachers, and teacher educators as well as syllabus designers and materials developers.

  3. Malaria - Africa's silent tsunami | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jan 12, 2011 ... Less well known is the continuous “silent tsunami” of malaria in Africa ... This means almost 3 lives per minute lost from an easily preventable and treatable disease. It was gratifying to see the beginnings of similar passion to deal with ... often in shapes, sizes, and colours unpopular in African households.

  4. Morphology and Spelling in French Students with Dyslexia: The Case of Silent Final Letters (United States)

    Quémart, Pauline; Casalis, Séverine


    Spelling is a challenge for individuals with dyslexia. Phoneme-to-grapheme correspondence rules are highly inconsistent in French, which make them very difficult to master, in particular for dyslexics. One recurrent manifestation of this inconsistency is the presence of silent letters at the end of words. Many of these silent letters perform a…

  5. "Para derribar todas las fronteras": un proyecto realizado con inmigrantes latinoamericanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lic. Laura Guillermina Moyano Ortiz


    Full Text Available Quería comentarles que este proyecto que comparto hoy con ustedes surge de una idea inicial gestada en el seno de una organización sin fines de lucro, de inspiración cristiana que, creo, algunos de ustedes conocerán probablemente de nombre: Cáritas Arquidiocesana de Córdoba, Argentina.

  6. Prevalence of silent gastrointestinal complications in maintenance renal transplant population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teplitsky Susan


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the prevalence of silent GI complications within a stable renal transplant population and to investigate whether the conversion to enteric-coated myco-phenolate sodium (EC-MPS, Myfortic; would improve symptom scores. This was a single-center, open-label, non-randomized, prospective study. Patients without any history of GI com-plaints were evaluated by means of the gastrointestinal symptom rating scale (GSRS, with subse-quent switch to EC-MPS in a group of patients. Silent complications were defined as patients who voiced no GI complaints at clinic visits despite a score of ≥ 2 on GSRS scale. A total of 236 stable patients participated in the trial. The prevalence of baseline scores ≥ 2 was relatively high with abdominal pain 29.66%, reflux 37.28%, indigestion 50%, constipation 58.47% and diarrhea 33.4%. Of 236 patients, 80 were converted to EC-MPS. There was statistically significant improvement on all scales in the subgroup of patients with GSRS score ≥ 2 (P< 0.05. In conclusion, the GSRS scale identified a high percentage of silent gastrointestinal complications in this renal transplant population. The converted patients with higher GSRS scores reported a sustained improvement.

  7. Using Vocal and Silent Reading Approaches for the Enhancement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nekky Umera

    An International Multi-Disciplinary Journal. Vol. 3 (1) ... expresses his thoughts and feelings in such a way that the person can be ... creative, critical and evaluative. .... In the first week, the research assistants taught the oral and silent reading.

  8. Silent Circulation of Ross River Virus in French Polynesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maite Aubry


    Discussion: Our results support the existence of autochthonous RRV transmission and suggest that this pathogen has silently circulated in French Polynesia. These findings raise the question of possible undetected circulation of RRV in other Pacific Island Countries and Territories.

  9. Silent Bodies: Japanese taciturnity and image thinking

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Došen


    Full Text Available A nonverbal transmission and an implicit way of communication are highly encouraged in Japanese society. The reason for this “silence prerogative” is often found in historical facts of lengthy feudal era or in ancient philosophies and religions such as Buddhism and Confucianism and their various concepts which privilege taciturn way of communication. Moreover, the unspoken comprehension is often complemented by the attitude which equates truthfulness with silence. This paper explores the silence as a communicative act in the domain of Japanese art, where the body takes over the place of the language. In traditional Japanese theatrical performance, such as noh, words are often inadequate to convey emotion and therefore the aesthetics of emptiness, understatement and abstraction is transcended by the masks with "nonmoving lips". Drawing on theoretical perspectives from both East and West, I argue that the silent bodies operate as deliberate and integral determinants of Japanese non-silent art forms – especially in cinema and theatre. In the Eastern thought, visual perception is fundamental in cognition of the world, whereas auditory discernment is secondary to "image-thinking" (Yuasa. Accustomed to taciturnity, Japanese audience effectively corresponds to the performance and "completes" it in silence.

  10. Isquemia miocárdica silente en diabéticos tipo 2 Silent myocardial ischemia in type 2 diabetes patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yordanka Piña Rivera


    Full Text Available Objetivos: determinar la frecuencia de isquemia miocárdica silente en diabéticos tipo 2 y su relación con el control metabólico. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 79 pacientes asintomáticos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 sin antecedentes de cardiopatía isquémica, hipertensión arterial o de ser fumador, que acudieron a la Consulta de Endocrinología del Hospital Militar Central "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay", entre febrero de 2009 y febrero de 2011. Se les realizó ecocardiografía con doppler tisular y se determinaron los niveles de glucemia en ayunas, posprandial, hemoglobina glucosilada, colesterol y triglicéridos. Las variables clínicas analizadas en relación con la isquemia miocárdica silente fueron: edad, sexo, tiempo de evolución de la diabetes e índice de masa corporal. Para las variables cualitativas se utilizaron distribuciones de frecuencia con el cálculo del porcentaje y para establecer relación entre variables la prueba de chi cuadrado. Resultados: la edad media del total de pacientes fue de 54 años, de ellos el 69,1 % correspondió al sexo masculino y el 31,9 % al femenino. En el 20,2 % de los pacientes se observaron signos de isquemia miocárdica por doppler tisular, y de ellos, un 75 % tuvo niveles patológicos de colesterol total, con relación estadísticamente significativa (p= 0,01, sujetos que tuvieron 4,4 veces más riesgo relativo de presentar isquemia miocárdica, que los pacientes con colesterol normal. Las cifras de glucemia en ayunas, posprandial y hemoglobina glucosilada fueron significativamente mayor en el grupo con isquemia. Los pacientes con niveles elevados de glucemia en ayunas tuvieron 10,5 veces más riesgo de isquemia miocárdica que los que tenían cifras adecuadas. Igualmente, los casos con cifras elevadas de glucemia posprandial presentaron 12 veces más riesgo de enfermar. Conclusiones: la isquemia miocárdica silente es frecuente en los diabéticos tipo 2 y se relaciona

  11. Silent ischemia and beta-blockade

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egstrup, K


    and should also be directed at the other coronary artery risk factors of the patients. The effects of beta-blockers, which reduce the duration and frequency of silent ischemic episodes, is well described. The effect is most pronounced in the morning, when the frequency of ischemia is highest......, and the mechanism of action seems mainly mediated through a reduction in myocardial oxygen demand. beta-Blockers have shown effectiveness in both effort-induced angina and mixed angina, and increased anti-ischemic potency may be achieved by combination therapy with a calcium antagonist. Abrupt withdrawal of beta-blockers...

  12. Scoring an Abstract Contemporary Silent Film


    Frost, Crystal


    I composed an original digital audio film score with full sound design for a contemporary silent film called Apple Tree. The film is highly conceptual and interpretive and required a very involved, intricate score to successfully tell the story. In the process of scoring this film, I learned new ways to convey an array of contrasting emotions through music and sound. After analyzing the film's emotional journey, I determined that six defining emotions were the foundation on which to build an ...

  13. Low fetal hemoglobin percentage is associated with silent brain lesions in adults with homozygous sickle cell disease


    Calvet, David; Tuilier, Titien; Mélé, Nicolas; Turc, Guillaume; Habibi, Anoosha; Abdallah, Nassim Ait; Majhadi, Loubna; Hemery, François; Edjlali, Myriam; Galacteros, Frédéric; Bartolucci, Pablo


    Low %HbF is independently associated with silent WMCs on brain imaging in adults with SCD.Our results highlight the potential use of therapeutic strategies inducing HbF expression in SCD patients with silent white matter changes.

  14. Anamnesis and the Silent Narrator in Plato and John

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    George L. Parsenios


    Full Text Available The Gospel of John is often compared to the dialogues of Plato by those who connect Johannine theology and Platonic philosophy. The comparison operates on the level of ideas. The present paper does not ignore issues of theology and philosophy but grounds a comparison of John and Plato first and foremost on the literary level. In several key places in John 1, 3, and 14, the Johannine narrator recedes from view and is unexpectedly silent where one would expect a narrator’s comment to organize the conversations and interactions between characters in John. Plato also renders the voice of the narrator silent in a dialogue like the Theaetetus. This paper argues that John and Plato both suppress the narrator’s voice in order to further their anamnetic efforts and to make later generations not only readers but participants in their original conversations.

  15. Clinical study of correlation of pre-senile and senile depressive stage with silent cerebral infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujikawa, Tokumi; Yamawaki, Shigeto; Fujita, Yasunobu; Shibata, Youko; Touhouda, Yoshikuni.


    The relationship between the pre-senile/senile depressive state and silent cerebral infarction was examined by MRI. Consecutive 56 depressive patients aged 50 years or older underwnt MRI. MRI revealed silent cerebral infarction in 60.3% of patients in whom depression occurred at the age of less than 65 years. The complication rate was significantly higher in these patients than the younger patients (60.9% vs 20%). Complications of silent cerebral infarction were found in 53.6% for patients in whom depression occurred at the age of less than 65 years and symptoms were deteriorated at the age of 65 years or older and in 100% for patients in whom it occurred at the age of 65 years or older and hospitalization was simultaneously required. These figures were remarkably higher than the age-related complication rate of silent cerebral infarction in non-depressive normal persons. This suggested that approximately half of depressive patients of pre-senile onset and majority of depressive patients of senile onset might have parenchymal involvement due to silent cerebral infarction. Both perforating-type and cortical-type infarcts were found. This has a implication for the involvement of multiple infarct-related foci in depressive state. For cortical-type infarcts, partial lesions were predominant, followed by frontal and temporal lesions. The incidence of left frontal infarcts was significanly higher than that of right frontal infarcts. Infarcts in both the parietal and left frontal lobes may be responsible for depressive state. (N.K.)

  16. La leyenda de Gösta Berling: una propuesta didáctica desde la interrelación Literatura/Cine / Gösta Berlings Saga: a teaching proposal from the interaction Literature / Cinema

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angélica García-Manso


    Full Text Available Resumen: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo trazar una estrategia didáctica para potenciar la lectura de los grandes clásicos de la Literatura Universal en el aula de enseñanza obligatoria. La propuesta se concretiza en la aproximación a la novelista sueca Selma Lagerlöff –la primera mujer Premio Nobel de Literatura– a través de la película La leyenda de Gösta Berling (Gösta Berlings Saga, 1924, dirigida por Mauritz Stiller y considerada una de las obras maestras del cine silente nórdico. Mediante esta guía de lectura-visionado, los alumnos pueden analizar un aspecto tan inédito como es el reflejo de la palabra en el cine mudo. Desde esta perspectiva, la relación interdisciplinar Literatura/Cine se percibe como una herramienta pedagógica polivalente, al menos en un doble sentido: por una parte, proporcionar a los adolescentes unos conocimientos literarios que el currículo no contempla; de otro, iniciarlos en la praxis de un análisis audiovisual cada vez más omnipresente y demandado. Abstract: The present study aims to draw a teaching strategy to enhance the reading of the great classics of World Literature in the classroom of compulsory education. Our specific proposal is the approach to the Swedish novelist Selma Lagerlöff – the first woman Nobel Prize for Literature– through the movie Gösta Berlings Saga (1924, directed by Mauritz Stiller and considered one of the masterpieces of Nordic silent film. By this reader-viewing guide, students can analyze an unknown aspect such as the reflection of the word in silent cinema. From this perspective, interdisciplinary relationship between Literature / Film is perceived as a versatile educational tool, at least in two ways: firstly, to provide adolescents with a literary knowledge that the curriculum does not provide; otherwise, to introduce them to the practice of an audiovisual analysis which is greater and greater.

  17. La construcción social del activismo: reflexiones etnográficas en torno a la producción de subjetividades políticas en una asamblea barrial del 15-M en Madrid

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    Ernesto García López


    Full Text Available En este artículo se pretende realizar un acercamiento a los procesos de construcción social de la subjetividad política en el seno de los movimientos sociales. En particular, se abordará esta cuestión en el ámbito del activismo dentro de una asamblea barrial del movimiento 15-M de Madrid, dentro de un ámbito específico de actuación: la liberación de un solar abandonado por parte de dicha asamblea. Para dar cuenta empírica de los despliegues de esta subjetividad nos apoyaremos (de un modo general en el uso de tres dimensiones analíticas: las “economías morales”, (Didier Fassin y E.P. Thompson, las “economías libidinales” (Donatella della Porta, y las “economías políticas”, en particular, los “procesos de aprovisionamiento” (Susana Narotzky de capitales políticos dentro de los grupos de activistas. La intención es ofrecer una mirada holista, desde una perspectiva etnográfica, de los procesos de construcción y deconstrucción de subjetividades políticas.


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    Rita Sobczyk


    Full Text Available El fenómeno migratorio constituye uno de los elementos claves en la reconfiguración del panorama religioso en la España actual. Para aproximarse a esta realidad, la presente investigación analiza los procesos de construcción de los significados religiosos en el seno de una iglesia evangélica formada por inmigrantes quichua de Otavalo (Ecuador en España. Este estudio de caso, realizado desde la Teoría Fundamentada, demuestra el potencial de la religión para convertirse en vehículo clave para la negociación de la identidad colectiva. La membresía en la iglesia se convierte en la base de una creativa reafirmación de su comunidad y el fomento de las redes intragrupales que repercuten en su inserción en la sociedad de acogida. En este sentido la participación religiosa transciende la esfera espiritual, influyendo en los aspectos socioculturales, económicos y políticos de su experiencia migratoria.

  19. Detecting Silent Data Corruption for Extreme-Scale Applications through Data Mining

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bautista-Gomez, Leonardo [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Cappello, Franck [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States)


    Supercomputers allow scientists to study natural phenomena by means of computer simulations. Next-generation machines are expected to have more components and, at the same time, consume several times less energy per operation. These trends are pushing supercomputer construction to the limits of miniaturization and energy-saving strategies. Consequently, the number of soft errors is expected to increase dramatically in the coming years. While mechanisms are in place to correct or at least detect some soft errors, a significant percentage of those errors pass unnoticed by the hardware. Such silent errors are extremely damaging because they can make applications silently produce wrong results. In this work we propose a technique that leverages certain properties of high-performance computing applications in order to detect silent errors at the application level. Our technique detects corruption solely based on the behavior of the application datasets and is completely application-agnostic. We propose multiple corruption detectors, and we couple them to work together in a fashion transparent to the user. We demonstrate that this strategy can detect the majority of the corruptions, while incurring negligible overhead. We show that with the help of these detectors, applications can have up to 80% of coverage against data corruption.

  20. Origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda en la arteria coronaria derecha y curso ínter-arterial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilson López, MD


    Full Text Available El origen del tronco coronario principal izquierdo a partir de la arteria coronaria derecha o del seno de Valsava opuesto, es una anomalía extremadamente rara con un riesgo potencial de mortalidad. En este informe se describe el caso de una paciente con esta anomalía, inicialmente detectada por coronariografía y posteriormente confirmada mediante resonancia magnética cardiaca.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mª Helena Zapico Barbeito


    Full Text Available Presentamos una experiencia que forma parte de un estudio más amplio que analiza los factores que dificultan o aceleran los procesos de cambio e innovación en los centros educativos cuando se incorporan TIC. En el contexto socio político y económico en que vivimos, la demanda de innovación es un imperativo que afecta a todos los ámbitos sociales. El sistema educativo no es una excepción, de manera que las escuelas están llamadas a subirse también en ese carro mostrando que son innovadoras. Por ello, el análisis de las innovaciones que tienen lugar en su seno es una oportunidad inmejorable para visualizar las condiciones en las que se desarrollan los procesos educativos. Se parte de la idea de que el potencial de cambio que la incorporación de las TIC podría generar, reside, sobre todo, en la manera en que están involucradas en el proyecto del centro y en el trabajo de reflexión sobre sus potencialidades educativas. Desde una perspectiva de investigación acción colaborativa, se construyeron cuatro estudios de casos: uno de un Centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria (C.E.I.P., un Instituto de Educación Secundaria (I.E.S., un Colegio Público Integrado (C.P.I. y un Centro Rural Agrupado (C.R.A.. En este trabajo, abordaremos el análisis de una experiencia en un Centro Rural Agrupado (C.R.A. de Galicia, en el que están integradas nueve escuelas, donde se imparte el segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil y primero de Primaria. Nuestra intención es la de dar cuenta de algunos de los significados de innovación sostenible en la experiencia de construcción del portal del centro como un espacio educativo.

  2. Psicolingüística y didáctica de las lenguas: una aproximación histórica y conceptual

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    Javier Zanón


    Full Text Available La psicolingüística es una de las ciencias que forman la base de la actividad didáctica. En este artículo, el autor describe la relación entre las distintas corrientes psicolingüísticas que se han sucedido en las últimas décadas, y las maneras de enseñar una segunda lengua.En la segunda parte del artículo, el autor describe, en primer lugar, los profundos cambios que tuvieron lugar en los Estados Unidos después de la “revolución chomskiana”. Partiendo de la influencia tardía de la obra de Piaget, surgen enfoques como la Respuesta Física Total, el Método Silencioso, el Aprendizaje Comunitario, la Sugestopedia o el Enfoque Natural. Después se explican las bases psicológicas, antropológicas y filosóficas del Enfoque Comunicativo dentro del contexto europeo. Y finalmente, se discuten las nuevas propuestas de la presente década, tales como el Enfoque por Tareas, en las cuales se refleja el intento de aunar el desarrollo de las estrategias de interacción con la regulación del discurso en el seno de contextos sociales de comunicación.

  3. Agreement of the silent partnership – tax and legal consequences of its conclusion and execution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monika Zieniewicz


    Full Text Available The institution of the silent partnership is not currently regulated by any legal act in the Polish legal system, although its importance in practice is not in doubt. As every action made in the economic sphere and economic execution of the contract is associated with specific effects on the basis of the tax laws. However, due to the lack of statutory regulation of the institution of silent partnership problematic is the question of determining the effects of tax legislation. Therefore, special attention is needed to determine the issue of these effects on the basis of income tax, tax on goods and services, transfer tax and the tax on inheritance and donations, as well as the question of liability for the tax liabilities of the silent partnership.

  4. Las catástrofes naturales y el desarrollo urbano : el aluvión de 1713 y su repercusión en Las Palmas


    Quintana Andrés, Pedro C.


    Las Palmas fue una ciudad sacudida periódicamente por una serie de catástrofes naturales quc generaron gran incertidumbre, elevados gastos económicos e, incluso, muertes en el seno de una sustancial parte de su población. La mayoría de estos episodios estuvieron relacionados con las reiteradas avenidas del barranco Guiniguada, cuyo cauce dividía a la urbe en dos partes, siendo la registrada en 1713 una de las principales por la dimensión del desastre y la demostración de la proverbial incapac...

  5. silent no more: sexual violence in conflict as a challenge

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Rights (FIDH), Violence Against Women in Syria: Breaking the Silence, Briefing. Paper Based on an .... not perceived as the church's concern”, Silent No More, p. 8. .... travel all night to retrieve the bodies and bury them with dignity.23 In the.

  6. Compositionality for Markov reward chains with fast and silent transitions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Markovski, J.; Sokolova, A.; Trcka, N.; Vink, de E.P.


    A parallel composition is defined for Markov reward chains with stochastic discontinuity, and with fast and silent transitions. In this setting, compositionality with respect to the relevant aggregation preorders is established. For Markov reward chains with fast transitions the preorders are

  7. Measuring the prevalence of regional mutation rates: an analysis of silent substitutions in mammals, fungi, and insects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tuch Brian B


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The patterns of mutation vary both within and across genomes. It has been shown for a few mammals that mutation rates vary within the genome, while for unknown reasons, the sensu stricto yeasts have uniform rates instead. The generality of these observations has been unknown. Here we examine silent site substitutions in a more expansive set (20 mammals, 27 fungi, 4 insects to determine why some genomes demonstrate this mosaic distribution and why others are uniform. Results We applied several intragene and intergene correlation tests to measure regional substitution patterns. Assuming that silent sites are a reasonable approximation to neutrally mutating sequence, our results show that all multicellular eukaryotes exhibit mutational heterogeneity. In striking contrast, all fungi are mutationally uniform – with the exception of three Candida species: C. albicans, C. dubliniensis, and C. tropicalis. We speculate that aspects of replication timing may be responsible for distinguishing these species. Our analysis also reveals classes of genes whose silent sites behave anomalously with respect to the mutational background in many species, indicating prevalent selective pressures. Genes associated with nucleotide binding or gene regulation have consistently low silent substitution rates in every mammalian species, as well as multiple fungi. On the other hand, receptor genes repeatedly exhibit high silent substitution rates, suggesting they have been influenced by diversifying selection. Conclusion Our findings provide a framework for understanding the regional mutational properties of eukaryotes, revealing a sharp difference between fungi and multicellular species. They also elucidate common selective pressures acting on eukaryotic silent sites, with frequent evidence for both purifying and diversifying selection.

  8. Teen Depression and Suicide, A SILENT CRISIS. (United States)

    Kroning, Maureen; Kroning, Kayla


    Adolescent depression is a serious problem affecting 10.7% of all teens and 29.9% of high school students; 17% of high school students have contemplated suicide. Yet, depression in teens is often unrecognized. This article relays the tragic death of a 17-year-old, along with symptoms of depression and suicide in adolescents; DSM-5 criteria for depression; treatments including protective factors, psychotherapy, and medications; and imparts interventions for addressing this huge but silent crisis.

  9. Risk factors associated with the occurrence of silent pulmonary embolism in patients with deep venous thrombosis of the lower limb. (United States)

    Li, Fenghe; Wang, Xuehu; Huang, Wen; Ren, Wei; Cheng, Jun; Zhang, Mao; Zhao, Yu


    The aim of our study is to investigate the prevalence of silent pulmonary embolism in patients with deep venous thrombosis in the lower limbs and to evaluate the associated risk factors. A total of 322 patients with acute deep venous thrombosis confirmed by CT venography or Doppler ultrasonography were studied. The diagnosis of silent pulmonary embolism was established by computed tomography pulmonary arteriography (CTPA). The association between covariates and the prevalence of silent pulmonary embolism in patients with deep venous thrombosis in lower limbs were assessed using chi-square test and multivariable regression. The incidence of silent pulmonary embolism was 33.5% (108 in 322 patients) in all patients with deep venous thrombosis in lower limbs. Chi-square test showed male gender, the right lower limb, proximal location of the thrombus, unprovoked venous thrombosis and coexisting heart diseases were related to a higher incidence of silent pulmonary embolism in patients with deep venous thrombosis in lower limbs. The multivariate regression analysis confirmed that the risk factors associated with silent pulmonary embolism in deep venous thrombosis patients included the right side and proximal location of the thrombus (odds ratio: 2.023, 95% CI: 1.215-3.368; odds ratio: 3.610, 95% CI: 1.772-7.354), unprovoked venous thrombosis (odds ratio: 2.037, 95% CI: 1.188-3.493), coexisting heart diseases (odds ratio: 4.507, 95% CI: 2.667-7.618). Silent pulmonary embolism occurred frequently in patients with deep venous thrombosis in lower limbs. The right side, the proximal location of the thrombus, unprovoked venous thrombosis and coexisting heart diseases increased the risk for the occurrence of silent pulmonary embolism. © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions:

  10. Harmony hurts: participation and silent conflict at an Indonesian fish pond. (United States)

    Tam, Chui-Ling


    Participatory environmental and resource management is premised on open communication to reach consensus. However, deliberate and open communication cannot adequately address silent conflict. This begs two questions. First, how is the existence of covert communication and silent conflict to be recognized and addressed? Second, how are the wider social relations and traditions that encompass communication and conflict to be described and explained? These questions revolve around communicative power. Communication of environmental knowledge is deeply embedded in social power structures, with direct implications for participatory resource planning and implementation. Ethnographic research conducted at a failed community-managed fish farming project in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia shows that a culture of harmony and respect for authority can silence environmental conflict in the hierarchical "community." Three propositions are offered. First, communication amnesia and exclusion jeopardize participation. Second, cultures of harmony and silent conflict shape planning processes and outcomes. Third, the weak use manipulation and communication strategy to acquire a "voice" while preserving harmony. These propositions address five unresolved issues in participatory resource management: analysis of groups, contextuality, social relationships, nonparticipants, and informal communication. Power, tradition, and social networks affect the valuing of knowledge relative to the power of different individuals and institutions to communicate priorities, values, and needs. These factors are critical to the inclusion of both participants and nonparticipants.

  11. Silent Warning: Understanding the National Terrorism Advisory System (United States)


    NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA THESIS Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited SILENT WARNING...PERFORMING OR GANIZATION NA:i\\ti E (S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 9. SP ONSORING /MONIT ORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND...Homeland Sectu’ity Advisory System, Boston Marathon bombing, Christmas Day bomber, tmderwear bomber, hum cane , cotmteiteiTO!’ism, CT AB

  12. A Comparison of Reading Rates, Comprehension, and Stamina in Oral and Silent Reading of Fourth-Grade Students (United States)

    Trainin, Guy; Hiebert, Elfrieda H.; Wilson, Kathleen M.


    This study examined the relationships between silent and oral reading fluency and comprehension. Findings indicated that fourth grade students had consistent levels of comprehension in both reading modes. Students of all reading levels showed a similar pattern across the segments of a text set in both oral and silent reading--a gradual increase in…

  13. Electrocardiographically and symptomatically silent myocardial ischemia during exercise testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurata, Chinori; Tawarahara, Kei; Sakata, Kazuyuki; Taguchi, Takahisa; Fukumoto, Yoshihiro; Kobayashi, Akira; Yamazaki, Noboru; Tanaka, Hiroshi


    Certain patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) may have neither ST depression nor chest pain during exercise despite the presence of myocardial ischemia. The frequency and characteristics of such electrocardiographically and symptomatically silent ischemia were studied in 171 patients with both angiographically documented CAD and scintigraphically documented ischemia. Fifty-six (33%) of 171 patients had neither ST depression nor chest pain (Group N), and 115 (67%) had ST depression and/or chest pain (Group P). The two groups were similar with respect to age, gender, the prevalence of prior infarction, and peak systolic blood pressure. Group N patients, however, had a higher mean peak heart rate and rate-pressure product, less severe scintigraphic ischemia, a lower lung thallium-201 uptake, and a smaller number of diseased vessels. Stepwise discriminant analysis showed a history of effort angina, lung thallium-201 uptake, and scintigraphic severity of ischemia to be significant discriminators between Groups N and P. In conclusion, electrocardiographically and symptomatically silent ischemia may be common during exercise in patients with CAD, and less severe ischemia may be one of important determinants. (author)

  14. Characterisation of silent and active genes for a variable large protein of Borrelia recurrentis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Scragg Ian G


    Full Text Available Abstract Background We report the characterisation of the variable large protein (vlp gene expressed by clinical isolate A1 of Borrelia recurrentis; the agent of the life-threatening disease louse-borne relapsing fever. Methods The major vlp protein of this isolate was characterised and a DNA probe created. Use of this together with standard molecular methods was used to determine the location of the vlp1B. recurrentis A1 gene in both this and other isolates. Results This isolate was found to carry silent and expressed copies of the vlp1B. recurrentis A1 gene on plasmids of 54 kbp and 24 kbp respectively, whereas a different isolate, A17, had only the silent vlp1B. recurrentis A17 on a 54 kbp plasmid. Silent and expressed vlp1 have identical mature protein coding regions but have different 5' regions, both containing different potential lipoprotein leader sequences. Only one form of vlp1 is transcribed in the A1 isolate of B. recurrentis, yet both 5' upstream sequences of this vlp1 gene possess features of bacterial promoters. Conclusion Taken together these results suggest that antigenic variation in B. recurrentis may result from recombination of variable large and small protein genes at the junction between lipoprotein leader sequence and mature protein coding region. However, this hypothetical model needs to be validated by further identification of expressed and silent variant protein genes in other B. recurrentis isolates.

  15. Accuracy of Ultrasonography and Rectal Palpation in the Diagnosis of Silent Heat in Cows Compared to Plasma Progesterone Concentration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zdunczyk, S.; Janowski, T.; Ras, A.; Baranski, W.


    The study was carried out on five dairy herds in the North-East Poland. The cows, which showed no visible oestrus signs until day 60 postpartum, were examined by ultrasonography and rectal palpation twice, at a 10-d interval. A real-time, B-mode scanner with a 5 MHz probe was used. The plasma progesterone concentration was determined using RIA. A high progesterone level on the first examination, but low on the second, or low on the first and high on the second examination were interpreted as a silent heat. Based on the progesterone values, silent heat was diagnosed in 145 anoestrous cows, whereas ultrasonographically, 106 cows were found to have silent heat. The accuracy of the ultrasonography and rectal palpation in the diagnosis of silent heat in cows was 89.0 % and 69.7 %, respectively (P ≤ 0.05). For the diagnosis of the corpus luteum, the sensitivity and specificity of the ultrasonography was 94.7 % and 84.0 %, and for rectal palpation 86.2 % and 70.3 %, respectively (P ≤ 0.05). Our results showed that ultrasonography is a useful tool in the diagnosis of silent heat in cows. (authors)

  16. Scintigraphic diagnosis of silent aspiration following double-sided lung transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toenshoff, G.; Stock, U.; Bohuslavizki, K.H.; Brenner, W.; Costard-Jaeckle, A.; Cremer, J.; Clausen, M.


    We present a case of a 25 year old patient who underwent double-sided lung transplantation and suffered from recurrent pneumonia. Silent aspiration was suspected clinically. Aspiration was proved by scintigraphy enabling to discriminate between direct oro-pulmonal aspiration and aspiration after gastro-esophageal reflux. (orig.) [de

  17. Direct speech quotations promote low relative-clause attachment in silent reading of English. (United States)

    Yao, Bo; Scheepers, Christoph


    The implicit prosody hypothesis (Fodor, 1998, 2002) proposes that silent reading coincides with a default, implicit form of prosody to facilitate sentence processing. Recent research demonstrated that a more vivid form of implicit prosody is mentally simulated during silent reading of direct speech quotations (e.g., Mary said, "This dress is beautiful"), with neural and behavioural consequences (e.g., Yao, Belin, & Scheepers, 2011; Yao & Scheepers, 2011). Here, we explored the relation between 'default' and 'simulated' implicit prosody in the context of relative-clause (RC) attachment in English. Apart from confirming a general low RC-attachment preference in both production (Experiment 1) and comprehension (Experiments 2 and 3), we found that during written sentence completion (Experiment 1) or when reading silently (Experiment 2), the low RC-attachment preference was reliably enhanced when the critical sentences were embedded in direct speech quotations as compared to indirect speech or narrative sentences. However, when reading aloud (Experiment 3), direct speech did not enhance the general low RC-attachment preference. The results from Experiments 1 and 2 suggest a quantitative boost to implicit prosody (via auditory perceptual simulation) during silent production/comprehension of direct speech. By contrast, when reading aloud (Experiment 3), prosody becomes equally salient across conditions due to its explicit nature; indirect speech and narrative sentences thus become as susceptible to prosody-induced syntactic biases as direct speech. The present findings suggest a shared cognitive basis between default implicit prosody and simulated implicit prosody, providing a new platform for studying the effects of implicit prosody on sentence processing. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Gated single photon emission computer tomography for the detection of silent myocardial ischemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pena Q, Yamile; Coca P, Marco Antonio; Batista C, Juan Felipe; Fernandez-Britto, Jose; Quesada P, Rodobaldo; Pena C; Andria


    Background: Asymptomatic patients with severe coronary atherosclerosis may have a normal resting electrocardiogram and stress test. Aim: To assess the yield of Gated Single Photon Emission Computer Tomography (SPECT) for the screening of silent myocardial ischemia in type 2 diabetic patients. Material and methods: Electrocardiogram, stress test and gated-SPECT were performed on 102 type 2 diabetic patients aged 60 ± 8 years without cardiovascular symptoms. All subjects were also subjected to a coronary angiography, whose results were used as gold standard. Results: Gated-SPECT showed myocardial ischemia on 26.5% of studied patients. The sensibility, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 92.3%, 96%, 95%, 88.8%, 97.3%, respectively. In four and six patients ischemia was detected on resting electrocardiogram and stress test, respectively. Eighty percent of patients with doubtful resting electrocardiogram results and 70% with a doubtful stress test had a silent myocardial ischemia detected by gated-SPECT. There was a good agreement between the results of gated-SPECT and coronary angiography (k =0.873). Conclusions: Gated-SPECT was an useful tool for the screening of silent myocardial ischemia

  19. Hipertrofia mamaria virginal en una adolescente Virginal mammary hypertrophy in an adolescent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Raúl Zaldívar Ochoa


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de una adolescente de 13 años de edad con antecedentes de buena salud, que acudió a la consulta de endocrinología pediátrica del Hospital Infantil Norte Docente "Dr. Juan de la Cruz Martínez Maceira" de Santiago de Cuba por experimentar un aumento exagerado de ambas mamas, de aparición brusca en una semana y acompañado de enrojecimiento en los senos, elevación de su temperatura, dolor punzante y sensibilidad incrementada, sobre todo en los pezones. Estaba muy afectada psicológicamente; pero se le indicó un tratamiento con antiinflamatorio y diurético antes de ser remitida al Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía para la realización de otra tomografía axial computarizada contrastada, donde no se observaron alteraciones en los hemisferios cerebrales, silla turca, ventrículos y fosa posterior.The case of a 13 year-old adolescent with a history of good health is reported, who attended the Pediatric Endocrinology Department from "Dr Juan de la Cruz Martínez Maceira" Northern Teaching Children Hospital of Santiago de Cuba due to an excessive increase of the breasts, which onset was abrupt in a week and accompanied by breast redness, elevated temperature, piercing pain and increased sensitivity, especially in the nipples. She was so psychologically affected, but she was on anti-inflammatory and diuretic before being referred to the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery to perform another contrast CAT scan, where no changes were observed in the cerebral hemispheres, sella, ventricles and posterior fossa.

  20. “Silent” Diabetes and Clinical Outcome After Treatment With Contemporary Drug-Eluting Stents : The BIO-RESORT Silent Diabetes Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    von Birgelen, Clemens; Kok, Marlies M.; Sattar, Naveed; Zocca, Paolo; Doelman, Cees; Kant, Gert D.; Löwik, Marije M.; van der Heijden, Liefke C.; Sen, Hanim; van Houwelingen, Gert K.; Stoel, Martin G.; Louwerenburg, J. (Hans) W.; Hartmann, Marc; de Man, Frits H.A.F.; Linssen, Gerard C.M.; Doggen, Carine J.M.; Tandjung, Kenneth


    Objectives: This study sought to assess the prevalence and clinical impact of silent diabetes and pre-diabetes in “nondiabetic” percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) all-comers. Background: Patients with undetected and thus untreated (silent) diabetes may have higher event risks after PCI with

  1. Agreement of the silent partnership – tax and legal consequences of its conclusion and execution


    Monika Zieniewicz


    The institution of the silent partnership is not currently regulated by any legal act in the Polish legal system, although its importance in practice is not in doubt. As every action made in the economic sphere and economic execution of the contract is associated with specific effects on the basis of the tax laws. However, due to the lack of statutory regulation of the institution of silent partnership problematic is the question of determining the effects of tax legislation. Therefore, speci...

  2. Silent, indirect strategic processes in small and medium sized enterprises

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Mette Vinther; Madsen, Charlotte Øland; Rasmussen, Jørgen Gulddahl

    Based on empirical data we in this paper explore day-to-day strategising with an emphasis on phronesis. This way we shed some light on the nearly silent, quiet, indirect strategic change processes as they are practiced and reflected upon by leaders in small companies in their daily practice...

  3. Perspectives on the "Silent Period" for Emergent Bilinguals in England (United States)

    Bligh, Caroline; Drury, Rose


    This article draws together the research findings from two ethnographic studies as a means to problematize the "silent period" as experienced by young bilingual learners in two English speaking early-years settings in England. Most teachers and senior early-years practitioners in England are monolingual English speakers. The children…

  4. The Rachel Carson Letters and the Making of Silent Spring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Paull


    Full Text Available Environment, conservation, green, and kindred movements look back to Rachel Carson’s 1962 book Silent Spring as a milestone. The impact of the book, including on government, industry, and civil society, was immediate and substantial, and has been extensively described; however, the provenance of the book has been less thoroughly examined. Using Carson’s personal correspondence, this paper reveals that the primary source for Carson’s book was the extensive evidence and contacts compiled by two biodynamic farmers, Marjorie Spock and Mary T. Richards, of Long Island, New York. Their evidence was compiled for a suite of legal actions (1957-1960 against the U.S. Government and that contested the aerial spraying of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT. During Rudolf Steiner’s lifetime, Spock and Richards both studied at Steiner’s Goetheanum, the headquarters of Anthroposophy, located in Dornach, Switzerland. Spock and Richards were prominent U.S. anthroposophists, and established a biodynamic farm under the tutelage of the leading biodynamics exponent of the time, Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. When their property was under threat from a government program of DDT spraying, they brought their case, eventually lost it, in the process spent US$100,000, and compiled the evidence that they then shared with Carson, who used it, and their extensive contacts and the trial transcripts, as the primary input for Silent Spring. Carson attributed to Spock, Richards, and Pfeiffer, no credit whatsoever in her book. As a consequence, the organics movement has not received the recognition, that is its due, as the primary impulse for Silent Spring, and it is, itself, unaware of this provenance.

  5. Estimation of cortical silent period following transcranial magnetic stimulation using a computerised cumulative sum method. (United States)

    King, Nicolas K K; Kuppuswamy, Annapoorna; Strutton, Paul H; Davey, Nick J


    The cortical silent period (CSP) following transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the motor cortex can be used to measure intra-cortical inhibition and changes in a number of important pathologies affecting the central nervous system. The main drawback of this technique has been the difficulty in accurately identifying the onset and offset of the cortical silent period leading to inter-observer variability. We developed an automated method based on the cumulative sum (Cusum) technique to improve the determination of the duration and area of the cortical silent period. This was compared with experienced raters and two other automated methods. We showed that the automated Cusum method reliably correlated with the experienced raters for both duration and area of CSP. Compared with the automated methods, the Cusum also showed the strongest correlation with the experienced raters. Our results show the Cusum method to be a simple, graphical and powerful method of detecting low-intensity CSP that can be easily automated using standard software.

  6. Diagnosis of silent myocardial ischemia in type 2 diabetic patients by electrocardiogram, ergometry and Gated-SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Penna Quian, Yamile; Fernandez-Britto Rodriguez, Jose; Bacallao Gallestey, Jorge; Batista Cuellar, Juan Felipe; Coca Perez, Marco Antonio; Toirac Garcia, Noresma; Penna Coego, Andria


    31 asymptomatic type 2 diabetic patients were studied by lab tests, electrocardiogram, ergometry, Gated-SPECT and coronariography to determine the relation between the atherosclerotic risk factors and the silent myocardial ischemia. Patients were classified into two groups: positive SPECT and negative SPECT. Association tests were made for each variable and ROC curves were constructed to identify risk markers. In 35.5% of the patients silent myocardial ischemia was detected with a good angiographic correlation. A significant association was evidenced between positive SPECT and the atherosclerotic risk factors, namely, low values of HDLc, family pathological history of ischemic heart disease and peripheral vascular disease. The logistic regression models showed that low values of HDLc together with family pathological history of ischemic heart disease may be strong predictors of silent myocardial ischemia in asymptomatic type 2 diabetic patients

  7. An introduction to silent speech interfaces

    CERN Document Server

    Freitas, João; Dias, Miguel Sales; Silva, Samuel


    This book provides a broad and comprehensive overview of the existing technical approaches in the area of silent speech interfaces (SSI), both in theory and in application. Each technique is described in the context of the human speech production process, allowing the reader to clearly understand the principles behind SSI in general and across different methods. Additionally, the book explores the combined use of different data sources, collected from various sensors, in order to tackle the limitations of simpler SSI approaches, addressing current challenges of this field. The book also provides information about existing SSI applications, resources and a simple tutorial on how to build an SSI.

  8. Silent infarction on a second CT scan in 91 patients without manifest stroke in the Dutch TIA trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herderscheê, D.; Hijdra, A.; Algra, A.; Kappelle, L. J.; Koudstaal, P. J.; van Gijn, J.


    The frequency of silent infarction is an important issue because it is a marker of vascular disease. We studied the occurrence of silent infarction in a sample of patients from the Dutch TIA trial, in which patients were randomized between 30 and 283 mg of aspirin. A total of 91 patients with TIA or

  9. Altered Modulation of Silent Period in Tongue Motor Cortex of Persistent Developmental Stuttering in Relation to Stuttering Severity. (United States)

    Busan, Pierpaolo; Del Ben, Giovanni; Bernardini, Simona; Natarelli, Giulia; Bencich, Marco; Monti, Fabrizio; Manganotti, Paolo; Battaglini, Piero Paolo


    Motor balance in developmental stuttering (DS) was investigated with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), with the aim to define novel neural markers of persistent DS in adulthood. Eleven DS adult males were evaluated with TMS on tongue primary motor cortex, compared to 15 matched fluent speakers, in a "state" condition (i.e. stutterers vs. fluent speakers, no overt stuttering). Motor and silent period thresholds (SPT), recruitment curves, and silent period durations were acquired by recording tongue motor evoked potentials. Tongue silent period duration was increased in DS, especially in the left hemisphere (Pstuttering severity. Pre-TMS electromyography data gave overlapping evidence. Findings suggest the existence of a complex intracortical balance in DS tongue primary motor cortex, with a particular interplay between excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms, also in neural substrates related to silent periods. Findings are discussed with respect to functional and structural impairments in stuttering, and are also proposed as novel neural markers of a stuttering "state" in persistent DS, helping to define more focused treatments (e.g. neuro-modulation).

  10. Inteligencia y planificación en el Ejército. Una aproximación prospectiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arregui Asta, Antonio


    Full Text Available Not available

    La Planificación en los Ejércitos abarca múltiples facetas, desde la determinación de su entidad, composición y misiones, al establecimiento de los posibles escenarios de intervención. En esta planificación han de tenerse en cuenta no sólo datos conocidos o predeterminados, sino también factores inciertos referidos especialmente a los riesgos o amenazas que presumiblemente tendrán que afrontar o evitar En este artículo se consideran los parámetros conocidos y se pasa a analizar qué es, cómo se elabora y qué productos puede proporcionar la Inteligencia Militar para apoyar el proceso de planificación. Se estudian sus analogías y diferencias con algunas técnicas de exploración del futuro, estableciéndose una relación de complementaridad entre la Inteligencia y la Prospectiva. Finalmente se contempla la previsible evolución del Sistema de Inteligencia Militar al que se le augura un papel más relevante, si cabe, en el seno de las Fuerzas Terrestres del futuro.

  11. Dynamic wind turbine models in power system simulation tool DIgSILENT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Anca Daniela; Iov, F.; Sørensen, Poul Ejnar

    , connection of the wind turbine at different types of grid and storage systems. Different control strategies have been developed and implemented for these wind turbine concepts, their performance in normal or fault operation being assessed and discussed by means of simulations. The described control......This report presents a collection of models and control strategies developed and implemented in the power system simulation tool PowerFactory DIgSILENT for different wind turbine concepts. It is the second edition of Risø-R-1400(EN) and it gathers and describes a whole wind turbine model database...... of the interaction between the mechanical structure of the wind turbine and the electrical grid during different operational modes. The report provides thus a description of the wind turbines modelling, both at a component level and at a system level. The report contains both the description of DIgSILENT built...

  12. Human Schedule Performance, Protocol Analysis, and the "Silent Dog" Methodology (United States)

    Cabello, Francisco; Luciano, Carmen; Gomez, Inmaculada; Barnes-Holmes, Dermot


    The purpose of the current experiment was to investigate the role of private verbal behavior on the operant performances of human adults, using a protocol analysis procedure with additional methodological controls (the "silent dog" method). Twelve subjects were exposed to fixed ratio 8 and differential reinforcement of low rate 3-s schedules. For…

  13. Esclerodermia y paniculitis localizadas


    García Lara, G. M.; Ruiz Andrés, C.; García Iglesias, F.; García Puga, J. M.


    La esclerodermia es una enfermedad del tejido conectivo, autoinmunitaria y caracterizada por fibrosis de la piel1-3. Literalmente significa “piel dura”. La afectación puede ser mínima (solo en dedos y cara, muy lentamente progresiva) o generalizada (afectando de forma rápida a uno o más órganos internos). La paniculitis neutrofílica4,6 es una respuesta inmunitaria localizada en forma de placa o nódulo, en el seno generalmente de una enfermedad sistémica. Scleroderma is a disease that affec...

  14. Tendencias de las relaciones sociales e interpersonales de los nativos digitales y jóvenes en la web 2.0


    Lourdes-Ainhoa Hermida-Ayala; Patricia Núñez-Gómez; María-Luisa García-Guardia


    El desarrollo evolutivo de la Red hacia una Red Universal Digital conlleva una modificación de las conductas, usos y competencias de los internautas. Han surgido nuevas formas de acceso, gestión y diseño de la información, las cuales están generando conductas distintas a la hora de gestionar dicha información y en el seno de las relaciones sociales. Son los llamados “nativos digitales” los que hacen una mayor utilización de este tipo de recursos y servicios nuevos. El objeto de la investiga...

  15. Stopping the Silent Killer: Hepatitis B Among Asian Americans

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This podcast discusses an underappreciated health threat to many Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States: chronic infection with the hepatitis B virus. Dr. John Ward, director of CDC's Division of Viral Hepatitis, and Dr. Sam So, founder of the Asian Liver Center at Stanford University, address the importance of testing, vaccination, and care to prevent serious health consequences from this "silent" disease.

  16. Hydrocoele: A Silent Disability Affecting Quality of Life in Katakwi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Katakwi district is one of the rural districts in eastern Uganda in Teso Sub Region. The district is heavily infested with filarial worms a major cause for hydrocoele and elephantiasis if the infection is left untreated. Hydrocoele in Katakwi district are still a big cause of silent morbidity though it's an operable ...

  17. Una donación entre judíos segovianos, originalmente en hebreo, del año 1487

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    Bonifacio Bartolomé Herrero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se transcribe y comenta un documento de donación redactado originalmente en hebreo en 1487 y cuyo contenido se ha conservado a través de su traducción al castellano en 1496. La importancia de este texto radica en que es el único testimonio conocido hasta el momento de un documento en hebreo redactado en el seno de la aljama judía de Segovia, una de las más importantes de la península ibérica en el último cuarto del siglo XV. Para situar el documento en su adecuado contexto se ofrece una visión general de la comunidad judía de Segovia durante el reinado de los Reyes Católicos y una breve biografía del receptor de la donación, el herrero judío Yuçe Biton, convertido más tarde al cristianismo con el nombre de Alonso de Palencia.The present work transcribes and comments a document of donation originally written in Hebrew in 1487. The contents of the document have been kept thanks to its translation to the Spanish language in 1496. Its relevance lies on the fact that it is, so far, the only testimony in Hebrew language we have evidence on, written in the Jewish quarter in the town of Segovia, which was one of the most important Hebrew communities in the Iberian Peninsula in the last quarter of the 15th century. In order to set the document in its context, it is offered a general perspective of the Hebrew community in Segovia during the Catholic Monarchs kingdom and a brief biography of the receiver of the donation, the Jewish blacksmith Yuçe Biton, who became a Christian afterwards under the name of Alonso de Palencia.

  18. Silent reading of direct versus indirect speech activates voice-selective areas in the auditory cortex. (United States)

    Yao, Bo; Belin, Pascal; Scheepers, Christoph


    In human communication, direct speech (e.g., Mary said: "I'm hungry") is perceived to be more vivid than indirect speech (e.g., Mary said [that] she was hungry). However, for silent reading, the representational consequences of this distinction are still unclear. Although many of us share the intuition of an "inner voice," particularly during silent reading of direct speech statements in text, there has been little direct empirical confirmation of this experience so far. Combining fMRI with eye tracking in human volunteers, we show that silent reading of direct versus indirect speech engenders differential brain activation in voice-selective areas of the auditory cortex. This suggests that readers are indeed more likely to engage in perceptual simulations (or spontaneous imagery) of the reported speaker's voice when reading direct speech as opposed to meaning-equivalent indirect speech statements as part of a more vivid representation of the former. Our results may be interpreted in line with embodied cognition and form a starting point for more sophisticated interdisciplinary research on the nature of auditory mental simulation during reading.

