
Sample records for sektorer betaler sig

  1. Betaler det sig? Fleksibilitet og løn i den danske flexicurity-model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibsen, Flemming


    Indkomstsikkerhed er at bevæge sig fra et job til at andet og få en højere løn, men er det tilfældet i dan danske flexicurity-model, betaler det sig at være fleksibel? Belønnes numerisk ekstern fleksibiblitet højrere end intern funktionel fleksibilbitet? Artiklen viser, at det bedst kan betale si...

  2. Efter strejkerne -

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamhus, Jørgen; Scheuer, Steen; Christensen, Susanne

    Kan strejker betale sig? Dette klassiske spørgsmål blev rejst fra flere sider efter arbejdskonflikterne i forbindelse med overenskomstfornyelserne i den offentlige sektor foråret 2008. Spørgsmålet blev i pressen overvejende besvaret i generelle vendinger, med et bastant nej, og uden en nærmere vu...

  3. Efter strejkerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamhus, Jørgen; Scheuer, Steen; Christensen, Ellen Susanne


    Kan strejker betale sig? Dette klassiske spørgsmål blev rejst fra flere sider efter arbejdskonflikterne i forbindelse med overenskomstfornyelserne i den offentlige sektor foråret 2008. Spørgsmålet blev i pressen overvejende besvaret i generelle vendinger, med et bastant nej, og uden en nærmere vu...

  4. Analisis Sektor/Sub Sektor Unggulan di Kabupaten Bungo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gafur Gafur


    Full Text Available Abstract. This study aimed to analyze the leading sectors in Bungo. The method used is Location Quotient (LQ, Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ, specialization index, Growth Ratio Model (MRP. Based on analysis of LQ and DLQ, there are only two basis sectors at present and in the future, namely the construction sector and trade, hotels and restaurants. Based on the analysis of Specialization Index, in Bungo Regency has a concentration of the economy in the agricultural sector and the manufacturing sector. Based on MRP analysis also showed that prominent sector growth at the level of Bungo and Jambi Province, namely electricity, gas and water supply; the building sector; and trade, hotels and restaurants. Keywords : Location Quotient (LQ, Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ, Specialization Index, Growth Ratio Model   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Bungo. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis Location Quotient (LQ, Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ, indeks spesialisasi, Model Rasio Pertumbuhan (MRP. Berdasarkan analisis LQ dan DLQ,  hanya ada 2 sektor yang menjadi sektor basis pada saat ini dan pada masa yang akan datang yaitu sektor bangunan dan sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran. Berdasarkan analisis Indeks Spesialisasi, di Kabupaten Bungo telah terjadi konsentrasi ekonomi pada sektor pertanian dan sektor industri pengolahan. Berdasarkan analisis MRP juga dapat diketahui bahwa sektor yang menonjol pertumbuhannya pada tingkat Kabupaten Bungo dan Provinsi Jambi yaitu sektor listrik, gas dan air bersih; sektor bangunan; serta sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran. Kata Kunci : Location Quotient (LQ, Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ, indeks spesialisasi, Model Rasio Pertumbuhan

  5. Hjemmetræning på tværs af sektorer betaler sig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Torben


    plejeforanstaltninger og en afkortet liggetid på sygehuset. Udover sundhedsmæssige gevinster er der et samfundsøkonomisk besparelsespotentiale, som er betinget af en overvindelse af organisatoriske, finansielle og faglige barrierer jf. SWOT-analysen.    Da problemerne med at implementere denne viden i sundhedsvæsenet...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esther Kembauw


    Full Text Available Pengembangan sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu strategi kunci dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi pada masa yang akan datang. Agroindustri sebagai subsistem agribisnis mempunyai potensi sebagai pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, karena memiliki peluang pasar dan nilai tambah yang besar. Pembangunan agroindustri dapat menjadi pintu masuk proses transformasi struktur ekonomi dari pertanian ke industri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan I-O. Tujuan penelitian ini menetapkan subsektor unggulan yang potensial untuk dikembangkan Provinsi Maluku, menganalisa sektor-sektor yang bisa memberikan efek multiplier yang besar, dan mengukur tingkat kontribusi sektor pertanian dan sektor-sektor unggulan dalam pembangunan daerah dan yang bisa dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah untuk mengembangkan daerahnya. Penentuan arah dan strategi kebijakan pembangunan wilayah yang berbasis pada kapasitas atau potensi lokal (local spesific wilayah harus mampu mengidentifikasi dan mengembangkan sektor-sektor unggulan selain memiliki nilai tambah dan mampu memberikan efek pengganda (multiplier effect yang memiliki keterkaitan ke depan maupun ke belakang (linkages terhadap sektornya sendiri dan sektor-sektor lainnya. Percepatan dan pengembangan sektor-sektor unggulan menjadi dasar untuk meningkatkan PDRB. ABSTRACTThe development of agricultural sector is one of the key strategies to spur economic growth in the future. Agro-industry as a subsystem of agribusiness has potential as a driver of economic growth, because it has a market opportunity and a great added value. Agro-industry development can be the entrance to the structural transformation of the economy from agriculture to industry. This study uses the I-O approach. The objective of this study set seed sub-sector with the potential to be developed Maluku province, analyze the sectors that can provide a large multiplier effect, and measure the level of contribution of the agricultural sector and leading sectors in regional

  7. Forebyggelse betaler sig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bencke, Jesper


    Artilen gennemgår hvilke biomekaniske mekanismer, som kan influere på risikoen for en korsbåndsskade i håndbold. Desuden diskuteres hvorledes forebyggelse kan reducere riskikoen for korsbåndsskade. Udgivelsesdato: December 2006...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Findi Alexandi


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to analyze the conditions of employment and the factors that affect employment in agriculture and services in the province of Banten. The method used was descriptive analysis and regression analysis of panel data. The estimation results showed that all variable of the minimum wage in districts/ cities, consumption, investment, and gross regional domestic product (GDP significantly affect employment in agriculture and services in the province of Banten. Factors affecting employment in agriculture and the service sector in the province of Banten are as follow: First, the agricultural sector model estimation results indicate that UMK variable, consumption, investment, and GDP have significant effect on employment in the agricultural sector. Second, the service sector model estimation results indicate that UMK variable, consumption, investment, and GDP have significant effect on employment in the agricultural sector. Therefore, the Government of Banten Province is expected to increase the growth rate and GDP contribution of the agricultural sector and the service sector, taking into account the level of wages and observing conditions of employment in that sector.Keywords: agriculture sector, labor, employment, GDP, Banten ABSTRAKTujuan  dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi ketenagakerjaan dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi penyerapan tenaga kerja di sektor pertanian dan jasa di Provinsi Banten. Metode yang digunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi data panel. Hasil estimasi semua variabel upah minimimum kabupaten/kota, konsumsi, investasi, dan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB berpengaruh nyata terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja di sektor pertanian dan jasa di Provinsi Banten. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi penyerapan tenaga kerja sektor pertanian dan sektor jasa di Provinsi Banten adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, hasil estimasi model sektor pertanian menunjukan bahwa variabel UMK, konsumsi


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    Sugiharini Sugiharini


    Full Text Available Sektor informal sebagai sektor usaha yang punya andil penting dalam penyerapan tenaga kerja akhir-akhir ini. Dalam situasi dimana sektor formal belum mampu mengimbangi laju pertumbuhan tenaga kerja karena berbagai kendala terutama karena faktor SDM dan iklim dunia usaha formal yang belum kondusif, maka pilihan sektor informal menjadi prioritas. Berdasarkan fakta yang ada banyak sektor informal yang telah berkembang dan berhasil. Dan sebaliknya tidak sedikit pula yang gagal di perjalanan terutama disebabkan faktor individu kewirausahaan terutama faktor akses pasar. Sebenarnya kalau kita cermati dan analisis lebih dalam terutama mereka-mereka yang sukses ada aspek nilai pemasaran yang selama ini terlupakan dan berada di luar marketing mix. Dan aspek ini lambat laun akan menjadi citra merek yang melekat di hati konsumen dan akan mendatangkan omzet yang tinggi. Ambil contoh kasus ayam goreng Wong Solo. Kalau dilihat dari atribut produk yang melekat tidak jauh berbeda dengan produk-produk lain, dan produk ini terkesan mengabaikan faktor marketing mix dalam promosi produk. Namun ada satu kelebihan dibanding dengan yang lain yaitu cita rasa khas yang sudah melekat dan punya posisi tersendiri di lidah konsumen. Konsumen sudah mampu membedakan produk ini dengan yang lain. Berbagai contoh kasus di atas tampaknya pas sebagai gambaran dari divusi inovasi marketing mix. Selain itu juga bisa ditempuh dengan membentuk kelompok usaha sehingga mempunyai kekuatan dan pertahanan yang kuat.

  10. Leadership Pipeline på rejse i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jeppe; Dahl, Kristian Aagaard


    Forestillingen om, at ledelsesopgaven varierer alt efter hvilket lederniveau, der fokuseres på, trækker spor tilbage til en række tidlige ledelsesteoretikere. I de senere år har tilgangen på ny tiltrukket sig opmærksomhed såvel i praksisfeltet som blandt forskere, nok tydeligst illustreret via ud...... hinanden, og at der i praksis ikke var én, men flere idéer om Leadership Pipeline, der rejste på tværs af felter og organisationer....... udbredelse af Leadership Pipeline modellen. Forskningslitteraturen om Leadership Pipeline er imidlertid beskeden. Med teoretisk ammunition fra ”idé på rejse” perspektivet og et multi-level case studie i den danske offentlige sektor belyser artiklen udbredelse og implementering af Leadership Pipeline. Ved...... at anvende skiftende teoretiske begreber og henholdsvis zoome-ind (organisationsniveau) og zoome-ud (feltniveau) viser artiklen, hvordan en række gensidigt forbundne teoretiserings- og translationsaktiviteter sikrede Leadership Pipeline legitimitet og fremskyndede dens udbredelse samtidig med, at forskellige...

  11. Relationer mellem familievirksomheder betaler sig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hollensen, Svend; Boyd, Britta


    This paper focuses on the international joint venture formation process of family businesses. The reason behind Danfoss’ decision to cooperate with two competing family businesses in Japan and China as well as two nonfamily businesses in Canada and Great Britain will be analysed. In-depth qualita...... the formation process, including competences and cultures. The study indicates which core competences of a family business matter when cooperating in equal split joint ventures. Implications for family business owners and ideas for future research are discussed.......This paper focuses on the international joint venture formation process of family businesses. The reason behind Danfoss’ decision to cooperate with two competing family businesses in Japan and China as well as two nonfamily businesses in Canada and Great Britain will be analysed. In...

  12. Estudio comparativo entre SIG propietario y SIG libre


    Mesa Díaz, Juan Ramón


    Estudio comparativo entre SIG propietario y SIG libre, focalizado en los casos particulares de Geomedia Pro (SIG Propietario) y gvSIG (SIG Libre). En el estudio se procede a determinar cuáles son los aspectos destacables de un SIG, para poder evaluarlos, posteriormente, en los dos SIG objeto del estudio y obtener una ponderación definitoria de cada SIG. A continuación, algunos de los aspectos evaluados en cada SIG: interoperabilidad, conexión a bases de datos espaciales, aspectos económ...

  13. Alternative Sigma Factors SigF, SigE, and SigG Are Essential for Sporulation in Clostridium botulinum ATCC 3502


    Kirk, David G.; Zhang, Zhen; Korkeala, Hannu; Lindström, Miia


    Clostridium botulinum produces heat-resistant endospores that may germinate and outgrow into neurotoxic cultures in foods. Sporulation is regulated by the transcription factor Spo0A and the alternative sigma factors SigF, SigE, SigG, and SigK in most spore formers studied to date. We constructed mutants of sigF, sigE, and sigG in C. botulinum ATCC 3502 and used quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR and electron microscopy to assess their expression of the sporulation pathway on transcription...

  14. Baseline Analyses of SIG Applications and SIG-Eligible and SIG-Awarded Schools. NCEE 2011-4019 (United States)

    Hurlburt, Steven; Le Floch, Kerstin Carlson; Therriault, Susan Bowles; Cole, Susan


    The Study of School Turnaround is an examination of the implementation of School Improvement Grants (SIG) authorized under Title I section 1003(g) of the "Elementary and Secondary Education Act" and supplemented by the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009." "Baseline Analyses of SIG Applications and SIG-Eligible…

  15. SigE Is a Chaperone for the Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Invasion Protein SigD


    Darwin, K. Heran; Robinson, Lloyd S.; Miller, Virginia L.


    SigD is translocated into eucaryotic cells by a type III secretion system. In this work, evidence that the putative chaperone SigE directly interacts with SigD is presented. A bacterial two-hybrid system demonstrated that SigE can interact with itself and SigD. In addition, SigD was specifically copurified with SigE-His6 on a nickel column.

  16. Roles of SigB and SigF in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Sigma Factor Network▿ †


    Lee, Jong-Hee; Karakousis, Petros C.; Bishai, William R.


    To characterize the roles of SigB and SigF in sigma factor regulation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we used chemically inducible recombinant strains to conditionally overexpress sigB and sigF. Using whole genomic microarray analysis and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR, we investigated the resulting global transcriptional changes after sigB induction, and we specifically tested the relative expression of other sigma factor genes after knock-in expression of sigB and sigF. Overexpressio...

  17. NetSig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Horn, Heiko; Lawrence, Michael S; Chouinard, Candace R


    Methods that integrate molecular network information and tumor genome data could complement gene-based statistical tests to identify likely new cancer genes; but such approaches are challenging to validate at scale, and their predictive value remains unclear. We developed a robust statistic (Net......Sig) that integrates protein interaction networks with data from 4,742 tumor exomes. NetSig can accurately classify known driver genes in 60% of tested tumor types and predicts 62 new driver candidates. Using a quantitative experimental framework to determine in vivo tumorigenic potential in mice, we found that Net......Sig candidates induce tumors at rates that are comparable to those of known oncogenes and are ten-fold higher than those of random genes. By reanalyzing nine tumor-inducing NetSig candidates in 242 patients with oncogene-negative lung adenocarcinomas, we find that two (AKT2 and TFDP2) are significantly amplified...

  18. SigWinR; the SigWin-detector updated and ported to R. (United States)

    de Leeuw, Wim C; Rauwerda, Han; Inda, Márcia A; Bruning, Oskar; Breit, Timo M


    Our SigWin-detector discovers significantly enriched windows of (genomic) elements in any sequence of values (genes or other genomic elements in a DNA sequence) in a fast and reproducible way. However, since it is grid based, only (life) scientists with access to the grid can use this tool. Therefore and on request, we have developed the SigWinR package which makes the SigWin-detector available to a much wider audience. At the same time, we have introduced several improvements to its algorithm as well as its functionality, based on the feedback of SigWin-detector end users. To allow usage of the SigWin-detector on a desktop computer, we have rewritten it as a package for R: SigWinR. R is a free and widely used multi platform software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The package can be installed and used on all platforms for which R is available. The improvements involve: a visualization of the input-sequence values supporting the interpretation of Ridgeograms; a visualization allowing for an easy interpretation of enriched or depleted regions in the sequence using windows of pre-defined size; an option that allows the analysis of circular sequences, which results in rectangular Ridgeograms; an application to identify regions of co-altered gene expression (ROCAGEs) with a real-life biological use-case; adaptation of the algorithm to allow analysis of non-regularly sampled data using a constant window size in physical space without resampling the data. To achieve this, support for analysis of windows with an even number of elements was added. By porting the SigWin-detector as an R package, SigWinR, improving its algorithm and functionality combined with adequate performance, we have made SigWin-detector more useful as well as more easily accessible to scientists without a grid infrastructure.

  19. Code Betal to calculation Alpha/Beta activities in environmental samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romero, L.; Travesi, A.


    A codes, BETAL, was developed, written in FORTRAN IV, to automatize calculations and presentations of the result of the total alpha-beta activities measurements in environmental samples. This code performs the necessary calculations for transformation the activities measured in total counts, to pCi/1., bearing in mind the efficiency of the detector used and the other necessary parameters. Further more, it appraise the standard deviation of the result, and calculus the Lower limit of detection for each measurement. This code is written in iterative way by screen-operator dialogue, and asking the necessary data to perform the calculation of the activity in each case by a screen label. The code could be executed through any screen and keyboard terminal, (whose computer accepts Fortran IV) with a printer connected to the said computer. (Author) 5 refs

  20. Code Betal to calculation Alpha/Beta activities in environmental samples; Programa de ordenador Betal para el calculo de la actividad Beta/Alfa de muestras ambientales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero, L.; Travesi, A.


    A codes, BETAL, was developed, written in FORTRAN IV, to automatize calculations and presentations of the result of the total alpha-beta activities measurements in environmental samples. This code performs the necessary calculations for transformation the activities measured in total counts, to pCi/1., bearing in mind the efficiency of the detector used and the other necessary parameters. Further more, it appraise the standard deviation of the result, and calculus the Lower limit of detection for each measurement. This code is written in iterative way by screen-operator dialogue, and asking the necessary data to perform the calculation of the activity in each case by a screen label. The code could be executed through any screen and keyboard terminal, (whose computer accepts Fortran IV) with a printer connected to the said computer. (Author) 5 refs.


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    Yayik Kartika Sari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa keadaan pertumbuhan ekonomi, pengembangan sektor basis ekonomi, dan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora tahun 1990-2013 dengan menggunakan alat analisis basis ekonomi dan persamaan simultan dengan metode Two Stage Least Squared (2SLS. Variabel endogen dalam penelitian ini adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendapatan asli daerah, dan upah minimum, sedangkan variabel eksogennya adalah angkatan kerja, tabungan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah, dan jumlah penduduk. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 sektor basis ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora yang diperoleh dari analisis basis ekonomi yaitu sektor pertambangan dan galian; sektor pertanian; dan sektor keuangan, persewaan, dan jasa perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil uji persamaan simultan menunjukkan bahwa variabel tabungan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah, upah minimum, dan jumlah penduduk merupakan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah Kabupaten Blora harus mengembangkan ketiga sektor basis ekonomi dan faktor yang berpengaruh dominan tersebut serta harus melakukan proteksi terutama untuk sektor basis ekonomi, sehingga dapat membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora.  The purpose of this research was to determine and analyze the condition of economic growth, the economic base sector for development, and factors which have a dominant influence on the economic growth in Blora years 1990-2013 and used analysis of the economic base and the analysis of simultaneous equations with Two Stage Least Square method (2SLS. The rate of economic growth, regional income, and the minimum wage is an endogenous variable, while the labor force, savings, regional government expenditure, and resident are exogenous variable. The results showed that there are three sectors of the economic base in Blora

  2. Medarbejderdreven innovation i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klitmøller, Anders; Lauring, Jakob; Christensen, Poul Rind


    Denne artikel har til formål at kaste lys over den rolle, medarbejderne spiller for den innovative aktivitet i den offentlige sektor, hvad vi har valgt at kalde medarbejderdreven innovation. Artiklen er baseret på et etnografisk feltstudie i Århus Kommune, nærmere bestemt den nye afdeling...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Azizatun Nurhayati


    Full Text Available Pembangunan daerah dilakukan dengan memaksimalkan potensi sumber daya yang ada di suatu daerah. Karena sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia adalah petani, maka penting untuk mengetahui kontribusi sektor pertanian terhadap perekonomian suatu daerah. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi sektor pertanian terhadap multiplier output, pengganda pendapatan, dan pengganda tenaga kerja. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis Input Output yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2010. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komoditas tebu berada pada kuadran II, Dari keseluruhan data di atas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1 Komoditas tebu dapat mendorong berkembangnya industri gula di Jawa Timur, (2 di sektor peternakan, subsektor yang dapat dikembangkan adalah pakan ternak, pemotongan hewan, sapi, kambing dan domba, serta ayam (3 di sektor pengolahan subsektor pengolahan es krim, beras, dan penggilingan padi serta rokok. ABSTRACTLocal development is held by maximizing potential resources in a particular region. In addition, most of Indonesian people are farmers so it’s important to identify the agriculural contribution in local economic. The aim of this study are to study the contribution of agriculture  in ouput multiplier, income multiplier, and employment multiplier. The method which was used in this research was input-output analysis based on Badan Pusat Statistik East Java Province’s data in 2010. From the analysis, we can conclude that the sugarcane was formed in the second quadrant, in which (1sugarcane comodity promoted the sugar industry in East Java Province (2 in livestock subsector, the woof of livestock industry, animals truncation, sheeps, goats, and chicken husbandry (poultry were potentially to be developed (3 in processing subsector which was based on agriculture product, ice cream and processing, rice milling and cigarette were potentially to be developed. 

  4. SigWinR; the SigWin-detector updated and ported to R

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Breit Timo M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Our SigWin-detector discovers significantly enriched windows of (genomic elements in any sequence of values (genes or other genomic elements in a DNA sequence in a fast and reproducible way. However, since it is grid based, only (life scientists with access to the grid can use this tool. Therefore and on request, we have developed the SigWinR package which makes the SigWin-detector available to a much wider audience. At the same time, we have introduced several improvements to its algorithm as well as its functionality, based on the feedback of SigWin-detector end users. Findings To allow usage of the SigWin-detector on a desktop computer, we have rewritten it as a package for R: SigWinR. R is a free and widely used multi platform software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The package can be installed and used on all platforms for which R is available. The improvements involve: a visualization of the input-sequence values supporting the interpretation of Ridgeograms; a visualization allowing for an easy interpretation of enriched or depleted regions in the sequence using windows of pre-defined size; an option that allows the analysis of circular sequences, which results in rectangular Ridgeograms; an application to identify regions of co-altered gene expression (ROCAGEs with a real-life biological use-case; adaptation of the algorithm to allow analysis of non-regularly sampled data using a constant window size in physical space without resampling the data. To achieve this, support for analysis of windows with an even number of elements was added. Conclusion By porting the SigWin-detector as an R package, SigWinR, improving its algorithm and functionality combined with adequate performance, we have made SigWin-detector more useful as well as more easily accessible to scientists without a grid infrastructure.

  5. Dampak Guncangan Variabel Makroekonomi terhadap Beta Indeks Sektoral di BEI

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernawati Alena


    Full Text Available Changes in macro Economic factors will increase or decrease systematic risk potentially. Systematic risk is measured using beta (β of a security to the market risk. Beta value can be used as a tool to predict the level of risk of certain conditions on the market as a result of changes in Economic conditions. This study aims to determine the impact of shocks in macroEconomic variables against beta sectoral indices in Indonesia Stock Exchange. MacroEconomic variables used were fed rate, Dow Jones Indexes, inflation, industrial production Index (IPI, exchange rate (Rate, oil price and interest rate (SBI. The method used is the analysis of VAR / VECM using impulse response (IRF and forecast Error variance decomposition (FEVD in the period of 2001–2015. The results showed that stock Index of agriculture and mining sector has an aggressive stock because it has an average beta value >1, Property and Real Estate were sector with defensive stock characteristics because it has an average beta < 1. MacroEconomic variables which has the most influence on beta of sectoral Indexes are inflation, interest rates and oil price. Beta of sectoral agricultural, various industry, consumer goods and finance were the most affected by macroEconomic shock variables. Keywords: beta, sectoral stock Indexes, macroeconomic variables, impulse response function, FEVDAbstrak: Perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada faktor makroekonomi berpotensi untuk meningkatkan atau menurunkan risiko sistematis. Risiko sistematis diukur dengan menggunakan beta (β pasar, yaitu beta dari suatu sekuritas terhadap risiko pasar. Nilai beta dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk memprediksi tingkat risiko terhadap kondisi tertentu pada pasar akibat dari perubahan kondisi ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak guncangan variabel makroekonomi terhadap beta indeks sektoral di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Variabel makroekonomi yang digunakan adalah fed rate, dow jones, inflasi, indeks

  6. Desarrollo de un SIG para dispositivos móviles utilizando gvSIG Mobile


    Pérez Álvarez, Francisco


    Este proyecto se inicia con la introducción al mundo de los SIG basados en software de código abierto, como es el caso del gvSIG Mobile y gvSIG Desktop. Basándonos en estos dos programas, hemos creado una aplicación SIG para dispositivos móviles (PDA’s y smartphones) gracias a la cual, será posible actualizar cartografía en tiempo real directamente en campo. Para introducirse de pleno en el tema del proyecto, se realizó un análisis detallado sobre las necesidades que podrían existir a l...


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    Tigor Butarbutar


    Full Text Available Undang-undang No. 7 Tahun 1996 tentang pangan menyebutkan tujan ketahanan pangan  sebagai kondisi terpenuhinya pangan bagi setiap rumah tangga, yang tercermin dari tersedianya pangan yang cukup, baik jumlah maupun mutunya, aman dan terjangkau. Resesi ekonomi global yang masih akan terjadi beberapa tahun kedepan akan menyebabkan menurunnya pertumbuhan ekonomi karena sulitnya mendapatkan dana dalam menjalankan sektor riil.  Kelangkaan  lapangan kerja dan pertambahan penduduk menyebabkan sulitnya  masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, terutama  pangan. Untuk antisipasi hal tersebut diperlukan kontribusi sektor kehutanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan. Sektor kehutanan dapat berkontribusi terhadap pangan dengan mengembangkan potensi hutan yang terdapat di hutan alam, hutan tanaman, hutan lindung dan kawasan konservasi. Selain pemanfaatan dan pengembangan potensi yang ada juga perlu dipertimbangkan pemanfaatan areal hutan/kawasan sebagai areal pengembangan pangan terpadu. Pola agroforestri yang lebih berorientasi komoditi pangan dapat dikembangkan. Pengembangan agroforestri dapat dilakukan dengan model silvopastur serta harus mempertimbangkan kesesuaian jenis, ekonomi dan kebijakan. Tujuan dari pengembangan model agroforestry ini adalah untuk pemanfaatan kawasan hutan guna memenuhi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat sekitar hutan khususnya dan masyarakat Indonesia umumnya.

  8. Når fremtiden tegner sig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Mette Lykke; Katznelson, Noemi

    Når fremtiden tegner sig er en rapport om unge i et yderkantsområder i Danmark. Den giver indblik i nogle af de subjektive, kulturelle og samfundsmæssige mekanismer der kan få betydning for, hvordan fremtiden tegner sig for unge.......Når fremtiden tegner sig er en rapport om unge i et yderkantsområder i Danmark. Den giver indblik i nogle af de subjektive, kulturelle og samfundsmæssige mekanismer der kan få betydning for, hvordan fremtiden tegner sig for unge....

  9. Sig, sig selv> og KorpusDK - hvorfor det er svært både at skælde sig ud og at skille sig selv ud

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ehlers, Katrine Rosendal; Vikner, Sten


    Denne artikel vil undersøge det danske refleksivsystem, baseret på den antagelse at der er to forskellige typer betingelser angående koreference som hver af de fire refleksive/non-refleksive pronominaltyper i dansk, dvs. sig/sig selv/hende/hende selv skal opfylde (jf. Vikner 1985). En type beting...

  10. Drivkræfter for offentlig sektor innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agger Nielsen, Jeppe

    denne udvikling. Med udgangspunkt i institutionel organisationsteori og et longitudinelt case studie af et storskala innovationsprojekt i den danske ældrepleje går paperet ”bagom” offentlig sektor innovation. Undersøgelsen trækker på multiple datakilder (survey, interviews og dokumenter) og demonstrerer...... innovationen i den daglige opgaveløsning....

  11. Tre strejker i det offentlige

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamhus, Jørgen; Scheuer, Steen; Chrstensen, Ellen Susanne


    Fra april til juni 2008 gik tre grupper af offentligt ansatte (sosu-assistenter, sygeplejersker m.fl. og børnehavepædagoger) i strejke for at opnå forbedrede relative løngevinster. Kunne dette betale sig? På grundlag af en investeringskalkule påvises det, at kun en velforberedt og relativt kort s...

  12. EduSIG: gvSIG aplicado a la enseñanza de la geografía


    Bermejo Domínguez, Juan A.; Anguix Alfaro, Álvaro; Juncos, Raúl


    EduSIG parte de la idea de disponer de un SIG como herramienta educativa para el aprendizaje de la geografía. Por un lado EduSIG consiste en un gvSIG más simple, sin herramientas complejas o muy técnicas, que permite navegar, consultar, construir y entender los mapas sin necesitar ninguna formación en Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Por otro lado pretende dar una visión didáctica de la enseñanza de la geografía, incluyendo tanto vistas temáticas predefinidas y diverso...

  13. Administration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogen handler om den praksis, vi kalder administration. Vi er i den offentlige sektor i Danmark hos kontorfolkene med deres sagsmapper, computere, telefoner,, lovsamlinger,, retningslinier og regneark. I bogen udfoldes en mangfoldighed af konkrete historier om det administrative arbejde fra...... forskellige områder i den offentlige sektor. Hensigten er at forstå den praksis og faglighed der knytter sig til det administrative arbejde...

  14. Critical Role of a Single Position in the −35 Element for Promoter Recognition by Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigE and SigH▿


    Song, Taeksun; Song, Seung-Eun; Raman, Sahadevan; Anaya, Mauricio; Husson, Robert N.


    Mycobacterial SigE and SigH both initiate transcription from the sigB promoter, suggesting that they recognize similar sequences. Through mutational and primer extension analyses, we determined that SigE and SigH recognize nearly identical promoters, with differences at the 3′ end of the −35 element distinguishing between SigE- and SigH-dependent promoters.

  15. Dampak belanja irigasi dan jaringan terhadap output PDRB sektor pertanian dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kota Jambi


    Aminah, Siti; Parmadi, Parmadi


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perkembangan Belanja irigasi dan jaringan serta perkembangan output GDP sektor pertanian Kota Jambi selama periode tahun 2005-2015 dan menganalisis pengaruh belanja irigasi dan jaringan terhadap  GDP Output sektor pertanian dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kota Jambi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Selama periode penelitian tahun 2005-2015 dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan 61,98%, nilai rata-rata PDRB harga berlaku Kota Jambi sebesar 157.601,68 dalam juta rupi...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoti Komara Murti


    Full Text Available Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB di Kabupaten Sragen relatif rendah diantara Karesidenan Surakarta.  Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor penyumbang PDRB terbesar diantara sektor-sektor yang lain di Kabupaten Sragen, melalui sektor pertanian ini diharapkan dapat menaikkan angka PDRB dengan dilakukan perencaaan pengembangan komoditas tanaman bahan makanan. Data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder dan merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitaif. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis Loqation Quotient, Shift Share, Klassen Typologi, Skalogram, Overlay serta Proyeksi Kecenderungan atau Time Trend. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode Loqation Quotient (LQ Shift Share (SSdan metode analisis Typologi Klassen, hanya daerah komoditas pada komoditas ubi jalar yang tidak terdapat kecamatan yang unggul. Atas dasar analisis overlay, area pengembangan pada komoditas padi terdapat di 2 kecamatan, komoditas jagung terdapat di 2 kecamatan, komoditas kedelai terdapat di 1 kecamatan, komoditas kacang tanah terdapat di 2 kecamatan, komoditas kacang hijau terdapat di 1 kecamatan, komoditas ubi kayu terdapat di 1 kecamatan, dan komoditas ubi jalar terdapat di 1 kecamatan. Berdasarkan analisis dengan menggunakan Proyeksi Kecenderungan atau Time Trend, selama 5 tahun ke depan subsektor tanaman bahan makanan dalam hasil produksi mengalami peningkatan, kecuali pada komoditas kedelai mengalami penurunan.  Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP in Sragen relatively low among Surakarta. The agricultural sector is the sector's largest contributor to GDP among other sectors in Sragen, through the agricultural sector is expected to raise GDP figures to do planning is the development of food crops. The data used is secondary data and the type of quantitative research. Methods of data analysis using analysis Loqation Quotient, Shift Share, Klassen Typologi, schallogram, Overlay and trend projections or Time Trend. Based on the results of studies using methods

  17. Institutionalization of Ukrainian Nationalism: Difference of "Svoboda" ("Liberty" and "Praviy Sektor" ("Right Ssector" Ideology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexey A. Tokarev


    Full Text Available The article examines the history of the formation of Ukrainian nationalist parties "Svoboda" and "Praviy sektor". First, that they express a structured nationalism and Russophobia in Ukrainian political space. Secondly, in Russia it has become customary to identify one with another. The paper gives an overview of the basic civil identities in Ukraine, Eastern and Western. The author postulates that their conflict lies at the heart of the growing popularity of both nationalist parties. In addition, this process was provoked by the reunion of Crimea and Russia and by the civil war in the south-east of Ukraine. Before the Crimean crisis Ukrainian nationalism had primarily historical roots, and in many respects it was created by attitude of empire elites (the Russian and Soviet Empires to Ukrainians and their nation-state formations. After March-2014 it began to acquire a geopolitical indication exactly - Russia is perceived as an enemy. Two of the most famous actors of the Ukrainian nationalists and anarchists parties in modern Russia are "Svoboda" and "Praviy sektor". They have fundamentally different origins. "Svoboda" is a systematic force in Ukrainian politics for almost 20 years. Unlike it "Praviy sektor" was established like a party only in December 2013 within a framework of the Euromaidan. Due to the inability to compare the electoral history of both parties the author pays attention to the comparative analysis of their ideologies. Specific manifestations of extremism of "Svoboda" and "Praviy sektor" are not subjects of this research.

  18. Qualifizierungsbedarfe, -ansätze und -strategien im Secondhand Sektor. Ein Europäischer Good-Practice-Bericht


    Arold, Heike; Koring, Claudia; Windelband, Lars


    Vor dem Hintergrund eines sich ändernden Konsumverhaltens sowie des Wandels in der Umweltpolitik ist zukünftig mit einem Wachstum des Secondhand Sektors zu rechnen. Um die Qualität sowie die Professionalisierung innerhalb der im Sektor operierenden Unternehmen zu stärken, bedarf es der Entwicklung einer europaweit einheitlichen und sektorspezifischen Qualifizierung, die an den realen Arbeitsprozessen und Anforderungen ausgerichtet ist. Der vorliegende Good-Practice-Bericht zeigt neben einer a...

  19. BioSig - An application of Octave


    Schlögl, Alois


    BioSig is an open source software library for biomedical signal processing. Most users in the field are using Matlab; however, significant effort was undertaken to provide compatibility to Octave, too. This effort has been widely successful, only some non-critical components relying on a graphical user interface are missing. Now, installing BioSig on Octave is as easy as on Matlab. Moreover, a benchmark test based on BioSig has been developed and the benchmark results of several platforms are...

  20. Ungdomslitteratur former(er) sig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henkel, Ayoe Qvist


    Igennem en 'mediesensitiv' analyse af romanen "Akavet" af Ronnie Andersen (2014) og perspektivering til andre aktuelle romaner for og med unge undersøger artiklen, hvordan ungdomslitteratur udvikler sig i dialog med digitale og mediebaserede impulser, og hvilke konsekvenser for udsigelserne om...... ungdomsliv og ungdomslitteraturens æstetik og mulige egenart, denne udvikling har. Artiklen baserer sig på en materialitetstilgang særligt inspireret af N. Katherine Hayles, som ikke tidligere har fået opmærksomhed i læsninger af ungdomslitteratur eller i diskussioner af ungdomslitteraturens mulige egenart......, at ungdomslitteratur drejer sig om unges udviklingsproces fra barndom og til voksenhed og dermed skildrer en overgang præget af linearitet, modning og vækst. Artiklen konkluderer, at der er ungdomslitteratur, der realiseres på andre præmisser, og Akavet kan ses som eksponent for en bevægelse fra ungdomslitteratur som...

  1. Transnational organisatorisk innovation i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Balle

    Artiklen undersøger tre problemstillinger: 1) Hvor udbredt er forskellige former for transnational organisatorisk innovation i den danske offentlige sektor? 2) Hvordan er disse organisatoriske innovationer relateret til hinanden? 3) Er forskelle i deres udbredelse signifikant relateret til...... innovation og dels på forskelle og ligheder mellem statslige og kommunale organisationer. Elleve former for organisatorisk innovation, hvoraf mange ofte forbindes med New Public Management (NPM), er inkluderet i de empiriske analyser: Privatisering/udlicitering, Bestiller-Udfører model, Kontraktstyring, Mål...

  2. [Genome similarity of Baikal omul and sig]. (United States)

    Bychenko, O S; Sukhanova, L V; Ukolova, S S; Skvortsov, T A; Potapov, V K; Azhikina, T L; Sverdlov, E D


    Two members of the Baikal sig family, a lake sig (Coregonus lavaretus baicalensis Dybovsky) and omul (C. autumnalis migratorius Georgi), are close relatives that diverged from the same ancestor 10-20 thousand years ago. In this work, we studied genomic polymorphism of these two fish species. The method of subtraction hybridization (SH) did not reveal the presence of extended sequences in the sig genome and their absence in the omul genome. All the fragments found by SH corresponded to polymorphous noncoding genome regions varying in mononucleotide substitutions and short deletions. Many of them are mapped close to genes of the immune system and have regions identical to the Tc-1-like transposons abundant among fish, whose transcription activity may affect the expression of adjacent genes. Thus, we showed for the first time that genetic differences between Baikal sig family members are extremely small and cannot be revealed by the SH method. This is another endorsement of the hypothesis on the close relationship between Baikal sig and omul and their evolutionarily recent divergence from a common ancestor.

  3. Studi Perkembangan Pasar Smart Card Indonesia Pada Sektor Perbankan


    Onny Rafizan


    Smart card merupakan salah satu teknologi yang sudah banyak digunakan di Indonesia di berbagai sektor. Dari sisi teknologi, industri dalam negeri sebenarnya sudah mampu memproduksi smart card, sehingga industri ini sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan menuju kemandirian. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebagai bagian dalam USAha pemerintah untuk mendorong perkembangan industri smart card dalam negeri, dengan tujuan memberikan gambaran kondisi pasar smart card di Indonesia saat ini. Pengumpulan data p...

  4. Den kontraktstyrede og kontraktstyrende offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schulze, Christiane; Greve, Carsten

    Kontraktbaseret styring har været på den politiske agenda i OECD landene siden de tidlige 1980’erne og i dag er kontrakter et helt centralt element i den moderne regering ((Ejersbo & Greve 2005: 62, Greve 2008a: 4). Internationalt var det især med Reagon-regeringen i USA og Thatcher-regeringen i...... den private sektor og [som] brug af markedsmekanismer”(Greve 2003). Ved siden af privatisering og deregulering iagttages kontrakter som et determinerende element i NPM (Fortin 2000:1). Kontrakter kan helt grundlæggende defineres som en aftale mellem bestiller og leverandør, der angiver vilkårene...

  5. Rediscovering Sig Socransky, the genius and his legacy. (United States)

    Teles, R P; Teles, F R F; Loesche, W J; Listgarten, M; Fine, D; Lindhe, J; Malament, K; Haffajee, A D


    Some individuals make contributions so vital to their field of knowledge that their names become almost synonymous with that field. This is the case of Sig Socransky and the field of periodontal microbiology. Sig Socransky, or simply Sig, was born in Toronto, Canada and received his DDS degree from the University of Toronto in 1957. He studied microbiology and periodontology at Harvard, receiving a certificate in 1961. That same year he was recruited to work as a Research Associate at the Forsyth Dental Center. In 1968, he was nominated Senior Member of the Staff and Head of the Department of Periodontology. During his 50-year career at Forsyth, Sig published over 300 manuscripts, keeping an average of 7 publications per year. His work had an indelible impact in the fields of periodontology and oral microbiology. All these accomplishments pale in comparison with the impact that Sig had on a personal level. We have collected testimonials from some of his former students, closest collaborators, and friends in an attempt to give readers an insight into Sig's personality. We hope we can offer those who knew him through his work a glimpse of how it felt to interact with this remarkable individual.

  6. Transnational organisatorisk innovation i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Balle


    Artiklen undersøger tre problemstillinger: 1) Hvor udbredt er forskellige former for transnational organisatorisk innovation i den danske offentlige sektor? 2) Hvordan er disse organisatoriske innovationer relateret til hinanden? 3) Er forskelle i deres udbredelse relateret til forskelle mellem den...... forskelle og ligheder mellem statslige og kommunale organisationer. 11 former for organisatorisk innovation, hvoraf mange ofte forbindes med New Public Management (NPM), er inkluderet i de empiriske analyser: privatisering/udlicitering, Bestiller-Udfører-model, kontraktstyring, mål- og rammestyring...... innovationer. Forskellige fortolkninger af den større udbredelse i kommuner end i stat drøftes....

  7. Penentuan Kawasan Agroindustri Berbasis Komoditas Unggulan Sektor Pertanian di Kabupaten Probolinggo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Firda Nurul Lailia


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan kawasan agroindustri di Kabupaten Probolinggo yang berbasis komoditas unggulan sektor pertanian. Sasaran pertama yang dilakukan adalah menentukan komoditas unggulan yang potensial menggunakan alat analisis LQ dan Shift-Share, kedua menentukan bobot faktor-faktor penentu kawasan agroindustri menggunakan analisis AHP, kemudian ketiga menentukan kawasan agroindustri berdasarkan komoditas unggulan sektor pertanian Kabupaten Probolinggo dengan analisis penilaian variabel. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 18 komoditas unggulan yang kemudian dikelompokkan menjadi tiga subsektor unggulan yaitu Subsektor Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura, Subsektor Peternakan dan Subsektor Perikanan. Dalam penentuan kawasan agroindustri, faktor ketersediaan bahan baku memiliki nilai bobot (tingkat pengaruh paling besar baik untuk subsektor tanaman pangan dan hortikultura, subsektor peternakan, dan subsektor perikanan. Berdasarkan analisa penilaian variabel adapun kecamatan yang terpilih sebagai kawasan yang paling potensial sebagai kawasan agroindustri subsektor tanaman pangan dan hortikultura yaitu Kecamatan Tongas dengan komoditas unggulan mangga dan jagung, kawasan agroindustri subsektor peternakan yaitu Kecamatan Kraksaan dengan komoditas unggulan sapi potong, dan kawasan agroindustri perikanan di Kecamatan Paiton dengan komoditas unggulan perikanan laut.

  8. Antibiotic resistance of canine Staphylococcus intermedius group (SIG)--practical implications. (United States)

    Chrobak, D; Kizerwetter-Swida, M; Rzewuska, M; Binek, M


    A total of 221 SIG strains were isolated from clinical samples of canine origin submitted to the Diagnostic Laboratory of the Division of Bacteriology and Molecular Biology at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Warsaw during the period 2006-2010. The aim of the study was to investigate the frequency of prevalence of methicillin-resistant SIG strains and to determine the MIC values of cephalotin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, mupirocin for a collection of randomly selected 79 strains belonging to Staphylococcus intermedius group (SIG), including 23 mecA-positive and 56 mecA-negative strains. All isolates were identified as belonging to SIG based on their phenotypic properties and PCR amplification of S. intermedius-specific fragment of the 16S rRNA gene. The mecA gene was detected in 26 (12%) of 221 SIG strains. All tested mecA-negative SIG strains were susceptible to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and cephalotin. One of the 56 mecA-negative SIG strains was resistant to ciprofloxacin, six (11%) to gentamicin. It was found that sixteen (29%) of 56 mecA-negative SIG strains were resistant to clindamycin. Most of the mecA-positive SIG strains were resistant to ciprofloxacin (96%), clindamycin (96%), and gentamicin (96%). Only one MRSIG strain was resistant to chloramphenicol. All examined mecA-positive SIG strains were found to be susceptible to mupirocin. Our results imply that staphylococcal multidrug resistance has become more prevalent, which could lead to difficulties in effective treatment. With some resistant strains the only therapeutic possibility are antimicrobial agents important in human medicine. New regulations for veterinary medicine concerning appropriate therapy of infections caused by multidrug-resistat staphylococci are needed.

  9. Bureaukrati: ven eller fjende af (offentlig sektor) innovation?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Mads Leth


    Det er en udbredt forestilling, at bureaukrati hæmmer mulighederne for innovation i den offentlige sektor. Det er argumentet i denne artikel, at dette er en alt for unuanceret forestilling. Nogle elementer af bureaukrati som arbejdsdeling og specialisering synes at fremme innovation, andre...... elementer som formalisering betyder tilsyneladende ikke så meget, mens elementer som centralisering synes at hæmme innovation. Artiklen er baseret på en gennemgang af både de væsentligste teoretiske argumenter for, hvordan bureaukrati påvirker innovation, samt resultaterne i fem udvalgte empiriske...

  10. The fourth age of political communication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Peter


    Den politiske kommunikations fjerde tidsalder nærmer sig. I den fjerde tidsalder bliver den offentlige sektor formet af medielogik og digitaliseringslogik, fordi algoritmer og populariseret drama i stigende grad bestemmer, hvad vi bliver gjort opmærksomme på i digitale medier og massemedier. Resu...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Albert Gamot Malau


    Full Text Available Labor becomes problem without the availability of jobs. Batam is a city with high employment rate, especially in industrial sector. The purpose of this article was to observed factors that affect the employment sector, labor supply, and regional minimum wage. The model allegedly using the method of Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS. Overall the results indicated that the level of minimum wage make a significant contribution to the formation of labor supply compared to the productive population. The level of investment was very responsive in affecting labor demand sector in both the short and long term. If there is governments policy of raising the minimum wage by 20%, the impact on the labor supply will be increased by 2.1036%, the opposite will decrease the demand for labor by 0.5898% and a decrease in the minimum wage for the city of Batam by 0. 2753%. Tenaga kerja menjadi suatu masalah apabila tidak dibarengi dengan ketersediaan lapangan kerja. Salah satu kota dengan penyerapan tenaga kerja sangat tinggi adalah kota Batam, terutama pada sektor industri. Tujuan artikel ini untuk melihat faktor yang mempengaruhi penyerapan tenaga kerja sektor industri, penawaran tenaga kerja sektor industri, dan upah minimum regional Kota Batam. Model diduga dengan mengunakan metode Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS. Secara keseluruhan hasil menunjukkan bahwa tingkat upah minimum kota Batam memberikan kontribusi cukup besar kepada pembentukan penawaran tenaga kerja dibanding jumlah penduduk produktif. Tingkat investasi sangat responsif mempengaruhi permintaan tenaga kerja sektor industri baik untuk jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Bila pemerintah membuat kebijakan dengan menaikkan upah minimum regional sebesar 20%, hal ini akan berdampak pada peningkatan penawaran tenaga kerja sebesar 2,1036%, sebaliknya akan menurunkan tingkat permintaan tenaga kerja sebesar 0,5898 % dan berdampak pada penurunan upah minimum kota Batam sebesar 0,2753%.

  12. Abstracts of SIG Sessions. (United States)

    Proceedings of the ASIS Annual Meeting, 1994


    Includes abstracts of 18 special interest group (SIG) sessions. Highlights include natural language processing, information science and terminology science, classification, knowledge-intensive information systems, information value and ownership issues, economics and theories of information science, information retrieval interfaces, fuzzy thinking…

  13. A Network SIG is born, DECUS (Switzerland) Newsletter, May 1990

    CERN Document Server

    Heagerty, Denise


    This article announces the formation of a Swiss DECUS (DEC Users Group) Network SIG in May 1990. The goal of this SIG is to help Swiss DECnet managers to plan transition from their proprietary DECnet Phase IV networks (e.g. the HEP/SPAN DECnet) to open networks based on DECnet Phase V/OSI. The SIG also proposes to address integration with UNIX based workstations using the Internet's TCP/IP protocols.

  14. Approche SIG pour une analyse spatiale des infrastructures ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 janv. 2014 ... SIG jouent un rôle primordial dans l'implantation, le suivi et la gestion des infrastructures hydrauliques. L'utilisation de ces outils peut atténuer les difficultés d'approvisionnement en eau. Mots clés : SIG, distribution spatiale, infrastructure hydraulique, Zè, Bénin. ... accès à un dispositif d'assainissement de.

  15. Leadership pipeline i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Kristian Aagaard; Molly-Søholm, Thorkil

    en rejse ind i hjertet af offentlig ledelse med fokus på lederniveauerne: topchef, funktionel chef, leder af ledere og leder af medarbejdere. Med afsæt i righoldige eksempler og fortællinger fra virkeligheden introduceres læseren for ledelsesteorien den Offentlige Leadership Pipeline, som giver...... enkelte lederniveauer og udvikle ledertalenter. Teorien byder på et detaljeret ledelsesgrundlag, hvorudfra den offentlige organisation kan bygge en professionel værdikæde for ledelse ved at forme lederprofiler, -rekruttering, -uddannelse, -evaluering m.m. Leadership Pipeline i den offentlige sektor er...... baseret på et treårigt dansk praksisorienteret forskningsprojekt med deltagelse af 15 offentlige organisationer, som repræsenterer kommunerne, regionerne og staten. Projektet har videreudviklet en af de sidste 10 års mest indflydelsesrige ledelseteorier i de største private organisationer, Leadership...

  16. Hvorfor sætter folk ild til sig selv?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harrebye, Silas


    Mellemøsten brød i brand efter en mand satte ild til sig selv. Et bevis på revolutioner skal selvantændes?......Mellemøsten brød i brand efter en mand satte ild til sig selv. Et bevis på revolutioner skal selvantændes?...

  17. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper; Andersen, Kim Normann


    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne af en undersøgelse gennemført i juni måned 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive...... til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs. uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til...... følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Undersøgelsen medtager myndighedernes besvarelse af digital post og e-mail, dels for at kunne...

  18. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne for styrelser og statslige organisationer af en undersøgelse gennemført i sommeren 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en...... digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs....... uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Vi har også undersøgt besvarelse af e-mail, dels...

  19. Child-Computer Interaction SIG

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hourcade, Juan Pablo; Revelle, Glenda; Zeising, Anja


    This SIG will provide child-computer interaction researchers and practitioners an opportunity to discuss four topics that represent new challenges and opportunities for the community. The four areas are: interactive technologies for children under the age of five, technology for inclusion, privacy...... and information security in the age of the quantified self, and the maker movement....

  20. Sigüenza y el alma del paisaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Navarro de San Pío


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone un análisis de la estética del paisaje en la obra del escritor Gabriel Miró. Para ello se investiga el significado y valor atribuido al paisaje en la trilogía novelesca  (Del vivir, Libro de Sigüenza, Años y Leguas de Sigüenza, héroe modernista de su paisaje literario, así como en el ensayo Sigüenza y el mirador azul. La visión del paisaje en Miró se reconstruye a través del diálogo con diferentes fuentes culturales y filosóficas (especialmente, Giner de los Ríos y Ortega y Gasset. El paisaje mironiano muestra así la evolución desde una inicial actitud panteísta hacia una posterior mirada fenomenológica y hermenéutica.

  1. Radioimmunoassay and evaluation for serum SIgA and CG of the hepatopathy patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Junchi; Du Shujun; Lu Jun; Tang Xiaolin; Mao Shaorong


    Serum SIgA and CG of 247 hepatopathy (male 140, female 99) are radioimmunoassayed. The Clinical Significance of SIgA, CG for hepatisms is evaluated. The results show that the assay of SIgA, CG has an important significance for the doctor to choose the treatment plans and determine the prognosis

  2. … vandt sig Danmark al … - hvad mente Harald?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roesdahl, Else


    Diskussion af meningen med sætningen 'vandt sig Danmark al' på den store Jellingsten. Ordet 'vandt' tolkes i retning af nudansk 'vandt' og ikke som 'samlede', hvilket tit fremføres.......Diskussion af meningen med sætningen 'vandt sig Danmark al' på den store Jellingsten. Ordet 'vandt' tolkes i retning af nudansk 'vandt' og ikke som 'samlede', hvilket tit fremføres....

  3. Child Computer Interaction SIG

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Read, Janet; Hourcade, Juan Pablo; Markopoulos, Panos

    a mixture of facilitated creative thinking and a world café approach to bring the community together to tackle these two key challenges. The CCI SIG will be the natural meeting place for members of this community at CHI and will disseminate its discussion to the CCI and CHI communities through...... the production of visual and interactive materials at the CHI conference....

  4. BioSig: the free and open source software library for biomedical signal processing. (United States)

    Vidaurre, Carmen; Sander, Tilmann H; Schlögl, Alois


    BioSig is an open source software library for biomedical signal processing. The aim of the BioSig project is to foster research in biomedical signal processing by providing free and open source software tools for many different application areas. Some of the areas where BioSig can be employed are neuroinformatics, brain-computer interfaces, neurophysiology, psychology, cardiovascular systems, and sleep research. Moreover, the analysis of biosignals such as the electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocorticogram (ECoG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electrooculogram (EOG), electromyogram (EMG), or respiration signals is a very relevant element of the BioSig project. Specifically, BioSig provides solutions for data acquisition, artifact processing, quality control, feature extraction, classification, modeling, and data visualization, to name a few. In this paper, we highlight several methods to help students and researchers to work more efficiently with biomedical signals.

  5. At studere sig selv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beedholm, Kirsten; Frederiksen, Kirsten


    Hvad ville der ske, hvis alle eskimoer begyndte at studere eskimologi på bekostning af at leve som en 'rigtig' eskimo? Det spørger forfatterne om i denne artikel. De underviser begge på sygeplejeskoler og finder det en tankevækkende tendens, at det i sygeplejerskernes grunduddannelse er faget sel......, der studeres frem for det, som faget retter sig imod ­ nemlig patienterne....

  6. Comprehensive Definition of the SigH Regulon of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Reveals Transcriptional Control of Diverse Stress Responses.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jared D Sharp

    Full Text Available Expression of SigH, one of 12 Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factors, is induced by heat, oxidative and nitric oxide stresses. SigH activation has been shown to increase expression of several genes, including genes involved in maintaining redox equilibrium and in protein degradation. However, few of these are known to be directly regulated by SigH. The goal of this project is to comprehensively define the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genes and operons that are directly controlled by SigH in order to gain insight into the role of SigH in regulating M. tuberculosis physiology. We used ChIP-Seq to identify in vivo SigH binding sites throughout the M. tuberculosis genome, followed by quantification of SigH-dependent expression of genes linked to these sites and identification of SigH-regulated promoters. We identified 69 SigH binding sites, which are located both in intergenic regions and within annotated coding sequences in the annotated M. tuberculosis genome. 41 binding sites were linked to genes that showed greater expression following heat stress in a SigH-dependent manner. We identified several genes not previously known to be regulated by SigH, including genes involved in DNA repair, cysteine biosynthesis, translation, and genes of unknown function. Experimental and computational analysis of SigH-regulated promoter sequences within these binding sites identified strong consensus -35 and -10 promoter sequences, but with tolerance for non-consensus bases at specific positions. This comprehensive identification and validation of SigH-regulated genes demonstrates an extended SigH regulon that controls an unexpectedly broad range of stress response functions.

  7. Comprehensive Definition of the SigH Regulon of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Reveals Transcriptional Control of Diverse Stress Responses. (United States)

    Sharp, Jared D; Singh, Atul K; Park, Sang Tae; Lyubetskaya, Anna; Peterson, Matthew W; Gomes, Antonio L C; Potluri, Lakshmi-Prasad; Raman, Sahadevan; Galagan, James E; Husson, Robert N


    Expression of SigH, one of 12 Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factors, is induced by heat, oxidative and nitric oxide stresses. SigH activation has been shown to increase expression of several genes, including genes involved in maintaining redox equilibrium and in protein degradation. However, few of these are known to be directly regulated by SigH. The goal of this project is to comprehensively define the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genes and operons that are directly controlled by SigH in order to gain insight into the role of SigH in regulating M. tuberculosis physiology. We used ChIP-Seq to identify in vivo SigH binding sites throughout the M. tuberculosis genome, followed by quantification of SigH-dependent expression of genes linked to these sites and identification of SigH-regulated promoters. We identified 69 SigH binding sites, which are located both in intergenic regions and within annotated coding sequences in the annotated M. tuberculosis genome. 41 binding sites were linked to genes that showed greater expression following heat stress in a SigH-dependent manner. We identified several genes not previously known to be regulated by SigH, including genes involved in DNA repair, cysteine biosynthesis, translation, and genes of unknown function. Experimental and computational analysis of SigH-regulated promoter sequences within these binding sites identified strong consensus -35 and -10 promoter sequences, but with tolerance for non-consensus bases at specific positions. This comprehensive identification and validation of SigH-regulated genes demonstrates an extended SigH regulon that controls an unexpectedly broad range of stress response functions.


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    Wiwit Santi Wahyuningsih


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi industri unggulan yang ada di Jawa Tengah, dan kemudian industri unggulan tersebut diidentifikasi mana saja yang mempunyai daya saing ekspor. Penelitian ini menggunakan data PDRB Jawa Tengah dan PDB Tahun 2010-2015, Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah Tahun 2013, serta data Ekspor-Impor Jawa Tengah Tahun 1997-2015. Data tersebut diperoleh dari data sekunder, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan data yang telah tersedia pada instansi terkait. Penelitian ini mengunakan alat analisis Indeks Daya Penyebaran (IDP, Indeks Derajat Kepekaan (IDK dan Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA. Dari hasil IDP dan IDK terdapat 9 industri unggulan di Jawa Tengah yaitu industri pengolahan dan pengawetan ikan, industri minyak dan lemak, industri penggilingan padi, industri tepung terigu dan tepung lainnya, industri makanan ternak, industri pemintalan, industri tekstil, industri kayu dan bahan bangunan dari kayu, serta industri karet dan barang dari karet. Tetapi dari 9 industri unggulan tersebut yang memiliki daya saing ekspor tinggi hanya ada 3 industri yaitu industri dengan IDP>1, IDK>1 dan RCA>1 yang meliputi industri pemintalan, industri tekstil, dan industri kayu dan bahan bangunan dari kayu. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sektor industri yang dapat diandalkan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui ekspor dan memiliki daya saing ekspor yang sangat bagus serta memilki harga jual tinggi yaitu hanya industri pemintalan, industri tekstil, dan industri kayu dan bahan bangunan dari kayu. Maka dari itu sebaiknya kebijakan pemerintah lebih ditekankan pada sektor hulu dan sektor hilir dari industri-industri tersebut. This research’s aim is to identify the leading manufactures in central Java then identify which of those industries have the export competitiveness. This study used data of Central Java’s Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP and Gross National Product (GNP on 2010-2015, Input Output Table on 2013, as

  9. Pemberdayaan Usaha Sektor Maritim (Pariwisata melalui Humas Internasional dengan Pendekatan Marketing Public Relations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ani Yuningsih


    Full Text Available Kondisi usaha sektor maritim bidang pariwisata saat ini mengalami ketertinggalan dan sulit berkembang, karena belum terpanggilnya sumber-sumber investasi, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Padahal, potensi usaha pariwisata bahari di Indonesia sebagai wi/ayah kepulauan sangat besar, tersedia .'lumber daya alam yang melimpah dan tersebar di berbagai wilayah, maka itulah peranan humas sangat dibutuhkan dalam upaya meningkatkan citra pariwisata Indonesia melalui pendekatan Marketing PR. agar hasilnya lebih efektifdan eflsien dalam penggunaan pembiayaan publikasi

  10. Structural insights into the regulation of Bacillus subtilis SigW activity by anti-sigma RsiW.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shankar Raj Devkota

    Full Text Available Bacillus subtilis SigW is localized to the cell membrane and is inactivated by the tight interaction with anti-sigma RsiW under normal growth conditions. Whereas SigW is discharged from RsiW binding and thus initiates the transcription of its regulon under diverse stress conditions such as antibiotics and alkaline shock. The release and activation of SigW in response to extracytoplasmic signals is induced by the regulated intramembrane proteolysis of RsiW. As a ZAS (Zinc-containing anti-sigma family protein, RsiW has a CHCC zinc binding motif, which implies that its anti-sigma activity may be regulated by the state of zinc coordination in addition to the proteolytic cleavage of RsiW. To understand the regulation mode of SigW activity by RsiW, we determined the crystal structures of SigW in complex with the cytoplasmic domain of RsiW, and compared the conformation of the CHCC motif in the reduced/zinc binding and the oxidized states. The structures revealed that RsiW inhibits the promoter binding of SigW by interacting with the surface groove of SigW. The interaction between SigW and RsiW is not disrupted by the oxidation of the CHCC motif in RsiW, suggesting that SigW activity might not be regulated by the zinc coordination states of the CHCC motif.

  11. Salivary levels of SIgA and perceived stress among dental students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Paulo Menck Sangiorgio


    Full Text Available Background: Academic stress may impair mucosal immunity and expose dental students to an increased risk of infections. Objective: to assess stress scores in dental students and their relationship with variation in SIgA levels. Methods: All students (n = 289 were invited to take part of the study, and 207 (71.63% effectively participated, being 152 (73.4% females. At the day of data collection, the students answered The Dental Environmental Stress Questionnaire (DES and unstimulated saliva samples were collected for determination of salivary flow rate and SIgA concentration and secretion rate. Results: Mean DES scores were higher in females (78.97 ± 16.42, but no correlations between the sum of DES scores and salivary parameters were observed (P=0.08. A moderate inverse relationship was observed between SIgA secretion rates and the subscales Academic Performance (P=0.01, Interpersonal relationships (P=0.02 and Difficulties and Insecurities about Professional Future (P=0.05. A weak correlation was found between SIgA concentration and the items Amount of assigned classwork (P=0.02, Lack of confidence in self to be a successful dentist (P=0.01, Lack of time for relaxation (P=0.01, Financial responsibilities (P=0.02 and Personal physical health (P=0.005. Weak correlations between SIgA secretion rates and DES items were also found for Lack of cooperation by patient in their home care (P=0.003, Patients being late or not showing up for their appointments (P=0.02, Lack of self confidence to be a successful dentist (P=0.008, Personal physical health (P=0.019, and others. Conclusion: Different sources of stress were observed among first to fifth year students and some of these stressors may negatively impact on salivary SIgA secretion.

