
Sample records for sedimentable asma bronquial

  1. Relación entre las infecciones respiratorias agudas altas y el asma bronquial

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    Verónica Soler Fonseca

    Full Text Available Introducción: la infección respiratoria es la enfermedad más frecuente en los seres humanos, pues es responsable de la mitad de todas las enfermedades agudas. En Cuba al igual que en el resto del mundo, el asma bronquial constituye un importante problema de salud con incidencia relevante en los niños. Se señala que las infecciones virales están involucradas en la patogénesis del asma, sobre todo en el paciente pediátrico. Objetivo: identificar la influencia de las Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas Altas en la aparición y exacerbación de las crisis de asma bronquial. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo de los pacientes ingresados con asma bronquial en el servicio de enfermedades respiratorias del Hospital Pediátrico Docente de San Miguel del Padrón, durante todo el año 2008. Resultados: el tiempo de evolución de la IRAA más frecuente que desencadenó la crisis de asma bronquial fue de más de 7 días, con un 54,8 %. Un total de 188 pacientes presentaron rinofaringitis aguda catarral relacionada con la aparición de la crisis de asma bronquial, lo que representó el 82,4 % del total de la muestra. Conclusiones: predominó el grupo de 1 a 4 años con manifestaciones respiratorias altas de posible etiología viral sin diferencias apreciables en relación con el sexo. La mayoría de los pacientes que participaron en el estudio presentaron IRAA de etiología viral (Rinofaringitis, que precedieron la aparición y exacerbación de las crisis agudas de asma bronquial.

  2. Prevalencia del asma bronquial en una población pediátrica

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    Mireya Brooks Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Introducción: la prevalencia de asma bronquial en la atención primaria, así como los factores que más inciden en ella, facilitan el tratamiento de esta enfermedad en la población pediátrica. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de asma bronquial en la población infantil del municipio 10 de Octubre. Métodos: se realizó un estudio poblacional descriptivo, con el propósito de determinar la prevalencia de asma bronquial en la población infantil del municipio 10 Octubre, a partir de los casos identificados con esta enfermedad. El marco muestral estuvo constituido por los pacientes en edades comprendidas entre los 0-19 años, pertenecientes al universo poblacional de 8 policlínicos del municipio. Se aplicó la distribución por grupos de edades y sexo de la población en estudio, particularizando los dispensarizados por asma. Resultados: el área de salud que aportó el mayor número de pacientes dispensarizados fue la correspondiente al Policlínico "Raúl Gómez García", con 20,4 %. El grupo etario más afectado fue el de 15 a 19 años, con 33,7 % (adolescencia tardía. La prevalencia de asma bronquial en edad infantil del municipio 10 de Octubre fue de un 15,9 %. Conclusiones: el grupo de edad 15-19 años resultó ser el más representativo, y el que, a su vez, mostró superioridad en cuanto a pacientes afectados por asma, condición que puede incrementar los riesgos en el seguimiento de la enfermedad. Existió correspondencia de la prevalencia identificada en el municipio 10 de Octubre, con los estándares nacionales e internacionales de prevalencia del asma.

  3. Conocimientos y modos de actuación de la familia en escolares con asma bronquial

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    Zoraya Coro Carrasco


    Full Text Available Introducción: en el manejo del asma bronquial es fundamental lograr el control de la enfermedad de manera tal que el paciente y su familia alcance su calidad de vida diaria, siendo la educación un pilar esencial en tal propósito. Objetivo: evaluar la influencia de la familia en la severidad del asma bronquial en escolares clasificados como severos persistentes. Material y método: se realizó una investigación explicativa, observacional, de caso-control, transversal en el área de salud Pedro Borras del municipio Pinar del Río entre enero de 2007 y julio de 2008. El universo y muestra estuvo constituido por asmáticos en edad escolar, incluyéndose en el grupo estudio 26 pacientes con asma bronquial severa persistente y en el grupo control igual cantidad con asma bronquial no severa persistente. Resultados: en el grupo de pacientes con asma severa persistente el 92% no poseían conocimientos suficientes al asma bronquial; el 88.8 % no cumplían con las medidas de control ambiental; el 50 % incumplían el tratamiento intercrisis y el 76.9 % realizaban la técnica inhalatoria de manera incorrecta. Conclusiones: los conocimientos insuficientes en relación al asma bronquial estuvieron asociados a las evoluciones más tórpidas de la enfermedad, constatándose además una relación de dependencia entre la severidad de enfermedad y los modos de actuación de la familia en cuanto a: cumplimiento de las medidas de control ambiental, cumplimiento del tratamiento farmacológico preventivo de las crisis y realización de la técnica inhalatoria. (p< 0,05.

  4. Asma bronquial y furosemida

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    José Ramón Martínez Pérez


    Full Text Available La compleja fisiopatología del asma bronquial se refleja en el manejo del paciente asmático, constituyendo un problema de salud en la medicina moderna. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, con el objetivo de abordar aspectos relacionados con la aplicación de la furosemida en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad, en busca de esclarecer posibles efectos beneficiosos de esta modalidad terapéutica. Se utilizaron los recursos disponibles en la red Infomed, mediante la cual se accedieron a bases de datos especializadas. De la bibliografía consultada se concluye que el efecto corrector de este fármaco sobre el asma se explica a través de mecanismos que involucran el transporte iónico a través de membranas celulares, produciendo acción directa sobre la vía aérea, efecto antitusígeno, vasodilatación pulmonar, sobre los derivados de la cicloxigenasa y antinflamatorio. Aún no se dispone de datos significativos que permitan concluir con certeza acerca de la efectividad del tratamiento, ya que existen discrepancias entre varios de los estudios realizados. Se recomienda prudencia y proceder con rigurosidad a la hora de experimentar el uso de la furosemida en el asma

  5. El papel del músculo liso bronquial y los nervios en la fisiopatología del asma bronquial

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    María Victoria Picó Bergantiños


    Full Text Available Gran cantidad de evidencia se ha recopilado en los últimos años con relación a la naturaleza inflamatoria del asma bronquial, lo que ha traído como consecuencia la revisión obligada de aspectos importantes de su fisiopatología, y entre estos aspectos consideramos de sumo interés el papel que juega el músculo liso bronquial y los nervios en la génesis y desarrollo de esta enfermedad. La proteína quinasa C (PKC está involucrada en la contracción mantenida del músculo liso bronquial in vitro, y puede por tanto ser de particular importancia en pacientes con asma crónica. El incremento del engrosamiento del músculo liso de las vías aéreas es otra característica llamativa en algunos pacientes con asma, y puede tener lugar tanto en las partes proximales como distales de las vías aéreas. La tos y la "apretazón" en el pecho son síntomas comunes en el asma y probablemente estos síntomas están mediados por la activación de aferentes nerviosos. Finalmente se expresan las posibles interrogantes futuras que pudieran definir las investigaciones en el campo de la fisiopatología del asma en lo relacionado con el músculo liso bronquial y la inervación pulmonarThe great deal of evidence that has been collected for the last years in connection with the inflammatory nature of bronchial asthma have led us to make an obliged review of some important aspects of its physiopathology. Among these aspects, we consider it is very interesting the role played by the airway smooth muscle and nerves in the genesis and development of this disease. The protein kinase C (PKC is involved in the maintained contraction of the airway smooth muscle in vitro and it may be of particular significance in patients with chronic asthma. The thickening of the airway smooth muscle is another characteristic of some patients with asthma and it may occur in the proximal parts and in the distal parts of the airways. Cough and chest "squeeze" are common symptoms in asthma

  6. Conceptos Básicos en Asma Bronquial

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


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    Si hay una patología común en medicina, especialmente en pediatría, esta es el asma bronquial.

    Más de cien millones de asmáticos habitan en la tierra; y aunque nunca antes se había sabido tanto de la fisiopatología de esta enfermedad, ni ha habido tantos fármacos y medios de tratarla, en un sinnúmero de casos ni los padres ni los médicos parecen encontrarle salida a tan desesperante situación.

    Nadie más preparado en nuestro medio para analizar este tema que el Profesor Eduardo De Zubiría, insigne internista y reconocido alergista de la tradicional escuela de La Samaritana, que desarrollara en compañía de su hermano Roberto, y de quienes tuve la fortuna de ser alumno en 1960.

    Eduardo y sus dos hijos De Zubiría Salgado (Eduardo Jr. Y Alberto navegan con autoridad por ese mundo fantástico de los mastocitos, de los eosinófilos y de los linfocitos, de las inmunoglobulinas, de los mediadores, de las linfoquinas y de todo aquello que configura las reacciones alérgicas, el espasmo y la hiperreactividad bronquiales.

    No podría tampoco faltar en la obra el capítulo sobre ácaros, de los expertos Mario Sánchez Medina y Luis Caraballo, quienes desde hace muchos años vienen investigando sobre este tema en Colombia.

    El libro está elaborado con una secuencia muy didáctica, pues comienza con la epidemiología de la enfermedad y continúa, entre otros, con temas fisiopatológicos, discutiendo en detalle aquellas células y mediadores de la inflamación y de la respuesta alérgica, y en particular los anticuerpos, destacándose entre ellos la inmunoglobulina E.

    Los pacientes con hiperreactividad bronquial son más dados a sufrir los ataques espasmódicos que llevan a la obstrucción de las vías aéreas, yen algunos casos a las dramáticas y peligrosas crisis asmáticas, que tan frecuentemente vemos en los servicios de urgencias y que resultan tan onerosos para nuestro sistema de salud.

    El texto

  7. Crisis aguda de Asma Bronquial. Diagnóstico y tratamiento estandarizado

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    Anelia de la Caridad Rojas-Pérez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de intervención en 150 pacientes con diagnóstico de Asma Bronquial que acudieron con crisis aguda al Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Pediátrico de Holguín, de Enero del 2009 hasta Diciembre del 2010; para evaluar la evolución de los mismos después de la aplicación de Guías de Buenas Prácticas. Se aplicó tratamiento a los pacientes según lo establecido, observando su respuesta. Predominó el grupo de 4 a 8 años del sexo masculino, el 52 % de los pacientes presentaron crisis ligeras, buena respuesta al uso de broncodilatadores en aerosol, se aplicó la Prednisona por vía oral en la mayoría de los casos que lo requirieron, el 68,7 % realizó tratamiento domiciliario con respuestas controladas y solo en el 31,3 % se decidió ingreso hospitalario lo que permitió arribar a la siguiente conclusión: Con la aplicación de Guías de Buenas Prácticas Clínicas par a el manejo de la exacerbación aguda del Asma Bronquial se logró una clasificación adecuada de la severidad de la misma, buena respuesta a los tratamientos utilizados y disminución de los ingresos hospitalarios.

  8. Asma bronquial. Atención primaria de salud

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    Reinaldo Pino Blanco


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo define las pautas a seguir en la atención primaria de salud para logran un adecuado seguimiento y control de los pacientes que sufren enfermedades respiratorias crónicas y en particular el asma bronquial. Se realiza una revisión profunda de las principales guías para el manejo de la enfermedad, así como las mejores evidencias publicadas hasta la fecha.This paper sets out the guidelines in the primary health care to achieve an adequate monitoring and control of patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases including bronchial asthma. A systematic review on the main guidelines to handle this disease and the best evidence published to this day are presented.

  9. Efectividad de la acupuntura en la crisis aguda de asma bronquial

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    María Teresa Paz Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma bronquial es una enfermedad respiratoria con significativa prevalencia y una de las principales causas de ingreso hospitalario y la acupuntura una forma terapéutica de la Medicina Tradicional y Natural con múltiples indicaciones, dentro de ellas esta afección. Objetivo: determinar la evolución de los pacientes asmáticos persistentes moderados de ambos sexos antes y después del tratamiento con acupuntura en el servicio de urgencia en el Hospital General Docente Abel Santamaría Cuadrado de Pinar del Río. Material y método: se realizó un estudio de intervención, prospectivo, longitudinal, utilizando la acupuntura como modalidad terapéutica de la Medicina Tradicional China en pacientes que acudieron al cuerpo de guardia de Medicina Interna del Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" de Pinar del Rio, en el período comprendido entre octubre-diciembre del 2013. El universo lo integraron todos los pacientes que acudieron a la consulta con crisis aguda de asma bronquial (223 y la muestra, 83 pacientes clasificados como asmáticos persistentes moderados utilizándose acupuntura en los puntos pulmón 7, vaso concepción 17 y vejiga 13 al grupo de estudio (41 pacientes y 42 con tratamiento convencional. Resultados: al tratar estos pacientes se ha evidenciado que el 78,4% de ellos mejoró por la aplicación de este método milenario. Ninguno presentó complicaciones y sólo 11 pacientes no mejoraron. Conclusiones: los pacientes respondieron de igual forma al tratamiento sin distinción de edad y sexo, demostrando este método ser eficiente, de fácil aplicación con aparición de menos reacciones adversas y además, económico.

  10. Tratamiento del asma bronquial en niños según la medicina Bioenergética y Natural

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    Sandra Haydée Hernández García


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma bronquial es «la inflamación crónica de la vía aérea en la que desempeñan un papel destacado algunas células y mediadores. Es la enfermedad crónica en niños más frecuente a nivel mundial. Los tratamientos ofrecidos por la medicina alopática, si bien ofrecen control de síntomas con buenos resultados, no son efectivos en la totalidad de los pacientes. Las diferentes técnicas de la medicina Bioenergética y Natural son alternativas valiosas para el tratamiento del asma, ya que ofrecen la posibilidad de erradicar los síntomas de forma definitiva. Objetivo: diseñar una base teórico-metodológica para el desarrollo de la medicina bioenergética y natural como elemento que contribuya a elevar la calidad de la atención médica pediátrica. Material y método: se realizaron búsquedas en bases de datos bibliográficas computarizadas de estudios publicados en revistas indexadas como: Medline, Bireme, Lilacs, Índice Médico Español, Cochrane Library, Alternative Medicine Electronic Database, Acubase, BioMed Central. Se buscaron estudios, con los siguientes términos: asthma, acupuncture, therapy acupuncture gender, phisical therapy acupuncture, pediatric patients, pediatric asthma, children, homeopatic adolescent, acupressure. Resultados: se ofrecen opciones terapéuticas a la luz de la medicina Bioenergética y Natural aplicables a la edad pediátrica, útiles en el manejo del asma bronquial en niños en consultas ambulatorias u hospitalizados a la vez, teniendo en cuenta y aprovechando los conocimientos y los avances científicos de la alopatía. Conclusiones: esta revisión es una guía para los médicos que atienden niños, tanto en atención primaria como secundaria. La aplicación de estas terapias redundará en su salud, contribuirá además al tratamiento más efectivo del asma bronquial, es necesario elevar la calidad de las investigaciones es este campo para contribuir a la validación de la eficacia de

  11. Contaminación biológica intradomiciliaria y su relación con síntomas respiratorios indicativos de asma bronquial en preescolares de Bucaramanga, Colombia

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    Astrid Berena Herrera


    Conclusiones. La exposición a contaminantes biológicos intramurales (ácaros y hongos, los antecedentes personales de prematuridad, neumonía o rinitis y el antecedente familiar de asma, incrementan la probabilidad de presentación de síntomas indicativos de asma bronquial en la población estudiada.

  12. Asma bronquial y auriculoterapia

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    José Ramón Martínez Pérez


    Full Text Available El incremento de la morbimortalidad por asma y el manejo del paciente asmático representan problemas difíciles en la medicina moderna, esto fue el motivo para realizar un trabajo de revisión, con el objetivo de abordar aspectos relacionados con la aplicación de la auriculoterapia en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad, así como esclarecer los posibles efectos beneficiosos de esta modalidad terapéutica en la misma. Se concluye que el efecto corrector de la auriculoterapia sobre el asma se explica a través de mecanismos neurológicos, humorales, bioeléctricos e inmunológicos que producen broncodilatación, inmunomodulación y respuesta antiinflamatoria. Entre los puntos de la auriculopuntura más utilizados en el tratamiento del asma se incluyen a: shen men, simpático, asma y Ding chuan auricular. Se hacen algunas consideraciones sobre el tema

  13. Comportamiento del asma bronquial en la edad pediátrica

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    Lilian Jiménez Fontao


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, con un modelo de diseño del tipo casos y controles en la población de niños que acuden al Círculo Infantil "Sueños del Ché", con el fin de determinar la posible influencia de algunos factores de riesgo para padecer de asma bronquial. La investigación se realizó durante el curso escolar 1996-1997. El material de estudio quedó conformado por 166 niños, 21 de los cuales eran asmáticos (GE, el resto (145 eran los supuestamente sanos y conformaron el grupo control (GC. Como instrumento epidemiológico se utilizó el riesgo relativo (RR y su intervalo de confianza al 95 %, así como la prueba de Chi cuadrado. El sexo masculino predominó entre los enfermos y las manifestaciones alérgicas fueron más frecuentes entre los niños enfermos, así como en aquellos cuyos familiares era fumadores o que padecían de asma bronquial. El ketotifeno consiguió el 50 % de mejoría entre los enfermos, y la presencia de vectores y/o animales en el hogar no resultó un factor importante a considerarAn observational analytic case-control study was conducted in the population of children attending the "Sueños del Ché" Day Care Center in order to determine the possible influence of some risk factors on bronchial asthma. The investigation was made during the academic course 1996-1997. 166 children, 21 of whom were asthmatics (SG, and other 145 apparently sound (CG took part in the study. The relative risk and its confidence interval of 95 %, as well as the Chi square test were used as an epidemiological tool. Males prevailed among the sick and the allergic manifestations were more common in ill children and in those whose relatives were smokers or suffered from bronchial asthma. An improvement of 50 % was attained with the admnistration of ketotifen. The presence of vectors and/or animals at home was not an important factor to be considered

  14. Caracterización epidemiológica de la descompensación aguda del asma bronquial

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    Yanin Arteaga Prado


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma bronquial tiene una compleja fisiopatología que involucra la presencia en el paciente de factores genéticos de atopia, mecanismos inmunológicos disfuncionales. Objetivo: caracterizar la asociación de diversos aspectos epidemiológicos con la aparición de descompensaciones agudas del asma bronquial. Material y método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal a 118 pacientes del área de dos consultorios médicos del Policlínico Universitario "Hermanos Cruz" de la Ciudad de Pinar del Río durante el primer trimestre del 2012. Se comparó el grupo de pacientes que presentaron descompensaciones de la enfermedad con el grupo de pacientes que no se descompensó. Se aplicó un cuestionario para explorar las variables de interés. Para verificar la asociación entre variables se utilizó el estadígrafo ji cuadrado para un valor de significación estadística á=0.05. Resultados: las descompensaciones agudas fueron casi dos veces más frecuentes en el sexo femenino. De manera muy significativa (Z=3,26 p<0,01 una tercera parte de los asmáticos de su enfermedad; las amas de casa y los estudiantes fueron los más afectados. Solo el 38,1 % de los asmáticos tuvo un adecuado seguimiento por un especialista (clínico, pediatra, alergólogo o inmunólogo y de estos solo el 11,1 % presentaron descompensaciones agudas, en tanto se descompensó un 39,7 % de los que no tienen seguimiento especializado. Conclusiones: la degradación de las condiciones de la vivienda favoreció la aparición de descompensaciones agudas del asma. En tres cuartas partes de las casas había animales domésticos, existiendo una fuerte asociación entre esta condición y la aparición de descompensaciones agudas del paciente asmático.

  15. Caracterización del asma bronquial en un área de salud

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    María Eulalia Prieto Herrera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal para caracterizar el asma bronquial en 2 grupos básicos de trabajo del Policlínico Comunitario Este, del municipio Camagüey durante el año 1996. El universo estuvo constituido por 260 pacientes dispensarizados como asmáticos, y mediante diseño muestral se tomaron 99 pacientes de 6 consultorios. La encuesta recogió variables como: grado de severidad, antecedentes familiares y personales de enfermedad atópica, momento en que aparecen las crisis y factores ambientales. El 54,5 % de los asmáticos eran ligeros; 68,6 % de los pacientes reconoció padecer de enfermedades atópicas. Existió un alto porcentaje de factores ambientales (95,9 % de polvo, 78,7 % de animales domésticos, 74,7 % de humedad. Se concluyó que la mayoría de los pacientes tenían familiares con enfermedades atópicas, más de la mitad de los pacientes presentaban crisis de asma bronquial con los cambios de temperatura. El polvo hogareño fue el factor ambiental más importante en la investigaciónA descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to characterize bronchial asthma in 2 basic working groups of the Eastern Community Polyclinic, in the municipality of Camagüey, during 1996. 260 patients classified as asthmatic participated in the study. 99 patients were selected from 6 physician's offices as a sample.Variables such as severity degree, family and personal history of atopic disease, moment in which the crisis appears and environmental factors were collected in the survey. 54.5% of the asthmatic patients were mild, whereas 68.6% recognized having atopic diseases. There was a high percentage of environmental factors (95.9% of dust, 78.7% of pets, 74.7% of humidity. It was concluded that most of the patients had relatives with atopic diseases and that more than 50% of the patients had crises of bronchial asthma caused by the temperature changes. Home dust was the most important environmental factor found in the

  16. Los antihistamínicos H1 de primera generación en el tratamiento del asma bronquial ¿si o no?

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    Alicia Zapata Martínez


    Full Text Available Se hace una revisión sobre el uso de los antihistáminicos H1 de primera generación en el tratamiento del asma bronquial. Se concluye que sólo deben tenerse en cuenta para el trata miento de pacientes asmáticos con rinitis alérgica crónica cuando no estén en un ataque agudo de asma.A review on the use of first generation antihistamics H1 in the treatment of bronchial asthma is carried out. It is concluded that they should only be taken into account for treating asthmatic patients with chronic allergic rhinitis when they are not under an acute asthma attack.

  17. Concepciones de la medicina oriental sobre el asma bronquial Concepts of the eastern medicine on the bronchial asthma

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    Ileana Cutiño Clavel

    Full Text Available Con el objetivo analizar los principios sobre los cuales se sustenta la medicina oriental para verificar la presencia del asma, se revisaron documentos específicos sobre la materia, donde se incluía la valoración acerca de si las alteraciones energéticas referidas fundamentan la existencia de manifestaciones respiratorias del asma bronquial, según las concepciones de la medicina occidental. Se encontraron puntos de contacto entre los criterios orientales y occidentales en cada una de las desarmonías energéticas.With the objective of analyzing the principles on which the eastern medicine is sustained to verify the presence of asthma, specific documents on the subject were reviewed, where the evaluation about whether the referred energy alterations support the existence of breathing manifestations of the bronchial asthma was included, according to the concepts of the western medicine. Contact points among the eastern and western approaches in each of the energetic disharmonies were found.

  18. Mediadores inflamatorios en el asma

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    Roberto Alvarez Sintes


    Full Text Available Se describen los mediadores inflamatorios que intervienen en los cambios característicos del asma bronquial; mastocitos, macrófagos, eosinófilos, neutrófilos, células epiteliales y plaquetas.

  19. La Auriculopuntura con semillas en el tratamiento del asma bronquial en edad pediátrica

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    Tamara Hervis Lee


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo investigativo en el Policlínico Docente "19 de Abril" durante el año 1996 en el que se incluyó a 97 niños portadores de asma bronquial, cuyas edades oscilaban entre 1 y 14 años. Fueron tratados con auriculopuntura usando el método de pega y presión, con semillas Wang Bu Liu Xin, desarrollado por la escuela de la profesora Huan Li Chung. Se obtuvo una disminución del uso de medicamentos durante la crisis y la intercrisis, así como del número de pacientes clasificados como asmáticos severos y moderados; incrementándose por ende el total de pacientes con asma ligera.A descriptive and investigative study was conducted at the "19 de Abril" Teaching Polyclinic during 1996. 97 children carriers of bronchial asthma, who were between 1 and 14 years old, were treated with auriculopuncture by the method of sticking and pressuring with Wang Bu Liu Xin seeds, a method that is developed by the school of professor Huan Li Chung. It was possible to reduce the use of drugs during the crises and intercrises, as well as the number of patients classified as severe and moderate asthmatic patients. As a result, there was an increase of patients with mild asthma.

  20. Tratamiento del episodio agudo de asma bronquial en los servicios de urgencias pediátricos: Guía clínica práctica Treatment of the acute episode of bronchial asthma at the pediatric emergency services: Practical clinical guide

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    Roberto Razón Behar


    Full Text Available Por lo general, no existe una sistematización para clasificar y tratar el episodio agudo de asma bronquial ni para evaluar la evolución de los pacientes. Se realizó un estudio en 142 pacientes de 6 a 15 años de edad, que presentaron episodios agudos de asma bronquial y acudieron a los servicios de urgencias de los Hospitales Pediátricos «William Soler» y «Leonor Pérez», y del Policlínico «Federico Capdevila». A estos pacientes se les aplicó una guía clínica práctica, que incluyó la clasificación de la severidad del episodio agudo y un esquema de tratamiento, basado en la utilización de oxígeno, broncodilatadores inhalados y esteroides orales. Durante el tratamiento, los pacientes se evaluaron con periodicidad. La respuesta al tratamiento fue buena en la mayoría de los casos y el resultado final fue el egreso domiciliario. Ocho de los pacientes requirieron ingreso hospitalario por respuestas al tratamiento incompletas o pobres. La atención del episodio agudo de asma bronquial puede mejorarse con el uso de guías clínicas prácticas de diagnóstico y tratamiento.

  1. Factores peri y postnatales relacionados con el asma bronquial en niños

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    Odalys Orraca Castillo


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma es una de las enfermedades que recuerda a los médicos la importancia de los elementos clínicos y epidemiológicos en el reconocimiento del paciente. La enfermedad surge por factores genéticos y ambientales. Objetivo: describir los factores peri y postnatales del asma bronquial en pacientes de edad pediátrica en Pinar del Río. Material y método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo en la provincia Pinar del Río durante el periodo enero-junio 2010. Fueron seleccionados 585 asmáticos de edad pediátrica, por muestreo probabilístico estratificado, proporcional al universo de pacientes de las capitales municipales. Se consideró a cada municipio como estrato. Se usó la técnica de muestreo sistemático. Se calcularon las frecuencias absolutas y relativas de las variables cualitativas estudiadas. Resultados: el 10.8% de las madres fueron fumadoras durante el embarazo. El 6.7% y 39.5% de los niños fueron fumadores activos y pasivos respectivamente. El 34.2% de los niños asmáticos no mantuvo lactancia materna exclusiva hasta los tres meses. La rinitis ocupó el primer lugar (55% dentro de las co-morbilidades alérgicas. El 73.2% de los pacientes presentaron catarros, seguido de las amigdalitis e infecciones parasitarias. Conclusiones: el tabaquismo (pasivo y activo, la convivencia con animales domésticos, el consumo excesivo y temprano de leche de vaca con el retiro temprano de la lactancia materna exclusiva y las infecciones respiratorias como antecedentes patológicos personales constituyen factores peri y postnatales relacionados con niños asmáticos en Pinar del Río en quienes la rinitis y dermatitis se asociaron como parte de la marcha atópica.

  2. Relación entre la severidad de las manifestaciones de asma bronquial y el cumplimiento del tratamiento intercrisis Relation between the severity of bronchial asthma manifestations and the fulfilment of the inter-crisis treatment

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    Tatiana de la Vega Pazitková


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: En la última década han aumentado la morbilidad y la mortalidad por asma bronquial. Se estima que esta enfermedad la padecen actualmente 300 millones de personas en el mundo. En Cuba, el asma bronquial constituye también un importante problema de salud. OBJETIVO: Establecer la relación entre el cumplimiento del tratamiento en periodos intercrisis y la severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas de la enfermedad. MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 119 pacientes con diagnóstico de asma bronquial pertenecientes al policlínico "Ana Betancourt". Para la recolección de datos se aplicaron cuestionarios de forma individual a los pacientes o a los familiares que están directamente al cuidado de estos. Los pacientes fueron agrupados según la Guía española para el manejo del asma de 2009. RESULTADOS: Se detectaron 23 pacientes asmáticos intermitentes, 42 persistentes leves, 36 persistentes moderados y 18 persistentes graves. El 95 % de los pacientes estudiados desencadenaba la crisis con inhalantes respiratorios. En el 79 % de los hogares se detectó la presencia de fumadores. Solo el 41 % de los pacientes cumplía el tratamiento correctamente en los periodos intercrisis. CONCLUSIONES: Existe una relación directa entre la severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas del asma bronquial y el no cumplimiento del tratamiento intercrisis, lo que puede condicionar la exacerbación de la enfermedad.INTRODUCTION: In past decade the morbidity and mortality from bronchial asthma have increased. This is a diseased suffered nowadays by 300 millions of persons in the world. In Cuba, the bronchial asthma is also an important health problem. OBJECTIVE: To establish the relation between the fulfilment of treatment in inter-crisis period and the severity of the clinical manifestations of this entity. METHODS: A total of 119 patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma from the "Ana Betancourt" Polyclinic were studied. In data collection authors applied individual

  3. Tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica en niños con Rinitis Alérgica y/o Asma Bronquial. Área Norte. 2005 - 2007.


    Matilde Iraida Morera Franco; Rigoberto Antonio García Chang; María Mercedes Gómez Paz


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal durante el período Enero 2005_ Enero 2007 en el Policlínico Norte del municipio Sancti Spíritus. El universo estuvo constituido por el total de niños con edades de 2_15 años con enfermedades alérgicas, a los que se realizó pruebas de alergia e indicó tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica por vía subcutánea, la muestra estuvo formada por 75 pacientes con asma bronquial, rinitis alérgica y/o ambas enfermedades, con el objetivo de determinar ...

  4. Efectividad de la fitoterapia en pacientes con asma bronquial The effectiveness of herbal medicine in patients suffering from bronchial asthma

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    Margarita García Quiala


    Full Text Available La medicina tradicional y la medicina complementaria y alternativa están adquiriendo más atención dentro del contexto de la provisión de atención sanitaria y la reforma del sector salud. Se han alcanzado importantes logros en cuanto a la efectividad de este procedimiento en los pacientes portadores de asma bronquial. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo longitudinal con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad de la fitoterapia como uno de los tratamientos de la medicina natural y tradicional en 48 pacientes que padecen asma bronquial, pertenecientes al consultorio médico popular "La Amapola", Petare, del municipio Sucre en el año 2009. Se tuvieron en cuenta la edad, sexo, síntomas y signos presentes al momento del tratamiento, el período o estadio de la enfermedad, efectividad del tratamiento, la evolución y control de la enfermedad después de iniciado el tratamiento, obteniéndose como principales resultados que la mayoría pertenecían al sexo femenino y al grupo de edades de 10-14 años, seguidos de 5-9 años, los síntomas presentes en los pacientes fueron falta de aire y tos, el tratamiento utilizado en los pacientes atendidos por crisis de asma resultó efectivo en todas las variantes usadas, con predominio de la combinación de ajo más orégano más manzanilla; en solo 6-10 días habían mejorado los síntomas y en el transcurso de 3 meses la mayoría no habían presentado otra crisis de asma.An observational, descriptive and longitudinal study aimed at determining the effectiveness of herbal medicine as one of the treatments in Natural and Traditional Medicine for patients that suffered from Bronchial Asthma was conducted at "Amapola" Doctor's Office in Petare, Sucre District during 2009. Venezuela. The sample was chosen by means of a non-probabilistic per convenience sampling; selecting 48 asthmatic patients with inclusion criteria. The variables related to the objectives of the study were: age, sex, symptoms

  5. El asma bronquial y su asociación con los cambios de tiempo The bronchial asthma and its association with the changes in the weather

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    Tatiana de la Vega Pazitková


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: el clima y el estado del tiempo influyen sobre la salud humana. El asma es una enfermedad psicosomática que constituye un problema de salud mundial, y es conocida la influencia de los factores ambientales en la aparición de las crisis de asma bronquial. OBJETIVOS: determinar los picos máximos de ocurrencia de las crisis de asma bronquial, en el municipio Playa, relacionándolas con los cambios meteorotrópicos. MÉTODOS: se recogió el total de personas que acudieron, diariamente, a los servicios de urgencia de los 9 policlínicos del municipio Playa, por crisis de asma bronquial, según hojas de cargo y reportes de la unidad de análisis y tendencias de salud municipal, entre el 1ro. de enero de 2007 y el 31 de diciembre de 2008. El dato recogido, acerca de la concurrencia de dichos pacientes, se contrastó con la información aportada por los mapas de modelos biometeorológicos. Se confeccionaron gráficos de frecuencia de casos, por día y por mes. Se realizaron intervalos para el histograma, y se ubicaron las diferentes policlínicas de acuerdo con los intervalos de frecuencia con que los pacientes acudieron a recibir los servicios de salud. RESULTADOS: bajo condiciones de hiperoxia atmosférica, la ocurrencia diaria de la enfermedad, mostró un valor igual o superior a 150 % de la media mensual respectiva, por lo que se evidenció una respuesta meteoro-patológica masiva de la población estudiada. CONCLUSIONES: los efectos meteorotrópicos asociados a los cambios bruscos del estado del tiempo pueden provocar impactos deletéreos sobre la salud humana.INTRODUCTION: the climate and the weather state influenced on the human health. The asthma is a psychosomatic disease which is a world health problem and it is known the influence of environmental factors on the appearance of bronchial asthma crises. OBJECTIVES: to determine the occurrence maximal peak of bronchial asthma crises in the Playa municipality relating it to the

  6. Educación para el manejo y control del asma infantil. Proyecto: "Yo controlo mi asma"


    Martínez Masot, Raquel


    El asma bronquial es una enfermedad respiratoria crónica común en la infancia. En España afecta sobre todo en la costa noroeste atlántica. Los niños asmáticos deben saber cómo manejar y controlar su enfermedad. Por lo tanto, la educación sanitaria dirigida a esta población infantil es esencial. Por eso, se ha elaborado una intervención educativa basada en actividades didácticas, de participación y cooperación con el fin de mejorar la independencia del niño frente a su asma así como su control...

  7. Caracterización de gestantes con asma bronquial en el barrio "José Félix Ribas" del municipio venezolano de Sucre Characterization of pregnant women with bronchial asthma in "José Félix Ribas" district of the Venezuelan municipality of Sucre

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    Bartolo Maldonado de los Reyes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo de 120 gestantes con asma bronquial en el barrio "José Félix Ribas" del municipio venezolano de Sucre, desde enero hasta diciembre de 2010, con vistas a caracterizarles desde el punto de vista clinicoepidemiológico. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó una planilla de datos y un cuestionario que fue procesado con la versión 6.0 del programa Epi Info. En la casuística primaron las adolescentes (56,6 %, de las cuales, 55,8 % tuvieron contacto de forma activa o pasiva con el humo del cigarrillo y 68,3 % presentaron asma bronquial grado I; asimismo, predominaron los factores desencadenantes (100,0 %, seguidos de los causales (95,8 %, de manera que las características clinicoepidemiológicas de estas embarazadas hacen que el asma bronquial sea un problema de salud para este grupo poblacional.A descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective study was carried out in 120 pregnant women with bronchial asthma in "José Félix Ribas" district of the Venezuelan municipality of Sucre, from January to December 2010, to characterize them clinically and epidemiologically. For gathering information a data sheet and a questionnaire that was processed with version 6.0 of Epi Info program were used. Adolescents (56.6 % prevailed in the case material, of them 55.8 % had active or passive contact with the cigarette smoke, and 68.3 % presented with grade I of bronchial asthma. Also, trigger factors prevailed (100.0 %, followed by causal factors (95.8 %, so that clinical and epidemiological characteristics of these pregnant women make a health problem of bronchial asthma in this population group.

  8. Tratamiento y seguimiento de adultos con asma bronquial en las clínicas de la capital de Namibia Treatment and follow-up of adults with bronchial asthma in the clinics from the capital of Namibia

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    Elizabeth Oller Legrá


    Full Text Available Se hizo un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 196 pacientes con asma bronquial, atendidos durante el 2007 en las clínicas de Katutura (Namibia, para determinar algunos aspectos biomédicos y sociales relacionados con esa afección en los integrantes de la casuística. En la serie predominaron el sexo femenino, los grupos etarios de 25 a 44 años, el esquema terapéutico basado en broncodilatadores y esteroides, así como la ausencia de una terapia higienoambiental y rehabilitadora. De igual manera, no hubo seguimiento clínico y tratamiento adecuados según el grado de asma bronquial existente y las acciones de promoción de salud resultaron escasas.A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 196 patients with bronchial asthma was carried out. They were assisted in the clinics of Katutura (Namibia, during 2007 in order to determine some social and biomedical aspects related to this disorder in the members of the case material. In the series prevailed the female sex, the age groups from 25 to 44 years old, the therapeutical outline based on bronchodilators and steroids, as well as the lack of a rehabilitation and hygiene-environmental therapy. Similarly, there was neither appropriate clinical follow-up nor treatment according to the degree of existing bronchial asthma and there were just a few health promotion actions.

  9. Asma y atelectasia

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    Gladys Fernández Couse


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio de 155 niños, procedentes del cuerpo de guardia del Hospital Docente "José Ramón Martínez" de Guanajay, con el diagnóstico de asma bronquial, ingresados en el Servicio de Respiratorio para identificar posibles complicaciones según el juicio clínico del médico. En el 12,9 % de los pacientes se detectó la atelectasia como complicación, las manifestaciones clínicas de ésta quedaron enmascaradas por las de la crisis de asma bronquial. El pulmón derecho resultó ser el más afectado y la forma lobulillar fue la variedad que predominó. Se identificó un sobre diagnóstico de neumopatías inflamatorias, que se confundió con la atelectasia, lo cual trajo como resultado el uso indiscriminado de agentes antimicrobianos.It is conducted a study of 155 children from the Emergency Room of the "José Ramón Martínez" Teaching Hospital in Guanajay. These patients had a diagnosis of bronchial asthma and were admitted in the Respiratory Service to identify possible complications according to the clinical judgement of the physician. Atelectasis was detected as a complication in 12.9 % of the patients, and its clinical manifestations were masked by those of the bronchial asthma crisis. The right lung was the most affected and the lobular form was the predominant variety. It was detected an overdiagnosis of inflammatory pneumopathies that was confused with atelectasis, resulting in the indiscriminated use antimicrobial agents.

  10. Comportamiento del asma bronquial en adolescentes tratados en el Policlínico Universitario "Ana Betancourt" Course of bronchial asthma in adolescents seen in "Ana Betancourt" University Polyclinic

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    Tatiana de la Vega Pazitková


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma infantil representa una entidad que aún no ha logrado ser bien definida y delimitada, lo que establece variadas interpretaciones de su epidemiología, diagnóstico y, consecuentemente de su tratamiento. Objetivos: estimar la prevalencia global de asma en adolescentes tratados en consultorios médicos de familia del Policlínico Universitario "Ana Betancourt". Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, que incluyó a 81 adolescentes de ambos sexos con edades entre 11 y 18 años, pertenecientes a dos consultorios médicos de familia del Grupo Básico de Trabajo No. 2, del Policlínico Universitario "Ana Betancourt", del municipio Playa, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2006 y enero de 2007. Como herramienta de trabajo se utilizó el cuestionario: The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, instrumento validado internacionalmente. Resultados: la cifra total de asmáticos ascendió a 52 adolescentes con un discreto predominio del sexo masculino y de los casos ligeros de la enfermedad, para una prevalencia global de 64,1 %. Se encontró un subregistro de 20,9 %. Conclusiones: en ambos consultorios se constata una elevada prevalencia de asma bronquial en la población de adolescentes con mayor afectación en los varones. Los pacientes exhiben mayoritariamente las formas ligeras de la enfermedad. Se encuentra un importante subregistro para el asma bronquial en los adolescentes tratados en el Policlínico Universitario "Ana Betancourt"Introduction: the bronchial asthma is a even defined entity establishing some interpretations of its epidemiology, diagnosis and consequently of its treatment. Objectives: to estimate the global prevalence of asthma in adolescents seen in family medical consulting rooms from "Ana Betancourt" University Polyclinic. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted including 81 adolescents of both sexes aged between 11 and 18 from family

  11. Metapneumovirus humano (hMPV asociado con exacerbación de asma aguda bronquial severa Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV associated to severe bronchial asthmatic crisis

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    M. A. López


    Full Text Available El metapneumovirus humano (hMPV es un nuevo agente causal de infección aguda del tracto respiratorio, recientemente reportado tras su hallazgo en niños, jóvenes, adultos y ancianos. Las manifestaciones clínicas producidas por el hMPV son indistinguibles de aquellas provocadas por los virus respiratorios clásicamente conocidos, y varían desde infección asintomática hasta neumonía complicada. Por otro lado, se han descrito casos de exacerbación de asma bronquial asociados a la infección con hMPV. En este trabajo se describe el caso de un niño hospitalizado que presentó una crisis asmática bronquial severa con sospecha de una infección viral asociada. Por el test de inmunofluorescencia indirecta no se detectaron virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR, adenovirus, virus influenza a - b ni virus parainfluenza 1, 2 y 3. En un intento por detectar la presencia de hMPV, se realizó una RT-PCR para la amplificación de los genes N y F con resultado positivo. Conforme a nuestro conocimiento, esta sería la primera descripción de un caso de exacerbación de asma asociado a hMPV en nuestra región. Los resultados de este estudio serían similares a los reportados por otros autores, quienes postulan que, a semejanza de lo que ocurre con el VSR, una infección por hMPV puede gatillar una enfermedad respiratoria crónica, como el asma.Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV is a recently reported agent of acute infection in the respiratory tract. It has been found in children as well as in young adults and elders. The clinical manifestations produced by hMPV are indistinguishable from those by common respiratory virus, and can evolve from asymptomatic infection into severe pneumonia. On the other hand, some authors have described cases of bronchial asthma exacerbation associated with hMPV infection. In this work we report a case of a child who presented a severe bronchial asthmatic crisis with a suspected viral associated infection. Immunofluorescence tests

  12. Factores de riesgo de asma bronquial en niños y su relación con la severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas Risk factors of bronchial asthma in children and its relation to severity of clinical manifestations

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    Tatiana de la Vega Pazitková


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma bronquial es una enfermedad psicosomática que constituye un importante problema de salud mundial. La prevalencia estimada en Cuba es de 8,2 %. La identificación y el control de los factores de riesgo constituyen un pilar importante en el manejo de esta entidad. Objetivos: establecer la relación entre algunos de los factores de riesgo de asma bronquial y la severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, que incluyó la totalidad de los niños menores de 15 años de edad, diagnosticados como asmáticos, pertenecientes a cinco consultorios médicos del policlínico "Ana Betancourt" cuya cifra asciende a 76 pacientes, durante el período de abril de 2007 a marzo de 2008. Resultados: Los niños se agruparon según la clasificación Global Initiative for Asthma 2007 en leve intermitente:15, leve persistente:19, moderado persistente:28 y severos:14. El total de los pacientes estudiados tenía antecedentes familiares de atopia y desencadenaban las crisis de asma con los cambios climáticos. El 95 % fue sensible a inhalantes respiratorios. En el 64 % de los hogares se detectó la presencia de fumadores. Solo el 36 % de los pacientes cumplía parcialmente el tratamiento intercrisis. Conclusiones: existe relación directa entre la severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas del asma bronquial y el número de factores de riesgo que la condicionan.Introduction: bronchial asthma is a psychosomatic disease that is a significant problem of world health. In Cuba its prevalence is of 8.2 %. Its identification and the risk factor control are a very essential base in management of this entity. Objectives: to establish the relation among some risk factors of bronchial asthma and the severity of clinical manifestations. Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted including all children aged under 15, diagnosed with asthma seen in 5 consulting rooms of "Ana

  13. Comportamiento del asma bronquial en un área de salud del policlínico Cerro Behavior of bronchial asthma in a health area of the "Cerro" polyclinic

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    Marlene Álvarez Carmenate


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma bronquial es la enfermedad crónica más frecuente en pediatría y una de las principales causas de consulta. Objetivo: describir el comportamiento del asma bronquial como problema de salud. Métodos: trabajo descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte longitudinal, en 309 niños con edades comprendidas entre 0 y 19 años con el diagnóstico de asma bronquial, atendidos en los 15 consultorios médicos del grupo básico de trabajo A del policlínico universitario "Cerro", en el período comprendido entre el 1º de enero de 2007 y el 31 de diciembre de 2007. Método empírico para la obtención de los datos clínicos epidemiológicos, y como técnica, la encuesta a través de un cuestionario. Resultados: 148 pacientes (48 % se encontraban entre 10 y 14 años, 175 (56,6 % del sexo masculino, 136 (44 % fueron clasificados como persistentes ligeros, 140 (58 % presentaron rinitis y 57 (24 % dermatitis. Había fumadores en las viviendas de 303 pacientes (98 %, hacinamiento en 290 casos (94 % y el polvo en el hogar 284 (92 %. Conclusiones: predominio en el grupo de edades de 10 a 14 años, sexo masculino. En cuanto a la severidad de la enfermedad predominó la forma persistente ligera, las manifestaciones atópicas más frecuentes fueron la rinitis y la dermatitis, los principales factores de riesgo fueron el humo del tabaco, el polvo en el hogar y el hacinamiento, y el tratamiento de elección fue el de la crisis. Se observó la falta de organización y unidad de criterios para el enfoque integral de la política intercrisis o de sostén en la atención de los pacientes.Introduction: bronchial asthma is the more frequent chronic disease in Pediatrics and one of the major causes of consultation. Objective: to describe the behavior of bronchial asthma as a health problem. Methods: a longitudinal, prospective and descriptive study was conducted in 309 children aged between 0 and 19 diagnosed with bronchial asthmas seen in the 15 medical

  14. El componente educativo en el abordaje integral del asma bronquial The educational component in an integrated approach to bronchial asthma

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    María Paola Fasciglione


    Full Text Available El asma bronquial es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de las vías respiratorias cuya prevalencia está aumentando en el mundo. Actualmente no se dispone de un tratamiento curativo, y el objetivo principal de todo abordaje es el control de la enfermedad y la optimización de la calidad de vida de los pacientes. En este sentido, durante las últimas décadas se han estado implementando y evaluando programas de intervención complementarios a los tratamientos médicos convencionales. Gran parte de éstos consisten en intervenciones educativas o incluyen algún tipo de componente educativo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar las características y el impacto de las intervenciones educativas en el asma, a través de: a revisión actualizada sobre los diferentes tipos de intervenciones educativas desarrolladas e implementadas para el asma; b identificación de aspectos comunes a todas estas intervenciones; c análisis de los hallazgos de la investigación referidos a su impacto sobre la salud y la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Se concluye que las intervenciones educativas son efectivas para mejorar la salud y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con asma, y para reducir el uso y el costo de recursos sanitarios. Estos hallazgos señalan la importancia de incluir el componente educativo como parte esencial del abordaje integral de esta población clínica. Asimismo, la complejidad inherente al proceso educativo pone de manifiesto la necesidad del trabajo conjunto y complementario entre diferentes profesionales de la salud.Bronchial asthma is an inflammatory chronic disease of the respiratory tract whose prevalence is increasing worldwide. Since there is no curative treatment available, the principal objective of every approach is to control the disease and to improve the quality of life of patients. Over the last few decades, intervention programs supplementing conventional medical treatments have been tested and implemented. The

  15. Estrategia de intervención para la monitorización y reducción de las crisis de asma bronquial aplicando un sistema de alerta temprana Intervention strategy for monitoring and reduction of bronchial asthma crises applying an early alert system

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    Tatiana de la Vega Pazitková


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma es una enfermedad psicosomática que constituye un importante problema de salud mundial. El clima y el tiempo influyen sobre la salud humana. Es conocida la influencia de los factores ambientales en la aparición de las crisis agudas de asma bronquial. Objetivo: diseñar una estrategia de intervención comunitaria, sobre la base de la asociación del asma con los cambios meteorotrópicos, con el fin de alertar, tempranamente, de la posibilidad de desencadenamiento de las manifestaciones clínicas, mitigarlas y reducir las crisis de asma. Métodos: se diseñó un plan de acción que incluye a médicos, los pacientes y sus tutores que acudieron al servicio de urgencia del policlínico "Ana Betancourt", y sus consultorios médicos, durante el año 2010. Todos se adiestraron en la interpretación y procesamiento del modelo de pronóstico biometeorológico, cuyos resultados alertará sobre su accionar diario ante los riesgos meteorotrópicos. Resultados: se propone una estrategia de intervención comunitaria, con el fin de reducir, en al menos 20 %, el número de pacientes con crisis de asma, y su gravedad. Conclusiones: los factores ambientales influyen en la aparición de las crisis agudas de asma bronquial. Las condiciones de hiperoxia o aumento de la densidad parcial de oxígeno en el aire son predecibles, y se puede alertar, oportunamente, a las autoridades de salud sobre su ocurrencia, lo que permite ejecutar planes de acción y medidas profiláctico preventivas que minimicen los impactos desfavorables de los cambios de tiempo anunciados.Introduction: asthma is a psychosomatic disease becomes important health problem at world scale. The climate and time influenced on the human health. It is known the influence of environmental factors on the appearance of acute crises of bronchial asthma. Objective: to design a community intervention strategy based on the association of asthma with the meteorotropic changes to alert early

  16. Biofeedback: Infant asthma Biofeedback: asma infantil

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    J. J. Nombela


    Full Text Available

    The present study is a revision of the different applications of biofeedback in infantile bronchial asthma. The technique may be used on its own (preferably in the motor area or in conjunction with other techniques such as hypnosis, relaxation, etc. However, it should be stated that previous work published in this field is difficult to interpret since results are inconclusive, it is, therefore, difficult to produce a scientific summary.

    KEY WORDS: Biofeedback; infantile asthma; respiratory biofeedback.

    Con este trabajo se pretende hacer una revisión sobre las distintas aplicaciones del biofeedback en el asma bronquial infantil, bien solo (preferentemente en el campo motriz o bien asociado a otras técnicas de hipnosis, relajación, etc. Aunque es necesario manifestar que la producción científica relacionada con el tema, hace que tenga una difícil valoración dado que sus resultados son no concluyentes y discutibles, lo cual dificulta la elaboración de un resumen científico.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: Biofeedback; asma infantil; biofeedback respiratorio

  17. Cumplimiento del tratamiento para el asma bronquial por los pacientes de un área de salud

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    Alicia Zapata Martínez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio para conocer el cumplimiento del tratamiento medicamentoso, las causas de no cumplimiento, así como los medicamentos más empleados y el grado de control de los síntomas del asma bronquial y aproximarnos a la calidad de la asistencia médica brindada a los pacientes asmáticos de un área de salud de Villa Clara. La mayoría de los pacientes no cumplían el tratamiento indicado. La causa más frecuente fue la despreocupación. Los pacientes tenían un mal control de los síntomas, y entre los medicamentos indicados predominaron los broncodilatadores inhalados para el tratamiento de los síntomas con pocos medicamentos eficaces para el tratamiento profiláctico y un pobre dominio de la técnica inhalatoria. El mal control de los síntomas no creemos se deba al incumplimiento del tratamiento, sino a deficiencias en la calidad de la prescripciónA study was conducted to know about the fulfilment of the drug therapy, the causes of the nonfulfilment, the most used drugs, the degree of control of the symptoms of bronchial asthma, and the quality of the medical assistance received by the asthmatic patients in a health area of Villa Clara. Most of the patients did not folow the indicated treatment. The most frequent cause was the lackoof preocuppation. Patients proved to have an inadequate control of the symptoms. The inhaled bronchodilators predominated among the drugs prescribed for treating the symptoms. There were a few efficient drugs for the prophylactic treatment and it was observed a poor knowledge about the inhalatory techniques. It is considered that the deficient control of the symptoms is not only due to the nonfulfilment of the treatment but to the deficiencies found in the quality of prescription

  18. Tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica en niños con Rinitis Alérgica y/o Asma Bronquial. Área Norte. 2005 - 2007.

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    Matilde Iraida Morera Franco


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal durante el período Enero 2005_ Enero 2007 en el Policlínico Norte del municipio Sancti Spíritus. El universo estuvo constituido por el total de niños con edades de 2_15 años con enfermedades alérgicas, a los que se realizó pruebas de alergia e indicó tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica por vía subcutánea, la muestra estuvo formada por 75 pacientes con asma bronquial, rinitis alérgica y/o ambas enfermedades, con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento del tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica se aplicó el método porcentual para el análisis de resultados, donde el grupo etáreo que predominó fue de 2 _5 años, más del 65 % de los pacientes tratados refirieron mejoría de los síntomas las causas más frecuentes de abandono de tratamiento fue la aparición de infecciones intercurrentes, no ocurrió reacción anafiláctica en ninguno de los casos estudiados, el tratamiento con inmunoterapia puede reducir el uso de otros tratamientos asociados como Intal, antihistamínicos, broncodilatadores y esteroides.

  19. Comportamiento del asma bronquial en Cuba e importancia de la prevención de las enfermedades alérgicas en infantes Behavior of bronchial asthma in Cuba and importance of the prevention from allergic diseases in infants

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    Anselmo Abdo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El asma es una enfermedad frecuente que continúa siendo difícil de diagnosticar, sobre todo en la primera infancia; y además, es de difícil tratamiento, a pesar de los avances medicamentosos de los últimos años. Por tales razones, las organizaciones de salud pública y los organismos que se ocupan de ella a nivel mundial, cada día enfocan su atención, fundamentalmente, al capítulo de la prevención, particularmente, en el niño propenso a ser asmático. Se analizan las estadísticas relacionadas con el asma bronquial de los años 2001-2004 en Cuba, específicamente en lo referente a: prevalencia en pacientes dispensarizados por asma según grupos de edad y sexo; número de pacientes dispensarizados por asma según grupos de edad; tasa de prevalencia de pacientes dispensarizados por asma según provincias; así como las principales causas de egresos hospitalarios con diagnóstico de asma según estado al egreso. Se presentan recomendaciones prácticas para la prevención de enfermedades alérgicas en infantes con riesgo.Asthma is a frequent disease that is still difficult to diagnose, mainly in early childhood. It is also difficult to treat, in spite of the medical advances attained in the last years. For these reasons, the health public organizations and the bodies having to do with it at the world level focus their attention mainly on prevention, particularly in the child that is prone to be asthmatic. The statistics related to bronchial asthma from 2001 to 2004 in Cuba, specially what refers to the prevalence in patients suffering from asthma categorized by age and sex, the number of asthmatic patients categorized by age groups, the rate of prevalence of asthmatic patients categorized by province, as well as the main causes of hospital discharges with asthma diagnosis according to their state at discharge, are analyzed. Practical recommendations are given for the prevention of allergic diseases in infants at risk.

  20. Asma bronquial: factores de riesgo de las crisis y factores preventivos Bronchial asthma: risk factors of crises and preventive factors

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    Anselmo Abdo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, y con motivo de los avances que se realizan en el campo de la investigación del asma bronquial, los conceptos en su prevención han ido cambiando entre los especialistas que lo tratan. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo llevar el conocimiento básico necesario a los profesionales de la medicina, para que a cada paciente asmático, atendido por primera vez, se le determinen los alergenos desencadenantes, los factores agravantes y socioculturales que le rodean y que pueden estar afectándolo. Se aborda la sensibilización a alergenos desde la etapa embrionaria y lactancia en el niño atópico, cuándo debemos considerar a un niño con alto riesgo alérgico, los factores de riesgo más importantes, con experiencias prácticas en el Hospital Universitario “Calixto García”, y las recomendaciones para la prevención de las enfermedades alérgicas en lactantes e infantes de alto riesgo alérgico.En recent years and advances in research field of bronchial asthma, features in its prevention has been changing among specialists treating it. Aim of this paper is to transmit the basic and necessary knowledge to medicine professionals for that in each asthmatic patient treated for the first time, the triggering allergens, aggravating factors, and the surrounded sociocultural ones, affecting him be determined. Authors approach sensitivity to allergens from embryonic stage and the lactation in atopic child, when we must to consider the case of an allergic and in high risk child, the more significant risk factors, with practical experiences in “Calixto García” University Hospital, and recommendations for preventions of allergic diseases in infants and breast-fed child in high risk of allergy.

  1. Factores que determinan el mal pronóstico y la exacerbación del asma en niños que asisten a consulta de alergología pediátrica Factors determining the poor prognosis and asthma exacerbation in children seen in the pediatric allergy service

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    Alain R. Rodríguez-Orozco


    Full Text Available El asma es una de las enfermedades de mayor impacto en la práctica pediátrica. Este es un estudio descriptivo, transversal que se realizó con el objetivo de identificar los factores que determinan la exacerbación y el mal pronóstico del asma bronquial en los niños. Se estudiaron 45 pacientes con diagnóstico de asma bronquial. Las crisis se presentaron en el hogar en el 76 % y en el 24 %, en la escuela. Los desencadenantes de las crisis agudas de asma bronquial fueron: el ejercicio (73 %, las infecciones respiratorias (57 % y la rinitis (55 %. Los factores de mal pronóstico más frecuentemente encontrados fueron: rinorrea sin catarro (60 %, sexo masculino (51 %, 3 o más episodios de sibilancias en los 6 meses previos (42 % y asma en los padres (37 %. La presencia de las exacerbaciones y los criterios de mal pronóstico repercuten en el control y en la calidad de vida del niño asmático y deben detectarse en la consulta de atención primaria.Asthma is one of the diseases with a greater impact on pediatric practice. This descriptive, cross-sectional study was undertaken to identify those factors determining the exacerbation and poor prognosis of bronchial asthma in children. Forty five patients with diagnosis of bronchial asthma were studied. The crises were developed at home in 76 % and at school in 24 % of the children. Triggering causes of acute crises of bronchial asthma were: exercise (73 %, respiratory infections (57 %, and rhinitis (55 %. The factors of poor prognosis most frequently found were: rhinorrhea without cold (60 %, male sex (51%, three or more episodes of wheezes in previous months (42 %, and asthma in parents (37 %. The presence of exacerbations and the criteria of poor prognosis influence on the control and quality of life of the asthmatic children, and they should be detected at the primary care level.

  2. Contaminación atmosférica, asma bronquial e infecciones respiratorias agudas en menores de edad, de La Habana Air pollution, bronchial asthma, and acute respirator and infections in children less years of age, Habana City

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    Manuel Romero-Placeres


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar la relación que guardan las consultas de urgencias por enfermedades respiratorias agudas, crisis agudas de asma bronquial e infecciones respiratorias agudas, con los cambios diarios en los niveles de contaminación atmosférica, en menores de 14 años de edad que fueron atendidos en dos centros hospitalarios de la ciudad de La Habana. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio ecológico de series de tiempo durante el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de octubre de 1996 y el 11 marzo de 1998. Se estudió la asociación entre la presencia de crisis agudas de asma bronquial, infecciones respiratorias agudas y enfermedades respiratorias agudas por un lado, y la exposición a niveles de partículas menores de 10 µg/m³ (PM10, humo y dióxido de azufre (SO2, por otro; asimismo, se construyeron modelos con la técnica de regresión binomial negativa, para estudiar periodos de latencia de 1 a 5 días y el efecto acumulado de siete días, previos a las consultas de urgencia. RESULTADOS: Los niveles de contaminación atmosférica, por lo general, resultaron bajos, ya que el promedio de 24 horas para PM10, humo y SO2 fue de 59.2 µg/m³ (DE=29.2, 27.7 µg/m³ (DE=21.2 y 21.1 µg/m³ (DE=20.1, respectivamente. Un incremento de 20 µg/m³ en el promedio diario de humo se relacionó con un incremento de 2.2% (IC 95% 0.9-3.6 en el número de consultas de urgencias por crisis agudas de asma bronquial. Un incremento de 20 µg/m³ en el promedio diario de humo y de SO2 se relacionó con un incremento en las infecciones respiratorias agudas de 2.4% (95% CI 1.2-3.6 y 5% (95% CI 1.3-5.3, respectivamente, con un retraso de cinco días. Además, se presentó un efecto acumulado en todos los contaminantes estudiados. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados sugieren que los niveles de contaminantes atmosféricos en la ciudad de La Habana afectan la salud respiratoria de los niños, por lo que se requiere de la aplicación de medidas de control, en particular

  3. Asma; tratamiento actual


    Córdoba Mejía, Hernán; Fundación Valle de Lili


    ¿Qué es el asma?/ ¿Quiénes pueden tener asma?/ ¿Qué tan frecuente es el asma?/ ¿Cómo hago para saber si tengo asma?/ ¿Hay diferentes tipos de asma?/ ¿Cómo saber cuál es el tipo de asma que se tiene?/ ¿Cómo se trata el asma actualmente?/ ¿Los medicamentos antiasmáticos pueden ser administrados en diferentes formas?

  4. Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh Dengan Tingkat Kontrol Asma Pada Pasien Asma Di RSU Dr. Soedarso Pontianak


    Fuad Akbar


    Latar Belakang: Asma merupakan masalah kesehatan di seluruh dunia yang penderitanya telah mencapai 300 juta orang. Pada saat ini, pencapaian dan pemeliharaan kontrol asma dalam jangka waktu yang lama merupakan tujuan dari terapi asma. Peningkatan indeks massa tubuh berperan dalam memperburuk tingkat kontrol asma Tujuan: penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara indeks massa tubuh dengan tingkat kontrol asma pada pasien asma di RSU dr. Soedarso Pontianak. Metode: Penelitian ini...

  5. Asma Ahmed

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Asma Ahmed. Articles written in Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Volume 14 Issue 5 May 2009 pp 455-471 General Article. The Major Players in Adaptive Immunity - Humoral Immunity · Asma Ahmed Banishree Saha Anand Patwardhan Shwetha ...

  6. Esteroides inhalados: pilar fundamental en el tratamiento actual del asma

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    Roidel Pérez Pérez


    Full Text Available El asma bronquial es una de las enfermedades a las que más se enfrenta el médico cubano, y un mejor conocimiento de su fisiopatología ha provocado modificaciones en la estrategia terapéutica. Con el propósito de actualizar conocimientos referentes al tema de los antiinflamatorios esteroides y el uso de los dispositivos para la terapia inhalatoria, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, para lo cual se consultó la información disponible en Medline, Medscape, Infomed y Doyma; se realizó además un bosquejo sobre la evolución fisiopatológica del asma y su repercusión en la terapéutica actual; se resumieron los aspectos más importantes de la terapia por vía inhalatoria, los dispositivos empleados para este fin, así como las drogas más usadas; y se concluyó que son fundamentales en el tratamiento del asma y que deben ser usados precozmente en todo asmático crónico, que los efectos adversos son mínimos usados adecuadamente, y que es de importancia capital el uso correcto de esos inhaladores.Bronchial asthma is one of the diseases that is more commonly faced by the Cuban physician, so a better knowledge of its physiopathology has brought about changes in the therapeutic strategy. With the objective of updating knowledge about steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and the use of devices for inhaling therapy, a literature review was made using data available in Medline, Medscape, Infomed and Doyma. This was accompanied by an outline of the physiopathological evolution of asthma and its effect on the present therapy. The most important aspects of inhaling therapy, the devices used as well as the most used drugs were summarized and it was concluded that inhalers are fundamental in asthma treatment, that they should be early used in chronic asthma cases, their adverse effects are minimal if adequately applied and that the correct use of these devices are of vital importance.

  7. Peningkatan Kekuatan Otot Pernapasan dan Fungsi Paru melalui Senam Asma pada Pasien Asma


    Sahat, Camalia S; Irawaty, Dewi; Hastono, Sutanto Priyo


    Pasien asma mengalami bronchospasme dan bronchokontriksi yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan fungsi pernapasan. Penelitianbertujuan mengidentifikasi pengaruh senam asma terhadap peningkatan kekuatan otot pernapasan dan fungsi paru pasien asmadi perkumpulan senam asma. Desain penelitian yaitu kuasi eksperimen dengan desain kelompok kontrol. Sampel berjumlah 50pasien, diambil dengan purposive sampling, dan terdiri atas kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanhubungan antara se...

  8. Caracterización clinicoepidemiológica de pacientes con asma bronquial en un consultorio rural de Chivirico Clinical and epidemiological characterization of patients with bronchial asthma in a rural doctor's office in Chivirico

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    Carlos Luis Milán Lemus


    Full Text Available Se hizo un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 45 pacientes asmáticos, mayores de 15 años, pertenecientes al consultorio médico de la familia "El Mazo" en Chivirico, municipio de Guamá, desde enero hasta diciembre de 2006, ambos meses inclusive, con vista a caracterizarles para conocer cómo se manifestaba el asma bronquial en esta zona rural y se obtuvo una mayor incidencia de la enfermedad en las personas de 15 a 24 años y del sexo masculino. La generalidad de los encuestados tenían un bajo nivel de escolaridad y el mayor porcentaje de ellos presentó un estadio ligero intermitente del cuadro clínico. También se observó que el hábito de fumar, el género de vida regular y la ausencia del tratamiento intercrisis fueron los factores de riesgo más frecuentes en la casuística.A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 45 asthmatic patients over age15, belonging to "El Mazo" family doctor's office in Chivirico, Guamá municipality, from January to December, 2006, including both months, with the purpose of characterizing them to know how evident bronchial asthma is in this rural area. A higher incidence of the disease was obtained in male patients between15 and 24 years. Most of the respondents had a low educational status and the highest percentage of them presented with an intermittent mild stage of the clinical pattern. It was also noted that smoking, a regular mode of life and the absence of intercrisis treatment were the most frequent risk factors in the case material.


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    M. Jahari Supianto


    Full Text Available Abstract: The Relationship Between Degree Of Persistent Asthma And Quality Of Life In Asthma Patient That Measured By Asthma Quality Of Life Questionnaire. The aims of this study were to determine the quality of life in asthma patients in Poli Paru dr. Soedarso General Hospital Pontianak. This study uses descriptive analytic approach and cross-sectional designs. Research in the Poli Paru dr. Soedarso general hospital Pontianak from October 2014 to February 2015. The data were collected from 34 patients with asthma. This research uses Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ. The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. Results show that More patients with asthma in this research shows the worse quality of life. Mild persistent asthma patient’s quality of life was better than moderate persistent asthma and severe persistent asthma. There is the meaningful relationship between the degree of persistent asthma and asthma patient’s quality of life with a value of p=0,033 (p< 0.05. Keywords: the degree of persistent asthma, quality of life Abstrak : Hubungan Derajat Asma Persisten Dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Asma Dinilai Dengan Asthma Quality Of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan derajat asma persisten dan kualitas hidup pasien asma di Poli Paru RSUD dr. Soedarso Pontianak. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan potong lintang (cross sectional. Penelitian di lakukan di Poli Paru RSUD dr. Soedarso Pontianak dari bulan Oktober 2014 sampai Februari 2015. Data di kumpulkan dari 34 pasien asma. Penelitian ini menggunakan Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pasien asma pada penelitian ini lebih banyak menunjukkan kualitas hidup buruk. Pasien asma persisten ringan kualitas hidupnya lebih baik dibandingkan asma persisten sedang dan asma persisten berat. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara derajat asma

  10. Asma bronquial en la población infantil de 5 a 14 años de un área de salud de Santiago de Cuba Bronchial asthma in children 5 to14 years from a health area of Santiago de Cuba

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    Nelsa Sagaró del Campo


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional de 158 niños con asma bronquial -- seleccionados mediante un muestreo por conglomerado bietápico --, dispensarizados por dicha afección en el área de salud del Policlínico Docente "José Martí Pérez" de Santiago de Cuba, durante el 2011, a fin de estimar la prevalencia de las principales características clinicoepidemiológicas en ellos. En la investigación se obtuvo homogeneidad del sexo femenino en todos los grupos etarios, a pesar de un ligero predominio de los varones de 10 a 14 años de edad, así como primacía de la afección entre los precedentes patológicos personales y la conjuntivitis alérgica como antecedente familiar. Igualmente, el asma persistente grave tuvo un mayor porcentaje y los agentes desencadenantes de las crisis asmáticas fueron, en orden descendente de frecuencia, los alergenos domiciliarios, el humo del cigarro, las infecciones, los ejercicios, los contaminantes de tipo doméstico y los medicamentos. El tratamiento más empleado se basó en broncodilatadores y el menos habitual, en cromonas; en tanto el hacinamiento fue el factor desfavorable más observado en los hogares de estos niños y el control de la enfermedad resultó generalmente parcial.An observational study was carried in 158 children with bronchial asthma -- selected by a two-stage cluster sampling -- attended and monitored by this disease in the health area from "José Martí Pérez" Teaching Polyclinic of Santiago de Cuba during 2011, in order to estimate the prevalence of the main clinical and epidemiological characteristics in them. In the study homogeneity of the female sex was observed in all age groups, in spite of a slight predominance of males 10 to 14 years, as well as primacy of the disease between past medical history and allergic conjunctivitis as family history. Likewise, severe persistent asthma had a higher percentage and triggers of asthma attacks were, in decreasing order of frequency

  11. O Manejo Clínico da Asma em 1999: Uma Visão e a Realidade da Asma na Europa (Estudo AIRE

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    K.F. Rabe


    Full Text Available RESUMO: As recomen dações sobre o manejo clfnico da asma fomecem orientações para urn controlo 6ptimo da asma. Esta investigação, avaliaua pelos niveis actuais do contwlo J a asma pelus doentes, ern parte retlete ate que pontu as recomendações sao implementadas.Doentes actuais com asma foram identificados por telefone e111 73 HHO residencias em 7 pafses europeus (França. Alemanha, ltalia, llolanua, Espanha, Suícia c lnglat crra. A entrevista consistiu na ava li ação da uti lizac;iio de serviços Lie saúde, gravidade de sintomas, limitação das actividades e controlo da asma.Foram identificados 3 488 doentes actuais com asma, e 2 803 (80.4% completaram o inquetito, 46% dos J oemes refeliram sintomas diaries e 30% perturbac;oes relacionadas com a asma durante o sono, pelo menos uma vez por sernana.Nos ultimos 12 meses, 25% dos doentes referiram o recurso mio e perado a uma consulta urgente, 10% uma ou mais visitas á urgencia e 7% hospitalizção noctuma devida a asma.Nas (iltimas 4 semanas, mais doentes (63% uti lizaram medicação aliviadora que corticóides inalados (23%. A percepção do controlo da asma pelos doentes nao coinciuia cum a sua gravidade de sintomas; c aproximadamente 50% dos doentes com sintomas persistentes moderados ou graves consideravam a sua asma bem ou total mente controlada.O nível actual do controlo da asrna na Europa está Ionge de ati ngir os objectives do tratamento a Iongo prazo. A percepção do controlo da asma pelos doentes e diferente do seu controlo da asma actual.

  12. Asma en la adolescente embarazada

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    Vickie Shulman


    Full Text Available El embarazo entre las adolescentes ha aumentado en la última década1-5 asociado con frecuencia a la pobreza, al bajo nivel cultural y a una inadecuada atención prenatal. Aunque se ha sugerido que los resultados adversos del embarazo son más comunes entre las adolescentes procedentes de las zonas más pobres, datos recientes demuestran que dentro de la población blanca de clase media las madres adolescentes tienen más posibilidades de presentar resultados adversos.5 El asma también se está volviendo más común, con una incidencia de por lo menos un 6,6 % en muchachas de 15 a 16 años de edad.6,7 La pobreza y la vida en poblaciones marginadas están asociadas con el aumento de la mortalidad y la morbilidad del asma.8-11 Las adolescentes que padecen de asma y que quedan embarazadas representan un reto para el médico que debe considerar el impacto del asma sobre el embarazo y viceversa. El médico debe conocer los efectos tanto de los medicamentos que se usan para tratar el asma como de los efectos que puede tener sobre el feto la enfermedad inadecuadamente controlada. También el médico tiene que ser capaz de darle esta información a la adolescente de una manera apropiada que le permita tomar decisiones.12

  13. Hubungan Derajat Asma Persisten dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Asma Dinilai dengan Asthma Quality Of Life Questionnaire (Aqlq) di Poli Paru RSUD Dokter Soedarso Pontianak Tahun 2014


    M Jahari Supianto


    Latar Belakang: Asma merupakan masalah kesehatan yang serius di dunia. Asma mempunyai dampak negatif pada kualitas hiduppenderitanya. Asma persisten sedang sampai berat mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas hidup penderitanya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui hubungan derajat asma persisten dan kualitas hidup pasien asma di Poli Paru RSUD dr. Soedarso Pontianak. Metodologi:Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan potong lintang (cross sectional). Penelitian di...


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    Paulina Barría P., DRA.


    Full Text Available El asma es una enfermedad frecuente de fisiopatología compleja. El asma severa constituye aproximadamente el 5% de la población de asmáticos, sin embargo representa un desafío clínico y una carga sanitaria importante. Estudios recientes demuestran la existencia de fenotipos en todo el espectro de gravedad. La eosinofilia en esputo y sangre ha demostrado utilidad como marcador de inflamación Th-2 y de respuesta clínica a esteroides, sin embargo aún no existe mucho conocimiento sobre el asma no-eosinofílica. Los tratamientos actuales en asma se enfocan a estrategias de terapia escalonada según severidad, pero en pacientes con asma severa se requiere también del manejo multidisciplinario de las comorbilidades y la determinación del fenotipo, para aplicar terapias más especificas. El desarrollo acelerado de nuevos tratamientos en asma severa como consecuencia del mejor conocimiento de los distintos fenotipos ha ampliado el arsenal terapéutico para un enfrentamiento personalizado y específico en los pacientes con asma severa.

  15. Flujo espiratorio máximo en niños asmáticos: Casos y controles

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    Arturo Recabarren Lozada


    Full Text Available Con el fin de determinar las variaciones del Flujo Espiratorio Máximo (PEF, se estudiaron a 38 niños asmáticos (CASOS en período intercrítico de la enfermedad y a 38 niños sanos (CONTROLES, de ambos sexos comprendidos entre los 5 y 15 años de edad. Los niños asmáticos fueron clasificados por parámetros clínicos en determinado grado de severidad de asma bronquial, determinando el PEF de cada niño objeto de estudio conel mini-Wright Peak Flow Meter, en 2 registros diarios a los 06 y 18 horas, durante 7 días consecutivos, obteniendo la variabilidad del mismo. Se encuentra diferencia en la variabilidad global de niños asmáticos de todos los grados de severidad de la enfermedad comprada con la de los niños normales, con diferencia estadística altamente significativa (p<0.000001. Las variaciones diurnas del PEF ayuda en el diagnóstico del asma bronquial y también son útiles para realizar la catalogación de severidad de la enfermedad. El PEF correlaciona bien con los síntomas presentados por los pacientes y por lo tanto guarda correspondencia con la Hiperreactividad bronquial (HRB del niño asmático. Postulamos que un niño con historia clínica sugestiva, una variabilidad global mayor del 8% indica que el diagnóstico de asma es altamente probable (Rev Med Hered 1995; 6: 76-82

  16. Omalizumab en el tratamiento de la rinosinusitis crónica con poliposis nasal


    Martínez-Alonso, José Camilo


    [ES]Introducción y objetivo: Omalizumab es un tratamiento biológico indicado sólo en asma moderado-grave. El asma bronquial puede asociarse a poliposis nasal. Revisamos los estudios publicados sobre la eficacia de Omalizumab en el tratamiento de la poliposis nasosinusal. Método: Revisión bibliográfica narrativa. Discusión y Conclusiones: Omalizumab puede ser una alternativa terapéutica eficaz en pacientes con rinosinusitis crónica con poliposis agresiva. [EN] Introduction and objective: Om...

  17. Impacto do tabagismo parental sobre a asma infantil

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    Francisco-Javier Gonzalez-Barcala


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a exposição da população infantil à FCA em nossa comunidade e sua relação com os sintomas de asma. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal usando o questionário de estudo ISAAC em crianças e adolescentes da nossa comunidade. Pelo questionário, fez-se a definição por "já ocorreu sibilância", "asma atual", "asma grave" e "asma induzida pelo exercício". O tabagismo parental foi classificado em quatro categorias mutuamente excludentes: 1 nenhum dos pais fuma; 2 somente a mãe fuma; 3 somente o pai fuma; e 4 ambos os pais fumam. Calculou-se a odds ratio da prevalência de sintomas de asma, de acordo com a exposição à FCA, usando regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídas, no total, 10.314 crianças e 10.453 adolescentes. Mais de 51% das crianças e adolescentes foram expostos à FCA em casa. A FCA se associa a uma prevalência mais alta de sintomas de asma, particularmente se a mãe ou ambos os pais fumam. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência da FCA continua a ser alta em nossa comunidade, embora com uma tendência para diminuição nos últimos 15 anos. A FCA se associa a uma prevalência mais alta de asma.

  18. Factores de Risco da Asma Grave

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    N. Adel


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Apesar da rápida progressão do conhecimento da fisiopatologia da asma e da larga difusão de meios terapêuticos de eficácia acrescida, observase um aumento da morbalidade e da morbildade da asma em numerosos paises, em particular nos paises industrialtzados, por razões ainda pouco conhecidas Estes factos permitem questionar o funcionamento do sistema de cuidados de saúde e a difusão dos progressos terapêuticos na população asmática. Os autores definem o concetto de asma aguda grave, salientando dois tipos: o tipo 1, de «instalação progressiva» em algumas horas ou dtas eo upo 2 de «instalação brutal» em menos de três horas Os factores de risco para cada urn deles parecem ser diferentes.Os autores fazem uma revisão dos factores de risco da asma grave, tendo em conta as caracterisucas individuais do doente, os factores ambientats e a intervenção da sociedade.Em relação aos factores individuais como a idade e o sexo, verificase que na infância, as taxas de internarmento por asma são mais elevadas no sexo masculino, sendo no total de internamentos em todas as idades, mais elevadas no sexo feminino e em doentes com internamentos anteriores por asma. O aumento da mortalidade por asma atinge em particular os doentes jovens economicamente desfavorecidos, pela dificuldade no acesso aos cuidados de saúde e na compra dos medicamentos, por utilizarem com menor frequência os tratamentos de crise e de fundo. Os factores psicológicos podem predispor à morte por asma no adolescente, sendo relevantes a subvalo-rização e a negação da doença por parte do doente ou da família Verificase por outro lado, um aumento da prevalência da depressão e do desespero nas cnanças com asma grave. As reacçõs psicológicas face a acontecimentos negauvos, como a morte de um ente próximo, a perda de emprego, conflitos familiares, provocam maior

  19. Asma y tabaquismo, ¿Una asociación bidireccional?

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    Jair Andrés Medina-Páez


    Full Text Available El asma es una enfermedad crónica caracterizada por hiperreactividad de la vía aérea que puede desencadenarse por diversos mecanismos, entre los cuáles el tabaquismo evidencia una estrecha asociación con el desarrollo y progresión de la enfermedad pulmonar. A pesar de lo anterior, la asociación del asma en la niñez con el desarrollo del tabaquismo en la adultez no ha sido ampliamente propuesta. En general, se ha reportado que así como el tabaquismo puede preceder el asma en adultez, en otros casos el asma precede esta relación. De tal manera, los asmáticos comienzan a fumar a menor edad y entre mayor es la sintomatología, mayor el riesgo de ser fumador regular. Lo anterior sustenta una probable relación bidireccional entre el tabaquismo y el asma, a pesar que no es clara la dirección del efecto de la condición asmática sobre el hábito tabáquico. De tal forma, el propósito de la presente revisión es describir dicha asociación bidireccional entre el asma y el tabaquismo.

  20. Initial Evaluation of (99m)Tc(CO)3(ASMA) as a Renal Tracer in Healthy Human Volunteers. (United States)

    Lipowska, Malgorzata; Klenc, Jeffrey; Folks, Russell D; Taylor, Andrew T


    Preclinical studies in rats showed that two of (99m)Tc(CO)3(ASMA) isomers (rac- and L-ASMA) had pharmacokinetic properties equivalent to that of (131)I-OIH, the radiopharmaceutical standard for the measurement of effective renal plasma flow. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of (99m)Tc(CO)3(ASMA) isomers in healthy human subjects. Three ASMA ligands (rac-, L- and D-ASMA) were labeled with (99m)Tc(CO)3 using an IsoLink kit (Covidien), and each formed (99m)Tc(CO)3(ASMA) tracer was co-injected with (131)I-OIH into healthy human subjects followed by sequential imaging, plasma clearance measurements and timed urine collection. Plasma protein binding, red cell uptake and percent injected dose in the urine were determined. Urine from each group of volunteers was analyzed for metabolites by HPLC. Image quality was excellent with all three agents. Each (99m)Tc(CO)3(ASMA) preparation was excreted unchanged in the urine. The plasma clearance ratio ((99m)Tc(CO)3(ASMA)/(131)I-OIH) was 81 ± 3 % for D-ASMA compared to only 20 ± 4 % for L-ASMA and 37 ± 7 % for rac-ASMA; the 81 % clearance ratio for D-ASMA isomer is still ∼ 30 % higher than the (99m)Tc-MAG3/(131)I-OIH clearance ratio (∼50-60 %). Red cell uptake was similar for all three tracers (6-9 %), and all tracers had a relatively rapid renal excretion; at 3 h, the (99m)Tc(CO)3(ASMA)/(131)I-OIH urine ratio was 100 ± 3 % for D-ASMA, 80 ± 2 % for L-ASMA and 88 ± 1 % for rac-ASMA. The renal excretion characteristics of (99m)Tc(CO)3(D-ASMA) in humans are superior to those of the other two (99m)Tc(CO)3(ASMA) isomers studied, but are still inferior to (131)I-OIH, even though there was no difference in the clearance of two of (99m)Tc(CO)3(ASMA) isomers and (131)I-OIH in rats. The work described here demonstrates the sensitivity in in vivo biological behavior of (99m)Tc(CO)3(ASMA) isomers to their subtle structural differences.

  1. A Aspirina e a Asma

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    K.S. Babu


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A aspirina é não só o fannaco me1hor estudado em todo o mundo, como o mais frequentemente uti1izado em todos os tempos. Alem das suas propriedades como analgesico e antipiretico, o acido acetilsalicflico (AAS e urn inibidor da agregação plaquetária, o que the confere urn papel essencial na profilaxia do tromboembolismo e na prevenção dos acidentes cardio e cerebro-vasculares.A associação da sensibilidade á aspirina, com a asma e a polipose nasal, descrita pela primeira vez por Femand Widal e colaboradores, constitui a trfade da “Asma lnduzida pela Aspirina” (AlA e refere-se ao desenvolvimento de urn quadro de broncoconstrição em indivfduos asmaticos após ingestao de aspirina. Nestes doentes, os sintomas agudos sobrepõem-se ao quadro clfnico de asma crónica grave. As crises de asma podem ser desencadeadas por pequenas quantidades de AAS ou de outros anti-inflamatórios nao ester6ides (AINE’ s.A prevalência da AIA na comunidade é incerta, mas os doentes com AIA constituem 10 a 20% da popula9ao asmatica, sendo a AIA mais frequente nas mulheres. Os autores deste trabalho fazem uma revisão teórica da AIA, descrevendo a apresentação clfnica, os mecanismos patogenicos, o diagnóstico e o tratamento deste síndrome.A asma e uma doença inflamatória crónica das vias aéreas. Neste estado de inflamação continua, a exposiyao aaspirina provoca no subgrupo de doentes com AIA uma acentuayao temporaria do processo inflamat6rio, que conduz á exacerbayao da asma. Embora assemelhando-se as reacçães de hipersensibilidade imediata, a AIA nao parece ser mediada por mecanismos dependentes da IgE, daí estas reacçães scrcm dcsignadas de “anafilactóides”.A hipersensibilidade à aspirina parece antes ser mediada por um desvio da via metab6lica do acido araquidónico no sentido da produção excessiva de leucotrienos, por

  2. A asma agudizada em adultos. Revisão do tema

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    G.J. Rodrigo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Todos os doentes com asma podem sofrer exacerbações da sua doença. Os internamentos e as idas ao serviço de urgência contribuem para uma larga proporção dos custos em cuidados de Saúde dirigidos a estes doentes. Desta forma, a prevenção, bem como o tratamento adequado dos episódios de agudização da asma, representam uma área com um elevado potencial para uma redução substancial dos custos em cuidados de Saúde. As exacerbações podem apresentar uma gravidade que varia de ligeira até potencialmente fatal. A mortalidade associa-se frequentemente a uma incapacidade para reconhecer a gravidade da exacerbação, resultando num tratamento inadequado e num atraso em referenciar o doente para a urgência hospitalar. Nesta revisão temática, os autores descrevem a epidemiologia, os custos, a fisiopatologia, a mortalidade e o tratamento da asma agudizada do adulto no serviço de urgência e na unidade de cuidados intensivos.A asma representa a 11.º diagnóstico mais frequente que motiva a ida ao serviço de urgência nos EUA, afectando sobretudo os grupos etários da adolescência e adultos jovens. As mulheres recorrem à urgência e são internadas duas vezes mais do que os homens1. Na última década tem-se assistido a um declínio do número de doentes com exacerbações graves de asma requerendo internamento em unidades de cuidados intensivos. Uma meta-análise recente atribui aos corticosteróides inalados, quando comparados com o placebo, a redução das taxas de internamento hospitalar em doentes com asma agudizada2. Provavelmente, a maior parte dos internamentos, incluindo os que requerem cuidados intensivos, podem ser evitados.Apenas cerca de 20% dos asmáticos recorreram alguma vez a um serviço de urgência. Contudo, estes doentes contribuem para mais de 80% dos custos directos totais. O internamento e as idas à urg

  3. A asma agudizada em adultos. Revisão do tema

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    G.J. Rodrigo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Todos os doentes com asma podem sofrer exacerbações da sua doença. Os internamentos e as idas ao serviço de urgência contribuem para uma larga proporção dos custos em cuidados de Saúde dirigidos a estes doentes. Desta forma, a prevenção, bem como o tratamento adequado dos episódios de agudização da asma, representam uma área com um elevado potencial para uma redução substancial dos custos em cuidados de Saúde. As exacerbações podem apresentar uma gravidade que varia de ligeira até potencialmente fatal. A mortalidade associa-se frequentemente a uma incapacidade para reconhecer a gravidade da exacerbação, resultando num tratamento inadequado e num atraso em referenciar o doente para a urgência hospitalar. Nesta revisão temática, os autores descrevem a epidemiologia, os custos, a fisiopatologia, a mortalidade e o tratamento da asma agudizada do adulto no serviço de urgência e na unidade de cuidados intensivos.A asma representa a 11.º diagnóstico mais frequente que motiva a ida ao serviço de urgência nos EUA, afectando sobretudo os grupos etários da adolescência e adultos jovens. As mulheres recorrem à urgência e são internadas duas vezes mais do que os homens1. Na última década tem-se assistido a um declínio do número de doentes com exacerbações graves de asma requerendo internamento em unidades de cuidados intensivos. Uma meta-análise recente atribui aos corticosteróides inalados, quando comparados com o placebo, a redução das taxas de internamento hospitalar em doentes com asma agudizada2. Provavelmente, a maior parte dos internamentos, incluindo os que requerem cuidados intensivos, podem ser evitados.Apenas cerca de 20% dos asmáticos recorreram alguma vez a um serviço de urgência. Contudo, estes doentes contribuem para mais de 80% dos custos directos totais. O internamento e as idas à urg

  4. Faktor Risiko Asma Pada Murid Sekolah Dasar Usia 6-7 Tahun di Kota Padang

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    Afdal .