  19. Veratridine activates a silent sodium-channel in rat isolated aorta

    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    To investigate the existence of silent Na+ channels, isolated rat aorta was treated with veratridine (0.1 mM) and the resulting Ca2+ uptake was determined. After 30-min incubation the total tissue uptake of Ca2+ and Ca2+ uptake increased from 2.325 +/- 0.017 to 2.614 +/- 0.080 nmol/mg wet weight

  20. Health Education Films of the Silent Era: A Historical Analysis (United States)

    Sofalvi, Alan


    Films have been used to present health messages throughout the history of the medium. The purpose of this article is to describe pictures from the silent film era that were designed to educate people about health issues. Films still available in at least one format were reviewed. Published reviews were also used to obtain information about these…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamid Marashi


    Full Text Available This study investigated the effect of short silent animations on pre-intermediate EFL learners writing. A homogenized group of 60 participants was non-randomly chosen and assigned as the control and experimental groups. Those in the control group watched five short animations with dialogue, while those in the experimental group had five short animations which were silent. The procedure lasted 10 sessions. In both groups, the participants were asked to write five writings regarding the subjects of the animations during the term and each of the writings should have contained a minimum of 90 and maximum of 140 words. The participants were provided both oral and written feedback. At the end of the instruction, a sample PET writing posttest was administered to both groups, an independent samples t-test was run on the mean scores of the two groups, and the results (t = -2.02, p = 0.037˂0.05 revealed that the experimental group outperformed the control group.

  2. Typical and atypical (silent) subacute thyroiditis in a wife and husband

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morrison, J.; Caplan, R.H.


    Typical subacute thyroiditis was diagnosed in a woman. Three weeks later, signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism developed in her husband. Although the right lobe of his thyroid gland was slightly enlarged, pain and tenderness were absent throughout the course of his illness. The free thyroxine equivalent (FTE) value and the sedimentation rate were elevated; the low uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland was consistent with ''silent'' subacute thyroiditis. We postulate that a common etiology, probably viral, was operative in both cases. Nine additional cases of hyperthyroidism with low levels of thyroidal uptake of radioactive iodine are described. The thyroid glands of these patients were normal or slightly enlarged. Antithyroglobulin antibody levels determined in seven patients were not substantially elevated. The clinical course of these patients was characteristic of ''silent'' subacute thyroiditis. Although the origin of the syndrome remains unclear, the disease is self-limited and therapy, if any, is supportive

  3. Typical and atypical (silent) subacute thyroiditis in a wife and husband

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morrison, J.; Caplan, R.H.


    Typical subacute thyroiditis was diagnosed in a woman. Three weeks later, signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism developed in her husband. Although the right lobe of his thyroid gland was slightly enlarged, pain and tenderness were absent throughout the course of his illness. The free thyroxine equivalent (FTE) value and the sedimentation rate were elevated; the low uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland was consistent with ''silent'' subacute thyroiditis. We postulate that a common etiology, probably viral, was operative in both cases. Nine additional cases of hyperthyroidism with low levels of thyroidal uptake of radioactive iodine are described. The thyroid glands of these patients were normal or slightly enlarged. Antithyroglobulin antibody levels determined in seven patients were not substantially elevated. The clinical course of these patients was characteristic of ''silent'' subacute thyroiditis. Although the origin of the syndrome remains unclear, the disease is self-limited and therapy, if any, is supportive.

  4. Detection of silent cells, synchronization and modulatory activity in developing cellular networks. (United States)

    Hjorth, Johannes J J; Dawitz, Julia; Kroon, Tim; Pires, Johny; Dassen, Valerie J; Berkhout, Janna A; Emperador Melero, Javier; Nadadhur, Aish G; Alevra, Mihai; Toonen, Ruud F; Heine, Vivi M; Mansvelder, Huibert D; Meredith, Rhiannon M


    Developing networks in the immature nervous system and in cellular cultures are characterized by waves of synchronous activity in restricted clusters of cells. Synchronized activity in immature networks is proposed to regulate many different developmental processes, from neuron growth and cell migration, to the refinement of synapses, topographic maps, and the mature composition of ion channels. These emergent activity patterns are not present in all cells simultaneously within the network and more immature "silent" cells, potentially correlated with the presence of silent synapses, are prominent in different networks during early developmental periods. Many current network analyses for detection of synchronous cellular activity utilize activity-based pixel correlations to identify cellular-based regions of interest (ROIs) and coincident cell activity. However, using activity-based correlations, these methods first underestimate or ignore the inactive silent cells within the developing network and second, are difficult to apply within cell-dense regions commonly found in developing brain networks. In addition, previous methods may ignore ROIs within a network that shows transient activity patterns comprising both inactive and active periods. We developed analysis software to semi-automatically detect cells within developing neuronal networks that were imaged using calcium-sensitive reporter dyes. Using an iterative threshold, modulation of activity was tracked within individual cells across the network. The distribution pattern of both inactive and active, including synchronous cells, could be determined based on distance measures to neighboring cells and according to different anatomical layers. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Silent Patent Ductus Arteriosus Aneurysm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Medeiros Botta


    Full Text Available Ductus arteriosus aneurysm, a rare and potentially fatal condition, has been reported as a complication after surgical ductus arteriosus closure. Its spontaneous appearance as a septic complication, which was common in the presurgical and preantibiotic era, has been rarely reported in the contemporary literature. Persistence of silent ductus arteriosus in healthy children and adults is a frequent condition that currently has an increasing diagnostic possibility due to the availability of more accurate investigative methods, especially echocardiography. We report the case of a 1-year-old child, in whom no previous heart disease was known, who developed a giant aneurysm of the ductus arteriosus during a staphylococcal infection. This complication appeared after craniotomy for emptying an accidental subdural hematoma. This report associates the persistence of ductus arteriosus with a complication considered rare, which has a rapidly fatal evolution.

  6. Dynamic wind turbine models in power system simulation tool DIgSILENT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hansen, A.C.; Jauch, C.; Soerensen, P.; Iov, F.; Blaabjerg, F.


    The present report describes the dynamic wind turbine models implemented in the power system simulation tool DIgSILENT (Version 12.0). The developed models are a part of the results of a national research project, whose overall objective is to create a model database in different simulation tools. This model database should be able to support the analysis of the interaction between the mechanical structure of the wind turbine and the electrical grid during different operational modes. The report provides a description of the wind turbines modelling, both at a component level and at a system level. The report contains both the description of DIgSILENT built-in models for the electrical components of a grid connected wind turbine (e.g. induction generators, power converters, transformers) and the models developed by the user, in the dynamic simulation language DSL of DIgSILENT, for the non-electrical components of the wind turbine (wind model, aerodynamic model, mechanical model). The initialisation issues on the wind turbine models into the power system simulation are also presented. However, the main attention in this report is drawn to the modelling at the system level of two wind turbine concepts: 1. Active stall wind turbine with induction generator 2. Variable speed, variable pitch wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator. These wind turbine concept models can be used and even extended for the study of different aspects, e.g. the assessment of power quality, control strategies, connection of the wind turbine at different types of grid and storage systems. For both these two concepts, control strategies are developed and implemented, their performance assessed and discussed by means of simulations. (au)

  7. Neural responses to silent lipreading in normal hearing male and female subjects

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ruytjens, Liesbet; Albers, Frans; van Dijk, Pim; Wit, Hero; Willemsen, Antoon

    In the past, researchers investigated silent lipreading in normal hearing subjects with functional neuroimaging tools and showed how the brain processes visual stimuli that are normally accompanied by an auditory counterpart. Previously, we showed activation differences between males and females in



    Zárate-Cuello, Amparo de Jesús; Celis, Luis Gustavo


    En este artículo se realiza una reflexión y una revisión, desde el ámbito de las ciencias básicas y del bioderecho, sobre los aspectos biológicos y genéticos de la homosexualidad, y sobre el impacto que tiene en la familia el acceso a las técnicas de reproducción asistida por parte de las parejas del mismo sexo. Lo anterior nos lleva al desarrollo de conceptos como la "violencia prenatal", el derecho de los niños a crecer en el seno de una familia con una imagen paterna y materna, al igual qu...

  9. Towards Contactless Silent Speech Recognition Based on Detection of Active and Visible Articulators Using IR-UWB Radar. (United States)

    Shin, Young Hoon; Seo, Jiwon


    People with hearing or speaking disabilities are deprived of the benefits of conventional speech recognition technology because it is based on acoustic signals. Recent research has focused on silent speech recognition systems that are based on the motions of a speaker's vocal tract and articulators. Because most silent speech recognition systems use contact sensors that are very inconvenient to users or optical systems that are susceptible to environmental interference, a contactless and robust solution is hence required. Toward this objective, this paper presents a series of signal processing algorithms for a contactless silent speech recognition system using an impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) radar. The IR-UWB radar is used to remotely and wirelessly detect motions of the lips and jaw. In order to extract the necessary features of lip and jaw motions from the received radar signals, we propose a feature extraction algorithm. The proposed algorithm noticeably improved speech recognition performance compared to the existing algorithm during our word recognition test with five speakers. We also propose a speech activity detection algorithm to automatically select speech segments from continuous input signals. Thus, speech recognition processing is performed only when speech segments are detected. Our testbed consists of commercial off-the-shelf radar products, and the proposed algorithms are readily applicable without designing specialized radar hardware for silent speech processing.

  10. Silent and a audible stereotypes: The constitution of "ethnic character" in Serbian epic poetry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Đerić Gordana


    Full Text Available The article deals with the explanatory relevance of the concept of stereotype in one of its original meanings - as a "mental image". This meaning of the term is the starting point for further differentiations, such as: between linguistic and behavioral stereotypes (in the sense of nonverbal, expected responses; universal and particular stereotypes; self representative and introspective stereotypes; permanent and contemporary stereotypes; and finally, what is most important for our purposes, the difference between silent and audible stereotypes. These distinctions, along with the functions of stereotype, are discussed in the first part of the paper. In the second part, the relations of silent and audible stereotypes are tested against the introduction of "innovative vocabularies" in popular lore. In other words, the explanatory power of this differentiation is checked through an analysis of unconventional motives in Serbian epic poems. The goal of the argument is to clarify the procedure of self creation of masculinity as a relevant feature of the "national character" through "tactic games" of silent and audible stereotypes. The examination of these "poetic strategies" serves a twofold purpose: to illustrate the process of constructing particular features of the "ethno type", on one hand, and to check hypotheses and models which are taken as frameworks in analyzing stereotypes, on the other.

  11. When Spiders Bite: The Use, Misuse, and Unintended Consequences of ``Silent Information'' (United States)

    Keenan, Thomas P.

    Spiders are the workhorses of the Internet, silently (and almost invisibly) traversing the online world, 24 hours a day, looking for information that may be of interest to someone. It is being archived, organized, and sold, usually without the knowledge or consent of the subject of the information. Serious consequences are starting to appear, such as the withdrawal of three candidates from the October 2008 Canadian Federal election because of previous online indiscretions. While these were intentional if mis-guided postings, information made available without our consent can have equally devastating effects. Advances in artificial intelligence, as well as the increasing tendency to post more and more information, such as videos, will make the gathering, aggregation, and republishing of this “silent information” an increasingly important issue that must be addressed from the technical, social, ethical and legal perspectives, and sooner rather than later.

  12. Las huellas del Neurosexismo en la literatura popular del management dirigida a mujeres


    Medina-Vicent, Maria; Pallarés Domínguez, Daniel Vicente


    La literatura del management dirigida a mujeres actúa como una herramienta divulgativa que pretende definir los modos en que una mujer debe desarrollar su liderazgo en el seno de la empresa. Ejerce, pues, de herramienta educativa para aquellas mujeres que desean hacerse un hueco en la alta dirección empresarial. Teniendo en cuenta este hecho, resulta vital plantearse cuáles son los valores y comportamientos que se están promoviendo desde esta literatura. En este sentido, cabe r...

  13. Fundraising y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa: de la teoría a la práctica en el aula


    Cabrera García-Ochoa, Yolanda


    A lo largo de una serie de asignaturas cursadas por el alumnado de las titulaciones del área de Ciencias Sociales desde el curso 2012-2013 se ha conseguido implementar una serie de acciones de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en el seno de la Universidad Europea de Valencia que ha permitido desarrollar actividades formativas que transcienden el mero trabajo académico y buscan mejorar la sociedad y materializarse en ayudas concretas que revierten un beneficio común en colaboración con entida...

  14. Diderot en España: una revisión crítica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Es un hecho incuestionable que, para bien o para mal, en los modos de funcionamiento de la crítica histórica, literaria o artística se ha consolidado ya, un auténtico lugar de privilegio, el mecanismo de los Centenarios y demás conmemoraciones. En el seno de una sociedad presuntamente tecnológica, que se considera a sí misma como el paradigma de la racionalidad, el investigador en ciencias sociales parece obligado a sentir un cierto sonrojo y culpable por su dedicación a disciplinas «inútiles», y a menudo sólo se atreve a dirigirse al público cuando un acontecimiento exterior (un Centenario otorga a su osadía la justificación de la efemérides. Al mismo tiempo, las grandes empresas de la comunicación se suelen sentir en tales ocasiones más predispuestas a conceder sus valiosos medios, dado que han conseguido que un Centenario, sea de lo que sea, aumente ipso facto sus ventas. De ahí también la curiosa búsqueda de tres pies al gato a la que estamos asistiendo ya en ocasiones cuando no se puede esperar a que se cumplan verdaderos períodos de cien años y celebramos entusiastas el «480 aniversario de...».

  15. The prevalence and the clinical characteristics of silent myocardial ischemia detected by stress thallium scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuo, Hitoshi; Watanabe, Sachiro; Nishida, Yoshio


    The prevalence of silent myocardial ischemia was retrospectively assessed in a group of 100 consecutive patients with angiographically proved coronary artery disease, and diagnostic ECG, by symptom-limited exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy. Twenty-four patients had no evidence of ischemia despite adequate exercise level. So among 76 patients with exercise induced ischemia, only 33 patients (43%) stopped exercise due to anginal pain (symptomatic ischemia: Group 3). And 43 patients with asymptomatic ischemia composed of 23 patients (30%) with ECG change (Group 2B) and 20 patients (26%) without ECG change (Group 2A). Patients background including the history of old myocardial infarction and diabetes mellitus, were similar among Group 2A, 2B, and Group 3. Our Major observation was that the extent and severity of quantified SPECT perfusion defects was nearly identified between 3 groups. Thus in this study group, there was a rather high prevalence rate of silent ischemia (57%) by exercise thallium-201 criteria. Patients with silent ischemia, associated with positive and negative exercise ECG findings, and those with exercise angina had similar background and comparable amount of jeopardized myocardium. (author)

  16. Ventricular Fibrillation Associated With Dynamic Changes in J-Point Elevation in a Patient With Silent Thyroiditis. (United States)

    Karashima, Shigehiro; Tsuda, Toyonobu; Wakabayashi, Yusuke; Kometani, Mitsuhiro; Demura, Masashi; Ichise, Taro; Kawashiri, Masa-Aki; Takeda, Yoshiyu; Hayashi, Kenshi; Yoneda, Takashi


    A J wave is a common electrocardiographic finding in the general population. Individuals with prominent J waves in multiple electrocardiogram (ECG) leads have a higher risk of lethal arrhythmias than those with low-amplitude J waves. There are few reports about the relationship between thyroid function and J-wave amplitude. We report the case of a 45-year-old man who had unexpected ventricular fibrillation (VF). He had dynamic J-point elevation in multiple ECG leads. Possible early repolarization syndrome was diagnosed. He also had thyrotoxicosis caused by silent thyroiditis, and his J-wave amplitude decreased according to changes in thyroid function because of spontaneous remission of silent thyroiditis. There was a positive correlation between serum triiodothyronine levels and J-wave amplitudes. The findings in case suggested silent thyroiditis may contribute to the occurrence of VF in a patient with dynamic changes in J-point elevation in multiple ECG leads. Thyrotoxicosis is a relatively common endocrine disease; therefore, clinicians should pay attention to J-wave amplitude in the ECG of patients with thyrotoxicosis.

  17. Ventricular Fibrillation Associated With Dynamic Changes in J-Point Elevation in a Patient With Silent Thyroiditis (United States)

    Tsuda, Toyonobu; Wakabayashi, Yusuke; Kometani, Mitsuhiro; Demura, Masashi; Ichise, Taro; Kawashiri, Masa-aki; Takeda, Yoshiyu; Hayashi, Kenshi; Yoneda, Takashi


    A J wave is a common electrocardiographic finding in the general population. Individuals with prominent J waves in multiple electrocardiogram (ECG) leads have a higher risk of lethal arrhythmias than those with low-amplitude J waves. There are few reports about the relationship between thyroid function and J-wave amplitude. We report the case of a 45-year-old man who had unexpected ventricular fibrillation (VF). He had dynamic J-point elevation in multiple ECG leads. Possible early repolarization syndrome was diagnosed. He also had thyrotoxicosis caused by silent thyroiditis, and his J-wave amplitude decreased according to changes in thyroid function because of spontaneous remission of silent thyroiditis. There was a positive correlation between serum triiodothyronine levels and J-wave amplitudes. The findings in case suggested silent thyroiditis may contribute to the occurrence of VF in a patient with dynamic changes in J-point elevation in multiple ECG leads. Thyrotoxicosis is a relatively common endocrine disease; therefore, clinicians should pay attention to J-wave amplitude in the ECG of patients with thyrotoxicosis. PMID:29383332

  18. Silent Corticotroph Adenomas After Stereotactic Radiosurgery: A Case–Control Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Zhiyuan; Ellis, Scott; Lee, Cheng-Chia; Starke, Robert M.; Schlesinger, David; Lee Vance, Mary; Lopes, M. Beatriz; Sheehan, Jason


    Purpose: To investigate the safety and effectiveness of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) in patients with a silent corticotroph adenoma (SCA) compared with patients with other subtypes of non–adrenocorticotropic hormone staining nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma (NFA). Methods and Materials: The clinical features and outcomes of 104 NFA patients treated with SRS in our center between September 1994 and August 2012 were evaluated. Among them, 34 consecutive patients with a confirmatory SCA were identified. A control group of 70 patients with other subtypes of NFA were selected for review based on comparable baseline features, including sex, age at the time of SRS, tumor size, margin radiation dose to the tumor, and duration of follow-up. Results: The median follow-up after SRS was 56 months (range, 6-200 months). No patients with an SCA developed Cushing disease during the follow-up. Tumor control was achieved in 21 of 34 patients (62%) in the SCA group, compared with 65 of 70 patients (93%) in the NFA group. The median progression-free survival (PFS) was 58 months in the SCA group. The actuarial PFS was 73%, 46%, and 31% in the SCA group and was 94%, 87%, and 87% in the NFA group at 3, 5, and 8 years, respectively. Silent corticotroph adenomas treated with a dose of ≥17 Gy exhibited improved PFS. New-onset loss of pituitary function developed in 10 patients (29%) in the SCA group, whereas it occurred in 18 patients (26%) in the NFA group. Eight patients (24%) in the SCA group experienced worsening of a visual field deficit or visual acuity attributed to the tumor progression, as did 6 patients (9%) in the NFA group. Conclusion: Silent corticotroph adenomas exhibited a more aggressive course with a higher progression rate than other subtypes of NFAs. Stereotactic radiosurgery is an important adjuvant treatment for control of tumor growth. Increased radiation dose may lead to improved tumor control in SCA patients

  19. Silent Corticotroph Adenomas After Stereotactic Radiosurgery: A Case–Control Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Zhiyuan; Ellis, Scott; Lee, Cheng-Chia; Starke, Robert M. [Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (United States); Schlesinger, David [Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (United States); Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (United States); Lee Vance, Mary [Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (United States); Department of Internal Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (United States); Lopes, M. Beatriz [Division of Neuropathology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (United States); Sheehan, Jason, E-mail: [Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (United States); Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (United States)


    Purpose: To investigate the safety and effectiveness of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) in patients with a silent corticotroph adenoma (SCA) compared with patients with other subtypes of non–adrenocorticotropic hormone staining nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma (NFA). Methods and Materials: The clinical features and outcomes of 104 NFA patients treated with SRS in our center between September 1994 and August 2012 were evaluated. Among them, 34 consecutive patients with a confirmatory SCA were identified. A control group of 70 patients with other subtypes of NFA were selected for review based on comparable baseline features, including sex, age at the time of SRS, tumor size, margin radiation dose to the tumor, and duration of follow-up. Results: The median follow-up after SRS was 56 months (range, 6-200 months). No patients with an SCA developed Cushing disease during the follow-up. Tumor control was achieved in 21 of 34 patients (62%) in the SCA group, compared with 65 of 70 patients (93%) in the NFA group. The median progression-free survival (PFS) was 58 months in the SCA group. The actuarial PFS was 73%, 46%, and 31% in the SCA group and was 94%, 87%, and 87% in the NFA group at 3, 5, and 8 years, respectively. Silent corticotroph adenomas treated with a dose of ≥17 Gy exhibited improved PFS. New-onset loss of pituitary function developed in 10 patients (29%) in the SCA group, whereas it occurred in 18 patients (26%) in the NFA group. Eight patients (24%) in the SCA group experienced worsening of a visual field deficit or visual acuity attributed to the tumor progression, as did 6 patients (9%) in the NFA group. Conclusion: Silent corticotroph adenomas exhibited a more aggressive course with a higher progression rate than other subtypes of NFAs. Stereotactic radiosurgery is an important adjuvant treatment for control of tumor growth. Increased radiation dose may lead to improved tumor control in SCA patients.


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    Yorman Rafael Flores Molina


    Full Text Available La Trombosis de los Senos Durales y/o Trombosis Venosa Cerebral, se considera una entidad poco frecuente de accidente cerebro vascular que usualmente ocurre en individuos jóvenes. Cada año, afecta a 5 personas por millón a nivel mundial y representa el 0.5 al 1% de todos los episodios de enfermedad cerebrovascular. Se describe el caso de un paciente masculino de 31 años, sin antecedentes patológicos conocidos, que consultó en el servicio de urgencias por cefalea holocraneana y movimientos tónico-clónicos generalizados; se le practicó Tomografía Axial Computarizada Cerebral y Arteriografía de 4 vasos, descartándose malformaciones arteriovenosas y/o aneurismas cerebrales. Se solicita Angioresonancia, que revela Imágenes de defecto sugestivas a Trombosis del Seno Longitudinal Superior, por lo que se indica anticoagulación con Heparina de Bajo Peso Molecular y Warfarina Sódica, obteniéndose una evolución favorable. A propósito de este caso, se realiza una revisión de la literatura, haciendo especial énfasis en su diagnóstico, factores de riesgo y controversias terapéuticas.

  1. Una vía de colaboración entre la economía y la administración: la teoría de los recursos y las capacidades

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    Manuel Alfonso Garzón Castrillón


    Full Text Available La teoría de los recursos y las capacidades surge en el seno de la dirección estratégica, bajo la premisa fundamental de que existe heterogeneidad entre las organizaciones, en lo que a dotación de recursos y capacidades se refiere; explicando las diferencias de resultados entre ellas. En los últimos años se han producido una serie de aportes trascendentales a la teoría de los recursos y las capacidades de las organizaciones, de los que se hace eco en este artículo, cuyo objetivo es presentar una visión global y sistematizada de dicha teoría. Se aborda el estudio de sus antecedentes, del contenido –el cual se centra en la definición de los conceptos de recursos y capacidades–, y de las condiciones a cumplir por dichos conceptos en las decisiones relacionadas con la gestión de los recursos y las capacidades de las organizaciones. En la parte final se analizan las posibles aplicaciones de dicha teoría a la administración de las organizaciones, y las principales limitaciones de ésta tanto en lo que se refiere a sus fundamentos teóricos como a su aplicación práctica.

  2. Silent cerebral infarction, income, and grade retention among students with sickle cell anemia (United States)

    King, Allison A.; Rodeghier, Mark J.; Panepinto, Julie Ann; Strouse, John J.; Casella, James F.; Quinn, Charles T.; Dowling, Michael M.; Sarnaik, Sharada A.; Thompson, Alexis A.; Woods, Gerald M.; Minniti, Caterina P.; Redding-Lallinger, Rupa C.; Kirby-Allen, Melanie; Kirkham, Fenella J.; McKinstry, Robert; Noetzel, Michael J.; White, Desiree A.; Kwiatkowski, Janet K.; Howard, Thomas H.; Kalinyak, Karen A.; Inusa, Baba; Rhodes, Melissa M.; Heiny, Mark E.; Fuh, Ben; Fixler, Jason M.; Gordon, Mae O.; DeBaun, Michael R.


    Children with sickle cell anemia have a higher-than-expected prevalence of poor educational attainment. We test two key hypotheses about educational attainment among students with sickle cell anemia, as measured by grade retention and use of special education services: (1) lower household per capita income is associated with lower educational attainment; (2) the presence of a silent cerebral infarct is associated with lower educational attainment. We conducted a multicenter, cross-sectional study of cases from 22 U.S. sites included in the Silent Infarct Transfusion Trial. During screening, parents completed a questionnaire that included sociodemographic information and details of their child’s academic status. Of 835 students, 670 were evaluable; 536 had data on all covariates and were used for analysis. The students’ mean age was 9.4 years (range: 5–15) with 52.2% male; 17.5% of students were retained one grade level and 18.3% received special education services. A multiple variable logistic regression model identified that lower household per capita income (odds ratio [OR] of quartile 1 = 6.36, OR of quartile 2 = 4.7, OR of quartile 3 = 3.87; P = 0.001 for linear trend), age (OR = 1.3; P sickle cell anemia, household per capita income is associated with grade retention, whereas the presence of a silent cerebral infarct is not. Future educational interventions will need to address both the medical and socioeconomic issues that affect students with sickle cell anemia. PMID:25042018

  3. Direct and Indirect Effects of Print Exposure on Silent Reading Fluency (United States)

    Mano, Quintino R.; Guerin, Julia M.


    Print exposure is an important causal factor in reading development. Little is known, however, of the mechanisms through which print exposure exerts an effect onto reading. To address this gap, we examined the direct and indirect effects of print exposure on silent reading fluency among college students (n = 52). More specifically, we focused on…

  4. Silent Localization of Underwater Sensors Using Magnetometers

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    Jonas Callmer


    Full Text Available Sensor localization is a central problem for sensor networks. If the sensor positions are uncertain, the target tracking ability of the sensor network is reduced. Sensor localization in underwater environments is traditionally addressed using acoustic range measurements involving known anchor or surface nodes. We explore the usage of triaxial magnetometers and a friendly vessel with known magnetic dipole to silently localize the sensors. The ferromagnetic field created by the dipole is measured by the magnetometers and is used to localize the sensors. The trajectory of the vessel and the sensor positions are estimated simultaneously using an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF. Simulations show that the sensors can be accurately positioned using magnetometers.

  5. Soundless Speech/ Wordless Writing: Language and German Silent Cinema

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    Marc Silberman


    Full Text Available Speech / Wordless Writing: Language and German Silent Cinema Marc Silberman If language loses its communicative and interpretative functions in direct proportion to the loss of its referential grounding, then the modernist crisis is simultaneously a crisis of its signifying practices. This means that the evolution of the silent cinema is a particularly rich site to examine the problematic relationship of language and image. This essay presents several expressionist films as a specific response to this crisis in order to describe the diverse cinematic forms of resistance to the word, to articulated speech. While some film makers developed the silence of the silent film into a “gestural language” that dramatized light and movement, others reproduced the film figures’ silent speech by means of graphically stylized intertitles. My thesis is that the expressionist cinema maintained an idealistic notion of the film as a pure work of art that aimed at a unified composition of all elements and missed the opportunity to explore the rich semiotic possibilities of the new technological medium with its hybrid, synergetic forms and provocative force. Hence, the expressionist cinema marks a transition or even the endpoint of a long process of reflection about the communicative possibilities of language that shifted to a fundamentally new level with the invention of sound cinema at the end of the 1920s. Parole muette / écriture sans mot: Le langage et le cinéma allemand muet Marc Silberman Le langage, dit-on, perd de ses functions communicatrices et interpretatives en proportion directe à la perte de sa force référentielle. On dira que la crise moderniste est également une crise des pratiques signifiantes. Ce qui revient à dire aussi que l’évolution du cinéma muet serait une site particulièrement riche pour examiner les problématiques du langage vs. l’image. Cet essai présente quelques films expressionnistes comme réactions à la crise

  6. The Tzu Chi Silent Mentor Program: Application of Buddhist Ethics to Teach Student Physicians Empathy, Compassion, and Self-Sacrifice. (United States)

    Santibañez, Scott; Boudreaux, Debra; Tseng, Guo-Fang; Konkel, Kimberly


    The Buddhist Tzu Chi Silent Mentor Program promotes the donation of one's body to science as a selfless act by appealing to the Buddhist ethics of compassion and self-sacrifice. Together, faculty, families, and donors help medical students to learn the technical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological aspects of medicine. Students assigned to each "Silent Mentor" visit the family to learn about the donor's life. They see photos and hear family members' stories. Afterwards, students write a brief biography of the donor which is posted on the program website, in the medical school, and on the dissection table. In this paper, we: (1) summarize the Silent Mentor Program; (2) describe findings from an assessment of medical students who recently completed a new version of the program in Malaysia; and (3) explore how healthcare settings could benefit from this innovative program.

  7. Una Academia de Medicina Proactiva, Actuante e Innovadora.

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    Zoilo Cuéllar-Montoya


    Varias son las labores que desarrolla hoy nuestra Corporación frente a la realidad nacional de la salud y del ejercicio profesional en el sector. En primer lugar, en lo que tiene que ver con dicho ejercicio, abrió el debate público sobre la Ley 100 de 1993 al radicar, en el mes de marzo de 2004, el primer proyecto de modificación de licha Ley, con todo el apoyo parlamentario del Senador Germán Vargas Lleras. Tras los pasos del proyecto 180 de la legislatura que terminaba en junio de ese año, se radicaron en la Comisión Séptima de dicha Corporación 4 proyectos más los cuales, al retirarse temporalmente de la Comisión, para salvarlos, de acuerdo con los procedimientos y la mecánica de los Cuerpos Colegiados, se convirtieron en 14 proyectos radicados en dicha Comisión al iniciarse la legislatura actual de cuya supuesta acumulación, a nuestro pesar, aprobó esa Comisión, casi a pupitrazo limpio, una ponencia, la 052, de clara iniciativa gubernamental, que no incluía sino, si acaso, medio artículo de nuestro proyecto: la Academia, ya para ese entonces, había realizado en su seno varias reuniones con senadores relacionados con el tema y había tenido múltiples reuniones de su comisión de salud y de sus asesores externos en dicha legislación. Hoy, en las plenarias del Senado, con el apoyo incondicional de Vargas Lleras y Cambio Radical y la importantísima actividad de varios sectores altamente interesados, tales como las secretarías de salud de los más importantes departamentos del país, se ha transformado el nuevo proyecto en algo que ya se acerca a las necesidades de nuestra Patria, del ejercicio de nuestra profesión y de todas aquellas profesiones y actividades que incluye el sector. Para lograr sus objetivos, la Academia se ha desplazado a las sedes de varios de sus capítulos y lo ha hecho al menos con dos de las Academias regionales, algunas veces en más de una oportunidad. En segundo lugar, en lo que atañe al proyecto de ley sobre

  8. Silent hepatitis E virus infection in Dutch blood donors, 2011 to 2012

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Slot, E.; Hogema, B. M.; Riezebos-Brilman, A.; Kok, T. M.; Molier, M.; Zaaijer, H. L.


    In Europe, the dynamics of endemic hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection remain enigmatic. We studied the presence of silent HEV infection among Dutch blood donors. Using donations collected throughout the Netherlands in 2011 and 2012, 40,176 donations were tested for HEV RNA in 459 pools of 48 or 480

  9. La “Escuela de Frankfurt”, una constelación en movimiento

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    Manchado, Mauricio Carlos


    Full Text Available [es] El presente trabajo propone una introducción -o entrada posible-a una de las líneas de pensamiento más importantes einfluyentes en el campo de la comunicación: la Teoría Crítica,también conocida como “Escuela de Frankfurt”. Perspectivacrítica que, en el transcurso del texto, calificamos como“constelación en movimiento” porque en su seno alberga nosólo una continua movilidad teórica-territorial sino tambiénuna heterogeneidad de intelectuales que formaron parte ose vincularon a ella. Constelación que dialoga con el marxismo,el judaísmo, el nazismo, el socialismo y el capitalismo,y en cuyo diálogo se cristaliza la imposibilidad de pensarlacomo un bloque único y compacto. Contrariamente a ello,han sido las discusiones que mantuvieron sus integrantes–nos centraremos aquí en una de las más significativas, la deAdorno-Benjamin– las que hicieron de la “Teoría Crítica” unade las perspectivas de análisis más complejas y completaspara pensar los procesos políticos, culturales y mediáticosdel siglo XX. Constelación que, por sobre todas las cosas,se propone avanzar en la desafiante tarea de realizar unacrítica racional de nuestra propia racionalidad occidental. [en] This work proposes an introduction –or possible entr y– to one of the lines of thought most impor tant and inf luential in the f ield of comunication: Critical Theor y, also known as “Frankfur t School”. Critical perspective that, in the course of the tex t, we qualif y like “constellation in motion” because it contains not only a theoretical continuous-territorial mobility but also heterogeneity of intellectuals who formed par t of or linked to it. Constellation that dialogs with mar xism, judaism, nazism, socialism and capitalism and which dialogue cr ystal-lizes the imposibility of think it like a single and compact block. Contrar y to that, the discussions bet ween their members –we will focus here on one of the most signif icant

  10. An investigation of the reduction of carbon dioxide in a silent electric discharge (United States)

    Luce, R. S.; Greenough, B. (Editor)


    The reduction of CO2 to O2 and CO in a silent electric discharge was studied. It was found that current alone (in the ionized plasma induced by the silent electric discharge) was reponsible for the CO2 reduction process. Voltage and frequency were important only in so far as they induced current in the plasma. Pressure and temperature were of minimum influence in the process. The large power consumption in the process was recognized as resulting from the low power factor of the reactor vessel which electrically behaved like a capacitor. The power factor was subsequently improved by adding an inductive element to make the reactor vessel capacitance part of a resonant circuit. It was found that the CO2 reduction process was most efficient in terms of power vs reduction rate when a voltage was employed that was only slightly higher than that needed to induce the plasma.

  11. Análisis de los procesos educativos y organizativos para la sostenibilidad: una propuesta de cambio

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    María Ángeles Moreno Yus


    Full Text Available El gran impacto de la actividad humana sobre el planeta nos sitúa en una situación de vulnerabilidad frente a la cual la escuela ha de tener un papel relevante y fundamental. En el seno de esta escuela se ha de reconocer el problema, causas e incertidumbres, siendo un espacio fundamental mediante el cual ofrecer respuestas educativas que nos permitan participar con éxito frente a uno de los principales problemas y retos para la humanidad. Pero, ¿cuál es el modelo educativo y organizativo más apropiado para activar respuestas válidas frente a esta compleja problemática? El propósito de este artículo es proporcionar un análisis reflexivo acerca del papel de la institución educativa frente al acelerado impacto ambiental, social y humano para el cual ni el ser humano ni las instituciones están preparados. A través de este texto se apuntan algunas notas en pro de la innovación y mejora de los procesos educativos basados, por un lado, en un cambio de la estructura organizativa que tiende a manifestarse en exceso formalista e individualista, dando paso a una estructura basada en la coordinación, asociación y libre vinculación profesional y, por otro lado y situándonos en un paradigma crítico, se establece la necesidad de democratizar la práctica educativa, partiendo del sujeto e introduciendo principios basados en la libertad, el interés y el respeto, entre otros.Cómo referenciar este artículoMoreno Yus, M. A., & Bolarín Martínez, M. J. (2015. Análisis de los procesos educativos y organizativos para la sostenibilidad: una propuesta de cambio. Foro de Educación, 13(19, 35-53. doi:

  12. Generational differences in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use in the context of chronic diseases and pain: baby boomers versus the silent generation. (United States)

    Ho, Tiffany F; Rowland-Seymour, Anastasia; Frankel, Eitan S; Li, Susan Q; Mao, Jun J


    More people are supplementing conventional medicine with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), but studies have not compared CAM use between baby boomers (adults born from 1946 to 1964) and the so-called silent generation (born from 1925 to 1945). This study compares CAM usage between baby boomers (n = 7734) and the silent generation (n = 4682) through secondary analyses of the 2007 National Health Interview Survey data. The analysis also compares chronic disease and pain status. Multivariate logistic regression models were developed to identify generational differences. Although the silent generation reported twice as many chronic disease (51.3% vs 26.1%; P painful conditions (56.1% vs 52.2%; P CAM within the past year (43.1% vs 35.4%; P CAM than adults from the silent generation. Chronic pain status was independently associated with greater CAM use (adjusted odds ratio, 2.26; 95% confidence interval, 2.03-2.52). Baby boomers reported significantly higher rates of CAM use than the silent generation for both chronic diseases and painful conditions. Family physicians caring for the aging population must use patient-centered communication about the risks/benefits of CAM, which is necessary to promote effective coping with chronic illnesses and pain. © Copyright 2014 by the American Board of Family Medicine.


    "Silent Sperm," "You're not half the man your grandfather was," "Assault on the Male," "Gender Benders,"-perhaps no other public health concern has given rise to the number of memorable sound bites than has the issue of whether environmental contaminants are causing adverse healt...

  14. Cierre de una fístula oroantral usando cemento óseo y un colgajo de mucosa yugal Closure of an oroantral fistula using bone cement and a jugal mucosa flap

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    Beatriz Ágreda Moreno


    Full Text Available Una fístula oroantral es una solución de continuidad patológica entre el seno maxilar y la cavidad oral, producida frecuentemente tras una extracción dentaria, en la mayoría de los casos, del primer o segundo molar. El síntoma más común que provoca es una sinusitis aguda, que evolucionará a la cronicidad si la fístula permanece. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante endoscopia transalveolar, ortopantografía o tomografía computarizada dental. Su cierre quirúrgico es necesario cuando la fístula tiene más de 3 mm, o no sella por sí misma en 3 semanas. Existen, para ello, varias técnicas, usando distintos materiales y colgajos, cuyo fin es ocluir, tanto el defecto óseo, como el mucoso, para solucionar así a la vez la fístula y el problema sinusal.The oroantral fistula is a solution of pathological continuity between the maxillary sinus and the oral cavity, frequently produced after a teeth extraction in most of cases of the first or second molars. The commonest symptom provoked is an acute sinusitis evolving to chronicity if the fistula remains. The diagnosis is made by transalveolar, orthopantography or dental computerized tomography. Its surgical closure is necessary when the fistula has more than 3 mm or not seal by itself in three weeks. For it, there are some techniques using different materials and flaps where its objective is to occlude the bone defect as well as the mucous one thus solving the fistula and the sinus problem.

  15. Dual silent communication system development based on subvocal speech and Raspberry Pi

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    José Daniel Ramírez-Corzo


    Additionally, in this article we show the speech subvocal signals’ recording system realization. The average accuracy percentage was 72.5 %, and includes a total of 50 words by class, this is 200 signals. Finally, it demonstrated that using the Raspberry Pi it is possible to set a silent communication system, using subvocal. speech signals.

  16. Measuring the cortical silent period can increase diagnostic confidence for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schelhaas, H.J.; Arts, I.M.P.; Overeem, S.; Houtman, C.J.; Janssen, H.; Kleine, B.U.; Munneke, M.; Zwarts, M.J.


    We evaluated a modified measurement of the cortical silent period (CSP) as a simple procedure to add further confidence in the diagnostic work-up for ALS. Thirty-seven consecutive patients with a suspicion of having ALS were included together with 25 healthy volunteers, and followed until a final

  17. Hypoxia-Induced neonatal seizures diminish silent synapses and long-term potentiation in hippocampal CA1 neurons (United States)

    Zhou, Chengwen; Bell, Jocelyn J. Lippman; Sun, Hongyu; Jensen, Frances E.


    Neonatal seizures can lead to epilepsy and long-term cognitive deficits in adulthood. Using a rodent model of the most common form of human neonatal seizures, hypoxia-induced seizures (HS), we aimed to determine whether these seizures modify long-term potentiation (LTP) and “silent” N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-only synapses in hippocampal CA1. At 48-72 hours (hrs) post-HS, electrophysiology and immunofluorescent confocal microscopy revealed a significant decrease in the incidence of silent synapses, and an increase in amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors (AMPARs) at the synapses. Coincident with this decrease in silent synapses, there was an attenuation of LTP elicited by either tetanic stimulation of Schaffer collaterals or a pairing protocol, and persistent attenuation of LTP in slices removed in later adulthood after P10 HS. Furthermore, post-seizure treatment in vivo with the AMPAR antagonist 2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfonyl-benzo[f]quinoxaline (NBQX) protected against the HS-induced depletion of silent synapses and preserved LTP. Thus, this study demonstrates a novel mechanism by which early-life seizures could impair synaptic plasticity, suggesting a potential target for therapeutic strategies to prevent long-term cognitive deficits. PMID:22171027

  18. La romanización temprana en el valle medio del Ebro (siglos II-I a.E.: una perspectiva epigráfica

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    Beltrán, Francisco


    Full Text Available Early romanization in the Mid-Ebro valley (lst-2nd cent. BC implied deep changes in local societies, but it did not produce a homogeneous culture like the new imperial one brought by the Principate. Transformations tended to the integration and re-elaboration of the new features introduced by Rome in a prevailingly native context: this process is fully illustrated through the different reactions of Iberian, Celtiberian and West-Pyrenees communities in front of the epigraphical habit.El proceso de romanización temprana (siglos II-I a. E. en el valle medio del Ebro se caracteriza por profundas transformaciones en todos los terrenos que, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con la instauración de la nueva cultura imperial del Principado, no dieron como resultado una homogeneización cultural, sino que se desarrollaron en un ambiente de marcado perfil indígena en cuyo seno los nuevos estímulos traídos por Roma experimentan diversos grados de reelaboración: las diferentes reacciones de las comunidades iberas, celtas y pirenaico-occidentales ante el hábito epigráfico introducido por Roma ilustran perfectamente este proceso.

  19. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of hippocampal activation during silent mantra meditation. (United States)

    Engström, Maria; Pihlsgård, Johan; Lundberg, Peter; Söderfeldt, Birgitta


    The objective of the present study was to investigate whether moderately experienced meditators activate hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex during silent mantra meditation, as has been observed in earlier studies on subjects with several years of practice. Subjects with less than 2 years of meditation practice according to the Kundalini yoga or Acem tradition were examined by functional magnetic resonance imaging during silent mantra meditation, using an on-off block design. Whole-brain as well as region-of-interest analyses were performed. The most significant activation was found in the bilateral hippocampus/parahippocampal formations. Other areas with significant activation were the bilateral middle cingulate cortex and the bilateral precentral cortex. No activation in the anterior cingulate cortex was found, and only small activation clusters were observed in the prefrontal cortex. In conclusion, the main finding in this study was the significant activation in the hippocampi, which also has been correlated with meditation in several previous studies on very experienced meditators. We propose that the hippocampus is activated already after moderate meditation practice and also during different modes of meditation, including relaxation. The role of hippocampal activity during meditation should be further clarified in future studies, especially by investigating whether the meditation-correlated hippocampal activity is related to memory consolidation.

  20. Origin of the low-level EMG during the silent period following transcranial magnetic stimulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Butler, Jane E; Petersen, Nicolas C; Herbert, Robert D


    OBJECTIVE: The cortical silent period refers to a period of near silence in the electromyogram (EMG) after transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the motor cortex during contraction. However, low-level EMG of unknown origin is often present. We hypothesised that it arises through spinal...

  1. Silent communication: toward using brain signals. (United States)

    Pei, Xiaomei; Hill, Jeremy; Schalk, Gerwin


    From the 1980s movie Firefox to the more recent Avatar, popular science fiction has speculated about the possibility of a persons thoughts being read directly from his or her brain. Such braincomputer interfaces (BCIs) might allow people who are paralyzed to communicate with and control their environment, and there might also be applications in military situations wherever silent user-to-user communication is desirable. Previous studies have shown that BCI systems can use brain signals related to movements and movement imagery or attention-based character selection. Although these systems have successfully demonstrated the possibility to control devices using brain function, directly inferring which word a person intends to communicate has been elusive. A BCI using imagined speech might provide such a practical, intuitive device. Toward this goal, our studies to date addressed two scientific questions: (1) Can brain signals accurately characterize different aspects of speech? (2) Is it possible to predict spoken or imagined words or their components using brain signals?

  2. Silent synapses in neuromuscular junction development. (United States)

    Tomàs, Josep; Santafé, Manel M; Lanuza, Maria A; García, Neus; Besalduch, Nuria; Tomàs, Marta


    In the last few years, evidence has been found to suggest that some synaptic contacts become silent but can be functionally recruited before they completely retract during postnatal synapse elimination in muscle. The physiological mechanism of developmental synapse elimination may be better understood by studying this synapse recruitment. This Mini-Review collects previously published data and new results to propose a molecular mechanism for axonal disconnection. The mechanism is based on protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent inhibition of acetylcholine (ACh) release. PKC activity may be stimulated by a methoctramine-sensitive M2-type muscarinic receptor and by calcium inflow though P/Q- and L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels. In addition, tropomyosin-related tyrosine kinase B (trkB) receptor-mediated brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) activity may oppose the PKC-mediated ACh release depression. Thus, a balance between trkB and muscarinic pathways may contribute to the final functional suppression of some neuromuscular synapses during development. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  3. La ruptura de las relaciones diplomáticas: Una aproximación sistemática con una referencia especial a las consecuencias de la entrada en vigor del tratado de Lisboa en la praxis diplomática

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    Carles Pérez-Desoy i Fages


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene por objeto ofrecer un análisis sistemático de las distintas formas en que puede producirse la ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas entre dos estados soberanos, así como de las diversas fases en que puede descomponerse un proceso de este tipo, caracterizadas por la adopción de distintos tipos de medidas diplomáticas y la combinación de unas con otras (llamada a consultas, retirada de Embajadores, etc. lo que constituye un lenguaje de signos decodificable en términos diplomáticos, que ha sido poco estudiado desde un punto de vista sistemático. El elemento casuístico es, necesariamente, muy importante, máxime cuando las referencias a esta cuestión dentro de las normas codificadas del Derecho Diplomático son muy limitadas, y la jurisprudencia es con frecuencia inexistente. Por otra parte, la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa, y la puesta en marcha del Servicio de Acción Exterior Europeo (SEAE abre la posibilidad de que, en caso de crisis diplomática, acciones características de la diplomacia clásica puedan ser aplicadas también en el marco del proceso de toma de decisiones colectivas de la UE, ampliando así significativamente la panoplia de posibles medidas a adoptar. La entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa abre también nuevas opciones teóricas de gran interés en el caso de ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas de un Estado Miembro de la UE con un tercer Estado, como por ejemplo la posible creación de una "sección de intereses" de ese Estado en el seno de la Delegación de la UE en ese país

  4. Radio jets and gamma-ray emission in radio-silent narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (United States)

    Lähteenmäki, A.; Järvelä, E.; Ramakrishnan, V.; Tornikoski, M.; Tammi, J.; Vera, R. J. C.; Chamani, W.


    We have detected six narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies at 37 GHz that were previously classified as radio silent and two that were classified as radio quiet. These detections reveal the presumption that NLS1 galaxies labelled radio quiet or radio silent and hosted by spiral galaxies are unable to launch jets to be incorrect. The detections are a plausible indicator of the presence of a powerful, most likely relativistic jet because this intensity of emission at 37 GHz cannot be explained by, for example, radiation from supernova remnants. Additionally, one of the detected NLS1 galaxies is a newly discovered source of gamma rays and three others are candidates for future detections. 37 GHz data are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via

  5. Introduzione. Donne che portano la parrucca

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    Claudia Mattalucci-Yılmaz


    Full Text Available Peruk takan kadınlar è l’opera che nel 1999 l’artista e cineasta turco Kutlug Ataman ha presentato alla Biennale di Venezia curata da Harald Szeemann. Quattro schermi giustapposti proiettano le testimonianze di donne che, per un periodo della loro vita, hanno portato una parrucca: un’attivista politica di sinistra che nel 1971, dopo il colpo di stato militare, utilizzava un nome in codice, una divisa delle Turkish Airlines e una parrucca per sfuggire al controllo della polizia; una giornalista, colpita da un tumore al seno, che ha portato una parrucca per mascherare gli effetti della chemioterapia; una studentessa musulmana che indossa una parrucca per frequentare l’università, in un contesto – quello turco – che in nome della laicità dello Stato, interdice l’uso nel foulard nelle scuole, nelle università e nella pubblica amministrazione; e infine un transessuale.

  6. Dynamic wind turbine models in power system simulation tool DIgSILENT


    Hansen, A.D.; Jauch, C.; Sørensen, Poul Ejnar; Iov, F.; Blaabjerg, F.