  12. Determination of consumption biogenic solid fuels in the commercial sector, trade, services (tertiary sector). Final report; Ermittlung des Verbrauchs biogener Festbrennstoffe im Sektor Gewerbe, Handel, Dienstleistungen (GHD-Sektor). Endbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viehmann, Cornelia; Westerkamp, Tanja; Schwenker, Andre; Schenker, Marian; Thraen, Daniela; Lenz, Volker [DBFZ Deutsches BiomasseForschungsZentrum gemeinnuetzige GmbH, Leipzig (Germany); Ebert, Marcel [Leipziger Institut fuer Energie GmbH (Ireland), Leipzig (DE)


    , oberflaechennahen und geothermischen Waerme wird der relative Anteil der Biomasse abnehmen. Mit den im Nationalen Aktionsplan aufgefuehrten 79 % leistet sie dennoch einen essentiellen Betrag im regenerativen Waermemarkt [BMU 2010]. Fuer die Zielverfolgung und Ueberpruefung, der in diesem Zusammenhang initiierten Foerdermassnahmen und Massnahmenpakete, ist eine regelmaessige und zeitnahe Berichterstattung ueber die Entwicklung der oben genannten Ziele zwingend erforderlich. Die vielfaeltigen und wachsenden Berichtspflichten, wie z. B. im Rahmen der EU-Richtlinie zur Foerderung erneuerbarer Energien, setzen jedoch fundierte Kenntnisse ueber den sektorspezifischen Energieverbrauch aus erneuerbaren Quellen voraus. Waehrend sich die Datenlage zum Einsatz biogener Festbrennstoffe in den Sektoren Haushalt und Industrie in den letzten Jahren deutlich verbessert hat, fehlen fuer den Sektor Gewerbe-Handel- Dienstleistungen (GHD) weiterhin belastbare Zahlen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie, in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Umweltbundesamt (UBA), die Ermittlung des Endenergieverbrauchs biogener Festbrennstoffe im GHD-Sektor in Deutschland fuer das Jahr 2008. Die Grundlage bildet, neben der Erarbeitung des aktuellen Wissensstandes des Energie- und Waermeverbrauchs, die Abgrenzung und Charakterisierung dieses Sektors sowie die Entwicklung eines Hochrechnungstools. Der Anspruch an dieses Tool ist seine Erweiterbarkeit sowie Fortschreibbarkeit. Daraus koennen branchenunspezifische und branchenspezifische Eingangsdaten abgeleitet werden, die fuer die Hochrechnung zu erheben sind. Waehrend in der Energiebilanzierung der fossilen Energietraeger der GHD-Sektor per Restdefinition ermittelt wird, ist dies bei biogenen Festbrennstoffen nicht moeglich, da die Summe des gesamten energetisch-verwerteten Holzes (und Stroh) nicht bekannt ist. Gruende hierfuer sind, dass nur ein Anteil der Brennstoffe ueber den offiziellen Brennstoffhandel abgesetzt wird und gleichzeitig eine

  13. Kan migration føre noget godt med sig?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pærregaard, Karsten


    Som regel har den globale migration rod i økonomisk ulighed, social uretfærdighed eller politisk forfølgelse i de lande, hvor migranterne kommer fra og for mange migranter. Mange år efter, at disse har fundet sig til rette og tilpasset sig de samfund, som har migreret til, fortsætter deres families...... hjemlandsbyer i Peru. Artiklen er baseret på et antropologisk forskningsprojekt, som jeg gennemførte fra 2003-2006 blandt peruanere i USA, Spanien, Japan og Argentina.    Udgivelsesdato: September...

  14. SIG aplicado ao Ensino de Geografia


    Dornelles, Liane Maria Azevedo; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ


    Este trabalho descreve as atividades desenvolvidas junto à disciplina eletiva SIG aplicado ao ensino de Geografia. Foram elaboradas aplicações ambientais para os Ensinos Fundamental e Médio, com auxílio dos programas VistaSAGA/UFRJ, SISPLAMTE 5as com GIS, SPRING/INPE e MapServer.

  15. Børn på YouTube – nydelse og nørderi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Stine Liv


    Mange børn og unge bruger dagligt adskillige timer på videodelingsplatformen YouTube. Her kan de dyrke deres individuelle interesser, deres ’guilty pleasures’ og følge med i youtuberes dagligliv. For mange børn og unge er muligheden for selv at producere indhold ligeledes en relevant del af...... attraktionen ved YouTube. På baggrund af en igangværende, kvalitativ undersøgelse præsenteres i denne artikel en række relevante perspektiver ved børn og unges brug af YouTube. Et væsentligt aspekt er, at voksne sjældent involverer sig i børn og unges brug af YouTube. Men hvis man ønsker at tage aktivt del...... børn og unges (digitale) dannelsesprocesser kan det godt betale sig at holde øje med, hvad de laver på YouTube – og forsøge at forstå, hvad de får ud af det....

  16. SigB is a dominant regulator of virulence in Staphylococcus aureus small-colony variants. (United States)

    Mitchell, Gabriel; Fugère, Alexandre; Pépin Gaudreau, Karine; Brouillette, Eric; Frost, Eric H; Cantin, André M; Malouin, François


    Staphylococcus aureus small-colony variants (SCVs) are persistent pathogenic bacteria characterized by slow growth and, for many of these strains, an increased ability to form biofilms and to persist within host cells. The virulence-associated gene expression profile of SCVs clearly differs from that of prototypical strains and is often influenced by SigB rather than by the agr system. One objective of this work was to confirm the role of SigB in the control of the expression of virulence factors involved in biofilm formation and intracellular persistence of SCVs. This study shows that extracellular proteins are involved in the formation of biofilm by three SCV strains, which, additionally, have a low biofilm-dispersing activity. It was determined that SigB activity modulates biofilm formation by strain SCV CF07-S and is dominant over that of the agr system without being solely responsible for the repression of proteolytic activity. On the other hand, the expression of fnbA and the control of nuclease activity contributed to the SigB-dependent formation of biofilm of this SCV strain. SigB was also required for the replication of CF07-S within epithelial cells and may be involved in the colonization of lungs by SCVs in a mouse infection model. This study methodically investigated SigB activity and associated mechanisms in the various aspects of SCV pathogenesis. Results confirm that SigB activity importantly influences the production of virulence factors, biofilm formation and intracellular persistence for some clinical SCV strains.

  17. Kapererhvervets økonomi i Nordjylland 1807-1814

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thomas; Laursen, Andreas Bjerregaard; Poulsen, Bo


    betale sig at deltage i kaperiet i 1807-1814? Ved hjælp af analyser af domme af afsagt ved priseretten i Aalborg foruden en oversigt af nogle af de prisedømte skibes ladning, prøver vi i denne artikel at trænge ind bag spørgsmålet, om det har været en god forretning at være kaperreder eller mandskab på...... indkomster for rederiet at det ikke endegyldigt kan kaldes en god forretning, mens det derimod kan siges, at der med god sandsynlighed har været gode penge at hente for den menige sømand....

  18. Snapshot of SIG: A Look at Four States' Approaches to School Turnaround (United States)

    Quillin, Jessica


    Thousands of schools across the country are chronically low performing, and they operate within districts and states that are struggling to help them improve. The School Improvement Grants (SIG) program is designed to channel federal funds to states and districts facing the task of turning around struggling schools. SIG, a part of the Elementary…

  19. Evaluation of the NCPDP Structured and Codified Sig Format for e-prescriptions. (United States)

    Liu, Hangsheng; Burkhart, Q; Bell, Douglas S


    To evaluate the ability of the structure and code sets specified in the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs Structured and Codified Sig Format to represent ambulatory electronic prescriptions. We parsed the Sig strings from a sample of 20,161 de-identified ambulatory e-prescriptions into variables representing the fields of the Structured and Codified Sig Format. A stratified random sample of these representations was then reviewed by a group of experts. For codified Sig fields, we attempted to map the actual words used by prescribers to the equivalent terms in the designated terminology. Proportion of prescriptions that the Format could fully represent; proportion of terms used that could be mapped to the designated terminology. The fields defined in the Format could fully represent 95% of Sigs (95% CI 93% to 97%), but ambiguities were identified, particularly in representing multiple-step instructions. The terms used by prescribers could be codified for only 60% of dose delivery methods, 84% of dose forms, 82% of vehicles, 95% of routes, 70% of sites, 33% of administration timings, and 93% of indications. The findings are based on a retrospective sample of ambulatory prescriptions derived mostly from primary care physicians. The fields defined in the Format could represent most of the patient instructions in a large prescription sample, but prior to its mandatory adoption, further work is needed to ensure that potential ambiguities are addressed and that a complete set of terms is available for the codified fields.

  20. Scenarier for fødevareindustrien år 2010: Del 2: Fremtidige kompetencebehov

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Birger Boutrup; Sonne, Anne-Mette; Harmsen, Hanne


    prøvet at nærme sig i projektet CRARNAFI (Competence Requirements and Research Needs Ahead in the Food Industry). Scenarierne og metoden, de er fremkommet på, er afrapporteret i MAPP working paper no. 80 "Scenarier for fødevareindustrien år 2010, Del 1: Scenariekonstruktion og scenarier", som kan...... organisationer i fødevareindustrien at klare sig succesfuldt i de forskellige versioner af fremtiden. I dette working paper har vi i samarbejde med en lang række aktører i fødevareindustrien nedfældet, hvilke kompetencer der kræves for at klare sig godt i de tre forskellige scenarier beskrevet i første del af...... projektet. Kompetencerne er udledt på workshops med repræsentanter fra de fire sektorer kød, mejeri, frugt & grønt, samt fisk. Med udgangspunkt i scenarierne, har vi udledt kompetencer og identificeret de største udfordringer for industrien ved at bevæge sig fra, hvor man er nu og til den skitserede...

  1. Regressão linear geograficamente ponderada em ambiente SIG

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    Luís Eduardo Ximenes Carvalho


    Full Text Available

    Este artigo aborda considerações teóricas e resultados da implementação em ambiente SIG de um modelo confirmatório de estatística espacial — regressão linear geograficamente ponderada (RGP — não disponível em ambiente livre. Os aspectos teóricos deste modelo local de regressão espacial foram amplamente discutidos em virtude da escassa bibliografia existente. O modelo RGP foi implementado na linguagem de programação GISDK do SIG-T TransCAD, utilizando compreensivamente as ferramentas de manipulação, tratamento georreferenciado dos dados e rotinas de análise espacial disponibilizadas em plataformas SIG. Ao final, espera-se ter desenvolvido, ainda que de maneira parcial, uma importante ferramenta que contribuirá para a compreensão e refinamento da modelagem de fenômenos geográficos tão amplamente analisados em estudos de Planejamento de Transportes.

  2. Finteh uzņēmuma nākotnes stratēģijas varianti mikro finansējuma pakalpojumu sektorā Krievijas tirgū


    Veilands, Toms


    Šai maģistra darbā tiek apskatīts un analizēts finteh sektors un tā dalībnieka, mikro finanšu pakalpojumu sniedzēja esošā situācija un nākotnes stratēģijas iespējas Krievijā. Darbs sastāv no trim galvenajām daļām - teorētiskās daļas, kur autors apraksta par to, kas notiek pasaulē un Krievijā finteh sektorā, kā arī aplūko darbojošos elementus un komponentes kuras tiek izmantotas, lai veidotu mūsdienīgus finteh risinājumus. Darba otrajā daļā ir veikta finteh sektora analīze ar fokusu uz MFO dar...


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    Muhammad Zaenuri


    Full Text Available Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah 1. Komoditas tanaman bahan makanan unggulan apa saja yang ada di masing-masing kecamatan di Kabupaten Boyolali, 2 Bagaimana strategi perencanaan pengembangan subsektor tanaman bahan makanan dilihat dari kelengkapan infrastruktur di Kabupaten Boyolali, 3 Bagaimana laju pertumbuhan sektor tanaman bahan makanan yang dimiliki tiap kecamatan di Kabupaten Boyolali. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis Location Quotient (LQ, Shift Share (SS, Klassen Typologi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis Location Quotient (LQ diketahui pengembangan komoditas padi terdapat di Kecamatan Ngemplak, Kecamatan Banyudono, Kecamatan Sawit. Komoditas tanaman jagung terdapat di Kecamatan Selo, Kecamatan Ampel, Kecamatan Cepogo dan Kecamatan Musuk. Komoditas ubi kayu di Kecamatan Klego, kecamatan Simo. Komoditas ubi jalar di Kecamatan Selo, Kecamatan Simo dan Kecamatan Mojosongo. Komoditas kacang tanah ada di Kecamatan Boyolali dan Kecamatan Nogosari. Komoditas kedelai di Kecamatan Juwangi, Kecamatan Sambi, Kecamatn Kemusu dan Kecamatan Wonosegoro. The problems that were in this research is 1 Commodities food plants seed material what it was in each carpel kecamatan in kabupaten boyolali, 2 how strategy sub planning the development of the food crops sector seen from the completeness of the infrastructure in boyolali district, 3 how sector growth rate of plants of food material possessed every sub-district in boyolali district. The data used was secondary data. Data analysis methods using analysis loqation quotient (LQ, shift share (SS, klassen typologi . According to the research using analysis loqation quotient (LQ development rice is in in ngemplak, in banyudono, in palm. Corn is crops in district violoncello, in ampel, in cepogo and in musuk. Commodities cassava in district klego, in simo. Commodities sweet potatoes in in violoncello, in simo and

  4. Chlorella intake attenuates reduced salivary SIgA secretion in kendo training camp participants

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    Otsuki Takeshi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The green alga Chlorella contains high levels of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. We previously reported that a chlorella-derived multicomponent supplement increased the secretion rate of salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA in humans. Here, we investigated whether intake of this chlorella-derived supplement attenuated the reduced salivary SIgA secretion rate during a kendo training camp. Methods Ten female kendo athletes participated in inter-university 6-day spring and 4-day summer camps. They were randomized into two groups; one took placebo tablets during the spring camp and chlorella tablets during the summer camp, while the other took chlorella tablets during the spring camp and placebo tablets during the summer camp. Subjects took these tablets starting 4 weeks before the camp until post-camp saliva sampling. Salivary SIgA concentrations were measured by ELISA. Results All subjects participated in nearly all training programs, and body-mass changes and subjective physical well-being scores during the camps were comparable between the groups. However, salivary SIgA secretion rate changes were different between these groups. Salivary SIgA secretion rates decreased during the camp in the placebo group (before vs. second, middle, and final day of camp, and after the camp: 146 ± 89 vs. 87 ± 56, 70 ± 45, 94 ± 58, and 116 ± 71 μg/min, whereas no such decreases were observed in the chlorella group (121 ± 53 vs. 113 ± 68, 98 ± 69,115 ± 80, and 128 ± 59 μg/min. Conclusion Our results suggest that a use of a chlorella-derived dietary supplement attenuates reduced salivary SIgA secretion during a training camp for a competitive sport.

  5. The Extra-Cytoplasmic Function Sigma Factor SigX Modulates Biofilm and Virulence-Related Properties in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (United States)

    Gicquel, Gwendoline; Bouffartigues, Emeline; Bains, Manjeet; Oxaran, Virginie; Rosay, Thibaut; Lesouhaitier, Olivier; Connil, Nathalie; Bazire, Alexis; Maillot, Olivier; Bénard, Magalie; Cornelis, Pierre; Hancock, Robert E. W.; Dufour, Alain; Feuilloley, Marc G. J.; Orange, Nicole; Déziel, Eric; Chevalier, Sylvie


    SigX, one of the 19 extra-cytoplasmic function sigma factors of P. aeruginosa, was only known to be involved in transcription of the gene encoding the major outer membrane protein OprF. We conducted a comparative transcriptomic study between the wildtype H103 strain and its sigX mutant PAOSX, which revealed a total of 307 differentially expressed genes that differed by more than 2 fold. Most dysregulated genes belonged to six functional classes, including the “chaperones and heat shock proteins”, “antibiotic resistance and susceptibility”, “energy metabolism”, “protein secretion/export apparatus”, and “secreted factors”, and “motility and attachment” classes. In this latter class, the large majority of the affected genes were down-regulated in the sigX mutant. In agreement with the array data, the sigX mutant was shown to demonstrate substantially reduced motility, attachment to biotic and abiotic surfaces, and biofilm formation. In addition, virulence towards the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was reduced in the sigX mutant, suggesting that SigX is involved in virulence-related phenotypes. PMID:24260387

  6. Mand falder - og rejser sig igen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Evron, Lotte Orr


    Mand falder - og rejser sig igen Anmeldelse af Lotte Evron 6 stjerner Gennem et år følger Anne Wivel med kamera og samtaler sin mangeårige ven, Per Kirkebys, vej mod en ny hverdag efter et fald. Med venskabet som ramme opbygges et usædvanligt hudløst og respektfuldt portræt af Per Kirkeby – både...


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    Alfredo Ramón Morte


    Full Text Available SIG-UA es un proyecto de investigación de Geografía aplicada destinado a la elabo- ración y puesta en explotación de un sistema de información geográfica (SIG para la gestión de espacios e infraestructuras de la Universidad de Alicante. El objetivo es demostrar cómo la contemplación gráfica de la información contenida en bases de datos, es decir, su representación cartográfica, es el medio más eficaz para comprender y utilizar estrategias de actuación territorial, ventajas que se ven potenciadas al ser u sadas junto a otra forma muy sugerente de consulta de datos, los protocolos de transferencia de hipertextos en una red local de tipo corporativo. En apretada síntesis, los servidores WEB de aplicaciones SIG pueden estar llamados a convertirse en una extraordinaria opción para el control adecuado de los activos inmuebles, tanto en empresas privadas como en organismos públicos.

  8. libLocation: acceso a dispositivos de localización para gvSIG Desktop y Mobile


    Jordán Aldasorro, Juan G.; Planells Jiménez, Manuel


    Inicialmente integrada en el piloto de gvSIG Mobile, la librería libLocation tiene como objetivo dotar a los proyectos gvSIG Desktop y gvSIG Mobile un acceso transparente a fuentes de localización. La librería se fundamenta en las especificaciones JSR-179 -API de localización para J2ME- y JSR-293 -API de localización para J2ME v2.0-, proporcionando una interfaz uniforme a diferentes fuentes de localización, mediante funciones de alto nivel. Asimismo, se extiende la funcionalida...


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    Syahrida Ariani


    Full Text Available Kabupaten Balangan mempunyai sumber daya perairan yang cukup besar dan berpotensi meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah, diharapkan peran pemerintah Kabupaten Balangan yang mempunyai wewenang sebagai pelaksana eksplorasi dan pengelolaan kekayaan perairan harus bisa menggali potensi dari sektor perikanan agar lebih optimal dalam rangka pelaksanaan otonomi daerah.  Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan teknik perencanaan pembangunan wilayah Kabupaten Balangan.  Sedangkan secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan sektor perikanan terhadap perekonomian Kabupaten Balangan dan menetapkan alternatif strategi pengembangan sektor perikanan dalam rangka otonomi daerah di Kabupaten Balangan Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dan analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis keuntungan dan analisis SWOT (Isu Strategis & Identifikasi Masalah Berdasarkan hasil analisis SWOT dan perhitungan pembobotan dengan matriks QSP didapatkan alternatif strategi urutan prioritas untuk pengembangan sektor perikanan sebagai berikut : 1 Pemerintah daerah komitmen terhadap pengembangan sektor perikanan melalui alokasi anggaran, 2 Pemerintah daerah melalui Dinas PTPHPP meningkatkan peran BBI dan UPR untuk mengasilkan induk dan benih yang berkualitas dan memiliki sertifikasi, 3 Meningkatkan peran dan fungsi penyuluh perikanan, 4 Meningkatkan pemanfaatan potensi lahan budidaya dengan komoditas unggulan yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi, 5 Pemerintah daerah melalui dinas Pertanian TPHPP melakukan pembinaan dan pendampingan kepada masyarakat sehingga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam penguasaan teknologi, 6 Memfasilitasi masyarakat untuk mengakses permodalan ke perbankan, 7 Perlu adanya regulasi kebijakan dan langkah nyata untuk mengatasi meningkatnya harga pakan, 8 Pemerintah Daerah melalui Dinas Perindustrian

  10. SIG y análisis espacial de datos: perspectivas convergentes

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    Michael F. Goodchild


    Full Text Available En este artículo se identifican algunos de los desarrollos más importantes experimentados por los SIG y el análisis espacial de datos desde los inicios de los 50. Aunque tanto los SIG como el análisis espacial de datos comenzaron como dos áreas de investigación y aplicación más o menos separadas, han crecido unidos estrechamente a lo largo del tiempo. En el trabajo se mantiene que estas dos disciplinas se unen en el terreno de la Ciencia de la Información Geográfica, proporcionando cada una de ellas apoyo o añadiendo valor a la otra. El artículo comienza proporcionando una visión crítica retrospectiva de los desarrollos que han tenido lugar en los últimos cincuenta años. A continuación, se reflexiona acerca de los desafíos actuales y se especula sobre el futuro. Por último se comenta el potencial de convergencia del desarrollo de los SIG y del análisis espacial de datos bajo la rubrica de la Ciencia de la Información Geográfica (o SIGciencia.

  11. SIG y análisis espacial de datos: perspectivas convergentes

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    Michael F. Goodchild


    Full Text Available En este artículo se identifican algunos de los desarrollos más importantes experimentados por los SIG y el análisis espacial de datos desde los inicios de los 50. Aunque tanto los SIG como el análisis espacial de datos comenzaron como dos áreas de investigación y aplicación más o menos separadas, han crecido unidos estrechamente a lo largo del tiempo. En el trabajo se mantiene que estas dos disciplinas se unen en el terreno de la Ciencia de la Información Geográfica, proporcionando cada una de ellas apoyo o añadiendo valor a la otra. El artículo comienza proporcionando una visión crítica retrospectiva de los desarrollos que han tenido lugar en los últimos cincuenta años. A continuación, se reflexiona acerca de los desafíos actuales y se especula sobre el futuro. Por último se comenta el potencial de convergencia del desarrollo de los SIG y del análisis espacial de datos bajo la rubrica de la Ciencia de la Información Geográfica (o SIGciencia.

  12. Interface 3D de aplicações SIG como espaços de comunicação


    Juliano Schimiguel


    Resumo: Um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) é um sistema voltado para manipulação, gerenciamento e visualização de dados geo-referenciados. O termo geo-referenciado denota dados que possuem representação em um sistema de coordenadas geográficas. Os SIG permitem a criação de aplicações para domínios específicos, como é o caso de planejamento urbano e ambiental. Uma aplicação envolve dados, algoritmos, funções e visualização (interface de aplicação). Existem duas categorias de SIG: SIG 2D...

  13. Characterization of the SigD regulon of C. difficile and its positive control of toxin production through the regulation of tcdR.

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    Imane El Meouche

    Full Text Available Clostridium difficile intestinal disease is mediated largely by the actions of toxins A (TcdA and B (TcdB, whose production occurs after the initial steps of colonization involving different surface or flagellar proteins. In B. subtilis, the sigma factor SigD controls flagellar synthesis, motility, and vegetative autolysins. A homolog of SigD encoding gene is present in the C.difficile 630 genome. We constructed a sigD mutant in C. difficile 630 ∆erm to analyze the regulon of SigD using a global transcriptomic approach. A total of 103 genes were differentially expressed between the wild-type and the sigD mutant, including genes involved in motility, metabolism and regulation. In addition, the sigD mutant displayed decreased expression of genes involved in flagellar biosynthesis, and also of genes encoding TcdA and TcdB as well as TcdR, the positive regulator of the toxins. Genomic analysis and RACE-PCR experiments allowed us to characterize promoter sequences of direct target genes of SigD including tcdR and to identify the SigD consensus. We then established that SigD positively regulates toxin expression via direct control of tcdR transcription. Interestingly, the overexpression of FlgM, a putative anti-SigD factor, inhibited the positive regulation of motility and toxin synthesis by SigD. Thus, SigD appears to be the first positive regulator of the toxin synthesis in C. difficile.


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    Charles Banoet


    Full Text Available Abstract South Central Timor regency administration is an area with a broad range of services. To optimize public service for the community, by 2013 the number of districts has been in expand into 32 districts. Research purposes is to figure out how the implementation of the policy widened the territory based the public services, particully in the education sector. This type of research is empiric juridic or in other words sociological study of law with statutory approach, sociological approach, conceptual approach and a case approach. Research data collected were analyzed with descriptive analytical method. The results showed that in general the expansion policy districts in South Central Timor has been on target but in terms of public services, especially in the education sector do not maximized because there is less or limited staff, poor quality of science held by educators as well as the lack of infrastructure educational support such as libraries, laboratories and classrooms. Key words: policy, redistricting, public service, education   Abstrak Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan merupakan suatu wilayah Pemerintahan dengan jangkauan layanan yang cukup luas. Untuk mengoptimalkan pelayanan publik bagi masyarakat, hingga tahun 2013 jumlah kecamatan yang ada telah di mekarkan menjadi 32 kecamatan.Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pemekaran wilayah yang berbasis pelayanan publik khususnya pada sektor  pendidikan. Jenis penilitian yang di gunakan adalah yuridis empiris atau dengan kata lain penelitian hukum sosiologis dengan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan sosiologis, pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan kasus. Data penelitian yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kebijakan pemekaran kecamatan di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan secara umum sudah tepat sasaran namun dalam hal pelayanan publik khususnya di sektor pendidikan belum maksimal

  15. Dectin-1 is essential for reverse transcytosis of glycosylated SIgA-antigen complexes by intestinal M cells.

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    Nicolas Rochereau


    Full Text Available Intestinal microfold (M cells possess a high transcytosis capacity and are able to transport a broad range of materials including particulate antigens, soluble macromolecules, and pathogens from the intestinal lumen to inductive sites of the mucosal immune system. M cells are also the primary pathway for delivery of secretory IgA (SIgA to the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. However, although the consequences of SIgA uptake by M cells are now well known and described, the mechanisms whereby SIgA is selectively bound and taken up remain poorly understood. Here we first demonstrate that both the Cα1 region and glycosylation, more particularly sialic acid residues, are involved in M cell-mediated reverse transcytosis. Second, we found that SIgA is taken up by M cells via the Dectin-1 receptor, with the possible involvement of Siglec-5 acting as a co-receptor. Third, we establish that transcytosed SIgA is taken up by mucosal CX3CR1⁺ dendritic cells (DCs via the DC-SIGN receptor. Fourth, we show that mucosal and systemic antibody responses against the HIV p24-SIgA complexes administered orally is strictly dependent on the expression of Dectin-1. Having deciphered the mechanisms leading to specific targeting of SIgA-based Ag complexes paves the way to the use of such a vehicle for mucosal vaccination against various infectious diseases.

  16. 77 FR 24192 - SIG Energy, LLLP v. California Independent System Operator Corporation; Notice of Complaint (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. EL12-55-000] SIG Energy, LLLP v. California Independent System Operator Corporation; Notice of Complaint Take notice that on.... 824(e) and 825(e), SIG Energy, LLLP (Complainant) filed a formal complaint against the California...

  17. TRPV1 channels and the progesterone receptor Sig-1R interact to regulate pain. (United States)

    Ortíz-Rentería, Miguel; Juárez-Contreras, Rebeca; González-Ramírez, Ricardo; Islas, León D; Sierra-Ramírez, Félix; Llorente, Itzel; Simon, Sidney A; Hiriart, Marcia; Rosenbaum, Tamara; Morales-Lázaro, Sara L


    The Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) ion channel is expressed in nociceptors where, when activated by chemical or thermal stimuli, it functions as an important transducer of painful and itch-related stimuli. Although the interaction of TRPV1 with proteins that regulate its function has been previously explored, their modulation by chaperones has not been elucidated, as is the case for other mammalian TRP channels. Here we show that TRPV1 physically interacts with the Sigma 1 Receptor (Sig-1R), a chaperone that binds progesterone, an antagonist of Sig-1R and an important neurosteroid associated to the modulation of pain. Antagonism of Sig-1R by progesterone results in the down-regulation of TRPV1 expression in the plasma membrane of sensory neurons and, consequently, a decrease in capsaicin-induced nociceptive responses. This is observed both in males treated with a synthetic antagonist of Sig-1R and in pregnant females where progesterone levels are elevated. This constitutes a previously undescribed mechanism by which TRPV1-dependent nociception and pain can be regulated.

  18. The response of Bacillus licheniformis to heat and ethanol stress and the role of the SigB regulon. (United States)

    Voigt, Birgit; Schroeter, Rebecca; Jürgen, Britta; Albrecht, Dirk; Evers, Stefan; Bongaerts, Johannes; Maurer, Karl-Heinz; Schweder, Thomas; Hecker, Michael


    The heat and ethanol stress response of Bacillus licheniformis DSM13 was analyzed at the transcriptional and/or translational level. During heat shock, regulons known to be heat-induced in Bacillus subtilis 168 are upregulated in B. licheniformis, such as the HrcA, SigB, CtsR, and CssRS regulon. Upregulation of the SigY regulon and of genes controlled by other extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors indicates a cell-wall stress triggered by the heat shock. Furthermore, tryptophan synthesis enzymes were upregulated in heat stressed cells as well as regulons involved in usage of alternative carbon and nitrogen sources. Ethanol stress led to an induction of the SigB, HrcA, and CtsR regulons. As indicated by the upregulation of a SigM-dependent protein, ethanol also triggered a cell wall stress. To characterize the SigB regulon of B. licheniformis, we analyzed the heat stress response of a sigB mutant. It is shown that the B. licheniformis SigB regulon comprises additional genes, some of which do not exist in B. subtilis, such as BLi03885, encoding a hypothetical protein, the Na/solute symporter gene BLi02212, the arginase homolog-encoding gene BLi00198 and mcrA, encoding a protein with endonuclease activity. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. A National Research Project Revitalizes and Strengthens a SIG's Membership, Leadership, and the Quality of Research in the Field (United States)

    Educational Researcher, 2011


    A recent moratorium has temporarily halted the creation of new Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in the American Educational Research Association (AERA). The AERA SIG Executive Committee, the official governance body that oversees approximately 160 SIGs, requested this moratorium, which was subsequently approved by AERA Council. The purpose of the…

  20. 213 SIG et distribution spatiale des infrastructures hydrauliques ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Une frange importante de la population de cette commune continue de souffrir de cette .... présente sous quatre ensembles à savoir : les forêts claires et formations boisées, les formations ..... barrage Hachef (Maroc) par télédétection et SIG".

  1. « Éléments pour un état des lieux sur les SIG et SIG-P »

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'objectif général de ce programme panafricain est de contribuer à rendre disponibles des systèmes d'information de bonne qualité, fiables et accessibles grâce à l'usage de SIG-P en vue d'améliorer la gestion des ressources naturelles (eau, terres, forêts, etc.) et de promouvoir la sécurité alimentaire. Le programme ...

  2. sigE facilitates the adaptation of Bordetella bronchiseptica to stress conditions and lethal infection in immunocompromised mice

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    Barchinger Sarah E


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The cell envelope of a bacterial pathogen can be damaged by harsh conditions in the environment outside a host and by immune factors during infection. Cell envelope stress responses preserve the integrity of this essential compartment and are often required for virulence. Bordetella species are important respiratory pathogens that possess a large number of putative transcription factors. However, no cell envelope stress responses have been described in these species. Among the putative Bordetella transcription factors are a number of genes belonging to the extracytoplasmic function (ECF group of alternative sigma factors, some of which are known to mediate cell envelope stress responses in other bacteria. Here we investigate the role of one such gene, sigE, in stress survival and pathogenesis of Bordetella bronchiseptica. Results We demonstrate that sigE encodes a functional sigma factor that mediates a cell envelope stress response. Mutants of B. bronchiseptica strain RB50 lacking sigE are more sensitive to high temperature, ethanol, and perturbation of the envelope by SDS-EDTA and certain β-lactam antibiotics. Using a series of immunocompromised mice deficient in different components of the innate and adaptive immune responses, we show that SigE plays an important role in evading the innate immune response during lethal infections of mice lacking B cells and T cells. SigE is not required, however, for colonization of the respiratory tract of immunocompetent mice. The sigE mutant is more efficiently phagocytosed and killed by peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs than RB50, and exhibits decreased cytotoxicity toward macrophages. These altered interactions with phagocytes could contribute to the defects observed during lethal infection. Conclusions Much of the work on transcriptional regulation during infection in B. bronchiseptica has focused on the BvgAS two-component system. This study reveals that the Sig

  3. CHI 2013 Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) SIG

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clemmensen, Torkil; Campos, Pedro F.; Katre, Dinesh S.


    In this SIG we aim to introduce the IFIP 13.6 Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) approach to the CHI audience. The HWID working group aims at establishing relationships between extensive empirical work-domain studies and HCI design. We invite participants from industry and academia with an inte...

  4. Translational Control of the SigR-Directed Oxidative Stress Response in Streptomyces via IF3-Mediated Repression of a Noncanonical GTC Start Codon. (United States)

    Feeney, Morgan A; Chandra, Govind; Findlay, Kim C; Paget, Mark S B; Buttner, Mark J


    The major oxidative stress response in Streptomyces is controlled by the sigma factor SigR and its cognate antisigma factor RsrA, and SigR activity is tightly controlled through multiple mechanisms at both the transcriptional and posttranslational levels. Here we show that sigR has a highly unusual GTC start codon and that this leads to another level of SigR regulation, in which SigR translation is repressed by translation initiation factor 3 (IF3). Changing the GTC to a canonical start codon causes SigR to be overproduced relative to RsrA, resulting in unregulated and constitutive expression of the SigR regulon. Similarly, introducing IF3* mutations that impair its ability to repress SigR translation has the same effect. Thus, the noncanonical GTC sigR start codon and its repression by IF3 are critical for the correct and proper functioning of the oxidative stress regulatory system. sigR and rsrA are cotranscribed and translationally coupled, and it had therefore been assumed that SigR and RsrA are produced in stoichiometric amounts. Here we show that RsrA can be transcribed and translated independently of SigR, present evidence that RsrA is normally produced in excess of SigR, and describe the factors that determine SigR-RsrA stoichiometry. IMPORTANCE In all sigma factor-antisigma factor regulatory switches, the relative abundance of the two proteins is critical to the proper functioning of the system. Many sigma-antisigma operons are cotranscribed and translationally coupled, leading to a generic assumption that the sigma and antisigma factors are produced in a fixed 1:1 ratio. In the case of sigR - rsrA , we show instead that the antisigma factor is produced in excess over the sigma factor, providing a buffer to prevent spurious release of sigma activity. This excess arises in part because sigR has an extremely rare noncanonical GTC start codon, and as a result, SigR translation initiation is repressed by IF3. This finding highlights the potential significance

  5. Region 7 Significant Ecological Resource Areas (ECO_RES.SIG_REGIONS) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — SIG_REGIONS is a boundary layer that displays Region 7's Significant Ecological Resource Areas. This layer represents large areas within which different ecosystem...

  6. Sigma Factor SigB Is Crucial to Mediate Staphylococcus aureus Adaptation during Chronic Infections.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorena Tuchscherr


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen that causes a range of infections from acute invasive to chronic and difficult-to-treat. Infection strategies associated with persisting S. aureus infections are bacterial host cell invasion and the bacterial ability to dynamically change phenotypes from the aggressive wild-type to small colony variants (SCVs, which are adapted for intracellular long-term persistence. The underlying mechanisms of the bacterial switching and adaptation mechanisms appear to be very dynamic, but are largely unknown. Here, we analyzed the role and the crosstalk of the global S. aureus regulators agr, sarA and SigB by generating single, double and triple mutants, and testing them with proteome analysis and in different in vitro and in vivo infection models. We were able to demonstrate that SigB is the crucial factor for adaptation in chronic infections. During acute infection, the bacteria require the simultaneous action of the agr and sarA loci to defend against invading immune cells by causing inflammation and cytotoxicity and to escape from phagosomes in their host cells that enable them to settle an infection at high bacterial density. To persist intracellularly the bacteria subsequently need to silence agr and sarA. Indeed agr and sarA deletion mutants expressed a much lower number of virulence factors and could persist at high numbers intracellularly. SigB plays a crucial function to promote bacterial intracellular persistence. In fact, ΔsigB-mutants did not generate SCVs and were completely cleared by the host cells within a few days. In this study we identified SigB as an essential factor that enables the bacteria to switch from the highly aggressive phenotype that settles an acute infection to a silent SCV-phenotype that allows for long-term intracellular persistence. Consequently, the SigB-operon represents a possible target to develop preventive and therapeutic strategies against chronic and therapy

  7. Sigma Factor SigB Is Crucial to Mediate Staphylococcus aureus Adaptation during Chronic Infections. (United States)

    Tuchscherr, Lorena; Bischoff, Markus; Lattar, Santiago M; Noto Llana, Mariangeles; Pförtner, Henrike; Niemann, Silke; Geraci, Jennifer; Van de Vyver, Hélène; Fraunholz, Martin J; Cheung, Ambrose L; Herrmann, Mathias; Völker, Uwe; Sordelli, Daniel O; Peters, Georg; Löffler, Bettina


    Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen that causes a range of infections from acute invasive to chronic and difficult-to-treat. Infection strategies associated with persisting S. aureus infections are bacterial host cell invasion and the bacterial ability to dynamically change phenotypes from the aggressive wild-type to small colony variants (SCVs), which are adapted for intracellular long-term persistence. The underlying mechanisms of the bacterial switching and adaptation mechanisms appear to be very dynamic, but are largely unknown. Here, we analyzed the role and the crosstalk of the global S. aureus regulators agr, sarA and SigB by generating single, double and triple mutants, and testing them with proteome analysis and in different in vitro and in vivo infection models. We were able to demonstrate that SigB is the crucial factor for adaptation in chronic infections. During acute infection, the bacteria require the simultaneous action of the agr and sarA loci to defend against invading immune cells by causing inflammation and cytotoxicity and to escape from phagosomes in their host cells that enable them to settle an infection at high bacterial density. To persist intracellularly the bacteria subsequently need to silence agr and sarA. Indeed agr and sarA deletion mutants expressed a much lower number of virulence factors and could persist at high numbers intracellularly. SigB plays a crucial function to promote bacterial intracellular persistence. In fact, ΔsigB-mutants did not generate SCVs and were completely cleared by the host cells within a few days. In this study we identified SigB as an essential factor that enables the bacteria to switch from the highly aggressive phenotype that settles an acute infection to a silent SCV-phenotype that allows for long-term intracellular persistence. Consequently, the SigB-operon represents a possible target to develop preventive and therapeutic strategies against chronic and therapy-refractory infections.

  8. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor: Styrelser og statslige institutioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne for styrelser og statslige organisationer af en undersøgelse gennemført i sommeren 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en...... digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs....... uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Vi har også undersøgt besvarelse af e-mail, dels...

  9. SigG Does Not Control Gene Expression in Response to DNA Damage in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv ▿ §


    Smollett, Katherine L.; Dawson, Lisa F.; Davis, Elaine O.


    Expression of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis sigG sigma factor was induced by a variety of DNA-damaging agents, but inactivation of sigG did not affect induction of gene expression or bacterial survival under these conditions. Therefore, SigG does not control the DNA repair response of M. tuberculosis H37Rv.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew J. Milson

    Full Text Available RESUMEN:Para la mayoría de los profesores dedicados a la enseñanza de la Geografía no hay duda de que el SIG es una herramienta importante en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, pero su uso se ha ido retrasando por problemas tales como el coste del software y la gestión de grandes archivos de datos espaciales. El movimiento hacia la computación en la nube, conocida como la nube de Internet, es una tendencia prometedora para los SIG en la educación. La "nube" se refiere a una red virtual que ofrece a los usuarios acceso a archivos, servicios y aplicaciones. En este artículo se pone de manifiesto que la nube de Internet y el WebSIG tienen un gran potencial para enriquecer la educación geográfica. Se presentan tres experiencias sustentadas en el uso de estas nuevas herramientas en las aulas en los EE.UU. con las conclusiones de carácter didáctico derivadas de cada caso. PALABRAS CLAVE WEBSIG; SIG; enseñanza de la geografía; la nube de Internet; ArcGIS Online; ArcGIS Explorer Desktop (AGX. ABSTRACT There is no doubt among most geography educators that GIS is an important tool for teaching and learning, but its use has been slowed by issues such as the cost of the software and the management of large spatial data files. The move to cloud computingis one trend that is promising for GIS in education. The "cloud" refers to a virtual network that provides many users with access to files, services, and applications. In this article I argue that cloud computing and WebGIS have the potential to transform geography education. I will describe three case studies that make use of these emerging tools in classrooms in the US, and discuss the lessons that we can learn from these cases. KEY WORDS WEBGIS; GIS; cloud computing; ArcGIS Online; ArcGIS Explorer Desktop (AGX. RÉSUMÉ Il n'ya aucun doute parmi les éducateurs les plus géographie que le SIG est un outil important pour l'enseignement et l'apprentissage, mais son utilisation a

  11. Child-Computer Interaction SIG: Ethics and Values

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hourcade, Juan Pablo; Zeising, Anja; Iversen, Ole Sejer


    This SIG will provide child computer interaction researchers and practitioners an opportunity to discuss topics related to ethical challenges in the design, and use of interactive technologies for children. Topics include the role of big data, the impact of technology in children’s social...... and physical ecosystem, and the consideration of ethics in children’s participation in the design of technologies, and in the conceptualization of technologies for children....

  12. Uso di gvSIG e SEXTANTE per la perimetrazione degli ambiti periurbani

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriele Nolè


    Full Text Available Use of gvSIG and SEXTANTE for the perimetration of periurban areasThe periurban fringe is the portion of land with characteristics of urbanization that cannot be considered neither urban nor rural. These areas are often characterized by a building expectancy, whose detection requires careful consideration of several territorial and environmental variables. It was implemented using a model of spatial analysis based on kernel Density Estimation (KDE for the detection of periurban areas. The model is tested in the province of Potenza using gvSIG and SEXTANTE on Ubuntu Linux.

  13. Uso di gvSIG e SEXTANTE per la perimetrazione degli ambiti periurbani

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriele Nolè


    Full Text Available Use of gvSIG and SEXTANTE for the perimetration of periurban areas The periurban fringe is the portion of land with characteristics of urbanization that cannot be considered neither urban nor rural. These areas are often characterized by a building expectancy, whose detection requires careful consideration of several territorial and environmental variables. It was implemented using a model of spatial analysis based on kernel Density Estimation (KDE for the detection of periurban areas. The model is tested in the province of Potenza using gvSIG and SEXTANTE on Ubuntu Linux.

  14. Monitoring the ethanol stress response of a sigM deletion strain of B. cereus ATCC 14579.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voort, van der M.


    Here, the role of σM and its regulon in stress response and survival of B. cereus ATCC 14579 was assessed by comparative transciptome and phenotypic analysis of this strain and its sigM deletion strain. Exposure of B. cereus ATCC 14579 to a wide range of stresses revealed expression of sigM,

  15. BioSig3D: High Content Screening of Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Models.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cemal Cagatay Bilgin

    Full Text Available BioSig3D is a computational platform for high-content screening of three-dimensional (3D cell culture models that are imaged in full 3D volume. It provides an end-to-end solution for designing high content screening assays, based on colony organization that is derived from segmentation of nuclei in each colony. BioSig3D also enables visualization of raw and processed 3D volumetric data for quality control, and integrates advanced bioinformatics analysis. The system consists of multiple computational and annotation modules that are coupled together with a strong use of controlled vocabularies to reduce ambiguities between different users. It is a web-based system that allows users to: design an experiment by defining experimental variables, upload a large set of volumetric images into the system, analyze and visualize the dataset, and either display computed indices as a heatmap, or phenotypic subtypes for heterogeneity analysis, or download computed indices for statistical analysis or integrative biology. BioSig3D has been used to profile baseline colony formations with two experiments: (i morphogenesis of a panel of human mammary epithelial cell lines (HMEC, and (ii heterogeneity in colony formation using an immortalized non-transformed cell line. These experiments reveal intrinsic growth properties of well-characterized cell lines that are routinely used for biological studies. BioSig3D is being released with seed datasets and video-based documentation.

  16. A novel compartment, the 'subqpical stem' of the aerial hyphae, is the location of a sigN-dependent, developmentally distinct transcription in Streptomyces coelicolor.


    Dalton, KA; Thibessard, A; Hunter, JI; Kelemen, GH


    Streptomyces coelicolor has nine SigB-like RNA polymerase sigma factors, several of them implicated in morphological differentiation and/or responses to different stresses. One of the nine, SigN, is the focus of this article. A constructed sigN null mutant was delayed in development and exhibited a bald phenotype when grown on minimal medium containing glucose as carbon source. One of two distinct sigN promoters, sigNP1, was active only during growth on solid medium, when its activation coinc...

  17. The immunogenic SigA enterotoxin of Shigella flexneri 2a binds to HEp-2 cells and induces fodrin redistribution in intoxicated epithelial cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keith Al-Hasani

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: We have previously shown that the enterotoxin SigA which resides on the she pathogenicity island (PAI of S. flexneri 2a is an autonomously secreted serine protease capable of degrading casein. We have also demonstrated that SigA is cytopathic for HEp-2 cells and plays a role in the intestinal fluid accumulation associated with S. flexneri infections. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work we show that SigA binds specifically to HEp-2 cells and degrades recombinant human alphaII spectrin (alpha-fodrin in vitro, suggesting that the cytotoxic and enterotoxic effects mediated by SigA are likely associated with the degradation of epithelial fodrin. Consistent with our data, this study also demonstrates that SigA cleaves intracellular fodrin in situ, causing its redistribution within cells. These results strongly implicate SigA in altering the cytoskeleton during the pathogenesis of shigellosis. On the basis of these findings, cleavage of fodrin is a novel mechanism of cellular intoxication for a Shigella toxin. Furthermore, information regarding immunogenicity to SigA in infected patients is lacking. We studied the immune response of SigA from day 28 post-challenge serum of one volunteer from S. flexneri 2a challenge studies. Our results demonstrate that SigA is immunogenic following infection with S. flexneri 2a. CONCLUSIONS: This work shows that SigA binds to epithelial HEp-2 cells as well as being able to induce fodrin degradation in vitro and in situ, further extending its documented role in the pathogenesis of Shigella infections.

  18. Automated software system for checking the structure and format of ACM SIG documents (United States)

    Mirza, Arsalan Rahman; Sah, Melike


    Microsoft (MS) Office Word is one of the most commonly used software tools for creating documents. MS Word 2007 and above uses XML to represent the structure of MS Word documents. Metadata about the documents are automatically created using Office Open XML (OOXML) syntax. We develop a new framework, which is called ADFCS (Automated Document Format Checking System) that takes the advantage of the OOXML metadata, in order to extract semantic information from MS Office Word documents. In particular, we develop a new ontology for Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interested Group (SIG) documents for representing the structure and format of these documents by using OWL (Web Ontology Language). Then, the metadata is extracted automatically in RDF (Resource Description Framework) according to this ontology using the developed software. Finally, we generate extensive rules in order to infer whether the documents are formatted according to ACM SIG standards. This paper, introduces ACM SIG ontology, metadata extraction process, inference engine, ADFCS online user interface, system evaluation and user study evaluations.

  19. Report on BAAL "Language in Africa" SIG Meetings Reading in African Languages: Developing Literacies and Reading Methodologies (United States)

    Wildsmith-Cromarty, Rosemary


    This report describes ongoing research on reading in African languages. It draws mainly on contributions from two British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) "Language in Africa" (LiA) Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings: the LiA SIG strand at BAAL 2013 and the seminar on "Reading Methodologies in African Languages"…

  20. The Bacillus subtilis yaaH Gene Is Transcribed by SigE RNA Polymerase during Sporulation, and Its Product Is Involved in Germination of Spores


    Kodama, Takeko; Takamatsu, Hiromu; Asai, Kei; Kobayashi, Kazuo; Ogasawara, Naotake; Watabe, Kazuhito


    The expression of 21 novel genes located in the region from dnaA to abrB of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome was analyzed. One of the genes, yaaH, had a predicted promoter sequence conserved among SigE-dependent genes. Northern blot analysis revealed that yaaH mRNA was first detected from 2 h after the cessation of logarithmic growth (T2) of sporulation in wild-type cells and in spoIIIG (SigG−) and spoIVCB (SigK−) mutants but not in spoIIAC (SigF−) and spoIIGAB (SigE−) mutants. The transcript...

  1. Rapport fra projektet ”At skrive sig til læsning”

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Labuz, Nadia; Bundsgaard, Jeppe; Kjertmann, Kjeld

    Projektet At skrive sig til læsning er et Videnkupon-projekt finansieret af Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsen og firmaet Jamus. Projektet havde til formål at bidrage til viden om og kvalificere udviklingen af en app til iPad, som har til formål at støtte børn i deres skrive- og læseudvikling....... Projektet bestod konkret i diskussioner og konsulentbistand under udviklingen af app'en, og i empiriske undersøgelser af den første brug af app'en i to herboende amerikanske børnefamilier. Projektet resulterede i positiv evaluering af app'en og den praksis, der kan udvikle sig omkring brugen af den, og det...... resulterede i en række konkrete forslag til videreudvikling, samt i 10 principper for god brug af app'en....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arif Unwanullah


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Industrialisasi dan Tantangannya pada Sektor Pendidikan. Sumbangan pendidikan dalam perubahan dan pembangunan masa lalu telah bergeser dengan kemajuan teknoekonomi dan komunikasi. Perubahan yang terjadi telah menggeser tatanan kehidupan dan pandangan masyarakat. Materialisme, kapitalisme, efisiensi, dan efektivitas telah menjadi tujuan dan semangat hidup. Pergeseran pandangan masyarakat telah mengubah pula pandangan keberhasilan dan mutu pendidikan, di mana pendidikan diukur dari keberhasilan dalam keterserapan lulusan dalam dunia kerja, oleh karenanya pendidikan dianalisis dari karakteristik sebagai investasi (capital-investment. Pergeseran makna dan tanggung jawab pendidikan mendorong dunia pendidikan melakukan pembaruan dengan alternatif: membangun pembaruan penalaran warganya menuju pemerdekaan dan pendewasaan, pendidikan dilaksanakan secara komprehensif dan bekerjasama dengan semua pihak secara kemitraan, dan membangun visi pendidikan secara komprehensif dan simultan dengan semua pihak. Kata kunci: perubahan sosial, materialistik, modernisasi dan kapitalis Abstract: Industrialization and its education Sector challenges. Contribution of education has shifted with the progress of technology, economy, and communication. The changes have shifted the society's views. Materialism, capitalism, efficiency, and effectiveness have become of interest and enthusiasm for life. The shift has changed society's view, i.e. the view of success and quality of education, in which education is measured from a rate of the absorption of graduates into labor market, therefore education is analyzed from the characteristics of an investment (capital-investment. A shift in meaning and responsibility of education encourages the education sector to create reformation through these following alternatives: creating new thoughts towards liberation and maturation, implementing education comprehensively and cooperating with all parties in partnership, and creating

  3. Sistemas integrados de gestión (SIG)


    García Pantigozo, Manuel; Quispe Atúncar, Carlos; Ráez Guevara, Luis


    La cultura de la normalización es necesaria para competir globalmente, y para esto la ISO ha elaborado una serie de sistemas de gestión orientados a las calidad, medio ambiente, seguridad en el trabajo y recursos humanos, esto significa la necesidad de integrar sistemas mediante el Sistema integrado de Gestión - SIG The culture of standardization is necessary to compete globally, and to this ISO has developed a number of management systems geared to quality, environment, occupational safe...

  4. SIG XX - A generation of intelligent gamma ray probes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rusu, Al.; Bartos, D.; Constantin, F.; Caragheopol, Gh.; Cruceru, I.; Lupu, A.; Serbina, L.


    Nowadays, the radioprotection activities are governed by the ALARA principle. To comply with, we have decided to use scintillators, due to their high efficiency. The surface mounted devices allow the design of the entire gross gamma ray measuring system into a volume of about 0.5 liters. The microcontrollers having an EPROM of 4k bytes offer the opportunity to run resident programmes dedicated to: data acquisition, local processing, data transmission, and system supervising. Such an intelligence is embedded into SIG XX probes. By designing an array of such probes, one can easily obtain a portal monitor, an area monitor and so on, each of them under the the control of a PC. A few modifications may transform an intelligent probe into a portable instrument for radioprotection. In such a case, to make the probe shorter, replacing the photomultiplier by a photodiode, is an attractive goal. To reach it, a dedicated charge preamplifier has to be developed. The works and results on SIG XX probes and charge preamplifier are reported. (authors)

  5. SIG XX - a generation of intelligent gamma ray probes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rusu, Al.; Bartos, D.; Constantin, F.; Caragheopol, Gh; Cruceru, I.; Lupu, A.; Serbina, L.


    Full text: Nowadays, the radioprotection activities are governed by the ALARA principle. To comply with, we have decided to use scintillators, due to their large efficiency. The surface mounted devices allow the design of the entire gross gamma ray measuring system into a volume of about 0.5 liters. The microcontrollers having an EPROM of 4k bytes offer the opportunity to run resident programmes dedicated to data acquisition, local processing, data communication, system supervising. Such an intelligence is embedded into SIG XX probes. By designing an array of such probes, one can easily obtain a portal monitor, an area monitor and so on, each of them under the the control of a PC. A few modifications may transform an intelligent probe into a portable instrument for radioprotection. In such a case, to make the probe shorter, replacing the photomultiplier by a photodiode, is an attractive goal. To reach it, a dedicated charge preamplifier has to be developed. The works and results on SIG XX probes and charge preamplifier are reported. (author)


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    Hamdani Hamdani


    Full Text Available The study in general aims to study the procedure of bank guarantee in Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM Banda Aceh. In specific, this article analyzes the implementation of kafalah concept in resolving counter-guarantee for construction sector in the BSM. The data was gathered through interview with related parties and documentation study of relevant literatures. The collected data was then analyzed using descriptive analysis which included exposing, interpretation, and analysis. The findings show that in order to be approved for the product, customers are required to provide cash guarantees that cover tender, performance, cash advance, and maintenance with a minimum deposit is 10% of the total required amount of financing. In solving the counter-guarantee for the construction sector, the bank asked customers to immediately pay the shortage funds that has been converted to qardh financing in customers’ consent. In the case of they do not wish to repay or do not accept the conversion, the resolution has to be sought through Badan Arbitrase Syariah as governed by National Sharia Board No.11/DSN-MUI/V/2000. In general, the implementation of kafalah concept in solving the counter-guarantee for construction sector in BSM Banda Aceh has fulfilled shariah compliance especially the maslahah element. It was urgently needed in conducting various economics activities. =========================================== Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengkaji prosedur pemberian bank garansi di Bank Syari’ah Mandiri (BSM Banda Aceh. Secara khusus, artikel ini menganalisis pengaplikasian konsep kafalah dalam penyelesaian kontra garansi untuk sektor konstruksi pada BSM tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan pihak-pihak terkait dan studi dokumentasi terhadap bahan-bahan yang relevan dengan bidang penelitian. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analitis dengan cara pemaparan data yang meliputi penguraian

  7. Physiological roles of sigma factor SigD in Corynebacterium glutamicum

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Taniguchi, H.; Busche, T.; Patschkowski, T.; Niehaus, K.; Pátek, Miroslav; Kalinowski, J.; Wendisch, V.F.


    Roč. 17, č. 158 (2017), s. 158 ISSN 1471-2180 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA17-06991S Institutional support: RVO:61388971 Keywords : Corynebacterium glutamicum * Sigma factor * SigD Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology OBOR OECD: Microbiology Impact factor: 2.644, year: 2016

  8. SIG-VISA: Signal-based Vertically Integrated Seismic Monitoring (United States)

    Moore, D.; Mayeda, K. M.; Myers, S. C.; Russell, S.


    Traditional seismic monitoring systems rely on discrete detections produced by station processing software; however, while such detections may constitute a useful summary of station activity, they discard large amounts of information present in the original recorded signal. We present SIG-VISA (Signal-based Vertically Integrated Seismic Analysis), a system for seismic monitoring through Bayesian inference on seismic signals. By directly modeling the recorded signal, our approach incorporates additional information unavailable to detection-based methods, enabling higher sensitivity and more accurate localization using techniques such as waveform matching. SIG-VISA's Bayesian forward model of seismic signal envelopes includes physically-derived models of travel times and source characteristics as well as Gaussian process (kriging) statistical models of signal properties that combine interpolation of historical data with extrapolation of learned physical trends. Applying Bayesian inference, we evaluate the model on earthquakes as well as the 2009 DPRK test event, demonstrating a waveform matching effect as part of the probabilistic inference, along with results on event localization and sensitivity. In particular, we demonstrate increased sensitivity from signal-based modeling, in which the SIGVISA signal model finds statistical evidence for arrivals even at stations for which the IMS station processing failed to register any detection.

  9. Um framework para a avaliação de interfaces de aplicações SIG Web no dominio agricola


    Juliano Schimiguel


    Resumo: Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) são categorias de software que permitem a manipulação, gerenciamento e visualização de dados geo referenciados. O termo georeferenciado denota associação a um sistema de coordenadas geográficas. Existem inúmeras categorias de aplicações SIG. em diferentes escalas e domínios, abrangendo desde temas urbanos até ambientais. Aplicações de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica na Web, neste trabalho denominadas "aplicações SIG Web", são sistemas onde a '...

  10. Induction of a stable sigma factor SigR by translation-inhibiting antibiotics confers resistance to antibiotics


    Yoo, Ji-Sun; Oh, Gyeong-Seok; Ryoo, Sungweon; Roe, Jung-Hye


    Antibiotic-producing streptomycetes are rich sources of resistance mechanisms against endogenous and exogenous antibiotics. An ECF sigma factor ?R (SigR) is known to govern the thiol-oxidative stress response in Streptomyces coelicolor. Amplification of this response is achieved by producing an unstable isoform of ?R called ?R?. In this work, we present evidence that antibiotics induce the SigR regulon via a redox-independent pathway, leading to antibiotic resistance. The translation-inhibiti...

  11. Anti-dentine Salivary SIgA in young adults with a history of dental trauma in deciduous teeth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Fleury SEIXAS


    Full Text Available Anti-dentin autoantibodies are associated with inflammatory root resorption in permanent teeth and are modulated by dental trauma and orthodontic force. However, it is not known whether deciduous tooth trauma can stimulate the development of a humoral immune response against dentin. The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of salivary SIgA reactivity against human dentin extract in young adults with a history of trauma in the primary dentition. A sample of 78 patients, aged 18 to 25, who had completed an early childhood (0 to 5 years old caries prevention program years earlier at the Universidade Estadual de LondrinaPediatric Clinic, underwent radiographic examination and salivary sampling. Anti-dentin SIgA levels were analyzed by immunoenzymatic assay and Western blotting. Although dental trauma to deciduous teeth had occurred in 34 (43.6% of the patients, no differences in SIgA levels were detected between individuals who had experienced trauma and those who had not (p > 0.05. Multivariate regression analysis showed no association between dental trauma and SIgA levels (p > 0.05. Patients with a history of deciduous trauma presented low levels of anti-dentin antibodies, associated with orthodontic root resorption (p

  12. Ferramenta SIG para Modelos de Propagação de Ondas. Desenvolvimentos Preliminares


    Zózimo, A. C.; Charneca, N.; Gonçalves, A.; Fortes, C. J. E. M.


    SIMAR é um Sistema Integrado de Modelação da Agitação maRítima, para estudos de propagação e deformação da agitação marítima em zonas costeiras e portuárias. Este Sistema é baseado num Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) e inclui um conjunto de módulos correspondentes aos modelos de propagação e deformação de ondas. A comunicação entre o SIG e os módulos é efectuada por uma interface gráfica construída para o efeito. Nesta comunicação, apresenta-se uma versão preliminar do SIMAR e das s...

  13. Unge er en flok egoistiske individualister, der har nok i sig selv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kofod, Anne


     Nutidens unge har som oftest en tvetydig identitet: På én og samme tid søger de sammen i sociale fællesskaber og gør alt for at skille sig ud som individualister.   Udgivelsesdato: 27. september...

  14. Domogis: prototipo de un interfaz del sistema de control de un edificio integrado en un SIG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Álvarez, M.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with of a the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS for domotic control. The foccus is put on the communication interface between the building control system (BCS integrated in a GIS. For get this aim, the GIS of the Montegancedo Campus where is located the Facultad de infomatica of UPM and the creation of an interface is needed. The implemented interface in Microsoft C# language allows the control, monotorizing and management of the sensors data installated in the Campus.

    Este trabajo trata de la utilización de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG en uno de las nuevos requerimientos de la arquitectura, el control domótico. El objetivo es el desarrollo de un interfaz de comunicación del Sistema de Control de un Edificio (SCE integrado en un SIG. La consecución de este objetivo implica previamente el desarrollo del SIG del Campus de Montegancedo sede de la Facultad de Informática de la UPM y la creación de un interfaz integrado en el SIG, desarrollado en lenguaje de programacion C# de Microsoft. Este interfaz dirige al usuario en la realización de ciertas tareas de control domótico de las instalaciones urbanas y edificios del Campus universitario, como evaluar, monotorizar y gestionar datos procedentes de sensores estratégicamente situados en dicho Campus.

