
Sample records for secular da anemia

  1. Tendencia secular da amamentacao no Brasil

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    Sonia Isoyama Venancio


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de documentar a tendência secular da amamentação no Brasil, foram reanalisadas as bases de dados de sete pesquisas nacionais realizadas de 1975 a 2008. Para obter dados comparáveis entre os diferentes inquéritos, foram analisadas as mesmas faixas etárias e indicadores, e utilizadas as mesmas técnicas estatísticas. A duração mediana da amamentação aumentou de 2,5 para 11,3 meses e a prevalência da amamentação exclusiva em menores de seis meses passou de 3,1% para 41,0% no período. Os resultados apontam importantes desafios no sentido de acelerar o ritmo de crescimento dessa prática no País, rumo às recomendações internacionais.

  2. Tendência secular em estatura: uma revisão da literatura Secular height trend: a literature review

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    Gilberto Kac


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho constitui-se em uma revisão de literatura sobre tendência secular em estatura (TSE. Os principais tópicos abordados foram a definição do fenômeno, a utilização de dados históricos de estatura como estratégia alternativa no monitoramento de mudanças econômicas, as principais explicações teóricas sugeridas para a ocorrência do fenômeno, o início da antropometria militar, sua utilização no passado e no presente, e a magnitude da tendência em recrutas e na população infantil. Os principais achados revelaram que a TSE tem sido atribuída, sobretudo, a influências ambientais, em particular, a melhorias nas condições sanitárias, econômicas e sociais. As taxas médias de incremento variaram conforme a idade, o estrato sócio-econômico e o país considerado; portanto, deve-se ter cautela nas comparações interpopulacionais. A Segunda Guerra Mundial reduziu a tendência em diversos países, entre eles o Brasil, mas as taxas de incremento no pós-guerra foram ainda maiores do que as observadas no início do século. Constatou-se, por fim, que dados provenientes da antropometria militar são os mais utilizados para estimativas de TSE.This paper presents a literature review of secular height trends. The principal topics included were definition of the phenomenon, use of historical data sets on height as an alternative approach for monitoring economic changes, the main theoretical explanations of the phenomenon, the beginning of military anthropometry, and past and current use in measuring secular height trends in recruits and children. The most important results showed that the positive secular trend can be attributed to environmental influences, especially improvements in health, economic, and social conditions. The mean reported rates in height increases varied with age, socioeconomic status, and country, so one must exercise caution in drawing inferences. World War II slowed the trend in several countries

  3. Aspectos moleculares da anemia falciforme

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    Galiza Neto Gentil Claudino de


    Full Text Available No presente artigo abordaram-se vários aspectos relacionados à natureza molecular da anemia falciforme, desordem hematológica de caráter hereditário que acomete expressivo número de indivíduos em várias regiões do mundo. As pesquisas realizadas em torno desta patologia da hemácia, ao longo de quase um século, a partir de 1910, cooperaram para a criação de um novo e importante segmento da ciência, denominado biologia molecular. A descoberta dos polimorfismos da mutação (GAT->GTG no gene que codifica a cadeia beta da hemoglobina, originando diferentes haplótipos da doença, permitiu um melhor e mais amplo conhecimento em torno da heterogeneidade clínica nos pacientes falcêmicos. Analisando a hemoglobina na sua estrutura normal e mutante, sua produção e evolução, pode-se ter um entendimento mais completo da fisiopatologia desta doença e da sua complexidade clínica.

  4. Anemia ancilostomótica: estudo da fisiopatologia Ancylostomotic anemia: a contribution to the study of its physiopathology

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    Victório Maspes


    Full Text Available Foram estudados 17 casos de ancilostomose e determinados alguns parâmetros hematológicos como: dosagem de hemoglobina, do ferro sérico e da transferrina, contagem de hemácias, hematócrito, volume corpuscular médio (VCM e hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM. O estudo incluiu também a obtenção de alguns dados eritrocinéticos, como a determinação da velocidade de decaimento do ferro plasmático (T1V2 do 59Fe e da incorporação do ferro à hemoglobina. O estudo radioisotópico permitiu ainda determinar o volume de sangue e a quantidade de hemoglobina perdida nas fezes, bem como o teor de ferro reabsorvido dessa hemoglobina. Estabeleceram também o grau de infecção através da contagem de ovos e de vermes nas fezes. Os doentes não apresentaram evidente alteração nutricional. A carência de ferro foi o fator comum a todos os casos que exibiram anemia, constituindo a base fisiopatológica da anemia ancilostomótica. O verme fixado à mucosa duodenal suga o sangue do hospedeiro e esta espoliação de sangue a longo prazo provoca a anemia. O volume de sangue perdido é geralmente proporcional ao grau de infecção, mas a quantidade de hemoglobina perdida mostrou ser independente do volume de sangue espoliado. A reabsorção de grande parte do ferro da hemoglobina perdida na luz intestinal concorre para que a anemia se estabeleça mais tardiamente que em outras hemorragias como a vaginal. Os indivíduos anêmicos foram submetidos a transfusões de sangue e com isso apresentaram melhora clínica e laboratorial, imediata mas temporária. A cura clínica foi estabelecida somente após tratamento adequado com vermífugos.Seventeen ancylostomotic patients was studied and several hematological parameters: hemoglobin level, serum iron level and transferrin, erythrocyte count, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume (VCM and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (HCM was established. This study also included the determination of several erythrokinetic data

  5. Prevalência e caracterização da anemia em idosos do Programa de Saúde da Família Prevalence and characteristics of anemia in an elderly population attending a Health Family Program

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    Diana L. Barbosa


    Full Text Available A anemia é considerada um problema de saúde pública em escala mundial e é o distúrbio hematológico de maior prevalência que acomete a população idosa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a prevalência e características da anemia em idosos do Programa de Saúde da Família de Camaragibe, PE. O delineamento foi transversal, com amostra aleatória sistemática de 284 idosos > 60 anos, de ambos os sexos, realizado em novembro/dezembro-2003. A anemia foi avaliada pela hemoglobina (Hb, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHCM, volume corpuscular médio (VCM e amplitude de distribuição eritrocitária (RDW. A prevalência de anemia foi, em média, de 11,0%. A morfologia eritrocitária não mostrou associação com as concentrações de Hb. A grande maioria dos idosos apresentou anemia normocrômica, normocítica, sem anisocitose, sugestivo de anemia por doença crônica. A ínfima prevalência de microcitose e macrocitose com anisocitoseminimiza a gênese da deficiência de ferro, bem como da deficiência de vitamina B12 e ácido fólico na etiologia da anemia em idosos. Concluímos que o uso de indicadores que reflitam o grau de anisocitose eritrocitária associados àqueles que avaliam o estado nutricional do ferro é extremamente recomendado para o diagnóstico das anemias em idosos.Anemia is a serious public health problem worldwide that mainly affects children and women of childbearing age. However, data about anemia in elderly individuals are still scarce in developing countries. This study aimed at assessing the prevalence and characteristics of anemia among an elderly population attending the Health Family Program in Camaragibe, northeast Brazil. Following a systematic sampling procedure, a cross-sectional study was carried out in November and December 2003 involving 284 subjects of both genders with ages grater than or equal to 60 years old. Anemia was estimated by the measurement of hemoglobin, mean cell hemoglobin

  6. Profilaxia da anemia ancilostomótica: sindrome de carencia Prophylaxis of Hookworm Anemia-carencial syndrome

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    W. O. Cruz


    Full Text Available É apresentada uma revisão das recentes aquisições na anemia ancilostomótica, assinalando a importância de alimentação qualitativamente deficiente junto á infestação helmíntica na gênese desta doença. Acentuou-se que a anemia ancilostomótica é uma doença de carência. Profilaxia clássica da Ancilostomose resume-se em evitar a infestação do homem pelos ancilostomídeos. Critica-se a aplicabilidade destas medidas e eficiência das mesmas no que diz respeito á incidência da anemia. O presente trabalho mostra aquisições preliminares sôbre fundamentos de uma profilaxia de carência (tipo profilaxia do bócio endêmico da anemia ancilostomótica, baseada na administração de alimentos contaminados por um sal de ferro. As misturas sulfato ferroso-farinha de mandióca e citrato férrico amoniacal-caldo de feijão, mostraram-se eficientes em prevenir a queda das cifras hemáticas durante largos períodos de tempo em indivíduos maciçamente infestados (6-8 meses. Não foi verificada a dose diária mínima eficiente dêstes sais, obtendo-se resultados satisfatorios mesmo com 0.1 g diária de sulfato ferroso (correspondendo a 0.037 g de ferro metálico. Numerosos alimentos e sais de ferro foram experimentados com resultados infrutíferos por diferentes razões. A influência dos helmintos, pela hemorragias intestinais que acarretam poude ser mais uma vez estudada, nos casos de sais de ferro administrados em doses ineficientes ou em períodos de prova sem medicação marcial. É proposta nova classificação de intensidade de infestação, levando em consideração o conhecido fato de ser a atividade dos helmintos, exclusivamente expoliadora. Em conclusão, nos parece exequível a profilaxia da anemia ancilostomótica mediante ingestão de alimentos contaminados por quantidades eficientes de sais de ferro. Êste método profilático extremamente econômico será na prática, provàvelmente, muito superior aos métodos de profilaxia

  7. Anemia em crianças indígenas da etnia Karapotó Anemia in indigenous children of Karapotó ethnic backgrounds

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    Janaína Ferro Pereira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: identificar a prevalência e fatores associados à anemia em crianças indígenas Karapotó. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal em que foi realizada dosagem de hemoglobina com fotômetro portátil Hemocue, coletadas medidas de peso e estatura e dados socioeconômicos de 99 crianças de 6 a 59 meses da etnia karapotó. Foi analisada a associação entre a prevalência de anemia e variáveis referentes às crianças, às mães e às famílias utilizando teste qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: a prevalência de anemia nas crianças foi de 57,6%, as prevalências de baixa estatura para idade, baixo peso para estatura e baixo peso para idade entre as crianças foram de 15,6%, 3,0% e 2,0%, respectivamente. A ocorrência de anemia associou-se à menor idade da criança, a um menor tempo de estudo materno, a um maior número de membros da família, à menor posse de itens de consumo e à moradia fora da aldeia (desaldeados. CONSLUSÕES: os resultados evidenciam que a anemia é um grave problema de saúde entre as crianças Karapotó, principalmente naquelas desaldeadas, coexistindo com problemas como sobrepeso e déficit estatural.OBJECTIVES: to identify the prevalence and factors associated with anemia in children of Karapotó ethnic backgrounds. METHODS: a cross-sectional study of hemoglobin dosage levels using a portable Hemocue photometer to collect measurements of weight and height along with socioeconomic data for 99 children between 6 and 59 months of age, all of Karapotó ethnicity. The association between the prevalence of anemia and variables related to children, mothers and families were analyzed, using chi-square tests or Fisher Exact Tests. RESULTS: the prevalence of anemia in the children was 57.6%, the prevalences of low height for age range, low weight-to-height ratios and low weight for age range in the children were 15.6%, 3.0% and 2.0% respectively. The occurrence of anemia was associated with younger children

  8. Prevalência da anemia e fatores associados em crianças de seis a 59 meses de Pernambuco

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    Luciana Pedrosa Leal


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de anemia e identificar seus fatores associados em crianças de seis a 59 meses. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com dados da III Pesquisa Estadual de Saúde e Nutrição/Pernambuco em amostra representativa de 1.403 crianças para as áreas urbana e rural. A anemia foi diagnosticada pela dosagem da hemoglobina. A análise multivariada foi realizada a partir de um modelo hierárquico, utilizando a regressão de Poisson, com variância robusta para estimar a razão de prevalência em função de variáveis: biológicas, de morbidade e estado nutricional da criança, socioeconômicas, de habitação, de saneamento e fatores maternos. RESULTADOS: A prevalência ponderada de anemia foi de 32,8%: 31,5% na área urbana e 36,6% na rural. Na área urbana, as variáveis que se associaram significantemente à anemia foram: escolaridade materna, bens de consumo, número de crianças menores de cinco anos no domicílio, tratamento da água de beber, idade e anemia materna e idade da criança. Na área rural, apenas a idade materna e a idade da criança associaram-se de modo significante à anemia. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de anemia nas crianças pernambucanas é semelhante nas áreas urbana e rural. Os fatores associados à anemia apresentados devem ser considerados no planejamento de medidas efetivas para o seu controle.

  9. Importância da reabsorção do ferro da hemorragia intestinal provocada pela ação dos vermes na progressão da anemia The importance of iron reabsorption in intestinal hemorrhage caused by worms in the course of anemia

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    Victorio Maspes


    Full Text Available Foram estudados 10 doentes, portadores de anemia ancilostomótica e de grande parasitose. Foram determinados alguns parâmetros hematológicos como dosagem de hemoglobina, contagem de hemácias, hematócrito, volume corpuscular médio, hemoglobina corpuscular média, ferro sérico e siderofilina. Foram estudados o volume da perda de sangue intestinal, o ferro perdido nesta hemorragia e eliminado nas fezes, e o ferro reaborvido da hemorragia intestinal. Conclui-se que a reabsorção do ferro da hemoglobina por dia no tubo digestivo é de suma importância no retardamento da instalação da anemia ferropriva, causada pela parasitose ancilostomótica.Ten patients presenting ancylostomotic anemia and a high rate of parasitosis were submitted to several hematologic determinations: hemoglobin level, erythrocyte count, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, serum iron level, and transferrin. In addition, measurements were made of the blood volume lost by intestinal bleeding, of iron loss through hemorrhage and in feus, and of iron reabsorption from intestinal bleeding. The main reason for the late appearance of iron deficiency anemia in ancylostomiasis is the high degree of dally iron absorption in the digestive tract, originating from hemoglobin breakdown.

  10. Aspectos moleculares da anemia falciforme Molecular aspects for sickle cell anemia

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    Gentil Claudino de Galiza Neto


    Full Text Available No presente artigo abordaram-se vários aspectos relacionados à natureza molecular da anemia falciforme, desordem hematológica de caráter hereditário que acomete expressivo número de indivíduos em várias regiões do mundo. As pesquisas realizadas em torno desta patologia da hemácia, ao longo de quase um século, a partir de 1910, cooperaram para a criação de um novo e importante segmento da ciência, denominado biologia molecular. A descoberta dos polimorfismos da mutação (GAT->GTG no gene que codifica a cadeia beta da hemoglobina, originando diferentes haplótipos da doença, permitiu um melhor e mais amplo conhecimento em torno da heterogeneidade clínica nos pacientes falcêmicos. Analisando a hemoglobina na sua estrutura normal e mutante, sua produção e evolução, pode-se ter um entendimento mais completo da fisiopatologia desta doença e da sua complexidade clínica.The present article dealt with various aspects related to molecular nature of sickle cell disease (SCD, a heritable hematology disorder that attacks a great number of people in different regions of the world. Researches done on red cell patology, in approximately half a century, starting since 1910, cooperated to gave origin a new branch of science called molecular biology. The discovery of mutation polymorphism (GAT -> GTC in the gene that codifies beta globin chain, give origin to different illness haplotypes, permitted a better and great knowledge about the clinic heterogeneity of the patients. Analysing hemoglobin in its normal and mutation structure as well as in its productions and evolution, one can have a complete understanding of the illness phisiopathology and its clinical complexity.