    Full Text Available Abstrak Latar belakang : Asma merupakan penyakit kronik yang sering dijumpai pada anak. Dilaporkan bahwa prevalens asma meningkat pada anak maupun dewasa. Usia 6-7 tahun merupakan periode dimana prevalens asma dan angka kunjungan ke rumah sakit karena asma lebih tinggi. Terjadinya asma dianggap sebagai interaksi yang kompleks antara faktor genetik dan faktor lingkungan. Faktor genetik sudah dibuktikan dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya, tetapi karakteristik faktor risiko lingkungan pada asma belum jelas. Apabila melihat derajat peningkatan kejadian asma, tidak mungkin hanya faktor genetik yang berperan, tetapi peran faktor lingkungan justru yang lebih besar. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui prevalens dan faktor risiko asma pada anak SD usia 6-7 tahun di Kota Padang.Metoda : Suatu penelitian cross sectional di 20 SD di Kota Padang pada bulan Juni – November 2009 dengan jumlah sampel 879 orang. Terhadap setiap subjek dilakukan penelitian yaitu pembagian kuisioner ISAAC (international study of asthma and allergies in childhood untuk orang tua. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji chi-square untuk variabel katagorik dan analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik. Data dianalisis menggunakan peranti lunak komputer.Hasil : Prevalens asma pada murid SD usia 6-7 tahun di Kota Padang berdasarkan kuisioner ISAAC sebesar 8%. Faktor yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap kejadian asma adalah atopi ayah atau ibu, diikuti faktor berat badan lahir dan kebiasaan merokok pada ibu serta pemberian obat parasetamol. Sedangkan pemberian ASI dan kontak dengan unggas merupakan faktor protektif terhadap kejadian asma. Kata kunci: faktor risiko, asma, sekolah dasar Abstract Background: Background Asthma is a common chronic disease in children. It had been reported that the prevalence of asthma in children and adults was increasing. The age of 6-7 years is the period where the prevalence and the number of visits to the hospital because of asthma are higher. The

  5. Roles of the outer membrane protein AsmA of Salmonella enterica in the control of marRAB expression and invasion of epithelial cells. (United States)

    Prieto, Ana I; Hernández, Sara B; Cota, Ignacio; Pucciarelli, M Graciela; Orlov, Yuri; Ramos-Morales, Francisco; García-del Portillo, Francisco; Casadesús, Josep


    A genetic screen for suppressors of bile sensitivity in DNA adenine methylase (dam) mutants of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium yielded insertions in an uncharacterized locus homologous to the Escherichia coli asmA gene. Disruption of asmA suppressed bile sensitivity also in phoP and wec mutants of S. enterica and increased the MIC of sodium deoxycholate for the parental strain ATCC 14028. Increased levels of marA mRNA were found in asmA, asmA dam, asmA phoP, and asmA wec strains of S. enterica, suggesting that lack of AsmA activates expression of the marRAB operon. Hence, asmA mutations may enhance bile resistance by inducing gene expression changes in the marRAB-controlled Mar regulon. In silico analysis of AsmA structure predicted the existence of one transmembrane domain. Biochemical analysis of subcellular fractions revealed that the asmA gene of S. enterica encodes a protein of approximately 70 kDa located in the outer membrane. Because AsmA is unrelated to known transport and/or efflux systems, we propose that activation of marRAB in asmA mutants may be a consequence of envelope reorganization. Competitive infection of BALB/c mice with asmA(+) and asmA isogenic strains indicated that lack of AsmA attenuates Salmonella virulence by the oral route but not by the intraperitoneal route. Furthermore, asmA mutants showed a reduced ability to invade epithelial cells in vitro.

  6. Recent activities of association of shape memory alloys (ASMA) in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, J.; Yamauchi, K.; Miyashita, T.; Ohkata, I.; Narumi, S.; Suzuki, Y.


    The Association of Shape Memory Alloys(ASMA) was established in 1983 and systematic surveys on the Ni-Ti and Cu based SMAs were carried out until 1986. The ASMA is now reorganized as a private association. In this paper, we briefly introduce several SMA products of the member companies and present a couple of products, a static rock breaking system and a thermostatic mixing valve in detail. (orig.)

  7. Recent activities of association of shape memory alloys (ASMA) in Japan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kobayashi, J [ASMA, Yokohama (Japan); Yamauchi, K [TOKIN Corp., Sendai (Japan); Miyashita, T [Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd., Yamato (Japan); Ohkata, I [Kato Hatsujo Kaisha, Ltd., Yokohama (Japan); Narumi, S [Sogo Hatsujo Co., Ltd. (Japan); Suzuki, Y [Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    The Association of Shape Memory Alloys(ASMA) was established in 1983 and systematic surveys on the Ni-Ti and Cu based SMAs were carried out until 1986. The ASMA is now reorganized as a private association. In this paper, we briefly introduce several SMA products of the member companies and present a couple of products, a static rock breaking system and a thermostatic mixing valve in detail. (orig.).

  8. Xantinas en el asma: ¿ascenso o descenso?

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    Rogelio Alvarez Sintes

    Full Text Available La teofilina ha sido utilizada como broncodilatador en el tratamiento del asma en su forma aguda y crónica desde hace más de 50 años. A partir de 1990 el uso de las xantinas en el asma se discute cada vez más. En 1995 persisten las controversias, pero la balanza se desplaza cada vez más hacia los broncodilatadores simpaticomiméticos, pasando a ocupar ésta la tercera o cuarta opción en los esquemas terapéuticos.1-4 Se revisa la literatura médica al respecto y se exponen las razones para su mayor o menor uso.

  9. Xantinas en el asma: ¿ascenso o descenso?

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    Rogelio Alvarez Sintes


    Full Text Available La teofilina ha sido utilizada como broncodilatador en el tratamiento del asma en su forma aguda y crónica desde hace más de 50 años. A partir de 1990 el uso de las xantinas en el asma se discute cada vez más. En 1995 persisten las controversias, pero la balanza se desplaza cada vez más hacia los broncodilatadores simpaticomiméticos, pasando a ocupar ésta la tercera o cuarta opción en los esquemas terapéuticos.1-4 Se revisa la literatura médica al respecto y se exponen las razones para su mayor o menor uso.

  10. O impacto da genética na asma infantil


    Pinto,Leonardo A.; Stein,Renato T.; Kabesch,Michael


    OBJETIVO: Apresentar os resultados dos estudos mais importantes e recentes sobre a genética da asma. Estes dados devem auxiliar os clínicos gerais a compreender o impacto da genética sobre este distúrbio complexo e como os genes e polimorfismos influenciam a asma e a atopia. FONTES DOS DADOS: Os dados foram coletados do banco de dados MEDLINE. Os estudos de associação genética foram selecionados do Genetic Association Database, um repositório de estudos de associação genética de doenças e dis...

  11. Substâncias de origem vegetal potencialmente úteis na terapia da asma

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    Maria Fernanda P. Corrêa

    Full Text Available A asma é uma doença inflamatória crônica, que representa um problema de saúde pública com altos números de óbitos e elevado impacto socioeconômico. A patologia é caracterizada pela fase imediata, mediada pela resposta aguda de células inflamatórias, e a tardia, que é responsável pela resposta com envolvimento de células específicas do sistema imunológico. Atualmente, os principais tipos de fármacos utilizados no tratamento da asma são os broncodilatadores e agentes antiinflamatórios, que aliviam os sintomas de broncoespasmo e diminuem a inflamação das vias aéreas. Entretanto, terapias com esses medicamentos não são totalmente eficazes e provocam efeitos adversos. A escassez de fármacos seguros e o baixo acesso da população carente aos tratamentos utilizados estimulam a busca de novas substâncias potencialmente úteis no tratamento da asma. Produtos naturais de origem vegetal representam um grande potencial farmacológico contra asma, uma vez que podem fornecer moléculas diversas com mecanismos específicos para tratamento e controle da patologia. A busca por terapias mais eficientes e específicas para o processo asmático mostra que a procura nos produtos naturais é promissora e possui um papel importante para a descoberta de novas terapias contra a asma.

  12. Efecto del montelukast sobre la concentración de mediadores inflamatorios en el modelo de artritis gotosa múrida


    Ponce, Loida; Bermúdez, Mariangélica; Miranda, Jorgelin; Verzura, Julie; Tovar, Robert; Corado, José


    El tratamiento de la artritis gotosa controla parcialmente la enfermedad con efectos secundarios importantes. El montelukast es un antagonista selectivo de los receptores de leucotrienos LTD4, útil en el tratamiento de rinitis alérgica y asma bronquial. Investigaciones previas han reportado un potente efecto antiinflamatorio de montelukast en el modelo de artritis gotosa múrida. Este estudio investigó el efecto de montelukast sobre la concentración de leucotrienos cisteinil y LTB4, interleuci...

  13. Dermátitis atópica

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    Eduardo de Zubiría S.


    Full Text Available La dermatitis atópica (DA es una enfermedad crónica, que afecta aproximadamente al 10% de la población infantil y con frecuencia es la primera manifestación de atopia. Es muy común si asociación con otras enfermedades como la rinitis alérgica y el asma bronquial. Es una enfermedad multifactorial compleja, que típicamente tiende a comenzar en el primer año de vida.

  14. O cuidado materno no manejo da asma infantil contribuição da enfermagem transcultural El cuidado materno en el manejo del asma infantil - contribución de enfermería transcultural Maternal care in the management of child asthma: the contributions of transcultural nursing

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    Maíra Domingues Bernardes Silva


    Full Text Available O objeto deste estudo são as práticas culturais do cuidado materno no manejo da asma infantil. Objetivos: descrever o conhecimento e o cuidado materno sobre a asma infantil e analisar o cuidado materno no manejo da asma infantil. Estudo descritivo-exploratório desenvolvido a partir de questionários e entrevistas com mães de crianças com asma, no período de setembro de 2008 janeiro de 2009. Após análise temática dos dados, emergiram três categorias: 1 Conceito e manejo da asma na visão das mães cuidadoras; 2 Asma como sofrimento e risco para a vida dos filhos; 3 Plantas medicinais, simpatias e religiosidade no cuidado do filho com asma. Concluiu-se que é importante respeitarmos a cultura das mães cuidadoras das crianças com asma, para que seus valores possam ser preservados, acomodados e reestruturados junto ao cuidado profissional.El objeto de este estudio es analizar las prácticas culturales de la atención materna en el manejo del asma infantil. Objetivos: describir el conocimiento y el cuidado de la madre en relación con el asma infantil y analizar la atención materna en el manejo del asma infantil. Estudio exploratorio-descriptivo desarrollado a partir de cuestionarios y entrevistas con madres de niños con asma, en el período comprendido entre Septiembre de 2008 y Enero del 2009. Tras el análisis temático de los datos, surgieron tres categorías: 1 Concepto y manejo del asma en la visión de las madres que cuidan de sus hijos con asma, 2 El asma como sufrimiento y riesgo para la vida de los hijos, 3 Plantas medicinales, rituales y religiosidad en el cuidado del hijo con asma. Se concluyó que es importante respetar la cultura de las madres que cuidan de los niños con asma, de modo que sus valores puedan ser preservados, acomodados y reestructurados junto a la atención profesional.The object of this study is the cultural practices of maternal care in the management of childhood asthma. Objectives: to describe both

  15. High ASMA+ Fibroblasts and Low Cytoplasmic HMGB1+ Breast Cancer Cells Predict Poor Prognosis. (United States)

    Amornsupak, Kamolporn; Jamjuntra, Pranisa; Warnnissorn, Malee; O-Charoenrat, Pornchai; Sa-Nguanraksa, Doonyapat; Thuwajit, Peti; Eccles, Suzanne A; Thuwajit, Chanitra


    The influence of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) has been recognized in several cancers, although their roles in breast cancer are unclear. The present study aimed to determine the levels and prognostic significance of α-smooth muscle actin-positive (ASMA + ) CAFs, plus HMGB1 and receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in cancer cells. A total of 127 breast samples, including 96 malignant and 31 benign, were examined for ASMA, HMGB1, and RAGE by immunohistochemistry. The χ 2 test and Fisher's exact test were used to test the association of each protein with clinicopathologic parameters. The Kaplan-Meier method or log-rank test and Cox regression were used for survival analysis. ASMA + fibroblast infiltration was significantly increased in the tumor stroma compared with that in benign breast tissue. The levels of cytoplasmic HMGB1 and RAGE were significantly greater in the breast cancer tissue than in the benign breast tissues. High ASMA expression correlated significantly with large tumor size, clinical stage III-IV, and angiolymphatic and perinodal invasion. In contrast, increased cytoplasmic HMGB1 correlated significantly with small tumor size, pT stage, early clinical stage, luminal subtype (but not triple-negative subtype), and estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor expression. The levels of ASMA (hazard ratio, 14.162; P = .010) and tumor cytoplasmic HMGB1 (hazard ratio, 0.221; P = .005) could serve as independent prognostic markers for metastatic relapse in breast cancer patients. The ASMA-high/HMGB1-low profile provided the most reliable prediction of metastatic relapse. We present for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the potential clinical implications of the combined assessment of ASMA + fibroblasts and cytoplasmic HMGB1 in breast cancer. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Roles of the Outer Membrane Protein AsmA of Salmonella enterica in the Control of marRAB Expression and Invasion of Epithelial Cells▿


    Prieto, Ana I.; Hernández, Sara B.; Cota, Ignacio; Pucciarelli, M. Graciela; Orlov, Yuri; Ramos-Morales, Francisco; García-del Portillo, Francisco; Casadesús, Josep


    A genetic screen for suppressors of bile sensitivity in DNA adenine methylase (dam) mutants of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium yielded insertions in an uncharacterized locus homologous to the Escherichia coli asmA gene. Disruption of asmA suppressed bile sensitivity also in phoP and wec mutants of S. enterica and increased the MIC of sodium deoxycholate for the parental strain ATCC 14028. Increased levels of marA mRNA were found in asmA, asmA dam, asmA phoP, and asmA wec strains of S....

  17. Hubungan Kadar Vitamin C Plasma dengan Serangan Asma pada Anak

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    Azwar Aruf


    Hasil. Karakteristik subyek, antara lain umur, jenis kelamin, riwayat kontak hewan peliharaan, riwayat kontak tungau debu rumah, perokok pasif, alergi makanan, infeksi saluran pernapasan, kadar vitamin C plasma. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji kemaknaan (nilai p<0,05, dan rasio Odds. Kadar vitamin C plasma kelompok asma dalam serangan dan tidak dalam serangan tidak berbeda bermakna dengan nilai p=0,77 dan rasio Odds 1,18 (IK95%: 0,32;3,64. Infeksi pernapasan merupakan faktor risiko serangan asma yang bermakna dengan nilai p=0,006 dan rasio Odds 3,6 (IK 95% 1,41;9,19.

  18. Vías de administración de los corticosteroides en pacientes con crisis moderada de asma Ways of administration of corticosteroids in moderate asthma crisis

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    Carlos Dotres Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivos: identificar las diferencias entre la administración de corticosteroides sistémicos parenterales y orales en el tratamiento de la crisis moderada de asma bronquial y el costo de su aplicación. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y aplicado, realizado en 105 pacientes asmáticos que acudieron al hospital pediátrico "Juan Manuel Márquez", entre el 1 de septiembre de 2009 y el 31 de mayo de 2011. Se organizaron tres grupos: grupo A, se administró hidrocortisona vía intramuscular; grupo B, metilprednisolona intramuscular y grupo C, prednisona oral. La selección y ubicación de los pacientes en los grupos fue al azar. Resultados: la duración de la crisis según vía de administración del corticosteroide fue de 1 a 3 días en 26 (74,3 % pacientes del grupo A, 24 (68,6 % asmáticos en el grupo B y 32 (91,4 % enfermos en el grupo C. La evolución de la crisis, con respecto a los días de dificultad respiratoria y la duración de la tos nocturna, tuvieron un comportamiento similar en los tres grupos. El costo del corticosteroide sistémico en el grupo A fue 13 veces superior al del grupo C y en el grupo B, fue 35 veces más que el del grupo C. Conclusiones: los corticoesteroides orales e intramusculares tienen la misma respuesta con respecto a la mejoría de los síntomas en pacientes con crisis moderada de asma bronquial. El uso del fármaco por vía oral conlleva un ahorro sustancial para el país y evita los efectos indeseables de la vía intramuscular.Objective: to determine the differences between the parenteral and the oral administration of systemic corticosteroids in moderate asthma crisis and the cost. Method: prospective and descriptive study performed in 105 patients, who presented with a moderate asthma crisis at "Juan Manuel Marquez" pediatric hospital from September 1, 2009 through May 31st, 2011. The patients were randomly selected and assigned to one of the following groups: Group A was given hydrocortisone

  19. Caso: Infección cutánea en el punto de punción de anestesia subaracnoidea


    López Pérez, Jesús; Castañer Ramón-Llín, Carla; Furones Tormo, Beatriz; Fernández Fernández, María Adoración; García Ferreira, Joaquín; Fayos de la Asunción, Miguel E


    Mujer de 76 años de edad, con antecedentes de asma bronquial en tratamiento con bromuro de ipatropio e hipertiroidismo tratado con carbimazol. Artrosis generalizada y gonartrosis bilateral. Propuesta para cirugía traumatológica de protesis total de rodilla derecha. Se realiza técnica locorregional mediante anestesia subaracnoidea resultando exitosa tras 4 intentos fallidos de punción, confirmando salida de LCR transparente. Se administra bupivacaina isobárica 14 mg. más 20 mcg de fentanilo...

  20. Genética, ambiente y asma asociados a enfermedad celiaca en la familia extendida de un niño afectado

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    R. Sigala-Robles


    Full Text Available Resumen: Introducción: La enfermedad celiaca (EC es una enteropatía autoinmune asociada a la ingestión de gluten. En las familias extendidas de pacientes celiacos en estrecha convivencia, los factores genéticos y ambientales compartidos pueden predisponer a EC. Objetivo: Proporcionar evidencia sobre factores genéticos y ambientales implicados en el desarrollo de la EC en una familia extendida de un paciente pediátrico. Métodos: Se evaluaron historial clínico, condiciones ambientales, peso y talla de los participantes y se les tomó una muestra de sangre periférica. Se genotipificaron los haplotipos HLA-DQ2/DQ8 mediante qPCR y se cuantificaron por ELISA los anticuerpos IgA antigliadinas y antitransglutaminasa. Resultados: Participaron 12 familiares maternos del caso índice, que tenían estrecha convivencia vecinal. Ocho presentaron HLA-DQ2 heredado del abuelo, 7/12 y 9/12 fueron positivos para los anticuerpos IgA antigliadinas e IgA antitransglutaminasa, respectivamente. Los principales síntomas intestinales referidos por los participantes fueron distensión abdominal, exceso de gases, estreñimiento y reflujo gastroesofágico. Los síntomas extraintestinales más frecuentes fueron fatiga, estrés y ansiedad. Además, 6/13 participantes tuvieron asma bronquial. Conclusión: La familia extendida convive estrechamente, comparte la predisposición genética, condiciones ambientales y el asma, que podrían haberlos predispuesto a la EC. Abstract: Introduction: Celiac disease (CD is an autoimmune enteropathy associated with gluten ingestion. In extended families of celiac patients that live in close proximity of one another, shared genetic and environmental factors can predispose them to CD. Aim: The aim of this study was to provide evidence about the genetic and environmental factors involved in the development of CD in the extended family of a pediatric patient. Methods: The medical history, environmental conditions, and participant

  1. Nuevos adyuvantes en la inmunoterapia específica de las enfermedades alérgicas: estudio de aspectos inmunológicos, celulares y repercusión funcional respiratoria en un modelo animal de asma bronquial


    Vázquez de la Torre Gaspar, María, María


    INTRODUCCIÓN: Las sales de aluminio se vienen utilizando tradicionalmente, como adyuvante de la ITE s.c. convencional. La identificación de adyuvantes alternativos que indujeran una respuesta Th1 y T reguladora, mejoraría la eficacia de la ITE como tratamiento para el asma y otras enfermedades alérgicas. OBJETIVOS: El objetivo general de este proyecto es la comparación de la eficacia, clínica e inmunológica, de diferentes adyuvantes para inmunoterapia específica de las enfermedades alérgicas...

  2. O impacto da genética na asma infantil Impact of genetics in childhood asthma

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    Leonardo A. Pinto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar os resultados dos estudos mais importantes e recentes sobre a genética da asma. Estes dados devem auxiliar os clínicos gerais a compreender o impacto da genética sobre este distúrbio complexo e como os genes e polimorfismos influenciam a asma e a atopia. FONTES DOS DADOS: Os dados foram coletados do banco de dados MEDLINE. Os estudos de associação genética foram selecionados do Genetic Association Database, um repositório de estudos de associação genética de doenças e distúrbios complexos organizado pelo National Institutes of Health. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Considerando os dados de diversos importantes estudos de gêmeos sobre a genética da asma, a heritabilidade, que mensura a contribuição dos fatores genéticos para a variância da asma, pode ser estimada entre 0,48 e 0,79. Uma grande quantidade de estudos de associação genética tentou identificar genes de susceptibilidade à asma. Os resultados mais replicados nos estudos de associação genética envolvem as cinco regiões do genoma humano a seguir: 5q31-32, 6p21, 11q12-13, 16p11-12, e 20p13. Recentemente, outro gene de susceptibilidade à asma (ORMDL3, considerado determinante crítico para a asma infantil, foi identificado por um estudo genômico de associação. CONCLUSÕES: É possível estimar que a contribuição genética à asma varia entre 48 e 79%. Diversos loci parecem influenciar a susceptibilidade à asma. Os genes localizados no cromossomo 5q (ADRB2, IL13 e IL4 e o gene ORMDL3, no cromossomo 17, identificado recentemente, parecem ser determinantes para a asma infantil. O diagnóstico e a farmacogenética podem ser as primeiras implicações clínicas de estudos extensivos sobre a genética da asma.OBJECTIVE: To present the most important and recent results of studies on asthma genetics. These data may help general physicians understand the impact of genetics on this complex disorder and how genes and polymorphisms influence asthma and atopy

  3. Tolerancia al ejercicio en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica después de un programa de rehabilitación respiratoria


    Meneses Terry, Mercedes R.


    Se expusieron los resultados de la aplicación de un programa de rehabilitación respiratoria consistente en la aplicación de ejercicios respiratorios a un grupo de pacientes con asma bronquial, bronquitis crónica y enfisema pulmonar con una duración de 36 sesiones de tratamiento, luego de las cuales se compararon los resultados con los del grupo control que sólo llevó tratamiento con medicamentos. Se observó en los tratados con el programa, un incremento en la tolerancia a los ejercicios. T...

  4. Air pollution, bronchial asthma, and acute respirator and infections in children less years of age, Habana City


    Romero-Placeres, Manuel; Más-Bermejo, Pedro; Lacasaña-Navarro, Marina; Rojo-Solís, Martha María Téllez; Aguilar-Valdés, Juan; Romieu, Isabelle


    OBJETIVO: Identificar la relación que guardan las consultas de urgencias por enfermedades respiratorias agudas, crisis agudas de asma bronquial e infecciones respiratorias agudas, con los cambios diarios en los niveles de contaminación atmosférica, en menores de 14 años de edad que fueron atendidos en dos centros hospitalarios de la ciudad de La Habana. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio ecológico de series de tiempo durante el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de octubre de 1996 y el 11 ...

  5. Associação de sintomas de rinoconjuntivite e asma em adolescentes

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    Rita de Cássia C.M. Brito


    Full Text Available Resumo: Objectivos – Determinar a prevalência da associação de sintomas de rinoconjuntivite e asma em adolescentes, analisar se os sintomas de asma são mais intensos e frequentes entre os adolescentes com sintomas de rinoconjuntivite alérgica e avaliar se os adolescentes reconhecem os sintomas de rinoconjuntivite.Métodos – Realizou-se um estudo do tipo corte transversal com dois componentes: um estudo de prevalência e um estudo entre casos (sintomas de rinoconjuntivite, com um grupo de comparação (ausência de sintomas de rinoconjuntivite a partir de informações dos questionários aplicados na fase 3 do ISAAC, no ano de 2002, na cidade do Recife.Resultados – A prevalência da associação de sintomas de rinoconjuntivite e de provável asma foi de 5,1% (48/940; IC 95%: 3,8 %-6,6%, apenas de asma de 10,9% (103/940; IC 95%: 9,1%-13,1% e de rinoconjuntivite isolada foi de 9,7% (91/940; IC 95%: 7,9%-13%. Entre os adolescentes com sintomas de rinite, 81,3% (39/48 tinham provável asma persistente, 31,8% (48/151 dos com sintomas de asma referiam também sintomas de rinoconjuntivite. Não reconheciam os sintomas de rinoconjuntivite 65,1% (86/132 dos adolescentes que apresentavam esses sintomas.Conclusão – A associação de sintomas de rinoconjuntivite e asma é frequente e está associada à maior gravidade dos sintomas de asma. O facto de os adolescentes não reconhecerem os sintomas de rinoconjuntivite reflecte o subdiagnóstico, que pode resultar na desvalorização dos sintomas e, consequentemente, no tratamento inadequado.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (4: 613-628 Abstract: Aim – Our study aimed to determine the rate of association of rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma symptoms in adolescents to analyse whether asthma symptoms are more severe and frequent in asthmatics with concomitant allergic rhinitis and assess if adolescents are aware of having

  6. Hubungan Keteraturan Penggunaan Kortikosteroid Inhalasi dengan Tingkat Kontrol Asma Pasien Berdasarkan ACT di Poliklinik Paru RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang

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    Wulan Prisilla Prisilla


    Full Text Available AbstrakAsma merupakan penyakit yang didasari oleh reaksi inflamasi pada saluran napas yang dapat dicegah dengan kortikosteroid inhalasi. Asma sukar disembuhkan, sehingga tujuan penatalaksanaan asma adalah asma terkontrol. Penilaian tingkat kontrol asma dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner Asthma Control Test  (ACT yang bersifat subjektif tetapi validitasnya telah diuji. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan hubungan keteraturan penggunaan kortikosteroid inhalasi dengan tingkat kontrol asma pasien berdasarkan ACT di Poliklinik Paru RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Penelitian cross sectional analytic ini telah dilakukan dari September hingga Desember 2013. Populasi adalah pasien berusia ≥14 tahun yang didiagnosis asma oleh dokter. Jumlah subjek penelitian sebanyak 96 orang. Data yang diperoleh diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Insiden terbanyak asma berada pada kelompok usia lanjut (60,4%. Sebagian besar pasien tidak teratur menggunakan kortikosteroid inhalasi (63,5% dan pasien dengan asma tidak terkontrol memiliki proporsi tertinggi (59,4% . Analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara keteraturan penggunaan kortikosteroid inhalasi dengan tingkat kontrol asma pasien berdasarkan ACT di Poliklinik Paru RSUP Dr. M. Djamil (p=0,002.Kata kunci: kortikosteroid inhalasi, ACT, tingkat control asma AbstractAsthma is a disease caused by an inflammatory reaction in the patient airways that can be prevented with inhaled corticosteroids. It is known that there is no cure for asthma, so the goal of asthma management is to obtain controlled asthma. The level of asthma control can be assessed by  using Asthma Control Test  (ACT questionnaire, this method is subjective but its validity has been tested. The objective of this study  was to determine the association between regularity of inhaled corticosteroids application and patient’s level of asthma control based on ACT in the Lung Clinic of Dr

  7. Efektifitas Dukungan Sosial Dokter kepada Orangtua dalam Tata Laksana Anak Asma

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    Fx. Wikan Indrarto


    Kesimpulan. Pemberian dukungan sosial dokter tidak berhubungan dengan keberhasilan tata laksana anak asma. Kepuasan orangtua akan pemberian dukungan sosial dokter, terutama diperoleh dari jenis dukungan penghargaan.

  8. CDC: Consejos de exfumadores: El Consejo de Jessica Sobre el Asma PSA (:30)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    La exposición al humo de segunda mano puede provocar un ataque de asma que puede ser mortal. Este anuncio de servicio público de 30 segundos de la campaña de los CDC “Consejos de exfumadores”, muestra a Jessica, la madre de un niño pequeño que tiene ataques de asma por la exposición al humo de segunda mano. Su consejo es que las personas no sientan pena de decirles a otras que no fumen cerca de sus hijos.

  9. Towards a consensus-based biokinetic model for green microalgae – The ASM-A

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wágner, Dorottya Sarolta; Valverde Pérez, Borja; Sæbø, Mariann


    developed to predict microalgal growth. However, none of these models can effectively describe all the relevant processes when microalgal growth is coupled with nutrient removal and recovery from wastewaters. Here, we present a mathematical model developed to simulate green microalgal growth (ASM-A) using...... and substrate availability can introduce significant variability on parameter values for predicting the reaction rates for bulk nitrate and the intracellularly stored nitrogen state-variables, thereby requiring scenario specific model calibration. ASM-A was identified using standard cultivation medium...

  10. Abordaje del asma bronquial en edad pediátrica desde una perspectiva integrativa: percepciones de médicos homeópatas y médicos pediatras / Addressing asthma in pediatric integrative perspective: perceptions of homeopathic doctors and pediatricians


    Quiroga Rocha, Patricia


    La perspectiva integrativa de la medicina permite asociar a la medicina moderna los tratamientos complementaros y alternativos basados en la evidencia y en particular la homeopatía. Así se tienen presente todos los aspectos del estilo de vida del paciente: los físicos, emocionales, intelectuales, sociales y espirituales entre otros. Datos de la OMS establecen que unos 300 millones de personas en el mundo, actualmente sufren de asma siendo la enfermedad crónica más común entre los niños. Se cr...

  11. Sintomas e fatores de risco para asma entre escolares piauienses Síntomas y factores de riesgo para el asma entre escolares piauienses Symptoms and risk factors for asthma among piauiense schoolchildren

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    Gessianne Carvalho Castro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Analisar a prevalência de sintomas de asma entre escolares de seis a sete anos do município de Picos-PI; e identificar fatores de risco associados à doença. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com crianças de 6 e 7 anos de Picos em novembro de 2010 a maio de 2011. Para coletar os dados, foi utilizado um formulário adaptado do Internacional Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Os dados foram analisados com base na estatística descritiva e analítica. RESULTADOS: Dentre as 234 crianças da amostra estudada, 56% eram do gênero feminino. A prevalência de diagnóstico médico de asma foi de 7,7%. Os seguintes fatores de risco apresentaram relação estatisticamente significante com a ocorrência de asma (p OBJETIVOS: Analizar la prevalencia de síntomas de asma entre escolares de seis a siete años del municipio de Picos-PI; e identificar factores de riesgo asociados a la enfermedad. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado con niños de 6 y 7 años de Picos en noviembre de 2010 a mayo de 2011. Para recolectar los datos, se utilizo un formulario adaptado del Internacional Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Los datos fueron analizados con base en la estadística descriptiva y analítica. RESULTADOS: De los 234 niños de la muestra estudiada, el 56% era del género femenino. La prevalencia del diagnóstico médico de asma fue de 7,7%. Los siguientes factores de riesgo presentaron relación estadísticamente significativa con la ocurrencia de asma (p OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence of asthma symptoms among schoolchildren aged six to seven years in the municipality of Picos-PI; and to identify risk factors associated with the disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with children aged six and seven from Picos, in November 2010 and May 2011. To collect data, we used an adapted form of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics

  12. Impacto da atenção farmacêutica na função pulmonar de pacientes com asma grave

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    Fernando Zanghelini


    Full Text Available O estudo avaliou a influência do serviço de Atenção Farmacêutica na otimização dos resultados terapêuticos de pacientes com asma grave não controlada, em uso de formoterol associado à budesonida. Utilizou-se o Método Dáder de Seguimento Farmacoterapêutico e o Teste do Controle de Asma (ACT™ para avaliação de resultados, assim como a espirometria. Foram acompanhados 26 pacientes por um período não inferior a seis meses, cuja média de idade foi 55 ± 11 anos, destes, 22 (84% foram do gênero feminino. Na pesquisa verificou-se que 22 (84,6% pacientes apresentaram mais de uma enfermidade associada à asma grave e 24 (92% faziam uso de dois ou mais fármacos. Foram detectados 58 resultados negativos associados aos medicamentos (RNM, com incidência de 2,2 ± 0,99 RNM por usuário. O RNM mais frequente foi insegurança não quantitativa identificada em 11 usuários (43%, sendo 31% desses devido às reações adversas ao medicamento. Foram realizadas 65 intervenções farmacêuticas para resolver os RNM, com média de 2,5 ± 1,2 por paciente, das quais 85% ocorreram na farmácia sem a necessidade de voltar ao médico. Dos resultados clínicos, após as intervenções farmacêuticas, todos os usuários tiveram melhora significativa da asma (p<0,05, porém 2 deles (7,6% ainda apresentaram asma não controlada. Assim, o estudo sinalizou a necessidade do acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico aos usuários com asma grave não controlada para otimização dos resultados clínicos.

  13. Asma aguda em adultos na sala de emergência: o manejo clínico na primeira hora

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    Full Text Available Asma é doença com alta prevalência em nosso meio e ao redor do mundo. Embora novas opções terapêuticas tenham sido recentemente desenvolvidas, parece haver aumento mundial na sua morbidade e mortalidade. Em muitas instituições, as exacerbações asmáticas ainda constituem emergência médica muito comum. As evidências têm demonstrado que a primeira hora no manejo da asma aguda na sala de emergência concentra decisões cruciais que podem determinar o desfecho desta situação clínica. Nesta revisão não-sistemática, os autores enfocaram a primeira hora da avaliação e tratamento do paciente com asma aguda na sala de emergência, descrevendo uma estratégia apropriada para o seu manejo. São consideradas as seguintes etapas: diagnóstico, avaliação da gravidade, tratamento farmacológico, avaliação das complicações e decisão sobre onde se realizará o tratamento adicional. Espera-se que estas recomendações contribuam para que o médico clínico tome a decisão apropriada na primeira hora do manejo da asma aguda.

  14. Componentes C3 e C4 do sistema complemento como biomarcadores no diagnóstico de asma atópica intermitente

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    Tainá Mosca


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os componentes séricos C3 e C4 do sistema complemento como possíveis biomarcadores de asma atópica intermitente. MÉTODOS: Determinação dos níveis séricos dos componentes C3 e C4 do complemento em 70 crianças com história de "chiado no peito” entre 3 e 14 anos. Após 2 anos de acompanhamento ambulatorial, seguindo-se critérios de inclusão e exclusão, as crianças foram divididas em 2 grupos: 40 crianças com asma atópica intermitente e 30 crianças sem asma. Não houve uso de corticosteroides inalatórios ou sistêmicos ou de broncodilatadores de ação prolongada em nenhum dos grupos. Os dois grupos apresentaram faixas etárias semelhantes, comparadas pelo teste t de Student. Os resultados dos componentes C3 e C4 mostraram distribuição normal e foram então comparados utilizando-se o teste t de Student, considerando-se significante quando p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os valores observados no grupo de crianças portadoras de asma atópica intermitente mostraram aumentos significativos para: C3 em 85,0% das crianças; C4 em 87,5%; C3 e C4 em 72,5%; C3 ou C4 em 97,5%, quando comparados aos valores observados das crianças sem asma e da mesma faixa etária. CONCLUSÃO: Observamos um aumento dos valores séricos dos componentes C3 e/ou C4 do sistema complemento na maioria das crianças estudadas portadoras de asma atópica intermitente, em comparação aos valores de crianças sem asma, da mesma faixa etária. Concluímos que a presença de valores aumentados dos componentes C3 e/ou C4 do complemento possa representar um biomarcador no diagnóstico de asma atópica intermitente.

  15. Factores asociados al asma en los niños y adolescentes de la zona rural de Navarra (España

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    Itsaso Elizalde-Beiras


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivos: Conocer los factores asociados al asma y síntomas relacionados con asma en la población infantil y adolescente en la zona rural de Navarra (España a través de la validación del cuestionario ISAAC. Participantes y métodos: Estudio transversal mediante la realización del cuestionario ISAAC y variables adicionales por 797 niños y adolescentes, a través del cual se obtuvieron datos de prevalencia sobre síntomas de asma y factores asociados sin realizar ninguna prueba diagnóstica adicional. Emplazamiento: Marco de atención primaria. A través de las zonas básicas de salud se hizo la selección de la muestra y en los centros educativos de dichas zonas se realizó el cuestionario. Mediciones y resultados: El análisis estadístico se hizo a través de regresión logística, chi cuadrado e intervalo de confianza al 95%. La prevalencia asma referida es del 11,7% en niños y del 13,4% en adolescentes. En cuanto a los factores relacionados, según los valores de OR destacan: OR = 9,5 entre sibilancias y asma, y OR = 3,5 entre rinitis recientes y asma. Respecto a las sibilancias recientes, hallamos un OR = 11,5 entre despertares y sibilancias recientes, y un OR = 3,4 entre rinitis recientes y sibilancias recientes. Conclusiones: El asma referida es una enfermedad prevalente ligeramente superior en la adolescencia y la población femenina de los escolares de la zona rural. Rinitis y otros síntomas de asma están relacionados con el asma y con las sibilancias, así como la utilización de los servicios de urgencias en el caso del asma y la bronquitis con las sibilancias. Abstract: Objectives: To determine the factors associated with asthma and asthma-related symptoms in children and adolescents in rural areas of Navarre (Spain. Participants and methods: A cross-sectional study using the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC questionnaire, as well as additional variables, was conducted on 797

  16. Avaliação da qualidade de vida em crianças e adolescentes com asma: Validação semântica e estudo piloto do DISABKIDS – Módulo para a Asma


    Silva, Neuza; Carona, Carlos; Crespo, Carla; Canavarro, Maria Cristina


    A qualidade de vida tem surgido na literatura como um importante indicador de saúde. A elevada prevalência da asma na população pediátrica portuguesa torna particularmente relevante a avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde nesta condição. Objectivos. (1) Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento das versões Portuguesas do DISABKIDS- Módulo para a Asma; (2) avaliar a importância e compreensibilidade dos seus itens e adequação da escala de resposta (validação semântica); e (3) exa...

  17. Asthma control in Latin America: the Asthma Insights and Reality in Latin America (AIRLA survey El control del asma en América Latina: la encuesta de Percepción y Realidad del Asma en América Latina

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    Hugo Neffen


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: The aims of this survey were (1 to assess the quality of asthma treatment and control in Latin America, (2 to determine how closely asthma management guidelines are being followed, and (3 to assess perception, knowledge and attitudes related to asthma in Latin America. METHODS: We surveyed a household sample of 2 184 adults or parents of children with asthma in 2003 in 11 countries in Latin America. Respondents were asked about healthcare utilization, symptom severity, activity limitations and medication use. RESULTS: Daytime asthma symptoms were reported by 56% of the respondents, and 51% reported being awakened by their asthma at night. More than half of those surveyed had been hospitalized, attended a hospital emergency service or made unscheduled emergency visits to other healthcare facilities for asthma during the previous year. Patient perception of asthma control did not match symptom severity, even in patients with severe persistent asthma, 44.7% of whom regarded their disease as being well or completely controlled. Only 2.4% (2.3% adults and 2.6% children met all criteria for asthma control. Although 37% reported treatment with prescription medications, only 6% were using inhaled corticosteroids. Most adults (79% and children (68% in this survey reported that asthma symptoms limited their activities. Absence from school and work was reported by 58% of the children and 31% of adults, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Asthma control in Latin America falls short of goals in international guidelines, and in many aspects asthma care and control in Latin America suffer from the same shortcomings as in other areas of the world.OBJETIVOS: Los objetivos de esta encuesta fueron 1 determinar la calidad del tratamiento y control del asma en América Latina, 2 determinar el grado de adherencia a las guías de tratamiento, y 3 determinar la percepción, los conocimientos y las actitudes con respecto al asma en América Latina. MÉTODO: La

  18. Synthesis and characterization of fac-Re(CO)3-aspartic-N-monoacetic acid, a structural analogue of a potential new renal tracer, fac-99mTc(CO)3(ASMA). (United States)

    Klenc, Jeffrey; Lipowska, Malgorzata; Taylor, Andrew T; Marzilli, Luigi G


    The reaction of an aminopolycarboxylate ligand, as partic- N - m onoacetic a cid (ASMA), with [Re(CO) 3 (H 2 O) 3 ] + was examined. The tridentate coordination of ASMA to this Re I tricarbonyl precursor yielded fac -Re(CO) 3 (ASMA) as a mixture of diastereomers. The chemistry is analogous to that of the Tc I tricarbonyl complex, which yields fac - 99m Tc(CO) 3 (ASMA) under similar conditions. The formation, structure, and isomerization of fac -Re(CO) 3 (ASMA) products were characterized by HPLC, 1 H NMR spectroscopy, and X-ray crystallography. The two major fac -Re(CO) 3 (ASMA) diastereomeric products each have a linear ONO coordination mode with two adjacent five-membered chelate rings, but they differ in the endo or exo orientation of the uncoordinated acetate group, in agreement with expectations based on previous studies. Conditions have been identified for the expedient isomerization of fac -Re(CO) 3 (ASMA) to a mixture consisting primarily of one major product. Because different isomeric species typically have different pharmacokinetic characteristics, these conditions may provide for the practical isolation of a single 99m Tc(CO) 3 (ASMA) species, thus allowing the isolation of the isomer that has optimal imaging and pharmacokinetic characteristics. This information will aid in the design of future 99m Tc radiopharmaceuticals.

  19. CDC: Consejos de exfumadores: El Consejo de Jessica Sobre el Asma PSA (:30)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    La exposición al humo de segunda mano puede provocar un ataque de asma que puede ser mortal. Este anuncio de servicio público de 30 segundos de la campaña de los CDC “Consejos de exfumadores”, muestra a Jessica, la madre de un niño pequeño que tiene ataques de asma por la exposición al humo de segunda mano. Su consejo es que las personas no sientan pena de decirles a otras que no fumen cerca de sus hijos.  Created: 3/19/2012 by Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.   Date Released: 8/8/2013.

  20. Preclinical evaluation of 99mTc(CO)3-aspartic-N-monoacetic acid, 99mTc(CO)3(ASMA), a new renal radiotracer with pharmacokinetic properties comparable to 131I-OIH (United States)

    Lipowska, Malgorzata; Klenc, Jeffrey; Marzilli, Luigi G.; Taylor, Andrew T.


    In an ongoing effort to develop a renal tracer with pharmacokinetic properties comparable to PAH and superior to those of both 99mTc-MAG3 and 131I-OIH, we evaluated a new renal tricarbonyl radiotracer based on the aspartic-N-monoacetic acid ligand, 99mTc(CO)3(ASMA). The ASMA ligand features two carboxyl groups and an amine function for the coordination of the {99mTc(CO)3}+ core as well as a dangling carboxylate to facilitate rapid renal clearance. Methods rac-ASMA and L-ASMA were labeled with a 99mTc-tricarbonyl precursor and radiochemical purity of the labeled products was determined by HPLC. Using 131I-OIH as an internal control, we evaluated biodistribution in normal rats with 99mTc(CO)3(ASMA) isomers and in rats with renal pedicle ligation with 99mTc(CO)3(rac-ASMA). Clearance studies were conducted in 4 additional rats. In vitro radiotracer stability was determined in PBS buffer pH 7.4 and in challenge studies with cysteine and histidine. 99mTc(CO)3(ASMA) metabolites in urine were analyzed by HPLC. Results Both 99mTc(CO)3(ASMA) preparations had > 99% radiochemical purity and were stable in PBS buffer pH 7.4 for 24 h. Challenge studies on both revealed no significant displacement of the ligand. In normal rats, % injected dose in urine at 10 and 60 min for both preparations averaged 103% and 106% that of 131I-OIH, respectively. The renal clearances of 99mTc(CO)3(rac-ASMA) and 131I-OIH were comparable (P = 0.48). The tracer was excreted unchanged in the urine, proving its in vivo stability. In pedicle-ligated rats, 99mTc(CO)3(rac-ASMA) had less excretion into the bowel (P ASMA) complexes have pharmacokinetic properties in rats comparable to or superior to those of 131I-OIH, and human studies are warranted for their further evaluation. PMID:22717977

  1. Control del asma en pacientes que acuden a consulta de atención primaria en España (estudio ACTIS

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    Eduardo Calvo


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia de asma no controlada (puntuación < 20 en el Asthma Control Test [ACT] en la práctica clínica habitual en España. Diseño: Estudio observacional, transversal. Emplazamiento: Cincuenta y ocho centros de atención primaria de 13 comunidades autónomas. Participantes: Pacientes asmáticos atendidos por consulta administrativa sin empeoramiento subjetivo (grupo A o por empeoramiento de sus síntomas (grupo B. Mediciones principales: Características sociodemográficas (edad, sexo, educación y tabaquismo, nivel de gravedad del asma según el médico, terapia actual para el asma, enfermedades concomitantes, utilización de recursos sanitarios (consultas, hospitalizaciones y urgencias, absentismo laboral y escolar, puntuación ACT y adherencia al tratamiento. Resultados: Se incluyeron 376 pacientes del grupo A y 262 del grupo B. El 59% eran mujeres, edad media de 45 años, 21% fumadores y tiempo medio de evolución del asma 8,9 años. El 87% usaban agonistas beta-2 de corta duración, el 62% beta-2 de larga duración asociados con corticoides inhalados y el 13,8% corticoides inhalados regularmente. Se observó mal control del asma en el 75,6% del grupo B y en el 23,4% del grupo A; solo el 5,3% del grupo A presentaba control total (ACT = 25. Un peor control del asma se asociaba significativamente con mayor duración de la enfermedad y mayor uso de recursos. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de asma no controlada en pacientes que acuden a la consulta de atención primaria por empeoramiento de sus síntomas continúa siendo muy elevada. El mal control del asma se asocia con un elevado uso de recursos e impacta significativamente en la carga de la enfermedad. Abstract: Objective: To assess prevalence of non controlled (ACT- Asthma Control Test < 20 asthma in real world clinical practice in Spain. Design: Observational, cross-sectional study. Location: 58 primary care centers from 13 Autonomous Communities

  2. Fatores associados ao controle da asma em pacientes pediátricos em centro de referência Factores asociados al control del asma en pacientes pediátricos en centro de referencia Factors associated with asthma control in a pediatric reference center

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    Vanessa Mika Kinchoku


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os dados epidemiológicos, clínicos e os fatores associados ao controle da asma em pacientes asmáticos seguidos em um ambulatório pediátrico especializado. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de pacientes asmáticos ambulatoriais, para os quais eram fornecidas medicações profiláticas. A classificação da asma, as etapa de tratamento e a avaliação do controle seguiram a IV Diretrizes Brasileiras para o Manejo da Asma, de 2006. Os fatores avaliados foram: outras alergias, obesidade, imunodeficiências, refluxo gastresofágico e sensibilização alérgica, sendo comparados pacientes com asma controlada ou não com relação à etapa do tratamento, à obesidade e à sensibilização alérgica. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 300 pacientes com asma (1,38M:1F, com mediana de idade de 10,8 anos, e de início dos sintomas de 1,0 ano. A atopia estava presente em 78% dos pais e/ou irmãos. Antecedentes pessoais de doenças alérgicas ocorreram em 292 pacientes (96% rinite, 27% dermatite atópica, 18% conjuntivite alérgica, 6% alergia alimentar. Foram diagnosticados sete casos de deficiência de IgA (DIgA e quatro de IgG2; obesidade em 37/253 (15%, sendo que sobrepeso e obesidade estiveram associados à falta de controle (p=0,023. Em 118 pacientes com multissensibilização, predominaram casos não controlados (22 (19% casos; p=0,049; OR 1,9; IC95% 1,03-3,50. Entre os 180 casos (60% em tratamento nas etapas 3 e 4, 122 (45% estavam controlados e 112 (41% parcialmente controlados. CONCLUSÕES: A rinite foi a alergia mais associada à asma e a prevalência de DIgA foi 20 vezes maior do que na população geral. O controle parcial ou total dos sintomas da asma foi obtido em 85% dos casos. Obesidade/sobrepeso e multissensibilização foram associadas à falta de controle da asma.OBJETIVO: Describir los datos epidemiológicos, clínicos y los factores asociados al control del asma en pacientes asmáticos seguidos en ambulatorio pedi

  3. Qualidade de vida em doentes com asma

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    Lara Noronha Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resumo: Neste artigo é descrito um estudo, cujo objectivo é a medição da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (QdVRS de doentes com asma e a apresentação de uma primeira aproximação aos valores normativos, com base no SF-6D, para aquele tipo de doentes. Pretende-se ainda averiguar a capacidade de medidas genéricas de medição da QdVRS distinguirem grupos em termos de características sociodemográficas. Aplicaram-se, por entrevista pessoal, as versões portuguesas do EQ-5D, do SF-6D, do AQLQ(S e do ACQ a uma amostra representativa da população portuguesa com asma.A maioria dos indivíduos não apresentou problemas significativos nas dimensões medidas, excepto na função física, onde os indivíduos reportaram limitações moderadas. Em média, os inquiridos apresentam valores de utilidade de 0,86. Os homens, os mais jovens, os solteiros, os indivíduos com habilitações literárias mais elevadas, os empregados, os indivíduos com rendimentos mais elevados e aqueles que residiam em zonas urbanas foram os que reportaram níveis de utilidade mais elevados. Por outro lado, os indivíduos que se encontravam num estádio mais avançado da doença reportaram, como era de esperar, níveis médios de utilidade inferiores aos dos que se encontravam num estádio menos grave da doença. Foram obtidos valores normativos para o SF-6D para doentes com asma por género, grupo etário, estado civil, habilitações literárias, situação profissional, local de residência e rendimento médio mensal líquido.As medidas de utilidade baseadas em preferências utilizadas neste estudo discriminam adequadamente grupos de doentes com asma, de acordo com grupos sociodemográficos. Os valores normativos obtidos podem ser usados em estudos de avaliação económica e estudos clínicos, uma vez que incorporam as preferências dos doentes

  4. Evolución clínica de pacientes asmáticos tratados con inmunoterapia. Municipio Majibacoa, 2008-2013

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    Mailin Molina Leyva


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental de corte longitudinal en 50 pacientes asmáticos con edades  entre 5 y 54 años, atendidos en el Servicio de Alergología del municipio Majibacoa de la provincia de Las Tunas; con el objetivo de determinar la evolución clínica con inmunoterapia, en el período de enero 2008 a febrero de 2013. A los pacientes se les administró inmunoterapia específica de ácaros con extractos estandarizados, durante tres años o más de forma subcutánea. El asma bronquial predominó en el sexo femenino y en las edades comprendidas entre 5 y 14 años. Los antecedentes de atopia familiar fueron referidos por el mayor por ciento de los pacientes analizados. Según severidad de la enfermedad, antes del tratamiento prevalecieron los pacientes en la categoría persistente moderada. Se observó mejoría de los síntomas del asma en una elevada proporción de casos.

  5. Características de crianças hospitalizadas com asma grave no sul do Brasil = Characteristics of children hospitalized with severe asthma in southern Brazil

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    Veras, Tiago Neves


    Conclusões: a principal faixa etária dos pacientes internados por exacerbação de asma foi abaixo de três anos, com predomínio do sexo masculino e frequência aumentada no inverno. Constatou-se baixo índice de acompanhamento ambulatorial e uso de medicação preventiva. O seguimento preventivo, educação em asma e uso de profilaxia com corticóides inalados deve ser incentivado para diminuir as taxas de hospitalização por asma no Brasil

  6. Controlo clínico e histopatológico da asma quando utilizada a hiperreactividade brônquica como um indicador adicional no tratamento da asma a longo prazo

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    Jacob K. Sont


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A Asma, é uma doençã inflamatória crónica das vías aéreas caracterizada por episódios recorrentes de dispneia e sibilância que se associam a obstrução variavel das vias aéreas.Estes aspectos podem ser desencadeados em laboratório, pela exposição a estimulos broncoconstritores, demonstrando a existência de hiperreactividade brônquica (HRB.A inflamação das vias aéreas acompanhante caracteriza-se par um·infiltrado especifico de mastocitos, linfocitos e eosinófilos no epitelio brônquico e lamina propria e par um espessamento da camada reticular subendotelial, mesmo em doentes com asma ligeira. Deste modo, os aulores consideram que o estadio da doença deve ser determinado com base na gravidade dos sintornas, grau de limitação do fluxo aéreo, grau de hiperreactividade brônquica e inflamação das vias aéreas.De acordo com o Consenso Internacional (4, o principal objectivo do tratamento da Asma é reverter ou prevenir a inflamação das vias aéreas. A terapêutica, administrada de acordo com a gravidade da doença, baseiase apenas nos sintomas e na função pulmonar (determinação do débito expiratório máximo instantâneo-DEMI através da utilização do Peak-flow.Os autores referem que a inflamação das vias aéreas na asma, está associada com a hiperreactividade brônquica a estímulos broncoconstritores. Deste modo, postulam que a HRB pode serum elemento a considerar na terapêutica da asma, tendo investigado como a estratégia do tratamento baseada na HRB (estratégia HRB em associação com as recommendações dos consensos internacionais (estratégia de referênda, conduzem a: 1 Controlo mais eficaz da asma; 2 Melhoria significativa da inflamação das vias aéreas.Para tal, os autores realizaram um ensaio randomizado, prospectivo, paralelo, envolvendo 75 adultos com asma

  7. Tendência temporal de asma em crianças e adolescentes no Brasil no período de 1998 a 2008 Tendencia temporal de asma en niños y adolescentes en Brasil en el período de 1998 a 2008 Time trend of asthma in children and adolescents in Brazil, 1998-2008

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    Fernando César Wehrmeister


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as tendências de asma em crianças e adolescentes entre 1998 e 2008 no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados os dados de prevalência de asma da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios, dos anos de 1998, 2003 e 2008. A amostra foi constituída por 141.402, 144.443 e 134.032 indivíduos em 1998, 2003 e 2008, respectivamente, e a análise foi ajustada pelo desenho amostral. As tendências de asma foram descritas por sexo, regiões do Brasil e local de residência, em crianças (zero a nove anos e adolescentes (dez a 19 anos. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de asma entre crianças foi 7,7% em 1998, 8,1% em 2003 e 8,5% em 2008, com um incremento anual de 1%. O maior aumento anual foi observado nas regiões Sudeste e Norte (1,4%. Entre o grupo de adolescentes, a prevalência de asma foi de 4,4% em 1998, 5,0% em 2003 e 5,5% em 2008, com aumento de 2,2% ao ano. Na região Nordeste, o aumento anual na prevalência de asma foi de 3,5%. Os maiores incrementos foram observados entre os meninos e entre moradores da zona rural. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar de a asma apresentar um decréscimo em países emergentes, no Brasil os resultados apontam um incremento da asma entre crianças e adolescentes no período de 1998 e 2008, especialmente na zona rural.OBJETIVO: Analizar las tendencias de asma en niños y adolescentes entre 1998 y 2008 en Brasil. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron los datos de prevalencia de asma de la Investigación Nacional por Muestra de Domicilios, de los años de 1998, 2003 y 2008. La muestra fue constituida por 141.402, 144.443 y 134.032 individuos en 1998, 2003 y 2008, respectivamente y el análisis fue ajustado por el diseño muestral. Las tendencias de asma fueron descritas por sexo, regiones de Brasil y lugar de residencia, en niños (cero a nueve años y adolescentes (diez a 19 años. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de asma entre niños fue de 7,7% en 1998, 8,1% en 2003 y 8,5% en 2008, con un incremento anual de 1%. El mayor aumento anual

  8. Sindroma de Churg-Strauss: um diagnóstico de asma e eosinofília

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    Tiago Tribolet de Abreu


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Introdução: O S. de Churg-Strauss (SCS é uma entidade clínica em que um quadro de asma e eosinofilia coexiste com um atingimento multissistémico.Caso-clínico: Um homem de 63 anos, com diagnóstico de asma e rinite alérgica desde os 55 anos, inicia um quadro de febre, artrite, polineuropatia e hematúria. Verificou-se a existência de eosinofilia marcada e sinusopatia maxilar e etmoidal bilateral. Iniciou corticoterapia, com regressão completa do quadro clínico e laboratorial. Está actualmente assintomático, com Prednisolona 5 mg/dia.Discussão: Revendo os diagnósticos diferenciais de doença pulmonar com eosinofilia,verificámos que a presença de atingimento extrapulmonar permite considerarmos o SCS e o S. hipereosinofílico idiopático como únicas hipóteses. A existência de asma selecciona o SCS como o diagnóstico correcto.Conclusões: a perante um doente com asma e eosinofilia (superior a 10%, o S. de Churg-Strauss é um diagnóstico a ter sempre presente; b o diagnóstico é principalmente clínico, de acordo com os critérios de classificação; c a corticoterapia é muito eficaz e o seu desmame lento permite doses de manutenção baixas.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2001; VII (6: ABSTRACT: Background: The Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS is a disease in which asthma and eosinophilia occur with multisystemic manifestations.Case-report: A 63 year old male, with a diagnosis of asthma and allergic rhinitis for 8 years, has fever, arthritis, peripheral neuropathy and hematuria. Marked eosinophilia and sinusitis were found. Corticosteroids were given, with complete clinical and laboratorial remission. The patient is asymptomatic with a daily dose of 5 mg of Prednisolone.Discussion: Reviewing the differential diagnosis of pulmonary disease and eosinophilia, the extrapulmonary involvement only exists in the CSS and the hypereosinophilic syndrome. Asthma is present only in the former, and so the Churg-Strauss syndrome was the correct

  9. Interface entre a natação e o tratamento da asma sob a perspectiva do paciente asmático

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    João Lucas Pinto Matias


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar a interface entre a natação e o tratamento da asma sob a perspectiva do praticante asmático. Método: trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, realizada com cinco crianças e adolescentes, praticantes de natação. Foi utilizada como técnica de construção das informações empíricas a entrevista semiestruturada e, para análise das informações, a análise de conteúdo do tipo análise temática, em que emergiram dois núcleos de sentido: descoberta e percepção da doença e relação entre o tratamento da asma e a natação. Resultados: o reconhecimento do exercício físico como possível agravo da asma existe há décadas, todavia, há igual período de tempo se reconhece que o exercício físico regular e planejado torna-se um fator redutivo da frequência das crises asmáticas. O tratamento da asma para os sujeitos vem como algo substancial e, quando atrelado à prática esportiva, mais especificamente a natação, torna-se um eficiente manejo na trajetória fisiopatológica. Considerações finais: a asma tem sido um fator importante para adesão e manutenção na natação e que, de acordo com os participantes, a sua prática tem melhorado em diversos aspectos os sintomas da doença.

  10. Prevalência e associação de asma e rinite em adolescentes de 13 e 14 anos de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

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    Maria de Fátima Gomes de Luna


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a prevalência e associação de asma e rinite. Trata-se de estudo transversal envolvendo 3.015 adolescentes de 13-14 anos de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, de escolas públicas e privadas, utilizando-se o protocolo do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC, em 2006/2007. A prevalência de asma foi 22,6%; de rinite, 43,2% e de rinoconjuntivite, 18,7%, predominando no sexo feminino (p = 0,002, p < 0,001 e p < 0,001, respectivamente e nos adolescentes das escolas privadas (p < 0,001. Entre os adolescentes que relataram asma, a taxa de rinite foi de 64,4% e de rinoconjuntivite, 35,3%. A taxa da associação asma-rinite na população foi de 14,6%, e asma-rinoconjuntivite, 8%, predominando no sexo feminino (p < 0,001 e p < 0,001, respectivamente e associando-se a sibilos com limite da fala (p = 0,037 e p = 0,004, respectivamente. O estudo pode contribuir para alertar os profissionais de saúde quanto à importância da abordagem integrada dessas enfermidades, considerando o conceito da "via aérea única" e buscando opções de tratamento que atuem nas duas condições quando presentes simultaneamente.

  11. Komunikasi Dokter dengan Sikap Konkordansi pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru, Hipertensi, dan Asma

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    Ita Patriani


    Full Text Available Pengobatan penyakit kronik tidak hanya membutuhkan ketersediaan obat dan petugas kesehatan yaitu dokter, tetapi juga tiga faktor yakni kepatuhan (compliance, aderensi (adherency, dan konkordansi ( concordance. Ketiga faktor tersebut sangat penting dalam upaya penanganan penyakit kro-nik, termasuk tuberkulosis (TB paru, hipertensi, dan asma. Untuk mewujudkan sikap konkordansi, dibutuhkan komunikasi efektif antara dokter dan pasien. Komunikasi yang terjalin efektif akan meningkatkan pemahaman dan motivasi dalam diri pasien untuk mengikuti nasihat dari dokter. Adapun penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tingginya angka penderita dan angka kegagalan berobat ( drop out pasien tuberkulosis paru, hipertensi, asma di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Mataram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan komunikasi dokter dan karakteristik pasien dengan sikap konkordansi pasien. Penelitian dengan desain studi potong lintang ini dilakukan terhadap 174 pasien TB paru, hipertensi, dan asma sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan, pengeluaran, dan komunikasi merupakan variabel yang berhubungan dengan sikap konkordansi pada pasien TB paru, hipertensi, dan asma. Rekomedasi tindak lanjut dari penelitian ini adalah peningkatan fasilitas ruangan untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan komunikasi pasien dan dokter, penyelenggaraan program pengembangan kemampuan komunikasi dokter, dan survei berkala untuk menilai proses komunikasi dokter-pasien. The therapy of chronic diseases is not only needed drugs supply and health staff, that is physician, but also three factors such as compliance, adherence, and concordance. The three of factors are crucial in the handling of chronic diseases like lung tuberculosis, hypertension, and asthma. To accomplish a concordance attitude is needed an effective communication between physician and patient. The effective communication may increase the understanding and motivation of patients to comply the physician

  12. Notas clínicas: un caso de espiroquetosis bronquial que cede al “Neostibosan "

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    Alfonso Peláez Mejía


    Full Text Available No son extraños a nuestra Patología Tropical los casos de espiroquetosis bronquial (bronquitis sangrienta, y ya desde 1926 el doctor Rafael Martín Rodríguez inauguró su tesis de doctorado Con algunas observaciones sobre la enfermedad. Es difícil, evidentemente, ennuestro medio, diagnosticarla dada su asociación, muy frecuente, con la tuberculosis y su rareza. Cuando llegamos al Servicio de Clínica interna del profesor Miguel Canales, en calidad de internos, en marzo del año en curso, encontramos en la cama número 2 una enferma entrada en el hospital desde octubre de 1931. Nos llamó la atención la singularidad de su sintomatología que hacía difícil orientar el diagnóstico a determinada afección, máxime cuando sus mayores dolencias estaban del lado del aparato digestivo.

  13. Prevalência e gravidade de asma brônquica em adultos obesos com indicação de cirurgia bariátrica Prevalence and severity of asthma in obese adult candidates for bariatric surgery

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    Saulo Maia Davila Melo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de asma em um grupo de adultos obesos, candidatos a cirurgia bariátrica e avaliar a gravidade da asma neste grupo de pacientes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, envolvendo 363 pacientes obesos adultos (índice de massa corpórea > 35 kg/m² avaliados por um médico pneumologista, utilizando a avaliação clínica como instrumento diagnóstico de asma. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e espirometria e foram divididos em dois grupos (asma e controle. Os pacientes com asma foram classificados conforme a gravidade da doença. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de asma na população de obesos estudada foi de 18,5% (IC95%: 14,5-22,4. Essa prevalência nas mulheres e nos homens foi de 20,4% (IC95%: 16,2-24,5 e 13,7% (IC95%: 10,1-17,2, respectivamente. Havia sintomas de asma nos últimos doze meses em 8,0% (IC95%: 5,2-10,7, e houve manifestação inicial dos sintomas de asma na infância/adolescência em 17,4% (IC95%: 13,5-21,3. No grupo asma, asma intermitente estava presente em 29 pacientes (43,3%; asma persistente leve, em 7 (10,4%; asma moderada, em 25 (37,3%; e asma persistente grave, em 6 (9,0%. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de asma neste grupo de adultos obesos, utilizando-se a avaliação clínica como critério diagnóstico, mostrou-se elevada, com predomínio no sexo feminino e com manifestação inicial dos sintomas de asma na infância/adolescência. A gravidade da asma neste grupo de obesos adultos esteve entre os valores médios estimados para a população geral, com uma maior proporção de asma intermitente, asma persistente leve e asma persistente moderadaOBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of asthma in a group of obese adult candidates for bariatric surgery and to evaluate the severity of asthma in this group of patients. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving 363 obese adults (body mass index > 35 kg/m² evaluated by a pulmonologist, using clinical evaluation as a

  14. Dispneia, tosse e pieira… será asma?

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    Catarina Ferreira


    Discussão: O CAQ é uma variante do adenocarcinoma de ocorrência pulmonar rara. Tem origem a partir das glândulas seromucosas da mucosa traqueobrônquica e tem frequentemente localização central. O sintoma de apresentação mais comum é dispneia associada a sibilância, pieira e tosse, frequentemente interpretada como asma. Tem comportamento infiltrativo e crescimento lento. A terapêutica de eleição é a exérese total sempre que possível. As recidivas locais são frequentes. Apesar disso, tem bom prognóstico, com sobrevida de 91 e 76%, respectivamente aos 5 e aos 10 anos.

  15. Prevalencia de síntomas relacionados con el asma en escolares de Campos Gerais (MG, Brasil Prevalence of symptoms related to asthma among schoolchildren in Campos Gerais, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Paulo A. M. Camargos


    Full Text Available El asma es la enfermedad crónica más común en los niños y adolescentes y en los decenios más recientes se han registrado aumentos insólitos de su prevalencia en todas partes del mundo. Sin embargo, los estudios anteriores se han basado en distintos enfoques metodológicos, lo que dificulta hacer comparaciones entre los resultados. Ese factor estimuló a un grupo internacional de investigadores a elaborar un cuestionario estandarizado autoadministrable que permitiera llevar a cabo estudios internacionales en colaboración. Se creó así el instrumento utilizado en el International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC o Estudio Internacional del Asma y las Alergias en la Niñez. Durante el mes de abril de 1996 se realizó en la ciudad de Campos Gerais, Minas Gerais, Brasil, un estudio transversal para determinar la prevalencia en escolares del estertor sibilante y otras señales y síntomas relacionados con el asma bronquial utilizando el cuestionario elaborado para el ISAAC. Se seleccionaron de forma aleatoria simple 200 adolescentes de 13 a 14 años de edad matriculados en escuelas públicas del municipio, los cuales fueron entrevistados más tarde por dos estudiantes de medicina. La muestra estaba distribuida igualmente (50% por sexo y edad. Se encontró que 28,5% de los escolares (IC95%: 22,3% a 35,3% habían experimentado por lo menos un episodio de sibilancia en algún momento del pasado y que 6% de ellos (IC95%: 3,1 a 10,5% habían tenido por lo menos una crisis asmática en los últimos 12 meses. Al comparar esos resultados con los obtenidos en ciudades brasileñas de mayor tamaño, se observa un aumento de las tasas de prevalencia que parece corresponder al aumento en densidad de la población y al grado de urbanización e industrialización de los municipios estudiados. Se refuerzan así las teorías que sostienen la existencia de una asociación entre el asma y los factores ambientales. De ello se desprende que es

  16. Prevalência da asma e da rinite em adolescentes de 13 anos do Porto, Portugal

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    Helena Falcão


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: As prevalências da asma e rinite têm aumentado nas últimas décadas, mas nos últimos anos tem sido referida a sua estabilização ou mesmo diminuição.Objectivo: O objectivo foi o de descrever a prevalência de rinite, asma ou sintomas do tipo da asma em adolescentes urbanos de 13 anos.Métodos: Os participantes elegíveis foram todos os alunos das escolas públicas e privadas do Porto, nascidos em 1990; 2161 (77,5% concordaram em participar. Através de questionários autoaplicados, a informação recolhida contemplou aspectos sociais, demográficos, comportamentais, história clínica de asma e doenças alérgicas do adolescente e família. Foi usada a versão portuguesa do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood’s (ISAAC e foram efectuadas espirometrias.Resultados: Nesta amostra de adolescentes urbanos de 13 anos, a prevalência da asma durante a vida foi de 12,9%, 84,4% com diagnóstico médico. A pieira durante a vida foi 18,3% e no último ano de 9,3%. A rinite foi relatada por 10,1%, mas a prevalência durante a vida de adolescentes com espirros, rinorreia serosa ou obstrução nasal, foi de 32,0%, e no último ano de 27,4%.Conclusão: Verificou-se uma estabilização ou mesmo diminuição da prevalência dos sintomas e diagnóstico de asma e rinite nos adolescentes do Porto, quando comparada com os resultados do ISAAC em 2002, tal como noutras investigações na Europa. A asma e a rinite estão frequentemente presentes no mesmo doente e a tosse nocturna é um importante sintoma que surge associado aos sintomas nasais. A função pulmonar permitiu discriminar os adolescentes com queixas respiratórias.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (6: 747-768 Abstract: Background: The prevalence of asthma and rhinitis has been increasing over the past few decades, but the last few years have seen these rates

  17. Conocimientos y actitudes ante el asma de los profesores de centros escolares de educación infantil, educación primaria y educación secundaria obligatoria del área territorial Madrid-capital


    Miguel Lavisier, Begoña de


    El asma es la enfermedad crónica más frecuente en la infancia. Diferentes factores de riesgo influyen en la evolución de los pacientes asmáticos, unos en el desarrollo del asma y otros como desencadenante de los síntomas. Las medidas dirigidas a evitar estos últimos son básicas en el tratamiento del asma, y por lo tanto los pacientes y sus cuidadores deben aprender a identificarlos. El tratamiento del asma en los niños se basa en un plan individualizado que incluya el ajuste del tratamiento f...

  18. Prevalencia de asma y otras enfermedades alérgicas en niños escolares de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

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    Barraza-Villarreal Albino


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia y severidad del asma, de la rinitis y del eczema en escolares. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal efectuado entre abril de 1998 y mayo de 1999 en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México, a una muestra aleatoria de 6 174 niños de 53 escuelas. Se aplicó la metodología propuesta por el International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC (etapas 1 y 2 para determinar la prevalencia y severidad del asma, rinitis y eczema. La información de prevalencia, tanto actual como acumulada para dichos padecimientos, se obtuvo mediante un cuestionario ya estandarizado y contestado por los padres de los niños. El diseño de la muestra se hizo por un muestreo mixto, en el cual se estratificó por nivel de contaminación ambiental. Se estimaron prevalencias actual y acumulada estratificando por grupo de edad, sexo, área e historia familiar de asma. Resultados. La prevalencia acumulada de asma por diagnóstico médico y sibilancia (silbidos fue de 6.8% (IC95% 6.2-7.4 y 20.% (IC95% 19.7-21.8, respectivamente; la prevalencia de sibilancia en los últimos 12 meses fue mayor en el grupo de 6-8 años que en el de 11-14 años(9.7% contra 5.8% (p

  19. Prevalencia y factores asociados al asma en niños de 5 a 14 años de un área rural del sur del Perú

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    César V. Munayco


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al asma en niños de 5 a 14 años de una zona rural en la provincia de Ica, Perú. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal en niños de 5 a 14 años del distrito de Santiago, Ica, en el año 2004. Se visitaron a las madres de los niños seleccionados a través de un muestreo aleatorio sistemático y se aplicó un cuestionario basado en el ISAAC, asimismo, se evaluaron factores asociados al asma. Tomando el desarrollo de asma como variable de respuesta, se efectuó un modelo de regresión logística binaria a fin de identificar los factores que se le asocian de manera independiente. Resultados. De un total de 200 sujetos, 186 fueron encuestados, 25 de ellos cumplían la definición de asma, la prevalencia global de asma fue de 13,5% (IC95%: 8,8 - 19,8%, predominando ligeramente en los niños menores de 5 años (39% respecto al resto de grupos de edad (16 y 7% para 6 a 10 y 11 a 14 años respectivamente. Dentro de los factores asociados a tener asma se encontraron el antecedente de padecer rinitis, haber recibido antibióticos durante el primer año de vida y tabaquismo del padre en el primer año de vida. Los factores protectores fueron haber tenido diarrea durante el primer año de vida y haber sido vacunados con BCG. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de asma en una zona rural es comparable con la de otras ciudades en el mundo. Se le asocian factores que pueden ser modificados como el tratamiento antibiótico durante el primer año de vida y el tabaquismo paterno.

  20. AsMA Medical Guidelines for Air Travel: In-Flight Medical Care. (United States)

    Thibeault, Claude; Evans, Anthony D; Pettyjohn, Frank S; Alves, Paulo M


    Medical Guidelines for Airline Travel provide information that enables healthcare providers to properly advise patients who plan to travel by air. All airlines are required to provide first aid training for cabin crew, and the crew are responsible for managing any in-flight medical events. There are also regulatory requirements for the carriage of first aid and medical kits. AsMA has developed recommendations for first aid kits, emergency medical kits, and universal precaution kits.

  1. Asma y actividad física. Revisión


    Corbi, Francesc; Baiget i Vidal, Ernest; Bofill, A.


    El asma es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de elevada prevalencia a nivel mundial, siendo el colectivo más afectado el formado por niños y adolescentes. Su sintomatología se caracteriza por la aparición de tos, disnea, sibilancias, sensación de opresión en el pecho y broncoconstricción. Tradicionalmente se había pensado que el deporte y el ejercicio físico estaban contraindicados en pacientes asmáticos. Por otro lado, el paciente asmático suele presentar niveles de condición física y prác...

  2. Características clínicas e prognóstico em pacientes com asma quase fatal em Salvador, Bahia Clinical characteristics and prognosis in near-fatal asthma patients in Salvador, Brazil

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    Eduardo Vieira Ponte


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a frequência de asma quase fatal em um grupo de pacientes com asma grave, assim como as características clínicas e o prognóstico desses pacientes em um ano de seguimento. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo envolvendo 731 pacientes de baixa renda com asma grave tratados em um ambulatório de referência para asma na cidade de Salvador (BA. Os pacientes realizaram espirometria na admissão do estudo, receberam medicações para asma e foram monitorizados quanto à frequência de exacerbações durante o seguimento. Uma subamostra de 511 pacientes também respondeu questionários de sintomas e de qualidade de vida relacionada a asma. RESULTADOS: Dos 731 pacientes estudados, 563 (77% eram do sexo feminino, com mediana de idade de 47 anos, e 12% não eram alfabetizados. A maioria dos pacientes apresentava rinite, e 70 (10% relataram asma quase fatal antes da admissão. Desses 70 pacientes, 41 (59% relataram terem sido intubados previamente. Os pacientes com asma quase fatal na admissão eram mais propensos a exacerbações de asma durante o acompanhamento e tiveram menor resposta ao tratamento do que aqueles sem asma quase fatal. Os resultados dos questionários no final do acompanhamento foram semelhantes nos dois grupos de pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: A frequência de asma quase fatal foi alta nesta população de pacientes com asma grave e de baixa renda. Os pacientes com histórico de asma quase fatal tiveram um pior prognóstico que aqueles sem esse histórico, embora tenham recebido o mesmo tratamento. Curiosamente, a intensidade dos sintomas e a qualidade de vida no final do estudo foram semelhantes entre os dois grupos de pacientes.OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of near-fatal asthma in a group of severe asthma patients, as well as the clinical characteristics and prognosis of these patients within a one-year follow-up period. METHODS: A prospective study involving 731 low-income patients with severe asthma treated at a

  3. Investigação de fatores associados à asma de difícil controle Investigation of factors associated with difficult-to-control asthma

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    Ana Carla Sousa de Araujo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Pesquisar a freqüência dos fatores associados à asma de difícil controle. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados pacientes com diagnóstico de asma grave do ambulatório de asma do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. Os pacientes foram classificados em dois grupos: asma grave controlada e asma grave de difícil controle. Após nova tentativa de otimização do tratamento para o grupo de difícil controle, foram aplicados questionário e investigação complementar de fatores associados, como exposição ambiental domiciliar e ocupacional, tabagismo, fatores sociais, rinossinusite, doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE, apnéia obstrutiva do sono, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC, embolia pulmonar, fibrose cística, disfunção de cordas vocais, deficiência de alfa-1 antitripsina e vasculite de Churg-Strauss. RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 77 pacientes com asma grave, dos quais 47 apresentavam asma de difícil controle, sendo 68,1% do sexo feminino, idade média de 44,4 anos (±14,4 e volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo de 54,7% (±18,3%. Dos diagnósticos encontrados em associação à asma de difícil controle, o mais freqüente foi a pouca adesão ao tratamento (68%. Outros foram as más condições ambientais (34% e ocupacionais (17%, rinossinusite (57%, DRGE (49%, apnéia obstrutiva do sono (2%, ICC (2% e tabagismo (10%. Em todos os casos, pelo menos um desses fatores concomitantes foi diagnosticado. CONCLUSÕES: O fator mais freqüente associado à asma de difícil controle nos indivíduos estudados é a pouca adesão à medicação prescrita. A investigação de co-morbidades é imperativa na avaliação de pacientes com esta forma da doença.OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of factors associated with difficult-to-control asthma. METHODS: Patients with severe asthma were selected from the outpatient asthma clinic of the Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine Hospital das Cl

  4. Uso do sulfato de magnésio venoso para tratamento da asma aguda grave da criança no pronto-socorro

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    Tânia Mara Baraky Bittar


    Full Text Available A asma aguda grave é uma emergência médica que deve ser diagnosticada e tratada rapidamente. O tratamento inicial inclui broncodilatadores e corticosteróides sistêmicos. Em casos graves, com fraca resposta ao tratamento padrão, o sulfato de magnésio venoso surge como opção terapêutica. O objetivo deste artigo foi revisar a literatura sobre o uso do sulfato de magnésio venoso na asma aguda em crianças no pronto-socorro no que se refere a eficácia, indicação, dosagem, efeitos adversos e contraindicações. Realizada revisão narrativa por meio das Bases de dados Medline, Lilacs e Cochrane Database of Systmatic Reviews, entre 2000 e 2010. Utilizados os descritores: asthma, children, emergency, magnesium sulfate. Incluídos oito ensaios clínicos controlados, três meta-análises, um estudo retrospectivo, oito artigos de revisão e um estudo transversal. A eficácia do magnésio venoso em crianças foi observada por vários autores, com raros efeitos adversos. Seu uso foi indicado para os pacientes com asma aguda moderada e grave que não responderam ao tratamento inicial com broncodilatador e corticosteróide. As contraindicações em pediatria são poucas. Entre elas estão insuficiência renal e bloqueio atrioventricular. Existem poucos relatos da interação do magnésio com drogas de uso pediátrico. Apesar da segurança, na prática, o magnésio venoso é pouco usado na asma aguda em pediatria. Na maioria das vezes, é indicado tardiamente para impedir falência respiratória e internação na unidade de cuidados intensivos. Os estudos demonstram que o magnésio venoso é uma droga eficaz e segura na criança com asma aguda grave, porém o seu uso no pronto-socorro ainda é limitado.