  15. Transcriptional regulation of the operon encoding stress-responsive ECF sigma factor SigH and its anti-sigma factor RshA, and control of its regulatory network in Corynebacterium glutamicum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Busche Tobias


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The expression of genes in Corynebacterium glutamicum, a Gram-positive non-pathogenic bacterium used mainly for the industrial production of amino acids, is regulated by seven different sigma factors of RNA polymerase, including the stress-responsive ECF-sigma factor SigH. The sigH gene is located in a gene cluster together with the rshA gene, putatively encoding an anti-sigma factor. The aim of this study was to analyze the transcriptional regulation of the sigH and rshA gene cluster and the effects of RshA on the SigH regulon, in order to refine the model describing the role of SigH and RshA during stress response. Results Transcription analyses revealed that the sigH gene and rshA gene are cotranscribed from four sigH housekeeping promoters in C. glutamicum. In addition, a SigH-controlled rshA promoter was found to only drive the transcription of the rshA gene. To test the role of the putative anti-sigma factor gene rshA under normal growth conditions, a C. glutamicum rshA deletion strain was constructed and used for genome-wide transcription profiling with DNA microarrays. In total, 83 genes organized in 61 putative transcriptional units, including those previously detected using sigH mutant strains, exhibited increased transcript levels in the rshA deletion mutant compared to its parental strain. The genes encoding proteins related to disulphide stress response, heat stress proteins, components of the SOS-response to DNA damage and proteasome components were the most markedly upregulated gene groups. Altogether six SigH-dependent promoters upstream of the identified genes were determined by primer extension and a refined consensus promoter consisting of 45 original promoter sequences was constructed. Conclusions The rshA gene codes for an anti-sigma factor controlling the function of the stress-responsive sigma factor SigH in C. glutamicum. Transcription of rshA from a SigH-dependent promoter may serve to quickly

  16. Transcriptional regulation of the operon encoding stress-responsive ECF sigma factor SigH and its anti-sigma factor RshA, and control of its regulatory network in Corynebacterium glutamicum. (United States)

    Busche, Tobias; Silar, Radoslav; Pičmanová, Martina; Pátek, Miroslav; Kalinowski, Jörn


    The expression of genes in Corynebacterium glutamicum, a Gram-positive non-pathogenic bacterium used mainly for the industrial production of amino acids, is regulated by seven different sigma factors of RNA polymerase, including the stress-responsive ECF-sigma factor SigH. The sigH gene is located in a gene cluster together with the rshA gene, putatively encoding an anti-sigma factor. The aim of this study was to analyze the transcriptional regulation of the sigH and rshA gene cluster and the effects of RshA on the SigH regulon, in order to refine the model describing the role of SigH and RshA during stress response. Transcription analyses revealed that the sigH gene and rshA gene are cotranscribed from four sigH housekeeping promoters in C. glutamicum. In addition, a SigH-controlled rshA promoter was found to only drive the transcription of the rshA gene. To test the role of the putative anti-sigma factor gene rshA under normal growth conditions, a C. glutamicum rshA deletion strain was constructed and used for genome-wide transcription profiling with DNA microarrays. In total, 83 genes organized in 61 putative transcriptional units, including those previously detected using sigH mutant strains, exhibited increased transcript levels in the rshA deletion mutant compared to its parental strain. The genes encoding proteins related to disulphide stress response, heat stress proteins, components of the SOS-response to DNA damage and proteasome components were the most markedly upregulated gene groups. Altogether six SigH-dependent promoters upstream of the identified genes were determined by primer extension and a refined consensus promoter consisting of 45 original promoter sequences was constructed. The rshA gene codes for an anti-sigma factor controlling the function of the stress-responsive sigma factor SigH in C. glutamicum. Transcription of rshA from a SigH-dependent promoter may serve to quickly shutdown the SigH-dependent stress response after the cells have

  17. Proceedings of the 10th ASIS SIG/CR classification research workshop

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This volume is a working copy of the papers presented at the 9th ASIS SIG/CR workshop on classification research, held in Washington, DC, at the ASIS Annual Meeting on Sunday 31 October 1999. The contributions printed here are working papers, and thus, not necessarily in their final form...



    Ghedin, Leila Marcia; Alves da Silva, Moivan; Duarte Sevalho, Carla Danielle; da Silva Level, Tainah


    El Sistema de Información Geográfica Aplicado al Turismo – SIG-Tur es una herramienta tecnológica que optimiza los estudios turísticos desarrollados por los planificadores del sector. En el estudio se buscó evidenciar el instrumento de planificación SIG-Tur, que dispone de funciones de registro, almacenamiento y manipulación de informaciones, además de considerar las dificultades enfrentadas al respecto de la representación de fenómenos espaciales que el turismo abarca. Para el estudio se ado...

  19. DrugSig: A resource for computational drug repositioning utilizing gene expression signatures.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hongyu Wu

    Full Text Available Computational drug repositioning has been proved as an effective approach to develop new drug uses. However, currently existing strategies strongly rely on drug response gene signatures which scattered in separated or individual experimental data, and resulted in low efficient outputs. So, a fully drug response gene signatures database will be very helpful to these methods. We collected drug response microarray data and annotated related drug and targets information from public databases and scientific literature. By selecting top 500 up-regulated and down-regulated genes as drug signatures, we manually established the DrugSig database. Currently DrugSig contains more than 1300 drugs, 7000 microarray and 800 targets. Moreover, we developed the signature based and target based functions to aid drug repositioning. The constructed database can serve as a resource to quicken computational drug repositioning. Database URL:

  20. Interference Measurements in the European 868 MHz ISM Band with Focus on LoRa and SigFox

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Mads; Vejlgaard, Benny; Kovács, István


    In this measurement study the signal activity and power levels are measured in the European Industrial, Scientific, and Medical band 863-870 MHz in the city of Aalborg, Denmark. The target is to determine if there is any interference, which may impact deployment of Internet of Things devices....... The focus is on the Low Power Wide Area technologies LoRa and SigFox. The measurements show that there is a 22-33 % probability of interfering signals above -105 dBm within the mandatory LoRa and SigFox 868.0-868.6 MHz band in a shopping area and a business park in downtown Aalborg, which thus limits...... the potential coverage and capacity of LoRa and SigFox. However, the probability of interference is less than 3 % in the three other measurement locations in Aalborg. Finally, a hospital and an industrial area are shown to experience high activity in the RFID subband 865-868 MHz, while the wireless audio band...

  1. Fallstudie SIG - Supply Chain Prototyp mit Coca Cola Beverages


    Senger, Enrico


    SIG, ein führender Lieferant von Verpackungsmaterialien für Getränke, hat mit Coca Cola CPFR, collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment realisiert. Das Unternehmen kann elektronisch und ohne Zeitverzug (vorher mit bis zu 15 Tagen Verspätung) auf die Lagerbestände und Verkaufsvorhersagen bei Coca Cola zugreifen. Coca Cola erhält die exakten Liefermengen und zeiten. Coca Cola konnte dadurch den Lagerbestand von Verpackungsmaterial um 50% senken. Dies reduziert die Bearbeitungszeit d...

  2. Incorporating Early Learning Strategies in the School Improvement Grants (SIG) Program (United States)

    Connors-Tadros, Lori; Dunn, Lenay; Martella, Jana; McCauley, Carlas


    The Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) and the Center on School Turnaround (CST) collaborated to develop case studies of three selected schools receiving SIG funds that have, with the support of their districts, promoted the use of early childhood programming (PK-3) as a key strategy in their schools' turnaround models. The goal…

  3. Using Social Impact Games (SIGS) to Support Constructivist Learning: Creating a Foundation for Effective Use in the Secondary Social Studies Education (United States)

    Ray, Beverly; Faure, Caroline; Kelle, Fay


    This paper examines how Social Impact Games (SIGs) can provide important instructional support in secondary social studies classrooms. When used within the framework of the constructivist teaching philosophy and teaching methods, as recommended by the NCSS (2010), SIGs have the potential to hone critical thinking, collaboration, and problem…

  4. Intellectual Capital Performance Sektor Perbankan di Indonesia

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    Ihyaul Ulum MD


    Full Text Available The paper seeks to estimate and analyze the Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM for measuring the value-based performance of the Indonesian banking sector for three years, 2004 to 2006. Annual reports, especially the profit/loss account and balance-sheet of the banks concerned for the relevant years, were used to obtain the data. A review is conducted of the international literature on intellectual capital with specific reference to literature that reviews measurement techniques and tools, and the VAICTM method is applied in order to analyze the data of Indonesian banks for the three years period. The study confirms the improvement in the overall performance over three years. In 2004 and 2006, the overall performance of Indonesian banking sector is “good performers” (the VAICTM score is 2.07. While in 2005, the performance is “common performers” (the VAICTM score is 1.95. Abstract in Bahasa Indoensia: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi dan menganalisis Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC dalam pengukuran kinerja yang berbasis pada nilai atas perusahaan perbankan di Indonesia selama tiga tahun, 2004-2006. Data yang digunakan adalah laporan tahunan, khususnya laporan laba/rugi dan neraca, diperoleh baik melalui website resmi masing-masing bank maupun dari website BEI. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2004 dan 2006, secara umum kinerja perusahaan perbankan di Indonesia masuk dalam kategori good performers dengan skor VAIC 2.07. Sedangkan pada tahun 2005, kinerjanya turun menjadi common performers (dengan skor VAIC 1.95. Keterbatasan penelitian ini adalah data yang digunakan hanyalah perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di BEI (24 bank, sementara jumlah keseluruhan bank per Desember 2006 adalah 130. Dengan demikian hasil penelitian ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk mengeneralisir populasi. Kata kunci: intellectual capital, sektor perbankan, aset tidak berwujud, Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM

  5. Hvorfor støtter det eleverne at bevæge sig fysisk på en tallinje?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ejersbo, Lisser Rye


    Som reaktion på min forrige blok, vil jeg her uddybe og begrunde, hvorfor det er en god ide, at lade eleverne få kropslige oplevelser med tallinjen. Det drejer sig bl.a. om fænomenet SNARC, der er en forkortelse for ‘Spatical Numerical Association of Response Codes’, og som på godt dansk betyder,......, at venstre hånd er hurtigere til at reagere på små tal i forhold til at placere dem på en tallinje, mens højre hånd er hurtigere, når det drejer sig om større tal...

  6. Selenide isotope generators for the Galileo Mission: SIG hermetic bimetal weld transition joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnett, W.J.


    The successful development of the commercial 6061-T651/Silver/304L explosive clad plate material as a bimetal weld transition joint material, as described herein, satisfies all SIG Galileo design requirements for hermetic weld attachment of stainless steel subassemblies to aluminum alloy generator housing or end cover structures. The application of this type weld transition joint to the hermetic attachment of stainless steel shell connectors is well-developed and tested. Based on on-going life tests of stainless steel receptacle/bimetal ring attachment assemblies and metallurgical characterization studies of this transition joint material, it appears evident that this transition joint material has more than adequate capability to meet the 250 to 300 0 F and 50,000 hr. design life of the SIG/Galileo mission. Its extended life temperture capability may well approach 350 to 400 0 F

  7. Federal School Improvement Grants (SIGs): How Capacity and Local Conditions Matter (United States)

    Yatsko, Sarah; Lake, Robin; Bowen, Melissa; Cooley Nelson, Elizabeth


    In 2009, the federal government committed over $3 billion nationwide to help states and districts turn around their worst-performing schools. The U.S. Department of Education intended for the School Improvement Grants (SIGs) to spur dramatic change.This report looks at the results of a field study of the first-year implementation of those grants…

  8. Uddannelse, økonomi og samfund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Thomas; Puck, Morten Rasmus


    perspektiv. Bogen henvender sig til direkte til studerende på samfundsvidenskabelige og humanistiske videregående uddannelser, men kan også med fordel udnyttes af den almindeligt interesserede læser, der ønsker oplysning om økonomi og uddannelse i den offentlige sektor. Bogen er skrevet af Morten Rasmus Puck......Hvorfor vælger nogle mennesker at tage en lang videregående uddannelse, måske endda med en ph.d.-grad som overbygning, mens andre aldrig opnår et højere uddannelsesniveau end folkeskolens afgangseksamen? Hvad kan forklare, og forsvare, at vi i Danmark årligt bruger stadig flere offentlige...

  9. ASIST SIG/CR Classification Workshop 2000: Classification for User Support and Learning. (United States)

    Soergel, Dagobert


    Reports on papers presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of ASIST (American Society for Information Science and Technology) for the Special Interest Group in Classification Research (SIG/CR). Topics include types of knowledge; developing user-oriented classifications, including domain analysis; classification in the user interface; and automatic…

  10. Clinical efficacy and safety of surface imaging guided radiosurgery (SIG-RS) in the treatment of benign skull base tumors. (United States)

    Lau, Steven K M; Patel, Kunal; Kim, Teddy; Knipprath, Erik; Kim, Gwe-Ya; Cerviño, Laura I; Lawson, Joshua D; Murphy, Kevin T; Sanghvi, Parag; Carter, Bob S; Chen, Clark C


    Frameless, surface imaging guided radiosurgery (SIG-RS) is a novel platform for stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) wherein patient positioning is monitored in real-time through infra-red camera tracking of facial topography. Here we describe our initial clinical experience with SIG-RS for the treatment of benign neoplasms of the skull base. We identified 48 patients with benign skull base tumors consecutively treated with SIG-RS at a single institution between 2009 and 2011. Patients were diagnosed with meningioma (n = 22), vestibular schwannoma (n = 20), or nonfunctional pituitary adenoma (n = 6). Local control and treatment-related toxicity were retrospectively assessed. Median follow-up was 65 months (range 61-72 months). Prescription doses were 12-13 Gy in a single fraction (n = 18), 8 Gy × 3 fractions (n = 6), and 5 Gy × 5 fractions (n = 24). Actuarial tumor control rate at 5 years was 98%. No grade ≥3 treatment-related toxicity was observed. Grade ≤2 toxicity was associated with symptomatic lesions (p = 0.049) and single fraction treatment (p = 0.005). SIG-RS for benign skull base tumors produces clinical outcomes comparable to conventional frame-based SRS techniques while enhancing patient comfort.


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    Josef Prijotomo


    Full Text Available Kawruh Kalang and Kawruh Griya are two Jawanese architectural texts being produced in the transitional period of the 19th to the 20th century. Following two of three steps of interpretation, as stated by Poespoprodjo, a study upon the guru-sector of Jawanese architecture is presented here. Among numerous findings of that study, one of them is the key position of the structural member named balandar-pangeret. This component not only direct and control the measurement of any Jawanese building, but also addressing the basic design chararacteristics of Jawa. It is then speculated that a Jawanese mode of design is embarked from the middle and then proceed downward to the earth and upward to reach the sky. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Teks Kawruh Kalang dan Kawruh Griya adalah teks arsitektur Jawa yang diproduksi dalam masa peralihan abad 19-20. Pengkajian atas teks tersebut dalam bentuk penafsiran-meng-'kata'-kan, memperlihatkan adanya pemikiran dasar penghadiran arsitektur yang bertolak dari balandar-pangeret, yakni balok-balok struktural yang ditopang oleh sakaguru. Masih dalam dimensi penafsiran sebagai meng-kata-kan, naskah yang dikaji diyakini mengindikasikan pemikiran arsitektural Jawa yang karakteristik yakni berawal dari tengah terus ke bawah, ke bumi, dan ke atas, ke angkasa. Kata kunci: griya jawa, sektor guru, balandar-pangeret, guru-acuan, guru-patokan.

  12. Développement d'un outil SIG d'estimation des dommages ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pour atteindre cet objectif, la méthodologie de simulation présentée dans le programme "HAZUS” en combinaison avec les systèmes d'information géographique (SIG) ont été utilisés. La ville a été divisée en plusieurs parties qui reflètent la typologie du tissu urbain qui à son tour n'est pas uniforme, puisque les structures ...

  13. Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG Pemetaan Pemancar Televisi Digital Terestrial di Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isna Nur Mahmud


    Full Text Available Perubahan dari sistem televisi analog menjadi sistem televisi digital terestrial di Indonesia tinggal menunggu waktu. Namun masih banyak infrastruktur yang masih perlu dibangun untuk menunjang sistem televisi digital terestrial agar dapat beroperasi dengan baik. Belum meratanya sistem pemancar televisi digital terestrial yang keberadaannya masih terbenturnya undang – undang yang berlaku di negara ini menjadi salah satu permasalahannya. Salah satu solusinya adalah memetakannya dalam sebuah SIG. Pemetaan pemancar tv digital terestrial ini dibuat untuk mempermudah KPI  dalam melakukan identifikasi letak pemancar televisi digital terestrial serta memberikan informasi yang berkaitan dengan daya pemancar, spesifikasi pemancar televisi digital terestrial di Indonesia dalam kondisi offline. Dari pengujian didapatkan hasil antara lain, untuk pengujian black-box, didapatkan hasil yang sesuai dengan fungsionalitas sistem. Untuk nilai MOS, kemudahan menu aplikasi 3.9, kemudahan dlm navigasi aplikasi 4.1, kemudahan dlm menggunakan tools 4.05, penilaian tampilan interface 3.952, penilaian keseluruhan aplikasi SIG 4.hasil SUS yang dilakukan didapatkan nilai 65.71

  14. The extracytoplasmic function sigma factor SigY is important for efficient maintenance of the Spβ prophage that encodes sublancin in Bacillus subtilis. (United States)

    Mendez, Rebecca; Gutierrez, Alba; Reyes, Jasmin; Márquez-Magaña, Leticia


    Many strains of the soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis are capable of producing and being resistant to the antibiotic sublancin because they harbor the Spβ prophage. This 135 kb viral genome is integrated into the circular DNA chromosome of B. subtilis, and contains genes for the production of and resistance to sublancin. We investigated the role of SigY in sublancin production and resistance, finding that it is important for efficient maintenance of the Spβ prophage. We were unable to detect the prophage in mutants lacking SigY. Additionally, these mutants were no longer able to produce sublancin, were sensitive to killing by this factor, and displayed a delay in sporulation. Wild-type cells with normal SigY activity were found to partially lose the Spβ prophage during growth and early sporulation, suggesting a mechanism for the bistable outcome of sibling cells capable of killing and of being killed. The appropriate regulation of SigY appears to be essential for growth as evidenced by the inability to disrupt the gene for its putative antisigma. Our results confirm a role for SigY in antibiotic production and resistance, as has been found for other members of the extracytoplasmic function sigma factor family in B. subtilis, and shows that this role is achieved by affecting maintenance of the Spβ prophage.

  15. Effects of the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentives Grant (SPF SIG) on state prevention infrastructure in 26 states. (United States)

    Orwin, Robert G; Stein-Seroussi, Alan; Edwards, Jessica M; Landy, Ann L; Flewelling, Robert L


    The Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) program is a national public health initiative sponsored by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Center for Substance Abuse Prevention to prevent substance abuse and its consequences. State grantees used a data-driven planning model to allocate resources to 450 communities, which in turn launched over 2,200 intervention strategies to target prevention priorities in their respective populations. An additional goal was to build prevention capacity and infrastructure at the state and community levels. This paper addresses whether the state infrastructure goal was achieved, and what contextual and implementation factors were associated with success. The findings are consistent with claims that, overall, the SPF SIG program met its goal of increasing prevention capacity and infrastructure across multiple infrastructure domains, though the mediating effects of implementation were evident only in the evaluation/monitoring domain. The results also show that an initiative like the SPF SIG, which could easily have been compartmentalized within the states, has the potential to permeate more broadly throughout state prevention systems.

  16. Les SIG-P au service d'une gestion durable des ressources ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les SIG-P au service d'une gestion durable des ressources naturelles et de la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique. Les pays africains ont besoin de données convenables aux fins de la formulation et de la mise en oeuvre de politiques et de stratégies de sécurité alimentaire systématiques et cohérentes. Ces pays disposent de ...

  17. At Forberede sig til den mundtlige prøve ( kap12)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Britta Kusk


    Et opslagsværk for studerende til støtte for bacheloropgaveskrivning. Klæd dine studerende på til at skrive den store afsluttende opgave. De studerende får med denne bog et gedigent opslagsværk, som giver svar på alle de spørgsmål, det typisk trænger sig på, når bacheloropgaven skal påbegyndes. B...

  18. Reverse shock index multiplied by Glasgow Coma Scale score (rSIG) is a simple measure with high discriminant ability for mortality risk in trauma patients: an analysis of the Japan Trauma Data Bank. (United States)

    Kimura, Akio; Tanaka, Noriko


    The shock index (SI), defined as heart rate (HR) divided by systolic blood pressure (SBP), is reported to be a more sensitive marker of shock than traditional vital signs alone. In previous literature, use of the reverse shock index (rSI), taken as SBP divided by HR, is recommended instead of SI for hospital triage. Among traumatized patients aged > 55 years, SI multiplied by age (SIA) might provide better prediction of early post-injury mortality. Separately, the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score has been shown to be a very strong predictor. When considering these points together, rSI multiplied by GCS score (rSIG) or rSIG divided by age (rSIG/A) could provide even better prediction of in-hospital mortality. This retrospective, multicenter study used data from 168,517 patients registered in the Japan Trauma Data Bank for the period 2006-2015. We calculated areas under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROCs) to measure the discriminant ability by comparing those of SI (or rSI), SIA, rSIG, and rSIG/A for in-hospital mortality and for 24-h blood transfusion. The highest ROC AUC (AUROC), 0.901(0.894-0.908) for in-hospital mortality in younger patients (aged < 55 years), was seen for rSIG. In older patients (aged ≥ 55 years), the AUROC of rSIG/A, 0.845(0.840-0.850), was highest for in-hospital mortality. However, the difference between rSIG and rSIG/A was slight and did not seem to be clinically important. rSIG also had the highest AUROC of 0.745 (0.741-749) for 24-h blood transfusion. rSIG ((SBP/HR) × GCS score) is easy to calculate without the need for additional information, charts or equipment, and can be a more reliable triage tool for identifying risk levels in trauma patients.

  19. 73 Utilisation du SIG pour une réorganisation urbaine du centre-ville ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    restructuration des routes, du chemin de fer, des bâtis et des cours d'eaux. ... aussi la réalisation d'une mappe foncière qui est un instrument capital en matière ..... confirmer que le SIG, en tant qu'outil de décision et de planification a ...

  20. N-Acetylglutaminoyl-S-farnesyl-L-cysteine (SIG-1191): an anti-inflammatory molecule that increases the expression of the aquaglyceroporin, aquaporin-3, in human keratinocytes. (United States)

    Fernández, José R; Webb, Corey; Rouzard, Karl; Voronkov, Michael; Huber, Kristen L; Stock, Jeffry B; Stock, Maxwell; Gordon, Joel S; Perez, Eduardo


    Isoprenylcysteine (IPC) small molecules were discovered as signal transduction modulating compounds ~25 years ago. More recently, IPC molecules have demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in a variety of dermal cells as well as antimicrobial activity, representing a novel class of compounds to ameliorate skin conditions and disease. Here, we demonstrate a new IPC compound, N-acetylglutaminoyl-S-farnesyl-L-cysteine (SIG-1191), which inhibits UVB-induced inflammation blocking pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) production. To investigate further the previously reported hydrating potential of IPC compounds, SIG-1191 was tested for its ability to modulate aquaporin expression. Specifically, aquaporin 3 (AQP3) the most abundant aquaporin found in skin has been reported to play a key role in skin hydration, elasticity and barrier repair. Results show here for the first time that SIG-1191 increases AQP3 expression in both cultured normal human epidermal keratinocytes as well as when applied topically in a three-dimensional (3D) reconstructed human skin equivalent. Additionally, SIG-1191 dose dependently increased AQP3 protein levels, as determined by specific antibody staining, in the epidermis of the 3D skin equivalents. To begin to elucidate which signaling pathways SIG-1191 may be modulating to increase AQP3 levels, we used several pharmacological pathway inhibitors and determined that AQP3 expression is mediated by the Mitogen-activated protein kinase/Extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK) pathway. Altogether, these data suggest SIG-1191 represents a new IPC derivative with anti-inflammatory activity that may also promote increased skin hydration based on its ability to increase AQP3 levels.

  1. The Bacillus subtilis yaaH Gene Is Transcribed by SigE RNA Polymerase during Sporulation, and Its Product Is Involved in Germination of Spores (United States)

    Kodama, Takeko; Takamatsu, Hiromu; Asai, Kei; Kobayashi, Kazuo; Ogasawara, Naotake; Watabe, Kazuhito


    The expression of 21 novel genes located in the region from dnaA to abrB of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome was analyzed. One of the genes, yaaH, had a predicted promoter sequence conserved among SigE-dependent genes. Northern blot analysis revealed that yaaH mRNA was first detected from 2 h after the cessation of logarithmic growth (T2) of sporulation in wild-type cells and in spoIIIG (SigG−) and spoIVCB (SigK−) mutants but not in spoIIAC (SigF−) and spoIIGAB (SigE−) mutants. The transcription start point was determined by primer extension analysis; the −10 and −35 regions are very similar to the consensus sequences recognized by SigE-containing RNA polymerase. A YaaH-His tag fusion encoded by a plasmid with a predicted promoter for the yaaH gene was produced from T2 of sporulation in a B. subtilis transformant and extracted from mature spores, indicating that the yaaH gene product is a spore protein. Inactivation of the yaaH gene by insertion of an erythromycin resistance gene did not affect vegetative growth or spore resistance to heat, chloroform, and lysozyme. The germination of yaaH mutant spores in a mixture of l-asparagine, d-glucose, d-fructose, and potassium chloride was almost the same as that of wild-type spores, but the mutant spores were defective in l-alanine-stimulated germination. These results suggest that yaaH is a novel gene encoding a spore protein produced in the mother cell compartment from T2 of sporulation and that it is required for the l-alanine-stimulated germination pathway. PMID:10419957

  2. A comparison of prognostic significance of strong ion gap (SIG) with other acid-base markers in the critically ill: a cohort study. (United States)

    Ho, Kwok M; Lan, Norris S H; Williams, Teresa A; Harahsheh, Yusra; Chapman, Andrew R; Dobb, Geoffrey J; Magder, Sheldon


    This cohort study compared the prognostic significance of strong ion gap (SIG) with other acid-base markers in the critically ill. The relationships between SIG, lactate, anion gap (AG), anion gap albumin-corrected (AG-corrected), base excess or strong ion difference-effective (SIDe), all obtained within the first hour of intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and the hospital mortality of 6878 patients were analysed. The prognostic significance of each acid-base marker, both alone and in combination with the Admission Mortality Prediction Model (MPM0 III) predicted mortality, were assessed by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC). Of the 6878 patients included in the study, 924 patients (13.4 %) died after ICU admission. Except for plasma chloride concentrations, all acid-base markers were significantly different between the survivors and non-survivors. SIG (with lactate: AUROC 0.631, confidence interval [CI] 0.611-0.652; without lactate: AUROC 0.521, 95 % CI 0.500-0.542) only had a modest ability to predict hospital mortality, and this was no better than using lactate concentration alone (AUROC 0.701, 95 % 0.682-0.721). Adding AG-corrected or SIG to a combination of lactate and MPM0 III predicted risks also did not substantially improve the latter's ability to differentiate between survivors and non-survivors. Arterial lactate concentrations explained about 11 % of the variability in the observed mortality, and it was more important than SIG (0.6 %) and SIDe (0.9 %) in predicting hospital mortality after adjusting for MPM0 III predicted risks. Lactate remained as the strongest predictor for mortality in a sensitivity multivariate analysis, allowing for non-linearity of all acid-base markers. The prognostic significance of SIG was modest and inferior to arterial lactate concentration for the critically ill. Lactate concentration should always be considered regardless whether physiological, base excess or physical-chemical approach

  3. MetSigDis: a manually curated resource for the metabolic signatures of diseases. (United States)

    Cheng, Liang; Yang, Haixiu; Zhao, Hengqiang; Pei, Xiaoya; Shi, Hongbo; Sun, Jie; Zhang, Yunpeng; Wang, Zhenzhen; Zhou, Meng


    Complex diseases cannot be understood only on the basis of single gene, single mRNA transcript or single protein but the effect of their collaborations. The combination consequence in molecular level can be captured by the alterations of metabolites. With the rapidly developing of biomedical instruments and analytical platforms, a large number of metabolite signatures of complex diseases were identified and documented in the literature. Biologists' hardship in the face of this large amount of papers recorded metabolic signatures of experiments' results calls for an automated data repository. Therefore, we developed MetSigDis aiming to provide a comprehensive resource of metabolite alterations in various diseases. MetSigDis is freely available at By reviewing hundreds of publications, we collected 6849 curated relationships between 2420 metabolites and 129 diseases across eight species involving Homo sapiens and model organisms. All of these relationships were used in constructing a metabolite disease network (MDN). This network displayed scale-free characteristics according to the degree distribution (power-law distribution with R2 = 0.909), and the subnetwork of MDN for interesting diseases and their related metabolites can be visualized in the Web. The common alterations of metabolites reflect the metabolic similarity of diseases, which is measured using Jaccard index. We observed that metabolite-based similar diseases are inclined to share semantic associations of Disease Ontology. A human disease network was then built, where a node represents a disease, and an edge indicates similarity of pair-wise diseases. The network validated the observation that linked diseases based on metabolites should have more overlapped genes. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:


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    Muh Nurrohim


    Full Text Available Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Fundamental ekonomi yang salah satunya nilai tukar mata uang lebih dominan untuk dikaji. Nilai tukar yang berfluktuatif juga mempunyai keterkaitan dengan sektor rill, dalam hal ini fenomena nilai tukar yang berfluktuatif berdampak langsung mempengaruhi inflasi begitu pula sebaliknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan kausalitas dan kointegrasi antara nilai tukar dengan IHSG dan nilai tukar dengan inflasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data bulana periode Januari 1999-Desember 2012, data diperoleh dari Bank Indonesia (BI dan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS. Alat analisis menggunakan uji kausalitas Granger untuk mengetahui hubungan sebab-akibat dan uji kointegrasi untuk mengetahui hubungan keseimbangan jangka panjang. Hasil penelitian uji kausalitas Granger menunjukkan bahwa nilai tukar dengan indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG ada terjadi hubungan kausalitas satu arah, dan dari uji kointegrasi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan jangka panjang untuk periode Januari 1999-Desember 2012. Untuk hasil penelitian lain uji kausalitas Granger menunjukkan bahwa nilai tukar dengan inflasi ada juga terjadi hubungan kausalitas satu arah, dan dari uji kointegrasi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan jangka panjang untuk periode Januari 1999-Desember 2012. Berdasarkan dari penelitian ini Bank Indonesia harus dapat mengendalikan volatilitas nilai tukar yang optimal dalam rangka pencapaian kestabilan harga dan investasi. Perlunya juga peran pemerintah untuk membantu bank sentral dalam upaya mengendalikan nilai tukar agar fundamental ekonomi terjaga stabil dan kuat. Abstract ______________________________________________________________ Economic fundamentals that one exchange is dominant for review. The exchange rate has also fluctuated linkages with the real sector, in this case the phenomenon of fluctuating exchange rates affect inflation directly affects vice versa. This study aims to

  5. Expression of the Arabidopsis Sigma Factor SIG5 Is Photoreceptor and Photosynthesis Controlled

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    Marina Mellenthin


    Full Text Available Two collections of Arabidopsis GAL4 enhancer trap lines were screened for light-intensity dependent reporter gene activation. Line N9313 was isolated for its strong light-intensity regulation. The T-DNA element trapped distant enhancers of the SIG5 promoter, which drives expression of a sigma factor involved in regulation of chloroplast genes for photosystem II core proteins. The T-DNA insertion 715 bp upstream of the transcription initiation site splits the promoter in a distal and proximal part. Both parts are sensitive to blue and red light and depend on photosynthetic electron transport activity between photosystem II and the plastoquinone pool. The mainblue-light sensitivity is localized within a 196-bp sequence (–887 to –691 bp in the proximal promoter region It is preferentially CRY1 and PHYB controlled. Type-I and type-II phytochromes mediate red-light sensitivity via various promoter elements spread over the proximal and distal upstream region. This work characterizes SIG5 as an anterograde control factor of chloroplast gene expression, which is controlled by chloroplast signals in a retrograde manner.


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    Alfiah Mudrikah


    Full Text Available Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Indonesia memiliki kekayaan dan sumberdaya alam yang melimpah serta didukung dengan lautan dan ribuan pulau yang mengelilinginya.Berbagai kekayaan sumberdaya alam yang dimilikinya menjadi potensi tersendiri bagi Indonesia untuk mengembangkan pariwisata terutama dibidang alamnya. Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terdiri dari 17.508 pulau atau disebut juga sebagai nusantara atau negara maritim, telah menyadari pentingnya sektor pariwisata terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dikarenakan pertumbuhan pariwisata Indonesia selalu di atas pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia (Soebagyo 2012. Maka dari itu pariwisata belakangan ini selalu menjadi pusat perhatian bagi wisatawan untuk mengunjungi tempat wisata tersebut. Industri pariwisata merupakan salah satu cara yang tepat dalam meningkatkan kemajuan ekonomi masyarakat baik lokal maupun global. Pariwisata mempunyai pengaruh dan manfaat yang banyak, diantaranya selain menghasilkan devisa negara dan memperluas lapangan kerja, sektor pariwisata bertujuan untuk menjaga kelestarian alam dan mengembangkan budaya lokal (Dritasto dan Anggraeni 2013. Pada tahun 2008 kepariwisataan Indonesia berkontribusi terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB sebesar Rp. 153,25 trilyun atau 3,09% dari total PDB Indonesia (BPS, 2010. Pada tahun 2009, kontribusinya meningkat menjadi 3,25%. Pertumbuhan PDB pariwisata pun sejak tahun 2001 selalu menunjukkan angka pertumbuhan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan PDB nasional. Walaupun masih menunjukkan angka sementara, pada tahun 2009 pertumbuhan PDB pariwisata mencapai 8,18%, sedangkan PDB nasional hanya 4,37%. Pada tahun yang sama, devisa dari pariwisata merupakan kontributor terbesar ketiga devisa negara, setelah minyak dan gas bumi serta minyak kelapa sawit. Peringkat ini menunjukkan kecenderungan yang terus meningkat sejak tahun 2006 yang hanya menempati peringkat ke-6 dari 11 komoditi sumber devisa

  7. A Novel Visual Data Mining Module for the Geographical Information System gvSIG

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    Romel Vázquez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available The exploration of large GIS models containing spatio-temporal information is a challenge. In this paper we propose the integration of scientific visualization (ScVis techniques into geographic information systems (GIS as an alternative for the visual analysis of data. Providing GIS with such tools improves the analysis and understanding of datasets with very low spatial density and allows to find correlations between variables in time and space. In this regard, we present a new visual data mining tool for the GIS gvSIG. This tool has been implemented as a gvSIG module and contains several ScVis techniques for multiparameter data with a wide range of possibilities to explore interactively the data. The developed module is a powerful visual data mining and data visualization tool to obtain knowledge from multiple datasets in time and space. A real case study with meteorological data from Villa Clara province (Cuba is presented, where the implemented visualization techniques were used to analyze the available datasets. Although it is tested with meteorological data, the developed module is of general application in the sense that it can be used in multiple application fields related with Earth Sciences.

  8. Secretory IgA (SIgA: designed for antimicrobial defence

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    Per eBrandtzaeg


    Full Text Available Prevention of infections by vaccination remains a compelling goal to improve public health. Mucosal vaccines would make immunization procedures easier, be better suited for mass administration, and most efficiently induce immune exclusion -- a term coined for non-inflammatory antibody shielding of internal body surfaces, mediated principally by secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA. The exported antibodies are polymeric, mainly IgA dimers (pIgA, produced by local plasma cells stimulated by antigens that target the mucosae. SIgA was early shown to be complexed with an epithelial glycoprotein -- the secretory component (SC. A common SC-dependent transport mechanism for pIgA and pentameric IgM was then proposed, implying that membrane SC acts as a receptor, now usually called the polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR. From the basolateral surface, pIg-pIgR complexes are taken up by endocytosis and then extruded into the lumen after apical cleavage of the receptor -- bound SC having stabilizing and innate functions in the secretory antibodies. Mice deficient for pIgR show that this is the only receptor responsible for epithelial export of IgA and IgM. These knockout mice show a variety of defects in their mucosal defensce and changes in their intestinal microbiota. In the gut, induction of B cells occurs in gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT, particularly the Peyer’s patches and isolated lymphoid follicles, but also in mesenteric lymph nodes. Plasma cell differentiation is accomplished in the lamina propria to which the activated memory/effector B cells home. The airways also receive such cells from nasopharynx-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT but by different homing receptors. This compartmentalization is a challenge for mucosal vaccination, as are the mechanisms used by the mucosal immune system to discriminate between commensal symbionts (mutualism, pathobionts and overt pathogens (elimination.

  9. BioSig: A bioinformatic system for studying the mechanism of intra-cell signaling


    Parvin, B.; Cong, G.; Fontenay, G.; Taylor, J.; Henshall, R.; Barcellos-Hoff, M.H.


    Mapping inter-cell signaling pathways requires an integrated view of experimental and informatic protocols. BioSig provides the foundation of cataloging inter-cell responses as a function of particular conditioning, treatment, staining, etc. for either in vivo or in vitro experiments. This paper outlines the system architecture, a functional data model for representing experimental protocols, algorithms for image analysis, and the requried statistical analysis. The architecture provides...

  10. Serious Games

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jens

    Serious Games er et nyt it-forretningsområde, der siden årtusindskiftet er vokset frem, først i USA og dernæst i Vesteuropa og and i-lande. Til forskel fra computerspil er serious games ikke underholdning, men tænkt som et værktøj til støtte for statens og erhvervslivets forskellige funktioner. Det...... amerikanske militær har været fødselshjælper for den nye teknologi. Herfra har serious games bredt sig til andre sektorer og og i-lande, inkl. Danmark. Bogen skildrer, hvordan det nye forretningsområde er i færd med at blive udkrystalliseret af en række beslægtede industrigrene, og hvordan udviklingen er...

  11. The extracytoplasmic function sigma factor SigV plays a key role in the original model of lysozyme resistance and virulence of Enterococcus faecalis.

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    André Le Jeune

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Enterococcus faecalis is one of the leading agents of nosocomial infections. To cause diseases, pathogens or opportunistic bacteria have to adapt and survive to the defense systems encountered in the host. One of the most important compounds of the host innate defense response against invading microorganisms is lysozyme. It is found in a wide variety of body fluids, as well as in cells of the innate immune system. Lysozyme could act either as a muramidase and/or as a cationic antimicrobial peptide. Like Staphylococcus aureus, E. faecalis is one of the few bacteria that are completely lysozyme resistant. RESULTS: This study revealed that oatA (O-acetyl transferase and dlt (D-Alanylation of lipoteicoic acids genes contribute only partly to the lysozyme resistance of E. faecalis and that a specific transcriptional regulator, the extracytoplasmic function SigV sigma factor plays a key role in this event. Indeed, the sigV single mutant is as sensitive as the oatA/dltA double mutant, and the sigV/oatA/dltA triple mutant displays the highest level of lysozyme sensitivity suggesting synergistic effects of these genes. In S. aureus, mutation of both oatA and dlt genes abolishes completely the lysozyme resistance, whereas this is not the case in E. faecalis. Interestingly SigV does not control neither oatA nor dlt genes. Moreover, the sigV mutants clearly showed a reduced capacity to colonize host tissues, as they are significantly less recovered than the parental JH2-2 strain from organs of mice subjected to intravenous or urinary tract infections. CONCLUSIONS: This work led to the discovery of an original model of lysozyme resistance mechanism which is obviously more complex than those described for other Gram positive pathogens. Moreover, our data provide evidences for a direct link between lysozyme resistance and virulence of E. faecalis.

  12. SIG et risques naturels: le glissement de terrain de Séchilienne (Isère

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    Jean-Pierre ASTÉ


    Full Text Available À Séchilienne (massif de l’Oisans s’est produit un glissement de terrain qui, selon les experts, peut devenir glissement de versant entier. Leurs scénarios ont été traduits cartographiquement en un SIG qui, malgré ses limites, constitue un premier outil de prise de conscience et d’aide à la décision.

  13. Vaccinomics Approach for Designing Potential Peptide Vaccine by Targeting Shigella spp. Serine Protease Autotransporter Subfamily Protein SigA

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    Arafat Rahman Oany


    Full Text Available Shigellosis, a bacillary dysentery, is closely associated with diarrhoea in human and causes infection of 165 million people worldwide per year. Casein-degrading serine protease autotransporter of enterobacteriaceae (SPATE subfamily protein SigA, an outer membrane protein, exerts both cytopathic and enterotoxic effects especially cytopathic to human epithelial cell type-2 (HEp-2 and is shown to be highly immunogenic. In the present study, we have tried to impose the vaccinomics approach for designing a common peptide vaccine candidate against the immunogenic SigA of Shigella spp. At first, 44 SigA proteins from different variants of S. flexneri, S. dysenteriae, S. boydii, and S. sonnei were assessed to find the most antigenic protein. We retrieved 12 peptides based on the highest score for human leukocyte antigen (HLA supertypes analysed by NetCTL. Initially, these peptides were assessed for the affinity with MHC class I and class II alleles, and four potential core epitopes VTARAGLGY, FHTVTVNTL, HTTWTLTGY, and IELAGTLTL were selected. From these, FHTVTVNTL and IELAGTLTL peptides were shown to have 100% conservancy. Finally, IELAGTLTL was shown to have the highest population coverage (83.86% among the whole world population. In vivo study of the proposed epitope might contribute to the development of functional and unique widespread vaccine, which might be an operative alleyway to thwart dysentery from the world.

  14. SigWin-detector: a Grid-enabled workflow for discovering enriched windows of genomic features related to DNA sequences

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    Wibisono Adianto


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Chromosome location is often used as a scaffold to organize genomic information in both the living cell and molecular biological research. Thus, ever-increasing amounts of data about genomic features are stored in public databases and can be readily visualized by genome browsers. To perform in silico experimentation conveniently with this genomics data, biologists need tools to process and compare datasets routinely and explore the obtained results interactively. The complexity of such experimentation requires these tools to be based on an e-Science approach, hence generic, modular, and reusable. A virtual laboratory environment with workflows, workflow management systems, and Grid computation are therefore essential. Findings Here we apply an e-Science approach to develop SigWin-detector, a workflow-based tool that can detect significantly enriched windows of (genomic features in a (DNA sequence in a fast and reproducible way. For proof-of-principle, we utilize a biological use case to detect regions of increased and decreased gene expression (RIDGEs and anti-RIDGEs in human transcriptome maps. We improved the original method for RIDGE detection by replacing the costly step of estimation by random sampling with a faster analytical formula for computing the distribution of the null hypothesis being tested and by developing a new algorithm for computing moving medians. SigWin-detector was developed using the WS-VLAM workflow management system and consists of several reusable modules that are linked together in a basic workflow. The configuration of this basic workflow can be adapted to satisfy the requirements of the specific in silico experiment. Conclusion As we show with the results from analyses in the biological use case on RIDGEs, SigWin-detector is an efficient and reusable Grid-based tool for discovering windows enriched for features of a particular type in any sequence of values. Thus, SigWin-detector provides the

  15. SigWin-detector: a Grid-enabled workflow for discovering enriched windows of genomic features related to DNA sequences. (United States)

    Inda, Márcia A; van Batenburg, Marinus F; Roos, Marco; Belloum, Adam S Z; Vasunin, Dmitry; Wibisono, Adianto; van Kampen, Antoine H C; Breit, Timo M


    Chromosome location is often used as a scaffold to organize genomic information in both the living cell and molecular biological research. Thus, ever-increasing amounts of data about genomic features are stored in public databases and can be readily visualized by genome browsers. To perform in silico experimentation conveniently with this genomics data, biologists need tools to process and compare datasets routinely and explore the obtained results interactively. The complexity of such experimentation requires these tools to be based on an e-Science approach, hence generic, modular, and reusable. A virtual laboratory environment with workflows, workflow management systems, and Grid computation are therefore essential. Here we apply an e-Science approach to develop SigWin-detector, a workflow-based tool that can detect significantly enriched windows of (genomic) features in a (DNA) sequence in a fast and reproducible way. For proof-of-principle, we utilize a biological use case to detect regions of increased and decreased gene expression (RIDGEs and anti-RIDGEs) in human transcriptome maps. We improved the original method for RIDGE detection by replacing the costly step of estimation by random sampling with a faster analytical formula for computing the distribution of the null hypothesis being tested and by developing a new algorithm for computing moving medians. SigWin-detector was developed using the WS-VLAM workflow management system and consists of several reusable modules that are linked together in a basic workflow. The configuration of this basic workflow can be adapted to satisfy the requirements of the specific in silico experiment. As we show with the results from analyses in the biological use case on RIDGEs, SigWin-detector is an efficient and reusable Grid-based tool for discovering windows enriched for features of a particular type in any sequence of values. Thus, SigWin-detector provides the proof-of-principle for the modular e-Science based concept


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    I Made Sukarsa


    Full Text Available Saat ini aplikasi di bidang SIG telah banyak yang dikembangkan berbasis mesin DBMS (Database Management System non spatial sehingga mampu mendukung model penyajian data secara client server dan menangani data dalam jumlah yang besar. Salah satunya telah dikembangkan untuk menangani data jaringan listrik.Kenyataannya, mesin-mesin DBMS belum dilengkapi dengan kemampuan untuk melakukan analisis network seperti manuver jaringan dan merupakan dasar untuk pengembangan berbagai aplikasi lainnya. Oleh karena itu,perlu dikembangkan suatu model network untuk manuver jaringan listrik dengan berbagai kekhasannya.Melalui beberapa tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan, telah dapat dikembangkan suatu model network yangdapat digunakan untuk menangani manuver jaringan. Model ini dibangun dengan memperhatikan kepentingan pengintegrasian dengan sistem eksisting dengan meminimalkan adanya perubahan pada aplikasi eksisting.Pemilihan implementasi berbasis PL SQL (Pragrammable Language Structure Query Language akan memberikan berbagai keuntungan termasuk unjuk kerja sistem. Model ini telah diujikan untuk simulasi pemadaman,menghitung perubahan struktur pembebanan jaringan dan dapat dikembangkan untuk analisis sistem tenaga listrik seperti rugi-rugi, load flow dan sebagainya sehingga pada akhirnya aplikasi SIG akan mampu mensubstitusi danmengatasi kelemahan aplikasi analisis sistem tenaga yang banyak dipakai saat ini seperti EDSA (Electrical DesignSystem Anaysis .

  17. TDC's Pernille Erenbjerg satser alt på et bræt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørholst, Henrik


    Klumme. TDC’s fusion med MTG er en nyskabelse i Europa, men topchefen Pernille Erenbjerg betaler en høj pris, og risikoen for skibbrud er stor.......Klumme. TDC’s fusion med MTG er en nyskabelse i Europa, men topchefen Pernille Erenbjerg betaler en høj pris, og risikoen for skibbrud er stor....

  18. Strategi Pengembangan Daerah Growth Pole melalui Pemanfaatan Potensi Lokal

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    Rusdarti Rusdarti


    Full Text Available This research aims to determine the leading sectors that could be developed in each district in Cilacap Regency as a growth pole area. We use location quotient, shift share, and klassen typology as analysis methods. The research results show that not all of the district at Cilacap regency have a leading sector. Further, districts that have leading sectors are as follows. Wanareja only has a leading sector, i.e. agriculture. Secondly, Kawunganten has two leading sectors, agriculture and finance, rent, and company services. Thirdly, Agriculture becomes the only leading sector of Kampung Laut District. Fourthly, Mining and extraction are the leading sectors of Kesugihan District. Fifthly, Sampang District has buildings and finance sectors as the leading sectors. Sixthly, Kroya District leads in trade, hotel, and restaurant sectors. Seventhly, South Cilacap District leads in mining and extraction sectors. Eighthly, Central Cilacap District has manufacturing, electricity, gas and clean water, building and services as leading sectors. Lastly, North Cilacap District has electricity, gas and clean water, manufacturing, building and services as leading sectors. Abstrak   Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan sektor unggulan yang dapat dikembangkan di tiap kecamatan di Kabupaten Cilacap sebagai salah satu daerah growth pole. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu location quotient, shift share dan klassen typologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak semua kecamatan di kabupaten Cilacap memiliki sektor unggulan. Beberapa daerah yang memiliki sektor unggulan diantaranya adalah  Kecamatan Wanareja hanya memiliki satu sektor unggulan yaitu pertanian. Kedua adalah Kecamatan Kawunganten memiliki dua sektor unggulan yaitu sektor pertanian dan sektor keuangan, persewaan dan jasa perusahaan. Kecamatan Kampung Laut, dimana sektor pertanian pada kecamatan ini sangatlah unggul. Kecamatan kesugihan juga memiliki satu sektor unggulan yaitu

  19. Implementación de un Sistema de Información Geográfica, SIG, en el Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali

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    María Victoria Zapata Pardo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este proyecto fue generar una herramienta para mejorar el manejo, conservación y administración del Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali adscrito a la Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales, UAESPNN, dependiente del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente. Con este propósito se implementó un sistema de información geográfica, SIG, como modelo metodológico. El SIG Farallones de CaIi utilizó una base de datos relacional, desarroUada con el software ACCESTM, compatible con los SIG utilizados ARC/INFOTM y ARCI/VIEWTM (para estación de trabajo. Los datos espaciales accesados a la base de datos fueron los de topografía, hidrología, zonas de vida Holdridge, geología, limite, frentes, zonificación con fmes de manejo, precipitación, ocupación indígena, veredas y corregimientos; los cuales contaron con información alfanumérica relacionada, que abarcaba el manejo administrativo, socioeconómíco y tísico entre otros.

  20. SIG: Multiple Views on Safety-Critical Automation: Aircraft, Autonomous Vehicles, Air Traffic Management and Satellite Ground Segments Perspectives (United States)

    Feary, Michael; Palanque, Philippe; Martinie, Célia; Tscheligi, Manfred


    This SIG focuses on the engineering of automation in interactive critical systems. Automation has already been studied in a number of (sub-) disciplines and application fields: design, human factors, psychology, (software) engineering, aviation, health care, games. One distinguishing feature of the area we are focusing on is that in the field of interactive critical systems properties such as reliability, dependability, fault tolerance are as important as usability, user experience or overall acceptance issues. The SIG targets at two problem areas: first the engineering of the user interaction with (partly-) autonomous systems: how to design, build and assess autonomous behavior, especially in cases where there is a need to represent on the user interface both autonomous and interactive objects. An example of such integration is the representation of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) (where no direct interaction is possible), together with aircrafts (that have to be instructed by an air traffic controller to avoid the UAV). Second the design and engineering of user interaction in general for autonomous objects/systems (for example a cruise control in a car or an autopilot in an aircraft). The goal of the SIG is to raise interest in the CHI community on the general aspects of automation and to identify a community of researchers and practitioners interested in those increasingly prominent issues of interfaces towards (semi)-autonomous systems. The expected audience should be interested in addressing the issues of integration of mainly unconnected research domains to formulate a new joint research agenda.

  1. Radioreklamen skal finde sine ben

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    Sigurd Bennike


    Full Text Available Den 1. august 1988 startede radioreklamerne i Danmark uden nævneværdig opmærksomhed fra hverken pressen eller medieforskerne. Annoncørerne, reklamebureauerne og de store radiostationer har haft lidt svært ved at finde hinanden. Og heller ikke nemt ved at finde ud af, hvem der skulle producere reklamerne og hvordan sådan nogle skal lyde på dansk. Som det indirekte fremgår af denne artikel, så er det svært at få tal ud af branchen. - Men et kvalificeret gæt lyder på, at der er omsat for mellem 20 og 40 millioner kroner på de første måneder, koncentreret på mindre end 50 af de 237 nærradiosendetilladelser. De radiostationer der vælger at sende reklamer, skal betale 10% af deres omsætning til en særlig radiofond, hvis midler deles ud til de græsrodsradioer, som ikke kan eller vil skaffe sig reklameindtægter.

  2. Analisis Kesiapan Industri Manufaktur Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK Dalam Negeri Untuk Mendukung Implementasi Green-ICT Pada Sektor Telekomunikasi

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    Diah Yuniarti


    Full Text Available Industri TIK merupakan bagian dari industri masa depan yang terdiri atas industri perangkat, infrastruktur/jaringan dan aplikasi/konten. Akhir-akhir ini, aspek lingkungan menjadi pertimbangan dalam menciptakan kesinambungan industri, termasuk industri TIK atau yang dikenal dengan istilah TIK hijau. Implementasi TIK Hijau pada penyelenggara telekomunikasi masih menemui beberapa kendala yaitu efisiensi rendah dan investasi tinggi pada penggunaan perangkat TIK berbasis energi alternatif. Selain itu, rencana implementasi TIK Hijau di lembaga pemerintah maupun swasta masih dibayangi isu terkait kekuatan industri dalam negeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur kesiapan industri manufatur TIK dalam negeri untuk mendukung implementasi TIK Hijau pada sektor telekomunikasi. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif berdasarkan indikator attitude, policy, practice, technology dan governance yang dimodifikasi pada Green IT Readiness Model oleh Molla, Alemayehu, Berdasarkan analisis LSR, secara umum lima responden industri manufaktur dikategorikan memiliki sikap positif. Indikator yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian dari responden yang tergolong memiliki sikap negatif adalah indikator policy dan governance.

  3. Des SIG-P pour sauver le complexe forestier de la basse rivière Tana?

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'objectif général de ce programme panafricain est de contribuer à rendre disponibles des systèmes d'information de bonne qualité, fiables et accessibles grâce à l'usage de SIG-P en vue d'améliorer la gestion des ressources naturelles (eau, terres, forêts, etc.) et de promouvoir la sécurité alimentaire. Le programme ...


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    Sjahril Effendy


    Full Text Available Penanaman modal asing memegang peranan penting dalam perekonomian. Keberhasilan suatu pembangunan nasional tidak dapat dipisahkan dari penanaman modal asing sebagai faktor penunjang dan turut menentukan pembangunan ekonomi, antara lain dapat menciptakan pekerjaan, terjadinya alih teknologi, memberikan masukan dari segi perpajakan dan pendapatan negara dan daerah. Menciptakan kepastian hukum terhadap investor asing perusahaan joint venture sebagai bentuk perlindungan hukum. Pemerintah  Kabupaten Deli Serdang dalam pembangunan sektor air bersih juga memberlakukan Undang-Undang No.25 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanaman Modal walaupun belum sepenuhnya diterapkan. Hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi antara lain berupa perjanjian kerjasama dengan PDAM Tirtanadi tidak sepenuhnya dilaksanakan, penyerahan air bersih merupakan objek PPN padahal menurut ketentuan merupakan objek yang bebas dari PPN, dan UU No.13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan telah disalahgunakan oleh oknum serikat pekerja perusahaan. Penyelesaian sengketa berpedoman kepada  perjanjian kerjasama  antara PT. Tirta Lyonnaise Medan dengan PDAM Tirtanadi Provinsi Sumatera Utara.

  5. Construire ses cartes : le développement d’outils statistiques interactifs intégrés à un SIG

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    Benoît Ogier


    Full Text Available Les systèmes d’exploitation des micro-ordinateurs proposent aujourd’hui des interfaces conviviales. En outre, certains micro-SIG offrent des possibilités intéressantes de développement par l’intermédiaire de " plug ins ", dans les langages de programmation les plus courants (Pascal, C, Delphi.... C’est sur ces bases que nous avons pu compléter les fonctionnalités d’un micro-SIG (requêtes spatiales, calcul d’itinéraire, gestion de données, cartographie..., par une série de modules statistiques et graphiques.Ces outils mettent à la disposition de l’utilisateur, toutes les informations statistiques et représentations, nécessaires à une analyse complète des données. En effet, les modules sont liés entre eux, ce qui permet d’aborder une étude sous plusieurs angles simultanément, et de comparer les résultats de différentes méthodes. De plus, une mise a jour automatique de la carte s’effectue dès que l’on procède à une mise en classe à l’aide d’un des modules. On est donc en présence d’une complète interactivité SIG-Cartes-Statistiques.Mais on peut aller plus loin et envisager l’expérimentation d’autres outils graphiques, notamment pour l’exploitation des résultats d’analyses factorielles.

  6. Role Identification and Application of SigD in the Transformation of Soybean Phytosterol to 9α-Hydroxy-4-androstene-3,17-dione in Mycobacterium neoaurum. (United States)

    Xiong, Liang-Bin; Liu, Hao-Hao; Xu, Li-Qin; Wei, Dong-Zhi; Wang, Feng-Qing


    9α-Hydroxy-4-androstene-3,17-dione (9-OHAD) is a valuable steroid pharmaceutical intermediate which can be produced by the conversion of soybean phytosterols in mycobacteria. However, the unsatisfactory productivity and conversion efficiency of engineered mycobacterial strains hinder their industrial applications. Here, a sigma factor D (sigD) was investigated due to its dramatic downregulation during the conversion of phytosterols to 9-OHAD. It was determined as a negative regulator in the metabolism of phytosterols, and the deletion of sigD in a 9-OHAD-producing strain significantly enhanced the titer of 9-OHAD by 18.9%. Furthermore, a high yielding strain was constructed by the combined modifications of sigD and choM2, a key gene in the phytosterol metabolism pathway. After the modifications, the productivity of 9-OHAD reached 0.071 g/L/h (10.27 g/L from 20 g/L phytosterol), which was 22.5% higher than the original productivity of 0.058 g/L/h (8.37 g/L from 20 g/L phytosterol) in the industrial resting cell biotransformation system.


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    Raden Yogi Arieffiandi


    rate margin/bagi hasil, sektor ekonomi, dan nilai Altman Z-Score perusahaan. Hasil analisis lingkungan eksternal dan lingkungan internal diperoleh faktor-faktor strategis yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam menekan nilai NPF pada Bank Syariah XYZ Jakarta Barat dengan melakukan tindakan defensif. Hasil evaluasi strategi Bank Syariah XYZ Kantor Cabang Jakarta Barat dari segi SWOT dalam memperketat analisis pembiayaan sektor UMKM antara lain: melakukan proses analisis pembiayaan dengan lebih hati-hati dan menyeluruh, melakukan pelatihan tenaga SDM atau dengan melakukan sharing dengan cabang lain dalam wilayah yang berdekatan, mengantisipasi over penilaian dengan menggunakan penilai independen, melakukan screening lebih detail pada saat melakukan pencairan pembiayaan, dan memaksimalkan peraturan internal yang ada terkait pemberian fasilitas pembiayaan.Kata kunci: kolektibilitas pembiayaan, regresi logistik, SWOT, Altman Z-Score, UMKM

  8. Integrando SIG e USLE para mapeamento da perda de solo em área de proteção ambiental

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    Fernando Jorge Corrêa Magalhães Filho


    Full Text Available O uso de geotecnologias no planejamento ambiental tem sido instrumento amplamente utilizado. Nesse estudo utilizou-se de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG e da Linguagem Espacial para Geoprocessamento Algébrico (LEGAL para o processamento da Equação Universal de Perda de Solos (USLE, para avaliação dos processos erosivos em área de proteção ambiental. Embora a USLE tenha o objetivo quantitativo de estimar a perda anual média de solo por erosão hídrica, o trabalho utilizou-se de dados para mapeamento das áreas vulneráveis ao processo erosivo. O uso integrado de SIG com a USLE facilita o planejamento e a tomada de decisões na proposição de medidas adequadas no plano de manejo para promover a conservação da água e do solo em unidades de conservação ambiental.

  9. Modelo basado en SIG para el estudio de la mortalidad por enfermedad cerebro-vascular

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    Carlos Alberto Tangarife Villa


    Full Text Available En los últimos 15 años el estudio para una de las tres primeras causas de muerte a nivel mundial –enfermedad cerebrovascular (ECV– se caracteriza por utilizar el enfoque epidemiológico tradicional y sus técnicas de análisis estadístico bivariado y multivariado orientadas a identificar su composición según variables de persona y explorar relaciones con sus determinantes pero sin impactar significativamente su ocurrencia, sin embargo, en el presente artículo se identifica como alternativa de análisis la modelación espacio-temporal con SIG a niveles de desagregación detallados; en este sentido el análisis comparativo de los modelos utilizados en los estudios conocidos, desvela el uso de datos y técnicas de análisis espacial básicas para identificar patrones como los evidenciados en los cinturones de diabetes y ECV en USA o el clúster colombiano de enfermedades del aparato circulatorio identificado en la región andina que sugiere un comportamiento similar para la ECV. El panorama anterior demanda la combinación de enfoques con énfasis en sus técnicas de análisis avanzadas –análisis multi-criterio, kriging, interpolación, correlación y regresión espacial– soportadas con SIG y por lo tanto, como contribución final se propone un modelo integrado dirigido a impactar positivamente la mortalidad por ECV.


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    Kevin Martio


    Full Text Available Opini audit yang diberikan oleh auditor merupakan informasi penting bagi pengguna laporan keuangan Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris mengenai beberapa faktor yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi probabilitas opini audit going concern. Variable yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah opinion shopping, size, liquidity, dan kualitas audit. Studi ini pada perusahaan manufaktur sektor tekstil dan garment yang listing di BEI periode 2010-2013. Metode pengambilan Sampel penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode purposive sampling dengan 60 sampel yang telah mengalami pengamatan selama 4 tahun. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu dengan regresi logistik. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa opinion shopping, size, dan liquidity berpengaruh negatif terhadap opini audit going concern dan dan kualitas audit berpengaruh positif terhadap opini audit going concern.