  11. O significado da anemia falciforme no contexto da 'política racial' do governo brasileiro 1995-2004 The significance of sickle cell anemia within the context of the Brazilian government's 'racial policies' (1995-2004

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    Peter H. Fry


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste ensaio é refletir sobre o significado social de um crescente interesse pela anemia falciforme e outras doenças associadas ao corpo negro no Brasil. Investigarei a rede discursiva que se formou em torno da doença no contexto social da sua produção. Começo resumindo a analise feita do antropólogo Melbourne Tapper, do programa de combate à Anemia Falciforme nos Estados Unidos nos anos 70, logo após as vitórias dos negros na luta pelos direitos civis. Tapper (1999 argumenta que uma das conseqüências dessa política foi a criação de uma comunidade negra cidadã e responsável. O Programa de Anemia Falciforme, desenvolvido pelo governo brasileiro com participação de ativistas negros a partir da década de 1990, também contribui para a formação e de uma "comunidade negra responsável". O argumento do artigo é que a anemia falciforme torna-se muito mais que uma doença a ser erradicada. O discurso em torno dela é um poderoso elemento no processo de naturalização da "raça negra" (e, por oposição lógica e política, da "raça branca" num país que se imaginava como biológica e culturalmente híbrido.This essay reflects on the social significance of growing interest in sickle cell anemia and other illnesses associated with the black body in Brazil. I explore the discursive network that has taken shape around the disease within the social context of its production. I first summarize anthropologist Melbourne Tapper's analysis of the United States program to fight sickle cell anemia in the 1970s, shortly after blacks attained victories in the civil rights movement. Tapper (1999 argues that one of the consequences of this policy was the creation of a responsible black citizenry. In the late 1990s, the Brazilian government developed a program (Programa de Anemia Falciforme that counted on the heavy participation of black activists and that also contributed to the formation of a "responsible black community. My

  12. Anemia em escolares da primeira série do ensino fundamental da rede pública de Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil Anemia in public school first graders in the city of Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil

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    Célia Dias dos Santos


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um estudo transversal com amostra probabilística de 426 alunos de 6 a 10 anos, da 1ª série do ensino fundamental das escolas públicas de Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil. O objetivo foi avaliar a prevalência da anemia e sua associação com o retardo de crescimento. Os dados foram coletados entre maio e julho de 2000. O sangue foi colhido por venipuntura e a dosagem de hemoglobina (Hb foi realizada pelo contador Coulter STKS. Classificou-se a anemia por dois critérios estabelecidos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde: Hb A cross-sectional study was conducted in a representative sample of 426 randomly selected first graders (ages 6 to 10 years from public schools in Maceió, State of Alagoas, Brazil. The aim was to determine the prevalence of anemia, as well as its association with growth retardation. Data were collected from May to July 2000, and determination of hemoglobin (HGB employed an STKS Coulter counter. Two cut-off points were used to classify anemia, both established by the World Health Organization: HGB < 11.5g/dl and HGB < 12.0g/dl. The indicators height/age (H/A, weight/age (W/A, and weight/height (W/H below -2.0 standard deviations from the NCHS reference were diagnosed as growth retardation. Prevalence of anemia was 9.9% when HGB < 11.5g/dl was used, and 25.4% when the cut-off point was HGB < 12.0g/dl. Growth retardation was detected in 6.2% of children according to H/A, 4.0% for W/A, and 3.0% for W/H. There was no statistically significant association between the variables in the study. These findings confirm results of previous surveys where prevalence of anemia was much higher than that of growth retardation. The severe consequences of anemia in this age group justify the implementation of broad public policies to overcome this nutritional deficiency.

  13. Efeitos da anemia materna na cardiotocografia computadorizada e perfil biofísico fetal Effects of maternal anemia on computerized cardiotocography and fetal biophysical profile

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    Roseli Mieko Yamamoto Nomura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar a influência dos níveis de hemoglobina (Hb materna nos padrões da frequência cardíaca fetal (FCF e no perfil biofísico fetal (PBF em gestações a termo. MÉTODOS: gestantes portadoras de anemia (Hb11,0 g/dL. Foram excluídos casos com anomalias ou restrição do crescimento fetal. A avaliação da FCF foi realizada pela cardiotocografia computadorizada (Sistema8002-Sonicaid e análise do traçado com 30 minutos de exame. O PBF foi realizado em todas as pacientes. Foram utilizados os testes t de Student, teste do χ2 e teste exato de Fisher. O nível de significância utilizado foi de 0,05. RESULTADOS: A média da Hb materna no grupo com anemia (n=18 foi de 9,4 g/dL (DP=1,4 g/dL e no Grupo Controle 12,4 g/dL (DP=1,3 g/dL. Quanto aos parâmetros da cardiotocografia, não foi constatada diferença significativa nas médias entre os grupos com anemia e controle, respectivamente: FCF basal (131,3 bpm versus 133,7 bpm, p=0,5, acelerações da FCF > 10 bpm (7,9 versus. 8,2, p=0,866, acelerações da FCF > 15 bpm (5,2 versus 5,4, p=0,9, episódios de alta variação da FCF (17,1 versus 15,5 min, p=0,5, episódios de baixa variação da FCF (4,4 versus 3,6 min, p=0,6, e variação de curto prazo (10,5 versus 10,9 ms, p=0,5. Em ambos os grupos, todas as pacientes apresentaram PBF normal. CONCLUSÕES: este estudo sugere que a anemia materna leve ou moderada, sem outras comorbidades maternas ou fetais, não se associa a anormalidades nos parâmetros do perfil biofísico fetal e da FCF analisada pela cardiotocografia computadorizada.PURPOSES: to evaluate the influence of maternal hemoglobin (Hb levels in the patterns of fetal heart rate (FHR and in the fetal biophysical profile (FBP in term gestations. METHODS: pregnant women with anemia (Hb11,0 g/dL. Cases of anomalies or fetal growing restrictions were excluded. The FHR evaluation was performed by computerized cardiotocography (8002 System-Sonicaid, and by record analysis during

  14. Distribuição da anemia em pré-escolares do semi-árido da Bahia Distribution of anemia among preschool children from the semi-arid region of Bahia

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    Ana Marlúcia O. Assis


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta investigação foi identificar a prevalência da anemia e alguns de seus potenciais determinantes em 754 crianças de áreas urbanas de sete municípios na região do semi-árido baiano. Hemoglobina foi determinada em 745 crianças de um a 72 meses de idade. Para o grupo etário de seis a 72 meses um valor de hemoglobina The objective of this survey was to determine the prevalence of anemia and potential determinants thereof in 754 children from urban areas of seven small towns in the semi-arid region of Bahia. Hemoglobin was measured in 745 children 1 to 72 months of age. For the 6-to-72 month-old group, hemoglobin < 11.0 g/dl was considered anemia (following WHO recommendations whereas <9.5 g/dl was considered severe anemia. The same cutoffs were used for children under 6 months, which are the same ones used in clinical-hematology. A mean hemoglobin of 12.1 g/dl was found, distributed differently according to age groups (p=0.001. The study found prevalences of 22.2 % for anemia and 5.8% for severe anemia, respectively. Occurrence of anemia varied significantly with age (p=0.001; the highest prevalence was 50.0% in children 12 to 23 months of age, followed by 29.9% in children below 12 months. The association of anemia with mother's education (controlled for age and per capita family income was not statistically significant.

  15. Anemia e desnutrição em escolares da rede pública do município de Osasco, São Paulo, Brasil

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    Maria Lúcia R. Stefanini

    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estimar a prevalência de anemia e conhecer o estado nutricional de escolares, foi realizado um estudo em uma amostra dos alunos ingressantes nas primeiras séries do primeiro grau das escolas públicas de Osasco, município integrante da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. O diagnóstico de anemia foi feito através da dosagem da concentração de hemoglobina do sangue colhido por punção digital. O nível crítico utilizado para caracterizar a presença de anemia foi o estabelecido pela OMS. O estado nutricional foi avaliado utilizando os indicadores peso/idade e altura/idade expressos em escores Z e a população de referência do NCHS. A prevalência, de anemia encontrada foi de 51%n. Houve diferença nos níveis de prevalência quanto à localização geográfica das escolas, sendo maior (56,9% na Região Periférica do que na Região Central (41,7%. A presença de anemia também foi mais elevada em crianças cujos pais eram analfabetos. O risco de anemia foi superior entre as crianças que ingressaram no primeiro grau com idade superior a 8 anos. Não foi constatada presença significante de desnutrição aguda. Os resultados deste estudo destacam a anemia entre escolares como importante problema de Saúde Pública e ressaltam a urgência da implantação de programas de controle da anemia na população de escolares.

  16. Anemia e desnutrição em escolares da rede pública do município de Osasco, São Paulo, Brasil

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    Stefanini Maria Lúcia R.


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estimar a prevalência de anemia e conhecer o estado nutricional de escolares, foi realizado um estudo em uma amostra dos alunos ingressantes nas primeiras séries do primeiro grau das escolas públicas de Osasco, município integrante da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. O diagnóstico de anemia foi feito através da dosagem da concentração de hemoglobina do sangue colhido por punção digital. O nível crítico utilizado para caracterizar a presença de anemia foi o estabelecido pela OMS. O estado nutricional foi avaliado utilizando os indicadores peso/idade e altura/idade expressos em escores Z e a população de referência do NCHS. A prevalência, de anemia encontrada foi de 51%n. Houve diferença nos níveis de prevalência quanto à localização geográfica das escolas, sendo maior (56,9% na Região Periférica do que na Região Central (41,7%. A presença de anemia também foi mais elevada em crianças cujos pais eram analfabetos. O risco de anemia foi superior entre as crianças que ingressaram no primeiro grau com idade superior a 8 anos. Não foi constatada presença significante de desnutrição aguda. Os resultados deste estudo destacam a anemia entre escolares como importante problema de Saúde Pública e ressaltam a urgência da implantação de programas de controle da anemia na população de escolares.

  17. Apneia obstrutiva do sono em portadores da anemia falciforme Obstructive sleep apnea in sickle cell disease carriers

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    Cristina Salles


    Full Text Available A Síndrome da Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAOS é definida como episódios recorrentes de obstrução completa ou parcial das vias aéreas superiores que ocorrem durante o sono. O fluxo aéreo pode estar diminuído ou completamente interrompido, a despeito do esforço inspiratório, resultando em episódios intermitentes de hipoxemia, hipercapnia. A presença de SAOS poderá ser um fator de piora da hipoxemia noturna, da doença de base, concorrendo para ocorrência de síndrome torácica aguda. Com o objetivo de revisar dados sobre a fisiopatologia da SAOS em crianças e adolescentes portadores de anemia falciforme, foi realizada busca eletrônica de artigos no Medline e Lilacs nos últimos dez anos, bem como referências cruzadas dos artigos encontrados. Palavras-chaves: "sleep apnea, sickle cell anemia, sickle cell disease, pathophysiology ". Estudos sugerem que a SAOS pode potencializar o quadro clínico, ou seja, as crises álgicas, déficit de estatura, de peso, cognitivo e de inteligência, dessaturação arterial noturna, e acidente vascular cerebral das crianças portadoras de anemia falciforme. Rev. Bras. Hematol. Hemoter.Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS is defined as recurrent episodes of complete or partial obstruction of the upper airway during sleep. The airflow can be reduced or completely stopped despite of inspiratory effort, resulting in intermittent episodes of hypoxemia and hypercapnia. OSAS may be a factor in the worsening of nocturnal hypoxemia, of the underlying disease, leading to acute chest syndrome. The aim of this work was to review data on the pathophysiology of OSAS in children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia. We revisited articles published over the last ten years linked to the Medline and Lilacs databases, as well as cross-referencing using these articles. The following keywords were used: sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, sickle cell anemia, sickle cell disease. Studies suggest that OSAS may

  18. Anemia e desnutrição em escolares da rede pública do município de Osasco, São Paulo, Brasil Anemia and malnutrition in children at public schools in Osasco, São Paulo, Brazil

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    Maria Lúcia R. Stefanini


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estimar a prevalência de anemia e conhecer o estado nutricional de escolares, foi realizado um estudo em uma amostra dos alunos ingressantes nas primeiras séries do primeiro grau das escolas públicas de Osasco, município integrante da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. O diagnóstico de anemia foi feito através da dosagem da concentração de hemoglobina do sangue colhido por punção digital. O nível crítico utilizado para caracterizar a presença de anemia foi o estabelecido pela OMS. O estado nutricional foi avaliado utilizando os indicadores peso/idade e altura/idade expressos em escores Z e a população de referência do NCHS. A prevalência, de anemia encontrada foi de 51%n. Houve diferença nos níveis de prevalência quanto à localização geográfica das escolas, sendo maior (56,9% na Região Periférica do que na Região Central (41,7%. A presença de anemia também foi mais elevada em crianças cujos pais eram analfabetos. O risco de anemia foi superior entre as crianças que ingressaram no primeiro grau com idade superior a 8 anos. Não foi constatada presença significante de desnutrição aguda. Os resultados deste estudo destacam a anemia entre escolares como importante problema de Saúde Pública e ressaltam a urgência da implantação de programas de controle da anemia na população de escolares.The authors studied a sample of students entering the first grade in the Osasco public school system in order to determine both the prevalence of anemia and nutritional status. Osasco is part of the Greater São Paulo Metropolitan Area. Diagnosis of anemia was made through the hemoglobin concentration of blood from digital puncture. World Health Organization (WHO levels were used to define anemia. Nutritional Status assessment. was made through weight/age and height/age indices, using Z score distribution and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS reference levels. Prevalence of anemia was 51

  19. Prevenção e tratamento da anemia nutricional ferropriva: novos enfoques e perspectivas

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    Malaquias Batista Filho

    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem sumariamente o quadro epidemiológico das anemias, as propostas programáticas estabelecidas pelas Nações Unidas para a reversão do problema em escala internacional e as dificuldades atuais para a aplicação de estratégias de reconhecida efetividade na área da saúde para a prevenção e cura das anemias nos segmentos populacionais mais expostos, as crianças e as gestantes. Analisam o estágio atual das pesquisas dirigidas para quatro objetivos simultâneos: aumento da eficácia e efetividade, redução de custos e de efeitos colaterais dos esquemas medicamentosos de prevenção e tratamento. Consideram que as pesquisas em curso podem melhorar radicalmente as perspectivas de uma intervenção bem sucedida no enfrentamento do problema através do setor saúde.