    The present report describes the dynamic wind turbine models implemented in the power system simulation tool DIgSILENT (Version 12.0). The developed models are a part of the results of a national research project, whose overall objective is to create amodel database in different simulation tools. This model database should be able to support the analysis of the interaction between the mechanical structure of the wind turbine and the electrical grid during different operational modes. The repo...

  7. Treatment of hazardous organic wastes using silent discharge plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosocha, L.A.; Anderson, G.K.; Bechtold, L.A.; Coogan, J.J.; Heck, H.G.; Kang, M.; McCulla, W.H.; Tennant, R.A.; Wantuck, P.J.


    During the past two decades, interest in applying non-equilibrium plasmas to the removal of hazardous chemicals from gaseous media has been growing, in particular from heightened concerns over the pollution of our environment and a growing body of environmental regulations. At the Los Alamos National Laboratory, we are currently engaged in a project to develop non-equilibrium plasma technology for hazardous waste treatment. Our present focus is on dielectric-barrier discharges, which are historically called silent electrical discharges. This type of plasma is also named a silent discharge plasma (SDP). We have chosen this method due to its potential for high energy efficiency, its scientific and technological maturity, and its scalability. The SDP process has been demonstrated to be reliable and economical for the industrial-scale synthesis of ozone, where municipal water treatment plants frequently require the on-site generation of thousands of kilograins per day (Eliasson ampersand Kogelschatz). The related methods of corona processing are presently the focus of work at other institutions, particularly for flue gas processing. Both SDP and corona processes are characterized by the production of large quantities of highly reactive free radicals, especially atomic oxygen O(3P) and the hydroxyl OH, in the gaseous medium and their subsequent reaction with contaminants. Our primary objective is to convert hazardous or toxic chemicals into non-hazardous compounds or into materials which are more amenable to treatment. In the ideal case, the hazardous wastes are destructively oxidized to simpler, non-hazardous compounds plus CO2 and H2O. Sometimes the reaction products are still potentially hazardous, but are easily treated by conventional methods to yield non-hazardous products

  8. Neuroimaging of language processes: fMRI of silent and overt lexical processing and the promise of multiple process imaging in single brain studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borowsky, R.; Owen, W.J.; Wile, T.L.; Friesen, C.K.; Martin, J.L.; Sarty, G.E.


    To implement and evaluate a multiple-process functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm designed to effectively and efficiently activate several language-related regions for use with neurosurgical patients. Both overt and covert response conditions were examined. The fMRI experiments compared the traditional silent word-generation condition versus an overt one as they engage frontal language regions (Experiment 1) and silent versus overt semantic association conditions as they engage multiple language processing regions (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1 the overt condition yielded greater magnitude of activation, but not volume of activation, in the left inferior frontal and insular cortices than did the silent condition for most, but not all, participants. Experiment 2 demonstrated that the activation of multiple established language processing regions (ie, orthographic, phonological and semantic) can be achieved in a significant number of participants, particularly under overt semantic association conditions and that such activation varies in predictable ways. The traditional silent response condition cannot be considered as equivalent to the overt response condition during word generation or semantic association. The multiple-process imaging method introduced here was sensitive to processing robust orthographic, phonological, and semantic regions, particularly under the overt response condition. (author)

  9. Definition dependent properties of the cortical silent period in upper-extremity muscles, a methodological study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuijk, A.A. van; Bakker, C.D.; Hendriks, J.C.M.; Geurts, A.C.; Stegeman, D.F.; Pasman, J.W.


    BACKGROUND: To explore if stimulus-response (S-R) characteristics of the silent period (SP) after transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are affected by changing the SP definition and by changing data presentation in healthy individuals. This information would be clinically relevant to predict

  10. Definition dependent properties of the cortical silent period in upper-extremity muscles, a methodological study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Kuijk, A.A.; Bakker, C,; Hendriks, J.J.A.; Geurts, A.H.; Stegeman, D.F.; Pasman, J.W.


    Background: To explore if stimulus-response (S-R) characteristics of the silent period (SP) after transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are affected by changing the SP definition and by changing data presentation in healthy individuals. This information would be clinically relevant to predict

  11. Reducing the silent burden of impaired mental health. (United States)

    Jané-Llopis, Eva; Anderson, Peter; Stewart-Brown, Sarah; Weare, Katherine; Wahlbeck, Kristian; McDaid, David; Cooper, Cary; Litchfield, Paul


    Mental and behavioral disorders account for about one third of the world's disability caused by all ill health among adults, with unipolar depressive disorders set to be the world's number one cause of illhealth and premature death in 2030, affecting high- and low-income countries. There is a range of evidence-based cost-effective interventions that can be implemented in parenting, at schools, at the workplace, and in older age that can promote health and well-being, reduce mental disorders, lead to improved productivity, and increase resilience to cope with many of the stressors in the world. These facts need to be better communicated to policymakers to ensure that the silent burden of impaired mental health is adequately heard and reduced.

  12. Stopping the Silent Killer: Hepatitis B Among Asian Americans

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast discusses an underappreciated health threat to many Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States: chronic infection with the hepatitis B virus. Dr. John Ward, director of CDC's Division of Viral Hepatitis, and Dr. Sam So, founder of the Asian Liver Center at Stanford University, address the importance of testing, vaccination, and care to prevent serious health consequences from this "silent" disease.  Created: 4/18/2008 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP), Division of Viral Hepatitis (DVH) and Office of Dispute Resolution and Equal Employment Opportunity, Office of the Director (OD).   Date Released: 5/1/2008.

  13. Whatever Happened to the Silent Scientific Revolution?--Research, Theory and Practice in Distance Education. (United States)

    Morgan, Alistair

    The point of departure for this article is the title of a book edited by David Fetterman, "Qualitative Approaches to Educational Evaluation--The Silent Scientific Revolution." This article addresses the question of how the shift to a qualitative, phenomenological approach has impinged on research and evaluation in distance education.…

  14. Sexo, moral y medicina en la España de la contrarreforma. Un informe inédito del jesuita Miguel Pérez (1550-1605) sobre la polución


    Bajén Español, Melchor


    La Contrarreforma no constituyó óbice para el desarrollo en el seno de la Europa católica romana de una diversidad ideológica notable, incluso en el contexto político -la España de Felipe II- reiteradamente senalado como de mayor cerrazón intelectual, y en relación a un ámbito doctrinal, el de la moral sexual, particularmente controvertido dentro de la teología católica posterior al siglo XI. El documento inédito que se publica muestra una variante respecto de la monolítica posición de la mor...

  15. Investigación en materiales, industria y compromiso socioambiental en el CIFICEN


    Somoza, Alberto Horacio


    El Centro de Investigaciones en Física e Ingeniería del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (CIFICEN) es una Unidad Ejecutora de triple dependencia (UNCPBA-CICPBA-CONICET) y en su seno alberga investigaciones en física, fisicoquímica y química básica, del medio ambiente y de la ingeniería. Una de las líneas de trabajo está referida a la mitigación de emisiones contaminantes en la producción de cemento Portland y está explicada en esta producción especial para CIC: CIENCIA y TECNOLOGÍA....


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    Blanca Inés Jiménez Zuluaga


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo está basado en una investigación sobre paternidad y maternidad en familias conformadas después de una ruptura de uno o ambos miembros, en la ciudad de Medellin; en él se analizan diferenres términos utilizados para designarlas y se sustenta la expresión de familias poligenéticas. Se da cuenta de categorías emergentes para denominar el ejercicio de la función paterna y materna en estas familias y se analiza cómo en su seno coexisten elementos tradicionales y de cambio.



    Saavedra-Ferro, Alicia


    La actividad empresarial escogida para la realización del trabajo es una organización dedicada a la gestión de residuos, concretamente se realizará la Evaluación Inicial de Riesgos Laborales y la Planificación de la actividad preventiva de un Punto Limpio que es gestionado por dicha empresa. La justificación de la elección de esta actividad empresarial se debe a la realización del módulo de prácticas externas en el seno de una empresa de estas características y por interés pers...

  18. El acuerdo de París: entre lo posible y lo necesario


    Heras Hernández, Francisco


    El 12 de Diciembre de 2015 en el seno de Naciones Unidas 195 países adoptaron el denominado Acuerdo de París, comprometiéndose a limitar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero(GEI), que son el motor del cambio climático. Una vez pasadas las primeras reacciones de satisfaccióno de decepción, el desarrollo del Acuerdo suscita una serie de interrogantes: ¿Qué retos plantea a las partes firmantes? ¿Qué repercusiones tendrá en el corto y en el medio plazo? Y lo más importante: ¿Será un i...

  19. La psicoterapia cognitiva posracionalista: un modelo de intervención centrado en el proceso de construcción de la identidad


    León Uribe, Alejandro; Tamayo Lopera, Diego


    La Psicoterapia Cognitiva Posracionalista (Guidano, 1994) consiste en un modelo de intervención clínica psicológica que se adscribe al gran marco de las psicoterapias de orientación cognitivistas de surgimiento en la segunda mitad del siglo XX y también a la revolución del constructivismo que surgió en su seno en los años 80’ del mismo siglo. Esta escuela de psicoterapia posee un marco teórico y una metodología propias, las cuales le otorgan una particular identidad que es necesaria explicar ...

  20. Clinical aspects of silent cerebral infarction; MRI findings and its distribution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohnishi, Jiro (Kobe Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine); Kudo, Yutaka


    High-field MR scans have often showed patchy incidental findings especially in the elderly. We examined 91 patients, without episodes of cerebrovascular disorders previously, who had silent cerebral lesions noted by the 1.5 tesla superconductive system T2 weighted magnetic resonance imaging. They were divided into three subtypes by the localization of foci. The 23 subjects (25%) showed confined lesions to thalamus and/or internal capsule and/or basal ganglia (the basal ganglia type). The 39 subjects (43%) had lesions predominantly in cerebral cortex and/or subcortical white matter and/or cerebellum (the diffuse subcortical type). Finally, the 29 subjects (32%) had both features of abovementioned two groups (the mixed type). These subtypes were correlated with age, sex and some of the other risk factors, such as systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, serum total cholesterol and uric acid, for stroke. From the age extent and the correlation of subtypes to risk factors, the basal ganglia type was suspected to be based on the different origin from other two types. The authors proposed that the arteriosclerotic factor might play an important role in the incidence of the diffuse subcortical type and the mixed type silent cerebral infarctions and that the hemodynamic factor might play an important role in the incidence of the basal ganglia type. (J.P.N.).

  1. Female’s Silent Resistance against Hegemony in The Scarlet Letter, Bekisar Merah, and Belantik: A Comparative Analysis

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    RB. Edi Pramono


    Full Text Available Social patriarchy is a gender-biased hegemonic value that is structured for the benefits of men but unfortunately disadvantages women. Lasiyah, the protagonist of Bekisar Merah and Belantik, and Hester Prynne, the protagonist of The Scarlet Letter, experienced those hegemonic values that were oppressive, from their patriarchal societies i.e. Java and Puritans. By using the theories of both Hegemony and Comparative Literature, this discussion reveals the two protagonists’ similar silent resistance against the hegemonic values in that this brought them to become new persons with new personality and identity. They were similarly reborn. Both women had comparable factors driving them to conduct silent resistance: pride, dignity, and love. Woman, who is in general considered weak and powerless, is in fact strong and powerful.

  2. La eclosión de las vanguardias en una capital de provincia: política y cultura en el Ateneo de Santander de los años veinte. Entre la tradición y la modernidad

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    Jerónimo De la Hoz Regules


    Full Text Available Analizamos el papel jugado por el Ateneo de Santander de los años veinte, su protagonismo como lugar de encuentro, tribuna de opinión política, cultural y de renovación artística, promotor de las vanguardias plásticas y literarias. Estudiamos algunas de las polémicas ideológicas y culturales desarrolladas en su seno, la recepción del ultraísmo (1919, los debates sobre la nueva pintura, el exilio de Unamuno en 1924, el compromiso intelectual de la generación del 27, o las disputas sobre la Dictadura, también presentes en otros ateneos. Desencuentros, pero también encuentros, como la positiva relación con la Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo y la colaboración intelectual y artística entre los ateneos de Santander y Bilbao. En su seno se asiste a los primeros alumbramientos renovadores de las artes con sus inevitables debates protagonizados por Gerardo Diego. Como común denominador subyace la búsquedade la pureza artística, el interés en renovar las formas, entre los escritores y artistas plásticos, pero con una considerable ausencia de compromisos ideológicos o políticos, que sólo aparecen tímidamente, a fines de la Dictadura. También estudiamos la literatura más comprometida y sus manifestaciones, que aunque eclipsada por la renovación del 27, no está tampoco ausente del ateneo, desde los primeros años veinte (José del Río, Pick, Arturo Casanueva, García Venero, Luys Santa Marina, Ruiz de Villa, Matilde de la Torre....

  3. Cervical Cancer as a silent killer: A rare case report with review of literature

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    Deeksha Pandey


    Full Text Available Advanced-stage cervical cancer almost always presents either with abnormal vaginal bleeding or with foul-smelling vaginal discharge. We present here a rare case, where a postmenopausal lady presented almost silently with stage IVA cervical cancer. Fortunately, timely referral, correct diagnosis, and multispecialty team work could save her life.

  4. Monstruos de la Universal: la etapa silente y los mitos del sonoro

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    David Fuentefría-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En coincidencia con el centenario en 2012 de los legendarios Estudios Universal, este trabajo propone un exhaustivo análisis crítico sobre la construcción de sus principales símbolos terroríficos, la mayoría inspirados en la literatura, que entre los años 1923 y 1941 conformaron la estructura mitogénica del denominado “monstruo clásico”. Tanto en la etapa silente, como con la irrupción del sonoro, las películas de terror de la Universal marcaron un paso imprescindible en la evolución de este género canónico, y a ellas se debe buena parte del ingente desarrollo posterior del mismo.In coincidence with 2012 legendary Universal Studio´s centenary, this paper proposes an exhaustive critical analysis on the construction of its principal terrifying symbols, the majority inspired by literature, which between 1923 and 1941 shaped the myth structure of the so-called "classic monster". In both stages, silent and sonorous movies, the terror of Universal Studios marked an indispensable step in the evolution of this canonical genre, and to them it is owed a good deal of its enormous later development.

  5. Lactancia materna, destete y ablactación: una encuesta en comunidades rurales de México A survey of breast-feeding and other infant feeding practices in rural Mexico

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las prevalencias de lactancia humana, uso de leches industrializadas y ablactación así como los factores asociados a la falta de alimentación al seno materno y al destete temprano. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal realizado por pasantes de medicina en Servicio Social en 222 localidades rurales de México, mediante entrevistas estructuradas en 5 409 familias con niños menores de un año. Resultados. Las proporciones de niños que nunca recibieron lactancia al seno materno fueron: en la zona norte (N de 21.4%; en la centro (C de 7.6% y la sur (S de 5.3%. Entre los niños que recibieron lactancia al seno materno, ésta continuó en forma exclusiva o mixta hasta el tercer trimestre de vida en 35.6% (N, 67.6% (C y 77.5% (S; en el segundo trimestre de vida ya habían sido ablactados 67.2% (N, 40.9% (C y 51.6% (S. En la región N se encontró que la falta de alimentación al seno materno se asoció con la atención médica del parto, madres con escolaridad mínima de primaria o con menos de cuatro hijos, casa con piso de material permanente, dos o más enseres domésticos mayores y que el sostén económico no fuera el padre. El destete temprano se asoció con los mismos factores, incluyendo que el niño estuviera al cuidado de una persona distinta a la madre, la lactancia artificial decidida por los padres o por recomendación médica, la ablactación temprana y el uso de servicios médicos de seguridad social y/o privados. Conclusiones. La alimentación con sucedáneos de la leche y el destete temprano son propios de familias pequeñas, con mayor educación materna, mejores condiciones de la vivienda y la influencia de los médicos, sobre todo en el norte del país. Además, la ablactación se efectúa antes del segundo semestre de vida, por lo que es recomendable elaborar programas que promuevan la alimentación al seno materno y la ablactación correcta en la población infantil de las comunidades rurales de M

  6. Microbial communication leading to the activation of silent fungal secondary metabolite gene clusters

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    Tina eNetzker


    Full Text Available Microorganisms form diverse multispecies communities in various ecosystems. The high abundance of fungal and bacterial species in these consortia results in specific communication between the microorganisms. A key role in this communication is played by secondary metabolites (SMs, which are also called natural products. Recently, it was shown that interspecies ‘talk’ between microorganisms represents a physiological trigger to activate silent gene clusters leading to the formation of novel SMs by the involved species. This review focuses on mixed microbial cultivation, mainly between bacteria and fungi, with a special emphasis on the induced formation of fungal SMs in co-cultures. In addition, the role of chromatin remodeling in the induction is examined, and methodical perspectives for the analysis of natural products are presented. As an example for an intermicrobial interaction elucidated at the molecular level, we discuss the specific interaction between the filamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus fumigatus with the soil bacterium Streptomyces rapamycinicus, which provides an excellent model system to enlighten molecular concepts behind regulatory mechanisms and will pave the way to a novel avenue of drug discovery through targeted activation of silent SM gene clusters through co-cultivations of microorganisms.

  7. Plasma remediation of trichloroethylene in silent discharge plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, D.; Rosocha, L.A.; Anderson, G.K.; Coogan, J.J.; Kushner, M.J.


    Plasma destruction of toxins, and volatile organic compounds in particular, from gas streams is receiving increased attention as an energy efficient means to remediate those compounds. In this regard, remediation of trichloroethylene (TCE) in silent discharge plasmas has been experimentally and theoretically investigated. We found that TCE can be removed from Ar/O 2 gas streams at atmospheric pressure with an energy efficiency of 15--20 ppm/(mJ/cm 3 ), or 2--3 kW h kg -1 . The majority of the Cl from TCE is converted to HCl, Cl 2 , and COCl 2 , which can be removed from the gas stream by a water bubbler. The destruction efficiency of TCE is smaller in humid mixtures compared to dry mixtures due to interception of reactive intermediates by OH radicals

  8. Dynamic wind turbine models in power system simulation tool DIgSILENT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hansen, A.D.; Iov, F.; Soerensen, Poul.; Cutululis, N.; Jauch, C.; Blaabjerg, F.


    This report presents a collection of models and control strategies developed and implemented in the power system simulation tool PowerFactory DIgSILENT for different wind turbine concepts. It is the second edition of Risoe-R-1400(EN) and it gathers and describes a whole wind turbine model database built-op and developed during several national research projects, carried out at Risoe DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy and Aalborg University, in the period 2001-2007. The overall objective of these projects was to create a wind turbine model database able to support the analysis of the interaction between the mechanical structure of the wind turbine and the electrical grid during different operational modes. The report provides thus a description of the wind turbines modelling, both at a component level and at a system level. The report contains both the description of DIgSILENT built-in models for the electrical components of a grid connected wind turbine (e.g. induction generators, power converters, transformers) and the models developed by the user, in the dynamic simulation language DSL of DIgSILENT, for the non-electrical components of the wind turbine (wind model, aerodynamic model, mechanical model). The initialisation issues on the wind turbine models into the power system simulation are also presented. The main attention in the report is drawn to the modelling at the system level of the following wind turbine concepts: (1) Fixed speed active stall wind turbine concept (2) Variable speed doubly-fed induction generator wind turbine concept (3) Variable speed multi-pole permanent magnet synchronous generator wind turbine concept These wind turbine concept models can be used and even extended for the study of different aspects, e.g. the assessment of power quality, control strategies, connection of the wind turbine at different types of grid and storage systems. Different control strategies have been developed and implemented for these wind turbine

  9. Silent reading of music and texts; eye movements and integrative reading mechanisms


    Cara, Michel André; Gómez, Gabriela


    This study investigates to what extent structural units defined by physical and structural markers elicit different eye movement patterns when reading contrasting stimuli of music and verbal texts. Eye movements were tracked and compared in ten musicians undergoing Bachelor’s degrees as they silently read six texts and six pieces of music for piano: the music was contemporary, in modal style, and the style of the texts was informative and literary. Participants were music students at Universi...

  10. Activation of the Silent Secondary Metabolite Production by Introducing Neomycin-Resistance in a Marine-Derived Penicillium purpurogenum G59

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    Chang-Jing Wu


    Full Text Available Introduction of neomycin-resistance into a marine-derived, wild-type Penicillium purpurogenum G59 resulted in activation of silent biosynthetic pathways for the secondary metabolite production. Upon treatment of G59 spores with neomycin and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, a total of 56 mutants were obtained by single colony isolation. The acquired resistance of mutants to neomycin was testified by the resistance test. In contrast to the G59 strain, the EtOAc extracts of 28 mutants inhibited the human cancer K562 cells, indicating that the 28 mutants have acquired the capability to produce bioactive metabolites. HPLC-photodiode array detector (PDAD-UV and HPLC-electron spray ionization (ESI-MS analyses further indicated that diverse secondary metabolites have been newly produced in the bioactive mutant extracts. Followed isolation and characterization demonstrated that five bioactive secondary metabolites, curvularin (1, citrinin (2, penicitrinone A (3, erythro-23-O-methylneocyclocitrinol (4 and 22E-7α-methoxy-5α, 6α-epoxyergosta-8(14,22-dien-3β-ol (5, were newly produced by a mutant, 4-30, compared to the G59 strain. All 1–5 were also not yet found in the secondary metabolites of other wild type P. purpurogenum strains. Compounds 1–5 inhibited human cancer K562, HL-60, HeLa and BGC-823 cells to varying extents. Both present bioassays and chemical investigations demonstrated that the introduction of neomycin-resistance into the marine-derived fungal G59 strain could activate silent secondary metabolite production. The present work not only extended the previous DMSO-mediated method for introducing drug-resistance in fungi both in DMSO concentrations and antibiotics, but also additionally exemplified effectiveness of this method for activating silent fungal secondary metabolites. This method could be applied to other fungal isolates to elicit their metabolic potentials to investigate secondary metabolites from silent biosynthetic pathways.

  11. The association between saliva control, silent saliva penetration, aspiration, and videofluoroscopic findings in Parkinson's disease patients (United States)

    Rajaei, Ali; Ashtari, Fereshteh; Azargoon, Seyed Abolfazl; Chitsaz, Ahmad; Nilforoush, Mohammad Hussein; Taheri, Masoud; Sadeghi, Saba


    Background: Dysphagia is a common disorder among patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). It occurs in up to 80% of all (PD) patients during the early stages of the disease and up to 95% in the advanced stages; but professionals may not hear from the patients about dysphagia symptoms until these symptoms reach an advanced stage and lead to medical complications. Materials and Methods: Thirty-three PD patients (mean age 66.09 ± 9.4 years; 24 men, nine women) participated in this study at our Neurology Institute, between April 20, 2013, and October 26, 2013. They were asked two questions; one about saliva control and the other about silent saliva penetration and aspiration. Next, they underwent the videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS). Results: The Pearson Correlation coefficient between the Penetration–Aspiration Scale (PAS) scores and question 1 scores was 0.48 (P < 0.05, =0.25), and there was a significant correlation between the PAS scores and question 2 scores, and also question 1 scores + question 2 scores (r = 0.589, P < 0.05, =0 and r = 0589, P < 0.05, =0). Conclusions: This study showed a significant correlation between the questions about saliva control, silent saliva penetration, and aspiration, and laryngeal penetration and aspiration during VFSS. Therefore, by using these two questions, the potential silent laryngeal penetration and aspiration during meals could be detected before it led to aspiration pneumonia. Taking the benefit of these questions, as a part of the swallowing assessment of PD patients, is recommended. PMID:26261810

  12. Estética de la virtualidad y deconstrucción del museo como proyecto ilustrado

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    Adolfo Vásquez Rocca


    Full Text Available Se intenta aquí superar la tradicional antinomia entre arte y tecnología. En cambio, se propone una comprensión del arte posmoderno a partir de la inscripción del artista en el seno de una cultura de la información. Es así como asistimos a un cambio de paradigma en el estatuto del arte, a una revolución en la escena artística y de nuestros regímenes de visibilidad, de allí la necesidad de explorar el desarrollo de las estéticas de la virtualidad que nos instalan en nuevas lógicas de producción de verdad, emancipadas del museo como instancia última de legitimación artística.

  13. Psychosis and Silent Celiac Disease in a Down Syndrome Adolescent: A Case Report

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    Amparo Morant


    Full Text Available Celiac disease is an autoimmune systemic disorder. It presents gastrointestinal and nongastrointestinal manifestations as well as associated conditions. We report a 16-year-old Down syndrome girl who presented psychosis symptomatology, and she was diagnosed as having silent celiac disease. Olanzapine treatment and gluten-free diet were satisfactory. It is necessary to consider celiac disease in Down syndrome patients with psychiatric symptoms, mainly psychotic symptomatology.

  14. Desigualdad y maternidad, experiencias de arteterapia desde una perspectiva de género


    Cerda Mardones. Javiera


    La investigación corresponde a un trabajo de campo en arteterapia con perspectiva de género realizada con mujeres embarazadas en riesgo de exclusión social. Su propósito contribuir al desarrollo de la autoestima y empoderamiento de las participantes, el arteterapia y la perspectiva de género son los modelos de orientación teórica. Cuando los movimientos feministas se hacen cargo del papel de la mujer otorgado en el seno patriarcal se empieza a cuestionar la función de la matern...

  15. Transformation of a Silent Adrencorticotrophic Pituitary Tumor Into Central Nervous System Melanoma

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    Brandon A. Miller MD, PhD


    Full Text Available Silent adrenocorticotrophic pituitary adenomas are nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas that express adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH but do not cause the clinical or laboratory features of hypercortisolemia. Primary central nervous system (CNS melanoma is well documented, but rarely originates in the sellar region or pituitary gland. Here we report transformation of an aggressive silent adrenocorticotrophic pituitary adenoma that transformed into CNS melanoma and review other presentations of pituitary melanoma. A 37-year-old woman initially presented with apoplexy and an invasive nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenoma for which she underwent transphenoidal surgery. The patient underwent 3 subsequent surgeries as the tumor continued to progress. Pathology from the first 3 operations showed pituitary adenoma or carcinoma. Pathology from the final surgery showed melanoma and the magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of the tumor had changed to become consistent with CNS melanoma. Dermatologic and ophthalmologic examinations did not identify cutaneous or ocular melanoma. The patient’s disease progressed despite aggressive surgical, medical and radiologic treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating transformation of a primary pituitary tumor into melanoma. The mechanism of tumor transformation is unclear, but it is possible that a mutation in the original ACTH-producing tumor lead to increased cleavage of pro-opiomelanocortin or ACTH into α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, which in turn stimulated the expression of microopthalmia transcription factor, leading to melanocytic phenotype transformation.

  16. Major-element geochemistry of the Silent Canyon--Black Mountain peralkaline volcanic centers, northwestern Nevada Test Site: applications to an assessment of renewed volcanism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crowe, B.M.; Sargent, K.A.


    The Silent Canyon and Black Mountain volcanic centers are located in the northern part of the Nevada Test Site. The Silent Canyon volcanic center is a buried cauldron complex of Miocene age (13 to 15 m.y.). Black Mountain volcanic center is an elliptical-shaped cauldron complex of late Miocene age. The lavas and tuffs of the two centers comprise a subalkaline-peralkaline association. Rock types range from quartz normative subalkaline trachyte and rhyolite to peralkaline commendite. The Gold Flat Member of the Thirsty Canyon Tuff (Black Mountain) is a pantellerite. The major-element geochemistry of the Black Mountain--Silent Canyon volcanic centers differ in the total range and distribution of SiO 2 , contents, the degree of peralkalinity (molecular Na 2 O + K 2 O > Al 2 O 3 ) and in the values of total iron and alumina through the range of rock types. These differences indicate that the suites were unrelated and evolved from differing magma bodies. The Black Mountain volcanic cycle represents a renewed phase of volcanism following cessation of the Timber Mountain--Silent Canyon volcanic cycles. Consequently, there is a small but numerically incalculable probability of recurrence of Black Mountain-type volcanism within the Nevada Test Site region. This represents a potential risk with respect to deep geologic storage of high-level radioactive waste at the Nevada Test Site

  17. Dimensión científica y humana de la profesora Rosario Camacho Martínez. Perfiles diversos y breves para una trascendente labor investigadora. Por Juan Antonio Sánchez López.

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    Juan Antonio Sánchez López


    Full Text Available Aunque pueda sonar a frase hecha, a nadie escapa la extraordinaria repercusión de la producción científica de la Pfª. Dra. Rosario Camacho en el ámbito de la Historia del Arte Español. En las presentes páginas aspiramos a plantear algunas breves reflexiones en torno al perfil investigador –pero también científico y humano– de quien, durante décadas, y desde el seno del Departamento de Historia del Arte, supo sabiamente crear escuela en cuanto a un modo inconfundible de hacer, enseñar, difundir y vivir la Historia del Arte en y desde la Universidad de Málaga, de cara al mundo. Es perfectamente natural que una personalidad tan rica también se manifieste en una pluralidad de líneas de investigación que, desde una atención preferente a la arquitectura barroca, deviene hacia otros ámbitos complementarios como la problemática específica de un monumento singular cual la Catedral de Málaga y se proyecta a contextos tangenciales, en el caso de la arquitectura y urbanismo de los siglos XIX y XX, o específicos del conocimiento históricoartístico como la iconografía y arte efímero, las artes plásticas y decorativas de los Siglos de Oro, la religiosidad popular y las órdenes religiosas, sin olvidar aproximaciones personales a las materias de arte y género y arte moderno y, por supuesto, destacadas apuestas historiográficas en el terreno de la pintura mural y el campo del patrimonio.

  18. Implementation of IEC Generic Model of Type 1 Wind Turbine Generator in DIgSILENT PowerFactory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhao, Haoran; Wu, Qiuwei; Margaris, Ioannis


    The implementation method for the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) generic models of Type 1 wind turbine generator (WTG) in DIgSILENT PowerFactory is presented. The following items are described, i.e. model structure, model blocks and how to implement these blocks in the PowerFactory...

  19. Chlamydia pneumoniae hides inside apoptotic neutrophils to silently infect and propagate in macrophages.

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    Jan Rupp

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Intracellular pathogens have developed elaborate strategies for silent infection of preferred host cells. Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common pathogen in acute infections of the respiratory tract (e.g. pneumonia and associated with chronic lung sequelae in adults and children. Within the lung, alveolar macrophages and polymorph nuclear neutrophils (PMN are the first line of defense against bacteria, but also preferred host phagocytes of chlamydiae. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We could show that C. pneumoniae easily infect and hide inside neutrophil granulocytes until these cells become apoptotic and are subsequently taken up by macrophages. C. pneumoniae infection of macrophages via apoptotic PMN results in enhanced replicative activity of chlamydiae when compared to direct infection of macrophages, which results in persistence of the pathogen. Inhibition of the apoptotic recognition of C. pneumoniae infected PMN using PS- masking Annexin A5 significantly lowered the transmission of chlamydial infection to macrophages. Transfer of apoptotic C. pneumoniae infected PMN to macrophages resulted in an increased TGF-ss production, whereas direct infection of macrophages with chlamydiae was characterized by an enhanced TNF-alpha response. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, our data suggest that C. pneumoniae uses neutrophil granulocytes to be silently taken up by long-lived macrophages, which allows for efficient propagation and immune protection within the human host.

  20. Editorial: profesor Julio Manrique

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    Marco A. Iriarte


    Full Text Available El 6 de julio del presente, cuando la Sociedad de Cirugía de Bogotá, reunida en sesión especial para acordar los preparativos de la conmemoración de los 40 años de existencia de tan benemérita Sociedad, el Profesor Julio Manrique entró en el seno misericordioso de la muerte, sin una queja, sin un gesto de angustia o de dolor, doblando suavemente su poderosa cabeza sobre la mesa redonda y en medio de sus colegas, con una muerte tranquila y blanda tal como había sido su carácter, dulce y suave.

  1. Rtt107/Esc4 binds silent chromatin and DNA repair proteins using different BRCT motifs

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    Jockusch Rebecca A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background By screening a plasmid library for proteins that could cause silencing when targeted to the HMR locus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we previously reported the identification of Rtt107/Esc4 based on its ability to establish silent chromatin. In this study we aimed to determine the mechanism of Rtt107/Esc4 targeted silencing and also learn more about its biological functions. Results Targeted silencing by Rtt107/Esc4 was dependent on the SIR genes, which encode obligatory structural and enzymatic components of yeast silent chromatin. Based on its sequence, Rtt107/Esc4 was predicted to contain six BRCT motifs. This motif, originally identified in the human breast tumor suppressor gene BRCA1, is a protein interaction domain. The targeted silencing activity of Rtt107/Esc4 resided within the C-terminal two BRCT motifs, and this region of the protein bound to Sir3 in two-hybrid tests. Deletion of RTT107/ESC4 caused sensitivity to the DNA damaging agent MMS as well as to hydroxyurea. A two-hybrid screen showed that the N-terminal BRCT motifs of Rtt107/Esc4 bound to Slx4, a protein previously shown to be involved in DNA repair and required for viability in a strain lacking the DNA helicase Sgs1. Like SLX genes, RTT107ESC4 interacted genetically with SGS1; esc4Δ sgs1Δ mutants were viable, but exhibited a slow-growth phenotype and also a synergistic DNA repair defect. Conclusion Rtt107/Esc4 binds to the silencing protein Sir3 and the DNA repair protein Slx4 via different BRCT motifs, thus providing a bridge linking silent chromatin to DNA repair enzymes.

  2. Alkaline electrolyzer and V2G system DIgSILENT models for demand response analysis in future distribution networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Diaz de Cerio Mendaza, Iker; Bak-Jensen, Birgitte; Chen, Zhe


    Grid instabilities originated by unsteady generation, characteristic consequence of some renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power, claims for new power balance solutions in largely penetrated systems. Denmark's solid investment in these energy sources has awaked a need of rethinking...... about the future control and operation of the power system. A widespread idea to face these challenges is to have a flexible demand easily adjustable to the system variations. Electrothermal loads, electric vehicles and hydrogen generation are among the most mentioned technologies capable to respond......, under certain strategies, to these variations. This paper presents two DIgSILENT PowerFactory models: an alkaline electrolyzer and a vehicle to the grid system. The models were performed using DIgSILENT Simulation Language, aiming to be used for long-term distribution systems simulations. Two voltage...

  3. Public health response to the silent reintroduction of wild poliovirus to Israel, 2013-2014. (United States)

    Moran-Gilad, J; Kaliner, E; Gdalevich, M; Grotto, I


    During 2013/14, Israel witnessed the silent reintroduction and sustained transmission of wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) detected through routine environmental surveillance performed on sewage samples. The public health response to silent poliovirus transmission in a population with high inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) coverage poses an emerging challenge towards the 'End Game' of global poliovirus eradication. This paper reviews the risk assessment, risk management and risk communication aspects of this poliovirus incident. Special emphasis is placed on the use of scientific data generated in the risk assessment phase to inform the public health response. Reintroducing a live vaccine in supplemental immunization activities in response to transmission of WPV or vaccine-derived poliovirus should be considered close to the 'End Game' of polio eradication, especially if targeting the population at risk is feasible. Such circumstances require a comprehensive contingency plan that will support the generation of important public health evidence at the risk assessment stage, thereby allowing to tailor the risk management approaches and underpin appropriate risk communication. Copyright © 2016 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Celulitis orbitaria como forma de presentación de la sinusitis complicada en el niño

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    Odette Pantoja Pereda


    Full Text Available La sinusitis aguda es un proceso inflamatorio de la mucosa de los senos paranasales, de etiología bacteriana principalmente. Es más frecuente en las edades escolares y en las épocas de mayor circulación de los virus respiratorios. Se desarrolla cuando se afecta el drenaje normal de los senos y se retienen las secreciones mucosas. Las complicaciones más severas, como celulitis y abscesos periorbitarios, son raras. La celulitis orbitaria es una entidad poco frecuente, cuya importancia radica en que puede asociarse a la pérdida de la visión y otras complicaciones. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 6 años, afectado con celulitis orbitaria, secundaria a sinusitis, y se comentan las peculiaridades del diagnóstico y el tratamiento, con el objetivo de alertar al pediatra para su diagnóstico temprano, lo que optimizaría su tratamiento.

  5. Silent Majority, Violent Majority: The Counter-Revolution in 70s Cinema

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    Peter Andrew Novick


    Full Text Available «There is one question, Inspector Callahan: Why do they call you ‘Dirty Harry’?» Harry, it is explained, «…Hates everybody: Limeys, Micks, Hebes, Fat Degos, Niggers, Honkies, Chinks…especially Spics». Don Siegel’s Dirty Harry (1971, famously labeled «fascist» by prominent film critic Pauline Kael, nonetheless represented something new and unique—the “Silent Majority’s” entry into liberal New Hollywood, a veritable counter-reformation to the new social movements having sprung up in the late Sixties and early Seventies. Far from the traditional American Right, however, and distinctly un-Fascist (in as much as the term means more than a simple epithet, these films acted to unite traditional European philosophy and revolutionary thought with organic conservative American tendencies, resulting in hybrid films which challenged the new social movements, while working within the medium of liberal New American Cinema. The article will address three themes from the era: violence and race in the city, revenge against “liberated women”, and fear and loathing of homosexuality. In each instance, using primary evidence from films and critical reviews from the Seventies and the present era, in addition to American and European theorists, the article will show how the counter-revolution in Seventies cinema failed to expunge the “revolutionary spirit” of the era. Rather, the Silent Majority’s visions of visual violence and reactionary values became part and parcel of the new liberated culture of the “Me Decade,” forever bounding the conservative celluloid revolt to the new cinematic culture.

  6. Silent ischemia in patients after uncomplicated myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samarzija, M.; Tezak, S.


    The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and importance of silent ischemia in patients (pts) after the acute myocardial infarction (A MI) as well as to establish diagnostic and prognostic value of exercise stress test (EST), Holter (H) monitoring and thallium-201 (Tl) scintigraphy. All the three tests were performed 2-4 months following the AMI. The criterion for diagnosing myocardial ischemia on EST and H is 1 mm or more of horizontal or down-sloping ST depression. Additional criteria for Holter imply the ischemic episode should last one minute and be separated from other episodes by at least one minute. Planar thallium images were performed 5-10 minute after the stress test; the delayed images were obtained after 3-6 hours. Visual and quantitative methods were employed in the analysis of TI-scintigraphy. Scintigraphy was considered positive if exercise- induced perfusion defects showed redistribution. The study included 74 asymptomatic patients after the AMI. The patients were divided into two groups by results of quantitative Tl-scintigraphy: Group I - 44 pts with silent ischemia, Group II - 30 pts without ischemia. In Group I, out of 44 pts, 9 had a positive exercise stress, 4 showed a painless ST depression on Holter and 7 had both tests positive, whereas 24 pts had only scintigraphy positive. In Group II one patient had positive EST and H. Sensitivity and specificity were determined by results of coronary arteriography performed on 33 pts: EST (Se=40%, Sp=80%), H (Se=219, Sp=100%) and scintigraphy (Se=93%, Sp =80%). During the follow-up period lasting at least 12 months, in Group I 3 pts died, 1 developed a new myocardial infarction and 15 pts had painful ischemic occurrences. In Group II only 3 pts developed symptoms of angina pectoris. Tl-scintigraphy was the only non-invasive test showing significant correlation with the follow-up outcomes. The diagnostic and prognostic superiority of Tl-scintigraphy justifies its value as the initial

  7. Reflections on clinical expertise and silent know-how in voice therapy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iwarsson, Jenny


    The concept of ‘clinical expertise’ is described as a part of evidence-based practice (EBP) together with ‘external scientific evidence’ and ‘patient values and perspectives’. However, clinical expertise in the management of voice disorders has not been described or discussed in much detail....... The expertise seems to consist partly of silent know-how that, from the outside, may seem improperly related to the personality of the speech-language pathologist or exclusively dependent on the number of years in the field. In this paper, it is suggested that clinical expertise in voice therapy consists...

  8. Injerto óseo del seno maxilar en la reparación de defectos craneofaciales específicos

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    José Manuel Díaz Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo a 56 pacientes con defectos anatómicos específicos del complejo craneofacial, en los cuales se emplearon procedimientos reconstructivos con injerto óseo autógeno de la pared anterior del seno maxilar, en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial "Saturnino Lora" de Santiago de Cuba, desde 1986 hasta 1994. Este tipo de injerto demostró ser seguro en la reparación de las fracturas del suelo orbitario con extensión máxima de 2 x 3 cm, así como en las deficiencias circunscritas del contorno facial en áreas tales como: frontal, pirámide nasal, cuerpo cigomático, apoyo cigomático maxilar, cuerpo mandibular, reborde orbital superior o inferior. La morbilidad posoperatoria fue mínima y la vía de acceso evita la incisión y cicatriz externa y previene complicaciones como el neumotórax, la perforación de la duramadre y la dificultad en la ambulación, a veces presentes en las áreas donantes tradicionales.A retrospective study was performed of 56 patients who had specific craniofacial defects which were treated with reconstructive methods with the autogenous bone graft of the anterior maxillar sinus wall in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service at "Saturnino Lora" Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba province from 1986 to 1994. This type of grafting proved to be safe in the reconstruction of maximum 2 cm long 3 cm wide orbitary floor fractures and of facial configuration defects in such areas as front, nasal pyramide, zigomatic corpus, zigomatic maxillary support, corpus mandibullae, and upper or low orbitary fissure. The post-operation morbility was minimum as well as the access path that prevents the external acarf and complications like pneumothorax, perforation of dura mater and movement difficulties sometimes present in the traditional donor areas.

  9. The association between saliva control, silent saliva penetration, aspiration, and videofluoroscopic findings in Parkinson′s disease patients

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    Ali Rajaei


    Full Text Available Background: Dysphagia is a common disorder among patients with Parkinson′s disease (PD. It occurs in up to 80% of all (PD patients during the early stages of the disease and up to 95% in the advanced stages; but professionals may not hear from the patients about dysphagia symptoms until these symptoms reach an advanced stage and lead to medical complications. Materials and Methods: Thirty-three PD patients (mean age 66.09 ± 9.4 years; 24 men, nine women participated in this study at our Neurology Institute, between April 20, 2013, and October 26, 2013. They were asked two questions; one about saliva control and the other about silent saliva penetration and aspiration. Next, they underwent the videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS. Results: The Pearson Correlation coefficient between the Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS scores and question 1 scores was 0.48 (P < 0.05, =0.25, and there was a significant correlation between the PAS scores and question 2 scores, and also question 1 scores + question 2 scores (r = 0.589, P < 0.05, =0 and r = 0589, P < 0.05, =0. Conclusions: This study showed a significant correlation between the questions about saliva control, silent saliva penetration, and aspiration, and laryngeal penetration and aspiration during VFSS. Therefore, by using these two questions, the potential silent laryngeal penetration and aspiration during meals could be detected before it led to aspiration pneumonia. Taking the benefit of these questions, as a part of the swallowing assessment of PD patients, is recommended.

  10. The Preference of Keeping the Intermediary /y/(ی in Prepositional Construction and Its Attachment to the Silent» h«.

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    Mohammad Irani


    Full Text Available Abstract   One of the problems of Persian writing is the question of writing and including the noun or adjective "Prepositional" construction sign in words the written form of which end in a silent » h « which is in fact a short vowel equivalent to /e/ (kasra ـِـ .The difference between the two ways of writing the intermediary consonant /y/( ی at the end of the word with a last silent » h « , completely as « ی » or with the sign « ء» on the silent » h « is rooted in the controversy between the traditional and modern approaches of writing.   The present study is about to study into the following subjects: an analysis and criticism of both the above approaches, a survey of the history of the intermediary /y/( ی , recognizing its phonetic significance and its role in making and adding new syllables, and finally a conclusion about the more convenient way to write it. It is possible that the outcome of the present study will provide us with a unique form of writing of the case in different texts like books, articles, newspapers, journals and electronic texts.

  11. Scaling of silent electrical discharge reactors for hazardous organics destruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coogan, J.J.; Rosocha, L.A.; Brower, M.J.; Kang, M.; Schmidt, C.A.


    Silent electrical discharges are used to produce highly reactive free radicals that destroy hazardous compounds entrained in gaseous effluents at ambient gas temperatures and pressures. We have carried out destruction experiments at Los Alamos on a range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including trichloroethylene (TCE), carbon tetrachloride, perchloroethylene (PCE), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). We have measured a ''nine-factor'', the amount of energy required to reduce the VOC concentration by a factor of ten. For practical reactor power densities, the ''nine-factor'' can be used to predict the destruction an removal efficiency (DRE) in terms of gas flow rate and the number of reactor modules. This report proposes a modular, stackable architecture for scaling up the reactor throughput

  12. [Silent myocardial ischemia in patients with transient ischemic attacks]. (United States)

    Sánchez Valiente, S; Mostacero, E; del Río, A; Morales, F


    Given evidence that ischemic heart disease is the most frequent cause of death in patients with cerebrovascular disease, we used ergometrics to screen 80 patients with TIA for silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) at the neurological unit of Hospital Clínico Universitario in Zaragoza, Spain. The patients were compared with a control group of 80 with no signs of heart disease. Neither the patients nor the controls had ever shown clinical signs of coronary ischemia and their baseline electrocardiograms were normal. Stress test results were positive in 25 (31%) of the TIA patients, and in 4 (5%) (p Hiperlipidemia (75% testing positive versus 43% negative, p < 0.01) and diabetes (31% testing positive versus 13% negative, p < 0.01) were the risk factors statistically related with a positive stress test.

  13. 赛诺·古米拉·阿吉达玛的《雅加达2039》与印尼戏剧的良知%Seno Gumira Ajidarma’ s Jakarta 2039 and the Conscience of Indonesian Drama

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    In the play Jakarta 2039, Seno Gumira Ajidarma regarded the chronic social disease be-hind the anti-Chinese riot in 1998 as a core issue in the contemporary Indodenian culture .Seno be-lieved that the riot was an indelible stain of all Indonesians , and racism was only a representation of the more complicated inherent contradictions between the social system and political power opera-tion.As he pointed out, the riot in 1998 in fact reflected the intrusion of state violence and destruc-tion of social ethnic ecology;the Indonesian government used this as a way of diverting public atten-tion but caused a grave emotional trauma to Indonesian people .%赛诺·古米拉·阿吉达玛的话剧《雅加达2039》把1998年排华骚乱背后所反映的社会痼疾看作印尼当代文化一个核心问题。赛诺认为,暴乱是印尼所有人身上无法消除的污点,种族主义仅是更为复杂的社会体系和政权运作内在矛盾的表征。赛诺指出,1998年暴乱实质是国家暴力侵入和破坏社会族群生态的体现,印尼政府将此作为转移民众视线的手段。这种做法给印尼民众带来了深重的心理创伤。

  14. Incidence of postangiographic silent brain infarction detected by diffusion-weighted MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Harushi; Hayashi, Naoto; Aoki, Shigeki


    We surveyed to assess for the incidence of clinically silent brain infarction after cerebral catheter angiography. Diffusion-weighted images were performed shortly after 33 cerebral catheter angiographies. We found totally 11 abnormally high intensity spots in 5 of 33 patients on diffusion-weighted images and, therefore, the incidence was calculated as 15.2%. This incidence is higher than has been estimated based on the incidence of neurological deficits (about 0.5%) after cerebral angiography. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging is suitable to monitor the safety of angiographic procedures and material. (author)

  15. Silent Films and Strange Stories: Theory of Mind, Gender, and Social Experiences in Middle Childhood (United States)

    Devine, Rory T.; Hughes, Claire


    In this study of two hundred and thirty 8- to 13-year-olds, a new "Silent Films" task is introduced, designed to address the dearth of research on theory of mind in older children by providing a film-based analogue of F. G. E. Happe's (1994) Strange Stories task. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that all items from both tasks loaded…

  16. The silent information regulator 1 (Sirt1) is a positive regulator of the Notch pathway in Drosophila

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Horváth, Matěj; Mihajlović, Zorana; Slaninová, Věra; Perez-Gomez, Raquel; Moshkin, Y.; Krejčí, Alena


    Roč. 473, č. 22 (2016), s. 4129-4143 ISSN 0264-6021 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA14-08583S Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : Drosophila * silent information regulator 1 * Notch pathway Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 3.797, year: 2016

  17. Direct effects of smoking on the heart: silent ischemic disturbances of coronary flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deanfield, J.E.; Shea, M.J.; Wilson, R.A.; Horlock, P.; de Landsheere, C.M.; Selwyn, A.P.