  11. Infortunios de Alonso Ramírez, de Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora: aproximaciones a una geografía poscolonial

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    Mariana Zinni


    Infortunios de Alonso Ramírez can be read as a mimetic exercise related to some core problems regarding the dynamics of colonial domination. Such exercise not only mimes-imitates textual aspects of other genres by reshaping the process of text constitution itself (picaresque novel, travelogue, but also inscribes itself in the relationships between colonized and colonizers. I propose a reading of this text by arguing that Sigüenza y Góngora, while re-presenting the colony vis-à-vis the metropolis, situates Mexico City in a cultural circuit and proposes a movement of “metropolization” of the colonial city regarding the other periphery, the Philippines. Consequently, Sigüenza will descenter the empire by establishing the existence of this other suburb in a clever stroke of which I will propose to call “postcolonial geography”.

  12. Peran Sistem Informasi Dalam Meningkatkan Investasi Asing Pada Sektor Properti Di Indonesia Di Era Pasar Bebas

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    Yosi Agustiawan


    Full Text Available Abstrak Pasar bebas adalah hasil dari proses globalisasi yang telah menciptakan integrasi ekonomi antar negara. Artikel ini mengkaji dampak globalisasi di pasar properti global dan peran sistem informasi untuk meningkatkan investasi asing di Indonesia. Meningkatnya investasi asing langsung (Foreign Direct Investmen/FDI yang mengalir ke negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia di berbagai sektor termasuk properti telah memberikan banyak manfaat untuk meningkatkan ekonomi. Buruknya peraturan kepemilikan tanah dan infrastruktur adalah masalah utama yang harus diatasi untuk menjaga agar investor asing masih berniat untuk menanamkan modalnya dalam pasar properti global. Sistem informasi dapat digunakan sebagai alat yang efektif untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut melalui penggunaan e-government dan perencanaan strategis implementasi sistem informasi dalam proyek infrastruktur. Abstract Cross-border relationships do not only affect many aspects but it also creates economic integration among countries. This essay examines the impact of globalization on the property market and the role of information system to promote foreign direct investment (FDI in Indonesia. Allowing foreign direct investment (FDI flows to those developing in various industries including property has clearly provided positive opportunities to improve their economic. Poor land regulations and infrastructure are the main issues that must be overcome to maintain foreign investor still intend to capitalize on the global property market. Information system can be used as effective tool to resolve those issues through e-government and strategic implementation in projects infrastructure.

  13. [A study on the construction, expression and immunosterility of Lagurus laguru zona pellucida 3 DNA vaccine pVAX1-sig-LTB-lZP3-C3d3]. (United States)

    Li, Chen-Chen; Yu, Ji-Yun; Jiang, Min; Tu, Yi-Xian; Ma, Xiao-Lin; Zhang, Fu-Chun


    To enhance the immunocontraceptive effect of Lagurus lagurus zona pellucida 3 DNA vaccine, and to achieve the prospect of application through the pVAX1-sig-LTB-lZP3-C3d3 different immunity pathway. Two adjuvant molecules were constructed into the recombinant plasmid pVAX1-sig-LTB-lZP3-C3d3 as DNA vaccine which contains Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin B subunit and the molecular adjuvant 3 copies of C3d. The results of RT-PCR and western blot showed that the DNA vaccine was expressed in mRNA and protein level. The female C57BL/6 mice were immunized by three ways: intramuscular injection, intranasal or oral route.Antibody levels and types were detected by ELISA. ELISA results showed that recombinant plasmid pVAX1-sig-LTB-lZP3-C3d3 immunization induced specific IgG, IgA levels were significantly different comparing with control (Psig-LTB-lZP3-C3d3 can induce the specific immune response efficiently and enhance the immunocontraceptive effects.

  14. Selenide isotope generator for the Galileo Mission: SIG/Galileo hermetic receptable test program final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roedel, S.


    The purpose of the receptacle test program was to test various types of hermetically sealed electrical receptacles and to select one model as the spaceflight hardware item for SIG/Galileo thermoelectric generators. The design goal of the program was to qualify a hermetic seal integrity of less than or equal to 1 x 10 -9 std cc He/sec -atm at 400 0 F (204 0 C) and verify a reliability of 0.95 at a 50% confidence level for a flight mission in excess of 7 years

  15. Lingkungan Keluarga Anak-Anak Berprestasi Tinggi dan Anak-Anak Berprestasi Rendah di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Pidie Sigli

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    Husaini Daud


    Full Text Available This study describes the contribution of family environment to the achievement of students. Data were collected from the high achievers and low achievers of SMAN grade II student at Kabupaten Pidie Sigli. The result reveals that 5 sub-variables of family environment do not show significant contribution to the student's achievement, while 6 of them give significant contributions though they are not applicable, and 8 of them are significant and applicable.


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    Full Text Available This research aims to analyze inter economic sectoral linkages and to arrange the Klassen typology of economic sectors in Semarang Regency. The Klassen typology is composed from the result of the linkage analysis. To construct the analysis, this paper also utulizes the input-output analysis. It finds that service sector has the highest backward linkage while farming sector has the highest forward linkage. Based on the Klassen typology analysis, sectors with the highest backward and forward linkages and potential to be the leading sector are farming sector, dan trade, hotel and restaurant sector.Keywords: Backward linkage,forward linkage, Klassen typologyJEL classification number: R15, O21AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji seberapa besar keterkaitan antar sektor ekonomi di Kabupaten Semarang dan memetakan tipologi Klassennya. Tipologi Klasen disusun berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis keterkaitannya. Untuk menyusun analisis tersebut, paper ini juga menggunakan analisis input-output. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sektor jasa memiliki keterkaitan ke belakang tertinggi dibandingkan dengan sektor lainnya. Sementara itu, sektor pertanian merupakan sektor yang memiliki keterkaitan ke depan tertinggi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tipologi Klassen, sektor yang memiliki keterkaitan ke depan dan ke belakang yang tinggi dan dapat menjadi sektor unggulan adalah sektor perdagangan, hotel dan sektor restoran.Kata kunci: Keterkaitan ke belakang, keterkaitan ke depan, tipologi KlassenJEL classification numbers: R15, O21

  17. Hvorfor ikke?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz, Majken


    Den frivillige sektor må udfordre den uambitiøse kompromistænkning i den offentlige sektor og de snævre økonomiske dogmer i den private, mener ledelsesguruen Henry Mintzberg.......Den frivillige sektor må udfordre den uambitiøse kompromistænkning i den offentlige sektor og de snævre økonomiske dogmer i den private, mener ledelsesguruen Henry Mintzberg....

  18. ChromaSig: a probabilistic approach to finding common chromatin signatures in the human genome.

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    Gary Hon


    Full Text Available Computational methods to identify functional genomic elements using genetic information have been very successful in determining gene structure and in identifying a handful of cis-regulatory elements. But the vast majority of regulatory elements have yet to be discovered, and it has become increasingly apparent that their discovery will not come from using genetic information alone. Recently, high-throughput technologies have enabled the creation of information-rich epigenetic maps, most notably for histone modifications. However, tools that search for functional elements using this epigenetic information have been lacking. Here, we describe an unsupervised learning method called ChromaSig to find, in an unbiased fashion, commonly occurring chromatin signatures in both tiling microarray and sequencing data. Applying this algorithm to nine chromatin marks across a 1% sampling of the human genome in HeLa cells, we recover eight clusters of distinct chromatin signatures, five of which correspond to known patterns associated with transcriptional promoters and enhancers. Interestingly, we observe that the distinct chromatin signatures found at enhancers mark distinct functional classes of enhancers in terms of transcription factor and coactivator binding. In addition, we identify three clusters of novel chromatin signatures that contain evolutionarily conserved sequences and potential cis-regulatory elements. Applying ChromaSig to a panel of 21 chromatin marks mapped genomewide by ChIP-Seq reveals 16 classes of genomic elements marked by distinct chromatin signatures. Interestingly, four classes containing enrichment for repressive histone modifications appear to be locally heterochromatic sites and are enriched in quickly evolving regions of the genome. The utility of this approach in uncovering novel, functionally significant genomic elements will aid future efforts of genome annotation via chromatin modifications.

  19. Selenide isotope generator for the Galileo Mission: SIG thermal insulation evaluaion tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Since the SIG program required the use of very high performance thermal insulation materials in rather severe thermal and environmental conditions, a thorough screening and testing program was performed. Several types of materials were included in the preliminary survey. Most promising were oxide and carbonaceous fibrous insulations, oxide and carbonaceous foamed materials, and multilayer materials with both powder and cloth spacers. The latter were only viable for the vacuum option. In all, over one hundred materials from more than sixty manufacturers were evaluated from literature and manufacturers' data. The list was pared to eighteen candidates in seven basic types, i.e., fibrous microporous SiO 2 , fibrous SiO 2 /Al 2 O 3 , fibrous ZrO 2 , fibrous carbon, foamed SiO 2 , foamed carbon, and multilayer. Test results are presented

  20. Consensus definition of sarcopenia, cachexia and pre-cachexia: joint document elaborated by Special Interest Groups (SIG) "cachexia-anorexia in chronic wasting diseases" and "nutrition in geriatrics". (United States)

    Muscaritoli, M; Anker, S D; Argilés, J; Aversa, Z; Bauer, J M; Biolo, G; Boirie, Y; Bosaeus, I; Cederholm, T; Costelli, P; Fearon, K C; Laviano, A; Maggio, M; Rossi Fanelli, F; Schneider, S M; Schols, A; Sieber, C C


    Chronic diseases as well as aging are frequently associated with deterioration of nutritional status, loss muscle mass and function (i.e. sarcopenia), impaired quality of life and increased risk for morbidity and mortality. Although simple and effective tools for the accurate screening, diagnosis and treatment of malnutrition have been developed during the recent years, its prevalence still remains disappointingly high and its impact on morbidity, mortality and quality of life clinically significant. Based on these premises, the Special Interest Group (SIG) on cachexia-anorexia in chronic wasting diseases was created within ESPEN with the aim of developing and spreading the knowledge on the basic and clinical aspects of cachexia and anorexia as well as of increasing the awareness of cachexia among health professionals and care givers. The definition, the assessment and the staging of cachexia, were identified as a priority by the SIG. This consensus paper reports the definition of cachexia, pre-cachexia and sarcopenia as well as the criteria for the differentiation between cachexia and other conditions associated with sarcopenia, which have been developed in cooperation with the ESPEN SIG on nutrition in geriatrics. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

  1. Implementing an SIG based platform of application and service for city spatial information in Shanghai (United States)

    Yu, Bailang; Wu, Jianping


    Spatial Information Grid (SIG) is an infrastructure that has the ability to provide the services for spatial information according to users' needs by means of collecting, sharing, organizing and processing the massive distributed spatial information resources. This paper presents the architecture, technologies and implementation of the Shanghai City Spatial Information Application and Service System, a SIG based platform, which is an integrated platform that serves for administration, planning, construction and development of the city. In the System, there are ten categories of spatial information resources, including city planning, land-use, real estate, river system, transportation, municipal facility construction, environment protection, sanitation, urban afforestation and basic geographic information data. In addition, spatial information processing services are offered as a means of GIS Web Services. The resources and services are all distributed in different web-based nodes. A single database is created to store the metadata of all the spatial information. A portal site is published as the main user interface of the System. There are three main functions in the portal site. First, users can search the metadata and consequently acquire the distributed data by using the searching results. Second, some spatial processing web applications that developed with GIS Web Services, such as file format conversion, spatial coordinate transfer, cartographic generalization and spatial analysis etc, are offered to use. Third, GIS Web Services currently available in the System can be searched and new ones can be registered. The System has been working efficiently in Shanghai Government Network since 2005.

  2. Sustainability of State-Level Substance Abuse Prevention Infrastructure After the Completion of the SPF SIG. (United States)

    Edwards, Jessica M; Stein-Seroussi, Al; Flewelling, Robert L; Orwin, Robert G; Zhang, Lei


    Recent national substance abuse prevention efforts that have been disseminated at the state level have provided fertile ground for addressing the dearth of systematic research on state-level substance abuse prevention infrastructure. The Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Program (SPF SIG), a national public health initiative sponsored by the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and its Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, is one such effort, providing an opportunity to examine state-level substance abuse prevention infrastructure across the country. The aims of the SPF SIG initiative include reducing substance abuse and its related problems, as well as enhancing state and local prevention infrastructure and capacity. In this article, we describe the status of state-level substance abuse prevention infrastructure and capacity 1 year after the first 26 funded states ended their projects, based on follow-up interviews with state prevention decision-makers. We found that, in five of the six prevention domains we measured, prevention infrastructure capacity increased during the 12-month period after the grants ended. The evidence for further SPF capacity development even after the conclusion of the grants suggests that states recognized the benefits of using the SPF and took deliberate steps to sustain and enhance the integration of this framework into their state prevention systems. In addition, the findings suggest that state agencies and organizations can benefit from time-limited resources aimed at increasing their capacity and that such efforts can have a lasting impact on measures of state prevention system capacity.

  3. Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora — el paraíso terrenal en la Nueva España // Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora — The idea of the earthly paradise in New Spain

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    Katarína Zatlkajová


    Full Text Available This paper deals with different possible ways to approach the idea of the “Earthly Paradise” in a religious chronicle, written by Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora. His work connects the mythological and utopian understanding of the “Paradise”, placed in the West, with its religious and allegorical dimension. His possible aim is to display the patriotic pride through the hagiographical depiction of virtuous nuns.

  4. Una representación basada en Semat y RUP para el Método de Desarrollo SIG del Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi

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    Claudia Elena Durango Vanegas


    Full Text Available Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG constituyen un apoyo importante para el análisis y solución de problemas en áreas, como: salud, hidrología, ingeniería y gestión territorial, entre otras. El desarrollo metodológico de los SIG no incluye especificaciones propias; por el contrario, son propuestas modificadas de otros métodos, que contienen los mismos productos de trabajo, actividades y recursos de los métodos tradicionales de desarrollo, tales como el Rational Unified Process (RUP. Uno de esos métodos es del Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC. Semat (Teoría y Métodos de la Ingeniería de Software es una iniciativa que ayuda a capturar elementos esenciales y comunes, universales a todos los esfuerzos de desarrollo de software. En busca de las especificaciones propias de los métodos de desarrollo de SIGs, en este artículo se propone una representación basada en el núcleo de Semat del método IGAC para identificar la relación con el método tradicional Proceso Unificado de Racional (RUP. Con esta representación es posible determinar las prácticas asociadas con el método IGAC que se heredan de los métodos tradicionales.

  5. Novel nuclear-encoded proteins interacting with a plastid sigma factor, Sig1, in Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Morikawa, Kazuya; Shiina, Takashi; Murakami, Shinya; Toyoshima, Yoshinori


    Sigma factor binding proteins are involved in modifying the promoter preferences of the RNA polymerase in bacteria. We found the nuclear encoded protein (SibI) that is transported into chloroplasts and interacts specifically with the region 4 of Sig1 in Arabidopsis. SibI and its homologue, T3K9.5 are novel proteins, which are not homologous to any protein of known function. The expression of sibI was tissue specific, light dependent, and developmentally timed. We suggest the transcriptional regulation by sigma factor binding proteins to function in the plastids of higher plant.

  6. Modelo de sistemas de informação técnica baseado numa plataforma SIG


    Almeida, António Manuel Galinho Pires de


    Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica O presente trabalho pretende desenvolver um modelo conceptual de um Sistema de Informação Técnica (SIT) baseado numa plataforma SIG, aplicado à Industria, mais especificamente à rede eléctrica de uma fábrica, apresentando ao mesmo tempo a metodologia a seguir na integração do modelo numa organização, e as vantagens que uma ferramenta como esta poderá pro...

  7. Mezinárodní účetní standardy pro veřejný sektor versus česká účetní legislativa


    Helus, Petr


    Práce se dívá na problematiku účetnictví a účetního výkaznictví subjektů veřejného sektoru optikou české účetní legislativy a Mezinárodních účetních standardů pro veřejný sektor (IPSAS). Úvod umožní čtenáři vytvořit si letmou představu o tom, jakým způsobem jsou IPSAS koncipovány a o jaké principy se opírají. První kapitola pojedává o institucích, které jsou s existencí IPSAS neodmyslitelně spojeny. Druhá kapitola popisuje institucionální uspořádání veřejného sektoru v ČR a s ním související ...

  8. 44 Apport du SIG et de la télédétection dans la modélisation spatiale ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    44. ISSN 1813-548X, Ahmed Nasreddine El FAHCHOUCH et al. Apport du SIG et de la télédétection dans la modélisation spatiale de la susceptibilité aux mouvements de terrain dans la région d'Al Hoceima,. Rif Oriental, Maroc. Ahmed NasreddineEl FAHCHOUCH*, Lahsen AIT BRAHIM, ...

  9. Pemilihan Lokasi Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dengan Pendekatan SIG Partisipatif di Wilayah Pantai Kabupaten Demak

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    Elida Nurrohmah


    Full Text Available Penentuan lokasi kawasan konservasi berkaitan dengan keputusan penggunaan lahan, yang melibatkan banyak aktor dan faktor. Analisis yang bersifat multifaktor dapat diselesaikan dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG, namun penilaiannya hanya berdasarkan pada penilaian tunggal dari seseorang ataupun suatu institusi. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengintegrasikan analisis yang bersifat multiaktor dan multifaktor melalui analisis multikriteria dengan SIG berbasis partisipasi masyarakat untuk memilih lokasi kawasan konservasi mangrove. Kriteria yang dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan lokasi ini meliputi aspek (i fisik, (ii sosial, (iii pembiayaan, dan (iv ancaman. Kriteria aspek fisik disusun berdasarkan hasil analisis kesesuaian lahan untuk mangrove. Kriteria aspek sosial, pembiayaan, dan ancaman disusun berdasarkan data sosial kependudukan yang diperoleh melalui studi literatur. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses pemilihan lokasi ini terletak pada penentuan bobot kriteria melalui perbandingan kriteria berpasangan dan dianalisis dengan teknik Analytical Hierarchial Process (AHP, serta penggalian informasi lokal melalui pemetaan partisipatif. Bobot kriteria setiap pemangku kepentingan diintegrasikan dengan data spasial melalui operasi perkalian raster untuk menghasilkan lokasi kawasan konservasi mangrove terpilih kombinasi seluruh pemangku kepentingan. Hasil analisis kesesuaian lahan menunjukkan bahwa lahan dengan kelas sesuai untuk mangrove seluas 11.564 ha (94,8% dari luas daerah penelitian dan sesuai marginal seluas 629 ha. Pemangku kepentingan pada tingkat lokal (kelompok mangrove, petani tambak, dan tokoh masyarakat lebih memprioritaskan aspek sosial dibandingkan aspek fisik, pembiayaan, dan ancaman; sedangkan pemerintah daerah lebih memprioritaskan aspek pembiayaan. Dengan prioritas tersebut, lokasi kawasan konservasi mangrove  paling memenuhi prioritas pemangku kepentingan (prioritas I didapati seluas 51,7 ha; terletak di wilayah

  10. Fra åben konflikt til symbiotisk evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Peter; Pedersen, John Storm


    Offentlige velfærdsydelser tildeles, produceres og leveres typisk direkte til borgerne af fagprofessionelle, der har stor autonomi. Begrundelsen for de fagprofessionelles autonomi er, at de skal kunne udøve skøn i forbindelse med deres arbejde, således at borgerne får de fagligt set bedst mulige...... ydelser. Krisen har ført til hård budgetdisciplin for at undgå vækst i de offentlige udgifter. Men hård budgetdisciplin og de fagprofessionelles autonomi passer ikke godt sammen. Denne kombination af succeskriterier skaber konflikter mellem styringen af den offentlige sektors udgifter og de...... fagprofessionelles autonomi. Det er en konflikt, der også afspejler sig i en række konflikter på det offentlige arbejdsmarked i disse år (jvf. f.eks. KLs lærer-lockout). Dermed bliver dette spørgsmål relevant: Kan offentlige ledere, der har ansvar for offentlig serviceproduktion, forene de fagprofessionelles...

  11. Fra åben konflikt til symbiotisk evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Peter; Pedersen, John Storm


    Offentlige velfærdsydelser tildeles, produceres og leveres typisk direkte til borgerne af fagprofessionelle, der har stor autonomi. Begrundelsen for de fagprofessionelles autonomi er, at de skal kunne udøve skøn i forbindelse med deres arbejde, således at borgerne får de fagligt set bedst mulige...... ydelser. Krisen har ført til hård budgetdisciplin for at undgå vækst i de offentlige udgifter. Men hård budgetdisciplin og de fagprofessionelles autonomi passer ikke godt sammen. Denne kombination af succeskriterier skaber konflikter mellem styringen af den offentlige sektors udgifter og de...... fagprofessionelles autonomi. Det er en konflikt, der også afspejler sig i en række konflikter på det offentlige arbejdsmarked i disse år (jf. f.eks. KL’s lærer-lockout). Dermed bliver dette spørgsmål relevant: Kan offentlige ledere, der har ansvar for offentlig serviceproduktion, forene de fagprofessionelles...

  12. Big Data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aaen, Jon; Nielsen, Jeppe Agger


    Big Data byder sig til som en af tidens mest hypede teknologiske innovationer, udråbt til at rumme kimen til nye, værdifulde operationelle indsigter for private virksomheder og offentlige organisationer. Mens de optimistiske udmeldinger er mange, er forskningen i Big Data i den offentlige sektor...... indtil videre begrænset. Denne artikel belyser, hvordan den offentlige sundhedssektor kan genanvende og udnytte en stadig større mængde data under hensyntagen til offentlige værdier. Artiklen bygger på et casestudie af anvendelsen af store mængder sundhedsdata i Dansk AlmenMedicinsk Database (DAMD......). Analysen viser, at (gen)brug af data i nye sammenhænge er en flerspektret afvejning mellem ikke alene økonomiske rationaler og kvalitetshensyn, men også kontrol over personfølsomme data og etiske implikationer for borgeren. I DAMD-casen benyttes data på den ene side ”i den gode sags tjeneste” til...

  13. Musikterapi i psykiatrien – Klinisk praksis, forskning og formidling

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    Lars Ole Bonde


    Full Text Available Fra og med 2012 er Musikterapi i psykiatrien med støtte fra FKK forvandlet fra et trykt årsskrift med lang produktionshorisont til et open access tidsskrift med langt kortere ekspeditionstid. Lanceringenaf tidsskriftet og dets nye hjemmeside markeres med denne artikel, hvori der gøres status over den situation, musikterapien i den danske psykiatri befinder sig i netop nu. Der gøres rede for antallet af musikterapeuter ansat i psykiatriens forskellige sektorer og institutioner, klientpopulationer der behandles eller serviceres, og det diskuteres hvilke styrker og svagheder der præger musikterapien i psykiatrien netop nu. Desuden belyses musikterapeuternes teoretiske orientering, konkrete behandlingsformer, henvisningskriterier og diagnostiske forhold. Endelig gøres der statusover igangværende dokumentations- og forskningsprojekter samt publikationer fra de seneste 5 år. Undersøgelsen er baseret på tre delundersøgelser foretaget blandt medlemmer af netværket MIP i 2008, 2009 og 2011.

  14. Impact of growth conditions and role of sigB on Listeria monocytogenes fitness in single and mixed biofilms cultured with Lactobacillus plantarum

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Saa Ibusquiza, P.; Nierop Groot, M.N.; Deban Valles, A.; Abee, T.; Besten, den H.M.W.


    The role of sigB, a major transcriptional regulator of stress response genes, was assessed in formation of single and mixed species biofilms of Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e and Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 as secondary species at 20 °C and 30 °C using different medium compositions (nutrient-rich

  15. Los sistemas de información geográfica (SIG una herramienta poderosa para la toma de decisiones

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    Néstor Sáenz Saavedra


    Full Text Available Los sistemas de información tradicionales, orientados hacia el suministro de información útil para la toma de decisiones mediante la manipulación de una base de datos numérica, estaban impedidos para combinar simultáneamente los datos espaciales o gráficos 'Con sus datos descriptivos asociados. Esta labor de análisis se convertía entonces, en un proceso bastante complejo donde los cálculos geográficos debían realizarse por separado para, posteriormente buscar la manera de que los usuarios finales pudieran visualizar gráficamente los resultados tabulados sobre esquemas y mapas, en forma manual, o con la ayuda de programas de dibujo como el AUTOCAD. Esta tecnología, conocida con el nombre genérico de SISTEMAS DE INFORMACION GEOGRAFICO (SIG, se ha convertido en una poderosa herramienta al alcance de estudiantes y profesionales como ingenieros, geógrafos, médicos, historiadores y, en general, para todos los planificadores de aquellas disciplinas que necesitan información geográfica o georreferenciada, como ayuda para la solución de sus problemas. El presente documento pretende dar algunos conceptos generales sobre los SIG, su definición, componentes, datos de entrada y algunos procedimientos de análisis que se ofrecen con los paquetes disponibles en el mercado.

  16. Los sistemas de información geográfica (sig), una gran herramienta para la silvicultura urbana.


    Otaya Burbano, Leodán Andrés; Sánhez Zapata, Robinson de Jesús; Morales Soto, León; Botero Fernández, Verónica


    Como una fase piloto, para adquirir experiencia, definir metodologías y determinar las ventajas de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) al ser aplicados en la Silvicultura Urbana, se realizó el inventario, diagnóstico, propuesta de manejo y valoración económica del Bosque Urbano del barrio La Magnolia del Municipio de Envigado, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Para el manejo y análisis de los registros recolectados en campo, se diseñó una base de datos en el software Microsoft Acc...


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    Abdul Bakhirnudin


    Full Text Available Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Kawasan Banglor merupakan salah satu Kawasan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan yang paling rendah dan terletak jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kawasan lainnya. Diantara kawasan-kawasan lainnya hanya kawasan Banglor sajalah yang memiliki pertumbuhan di bawah 4 persen yaitu 3,5 dan hal tersebut terletak jauh dibawah rata-rata dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 4,89 persen pada tahun 2011. Sedangkan untuk kawasan lainnya memiliki pertumbuhan diatas 4 persen pada tahun 2011. Populasi penelitian ini adalah PDRB Kabupaten Rembang dan Blora atas dasar harga konstan tahun 2000, sedangkan sampel penelitian ini adalah PDRB Kab. Rembang dan Blora serta Jawa Tengah tahun 2007-2011 atas dasar harga konstan tahun 2000. Variabel yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini yaitu PDRB, pertumbuhan ekonomi, sektor-sektor ekonomi, penduduk, komponen Shift Share, dan SWOT. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan analisis SLQ, DLQ dan Shift Share guna menentukan potensi ekonomi daerah yang dapat dijadikan sektor basis atau sektor unggulan. Selain itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan mengetahui tingkat ketimpangan antar daerah dalam kawasan Banglor. Berdasarkan analisis LQ dan Shift Share dapat diketahui potensi ekonomi daerah di kabupaten dalam kawasan Banglor, yaitu sektor industri pengolahan, sektor pertambangan dan penggalian, sektor Listrik,Gas, dan Air bersih, sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran di Kabupaten Rembang. Sedangkan di Kabupaten Blora Potensi Ekonomi Daerahnya adalah sektor Pertambangan dan Penggalian, sektor Industri Pengolahan, sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran, sektor Keuangan, Persewaan dan jasa perusahaan serta sektor Listrik,Gas, dan Air bersih. Selanjutnya digunakan analisis SWOT guna menganalisis strategi kebijakan pengembangan sektor Industri Pengolahan, sektor Perdagangan

  18. Peran Sistem Informasi Dalam Meningkatkan Investasi Asing Pada Sektor Properti Di Indonesia di Era Pasar Bebas

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    Yosi Agustiawan


    Full Text Available Abstrak Pasar bebas adalah hasil dari proses globalisasi yang telah menciptakan integrasi ekonomi antar negara. Artikel ini mengkaji dampak globalisasi di pasar properti global dan peran sistem informasi untuk meningkatkan investasi asing di Indonesia. Meningkatnya investasi asing langsung (Foreign Direct Investmen/FDI yang mengalir ke negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia di berbagai sektor termasuk properti telah memberikan banyak manfaat untuk meningkatkan ekonomi. Buruknya peraturan kepemilikan tanah dan infrastruktur adalah masalah utama yang harus diatasi untuk menjaga agar investor asing masih berniat untuk menanamkan modalnya dalam pasar properti global. Sistem informasi dapat digunakan sebagai alat yang efektif untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut melalui penggunaan e-government dan perencanaan strategis implementasi sistem informasi dalam proyek infrastruktur. Kata kunci: globalisasi, investasi asing, pasar properti global, e-government, sistem informasi. Abstract Cross-border relationships do not only affect many aspects but it also creates economic integration among countries. This essay examines the impact of globalization on the property market and the role of information system to promote foreign direct investment (FDI in Indonesia. Allowing foreign direct investment (FDI flows to those developing in various industries including property has clearly provided positive opportunities to improve their economic. Poor land regulations and infrastructure are the main issues that must be overcome to maintain foreign investor still intend to capitalize on the global property market. Information system can be used as effective tool to resolve those issues through e-government and trategic implementation in projects infrastructure. Key word: globalization, foreign direct investment, global property market, e-government, system information

  19. Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) optical systems SIG summary and database (United States)

    Bohnhoff-Hlavacek, Gail


    The main objectives of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Optical Systems Special Investigative Group (SIG) Discipline are to develop a database of experimental findings on LDEF optical systems and elements hardware, and provide an optical system overview. Unlike the electrical and mechanical disciplines, the optics effort relies primarily on the testing of hardware at the various principal investigator's laboratories, since minimal testing of optical hardware was done at Boeing. This is because all space-exposed optics hardware are part of other individual experiments. At this time, all optical systems and elements testing by experiment investigator teams is not complete, and in some cases has hardly begun. Most experiment results to date, document observations and measurements that 'show what happened'. Still to come from many principal investigators is a critical analysis to explain 'why it happened' and future design implications. The original optical system related concerns and the lessons learned at a preliminary stage in the Optical Systems Investigations are summarized. The design of the Optical Experiments Database and how to acquire and use the database to review the LDEF results are described.

  20. Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) optical systems SIG summary and database (United States)

    Bohnhoff-Hlavacek, Gail


    The main objectives of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Optical Systems Special Investigative Group (SIG) Discipline are to develop a database of experimental findings on LDEF optical systems and elements hardware, and provide an optical system overview. Unlike the electrical and mechanical disciplines, the optics effort relies primarily on the testing of hardware at the various principal investigator's laboratories, since minimal testing of optical hardware was done at Boeing. This is because all space-exposed optics hardware are part of other individual experiments. At this time, all optical systems and elements testing by experiment investigator teams is not complete, and in some cases has hardly begun. Most experiment results to date, document observations and measurements that 'show what happened'. Still to come from many principal investigators is a critical analysis to explain 'why it happened' and future design implications. The original optical system related concerns and the lessons learned at a preliminary stage in the Optical Systems Investigations are summarized. The design of the Optical Experiments Database and how to acquire and use the database to review the LDEF results are described.

  1. Observation spatiale et SIG: des outils pour cartographier les zones sensibles aux mouvements de terrain

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    Jean-Yves SCANVIC


    Full Text Available Les niveaux de sensibilité des sols aux mouvements de terrain ont été cartographiés dans différents bassins de risques en Bolivie, en Colombie et à Taïwan, selon une méthodologie développée au BRGM et fondée en partie sur l’extraction visuelle et numérique d’informations contenues dans les données de télédétection spatiale stéréoscopiques et leur gestion-valorisation dans un SIG. Ces cartes font apparaître l’intérêt de l’imagerie Spot pour la gestion du risque naturel.

  2. Use of Elements of the Stewart Model (Strong Ion Approach) - SID3, SID4, Atot/A-, SIDe and SIG for the Diagnostics of Respiratory Acidosis in Brachycephalic Dogs. (United States)

    Sławuta, P; Sapikowski, G; Sobieraj, B


    Buffer systems of blood and tissues, which have the ability to bind with and give up hydrogen ions, participate in maintaining the acid-base balance (ABB) of the organism. According to the classic model, the system of carbonic acid and bicarbonates, where the first component serves the role of an acid and the second a base, determines plasma pH. The so-called Stewart model, which assumes that ions in blood serum can be separated into completely dissociated - nonbuffer and not dissociated - buffer ions which may give up or accept H+ions, also describes the ABB of the organism. The goal of the study was to find out whether, during respiratory acidosis, the values of SID3, SID4, Atot/A-, SIDe and SIG change. The study was carried out on 60 adult dogs of the boxer breed (32 males and 28 females) in which, on the basis of an arterial blood test, respiratory acidosis was found. A strong overgrowth of the soft palate tissue requiring a surgical correction was the cause of the ABB disorder. Prior to surgery and on the 14th day after the surgery, venous and arterial blood was drawn from each dog. ABB parameters were determined in the arterial blood sample: the blood pH, pCO2 and HCO3-. In the venous blood, concentration of Na+, K+, Cl-, lactate-, albumins, and Pinorganic was determined. On the basis of the obtained data, the values of SID3, SID4, SIDe, A- and SIG, before and after the surgery, were calculated. In spite of the fact that the average concentration of ions, albumins, Pinorganic and lactate in the blood serum of dogs before and after the surgical procedure was similar and within the physiological norms, the values of SID3, SIDe and SIG, calculated on the basis of the former, displayed statistically significant differences. On the basis of the results obtained, it can be stated that the values of SID3, SIDe and SIG change during respiratory acidosis and may be helpful in the diagnostics of ABB disorders in brachycephalic dogs.

  3. Integrando SIG e USLE para mapeamento da perda de solo em área de proteção ambiental


    Fernando Jorge Corrêa Magalhães Filho; Fabio Martins Ayres; Teodorico Alves Sobrinho


    O uso de geotecnologias no planejamento ambiental tem sido instrumento amplamente utilizado. Nesse estudo utilizou-se de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) e da Linguagem Espacial para Geoprocessamento Algébrico (LEGAL) para o processamento da Equação Universal de Perda de Solos (USLE), para avaliação dos processos erosivos em área de proteção ambiental. Embora a USLE tenha o objetivo quantitativo de estimar a perda anual média de solo por erosão hídrica, o trabalho utilizou-se de da...


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    Full Text Available El presente artículo desarrolla una propuesta de diálogo interdisciplinar a través del uso de herramientas SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica para la construcción de una metodología de identificación del Potencial de Restauración Ecológica (PRE, en áreas de borde urbano que hacen parte de la Estructura Ecológica Principal de Bogotá, según el ordenamiento territorial. Estas áreas suscriben problemáticas socio ambientales particulares propias de la interacción entre naturaleza y cultura. En tal sentido, se describen los pasos metodológicos para la identificación del PRE: caracterización biótica, física y social; identificación y espacialización de variables; ponderación y cruces para el cálculo del potencial final. Luego se discute sobre los alcances y limitaciones del uso de herramientas SIG como posibilidad metodológica para la interacción entre disciplinas como la biología, la geografía física y la sociología durante el proceso de restauración ecológica.

  5. Factors Driving Changes To Remuneration Policy And Outcomes

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    Mark Bussin


    Die doel van hierdie studie is om die relatiewe belangrikheid van die faktore wat verandering in die vergoeding besluitnemingsbeleid dryf asook die impak wat dit op organisasie het in diepte te verstaan. Data van 148 organisasies is geanaliseer onderworpe aan streng statisiese analises. Die resultaat wys dat die mees kritieke drywers vir vergoedingsbeleid die volgende is: retensie van sleutelpersoneel, finansiële resultate en organisasie strategie. Die grootste veranderinge in vergoedsbeleid was in die volgende areas: veranderlike betaling, meriete/prestasie verwante betaling, markposisie, totale pakket en rolevaluasie/‘broadband’ beleid? Sterk korrelasie is gevind tussen die vlak van verandering in die vergoedingsbeleid en die impak op die organisasie. Dit wys onder andere uit hoe groter die verandering in vergoedingsbeleid, hoe groter die impak op die organisasie.


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    José Adolfo Rodríguez Asensio


    Full Text Available El uso de modelos arqueológicos en 3D cada día tiene más auge en arqueología. En estos últimos años, arqueología y tecnologías de la información se han convertido en un gran binomio. Ahora bien, los modelos arqueológicos en 3D no son simples recreaciones virtuales, sino que siempre deben ajustarse a criterios científicos. Dentro de los modelos arqueológicos en 3D, nosotros nos centramos en el mundo de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG y en la realización de la estratigrafía solutrense de las cuevas de La Lluera (Asturias, España. Abordamos la elaboración de la estratigrafía solutrense de las mencionadas cuevas como un proceso interactivo de restitución de la realidad arqueológica, un proceso de validación de los datos y un proceso de simulación. Gracias al mencionado proceso, cuyo resultado es la realización mediante un SIG de una estratigrafía solutrense, constatamos qué los SIG son la herramienta adecuada para abordar interdisciplinarmente el estudio de las cuevas de La Lluera.The scientific use of 3D models every day has more heyday in archaeology. Archaeology and information technologies have turned in the latter years into a big binomial. Now then, the archaeological models in 3D are not simple virtual recreations, but they must always fit to scientific criteria. Inside the world of the archaeological models in 3D, we center in the field of the GIS or Geographical information Systems and in the achievement of the solutrean stratigraphy of La Lluera caves (Asturias, Spain. We raise the making of the solutrean stratigraphy of the above mentioned cave like an interactive process of restitution of the archaeological reality, data validation and simulation. Thanks to the above mentioned process, whose outcome is the realization by GIS a solutrean stratigraphy, see what GIS are the appropriate tool to address interdisciplinarmente the study of the La Lluera caves.

  7. Determinação da fragilidade ambiental utilizando técnicas de suporte à decisão e SIG


    Donha,Annelissa G.; Souza,Luiz C. de P.; Sugamosto,Maria L.


    O trabalho objetivou determinar a fragilidade ambiental de uma área no município de Pinhais, região metropolitana de Curitiba, utilizando-se a técnica de avaliação por múltiplos critérios, presente no SIG Idrisi 32. Depois de gerados os mapas de classes de declividade, distância a partir dos rios, distância a partir das nascentes, distância a partir da represa, solos e uso atual, foram atribuídos pesos de importância para cada um dos fatores e através de Combinação Linear Ponderada geradas im...

  8. Regionalización hidrogeológica de la provincia Pinar del Río en un SIG

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    Nelson González-Cabrera


    Full Text Available Se presenta la regionalización hidrogeológica de la provincia Pinar del Río en plataforma SIG. Los principios de elaboración de este mapa proponen la división del territorio a partir de la integración automatizada de un conjunto de variables naturales, tales como: características físico-geográficas, hidrología, geomorfología, hidrogeología y particularidades estructuro-faciales, considerando el reconocimiento de las regularidades regionales y los rasgos comunes de cada estructura hidrogeológica, entre las que se pueden citar: las fuentes de formación de las aguas subterráneas, condiciones de alimentación, tránsito y descarga de los horizontes y complejos acuíferos, y zonalidades hidroquímica e hidrodinámica.

  9. Análise de decisão multicritério na localização de usinas termoelétricas utilizando SIG

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    Kátia Lívia Zambon


    Full Text Available A integração de sistemas de informação geográfica (SIGs e de métodos de decisão multicritério vêm proporcionando inúmeros benefícios para a resolução de problemas de planejamento e gerenciamento do mundo real. Sob esta ótica, este trabalho se propõe a avaliar as alternativas geradas em ambiente SIG para a localização de usinas termoelétricas (UTEs, aplicando técnicas de análise multicritério no processo de decisão. O modelo desenvolvido contribui para a difícil e complexa tarefa de analisar locais com potencial para a instalação de uma UTE e os diversos critérios envolvidos no problema, sejam eles de ordem econômica e/ou ambiental. A visualização dos resultados, através de mapas no SIG, mostra a aplicabilidade das técnicas de análise multicritério para o planejamento da expansão do setor elétrico. Além disso, os resultados, aplicados em um estudo de caso real, mostram cenários com situações de risco mínimo, médio (trade-off total e máximo para uma tecnologia selecionada para a instalação da UTE.The combination of Geographic Information Systems (GIS and Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA methods can bring several benefits for the solution of real-world planning and management problems. Under that view, this work aims to evaluate alternatives for the location of Thermoelectric Power Plants (TPP produced in a GIS environment using a MCDA technique for supporting the decision-making process. The proposed model is a contribution for the TPP site selection process, which is a difficult and complex task due to the several economic and environmental criteria it involves. The visualization of the analysis outcome in GIS maps helps to demonstrate the suitability of MCDA techniques for planning the expansion of the electric supply system. In addition, the selection of a specific technology for the installation of the TPP in the real case application is used to show scenarios with different risk levels, which

  10. Open access: Financiering van de APC

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bonder, K.A.


    Hoe worden de kosten van BioMedCentral’s Article Processing Charges gedekt, hoe worden verantwoordelijkheden omtrent de betaling daarvan gedeeld, en wat zijn de opvattingen van deze auteurs over Open Access? Enquête.

  11. Desarrollo de una base de datos integrada de Censo y encuesta mediante el uso de elementos de inteligencia de negocios y SIG


    Cornejo,Robert; Navarrete,Mónica; Valdivia,Ricardo; Aroca,Patricio; Aracena,Sebastián


    En este trabajo se plantea el desarrollo de una solución de Inteligencia de Negocios y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) para gestionar integradamente los datos generados por el Censo Nacional de personas, hogares y viviendas y la Encuesta de Clasificación Económica y Social (CASEN) como una alternativa a los métodos actuales de estimación en área pequeña (SAE) utilizados para obtener indicadores desagregados de bienestar y que estiman, por ejemplo, el ingreso a partir de los atributos...

  12. Bildskapande i relation till genus i förskolans verksamhet : Att skapa sig själv och genus


    Brännlund, Angelika


    Studiens syfte är att bidra till ökad medvetenhet för verksamma inom förskolans område kring frågor som rör pedagogers förhållningssätt kring relationen mellan bildskapande och genus, men även hur dessa förhållningssätt kan påverka barnens möjligheter i deras bildskapande. En viktig fråga som burits med från starten av arbetet och som lyser igenom i resultatdelen har varit: Vilka möjligheter att förhålla sig till bildskapande och genus kan uppstå om ett kritiskt sätt att tänka kring könsstere...

  13. Sigand : une application SIG sous androïd (tablette de la gestion des chantiers

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    Full Text Available L’introduction de données terrain pour les études environnementales ou de gestion de l’espace, régionales ou locales est une nécessité incontournable pour la validation des traitements et des interprétations mais aussi pour fournir des compléments d’informations aux divers travaux. Mais ce retour terrain est également de plus en plus demandé pour les gestionnaires de chantiers et de projets qui ont une exigence de contrôle ou de suivi et donc d’une information temps réel sur l’avancement des travaux, autrement pour introduire de nouvelles informations sur la base de données géoréférencées. Les avancées technologiques en matière de manipulation de l’information géographique (GPS, tablette graphique, téléphone portable, réalité augmentée permettent d’espérer la mise à dispositiondes professionnels, voire d’un plus large public, des outils adéquats pour de tels travaux. Actuellement, les outils d’élaboration, de gestion et d’exploitation des bases de données géographiques (solutions SIG ne sont pas encore complètement opérationnels en version « tablette » ; des applications telles que Qgis ou ArcGis sous Androïd attendent encore des développements. Nous présentons ici la première version d’une application SIG sous Androïd (disponible sur tablette pour la gestion en temps réel des chantiers qui permet de charger des couches vectorielles et de les mettre à jour sur le terrain en fonction de l’observation directe ; les couches (préalablement géoréférencées sont projetées sur des fonds cartographiques fournis par un serveur cartographique Google Maps (Route, Satellite, terrain; dans le cas d’absence de connexion internet, le fond cartographique est ramené d’un cache. Nous utilisons SpatialiteAndroïd pour le stockage et la manipulation des données géographiques. Le contrôleur de cartes Google Maps est employé pour afficher en mode cartographique les données stockées dans

  14. State Implementation and Perceptions of Title I School Improvement Grants under the Recovery Act: One Year Later. Online Appendix--State Responses to Open-Ended Questions about the ARRA SIG Program (United States)

    Center on Education Policy, 2012


    To learn more about states' experiences with implementing school improvement grants (SIGs) funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the Center on Education Policy (CEP) administered a survey to state Title I directors. (Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides federal funds to schools in low-income…


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    Safinaz Mohd Hussein


    sektoral, kecuali jika terdapat pengecualian yang diberikan terhadap hukum tersebut, sehingga harus dikembangkan untuk beberapa waktu dan mengikuti kecenderungan pengembangan hukum yang mendukung. Oleh karena itu, integrasi bagian tertentu dari undang-undang sektoral ke dalam hukum persaingan umum harus dibuat. Kata kunci : hukum persaingan usaha, aturan ekonomi


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    Ahmad Haidar Mirza


    Full Text Available Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM merupakan suatu kegiatan usaha menghasilkan suatu produk komoditi yang berada pada level menengah kebawah, dimana sektor usaha ini lebih menyentuh langsung dalam hal peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat luas yang pada umumnya adalah masyarakat menengah kebawah, sektor usaha UKM mampu memberikan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang signifikan walaupun pertumbuhannya tidak cepat seperti sektor perekonomian yang lain. Rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang diharapkan mampu memberikan stimulus yang pesat terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi khususnya sektor UKM Kota Palembang serta membantu pihak – pihak yang terkait baik instansi yang membutuhkan, masyarakat luas dan para inventor, dimana dalam mengembangkan rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang meggunakan 2 metode yaitu metode Database Lifecylce untuk pengembangan Database sebagai media penyimpanan data melalui beberapa proses antara lain Design Database secara Konseptual, Design Database secara Logikal serta Design Database secara Fisikal dan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD untuk pengembangan User Interface sebagai rancangan tampilan terhadap rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang.

  17. Uso de las imágenes de satélites y los SIG en el campo de la Ingeniería Agrícola


    Dámaso Ponvert Delisles; Andés Lau Quan


    Los sistemas de ingeniería agrícola constituyen conjuntos de técnicas y tecnologías que garantizan la producción agropecuaria. Por lo general, ellos producen determinados impactos al medio ambiente, que tienen consecuencias negativas sobre los recursos naturales produciendo huellas en el territorio. En la actualidad se aplican con éxito tecnologías muy eficaces como la Teledetección y, los SIG para identificar la huella espacial de estos impactos y apoyar las decisiones que ayuden a los direc...

  18. Strukturreformens succes afhænger af de offentlige ledere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, John Storm


    Bliver strukturreformen en succes eller fiasko? Det afhænger af ledernes evner og muligheder for at omstille driften i den offentlige sektors mange institutiner.......Bliver strukturreformen en succes eller fiasko? Det afhænger af ledernes evner og muligheder for at omstille driften i den offentlige sektors mange institutiner....

  19. Vindstød uden stormstyrke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Nana Wesley; Mailand, Mikkel

    Overenskomstfornyelsen i 2015 gav igen økonomisk smalle forlig. Men denne gang fik man reallønsstigninger. En anden væsentlig nyhed er de aftalte ændringer i reguleringsordningen, der binder lønudviklingen i den offentlige sektor til den private sektor. Desuden opnåede man resultater i forhold ti...

  20. Measurement of nuclear reactor noise at low power levels; Merenje nuklearnog reaktorskog suma na malim snagama

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velickovic, Lj; Petrovic, M [Boris Kidric Institute of nuclear sciences Vinca, Belgrade (Yugoslavia)


    Spatial and time dependence relation of neutrons from fission and other reactions in the reactor core result in non Poisson fluctuations of neutron density. Analytical formula developed for auto-correlation function includes physical parameters which characterize time behaviour of neutrons in the reactor system. Since auto-correlation function can be easily measured, it is a useful tool for experimental determination of these parameters. Noise from the ionization chamber was measured and analyzed by a digital computer. measurements were analyzed completely in the time domain (auto-correlation functions). This enabled separating the noise caused by neutron detection from the noise from neutron density fluctuation in the reactor. All the results can be analyzed by spatial independent reactor theory. Physical analysis of reactor noise was limited to determination of {beta}/l ratio from auto-correlation measurements at 0.5 W power level (RB reactor in Vinca). Three different reactor core lattices were analyzed (lattice pitch 8 cm, 11.3 cm and 14 cm). It was shown that parameter {beta}/l could be determined from auto-correlation measurements of neutron density with high precision (few percents) Prostorna i vremenska povezanost neutrona koji nastaju u fisiji i drugim procesima koji se desavaju u reaktoru dovodi do ne Poisson-ovih fluktuacija neutronske gustine. Analiticka formula, razvijena za autokorelacionu funkciju ovih fluktuacija, sadrzi fizicke parametre koji karakterisu vremensko ponasanje neutrona u reaktorskom sistemu. Kako autokorelaciona funkcija moze lako da se meri, ona je korisno sredstvo za eksperimentalno odredjivanje ovih parametara. Sum iz jonizacione komore digitalno je meren i analiziran u digitalnom racunaru. Merenja su kompletno analizirana u vremenskom domenu (autokorelacione funkeije). To je olaksalo razdvajanje suma izazvanog procesom neutronske detekcije od suma koji potice od fluktuacija neutronske gustine u reaktorskom sistemu. Svi rezultati





    El presente artículo desarrolla una propuesta de diálogo interdisciplinar a través del uso de herramientas SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica) para la construcción de una metodología de identificación del Potencial de Restauración Ecológica (PRE), en áreas de borde urbano que hacen parte de la Estructura Ecológica Principal de Bogotá, según el ordenamiento territorial. Estas áreas suscriben problemáticas socio ambientales particulares propias de la interacción entre naturaleza y cultura....

  2. Tilværelsen som gymnasieelev: en undersøgelse af, hvorvidt nutidens gymnasieelever føler sig stressede og pressede i deres gymnasietilværelse


    Hansen, Louise Bach


    I specialeafhandlingen har jeg undersøgt tilværelsen som gymnasieelev i nutidens Danmark, samt hvorvidt eleverne føler sig henholdsvis stressede og pressede i gymnasietilværelsen. Flere kvantitative undersøgelser (#5 DGS 2013-2014, Bendtsen et al. 2014) omkring elevers trivsel i gymnasieskolen viser, at over halvdelen af de adspurgte elever i undersøgelserne tilkendegiver, at de er stressede eller pressede dagligt eller ofte i tilværelsen. Men hvad ligger til grund for elevernes svar? Er de v...


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    Adriana María Molina

    Full Text Available El paujil de pico azul, Crax alberti, es un ave endémica del norte de Colombia en peligro crítico de extinción, sometida a la pérdida del hábitat y a la cacería de subsistencia como principales amenazas. Se desarrolló una aplicación de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG para comparar el estado de conservación de las áreas de bosque, hábitat del paujil de pico azul, en 15 municipios de la región del nororiente de Antioquia en dos períodos de tiempo diferentes (1986 y 2002. La aplicación desarrollada que incorpora información cartográfica digital permitió clasificar ocho zonas definidas en el área de estudio para realizar un análisis de las prioridades de conservación. Se formularon, además, algunas recomendaciones para futuras aplicaciones de SIG como herramienta para la gestión de la conservación de especies amenazadas en Colombia.


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    Agung Yudhi Pramono


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan, rasio ketergantungan penduduk dan pendapatan perkapita terhadap pembangunan manusia yang diukur dengan IPM. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari 35 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, menggunakan data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Biro Keuangan Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam periode 2009 sampai 2013. Variabel penelitian ini indeks pembangunan manusia, pengeluran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan, rasio ketergantungan penduduk, dan pendapatan perkapita. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi data panel model efek tetap (FEM dengan metode Generalized Least Square (GLS. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, rasio ketergantungan penduduk berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, sementara pendapatan perkapita tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap IPM. This research has purpose to analyze how much influence of the local government expenditure in educational sector, local government expenditure in health sector, dependency ratio, and per capita income of a human development measured by HDI. the population of this research consists of 35 regionals in Central Java and region bureau money secretary of Central Java province among 2009 and 2013 period. the variables used in this research are HDI, local government expenditure in educational sector, local government expenditure in health sector, dependency ratio, and per capita income. in this research, quantitative and regression analysis of Fixed Effect Model is used as well as



    Leodán Andrés Otaya Burbano; Robinson de Jesús Sánhez Zapata; León Morales Soto; Verónica Botero Fernández


    Como una fase piloto, para adquirir experiencia, definir metodologías y determinar las ventajas de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) al ser aplicados en la Silvicultura Urbana, se realizó el inventario, diagnóstico, propuesta de manejo y valoración económica del Bosque Urbano del barrio La Magnolia del Municipio de Envigado, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Para el manejo y análisis de los registros recolectados en campo, se diseñó una base de datos en el software Microsoft Acc...

  6. Konversi Lahan Komoditi Karet Menjadi Komoditi Kelapa Sawit (Studi Kasus di Desa Batu Tunggal...


    Paruhuman Daulay


    Kesuksesan pembangunan pertanian ditentukan oleh keberhasilan perilaku petani dalam mengelola, merencanakan, melaksanakan usahatani yang ditekuninya. Harapan yang tertumpu pada sub sektor pertanian diarahkan untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah ekonomi petani, peningkatan pendapatan petani sekaligus peningkatan devisa negara. Export komoditi subsektor perkebunan menyumbang 85 % total export komoditi pertanian, dimana export dari sub sektor perkebunan didominasi oleh komoditi karet dan kelapa sawi...

  7. Análisis SIG Libre aplicado a Cooperación al Desarrollo. Reflexiones sobre datos de los agentes de cooperación en Galicia


    Varela García, Francisco Alberto; Carballido Sanjurio, Roi; Puga Alonso, Francisco; Molejón Quintana, Carmen; Martínez Crespo, Gonzalo


    Presentación de una reflexión particular sobre la utilidad de emplear el SIG libre para trabajar en Cooperación al Desarrollo y para analizar las inversiones de la Administración Pública en este ámbito. Los planteamientos expuestos están basados en trabajos y experiencias vividas desde el Cartolab, tanto en participaciones en proyectos de cooperación, como en trabajos de análisis del uso de las tecnologías de la información geográfica en agentes de cooperación y un estudio sobre la inversión ...


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    Efriyani Sumastuti


    Full Text Available Agribusiness sector has an important role in the process of economic development. The contribution of this sector in economic development, areto increase the food production for domestic consumption, become the largest provider of employment, enlarge the market for industries, increase the supply of money for saving and increase the income. Up to now, the role of the agricultural sector in Indonesia is sogreatin supporting the food fullfillmentand providing an employment for farm house holds. The great role and potency of agribusiness sector in realizing the food sustainability still have to face many challenges and complex issues. There should be many efforts for the existance of agribusiness sector. This study will discuss the agribussiness potency, prospects, problems and the efforts that should be done for the food sustainability.Sektor agribisnis mempunyai peranan penting dalam proses pembangunan ekonomi. Kontribusi sektor ini dalam pembangunan ekonomi antara lain meningkatkan produksi pangan untuk konsumsi domestik, sebagai penyedia tenaga kerja terbesar, memperbesar pasar untuk industri, meningkatkan supply uang tabungan dan meningkatkan devisa. Sampai saat ini, peranan sektor pertanian di Indonesia begitu besar dalam mendukung pemenuhan pangan dan memberikan lapangan kerja bagi rumah tangga petani. Peran dan potensi sektor agribisnis yang demikian besar dalam mewujudkan ketahanan pangan di masa yang akan datang masih harus menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan permasalahan kompleks. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya untuk tetap eksis. Studi ini akan membahas tentang potensi, prospek, permasalahan serta upaya yang perlu dilakukan sektor agribisnis dalam mewujudkan ketahanan pangan.

  9. Hvem hjælper, når hunden eller katten er syg, og ejeren ingen penge har?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandøe, Peter


    Mange smådyrspraktiserende dyrlæger vælger at behandle syge og tilskadekomne hunde og katte, selv om ejeren ikke kan betale. Forandringer i branchen, hvor dyrlægerne i stigende grad ikke selv ejer praksis, kan dog udfordre den professionsbårne etik....

  10. Entrepreneurship and bribery in a transition economy : theory and firm-level evidence in Vietnam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tú, Phan Anh


    Het onderzoek gaat in op de oorzaken en gevolgen van corruptie voor bedrijven en ondernemers in Vietnam. Dit land bevindt zich in de transitie van een centraal geleide economie naar een markteconomie. Corruptie kent vele vormen, maar in dit proefschrift gaat het over omkoping: de betaling van kleine

  11. Competition Law In Malaysia


    Hussein, Safinaz Mohd


    Meningkatnya kesadaran akan pentingnya persaingan usaha menimbulkan munculnya regulasi tertentu di tingkat nasional dan hal inilah yang terjadi di Malaysia, yakni dengan berlakunya Undang-Undang Persaingan Usaha Malaysia 2010. Disahkannya hukum persaingan umum seperti Undang-Undang Persaingan Usaha Malaysia 2010 pasti akan berdampak pada undang-undang sektoral seperti ketentuan dalam Peraturan Ekonomi CMA 1998. Biasanya hukum persaingan usaha memang di atas undangundang sektoral, kecuali j...

  12. Novasi Sebagai Salah Satu Upaya Penyelesaian Kredit Macet Oleh Bank (Studi Pada Pt Bank Mandiri Cabang Medan)


    Sofianna Haulihan Pasaribu


    Usaha pokok bank adalah sektor perkreditan dan pendapatan bank yang terbesar berasal dari sektor perkreditan. Setelah dilakukan analisis kredit, dan kredit dinyatakan layak untuk diberikan kepada calon debitur, kemungkinan pengembaliannya kelak mengalami kemacetan selalu ada. Terjadinya kemacetan pengembalian kredit mungkin disebabkan oleh kesalahan atau kelalaian dari pihak bank sendiri atau dari pihak nasabah, atau karena keadaan memaksa (force majure). Usaha yang dilakukan untuk menangani ...

  13. Private sector and stabilisation in Afghanistan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Magaard, Tina

    I briefet opsummerer Tina Magaard de vigtigste konklusioner fra konferencen ”Private sector and stabilisation in Afghanistan – a neglected match?”, som blandt andet gav indsigt i udfordringerne og mulighederne for den private sektor i Afghanistan. Ved at kombinere perspektiver fra strategiske...... studier med forretnings- og udviklingsstudier tilbød konferencen en dybere indsigt i udfordringerne og mulighederne for den private sektor i Afghanistan. Samtidig blev der åbnet en række nye perspektiver for interaktionen mellem den private sektor og stabiliseringsoperationer i en post-krigskontekst som...... Afghanistan. Selvom udgangspunktet var Afghanistan, er konferencens konklusioner i høj grad relevante for andre konflikt/post-konfliktområder. Konferencen var organiseret i et samarbejde mellem Centre for Business and Development Studies (Copenhagen Business School), Public-Private Platform (Copenhagen...

  14. Analisis Juridis Pelaksanaan Penghapusan Piutang Terhadap Kredit Macet (Studi Pada PT. Bank Sumut)


    Margareth Eka Purba


    Usaha pokok Bank adalah sektor perkreditan dan pendapatan bank yang terbesar adalah berasal dari sektor perkreditan. Kredit, baik konsumtif maupun produktif memang sudah mejadi target utama perbankan dalam meraih pendapatan, selain fee based income tentunya. Dengan demikian, kelebihan dana masyarakat yang bisa membuat bank memiliki dana idle yang akan lebih produktif lagi karena diberikan dalam bentuk kredit.Walaupun sudah dilakukan analisis kredit, dan kredit sudah dinyatakan layak untuk dib...

  15. Pensionsopsparing kontra opsparing i virksomhedsordningen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Frank; Nørgaard, Per


    Vedtagelse af pinsepakken har igen sat fokus på pensionsopsparing. Skal man afdrage på sin gæld eller i stedet skyde midler ind på kapital- og/eller ratepension? Specielt for selvstændigt erhvervsdrivende, der "kun" betaler en a conto skat på 34 %, hvis de anvender virksomhedsskatteordningen, kan...

  16. Use of SIG device to accurately place permanent miniature dental implants to retain mandibular overdenture. A case report. (United States)

    Sussman, Harold I; Goodridge, Opal F


    A case of mini-dental implant insertion for retention of a mandibular overdenture in a hospitalized patient has been documented. The additional use of the SIG (drill guide) directional device in the implant placement protocol gave the practitioner more confidence and resulted in the proper alignment of the three ball-top, one-piece fixtures. The three implants were inserted exactly 1 cm apart and parallel to each other. The distal fixtures were approximately 1 cm away from the mental foramina, thereby eliminating the risk of lip paresthesia. Keeper caps were placed in the denture's intaglio after one month. The keeper caps allowed for proper retention of the overdenture. The caps also enabled the patient to easily insert and withdraw his denture, even though he displayed limited manual dexterity. The tissue response was excellent, and oral hygiene was made easier with adequate spacing of the exposed ball-tops. The overall experience for both the operator and the patient was very positive. General dentists should be able to readily master this technique and add it to their armamentarium for the benefit of all their patients.