  20. Políticas públicas para o controle da anemia ferropriva Public policies to control iron deficiency in Brazil

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    Sophia C. Szarfarc


    Full Text Available A anemia por deficiência de ferro configura um problema epidemiológico da maior relevância atuando nos gastos públicos de saúde, nas consequências sociais do aumento de riscos no período gestacional, na redução da produtividade e, ainda, nas consequências, em longo prazo, do desenvolvimento mental. Algumas datas marcam o envolvimento do governo brasileiro em busca de alternativas de controle da deficiência marcial: 1977 - 1ª Reunião do Ministério da Saúde (INAN, com especialistas nacionais e internacionais, para discutir perspectivas e intervenções para o controle da anemia; 1982/83 - distribuição de suplemento de ferro para a clientela do Programa de Atenção à Gestante e dosagem de hemoglobina na 1ª consulta; 1992 - assinatura de compromisso brasileiro de reduzir em 1/3 a prevalência de anemia em gestantes; 1994 - implantação do Programa de Leite Vivaleite, no estado de São Paulo, fornecendo leite fortificado com ferro a famílias com crianças até 6 anos e renda inferior a dois salários mínimos; 2002/junho 2004 - fortificação das farinhas de trigo e de milho com ferro; 2005 - programa de suplementação de ferro a lactentes; 2009/março - divulgação do resultado do levantamento de prevalência de anemia em mulheres (15-49 anos e crianças (6 - 59 meses no Brasil; 2009/agosto - foi reeditada a Portaria no 1793/GM/agosto/2009 do Ministério da Saúde, instituindo a Comissão Interinstitucional para implementação, acompanhamento e monitorização das ações de fortificação das farinhas de trigo e milho e seus subprodutos.Iron deficiency anemia is a vast epidemiologic problem evidenced by health public spending, the social consequences of increased risk in pregnancy, low production, and also by long term consequences of cognitive development. Some points in time highlight the involvement of the Brazilian government: 1977 - 1st Health Minister Meeting (INAN, with international and national specialists to

  1. Socio-economic and demographic determinants of childhood anemia

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    Sankar Goswmai


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate socio-economic and demographic determinants of anemia among Indian children aged 6–59 months. Methods: Statistical analysis was performed on the cross-sectional weighted sample of 40,885 children from 2005 to 2006 National Family Health Survey by using multinomial logistic regression to assess the significance of some risk factors in different degrees of child anemia. Anemia was diagnosed by World Health Organization (WHO cut-off points on hemoglobin level. Pearson's chi-squared test was applied to justify the associations of anemia with different categories of the study population. Results: The prevalence of anemia was 69.5%; 26.2% mild, 40.4% moderate, and 2.9% severe anemia. Overall prevalence rate, along with mild and moderate cases, showed an increasing trend up to 2 years of age and then decreased. Rural children had a higher prevalence rate. Of 28 Indian states in the study, 10 states showed very high prevalence, the highest being Bihar (77.9%. Higher birth order, high index of poverty, low level of maternal education, mother's anemia, non-intake of iron supplements during pregnancy, and vegetarian mother increased the risks of all types of anemia among children (p < 0.05. Christian population was at lower risk; and Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, and Other Backward Class categories were at higher risk of anemia. Conclusion: The results suggest a need for proper planning and implementation of preventive measures to combat child anemia. Economically under-privileged groups, maternal nutrition and education, and birth control measures should be priorities in the programs. Resumo: Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos determinantes de anemia em crianças indianas com idade de 6 a 59 meses. Métodos: A análise estatística foi realizada na amostra transversal ponderada de 40885 crianças da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde da Família de 2005–2006, Governo da Índia, utilizando a técnica de

  2. Craniofacial Secular Change in Recent Mexican Migrants. (United States)

    Spradley, Katherine; Stull, Kyra E; Hefner, Joseph T


    of secular trends for the recent Mexican migrants. Because dates of birth were unavailable for the historic sample, partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was used to evaluate morphological differences between historic and recent Mexican migrant samples. The data were separated into a training data set and a testing data set to ensure realistic results. Males had eight variables (four positive and four negative) and females had six variables (two positive and four negative) that demonstrated significant differences over time. In the PLS-DA, three components were identified as important in model creation and resulted in a classification accuracy of 87% when applied to a testing sample. The high classification accuracy demonstrates significant morphological differences between the two groups, with the historic Hispanic sample displaying overall larger craniofacial dimensions. While differences in cranial morphology are evident between historic Hispanics and recent Mexican migrants, relatively few positive and negative secular trends were detected within the recent migrant sample.

  3. Importância da avaliação da hemoglobina fetal na clínica da anemia falciforme The importance of the evaluation of fetal hemoglobin in the clinical assessment of sickle cell disease

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    Rita de Cassia Mousinho-Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A anemia falciforme está entre as doenças genéticas mais comuns e mais estudadas em todo o mundo. Ela é causada por mutação no gene β, produzindo alteração estrutural na molécula da hemoglobina. As moléculas de HbS, decorrentes da mutação, sofrem processo de polimerização fisiologicamente provocado pela baixa tensão de oxigênio, acidose e desidratação. Com isso, os eritrócitos passam a apresentar a forma de foice, causando vaso-oclusão e outras conseqüências. O objetivo desse estudo foi revisar a importância da hemoglobina fetal na clínica de pacientes portadores de anemia falciforme. O significado clínico da associação da elevação da hemoglobina fetal na anemia falciforme mostra-se favorável em termos hematológicos, pois, nessa interação, as células-F têm baixas concentrações de HbS e, com isso, inibem a polimerização da HbS e a alteração da morfologia dos eritrócitos. O tratamento com hidroxiuréia, em função do aumento na expressão da hemoglobina fetal que este fármaco proporciona, traz aos pacientes falcêmicos uma melhora significativa em sua clínica. Portanto, a hemoglobina fetal consiste no maior inibidor da polimerização da desoxi-HbS e, com isso, evita a falcização do eritrócito, a anemia hemolítica crônica, as crises dolorosas vaso-oclusivas, o infarto e a necrose em diversos órgãos, melhorando a clínica e a expectativa de vida dos pacientes.Sickle cell disease is one of the commonest and most studied genetic diseases in the world. Caused by a mutation of the β gene, it changes the molecular structure of hemoglobin. Abnormal Hb S molecules suffer polymerization physiologically provoked by a low oxygen tension, acidosis and dehydration. As a result, red blood cells take on a sickle cell form, which causes microvascular occlusion with varying consequences. The objective of this study was to review the importance of fetal hemoglobin in the clinical assessment of sickle cell

  4. Interferentes eritrocitários e ambientais na anemia falciforme

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    Naoum Paulo C.


    Full Text Available A anemia falciforme tem um desenvolvimento clínico extremamente variável que se caracteriza principalmente por diferentes graus de intensidade da anemia hemolítica. As razões dessa variabilidade são parcialmente conhecidas na expressão fenotípica da doença. Apesar de ter um mesmo defeito genético, a anemia falciforme pode estar associada com níveis diferentes de Hb Fetal e interações com talassemia alfa que atuam como modeladores genéticos da doença. Entretanto, outros defeitos genéticos dos eritrócitos, com destaques para a deficiência de G-6PD, a esferocitose e as deficiências de enzimas anti-oxidantes (SOD, GPx e catalase certamente interferem no curso clínico da doença. Os diferentes haplótipos da Hb S denominados por Banto, Benin, Senegal, Camarões e Asiático, tem sido apontados também como possíveis causas da heterogeneidade fenotípica da anemia falciforme. Toda essa diversidade que caracteriza a anemia falciforme está, em parte, relacionada à sua origem multicêntrica e que envolvem populações com diferentes anormalidades genéticas de proteínas e enzimas eritrocitárias. Por outro lado, além desses fatores caracterizados como interferentes eritrocitários, há os interferentes do meio ambiente em que está inserido o doente com anemia falciforme. Entre os interferentes ambientais destacam-se as situações sociais, econômicas e culturais do doente, e que tem influência no curso de sua doença. Diante desse quadro complexo e interativo, o presente artigo mostra a influência de certos interferentes eritrocitários e ambientais na anemia falciforme. Ao finalizar o artigo é proposto um protocolo de monitoramento laboratorial das síndromes falcêmicas, com destaque para a anemia falciforme.

  5. No fio da navalha: anemia falciforme, raça e as implicações no cuidado à saúde


    Josué Laguardia

    2006-01-01 As propostas de políticas de saúde para a população negra têm uma história recente no cenário político brasileiro, com um destaque especial para o Programa Nacional de Anemia Falciforme (PAF). Esse programa é o resultado das ações políticas do movimento negro em prol do reconhecimento da anemia falciforme como uma doença prevalente na população negra brasileira. No seio dessa ação política foram elaborados discursos sobre a anemia falcifor...

  6. No fio da navalha: anemia falciforme, raça e as implicações no cuidado à saúde On the razor's edge: sickle cell anemia, race and the implications in health care

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    Josué Laguardia


    Full Text Available As propostas de políticas de saúde para a população negra têm uma história recente no cenário político brasileiro, com um destaque especial para o Programa Nacional de Anemia Falciforme (PAF. Esse programa é o resultado das ações políticas do movimento negro em prol do reconhecimento da anemia falciforme como uma doença prevalente na população negra brasileira. No seio dessa ação política foram elaborados discursos sobre a anemia falciforme que ressaltam, a partir de pressupostos biológicos e epidemiológicos, o caráter racial dessa doença. O propósito deste artigo é criticar tais pressupostos, enfatizando as implicações éticas decorrentes da racialização das doenças.The political propositions in health for the black population have a recent history in the Brazilian political setting, with a special highlight to the National Program on Sickle Cell Anemia. This program is an output of political actions launched by the black movement on behalf of the recognition of sickle cell anemia as prevalent disease among Brazilian black population. Discourses on the sickle cell anemia have been built in the core of that political action, stressing, based in biological and epidemiological assumptions, the racial character of this disease. The objective of this article is to criticize those assumptions, emphasizing the ethical implications of disease racialization.

  7. Anemia ferropriva em escolares da primeira série do ensino fundamental da rede pública de educação de uma região de Brasília, DF Iron deficiency anemia in first grade students from public schools in a region of Brasília, DF

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    Gracy Santos Heijblom


    Full Text Available A anemia ferropriva é a deficiência de micronutriente mais prevalente no mundo. É particularmente deletéria em escolares, pois crianças anêmicas são sonolentas e prestam menos atenção. Como conseqüência, pode levar ao alto absenteísmo e baixo rendimento escolar. Realizou-se um estudo transversal com amostra probabilística de 424 alunos de 6 a 11 anos, da 1ª série do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas da Regional Norte de Saúde de Brasília. Os objetivos foram avaliar a prevalência de anemia e comparar o resultado obtido em 2004 com aquele de estudo similar realizado na mesma área em 1998. A hemoglobina (Hb foi determinada em amostra de sangue digital, usando Hemocue®. Dois pontos de corte foram adotados para classificar anemia, ambos estabelecidos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde: HbIron deficiency anemia (IDA is the most prevalent micronutrient deficiency in the world. In school age children, IDA is particularly deleterious: anemic children are sleepy and pay less attention. As a consequence, anemia can lead to high absenteeism and lower school performance. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a representative sample of 424 randomly selected first graders (ages 6 to 11 years from public schools located in the Northern Public Health Region of Brasília. The study objectives were to: (a determine the prevalence of anemia; (b compare the results obtained in 2004 to those of a similar survey conducted in the same area in 1998. Hemoglobin (Hb was determined in finger-prick blood samples using Hemocue®. Two cut-off points were used to classify anemia, both established by the WHO: Hb<11.5g/dL and Hb<12.0g/dL. The height/age, weight/age and weight/height indicators below -2.0 standard deviations from the NCHS reference were used to indicate growth retardation. Prevalence of anemia was 12.5% and 11.9% (Hb<11.5g/dL and 26.9% and 21.5% (Hb<12.0g/dL in 2004 and 1998 respectively. The prevalence of anemia increased between

  8. Tendência secular da altura na idade adulta de crianças nascidas na cidade de São Paulo entre 1950 e 1976 Secular trends in the adult height of children born in S. Paulo city, Brazil, from 1950 to 1976

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    Ivan França Júnior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a tendência/mudança secular das estaturas de jovens do sexo masculino, aos 18 anos de idade, nascidos na cidade de São Paulo, SP, entre 1950 e 1976. MÉTODOS: Foi coletada amostra aleatória e representativa de 6.942 indivíduos avaliados no alistamento militar. A análise estatística compreendeu a avaliação da normalidade da distribuição estatural (teste de Shapiro-Wilk e a análise da tendência pelas técnicas de regressão linear. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: A distribuição das estaturas foi considerada normal para todas as coortes. O aumento total das estaturas foi de 3,42 centímetros ao longo dos 27 anos do estudo (1,26 cm/década. A tendência no período não foi linear, havendo aumento significativo na década de 50 (0,84 cm/década, aumento não significativo na década de 60 (0,5 cm/década e aumento expressivo no período 1970-76 (2,9 cm/década. O ritmo de mudança secular observado é comparável ao de outros países e estados do Brasil. As coortes mais recentes (1975 e 1976 atingiram a maior estatura (~175 cm; contudo, este valor ainda indica déficits de 1,8 cm e 6,2 cm quando comparado às estaturas de jovens americanos nascidos em 1961 (NCHS e holandeses em 1972. Mantidas as aceleradas taxas de mudança secular da década de 70, os jovens paulistas poderão recuperar estes déficits entre uma a três décadas. Isto indica a necessidade de contínua monitoração da tendência secular das alturas na cidade de São Paulo.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to estimate the secular trend/change in the height of young males born in the city of S. Paulo between 1950 and 1976 and measured in the year they turn 18 years. METHODS: A random and representative sample (6,942 individuals was evaluated in military draft. Statistical analyses included Shapiro-Wilk test for normality of height distribution in each birth cohort, and linear regression analysis for trend on heights. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: Stature has

  9. Secularism, secular state and religious freedom | Nweke | Journal of ...

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    The historic separation of the Church and the State, as an immediate product of secularism, informs the reality of secular state, a state without official religion. This paper attempts to understudy the extent to which secularism enhances religious freedom within the frame of secular state. With the tools of phenomenological ...

  10. Eficácia e toxicidade da hidroxiuréia em crianças com anemia falciforme Effectiveness and toxicity of hydroxyurea in children with sickle cell anemia

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    Michelle C. Silva


    Full Text Available A anemia falciforme é uma doença genética caracterizada pelo alto índice de morbimortalidade, considerada como a mais grave entre as doenças falciformes. As opções terapêuticas mais eficazes atualmente disponíveis para tratamento desta hemoglobinopatia são transplante de medula óssea (TMO e hidroxiuréia (HU. O TMO apesar de ser a medida curativa é considerado de alto risco por apresentar diversos graus de complicações e significativo nível de mortalidade. O uso de HU em crianças portadoras de anemia falciforme tem proporcionado redução de complicações clínicas e aumento significativo na expectativa de vida, por promover elevação dos níveis de hemoglobina fetal, da concentração de hemoglobina e do VCM, bem como redução da hemólise e de eventos vaso-oclusivos. Desse modo, a HU é considerada como melhor opção terapêutica atualmente disponível. Porém, por ser apontada como droga potencialmente carcinogênica, há questionamentos quanto aos benefícios e toxicidades quando utilizada por longo período. Este trabalho teve como proposta, avaliar por meio da revisão literária, os riscos, benefícios e efeitos adversos da hidroxiuréia em crianças.Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease characterized by a high morbimortality rate, it is considered as the most serious among all sickle cell diseases. The most effective therapeutic options available nowadays for the treatment of this hemoglobinopathy are bone morrow transplantation (BMT and hydroxyurea (HU. BMT is considered a high risk procedure due to the different complications and significant mortality rates. The use of HU for children with sickle cell anemia has reduced the clinical complications and given a significant increase in life expectancy by augmenting the fetal hemoglobin levels and hemoglobin concentrations and reducing cytomegalovirus, as well as reducing hemolysis and vaso-occlusive events. Thus, HU is considered the best therapeutic option currently

  11. Metaphysical Concept of Secularization versus Islamic Concept of Secularization

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    Volkan ERTİT


    Full Text Available In early 21st century, the question “Is Turkey becoming secularized contrary to popular belief?” was one of the discussions occupying Turkish public opinion. These discussions led to the encounter of two different concepts of secularization, “theological (Islamic” and "metaphysical", and to put forward different claims using the same concept. Hence, it became evidentwas understood that a discussion was necessary to understand what secularization is and what it is not before starting any debate on Turkey's secularization. That is because the metaphysical discussion that defines secularization as the decline in the social influence of metaphysical realm (religion, religion-like mechanisms, folk religions, superstitious beliefs, etc. is overshadowed by the Islamic definition describing secularization as "irreligiousness" or "non-Islamism". Therefore, discussingTo understand the social transformation in Turkey, this article attempts to explain that metaphysical rather than theological definition of secularization is necessary for understanding the social implications of the process of modernization.