    Cigarette smoking is strongly associated with ischemic heart disease and acute coronary events. The effect of smoking a single cigarette on regional myocardial perfusion was studied in 13 chronic smokers with typical stable angina pectoris using positron emission tomography and rubidium-82 ( 82 Rb). Findings were compared with the effects of physical exercise. After exercise, 8 patients (61%) had angina, ST depression and abnormal regional myocardial perfusion. Uptake of 82 Rb increased from 49 +/- 8 to 60 +/- 7 in remote myocardium, but decreased from 46 +/- 3 to 37 +/- 5 in an ischemic area. The remaining 5 patients (39%) had homogeneous increases in 82 Rb uptake without angina or ST depression. After smoking, 6 of the 8 patients with positive exercise test responses had a decrease in 82 Rb uptake, from 47 +/- 3 to 35 +/- 6 in the same segment of myocardium affected during exercise. However, in contrast to exercise, the events during smoking were largely silent. The absolute decreases in regional 82 Rb uptake after smoking occurred at significantly lower levels of myocardial oxygen demand than after exercise. This suggests that an impairment of coronary blood supply is responsible. Thus, in smokers with coronary artery disease, each cigarette can cause profound silent disturbances of regional myocardial perfusion that are likely to occur frequently during daily life. Such repeated insults may represent an important mechanism linking smoking with coronary events

  18. Silent myocardial ischemia in patients with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerosis: associated factors. (United States)

    Arenillas, Juan F; Candell-Riera, Jaume; Romero-Farina, Guillermo; Molina, Carlos A; Chacón, Pilar; Aguadé-Bruix, Santiago; Montaner, Joan; de León, Gustavo; Castell-Conesa, Joan; Alvarez-Sabín, José


    Optimization of coronary risk evaluation in stroke patients has been encouraged. The relationship between symptomatic intracranial atherosclerosis and occult coronary artery disease (CAD) has not been evaluated sufficiently. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of silent myocardial ischemia in patients with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerosis and to identify factors associated with its presence. From 186 first-ever transient ischemic attack or ischemic stroke patients with intracranial stenoses, 65 fulfilled selection criteria, including angiographic confirmation of a symptomatic atherosclerotic stenosis and absence of known CAD. All patients underwent a maximal-stress myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], C-reactive protein, and homocysteine (Hcy) levels were determined before SPECT. Stress-rest SPECT detected reversible myocardial perfusion defects in 34 (52%) patients. Vascular risk factors associated with a pathologic SPECT were hypercholesterolemia (P=0.045), presence of >2 risk factors (P=0.004) and high Lp(a) (P=0.023) and Hcy levels (P=0.018). Ninety percent of patients with high Lp(a) and Hcy levels had a positive SPECT. Existence of a stenosed intracranial internal carotid artery (ICA; odds ratio [OR], 7.22, 2.07 to 25.23; P=0.002) and location of the symptomatic stenosis in vertebrobasilar arteries (OR, 4.89, 1.19 to 20.12; P=0.027) were independently associated with silent myocardial ischemia after adjustment by age, sex, and risk factors. More than 50% of the patients with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerosis and not overt CAD show myocardial perfusion defects on stress-rest SPECT. Stenosed intracranial ICA, symptomatic vertebrobasilar stenosis and presence of high Lp(a) and Hcy levels may characterize the patients at a higher risk for occult CAD.

  19. Prognostic significance of silent myocardial ischemia on a thallium stress test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heller, L.I.; Tresgallo, M.; Sciacca, R.R.; Blood, D.K.; Seldin, D.W.; Johnson, L.L.


    The clinical significance of silent ischemia is not fully known. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the presence or absence of angina during a thallium stress test positive for ischemia was independently predictive of an adverse outcome. Two hundred thirty-four consecutive patients with ischemia on a thallium stress test were identified. Ischemia was defined as the presence of defect(s) on the immediate postexercise scans not in the distribution of prior infarctions that redistributed on 4-hour scans. During the test 129 patients had angina, defined as characteristic neck, jaw, arm, back or chest discomfort, while the remaining 105 patients had no angina. Follow-up ranged from 2 to 8.2 years (mean 5.2 +/- 2.1) and was successfully obtained in 156 patients. Eighty-two of the 156 patients had angina (group A) and 74 had silent ischemia (group S). Group A patients were significantly older (62 +/- 8 vs 59 +/- 8 years, p less than 0.05). There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of sex, history of prior infarction or presence of left main/3-vessel disease. A larger percentage of patients in group A were receiving beta blockers (60 vs 41%, p less than 0.05) and nitrates (52 vs 36%, 0.05 less than p less than 0.10). There was a large number of cardiac events (myocardial infarction, revascularization and death) in both groups (37 of 82 [45%] in group A; 28 of 72 [38%] in group S) but no statistically significant difference between the groups. Similarly, life-table analysis revealed no difference in mortality between the 2 groups

  20. Reporte de caso de Síndrome de Kartagener

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    Mariela Suárez Díaz


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 58 años con  antecedentes de  dextrocardia, así como de Asma Bronquial persistente de difícil control, rinitis y otros cuadros respiratorios a repetición. Después de los 20 años de edad se hicieron más frecuentes estos episodios, presentando infecciones respiratorias recurrentes,  acompañadas de expulsión de sangre roja y rutilante por la boca  en varias ocasiones, diagnosticándosele  bronquiectasia, recibiendo tratamiento sintomático y con antibióticos frecuentemente, sin mejorar totalmente. El paciente refería, además, historia de infertilidad y dolores del tipo sacrolumbalgia a repetición, así como disminución de la audición en ambos oídos y del olfato. Acudió a consulta de Medicina Interna en agosto de 2012. En esta ocasión se le realizó una radiografía simple de tórax postero-anterior, en la que se visualizó dextrocardia, acompañada de una acentuación de la trama broncovascular bibasal, a predominio de la base derecha  y cámara gástrica a la derecha. El Rx de senos paranasales evidenció  engrosamiento mucoso de senos maxilares y agenesia de los frontales; se realizó electrocardiograma y ecocardiograma, confirmando la dextrocardia, así como ultrasonido abdominal, donde se observó vísceras en sentido opuesto a lo habitual. Una historia de infertilidad referida por el paciente, el antecedente de dextrocardia, los episodios de obstrucción nasal y rinitis recurrentes, los cuadros respiratorios bajos y los hallazgos imagenológicos despertaron la sospecha clínica de una discinesia ciliar primaria y, en especial, de un Síndrome de Kartagener.

  1. ¿Hay un “perdón al enemigo” en el estoicismo antiguo?

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    Desiderio Parrilla Martínez


    Full Text Available Los recientes estudios historiográficos sobre la idea de “perdón” han aportado datos valiosos sobre este término de la filosofía académica. Su uso mundano expresa una mentalidad y unas prácticas socialmente regladas muy específicas. Los resultados de esta investigación permiten afirmar que dicha noción existía en el seno de la sociedad greco-romana, de manera que el “perdón al enemigo” no es una innovación total de la cultura judeo-cristiana, sino más bien una consecuencia de la previa romanización. El presente artículo trata de mostrar cómo la escuela estoica es el principal exponente de esta difusión cultural del “perdón al enemigo” desde sus inicios.


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    Rosaura Rodríguez Flores


    Full Text Available Los tumores odontogénicos (TO son un grupo complejo y poco frecuente de neoplasias con características clínicas, radiológicas, histopatológicas y evolución muy variables. El Carcinoma odontogénico de células claras (COCC es una neoplasia maligna, de comportamiento agresivo variable que se presenta en maxilares. Histológicamente se constituye de nidos de células, frecuentemente de citoplasma claro, rico en glucógeno, rodeadas por bandas de colágena. Pertenece al grupo de los tumores odontogénicos epiteliales malignos. Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 57 años con un tumor en hueso y seno maxilar izquierdo, sometido a hemimaxilectomía subtotal izquierda. Los estudios de imagen demostraron una lesión destructiva mixta en maxilar y seno maxilar izquierdo y la histología reveló la imagen clásica de COCC y la inmunohistoquímica mostró inmunoreactividad para Queratina AE1/AE3, EMA y S-100 (focal. Se demostró abudante glucógeno mediante la reacción de PAS en el citoplasma de las células neoplásicas. El paciente ha tenido seguimiento por 5 años y está asintomático después de la cirugía sin tratamiento complementario con radioterapia.

  3. Negotiating Colonial Korean Cinema in the Japanese Empire: From the Silent Era to the Talkies, 1923-1939

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    Chonghwa Chung


    Full Text Available This article examines what I call a “system of cooperation” (K. hyŏp’ŏp, J. kyōgyō, 協業 in the colonial Korean film industry from 1923, when silent films appeared, to the late 1930s, when colonial cinema was restructured within an imperial wartime system. In other words, this article examines the interworking of colonial Korean and imperial Japanese cinema from Yun Hae-dong’s “colonial modern” perspective in order to go beyond the long established lens on colonial Korean film and film historiography that merely focused on the contributions of colonial Korean filmmakers. Here the author rather focuses on the cooperation or collaboration between Japan and Korea: Japanese directors and cinematographers working in Korea, Korean filmmakers with experience in the Japanese apprenticeship system, and filmmakers working together and independently during the silent film era. During the transition from the silent to the early talkie eras, second-generation filmmakers, especially those who trained in film studios in Japan, were significant. They dreamed of the corporatization of the colonial Korean film industry and took the lead in coproductions between Japanese film companies and their colonial Korean counterparts. Korean filmmakers were not unilaterally suppressed by imperial Japan, nor did they independently operate within the Korean film industry during the colonial period. The Japanese in colonial Korea did not take the lead in forming the colonial Korean film scene, either. The core formation of colonial Korean / Korean film was a process of Korean and Japanese filmmakers in competition and negotiation with one another within a complex film sphere launched with Japanese capital and technology.

  4. "So oft to the movies they've been": British fan writing and female audiences in the silent cinema

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    Lisa Rose Stead


    Full Text Available This article aims to address the ways in which working-class and lower-middle-class British women used silent-era fan magazines as a space for articulating their role within the development of a female film culture. The article focuses on letter pages that formed a key site for female contribution to British fan magazines across the silent era. In contributing to these pages, women found a space to debate and discuss the appeal and significance of particular female representations within film culture. Using detailed archival research tracing the content of a specific magazine, Picturegoer, across a 15-year period (1913–28, the article will show the dominance of particular types of female representation in both fan and "official" magazine discourses, analyzing the ways in which British women used these images to work through national tensions regarding modern femininity and traditional ideas of female propriety and restraint.

  5. Harmonic Domain Modelling of Transformer Core Nonlinearities Using the DIgSILENT PowerFactory Software


    Bak, Claus Leth; Bak-Jensen, Birgitte; Wiechowski, Wojciech


    This paper demonstrates the results of implementation and verification of an already existing algorithm that allows for calculating saturation characteristics of singlephase power transformers. The algorithm was described for the first time in 1993. Now this algorithm has been implemented using the DIgSILENT Programming Language (DPL) as an external script in the harmonic domain calculations of a power system analysis tool PowerFactory [10]. The algorithm is verified by harmonic measurements ...

  6. Myocardial perfusion imaging for detection of silent myocardial ischemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beller, G.A.


    Despite the widespread use of the exercise stress test in diagnosing asymptomatic myocardial ischemia, exercise radionuclide imaging remains useful for detecting silent ischemia in numerous patient populations, including those who are totally asymptomatic, those who have chronic stable angina, those who have recovered from an episode of unstable angina or an uncomplicated myocardial infarction, and those who have undergone angioplasty or received thrombolytic therapy. Studies show that thallium scintigraphy is more sensitive than exercise electrocardiography in detecting ischemia, i.e., in part, because perfusion defects occur more frequently than ST depression and before angina in the ischemic cascade. Thallium-201 scintigraphy can be performed to differentiate a true- from a false-positive exercise electrocardiographic test in patients with exercise-induced ST depression and no angina. The development of technetium-labeled isonitriles may improve the accuracy of myocardial perfusion imaging. 11 references

  7. Measuring theory of mind across middle childhood: Reliability and validity of the Silent Films and Strange Stories tasks. (United States)

    Devine, Rory T; Hughes, Claire


    Recent years have seen a growth of research on the development of children's ability to reason about others' mental states (or "theory of mind") beyond the narrow confines of the preschool period. The overall aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of a task battery composed of items from Happé's Strange Stories task and Devine and Hughes' Silent Film task. A sample of 460 ethnically and socially diverse children (211 boys) between 7 and 13years of age completed the task battery at two time points separated by 1month. The Strange Stories and Silent Film tasks were strongly correlated even when verbal ability and narrative comprehension were taken into account, and all items loaded onto a single theory-of-mind latent factor. The theory-of-mind latent factor provided reliable estimates of performance across a wide range of theory-of-mind ability and showed no evidence of differential item functioning across gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. The theory-of-mind latent factor also exhibited strong 1-month test-retest reliability, and this stability did not vary as a function of child characteristics. Taken together, these findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the Strange Stories and Silent Film task battery as a measure of individual differences in theory of mind suitable for use across middle childhood. We consider the methodological and conceptual implications of these findings for research on theory of mind beyond the preschool years. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Reliability of the exercise ECG in detecting silent ischemia in patients with prior myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamagishi, Takashi; Matsuda, Yasuo; Satoh, Akira


    To assess the reliability of the exercise ECG in detecting silent ischemia, ECG results were compared with those of stress-redistribution thallium-201 single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in 116 patients with prior myocardial infarction and in 20 normal subjects used as a control. The left ventricle (LV) was divided into 20 segmental images, which were scored blindly on a 5-point scale. The redistribution score was defined as thallium defect score of exercise subtracted by that of redistribution image and was used as a measure of amount of ischemic but viable myocardium. The upper limit of normal redistribution score (=4.32) was defined as mean+2 standard deviations derived from 20 normal subjects. Of 116 patients, 47 had the redistribution score above the normal range. Twenty-five (53%) of the 47 patients showed positive ECG response. Fourteen (20%) of the 69 patients, who had the normal redistribution score, showed positive ECG response. Thus, the ECG response had a sensitivity of 53% and a specificity of 80% in detecting transient ischemia. Furthermore, the 116 patients were subdivided into 4 groups according to the presence or absence of chest pain and ECG change during exercise. Fourteen patients showed both chest pain and ECG change and all these patients had the redistribution score above the normal range. Twenty-five patients showed ECG change without chest pain and 11 (44%) of the 25 patients had the abnormal redistribution. Three (43%) of 7 patients who showed chest pain without ECG change had the abnormal redistribution score. Of 70 patients who had neither chest pain nor ECG change, 19 (27%) had the redistribution score above the normal range. Thus, limitations exist in detecting silent ischemia by ECG in patients with a prior myocardial infarction, because the ECG response to the exercise test may have a low degree of sensitivity and a high degree of false positive and false negative results in detecting silent ischemia. (author)

  9. Silent somatotroph tumour revisited from a study of 80 patients with and without acromegaly and a review of the literature. (United States)

    Chinezu, Laura; Vasiljevic, Alexandre; Trouillas, Jacqueline; Lapoirie, Marion; Jouanneau, Emmanuel; Raverot, Gérald


    Silent somatotroph tumours are growth hormone (GH) immunoreactive (IR) pituitary tumours without clinical and biological signs of acromegaly. Their better characterisation is required to improve the diagnosis. Twenty-one silent somatotroph tumours were compared to 59 somatotroph tumours with acromegaly. Tumours in each group were classified into GH and plurihormonal (GH/prolactin (PRL)/±thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)) and into densely granulated (DG) and sparsely granulated (SG) types. The two groups were then compared with regards to proliferation (Ki-67, p53 indexes and mitotic count), differentiation (expression of somatostatin receptors SSTR 2A -SSTR 5 and transcription factor Pit-1) and secretory activity (% of GH- and PRL-IR cells). The silent somatotroph tumours represented 2% of all tested pituitary tumours combined. They were more frequent in women than in men (P = 0.002), more frequently plurihormonal and SG (P acromegaly. They all expressed SSTR 2A , SSTR 5 and Pit-1. The plurihormonal (GH/PRL/±TSH) tumours were mostly observed in women (sex ratio: 3/1) and in patients who were generally younger than those with acromegaly (P acromegaly. A low secretory activity of these tumours might explain the normal plasma values for GH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) and the absence of clinical signs of acromegaly. © 2017 European Society of Endocrinology.

  10. Didáctica del buen comportamiento: el magisterio de la sumisión en el Nuevo Testamento

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    Jaime ALVAR


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizan los mecanismos desarrollados en el cristianismo primitivo para lograr la internalización de la sumisión. No existe ninguna predicación que defienda una interpretación personal del mensaje de Cristo, sino que desde el inicio se aprecia la voluntad de los discípulos más aventajados por controlar las comunidades nacientes para convertirlas en verdaderas clientelas. Así se logran hegemonías para imponer una determinada interpretación de cómo han de ser las conductas individuales y colectivas en el seno del cristianismo. Esta perspectiva permite desechar numerosos prejuicios que falsean la verdadera naturaleza del pensamiento cristiano primitivo.

  11. Produzione di bioidrogeno in dark fermentation da scarti dell'industria agroalimentale mediante l'impiego di batteri ipertermofili


    Alberini, Andrea


    La presente tesi di dottorato ha come argomento la produzione d’idrogeno per via fermentativa sfruttando il metabolismo anaerobico di particolari batteri estremofili del genere Thermotoga. In questo lavoro, svolto in seno al progetto Bio-Hydro, sfruttando reattori batch da 116 mL, è stato selezionato il ceppo migliore di Thermotoga fra i quatto ceppi testati: T. neapolitana. Una volta individuato il candidato batterico migliore è stato individuato il valore ottimale di pH (8.5 a t.amb) per la...

  12. How Silent is the Right to Silence?

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    Katherine Biber


    Full Text Available A long-held and fundamental principle of our criminal justice system is that people accused of crimes have a right to silence, arising from the presumption of innocence. Rules of evidence try to protect this ‘right’ during trial, by ensuring that juries understand that adverse inferences cannot be drawn from the silence of the accused. Silence, in court, can mean nothing, and we are not to speculate about what might motivate an accused person to remain silent, or what they might have said had they spoken. However, an examination of the jurisprudence in this area shows that the law is often not dealing with actual silence; sometimes when the law refers to the ‘right to silence’, it seems to mean a ‘refusal to hear’. In other instances, there is actual silence, and yet the law refuses to subject that silence to any critical interpretation, insisting that we cannot infer anything from it. While we have learned, from theatre, music, linguistics, religion and psychology, to develop sophisticated means for interpreting silence, the law demands that we set aside these interpretive tools, hearing silence that isn’t there, and inferring nothing about something.

  13. Correlating lesion size and location to deficits after ischemic stroke: the influence of accounting for altered peri-necrotic tissue and incidental silent infarcts

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    Black Sandra E


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Investigators frequently quantify and evaluate the location and size of stroke lesions to help uncover cerebral anatomical correlates of deficits observed after first-ever stroke. However, it is common to discover silent infarcts such as lacunes in patients identified clinically as 'first-ever' stroke, and it is unclear if including these incidental findings may impact lesion-based investigations of brain-behaviour relationships. There is also debate concerning how to best define the boundaries of necrotic stroke lesions that blend in an ill-defined way into surrounding tissue, as it is unclear whether including this altered peri-necrotic tissue region may influence studies of brain-behaviour relationships. Therefore, for patients with clinically overt stroke, we examined whether including altered peri-necrotic tissue and incidental silent strokes influenced either lesion volume correlations with a measure of sensorimotor impairment or the anatomical localization of this impairment established using subtraction lesion analysis. Methods Chronic stroke lesions of 41 patients were manually traced from digital T1-MRI to sequentially include the: necrotic lesion core, altered peri-necrotic tissue, silent lesions in the same hemisphere as the index lesion, and silent lesions in the opposite hemisphere. Lesion volumes for each region were examined for correlation with motor impairment scores, and subtraction analysis was used to highlight anatomical lesion loci associated with this deficit. Results For subtraction lesion analysis, including peri-necrotic tissue resulted in a larger region of more frequent damage being seen in the basal ganglia. For correlational analysis, only the volume of the lesion core was significantly associated with motor impairment scores (r = -0.35, p = 0.025. In a sub-analysis of patients with small subcortical index lesions, adding silent lesions in the opposite hemisphere to the volume of the index

  14. Silent ischemia in patients after the acute myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samarzija, M.


    The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and importance of silent ischemia in patients (pts) after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) as well as to establish diagnostic and prognostic values of exercise stress test (EST), Holter (H) monitoring and thallium-201 (Tl) scintigraphy. All the tests were performed 2-4 months following the AMI. The criterion for diagnostic myocardial ischemia on EST and H is 1 mm or more of horizontal or down-sloping ST depression. Additional criteria for Holter imply that the ischemic episode should last one minute and be separated from other episodes by at least one minute. Planar thallium images were performed 5-10 minutes after the stress test; the delayed images were obtained after 3-6 hours. Visual and quantitative methods were employed in the analysis of Tl-scintigraphy. Scintigraphy was considered positive if exercise-induced perfusion defects showed redistribution. The study included 74 asymptomatic patients after the AMI. The patients were divided into two groups by results of quantitative Tl-scintigraphy: Group I - 44 pts with silent ischemia, Group II - 30 pts without ischemia. In Group I, out of 44 pts, 9 had a positive exercise stress test, 4 showed a painless ST depression on Holter and 7 had both tests positive, whereas 24 pts had only scintigraphy positive. In Group II one patient had positive EST and H. Sensitivity and specificity were determined by results of coronary arteriography performed on 33 pts: EST (Se=40%, Sp=80%), H (Se=21%, Sp=100%) and scintigraphy (Se=93%, Sp=80%). During the follow-up period lasting at least 12 months, in Group I 3 pts died, 1 developed a new myocardial infarction and 15 pts had painful ischemic occurrences. In Group II only 3 pts developed symptoms of angina pectoris. Tl-scintigraphy was the only non-invasive test showing significant correlation with the follow-up outcomes. The diagnostic and prognostic superiority of Tl-scintigraphy justifies its value as an initial

  15. Una mirada a la Educación Inicial y Preescolar en cuatro países centroamericanos


    Karina Rodríguez Cortés


    A finales del siglo XVIII, las reflexiones en torno a la enseñanza elemental del lenguaje y de la forma, ocupaban ya el tiempo de educadores como Juan E. Pestalozzi, a decir de quien, los adultos, en el seno del hogar, deberían practicar cotidianamente con sus hijos cierta cantidad de ejercicios, primero fonéticos, para adentrarlos en el amplio y rico campo del lenguaje oral y escrito, antes de que éstos fueran capaces de repetir un sólo sonido. No dejaba a la casualidad tan fuert...

  16. Miasis orbital severa causada por Cochliomyia hominivorax en la región andina de Ecuador

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    Juan Dominguez Enríquez


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de una indígena kichwa de 91 años con miasis orbital destructiva que compromete globo ocular derecho con destrucción de tejido óseo orbital, nasal, etmoidal y del seno frontal, confirmado por tomografía axial computarizada y con reconstrucción ósea tridimensional. Infectada en una zona templada a 2,418 m de altitud en la provincia andina de Imbabura, Ecuador. La paciente se presentó en el Hospital de Cotacachi con una tumoración cavitaria en el globo ocular derecho acompañada de secreción maloliente, supurativa, observando y extrayéndose más de 100 larvas de moscas desde su interior. Estas fueron identificadas como Cochliomyia hominivorax, por la disposición de sus espiráculos respiratorios.

  17. Application of DIgSILENT POWERFACTORY software for modeling of industrial network relay protection system


    Sučević Nikola; Milošević Dejan


    This paper presents modeling of industrial network relay protection system using DIgSILENT PowerFactory software. The basis for the model of protection system is a model of a single substation in an industrial network. The paper presents the procedure for modeling of protective devices of 6 kV asynchronous motors, 6/0,4 kV/kV transformers as well as protection in the bus coupler and busbar protection. Protective relay system response for the simulated disturbances is shown in the paper.



    Ane Larrinaga Renteria


    En este artículo se presenta un análisis de algunas de las consecuencias que ha tenido la internacionalización de la universidad en la reformulación de las identidades profesionales de los académicos que desarrollan su actividad en una lengua minoritaria. La hipótesis de la que se parte es que los procesos globales de cambio que están modificando la educación superior afectan a los roles e identidades profesionales de los académicos. Más concretamente, se pretende mostrar que las recientes ex...

  19. Pasos en la cirugía endoscópica nasosinusal.

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    María Poncela Blanco


    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo: La cirugía endoscópica se ha ido perfeccionando con el paso de los años, en cuanto a la técnica y la metodología de enseñanza, a fin de minimizar la probabilidad de complicaciones intraorbitarias o intracraneales. Los puntos anatómicos de referencia clásicos pueden no ser identificados en patologías nasosinusales avanzadas o en situaciones postquirúrgicas. El objetivo de esta comunicación es mostrar puntos alternativos de referencia para guiarse en ese tipo de casos.Material y Método: Tras la realización del Minifellowship en Cirugía Endoscópica Nasosinusal, presentamos el enfoque aportado por el Dr. Casiano en casos de patología nasosinusal avanzada, en los cuales la distorsión anatómica es la regla. Los puntos clave en esta técnica quirúrgica son el piso mesoorbitario y la cresta ósea adyacente de la antrostomía, combinados con las mediciones de la columela, siendo puntos constantes y de fácil identificación que brindan una información confiable para encontrar los senos etmoidales y esfenoidales, además de las estructuras vecinas críticas de la base del cráneo y la órbita. La convexidad nasolagrimal, combinada con la inserción anterior del cornete medio y el ostium natural del seno maxilar, aportan información acerca de la ubicación aproximada del infundíbulo frontal. Ninguno de esos puntos de referencia se ve afectado por la presencia de enfermedad inflamatoria significativa o de una cirugía previa. Incluso en los casos de poliposis, por ejemplo, rara vez se ve afectada la mucosa que recubre la convexidad nasolagrimal. El siguiente es un enfoque basado en la anatomía para realizar la cirugía endoscópica nasosinusal en casos de enfermedad avanzada de los senos nasales. Resultados: Ninguno de esos puntos de referencia se ve afectado por la presencia de enfermedad inflamatoria significativa o de una cirugía previa. Incluso en los casos de poliposis nasosinusal, rara vez se ve

  20. Hipo, un desafío diagnóstico

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    Sonia Pankl


    Full Text Available El hipo es una contracción espasmódica involuntaria del diafragma que desencadena una inspiración súbita y cierre abrupto de la glotis originando un sonido característico. Según su duración se clasifica en ataque de hipo, hipo persistente o hipo intratable o rebelde. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 75 años de edad con hipo rebelde que le impedía conciliar el sueño, diurno y nocturno, asociado a eructos, de tres años de evolución, refractario al tratamiento con clorpromazina. Luego de una extensa evaluación se llegó al diagnóstico de tumor en seno etmoidal derecho. Se efectuó la resección del tumor y posterior radioterapia local con desaparición del hipo. Consideramos ésta una causa rara de hipo rebelde que generó un desafío diagnóstico y terapéutico.

  1. A silent allele in the locus D5S818 contained within the PowerPlex®21 PCR Amplification Kit. (United States)

    Chen, Ling; Tai, Yunchun; Qiu, Pingming; Du, Weian; Liu, Chao


    Three paternity tests cases were found with a single locus mismatch at the locus D5S818 with PowerPlex®21 PCR Amplification Kit (Promega). Forward and reverse primers were redesigned to type the samples again and to evaluate if there were alleles dropped out. The results showed the existence of a silent allele 12 in all the three families, due to a point mutation that changed cytosine to adenine at 90 nucleotides upstream from the 5' end of the AGAT repeat sequences in all the six individuals. A single locus mismatch due to a silent allele may occur in any locus using any kit. Therefore, we recommend using multiple kits to confirm the results in paternity testing cases with mismatches, especially when there is a single locus mismatch with homozygote involved. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Regional cerebral blood flow and periventricular hyperintensity in silent cerebral infarction. Comparison with multi-infarct dementia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koshi, Yasuhiko; Kitamura, Shin; Nagazumi, Atushi; Tsuganesawa, Toshikazu; Terashi, Akiro


    In order to investigate relationship between regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and the white matter lesions on MRI in silent cerebral infarction, we quantitatively measured rCBF by 123 I-IMP autoradiography method (IMP ARG method) and single photon emission tomography (SPECT) in 36 patients with silent cerebral infarction (SCI group), 22 patients with multi-infarct dementia (MID group), and 16 control subjects without periventricular hyperintensity (PVH) and lacunar infarction on MRI (CL group). Regions of interest (ROIs) on rCBF images were set in the frontal (F), temporal (T), parietal (P), occipital (O) cortex, and the cerebral white matter (W). The severity of PVH on MRI T 2 -weighted image was divided into four grades (grade 0-3). Though the frequency of hypertension was significantly higher in SCI group and MID group compared with CL group, no significant difference was seen in the mean age among these three groups. rCBF in the white matter and cerebral cortices except the occipital cortex in SCI group was significantly low compared with CL group (rCBF SCI /rCBF CL : W 0.87, F 0.87, T 0.87, P 0.88, O 0.92). rCBF in the white matter and cerebral cortices, especially in the white matter and frontal cortex, in MID group was significantly low compared with SCI group (rCBF MID /rCBF CL : W 0.69, F 0.71, T 0.74, P 0.75, O 0.81). The mean grade of PVH in MID group was significantly higher than that in SCI group (SCI 1.1 vs MID 2.5). The severity of PVH was significantly correlated with each rCBF in the white matter and cerebral cortices, especially in the white matter and frontal cortex. Our findings suggest that the quantitative measurement of rCBF by IMP ARG method is useful for the follow-up study in the patients with silent cerebral infarction as well as the evaluation of the severity of PVH on MRI. (author)

  3. Cardiovascular risk evaluation and prevalence of silent myocardial ischemia in subjects with asymptomatic carotid artery disease

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    Ciccone M


    Full Text Available Marco Matteo Ciccone1, Artor Niccoli-Asabella2, Pietro Scicchitano1, Michele Gesualdo1, Antonio Notaristefano2, Domenico Chieppa1, Santa Carbonara1, Gabriella Ricci1, Marco Sassara1, Corinna Altini2, Giovanni Quistelli1, Mario Erminio Lepera1, Stefano Favale1, Giuseppe Rubini21Cardiovascular Diseases Section, Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation (DETO, 2Nuclear Medicine Unit, Department of Internal Medicine and of Public Medicine, University of Bari, Bari, ItalyIntroduction: Silent ischemia is an asymptomatic form of myocardial ischemia, not associated with angina or anginal equivalent symptoms, which can be demonstrated by changes in ECG, left ventricular function, myocardial perfusion, and metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of silent myocardial ischemia in a group of patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis.Methods: A total of 37 patients with asymptomatic carotid plaques, without chest pain or dyspnea, was investigated. These patients were studied for age, sex, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking, and family history of cardiac disease, and underwent technetium-99 m sestamibi myocardial stress-rest scintigraphy and echo-color Doppler examination of carotid arteries.Results: A statistically significant relationship (P = 0.023 was shown between positive responders and negative responders to scintigraphy test when both were tested for degree of stenosis. This relationship is surprising in view of the small number of patients in our sample. Individuals who had a positive scintigraphy test had a mean stenosis degree of 35% ± 7% compared with a mean of 44% ± 13% for those with a negative test. Specificity of our detection was 81%, with positive and negative predictive values of 60% and 63%, respectively.Conclusion: The present study confirms that carotid atherosclerosis is associated with coronary atherosclerosis and highlights the importance of screening for ischemic heart disease in

  4. El proceso de inclusión en un aula de comunicación y lenguaje. Percepciones de la comunidad educativa


    Peirats Chacón, José; Cortés Mollà, Sílvia


    Actualmente la inclusión es una de las mayores prioridades tanto del ámbito educativo como de la sociedad en general. El trabajo que exponemos se enmarca en el seno del debate abierto en torno a las distintas opiniones y creencias existentes sobre el tema. Concretamente, mostramos los resultados obtenidos en un estudio de caso, al evaluar las percepciones del profesorado y familias del alumnado de un aula de Comunicación y Lenguaje valenciana, sobre el proceso de inclusión realizado a lo larg...

  5. “The One Who Chases You Away Does Not Tell You Go”: Silent Refusals and Complex Power Relations in Research Consent Processes in Coastal Kenya (United States)

    Kamuya, Dorcas M.; Theobald, Sally J.; Marsh, Vicki; Parker, Michael; Geissler, Wenzel P.; Molyneux, Sassy C.


    Consent processes have attracted significant research attention over the last decade, including in the global south. Although relevant studies suggest consent is a complex negotiated process involving multiple actors, most guidelines assume consent is a one-off encounter with a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’ decision. In this paper we explore the concept of ‘silent refusals’, a situation where it is not clear whether potential participants want to join studies or those in studies want to withdraw from research, as they were not actively saying no. We draw on participant observation, in-depth interviews and group discussions conducted with a range of stakeholders in two large community based studies conducted by the KEMRI Wellcome Trust programme in coastal Kenya. We identified three broad inter-related rationales for silent refusals: 1) a strategy to avoid conflicts and safeguard relations within households, - for young women in particular—to appear to conform to the wishes of elders; 2) an approach to maintain friendly, appreciative and reciprocal relationships with fieldworkers, and the broader research programme; and 3) an effort to retain study benefits, either for individuals, whole households or wider communities. That refusals and underlying rationales were silent posed multiple dilemmas for fieldworkers, who are increasingly recognised to play a key interface role between researchers and communities in many settings. Silent refusals reflect and reinforce complex power relations embedded in decisions about research participation, with important implications for consent processes and broader research ethics practice. Fieldworkers need support to reflect upon and respond to the ethically charged environment they work in. PMID:25978465

  6. Application of DIgSILENT POWERFACTORY software for modeling of industrial network relay protection system

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    Sučević Nikola


    Full Text Available This paper presents modeling of industrial network relay protection system using DIgSILENT PowerFactory software. The basis for the model of protection system is a model of a single substation in an industrial network. The paper presents the procedure for modeling of protective devices of 6 kV asynchronous motors, 6/0,4 kV/kV transformers as well as protection in the bus coupler and busbar protection. Protective relay system response for the simulated disturbances is shown in the paper.

  7. Static Aeroelastic Deformation Effects in Preliminary Wind-tunnel Tests of Silent Supersonic Technology Demonstrator


    Makino, Yoshikazu; Ohira, Keisuke; Makimoto, Takuya; Mitomo, Toshiteru; 牧野, 好和; 大平, 啓介; 牧本, 卓也; 三友, 俊輝


    Effects of static aeroelastic deformation of a wind-tunnel test model on the aerodynamic characteristics are discussed in wind-tunnel tests in the preliminary design phase of the silent supersonic technology demonstrator (S3TD). The static aeroelastic deformation of the main wing is estimated for JAXA 2m x 2m transonic wind-tunnel and 1m x 1m supersonic wind-tunnel by a finite element method (FEM) structural analysis in which its structural model is tuned with the model deformation calibratio...

  8. Cumulus-specific genes are transcriptionally silent following somatic cell nuclear transfer in a mouse model*


    Tong, Guo-qing; Heng, Boon-chin; Ng, Soon-chye


    This study investigated whether four cumulus-specific genes: follicular stimulating hormone receptor (FSHr), hyaluronan synthase 2 (Has2), prostaglandin synthase 2 (Ptgs2) and steroidogenic acute regulator protein (Star), were correctly reprogrammed to be transcriptionally silent following somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in a murine model. Cumulus cells of C57×CBA F1 female mouse were injected into enucleated oocytes, followed by activation in 10 µmol/L strontium chloride for 5 h and sub...

  9. Familias reconstituidas: Un estudio sobre las nuevas estructuras familiares

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    Full Text Available En la mayoría de las investigaciones sobre la familia, los estudios se han centrado en las familias intactas o primeras familias. Sin embargo, es cada vez mayor el número de familias cuya configuración incluye un segundo matrimonio e hijos de una unión anterior (i.e. familias reconstituidas. En la consolidación del complejo proceso de ajuste de estas familias se han identificado unas fuentes comunes de estrés relacionadas principalmente con la formación de un nuevo sistema familiar. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una revisión de las variables que inciden en el bienestar y/o malestar psicológico sobre una muestra de padrastros y madrastras españoles en el seno de estas nuevas configuraciones familiares. En una primera fase se realizaron, desde un diseño cualitativo, 20 entrevistas en profundidad a una muestra de padrastros y madrastras. En una segunda fase, se diseñó un cuestionario que fue respondido por 77 sujetos con la finalidad de analizar la posible relación entre alguna de las variables estudiadas.

  10. La imposibilidad de un ejército profesional: Ramón de Cáceres y el establecimiento de procedimientos burocráticos en las fuerzas del Río de la Plata. 1810-1830

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    Alejandro M. Rabinovich


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda la problemática de la profesionalización de las fuerzas militares del Estado rioplatense independiente a partir de un ángulo muy poco analizado hasta hoy: los intentos de establecer procedimientos burocráticos y un tipo particular de disciplina en el seno de unidades combatientes surgidas de una intensa movilización popular.Primero se analizarán las reglamentaciones que regían la administración de los ejércitos, con especial énfasis en la descripción del tipo de funcionariado que era buscado por los modelos europeos de la época. Luego, este deber serde la administración militar será confrontado con el estudio de un caso puntual: el traumático intento de transformación de los Dragones Libertadores surgidos del alzamiento de la campaña oriental en 1825 en Regimiento de Caballería de Línea, ocurrido en el seno del Ejército Republicano que se aprestaba para abrir la guerra con el Brasil. Este modesto episodio, explorado a través de las memorias personales del oficial a cargo de llevar adelante la reforma del cuerpo, nos permitirá echar luz sobre las limitaciones concretas encontradas en el terreno por aquellos funcionarios que hablaban en nombre del Estado y pretendían someter a las fuerzas de un pueblo en armas a una lógica procedimental- formal.

  11. Cambio cultural y lectura. Hacia una nueva cultura lectora

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    Full Text Available Las limitaciones de las prácticas lectoras actuales quizás puedan apreciarse mejor en el seno de los cambios culturales que se producen con el paso de la sociedad moderna a la posmoderna. Estas tecnologías de la vida cotidiana están cambiando pro- fundamente nuestras formas de trabajar, de relacionarnos, de vivir. La sacralización del libro propia de la modernidad pierde sentido en el mundo audiovisual actual, donde multitud de jóvenes descifran reglas y desarrollan nuevas destrezas usando los nuevos artefactos tecnológicos. La ignorancia de la vigencia de las nuevas prácticas culturales conduce al desencuentro cultural intergeneracional, que tanto daño está causando en los sistemas escolares. Las condiciones de las sociedades de la información reclaman un nuevo contexto para la cultura lectora, emergiendo nuevas posibilidades formativas.

  12. Celulitis orbitaria bilateral con endoftalmitis en una paciente con reciente diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    Lesley Farrell González


    Full Text Available Se presentó una mujer de 74 años al servicio de urgencias del HRAEBI, ISSSTE, el día 2 de septiembre de 2010 con datos de desequilibrio hidroelectrolítico, hipotensión y conjuntivitis bilateral. Sus signos vitales durante su estancia en urgencias fueron: tensión arterial, 80/40 mmHg; temperatura, 38.5 °C; frecuencia respiratoria, 22 rpm; frecuencia cardíaca 89 lpm Se interconsulta al servicio de Oftalmología quienes diagnosticaron celulitis orbitaria bilateral, con no percepción de luz en ambos ojos e igualmente ausencia de reflejos pupilares. Se inició tratamiento con antibióticos intravenosos y se solicitó tomografía computarizada de órbitas y cerebro. Se internó para estabilizar su estado general; durante su estancia se diagnosticó diabetes mellitus y estado inmunosupresivo por datos de candidiasis oral y otros síntomas. La tomografía mostró celulitis orbitaria bilateral con formación de abscesos orbitarios, sin datos de proceso infeccioso a nivel bucal o de senos paranasales. La evolución de la celulitis fue tórpida a pesar de la terapia antibiótica cuádruple (cefotaxima, vancomicina, metronidazol y clindamicina; posteriormente imipenem, clindamicina y vancomicina con desarrollo de endoftalmitis bilateral por lo cual fue necesario eviscerar ambos ojos. Se tomó cultivo directo del vítreo y 3 días después se encontró como germen causal Klebsiella pneumoniae.

  13. High frequency of silent brain infarcts associated with cognitive deficits in an economically disadvantaged population. (United States)

    Squarzoni, Paula; Tamashiro-Duran, Jaqueline H; Duran, Fabio L S; Leite, Claudia C; Wajngarten, Mauricio; Scazufca, Marcia; Menezes, Paulo R; Lotufo, Paulo A; Alves, Tania C T F; Busatto, Geraldo F


    Using magnetic resonance imaging, we aimed to assess the presence of silent brain vascular lesions in a sample of apparently healthy elderly individuals who were recruited from an economically disadvantaged urban region (São Paulo, Brazil). We also wished to investigate whether the findings were associated with worse cognitive performance. A sample of 250 elderly subjects (66-75 years) without dementia or neuropsychiatric disorders were recruited from predefined census sectors of an economically disadvantaged area of Sao Paulo and received structural magnetic resonance imaging scans and cognitive testing. A high proportion of individuals had very low levels of education (4 years or less, n=185; 21 with no formal education). The prevalence of at least one silent vascular-related cortical or subcortical lesion was 22.8% (95% confidence interval, 17.7-28.5), and the basal ganglia was the most frequently affected site (63.14% of cases). The subgroup with brain infarcts presented significantly lower levels of education than the subgroup with no brain lesions as well as significantly worse current performance in cognitive test domains, including memory and attention (pcognitive deficits, and in the absence of magnetic resonance imaging data, this cognitive impairment may be considered simply related to ageing. Emphatic attention should be paid to potentially deleterious effects of vascular brain lesions in poorly educated elderly individuals from economically disadvantaged environments.

  14. Reducing calorie sales from supermarkets - 'silent' reformulation of retailer-brand food products. (United States)

    Jensen, Jørgen Dejgård; Sommer, Iben


    Food product reformulation is seen as one among several tools to promote healthier eating. Reformulating the recipe for a processed food, e.g. reducing the fat, sugar or salt content of the foods, or increasing the content of whole-grains, can help the consumers to pursue a healthier life style. In this study, we evaluate the effects on calorie sales of a 'silent' reformulation strategy, where a retail chain's private-label brands are reformulated to a lower energy density without making specific claims on the product. Using an ecological study design, we analyse 52 weeks' sales data - enriched with data on products' energy density - from a Danish retail chain. Sales of eight product categories were studied. Within each of these categories, specific products had been reformulated during the 52 weeks data period. Using econometric methods, we decompose the changes in calorie turnover and sales value into direct and indirect effects of product reformulation. For all considered products, the direct effect of product reformulation was a reduction in the sale of calories from the respective product categories - between 0.5 and 8.2%. In several cases, the reformulation led to indirect substitution effects that were counterproductive with regard to reducing calorie turnover. However, except in two insignificant cases, these indirect substitution effects were dominated by the direct effect of the reformulation, leading to net reductions in calorie sales between -3.1 and 7.5%. For all considered product reformulations, the reformulation had either positive, zero or very moderate negative effects on the sales value of the product category to which the reformulated product belonged. Based on these findings, 'silent' reformulation of retailer's private brands towards lower energy density seems to contribute to lowering the calorie intake in the population (although to a moderate extent) with moderate losses in retailer's sales revenues.

  15. Prevalence of symptomatic and silent stress-induced perfusion defects in diabetic patients with suspected coronary artery disease referred for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prior, John O.; Calcagni, Maria-Lucia; Bischof Delaloye, Angelika [Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV University Hospital), Division of Nuclear Medicine, Lausanne (Switzerland); Monbaron, David; Ruiz, Juan [Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV University Hospital), Division of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Metabolism, Lausanne (Switzerland); Koehli, Melanie [Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV University Hospital), Division of Nuclear Medicine, Lausanne (Switzerland); Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV University Hospital), Division of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Metabolism, Lausanne (Switzerland)


    Silent myocardial ischaemia - as evaluated by stress-induced perfusion defects on myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) in patients without a history of chest pain - is frequent in diabetes and is associated with increased rates of cardiovascular events. Its prevalence has been determined in asymptomatic diabetic patients, but remains largely unknown in diabetic patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) in the clinical setting. In this study we therefore sought (a) to determine the prevalence of symptomatic and silent perfusion defects in diabetic patients with suspected CAD and (b) to characterise the eventual predictors of abnormal perfusion. The patient population comprised 133 consecutive diabetic patients with suspected CAD who had been referred for MPS. Studies were performed with exercise (41%) or pharmacological stress testing (1-day protocol, {sup 99m}Tc-sestamibi, {sup 201}Tl or both). We used semi-quantitative analysis (20-segment polar maps) to derive the summed stress score (SSS) and the summed difference score (SDS). Abnormal MPS (SSS{>=}4) was observed in 49 (37%) patients (SSS=4.9{+-}8.4, SDS=2.4{+-}4.7), reversible perfusion defects (SDS{>=}2) in 40 (30%) patients [SSS=13.3{+-}10.9; SDS=8.0{+-}5.6; 20% moderate to severe (SDS>4), 7% multivessel] and fixed defects in 21 (16%) patients. Results were comparable between patients with and patients without a history of chest pain. Of 75 patients without a history of chest pain, 23 (31%, 95% CI=21-42%) presented reversible defects (SSS=13.9{+-}11.3; SDS=7.4{+-}1.2), indicative of silent ischaemia. Reversible defects were associated with inducible ST segment depression during MPS stress (odds ratio (OR)=3.2, p<0.01). Fixed defects were associated with erectile dysfunction in males (OR=3.7, p=0.02) and lower aspirin use (OR=0.25, p=0.02). Silent stress-induced perfusion defects occurred in 31% of the patients, a rate similar to that in patients with a history of chest pain. MPS could identify

  16. El Megatruck en España: ¿Camino hacia una mejora energética y medioambiental?


    Ortega Hortelano, Alejandro; Vassallo Magro, José Manuel


    En el seno de la Unión Europea se está produciendo un intenso debate sobre la idoneidad de permitir la circulación de vehículos de transporte de mercancías por carretera de mayor es medidas y tonelaje, también conocidos como Megatrucks, Eurotrucks, Eurocombi, etc. La directiva europea 96/53/CE sobre pesos y medidas de los vehículos de transporte de mercancías por carretera da libertad a los Estados miembro para imponer los límites que considere oportuno en su tráfico interior, y fue revisada ...

  17. Impact of Insulin Resistance on Silent and Ongoing Myocardial Damage in Normal Subjects: The Takahata Study

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    Taro Narumi


    Full Text Available Background. Insulin resistance (IR is part of the metabolic syndrome (Mets that develops after lifestyle changes and obesity. Although the association between Mets and myocardial injury is well known, the effect of IR on myocardial damage remains unclear. Methods and Results. We studied 2200 normal subjects who participated in a community-based health check in the town of Takahata in northern Japan. The presence of IR was assessed by homeostasis model assessment ratio, and the serum level of heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP was measured as a maker of silent and ongoing myocardial damage. H-FABP levels were significantly higher in subjects with IR and Mets than in those without metabolic disorder regardless of gender. Multivariate logistic analysis showed that the presence of IR was independently associated with latent myocardial damage (odds ratio: 1.574, 95% confidence interval 1.1–2.3 similar to the presence of Mets. Conclusions. In a screening of healthy subjects, IR and Mets were similarly related to higher H-FABP levels, suggesting that there may be an asymptomatic population in the early stages of metabolic disorder that is exposed to myocardial damage and might be susceptible to silent heart failure.


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    Ane Larrinaga Renteria


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un análisis de algunas de las consecuencias que ha tenido la internacionalización de la universidad en la reformulación de las identidades profesionales de los académicos que desarrollan su actividad en una lengua minoritaria. La hipótesis de la que se parte es que los procesos globales de cambio que están modificando la educación superior afectan a los roles e identidades profesionales de los académicos. Más concretamente, se pretende mostrar que las recientes exigencias profesionales a las que se están adecuando los docentesinvestigadores comprenden también imperativos de orden lingüístico que van incorporándose progresivamente a las identidades cambiantes. El estudio empírico se ha llevado a cabo en un contexto universitario multilingüe con una lengua minoritaria, la Universidad del País Vasco, a través de entrevistas en profundidad que recogen las percepciones de docentes-investigadores vascoparlantes sobre su desempeño profesional. Este estudio, centrado especialmente en los componentes lingüísticos de la identidad profesional de los académicos, ha permitido identificar algunas tendencias de cambio reveladas a través del relevo generacional, que inciden en el desarrollo de la lengua minoritaria. En especial, la emergencia de fuertes orientaciones estratégicas en el diseño de las carreras académicas, la creciente centralidad de la identidad investigadora frente a la identidad docente, y la preeminencia de un ethos académico vinculado a las identidades disciplinares de las tecnologías y las ciencias experimentales.