  17. Soybean yield estimation by an agrometeorological model in a GIS Produtividade de soja estimada por modelo agrometeorológico num SIG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Miura Sugawara Berka


    Full Text Available Agrometeorological models interfaced with the Geographic Information System - GIS are an alternative to simulate and quantify the effect of weather spatial and temporal variability on crop yield. The objective of this work was to adapt and interface an agrometeorological model with a GIS to estimate soybean [Glycine max (L. Merr.] yield. Yield estimates were generated for 144 municipalities in the State of Paraná, Brazil, responsible for 90% of the soybean production in the State, from 1996/1997 to 2000/2001. The model uses agronomical parameters and meteorological data to calculate maximum yield which will be penalized under drought stress. Comparative analyses between the yield estimated by the model and that reported by the Paraná State Department of Agriculture (SEAB were performed using the "t" test for paired observations. For the 1996/1997 year the model overestimated yield by 10.8%, which may be attributed to the occurrence of fungal diseases not considered by the model. For 1997/1998, 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 no differences (P > 0.05 were found between the yield estimated by the model and SEAB's data. For 2000/2001 the model underestimated yield by 10.5% and the cause for this difference needs further investigation. The model interfaced with a GIS is an useful tool to monitor soybean crop during growing season to estimate crop yield.Os modelos agrometeorológicos integrados em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica - SIG são uma alternativa para simular e quantificar o efeito da variabilidade espacial e temporal do clima sobre a produtividade agrícola. O objetivo deste trabalho foi adaptar e integrar um modelo agrometeorológico num SIG para estimar a produtividade da soja [Glycine max (L. Merr.]. Foram geradas estimativas de produtividade para 144 municípios do Estado do Paraná, responsáveis por 90% da produção de soja no Estado, em cinco anos-safra no período de 1996/1997 a 2000/2001. O modelo utiliza parâmetros agronômicos e

  18. Keterkaitan Sektor-Sektor Ekonomi Potensial di Provinsi Riau

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    Raden Rudi Alhempi


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify the potential economic sector in Riau. The data used is the Gross Domestic Product from 2006-2010. The analytical tool used is typology Klassen, location quotient, shift share, and gravity index. The result of typology Klassen, Bengkalis is the advancing area. Siak and Rokan Hilir are advanced but depressed area. Pekanbaru, Kuantan Singingi, Indragiri Hilir, Indragiri Hulu, Pelalawan, Rokan Hulu, and Dumai are the fast growing areas. Kampar and Meranti Islands are the disadvantaged area. The results of the location quotient, mining and quarrying sector are dominant sector in Siak, Bengkalis, Rokan Hilir, and Dumai. The agricultural sector is dominant sector in Kuantan Singingi, Indragiri Hulu, Indragiri Hilir, Pelalawan, Rokan Hulu, and Meranti Islands. Trade is dominant sector in Pekanbaru. The results of the shift share, there are shift in the economic growth of potential sector in Riau. Economic growth had driven by the effects of provincial growth, industrial mix effect, and effect of competitive advantage. Finally, the results of Gravity Index show that Bengkalis, Siak, and Pekanbaru are the center of economic growth in Riau.

  19. Sistemas agroforestales como estrategia para el manejo de ecosistemas de Bosque seco Tropical en el suroccidente colombiano utilizando los sig

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nathaly de los Ángeles Mazo


    Full Text Available Los sistemas agroforestales son una alternativa para el manejo de zonas de bosque seco tropical de laderas intervenidas o en degradación. Sus beneficios se basan en el uso eficiente de los recursos, la productividad y la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades rurales. Localizar lugares más aptos para dichos sistemas es un requisito en el proceso de extensión agrícola. Con este propósito, la utilización de modelos probabilísticos integrados con Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG permite identificar aquellas áreas potenciales para la implementación de nuevas tecnologías, de modo similar a la identificación de nichos de especies en estudios de biodiversidad. Siguiendo este enfoque, se utilizó el peso de la evidencia y la regresión logística para generar superficies indicativas de áreas adecuadas para implementar la agroforestería en el suroccidente colombiano.

  20. Sistemas agroforestales como estrategia para el manejo de ecosistemas de Bosque seco Tropical en el suroccidente colombiano utilizando los SIG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nathaly de los Ángeles Mazo


    Full Text Available Los sistemas agroforestales son una alternativa para el manejo de zonas de bosque seco tropical de laderas intervenidas o en degradación. Sus beneficios se basan en el uso eficiente de los recursos, la productividad y la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades rurales. Localizar lugares más aptos para dichos sistemas es un requisito en el proceso de extensión agrícola. Con este propósito, la utilización de modelos probabilísticos integrados con Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG permite identificar aquellas áreas potenciales para la implementación de nuevas tecnologías, de modo similar a la identificación de nichos de especies en estudios de biodiversidad. Siguiendo este enfoque, se utilizó el peso de la evidencia y la regresión logística para generar superficies indicativas de áreas adecuadas para implementar la agroforestería en el suroccidente colombiano.

  1. Cálculo de la distribución espacial de la insolación potencial en el terreno empleando MDE en un ambiente SIG

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    Alberto Gómez Tagle Chávez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de caso donde se calcula la insolación potencial (IP y la insolación real (IR para un área pequeña (634.4 ha empleando los programas Insol_Día e Insol_Mes a partir de un modelo digital de elevaciones (MDE. Estos programas calculan la IP utilizando la ubicación geográfica de la cuenca y el MDE mediante procedimientos de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG y ecuaciones de geometría esférica. La IR se obtuvo empleando los mapas digitales de IP calculada y corrigiendo los datos con información del observatorio meteorológico (15-0040, Morelia, Mich. del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. Los resultados son una serie de mapas digitales dentro de un SIG que permiten conocer la distribución espacial de la IP y la IR en esta zona, para fechas definidas, meses enteros, estaciones y totales anuales. La IP anual máxima fue de 4 389 horas, mientras que la mínima fue de 2 946 horas. Los valores de IR máxima y mínima fueron 2 144.9 y 1 439.7 horas. Los promedios diarios anuales de IP máximo y mínimo fueron de 12.05 hr/día y 8.07 hr/día, siendo para IR de 5.88 hr/día y 3.944 hr/día, indicando una gran diferencia entre la IP y la IR. Se considera que este tipo de información puede ser de gran utilidad en estudios de distribución de la vegetación, balances hidrológicos, distribución de propiedades edáficas, velocidad de intemperismo de los materiales geológicos, arquitectura bioclimática y otras áreas donde la distribución espacial de la insolación se considere como una variable importante.

  2. Integración de SIG con visualización 3D interactiva para la gestión y seguimiento de excavaciones arqueológicas

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    Antonio José Seoane Nolasco


    Full Text Available Geographic Information Systems (GIS provide large information management capabilities. However, in many cases the feature of the visualization of this data over a huge detailed three-dimensional terrain does not exist or are limited, wich can be very useful or desirable in many applications. This paper presents the integration of SANTI, a three-dimensional visualization system of large terrain areas and geographical data, with gvSIG, a free GIS software. We describe the capabilities of the visualization system, the approach to connect the two systems and how it is applied to a project in development for the management of the excavation of the Castro de la Lanzada located at the Galician coast (Spain.

  3. Tilbagesøgning af statsstøtte og visse aspekter af dansk insolvensret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jessen, Pernille Wegener; Edlund, Hans Henrik


    Statsstøtte ydet i strid med reglerne i EF-traktatens art. 87 skal tilbagebetales. I artiklen gennemgås de nærmere regler og principper, der gælder herfor. Er den virksomhed, der er forpligtet til at betale støtte tilbage, insolvent, opstår nogle ganske særlige problemstillinger, som analyseres. I...

  4. Localização de instalações com o auxílio de Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) e modelagem matemática


    Mapa, Silvia Maria Santana; Lima, Renato da Silva; Mendes, José F. G.


    Problemas de localização de instalações envolvem escolher o melhor local para uma ou mais instalações dentro de um conjunto de locais possíveis, sendo uma questão logística de ampla abrangência e de grande importância. Uma das ferramentas que auxiliam na resolução desses problemas são os Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG), pela sua grande capacidade em armazenar, exibir e manipular dados espacialmente distribuídos. Essa capacidade aumenta consideravelmente quando se faz seu us...

  5. Los SIG como herramienta para la “geoprevención”: análisis de los patrones espaciales de los delitos contra el patrimonio en el municipio de Santander (2008-2013)


    Montero Arabia, Laura


    Resumen: La prevención del delito ha tomado mayor importancia en las últimas décadas. Se busca anticiparse al delincuente y no esperar a que el hecho delictivo se produzca. Este trabajo es un ensayo metodológico aplicado de cómo las herramientas SIG pueden ayudar a la geoprevención de una tipología delictiva concreta en un ámbito de estudio determinado, en este caso el municipio de Santander. Abstract: The prevention of crime has become more relevant in recent decades, It is looked for the...

  6. Sceny kulturowe a polityki kultury w Małopolsce


    Kowalik, Wojciech; Krzyżowski, Łukasz; Noworól, Zofia; Knaś, Piotr


    Książka zawiera diagnozę kultury w oparciu o pogłębioną analizę scen kultury w 10 gminach Małopolski. Wskazano w nim zależności pomiędzy działaniami kulturowymi podejmowanymi przez lokalnych aktorów kultury (instytucje kultury, III sektor, inicjatywy indywidualne, sektor przemysłów kultury) a lokalną polityką kulturową (przede wszystkim w kwestii roli samorządu lokalnego). Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego Wojciech Kowalik

  7. Psykisk helsearbeid på internett: konsekvenser for normalitets- og identitetsdannelse hos ungdom


    Anders Johan W. Andersen; Tommy Svensson


    Psykisk helsearbeid på internett øker i omfang, og verdsettes på grunn av bekvemmelighet, lave kostnader og muligheter for anonymitet. Artikkelen bygger på en kartlegging av norske og svenske nettbaserte eposttjenester for ungdom og unge voksne, og viser at det var 24 nettsteder som tilbød slike tjenester i 2009. Tjenestene hadde opphav i både offentlig og frivillig sektor. Flesteparten av sidene fra offentlig sektor tok utgangspunkt i eksisterende tjenestetilbud, og var en videreutvikling av...

  8. Offentlige og private samarbejder om innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brogaard, Lena; Garsdal, Gunhild Sander


    Hvordan kan vi skabe bedre og mere velfærd til borgerne for skattekronerne? Det er et centralt spørgsmål på den offentlige sektors dagsorden i disse år. Et stigende pres på de offentlige ressourcer og en udsigt til flere ældre og færre erhvervsaktive i fremtiden har sat fokus på, hvordan man kan ...... udvikle de offentlige serviceydelser - for eksempel ved at inddrage den private sektor mere og på nye måder...

  9. 2025-plan ser stort på offentlig fornyelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjortdal, Henrik


    For første gang i 35 år har vi en regering uden planer for modernisering af den offentlige sektor. 2025-planen indeholder alene en plan om at lave et arbejdsprogram, men måske er det en historisk mulighed.......For første gang i 35 år har vi en regering uden planer for modernisering af den offentlige sektor. 2025-planen indeholder alene en plan om at lave et arbejdsprogram, men måske er det en historisk mulighed....

  10. Thermogravimetric pyrolysis kinetics of bamboo waste via Asymmetric Double Sigmoidal (Asym2sig) function deconvolution. (United States)

    Chen, Chuihan; Miao, Wei; Zhou, Cheng; Wu, Hongjuan


    Thermogravimetric kinetic of bamboo waste (BW) pyrolysis has been studied using Asymmetric Double Sigmoidal (Asym2sig) function deconvolution. Through deconvolution, BW pyrolytic profiles could be separated into three reactions well, each of which corresponded to pseudo hemicelluloses (P-HC), pseudo cellulose (P-CL), and pseudo lignin (P-LG) decomposition. Based on Friedman method, apparent activation energy of P-HC, P-CL, P-LG was found to be 175.6kJ/mol, 199.7kJ/mol, and 158.4kJ/mol, respectively. Energy compensation effects (lnk 0, z vs. E z ) of pseudo components were in well linearity, from which pre-exponential factors (k 0 ) were determined as 6.22E+11s -1 (P-HC), 4.50E+14s -1 (P-CL) and 1.3E+10s -1 (P-LG). Integral master-plots results showed pyrolytic mechanism of P-HC, P-CL, and P-LG was reaction order of f(α)=(1-α) 2 , f(α)=1-α and f(α)=(1-α) n (n=6-8), respectively. Mechanism of P-HC and P-CL could be further reconstructed to n-th order Avrami-Erofeyev model of f(α)=0.62(1-α)[-ln(1-α)] -0.61 (n=0.62) and f(α)=1.08(1-α)[-ln(1-α)] 0.074 (n=1.08). Two-steps reaction was more suitable for P-LG pyrolysis. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Forældremyndighed i forbindelse med økonomisk kompenseret surrogatmoderskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Frank Høgholm


    I artiklen analyseres retstilstanden for, hvornår faderen og en social moder kan få tillagt forældremyndigheden til et barn født qua et surrogati-arrangement. Den gængse udlægning af retstilstanden er, at barnets sociale moder ikke kan få del i forældremyndig¬heden, hvis der er ydet betaling. Art...


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    Rahmatullah Rahmatullah


    Full Text Available This study aims to examine and analyze the structure of the economy, the dominant sector of economic regions, economic sectors effect on the growth of regional economy and the impact on the growth of leading sectors of economic sectors in the province of Riau. The research shows that The economic structure based on the demand and supply of output, gross value added and employment. Riau is the main structure: The food and beverage industry, tobacco, trade, construction, other services and goods paper & printing industry. Dominant sector in 2000 Riau oil, gas and geothermal energy, petroleum refining, transportation equipment industry, machinery & equipment, trade, plantation crops and buildings. Year 2005 plantation crops, food industry, beverages & tobacco, paper and printed material industry, commerce, fisheries, mining, oil, gas and geothermal energy, and buildings. The variable government investment, suwasta investment, exports, imports, employment, forward linkage, backward lingkage, the impact of output and gross value added impact of simultaneous positive effect on regional economic growth (GDP in Riau.DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v1i1.2596


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    Nasrudin Nasrudin


    Full Text Available AbstractThis paper investigates the effectiveness of fiscal policy in boosting agricultural sector performance and seeks the most effective policy in the presence of regional economic integration. It predicts the effectiveness of fiscal policy on the agricultural sector performance in four periods; the new order regime, the economic crisis, and pre and post China Free Trade Area (CAFTA. It also predicts the impact of fiscal policy on agricultural sector performance when CAFTA is fully implemented. It finds that fiscal policy is more effective in the optimum allocation of expenditures. It also finds that the agricultural sector can grow faster when the portion of capital expenditure increases.Keywords: Fiscal effectiveness, economic integration, agricultureJEL Classification Numbers: E62, F15, Q17AbstrakMakalah ini menyelidiki efektivitas kebijakan fiskal dalam mendorong kinerja sektor pertanian dan mencari kebijakan yang paling efektif dengan adanya integrasi ekonomi regional. Makalah ini memprediksi efektivitas kebijakan fiskal dalam meningkatkan kinerja sektor pertanian dalam empat periode; rezim orde baru, krisis ekonomi, sebelum pelaksanaan China Free Trade Area (CAFTA, dan setelah pelaksanaan CAFTA. Makalah ini juga memprediksi dampak kebijakan fiskal terhadap kinerja sektor pertanian saat CAFTA sepenuhnya dilaksanakan. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa kebijakan fiskal lebih efektif dalam alokasi optimal dari pengeluaran. Analisis juga menemukan bahwa sektor pertanian dapat tumbuh lebih cepat ketika porsi peningkatan belanja modal meningkat.Keywords: Efektivitas fiskal, integrasi ekonomi, pertanianJEL Classification Numbers: E62, F15, Q17

  14. GIS for diagnosis and environmental monitoring of degraded area by shale mining in Sao Mateus do Sul - Parana state, Brazil; SIG (sistemas de informacoes geograficas) para diagnostico e monitoramento ambiental da area degradada pela mineracao de xisto em Sao Mateus do Sul - PR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freitas, Cinthia Obladen de Almendra [Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Parana, Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Inst. de Saneamento Ambiental; Brandalize, Maria Cecilia Bonato [Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Parana, Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Dept. de Arquitetura e Urbanismo]. E-mail:


    This work present a geographical information system (GIS) used for diagnosis and monitoring of Corrego Cachoeira hydrographic basin. The basin will be provided with a digital cartography base and alphanumeric data base, allowing the integration and development of various other studies. The structure of SIG, as well as software and hardware used by the project are presented.

  15. Styring af kommunal digitalisering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jæger, Birgit


    Digitalisering af både interne arbejdsprocesser og kommunikation med borgere og virksomheder har længe været en vigtig faktor i moderniseringen af den offentlige sektor. Derfor er der stort fokus på styring af digitaliseringen. Denne artikel undersøger, dels hvordan digitaliseringen i den kommunale...... sektor styres, og dels hvilke styringsparadigmer der kan identificeres. Med udgangspunkt i en konkret kommune analyseres styringen af digitalisering gennem et hierarki af offentlige digitaliseringsstrategier. Gennem udvikling af en helt ny form for organisering, en såkaldt Digitaliseringsforening...

  16. Landmandens verden bliver ustabil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    Der er udsigt til, at de ustabile priser er kommet for at blive. Fødevarekriser og fjernelse af prisstøtten i EU‘s landbrugspolitik er væsentlige forklaringer. Både landmanden selv, andelsselskaberne og den finansielle sektor kan bidrage til at begrænse ustabiliteten.......Der er udsigt til, at de ustabile priser er kommet for at blive. Fødevarekriser og fjernelse af prisstøtten i EU‘s landbrugspolitik er væsentlige forklaringer. Både landmanden selv, andelsselskaberne og den finansielle sektor kan bidrage til at begrænse ustabiliteten....

  17. Region Sjællands Økologiprofil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Jesper; Lund Sørensen, Runa Cecilie

    Nærværende rapport bygger på erfaringer foretaget gennem en kortlægning af Region Sjællands økologiske sektor, som blev lavet i forbindelse med Region Sjællands store fødevareprojekt Grønne Regionale Madoplevelser (GRO) under delprojektet Økologisk Oplevelsesinnovation. Formålet med undersøgelsen...... har været at generere et overblik over Region Sjællands økologiske sektor, både hvad angår antallet og udbredelsen af økologiske landbrugsbedrifter, forarbejdningsvirksomheder, engrosvirksomheder og detailforretninger....

  18. Aplicación de las técnicas de teledetección y SIG a la determinación y análisis de mapas de evapotranspiración


    Reca Cardeña, Juan; Medina, J. L.; Camacho, E. F.; López, R.; Roldán Cañas, José


    La estimación de la evapotranspiración es esencial en los sistemas de riego, en el cálculo de pérdidas de agua en embalses, en la estimación de balances hídricos, en las predicciones de escorrentía, así como en estudios climatológicos y meteorológicos. Las nuevas técnicas denominadas teledetección y sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) permiten el cálculo de la distribución espacial de este parámetro. Un nuevo modelo racional, SEBAL (Bastiaanssen, 1995), basado en la ecuación de conservac...

  19. SigEMD: A powerful method for differential gene expression analysis in single-cell RNA sequencing data. (United States)

    Wang, Tianyu; Nabavi, Sheida


    Differential gene expression analysis is one of the significant efforts in single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) analysis to discover the specific changes in expression levels of individual cell types. Since scRNAseq exhibits multimodality, large amounts of zero counts, and sparsity, it is different from the traditional bulk RNA sequencing (RNAseq) data. The new challenges of scRNAseq data promote the development of new methods for identifying differentially expressed (DE) genes. In this study, we proposed a new method, SigEMD, that combines a data imputation approach, a logistic regression model and a nonparametric method based on the Earth Mover's Distance, to precisely and efficiently identify DE genes in scRNAseq data. The regression model and data imputation are used to reduce the impact of large amounts of zero counts, and the nonparametric method is used to improve the sensitivity of detecting DE genes from multimodal scRNAseq data. By additionally employing gene interaction network information to adjust the final states of DE genes, we further reduce the false positives of calling DE genes. We used simulated datasets and real datasets to evaluate the detection accuracy of the proposed method and to compare its performance with those of other differential expression analysis methods. Results indicate that the proposed method has an overall powerful performance in terms of precision in detection, sensitivity, and specificity. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Grønne skatter batter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Mikael Skou


    Først i de seneste år har miljøafgifter fået en central placering i dansk politik. Men for 20 år siden var miljøafgifter ikke populære. Hverken i Danmark eller i de andre nordiske lande. Det almindelige synspunkt var dengang, at hvis man »satte pris på miljøet«, ville forurenerne blot kunne betal...

  1. Pembukuan dalam Menunjang Kesuksesan Usaha Pengrajin Batik di Kecamatan Cepiring Kabupaten Kendal

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    Aprih Santoso


    Full Text Available Kecamatan Cepiring merupakan satu dari 20 kecamatan di Kabupaten Kendal dengan mata pencaharian penduduk Kecamatan Cepiring sebagian besar ada di sektor pertanian, urutan kedua dan ketiga adalah sektor industri pengolahan dan sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran. Usaha Kecil Mikro (UKM pengrajin Batik di Kecamatan Cepiring berjumlah 30 orang. UKM pengrajin Batik di Kecamatan Cepiring ternyata masih banyak pula dijumpai kendala diantaranya adalah: (1 belum tersusunnya strategi pengembangan usaha dan data base profile masing-masing UKM pengrajin Batik di Kecamatan Cepiring; (2 belum adanya kejelasan tentang manajemen sistem pembukuan/akuntansi secara baik dan benar sehingga menghasilkan informasi keuangan yang bermanfaat untuk pendukung UKM pengrajin Batik di Kecamatan Cepiring. Kegiatan penyuluhan pembukuan/akuntansi secara baik dan benar sehingga menghasilkan informasi keuangan yang bermanfaat untuk pendukung UKM pengrajin Batik di Kecamatan Cepiring. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa hasil penyuluhan pembukuan dalam menunjang kesuksesan usaha pengrajin batik di Kecamatan Cepiring Kabupaten Kendal telah terlaksana dengan sukses. Hal ini terbukti dengan antusiasnya peserta penyuluhan mengikuti dan berdiskusi (termasuk proses tanya jawab dengan rutin.

  2. Análisis de la metodología de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG en la cartografía de la guerra en Colombia

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    Nicolás Espinosa


    Full Text Available En el artículo presentamos la metodología que utilizamos en la construcción de un Atlas sobre el conflicto armado en Antioquia. En particular, nos enfocamos en el análisis de la construcción de mapas cuantitativos por medio de Sistemas de Información Geográfica. En el artículo destacamos que si bien hay un incipiente debate académico en torno a la naturaleza de las bases de datos sobre el Conflicto Armado, la discusión sobre la utilidad, alcances y limitaciones de las metodologías cartográficas al respecto es casi inexistente. En la medida que los mapas no son neutros, pues representan los espacios tanto como pueden ser capaces de crearlos, como aporte a los estudios críticos desde los SIG, nos detendremos a develar y explorar tres aspectos que subyacen la creación de mapas sobre la guerra y que por lo general permanecen ocultos. Son pues elementos analíticos que podrán ser útiles tanto para quien lea un mapa como para quien lo produzca: (i las consecuencias a que dan lugar el uso de distintas bases cuantitativas, (ii el papel que juegan las formas de clasificación estadística de los datos y (iii las múltiples formas de representación cartográfica que los SIG ofrecen. Los mapas compendiados en el Atlas, tal y como exponemos en el artículo, permiten apreciar los múltiples resultados analíticos a que dan lugar la covariación de estos aspectos (fuentes, clasificaciones y representaciones a la hora de construir y leer un mapa.

  3. Estudio y análisis de la calidad de la educación secundaria en España desde una perspectiva geomática con herramientas de cartografía y SIG.


    Aragón Velasco, Aurelio


    En el presente Trabajo Fin de Grado se realiza un estudio y análisis geomático de la calidad de la educación secundaria mediante procedimientos de Cartografía y SIG, con datos espaciales y temáticos de fuentes oficiales que garantizan la precisión y certeza necesaria para la obtención de unas conclusiones objetivas y de calidad. Dicha calidad de la educación secundaria será estudiada bajo el marco de referencia de los estudios dek informe PISA (por sus siglas en inglés: Programme for Inter...

  4. Voluntary organized sport in Denmark and Norway

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibsen, Bjarne; Seippel, Ørnulf


    Idræt organiseret i frivillige foreninger er meget udbredt i de skandinaviske lande. I denne artikel sammenlignes idræt i foreninger i Norge og Danmark. De to lande sammenlignes på en række dimensioner: den frivillige sektor generelt og frivillig organiseret sport specifikt. Efter denne sammenlig......Idræt organiseret i frivillige foreninger er meget udbredt i de skandinaviske lande. I denne artikel sammenlignes idræt i foreninger i Norge og Danmark. De to lande sammenlignes på en række dimensioner: den frivillige sektor generelt og frivillig organiseret sport specifikt. Efter denne...

  5. Sikkerhedsbestemmelser for beskæringsarbejde fra lift

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Ole Sejr; Theilby, Frans


    Brug af lift til beskæring og fældning af træer er blevet udbredt i den grønne sektor. Som bruger er det vigtigt at kende den lift, man har valgt, og at arbejdet med motorsav foregår efter Arbejdstilsynets regler og anbefalinger.......Brug af lift til beskæring og fældning af træer er blevet udbredt i den grønne sektor. Som bruger er det vigtigt at kende den lift, man har valgt, og at arbejdet med motorsav foregår efter Arbejdstilsynets regler og anbefalinger....

  6. Motivation, løn og lønsystem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibsen, Flemming


    Artiklen gennemgår psykologiske, sociologiske og økonomiske teorier om sammenhængen mellem arbejde, løn og motivation og gennemgår derefter udviklingen i nye lønsystemer og lønformer i den private og offentlige sektor i Danmark i de senere år......Artiklen gennemgår psykologiske, sociologiske og økonomiske teorier om sammenhængen mellem arbejde, løn og motivation og gennemgår derefter udviklingen i nye lønsystemer og lønformer i den private og offentlige sektor i Danmark i de senere år...

  7. Lad os lære af nutidens private ledere - ikke fortidens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Torfing, Jacob


    Hvis vi endelig skal lære af den private sektor en gang til, så lad os dog lære af de bedste i klassen i stedet for at kigge i bakspejlet og genopfinde ledelsestænkning fra 60’erne og 70’erne, skriver professor Jacob Torfing.......Hvis vi endelig skal lære af den private sektor en gang til, så lad os dog lære af de bedste i klassen i stedet for at kigge i bakspejlet og genopfinde ledelsestænkning fra 60’erne og 70’erne, skriver professor Jacob Torfing....

  8. Tillid – en dansk specialitet og konkurrencefordel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard


    Der er på mange måder idyllisk i Danmark. Om sommeren skyder vejboderne op med frugt og grønt, hvor man selv tager fra hylderne og betaler i en kasse. Et spørgsmål om tillid – men utænkeligt i mange andre lande. F.eks. er der forskel på at efterlade sit barn i en barnevogn uden for en cafe i New...

  9. APLIKASI SIG UNTUK PEMETAAN INDEKS KEPEKAAN LINGKUNGAN: STUDI KASUS DI PESISIR CILACAP DAN SEGARA ANAKAN (GIS Application for Environmental Sensitivity Index Mapping Case Study in Cilacap Coastal Area and Segara Anakan

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    Utantyo Utantyo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sumberdaya pesisir dapat menerima dampak dari kecelakaan tumpahan minyak. Polusi minyak dapat terjadi dalam berbagai situasi lingkungan. Dalam hal ini, inventarisasi pesisir secara detil dikombinasikan dengan indeks sensitivitas memungkinkan ketersediaan informasi pada tingkat yang lebih baik bagi perencana pengelolaan tumpahan minyak. Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG=Geographic Information System dapat meningkatkan penggunaan data yang dibutuhkan dalam menanggapi adanya tumpahan minyak tersebut serta perencanaan darurat. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari sensitivitas lingkungan dan mengkombinasikannya untuk membentuk prototipe sistem informasi sensitivitas lingkungan. Dengan menggunakan SIG di daerah pesisir Segara Anakan dan Cilacap. Salah satu strategi yang penting di dalam perencanaan darurat adanya tumpahan minyak adalah memprioritaskan respons tumpahan. Lingkungan pesisir dapat dikuantitatifkan dengan menetapkan skema klasifikasi indeks sensitivitas lingkungan (ISE=Environmemntal Sensitivity Index: ESI. Sensitivitas lingkungan mencerminkan derajad reaksi dari wilayah pesisir untuk bertatran dan pulih ketika terjadi bencana tumpahan minyak. Metode untuk menetapkan ISE adalah dengan mengkombinasikan factor-faktor yang terkait dari suatu sensitivitas lingkungan, antara lain (a paparan terhadap energi gelombang dan pasut, (b pelerengan garis pantai, (c jenis substrata, dan (d produktivitas biologi. Studi ini menekankan kemampuan SIG untuk memvisualisasikan dan memodernkan faktor-faktor sensitivitas lingkungan secara spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi SIG untuk mengelola memanipulasi dan menayangkan data pesisir yang relevan dapat dilaksanakan dan dapat dicatat keunggulannya di dalam upaya pemetaan sensitivitas lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini wilayah pesisir Cilacap memiliki sensitivitas medium, karena daerah tersebut dibatasi oleh garis pantai ESI 5 (dengan panjang 11,6 km, dan dengan ESI 6 Sungai Donan (12,3 km


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    Rafael García Lorenzo


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se centra en el empleo combinado de datos de precipitación, modelos hidrológicos e hidráulicos, y técnicas S.I.G. (Sistema de Información Geográfica para la estimación de caudales de avenidas y la delimitación de áreas inundables en el Sur de la Región de Murcia. Con el fin de obtener datos espacialmente distribuidos en las áreas potenciales de inundación, se han integrado en un S.I.G. diferentes modelos de conversión lluvia-escorrentía superficial (Hidrograma Unitario Adimensional SCS, Hidrograma Unitario Gamma de Témez y el Método Racional Modificado y métodos de geometría hidráulica. Para la conversión de datos de lluvia (tormentas de diseño por periodos de retorno a escorrentía se ha empleado el programa HEC-HMS 3.0.0 en combinación con la extensión HEC-GeoHMS 1.1 de ArcView 3.x. La modelización hidrológica se realiza con ayuda de ArcGIS 9.x y GRASS (v.5.4, mientras que la hidráulica ha requerido el uso de HEC-RAS y HEC-GeoRAS.

  11. Effect of food-related stress conditions and loss of agr and sigB on seb promoter activity in S. aureus. (United States)

    Sihto, Henna-Maria; Stephan, Roger; Engl, Christoph; Chen, John; Johler, Sophia


    Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) causes staphylococcal food poisoning and is produced in up to ten times higher quantities than other major enterotoxins. While Staphylococcus aureus growth is often repressed by competing flora, the organism exhibits a decisive growth advantage under some stress conditions. So far, data on the influence of food-related stressors and regulatory mutations on seb expression is limited and largely based on laboratory strains, which were later reported to harbor mutations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of stress and regulatory mutations on seb promoter activity. To this end, transcriptional fusions were created in two strains, USA300 and HG003, carrying different seb upstream sequences fused to a blaZ reporter. NaCl, nitrite, and glucose stress led to significantly decreased seb promoter activity, while lactic acid stress resulted in significantly increased seb promoter activity. Loss of agr decreased seb promoter activity and loss of sigB increased promoter activity, with the magnitude of change depending on the strain. These results demonstrate that mild stress conditions encountered during food production and preservation can induce significant changes in seb promoter activity. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Imelda Wijiyanti


    Full Text Available Property was one of sectors that suffer very much during economic crisis. This caused the securities property price decrease on stock exchange. The objective of this research is to understand fundamental factors and systematic risk that influence securities price on property sector. The sample method uses purposive sampling method. From thirty three companies, only thirteen companies are selected, because the financial statement from each company are complete since 1996-2001. This research shows that only book value brings influence on the security price partially, but not the other variable. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Properti merupakan salah satu sektor yang terpuruk sejak krisis ekonomi. Hal ini mengakibatkan harga saham properti di bursa efek juga terpuruk. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor fundamental dan risiko sistematik yang mempengaruhi harga saham di sektor properti. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling method. Dari tiga puluh tiga perusahaan, hanya diambil tiga belas perusahaan, karena memiliki laporan keuangan secara lengkap tahun 1996-2001. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hanya faktor fundamental Book Value (BV yang mempengaruhi harga saham secara parsial, sedangkan faktor fundamental yang lainnya tidak berpengaruh. Kata kunci: faktor fundamental, risiko sistematik, harga saham sektor properti.


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    Reza Fahmi


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bermula dari keberadaan IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang yang berkeinginan untuk melakukan “metamorfosa” menjadi UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif . Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kuesioner dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian mendapati adanya hubungan antara kekuatan - kelemahan dan peluang - tantangan. Peluang perlu diperluas melalui kebijakan yang mendukung alih status. Kelemahan perlu disikapi secara bijaksana untuk tidak terjadinya konflik. Peluang perlu ditingkatkan melalui berbagai kerjasama intra sektoral dengan Kementerian Agama, kerjasama ekstra sektoral dengan pemerintah daerah maupun lembaga donor. Tantangan perlu diubah menjadi pemicu atau motivasi untuk memajukan lembaga ini.   Kata Kunci : Alih Status, IAIN, UIN dan SWOT

  14. Pengoptimuman Portofolio dengan Kendala Karakteristik Perusahaan Emiten

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    Ezra Putranda Setiawan


    Full Text Available Diversifikasi saham merupakan salah satu cara yang dilakukan investor untuk memperkecil risiko investasi. Pada umumnya, diversifikasi mengacu pada hasil perhitungan matematis berdasarkan nilai pengembalian (return masing-masing saham, misalnya pada model mean-variance. Dalam penelitian ini dibahas modifikasi model mean-variance yakni dengan menambahkan kriteria yang berkaitan dengan perusahaan emiten, misalnya bidang usaha, status perusahaan, dan sebagainya. Sebagai contoh, investor dapat menentukan bahwa portofolio yang dibentuk hanya melibatkan sejumlah saham dari sektor pertambangan, sejumlah saham dari sektor perdagangan, dan sebagainya. Penyelesaian masalah pengoptimuman portofolio ini ditentukan dengan metode algoritma genetika. Studi kasus dilakukan pada sejumlah saham yang diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia.

  15. Innovaatilisus on jätkuvalt heal tasemel / Aavo Heinlo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heinlo, Aavo


    Euroopa Ühenduse poolt korraldatud innovatsiooniuuringu tulemustest. Innovaatilised ettevõtted, innovaatilise tegevuse liigid ja kulutused, innovaatilisus ja avalik sektor. Lisatud tabelid ja diagrammid

  16. If it doesn’t spread it’s dead  : En kvalitativ studie över hur unga entreprenörer positionerar sig på marknaden och med hjälp av sociala medier sprider sitt varumärke


    Hoffman, Anna; Ahlinder, Sandra


    Abstract Title: If it doesn’t spread it’s dead - a qualitative study on how young entrepreneurs are positioning themselves in the marketplace and with the help of social media spreading their brand. (If it doesn’t spread it’s dead ­- en kvalitativ studie om hur unga entreprenörer positionerar sig på marknaden, med hjälp av sociala medier sprider sitt varumärke).   Number of pages: 48   Author: Sandra Ahlinder, Anna Hoffman   Tutor: Peder Hård af Segerstad Course: Media and Communications Stud...

  17. Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Sektoral Menurut Sifat Produksi Sektor Ekonomi di Bali


    Mutiara, Citra Chintia; Bendesa, I K G


    The increase of tertiary sector GDP and the decline of primary sector GDP indicate that there was a shift of economic structure from primary to tertiary. The contribution to GDP and the proportion of workforce of Agriculture Sector has decreased but its productivity is increasing. This condition indicates there is over supply of labor in the Agriculture Sector. The first object of this study is to analyze the nature of the production sector of the economy of Bali today, labor intensive or cap...


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    - Fafurida


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to make planning in the development of agricultural sector especiallyfood crops for the economic area improvement. The tools of analysis applied are shift share, LocationQuotient (LQ and central index analysis. The development of the superb food crops is conducted withthe development of processing and central industry. By observing the superb crops commodity, centralindex value, and PRDB per capita, it can be determined the development direction of each food cropscommodities, that is by specifying central production area and processing industry. Paddy centralproduction is recommended in Temon, Panjatan, Galur, Lendah, Kokap, Girimulyo, Nanggulan andSamigaluh sub-districts, and rice mill is developed in Wates and Pengasih sub-districts. For Maizecommodity, the development of processing industry is conducted in Sentolo and Pengasih sub-districtsand its central production is in Temon, Lendah, Kokap, Kalibawang and Samigaluh sub-districts. Forcassava crops commodity, the central production is in Temon, Kokap, Girimulyo, Kalibawang andSamigaluh sub-districts, and its processing industry is founded in Sentolo and Pengasih sub-districts.Central production of sweet potatoes is in Panjatan, Pengasih, and Girimulyo subdistricts, and itsprocessing industry is in Wates sub-district. For peanuts commodity, the processing industry is foundedin Wates and Pengasih sub-districts, and its central production is in Temon, Lendah, Kokap, Girimulyoand Samigaluh sub-districts. Central production of soybeans crops commodity is located in Temon,Galur, Lendah, Nanggulan and Kalibawang sub-districts and its processing industry is in Sentolo andPengasih sub-districts. Temon, Sentolo, and Pengasih sub-districts are the central production for thegreen beans crops with processing industry in Wates sub-district.Keywords: development, food crops, superb commodity

  19. Wie is die goeie Samaritane? Eienskappe van vrywilligers in Suid-Afrika


    Krugell, Waldo


    Mense wat vrywillig en sonder betaling hul arbeid aanbied vir die produksie van goedere en dienste waaruit ander voordeel trek, speel 'n belangrike rol in die ekonomie en gemeenskap. As vrywilligers beter verstaan word, kan hul kragte dalk beter gemobiliseer word. Die vraag is dus: Wie is die goeie Samaritane? Hierdie studie ondersoek die eienskappe van vrywilligers in Suid-Afrika met behulp van data uit die Arbeidsmagopname van September 2007. Die resultate toon dat vrywilligers in Suid-Afri...

  20. JPRS Report, Near East & South Asia (United States)


    34forgive and forget" that the Israeli prime minister tricked their president, and to turn a new leaf in relations with him. This optimism is groundnut, cashew and pan. The 30,000-odd betel vines have added a distinctive character to Baliapal-Bhograi and, according to many, it is...extensive betel cultivation that provides the base for the area’s prosperity. The "pan baraja", as the rectangular enclosures used for growing betal

  1. Kerangka Aset Rumah Tangga Miskin dalam Peristiwa Banjir Pasang Surut di Kecamatan Pekalongan Utara Kota Pekalongan

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    Novi Maulida Ni’mah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang penghidupan rumah tangga miskin dalam konteks bencana banjir pasang surut di Kota Pekalongan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1 mengetahui aset dan (2 dampak banjir pasang surut terhadap aset. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan descriptive exploratory dan field research yang dibahas secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan menguraikan aset rumah tangga miskin dan dampak banjir pasang surut terhadap aset. Pemanfaatan aset oleh rumah tangga miskin di Kecamatan Pekalongan Utara dilakukan sesuai mata pencaharian yang dimiliki yaitu sektor pertanian dan perikanan serta sektor industri, perdagangan, dan jasa. Sektor pertanian dan perikanan bergantung pada natural asset yaitu laut, sungai, dan lahan, sedangkan sektor industri, perdagangan, dan jasa bergantung pada physical asset yaitu rumah, alat transportasi, dan alat bekerja. Kerusakan kedua aset tersebut akibat bencana banjir pasang surut telah menghambat peningkatan kesejahteraan hidup.   ABSTRACT This study discusses the livelihoods of poor households in the context of tidal flood in Pekalongan City. The purpose of this study was (1 to know the assets and (2 to determine the impact of tidal flood to assets. This study used descriptive exploratory and field research approach which discussed in qualitative descriptive with outline of assets of poor households and the impact of tidal flood to assets. Utilization of assets by poor households in the Pekalongan Utara District done according owned livelihood that is agriculture and fisheries sectors as well as industry, trade, and services. Agriculture and fisheries rely on the natural assets of the sea, river and land, while the industrial sector, trade, and services depend on the physical asset of a house, transportation, and work tools. Damages to the two assets caused by flood tides have prevented an increase in welfare.

  2. Flight time, number of sectors and risk of low back pain among short and medium haul commercial female flight attendants in Indonesia

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    Irma Khrisnapandit


    Full Text Available Abstrak Latar belakang: Nyeri pinggang bawah (NPB sering dialami pramugari dan dapat membatasi tugas serta tanggung jawab pramugari. Tujuan penelitian ialah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara jam terbang dan faktor lainnya dengan NPB pramugari sipil penerbangan jarak dekat dan menengah di Indonesia. Metode: Studi potong lintang dengan sampling purposif dilakukan pada pramugari sipil penerbangan jarak dekat dan menengah yang melaksanakan pengujian kesehatan di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan tanggal 5-26 Mei 2014. Data demografi, pekerjaan dan NPB dikumpulkan dengan pengisian kuesioner dan pemeriksaan fisik. Definisi NPB ialah nyeri anamnesis yang pernah atau masih dirasakan pada pinggang bawah 1 bulan terakhir, non-neural, dan tidak terkait cedera akut yang tidak berhubungan pekerjaan. Analisis regresi Cox digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko yang berhubungan NPB. Hasil: Di antara 333 pramugari yang melaksanakan pengujian kesehatan, 287 orang bersedia berpartisipasi, dan 240 di antaranya memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Sebanyak 37,9% pramugari menderita NPB. Faktor dominan yang mempertinggi risiko NPB ialah jam terbang dan jumlah sektor 24 jam terakhir. Pramugari dengan jam terbang 9 jam atau lebih dibandingkan dengan yang  kurang dari 9 jam berisiko 82% lebih tinggi mengalami NPB [risiko relatif suaian (RRa = 1,82; p = 0,000]. Ditinjau dari jumlah sektor 24 jam terakhir, pramugari dengan 4 sektor atau lebih dibandingkan yang kurang dari 4 sektor berisiko 53% lebih tinggi mengalami NPB (RRa = 1,53; p = 0,034.   Kesimpulan: Jam terbang 24 jam terakhir selama 9 jam atau lebih dan jumlah sektor sebanyak 24 jam terakhir 4 sektor atau lebih meningkatkan risiko NPB Kata kunci: nyeri pinggang bawah, pramugari, jam terbang, jumlah sektor   Abstract Background: Low back pain (LBP often experienced by flight attendants could limit their duties and responsibilities. Aim of this study was to determine the correlation between flight time and other factors

  3. Comparative innate immune interactions of human and bovine secretory IgA with pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. (United States)

    Hodgkinson, Alison J; Cakebread, Julie; Callaghan, Megan; Harris, Paul; Brunt, Rachel; Anderson, Rachel C; Armstrong, Kelly M; Haigh, Brendan


    Secretory IgA (SIgA) from milk contributes to early colonization and maintenance of commensal/symbiotic bacteria in the gut, as well as providing defence against pathogens. SIgA binds bacteria using specific antigenic sites or non-specifically via its glycans attached to α-heavy-chain and secretory component. In our study, we tested the hypothesis that human and bovine SIgA have similar innate-binding activity for bacteria. SIgAs, isolated from human and bovine milk, were incubated with a selection of commensal, pathogenic and probiotic bacteria. Using flow cytometry, we measured numbers of bacteria binding SIgA and their level of SIgA binding. The percentage of bacteria bound by human and bovine SIgA varied from 30 to 90% depending on bacterial species and strains, but was remarkably consistent between human and bovine SIgA. The level of SIgA binding per bacterial cell was lower for those bacteria that had a higher percentage of SIgA-bound bacteria, and higher for those bacteria that had lower percentage of SIgA-bound bacteria. Overall, human and bovine SIgA interacted with bacteria in a comparable way. This contributes to longer term research about the potential benefits of bovine SIgA for human consumers. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Photokeratoconjunctivitis Symptoms among Informal Welding Operators in North Samarinda, Indonesia

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    Iwan Muhamad Ramdan


    Sektor informal telah berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian nasional, namun praktik kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada sektor ini masih belum memuaskan. Salah satu usaha sektor informal yang banyak dijumpai di Samarinda Utara adalah usaha pengelasan dengan potensi bahaya utama paparan sinar ultraviolet yang dapat menyebabkan photokeratoconjunctivitis. Penelitian ini bertujuan menginvestigasi kejadian photokeratoconjunctivitis dan faktor yang memengaruhinya pada operator las informal di Kelurahan Samarinda Utara. Penelitian cross-sectional telah dilakukan terhadap 40 responden pada bulan Maret sampai November 2016. Pengumpulan data menggunakan UV detector meter, clamp meter, dan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan chi-square, Pearson’s correlation product moment, dan multiple linear regression. Lima puluh persen responden mengalami gejala photokeratoconjunctivitis. Alat pelindung diri (APD (p=0,004, durasi paparan UV (0,056, pengetahuan tentang kesehatan, dan keselamatan kerja (K3 (p=0,055 dan jumlah hari kerja (p=0,001 berhubungan signifikan dengan kejadian photokeratoconjunctivitis. Lokasi kerja (p=0,244, tingkat pendidikan (p=0,680, usia (0,167, intensitas radiasi UV (p=0,206, dan kuat arus las (p=0,085 tidak berhubungan dengan gejala photokeratoconjunctivitis. Simpulan, gejala photokeratoconjunctivitis dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan APD, durasi paparan UV, pengetahuan K3, dan jumlah hari kerja. Faktor yang paling dominan memengaruhi gejala photokeratoconjunctivitis adalah durasi paparan UV.

  5. Avaliação de processo na implementação de políticas públicas: a Implantação do Sistema de Informação e Gestão de Recursos Humanos em Saúde (SIG-RHS no contexto das reformas setoriais Evaluation of public policy implementation: Human Resources Information and Management Systems in the context of Health sector reforms in Brazil

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    Celia Regina Pierantoni


    Full Text Available A necessidade de se criar de instrumentos gerenciais para a área de recursos humanos em saúde induziu o desenvolvimento e a implantação do Sistema de Informação e Gestão de Recursos Humanos em Saúde (SIG-RHS. O artigo avalia o processo de implementação desse sistema nas Secretarias Estaduais e Municipais de Saúde de estados e municípios selecionados e apresenta a metodologia de avaliação de processo (de implementação, descrevendo as etapas e a construção de indicadores, além de discutir os resultados encontrados. Aponta ainda os limites e possibilidades para a utilização do SIG-RHS como instrumento de planejamento e gestão de recursos humanos em sistemas locais de saúde.The need to establish management tools for human resources in health spawned the development and implementation of the Brazilian Human Resources Information and Management System in Health (SIG-RHS. The article evaluates the implementation of this system in Health Departments in selected States and Municipalities and presents the process (implementation evaluation methodology, describing the stages and construction of indicators, in addition to discussing the results. It goes on to identify the limits and possibilities for using the system as a human resources planning and management tool in local health systems.

  6. El planteamiento teórico multiobjetivo/multicriterio y su aplicación a la resolución de problemas medioambientales y territoriales, mediante los S.I.G. raster

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    José Miguel Santos Preciado


    Full Text Available La complejidad del medio natural, evidenciada por la intervención de múltiples variables de carácter interactivo, y su respuesta a la acción humana, ha encontrado en la metodología de la «Evaluación Multicriterio» (EMC un modelo teórico de gran operatividad. El tratamiento masivo de la información geográfica, implícito a un planteamiento de esta naturaleza, ha obligado a la utilización de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG, como herramienta informática capaz de organizar los datos de forma georreferenciada y evaluar los resultados alcanzados, de manera eficaz, en un tiempo récord. Esta perfecta conjunción entre los SIG y la metodología EMC ha resultado altamente fructífera en el tratamiento y resolución de algunos problemas medioambientales y territoriales. Su aplicación a la valoración de la aptitud medioambiental de un territorio, en el establecimiento de la función industrial, nos ha servido de base para ofrecer un panorama de las posibilidades prácticas de esta interesante metodología.The complexity of the natural environment, shown by the intervention of múltiple variables of Interactive character and its response to human action, have found in the «Multicriteria Evaluation» methodology (EMC, a theoretical model of great effectivity. The huge dealing with geographical Information, which is inherent to an approach of this nature, has torced to the use of the Geographical Information Systems (GIS, as a computer tool able to organize data in a geo-referentiated way and to efficiently evaluate achieved results in record time. This perfect combination of the GIS and the EMC methodology has been highiy fruitful in the treatment and solution of some environmental and territorial problems. Its application to the evaluation of a territory's environmental aptitudes, to the establishing of an industrial function, has made it possible for us to offer a general view of the practical possibilities of this interesting


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    Bowo Susilo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor perekonomian yang masih menjadi unggulan di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, menempatkan sektor ini sebagai aktivitas utama ekonomi masyarakat dan juga sumber penguatan perekonomian rakyat. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan jangka panjang yaitu untuk mengembangkan model integrasi antar faktor fisik dan sosial ekonomi dalam menentukan prioritas arahan pengembangan di sektor pertanian, terutama untuk menentukan jenis komoditas yang paling sesuai pada suatu satuan lahan atau wilayah tertentu yang menjadi daerah basis pertanian. Selain itu juga mengukur keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif daerah basis pertanian DIY ditinjau dari sub sektor tanaman pangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan di Provinsi DIY yang sangat sesuai untuk tanaman padi sebesar 25,4%, sedangkan untuk tanaman kacang tanah lebih kecil lagi yaitu 16% dan untuk tanaman jagung hanya 2%. Faktor yang membatasi tingkat kesesuaian lahan pada 3 jenis tamanan pangan tersebut adalah kondisi perakaran tanaman, ketersediaan unsur hara, retensi hara dan medan atau lokasi. Lahan yang mampu diusahakan untuk aktivitas pertanian dan sesuai dengan kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman pangan adalah di Ledok Wonosari, Lereng Tengah Merapi, Lereng Bawah Merapi dan Batur Agung.   ABSTRACT The agricultural sector is a sector of the economy is still seeded in various regions in Indonesia, putting this sector as the main economic activity of society and also the source of strengthening the economy of the people. This research has a long-term goal is to develop a model of integration between the physical and socio-economic factors in determining the priority direction of development in the agricultural sector, especially to determine the most appropriate types of commodities on a unit of land or a particular region of the local agricultural base. It also measures the comparative advantage and competitive advantage DIY agricultural base area in terms of


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    Ahmad Furqon


    Waqf uang saat ini menjadi fokus kajian yang menarik di kalangan masyarakat Islam. Salah satu bank yang menjalankan waqf uang adalah BSM. Ada beberapa kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari kajian ini: (1 Penyebaran informasi waqf uang masih relatif terbatas dibandingkan dengan kekayaan media dan peng­alaman yang dimiliki oleh bank, (2 BSM tidak memiliki meja khusus yang dapat melayani pelanggan yang datang ke bank untuk mendaftarkan waqf uang sehingga ketika pelanggan datang untuk mendaftarkan waqf uang petugas layanan pelanggan dan petugas bank akan melayani mereka tanpa nadzir dan saksi; dan (3 Dua model investasi wakaf uang di bank: sektor riil untuk pem­bangunan rumah bersalin, dan sektor finansial, di mana uang didepositkan dalam Deposito Syariah Mandiri.

  9. Progressive significance map and its application to error-resilient image transmission. (United States)

    Hu, Yang; Pearlman, William A; Li, Xin


    Set partition coding (SPC) has shown tremendous success in image compression. Despite its popularity, the lack of error resilience remains a significant challenge to the transmission of images in error-prone environments. In this paper, we propose a novel data representation called the progressive significance map (prog-sig-map) for error-resilient SPC. It structures the significance map (sig-map) into two parts: a high-level summation sig-map and a low-level complementary sig-map (comp-sig-map). Such a structured representation of the sig-map allows us to improve its error-resilient property at the price of only a slight sacrifice in compression efficiency. For example, we have found that a fixed-length coding of the comp-sig-map in the prog-sig-map renders 64% of the coded bitstream insensitive to bit errors, compared with 40% with that of the conventional sig-map. Simulation results have shown that the prog-sig-map can achieve highly competitive rate-distortion performance for binary symmetric channels while maintaining low computational complexity. Moreover, we note that prog-sig-map is complementary to existing independent packetization and channel-coding-based error-resilient approaches and readily lends itself to other source coding applications such as distributed video coding.

  10. Assessing Community Coalition Capacity and its Association with Underage Drinking Prevention Effectiveness in the Context of the SPF SIG. (United States)

    Flewelling, Robert L; Hanley, Sean M


    Community coalitions are a prominent organizational structure through which community-based substance abuse prevention efforts are implemented. There is little empirical evidence, however, regarding the association between coalition attributes and success in achieving community-level reductions in substance abuse behaviors. In this study, we assessed the relationship between coalition capacity, based on coalition coordinator responses to 16 survey items, and reductions in underage drinking prevalence rates. The coalitions were funded through the federally sponsored Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG). We first examined whether coalition capacity increased over the life of the projects. Mean capacity scores increased for all 16 capacity items examined (N = 318 coalitions), the majority of which were statistically significant. Analysis of the associations between capacity and reductions in underage drinking was limited to coalitions that targeted underage drinking and provided usable outcome measures based on student survey data for either past 30-day alcohol use (N = 129) or binge drinking (N = 100). Bivariate associations between the capacity items and prevalence reductions for each outcome were consistently positive, although many were not statistically significant. Composite measures of correlated items were then created to represent six different capacity constructs, and included in multivariate models to predict reductions in the targeted outcomes. Constructs that significantly predicted reductions in one or both outcome measures included internal organization and structure, community connections and outreach, and funding from multiple sources. The findings provide support for the expectation that high functioning community coalitions can be effective agents for producing desirable community-level changes in targeted substance abuse behaviors.


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    Filipe Silveira Trindade


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa realizou um estudo sobre a viabilidade da utilização de um software livre de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG pelo professor de Geografia. Mapas temáticos podem ser criados a partir de tais programas e facilitar o ensino em sala. Foram levantados dados para a construção de um mapa temático sobre deslizamento de terra, que fez parte de um dos projetos do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID de Geografia na Escola Municipal Ministro Edmundo Lins, em Viçosa-MG. O programa escolhido foi o “TerraView”, criado pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE. Esse software foi estudado para a aquisição de informações sobre o mesmo e posterior manipulação do programa. O mapa temático apresentado aos educandos na sala despertou a atenção dos alunos, principalmente pelo espaço representado (parte da cidade de Viçosa-MG fazer parte da vivência cotidiana do aluno e se mostrar como uma novidade diante deles. Porém, ficou evidente que o software apresenta problemas que devem ser sanados e não é tão simples de ser manuseado, como aponta alguns trabalhos. As tecnologias não substituem o professor, mas pode auxiliá-lo em aula. Assim, é necessário que esses educadores sejam capacitados e qualificados para manipular tais programas.

  12. Rotavirus specific plasma secretory immunoglobulin in children with acute gastroenteritis and children vaccinated with an attenuated human rotavirus vaccine (United States)

    Herrera, Daniel; Vásquez, Camilo; Corthésy, Blaise; Franco, Manuel A; Angel, Juana


    Rotavirus (RV)–specific secretory immunoglobulin (RV-SIg) has been previously detected in serum of naturally RV infected children and shown to reflect the intestinal Ig immune response. Total plasma SIgA and plasma RV-SIg were evaluated by ELISA in children with gastroenteritis due or not due to RV infection and in 50 children vaccinated with the attenuated RIX4414 human RV vaccine and 62 placebo recipients. RV-SIg was only detected in children with evidence of previous RV infection or with acute RV gastroenteritis. Vaccinees had higher RV-SIg titers than placebo recipients and RV-SIg titers increased after the second vaccine dose. RV-SIg measured after the second dose correlated with protection when vaccinees and placebo recipients were analyzed jointly. RV-SIg may serve as a valuable correlate of protection for RV vaccines. PMID:23839157

  13. The sigma-1 receptor: roles in neuronal plasticity and disease (United States)

    Kourrich, Saïd; Su, Tsung-Ping; Fujimoto, Michiko; Bonci, Antonello


    Sigma-1 receptors (Sig-1Rs) have been implicated in many neurological and psychiatric conditions. The Sig-1R is an intracellular chaperone that resides specifically at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondrion interface referred to as the mitochondrion-associated ER membrane (MAM). Here, Sig-1Rs regulate ER-mitochondrion Ca2+ signaling. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of Sig-1R functions. Based on this, we suggest that the key cellular mechanism linking Sig-1Rs to neurological disorders involve the translocation of Sig-1Rs from the MAM to other parts of the cell, whereby Sig-1Rs bind and modulate the activities of various ion channels, receptors, or kinases. Thus, Sig-1Rs and their associated ligands may represent new avenues for treating some aspects of neurological and psychiatric diseases. PMID:23102998

  14. The sigma-1 receptor: roles in neuronal plasticity and disease. (United States)

    Kourrich, Saïd; Su, Tsung-Ping; Fujimoto, Michiko; Bonci, Antonello


    Sigma-1 receptors (Sig-1Rs) have been implicated in many neurological and psychiatric conditions. Sig-1Rs are intracellular chaperones that reside specifically at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondrion interface, referred to as the mitochondrion-associated ER membrane (MAM). Here, Sig-1Rs regulate ER-mitochondrion Ca(2+) signaling. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of Sig-1R functions. Based on this, we suggest that the key cellular mechanisms linking Sig-1Rs to neurological disorders involve the translocation of Sig-1Rs from the MAM to other parts of the cell, whereby Sig-1Rs bind and modulate the activities of various ion channels, receptors, or kinases. Thus, Sig-1Rs and their associated ligands may represent new avenues for treating aspects of neurological and psychiatric diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  15. Identifikasi Variabel Untuk Mendukung Kinerja Pusat-Pusat Kegiatan Dalam Pengembangan Komoditas Unggulan Tongkol Di Wilayah Pesisir Timur Provinsi Aceh

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    Muthmainnah -


    Full Text Available Wilayah Pesisir Timur merupakan salah satu wilayah pengembangan (WP di Provinsi Aceh yang memiliki keunggulan pada sektor primer salah satunya sub sektor perikanan. Struktur hirarki pusat kegiatan WP terdiri dari pusat kegiatan nasional (PKN, pusat kegiatan wilayah (PKW dan pusat kegiatan lokal PKL yang memliki peran sebagai pusat pertumbuhan dan mendukung pengembangan wilayah termasuk pengembangan komoditi unggulan. Namun demikian keunggulan pada sub sektor perikanan belum mendapat dukungan dalam hal pengembanganya. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variabel apa saja yang mempengaruhi kinerja pusat kegiatan dalam mendukung pengembangan komoditas unggulan perikanan. Untuk menjawab tujuan ini dilakukan tiga tahapan penelitian yaitu penentuan komoditas unggulan perikanan dengan analisa location quotient (LQ dan shift share analysis (SSA. Tahapan kedua, melihat kondisi aliran nilai tambah komoditi unggulan di pusat kegiatan dengan analisa deskriptif, dan analisa variabel pengaruh kinerja dengan analisa pengkodean (coding. Hasil analisa awal dengan LQ dan SSA menunjukkan bahwa komoditi Tongkol merupakan komoditi unggulan WP Pesisir Timur. Sementara pada analisis deskriptif aliran nilai tambah menunjukkan tidak terjadinya pertambahan nilai bagi komoditi unggulan. Terakhir, analisa kualitatif coding ditemukan bahwa variabel yang mempengaruhi kinerja pusat kegiatan WP Pesisir Timur terhadap pengembangan komoditi unggulan Tongkol yaitu ketersedian jumlah pasar, ketersedian jumlah industri pengolahan, ketersedian jumlah jenis industri pengolahan, ketersediaan jaringan transportasi, ketersedian prasarana listrik dan ketersedian prasarana air bersih.

  16. Possible involvement of the Sigma-1 receptor chaperone in chemotherapeutic-induced neuropathic pain. (United States)

    Tomohisa, Mori; Junpei, Ohya; Aki, Masumoto; Masato, Harumiya; Mika, Fukase; Kazumi, Yoshizawa; Teruo, Hayashi; Tsutomu, Suzuki


    Previous studies have shown that ligands of the sigma-1 receptor chaperone (Sig-1R) regulate pain-related behaviors. Clinical use of chemotherapeutics is often compromised due to their adverse side effects, particularly those related to neuropathy. Previous studies have shown that repeated administration of oxaliplatin and paclitaxel produces neuropathy in rodents. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to clarify the involvement of the Sig-1R in chemotherapeutic-induced neuropathy by examining the effects of oxaliplatin and paclitaxel on the Sig-1R levels in the spinal cord, and by examining the effects of Sig-1R agonist and antagonist on oxaliplatin- and paclitaxel-induced neuropathy in rats. Chemotherapeutic-induced neuropathic pain was accompanied by a significant reduction of the Sig-1R level in the spinal cord. Furthermore, the administration of paclitaxel to CHO cells that stably overexpressed Sig-1Rs induced the clustering of Sig-1Rs. We also found that the Sig-1R agonist SA4503 potently inhibited the neuropathy induced by oxaliplatin- and paclitaxel, whereas this action was abolished by the Sig-1R antagonist NE-100. These results suggest that the reduction of Sig-1R activity is involved in chemotherapeutic-induced neuropathy, and the Sig-1R agonist SA4503 could serve as a potential candidate for the treatment of chemotherapeutic-induced neuropathy. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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    Bayu Rizky Pratama


    Full Text Available In the era of globalization, food sustainability is one of the main sectors that has an important role in economic development in Indonesia. The development of agricultural sector needs to be implemented. It is for advancing the agriculture, so that, both production output and farmer welfare will increase. Soybean is one of the leading agricultural commodities in Central Java province. The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategy and program criteria that can be done to develop the soybean farming in Central Java. An Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP was applied. The sampling technique was done by simple random sampling consisting of 12 people. The results show that the development of soybean farming in Central Java province comprises of several prioritized program criterias. The first priority is the criteria of cultivation, 0.537. The second criteria is input and its score is 0.220. The third criteria is institutions, 0.110. The fourth criteria is post-harvest, 0.058. The fifth criteria is marketing, 0.040. Pada era globalisasi salah satu isu utamanya adalah ketahanan pangan maka sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu sektor utama yang memegang peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia. Pengemban-gan sektor pertanian perlu dilaksanakan guna memajukan sektor pertanian baik berupa peningkatan output produksi dan kualitas serta mampu mengangkat kesejahteraan petani. Kedelai merupakan salah satu komodi-tas unggulan pertanian Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis strategi dan kriteria program yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengembangkan usaha tani kedelai di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang ber-dampak kepada terwujudnya ketahanan pangan Indonesia berdasarkan pendekatan Analysis Hierarchy Pro-cess. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan simple random sampling yang terdiri dari 12 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengembangan usahatani kedelai di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tersusun atas bebera-pa kriteria

  18. Riiklike tervishoiuprogrammide juhtimine narkomaania riikliku ennetamise programmi ja HIV/AIDSi riikliku ennetamise programmi näidetel : [bakalaureusetöö] / Helen Trelin ; Õigusinstituut ; juhendaja: Eduard Raska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trelin, Helen


    Avalik sektor ja tänapäeva juhtimise põhimõtted, narkomaania ja HIV/AIDS riiklikud tervishoiuprogrammid, programmide juhtimine, alkoholismi ja narkomaania ennetamise programm 1997-2007, HIV/AIDS ennetamise riiklik programm 2002-2006

  19. Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizāciju ietekmējošie faktori attīstības valstu banku sektoros un Latvijas komercbankās


    Golovina, Anna


    Maģistra darba nosaukums - Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizāciju ietekmējoši faktori attīstības valstu banku sektorā un Latvijas komercbankās. Maģistra darba mērķis - noskaidrot un izanalizēt faktorus, kuri ietekmē noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizāciju attīstības valstu banku sektorā un Latvijas komercbankās. Maģistra darba metodoloģija – kvalitatīvā metode, kuras gaitā tika izstrādāta aptaujas anketa; dokumentu analīze – zinātniskās literatūras apkopošana un analīze, lai izprastu...