  12. Anticorpos Para o Vírus da Anemia das Galinhas (CAV em Matrizes de Corte no Brasil

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    Brentano L


    Full Text Available Apesar do diagnóstico da anemia infecciosa e mais evidências recentes de infecção em campo (Brentano & Ottati, 1999, não havia até hoje dados disponíveis da prevalência do vírus da anemia das galinhas (CAV no Brasil. Uma vez que o conhecimento da prevalência do vírus e da distribuição de anticorpos nos lotes de matrizes é essencial para o delineamento de estratégias de controle da doença, realizamos um levantamento em 5 Estados com produção comercial intensiva de linhas de corte, abrangendo lotes de aves com diferentes idades. De 2.355 soros testados por ELISA, 89% foram positivos, indicando a alta prevalência do CAV no Brasil, em todos os Estados testados. A análise do soro de aves das 6 até as 70 semanas de idade demonstrou que lotes de 6 a 18 semanas apresentam desuniformidade na imunidade ao CAV, caracterizada por títulos de anticorpos abaixo dos níveis considerados protetores e aves ainda negativas para o CAV. A desuniformidade nos títulos de anticorpos e a ausência dos mesmos são evidentes ainda, mas em menor proporção também até as 24 semanas, enquanto que apenas partir das 25 semanas há 100% de soroconversão, acompanhada de significativa redução da desuniformidade no título de anticorpos das matrizes para menos de 2,5% das aves. Esses resultados fornecem evidência de uma progressiva disseminação do vírus em matrizes de corte, mas com riscos da presença de aves ainda susceptíveis à transmissão vertical e inadequada transferência de imunidade passiva no início do período de postura, que podem culminar em surtos da doença na progênie.

  13. A hepcidina como parâmetro bioquímico na avaliação da anemia por deficiência de ferro Hepcidin as a biochemical parameter for the assessment of iron deficiency anemia

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    Andrea dos Reis Lemos


    Full Text Available A anemia por deficiência de ferro caracteriza-se como o mais prevalente problema nutricional em todo o mundo. Nesta revisão reuniu-se informações a respeito do metabolismo da hepcidina, avaliando-se seu valor como parâmetro bioquímico na anemia por deficiência de ferro. Realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados PUBMED e LILACS, período 2006-2010, referentes à hepcidina como um biomarcador para a regulação do metabolismo do ferro. Foram localizados 35 estudos publicados em revistas internacionais e um estudo sobre o assunto em revista nacional. A produção de hepcidina é regulada homeostaticamente pela anemia e hipóxia. Quando a oferta de oxigênio está inadequada ocorre diminuição do nível de hepcidina. Consequentemente, maior quantidade de ferro proveniente da dieta e dos estoques dos macrófagos e hepatócitos se tornam disponíveis. A hepcidina possui a função de se ligar à ferroportina, regulando a liberação do ferro para o plasma. Quando as concentrações de hepcidina estão baixas, as moléculas de ferroportina são expostas na membrana plasmática e liberam o ferro. Quando os níveis de hepcidina aumentam, a hepcidina liga-se às moléculas de ferroportina induzindo sua internalização e degradação, e o ferro liberado diminui progressivamente. Aparentemente o desenvolvimento do diagnóstico e terapia da anemia baseados no bioindicador hepcidina pode oferecer uma abordagem mais efetiva. Estudos epidemiológicos são necessários para comprovar o valor da hepcidina no diagnóstico diferencial das anemias, incluindo protocolos de amostragem para análise, com padronização similar às utilizadas em outras avaliações bioquímicas, e estabelecimento de pontos de corte para a expressão urinária e plasmática desse peptídeo.Iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent nutritional problem in the world. Information on the metabolism of hepcidin and its possible significance as a biochemical

  14. (Post Secular Discomforts: Religio-Secular Disclosures in the Indian Context

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    Goldie Osuri


    Full Text Available The post-secular turn at the intersection of the fields of political philosophy, anthropology, religious, postcolonial and cultural studies has highlighted theological political formations which have informed differential histories of the secular. This essay examines how debates around the secular and the post-secular play out in the Indian context. Some questions that the essay addresses are: What does a reconsideration of the secular, a probing of its discomforts, offer in the Indian context? And what are the limits of a post-secular turn—in the sense of a reconsideration of spiritual belief or theological conventions as a resource for co-existence—if we think through the forms of power generated by this turn?


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    finds that, although more feasible within secular states, religious freedom and human rights are possibilities ... and values, nor uses its powers and offices to persecute religion.” According to ... Secularism is in fact an expression of humanism.

  16. Secular Religious Establishment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lægaard, Sune


    Secularism as a political doctrine claims that religion and politics should be separated. The compatibility question is whether secularism can accept some forms of religious establishment in the form of institutional linkages between state and organised religion. I argue that the answer...... to the compatibility question is not obvious and requires a systematic analysis of secularism. Based on a distinction between a general concept and specific conceptions of secularism I offer a general structure for conceptions of secularism that incorporates both a) basic values, e.g. political equality and freedom...

  17. Secular spirituality versus secular dualism: Towards postsecular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The term “secular spirituality” is meant to convey the contemporary phenomenon of spirituality as experienced in different spheres not associated with structured, institutionalised religion. An outline is given of the relation between secular reality (the natural realm) and religious/spiritual reality (the supernatural realm), as it ...

  18. Beyond comparing secularisms: a critique of religio-secularism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, Y.; Zuckerman, P.; Shook, J.R.


    “Religio-secularism” denotes the tendency to understand specific cultural and political conflicts in terms an opposition between religion on the one hand and secularism on the other. Religio-secularism as a cultural-political paradigm tends to obscure the intricacies of political, socioeconomic,

  19. Eficácia da suplementação de ferro associado ou não à vitamina A no controle da anemia em escolares Efficacy of iron supplementation with or without vitamin A for anemia control

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    Rute Cândida Pereira


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia da suplementação de ferro, associado ou não à vitamina A, na anemia ferropriva, administrado semanalmente, realizou-se ensaio clínico comunitário, randomizado, não controlado por placebo, em 1999. Uma amostra probabilística de 267 escolares de ambos os sexos com 6 a 14 anos de idade foram casualizados em bloco segundo dois tipos de intervenção: um grupo (144 recebeu 200mg de sulfato ferroso com (40mg de ferro elementar e o outro (123 recebeu dose similar de sulfato ferroso associado a 10.000 UI de vitamina A, durante 30 semanas. A prevalência de anemia ao final foi reduzida de 48,4%, para 17,7% (p This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of weekly iron supplementation with or without vitamin A in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, using an experimental, randomized, non-placebo-controlled design in 1999. 267 schoolchildren 6 to 14 years of age were randomized to two treatment groups: one group (144 received 200mg iron sulfate alone, with 40mg of elemental iron, while the other (123 received the same iron supplementation dose plus 10,000 IU of vitamin A (both groups for 30 weeks. Final anemia prevalence was reduced from 48.4% to 17.7% (p < 0.001 in the group receiving iron supplementation alone and 58.1% to 14.3% (p < 0.001 in the group receiving iron plus vitamin A. There was no significant difference between the groups at the end of the study according to mean Hb (p = 0.355 and anemia (p = 0.479. There was a significant correction for iron deficiency anemia with weekly iron-alone supplementation, but with no additional advantage of vitamin A. New studies on the synergism between these two micronutrients are recommended.

  20. A identidade do Ensino Religioso no contexto da laicidade (The identity of Religious Education in the context of secularism - DOI: 10.5752/ P.2175-5841.2010v8n19p101

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    Sergio Rogerio Junqueira


    Full Text Available A discussão sobre o Ensino Religioso na escola pública das diferentes unidades da Federação é uma polêmica constante ao longo da história da República brasileira. A imposição legal do Ensino Religioso no âmbito escolar pode remeter à ideia de um Estado não laico e acarretar mais preocupações e discussões do que propriamente promover uma formação integral que favoreça os estudantes. No Estado laico, as religiões são livres contanto que respeitem a neutralidade confessional da esfera pública e a garantia de cuidar do bem comum. O Ensino Religioso, no espaço da educação, contribui para prevenir a intolerância e instiga os estudantes a buscar seus direitos e liberdades. Isto não significa abrir mão do direito de expressão da confessionalidade de alunos e professores, mas permitir ao outro ser sujeito de sua cultura e de seus desejos. O Ensino Religioso como componente curricular está alicerçado nos princípios da cidadania, no entendimento do outro enquanto outro. E isso só é possível num Estado laico, pois é competência do Estado assegurar aos alunos o direito de receber a formação religiosa desejada. É um direito cidadão. Palavras-chave: Educação; Ensino Religioso; Estado laico. Abstract The discussion of Religious Education in public schools of the various units of the federation is a constant debate throughout the history of the Brazilian Republic. The legal imposition on Religious Education in schools may refer to the idea of a secular State and not cause more concern and discussion than actually promote an integral formation that favors students. In the secular State, religions are free provided, they satisfy the confessional neutrality of the public sphere and ensuring care for the common good. The Religious Education in the area of education helps to prevent intolerance and encourages students to pursue their rights and freedoms. This does not mean giving up the right of expression of denominational

  1. Epistemologia religiosa e formas de discursividades sobrepostas: uma análise desde a política da secularização de Charles Taylor [Religious epistemology and shapes of overlaping discourses: an analysis from the politics of secularization of Charles Taylor

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    Joel Decothé Junior


    Full Text Available Neste artigo temos como objetivo tratar do significado político da secularização. Iniciamos abordando a tensão existente entre a epistemologia religiosa e a epistemologia do humanismo exclusivo. Damos continuidade problematizando a questão referente à era dos reordenamentos e da transmutação para uma nova ordem moral secularizada, na qual o agente humano se autointerpreta. Assim, destacamos a relevância da presença da epistemologia religiosa na construção de uma nova mentalidade no imaginário social moderno. Surge a implicação do exercício do self se avaliar fortemente a partir da epistemologia imanente do humanismo exclusivo. Outra abordagem empreendida deste problema é a da elaboração de uma ética da autenticidade, que interferiu na construção da identidade moral expressivista, cada vez mais desarraigada dos pressupostos da epistemologia religiosa. Então, abordamos a postura do agente humano viver o conflito de busca por autorrealização e sentido normativo-ontológico para o seu self ao articular a sua forma de vida e identidade moral numa era secular.  [In this article we aim to address the political significance of secularization. We begin by addressing the tension between religious epistemology and the epistemology of exclusive humanism. We proceed to the question of the age of reordering and transmutation into a new secularized moral order, where the human agent is self-interpreting. Thus, we highlight the relevance of the presence of religious epistemology in the construction of a new mentality in the modern social imaginary. The implication of the exercise of the self arises strongly from the immanent epistemology of exclusive humanism. Another approach taken to this problem is the elaboration of an Ethics of authenticity, which interfered in the construction of expressivist moral identity, increasingly uprooted from the presuppositions of religious epistemology. So we approach the posture of the human agent to

  2. Multiculturalism and secularism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lægaard, Sune


    . Secularism denotes what such principles imply for the relationship between politics and religion. Such formal understandings provide theoretical frameworks for specifying different conceptions of multiculturalism and secularism and for determining in precisely which respects conflicts might arise......Multiculturalism in a European context increasingly has come to denote a concern with religious minorities. Claims for multicultural accommodation of minorities therefore potentially conflict with secularist requirements of separation of politics and religion. Whether there is a conflict depends...... on the general understandings of multiculturalism and secularism. The paper therefore distinguishes and examines different general understandings. Both multiculturalism and secularism can be understood as sets of policies, or as forms of minority accommodation or views about the relationship between religion...

  3. Consumo de leite de vaca e anemia ferropriva na infância Cow's milk consumption and iron deficiency anemia in children

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    Maria A. A. Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Revisar aspectos do consumo de leite de vaca associados à anemia na infância. FONTES DOS DADOS: As informações foram coletadas a partir de artigos publicados nas 2 últimas décadas, pesquisados nas bases de dados Lilacs e MEDLINE, livros técnicos e publicações de organizações internacionais. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A anemia ferropriva é um grave problema de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento. Até os 6 meses de idade, o leite materno supre as necessidades de ferro das crianças nascidas a termo. A partir daí, torna-se necessária a ingestão de uma alimentação complementar rica em ferro. Considerando a importância da dieta na determinação da anemia e o alto consumo de leite de vaca na infância, discute-se neste artigo a relação desse alimento com a deficiência de ferro. A introdução precoce ou a substituição do leite materno por leite de vaca pode ocasionar problemas gastrintestinais e alérgicos. Além disso, esse alimento apresenta baixa biodisponibilidade e densidade de ferro, excesso de proteínas e minerais, especialmente cálcio, interferindo na absorção do ferro de outros alimentos, e associa-se às micro-hemorragias intestinais, principalmente nas crianças menores. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização do leite de vaca em detrimento de outros alimentos ricos em ferro biodisponível constitui um risco para o desenvolvimento da anemia. O estímulo ao aleitamento materno exclusivo até os 6 meses de vida e sua continuidade até pelo menos 24 meses, juntamente com uma dieta complementar rica em ferro são medidas de grande importância para a prevenção da anemia e de suas conseqüências na infância.OBJECTIVE: To thoroughly investigate the association between the consumption of cow's milk and anemia in childhood. SOURCES OF DATA: The information was gathered from papers catalogued in Lilacs and MEDLINE and published during the last two decades, and also from textbooks and publications by international

  4. Moderate Secularism and Multicultural Equality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lægaard, Sune


    Tariq Modood argues that European states are only ‘moderately secular' and that this kind of secularism is compatible with public accommodation of religious groups and provides a model of Muslim integration appropriate for European states. Although attention to the fact of moderate secularism...... provides a response to a prominent argument against multicultural accommodation of religious minorities, what is really at stake in discussions of multiculturalism and secularism are political principles. Modood's case for accommodation of Muslims along the lines of moderate secularism presupposes...

  5. A importância do aconselhamento genético na anemia falciforme The importance of genetic counseling at sickle cell anemia

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    Cínthia Tavares Leal Guimarães


    Full Text Available O aconselhamento genético tem a finalidade de nortear as pessoas sobre a tomada de decisões a respeito da procriação, ajudando-as a entender como a hereditariedade pode colaborar para a ocorrência ou risco de recorrência de doenças genéticas, como é o caso da anemia falciforme. Esta anemia é a doença hereditária de maior prevalência no Brasil, com complicações clínicas que podem prejudicar o desenvolvimento, a qualidade de vida e levar à morte. O presente artigo tem o intuito de elucidar a importância do aconselhamento genético para os portadores de anemia ou traço falciforme, visando salientar as principais características dessa doença, suas complicações e como é feito o diagnóstico e a captação desses doentes. O estudo realizado foi embasado no método bibliográfico, buscando estudos que dissertam sobre esse tipo de anemia e aconselhamento genético, correlacionando-os com as diretrizes e dados do Ministério da Saúde. A partir dos dados encontrados, infere-se a importância do aconselhamento genético para os indivíduos que apresentam a forma heterozigota da anemia falciforme - o traço falcêmico - e destaca-se a necessidade de implantação de programas de diagnóstico precoce e de orientação tanto genética quanto social e psicológica para as pessoas que possuem a doença ou o traço falciforme.The genetic counseling has the purpose of guiding people through a conscientious and balanced decision making process regarding procreation, helping them to understand how the hereditary succession can contribute for the occurrence or risk of recurrence of genetic illnesses, as it is the case of the sickle cell anemia. This type of anemia is the most prevalence hereditary illness in Brazil and has clinical complications that can harm the development, the quality of life and lead to death. The present article has the objective to clarify the importance of the genetic counseling for the anemia carriers or falciform

  6. Anemia nos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca avançada

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    Juliano Cardoso


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Anemia está associada à pior evolução nos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC. Entretanto, há poucos estudos sobre a anemia nos pacientes com IC avançada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características da anemia na IC em fase avançada. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 99 pacientes hospitalizados para compensação de IC (CF IV/NYHA, com idade > 18 anos e FEVE 12 g/dl. A anemia foi marcador independente de mau prognóstico na análise multivariada (mortalidade 47% vs 24,6%, p = 0,016, risco relativo 2,54. CONCLUSÃO: Anemia acomete, aproximadamente, 1/3 dos pacientes com IC avançada, e a deficiência de ferro é uma importante etiologia. Pacientes anêmicos são mais idosos e apresentaram função renal mais deteriorada. A melhora da congestão não foi suficiente para melhorar a anemia na maioria dos casos. Nos pacientes com IC avançada, a anemia é marcador independente de mau prognóstico.