  5. Revisão sistemática sobre modelos experimentais de asma aguda e crônica induzidos com extrato de ácaro da poeira doméstica

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    Moisés Santos Dutra


    Full Text Available Introdução: Asma é uma doença crônica das vias aéreas inferiores com elevada prevalência. Pesquisadores no mundo todo têm desenvolvido vários estudos experimentais em camundongos com o objetivo de entender melhor os mecanismos da doença e testar novas terapias. Ácaros estão presentes de forma abundante na poeira doméstica, sendo considerados os alérgenos mais comuns desencadeantes de asma alérgica. Este estudo objetiva apresentar e discutir desfechos inflamatórios no tecido pulmonar dos camundongos, verificar a diferença entre os modelos agudo e crônico de asma alérgica, tempo de exposição ao alérgeno, dose administrada e seu impacto nas pesquisas em modelos experimentais com asma. Métodos: A revisão da literatura foi realizada em quatro bancos de dados (PubMed, Scielo, Scopus e ScienceDirect. Os artigos selecionados foram avaliados primeiramente por dois pesquisadores de forma independente, de acordo com os critérios de inclusão. Resultados: Foram separados 126 artigos. Aplicados os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, somente 15 foram selecionados. São artigos que apresentaram diferentes protocolos de exposição ao HDM. A dose de HDM mais encontrada foi 100µg seguida por 25µg, e o tipo de modelo foi agudo. Conclusão: No modelo agudo, observa-se um elevado nível de inflamação das vias aéreas. Já o modelo crônico reproduz melhor as características da asma em humanos, hiper-responsividade brônquica e remodelamento das vias aéreas. Palavras-chave: Asma; ácaro; alérgeno; camundongos

  6. Conceitos de asma e instrumentos de levantamentos epidemiológicos de prevalência

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    M.M. Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A asma, doença multifactorial, de alta prevalência, com recorrência frequente, acomete indivíduos independentemente de idade, sexo e área geográfica. Por não haver consenso quanto à sua definição, diversos questionários foram desenvolvidos para padronização dos critérios epidemiológicos de suspeição ou diagnóstico, entre eles o da Comunidade Europeia de Saúde Respiratória (European Community Respiratory Health Survey - ECRHS, ferramenta importante para o estudo da prevalência em adultos com idade entre 20 e 44 anos, conferindo melhoria da qualidade metodológica dos levantamentos epidemiológicos, tornando-os comparáveis em tempo e local. Os objectivos deste artigo são comentar a evolução do conceito de asma e suas repercussões sobre os levantamentos epidemiológicos, historiar os instrumentos utilizados nesses levantamentos, relevando a importância do ECRHS, e apresentar dados epidemiológicos de asma em 351 trabalhadores de hospital-escola, na cidade de Recife – Pernambuco - Brasil.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (4: 319-329 ABSTRACT: Introduction: Asthma, as a multifatorial disease, with high prevalence and frequent recurrence, attack people, independently of age, sex and geographical area. Because of lack of consensus about the definition of asthma, many questionnaires have been developed to standardize epidemiological criteria of suspicion and diagnosis. Among them, the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS is an important tool for prevalence studies on adults aged from 20 to 44 years old, that represented a methodological improvement of epidemiological surveys, turning them comparable about time and place. The objectives of this article are to comment the evolution of asthma concepts and its repercussion on epidemiological surveys, as well as to chronicle the tools used on these surveys, emphasizing the importance of ECRHS and

  7. Efeitos da asma no estado nutricional em crianças: Revisão sistemática

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    Daniele Andrade da Cunha


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: A asma é uma doença inflamatória crónica de alta prevalência, considerada um problema de saúde pública e constitui-se como uma das causas de baixo peso e atraso do crescimento. Objectivo: O objectivo do presente artigo foi rever na literatura os efeitos da asma no estado nutricional em crianças. Material e métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática com busca de artigos nas bases PubMed, SciELO e LILACS. Foram excluídos os artigos de revisão, estudos com adultos ou pesquisas que não avaliassem os efeitos da asma em crianças. Foram incluídos artigos originais em humanos. Resultados: Na revisão sistemática da literatura foram encontrados 839 na base MEDLINE (1997-2008, 62 artigos na base MEDLINE (1966-1996, 47 no LILACS e 16 no SciELO - Brasil, totalizando 964 artigos. Destes, foram seleccionados 17 artigos. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a evidência de que a asma interfere no estado nutricional não pode ser comprovada neste estudo. Abstract: Introduction: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of high prevalence, considered a public health problem and is thought to be one cause of low birth weight and growth retardation. Purpose: The purpose of this article was to review in literature the effects of asthma on the nutritional status in children. Material and methods: A systematic review was made by searching for articles in PubMed, SciELO and LILACS databases. Review articles, studies with adults or research that did not evaluate the effects of asthma in children were excluded. Hence original articles in humans were included. Results: In the systematic review we found 901 articles in MEDLINE (1966-1996, 47 in LILACS and SciELO in the 16 - Brazil, totaling 964 articles. Of these, 17 articles were selected. Conclusion: Evidence that asthma interferes in nutritional status can not be proven in this study. Palavras-chaves: Asma, estado nutricional, criança, Key

  8. Efeitos da asma no estado nutricional em crianças: Revisão sistemática

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    Daniele Andrade da Cunha


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: A asma é uma doença inflamatória crónica de alta prevalência, considerada um problema de saúde pública e constitui-se como uma das causas de baixo peso e atraso do crescimento. Objectivo: O objectivo do presente artigo foi rever na literatura os efeitos da asma no estado nutricional em crianças. Material e métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática com busca de artigos nas bases PubMed, SciELO e LILACS. Foram excluídos os artigos de revisão, estudos com adultos ou pesquisas que não avaliassem os efeitos da asma em crianças. Foram incluídos artigos originais em humanos. Resultados: Na revisão sistemática da literatura foram encontrados 839 na base MEDLINE (1997-2008, 62 artigos na base MEDLINE (1966-1996, 47 no LILACS e 16 no SciELO Brasil, totalizando 964 artigos. Destes, foram seleccionados 17 artigos. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a evidência de que a asma interfere no estado nutricional não pode ser comprovada neste estudo.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 617-626 Abstract: Introduction: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of high prevalence, considered a public health problem and is thought to be one cause of low birth weight and growth retardation. Purpose: The purpose of this article was to review in literature the effects of asthma on the nutritional status in children. Material and methods: A systematic review was made by searching for articles in PubMed, SciELO and LILACS databases. Review articles, studies with adults or research that did not evaluate the effects of asthma in children were excluded. Hence original articles in humans were included. Results: In the systematic review we found 901 articles in MEDLINE (1966-1996, 47 in LILACS and SciELO in the 16 Brazil, totaling 964 articles. Of these, 17 articles were selected. Conclusion: Evidence that asthma interferes in nutritional status can not be proven in this study.Rev Port Pneumol 2010

  9. Sintomas e fatores de risco para asma entre escolares piauienses


    Castro, Gessianne Carvalho; Sousa, Lívia Kênia de Carvalho; Vera, Paula Valentina de Sousa; Lima, Luisa Helena de Oliveira; Oliveira, Edina Araújo Rodrigues; Lima, Rúbia Fernanda Santos; Magalhães, Luis Fernando Beserra; Araújo, Nileide Lima; Lopes, Marcos Venícios de Oliveira


    OBJETIVOS: Analisar a prevalência de sintomas de asma entre escolares de seis a sete anos do município de Picos-PI; e identificar fatores de risco associados à doença. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com crianças de 6 e 7 anos de Picos em novembro de 2010 a maio de 2011. Para coletar os dados, foi utilizado um formulário adaptado do Internacional Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Os dados foram analisados com base na estatística descritiva e analítica. RESULTADOS: Dentre as 23...

  10. Estimativa do custo da asma em tratamento ambulatorial especializado em unidade universitária no Sistema Único de Saúde


    Eduardo Costa de Freitas Silva


    A asma é considerada um problema de saúde pública mundial. É necessário expandir o conhecimento sobre seus custos associados em diferentes regiões. O principal objetivo foi estimar os custos do tratamento da asma em uma população de asmáticos com diferentes níveis de gravidade, sob tratamento ambulatorial especializado. Os objetivos secundários foram analisar as características clínicas e sócio-econômicas da população e o custo incremental da associação com a rinite e infecções respiratórias ...

  11. Asthma cases in childhood attributed to atopy in tropical area in Brazil Asma infantil atribuida a atopia en la zona tropical de Brasil

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    Sergio Souza da Cunha


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore the association between asthma and atopy in a cohort of children living in a large urban center in Brazil. Atopy was defined by the presence of allergen-specific IgE in serum or by a positive skin prick test. METHODS: In a sample of 1 445 Brazilian children, the association between the prevalence of asthma, skin prick test positivity, and allergen-specific IgE in serum was investigated. RESULTS: The prevalence of asthma was 22.6%. The presence of serum allergen-specific IgE was frequent in asthmatics and nonasthmatics, and the prevalence of asthma increased only with levels of allergen-specific IgE > 3.5 kilounits/L. The proportion of asthma attributable to atopy was estimated to be 24.5% when atopy was defined by the presence of allergen-specific IgE. With a given level of specific IgE, no association between skin test reactivity and asthma was observed. Skin prick tests were less sensitive than specific IgE for detection of atopy. CONCLUSIONS: Most asthma cases in an urban underprivileged setting in Brazil were not attributable to atopy. This observation has important implications for understanding the risk factors for the asthma epidemic in Latin AmericaOBJETIVO: Explorar la relación entre el asma y la atopia en una cohorte de niños que viven en un gran centro urbano de Brasil. En este estudio, se considera atopia la detección de IgE sérica específica de algún alérgeno o un resultado positivo a la prueba de punción cutánea. MÉTODOS: Se estudió la relación entre la prevalencia del asma, el resultado positivo a la prueba de punción cutánea y la detección de IgE sérica específica de algún alérgeno en una muestra de 1 445 niños brasileños. RESULTADOS: El asma registró una prevalencia de 22,6%. La presencia de IgE séricas específicas de alérgenos fue frecuente tanto en los asmáticos como en los no asmáticos, y la prevalencia del asma fue mayor solo cuando el valor detectado de la Ig

  12. Avaliação do questionário de controle da asma validado para uso no Brasil Evaluation of the asthma control questionnaire validated for use in Brazil

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    Mylene Leite


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar se a versão em língua portuguesa do Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ, Questionário de Controle da Asma é um instrumento válido para medir o controle da asma em pacientes adultos ambulatoriais no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 278 pacientes ambulatoriais com diagnóstico de asma. Todos os pacientes, durante a primeira visita, responderam ao questionário, foram submetidos à espirometria e avaliados clinicamente por um médico para a caracterização do controle da doença. Foram analisadas as versões do questionário com 5, 6 e 7 questões, utilizando dois escores distintos (0,75 e 1,50 como pontos de corte. RESULTADOS: Dos 278 pacientes, 77 (27,7% tinham asma intermitente, 39 (14,0% asma persistente leve, 40 (14,4% asma persistente moderada e 122 (43,9% asma persistente grave. A sensibilidade do questionário para identificar asma não-controlada variou de 77% a 99% e a especificidade variou de 36% a 84%. O valor preditivo positivo variou de 73% a 90%, e o valor preditivo negativo variou de 67% a 95%. A razão de verossimilhança positiva variou de 1,55 a 4,81, e a razão de verossimilhança negativa variou de 0,03 a 0,27. Nas versões do ACQ com 5 e 6 questões, o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse foi de 0,92, e estas versões foram responsivas a mudanças no quadro clínico dos pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: O ACQ, nas suas três versões, teve boa capacidade de discriminar indivíduos com asma não-controlada daqueles com asma controlada. As versões com 5 e 6 questões apresentaram também boa reprodutibilidade e responsividade. Trata-se, portanto, de um instrumento válido para avaliação do controle da asma em pacientes adultos ambulatoriais no Brasil.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the Portuguese version of the Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ is a valid instrument to measure asthma control in adult outpatients in Brazil. METHODS: We selected 278 outpatients diagnosed with asthma. All of the patients completed

  13. Lack of Clinical Relevance of ANA and ASMA Positivity in Patients with Liver Transplantation without a History of Autoimmune Diseases. (United States)

    Pellegrini, Lucienne; Parrilli, Gianpaolo; Santonicola, Antonella; Cinquanta, Luigi; Caputo, Cesare; Ciacci, Carolina; Zingone, Fabiana


    The relevance of isolated autoimmunity elevation in orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) patients is unknown. Our aim was to analyse how serum autoantibodies change in time and to evaluate their clinical relevance in OLT patients. Patients were invited to provide samples to evaluate ANA, AMA, ASMA, and LKM at the time of enrolment ( T 0), after 6 months ( T 6), and after 12 months ( T 12). We included 114 patients in the study (76% males, median age 62.5 years), finding isolated elevation of at least one serum antibody in up to 80% of them. We described fluctuating positive autoantibodies in the one year of observation, with only 45.6% of patients positive for ANA and less than 2% positive for ASMA, at all three times. Isolated elevation of tissue antibodies was not related to gender, age, HCC at transplant, early rejection, cause of transplantation, immunotherapy taken, and age at the time of the study. We did not detect a higher prevalence of positive autoimmunity in patients with signs of liver injury. ANA and ASMA evaluation in patients with liver transplantation and no history of autoimmune disease has no clinical relevance, since it varies in time and is not related to any risk factors or liver injury. Routine autoimmunity evaluation should be avoided.

  14. Asma alérgica, niveles de IgE total y exposición a los acaros del polvo casero en el municipio de Santiago de Tolú, Colombia

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    Salomón Rodríguez Monterroza


    Full Text Available ResumenLa creciente prevalencia del asma a nivel mundial hace necesaria la investigación de factores que influyen sobre su etiologia y patogénesis. En Colombia la prevalencia de asma es tan alta como en los paises industrializados. Un estudio de historias dinicos en el municipio de Santiago de Tolú (Colombia, mostró un alto porcentaje de consulta por asma y rinitis alérgica en la población infantil. Con el objetivo de determinarla frecuencia de asma en la población general se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, partiendo de la información recolectada con un cuestionario diseñado y probado. Se encuestaron 316 personas, con representatividad de grupos etéreos y estratos socioeconómicos. El diagnóstico fue confirmado mediante espirometria y medición de los niveles de ige total en sangre. Como resultado se encontró que 8,9% de la población mostró sintomas clinicos y espiromet ría positiva paro  asma con niveles de ige total > 100 Ul/ml, siendo los niños entre 5 y 15 años los más afectados (71.5%. La encuesta permitió evaluar la sensibilidad a factores ambientales, siendo el polvo casero y el humo del cigarrillo los más asociados a la enfermedad. La presencia de ácaros en el polvo acumulado en colchones be confirmada, siendo Dennatophagoides pteronyssinusy Momia tropicalis las especies más frecuen-tes. (Duazary 2006; 1: 10- 17 

  15. Controle ambiental e crises de asma em domicílios- estudo descritivo em residências de 5 unidades do Programa de Saúde da Família no Território 1 - Camaragibe PE


    Maria Ribeiro Costa, Roseane


    Realizou-se um estudo transversal, descritivo, exploratório, para avaliar o grau de controle ambiental e crises de asma encontrados em domicílios de crianças e adolescentes, assim como, o conhecimento de mães e agentes comunitários de saúde sobre asma, no município de Camaragibe, localizado na região metropolitana do Recife. Objetivos específicos: 1) Identificar os acessórios presentes no quarto/sala do domicílio que pode3m desencadear crises de asma. 2) Verificar a freqüênc...

  16. Auriculoterapia en pacientes asmáticos

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    Adolfo González Salvador


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio para evaluar la eficacia de la auriculopuntura en 30 asmáticos del área de salud de Aguada de Pasajeros, durante los meses de noviembre de 1992 a abril de 1993. El tratamiento se aplicó durante un mes, con seguimiento durante los 5 meses posteriores. Se observó una disminución en la frecuencia, intensidad y duración de las crisis de asma; la mayoría de los pacientes tuvo una evolución satisfactoria y no se presentaron complicaciones. Se concluye que la auriculoterapia es un método útil en pacientes con asma bronquial debido a su eficacia e inocuidadA study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of auriculopuncture in 30 asthmatic patients from the health area of Aguada de Pasajeros between November, 1992, and April, 1993. The treatment was applied for a month, with a follow-up during the next 5 months. It was observed a reduction in the frequency, intensity and duration of the asthma crises. Most of the patients had a satisfactory evolution and there were no complications. It is concluded that auriculotherapy is a useful method for patients with bronchial asthma due to its effectiveness and innocuousness.

  17. Prevalência de asma em adolescentes na cidade de Fortaleza, CE Prevalence of asthma among adolescents in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil

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    Maria de Fátima Gomes de Luna


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de asma em adolescentes (13-14 anos na cidade de Fortaleza, CE. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal utilizando o questionário do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood e envolvendo 3.015 adolescentes de escolas públicas e privadas entre 2006 e 2007. RESULTADOS: As prevalências de "sibilos alguma vez na vida", "sibilos nos últimos doze meses" (asma ativa e "asma alguma vez na vida" (asma diagnosticada foram, respectivamente, 44,1%, 22,6% e 11,6%. As prevalências de "sibilos alguma vez na vida" (p = 0,001, "1-3 crises de sibilos nos últimos 12 meses" (p = 0,001; asma ativa (p = 0,002; "sono interrompido por sibilos menos que uma vez por semana" (p OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of asthma among adolescents (13-14 years of age in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving 3,015 adolescents at public and private schools between 2006 and 2007. The participants completed the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire. RESULTS: The prevalences of "wheezing ever", "wheezing within the last 12 months" (active asthma and "asthma ever" (physician-diagnosed asthma were 44.1%, 22.6% and 11.6%, respectively. The prevalences of "wheezing ever" (p = 0.001, "1-3 wheezing attacks within the last 12 months" (p = 0.001, active asthma (p = 0.002, "sleep disturbed due to wheezing less than one night per week" (p < 0.001 and "dry cough at night" (p < 0.001 were higher among girls. Private school students presented higher prevalences of "wheezing ever", active asthma, "1-3 wheezing attacks within the last 12 months", "4-12 wheezing attacks within the last 12 months" and physician-diagnosed asthma (p < 0.001 for all, as well as of "exercise-induced wheezing" (p = 0.032. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of asthma and asthma-related symptoms in students aged 13-14 years in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil, was high, predominantly among girls and private

  18. A asma e os seus diagnósticos diferenciais Asthma and its differential diagnoses

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    Alexandra Bento


    Full Text Available A aspergilose broncopulmonar alérgica (ABPA ocorre em doentes não imunocomprometidos e é uma patologia de hipersensibilidade induzida pelo Aspergillus5. Estima-se que esteja presente em cerca de 7-14% dos casos de asma crónica corticodependente e o no mesmo número de casos de fibrose quística. A maioria das ABPA são identificadas pela 30-50.ª décadas de vida, mas podem surgir na infância¹. O diagnóstico baseia-se na presença de uma combinação de critérios clínicos, biológicos e radiológicos5. A doença apresenta-se com largo espectro de gravidade, pode ser reconhecida precocemente e tratada agressivamente, impedindo a sua progressão para um estádio de doença grave e debilitante requerendo transplante pulmonar¹. Os autores relatam o caso de uma doente de 41 anos, com antecedentes de asma alérgica desde a infância. Uma asma grave, de difícil controlo e com recurso a corticoterapia sistémica por longos períodos.Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA occurs in immunocompetent patients and belongs to the Aspergillus5 induced hypersensitivity disorders. It is estimated that ABPA complicates approximately 7-14% of cases of chronic steroid-dependent asthma and the same amount of cases of cystic fibrosis. A diagnosis of ABPA is based on a combination of clinical, biological and radiology criteria5. There is a broad spectrum of disease severity. Early detection and aggressively management will impede progressive lung damage to a severe and debilitating disease requiring lung transplantation¹. The authors describe the case of a 41 year-old female with a history of allergic asthma from childhood¹. It was a severe, difficult to control asthma treated with systemic corticosteroids for long periods.

  19. Tabagismo passivo e gravidade da asma brônquica na criança

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    Elsa Pargana


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A importância da exposição tabágica ambiencial na patogénese da asma brônquica infantil tem sido documentada, podendo relacionar-se com a sua gravidade e limitação da função pulmonar.Objectivo: Avaliar a importância da exposição tabágica como factor de gravidade, relacionado com o internamento hospitalar, na asma brônquica infantil.Métodos: Foram caracterizados os hábitos tabágicos de 128 famílias de crianças, com uma idade média de 4.3 anos, internadas por exacerbação de asma, durante um período de dois anos, correlacionando os dados obtidos com os de uma amostra de crianças observadas na consulta, emparelhada poridade, sexo e meio sócio-económico-cultural.Resultados: Os hábitos tabágicos eram significativamente mais elevados nas famílias das crianças internadas, estando presentes em 80% destas comparativamente a 46% das famílias das crianças observadas na consulta (p<0.0001. As crianças sujeitas a exposição tabágica apresentavam um risco relativo de 4.6 (IC95%=2.6-8.0 para internamento hospitalar. O pai foi identificado como o principal responsável pelo tabagismo passivo em ambas as populações (p<0.0001; OR=3.0, IC95%=1.8-4.9. Na amostra de crianças internadas o número de mulheres fumadoras era significativamente superior (35% ao observado na população da consulta (23%: p=0.04; OR=1.8, IC95%=1.0-3.1.Conclusõo: A existência de tabagismo passivo parental, em particular materno, é um factor de risco significativo para a gravidade da asma brônquica infantil. A prevenção primária, com evicção da exposição tabágica na criança, deverá ser o objectivo a atingir.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2001; VII (1: ABSTRACT: There is an increasing evidence that passive smoking is involved in the etiology of childhood asthma and may be related to its severity and to pulmonary function limitation.Purpose: To evaluate if environmental tobacco smoke exposure could be a risk factor for childhood asthma admission

  20. Encuesta sobre cambios en el manejo y tratamiento del asma bronchial Survey on changes in asthma treatment and management

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    Guillermo A. Raimondi


    Full Text Available Se realizó una encuesta a 518 especialistas de enfermedades respiratorias de un listado de la totalidad del país. Esta se refería al manejo y al tratamiento del acceso agudo y especialmente al asma estable, en adultos y en niños mayores de 6 años. Se obtuvieron 198 respuestas (38.2% de los cuestionarios enviados. Se compararon los resultados con los obtenidos en una encuesta realizada en 1994. Las respuestas se evaluaron como 0 (nunca, 1 (algunas veces, 2 (a menudo, 3 (siempre. Con estos valores se calculó un puntaje medio. Respecto a 1994 se encontró una buena tendencia referente al enfoque diagnóstico con más utilización de la prueba de reversibilidad a los broncodilatadores (2.74 ±2.3 vs 2.30±1.05 y la prueba terapéutica con corticoides (1.26±0.96 vs 0.98±0.84 y menor utilización de las pruebas cutáneas (0.50±0.83 vs 0.88±1.08. Referente al consejo de utilizar la sintomatología o el descenso del pico flujo espiratorio para reconocer el ataque del asma, ambos mejoraron significativamente (2.65±0.66 vs 2.29±0.90 y 1.93±1.05 vs 1.51±1.20, respectivamente. Criterios objetivos para evaluar el ataque de asma no siempre son utilizados por parte del médico y no mejoraron respecto a 1994 (2.14±1.04 vs 2.13±0.70. Referente al tratamiento en agudo, este enfoque mejoró notablemente con la casi totalidad de los encuestados que recomiendan b2 agonistas inhalados tanto en adultos como en niños (primera opción de tratamiento 85.3 vs 57.5% y 81.0 vs 63.4%, respectivamente. En el tratamiento de mantenimiento, se observó una mayor utilización de corticoides inhalados, sobre todo en los niños (2.09±1.01 vs 1.61±1.00, con dosis ahora correctas. Se observó menor utilización de b2 agonistas de acción corta en el tratamiento continuo, 0.40±0.78 vs 1.23±1.10 y 0.21±0.58 vs 1.23±1.00 en adultos y niños, respectivamente. A pesar de esta tendencia positiva en el manejo y tratamiento de asma bronquial no todo está de acuerdo

  1. Pneumomediastino espontâneo: Asma

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    Marcelo Cunha Fatureto


    Full Text Available Resumo: Pneumomediastino é definido como a presença de ar livre no mediastino, sendo que o espontâneo ocorre na ausência de enfermidades ou factores precipitantes. É raro em adultos, sendo mais frequente em recém-nascidos. Contudo, ocorre mais em adultos jovens, sendo 8:1 a relação entre homens e mulheres. Constitui achado raro na asma, representando 1% dos casos. Os sintomas mais frequentes são dor torácica e dispneia. O diagnóstico é feito com exames de imagem, como radiografia e tomografia computadorizada de tórax. O tratamento de escolha é conservador, não operatório, com prognóstico favorável na maioria dos casos. O nosso propósito é relatar um caso desta patologia em jovem atendido em nosso serviço com quadro de dor torácica e dispneia, sendo submetido a exames complementares e feito o diagnóstico de pneumomediastino espontâneo. O doente foi submetido a tratamento conservador com excelente evolução clínica. No momento encontrase assintomático, em acompanhamento ambulatorial.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (3: 437-441 Abstract: Pneumomediastinum is defined as the presence of free air in the mediastinum, and the spontaneous occurs in the absence of diseases or precipitating factors. It is rare in adults, and it is more frequent in new-borns. However, it occurs more in young adults, with an 8:1 relationship between men and women. It constitutes a rare finding in asthma, representing 1% of the cases. More frequent symptoms are chest pain and dyspnea. Diagnosis is made with image examinations, such as radiography and chest computed tomography. Treatment of choice is conservative, nonoperative, with a favourable prognosis in the majority of the cases. Our aim is to report a case of this pathology in a young adult seen in our service with chest pain and dyspnea. He underwent complementary examinations and the diagnosis was spontaneous pneumo-mediastinum. This patient

  2. Significados culturais da asma infantil Cultural meanings of the infantile asthma

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    Mirna Albuquerque Frota


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os significados culturais da asma infantil com origem na mãe-cuidadora. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Pesquisa qualitativa realizada em 2004, no município de Fortaleza, CE. Foi utilizada a observação participante com abordagem etnográfica e entrevistas com sete mães acompanhantes de seus filhos em unidade de emergência hospitalar. Os significados das falas das mães foram identificados utilizando-se a técnica de análise temática. ANÁLISE DOS RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas duas categorias de discussão; na primeira, "desinformação sobre a doença", foi possível perceber que as mães não são informadas sobre a doença do filho. Na segunda categoria, "cuidado cultural", as mães referem informações sobre os cuidados e utilizam recursos do saber popular para prevenir a asma dos filhos, como o cuidado ambiental e a utilização de remédios caseiros à base de plantas medicinais. CONCLUSÕES: As características de desinformação e desconhecimento materno em relação à asma do filho mostram a necessidade de haver um trabalho educativo intenso, dialógico e problematizador em estreita colaboração com o tratamento, visando à melhoria do prognóstico da doença.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the cultural meanings of infantile asthma from the perspective of the mother/carer of the child. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: Qualitative research conducted in 2004, in the city of Fortaleza (Northeastern Brazil. An ethnographic approach was utilized, consisting of participant observation and interviews with seven mothers, accompanying their children in a hospital emergency ward. Thematic analysis was the technique employed when identifying the meanings of mothers' discourse. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: Two discussion categories were identified: "disinformation on illness" in which it was possible to perceive that the mothers were not informed with respect to their children's illness; and "cultural care" in which they relate information on

  3. Polimorfismo genético relacionado con la probabilidad de desarrollar asma ocupacional en trabajadores expuestos a isocianatos

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    Gaetano Pepe Betancourt


    Full Text Available Introducción: El desarrollo tecnológico ha traído como consecuencia el uso de sustancias químicas potencialmente perjudiciales para la salud de los trabajadores. Particularmente el uso de isocianatos ha resultado en una mayor morbilidad de patología respiratoria, especialmente el asma. Considerando que no todos los trabajadores expuestos desarrollan la enfermedad se ha propuesto un modelo de interacción gen-medioambiental, el cual trata de explicar la predisposición genética que tienen algunos individuos a desarrollar asma ocupacional y otros no. Objetivo: Conocer la evidencia científica relacionada con el polimorfismo genético y la susceptibilidad que tienen los trabajadores expuestos a isocianatos a desarrollar asma ocupacional. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica utilizando las bases de datos PubMedline, así como en los repositorios Dialnet y ELSEVIER. Se extrajeron los artículos relacionados al objetivo de esta revisión, no se aplicaron filtros de temporalidad, utilizándose los siguientes descriptores: MeSH Major Topic, MeSH Terms. El periodo de búsqueda fue desde el 20 de noviembre de 2013 y finalizó el 15 de diciembre de 2013. El nivel de evidencia se estableció de acuerdo a los criterios GRADE. Resultados: Se analizaron a texto completo 42 artículos, la evidencia científica se sustentó en 11 estudios de casos-controles. Dada la complejidad del polimorfismo genético asociado con la expresión fenotípica de la enfermedad, como limitación de los estudios, los autores coinciden que el tamaño muestral no es suficientemente grande, sin embargo después de ajustar los factores de confusión los artículos encontrados tuvieron un nivel de evidencia B de GRADE. Conclusión: La genética tiene una influencia significativa en el asma ocupacional inducida por isocianatos. El peso de la susceptibilidad genética y de la interacción gen-medioambiente aún no se han

  4. Asma e gravidez – eficácia e segurança da medicação durante a gravidez

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    Maria da Graça Freitas


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A asma é um dos problemas médicos que mais frequentemente complica a gravidez, com uma prevalência que se estima entre 4 a 7 %. O curso da asma durante a gravidez é variável, verificando-se um agravamento dos sintomas em cerca de um terço das grávidas. O período mais crítico situa-se entre a 24.ª e a 36.ª semanas. Após o parto, a tendência é para a remissão dos sintomas nos três meses seguintes, sendo de esperar nas sucessivas gravidezes um padrão de comportamento idêntico. O controlo da asma durante a gravidez baseia-se na educação da grávida e na prescrição de uma medicação segura, preferencialmente por via inalatória, que previna o aparecimento das crises. Na asma crónica, os fármacos actualmente existentes — corticóides inalados — previnem de forma eficaz o aparecimento das crises de asma, sem riscos para o feto (beclometasona e budesonido. Aos corticóides inalados existe uma sucessão de fármacos a associar — broncodilatadores agonistas beta de acção curta ou retardada — de acordo com o grau de obstrução brônquica existente e frequência das crises. No tratamento farmacológico da asma aguda, as recomendações terapêuticas não devem ser subestimadas, pois numa asma não controlada aumenta o risco de aparecimento de complicações (aumento da incidência de baixo peso e prematuros em número superior ao eventual risco de uma medicação.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (5: 405-419 ABSTRACT: Bronchial asthma is one of the most common medical problems in pregnancy, with prevalance around 4-7 %. Asthma clinical course is variable, with worsening of symptoms in one third of the cases. The most critical period occurs between the 24th and 36th week of gestation. Symptoms usually regress completely after delivery during the following three months and they are expected to recur, with the same

  5. Aplicación de un programa de entrenamiento para el automanejo del asma bronquial

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    Alejandro Arias Díaz


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio descriptivo de intervención y corte transversal en el universo de los asmáticos mayores de 20 años atendidos en el consultorio médico de la familia No. 18, perteneciente al área de salud del Policlínico Docente «Héroes de Girón», con el objetivo de evaluar los posibles beneficios de la aplicación de un programa para el automanejo del paciente asmático adulto en la comunidad. Con la aplicación del programa se obtuvo un incremento significativo del conocimiento de la enfermedad en la totalidad de los pacientes participantes. La evolución clínica del 100 % de los pacientes que siguieron todo el programa mejoró o no empeoró, a diferencia de aquéllos que no lo siguieron. El grupo que cumplió el programa íntegramente logró una disminución significativa del nivel de ansiedad, lo que se interpreta como consecuencia de su mejor preparación para comprender y manejar la enfermedadA descriptive crosswise study of over 20 years-old asthmatic persons cared for No. 18 family physician consulting room in «Héroes de Girón» Teaching Polyclinics health area was undertaken with the objective of assessing the possible benefits of the community-wide implementation of an asthmatic adult patient self-management program. This program resulted in a significantly increased knowledge of the disease by all the participating patients. The clinical condition of all the patients following the program either improved or did not worsen unlike that of those who did not participate. The group which complied with the whole program showed a meaningful reduction in anxiety level which was considered to be the outcoume of a better understanding and management of asthma

  6. Uso correcto de la vía inhalatoria en el tratamiento del asma bronquial

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    Annery Luis Martínez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal en 100 pacientes asmáticos adultos atendidos en el Policlínico Docente "Mario Muñoz Monroy", residentes en el reparto Abel Santamaría, con el objetivo de comprobar si conocen la forma adecuada de usar los inhaladores y si son instruidos en esta técnica. Se conoció que el 72 % de los pacientes recibieron instrucción, pero solo a un 23 % se le evaluó la técnica inhalatoria. En menos de la mitad de los enfermos se consideró que usaban una técnica buena, y se identificaron como errores más frecuentes no llevar la cabeza hacia atrás, accionar más de una vez el inhalador en una misma inspiración y no mantener una apnea. Resultó evidente la necesidad de educar al paciente asmático en el uso correcto de la vía inhalatoriaA crosswise descriptive study of 100 asthmatic adults, who live in the "Abel Santa María" residential zone and are seen at "Mario Muñoz Monroy" teaching polyclinics, was conducted to find out if they knew how to use correctly the aerosol inhalers and if they were instructed in managing that technique. It was known that 72% of the patients was taught how to use it but the inhalation technique had only been evaluated in 23% of the patients. It was considered that less than half of them followed a good technique. The more frequent mistakes were to push down the inhaler more than once in the same breathing, not to move the head backwards and not to keep the apnea. It was evident that the asthmatic patient needs to be instructed about the correct use of the inhalation administration

  7. Mortalidade relacionada à asma no Município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, no período de 2000-2009: análise de causas múltiplas Mortalidad relacionada con el asma en el Municipio de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, durante el período de 2000-2009: análisis de causas múltiples Asthma-related mortality in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000-2009: a multicausal analysis

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    Gulnar Azevedo e Silva


    Full Text Available O estudo das causas múltiplas de óbitos permite conhecer a extensão real das estatísticas de mortalidade. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a tendência das taxas de mortalidade relacionada à asma, no Município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, no período de 2000-2009, com dados obtidos no Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade (SIM, de indivíduos com um ano ou mais de idade, em que a asma foi mencionada em qualquer linha ou parte do atestado médico da declaração de óbito. Para análise de dados foi utilizada a técnica de regressão linear. A série histórica mostrou tendência ao declínio nas taxas de mortalidade padronizadas relacionada à asma como causa básica e múltipla, com redução entre os homens e estabilidade entre as mulheres. Quando a asma foi a causa básica, as causas associadas mais frequentes foram doenças do aparelho respiratório. A mortalidade relacionada à asma foi subestimada quando considerada apenas como causa básica, o que poderia ser evitado com a utilização da metodologia de causas múltiplas nas estatísticas de mortalidade por asma.El estudio de las causas múltiples de óbitos permite conocer la extensión real de las estadísticas de mortalidad. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la tendencia de las tasas de mortalidad, relacionada con el asma, en el municipio de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, en el período de 2000-2009, con los datos obtenidos en el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad (SIM, de individuos con un año o más de edad, en quienes el asma fue mencionada en cualquier línea o parte del certificado médico de defunción. Para el análisis de datos fue utilizada la técnica de regresión lineal. La serie histórica mostró una tendencia al declive en las tasas de mortalidad estandarizadas, relacionada con el asma como causa básica y múltiple, con reducción entre los hombres y estabilidad entre las mujeres. Cuando el asma fue la causa básica, las razones asociadas m

  8. Características sistémicas y orales de la nefrolitiasis bilateral y asma en niños - Reporte de caso

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    Carmen de la Luz Ayala Escandón


    Full Text Available Introducción. La nefrolitiasis es una enfermedad caracterizada por la formación de cálculos en el riñón, de gran incidencia y alta recurrencia, considerada rara en niños. Cuando no se trata evoluciona con altos índices de complicaciones. El asma es una enfermedad crónica inflamatoria de las vías respiratorias y ocasiona una importante morbilidad y mortalidad. Metodología: Se informa del caso de una niña de 4 años diagnosticada con nefrolitiasis bilateral y asma, referida para atención odontológica. Se incluye: Revisión bibliográfica de las patologías base, metodología clínica utilizada en el estado de salud general y oral, pre y post tratamiento dental. Conclusiones: En concordancia con lo descrito por diversos autores, los niños con nefrolitiasis bilateral y asma tienen un mayor índice de caries, higiene oral deficiente, una alta susceptibilidad a otras infecciones como candidiasis y a menudo exhiben defectos del esmalte, mucosas cianóticas, malposición dental y xerostomía. La prevención primaria es decisiva, una higiene dental apropiada, revisiones odontológicas habituales, así como el uso de broncodilatadores constituyen elementos significativos sobre todo en pacientes de alto riego.

  9. Asma de difícil control en niños y adolescentes: Estrategias diagnóstico-terapéuticas

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    Hugo Neffen


    Full Text Available El asma es una de las enfermedades crónicas más frecuentes en los niños. Si bien la mayoría de los niños con asma responden a bajas dosis de corticoides inhalados y/o antagonistas del receptor de leucotrienos, algunos de ellos permanecen sintomáticos independientemente de cualquier esfuerzo terapéutico, presentando una elevada morbilidad e inclusive mortalidad. Aunque la mayoría de los pacientes controlan los síntomas de forma adecuada, existe un grupo importante que presenta síntomas graves de la enfermedad difíciles de controlar (ADC. El objetivo de la presente revisión es discutir los aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos del ACD en los menores de 18 años y su implicancia en la práctica clínica diaria.

  10. Asma de exercício : foco na fisiopatolgia e fatores de risco


    Vieira, Inês Sofia Henriques


    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina área científica de Imunologia Clínica, apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra Hiperreatividade das vias aéreas ao exercício refere-se a um estreitamento transitório das vias aéreas após o exercício. Pode surgir em indivíduos asmáticos (asma induzida pelo exercício) ou isoladamente (broncoconstrição induzida pelo exercício). A prevalência desta patologia depende das características da população estudada, tendo...

  11. Asma e síndrome de Churg-Strauss Asthma and Churg-Strauss syndrome

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    Soloni Afra Pires Levy


    Full Text Available Relata-se o caso de uma mulher de 25 anos com síndrome de Churg-Strauss, cujos sintomas surgiram aos dezesseis anos, logo após o início do uso de contraceptivo oral. O quadro clínico evoluiu rapidamente com asma persistente grave, polipose nasal, rinite perene obstrutiva, eosinofilia periférica e tecidual, e mononeurite. A síndrome de Churg-Strauss é uma doença que exige suspeita precoce, diagnóstico preciso, tratamento agressivo e monitoramento periódico, devendo ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de asma persistente moderada e grave. O caso relatado chama a atenção para possível participação hormonal e surgimento em idade precoce.We report the case of a 25-year-old woman with Churg-Strauss syndrome, the symptoms of which had first appeared soon after she began taking oral contraceptive at the age of sixteen. The clinical profile evolved rapidly to severe persistent asthma, nasal polyposis, perennial obstructive rhinitis, eosinophilia (peripheral/tissue and mononeuritis. Churg-Strauss syndrome is the type of disease that demands early detection, accurate diagnosis, aggressive treatment and periodic monitoring. It should be considered in the differential diagnosis of moderate and severe persistent asthma. The case reported calls attention to possibility that there is a hormonal component and that the disease can present early onset.

  12. Validação do Teste de Controle da Asma em português para uso no Brasil: validation for use in Brazil Portuguese-language version of the Asthma Control Test

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    Jaqueline Petroni Faria Roxo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Desenvolver e validar uma versão do Asthma Control Test (ACT, Teste de Controle da Asma em português para uso no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 290 pacientes ambulatoriais com asma maiores que 12 anos. Os pacientes responderam ao ACT e foram examinados por um pneumologista para avaliar o controle da asma em duas visitas. Na primeira visita, também realizaram prova de função pulmonar. A segunda visita foi realizada ao menos quatro semanas depois da primeira. RESULTADOS: Utilizando-se como ponto de corte um escore de 18 para diferenciar asma controlada de asma não controlada, foram encontradas sensibilidade de 93%, especificidade de 74%, valor preditivo negativo de 86% e valor preditivo positivo de 85%. As razões de verossimilhança positiva e negativa foram, respectivamente, 3,58 e 0,09. O questionário tem grande capacidade de discriminar asma controlada de asma não controlada, com uma área sob a curva ROC de 0,904. Os pacientes que mantiveram os sintomas estáveis na segunda avaliação tiveram pontuação semelhante no questionário, indicando uma boa reprodutibilidade teste-reteste, com um coeficiente de correlação intraclasse de 0,93. Os pacientes que melhoraram os sintomas na segunda avaliação tiveram pontuação do questionário significativamente melhor, indicando uma boa responsividade do questionário para identificar mudanças no controle da doença. CONCLUSÕES: A versão em português do ACT apresentou boa reprodutibilidade teste-reteste e foi capaz de discriminar o nível de controle da asma, assim como detectar mudanças no controle da asma em uma população de baixa escolaridade e renda familiar em um serviço público de saúde no Brasil.OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a Portuguese-language version of the Asthma Control Test (ACT for use in Brazil. METHODS: The study comprised 290 asthma outpatients over 12 years of age. The patients completed the ACT questionnaire and had an appointment with a

  13. A hospitalização por asma e a carência de acompanhamento ambulatorial Asthma-related hospitalizations and lack of outpatient follow-up treatment

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    Emanuel Sarinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar se as crianças e os adolescentes internados por crise aguda de asma em duas unidades de saúde da cidade do Recife faziam acompanhamento ambulatorial preventivo para controle da asma. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de uma série de casos de pacientes internados por asma aos quais foi aplicado um questionário no momento da internação para verificar a freqüência de acompanhamento ambulatorial para tratamento profilático. Foi considerado asmático aquele paciente que apresentou duas ou mais crises de broncoespasmo com boa resposta aos broncodilatadores. RESULTADOS: Do total de 169 pacientes internados por asma, 67% (112/167 - dados referentes a 2 pacientes não foram fornecidos foram atendidos exclusivamente em serviços de urgência no período intercrise. Apesar de haver encaminhamento médico para atendimento ambulatorial em 53,3% (89/167 - dados referentes a 2 pacientes não foram fornecidos dos casos, apenas 16% (27/169 dos pacientes efetivamente freqüentavam um ambulatório específico de asma para tratamento preventivo e somente 13% (22/169 usavam medicação profilática. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria das crianças e dos adolescentes internados por asma não fazia acompanhamento ambulatorial preventivo. Uma série de problemas, tais como a não referência para acompanhamento ambulatorial após a alta hospitalar, a dificuldade de acesso ao ambulatório e a impossibilidade de se obter a medicação profilática gratuitamente, entre outros fatores relacionados ao sistema de saúde, podem ter contribuído para esta baixa taxa de procura por atendimento ambulatorial. Recomenda-se a implementação de uma política de saúde que possibilite o efetivo funcionamento do programa de controle da asma.OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the children and adolescents with acute asthma attacks admitted to two public hospitals in the city of Recife, Brazil underwent outpatient follow-up treatment for the prevention and control of asthma

  14. Obesidade e asma: associação ou coincidência? Obesity and asthma: association or coincidence?

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    Daniella Fernandes Camilo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A asma e a obesidade estão entre as maiores causas de morbidade na infância e adolescência. A obesidade precoce aumenta as chances de doenças crônicas degenerativas no adulto. Embora a concomitância de ambas as situações clínicas vem sendo demonstrada em vários estudos, os mecanismos intrínsecos dessa associação ainda são pouco conhecidos. Portanto, o objetivo deste artigo foi revisar os principais trabalhos sobre a associação de obesidade e asma e verificar se existe relação de causa e efeito entre ambas. FONTES DOS DADOS: Revisão sistemática baseada em bases de dados indexadas MEDLINE (PubMed e SciELO. Foram revisados artigos originais (transversal, caso-controle e prospectivo e meta-análises publicados no período de janeiro de 1998 a janeiro de 2008. Foram pesquisados estudos divulgados em língua inglesa, espanhola e portuguesa. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Embora existam muitos estudos sobre as crescentes prevalências da asma e da obesidade, poucos estabelecem relações de causa e efeito entre ambas. Os mecanismos fisiopatológicos e os fatores envolvidos nesse processo ainda são pouco conhecidos. CONCLUSÃO: O rigor metodológico em estudos futuros deverá buscar respostas para melhor entender se existe associação entre asma e obesidade, ou se a relação entre ambas as doenças é coincidência.OBJECTIVE: Asthma and obesity are among the major causes of morbidity in childhood and adolescence. Early obesity increases the chances of chronic degenerative diseases in adults. Although the concomitance or both clinical situations are being demonstrated in various studies, the intrinsic mechanisms of this association are still very little known. Therefore, the objective of this article was to review the main studies on the association of obesity and asthma and check if there is a cause-effect relation between them. SOURCES: Systematic review based on indexed data bases MEDLINE (PubMed and SciELO. Original articles

  15. Diagnóstico de asma alérgica en consultas de alergología y neumología Diagnosis of allergic asthma in allergy and pneumology outpatient clinics

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    Luis Borderías


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia del diagnóstico de asma alérgica en pacientes con asma persistente que acuden a consultas de alergología y neumología y describir el tratamiento clínico de estos pacientes. Métodos: Se incluyó aleatoria y retrospectivamente a 382 pacientes (12-65 años de edad con diagnóstico de asma persistente (criterios GINA que acudieron a las consultas de neumología y alergología. Se definió asma alérgica como la presencia de sensibilización a alérgenos comunes en pruebas cutáneas y/o determinaciones de inmunoglobulina (Ig E específica. Se recogió también información sobre el tratamiento recibido para el asma. Resultados: Se realizaron estudios alergológicos en el 99,5 y el 76,5% de los pacientes que acudieron a las consultas de alergología y neumología, respectivamente. Se estableció el diagnóstico de asma alérgica en el 90,6 (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 86,5-94,7 y el 46,1% (IC del 95%, 39,0-53,2 de los éstos, respectivamente. La prevalencia de diagnóstico de asma alérgica fue mayor entre los pacientes más jóvenes, los varones y los menos graves. El 14,1% de los pacientes de alergología y el 23,0% de neumología presentaban asma persistente grave. Un 24,0% de los pacientes de alergología y un 5,7% de los de neumología se trataban exclusivamente con broncodilatadores. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico de asma alérgica fue muy superior en las consultas de alergología que en las consultas de neumología. Parte de las diferencias pueden ser debidas a una mayor realización de estudios alérgicos en las consultas de alergología, aunque la mayor diferencia probablemente sea debida a los diferentes perfiles de los pacientes que llegan a cada una de estas consultas especializadas.Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of diagnosis of allergic asthma in patients with persistent asthma attending allergy or pneumology outpatient clinics and to describe the clinical management of asthma in

  16. Produtos naturais utilizados para tratamento de asma em crianças residentes na cidade de Salvador-BA, Brasil

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    Ryan dos S. Costa

    Full Text Available O conhecimento popular é o passo inicial para a investigação científica de atividades terapêuticas de remédios caseiros. Diversas patologias podem ser tratadas ou amenizadas através de preparações de origem natural e muitos fármacos disponíveis são oriundos de fontes naturais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o uso de remédios caseiros derivados de plantas para tratamento de asma em crianças residentes no município de Salvador. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de estudo realizado em Salvador sobre fatores de risco, uso de medicações e vias imunológicas relacionadas à asma em crianças. Foram calculadas as freqüências de uso de preparações caseiras para tratamento de asma por esta população e realizado uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os efeitos das plantas mais usadas. Dentre as espécies mais citadas, destacam-se o Allium sativum (alho que teve a maior freqüência de utilização na preparação dos remédios caseiros (25%, seguido da Allium cepa (cebola, 19,74%. Após a revisão crítica de literatura, constatou-se que a maioria das espécies é utilizada com base em relatos fundamentados no saber popular, sendo assim carente de evidências científicas para as atividades farmacoterapêuticas esperadas. Neste sentido, há necessidade de mais estudos farmacológicos para comprovação das atividades terapêuticas peculiares a cada produto de origem natural bem como para avaliar possíveis efeitos tóxicos destes produtos.

  17. Asma induzida pelo exercício: aspectos atuais e recomendações


    Laitano,Orlando; Meyer,Flávia


    OBJETIVO: Descrever os mecanismos da asma induzida pelo exercício (AIE), bem como os efeitos de diferentes tipos de treinamento físico na função pulmonar e nas capacidades aeróbia e anaeróbia. Destaca-se a importância de um diagnóstico correto mediante o teste de exercício e, no manejo, o uso de drogas beta-adrenérgicas e anticolinérgicas. FONTE DOS DADOS: Os artigos foram criteriosamente escolhidos utilizando as bases de dados PubMed e Scielo pelo ano de publicação e dando preferência a ensa...

  18. Evidencias de un programa educativo sobre el uso de inhaladores antiasmáticos por adolescentes Evidences of an educational program on the use of asthma inhalers by adolescents

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    Elizabeth María de la Paz Reyes

    Full Text Available Se efectuó una intervención educativa en 41 adolescentes que padecían asma bronquial, pertenecientes al Policlínico Docente "Carlos Juan Finlay" de Santiago de Cuba, con el objetivo de aumentar el nivel de conocimientos sobre el uso de los inhaladores en ese grupo poblacional. Con esta intervención se mejoró considerablemente el conocimiento de los integrantes de la serie, lo cual mostró la efectividad del programa aplicado al lograr su propósito inicial.Educational intervention was performed in 41 adolescents who suffered from bronchial asthma, belonging to "Carlos Juan Finlay" Teaching Polyclinic of Santiago de Cuba, with the purpose of increasing the knowledge of the inhalers use in that population group. With this intervention the knowledge of patients of the series improved significantly, showing the effectiveness of the program implemented when achieving its initial purpose.


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    Afriwardi Afriwardi


    Full Text Available AbstrakAsma yang dicetuskan latihan fisik (exercise-induced asthma merupakan suatu kelainan yang ditandai dengan terjadinya bronkospasme serta hipersekresi mukosa bronkus yang dicetuskan oleh kegiatan olahraga atau aktifitas fisik. Kami melaporkan satu kasus seorang atlet putri karate, umur 24 tahun yang sudah menekuni olahraga selama 10 tahun. Serangan sesak nafas yang kadang menimbulkan mengi dan dada terasa berat seringkali timbul saat melakukan latihan. Pada umumnya sesak dan dada berat akan berkurang setelah latihan dihentikan. Diagnosis ditegakkan dengan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik yang dilakukan pada saat serangan yang terakhir serta adanya catatan medis yang sempat terdokumentasi. Perlu dilakukan kajian yang mendalam terhadap kasus ini karena serangan tersebut sangat mengganggu program latihan yang diberikan untuk atlet tersebut. Penelusuran terhadap faktor pencetus serta pemahaman karakteristik serangan akan sangat membantu pelatih dalam menyiapkan program latihan untuk atlet ini guna memperoleh prestasi terbaik.Kata kunci: exercise induced asthma – diagnosis - program latihanAbstractAsthma triggered by physical exercise (exercise-induced asthma is a marked disorder with the occurrence of bronchospasm and hypersecretion of bronchial mucous triggered by sports or physical activity. We report a case of a karate sportswoman, aged 24 years old who has engaged in sports for 10 years. Shortness of breath attacks that sometimes followed with wheezing and chest heaviness often occurs during exercise. In general, shortness of breath and chest heaviness will decrease after the training is stopped. Diagnosis by interview and physical examination conducted at the time of the attack, and documented n the medical record. In-depth study of the case need to be performed because the attack seriously affects training provided to the athlete. Studying the triggering factors and understanding the characteristics of the attack will greatly help

  20. Sintomas e fatores de risco para asma entre escolares piauienses Síntomas y factores de riesgo para el asma entre escolares piauienses Symptoms and risk factors for asthma among piauiense schoolchildren


    Gessianne Carvalho Castro; Lívia Kênia de Carvalho Sousa; Paula Valentina de Sousa Vera; Luisa Helena de Oliveira Lima; Edina Araújo Rodrigues Oliveira; Rúbia Fernanda Santos Lima; Luis Fernando Beserra Magalhães; Nileide Lima Araújo; Marcos Venícios de Oliveira Lopes


    OBJETIVOS: Analisar a prevalência de sintomas de asma entre escolares de seis a sete anos do município de Picos-PI; e identificar fatores de risco associados à doença. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com crianças de 6 e 7 anos de Picos em novembro de 2010 a maio de 2011. Para coletar os dados, foi utilizado um formulário adaptado do Internacional Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Os dados foram analisados com base na estatística descritiva e analítica. RESULTADOS: Dentre as 23...

  1. Importância da história familiar na gravidade e evolução clínica da asma brônquica infantil

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    Ângela Gaspar


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A asma brônquica é uma entidade multifactorial dependendo da interacção entre factores genéticos e ambientais complexos. O carácter familiar da asma é conhecido desde há longo tempo, embora pouco se saiba sobre a localização genética subjacente a esta maior penetração familiar.Objectivo: Os autores apresentam dois estudos, pretendendo avaliar a importância da história familiar de asma como factor de gravidade relacionado com o internamento hospitalar e como factor de prognóstico associado a persistência de sintomas na asma brônquica infantil.Métodos: Estudo 1 - Foram estudadas 128 crianças hospitalizadas por asma (idade média: 4.3 anos, durante um período de dois anos, correlacionando os dados obtidos com os de um grupo controlo (amostra de crianças observadas em consulta, emparelhada por idade, sexo e meio socioeconómico-cultural. Estudo 2 - Foi efectuado um estudo prospectivo com 3 anos de duração, avaliando a evolução clínica de 287 crianças asmáticas com idade≤6 anos, observadas em Consulta de Imunoalergologia.Resultados: Estudo 1 - A existência de história parental de asma brônquica foi identificada como factor de risco para internamento hospitalar (p=0.0004; OR=2.6, IC95%=1.5-4.2. O risco para hospitalização associado a asma materna (p0.49 não foram identificadas como factores de risco relacionados com a persistência da sintomatologia respiratória.Conclusões: A presença de asma parental, particularmente materna, foi identificada como factor de risco significativo e independente para internamento hospitalar na criança asmática. A história familiar não foi identificada como factor de prognóstico relacionado com a persistência da sintomatologia, salientando a influência preponderante dos factores ambientais na evolução clínica da asma brônquica infantil. Estes resultados

  2. C38. Óxido nítrico exalado e provas funcionais respiratórias num rastreio de asma

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    J. Fonseca


    Full Text Available O diagnóstico de asma é fundamentalmente clínico, no entanto, a utilização de medidas de função pulmonar e de inflamação brônquica poderá ser útil.Pretendemos avaliar a utilização destas medidas na distinção de indivíduos com e sem asma, num rastreio com voluntários adultos recrutados através dos media. Cada indivíduo realizou medição da fracção de óxido nítrico exalado (eNO, AerocrineÒ, espirometria com broncodilatação (PFRBD e questionário de despiste e impacto da asma (QVA, ACAAI.Dos 61 incluídos, 38% eram homens, tinham idade de 46±16 anos (média±dp, queixas nasais 79%; fumadores 20%; QVA 10±5; eNO 34,6±41,3 ppb; FEV1 previsto 102±16% e fev1/fvc 96±13% A medição do eNO demorou entre 2,3 e 11,6 minutos (mediana 4,8. Foram efectuadas 317 manobras (165 válidas para medição no eNO (por doente entre 3-9; mediana -5.Considerando as normas da ATS, 48(79% indivíduos tiveram uma medição correcta de eNO e 39(64% de PFRBD.Considerando os critérios diagnósticos para as PFRBD do GINA e um cut-off de 20 ppb para o eNO, foram identificados como asmáticos respectivamente 45% e 46% dos doentes com QVA ³13. A utilização de PFRBD e do eNO numa avaliação de despiste de asma é exequível e útil mas actualmente insuficiente para um diagnóstico adequado. : The asthma diagnosis is primarily based on clinical data, sometimes, however, objective measures are useful. We aimed to study the use of Exhaled Nitric Oxide (eNO and spirometry before and after inhaled albuterol (PFT in asthma screening of adult volunteers recruited through media announcements. Each individual also answered structured questionnaires including the LQ Test (ACAAI, a valid test for asthma screening and disease impact.Sixty one patients were analyzed, 38% were men, with mean±SD age of 46±16 years, nasal symptoms 79%; smokers 20%; LQ 10±5; eNO 34.6±41.3 ppb; FEV1 % predicted 102±16% e fev1/fvc 96±13%.The eNO measurement duration

  3. Prevalência e fatores de risco para asma em escolares de uma coorte no Sul do Brasil Prevalence and risk factors for asthma in schoolchildren in southern Brazil

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    Moema N. Chatkin


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Estudar a prevalência e fatores de risco para asma em 494 crianças pertencentes à coorte de nascidos em 1993, as quais vêm sendo acompanhadas desde o nascimento, estando, atualmente, com cerca de 6 anos de idade, em Pelotas (RS. MÉTODOS: Foi administrado um questionário padronizado com questões relativas à asma, baseadas em questionário utilizado por um estudo internacional multicêntrico (ISAAC validado em diversos países. Também obteve-se informações sobre o nível socioeconômico, fatores ambientais, hereditários, nutricionais, gestacionais, alérgicos e eventos infecciosos pregressos. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de asma encontrada foi de 12,8% (IC95%: 10-15,9%. Na análise multivariada, a asma esteve associada com cor da pele não-branca (RR = 1,9 IC95%: 1,1-3,3%, história de asma na família (RR = 2,8 IC95%:1,5-5,1, rinite alérgica na criança (RR = 2,6 IC95%:1,5-4,4 e fumo na gestação (RR = 1,7 IC95%:1-2,9. CONCLUSÃO: A asma infantil tem elevada prevalência em Pelotas, sendo um problema de saúde pública e, como tal, deve-se direcionar ações apropriadas para o seu controle.OBJECTIVE: To study the prevalence and risk factors for asthma in a cohort of 494 children born in 1993 and followed up to the age of six years in Pelotas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. METHODS: A standardized and validated asthma questionnaire, based on the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC, was applied. Other information was also collected about socioeconomic background, genetic, nutritional, gestational and allergic factors, and previous infectious episodes. RESULTS: The prevalence of asthma found in this study was 12.8% (95%CI: 10-15.9%. In the multivariate analysis, risk factors such as non-white skin color (RR = 1.9 95%CI: 1.1-3.3%, family history of asthma (RR = 2.8 95%CI: 1.5-5.1, allergic rhinitis in children (RR = 2.6 95%CI: 1.5-4.4 and maternal smoking during pregnancy (RR = 1.7 95%CI: 1

  4. Calidad de vida en el adolescente asmático Quality of life in the asthmatic adolescent

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    Orquídea Aguirre Pérez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la mejoría de la calidad de vida es clave en el tratamiento del niño-adolescente con asma. OBJETIVO: identificar la afectación que provoca el asma bronquial en la calidad de vida del adolescente asmático. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 103 adolescentes asmáticos con diagnóstico de asma leve intermitente, asma leve persistente y asma moderada persistente en la Escuela Secundaria Básica "Antonio José de Sucre", en la localidad de Cojímar, en el período entre el 1ro. de enero de 2006 y el 31 de diciembre del propio año. RESULTADOS: los síntomas principales fueron la tos, la disnea y la sibilancia, y las molestias más frecuentes, el cansancio, la dificultad para respirar hondo y la sensación de quedar sin aire. Predominó el sexo masculino y las edades de 12 y 13 años. El mayor número de respuestas de las alteraciones de la función emocional se concentraba en las categorías más bajas del nivel de afectación, y las respuestas sobre la limitación de la actividad motora se inclinaron hacia las categorías de muchísimo, mucho, bastante y regular. Predominó la afectación moderada de la calidad de vida. El asma persistente moderada fue la mayormente referida en la afectación de calidad de vida severa.INTRODUCTION: the improvement in quality of life is a key element in treatment of asthmatic child-adolescent. OBJECTIVE: to identify the affection provoking the bronchial asthma in the quality of life of the asthmatic adolescent. METHODS: a prospective longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted in 103 asthmatic adolescents diagnosed with intermittent slight asthma from the "Antonio José de Sucre" Secondary Basic School in the Cojimar place, from January 1, to December 31, 2006. RESULTS: the major symptoms included cough, dyspnea and sibilation and the more frequent nuisances were the tiredness, profound breathlessness and the feeling of lack of air. There was

  5. Sistema predictiu per a evolució de pacients. Aplicació al cas d'asma infantil


    Rubia Galera, Ivan de La


    [CATALÀ] S'ha dissenyat una aplicació que permet treballar amb dades de pacients i episodis, preprocessar-les i entrenar models amb algorismes d'aprenentatge automàtic que ofereixen bons resultats. S'ha experimentat amb dades de pacients d'asma infantil de l'hospital de Sant Joan de Déu. [ANGLÈS] We've developed an application that can deal with patient data, preprocess it and train models with machine learning algorithms that have given good results. We've experimented with data from Hosp...

  6. Prevalência de sintomas respiratórios e condições clínicas associadas à asma em escolares de 6 a 14 anos no Rio de Janeiro

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    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de sintomas respiratórios e condições clínicas associadas à asma brônquica e broncoespasmo induzido por exercício (BIE em duas populações de escolares de instituições públicas e privadas. MÉTODO: Realizado inquérito transversal em 2941 escolares de 6 a 14 anos, sendo 1591 da rede municipal pública (RPb e 1350 da rede particular (RPt, matriculados nas classes de alfabetização e primeiro grau de escolas da zona oeste do Rio de Janeiro. Para as entrevistas foi empregado o formulário "ATS-DLD-78-C" modificado. RESULTADO: Segundo a seqüência de perguntas do formulário, houve referência a chiado em 842 (28,6% entrevistados; BIE em 684 (23,3%; internações hospitalares por problemas respiratórios em 342 (11,6%; uso prévio de broncodilatadores (BD em 1072 (36,5%; bronquiolite em 40 (1,4%; pneumonia em 185 (6,3%; diagnóstico médico de asma brônquica em 779 (26,5%; rinite em 1088 (37%; atopia familiar em 1794 (61% e imunoterapia em 577 (19,6%. A comparação estatística entre os dois grupos de escolas mostrou maior freqüência de BIE, hospitalização e pneumonia na RPb (26,3%, 15,9% e 7,2%, respectivamente. Na RPt foi maior a freqüência de história familiar de atopia e emprego de imunoterapia (63,7% e 23,6%, respectivamente. Aplicando-se a pontuação estabelecida pelo formulário, o diagnóstico de asma ocorreu em 638 (21,7% escolares, sendo 55% da RPb e 45% da RPt. A distribuição dos casos de asma pelas escolas evidenciou que 354 (22% eram da RPb e 284 (21% da RPt (n.s.. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de asma foi elevada entre escolares da RPt e da RPb, sem diferença estatística entre ambas. Os quadros de BIE também foram muito prevalentes na amostra estudada, com maior freqüência na RPb.

  7. Qualidade de vida em doentes com asma Quality of life in asthma patients


    Lara Noronha Ferreira; Ulisses Brito; Pedro Lopes Ferreira


    Neste artigo é descrito um estudo, cujo objectivo é a medição da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (QdVRS) de doentes com asma e a apresentação de uma primeira aproximação aos valores normativos, com base no SF-6D, para aquele tipo de doentes. Pretende-se ainda averiguar a capacidade de medidas genéricas de medição da QdVRS distinguirem grupos em termos de características sociodemográficas. Aplicaram-se, por entrevista pessoal, as versões portuguesas do EQ-5D, do SF-6D, do AQLQ(S) e d...

  8. Qualidade de vida em doentes com asma Quality of life in asthma patients

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    Lara Noronha Ferreira


    Full Text Available Neste artigo é descrito um estudo, cujo objectivo é a medição da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (QdVRS de doentes com asma e a apresentação de uma primeira aproximação aos valores normativos, com base no SF-6D, para aquele tipo de doentes. Pretende-se ainda averiguar a capacidade de medidas genéricas de medição da QdVRS distinguirem grupos em termos de características sociodemográficas. Aplicaram-se, por entrevista pessoal, as versões portuguesas do EQ-5D, do SF-6D, do AQLQ(S e do ACQ a uma amostra representativa da população portuguesa com asma. A maioria dos indivíduos não apresentou problemas significativos nas dimensões medidas, excepto na função física, onde os indivíduos reportaram limitações moderadas. Em média, os inquiridos apresentam valores de utilidade de 0,86. Os homens, os mais jovens, os solteiros, os indivíduos com habilitações literárias mais elevadas, os empregados, os indivíduos com rendimentos mais elevados e aqueles que residiam em zonas urbanas foram os que reportaram níveis de utilidade mais elevados. Por outro lado, os indivíduos que se encontravam num estádio mais avançado da doença reportaram, como era de esperar, níveis médios de utilidade inferiores aos dos que se encontravam num estádio menos grave da doença. Foram obtidos valores normativos para o SF-6D para doentes com asma por género, grupo etário, estado civil, habilitações literárias, situação profissional, local de residência e rendimento médio mensal líquido. As medidas de utilidade baseadas em preferências utilizadas neste estudo discriminam adequadamente grupos de doentes com asma, de acordo com grupos sociodemográficos. Os valores normativos obtidos podem ser usados em estudos de avaliação económica e estudos clínicos, uma vez que incorporam as preferências dos doentes e traduzem a utilidade atribuída ao seu estado de saúde.In this paper we present a study whose main aim is the

  9. Un nuevo caso de pseudotumor inflamatorio de la tráquea A new case of inflammatory tracheal tumor

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    Edelberto Fuentes Valdés


    Full Text Available El pseudotumor inflamatorio de tráquea es poco frecuente y puede simular un tumor cuando se localiza en la luz traqueal o bronquial. El objetivo del presente artículo fue presentar un nuevo caso y revisar la literatura especializada. Se trató de una paciente de 23 años de edad, con cuadro de disnea de varios años de evolución, tratada con el diagnóstico de asma bronquial. Fue intervenida de urgencia por empeoramiento de la disnea y diagnóstico de tumor intratraqueal, según estudio broncoscópico. Se practicó la resección de 5 anillos traqueales con anastomosis término-terminal. La evolución posoperatoria fue satisfactoria y la paciente se encuentra libre de recidiva 5 años después de la operación.The inflammatory tracheal pseudotumor is rare and it may mimic a tumor when it is located in the tracheal or bronchial light. The objective of this article was to present a new case and to review the specialized literature. The case of a 23-year-old patient with a picture of dyspnea of several years of evolution treated with diagnosis of bronchial asthma was reported. She underwent emergency surgery due the worsening of dypsnea and to the diagnosis of intratracheal tumor according to a bronchoscopic study. The resection of 5 tracheal rings was performed with termino-terminal anastomosis. The postoperative evolution was satisfactory and the patient has been free of relapse five years after the operation.

  10. Estudo nacional de qualidade de vida na asma – Aplicação do Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire de Marks (AQLQ-M na população portuguesa

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    Jorge Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resumo: A versão portuguesa do Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire de Marks (AQLQ-M demonstrou anteriormente que apresenta boas propriedades psicométricas e é adequada para utilização em doentes portugueses com asma. Ao longo dos últimos 40 anos, tem vindo a observar-se um aumento global na prevalência, morbilidade, mortalidade e custos económicos associados à asma, continuando esta a ser uma doença subdiagnosticada e subtratada. Neste estudo, o AQLQ-M foi aplicado a 826 doentes asmáticos de Portugal continental (97,9% caucasianos; média de idades=40,5 anos; 30,2% do sexo masculino; 69,8% do sexo feminino seguidos em consulta de pneumologia ou imunoalergologia. Os doentes foram classificados de acordo com os níveis de gravidade do Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA. Apresentavam asma intermitente 40,5%; 26,9% asma persistente ligeira; 21,4% asma persistente moderada e 11,2% asma persistente grave. A pontuação do AQLQ-M manteve correlações estatisticamente significativas com a gravidade da asma, sintomas e função pulmonar. A maioria dos doentes não se apresentava controlada, tendo 74,6% recorrido ao serviço de urgência ao longo do último ano. Para todas as subescalas do questionário, as mulheres apresentavam pior qualidade de vida (QdV do que os homens. Surpreendentemente, os fumadores apresentavam melhor QdV do que os indivíduos que nunca fumaram. Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que a versão portuguesa do AQLQ-M é um instrumento útil para a medição da QdV relacionada com a saúde em adultos com asma.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (4: 459-486 Abstract: The Portuguese version of the Marks Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ-M has already proven to have good diagnostic properties, and is suitable for use with Portuguese asthma patients. The last forty years have seen a worldwide rise in the rate, morbidity, mortality and economic burden associated

  11. Manifestaciones cutáneas por choque séptico en una adulta

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    Julio César González Aguilera


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de una adulta de 33 años de edad con antecedentes de asma bronquial, que fue ingresada en el Hospital General Universitario "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes", en Bayamo (Granma, por choque séptico a causa de una bronconeumonía bacteriana, además de disfunción orgánica y acidosis metabólica sostenida, que requerían el apoyo de drogas vasoactivas a altas dosis. También aparecieron lesiones diseminadas en la piel, principalmente en las áreas distales de las manos y los pies, con coloración violácea y necrosis isquémicas hacia los pulpejos de los dedos. En los hemocultivos se aisló el Staphylococcus aureus, y el tratamiento consistió en sostén hemodinámico, antimicrobianos de amplio espectro, corticoesteroides y curas de las lesiones cutáneas, que incluyó la escisión del tejido necrosado

  12. Adesão ao tratamento de manutenção em asma (estudo ADERE Compliance with maintenance treatment of asthma (ADERE study

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    José Miguel Chatkin


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a adesão ao tratamento preventivo de asma persistente moderada e grave. MÉTODOS: Médicos de vários Estados do país foram contactados para selecionar asmáticos persistentes moderados ou graves, maiores de doze anos. Os pacientes receberam salmeterol/fluticasona 50/250 µg diskus durante 90 dias (sendo orientados a retornarem as embalagens ao final do estudo para conferência da dosagem total utilizada. Receberam telefonemas da equipe do estudo no início e ao final de 90 dias para que fosse avaliada a adesão. Foi considerado como aderente ao tratamento o asmático que utilizou no mínimo 85% das doses prescritas. As variáveis estudadas foram sexo, idade, cor, estado civil, escolaridade, tabagismo atual, outras atopias, co-morbidades, gravidade da asma, uso de outras medicações e número de hospitalizações por asma. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 131 pacientes oriundos de quinze estados, com taxa geral de adesão de 51,9%. Houve diferença significativa na adesão quanto à gravidade da asma (maior adesão nos casos graves; p = 0,02. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa nas demais variáveis. CONCLUSÃO: A taxa geral de adesão ao tratamento de manutenção da asma foi baixa.OBJECTIVE: To determine the rate of compliance with preventive treatment of moderate and severe persistent asthma. METHODS: Physicians at various medical centers across the country were invited to nominate patients for participation in the study. Inclusion criteria were being over the age of 12 and presenting moderate or severe persistent asthma. Participating patients received salmeterol/fluticasone 50/250 µg by dry powder inhaler for 90 days and were instructed to return the empty packages at the end of the study as a means of determining the total quantity used. In order to evaluate compliance, a member of the research team contacted each patient via telephone at the study outset and again at the end of the 90-day study period

  13. Asma em escolares do Recife - comparação de prevalências: 1994-95 e 2002 Asthma in schoolchildren from Recife, Brazil. Prevalence comparison: 1994-95 and 2002

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    Murilo C. A. Britto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Descrever a prevalência atual (2002 de asma e suas variantes em escolares da cidade do Recife, comparando os dados com o período de 1994-95; analisar a relação entre instrução materna e o surgimento ou o agravamento da asma; e avaliar a acurácia diagnóstica da prevalência anual de sibilância como indicador de asma. MÉTODO: Em um corte transversal, estudou-se, por questionário escrito, uma amostra probabilística de escolares de 13 e 14 anos em Recife, em 1994-95 (n = 3.086 e 2002 (n = 2.774, como parte do projeto ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. RESULTADOS: Em 1994-95 e 2002, as prevalências foram, respectivamente: cumulativa de asma referida, 21 e 18,2%; cumulativa de sibilância, 39 e 38%; anual de sibilância, 19,7 e 19,4%; anual de tosse equivalente de asma, 31 e 38%; anual de sibilância desencadeada por exercício, 20,6 e 23,8%. A prevalência anual de crises, estratificada em 1 a 3, 4 a 12 e mais de 12 foi: 16,3, 2,7 e 1% em 1994-95 e 15,2, 1,2 e 0,4% em 2002. A prevalência anual de crises que comprometeram o sono foi, respectivamente, de 13 e 10,3%; a prevalência de crises com prejuízo da fala foi de 4,8 e 4,1%. Nível mais elevado de instrução materna associou-se a maior prevalência cumulativa de asma referida, prevalência cumulativa e anual de sibilância. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de asma e suas formas graves é elevada em escolares adolescentes do Recife e está associada a maior instrução materna.OBJECTIVES: To describe the prevalence of asthma and asthma variants in schoolchildren from Recife in 2002, and to compare these data with data from 1994-95; to analyze the relationship between maternal schooling and the presence of asthma or worsening asthma; and to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the yearly prevalence of wheezing as an asthma indicator. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. A probabilistic sample of 3,086 and 2,774 13- and 14-year-old students answered a

  14. Variação sazonal nos atendimentos de emergência por asma em Gama, Distrito Federal Seasonal variations in emergency room visits for asthma attacks in Gama, Brazil

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    Laércio Moreira Valença


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Quantificar o atendimento por asma em um serviço de emergência público e estudar a flutuação sazonal, considerando as condições climáticas locais, caracterizadas por duas estações, uma chuvosa e úmida e outra seca. MÉTODOS: Levantamento retrospectivo conduzido em um hospital geral comunitário. Um total de 37.642 consultas emergenciais por asma, bronquite, pneumonia, infecções de vias aéreas superiores e outras condições foram identificadas durante um período de dois anos. As informações constantes em cada guia de atendimento foram levantadas para posterior análise. RESULTADOS: Asma foi o segundo diagnóstico mais freqüente dentre as condições respiratórias (24%. A maioria das consultas por asma foi feita em crianças de zero a catorze anos (56,6%. A análise de regressão mostrou uma variação sazonal dos atendimentos, com concentração significativamente maior de casos de asma no mês de março (p = 0,0109 e concentração menor nos meses de agosto e setembro (p = 0,0485 e p = 0,0169, respectivamente. A correlação entre asma e clima foi mais significativa em relação à flutuação da umidade defasada de um e dois meses (p = 0,0026 e p = 0,0002, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: As visitas por asma ao pronto-socorro foram mais freqüentes durante a estação úmida. O aumento do número de casos cresceu um a dois meses após o aumento da umidade e diminuiu no período seco. Essa correlação positiva levanta a possibilidade de uma relação causal com a proliferação de ácaros domésticos e fungos ambientais.OBJECTIVE: To quantify the number of asthma attacks treated in the emergency room of a public hospital and to study seasonal fluctuations, taking into consideration the local climate, which is characterized by having only two seasons: a rainy/humid season and a dry season. METHODS: A retrospective survey was conducted in a community general hospital. A total of 37,642 emergency room consultations

  15. Quais os parâmetros funcionais que permitem diferenciar asma grave de DPOC?

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    Ricardo Marques Dias


    Full Text Available Resumo: Com o objectivo de identificar parâmetros funcionais respiratórios que contribuam para o diagnóstico diferencial entre asma e DPOC, estudámos 20 asmáticos e 30 bronquíticos, com ou sem enfisema, com os exames usuais de função pulmonar: espirografia, pletismografia e DLCO, pré e pós-broncodilatação para os dois primeiros exames. Os grupos apresentam diferenças significativas na sua constituição. Os asmáticos são mais jovens, média de 48 anos, contra 59 anos no grupo com DPOC, e o grupo é constituído predominantemente por mulheres, 65% contra 40%, respectivamente. Os exames funcionais pulmonares, realizados conforme as directrizes internacionais, mostram, pela espirografia, que os asmáticos têm obstrução mais intensa, VEF1/CVF de 59 versus 66 e maior resposta broncodilatadora pelo VEF1, quer em valor absoluto, quer por variação percentual, do basal (% ou do valor previsto (%P. A DLCO mostra-se, em média, normal entre os asmáticos, 103%P, e diminuída no grupo com DPOC, 69%P. Na pletismografia constatámos que os asmáticos têm maior volume residual (%P e resistência de vias aéreas. Concluímos que vários parâmetros funcionais diferenciam a asma da DPOC, como um grupo; na análise individual, a DLCO é o parâmetro que melhor discrimina as duas doenças, possuindo maior especificidade para o diagnóstico de DPOC, seguida pelas variações de VEF1 na broncodilatação, com maior sensibilidade para o diagnóstico de asma. Desta forma, estes dois exames são destaque no diagnóstico diferencial das doenças obstrutivas.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (2: 253-272 Abstract: The aim of this study was to identify the respiratory function parameters that help in the accurate diagnosis of asthma and COPD. We studied 20 asthma and 30 COPD patients who underwent lung function tests including spirometry and plethysmography

  16. Fenótipos clínicos de asma grave Clinical phenotypes of severe asthma

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    Roseliane de Souza Araújo Alves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estabelecer os fenótipos clínicos em portadores de asma grave. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados, retrospectivamente, 111 pacientes em um ambulatório especializado. Os pacientes foram avaliados e acompanhados de maneira sistemática, estabelecendo-se ao final do acompanhamento a adesão e o controle ou não da doença por dados clínicos e funcionais. A resistência ao tratamento foi definida como o não preenchimento, ao final do acompanhamento, por pelo menos seis meses, dos critérios de controle de asma, apesar do uso correto e adesão à medicação. Os fenótipos foram determinados por análise fatorial e comparados por testes diversos. RESULTADOS: Ao final, 88 pacientes foram considerados aderentes e 23 não aderentes. Por análise fatorial do grupo aderente, quatro fenótipos foram determinados: o fenótipo 1 (28 pacientes, formado pelos pacientes resistentes ao tratamento, com maior freqüência de sintomas noturnos, maior número de exacerbações e uso mais freqüente de broncodilatador de resgate; o fenótipo 2 (48 pacientes, formado pelos pacientes com obstrução persistente, com menores valores de relação volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo/capacidade vital forçada na avaliação inicial, idade mais avançada e maior tempo de doença; o fenótipo 3 (42 pacientes, representa os pacientes com rinossinusite alérgica, sendo constituído de não fumantes com obstrução predominantemente reversível; e o fenótipo 4 (15 pacientes, formado por casos com história de intolerância à aspirina associado à asma quase fatal. CONCLUSÕES: Um número significativo de portadores de ama grave não adere ao tratamento. Muitos pacientes com asma grave têm obstrução irreversível, mas o fenótipo clínico mais relevante é constituído pelos pacientes resistentes ao tratamento habitual.OBJECTIVE: To characterize clinical phenotypes of severe asthma. METHODS: A total of 111 patients were retrospectively evaluated at a

  17. Prevalencia de síntomas respiratorios indicativos de asma y asociación con contaminación atmosférica en preescolares de Bucaramanga, Colombia

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    Laura Andrea Rodríguez


    Conclusiones. Es posible que en Bucaramanga los factores de contaminación domiciliaria puedan tener un mayor efecto sobre la presencia de síntomas respiratorios indicativos de asma en menores de siete años que los contaminantes externos.

  18. Prevalência de asma e fatores associados: estudo de base populacional em São Paulo, SP, 2008-2009

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    Clóvis Arlindo de Sousa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de asma em crianças e adolescentes e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 1.185 crianças e adolescentes de ambos os sexos de São Paulo, SP, de 2008 a 2009. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas domiciliares e os participantes foram selecionados a partir de amostragem probabilística, estratificada por sexo e idade, e por conglomerados em dois estágios (setores censitários e domicílios. Foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson na análise ajustada entre o desfecho e variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, estilo de vida e condições de saúde. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 9,1% (IC95% 7,0;11,7 referiram asma. Após análise ajustada, identificaram-se os seguintes fatores independentemente associados ao agravo: idade (zero a quatro anos/15 a 19 RP = 3,18 (IC95% 1,20;8,42, idade (cinco a nove anos/15 a 19 RP = 6,37 (IC95% 2,64;15,39, idade (10 a 14 anos/15 a 19 RP = 4,51 (IC95% 1,95;10,40, alergia (sim/não RP = 2,22 (IC95% 1,24;4,00, rinite (sim/não RP = 2,13 (IC95% 1,22;3,73, problemas de saúde nos 15 dias prévios à entrevista (sim/não RP = 1,96 (IC95% 1,23;3,11, número de cômodos no domicílio (1 a 3/4 e mais RP = 1,67 (IC95% 1,05;2,66, e cor da pele (preta e parda/branca RP = 2,00 (IC95% 1,14;3,49. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados do presente estudo apontam a importância da asma associada à presença de rinite e alergia, idade entre cinco e nove anos, cor da pele preta e parda e moradia com menor número de cômodos. Os frequentes problemas de saúde podem ser considerados consequência dessa doença.

  19. Efeitos da asma no estado nutricional em crianças: Revisão sistemática Effects of asthma in nutritional status in children: A systematic review

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    Daniele Andrade da Cunha


    Full Text Available Introdução: A asma é uma doença inflamatória crónica de alta prevalência, considerada um problema de saúde pública e constitui-se como uma das causas de baixo peso e atraso do crescimento. Objectivo: O objectivo do presente artigo foi rever na literatura os efeitos da asma no estado nutricional em crianças. Material e métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática com busca de artigos nas bases PubMed, SciELO e LILACS. Foram excluídos os artigos de revisão, estudos com adultos ou pesquisas que não avaliassem os efeitos da asma em crianças. Foram incluídos artigos originais em humanos. Resultados: Na revisão sistemática da literatura foram encontrados 839 na base MEDLINE (1997-2008, 62 artigos na base MEDLINE (1966-1996, 47 no LILACS e 16 no SciELO - Brasil, totalizando 964 artigos. Destes, foram seleccionados 17 artigos. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a evidência de que a asma interfere no estado nutricional não pode ser comprovada neste estudo.Introduction: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of high prevalence, considered a public health problem and is thought to be one cause of low birth weight and growth retardation. Purpose: The purpose of this article was to review in literature the effects of asthma on the nutritional status in children. Material and methods: A systematic review was made by searching for articles in PubMed, SciELO and LILACS databases. Review articles, studies with adults or research that did not evaluate the effects of asthma in children were excluded. Hence original articles in humans were included. Results: In the systematic review we found 901 articles in MEDLINE (1966-1996, 47 in LILACS and SciELO in the 16 - Brazil, totaling 964 articles. Of these, 17 articles were selected. Conclusion: Evidence that asthma interferes in nutritional status can not be proven in this study.

  20. Towards a consensus-based biokinetic model for green microalgae - The ASM-A. (United States)

    Wágner, Dorottya S; Valverde-Pérez, Borja; Sæbø, Mariann; Bregua de la Sotilla, Marta; Van Wagenen, Jonathan; Smets, Barth F; Plósz, Benedek Gy


    Cultivation of microalgae in open ponds and closed photobioreactors (PBRs) using wastewater resources offers an opportunity for biochemical nutrient recovery. Effective reactor system design and process control of PBRs requires process models. Several models with different complexities have been developed to predict microalgal growth. However, none of these models can effectively describe all the relevant processes when microalgal growth is coupled with nutrient removal and recovery from wastewaters. Here, we present a mathematical model developed to simulate green microalgal growth (ASM-A) using the systematic approach of the activated sludge modelling (ASM) framework. The process model - identified based on a literature review and using new experimental data - accounts for factors influencing photoautotrophic and heterotrophic microalgal growth, nutrient uptake and storage (i.e. Droop model) and decay of microalgae. Model parameters were estimated using laboratory-scale batch and sequenced batch experiments using the novel Latin Hypercube Sampling based Simplex (LHSS) method. The model was evaluated using independent data obtained in a 24-L PBR operated in sequenced batch mode. Identifiability of the model was assessed. The model can effectively describe microalgal biomass growth, ammonia and phosphate concentrations as well as the phosphorus storage using a set of average parameter values estimated with the experimental data. A statistical analysis of simulation and measured data suggests that culture history and substrate availability can introduce significant variability on parameter values for predicting the reaction rates for bulk nitrate and the intracellularly stored nitrogen state-variables, thereby requiring scenario specific model calibration. ASM-A was identified using standard cultivation medium and it can provide a platform for extensions accounting for factors influencing algal growth and nutrient storage using wastewater resources. Copyright

  1. Epithelial Markers aSMA, Krt14, and Krt19 Unveil Elements of Murine Lacrimal Gland Morphogenesis and Maturation. (United States)

    Kuony, Alison; Michon, Frederic


    As an element of the lacrimal apparatus, the lacrimal gland (LG) produces the aqueous part of the tear film, which protects the eye surface. Therefore, a defective LG can lead to serious eyesight impairment. Up to now, little is known about LG morphogenesis and subsequent maturation. In this study, we delineated elements of the cellular and molecular events involved in LG formation by using three epithelial markers, namely aSMA, Krt14, and Krt19. While aSMA marked a restricted epithelial population of the terminal end buds (TEBs) in the forming LG, Krt14 was found in the whole embryonic LG epithelial basal cell layer. Interestingly, Krt19 specifically labeled the presumptive ductal domain and subsequently, the luminal cell layer. By combining these markers, the Fucci reporter mouse strain and genetic fate mapping of the Krt14 + population, we demonstrated that LG epithelium expansion is fuelled by a patterned cell proliferation, and to a lesser extent by epithelial reorganization and possible mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition. We pointed out that this epithelial reorganization, which is associated with apoptosis, regulated the lumen formation. Finally, we showed that the inhibition of Notch signaling prevented the ductal identity from setting, and led to a LG covered by ectopic TEBs. Taken together our results bring a deeper understanding on LG morphogenesis, epithelial domain identity, and organ expansion.