  19. La cuestión del monopolio en la tradición marxista, y en Paul Marlor Sweezy (1910-2004

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    Diego Guerrero


    Full Text Available El monopolio es claramente una excepción en el seno del capitalismo industrial contemporáneo, en relación con otras formas de competencia (libre, no "perfecta", competencia. Sin embargo, hay toda una corriente del pensamiento económico marxista (y no sólo de éste que, en contra de lo que pensaba el propio Marx, lo concibe como la norma que caracteriza la época del "capitalismo monopolista" (siglo XX que habría supuestamente sucedido a la fase de "libre competencia" (siglo XIX. En este trabajo se contrapondrán estas dos interpretaciones del monopolio haciendo referencia, por una parte, a los clásicos y Marx, y por otra parte a la tradición que arrancando de Engels y Hilferding (y el no marxista Hobson se extiende desde Lenin hasta Sweezy y Baran y sus seguidores.

  20. Cólera: historia de un gran flagelo de la humanidad

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    Rita María Sánchez Lera

    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de profundizar los conocimientos sobre el cólera y su historia. Se tratan aspectos relacionados con la etiología de la enfermedad, patogenia, cuadro clínico, tratamiento, epidemiología y prevención. El cólera es una enfermedad de origen multicausal donde intervienen factores biológicos, ambientales, sociales, políticos y culturales, la cual está resurgiendo como un problema sanitario de primera magnitud en muchos países. Para su erradicación es necesario desarrollar una fuerte promoción de salud en el seno de la sociedad, garantizar atención rápida a enfermos y contactos e impedir la desorganización de la estructura social y económica en pro de la calidad de vida del ser humano.

  1. Teledetección espacial: de los métodos clásicos al "Big Data"


    Moclán Soria, Cristina


    La tesis se ha realizado en un entorno empresarial, en el seno de la empresa Deimos Imaging. Se presentan tres casos clásicos de aplicación de la teledetección, casos reales realizados y completados por la autora: un estudio en tiempo real de las inundaciones del Río Ebro, con una parte cualitativa correspondiente a las primeras horas del desastre y un análisis cuantitativo de daños en un tiempo posterior. Un segundo caso de estudio correspondiente a la medida de la masa forestal ...

  2. La ruralidad del 15-M. Iniciativas desde el movimiento agroecológico alicantino


    Amat-Montesinos, Xavier; Ortiz-Pérez, Samuel


    La principal imagen del movimiento 15-M viene simbolizada por las acampadas en las plazas de numerosas ciudades españolas, es decir, su apariencia urbana. No obstante, el derecho a la alimentación sana, el consumo responsable, el acceso a la tierra, la conservación de ecosistemas agrarios y la despoblación del medio rural han sido algunas de las temáticas debatidas en el seno del movimiento. Ello demuestra una sustancial preocupación por la cuestión tanto ambiental como agraria, para las cual...

  3. Estudio de la Esquizofrenia en el Núcleo Familiar


    Núñez-Borja Castro, Luis Alberto


    La presente tesis desarrolla el Estudio de la Esquizofrenia en la familia a partir de tres casos de hogares que cuentan entre sus miembros con un paciente diagnosticado con Esquizofrenia y con el cual conviven día a día. Se evaluó los cambios que ocurren y están ocurriendo en el comportamiento en el seno de tres familias que viven con un paciente diagnosticado con este trastorno mental. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se trabajó con una muestra de tres pacientes aquejados con este...

  4. El contexto familiar como factor fundamental en la violencia filio-parental


    Lema-Moreira, Estefanía


    Revista de psicologia da criança e do adolescente. - ISSN 1647-4120. - V. 5, n. 1 (Janeiro-Junho 2014). - p. 267-275. La violencia filio-parental, en adelante VFP, se trata de una forma de violencia en la que los progenitores son víctimas directos de sus hijos. Es sabido que el seno familiar es un contexto de socialización sumamente importante (Musitu Ochoa, Estévez López, y Jiménez Gutiérrez, 2010) y por ello la influencia de este proceso en el desarrollo emocional es indiscutible (Sprint...

  5. Reproducción social y desigualdad en la educación indígena en México

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    Daniel Gutiérrez Martínez


    Full Text Available A través de un análisis proveniente del constructivismo genético, se estudiará de qué manera las políticas educativas estatales aplicadas a las comunidades indígenas de México han influido en la reproducción de la desigualdad so cial, en la medida en que se observa una socialización diferenciada en el aula y en el seno familiar. El estudio de caso se enfocará a la comunidad otomí del estado de Querétaro.

  6. El Desarrollo de Nuevos Servicios: el caso de CorreosPaq


    Fernández Gutiérrez, Pablo


    El objetivo de este trabajo es describir y analizar el nacimiento de un nuevo servicio en el seno de Correos, la empresa estatal de servicio postal y paquetería doméstica en España. Su nuevo servicio, llamado CorreosPaq, consiste en unas taquillas de almacenamiento de paquetes situadas en lugares clave de afluencia de personas, que permiten flexibilidad en la recogida sin estar pendiente de la llegada del repartidor. Para ello se lleva a cabo un estudio de caso y las averiguaciones se contras...

  7. Las ONG's y el Marketing Social. El caso del CERAI. Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional




    El estudio se aborda en base a una sucinta reflexión histórica para evidenciar que el fenómeno de excrencia es atemporal en la historia humana y de ahí surge la necesidad de crear instituciones capaces de conseguir su aceptación y representación en el seno de las relaciones sociales. Las formas de exclusión, opresión o sufrimiento humano son muy diversas y responden a causas dispares. Relacionado con las sociedades rurales, los principales problemas pueden ser la deforestación,...

  8. The Effects of the Sustained Silent Reading Program on Cultivating Students' Habits and Attitudes in Reading Books for Leisure (United States)

    Chua, Siah Poh


    The author examines the effects of the sustained silent reading program on cultivating students' habits and attitudes in reading books for leisure. The author used a time-series design and measured students' reading habits and attitudes three times in twelve months. It was expected that if the program created positive effects on cultivating…

  9. Case Report: Anteromedial temporosphenoidal encephalocele with a clinically silent lateral bony defect in the greater wing of the sphenoid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pandey, Anoop Kumar


    Anteromedial temporosphenoidal encephalocele is the least common type of temporal encephalocele. It commonly presents with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea in adults. This article presents the CT cisternography and MRI findings of one such case, which also had an associated clinically silent defect in the greater wing of the sphenoid on the same side

  10. A cost-effectiveness analysis of screening for silent atrial fibrillation after ischaemic stroke. (United States)

    Levin, Lars-Åke; Husberg, Magnus; Sobocinski, Piotr Doliwa; Kull, Viveka Frykman; Friberg, Leif; Rosenqvist, Mårten; Davidson, Thomas


    The purpose of this study was to estimate the cost-effectiveness of two screening methods for detection of silent AF, intermittent electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings using a handheld recording device, at regular time intervals for 30 days, and short-term 24 h continuous Holter ECG, in comparison with a no-screening alternative in 75-year-old patients with a recent ischaemic stroke. The long-term (20-year) costs and effects of all alternatives were estimated with a decision analytic model combining the result of a clinical study and epidemiological data from Sweden. The structure of a cost-effectiveness analysis was used in this study. The short-term decision tree model analysed the screening procedure until the onset of anticoagulant treatment. The second part of the decision model followed a Markov design, simulating the patients' health states for 20 years. Continuous 24 h ECG recording was inferior to intermittent ECG in terms of cost-effectiveness, due to both lower sensitivity and higher costs. The base-case analysis compared intermittent ECG screening with no screening of patients with recent stroke. The implementation of the screening programme on 1000 patients resulted over a 20-year period in 11 avoided strokes and the gain of 29 life-years, or 23 quality-adjusted life years, and cost savings of €55 400. Screening of silent AF by intermittent ECG recordings in patients with a recent ischaemic stroke is a cost-effective use of health care resources saving costs and lives and improving the quality of life. Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2014. For permissions please email:

  11. "Luck's always to blame": silent wounds of a penetrating gunshot trauma sustained 20 years ago. (United States)

    Tomos, Ioannis; Manali, Effrosyni D; Argentos, Stylianos; Raptakis, Thomas; Papiris, Spyros A


    Gunshot tracheal injuries represent life-threatening events and usually necessitate emergent surgical intervention. We report a case of an exceptional finding of a patient with retained ballistic fragments in the soft tissues of the thorax, proximal to the right subclavian artery and the trachea, carrying silently his wounds for two decades without any medical or surgical intervention. The bullet pellet on the upper part of the trachea seen accidentally in the chest computed tomography, was also found during bronchoscopy. In short "luck's always to blame".

  12. Una vida con una válvula: vivencias de una joven operada de corazón


    María Correa Rodríguez; José Antonio Gutiérrez Romero; Juan Manuel Martínez Guerrero


    La informante del relato es una joven que tuvo que ser sometida a una intervención quirúrgica a corazón abierto. Este relato biográfico presenta sus vivencias, sentimientos y experiencias a lo largo del proceso, abarcando desde sus estancias hospitalarias, manejo de la enfermedad y situación actual. El objetivo del relato es describir el significado las experiencias relacionadas con la enfermedad que ha desarrollado la joven en las distintas etapas de su vida. Es una historia marcada por el e...

  13. Silent Aortic Dissection Presenting as Transient Locked-In Syndrome (United States)

    Nadour, Wadih; Goldwasser, Brian; Biederman, Robert W.; Taffe, Kevin


    Acute aortic dissection is a medical emergency. Without prompt recognition and treatment, the mortality rate is high. An atypical presentation makes timely diagnosis difficult, especially if the patient is experiencing no characteristic pain. Many patients with aortic dissection are reported to have presented with various neurologic manifestations, but none with only a presentation of transient locked-in syndrome. Herein, we report a case of completely painless aortic dissection in a woman who presented with a transient episode of anarthria, quadriplegia, and preserved consciousness. On physical examination, she had a 40-point difference in blood pressure between her left and right arms, and a loud diastolic murmur. The diagnosis of acute aortic dissection was reached via a combination of radiography, computed tomography, echocardiography, and a high index of clinical suspicion. The patient underwent emergency surgery and ultimately experienced a successful outcome. To our knowledge, this is the 1st report of aortic dissection that presented solely as locked-in syndrome. We suggest that silent aortic dissection be added to the differential diagnosis for transient locked-in syndrome. PMID:18941610


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    Laura Rayón Rumayor


    Full Text Available A continuación presentamos parte de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación colaborativa,desarrollada en una escuela de una localidad rural de la provincia de Guadalajara. El estudio se ha centrado en comprender cómo viven y experimentan la convivencia escolar profesoradoyalumnado, y cuáles son las creencias de las familias sobre ésta. Mediante un diseño de investigación que se gesta en sus inicios con una acción de transformación y mejora, se va construyendo un relato de la vida escolar que tiene en cuenta al alumnado como sujeto escolary sujeto social.Tras una breve presentación de cuándo y cómo se gesta el estudio, exponemos los referentes teóricos y algunos rasgos importantes en relación con el contexto en el que está inserta la escuelaPosteriormente, abordamos el proceso metodológico seguido, resaltando los aspectos críticos quedan muestras de la fecundidad y el enriquecimiento que la investigación colaborativa tiene para la construcción de un conocimiento intersubjetivo y contrastado de la convivencia en la escuela. A continuación presentamos los resultados obtenidos y los sometemos a discusión, valorando surelevancia en relación con las ideas y planteamientos de otros autores. Terminamos con unas conclusiones en las que señalamos las ideas más relevantes extraídas del estudio.

  15. Deafening silence? Time to reconsider whether organisations are silent or deaf when things go wrong. (United States)

    Jones, Aled; Kelly, Daniel


    Several public inquiries into healthcare failings in the UK have noted that employees of failing organizations attempt to raise concerns about shortcomings in care, often over a prolonged period of time, only for those concerns to be ignored. However, healthcare literature has largely focused on how organizations and their employees are silent in the face of such failings, positioning employees as daring not to speak in response to serious workplace problems or issues. We argue that only focussing on organizational silence is a critical mistake which misrepresents actual events and overly-simplifies the complexities of workplace culture. The disregard shown by academics, practitioners and policy makers to employee voice strategies, which do not amount to whistle-blowing, but equally cannot either be defined as "silence", results in signals being ignored that can be effective in preventing and ending wrongdoing by others. In addition to understanding silence we suggest therefore that better understanding of why organizations are deaf to, or disregard, employee concerns are needed. We propose that a virtuous cycle is possible, whereby the introduction of systems that result in better listening and valuing of employee concerns reinforces a culture of speaking up and, in turn, organizational learning. Similarly, organizations that disregard employees concerns are destined not to learn, ultimately falling silent and failing. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  16. Case Report: Anteromedial temporosphenoidal encephalocele with a clinically silent lateral bony defect in the greater wing of the sphenoid

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    Pandey Anoop


    Full Text Available Anteromedial temporosphenoidal encephalocele is the least common type of temporal encephalocele. It commonly presents with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea in adults. This article presents the CT cisternography and MRI findings of one such case, which also had an associated clinically silent defect in the greater wing of the sphenoid on the same side.

  17. Variability in State-Based Recommendations for Management of Alpha Thalassemia Trait and Silent Carrier Detected on the Newborn Screen. (United States)

    Fogel, Benjamin N; Nguyen, Hong Loan T; Smink, Gayle; Sekhar, Deepa L


    We conducted an inventory of state-based recommendations for follow-up of alpha thalassemia silent carrier and trait identified on newborn screen. We found wide variability in the nature and timing of these recommendations. We recommend a standardized recommendation to guide pediatricians in evidenced-based care for this population. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Una cuestión de escala: sociedad, ambiente, tiempo y territorio A question of scale: society, environment, time and territory

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    Carlos E. Reboratti


    Full Text Available A medida que los limites disciplinares se van haciendo cada vez más borrosos y se produce un acercamiento entre campos del saber antes tan alejados como la historia y la ecología (paradójicamente paralelo a una fuerte especialización dentro de cada una de ellas, se hacen evidentes las tensiones que se generan cuando se intenta compatibilizar las "miradas" de cada una de ellas sobre su objeto de estudio. Estas miradas podemos resumirlas alrededor del tema de las escalas, las aproximaciones técnico-conceptuales que cada disciplina utiliza para reducir su objeto de estudio a una dimensión manejable. Esta diferencia se puede encontrar bajo dos dimensiones no excluyentes: el tiempo y el espacio. Las escalas utilizadas para analizar cada una de estas dimensiones son variables y hasta ahora habían sido objeto de controversia en el seno de las humanidades. Pero si introducimos en la discusión la variable que en forma genérica podemos llamar "ambiental", la tensión se hace muy difícil de solucionar, ya que vamos a tener que tratar de compatibilizar por un lado disciplinas, como la geología, cuya unidad de trabajo es 1 millón de años o la geomorfología, que trabaja con decenas de miles de años, con la historia, cuyo sujeto de análisis no tiene mas de 12.000 años de haber aprendido a cultivar la tierra. Por no hablar de disciplinas del presente, como la geografía, o la sociología, cuyo rango temporario raramente va mas atrás de una generación de personas. De toda esta controversia surgen algunas preguntas básicas, tales como: existe una escala espacial que compatibilice las disciplinas que coinciden en el ambiente? Que significa macro, micro y meso en cada disciplina? Es posible relacionar los ciclos temporales que determina cada disciplina? Como se construye conceptualmente un campo interdisciplinario como la historia ambiental o la geografía histórica?As disciplinary limits become blurred and knowledge fields so distant as

  19. Silent Spring, the 50th anniversary of Rachel Carson's book. (United States)

    Pimentel, David


    David Pimentel is a professor of ecology and agricultural sciences at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-0901. His Ph.D. is from Cornell University and had postdoctoral research at the University of Chicago, MIT, and fellowship at Oxford University (England). He was awarded a distinguished honorary degree from the University of Massachusetts. His research spans the fields of energy, population ecology, biological pest control, pesticides, sustainable agriculture, land and water conservation, livestock, and environmental policy. Pimentel has published more than 700 scientific papers and 37 books and has served on many national and government committees including the National Academy of Sciences; President's Science Advisory Council; U.S Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of Energy; U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare; Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress; and the U.S. State Department. He is currently Editorial Advisor for BMC Ecology. In this article, he reflects on 50 years since the publication of Rachel Carson's influential book, Silent Spring.

  20. Construction of the Cylindrical Ozone Generator by Silent Discharge Method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agus Purwadi; Widdi Usada; Suryadi; Isyuniarto; Sri Sukmajaya


    It has been constructed the ozone generator by silent discharge method. Anode and cathode of discharge tube were made of stainless steel (SS) in the cylinder form with diameters of 22 mm and 25 mm, the length of 100 mm and 110 mm, the equal thickness of 1 mm respectively. The dielectric was made of cylinder glass with diameter of 23 cm, the length of 105 cm and the thickness of 1 mm. The testing of apparatus was carried out by using discharge voltage of 12.5 kV and frequency of 1.5 kHz. Identification of the ozone gas formation was marked by the existing of special ozone smell and the separated of iodine molecule (yellow colour) from the potassium iodide solution which contaminated gas out put from the ozonizer. By using absorbing method can be shown that the ozone production rate was 0.196 mg/s by using oxygen gas input and 0.065 mg/s by using ordinary air input. (author)

  1. Editorial 1: Presente y futuro de la Comunicación Estratégica. Estudios de caso / The Present and Future of Strategic Communication. Case Studies

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    Victoria Tur-Viñes


    Full Text Available Con este número, concluimos el quinto año de edición continuada de Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación. La comunicación estratégica es el tema monográfico del dossier, coordinado por la profesora Catedrática Dra. María Isabel de Salas Nestares de la Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera de Valencia (España. Ha contado con siete colaboraciones, una de ellas internacional. La complementariedad de los textos permite disfrutar de una panorámica actual del estado de la comunicación estratégica en el seno de las organizaciones sin dejar de lado los obstáculos superados y los retos futuros. Encuentran detalles y comentarios sobre su contenido en el editorial de la coordinadora.

  2. The effects of whispering-to-oneself and silent reading on text memory and comprehension in children


    Matsumi, Norio; Furumoto, Yumi; Mitsuke, Ai


    An experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of whispering-to-oneself reading on text memory and comprehension in children (6th grade). A2×2 factorial design was used in the experiment: the first independent variable was whispering-to-oneself or silent reading, the second was large- or small-working memory span which were measured by the reading span test (RST). Four aspects of the text memory and comprehension were observed as dependent variables: text memory both on the literal ...

  3. Prevalence of symptomatic and silent stress-induced perfusion defects in diabetic patients with suspected coronary artery disease referred for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prior, John O.; Calcagni, Maria-Lucia; Bischof Delaloye, Angelika; Monbaron, David; Ruiz, Juan; Koehli, Melanie


    Silent myocardial ischaemia - as evaluated by stress-induced perfusion defects on myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) in patients without a history of chest pain - is frequent in diabetes and is associated with increased rates of cardiovascular events. Its prevalence has been determined in asymptomatic diabetic patients, but remains largely unknown in diabetic patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) in the clinical setting. In this study we therefore sought (a) to determine the prevalence of symptomatic and silent perfusion defects in diabetic patients with suspected CAD and (b) to characterise the eventual predictors of abnormal perfusion. The patient population comprised 133 consecutive diabetic patients with suspected CAD who had been referred for MPS. Studies were performed with exercise (41%) or pharmacological stress testing (1-day protocol, 99m Tc-sestamibi, 201 Tl or both). We used semi-quantitative analysis (20-segment polar maps) to derive the summed stress score (SSS) and the summed difference score (SDS). Abnormal MPS (SSS≥4) was observed in 49 (37%) patients (SSS=4.9±8.4, SDS=2.4±4.7), reversible perfusion defects (SDS≥2) in 40 (30%) patients [SSS=13.3±10.9; SDS=8.0±5.6; 20% moderate to severe (SDS>4), 7% multivessel] and fixed defects in 21 (16%) patients. Results were comparable between patients with and patients without a history of chest pain. Of 75 patients without a history of chest pain, 23 (31%, 95% CI=21-42%) presented reversible defects (SSS=13.9±11.3; SDS=7.4±1.2), indicative of silent ischaemia. Reversible defects were associated with inducible ST segment depression during MPS stress (odds ratio (OR)=3.2, p<0.01). Fixed defects were associated with erectile dysfunction in males (OR=3.7, p=0.02) and lower aspirin use (OR=0.25, p=0.02). Silent stress-induced perfusion defects occurred in 31% of the patients, a rate similar to that in patients with a history of chest pain. MPS could identify these patients with a

  4. Una vida con una válvula: vivencias de una joven operada de corazón

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Correa Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La informante del relato es una joven que tuvo que ser sometida a una intervención quirúrgica a corazón abierto. Este relato biográfico presenta sus vivencias, sentimientos y experiencias a lo largo del proceso, abarcando desde sus estancias hospitalarias, manejo de la enfermedad y situación actual. El objetivo del relato es describir el significado las experiencias relacionadas con la enfermedad que ha desarrollado la joven en las distintas etapas de su vida. Es una historia marcada por el enorme amor que siente hacia sus padres que la han apoyado en todo momento.

  5. I Conferencia Nacional de Consenso sobre el Injerto Óseo del Seno Maxilar 1st National Consensus Conference on maxillar sinus bone grafts

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    P.M. Villarreal


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El objetivo de la I Conferencia Española de Consenso sobre el Injerto Óseo Sinusal era intentar llegar a puntos de acuerdo sobre las principales controversias de esta técnica, aplicada de forma muy variada y con el empleo de materiales muy diversos, y conseguir plasmar los mismos en un documento resumen consensuado por todos los autores. Material y método: Durante los días 17 y 18 de octubre de 2008 se celebró en Oviedo la citada conferencia, auspiciada por la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial. En ella se dieron cita un total de 50 ponentes de reconocido prestigio nacional e internacional que repasaron en 6 mesas de trabajo las principales controversias sobre los injertos óseos sinusales. Tras las conferencias de los ponentes, los moderadores establecían las principales conclusiones de cada mesa y se abría un turno de debate donde participaban todos los asistentes. Resultado: Este documento y sus conclusiones emanan de las presentaciones realizadas por los ponentes y de las deliberaciones y acuerdos de cada mesa de trabajo. Ambos han sido aprobados tras varias correcciones por todos los autores antes de ser enviados para su publicación. Además, han obtenido el reconocimiento científico oficial de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial y deben servir como base para futuros estudios y reuniones científicas. Conclusiones: El objetivo fundamental cuando se realiza un injerto óseo sinusal es la formación de hueso vital en el seno maxilar, para conseguir la supervivencia a largo plazo de los implantes tras su carga protésica. Para ello, la técnica y la secuencia de tratamiento deben orientarse a conseguir resultados predecibles y estables en el tiempo, aunque esto suponga un mayor tiempo de espera hasta la colocación de la prótesis. La estabilidad inicial del implante es el factor clave para la osteointegración y debe ser el principal criterio para indicar implantes simultáneos o diferidos

  6. Espacios públicos, espacios críticos

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    Nicolas Nicolas Poirier


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es el de salir de una visión unitaria del espacio público, opuesto al espacio privado, para sustituirlo por una concepción pluralista y a la vez plural de lo público, permitiendo de esta manera dar cuenta de lo que se juega en la actividad política en tanto su empleo para discutir el orden social establecido. La idea es que haría falta pensar la calle, junto con la plaza pública, tanto como lugares de circulación de las personas como espacio en donde se manifiesta aquello que no ha sido destinado a ser visible y que pone en evidencia una disputa concerniente a la repartición de los sitios y las funciones en el seno de la jerarquía social. Cornelius Castoriadis, Jacques Rancière, Nancy Fraser y Martin Breaugh constituyen las referencias sobre las cuales apoyaremos nuestra reflexión.

  7. The "Silent Dog" Method: Analyzing the Impact of Self-Generated Rules when Teaching Different Computer Chains to Boys with Autism (United States)

    Arntzen, Erik; Halstadtro, Lill-Beathe; Halstadtro, Monica


    The purpose of the study was to extend the literature on verbal self-regulation by using the "silent dog" method to evaluate the role of verbal regulation over nonverbal behavior in 2 individuals with autism. Participants were required to talk-aloud while performing functional computer tasks.Then the effects of distracters with increasing demands…

  8. Detección del antígeno Tn en tumores epiteliales con la lectina de Vicia villosa isolectina B4.

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    Catalina Limpias


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Los epítopes T, Tn y sTn, se expresan en un alto porcentaje de tumores epiteliales y pueden detectarse con anticuerpos monoclonales y lectinas. Objetivo. Evaluar diferencias de expresión del antígeno Tn en cortes histológicos de epitelios no neoplásicos y tumores epiteliales mediante isolectina B4 de Vicia villosa. Material y métodos. Se evaluaron semicuantitativamente localización, intensidad y porcentaje de expresión del antígeno en carcinomas in-situ e infiltrantes y epitelios no neoplásicos de cérvix, seno y urotelio, mediante isolectina B4. Resultados La expresión de Tn en cérvix predominó en membrana de células no neoplásicas y citoplasma de células tumorales; su intensidad fue mayor en carcinomas in-situ e infiltrantes comparado con epitelio no neoplásico aunque en este el porcentaje de expresión fue mayor. En seno, la expresión de Tn fue predominantemente citoplasmática con intensidad similar, el porcentaje de expresión fué mayor en carcinomas ductales in-situ e infiltrantes. En urotelio no neoplásico y tumoral la expresión de Tn predominó en citoplasma; la intensidad y el porcentaje de expresión fueron mayores en neoplasias no invasivas de bajo y alto grado, mientras que en urotelio no neoplásico fue baja y no hubo tendencia definida en tumores infiltrantes. Conclusiones. La detección del antígeno Tn mediante la lectina VVB4 mostró una mayor extensión de marcación en carcinomas ductales de seno en relación con el epitelio no neoplásico, pero no mostró una tendencia definida entre el tejido normal, ni diferentes etapas del desarrollo de los tumores de cérvix y urotelio. Estos hallazgos pueden atribuirse a la heterogeneidad de los procesos carcinogénicos o a que la especificidad de la lectina VVB4 no está restringida a este antígeno.

  9. The Incidence and the Risk Factors of Silent Embolic Cerebral Infarction After Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Coronary Interventions. (United States)

    Deveci, Onur Sinan; Celik, Aziz Inan; Ikikardes, Firat; Ozmen, Caglar; Caglıyan, Caglar Emre; Deniz, Ali; Bicakci, Kenan; Bicakci, Sebnem; Evlice, Ahmet; Demir, Turgay; Kanadasi, Mehmet; Demir, Mesut; Demirtas, Mustafa


    Silent embolic cerebral infarction (SECI) is a major complication of coronary angiography (CAG) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) who underwent CAG with or without PCI were recruited. Cerebral diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging was performed for SECI within 24 hours. Clinical and angiographic characteristics were compared between patients with and without SECI. Silent embolic cerebral infarction occurred in 12 (12%) of the 101 patients. Age, total cholesterol, SYNTAX score (SS), and coronary artery bypass history were greater in the SECI(+) group (65 ± 10 vs 58 ± 11 years,P= .037; 223 ± 85 vs 173 ± 80 mg/dL,P= .048; 30.1 ± 2 vs 15 ± 3,PSECI was more common in the PCI group (8/24 vs 4/77,P= .01). On subanalysis, the SS was significantly higher in the SECI(+) patients in both the CAG and the PCI groups (29.3 ± 1.9 vs 15 ± 3,PSECI after CAG and PCI increases with the complexity of CAD (represented by the SS). The SS is a predictor of the risk of SECI, a complication that should be considered more often after CAG. © The Author(s) 2015.

  10. Narrativas audiovisuales de ficción: la hibridación transgenérica del fenómeno Fandom en el tráiler cinematográfico


    Voces Fernández, Javier


    La narrativa audiovisual del siglo XXI avanza con paso firme y arrítmico hacia la intervención colectiva, base inequívoca del cibermundo. Este hecho sin precedentes en la historia de la cultura ha provocado una revolución teórica en el seno de la crítica especializada que contempla cómo los postulados de la cinematografía clásica se ven rebasados en lo que a lenguaje, medio de producción, distribución y recepción se refiere. En el presente artículo, tras reflexionar acerca de las transformaci...

  11. Publicidad subliminal en campañas electorales: entre el mito y la realidad


    Rodríguez-Andrés, R. (Roberto)


    El interés por la publicidad subliminal ha ocupado un lugar destacado en las últimas décadas en el seno de distintas disciplinas científicas, si bien no termina de haber un consenso acerca de su verdadero poder. Sin embargo, en el campo de la Comunicación Política apenas se encuentran referencias a esta práctica por más que se vengan reportando en los medios desde hace años supuestos casos de anuncios subliminales en campañas electorales. En el presente artículo se propone una apr...

  12. Grupos de comunicación, poder y democracia en la era digital. principales estrategias y negocios en nuevas tecnologías


    García-Prieto, Victoria


    Tras una época marcada por la conformación de grandes conglomerados de la comunicación no siempre con resultados positivos para las compañías, la era digital ha traído consigo un cambio de estrategia en los grupos mediáticos con un denominador común: la apuesta por la expansión global a través del sector digital. Esta directriz supone la introducción de nuevos sectores de negocio en el seno de los grupos de comunicación y el establecimiento de nuevas alianzas estratégicas, lo q...

  13. Reconversión de catalizadores agotados de FCC para su uso en purificación de efluentes acuosos


    Gonzalez, Maximiliano Ricardo; Pereyra, Andrea M.; Basaldella, Elena Isabel


    Se plantea la utilización de un catalizador FCC agotado como materia prima para sintetizar materiales zeolíticos, obteniéndose un sólido micrométrico con un alto contenido de zeolita NaA. El material zeolitizado se emplea a su vez para la eliminación del cromo trivalente presente en soluciones acuosas, comprobándose que presenta una gran capacidad de retención de Cr(III). Estos cationes pesados quedan contenidos en el seno de la fase sólida, la cual a su vez puede incluirse minoritariamente e...

  14. Infancia y telefonía móvil: practicidad, usos y significados


    Antolínez Merchán, María del Pilar


    La investigación aborda, en términos generales, la cuestión de la implantación de la telefonía móvil entre los niños y adolescentes, a partir del estudio intensivo de un colegio privado del Noroeste de Madrid. De manera específica, la investigación considera una triple perspectiva: funcional (relativa a los usos del teléfono móvil), social (en el sentido de las interacciones y conflictos que genera en el seno de la familia) y simbólica (concerniente a los significados connotativos asociados a...

  15. Relación centro escolar-familia en casos de alumnos/as con Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo


    Suárez Rico, Eva


    La familia siempre ha sido el agente educativo más importante a lo largo de la historia. A la misma, se le suma la escuela, como institución de enseñanza-aprendizaje donde se complementan muchos de los conocimientos aprendidos en el seno familiar. La relación entre ambos contextos es importante y necesaria para favorecer el buen desarrollo del alumno. De esta manera, el presente Trabajo Fin de Máster consta de una pequeña investigación que pretende conocer como es la relación centro escolar-f...

  16. Reflexiones generales sobre la violencia y la paz en Colombia

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    Fernán E. González


    Full Text Available Detrás de las opciones violentas para resolver los conflictos y de la creciente autonomía y difusión de las formas de violencia en el seno de nuestras sociedades urbanas y rurales, locales y regionales, se encuentran como telón de fondo una serie de condiciones históricamente creadas, las cuales tienen que ver con la construcción del Estado colombiano, la colonización urbana y rural, la dificultad para integrar los distintos “micropoderes” con la “sociedad mayor” y el Estado y finalmente, con la presencia del narcotráfico.



    Eugenio Nkogo Ondó


    Interrogar los grupos étnicos es intentar situarse en el seno de uno de los principales fundamentos sobre los que se apoya la realidad africana. En efecto, África como el resto de los demás continentes, poseía y posee su propia estructura geofísica o geográfica, social, política y económica. Ella cuenta con su suelo, sus montes y sus ríos; su flora y su fauna; sus recursos naturales o sus riquezas y, por supuesto, sus habitantes. Por consiguiente, pronunciar una palabra acerca de estos últim...

  18. Una forma de intervención del Estado a comienzos de los años 1930s.: Poder político, represión e indiferencia. Alrededor de la publicación de El Fusilamiento de Joaquín Penina de Aldo Oliva

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    Diego P. Roldán


    Full Text Available A partir de la publicación del libro El fusilamiento de Joaquín Penina de Aldo Oliva, el presente artículo da a conocer la documentación oficial producida por el Municipio de Rosario en torno a este acontecimiento. El trabajo muestra una de las modalidades olvidadas de intervención que el Estado tuvo a comienzo de la década de 1930. Igualmente, intenta reflexionar sobre las condiciones de posibilidad para la producción de prácticas y sentidos en torno al asesinato político y la privación de la identidad que sufrió Penina en el plano simbólico durante los "debates" en el seno del Concejo Deliberante de Rosario, una vez repuestos parcialmente los mecanismos formales de un sistema político restringidoFrom the publication of the book El fusilamiento de Joaquín Penina de Aldo Oliva, the present article brings to light the official documentation produced by the Municipality of Rosario around this event. The work shows one of the intervention modalities forgot that the State had at the beginning of the years 1930s. Likewise it tries to reflect on the conditions of possibility for the production of practices and senses around the political murder and the deprivation of the identity that suffered Penina in the symbolic plan during the "debates" in the Deliberative Council of Rosario rehabilitated partly of the formal mechanisms of a restricted political system

  19. Occurrence of silent cerebral infarction in pre-senile, senile subjects with depressive states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujikawa, Tokumi; Yamawaki, Shigeto; Touhouda, Yoshikuni.


    We examined the relationship between pre-senile, senile depressive states and silent cerebral infarction (SCI) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The diagnostic criteria of major depression according to DSM-3-R was used to diagnose. Patients in whom stroke had occurred or who had local neurologic symptoms were not included. About half of the patients with depressive states of pre-senile onset and most of the patients with those of senile onset had SCI, were considered to be organic-depressive states complicated with SCI. Because patients with depressive states with SCI are at high risk of occurrence of stroke, we designated this condition 'pre-stroke depression', and classified it with endogenous depression. At this time, it is important to begin therapy for cerebrovascular disease. (author)

  20. The role of ion irradiation in activating silent Raman modes via tuning in plasmonic behaviour and surface disorder of Au/ZnO/Pt NFG system (United States)

    Singh, Udai B.; Gautam, Subodh K.; Kumar, Sunil; Ojha, Sunil; Ghosh, Santanu; Singh, Fouran


    The perceptible progression of Raman modes of zinc oxide (ZnO) is studied in nanostructures film gap (Au (10 nm)/ZnO (70 nm)/Pt (50 nm)) system with 1.2 MeV Xe ion irradiation. Unattainable silent Raman modes of ZnO turn out to be strongly visible after ion irradiation. The creation of ion-beam-induced lattice disorder, defects, and impurities in a ZnO layer leads to breakdown the translational crystal symmetry that results in the origin of silent modes. The formation of hot-spots in the ZnO layer of the NFG system also supports the enhancement of the intensity of Raman modes. Overall results are attributed to combined effects of lattice disorder, defects, and impurities along with plasmonic effect and explained in the framework of elastic-thermal-spike formation.

  1. El blindaje de una PC

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    Revista Chasqui


    Full Text Available La navegación en Internet y la consiguiente conexión a una red expone a una computadora a un sinfín de riesgos y peligros. Una PC que no sea utilizada para navegar en Internet o que no esté conectada a una red puede,incluso, ser también afectada por virus, por la utilización de disquetes contaminados que la contaminen con un virus. Para enfrentar esos problemas, la industria informática ha previsto una serie de protecciones y recaudos, de cuyo uso y utilización deben estar plenamente informados los usuarios de una PC.

  2. Treatment of Egyptian Maghara coal by plasma ozone synthesized by silent discharge

    CERN Document Server

    Salem, M A; Garamoon, A A; Hassouba, M A


    A sample of pyrite rich bituminous coal collected from the main coal seam of Maghara mine, northern sinai, was treated by ozone plasma. The latter was synthesized using silent discharge method (10 kv a.c. and 50 hz). The room temperature Moessbauer spectra of untreated coal sample was easily fitted to two doublet, whose parameters matched those of pyrite (FeS sub 2) and sulfate (FeSO sub 4.H sub 2 O) in addition to hematite. After treatment by ozone plasma, a doublet ascribed to pyrite was observed. The extent of pyrite oxidation to jarosite (Fe sub 2 (SO sub 4) sub 3. nH sub 2 O) was monitored by their relative spectral areas, the incomplete oxidation of pyrite may be attributed to the presence of calcium sulfate layer which acts a screen of ozone.

  3. Clinically silent subdural hemorrhage causes bilateral vocal fold paralysis in newborn infant. (United States)

    Alshammari, Jaber; Monnier, Yan; Monnier, Philippe


    Bilateral congenital vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) may result from multiple etiologies or remain idiopathic when no real cause can be identified. If obstructive dyspnea is significant and requires urgent stabilization of the airway, then intubation is performed first and an MRI of the brain is conducted to rule out an Arnold-Chiari malformation that can benefit from a shunt procedure and thus alleviate the need for a tracheostomy. Clinically silent subdural hemorrhage without any birth trauma represents another cause of neonatal BVFP that resolves spontaneously within a month. It is of clinical relevance to recognize this potential cause of BVFP as its short duration may alleviate the need for a tracheostomy. In this article, we present such a case and review the literature to draw the otolaryngologist's attention to this possible etiology. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  4. Modeling of the wind power plant using software DIgSILENT Power factory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mladenovski, Ljubisha; Iliev, Atanas; Fushtikj, Vangel


    This paper presents a method for creating a model of the wind power plant NORDEX N-60 in the DIgSILENT Power factory software. At the beginning, the characteristics of the wind power plant and the used software are shortly described. The next step is modeling the part of the power system where the wind power plant will be connected to the grid The modeling of the turbine part and the generator part of the wind power plant is made with blocks, which are part of the machine block of the composite model. Finally, the results obtained from performed practically oriented simulations are presented in graphical form. Design of the model of the wind power plant NORDEX N-60 was performed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, at the University of Rostock, Germany, as a part of the DYSIMAC project. (Author)

  5. Lithium toxicity precipitated by thyrotoxicosis due to silent thyroiditis: cardiac arrest, quadriplegia, and coma. (United States)

    Sato, Yoshinori; Taki, Katsumi; Honda, Yuki; Takahashi, Shoichiro; Yoshimura, Ashio


    Lithium is widely used to treat bipolar disorders. Lithium toxicity is generally caused by inappropriately high doses of lithium or impaired lithium excretion. Most lithium is eliminated via the kidneys and, since thyroid hormone increases tubular reabsorption of lithium, thyrotoxicosis could contribute to the development of lithium toxicity. We report a case of severe lithium toxicity that was apparently precipitated by the onset of thyrotoxicosis resulting from silent thyroiditis and dehydration. The patient was a 64-year-old woman who was admitted for muscle weakness in the lower extremities, diarrhea, and palpitations. She had bipolar disorder and was being treated with lithium carbonate, which she discontinued one week before admission. Her circulating lithium levels had been monitored yearly. Early in her admission she was dehydrated and had febrile episodes, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, and muscle weakness. Initially, fluid therapy was started, but she lost consciousness and had a cardiac arrest for 2 minutes due to prolonged sinus arrest. Chest compression and manual artificial ventilation were performed, and body surface pacing was started. Serum lithium was markedly elevated to 3.81 mEq/L (therapeutic range, 0.4-1.0 mEq/L), and thyroid hormone levels were increased (free triiodothyronine, 8.12 pg/mL; free thyroxine, 4.45 ng/dL), while thyrotropin (TSH) was suppressed (quadriplegia and deep coma. She gradually recovered. On day 36, she was discharged without any neurological symptoms or thyrotoxicosis. A 64-year-old woman taking lithium for bipolar disorder developed lithium toxicity in the setting of what seemed likely to be a recent onset of thyrotoxicosis due to silent thyroiditis. Thyrotoxicosis may be a contributing cause of lithium toxicity, particularly if it is abrupt in onset and even with cessation of lithium therapy if renal function is compromised. Thyroid function should be assessed immediately in patients with suspected lithium

  6. Implementación de una red WAN en una escudería de F1


    García Muñoz, Luis Eduardo


    TFC en el que se detalla la implementación de una red WAN en una escudería de Fórmula 1. TFC en què es detalla la implementació d'una xarxa WAN en una escuderia de Fórmula 1. Bachelor thesis for the Telecommunication Technologies program on Telematics.

  7. Harmonic Domain Modelling of Transformer Core Nonlinearities Using the DIgSILENT PowerFactory Software

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bak, Claus Leth; Bak-Jensen, Birgitte; Wiechowski, Wojciech


    This paper demonstrates the results of implementation and verification of an already existing algorithm that allows for calculating saturation characteristics of singlephase power transformers. The algorithm was described for the first time in 1993. Now this algorithm has been implemented using...... the DIgSILENT Programming Language (DPL) as an external script in the harmonic domain calculations of a power system analysis tool PowerFactory [10]. The algorithm is verified by harmonic measurements on a single-phase power transformer. A theoretical analysis of the core nonlinearities phenomena...... in single and three-phase transformers is also presented. This analysis leads to the conclusion that the method can be applied for modelling nonlinearities of three-phase autotransformers....

  8. Comunicación de masas y producción de ideología (1era Parte

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    Eliseo Verón


    El estudio, además, se refiere a la conceptualización de las condiciones de producción de los textos. Esta conceptualización preside la definición de una lectura ideológica posible de esos textos. Desde este punto de vista, un análisis de textos orientado al estudio de lo ideológico en el seno del "discurso", debe ser encuadrado por un conjunto de hipótesis externas que permiten constituir el "corpus", por un lado y, por otro, detectar operaciones pertinentes dentro de él. Lo cual significa que la presencia de lo ideológico en el discurso no consiste en propiedades inmanentes a los textos, sino en un sistema de relaciones entre el texto, por una parte y su producción, su circulación y su consumo, por otra.

  9. Escuchar, mirar, crear. Apuntes sobre la creatividad musical en el medio cinematográfico.

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    Manuel Gértrudix Barrio


    Full Text Available La prospección de los estudios neurofisiológicos que abordan el estudio de la actividad musical, de una parte, y las pautas y parámetros de la creatividad musical, por otra, nos introducen en una reflexión sobre los aspectos específicos relacionados con el proceso de elaboración de los productos musicales en el seno de la producción cinematográfica.La dimensión personal -desde la perspectiva de las actitudes y motivaciones-, el entorno productivo -en su doble naturaleza física y social-, y las diferentes fases del proceso de generación -preparación, ideación, estrategias, desarrollo…- vertebran el recorrido inquisitivo que nos proponemos entorno a la especificidad de la creatividad musical en el medio cinematográfico.

  10. Osteoporosis - "a silent killer". A review of the current literature from clinician and physiotherapist perspective

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    Janusz Kocjan


    SUMMARY             Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone structure that causes bone fragility and increases the risk of fracture. Individuals with osteoporosis are at high risk of suffering one or more fractures, which are often physically debilitating and can potentially lead to a downward spiral in physical and mental health. Article attempts to discuss this issue from the clinical and rehabilitation perspective. Following contents were included: diagnosis, types of osteoporosis, epidemiology, burden of osteoporosis, types of fractures, treatment and rehabilitation of osteoporosis.   Key words: osteoporosis, porous bone, low bone mass, silent disease.

  11. Diseño de una red WAN


    Labella Sanz, Gabriel


    Disseny d'una xarxa WAN, formada per una xarxa d'Accés HFC, una xarxa de Commutació ATM i una xarxa de Transport SDH. Diseño de una red WAN, formada por una red de Acceso HFC, una red de Conmutación ATM y una red de Transporte SDH. WAN network design consisting of a HFC access network, an ATM switching network and a SDH transport network.

  12. Non invasive evaluation of the coronary atherosclerosis illness in patients with silent ischemia: utility of the SPECT of myocardial perfusion. Electric, angiographic and image correlation; Valoracion no invasiva de la enfermedad ateroesclerosa coronaria en pacientes con isquemia silente: utilidad del SPECT de perfusion miocardica. Correlacion electrica, angiografica y de imagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Puente B, A.; Roffe G, F.; Aceves C, J.; Gomez A, E. [Hospital Centro Medico Nacional 20 de Noviembre, ISSSTE, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The objective of the work was to determine the utility of the SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography) of myocardial perfusion for the ischemia detection in asymptomatic patients with Coronary Atherosclerosis Illness. It was concluded that the SPECT of myocardial perfusion has a high sensitivity (97%) for the silent ischemia diagnosis.

  13. Implementation of IEC Generic Models of Type 1 Wind Turbine Generator in DIgSILENT PowerFactory

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Haoran ZHAO; Qiuwei WU; Ioannis MARGARIS; Poul S(O)RENSEN


    The implementation method for the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) generic models of Type 1 wind turbine generator (WTG) in DIgSILENT PowerFactory is presented.The following items are described,i.e.model structure,model blocks and how to implement these blocks in the PowerFactory environment.Case studies under both normal and fault conditions are done with the implemented IEC generic models of Type 1 WTG,and dynamic responses are captured and analyzed.The case study results show that the IEC generic models of Type 1 WTG can correctly represent the performances of Type 1 WTG under both normal and fault conditions.

  14. Co-simulation with DIgSILENT PowerFactory and Matlab: Optimal integration of plug-in electric vehicles in distribution networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    García-Villalobos, J.; Zamora, I.; Marinelli, Mattia


    Smart grid concept is gaining more and more importance in electric power systems. In near term, electric grids will be more intelligent, interconnected and decentralised. Dealing with a significant number of distributed resources in a smart way, frequently requires the use of optimal control tech...... mean square (RMS) simulations on DIgSILENT PowerFactory. As an example, the implementation of a smart charging control for plug-in electric vehicles in electric distribution networks is explained....

  15. Negotiating Colonial Korean Cinema in the Japanese Empire: From the Silent Era to the Talkies, 1923-1939


    Chonghwa Chung


    This article examines what I call a “system of cooperation” (K. hyŏp’ŏp, J. kyōgyō, 協業) in the colonial Korean film industry from 1923, when silent films appeared, to the late 1930s, when colonial cinema was restructured within an imperial wartime system. In other words, this article examines the interworking of colonial Korean and imperial Japanese cinema from Yun Hae-dong’s “colonial modern” perspective in order to go beyond the long established lens on colonial Korean film and film histori...

  16. Gnomon una indagine sul numero

    CERN Document Server

    Zellini, Paolo


    Lo "gnomone" di cui si parla in questo libro non è quello stilo, più o meno monumentale, la cui ombra indica l'ora solare, ma un semplice strumento matematico: una figura geometrica, piana o solida, che aggiunta a un'altra ne genera una simile. Si tratta quindi di una tecnica, ampiamente diffusa nell'antichità, atta a ingrandire o rimpicciolire una forma conservandone l'aspetto. Lo gnomone non aveva solo importanza geometrica. Dalla semplice operazione di correzione "gnomonica" di una figura sono dipesi infatti la stessa nozione di numero, la definizione di vari concetti dell'Analisi e alcuni tra i principali algoritmi numerici e algebrici della matematica.

  17. Purificación y caracterización electroforética de la proteína de unión a GH (GHBP en suero humano y de pacientes con cáncer y en embarazo: evidencia de la existencia de una proteína de unión a prolactina (PRLBP

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    Elizabeth Rico


    Full Text Available Una de las formas de regulación de la actividad de ciertas citocinas es la generación de formas solubles del receptor, las cuales actúan principalmente como proteínas de unión, aunque también se les han atribuido funciones de carácter agonista. El objetivo de este trabajo fue el de establecer la presencia de proteinas de unión a hormona de crecimiento (GHBP y prolactina (PRLBP en suero humano. La GHBP se purificó parcialmente mediante un nuevo método empleando hormona humana de crecimieiito (GH, growth hormone humana inmovilizada sobre Sepharosa y su separación y detección se realizó por medio de electroforesis e inmunotransferencia (Western blot, utilizando un anticuerpo dirigido contra el receptor de GH. Los resultados mostraron que la GHBP de suero humano es una mezcla compleja de proteínas con pesos en el rango de 27 a 62 kDa, relacionadas estructuralmente con el receptor de GH y cuyo origen está por determinarse. El suero proveniente de pacientes con cáncer de seno en estados 3 y 4, así como el de embarazo, mostró el mismo perfil de proteínas aunque sus niveles fueron en todos los casos inferiores a la normalidad, siendo los más bajos los de embarazo. En cuanto a la PRLBP, mediante anticuerpos antirreceptor, se identificó una proteina sérica de 150 kDa disociable en dos subunidades de pesos 50 y 30 kDa, consistente con lo informado por otros autores. De acuerdo con el peso establecido y a su incapacidad para unir hGH, se concluyó que no es una forma soluble del receptor y se sugiere que puede ser un anticuerpo antiidiotípico presente en suero humano. No se encontraron diferencias en el perfil ni en el contenido de la PRLBP en los tres tipos de suero analizados. Los resultados obtenidos ponen en evidencia la existencia de una proteina de unión a prolactina relacionada con el receptor de PRL y cuyo origen en humanos está por establecerse.