  7. geomagnetic secular variation and the 1969–1970 secular jerk

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    The plots of D rather strongly suggest the presence of a jerk around 1980 at most of the stations. Key words/phrases: Magnetic observatories, polynomial fitting, residuals, secular variation, secular jerk. INTRODUCTION. The magnetic field of the Earth has been observed to exhibit changes of remarkably wide spectral.

  8. Post-Secularism or Liberal-Democratic Constitutionalism?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    V. Bader (Veit)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ The increasingly fashionable concept and framing of post-secularism aims to construct simplistic dichotomies and clear-cut ruptures between pre-secular, secular and post-secular ages or epochs, in order to paint generalised and homogenised pictures of societies and

  9. Palidez como dado semiológico de avaliação de anemias Pallor in the clinical evaluation of anemia

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    Ana Beatriz Stracieri


    Full Text Available A palidez como dado semiológico de importância para avaliação de anemia é confrontado em um grupo de médicos e de estudantes, e os resultados da pequisa mostram a necessidade de maior treinamento dos estudantes.Pallor, an important clinical sign of anemia, is assessed by physicians and medical students. There is a necessity to better train medicine students.

  10. Post-Secularism or Liberal-Democratic Constitutionalism?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bader, V.


    The increasingly fashionable concept and framing of post-secularism aims to construct simplistic dichotomies and clear-cut ruptures between pre-secular, secular and post-secular ages or epochs, in order to paint generalised and homogenised pictures of societies and their inevitable evolution. This

  11. The church and the secular: The effect of the post-secular on Christianity

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    Jaco Beyers


    Full Text Available Paradigms determine relationships. During the Enlightenment period Emile Durkheim proposed a relationship between the sacred and the profane. Religion, which is concerned with the sacred, was defined in terms of being different from the profane. The profane came to denote the secular. The organic character of religion caused some scholars to predict the end of the church at the hand of modernisation and rationalisation. Some scholars instead envisaged a new form and function of the church. Some scholars anticipated the growth of Christianity. Reality shows that Christianity has not died out but seems to be growing. The new era we are currently in (identified as the postmodern has been described as the post-secular age where a process of re-sacralisation takes place. How will the post-secular influence the church? What will the relationship between the church and the secular be like under a new paradigm? This article suggests that within a postmodern paradigm, the post-secular will emphasise the place of the individual in the church. Fragmentation of society will also be the result of the post-secular. Religiosity in future will have to contend with fundamentalism and civil religion.

  12. Efetividade da suplementação diária ou semanal com ferro na prevenção da anemia em lactentes Efectividad en el suplemento diario o semanal de hierro en la prevención de anemia en lactantes Effectiveness of daily and weekly iron supplementation in the prevention of anemia in infants

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    Elyne Montenegro Engstrom


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade da suplementação universal profilática com sulfato ferroso, em administração diária ou semanal, na prevenção da anemia em lactentes. MÉTODOS: Ensaio de campo randomizado com crianças de seis a 12 meses de idade, atendidas em unidades básicas de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro, em 2004-2005. Foram formadas três coortes concorrentes com suplementação universal com sulfato ferroso com grupos: diário (n=150; 12,5mgFe/dia, semanal (n=147; 25mgFe/semana e controle (n=94. A intervenção durou 24 semanas e foi acompanhada por ações educativas promotoras de adesão. A concentração de hemoglobina sérica foi analisada segundo sua distribuição, média e prevalência de anemia (HbOBJETIVO: Evaluar la efectividad del suplemento universal profiláctico con sulfato ferroso, en administración diaria o semanal, en la prevención de la anemia en lactantes. MÉTODOS: Se realizo un ensayo de campo aleatorio con niños de seis a 12 meses de edad, atendidos en unidades básicas de salud del municipio de Río de Janeiro (Sureste de Brasil, en 2004-2005. Se formaron tres cohortes coincidentes con suplemento universal con sulfato ferroso con grupos: diario (n=150; 12,5mgFe/dia, semanal (n=147; 25mgFe/semana y control (n=94. La intervención duró 24 semanas y fue acompañada por acciones educativas promotoras de adhesión. La concentración de hemoglobina sérica fue analizada de acuerdo a su distribución, promedio y prevalencia de anemia (HbOBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of universal prophylactic targeting with iron sulfate on daily or weekly basis in the prevention of anemia in infants. METHODS: Randomized clinical field trial with children between ages six and 12 months seen at primary health care units in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 2004 and 2005. Three concurrent cohorts were compared: daily group (n=150; 12.5mg Fe/day; weekly group (n=147; 25mg Fe/week and control


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    altogether the religious basis of secular authority'.2 Accordingly, it 'terminated the Pope's claim to universal authority and confirmed the diplomatic independence of secular rulers'.3 However, the meaning of the secular is itself in a continuous state of articulation and re-articulation, casting doubts also on its attributes.

  14. Prevalence and risk factors of anemia in children

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    Cristie Regine Klotz Zuffo


    pais, avaliação da ingestão de ferro por pesagem direta de alimentos e dosagem de hemoglobina por punção digital. Foram realizados testes de associação bivariados seguido pelo ajuste de uma regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: A prevalência de anemia foi de 34,7%. Os fatores associados à anemia foram: idade materna inferior a 28 anos (p = 0,03, crianças do sexo masculino (p = 0,02, com idade inferior a 24 meses (p = 0,01 e que não consumiam fontes alimentares de ferro (carne+feijão+verduras verdes escuras (p = 0,02. Não houve associação entre anemia e ingestão de ferro no CMEI. Porém, a ingestão de ferro foi bem abaixo do que recomenda a resolução do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação, sendo possível observar maior prevalência de anemia nas crianças cuja ingestão de ferro, ferro heme e ferro não-heme apresentava-se abaixo da mediana. Conclusão: Em termos de saúde pública, a prevalência de anemia encontrada se caracteriza como um problema moderado na população estudada e demonstra a necessidade de articulação de ações interdisciplinares para a sua diminuição nos CMEIs. Keywords: Anemia, Risk factors, Infant nutrition, Iron, Palavras-chave: Anemia, Fatores de risco, Nutrição do lactente, Ferro

  15. The Incidence and Management of Conflicts in Secular and Non-Secular Tertiary Institutions in South West Nigeria (United States)

    Ayodele, Joseph Babatola; Adewumi, Joseph Olukayode


    This paper compared the incidence and management of conflicts in secular and non-secular tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The sample of this study was made of sixty staff, and two hundred and forty students randomly selected each from two secular and two non-secular tertiary institutions in south western Nigeria. A validated questionnaire was…


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    Full Text Available The article examines the question of secularization of Europe, and in particular of Romania, by using multiple international data sets. Secularization has been defined separation of the state government and religious authority resulting in a decrease in church attendance, a diminished trust in religious institutions, a lessening of religions’ importance in society, an increase in religious diversity with a concomitant decrease in group cohesiveness, and the rise of situational ethics and moral relativism. Several theories of secularization are explored in an effort to determine the presence of a secular continuum. Although there may be an increase of secular behaviours in member states of the European Union, a claim of growing secularism in Romania is not supported by an examination of the multiple data sets

  17. Secularism e post-modernità: qualche eco da oltreoceano

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    Alessandro Ferrari


    ABSTRACT: The paper focuses on the works of six North American authors stemming from the conviction that the end of the ‘modern world’ is nigh and we are locked into the irreversible entropy of a secularism understood as a wall of separation between politics and religion. These convictions, together with a strong criticism towards legal positivism, imply the idea of the porousness of the borders between the sacred and profane, and a resulting reciprocal adjustment, an osmosis between the political and the religious spheres. In this paper, I would like to concentrate on the new approaches proposed by these authors and on the historical end epistemological connotations of the posited osmosis between the political and religious spheres.

  18. Fatores de risco para anemia em lactentes atendidos nos serviços públicos de saúde: a importância das práticas alimentares e da suplementação com ferro Risk factors for anemia in infants assisted by public health services: the importance of feeding practices and iron supplementation

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    Danielle G. Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar os fatores de risco para anemia em lactentes atendidos nos serviços públicos de saúde. MÉTODOS: Em estudo transversal, foram avaliadas 205 crianças de 6 a 12 meses no município de Viçosa (MG. A coleta de dados envolveu variáveis socioeconômicas, ambientais e biológicas, bem como aquelas relacionadas ao estado nutricional, à mãe, ao nascimento, ao cuidado com a saúde infantil, às práticas alimentares e à suplementação com ferro. O diagnóstico da anemia baseou-se nos valores de hemoglobina inferiores a 11 g/dL, utilizando o fotômetro portátil Hemocue. Na análise da associação das variáveis com a anemia, foi utilizada a regressão logística múltipla hierarquizada. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de anemia foi de 57,6%. Apresentaram maior chance de anemia os lactentes que pertenciam às famílias com renda per capita inferior a 0,5 salário mínimo, não consumiam frutas diariamente e não ingeriam suplementos medicamentosos com ferro. CONCLUSÃO: A adequada assistência à saúde e nutrição das famílias de baixa renda, o incentivo às práticas alimentares saudáveis e a prescrição de suplementos medicamentosos com ferro são medidas de grande importância para a prevenção e o controle da anemia entre os lactentes atendidos nos serviços públicos de saúde.OBJECTIVE: To investigate risk factors for anemia in infants assisted by public health services. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study carried out in Viçosa, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 205 children from 6 to 12 months were evaluated. Socioeconomic, environmental and biological data were collected, as well as information on child's birth, nutritional status, maternal data, child health care practices, feeding practices, and iron supplementation. Diagnosis of anemia was based on hemoglobin levels under 11 g/dL, using a portable Hemocue photometer. To analyze variables associated with anemia, a hierarchical logistic regression model was used

  19. Magnitude, tendência temporal e fatores associados à anemia em crianças do Estado da Paraíba Magnitud, tendencia temporal y factores asociados a la anemia en niños del Estado de Paraíba Magnitude, time trends and factors associate with anemia in children in the state of Paraíba, Brazil

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    Sheila Sherezaide Rocha Gondim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da anemia em crianças, sua tendência temporal e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal, de base populacional, envolvendo 1.108 crianças, com idade entre seis e 59 meses, de ambos os sexos, do Estado da Paraíba, em 2007. A hemoglobina foi analisada em sangue venoso com contador automático. Foram considerados para anemia valores OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de la anemia en niños, su tendencia temporal e identificar factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio de corte transversal, de base poblacional, involucrando 1.108 niños, con edad entre 6 a 59 meses, de ambos sexos, del Estado de Paraíba, en 2007. La hemoglobina fue analizada en sangre venosa con contador automático. Se consideraron para anemia valores OBJECTIVE: To estimate the magnitude of the anemia, to analyze the time trends and investigate the factors associated with this disturbance in children in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey, of population-based, with 1108 children, aged 6 to 59 months, both sexes in the state of Paraíba. Hemoglobin (Hb in venous blood was analyzed with an automatic counter. The social-economic and demographic characteristics of children were obtained by questionnaire. Proportions were compared by Pearson's chi-squared test, and the association between hemoglobin concentrations and potential risk factors was tested by regression model Poisson. The time trend of anemia was assessed by the increase/decreased in the prevalence of anemia, using as comparison the prevalence observed in the years 1982, 1992 and 2007. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia (Hb < 11.0 g/dl in the state of Paraíba was 36.5% (CI95% 33.7 to 39.3. It was observed that 1.3% (CI95% 0.7 to 1.8 were in severe form (Hb <7.0 g/dl, 11% (CI95% 9.4 to 13.5 in a moderate form and 87.6% (CI95% 79.1 to 91.2 in the mild form. There was an increase 88.5% in cases of anemia between the years 1982-1992 and

  20. Prevalência e fatores associados à ocorrência de anemia entre menores de seis anos de idade em Pelotas, RS Prevalence of anemia and associated factors among children under six years of age in Pelotas, South Brazil

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    Iná dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar a prevalência e investigar fatores associados à ocorrência de anemia entre menores de seis anos de idade atendidos pela Pastoral da Criança em Pelotas, RS. MÉTODOS: Na fase de rastreamento de uma intervenção nutricional, as crianças foram avaliadas através de estudo transversal. No domicílio, após consentimento informado, a mãe foi entrevistada, sendo coletadas informações sobre características demográficas e socioeconômicas da família, saúde da criança, características ao nascer, amamentação e freqüência semanal de consumo de alimentos. As crianças foram pesadas e medidas. Foi coletada uma amostra de sangue capilar da polpa digital em microcuveta e a leitura da concentração de hemoglobina foi feita em fotômetro portátil (Hemocue. Considerou-se como tendo anemia quando a concentração de hemoglobina era inferior a 11 g/dl. Por se tratar de desfecho freqüente, a associação com as variáveis independentes foi analisada por regressão de Poisson. A análise obedeceu a modelo hierárquico previamente definido. RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas 362 crianças menores de seis anos, sendo a hemoglobina dosada em 304 (84,0% delas. A prevalência de anemia foi de 53,0% (IC95% 47,2% - 58,7%. Os fatores de risco foram a menor idade da criança, cor não branca, presença de família numerosa e classe social E (em comparação à D. A disponibilidade de água encanada dentro de casa e o maior peso ao nascer mostraram-se fatores protetores. CONCLUSÕES: os achados deste estudo mostram uma alta prevalência de anemia entre as crianças alvo da ação da Pastoral da Criança, bem como a presença de diversos fatores de risco e poucos fatores de proteção, o que mostra a necessidade de intervenções preventivas.OBJECTIVES: to determine the prevalence of and investigate factors associated with anemia among children under six years of age, assisted by the Pastoral da Criança in Pelotas, South Brazil. METHODS

  1. Anemia aplásica adquirida e anemia de Fanconi - Diretrizes Brasileiras em Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas Acquired aplastic anemia and Fanconi anemia - Brazilian Guidelines in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Larissa A. Medeiros


    Full Text Available As diretrizes apresentadas neste trabalho foram elaboradas e aprovadas na I Reunião de Diretrizes Brasileiras em Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas (TCTH realizada no Rio de Janeiro, entre os dias 19 e 21 de julho de 2009. O evento foi promovido pela SBTMO (Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea. Neste artigo, tratamos da anemia aplásica severa (AAS, considerada uma urgência hematológica, que, identificada e manejada de forma precoce, apresenta grande possibilidade de recuperação da hematopoese seja através de transplante de medula óssea ou terapia imunossupressora. Objetiva-se nortear o manejo terapêutico no contexto do transplante e indicar formas de condicionamento, de acordo com as características clínicas dos pacientes, como o número de transfusões, com intuito de minimizar a rejeição primária e secundária, garantindo a melhora da sobrevida global e livre de doença (observadas pela literatura e já validadas por resultados na população brasileira. No que concerne à anemia de Fanconi, o transplante é a única modalidade curativa para o componente aplásico de medula óssea; embora não modificando as outras características da síndrome também demanda perícia e agilidade na busca de um doador com resultados expressivos de sobrevida.The guidelines presented in this article have been prepared and approved in the I Meeting of Brazilian Guidelines in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT - Rio de Janeiro, July 19-21, 2009. The event was sponsored by SBTMO (Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation. In this paper, we treat the severe aplastic anemia (SAA, considered a hematological emergency, that when identified and medically treated early, shows a great chance of recovery of the hematopoiesis, either through bone marrow transplantation or immunosuppressive therapy. Its objective is to guide the management of the transplantation, and indicate methods of conditioning, according to

  2. Aplasia transitória da série vermelha na anemia falciforme Transient red cell aplasia in sickle cell disease

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    Mônica P. A. Veríssimo


    Full Text Available A doença falciforme, devido à vida média encurtada das hemácias, pelo quadro de hemólise crônica, pode apresentar um quadro clínico grave de anemia quando ocorre supressão da eritropoese devida à infecção pelo Parvovírus humano B19. O quadro clínico apresenta-se com febre, que pode preceder a anemia grave, fraqueza e mal- estar, além de sinais laboratoriais como queda da hemoglobina e reticulocitopenia importante. Diagnóstico laboratorial pode ser por imunofluorescência ou ensaio enzimático. O tratamento é a transfusão de concentrado de hemácias. Pode haver complicações associadas a esta infecção, tais como seqüestro esplênico, seqüestro hepático, síndrome torácica aguda, síndrome nefrótica, meningoencefalite e acidente vascular cerebral. Estratégias de prevenção poderão mudar a morbi-mortalidade desta condição no paciente portador de doença falciforme.Sickle cell disease due to shortened life span of red blood cells by hemolysis, may present with severe anemia when erythropoietic suppression occurs due to infection by the Human parvovirus B19. The clinical presentation presents with fever, which may precede transient red cell aplasia, as well as laboratorial signs such as a drop in hemoglobin and significant reticulo cytopenia. Laboratorial diagnosis may be by immunofluorescence or enzymatic assays. Treatment is achieved by transfusion of packed red blood cells. Complications may be associated to this infection, including splenic and hepatic sequestration, acute chest syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, meningoencephalitis and strokes. Strategies of prevention are able to change the morbidity and mortality of this condition in sickle cell disease patients.