  2. Controvérsias no manejo farmacológico da asma aguda infantil Controversies in the pharmacological management of acute asthma in children

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    Sérgio Luís Amantéa


    Full Text Available Objetivos: apresentar uma revisão acerca de questões controversas, relativas ao manejo farmacológico utilizado nos pacientes pediátricos portadores de asma aguda. Fontes dos dados: foram utilizadas informações de artigos publicados em revistas científicas nacionais e internacionais, selecionadas das bases de dados Lilacs e Medline. Síntese dos dados: o artigo foi estruturado em tópicos, apresentando aspectos consensuais no tratamento farmacológico da asma infantil. Questões relacionadas à utilização de inaladores dosimetrados versus nebulizadores, o papel das drogas ß2-adrenérgicas utilizadas pela via endovenosa, bem como das metilxantinas e do sulfato de magnésio, são abordados de maneira crítica. Conclusões: os ß2-agonistas administrados pela via inalatória, associados aos coricosteróides, permanecem o tratamento de eleição para episódios agudos de asma na população pediátrica. Tanto os nebulizadores quanto os inaladores dosimetrados, acoplados a espaçadores, são efetivos para alívio dos sintomas agudos. Pacientes refratários ao tratamento convencional, que evoluem para quadros de asma aguda grave, devem ter considerada a utilização de drogas ß2-agonistas pela via endovenosa, desde que adequadamente monitorizados. Quanto às metilxantinas e ao sulfato de magnésio, devem ser considerados alternativas secundárias para pacientes selecionados.Objective: to present a review of controversial issues related to the pharmacological management of the treatment of acute asthma in children. Sources: articles published in national and international scientific journals. Data were selected from Lilacs and Medline databases. Summary of the findings: the article was organized into topics, presenting aspects on which there is consensus regarding the pharmacological treatment of asthma in children. Issues related to the use of metered dose inhaler versus nebulizers, the role of ß2-adrenergic drugs administered intravenously

  3. Manejo da asma aguda em adultos na sala de emergência: evidências atuais Management of acute asthma in adults in the emergency room: current evidence

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    Paulo de Tarso Roth Dalcin


    Full Text Available Asma é uma doença com uma alta prevalência em nosso meio e ao redor do mundo. Embora novas opções terapêuticas tenham sido recentemente desenvolvidas, parece haver um aumento mundial na sua morbidade e mortalidade. Em muitas instituições, as exacerbações asmáticas ainda se constituem em uma emergência médica muito comum. As evidências têm demonstrado que o manejo da asma aguda na sala de emergência concentra decisões cruciais que podem determinar o desfecho desta situação clínica. Nesta revisão, enfocaremos a avaliação e o tratamento do paciente com asma aguda na sala de emergência, descrevendo uma estratégia apropriada para o seu manejo. Serão consideradas as seguintes etapas: diagnóstico, avaliação da gravidade, tratamento, avaliação das complicações, decisão sobre onde se realizará o tratamento adicional e orientações por ocasião da alta da emergência. Espera-se que estas recomendações contribuam para que o médico clínico tome as decisões apropriadas durante o manejo da asma aguda na sala de emergência.Asthma is a disease with high prevalence in our country and worldwide. Although new therapeutic approaches have been developed recently, there seems to be a global increase in morbidity and mortality from asthma. In many institutions, asthma exacerbation is still a common medical emergency. Clinical evidence demonstrates that management of acute asthma in the emergency room entails crucial decisions that could determine the clinical outcome. In this review, the authors focus on assessment and treatment of patients with acute asthma and outline an appropriate management strategy. Diagnosis, severity assessment, treatment, complications, decision about where additional treatment will take place and orientations on discharge from the emergency will be considered. It is expected that these recommendations will help physicians to make the appropriate decisions about care of acute asthma in the emergency

  4. Prueba cutánea con extractos alergénicos de pólenes y relación con signos clínicos de rinitis alérgica y asma bronquial en Camagüey, Cuba

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    Olimpio Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Los pólenes inciden sobre las mucosas provocando sensibilización alérgica, sin embargo, en Cuba son insuficientes los estudios sobre estos alergenos. Con el objetivo de conocer el comportamiento de Ambrosía psilostachya, Amaranthus leucocarpus, Helianthus annuus, Rumex acetosella, Lolium perenne, Cupressus lindley y Cocos nucifera, se realizó un estudio observacional analítico en el Servicio de Alergia del policlínico Previsora, Camagüey. La muestra fue de 529 individuos con rinitis o asma, con pruebas cutáneas por punción (prick test positivas a los ácaros, hongos y pólenes; el 40% de la misma estaba sensibilizada a pólenes con prueba de provocación nasal a estos alergenos. Se compararon según gravedad de los síntomas y los valores del habón de 3, 4 y 5 mm. Los grupos etarios con valores más altos de sensibilización fueron los de 6 a 12 y 19 a 44 años. No hubo diferencias significativas de sensibilización a los pólenes según sexo. Ambrosía y Lolium presentaron los porcentajes más altos de respuesta cutánea, con habones de 3 mm en un 49,98% y 40,09%, respectivamente. Tampoco se detectaron diferencias significativas. El 89,6% de los pacientes sensibilizados reaccionaron clínicamente a la provocación nasal. En los asintomáticos predominaron los habones de 3 mm y en los graves los de 5 mm. Los pólenes constituyeron una causa importante de sensibilización alérgica. Existió relación entre las pruebas cutáneas y la prueba de provocación nasal. El diámetro del habón de la respuesta cutánea a prick test se relacionó con la severidad de los síntomas clínicos.

  5. Is the global rise of asthma an early impact of anthropogenic climate change? Será o crescimento mundial de incidência da asma um impacto antecipado de mudanças climáticas antropogênicas?

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    Paul John Beggs


    Full Text Available The increase in asthma incidence, prevalence, and morbidity over recent decades presents a significant challenge to public health. Pollen is an important trigger of some types of asthma, and both pollen quantity and season depend on climatic and meteorological variables. Over the same period as the global rise in asthma, there have been considerable increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and global average surface temperature. We hypothesize anthropogenic climate change as a plausible contributor to the rise in asthma. Greater concentrations of carbon dioxide and higher temperatures may increase pollen quantity and induce longer pollen seasons. Pollen allergenicity can also increase as a result of these changes in climate. Exposure in early life to a more allergenic environment may also provoke the development of other atopic conditions, such as eczema and allergic rhinitis. Although the etiology of asthma is complex, the recent global rise in asthma could be an early health effect of anthropogenic climate change.O crescimento na incidência, prevalência e morbidade da asma durante as recentes décadas representa importante desafio para a saúde pública. Pólen é um importante desencadeador de alguns tipos de asma e tanto a sua quantidade como as especificidades das estações em que eles mais se disseminam dependem de variáveis climáticas e meteorológicas. No mesmo período em que se observa o incremento na incidência da asma houve considerável crescimento de concentração de dióxido de carbono na atmosfera e aumento da média de temperatura da superfície da terra. Nossa hipótese é a de que as mudanças antropogênicas do clima constituem um fator plausível para o incremento da incidência da asma. Maiores concentrações de dióxido de carbono e elevadas temperaturas podem aumentar a quantidade de pólen e induzir o aumento de variações climáticas que facilitam sua dispersão. Alergias a pólen podem aumentar

  6. Elaboración de una guía de práctica clínica de homeopatía para manejo de asma en niños con: Utilización de herramienta adapte 2.0 / Development of clinical practice guidelines for asthma manegement in children using agree 2.0 instrument


    Ferreira R., Sandra Liliana


    El asma es la enfermedad respiratoria crónica más frecuente en pediatría a nivel mundial, la homeopatía es una alternativa muy valiosa para el tratamiento del asma. Dentro de los estándares de calidad establecidos por la ley Colombiana, se establece la obligatoriedad de la creación de guías de práctica clínica para todas las especialidades incluyendo la Homeopatía. En este contexto surge la necesidad de contar con guías de práctica clínica para el diagnóstico y manejo del asma en niños en ...

  7. Instrumentos específicos para avaliar a qualidade de vida em crianças e adolescentes com asma


    Cristian Roncada; Rita Mattiello; Paulo M. Pitrez; Edgar E. Sarria


    OBJETIVO: Identificar e descrever os instrumentos específicos que avaliam a QVRS de crianças e adolescentes com asma. FONTES DOS DADOS: Realizamos buscas nas bases de dados PubMed, Ovid e LILACS utilizando várias combinações de descritores (MeSH terms), selecionando artigos originais sobre desenvolvimento de questionários específicos de QVRS, publicados em inglês, português ou espanhol, entre 1990 e 2012. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Foram identificados 15 instrumentos que preencheram os critérios de i...

  8. Avaliação do grau de controle clínico, espirométrico e da intensidade do processo inflamatório na asma Assessing clinical and spirometric control and the intensity of the inflammatory process in asthma

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    Cláudia R. de Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Revisar o papel da avaliação clínica, da qualidade de vida, da espirometria, do teste de broncoprovocação e dos marcadores inflamatórios na avaliação da asma. FONTES DOS DADOS: Pesquisa nas bases MEDLINE e LILACS. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A avaliação clínica auxilia na avaliação do controle da asma e é amplamente preconizada. No entanto, os pacientes podem apresentar obstrução e inflamação das vias aéreas a despeito da normalidade clínica. A espirometria quantifica o grau de obstrução das vias aéreas e auxilia no diagnóstico, enquanto a broncoprovocação pode ser indicada na suspeita de asma com espirometria normal. Já os marcadores inflamatórios do condensado do ar exalado, do escarro induzido e do lavado broncoalveolar, além dos fragmentos da biópsia brônquica, encontram-se alterados na asma e são métodos complexos, quase sempre restritos às pesquisas. A fração exalada de óxido nítrico (FeNO é elevada nos pacientes com asma, reprodutível e não invasiva, reduzindo-se com o tratamento. O uso da FeNO como auxiliar no ajuste de doses do corticoide inalatório tem sido estudado, mas as vantagens ainda não estão claras. CONCLUSÕES: Vários métodos são necessários para avaliar de forma acurada o controle da asma, e todos têm vantagens e limitações. A avaliação clínico-funcional é útil para o diagnóstico de asma, porém limitada para avaliar de forma precisa a intensidade do processo inflamatório nas vias aéreas. É necessário que mais estudos controlados, randomizados, com adequado poder estatístico sobre a utilidade dos marcadores inflamatórios não invasivos, especialmente a FeNO, no manejo da asma, sejam realizados para determinar sua utilidade clínica.OBJECTIVES: To review the role of clinical assessment, quality of life assessment, spirometry, bronchial responsiveness test and inflammatory markers for asthma assessment. SOURCES: Search run on MEDLINE and LILACS. SUMMARY OF THE

  9. Aspectos farmacológicos de la terapéutica del paciente asmático

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    Alicia Zapata Martínez


    Full Text Available El asma bronquial es un importante problema de salud en la atención primaria. Se sabe que un tratamiento correcto de la enfermedad contribuye a mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Se revisan los principales aspectos farmacológicos (acciones, indicaciones, efectos adversos, vía de administración y dosis de los 2 grupos de medicamentos más empleados en la terapéutica de la enfermedad que son: los broncodilatadores (salbutamol, teofilina, bromuro de ipratropio y los antiinflamatorios (cromoglicato de sodio y glucocorticoidesBronchial asthma is an important health problem in primary health care. It is known that an adequate treatment of the disease helps to improve the quality of life of these patients. The main pharmacological aspects (actions, indications, side effects, administration and dosage of the 2 most used groups of drugs in the therapeutics of the disease that are: the bronchodilators (salbutamol, theophylline, and ipratropium bromide, and the antiinflammatory drugs (disodium cromoglycate and glucocorticoids are reviewed.

  10. Irritantes químicos y prevalencia de asma y bronquitis crónica en los trabajadores de los servicios de limpieza de los establecimientos de salud de la región Puno, Perú

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    Uriel Llanqui Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Estudios realizados en diversas partes del mundo evidencian la presencia de enfermedades respiratorias como asma y bronquitis crónica en trabajadores de los servicios de limpieza hospitalaria, por el uso de productos químicos como cloro y otros irritantes. Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de asma y bronquitis en los trabajadores de los servicios de limpieza de los hospitales de la región Puno, Perú, y establecer su asociación con irritantes químicos. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal con 201 trabajadores (tasa de respuesta 33%. El instrumento fue elaborado tomando en cuenta estudios europeos sobre condiciones de trabajo y estado de salud y, el cuestionario de asma de la European Community Respiratory Health Survey. Se estimaron asociaciones mediante odds ratios (OR. Resultados: Un alto porcentaje de entrevistados (64% reportó exposición a productos químicos. Asma y bronquitis fueron reportados con 18 y 11%, respectivamente. La evaluación estadística no mostró ningún predictor de enfermedades respiratorias; para sibilancias en el pecho OR: 0.72 (IC 95%: 0.18-2.87, ni para bronquitis crónica OR = 1.92 (IC 95%: 0.22-16.75. El género no se evidenció como confusor en este estudio. Conclusión: El estudio mostró ausencia de asociación entre la exposición a sustancias químicas y la presencia de enfermedades respiratorias, en los trabajadores de limpieza de establecimientos de salud; la causa probable sería la alta tasa de rotación de este personal, y el nivel de dilución de las sustancias químicas utilizadas.

  11. The relationship between the severity of asthma and comorbidites with anxiety and depressive disorders Relação entre a gravidade da asma e comorbidade com transtornos de ansiedade e depressão

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    Alexandre M Valença


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: There is evidence that asthma is associated with increased frequency of psychiatric symptoms and mental disorders. Our aim was to assess the frequency of anxiety and depressive disorders in a sample of asthmatic outpatients and observe if there is any relationship between this comorbidity and the severity of asthma. METHOD: Sixty-two consecutive patients of two outpatient asthma clinics located in university hospitals were evaluated. Psychiatric diagnoses were assessed with the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview 4.4 Version. RESULTS: Twenty-seven patients (43.5% met criteria for at least one psychiatric diagnosis. The most frequent diagnoses were major depression (24%, generalized anxiety disorder (20.9% and panic disorder/agoraphobia spectrum disorders (17.7%. We found no significant differences in the prevalence of anxiety disorders and depression between the groups with mild/moderate and severe asthma. Despite the high frequency of depression and anxiety disorders, only 4 (6.5% patients were under psychiatric treatment and 13 (20.9% patients were taking benzodiazepines. Twelve of 15 (80% patients who reported present use of psychotropic medication were not under psychiatric treatment at the moment of the study. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the high morbidity of anxiety and depressive disorders in asthmatic patients, independent of the severity of asthma.OBJETIVO: Existem evidências de que a asma está associada a um aumento da presença de sintomas psiquiátricos e de transtornos mentais. O objetivo do presente estudo é o de averiguar a freqüência de transtornos de ansiedade e depressão em uma amostra de pacientes asmáticos ambulatoriais e observar se há relação deste tipo de comorbidade com a gravidade da asma. MÉTODO: Sessenta e dois pacientes consecutivos de dois ambulatórios universitários especializados em asma foram examinados. Os diagnósticos psiquiátricos foram obtidos em entrevista com a

  12. Ventilação mecânica não invasiva na crise de asma aguda grave em crianças: níveis de evidências

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    Paula de Souza Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade das evidências existentes para embasar diretrizes do emprego da ventilação mecânica não invasiva no manejo da crise de asma aguda grave em crianças não responsivas ao tratamento padrão. Métodos: Busca, seleção e análise de todos os artigos originais sobre asma e ventilação mecânica não invasiva em crianças, publicados até 1º de setembro de 2014, em todos os idiomas, nas bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Scopus e SciELO, encontrados por meio de busca pelos descritores "asthma", "status asthmaticus", "noninvasive ventilation", "bronchospasm", "continuous positive airway pressure", "child", "infant", "pediatrics", "hypercapnia", "respiratory failure", e das palavras-chave "BIPAP", "CPAP", "bilevel", "acute asthma" e "near fatal asthma". Os artigos foram qualificados segundo os graus de evidências do Sistema GRADE. Resultados: Foram obtidos apenas nove artigos originais. Destes, dois (22% apresentaram nível de evidência A, um (11% apresentou nível de evidência B e seis (67% apresentaram nível de evidência C. Conclusão: Sugere-se que o emprego da ventilação mecânica não invasiva na crise de asma aguda grave em crianças não responsivas ao tratamento padrão é aplicável à maioria desses pacientes, mas as evidências não podem ser consideradas conclusivas, uma vez que pesquisa adicional de alta qualidade provavelmente tenha um impacto modificador na estimativa de efeito.

  13. Uso de terapias não convencionais no manejo da crise aguda de asma refratária




    Uma paciente em crise aguda de asma, refratária ao uso de beta2-agonista inalatório e intravenoso, aminofilina intravenosa e corticóide, em ventilação mecânica, foi tratada com métodos terapêuticos não convencionais: broncoscopia, lavado broncoalveolar com N-acetilcisteína e ventilação com halotano. Houve melhora dos parâmetros ventilatórios após o lavado e a resolução do broncoespasmo ocorreu após a anestesia, propiciando a extubação e alta da UTI. É feita uma revisão da literatura sobre o u...

  14. A asma e a DPOC na visão do pneumologista Asthma and COPD according to the pulmonologist

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    Hisbello da Silva Campos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar como o pneumologista vê o impacto da asma e da DPOC na sua clientela, e como ele vem tratando essas doenças. MÉTODOS: Inquérito com 227 pneumologistas participantes do VI Congresso de Asma e II Congressos Brasileiros de DPOC e de Tabagismo, realizados em 2007. RESULTADOS: As respostas dos pneumologistas mostraram que a DPOC é um problema de saúde pública igual ou maior que a asma, e que a DPOC causa inúmeros transtornos para o doente e para seus familiares. Na escolha do dispositivo inalatório, a simplicidade de uso é mais importante que o custo, havendo discreta predileção pelos sistemas Aeroliser® e Diskus®. A associação entre budesonida e formoterol foi a conduta terapêutica mais citada para o tratamento continuado do asmático sintomático, enquanto o brometo de tiotrópio foi o medicamento preferido pela maior parte para o tratamento continuado do portador de DPOC. A escolha do esquema para o tratamento continuado do asmático e do portador de DPOC é especialmente influenciada pela publicação de resultados de ensaios terapêuticos na literatura. CONCLUSÕES: A opinião do pneumologista sobre os temas abordados está de acordo com a literatura especializada.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate how pulmonologists view the impact that asthma and COPD has on their patients, as well as how they treat these diseases. METHODS: Survey including 227 pulmonologists participating in the VI Brazilian Asthma Conference, II Brazilian COPD Conference and II Brazilian Smoking Conference, all of which were held in 2007. RESULTS: According to the answers given by the pulmonologists, COPD is a public health problem of equal or greater importance than asthma, and COPD causes various disruptions in the lives of patients and their family members. When prescribing an inhalation device, pulmonologists feel that simplicity of use is more important than is the cost. There was a slight preference for the Aeroliser® and Diskus® systems. The

  15. Prevalência de asma em escolares de Alta Floresta - município ao sudeste da Amazônia brasileira Prevalence of asthma in schoolchildren in a municipality in the southeast of the Brazilian Amazon

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    Márcia Regina de Col de Farias


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência e os sintomas relacionados à asma em escolares e adolescentes residentes em Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal de base populacional da prevalência de asma em escolares de 6 e 7 anos de idade e adolescentes de 13 e 14 anos do município de Alta Floresta, MT, no ano de 2007. Foi utilizado o método padronizado do Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood - ISAAC, fase I, considerando como asmáticos aqueles estudantes que responderam afirmativamente à questão 2 - "presença de sibilos nos últimos 12 meses". RESULTADOS: Participaram da pesquisa 2.071 estudantes, dos quais 1.072 eram escolares (51,7% e 999 adolescentes (48,3%. A prevalência de asma entre os escolares foi de 21,4%, enquanto entre os adolescentes foi 12,4% (χ2 = 29,29; ρ = 0,00. Os escolares apresentaram maior prevalência dos seguintes sintomas: sibilos alguma vez na vida (49,9%, sibilos nos últimos 12 meses (21,4%, de 1 a 3 crises de sibilos (16,4% e tosse seca noturna (38,2%. Para diagnóstico médico de asma não houve diferença entre os dois grupos, situando-se em torno de 6,0%. Os escolares do gênero masculino apresentaram maior prevalência de asma, asma diagnosticada por médico e freqüência de sibilos maior ou igual a 4 vezes nos últimos 12 meses (ρ OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence and symptoms of asthma in students of the Brazilian Amazon municipality of Alta Floresta-MT. METHODS: Cross-sectional study on the prevalence of asthma in 6 and 7 year-old children and 13 to 14 year-old adolescents, using the Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood - ISAAC method, phase I in 2007. Students who answered affirmatively question 2 - "presence of wheezing in the past 12 months" were considered asthmatic. RESULTS: Of the total 2,071 students, 1,072 (51.7% were children and 999 (48.3% were teenagers. The prevalence of asthma was 21.4% among schoolchildren, and 12.4% among adolescents (χ2 = 29.29; ρ = 0

  16. Formaldehyde exposure and asthma in children: a systematic review Exposição ao formol e asma em crianças: uma revisão sistemática

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    Gerald McGwin Jr.


    Full Text Available Despite multiple published studies regarding the association between formaldehyde exposure and childhood asthma, a consistent association has not been identified. Here we report the results of a systematic review of published literature in order to provide a more comprehensive picture of this relationship. After a literature search, we identified seven studies providing quantitative results regarding the association between formaldehyde exposure and asthma in children. Studies were heterogeneous with respect to the definition of asthma. For each study, an odds ratio (OR and 95% confidence interval (CI for asthma were abstracted from published results or calculated based on the data provided. We used fixed- and random-effects models to calculate pooled ORs and 95% CIs; measures of heterogeneity were also calculated. A fixed-effects model produced an OR of 1.03 (95% CI, 1.021.04, and random effects model produced an OR of 1.17 (95% CI, 1.011.36, both reflecting an increase of 10 mg/m3 of formaldehyde. Both the Q and I2 statistics indicated a moderate amount of heterogeneity. Results indicate a positive association between formaldehyde exposure and childhood asthma. Given the largely cross-sectional nature of the studies underlying this meta-analysis, further well-designed prospective epidemiologic studies are needed.Apesar de múltiplos estudos publicados sobre a associação entre exposição ao formol e asma infantil, uma relação consistente ainda não foi identificada. Nós relacionamos os resultados de revisão de estudos publicados a fim de fornecer uma imagem mais compreensível desta relação. Após pesquisa, foram identificados sete estudos que proviam resultados quantitativos sobre a associação entre a exposição ao formol e a asma infantil. Estudos foram heterogêneos em relação à definição de asma. Para cada estudo, uma razão de chances (RC e 95% de intervalo de confiança (IC para asma foram abstraídos de resultados

  17. Infecção na modulaçâo da asma The role of infection in asthma

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    J Pinto Mendes


    Full Text Available Faz -se uma revisão da influência das infecções no aparecimento e na clínica da asma brônquica. Dá -se o relevo que merece à intervenção virusal, sobretudo ao rinovírus, pela sua influência nas exacerbações, e ao vírus sincicial respiratório, sobre o qual recai a suspeita de poder ser causa determinante no aparecimento da síndroma asmática. Tentam-se esclarecer os mecanismos da resposta imune à agressão virusal em função das debilidades da resposta do asmático e do atópico, sobretudo no período perinatal, salientando -se, ainda, um efeito de potenciação da agressão virusal sobre a resposta atópica. Aborda -se a hipótese higiénica e a sua falta de consistência científica, pelo menos no papel que pretende atribuir a um não demonstrado antagonismo das respostas linfocitárias Th1 e Th2, apontando -se a importância actual da investigação, não das bactérias mas dos produtos bacterianos, como as endotoxinas, na modulação da asma e da atopia, dando -se relevo aos estudos que, a partir deste modelo, demonstram uma influência do ambiente na secreção génica e, consequentemente, no fenótipo. Invocam -se, nas entrelinhas, vários mecanismos que podem explicar a asma neutrofílica que, para muitos, é um paradoxo perante o consagrado domínio do eosinófilo na inflamação asmática.This paper reviews the impact of infections on the onset and clinical course of bronchial asthma. A just emphasis is given to the role viral infections, particularly rhinovirus infections, play in exacerbations, and that played by respiratory syncytial virus, suspected of triggering the asthmatic syndrome. The mechanisms of the immune response to virus attacks are explained, highlighting the asthmatic and allergic patient’s weakened response, particularly in the perinatal period. Further stressed is a potentiating effect of viral aggression on the allergic response. The hygiene hypothesis and its lack of scientific consistency is


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    Luanda Dias da Silva Salviano


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a associação entre os valores da fração exalada de óxido nítrico (FeNO e do volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1 e o grau de controle da asma, segundo proposta do Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA, em crianças e adolescentes asmáticos atendidos no Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz(IFF/FIOCRUZ. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com revisão de prontuários de 90 asmáticos entre 7 e17 anos de idade, acompanhados no Ambulatório de Asma do IFF/FIOCRUZ e encaminhados ao setor de Prova de Função Respiratória (PFR entre março de 2013 e setembro de 2014. Após classificação segundo o GINA, os pacientes realizaram espirometria completa e medida da FeNO. Posteriormente, foram separados em dois grupos: em uso regular e não regular de corticosteroide inalatório (CI, independentemente do padrão ventilatório na espirometria. Resultados: Observou-se associação entre os valores de VEF1 e o grau de controle da asma segundo o GINA (p=0,001 em todos os pacientes analisados, independentemente do uso de CI, mas não houve associação entre os valores de VEF1 e os níveis da FeNO. Conclusões: A correlação observada entre o GINA e o VEF1 reforça a importância da espirometria no seguimento clínico desses pacientes. Embora não tenha sido detectada associação entre o valor da FeNO e o grau de controle da asma e o VEF1,a FeNO pode constituir um método precoce para detectar inflamação nas vias aéreas, antes mesmo dos sintomas e das alterações espirométricas.

  19. Doenças inflamatórias alérgicas das vias aéreas superiores e suas implicações na asma brônquica – A propósito de um caso clínico

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    Ana L. Fonseca


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma doente referenciada à consulta de alergologia respiratória por “asma de difícil controlo”. A investigação clínica conduziu à identificação de patologia inflamatória crónica das vias aéreas superiores de carácter grave, como factor de agravamento da asma brônquica. Após terapêutica, que no referido caso implicou abordagem cirúrgica dos seios perinasais, houve melhoria franca do controlo da asma. A propósito do caso, é efectuada uma revisão das principais patologias inflamatórias alérgicas das vias aéreas superiores (rinite, sinusite e polipose nasal e abordadas as suas principais implicações no controlo da asma brônquica.Rev Port Pneumol 2006; XII (5: 563-580 Abstract: The authors present a case report of a patient refered to physician for “difficult-to-treat asthma”. Clinical evaluation concluded that severe chronic inflammatory upper airway disease was an asthma worsening factor. Patient demonstrated improvement in asthma control, after surgery.In the context of the clinical study, the authors present a review of the most common allergic inflammatory diseases of the upper airways (allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis and nasal polyposis and reflect on their impact on asthma.Rev Port Pneumol 2006; XII (5: 563-580 Palavras-chave: Asma brônquica, rinite alérgica, sinusite crónica, polipose nasal, Key-words: Asthma, allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyposis

  20. Prevalence of developmental defects of enamel in children and adolescents with asthma Prevalência de defeitos do desenvolvimento do esmalte dentário em crianças e adolescentes com asma

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    Rodrigho Pelisson Guergolette


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of developmental defects of enamel (DDEs in relation to asthma severity, symptom onset and pharmacological treatment in pediatric asthma patients. METHODS: Children and adolescents (68 asthma patients and 68 controls, 5-15 years of age and residents of the city of Londrina, Brazil, were enrolled in the study. Medical and dental histories were collected through the use of a structured questionnaire. Each participant underwent a dental examination in which the examiner employed the DDE index. RESULTS: Of the 68 asthma group subjects, 61 (89.7% presented dental enamel defects, compared with only 26 (38.2% of those in the control group. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, we estimated the risk of DDEs in permanent dentition to be 11 times higher in pediatric subjects with asthma than in those without (OR = 11.88, p = 0.0001. The occurrence of dental enamel defects correlated with greater asthma severity (p = 0.0001 and earlier symptom onset (p = 0.0001. However, dental enamel defects did not correlate with the initiation of treatment (p = 0.08 or the frequency of medication use (p = 0.93. CONCLUSIONS: Pediatric patients with severe, early-onset asthma are at increased risk of dental enamel defects and therefore require priority dental care.OBJETIVO: Avaliou-se a prevalência de developmental defects of enamel (DDEs, defeitos de desenvolvimento do esmalte dentário em pacientes pediátricos com asma e sua relação com a severidade da asma, o início dos sintomas e o tratamento medicamentoso. MÉTODOS: Os participantes do estudo eram residentes do município de Londrina (PR, com 5 a 15 anos, sendo 68 asmáticos e 68 controles. Foram levantados dados retrospectivos da história médica e de saúde bucal da população do estudo através de um questionário estruturado. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a um exame dental. Para a avaliação dos defeitos de desenvolvimento do

  1. Identification of lines of electric lines of three-phase distribution networks in the composition of ASMAE

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    Omorov Turatbek


    Full Text Available The problem of protection of a three-phase four-wire distribution network (DEN with a voltage of 0.4 kV from the interruption of electric power lines is considered. On the basis of the analysis of the values of complex resistances of interpersonal sections of the main line of the network, criteria are proposed that allow detecting critical situations associated with discontinuities in power transmission lines. Using these criteria makes it possible to localize the places of breaks of phase and neutral wires. Mathematical models and methods that are used to evaluate the complex resistances of interpersonal sections of a three-phase network are briefly considered. The obtained results are oriented for use in the automated system of electricity control and accounting (ASMAE.

  2. Glucocorticoids in the treatment of asthma in children Los glucocorticoides en el tratamiento del asma en pediatría

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    Olga Francisca Salazar Blanco


    Full Text Available Today, asthma is considered an inflammatory disease; steroids could be the drugs of choice for its treatment since they work at different points of the asthmatic reaction, decreasing the infiltration of inflammatory cells, and inhibiting the production of some of them and the release of citokines and other proinflammatory agents; they also diminish mucus secretion in the submucosal glands, improve the response of B2 receptors to bronchodilators and reduce vascular permeability. These and other actions manifest themselves in clinical improvement, less frequent acute crises, hospitalizations and consultations, and lesser deterioration of pulmonary function. Though inhaled corticosteroids are safe and effective drugs in children, they must be used at minimal doses and during the shortest time required by patients. Inadequate use of systemic corticosteroids, either oral or parenteral, can have undesirable effects, some of them irreversible. Corticosteroids neither cure asthma nor reduce its mortality; that is the reason for the active search of other substances or strategies to reduce or block the inflammatory process or the disease itself. El asma se considera hoy una enfermedad inflamatoria para la cual los esteroides podrían ser fármacos de primera elección. Ellos actúan en diferentes puntos de la reacción asmática, disminuyen el infiltrado de células inflamatorias e inhiben la producción de algunas de ellas, así como la liberación de citoquinas y agentes proinflamatorios; reducen la secreción de moco en las glándulas submucosas, mejoran la respuesta de los receptores 82 a los broncodilatadores y controlan la permeabilidad vascular; éstas y otras acciones se traducen en una mejoría clínica de los pacientes que sufren crisis agudas, en disminución del número de hospitalizaciones y consultas y, a largo plazo, en un menor deterioro de la función pulmonar. Los esteroides por vía inhalatoria para el tratamiento del asma son f

  3. Inhibidor del factor de agregación plaquetaria como terapia coadyuvante en pacientes con asma esteroideo-dependiente, 2001

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    Luis Velásquez


    Full Text Available

    El asma es un desorden inflamatorio crónico de las vías aéreas que causa episodios recurrentes de sibilancias, disnea, opresión torácica y tos. Es una de las condiciones patológicas más frecuentes en la población general. Representa una entidad de alto costo no sólo por los días de incapacidad laboral y estudiantil que genera, sino también para el sistema actual de salud. A pesar de esto es una enfermedad poco entendida y cuyo tratamiento dista mucho de ser ideal.


  4. Broncoespasmo induzido pelo exercício em crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico de asma


    Cassol,Vitor E.; Trevisan,Maria E.; Moraes,Eliane Z. C. de; Portela,Luiz O. C.; Barreto,Sérgio Saldanha Menna


    INTRODUÇÃO: A broncoconstrição temporária após o exercício físico tem elevada prevalência em crianças e adolescentes asmáticos. OBJETIVO: Determinar a freqüência e gravidade do broncoespasmo induzido pelo exercício em crianças e adolescentes, com diagnóstico clínico de asma leve, moderada e grave. MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, tipo transversal, não controlado. A amostra constituiu-se de 40 indivíduos asmáticos, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 7 e 18 anos, que não utilizavam r...

  5. Epigenetics in asthma Epigenética en asma

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    Luis Caraballo


    ="EN-US">genes, respectively.

    Smoking, bacterial and viral infections, maternal diet and environmental pollution are also factors that trigger epigenetic processes such as histone acetylation and induction of inflammatory cytokines, inactivation of histone deacetytransferases, polarization of the immune response toward the Th2 type and increased production of IgE and cytokines of this profile. We review the epigenetic effects resulting from therapy with corticosteroids and theophylline, and other factors that might influence the risk of asthma in childhood such as maternal intake of fruits, vegetables, fish oils, vitamins, minerals, and the use of probiotics and antibiotics during pregnancy.

    El asma es una enfermedad respiratoria crónica con alta heredabilidad. Se ha propuesto que en su patogénesis participan varios genes con efectos variables al igual que factores ambientales, y se ha sugerido que los mecanismos epigenéticos pueden mediar parte del efecto de los factores ambientales en el comienzo y la evolución de la enfermedad. La epigenética describe los cambios en la expresión génica heredables durante las mitosis y meiosis que no son codificados en la secuencia de ADN. Ellos incluyen la metilación o desmetilación del ADN y la acetilación, desacetilación, ubiquitinación, sumoilación y fosforilación de histonas, cambios en los microARN y alteraciones cromatínicas. En esta revisión se describen hallazgos que establecen una relación entre algunos mecanismos epigenéticos y el

  6. Evaluación clínica y funcional en niños asmáticos tratados con montelukast

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    Concepción Sánchez Infante


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma bronquial es una enfermedad que se considera puede ser controlable, aunque no puede curarse, pero sus manifestaciones clínicas, que son las que afectan al paciente, pueden desaparecer o disminuir hasta lograr una vida normal, o casi normal, para este y sus familiares, con una serie de medidas medicamentosas y no medicamentosas. Objetivo: evaluar la eficacia del montelukast en el tratamiento de niños asmáticos persistentes. Métodos: se realizó un estudio en 65 niños asmáticos persistentes en el Hospital Pediátrico Universitario "William Soler". Se evaluaron los síntomas, pruebas funcionales respiratorias, días perdidos en la escuela, y control de la enfermedad, inicialmente, y un año después de la introducción del montelukast. Se observó la posibilidad de efectos secundarios. Resultados: 55 pacientes (84,6 % tenían tos nocturna diaria antes del tratamiento. Al año, la tos nocturna diaria se observó solo en 9 (13,9 %; 43 (66,1 % presentaban sibilancias al reírse, mientras que al año 1 (1,6 % mantenía sibilancias diarias con la risa; 41 (63,0 % tenían, inicialmente, afectación de la actividad física, mientras que al año 51 (78,4 % no tenían limitaciones. El 100 % tenía ausencias escolares. Durante el año de tratamiento 34 (57,0 % no presentaron días perdidos; 42 (64,6 % tenían crisis diarias, sin embargo, al reevaluar, 38 (58,5 % no tuvieron crisis. Habían tenido ingresos hospitalarios 23 (35,4 %, pero posteriormente solo 5 necesitaron hospitalización. Antes del tratamiento, 49 (75,0 % necesitaron tratamiento de rescate, en cambio, durante el año disminuyó a 27 (41,0 %. 19 niños (38,0 % tenían inicialmente el volumen espiratorio forzado en 1 s menor del 80 %, y solamente 8 (16,0 % posteriormente. Antes del tratamiento el 100 % de los pacientes tenían asma no controlada o parcialmente controlada, mientras que al año el 57 % tenía el asma controlada. No se observaron reacciones adversas

  7. Prevalência de sintomas de asma e fatores de risco associados em adolescentes escolares de 13 e 14 anos dos municípios de Tubarão e Capivari de Baixo, Santa Catarina, Brasil Prevalence of asthma symptoms and risk factors among adolescents in Tubarão and Capivari de Baixo, Santa Catarina State, Brazil

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    Daiane Breda


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi medir a prevalência, a gravidade dos sintomas de asma e investigar fatores de risco associados entre a presença de chiado nos últimos 12 meses (asma atual e fatores pessoais, geográficos e sócio-econômicos em adolescentes escolares de 13 e 14 anos matriculados em sétimas e oitavas séries dos municípios de Tubarão e Capivari de Baixo, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Este é um estudo transversal que utilizou o questionário ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, aplicado em 1.870 adolescentes de 42 escolas dos dois municípios, entre os meses de março a maio de 2005. A prevalência de asma atual foi de 11,8% e de asma "alguma vez na vida" foi 7,8%. A prevalência de despertar uma ou mais noites na semana foi de 2,1%; 8,1% tiveram 1-3 crises de chiado nos últimos 12 meses e 3,7% apresentaram limitação da fala. Na análise multivariada sexo feminino, história familiar, pai e mãe com asma, moradia alugada e fumante dentro de casa foram fatores de risco para asma atual. A prevalência de asma atual e a gravidade dos sintomas foram comparativamente menores em relação ao encontrado em outros estudos brasileiros.This study aimed to measure the prevalence and severity of asthma symptoms and to investigate the association between asthma symptoms and personal, geographic, and socioeconomic variables in 13-14-year-old schoolchildren enrolled in the 7th and 8th grades in Tubarão and Capivari de Baixo, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. This was a cross-sectional study using the ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood written questionnaire, applied to 1,870 adolescents enrolled in 42 schools in the two cities, from March to May 2005. Prevalence of current asthma (defined as wheezing in the previous 12 months was 11.8%, and there was a 7.8% lifetime prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma. Prevalence of wheezing that interrupted sleep (one or more nights per week was 2.1%; 8

  8. Prevalência de asma em escolares e adolescentes em um município na região da Amazônia brasileira Prevalence of asthma in children and adolescents in a city in the Brazilian Amazon region

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    Antonia Maria Rosa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de asma e seus sintomas em estudantes de duas faixas etárias específicas, residentes no município de Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional da prevalência de asma em escolares de 6-7 anos de idade e em adolescentes de 13-14 anos, utilizando o questionário padronizado e validado para uso no Brasil do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, fase 1. Foram considerados como asmáticos aqueles estudantes que responderam afirmativamente à questão 2 (presença de sibilância nos últimos 12 meses. RESULTADOS: Participaram da pesquisa 3.362 estudantes, dos quais 1.634 (48,6% eram escolares e 1.728 (51,4% eram adolescentes. Entre os 1.634 escolares, 816 (49,9% eram do gênero masculino e 818 (50,1% do feminino. Entre os 1.728 adolescentes, 773 (45,0% eram do gênero masculino e 955 (55,0% do feminino. A prevalência de asma entre os escolares foi de 25,2%, enquanto que entre os adolescentes esta foi de 15,9% (χ2 = 8,34; p = 0,00. Os escolares apresentaram maiores prevalências dos seguintes sintomas de asma do que os adolescentes: sibilância alguma vez na vida (54,3%, tosse seca noturna (43,9%, sibilância nos últimos 12 meses (25,2%, e de 1 a 3 crises de sibilância nos últimos 12 meses (19,1%. Quanto ao diagnóstico médico de asma, não houve diferença entre os dois grupos (aproximadamente 4,5%. Não foi verificada diferença estatisticamente significante na prevalência de asma entre os gêneros nos dois grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Tangará da Serra apresenta elevada prevalência de asma entre escolares e adolescentes, resultado compatível com estudos realizados no Brasil e na América Latina utilizando a mesma metodologia.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence of asthma and asthma symptoms in students of two distinct age brackets residing in the city of Tangará da Serra, Brazil. METHODS: Cross-sectional, population-based study of the prevalence of

  9. Uso de terapias não convencionais no manejo da crise aguda de asma refratária Non-conventional therapies to manage refractory acute asthma attack

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    Full Text Available Uma paciente em crise aguda de asma, refratária ao uso de beta2-agonista inalatório e intravenoso, aminofilina intravenosa e corticóide, em ventilação mecânica, foi tratada com métodos terapêuticos não convencionais: broncoscopia, lavado broncoalveolar com N-acetilcisteína e ventilação com halotano. Houve melhora dos parâmetros ventilatórios após o lavado e a resolução do broncoespasmo ocorreu após a anestesia, propiciando a extubação e alta da UTI. É feita uma revisão da literatura sobre o uso desses métodos na crise aguda de asma.A patient with an acute asthma attack refractory to inhaled and intravenous beta2-agonist, aminophylline and corticosteroids was submitted to mechanical ventilation and treated with non-conventional therapies: bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage using N-acetylcysteine and halothane inhalation. The ventilatory parameters improved after lavage, however, bronchospasm resolution occurred only after anesthesia which was followed by extubation and discharge from the ICU. A review of the use of these non-conventional therapeutic modalities for the management of acute asthma attack is presented.

  10. Asociación entre atopia, asma alérgica y anticuerpos IgE específicos para Áscaris en un grupo de niños de una ciudad de la costa norte colombiana

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    Dary Luz Mendoza Meza


    Conclusiones: Este resultado puede ser explicado por la presencia de reactividad cruzada entre los antígenos de Dpt y As. No se encontró asociación estadística entre la sensibilización a Dpt ó As y la severidad del asma.

  11. Efeitos da nebulização com broncodilatadores carreados pelo heliox associada ao posicionamento corporal em pacientes com crise aguda de asma


    Cunha Brandão, Daniella


    A asma é uma doença respiratória com eficiente arsenal farmacológico. Embora, estratégias terapêuticas ainda pouco utilizadas na prática clínica podem mostrar-se relevantes para o controle desta doença. Dentro deste contexto, o heliox e a atuação fisioterapêutica vêm sendo estudados pela comunidade científica à busca de demonstrar seus benefícios e efetividade em pacientes asmáticos. O heliox é um gás metabolicamente inerte e seguro com menor densidade que o oxigênio, podendo d...

  12. Asma e ascaridíase em crianças de 2 a 10 anos de um bairro de periferia Asthma and ascariasis in children aged two to ten living in a low income suburb

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    Maria Teresa Nascimento Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a associação entre asma e ascaridíase em crianças do bairro Pedregal, da cidade de Campina Grande (Paraíba, onde são baixos os indicadores de desenvolvimento humano. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: foi aplicado o questionário padrão do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC, em 1.095 crianças, mas apenas 742 o responderam e entregaram a amostra fecal para realização do exame parasitológico. A faixa etária das 742 crianças incluídas no estudo transversal foi de 2 a 10 anos de idade. A associação entre asma e ascaridíase foi estudada pelo índice Kappa. As análises das variáveis demográficas e clínicas, comparando os dois grupos, foram realizadas pelo teste do qui-quadrado (chi² ou o teste t de Student para os dados quantitativos (contínuos. RESULTADOS: nas 742 crianças, as proporções dos sexos foram semelhantes: 51,9% (n = 385 do masculino e 48,1% (n = 357 do feminino. Nessas crianças, a prevalência de asma foi de 59,7% (n = 443 e da ascaridíase de 56,3% (n = 418, sendo semelhante (chi² = 0,27; p > 0,60 a freqüência de asma no grupo portador de ascaridíase (60,5% ou sem essa helmintíase (58,6%. CONCLUSÃO: apesar da elevada freqüência dos agravos estudados, não há aparente associação entre asma e ascaridíase na população estudada.OBJECTIVE: to assess the relation between children with asthma and ascariasis in the low income neighborhood of Pedregal, in Campina Grande (Paraíba, Brazil. MATERIAL AND METHOD: the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISSAC standard questionnaire was distributed to 1,095 children but only 742 of them answered it and provided stool samples for parasite examination. The cross-sectional study included those 742 children, whose age ranged from 2 to 10 years. The association between asthma and ascariasis was studied through Kappa rating. Demographic and clinic variants comparing the two groups were analyzed by chi-square test

  13. Comparação entre dois métodos de avaliação do controle da asma baseados na percepção individual Comparison between two methods of asthma control evaluation based on individual perception

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    Paula Cristina Andrade Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a percepção subjetiva do controle da asma informada pelo paciente com aquela obtida por meio do escore do Asthma Control Questionnaire com seis questões (ACQ-6 em pacientes com asma grave e verificar se o controle da asma está associado ao número de visitas a salas de emergência no mês anterior. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de 528 pacientes acompanhados na Central de Referência do Programa para Controle da Asma e Rinite Alérgica na Bahia, entre agosto de 2008 e março de 2010, em Salvador (BA. Os pacientes responderam ao ACQ-6 e a uma questão adicional específica para avaliar sua percepção do controle da doença na semana prévia. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 423 pacientes, que preencheram os critérios de inclusão. A maioria era do gênero feminino (81,3% e possuía renda familiar menor que dois salários mínimos (64,3%. A média de idade foi de 49,85 ± 13,71 anos, e a duração dos sintomas de asma foi de 32,11 ± 16,35 anos. Os pacientes eram regularmente tratados no programa há 36,65 ± 18,10 meses. Baseados na percepção subjetiva do controle, 8% dos pacientes consideraram a sua asma não controlada, enquanto 38,8% obtiveram escore do ACQ > 1,5, indicando falta de controle. O coeficiente kappa revelou fraca concordância entre os dois métodos. Houve uma associação direta entre falta de controle e número de visitas a emergência no mês anterior (p OBJECTIVE: To compare the subjective perception of asthma control reported by the patient with that measured by the score obtained on the Asthma Control Questionnaire 6-item version (ACQ-6 in patients with severe asthma and to determine whether asthma control is associated with the number of emergency room visits in the previous month. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving 528 patients treated at the Bahia State Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis Control Program Central Referral Clinic between August of 2008 and March of 2010, in the city of Salvador

  14. Interface entre a natação e o tratamento da asma sob a perspectiva do paciente asmático


    João Lucas Pinto Matias; Braulio Nogueira de Oliveira


    Objetivo: analisar a interface entre a natação e o tratamento da asma sob a perspectiva do praticante asmático. Método: trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, realizada com cinco crianças e adolescentes, praticantes de natação. Foi utilizada como técnica de construção das informações empíricas a entrevista semiestruturada e, para análise das informações, a análise de conteúdo do tipo análise temática, em que emergiram dois núcleos de sentido: descoberta e percepção da doença e relação entre o trat...

  15. Estudo transversal da avaliação do controlo da rinite e asma alérgicas em consulta hospitalar de Imunoalergologia através do questionário CARAT10

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    P. Ricardo Pereira


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: As últimas guidelines para o tratamento da asma e rinite recomendam o controlo otimizado de ambas as doenças como objetivo primário da terapêutica. O questionário CARAT10 foi recentemente desenvolvido e validado em Portugal e permite a avaliação simultânea do controlo da rinite e da asma alérgicas (RAA. Não existem estudos previamente publicados sobre a utilização deste instrumento de avaliação. Objetivo: Avaliar o controlo da RAA usando o questionário CARAT10 em consulta hospitalar de Imunoalergologia. Métodos: Doentes com o diagnóstico médico de rinite com ou sem asma alérgica (testes cutâneos para aeroalergénios e/ou IgE específicas positivas foram sequencialmente incluídos e preencheram o questionário CARAT10 na primeira consulta hospitalar de Imunoalergologia. Resultados: Foram incluídos 200 doentes, a maioria do sexo feminino (n = 142 com uma idade média de 33,6 ± 12,3 anos, 86 apresentavam RAA e 114 rinite alérgica isolada. No grupo de doentes com RAA, 86% obtiveram uma pontuação no CARATtotal ≤ 24, significando mau controlo. As pontuações parciais do CARAT revelaram que 83% apresentavam rinite não controlada (CARATr ≤ 8 e 74% asma não controlada (CARATa < 16. Relativamente ao escalão etário e ao género, não se verificaram diferenças significativas no que diz respeito ao controlo da RAA. No grupo com rinite alérgica isolada (n = 114, 89% apresentavam mau controlo da doença. Conclusão: Apenas 14% dos doentes apresentaram rinite e asma alérgicas controladas. Abstract: Introduction: The most recent guidelines on asthma and rhinitis management recommend the optimal control of both diseases as the primary goal of treatment. CARAT10 is a recently developed and validated Portuguese questionnaire, which permits the simultaneous assessment of

  16. Risk factors for asthma and cough among Hispanic children in the southwestern United States of America, 2003-2004 Factores de riesgo de asma y tos en niños hispanos en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos de América, 2003-2004

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    Melissa Gonzales


    de la madre (México frente a los Estados Unidos de América en la prevalencia de asma y tos seca nocturna en niños de 2-12 años de edad que viven en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos de América. MÉTODOS: Los datos se colectaron de noviembre de 2003 a marzo de 2004 como parte de una encuesta de salud de madres hispanas con hijos pequeños, que solicitaron servicios de emergencia, nutrición o clínicos. Se obtuvo la información sobre el estado de salud respiratoria de un hijo seleccionado aleatoriamente por cada madre nacida en los Estados Unidos de América (n = 144 o en México (n = 125. Se colectó información sobre las variables sociodemográficas de la madre y del hogar, el hábito de fumar, los antecedentes de asma de los padres y la exposición del niño al HAT en habitaciones o automóviles en los siete días previos. Las razones de prevalencia ajustadas se estimaron mediante modelos de regresión de Poisson modificados. RESULTADOS: La mayoría de las variables sociodemográficas y de exposición al HAT presentaron diferencias significativas según el país de nacimiento de la madre. La prevalencia de asma según el modelo fue de 1,95 (intervalo de confianza de 95% [IC95%] = 1,03 a 3,68 veces mayor en niños de madres nacidas en Estados Unidos de América que en los de madres nacidas en México. Esta diferencia se mantuvo después de controlar por los factores de riesgo de asma conocidos, entre ellos los antecedentes de asma de los padres, las variables socioeconómicas y demográficas y la exposición del niño al HAT. La exposición reciente del niño al HAT en automóviles se asoció con la tos seca nocturna (razón de prevalencia ajustada [RP] = 1,94; IC95% = 1,19 a 3,15 y asma (RP = 2,09; IC95% = 0,99 a 4,39. CONCLUSIONES: La exposición al HAT en automóviles es un importante factor de riesgo de asma y de tos seca nocturna en niños hispanos en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos de América, independientemente del país de nacimiento de la madre

  17. Asma induzida pelo exercício: aspectos atuais e recomendações Asma inducido por el ejercicio: aspectos actuales y recomendaciones Exercise-induced asthma: current aspects and recommendations

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    Orlando Laitano


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os mecanismos da asma induzida pelo exercício (AIE, bem como os efeitos de diferentes tipos de treinamento físico na função pulmonar e nas capacidades aeróbia e anaeróbia. Destaca-se a importância de um diagnóstico correto mediante o teste de exercício e, no manejo, o uso de drogas beta-adrenérgicas e anticolinérgicas. FONTE DOS DADOS: Os artigos foram criteriosamente escolhidos utilizando as bases de dados PubMed e Scielo pelo ano de publicação e dando preferência a ensaios clínicos randomizados, com critérios de seleção da amostra bem definidos. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Os mecanismos para explicar a AIE permanecem sem conclusão, mas parece haver uma interação fisiológica entre as hipóteses aqui apresentadas. O uso de medicamentos e as freqüentes crises durante o exercício aparecem como fatores limitantes para a prática de exercícios físicos, conduzindo para um estilo de vida sedentário. CONCLUSÃO: Deve-se incentivar a prática de exercícios devidamente prescritos e minimizar as restrições aos sujeitos com AIE.OBJETIVO: Describir los mecanismos del asma inducido por el ejercicio (AIE, así como los efectos de diferentes tipos de entrenamiento físico sobre la función pulmonar y las capacidades aeróbica y anaeróbica. Se destaca la importancia de un diagnóstico correcto mediante el test de ejercicio y el manejo o uso de drogas beta-adrenérgicas y anticolinérgicas. FUENTES: Los artículos fueron cuidadosamente escogidos utilizando las bases de dados de PubMed y Scielo por el año de publicación, dando preferencia a ensayos clínicos randomizados, con criterios de selección de muestra bien definidos. SÍNTESES DE DATOS: Los mecanismos para explicar la AIE permanecen sin conclusión, pero parece haber una interacción fisiológica entre las hipótesis aquí presentadas. El uso de medicamentos y las frecuentes crisis durante el ejercicio aparecen como factores limitantes para la práctica de

  18. Pneumomediastino espontâneo: Asma Spontaneous pneumomediastinum: Asthma

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    Marcelo Cunha Fatureto


    Full Text Available Pneumomediastino é definido como a presença de ar livre no mediastino, sendo que o espontâneo ocorre na ausência de enfermidades ou factores precipitantes. É raro em adultos, sendo mais frequente em recém-nascidos. Contudo, ocorre mais em adultos jovens, sendo 8:1 a relação entre homens e mulheres. Constitui achado raro na asma, representando 1% dos casos. Os sintomas mais frequentes são dor torácica e dispneia. O diagnóstico é feito com exames de imagem, como radiografia e tomografia computadorizada de tórax. O tratamento de escolha é conservador, não operatório, com prognóstico favorável na maioria dos casos. O nosso propósito é relatar um caso desta patologia em jovem atendido em nosso serviço com quadro de dor torácica e dispneia, sendo submetido a exames complementares e feito o diagnóstico de pneumomediastino espontâneo. O doente foi submetido a tratamento conservador com excelente evolução clínica. No momento encontra-se assintomático, em acompanhamento ambulatorial.Pneumomediastinum is defined as the presence of free air in the mediastinum, and the spontaneous occurs in the absence of diseases or precipitating factors. It is rare in adults, and it is more frequent in newborns. However, it occurs more in young adults, with an 8:1 relationship between men and women. It constitutes a rare finding in asthma, representing 1% of the cases. More frequent symptoms are chest pain and dyspnea. Diagnosis is made with image examinations, such as radiography and chest computed tomography. Treatment of choice is conservative, nonoperative, with a favourable prognosis in the majority of the cases. Our aim is to report a case of this pathology in a young adult seen in our service with chest pain and dyspnea. He underwent complementary examinations and the diagnosis was spontaneous pneumo-mediastinum. This patient was submitted to a conservative treatment with excellent clinical evolution. At the moment, he is asymptomatic and

  19. Budesonida inalatória em crianças com asma aguda Nebulized budesonide to treat acute asthma in children

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    Geórgia K. M. Milani


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia de budesonida na forma de suspensão, em dose única para inalação, como tratamento adjunto ao b2 inalatório, comparada com dose única de prednisona por via oral, em pacientes com crise aguda de asma. MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo, randômico, paralelo, duplo-cego, duplo-placebo. Foram selecionadas 49 crianças, com idade entre 2 e 7 anos, em crise aguda de asma, que, após inalação com salbutamol (0,15 mg/kg, foram divididas em três grupos. O grupo I foi tratado com placebo via oral e inalatório; o grupo II, com prednisona via oral (1 mg/kg e placebo inalatório; e o grupo III, budesonida inalatória (2 mg e placebo via oral. As avaliações foram realizadas pela aplicação de um escore clínico e medida da saturação transcutânea da hemoglobina, seqüencialmente até 72 horas. Caso o escore clínico fosse igual ou superior ao da avaliação inicial, e a saturação inferior à primeira avaliação, a inalação com b2 adrenérgico era repetida. RESULTADOS: A melhora do escore clínico foi progressiva a partir de 30 minutos, e não houve diferença significativa nos três grupos estudados. Ocorreu aumento significativo da saturação da hemoglobina em relação ao valor inicial, com 2 horas no grupo prednisona, 4 horas no grupo budesonida e 24 horas no grupo placebo. CONCLUSÃO: O número de inalações com broncodilatador foi semelhante nos três grupos, com uma média de 2,9 no grupo placebo; 2,7 no grupo prednisona; e 2,5 no grupo budesonida. Em geral, as drogas estudadas foram bem toleradas, com efeitos colaterais semelhantes ao placebo. A administração de dose única de budesonida inalatória associada ao salbutamol, na crise moderada de asma, promoveu melhora clínica comparável à da prednisona oral. A recuperação da saturação transcutânea da hemoglobina foi mais rápida com prednisona.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of a single dose of inhaled budesonide as compared to oral


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    Full Text Available Un estudio transversal, realizado con 147 niños internados con diagnóstico médico de asma, en un Hospital Infantil Público de Fortaleza-CE, fue desarrollado con el objetivo de analizar el esmero de las características definidoras del diagnóstico de Enfermería “Patrón respiratorio ineficaz - PRI” en niños asmáticos. Las características definidoras más frecuentes fueron la disnea (56,4% y la frecuencia respiratoria/min aumentada (50,3%. El diagnóstico de enfermería PRI estuvo presente en 36,1% de la muestra. La característica definidora de mayor sensibilidad fue la disnea. Las características de mayor especifi- cidad para este diagnóstico fueron: pulsación de las narinas, asumir posición de tres puntos y diámetro antero-posterior au- mentado. Se llegó a la conclusión de que los estudios que contribuyen a configurar el perfil de las características definidoras más comunes a una población particular deben ser estimulados, ya que sirven como guía para la práctica de enfermería.

  1. Prevalência de asma e fatores de risco em escolares da cidade de São Paulo Asthma prevalence and risk factors in schoolchildren of the city of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Rejane R D Casagrande


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de asma e possíveis fatores de risco associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, integrante do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Participaram 561 escolares de seis a sete anos de idade, provenientes de 35 escolas públicas da cidade de São Paulo, escolhidas por sorteio, em 2002. A amostra incluiu 168 asmáticos e 393 não asmáticos, que responderam questionário constituído por 33 questões referentes a dados pessoais, familiares e ambientais. A associação entre asma e fatores de risco foi avaliada pela análise de regressão logística, considerando-se nível de significância estatística de 5%. RESULTADOS: Entre os escolares, 31,2% referiam sibilos nos 12 meses anteriores à entrevista. Os fatores de risco significativamente associados à asma foram: sexo masculino (OR=2,4;IC 95%: 1,4;4,2, mãe fumante no primeiro ano de vida (OR=2,0; IC 95%: 1,1;3,8, presença de eczema em locais característicos (OR=3,0; IC 95%:1,2; 7,6 e rinoconjuntivite (OR=2,4;IC 95%: 1,2; 4,8. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de asma na região estudada foi elevada e os fatores de risco relacionados foram: sexo masculino, sintomas de rinoconjuntivite no último ano, mãe fumante no primeiro ano de vida e presença de eczema em locais característicos.OBJECTIVE: To assess asthma prevalence and potential risk factors associated. METHODS: Cross-sectional study part of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. A total of 561 schoolchildren aged 6-7 years from 35 public schools in the city of São Paulo (Southeastern Brazil were drawn to participate in the study, in 2002. The sample consisted of 168 asthmatic and 393 non-asthmatic children who answered a questionnaire comprising 33 questions on personal, family and environmental information. The association between asthma and the risk factors studied was assessed by logistic regression analysis at a 5% statistical significance. RESULTS: Among the

  2. Efeito do estresse pré-natal na regulação da inflamação alérgica pulmonar no modelo murino de asma experimental


    Gonçalves, Vagner; Ligeiro de Oliveira, Ana Paula; Kieling, Karin; Cruz Ochoa, Natalia Andrea; Ochoa Amaya, Julieta E; Cruz-Casallas, Pablo Emilio; Bernardi, Maria Martha


    Devido ao seu rápido crescimento, o feto é particularmente vulnerável a insultos e modificações no millieu hormonal. Este fato sugere que situações adversas experimentadas pela mãe grávida podem alterar o desenvolvimento e a saúde da prole, explicado principalmente pela permeabilidade da barreira placentária a diversos hormônios e substâncias. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito do estresse pré-natal na regulação da inflamação alérgica pulmonar, empregando o modelo murino de asma e...

  3. Temperatura do ar exalado, um novo biomarcador no controle da asma: um estudo piloto Exhaled breath temperature, a new biomarker in asthma control: a pilot study

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    Raul Emrich Melo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar se a temperatura do ar exalado (TAE, medida por um método não invasivo, é efetiva no monitoramento de pacientes com asma não controlada. MÉTODOS: Estudo piloto com nove pacientes (sete mulheres e dois homens; média de idade: 39 anos com diagnóstico de asma por pelo menos um ano e sem uso de tratamento de manutenção por pelo menos três meses antes do início do estudo. Na primeira visita, os pacientes foram submetidos à espirometria e à medida da TAE. Todos os pacientes foram orientados a iniciar tratamento com budesonida/formoterol (200/6 µg inalatório a cada 12 h por seis semanas. Além disso, os pacientes com asma grave (VEF1 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the exhaled breath temperature (EBT, measured by a noninvasive method, is an effective means of monitoring patients with uncontrolled asthma. METHODS: A pilot study comprising nine patients (seven women and two men; mean age: 39 years diagnosed with asthma at least one year prior to the beginning of the study and not having been under maintenance therapy for the last three months. In the first visit, the patients underwent spirometry and measurement of EBT. The patients were then instructed to use inhaled budesonide/formoterol (200/6 µg every 12 h for six weeks. In addition, the patients with severe asthma (FEV1 < 60% of predicted were instructed to use oral prednisolone (40 mg/day for five days. After six weeks, the patients underwent the same tests. RESULTS: All of the patients reported an improvement in the symptoms of asthma, as confirmed by a statistically significant increase in FEV1 from the first to the second visit (mean, 56.1% vs. 88.7% of predicted; p < 0.05. Five patients used oral prednisolone for the first five days of the treatment period. Six patients used additional doses of inhaled budesonide/formoterol (mean duration, 2.5 weeks. The EBT decreased significantly from the first to the second visit (mean EBT: 35.1ºC vs. 34.1ºC; p < 0

  4. Asma de difícil control en niños y adolescentes: Estrategias diagnóstico-terapéuticas Poorly controlled asthma: diagnosis and therapeutics in children and adolescents

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    Hugo Neffen


    Full Text Available El asma es una de las enfermedades crónicas más frecuentes en los niños. Si bien la mayoría de los niños con asma responden a bajas dosis de corticoides inhalados y/o antagonistas del receptor de leucotrienos, algunos de ellos permanecen sintomáticos independientemente de cualquier esfuerzo terapéutico, presentando una elevada morbilidad e inclusive mortalidad. Aunque la mayoría de los pacientes controlan los síntomas de forma adecuada, existe un grupo importante que presenta síntomas graves de la enfermedad difíciles de controlar (ADC. El objetivo de la presente revisión es discutir los aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos del ACD en los menores de 18 años y su implicancia en la práctica clínica diaria.Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in children. While most children with asthma respond to low doses of inhaled corticosteroids and /or leukotriene receptor antagonists, some of them remain symptomatic regardless of any therapeutic effort, showing a high morbidity and even mortality. While most of the patients control symptoms adequately, there is a large group with severe symptoms of the disease and difficult to control. The aim of this review is to discuss the clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment of poorly controlled asthma in children and adolescents and its implications in daily clinical practice.

  5. Ventilação mecânica na crise de asma aguda Mechanical ventilation in acute asthma crisis

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    Carmen Sílvia Valente Barbas


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Em 2000, foi publicado o II Consenso Brasileiro de Ventilação Mecânica. Desde então, o conhecimento na área da ventilação mecânica avançou rapidamente, com a publicação de inúmeros estudos clínicos que acrescentaram informações importantes para o manuseio de pacientes críticos em ventilação artificial. Além disso, a expansão do conceito de Medicina Baseada em Evidências (MBE determinou a hierarquização das recomendações clínicas, segundo o rigor metodológico dos estudos que as embasaram. Essa abordagem explícita vem ampliando a compreensão e a aplicação das recomendações clínicas. Por esses motivos, a AMIB - Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira - e a SBPT - Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia - julgaram conveniente a atualização das recomendações descritas no Consenso anterior. Dentre os tópicos selecionados a Ventilação Mecânica na Crise de Asma foi um dos temas propostos. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os pontos mais importantes relacionados à ventilação mecânica durante a crise de asma e sugerir as principais abordagens terapêuticas. MÉTODO: Objetivou-se chegar a um documento suficientemente sintético, que refletisse a melhor evidência disponível na literatura. A revisão bibliográfica baseou-se na busca de estudos através de palavras-chave e em sua gradação conforme níveis de evidência. As palavras-chave utilizadas para a busca foram: Ventilação mecânica na asma: asthma and mechanical ventilation. RESULTADOS: São apresentadas recomendações quanto aos modos ventilatórios e aos parâmetros a serem aplicados quando do ajuste do ventilador, além da monitoração recomendada. Apresentam-se ainda, técnicas alternativas que possam ser utilizadas. CONCLUSÕES: Estratégias protetoras de ventilação mecânica são recomendadas durante a ventilação mecânica de paciente asmático grave.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The II Brazilian

  6. Nifedipine Asma y Nifedipina: estudio comparativo del efecto profiláctivo de la Nifedipina frente al Ketotifeno y placebo en Asma Alérgica Infantil

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    Fernando Montoya


    affinity for the respiratory tract and better blocking effects are synthesized they might become the elective therapeutic choice for these patients.

    Se presentan los resultados de un estudio doble ciego, al azar, que comparó los efectos de la Nifedipina, una dihidropiridina antagonista del calcio, de amplia utilización cardiovascular, con los del Ketotifeno y los de un placebo; cada uno de ellos fue administrado por vía oral cada 12 horas, durante 4 meses, a un grupo de 20 niños mayores de 5 años con asma alérgica de una evolución mínima de 2 años; el estudio se llevó a cabo en el Servicio de Alergias del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, de Medellín, Colombia, entre julio de 1984 y diciembre de 1986. La Nifedipina produjo disminución de la frecuencia de las crisis en 17 pacientes (85% y de su intensidad y duración en 16 (80%; en esta misma proporción (80% se disminuyó el consumo de broncodilatadores; 18 pacientes (90% informaron efectos benéficos de la Nifedipina y la mejoría, evaluada por el médico, se halló en 14 (70%. No hubo con la Nifedipina modificaciones del pulso ni de la presión arterial ni, tampoco, de 14 pruebas de función pulmonar; los efectos secundarlos fueron mínimos y autolimitados. Los resultados obtenidos con la Nifedipina fueron estadísticamente semejantes a los del Ketotifeno y, los de ambos, significativamente superiores a los logrados con el placebo (pasma alérgica Infantil leve o moderada, dado su comportamiento similar al del Ketotifeno que es de eficacia reconocida en este campo; en un futuro los antagonistas del calcio pueden llegar a ser el tratamiento de elección del paciente asmático si se logra sintetizar moléculas con mayor afinidad por las v las respiratorias y de efectos antagónicos superiores.

  7. Uso de terapias não convencionais no manejo da crise aguda de asma refratária Non-conventional therapies to manage refractory acute asthma attack




    Uma paciente em crise aguda de asma, refratária ao uso de beta2-agonista inalatório e intravenoso, aminofilina intravenosa e corticóide, em ventilação mecânica, foi tratada com métodos terapêuticos não convencionais: broncoscopia, lavado broncoalveolar com N-acetilcisteína e ventilação com halotano. Houve melhora dos parâmetros ventilatórios após o lavado e a resolução do broncoespasmo ocorreu após a anestesia, propiciando a extubação e alta da UTI. É feita uma revisão da literatura sobre o u...

  8. Carcinoma mucoepidermoide da traqueia mimetizando asma brônquica Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the trachea mimicking asthma

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    Ricardo Kalaf Mussi


    Full Text Available Em casos de asma de início recente em que o controle clínico com tratamento habitual (corticosteroide e broncodilatador é insatisfatório, é importante considerar outros diagnósticos, tais como insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, refluxo gastroesofágico ou outras formas de obstrução das vias aéreas. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino com carcinoma mucoepidermoide da traqueia mimetizando um quadro de asma brônquica. A paciente apresentava tosse e sibilância, bem como espirometria anormal com padrão obstrutivo responsivo a broncodilatador. Após um ano, apresentou deterioração clínica e espirométrica. Nenhuma anormalidade foi encontrada no radiograma de tórax. A TC revelou lesão vegetativa, a 1 cm da carina, reduzindo a luz traqueal. A fibrobroncoscopia mostrou imagem semelhante a tumor carcinoide brônquico. O diagnóstico anatomopatológico após a ressecção cirúrgica foi carcinoma mucoepidermoide de baixo grau, sem envolvimento linfonodal. Embora a curva fluxovolume não fosse sugestiva de obstrução de vias aéreas superiores, a espirometria realizada após a cirurgia mostrou redução significativa do grau de obstrução e maior reversibilidade com broncodilatador. Não houve evidência de recidiva da doença ou retorno dos sintomas após dois anos de seguimento.In cases of recent asthma in which clinical control with the usual treatment (corticosteroids and bronchodilator is unsatisfactory, it is important to consider other diagnoses, such as congestive heart failure, gastroesophageal reflux or other forms of airway obstruction. We report the case of a female patient with mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the trachea mimicking asthma. The patient presented cough and wheezing, as well as abnormal spirometry results with an obstructive pattern that was responsive to bronchodilators. One year later, the patient presented clinical and spirometric worsening. The chest X-ray revealed no abnormalities. A CT scan

  9. Intervención educativa para población infanto-juvenil asmática

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    Maria Antonia Acevedo Veja


    Full Text Available Se realizó una intervención educativa a la población infanto-juvenil asmática con edades entre ocho y once años en el policlínico de Manatí, Las Tunas, entre enero y julio de 2012, con el objetivo de evaluar la eficacia de la misma. La población de estudio estuvo formada por los 258 pacientes asmáticos de los 29 Consultorios de Médico de Familia (CMF del área, y la muestra por los 50 seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple. La información se obtuvo mediante un cuestionario que fue aplicado antes y después de la intervención educativa y los datos fueron recogidos durante la consulta y de la historia clínica individual. Se concluyó que predominó el sexo masculino, con antecedentes de primera línea de asma bronquial, con factores desencadenantes tales como: infecciones respiratorias agudas, polvo y humedad, así como aquellos que presentan signos clínicos de reflujo y que tienen una mala técnica de aplicación de spray. Se apreció un insuficiente nivel de conocimientos sobre la evaluación de severidad de la crisis, los factores desencadenantes, el manejo del spray y el tratamiento intercrisis, y las exacerbaciones.

  10. Bocio intratorácico

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    Gladys Iglesias Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción: el bocio constituye la afección de la glándula tiroides que más es tratado en los servicios quirúrgicos, sin embargo, su posición anómala no es frecuente. Presentación de caso: paciente de 51 años de edad, con antecedentes de asma bronquial. Hace 3 años presentó un aumento de volumen de la región lateral izquierda del cuello y presencia de decaimiento, palpitaciones y disfagia ocasional, para lo cual llevó el tratamiento con levotiropsina sódica. Se indicaron estudios de la función tiroidea, radiografías de tórax (vista anteroposterior, ecografía de la tiroides y biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina. A través de la vía cervical se le realizó la tiroidectomía total corroborando que más del 50% de la glándula estaba en posición intratorácica, nódulos en ambos lóbulos y sin complicaciones; resultó ser un bocio coloide multinodular. Conclusiones: el bocio intratorácico responde poco al tratamiento médico, de preferencia se utiliza la tiroidectomía total por vía cervical ante síntomas de compresión siempre que sea posible.

  11. Lipoma Pericárdico: presentación de un caso

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    Raysa Peñalver Valido


    Full Text Available Introducción: los tumores cardíacos primarios son raros. Según diferentes estudios de necropsias su incidencia varía del 0,001% al 0,28% y en su mayoría (75% revisten carácter benigno; los lipomas representan el 8,4 % entre todos los tumores cardiacos primarios. Presentación de caso: paciente masculino de la raza blanca de 62 años de edad, fumador, con antecedentes de Asma Bronquial Grado II, el cual acude a consulta en el policlínico Pedro Borrás Astorga de La Palma en Octubre de 2012 refiriendo disnea a los esfuerzos, de dos meses de evolución y tos seca ocasional. No se recogieron datos de interés al examen físico del sistema respiratorio ni cardiovascular. Se le realizan complementarios que incluyó rayos X de tórax visualizando lesión radiopaca en ángulo cardiofrénico derecho por lo que se indica Tomografía Axial Computarizada Multicorte de Tórax que muestra imagen de muy bajas densidades ubicada en relación con pericardio parietal que resultó ser un lipoma pericárdico. Conclusiones: la Tomografía Axial Computarizada Multicorte constituye un examen indispensable para el diagnóstico pues muestra con alta especificidad localización, dimensión y densidad.

  12. O mundo da criança portadora de asma grave na escola El mundo del niño portador de asma grave en la escuela Daily life of children with acute asthma in school settings

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    Regina Issuzu Hirooka de Borba


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Compreender o significado que a criança asmática grave e sua família atribuem à doença e suas implicações na escola. MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso qualitativo, desenvolvido no ambulatório de pediatria de um hospital do Município de São Paulo. Foram estudadas três crianças e seus familiares, utilizando observação participante, entrevista e brinquedo terapêutico dramático. RESULTADOS: As demandas do tratamento e as freqüentes crises de asma influenciaram no cotidiano da criança na escola como: falta às aulas; deixar de aprender; restrinção nas brincadeiras e relacionamento conflituoso com colegas. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: Tendo em vista as dificuldades encontradas pelas crianças em freqüentar a escola e conviver com os colegas, recomenda-se um trabalho conjunto entre os profissionais de saúde e da educação, assegurando a manutenção da educação formal e do convívio social salutar.OBJETIVO: Comprender el significado que el niño asmático grave y su familia atribuyen a la enfermedad y sus implicancias en la escuela. MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio de caso cualitativo, desarrollado en el consultorio externo de pediatría de un hospital del Municipio de Sao Paulo. Fueron estudiados tres niños y sus familiares, utilizando la observación participante, entrevista y juego terapéutico dramático. RESULTADOS: Las demandas del tratamiento y las frecuentes crisis de asma influenciaron en el cotidiano del niño en la escuela como: falta a las clases; dejar de aprender; restricción en los juegos y relación conflictiva con sus colegas. CONSIDERACIONES FINALES: Teniendo en vista las dificultades encontradas por los niños para frecuentar a la escuela y convivir con sus colegas, se recomineda un trabajo conjunto entre los profesionales de salud y de educación, asegurando la manutención de la educación formal y de la convivencia social saludable.OBJECTIVES: To understand the meaning of asthma and its implications in daily

  13. Broncoespasmo induzido pelo exercício em crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico de asma Exercise-induced bronchospasm in children and adolescents with a diagnosis of asthma

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    Vitor E. Cassol


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A broncoconstrição temporária após o exercício físico tem elevada prevalência em crianças e adolescentes asmáticos. OBJETIVO: Determinar a freqüência e gravidade do broncoespasmo induzido pelo exercício em crianças e adolescentes, com diagnóstico clínico de asma leve, moderada e grave. MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, tipo transversal, não controlado. A amostra constituiu-se de 40 indivíduos asmáticos, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 7 e 18 anos, que não utilizavam regularmente medicação anti-inflamatória. Foi realizado teste padronizado de provocação brônquica com exercício de corrida em esteira rolante. A espirometria foi padronizada em seis manobras expiratórias, realizadas antes e aos 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 e 30 minutos após o término do exercício, sendo escolhida a de maior valor. O volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1 foi utilizado para o diagnóstico e classificação da gravidade do broncoespasmo. Os pacientes asmáticos apresentavam condições clínicas e espirométricas adequadas para os testes (VEF1 > 70% do valor previsto. Foi utilizada como critério de positividade para o broncoespasmo induzido pelo exercício queda >10% em relação ao VEF1 prévio ao exercício. RESULTADOS: Vinte e seis (65% pacientes desenvolveram broncoespasmo após o exercício. Dos pacientes com asma leve 44%, e dos com asma moderada e grave, 100% desenvolveram broncoespasmo. Houve associação significativa entre a freqüência do broncoespasmo induzido pelo exercício e a gravidade da asma (pINTRODUCTION: In asthmatic children and adolescents a high incidence of temporary bronchospasm is perceived after physical exertion. OBJECTIVE: To investigate incidence and severity of exercise-induced bronchospasm in children and adolescents with a clinical diagnosis of mild, moderate or severe asthma. METHOD: A descriptive, cross-sectional, not controlled study was carried out. The sample

  14. Childhood asthma along the United States/ Mexico border: hospitalizations and air quality in two California counties El asma infantil en la frontera mexicana-estadounidense: hospitalizaciones y calidad del aire ambiental en dos condados de California

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    Paul B English


    1993 a 1994 en las hospitalizaciones por asma en la infancia y sobre dos sustancias contaminantes que empeoran el asma: el ozono y las partículas en suspensión (de menos de 10 micras de diámetro. Se examinaron los registros de egresos hospitalarios de niños menores de 14 años y las tasas por condado, raza y sexo se ajustaron por edades a la población del estado de California en 1990. Para el ozono y las partículas en suspensión se usaron cinco índices obtenidos de la Agencia Californiana para la Protección del Medio Ambiente (California Environmental Protection Agency. El condado Imperial tuvo las tasas más altas de hospitalización por asma en niños blancos no hispanos y afroamericanos de todo el estado de California, y las segundas más altas del estado en niños hispanos. El condado de San Diego tuvo tasas inferiores al promedio estatal. Durante el período estudiado, las tasas del condado Imperial aumentaron 59%, mientras que las del condado de San Diego bajaron 9%. Las concentraciones máximas de ozono aumentaron 64% en el condado Imperial, pero se redujeron 46% en el condado de San Diego. Las concentraciones de partículas en suspensión fueron cuatro veces mayores en el condado Imperial que en el de San Diego. Las altas tasas de hospitalización por asma en niños en el condado Imperial podrían deberse en parte a las condiciones de pobreza y a la calidad cada vez peor del aire por aumento de la carga de contaminación que enfrenta el ambiente local. Hacen falta encuestas para investigar la prevalencia de asma y análisis temporales binacionales que examinen la relación entre esta enfermedad y la presencia de sustancias contaminantes.

  15. Comparação temporal das prevalências de asma e rinite em adolescentes em Fortaleza, Brasil Prevalences of asthma and rhinitis among adolescents in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil: temporal changes

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    Maria de Fátima Gomes de Luna


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as prevalências de asma e rinite em adolescentes de 13-14 anos de idade em Fortaleza (CE em 2010 e compará-las com as prevalências obtidas em um inquérito em 2006-2007. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo uma amostragem probabilística de 3.015 e 3.020 adolescentes, respectivamente, em 2006-2007 e 2010, utilizando o protocolo do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. RESULTADOS: Na comparação entre os dois períodos, não houve diferenças significativas em relação a sibilos cumulativos, asma ativa, quatro ou mais crises de sibilos no último ano, prejuízo do sono por sibilos > 1 noite/semana e crises limitando a fala. Em 2010, houve um aumento significativo na prevalência de sibilos após exercícios, tosse seca noturna e asma diagnosticada (p OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalences of asthma and rhinitis in adolescents (13-14 years of age in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil, in 2010, comparing the results with those obtained in a prevalence survey conducted in 2006-2007. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving probabilistic samples of 3,015 and 3,020 adolescents in surveys conducted in 2006-2007 and 2010, respectively. The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood protocol was used on both occasions. RESULTS: Comparing the two periods, there were no significant differences regarding cumulative wheezing, active asthma, four or more wheezing attacks within the last year, sleep disturbed by wheezing more than one night per week, and speech-limiting wheezing. The prevalences of exercise-induced wheezing, dry cough at night, and physician-diagnosed asthma were significantly higher in 2010 than in the 20062007 period (p < 0.01 for all. The prevalence of physician-diagnosed rhinitis was significantly lower in 2010 (p = 0.01, whereas there were no significant differences between the two periods regarding cumulative rhinitis, current rhinitis, and rhinoconjunctivitis. In both

  16. Efecto del tabaquismo, los síntomas respiratorios y el asma sobre la espirometría de adultos de la Ciudad de México Effect of tobacco smoking, respiratory symptoms and asthma on spirometry among adults attending a check-up clinic in Mexico City

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    Justino Regalado-Pineda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar el efecto del tabaquismo, los síntomas respiratorios y el asma sobre la función pulmonar espirométrica en población adulta mexicana. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se generaron ecuaciones de predicción basadas en modelos de regresión lineal múltiple para la capacidad vital forzada (FVC, el vollumen espiratorio forzado al primer segundo (FEV1 y FEV1/FVC de espirometrías obtenidas de adultos que acuden a evaluación de salud y se determinó el efecto del tabaquismo, los síntomas respiratorios y el asma sobre los modelos de estos parámetros. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 919 sujetos de entre 14 y 86 años de edad. El asma disminuye la FVC y el FEV1 en hombres con un cambio en la R² OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of tobacco smoking, respiratory symptoms, and asthma on lung function among Mexican adults who were evaluated during a medical exam in a private health clinic. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Reference prediction equations were generated for spirometry parameters [forced vital capacity (FVC, forced expired volume in one second (FEV1 and FEV1/FVC] based on multiple linear regression models. The effect of tobacco smoking, respiratory symptoms and asthma on these equations were explored. RESULTS: Spirometry tests were performed on 919 subjects from 14 to 86 years of age. Asthma decreased FVC and FEV1 in men with a R² change <1%. Respiratory symptoms decreased the FEV1/FVC ratio in both sexes. Tobacco smoking was associated with a significant reduction in FEV1 in women. CONCLUSIONS: Asthma lightly reduced lung function in males while tobacco smoking decreased FEV1, particularly in females.

  17. OU3 sediment dating and sedimentation rates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blair, R.B.; Wolaver, H.A.; Burger, V.M.


    Environmental Technologies at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFS) investigated the sediment history of Standley Lake, Great Western Reservoir, and Mower Reservoir using 137 Cs and 239,240 Pu global fall-out as dating indicators. These Colorado Front Range reservoirs have been the subject of study by various city, state and national agencies due to suspected Department of Energy Rocky Flats Plant impacts. We performed sediment dating as part of the RCRA Facility Investigation/Remedial Investigation Report for Operable Unit 3. A sediment chronology profile assists scientist in determining the year of sedimentation for a particular peak concentration of contaminants. Radioisotope sediment dating for the three reservoirs indicated sedimentation rates of 0.7 to 0.8 in./yr. for Standley Lake (SL), 0.9 in./yr. for Great Western Reservoir (GWR), and 0.3 in./yr. in Mower Reservoir (MR). RFS sediment dating for Operable Unit 3 compared favorably with the Hardy, Livingston, Burke, and Volchok Standley Lake study. This report describes the cesium/plutonium sediment dating method, estimates sedimentation rates for Operable Unit 3 reservoirs, and compares these results to previous investigations

  18. Genetic associations with asthma and virus-induced wheezing: a systematic review Associação genética da asma e da sibilância induzida por vírus: uma revisão sistemática

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    Leonardo Araujo Pinto


    Full Text Available Various wheezing phenotypes can be identified based on differences in natural histories, risk factors and responses to treatment. In epidemiologic studies, atopic asthma or virus-induced wheezing can be discriminated by the presence or the absence of sensitization to allergens. Children with asthma have been shown to present lower levels of lung function. Patients with viral respiratory infections evolve from normal lung function to enhanced airway reactivity. The objective of this study was to identify genes and polymorphisms associated with different wheezing phenotypes. Using data obtained from the Genetic Association Database, we systematically reviewed studies on genes and polymorphisms that have been associated with virus-induced wheezing or atopic asthma. The research was carried out in February of 2009. Genes associated with the studied outcomes in more than three studies were included in the analysis. We found that different genes and loci have been associated with virus-induced wheezing or atopic asthma. Virus-induced wheezing has frequently been associated with IL-8 polymorphisms, whereas atopic asthma and atopy have frequently been associated with Th2 cytokine gene (CD14 and IL-13 polymorphisms on chromosome 5. This review provides evidence that different wheezing disorders in childhood can be differently affected by genetic variations, considering their role on airway inflammation and atopy. Future studies of genetic associations should consider the different wheezing phenotypes in infancy. In addition, stratified analyses for atopy can be useful for elucidating the mechanisms of the disease.Diversos fenótipos de sibilância têm sido identificados com base em diferenças na história natural, fatores de risco e resposta ao tratamento. Em estudos epidemiológicos, a asma atópica ou sibilância induzida por vírus pode ser discriminada pela presença ou ausência de sensibilização a alérgenos. As crianças com asma apresentam n

  19. Instrumentos específicos para avaliar a qualidade de vida em crianças e adolescentes com asma

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    Cristian Roncada


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar e descrever os instrumentos específicos que avaliam a QVRS de crianças e adolescentes com asma. FONTES DOS DADOS: Realizamos buscas nas bases de dados PubMed, Ovid e LILACS utilizando várias combinações de descritores (MeSH terms, selecionando artigos originais sobre desenvolvimento de questionários específicos de QVRS, publicados em inglês, português ou espanhol, entre 1990 e 2012. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Foram identificados 15 instrumentos que preencheram os critérios de inclusão. A maioria dos estudos avaliou confiabilidade mediante consistência interna e/ou reprodutibilidade e/ou sensibilidade às mudanças. A validade foi avaliada mediante a comparação com hígidos (validade discordante ou análise fatorial. CONCLUSÕES: Dos 15 instrumentos, três são os mais utilizados, o PAQLQ, o PedsQL-Asthma e DISABKIDS. Em geral, estes três instrumentos possuem características psicométricas adequadas e são práticos de aplicar, mas apenas o PAQLQ completou a adaptação cultural para o Brasil.