  18. Silent Revolution in Research for Sustainability

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    Bruce Alder


    Full Text Available Is research ‘fit-for-purpose’ for realizing sustainable development? More than two decades after the Brundtland report and UNCED Earth summit, the world has now adopted Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs. Rather than a cause for celebration, this delay should encourage reflection on the role of research in society. Why is it so difficult to realize sustainability in practice? The answer lies in the fact that universities and research centres persist with 19th century methods of data gathering, scholarly analysis, and journal articles. Today’s world needs science in real-time, whether to detect drought, confront Ebola, or assist refugees. Research needs to work faster and embrace 21st century practices including data science, open access, and infographics.A silent revolution is occurring in the ways of organizing and conducting research, enabled by new technology and encouraging work that tackles the key challenges facing society. A variety of new arrangements have come into existence that promote international collaboration, including Horizon 2020 with its emphasis on societal challenges, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which has inspired a family of grand challenges funds on health and development, and the Future Earth joint program of research for global sustainability. These arrangements not only control billions of dollars in research funding, they also influence the strategies of national research councils and international organizations. The result is no less than a transformation in the incentives that reward how researchers invest their time and effort.Why is a revolution needed? Within research, substantial growth in knowledge production coincided with fragmentation among disciplines. One can easily find expertise and publications in soil science or agronomy, yet integrated efforts on food security and climate adaptation remain scarce. Beyond research, society remains largely uninformed, as academics avoid engaging in public

  19. El ajuste o desajuste de las prácticas normativas en Ignacio Ellacuría: hacia una nueva dimensión de lo normativo /

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    Senent, Juan Antonio


    Full Text Available Abstract: This work provides an analysis of adjustment or disadjustment of human rights from Ignacio Ellacuría thesis. We must first place this analysis in the critical context that animatesit, the horizon of historical praxis. From there, a rationale for its adjustment in relation to human praxis is proposed, as well as a critical study of the role such adjustment or maladjustment of regulatory schemes currently plays in the overall regulatory process within the social practices in the contemporary civilization stage.In turn, we conduct an analysis of the struggle to articulate other regulatory schemes that respond more tightly to the demands of justiceagainst others and nature.Resumo: Este trabajo realiza un análisis sobre el ajuste o desajuste de los derechos humanos a partir de la tesis de Ignacio Ellacuría. Se trata primero de ubicar este análisis en el contexto crítico que lo anima, el horizonte de la praxis histórica. Desde ahí se propone una fundamentación del ajuste en su relación con la praxis humana, así como el estudio crítico del papel que ese ajuste o desajuste de los esquemas normativos juega actualmente en el conjunto del procesonormativo en el seno de las prácticas sociales en la presente fase civilizatoria. A su vez, se aborda un análisis de la lucha por articular otros esquemas normativos que respondan más ajustadamentea las exigencias de la justicia frente a los otros y a la naturaleza.

  20. Tendencias de las relaciones sociales e interpersonales de los nativos digitales y jóvenes en la web 2.0

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    Lourdes-Ainhoa Hermida-Ayala


    Full Text Available El desarrollo evolutivo de la Red hacia una Red Universal Digital conlleva una modificación de las conductas, usos y competencias de los internautas. Han surgido nuevas formas de acceso, gestión y diseño de la información, las cuales están generando conductas distintas a la hora de gestionar dicha información y en el seno de las relaciones sociales. Son los llamados “nativos digitales” los que hacen una mayor utilización de este tipo de recursos y servicios nuevos. El objeto de la investigación presente es la evaluación y análisis de las conductas y competencias sociocomunicativas que los “nativos digitales” y jóvenes desarrollan en la Red. Esta fase del proyecto es meramente cualitativa por lo que siempre se habla de tendencias. Los resultados muestran una clara diferencia entre dos grupos: los “nativos digitales” (jóvenes de 14 a 17 años, y los “inmigrantes digitales” (jóvenes de 18 a 35 años respecto a su comportamiento en la red.

  1. Abordaje a la Cisterna Ambiens (United States)

    Ajler, Pablo; Bravo, Michael Cruz; Garategui, Lucas; Goldschmidt, Ezequiel; Isolan, Gustavo; Campero, Álvaro


    Resumen Objetivo: Describir paso a paso el abordaje a la cisterna ambiens por la vía suboccipital retrosigmoidea supracerebelosa infratentorial (SRSI). Descripción: El abordaje SRSI se realiza de la misma manera que el abordaje suboccipital retrosigmoideo (SR), utilizado habitualmente para acceder a la patología del ángulo pontocerebeloso, con las siguientes modificaciones: (1) utilizamos siempre la posición semisentado, (2) la craneotomia-craniectomia debe exponer el seno transverso y extenderse 5 cm medialmente hacia el inion, (3) al realizar la apertura dural es necesario rebatir la duramadre junto con el seno transverso hacia cefálico con puntos de tracción, (4) bajo magnificación con microscopio quirúrgico se debe realizar la apertura de la cisterna cerebelobulbar para drenar líquido cefalorraquídeo, (5) en el plano supracerebeloso es fundamental cortar las bridas aracnoidales y de ser necesario debemos coagular y cortar las venas puente, todas estas maniobras sumadas al efecto de la gravedad brindan mayor apertura del corredor supracerebeloso. Conclusión: El abordaje a la cisterna ambiens por la vía SRSI es una opción segura para el acceso de patologías tumorales que se alojan en esta zona con un componente predominantemente infratentorial. PMID:27999709

  2. Perspectiva histórica de la Revista Científica Ciencia Médica: un proceso de evolución continua


    Karla P. Romero-Ledezma


    La Revista Científica Ciencia Médica inició su edición el año 1997 a fin de incentivar a estudiantes de pregrado a difundir el producto de sus investigaciónes, a través de un medio impreso, siendo una de las primeras revistas científicas de pregrado adoptando la revisión por pares. La idea que nace en el seno de la Sociedad Científica de Estudiantes de Medicina (SCEM) de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS), con la que se conformó un comité editorial y un comité revisor-asesor. Se publica...

  3. Internet y redes sociales: un nuevo contexto para el delito

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    M. José Pifarré


    Full Text Available Internet y, de manera muy especial, las redes sociales conforman un nuevo contexto social caracterizado, entre otras cosas, porque el alcance temporal y espacial de las comunicaciones a través de ellos crea proximidades «virtuales» antaño imposibles que han cambiado el modo en que nos relacionamos en sociedad. En este contexto, con sus particularidades y especificidades, han surgido conductas hasta ahora inéditas y ha tenido lugar una importante mutación de las convenciones sociales. La rapidez con que los comportamientos sociales cambian a causa de Internet, o con que nacen nuevas realidades en su seno, tiene pocos precedentes.

  4. Estudio de algunos problemas de fundamento de la teoría axiomática de conjuntos


    Vahí Serrano, Ángel


    Desde su nacimiento, la teoría de conjuntos ha tenido detractores y críticos. En la ensalada filosófica que se aliñó durante la crisis de fundamento sufrida por las matemáticas a causa de las paradojas, entre otras las descubiertas en el seno de la teoría de conjuntos, hubo de todo, sin faltar la opinión de que dicha situación no era s ... ino una consecuencia de los abstrusos y quiméricos contenidos de dicha teoría. A lo largo de cien años, esa postura ha persistido entre determinadas matemá...

  5. En memoria de Michael Jiménez (1948-2001

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    Mauricio Archila Neira


    Full Text Available El 1 de septiembre de 2001 murió el historiador Michael Jiménez. Su apellido provenía de España de donde emigró su abuelo en busca de mejor suerte al otro lado del Atlántico. Nacido en el pequeño pueblo de Merced, California (Estados Unidos en agosto de 1948 en el seno de una familia obrera, Michael vivió su infancia en Colombia. A fines de ese año, su padre se desplazó a estas tierras para ser funcionario de la Texas, una multinacional petrolera que tenía sus reales en Puerto Boyacá. Michael estudió en el colegio Nueva Granada -becado por la Texas- hasta los catorce años. En dicho colegio fue compañero de pupitre de Herbert Braun, descendiente a su vez de una familia de emigrantes a Colombia, y con quien la vida lo juntaría de nuevo en las tierras del norte y en oficios similares.

  6. La recomposición del orden: Elecciones en Centroamérica

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    Full Text Available En el seno de diez años de guerra civil, violencia política y profundo malestar social causado por la crisis económica, se han producido en la región centroamericana procesos electorales. Por primera vez, todos los resultados de estos procesos han sido aceptados como legítimos, abriéndose así, con dificultades, espacios para la competencia partidaria y la organización popular. Pese al reducido tamaño geográfico, las experiencias no tienen ningún parecido entre sí. En Costa Rica, en un extremo, existe desde hace más de medio siglo una democracia política. En Nicaragua se intentó crear una democracia participativa, pero el esfuerzo se frustró por la intervención norteamericana. En Guatemala y El Salvador, la tradición de violencia política convive con una democracia electoral extremadamente débil. Las elecciones han servido para redefinir las relaciones entre los grupos dominantes, el Ejército y la sociedad.

  7. Enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma as a complication of silent celiac disease

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    Margarida Dantas Brito


    Full Text Available Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder in which a genetic predisposition and the ingestion of wheat gluten triggers a deleterious immune response. This response is complex and may lead to manifestations other than enteropathyha: hepatitis, dermatitis and neuropathy. There is higher risk for neoplasia. We observed an atypical case, corresponding to a 69-year old female presenting with complicated celiac disease. The patient was referred following the histological examination of an enterectomy specimen, which unexpectedly revealed an enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma in a background of celiac disease. Patient’s previous medical history comprised several abdominal surgical procedures, without other prior symptoms suggestive of celiac disease. Indeed, the patient was obese and no signs of malabsortion were apparent. This case draws our attention to clinically silent celiac disease, which represents a diagnostic challenge. Thus, this should be kept in mind whenever a patient presents with abdominal relapsing complications, otherwise unexplained.

  8. El movimiento mapuche en Chile y Argentina: Una aproximación desde las teorías de la acción colectiva y los movimientos sociales


    Tricot Salomón, Víctor Salvador Tokichen


    [ES] En esta Tesis Doctoral se pretende analizar, de manera comparada la aparición, desarrollo y cambios suscitados en el seno del movimiento mapuche tanto de Chile como de Argentina. Pretendiendo a partir de esto, describir y analizar aquellos factores que inciden para que se produzcan diferencias en la forma en la cual se manifiesta el movimiento mapuche en Chile y en Argentina con posterioridad a la transición. [EN] This doctoral thesis aims to analyze, in a compared way the appearance,...

  9. Un método comunicativo para el tratamiento a la violencia familiar

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    Rolando Durand-Rill


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudia la problemática de educación y ciudadanía con el objetivo de sistematizar la utilización del método formativo de acción comunicación, en la orientación a las familias con manifestaciones de violencia. Se parte de la perspectiva sociocultural y género en el tratamiento preventivo a la violencia en el seno de las familias escogidas, fundamentando la propuesta en las dimensiones de dirección educacional, sociológica, psicológica y pedagógica, y se argumenta, además, una metodología para contribuir a la prevención y tratamiento de la violencia familiar. Finalmente, se efectúa la comprobación práctica del estudio realizado, evidenciando su factibilidad en una comunidad del municipio Guantánamo.

  10. Silent music reading: auditory imagery and visuotonal modality transfer in singers and non-singers. (United States)

    Hoppe, Christian; Splittstößer, Christoph; Fliessbach, Klaus; Trautner, Peter; Elger, Christian E; Weber, Bernd


    In daily life, responses are often facilitated by anticipatory imagery of expected targets which are announced by associated stimuli from different sensory modalities. Silent music reading represents an intriguing case of visuotonal modality transfer in working memory as it induces highly defined auditory imagery on the basis of presented visuospatial information (i.e. musical notes). Using functional MRI and a delayed sequence matching-to-sample paradigm, we compared brain activations during retention intervals (10s) of visual (VV) or tonal (TT) unimodal maintenance versus visuospatial-to-tonal modality transfer (VT) tasks. Visual or tonal sequences were comprised of six elements, white squares or tones, which were low, middle, or high regarding vertical screen position or pitch, respectively (presentation duration: 1.5s). For the cross-modal condition (VT, session 3), the visuospatial elements from condition VV (session 1) were re-defined as low, middle or high "notes" indicating low, middle or high tones from condition TT (session 2), respectively, and subjects had to match tonal sequences (probe) to previously presented note sequences. Tasks alternately had low or high cognitive load. To evaluate possible effects of music reading expertise, 15 singers and 15 non-musicians were included. Scanner task performance was excellent in both groups. Despite identity of applied visuospatial stimuli, visuotonal modality transfer versus visual maintenance (VT>VV) induced "inhibition" of visual brain areas and activation of primary and higher auditory brain areas which exceeded auditory activation elicited by tonal stimulation (VT>TT). This transfer-related visual-to-auditory activation shift occurred in both groups but was more pronounced in experts. Frontoparietal areas were activated by higher cognitive load but not by modality transfer. The auditory brain showed a potential to anticipate expected auditory target stimuli on the basis of non-auditory information and

  11. Susan G. Komen for the Cure (United States)

    ... de sus senos:Consejos útiles para mujeres El Cancer de Mama y el Medio Ambiente: Preguntas y Respuestas Guía de herramientas de educación sobre el cancer de seno para comunidades hispanas/Latinas About Us ...

  12. Genealogia feminina: diálogo silencioso entre gerações - Female genealogy: silent dialogue between generations

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    Flávia Obino Corrêa Werle, Brasil


    Full Text Available Este artigo, desenvolvido na linha da História Cultural, adota como metodologia uma abordagem biográfico-narrativa. Discute, dentre outros conceitos, os de tradição, inovação, genealogia feminina na perspectiva de novos enfoques para a História da Educação. Considera a memória, tanto como um discurso, quanto como uma presença nos objetos e cultura material. Analisa um objeto guardado e presenteado de gerações em gerações a ser usado pelas mulheres de uma mesma família na hora do parto. Problematiza o tema da formação humana em espaços de relações familiares e em modalidades não escolarizadas e questiona o que as irmãs ensinam umas às outras, que aprendizagens ocorrem nas relações entre mulheres que são vizinhas, amigas, primas, tias, sobrinhas.Palavras-chave: história da educação, tradição, memória.FEMALE GENEALOGY: SILENT DIALOGUE BETWEEN GENERATIONSAbstractThe methodology of this article, developed along the lines of Cultural History, is a biographical-narrative approach. Among other concepts, it discusses tradition, innovation, female genealogy from the perspective of new ways to focus on History of Education. It considers memory both as a discourse and as a presence in objects and material culture. An object stored and gifted from generation to generation, to be used by the women of a same family at the time of childbirth is analyzed. It problematizes tthe topic of human formation in spaces of family relations and in non-schooled modes, and asks what the sisters teach each other, what learnings occur in the relationships between women who are neighbors, friends, cousins, sisters, nieces.Key-words: history of education, tradition, memory.GENEALOGIA FEMENINA: DIALOGO SILENCIOSO ENTRE GENERACIONESResumen Este artículo, desarrollado en el contexto dela Historia Cultural, adopta como metodología una temática biográfica-narrativa. Trata los conceptos de tradición, inovación, genealogía femenina desde la

  13. Sonographically determined clues to the symptomatic or silent cholelithiasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saba, S.; Iqbal, Z.


    To determine an association between sonographically determined contractility with the symptomatic or silent nature of gallstone. Adult gallstone patients without (group I) and with biliary symptoms (group II) were compared with age and gender-matched controls. Demographic data, body mass index, risk factors, size, number and mobility of gallstone, gallbladder wall thickness (GBWT), volume and Ejection Fraction (EF) were determined on ultrasound before and after a standardized fatty meal (BFM and AFM). Demographic data, risk factors and gallstone characteristics were analyzed by Pearson Chi-square test and the gallbladder characteristics were analyzed by One-way ANOVA and Post Hoc tests by multiple comparisons on SPSS 11 with significance p=0.05. The gallbladder contractility as measured by changes in wall thickness and volume changes BFM and AFM, and ejection fraction was similar in controls and asymptomatic cholelithiasis groups and significantly reduced in symptomatic patients (p<.001). Multiparity (p=0.002), female gender (p=0.018), age less than 50 years (0.05), impacted calculi (p=0.001), multiple calculi (<.001) and calculi 5 mm (p<0.001) were associated with pain. A sluggishly emptying gallbladder was more significantly associated with symptomatic cholelithiasis compared to controls and asymptomatic cholelithiasis state in this series. Consideration of age, gender, impaction of calculi, number and size of calculi is important in causing symptom state and management options. (author)

  14. Silent Sinus Syndrome: A Retrospective Review of 11 Cases

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    Karima DARGHAL


    Full Text Available Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe the clinical and radiological features of SSS, and to review therapeutic possibilities and their outcomes.Patients and Methods: Retrospective observational case series in the department of Arthur Vernes Institute between Mars 2007 and  Novembre 2012. Clinical records, including ophthalmology and otolaryngology evaluations as well as computed tomography scans and operative reports, were carefully examined. A literature review for relevant studies was performed to examine similar cases.Results: Eleven cases of  SSS were identified. Nine men and two women (sex ratio 4.5, aged between 23 and 54 years (mean, 30 years. there was 3 to 4 mm enophthalmos in 10 cases (90.9%, and hypoglobus in all cases, with no effect on visual function. In all 11 cases, the maxillary roof (orbital floor was drawn downwards, and the one or more walls of the maxilla were concave. In 4 cases septal deviation was present. 8 patients (72.7% underwent endoscopic sinus surgery, while 3 refused it. Septoplasty was performed in 4 cases (36.3%.Conclusion: The silent sinus syndrome is a rare entity. It mainly presents as unilateral enophthalmos in younger people and has very characteristic clinical and radiologic signs.This case series reports our diagnostic and therapeutic experience with this syndrome.

  15. Scintigraphic diagnosis of silent aspiration following double-sided lung transplantation; Szintigraphischer Nachweis einer stillen Aspiration nach beidseitiger Lungentransplantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toenshoff, G. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Stock, U. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Herz- und Gefaesschirurgie; Bohuslavizki, K.H. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Brenner, W. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Costard-Jaeckle, A. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Herz- und Gefaesschirurgie; Cremer, J. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Herz- und Gefaesschirurgie; Clausen, M. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    We present a case of a 25 year old patient who underwent double-sided lung transplantation and suffered from recurrent pneumonia. Silent aspiration was suspected clinically. Aspiration was proved by scintigraphy enabling to discriminate between direct oro-pulmonal aspiration and aspiration after gastro-esophageal reflux. (orig.) [Deutsch] Vorgestellt wird der Fall einer 25jaehrigen Patientin nach beidseitiger Lungentransplantation und rezidivierenden Pneumonien. Klinisch bestand der Verdacht auf eine stille Aspiration. Szintigraphisch gelang sowohl der Aspirationsnachweis als auch eine Differenzierung hinsichtlich der Genese: Direkte oro-pulmonale Aspiration versus Aspiration nach gastrooesophagealem Reflux. (orig.)

  16. The Relations among Oral and Silent Reading Fluency and Comprehension in Middle School: Implications for Identification and Instruction of Students with Reading Difficulties (United States)

    Denton, Carolyn A.; Barth, Amy E.; Fletcher, Jack M.; Wexler, Jade; Vaughn, Sharon; Cirino, Paul T.; Romain, Melissa; Francis, David J.


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations among oral and silent reading fluency and reading comprehension for students in Grades 6 to 8 (n = 1,421) and the use of fluency scores to identify middle school students who are at risk for failure on a high-stakes reading test. Results indicated moderate positive relations between…

  17. Implementación de una solución de Business Intelligence en una unidad de negocios de cobranzas de una entidad financiera


    Calderón Ccatamayo, Magaly; Calderón Ccatamayo, Magaly


    El presente informe describe la implementación de una solución de Business Intelligence en una unidad de negocios de Cobranzas de una entidad financiera, utilizando un conjunto de metodologías y herramientas automatizadas de Business Intelligence. Los objetivos del proyecto presentado en este informe son facilitar a los usuarios de Cobranzas el análisis de la información, la toma de decisiones y las definiciones de estrategias acertadas, mejorando de esta forma la gestión y seguimiento del...

  18. Una experiencia de campo con una cooperativa de promotores ambientales


    Bazán, Claudia I.; Ferrari, Liliana


    La presente ponencia describe el trabajo que se está realizando con una cooperativa de promotores ambientes, El CorreCamino, cuya propuesta no es pensada como una actividad marginal sino que toma el proceso de reciclado como contribución social y enfatiza el papel activo del trabajador en solidaridad con los vecinos y el espacio ambiental. La metodología utilizada es la Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP) cuyo principal objetivo es aunar los ...

  19. Prevalence of silent vertebral fractures detected by vertebral fracture assessment in young Portuguese men with hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Barbosa, Ana Paula; Rui Mascarenhas, Mário; Silva, Carlos Francisco; Távora, Isabel; Bicho, Manuel; do Carmo, Isabel; de Oliveira, António Gouveia


    Hyperthyroidism is a risk factor for reduced bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporotic fractures. Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is a radiological method of visualization of the spine, which enables patient comfort and reduced radiation exposure. This study was carried out to evaluate BMD and the prevalence of silent vertebral fractures in young men with hyperthyroidism. We conducted a cross-sectional study in a group of Portuguese men aged up to 50 years and matched in hyperthyroidism (n=24) and control (n=24) groups. A group of 48 Portuguese men aged up to 50 years was divided and matched in hyperthyroidism (n=24) and control (n=24) groups. BMD (g/cm(2)) at L1-L4, hip, radius 33%, and whole body as well as the total body masses (kg) were studied by DXA. VFA was used to detect fractures and those were classified by Genant's semiquantitative method. No patient had previously been treated for hyperthyroidism, osteoporosis, or low bone mass. Adequate statistical tests were used. The mean age, height, and total fat mass were similar in both groups (P≥0.05). The total lean body mass and the mean BMD at lumbar spine, hip, and whole body were significantly decreased in the hyperthyroidism group. In this group, there was also a trend for an increased prevalence of reduced BMD/osteoporosis and osteoporotic vertebral fractures. The results obtained using VFA technology (confirmed by X-ray) suggest that the BMD changes in young men with nontreated hyperthyroidism may lead to the development of osteoporosis and vertebral fractures. This supports the pertinence of using VFA in the routine of osteoporosis assessment to detect silent fractures precociously and consider early treatment. © 2015 European Society of Endocrinology.

  20. Non invasive evaluation of the coronary atherosclerosis illness in patients with silent ischemia: utility of the SPECT of myocardial perfusion. Electric, angiographic and image correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puente B, A.; Roffe G, F.; Aceves C, J.; Gomez A, E.


    The objective of the work was to determine the utility of the SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography) of myocardial perfusion for the ischemia detection in asymptomatic patients with Coronary Atherosclerosis Illness. It was concluded that the SPECT of myocardial perfusion has a high sensitivity (97%) for the silent ischemia diagnosis

  1. Low fetal hemoglobin percentage is associated with silent brain lesions in adults with homozygous sickle cell disease. (United States)

    Calvet, David; Tuilier, Titien; Mélé, Nicolas; Turc, Guillaume; Habibi, Anoosha; Abdallah, Nassim Ait; Majhadi, Loubna; Hemery, François; Edjlali, Myriam; Galacteros, Frédéric; Bartolucci, Pablo


    Silent white matter changes (WMCs) on brain imaging are common in individuals with sickle cell disease (SCD) and are associated with cognitive deficits in children. We investigated the factors predictive of WMCs in adults with homozygous SCD and no history of neurological conditions. Patients were recruited from a cohort of adults with homozygous SCD followed up at an adult sickle cell referral center for which steady-state measurements of biological parameters and magnetic resonance imaging scans of the brain were available. WMCs were rated by consensus, on a validated age-related WMC scale. The prevalence of WMCs was 49% (95% confidence interval [CI], 39%-60%) in the 83 patients without vasculopathy included. In univariable analysis, the patients who had WMCs were more likely to be older ( P = .003) and to have hypertension ( P = .02), a lower mean corpuscular volume ( P = .005), a lower corpuscular hemoglobin concentration ( P = .008), and a lower fetal hemoglobin percentage (%HbF) ( P = .003). In multivariable analysis, only a lower %HbF remained associated with the presence of WMCs (odds ratio [OR] per 1% increase in %HbF, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.72-0.97; P = .021). %HbF was also associated with WMC burden ( P for trend = .007). Multivariable ordinal logistic regression showed an inverse relationship between WMC burden (age-related WMC score divided into 4 strata) and HbF level (OR for 1% increase in %HbF, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.79-0.99; P = .039). Our study suggests that HbF may protect against silent WMCs, decreasing the likelihood of WMCs being present and their severity. It may therefore be beneficial to increase HbF levels in patients with WMCs.

  2. Detecting Silent Data Corruptions in Aerospace-Based Computing Using Program Invariants

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    Junchi Ma


    Full Text Available Soft error caused by single event upset has been a severe challenge to aerospace-based computing. Silent data corruption (SDC is one of the results incurred by soft error. SDC occurs when a program generates erroneous output with no indications. SDC is the most insidious type of results and very difficult to detect. To address this problem, we design and implement an invariant-based system called Radish. Invariants describe certain properties of a program; for example, the value of a variable equals a constant. Radish first extracts invariants at key program points and converts invariants into assertions. It then hardens the program by inserting the assertions into the source code. When a soft error occurs, assertions will be found to be false at run time and warn the users of soft error. To increase the coverage of SDC, we further propose an extension of Radish, named Radish_D, which applies software-based instruction duplication mechanism to protect the uncovered code sections. Experiments using architectural fault injections show that Radish achieves high SDC coverage with very low overhead. Furthermore, Radish_D provides higher SDC coverage than that of either Radish or pure instruction duplication.

  3. Replacing dark energy by silent virialisation (United States)

    Roukema, Boudewijn F.


    Context. Standard cosmological N-body simulations have background scale factor evolution that is decoupled from non-linear structure formation. Prior to gravitational collapse, kinematical backreaction (𝒬𝒟) justifies this approach in a Newtonian context. Aims: However, the final stages of a gravitational collapse event are sudden; a globally imposed smooth expansion rate forces at least one expanding region to suddenly and instantaneously decelerate in compensation for the virialisation event. This is relativistically unrealistic. A more conservative hypothesis is to allow non-collapsed domains to continue their volume evolution according to the 𝒬𝒟 Zel'dovich approximation (QZA). We aim to study the inferred average expansion under this "silent" virialisation hypothesis. Methods: We set standard (MPGRAFIC) EdS 3-torus (T3) cosmological N-body initial conditions. Using RAMSES, we partitioned the volume into domains and called the DTFE library to estimate the per-domain initial values of the three invariants of the extrinsic curvature tensor that determine the QZA. We integrated the Raychaudhuri equation in each domain using the INHOMOG library, and adopted the stable clustering hypothesis to represent virialisation (VQZA). We spatially averaged to obtain the effective global scale factor. We adopted an early-epoch-normalised EdS reference-model Hubble constant H1EdS = 37.7 km s-1 /Mpc and an effective Hubble constant Heff,0 = 67.7 km s-1 /Mpc. Results: From 2000 simulations at resolution 2563, we find that reaching a unity effective scale factor at 13.8 Gyr (16% above EdS), occurs for an averaging scale of L13.813 = 2.5-0.1+0.1 Mpc/heff. Relativistically interpreted, this corresponds to strong average negative curvature evolution, with the mean (median) curvature functional Ωℛ𝒟 growing from zero to about 1.5-2 by the present. Over 100 realisations, the virialisation fraction and super-EdS expansion correlate strongly at

  4. Packed-bed reactor/silent-discharge plasma design data report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 1992, Congress passed the Federal Facility Compliance Act requiring the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to treat and dispose of its mixed waste in accordance with Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) land disposal restrictions (LDRs). The DOE Albuquerque Operations Office (AL) currently does not have adequate systems to treat the mixed wastes generated and stored at the nine DOE-AL sites. In response to the need for mixed-waste treatment capacity, DOE-AL organized a Treatment Selection Team under the Mixed-Waste Treatment Program (MWTP) to match mixed wastes with treatment options and develop a strategy for treatment of its mixed waste. The strategy developed by the Treatment Selection Team, as described in the AL Mixed-Waste Treatment Plan (DOE 1994), is to use available off-site commercial treatment facilities for all wastes that can be successfully and cost-effectively treated by such facilities. Where no appropriate commercial treatment facilities exist, mobile treatment units (MTUs) would be developed to treat wastes at the sites where the wastes are generated. Treatment processes used for mixed waste must not only address the hazardous component (i.e., meet LDRs) but also must contain the radioactive component in a form that allows final disposal while protecting workers, the public, and the environment. The packed-bed reactor/silent discharge plasma was chosen as a potential candidate for the treatment of the mixed wastes. The process is described

  5. Packed-bed reactor/silent-discharge plasma design data report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In 1992, Congress passed the Federal Facility Compliance Act requiring the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to treat and dispose of its mixed waste in accordance with Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) land disposal restrictions (LDRs). The DOE Albuquerque Operations Office (AL) currently does not have adequate systems to treat the mixed wastes generated and stored at the nine DOE-AL sites. In response to the need for mixed-waste treatment capacity, DOE-AL organized a Treatment Selection Team under the Mixed-Waste Treatment Program (MWTP) to match mixed wastes with treatment options and develop a strategy for treatment of its mixed waste. The strategy developed by the Treatment Selection Team, as described in the AL Mixed-Waste Treatment Plan (DOE 1994), is to use available off-site commercial treatment facilities for all wastes that can be successfully and cost-effectively treated by such facilities. Where no appropriate commercial treatment facilities exist, mobile treatment units (MTUs) would be developed to treat wastes at the sites where the wastes are generated. Treatment processes used for mixed waste must not only address the hazardous component (i.e., meet LDRs) but also must contain the radioactive component in a form that allows final disposal while protecting workers, the public, and the environment. The packed-bed reactor/silent discharge plasma was chosen as a potential candidate for the treatment of the mixed wastes. The process is described.

  6. Rape Survivors' Experiences of the Silent Protest: Implications for Promoting Healing and Resilience. (United States)

    Padmanabhanunni, Anita; Edwards, David


    This article examines the experiences of nine rape survivors who participated in the Silent Protest, an annual protest march at Rhodes University that aims to highlight the sexual abuse of women, validate the harm done, and foster solidarity among survivors. Participants responded to a semi-structured interview focusing on the context of their rape and its impact, and their experiences of participation in the Protest In the first phase of data analysis, synoptic case narratives were written. In the second, themes from participants' experience were identified using interpretative phenomenological analysis. In the third, the data were examined in light of questions around the extent to which participation contributed to healing. Participants reported experiences of validation and empowerment but the majority were suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. In some cases, participation had exacerbated self-blame and avoidant coping. Recommendations are made about the provision of psychoeducation and counseling at such events. © The Author(s) 2015.

  7. Exercise-induced silent myocardial ischemia: Evaluation by thallium-201 emission computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurata, C.; Sakata, K.; Taguchi, T.; Kobayashi, A.; Yamazaki, N.


    Factors associated with silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) during exercise testing were studied by means of thallium-201 emission computed tomography (ECT) in 471 patients. Coronary angiography was done in 290, of whom 167 were found to have significant coronary artery disease (CAD). Exercise-induced ischemia and its severity were defined with ECT. During exercise 108 (62%) of 173 patients with ischemia and 57 (50%) of 115 with ischemia and angiographically documented CAD had no chest pain. One third of the patients showed an inconsistency between scintigraphic ischemia and ischemia ST depression. Age, sex, prior myocardial infarction, and diabetes mellitus were not related to SMI. Patients with SMI had less severe ischemia despite a higher peak double product compared to those with painful ischemia. Among 91 with prior myocardial infarction and exercise-induced ischemia, 51 with periinfarction ischemia had a higher frequency of SMI than did 14 with ischemia remote from the prior infarct zone despite similarities in the severity of ischemia. In conclusion, factors localized within ischemic myocardium such as less severe ischemia or adjacency to a prior infarct made SMI more prevalent

  8. La participación de los actores en la institución escolar: un instrumento al servicio de la emancipación social

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    Garant, Michèle


    Full Text Available La autora presente un análisis crítico relativo a la eficacia de la participación en las instituciones, y una interrogación sobre las condiciones de realización y de duración de dicha participación. El propósito se desarrolla en cinco puntos: (1 los costos y las resistencias que puede suscitar la participación, (2 la participación, un instrumento para la acción en relación con los objetivos como con el proceso, (3 el rol de la participación en las regulaciones sociales y educativas de hoy en día, (4 las condiciones para una participación eficaz y (5 la toma en cuenta de tensiones en las instituciones “que aprenden”2. En conclusión, insiste en el trabajo de coherencia necesaria al seno de las instituciones, y en rol importante del liderazgo a todas las etapas de las acciones participativas.

  9. La Técnica de Rejilla en la orientación personal: estudio de un caso (

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    Guilhem Feixas


    Full Text Available La Técnica de Rejilla (TR se origina en el seno de la Psicología de los Constructos Personales de Kelly, y ha mostrado su utilidad en el campo de la psicología clínica. En este trabajo se ilustra el uso de esta técnica, tanto en lo que respecta a administración como a análisis e interpretación psicológica, aplicada a un caso sin rasgos patológicos. Sin embargo, la TR resulta también útil a la hora de mostrar su capacidad para darnos una imagen amplia y detallada acerca de la forma como la persona se construye a sí misma y su mundo interpersonal. A pesar de su complejidad, la TR es una técnica útil para la comprensión de problemas no clínicos pero que requieran orientación.

  10. La cuestión del régimen político en los proyectos de la nación Argentina ( mediados del siglo XIX

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    Lettieri, Alberto


    Full Text Available This article studies the political and intellectual debate developed within the Rio de la Plata liberal intelligentsia in mid 19th Century over the features that were desirable for the «post-rosista» political regime. Focus is placed on questions such as political authority and social consensus, and on their incidence for the construction of a new legitimacy after a long period of disagreements.

    En este artículo se estudia el debate político-intelectual desarrollado en el seno de la elite letrada liberal rioplatense a mediados del siglo XIX, sobre las características del régimen político desable en la Argentina post-rosista. En particular se analiza las cuestiones de la autoridad política y del consenso social indispensable que debía rodearla, y su incidencia en el marco del proceso de construcción de una nueva legitimidad tras una larga etapa de discordia.

  11. Phase-locking and chaos in a silent Hodgkin-Huxley neuron exposed to sinusoidal electric field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Che Yanqiu; Wang Jiang; Si Wenjie; Fei Xiangyang


    Neuronal firing patterns are related to the information processing in neural system. This paper investigates the response characteristics of a silent Hodgkin-Huxley neuron to the stimulation of externally-applied sinusoidal electric field. The neuron exhibits both p:q phase-locked (i.e. a periodic oscillation defined as p action potentials generated by q cycle stimulations) and chaotic behaviors, depending on the values of stimulus frequencies and amplitudes. In one-parameter space, a rich bifurcation structure including period-adding without chaos and phase-locking alternated with chaos suggests frequency discrimination of the neuronal firing patterns. Furthermore, by mapping out Arnold tongues, we partition the amplitude-frequency parameter space in terms of the qualitative behaviors of the neuron. Thus the neuron's information (firing patterns) encodes the stimulus information (amplitude and frequency), and vice versa

  12. Punctuation and Implicit Prosody in Silent Reading: An ERP Study Investigating English Garden-Path Sentences. (United States)

    Drury, John E; Baum, Shari R; Valeriote, Hope; Steinhauer, Karsten


    This study presents the first two ERP reading studies of comma-induced effects of covert (implicit) prosody on syntactic parsing decisions in English. The first experiment used a balanced 2 × 2 design in which the presence/absence of commas determined plausibility (e.g., John, said Mary, was the nicest boy at the party vs. John said Mary was the nicest boy at the party ). The second reading experiment replicated a previous auditory study investigating the role of overt prosodic boundaries in closure ambiguities (Pauker et al., 2011). In both experiments, commas reliably elicited CPS components and generally played a dominant role in determining parsing decisions in the face of input ambiguity. The combined set of findings provides further evidence supporting the claim that mechanisms subserving speech processing play an active role during silent reading.

  13. La obra gráfica de Juan Carandell Pericay (I)


    Naranjo-Ramírez, J.


    Revisión completa y exhaustiva de la obra gráfica del geólogo y geógrafo Juan Carandell (1893-1937). A través de dos artículos, publicados en sucesivos números de la misma revista, se procedió a la identificación, catalogación y clasificación de todos sus gráficos, mayoritariamente de carácter científico, así como a una restauración de los mismos; finalmente se ha realizado el estudio de toda esta producción gráfica, aportando en buen número de casos también la reproducción física en el seno ...

  14. La obra gráfica de Juan Carandell Pericay (y II)


    Naranjo-Ramírez, J.


    Revisión completa y exhaustiva de la obra gráfica del geólogo y geógrafo Juan Carandell (1893-1937). A través de dos artículos, publicados en sucesivos números de la misma revista, se procedió a la identificación, catalogación y clasificación de todos sus gráficos, mayoritariamente de carácter científico, así como a una restauración de los mismos; finalmente se ha realizado el estudio de toda esta producción gráfica, aportando en buen número de casos también la reproducción física en el seno ...

  15. Memorias, identidades y culturas políticas. El movimiento de Memoria y los Derechos Humanos desde la investigación participativa

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    Ariel Jerez Novara


    Full Text Available En este texto discuto las relaciones entre memorias e identidades políticas, en las mediaciones existentes entre las políticas culturales de los movimientos sociales y las ciencias sociales, a partir del caso del movimiento por la memoria y los derechos humanos en España. Un grupo de colaboradores universitarios reflexionamos sobre la contribución realizada en el seno del movimiento, desde una perspectiva de investigación participativa. Atendemos dos cuestiones principales, los cambios de los marcos de interpretación de nuestro pasado reciente y la incidencia de su agenda en el campo de relaciones entre ciencias sociales y el proceso político.

  16. Plataforma d'autoavaluació per a Teoria Econòmica

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    Penélope Hernández


    Full Text Available La constatación de los importantes cambios en relación a la docencia que implica el proceso de Bolonia y la soledad en la que tales transformaciones deben llevarse a cabo por parte del profesorado, impulsó a un grupo de profesores de diversas universidades públicas españolas a plantear la oportunidad/necesidad de que los docentes intercambiaran opiniones y experiencias en el ámbito docente, al igual que se hace en el ámbito de investigación. Todo ello se realizón en seno de unas Jornadas de Docencia celebradas en Granada. Este artículo revisa los principales resultados de esta experiencia docente.

  17. Perniola, Mario: La estética contemporánea y El arte expandido.

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    Óscar Ortega Ruiz


    Full Text Available Recientemente, han llegado a las librerías dos nuevas publicaciones de una de las grandes personalidades del pensamiento filosófico italiano, el profesor Mario Perniola, catedrático de Estética de la Universidad Tor Vergata de Roma. Este veterano intelectual de origen piamontés, nacido en 1941, ha ddedicado la mayor parte de su carrera a la reflexión acerca de los problemas y retos surgidos en el seno de la disciplina estética de los últimos decenios, tales como la evolución de las vanguardias, el situacionismo –movimiento en el que estuvo directamente involucrado–, los estudios culturales, el postmodernismo, el posthumanismo, etc.

  18. Analysis of a silent voice: a qualitative inquiry of embroidery created by a patient with schizophrenia. (United States)

    Blakeman, John R; Samuelson, Sheryl J; McEvoy, Kimberly N


    A poster-sized piece of embroidery, completed in the 1960s, hangs in the Glore Psychiatric Museum, a testament to the daily experience of a woman who rarely spoke and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. The embroidery document was analyzed by three researchers who came to agreement on themes via triangulation and constant comparison. The woman's lived experience was considered. The analysis found that although the patient was silent, she was connected in interesting ways to the environment around her. Implications for nursing care include awareness of the importance of milieu to patients, that silence should not be inferred to be detachment, and nurses should continue to develop creative ways to engage patients who may communicate in nontraditional ways. Copyright 2013, SLACK Incorporated.

  19. Silent film: The Carlsberg Foundation’s Oceanographic Expedition Round the World, 1928–30

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Bo


    the surveys conducted onboard, as well as encounters with local populations round the World. This silent film consists of c. 20 different sequences. There is a very instructive introduction to the fishing gear, as it is being deployed in the sea, although this is supplemented by camera shots from what......Danish marine scientist, Johannes Schmidt was also a pioneer when it comes to popularizing deep-sea marine research through the use of mass media. When Schmidt headed the Carlsberg Foundation’s Oceanographical Expedition Round the World, 1928-1930, he brought along a film camera, documenting...... is clearly an aquarium, where the functioning of the water sampler is shown in action. As the Dana moves into the Pacific Ocean the focus of the film also changes. In the sections from the Pacific and Indian Oceans the film includes captions describing the local inhabitants of the Polynesian islands...

  20. una sociedad emergente

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    Derlisiret Rincón M.


    Full Text Available Este trabajo busca reflexionar por una parte acerca del papel de la ciencia, la tecnología y la educación, como factores de desarrollo de las naciones e intenta responder la interrogante en torno al cómo estas variables contribuirán a la transformación de la realidad social venezolana. Los planteamientos expuestos en este artículo forman parte de una investigación cualitativa que se sustenta en una revisión teórica cuyos resultados indican que existe la posibilidad cierta de construir y alcanzar una Venezuela virtual en los próximos años; es decir, se vislumbra un país interconectado y funcionando a través de redes cuyos individuos estarían capacitados y entrenados en el uso y usufructo de las nuevas tecnologías. Esta visión de país, se basa en la premisa de que la oportuna implementación de la Planificación de Ciencia y Tecnología resultaría instrumento de vinculación de las variables tecnológicas, educativas y científicas, que permiten obtener conocimientos especializados y orientados a la solución de problemas de creciente dimensión global. Tales conocimientos, pudieran generar los cambios sustanciales necesarios en el contexto nacional, para lograr modificar o disminuir el sentido de crecimiento de la brecha o divisoria digital en este entorno

  1. Silent angels the genetic and clinical aspects of Rett syndrome

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    Dziwota Ewelina


    Full Text Available Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental genetic disorder and, because of some behavioral characteristics, individuals affected by the disease are known as silent angels. Girls with Rett syndrome perform stereotyped movements, they have learning difficulties, their reaction time is prolonged, and they seem alienated in the environment. These children require constant pediatric, neurological and orthopedic care. In the treatment of Rett syndrome physical therapy, music therapy, hydrotherapy, hippotherapy, behavioral methods, speech therapy and diet, are also used. In turn, psychological therapy of the syndrome is based on the sensory integration method, using two or more senses simultaneously. In 80% of cases, the syndrome is related to mutations of the MECP2 gene, located on chromosome X. The pathogenesis of Rett syndrome is caused by the occurrence of a non-functional MeCP2 protein, which is a transcription factor of many genes, i.e. Bdnf, mef2c, Sgk1, Uqcrc1. Abnormal expression of these genes reveals a characteristic disease phenotype. Clinical symptoms relate mainly to the nervous, respiratory, skeletal and gastrointestinal systems. Currently causal treatment is not possible. However, researchers are developing methods by which, perhaps in the near future, it will be possible to eliminate the mutations in the MECP2 gene, and this will give a chance to the patient for normal functioning.

  2. Historia de una histeria

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    Jorge Luis Gómez


    Full Text Available Una versión ecuatoriana de la novela "La guerra de los mundos" de H. G. Wells, en audición radiofónica de Radio Quito, en 1949, inauguró formalmente en el Ecuador la historia de las histerias colectivas. En este breve texto, el autor hace una reflexión sobre este fenómeno de masas.

  3. Las catástrofes naturales y el desarrollo urbano: el aluvión de 1713 y su repercusión en Las Palmas

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    Pedro C. Quintana Andrés


    Full Text Available Las Palmas fue una ciudad sacudida periódicamente por una serie de catástrofes naturales quc generaron gran incertidumbre, elevados gastos económicos e, incluso, muertes en el seno de una sustancial parte de su población. La mayoría de estos episodios estuvieron relacionados con las reiteradas avenidas del barranco Guiniguada, cuyo cauce dividía a la urbe en dos partes, siendo la registrada en 1713 una de las principales por la dimensión del desastre y la demostración de la proverbial incapacidad de las autoridades para afrontar el problema, el cual no tuvo una solución parcial hasta los inicios del siglo XIX.Las Palmas was a city periodically shaken by a series  of natural catastrophes that generated great uncertainty, high economical expenses and deads in the bossom of a great part of popuiation. Most of these episodes were related with the repeated flood of the Guiniguada ravine, which riverbanks divided the city in two parts and being that recorded in 1713 one of the most important due to the dimensions of the disaster and demonstration of the proverbial incompetence of the authorities to face the problem, which did not have a partial solution until the beginning of XIX century.

  4. Orígenes de los Programas de Mediación Escolar: distintos enfoques que influyen en esta práctica restaurativa

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    Rosa Pulido


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar los orígenes de la mediación escolar y de las disciplinas de las que se nutre. El tener una mejor compresión de los diferentes enfoques relacionados con la mediación, así como la terminología a ella asociada (justicia restaurativa, grupos cooperativos, alumnos ayudantes, etc., permitirá tener una visión más amplia de sus posibilidades. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo una revisión desde las primeras aportaciones de los grupos indígenas, que aplicaban este tipo de conciliación en el seno de la comunidad, hasta la incorporación de esta forma de resolver conflictos al contexto judicial, a través de la justicia restaurativa. Junto con esta disciplina, la más ampliamente estudiada, hay otras áreas que han influido en el desarrollo de los programas de mediación en el contexto escolar, como son los programas de aprendizaje cooperativo o los programas de apoyo entre iguales. Finalmente se plantearán una serie de conclusiones insistiendo en cuáles son las aportaciones de cada uno de estos enfoques, lo cual ayudará a una mejor aplicación de esta intervención.

  5. Una simulación multi-agente del mecanismo de generalización de una norma social

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    Francisco Linares


    Full Text Available El presente artículo trata de abordar dos cuestiones interrelacionadas: ¿qué es una norma social? y ¿cómo se generaliza? Se argumenta que una norma social no es ni mero comportamiento sancionador ni tampoco comportamiento que tan solo se ajusta a las expectativas de los demás; sino que ambos requisitos deben cumplirse para que esta exista. A través de un modelo de simulación multi-agente se muestra cómo una dinámica de refuerzo mutuo entre la ejecución de sanciones y la generalización de expectativas explica la generalización de una norma social, dada la existencia de una masa crítica de sancionadores incondicionales. Además se muestra que a mayor densidad social, menor el tamaño de la masa crítica requerida en la población.

  6. ¿Madre hay una sola?

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    Bravi, Claudio


    Full Text Available Un patrón de herencia uniparental libre de recombinación unido a una alta tasa de evolución molecular han hecho del ADNmt una herramienta de alta resolución en el estudio del origen y evolución de las poblaciones humanas. La existencia de una robusta filogenia global, basada en >2.000 genomas mitocondriales completos, y de más de 30.000 secuencias de la Región Hipervariable I (RHV-I publicadas a la fecha permiten evaluar los patrones de distribución étnico/geográfica y las afinidades extra-continentales de los linajes maternos presentes en América. El análisis de ∼4.000 RHV-I publicadas para Nativos Americanos permite describir: a una distribución recíprocamente excluyente para varios grupos monofiléticos de linajes maternos; b un origen "híbrido" para las poblaciones peri-árticas; c una notable pérdida de diversidad respecto de Asia: en todo el continente americano, desde Alaska a la Patagonia, coexisten hoy menor cantidad de haplogrupos y sub-haplogrupos mitocondriales que en cualquier población indígena siberiana.