  3. Avaliação da importância da coloração de Perls na rotina de mielogramas de pacientes com anemia associada a uma ou mais citopenias em sangue periférico Evaluation of the importance of Perls stain in the routine testing of myelograms of patients with anemia associated with one or more peripheral blood cytopenias

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    Nydia S. Bacal


    Full Text Available As síndromes mielodisplásicas (SMD são um grupo heterogêneo de doenças malignas das células-tronco hematopoéticas, classificadas segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS em: anemia refratária, anemia refratária com sideroblastos em anel, citopenia refratária com displasia de multilinhagens, anemia refratária com excesso de blastos, síndrome mielodisplásica inclassificável e sindrome mielodisplásica associada com anormalidade isolada do cromossomo 5q(del. Na anemia refratária com sideroblastos em anel observam-se hiperplasia e displasia eritróide com presença de 15% ou mais de sideroblastos em anel. Utilizamos neste estudo a coloração de Perls em esfregaços de medula óssea de pacientes com idade superior a 40 anos e que apresentavam uma ou mais citopenias no sangue periférico associada a anemia. Por tratar-se de técnica de manejo fácil e ágil sugerimos seu emprego em esfregaços de aspirado de medula óssea de pacientes que apresentem os achados laboratoriais acima, pois, dentre os casos analisados 18,7% apresentavam mais que 10 grânulos sideróticos circundando a terça parte ou mais do núcleo do precursor eritróide (sideroblasto em anel, sugerindo ao hematologista um possível diagnóstico de Síndrome Mielodisplásica com Sideroblastos em Anel (SMD-ARSA. Importante relatar que a grande maioria destes casos com aumento de sideroblastos em anel não foi encaminhada ao nosso serviço, com suspeita de SMD, e em somente um caso foi solicitada a realização da coloração de Perls.Myelodisplastic syndromes are a heterogeneous group of malignant haematopoietic stem cells. They are classified by the World Health Organization as refractory anemia, refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts, refractory cytopenia with multilineage displasia, refractory anemia with excess of blast cells, unclassified myelodisplastic syndrome and myelodisplastic syndrome associated with a 5q chromosomal delection. Refractory anemia with

  4. Anemia Aplástica e Gravidez: Relato de Caso Aplastic Anemia and Pregnancy: A Case Report

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    Rosiane Alves de Sousa Teles


    Full Text Available A anemia aplástica é distúrbio caracterizado por pancitopenia e medula óssea hipocelular, com substituição gordurosa dos elementos e sem nenhum sinal de transformação maligna ou doença mieloproliferativa. Acomete geralmente adultos jovens e idosos, sem preferência sexual. A maioria dos casos é adquirida, mas pode ocorrer hereditariamente, por distúrbio molecular (anemia de Fanconi. A associação com gravidez é rara, estando relacionada com alta morbidade e mortalidade materna e fetal. Os autores descrevem o caso de uma paciente com anemia aplástica, diagnosticada previamente, cuja gestação complicou com infecção do trato urinário, doença hipertensiva específica da gestação e restrição de crescimento fetal, com parto prematuro eletivo. Apesar das condições adversas na gravidez e parto, mãe e recém-nascido tiveram evolução clínica satisfatória.Aplastic anemia is characterized by a circulating pancytopenia, hypocellularity, and fatty replacement of cellular marrow elements, without evidence of malignant transformation or myeloproliferative disease. It usually affects young and senior adults, without any sexual preference. Most cases of aplastic anemia are acquired, but the disease may also be inherited due to a molecular disorder (Fanconi's anemia. Aplastic anemia in pregnancy is an extremely rare condition with high maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality rates. The authors describe a case of a patient with previously diagnosed aplastic anemia, whose pregnancy was complicated with urinary tract infection, preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction, with elective preterm birth. In spite of the adverse conditions in pregnancy and delivery, mother and newborn had a satisfactory clinical evolution.

  5. Deformabilidade eritrocitária na anemia ferropriva Erythrocyte deformability in iron deficiency

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    Giuseppina M. Patavino


    Full Text Available A deformabilidade é a característica que permite ao eritrócito normal de 7 a 8 micrômetros (µm circular por capilares de até 3 µm de diâmetro. Esse fenômeno depende da geometria celular, da viscosidade interna e de propriedades visco-elásticas da membrana eritrocitária. Dentre as técnicas de estudo da deformabilidade eritrocitária (DE, como aspiração por micropipeta, filtração e reoscopia, destaca-se a ectacitometria. Esta técnica utiliza um viscosímetro de fluxo laminar no qual as modificações de forma dos eritrócitos são monitoradas continuamente por um feixe de raio laser, processadas por microcomputador, gerando o "Índice de Deformabilidade" (ID, que mede a eliptocitogênese dos eritrócitos quando submetidos a uma força denominada "shear stressl". Alterações de DE foram descritas em diversas situações, como em anemias hemolíticas hereditárias ou auto-imunes. Na anemia ferropriva, os trabalhos são controversos. O presente estudo avalia a DE em 21 pacientes portadores de anemia ferropriva, utilizando a ectacitometria. Os resultados obtidos a partir do ID demonstram DE diminuída nesses doentes, quando comparada ao grupo controle (pDeformability allows the 7 to 8 µm red cell to cirDeformability allows the 7- to 8-µm red blood cells to circulate through capillaries of 3 µm. This phenomenon depends on cellular geometry, internal viscosity and viscoelastic properties of the membrane. Among the various techniques of erythrocyte deformability analysis, such as micropipette aspiration, filtration and reoscopy, we chose ektacytometry. This technique uses a laminar flow viscometry, where red blood cell shape changes are continuously monitored by laser, processed by a computer, generating the "Deformability Index", which shows the elliptocytogenesis of the erythrocyte under "shear stressl" force. Erythrocyte deformability has been described in a number of situations like hereditary or autoimmune hemolytic anemia. In

  6. Informação genética na mídia impressa: a anemia falciforme em questão Genetic information in the written media: sickle cell anemia at issue

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    Debora Diniz


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa o discurso da mídia sobre a anemia falciforme. O objetivo é conhecer e analisar o conteúdo das mensagens veiculadas pela mídia impressa sobre a anemia falciforme, doença genética mais prevalente no País. Foram analisadas todas as matérias publicadas sobre o tema da anemia falciforme, entre 1998 e 2002, nos jornais A Tarde (BA, 41 matérias e Folha de S. Paulo (SP, 25 matérias. Para a análise foram selecionadas quatro variáveis: a prevenção, a conscientização do risco, o aconselhamento genético e o recorte racial da doença. A análise das matérias identificou um forte apelo preventivo que acompanha as informações sobre anemia falciforme. O tema da prevenção em genética traz uma série de desafios éticos, em especial dada a impossibilidade legal de interrupção da gestação em casos de diagnóstico de anemia falciforme no feto, o que faz com que haja uma ênfase nos cuidados reprodutivos pré-concepção. No caso da anemia falciforme, a pesquisa mostra ainda que há um apelo no sentido de chamar as pessoas a identificar a doença e buscar atendimento especializado. Mas há também a ênfase na idéia de que as pessoas informadas podem contribuir para prevenir o avanço da doença. Mediar essa tênue fronteira entre prevenção e reconhecimento das liberdades individuais pode ser considerado um desafio não só para a saúde pública, mas também para os meios de comunicação.This article examines the strategies used by the media to approach and disseminate information about the most prevalent genetic disease in Brazil, sickle cell anemia. In this investigation we analyzed all articles on this matter published between 1998 and 2002 in two newspapers: A Tarde (State of Bahia, 41 articles and Folha de S. Paulo (State of São Paulo, 25 articles. We selected four variables: prevention, risk awareness, genetic counseling and the racial dimension of the disease. The results revealed that the national media were

  7. Educando para a genética : anemia falciforme e políticas de saúde no Brasil


    Diniz, Debora; Guedes, Cristiano


    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar, a partir da bioética, uma dessas ações educativas adotadas pelo Ministério da Saúde no campo das hemoglobinopatias, o folheto informativo “Anemia Falciforme: um problema nosso”, dado seu caráter de informação de massa. O objetivo desta análise é discutir as premissas e os valores morais que se encontram associados à qualquer iniciativa no campo da educação genética, tendo as políticas públicas sobre anemia falciforme ...

  8. Tratamento da Osteonecrose da Cabeça Femoral com celulas progenitoras autólogas em anemia falciforme Femoral Head Necrosis treatment with autologous stem cells in sickle cell disease

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    Gildásio Cerqueira Daltro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliação da segurança e eficácia do uso de células progenitoras autólogas da medula óssea (CMMO no tratamento da Osteonecrose da Cabeça Femoral (OCF de pacientes portadores de anemia falciforme. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 8 pacientes portadores de anemia falciforme, com OCF nos estágios I e II (classificação de Ficat e Arlet. As CMMO retiradas da crista ilíaca posterior foram concentradas e reinfundidas na área central da osteonecrose. Os principais parâmetros avaliados foram segurança, sintomas clínicos e progressão da doença, através da avaliação clínica (Harris Hip Score e radiológica. RESULTADOS: A maior parte dos pacientes (7 em 8 referiu melhora dos sintomas após o tratamento. Não houve complicações durante o procedimento anestésico e cirúrgico. A medida do escore (Harris Hip Score no pré-operatório foi 78,5 +/- 6,2 pontos, com aumento significativo destes valores no pós-operatório (98,3 +/- 2,5 pontos (pPURPOSE: To assess the efficacy and safety of autologous bone-marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC implantation in necrotic lesions of the femoral head in patients with sickle cell disease. METHODS: We studied eight patients with stage-I or -II femoral head osteonecrosis according to the system by Ficat and Arlet. BMMCs were harvested and re-infused into the necrotic zone. The primary endpoints studied were safety, clinical symptoms and disease progression, these being assessed according to the Harris hip score (HHS and to X-ray studies. RESULTS: After eight months, seven of the eight patients reported improvement from symptoms. There were no complications during anesthetic and surgery procedures. There was a significant postoperative increase in the HHS (98.3 +/- 2.5 points compared to preoperative HHS (78.5 +/- 6.2 points (p< 0.001. X-ray evaluation and cell parameters were found to be favorable. CONCLUSION: The autologous bone-marrow mononuclear cells implantation seems to be a safe and effective

  9. Post-secular religious practices entering traditional religion

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    Urszula Pękala


    Full Text Available Nowadays we can observe complex interactions between the religious and secular spheres. Several different processes take place simultaneously: the traditionally religious elements function in the secular sphere as if they were part of secular culture; elements of the secular sphere build a specific kind of post-secular religiosity; finally, this post-secular religiosity influences traditional religions. This article focuses on the last stage of these changes. The author's purpose is to describe and interpret the practices we can observe. Because of the complexity of this issue, the analyses are limited to examples taken from the Catholic Church in Germany, where this process seems to be as popular as it is paradoxical. Catholicism realises that the post-secular forms of religiosity are very popular and that many people choose them instead of the traditional Church. It could offer them spirituality based on ages of experience. But instead of making its own spiritual tradition competitive on the spiritual market, Catholicism seems to offer Christianised post-secular goods, or its own traditional elements represented in a secularised form. It seems difficult to predict how it will all end. However, we observe an interesting encounter and interaction between an ‘old’ religion and a new religiosity, which will certainly have impact on further presence of the Church in the society.

  10. Research on meaning-making and health in secular society: Secular, spiritual and religious existential orientations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvidt, Niels Christian; La Cour, Peter


    cultural basis for research in secular society. Reviewing the literature, three main domains of existential meaning-making emerge: Secular, spiritual, and religious. In reconfirming these three domains, we propose to couple them with the three dimensions of cognition (knowing), practice (doing...