  20. Gestión del riesgo de asma por haba de soja: monitorización y vigilancia Risk management of soybean-related asthma: monitoring and surveillance

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    Joan R. Villalbí


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Las emisiones de alérgeno durante la descarga de haba de soja en el puerto de Barcelona han sido causa de asma epidémica. Este trabajo describe las acciones de vigilancia y control de los servicios de salud pública. Métodos: Los datos se extraen del dispositivo de control durante el periodo de 1999 a 2009, detallando el sistema de vigilancia de emisiones y concentraciones ambientales de alérgeno (para las que se han fijado empíricamente niveles guía, y de salud. Resultados: De los 95 estudios de emisión, cuatro superaron los valores de alarma, con probables causas en los filtros. Las concentraciones ambientales medias son bajas, pero superaron el nivel de alarma 13 días; se relacionan con meteorología adversa e incidencias en las instalaciones. No se detectaron efectos en los pacientes del panel de vigilancia, ni días de asma epidémica. Conclusiones: El sistema detecta incidencias y ha mostrado su utilidad para preservar la salud pública.Objectives: Allergen emissions during soybean unloading operations in the Barcelona harbor have caused asthma epidemics. The present article aimed to describe the surveillance and control measures carried out by the public health services. Methods: Data were extracted from control systems from 1999 to 2009, with description of the surveillance schemes for allergen emissions, environmental concentrations (with defined reference levels and for health. Results: Of 95 studies of plant emission, four were above the reference levels, and filters were found to be the most likely cause. Mean environmental concentrations were low but were above the reference levels on 13 days; these levels were related to adverse meteorological conditions and incidents in the plants. No health effects were detected in the panel of patients nor epidemic asthma days. Conclusions: The system detects incidents and has shown its usefulness in protecting public health.

  1. Refluxo gastroesofágico e asma na infância: um estudo de sua relação através de monitoramento do pH esofágico Gastroesophageal reflux and asthma in childhood: a study on their relationship using esophageal PH monitoring

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    Beatriz C. Teixeira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a prevalência do refluxo gastroesofágico em crianças com asma e avaliar se o índice de refluxo tem uma boa sensibilidade e especificidade para o diagnóstico de refluxo gastroesofágico. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 69 crianças de 1 a 5 anos, com asma, através do exame de pHmetria de 24 horas. RESULTADOS: A idade das crianças variou de 12,4 a 63,1 meses, com uma média de 30,79, sendo que 62,3% eram do sexo masculino. O refluxo gastroesofágico foi observado em 68,1% das crianças. Quando separados os pacientes em duas categorias (asma moderada e grave, a associação foi de 58,5 e 82,1%, respectivamente. O refluxo gastroesofágico oculto ocorreu em 31,8% dos casos. O índice de refluxo mostrou uma sensibilidade de 89,4%, especificidade de 95,5%, valor preditivo positivo de 97,7% e valor preditivo negativo de 80,8%. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam uma elevada associação entre o refluxo gastroesofágico e a asma e sugerem que o índice de refluxo, como parâmetro único, tem uma boa sensibilidade e especificidade para o diagnóstico da doença do refluxo gastroesofágico.OBJECTIVES: This study aims at verifying the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux in asthmatic children, and at determining the sensitivity and specificity of the reflux index for the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease. METHODS: Sixty-nine children, aged 1-5 years, with asthma, were studied by 24-hour pH monitoring. The patients were randomly selected. RESULTS: Ages varied from 12.4 to 63.1 months, mean age = 30.79 months, and 62.3% were males. Gastroesophageal reflux was observed in 68.1% of the children. The patients were divided into two groups, moderate and severe asthma, and gastroesophageal reflux was diagnosed in 58.5 and 82.1% of the cases, respectively. Occult gastroesophageal reflux occurred in 31.8% of the cases. The reflux index showed an sensitivity of 89.4%, specificity of

  2. Community violence and childhood asthma prevalence in peripheral neighborhoods in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil Violência comunitária e prevalência de asma em crianças na periferia de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

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    Guilherme da Costa Alves


    Full Text Available This study aimed to identify degrees of exposure to community violence reported by parents and guardians of children from four to 12 years of age and the association with childhood asthma symptoms. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 1,232 parents/guardians in 24 peripheral neighborhoods in Salvador, the capital of Bahia State, Brazil. The authors investigated asthma symptoms in children and acts of violence in the community. More than 75% of parents/guardians had been exposed to community violence in the previous year, with 20% reporting high levels of exposure. Children that were more exposed to violence showed higher asthma prevalence (28.4% as compared to non-exposed children (16.4%. Children exposed to maximum levels of violence were nearly twice as likely to present asthma symptoms (adjusted OR = 1.94; 95%CI: 1.12-3.36. The study highlighted the relevance of community violence as a risk factor for asthma and the need for further research to elucidate methodological issues.O objetivo deste artigo foi identificar o grau de violência comunitária relatado por cuidadores de crianças entre quatro e 12 anos, além da influência dessa exposição na ocorrência de sintomas de asma nas crianças. Realizou-se um estudo transversal com 1.232 cuidadores residentes na cidade de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Investigaram-se sintomas de asma nas crianças e atos violentos na comunidade. Aproximadamente 75% dos cuidadores foram vítimas de violência comunitária no último ano, com 20% convivendo com graus elevados deste fenômeno. Encontrou-se prevalência de 28,4% de sintomas asmáticos entre crianças expostas ao grau máximo de violência, e 16,4% entre as não expostas. Encontrou-se associação estatisticamente significante entre exposição ao nível máximo de violência e ocorrência de sintomas asmáticos (OR ajustada = 1,94; IC95%: 1,12-3,36. Nossos achados sugerem a importância da violência comunitária como um dos fatores de risco

  3. Fatores preditivos da evolução da asma aguda em crianças Factors predictive of the development of acute asthma attacks in children

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    Maria Luisa Zocal Paro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores preditivos da evolução da asma aguda, a partir de características clínicas e funcionais observadas no momento da admissão de crianças em unidade de emergência. MÉTODOS: Este estudo avaliou prospectivamente 130 crianças com asma aguda, na faixa etária de um a treze anos, no momento da admissão e durante a evolução em unidade de emergência, através de escore clínico e medidas de saturação arterial de oxigênio por oximetria de pulso e do pico de fluxo expiratório. RESULTADOS: Os valores iniciais de escore clínico, saturação arterial de oxigênio medida por oximetria de pulso e pico de fluxo expiratório apresentaram correlação com o número de inalações realizadas e a necessidade do uso de corticosteróide. As médias dos valores iniciais de escore clínico e da saturação arterial de oxigênio dos pacientes que foram internados foram estatisticamente diferentes das dos que não foram internados. Os valores iniciais de escore clínico e de saturação arterial de O2 e a existência de atendimento anterior pela mesma exacerbação foram preditivos da necessidade de hospitalização das crianças. CONCLUSÕES: A medida da saturação arterial de O2 e o escore clínico foram úteis para predizer a evolução da asma aguda em crianças. A medida do pico de fluxo expiratório é de difícil obtenção e interpretação nessa condição e demonstrou ter pouca aplicação prática.OBJECTIVE: To use clinical and functional characteristics observed upon admission to an emergency room to identify factors predictive of the occurrence and course of acute asthma attacks in children. METHODS: We prospectively studied 130 asthmatic children, from 1 to 13 years of age, who were treated for acute asthma attacks in an emergency room, evaluating status determined at admission and over the course of the crisis. Clinical scores were determined and arterial oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry was measured, as was

  4. Consumo de alimentos y asma en niños escolares de Cuernavaca Food consumption and asthma in school children in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

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    Rosa Inés Gutiérrez-Delgado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:Evaluar la relación entre la dieta y el desarrollo de asma y rinitis alérgica en escolares de Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se aplicó el cuestionario ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood a 5 460 niños de entre 6 a 8 y 11 a 14 años de edad, de nivel primaria, seleccionados de manera aleatoria. Se formaron seis grupos de alimentos a partir de un análisis de clusters jerárquico y se evaluó la relación con los padecimientos a través de modelos de regresión logística. RESULTADOS:El consumo de comida rápida tuvo un efecto adverso sobre la sibilancia actual (RM=1.82; IC95%=1.16-2.87 y el consumo de golosinas sobre más de tres episodios de sibilancia (RM=2.26; IC95%=1.04-4.95 y síntomas nasales sin gripa o catarro (RM=1.35; IC95%=1.06-1.71. CONCLUSIONES:Este estudio provee evidencia de que la dieta juega un papel muy importante, ya que el consumo abundante de comida rápida y golosinas incrementa el riesgo de asma y rinitis.OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the relation between diet and the development of asthma and allergic rhinitis in schoolchildren from Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS:We apply the ISAAC's questionnaire in 5460 schoolchildren from 6 to 8 and 11-14-year-old of elementary level selected in random form. Six groups of food were formed using a hierarchic clusters analysis and the association was evaluated using logistic regression models. RESULTS:The consumption of fast food had an adverse effect for current wheezing (OR=1.82; CI95%=1.16-2.87 and the consumption of tidbits for more than three episodes of wheezing (OR=2.26; CI95%=1.04-4.95 and nasal symptoms without cold, OR=1.35 (IC95%;1.06-1.71. CONCLUSIONS:This study provides evidence that the diet plays a very important role since the high consumption of fast food and tidbits increased the risk of asthma and rhinitis symptoms.

  5. Sediment problems in reservoirs. Control of sediment deposits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jacobsen, Tom


    When a reservoir is formed on a river, sediment will deposit in the reservoir. Such processes are unfortunate, for instance, for the implementation of hydroelectric energy. This thesis studies the problem of reservoir sedimentation and discusses methods of removing the sediments. Various aspects of reservoir sedimentation are discussed. Anthropogenic impacts seem to greatly affect the erosion processes. Temporal distribution is uneven, mainly because of the very large flood events. A world map showing the Reservoir Capacity: Annual Sediment Inflow ratio for reservoirs with volume equal to 10% of annual inflow has been prepared. The map shows that sedimentation is severe in the western parts of North and South America, eastern, southern and northern Africa, parts of Australia and most of Asia. The development of medium-sized reservoirs is difficult, as they are too large for conventional flushing technique and too small to store the sediment that accumulates during their economic lifetime. A computer model, SSIIM, was used with good results in a case study of two flood drawdown trials in Lake Roxburg, New Zealand. Two techniques have been developed that permits controlled suction of sediment and water into a pipe: the Slotted Pipe Sediment Sluicer (SPSS) and the Saxophone Sediment Sluicer (SSS). The techniques exploit the inflow pattern in through a slot in a pipe. An equation describing this inflow pattern was derived and verified experimentally. The SPSS is fixed near the reservoir bed, and sediment that deposits on top of it is removed in the sluicing process. The SSS sluices sediment from the surface of the sediment deposits. Some technical and economic conditions affecting the economics of sediment removal from reservoirs have been identified and studied. 79 refs., 112 figs., 14 tabs.

  6. Erro alimentar nos primeiros meses de vida e sua associação com asma e atopia em pré-escolares Nutritional errors in the first months of life and their association with asthma and atopy in preschool children

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    Simone Z. Strassburger


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto de amamentação exclusiva e a introdução de leite de vaca no primeiro ano de vida no diagnóstico de asma, sibilância e atopia em crianças entre 3 e 4 anos de vida. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte aninhado a ensaio de campo randomizado que investigou a efetividade de orientações nutricionais no primeiro ano de vida de crianças, na cidade de São Leopoldo, RS. As crianças acompanhadas em relação a sua dieta no primeiro ano de vida, nesse estudo primário, foram revisitadas três anos mais tarde. Seus pais responderam, então, a um questionário relacionado a problemas respiratórios em seus domicílios, aplicado por entrevistadores treinados. As crianças também realizaram testes cutâneos para avaliar a resposta a alérgenos ambientais comuns. RESULTADOS: Do total de 397 crianças acompanhadas no primeiro ano de vida, 354 foram reavaliadas entre 3 e 4 anos de idade. A prevalência de sibilos, avaliada no período referente aos 12 meses prévios ao questionário, foi 21,3%, a de asma, 5,5% e a de atopia, 28,7%. Crianças que consumiram leite de vaca antes de 4 meses de vida tinham chance significativamente maior de apresentar asma entre 3 e 4 anos (OR 3,22; IC95%: 1,05-9,80. Aleitamento exclusivo por período menor de 6 meses foi marginalmente associado à atopia. CONCLUSÕES: A introdução precoce do leite de vaca mostrou-se importante fator de risco para o desencadeamento de sintomas da asma aos 4 anos de idade. Aleitamento materno por período superior a 6 meses está também potencialmente associado à proteção no desenvolvimento de atopia. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem haver um potencial de intervenção para diminuir o impacto da asma através de intervenções na dieta no primeiro ano de vida.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of exclusive breastfeeding and introduction of cow's milk in the first year of life on the diagnosis of asthma, wheezing, and atopy in children aged 3 to 4 years. METHODS

  7. Papel da hipersensibilidade e da atopia no diagnóstico e na clínica da asma

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    José Alves


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Numa amostra raodomizada da população geral de 815 indivíduos de ambos os sexos e com idades entre 20 e 44 anos, residentes nas freguesias de Bonfim e Paranhos, e em 180 indíviduos sintomáticos, definidos pela aplicação de um inquérito de rastreio aplicado a uma amostra maior (4 045, também aleatória e escolhida entre à mesma população, estudámos a hipersensibillidade brônquica à metacolina (Pd, a sensibilidade cutânea a 10 alergénios, os valores séricos de IgE total e de IgEs especfficas para 5 alergénios e as respostas a um inquérito de 71 questões. Concordaram em executar toda a sequência de exames excepto o doseamento de IgE 263 elementos. Em 227 daqueles doseou-se a IgE. Considerámos sintomáticos (Stm OS indíviduos que responderam positivamente às questões nos 1, 1.1 e 1.2 (n=44 do inquérito e asmáticos (Amt os que responderam positivamente às questões nos 13 e 13.1 e com coerência clínica às questões 13.2, 13.3 e 13.4 (n=40. Relativamente à asma, definimos 4 graus: 0- não Amt(n=223;1- Amt sem crises no último ano (n=12; 2- Amt com ≤3 crises no último ano(n=23 e 3- Amt com >3 crises no último ano(n=5. Definimos fumadores os indivíduos com carga tabágica >1 UMA (Unidade Maço Ano(n=93 e ex-fumadores aqueles que com essa carga tabágica não fumavam há mais de 1 ano(n=30. Entre os respondentes que usaram medicação anti-asmática no último aoo, definimos 3 classes: 1- usaram β2 ou corticóides(n=20;2- β2 e corticóides(n=4 e 3-β2, corticóides e xantioa(n=5. Consideramos atópicos (Atp SC se mostraram 1 prova positiva(n=72 ou (Atp IgE se tinham uma das IgEs≥II (n=57. Definimos Pd+de acordo com os critérios clássicos(n=63. Obtivemos a percentagem de Stm, Atp SC, Atp IgE e Pd nos -t graus de Amt: 0- Stm 8,3, Atp SC 19,7, Atp IgE 17,4, Pd 17,5;1- Stm 2S, Atp

  8. Uso do sulfato de magnésio por via venosa e nebulização para o tratamento da asma aguda na emergência Use of the intravenous and nebulized magnesium sulfate for the treatment of the acute asthma in the emergence

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    Fabiano Timbó Barbosa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Tem sido mostrado que o sulfato de magnésio apresenta benefícios em adultos e crianças asmáticos, com fraca resposta aos agentes beta-agonistas e corticóides sistêmicos no departamento de emergência. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão não sistemática acerca do tratamento da asma aguda com sulfato de magnésio por via venosa e nebulização na emergência. CONTEÚDO: As primeiras investigações que demonstraram benefício no uso do sulfato de magnésio na asma são de 1938. Os efeitos do sulfato de magnésio podem ser mediados através da ação antagonista do cálcio ou através da função de co-fator em sistemas enzimáticos envolvendo o fluxo iônico através da membrana celular. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura através da base de dados MedLine nos últimos seis anos (2000 a 2006 e incluídos os artigos publicados na língua inglesa, através do cruzamento dos unitermos asma e sulfato de magnésio. CONCLUSÕES: A administração de rotina do sulfato de magnésio por via venosa e nebulização em pacientes com asma aguda grave que se apresentam no serviço de emergência não é recomendado; entretanto, como um tratamento adjuvante obtém-se algum benefício.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Magnesium sulfate has been shown to benefit asthmatic children and adults with poor responses to initial beta-agonist therapy and systemic corticoids in the emergency department. The aim of this study was to realize a no systematic review about the treatment of the acute asthma with intravenous and nebulized magnesium sulfate in the emergence. CONTENTS: The first investigations that demonstrate the benefit in the use of the magnesium sulfate in asthma date to 1938. The effects of magnesium sulfate may be mediated through its action as a calcium antagonist or through its function as a cofactor in enzyme systems involving ion flux across cell membranes. We realized a literature review using Med

  9. Infecção na modulaçâo da asma11 Trabalho apresentado no XXIII Congresso de Pneumologia da SPP – Guarda, Novembro 2007 / Paper presented at the XXIII Congresso de Pneumologia da SPP / PSP Pulmonology Congress, Guarda, November 2007

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    J. Pinto Mendes


    Full Text Available Resumo: Faz-se uma revisão da influência das infecções no aparecimento e na clínica da asma brônquica. Dá-se o relevo que merece à intervenção virusal, sobretudo ao rinovírus, pela sua influência nas exacerbações, e ao vírus sincicial respiratório, sobre o qual recai a suspeita de poder ser causa determinante no aparecimento da síndroma asmática. Tentam-se esclarecer os mecanismos da resposta imune à agressão virusal em função das debilidades da resposta do asmático e do atópico, sobretudo no período perinatal, salientando-se, ainda, um efeito de potenciação da agressão virusal sobre a resposta atópica. Aborda-se a hipótese higiénica e a sua falta de consistência científica, pelo menos no papel que pretende atribuir a um não demonstrado antagonismo das respostas linfocitárias Th1 e Th2, apontando-se a importância actual da investigação, não das bactérias mas dos produtos bacterianos, como as endotoxinas, na modulação da asma e da atopia, dando-se relevo aos estudos que, a partir deste modelo, demonstram uma influência do ambiente na secreção génica e, consequentemente, no fenótipo. Invocam-se, nas entrelinhas, vários mecanismos que podem explicar a asma neutrofílica que, para muitos, é um paradoxo perante o consagrado domínio do eosinófilo na inflamação asmática.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (5: 647-675 Abstract: This paper reviews the impact of infections on the onset and clinical course of bronchial asthma. A just emphasis is given to the role viral infections, particularly rhinovirus infections, play in exacerbations, and that played by respiratory syncytial virus, suspected of triggering the asthmatic syndrome. The mechanisms of the immune response to virus attacks are explained, highlighting the asthmatic and allergic patient’s weakened response, particularly in the perinatal

  10. [Allergen immunotherapy: Mechanisms of action, and therapeutic and socioeconomic impact Consensus of the Asociación Colombiana de Alergia, Asma e Imunología]. (United States)

    Sánchez, Jorge; Cardona, Ricardo; Caraballo, Luis; Serrano, Carlos; Ramírez, Ruth; Díez, Susana; García, Elizabeth; Segura, Ana María; Cepeda, Alfonso; Minotas, María


    Allergies comprise a set of highly prevalent diseases. When allergic processes are not controlled, they can endanger patients' health and lives, and have an important economic and social impact. The aim of this paper is to present a practical consensus of the scientific evidence on the use of immunotherapy in allergic diseases. A collaborative review made by various institutes and universities in Colombia was carried out upon request of the Asociación Colombiana de Alergia, Asma e Imunología, led by general practitioners, allergists, immunologists, internists and paediatricians with experience in the field of allergies. As a result, based on current national and international scientific evidence, we describe in detail what immunotherapy is about, its indications, contraindications and its economic and health benefits. Conclusions show immunotherapy as a clinically effective and safe treatment, which can substantially reduce the cost of the overall treatment of allergic patients.

  11. Prevalência e gravidade da asma em adolescentes e sua relação com índice de massa corporal Prevalence and severity of asthma among adolescents and their relationship with the body mass index

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    Vitor E. Cassol


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar a relação entre o aumento do índice de massa corporal e a prevalência e a gravidade da asma em escolares adolescentes residentes em Santa Maria e região (RS. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal de base populacional, do qual participaram 4.010 adolescentes (13 e 14 anos de idade, sem restrições de sexo, tendo preenchido de forma correta o questionário do International Study of Asthma and Allergies fase III (módulo asma. Utilizou-se o índice de massa corporal (kg/m² com os seguintes percentis (Organização Mundial de Saúde para definir o estado nutricional: abaixo do quinto (desnutrição, igual ou superior ao quinto e inferior ao 85° (normal, igual ou superior ao 85° e inferior ao 95° (sobrepeso, igual ou superior ao 95° (obesidade. Para verificar a associação entre índice de massa corporal e a prevalência e gravidade da asma, foi utilizado o teste do qui-quadrado para tendência linear, com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: O aumento do índice de massa corporal mostrou associação positiva e significante com o da prevalência de "sibilos alguma vez" (p = 0,036 e a de "sibilos após exercício" (p = 0,008, independentemente do sexo. Quando estratificado por gênero, houve associação positiva apenas para "sibilos alguma vez" (p = 0,028 para meninos e "sibilos após exercício" (p = 0,03 para meninas. CONCLUSÃO: O aumento do índice de massa corporal associou-se com o aumento da prevalência de sibilos alguma vez na vida, mas não com o aumento da prevalência e gravidade da asma em adolescentes.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between the increase of body mass index and the prevalence and severity of asthma in adolescents from Santa Maria, in southern Brazil, and surrounding regions. METHOD: A cross-sectional, observational, population-based study was carried out with 4,010 schoolchildren aged 13 and 14 years, without any gender restrictions, who answered the written questionnaire of the

  12. Cyclic Sediment Trading Between Channel and River Bed Sediments (United States)

    Haddadchi, A.


    Much of the previous work on sediment tracing has focused on determining either the initial sources of the sediment (soils derive from a particular rock type) or the erosion processes generating the sediment. However, alluvial stores can be both a source and sink for sediment transported by streams. Here geochemical and fallout radionuclide tracing of river-bed and alluvial sediments are used to determine the role of secondary sources, sediment stores, as potential sources of sediment leaving Emu Creek catchment, southeastern Queensland, Australia. Activity concentrations of 137Cs on the river sediments are consistent with channel erosion being the dominant source at all sites sampled along the river. To characterise the deposition and remobilisation cycles in the catchment, a novel geochemical tracing approach was used. Successive pockets of alluvium were treated as discrete sink terms within geochemical mixing models and their source contributions compared with those of river bed sediments collected adjacent to each alluvial pocket. Three different size fractions were examined; silts and clays (banks indicates a high degree of 'trading' between the fluvial space and the alluvial space. Hence, management works aimed at primarily reducing the supply of sediments to the outlet of Emu Creek should focus on rehabilitation of channel banks in the lower catchment.

  13. Prevalencia y riesgos asociados con pacientes adultos con asma de 40 años o más de la Ciudad de México: estudio de base poblacional Adult asthma in Mexico City: a population-based study

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    Cecilia García-Sancho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar la prevalencia de asma y la asociación entre características sociodemográficas, espirométricas, síntomas respiratorios, calidad de vida y sueño en adultos >40 años. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Este informe es parte del estudio PLATINO (Proyecto Latinoamericano de Investigación en Obstrucción Pulmonar, llevado a cabo en la Ciudad de México y área metropolitana en 2003. Se utilizaron modelos de regresión logística ajustados por el diseño del estudio, donde asma fue la variable dependiente y las independientes síntomas respiratorios y características sociodemográficas y clínicas, entre otras. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de asma diagnosticada por médico fue de 3.3% en hombres y 6.2% en mujeres. La función pulmonar disminuyó en asmáticos. En el análisis multivariado, después de ajustar por confusores potenciales, los asmáticos mostraron un mayor riesgo de ronquido más somnolencia excesiva diurna [RM=3.2 (IC95%1.4-7.4, p=0.008], y mayor frecuencia de inasistencias laborales por problemas respiratorios [RM=5.1 (IC95% 2.5-10.4, pOBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of asthma and the association between sociodemographic characteristics, spirometry, respiratory symptoms, quality of life and sleep in adults > 40 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This report is part of our study (Latin American Research Project Obstructive Pulmonary, held in Mexico City and the metropolitan area in 2003. We used logistic regression models adjusted for study design, where asthma was the dependent and independent variable respiratory symptoms, sociodemographic and clinical characteristics among others. RESULTS: The prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma was: 3.3% in men and 6.2% in women. Decreased lung function in asthmatics was observed. In multivariate analysis, after adjusting for potential confounders, asthmatics had a higher risk of excessive daytime sleepiness more snoring [OR = 3.2 (95% CI 1.4-7.4, p= 0.008], and more frequent

  14. Suspended sediment and sediment-associated contaminants in San Francisco Bay (United States)

    Schoellhamer, D.H.; Mumley, T.E.; Leatherbarrow, J.E.


    Water-quality managers desire information on the temporal and spatial variability of contaminant concentrations and the magnitudes of watershed and bed-sediment loads in San Francisco Bay. To help provide this information, the Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances in the San Francisco Estuary (RMP) takes advantage of the association of many contaminants with sediment particles by continuously measuring suspended-sediment concentration (SSC), which is an accurate, less costly, and more easily measured surrogate for several trace metals and organic contaminants. Continuous time series of SSC are collected at several sites in the Bay. Although semidiurnal and diurnal tidal fluctuations are present, most of the variability of SSC occurs at fortnightly, monthly, and semiannual tidal time scales. A seasonal cycle of sediment inflow, wind-wave resuspension, and winnowing of fine sediment also is observed. SSC and, thus, sediment-associated contaminants tend to be greater in shallower water, at the landward ends of the Bay, and in several localized estuarine turbidity maxima. Although understanding of sediment transport has improved in the first 10 years of the RMP, determining a simple mass budget of sediment or associated contaminants is confounded by uncertainties regarding sediment flux at boundaries, change in bed-sediment storage, and appropriate modeling techniques. Nevertheless, management of sediment-associated contaminants has improved greatly. Better understanding of sediment and sediment-associated contaminants in the Bay is of great interest to evaluate the value of control actions taken and the need for additional controls. ?? 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Development and validation of an asthma knowledge questionnaire for use in Brazil Desenvolvimento e validação de um questionário de conhecimento em asma para uso no Brasil

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    Marcos Carvalho Borges


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate an asthma knowledge questionnaire for use in adult asthma patients in Brazil. METHODS: A 34-item self-report questionnaire was constructed and administered to adult asthma patients and adult controls. The maximum total score was 34. RESULTS: The questionnaire was shown to be discriminatory, with good reliability and reproducibility. The mean score for asthma patients and controls was, respectively, 21.47 ± 4.11 (range: 9-31 and 17.27 ± 5.11 (range: 7-28; p OBJETIVO: Desenvolver e validar um questionário de conhecimento em asma para pacientes adultos asmáticos no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Um questionário autoaplicável com 34 itens foi desenvolvido e aplicado em asmáticos e controles adultos. A pontuação total máxima era 34. RESULTADOS: O questionário mostrou-se discriminante, com boa confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade. O escore médio para os asmáticos e controles foi, respectivamente, 21,47 ± 4,11 (variação: 9-31 e 17,27 ± 5,11 (variação: 7-28; p < 0,001. O teste de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin revelou uma medida de adequação de 0,53, e o teste de esfericidade de Bartlett demonstrou uma adequação satisfatória dos dados para a análise fatorial (p < 0,001. Não houve diferença significativa entre os escores totais obtidos na primeira e na segunda aplicação do questionário, com um intervalo de duas semanas (p = 0,43. O coeficiente de consistência interna (coeficiente KR-20 foi 0,69. CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo validou um questionário de educação em asma para uso no Brasil.

  16. The contribution of bank and surface sediments to fluvial sediment ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The contribution of bank and surface sediments to fluvial sediment transport of the Pra River. ... the relative contribution of surface and bank sediments to the fluvial sediment transport. ... EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT

  17. Frequência de sintomas de asma e de redução da função pulmonar entre crianças e adolescentes nadadores amadores Incidence of asthma symptoms and decreased pulmonary function in young amateur swimmers

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    Iara Nely Fiks


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar a frequência de sintomas de asma entre crianças e adolescentes nadadores amadores e descrever o tratamento clínico entre as crianças asmáticas em um clube esportivo privado na cidade de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 171 nadadores amadores de 6 a 14 anos de idade. Todos os participantes ou seus responsáveis foram solicitados a responder o questionário International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC, e 119 realizaram prova de função pulmonar em repouso. RESULTADOS: A frequência geral de sintomas de asma (ISAAC > 6 pontos entre os nadadores foi de 16,8%. Entre os 119 nadadores que realizaram a espirometria, 39 (32,7% apresentaram alterações espirométricas (VEF1/CVF 6, 10 (31,2% alegaram não realizar nenhum tipo de tratamento para a doença. Daqueles que afirmaram realizar tratamento medicamentoso, 24% faziam uso de broncodilatadores mas não de corticosteroides. CONCLUSÕES: A frequência de sintomas de asma e de alterações da função pulmonar em nadadores amadores de 6 a 14 anos foi elevada. Além disso, uma proporção considerável destes atletas não recebia tratamento.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the incidence of asthma symptoms in young amateur swimmers, and to describe the clinical treatment of the children with asthma in a private sports club in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: The study included 171 amateur swimmers, ranging from 6 to14 years of age. All of the participants or their legal guardians were asked to complete the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC questionnaire, and 119 were submitted to pulmonary function testing at rest. RESULTS: The overall incidence of asthma symptoms (ISAAC score > 6 among the swimmers was 16.8%. Of the 119 swimmers submitted to spirometry, 39 (32.7% presented spirometric alterations (FEV1/FVC 6, there were 10 (31.2% who stated that they were receiving no asthma treatment. Of those who reported

  18. Impacto do programa de atenção integral à criança com asma em Unidade de Saúde na Cidade de Fortaleza, Ceará

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    Joelma Aurélio Sousa


    Full Text Available Nas últimas décadas, a asma tornou-se um importante problema de saúde pública, visto o significativo crescimento da prevalência e da mortalidade dessa doença. Desde 1996, as entidades médicas e governamentais promoveram a criação de consensos sobre o assunto com o objetivo de programar medidas para melhorar a assistência médica e reduzir a morbimortalidade dessa enfermidade. Objetivou-se avaliar a melhora clínica dos pacientes e correlacioná-la à adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso e/ou ambiental. Foi realizado estudo documental retrospectivo descritivo analítico, com dados coletados em prontuários de pacientes que participaram do PROAICA na Unidade de Saúde Lineu Jucá, em Fortaleza-Ceará, no período de 2009 a 2014. Esses dados foram armazenados e processados usando o programa Epi Info 7.0. Observou-se melhora clínica dos pacientes após o inicio da participação no programa, assim como melhora na classificação de gravidade da asma quando se compara a primeira à ultima consulta médica. Houve aumento de 28,06% nos pacientes classificados como intermitente, redução de 20,15% dos casos persistentes leves e diminuição de 10,79% nos classificados como persistente moderado. No entanto, ocorreu um aumento de 2,88% de pacientes graves. Verificou-se melhora na classificação de controle clinico nos pacientes com classificação parcialmente controlada e não controlada. Os dados analisados mostram a importância do programa e sua colaboração para o controle da asma, facilitando a melhor visualização das dificuldades ainda encontradas em sua implementação de modo a promover possíveis mudanças para garantir um melhor atendimento e maior efetividade do PROAICA.Impact of comprehensive care program for children with asthma in Health Unit in the City of Fortaleza, CearáAbstract: Introduction: In recent decades, asthma has become an important public health problem, since the significant growth of the prevalence and

  19. Comparação da variação de resposta ao broncodilatador através da espirometria em portadores de asma ou doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica Comparison of spirometric changes in the response to bronchodilators of patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Isabella Correia Silvestri


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O diagnóstico diferencial entre asma e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC através da resposta aos broncodilatadores inalatórios na espirometria ainda é controverso. O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar quais variáveis espirométricas melhor diferenciam asma de DPOC. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo realizado entre abril de 2004 e janeiro de 2006, comparando-se os parâmetros espirométricos de 103 pacientes asmáticos, não fumantes, com os de 108 pacientes portadores de DPOC, fumantes de mais de 10 anos-maço. Todos os pacientes tinham mais de 40 anos e apresentavam doença estável no momento do exame. RESULTADOS: O volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1 pré-broncodilatador foi igual nos dois grupos (VEF1 = 51%, mas os portadores de DPOC eram mais velhos (66 ± 9 anos vs. 59 ± 11 anos, p 10% constitui o melhor parâmetro espirométrico para diferenciar asma de DPOC.OBJECTIVE: Making the differential diagnosis between asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD based on the response to inhaled bronchodilators by means of spirometry is controversial. The objective of this study was to identify the most useful spirometric variables in order to distinguish between asthma and COPD. METHODS: Retrospective study conducted from April of 2004 to January of 2006, comparing the spirometric parameters of 103 nonsmoking patients with asthma to those of 108 patients with COPD who were smokers for more than 10 pack-years. All of the patients included in the study were older than 40 and presented stable disease at the time of the test. RESULTS:Initial forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1 was the same in the two groups (pre-bronchodilator VEF1 = 51%. However, patients with COPD were older (66 ± 9 years vs. 59 ± 11 years, p 10% is the best spirometric parameter to distinguish asthma from COPD.

  20. Sediment supply versus local hydraulic controls on sediment transport and storage in a river with large sediment loads (United States)

    Dean, David; Topping, David; Schmidt, John C.; Griffiths, Ronald; Sabol, Thomas


    The Rio Grande in the Big Bend region of Texas, USA, and Chihuahua and Coahuila, Mexico, undergoes rapid geomorphic changes as a result of its large sediment supply and variable hydrology; thus, it is a useful natural laboratory to investigate the relative importance of flow strength and sediment supply in controlling alluvial channel change. We analyzed a suite of sediment transport and geomorphic data to determine the cumulative influence of different flood types on changing channel form. In this study, physically based analyses suggest that channel change in the Rio Grande is controlled by both changes in flow strength and sediment supply over different spatial and temporal scales. Channel narrowing is primarily caused by substantial deposition of sediment supplied to the Rio Grande during tributary-sourced flash floods. Tributary floods have large suspended-sediment concentrations, occur for short durations, and attenuate rapidly downstream in the Rio Grande, depositing much of their sediment in downstream reaches. Long-duration floods on the mainstem have the capacity to enlarge the Rio Grande, and these floods, released from upstream dams, can either erode or deposit sediment in the Rio Grande depending upon the antecedent in-channel sediment supply and the magnitude and duration of the flood. Geomorphic and sediment transport analyses show that the locations and rates of sand erosion and deposition during long-duration floods are most strongly controlled by spatial changes in flow strength, largely through changes in channel slope. However, spatial differences in the in-channel sediment supply regulate sediment evacuation or accumulation over time in long reaches (greater than a kilometer).

  1. Proposta de indicadores e padrões para a avaliação de qualidade da atenção hospitalar: o caso da asma brônquica Indicators and standards proposal for the evaluation of the quality of hospital care: the case for bronchial asthma

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    Marina Ferreira de Noronha


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivos propor indicadores para a avaliação de qualidade da assistência hospitalar a pacientes com asma brônquica, através de critérios explícitos baseados em revisão bibliográfica. O problema central da atenção apontado pela bibliografia foi a existência de falhas na avaliação da gravidade da crise de asma, tanto por parte dos pacientes e familiares, como pelos profissionais de saúde de todos os níveis da atenção, resultando em sérias conseqüências não só para o paciente, como também para a sociedade em geral. No Brasil, de 1980 a 1990, ocorreram em média 2.000 óbitos por asma/ano, sendo cerca de 70% deles intra-hospitalares. O diagnóstico de asma foi a quarta causa de internação no Estado do Rio de Janeiro em 1993. Somente 12% dos 81 casos que foram a óbito fizeram uso de UTI. Essas informações justificam uma avaliação mais apurada da assistência hospitalar a essa doença, e, como contribuição para o processo de avaliação, propomos a realização de revisão da internação de todos os casos que resultaram em óbito e revisão esporádica de uma amostra das internações. Os critérios propostos são: avaliação da gravidade da crise, avaliação da terapia medicamentosa prescrita, educação do paciente e/ou familiares e agendamento de consulta pós-alta hospitalar.The objectives of this article are to propose indicators for evaluation of the quality of hospital management of bronchial asthma patients, based on explicit criteria from literature reviews. The central problem identified in the literature review is the erroneous evaluation of severity of asthma crises, either by patients and their relatives, or by health professionals at all levels of care, causing serious consequences not only for the patient, but for society as a whole. Mortality figures indicate that from 1980 to 1990, an average of 2000 deaths per year from asthma occurred in Brazil, of which 70% occurred in

  2. Correlação entre função pulmonar, postura e composição corporal em pacientes com asma

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    V.P. Almeida


    Full Text Available Resumo: Objetivos: A asma pode resultar em alterações posturais causadas pelo aumento da atividade da musculatura acessória, respiratória e insuflação pulmonar. Nosso objetivo primário foi avaliar a correlação entre função pulmonar e postura em pacientes adultos com asma. Como segundo objetivo buscou-se estudar a correlação entre composição corporal e postura neste grupo de pacientes. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal onde 34 pacientes com asma se submeteram à avaliação da análise postural (fotogrametria, função pulmonar (espirometria, pletismografia de corpo inteiro, medição da capacidade de difusão do CO e força muscular respiratória e composição corporal através da bioimpedância elétrica. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo feminino (70,6%, com mediana da idade de 32,5 anos (variação: 23-42 anos. O alinhamento horizontal da cabeça (vista anterior correlacionou de forma significante com as seguintes variáveis: relação entre o volume expiratório máximo no primeiro segundo e a capacidade vital forçada (VEMS/CVF (Ͽ = ⿿0,37; P = 0,03; capacidade pulmonar total (CPT (Ͽ = 0,42; P = 0,01; e volume residual (VR (Ͽ = 0,45; P < 0,001. Os indicadores de obstrução brônquica e força muscular respiratória correlacionaram-se também com as medidas de avaliação postural obtidas em vista lateral direita e esquerda. Tanto o índice de massa corporal quanto o percentual de massa gorda correlacionaram-se com alinhamento horizontal da cabeça, alinhamento horizontal da pélvis e ângulo frontal do membro inferior. Conclusões: Pacientes asmáticos adultos apresentam alterações posturais específicas que correlacionam com a função pulmonar e com a composição corporal. A avaliação das medidas posturais pode fornecer uma melhor abordagem para a

  3. Assessment and prediction of asthma and its severity in the pediatric community Avaliação e predição da asma e sua gravidade na comunidade pediátrica

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    Julio Cesar R. Pereira


    Full Text Available Seventy four asthmatic children aged 7 to 11 years were examined along with controls matched by age and sex. Clinical and laboratory investigations preceded a 28-day follow-up where data about morning and evening peak expiratory flow rate (PEF, symptoms and treatment were recorded. The coefficient of variation of PEF was found to be an objective measurement of asthma severity that has statistically significant correlation with both symptoms (r s= .36 and treatment (r s= .60. Moreover, it separates mild and severe asthmatics, as confirmed by statistically significant differences (p= .008 or less in symptoms, treatment, skin allergy and airways response to exercise. Skin allergy and airways responsiveness to exercise were found to be predictors of both disease and severity. By means of logistic regression analysis it was possible to establish the probabilities for both asthma and severe asthma when children presenting and not presenting these characteristics are compared. One single positive skin test represent a probability of 88% for the development of asthma and a probability of 70% for severe disease. A PEF reduction of 10% after an exercise test implies a probability of 73% for disease and a probability of 64% for severe disease. Increases in these variables imply geometrically increased risks and their presence together have a multiplicative effect in the final risk.Foram submetidas a exames, juntamente com grupos controle segundo idade e sexo,74 crianças asmáticas, com idade de 7 a 11 anos. Exames clínicos e laboratoriais precederam um acompanhamento de 28 dias, quando foram registrados dados sobre a taxa de pico do fluxo respiratório (PEF, sintomas e tratamento. Observou-se que o coeficiente de variação do PEF é uma medida objetiva do grau de gravidade da asma, que tem uma correlação estatística significativa, tanto com os sintomas (r s = .036, quanto com o tratamento (r s = .60. Além disso, separa os asmáticos graves e leves

  4. Targeting sediment management strategies using sediment quantification and fingerprinting methods (United States)

    Sherriff, Sophie; Rowan, John; Fenton, Owen; Jordan, Phil; hUallacháin, Daire Ó.


    Cost-effective sediment management is required to reduce excessive delivery of fine sediment due to intensive land uses such as agriculture, resulting in the degradation of aquatic ecosystems. Prioritising measures to mitigate dominant sediment sources is, however, challenging, as sediment loss risk is spatially and temporally variable between and within catchments. Fluctuations in sediment supply from potential sources result from variations in land uses resulting in increased erodibility where ground cover is low (e.g., cultivated, poached and compacted soils), and physical catchment characteristics controlling hydrological connectivity and transport pathways (surface and/or sub-surface). Sediment fingerprinting is an evidence-based management tool to identify sources of in-stream sediments at the catchment scale. Potential sediment sources are related to a river sediment sample, comprising a mixture of source sediments, using natural physico-chemical characteristics (or 'tracers'), and contributions are statistically un-mixed. Suspended sediment data were collected over two years at the outlet of three intensive agricultural catchments (approximately 10 km2) in Ireland. Dominant catchment characteristics were grassland on poorly-drained soils, arable on well-drained soils and arable on moderately-drained soils. High-resolution (10-min) calibrated turbidity-based suspended sediment and discharge data were combined to quantify yield. In-stream sediment samples (for fingerprinting analysis) were collected at six to twelve week intervals, using time-integrated sediment samplers. Potential sources, including stream channel banks, ditches, arable and grassland field topsoils, damaged road verges and tracks were sampled, oven-dried (account for particle size and organic matter selectivity processes. Contributions from potential sources type groups (channel - ditches and stream banks, roads - road verges and tracks, fields - grassland and arable topsoils) were

  5. Sediment acoustic index method for computing continuous suspended-sediment concentrations (United States)

    Landers, Mark N.; Straub, Timothy D.; Wood, Molly S.; Domanski, Marian M.


    Suspended-sediment characteristics can be computed using acoustic indices derived from acoustic Doppler velocity meter (ADVM) backscatter data. The sediment acoustic index method applied in these types of studies can be used to more accurately and cost-effectively provide time-series estimates of suspended-sediment concentration and load, which is essential for informed solutions to many sediment-related environmental, engineering, and agricultural concerns. Advantages of this approach over other sediment surrogate methods include: (1) better representation of cross-sectional conditions from large measurement volumes, compared to other surrogate instruments that measure data at a single point; (2) high temporal resolution of collected data; (3) data integrity when biofouling is present; and (4) less rating curve hysteresis compared to streamflow as a surrogate. An additional advantage of this technique is the potential expansion of monitoring suspended-sediment concentrations at sites with existing ADVMs used in streamflow velocity monitoring. This report provides much-needed standard techniques for sediment acoustic index methods to help ensure accurate and comparable documented results.

  6. Determinação de escore e nota de corte do módulo de asma do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood para discriminação de adultos asmáticos em estudos epidemiológicos Determining the score and cut-off point that would identify asthmatic adults in epidemiological studies using the asthma module of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire

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    Elayne de Fátima Maçãira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Validar o questionário padronizado escrito do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, módulo sobre asma, para pesquisa de prevalência de asma, estabelecendo seu escore e a nota de corte para discriminação de adultos asmáticos. MÉTODOS: Entrevistamos pacientes ambulatoriais adultos, 40 asmáticos e 38 controles, pareados por sexo e idade, utilizando o módulo de asma do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, composto por oito aspectos dicotômicos de asma. Determinamos o escore e a nota de corte para discriminação de asmáticos, definindo sua sensibilidade, especificidade e índice de Youden. Validamos o método em contraposição ao diagnóstico clínico e funcional. A reprodutibilidade das questões individuais foi testada por meio de reentrevistas de metade dos pacientes após algumas semanas. RESULTADOS: O escore variou de 0 a 14 pontos. Um escore = 5 pontos permitiu discriminar pacientes asmáticos (sensibilidade = 93%, especificidade = 100% e índice de Youden = 0,93. A maioria das questões apresentou boa reprodutibilidade, observada em reentrevista após 48,2 ± 11,1 dias (Kappa e Kappa ponderado variando de 0,43 a 1,00 para as questões individuais. CONCLUSÃO: A validação de uma nota de corte permite uma interpretação alternativa às informações fornecidas pelo módulo de asma do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, levando em conta o conjunto das informações e não somente as respostas individuais de cada questão em estudos de prevalência de asma em adultos.OBJECTIVE: To validate, for use in asthma prevalence studies, the asthma module of the standardized written questionnaire developed for use in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, establishing the score and cut-off point that would identify asthmatic adults. METHODS: We interviewed 78 adult outpatients (40 adult asthmatics and 38 age-matched and gender-matched controls

  7. Efeitos das condições climáticas no trimestre de nascimento sobre asma e pneumonia na infância e na vida adulta em uma coorte no Sul do Brasil The effects of season at time of birth on asthma and pneumonia in childhood and adulthood in a birth cohort in southern Brazil

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    David Alejandro González


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos do clima no trimestre do nascimento e nos seis primeiros meses de vida (temperatura média em tercis sobre as hospitalizações por asma e pneumonia em pré-escolares e sobre o diagnóstico de asma em adultos pertencentes ao estudo de coorte de nascimento de 1982 de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Essa coorte incluiu todos os 5.914 nascidos vivos naquele ano, dos quais, 77% foram acompanhados até a idade adulta (23-24 anos. Os resultados demonstraram que os nascidos entre abril e junho (outono apresentaram risco de hospitalização por pneumonia e asma/"bronquite" 1,31 (IC95%: 0,99-1,73 a 2,35 (IC95%: 1,11-4,99 vezes maior do que os nascidos entre janeiro-março (verão. O risco de hospitalizações conforme a temperatura média nos seis primeiros meses de vida foi 1,64 (IC95%: 1,26-2,13 a 3,16 (IC95%: 1,63-6,12 vezes maior no tercil frio do que no quente. Os efeitos da sazonalidade diminuíram com a idade, sendo pouco evidente a associação com asma aos 23-24 anos. As hospitalizações foram mais freqüentes entre crianças pobres, mas os efeitos da sazonalidade sobre a pneumonia foram mais evidentes entre os ricos.This study evaluated the effects of seasonal weather at time of birth and ambient temperature during the first six months of life on hospitalizations due to asthma and pneumonia in preschool children and on diagnosis of asthma in adulthood among individuals from the 1982 birth cohort in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The cohort included 5,914 live births, of which 77% were followed up until adulthood (23-24 yr. The risk of hospitalization due to pneumonia and asthma among children born from April to June (autumn was 1.31 (95%CI: 0.99-1.73 to 2.4 (95%CI: 1.11-4.99 times higher than that of children born from January to March (summer. For temperature in the first six months of life, risk of hospitalization was 1.64 (95%CI: 1.26-2.13 to 3.16 (95%CI: 1.63-6.12 times higher for children born in the

  8. Quantifying trail erosion and stream sedimentation with sediment tracers (United States)

    Mark S. Riedel


    Abstract--The impacts of forest disturbance and roads on stream sedimentation have been rigorously investigated and documented. While historical research on turbidity and suspended sediments has been thorough, studies of stream bed sedimentation have typically relied on semi-quantitative measures such as embeddedness or marginal pool depth. To directly quantify the...

  9. Combining sediment fingerprinting and a conceptual model for erosion and sediment transfer to explore sediment sources in an Alpine catchment (United States)

    Costa, A.; Stutenbecker, L.; Anghileri, D.; Bakker, M.; Lane, S. N.; Molnar, P.; Schlunegger, F.


    In Alpine basins, sediment production and transfer is increasingly affected by climate change and human activities, specifically hydropower exploitation. Changes in sediment sources and pathways significantly influence basin management, biodiversity and landscape evolution. We explore the dynamics of sediment sources in a partially glaciated and highly regulated Alpine basin, the Borgne basin, by combining geochemical fingerprinting with the modelling of erosion and sediment transfer. The Borgne basin in southwest Switzerland is composed of three main litho-tectonic units, which we characterised following a tributary-sampling approach from lithologically characteristic sub-basins. We analysed bulk geochemistry using lithium borate fusion coupled with ICP-ES, and we used it to discriminate the three lithologic sources using statistical methods. Finally, we applied a mixing model to estimate the relative contributions of the three sources to the sediment sampled at the outlet. We combine results of the sediment fingerprinting with simulations of a spatially distributed conceptual model for erosion and transport of fine sediment. The model expresses sediment erosion by differentiating the contributions of erosional processes driven by erosive rainfall, snowmelt, and icemelt. Soil erodibility is accounted for as function of land-use and sediment fluxes are linearly convoluted to the outlet by sediment transfer rates for hillslope and river cells, which are a function of sediment connectivity. Sediment connectivity is estimated on the basis of topographic-hydraulic connectivity, flow duration associated with hydropower flow abstraction and permanent storage in hydropower reservoirs. Sediment fingerprinting at the outlet of the Borgne shows a consistent dominance (68-89%) of material derived from the uppermost, highly glaciated reaches, while contributions of the lower part (10-25%) and middle part (1-16%), where rainfall erosion is predominant, are minor. This result is

  10. La asimetría y el grado de optimización del árbol bronquial en Rattus norvegicus y Oryctolagus cuniculus The asymmetry and the optimization degree of the airway of Rattus norvegicus and Oryctolagus cuniculus

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    Full Text Available La vía aérea ha sido propuesta como modelo de diseño óptimo desde una perspectiva física. Su diseño se ha asociado con un adecuado flujo de gases a los alvéolos, una mínima producción de entropía y un mínimo costo en materia y energía. Se ha propuesto un decrecimiento exponencial del diámetro de los bronquios (dG en función de la generación: dG = do·2-G/3, asociado a una mínima producción de entropía. También se ha propuesto un modelo de renormalización: dG = An·G-u donde u es un exponente y An una función que introduce desviaciones periódicas en la escala, es decir más de una escala, evitando la propagación distal de errores aleatorios en el calibre de un bronquio. Sin embargo, este último resultado podría ser consecuencia en árboles asimétricos de la relación entre el diámetro y el orden del bronquio y no de la generación. En este trabajo estudiamos la asimetría y el decrecimiento del diámetro bronquial en dos especies. Se utiliza el modelo de Zamir como un sistema externo de medida de la optimización. Encontramos una clara asimetría del árbol bronquial. Comprobamos que la relación exponencial diámetro-orden es siempre muy buena (R² ³ 0,8 y que en cambio la relación exponencial diámetro-generación es menos clara (R² From a physical perspective, the air way has been proposed as a model of optimal design. Its design has been associated with a optimal gases flow to the alveoli, a minimum entropy production and minimal costs of mass and energy. The decrease of the bronchial diameter (dG along the airway has been modeled by (i an exponential decay of the bronchial diameter (dG as function of its generation: dG = do·2-G/3, associated to a minimum entropy production, and (ii a renormalization model: dG = An·G-u where u is an exponent and An an harmonic function which introduces periodic variations in the scale, buffering the propagation of stochastic errors in the bronchial diameter. However, that the

  11. Mortalidad por neumonía en menores de 5 años

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    Caridad María Tamayo Reus


    Full Text Available Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 18 niños menores de 5 años de edad, fallecidos por neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (como causa básica de muerte en el Hospital Docente Pediátrico Sur durante el período de enero de 1997 a diciembre de 2011, con vistas a caracterizarles y determinar las tasas de mortalidad por dicha causa. Las variables clínicas, epidemiológicas y paraclínicas se obtuvieron de los registros de defunciones y morbilidad del Departamento de Estadística de la institución, así como de las historias clínicas de los pacientes. En la investigación se observó que el mayor número de fallecidos correspondiera al sexo masculino (67,7 % y al grupo etario de 1-4 años (58,8 %; además primaron el cuadro clínico muy grave al momento del ingreso (44,4 %, la anemia (82,3 %, los ingresos previos (100,0 %, el hacinamiento (77,7 %, el asma bronquial como enfermedad crónica (61,1%, la linfocitosis (61,1 %, el recuento de leucocitos normal (50,0 % y las imágenes de condensación inflamatoria bilateral en las radiografías (61,1 %. Las tasas de mortalidad específica y mortalidad proporcional por neumonía mostraron tendencias evolutivas descendentes, en tanto la de mortalidad bruta reveló menor cuantía

  12. Factores de riesgo en el bajo peso al nacer

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    Guillermo Díaz Alonso

    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de tipo caso control en el área del Policlínico Docente "Luis A. Turcios Lima" del municipio 10 de Octubre durante el período de 1990 a 1993, con el objetivo de identificar el comportamiento del bajo peso al nacer, establecer la existencia y la intensidad de esta entidad con los factores de riesgo seleccionados, e identificar el grado de influencia individual de dichos factores. La muestra quedó conformada por 92 recién nacidos de bajo peso y 468 con normopeso. Las variables estudiadas fueron la edad materna, la valoración ponderal, las complicaciones obstétricas, las enfermedades asociadas con la gestación, el hábito de fumar y el período intergenésico. Se aplicó el test chi-cuadrado, el odds- -ratio y el de riesgo atribuible en los nacimientos expuestos y en la población total. Todas las variables estuvieron asociadas significativamente con el bajo peso al nacer, y fueron identificadas como factores de riesgo con influencia marcada: la edad materna de 35 años o más, la amenaza de parto prematuro, la rotura prematura de membranas, la toxemia y la diabetes mellitus; con efecto moderado, el bajo peso materno, un período intergenésico menor de 1 año, la hipertensión arterial, el asma bronquial, el hábito de fumar, la sepsis urinaria, y con influencia ligera, la edad materna inferior a los 20 años.

  13. Sediment Transport

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Zhou

    Flow and sediment transport are important in relation to several engineering topics, e.g. erosion around structures, backfilling of dredged channels and nearshore morphological change. The purpose of the present book is to describe both the basic hydrodynamics and the basic sediment transport...... mechanics. Chapter 1 deals with fundamentals in fluid mechanics with emphasis on bed shear stress by currents, while chapter 3 discusses wave boundary layer theory. They are both written with a view to sediment transport. Sediment transport in rivers, cross-shore and longshore are dealt with in chapters 2......, 4 and 5, respectively. It is not the intention of the book to give a broad review of the literature on this very wide topic. The book tries to pick up information which is of engineering importance. An obstacle to the study of sedimentation is the scale effect in model tests. Whenever small...

  14. Dating of sediments and determination of sedimentation rate. Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Illus, E [ed.


    The Second NKS (Nordic Nuclear Safety Research)/EKO-1 Seminar was held at the Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK) on April 2-3, 1997. The work of the NKS is based on 4-year programmes; the current programme having been planned for the years 1994-1997. The programme comprises 3 major fields, one of them being environmental effects (EKO). Under this umbrella there are 4 main projects. The EKO-1 project deals with marine radioecology, in particular bottom sediments and sediment processes. The programme of the second seminar consisted of 8 invited lecturers and 6 other scientific presentations. Dating of sediments and determination of sedimentation rate are important in all types of sedimentological study and model calculations of fluxes of substances in the aquatic environment. In many cases these tasks have been closely related to radioecological studies undertaken in marine and fresh water environments, because they are often based on measured depth profiles of certain natural or artificial radionuclides present in the sediments. During recent decades Pb-210 has proved to be very useful in dating of sediments, but some other radionuclides have also been successfully used, e.g. Pu-239,240, Am-241 and Cs-137. The difficulties existing and problems involved in dating of sediments, as well as solutions for resolving these problems are discussed in the presentations

  15. Dating of sediments and determination of sedimentation rate. Proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Illus, E.


    The Second NKS (Nordic Nuclear Safety Research)/EKO-1 Seminar was held at the Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK) on April 2-3, 1997. The work of the NKS is based on 4-year programmes; the current programme having been planned for the years 1994-1997. The programme comprises 3 major fields, one of them being environmental effects (EKO). Under this umbrella there are 4 main projects. The EKO-1 project deals with marine radioecology, in particular bottom sediments and sediment processes. The programme of the second seminar consisted of 8 invited lecturers and 6 other scientific presentations. Dating of sediments and determination of sedimentation rate are important in all types of sedimentological study and model calculations of fluxes of substances in the aquatic environment. In many cases these tasks have been closely related to radioecological studies undertaken in marine and fresh water environments, because they are often based on measured depth profiles of certain natural or artificial radionuclides present in the sediments. During recent decades Pb-210 has proved to be very useful in dating of sediments, but some other radionuclides have also been successfully used, e.g. Pu-239,240, Am-241 and Cs-137. The difficulties existing and problems involved in dating of sediments, as well as solutions for resolving these problems are discussed in the presentations

  16. Hawaii Regional Sediment Management (RSM): Regional Sediment Budget for the West Maui Region (United States)


    ER D C/ CH L TR -1 6- 5 Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Program Hawaii Regional Sediment Management (RSM): Regional Sediment Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Program ERDC/CHL TR-16-5 June 2016 Hawaii Regional Sediment Management...distribution is unlimited. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000 Under Project 454632, “ Hawaii Regional Sediment Management

  17. Upstream sediment input effects on experimental dune trough scour in sediment mixtures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kleinhans, M.G.


    Understanding causes of dune irregularity, especially dune trough scour, is important for the modeling of vertical sorting of sediment mixtures in morphological models of rivers with sediment mixtures. Sediment in dunes is generally sorted in a fining-upward manner, which affects the sediment

  18. Prevalência de sintomas de asma e tratamento de crianças e adolescentes de 2 a 14 anos no Campus Aproximado da PUCRS Prevalence of asthma symptoms and treatment of children and adolescents from 2 to 14 years of age in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brasília Itália C. S. Ache


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Nas últimas décadas tem havido aumento da prevalência da asma. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de sintomas de asma em crianças e adolescentes de 2 a 14 anos em Porto Alegre (RS, relacionando-a com o perfil socioeconômico, tratamento e hábito de fumar intradomiciliar. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal em que foram entrevistadas todas as famílias atendidas em junho de 2000. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de sintomas de asma foi de 49,5%. Em 66,8% das famílias a renda era inferior a quatro salários mínimos e em mais de 50% a escolaridade materna e paterna era menor que cinco anos. Em 98,5% não havia utilização de tratamento preventivo para asma. Nas 174 famílias estudadas 38,7% das mães, 43,7% dos pais e 32,7% de ambos eram fumantes. Houve associação entre as seguintes variáveis: exposição ao fumo intradomiciliar e número de crises de asma no último ano (p = 0,02; RR = 2,9; IC: 1,1 - 4,5; escolaridade materna e número de crises no último ano (p = 0,03; RR = 2,03; IC: 1,01 - 4,19; aglomeração e número de crises no último ano entre as crianças expostas ao fumo (p = 0,04; RR = 2,7; IC: 1,4 - 5,1; hospitalização e número de crises no último ano (p = 0,004; RR = 1,46; IC: 1,15 -1,86; hospitalização e aglomeração (p = 0,03; RR = 1,47; IC: 1,15 -1,86. Nos menores de cinco anos, houve associação entre fumo materno e número de crises no último ano (p = 0,03; RR = 1,79; IC: 1,04 - 3,08. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de sintomas de asma foi alta. A comunidade estudada é limitada do ponto de vista socioeconômico e não trata adequadamente a enfermidade, o que demonstra necessidade de atendimento priorizado, normatizado e com insumos e processos avaliativos para controle da doença.BACKGROUND: In recent decades, the prevalence of asthma has increased. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children and adolescents from 2 to 14 years of age living in Porto Alegre (in the state of Rio Grande

  19. Chemistry of marine sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yen, T.F.


    Some topics considered are as follows: characterization of sediments in the vicinity of offshore petroleum production; thermal alteration experiments on organic matter in recent marine sediments as a model for petroleum genesis; composition of polluted bottom sediments in Great Lakes harbors; distribution of heavy metals in sediment fractions; recent deposition of lead off the coast of southern California; release of trace constituents from sediments resuspended during dredging operations; and migration of chemical constituents in sediment-seawater interfaces

  20. Asma na gestação: efeitos na vitalidade fetal, complicações maternas e perinatais Asthma during pregnancy: effects on fetal well-being, and maternal and perinatal complications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata Franco Pimentel Mendes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da asma materna sobre a gravidez, analisando as repercussões da gravidade da doença no comprometimento do bem-estar fetal, bem como as complicações maternas e perinatais associadas. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo de 117 gestações complicadas pela asma materna e sem outras comorbidades, no período de janeiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2010. Os critérios de inclusão foram: gestação única; diagnóstico de asma prévio à gestação; início do pré-natal antes da 28ª semana de gravidez; parto realizado na instituição; peso do recém-nascido acima de 500g e idade gestacional no parto acima de 22 semanas; ausência de malformações fetais ou anomalias cromossômicas; ausência de comorbidades maternas. A gravidade da asma foi classificada em intermitente, persistente leve, persistente moderada, persistente grave. Foram analisados os resultados do perfil biofísico fetal e da dopplervelocimetria de artéria umbilical realizados até 14 dias antes do parto. RESULTADOS: Do total de 117 gestantes asmáticas analisadas: 41 (35,0% eram intermitentes, 33 (28,2% persistentes leves, 21 (17,9% persistentes moderadas e 22 (18,8% persistentes graves. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos quanto ao tipo de parto: a cesárea foi realizada em 65,8% dos casos, a corticoterapia materna no momento do parto em 20,5%, a idade gestacional no parto apresentou média de 38,6 semanas (DP 1,9 semanas e o peso ao nascimento apresentou média de 3056 g (DP 581 g. O perfil biofísico fetal realizado no período anteparto (n = 90, 76,9% apresentou resultado normal (8 ou 10 em 99% dos casos. A dopplervelocimetria de artéria umbilical foi avaliada em 23,9% (n = 28 das gestantes, e apresentou-se normal em 100% dos casos. O uso de corticoterapia sistêmica foi significativamente (pOBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of maternal asthma on pregnancy, analyzing the consequences of the severity of the disease in the

  1. Aptitud clínica ante el paciente pediátrico con asma grave en residentes de pediatría y urgencias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Loría-Castellanos

    Full Text Available Objetivo. Construir, validar y aplicar un instrumento para evaluar la aptitud clínica de los residentes de pediatría y urgencia ante los pacientes pediátricos con asma grave. Sujetos y métodos. Estudio observacional autorizado por el comité de investigación. El instrumento se construyó a través de cinco casos clínicos reales, validado por consenso de expertos en pediatría, urgencias e investigación educativa, obteniéndose una versión final de 150 ítems con una consistencia de 0,89. Se evaluaron 10 residentes de pediatría y 21 de urgencias. Se realizó un análisis estadístico no paramétrico. Resultados. La mayoría de los residentes (79,73% se ubicaron en los niveles bajos-muy bajos de aptitud clínica, ninguno alcanzó niveles superiores. Las pruebas estadísticas no encontraron diferencias entre los grados académicos o la especialidad. Conclusiones. El instrumento construido tiene una adecuada consistencia. El proceso educativo al que se han sometido estos residentes parece no favorecer el desarrollo de reflexión, lo que podría limitar su práctica profesional real.

  2. Evaluation of suspended sediment concentrations, sediment fluxes and sediment depositions along a reservoir by using laser diffraction and acoustic backscatter data (United States)

    Lizano, Laura; Haun, Stefan


    The construction of dams and reservoirs disturb the natural morphological behavior of rivers. A natural settling effect occurs due to the reduced turbulences and flow velocities. As a consequence, reservoirs fill up with sediments which results in a reduction of storage volume, influences the operation of hydropower plants and leads in several cases to flood protection problems. The sediment depositions in reservoirs are standardly evaluated by using bathymetric data, obtained by a single beam sonar from pre-defined cross sections or by an extensive evaluation of the reservoir bed by a side scan sonar. However, a disadvantage of this method is that it is not possible to evaluate the pore water content of the depositions, which may lead as consequence to an uncertainty in the measured amount of deposited sediments. Given that a major part of sediments entering reservoirs are transported in suspension, sediment flux measurements along defined transects could give more reliable information on the settled amount of sediments and additional information on the sediment transport mechanism within the reservoir. An evaluation of the sediment fluxes is in practice often conducted by a single suspended sediment concentration (SSC) measurement in combination with a cross sectional calibration factor to take changes in the SSC along the transect into account. However, these calibration factors are often developed only for one specific in-situ condition and may give unreliable results in case that the boundaries change e.g. the hydraulic conditions. Hence an evaluation of the sediment fluxes along the whole transect would give a more reliable number for the amount of transported sediments through the reservoir. This information can afterwards be used to calculate the amount of settled sediments in different sections of the reservoir and the amount of sediments which will enter the intake. For this study the suspended sediment transport within the Peñas Blancas reservoir in

  3. Sediment traps with guiding channel and hybrid check dams improve controlled sediment retention (United States)

    Schwindt, Sebastian; Franca, Mário J.; Reffo, Alessandro; Schleiss, Anton J.


    Sediment traps with partially open check dams are crucial elements for flood protection in alpine regions. The trapping of sediment is necessary when intense sediment transport occurs during floods that may endanger urban areas at downstream river reaches. In turn, the unwanted permanent trapping of sediment during small, non-hazardous floods can result in the ecological and morphological degradation of downstream reaches. This study experimentally analyses a novel concept for permeable sediment traps. For ensuring the sediment transfer up to small floods, a guiding channel implemented in the deposition area of a sediment trap was systematically studied. The bankfull discharge of the guiding channel corresponds to a dominant morphological discharge. At the downstream end of the guiding channel, a permeable barrier (check dam) triggers sediment retention and deposition. The permeable barrier consists of a bar screen for mechanical deposition control, superposed to a flow constriction for the hydraulic control. The barrier obstructs hazardous sediment transport for discharges that are higher than the bankfull discharge of the guiding channel without the risk of unwanted sediment flushing (massive self-cleaning).

  4. Investigation of Composition of Particle Size in Sediments of Stormwater Sedimentation Tank


    Daiva Laučytė; Regimantas Dauknys


    The main object for the storm water runoff treatment is to remove suspended solids before the storm water runoff is discharged into surface waters. Therefore the sedimentation tank is the most often used treatment facility. In order to optimise the sedimentation, the tendency of particle size distribution in bottom sediments must be known. Two similar size storm water runoff sedimentation tanks in Vilnius city were selected for the analysis of the particle size distribution in sediments. The ...

  5. Sedimentation (United States)

    Cliff R. Hupp; Michael R. Schening


    Sedimentation is arguably the most important water-quality concern in the United States. Sediment trapping is cited frequently as a major function of riverine-forested wetlands, yet little is known about sedimcntation rates at the landscape scale in relation to site parameters, including woody vegetation type, elevation, velocity, and hydraulic connection to the river...

  6. Investigation of Composition of Particle Size in Sediments of Stormwater Sedimentation Tank

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daiva Laučytė


    Full Text Available The main object for the storm water runoff treatment is to remove suspended solids before the storm water runoff is discharged into surface waters. Therefore the sedimentation tank is the most often used treatment facility. In order to optimise the sedimentation, the tendency of particle size distribution in bottom sediments must be known. Two similar size storm water runoff sedimentation tanks in Vilnius city were selected for the analysis of the particle size distribution in sediments. The composite samples of drained storm water runoff sediments were collected at the sedimentation tanks located in the districts of Verkiai and Karoliniskes on the 2nd of June, 2008. The analyses of grain size distribution were performed according the standard ISO/TS 17892-4:2004. The results showed that the particles with the particle size of 1–2 mm were obtained up to 10 m from the inlet and the particles with the size of 0,01–0,05 mm mainly were obtained close to the outlet of sedimentation tank. It is recommended to divide the sedimentation tank in two parts in order to get proper management of sediments: the particles that size is 1–10 mm could be managed as waste from grit chambers and particles of smaller size could be managed as primary sludge.Article in Lithuanian

  7. Algunos factores maternos relacionados con el recién nacido bajo peso en el policlínico "Isidro de Armas" Some maternal factors related to the low birth weight newborn in the "Isidro de Armas" Polyclinic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Israel López


    Full Text Available Objetivos: identificar los principales factores de riesgo que pueden ser causa de bajo peso en el recién nacido. Métodos: estudio de casos y controles realizado entre el 1ro. de enero del 2003 al 31 de diciembre del 2008 en el policlínico "Isidro de Armas" del municipio Playa, La Habana. Se analizaron variables socioeconómicas y biológicas como: edad materna, estado civil, escolaridad, ocupación, hábito de fumar, antecedentes patológicos personales, valoración nutricional, ganancia de peso, y peso del recién nacido. Resultados: las mujeres del grupo de estudio con edades entre 30 a 34 años aportaron el mayor número de recién nacidos bajo peso (34, 1 % y en las que no tuvieron bajo peso predominó el grupo de edades de 20 a 24 años. La mayoría de las mujeres en ambos grupos no tenían antecedentes patológicos personales, sin embargo, entre las que sí lo tuvieron, predominó en el grupo estudio la hipertensión arterial en el 17,1%, el asma 14,6 % y el hábito de fumar en el 9,8 %; en el de control, el asma y el hábito de fumar en el 12,2 % y la infección urinaria en el 7,3 %. Conclusiones: las edades maternas extremas, la baja escolaridad y el estado civil, no tienen influencias en el recién nacido bajo peso, mientras sí la tienen, la ocupación (madres trabajadoras y algunas enfermedades como la hipertensión arterial y el asma bronquial.Objectives: to identify the main risk factors influenced on the causes of low birth weight of newborn seen in the "Isidro de Armas" Polyclinic from Playa municipality. Methods: study of case-control conducted from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2008. The socioeconomic and biological variables were analyzed including: mother age, marital status, schooling, occupation, smoking, personal pathological backgrounds, nutritional assessment, weight gain and newborn weight. Results: the women included in study group aged 30-34 supplied the great figure of low birth weight newborns (34.1% and in

  8. Importance of measuring discharge and sediment transport in lesser tributaries when closing sediment budgets (United States)

    Griffiths, Ronald E.; Topping, David J.


    Sediment budgets are an important tool for understanding how riverine ecosystems respond to perturbations. Changes in the quantity and grain size distribution of sediment within river systems affect the channel morphology and related habitat resources. It is therefore important for resource managers to know if a river reach is in a state of sediment accumulation, deficit or stasis. Many sediment-budget studies have estimated the sediment loads of ungaged tributaries using regional sediment-yield equations or other similar techniques. While these approaches may be valid in regions where rainfall and geology are uniform over large areas, use of sediment-yield equations may lead to poor estimations of loads in regions where rainfall events, contributing geology, and vegetation have large spatial and/or temporal variability. Previous estimates of the combined mean-annual sediment load of all ungaged tributaries to the Colorado River downstream from Glen Canyon Dam vary by over a factor of three; this range in estimated sediment loads has resulted in different researchers reaching opposite conclusions on the sign (accumulation or deficit) of the sediment budget for particular reaches of the Colorado River. To better evaluate the supply of fine sediment (sand, silt, and clay) from these tributaries to the Colorado River, eight gages were established on previously ungaged tributaries in Glen, Marble, and Grand canyons. Results from this sediment-monitoring network show that previous estimates of the annual sediment loads of these tributaries were too high and that the sediment budget for the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam is more negative than previously calculated by most researchers. As a result of locally intense rainfall events with footprints smaller than the receiving basin, floods from a single tributary in semi-arid regions can have large (≥ 10 ×) differences in sediment concentrations between equal magnitude flows. Because sediment loads do not

  9. Site-specific sediment clean-up objectives developed by the sediment quality triad

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redman, S.; Janisch, T.


    Sediment chemistry, sediment toxicity, and benthic macroinvertebrate community data were collected and evaluated in concert (1) to characterize adverse effects of hydrocarbon and metal contaminants in the sediments of a small inlet of Superior Bay, Lake Superior and a tributary creek and (2) to derive numeric objectives for the clean up of this system. Sediments from reference locations and eight study sites were analyzed for a range of contaminants, including hydrocarbons (measured both as diesel range organics (DRO) and oil and grease), lead, chromium, and ammonia. A range of sediment toxicity was observed across the eight study sites using a variety of tests and endpoints: Hyalella azteca (10 day survival and growth), Chironomus tentans (10 day survival and growth), Ceriodaphnia dubia (48 hour survival), and Daphnia magna (48 hour survival and 10 day survival and reproduction). A range of alterations of the benthic macroinvertebrate community compared with communities from reference locations were observed. Benthic community alterations were summarized quantitatively by taxa richness and Shannon-Weiner mean diversity. Lowest effect levels determined through this study included 150 microg/g dry sediment for DRO (as measured in this study) and 40 microg/g dry sediment for lead. Effects thresholds determined through this study included 1,500 microg/g dry sediment for DRO and 90 microg/g dry sediment for lead. These levels and concentrations measured in relevant reference locations are being used to define objectives for sediment clean up in the inlet and creek

  10. Terrestrial Sediments of the Earth: Development of a Global Unconsolidated Sediments Map Database (GUM) (United States)

    Börker, J.; Hartmann, J.; Amann, T.; Romero-Mujalli, G.


    Mapped unconsolidated sediments cover half of the global land surface. They are of considerable importance for many Earth surface processes like weathering, hydrological fluxes or biogeochemical cycles. Ignoring their characteristics or spatial extent may lead to misinterpretations in Earth System studies. Therefore, a new Global Unconsolidated Sediments Map database (GUM) was compiled, using regional maps specifically representing unconsolidated and quaternary sediments. The new GUM database provides insights into the regional distribution of unconsolidated sediments and their properties. The GUM comprises 911,551 polygons and describes not only sediment types and subtypes, but also parameters like grain size, mineralogy, age and thickness where available. Previous global lithological maps or databases lacked detail for reported unconsolidated sediment areas or missed large areas, and reported a global coverage of 25 to 30%, considering the ice-free land area. Here, alluvial sediments cover about 23% of the mapped total ice-free area, followed by aeolian sediments (˜21%), glacial sediments (˜20%), and colluvial sediments (˜16%). A specific focus during the creation of the database was on the distribution of loess deposits, since loess is highly reactive and relevant to understand geochemical cycles related to dust deposition and weathering processes. An additional layer compiling pyroclastic sediment is added, which merges consolidated and unconsolidated pyroclastic sediments. The compilation shows latitudinal abundances of sediment types related to climate of the past. The GUM database is available at the PANGAEA database (

  11. A intervenção da célula epitelial na asma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anabela Mota Pinto


    Full Text Available Resumo: Faz-se uma revisão da intervenção da célula epitelial brônquica na fisiopatologia da asma. O epitélio que reveste as vias respiratórias actua como uma barreira física, separando o meio externo do meio interno pulmonar, controla a permeabilidade intercelular e transcelular, e, deste modo, a acessibilidade dos agressores inalantes às células apresentadoras de antigénio envolvidas na resposta imunoinflamatória. As células epiteliais unidas por tight junctions contribuem para a integridade das vias aéreas e expressam poliovirus receptor– related protein (PRR, toll like receptors (TLR e protease-activated receptors (PAR, que reconhecem agentes bacterianos e alergénios. A sua disfunção transforma-as em fonte de mediadores intervenientes na inflamação.A interacção bidireccional entre, por um lado, o epitélio e os elementos constitutivos do brônquio e por outro, as partículas inaladas, tem subjacente a formação de uma unidade, com identidade própria designada EMTU – epithelial mesenchymal trophic unit.Esta extensa intervenção coloca a célula epitelial no centro de acção da cronicidade e remodelação do processo asmático.As doenças infecciosas e o stress ambiental são capazes de induzir alterações a nível da célula epitelial susceptíveis de modificar a sua resposta a estimulações futuras, nomeadamente a ampliar a resposta a outras agressões infecciosas por acção sinérgica das vias de sinalização.O epitélio brônquico tem assim funções de barreira que lhe permite exercer uma permeabilidade selectiva, a nível intracelular e transcelular, é ainda metabolicamente activo pelas capacidade de produzir mediadores quimiotácticos e citocinas envolvidos no recrutamento e na activação celular, com repercussão na broncomotricidade e na remodelação da parede br

  12. Coupling climate conditions, sediment sources and sediment transport in an alpine basin (United States)

    Rainato, Riccardo; Picco, Lorenzo; Cavalli, Marco; Mao, Luca; Neverman, Andrew J.; Tarolli, Paolo


    In a fluvial system, mountain basins control sediment export to the lowland rivers. Hence, the analysis of the erosion processes and sediment delivery patterns that act in mountain basins is important. Several studies have investigated the alterations triggered by recent climatic change on the hydrological regime, whilst only a few works have explored the consequences on the sediment dynamics. Here we combined and analyzed the quasi-unique dataset of climatic conditions, landscape response, and sediment export produced, since 1986 in the Rio Cordon basin (5 km2, Eastern Italian Alps) to examine the sediment delivery processes occurring in the last three decades. The temperature, precipitation, and fluvial sediment fluxes in the basin were analyzed using continuous measurement executed by a permanent monitoring station, while the landscape evolution was investigated by three sediment source inventories established in 1994, 2006, and 2016. Thus, the analysis focused on the trends exhibited during the periods 1986-1993, 1994-2006, and 2007-2015. In terms of climatic conditions, three distinct climate forcing stages can be observed in the periods analyzed: a relatively stable phase (1986-1993), a period characterized by temperature and rainfall fluctuations (1994-2006), and a more recent warmer and wetter phase (2007-2015). In the 1986-1993 period, the fluvial sediment fluxes reflected the stable trend exhibited by the climatic conditions. In the subsequent 1994-2006 period, the average temperature and precipitation were in line with that previously observed, although with higher interannual variability. Notwithstanding the climate forcing and the occurrence of high magnitude/low frequency floods that strongly influenced the source areas, between 1994 and 2006 the Rio Cordon basin showed relatively limited erosion activity. Hence, the climatic conditions and the landscape response can only partially explain the strong increase of sediment export recorded in the 1994

  13. Alternation of Sediment Characteristics during Sediment Microbial Fuel Cells Amended Biochar (United States)

    Yang, Xunan; Chen, Shanshan


    Sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs) are considered as a new technology in sediment remediation, while biochars can promote interspecies electron transfer in bioelectrochemical systems. We conducted the SMFCs amended with biochars to investigate their effects on of sediment characteristics. Results showed that the anode of SMFCs could oxidize the chemical oxidizable matter in sediments (by 4%-16%) correlating with the maximum power density (r=0.982, palternations under SMFC operation, which gave information on the element pool related to pollutants and the risk of the application of SMFCs.

  14. Beryllium-10 in Chesapeake Bay sediments: an indicator of sediment provenance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Helz, G.R.; Valette-Silver, Nathalie


    In a plot of 10 Be vs. Fe, central Chesapeake Bay sediments can be segregated into distinct units. This plot reveals an unexpected, statistically significant difference between sediments on the eastern and western flanks of the main channel, implying different origins. Although the 10 Be concentrations in sediments from these two regions span as much as an order of magnitude range, the 10 Be/Fe ratios vary by an amount approximating analytical error alone. The large concentration ranges are ascribed to hydraulic sorting, which can produce variance in composition while not affecting ratios between grain surface components such as Fe and Be. On the basis of 10 Be/Fe signatures, sediments on the western flank of the main channel appear to have been derived from the Susquehanna or another Piedmont/Appalachian river. Sediments on the eastern flank may have been transported from the south, by landward flowing bottom currents, or may be relics of a Pleistocene estuarine system. Conditions under which 10 Be may prove a useful tool in sediment provenance studies elsewhere are discussed. (Author)

  15. Bioleaching of heavy metal polluted sediment: influence of sediment properties. Pt. 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loeser, C. [Technische Universitaet Dresden, Institut fuer Lebensmittel- und Bioverfahrenstechnik, Bergstrasse 120, D-01062 Dresden (Germany); Zehnsdorf, A. [UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Umwelt- und Biotechnologisches Zentrum, Permoserstrasse 15, D-04318 Leipzig (Germany); Hoffmann, P.; Seidel, H. [UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Department Bioremediation, Permoserstrasse 15, D-04318 Leipzig (Germany)


    A remediation process for heavy metal polluted sediment has previously been developed, in which the heavy metals are removed from the sediment by solid-bed bioleaching using sulfuric acid as a leaching agent arising from added elemental sulfur (S{sup 0}). This process has been engineered with Weisse Elster River sediment (dredged near Leipzig, Germany), as an example. Here, six heavy metal polluted sediments originating from various bodies of water in Germany were subjected to bioleaching to evaluate the applicability of the developed process on sediment of different nature: each sediment was mixed with 2 % S{sup 0}, suspended in water and then leached under identical conditions. The buffer characteristics of each sediment were mainly governed by its carbonate and Ca content, i.e., by its geological background, the redox potential and oxidation state depended on its pre-treatment (e.g., on land disposal), while the pH value was influenced by both. The added S{sup 0} was quickly oxidized by the indigenous microbes even in slightly alkaline sediment. The microbially generated H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} accumulated in the aqueous phase and was in part precipitated as gypsum. Significant acidification and heavy metal solubilization only occurred with sediment poor in buffer substances. With the exception of one sediment, the behavior in bioleaching correlated well with the behavior in titration with H{sub 2}SO{sub 4}. Since the content in carbonate seemed to be the most important factor deciding on the leachability of a sediment, oxic Weisse Elster River sediment was mixed with 2 % S{sup 0} and 0 to 100 g/kg of ground limestone to simulate various buffer capacities, suspended in water and then leached. The lime did not inhibit microbial S{sup 0} oxidation but generated a delay in acidification due to neutralization of formed H{sub 2}SO{sub 4}, where the pH only started to decrease when the lime was completely consumed. The more lime the sediment contained, the longer this lag

  16. Determining the sources of fine-grained sediment using the Sediment Source Assessment Tool (Sed_SAT) (United States)

    Gorman Sanisaca, Lillian E.; Gellis, Allen C.; Lorenz, David L.


    A sound understanding of sources contributing to instream sediment flux in a watershed is important when developing total maximum daily load (TMDL) management strategies designed to reduce suspended sediment in streams. Sediment fingerprinting and sediment budget approaches are two techniques that, when used jointly, can qualify and quantify the major sources of sediment in a given watershed. The sediment fingerprinting approach uses trace element concentrations from samples in known potential source areas to determine a clear signature of each potential source. A mixing model is then used to determine the relative source contribution to the target suspended sediment samples.The computational steps required to apportion sediment for each target sample are quite involved and time intensive, a problem the Sediment Source Assessment Tool (Sed_SAT) addresses. Sed_SAT is a user-friendly statistical model that guides the user through the necessary steps in order to quantify the relative contributions of sediment sources in a given watershed. The model is written using the statistical software R (R Core Team, 2016b) and utilizes Microsoft Access® as a user interface but requires no prior knowledge of R or Microsoft Access® to successfully run the model successfully. Sed_SAT identifies outliers, corrects for differences in size and organic content in the source samples relative to the target samples, evaluates the conservative behavior of tracers used in fingerprinting by applying a “Bracket Test,” identifies tracers with the highest discriminatory power, and provides robust error analysis through a Monte Carlo simulation following the mixing model. Quantifying sediment source contributions using the sediment fingerprinting approach provides local, State, and Federal land management agencies with important information needed to implement effective strategies to reduce sediment. Sed_SAT is designed to assist these agencies in applying the sediment fingerprinting

  17. Fatores de risco para consultas em pronto-socorro por crianças asmáticas no Sul do Brasil

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    Chatkin Moema


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Traçar um perfil das crianças asmáticas do município de Pelotas, RS, conhecer o manejo da doença e os fatores de risco associados a consultas em pronto-socorro, motivadas por asma. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal aninhado a um estudo de coorte, realizado na área urbana de Pelotas, cidade de médio porte do Sul do Brasil. Participaram 981 crianças de 4-5 anos, pertencentes à coorte de 1993. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de asma encontrada na amostra estudada foi de 25,4%. A morbidade por asma foi elevada: 31% das crianças asmáticas haviam procurado o pronto-socorro no último ano, 57% tinham consultado médico e 26%, de 1 a 4 anos, foram internadas por asma. Na análise geral, escolaridade e renda familiar baixas associaram-se com consultas em pronto-socorro (RO=4,1 para 0 a 4 anos de escolaridade e RO=6,5 para menos de 1 salário-mínimo. Dormir em quartos com 3 ou mais pessoas também mostrou-se associado (RO=2,2, bem como severidade das crises (RO=2,7, uso de medicamentos para asma no último ano (RO=1,9 e internações por asma (RO=3,0. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de asma entre crianças pré-escolares em Pelotas é alta, levando a grande morbidade. Encontraram-se como fatores preditores de consultas em pronto-socorro por asma, após análise multivariada, a baixa escolaridade das mães, severidade das crises e internação por asma.