  7. Las acciones forestales en el seno de la PAC. Consecuencias para Andalucía del programa de reforestación

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    Rocío Silva Pérez


    Full Text Available Como es sabido, la privatización del patrimonio público rustico ha sido una constante a lo largo de la historia (LÓPEZ ESTUDILLO, 1992: roturaciones arbitrarias, en gran parte legalizadas; usurpaciones silenciada s por parte de la Administración; ventas mediante subastas en el período desamortizador, etc., se han saldado en un espectacular avance de las tierras de cultivo y en un protagonismo desmedido de los montes gestionados por los propietarios particulares en la estructura forestal actual. Paralelamente, los sucesivos intentos de corregir esta dinámi­ca (Ordenanzas para la restitución de los bienes despojados decretadas por Alfon­ so XI en 1323 y por Pedro I en 1331; relación de bienes exceptuados de las des­amortizaciones del S. XIX; repetidos intentos de incrementar el patrimonio públi­co forestal y de involucrar a los propietarios particulares en la obra reforestadora, etc. no han dado los resultados previstos (LÓPEZ ESTUDILLO , 1992, 66 y GÓMEZ MENDOZA y MATA OLMO, 1992. Sin embargo, hoy parece que esta­ mos asistiendo a una dinámica diferente, y hasta cierto punto paradógica (GÓMEZ MENDOZA, 1992, 80 en la que el monte y los aprovechamientos forestales apa­recen, por una parte, como alternativas de sustitución para las tierras ocupad as por cultivos excedentarios y, por otra, como elementos a tener en cuenta en la necesaria diversificación económica del mundo rural. En resumidas cuentas, el contexto socio-político actual y, concretamente, las medidas emanadas de la política agraria europea- están propiciando la reforestación de tierras de cultivo antaño rotura­das y, como resultad o de ello, el incremento de los montes gestionados por los propietarios privados. Teniendo en cuenta estas consideraciones, este trabajo pretende iniciar una re­flexión sobre las con secuencias que pudiera tener este cambio de perspectiva his­tórica en la gestión de los montes andaluces. Para ello, se analiza la situación ac

  8. Una erótica del cuerpo narrado


    Vigneron, Denis


    Este artículo estudia cómo Francisco Umbral, en una forma de autorretrato, propone una reflexión ontológica sobre su propio cuerpo y analiza los mecanismos literarios de una escritura del mismo basada en la erótica, entendiendo el erotismo en un sentido más creador que sexual. Con una escritura pulsional, al servicio de las manifestaciones del deseo, Mortal y rosa no es sólo el relato autobiográfico de una tragedia personal sino un estudio epistemológico de las alteraciones del cuerpo desde l...

  9. Binocular neurons in parastriate cortex: interocular 'matching' of receptive field properties, eye dominance and strength of silent suppression.

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    Phillip A Romo

    Full Text Available Spike-responses of single binocular neurons were recorded from a distinct part of primary visual cortex, the parastriate cortex (cytoarchitectonic area 18 of anaesthetized and immobilized domestic cats. Functional identification of neurons was based on the ratios of phase-variant (F1 component to the mean firing rate (F0 of their spike-responses to optimized (orientation, direction, spatial and temporal frequencies and size sine-wave-luminance-modulated drifting grating patches presented separately via each eye. In over 95% of neurons, the interocular differences in the phase-sensitivities (differences in F1/F0 spike-response ratios were small (≤ 0.3 and in over 80% of neurons, the interocular differences in preferred orientations were ≤ 10°. The interocular correlations of the direction selectivity indices and optimal spatial frequencies, like those of the phase sensitivies and optimal orientations, were also strong (coefficients of correlation r ≥ 0.7005. By contrast, the interocular correlations of the optimal temporal frequencies, the diameters of summation areas of the excitatory responses and suppression indices were weak (coefficients of correlation r ≤ 0.4585. In cells with high eye dominance indices (HEDI cells, the mean magnitudes of suppressions evoked by stimulation of silent, extra-classical receptive fields via the non-dominant eyes, were significantly greater than those when the stimuli were presented via the dominant eyes. We argue that the well documented 'eye-origin specific' segregation of the lateral geniculate inputs underpinning distinct eye dominance columns in primary visual cortices of mammals with frontally positioned eyes (distinct eye dominance columns, combined with significant interocular differences in the strength of silent suppressive fields, putatively contribute to binocular stereoscopic vision.


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    Benjamín Soto Forero


    Full Text Available El artículo busca presentar como mediante toda una manera de actuar, de ver y de pensar, se va construyendo una propuesta pedagógica franciscana; inspirada en el Evangelio y en la manera como Francisco de Asís vivió el mismo, buscando siempre la importancia de la persona humana, la fraternidad universal, el respeto por lo diferente, viviendo la cotidianidad de una manera alegre y festiva, donde la propuesta pedagógica franciscana se va dando en el caminar con el otro desde la fraternidad y el servicio.

  11. Diseño de una red óptica pasiva bidireccional con particionamiento espectral de una fuente de banda ancha

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    Juan Sebastián Castellanos-Casas


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el diseño de una red óptica pasiva en la cual se aprovecha al máximo el ancho de una fuente de luz para generar diferentes portadoras que pueden ser aprovechadas por una cantidad de usuarios mucho mayor a los que comúnmente tienen redes PON en su hogar, es decir, realizar varias redes en base a una fuente de luz con portadoras de carga y descarga por medio de la misma red, en vez de tener una única fuente de luz para un usuario. Dentro del diseño se aprovecha el particionamiento espectral el cual divide la fuente con una separación de 0,11nm entre portadoras, considerando que el ancho de un LED es aproximadamente 100nm, para así obtener un número alto de portadoras en tercera ventana. Aprovechando dicho fenómeno, se reducen costos en la implementación de una PON.

  12. Una fórmula exacta para el valor de una opción europea sobre una obligación en modelo multifactorial Orntein-Ulhenbeck

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    Gómez del Valle, L.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se obtiene explícitamente el valor de una opción europea sobre una obligación que reparte cupones. Se supone que la estructura temporal de los tantos de interés viene determinada por el valor del tanto de interés instantáneo, el cual es una combinación lineal de n variables de estado. Estos factores son procesos estocásticos de tipo Ornstein-Uhlenbeck independientes y los precios del riesgo de mercado también son estocásticos. En primer lugar, aplicando un resultado de Friedman (1975 se resuelve de forma cerrada una ecuación general de valoración de activos derivados del tanto de interés. Posteriormente, se aplica al caso particular de la valoración de opciones sobre obligaciones que no reparten cupones y finalmente se obtiene el valor de las opciones sobre obligaciones que sí reparten cupones. Langetieg (1980 realizó un estudio con este modelo, pero con precios de riesgo de mercado constantes, utilizando otros procedimientos. Este trabajo supone una generalización de Jamshidian (1989, el cual obtuvo el valor de las opciones sobre obligaciones que reparten cupones para un modelo unifactorial.

  13. Influence of limb temperature on cutaneous silent periods. (United States)

    Kofler, Markus; Valls-Solé, Josep; Vasko, Peter; Boček, Václav; Štetkárová, Ivana


    The cutaneous silent period (CSP) is a spinal inhibitory reflex mediated by small-diameter afferents (A-delta fibers) and large-diameter efferents (alpha motoneurons). The effect of limb temperature on CSPs has so far not been assessed. In 27 healthy volunteers (11 males; age 22-58 years) we recorded median nerve motor and sensory action potentials, median nerve F-wave and CSPs induced by noxious digit II stimulation in thenar muscles in a baseline condition at room temperature, and after randomly submersing the forearm in 42 °C warm or 15 °C cold water for 20 min each. In cold limbs, distal and proximal motor and sensory latencies as well as F-wave latencies were prolonged. Motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities were reduced. Compound motor and sensory nerve action potential amplitudes did not differ significantly from baseline. CSP onset and end latencies were more delayed than distal and proximal median nerve motor and sensory latencies, whereas CSP duration was not affected. In warm limbs, opposite but smaller changes were seen in nerve conduction studies and CSPs. The observed CSP shift "en bloc" towards longer latencies without affecting CSP duration during limb cooling concurs with slower conduction velocity in both afferent and efferent fibers. Disparate conduction slowing in afferents and efferents, however, suggests that nociceptive EMG suppression is mediated by fibers of different size in the afferent than in the efferent arm, indirectly supporting the contribution of A-delta fibers as the main afferent input. Limb temperature should be taken into account when testing CSPs in the clinical setting, as different limb temperatures affect CSP latencies more than large-diameter fiber conduction function. Copyright © 2014 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Punctuation and Implicit Prosody in Silent Reading: An ERP Study Investigating English Garden-Path Sentences (United States)

    Drury, John E.; Baum, Shari R.; Valeriote, Hope; Steinhauer, Karsten


    This study presents the first two ERP reading studies of comma-induced effects of covert (implicit) prosody on syntactic parsing decisions in English. The first experiment used a balanced 2 × 2 design in which the presence/absence of commas determined plausibility (e.g., John, said Mary, was the nicest boy at the party vs. John said Mary was the nicest boy at the party). The second reading experiment replicated a previous auditory study investigating the role of overt prosodic boundaries in closure ambiguities (Pauker et al., 2011). In both experiments, commas reliably elicited CPS components and generally played a dominant role in determining parsing decisions in the face of input ambiguity. The combined set of findings provides further evidence supporting the claim that mechanisms subserving speech processing play an active role during silent reading. PMID:27695428

  15. Punctuation and implicit prosody in silent reading: An ERP study investigating English garden-path sentences

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    John E. Drury


    Full Text Available This study presents the first two ERP reading studies of comma-induced effects of covert (implicit prosody on syntactic parsing decisions in English. The first experiment used a balanced 2 x 2 design in which the presence/absence of commas determined plausibility (e.g., John, said Mary, was the nicest boy at the party versus John said Mary was the nicest boy at the party. The second reading experiment replicated a previous auditory study investigating the role of overt prosodic boundaries in closure ambiguities (Pauker et al., 2011. In both experiments, commas reliably elicited CPS components and generally played a dominant role in determining parsing decisions in the face of input ambiguity. The combined set of findings provides further evidence supporting the claim that mechanisms subserving speech processing play an active role during silent reading.

  16. Toward General Software Level Silent Data Corruption Detection for Parallel Applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berrocal, Eduardo; Bautista-Gomez, Leonardo; Di, Sheng; Lan, Zhiling; Cappello, Franck


    Silent data corruption (SDC) poses a great challenge for high-performance computing (HPC) applications as we move to extreme-scale systems. Mechanisms have been proposed that are able to detect SDC in HPC applications by using the peculiarities of the data (more specifically, its “smoothness” in time and space) to make predictions. However, these data-analytic solutions are still far from fully protecting applications to a level comparable with more expensive solutions such as full replication. In this work, we propose partial replication to overcome this limitation. More specifically, we have observed that not all processes of an MPI application experience the same level of data variability at exactly the same time. Thus, we can smartly choose and replicate only those processes for which the lightweight data-analytic detectors would perform poorly. In addition, we propose a new evaluation method based on the probability that a corruption will pass unnoticed by a particular detector (instead of just reporting overall single-bit precision and recall). In our experiments, we use four applications dealing with different explosions. Our results indicate that our new approach can protect the MPI applications analyzed with 7–70% less overhead (depending on the application) than that of full duplication with similar detection recall.


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    Cristián Guerra


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el estudio musicológico de la canción “Firmes y adelante” del grupo chileno de rock cristiano Perniles con Papas (PCP. Para ello se realiza una introducción donde se presenta sucintamente la relación entre religión, música, tribus urbanas y el Movimiento Despreciado y Desechado en Chile (MDYD, en cuyo seno se formó PCP. Sigue una breve descripción histórica de los primeros años del MDYD y de PCP, para enfocarse después en el fonograma de PCP donde aparece la canción “Firmes y adelante” y llevar a cabo el estudio musicológico de “Firmes y adelante” tomando como referencia la propuesta de análisis musemático de Philip Tagg. De este modo, se busca mostrar cómo a partir de una aproximación musicológica se puede profundizar y enriquecer el estudio de casos como este, como complemento de los estudios que otras disciplinas realizan sobre ellos.

  18. El método es una digresión. Una lectura benjaminiana de Goethe

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    María Filomena MOLDER


    Full Text Available El propio Benjamin nos dice que leer el trabajo de Simmel sobre el concepto de verdad en Goethe le ayudó a comprender que el concepto de origen propuesto en su libro sobre el Trauerspiel era una transposición del concepto goethiano de fenómeno original. Para discutir cómo los hechos económicos pueden convertirse en fenómenos originales, Benjamin se sirve de una analogía con el concepto de Goethe de la metamorfosis de las plantas. Por eso, aquí, intentaremos demostrar que comprender lo que es la filosofía en Benjamin implica una experiencia de umbral –en forma de salto, discontinuidad, interrupción, renuncia, disipación, obediencia y metamorfosis– cuya formulación suprema, concisa y enigmática es la siguiente: “El método es un desvio” [Methode is Umweg]. Algunos elementos del pensamiento morfológico de Goethe permitirán establecer una constelación de afinidades, algo bastante útil para la interpretación de este enigma.

  19. Complex behavior in a network with time-dependent connections and silent nodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marro, J; Torres, J J; Cortes, J M


    We studied, both analytically and numerically, excitable networks in which connections are time-dependent and some of the nodes remain silent at each time step, and we show that these two features may induce intriguing functional complexity. More specifically, we consider (a) a heterogeneous distribution of connection weights such that, depending on the current degree of order, some connections are reinforced/weakened with strength Φ on short timescales, and (b) that only a fraction ρ of nodes are simultaneously active. The resulting dynamics has attractors which, for a range of Φ values and ρ exceeding a threshold, become unstable, the instability depending critically on the value of ρ. We observe that (i) the activity describes a trajectory in which the close neighborhood of some of the attractors is constantly visited, (ii) the number of attractors visited increases with ρ, and (iii) the trajectory may change from regular to chaotic and vice versa as ρ is, even slightly modified. Furthermore, (iv) time series show a power-law spectra under conditions in which the attractors' space tends to be most efficiently explored. We argue on the possible qualitative relevance of this phenomenology to networks in several natural contexts

  20. Evaluation of the sympathetic nervous system in silent ischemia with 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guertner, C.; Schacherer, C.; Krause, B.J.; Zickmann, J.; Klepzig, H. Jr.; Hoer, G.


    Stress and rest myocardial perfusion scintigraphy using either Thallium-201 or 99m Tc-isonitrile was performed in SPECT technique in order to localize ischemia or scar associated perfusion defects. 15 min and 4 h p.i. static anterior 123 I-MIBG uptake was acquired. In order to localize norepinephrine depletion 4 h p.i. additional 123 I-MIBG SPECT acquistion was performed. Incidence of arrhythmias was investigated by Holter ECG. Patients with diabetes mellitus were excluded. SPECT images showed in all patients regional 123 I-MIBG depletion which corresponded with scintigraphically infarcted or ischemic regions. Well perfused myocardial regions matched with regular 123 I-MIBG utpake. There was no evidence of increased arrhythmias in long-term ECG. The finding of regular 123 I-MIBG uptake in well-perfused myocardium and infarction- or ischemia-associated regional 123 I-MIBG depletion confirms that silent ischemia is not caused by a global sympathetic nervous dysfunction in a sense of cardiac polyneuropathy. (orig.) [de

  1. alumnos de una sola cultura?

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    Siegfried Boehm


    Full Text Available Dado que en la actualidad hay mayores posibilidades para practicar una lengua extranjera en su contexto natural con nativohablantes, es imprescindible poseer una cierta competencia intercultural a fin de que este diálogo pueda llevarse a cabo exitosamente. Sin embargo, los libros de texto convencionales editados en el país de origen de la lengua estudiada difícilmente pueden cubrir este requisito, puesto que las particularidades culturales de una sociedad sólo se vuelven interculturales al compararlas con la cultura de los alumnos. En el artículo presente se proponen varios ejercicios enfocados al aprendizaje intercultural en donde no sólo se aprenden las normas, reglas y actitudes de la cultura meta, en este caso de Alemania, Austria y Suiza, sino que también se estimula la reflexión sobre las de la cultura propia. Esta sensibilización cultural es indispensable para lograr una comunicación equitativa entre personas de diferentes culturas.

  2. Una descomposición convexa

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    Mario Lomelí - Haro


    Full Text Available Dada una colección P de puntos en el plano, una descomposición convexa de P es un conjunto Γ de polígonos convexos convértices en P que satisfacen lo siguiente: La unión de todos los elementos de Γ es el cierre convexo de P, cada elemento de Γ es vacío (no contiene a ningún otro elemento de P en su interior y para cualesquiera 2 elementos diferentes en Γ sus interiores son disjuntos (se intersecarán en a lo más una arista. Únicamente se sabe que existen descomposiciones convexas con a lo más 7n/5 elementos para toda colección de n puntos. En este trabajo diremos cómo obtener una descomposición convexa específica de P con a lo más 3n/ 2 elementos.

  3. The diagnosis of silent myocardial ischemia. Motion-Frozen (or morphing) myocardial perfusion imaging. (United States)

    Chang, Cheng; Ye, Bo; Xie, Wenhui; Zhang, Daoliang; Lei, Bei; Ye, Xiaodan


    Silent myocardial ischemia is typically defined as objective evidence of myocardial ischemia in patients without subjective ischemia symptoms. Currently, coronary artery angiography is the gold standard for diagnosis of asymptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD). Computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) can visually demonstrate the morphology, trend and extent of coronary stenosis and is commonly used in clinical screening of CAD. Myocardial perfusion imaging can be used not only to identify whether anatomical stenosis causes myocardial dysfunction, but to also assess the risk stratification and prognosis of myocardial disease (MD). Myocardial perfusion imaging using morphing combined with CTCA can simultaneously show the relationship between CAD and myocardial ischemia from an anatomical and functional aspect. This allows earlier diagnosis of asymptomatic CAD myocardial ischemia, accurate identification of the culprit vessels, and could prevent unnecessary interventional therapy. The 1-day dobutamine stress/resting met-hod is also one of the methods used. The combination of CTCA and the morphing technique can provide anatomical and functional information on coronary arteries at the same time, significantly improving the diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of MD.

  4. Una visita a Buero Vallejo

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    Luis Navarro


    Full Text Available Si usted, que ha visto representadas o ha leído "Historia de una escalera", "En la ardiente oscuridad", "Meninas", quiere conocer a su autor, véngase conmigo. Ande, apurémonos: la cita es para la una y media y ya son las dos.

  5. Una visita en Sud America (United States)


    Oisfrute de una estadfa en el Hotel La Silla, el mejor hotel de Sud America con su tan unica atmosfera extraterrestre! Los espera su calificado personal de experimentados hoteleros, jefes de cocina, etc., ansiosos todos de satisfacer sus deseos hasta el mas mfnimo detalle. Naturalmente nuestro espacioso restaurant de tres estrellas ofrece un completo surtido de exquisitas comidas y deliciosos tragos (conocedores usualmente eligen "Oelicia Orion" 0 "Centauro Especial"). EI servicio cempleto durante 24 horas incluye nuestra ya mundialmente famosa "Cena de medianoche para los miradores de estrellas", por eso - no olvide: No pierda la oportunidad de una estadfa en EL HOTEL LA SILLA - una experiencia maravillosa!

  6. A Study of Black and White Men With a Family History of Prostate Cancer (United States)


    l4lbTyp)___ (QO l4lbAge)___ TIPO DE CANCER: 1 COLON 3 SENO 4 CERVIZ 5 PULMONES 6 OVARIOS 7 ENDOMIETPJO V OTRO W DK X RF Q014_lc Su hermana es... 1 su...diagnosticada? (QOl4 -2aAge) - (QOl4-2bAge)____ TIPO DE CANCER: 1 COLON 3 SENO 4 CERVJZ 5 PULMONES 6 OVARIOS 7 ENDOMIETRIO V OTRO W DK X RF QO142c Su...6_aTyp)___ (QO l6laAge)____ (QOl6_lbTyp)___ (QO l6lbAge)___ TWPO DE CANCER: 1 COLON 3 SENO 4 CERVIZ 5 PULMONES 6 OVARIOS 7 ENDOM[ETPJO V OTRO W DK X RF

  7. The silent mass extinction of insect herbivores in biodiversity hotspots. (United States)

    Fonseca, Carlos Roberto


    Habitat loss is silently leading numerous insects to extinction. Conservation efforts, however, have not been designed specifically to protect these organisms, despite their ecological and evolutionary significance. On the basis of species-host area equations, parameterized with data from the literature and interviews with botanical experts, I estimated the number of specialized plant-feeding insects (i.e., monophages) that live in 34 biodiversity hotspots and the number committed to extinction because of habitat loss. I estimated that 795,971-1,602,423 monophagous insect species live in biodiversity hotspots on 150,371 endemic plant species, which is 5.3-10.6 monophages per plant species. I calculated that 213,830-547,500 monophagous species are committed to extinction in biodiversity hotspots because of reduction of the geographic range size of their endemic hosts. I provided rankings of biodiversity hotspots on the basis of estimated richness of monophagous insects and on estimated number of extinctions of monophagous species. Extinction rates were predicted to be higher in biodiversity hotspots located along strong environmental gradients and on archipelagos, where high spatial turnover of monophagous species along the geographic distribution of their endemic plants is likely. The results strongly support the overall strategy of selecting priority conservation areas worldwide primarily on the basis of richness of endemic plants. To face the global decline of insect herbivores, one must expand the coverage of the network of protected areas and improve the richness of native plants on private lands.

  8. Mass media effect on vaccines uptake during silent polio outbreak. (United States)

    Sagy, Iftach; Novack, Victor; Gdalevich, Michael; Greenberg, Dan


    During 2013, isolation of a wild type 1 poliovirus from routine sewage sample in Israel, led to a national OPV campaign. During this period, there was a constant cover of the outbreak by the mass media. To investigate the association of media exposure and OPV and non-OPV vaccines uptake during the 2013 silent polio outbreak in Israel. We received data on daily immunization rates during the outbreak period from the Ministry of Health (MoH). We conducted a multivariable time trend analysis to assess the association between daily media exposure and vaccines uptake. Analysis was stratified by ethnicity and socio-economic status (SES). During the MoH supplemental immunization activity, 138,799 OPV vaccines were given. There was a significant association between media exposure and OPV uptake, most prominent in a lag of 3-5 days from the exposure among Jews (R.R 1.79C.I 95% 1.32-2.41) and high SES subgroups (R.R 1.71C.I 95% 1.27-2.30). These subgroups also showed increased non-OPV uptake in a lag of 3-5 days from the media exposure, in all vaccines except for MMR. Lower SES and non-Jewish subgroups did not demonstrate the same association. Our findings expand the understanding of public behaviour during outbreaks. The public response shows high variability within specific subgroups. These findings highlight the importance of tailored communication strategies for each subgroup. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Pitting type of pretibial edema in a patient with silent thyroiditis successfully treated by angiotensin ii receptor blockade. (United States)

    Kazama, Itsuro; Mori, Yoko; Baba, Asuka; Nakajima, Toshiyuki


    Female, 56 FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Thyroiditis - silent Symptoms: Palpitations • pretibial pitting edema • short of breath • sweating - Clinical Procedure: - Specialty: Endocrinology and Metabolic. Unknown etiology. Hyper- or hypothyroidism sometimes causes pretibial myxedema characterized by non-pitting infiltration of a proteinaceous ground substance. However, in those patients, the "pitting" type of pretibial edema as a result of increased sodium and fluid retention or vascular hyper-permeability rarely occurs, except in cases complicated by heart failures due to severe cardiomyopathy or pulmonary hypertension. A 56-year-old woman developed bilateral pretibial pitting edema, followed by occasional sweating, palpitations, and shortness of breath, which persisted for more than 2 months. The diagnosis of hyperthyroidism due to silent thyroiditis was supported by elevated levels of free thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), with a marked decrease in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and the negative results for TSH receptor antibodies with typical findings of destructive thyrotoxicosis. Despite her "pitting" type of pretibial edema, a chest radio-graph demonstrated the absence of cardiomyopathy or congestive heart failure. Oral administration of angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) was initiated for her systolic hypertension, with a relatively higher elevation of plasma renin activity compared to that of the aldosterone level. Although the symptoms characteristic to hyperthyroidism, such as increased sweating, palpitations and shortness of breath, slowly improved with a spontaneous resolution of the disease, ARB quickly resolved the pretibial pitting edema shortly after the administration.. In this case, increased activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system stimulated by thyroid hormone was likely responsible for the patient's pitting type of edema. The pharmacological blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system was thought to be effective for

  10. Sonolytic and Silent Polymerization of Methacrlyic Acid Butyl Ester Catalyzed by a New Onium Salt with bis-Active Sites in a Biphasic System — A Comparative Investigation

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    Perumberkandgai A. Vivekanand


    Full Text Available Currently, ingenious new analytical and process experimental techniques which are environmentally benign techniques, viz., ultrasound irradiation, have become immensely popular in promoting various reactions. In this work, a novel soluble multi-site phase transfer catalyst (PTC viz., 1,4-bis-(propylmethyleneammounium chloridebenzene (BPMACB was synthesized and its catalytic efficiency was assessed by observing the kinetics of sonolytic polymerization of methacrylic acid butyl ester (MABE using potassium persulphate (PPS as an initiator. The ultrasound–multi-site phase transfer catalysis (US-MPTC-assisted polymerization reaction was compared with the silent (non-ultrasonic polymerization reaction. The effects of the catalyst and various reaction parameters on the catalytic performance were in detail investigated by following the kinetics of polymerization of MABE in an ethyl acetate-water biphasic system. From the detailed kinetic investigation we propose a plausible mechanism. Further the kinetic results demonstrate clearly that ultrasound-assisted phase-transfer catalysis significantly increased the reaction rate when compared to silent reactions. Notably, this environmentally benign and cost-effective process has great potential to be applied in various polymer industries.

  11. de una relación fallida?

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    César Mureddu Torres


    Full Text Available Los autores presentan los resultados de una investigación de campo realizada en dos instituciones pertenecientes al Sistema de Educación Superior en México, una pública y otra privada. Destacan en ella los tópicos referentes a la actitud política de los estudiantes y relevan la semejanza de ambos grupos, cuya tendencia es, fundamentalmente, hacia la incertidumbre. La conclusión del análisis de los datos los lleva a declarar que no hay suficiente evidencia empírica por la cual pueda asignarse una correlación significativa entre el tipo de institución y la actitud predominante entre los alumnos. Concluyen que en casos como el mexicano, frente a una situación política cambiante, la repuesta de los alumnos depende más de circunstancias que afectan a toda la estructura social y no necesariamente a una parte de ellas, como la acción de la universidad, por muy importante que ésta sea.

  12. Comparative anatomy of the frontal sinuses in the primitive sabre-toothed felid Promegantereon ogygia (Felidae, Machairodontinae and similarly sized extant felines

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    Morales, J.


    Full Text Available In the present work, the frontal sinuses of the sabre-toothed felid Promegantereon ogygia are analysed, in comparison to those of the extant felines Acinonyx jubatus, Puma conocolor and Panthera pardus, of similar body weight. The study was carried out using 3D virtual models obtained from CT Scan images, a non-destructive technique that has revealed as a powerful tool for accessing to all kind of intracranial information. Our study shows that the frontal sinuses of P. ogygia were more similar to those of P. concolor, both in the presence of several struts reinforcing the dorsal part, and in the development of a remarkable caudal expansion. This caudal expansion would act as a thermal insulator of the brain, and would indicate a more open environment than previously supposed for this species, whereas the struts would be related to biomechanical stresses produced during the “canine shear-bite”, the killing method of the machairodontines.En el presente trabajo, se analizan los senos frontales del félido dientes de sable Promegantereon ogygia, en comparación con los de los felinos actuales Acinonyx jubatus, Puma conocolor y Panthera pardus, de similar peso corporal. El estudio se llevó a cabo utilizando modelos virtuales 3D obtenidos por tomografía axial computerizada, una técnica no destructiva que se ha revelado como una poderosa herramienta para acceder a todo tipo de información intracraneal. Nuestro estudio muestra que los senos frontales de P. ogygia eran más similares a los de P. concolor, tanto en la presencia de varios puntales óseos de refuerzo de la parte dorsal, y en el desarrollo de una notable expansión caudal. Esta expansión caudal actuaría como un aislante térmico del cerebro, y podría indicar un entorno más abierto de lo que se supone para esta especie, mientras que los puntales óseos se relacionarían con tensiones biomecánicas producidas durante el mordisco típico de los macairodontinos, el método de ataque


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    Claudia Vergara


    Full Text Available La criptosporidiosis es una enfermedad parasitariaproducida por protozoos coccidios pertenecientes algénero Cryptosporidium. Su importancia se puso demanifiesto a comienzos de los años 1980 por lo quepuede considerarse una patología de conocimientorelativamente reciente, aunque actualmente se hademostrado que es una de las infecciones entéricasmás frecuentes en humanos y animales y un problemade salud pública en todo el mundo (Casemore et al.1997. La especie de mayor interés dentro del género,y a la cual nos referiremos a lo largo de esta revisión,es C. parvum, que se multiplica preferentemente enlas células epiteliales del intestino delgado de losmamíferos desencadenando diarrea por absorción ydigestión deficientes y que debido a su escasaespecificidad de hospedador, puede transmitirseindistintamente entre los mamíferos domésticos y elhombre

  14. Silent films and strange stories: theory of mind, gender, and social experiences in middle childhood. (United States)

    Devine, Rory T; Hughes, Claire


    In this study of two hundred and thirty 8- to 13-year-olds, a new "Silent Films" task is introduced, designed to address the dearth of research on theory of mind in older children by providing a film-based analogue of F. G. E. Happé's (1994) Strange Stories task. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that all items from both tasks loaded onto a single theory-of-mind latent factor. With effects of verbal ability and family affluence controlled, theory-of-mind latent factor scores increased significantly with age, indicating that mentalizing skills continue to develop through middle childhood. Girls outperformed boys on the theory-of-mind latent factor, and the correlates of individual differences in theory of mind were gender specific: Low scores were related to loneliness in girls and to peer rejection in boys. © 2012 The Authors. Child Development © 2012 Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.

  15. Educando una nueva ética global

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    Juliana Ferrer


    Full Text Available Desde el trasfondo global, se han configurado espacios de poder diferenciados, que motivan a la educación de un mínimo de ética global, por la aspiración de una sociedad mas justa y humana. El presente artículo analiza las implícaciones en la formación ética global, bajo el enfoque de contribuir al reforzamiento de la interdependencia de valores éticos universales. Se realiza una contrastación teórica de las corrientes epistemológicas, desde la perspectiva postmodema. Se concluye sobre la necesidad de educar para una ética global, expandiendo sinergias entre dinamismo productivo, bien social e institucionalidad democrática, por la búsqueda de una convivencia social de futuro.





    Este texto tiene por objeto darle voz a un tipo de realidad alterna, a un tipo de sensibilidad sonora que he encontrado a través de la investigación antropológica de una ecología del lenguaje, la música y la acústica. La esperanza es que, al dar a las voces marginadas espacios desde donde hablar, gritar y cantar, la antropología podrá contrarrestar en alguna medida la arraigada arrogancia de la autoridad colonial e imperial, de la historia escrita en una sola lengua, a una sola voz, como una ...

  17. Plasmocitoma extramedular hipofaríngeo

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    Aiara Viana Cora


    Full Text Available Los plasmocitomas extramedulares en cabeza y cuello son unos tumores raros, caracterizados por la proliferación de las células plasmáticas. Os presentamos el caso de un varón de 77 años con un plasmocitoma en seno piriforme izquierdo, con restricción de cadenas Kappa y CD138+ por inmunofenotipo. Al diagnóstico presentaba clínica de disfagia y alteración de la voz. En el estudio de extensión se observó afectación de una adenopatía en área III ipsilateral. Dada la patología y los antecedentes del paciente se decide tratamiento radioterápico. Presentó respuesta completa al tratamiento.

  18. Low-Boom and Low-Drag Optimization of the Twin Engine Version of Silent Supersonic Business Jet (United States)

    Sato, Koma; Kumano, Takayasu; Yonezawa, Masahito; Yamashita, Hiroshi; Jeong, Shinkyu; Obayashi, Shigeru

    Multi-Objective Optimization has been applied to a design problem of the twin engine concept for Silent Supersonic Business Jet (SSBJ). This problem aims to find main wing, body, tail wing and engine nacelle configurations, which can minimize both sonic boom and drag in a supersonic cruising flight. The multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) coupled with the Kriging model has been used to globally and effectively search for optimal design candidates in the multi-objective problem. The drag and the sonic boom have been evaluated by the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation and the waveform parameter method. As a result, the present optimization has successfully obtained low-boom and low-drag design candidates, which are better than the baseline design by more than 40% regarding each performance. Moreover, the structure of design space has been visualized by the self-organizing map (SOM).

  19. Una matriz de contabilidad social para Asturias

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    Margarita Argüelles


    Full Text Available Una Matriz de Contabilidad Social es un sistema integrado de cuentas que presenta en un cuadro de doble entrada todas las transacciones que tienen lugar en una economía entre sectores productivos, factores de producción, sectores institucionales y resto del mundo. En comparación con una Tabla Input-Output, ofrece una mayor cantidad de información y presenta de forma plena el proceso circular de la renta, captando con mayor precisión los efectos de cambios exógenos. Una de las principales utilidades de una Matriz de Contabilidad Social es servir como base de datos para el desarrollo y aplicación de un modelo de equilibrio general computable. Este es, precisamente, el objetivo último que se persigue con la elaboración de la Matriz de Contabilidad Social de la economía asturiana que aquí se presenta. Esta Matriz ha sido construida con datos procedentes de las Cuentas Regionales de Asturias correspondientes al año 1995 y su estructura se ha adaptado a su futura utilización como base de datos para el modelo que se pretende aplicar en esta economía regional.

  20. Tercer molar ectópico a nivel de región infraorbitaria-seno maxilar Ectopic third molar of the maxillary sinus-infraorbital region

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    C. Moreno García


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los cordales ectópicos son aquellos incluidos en posiciones inusuales o desplazados a distancia de su normal localización anatómica. La erupción ectópica de un diente dentro de la cavidad oral es común pero en otros lugares es raro. La erupción ectópica puede ir asociada con alteraciones en el desarrollo, procesos patológicos o yatrogenia. Caso Clínico. Mujer de 56 años de edad con tercer molar superior derecho ectópico a nivel de región infraorbitaria-seno maxilar. Presentaba dolor e inflamación hemifacial derecha de larga evolución y resistente a tratamiento médico. Se realizó exéresis quirúrgica de dicho cordal mediante abordaje de Caldwell-Luc. Discusión. En muchos casos la etiología de un cordal ectópico no puede ser identificada. La mayor parte de las veces son asintomáticos y diagnosticados mediante estudios radiológicos. Conclusión. La indicación de la exodoncia en el caso de un diente ectópico en general viene determinada por la presencia de sintomatología o en prevención de futuras complicaciones.Introduction. Ectopic third molar teeth are those that are impacted in unusual positions, or that have been displaced and are at a distance from their normal anatomic location. Ectopic eruption of a tooth within the oral cavity is common, but rare in other sites. Ectopic eruption can be associated with developmental disturbances, pathologic processes or iatrogenic activity. Case Report. Female, fifty-six years old, with an upper right ectopic third molar located in the maxillary sinus-infraorbital region. She presented with pain and inflammation of the right side of her face that she had been experiencing for along time and which had been resistant to treatment. Surgical excision was carried out of the third molar tooth using the Caldwell-Luc approach. Discussion. In many cases the etiology of ectopic third molars cannot be identified. Generally they are asymptomatic and diagnosed by radiology

  1. Incidencia de la nueva política agraria común en las comarcas granadinas de Baza y Huéscar

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    Abelardo Vico Ruiz


    Full Text Available El artículo pretende analizar la incidencia de la nueva Política Agraria Común sobre dos comarcas andaluzas cuya base es fundamentalmente agraria. En una primera parte se tratan de exponer los cuatro problemas fundamentales que atosigan hoy a la agricultura comunitaria: Degradación del medio ambiente, excedentes y carga presupuestaria, despoblamiento rural y malestar en el seno del GATT. Ha sido precisamente el anhelo de solucionar estos problemas el que ha dado origen a la reforma de la PAC. La reforma en sí cuenta con dos clases de medidas: Medidas estructurales y Medidas vía precios. Así, en los dos capítulos siguientes se analiza el posible impacto de estas medidas en el soporte agrario de las comarcas en cuestión. En resumen, a la postre se prevé un empobrecimiento de la renta agraria causado por el descenso de la protección vía precios, y una cierta recuperación de los ingresos si las medidas estructurales son adecuadamente implantadas. A pesar de todo, el estudio vaticina una zona demasiada subvencionada para el futuro, lo cual acarreará no pocos problemas sociales. La única solución probable pasaría por una búsqueda inmediata de alternativas a la actual situación y una reducción simultánea de las subvenciones si es que estas alterna­tivas se encuentran.

  2. Synthetic mimetics of the endogenous gastrointestinal nanomineral: Silent constructs that trap macromolecules for intracellular delivery. (United States)

    Pele, Laetitia C; Haas, Carolin T; Hewitt, Rachel E; Robertson, Jack; Skepper, Jeremy; Brown, Andy; Hernandez-Garrido, Juan Carlos; Midgley, Paul A; Faria, Nuno; Chappell, Helen; Powell, Jonathan J


    Amorphous magnesium-substituted calcium phosphate (AMCP) nanoparticles (75-150nm) form constitutively in large numbers in the mammalian gut. Collective evidence indicates that they trap and deliver luminal macromolecules to mucosal antigen presenting cells (APCs) and facilitate gut immune homeostasis. Here, we report on a synthetic mimetic of the endogenous AMCP and show that it has marked capacity to trap macromolecules during formation. Macromolecular capture into AMCP involved incorporation as shown by STEM tomography of the synthetic AMCP particle with 5nm ultra-fine iron (III) oxohydroxide. In vitro, organic cargo-loaded synthetic AMCP was taken up by APCs and tracked to lysosomal compartments. The AMCP itself did not regulate any gene, or modify any gene regulation by its cargo, based upon whole genome transcriptomic analyses. We conclude that synthetic AMCP can efficiently trap macromolecules and deliver them to APCs in a silent fashion, and may thus represent a new platform for antigen delivery. Copyright © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Una caza del tesoro para aprender la pronunciación del español

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    Xose Padilla García


    Full Text Available El grupo Pronuncia bien surgió en el seno del Máster de Enseñanza de español einglés como L2/LE de la Universidad de Alicante bajo la dirección del profesor Xose A.Padilla. El objetivo de nuestro grupo es elaborar instrumentos de aprendizaje quepermitan mejorar la pronunciación de estudiantes de E/LE de manera eficaz y divertida.A día de hoy, el grupo ha creado materiales didácticos dirigidos especialmente aestudiantes cuya lengua de origen sea el inglés o el italiano. La creación de lasherramientas didácticas y de evaluación propiamente dichas se basa en los principios delMétodo Verbo-Tonal (MVT, en las propuestas del enfoque comunicativo, y en el usode las nuevas tecnologías (TICs. Tenemos en cuenta, asimismo, las directrices delMarco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER y los consejos del PlanCurricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC sobre la enseñanza del español.

  4. Una metropolitana chiamata "tram"

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    Mariella Zoppi


    Full Text Available Perché il caso-Firenze della tramvia ha avuto un rilievo così forte sui media nazionali? Perché la tramvia (se vogliamo continuare a chiamare così una metropolitana di superficie è parte di un sovvertimento dei valori storici, estetici ed economici della città di cui il sistema di trasporto è solo un frammento. La grande operazione di trasformazione, come viene chiamata dall’Amministrazione comunale, passa per il cambiamento di destinazione e la nuova edificazione di molte aree urbane: dall’area Fiat e da quella dell’ex-officine ferroviarie di Porta a Prato (ormai in fase conclusiva, dall’avvio dell’edificazione privata a Castello (vicenda nota negli anni Ottanta come “Fondiaria” a quelle di aree di minori dimensioni che interessano ex-cinema o teatri (è di questi giorni il destino dell’attuale Teatro comunale che si mutano in abitazioni pregiate o di fabbriche dismesse che si trasformano, con il loro carico volumetrico pressoché intatto (a pareggiare i conti ci pensa la “perequazione”, in parcheggi in struttura (semi-vuoti perché mal collocati, residenze, uffici, alberghi e quant’altro possa essere “utile” ad una città invecchiata che ha perso, centomila abitanti fra il 1971 ed il 2001, passando da una popolazione di 457.803 a una di 356.118. Come nel resto del Paese, anche a Firenze, non esiste più un dibattito pubblico che riporti gli umori della città all’interno delle vicende politiche e amministrative, e dunque tutto avviene fra l’indifferenza delle cronache locali che sembrano più interessate alle dichiarazioni di questo o quel personaggio che alla effettiva trasmissione delle informazioni. Le notizie circolano sulla rete, veicolate dai comitati (ormai c’è un comitato di cittadini per ogni strada o problema, che vive separatamente dagli amministratori e diventano patrimonio di quanti abbiano una sia pur minima alfabetizzazione informatica.

  5. El procedimiento de impugnación de disposiciones y resoluciones autonómicas sin rango de ley previsto en el artículo 161.2 CE y en el Título V de la LOTC

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    Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch


    Full Text Available El objeto del presente trabajo es estudiar el procedimiento de impugnación de disposiciones y resoluciones autonómicas, regulado en el Título V de la LOTC, en desarrollo del art. 161.2 CE. En dicho proceso, el Gobierno goza de la legitimación activa para impugnar cualquier actividad infralegal, normativa o no, de una Comunidad Autónoma, por motivo de una inconstitucionalidad no competencial. Se trata de una impugnación residual de otros procedimientos, como el recurso de inconstitucionalidad o los conflictos positivos de competencia, todos en manos del Gobierno para activarlos. Este ostenta, así, importantes instrumentos para frenar la actividad de las Comunidades Autónomas en su integridad, en una asimetría procesal que dota a los órganos centrales de unos poderes «preventivos» no imprescindibles. De esta manera, se manifiesta una concepción de la organización territorial del Estado español, no deferente con las Comunidades Autónomas. El desarrollo extensivo que se ha realizado del art. 161.2 CE, asignándose al Gobierno central un papel prepotente y asimétrico respecto de los órgano autonómicos, se estudia desde la perspectiva técnico-jurídica del procedimiento jurisdiccional concretado en el Título V de la LOTC y desde el trasfondo político del mismo, que tiene su máxima expresión en el auto que inadmite la impugnación contra el «Plan Ibarretxe » (Auto 135/2004, de 20 de abril. Se estudian todos los casos—realmente variados—en los que se ha realizado una impugnación al amparo del Título V de la LOTC, en los que, sin embargo, destaca la capacidad para suspender la disposición o resolución autonómica por el sólo hecho de iniciarse el procedimiento. Este efecto suspensivo inmediato le aleja de la figura de la medida cautelar. Por otro lado, la impugnación de disposiciones sin rango de ley y de resoluciones, disposiciones o actos autonómicos tiene su campo de acción en el seno de la jurisdicci

  6. Un nuevo orden mundial, una ética universal, una nueva educación

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este artículo ofrece unas reflexiones sobre la urgencia de establecer un nuevo orden mundial que exige: «una ética universal», «una nueva educación», «un mundo en paz». Se subraya que es necesaria una educación que esté al servicio: del desarrollo económico de los pueblos, particularmente de los pueblos del Sur; de la justicia cultural global y del diálogo de civilizaciones; de la democratización de todas las sociedades. Una educación que tenga como base un humanismo de carácter universal. Se concluye apuntando que la tarea social más urgente consiste en activar una nueva conciencia y unos nuevos actores sociales que fortalezcan los vínculos humanos en el nuevo escenario de la mundialización.ABSTRACT: This article offers some reflections on the urgency of establishing a new world order that calls for: «a universal ethic», «a new education», «a peaceful world». It emphasises the importance of education that serves: economic development of communities, particularly those in the South; global cultural justice and dialogue between civilisations; démocratisation of all societies. Education based on universal humanity. The conclusion demonstrates that the most urgent social task is to activate a new social conscience, and new social actors to strengthen human bonds in the current scenario of globalisation.RÉSUMÉ: Cet article offre une réflexion sur l'urgence d'établir un nouvel ordre mondial exigeant: une éthique universelle, une nouvelle éducation, un monde en paix. L'article met en évidence la nécessité d'une éducation au service du développement économique des peuples, en particulier des peuples du Sud; de la justice culturelle globale et du dialogue entre civilisations; de la démocratisation de toutes les sociétés. Une nouvelle éducation ayant comme base un humanisme universel. La conclusion démontre que la tâche sociale la plus urgente est celle d'activer une nouvelle conscience et des nouveaux

  7. Análisis de la operación del sistema nacional interconectado del ecuador utilizando programación en DIgSILENT-DPL


    Canchiña Santana, José Miguel; Hinojosa, Víctor Hugo


    La planificación, diseño y el análisis de la operación de sistemas de potencia requieren estudios a fin de evaluar el desempeño del sistema existente, confiabilidad, seguridad y economía. Los estudios identifican y alertan potenciales deficiencias en el sistema factibles de corregir o prevenir. En el presente trabajo se presenta el estudio de las funcionalidades disponibles en el programa DIgSILENT Power Factory, y la implementación y automatización del proceso “Analizar la Operación en Condi...

  8. La tiroiditis bifásica: un patrón fisiopatológico en las tiroiditis


    Marsiglia, Italo


    La disfunción tiroidea es una observación común en el curso evolutivo de las tiroiditis. En las fases avanzadas de la tiroiditis crónica autoinmune es muy frecuente el hallazgo de hipotiroidismo clínico o subclínico, como consecuencia del reemplazo glandular por la fibrosis y atrofia resultantes. El hipotiroidismo permanente también es una secuela común en la tiroiditis silente y poco frecuente en la tiroiditis subaguda. Por otra parte, se conoce como “tiroiditis destructiva”, al proceso infl...

  9. Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in the detection of silent ischemia in asymptomatic diabetic patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oki, Glaucia Celeste Rossatto [Clinica Diagnoson and Hospital Aristides Maltez, Salvador, BA (Brazil). Servicos de Medicina Nuclear; Pavin, Elizabeth Joao; Parisi, Maria Candida R. [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, SP (Brazil). Department of Internal Medicine. Service of Endocrinology; Coelho, Otavio Rizzi; Almeida, Raitany C. [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, SP (Brazil). Department of Internal Medicine. Service of Cardiology; Etchebehere, Elba Cristina Sa de Camargo; Ramos, Celso Dario, E-mail: [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, SP (Brazil). Department of Radiology. Service of Nuclear Medicine; Camargo, Edwaldo Eduardo [Hospital Sirio-Libanes, Campinas, SP (Brazil). Service of Nuclear Medicine


    Objective: This study was aimed to evaluate myocardial perfusion in asymptomatic patients with type 1 (DM1) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) without previous diagnoses of coronary artery disease (CAD) or cerebral infarction. Materials and Methods: Fifty-nine consecutive asymptomatic patients (16 DM1, 43 DM2) underwent myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with {sup 99m}Tc-sestamibi (MPS). They were evaluated for body mass index, metabolic control of DM, type of therapy, systemic arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, nephropathy, retinopathy, peripheral neuropathy, smoking, and familial history of CAD. Results: MPS was abnormal in 15 patients (25.4%): 12 (20.3%) with perfusion abnormalities, and 3 with isolated left ventricular dysfunction. The strongest predictors for abnormal myocardial perfusion were: age 60 years and above (p = 0.017; odds ratio [OR] = 6.0), peripheral neuropathy (p = 0.028; OR = 6.1), nephropathy (p = 0.031; OR = 5.6), and stress ECG positive for ischemia (p = 0.049; OR = 4.08). Conclusion: Silent myocardial ischemia occurs in more than one in five asymptomatic diabetic patients. The strongest predictors of ischemia in this study were: patient age, peripheral neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy and a stress ECG positive for ischemia. (author)

  10. Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in the detection of silent ischemia in asymptomatic diabetic patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oki, Glaucia Celeste Rossatto; Pavin, Elizabeth Joao; Parisi, Maria Candida R.; Coelho, Otavio Rizzi; Almeida, Raitany C.; Etchebehere, Elba Cristina Sa de Camargo; Ramos, Celso Dario; Camargo, Edwaldo Eduardo


    Objective: This study was aimed to evaluate myocardial perfusion in asymptomatic patients with type 1 (DM1) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) without previous diagnoses of coronary artery disease (CAD) or cerebral infarction. Materials and Methods: Fifty-nine consecutive asymptomatic patients (16 DM1, 43 DM2) underwent myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with 99m Tc-sestamibi (MPS). They were evaluated for body mass index, metabolic control of DM, type of therapy, systemic arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, nephropathy, retinopathy, peripheral neuropathy, smoking, and familial history of CAD. Results: MPS was abnormal in 15 patients (25.4%): 12 (20.3%) with perfusion abnormalities, and 3 with isolated left ventricular dysfunction. The strongest predictors for abnormal myocardial perfusion were: age 60 years and above (p = 0.017; odds ratio [OR] = 6.0), peripheral neuropathy (p = 0.028; OR = 6.1), nephropathy (p = 0.031; OR = 5.6), and stress ECG positive for ischemia (p = 0.049; OR = 4.08). Conclusion: Silent myocardial ischemia occurs in more than one in five asymptomatic diabetic patients. The strongest predictors of ischemia in this study were: patient age, peripheral neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy and a stress ECG positive for ischemia. (author)

  11. 201Tl myocardial SPECT and β-endorphin levels in patients with suspected silent ischemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lind, P.; Binter, G.; Koeltringer, P.; Eber, O.; Eber, B.; Klein, W.; Brandt, D.