  11. Religious Globalisms in the Post-Secular Age

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilson, E.K.; B. Steger, Manfred


    This article explores the interconnections between mounting global crises and the emergence of the post-secular. Specifically, the article argues that the post-secular is both a description of and a response to shifting global realities in the twenty-first century. It describes the crisis of secular

  12. Anemia em gestantes de municípios das regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste do Brasil Anemia en mujeres enbarazadas de ciudades de regiones Sur y Centro-Oeste de Brasil Anemia in pregnant women from two cities in the South and Mid-West Regions of Brazil

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    Elizabeth Fujimori


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se analisar a distribuição da anemia em gestantes da rede básica de saúde de dois municípios, na região Sul e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Estudo transversal retrospectivo e descritivo desenvolvido a partir de dados de prontuários de 954 e 781 gestantes em Cuiabá-MT e Maringá-PR, respectivamente. Coletaram-se dados de caracterização sociodemográfica, de pré-natal e indicadores sociais. Foram consideradas anêmicas, as mulheres com hemoglobina inferior a 11g/dL. A desigualdade social existente entre os municípios foi evidente. Gestantes atendidas em Cuiabá-MT apresentavam características sociodemográficas significativamente mais precárias. A prevalência de anemia era significativamente maior e valores médios de hemoglobina menores em Cuiabá-MT, independentemente da idade gestacional. Encontrou-se associação dos níveis de hemoglobina com a idade, situação conjugal, número de gestações anteriores, estado nutricional e trimestre gestacional. As diferenças regionais na ocorrência da anemia gestacional são socialmente determinadas, o que deve ser considerado nas propostas de intervenção em saúde coletiva.Se analizó la distribución de anemia en mujeres embarazadas asistidas en servicios básicos de salud de dos ciudades de las regiones Sur y Centro-Oeste de Brasil. Estudio transversal retrospectivo y descriptivo. Se usó datos de registros médicos de 954 y 781 embarazadas de Cuiabá-MT y Maringá-PR, respectivamente. Se recopilaron datos sobre características sociodemográficas, atención prenatal e indicadores sociales. Hemoglobina-HbWe aimed to analyze anemia distribution in pregnant women who were attending health services in two cities in the South and Mid-West Regions in Brazil. This is a retrospective cross-sectional study developed from 954 and 781 medical records data in Cuiabá-MT and Maringá-PR. We collected data of social and demographic features as well as pre-natal care. Women who presented

  13. A contribuição dos alimentos fortificados na prevenção da anemia ferropriva The contribution of fortified foods in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia

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    Eliana P. Vellozo


    Full Text Available Este artigo enfoca a contribuição dos alimentos fortificados desenvolvidos a partir do crescente avanço dos conhecimentos científicos, cujas funções vão além da nutrição. Baseia-se no objetivo de produzir efeitos fisiológicos, garantindo a saúde e o bem-estar, corrigir deficiências inerentes às condições econômicas, sociais, buscando condições práticas e que respeitem os hábitos regionais, com vistas a suprir o consumo adequado de micronutrientes, principalmente para localidades onde se encontram elevadas prevalências, e ainda poder alcançar todos os segmentos da população, especialmente na fase pediátrica, onde as necessidades são relativamente maiores em função de crescimento. O Banco Mundial refere a importância da fortificação de alimentos como estratégia ao combate à deficiência de micronutrientes em todo o mundo. Ainda afirma que "nenhuma outra tecnologia pode oferecer oportunidade de melhorar vidas a tão baixo custo e em tão curto espaço de tempo". Os estudos têm demonstrado que a fortificação de alimentos é um dos melhores processos e muito eficaz para prevenir a deficiência nutricional de ferro da população em todo o mundo, por isso, nas condições de países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, faz-se extremamente necessária para melhoria, ou, até mesmo, para a solução da anemia carencial ferropriva.This article focuses on the contribution of fortified foods, developed from growing scientific knowledge, whose functions go beyond nutrition. Its main goal is to report on the physiological effects that improve health and wellness by correcting deficiencies inherent from the economic and social status of patients, pursuing practical conditions and respecting regional habits, in order to meet the needs of adequate micronutrient intake, in particular for locations where prevalence is high. Fortification should encompass all population segments, mainly in the pediatric phase, when needs are

  14. Pernicious anemia (United States)

    ... malabsorption); Anemia - intrinsic factor; Anemia - IF; Anemia - atrophic gastritis ... of pernicious anemia include: Weakened stomach lining (atrophic gastritis) An autoimmune condition in which the body's immune ...

  15. Out of time : the limits of secular critique

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    Randell-Moon, Holly


    Full Text Available A review of Talal Asad, Wendy Brown, Judith Butler, Saba Mahmood, 'Is critique secular? Blasphemy, injury, and free speech' and Michael Warner, Jonathan Vanantwerpen, and Craig Calhoun (eds, 'Varieties of secularism in a secular age'.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Yanqin; Lithwick, Yoram


    In a planetary system with two or more well-spaced, eccentric, inclined planets, secular interactions may lead to chaos. The innermost planet may gradually become very eccentric and/or inclined as a result of the secular degrees of freedom drifting toward equipartition of angular momentum deficit. Secular chaos is known to be responsible for the eventual destabilization of Mercury in our own solar system. Here we focus on systems with three giant planets. We characterize the secular chaos and demonstrate the criterion for it to occur, but leave a detailed understanding of secular chaos to a companion paper. After an extended period of eccentricity diffusion, the inner planet's pericenter can approach the star to within a few stellar radii. Strong tidal interactions and ensuing tidal dissipation extract orbital energy from the planet and pull it inward, creating a hot Jupiter. In contrast to other proposed channels for the production of hot Jupiters, such a scenario (which we term 'secular migration') explains a range of observations: the pile-up of hot Jupiters at 3 day orbital periods, the fact that hot Jupiters are in general less massive than other radial velocity planets, that they may have misaligned inclinations with respect to stellar spin, and that they have few easily detectable companions (but may have giant companions in distant orbits). Secular migration can also explain close-in planets as low in mass as Neptune; and an aborted secular migration can explain the 'warm Jupiters' at intermediate distances. In addition, the frequency of hot Jupiters formed via secular migration increases with stellar age. We further suggest that secular chaos may be responsible for the observed eccentricities of giant planets at larger distances and that these planets could exhibit significant spin-orbit misalignment.

  17. The Coming of Secular Buddhism: a Synoptic View

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    Winton Higgins


    Full Text Available Secular Buddhism is coalescing today in response to two main factors. First, it rejects the incoherence of Buddhist modernism, a protean formation that accommodates elements as far afield as ancestral Buddhism and psychotherapies claiming the Buddhist brand. Second, it absorbs the cultural influence of modern secularity in the West. Historically understood, secularity has constituted a centuries-long religious development, not a victory of "science" over "religion." Today's secularity marks a further stage in the cultural decline of "enchanted" truth-claims and the intellectual eclipse of metaphysics, especially under the aegis of phenomenology. In Buddhism as in Christianity, secularity brings forth a new humanistic approach to ethical-spiritual life and creative this-worldly practices.

  18. A dimensão da pobreza, da desnutrição e da fome no Brasil

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    Carlos Augusto Monteiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretende contribuir para um melhor entendimento da dimensão e possíveis soluções para a fome e a desnutrição no Brasil. Inicialmente, procuramos esclarecer a natureza distinta de cada um desses problemas e o que os distingue conceitualmente da pobreza. A seguir, examinamos as alternativas disponíveis para operacionalizar os conceitos de pobreza, desnutrição e fome em estudos empíricos que buscam aferir a freqüência desses problemas na população. Finalmente, apresentamos e comparamos resultados relativos à freqüência, distribuição geográfica e tendência secular da pobreza, da desnutrição e da fome no Brasil e destacamos suas principais implicações para o delineamento de políticas públicas que busquem o controle desses problemas em nosso meio.This paper intends to contribute to a better understanding of the dimension and possible solutions for hunger and malnutrition in Brazil. We start by clarifying conceptual distinctions between hunger and malnutrition and what distinguishes these two problems from poverty. Then we examine available alternatives to implement the concepts of poverty, malnutrition and hunger in field studies aiming to assess the magnitude of these problems in the population. Finally, we present and compare results on the frequency, distribution and secular trends of poverty, malnutrition and hunger in Brazil and we also discuss its main implications to the design of public policies aiming the control of these problems.

  19. Secular trends in the rate of low birth weight in Brazilian State Capitals in the period 1996 to 2010 Tendencia secular de la tasa de bajo peso al nacer en las capitales brasileñas de 1996 a 2010 Tendência secular da taxa de baixo peso ao nascer nas capitais brasileiras de 1996 a 2010

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    Helma Jane Ferreira Veloso


    Full Text Available Secular trends in rates of low birth weight in Brazilian state capital cities were evaluated for the period 1996 to 2010 using joinpoint regression models. The rates were calculated using data from the Live Births Information System. Newborns weighing less than 500g were excluded. Only data for capital cities was included since under-registration of births in these cities is lower and new trends can be detected earlier. There was a significant increase in the rate of low birth weight in the Brazilian capitals of the North Region, Northeast Region, South Region and Southeast Region up to 2003/2004, stabilizing thereafter. In the capitals of the Center-west Region the rate increased throughout the whole study period. The rate of low birth weight was higher in the capitals of the more developed regions. The rate of multiple births increased significantly in all Brazilian capitals, while the stillbirth rate decreased and showed a negative correlation with the rate of low birth weight. The increase in the rate of low birth weight may be partially explained by the increase in multiple births, an increase in the birth of infants weighing 500 to 999g and by the reduction in the stillbirth rate.La tendencia secular de la tasa de bajo peso al nacer de 1996 a 2010 en las capitales brasileñas se evaluó utilizando modelos de regresión joinpoint. Las tasas se calcularon a partir del Sistema de Información sobre Nacidos Vivos, excluyéndose recién nacidos con un peso A tendência secular da taxa de baixo peso ao nascer de 1996 a 2010 nas capitais brasileiras foi avaliada utilizando-se modelos de regressão joinpoint. As taxas foram calculadas a partir do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos, excluindo-se recém-nascido com peso < 500g. Foram incluídos apenas dados das capitais, onde o sub-registro é menor e novas tendências podem ser detectadas mais precocemente. A taxa de baixo peso ao nascer aumentou significantemente nas capitais

  20. Fortificação do leite fluido na prevenção e tratamento da anemia carencial ferropriva em crianças menores de 4 anos Fortification of fluid milk for the prevention and treatment of iron defficiency anemia in children under 4 years of age

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    Marco A. A. Torres


    Full Text Available Observou-se a eficácia da fortificação do leite fluido com 3 mg de ferro aminoácido quelato no combate à carência de ferro em crianças menores de quatro anos. Foram acompanhadas 269 crianças que receberam, durante 12 meses, um litro de leite fortificado por dia, e que foram avaliadas a cada 6 meses de acompanhamento. Antes de se iniciar a intervenção, a anemia estava presente em 62,3% das crianças. Após 6 meses, este percentual reduziu-se a 41,8% e, ao final de um ano, a 26,4%. As maiores reduções foram detectadas nas faixas etárias de 12 a 23 meses e em menores de um ano. Das crianças que apresentavam hemoglobinas iniciais inferiores a 9,5 g/dl, 59,3% recuperaram-se da anemia ao final de um ano de acompanhamento. Naquelas com hemoglobinas iniciais entre 9,5 e 10,9 g/dl, o percentual de recuperação da anemia foi de 66,7%. Encontrou-se, ainda, melhores evoluções hematológicas em crianças que ingeriam quantidades superiores a 750 ml/dia de leite fortificado, pertencentes a famílias que não dividiam o suplemento recebido com outros membros e naquelas com apenas uma criança com menos de 5 anos no núcleo familiar. Concluiu-se pela viabilidade e eficácia da fortificação do leite fluido como medida de intervenção no combate à carência de ferro em pré-escolares.The effectiveness of the use of chelate aminoacid iron fortified fluid milk in the treatment of iron deficiency in children under four years of age was studied. The 269 children included in this trial received 1 liter/day of fluid milk fortified with 3 mg of chelate aminoacid iron and were evaluated at six monthly intervals. At the beginning of the study 62.3% of the children presented anemia. After 6 months, this percentage had decreased to 41.8% and at the end of one year to 26.4%. The greatest decreases occurred in the groups comprising the subjects who were of 12 to 23 months of age and those under one year of age. Among the children who presented initial

  1. Secular humanism and "scientific psychiatry"

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    Szasz Thomas


    Full Text Available Abstract The Council for Secular Humanism identifies Secular Humanism as a "way of thinking and living" committed to rejecting authoritarian beliefs and embracing "individual freedom and responsibility ... and cooperation." The paradigmatic practices of psychiatry are civil commitment and insanity defense, that is, depriving innocent persons of liberty and excusing guilty persons of their crimes: the consequences of both are confinement in institutions ostensibly devoted to the treatment of mental diseases. Black's Law Dictionary states: "Every confinement of the person is an 'imprisonment,' whether it be in a common prison, or in private house, or in the stocks, or even by forcibly detaining one in the public streets." Accordingly, I maintain that Secular Humanism is incompatible with the principles and practices of psychiatry.

  2. Secular humanism and "scientific psychiatry". (United States)

    Szasz, Thomas


    The Council for Secular Humanism identifies Secular Humanism as a "way of thinking and living" committed to rejecting authoritarian beliefs and embracing "individual freedom and responsibility ... and cooperation." The paradigmatic practices of psychiatry are civil commitment and insanity defense, that is, depriving innocent persons of liberty and excusing guilty persons of their crimes: the consequences of both are confinement in institutions ostensibly devoted to the treatment of mental diseases. Black's Law Dictionary states: "Every confinement of the person is an 'imprisonment,' whether it be in a common prison, or in private house, or in the stocks, or even by forcibly detaining one in the public streets." Accordingly, I maintain that Secular Humanism is incompatible with the principles and practices of psychiatry.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lithwick, Yoram; Wu Yanqin


    We study the chaotic orbital evolution of planetary systems, focusing on secular (i.e., orbit-averaged) interactions, which dominate on long timescales. We first focus on the evolution of a test particle that is forced by multiple planets. To linear order in eccentricity and inclination, its orbit precesses with constant frequencies. But nonlinearities modify the frequencies, and can shift them into and out of resonance with either the planets' eigenfrequencies (forming eccentricity or inclination secular resonances), or with linear combinations of those frequencies (forming mixed high-order secular resonances). The overlap of these nonlinear secular resonances drives secular chaos. We calculate the locations and widths of nonlinear secular resonances, display them together on a newly developed map (the 'map of the mean momenta'), and find good agreement between analytical and numerical results. This map also graphically demonstrates how chaos emerges from overlapping secular resonances. We then apply this newfound understanding to Mercury to elucidate the origin of its orbital chaos. We find that since Mercury's two free precession frequencies (in eccentricity and inclination) lie within ∼25% of two other eigenfrequencies in the solar system (those of the Jupiter-dominated eccentricity mode and the Venus-dominated inclination mode), secular resonances involving these four modes overlap and cause Mercury's chaos. We confirm this with N-body integrations by showing that a slew of these resonant angles alternately librate and circulate. Our new analytical understanding allows us to calculate the criterion for Mercury to become chaotic: Jupiter and Venus must have eccentricity and inclination of a few percent. The timescale for Mercury's chaotic diffusion depends sensitively on the forcing. As it is, Mercury appears to be perched on the threshold for chaos, with an instability timescale comparable to the lifetime of the solar system.

  4. Geomagnetic Core Field Secular Variation Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gillet, N.; Lesur, V.; Olsen, Nils


    highlight the difficulty of resolving the time variability of the high degree secular variation coefficients (i.e. the secular acceleration), arising for instance from the challenge to properly separate sources of internal and of external origin. In addition, the regularisation process may also result...

  5. Manifestaciones cardiovasculares de anemia de células falciformes

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    Fernando Manzur


    Full Text Available La anemia de células falciformes es una hemoglobinopatía hereditaria producida por la presencia de hemoglobina S, que disminuye la solubilidad y a través del proceso de polimerización da lugar a hematíes en forma de hoz que obstruyen la red microvascular. Se caracteriza por episodios de daño por isquemia-reperfusión que contribuyen a la disfunción de órganos vitales. El advenimiento de la terapia inductora de hemoglobina fetal, asociada a la profilaxis antibiótica, ha permitido prolongar la supervivencia. Sin embargo, al incrementar la longevidad, las complicaciones cardiovasculares se hacen evidentes con el desarrollo de vasculopatía sistémica, infarto agudo de miocardio, hipertensión arterial pulmonar y disfunción ventricular. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la fisiopatología y el tratamiento de las principales manifestaciones cardiovasculares en pacientes con anemia de células falciformes.

  6. Fearing Secularism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sheikh, Mona Kanwal

    Secularism and Beyond - Comparative Perspectives: International og interdisciplinær konference, 29. maj-1. juni, 2007Arrangeret af Anders Berg-Sørensen for "Religion i det 21. århundrede" i samarbejde med kolleger fraKøbenhavns Universitet og universiteterne i Wien og Birmingham...