  18. The behavioural characteristics of sediment properties and their implications for sediment fingerprinting as an approach for identifying sediment sources in river basins (United States)

    Koiter, A. J.; Owens, P. N.; Petticrew, E. L.; Lobb, D. A.


    Sediment fingerprinting is a technique that is increasingly being used to improve the understanding of sediment dynamics within river basins. At present, one of the main limitations of the technique is the ability to link sediment back to their sources due to the non-conservative nature of many of the sediment properties. The processes that occur between the sediment source locations and the point of collection downstream are not well understood or quantified and currently represent a black-box in the sediment fingerprinting approach. The literature on sediment fingerprinting tends to assume that there is a direct connection between sources and sinks, while much of the broader environmental sedimentology literature identifies that numerous chemical, biological and physical transformations and alterations can occur as sediment moves through the landscape. The focus of this paper is on the processes that drive particle size and organic matter selectivity and biological, geochemical and physical transformations and how understanding these processes can be used to guide sampling protocols, fingerprint selection and data interpretation. The application of statistical approaches without consideration of how unique sediment fingerprints have developed and how robust they are within the environment is a major limitation of many recent studies. This review summarises the current information, identifies areas that need further investigation and provides recommendations for sediment fingerprinting that should be considered for adoption in future studies if the full potential and utility of the approach are to be realised.

  19. Sediment impacts on marine sponges. (United States)

    Bell, James J; McGrath, Emily; Biggerstaff, Andrew; Bates, Tracey; Bennett, Holly; Marlow, Joseph; Shaffer, Megan


    Changes in sediment input to marine systems can influence benthic environments in many ways. Sponges are important components of benthic ecosystems world-wide and as sessile suspension feeders are likely to be impacted by changes in sediment levels. Despite this, little is known about how sponges respond to changes in settled and suspended sediment. Here we review the known impacts of sedimentation on sponges and their adaptive capabilities, whilst highlighting gaps in our understanding of sediment impacts on sponges. Although the literature clearly shows that sponges are influenced by sediment in a variety of ways, most studies confer that sponges are able to tolerate, and in some cases thrive, in sedimented environments. Critical gaps exist in our understanding of the physiological responses of sponges to sediment, adaptive mechanisms, tolerance limits, and the particularly the effect of sediment on early life history stages. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Sediment Capping and Natural Recovery, Contaminant Transport Fundamentals With Applications to Sediment Caps

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Petrovski, David M; Corcoran, Maureen K; May, James H; Patrick, David M


    Engineered sediment caps and natural recovery are in situ remedial alternatives for contaminated sediments, which consist of the artificial or natural placement of a layer of material over a sediment...

  1. Forma rara de apresentação de corpo estranho traqueobrônquico simulando asma grave: Caso clínico Tracheobronchial foreign body aspiration simulating asthma attack: A case report

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    Miguel Guimarães


    Full Text Available O broncoespasmo é um dos sintomas clássicos de asma que pode ocorrer também em outras patologias. A aspiração de corpos estranhos traqueobrônquicos no adulto é uma dessas situações, que embora rara pode permanecer oculta por períodos de tempo prolongados. Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um jovem asmático vítima de acidente de trabalho do qual resultou aspiração de corpo estranho pouco usual e só posteriormente reconhecido.Wheezing is a major symptom of asthma although it may be present in other pathologies. Foreign body aspiration a situation that often remains hidden for long periods of time. The authors present a case report of an asthmatic victim of workplace accident with aspiration of foreign body that was only suspected after some time.

  2. Fluvial sediment transport: Analytical techniques for measuring sediment load

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Sediment transport data are often used for the evaluation of land surface erosion, reservoir sedimentation, ecological habitat quality and coastal sediment budgets. Sediment transport by rivers is usually considered to occur in two major ways: (1) in the flow as a suspended load and (2) along the bed as a bed load. This publication provides guidance on selected techniques for the measurement of particles moving in both modes in the fluvial environment. The relative importance of the transport mode is variable and depends on the hydraulic and sedimentary conditions. The potential user is directed in the selection of an appropriate technique through the presentation of operating principles, application guidelines and estimated costs. Techniques which require laboratory analysis are grab sample, pump sample, depth sample, point integrated and radioactive tracers. Techniques which will continuously record data are optical backscattering, nuclear transmission, single frequency acoustic and laser diffraction

  3. Modeling chemical accumulation in sediment of small waterbodies accounting for sediment transport and water-sediment exchange processes over long periods. (United States)

    Patterson, David Albert; Strehmel, Alexander; Erzgräber, Beate; Hammel, Klaus


    In a recent scientific opinion of the European Food Safety Authority it is argued that the accumulation of plant protection products in sediments over long time periods may be an environmentally significant process. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority proposed a calculation to account for plant protection product accumulation. This calculation, however, considers plant protection product degradation within sediment as the only dissipation route, and does not account for sediment dynamics or back-diffusion into the water column. The hydraulic model Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS; US Army Corps of Engineers) was parameterized to assess sediment transport and deposition dynamics within the FOrum for Co-ordination of pesticide fate models and their USe (FOCUS) scenarios in simulations spanning 20 yr. The results show that only 10 to 50% of incoming sediment would be deposited. The remaining portion of sediment particles is transported across the downstream boundary. For a generic plant protection product substance this resulted in deposition of only 20 to 50% of incoming plant protection product substance. In a separate analysis, the FOCUS TOXSWA model was utilized to examine the relative importance of degradation versus back-diffusion as loss processes from the sediment compartment for a diverse range of generic plant protection products. In simulations spanning 20 yr, it was shown that back-diffusion was generally the dominant dissipation process. The results of the present study show that sediment dynamics and back-diffusion should be considered when calculating long-term plant protection product accumulation in sediment. Neglecting these may lead to a systematic overestimation of accumulation. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:3223-3231. © 2017 SETAC. © 2017 SETAC.

  4. Effects of sediment composition on inorganic mercury partitioning, speciation and bioavailability in oxic surficial sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong Huan; Wang Wenxiong


    Artificially prepared sediments were used to assess the effects of sediment composition on inorganic Hg partitioning, speciation and bioavailability. Organic coating in sediment greatly increased the Hg partitioning and the amount of bioavailable Hg bound with the clay and the Fe and Mn oxides, but had little effect on that bound with the quartz and calcium carbonate as a result of weaker binding of humic acids and fulvic acids. The clay content increased the concentration of Hg in the sediments but inhibited the gut juice extraction due to the strong binding of Hg-organic matter (OM) complexes. Most Hg in the sediments was complexed by OM (mainly distributed in the organo-complexed phase and the strongly complexed phase), and the Hg-OM complexes (especially Hg in the strongly complexed phase) in sediments contributed much to gut juice extraction. Redistribution of Hg-OM complexes between sediments and gut juices may occur during gut juice extraction and modify Hg bioavailability and speciation in sediments. - Organic and clay contents in sediments are the two most important components controlling Hg partitioning in sediments and bioavailability

  5. [Limnology of high mountain tropical lake, in Ecuador: characteristics of sediments and rate of sedimentation]. (United States)

    Gunkel, Günter


    Equatorial high mountain lakes are a special type of lake occurring mainly in the South American Andes as well as in Central Africa and Asia. They occur at altitudes of a few thousand meters above sea level and are cold-water lakes (limnological study was therefore undertaken at Lake San Pablo, Ecuador, to analyze the basic limnological processes of the lake, which has a tendency for eutrophication. Sediment quality of San Pablo Lake is given under consideration of horizontal and vertical distribution using sediment cores. Significance of sediments for eutrophication process of lakes is demonstrated using phosphorus concentration of sediments as well as the phosphorus retention capacity of the sediments by ratio Fe/P. Dating of the sediments is done using 137Cs and 210Pb, but the activity of 137Cs in the sediment was very low nearly at the detection level. Sedimentation rate is determined to be 3.5 mm/year and the sediment cores represent about 110 years. P concentration of the sediments is high (approximately 5 g/kg dry substance), and P retention capacity by Fe is insufficient (Fe/P = 4). The sediment quality did not change significantly during the past decades, and the trophic state of San Pablo Lake was already less or more eutrophic 110 years ago. The contamination of the lake sediments by heavy metals is insignificant.

  6. Estimating suspended sediment yield, sedimentation controls and impacts in the Mellah Catchment of Northern Algeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khanchoul, Kamel; Assassi Fella; Altschul, Robert


    This paper is an assessment of the suspended sediment yield in the Mellah Catchment of northern Algeria. We use discharge-sediment load relationships to explore the variability of water discharge and sediment load, and to investigate the impact of geomorphic factors disturbance on erosion and sedimentation. Suspended sediment load was analyzed in the Mellah Catchment (550 squre kms ) which was controlled by a gauging station to measure discharge and sediment transport. The relations between daily mean sediment concentration and daily mean water discharge were analyzed to develop sediment rating curves. For storms with no water samples, a sediment rating curve was developed. The technique involves stratification of data into discharge-based classes, the mean of which are used to fit a rating curve according to single flow data and season to provide various rating relationships. The mean annual sediment yield during the 24 years of the study period was 562 T km -2 in the Mellah Catchment. This drainage basin had high rainfall and runoff, the erosion was high. The high sediment yield in the Mellah basin could be explained by a high percentage of sparse grassland and cultivation developed on shallow marly silty-clayey soils with steep slopes often exceeding 12%. Almost all suspended sediment loads are transported during storm events that mainly occur in the winter and spring heavy and medium downpours. The scarceness of these events leads to a very large interseasonal variability of the wadi sediment fluxes. The negative impacts of this enhanced sediment mobility are directly felt in the western part of the basin which shows many mass movements, bank and gully erosion because cultivated areas are often bared during autumnal brief flash floods and furrowed downslope during the winter season. (author)


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    S. M. Praveena, M. Radojevic, M. H. Abdullah, A. Z. Aris


    Full Text Available There have been numerous sediment quality guidelines developed to monitor the sediments. Sediment quality guidelines are very useful to screen sediment contamination by comparing sediment contaminant concentration with the corresponding quality guideline, provide useful tools for screening sediment chemical data to identify pollutants of concern and prioritise problem sites and relatively good predictors of contaminations. However, these guidelines are chemical specific and do not include biological parameters. Aquatic ecosystems, including sediments, must be assessed in multiple components (biological data, toxicity, physicochemistry by using intregrated approaches in order to establish a complete and comprehensive set of sediment quality guidelines. Numerous sediment quality guidelines Washington Department of Ecology Sediment Quality Guideline, Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Swedish Environmental Sediment Quality, Screening Quick Reference Table, Portuguese Legislation on the Classification of Dredged Materials in Coastal Zones and Interim Sediment Quality Guideline for Hong Kong have been applied to the Mengkabong lagoon mangrove sediment and discussed. The most appropriate guideline that meets the prioritization criteria consistent with international initiatives and regulations is interim sediment quality values for Hong Kong. The guideline verifies that all the metals are below the Interim Sediment Quality Value-low. However, site-specific, biological testing and ecological analysis of exisiting benthics community structure related to sediment contamination are needed for final decision making in the case of Mengkabong lagoon.

  8. Rapid Sediment Accumulation Results in High Methane Effluxes from Coastal Sediments.

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    Matthias Egger

    Full Text Available Globally, the methane (CH4 efflux from the ocean to the atmosphere is small, despite high rates of CH4 production in continental shelf and slope environments. This low efflux results from the biological removal of CH4 through anaerobic oxidation with sulfate in marine sediments. In some settings, however, pore water CH4 is found throughout the sulfate-bearing zone, indicating an apparently inefficient oxidation barrier for CH4. Here we demonstrate that rapid sediment accumulation can explain this limited capacity for CH4 removal in coastal sediments. In a saline coastal reservoir (Lake Grevelingen, The Netherlands, we observed high diffusive CH4 effluxes from the sediment into the overlying water column (0.2-0.8 mol m-2 yr-1 during multiple years. Linear pore water CH4 profiles and the absence of an isotopic enrichment commonly associated with CH4 oxidation in a zone with high rates of sulfate reduction (50-170 nmol cm-3 d-1 both suggest that CH4 is bypassing the zone of sulfate reduction. We propose that the rapid sediment accumulation at this site (~ 13 cm yr-1 reduces the residence time of the CH4 oxidizing microorganisms in the sulfate/methane transition zone (< 5 years, thus making it difficult for these slow growing methanotrophic communities to build-up sufficient biomass to efficiently remove pore water CH4. In addition, our results indicate that the high input of organic matter (~ 91 mol C m-2 yr-1 allows for the co-occurrence of different dissimilatory respiration processes, such as (acetotrophic methanogenesis and sulfate reduction in the surface sediments by providing abundant substrate. We conclude that anthropogenic eutrophication and rapid sediment accumulation likely increase the release of CH4 from coastal sediments.

  9. Factores pronósticos del éxito de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva en la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda

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    Zadis Navarro Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y analítico, de casos y controles, de 41 afectados con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, tratados con ventilación mecánica no invasiva y egresados de las unidades de atención a pacientes en estado grave en el Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, del 2012 al 2013, con vistas a describir la variabilidad de los parámetros fisiológicos y hemogasométricos, así como estimar la capacidad de pronóstico de estos en el desenlace exitoso del procedimiento. En la serie la media de edad fue de 60 años, predominó el sexo masculino (61,0 %, la técnica fue exitosa en 80,5 % y se constataron resultados significativos de éxito en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, asma bronquial e insuficiencia respiratoria aguda posextubación (76,9; 87,5 y 100,0 %, respectivamente. El éxito de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva trajo aparejada una mejoría considerable en los integrantes de la casuística al final de la evaluación de todos los parámetros fisiológicos y hemogasométricos, a excepción, en este último caso, de la presión arterial de dióxido de carbono y el bicarbonato sódico. Finalmente se concluyó que solo la escala de coma de Glasgow y la presión arterial de oxígeno presentaron importancia significativa para el pronóstico de éxito

  10. La Tolerancia y La Ética: Comentario

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    Efraím Otero Ruiz


    Full Text Available Ante todo permítaseme agradecer a la H. Junta Directiva de la Academia por la honrosa designación que me ha hecho para comentar el trabajo con que el Académico Arnulfo Rodríguez Cornejo accede hoy a la categoría de Miembro de Número. Médico de la Universidad Nacional, egresado en 1964, hizo su especialidad en medicina interna y neumología en Nueva York, entre 1968 y 1993 bajo el auspicio académico de la Universidad del Estado de Nueva York (SUNY, donde llegó a ocupar el cargo de Profesor de Medicina Interna en sus 10 últimos años; profundizando allí, a partir de 1981, sus estudios sobre VIH-SIDA en adición a su actividad neumológica. De regreso a su nativa Bucaramanga, en 1993, fue designado como Profesor de Medicina Interna de la Universidad Industrial de Santander y, desde 1998, de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, donde además se desempeña como profesor de Neumología, Bioética y Deontología Médica. Pertenece a 11 sociedades científicas norteamericanas y 3 colombianas. Como Correspondiente de la Academia Nacional de Medicina ha ocupado la Vice-Presidencia y la Presidencia del Capítulo de Santander y, desde hace varios años ha sido Magistrado y Presidente del Tribunal de Ética Médica de Santander. Es autor de dos libros de texto, uno sobre asma bronquial y otro sobre bioética y numerosas investigaciones sobre temas de su especialidad.

  11. Estrés y ansiedad maternos y su relación con el éxito de la lactancia materna

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    Remigio Rafael Gorrita Pérez

    Full Text Available Introducción: la lactancia materna es la única forma natural de alimentar al bebé, e inigualable para su crecimiento y desarrollo. Múltiples son los factores que se han relacionado con el establecimiento o no de una lactancia materna exitosa. Objetivo: identificar en las madres, los niveles de vulnerabilidad al estrés y de ansiedad como estado, y su relación con el éxito de la lactancia materna. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo y descriptivo. Se estudiaron 101 madres y sus hijos de 13 consultorios del Policlínico "Luis Augusto Turcios Lima", de San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, entre el 1ro. de febrero de 2012 y el 30 de enero de 2013. Resultados: el 76,2 % de madres estaba en el rango de 20 a 35 años, 89,8 % tenían pareja estable, el 50,5 % nivel preuniversitario y el 41,4 % de ellas padecían de asma bronquial. La vulnerabilidad al estrés y la ansiedad como estado se encontraban al final del tercer trimestre en el 46,5 y 56,4 % respectivamente. El 49,5 % de las madres ofreció lactancia materna exclusiva por 4 o 5 meses, y el 27,7 % hasta los 6 meses. Lograron mejores índices de lactancia materna exclusiva a los 4, 5 y 6 meses aquellas con menores niveles de vulnerabilidad al estrés y de estado de ansiedad. Conclusiones: se evidenció que existe una estrecha relación entre los niveles de estrés y ansiedad y el éxito de la lactancia materna.

  12. El Che y la natación

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    Ana Maria Peña Rojas


    Full Text Available Sobre la vida de Ernesto Guevara de la Serna se puede hablar de una trayectoria tan rica en todos los campos; que se pudiera decir del héroe de nuestra América, el guerrillero, el economista, el escritor, el fotógrafo y un gran apasionado por el deporte. Se aborda algunos aspectos relacionados con el Ché como practicante sistemático de la Natación en el sector residencial y escolar durante su vida, pues siempre le interesó la actividad deportiva a pesar de su escasa salud, por el padecimiento de asma bronquial desde su nacimiento. Tuvo junto a sus padres estancia en varios lugares, buscando condiciones para el progreso de su salud, pues además era el hijo primogénito y su madre padeció de la misma enfermedad durante su niñez, aunque heredó otras cosas muy buenas de ella. Supo sobreponerse con tesón y voluntad, tuvo gran incidencia en actividades relacionadas con la natación y otros deportes. Demostró gran destreza en el estilo Mariposa; aunque también practicaba el estilo pecho y el clavado. Su interactuar apasionado como deportista durante su juventud y adultez, lo hicieron más fuertes para enfrentar la vida, lo que posibilitó una formación integra en su persona; aquí se expresa la versatilidad e integridad y fortaleza de un hombre apasionado por la naturaleza, la formación de un hombre nuevo, con diferentes matices de ejemplaridad y paradigma de los pueblos de América Latina.

  13. Incorporation of Fine-Grained Sediment Erodibility Measurements into Sediment Transport Modeling, Capitol Lake, Washington (United States)

    Stevens, Andrew W.; Gelfenbaum, Guy; Elias, Edwin; Jones, Craig


    Capitol Lake was created in 1951 with the construction of a concrete dam and control gate that prevented salt-water intrusion into the newly formed lake and regulated flow of the Deschutes River into southern Puget Sound. Physical processes associated with the former tidally dominated estuary were altered, and the dam structure itself likely caused an increase in retention of sediment flowing into the lake from the Deschutes River. Several efforts to manage sediment accumulation in the lake, including dredging and the construction of sediment traps upriver, failed to stop the lake from filling with sediment. The Deschutes Estuary Feasibility Study (DEFS) was carried out to evaluate the possibility of removing the dam and restoring estuarine processes as an alternative ongoing lake management. An important component of DEFS was the creation of a hydrodynamic and sediment transport model of the restored Deschutes Estuary. Results from model simulations indicated that estuarine processes would be restored under each of four restoration alternatives, and that over time, the restored estuary would have morphological features similar to the predam estuary. The model also predicted that after dam-removal, a large portion of the sediment eroded from the lake bottom would be deposited near the Port of Olympia and a marina located in lower Budd Inlet seaward of the present dam. The volume of sediment transported downstream was a critical piece of information that managers needed to estimate the total cost of the proposed restoration project. However, the ability of the model to predict the magnitude of sediment transport in general and, in particular, the volume of sediment deposition in the port and marina was limited by a lack of information on the erodibility of fine-grained sediments in Capitol Lake. Cores at several sites throughout Capitol Lake were collected between October 31 and November 1, 2007. The erodibility of sediments in the cores was later determined in the

  14. Estimating sediment discharge: Appendix D (United States)

    Gray, John R.; Simões, Francisco J. M.


    Sediment-discharge measurements usually are available on a discrete or periodic basis. However, estimates of sediment transport often are needed for unmeasured periods, such as when daily or annual sediment-discharge values are sought, or when estimates of transport rates for unmeasured or hypothetical flows are required. Selected methods for estimating suspended-sediment, bed-load, bed- material-load, and total-load discharges have been presented in some detail elsewhere in this volume. The purposes of this contribution are to present some limitations and potential pitfalls associated with obtaining and using the requisite data and equations to estimate sediment discharges and to provide guidance for selecting appropriate estimating equations. Records of sediment discharge are derived from data collected with sufficient frequency to obtain reliable estimates for the computational interval and period. Most sediment- discharge records are computed at daily or annual intervals based on periodically collected data, although some partial records represent discrete or seasonal intervals such as those for flood periods. The method used to calculate sediment- discharge records is dependent on the types and frequency of available data. Records for suspended-sediment discharge computed by methods described by Porterfield (1972) are most prevalent, in part because measurement protocols and computational techniques are well established and because suspended sediment composes the bulk of sediment dis- charges for many rivers. Discharge records for bed load, total load, or in some cases bed-material load plus wash load are less common. Reliable estimation of sediment discharges presupposes that the data on which the estimates are based are comparable and reliable. Unfortunately, data describing a selected characteristic of sediment were not necessarily derived—collected, processed, analyzed, or interpreted—in a consistent manner. For example, bed-load data collected with

  15. Sedimentation rate and {sup 210}Pb sediment dating at Apipucos reservoir, Recife, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueiredo, Marcela D.C. de; Silva, Danubia B. da; Cunha, Manuela S. da; Rodrigues, Kelia R.G.; Pedroza, Eryka H.; Melo, Roberto T. de; Oliveira, Aristides; Hazin, Clovis A.; Souza, Vivianne L.B. de, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    The Apipucos Reservoir is located in Recife, State of Pernambuco, and, several districts of the metropolitan area use this reservoir to dispose waste and sewage. Dating sediments uses {sup 210}Pb from the atmosphere which is formed as a result of {sup 222}Rn emanation from the soil. Atmospheric lead, carried by rain, is called non-supported {sup 21}'0Pb, to differentiate it from the one contained in the sediment, in balance with the {sup 226}Ra. The model chosen for dating sediments depends on certain conditions: in an environment where the amount of sediment influx can vary, the constant rate of supply model is adopted. On the other hand, in environments where the sedimentation rate is constant and the sediment can be considered to have a constant initial concentration of unsupported {sup 210}Pb and the (CIC) model is applied. A 70-cm long, 5-cm internal-diameter wide core was collected for sediment dating. Each core was sliced, into 5 or 10 cm intervals. Samples were dried at 105 deg C, and about 5 g dry material from each sample was dissolved with acids. The {sup 210}Pb and {sup 226}Ra contents were separated and determined by beta and alpha counting by using a gas-flow proportional counter. Sediment ages were calculated by the two models, and for the second and fourth sampling points, both models could be used. The results showed an increase in sedimentation rate over the last 50 - 60 years. We can conclude that the top sediment layer is dated from 30 years ago. We can also conclude that the CRS is the best applicable model to use in this area. (author)

  16. Algal stabilisation of estuarine sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The presence of benthic microalgae can increase the stability of intertidal sediments and influence sediment fluxes within an estuarine environment. Therefore the relative importance of algal stabilisation needs to be understood to help predict the effects of a tidal barrage. The biogenic stabilisation of intertidal estuarine sediments by epipelic diatom films and the macrophyte Vaucheria was studied at three sites on the Severn Estuary. The cohesive strength meter (CSM) was developed to measure surface critical shear stress with varied algal density. A number of techniques have been used to determine the general in situ erodibility of cohesive estuarine sediments. The measurements of sediment shear strength and critical erosion velocity were investigated. Field experiments were undertaken to investigate the effect of algae on binding sediments, and a predictive method for the assessment of sediment stabilisation by algal binding was developed. (author)

  17. Hourly and daily variation of sediment redox potential in tidal wetland sediments (United States)

    Catallo, W. James


    Variation of electrochemical oxidation-reduction (redox) potential was examined in surface salt march sediments under conditions of flooding and tidal simulation in mesocosms and field sites. Time series were generated of redox potential measured in sediment profiles at 2-10 cm depth using combination Pt-Ag/AgCl (ORP) electrodes. Redox potential data were acquired at rapid rates (1-55 samples/h) over extended periods (3-104 days) along with similar times series of temperature (water, air, soil) and pH. It was found that redox potential vaired as a result of water level changes and was unrelated to diurnal changes in temperature or pH, the latter of which changed by 370 mV redox potential decrease in under 48 hours). Attenuatoin of microbial activity by [gamma] y-radiation and toxic chemicals elimintated this response. In tidal salt marsh mesocosms where the sediment-plant assemblages were exposed to a simulated diurnal tide, redox potenial oscillations of 40-300 mV amplitude were recoded that has the same periodicity as the flood-drain cycle. Periodic redoc potential time series were observed repeatedly in sediments receiving tidal pulsing but not in those sediments exposed to static hydrological conditions. Data collected over 12 days from a coastal marsh site experiencing diurnal tides showed similar fluctuations in redox potential. Data from the experimentents indicated that (a) redox potential can be a dynamic, nonlinear variable in coastal and estuarine wetland sediments over hourly and daily scales, and the designs of biogeochemical experiments should reflect this, (b) redox potential can change rapidly and signigicantly in coastal wetland sediments in response of flooding and draining, (c) microbial community processes are primarily determinants of the time course of redox potential in wetland sediments, and elimination of inhibition of microbial activity (e.g. by pollutants) can significantly alter that behavior, and (d) fast redox potential dynamics appear

  18. The dirt on sediments (United States)

    Smith, Loren M.; Euliss, Ned H. "Chip"


    In the wetland science field, sediment deposition is often thought of as being beneficial especially when one thinks of coastal estuarine systems. For example, sediments deposited from streams and rivers are necessary to naturally build and maintain tidal marshes. These sediments come from eroded upland soils in the interior of the continent. When these sediments are diverted from natural coastal deposition areas, such as occurs from river channelization, we lose marshes through subsidence as is happening throughout coastal Louisiana. However, the value of eroded soils is all a matter of hydrogeomorphic perspective.

  19. Geochemistry of sediments

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Nath, B.N.

    Considering the potential of elemental data in marine sediments as diagnostic tools of various geological and oceanographic processes, sediment geochemical data from the Indian Ocean region has been reviewed in this article. Emphasis is laid...

  20. Indicators: Sediment Enzymes (United States)

    Sediment enzymes are proteins that are produced by microorganisms living in the sediment or soil. They are indicators of key ecosystem processes and can help determine which nutrients are affecting the biological community of a waterbody.

  1. Conceptualizing the role of sediment in sustaining ecosystem services: Sediment-ecosystem regional assessment (SEcoRA). (United States)

    Apitz, Sabine E


    There is a growing trend to include a consideration of ecosystem services, the benefits that people obtain from ecosystems, within decision frameworks. Not more than a decade ago, sediment management efforts were largely site-specific and held little attention except in terms of managing contaminant inputs and addressing sediments as a nuisance at commercial ports and harbors. Sediments figure extensively in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment; however, contaminated sediment is not the dominant concern. Rather, the focus is on land and water use and management on the landscape scale, which can profoundly affect soil and sediment quality, quantity and fate. Habitat change and loss, due to changes in sediment inputs, whether reductions (resulting in the loss of beaches, storm protection, nutrient inputs, etc.) or increases (resulting in lake, reservoir and wetland infilling, coral reef smothering, etc.); eutrophication and reductions in nutrient inputs, and disturbance due to development and fishing practices are considered major drivers, with significant consequences for biodiversity and the provision and resilience of ecosystem functions and services. As a mobile connecting medium between various parts of the ecosystem via the hydrocycle, sediments both contaminated and uncontaminated, play both positive and negative roles in the viability and sustainability of social, economic, and ecological objectives. How these roles are interpreted depends upon whether sediment status (defined in terms of sediment quality, quantity, location and transport) is appropriate to the needs of a given endpoint; understanding and managing the dynamic interactions of sediment status on a diverse range of endpoints at the landscape or watershed scale should be the focus of sediment management. This paper seeks to provide a language and conceptual framework upon which sediment-ecosystem regional assessments (SEcoRAs) can be developed in support of that goal. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B

  2. Sediment studies at Bikini Atoll part 2. inventories of transuranium elements in surface sediments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Noshkin, V.E.; Eagle, R.J.; Wong, K.M.; Robison, W.L.


    This is the second of three reports on Bikini sediment studies, which discusses the concentrations and inventories of {sup 241}Am and {sup 239+240}Pu in sediments from the lagoon. Surface sediment samples were collected from 87 locations over the entire lagoon at Bikini Atoll during 1979. The collections were made to map the distribution of long-lived radionuclides associated with the bottom material and to show what modifications occurred in the composition of the sediment as a result of the testing program. Present inventories for {sup 241}Am and {sup 239+240}Pu in the surface 2 cm of sediment are estimated to be 14 and 17 TBq, respectively. These values are estimated to represent only 14% of the total inventory in the sediment column. Sediment inventories of {sup 239+240}Pu and {sup 241}Am are changing only slowly with time through chemical- physical processes that continuously mobilize small amounts of the transuranics to the water column. The lowest concentrations and inventories are associated with deposits logoonward of the eastern reef.

  3. Prevalência de asma em escolares Prevalence of asthama in schoolchildren

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio J. Amorim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a prevalência dos sintomas e da doença de asma em crianças, em razão da alta freqüência de pacientes pediátricos com sintomas sugestivos da doença e da falta de dados de prevalência nesta população. MÉTODOS: Num estudo transversal, foram avaliados 2.735 escolares na faixa etária de 6-7 anos (crianças e 3.509 na de 13-14 anos (adolescentes, escolhidos por amostragem aleatória. Os dados foram coletados em 1998-99 utilizando-se o questionário escrito traduzido do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC, previamente testado e validado. O questionário dirigido às crianças foi respondido pelos seus responsáveis, enquanto os adolescentes responderam em sala de aula. Os dados foram transcritos e analisados pelo programa EPI-info. RESULTADOS: Taxa de devolução: 73,2% (6-7 anos e 94% (13-14 anos. Prevalência dos sintomas nas crianças e adolescentes: sibilos alguma vez, 46,7% e 44,3% (p OBJECTIVE: to assess the prevalence of asthma symptoms and of asthma in children due to the high frequency of pediatrics patients with symptoms suggestive of the disease and to the lack of data regarding prevalence of asthma in this population. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional study with 2,735 school-age children aged 6-7 years and 3,509 adolescents aged 13-14 years selected by random sampling. Data were collected between 1998 and 1999 using a translated version of the questionnaire of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children, which has been previously tested and approved. Guardians were responsible for answering the questionnaire of younger children, whereas adolescents answered their own, in classroom. The data were computed and analyzed using EPI-info software. RESULTS: The response rates for questionnaires were 73.2% (6-7-years old and 94% (13-14 years old. The prevalence of symptoms in children and adolescents were, respectively: wheezing ever 46.7% and 44.3% (P<0.05; wheezing

  4. A Hydrograph-Based Sediment Availability Assessment: Implications for Mississippi River Sediment Diversion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Timothy Rosen


    Full Text Available The Mississippi River Delta Plain has undergone substantial land loss caused by subsidence, relative sea-level rise, and loss of connectivity to the Mississippi River. Many restoration projects rely on diversions from the Mississippi River, but uncertainty exists about the timing and the amount of actually available sediment. This study examined long-term (1980–2010 suspended sediment yield as affected by different hydrologic regimes to determine actual suspended sediment availability and how this may affect diversion management. A stage hydrograph-based approach was employed to quantify total suspended sediment load (SSL of the lower Mississippi River at Tarbert Landing during three river flow conditions: Peak Flow Stage (stage = 16.8 m, discharge >32,000 m3 s−1, High Flow Stage (stage = 14.6 m, discharge = 25,000–32,000 m3 s−1, and Intermediate Flow Stage (Stage = 12.1 m, discharge = 18,000–25,000 m3 s−1. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC and SSL were maximized during High Flow and Intermediate Flow Stages, accounting for approximately 50% of the total annual sediment yield, even though duration of the stages accounted for only one-third of a year. Peak Flow Stage had the highest discharge, but significantly lower SSC (p < 0.05, indicating that diversion of the river at this stage would be less effective for sediment capture. The lower Mississippi River showed significantly higher SSC (p < 0.0001 and SSL (p < 0.0001 during the rising than the receding limb. When the flood pulse was rising, Intermediate Flow and High Flow Stages showed greater SSC and SSL than Peak Flow Stage. Together, Intermediate Flow and High Flow Stages on the rising limb annually discharged 28 megatonnes over approximately 42 days, identifying this to be the best period for sediment capture and diversion.

  5. Sediment supply to beaches

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Troels


    Many beaches have been built by an onshore supply of sand from the shoreface, and future long-term coastal evolution critically depends on cross-shore sediment exchange between the upper and the lower shorefaces. Even so, cross-shore sediment supply remains poorly known in quantitative terms...... and this reduces confidence in predictions of long-term shoreline change. In this paper, field measurements of suspended sediment load and cross-shore transport on the lower shoreface are used to derive a model for sediment supply from the lower to the upper shoreface at large spatial and temporal scales. Data...

  6. Algal stabilisation of estuarine sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The presence of benthic microalgae can increase the stability of intertidal sediments and influence sediment fluxes within an estuarine environment. Therefore the relative importance of algal stabilisation needs to be understood to help predict the effects of a tidal barrage. The objectives of this study are: to assess the significance of stabilisation of sediments by algae, in relation to the changes in hydrodynamic and sedimentological regimes arising from the construction of tidal power barrages; to identify a reliable and meaningful method of measuring the effectiveness, including duration, of algal binding on sediment stability, and to relate this method to other methods of measuring critical erosion velocity and sediment shear strength; to undertake a series of field experiments investigating the effect of algae on binding sediments and the parameters which could potentially influence such binding and to develop a predictive method for the assessment of sediment stabilisation by algal binding. This report contains plates, figures and tables. (author)

  7. Regional Sediment Analysis of Mississippi River Sediment Transport and Hydrographic Survey Data

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Thorne, Colin


    ...s. Sediments generated through channel instability are carried downstream to cause sedimentation problems in flood control channels, destroy wetlands and lakes, adversely impact fish and wildlife...

  8. Sediment contributions from floodplains and legacy sediments to Piedmont streams of Baltimore County, Maryland (United States)

    Donovan, Mitchell; Miller, Andrew; Baker, Matthew; Gellis, Allen


    Disparity between watershed erosion rates and downstream sediment delivery has remained an important theme in geomorphology for many decades, with the role of floodplains in sediment storage as a common focus. In the Piedmont Province of the eastern USA, upland deforestation and agricultural land use following European settlement led to accumulation of thick packages of overbank sediment in valley bottoms, commonly referred to as legacy deposits. Previous authors have argued that legacy deposits represent a potentially important source of modern sediment loads following remobilization by lateral migration and progressive channel widening. This paper seeks to quantify (1) rates of sediment remobilization from Baltimore County floodplains by channel migration and bank erosion, (2) proportions of streambank sediment derived from legacy deposits, and (3) potential contribution of net streambank erosion and legacy sediments to downstream sediment yield within the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont. We calculated measurable gross erosion and deposition rates within the fluvial corridor along 40 valley segments from 18 watersheds with drainage areas between 0.18 and 155 km2 in Baltimore County, Maryland. We compared stream channel and floodplain morphology from lidar-based digital elevation data collected in 2005 with channel positions recorded on 1:2400 scale topographic maps from 1959-1961 in order to quantify 44-46 years of channel change. Sediment bulk density and particle size distributions were characterized from streambank and channel deposit samples and used for volume to mass conversions and for comparison with other sediment sources. Average annual lateral migration rates ranged from 0.04 to 0.19 m/y, which represented an annual migration of 2.5% (0.9-4.4%) channel width across all study segments, suggesting that channel dimensions may be used as reasonable predictors of bank erosion rates. Gross bank erosion rates varied from 43 to 310 Mg/km/y (median = 114) and were

  9. Wood and Sediment Dynamics in River Corridors (United States)

    Wohl, E.; Scott, D.


    Large wood along rivers influences entrainment, transport, and storage of mineral sediment and particulate organic matter. We review how wood alters sediment dynamics and explore patterns among volumes of instream wood, sediment storage, and residual pools for dispersed pieces of wood, logjams, and beaver dams. We hypothesized that: volume of sediment per unit area of channel stored in association with wood is inversely proportional to drainage area; the form of sediment storage changes downstream; sediment storage correlates most strongly with wood load; and volume of sediment stored behind beaver dams correlates with pond area. Lack of data from larger drainage areas limits tests of these hypotheses, but analyses suggest a negative correlation between sediment volume and drainage area and a positive correlation between wood and sediment volume. The form of sediment storage in relation to wood changes downstream, with wedges of sediment upstream from jammed steps most prevalent in small, steep channels and more dispersed sediment storage in lower gradient channels. Use of a published relation between sediment volume, channel width, and gradient predicted about half of the variation in sediment stored upstream from jammed steps. Sediment volume correlates well with beaver pond area. Historically more abundant instream wood and beaver populations likely equated to greater sediment storage within river corridors. This review of the existing literature on wood and sediment dynamics highlights the lack of studies on larger rivers.

  10. Coastal sediment dynamics in Spitsbergen (United States)

    Deloffre, J.; Lafite, R.; Baltzer, A.; Marlin, C.; Delangle, E.; Dethleff, D.; Petit, F.


    In arctic knowledge on coastal sediment dynamics and sedimentary processes is limited. The studied area is located in the microtidal Kongsfjorden glacial fjord on the North-western coast of Spitsbergen in the Artic Ocean (79°N). In this area sediment contributions to the coastal zone is provided by small temporary rivers that flows into the fjord. The objectives of this study are to (i) assess the origin and fate of fine-grained particles (sea ice cover on sediment dynamics. The sampling strategy is based on characterization of sediment and SPM (grain-size, X-rays diffraction, SEM images, carbonates and organic matter contents) from the glacier to the coastal zone completed by a bottom-sediment map on the nearshore using side-scan sonar validated with Ekman binge sampling. River inputs (i.e. river plumes) to the coastal zone were punctually followed using CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth and turbidity) profiles. OBS (water level, temperature and turbidity) operating at high-frequency and during at least 1 years (including under sea ice cover) was settled at the mouth of rivers at 10m depth. In the coastal zone the fine-grained sediment deposit is limited to mud patches located at river mouths that originate the piedmont glacier. However a significant amount of sediment originates the coastal glacier located in the eastern part of the fjord via two processes: direct transfer and ice-drop. Results from turbidity measurements show that the sediment dynamics is controlled by river inputs in particular during melting period. During winter sediment resuspension can occurs directly linked to significant wind-events. When the sea ice cover is present (January to April) no sediment dynamics is observed. Sediment processes in the coastal zone of arctic fjords is significant however only a small amount of SPM that originates the river plume settles in the coastal zone; only the coarser material settles at the mouth of the river while the finer one is deposited further

  11. Sediment diffusion method improves wastewater nitrogen removal in the receiving lake sediments. (United States)

    Aalto, Sanni L; Saarenheimo, Jatta; Ropponen, Janne; Juntunen, Janne; Rissanen, Antti J; Tiirola, Marja


    Sediment microbes have a great potential to transform reactive N to harmless N 2 , thus decreasing wastewater nitrogen load into aquatic ecosystems. Here, we examined if spatial allocation of the wastewater discharge by a specially constructed sediment diffuser pipe system enhanced the microbial nitrate reduction processes. Full-scale experiments were set on two Finnish lake sites, Keuruu and Petäjävesi, and effects on the nitrate removal processes were studied using the stable isotope pairing technique. All nitrate reduction rates followed nitrate concentrations, being highest at the wastewater-influenced sampling points. Complete denitrification with N 2 as an end-product was the main nitrate reduction process, indicating that the high nitrate and organic matter concentrations of wastewater did not promote nitrous oxide (N 2 O) production (truncated denitrification) or ammonification (dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium; DNRA). Using 3D simulation, we demonstrated that the sediment diffusion method enhanced the contact time and amount of wastewater near the sediment surface especially in spring and in autumn, altering organic matter concentration and oxygen levels, and increasing the denitrification capacity of the sediment. We estimated that natural denitrification potentially removed 3-10% of discharged wastewater nitrate in the 33 ha study area of Keuruu, and the sediment diffusion method increased this areal denitrification capacity on average 45%. Overall, our results indicate that sediment diffusion method can supplement wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) nitrate removal without enhancing alternative harmful processes. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  12. Prediction of bedload sediment transport for heterogeneous sediments in shape (United States)

    Durafour, Marine; Jarno, Armelle; Le Bot, Sophie; Lafite, Robert; Marin, François


    Key words: Particle shape, in-situ measurements, bedload transport, heterogeneous sediments Bedload sediment transport in the coastal area is a dynamic process mainly influenced by the type of hydrodynamic forcings involved (current and/or waves), the flow properties (velocity, viscosity, depth) and sediment heterogeneity (particle size, density, shape). Although particle shape is recognized to be a significant factor in the hydrodynamic behavior of grains, this parameter is not currently implemented in bedload transport formulations: firstly because the mechanisms of initiation of motion according to particle shape are still not fully understood, and secondly due to the difficulties in defining common shape parameters. In March 2011, a large panel of in-situ instruments was deployed on two sites in the Eastern English Channel, during the sea campaign MESFLUX11. Samples of the sediment cover available for transport are collected, during a slack period, per 2cm thick strata by divers and by using a Shipeck grab. Bedload discharges along a tidal cycle are also collected with a Delft Nile Sampler (DNS; Gaweesh and Van Rijn, 1992, 1994) on both sites. The first one is characterized by a sandy bed with a low size dispersion, while the other study area implies graded sediments from fine sands to granules. A detailed analysis of the data is performed to follow the evolution of in-situ bedload fluxes on the seabed for a single current. In-situ measurements are compared to existing formulations according to a single fraction approach, using the median diameter of the mixture, and a fractionwise approach, involving a discretization of the grading curve. Results emphasize the interest to oscillate between these two methods according to the dispersion in size of the site considered. The need to apply a hiding/exposure coefficient (Egiazaroff, 1965) and a hindrance factor (Kleinhans and Van Rijn, 2002) for size heterogeneous sediments is also clearly highlighted. A really good

  13. Soft-sediment mullions (United States)

    Ortner, Hugo


    In this contribution I describe the appearance, formation and significance of soft-sediment mullions. I use several examples from synorogenic turbidites of the Alps and the Pyrenees to show their appearance in the field. Soft-sediment mullions are elongate, slightly irregular bulges at the base of coarse-grained clastic beds (sand to conglomerate), separated by narrow, elongate flames of fine-grained material (mud) protruding into the coarse-grained bed. Various processes may lead to the formation of such structures: (1) longitudinal furrows parallel to the sediment transport direction may form by spiral motion in flow rolls during sediment transport (Dzulinski, 1966; Dzulinski & Simpson, 1966). (2) Loading combined with downslope movement can produce elongate structures parallelling the dowslope direction (Anketell et al., 1970). (3) Soft-sediment mullions are oriented perpendicular or oblique to the downslope direction, and show evidence of bedding-parallel shortening. Thus, they resemble cuspate-lobate folds or mullions, which are well-known in ductile structural geology (e.g. Urai et al., 2001). Soft-sediment mullions have been observed in two cases: Either bedding-parallel shortening can be achieved by slump processes, or by active tectonic shortening. Slumping is characterized by an alternation of stretching and shortening (e.g. Ortner, 2007; Alsop & Marco 2014), and therefore mullions do overprint or are overprinted by normal faults. In active depositional systems that are subject to tectonic shortening growth strata will form, but sediments already deposited will be shortened during lithification. In some cases, the formation of soft-sediment mullions predates folding, but the most widespread expression of syn-lithification shortening seems to be soft-sediment mullions, that form in the inner arcs of fold hinges. In the examples documented so far, the size of soft-sediment mullions is dependent on the grain-size of the coarse-grained layer, in which the

  14. Sedimentation, sediment quality, and upstream channel stability, John Redmond Reservoir, east-central Kansas, 1964-2009 (United States)

    Juracek, Kyle E.


    A combination of available bathymetric-survey information, bottom-sediment coring, and historical streamgage information was used to investigate sedimentation, sediment quality, and upstream channel stability for John Redmond Reservoir, east-central Kansas. Ongoing sedimentation is reducing the ability of the reservoir to serve several purposes including flood control, water supply, and recreation. The total estimated volume and mass of bottom sediment deposited between 1964 and 2009 in the conservation pool of the reservoir was 1.46 billion cubic feet and 55.8 billion pounds, respectively. The estimated sediment volume occupied about 41 percent of the conservation-pool, water-storage capacity of the reservoir. Water-storage capacity in the conservation pool has been lost to sedimentation at a rate of about 1 percent annually. Mean annual net sediment deposition since 1964 in the conservation pool of the reservoir was estimated to be 1.24 billion pounds per year. Mean annual net sediment yield from the reservoir basin was estimated to be 411,000 pounds per square mile per year Information from sediment cores shows that throughout the history of John Redmond Reservoir, total nitrogen concentrations in the deposited sediment generally were uniform indicating consistent nitrogen inputs to the reservoir. Total phosphorus concentrations in the deposited sediment were more variable than total nitrogen indicating the possibility of changing phosphorus inputs to the reservoir. As the principal limiting factor for primary production in most freshwater environments, phosphorus is of particular importance because increased inputs can contribute to accelerated reservoir eutrophication and the production of algal toxins and taste-and-odor compounds. The mean annual net loads of total nitrogen and total phosphorus deposited in the bottom sediment of the reservoir were estimated to be 2,350,000 pounds per year and 1,030,000 pounds per year, respectively. The estimated mean annual

  15. Sediment contributions from floodplains and legacy sediments to Piedmont streams of Baltimore County, Maryland (United States)

    Donovan, Mitchell; Miller, Andrew; Baker, Matthew; Gellis, Allen C.


    Disparity between watershed erosion rates and downstream sediment delivery has remained an important theme in geomorphology for many decades, with the role of floodplains in sediment storage as a common focus. In the Piedmont Province of the eastern USA, upland deforestation and agricultural land use following European settlement led to accumulation of thick packages of overbank sediment in valley bottoms, commonly referred to as legacy deposits. Previous authors have argued that legacy deposits represent a potentially important source of modern sediment loads following remobilization by lateral migration and progressive channel widening. This paper seeks to quantify (1) rates of sediment remobilization from Baltimore County floodplains by channel migration and bank erosion, (2) proportions of streambank sediment derived from legacy deposits, and (3) potential contribution of net streambank erosion and legacy sediments to downstream sediment yield within the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont.We calculated measurable gross erosion and deposition rates within the fluvial corridor along 40 valley segments from 18 watersheds with drainage areas between 0.18 and 155 km2 in Baltimore County, Maryland. We compared stream channel and floodplain morphology from lidar-based digital elevation data collected in 2005 with channel positions recorded on 1:2400 scale topographic maps from 1959–1961 in order to quantify 44–46 years of channel change. Sediment bulk density and particle size distributions were characterized from streambank and channel deposit samples and used for volume to mass conversions and for comparison with other sediment sources.Average annual lateral migration rates ranged from 0.04 to 0.19 m/y, which represented an annual migration of 2.5% (0.9–4.4%) channel width across all study segments, suggesting that channel dimensions may be used as reasonable predictors of bank erosion rates. Gross bank erosion rates varied from 43 to 310 Mg/km/y (median = 114) and

  16. Estimating Western U.S. Reservoir Sedimentation (United States)

    Bensching, L.; Livneh, B.; Greimann, B. P.


    Reservoir sedimentation is a long-term problem for water management across the Western U.S. Observations of sedimentation are limited to reservoir surveys that are costly and infrequent, with many reservoirs having only two or fewer surveys. This work aims to apply a recently developed ensemble of sediment algorithms to estimate reservoir sedimentation over several western U.S. reservoirs. The sediment algorithms include empirical, conceptual, stochastic, and processes based approaches and are coupled with a hydrologic modeling framework. Preliminary results showed that the more complex and processed based algorithms performed better in predicting high sediment flux values and in a basin transferability experiment. However, more testing and validation is required to confirm sediment model skill. This work is carried out in partnership with the Bureau of Reclamation with the goal of evaluating the viability of reservoir sediment yield prediction across the western U.S. using a multi-algorithm approach. Simulations of streamflow and sediment fluxes are validated against observed discharges, as well as a Reservoir Sedimentation Information database that is being developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Specific goals of this research include (i) quantifying whether inter-algorithm differences consistently capture observational variability; (ii) identifying whether certain categories of models consistently produce the best results, (iii) assessing the expected sedimentation life-span of several western U.S. reservoirs through long-term simulations.

  17. Marine sediments as a sink, and contaminated sediments as a diffuse source of radionuclides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salbu, B.; Borretzen, P.


    Full text: Marine sediments may act as a sink for radionuclides originating from atmospheric fallout (e.g. Chernobyl accident), for radionuclides in discharges from nuclear installations (e.g. Sellafield, UK) for river transported radionuclides, and radionuclides released from nuclear waste dumped at sea (e.g. fjords at Novaya Zemlya). In order to assess short and long term consequences of radionuclides entering the marine ecosystem, the role of sediments as a relatively permanent sink and the potential for contaminated sediments to act as a diffuse source should be focused. The retention of radionuclides in sediments will depend on the source term, i.e. the physico-chemical forms of radionuclides entering the system and on interactions with various sediment components. Radionuclides associated with particles or aggregating polymers are removed from the water phase by sedimentation, while sorption to surface sediment layers is of relevance for ionic radionuclide species including negatively charged colloids. With time, transformation processes will influence the mobility of radionuclides in sediments. The diffusion into mineral lattices will increase fixation, while the influence of for instance red/ox conditions and bio-erosion may mobilize radionuclides originally fixed in radioactive particles. Thus, information of radionuclides species, surface interactions, transformation processes and kinetics is essential for reducing the uncertainties in marine transfer models. Dynamic model experiments where chemically well defined tracers are added to a sea water-marine sediment system are useful for providing information on time dependent interactions and distribution coefficients. When combined with sequential extraction techniques, information on mobility and rate of fixation is subsequently attained. In the present work experimental results from the Irish Sea and the Kara Sea will be discussed

  18. Effects of Sediment Chemical Properties on Phosphorus Release Rates in the Sediment-Water Interface of the Steppe Wetlands. (United States)

    He, Jing; Su, Derong; Lv, Shihai; Diao, Zhaoyan; Xie, Jingjie; Luo, Yan


    Rising temperature causes a process of phosphorus release, which can be characterized well using phosphorus release rates (V P ). The objective of the present study was to investigate the major factors affecting sediment phosphorus release rates through a wetland habitat simulation experiment. The results showed that the V P of different wetland sediments were different and changed with the order of W-R (river wetland) > W-L (lake wetland) > W-M (grassy marsh wetland) > W-A (reservoir wetland). The main driving factors which influenced sediment phosphorus flux velocity in the sediment-water interface were sediment B-SO₄ 2- , B-MBN and A-MBP content. Path analysis and determination coefficient analysis indicated the standard multiple regression equation for sediment phosphorus release rates in the sediment-water interface, and each main factor was Y = -0.105 + 0.096X₁ + 0.275X₂ - 0.010X₃ ( r = 0.416, p phosphorus release rates; X₁ is sediment B-SO₄ 2- content; X₂ is sediment B-MBN; and X₃ is sediment A-MBP content. Sediment B-SO₄ 2- , B-MBN and A-MBP content and the interaction between them were the main factors affecting sediment phosphorus release rates in the sediment-water interface. Therefore, these results suggest that soil chemical properties and microbial activities likely play an important role in phosphorus release rates in the sediment-water interface. We hope to provide effective scientific management and control methods for relevant environmental protection departments.

  19. Rapid sedimentation and overpressure in shallow sediments of the Bering Trough, offshore southern Alaska (United States)

    Daigle, Hugh; Worthington, Lindsay L.; Gulick, Sean P. S.; Van Avendonk, Harm J. A.


    Pore pressures in sediments at convergent margins play an important role in driving chemical fluxes and controlling deformation styles and localization. In the Bering Trough offshore Southern Alaska, extreme sedimentation rates over the last 140 kyr as a result of glacial advance/retreats on the continental shelf have resulted in elevated pore fluid pressures in slope sediments overlying the Pamplona Zone fold and thrust belt, the accretionary wedge resulting from subduction of the Yakutat microplate beneath the North American Plate. Based on laboratory experiments and downhole logs acquired at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1421, we predict that the overpressure in the slope sediments may be as high as 92% of the lithostatic stress. Results of one-dimensional numerical modeling accounting for changes in sedimentation rate over the last 130 kyr predicted overpressures that are consistent with our estimates, suggesting that the overpressure is a direct result of the rapid sedimentation experienced on the Bering shelf and slope. Comparisons with other convergent margins indicate that such rapid sedimentation and high overpressure are anomalous in sediments overlying accretionary wedges. We hypothesize that the shallow overpressure on the Bering shelf/slope has fundamentally altered the deformation style within the Pamplona Zone by suppressing development of faults and may inhibit seismicity by focusing faulting elsewhere or causing deformation on existing faults to be aseismic. These consequences are probably long-lived as it may take several million years for the excess pressure to dissipate.

  20. O formoterol e uma dose média/ elevada de corticosteróides inalados são mais eficazes do que uma dose elevada de corticosteróides na asma moderada e grave

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Mitchell


    Full Text Available RESUMO: As normas internacionais para o tratamento da asma brônquica recomendam que os doentes com sintomatologia mal controlada com doses baixas/ /intermédias de corticosteróides (CT inalados sejam submetidos a doses mais elevadas de CT e, se necessário, deverá ser adicionado um β2 agonista de longa duração. No entanto, estudos mais recentes demonstraram que a adição deste fármaco a doses baixas/moderadas de CT inalados permite um melhor controlo da sintomatologia do que a duplicação da dose de CT. O formoterol constitui o β2 agonista de eleição devido ao seu início de acção rápida.O objectivo do presente trabalho foi comparar a eficácia da associação do β2 agonista formoterol a doses médias/elevadas de CT inalados com a duplicação da dose do CT em indivíduos com asma moderada/grave mal controlada.Foram avaliados doentes com idade superior a 18 anos com asma moderada e grave que apresentavam um FEV1≥50% do previsto e um aumento≥15% do referido parâmetro após inalação de um broncodilatador de curta duração, tendo sido submetido a terapêutica com CT inalados diariamente (dipropionato de beclometasona 1000 μ - budesonida 800 μg no mês que precedeu o início do estudo em análise. A existência de, pelo menos, dois dos parâmetros seguintes, nos últimos 7 dias do período de run-in, foi imprescindível: sintomatologia interferindo com as actividades de vida diária; interrupção do sono por sintomas nocturnos, necessidade de terapêutica de alívio numa dose≥4 puffs salbutamol/dia; variabilidade diária do PEF (Peak Expiratory Flow≥15%.Foram critérios de exclusão: doentes cuja dose do CT inalado diária foi alterada no último mês; indivíduos submetidos a CT oral ou β2 agonista de longa duração no mês precedente; doentes com dificuldade de utilizar o

  1. O formoterol e uma dose média/ elevada de corticosteróides inalados são mais eficazes do que uma dose elevada de corticosteróides na asma moderada e grave

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Mitchell


    Full Text Available RESUMO: As normas internacionais para o tratamento da asma brônquica recomendam que os doentes com sintomatologia mal controlada com doses baixas/ /intermédias de corticosteróides (CT inalados sejam submetidos a doses mais elevadas de CT e, se necessário, deverá ser adicionado um β2 agonista de longa duração. No entanto, estudos mais recentes demonstraram que a adição deste fármaco a doses baixas/moderadas de CT inalados permite um melhor controlo da sintomatologia do que a duplicação da dose de CT. O formoterol constitui o β2 agonista de eleição devido ao seu início de acção rápida.O objectivo do presente trabalho foi comparar a eficácia da associação do β2 agonista formoterol a doses médias/elevadas de CT inalados com a duplicação da dose do CT em indivíduos com asma moderada/grave mal controlada.Foram avaliados doentes com idade superior a 18 anos com asma moderada e grave que apresentavam um FEV1≥50% do previsto e um aumento≥15% do referido parâmetro após inalação de um broncodilatador de curta duração, tendo sido submetido a terapêutica com CT inalados diariamente (dipropionato de beclometasona 1000 μ - budesonida 800 μg no mês que precedeu o início do estudo em análise. A existência de, pelo menos, dois dos parâmetros seguintes, nos últimos 7 dias do período de run-in, foi imprescindível: sintomatologia interferindo com as actividades de vida diária; interrupção do sono por sintomas nocturnos, necessidade de terapêutica de alívio numa dose≥4 puffs salbutamol/dia; variabilidade diária do PEF (Peak Expiratory Flow≥15%.Foram critérios de exclusão: doentes cuja dose do CT inalado diária foi alterada no último mês; indivíduos submetidos a CT oral ou β2 agonista de longa duração no mês precedente; doentes com dificuldade de utilizar o

  2. Sedimentation rates and erosion changes recorded in recent sediments of Lake Piaseczno, south-eastern Poland (United States)

    Tylmann, Wojciech; Turczyński, Marek; Kinder, Małgorzata


    This paper presents the dating results and basic analyses of recent sediments from Lake Piaseczno. The age of sediments was determined using the 210Pb method and constant flux: constant sedimentation (CF: CS) model. The estimated timescale was in agreement with the AMS14C date from the base of the core. The mean sediment accumulation rate during the last 100 years was calculated as 0.025 g cm-2 a-1. Based on the radiocarbon date, the rate of sediment accumulation below the 210Pb dating horizon was estimated as 0.066 g cm-2 a-1. The variability of main physical properties and sediment components along the core was analysed as well. The sediments were characterised by a very high water content (>80%). Carbonates were either not present or at a very low level (interesting record of increasing erosion intensity in the catchment area. Analysis of archival cartographic materials demonstrated that the most likely reason for the enhanced transport of minerogenic matter to the lake was deforestation caused by human activity in the beginning of the 20th century.

  3. Pollutants' Release, Redistribution and Remediation of Black Smelly River Sediment Based on Re-Suspension and Deep Aeration of Sediment. (United States)

    Zhu, Lin; Li, Xun; Zhang, Chen; Duan, Zengqiang


    Heavily polluted sediment is becoming an important part of water pollution, and this situation is particularly acute in developing countries. Sediment has gradually changed from being the pollution adsorbent to the release source and has influenced the water environment and public health. In this study, we evaluated the pollutant distribution in sediment in a heavily polluted river and agitated the sediment in a heavily polluted river to re-suspend it and re-release pollutants. We found that the levels of chemical oxygen demand (COD), NH₄⁺-N, total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) in overlying water were significantly increased 60 min after agitation. The distribution of the pollutants in the sediment present high concentrations of pollutants congregated on top of the sediment after re-settling, and their distribution decreased with depth. Before agitation, the pollutants were randomly distributed throughout the sediment. Secondly, deep sediment aeration equipment (a micro-porous air diffuser) was installed during the process of sedimentation to study the remediation of the sediment by continuous aeration. The results revealed that deep sediment aeration after re-suspension significantly promoted the degradation of the pollutants both in overlying water and sediment, which also reduced the thickness of the sediment from 0.9 m to 0.6 m. Therefore, sediment aeration after suspension was efficient, and is a promising method for sediment remediation applications.

  4. Sediment mixing and accumulation rate effects on radionuclide depth profiles in Hudson estuary sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olsen, C.R.; Simpson, H.J.; Peng, T.; Bopp, R.F.; Trier, R.M.


    Measured anthropogenic radionuclide profiles in sediment cores from the Hudson River estuary were compared with profiles computed by using known input histories of radionuclides to the estuary and mixing coefficients which decreased exponentially with depth in the sediment. Observed 134 Cs sediment depth profiles were used in the mixing rate computation because reactor releases were the only significant source for this nuclide, whereas the inputs of 137 Cs and /sup 239.240/Pu to the estuary were complicated by runoff or erosion in upstream areas, in addition to direct fallout from precipitation. Our estimates for the rates of surface sediment mixing in the low salinity reach of the estuary range from 0.25 to 1 cm 2 /yr, or less. In some areas of the harbor adjacent to New York City, were fine-particle accumulation rates are generally >3 cm/yr, and often as high as 10 to 20 cm/yr, sediment mixing rates as high as 10 cm 2 /yr would have little effect on radionuclide peak distributions. Consequently, anthropogenic radionuclide maximum activities in subsurface sediments of the Hudson appear to be useful as time-stratigraphic reference levels, which can be correlated with periods of maximum radionuclide inputs for estimating rates and patterns of sediment accumulation

  5. Flow cytometry approach for studying the interaction between ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Flow cytometry approach for studying the interaction between Bacillus mojavensis and Alternaria alternata. Asma Milet, Noreddine Kacem Chaouche, Laid Dehimat, Asma Ait Kaki, Mounira Kara Ali, Philippe Thonart ...

  6. Downstream mixing of sediment and tracers in agricultural catchments: Evidence of changing sediment sources and fluvial processes? (United States)

    Ralph, Timothy; Wethered, Adam; Smith, Hugh; Heijnis, Henk


    Land clearance, soil tillage and grazing in agricultural catchments have liberated sediment and altered hydrological connectivity between hillslopes and channels, leading to increased sediment availability, mobilisation and delivery to rivers. The type and amount of sediment supplied to rivers is critical for fluvial geomorphology and aquatic ecosystem health. Contemporary sediment dynamics are routinely investigated using environmental radionuclides such as caesium-137 (Cs-137) and excess lead-210 (Pb-210ex), which can provide information regarding sediment source types and fluvial processes if sediment sources can be distinguished from one another and mixing models applied to representative samples. However, downstream transport, mixing and dilution of radionuclide-labelled sediment (especially from sources with low initial concentrations) can obliterate the tracer signal; sometimes before anything of geomorphological importance happens in the catchment. Can these findings be used as evidence of sediment source variations and fluvial processes when the limits of detection (of Cs-137 in particular) are being exceeded so rapidly downstream? Sediment sources and downstream sediment dynamics were investigated in Coolbaggie Creek, a major supplier of sediment to the Macquarie River in an agricultural catchment with temperate to semi-arid climate in Australia. Radionuclides were used to discriminate between the banks and gullies (Cs-137 1.45 +/- 0.47 Bq/kg; Pb-210ex 4.67 +/- 1.93 Bq/kg). Within the trunk stream, suspended sediment, organic matter and Cs-137 and Pb-210ex concentrations declined downstream. Results from a mixing model suggest that agricultural topsoils account for 95% of fine sediment entering the channel in the upper reach (200 m2) downstream, with channel expansion and gullies contributing fine sediment to the system. A lack of topsoil being supplied to the channel suggests minimal lateral connectivity between the catchment and the trunk stream in all

  7. Effect of biostimulation on the microbial community in PCB-contaminated sediments through periodic amendment of sediment with iron. (United States)

    Srinivasa Varadhan, A; Khodadoust, Amid P; Brenner, Richard C


    Reductive dehalogenation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by indigenous dehalorespiring microorganisms in contaminated sediments may be enhanced via biostimulation by supplying hydrogen generated through the anaerobic corrosion of elemental iron added to the sediment. In this study, the effect of periodic amendment of sediment with various dosages of iron on the microbial community present in sediment was investigated using phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA) over a period of 18 months. Three PCB-contaminated sediments (two freshwater lake sediments and one marine sediment) were used. Signature biomarker analysis of the microbial community present in all three sediments revealed the enrichment of Dehalococcoides species, the population of which was sustained for a longer period of time when the sediment microcosms were amended with the lower dosage of iron (0.01 g iron per g dry sediment) every 6 months as compared to the blank system (without iron). Lower microbial stress levels were reported for the system periodically amended with 0.01 g of iron per g dry sediment every 6 months, thus reducing the competition from other hydrogen-utilizing microorganisms like methanogens, iron reducers, and sulfate reducers. The concentration of hydrogen in the system was found to be an important factor influencing the shift in microbial communities in all sediments with time. Periodic amendment of sediment with larger dosages of iron every 3 months resulted in the early prevalence of Geobacteraceae and sulfate-reducing bacteria followed by methanogens. An average pH of 8.4 (range of 8.2-8.6) and an average hydrogen concentration of 0.75% (range of 0.3-1.2%) observed between 6 and 15 months of the study were found to be conducive to sustaining the population of Dehalococcoides species in the three sediments amended with 0.01 g iron per g dry sediment. Biostimulation of indigenous PCB dechlorinators by the periodic amendment of contaminated sediments with low dosages of

  8. Toxicity assessment of sediments from three European river basins using a sediment contact test battery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tuikka, A.I.; Schmitt, C.; Hoess, S.; Bandow, N; von der Ohe, P.; de Zwart, D.; de Deckere, E.; Streck, G.; Mothes, S.; van Hattum, A.G.M.; Kocan, A.; Brix, R.; Brack, W.; Barcelo, D.; Sormunen, A.; Kukkonen, J.V.K.


    The toxicity of four polluted sediments and their corresponding reference sediments from three European river basins were investigated using a battery of six sediment contact tests representing three different trophic levels. The tests included were chronic tests with the oligochaete Lumbriculus

  9. Toxicity of silicon carbide nanowires to sediment-dwelling invertebrates in water or sediment exposures (United States)

    Mwangi, Joseph N.; Wang, Ning; Ritts, Andrew; Kunz, James L.; Ingersoll, Christopher G.; Li, Hao; Deng, Baolin


    Silicon carbide nanowires (SiCNW) are insoluble in water. When released into an aquatic environment, SiCNW would likely accumulate in sediment. The objective of this study was to assess the toxicity of SiCNW to four freshwater sediment-dwelling organisms: amphipods (Hyalella azteca), midges (Chironomus dilutus), oligochaetes (Lumbriculus variegatus), and mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea). Amphipods were exposed to either sonicated or nonsonicated SiCNW in water (1.0 g/L) for 48 h. Midges, mussels, and oligochaetes were exposed only to sonicated SiCNW in water for 96 h. In addition, amphipods were exposed to sonicated SiCNW in whole sediment for 10 d (44% SiCNW on dry wt basis). Mean 48-h survival of amphipods exposed to nonsonicated SiCNW in water was not significantly different from the control, whereas mean survival of amphipods exposed to sonicated SiCNW in two 48-h exposures (0 or 15% survival) was significantly different from the control (90 or 98% survival). In contrast, no effect of sonicated SiCNW was observed on survival of midges, mussels, or oligochaetes. Survival of amphipods was not significantly reduced in 10-d exposures to sonicated SiCNW either mixed in the sediment or layered on the sediment surface. However, significant reduction in amphipod biomass was observed with the SiCNW either mixed in sediment or layered on the sediment surface, and the reduction was more pronounced for SiCNW layered on the sediment. These results indicated that, under the experimental conditions, nonsonicated SiCNW in water were not acutely toxic to amphipods, sonicated SiCNW in water were acutely toxic to the amphipods, but not to other organisms tested, and sonicated SiCNW in sediment affected the growth but not the survival of amphipods.

  10. Center for Contaminated Sediments (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Center for Contaminated Sediments serves as a clearinghouse for technology and expertise concerned with contaminated sediments. The...

  11. Direct sampling during multiple sediment density flows reveals dynamic sediment transport and depositional environment in Monterey submarine canyon (United States)

    Maier, K. L.; Gales, J. A.; Paull, C. K.; Gwiazda, R.; Rosenberger, K. J.; McGann, M.; Lundsten, E. M.; Anderson, K.; Talling, P.; Xu, J.; Parsons, D. R.; Barry, J.; Simmons, S.; Clare, M. A.; Carvajal, C.; Wolfson-Schwehr, M.; Sumner, E.; Cartigny, M.


    Sediment density flows were directly sampled with a coupled sediment trap-ADCP-instrument mooring array to evaluate the character and frequency of turbidity current events through Monterey Canyon, offshore California. This novel experiment aimed to provide links between globally significant sediment density flow processes and their resulting deposits. Eight to ten Anderson sediment traps were repeatedly deployed at 10 to 300 meters above the seafloor on six moorings anchored at 290 to 1850 meters water depth in the Monterey Canyon axial channel during 6-month deployments (October 2015 - April 2017). Anderson sediment traps include a funnel and intervalometer (discs released at set time intervals) above a meter-long tube, which preserves fine-scale stratigraphy and chronology. Photographs, multi-sensor logs, CT scans, and grain size analyses reveal layers from multiple sediment density flow events that carried sediment ranging from fine sand to granules. More sediment accumulation from sediment density flows, and from between flows, occurred in the upper canyon ( 300 - 800 m water depth) compared to the lower canyon ( 1300 - 1850 m water depth). Sediment accumulated in the traps during sediment density flows is sandy and becomes finer down-canyon. In the lower canyon where sediment directly sampled from density flows are clearly distinguished within the trap tubes, sands have sharp basal contacts, normal grading, and muddy tops that exhibit late-stage pulses. In at least two of the sediment density flows, the simultaneous low velocity and high backscatter measured by the ADCPs suggest that the trap only captured the collapsing end of a sediment density flow event. In the upper canyon, accumulation between sediment density flow events is twice as fast compared to the lower canyon; it is characterized by sub-cm-scale layers in muddy sediment that appear to have accumulated with daily to sub-daily frequency, likely related to known internal tidal dynamics also measured

  12. Distribution and partitioning of heavy metals in estuarine sediment cores and implications for the use of sediment quality standards

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. L. Spencer


    Full Text Available Total metal concentrations in surface sediments and historically contaminated sediments were determined in sediment cores collected from three estuaries (Thames, Medway and Blackwater in south-east England. The partitioning behaviour of metals in these sediments was also determined using a sequential extraction scheme. These data were then compared with sediment quality values (SQVs to determine the potential ecotoxicological risk to sediment dwelling organisms. When total metal concentrations in surface sediments are examined, no risk to biota in any of the estuaries is indicated. However, when historically contaminated sediments at depth are also considered, risks to biota are apparent and are greatest for the Thames, followed by the Medway and then the Blackwater. This suggests that regulatory authorities should examine vertical metal profiles, particularly in estuaries that are experiencing low sediment accumulation rates where historically contaminated sediments are in the shallow sub-surface zone and where erosion or dredging activities may take place. When metal partitioning characteristics are also considered, the risk to biota is comparable for the Medway and the Blackwater with the potentially bioavailable fraction presenting no ecotoxicological risk. Conversely, over 70% of metals are labile in the Thames Estuary sediments and toxic effects are probable. This suggests that the application of SQVs using total sediment metal concentrations may over- or under-estimate the risk to biota in geochemically dissimilar estuarine sediments. Keywords: sediment quality values, estuarine sediments, metal contamination, partitioning, sequential extraction

  13. Multi-Elements in Waters and Sediments of Shallow Lakes: Relationships with Water, Sediment, and Watershed Characteristics. (United States)

    Kissoon, La Toya T; Jacob, Donna L; Hanson, Mark A; Herwig, Brian R; Bowe, Shane E; Otte, Marinus L


    We measured concentrations of multiple elements, including rare earth elements, in waters and sediments of 38 shallow lakes of varying turbidity and macrophyte cover in the Prairie Parkland (PP) and Laurentian Mixed Forest (LMF) provinces of Minnesota. PP shallow lakes had higher element concentrations in waters and sediments compared to LMF sites. Redundancy analysis indicated that a combination of site- and watershed-scale features explained a large proportion of among-lake variability in element concentrations in lake water and sediments. Percent woodland cover in watersheds, turbidity, open water area, and macrophyte cover collectively explained 65.2 % of variation in element concentrations in lake waters. Sediment fraction smaller than 63 µm, percent woodland in watersheds, open water area, and sediment organic matter collectively explained 64.2 % of variation in element concentrations in lake sediments. In contrast to earlier work on shallow lakes, our results showed the extent to which multiple elements in shallow lake waters and sediments were influenced by a combination of variables including sediment characteristics, lake morphology, and percent land cover in watersheds. These results are informative because they help illustrate the extent of functional connectivity between shallow lakes and adjacent lands within these lake watersheds.

  14. VRP09 Reduction of Corneal Scarring Following Blast and Burn Injuries to Cornea Using siRNAs Targeting TGFb and CTGF (United States)


    aSMA ) synthesis. Second, we proposed to develop an advanced ex vivo organ culture system using viable explants of rabbit corneas, and assess the...effect of the most effective triple siRNA combination for reduction of target genes, collagen and alpha smooth muscle actin ( aSMA ) in rabbit corneas...targeting three key genes (TGFb, TGFbRII, and CTGF) that synergistically reduces the level of mRNAs for type I collagen gene and aSMA by >95% without

  15. Predicting watershed post-fire sediment yield with the InVEST sediment retention model: Accuracy and uncertainties (United States)

    Sankey, Joel B.; McVay, Jason C.; Kreitler, Jason R.; Hawbaker, Todd J.; Vaillant, Nicole; Lowe, Scott


    Increased sedimentation following wildland fire can negatively impact water supply and water quality. Understanding how changing fire frequency, extent, and location will affect watersheds and the ecosystem services they supply to communities is of great societal importance in the western USA and throughout the world. In this work we assess the utility of the InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) Sediment Retention Model to accurately characterize erosion and sedimentation of burned watersheds. InVEST was developed by the Natural Capital Project at Stanford University (Tallis et al., 2014) and is a suite of GIS-based implementations of common process models, engineered for high-end computing to allow the faster simulation of larger landscapes and incorporation into decision-making. The InVEST Sediment Retention Model is based on common soil erosion models (e.g., USLE – Universal Soil Loss Equation) and determines which areas of the landscape contribute the greatest sediment loads to a hydrological network and conversely evaluate the ecosystem service of sediment retention on a watershed basis. In this study, we evaluate the accuracy and uncertainties for InVEST predictions of increased sedimentation after fire, using measured postfire sediment yields available for many watersheds throughout the western USA from an existing, published large database. We show that the model can be parameterized in a relatively simple fashion to predict post-fire sediment yield with accuracy. Our ultimate goal is to use the model to accurately predict variability in post-fire sediment yield at a watershed scale as a function of future wildfire conditions.

  16. Trace gas composition in the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone: a case study based on aircraft observations and model simulations (United States)

    Gottschaldt, Klaus-D.; Schlager, Hans; Baumann, Robert; Bozem, Heiko; Eyring, Veronika; Hoor, Peter; Jöckel, Patrick; Jurkat, Tina; Voigt, Christiane; Zahn, Andreas; Ziereis, Helmut


    We present in situ measurements of the trace gas composition of the upper tropospheric (UT) Asian summer monsoon anticyclone (ASMA) performed with the High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO) in the frame of the Earth System Model Validation (ESMVal) campaign. Air masses with enhanced O3 mixing ratios were encountered after entering the ASMA at its southern edge at about 150 hPa on 18 September 2012. This is in contrast to the presumption that the anticyclone's interior is dominated by recently uplifted air with low O3 in the monsoon season. We also observed enhanced CO and HCl in the ASMA, which are tracers for boundary layer pollution and tropopause layer (TL) air or stratospheric in-mixing respectively. In addition, reactive nitrogen was enhanced in the ASMA. Along the HALO flight track across the ASMA boundary, strong gradients of these tracers separate anticyclonic from outside air. Lagrangian trajectory calculations using HYSPLIT show that HALO sampled a filament of UT air three times, which included air masses uplifted from the lower or mid-troposphere north of the Bay of Bengal. The trace gas gradients between UT and uplifted air masses were preserved during transport within a belt of streamlines fringing the central part of the anticyclone (fringe), but are smaller than the gradients across the ASMA boundary. Our data represent the first in situ observations across the southern part and downstream of the eastern ASMA flank. Back-trajectories starting at the flight track furthermore indicate that HALO transected the ASMA where it was just splitting into a Tibetan and an Iranian part. The O3-rich filament is diverted from the fringe towards the interior of the original anticyclone, and is at least partially bound to become part of the new Iranian eddy. A simulation with the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) model is found to reproduce the observations reasonably well. It shows that O3-rich air is entrained by the outer streamlines of the

  17. Application of dimensionless sediment rating curves to predict suspended-sediment concentrations, bedload, and annual sediment loads for rivers in Minnesota (United States)

    Ellison, Christopher A.; Groten, Joel T.; Lorenz, David L.; Koller, Karl S.


    Consistent and reliable sediment data are needed by Federal, State, and local government agencies responsible for monitoring water quality, planning river restoration, quantifying sediment budgets, and evaluating the effectiveness of sediment reduction strategies. Heightened concerns about excessive sediment in rivers and the challenge to reduce costs and eliminate data gaps has guided Federal and State interests in pursuing alternative methods for measuring suspended and bedload sediment. Simple and dependable data collection and estimation techniques are needed to generate hydraulic and water-quality information for areas where data are unavailable or difficult to collect.The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, completed a study to evaluate the use of dimensionless sediment rating curves (DSRCs) to accurately predict suspended-sediment concentrations (SSCs), bedload, and annual sediment loads for selected rivers and streams in Minnesota based on data collected during 2007 through 2013. This study included the application of DSRC models developed for a small group of streams located in the San Juan River Basin near Pagosa Springs in southwestern Colorado to rivers in Minnesota. Regionally based DSRC models for Minnesota also were developed and compared to DSRC models from Pagosa Springs, Colorado, to evaluate which model provided more accurate predictions of SSCs and bedload in Minnesota.Multiple measures of goodness-of-fit were developed to assess the effectiveness of DSRC models in predicting SSC and bedload for rivers in Minnesota. More than 600 dimensionless ratio values of SSC, bedload, and streamflow were evaluated and delineated according to Pfankuch stream stability categories of “good/fair” and “poor” to develop four Minnesota-based DSRC models. The basis for Pagosa Springs and Minnesota DSRC model effectiveness was founded on measures of goodness

  18. Fine sediment in pools: An index of how sediment is affecting a stream channel (United States)

    Tom Lisle; Sue Hilton


    One of the basic issues facing managers of fisheries watersheds is how inputs of sediment affect stream channels. In some cases we can measure and even roughly predict effects of land use on erosion and delivery of sediment from hillslopes to streams. But we are at a loss about how a given increase in sediment load will affect channel morphology, flow conditions, and...

  19. 78 FR 56744 - Notice of Permit Applications Received Under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95-541) (United States)


    ... (ASMA 7). All materials collected would be salvaged; the applicant would not interact with live animals... birds and mammals. Location ASPA 149 Cape Shireff and ASMA 7 Southwest Anvers Island (Palmer Station...

  20. Analysis of Sedimentation in Wonogiri Reservoir

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tri Joko Inti Budi Santosa


    Full Text Available The Wonogiri reservoir which has 730 million cubic meters of total storage, 90 square kilometers of water area, and 1260 square kilometers of catchment area, is located in the Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province. It was first established in 1981 and began its operation in 1982 with the expectation that it would last for about 100 years. Today (2002 the reservoir has got a serious problem of sedimentation. The sedimentation is so large that it would decrease the capacity storage of the reservoir and would shorten the length of operation. Therefore, it is necessary to predict the sediment that comes into the reservoir. This research would be based on the total sediment calculation of the sedimentation, through some methods, such as echo sounding measured data, land erosion (USLE, the calculation of the sediment in rivers. This research calculates the sediment capacities based on the water flow data and the sediment rating curves in rivers of Keduang, Tirtomoyo, Temon, upstream reach of Bengawan Solo, Alang, and Wuryantoro. The suspended load was calculated based on the sediment rating curves, whereas the bed load was computed as the percentage of the suspended load. The sum of both calculation results would be the total sediment. The calculation result showed that the total sediment which has come into the reservoir is 6.68 million cubic meters per year. As a comparison, the writer noted that the former researcher using echo sounding method done by the Faculty of Geography of the Universitas Gadjah Mada in 1985, it found that the total sediment capacity which came into the reservoir was 6.60 million cubic meters per year or 5.40 mm per year of sheet erosion. The other research using echo sounding method done by JICA in 2000 found that the total sediment which had come into the reservoir was 4.50 million cubic meters per year or 3.50 mm per year of sheet erosion. By knowing the results of calculation of the total sediment, we can learn that

  1. Sediment problems in urban areas (United States)

    Guy, Harold P.


    A recognition of and solution to sediment problems in urban areas is necessary if society is to have an acceptable living environment. Soil erosion and sediment deposition in urban areas are as much an environmental blight as badly paved and littered streets, dilapidated buildings, billboard clutter, inept land use, and air, water, and noise pollution. In addition, sediment has many direct and indirect effects on streams that may be either part of or very remote from the urban environment. Sediment, for example, is widely recognized as a pollutant of streams and other water bodies.

  2. Exposición a contaminantes ambientales y patología respiratoria Exposure to environmental contaminants & respiratory pathology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mª Eugenia González Domínguez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Tras la aparición de 5 casos con sintomatología respiratoria en una empresa aeronáutica y su exposición a diferentes sustancias químicas, nos propusimos investigar su posible relación con el medio laboral. Material y métodos: Se realizaron mediciones ambientales de polvo de aluminio, tricloroetileno y glicol, estudio alergológico con dichas sustancias además de neumoalergenos y tests epicutáneos con batería estándar europea, análisis de sangre, radiografías de tórax, mediciones de flujo pico y pruebas funcionales respiratorias, test de metacolina y electrocardiograma. Resultados: La medición del flujo pico y el test de hiperreactividad bronquial directo con metacolina fueron negativos. El estudio alergológico de las sustancias expuestas fue negativo detectándose en 3 casos resultados positivos a neumoalergenos. Conclusiones: La negatividad en las mediciones del flujo pico y el test de metacolina estando el trabajador en activo, prácticamente descartarían un cuadro de asma laboral, en la actualidad. No podemos descartar la posibilidad concomitante de un Síndrome de disfunción reactiva de la vía aérea en un momento previo al estudio. En tal caso, la existencia de una hiperreactividad bronquial inicial podría haber cedido sin llegar a objetivarse en la actualidad con metacolina. La creación de equipos multidisciplinarios es fundamental para la detección de enfermedades respiratorias de posible origen laboral.Target: After the appearance of 5 cases with respiratory symptoms in an aeronautical company and their exposal to different chemical substances, we proposed to investigate their possible link with the working environment. Material and methods: Aluminium environmental dust measurements, trichloroethylene and glycol, alergic study with these substances as well as with aero alergens and epicutaneos tests with a european standard accumulator were made, blood analysis, thorax x-rays, peak-flow measurements and

  3. A field study on phytoremediation of dredged sediment contaminated by heavy metals and nutrients: the impacts of sediment aeration. (United States)

    Wu, Juan; Yang, Lihua; Zhong, Fei; Cheng, Shuiping


    Compared to traditional chemical or physical treatments, phytoremediation has proved to be a cost-effective and environmentally sound alternative for remediation of contaminated dredged sediment. A field study was conducted in a sediment disposal site predominantly colonized by Typha angustifolia under different sediment moisture conditions to estimate the phytoremediation effects of dredged sediment. The moisture content was 37.30 % and 48.27 % in aerated and waterlogged sediment, respectively. Total nitrogen (TN) content was higher in the waterlogged sediment than in the aerated sediment. The total Cd contents were lower in aerated sediment, which was mainly resulted from the lower exchangeable fraction of Cd. The bioaccumulation of P, Cu and Pb in T. angustifolia was promoted by waterlogging, and the belowground tissue concentrations and accumulation factors (AFs) of Cu were higher than that of other metals, which can be explained by that Cu is an essential micronutrient for plants. Consistent with many previous studies, T. angustifolia showed higher metal levels in roots than in above-ground tissues at both the sediment conditions. Due to the improved biomass produced in the aerated sediment, the removals of nutrients and the metals by plant harvest were higher from aerated sediment than from waterlogged sediment. It was indicated that maintaining the dredged sediment aerated can avoid release risk and plant uptake of metals, while the opposite management option can promote phytoextraction of these contaminants.

  4. Ocean Sediment Thickness Contours (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Ocean sediment thickness contours in 200 meter intervals for water depths ranging from 0 - 18,000 meters. These contours were derived from a global sediment...

  5. Let's Bet on Sediments! Hudson Canyon Cruise--Grades 9-12. Focus: Sediments of Hudson Canyon. (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC), Rockville, MD.