  20. The effect of workload and other risk factors of metabolic syndrome among short-haul commercial pilots in Indonesia

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    Inne Yuliawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Sindroma metabolik (MS dapat menyebabkan kecacatan di antara pilot di Indonesia.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko MS antara pilot komersialjarak pendek di Indonesia.Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dengan sampling purposif yang dilakukan di antara pilot komersial yangmelakukan uji medik di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan Sipil, Jakarta tanggal 27 Juli-30 Agustus 2014. Sindromametabolik dinilai menurutkriterian National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. Faktorrisiko diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner self-reporting anonim. Data laboratorium diperoleh daricatatan medis. Regresi Cox digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko yang dominan dari MS.Hasil: Selama pengumpulan data, 2135 pilot melakukan uji medik. Jumlah pilot Asia laki-laki memenuhi kriteriainklusi adalah 864 pilot. Prevalensi MS adalah 18,28%. Dibandingkan dengan kelompok 20-35 tahun, yangberusia berusia 56-65 tahun memiliki risiko 88% lebih tinggi untuk MS [risiko relatif sesuaian (RRa = 1,88;P = 0,019]. Jika ditinjau dari jumlah sektor dalam 24 jam terakhir, dibandingkan dengan 0-3 sektor, subyekyang memiliki 6-7 sektor mempunyai risiko 66% lebih tinggi untuk MS (RRa = 1,66; P = 0,033, sedangkanyang memiliki 8 atau lebih sektor dalam 24 jam memiliki 82% lebih berisiko untuk MS (RRa = 1,82; P = 0,072.Kesimpulan: Pilot berusia tahun-56-65, yang memiliki 6 atau lebih sektor dalam 24 jam terakhir, memilikirisiko lebih tinggi untuk sindroma metabolik antara jarak pendek pilot komersial di Indonesia. (HealthScience Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:81-6Kata kunci: Sindroma metabolik, jumlah sektor, pilot, Indonesia Abstract Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS could cause sudden incapacitation among pilots in Indonesia.The aim of this study was to identify risk factors of MS among short-haul commercial pilots in Indonesia.Methods: A cross-sectional study with purposive sampling was conducted

  1. Síntesis hidrogeológica y modelización regional de la Cuenca Media del Tajo asistida por un SIG

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    Lucini, M.


    chosen confiuration ARC/INFO-IDRISIVISUAL MODFLOW has shown its usefulness and versatility to face the modelization of this area, which is characterized for its complexity and big extension.En el presente trabajo se exponen los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación de un Código Numérico de Modelización Hidrogeológica (CNMH asistido por un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG a un área de 20.952 km2 de la cuenca media del Tajo que incluye tanto a las depresiones terciarias del Campo Arañuelo y de Madrid, parcialmente, como al sustrato Igneo-metamórfico del macizo Ibérico hasta una profundidad de 5.500 m. Geográficamente incluye las ciudades de Madrid, Toledo y Talavera de la Reina; el accidente tectónico del Jerte y la confluencia entre el río Tajo y el Tiétar constituyen el área más occidental. Los objetivos del trabajo son, estudiar la problemática de integrar en un modelo hidrogeológico regional de gran escala formaciones de características hidrogeológicas muy distintas, analizar y definir una configuración SIG-CNMH para aplicar en el estudio, y avanzar en el conocimiento regional desde una perspectiva integradora y multidisciplinar. Se trabaja con un modelo isótropo y cinco anisótropos, estos últimos considerando la influencia en el flujo de tres familias de accidentes tectónicos -N 105, N 142.5 y N 168.75- y una esquistosidad media regional N 140. La calibración se basa en piezometría restituida y aportaciones base de la red hidrográfica. Se obtuvieron distintos valores de los parámetros calibrados según el modelo. En todos los casos la calidad del ajuste global es correcta y aceptable; sin embargo, cada uno de los modelos ofrece mejor calidad de ajuste respecto a los restantes en los sectores donde los rasgos que representan coinciden con los del sistema real. La evolución de la permeabilidad en profundidad resultante de la calibración es coherente con la esperada, siendo las relaciones kx/kz = ky/kz = 1, en los primeros 200 m y 0

  2. Determination of strong ion gap in healthy dogs. (United States)

    Fettig, Pamela K; Bailey, Dennis B; Gannon, Kristi M


    To determine and compare reference intervals of the strong ion gap (SIG) in a group of healthy dogs determined with 2 different equations. Prospective observational study. Tertiary referral and teaching hospital. Fifty-four healthy dogs. None. Serum biochemistry and blood gas analyses were performed for each dog. From these values, SIG was calculated using 2 different equations: SIG(1) = SID(a) {[Na (+)] + [K(+)] - [Cl(-)]+ [2 × Ca(2+)] + [2 × Mg(2+)] - [L-lactate]}- SID(e) {TCO(2) + A(-)} and SIG(2) = [albumin] × 4.9-anion gap. Reference intervals were established for each SIG equation using the mean ± 1.96 × standard deviation (SD). For SIG(1), the median was 7.13 mEq/L (range, 1.05-11.30 mEq/L) and the derived reference interval was 1.85-10.61 mEq/L. Median SIG(2) was -0.22 mEq/L (range, -5.34-6.61 mEq/L) and the mean SIG(2) was -0.09 mEq/L (95% confidence interval for the mean, -0.82-0.65 mEq/L). The derived reference interval was -5.36-5.18 mEq/L. The results of the SIG calculations were significantly different (P SIG yielded significantly different results and cannot be used interchangeably. The authors believe SIG(2) to be a more accurate reflection of acid-base status in healthy dogs, and recommend that this calculation be used for future studies. © Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012.

  3. Synthesis, radiolabelling, and evaluation of [11C]PB212 as a radioligand for imaging sigma-1 receptors using PET. (United States)

    Spinelli, Francesco; Haider, Ahmed; Toscano, Annamaria; Pati, Maria Laura; Keller, Claudia; Berardi, Francesco; Colabufo, Nicola Antonio; Abate, Carmen; Ametamey, Simon M


    The Sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) has been described as a pluripotent modulator of distinct physiological functions and its involvement in various central and peripheral pathological disorders has been demonstrated. However, further investigations are required to understand the complex role of the Sig-1R as a molecular chaperon. A specific PET radioligand would provide a powerful tool in Sig-1R related studies. As part of our efforts to develop a Sig-1R PET radioligand that shows antagonistic properties, we investigated the suitability of 1-(4-(6-methoxynaphthalen-1-yl)butyl)-4-methylpiperidine (designated PB212) for imaging Sig-1R. PB212 is a Sig-1R antagonist and exhibits subnanomolar affinity ( K i = 0.030 nM) towards Sig-1R as well as good to excellent selectivity over Sig-2R. The radiolabelling of [ 11 C]PB212 was accomplished by O-methylation of the phenolic precursor using [ 11 C]MeI. In vitro autoradiography with [ 11 C]PB212 on WT and Sig-1R KO mouse brain tissues revealed high non-specific binding, however using rat spleen tissues from CD1 mice and Wistar rats, high specific binding was observed. The spleen is known to have a high expression of Sig-1R. In vivo PET experiments in Wistar rats also showed high accumulation of [ 11 C]PB212 in the spleen. Injection of Sig-1R binding compounds, haloperidol (1 mg/kg) or fluspidine (1 mg/kg) shortly before [ 11 C]PB212 administration induced a drastic reduction of radiotracer accumulation, confirming the specificity of [ 11 C]PB212 towards Sig-1R in the spleen. The results obtained herein indicate that although [ 11 C]PB212 is not suitable for imaging Sig-1R in the brain, it is a promising candidate for the detection and quantification of Sig-1Rs in the periphery.

  4. Improvement of iturin A production in Bacillus subtilis ZK0 by overexpression of the comA and sigA genes. (United States)

    Zhang, Z; Ding, Z T; Zhong, J; Zhou, J Y; Shu, D; Luo, D; Yang, J; Tan, H


    Bacillus subtilis ZK0, which was isolated from cotton, produces a type of lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A that inhibits the growth of pathogenic fungi on agricultural crops. However, the low level of iturin A production by B. subtilis ZK0 does not support its large-scale application. In this study, B. subtilis ZK0 was subjected to genetic manipulation to improve iturin A production. By the independent or simultaneous overexpression of two regulatory genes (comA and sigA), iturin A production by B. subtilis ZK0 was significantly increased. When both genes were simultaneously overexpressed under optimal conditions, iturin A production increased up to 215 mg l -1 (an approximate 43-fold increase compared with B. subtilis ZK0). Moreover, overexpression of both genes was unexpectedly found to inhibit biofilm formation by B. subtilis ZK0, indicating that the phenomenon of 'stuck fermentation' would be avoided during B. subtilis ZK0 fermentation. In conclusion, a genetic manipulation method that improves iturin A production and inhibits biofilm formation in B. subtilis ZK0 is reported for the first time and this method has the potential to be widely applied in B. subtilis ZK0 commercial fermentation. This study provides new perspectives on improving iturin A production by Bacillus subtilis. Our newly engineered strains could be applied to commercial fermentation by enhancing yields of iturin A and reducing the rate of 'stuck fermentation'. Increased production would facilitate more widespread application of this powerful antibiotic. © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  5. 77 FR 38831 - Antitrust Division (United States)


    ... Production Act of 1993--Bluetooth Sig, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on May 30, 2012, pursuant to Section... Act''), Bluetooth SIG, Inc. has filed written notifications simultaneously with the Attorney General... Bluetooth SIG, Inc., Kirkland, WA. The nature and scope of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.'s standards development...


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    income of self-employed youth. Address the underlying causes of poor educational outcomes. Tackle the barriers that limit women's potential. Build the evidence base for effective skills training programs for young people. Lasting solutions: Young women and teen girls are among the most likely to work in marginal jobs.


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    self-employed. 60% of youth aged 15-24 have not gone beyond primary school. Enhancing the productivity and income of youth is a key priority. Provide evidence on what interventions work, what do not, and what is scalable. Uncover the barriers to school-to-work transitions. Foster an enabling environment that spurs.


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Pour obtenir plus de renseignements, veuillez consulter Youth employment in sub-Saharan Africa: Taking stock of the evidence and knowledge gaps, par Betcherman et Khan (2015), un document d'orientation commandé par le CRDI et la Fondation MasterCard. Les jeunes ayant une formation supérieure sont deux ...


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cibler les sources de sous-emploi. Constituer une base de données probantes pour établir des mesures qui s'attaquent au chômage croissant parmi les diplômés. Évaluer l' impact des programmes existants de formation pour les jeunes. Supprimer les obstacles qui freinent l'essor des jeunes femmes. Les jeunes.


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    analphabètes. Créer des programmes novateurs pour accroître la productivité et les revenus des jeunes travailleurs autonomes. Traiter les causes profondes des faibles taux de réussite scolaire. Éliminer les obstacles qui limitent le potentiel des femmes. Établir une base de données probantes permettant de créer des ...


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    des jeunes. Tanzaniens sont sans emploi. 7 enfants sur 10qui entament leur. 3e année du primaire ne savent pas lire le swahili, la langue nationale. Seul 1 enfant sur 5 arrive à faire des mathématiques de base. Les jeunes citadins sont presque 5 fois plus susceptibles de détenir un diplôme universitaire que les jeunes.

  12. Synthetic immunostimulatory glycans interference with host cell apoptosis upon of Toxoplasma gondii infection, in vitro

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    S.H. Eassa


    Full Text Available Toxoplasmosis is a protozoan infection of humans and animals caused by Toxoplasma gondii, and it’s continuous public health and food safety issue. The tachyzoites (Tg of T. gondii are the most important stage, as they come in direct contact with immune cells such as a macrophage. Tg can modulate and prevent apoptosis of immune cells while promoting survival of the pathogen. Infections caused by Tg can be eradicated if immune cells could stimulate apoptosis and kill pathogens upon exposure. Apoptosis is characterized by the release of mediators, namely Caspases (Cas. New means are required for inducing apoptosis and enhance immunity in the infected host cell to control toxoplasmosis. The present study investigated whether Synthetic Immuno-stimulatory Glycans (SIGs influence Cas and Nitric oxide (NO release and led to Tg damage. Galβ1-3Gal-PAA-fluor (SIG1, Fucα1-4GlcNAcβ-PAA-fluor (SIG2 and GlcNAcβ1-3GalNAcα-PAA-fluor (SIG3 constituted samples studied principally. Murine macrophage had been exposed to the Tg then the SIGs effects on Cas and NO production were determined after 20 hours of pathogen phagocytosis. Here we report that the SIGs had potent in vitro activity against T. gondii; SIG2 was more effective than SIG1 and SIG3, representative by SIG2 treated infected macrophages can induced infected macrophages to release Cas1, 3, and 9. Maximum production of NO by infected macrophages was noticed following the expoxure to all SIGs. Therefore the present study provided the method for the selection of SIGs ligands bearing immunostimulatory factor and apoptotic stimuli properties.

  13. Growth and sporulation of Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579 under defined conditions: temporal expression of genes for key sigma factors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vries, de Y.P.; Hornstra, L.M.; Vos, de W.M.; Abee, T.


    An airlift fermentor system allowing precise regulation of pH and aeration combined with a chemically defined medium was used to study growth and sporulation of Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579. Sporulation was complete and synchronous. Expression of sigA, sigB, sigF, and sigG was monitored with real-time

  14. Alle mand til kamp! Kæmp, også når det er svært!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kim Normann


    Af Ledelseskommissionens 13 teser til bedre offentlig ledelse er den vigtigste, at den offentlige sektor er til for borgerne. Større fokus på digitalisering vil kunne hjælpe med at lette ledernes arbejdsbyrde....

  15. Epidemiology, Clinical Characteristics, and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiles of Human Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus intermedius Group. (United States)

    Yarbrough, Melanie L; Lainhart, William; Burnham, C A


    The veterinary pathogens in the Staphylococcus intermedius group (SIG) are increasingly recognized as causes of human infection. Shared features between SIG and Staphylococcus aureus may result in the misidentification of SIG in human clinical cultures. This study examined the clinical and microbiological characteristics of isolates recovered at a tertiary-care academic medical center. From 2013 to 2015, 81 SIG isolates were recovered from 62 patients. Patients were commonly ≥50 years old, diabetic, and/or immunocompromised. Documentation of dog exposure in the electronic medical record was not common. Of the 81 SIG isolates, common sites of isolation included 37 (46%) isolates from wound cultures and 17 (21%) isolates from respiratory specimens. Although less common, 10 (12%) bloodstream infections were documented in 7 unique patients. The majority of SIG (65%) isolates were obtained from polymicrobial cultures. In comparison to S. aureus isolates from the same time period, significant differences were noted in proportion of SIG isolates that were susceptible to doxycycline (74% versus 97%, respectively; P SIG isolates. All MR isolates detected by an oxacillin disk diffusion test would have been misclassified as methicillin susceptible using a cefoxitin disk diffusion test. Thus, SIG is recovered from human clinical specimens, and distinction of SIG from S. aureus is critical for the accurate characterization of MR status in these isolates. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

  16. The sigma-1 receptor: roles in neuronal plasticity and disease


    Kourrich, Saïd; Su, Tsung-Ping; Fujimoto, Michiko; Bonci, Antonello


    Sigma-1 receptors (Sig-1Rs) have been implicated in many neurological and psychiatric conditions. The Sig-1R is an intracellular chaperone that resides specifically at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondrion interface referred to as the mitochondrion-associated ER membrane (MAM). Here, Sig-1Rs regulate ER-mitochondrion Ca2+ signaling. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of Sig-1R functions. Based on this, we suggest that the key cellular mechanism linking Sig-1Rs to neur...

  17. Moderne fællesgoder eller postmoderne kynisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højrup, Thomas; Jensen, Uffe Juul


    Udvikling af en statskritisk analyse, der i kapitlet benyttes til at belyse kontrasten og brydningen imellem velfærdsstatslige fællesgoder og konkurrencestatslig praksis eksemplificeret med to sektorer under stærk governance: sundhedssektoren og fiskerisektoren....


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    Fitri Amalia


    Full Text Available Economic growth and its process are the main condition for the sustainability of the regional economic development. Because of the continuing population growth means economic needs also increase so that additional revenue required each year. This research is focused to determine the regional leading sector of Bone Bolango as the information and considerations in planning economic development. Location Quotient (LQ and Shift Share are tools of analysis. Location Quotient analysis indicates agriculture, manufacture, finance, leasing and corporate services are base sectors in the Bone Bolango district. Shift Share analysis indicates that the competitive sectors are finance, leasing and corporate services. The results was indicate that the leading sector with the criteria developed, base, and competitive is finance and services sectorDOI: 10.15408/etk.v11i2.1893

  19. σK of Clostridium acetobutylicum is the first known sporulation-specific sigma factor with two developmentally separated roles, one early and one late in sporulation. (United States)

    Al-Hinai, Mohab A; Jones, Shawn W; Papoutsakis, Eleftherios T


    Sporulation in the model endospore-forming organism Bacillus subtilis proceeds via the sequential and stage-specific activation of the sporulation-specific sigma factors, σ(H) (early), σ(F), σ(E), σ(G), and σ(K) (late). Here we show that the Clostridium acetobutylicum σ(K) acts both early, prior to Spo0A expression, and late, past σ(G) activation, thus departing from the B. subtilis model. The C. acetobutylicum sigK deletion (ΔsigK) mutant was unable to sporulate, and solventogenesis, the characteristic stationary-phase phenomenon for this organism, was severely diminished. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that the ΔsigK mutant does not develop an asymmetric septum and produces no granulose. Complementation of sigK restored sporulation and solventogenesis to wild-type levels. Spo0A and σ(G) proteins were not detectable by Western analysis, while σ(F) protein levels were significantly reduced in the ΔsigK mutant. spo0A, sigF, sigE, sigG, spoIIE, and adhE1 transcript levels were all downregulated in the ΔsigK mutant, while those of the sigH transcript were unaffected during the exponential and transitional phases of culture. These data show that σ(K) is necessary for sporulation prior to spo0A expression. Plasmid-based expression of spo0A in the ΔsigK mutant from a nonnative promoter restored solventogenesis and the production of Spo0A, σ(F), σ(E), and σ(G), but not sporulation, which was blocked past the σ(G) stage of development, thus demonstrating that σ(K) is also necessary in late sporulation. sigK is expressed very early at low levels in exponential phase but is strongly upregulated during the middle to late stationary phase. This is the first sporulation-specific sigma factor shown to have two developmentally separated roles.

  20. Sigma-1 receptor and inflammatory pain. (United States)

    Gris, Georgia; Cobos, Enrique José; Zamanillo, Daniel; Portillo-Salido, Enrique


    The sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) is a unique ligand-regulated molecular chaperone that interacts with several protein targets such as G protein-coupled receptors and ion channels to modulate their activity. Sig-1R is located in areas of the central and peripheral nervous system that are key to pain control. Previous preclinical studies have suggested a potential therapeutic use of Sig-1R antagonists for the management of neuropathic pain. Recent studies using pharmacological and genetic tools have explored the role of Sig-1R in inflammatory pain conditions. Mice lacking the Sig-1R have shown different patterns of phenotypic responses to inflammatory injury. Systemic or peripheral administration of several Sig-1R antagonists, including the selective Sig-1R antagonist S1RA, inhibited both mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity in several preclinical models of inflammatory pain. These recent studies are summarized in the present commentary. Central and peripheral pharmacological blockade of Sig-1R could be an effective option to treat inflammatory pain.

  1. Civilsamfundets ABC: H for Høflighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Anker Brink; Meyer, Gitte


    Vi er nået til H for Høflighed. At være høflig er det samme som at være hof-lig. Tager man begrebet umiddelbart på ordet, drejer det sig altså om at opføre sig, som det sømmer sig ved hoffet, blandt de fornemme.......Vi er nået til H for Høflighed. At være høflig er det samme som at være hof-lig. Tager man begrebet umiddelbart på ordet, drejer det sig altså om at opføre sig, som det sømmer sig ved hoffet, blandt de fornemme....

  2. School Improvement Grants: Education Should Take Additional Steps to Enhance Accountability for Schools and Contractors. Report to Congressional Requesters. GAO-12-373 (United States)

    Scott, George A.


    The School Improvement Grant (SIG) program funds reforms in low performing schools. Congress provided $3.5 billion for SIG in fiscal year 2009, and a total of about $1.6 billion was appropriated in fiscal years 2010-2012. SIG requirements changed significantly in 2010. Many schools receiving SIG funds must now use the funding for specific…

  3. Linking stress and immunity: Immunoglobulin A as a non-invasive physiological biomarker in animal welfare studies. (United States)

    Staley, Molly; Conners, Melinda G; Hall, Katie; Miller, Lance J


    As the animal welfare community strives to empirically assess how care and management practices can help maintain or even enhance welfare, the development of tools for non-invasively measuring physiological biomarkers is essential. Of the suite of physiological biomarkers, Immunoglobulin A (IgA), particularly the secretory form (Secretory IgA or SIgA), is at the forefront because of its crucial role in mucosal immunity and links to physical health, stress, and overall psychological well-being. While interpretation of SIgA values on short time scales is complex, long-term SIgA patterns are consistent: conditions that create chronic stress lead to suppression of SIgA. In contrast, when welfare is enhanced, SIgA concentrations are predicted to stabilize at higher concentrations. In this review, we examine how SIgA concentrations are reflective of both physiological stress and immune function. We then review the literature associating SIgA concentrations with various metrics of animal welfare and provide detailed methodological considerations for SIgA monitoring. Overall, our aim is to provide an in-depth discussion regarding the value of SIgA as physiological biomarker to studies aiming to understand the links between stress and immunity. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  4. Integrasi Model SWAT dan SIG dalam Upaya Menekan Laju Erosi DAD Deli, Sumatera Utara

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    Riki Rahmad


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan simulasi model SWAT dalam menghitung besarnya laju erosi DAS, menguji kesesuaian model dalam memprediksi erosi, serta menentukan skenario penggunaan lahan yang paling optimal menurunkan laju erosi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di DAS Deli, Sumatera Utara. Pada penelitian ini analisis SWAT dilakukan dengan bantuan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG melalui 4 proses yaitu delineasi, pembentukan Hydrological Response Unit (HRU, pengolahan data dan simulasi, serta proses visualisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan besarnya erosi rata-rata DAS Deli adalah 410,72 ton/ha/tahun. Hasil ini menunjukkan DAS Deli termasuk kedalam Tingkat Bahaya Erosi (TBE kategori Berat dengan kriteria sangat berat 37,04%, berat 17,07%, sedang 21,46%, ringan 17,38%, dan sangat ringan 7,04%. Uji validasi model menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara debit model dan observasi dimana persentase perbedaan nilainya sangat kecil yang artinya besarnya debit model hampir sangat mendekati besarnya debit observasi, serta model dikategorikan sangat baik dalam melakukan simulasi debit aliran harian pada Sungai Deli. Metode skenario adalah berdasarkan analisis TBE. Hasil skenario penggunaan lahan berhasil menurunkan laju erosi DAS Deli 34,78% menjadi 267,88 ton/ha/tahun. This study aims to conduct SWAT model simulation calculation of the rate of erosion of the watershed, testing the suitability of the model in predicting erosion, land use scenarios and determine the most optimal decrease the rate of erosion. This research was conducted in the watershed Deli, North Sumatra. In this study, SWAT analysis performed with the help of Geographical Information Systems (GIS through 4 delineation process, namely, the establishment of Hydrological Response Unit (HRU, data processing and simulation, as well as the visualization process. The results show the average amount of erosion DAS Deli is 410.72 ton/ha/year. These results indicate DAS Deli included into

  5. Tourismus (United States)

    Matzarakis, Andreas; Lohmann, Martin

    Für den Tourismus haben Klima und Wetter eine große Relevanz: als Treiber des Verhaltens wie auch als Angebotsfaktor. Wetter und Klima sind demnach sowohl Bestandteil des touristischen Angebotes als auch limitierende Faktoren des Tourismus und Steuergrößen für die touristische Nachfrage. Insofern liegt es nahe, dass dieser Sektor vom Klimawandel betroffen sein wird. Der Tourismus ist aber auch ein Faktor, der seinerseits erheblich auf das Klima und den Klimawandel zurückwirkt. Dabei ist der Klimawandel aber nur einer von vielen voneinander abhängig erscheinenden Einflussfaktoren, denen der Sektor "Tourismus" ausgesetzt ist. Das heißt, es handelt sich um ein komplexes Wirkungsgefüge. Das Kapitel widmet sich den Klimawandelfolgen im Tourismus und macht diese beispielhaft an den Regionen "Küsten" sowie "Mittel- und Hochgebirge" fest, um Anpassungsmöglichkeiten anzufügen.

  6. Informal Labour Markets As A Solution For Unemployment In South Africa – A Case Study Of Car Guards In Bloemfontein

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    P. F. Blaauw


    Die motorwag-industrie in Suid Afrika het onstaan uit die lot van die massa werkloses in die land. Weinig navorsing is al oor die industrie gedoen. Die doelwit van die artikel is eerstens om die gebrek aan navorsing aan te vul en tweedens om te bepaal of die motorwagindustrie ’n oplossing vir die probleem van werkloosheid kan bied. Motorwagte in die studie is oor die algemeen laag geskoold, swak besoldig en werksaam vir lang ure onder moeilike omstandighede. Die meeste het ’n werk in die formele sektor van die ekonomie gehad voordat hulle werkloos geword het. Om ’n motorwag te wees kan nooit ’n oplossing vir werkloosheid wees nie. Opleiding en die ontwikkeling van noodsaaklike vaardighede teen ’n agtergrond van versnelde ekonomiese groei, is uiters noodsaaklik om die gaping tussen die informele en formele sektor te oorbrug.

  7. Estimativa da produção de sedimentos mediante uso de um modelo hidrossedimentológico acoplado a um SIG Sediment yield prediction through the use of a runoff-erosion model coupled to a GIS

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    Richarde M. da Silva


    Full Text Available O Kineros é um modelo hidrossedimentológico usado para se estimar a vazão e a produção de sedimentos em bacias urbanas e rurais. No presente trabalho, o modelo foi aplicado à bacia do rio Pirapama, localizada na zona litorânea do Estado de Pernambuco, cujos resultados foram acoplados a um SIG com o objetivo de identificar, temporal e espacialmente, os principais locais em que o processo de erosão foi mais atuante na bacia do rio Pirapama. O modelo foi calibrado com dados diários de 1990 a 2001 de dois postos pluviométricos. Através do acoplamento dos resultados da modelagem no SIG, foi possível a identificação das principais áreas susceptíveis ao processo erosivo. Os resultados da produção de sedimentos na bacia mostraram que os planos com maior produção produziram mais de 200 t ha-1 ano-1, perfazendo o total de 653.079 t, correspondentes a uma área de 67,87 km² (11,3% da área total da bacia revelando, assim, que grande parte da bacia é realmente susceptível ao processo de erosão. Este trabalho mostra que o modelo Kineros é viável para bacias maiores que 100 km² e o seu acoplamento ao SIG é de grande valia para a identificação e análise das principais áreas de produção de sedimentos na bacia deste rio podendo ser, assim, considerado ferramenta promissora para simulação da produção de sedimentos em bacias hidrográficas do nordeste brasileiro.Kineros is a runoff-erosion model used to compute runoff and sediment yield in urban and rural basins. In this paper, the model was applied to the Pirapama river basin, located in the coastal zone of the State of Pernambuco. The obtained results were linked to a GIS in order to temporally and spatially identify the areas susceptible to the erosion process within the Pirapama river basin. The model was calibrated with daily rainfall data from two raingauges for the period from 1990 to 2001. From the coupling of the modeling results into a GIS, it was possible to

  8. Udkantsdanmark var engang Vækstdanmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tanvig, Hanne Wittorff


    Det er en sandhed med modifikationer, at staten ikke har styret de regionale udvikling, for det har den indirekte ved, at investeringer i alle relevante sektorer er foregået ud fra snævre, ofte økonomiske formler....

  9. Modellen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Om genopførelsen af Palle Nielsens (f. 1942) værk Modellen fra 1968: en kæmpe legeplads til børn i museet, hvor de kan boltre sig frit: klatre i tove, kravle i trækonstruktioner, arbejde med værktøjer, kaste sig ud i skumgummipuder, male med fingermaling og klæde sig ud i kostumer......Om genopførelsen af Palle Nielsens (f. 1942) værk Modellen fra 1968: en kæmpe legeplads til børn i museet, hvor de kan boltre sig frit: klatre i tove, kravle i trækonstruktioner, arbejde med værktøjer, kaste sig ud i skumgummipuder, male med fingermaling og klæde sig ud i kostumer...

  10. Ocular toxoplasmosis: evaluation of lacrimal - specific secretory IgA levels in both patients with active and inactive phases of the disease

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    Luiz Felipe Lynch


    Full Text Available Ocular toxoplasmosis can result in recurrent uveitis. Studies have shown that a correlation between active ocular toxoplasmosis and the presence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii secretory IgA (SIgA in tears. This study compares anti-T. gondii SIgA levels in patients' tears during the acute and inactive phases of toxoplasmic uveitis. Twenty-nine positive tear specific SIgA for T. gondii patients with acute toxoplasmic uveitis were selected and were followed-up for at least two years, when the anti-T. gondii SIgA tears levels were determined. Specific SIgA for T. gondii was negative in 22 patients (75.86% and positive in seven patients (24.13% of whom six (85.7% were followed over three years. Average SIgA levels during the acute phase are 1.54 and decrease significantly to 0.72 (p = 0.0001 during the inactive phase of disease. Because anti-T. gondii SIgA in the tear is negative in 75.86% of patients after the acute phase of infection, T. gondii SIgA levels may be used as a complementary diagnostic marker for active ocular toxoplasmosis.

  11. Organizational Ambidexterity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Peter

    Artiklen viser hvordan udfordringerne mht. effektivitet og innovation i den offentlige sektor kan håndteres, ved at relatere litteraturen om ambidekstrale organisationer på litteraturen om offenlig forvaltning. Artiklen konkluderer, at NPM ikke signifikant fremmer et mix af integration og...

  12. Sigma-1 receptor enhances neurite elongation of cerebellar granule neurons via TrkB signaling. (United States)

    Kimura, Yuriko; Fujita, Yuki; Shibata, Kumi; Mori, Megumi; Yamashita, Toshihide


    Sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) is an integral membrane protein predominantly expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum. Sig-1R demonstrates a high affinity to various synthetic compounds including well-known psychotherapeutic drugs in the central nervous system (CNS). For that, it is considered as an alternative target for psychotherapeutic drugs. On the cellular level, when Sig-1R is activated, it is known to play a role in neuroprotection and neurite elongation. These effects are suggested to be mediated by its ligand-operated molecular chaperone activity, and/or upregulation of various Ca(2+) signaling. In addition, recent studies show that Sig-1R activation induces neurite outgrowth via neurotrophin signaling. Here, we tested the hypothesis that Sig-1R activation promotes neurite elongation through activation of tropomyosin receptor kinase (Trk), a family of neurotrophin receptors. We found that 2-(4-morpholinethyl)1-phenylcyclohexanecarboxylate (PRE-084), a selective Sig-1R agonist, significantly promoted neurite outgrowth, and K252a, a Trk inhibitor, attenuated Sig-1R-mediated neurite elongation in cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs). Moreover, we revealed that Sig-1R interacts with TrkB, and PRE-084 treatment enhances phosphorylation of Y515, but not Y706. Thus, our results indicate that Sig-1R activation promotes neurite outgrowth in CGNs through Y515 phosphorylation of TrkB.

  13. Role of sigma 1 receptor in high fat diet-induced peripheral neuropathy. (United States)

    Song, Tieying; Zhao, Jianhui; Ma, Xiaojing; Zhang, Zaiwang; Jiang, Bo; Yang, Yunliang


    The neurobiological mechanisms of obesity-induced peripheral neuropathy are poorly understood. We evaluated the role of Sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) and NMDA receptor (NMDARs) in the spinal cord in peripheral neuropathy using an animal model of high fat diet-induced diabetes. We examined the expression of Sig-1R and NMDAR subunits GluN2A and GluN2B along with postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95) in the spinal cord after 24-week HFD treatment in both wild-type and Sig-1R-/- mice. Finally, we examined the effects of repeated intrathecal administrations of selective Sig-1R antagonists BD1047 in HFD-fed wild-type mice on peripheral neuropathy. Wild-type mice developed tactile allodynia and thermal hypoalgesia after 24-week HFD treatment. HFD-induced peripheral neuropathy correlated with increased expression of GluN2A and GluN2B subunits of NMDARs, PDS-95, and Sig-1R, as well as increased Sig-1R-NMDAR interaction in the spinal cord. In contrast, Sig-1R-/- mice did not develop thermal hypoalgesia or tactile allodynia after 24-week HFD treatment, and the levels of GluN2A, GluN2B, and PSD-95 were not altered in the spinal cord of HFD-fed Sig-1R-/- mice. Finally, repeated intrathecal administrations of selective Sig-1R antagonists BD1047 in HFD-fed wild-type mice attenuated peripheral neuropathy. Our results suggest that obesity-associated peripheral neuropathy may involve Sig-1R-mediated enhancement of NMDAR expression in the spinal cord.

  14. Ethanol-related behaviors in mice lacking the sigma-1 receptor. (United States)

    Valenza, Marta; DiLeo, Alyssa; Steardo, Luca; Cottone, Pietro; Sabino, Valentina


    The Sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) is a chaperone protein that has been implicated in drug abuse and addiction. Multiple studies have characterized the role the Sig-1R plays in psychostimulant addiction; however, fewer studies have specifically investigated its role in alcohol addiction. We have previously shown that antagonism of the Sig-1R reduces excessive drinking and motivation to drink, whereas agonism induces binge-like drinking in rodents. The objectives of these studies were to investigate the impact of Sig-1R gene deletion in C57Bl/6J mice on ethanol drinking and other ethanol-related behaviors. We used an extensive panel of behavioral tests to examine ethanol actions in male, adult mice lacking Oprs1, the gene encoding the Sig-1R. To compare ethanol drinking behavior, Sig-1 knockout (KO) and wild type (WT) mice were subject to a two-bottle choice, continuous access paradigm with different concentrations of ethanol (3-20% v/v) vs. water. Consumption of sweet and bitter solutions was also assessed in Sig-1R KO and WT mice. Finally, motor stimulant sensitivity, taste aversion and ataxic effects of ethanol were assessed. Sig-1R KO mice displayed higher ethanol intake compared to WT mice; the two genotypes did not differ in their sweet or bitter taste perception. Sig-1R KO mice showed lower sensitivity to ethanol stimulant effects, but greater sensitivity to its taste aversive effects. Ethanol-induced sedation was instead unaltered in the mutants. Our results prove that the deletion of the Sig-1R increases ethanol consumption, likely by decreasing its rewarding effects, and therefore indicating that the Sig-1R is involved in modulation of the reinforcing effects of alcohol. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Sigma-1 receptor regulates Tau phosphorylation and axon extension by shaping p35 turnover via myristic acid. (United States)

    Tsai, Shang-Yi A; Pokrass, Michael J; Klauer, Neal R; Nohara, Hiroshi; Su, Tsung-Ping


    Dysregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (cdk5) per relative concentrations of its activators p35 and p25 is implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. P35 has a short t½ and undergoes rapid proteasomal degradation in its membrane-bound myristoylated form. P35 is converted by calpain to p25, which, along with an extended t½, promotes aberrant activation of cdk5 and causes abnormal hyperphosphorylation of tau, thus leading to the formation of neurofibrillary tangles. The sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) is an endoplasmic reticulum chaperone that is implicated in neuronal survival. However, the specific role of the Sig-1R in neurodegeneration is unclear. Here we found that Sig-1Rs regulate proper tau phosphorylation and axon extension by promoting p35 turnover through the receptor's interaction with myristic acid. In Sig-1R-KO neurons, a greater accumulation of p35 is seen, which results from neither elevated transcription of p35 nor disrupted calpain activity, but rather to the slower degradation of p35. In contrast, Sig-1R overexpression causes a decrease of p35. Sig-1R-KO neurons exhibit shorter axons with lower densities. Myristic acid is found here to bind Sig-1R as an agonist that causes the dissociation of Sig-1R from its cognate partner binding immunoglobulin protein. Remarkably, treatment of Sig-1R-KO neurons with exogenous myristic acid mitigates p35 accumulation, diminishes tau phosphorylation, and restores axon elongation. Our results define the involvement of Sig-1Rs in neurodegeneration and provide a mechanistic explanation that Sig-1Rs help maintain proper tau phosphorylation by potentially carrying and providing myristic acid to p35 for enhanced p35 degradation to circumvent the formation of overreactive cdk5/p25.

  16. Intracellular calcium is a target of modulation of apoptosis in MCF-7 cells in the presence of IgA adsorbed to polyethylene glycol (United States)

    Honorio-França, Adenilda Cristina; Nunes, Gabriel Triches; Fagundes, Danny Laura Gomes; de Marchi, Patrícia Gelli Feres; Fernandes, Rubian Trindade da Silva; França, Juliana Luzia; França-Botelho, Aline do Carmo; Moraes, Lucélia Campelo Albuquerque; Varotti, Fernando de Pilla; França, Eduardo Luzía


    Purpose Clinical and epidemiological studies have indicated that breastfeeding has a protective effect on breast cancer risk. Protein-based drugs, including antibodies, are being developed to attain better forms of cancer therapy. Secretory IgA (SIgA) is the antibody class in human breast milk, and its activity can be linked to the protective effect of breastfeeding. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) microspheres with adsorbed SIgA on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Methods The PEG microspheres were characterized by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. The MCF-7 cells were obtained from American Type Culture Collection. MCF-7 cells were pre-incubated for 24 hours with or without SIgA (100 ng/mL), PEG microspheres or SIgA adsorbed in PEG microspheres (100 ng/mL). Viability, intracellular calcium release, and apoptosis in MCF-7 cells were determined by flow cytometry. Results Fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry analyses revealed that SIgA was able to adsorb to the PEG microspheres. The MCF-7 cells that were incubated with PEG microspheres with adsorbed SIgA showed decreased viability. MCF-7 cells that were incubated with SIgA or PEG microspheres with adsorbed SIgA had increased intracellular Ca2+ levels. In the presence of SIgA, an increase in the percentage of apoptotic cells was observed. The highest apoptosis index was observed when the cells were treated with PEG microspheres with adsorbed SIgA. Conclusion These data suggest that colostral SIgA adsorbed to PEG microspheres has antitumor effects on human MCF-7 breast cancer cells and that the presence of large amounts of this protein in secreted breast milk may provide protection against breast tumors in women who breastfed. PMID:26893571

  17. Host Immune Selection of Rumen Bacteria through Salivary Secretory IgA

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    Janelle M. Fouhse


    Full Text Available The rumen microbiome is integral to efficient production in cattle and shows strong host specificity, yet little is known about what host factors shape rumen microbial composition. Secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA is produced in large amounts in the saliva, can coat both commensal and pathogenic microbes within the gut, and presents a plausible mechanism of host specificity. However, the role salivary SIgA plays in commensal bacteria selection in ruminants remains elusive. The main objectives of this study were to develop an immuno-affinity benchtop method to isolate SIgA-tagged microbiota and to determine if salivary SIgA preferentially binds selected bacteria. We hypothesized that SIgA-tagged bacteria would differ from total bacteria, thus supporting a potential host-derived mechanism in commensal bacterial selection. Whole rumen (n = 9 and oral secretion samples (n = 10 were incubated with magnetic beads conjugated with anti-secretory IgA antibodies to enrich SIgA-tagged microbiota. Microbial DNA from the oral secretion, whole rumen, SIgA-tagged oral secretion, and SIgA-tagged rumen was isolated for amplicon sequencing of V1–V3 region of 16S rDNA genes. Whole rumen and oral secretion had distinctive (P < 0.05 bacterial compositions indicated by the non-parametric multidimensional scaling plot using Euclidean distance metrics. The SIgA-tagged microbiota from rumen and oral secretion had similar abundance of Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Fibrobacter, candidate phyla TM7, and Tenericutes and are clustered tightly. Composition of SIgA-tagged oral secretion microbiota was more similar to whole rumen microbiota than whole oral secretion due to enrichment of rumen bacteria (Lachnospiraceae and depletion of oral taxa (Streptococcus, Rothia, Neisseriaceae, and Lactobacillales. In conclusion, SIgA-tagged oral secretion microbiota had an increased resemblance to whole rumen microbiota, suggesting salivary SIgA-coating may be one host


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    Leodán Andrés Otaya Burbano


    Full Text Available Como una fase piloto, para adquirir experiencia, definir metodologías y determinar las ventajas de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG al ser aplicados en la Silvicultura Urbana, se realizó el inventario, diagnóstico, propuesta de manejo y valoración económica del Bosque Urbano del barrio La Magnolia del Municipio de Envigado, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Para el manejo y análisis de los registros recolectados en campo, se diseñó una base de datos en el software Microsoft Access®. Se ubicaron las especies inventariadas en mapas digitales y se analizó la condición de las mismas por medio de algunas herramientas y extensiones de la arquitectura tecnológica ArcGISÒ 8.3 en cuanto a: características, tratamientos silviculturales requeridos y conflictos con el entorno. Como resultado se determinó que el SIG del Bosque Urbano realizado para un barrio en particular se convierte en una herramienta que le permite a las autoridades ambientales y a investigadores interesados, tener acceso fácil y ágil de la información almacenada en él; permite realizar la programación de las actividades silviculturales requeridas, tener una visión general del Bosque Urbano de acuerdo a la infraestructura del barrio, apoyada con las fotografías del sector, para una mayor ilustración; permite además la inclusión o eliminación de información de una manera rápida y sencilla, facilitando así la toma de decisiones con relación al manejo del arbolado urbano y a la comparación con otros estudios similares.As a pilot phase, to acquire experience, define methodologies, and determine the advantages of Geographical Information Systems (GIS for applying to Urban Silviculture, an inventory, diagnosis, management plan and economic appraisal were made for the Urban Forest in the Magnolia neighborhood of the Envigado Municipality, Department of Antioquia, Colombia. For the management and analysis of the data collected in field, a database

  19. Pengaruh Perputaran Modal Kerja Terhadap Profitabilitas Melalui Perputaran Piutang Sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    Nurhana Dhea Parlina


    Full Text Available Abstract. This study aims to determine empirically the effect of working capital turnover on profitability through intervening variable receivable turnover in the consumer goods industry sector with food and beverages sub-sector listed on the Stock Exchange period of 2013-2015 period. Companies listed on the Stock Exchange and companies have been based on sampling criteria called purposive sampling. The data in this study is secondary which is based on the 33 research criteria of the entire population. The result of the research shows that there is a significant influence between the working capital turnover to profitability through variable receivable turnover interval in consumer goods industry sector in food and beverages sub sector listed in BEI period 2013-2015 period. The end result is there is direct influence of working capital turnover to return on asset equal to -0.006. There is no direct effect of working capital turnover to receivable turnover to return on asset of -0,000036, and total influence (correlation of working capital turnover to return on asset is equal to -0,006036.   Keywords: Equity turnover; receiveble turnover; and probability   Abstrak.  Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui secara empiris pengaruh perputaran modal kerja terhadap profitabilitas melalui variabel intervening perputaran piutang pada sektor industri barang konsumsi dengan sub sektor food and beverages yang terdaftar di BEI periode tahun 2013-2015. Perusahaan terdaftar di BEI dan perusahaan telah berdasarkan pada kriteria pengambilan sampel yang disebut purposive sampling. Data dalam penelitian ini bersifat sekunder yang mana berdasarkan kriteria penelitian 33 dari keseluruhan populasi. Hasil penelitian imenunjukan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara perputaran modal kerja terhadap profitabilitas melalui variabel intervening perputaran piutang pada sektor industri barang konsumsi di sub sektor food and beverages yang terdaftar di BEI

  20. Report on the development of prices & volumes in the European fishery & aquaculture market

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valle, Paul Steinar; Eliasen, Søren Qvist; Taskov, Dimitar


    I denne rapport giver PrimeFish-projektet et overblik over det europæiske og især EU seafood sektor i sammenhænge med global udvikling; dvs. udvikling i andre kontinenter med fokus på store varegrupper for fiskeri og akvakultur....

  1. Identificação dos níveis de degradação de matas ripárias com o uso de SIG

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    Roseli Mendonça Dias

    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou identificar níveis de degradação de matas ripárias com o emprego de Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG, para a determinação das categorias de degradação encontradas na Unidade de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos do Tietê-Jacaré, no município de São Carlos-SP. O método consistiu na interpretação visual de imagens de satélite Landsat 5 da área de estudo, em amostragens de campo e no desenvolvimento de procedimentos para a classificação dos níveis de degradação de suas matas ripárias. Foi gerado um mapa das categorias de degradação das matas ripárias, o que permitiu avaliar os locais degradados, com floresta e em estágios de regeneração. A interpretação de imagens de satélite para a identificação dos níveis de degradação das matas ripárias apresenta-se como um instrumento útil para subsidiar informações sobre as matas ripárias das drenagens e nascentes de uma bacia hidrográfica. Outra possibilidade corresponde ao monitoramento do desenvolvimento da degradação ou da recuperação destas matas.

  2. Pengembangan Komoditas Unggulan Pertanian dengan Konsep Agribisnis di Kabupaten Pamekasan

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    Ratiza Rizkian Azwartika


    Full Text Available Sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Pamekasan adalah sektor pertanian, namun potensi tersebut belum termanfaatkan secara maksimal. Agar dapat lebih meningkatkan perekonomian setempat, maka perlu diketahui komoditas unggulannya untuk menentukan kegiatan agribisnis pascapanen dan pengolahan yang tepat. Untuk mengetahui komoditas unggulannya, digunakan analisa Location Quotient dan Shift Share Analysis, serta dikuatkan dengan data komoditi unggulan di Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Pamekasan dan hasil wawancara. Hasil penelitian diperoleh dua komoditas unggulan pertanian yang potensial untuk dikembangkan yaitu komoditas sapi dan jagung. Kedua komoditas tersebut merupakan komoditas yang berpotensi dan memiliki daya saing sehingga dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Kegiatan agribisnis pascapanen komoditas sapi dan jagung dibutuhkan terutama dalam penyediaan bahan baku berkualitas untuk kegiatan pengolahan selanjutnya. Kegiatan pengolahan komoditas pertanian dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dari komoditas tersebut. Hasil dari kegiatan pengolahan berupa produk turunan yang memiliki nilai jual lebih tinggi sehingga dapat meningkatkan perekonomian

  3. Pemilihan Alternatif Jalan Lingkar Barat Utara Kota Blitar dengan Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    Tonny Hermawanto


    Full Text Available Kota Blitar yang terus berkembang dalam berbagai sektor memerlukan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai untuk mendukung perkembangan kota yang dinamis. Sektor perhubungan adalah salah satu faktor yang berperan penting dalam perekonomian suatu wilayah, yaitu sebagai urat nadi dalam distribusi barang dan jasa. Untuk menentukan prioritas kriteria alternatif  jalan lingkar digunakan metode analytic hierarchy process (AHP untuk memilih alternatif jalanterbaik dari beberapa alternatif alternatif jalan yang ada. Untuk metode AHP digunakan 21 responden dari dinas dan instansi di Kota Blitar yang berkompeten dalam masalah ini. Ada 5 kriteria yang akan digunakan untuk menentukan kriteria dalam metode AHP yaitu kriteria aman, waktu tempuh, kesesuaian dengan RTRW, biaya, dan manfaat.Alternatif II yaitu Jalan Kalimas-Jalan Mahakam-Jalan Kali Brantas-Jalan Ciliwung-Jalan Citarum-Jalan DI. Panjaitan-Jalan Slamet Riyadi-Jalan Cut Nyak Dien disarankan untuk dijadikan alternatif jalan lingkar barat utara Kota Blitar.

  4. Secretory immunoglobulin purification from whey by chromatographic techniques. (United States)

    Matlschweiger, Alexander; Engelmaier, Hannah; Himmler, Gottfried; Hahn, Rainer


    Secretory immunoglobulins (SIg) are a major fraction of the mucosal immune system and represent potential drug candidates. So far, platform technologies for their purification do not exist. SIg from animal whey was used as a model to develop a simple, efficient and potentially generic chromatographic purification process. Several chromatographic stationary phases were tested. A combination of two anion-exchange steps resulted in the highest purity. The key step was the use of a small-porous anion exchanger operated in flow-through mode. Diffusion of SIg into the resin particles was significantly hindered, while the main impurities, IgG and serum albumin, were bound. In this step, initial purity was increased from 66% to 89% with a step yield of 88%. In a second anion-exchange step using giga-porous material, SIg was captured and purified by step or linear gradient elution to obtain fractions with purities >95%. For the step gradient elution step yield of highly pure SIg was 54%. Elution of SIgA and SIgM with a linear gradient resulted in a step yield of 56% and 35%, respectively. Overall yields for both anion exchange steps were 43% for the combination of flow-through and step elution mode. Combination of flow-through and linear gradient elution mode resulted in a yield of 44% for SIgA and 39% for SIgM. The proposed process allows the purification of biologically active SIg from animal whey in preparative scale. For future applications, the process can easily be adopted for purification of recombinant secretory immunoglobulin species. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. The involvement of the sigma-1 receptor in neurodegeneration and neurorestoration. (United States)

    Ruscher, Karsten; Wieloch, Tadeusz


    The sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) is a single 25 kD polypeptide and a chaperone protein immersed in lipid rafts of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) where it interacts with mitochondria at the mitochondria-associated ER membrane domain (MAM). Upon activation, the Sig-1R binds to the inositol trisphosphate receptor (IP3R), and modulates cellular calcium (Ca(2+)) homeostasis. Also, the activated Sig-1R modulates plasma membrane receptor and ion channel functions, and may regulate cellular excitability. Further, the Sig-1R promotes trafficking of lipids and proteins essential for neurotransmission, cell growth and motility. Activation of the Sig-1R provides neuroprotection and is neurorestorative in cellular and animal models of neurodegenerative diseases and brain ischaemia. Neuroprotection appears to be due to inhibition of cellular Ca(2+) toxicity and/or inflammation, and neurorestoration may include balancing abberant neurotransmission or stimulation of synaptogenesis, thus remodelling brain connectivity. Single nucleotide polymorphisms and mutations of the SIGMAR1 gene worsen outcome in Alzheimer's disease and myotrophic lateral sclerosis supporting a role of Sig-1R in neurodegenerative disease. The combined neuroprotective and neurorestorative actions of the Sig-1R, provide a broad therapeutic time window of Sig-1R agonists. The Sig-1R is therefore a strong therapeutic target for the development of new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases and stroke. Copyright © 2014 Japanese Pharmacological Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Okwan Himpuni


    Full Text Available Agriculture is one of the sectors having largest contribution to the economy of Lampung Province. Most of the population categorized in to work forces, are engaged in agricultural sector as a main livelihood. In general, the rate of job opportunity growth is unbalance as compared to the work force growth. Although the job opportunity ofagricultural sector from year to year decreases compared to the job opportunity increases of non-agricultural and industrial sector.  But from economic sector points of view, the employment’s structure in agriculture, in average, is higher than the other economic sectors. Although in the employment’s structure it is higher than the other economic sectors, but the contribution of agricultural sector decreases each years 0.32 percent. This condition is inversely with non-agricultural and industrial sector that are strengthened respectively 0.4 percent and 0.59 percent from year to year. The tendency of economic structural transformation, gives an overview whether the transformation is consistent with region’s potention. Productivity of the agriculture work force is left far behind the productivity of industrial sector and service’s work forcesector. It the trendcan be seen from the comparation of agriculture’s wage rate, it showed an increase but it still lower than the industrial sector. Agricultural labor’s proportion indicates a decreasing trend in each year. This phenomenon has an inverse relation to the non agricultural and industrial labor’s proportions that has increased from year to year. This mean, there is structural transformation of labor of agriculture sector to non-agriculture sector. By using econometric model, it can be identified significant factors influencing to the job opportunity and the influencing factors to the labor structural transformation from agriculture to non agriculture sectorKeywords: Agricultural, labor, job opportunity, transformation, industrial

  7. Diseño colaborativo de una plataforma SIG web de humedales urbanos del área Metropolitana de Concepción (urbancost

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivonne Andrea Rueda Seguel


    Full Text Available En el Área Metropolitana de Concepción existe una gran variedad de humedales altamente presionados por la urbanización, por tanto, se vuelve importante dar a conocer y disponer de indicadores espaciales capaces de generar datos que revelen el grado de naturalidad, biodiversidad y el efecto de los humedales urbanos. Desde esa perspectiva, se diseñó colaborativamente una plataforma Web-SIG con una interface y contenidos correspondientes a los requerimientos de los usuarios potenciales. A partir de encuestas aplicadas a la población, fue posible observar la necesidad de información sobre indicadores, diversidad de especies y servicios ecosistémicos asociados a estas áreas; por lo cual se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para integrar dichas sugerencias a la plataforma. En cuanto a la construcción, esta se llevó a cabo en el entorno de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (ArcGIS online y luego se publicó como visor de mapas en una página web. Finalmente, la herramienta facilita la interacción con datos espaciales y contribuye a difundir investigaciones científicas en áreas de conflictos socioambientales en un lenguaje cercano a toda la comunidad. Se espera que la información sea de utilidad para los encargados de tomar decisiones en estos temas, como también para determinados actores locales y la comunidad a favor de la conservación de humedales urbanos.

  8. Effects of acute postexercise chocolate milk consumption during intensive judo training on the recovery of salivary hormones, salivary SIgA, mood state, muscle soreness, and judo-related performance. (United States)

    Papacosta, Elena; Nassis, George P; Gleeson, Michael


    This study examined the effects of postexercise chocolate milk (CM) or water (W) consumption during 5 days of intensive judo training with concomitant weight loss on salivary cortisol and testosterone, salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA), delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and judo-related performance. Twelve trained male judo athletes engaged in 5 days of intensive judo training followed by a simulated judo competition, on 2 separate training weeks 14 days apart. The athletes consumed 1000 mL of W (week 1) or CM (week 2) immediately post-training. During both weeks, athletes were instructed to "make weight" for the upcoming competition. Performance in timed push-ups and the Special Judo Fitness Test improved by 14.6% and 6.8%, respectively, at the end of the training week with CM consumption (both p mood disturbance (p 0.05). Body mass decreased by 1.9% in the W condition and by 1.1% in the CM condition, with no significant difference between treatments. This study indicates that postexercise CM consumption during short-term intensive judo training enhances aspects of recovery without affecting intentional weight loss.

  9. Avaliku ja erasektori ühisprojektid on Euroopas tõusev trend / Ingrid Ulst

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ulst, Ingrid, 1977-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 4. jaan. 2006 lk. 9. Avaliku ja erasektori ühisprojekt on pikaajalise lepinguga projekt, mille algataja on avalik sektor ja teostaja erasektor, mis korraldab rahastamise, ehitab ja majandab objekti ning annab lepingu lõppemisel algatajale tagasi. Skeem. Kommenteerib Kalle Kukk

  10. Lessons Learnt from the Development of a Municipal Solid Waste NAMA in Peru

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Morten; Jantzen, Jan; de la Torre, Luis

    Forberedelsen af ​​en "National Apppropriate Mitigation Measures" mhp at reducere udledningen drivhusgasser i Perus kommunale sektor fast affald har ført til en forbedring af emissionsdata. En tilbundsgående beregning af de samlede affaldsemissioner beholdning solid, der anvender IPCC 2006...

  11. Potential Molecular Mechanisms on the Role of the Sigma-1 Receptor in the Action of Cocaine and Methamphetamine (United States)

    Yasui, Yuko; Su, Tsung-Ping


    The sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) is an endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein that involves a wide range of physiological functions. The Sig-1R has been shown to bind psychostimulants including cocaine and methamphetamine (METH) and thus has been implicated in the actions of those psychostimulants. For example, it has been demonstrated that the Sig-1R antagonists mitigate certain behavioral and cellular effects of psychostimulants including hyperactivity and neurotoxicity. Thus, the Sig-1R has become a potential therapeutic target of medication development against drug abuse that differs from traditional monoamine-related strategies. In this review, we will focus on the molecular mechanisms of the Sig-1R and discuss in such a manner with a hope to further understand or unveil unexplored relations between the Sig-1R and the actions of cocaine and METH, particularly in the context of cellular biological relevance. PMID:27088037

  12. Personality profiles and risk diet behaviors--a case-control study on teenagers from Timis County, Romania. (United States)

    Petrescu, Cristina; Vlaicu, Brigitha


    In the study we conducted we aimed at investigating the relation between personality profiles and risk diet behaviors in teenagers. This study was a case-control one and we applied 2 questionnaires (Freiburg Personality Inventory--FPI with 212 items) and CORT 2004 (items Q94-Q116 of diet behavior) on a sample of 2908 teenagers (51.5% girls and 48.5% boys). Cronbach's alpha index was 0.802 for FPI and 0.730 for items Q101-Q109 of CORT. Personality profiles were built by an Excel 2003 Program. Statistical analysis was realized with SPSS 16 program applying Chi square (chi2) and gamma (gamma) correlation. Personality features of teenagers with high and without risk diet behavior were analyzed. Results obtained: personality profiles and statistical results indicated the existence of a significant statistical difference of aggressiveness and domination between teenagers with high and no consumption of butter and/or lard (Q103) (chi2 = 6.872, Sig. 0.032 and chi2 = 6.922, Sig. 0.031 respectively), of juices from the market (Q106) (chi2 = 9.055, Sig. 0.011 and chi2 = 14.571, Sig. 0.001 respectively). Aggressiveness correlated with consumption of fried potatoes (Q109) (chi2 = 6.144, Sig. 0.046) too. Correlation gamma indicated direct proportional relations of aggressiveness with: Q103 (gamma = 0.215, Sig. 0.017), Q106 (gamma = 0.224, Sig. 0.004), Q109 (gamma = 0.242, Sig. 0.012); and of domination with: Q103 (gamma = 0.234, Sig. 0.008), Q106 (gamma = 0.073, Sig. 0.000). In conclusion, there is a direct proportional relation between consumption of: butter/lard, juices from the market and teenagers' aggressiveness, domination; and a similar relation between consumption of fried potatoes and aggressiveness.