    Today silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) is a well-recognized phenomenon. Treadmill exercise according to the Bruce protocol, 201 Tl myocardial SPECT and coronary angiography were performed in a total of 106 patients with suspected SMI. In group I (high probability of ischemia; n=46), reversible defects detected by SPECT correlated well with significant stenoses and irreversible defects with subtotal stenoses or complete occlusions. SPECT sensitivity in the detection of ischemia was 91%, its specificity 96%. In group II (low probability of ischemia; n=60), SPECT sensitivity was as high as in group I (94%) but due to a high number of false-positive results (e.g. cardiomyopathy) specificity was only 75%. However, SPECT was superior to exercise ECG (sensitivity 70%; specificity 56%) in the detection of SMI. In addition, β-endorphin levels were determined in 180 healthy subjects, 37 patients with symptomatic CAD and in 34 patients with SMI before and during maximum exercise. Exercise values in patients with SMI were significantly higher than in healthy subjects or in patients with symptomatic CAD. (orig./MG) [de

  12. Occurrence of silent cerebral infarction in pre-senile, senile subjects with depressive states; MRI findings and its distribution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujikawa, Tokumi; Yamawaki, Shigeto (Hiroshima Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine); Touhouda, Yoshikuni


    We examined the relationship between pre-senile, senile depressive states and silent cerebral infarction (SCI) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The diagnostic criteria of major depression according to DSM-3-R was used to diagnose. Patients in whom stroke had occurred or who had local neurologic symptoms were not included. About half of the patients with depressive states of pre-senile onset and most of the patients with those of senile onset had SCI, were considered to be organic-depressive states complicated with SCI. Because patients with depressive states with SCI are at high risk of occurrence of stroke, we designated this condition 'pre-stroke depression', and classified it with endogenous depression. At this time, it is important to begin therapy for cerebrovascular disease. (author).

  13. Hacia una definición de la medida


    Parot, Jean Jacques


    Hacia una definición de la medida A. Primera situación Un granjero va al mercado para vender a) Una gallina (20 pesos) b) Un bulto de naranjas (45 pesos) c) Un pate (38 pesos) d) Una docena de huevos (12 pesos)

  14. Immunological profile of silent brain infarction and lacunar stroke.

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    Paola Sarchielli

    Full Text Available Neuroinflammation is believed to be involved in the pathophysiological mechanisms of silent brain infarcts (SBI. However, the immunological profile of SBI has been scarcely investigated. In the context of a national research project named SILENCE, aimed at investigating clinical, biochemical and pathogenic features of SBI, we have measured the plasma profile of some inflammatory-related molecules in SBI patients (n = 21, patients with recent lacunar infarcts (LI, n = 28 and healthy controls (n = 31, consecutively enrolled in four Italian centres. A panel of chemokines (MIG, CTACK, IL16, SDF1a, MCP1, growth factors (SCF, SCGFb, HGF, IL3, immunoglobulin-type adhesion molecules (ICAM1, VCAM1, proinflammatory cytokines (IL18, INFa2, MIF, IL12p40, cell surface receptors on T-cells (IL2Ra, and inductors of apoptosis (TRAIL was assessed in plasma samples by Luminex xMAP™ technology. Immunological parameters were compared using non-parametric statistics and performance to distinguish SBI and LI was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC analysis. Plasma levels of ICAM1 were significantly higher in both SBI and LI patients as compared to controls (SBI≥LI>Ctrl. A different trend was observed for IL16 (SBICtrl, SCF (LICtrl and SCGFb (SBI>LICtrl and IL18 when compared to LI patients (Ctrl≤SBI>LI. All the other immunological markers did not significantly differ among groups. According to ROC analysis, the best predictor for SBI condition was the chemokine MIG (AUC = 0.84, sensitivity 86%, specificity 77%, while SCF had the best performance in distinguishing LI patients (AUC = 0.84, sensitivity 86%, specificity 68%. These results confirm the involvement of inflammatory processes in cerebrovascular disorders, particularly in SBI, a very common age-related condition. The differences in plasma profile of inflammatory molecules may underlie different pathological mechanisms in SBI and LI patients.

  15. Las acciones forestales en el seno de la PAC. Consecuencias para Andalucía del programa de reforestación


    Rocío Silva Pérez


    Como es sabido, la privatización del patrimonio público rustico ha sido una constante a lo largo de la historia (LÓPEZ ESTUDILLO, 1992): roturaciones arbitrarias, en gran parte legalizadas; usurpaciones silenciada s por parte de la Administración; ventas mediante subastas en el período desamortizador, etc., se han saldado en un espectacular avance de las tierras de cultivo y en un protagonismo desmedido de los montes gestionados por los propietarios particulares en la estructura forestal actu...

  16. Desahuciando inmigrantes: una etnografía en una comunidad dañada

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    Ignasi Bernat Molina


    Full Text Available El derrumbe financiero y económico que se inició en 2007 en Estados Unidos después de la conocida como crisis de las hipotecas subprime se tornó global un año después. En España, uno de los países más afectados por la larga crisis, la prosperidad anterior enseguida pareció ser un espejismo. Pero la crisis no ha afectado a todo el mundo en la misma medida. De hecho, hay gente que se ha enriquecido durante el período 2008-2012, en cambio, la crisis está teniendo un impacto mayor sobre los que ya se encontraba en una situación más precaria. En este artículo discutiré una de las múltiples caras de la crisis española que está afectando a los más desaventajados: los desahucios y su resistencia por parte de la población migrante. Para hacer esto, primero examinaré un municipio que ha sido paradigmático de enclave migrante en España: Salt. Salt es un municipio conocido en Girona, Catalunya, por haber sido descrito en los medios de comunicación como un gueto como resultado de los problemas que surgen con el exceso de inmigración (el 42% de su población es de origen extranjero. Salt se hizo famoso cuando en marzo de 2010 un grupo de vecinos entró en el ayuntamiento exigiendo más seguridad y denunciando la pasividad de la policía ante una ola de robos en el pueblo. Desde entonces, distinto conflictos aparecen en los medios de comunicación. De todos modos, una etnografía desde una perspectiva criminológica muestra que el problema que aparece en los medios de comunicación (el delito callejero es solo uno entre los varios que afectan a la población. Peor aún, toda la atención puesta sobre el municipio por medios, políticos y policías no ha servido para la detección de un problema que está generando mucho más daño social: los desahucios. La crisis ha servido para observar el modus operandi de bancos y agencias inmobiliarias, los principales victimarios en el conflicto de los desahucios. Vendían pisos, nunca los


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    Franz Hinkelammert


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es servir de plataforma teórica para las distintas temáticas que se abordarán con mayor profundidad en una obra conjunta en preparación. No es por tanto una simple introducción a la problemática, sino una toma de posición inicial sobre el ámbito y los contenidos de una “Economía de la Vida”.No siendo ésta una propuesta o un modelo para una nueva sociedad, ni un recetario de política económica, sino una interpelación crítica de las instituciones e ideologías económicas a partir del criterio central de la reproducción y desarrollo de la vida humana; creemos conveniente establecer claramente el punto de partida y los principales fundamentos de la investigación. Esto es lo que intentamos ofrecer al lector en el presente artículo, con la esperanza de que el mismo incite a la discusión, pues toda crítica es bienvenida.

  18. Implementació d'una Cache per a un processador MIPS d'una FPGA


    Riera Villanueva, Marc


    [CATALÀ] Primer s'explicarà breument l'arquitectura d'un MIPS, la jerarquia de memòria i el funcionament de la cache. Posteriorment s'explicarà com s'ha dissenyat i implementat una jerarquia de memòria per a un MIPS implementat en VHDL en una FPGA. [ANGLÈS] First, the MIPS architecture, memory hierarchy and the functioning of the cache will be explained briefly. Then, the design and implementation of a memory hierarchy for a MIPS processor implemented in VHDL on an FPGA will be explained....

  19. Educación familiar para una afectividad, desde una antropología personalista


    Pedreros Silva, Claudia A.


    Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer una propuesta de formación afectiva sexual para niños y adolescentes llamada “Aprendiendo a Querer”, un programa que abarca todo el arco de desarrollo del estudiante en el trascurso de la formación en los ciclos básica y media en Chile. Es una propuesta que encuentra cabida en la legislación vigente en el Estado de Chile bajo la ley general de educación 20.370 y la ley de salud 20.418 que establece la obligatoriedad de implementar...

  20. Plan de viabilidad de una casa rural


    Nieto González, Óscar


    Este proyecto consiste en la puesta en marcha de una casa rural en la localidad de Argés, próxima a la ciudad de Toledo, se llamará “La Casona de Argés”, la casa tendrá 4 habitaciones dobles y una suite, todas ellas con cuarto de baño y además de las estancias habituales como cocina y salón dispondrá de un semisótano destinado a zona de juegos, una piscina, y una amplia parcela acondicionada para juegos y disfrute de los huéspedes. El negocio va estar enfocado a un público que viaje con niños...

  1. The Impact of Silent and Freeze-Frame Viewing Techniques of Video Materials on the Intermediate EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension

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    Sara Shahani


    Full Text Available The use of modern technologies has been widely prevalent among language learners, and video, in particular, as a valuable learning tool provides learners with comprehensible input. The present study investigated the effect of silent and freeze-frame viewing techniques of video materials on the intermediate English as a foreign language (EFL learners’ listening comprehension. To this end, 45 intermediate EFL learners participated in this quasi-experimental study. The results of one-way ANOVA revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental groups (using two types of viewing techniques and the control group. While the difference between the two experimental groups was not statistically significant, the experimental groups outperformed the control group significantly.

  2. Hacia una vejez útil

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    Hernández Amparo


    Full Text Available

    Con lleva un interés bien particular encontrarnos con una población tan heterogénea en cuanto a caracterización se refiere, ya porque miremos en ella sus hábitos, sus costumbres, procedencia, nivel socio-cultural, etc., dicha comunidad de ancianos plantea, de inmediato la necesidad de ponerse en un contacto generacional que rompiera y dejara atrás la rutina y la monotonía, propia de su cotidianidad, es entonces cuando tres profesionales altamente motivadas en el trabajo comunitario, inician un proceso vivo y dinámico con el anciano institucionalizado a fin de que ellos recobraran el protagonismo, elevaran su autoestima, tomaran parte en la toma de decisiones frente a su vida, y volvieran a sentirse en capacidad de dar respuesta a sus conflictos, buscando alternativas de solución en una tarea mancomunada que exigió madurez, diálogo y comunicación permanente entre cada una de las partes involucradas en dicho proceso.

  3. The first family with Tay-Sachs disease in Cyprus: Genetic analysis reveals a nonsense (c.78G>A) and a silent (c.1305C>T) mutation and allows preimplantation genetic diagnosis. (United States)

    Georgiou, Theodoros; Christopoulos, George; Anastasiadou, Violetta; Hadjiloizou, Stavros; Cregeen, David; Jackson, Marie; Mavrikiou, Gavriella; Kleanthous, Marina; Drousiotou, Anthi


    Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is a recessively inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutations in the HEXA gene resulting in β-hexosaminidase A (HEX A) deficiency and neuronal accumulation of GM2 ganglioside. We describe the first patient with Tay-Sachs disease in the Cypriot population, a juvenile case which presented with developmental regression at the age of five. The diagnosis was confirmed by measurement of HEXA activity in plasma, peripheral leucocytes and fibroblasts. Sequencing the HEXA gene resulted in the identification of two previously described mutations: the nonsense mutation c.78G>A (p.Trp26X) and the silent mutation c.1305C>T (p.=). The silent mutation was reported once before in a juvenile TSD patient of West Indian origin with an unusually mild phenotype. The presence of this mutation in another juvenile TSD patient provides further evidence that it is a disease-causing mutation. Successful preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and prenatal follow-up were provided to the couple.

  4. Hacia un estado de la cuestión de las investigaciones sobre desinformación / misinformación

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    Luis Romero Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El concepto de desinformación tiene casi tantos significados como la cantidad de autores que lo han tratado. Desde la perspectiva semiótica y psicológica, la desinformación pareciera ser el resultado de la falta de adecuación de lo que se comunica con la realidad actual de un objeto. El enfoque de las Ciencias Políticas y de las Relaciones Públicas toma la desinformación como una aplicación de técnicas de manipulación de las masas y la opinión pública, mientras que la visión de las Ciencias de la Comunicación y de la Información la considera una característica natural de los medios de comunicación y de un ecosistema comunicativo claramente sobresaturado. En este trabajo se exponen las distintas afirmaciones que, desde el seno de todas las ciencias referidas, se le ha dado al asunto de la desinformación.

  5. Identificando a los nuevos influyentes en tiempos de Internet: medios sociales y análisis de redes sociales

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    Full Text Available Los social media influyentes (SMIs pueden ser definidos como un nuevo tipo de actores sociales independientes, con capacidad de influir en las actitudes de audiencias desde los medios sociales de Internet en competencia y cohabitación con los medios de comunicación profesionales. Poder identificar a los SMIs es crítico independientemente de los contenidos que circulen en el seno un sistema social en red. El Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS es una potente herramienta para la representación de los modelos de difusión de la información. Los SMIs pueden ser identificados por su posición destacada en una red como los nodos con mayor centralidad. Los resultados permiten identificar la existencia de tres diferentes tipologías de SMIs: diseminadores, relacionales y líderes. La metodología presentada permite la optimización de los recursos en la creación de estrategias de comunicación más eficaces.

  6. Dinámicas relaciones de una familia conformada por una pareja homosexual masculina en Santiago de Cali


    Niño Valencia, Marlon Antonio


    Objetivo. Este estudio caracterizo las dinámicas relacionales de una familia homosexual de la ciudad de Cali, a través de la cohesión, la adaptabilidad, la comunicación y permeabilidad. Metodología. Investigación cualitativa basada en un estudio de caso a partir de una entrevista semiestructurada. El análisis de la información se realizó a través del programa Atlas Ti V6.0., utilizando la técnica de análisis temático. Resultados. Familia homosexual con una percepción de apoyo s...

  7. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Linker Histone Hho1p Functionally Interacts with Core Histone H4 and Negatively Regulates the Establishment of Transcriptionally Silent Chromatin*


    Yu, Qun; Kuzmiak, Holly; Zou, Yanfei; Olsen, Lars; Defossez, Pierre-Antoine; Bi, Xin


    Saccharomyces cerevisiae linker histone Hho1p is not essential for cell viability, and very little is known about its function in vivo. We show that deletion of HHO1 (hho1Δ) suppresses the defect in transcriptional silencing caused by a mutation in the globular domain of histone H4. hho1Δ also suppresses the reduction in HML silencing by the deletion of SIR1 that is involved in the establishment of silent chromatin at HML. We further show that hho1Δ suppresses chan...

  8. Implantación de un Sistema de mantenimiento en una línea de producción de una embotelladora


    Biosca Ruiz de Ojeda, Elena


    El presente documento es una memoria del proyecto de implantación de un sistema de mantenimiento llevado a cabo en la planta de una fábrica embotelladora líder a nivel mundial. El objetivo del proyecto consiste en la implantación de un sistema de mantenimiento, basado en una metodología Lean y en especial en el TPM (Mantenimiento Productivo Total), en una línea de producción de embotellado en vidrio. Se trata de implantar un sistema que requiere de la participación de todo el personal, pro...

  9. How restful is it with all that noise? Comparison of Interleaved silent steady state (ISSS) and conventional imaging in resting-state fMRI. (United States)

    Andoh, J; Ferreira, M; Leppert, I R; Matsushita, R; Pike, B; Zatorre, R J


    Resting-state fMRI studies have become very important in cognitive neuroscience because they are able to identify BOLD fluctuations in brain circuits involved in motor, cognitive, or perceptual processes without the use of an explicit task. Such approaches have been fruitful when applied to various disordered populations, or to children or the elderly. However, insufficient attention has been paid to the consequences of the loud acoustic scanner noise associated with conventional fMRI acquisition, which could be an important confounding factor affecting auditory and/or cognitive networks in resting-state fMRI. Several approaches have been developed to mitigate the effects of acoustic noise on fMRI signals, including sparse sampling protocols and interleaved silent steady state (ISSS) acquisition methods, the latter being used only for task-based fMRI. Here, we developed an ISSS protocol for resting-state fMRI (rs-ISSS) consisting of rapid acquisition of a set of echo planar imaging volumes following each silent period, during which the steady state longitudinal magnetization was maintained with a train of relatively silent slice-selective excitation pulses. We evaluated the test-retest reliability of intensity and spatial extent of connectivity networks of fMRI BOLD signal across three different days for rs-ISSS and compared it with a standard resting-state fMRI (rs-STD). We also compared the strength and distribution of connectivity networks between rs-ISSS and rs-STD. We found that both rs-ISSS and rs-STD showed high reproducibility of fMRI signal across days. In addition, rs-ISSS showed a more robust pattern of functional connectivity within the somatosensory and motor networks, as well as an auditory network compared with rs-STD. An increased connectivity between the default mode network and the language network and with the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) network was also found for rs-ISSS compared with rs-STD. Finally, region of interest analysis showed

  10. Mujeres sufridoras: Una realidad en el tiempo

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    Paloma Calero Martín de Villodres

    Full Text Available A través de las vivencias de una persona podemos comprender y conocer mejor sus experiencias. El nombre de nuestra informante es Ana, una mujer de 84 años, ella va a compartir con nosotros una vida llena de desgracias, sufrimientos, soledad y desconsuelo que provocaría un cuadro clínico de hipertensión arterial y azúcar elevada que desencadenarían en crisis asmáticas futuras, insuficiencia cardiaca, una embolia e innumerables caídas fortuitas. Es una mujer luchadora, que ha sido educada para servir sin protestar, con un gran sentido de la responsabilidad familiar, sometida al machismo de la época. Cansada de callar, nos relata cómo ha sido su vida desde su niñez, su matrimonio, sus hijos, la enfermedad de Alzheimer de su marido, la desaparición de su sintomatología y el largo camino de obstáculos que ha tenido que superar hasta llegar a nuestros días.

  11. Celiac disease (CD, ulcerative colitis (UC, and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC in one patient: a family study Enfermedad celiaca (EC, colitis ulcerosa (CU y colangitis esclerosante primaria (CEP asociadas en el mismo paciente: estudio familiar

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    V. Cadahía


    Full Text Available We discuss the case of a 17-year-old male who at the age of 7 was diagnosed with celiac disease (CD together with ulcerative colitis (UC and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC. The patient was treated with gluten-free diet and immunosuppressive drugs (azathioprine, and currently remains asymptomatic. The patient's younger, 12-year-old sister was diagnosed with CD when she was 1.5 years old, and at 7 years she developed type-I diabetes mellitus, which was difficult to control. A family study was made, and both parents were found to be affected with silent CD. All were DQ2 (+. In relation to the case and family study, we provide a series of comments related to CD and its complications.Presentamos el caso de un varón de 17 años, que a la edad de 7 años fue diagnosticado de enfermedad celiaca (EC junto con una colitis ulcerosa (CU y una colangitis esclerosante primaria (CEP asociadas. Fue tratado con DSG e inmuno-supresores tipo azatioprina y se encuentra asintomático en la actualidad. Su hermana menor de 12 años, fue diagnosticada de EC cuando tenía 1,5 años y a los 7 años desarrolló una DM tipo 1 de difícil control. Se realizó un estudio familiar y ambos padres están afectos de una EC silente. Todos ellos son DQ2 (+. A propósito del caso y estudio familiar, se hacen una serie de consideraciones sobre la enfermedad celiaca y el desarrollo de complicaciones.

  12. Mito: memoria y legado de una sensibilidad

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    Rafael Humberto Moreno Durán


    Full Text Available Evocar con entusiasmo los logros de una revista cultural es una forma de hacer autobiografía. Una forma descaradamente amable de entronizar el propio gusto y de afiliarse a una tradición con pedigree. La revista, por esta vía, deja de ser lo que sociológicamente significa -o debe significar- en el contexto cultural de una época y un país y accede a un rango nuevo y singular: a su valor perse cabe añadir otro aporte: lo que cuenta en la vida espiritual y artística del lector qué la evoca y al cual ha cautivado. La revista adquiere entonces implicaciones antropológicas, en todo superiores a las meramente didácticas y formativas. Si es cierto eso de que el estilo es el hombre, hay estilos que sólo canalizan y concilian sus intereses a través de un tipo particular de revista, lo que de alguna forma constata la existencia de destinos unidos a la suerte de una publicación , y ese es el caso de Jorge Gaitán Durán y de un grupo de escritores , comúnmente designados en el panorama de las letras continentales bajo el nombre de Generación del Cincuenta.

  13. Epistaxis as the First Manifestation of Silent Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report with Relevant Literature Review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung Min; Kim, You Me; Kim, Bong Man


    The paranasal sinuses are known to be a rare location for metastasis. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most frequent primary tumor to metastasize to the sinonasal region, followed by lung and breast cancer. In particular, clear cell type RCC, which represents approximately 85% of RCCs, is characterized by early metastasis, and it sometimes spreads to unusual sites (1, 2). Metastatic tumors in the paranasal sinuses are distributed in the maxillary, sphenoid, ethmoid, and frontal sinuses, in order of decreasing frequency. Symptoms are usually nonspecific, but epistaxis is the most common sign, due to the hypervascularity of the primary tumor. The prognosis is uncertain, but the 5-year survival rate fluctuates between 15% and 30%. The purpose of this case report is to document a rare case of silent RCC that first presented as epistaxis due to nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus metastasis


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    Marianela Lourdes Germain


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, la autora pretende determinar la posibilidad de conocer los orígenes de seres humanos nacidos bajo técnicas de reproducción humana asistida. Para ello, procedió a analizar el régimen proyectado en el territorio nacional, conjuntamente, a un análisis de las regulaciones extranjeras. Comprendidos en su trabajo se encuentran las visiones acerca de los derechos de toda persona a formar una familia; los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes; y el derecho de los terceros involucrados en estas técnicas. Asimismo, realizo una reseña sobre cuestiones históricas y sociológicas, entre otras, que hacen al contexto de estas técnicas; permitiéndole arribar a la conclusión de que el derecho a conocer los orígenes necesita de un abordaje interdisciplinario, que debe darse no sólo desde el Estado; sino especialmente dentro del marco del seno familiar, con los debidos cuidados y afecto que sólo la familia puede brindar; todo esto acompañado de una necesaria y fundamental construcción social para insertar estos cambios en la cultura del país.

  15. Innovación y Producción en la Industria Manufacturera: Estudio Comparativo de Cadenas Globales

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    Sebastián Sztulwark


    Full Text Available Desde hace cuatro décadas se verifica la emergencia de una nueva lógica de acumulación en el seno de la producción capitalista. La hipótesis del trabajo es que en la industria manufacturera esta nueva tendencia se expresa en la creciente segmentación de las etapas de innovación y fabricación de productos, acompañada de una integración de las variantes informacional y estético-expresiva en el plano de la innovación. A partir de un abordaje que combina diferentes categorías teóricas (cadenas de valor global, sistema histórico de acumulación, desacople entre capacidades de innovación y producción y de una metodología basada en el análisis de fuentes secundarias, se estudiaron las cadenas farmacéutica, de indumentaria y de productos electrónicos de consumo. Los resultados alcanzados permitieron confirmar la hipótesis planteada y la detección de particularidades en materia de naturaleza de la innovación, constitución de barreras a la entrada y dispersión geográfica para cada cadena.

  16. Una aproximación para una función de formación de precios

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    Mauro García Pupo


    Full Text Available En el mundo de la Microeconomía los precios de los productos y servicio en el mercado están sujetos a la Ley de la Oferta y la Demanda. El problema consiste en cómo establecer un precio a un producto nuevo. Una fórmula que determina la utilidad (U está dada por la ecuación U = Mc ¿ CF donde el margen de contribución (Mc menos el costo fijo (CF la cuantifican. El Mc se determina por el volumen de las ventas (V menos el costo variable (CV, es decir Mc = V - CV. Con estas ecuaciones es posible demostrar el carácter irrelevante del costo fijo y presuponer condiciones que permitan una primera aproximación hacia una función formadora de precios para un producto.

  17. Una parodia de lo adverso: Buena Vida (delivery.

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    Nicolás Ocaranza


    Full Text Available Hernán es un joven empleado en una pequeña empresa de reparto a domicilio (delivery. Mientras recorre los suburbios de la ciudad de Buenos Aires en su vieja motocicleta conoce a Patricia, quien trabaja en una estación de gasolina desde hace un tiempo. Hasta ese momento todo parece confluir en una esperada fórmula de amor de juventud entre un repartidor y su pretendiente. Pero cuando Hernán le ofrece a Patricia el alquiler de una habitación de su hogar la historia toma un destino insospechad...

  18. Atherogenic dyslipidemia and risk of silent coronary artery disease in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Valensi, Paul; Avignon, Antoine; Sultan, Ariane; Chanu, Bernard; Nguyen, Minh Tuan; Cosson, Emmanuel


    To investigate whether atherogenic dyslipidemia, a dyslipidemic profile combining elevated triglycerides and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, is predictive of risk of silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) or angiographic coronary artery disease (CAD) in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes. Cohort study in 1080 asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes with a normal resting electrocardiogram, at least one additional cardiovascular risk factor and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol dyslipidemia (triglycerides ≥2.26 mmol/L and HDL cholesterol ≤0.88 mmol/L). In multivariate analyses taking into account the parameters associated in univariate analyses with SMI and then CAD, atherogenic dyslipidemia was associated with SMI (odds ratio 1.8[1.0-3.3]), as were male gender (OR 2.1[1.5-2.9]), BMI (OR 0.97[0.94-0.997]), retinopathy (OR 1.4[1.1-1.9]), peripheral occlusive arterial disease (POAD: OR 2.5[1.6-3.8]) and mean blood pressure (OR 1.01[1.00-1.03]); atherogenic dyslipidemia was associated with CAD (OR 4.0[1.7-9.2]), as were male gender (OR 3.0[1.6-5.6]), BMI (OR 0.94[0.90-0.995]), retinopathy (OR 1.7[1.0-2.9], POAD (OR 4.0[2.1-7.4]) and mean blood pressure (OR 1.03[1.01-1.05]). In the subgroup of 584 patients with LDL cholesterol dyslipidemia was also associated with CAD (OR 3.6[1.5-9.0]). Atherogenic dyslipidemia was associated with an increased risk of SMI and silent CAD in patients with type 2 diabetes and LDL cholesterol levels dyslipidemia might help reducing the high residual burden of cardiovascular disease.

  19. Adaptación domótica de una vivienda para una persona con discapacidad


    Sánchez Bermúdez, Francisca


    Este proyecto plantea la necesidad de adaptar viviendas para personas con discapacidad con el objetivo de que se garantice el confort y la accesibilidad, no solo del discapacitado, sinó de todas las personas integrantes en ese hogar. En concreto, está focalizado en un caso real de una niña de 3 años que vive con sus padres. Se contempla a partir de un sistema económico y sencillo para que las personas usuarias del mismo, puedan tener garantizado a largo plazo una me...

  20. Osteoporosis: una patología con afectación personal, familiar, laboral y social

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    Luz Mª Mira Ferrer


    Full Text Available La osteoporsis y las fracturas osteoporóticas son un importante problema en nuestra sociedad debido a su gran frecuencia. En nuestro siglo la población europea y española está envejeciendo y la prevalencia de la osteoporosis va en aumento. Por otro lado la osteoporosis afecta a la población con edad a partir de la década de los 40, es decir durante la vida laboral activa, así que representa una importante causa de absentismo laboral. Esto produce un alto coste económico, social, familiar y sanitario. Es interesante promover programas de detección para disminuir estas consecuencias. Un programa efectivo de diagnóstico y tratamiento de la osteoporosis es el método "gold tandard" para el manejo de esta "enfermedad silenciosa". La detección precoz de los factores de riesgo de esta enfermedad es el punto clave de actuación. Debemos recomendar hábitos de vida saludables para evitar la aparición de la osteoporosis y de las fracturas osteoporóticas. Los Servicios de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales tienen una posición privilegiada para instaurar actividades en este sentido.The osteoporosis and the osteoporotic fracture represent a prevalent disease and one of the main problem in the developed countries. The European and Spanish population are going to be older from the last century and the osteoporosis is growing up. In other hand, usually, the disease affect people at the 40 th decade of life when they are working population in active labour life period, so the osteoporosis is an important cause of absenteeism, and consistently, the osteoporosis means a high economic, social, family, sanitary and labour cost. One of the main effectives activities in the control of the disease are the instauration of prevention programs guided to target populations. An effective program of early diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis is the gold standard method to attend correctly this "silent illness". The roads points of actuation are related with an

  1. El budismo como una espiritualidad no religiosa

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    Marta Granés Bayona


    Full Text Available El budismo plantea acceder a una visión de la realidad desligada de creencias y supuestos de todo tipo. Para conseguirlo plantea una indagación libre en referencia al enclaustramiento de nuestro pensar y sentir al que nos somete el ego. El ego con sus necesidades y deseos genera un acceso a la realidad relativo a nosotros. Lo que se propone es una liberación de esta lectura para que la realidad pueda aparecer frente a nosotros de manera independiente de las imposiciones del ego, es decir, un acceso a ella ab-soluto (suelto de nosotros. El budismo es, pues, una propuesta de ‘espiritualidad no religiosa’, para la que el mismo término espiritualidad  resultaría inadecuado porque en él subyace la creencia en el ‘espíritu’. Vemos que por todo ello el mensaje budista resulta muy apropiado para las sociedades hoy presentes, bien para aquellas que están transitando de una sociedad agrícola a una industrial, que conlleva a debilitar las convicciones religiosas hasta disolverlas; bien para aquellas que están próximas o han entrado ya en las sociedades llamadas de conocimiento, innovación y cambio continuo cuya condición de movilidad impide  las creencias, porque son fijadoras, lo que arrastra como consecuencia la imposibilidad de tener religión ni espiritualidad. 

  2. EI pensamiento organizacional estrategico: una perspectiva diacronica

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    Mauricio Sanabria


    Full Text Available El artículo recorre los principales elementos que han permitido configurar el pensamiento organizacional estratégico. Este campo, inscrito en la disciplina administrativa, cuenta con destacadas contribuciones fundamentalmente durante las últimas cinco décadas. Se reconstruye su desarrollo conceptual, ubicándolo en un contexto histórico particular; más que una crítica profunda, se presenta un panorama general, resultado de una aproximación diacrónica, en la que es imposible no postular una serie de ideas, planteamientos y reflexiones específicas.

  3. Desarrollo social y personalidad. Una perspectiva interdisciplinar


    Riesco González, Manuel


    En las siguientes páginas se pretende establecer un diálogo interdisciplinar y abierto sobre cuestiones relevantes acerca del desarrollo social y de la personalidad. A partir de una breve reseña histórica del tema desde una perspectiva psicológica, se trata de comprender, con una visión amplia, el progreso humano como marco general del desarrollo social y de las personas. Finalmente, se muestra un bosquejo de la sociedad actual, definida como “sociedad del conocimiento”, “sociedad abierta” y ...

  4. Sevilla, una encrucijada de caminos

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    Manuel Martín Martin


    Full Text Available El mundo del flamenco, tan acostumbrado a contemplar la historia del género como una sucesión de nombres distinguidos que, por su significación expresiva o por su carácter de maestría incontestable, simbolizan una época, olvida con frecuencia el universo en que esa constelación de estrellas irradia su luminosidad más intensa, esto es, relega a un rol de menor importancia el ámbito en que se desarrollaron unos talentos especiales que, a lapostre, describirían situaciones y formas que el tiempo estimaría de verdadera trascendencia. Sin ánimo de caer en un determinismo localista demasiado forzoso, justo es decir que uno de los más grandes milagros de la música flamenca, se llama Sevilla, su barrio de Triana y muchos pueblos de la provincia. Una unidad demográfica que ofrece en grado sumo el origen de la complacencia en los goces de los sentidos.

  5. Una Utopia Factible: Latin Vision

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    Peter Schenkel


    Full Text Available Que la información de noticiero de radio y televisión oficiales en la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos, no brilla precisamente por su imparcialidad. Además los noticieros con información sobre actividades, políticas y criterios de entidades públicas difunden un punto de vista que no es necesariamente compartido por sectores políticos y económicos de la sociedad civil y que tampoco refleja necesariamente lo que ocurre en un país. Este es un hecho comprobado hasta la saciedad y constituye un problema que exigirá que las contribuciones al programa común se distingan por una excelente selección representativa del multifacético acontecer diario de una nación. Las estadísticas de otros sistemas como EUROVISION y ASIAVISION muestran que una noticia se difunde más si es oportuna - "caliente"-, objetiva y presentada con calidad.

  6. Importance of 201Tl scintigraphy during exercise for diagnosis of silent myocardial ischemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasalicky, J.; Kidery, J.; Svacinka, J.; Vanko, J.; Brunova, J.; Bartos, V.


    Using thallium scintigraphy during exercise (TSE), suspect silent myocardial ischemia (SIM) was diagnosed in subjects without angina pectoris. 21 active pilots with suspect SIM were examined after previous exercise ECG as well as 33 patients with diabetes type I and II. In six pilots (28.6%) TSE showed accumulation defects suggesting ischemic disorders of the large coronary arteries. Five pilots showed obvious depressions of the ST segment in ECG during submaximal exercise TSE. In another group of five pilots small depressions of the ST segment were associated with normal TSE. Twelve diabetic patients (36.4%) had minor accumulation defects on TSE. Only two showed a ST depression under 2 mm in ECG during TSE. Based on data in the literature suggesting higher sensitivity and specificity of exercise thallium scintigraphy as compared with exercise ECG and the possibility of a false positive diagnosis of SIM from exercise ECG alone, it is recommended to also use TSE. A more detailed diagnosis of SIM is essential not only with regard to the assessment of work capacity but also for a long-term follow-up of patients with SIM for assessment of its incidence, impact and prognosis in the population. (author). 4 figs., 4 tabs., 25 refs

  7. The Right to Remain Silent in Criminal Trial

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    Gianina Anemona Radu


    Full Text Available A person's right not to incriminate oneself or to remain silent and not contribute to their own incrimination is a basic requirement of due process, although the right not to testify against oneself is not expressly guaranteed. This legal right is intended to protect the accused/ the defendant against the authorities’ abusive coercion. The scope of the right not to incriminate oneself is related to criminal matter under the Convention, and thus susceptible or applicable to criminal proceedings concerning all types of crimes as a guarantee to a fair trial. The European Court of Justice ruled that despite the fact that art. 6 paragraph 2 of the Convention does not expressly mention the right not to incriminate oneself and the right not to contribute to their own incrimination (nemo tenetur are ipsum accusare these are generally recognized international rules that are in consistence with the notion of “fair trial” stipulated in art. 6. By virtue of the right to silence, the person charged with a crime is free to answer the questions or not, as he/she believes it is in his/her interest. Therefore, the right to silence involves not only the right not to testify against oneself, but also the right of the accused/ defendant not to incriminate oneself. Thus, the accused/defendant cannot be compelled to assist in the production of evidence and cannot be sanctioned for failing to provide certain documents or other evidence. Obligation to testify against personal will, under the constraint of a fine or any other form of coercion constitutes an interference with the negative aspect of the right to freedom of expression which must be necessary in a democratic society. It is essential to clarify certain issues as far as this right is concerned. First of all, the statutory provision in question is specific to adversarial systems, which are found mainly in Anglo-Saxon countries and are totally different from that underlying the current Romanian Criminal

  8. Viktor Emil Frankl: el médico y el pensador de una vida con sentido Viktor Emil Frankl: the physician and the thinker of a life with sense

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    Luis Fernando Velásquez Córdoba


    Full Text Available Viktor Emil Frankl, nacido en Viena a comienzos del siglo XX en el seno de una familia judía, llegó a ser uno de los hombres más carismáticos de ese siglo, no solo como médico psiquiatra, neurólogo y filósofo, sino también como persona, por su calidad humana, sus aportes científicos y su testimonio de vida. Creador de la Logoterapia, considerada como uno de los modelos más importantes de Psicoterapia Existencial, se interesó profundamente por el problema del Sentido de la Vida y cómo éste se puede ver afectado por experiencias tan traumáticas y dolorosas como las que él mismo debió enfrentar durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, tras su cautiverio en los campos de concentración nazis. Luego de sobrevivir a esta devastadora experiencia, dedicó gran parte de su vida a difundir la Logoterapia; utilizando este modelo psicoterapéutico tanto en su ejercicio clínico como en su labor docente, ayudó a muchas personas a descubrir y a reorientar el sentido de sus vidas. Autor de numerosos libros, dejó un valioso legado para la humanidad, una luz de esperanza, y así mismo, una invitación para aquellos que como médicos o como psicólogos hemos decidido acoger su teoría: Valorar lo que de humano hay en el enfermo, y no sólo la enfermedad que hay en el hombre. Viktor Emil Frankl was born in Vienne at the beginning of the XX century, the son of a Jewish family. He ended up being one of the most charismatic men of that century, not only as physician, psychiatrist, neurologist and philosopher, but also as a human being because of his qualities, his scientific production, and the testimony of his life. He was the creator of Logotherapy, which is considered one of the most important models of Existential Psychotherapy. He was deeply interested in the problem of the Sense of Life and of how it can be affected by traumatic and painful experiences, such as the ones he faced during World War II being a prisoner at several Nazi concentration

  9. Silent Crooke’s cell corticotroph adenoma of the pituitary gland presenting as delayed puberty

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    Dinesh Giri


    Full Text Available Corticotroph adenomas are extremely rare in children and adolescents. We present a 15-year-old boy who was investigated for delayed puberty (A1P2G1, bilateral testicular volumes of 3 mL each. There was no clinical or laboratory evidence suggestive of chronic illness, and the initial clinical impression was constitutional delay in puberty. Subsequently, MRI scan of the brain revealed the presence of a mixed cystic and solid pituitary lesion slightly displacing the optic chiasma. The lesion was removed by transphenoidal surgery and the biopsy confirmed the lesion to be pituitary adenoma. Furthermore, the adenoma cells also had Crooke’s hyaline changes and were intensely positive for ACTH. However there was no clinical/biochemical evidence of ACTH excess. There was a spontaneous pubertal progression twelve months after the surgery (A2P4G4, with bilateral testicular volume of 8 mL. Crooke’s cell adenoma is an extremely rare and aggressive variant of corticotroph adenoma that can uncommonly present as a silent corticotroph adenoma in adults. We report for the first time Crooke’s cell adenoma in an adolescent boy presenting with delayed puberty.

  10. Toponimia: una preziosa eredità


    Crivelli, Ruggero


    Nel 2008, Mauro Corona pubblica un libro il cui titolo è I fantasmi di pietra. In questo suo libro, l’autore racconta storie di vita del suo villaggio, Erto, nella regione del Vajont, distrutto dall’alluvione del 1963 e praticamente abbandonato da allora. Con il pretesto di una visita sui luoghi della sua infanzia, di cui non restano che le rovine delle case e delle piazze, lo scrittore si sofferma in questo o in quel luogo e racconta: racconta spezzoni di una vita passata i cui protagonisti ...

  11. Defect induced activation of Raman silent modes in rf co-sputtered Mn doped ZnO thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yadav, Harish Kumar [Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 (India); Sreenivas, K [Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 (India); Katiyar, R S [Department of Physics, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR 00931-3343 (Puerto Rico); Gupta, Vinay [Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 (India)


    We study the influence of Mn doping on the vibrational properties of rf sputtered ZnO thin films. Raman spectra of the Mn doped ZnO samples reveal two additional vibrational modes, in addition to the host phonon modes, at 252 and 524 cm{sup -1}. The intensity of the additional modes increases continuously with Mn concentration in ZnO and can be used as an indication of Mn incorporation in ZnO. The modes are assigned to the activation of ZnO silent modes due to relaxation of Raman selection rules produced by the breakdown of the translational symmetry of the crystal lattice with the incorporation of Mn at the Zn site. Furthermore, the A{sub 1} (LO) mode is observed with very high intensity in the Raman spectra of undoped ZnO thin film and is attributed to the built-in electric field at the grain boundaries.

  12. Defect induced activation of Raman silent modes in rf co-sputtered Mn doped ZnO thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadav, Harish Kumar; Sreenivas, K; Katiyar, R S; Gupta, Vinay


    We study the influence of Mn doping on the vibrational properties of rf sputtered ZnO thin films. Raman spectra of the Mn doped ZnO samples reveal two additional vibrational modes, in addition to the host phonon modes, at 252 and 524 cm -1 . The intensity of the additional modes increases continuously with Mn concentration in ZnO and can be used as an indication of Mn incorporation in ZnO. The modes are assigned to the activation of ZnO silent modes due to relaxation of Raman selection rules produced by the breakdown of the translational symmetry of the crystal lattice with the incorporation of Mn at the Zn site. Furthermore, the A 1 (LO) mode is observed with very high intensity in the Raman spectra of undoped ZnO thin film and is attributed to the built-in electric field at the grain boundaries

  13. Una politica dell’open access

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    Marco Pasini


    Full Text Available L’accesso libero al sapere è lo strumento principale per l’attuazione della democrazia del sapere. Per quello che ho potuto intuire fin dalle prime letture e comprendere poi meglio attraverso lo studio, vista la mia attività di traduzione, ho sempre notato la completezza nelle tematiche trattate e la varietà scientifica degli autori degli articoli. Questa caratteristica rappresenta certamente una garanzia di confronto e allo stesso tempo aumenta gli stimoli all’essere propositivo nel misurarsi in nuovi campi di applicazione, è una continua ricerca.

  14. "Silent" Sleep Apnea in Dentofacial Deformities and Prevalence of Daytime Sleepiness After Orthognathic and Intranasal Surgery. (United States)

    Posnick, Jeffrey C; Adachie, Anayo; Singh, Neeru; Choi, Elbert


    The purposes of this study were to determine the occurrence of undiagnosed "silent" obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in dentofacial deformity (DFD) patients at initial surgical presentation and to report on the level of daytime sleepiness in DFD patients with OSA and chronic obstructive nasal breathing (CONB) after undergoing bimaxillary, chin, and intranasal surgery. A retrospective cohort study of patients with a bimaxillary DFD and CONB was implemented. Patients were divided into those with no OSA (group I) and those with OSA (group II). Group II was further subdivided into patients referred with polysomnogram (PSG)-confirmed OSA (group IIa) and those with a diagnosis of OSA only after surgical consultation, airway evaluation, and a positive PSG (group IIb). Group II patients were analyzed at a minimum of 1 year after surgery (range, 1 to 10 years) for daytime sleepiness with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Patients with postoperative excessive daytime sleepiness were assessed for risk factors and continued need for OSA treatment. Patients in group II were studied to determine which DFD patterns were most associated with OSA. We compared the prevalence of OSA between our study population and the general population. Two hundred sixty-two patients met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 23% (60 of 262) had PSG-confirmed OSA (group II). This rate was much higher than that found in the general population. Of the patients, 7% (19 of 262) were known to have OSA at initial surgical consultation (group IIa). An additional 16% (41 of 262) were later confirmed by PSG to have OSA (group IIb). Patients with primary mandibular deficiency and short face DFDs were most likely to have OSA (P surgery. A significant association was found between group II patients with postoperative excessive daytime sleepiness ("sleepy" or "very sleepy") and a preoperative body mass index category of overweight (P = .026). Our study found silent OSA to be frequent in the DFD population. The

  15. Lo que todo profesor necesita saber sobre el razonamiento clínico

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    Eva Kevin W.

    Full Text Available Contexto: Una de las tareas nucleares que se asignan a los profesores clínicos es capacitar a los estudiantes para escoger entre un grupo de características que presenta un paciente y asignar con precisión una etiqueta diagnóstica con el objetivo final de desarrollar una estrategia de tratamiento apropiada. Durante los últimos 30 años se ha debatido considerablemente en el seno de la literatura en Educación en Ciencias de la Salud, sobre el modelo que mejor describe cómo los clínicos expertos generan decisiones diagnósticas. Propósito: El propósito de este ensayo es proporcionar una revision bibliográfica de la investigación sobre razonamiento clínico. Los puntos fuertes y débiles de las diferentes aproximaciones del razonamiento clínico se examinarán usando una de las principales divergencias se da entre los modelos de estrategia de razonamiento analítico (p.ej., consciente / controlado versus estrategias de razonamiento no analítico (p.ej., inconsciente / automático. Como marco de referencia orientativo. Discusión: Trabajos recientes sugieren que los profesores clínicos deberían destacar la importancia de ambas formas de razonamiento, dando como resultado la capacitación de los estudiantes para ordenar los procesos de razonamiento de manera flexible y específica de contexto. Se extraen las implicaciones específicas para los profesores clínicos de primera línea.

  16. Motivación y productividad en la investigación científica española

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    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio del clima en el que se desarrolla la investigación científica en España. Los datos proporcionados proceden de: (1 un cuestionario de 200 ítems distribuido en una muestra representativa de 597 investigadores cuya actividad profesioal se desarrolla en el seno de instituciones privadas y públicas, y (2 un cuestionario de 200 ítems distribuido en una muestra representativa de 2.200 individuos de nacionalidad española. En un país semidesarrollado como España, donde los recursos son escasos, la motivación personal reviste una importancia particular. Un análisis de los diversos factores influyentes en la obstaculización o fomento de la productividad muestra que el apoyo brindado al investigador durante sus años de formación tiene un efecto mínimo en sus publicaciones ulteriores. No se encontró una correlación significativa entre la productividad científica y el rendimiento académico en la etapa escolar. Por otra parte, el 63.3% de los entrevistados más altamente productivos decidieron entregarse a la investigación científica antes de completar su etapa formativa. Los datos muestran dos tipos de investigadores: aquellos para quienes la productividad personal en la investigación prima sobre la enseñanza, y aquellos para quienes la enseñanza constituye una prioridad y se dedican a la investigación por razones pragmáticas.

  17. La educación en medios en Francia: difícil consolidación, perspectivas futuras Media education in France: a hard consolidation with good prospects

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    Evelyne Bevort


    Full Text Available Francia ha tenido, desde hace más de un siglo, un relevante papel en la educación en medios, con un espíritu muy innovador, incluso casi combativo en pro de una idea de escuela y de los propios medios. Los numerosos trabajos y textos teóricos que se han ido generando han enriquecido bastante las múltiples prácticas, dando sentido de esta forma a la enseñanza, pero siempre se ha trabajado más en una óptica «pedagógica y cultural», sin llegar a una integración global con los contenidos impartidos en la escuela. Sin embargo, hoy parece que nos dirigimos hacia una consagración más oficial en el seno del sistema educativo en su conjunto. Y es en este preciso momento, cuando el conjunto de prácticas mediáticas está en proceso de redefinición, cuando urge una reflexión a fondo sobre los modos de conocimiento en la era de la sociedad de la información. For at least one century, France has played a relevant role in media education using an innovative and even fighting spirit model. Research has enriched the field but the model has never become really integrated into school. However, it is nowadays that an official integration of media education into the educational system can be observed, so it is now when redefinition and deep reflection on media education are needed.

  18. Impacto ambiental de una mina de mercurio abandonada


    Álvarez Cuartas, María


    El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Fin de Máster es la evaluación del impacto ambiental de una explotación minera de mercurio en estado de abandono y de posible contaminación del medio ambiente. Una vez que se comprueba el elevado impacto debido al estado de abandono y a la alta contaminación, se ha elaborado una sencilla propuesta de restauración, barajado y comprando tres posibles alternativas.

  19. Una caza del tesoro para aprender la pronunciación del español

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    Xose Padilla García


    Full Text Available El grupo Pronuncia bien surgió en el seno del Máster de Enseñanza de español e inglés como L2/LE de la Universidad de Alicante bajo la dirección del profesor Xose A.Padilla. El objetivo de nuestro grupo es elaborar instrumentos de aprendizaje que permitan mejorar la pronunciación de estudiantes de E/LE de manera eficaz y divertida.A día de hoy, el grupo ha creado materiales didácticos dirigidos especialmente a estudiantes cuya lengua de origen sea el inglés o el italiano. La creación de las herramientas didácticas y de evaluación propiamente dichas se basa en los principios del Método Verbo-Tonal (MVT, en las propuestas del enfoque comunicativo, y en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías (TICs. Tenemos en cuenta, asimismo, las directrices del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER y los consejos del Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC sobre la enseñanza del español.

  20. Effects of DBS, premotor rTMS, and levodopa on motor function and silent period in advanced Parkinson's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bäumer, Tobias; Hidding, Ute; Hamel, Wolfgang


    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a widely used and highly effective treatment for patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). Repetitive TMS (rTMS) applied to motor cortical areas has also been shown to improve symptoms in PD and modulate motor cortical...... excitability. Here, we compared clinical and neurophysiological effects of STN stimulation with those of 1 Hz rTMS given to the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) and those following intake of levodopa in a group of PD patients with advanced disease. Ten PD patients were studied on 2 consecutive days before...... and after surgery. Clinical effects were determined using the UPDRS motor score. Motor thresholds, motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitudes during slight voluntary contraction, and the cortical silent periods (SP) were measured using TMS. Before surgery effects of levodopa and 1 Hz PMd rTMS and after surgery...