    These activities are designed to teach about the sediments of Hudson Canyon. Students investigate and analyze the patterns of sedimentation in the Hudson Canyon, observe how heavier particles sink faster than finer particles, and learn that submarine landslides are avalanches of sediment in deep ocean canyons. The activity provides learning…

  6. Sediment transfer dynamics in the Illgraben (United States)

    Bennett, G. L.; Molnar, P.; McArdell, B. W.; Schlunegger, F.; Burlando, P.


    Quantification of the volumes of sediment removed by rock-slope failure and debris flows and identification of their coupling and controls are pertinent to understanding mountain basin sediment yield and landscape evolution. We analyzed photogrammetrically-derived datasets of hillslope and channel erosion and deposition along with hydroclimatic variables from the Illgraben, an active debris flow catchment in the Swiss Alps, spanning 1963 - 2010. Two events in the recent history of the catchment make it particularly interesting and challenging to study: a large rock avalanche in 1961, which filled the channel with sediment, and the construction of check dams along the channel in the late 1960s and 1970s. We aimed to (1) identify the nature of hillslope-channel coupling, (2) identify the dominant controls of hillslope sediment production, channel sediment transfer and total sediment yield, (3) observe the response of the channel system to the 1961 rock avalanche and check dam construction, and (4) develop a conceptual model with which to investigate sediment transfer dynamics in various scenarios, including the absence of check dams along the channel. The study captures a multi-decadal period of channel erosion in response to the 1961 rock avalanche, punctuated by shorter cut-and-fill cycles that occur in response to changes in hillslope sediment supply and changes in transport capacity. Hillslopes eroded rapidly at an average rate of 0.34 myr¯ 1, feeding the channel head with sediment. A near doubling of hillslope erosion in the 1980s coincided with a significant increase of air temperature and reduction in snow cover duration and depth, whilst precipitation variables did not change significantly. We find that the main influence of check-dam construction on channel sediment transfer was an initial reduction in sediment transport and a drop in debris flow activity between 1963 and 1986. After 1986 sediment storages in the channel were filled and debris flow activity

  7. A qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde de doentes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica e asma avaliada pelo SGRQ

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    Juliana Maria de Sousa Pinto


    Full Text Available Resumo: Objectivos: Comparar os efeitos da asma e da DPOC na qualidade de vida dos doentes avaliados pelo Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ através de correlações entre as variáveis e os domínios e a pontuação total. Métodos: Estudo transversal entre Outubro de 2008 a Março de 2009 com 75 adultos das consultas de ambulatório do Hospital Universitário de Salamanca, Espanha. Depois de informar os objectivos do estudo e os aspectos éticos, foi preenchido um formulário com os dados clínicos e sociodemográficos e, em seguida, aplicada a versão espanhola do SGRQ. Para a análise estatística fui utilizada o pacote estatístico Stadistics SPSS versão 17.0. Resultados: 65,3% eram homens e 34,7% mulheres com idade média de 60,4 anos; 68% tinham diagnóstico de asma e 30,7% de DPOC. Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p<0,05 entre o diagnóstico e o domínio actividade; e nenhuma entre o sexo, o facto de ser fumador, ex-fumador ou hipertenso com os dois domínios. Os níveis socioeconómicos relacionam-se de forma inversa e significativa (p=0,038 com a pontuação total. Foram obtidas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a idade e os domínios actividade (p<0,01 e impacto (p<0,05 e a pontuação total do SGRQ (p<0,01. O VEF1VEMS correlacionou-se apenas com o domínio actividade (p<0,01 e com a pontuação total do questionário (p<0,01. Conclusões: Nenhuma variável se correlacionou com todos os domínios e a pontuação total do instrumento e algumas não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 543-558 Abstract: Aims: To compare the effects of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD on the quality of life of patients evaluated using the Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ through correlating the variables, domains and total

  8. Sediment pore water distribution coefficients of PCB congeners in enriched black carbon sediment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinez, Andres; O'Sullivan, Colin; Reible, Danny; Hornbuckle, Keri C.


    More than 2300 sediment pore water distribution coefficients (K PCBids ) of 93 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured and modeled from sediments from Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal. K PCBids were calculated from previously reported bulk sediment values and newly analyzed pore water. PCBs in pore waters were measured using SPME PDMS-fiber and ∑PCB ranged from 41 to 1500 ng L −1 . The resulting K PCBids were ∼1 log unit lower in comparison to other reported values. A simple model for the K PCBid consisted of the product of the organic carbon fraction and the octanol–water partition coefficient and provided an excellent prediction for the measured values, with a mean square error of 0.09 ± 0.06. Although black carbon content is very high in these sediments and was expected to play an important role in the distribution of PCBs, no improvement was obtained when a two-carbon model was used. -- Highlights: •PCB sediment-pore water distribution coefficients were measured and modeled. •Distribution coefficients were lower in comparison to other reported values. •Organic carbon fraction times the K OW yielded the best prediction model. •The incorporation of black carbon into a model did not improve the results. -- The organic carbon fraction times the octanol–water partition coefficient yielded the best prediction model for the sediment pore water distribution coefficient of PCBs

  9. A manual to identify sources of fluvial sediment (United States)

    Gellis, Allen C.; Fitzpatrick, Faith A.; Schubauer-Berigan, Joseph


    Sediment is an important pollutant of concern that can degrade and alter aquatic habitat. A sediment budget is an accounting of the sources, storage, and export of sediment over a defined spatial and temporal scale. This manual focuses on field approaches to estimate a sediment budget. We also highlight the sediment fingerprinting approach to attribute sediment to different watershed sources. Determining the sources and sinks of sediment is important in developing strategies to reduce sediment loads to water bodies impaired by sediment. Therefore, this manual can be used when developing a sediment TMDL requiring identification of sediment sources.The manual takes the user through the seven necessary steps to construct a sediment budget:Decision-making for watershed scale and time period of interestFamiliarization with the watershed by conducting a literature review, compiling background information and maps relevant to study questions, conducting a reconnaissance of the watershedDeveloping partnerships with landowners and jurisdictionsCharacterization of watershed geomorphic settingDevelopment of a sediment budget designData collectionInterpretation and construction of the sediment budgetGenerating products (maps, reports, and presentations) to communicate findings.Sediment budget construction begins with examining the question(s) being asked and whether a sediment budget is necessary to answer these question(s). If undertaking a sediment budget analysis is a viable option, the next step is to define the spatial scale of the watershed and the time scale needed to answer the question(s). Of course, we understand that monetary constraints play a big role in any decision.Early in the sediment budget development process, we suggest getting to know your watershed by conducting a reconnaissance and meeting with local stakeholders. The reconnaissance aids in understanding the geomorphic setting of the watershed and potential sources of sediment. Identifying the potential

  10. Sediment dynamics in Alpine basins (United States)

    Habersack, Helmut; Liébault, Fred; Comiti, Francesco


    In rivers and streams and of the European Alps, sediment transport processes are of great relevance due to their ecological (e.g. aquatic habitats), energy (e.g. reservoir sedimentation) and risk-related (floods and debris flows) consequences. In fact, sediment fluxes are crucial to maintain a good ecological status of watercourses (required by the EU ;Water Framework Directive;, WFD, 2000), as they provide the hydromorphological conditions supporting dynamic aquatic ecosystems (Fryirs and Brierley, 2013; Wohl et al., 2015; Gurnell et al., 2016). Indeed, the key issue to ameliorate river hydrogeomorphological - and thus ecological - status and to comply with WFD provisions lies in allowing the natural processes of sediment and wood supply and transport to take place as much as possible, given the constraints imposed by the non-eliminable uses of each river (Comiti, 2012; Liébault et al., 2013). Specifically river continuity is mentioned in the WFD not only for biota but also sediments, which is hardly discussed in river management so far and almost no concrete measures to improve sediment continuity have been implemented so far (Habersack et al., 2016).

  11. Toxicity of lead-contaminated sediment to mallards (United States)

    Heinz, G.H.; Hoffman, D.J.; Sileo, L.; Audet, D.J.; LeCaptain, L.J.


    Because consumption of lead-contaminated sediment has been suspected as the cause of waterfowl mortality in the Coeur d?Alene River basin in Idaho, we studied the bioavailability and toxicity of this sediment to mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). In experiment 1, one of 10 adult male mallards died when fed a pelleted commercial duck diet that contained 24% lead-contaminated sediment (with 3,400 μg/g lead in the sediment). Protoporphyrin levels in the blood increased as the percentage of lead-contaminated sediment in the diet increased. Birds fed 24% lead-contaminated sediment exhibited atrophy of the breast muscles, green staining of the feathers around the vent, viscous bile, green staining of the gizzard lining, and renal tubular intranuclear inclusion bodies. Mallards fed 24% lead-contaminated sediment had means of 6.1 μg/g of lead in the blood and 28 μg/g in the liver (wet-weight basis) and 1,660 μg/g in the feces (dry-weight basis). In experiment 2, we raised the dietary concentration of the lead-contaminated sediment to 48%, but only about 20% sediment was actually ingested due to food washing by the birds. Protoporphyrin levels were elevated in the lead-exposed birds, and all of the mallards fed 48% lead-contaminated sediment had renal tubular intranuclear inclusion bodies. The concentrations of lead in the liver were 9.1 μg/g for mallards fed 24% lead-contaminated sediment and 16 μg/g for mallards fed 48% lead-contaminated sediment. In experiment 3, four of five mallards died when fed a ground corn diet containing 24% lead-contaminated sediment (with 4,000 μg/g lead in this sample of sediment), but none died when the 24% lead-contaminated sediment was mixed into a nutritionally balanced commercial duck diet; estimated actual ingestion rates for sediment were 14% and 17% for the corn and commercial diets. Lead exposure caused elevations in protoporphyrin, and four of the five mallards fed 24% lead-contaminated sediment in a commercial diet and all five

  12. Calibration of an estuarine sediment transport model to sediment fluxes as an intermediate step for simulation of geomorphic evolution (United States)

    Ganju, N.K.; Schoellhamer, D.H.


    Modeling geomorphic evolution in estuaries is necessary to model the fate of legacy contaminants in the bed sediment and the effect of climate change, watershed alterations, sea level rise, construction projects, and restoration efforts. Coupled hydrodynamic and sediment transport models used for this purpose typically are calibrated to water level, currents, and/or suspended-sediment concentrations. However, small errors in these tidal-timescale models can accumulate to cause major errors in geomorphic evolution, which may not be obvious. Here we present an intermediate step towards simulating decadal-timescale geomorphic change: calibration to estimated sediment fluxes (mass/time) at two cross-sections within an estuary. Accurate representation of sediment fluxes gives confidence in representation of sediment supply to and from the estuary during those periods. Several years of sediment flux data are available for the landward and seaward boundaries of Suisun Bay, California, the landward-most embayment of San Francisco Bay. Sediment flux observations suggest that episodic freshwater flows export sediment from Suisun Bay, while gravitational circulation during the dry season imports sediment from seaward sources. The Regional Oceanic Modeling System (ROMS), a three-dimensional coupled hydrodynamic/sediment transport model, was adapted for Suisun Bay, for the purposes of hindcasting 19th and 20th century bathymetric change, and simulating geomorphic response to sea level rise and climatic variability in the 21st century. The sediment transport parameters were calibrated using the sediment flux data from 1997 (a relatively wet year) and 2004 (a relatively dry year). The remaining years of data (1998, 2002, 2003) were used for validation. The model represents the inter-annual and annual sediment flux variability, while net sediment import/export is accurately modeled for three of the five years. The use of sediment flux data for calibrating an estuarine geomorphic

  13. Phytoremediation as a management option for contaminated sediments in tidal marshes, flood control areas and dredged sediment landfill sites. (United States)

    Bert, Valérie; Seuntjens, Piet; Dejonghe, Winnie; Lacherez, Sophie; Thuy, Hoang Thi Thanh; Vandecasteele, Bart


    Polluted sediments in rivers may be transported by the river to the sea, spread over river banks and tidal marshes or managed, i.e. actively dredged and disposed of on land. Once sedimented on tidal marshes, alluvial areas or control flood areas, the polluted sediments enter semi-terrestrial ecosystems or agro-ecosystems and may pose a risk. Disposal of polluted dredged sediments on land may also lead to certain risks. Up to a few years ago, contaminated dredged sediments were placed in confined disposal facilities. The European policy encourages sediment valorisation and this will be a technological challenge for the near future. Currently, contaminated dredged sediments are often not valorisable due to their high content of contaminants and their consequent hazardous properties. In addition, it is generally admitted that treatment and re-use of heavily contaminated dredged sediments is not a cost-effective alternative to confined disposal. For contaminated sediments and associated disposal facilities used in the past, a realistic, low cost, safe, ecologically sound and sustainable management option is required. In this context, phytoremediation is proposed in the literature as a management option. The aim of this paper is to review the current knowledge on management, (phyto)remediation and associated risks in the particular case of sediments contaminated with organic and inorganic pollutants. This paper deals with the following features: (1) management and remediation of contaminated sediments and associated risk assessment; (2) management options for ecosystems on polluted sediments, based on phytoremediation of contaminated sediments with focus on phytoextraction, phytostabilisation and phytoremediation of organic pollutants and (3) microbial and mycorrhizal processes occurring in contaminated sediments during phytoremediation. In this review, an overview is given of phytoremediation as a management option for semi-terrestrial and terrestrial ecosystems

  14. Radionuclides in mine sediments and watercourse sediments of the Upper-Silesian coal basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slivka, V.; Svec, J.; Holubova, M.; Malis, J.


    Activities of 226 Ra, 228 Ra, 228 Th, and 40 K in river sediments and in mine sediments were determined. Increased activity of radium isotopes was found in the river sediments affected by the discharge of mine waters of the Ostrava-Karvina mining district. Grains below 2 mm size were measured. The maximum activity observed was about 2000 Bq/l, or 1300 Bq/kg, which is a considerably high level. However, in view of the low amounts of sediments in the rivers examined, the increased radium activity are not expected to pose any appreciable risk to human health or the environment. Also, the Ra isotope activities are considerably lower than in the lagoons on the Polish side. This is related to the occurrence of sulfate ions and radium coprecipitation with barium. (P.A.)

  15. Nearshore sediment thickness, Fire Island, New York (United States)

    Locker, Stanley D.; Miselis, Jennifer L.; Buster, Noreen A.; Hapke, Cheryl J.; Wadman, Heidi M.; McNinch, Jesse E.; Forde, Arnell S.; Stalk, Chelsea A.


    Investigations of coastal change at Fire Island, New York (N.Y.), sought to characterize sediment budgets and determine geologic framework controls on coastal processes. Nearshore sediment thickness is critical for assessing coastal system sediment availability, but it is largely unquantified due to the difficulty of conducting geological or geophysical surveys across the nearshore. This study used an amphibious vessel to acquire chirp subbottom profiles. These profiles were used to characterize nearshore geology and provide an assessment of nearshore sediment volume. Two resulting sediment-thickness maps are provided: total Holocene sediment thickness and the thickness of the active shoreface. The Holocene sediment section represents deposition above the maximum flooding surface that is related to the most recent marine transgression. The active shoreface section is the uppermost Holocene sediment, which is interpreted to represent the portion of the shoreface thought to contribute to present and future coastal behavior. The sediment distribution patterns correspond to previously defined zones of erosion, accretion, and stability along the island, demonstrating the importance of sediment availability in the coastal response to storms and seasonal variability. The eastern zone has a thin nearshore sediment thickness, except for an ebb-tidal deposit at the wilderness breach caused by Hurricane Sandy. Thicker sediment is found along a central zone that includes shoreface-attached sand ridges, which is consistent with a stable or accretional coastline in this area. The thickest overall Holocene section is found in the western zone of the study, where a thicker lower section of Holocene sediment appears related to the westward migration of Fire Island Inlet over several hundred years.

  16. Dynamics of suspended sediment concentration, flow discharge and sediment particle size interdependency to identify sediment source (United States)

    Sadeghi, Seyed Hamidreza; Singh, Vijay P.


    Spatiotemporal behavior of sediment yield is a key for proper watershed management. This study analyzed statistical characteristics and trends of suspended sediment concentration (SCS), flow discharge (FD) and sediment particle sizes using data from 24 gage stations scattered throughout the United States. Analysis showed significant time- and location-specific differences of these variables. The median values of SSC, FD and percentage of particle sizes smaller than 63 μm (P63) for all 24 gage stations were found to be 510.236 mg l-1 (right skewed), 45.406 m3 s-1 (left skewed) and 78.648% (right skewed), respectively. Most of the stations exhibited significant trends (P practices which may call for local or regional planning based on natural (i.e., precipitation amount, type and erosivity, watershed area, and soil erodibility) and human-affected (i.e., land use and hydraulic structures and water resources management) factors governing the study variables.

  17. La reeducación respiratoria en los niños asmáticos entre 8-11 años de\tedad,\tdel\tSeminternado\tPedro\tHernández\tCamejo,\tMunicipio\tLos Palacios

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    Idabelsis García López


    Full Text Available El Asma Bronquial es una enfermedad respiratoria en la que el espasmo y la constricción de los bronquios y la inflamación de su mucosa limita el paso del aire, con la consiguiente dificultad respiratoria, es una enfermad crónica no transmisible que afecta tanto a las mujeres como los hombres de todos las edades y grupos étnicos y de distintos niveles socioeconómicos, aunque es más frecuente, por las causas que todavía se desconoce, en zonas urbanas deprimidas económicamente, en climas fríos y en países industrializados. En nuestra investigación proponemos un sistema de ejercicios terapéuticos basados en la enseñanza de la respiración abdominal. Ejecución de postura correcta y juegos colectivos individuales para lograr una reeducación de la respiración de los niños asmáticos de 8 a 11 años del Seminternado Pedro Hernández Camejo del municipio Los Palacios. Para la realización de la misma empleamos diferentes métodos dentro de los teórico el análisis síntesis, inductivo deductivo, el teórico lógico y el enfoque sistémico y dentro de los empíricos el trabajo con documentos la observación, la medición y el experimento por un período de cuatro meses. Pudimos concluir exitosamente con la mejoría de las funciones respiratorias recomendando la continuidad de su estudio y que los profesores de Educación Física continúen aplicando ejercicios respiratorios mediante juegos para estos niños logrando así una atención individual producto a su padecimiento.

  18. Reporte de caso de Síndrome de Kartagener

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    Mariela Suárez Díaz


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 58 años con  antecedentes de  dextrocardia, así como de Asma Bronquial persistente de difícil control, rinitis y otros cuadros respiratorios a repetición. Después de los 20 años de edad se hicieron más frecuentes estos episodios, presentando infecciones respiratorias recurrentes,  acompañadas de expulsión de sangre roja y rutilante por la boca  en varias ocasiones, diagnosticándosele  bronquiectasia, recibiendo tratamiento sintomático y con antibióticos frecuentemente, sin mejorar totalmente. El paciente refería, además, historia de infertilidad y dolores del tipo sacrolumbalgia a repetición, así como disminución de la audición en ambos oídos y del olfato. Acudió a consulta de Medicina Interna en agosto de 2012. En esta ocasión se le realizó una radiografía simple de tórax postero-anterior, en la que se visualizó dextrocardia, acompañada de una acentuación de la trama broncovascular bibasal, a predominio de la base derecha  y cámara gástrica a la derecha. El Rx de senos paranasales evidenció  engrosamiento mucoso de senos maxilares y agenesia de los frontales; se realizó electrocardiograma y ecocardiograma, confirmando la dextrocardia, así como ultrasonido abdominal, donde se observó vísceras en sentido opuesto a lo habitual. Una historia de infertilidad referida por el paciente, el antecedente de dextrocardia, los episodios de obstrucción nasal y rinitis recurrentes, los cuadros respiratorios bajos y los hallazgos imagenológicos despertaron la sospecha clínica de una discinesia ciliar primaria y, en especial, de un Síndrome de Kartagener.

  19. Factores de riesgo de bajo peso al nacer en un hospital cubano, 1997-2000

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    Escobar José Andrés Cabrales


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar qué factores de riesgo materno durante el embarazo se asocian a la incidencia de bajo peso al nacer (menos de 2 500 g. Métodos. Se diseñó un estudio de casos y testigos con 764 casos de nacimiento simple con un peso al nacer de menos de 2 500 g, y 1 437 testigos del Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Provincial de Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, durante el cuatrienio de 1997-2000. Los datos se obtuvieron de historias clínicas, registros de partos y entrevistas personales con las madres. Se realizó un análisis con dos variables y se controlaron los posibles factores de confusión mediante regresión logística dicotómica con el programa SPSS. Se usó un modelo final de múltiples variables para identificar los factores de riesgo maternos asociados con el bajo peso al nacer. Resultados. El análisis con múltiples variables mostró una asociación significativa del bajo peso al nacer con la presencia de anemia en la madre cuando se detectó el embarazo, la sepsis urinaria durante el embarazo, el asma bronquial, un aumento de peso materno menor de 8 kg durante todo el embarazo, el hábito de fumar durante el mismo, antecedentes de bajo peso al nacer en partos anteriores, la presencia de hipertensión arterial desde antes de la gestación y la consulta prenatal extemporánea. Conclusiones. A partir de estos resultados se concluyó que, independientemente de la medida de impacto utilizada, es importante tratar de disminuir los factores de riesgo identificados a fin de reducir la incidencia del bajo peso al nacer en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus.

  20. Influencia de los glucocorticoides inhalados sobre la densidad mineral ósea y el metabolismo óseo

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    Fernando D. Saraví


    Full Text Available Los glucocorticoides inhalados (GCI constituyen hoy un tratamiento de primera línea del asma bronquial. Los efectos sistémicos de los GCI, como la supresión del eje hipotalámico- hipofisario-adrenal, son en general menores que los de los glucocorticoides orales. Sin embargo, existe el riesgo de efectos adversos sobre el hueso a largo plazo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue revisar los datos publicados acerca de los efectos de los GCI sobre los marcadores del metabolismo óseo y la densidad mineral ósea en adultos y en pacientes pediátricos. Aunque los estudios examinados no proporcionan resultados uniformes, en términos generales sugieren que los GCI pueden afectar al metabolismo y a la densidad mineral ósea, en particular 1 cuando se administran a dosis elevadas (más de 400 µg/día en niños y más de 800 µg/día en adultos; 2 en pacientes pediátricos, en los que también pueden afectar al crecimiento en estatura; 3 en pacientes cuya ingesta de calcio y vitamina D es inadecuada, y 4 en mujeres postmenopáusicas sin terapia de reposición hormonal. En general, a dosis terapéuticamente equivalentes, la beclometasona tiene mayor efecto deletéreo sobre el hueso que la budesonida, y esta mayor que la fluticasona. Además de la precaución obvia de utilizar la menor dosis eficaz, se proponen como medidas preventivas: 1 la adecuada instrucción sobre el uso de los aerosoles; 2 el uso de cámaras de inhalación; 3 el enjuague bucal tras la administración de GCI, y 4 ajustes o suplementos dietéticos para asegurar una adecuada ingesta de calcio y vitamina D.

  1. Inhaladores de polvo seco para el tratamiento de las enfermedades respiratorias: Parte I Dry powder inhalers for the treatment of respiratory diseases: Part I

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    Adriana Muñoz Cernada


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión acerca de la tecnología de los inhaladores de polvo seco (IPS empleados para el tratamiento de las enfermedades respiratorias entre las que se destaca el asma bronquial y la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC. Los IPS comenzaron su desarrollo en la década de los 70 y se han reactualizado en años recientes como una alternativa de sustitución de los inhaladores de dosis metrada con clorofluocarbono (CFC. Se describen los antecedentes de esta tecnología, se mencionan las características físico-químicas principales de este tipo de formulación, así como los factores que influyen en la desagregación y dispersión de los polvos. Por último, se menciona la técnica empleada actualmente en el desarrollo de un nuevo prototipo de IPS que permite optimizar los mecanismos de fluidización para lograr una dosificación altamente reproducibleA review of the dry powder inhalers (DPI technology used to treat respiratory diseases, such as bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, was made. The DPIs began to be developed in the 70's and they have been reupdated recently as a replacement alternative of metered-dose inhalers with chlorofluorocarbon (CFC. The history of this technology is dealt with, the main physicochemical characteristics of this type of formulation are described, and the factors influencing on the disaggregation and dispersion of the powders are mentioned. Finally, the technique used at present in the development of a new prototype of DPI that allows to optimize the fluidization mechanisms to attain a highly reproducible dosage is approached

  2. Rehabilitación integral y tolerancia al ejercicio físico en escolares asmáticos severos

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    . Héctor Alejandro Cruz Oliver


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio en 99 escolares asmáticos severos, incluidos en un programa de rehabilitación integral en el centro para niños asmáticos de la Ciudad de los Pioneros "José Martí" en Tarará, durante el curso escolar 1991-1992. A todos los escolares se les sometió antes de comenzar el programa, a una prueba de tolerancia al ejercicio físico mediante la carrera libre, y acorde con los resultados de ésta se clasificaron en 2 grupos; grupo I, con asma inducida por el ejercicio (AIE y grupo II, sin AIE. Al finalizar el programa de rehabilitación al grupo I se le sometió nuevamente a la prueba de tolerancia al ejercicio físico. Todos los escolares se evaluaron mediante la espirometría en condiciones basales antes del programa de rehabilitación y al finalizar éste. En 55 escolares (55,5 % se constató la presencia inicial de AIE. Al finalizar el programa de rehabilitación sólo en 23 de ellos se mantuvo este fenómeno. Con excepción de un escolar perteneciente al grupo I el resto de los niños toleraron sin dificultad las actividades físicas programadas. En relación con los parámetros de función respiratoria no se hallaron diferencias significativas en ninguno de ellos, cuando se compararon ambos grupos entre sí antes del programa de rehabilitación, y después de él. Comparando cada grupo consigo mismo sólo se observó un incremento significativo del flujo máximo medio (MMF en ambos grupos, lo que reflejó una disminución del componente obstructivo bronquial periférico.

  3. Factores de riesgo de bajo peso al nacer en un hospital cubano, 1997-2000

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    José Andrés Cabrales Escobar


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar qué factores de riesgo materno durante el embarazo se asocian a la incidencia de bajo peso al nacer (menos de 2 500 g. Métodos. Se diseñó un estudio de casos y testigos con 764 casos de nacimiento simple con un peso al nacer de menos de 2 500 g, y 1 437 testigos del Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Provincial de Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, durante el cuatrienio de 1997-2000. Los datos se obtuvieron de historias clínicas, registros de partos y entrevistas personales con las madres. Se realizó un análisis con dos variables y se controlaron los posibles factores de confusión mediante regresión logística dicotómica con el programa SPSS. Se usó un modelo final de múltiples variables para identificar los factores de riesgo maternos asociados con el bajo peso al nacer. Resultados. El análisis con múltiples variables mostró una asociación significativa del bajo peso al nacer con la presencia de anemia en la madre cuando se detectó el embarazo, la sepsis urinaria durante el embarazo, el asma bronquial, un aumento de peso materno menor de 8 kg durante todo el embarazo, el hábito de fumar durante el mismo, antecedentes de bajo peso al nacer en partos anteriores, la presencia de hipertensión arterial desde antes de la gestación y la consulta prenatal extemporánea. Conclusiones. A partir de estos resultados se concluyó que, independientemente de la medida de impacto utilizada, es importante tratar de disminuir los factores de riesgo identificados a fin de reducir la incidencia del bajo peso al nacer en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus.

  4. Caracterización del inicio de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en menores de 18 años

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan González Ramos


    Full Text Available Fundamento: la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es la enfermedad crónico endocrinológica más frecuente en la edad pediátrica y la segunda enfermedad crónica en la infancia después del asma bronquial, en los países desarrollados. Objetivo: identificar los aspectos epidemiológicos en el inicio de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en menores de 18 años en la provincia de Cienfuegos en el periodo 1997- octubre 2015. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en los pacientes menores de 18 años, diagnosticados con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en el periodo mencionado. Las variables utilizadas fueron: año y edad del inicio, sexo, color de la piel y municipio de procedencia. Los resultados se presentaron en tablas de frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: el porcentaje de pacientes del sexo masculino y femenino fue bastante similar con un leve predominio del masculino (53,5 %. El grupo 5-9 años presentó el mayor número de pacientes (35 casos pero sin diferencias significativas con el de 10-14 años (34 casos. El color de piel blanca predominó con el 75,7 %. El mayor número de casos se mostraron en los meses de otoño con 30. Los municipios de mayor incidencia fueron Cienfuegos con 40 y Cumanayagua con 16 casos respectivamente. Conclusiones: se ha producido un aumento de la incidencia en los últimos años con un leve predominio del sexo masculino y el grupo de 5-9 años. Predominó la raza blanca. El mayor número del inicio ocurrió en otoño y en el municipio de Cienfuegos.

  5. Evaluation of Deposited Sediment and Macroinvertebrate Metrics Used to Quantify Biological Response to Excessive Sedimentation in Agricultural Streams (United States)

    Sutherland, Andrew B.; Culp, Joseph M.; Benoy, Glenn A.


    The objective of this study was to evaluate which macroinvertebrate and deposited sediment metrics are best for determining effects of excessive sedimentation on stream integrity. Fifteen instream sediment metrics, with the strongest relationship to land cover, were compared to riffle macroinvertebrate metrics in streams ranging across a gradient of land disturbance. Six deposited sediment metrics were strongly related to the relative abundance of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera and six were strongly related to the modified family biotic index (MFBI). Few functional feeding groups and habit groups were significantly related to deposited sediment, and this may be related to the focus on riffle, rather than reach-wide macroinvertebrates, as reach-wide sediment metrics were more closely related to human land use. Our results suggest that the coarse-level deposited sediment metric, visual estimate of fines, and the coarse-level biological index, MFBI, may be useful in biomonitoring efforts aimed at determining the impact of anthropogenic sedimentation on stream biotic integrity.

  6. Development, evaluation, and application of sediment quality targets for assessing and managing contaminated sediments in Tampa Bay, Florida (United States)

    MacDonald, D.D.; Carr, R.S.; Eckenrod, D.; Greening, H.; Grabe, S.; Ingersoll, C.G.; Janicki, S.; Janicki, T.; Lindskoog, R.A.; Long, E.R.; Pribble, R.; Sloane, G.; Smorong, D.E.


    Tampa Bay is a large, urban estuary that is located in west central Florida. Although water quality conditions represent an important concern in this estuary, information from numerous sources indicates that sediment contamination also has the potential to adversely affect aquatic organisms, aquatic-dependent wildlife, and human health. As such, protecting relatively uncontaminated areas of the bay from contamination and reducing the amount of toxic chemicals in contaminated sediments have been identified as high-priority sediment management objectives for Tampa Bay. To address concerns related to sediment contamination in the bay, an ecosystem-based framework for assessing and managing sediment quality conditions was developed that included identification of sediment quality issues and concerns, development of ecosystem goals and objectives, selection of ecosystem health indicators, establishment of metrics and targets for key indicators, and incorporation of key indicators, metrics, and targets into watershed management plans and decision-making processes. This paper describes the process that was used to select and evaluate numerical sediment quality targets (SQTs) for assessing and managing contaminated sediments. These SQTs included measures of sediment chemistry, whole-sediment and pore-water toxicity, and benthic invertebrate community structure. In addition, the paper describes how the SQTs were used to develop site-specific concentration-response models that describe how the frequency of adverse biological effects changes with increasing concentrations of chemicals of potential concern. Finally, a key application of the SQTs for defining sediment management areas is discussed.

  7. 137Cs in northern Adriatic sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barisic, D.; Lulic, S.; Vdovic, N.; Vertacnik, A.; Juracic, M.


    The activity of 137 Cs in shallow northern Adriatic sediments was obtained on the basis of measurement results from 25 sediment box cores, sampled during the Adriatic Scientific COoperation Program (ASCOP) 16 cruise in the summer 1990. 137 Cs was determined in surface sediments (0-3 cm) and 12-15 cm-deep sediment. It was found that the lowest caesium concentrations correspond to sands, which are spread along the Croatian coast. Parallel to the Italian coast, 137 Cs concentrations in pelites are the highest. It seems that the influence of Po River is significant for 137 Cs activities in recent marine sediments along Italian coast south of Po River delta. Significantly higher 137 Cs activities in 0-3 cm sediment layer can be attributed to the deposition caused by Chernobyl accident. (author)

  8. Sediment exchange between groin fields and main-stream (United States)

    Qin, Jie; Zhong, Deyu; Wu, Teng; Wu, Lingli


    Sediment exchange between groin fields and the main-stream influences the transport and distribution of polluted sediment that represents a hazard for rivers and neighboring floodplains. Despite its practical significance, little research has been done on the sediment exchange process itself, and existing studies used to estimate the sediment exchange by morphological change. The sediment exchange process, however, differs from morphological variation and includes two behaviors: the entrance of main-stream sediment into groin fields and the movement of groin field sediment out of groin fields. Therefore, this study aims at examining this exchange process and exploring the mechanisms of different exchange phenomena. Experiments were conducted in a mobile-bed laboratory flume by using a novel experimental method that successfully separates the movement of groin fields sediment from that of main-stream sediment. In addition to traditional measurements, such as measurements of morphological changes, surface flow velocities, and bed-form propagation, the deposition of main-stream sediment in groin fields is measured in detail. The results demonstrate that morphological change cannot reflect the sediment exchange process. The deposition of main-stream sediment in groin fields is determined by the dynamics of sediment movement, in which bedload- and suspended-sediment-dominated processes exhibit different deposition patterns. The movement of groin field sediment out of groin fields is determined mainly by local scouring around groins.

  9. Chronic toxicity of nickel-spiked freshwater sediments: variation in toxicity among eight invertebrate taxa and eight sediments (United States)

    Besser, John M.; Brumbaugh, William G.; Ingersoll, Christopher G.; Ivey, Chris D.; Kunz, James L.; Kemble, Nile E.; Schlekat, Christian E.; Garman, Emily R.


    This study evaluated the chronic toxicity of Ni-spiked freshwater sediments to benthic invertebrates. A 2-step spiking procedure (spiking and sediment dilution) and a 2-stage equilibration period (10 wk anaerobic and 1 wk aerobic) were used to spike 8 freshwater sediments with wide ranges of acid-volatile sulfide (AVS; 0.94–38 µmol/g) and total organic carbon (TOC; 0.42–10%). Chronic sediment toxicity tests were conducted with 8 invertebrates (Hyalella azteca, Gammarus pseudolimnaeus, Chironomus riparius, Chironomus dilutus, Hexagenia sp., Lumbriculus variegatus, Tubifex tubifex, and Lampsilis siliquoidea) in 2 spiked sediments. Nickel toxicity thresholds estimated from species-sensitivity distributions were 97 µg/g and 752 µg/g (total recoverable Ni; dry wt basis) for sediments with low and high concentrations of AVS and TOC, respectively. Sensitive species were tested with 6 additional sediments. The 20% effect concentrations (EC20s) for Hyalella and Gammarus, but not Hexagenia, were consistent with US Environmental Protection Agency benchmarks based on Ni in porewater and in simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) normalized to AVS and TOC. For Hexagenia, sediment EC20s increased at less than an equimolar basis with increased AVS, and toxicity occurred in several sediments with Ni concentrations in SEM less than AVS. The authors hypothesize that circulation of oxygenated water by Hexagenia led to oxidation of AVS in burrows, creating microenvironments with high Ni exposure. Despite these unexpected results, a strong relationship between Hexagenia EC20s and AVS could provide a basis for conservative site-specific sediment quality guidelines for Ni.

  10. Análise de variáveis fisiológicas de adolescentes com diagnóstico clínico de asma leve intermitente ou leve persistente quando submetidos a hipóxia aguda e teste de esforço máximo Analysis of physiological variables during acute hypoxia and maximal stress test in adolescents clinically diagnosed with mild intermittent or mild persistent asthma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Maldonado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar variáveis fisiológicas de adolescentes com diagnóstico clínico de asma quando submetidos a teste de hipóxia aguda e de esforço máximo. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo transversal composto por 48 adolescentes (12-14 anos, divididos em três grupos: 12 no grupo asma leve intermitente (ALI, 12 no grupo asma leve persistente (ALP e 24 no grupo controle. Todos foram submetidos a teste de hipóxia aguda e a teste de esforço máximo. Características antropométricas foram coletadas, e variáveis funcionais foram determinadas antes e após o teste de esforço máximo. Em condições de hipóxia aguda, foram registrados o tempo de descida e o tempo de recuperação de SpO2 durante repouso. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas variáveis antropométricas nem nas variáveis ventilatórias durante o teste de esforço entre os grupos. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas na pressão de oxigênio com 50% de saturação da hemoglobina antes do teste e na PaO2 antes do teste entre os grupos ALP e controle (p = 0,0279 e p = 0,0116, respectivamente, assim como na tensão de extração de oxigênio antes do teste entre os grupos ALI e ALP (p = 0,0419. Não houve diferenças significativas nos tempos de SpO2 em quaisquer das condições estudadas. O consumo de oxigênio e a eficiência da respiração foram semelhantes entre os grupos. O uso de um broncodilatador não trouxe vantagens nos resultados no teste de hipóxia. Não foram encontradas correlações entre o teste de hipóxia e as variáveis fisiológicas. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos achados sugerem que os adolescentes com asma leve persistente têm uma melhor capacidade de adaptação à hipóxia comparado aos com outros tipos de asma.OBJECTIVE: To analyze adolescents clinically diagnosed with asthma, in terms of the physiological changes occurring during acute hypoxia and during a maximal stress test. METHODS: This was a descriptive, cross

  11. Electrodialytic remediation of sediments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Pernille Erland

    Sediments of harbors and freshwaters are regularly dredged for various reasons: maintenance of navigational depths, recovery of recreational locations, and even environmental recovery. In the past, sediments dredged from harbors have been dumped at sea, however, environmental regulations now, in ...


    When contaminated sediments pose unacceptable risks to human health and the environment, management activities such as removal, treatment, or isolation of contaminated sediments may be required. Various capping designs are being considered for isolating contaminated sediment are...

  13. Baixa renda como fator de proteção contra asma em crianças e adolescentes usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde Low income as a protective factor against asthma in children and adolescents treated via the Brazilian Unified Health System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Murilo Carlos Amorim de Britto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O estudo visou analisar o papel da baixa renda como fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de asma em crianças e adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso-controle com questionário. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 687 participantes, de 5 a 15 anos de idade, usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde, em um hospital terciário, sendo 54,7% masculinos. Quase metade (49,1% residia na zona metropolitana do Recife e o restante no interior. Moravam em casa de alvenaria 98,1%, com média de 5,7 cômodos e 4,8 moradores. Suas mães estudaram em média 6,8 anos. A mediana da renda mensal per capita foi de R$ 103,75. Baseando-se na renda mensal per capita inferior a 25 e 50% do salário mínimo, classificou-se a amostra em muito baixa renda, baixa renda e renda satisfatória, cujos percentuais foram, respectivamente: 39, 37,3 e 23,7. Não se observou associação entre baixa renda e desenvolvimento de asma. CONCLUSÕES: A baixa renda não exerce, em crianças e adolescentes usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde do nordeste do Brasil, efeito protetor no surgimento de asma, como poderia se supor, baseando-se na teoria da higiene. Todavia, estudos de coorte são necessários para confirmar estes achados.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the role that low income plays in the development of asthma in children and adolescents. METHODS: A case-control study using a questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 687 participants were studied at a tertiary hospital via the Brazilian Unified Health System. Ages ranged from 5 to 15 years, and 54.7% of the participants were male. Nearly half of the individuals (49.1% lived in the metropolitan area of the city of Recife, and the remainder lived in the countryside. Most (98.1% lived in concrete houses or apartments, with a mean of 5.7 rooms and 4.8 occupants per residence. Mean maternal level of education was 6.8 years of schooling. The median monthly per capita income was R$ 103.75 (Brazilian reals. The sample was stratified according to cut

  14. Modeling sediment concentration of rill flow (United States)

    Yang, Daming; Gao, Peiling; Zhao, Yadong; Zhang, Yuhang; Liu, Xiaoyuan; Zhang, Qingwen


    Accurate estimation of sediment concentration is essential to establish physically-based erosion models. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of flow discharge (Q), slope gradient (S), flow velocity (V), shear stress (τ), stream power (ω) and unit stream power (U) on sediment concentration. Laboratory experiments were conducted using a 10 × 0.1 m rill flume under four flow discharges (2, 4, 8 and 16 L min-1), and five slope gradients (5°, 10°, 15°, 20° and 25°). The results showed that the measured sediment concentration varied from 87.08 to 620.80 kg m-3 with a mean value of 343.13 kg m-3. Sediment concentration increased as a power function with flow discharge and slope gradient, with R2 = 0.975 and NSE = 0.945. The sediment concentration was more sensitive to slope gradient than to flow discharge. The sediment concentration was well predicted by unit stream power (R2 = 0.937, NSE = 0.865), whereas less satisfactorily by flow velocity (R2 = 0.470, NSE = 0.539) and stream power (R2 = 0.773, NSE = 0.732). In addition, using the equations to simulate the measured sediment concentration of other studies, the result further indicated that slope gradient, flow discharge and unit stream power were good predictors of sediment concentration. In general, slope gradient, flow discharge and unit stream power seem to be the preferred predictors for estimating sediment concentration.

  15. Landscape self organisation: Modelling Sediment trains (United States)

    Schoorl, J. M.; Temme, A. J. A. M.; Veldkamp, A.


    Rivers tend to develop towards an equilibrium length profile, independently of exogenous factors. In general, although still under debate, this so-called self-organisation is assumed to be caused by simple feedbacks between sedimentation and erosion. Erosion correlates positively with gradient and discharge and sedimentation negatively. With the LAPSUS model, which was run for the catchment of the Sabinal, a small river in the South of Spain, this interplay of erosion and sedimentation results in sediment pulses (sequences of incision and sedimentation through time). These pulses are visualised in a short movie ( see In this case the LAPSUS model run did not take climate, base level nor tectonics into account. Therefore, these pulses can be considered independent of them. Furthermore, different scenarios show that the existence of the pulses is independent of precipitation, erodibility and sedimentation rate, although they control the number and shape of the pulses. A fieldwork check showed the plausibility of the occurrence of these sediment pulses. We conclude that the pulses as modelled with LAPSUS are indeed the consequence of the feedbacks between erosion and sedimentation and are not depending on exogenous factors. Keywords: Landscape self-organisation, Erosion, Deposition, LAPSUS, Modelling

  16. Testing and Modeling Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic (UHTC) Materials For Hypersonic Flight (United States)


    Ridge, D. G. Fletcher, C. O. Asma , O. Chazot, and J. Thömel, “Oxidation of ZrB2-SiC Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Composites in Dissociated Air...Fletcher, C. O. Asma , “Characterization of ZrB2-SiC Ceramics Tested by Plasma Stream Oxidation,” poster, 32 th International Conference...Fahrenholtz, W.G., Hilmas, G.E., Zhu, S.M., Ridge, J., Fletcher, D.G., Asma , C.O., and Thomel, J., "Oxidation of ZrB2-SiC Ultrahigh-Temperature

  17. Effects of Sediment Chemical Properties on Phosphorus Release Rates in the Sediment-Water Interface of the Steppe Wetlands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jing He


    Full Text Available Rising temperature causes a process of phosphorus release, which can be characterized well using phosphorus release rates (VP. The objective of the present study was to investigate the major factors affecting sediment phosphorus release rates through a wetland habitat simulation experiment. The results showed that the VP of different wetland sediments were different and changed with the order of W–R (river wetland > W–L (lake wetland > W–M (grassy marsh wetland > W–A (reservoir wetland. The main driving factors which influenced sediment phosphorus flux velocity in the sediment–water interface were sediment B-SO42−, B-MBN and A-MBP content. Path analysis and determination coefficient analysis indicated the standard multiple regression equation for sediment phosphorus release rates in the sediment–water interface, and each main factor was Y = −0.105 + 0.096X1 + 0.275X2 − 0.010X3 (r = 0.416, p < 0.01, n = 144, where Y is sediment phosphorus release rates; X1 is sediment B-SO42− content; X2 is sediment B-MBN; and X3 is sediment A-MBP content. Sediment B-SO42−, B-MBN and A-MBP content and the interaction between them were the main factors affecting sediment phosphorus release rates in the sediment–water interface. Therefore, these results suggest that soil chemical properties and microbial activities likely play an important role in phosphorus release rates in the sediment–water interface. We hope to provide effective scientific management and control methods for relevant environmental protection departments.

  18. Reference material for radionuclides in sediment IAEA-384 (Fangataufa Lagoon sediment)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Povinec, P.P.; Pham, M.K.; Sanchez-Cabeza, J.A.


    A reference material designed for the determination of anthropogenic and natural radionuclides in sediment, IAEA-384 (Fangataufa Lagoon sediment), is described and the results of certification are presented. The material has been certified for 8 radionuclides (K-40, Co-60, Eu-155, Th-230, U-238, ...... management of radioanalytical laboratories engaged in the analysis of radionuclides in the environment, as well as for the development and validation of analytical methods and for training purposes. The material is available from IAEA in 100 g units.......A reference material designed for the determination of anthropogenic and natural radionuclides in sediment, IAEA-384 (Fangataufa Lagoon sediment), is described and the results of certification are presented. The material has been certified for 8 radionuclides (K-40, Co-60, Eu-155, Th-230, U-238, Pu......-238, Pu239+240 and Am-241). Information values are given for 12 radionuclides (Sr-90, Cs-137, Pb-210 (Po-210), Ra-226, Ra-228, Th-232, U-234, U-235, Pu-239, Pu-240 and Pu-241). Less reported radionuclides include Th-228, U-236, Np-239 and Pu-242. The reference material may be used for quality...

  19. Sediment-accumulatie in transportleidingen af waterproductiebedrijven

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beverloo, H.; Vreeburg, J.H.G.; Zwaga, A.


    In drinkwatertransportleidingen hoopt zich sediment op, ondanks het feit dat de maximale stroomsnelheid hoger is dan de snelheid die voor distributieleidingen zelfreinigend is. Opwervelend sediment zorgt voor klachten over de kwaliteit van het drinkwater. Het sediment accumuleert vooral dicht bij

  20. A New Measure for Transported Suspended Sediment (United States)

    Yang, Q.


    Non-uniform suspended sediment plays an important role in many geographical and biological processes. Despite extensive study, understanding to it seems to stagnate when times to consider non-uniformity and non-equilibrium scenarios comes. Due to unsatisfactory reproducibility, large-scaled flume seems to be incompetent to conduct more fundamental research in this area. To push the realm a step further, experiment to find how suspended sediment exchanges is conducted in a new validated equipment, in which turbulence is motivated by oscillating grids. Analysis shows that 1) suspended sediment exchange is constrained by ωS invariance, 2) ωS of the suspended sediment that certain flow regime could support is unique regardless of the sediment gradation and 3) the more turbulent the flow, the higher ωS of the suspension the flow could achieve. A new measure for suspended sediment ωS, the work required to sustain sediment in suspension transport mode if multiplied by gravitational acceleration, is thus proposed to better describe the dynamics of transported suspended sediment. Except for the further understanding towards suspended sediment transportation mechanics, with this energy measure, a strategy to distribute total transport capacity to different fractions could be derived and rational calculation of non-uniform sediment transport capacity under non-equilibrium conditions be possible.

  1. Storm-driven sediment transport in Massachusetts Bay (United States)

    Warner, J.C.; Butman, B.; Dalyander, P.S.


    Massachusetts Bay is a semi-enclosed embayment in the western Gulf of Maine about 50 km wide and 100 km long. Bottom sediment resuspension is controlled predominately by storm-induced surface waves and transport by the tidal- and wind-driven circulation. Because the Bay is open to the northeast, winds from the northeast ('Northeasters') generate the largest surface waves and are thus the most effective in resuspending sediments. The three-dimensional oceanographic circulation model Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is used to explore the resuspension, transport, and deposition of sediment caused by Northeasters. The model transports multiple sediment classes and tracks the evolution of a multilevel sediment bed. The surficial sediment characteristics of the bed are coupled to one of several bottom-boundary layer modules that calculate enhanced bottom roughness due to wave-current interaction. The wave field is calculated from the model Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN). Two idealized simulations were carried out to explore the effects of Northeasters on the transport and fate of sediments. In one simulation, an initially spatially uniform bed of mixed sediments exposed to a series of Northeasters evolved to a pattern similar to the existing surficial sediment distribution. A second set of simulations explored sediment-transport pathways caused by storms with winds from the northeast quadrant by simulating release of sediment at selected locations. Storms with winds from the north cause transport southward along the western shore of Massachusetts Bay, while storms with winds from the east and southeast drive northerly nearshore flow. The simulations show that Northeasters can effectively transport sediments from Boston Harbor and the area offshore of the harbor to the southeast into Cape Cod Bay and offshore into Stellwagen Basin. This transport pattern is consistent with Boston Harbor as the source of silver found in the surficial sediments of Cape Cod Bay and

  2. Cesium, manganese and cobalt water-sediment transfer kinetics and diffusion into mangrove sediments inferred by radiotracer experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machado, E.C.; Machado, W.; Patchineelam, S.R.


    A study on the trace elements transfer from tidal water to mangrove sediments from Guanabara Bay (southeastern Brazil) was performed in laboratory microcosms. Sediment cores were covered with tidal water spiked with 137 Cs, 54 Mn and 57 Co during 5-h experiments, and water samples were taken at regular intervals to measure uptake kinetics at the sediment-water interface. At the end of the experiments, the uptake and diffusional penetration into the sediments was evaluated. Half-removal times from water to sediments were slightly higher for 137 Cs (3.4 ± 1.7 h) than observed for 54 Mn (2.3 ± 0.2 h) and 57 Co (2.6 ± 1.1 h). After these experiments, all radioisotopes presented decreasing activities with increasing sediment depth, being the distribution of 137 Cs indicative of higher diffusion within the upper 2 cm. This study on the removal of 137 Cs, 54 Mn and 57 Co from tidal water by mangrove sediments suggests that while 57 Co and 54 Mn presented closer behaviors, there was a slightly higher mobility of 137 Cs. (author)

  3. The impact of asthma in Brazil: a longitudinal analysis of data from a Brazilian national database system. (United States)

    Cardoso, Thiago de Araujo; Roncada, Cristian; Silva, Emerson Rodrigues da; Pinto, Leonardo Araujo; Jones, Marcus Herbert; Stein, Renato Tetelbon; Pitrez, Paulo Márcio


    To present official longitudinal data on the impact of asthma in Brazil between 2008 and 2013. This was a descriptive study of data collected between 2008 and 2013 from an official Brazilian national database, including data on asthma-related number of hospitalizations, mortality, and hospitalization costs. A geographical subanalysis was also performed. In 2013, 2,047 people died from asthma in Brazil (5 deaths/day), with more than 120,000 asthma-related hospitalizations. During the whole study period, the absolute number of asthma-related deaths and of hospitalizations decreased by 10% and 36%, respectively. However, the in-hospital mortality rate increased by approximately 25% in that period. The geographic subanalysis showed that the northern/northeastern and southeastern regions had the highest asthma-related hospitalization and in-hospital mortality rates, respectively. An analysis of the states representative of the regions of Brazil revealed discrepancies between the numbers of asthma-related hospitalizations and asthma-related in-hospital mortality rates. During the study period, the cost of asthma-related hospitalizations to the public health care system was US$ 170 million. Although the numbers of asthma-related deaths and hospital admissions in Brazil have been decreasing since 2009, the absolute numbers are still high, resulting in elevated direct and indirect costs for the society. This shows the relevance of the burden of asthma in middle-income countries. Apresentar dados longitudinais oficiais sobre o impacto da asma no Brasil entre 2008 e 2013. Estudo descritivo de dados extraídos de um banco de dados do governo brasileiro entre 2008 e 2013, no qual foram analisados as hospitalizações e óbitos por asma, bem como o custo das hospitalizações. Foi também realizada uma subanálise geográfica. Em 2013, 2.047 pessoas morreram de asma no Brasil (5 óbitos/dia), com mais de 120.000 hospitalizações por asma. Durante o período de estudo, o n

  4. Fluvial sediment in the environment: a national challenge (United States)

    Larsen, Matthew C.; Gellis, Allen C.; Glysson, G. Douglas; Gray, John R.; Horowitz, Arthur J.


    Sediment and sediment-associated constituents can contribute substantially to water-quality impairment. In the past, sediment was viewed mainly as an engineering problem that affected reservoir storage capacity, shipping channel maintenance, and bridge scour, as well as the loss of agricultural soil. Sediment is now recognized as a major cause of aquatic system degradation in many rivers and streams as a result of light attenuation, loss of spawning substrate due to fine-grained sediment infilling, reduction in primary productivity, decreases in biotic diversity, and effects from sediment-associated chemical constituents. Recent advances in sediment measurement, assessment, source-identification, and analytical protocols provide new capabilities to quantify sediment and solid-phase chemical fluxes in aquatic systems. Developing, maintaining, and augmenting current sediment- and water-quality-monitoring networks is essential for determining the health of U.S. waterways and for evaluating the effectiveness of management actions in reducing sediment-related problems. The application of new scientific capabilities that address the adverse effects of sediment and sediment- associated constituents represents a major step in managing the Nation’s water quality. A robust Federal, national-scale eff rt, in collaboration with vested stakeholders, is needed to address these sediment-related water-quality issues across the United States.

  5. Radionuclides in sediments from Port Phillip Bay, Australia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, J.D.; Tinker, R.A.; Towler, P.H.


    Full text: Sediment cores were collected from two sites in Port Phillip Bay, Australia, in 1994 and 1995. The concentration of 210 Pb and parameters including water content were measured. The sites chosen were near the centre of the bay where fine sediment accumulates, and towards the northern end of the bay closer to the mouth of the Yarra River. The mid-bay sediment had a high water content (about 1.8 g water per g dry sediment) and a supported 210 Pb activity of about 22 mBq per g of dry sediment. The sediments from further north in the bay were more consolidated, with a lower water content (about 0.6 g water per g dry sediment), and had a supported 210 Pb activity of about 6 mBq per g of dry sediment. Unsupported 210 Pb occurred to depths of about 10 cm in the mid-bay sediment and about 20 cm in sediment from further north in the bay. Models incorporating the water and 210 Pb contents of the sediments were used to calculate possible rates of sediment accumulation and mixing. The distribution of other radionuclides was used as an aid in understanding the sediment behaviour in Port Phillip Bay

  6. Dynamics of Cohesive Sediments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Claus

    The present thesis considers the transport processes of cohesive sediments. The cohesive sediment used in the laboratory experiments was kaolinite, a clay mineral, in order to be able to reproduce the individual experiments. In the first part of the thesis, the theoretical considerations regarding...

  7. Regional Models for Sediment Toxicity Assessment (United States)

    This paper investigates the use of empirical models to predict the toxicity of sediment samples within a region to laboratory test organisms based on sediment chemistry. In earlier work, we used a large nationwide database of matching sediment chemistry and marine amphipod sedim...

  8. Dynamics and Composition of the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone (United States)

    Gottschaldt, K. D.; Schlager, H.; Baumann, R.; Bozem, H.; Cai, D. S.; Eyring, V.; Hoor, P. M.; Graf, P.; Joeckel, P.; Jurkat, T.; Voigt, C.; Grewe, V.; Zahn, A.; Ziereis, H.


    This study places trace gas observations in the upper-tropospheric Asian summer monsoon anticyclone (ASMA) obtained with the HALO research aircraft during the ESMVal campaign into the context of regional, intra-annual variability by hindcasts with the EMAC model. The simulations demonstrate that tropospheric trace gas profiles in the monsoon season are distinct from the rest of the year. Air uplifted from the lower troposphere to the tropopause layer dominates the eastern part of the ASMA's interior, while the western part is characterized by subsidence down to the mid-troposphere. Soluble compounds are being washed out when uplifted by convection in the eastern part, where lightning simultaneously replenishes reactive nitrogen in the upper troposphere. Net photochemical ozone production is significantly enhanced in the ASMA, contrasted by an ozone depleting regime in the mid-troposphere and more neutral conditions in autumn and winter. An analysis of multiple monsoon seasons in the simulation shows that stratospherically influenced tropopause layer air is regularly entrained at the eastern ASMA flank, and then transported in the southern fringe around the interior region. Observed and simulated tracer-tracer relations reflect photochemical O3 production, as well as in-mixing from the lower troposphere and the tropopause layer. The simulation additionally shows entrainment of clean air from the equatorial region by northerly winds at the western ASMA flank. Although the in situ measurements were performed towards the end of summer, the main ingredients needed for their interpretation are present throughout the monsoon season.Subseasonal dynamical instabilities of the ASMA effectively overcome horizontal transport barriers, occur quite frequently, and are of paramount importance for the trace gas composition of the ASMA and its outflow into regions around the world.

  9. Sedimentation problems and solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, D.T.


    Roseires Dam and reservoir are located in Sudan, Africa on the Blue Nile River. The hydropower from the reservoir provides approximately 80% of the power used in Sudan, thus having a tremendous economic impact on the country. The reservoir was first impounded in 1966 and has been filled annually since then. The Blue Nile has historically been known to carry heavy sediment loads which is associated with erosion from overgrazing in Ethiopia, the Blue Nile's headwaters. During the flood season, the dam's turbine intakes become blocked with debris and sediment. After a severe blockage in 1981, which prevented hydropower generation for several days, consultants from USAID were asked to make recommendations on reducing the sediment and debris impacts on reservoir operations. This led to debris clearing and dredging equipment acquisitions in 1982. In 1988, blockage occurred again during the flood season. This writer was asked by the World Bank to travel to Sudan, investigate the sediment and debris problems, examine the USAID recommendations, comment on potential sediment and debris problems associated with a proposed plan to raise the dam, make additional recommendations, and return to Sudan several times to determine the effectiveness of there recommendations. This paper discussed the results of the aforementioned activities and describes the new recommendations made by this writer

  10. The oceanic sediment barrier

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Francis, T.J.G.; Searle, R.C.; Wilson, T.R.S.


    Burial within the sediments of the deep ocean floor is one of the options that have been proposed for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste. An international research programme is in progress to determine whether oceanic sediments have the requisite properties for this purpose. After summarizing the salient features of this programme, the paper focuses on the Great Meteor East study area in the Northeast Atlantic, where most oceanographic effort has been concentrated. The geological geochemical and geotechnical properties of the sediments in the area are discussed. Measurements designed to determine the rate of pore water movement through the sediment column are described. Our understanding of the chemistry of both the solid and pore-water phases of the sediment are outlined, emphasizing the control that redox conditions have on the mobility of, for example, naturally occurring manganese and uranium. The burial of instrumented free-fall penetrators to depths of 30 m beneath the ocean floor is described, modelling one of the methods by which waste might be emplaced. Finally, the nature of this oceanic environment is compared with geological environments on land and attention is drawn to the gaps in our knowledge that must be filled before oceanic burial can be regarded as an acceptable disposal option. (author)

  11. Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Modeling Tools: Integration of Advanced Sediment Transport Tools into HEC-RAS (United States)


    sediment transport within the USACE HEC River Analysis System ( HEC - RAS ) software package and to determine its applicability to Regional Sediment...Management (RSM) challenges. HEC - RAS SEDIMENT MODELING BACKGROUND: HEC - RAS performs (1) one- dimensional (1D) steady and unsteady hydraulic river ...Albuquerque (SPA)), and recently, the USACE RSM Program. HEC - RAS is one of several hydraulic modeling codes available for river analysis in the

  12. Biota-sediment accumulation factors for radionuclides and sediment associated biota of the Ottawa River

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rowan, D.; Silke, R.; Carr, J., E-mail: [Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario (Canada)


    As Ottawa River contamination is historical and resides in sediment, ecological risk and trophic transfer depend on linkages between sediment and biota. One of the ways in which this linkage is quantified is through the use of the biota sediment accumulation factor (BSAF). In this study, we present the first field estimates of BSAF for a number of radionuclides. The strongest and most consistent BSAFs were those for {sup 137}Cs in deposit feeding taxa, suggesting that sediment concentrations rather than dissolved concentrations drive uptake. For crayfish and unionid bivalves that do not feed on sediment, biota radionuclide concentrations were not related to sediment concentrations, but rather reflected concentrations in water. BSAFs would not be appropriate for these non-deposit feeding biota. BSAFs for {sup 137}Cs were not significantly different among deposit feeding taxa, suggesting similar processes for ingestion, assimilation and elimination. These data also show that the concentration factor approach used for guidance would have led to spurious results in this study for deposit feeding benthic invertebrates. Concentrations of {sup 137}Cs in Hexagenia downstream of the CRL process outfall range by about 2-orders of magnitude, in comparison to relatively uniform water concentrations. The concentration factor approach would have predicted a single value downstream of CRL, underestimating exposure to Hexagenia by almost 2-orders of magnitude at sites close to the CRL process outfall. (author)

  13. Sediment reworking by a polychaete, Perinereis aibuhitensis, in the intertidal sediments of the Gomso Bay, Korea (United States)

    Koo, Bon Joo; Seo, Jaehwan


    Bioturbation, especially sediment reworking by the activities of macroinvertebrates, such as feeding and burrowing, is one of the major processes that affect the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of marine sediments. Given the importance of sediment reworking, this study was designed to evaluate the sediment reworking rate of a polychaete, Perinereis aibuhitensis, which is dominant in the upper tidal flats on the west coast of Korea, based on quantification of pellet production during spring and fall surveys. The density of individuals was higher in fall than in spring, whereas, due to a difference in the proportion of adults between the two seasons, the morphometric dimensions of the worm and its pellets were significantly longer and heavier in the spring. Hourly pellet production per inhabitant and density were closely related, with pellet production gradually decreasing as density increased. Daily pellet production was much higher in spring than in fall, mostly due to an increase in daytime production. The sediment reworking rate of Perinereis was similar in the two seasons in which observations were made and depended on its density and the sediment reworking rate per individual. The overall sediment reworking rate of Perinereis was 31 mm yr-1 based on its density in the study area.

  14. Sedimentation in the Three Gorges Dam and the future trend of Changjiang (Yangtze River sediment flux to the sea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guogang Li


    Full Text Available The Three Gorges Dam (TGD on the upper Changjiang (Yangtze River, China, disrupts the continuity of Changjiang sediment delivery to downstream and coastal areas. In this study, which was based on 54 years of annual water and sediment data from the mainstream and major tributaries of Changjiang, sediment deposition induced by the TGD in 2003–2008 was quantified. Furthermore, we determined the theoretical trapping efficiency of the cascade reservoir upstream of the TGD. Its impact on Changjiang sediment flux in the coming decades is discussed. Results show that about 172 million tons (Mt of sediment was trapped annually by the TGD in 2003–2008, with an averaged trapping efficiency of 75%. Most of the total sediment deposition, as induced by the TGD (88%, accumulated within the region between the TGD site and Cuntan. However, significant siltation (12% of the total sediment deposition also occurred upstream of Cuntan as a consequence of the upstream extended backwater region of the TGD. Additionally, the Changjiang sediment flux entered a third downward step in 2001, prior to operation of the TGD. This mainly resulted from sediment reduction in the Jinshajiang tributary since the late 1990s. As the cascade reservoir is put into full operation, it could potentially trap 91% of the Jinshajiang sediment discharge and, therefore, the Jinshajiang sediment discharge would most likely further decrease to 14 Mt/yr in the coming decades. Consequently, the Changjiang sediment flux to the sea is expected to continuously decrease to below 90 Mt/yr in the near future, or only 18% of the amount observed in the 1950s. In the presence of low sediment discharge, profound impacts on the morphology of estuary, delta and coastal waters are expected.

  15. Tracking sediment through the Holocene: Determining anthropogenic contributions to a sediment-rich agricultural system, north-central USA (United States)

    Gran, Karen; Belmont, Patrick; Finnegan, Noah


    Management and restoration of sediment-impaired streams requires quantification of sediment sources and pathways of transport. Addressing the role of humans in altering the magnitude and sources of sediment supplied to a catchment is notoriously challenging. Here, we explore how humans have amplified erosion in geomorphically-sensitive portions of the predominantly-agricultural Minnesota River basin in north-central USA. In the Minnesota River basin, the primary sources of sediment are classified generally as upland agricultural field vs. near-channel sources, with near-channel sources including stream banks, bluffs, and ravines. Using aerial lidar data, repeat terrestrial lidar scans of bluffs, ravine monitoring, historic air photo analyses, and sediment fingerprinting, we have developed a sediment budget to determine the relative importance of each source in a tributary to the Minnesota River, the Le Sueur River. We then investigate how these sources have changed through time, from changes evident over the past few decades to changes associated with valley evolution over the past 13,400 years. The Minnesota River valley was carved ~13,400 years ago through catastrophic drainage of glacial Lake Agassiz. As the Minnesota River valley incised, knickpoints have migrated upstream into tributaries, carving out deep valleys where the most actively eroding near-channel sediment sources occur. The modern sediment budget, closed for the time period 2000 to 2010, shows that the majority of the fine sediment load in the Le Sueur River comes from bluffs and other near-channel sources in the deeply-incised knick zone. Numerical modeling of valley evolution constrained by mapped and dated strath terraces cut into the glacial till presents an opportunity to compare the modern sediment budget to that of the river prior to anthropogenic modification. This comparison reveals a natural background or "pre-agriculture" rate of erosion from near-channel sources to be 3-5 times lower

  16. Accumulation and effects of sediment-associated silver nanoparticles to sediment-dwelling invertebrates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramskov, Tina; Forbes, Valery E; Gilliland, Douglas


    are in high demand. Here, we examine the effects of exposure to sediment mixed with either aqueous Ag (administered as AgNO3) or Ag NPs (13 nm, citrate-capped) at a nominal exposure concentration of 100 μg Ag/g dry weight sediment on four benthic invertebrates: two clones of the gastropod Potamopyrgus...

  17. Tradução e adaptação cultural do Asthma Control Scoring System (Sistema de Escore para Controle Abrangente da Asma para uso no Brasil The Asthma Control Scoring System: translation and cross-cultural adaptation for use in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Gonçalves de Souza Tavares


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Traduzir e adaptar culturalmente, para uso no Brasil, um instrumento específico de escore para o controle abrangente da asma, denominado Asthma Control Scoring System (ACSS. MÉTODOS: O protocolo incluiu dez etapas: autorização escrita do autor do ACSS; tradução do instrumento para a língua portuguesa do Brasil por três tradutores; análise e comparação das três versões por um comitê revisor; retradução literal para o inglês; revisão e harmonização da retradução; aprovação do autor do ACSS; revisão da tradução por especialistas; desdobramento cognitivo: teste da clareza, compreensão e aceitabilidade junto à população alvo (avaliação da tradução por 10 profissionais da área da saúde; segundo desdobramento cognitivo: revisão da nova versão por um segundo grupo de profissionais da área de saúde; e reconciliação e elaboração da versão final pelo comitê revisor. RESULTADOS: A versão do ACSS em português do Brasil apresentou clareza, compreensão e aceitabilidade. O instrumento foi considerado abrangente por englobar as manifestações clínicas, funcionais e inflamatórias da asma. CONCLUSÕES: Com o uso desta metodologia criteriosa empregada para a adaptação transcultural do ACSS, asseguramos sua adequação cultural para uso no Brasil. O uso desse instrumento poderá facilitar futuros estudos sobre o controle da asma.OBJECTIVE: The translation and cross-cultural adaptation of a specific scoring instrument for the comprehensive control of asthma, the Asthma Control Scoring System (ACSS, for use in Brazil. METHODS: The protocol included ten steps: acquisition of written permission from the author of the ACSS; translation of the instrument to Brazilian Portuguese, carried out by three separate translators; analysis and comparison of the three versions by a review committee; literal back-translation to English; review and harmonization of the back-translation; acquisition of the approval of the

  18. Sediments and aquatic indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Determinations of 90 Sr, certain gamma emitting nuclides and 239,240 Pu in bottom sediment in the Baltic Sea area and in sedimenting material and biota near the Loviisa and Olkiluoto nuclear power stations were continued in 1984 and 1985. In the bottom sediments of the deep Baltic basins, the total amounts of 90 Sr, 137 Cs and Pu were 8.5-80 Bq m -2 , 83-3200 Bq m -2 and 4.7-190 Bq m -2 , respectively. The ranges were about the same as in the earlier reports 1,2 . In sedimenting material and biota the conentrations of 90 Sr and 239,240 Pu were roughly the same as in 1983. The amounts and selection of reactor originated activation products were not changed in the vicinity of the two nuclear power stations. Small amounts of 137 Cs and 134 Cs released from the Loviisa nuclear power station were detected in 1985

  19. Sediment movement along the U.S. east coast continental shelf—II. Modelling suspended sediment concentration and transport rate during storms (United States)

    Lyne, Vincent D.; Butman, Bradford; Grant, William D.


    Long-term near-bottom wave and current observations and a one-dimensional sediment transport model are used to calculate the concentration and transport of sediment during winter storms at 60-80 m water depth along the southern flank of Georges Bank and in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Calculations are presented for five stations, separated by more than 600 km alongshelf, that have different bottom sediment texture, bedforms and current conditions. A modified version of the sediment transport model presented by GRANT and GLENN (1983, Technical Report to the American Gas Association), GLENN (1983, D.Sc. Thesis, M.I.T.), and GLENN and GRANT (1987, Journal of Geophysical Research, 92, 8244-8264) is used to examine the influence of wave-current interaction, sediment stratification, and limitations on the erodibility of the bottom sediments on the concentration of sediment in the water column and on transport. Predicted suspended sediment concentrations are higher than observed, based on beam transmissometer measurements, unless an erosion limit of order a few millimeters for sediments finer than 94 μm is imposed. The agreement between predicted and measured beam attenuation is better at stations that have significant amounts of silt plus clay in the surficial sediments than for stations with sandy sediments. Sediment concentrations during storms estimated by MOODYet al. (1987, Continental Shelf Research, 7, 609-628) are within 50% of the model predictions. Sediment transport rates for sediments 94 μm and finer are determined largely by the concentrations in the surficial sediment and the erosion depth limit. Large alongshelf transports in the direction of storm-driven currents are inferred for stations in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. During a 115-day period in winter 1979-1980, the net transport of sediment along the shelf was westward; benthic storms (defined as periods when the bottom wave stress exceeded the current stress by 2 dyn cm -2) occurred between 23 and 73% of the

  20. Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor Data (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor contains approximately 20,000 biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) from 20 locations (mostly Superfund sites) for...

  1. Surface sedimentation at permeable pavement systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Støvring, Jan; Dam, Torben; Jensen, Marina Bergen


    Newly installed permeable pavement (PP) systems provide high surface infiltration capacity, but the accumulation of sediments causes a decrease in capacity over time, eventually leading to surface clogging. With the aim of investigating local sedimentation processes and the importance of restorat......Newly installed permeable pavement (PP) systems provide high surface infiltration capacity, but the accumulation of sediments causes a decrease in capacity over time, eventually leading to surface clogging. With the aim of investigating local sedimentation processes and the importance...

  2. Pleniglacial sedimentation process reconstruction on laminated lacustrine sediments from lava-dammed Paleolake Alf, West Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany) (United States)

    Eichhorn, Luise; Pirrung, Michael; Zolitschka, Bernd; Büchel, Georg


    Differentiating between regularly seasonal, irregular and event-based clastic sedimentation is difficult if sedimentation structures resemble and dating methods are imprecise. In this study - clastic light and dark laminae from lava-dammed Paleolake Alf in the Late Pleistocene in the Quaternary West Eifel Volcanic Field are analyzed to clarify how they formed and if they are of annual origin and comparable to assumed periglacial varves from neighboring Lake Holzmaar. Therefore, a multiproxy approach is applied combining sediment thin section analysis which focuses on composition and structure with 14C dates. The results are compared to recently-formed annually-laminated clastic sediments of, e.g., the High Canadian Arctic. Observed sedimentation structures reveal sediment delivery by over- and interflows and deposition from suspension forming two characteristic microfacies: Type I graded laminae and Type II laminae with graded sublayers. Additionally, erosional bases and event deposits indicate episodic underflows. Thus, lamination is potentially seasonal but is significantly veiled by extreme runoff causing erosion and resuspension processes or a mixed water body preventing sediment delivery into the lake basin. However, sedimentation processes between watershed and lake could be reconstructed by comparing recent and paleosediment structures.

  3. Energy Gradients Structure Microbial Communities Across Sediment Horizons in Deep Marine Sediments of the South China Sea (United States)

    Graw, Michael F.; D'Angelo, Grace; Borchers, Matthew; Thurber, Andrew R.; Johnson, Joel E.; Zhang, Chuanlun; Liu, Haodong; Colwell, Frederick S.


    The deep marine subsurface is a heterogeneous environment in which the assembly of microbial communities is thought to be controlled by a combination of organic matter deposition, electron acceptor availability, and sedimentology. However, the relative importance of these factors in structuring microbial communities in marine sediments remains unclear. The South China Sea (SCS) experiences significant variability in sedimentation across the basin and features discrete changes in sedimentology as a result of episodic deposition of turbidites and volcanic ashes within lithogenic clays and siliceous or calcareous ooze deposits throughout the basin's history. Deep subsurface microbial communities were recently sampled by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) at three locations in the SCS with sedimentation rates of 5, 12, and 20 cm per thousand years. Here, we used Illumina sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene to characterize deep subsurface microbial communities from distinct sediment types at these sites. Communities across all sites were dominated by several poorly characterized taxa implicated in organic matter degradation, including Atribacteria, Dehalococcoidia, and Aerophobetes. Sulfate-reducing bacteria comprised only 4% of the community across sulfate-bearing sediments from multiple cores and did not change in abundance in sediments from the methanogenic zone at the site with the lowest sedimentation rate. Microbial communities were significantly structured by sediment age and the availability of sulfate as an electron acceptor in pore waters. However, microbial communities demonstrated no partitioning based on the sediment type they inhabited. These results indicate that microbial communities in the SCS are structured by the availability of electron donors and acceptors rather than sedimentological characteristics. PMID:29696012

  4. The kinetics of denitrification in permeable sediments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Evrard, Victor; Glud, Ronnie N.; Cook, Perran L. M.


    Permeable sediments comprise the majority of shelf sediments, yet the rates of denitrification remain highly uncertain in these environments. Computational models are increasingly being used to understand the dynamics of denitrification in permeable sediments, which are complex environments...... on sediments taken from six shallow coastal sites in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. The results showed that denitrification commenced rapidly (within 30 min) after the onset of anoxia and the kinetics could be well described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics with half saturation constants (apparent K...... in cohesive sediments despite organic carbon contents one order of magnitude lower for the sediments studied here. The ratio of sediment O-2 consumption to V-max was in the range of 0.02-0.09, and was on average much lower than the theoretical ratio of 0.8. As a consequence, models implemented...

  5. Reservoir Sedimentation and Upstream Sediment Sources: Perspectives and Future Research Needs on Streambank and Gully Erosion (United States)

    Fox, G. A.; Sheshukov, A.; Cruse, R.; Kolar, R. L.; Guertault, L.; Gesch, K. R.; Dutnell, R. C.


    The future reliance on water supply and flood control reservoirs across the globe will continue to expand, especially under a variable climate. As the inventory of new potential dam sites is shrinking, construction of additional reservoirs is less likely compared to simultaneous flow and sediment management in existing reservoirs. One aspect of this sediment management is related to the control of upstream sediment sources. However, key research questions remain regarding upstream sediment loading rates. Highlighted in this article are research needs relative to measuring and predicting sediment transport rates and loading due to streambank and gully erosion within a watershed. For example, additional instream sediment transport and reservoir sedimentation rate measurements are needed across a range of watershed conditions, reservoir sizes, and geographical locations. More research is needed to understand the intricate linkage between upland practices and instream response. A need still exists to clarify the benefit of restoration or stabilization of a small reach within a channel system or maturing gully on total watershed sediment load. We need to better understand the intricate interactions between hydrological and erosion processes to improve prediction, location, and timing of streambank erosion and failure and gully formation. Also, improved process-based measurement and prediction techniques are needed that balance data requirements regarding cohesive soil erodibility and stability as compared to simpler topographic indices for gullies or stream classification systems. Such techniques will allow the research community to address the benefit of various conservation and/or stabilization practices at targeted locations within watersheds.

  6. Earth's portfolio of extreme sediment transport events (United States)

    Korup, Oliver


    Quantitative estimates of sediment flux and the global cycling of sediments from hillslopes to rivers, estuaries, deltas, continental shelves, and deep-sea basins have a long research tradition. In this context, extremely large and commensurately rare sediment transport events have so far eluded a systematic analysis. To start filling this knowledge gap I review some of the highest reported sediment yields in mountain rivers impacted by volcanic eruptions, earthquake- and storm-triggered landslide episodes, and catastrophic dam breaks. Extreme specific yields, defined here as those exceeding the 95th percentile of compiled data, are ~ 104 t km- 2 yr- 1 if averaged over 1 yr. These extreme yields vary by eight orders of magnitude, but systematically decay with reference intervals from minutes to millennia such that yields vary by three orders of magnitude for a given reference interval. Sediment delivery from natural dam breaks and pyroclastic eruptions dominate these yields for a given reference interval. Even if averaged over 102-103 yr, the contribution of individual disturbances may remain elevated above corresponding catchment denudation rates. I further estimate rates of sediment (re-)mobilisation by individual giant terrestrial and submarine mass movements. Less than 50 postglacial submarine mass movements have involved an equivalent of ~ 10% of the contemporary annual global flux of fluvial sediment to Earth's oceans, while mobilisation rates by individual events rival the decadal-scale sediment discharge from tectonically active orogens such as Taiwan or New Zealand. Sediment flushing associated with catastrophic natural dam breaks is non-stationary and shows a distinct kink at the last glacial-interglacial transition, owing to the drainage of very large late Pleistocene ice-marginal lakes. Besides emphasising the contribution of high-magnitude and low-frequency events to the global sediment cascade, these findings stress the importance of sediment storage

  7. Sediment Budget in the Taiwan Strait with High Fluvial Sediment Inputs from Mountainous Rivers: New Observations and Synthesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shuh-Ji Kao


    Full Text Available The shallow Taiwan Strait at the southern opening of the East China Sea (ECS receives abundant sediments from turbid mountainous rivers in Taiwan. The volume of sediment is among the highest sediment yields on the global surface. This large amount of sediment discharged from modern Taiwan (range: 175 - 380 Mt y-1 based on 50-yr data is comparable to that discharged from Changjaing (500 Mt y-1-decreasing in recent decades, underscoring the importance of sediment budget in the Taiwan Strait and sediment flux from Taiwan into the ECS.We documented fluvial mud and sand concentrations during flash flooding with our observations indicating that fluvial materials in Taiwan¡¦s rivers are chiefly composed of mud (> 70 and up to 98 . By contrast, sand fraction dominates (> 85 for most stations surface sediments in the Taiwan Strait. Super typhoon Herb alone delivered 130 Mt of sediments from Choshui, the largest river in Taiwan, yet only insignificant amounts of mud were found at the river mouth six months later. The actions of waves, tides, and currents apparently prevent the deposition of fine grained sediments. Assuming sand occupied 30 (the maximum of the 60 Mt y-1 total sediment input from major western Taiwanese rivers, our annual budget estimate shows that the amount of sand input (18 5 Mt y-1 is comparable to the burial output of sand (12 10 Mt y-1. However, mud burial (6 5 Mt y-1 in the strait is far below the estimated mud input (42 11 Mt y-1, resulting in a significant shortfall. Hydrodynamic conditions were synthesized to explain the distribution pattern of limited mud patches in the strait and to reveal potential pathways by which fine-grain sediment transportation takes place in the seas surrounding Taiwan. A significant shortfall in the mud budget in the Taiwan Strait suggests that ~85 of the fluvial mud left the strait. Alternatively, the 50-year modern sediment flux data used in this study reflects exacerbated sediment flux due to human

  8. Overflow Concentration and Sedimentation in Hoppers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjelmager Jensen, Jacob; Saremi, Sina


    Sediment spillage from hopper overflow constitutes a source for sediment plumes and can also impact the turbidity of aquatic environments. The overflowing mixture is often different from the mixture pumped into the hopper (the inflow), because the mixture undergoes compositional transformation...... as a result of different timescales in the segregation of the various sediment fractions. The heavier constituents in a mixture will have had time to settle, and overflowing sediments are therefore primarily composed of the finer and lighter constituents, whose concentrations potentially exceed those...... sediment mixtures (i.e., polydispersions). Strictly speaking, these formulas have been validated for homogeneous and unenergetic mixtures only, but the hopper system fulfills these criteria reasonably well. A proper description of the compositional transformation during filling and subsequent overflow...

  9. Heavy metal concentrations and toxicity in water and sediment from stormwater ponds and sedimentation tanks. (United States)

    Karlsson, Kristin; Viklander, Maria; Scholes, Lian; Revitt, Mike


    Sedimentation is a widely used technique in structural best management practices to remove pollutants from stormwater. However, concerns have been expressed about the environmental impacts that may be exerted by the trapped pollutants. This study has concentrated on stormwater ponds and sedimentation tanks and reports on the accumulated metal concentrations (Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and the associated toxicity to the bacteria Vibrio fischeri. The metal concentrations are compared with guidelines and the toxicity results are assessed in relation to samples for which metal concentrations either exceed or conform to these values. The water phase metal concentrations were highest in the ponds whereas the sedimentation tanks exhibited a distinct decrease towards the outlet. However, none of the water samples demonstrated toxicity even though the concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn exceeded the threshold values for the compared guidelines. The facilities with higher traffic intensities had elevated sediment concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn which increased towards the outlet for the sedimentation tanks in agreement with the highest percentage of fine particles. The sediments in both treatment facilities exhibited the expected toxic responses in line with their affinity for heavy metals but the role of organic carbon content is highlighted. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. The influence of sediment properties and experimental variables on the efficiency of electrodialytic removal of metals from sediment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Kristine B.; Lejon, Tore; Jensen, Pernille Erland


    Chemometrics was used to determine the influence of sediment properties and experimental settings for the electrodialytic removal (EDR) of Cu, Pb and Zn from six harbour sediments from Greenland and Norway. A Projection onto latent structures (PLS) model revealed that the most important sediment...... properties for achieving acidification (lag-phase, pH > 4), necessary for desorbing and mobilising metals in the polluted sediments, were buffer capacity and grain size distribution. Higher stirring rate reduced the acidification time, stressing the importance of thorough mixing of the sediment suspension...... to achieve a fast and uniform acidification. PLS models were calculated to determine the influence of sediment properties on the removal of metals during EDR, which was observed to vary depending on the targeted metal and the stage of the remediation. In general, buffer capacity, grain size distribution...

  11. Impacts of Declining Mississippi River Sediment Load on Subaqueous Delta Front Sedimentation and Geomorphology (United States)

    Maloney, J. M.; Bentley, S. J.; Xu, K.; Georgiou, I. Y.; Miner, M. D.


    The Mississippi River delta system is undergoing unprecedented changes due to the effects of climate change and anthropogenic alterations to the river and its delta. Since the 1950s, the suspended sediment load of the Mississippi River has decreased by approximately 50% due to the construction of >50,000 dams in the Mississippi basin. The impact of this decreased sediment load has been observed in subaerial environments, but the impact on sedimentation and geomorphology of the subaqueous delta front has yet to be examined. To identify historic trends in sedimentation patterns, we compiled bathymetric datasets, including historical charts, industry and academic surveys, and NOAA data, collected between 1764 and 2009. Sedimentation rates are variable across the delta front, but are highest near the mouth of Southwest Pass, which carries the largest percentage of Mississippi River flow and sediment into the Gulf of Mexico. The progradation rate of Southwest Pass (measured at the 10 m depth contour) has slowed from 67 m/yr between 1764 and 1940 to 26 m/yr between 1940 and 1979, with evidence of further deceleration from 1979-2009. Decreased rates of progradation are also observed at South Pass and Pass A Loutre, with the 10 m contour retreating at rates >20 m/yr at both passes. Advancement of the delta front also decelerated in deeper water (15-90 m) offshore from Southwest Pass. In this area, from 1940-1979, depth contours advanced seaward 30 m/yr, but rates declined from 1979-2005. Furthermore, over the same area, the sediment accumulation rate decreased by 81% for the same period. The Mississippi River delta front appears to be entering a phase of decline, which will likely be accelerated by future upstream management practices. This decline has implications for offshore ecosystems, biogeochemical cycling, pollutant dispersal, mudflow hazard, and the continued use of the delta as an economic and population center.