  13. Sigma-1 receptor chaperones regulate the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor. (United States)

    Fujimoto, Michiko; Hayashi, Teruo; Urfer, Roman; Mita, Shiro; Su, Tsung-Ping


    The sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) is a novel endoplasmic reticulum (ER) molecular chaperone that regulates protein folding and degradation. The Sig-1R activation by agonists is known to improve memory, promote cell survival, and exert an antidepressant-like action in animals. Cutamesine (SA4503), a selective Sig-1R ligand, was shown to increase BDNF in the hippocampus of rats. How exactly the intracellular chaperone Sig-1R or associated ligand causes the increase of BDNF or any other neurotrophins is unknown. We examined here whether the action of Sig-1Rs may relate to the post-translational processing and release of BDNF in neuroblastoma cell lines. We used in vitro assays and confirmed that cutamesine possesses the bona fide Sig-1R agonist property by causing the dissociation of BiP from Sig-1Rs. The C-terminus of Sig-1Rs exerted robust chaperone activity by completely blocking the aggregation of BDNF and GDNF in vitro. Chronic treatment with cutamesine in rat B104 neuroblastoma caused a time- and dose-dependent potentiation of the secretion of BDNF without affecting the mRNA level of BDNF. Cutamesine decreased the intracellular level of pro-BDNF and mature BDNF whereas increased the extracellular level of mature BDNF. The pulse-chase experiment indicated that the knockdown of Sig-1Rs decreased the secreted mature BDNF in B104 cells without affecting the synthesis of BDNF. Our findings indicate that, in contrast to clinically used antidepressants that promote the transcriptional upregulation of BDNF, the Sig-1R agonist cutamesine potentiates the post-translational processing of neurotrophins. This unique pharmacological profile may provide a novel therapeutic opportunity for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Sigma-1 receptor agonist increases axon outgrowth of hippocampal neurons via voltage-gated calcium ions channels. (United States)

    Li, Dong; Zhang, Shu-Zhuo; Yao, Yu-Hong; Xiang, Yun; Ma, Xiao-Yun; Wei, Xiao-Li; Yan, Hai-Tao; Liu, Xiao-Yan


    Sigma-1 receptors (Sig-1Rs) are unique endoplasmic reticulum proteins that have been implicated in both neurodegenerative and ischemic diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and stroke. Accumulating evidence has suggested that Sig-1R plays a role in neuroprotection and axon outgrowth. The underlying mechanisms of Sig-1R-mediated neuroprotection have been well elucidated. However, the mechanisms underlying the effects of Sig-1R on axon outgrowth are not fully understood. To clarify this issue, we utilized immunofluorescence to compare the axon lengths of cultured naïve hippocampal neurons before and after the application of the Sig-1R agonist, SA4503. Then, electrophysiology and immunofluorescence were used to examine voltage-gated calcium ion channel (VGCCs) currents in the cell membranes and growth cones. We found that Sig-1R activation dramatically enhanced the axonal length of the naïve hippocampal neurons. Application of the Sig-1R antagonist NE100 and gene knockdown techniques both demonstrated the effects of Sig-1R. The growth-promoting effect of SA4503 was accompanied by the inhibition of voltage-gated Ca 2+ influx and was recapitulated by incubating the neurons with the L-type, N-type, and P/Q-type VGCC blockers, nimodipine, MVIIA and ω-agatoxin IVA, respectively. This effect was unrelated to glial cells. The application of SA4503 transformed the growth cone morphologies from complicated to simple, which favored axon outgrowth. Sig-1R activation can enhance axon outgrowth and may have a substantial influence on neurogenesis and neurodegenerative diseases. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Characterization and in vivo regulon determination of an ECF sigma factor and its cognate anti-sigma factor in Nostoc punctiforme. (United States)

    Bell, Nicole; Lee, Jamie J; Summers, Michael L


    Based on primary sequence comparisons and genomic context, Npun_F4153 (SigG)/Npun_F4154 (SapG) of the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme were hypothesized to encode an ECF sigma factor/anti-sigma factor pair. Transcription of sigG increased in heterocysts and akinetes, and after EDTA treatment. Interaction between SigG and the predicted cytoplasmic domain of SapG was observed in vitro. A SigG-GFP translational fusion protein localized to the periphery of vegetative cells in vivo, but lost this association following heat stress. A sigG mutant was unable to survive envelope damage caused by heat or EDTA, but was able to form functional heterocysts. Akinetes in the mutant strain appeared normal, but these cultures were less resistant to lysozyme and cold treatments than those of the wild-type strain. The SigG in vivo regulon was determined before and during akinete differentiation using DNA microarray analysis, and found to include multiple genes with putative association to the cell envelope. Mapped promoters common to both arrays enabled identification of a SigG promoter-binding motif that was supported in vivo by reporter studies, and in vitro by run-off transcription experiments. These findings support SigG/SapG as a sigma/anti-sigma pair involved in repair of envelope damage resulting from exogenous sources or cellular differentiation. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Quality and Variability of Patient Directions in Electronic Prescriptions in the Ambulatory Care Setting. (United States)

    Yang, Yuze; Ward-Charlerie, Stacy; Dhavle, Ajit A; Rupp, Michael T; Green, James


    The prescriber's directions to the patient (Sig) are one of the most quality-sensitive components of a prescription order. Owing to their free-text format, the Sig data that are transmitted in electronic prescriptions (e-prescriptions) have the potential to produce interpretation challenges at receiving pharmacies that may threaten patient safety and also negatively affect medication labeling and patient counseling. Ensuring that all data transmitted in the e-prescription are complete and unambiguous is essential for minimizing disruptions in workflow at prescribers' offices and receiving pharmacies and optimizing the safety and effectiveness of patient care. To (a) assess the quality and variability of free-text Sig strings in ambulatory e-prescriptions and (b) propose best-practice recommendations to improve the use of this quality-sensitive field. A retrospective qualitative analysis was performed on a nationally representative sample of 25,000 e-prescriptions issued by 22,152 community-based prescribers across the United States using 501 electronic health records (EHRs) or e-prescribing software applications. The content of Sig text strings in e-prescriptions was classified according to a Sig classification scheme developed with guidance from an expert advisory panel. The Sig text strings were also analyzed for quality-related events (QREs). For purposes of this analysis, QREs were defined as Sig text content that could impair accurate and unambiguous interpretation by staff at receiving pharmacies. A total of 3,797 unique Sig concepts were identified in the 25,000 Sig text strings analyzed; more than 50% of all Sigs could be categorized into 25 unique Sig concepts. Even Sig strings that expressed apparently simple and straightforward concepts displayed substantial variability; for example, the sample contained 832 permutations of words and phrases used to convey the Sig concept of "Take 1 tablet by mouth once daily." Approximately 10% of Sigs contained QREs

  17. Utilização do Sig na Delimitação das Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APP’s) na Bacia do Rio Sagrado (Morretes/PR) / Use of Gis in the Delimitation of Mandatory Preservation Areas in the Hydrographic Basin of Sagrado River (Morretes/PR)


    Alexei Nowatzki; Leonardo José Cordeiro Santos; Eduardo Vedor de Paula


    O presente trabalho se enquadra no Programa CAD (Contaminantes, Assoreamento e Dragagem) no Estuário de Paranaguá/PR, tendo por objetivo a utilização do SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas) para a delimitação das Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APP's), na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Sagrado (Morretes/PR). Como etapa preliminar efetuou-se o estudo da legislação brasileira vigente (Código Florestal e resoluções CONAMA) no que se refere à delimitação das APP's. Em seguida, por meio do softwar...

  18. 78 FR 37528 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; Elementary and Secondary Improvement... (United States)


    ... State educational agency (SEA) application for the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program authorized... SEA must use to award FY 2013 SIG funds to local educational agencies (LEAs). In awarding these funds... their lowest-achieving schools that are eligible to receive services provided through SIG funds in order...

  19. 78 FR 52910 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for... (United States)


    ... State educational agency (SEA) application for the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program authorized... SEA must use to award FY 2013 SIG funds to local educational agencies (LEAs). In awarding these funds... their lowest-achieving schools that are eligible to receive services provided through SIG funds in order...

  20. Geographic Information System Android Untuk Objek Wisata dan Fasilitas Umum Provinsi Bali

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Gst Agung Khrisna Mahautama


    Full Text Available Bali merupakan aset berharga dibidang pariwisata, untuk menarik wisatawan domestik dan wisatawan mancanegara sektor pariwisata harus didukung oleh fasilitas yang baik. Pada umumnya wisatawan memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, seperti wisatawan yang memilih berwisata menggunakan agen travel atau wisatawan yang memilih untuk berwisata tanpa pemandu atau sering disebut backpacker menjadi salah satu alasan dilakukannya penelitian ini.Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Geographic Information System (GIS berbasis android, dimana aplikasi dengan tampilan map ini dapat menerima layanan data atau service secara dinamis dengan adanyaformat pertukaran data JSON. GIS pada perangkat androidinididukung oleh layanan GPS dan Google Map API V2 membuat sistem yang dirancang mendukung mobilitas dalam perjalanan dan dapat digunakandengan layanan internet. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat memberi kontribusi terhadap sektor pariwisata. Hasil dari sistem ini dapat menyediakan layanan dasar GIS yaitu GPS, digital map, navigasi, posisi pengguna, posisi tujuan, direction route dan informasi cuaca.   Kata Kunci : Pariwisata, Backpacker, GIS, Map, GPS, Android


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Gusti Ngurah Krisnadi Yudiantara


    Full Text Available Transnational crime related to financial, mostly done through the banking sector. The banking sector is one of the most widely used mode by the perpetrators of money laundering. It certainly can not be released with the development and progress of science and technology, especially in the field of communications that impact the financial system, including the integration of the banking system that offers traffic mekanmisme funds between countries which can be done in a very short time. Kejahatan transnasional yang berhubungan dengan finansial, banyak dilakukan melalui sektor perbankan. Sektor perbankan merupakan salah satu modus yang paling banyak dimanfaatkan oleh pelaku tindak pidana pencucian uang. Hal ini tentunya tidak dapat dilepaskan dengan perkembangan serta kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi khususnya di bidang komunikasi yang berdampak pula pada  terintegerasinya sistem keuangan termasuk sistem perbankan yang menawarkan mekanmisme lalu lintas dana antar negara yang dapat dilakukan dalam waktu yang sangat singkat.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wayan Hesty Mayaswari


    Full Text Available Zaman sekarang banyak perempuan telah berpartisipasi dalam sektor publik. Namun hal ini dapat menimbulkan kon ik pembagian waktu bagi perempuan, yaitu dalam tugas domestik dan aktivitas sosial sebagai perempuan Bali. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah tanggungan keluarga, pendapatan nonkerja, dan pelaksanaan kegiatan adat istiadat terhadap alokasi waktu perempuan pedagang cenderamata di Pasar Seni Mertha Nadi Legian, baik secara simultan maupun secara parsial. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah systematic random sampling menggunakan sampel sebanyak 70 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan pendapatan nonkerja tidak memengaruhi perubahan konsumsi waktu luang dan alokasi waktu kerja perempuan di sektor publik. Jika intensitas untuk kegiatan adat sedang tinggi, maka waktu mereka untuk bekerja akan berkurang. Pedagang perempuan di Pasar Seni Mertha Nadi Legian selalu memiliki alasan untuk tetap bekerja selain banyaknya pekerjaan domestik yang seharusnya mereka lakukan demi pengembangan diri dan kesejahteraan keluarganya.

  3. E-commerce in the energy sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sioshansi, F.P. [Menlo Energy Economics (MEE), Menlo Park, CA (United States)


    E-commerce and e-business are now part of the lexicon of modern business everywhere. The energy industry is no exception, although it is somewhat of a latecomer to the field, trailing a number of others. This article, which is based on a multi-client study titled 'E-commerce in the Energy Sector', is focused on the business applications of e-commerce in the energy sector, broadly defined to include oil, electricity, and natural gas industries. The study was conducted by Menlo Energy Economics (MEE) in collaboration with Global Business Network (GBN). (orig.) [German] E-commerce und E-business gehoeren heute im Geschaeftsleben zum guten Ton. Obwohl ein Nachzuegler auf diesem Gebiet, macht die Energiewirtschaft hier keine Ausnahme. Der Artikel, der auf einer von Menlo Energy Economics (MEE) und Global Business Network (GBN) durchgefuehrten Studie zum Thema 'E-commerce im Energie-Sektor' beruht, beschreibt die Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten fuer E-commerce im Energie-Sektor worunter hier Oel-, Elektrizitaets- und Erdgaswirtschaft zu verstehen sind. (orig.)

  4. 78 FR 54263 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request (United States)


    ... Project: Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) Program (OMB No. 0930-0279... instruments of the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) Program. The program is a... SPF SIG Cohorts III, IV and V. The primary objective for this evaluation is to determine the impact of...

  5. 78 FR 67378 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request (United States)


    .... Project: Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) Program (OMB No. 0930-0279... instruments of the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) Program. The program is a... SPF SIG Cohorts III, IV and V. The primary objective for this evaluation is to determine the impact of...

  6. 76 FR 18567 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request (United States)


    .... Project: Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) Program (OMB No. 0930-0279... instruments of the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) Program. The program is a... Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) cohorts receiving grants in FY 2004 and FY 2005. A second evaluation is being...

  7. 76 FR 5598 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request (United States)


    ... Project: Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) Program (OMB No. 0930-0279... instruments of the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) Program. The program is a... Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) cohorts receiving grants in FY 2004 and FY 2005. A second evaluation is being...

  8. Den faustiske maske

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kuhlmann, Annelis


    Reflektioner over instruktøren Sam Besekows (1911-2001) iscenesættelse af sig selv i sit kunstneriske arbejde. I sin "maskering" af sig selv knytter han sig til udvalgte mytologiske figurer og derved skaber han billeder, der dels tjener som inspiration i skuespillernes arbejde, dels afslører...

  9. Effect of extracytoplasmic function sigma factors on autoaggregation, hemagglutination, and cell surface properties of Porphyromonas gingivalis (United States)

    Kokubu, Eitoyo; Okamoto-Shibayama, Kazuko; Ishihara, Kazuyuki


    Porphyromonas gingivalis is a bacterium frequently isolated from chronic periodontal lesions and is involved in the development of chronic periodontitis. To colonize the gingival crevice, P. gingivalis has to adapt to environmental stresses. Microbial gene expression is regulated by transcription factors such as those in two-component systems and extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors. ECF sigma factors are involved in the regulation of environmental stress response genes; however, the roles of individual ECF sigma factors are largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the functions, including autoaggregation, hemagglutination, gingipain activity, susceptibility to antimicrobial agents, and surface structure formation, of P. gingivalis ECF sigma factors encoded by SigP (PGN_0274), SigCH (PGN_0319), PGN_0450, PGN_0970, and SigH (PGN_1740). Various physiological aspects of the sigP mutant were affected; autoaggregation was significantly decreased at 60 min (p < 0.001), hemagglutination activity was markedly reduced, and enzymatic activities of Kgp and Rgps were significantly decreased (p < 0.001). The other mutants also showed approximately 50% reduction in Rgps activity. Kgp activity was significantly reduced in the sigH mutant (p < 0.001). No significant differences in susceptibilities to tetracycline and ofloxacin were observed in the mutants compared to those of the wild-type strain. However, the sigP mutant displayed an increased susceptibility to ampicillin, whereas the PGN_0450 and sigH mutants showed reduced susceptibility. Transmission electron microscopy images revealed increased levels of outer membrane vesicles formed at the cell surfaces of the sigP mutant. These results indicate that SigP is important for bacterial surface-associated activities, including gingipain activity, autoaggregation, hemagglutination, vesicle formation, and antimicrobial susceptibility. PMID:28931045

  10. Compromising σ-1 receptors at the endoplasmic reticulum render cytotoxicity to physiologically relevant concentrations of dopamine in a nuclear factor-κB/Bcl-2-dependent mechanism: potential relevance to Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Mori, Tomohisa; Hayashi, Teruo; Su, Tsung-Ping


    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone σ-1 receptor (Sig-1R) is cytoprotective against ER stress-induced apoptosis. The level of Sig-1Rs in the brain was reported to be lower in early parkinsonian patients. Because dopamine (DA) toxicity is well known to be involved in the etiology of Parkinson's disease, we tested in this study whether a relationship might exist between Sig-1Rs and DA-induced cytotoxicity in a cellular model by using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. DA in physiological concentrations (e.g., lower than 10 μM) does not cause apoptosis. However, the same concentrations of DA cause apoptosis in Sig-1R knockdown CHO cells. In search of a mechanistic explanation, we found that unfolded protein response is not involved. Rather, the level of protective protein Bcl-2 is critically involved in this DA/Sig-1R knockdown-induced apoptosis. Specifically, the DA/Sig-1R knockdown causes a synergistic proteasomal conversion of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) p105 to the active form of p50, which is known to down-regulate the transcription of Bcl-2. It is noteworthy that the DA/Sig-1R knockdown-induced apoptosis is blocked by the overexpression of Bcl-2. Our results therefore indicate that DA is involved in the activation of NF-κB and suggest that endogenous Sig-1Rs are tonically inhibiting the proteasomal conversion/activation of NF-κB caused by physiologically relevant concentrations of DA that would otherwise cause apoptosis. Thus, Sig-1Rs and associated ligands may represent new therapeutic targets for the treatment of parkinsonism.

  11. Aplicación de la Tecnología SIG para la representación de información climática marina en el Atlántico Sur Application Of Gis Technology For The Representation Of Climate Marine Information In The South Atlantic Region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisa C. Nuré


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta una aplicación de la tecnología de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG a las bases de datos de información meteorológica marina generadas en función de procedimientos estadísticos recomendados por la Organización Meteorológica Mundial para la elaboración de Resúmenes Climáticos Marinos. Este SIG permite una visualización dinámica de valores extremos y frecuencias en forma de mapas, tablas y gráficos, tanto temporales como espaciales, así como de la distribución de las observaciones meteorológicas marinas en el Océano Atlántico Sudoccidental. La información climática regional marina elaborada utilizando esta tecnología, es de interés para toda ciencia o disciplina relacionada con el medio ambiente y constituye un valioso soporte para la planificación de tareas en el ámbito de la seguridad náutica, tanto para el Servicio de Hidrografía Naval como para otras instituciones que desarrollen actividades afines.This article shows a Geographic Information Systems (GIS application to marine climatic information data bases. These data bases are created following the World Meteorological Organization recommendations for applying statistical procedures to marine observations in order to elaborate Marine Climatic Summaries. This GIS allows a dynamic visualization of maps, tables and graphics showing extreme values and frequencies of meteorological variables in time and space as well as the marine meteorological observations distribution over the South Atlantic Ocean. The regional climatic marine information obtained using this technology, will be a useful tool for environmental related disciplines and, it will be also of valuable support for the safety of naval operations.

  12. Tillid i den finansielle sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rimmer, Nina Røhr; Nielsen, Sara Møller; Benediktsdottir, Elisabet


    , der er i kommunikation med kunden, eksempelvis at videreudvikle på definerede Touch-Points i CEM og opbyggelsen/vedligeholdelsen af kundeoplysninger i CRM systemer således, at den samlede kvalitet af ydelsen bliver så personlig som mulig, hvilket falder godt i tråd med Spar Nords værdigrundlag om dels...

  13. Benchmarking i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bukh, Per Nikolaj; Dietrichson, Lars; Sandalgaard, Niels


    I artiklen vil vi kort diskutere behovet for benchmarking i fraværet af traditionelle markedsmekanismer. Herefter vil vi nærmere redegøre for, hvad benchmarking er med udgangspunkt i fire forskellige anvendelser af benchmarking. Regulering af forsyningsvirksomheder vil blive behandlet, hvorefter...

  14. Mendorong Sektor Pendidikan di Perdesaan

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    Thomas Soseco


    Full Text Available Rural plays role as a supporting area for urban. Rural’s main activity is agriculture and natural resources explotation. In recent years, agricultural sector in rural area has been kicked out by other sectors.The implication is there is a shift in employment. This condition will influence income distribution in rural areas and then affects education sector. The research’s method is descriptive quantitative using secondary data provided by Indonesian Statistic Bureau (BPS. The change in rural’s economy pattern is proxied by population aged 15 years or over who work by main industry. Education’s quality is proxied by enrollment rate. The result of this research are: (1. There is positive relationship between the decreasing number of employment rate in agricultural sector and better income distribution in rural areas. (2. Better income distribution drives to higher enrollment rate. The recommendation is education sould be developed better in order to prevent employee to work in sectors other than agriculture.

  15. Professionaliseringen i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjort, Katrin

    fokuserer bl.a. på CVU-dannelser og nye professionsbacheloruddannelser, men også på de generelle ændringer, der finder sted i relationsarbejdets organisering (A-/B-hold), i de arbejdsmæssige relationer til klienter/brugere/kunder og i arbejdets vidensfundament (udviklingen af nye styringsvidenskaber)....

  16. Kompetensi Khas di Sektor Pariwisata

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    Annisa Retno Utami


    Full Text Available The Distinctive Competencies at Tourism SectorEvery company should have powers that are not easily imitated by competitors, so that the company can be have distinctive competence. Distinctive competence within an organization include labor skills and abilities of resources. This article explains the distinctive competence and understanding of the particulars of distinctive competencies in the tourism sector. The method in this paper with study literature or librabry research of International and National journals. In tourism sectors, distictive competence can be developed with authenticity attraction, culture/heritage, infrastructure, support activities, additional facilities (shopping, entertainment, special event/festival, quality service, destination management, location, price, and security. This article is expected to be a consideration for managers to create tourist attraction. Tourist attraction is one strategies used to attract the attention of tourists. Strategies used to be different from other attractions, so that the attraction has it uniquenessDOI: 10.15408/ess.v6i1.3122

  17. 75 FR 12220 - Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests (United States)


    ...) application for School Improvement Grants (SIG) authorized under section 1003(g) of Title I of the Elementary... must use to award ARRA and FY 2009 SIG funds to local educational agencies (LEAs). In awarding these... to their lowest-achieving schools eligible to receive services provided through SIG funds in order to...

  18. 75 FR 32426 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request (United States)


    ... School Improvement Grants (SIG) authorized under section 1003(g) of Title I of the Elementary and... must use to award ARRA and FY 2009 SIG funds to local educational agencies (LEAs). In awarding these... to their lowest-achieving schools eligible to receive services provided through SIG funds in order to...


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    Ni Ketut Narti


    Full Text Available Every education institute hope to all graduated to be competed in job market, theability to student be able competed in job market if the institute education take steps acorrect decision. The correct decision that is the students have job readiness beforeentering that job. To enter that job is needed most the student motivation, theperformance of practicum facilities to fulfill of medium study to practice readiness tostudent.The aimed of this research is to know: (1 the motivation of influence and influencepractice experience and also medium, either through in group and also private to workreadiness of student (2 to know the dominant influence between motivation, theinfluence practice experience and practicum facilities to work readiness of student.The population of the study was all student of Tourism Politeknik Negeri Balimajoring in tourism industry in the academic year 2008/2009 and the sample of 84students, was established using. The data for each variable were analyzed by means ofdescriptive statistical analyses to find-out any trend appearing in each variable. Toexplore the relationship between the independent and dependent variable, bothindividually and simultaneously, the partial correlation and multiple regression analysis.The result of analysis, quantitative show that: (1 there was influence significantbetween motivation and influence practice experience and also medium of practice tostudent to readiness based on to result of analysis test F with SPSS program version 13found value of F count is 49,529 and Sig value is 0,000. F value (0,05;3;81 is 2,7173.Because F count > F tables hence Ho is refused and Hi is accepted and there was theinfluence of significant by partial between motivation and influence practice experienceand also study of practice to and working readiness. (2 The variable having an effectdominant to influence practice experience (X2 have beta value 0,530 while motivation(X1 have beta value 0,425 and medium of practice

  20. SigWx-Low (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The low-level graphics product is a forecast of aviation weather hazards, primarily intended to be used as a guidance product for briefing the VFR pilot. The...

  1. Folkekirkeskizofrenien breder sig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lægaard, Sune


    Et nyligt eksempel på fænomenet kan læses i en kronik i Kristeligt Dagblad, hvor to folkekirkepræster både mistænkeliggør kirkeministeren og det udvalg, han har nedsat, mener lektor, ph.d. Sune Lægaard...

  2. 78 FR 18360 - Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Funding Opportunity (United States)


    ...: Eligibility for this SPF SIG award is limited to the state of Idaho, the only state receiving a Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG) that has never been awarded a SPF SIG grant from SAMHSA. The SPF SIG grant has already allowed 49 states to strengthen and consolidate their prevention...

  3. Role of peripheral sigma-1 receptors in ischaemic pain: Potential interactions with ASIC and P2X receptors. (United States)

    Kwon, S G; Roh, D H; Yoon, S Y; Choi, S R; Choi, H S; Moon, J Y; Kang, S Y; Kim, H W; Han, H J; Beitz, A J; Oh, S B; Lee, J H


    The role of peripheral sigma-1 receptors (Sig-1Rs) in normal nociception and in pathologically induced pain conditions has not been thoroughly investigated. Since there is mounting evidence that Sig-1Rs modulate ischaemia-induced pathological conditions, we investigated the role of Sig-1Rs in ischaemia-induced mechanical allodynia (MA) and addressed their possible interaction with acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) and P2X receptors at the ischaemic site. We used a rodent model of hindlimb thrombus-induced ischaemic pain (TIIP) to investigate their role. Western blot was performed to observe changes in Sig-1R expression in peripheral nervous tissues. MA was measured after intraplantar ( injections of antagonists for the Sig-1, ASIC and P2X receptors in TIIP rats or agonists of each receptor in naïve rats. Sig-1R expression significantly increased in skin, sciatic nerve and dorsal root ganglia at 3 days post-TIIP surgery. injections of the Sig-1R antagonist, BD-1047 on post-operative days 0-3 significantly attenuated the development of MA during the induction phase, but had no effect on MA when given during the maintenance phase (days 3-6 post-surgery). BD-1047 synergistically increased amiloride (an ASICs blocker)- and TNP-ATP (a P2X antagonist)-induced analgesic effects in TIIP rats. In naïve rats, injection of Sig-1R agonist PRE-084 alone did not produce MA; but it did induce MA when co-administered with either an acidic pH solution or a sub-effective dose of αβmeATP. Peripheral Sig-1Rs contribute to the induction of ischaemia-induced MA via facilitation of ASICs and P2X receptors. Thus, peripheral Sig-1Rs represent a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of ischaemic pain. © 2015 European Pain Federation - EFIC®

  4. Signatures derived from increase in SHARPIN gene copy number are associated with poor prognosis in patients with breast cancer

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    Diane Ojo


    Full Text Available We report three signatures produced from SHARPIN gene copy number increase (GCN-Increase and their effects on patients with breast cancer (BC. In the Metabric dataset (n = 2059, cBioPortal, SHARPIN GCN-Increase occurs preferentially or mutual exclusively with mutations in TP53, PIK3CA, and CDH1. These genomic alterations constitute a signature (SigMut that significantly correlates with reductions in overall survival (OS in BC patients (n = 1980; p = 1.081e−6. Additionally, SHARPIN GCN-Increase is associated with 4220 differentially expressed genes (DEGs. These DEGs are enriched in activation of the pathways regulating cell cycle progression, RNA transport, ribosome biosynthesis, DNA replication, and in downregulation of the pathways related to extracellular matrix. These DEGs are thus likely to facilitate the proliferation and metastasis of BC cells. Additionally, through forward (FWD and backward (BWD stepwise variate selections among the top 160 downregulated and top 200 upregulated DEGs using the Cox regression model, a 6-gene (SigFWD and a 50-gene (SigBWD signature were derived. Both signatures robustly associate with decreases in OS in BC patients within the Curtis (n = 1980; p = 6.16e−11 for SigFWD; p = 1.06e−10, for SigBWD and TCGA cohort (n = 817; p = 4.53e−4 for SigFWD and p = 0.00525 for SigBWD. After adjusting for known clinical factors, SigMut (HR 1.21, p = 0.0297, SigBWD (HR 1.25, p = 0.0263, and likely SigFWD (HR 1.17, p = 0.062 remain independent risk factors of BC deaths. Furthermore, the proportion of patients positive for these signatures is significantly increased in ER−, Her2-enriched, basal-like, and claudin-low BCs compared to ER+ and luminal BCs. Collectively, these SHARPIN GCN-Increase-derived signatures may have clinical applications in management of patients with BC.

  5. Strategi Pemberdayaan USAha Kecil dan Menengah Sektor Pertanian dalam Mendukung Sektor Pariwisata di Provinsi Bali




    The Balinese economy is full of unregulated small and medium sized family businesses. This sector provides employment opportunities to low-skilled and under-educated workers. Generally, these businesses contribute significantly to the county's gross domestic product. It is the government's policy to give a large priority to the development of these small, medium and family businesses because of the influence they have on the level of employment. With further development, these busi...

  6. An investigation on the effect of organizational citizenship behavior on perceptions of service quality

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    R. Ghorbani


    Full Text Available This paper studies the effect of organizational citizenship behavior on perceptions of service quality in city of Tehran, Iran in 2013. The study considers the behavior of citizens in terms of five perspectives including altruism, generosity, loyalty, social customs and courtesy. The study selects 229 regular employees of this municipality organization and applies a questionnaire designed in Likert scale. The results of Pearson correlation test as well as stepwise regression technique indicate that there were positive and meaningful relationships between organizational citizenship behavior including Altruism, (β = 0.445, Sig. =0.043, Social Customs, (β = 0.395, Sig. = 0.000, Generosity (β = 0.299, Sig. = 0.000, Loyalty (β = 0.193, Sig. =0.000 and Courtesy (β = 1.221, Sig. =0.000 and perceptions of service quality.

  7. Sigma-1 Receptor as a Pluripotent Modulator in the Living System (United States)

    Su, Tsung-Ping; Su, Tzu-Chieh; Nakamura, Yoki; Tsai, Shang-Yi


    The sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein resides specifically at the interface between ER and mitochondria, called the MAM, where the Sig-1R is recently reported to be involved in certain CNS diseases. In addition to being able to translocate to the plasma membrane to interact with ion channels and other receptors, the Sig-1R is found to exist at the nuclear envelope where it recruits chromatin-remodeling factors to affect the transcription of genes. As well, thorough experimental and bioinformatic means, Sig-1Rs are reported to interact with other membranous or soluble proteins at other loci, including the cytosol. We propose that the Sig-1R is a pluripotent modulator with resultant multiple functional manifestations in the living system. PMID:26869505

  8. Tobacco and alcohol use among urban Malaysians in 1980. (United States)

    Armstrong, R W


    Data from 100 Chinese, 50 Malay, and 50 Indian adults resident in 1980 in the greater urban area of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, indicate a heavy use of cigarettes among males of all ethnic groups, light use among female Chinese, and none among female Malay and Indian. Consumption of other tobacco products was important only among Indian males; chewing betal quid among Indian males and also among Malay and Indian females. Alcohol use is increasing among both sexes and all ethnic groups, but Chinese and Indian groups use alcoholic drinks more frequently and in larger quantity than Malay. Beer and liquor are the most common drinks.

  9. Vil mobiloperatørerne konkurrere på indhold?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rask, Morten


    Mobil-portalerne FLY fra TDC Mobil og e-go fra Sonofon burde alle have adgang til. Man kan sammenligne med Diatel som TDC lancerede på internettet i 1995, men som blev lukket kort efter. Fælles for modellerne er, at man skal betale for det indhold, man benytter, men ligesom Diatel blev overhalet af...... det gratis indhold på internettet, vil TDC og Sonofons tjenester blive overhalet af gratis mobile tjenester. På den måde bliver kundepotentialet langt større, og det er alligevel TDC og Sonofon der dominerer som hoved- og underleverandører på markedet for mobiltelefoni. Udgivelsesdato: 4. juni...

  10. The Role of Sigma-1 Receptor, an Intracellular Chaperone in Neurodegenerative Diseases. (United States)

    Penke, Botond; Fulop, Livia; Szucs, Maria; Frecska, Ede


    Widespread protein aggregation occurs in the living system under stress or during aging, owing to disturbance of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteostasis. Many neurodegenerative diseases may have a common mechanism: the failure of protein homeostasis. Perturbation of ER results in unfolded protein response (UPR). Prolonged chronical UPR may activate apoptotic pathways and cause cell death. Research articles on Sigma-1 receptor were reviewed. ER is associated to mitochondria by the mitochondria-associated ER-membrane, MAM. The sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R), a well-known ER-chaperone localizes in the MAM. It serves for Ca2+-signaling between the ER and mitochondria, involved in ion channel activities and especially important during neuronal differentiation. Sig-1R acts as central modulator in inter-organelle signaling. Sig-1R helps cell survival by attenuating ER-stress. According to sequence based predictions Sig-1R is a 223 amino acid protein with two transmembrane (2TM) domains. The X-ray structure of the Sig-1R [1] showed a membrane-bound trimeric assembly with one transmembrane (1TM) region. Despite the in vitro determined assembly, the results of in vivo studies are rather consistent with the 2TM structure. The receptor has unique and versatile pharmacological profile. Dimethyl tryptamine (DMT) and neuroactive steroids are endogenous ligands that activate Sig-1R. The receptor has a plethora of interacting client proteins. Sig-1R exists in oligomeric structures (dimer-trimer-octamer-multimer) and this fact may explain interaction with diverse proteins. Sig-1R agonists have been used in the treatment of different neurodegenerative diseases, e.g. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases (AD and PD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Utilization of Sig-1R agents early in AD and similar other diseases has remained an overlooked therapeutic opportunity. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  11. Role of Sigma-1 Receptor/p38 MAPK Inhibition in Acupoint Catgut Embedding-Mediated Analgesic Effects in Complete Freund's Adjuvant-Induced Inflammatory Pain. (United States)

    Du, Kairong; Wang, Xue; Chi, Laiting; Li, Wenzhi


    The endoplasmic reticulum chaperone protein Sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1 R) and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are involved in the mechanism of pain. Acupoint stimulation exerts an exact antihyperalgesic effect in inflammatory pain. However, whether Sig-1 R and MAPKs are associated with the acupoint stimulation-induced analgesic effects is not clear. This study investigated the analgesic effect of acupoint catgut embedding (ACE) and the inhibition of Sig-1 R and MAPKs in ACE analgesia. Rats were prepared with intrathecal catheter implantation. ACE was applied to bilateral "Kunlun" (BL60), "Zusanli" (ST36), and "Sanyinjiao" (SP6) acupoints in the rat model of inflammatory pain (complete Freund's adjuvant [CFA] intraplantar injection). Then, Sig-1R agonist PRE084 or saline was intrathecally given daily. The paw withdrawal thresholds and paw edema were measured before CFA injection and at 1, 3, and 5 day after CFA injection. Western bolt was used to evaluate the protein expression of spinal Sig-1R, p38MAPK, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and immunohistochemistry of Sig-1R was detected at 1, 3, and 5 days after CFA injection. ACE exhibited specific analgesic effects. ACE increased paw withdrawal thresholds and markedly decreased CFA-induced paw edema at 1, 3, and 5 days. ACE downregulated the protein expression of Sig-1R, which was increased significantly at 1, 3, and 5 days after CFA injection. ACE decreased the expression of p38 MAPK and ERK at 1 and 3 days but not at 5 days. However, an injection of Sig-1R agonist PRE084 markedly reversed these alterations, except ERK expression. The present study demonstrated that ACE exhibited antihyperalgesic effects via the inhibition of the Sig-1R that modulated p38 MAPK, but not ERK, expression in the CFA-induced inflammatory pain model in rats.

  12. Nå, er du kommet til hægterne igen?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Viggo; Grøftehauge, Nina Keller


    De jyske dialekter har - ligesom rigssproget - tre hovedtyper af udtryk for, at nogen kommer sig (af sygdom, mathed, dårlig økonomi), men det er andre udtryk, oftest baseret på verber med betydninger som "slide og slæbe, slå sig igennem" etc. Typen "komme sig" repræsenterer den bredspektrede diat...

  13. 78 FR 71409 - Notice of Waivers Granted Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as Amended (United States)


    ... receives School Improvement Grant (SIG) program funds for ``Partnership Zone'' schools, as defined by the... carry over 25 percent of SIG funds if not all of its Tier 1 schools are served with those funds; (e) one...: Extended until September 30, 2011, the period of availability of fiscal year (FY) 2008 SIG funds awarded...

  14. United States Air Force Graduate Student Research Program for 1990. Program Technical Report. Volume 1 (United States)


    US 2 Bit High Speed Bus Vector Sig 2 32 Bieco sig 1 .. Transputer Signal Sig 0 Processor 512 KByte SRAM Figure 3: Numeric Processing Element Block...radial (poloidal) magnetic field is initially created. Gas is then puffed into the gun and a toroidal field is induced at the bottom of the gun by a

  15. strong>Facebooks kommunikative rumstrong>

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tække, Jesper

    I min ph.d.-afhandling, Mediesociografi, opstiller jeg en analysestrategi for at beskrive og analysere det sociale, set i lyset af det, eller de medier det baserer sig på. Afhandlingen bevæger sig mest på et sociologisk plan, men støtter sig på Medium Theory for at beskrive medier som mulighedssk......I min ph.d.-afhandling, Mediesociografi, opstiller jeg en analysestrategi for at beskrive og analysere det sociale, set i lyset af det, eller de medier det baserer sig på. Afhandlingen bevæger sig mest på et sociologisk plan, men støtter sig på Medium Theory for at beskrive medier som...... det følgende først præsentere de ni parametre kort og generelt, og derefter mere grundigt og specifikt anvende dem, til at iagttage Facebook. Jeg vil ikke i denne tekst gå ind i egentlige teoretiske forklaringer, men være lidt indforstået og refererende og først og fremmest bare beskrive og analysere...

  16. Kommunepakken - Forebyggelse af selvmordsforebyggelse hos børn og unge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juul Larsen, Kim


    Kommunepakken - en vejledning til personale i socialsektoren Statistikken viser, at flere unge piger og drenge mellem 15 og 19 år forsøger at tage deres eget liv. For sagsbehandleren eller andet personale i den sociale sektor, som sidder over for et selvmordstruet barn eller ung, kan det skabe us...

  17. Lebensmittelkonsum, Ernährung & Gesundheit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daniel, Hannelore; Reisch, Lucia; Hamm, Ulrich

    , dass die Bioökonomie den Dialog mit den Konsumenten und allen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen von Anfang an sucht, intensiv begleitet und pflegt. Dafür ist der Sektor Lebensmittel und Ernährung in seiner Unmittelbarkeit in besonderer Weise geeignet. Grundlage für einen erfolgreichen Dialog ist jedoch eine...

  18. Mulighedsbetingelser for professionsudøvelse i nye kontekster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Karen Bjerg


    En tiltagende new public management diskurs i reguleringen af den offentlige sektor og i inter-national uddannelsespolitik i de seneste årtier har også i Danmark medført betydningsfulde æn-dringer i betingelserne for professionsudøvelse i 2000-tallet. Igennem undersøgelser af ændrede rammebetinge...

  19. Irradiation creep due to SIPA-induced growth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woo, C.H.


    An additional contribution to irradiation creep resulting from the stress-induced preferred adsorption (SIPA) effect is described - SIPA-induced growth (SIG). The mechanism of SIG is discussed and an expression for its contribution to irradiation creep developed. It is shown that SIG is very significant in comparison with SIPA. Enhancement of creep by swelling may also occur. (U.K.)

  20. The discontent degree in relations with the proximal social environment and adolescent personality features in Timis County, Romania. (United States)

    Petrescu, Cristina; Vlaicu, Brigitha


    In our study we investigated whether there is a relation between the degree of discontent in relations with the proximal social environment (family and peer groups) and adolescent personality features. The study was conducted on a statistical representative and homogenous sample consisting of 2908 teenagers (51.5% girls and 48.5 % boys, aged between 15 and 19 years). It was an observational (case) study and it consisted in 2 questionnaires applying: Freiburg Personality Inventory (212 items) and CORT 2004 questionnaire (116 items, 6 referring to the discontent levels created by proximal social environment). Cronbach's alpha index was 0.802 for FPI and 0,910 for CORT 2004. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS 16 program applying Chi square (χ2) and gamma (γ) correlation. Depression and Emotional lability correlated positively and powerfully with q15 (discontent degree of relations with present friend-peers) (γ = 0.471, Sig. 0.000, and γ = 0.383, Sig. 0.000, respectively) and q5 (discontent degree of the relation with parents) (γ = 0.380, Sig. 0.000, and γ = 0.337, Sig. 0.000, respectively). Sociability and calm correlated negative with q5 (γ = -0.14, Sig. 0.000, and γ = -0.35, Sig. 0.000, respectively), q15 (γ = -0.33, Sig. 000 and γ = -0.18, Sig. 000, respectively). In conclusion, there is direct proportional relation between the discontent degree of relations with friend-peers and parents and depression and emotional lability, and inverse proportional relation of friend-peers and parents with sociability and calm.


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    Elinaldo Sacramento dos Santos


    Full Text Available Na bacia hidrográfica do rio Subaé, as cabeceiras e as lagoas são destinadas a vários fins (usos urbano, agrícolae industrial, os quais podem comprometer a qualidade destes ambientes. Para avaliar a qualidade das nascentesdo rio Subaé, optou-se pelo monitoramento dos parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos realizados emquatorze pontos de observação da qualidade da água, e pelo mapeamento dos aspectos sociais e ambientaispresentes no meio. Para o alcance desse objetivo, em conjunto com a pesquisa, foi necessário também o uso detécnicas de análise espacial no ambiente SIG e a geoestatística (regressão linear. Os resultados da qualidadeda água – principalmente os teores de OD (oxigênio dissolvido e DBO (demanda bioquímica de oxigênio, ea turbidez – foram comparados aos níveis e parâmetros estabelecidos pela Resolução do Conselho Nacionalde Meio Ambiente (CONAMA nº 357/05. Esses resultados refletiram o estado ambiental de alguns pontosdas nascentes, que apresentaram parâmetros adversos aos estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira – comofoi o caso do OD e da DBO nos pontos da nascente do rio Subaé, na rua Pedro Suzart (domínio de efluentesdomésticos, e turbidez em pontos das Lagoas Subaé e Salgada. Para se identificar a influência de um dosparâmetros de qualidade de água e a variabilidade dos aspectos sociais e ambientais (correlações entre osdados de OD e as variáveis ambientais empregou-se a regressão linear. Essa análise permitiu concluir queas variáveis sociais e ambientais, altimetria, inclinação do terreno e densidade populacional são os fatoresdeterminantes nos valores de OD nos ambientes estudados.

  2. Globalización del paisaje en Costa Rica y la importancia de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (sig en su interpretación

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    Julio César Moraga Peralta


    Full Text Available En este documento se hace un análisis geográfico de los cambios suscitados en el paisaje de Costa Rica como consecuencia de los procesos globales que han venido aconteciendo en las últimas décadas. Se analizan los paradigmas de la Geografía y su determinación como causas y sus efectos que produce la globalización en el paisaje. Además, se discute la situación de la Gran Área Metropolitana como un estudio de caso en donde la globalización está dejando impreso su impacto en el medio. Es decir, como un lugar cuya morfología urbana refleja las luchas y las contradicciones de la apropiación social sobre el territorio. Se hace hincapié en el auge de la geografía automatizada, despertando particular interés en los SIG como herramientas para comprender de forma espacial las transformaciones internas generadas en el marco de la globalización. Finalmente, se trata de concluir que la globalización del paisaje es un proceso dinámico y abstracto que se guía por las fuerzas políticas imperantes, a pesar de que las causas de su transformación parecen ser económicas.

  3. The alternative sigma factor sigma B of Staphylococcus aureus modulates virulence in experimental central venous catheter-related infections. (United States)

    Lorenz, Udo; Hüttinger, Christian; Schäfer, Tina; Ziebuhr, Wilma; Thiede, Arnulf; Hacker, Jörg; Engelmann, Susanne; Hecker, Michael; Ohlsen, Knut


    The impact of the alternative sigma factor sigma B (SigB) on pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus is not conclusively clarified. In this study, a central venous catheter (CVC) related model of multiorgan infection was used to investigate the role of SigB for the pathogenesis of S. aureus infections and biofilm formation in vivo. Analysis of two SigB-positive wild-type strains and their isogenic mutants revealed uniformly that the wild-type was significantly more virulent than the SigB-deficient mutant. The observed difference in virulence was apparently not linked to the capability of the strains to form biofilms in vivo since wild-type and mutant strains were able to produce biofilm layers inside of the catheter. The data strongly indicate that the alternative sigma factor SigB plays a role in CVC-associated infections caused by S. aureus.

  4. Ligand-induced association of surface immunoglobulin with the detergent insoluble cytoskeleton may involve an 89K protein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, S.K.; Woda, B.


    Membrane immunoglobulin of B-lymphocytes is thought to play an important role in antigen recognition and cellular activation. Binding of cross-linking ligands to surface immunoglobulin (SIg) on intact cells converts it to a detergent insoluble state, and this conversion is associated with the transmission of a mitogenic signal. Insolubilized membrane proteins may be solubilized by incubating the detergent insoluble cytoskeletons in buffers which convert F-actin to G-actin [(Buffer 1), 0.34M sucrose, 0.5mM ATP, 0.5mM Dithiothrietol and lmM EDTA]. Immunoprecipitation of SIg from the detergent soluble fraction of 35 S-methionine labeled non ligand treated rat B-cells results in the co-isolation of an 89K protein and a 44K protein, presumably actin. The 89K protein is not associated with the fraction of endogenous detergent insoluble SIg. On treatment of rat B cells with cross-linking ligand (anti-Ig) the 89K protein becomes detergent insoluble along with most of the SIg and co-isolates with SIg on immunoprecipitation of the detergent insoluble, buffer l solubilized fraction. The migration of the SIg-associated 89K protein from the detergent soluble fraction to the detergent insoluble fraction after ligand treatment, suggests that this protein might be involved in linking SIg to the underlying cytoskeleton and could be involved in the transmission of a mitogenic signal

  5. The impact of a 17-day training period for an international championship on mucosal immune parameters in top-level basketball players and staff members. (United States)

    Moreira, Alexandre; Arsati, Franco; Cury, Patrícia Ramos; Franciscon, Clóvis; Simões, Antonio Carlos; de Oliveira, Paulo Roberto; de Araújo, Vera Cavalcanti


    This investigation examined the impact of a 17-d training period (that included basketball-specific training, sprints, intermittent running exercises, and weight training, prior to an international championship competition) on salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA) levels in 10 subjects (athletes and staff members) from a national basketball team, as a biomarker for mucosal immune defence. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected at rest at the beginning of the preparation for the Pan American Games and 1 d before the first game. The recovery interval from the last bout of exercise was 4 h. The SIgA level was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and expressed as absolute concentrations, secretion rate, and SIgA level relative to total protein. The decrease in SIgA levels following training was greater in athletes than in support staff; however, no significant differences between the two groups were detected. A decrease in SIgA level, regardless of the method used to express IgA results, was verified for athletes. Only one episode of upper respiratory tract illness symptoms was reported, and it was not associated with changes in SIgA levels. In summary, a situation of combined stress for an important championship was found to decrease the level of SIgA-mediated immune protection at the mucosal surface in team members, with greater changes observed in the athletes.

  6. Antifertility effect of betal leaf stalk (Tambul patrabrint): a preliminary experimental study. (United States)

    Tewari, P V; Chaturvedi, C; Dixit, S N


    This study was undertaken to determine possible antifertility properties of the stalk of the betel plant, Piper betle, which is extensively cultivated in warm moist parts of India for its leaves. The thin stalks were dried, powdered, and extracted with alcohol; the residue was used in the study and named betel leaf stalk extract (BLSE). It was macerated with gum acacia, suspended in distilled water, and diluted to 25 mg/ml. The drug was fed by oral intubation. Initially 20 rats were used in 2 groups, one receiving BLSE 50 mg/kg body weight for 10 days and the other vehicle only. Both were caged with males for 15 days. Only 2 of 10 rats receiving BLSE gave birth to litters while 9 of 10 controls delivered. Number of pups was also reduced. In another experiment using 60 female rats to 30 while BLSE at 50 mg/100 gm body weight was fed for 3 days during diestrus to 30 while 30 controls received vehicle only. Successful mating was confirmed by sperm in vaginal smears. 8 of 30 treated rats delivered 3.5 pups each while 29 of 30 controls delivered 7 pups per rat. In a third experiment 10 female rats were given BLSE 50mg/100 gm body weight, 10 vehicle only, and 10 neoclinesterol 150 mcg/100 gm body weight for 4 consecutive days. On Day 5 the animals were sacrificed and weights of uterus and ovaries recorded. Antiestrogenic properties were studied in oophorectomized rats given stilbestrol 150 mcg/100 gm body weight by injection, then fed 150 mcg/100 gm body weight of neoclinesterol or BLSE, 50 mg/100 gm, but the neoclinesterol. Vaginal smears were examined for cornification on Days 2, 3, and 4. Progestational activity was studied in 12 immature female rabbits injected with stilbestrol then treated with BLSE or leutocycline. Tests for estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity of BLSE were negative. A mild progestational activity was found in immature estrogen-primed rabbits but some follicle depressant type action was noted as several graffian follicles were seen in their regressive phase when ovaries were sectioned. Similar findings were obtained in rats treated after spaying. Results show BLSE has a definite antifertility activity. When fed in diestrus phase the estrus cycle was not altered nor was any estrogenic or antiestrogenic effect noted.

  7. Indvandring, integration og etnisk segregation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Hans Skifter

    I denne publikation belyses udviklingen i indvandrernes bosætning i Danmark, analyserer årsagerne til at mange indvandrere er blevet bosat i den almene sektor og koncentreret i bestemte byområder og belyser sammenhængen mellem bosætningen og indvandrernes integration i samfundet. Vi tager afsæt i...

  8. Erhvervslivets spidser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ellersgaard, Christoph; Grau Larsen, Anton


    Denne artikel anlægger et netværksanalytisk blik på erhvervslivets indflydelse. Ved at se på netværket mellem lederne af de største organisationer inden for de fem sektorer, der dominerer det danske magtnetværk - erhvervsliv, politik, stat, fagbevægelse og videnskab - vises, hvordan erhvervslivet...

  9. Lønforskelle mellem kvinder og mænd i 2007

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Mona

    Lønkommissionen. Undersøgelsen er baseret på data fra 2007 og indeholder resultater for hele arbejdsmarkedet, den offentlige sektor som helhed og separat for stat, regioner og kommuner. I rapporten anvendes to lønbegreber: fortjeneste pr. præsteret time og standardberegnet timefortjeneste. En af de væsentligste...

  10. Dark Relics in Cosmology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tram, Thomas


    For 13,7 milliarder år siden befandt Universet sig i en meget varm og tæt tilstand, og siden da har det udvidet sig og er blevet afkølet. Kosmologi forsøger at forklare hvordan vores Univers har udviklet sig fra Big Bang og frem til i dag. Udviklingen afhænger af de fundamentale naturlove, så der...

  11. Identification and characterization of sigma, a novel component of the Staphylococcus aureus stress and virulence responses.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lindsey N Shaw

    Full Text Available S. aureus is a highly successful pathogen that is speculated to be the most common cause of human disease. The progression of disease in S. aureus is subject to multi-factorial regulation, in response to the environments encountered during growth. This adaptive nature is thought to be central to pathogenesis, and is the result of multiple regulatory mechanisms employed in gene regulation. In this work we describe the existence of a novel S. aureus regulator, an as yet uncharacterized ECF-sigma factor (sigma(S, that appears to be an important component of the stress and pathogenic responses of this organism. Using biochemical approaches we have shown that sigma(S is able to associates with core-RNAP, and initiate transcription from its own coding region. Using a mutant strain we determined that sigma(S is important for S. aureus survival during starvation, extended exposure to elevated growth temperatures, and Triton X-100 induced lysis. Coculture studies reveal that a sigma(S mutant is significantly outcompeted by its parental strain, which is only exacerbated during prolonged growth (7 days, or in the presence of stressor compounds. Interestingly, transcriptional analysis determined that under standard conditions, S. aureus SH1000 does not initiate expression of sigS. Assays performed hourly for 72 h revealed expression in typically background ranges. Analysis of a potential anti-sigma factor, encoded downstream of sigS, revealed it to have no obvious role in the upregulation of sigS expression. Using a murine model of septic arthritis, sigS-mutant infected animals lost significantly less weight, developed septic arthritis at significantly lower levels, and had increased survival rates. Studies of mounted immune responses reveal that sigS-mutant infected animals had significantly lower levels of IL-6, indicating only a weak immunological response. Finally, strains of S. aureus lacking sigS were far less able to undergo systemic dissemination

  12. Involvement of Clostridium botulinum ATCC 3502 sigma factor K in early-stage sporulation. (United States)

    Kirk, David G; Dahlsten, Elias; Zhang, Zhen; Korkeala, Hannu; Lindström, Miia


    A key survival mechanism of Clostridium botulinum, the notorious neurotoxic food pathogen, is the ability to form heat-resistant spores. While the genetic mechanisms of sporulation are well understood in the model organism Bacillus subtilis, nothing is known about these mechanisms in C. botulinum. Using the ClosTron gene-knockout tool, sigK, encoding late-stage (stage IV) sporulation sigma factor K in B. subtilis, was disrupted in C. botulinum ATCC 3502 to produce two different mutants with distinct insertion sites and orientations. Both mutants were unable to form spores, and their elongated cell morphology suggested that the sporulation pathway was blocked at an early stage. In contrast, sigK-complemented mutants sporulated successfully. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of sigK in the parent strain revealed expression at the late log growth phase in the parent strain. Analysis of spo0A, encoding the sporulation master switch, in the sigK mutant and the parent showed significantly reduced relative levels of spo0A expression in the sigK mutant compared to the parent strain. Similarly, sigF showed significantly lower relative transcription levels in the sigK mutant than the parent strain, suggesting that the sporulation pathway was blocked in the sigK mutant at an early stage. We conclude that σ(K) is essential for early-stage sporulation in C. botulinum ATCC 3502, rather than being involved in late-stage sporulation, as reported for the sporulation model organism B. subtilis. Understanding the sporulation mechanism of C. botulinum provides keys to control the public health risks that the spores of this dangerous pathogen cause through foods.

  13. Sigma-1 receptor mediates cocaine-induced transcriptional regulation by recruiting chromatin-remodeling factors at the nuclear envelope. (United States)

    Tsai, Shang-Yi A; Chuang, Jian-Ying; Tsai, Meng-Shan; Wang, Xiao-Fei; Xi, Zheng-Xiong; Hung, Jan-Jong; Chang, Wen-Chang; Bonci, Antonello; Su, Tsung-Ping


    The sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) chaperone at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) plays important roles in cellular regulation. Here we found a new function of Sig-1R, in that it translocates from the ER to the nuclear envelope (NE) to recruit chromatin-remodeling molecules and regulate the gene transcription thereof. Sig-1Rs mainly reside at the ER-mitochondrion interface. However, on stimulation by agonists such as cocaine, Sig-1Rs translocate from ER to the NE, where Sig-1Rs bind NE protein emerin and recruit chromatin-remodeling molecules, including lamin A/C, barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF), and histone deacetylase (HDAC), to form a complex with the gene repressor specific protein 3 (Sp3). Knockdown of Sig-1Rs attenuates the complex formation. Cocaine was found to suppress the gene expression of monoamine oxidase B (MAOB) in the brain of wild-type but not Sig-1R knockout mouse. A single dose of cocaine (20 mg/kg) in rats suppresses the level of MAOB at nuclear accumbens without affecting the level of dopamine transporter. Daily injections of cocaine in rats caused behavioral sensitization. Withdrawal from cocaine in cocaine-sensitized rats induced an apparent time-dependent rebound of the MAOB protein level to about 200% over control on day 14 after withdrawal. Treatment of cocaine-withdrawn rats with the MAOB inhibitor deprenyl completely alleviated the behavioral sensitization to cocaine. Our results demonstrate a role of Sig-1R in transcriptional regulation and suggest cocaine may work through this newly discovered genomic action to achieve its addictive action. Results also suggest the MAOB inhibitor deprenyl as a therapeutic agent to block certain actions of cocaine during withdrawal.

  14. Sigma-1 Receptor Mediates Acquisition of Alcohol Drinking and Seeking behavior in Alcohol-Preferring Rats (United States)

    Blasio, Angelo; Valenza, Marta; Iyer, Malliga R.; Rice, Kenner C.; Steardo, Luca; Hayashi, T.; Cottone, Pietro; Sabino, Valentina


    Sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) has been proposed as a novel therapeutic target for drug and alcohol addiction. We have shown previously that Sig-1R agonists facilitate the reinforcing effects of ethanol and induce binge-like drinking, while Sig-1R antagonists block excessive drinking in both genetic and environmental models of alcoholism, without affecting intake in outbred non-dependent rats. Even though significant progress has been made in understanding the function of Sig-1Rs in alcohol reinforcement, its role in the early and late stage of alcohol addiction remains unclear. Administration of the selective Sig-1R antagonist BD-1063 dramatically reduced the acquisition of alcohol drinking behavior as well as the preference for alcohol in genetically selected TSRI Sardinian alcohol preferring (Scr:sP) rats; the treatment had no effect on total fluid intake, food intake or body weight gain, proving selectivity of action. Furthermore, BD-1063 dose-dependently decreased alcohol-seeking behavior in rats trained under a second-order schedule of reinforcement, in which responding is maintained by contingent presentation of a conditioned reinforcer. Finally, an innate elevation in Sig-1R protein levels was found in the nucleus accumbens of alcohol-preferring Scr:sP rats, compared to outbred Wistar rats, alteration which was normalized by chronic, voluntary alcohol drinking. Taken together these findings demonstrate that Sig-1R blockade reduces the propensity to both acquire alcohol drinking and to seek alcohol, and point to the nucleus accumbens as a potential key region for the effects observed. Our data suggest that Sig-1R antagonists may have therapeutic potential in multiple stages of alcohol addiction. PMID:25848705

  15. Lactoperoxidase catalyzed radioiodination of cell surface immunoglobulin: incorporated radioactivity may not reflect relative cell surface Ig density

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilder, R.L.; Yuen, C.C.; Mage, R.G.


    Rabbit and mouse splenic lymphocytes were radioiodinated by the lactoperoxidase technique, extracted with non-ionic detergent, immunoprecipitated with high titered rabbit anti-kappa antisera, and compared by SDS-PAGE. Mouse sIg peaks were reproducibly larger in size than rabbit sIg peaks (often greater than 10 times). Neither differences in incorporation of label into the rabbit cell surface, nor differences in average sIg density explain this result. Total TCA-precipitable radioactivity was similar in each species. Estimation of the relative amounts of sIg in the mouse and rabbit showed similar average sIg densities. Differences in detergent solubility, proteolytic lability, or antisera used also do not adequately account for this difference. Thus, these data indicate that radioactivity incorporated after lactoperoxidase catalyzed cell surface radioiodination may not reflect cell surface Ig density. Conclusions about cell surface density based upon relative incorporation of radioactivity should be confirmed by other approaches

  16. Møder og konferencer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Ib


    Beskæftiger man sig professionelt med møder og konferencer, er det nyttigt at have gjort sig klart, hvad man forstår ved disse begreber. I denne artikel prøver jeg at definere de to ord, og jeg giver eksempler på forskellige typiske møder og konferencer. Udgivelsesdato: 2008......Beskæftiger man sig professionelt med møder og konferencer, er det nyttigt at have gjort sig klart, hvad man forstår ved disse begreber. I denne artikel prøver jeg at definere de to ord, og jeg giver eksempler på forskellige typiske møder og konferencer. Udgivelsesdato: 2008...

  17. Fascinerende kryb

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juel, Henrik


    Efter flere årtier, hvor naturfilm tilpassede sig TV-formatet, synes naturfilm nu at have fundet sig en ny plads ved at tilbyde sig på nettet i det korte YouTube-format, hvor det er det spektakulære og spøjse, som tæller. Filmhistoriens første årti med de korte, opsigtsvækkende film er blevet kaldt...


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    Roy G.A. Massie


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Background: Stigma and discrimination persist resulting many people living with HIV hide their status for fear of losing their jobs, social status, and the support of their families and communities. Methods: This case study presents collecting evidence and reviews factors relate to HIVIAIDS programme provided by public in Bitung Municipality, North Sulawesi Province, lndonesia. The objectives of this ca se study are to identify policy of HIVIAIDS program in local con text and to leam the collaboration of local public services' activities relate to health particularly to lessen the stigma and discrimination of HIVIAIDS. Results: Stigma and discrimination may be reduced through structural intervention at local level, community intervention and individual intervention. The interventions should be understood by health providers relate to HIVIAIDS prevention and control program at all stages. To reduce stigma at the community level can be integrated into HIVIAIDS programs by facilitating the participation of people living with HIVIAIDS. Key words: stigma, discrimination, HIVIAIDS ABSTRAK Adanya stigma dan diskriminasi terhadap penderita penyakit HIVIAIDS dimasyarakat menyebabkan penderita menyembunyikan keberadaaan mereka. Hal tersebut dikarenakan mereka merasa akan kehilangan pekerjaan, status sosial yang direndahkan dan berkurangnya dukungan dari keluarga dan masyarakat. Studi kasus ini mempresentasikan hasil pengumpulan data yang berbasis bukti, dan mengkaji faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan program penanggulangan HIVIAIDS dari sektor publik, terutama pada konteks lokal serta mempelajari kolaborasi sektor-sektor publik yang terkait dengan kebijakan program penanggulanggan HIVIAID, khususnya mempelajari stigma dan diskriminasi dari penyakit ini pada masyarakat. Stigma dan diskriminasi dapat ditanggulangi melalui beberapa struktur intervensi di tingkat nasional dan khususnya tingkat lokal. Demikian juga intervensi terhadap masyarakat


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    Agnes Quartina Pudjiastuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKAsean Free Trade Area (AFTA mensyaratkan tarif impor gula harus diturunkan secara bertahap hingga menjadi 0% pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengevaluasi dampak dihapusnya tarif impor gula terhadap neraca perdagangan Indonesia. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan data dasar Tabel I-O dan SNSE Indonesia tahun 2008 untuk menyusun model CGE. Perekonomian Indonesia diagregasi menjadi 23 sektor dengan 8 rumah tangga dan 3 input primer. Penghapusan tarif impor gula di Indonesia berdampak pada output domestik, ekspor, impor dan neraca perdagangannya. Di sektor pertanian, output domestik dan impornya meningkat, ekspornya turun, tetapi neraca perdagangannya masih surplus. Sementara sektor industri dan jasa, output domestik dan ekspornya turun, serta impornya naik, tetapi neraca perdagangannya defisit. Impor gula bahkan naik hingga 85,71%. Ini perlu diwaspadai oleh pemerintah.Indonesia dapat dikatakan belum siap menghadapi liberalisasi gula,sehingga perlu melakukan negosiasi ulang perdagangan bebas dengan negara-negara anggota FTA dan menata perekonomian domestic terlebih dahulu.ABSTRACTAsean Free Trade Area requires that sugar import tariff should be reduced gradually to 0 % in 2015. This study aimed to evaluate impact of the tariff elimination to Indonesia's trade balance. The evaluation was done using IO Table and SAM Indonesia 2008 as basis to construct CGE models. Indonesian economy was aggregated into 23 sectors, 8 households and 3 primary inputs. Elimination of the tariff in Indonesia had impact on domestic output, exports, imports and balance of trade. In agricultural sector, domestic outputs and imports increased, exports dropped, but trade balance were surplus. While industrial and service sectors, domestic output and exports decreased, imports increased, but trade balance were deficit. Even sugar imports jumped to 85.71 %. Government should be wary. Indonesia can’t be said to be ready to face sugar liberalization



    Tika Putri Pratiwi


    Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Semarang sebagai ibukota Provinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki potensi yang besar dalam mengembangkan sektor industri dan pariwisata. Langkah awal pemerintah yang serius dalam mengolah kedua industri ini yaitu dengan menjadikan Kota Semarang sebagai salah satu destinasi MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memilih strategi apa yang dapat dilakukan dalam pembangunan Kota...