  12. Linkages between the spatial toxicity of sediments and sediment dynamics in the Yangtze River Estuary and neighboring East China Sea. (United States)

    Gao, Jinjuan; Shi, Huahong; Dai, Zhijun; Mei, Xuefei; Zong, Haibo; Yang, Hongwei; Hu, Lingling; Li, Shushi


    Anthropogenic activities are driving an increase in sediment contamination in coastal areas. This poses significant challenges for the management of estuarine ecosystems and their adjacent seas worldwide. However, few studies have been conducted on how dynamic mechanisms affect the sediment toxicity in the estuarine environment. This study was designed to investigate the linkages between sediment toxicity and hydrodynamics in the Yangtze River Estuary (YRE) area. High sediment toxicity was found in the Yangtze River mouth (Region I), the depocenter of the Yangtze River Delta (Region II), and the southeastern area of the adjacent sea (Region III), while low sediment toxicity was found in the northeastern offshore region (Region IV). A spatial comparison analysis and regression model indicated that the distributed pattern of sediment toxicity was likely related to hydrodynamics and circumfluence in the East China Sea (ECS) shelf. Specifically, high sediment toxicity in Region I may be affected by the Yangtze River Pump (YRP) and the low hydrodynamics there, and high toxicity in Region II can be influenced by the low sediment dynamics and fine sediment in the depocenter. The high sediment toxicity in Region III might be related to the combination of the YRP and Taiwan Warm Current, while the low toxicity in Region IV may be influenced by the local coarse-grained relict sand with strong sediment dynamics there. The present research results further suggest that it is necessary to link hydrodynamics and the spatial behavior of sediment and sediment-derived pollutants when assessing the pollution status of estuarine environments, especially for those mega-estuaries and their neighboring ocean environments with complex waves, tides and ocean currents. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Sediment characteristics and wind-induced sediment dynamics in shallow Lake Markermeer, the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kelderman, P.; Ang'weya, R.O.; De Rozari, P.; Vijverberg, T.


    In 2007/08, a study was undertaken on the sediment dynamics in shallow Lake Markermeer (the Netherlands). Firstly, sediment characteristics were determined at 49 sites in the lake. Parameters such as median grain size and loss on ignition showed a spatial as well as water depth related pattern,

  14. Influence of contact time and sediment composition on the bioavailability of Cd in sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong Huan; Kraemer, Lisa; Evans, Douglas


    Stable isotope 111 Cd was spiked into sediments of different organic content levels for 3 days to 2 months. Bioavailability of spiked Cd to deposit-feeders, assessed by in vitro Cd solubilization, generally decreased with contact time but became comparable with that of background Cd after 2 months. This could be explained by the gradual transfer of Cd from the more mobile geochemical phase (carbonate associated phase) to more refractory phases (Fe–Mn oxide associated phase, and organic associated phase) within 2 months. The sedimentary organic content had a weak effect on Cd solubilization, while the distribution of Cd in carbonate or Fe–Mn oxide associated phase could have a larger influence on the solubilization of sedimentary Cd and its change with contact time. The observations in this study emphasize the need to consider Cd sequestration over time in sediments of various compositions, which would be useful in risk assessment of contaminated sediments. Highlights: ► Cd may reach equilibrium in sediments after 2 months of aging. ► Sediment composition could affect change of Cd bioavailability with contact time. ► Sedimentary organic content has a weak effect on Cd bioavailability. ► Cd associated with carbonates is more bioavailable than Cd with Fe/Mn oxides. ► Change in Cd solid speciation explains decrease of Cd bioavailability over time. - Transfer of Cd from carbonate phase to Fe–Mn oxide phase in sediments was important in affecting the decrease of Cd bioavailability over time.

  15. Quantification of Gravel Rural Road Sediment Production (United States)

    Silliman, B. A.; Myers Toman, E.


    Unbound rural roads are thought to be one of the largest anthropogenic sources of sediment reaching stream channels in small watersheds. This sediment deposition can reduce water quality in the streams negatively impacting aquatic habitat as well as impacting municipal drinking water sources. These roads are thought to see an increase in construction and use in southeast Ohio due to the expansion of shale gas development in the region. This study set out to quantify the amount of sediment these rural roads are able to produce. A controlled rain event of 12.7 millimeters of rain over a half hour period was used to drive sediment production over a 0.03 kilometer section of gravel rural road. These 8 segments varied in many characteristics and produced from 2.0 to 8.4 kilograms of sediment per 0.03 kilometers of road with the average production over the 8 segments being 5.5 kilograms of sediment. Sediment production was not strongly correlated with road segment slope but traffic was found to increase sediment production from 1.1 to 3.9 times as much sediment after traffic use. These results will help inform watershed scale sediment budgeting, and inform best management practices for road maintenance and construction. This study also adds to the understanding of the impacts of rural road use and construction associated with the changing land use from agricultural to natural gas extraction.

  16. Towards science-based sediment quality standards—Effects of field-collected sediments in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brinkmann, Markus; Eichbaum, Kathrin; Reininghaus, Mathias; Koglin, Sven; Kammann, Ulrike; Baumann, Lisa; Segner, Helmut; Zennegg, Markus; Buchinger, Sebastian; Reifferscheid, Georg; Hollert, Henner


    Highlights: • Particle-bound DLCs were readily bioavailable during re-suspension of sediments. • DLC uptake and effects in fish were proportional to the concentration in sediments. • Responses of biomarkers reflected the contamination levels of different sediments. • Cyp1a mRNA expression and EROD activity in livers of fish responded immediately. • Histopathological lesions were strong indicators of potential long-term effects. - Abstract: Sediments can act as long-term sinks for environmental pollutants. Within the past decades, dioxin-like compounds (DLCs) such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have attracted significant attention in the scientific community. To investigate the time- and concentration-dependent uptake of DLCs and PAHs in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and their associated toxicological effects, we conducted exposure experiments using suspensions of three field-collected sediments from the rivers Rhine and Elbe, which were chosen to represent different contamination levels. Five serial dilutions of contaminated sediments were tested; these originated from the Prossen and Zollelbe sampling sites (both in the river Elbe, Germany) and from Ehrenbreitstein (Rhine, Germany), with lower levels of contamination. Fish were exposed to suspensions of these dilutions under semi-static conditions for 90 days. Analysis of muscle tissue by high resolution gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and of bile liquid by high-performance liquid chromatography showed that particle-bound PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PAHs were readily bioavailable from re-suspended sediments. Uptake of these contaminants and the associated toxicological effects in fish were largely proportional to their sediment concentrations. The changes in the investigated biomarkers closely reflected the different sediment contamination levels: cytochrome P450 1A m

  17. Towards science-based sediment quality standards—Effects of field-collected sediments in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brinkmann, Markus, E-mail: [Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Worringerweg 1, 52074 Aachen (Germany); Eichbaum, Kathrin; Reininghaus, Mathias; Koglin, Sven [Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Worringerweg 1, 52074 Aachen (Germany); Kammann, Ulrike [Thünen-Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Palmaille 9, 22767 Hamburg (Germany); Baumann, Lisa; Segner, Helmut [Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Länggassstr. 122, 3012 Bern (Switzerland); Zennegg, Markus [Swiss Federal Institute for Materials Science and Technology (Empa), Laboratory for Advanced Analytical Technologies, Überlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dübendorf (Switzerland); Buchinger, Sebastian; Reifferscheid, Georg [Department G3: Biochemistry, Ecotoxicology, Federal Institute of Hydrology (BFG), Am Mainzer Tor 1, 56068 Koblenz (Germany); Hollert, Henner, E-mail: [Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Worringerweg 1, 52074 Aachen (Germany); College of Resources and Environmental Science, Chongqing University, 1 Tiansheng Road Beibei, Chongqing 400715 (China); College of Environmental Science and Engineering and State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai (China); State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University (China)


    Highlights: • Particle-bound DLCs were readily bioavailable during re-suspension of sediments. • DLC uptake and effects in fish were proportional to the concentration in sediments. • Responses of biomarkers reflected the contamination levels of different sediments. • Cyp1a mRNA expression and EROD activity in livers of fish responded immediately. • Histopathological lesions were strong indicators of potential long-term effects. - Abstract: Sediments can act as long-term sinks for environmental pollutants. Within the past decades, dioxin-like compounds (DLCs) such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have attracted significant attention in the scientific community. To investigate the time- and concentration-dependent uptake of DLCs and PAHs in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and their associated toxicological effects, we conducted exposure experiments using suspensions of three field-collected sediments from the rivers Rhine and Elbe, which were chosen to represent different contamination levels. Five serial dilutions of contaminated sediments were tested; these originated from the Prossen and Zollelbe sampling sites (both in the river Elbe, Germany) and from Ehrenbreitstein (Rhine, Germany), with lower levels of contamination. Fish were exposed to suspensions of these dilutions under semi-static conditions for 90 days. Analysis of muscle tissue by high resolution gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and of bile liquid by high-performance liquid chromatography showed that particle-bound PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PAHs were readily bioavailable from re-suspended sediments. Uptake of these contaminants and the associated toxicological effects in fish were largely proportional to their sediment concentrations. The changes in the investigated biomarkers closely reflected the different sediment contamination levels: cytochrome P450 1A m

  18. Ensaio clínico, aberto, controlado sobre a adição de brometo de ipratrópio ao fenoterol no tratamento da crise de asma em adultos Open, controlled clinical assay of the addition of ipratropium bromide to fenoterol in the treatment of acute asthma crisis in adults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Solange Diccini


    Full Text Available No tratamento da crise de asma, empregam-se doses repetidas de drogas b2-agonistas por via inalatória. O efeito da adição do brometo de ipratrópio (BI ao b2-agonistas é controverso em adultos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se adição de BI ao fenoterol, em tratamentos inalatórios repetidos, induz a maior broncodilatação, com reversibilidade da crise e alta da emergência em pacientes em crise grave de asma. LOCAL DO ESTUDO: Serviço de Pronto-Atendimento de Pneumologia, Disciplina de Pneumologia da Unifesp-Hospital São Paulo, no período de julho de 1995 a fevereiro de 1997. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Aberto, randomizado, paralelo. Alta da emergência determinada pelo VEF1 e PFE > 60% do previsto. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Cento e vinte pacientes em crise de asma foram divididos em dois grupos (N = 60: fenoterol (F e brometo de ipratrópio + fenoterol (BIF com VEF1 e PFE Repeated dosis of inhaled b2-agonists have been used in the treatment of acute asthma. The effect of added ipratropium bromide (IB to b2-agonist is controversial in adults. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if addition of IB to fenoterol, in repeated doses, induces a greater bronchodilation, a greater reversion of the attack, and discharge from emergency unit in adults with acute severe asthma. SETTING: Pneumology Emergency Department, Unifesp-Hospital São Paulo, in the period from July 1995 to February 1997. TYPE OF STUDY: Open, randomized and parallel study. Discharge from the hospital: FEV1 and PEF > 60% of the predicted value. METHODS: 120 patients with FEV1 and PEF < 50% of the predicted value were divided into two groups (N = 60: fenoterol (F and ipratropium bromide + fenoterol (IBF. Each group received inhalation treatment through a metered-dose inhaler (MDI attached to a holding chamber, administered at 30-minute interval, for a total of three treatments. In the group F four puffs of fenoterol (400 mg were administered, and in the IBF group, 160 mg of BI and 400 mg of fenoterol (four puffs

  19. Non-linearities in Holocene floodplain sediment storage (United States)

    Notebaert, Bastiaan; Nils, Broothaerts; Jean-François, Berger; Gert, Verstraeten


    Floodplain sediment storage is an important part of the sediment cascade model, buffering sediment delivery between hillslopes and oceans, which is hitherto not fully quantified in contrast to other global sediment budget components. Quantification and dating of floodplain sediment storage is data and financially demanding, limiting contemporary estimates for larger spatial units to simple linear extrapolations from a number of smaller catchments. In this paper we will present non-linearities in both space and time for floodplain sediment budgets in three different catchments. Holocene floodplain sediments of the Dijle catchment in the Belgian loess region, show a clear distinction between morphological stages: early Holocene peat accumulation, followed by mineral floodplain aggradation from the start of the agricultural period on. Contrary to previous assumptions, detailed dating of this morphological change at different shows an important non-linearity in geomorphologic changes of the floodplain, both between and within cross sections. A second example comes from the Pre-Alpine French Valdaine region, where non-linearities and complex system behavior exists between (temporal) patterns of soil erosion and floodplain sediment deposition. In this region Holocene floodplain deposition is characterized by different cut-and-fill phases. The quantification of these different phases shows a complicated image of increasing and decreasing floodplain sediment storage, which hampers the image of increasing sediment accumulation over time. Although fill stages may correspond with large quantities of deposited sediment and traditionally calculated sedimentation rates for such stages are high, they do not necessary correspond with a long-term net increase in floodplain deposition. A third example is based on the floodplain sediment storage in the Amblève catchment, located in the Belgian Ardennes uplands. Detailed floodplain sediment quantification for this catchments shows

  20. Sediment Transport Over Run-of-River Dams (United States)

    O'Brien, M.; Magilligan, F. J.; Renshaw, C. E.


    Dams have numerous documented effects that can degrade river habitat downstream. One significant effect of large dams is their ability to trap sediment delivered from upstream. This trapping can alter sediment transport and grain size downstream - effects that often motivate dam removal decisions. However, recent indirect observations and modeling studies indicate that small, run-of-river (ROR) dams, which do not impede discharge, may actually leak sediment downstream. However, there are no direct measurements of sediment flux over ROR dams. This study investigates flow and sediment transport over four to six different New England ROR dams over a summer-fall field season. Sediment flux was measured using turbidity meters and tracer (RFID) cobbles. Sediment transport was also monitored through an undammed control site and through a river where two ROR dams were recently removed. These data were used to predict the conditions that contribute to sediment transport and trapping. Year 1 data show that tracer rocks of up to 61 mm were transported over a 3 m ROR dam in peak flows of 84% of bankfull stage. These tracer rocks were transported over and 10 m beyond the dam and continue to move downstream. During the same event, comparable suspended sediment fluxes of up to 81 g/s were recorded both upstream and downstream of the dam at near-synchronous timestamps. These results demonstrate the potential for sediment transport through dammed rivers, even in discharge events that do not exceed bankfull. This research elucidates the effects of ROR dams and the controls on sediment transport and trapping, contributions that may aid in dam management decisions.

  1. Equilibrium sampling of polychlorinated biphenyls in River Elbe sediments – Linking bioaccumulation in fish to sediment contamination

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schäfer, Sabine; Antoni, Catherine; Möhlenkamp, Christel


    Equilibrium sampling can be applied to measure freely dissolved concentrations (cfree) of hydrophobic organic chemicals (HOCs) that are considered effective concentrations for diffusive uptake and partitioning. It can also yield concentrations in lipids at thermodynamic equilibrium...... with the sediment (Clip⇔sed) by multiplying concentrations in the equilibrium sampling polymer with lipid to polymer partition coefficients. We have applied silicone coated glass jars for equilibrium sampling of seven ‘indicator’ polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediment samples from ten locations along...... bioaccumulation and the thermodynamic potential of sediment-associated HOCs for partitioning into lipids. This novel approach gives clearer and more consistent results compared to conventional approaches that are based on total concentrations in sediment and biota-sediment accumulation factors. We propose...

  2. Estimating the in situ sediment-porewater distribution of PAHs and chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons in anthropogenic impacted sediments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hans Peter H. Arp; Gijs D. Breedveld; Gerard Cornelissen [Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Oslo (Norway). Department of Environmental Engineering


    It has become increasingly apparent that the in situ sediment-porewater distribution behavior of organic compounds within anthropogenic impacted sediments is quite diverse, and challenging to generalize. Traditional models based on octanol-water partitioning generally overestimate native porewater concentrations, and modern approaches accounting for multiple carbon fractions, including black carbon, appear sediment specific. To assess the diversity of this sorption behavior, we collected all peer-reviewed total organic carbon (TOC)-normalized in situ sediment-porewater distribution coefficients, K{sub TOC}, for impacted sediments. This entailed several hundreds of data for PAHs, PCBs, PCDD/Fs, and chlorinated benzenes, covering a large variety of sediments, locations, and experimental methods. Compound-specific KTOC could range up to over 3 orders of magnitude. Output from various predictive models for individual carbonaceous phases found in impacted sediments, based on peer-reviewed polyparameter linear free energy relationships (PP-LFERs), Raoult's Law, and the SPARC online-calculator, were tested to see if any of the models could consistently predict literature K{sub TOC} values within a factor of 30 (i.e. about 1.5 orders of magnitude, or half the range of K{sub TOC} values). The Raoult's Law model and coal tar PP-LFER achieved the sought-after accuracy for all tested compound classes, and are recommended for general, regional-scale modeling purposes. As impacted sediment-porewater distribution models are unlikely to get more accurate than this, this review underpins that the only way to accurately obtain accurate porewater concentrations is to measure them directly, and not infer them from sediment concentrations. 86 refs., 2 figs., 3 tabs.

  3. Energy Gradients Structure Microbial Communities Across Sediment Horizons in Deep Marine Sediments of the South China Sea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael F. Graw


    Full Text Available The deep marine subsurface is a heterogeneous environment in which the assembly of microbial communities is thought to be controlled by a combination of organic matter deposition, electron acceptor availability, and sedimentology. However, the relative importance of these factors in structuring microbial communities in marine sediments remains unclear. The South China Sea (SCS experiences significant variability in sedimentation across the basin and features discrete changes in sedimentology as a result of episodic deposition of turbidites and volcanic ashes within lithogenic clays and siliceous or calcareous ooze deposits throughout the basin's history. Deep subsurface microbial communities were recently sampled by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP at three locations in the SCS with sedimentation rates of 5, 12, and 20 cm per thousand years. Here, we used Illumina sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene to characterize deep subsurface microbial communities from distinct sediment types at these sites. Communities across all sites were dominated by several poorly characterized taxa implicated in organic matter degradation, including Atribacteria, Dehalococcoidia, and Aerophobetes. Sulfate-reducing bacteria comprised only 4% of the community across sulfate-bearing sediments from multiple cores and did not change in abundance in sediments from the methanogenic zone at the site with the lowest sedimentation rate. Microbial communities were significantly structured by sediment age and the availability of sulfate as an electron acceptor in pore waters. However, microbial communities demonstrated no partitioning based on the sediment type they inhabited. These results indicate that microbial communities in the SCS are structured by the availability of electron donors and acceptors rather than sedimentological characteristics.

  4. Underwater sediment-contact radiation survey method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, D.R.; St. Aubin, M.; Welch, S.J.


    The authors are striving to produce a practical system for mapping lateral distributions in gamma activity on submerged sediments. This is in response to the need for quality control and interpretation of data obtainable by sediment sampling and analyses near nuclear utilities. A prototype gamma probe has been constructed and tested. The prototype is essentially a background survey meter packaged in a 53-cm-long x 5.4-cm-diam waterproof vehicle. This usage-shaped vehicle is connected to a cable for towing in contact with bottom sediments of lakes, rivers, and coastal waters. This vehicle, or sediment probe as it is called, was initially developed for measuring sediment electrical conductances, a parameter that can be used to locate underwater areas of groundwater and contaminant upwelling. During towing, the probe does not roll or twist around its longitudinal axis by more than 10 deg, so that sensors, which have been fixed within the vehicle, can be oriented to look up, down, or sideways. In over 450 lin-km of underwater survey, only a single sediment probe has been irretrievably snagged on sunken rocks or other debris. Work in the Ottawa River near the Chalk River Laboratories has shown good agreement among point measurements of river sediment with continuous measurements using the moving probe

  5. Use of spatially distributed time-integrated sediment sampling networks and distributed fine sediment modelling to inform catchment management. (United States)

    Perks, M T; Warburton, J; Bracken, L J; Reaney, S M; Emery, S B; Hirst, S


    Under the EU Water Framework Directive, suspended sediment is omitted from environmental quality standards and compliance targets. This omission is partly explained by difficulties in assessing the complex dose-response of ecological communities. But equally, it is hindered by a lack of spatially distributed estimates of suspended sediment variability across catchments. In this paper, we demonstrate the inability of traditional, discrete sampling campaigns for assessing exposure to fine sediment. Sampling frequencies based on Environmental Quality Standard protocols, whilst reflecting typical manual sampling constraints, are unable to determine the magnitude of sediment exposure with an acceptable level of precision. Deviations from actual concentrations range between -35 and +20% based on the interquartile range of simulations. As an alternative, we assess the value of low-cost, suspended sediment sampling networks for quantifying suspended sediment transfer (SST). In this study of the 362 km 2 upland Esk catchment we observe that spatial patterns of sediment flux are consistent over the two year monitoring period across a network of 17 monitoring sites. This enables the key contributing sub-catchments of Butter Beck (SST: 1141 t km 2 yr -1 ) and Glaisdale Beck (SST: 841 t km 2 yr -1 ) to be identified. The time-integrated samplers offer a feasible alternative to traditional infrequent and discrete sampling approaches for assessing spatio-temporal changes in contamination. In conjunction with a spatially distributed diffuse pollution model (SCIMAP), time-integrated sediment sampling is an effective means of identifying critical sediment source areas in the catchment, which can better inform sediment management strategies for pollution prevention and control. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. The Effect of Source Suspended Sediment Concentration on the Sediment Dynamics of a Macrotidal Creek and Salt Marsh (United States)

    Poirier, E.; van Proosdij, D.; Milligan, T. G.


    Seasonal variability in the sediment dynamics of a Bay of Fundy tidal creek and salt marsh system was analyzed to better understand the ecomorphodynamics of a high suspended sediment concentration intertidal habitat. Data were collected over 62 tides for velocity, suspended sediment concentration, deposition, and grain size at four stations from the creek thalweg to the marsh surface. Five topographic surveys were also conducted throughout the 14-month study. Deposition rates per tide varied spatially from 56.4 g·m-2 at the creek thalweg to 15.3 g·m-2 at the marsh surface. Seasonal variations in deposition in the creek and marsh surface were from 38.0 g·m-2 to 97.7 g·m-2 and from 12.2 g·m-2 to 19.6 g·m-2 respectively. Deposition and erosion were greatest in late fall and winter. This seasonal change, led by higher suspended sediment concentrations, was observed in the creek and at the marsh bank but notably absent from the marsh edge and marsh surface. Sediments were predominantly deposited in floc form (76-83%). Because of high floc content, higher suspended sediment concentrations led to more rapid loss of sediment from suspension. With increasing sediment concentration, deposition increased in the tidal creek and at the marsh bank but not at the marsh edge or marsh surface. This suggests that in highly flocculated environments the water column clears fast enough that very little sediment remains in suspension when the water reaches the marsh and that the sediment concentration during marsh inundation is independent of the initial concentration in the creek.

  7. A comparison of sediment quality results with acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) ratio in Vojvodina (Serbia) sediments. (United States)

    Prica, M; Dalmacija, B; Roncević, S; Krcmar, D; Becelić, M


    The acid-volatile sulfide (AVS), simultaneously extracted metals (SEM), total metals, and pore-water metal concentrations were studied in Vojvodina (Serbia) sediments. In Serbia, there are no regulations concerning sediment quality standards and sediment management. Harmonization of legislation in the domain of environmental protection with EU requirements will increase the significance of the sediment issue. Sediment quality was assessed according to Dutch standards, but the results were also compared with Canadian and USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) guidelines for sediment quality. A comparison of the results based on different criteria for sediment quality assessment shows that they are sometimes contradictory. Therefore, a single approach to quality assessment may be insufficient. The Sigma[SEM]/[AVS] ratio was found to be greater than one at several locations that were already recognized as places of high risk based on Dutch standards. Some other samples had Sigma[SEM]/[AVS]AVS]>1 can cause increased toxicity because there are many other metal-binding phases in sediments. Metals that are associated with AVS may be released within sediments through storms, dredging activities, oxidation, etc., and may have adverse environmental impacts. This has to be taken into account during dredging, which is for some sediments necessary because the sediment is of class 4 (Dutch evaluation), because the dredging process will certainly increase the concentration of bioavailable heavy metals and disturb the sedimentation dynamics. The obtained results will be invaluable for future activities regarding dredging and sediment management in the country.

  8. Função respiratória em filhos de mães asmáticas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco A. Valadares


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a função pulmonar e as manifestações clínicas sugestivas de asma em filhos de mães com diagnóstico médico referido de asma. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional transversal analítico aninhado a uma coorte de 4.757 parturientes. Foram avaliadas 86 crianças aos seis anos de idade, filhas de mães com diagnóstico médico de asma antes da gestação. Foram coletadas informações referentes a sintomatologias clínicas de atopias e doenças respiratórias, variáveis socioeconômicas e de exposição; tendo sido as crianças submetidas à espirometria. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 30,3% de alterações espirométricas, havendo predomínio do diagnóstico de asma nos que apresentaram padrão obstrutivo. Diagnóstico médico pregresso de asma ocorreu em 9,3% das crianças; contudo, o diagnóstico estabelecido a partir da presença e frequência dos sintomas de asma representou 18,6%. Das 86 crianças participantes, 37,2% tiveram um escore de cinco ou mais pontos no questionário ISAAC, estando isso associado à alteração do padrão espirométrico (p = 0,002. Após a regressão logística múltipla, maior escolaridade paterna, maior número de quartos no domicílio e o fato de a mãe não ter apresentado "chiado" durante a gestação foram estatisticamente significantes como fatores protetores para a presença de distúrbio ventilatório à espirometria. CONCLUSÕES: A frequência de alterações do teste espirométrico em filhos de mães asmáticas foi alta, com o padrão restritivo ocorrendo mais vezes que o obstrutivo. Houve uma maior ocorrência de exames obstrutivos naqueles que apresentavam sintomatologia clínica de asma, com uma frequência de diagnóstico clínico de asma superior à encontrada na literatura.

  9. Effect of water flux and sediment discharge of the Yangtze River on PAHs sedimentation in the estuary. (United States)

    Li, Rufeng; Feng, Chenghong; Wang, Dongxin; He, Maozhi; Hu, Lijuan; Shen, Zhenyao


    Historical distribution characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their carriers (i.e., organic matter and mineral particles) in the sediment cores of the Yangtze Estuary were investigated, with emphasis laid on the role of the Yangtze River. Grain size component of sediments (clay, silt, and sand) and organic carbon (black carbon and total organic carbon) in the sediment cores were markedly affected by water flux and sediment discharge of the Yangtze River. Qualitative and quantitative analysis results showed that sands and black carbon acted as the main carriers of PAHs. The sedimentation of two-ring to three-ring PAHs in the estuary had significant correlations with water flux and sediment discharge of the Yangtze River. The relative lower level of the four-ring and five-ring to six-ring PAHs concentrations appeared around the year 2003 and remained for the following several years. This time period accorded well with the water impoundment time of the Three Gorges Reservoir. The decreased level of two-ring to three-ring PAHs occurred in the year 1994, and the peak points around the year 2009 indicated that PAHs sedimentation in the estuary also had close relationship to severe drought and flood in the catchments. The findings presented in this paper could provide references for assessing the impacts of water flux and sediment discharge on the historical deposition of PAHs and their carriers in the Yangtze Estuary.

  10. CLMP-Mediated Regulation of Intestinal Homeostasis in IBD (United States)


    AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-13-1-0334 TITLE: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Asma Nusrat CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION: Emory University Atlanta GA IBD 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Charles A. Parkos (Initiating PI), Asma Nusrat (Partnering PI

  11. Sedimentation studies at MUDA catchment area, Kedah, Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamarudin Samuding; Juhari Yusuf; Wan Abdul Aziz; Juhari Latiff


    A study on the sediment size distribution and determination of sediment density profile in the selected area of Muda dam catchment area, Kedah is presented. The objective of the study was to establish a base line data of the input sedimentation with regards to the effects of development within the catchment in the future. Three main sampling locations were identified namely at Sungai Teliang, Sungai Muda and Muda reservoir. Measurement of sediment thickness was performed by using nuclear gauges i.e. direct transmission and backscattering methods. Results showed that the grain size distribution of sediment ranges from gravel to clay sizes. In the reservoir and downstream of the river, most of the samples studied consisting of fine sediment i.e silt and clay sizes (<63,um). However, sediment distribution in the upstream section of Sungai Teliang mainly consist of fine to coarse sand. Sediment density profiles in the reservoir showed little changes, whereas bed sediment profiles in the river cross-sectional areas exhibit some changes. The results also showed that thickness of bedload sediment were different from one location to another, in which the thickness may achieve up to 0.75 metre in some areas. Based on the sediment distribution profile analysis, the study site could be divided into two parts comprising of dynamic area (region) covering selected locations along the river and deposited sediment in the reservoir. Basic information derived from this study may provide as one of the important inputs for the MADA reservoir management authority in monitoring, supervising y and identifying rate and source of sediment in the catchment area

  12. Effects of sediment organic matter quality on bioaccumulation, degradation, and distribution of pyrene in two macrofaunal species and their surrounding sediment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Granberg, Maria E.; Selck, Henriette


    Sediment dwelling macrofauna (infauna) are important vectors for the transfer of sediment-associated contaminants to higher trophic levels. Sedimenting organic matter constitutes an important food source for all benthic organisms and changes seasonally in terms of quantity and quality. Sediment...... imply that bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of sediment-associated PAH should increase following fresh organic matter input, e.g. after sedimentation of phytoplankton blooms. We stress the importance of considering behavioural characteristics of infauna and the trophic situation of the system when...

  13. Uptake, translocation, and elimination in sediment-rooted macrophytes: a model-supported analysis of whole sediment test data. (United States)

    Diepens, Noël J; Arts, Gertie H P; Focks, Andreas; Koelmans, Albert A


    Understanding bioaccumulation in sediment-rooted macrophytes is crucial for the development of sediment toxicity tests using macrophytes. Here, we explore bioaccumulation in sediment-rooted macrophytes by tracking and modeling chemical flows of chlorpyrifos, linuron, and six PCBs in water-sediment-macrophyte systems. Chemical fluxes across the interfaces between pore water, overlying water, shoots, and roots were modeled using a novel multicompartment model. The modeling yielded the first mass-transfer parameter set reported for bioaccumulation by sediment-rooted macrophytes, with satisfactory narrow confidence limits for more than half of the estimated parameters. Exposure via the water column led to rapid uptake by Elodea canadensis and Myriophyllum spicatum shoots, followed by transport to the roots within 1-3 days, after which tissue concentrations gradually declined. Translocation played an important role in the exchange between shoots and roots. Exposure via spiked sediment led to gradual uptake by the roots, but subsequent transport to the shoots and overlying water remained limited for the chemicals studied. These contrasting patterns show that exposure is sensitive to test set up, chemical properties, and species traits. Although field-concentrations in water and sediment will differ from those in the tests, the model parameters can be assumed applicable for modeling exposure to macrophytes in the field.

  14. Cable Bacteria in Freshwater Sediments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Risgaard-Petersen, Nils; Kristiansen, Michael; Frederiksen, Rasmus


    In marine sediments cathodic oxygen reduction at the sediment surface can be coupled to anodic sulfide oxidation in deeper anoxic layers through electrical currents mediated by filamentous, multicellular bacteria of the Desulfobulbaceae family, the so-called cable bacteria. Until now, cable...... bacteria have only been reported from marine environments. In this study, we demonstrate that cable bacteria also occur in freshwater sediments. In a first step, homogenized sediment collected from the freshwater stream Giber Å, Denmark, was incubated in the laboratory. After 2 weeks, pH signatures...... marine cable bacteria, with the genus Desulfobulbus as the closest cultured lineage. The results of the present study indicate that electric currents mediated by cable bacteria could be important for the biogeochemistry in many more environments than anticipated thus far and suggest a common evolutionary...

  15. Simulation of Flow, Sediment Transport, and Sediment Mobility of the Lower Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho (United States)

    Berenbrock, Charles; Tranmer, Andrew W.


    A one-dimensional sediment-transport model and a multi-dimensional hydraulic and bed shear stress model were developed to investigate the hydraulic, sediment transport, and sediment mobility characteristics of the lower Coeur d?Alene River in northern Idaho. This report documents the development and calibration of those models, as well as the results of model simulations. The one-dimensional sediment-transport model (HEC-6) was developed, calibrated, and used to simulate flow hydraulics and erosion, deposition, and transport of sediment in the lower Coeur d?Alene River. The HEC-6 modeled reach, comprised of 234 cross sections, extends from Enaville, Idaho, on the North Fork of the Coeur d?Alene River and near Pinehurst, Idaho, on the South Fork of the river to near Harrison, Idaho, on the main stem of the river. Bed-sediment samples collected by previous investigators and samples collected for this study in 2005 were used in the model. Sediment discharge curves from a previous study were updated using suspended-sediment samples collected at three sites since April 2000. The HEC-6 was calibrated using river discharge and water-surface elevations measured at five U.S. Geological Survey gaging stations. The calibrated HEC-6 model allowed simulation of management alternatives to assess erosion and deposition from proposed dredging of contaminated streambed sediments in the Dudley reach. Four management alternatives were simulated with HEC-6. Before the start of simulation for these alternatives, seven cross sections in the reach near Dudley, Idaho, were deepened 20 feet?removing about 296,000 cubic yards of sediments?to simulate dredging. Management alternative 1 simulated stage-discharge conditions from 2000, and alternative 2 simulated conditions from 1997. Results from alternatives 1 and 2 indicated that about 6,500 and 12,300 cubic yards, respectively, were deposited in the dredged reach. These figures represent 2 and 4 percent, respectively, of the total volume of

  16. Resposta cardiorrespiratória na asma induzida pelo exercício máximo com incrementos progressivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Objetivo: Verificar a ocorrência de broncoconstrição induzida por exercício e verificar a resposta cardiorrespiratória durante o exercício máximo em pacientes asmáticos. Pacientes e métodos: Quatorze asmáticos (VEF1 basal de 86,3%, conforme os critérios da American Thoracic Society, foram submetidos a teste de exercício máximo. Foram realizadas curvas fluxo-volume antes, sete e 15 minutos após esforço progressivo máximo. Seis indivíduos (43% apresentaram queda do VEF1 igual ou maior que 15% após esforço máximo (grupo I. Os demais constituíram o grupo II. No grupo I, observou-se redução no VEF1 de 40,9% e 26,7% sete e 15min após o exercício, enquanto no grupo II ocorreu diminuição de 2,6% e aumento de 1,2%. No pico do exercício, os dois grupos atingiram FCmax acima de 91% do valor de referência; a carga máxima foi de 82,7% e 62,5%, o O2max (mL/kg/min de 93,5% e 58,9% e a VEmax de 91,5% e 63,8%, respectivamente, nos grupos I e II. Essas diferenças foram estatisticamente significativas. A correlação da queda percentual do VEF1 (7min pós-exercício com a VEmax (%predito mostrou um coeficiente r = 0,8989 para o grupo I e um r = 0,3629 para o grupo II. Não se observou correlação estatisticamente significativa entre o delta VEF1 e o O2max (% predito. Conclusão: Nos pacientes com asma induzida pelo exercício, a ocorrência de broncoconstrição correlacionou-se com o nível de ventilação máxima, mas não com a aptidão física (O2 máximo.

  17. Studying Suspended Sediment Mechanism with Two-Phase PIV (United States)

    Matinpour, H.; Atkinson, J. F.; Bennett, S. J.; Guala, M.


    Suspended sediment transport affects soil erosion, agriculture and water resources quality. Turbulent diffusion is the most primary force to maintain sediments in suspension. Although extensive previous literature have been studying the interactions between turbulent motion and suspended sediment, mechanism of sediments in suspension is still poorly understood. In this study, we investigate suspension of sediments as two distinct phases: one phase of sediments and another phase of fluid with turbulent motions. We designed and deployed a state-of-the-art two-phase PIV measurement technique to discriminate these two phases and acquire velocities of each phase separately and simultaneously. The technique that we have developed is employing a computer-vision based method, which enables us to discriminate sediment particles from fluid tracer particles based on two thresholds, dissimilar particle sizes and different particle intensities. Results indicate that fluid turbulence decreases in the presence of suspended sediments. Obtaining only sediment phase consecutive images enable us to compute fluctuation sediment concentration. This result enlightens understanding of complex interaction between the fluctuation velocities and the fluctuation of associated mass and compares turbulent viscosity with turbulent eddy diffusivity experimentally.

  18. Compaction of microfossil and clay-rich chalk sediments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fabricius, Ida Lykke


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of microfossils and clay in the compaction of chalk facies sediments. To meet this aim, chalk sediments with varying micro texture were studied. The sediments have been tested uniaxially confined in a stainless-steel compaction cell. The sediments are......: 1) Pure carbonate chalk with mudstone texture from Stevns Klint (Denmark), 2) Relatively pure chalk sediments with varying content of microfossils from the Ontong Java Plateau (Western Pacific), 3) Clay-rich chalk and mixed sediments from the Caribbean. The tested samples were characterised...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nor Ainah


    Full Text Available This paper compared the tought of al-Asma al-Husna by H. Husin Qader and H.M. Zurkani Jahja. There are differences in the tought of the two figures in the delivery of the words of al-Asma al-Husna written in their work. H. Husin Qaderi in his book ‘Senjata Mukmin’ (the Faithful’s weapon and H.M. Zurkani Jahja in his book ‘99 jalan menuju Tuhan’ (99 ways of finding the God. The findings of this study is H. Husin Qaderi thought about al-Asma al-Husna that shows God’s action is the dominant to the practical prayer with ‘zikir’, it is appropriate approach to Sufism that he had as well as the community needs are preaching at that time. H. M. Zurkani Jahja told about al-Asma al-Husna that shows God’s action is the dominant to the moral and spiritual implications, the Sufism approach that he used in accordance with al-Ghazali in his ‘al-Maqsâd. Zurkani used simple and easy explanation, it is because he wrote al-Asma al-Husna in a tabloid then booked, his expectation was the people to behave like the personality of God limited his ability. There are differences of tought about al-Asma al-Husna showing the actions of God according to both of them, their difference lies in the God’s blessings on His servants. Qaderi more closed, while Zurkani seems more open to God’s faithful servant and vice versa to get God’s blessings.

  20. Sedimentation rates in eastern North America reveal strong links between regional climate, depositional environments, and sediment accumulation (United States)

    Goring, S. J.; McLachlan, J. S.; Jackson, S. T.; Blaauw, M.; Christen, J.; Marlon, J.; Blois, J.; Williams, J. W.


    PalEON is a multidisciplinary project that combines paleo and modern ecological data with state-of-the-art statistical and modelling tools to examine the interactions between climate, fire and vegetation during the past two millennia in the northeastern United States. A fundamental challenge for PalEON (and paleo research more broadly) is to improve age modelling to yield more accurate sediment-core chronologies. To address this challenge, we assessed sedimentation rates and their controls for 218 lakes and mires in the northeastern U.S. Sedimentation rates (yr/cm) were calculated from age-depth models, which were obtained from the Neotoma database ( and other contributed pollen records. The age models were recalibrated to IntCal09 and augmented in some cases using biostratigraphic markers (Picea decline, 16 kcal BP - 10.5 kcal BP; Quercus rise, 12 - 9.1 kcal BP; and Alnus decline, 11.5 - 10.6 kcal BP) as described in Blois et al. (2011). Relationships between sedimentation rates and sediment age, site longitude, and depositional environment (lacustrine or mire) are significant but weak. There are clear and significant links between variations in the NGRIP record of δ18O and sedimentation in mires across the PalEON region, but no links to lacustrine sedimentation rates. This result indicates that super-regional climatic control of primary productivity, and thus autochthonic sediment deposition, dominates in mires while deposition in lacustrine basins may be driven primarily by local and regional factors including watershed size, surficial materials,and regional vegetation. The shape of the gamma probability functions that best describe sedimentation rate distributions are calculated and presented here for use as priors in Bayesian age modelling applications such as BACON (Blaauw and Christen, in press). Future applications of this research are also discussed.

  1. A survey of benthic sediment contaminants in reaches of the Columbia River Estuary based on channel sedimentation characteristics. (United States)

    Counihan, Timothy D; Waite, Ian R; Nilsen, Elena B; Hardiman, Jill M; Elias, Edwin; Gelfenbaum, Guy; Zaugg, Steven D


    While previous studies have documented contaminants in fish, sediments, water, and wildlife, few specifics are known about the spatial distribution of contaminants in the Columbia River Estuary (CRE). Our study goal was to characterize sediment contaminant detections and concentrations in reaches of the CRE that were concurrently being sampled to assess contaminants in water, invertebrates, fish, and osprey (Pandion haliaetus) eggs. Our objectives were to develop a survey design based on sedimentation characteristics and then assess whether sediment grain size, total organic carbon (TOC), and contaminant concentrations and detections varied between areas with different sedimentation characteristics. We used a sediment transport model to predict sedimentation characteristics of three 16km river reaches in the CRE. We then compartmentalized the modeled change in bed mass after a two week simulation to define sampling strata with depositional, stable, or erosional conditions. We collected and analyzed bottom sediments to assess whether substrate composition, organic matter composition, and contaminant concentrations and detections varied among strata within and between the reaches. We observed differences in grain size fractions between strata within and between reaches. We found that the fine sediment fraction was positively correlated with TOC. Contaminant concentrations were statistically different between depositional vs. erosional strata for the industrial compounds, personal care products and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons class (Indus-PCP-PAH). We also observed significant differences between strata in the number of detections of Indus-PCP-PAH (depositional vs. erosional; stable vs. erosional) and for the flame retardants, polychlorinated biphenyls, and pesticides class (depositional vs. erosional, depositional vs. stable). When we estimated mean contaminant concentrations by reach, we observed higher contaminant concentrations in the furthest downstream

  2. A survey of benthic sediment contaminants in reaches of the Columbia River Estuary based on channel sedimentation characteristics (United States)

    Counihan, Timothy D.; Waite, Ian R.; Nilsen, Elena B.; Hardiman, Jill M.; Elias, Edwin; Gelfenbaum, Guy; Zaugg, Steven D.


    While previous studies have documented contaminants in fish, sediments, water, and wildlife, few specifics are known about the spatial distribution of contaminants in the Columbia River Estuary (CRE). Our study goal was to characterize sediment contaminant detections and concentrations in reaches of the CRE that were concurrently being sampled to assess contaminants in water, invertebrates, fish, and osprey (Pandion haliaetus) eggs. Our objectives were to develop a survey design based on sedimentation characteristics and then assess whether sediment grain size, total organic carbon (TOC), and contaminant concentrations and detections varied between areas with different sedimentation characteristics. We used a sediment transport model to predict sedimentation characteristics of three 16 km river reaches in the CRE. We then compartmentalized the modeled change in bed mass after a two week simulation to define sampling strata with depositional, stable, or erosional conditions. We collected and analyzed bottom sediments to assess whether substrate composition, organic matter composition, and contaminant concentrations and detections varied among strata within and between the reaches. We observed differences in grain size fractions between strata within and between reaches. We found that the fine sediment fraction was positively correlated with TOC. Contaminant concentrations were statistically different between depositional vs. erosional strata for the industrial compounds, personal care products and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons class (Indus–PCP–PAH). We also observed significant differences between strata in the number of detections of Indus–PCP–PAH (depositional vs. erosional; stable vs. erosional) and for the flame retardants, polychlorinated biphenyls, and pesticides class (depositional vs. erosional, depositional vs. stable). When we estimated mean contaminant concentrations by reach, we observed higher contaminant concentrations in the furthest

  3. Longshore Sediment Transport on a Macrotidal Mixed Sediment Beach, Birling Gap, United Kingdom. (United States)

    Curoy, J.; Moses, C. A.; Robinson, D. A.


    Mixed beaches (MBs), with sediment sizes ranging over three orders of magnitude, are an increasingly important coastal defence on > 1/3 of the shoreline of England and Wales. In East Sussex, the combined effect of coastal defence management schemes (extensive groyning and sea wall construction) has reduced beach sediment supply. Local authorities counteract the increased flood risk by recycling or artificially recharging beaches on the most vulnerable and populated areas. Beaches lose sediment predominantly via longshore transport (LST) whose accurate quantification is critical to calculating recharge amounts needed for effective beach management. Industry does this by using sediment transport modelling which depends on reliable input data and modelling assumptions. To improve understanding of processes and quantification of LST on MBs, this study has accurately measured sediment transport on a natural, macrotidal, MB. The 1.2 km natural MB at Birling Gap, East Sussex here is located on the downdrift end of an 80 km long sub-sedimentary cell and is oriented WNW-ESE. The beach lies on a low gradient chalk shore platform backed by sub-vertical chalk cliffs. It is composed primarily of flint gravel with a peak grain size distribution of 30 to 50 mm, and a sand content of up to 30%. Sediment transport was measured using pebble tracers and GPS surface surveys during three survey periods of three to five consecutive days in March, May and December 2006. Tracer pebbles, matching the beach pebbles' D50, were made of an epoxy resin with a copper core allowing their detection and recovery to a depth of 40 cm using a metal detector. Tracers were deployed on the upper, middle and lower beach, from the surface into the beach to depths of up to 40 cm. They were collected on the low tide following deployment. The wave conditions were recorded on a Valeport DWR wave recorder located seaward of the beach on the chalk platform. Over the three study periods a large spectrum of wave

  4. Observations of coastal sediment dynamics of the Tijuana Estuary Fine Sediment Fate and Transport Demonstration Project, Imperial Beach, California (United States)

    Warrick, Jonathan A.; Rosenberger, Kurt J.; Lam, Angela; Ferreiera, Joanne; Miller, Ian M.; Rippy, Meg; Svejkovsky, Jan; Mustain, Neomi


    Coastal restoration and management must address the presence, use, and transportation of fine sediment, yet little information exists on the patterns and/or processes of fine-sediment transport and deposition for these systems. To fill this information gap, a number of State of California, Federal, and private industry partners developed the Tijuana Estuary Fine Sediment Fate and Transport Demonstration Project ("Demonstration Project") with the purpose of monitoring the transport, fate, and impacts of fine sediment from beach-sediment nourishments in 2008 and 2009 near the Tijuana River estuary, Imperial Beach, California. The primary purpose of the Demonstration Project was to collect and provide information about the directions, rates, and processes of fine-sediment transport along and across a California beach and nearshore setting. To achieve these goals, the U.S. Geological Survey monitored water, beach, and seafloor properties during the 2008–2009 Demonstration Project. The project utilized sediment with ~40 percent fine sediment by mass so that the dispersal and transport of fine sediment would be easily recognizable. The purpose of this report is to present and disseminate the data collected during the physical monitoring of the Demonstration Project. These data are available online at the links noted in the "Additional Digital Information" section. Synthesis of these data and results will be provided in subsequent publications.

  5. Characterization of phosphorus interaction with sediments affected by acid mine drainage - relation with the sediment composition


    Boukemara , Lamia; Boukhalfa , Chahrazed; Azzouz , Sarah; Reinert , Laurence; Duclaux , Laurent; Amrane , Abdeltif; Szymczyk , Anthony


    International audience; Phosphorus sorption capacity was investigated in surface sediments derived from an abandoned zinc-lead mine area located in northeastern Algeria. The forms and the distribution of phosphorus in the raw sediment were identified using the sequential chemical extractions method. Batch experiments were done to study the adsorption kinetics and isotherms. The pH effect was evaluated by macroscopic and infrared analyses. In raw sediment, speciation results show that phosphor...

  6. Testing the effects of in-stream sediment sources and sinks on simulated watershed sediment yield using the coupled U.S. Army Corps of Engineers GSSHA Model and SEDLIB Sediment Transport Library (United States)

    Floyd, I. E.; Downer, C. W.; Brown, G.; Pradhan, N. R.


    The Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) model is the US Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE)'s only fully coupled overland/in-stream sediment transport model. While the overland sediment transport formulation in GSSHA is considered state of the art, the existing in-stream sediment transport formulation is less robust. A major omission in the formulation of the existing GSSHA in-stream model is the lack of in-stream sources of fine materials. In this effort, we enhanced the in-stream sediment transport capacity of GSSHA by linking GSSHA to the SEDLIB sediment transport library. SEDLIB was developed at the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) under the System Wide Water Resources Program (SWWRP) and Flood and Coastal (F&C) research program. It is designed to provide a library of sediment flux formulations for hydraulic and hydrologic models, such as GSSHA. This new version of GSSHA, with the updated in-stream sediment transport simulation capability afforded by the linkage to SEDLIB, was tested in against observations in an experimental watershed that had previously been used as a test bed for GSSHA. The results show a significant improvement in the ability to model in-stream sources of fine sediment. This improved capability will broaden the applicability of GSSHA to larger watersheds and watersheds with complex sediment dynamics, such as those subjected to fire hydrology.

  7. Sediment Budget Analysis; Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina (United States)


    ER D C/ CH L TR -1 7- 13 Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Program Sediment Budget Analysis; Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina Co as ta...ERDC/CHL TR-17-13 August 2017 Sediment Budget Analysis; Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina Kevin B. Conner U.S. Army Engineer District, Wilmington P...Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000 Under Project 454632, “Sediment Budget Analysis, Masonboro Inlet, NC” ERDC/CHL TR-17-13 ii Abstract A

  8. Assessing Sediment Yield and the Effect of Best Management Practices on Sediment Yield Reduction for Tutuila Island, American Samoa (United States)

    Leta, O. T.; Dulai, H.; El-Kadi, A. I.


    Upland soil erosion and sedimentation are the main threats for riparian and coastal reef ecosystems in Pacific islands. Here, due to small size of the watersheds and steep slope, the residence time of rainfall runoff and its suspended load is short. Fagaalu bay, located on the island of Tutuila (American Samoa) has been identified as a priority watershed, due to degraded coral reef condition and reduction of stream water quality from heavy anthropogenic activity yielding high nutrients and sediment loads to the receiving water bodies. This study aimed to estimate the sediment yield to the Fagaalu stream and assess the impact of Best Management Practices (BMP) on sediment yield reduction. For this, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was applied, calibrated, and validated for both daily streamflow and sediment load simulation. The model also estimated the sediment yield contributions from existing land use types of Fagaalu and identified soil erosion prone areas for introducing BMP scenarios in the watershed. Then, three BMP scenarios, such as stone bund, retention pond, and filter strip were treated on bare (quarry area), agricultural, and shrub land use types. It was found that the bare land with quarry activity yielded the highest annual average sediment yield of 133 ton per hectare (t ha-1) followed by agriculture (26.1 t ha-1) while the lowest sediment yield of 0.2 t ha-1 was estimated for the forested part of the watershed. Additionally, the bare land area (2 ha) contributed approximately 65% (207 ha) of the watershed's sediment yield, which is 4.0 t ha-1. The latter signifies the high impact as well as contribution of anthropogenic activity on sediment yield. The use of different BMP scenarios generally reduced the sediment yield to the coastal reef of Fagaalu watershed. However, treating the quarry activity area with stone bund showed the highest sediment yield reduction as compared to the other two BMP scenarios. This study provides an estimate

  9. A Manual to Identify Sources of Fluvial Sediment (United States)

    Sedimentation is one of the main causes of stream/river aquatic life use impairments in R3. Currently states lack standard guidance on appropriate tools available to quantify sediment sources and develop sediment budgets in TMDL Development. Methods for distinguishing sediment t...

  10. The histopathology of a human mesenchymal stem cell experimental tumor model: support for an hMSC origin for Ewing's sarcoma?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Burns, J S; Abdallah, B M; Schrøder, Henrik Daa


    -forming potential of early passage hMSC-TERT20 cells, tumors derived from late passage cells expressed early biomarkers of osteogenesis. However, hMSC-TERT20 cells were heterogeneous for alpha smooth muscle actin (ASMA) expression and one out of six hMSC-TERT20 derived single cell clones was strongly ASMA positive....... Tumors from this ASMA+ clone had distinctive vascular qualities with hot spots of high CD34+ murine endothelial cell density, together with CD34- regions with a branching periodic acid Schiff reaction pattern. Such clone-specific differences in host vascular response provide novel models to explore...


    When contaminated sediments pose unacceptable risks to human health and the environment, management activities such as removal, treatment, or isolation of contaminated sediments may be required. Various capping designs are being considered for isolating contaminated sediment are...

  12. Interplay between spatially explicit sediment sourcing, hierarchical river-network structure, and in-channel bed material sediment transport and storage dynamics (United States)

    Czuba, Jonathan A.; Foufoula-Georgiou, Efi; Gran, Karen B.; Belmont, Patrick; Wilcock, Peter R.


    Understanding how sediment moves along source to sink pathways through watersheds—from hillslopes to channels and in and out of floodplains—is a fundamental problem in geomorphology. We contribute to advancing this understanding by modeling the transport and in-channel storage dynamics of bed material sediment on a river network over a 600 year time period. Specifically, we present spatiotemporal changes in bed sediment thickness along an entire river network to elucidate how river networks organize and process sediment supply. We apply our model to sand transport in the agricultural Greater Blue Earth River Basin in Minnesota. By casting the arrival of sediment to links of the network as a Poisson process, we derive analytically (under supply-limited conditions) the time-averaged probability distribution function of bed sediment thickness for each link of the river network for any spatial distribution of inputs. Under transport-limited conditions, the analytical assumptions of the Poisson arrival process are violated (due to in-channel storage dynamics) where we find large fluctuations and periodicity in the time series of bed sediment thickness. The time series of bed sediment thickness is the result of dynamics on a network in propagating, altering, and amalgamating sediment inputs in sometimes unexpected ways. One key insight gleaned from the model is that there can be a small fraction of reaches with relatively low-transport capacity within a nonequilibrium river network acting as "bottlenecks" that control sediment to downstream reaches, whereby fluctuations in bed elevation can dissociate from signals in sediment supply.

  13. Sorption of radon-222 to natural sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong, C.S.; Chin, Y.P.; Gschwend, P.M.


    The sorption of radon to sediments was investigated, since this may affect the use of porewater radon profiles for estimating bed irrigation rates. Batch experiments showed that radon has an organic-carbon-normalized sediment-water partition coefficient (K oc , L kg oc -1 ) of 21.1 ± 2.9 for a Boston Harbor sediment, 25.3 ± 2.1 for a Charles River sediment, and 22.4 ± 2.6 for a Buzzards Bay sediment. These values are in close agreement with predictions using radon's octanol-water partition coefficient (K ow ), which was measured to be 32.4 ± 1.5. Temperature and ionic strength effects on K oc were estimated to be small. Given rapid sorption kinetics, the authors suggest that slurry stripping techniques used by many investigators to measure 222 Rn in sediment samples collect both sorbed and dissolved radon. Sorption effects were included in a transport model to obtain revised estimates of irrigation rates from existing literature profiles. Irrigation rates had to be increased over previously reported values in proportion to the sediment organic matter content

  14. Holocene sediment distribution on the inner continental shelf of northeastern South Carolina: implications for the regional sediment budget and long-term shoreline response (United States)

    Denny, Jane F.; Schwab, William C.; Baldwin, Wayne E.; Barnhardt, Walter A.; Gayes, Paul T.; Morton, R.A.; Warner, John C.; Driscoll, Neal W.; Voulgaris, George


    High-resolution geophysical and sediment sampling surveys were conducted offshore of the Grand Strand, South Carolina to define the shallow geologic framework of the inner shelf. Results are used to identify and map Holocene sediment deposits, infer sediment transport pathways, and discuss implications for the regional coastal sediment budget. The thickest deposits of Holocene sediment observed on the inner shelf form shoal complexes composed of moderately sorted fine sand, which are primarily located offshore of modern tidal inlets. These shoal deposits contain ~67 M m3 of sediment, approximately 96% of Holocene sediment stored on the inner shelf. Due to the lack of any significant modern fluvial input of sand to the region, the Holocene deposits are likely derived from reworking of relict Pleistocene and older inner-shelf deposits during the Holocene marine transgression. The Holocene sediments are concentrated in the southern part of the study area, due to a combination of ancestral drainage patterns, a regional shift in sediment supply from the northeast to the southwest in the late Pleistocene, and proximity to modern inlet systems. Where sediment is limited, only small, low relief ridges have formed and Pleistocene and older deposits are exposed on the seafloor. The low-relief ridges are likely the result of a thin, mobile veneer of sediment being transported across an irregular, erosional surface formed during the last transgression. Sediment textural trends and seafloor morphology indicate a long-term net transport of sediment to the southwest. This is supported by oceanographic studies that suggest the long-term sediment transport direction is controlled by the frequency and intensity of storms that pass through the region, where low pressure systems yield net along-shore flow to the southwest and a weak onshore component. Current sediment budget estimates for the Grand Strand yield a deficit for the region. Volume calculations of Holocene deposits on the

  15. {sup 137}Cs in northern Adriatic sediments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barisic, D; Lulic, S; Vdovic, N; Vertacnik, A [Center for Marine Research - Department Zagreb, ' Ruder Boskovic' Institute, Zagreb (Croatia); Juracic, M [Department of Geology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia)


    The activity of {sup 137}Cs in shallow northern Adriatic sediments was obtained on the basis of measurement results from 25 sediment box cores, sampled during the Adriatic Scientific COoperation Program (ASCOP) 16 cruise in the summer 1990. {sup 137}Cs was determined in surface sediments (0-3 cm) and 12-15 cm-deep sediment. It was found that the lowest caesium concentrations correspond to sands, which are spread along the Croatian coast. Parallel to the Italian coast, {sup 137}Cs concentrations in pelites are the highest. It seems that the influence of Po River is significant for {sup 137}Cs activities in recent marine sediments along Italian coast south of Po River delta. Significantly higher {sup 137}Cs activities in 0-3 cm sediment layer can be attributed to the deposition caused by Chernobyl accident. (author)

  16. Sediment Transport Model for a Surface Irrigation System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Damodhara R. Mailapalli


    Full Text Available Controlling irrigation-induced soil erosion is one of the important issues of irrigation management and surface water impairment. Irrigation models are useful in managing the irrigation and the associated ill effects on agricultural environment. In this paper, a physically based surface irrigation model was developed to predict sediment transport in irrigated furrows by integrating an irrigation hydraulic model with a quasi-steady state sediment transport model to predict sediment load in furrow irrigation. The irrigation hydraulic model simulates flow in a furrow irrigation system using the analytically solved zero-inertial overland flow equations and 1D-Green-Ampt, 2D-Fok, and Kostiakov-Lewis infiltration equations. Performance of the sediment transport model was evaluated for bare and cropped furrow fields. The results indicated that the sediment transport model can predict the initial sediment rate adequately, but the simulated sediment rate was less accurate for the later part of the irrigation event. Sensitivity analysis of the parameters of the sediment module showed that the soil erodibility coefficient was the most influential parameter for determining sediment load in furrow irrigation. The developed modeling tool can be used as a water management tool for mitigating sediment loss from the surface irrigated fields.

  17. Lead Speciation and Bioavailability in Apatite-Amended Sediments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kirk G. Scheckel


    Full Text Available The in situ sequestration of lead (Pb in sediment with a phosphate amendment was investigated by Pb speciation and bioavailability. Sediment Pb in preamendment samples was identified as galena (PbS with trace amounts of absorbed Pb. Sediment exposed to atmospheric conditions underwent conversion to hydrocerussite and anglesite. Sediments mixed with apatite exhibited limited conversion to pyromorphite, the hypothesized end product. Conversion of PbS to pyromorphite is inhibited under reducing conditions, and pyromorphite formation appears limited to reaction with pore water Pb and PbS oxidation products. Porewater Pb values were decreased by 94% or more when sediment was amended with apatite. The acute toxicity of the sediment Pb was evaluated with Hyalella azteca and bioaccumulation of Pb with Lumbriculus variegatus. The growth of H. azteca may be mildly inhibited in contaminated sediment, with apatite-amended sediments exhibiting on average a higher growth weight by approximately 20%. The bioaccumulation of Pb in L. variegatus tissue decreased with increased phosphate loading in contaminated sediment. The study indicates limited effectiveness of apatite in sequestering Pb if present as PbS under reducing conditions, but sequestration of porewater Pb and stabilization of near-surface sediment may be a feasible and alternative approach to decreasing potential toxicity of Pb.

  18. Mixture design and treatment methods for recycling contaminated sediment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Lei; Kwok, June S.H.; Tsang, Daniel C.W.; Poon, Chi-Sun


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Contaminated sediment can be recycled as fill material for site formation. • Thermal pretreatment of sediment permits non-load-bearing block application. • CO 2 curing enhances strength and reduces carbon footprint. • Inclusion of granular wastes reinforces the solidified sediment matrix. • Sediment blocks are useful resources for construction use. - Abstract: Conventional marine disposal of contaminated sediment presents significant financial and environmental burden. This study aimed to recycle the contaminated sediment by assessing the roles and integration of binder formulation, sediment pretreatment, curing method, and waste inclusion in stabilization/solidification. The results demonstrated that the 28-d compressive strength of sediment blocks produced with coal fly ash and lime partially replacing cement at a binder-to-sediment ratio of 3:7 could be used as fill materials for construction. The X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that hydration products (calcium hydroxide) were difficult to form at high sediment content. Thermal pretreatment of sediment removed 90% of indigenous organic matter, significantly increased the compressive strength, and enabled reuse as non-load-bearing masonry units. Besides, 2-h CO 2 curing accelerated early-stage carbonation inside the porous structure, sequestered 5.6% of CO 2 (by weight) in the sediment blocks, and acquired strength comparable to 7-d curing. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated substantial weight loss corresponding to decomposition of poorly and well crystalline calcium carbonate. Moreover, partial replacement of contaminated sediment by various granular waste materials notably augmented the strength of sediment blocks. The metal leachability of sediment blocks was minimal and acceptable for reuse. These results suggest that contaminated sediment should be viewed as useful resources

  19. Mixture design and treatment methods for recycling contaminated sediment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Lei; Kwok, June S.H.; Tsang, Daniel C.W., E-mail:; Poon, Chi-Sun


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Contaminated sediment can be recycled as fill material for site formation. • Thermal pretreatment of sediment permits non-load-bearing block application. • CO{sub 2} curing enhances strength and reduces carbon footprint. • Inclusion of granular wastes reinforces the solidified sediment matrix. • Sediment blocks are useful resources for construction use. - Abstract: Conventional marine disposal of contaminated sediment presents significant financial and environmental burden. This study aimed to recycle the contaminated sediment by assessing the roles and integration of binder formulation, sediment pretreatment, curing method, and waste inclusion in stabilization/solidification. The results demonstrated that the 28-d compressive strength of sediment blocks produced with coal fly ash and lime partially replacing cement at a binder-to-sediment ratio of 3:7 could be used as fill materials for construction. The X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that hydration products (calcium hydroxide) were difficult to form at high sediment content. Thermal pretreatment of sediment removed 90% of indigenous organic matter, significantly increased the compressive strength, and enabled reuse as non-load-bearing masonry units. Besides, 2-h CO{sub 2} curing accelerated early-stage carbonation inside the porous structure, sequestered 5.6% of CO{sub 2} (by weight) in the sediment blocks, and acquired strength comparable to 7-d curing. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated substantial weight loss corresponding to decomposition of poorly and well crystalline calcium carbonate. Moreover, partial replacement of contaminated sediment by various granular waste materials notably augmented the strength of sediment blocks. The metal leachability of sediment blocks was minimal and acceptable for reuse. These results suggest that contaminated sediment should be viewed as useful resources.

  20. A Manual to Identify Sources of Fluvial Sediment | Science ... (United States)

    Sedimentation is one of the main causes of stream/river aquatic life use impairments in R3. Currently states lack standard guidance on appropriate tools available to quantify sediment sources and develop sediment budgets in TMDL Development. Methods for distinguishing sediment types for TMDL development will focus stream restoration and soil conservation efforts in strategic locations in a watershed and may better target appropriate BMPs to achieve sediment load reductions. Properly identifying sediment sources in a TMDL will also help focus NPDES permitting, stream restoration activities and other TMDL implementation efforts. This project will focus on developing a framework that will be published as a guidance document that outlines steps and approaches to identify the significant sources of fine-grained sediment in 303D listed watersheds. In this framework, the sediment-fingerprinting and sediment budget approaches will be emphasized. This project will focus on developing a framework that will be published as a guidance document that outlines steps and approaches to identify the significant sources of fine-grained sediment in 303D listed watersheds. In this framework, the sediment-fingerprinting and sediment budget approaches will be emphasized.

  1. Interaction between water, sediments and radionuclides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snodgrass, W.J.; McKee, P.; Garnett, J.; Stieff, L.


    A model-based measurements program was carried out to evaluate the primary mechanisms controlling transport of uranium 238 and thorium 232 decay chain radionuclides in Quirke Lake, a water body draining much of the uranium mining and milling district near Elliot Lake, Ontario. This program included studies of radionuclide accumulation in sediments, particle settling and lake mass-balance studies. Also, sediment studies were undertaken to evaluate chemical fractionation, mineralogical associations, and sediment-water adsorption and release. A limnocorral experiment was conducted in an isolated portion of a lake to measure radium 226 removal from the water column and diffusion from the sediments back to the water. Modelling studies were made to assess the data. Substantial agreement was obtained using the model originally developed for the AECB between model predictions and observations for Quirke Lake and for the limnocorrals. Further work is required to complete the studies undertaken in this project to assess the significance of the efflux of radionuclides from the sediments. These studies include a laboratory program to measure kinetics of adsorption, sediment-water modelling studies of the results and a field measurement program to develop a mass-balance analysis for thorium. (numerous refs)

  2. Microstructure of natural hydrate host sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, K.W.; Kerkar, P.B.; Mahajan, D.; Lindquist, W.B.; Feng, H.


    There is worldwide interest in the study of natural gas hydrate because of its potential impact on world energy resources, control on seafloor stability, significance as a drilling hazard and probable impact on climate as a reservoir of a major greenhouse gas. Gas hydrates can (a) be free floating in the sediment matrix (b) contact, but do not cement, existing sediment grains, or (c) actually cement and stiffen the bulk sediment. Seismic surveys, often used to prospect for hydrates over a large area, can provide knowledge of the location of large hydrate concentrations because the hydrates within the sediment pores modify seismic properties. The ability to image a sample at the grain scale and to determine the porosity, permeability and seismic profile is of great interest since these parameters can help in determining the location of hydrates with certainty. We report here on an investigation of the structure of methane hydrate sediments at the grain-size scale using the synchrotron radiation-based computed microtomography (CMT) technique. Work has started on the measurements of the changes occurring as tetrahydrofuran hydrate, a surrogate for methane hydrate, is formed in the sediment

  3. Composite fingerprinting of suspended-sediments in Sorsogon , Philippines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez, J.D.; Sta Maria, E.J.; Madrid, J.F.; Asa, A.D.D.; Aniago, R.J.; Bulos, A.D.; Zombrito, E.Z.


    Sediment-related environmental problems pose a threat not only in land management sustainability but also in management of aquatic ecosystem. Sediments often serve as sinks of nutrients and contaminants that regularly recharge overlying waters and could trigger harmful algal blooms (HAB) together with unfavorable environment conditions. One HAB affected area in the southernmost tip of Luzon, Philippines is Sorsogon Bay. In Sorsogon Bay, the harvest and consumption ban was declared for several years due to the level of toxins in shellfish which exceeded the regulatory limit. Identification of sediment sources is useful tool in planning effective sediment management strategies. A method to determine possible sources of sediment-associated nutrients is sediment fingerprinting. It characterizes land-based sediment sources to derive estimates of the portions of suspended sediment originating from discrete upstream source areas. There are wide ranges of diagnostic properties which can be possible fingerprints such as mineralogic, mineral-magnetic, geochemical, organic, isotopic, physical and radiometric parameters. This study investigates on potential source of sediments from Sampaloc River using different chemical, radiometric and isotopic parameters, Range test and Kruskal-Wallis H-test were employed and indicated that the calcium, titanium, δ”1”3C signal, and to tal carbon content are possible fingerprint parameters that will identify the sources of sediments. Results of a mathematical mixing model showed that channel banks (81.0%) are the largest sediment load contributors in Sampaloc River, followed by cultivated areas (15.5%) and woodlands (3.5%). (author)

  4. Evaluation of surficial sediment toxicity and sediment physico-chemical characteristics of representative sites in the Lagoon of Venice (Italy) (United States)

    Losso, C.; Arizzi Novelli, A.; Picone, M.; Marchetto, D.; Pessa, G.; Molinaroli, E.; Ghetti, P. F.; Volpi Ghirardini, A.


    Toxic hazard in sites with varying types and levels of contamination in the Lagoon of Venice was estimated by means of toxicity bioassays based on the early life-stages of the autochthonous sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Elutriate was chosen as the test matrix, due to its ability to highlight potential toxic effects towards sensitive biological components of the water column caused by sediment resuspension phenomena affecting the Lagoon. Surficial sediments (core-top 5 cm deep), directly influenced by resuspension/redeposition processes, and core sediments (core 20 cm deep), recording time-mediated contamination, were sampled in some sites located in the lagoonal area most greatly influenced by anthropogenic activities. Particle size, organic matter and water content were also analysed. In two sites, the results of physical parameters showed that the core-top sediments were coarser than the 20-cm core sediments. Sperm cell toxicity test results showed the negligible acute toxicity of elutriates from all investigated sites. The embryo toxicity test demonstrated a short-term chronic toxicity gradient for elutriates from the 20-cm core sediments, in general agreement both with the expected contamination gradient and with results of the Microtox® solid-phase test. Elutriates of the core-top 5-cm sediments revealed a totally inverted gradient, in comparison with that for the 20-cm core sediments, and the presence of a "hot spot" of contamination in the site chosen as a possible reference. Investigations on ammonia and sulphides as possible confounding factors excluded their contribution to this "hot spot". Integrated physico-chemical and toxicity results on sediments at various depths demonstrated the presence of disturbed sediments in the central basin of the Lagoon of Venice.

  5. Mathematical simulation of sediment and radionuclide transport in estuaries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Onishi, Y.; Trent, D.S.


    The finite element model LFESCOT (Flow, Energy, Salinity, Sediment and Contaminant Transport Model) was synthesized under this study to simulate radionuclide transport in estuaries to obtain accurate radionuclide distributions which are affected by these factors: time variance, three-dimensional flow, temperature, salinity, and sediments. Because sediment transport and radionuclide adsorption/desorption depend strongly on sizes or types of sediments, FLESCOT simulates sediment and a sediment-sorbed radionuclide for the total of three sediment-size fractions (or sediment types) of both cohesive and noncohesive sediments. It also calculates changes of estuarine bed conditions, including bed elevation changes due to sediment erosion/deposition, and three-dimensional distributions of three bed sediment sizes and sediment-sorbed radionuclides within the bed. Although the model was synthesized for radionuclide transport, it is general enough to also handle other contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, or toxic chemicals. The model was checked for its capability for flow, water surface elevation change, salinity, sediment and radionuclide transport under various simple conditions first, confirming the general validity of the model's computational schemes. These tests also revealed that FLESCOT can use large aspect ratios of computational cells, which are necessary in handling long estuarine study areas. After these simple tests, FLESCOT was applied to the Hudson River estuary between Chelsea and the mouth of the river to examine how well the model can predict radionuclide transport through simulating tidally influenced three-dimensional flow, salinity, sediment and radionuclide movements with their interactions

  6. Extension of 239+240Pu sediment geochronology to coarse-grained marine sediments (United States)

    Kuehl, Steven A.; Ketterer, Michael E.; Miselis, Jennifer L.


    Sediment geochronology of coastal sedimentary environments dominated by sand has been extremely limited because concentrations of natural and bomb-fallout radionuclides are often below the limit of measurement using standard techniques. ICP-MS analyses of 239+240Pu from two sites representative of traditionally challenging (i.e., low concentration) environments provide a "proof of concept" and demonstrate a new application for bomb-fallout radiotracers in the study of sandy shelf-seabed dynamics. A kasten core from the New Zealand shelf in the Southern Hemisphere (low fallout), and a vibracore from the sandy nearshore of North Carolina (low particle surface area) both reveal measurable 239+240Pu activities at depth. In the case of the New Zealand site, independently verified steady-state sedimentation results in a 239+240Pu profile that mimics the expected atmospheric fallout. The depth profile of 239+240Pu in the North Carolina core is more uniform, indicating significant sediment resuspension, which would be expected in this energetic nearshore environment. This study, for the first time, demonstrates the utility of 239+240Pu in the study of sandy environments, significantly extending the application of bomb-fallout isotopes to coarse-grained sediments, which compose the majority of nearshore regions.

  7. Toxicities and risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments of Taihu Lake, China, based on sediment quality guidelines. (United States)

    Zhang, Yanfeng; Han, Yuwei; Yang, Jinxi; Zhu, Lingyan; Zhong, Wenjue


    The occurrence, toxicities, and ecological risks of five heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Cd, Zn and Ni) in the sediment of Taihu Lake were investigated in this study. To evaluate the toxicities caused by the heavy metals, the toxicities induced by organic contaminants and ammonia in the sediments were screened out with activated carbon and zeolite. The toxicities of heavy metals in sediments were tested with benthic invertebrates (tubificid and chironomid). The correlations between toxicity of sediment and the sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) derived previously were evaluated. There were significant correlations (pheavy metals based on SQGs, indicating that threshold effect level (TEL) and probable effect level (PEL) were reliable to predict the toxicities of heavy metals in the sediments of Taihu Lake. By contrast, the method based on acid volatile sulfides (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM), such as ∑SEM/AVS and ∑SEM-AVS, did not show correlations with the toxicities. Moreover, the predictive ability of SQGs was confirmed by a total predicting accuracy of 77%. Ecological risk assessment based on TELs and PELs showed that the contaminations of Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn in the sediments of Taihu Lake were at relatively low or medium levels. The risks caused by heavy metals in the sediments of northern bay of the lake, which received more wastewater discharge from upper stream, were higher than other area of the lake. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  8. Contemporary sediment-transport processes in submarine canyons. (United States)

    Puig, Pere; Palanques, Albert; Martín, Jacobo


    Submarine canyons are morphological incisions into continental margins that act as major conduits of sediment from shallow- to deep-sea regions. However, the exact mechanisms involved in sediment transfer within submarine canyons are still a subject of investigation. Several studies have provided direct information about contemporary sedimentary processes in submarine canyons that suggests different modes of transport and various triggering mechanisms. Storm-induced turbidity currents and enhanced off-shelf advection, hyperpycnal flows and failures of recently deposited fluvial sediments, dense shelf-water cascading, canyon-flank failures, and trawling-induced resuspension largely dominate present-day sediment transfer through canyons. Additionally, internal waves periodically resuspend ephemeral deposits within canyons and contribute to dispersing particles or retaining and accumulating them in specific regions. These transport processes commonly deposit sediments in the upper- and middle-canyon reaches for decades or centuries before being completely or partially flushed farther down-canyon by large sediment failures.

  9. On luminescence bleaching of tidal channel sediments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fruergaard, Mikkel; Pejrup, Morten; Murray, Andrew S.


    We investigate the processes responsible for bleaching of the quartz OSL signal from tidal channel sediment. Tidal dynamics are expected to play an important role for complete bleaching of tidal sediments. However, no studies have examined the amount of reworking occurring in tidal channels...... and on tidal flats due to the mixing caused by currents and waves. We apply bed level data to evaluate the amount of vertical sediment reworking in modern tidal channels and at a tidal flat. Cycles of deposition and erosion are measured with a bed level sensor, and the results show that gross sedimentation...... was several times higher than net sedimentation. We propose that tidal channel sediment is bleached either on the tidal flat before it is transported to the tidal channels and incorporated in channel-fill successions or, alternatively, on the shallow intertidal part of the channel banks. Based...

  10. 210Pb and Mass Flux Imbalance Between the Settling Particulates and Sediments at a Sediment Trap (United States)

    Wu, C.; Chung, Y.; Hung, G.


    In order to evaluate the mass balance problems between the settling particulates and the underlying sediments, sediment traps were deployed at M1 site (21o32¡¦N, 119o28¡¦E; 2948m) where a box core was taken recently. The sediment trap results were previously published (Chung et al., 2004: Continental Shelf Research). We report here the 210Pb profile measured on this box core by determining its daughter, 210Po, with alpha spectrometry, assuming the paired nuclides are in radioactive equilibrium. The box core (33 cm long, taken in June, 2004) was analyzed for the distributions of its water content, loss on ignition (LOI), and 210Pb. The water content decreases with depth and averages about 55 percent; the LOI as a measure of the total organic matter (TOM) is fairly constant at about 12 percent. The 210Pb profile shows a general exponential decrease with depth, yielding a maximum sedimentation rate of 0.26cm/y, applying a constant flux and constant sedimentation rate model. This rate translates to a mass flux of 0.31g/cm2/y or about 8.5g/m2/d with a dry bulk density of 1.2g/cm3. Based on the excess 210Pb inventory integrated over the core length, the 210Pb flux is estimated at about 19.2dpm/cm2/y or 526dpm/cm2/d assuming at steady state. The 210Pb and mass fluxes obtained from the deepest trap at M1 were only 129dpm/m2/d and 0.55g/m2/d, respectively. The large ¡excess¡" of the 210Pb and mass fluxes in the sediments over those measured from the sediment trap (4 times in 210Pb flux and 14 times in mass flux) suggests either the sedimentation rate was overestimated due to neglect of the mixing effect, and/or large additional particulates, as resuspended sediments which contain less 210Pb, have been transported laterally near the bottom from elsewhere.

  11. Reservoir sedimentation; a literature survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sloff, C.J.


    A survey of literature is made on reservoir sedimentation, one of the most threatening processes for world-wide reservoir performance. The sedimentation processes, their impacts, and their controlling factors are assessed from a hydraulic engineering point of view with special emphasis on


    We developed a Lemna minor sediment toxicity test method to assess sediment contaminants which may affect plants. This 96-hour test used 15 ml of sediment and 2 ml of overlying water which was renewed after 48 hours. Sand was used as the control sediment and also to dilute test ...

  13. Sediment tracing in the upper Hunter catchment using elemental and mineralogical compositions: Implications for catchment-scale suspended sediment (dis)connectivity and management (United States)

    Fryirs, Kirstie; Gore, Damian


    River bed colmation layers clog the interstices of gravel-bed rivers, impeding the vertical exchange of water and nutrients that drives ecosystem function in the hyporheic zone. In catchments where fine-grained sediment supply has increased since human disturbance, understanding sediment provenance and the (dis)connectivity of supply allows practitioners to target sediment source problems and treat them within catchment management plans. Release of alluvial fine-grained sediment from channel bank erosion since European settlement has resulted in the formation of a colmation layer along the upper Hunter River at Muswellbrook, eastern Australia. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD) are used to determine the elemental and mineralogical signatures of colmation layer and floodplain sediment sources across this 4480 km2 catchment. This sediment tracing technique is used to construct a picture of how suspended sediment supply and (dis)connectivity operates in this catchment. In this system, the primary source areas are subcatchments in which sediments are stored largely in partly confined floodplain pockets, but from which sediment supply is unimpeded and directly connected to the receiving reach. Subcatchments in which alluvial sediment storage is significant — and which contain large, laterally unconfined valleys — are essentially 'switched off' or disconnected from the receiving reach. This is because large sediment sinks act to trap fine-grained sediment before it reaches the receiving reach, forming a buffer along the sediment conveyor belt. Given the age structure of floodplains in the receiving reach, this pattern of source area contributions and (dis)connectivity must have occurred throughout the Holocene.

  14. Microplastic particles in sediments from Danish waters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Strand, Jakob; Lassen, Pia; Shashoua, Yvonne

    . In some samples, several hundred particles consisting of fibres, flakes, spherules, and/or granules were identified per 100 g sediment, and also in sediments from open waters. Relationships to sediment characteristics (e.g. dry weight, TOC, grain size) and inorganic and organic contaminants including...

  15. Water and sediment temperature dynamics in shallow tidal environments: The role of the heat flux at the sediment-water interface (United States)

    Pivato, M.; Carniello, L.; Gardner, J.; Silvestri, S.; Marani, M.


    In the present study, we investigate the energy flux at the sediment-water interface and the relevance of the heat exchanged between water and sediment for the water temperature dynamics in shallow coastal environments. Water and sediment temperature data collected in the Venice lagoon show that, in shallow, temperate lagoons, temperature is uniform within the water column, and enabled us to estimate the net heat flux at the sediment-water interface. We modeled this flux as the sum of a conductive component and of the solar radiation reaching the bottom, finding the latter being negligible. We developed a "point" model to describe the temperature dynamics of the sediment-water continuum driven by vertical energy transfer. We applied the model considering conditions characterized by negligible advection, obtaining satisfactory results. We found that the heat exchange between water and sediment is crucial for describing sediment temperature but plays a minor role on the water temperature.

  16. Luminescence dating of Netherland's sediments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wallinga, J.; Davids, F.; Dijkmans, J.W.A.


    Over the last decades luminescence dating techniques have been developed that allow earth scientists to determine the time of deposition of sediments. In this contribution we revity: 1) the development of the methodology, 2) tests of the reliability of luminescence dating on Netherlands' sediments;

  17. Intensive landfarming of contaminated sediments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wieggers, H.J.J.; Bezemer, H.W.


    The biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and mineral oil was investigated in heavily and normally polluted sediments. The aims of the research were: to improve the knowledge of dewatering and ripening of sediments in an open land-farm, to quantify the biodegradation in two

  18. Reconstruction of the sediment flow regime in a semi-arid Mediterranean catchment using check dam sediment information. (United States)

    Bussi, G.; Rodríguez, X.; Francés, F.; Benito, G.; Sánchez-Moya, Y.; Sopeña, A.


    When using hydrological and sedimentological models, lack of historical records is often one of the main problems to face, since observed data are essential for model validation. If gauged data are poor or absent, a source of additional proxy data may be the slack-water deposits accumulated in check dams. The aim of this work is to present the result of the reconstruction of the recent hydrological and sediment yield regime of a semi-arid Mediterranean catchment (Rambla del Poyo, Spain, 184 square km) by coupling palaeoflood techniques with a distributed hydrological and sediment cycle model, using as proxy data the sandy slack-water deposits accumulated upstream a small check dam (reservoir volume 2,500 square m) located in the headwater basin (drainage area 13 square km). The solid volume trapped into the reservoir has been estimated using differential GPS data and an interpolation technique. Afterwards, the total solid volume has been disaggregated into various layers (flood units), by means of a stratigraphical description of a depositional sequence in a 3.5 m trench made across the reservoir sediment deposit, taking care of identifying all flood units; the separation between flood units is indicated by a break in deposition. The sedimentary sequence shows evidence of 15 flood events that occurred after the dam construction (early '90). Not all events until the present are included; for the last ones, the stream velocity and energy conditions for generating slack-water deposits were not fulfilled due to the reservoir filling. The volume of each flood unit has been estimated making the hypothesis that layers have a simple pyramidal shape (or wedge); every volume represents an estimation of the sediments trapped into the reservoir corresponding to each flood event. The obtained results have been compared with the results of modeling a 20 year time series (1990 - 2009) with the distributed conceptual hydrological and sediment yield model TETIS-SED, in order to

  19. Sediment transport under breaking waves

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Erik Damgaard; Hjelmager Jensen, Jacob; Mayer, Stefan


    The sediment transport in the surf zone is modelled by combining a Navier-Stokes solver, a free surface model, a turbulence model, and a sediment transport model. The flow solver is based on the finite volume technique for non-orthogonal grids. The model is capable of simulating the turbulence...... generated at the surface where the wave breaks as well as the turbulence generated near the bed due to the wave-motion and the undertow. In general, the levels of turbulent kinetic energy are found to be higher than experiments show. This results in an over prediction of the sediment transport. Nevertheless...

  20. Factors Effecting Adsorption of 137 Cs in Marine Sediment Samples in Marine Sediment Samples from the Upper Gulf of Thailand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saengkul, C.; Sawangwong, P.; Pakkong, P.


    Contamination of 137 Cs in sediment is a far more serious problem than in water because sediment is a main transport factor of 137 Cs to the aquatic environmental. Most of 137 Cs in water could be accumulated in sediment which has direct effect to benthos. This study focused on factors effecting the adsorption of 137Cs in marine sediment samples collected from four different estuary sites to assess the transfer direction of 137 Cs from water to sediment that the study method by treat 137 Cs into seawater and mixed with different sediment samples for 4 days. The result indicated that properties of marine sediment (cation exchange capacity (CEC), organic matter, clay content, texture, type of clay mineral and size of soil particle) had effects on 137 Cs adsorption. CEC and clay content correlated positively with the accumulation of 137 Cs in the marine sediment samples. On the other hand, organic matter in sediment correlated negatively with the accumulation of 137 Cs in samples. The study of environmental effects (pH and potassium) found that the 137 Cs adsorption decreased when concentration of potassium increased. The pH effect is still unclear in this study because the differentiation of pH levels (6, 7, 8.3) did not have effects on 137 Cs adsorption in the samples.