  1. Faldseminar i Region Hovedstaden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Evron, Lotte Orr


    I april deltog jeg i et spændende faldseminar med Videncenter for hjælpemidler og velfærdsteknologi (VihTek) på Rigshospitalet Glostrup, hvor fire teknologier til forebyggelse af fald blev præsenteret. Disse teknologier kan være interessante for sygeplejersker der arbejder i primær sektor. Her vil...

  2. A Workshop on the non-profit sector at CERGE-EI

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ortmann, Andreas


    Roč. 40, č. 3 (2004), s. 401-403 ISSN 0038-0288 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7085904 Keywords : neziskový sektor * česká republika Subject RIV: AH - Economics Impact factor: 0.200, year: 2004

  3. Tipptasemel infotehnoloogia, iidsete paleede ja kerjuste vabariik / Erik Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aru, Erik


    India majanduskasv oli 2003. aastal 8%, kuid sellest saavad osa vaid vähesed India elanikud. Põllumajanduse osakaalu vähenedes ei ole selle asemele tulnud mitte tööstus, vaid teenuste sektor. Riigi üks suurimaid probleeme on infrastruktuuri nõrkus. Andmeid kirjaoskuse, keskmise vanuse kohta. Lisa: Tata trügib sõiduautoturule

  4. Zerbitzu-marketineko terminologiaren azterketa


    Oyarzabal Zapirain, Yon


    UPV/EHUko Enpresen Administrazio eta Zuzendaritza gradu amaierako lan honen helburua Marketin sektoriala edo Sektore-marketina irakasgaiaren barruan kokatzen den Zerbitzu-marketin arloko terminologia erreala biltzen duen termino-zerrenda eleaniztun bat egitea da. Honekin, Ekonomia Zientzien esparruan euskarazko terminologia errealaren garapen eta finkapenean ekarpen bat egin nahi dugu eta terminoak testuetan nola erabiltzen diren erakutsi.

  5. Pemetaan Potensi Kekeringan Lahan se-pulau Batam menggunakan Teknik Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG dan Penginderaan Jauh

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Titi Aprilliyanti


    Full Text Available Kekeringan merupakan hubungan antara ketersediaan air yang jauh dibawah kebutuhan baik untuk kebutuhan hidup, pertanian, kegiatan ekonomi dan lingkungan. Informasi mengenai potensi kekeringan sangat diperlukan untuk pencegahan ataupun penanggulangan untuk mengurangi dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan peta potensi kekeringan lahan di Batam yang berbasis web. Dalam penelitian ini memanfaatkan teknik penginderaan jauh dan SIG. Penggunaan citra landsat 8 untuk menentukan nilai LST (Land Surface Temperature dan penggunaan lahan kemudian di overlay dan dilakukan scoring. Tahap akhir penelitian yaitu melakukan validasi terhadap parameter-parameter yang mempengaruhi dengan mengambil beberapa sampel. Adapun hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah peta potensi kekeringan se-pulau Batam yang memiliki 5 kelas potensi kekeringan. Kelas potensi kekeringan sangat rendah dengan  luas area 2629.45 ha yang dominan terletak pada Kecamatan Sungai Beduk, Sekupang dan Batu Aji. Kelas potensi kekeringan rendah dengan luas area 9585.521 ha yang dominan terletak pada Kecamatan Sekupang. Kelas potensi kekeringan sedang dengan  luas area 9507.12 ha yang dominan terletak pada Kecamatan Sekupang. Kelas potensi kekeringan tinggi dengan  luas area 7081.392 ha yang dominan terletak pada Kecamatan Sekupang, Sagulung dan Nongsa. Kelas potensi kekeringan sangat tinggi dengan luas area 15600.12 ha yang dominan terletak pada Kecamatan Batam Kota dan Nongsa.   Drought is the relationship between the availability of water is far below the need both for the necessities of life, agriculture, economic activities and the environment. Information about potential droughts is indispensable for the prevention or mitigation to reduce the negative impact caused. As for the purpose of this research is to produce a map of potential drought land in the Batam-based web. In this research utilising remote sensing and GIS techniques. The use of


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    Eva Ervani


    Full Text Available This paper aims to examine the export and import performance in comparative advantage of Indonesia’s agriculture sector. It focuses on measuring the comparative advantage using the Trade Balance Index (TBI by Lafay method.The data is based on exports and imports of Indonesian agriculture sector. By applying Lafay Trade Balance Index (TBI methods, it can be concluded that Indonesian agriculture commodity shows the positive value of TBI for export-import volume and export-import value. It means that Indonesia becomes net-exporter and has specialization in exporting agriculture commodity.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menguji kinerja ekspor dan impor dalam keunggulan komparatif sektor pertanian di Indonesia. Fokus penelitian ini adalah pengukuran keunggulan komparatif menggunakan Trade Balance Index (TBI dengan metode Lafay. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan pada ekspor dan impor sektor pertanian Indonesia. Dengan menerapkan metode Lafay Perdagangan Indeks Balance (TBI, bisa disimpulkan bahwa komoditas pertanian Indonesia menunjukkan nilai positif untuk TBI volume ekspor-impor dan nilai ekspor-impor. Ini berarti bahwa Indonesia disebut sebagai net-eksportir dan memiliki spesialisasi dalam ekspor komoditas pertanian.

  7. Benefits of adding small financial incentives or optional group meetings to a web-based statewide obesity initiative. (United States)

    Leahey, Tricia M; Subak, Leslee L; Fava, Joseph; Schembri, Michael; Thomas, Graham; Xu, Xiaomeng; Krupel, Katie; Kent, Kimberly; Boguszewski, Katherine; Kumar, Rajiv; Weinberg, Brad; Wing, Rena


    To examine whether adding either small, variable financial incentives or optional group sessions improves weight losses in a community-based, Internet behavioral program. Participants (N = 268) from Shape Up Rhode Island 2012, a 3-month Web-based community wellness initiative, were randomized to: Shape Up+Internet behavioral program (SI), Shape Up+Internet program+incentives (SII), or Shape Up+Internet program+group sessions (SIG). At the end of the 3-month program, SII achieved significantly greater weight losses than SI (SII: 6.4% [5.1-7.7]; SI: 4.2% [3.0-5.6]; P = 0.03); weight losses in SIG were not significantly different from the other two conditions (SIG: 5.8% [4.5-7.1], P's ≥ 0.10). However, at the 12-month no-treatment follow-up visit, both SII and SIG had greater weight losses than SI (SII: 3.1% [1.8-4.4]; SIG: 4.5% [3.2-5.8]; SI: 1.2% [-0.1-2.6]; P's ≤ 0.05). SII was the most cost-effective approach at both 3 (SII: $34/kg; SI: $34/kg; SIG: $87/kg) and 12 months (SII: $64/kg; SI: $140/kg; SIG: $113/kg). Modest financial incentives enhance weight losses during a community campaign, and both incentives and optional group meetings improved overall weight loss outcomes during the follow-up period. However, the use of the financial incentives is the most cost-effective approach. © 2014 The Obesity Society.

  8. Emotional Intelligence and job performance: Evidence from railroad industry

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    Masoumeh Bahmanabadi


    Full Text Available This paper presents an empirical investigation to study the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance in railroad industry. The study uses two questionnaires, one for measuring emotional intelligence adopted from Salovey and Mayer (1989 [Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. D. (1989. Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9(3, 185-211.] and the other one for measuring job performance. The study selects 300 full time employees who work for railroad industry in city of Tehran, Iran, distributes two questionnaires among the employees and managed to collect all filled ones. Using Spearman correlation, the study has determined a positive and meaningful relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance (r = 0.796, Sig. = 0.000. In addition, there were positive and meaningful relationships between four components of emotional intelligence, namely consciousness (r = 0.642, Sig. = 0.000, self-regulation (r = 0.41, Sig. = 0.000, self-awareness ( r = 0.552, Sig. = 0.000 and social skills (r = 0.524, Sig. = 0.000.

  9. Los microclimas térmicos urbanos y áreas verdes en la ciudad de Sancti Spíritus. Los SIG en el planeamiento.

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    Félix D. Hernández Rubio


    Full Text Available La presente investigación es originada por la necesidad en la ciudad de Sancti Spíritus de un estudio ambiental, que interrelacione cómo ha influido el cambio climático en el clima urbano y la relación de este último con el sistema de áreas verdes de la ciudad, como elemento moderador del ambiente térmico a escala de planeamiento, urbana y arquitectónica, y que a su vez proporcionen elementos más precisos para la toma de decisiones y criterios en las acciones de rehabilitación e inserción que se realicen, o para zonas de nuevo desarrollo dentro de la ciudad. Se analiza el déficit de áreas verdes a nivel de zona tipomorfológica y de consejo popular, además se analizan los problemas del cambio climático, la isla de calor urbana, se definen las variables y parámetros que influyen sobre las condiciones microclimáticas térmicas (Coeficiente de Ocupación del Suelo. Pavimentación, y otros aspectos medioambientales. Posteriormente se realizan mediciones del complejo temperatura – humedad relativa del aire y velocidad del viento en 24 puntos de la ciudad, elaborándose mapas en Sistemas de Información Geográficos (SIG, Mapinfo 6.5 sobre el comportamiento del ambiente térmico y humedad relativa del aire en la ciudad, tema sobre el cual no se ha desarrollado ninguna investigación hasta el momento en la ciudad objeto de estudio y de las cuales es pionera el presente trabajo, aportándose nuevos enfoques y estrategias para estas labores, lo cual incorpora nuevos criterios en el Plan General de Ordenamiento Territorial y Urbano (PGOTU.

  10. Requisite Information Collaboration and Distributed Knowledge Management in Software Development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Mogens K.; Bjørn, Pernille; Frank, L.

    distributed knowledge management product state models. The paper draws upon a series of discussion with Scandinavian IT Group (SIG). With an interest in how performance in their new organization develops SIG invited the research group to study measures of organizational performance and the use and effect...... of knowledge management tools in software development. The paper does not represent the viewpoint of SIG but outline our framework and major research questions....

  11. Calcium-induced conformational changes of Thrombospondin-1 signature domain: implications for vascular disease. (United States)

    Gupta, Akanksha; Agarwal, Rahul; Singh, Ashutosh; Bhatnagar, Sonika


    Thrombospondin1 (TSP1) participates in numerous signaling pathways critical for vascular physiology and disease. The conserved signature domain of thrombospondin 1 (TSP1-Sig1) comprises three epidermal growth factor (EGF), 13 calcium-binding type 3 thrombospondin (T3) repeats, and one lectin-like module arranged in a stalk-wire-globe topology. TSP1 is known to be present in both calcium-replete (Holo-) and calcium-depleted (Apo-) state, each with distinct downstream signaling effects. To prepare a homology model of TSP1-Sig1 and investigate the effect of calcium on its dynamic structure and interactions. A homology model of Holo-TSP1-Sig1 was prepared with TSP2 as template in Swissmodel workspace. The Apo-form of the model was obtained by omitting the bound calcium ions from the homology model. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation studies (100 ns) were performed on the Holo- and Apo- forms of TSP1 using Gromacs4.6.5. After simulation, Holo-TSP1-Sig1 showed significant reorientation at the interface of the EGF1-2 and EGF2-3 modules. The T3 wire is predicted to show the maximum mobility and deviation from the initial model. In Apo-TSP1-Sig1 model, the T3 repeats unfolded and formed coils with predicted increase in flexibility. Apo-TSP1-Sig1model also predicted the exposure of the binding sites for neutrophil elastase, integrin and fibroblast growth factor 2. We present a structural model and hypothesis for the role of TSP1-Sig1 interactions in the development of vascular disorders. The simulated model of the fully calcium-loaded and calcium-depleted TSP1-Sig1 may enable the development of its interactions as a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of vascular diseases.

  12. The Listeria monocytogenes Bile Stimulon under Acidic Conditions Is Characterized by Strain-Specific Patterns and the Upregulation of Motility, Cell Wall Modification Functions, and the PrfA Regulon (United States)

    Guariglia-Oropeza, Veronica; Orsi, Renato H.; Guldimann, Claudia; Wiedmann, Martin; Boor, Kathryn J.


    Listeria monocytogenes uses a variety of transcriptional regulation strategies to adapt to the extra-host environment, the gastrointestinal tract, and the intracellular host environment. While the alternative sigma factor SigB has been proposed to be a key transcriptional regulator that facilitates L. monocytogenes adaptation to the gastrointestinal environment, the L. monocytogenes' transcriptional response to bile exposure is not well-understood. RNA-seq characterization of the bile stimulon was performed in two L. monocytogenes strains representing lineages I and II. Exposure to bile at pH 5.5 elicited a large transcriptomic response with ~16 and 23% of genes showing differential transcription in 10403S and H7858, respectively. The bile stimulon includes genes involved in motility and cell wall modification mechanisms, as well as genes in the PrfA regulon, which likely facilitate survival during the gastrointestinal stages of infection that follow bile exposure. The fact that bile exposure induced the PrfA regulon, but did not induce further upregulation of the SigB regulon (beyond that expected by exposure to pH 5.5), suggests a model where at the earlier stages of gastrointestinal infection (e.g., acid exposure in the stomach), SigB-dependent gene expression plays an important role. Subsequent exposure to bile induces the PrfA regulon, potentially priming L. monocytogenes for subsequent intracellular infection stages. Some members of the bile stimulon showed lineage- or strain-specific distribution when 27 Listeria genomes were analyzed. Even though sigB null mutants showed increased sensitivity to bile, the SigB regulon was not found to be upregulated in response to bile beyond levels expected by exposure to pH 5.5. Comparison of wildtype and corresponding ΔsigB strains newly identified 26 SigB-dependent genes, all with upstream putative SigB-dependent promoters. PMID:29467736

  13. Penerapan Preventive Maintenance Untuk Meningkatkan Reliability Pada Boiler Feed Pump PLTU Tarahan Unit 3 & 4


    Saputra, Melki


    Pemeliharaan dan perawatan merupakan kegiatan untuk menjamin mesin dapat bekerja sebagaimana mestinya. Pemeliharaan dan perawatan menyeluruh untuk meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan dikenal dengan Preventive Maintenance. pemeliharaan keterlibatan operator melalui kegiatan autonomous maintenance. PT. PLN (Persero) Pembangkitan Sumatera Bagian Selatan Sektor Tarahan merupakan salah satu perusahaan penghasil listrik dan semua mesinnya beroperasi selama 24 jam. Beroperasinya mesin secara c...

  14. Den tabte fortælling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Kenneth Mølbjerg


    Ledelse er et af nøgleordene i fornyelsen af den offentlige sektor. Vi har imidlertid glemt et væsentligt aspekt af ledelse. Dette skyldes ikke mindst, at omgangsformen i dag er reguleret af information, mens den tidligere var reguleret af fortælleevnen. Evnen til dialog, indlevelse og nærvær er...

  15. Er sektorvalget også kønsopdelt blandt kvinder og mænd med samme uddannelse?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Mona; Holt, Helle; Larsen, Malene Rode


    private sektor end kvinder. For nogle uddannelser opstår kønsforskellen umiddelbart efter endt uddannelse, mens den for andre uddannelser først opstår i de efterfølgende år. Forskellige (forestillinger om) sektorspecifikke arbejdsvilkår kan ifølge resultaterne i denne artikel være en af forklaringerne på...

  16. Hvorfor lejere bliver sat ud af deres bolig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Torben Heien; Christensen, Gunvor

    Antallet af lejere, der bliver sat ud af deres bolig, er steget fra 1499 i 2002 til 2589 i 2006. Lejere kan blive sat ud af deres bolig, hvis de ikke betaler deres husleje til tiden, eller hvis de ikke overholder husordenen det sted de bor. Denne rapport beskriver årsager til, at lejere bliver sat...... ud af deres boliger og baggrunden for stigningen i antallet af udsættelser. desuden beskriver rapporten konsekvenser af en udsættelse og kommer med en række anbefalinger til indsatsområder. Af afgørende betydning for, at lejere bliver sat ud af deres bolig, er lav indkomst, lavt rådighedsbeløb, stor...

  17. Secretory IgA is Concentrated in the Outer Layer of Colonic Mucus along with Gut Bacteria

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    Eric W. Rogier


    Full Text Available Antibodies of the secretory IgA (SIgA class comprise the first line of antigen-specific immune defense, preventing access of commensal and pathogenic microorganisms and their secreted products into the body proper. In addition to preventing infection, SIgA shapes the composition of the gut microbiome. SIgA is transported across intestinal epithelial cells into gut secretions by the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR. The epithelial surface is protected by a thick network of mucus, which is composed of a dense, sterile inner layer and a loose outer layer that is colonized by commensal bacteria. Immunofluorescence microscopy of mouse and human colon tissues demonstrated that the SIgA co-localizes with gut bacteria in the outer mucus layer. Using mice genetically deficient for pIgR and/or mucin-2 (Muc2, the major glycoprotein of intestinal mucus, we found that Muc2 but not SIgA was necessary for excluding gut bacteria from the inner mucus layer in the colon. Our findings support a model whereby SIgA is anchored in the outer layer of colonic mucus through combined interactions with mucin proteins and gut bacteria, thus providing immune protection against pathogens while maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship with commensals.

  18. Metabolic Acidosis and Strong Ion Gap in Critically Ill Patients with Acute Kidney Injury

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    Cai-Mei Zheng


    Full Text Available Purpose. To determine the influence of physicochemical parameters on survival in metabolic acidosis (MA and acute kidney injury (AKI patients. Materials and Methods. Seventy-eight MA patients were collected and assigned to AKI or non-AKI group. We analyzed the physiochemical parameters on survival at 24 h, 72 h, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months after AKI. Results. Mortality rate was higher in the AKI group. AKI group had higher anion gap (AG, strong ion gap (SIG, and apparent strong ion difference (SIDa values than non-AKI group. SIG value was higher in the AKI survivors than nonsurvivors and this value was correlated serum creatinine, phosphate, albumin, and chloride levels. SIG and serum albumin are negatively correlated with Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation IV scores. AG was associated with mortality at 1 and 3 months post-AKI, whereas SIG value was associated with mortality at 24 h, 72 h, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months post-AKI. Conclusions. Whether high or low SIG values correlate with mortality in MA patients with AKI depends on its correlation with serum creatinine, chloride, albumin, and phosphate (P levels. AG predicts short-term mortality and SIG value predicts both short- and long-term mortality among MA patients with AKI.

  19. Article 9

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Marie Jull


    Bidraget forholdet sig til artikel 9 i et udkast til regulering af digitale formidlingsplatforme.......Bidraget forholdet sig til artikel 9 i et udkast til regulering af digitale formidlingsplatforme....

  20. Lyden af børne-tv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Stine Liv; Jørgensgaard Graakjær, Nicolai


    -lyttere. For eksempel har det vist sig, at et lille barn sjældent sidder stille foran tv ret længe ad gangen, men derimod forholder sig til tv såvel som til en række andre fænomener (legetøj, andre personer osv.) på samme tid. Det har vist sig, at auditive fænomener spiller en vigtig rolle i denne sammenhæng: Selv når...

  1. Coordinated rates of evolution between interacting plastid and nuclear genes in Geraniaceae. (United States)

    Zhang, Jin; Ruhlman, Tracey A; Sabir, Jamal; Blazier, J Chris; Jansen, Robert K


    Although gene coevolution has been widely observed within individuals and between different organisms, rarely has this phenomenon been investigated within a phylogenetic framework. The Geraniaceae is an attractive system in which to study plastid-nuclear genome coevolution due to the highly elevated evolutionary rates in plastid genomes. In plants, the plastid-encoded RNA polymerase (PEP) is a protein complex composed of subunits encoded by both plastid (rpoA, rpoB, rpoC1, and rpoC2) and nuclear genes (sig1-6). We used transcriptome and genomic data for 27 species of Geraniales in a systematic evaluation of coevolution between genes encoding subunits of the PEP holoenzyme. We detected strong correlations of dN (nonsynonymous substitutions) but not dS (synonymous substitutions) within rpoB/sig1 and rpoC2/sig2, but not for other plastid/nuclear gene pairs, and identified the correlation of dN/dS ratio between rpoB/C1/C2 and sig1/5/6, rpoC1/C2 and sig2, and rpoB/C2 and sig3 genes. Correlated rates between interacting plastid and nuclear sequences across the Geraniales could result from plastid-nuclear genome coevolution. Analyses of coevolved amino acid positions suggest that structurally mediated coevolution is not the major driver of plastid-nuclear coevolution. The detection of strong correlation of evolutionary rates between SIG and RNAP genes suggests a plausible explanation for plastome-genome incompatibility in Geraniaceae. © 2015 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

  2. Long-Term Sustainability of Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions and Community Coalitions Survival: a Five and One-Half Year Follow-up Study. (United States)

    Johnson, Knowlton; Collins, David; Shamblen, Steve; Kenworthy, Tara; Wandersman, Abraham


    This study examines (1) coalition survival, (2) prevalence of evidence-based prevention interventions (EBPIs) to reduce substance abuse implemented as part of the Tennessee Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) State Incentive Grant (SIG), (3) EBPI sustainability, and (4) factors that predict EBPI sustainability. Secondary data were collected on 27 SPF SIG-funded coalitions and 88 EBPI and non-EBPI implementations. Primary data were collected by a telephone interview/web survey five and one-half years after the SPF SIG ended. Results from secondary data show that 25 of the 27 coalitions survived beyond the SPF SIG for one to five and one-half years; 19 coalitions (70%) were still active five and one-half years later. Further, 88 EBPIs and non-EBPIs were implemented by 27 county SPF SIG coalitions. Twenty-one (21) of 27 coalitions (78%) implemented one to three EBPIs, totaling 37 EBPI implementations. Based on primary survey data on 29 of the 37 EBPI implementations, 28 EBPIs (97%) were sustained between two and five and one-half years while 22 EBPI implementations (76%) were sustained for five and one-half years. When controlling for variability among coalitions (nesting of EBPIs in coalitions), increases in data resources (availability of five types of prevention data) was a strong predictor of length of EBPI sustainability. Positive change in extramural funding resources and level of expertise during SPF SIG implementation, as well as level of coalition formalization at the end of the SPF SIG predicted EBPI sustainability length. One intervention attribute (trialability) also predicted length of sustainability. Implications are discussed.

  3. El abandono de andenes. Elaboración de un modelo de accesibilidad y cartografía en un entorno SIG: el Valle del Colca (Arequipa, Perú

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    Silió Cervera, F.


    Full Text Available Study results of terraces abandonment in a Colca Valley area (Peru are presented. Such process is a clear evidence of the traditional productive transformation due to leisure activities emergence. It involves important environmental consequences related with erosion, vegetation and water management, threatening the millenary balance between land uses and conservation. Cartography and land inventory are combined in a GIS with the aim to design a deterministic accessibility model. Results prove the correlation between abandonment and minor accessibility, with a vertical behavior modified by the incidence of other factors. Data analysis allows (a to detect differences in location and magnitude of such abandonment, (b to identify critic areas arising from the traditional model crisis, and (c to value the importance of an intervention focused in recovering the system sustaintability.

    [es] Se presentan los resultados del estudio del abandono de andenes en un sector del Valle del Colca (Perú. Dicho proceso supone una clara manifestación de la transformación de los modos de producción tradicionales ante la aparición de las actividades de ocio. Ello acarrea importantes consecuencias ambientales relacionadas con la erosión, vegetación y gestión del agua, haciendo peligrar el milenario equilibrio entre usos y conservación. Cartografía e inventario de campo se combinan en un SIG con el objetivo de elaborar un modelo determinístico de accesibilidad. Los resultados constatan una correlación entre abandono y menor accesibilidad con un comportamiento vertical alterado por la incidencia de otros factores. El análisis de la información permite (a detectar la diferente localización y magnitud de dicho abandono, (b identificar áreas críticas derivadas de la crisis del modelo tradicional, y (c valorar en qué medida la intervención es necesaria para recuperar la sostenibilidad del conjunto. [fr] L´abanon de terrasses de culture.

  4. Nogle argumentationsgange hos Habermas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Søren


    Artiklen forholder sig til væsentlige begreber fra Habermas' teori om den kommunikative handlen.......Artiklen forholder sig til væsentlige begreber fra Habermas' teori om den kommunikative handlen....

  5. OL Copenhagen 2020: Strategisk utopi?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Katrine; Møller Christensen, Søren


    Ny rapport anbefaler, at København ansøger om værtskabet for sommer-OL i 2020. Kulturminister Brian Mikkelsen vil tidligst tage stilling til en reel ansøgning om tre år. Der er da også god grund til at tænke sig rigtig godt om, før man engagerer sig med verdens største event......Ny rapport anbefaler, at København ansøger om værtskabet for sommer-OL i 2020. Kulturminister Brian Mikkelsen vil tidligst tage stilling til en reel ansøgning om tre år. Der er da også god grund til at tænke sig rigtig godt om, før man engagerer sig med verdens største event...

  6. The Sigma-1 Receptor as a Pluripotent Modulator in Living Systems. (United States)

    Su, Tsung-Ping; Su, Tzu-Chieh; Nakamura, Yoki; Tsai, Shang-Yi


    The sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R) is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein that resides specifically in the mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane (MAM), an interface between ER and mitochondria. In addition to being able to translocate to the plasma membrane (PM) to interact with ion channels and other receptors, Sig-1R also occurs at the nuclear envelope, where it recruits chromatin-remodeling factors to affect the transcription of genes. Sig-1Rs have also been reported to interact with other membranous or soluble proteins at other loci, including the cytosol, and to be involved in several central nervous system (CNS) diseases. Here, we propose that Sig-1R is a pluripotent modulator with resultant multiple functional manifestations in living systems. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  7. Sex differences in subcellular distribution of delta opioid receptors in the rat hippocampus in response to acute and chronic stress

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    Sanoara Mazid


    Full Text Available Drug addiction requires associative learning processes that critically involve hippocampal circuits, including the opioid system. We recently found that acute and chronic stress, important regulators of addictive processes, affect hippocampal opioid levels and mu opioid receptor trafficking in a sexually dimorphic manner. Here, we examined whether acute and chronic stress similarly alters the levels and trafficking of hippocampal delta opioid receptors (DORs. Immediately after acute immobilization stress (AIS or one-day after chronic immobilization stress (CIS, the brains of adult female and male rats were perfusion-fixed with aldehydes. The CA3b region and the dentate hilus of the dorsal hippocampus were quantitatively analyzed by light microscopy using DOR immunoperoxidase or dual label electron microscopy for DOR using silver intensified immunogold particles (SIG and GABA using immunoperoxidase. At baseline, females compared to males had more DORs near the plasmalemma of pyramidal cell dendrites and about 3 times more DOR-labeled CA3 dendritic spines contacted by mossy fibers. In AIS females, near-plasmalemmal DOR-SIGs decreased in GABAergic hilar dendrites. However, in AIS males, near-plasmalemmal DOR-SIGs increased in CA3 pyramidal cell and hilar GABAergic dendrites and the percentage of CA3 dendritic spines contacted by mossy fibers increased to about half that seen in unstressed females. Conversely, after CIS, near-plasmalemmal DOR-SIGs increased in hilar GABA-labeled dendrites of females whereas in males plasmalemmal DOR-SIGs decreased in CA3 pyramidal cell dendrites and near-plasmalemmal DOR-SIGs decreased hilar GABA-labeled dendrites. As CIS in females, but not males, redistributed DOR-SIGs near the plasmalemmal of hilar GABAergic dendrites, a subsequent experiment examined the acute affect of oxycodone on the redistribution of DOR-SIGs in a separate cohort of CIS females. Plasmalemmal DOR-SIGs were significantly elevated on hilar

  8. Análisis multicriterio SIG basado en momentos de orden superior normalizados para el cálculo de superficies de viabilidad ambiental

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    Oscar Alberto Gómez Colorado


    Full Text Available El presente estudio plantea una metodología para generar áreas de criticidad y niveles de susceptibilidad ambiental aptas para el trazado o localización de proyectos de infraestructura, con un alto grado de certidumbre comparado con los métodos convencionales basados en las funciones de máximos, media aritmética y promedio ponderado. La metodología se basa en la superposición espacial de variables físicas, ambientales y socioeconómicas que miden el impacto en el territorio ante el paso o ubicación del proyecto de infraestructura; aplicando el método de análisis estadístico denominado “momentos de orden superior” con un factor exponencial de normalización, propuesto por los autores. El modelo de análisis propuesto aplica principalmente en el Diagnóstico Ambiental de Alternativas (DAA de proyectos lineales y concentrados, exigido por el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MINAMBIENTE, en Colombia. El modelado espacial de los datos y las operaciones de superposición de capas de información, se realizaron a través de la herramienta Model Builder y la calculadora de mapas del software Arcgis. El análisis numérico y espacial realizado a través del SIG representa la interacción de los diferentes componentes bióticos, físicos y sociales (económicos, políticos y culturales, que inciden en la viabilidad del trazado o ubicación de un proyecto de infraestructura (vías, oleoductos, líneas de transmisión de energía, centrales hidroeléctricas, rellenos sanitarios, entre otros. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran como la superficie de susceptibilidad general, calculada con el método de momentos de orden superior normalizado, permite una toma de decisiones adecuada, toda vez que puede ajustarse con mayor aproximación a las diferentes restricciones ambientales de la región.


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    Oscar Peña


    Full Text Available La distribución de la vegetación natural se encuentra en intima relación con el comportamiento de los elementos climáticos tal como la temperatura y la humedad. Asimismo la altitud, la orientación (exposición a la radiación y la pendiente modifican dicho comportamiento. El Parque Provincial Copahue, localizado en la Provincia de Neuquen, en la cordillera norpatagónica, presenta características biogeográficas y particularidades ecogeomorfológicas que evidencian el marcado efecto de las variables climáticas. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar las relaciones de dichas variables mediante la utilización de una metodología bioclimática y el tratamiento digital de imágenes Landsat Tm. Metodológicamente se procedió en tres pasos. El primero consistió en la clasificación supervisada de la imagen satelital. De esto surgió una carta de vegetación del parque. En el segundo paso se digitalizó cartografía 1:100.000 con la que se obtuvo un modelo digital de elevación, mapa de pendiente y de orientación de laderas, de temperaturas y precipitaciones. En el tercero, se confeccionó una base de datos para la aplicación de una metodología bioclimática (Rivas y Martínez.1994 que permitió, mediante la aplicación del SIG delimitar los bioclimas del parque. La información de vegetación obtenida mediante la clasificación digital de la imagen satelital fue cruzada con el mapa bioclimático, el mapa topográfico, de pendiente, orientación y de las variables climáticas consideradas, a fin de conocer el grado de interrelación entre la distribución de la vegetación con las variables físicas tratadas.

  10. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs. uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til...... følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Undersøgelsen medtager myndighedernes besvarelse af digital post og e-mail, dels for at kunne...... sammenligne de to digitale kanaler og for at kunne sammenligne med en tidligere undersøgelse af digital kommunikation med det offentlige. Herudover er der tidligere gennemført en undersøgelse af e-mail svar og svartider i New Zealand og Australien. De danske resultater fra e-mail undersøgelsen, men ikke...

  11. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    , som enten via spørgeskema, e-mail eller telefon har givet os et enestående indblik i deres håndtering af den digitale kommunikation. Publikationen er et såkaldt workingpaper, hvor vi mere end gerne modtager forslag og kommentarer til forbedringer. Der er i publikationen en række aktive links til...

  12. Strategisk ledelse i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Balle


    This article presents a critical perspective on prevailing perceptions of strategic management in the public sector. With some notable exceptions, most of the strategic management literature is characterized by (a) a focus on the top managers as essential in the organization, (b) a perception......, and (e) an understanding of organizations as unitary actors and conflict as primarily taking place in the environment. Based on research in organizational behaviour and Public administration these notions are criticized and an alternative perspective envisioning a more humble role for strategic top...... management is suggested. Often (a) managers are better portrayed as puppets, (b) managerial decisions better understood as rational rituals, (c) unintended consequences of decisions the rule rather than the exception, (d) organizational change better understood as relatively independent of leaders and (e...

  13. Model Pembiayaan Syariah untuk Sektor Pertanian

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zubaidah Nasution


    Full Text Available Agriculture sector has a very strategic role international development. One of the main problems in agriculture development is the weaknesses of capital support. Shariah banks, have a significant potential for agricultural financing because of core business as the financial intermediary institution. However, the facts showed that Shariah banking financing to agriculture sector is still limited that it less than 4 %. This paper aims to review potential of Shariah banks and examines financing for capital support in agriculture sector. The method which are used in this paper are correlational and descriptive qualitative, with secondary data. The findings of this study will reflect the true picture of financing agriculture sector with formulating an alternative financing scheme in accordance with the characteristics of agriculture based on Shariah perspective. It might be beneficial for the existing Islamic banks to enhanced their performance in agricultural financing.

  14. Sektor Pariwisata Nasional: Komponen dan Keterkaitannya


    Savitri Mokoginta, Ivantia


    Tourism sector can play an important role in Indonesian economy, in term of generating foreign exchange as well as creating employment. The chain of product distribution in Tourism is different from that in other economic sectors. In addition, the number of 'actor' involved in Tourism is also bigger than that in other sectors. Therefore, multiplier effect from tourism sector is greater than the effect of multiplier in other economic sectors. This paper will try to give an adequate information...

  15. Leadership Pipeline i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Molly-Søholm, Thorkil; Dahl, Kristian Aagaard


    Teorien Leadership Pipeline er de seneste ca. ti år vundet kraftigt frem som en deskriptiv ramme for ledelse og som et styrende paradigme for store internationale koncerners ledelsesinfrastruktur (Kaiser, 2011). Teorien beskriver bl.a. hvilke færdigheder, prioriteter og arbejdsværdier, der skal til...... for at løse ledelsesopgaven for ledere på hvert enkelt ledelsesniveau, og forbindes oftest med Charan, Drotter og Noel (2001), men trækker reelt på en bred tradition inden for organisationsteori og ledelsesteori. Denne artikel formidler resultaterne af et kvalitativt forskningsprojekt, der undersøgte, om...... Leadership pipelineteoriens Gennem en række kvalitative fokusgruppeinterviews med 100 ledere fra forskellige lederniveauer blev der arbejdet med disse spørgsmål. Analysen af dataene indikerer, at teorien skal suppleres af otte kompetencefelter. Afslutningsvist diskuteres begrænsninger i forskningsdesignet...

  16. Performance measurement of the after-sales service network: Evidence from the automotive industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shahnoush Shahrouzi Fard


    Full Text Available This paper presents an empirical investigation to determine important factors influencing on customer satisfaction in after-sales service network of automotive industry. The study designs two questionnaires, one for measuring the quality of after-sales services and the other for measuring customers’ satisfaction. The study selects a sample of 265 randomly selected customers out of 850 people who received the services from an automotive firm in Iran. Cronbach alpha has calculated as 0.82, which is well above the minimum desirable level. Using Spearman correlation the study has detected a positive and meaningful relationship between services and customer satisfaction (r=0.48, Sig. =0.01, a positive relationship between being responsiveness and customer satisfaction (r=0.51, Sig. =0.01 and finally a positive relationship between speed of operation customer satisfaction (r=0.45, Sig. = 0.01. Moreover, there was a positive and meaningful relationship between cost of services and customer satisfaction (r=0.68, Sig. = 0.01 and a positive relationship between quality of services of after-sales services and customer satisfaction (r = 0.61, Sig. =0.01.

  17. Secretory IgA's complex roles in immunity and mucosal homeostasis in the gut. (United States)

    Mantis, N J; Rol, N; Corthésy, B


    Secretory IgA (SIgA) serves as the first line of defense in protecting the intestinal epithelium from enteric toxins and pathogenic microorganisms. Through a process known as immune exclusion, SIgA promotes the clearance of antigens and pathogenic microorganisms from the intestinal lumen by blocking their access to epithelial receptors, entrapping them in mucus, and facilitating their removal by peristaltic and mucociliary activities. In addition, SIgA functions in mucosal immunity and intestinal homeostasis through mechanisms that have only recently been revealed. In just the past several years, SIgA has been identified as having the capacity to directly quench bacterial virulence factors, influence composition of the intestinal microbiota by Fab-dependent and Fab-independent mechanisms, promote retro-transport of antigens across the intestinal epithelium to dendritic cell subsets in gut-associated lymphoid tissue, and, finally, to downregulate proinflammatory responses normally associated with the uptake of highly pathogenic bacteria and potentially allergenic antigens. This review summarizes the intrinsic biological activities now associated with SIgA and their relationships with immunity and intestinal homeostasis.

  18. Exhibition: Fibre optics, the future is at hand

    CERN Multimedia

    Anaïs Schaeffer


    Until 20 June, the Pont de la Machine in Geneva will host an exhibition on fibre optics, sponsored by SIG. CERN, a major user of this technology, was invited to take part with a presentation of some of its scintillating fibre detectors.   The CERN module, designed for the SIG's fibre optics exhibition. Visitors can discover a cosmic ray detector (on the right) and its oscilloscope (on the left), as well as one of the ALFA detector modules (at the back). The Services industriels genevois (SIG), who are in the process of deploying an optical fibre network in Geneva, have decided to showcase this technology with an exhibition entitled “Fibre optique – Le futur à portée de main.” The exhibition, which will be open to the public from 26 April to 20 June, is being held at the Espace ExpoSIG, at the Pont de la Machine in the centre of Geneva. “CERN’s Physics Department was approached by SIG at the start of this year to ...

  19. Sigma-1 receptor chaperones at the ER-mitochondrion interface regulate Ca(2+) signaling and cell survival. (United States)

    Hayashi, Teruo; Su, Tsung-Ping


    Communication between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondrion is important for bioenergetics and cellular survival. The ER supplies Ca(2+) directly to mitochondria via inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) at close contacts between the two organelles referred to as mitochondrion-associated ER membrane (MAM). We found here that the ER protein sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R), which is implicated in neuroprotection, carcinogenesis, and neuroplasticity, is a Ca(2+)-sensitive and ligand-operated receptor chaperone at MAM. Normally, Sig-1Rs form a complex at MAM with another chaperone, BiP. Upon ER Ca(2+) depletion or via ligand stimulation, Sig-1Rs dissociate from BiP, leading to a prolonged Ca(2+) signaling into mitochondria via IP3Rs. Sig-1Rs can translocate under chronic ER stress. Increasing Sig-1Rs in cells counteracts ER stress response, whereas decreasing them enhances apoptosis. These results reveal that the orchestrated ER chaperone machinery at MAM, by sensing ER Ca(2+) concentrations, regulates ER-mitochondrial interorganellar Ca(2+) signaling and cell survival.

  20. Profil Pengguna E-commerce (Studi di Wilayah Kerja Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Komunikasi dan Informatika Medan)


    S.Sos, Budiman


    Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) telah mempengaruhi berbagai sektor, salah satu contohnya adalah e-commerce. Tren e-commerce di masyarakat sangat menarik untuk diteliti, terutama profil, karakteristik, dan tren pemakaian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan e-commerce pada masyarakat di wilayah kerja Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Komunikasi dan Informatika (BBPPKI) Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan responden berusia ant...

  1. Strategi Branding Kota Surakarta dalam Pengelolaan sebagai Destinasi Wisata


    Mustikawati, Lina; Luqman, Yanuar; Setiabudi, Djoko


    STRATEGI BRANDING KOTA SURAKARTA DALAM PENGELOLAANSEBAGAI DESTINASI WISATAAbstrakPengembangan pariwisata menjadi salah satu fokus dalam peningkatan kualitashidup masyarakat melalui pendapatan daerah. Surakarta menjadi salah satu kota diIndonesia yang konsen terhadap sektor pariwisata karena memiliki potensi senidan budaya untuk dijadikan sebuah produk wisata yang dapat dijual kepadawisatawan.Saat ini, Surakarta menjadi sebuah kota wisata dengan konsep wisatabudaya. Tahun 2010 menjadi tahun di...

  2. Aktiv løn i danske virksomheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, Steen

    Formålet med artiklen er at belyse udbredelsen af årsbonus som incitamentløn blandt danske lønmodtagere i den private sektor samt især at belyse nogle effekter af årsbonus på oplevet fairness, på tilfredshed med løn og job og på selvrapporteret arbejdstid. Som forskningsdesign er valgt en stor kv...

  3. Fra Ford Ka til Ford Galaxy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rødgaard, Tove Schmidt


    Uddannelsespolitisk har det seneste år været det mest mærkelige, jeg har oplevet i mine mange år i denne sektor: i det tidlige forår 2006 begyndte de første rygter om en stor uddannelsesreform at dukke op – en reform der skulle omfatte hele det store felt af uddannelser indenfor det mellemlange, ...

  4. Synchrotron Intensity Gradients as Tracers of Interstellar Magnetic Fields

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lazarian, A.; Yuen, Ka Ho; Lee, Hyeseung; Cho, J. [Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2535 Sterling Hall, 475 North Charter Street, Madison, WI 53706-1507 (United States)


    On the basis of the modern understanding of MHD turbulence, we propose a new way of using synchrotron radiation: using synchrotron intensity gradients (SIGs) for tracing astrophysical magnetic fields. We successfully test the new technique using synthetic data obtained with 3D MHD simulations and provide the demonstration of the practical utility of the technique by comparing the directions of magnetic fields that are obtained with PLANCK synchrotron intensity data to the directions obtained with PLANCK synchrotron polarization data. We demonstrate that the SIGs can reliably trace magnetic fields in the presence of noise and can provide detailed maps of magnetic field directions. We also show that the SIGs are relatively robust for tracing magnetic fields while the low spatial frequencies of the synchrotron image are removed. This makes the SIGs applicable to the tracing of magnetic fields using interferometric data with single-dish measurement absent. We discuss the synergy of using the SIGs together with synchrotron polarization in order to find the actual direction of the magnetic fields and quantify the effects of Faraday rotation as well as with other ways of studying astrophysical magnetic fields. We test our method in the presence of noise and the resolution effects. We stress the complementary nature of the studies using the SIG technique and those employing the recently introduced velocity gradient techniques that trace magnetic fields using spectroscopic data.

  5. Prevalence and antimicrogram of Staphylococcus intermedius group isolates from veterinary staff, companion animals, and the environment in veterinary hospitals in Korea. (United States)

    Youn, Jung-Ho; Yoon, Jang Won; Koo, Hye Cheong; Lim, Suk-Kyung; Park, Yong Ho


    The Staphylococcus intermedius bacterial group (SIG) includes 3 distinct genetically heterogenous species: S. intermedius, S. pseudintermedius, and S. delphini. This pathogen group is associated with many opportunistic skin and ear infections in companion animals. Human infections with S. intermedius and S. pseudintermedius isolates and the emergence of methicillin-resistant isolates have been recently reported, which emphasizes the importance of nationwide identification of SIG isolate prevalence and antibiotic resistance in veterinary clinics. In the present study, a total of 178 SIG isolates were obtained from veterinary staff (n  =  40), companion animals (n  =  115), and the local environment (n  =  23) in 8 Korean veterinary hospitals. Isolates were differentiated into 167 S. pseudintermedius (93.8%) and 11 S. intermedius (6.2%) isolates; S. delphini isolates were not identified. The most effective antibiotics against these isolates included amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, amikacin, nitrofloxacin, imipenem, and vancomycin; whereas ampicillin, penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole were not effective. Surprisingly, the 128 SIG isolates (71.9%) displayed multiple drug resistance (MDR) against 3 or more antibiotic classes. Out of 52 SIG isolates carrying the methicillin-resistance gene (mecA), only 34 (65.4%) were oxacillin-resistant, and 49 (94.2%) methicillin-resistant SIG were multidrug resistant. This finding suggests the presence of greater numbers of MDR phenotypes than other isolates (P < 0.05).

  6. Synchrotron Intensity Gradients as Tracers of Interstellar Magnetic Fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lazarian, A.; Yuen, Ka Ho; Lee, Hyeseung; Cho, J.


    On the basis of the modern understanding of MHD turbulence, we propose a new way of using synchrotron radiation: using synchrotron intensity gradients (SIGs) for tracing astrophysical magnetic fields. We successfully test the new technique using synthetic data obtained with 3D MHD simulations and provide the demonstration of the practical utility of the technique by comparing the directions of magnetic fields that are obtained with PLANCK synchrotron intensity data to the directions obtained with PLANCK synchrotron polarization data. We demonstrate that the SIGs can reliably trace magnetic fields in the presence of noise and can provide detailed maps of magnetic field directions. We also show that the SIGs are relatively robust for tracing magnetic fields while the low spatial frequencies of the synchrotron image are removed. This makes the SIGs applicable to the tracing of magnetic fields using interferometric data with single-dish measurement absent. We discuss the synergy of using the SIGs together with synchrotron polarization in order to find the actual direction of the magnetic fields and quantify the effects of Faraday rotation as well as with other ways of studying astrophysical magnetic fields. We test our method in the presence of noise and the resolution effects. We stress the complementary nature of the studies using the SIG technique and those employing the recently introduced velocity gradient techniques that trace magnetic fields using spectroscopic data.

  7. Electronic Signature (eSig) (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — Beginning with the Government Paperwork Elimination Act of 1998 (GPEA), the Federal government has encouraged the use of electronic / digital signatures to enable...

  8. Herramientas SIG 3D

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco R. Feito Higueruela


    Full Text Available Applications of Geographical Information Systems on several Archeology fields have been increasing during the last years. Recent avances in these technologies make possible to work with more realistic 3D models. In this paper we introduce a new paradigm for this system, the GIS Thetrahedron, in which we define the fundamental elements of GIS, in order to provide a better understanding of their capabilities. At the same time the basic 3D characteristics of some comercial and open source software are described, as well as the application to some samples on archeological researchs

  9. Drie redenen waarom mensen zich zonder betaling ten volle inzetten: opiniërend

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ridder Schueren van der, M. de; Zwetsloot, G.


    Terwijl betaald werk steeds meer wordt gerationaliseerd en door managers, aangestuurd met veelal primair een financiële doelstelling, ligt dat heel anders bij vrijwillig werk. Bij het verrichten van betaald werk is het genereren van inkomen voor velen essentieel. Vrijwillig werk wordt niet betaald,


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    Wiwik Trapsilowati


    Full Text Available Prioritas program pemberantasan Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD, yaitu pemberantasan sarang nyamuk (PSN yang pelaksanaannya melibatkan peran serta masyarakat. Salah satu perilaku masyarakat dipengaruhi oleh faktor pendorong, yaitu faktor yang terwujud dalam sikap dan perilaku petugas kesehatan atau petugas lain yang merupakan kelompok referensi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengetahuan tokoh masyarakat tentang DBD dan perannya di masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (DKT dengan peserta 8-10 orang dalam satu kelompok. Informan penelitian ini adalah tokoh masyarakat yang berada pada tiga wilayah endemis DBD di Kota Salatiga. Data yang diperoleh diolah berdasar analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informan telah mengetahui tentang gejala, penular dan pencegahan serta pemberantasan DBD. Mereka menyampaikan berbagai informasi tentang DBD yang diperoleh dari media massa baik cetak maupun elektronik kepada masyarakat di wilayahnya, informasi tersebut disampaikan pada saat pertemuan rutin yang diadakan setiap bidan. Pembinaan dan perhatian dari sektor kesehatan terhadap kegiatan yang dilakukan informan masih kurang, sedangkan dari sektor lain belum dilakukan, pengetahuan tokoh masyarakat sudah cukup baik dan peran mereka cukup besar di masyarakat sekitarnya.   Kata kunci: pengetahuan, peran, tokoh masyarakat, pemberantasan DBD.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santy Mayda Batubara


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh manajemen aset dan kinerja keuangan berpengaruh terhadap nilai pasar pada perusahaan properti yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder, dengan teknik purposive sampling, yaitu perusahaan sektor properti, dengan sub sektor properti dan real estate dan konstruksi bangunan, yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia, sebanyak 72 pengamatan. Operasional variabel penelitian ini adalah Manajemen Aset diukur berdasarkan Fixed Asset Turnover (FAT dan Inventory Turnover (IT; dan Kinerja Keuangan diukur berdasarkan Return On Asset (ROA dan Return on Equity (ROE terhadap Nilai Pasar yang diukur berdasarkan Harga Saham Penutupan (HSP. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu (1 Manajemen Aset dan Kinerja Keuangan berdasarkan uji Simultan menyatakan bahwa secara bersama-sama atau serempak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terdapat Nilai Pasar, (2 Namun berdasarkan uji parsial menyatakan bahwa yang berpengaruh positif dan signifikan adalah IT, sementara FAT, ROA dan ROE tidak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan, (3 Berdasarkan koefisien Determinasi menyatakan bahwa Manajemen Keuangan dan Kinerja Keuangan memiliki hubungan yang cukup erat terhadap Nilai Pasar dan memiliki peningkatan sebesar 11,4%.

  12. Modas e modismos em gestão empresarial: uma pesquisa empírica sobre sistemas integrados de gestão (ERP) no Brasil


    Caldas, Miguel Pinto


    Este trabalho discute a onda dos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão (SIG). SIG representam imensos investimentos para empresas em todo o mundo e tem sido promovidos como panacéias gerenciais. Previsivelmente, muitas implantações não atendem as expectativas. Neste estudo, nós: (i) propomos uma perspectiva ampla para a compreensão dos fatores substantivos, institucionais e políticos envolvidos no fenômeno SIG, assim como uma alternativa ao "tecno-reducionismo" que tem caracterizado as abordagens usu...

  13. 40 CFR 52.726 - Control strategy: Ozone. (United States)


    ... Roselle Road) Awarded 0.030000 SIG COORD Higgins Road (Barrington to Roselle Road) Awarded 0.030000 SIG... Hanover Park Done 0.011840 Com. Pkg Worth Done 0.003530 Com. Pkg Roselle Done 0.007710 Com. Pkg Crystal...

  14. Factors Related to Soil Transmitted Helminth Infection on Primary School Children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liena Sofiana


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH is the third ranks of the top 10 common infectious diseases in the world with an incidence rate of about 1.4 billion per year. The incidence of STH in Indonesia is still quite high. This figure occurs in primary school students of 60-80%, while for all ages of 40% -60%. The purpose of this study was to determine factors related to STH infection in elementary school children at primary school of Moyudan Sleman. The type of research used was analytic observational with the cross-sectional design. The population in this study were all students of class I, II, and III in Moyudan Sleman primary school with total sampling technique of 60 respondents. Data analysis used chi-square. The test results showed that the habit of hand washing before eating (sig= 0.010; RP= 3.850, the habit of hand washing  after defecating(sig= 0.007; RP= 4.571, nail hygiene (sig= 0.179; RP= 2.138, the habit of wearing footwear (sig= 0.008; RP= 3.714, and bowel habits (sig= 0.004; RP= 4.000. It can be concluded that there was a relationship between hand washing before eating, hand washing after defecating, the habit of wearing footwear, bowel habits and STH infection on the students of Moyudan Sleman primary school but there was no relationship between nail hygiene and STH infection. ABSTRAK Infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH adalah penyakit yang menempati urutan ketiga dari 10 penyakit menular di dunia dengan tingkat kejadian sekitar 1,4 miliar per tahun. Insiden STH di Indonesia masih cukup tinggi. Angka tersebut terjadi pada siswa di sekolah dasar mencapai 60-80%, sedangkan untuk semua usia berkisar antara 40%-60%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan infeksi STH pada anak sekolah dasar di SD Negeri Moyudan Sleman. Penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas I, II, dan III di SD Moyudan

  15. Impact of the Regulators SigB, Rot, SarA and sarS on the Toxic Shock Tst Promoter and TSST-1 Expression in Staphylococcus aureus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego O Andrey

    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus is an important pathogen manifesting virulence through diverse disease forms, ranging from acute skin infections to life-threatening bacteremia or systemic toxic shock syndromes. In the latter case, the prototypical superantigen is TSST-1 (Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin 1, encoded by tst(H, and carried on a mobile genetic element that is not present in all S. aureus strains. Transcriptional regulation of tst is only partially understood. In this study, we dissected the role of sarA, sarS (sarH1, RNAIII, rot, and the alternative stress sigma factor sigB (σB. By examining tst promoter regulation predominantly in the context of its native sequence within the SaPI1 pathogenicity island of strain RN4282, we discovered that σB emerged as a particularly important tst regulator. We did not detect a consensus σB site within the tst promoter, and thus the effect of σB is likely indirect. We found that σB strongly repressed the expression of the toxin via at least two distinct regulatory pathways dependent upon sarA and agr. Furthermore rot, a member of SarA family, was shown to repress tst expression when overexpressed, although its deletion had no consistent measurable effect. We could not find any detectable effect of sarS, either by deletion or overexpression, suggesting that this regulator plays a minimal role in TSST-1 expression except when combined with disruption of sarA. Collectively, our results extend our understanding of complex multifactorial regulation of tst, revealing several layers of negative regulation. In addition to environmental stimuli thought to impact TSST-1 production, these findings support a model whereby sporadic mutation in a few key negative regulators can profoundly affect and enhance TSST-1 expression.

  16. The impact of sport related stressors on immunity and illness risk in team-sport athletes. (United States)

    Keaney, Lauren C; Kilding, Andrew E; Merien, Fabrice; Dulson, Deborah K


    Elite team-sport athletes are frequently exposed to stressors that have the potential to depress immunity and increase infection risk. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to describe how team-sport stressors impact upon immune responses, along with exploring whether alterations in these markers have the potential to predict upper respiratory tract illness symptoms. Narrative review. Salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) and T-cell markers have been shown to predict infection risk in individual endurance athletes. Papers discussing the impact of team-sport stressors on SIgA and T-cells were discussed in the review, studies discussing other aspects of immunity were excluded. Journal articles were sourced from PubMed, Web of science and Scopus. Key search terms included team-sport athletes, stressors, immunity, T-cells, cytokines, SIgA and upper respiratory illness. Most team-sport stressors appear to increase risk for illness. An association between reduced SIgA and increased illness incidence has been demonstrated. Intensive training and competition periods have been shown to reduce SIgA, however, it is less clear how additional stressors including extreme environmental conditions, travel, psychological stress, sleep disturbance and poor nutrition affect immune responses. Monitoring SIgA may provide an assessment of a team-sport athletes risk status for developing upper respiratory tract symptoms, however there is currently not enough evidence to suggest SIgA alone can predict illness. Team-sport stressors challenge immunity and it is possible that the combination of stressors could have a compounding effect on immunodepression and infection risk. Given that illness can disrupt training and performance, further research is required to better elucidate how stressors individually and collectively influence immunity and illness. Copyright © 2018 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Cold growth behaviour and genetic comparison of Canadian and Swiss Listeria monocytogenes strains associated with the food supply chain and human listeriosis cases. (United States)

    Arguedas-Villa, Carolina; Kovacevic, Jovana; Allen, Kevin J; Stephan, Roger; Tasara, Taurai


    Sixty-two strains of Listeria monocytogenes isolated in Canada and Switzerland were investigated. Comparison based on molecular genotypes confirmed that strains in these two countries are genetically diverse. Interestingly strains from both countries displayed similar range of cold growth phenotypic profiles. Based on cold growth lag phase duration periods displayed in BHI at 4 °C, the strains were similarly divided into groups of fast, intermediate and slow cold adaptors. Overall Swiss strains had faster exponential cold growth rates compared to Canadian strains. However gene expression analysis revealed no significant differences between fast and slow cold adapting strains in the ability to induce nine cold adaptation genes (lmo0501, cspA, cspD, gbuA, lmo0688, pgpH, sigB, sigH and sigL) in response to cold stress exposure. Neither was the presence of Stress survival islet 1 (SSI-1) analysed by PCR associated with enhanced cold adaptation. Phylogeny based on the sigL gene subdivided strains from these two countries into two major and one minor cluster. Fast cold adaptors were more frequently in one of the major clusters (cluster A), whereas slow cold adaptors were mainly in the other (cluster B). Genetic differences between these two major clusters are associated with various amino acid substitutions in the predicted SigL proteins. Compared to the EGDe type strain and most slow cold adaptors, most fast cold adaptors exhibited five identical amino acid substitutions (M90L, S203A/S203T, S304N, S315N, and I383T) in their SigL proteins. We hypothesize that these amino acid changes might be associated with SigL protein structural and functional changes that may promote differences in cold growth behaviour between L. monocytogenes strains. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Detection of Pasteuria penetrans infection in Meloidogyne arenaria race 1 in planta by polymerase chain reaction. (United States)

    Schmidt, L M; Preston, J F; Nong, G; Dickson, D W; Aldrich, H C


    We report on the development of a PCR-based assay to detect Pasteuria penetrans infection of Meloidogyne arenaria in planta using specific primers for recently sequenced sigE, spoIIAB and atpF genes of P. penetrans biotype P20. Amplification of these genes in crude DNA extracts of ground tomato root galls using real-time kinetic PCR distinguished infected from uninfected M. arenaria race 1 by analysis of consensus thresholds for single copy genes. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using the sigE primer sequence as a probe shows hybridization to P. penetrans cells in various stages of vegetative (pre-endospore) development. Ratios of gene copies for sigE and 16S rDNA were obtained for P. penetrans and compared to Bacillus subtilis as a genomic paradigm of endospore-forming bacteria. Phylogenetic analysis of the sigE gene from Gram-positive, endospore-forming bacteria finds P. penetrans most closely related Paenbacillus polymyxa. The sporulation genes (spo genes), particularly sigE, have sequence diversity that recommends them for species and biotype differentiation of the numerous Pasteuria isolates that infect a large number of plant-parasitic nematodes.

  19. Determination of staphylococcal exotoxins, SCCmec types, and genetic relatedness of Staphylococcus intermedius group isolates from veterinary staff, companion animals, and hospital environments in Korea (United States)

    Youn, Jung-Ho; Ahn, Kuk Ju; Lim, Suk-Kyung


    The Staphylococcus (S.) intermedius group (SIG) has been a main research subject in recent years. S. pseudintermedius causes pyoderma and otitis in companion animals as well as foodborne diseases. To prevent SIG-associated infection and disease outbreaks, identification of both staphylococcal exotoxins and staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) types among SIG isolates may be helpful. In this study, it was found that a single isolate (one out of 178 SIG isolates examined) harbored the canine enterotoxin SEC gene. However, the S. intermedius exfoliative toxin gene was found in 166 SIG isolates although the S. aureus-derived exfoliative toxin genes, such as eta, etb and etd, were not detected. SCCmec typing resulted in classifying one isolate as SCCmec type IV, 41 isolates as type V (including three S. intermedius isolates), and 10 isolates as non-classifiable. Genetic relatedness of all S. pseudintermedius isolates recovered from veterinary staff, companion animals, and hospital environments was determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Strains having the same band patterns were detected in S. pseudintermedius isolates collected at 13 and 18 months, suggesting possible colonization and/or expansion of a specific S. pseudintermedius strain in a veterinary hospital. PMID:21897094

  20. Adding evidence-based behavioral weight loss strategies to a statewide wellness campaign: a randomized clinical trial. (United States)

    Leahey, Tricia M; Thomas, Graham; Fava, Joseph L; Subak, Leslee L; Schembri, Michael; Krupel, Katie; Kumar, Rajiv; Weinberg, Brad; Wing, Rena R


    We determined the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of adding an evidence-based Internet behavioral weight loss intervention alone or combined with optional group sessions to ShapeUp Rhode Island 2011 (SURI), a 3-month statewide wellness campaign. We randomized participants (n = 230; body mass index = 34.3 ±6.8 kg/m(2); 84% female) to the standard SURI program (S) or to 1 of 2 enhanced programs: SURI plus Internet behavioral program (SI) or SI plus optional group sessions (SIG). The primary outcome was weight loss at the end of the 3-month program. Weight losses differed among all 3 conditions (S: 1.1% ±0.9%; SI: 4.2% ±0.6%; SIG: 6.1% ±0.6%; Ps ≤ .04). Both SI and SIG increased the percentage of individuals who achieved a 5% weight loss (SI: 42%; SIG: 54%; S: 7%; Ps < .001). Cost per kilogram of weight loss was similar for S ($39) and SI ($35); both were lower than SIG ($114). Although weight losses were greatest at the end of SURI with optional group sessions, the addition of an Internet behavioral program was the most cost-effective method to enhance weight losses.