  7. Anemia e desnutrição maternas e sua relação com o peso ao nascer Maternal anemia and undernowrishment and their relation to birth - weight

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    Odalis T. Sinisterra Rodriguez


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da anemia e desnutrição materna sobre o peso ao nascer, estudou-se uma amostra de 691 gestantes atendidas em maternidade exclusivamente assistencial do Município de São Paulo, SP (Brasil. Encontrou-se, no final da gestação, 29,2% de gestantes anêmicas e 17,2% de desnutridas, não tendo sido verificada associação entre essas duas deficiências nutricionais. O papel favorável do serviço de assistência pré-natal no controle do estado nutricional da mulher não foi verificado, tendo sido observado que a anemia e desnutrição não estão associadas à assistência pré-natal. A incidência de baixo peso ao nascer (BPN entre filhos de parturientes desnutridas foi 23,6%, valor significativamente diferente (pWith a view to evaluating the effect of anemia and maternal undernourishment on birth weight, a sample of 691 pregnant women, from an assistential maternity hospital, in S.Paulo, Brazil, were studied at delivery. Anemia was found in 29.1 % and undernourishment in 17.2% of the women, though no association was detected between these nutritional deficiences. Neither was any association detected between institutional ante-natal care and anemia or undernourishment. Among single newborns the incidence of low birth weight (LBW was of 12.9%. LBW was observed in 23.6% of children born to women who came to the end of their pregnancy with a low weight for height ratios while among adequate weight for height women the percentage was 10.8. Children of women who remained undernourished throughout their pregnancy had a relative risk of being born with LBW 2.8 times grater than the children of those who recovered normal weight by the end of their pregnancy. Our results emphasize the need for implementation of nutritional status control activities in programs of ante-natal care.

  8. Secular Evolution of Spiral Galaxies (United States)


    recombination (z=1000). Furthermore, the BigBang nucleosynthesis model also requires a signi cantamount of non- baryonic dark matter (Primack 1999) ifthe universe...momentum (as well as energy) outward. Associ-ated with this outward angular momentum transport isan expected secular redistribution of disk matter , co...mode, a secular transfer of energy andangular momentum between the disk matter and thedensity wave. The existence of the phase shift betweenthe

  9. Habermas e a Religião: por uma dialética da secularização

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    Juliano Cordeiro da Costa Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo investigar a relação entre razão e religião no âmbito do que Jürgen Habermas chama hoje de sociedade pós-secular. Duas tendências, para ele, caracterizariam nossa época: a proliferação de imagens de mundo naturalistas e a influência política crescente também das ortodoxias religiosas, constituindo este diagnóstico um dos temas mais recentes da reflexão de Habermas. Ele busca, no entanto, um lugar intermediário entre o naturalismo cientificista e a religião, numa perspectiva crítica em relação a um caminho unilateral tanto da ciência como da religião. Para ele, cidadãos seculares e religiosos devem estar dispostos a se ouvirem reciprocamente nos debates públicos e a aprenderem uns com os outros. Segundo Habermas, começa a prevalecer, na sociedade pós-secular e não mais apenas secular, a ideia de que tanto as mentalidades religiosas quanto as seculares precisam se modificar de forma reflexiva, aprendendo as contribuições de uma e de outra para os diversos temas.

  10. Pregnancy Complications: Anemia (United States)

    ... online community Home > Complications & Loss > Pregnancy complications > Anemia Anemia E-mail to a friend Please fill in ... anemia at a prenatal care visit . What causes anemia? Usually, a woman becomes anemic (has anemia) because ...

  11. Secular humanism and "scientific psychiatry"


    Szasz, Thomas


    Abstract The Council for Secular Humanism identifies Secular Humanism as a "way of thinking and living" committed to rejecting authoritarian beliefs and embracing "individual freedom and responsibility ... and cooperation." The paradigmatic practices of psychiatry are civil commitment and insanity defense, that is, depriving innocent persons of liberty and excusing guilty persons of their crimes: the consequences of both are confinement in institutions ostensibly devoted to the treatment of m...

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia (United States)

    ... To Health Topics / Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer en español Iron-deficiency ... anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen for iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor ...

  13. Feminist Practice and Solidarity in Secular Societies : Case Studies on Feminists Crossing Religious–Secular Divides in Politics and Practice in Antwerp, Belgium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Brandt, H.P.


    In west European countries, public debates on migration, integration, and diversity are informed by particular understandings of secularism and the secular society. In our increasingly diverse societies, so the story goes, it is needed to implement a certain type of secularism and/or support

  14. Anemia (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Anemia KidsHealth / For Parents / Anemia What's in this article? ... Deficiency Anemia in My Kids? Print What Is Anemia? Anemia is when the level of healthy red ...

  15. Secular schools in Zaragoza (1885-1917

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    Full Text Available This research has a very specific goal that is to know how many and which were secular schools that took place in Zaragoza city, in the period that goes from the first established at the end of the 19th century until the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera in 1923. Secular schools identified are described by the educational aspects most relevant to that appear in the scarce and scattered remains of them information, and mainly related to the urban location, organization and didactics, teachers and students. All these aspects allow us to glimpse something of how trying to implement his project of secular, rational, scientific education.

  16. Efeitos do levosimendan sobre TNF-alfa, PNB e MMP-1 em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca com anemia

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    Mutlu Büyüklü


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O levosimendan é conhecido pelo seu efeito bilateral de fortalecimento contração das miofibrilas sem aumentar a demanda de oxigênio no miocárdio. A anemia é uma deterioração que causa aumento da dosagem de fármacos em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. OBJETIVO: No presente estudo comparamos a eficácia do tratamento com levosimendan em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca descompensada com ou sem anemia. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 23 pacientes anêmicos com insuficiência cardíaca classe 3 ou 4, segundo a New York Heart Association (NYHA e fração de ejeção abaixo de 35%. Outros 23 pacientes com o mesmo diagnóstico cardíaco, mas sem anemia, serviu como grupo controle. Ao tratamento da insuficiência cardíaca tradicional desses pacientes foi acrescido um tratamento de 24 horas de levosimendan. Amostras foram tomadas para dosar os níveis séricos do fator de necrose tumoral alfa sérico (TNF-alfa, peptídeo natriurético cerebral aminoterminal (NT-proPNB e metaloproteinase da matriz 1 (MMP-1, antes e após a administração. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre os níveis séricos de TNF-alfa e MMP-1, antes e depois do tratamento (p > 0,05. Embora o nível de NT-proBNP tenha diminuído em ambos os grupos após o tratamento, não foi estatisticamente significativo (p = 0,531 e p = 0,913 para os grupos de anemia e de controle, respectivamente. Uma restauração significativa da capacidade funcional foi observada em ambos os grupos avaliados, de acordo com a NYHA (p < 0,001 e p = 0,001 para os grupos de anemia e controle, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento com levosimendan apresenta efeitos semelhantes em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, com anemia e sem anemia. No entanto, o efeito precoce desse tratamento sobre os níveis de TNF-alfa, NT-proPNB e MMP-1 não é evidente. Ele oferece uma melhora significativa na capacidade funcional, sem a influência da anemia.

  17. Tendência secular da doença diarréica na infância na cidade de São Paulo (1984-1996

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    Benicio Maria Helena D'Aquino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e a distribuição social da doença diarréica na infância, estabelecer a tendência secular dessa enfermidade e analisar sua determinação, através dos dados coletados por dois inquéritos domiciliares realizados na cidade de São Paulo, SP, em 1984/85 e 1995/96. MÉTODOS: Os inquéritos estudaram amostras probabilísticas da população residente na cidade com idades entre zero e 59 meses (1.016 em 1984/85 e 1.280 em 1995/96. Nos dois inquéritos foram estimadas a prevalência instantânea da diarréia (proporção de crianças com três ou mais evacuações líquidas no dia da entrevista domiciliar e a incidência anual de internações hospitalares pela doença. Esses dois indicadores foram calculados a partir de entrevistas domiciliares feitas por médicos pediatras e respondidas pelas mães das crianças. Nos dois inquéritos, as entrevistas foram distribuídas ao longo de um período de cerca de 12 meses, de modo a garantir uma varredura uniforme das várias áreas da cidade ao longo das quatro estações do ano. O estudo da distribuição social da doença diarréica levou em conta tercis da renda familiar per capita em cada um dos inquéritos. A estratégia analítica para estudar os determinantes da evolução da prevalência da doença na população empregou modelos hierárquicos de causalidade, análises multivariadas de regressão e procedimentos análogos aos utilizados para calcular riscos atribuíveis populacionais. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: Houve entre os inquéritos reduções expressivas na prevalência instantânea da diarréia (de 1,70% para 0,90% e na incidência anual de hospitalizações pela doença (de 2,21 para 0,79 internações por 100 crianças-ano. O declínio desses indicadores foi mais intenso no terço mais pobre da população, o que contribuiu para reduzir a desigualdade social quanto à ocorrência da doença. Melhorias no poder aquisitivo das famílias e na cobertura da

  18. Feeding secularism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fischer, Johan


    life. He shows how Islamic organizations in Britain claim authority through halal in the interfaces of expanding markets, secularism, and the rights and demands of a growing group of Muslim consumers. These claims emerge in a society where powerful political discourses identify the veiling of Muslim...

  19. Prevalência de anemia em gestantes de primeira consulta em centros de saúde de área metropolitana, Brasil The prevalence of anemia in first consultation pregnant women of health centers in a metropolitan area, Brazil

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    Elvira Maria Guerra


    Full Text Available No período de abril a outubro de 1988, foram estudadas 363 gestantes de primeira consulta, as quais estavam inscritas no Programa de Atendimento à Gestante da Secretaria do Estado da Saúde de São Paulo, subdistrito do Butantã, Município de São Paulo, Brasil. Na ocasião da coleta do material biológico estas gestantes não faziam uso de medicamentos contendo ferro, ácido fólico, vitamina B12 ou associações destes. A idade média das gestantes foi de 25 anos, 65,9% delas pertenciam a famílias com renda até 1 SMPC (salário mínimo per capita e apenas 3,1% pertenciam a famílias com renda superior a 3 SMPC. A prevalência de anemia foi de 12,4%. A média da concentração de hemoglobina (g/dl no primeiro trimestre foi significativamente maior que as médias no segundo e terceiro trimestres gestacional. A prevalência de anemia no primeiro trimestre: (3,6% foi significativamente menor do que aquelas encontradas no segundo (20,9% e terceiro trimestre (32,1%. As gestantes que tiveram mais que três partos tiveram prevalência de anemia significativamente maior do que aquelas com até três partos. A prevalência de anemia foi maior no grupo das gestantes que pertenciam a famílias com renda até 0,5 SMPC.Three hundred and sixty-three pregnant women enrolled in the Pregnancy Medical Care Program of S. Paulo Health Department from the district of Butantan, S. Paulo city, Brazil, were studied at the first routine consultation. At the time they were examined they were not given any medicine containing iron, folie acid or vitamin B12. Their average age was 25 and 65.9% belonged to families with a monthly per capita income below US$ 50.00. Only 3.1% had a per capita income above U$$ 150.00. The prevalence of anemia was 12.4%. The hemoglobin concentration (grams/dl in the first trimester was significantly higher than in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The prevalence of anemia in the first trimesters (3.6% was significantly smaller

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... To Health Topics / Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer en español Iron-deficiency ... anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen for iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor ...

  1. A anemia falciforme como problema de Saúde Pública no Brasil

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    Roberto B. de Paiva e Silva


    Full Text Available Apesar de a anemia falciforme ser a doença hereditária de maior prevalência no Brasil, a literatura nacional carece de investigações a respeito dos seus aspectos de Saúde Pública. Investigou-se a realidade vivida por 80 pacientes adultos (49 mulheres e 31 homens com diagnóstico de anemia falciforme, seguidos regularmente em centro hematológico. O diagnóstico tardio da doença foi um dos principais aspectos detectados na casuística examinada. Observou-se que a problemática maior do paciente adulto com a anemia falciforme esta centrada nos aspectos econômicos, sobretudo na falta de oportunidades profissionais, apesar de os mesmos poderem participar do mercado de trabalho, desde que estejam recebendo tratamento médico adequado e exerçam funções compatíveis com as suas limitações e potencialidades. A orientação psicoterapêutica teve uma grande aceitação pelos pacientes, sem diferença significativa entre os sexos. Concluiu-se haver necessidade da implantação de programas comunitários de diagnóstico precoce e de orientação médica, social e psicológica dos doentes com a anemia falciforme no Brasil, bem como de aconselhamento genético não diretivo dos casais de heterozigotos com o traço falciforme.

  2. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Research Home / < Back To Health Topics / Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer en español Iron-deficiency ... iron-deficiency anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen for iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor ...

  3. Tendência secular do peso ao nascer na cidade de São Paulo (1976-1998 Secular trends in birth weight in S. Paulo city, Brazil (1976-1998

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    Carlos Augusto Monteiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Resgatar a tendência secular da distribuição do peso ao nascer na cidade de São Paulo, SP, bem como examinar suas possíveis causas, com base em dados coletados por dois inquéritos domiciliares sobre condições de saúde na infância realizados em 1984/85 e em 1995/96, complementados por informações procedentes de levantamento de prontuários de maternidades e por informações do Sistema Estadual de Declarações de Nascidos Vivos. MÉTODOS: Os inquéritos domiciliares estudaram amostras probabilísticas da população infantil de São Paulo com idade inferior a cinco anos (n=1.016 em 1984/85; n=1.280 em 1995/96. O levantamento de prontuários estudou uma amostra probabilística dos partos ocorridos nas maternidades da cidade no ano de 1976 (n=5.734. As declarações de nascidos vivos referem-se às coortes de crianças nascidas na cidade entre 1993 e 1998 (cerca de 200 mil crianças por ano. O estudo da distribuição social do peso ao nascer levou em conta a renda familiar per capita e a escolaridade materna. A estratégia analítica para estudar os determinantes da tendência secular do peso ao nascer empregou modelos hierárquicos de causalidade, análises multivariadas de regressão e procedimentos análogos aos utilizados para calcular riscos atribuíveis populacionais. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: A distribuição do peso ao nascer na cidade de São Paulo (média de 3.160 g com 8,9% de pesos OBJECTIVE: Data from two household surveys on infant and child health status undertaken in the mid-80s and mid-90s, complemented with previous data collected from maternity hospitals records and more recent data provided by the state system on birth registries, allowed to characterize and analyse secular trends in birth weight in the city of S. Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: The household surveys included random samples of children under 5 years old (n=1,016 children in 1984-85 and n=1,280 children in 1995-96. A random sample of births that

  4. Unsafe Gods: Security, Secularism and Schooling (United States)

    Davies, Lynn


    This book makes the compelling argument that religion can be complicit in conflict and that a new secularism is vital to foster security. Using insights from complexity science, it shows how dynamic secularism can be used to accommodate diverse faiths and beliefs within worldly politics. Exploration of the interplay of religion and education in…

  5. Explaining Global Secularity: Existential Security or Education?

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    Claude M. J. Braun


    Full Text Available At the time of data analysis for this report there were 193 countries in the world. Various institutions – the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the CIA, the World Values Survey, Gallup, and many others – have performed sophisticated statistical analyses on cross-national data. The present investigation demonstrates that valid and reliable data concerning religiosity and secularity exist for most countries and that these data are comparable. Cross-national data relating to social, political, economic and cultural aspects of life were tested for correlation with religiosity/secularity. In contrast to the most widely accepted general account of secularity, the Existential Security Framework (ESF; Norris & Inglehart, 2004, secularity was not most highly related to material security, though these were highly related. Rather, secularity was most strongly related to the degree of formal education attained. Material security explained no significant variance beyond education. Thus, religion’s primary function in the world today is being replaced, not so much by the pseudo-materialistic supplication for better living conditions as posited by the ESF, but by contemporary education – extensive knowledge of contemporary cultures, philosophy, modes of thought or processes of reasoning.

  6. Constitutionalizing secularism, alternative secularisms or liberal-democratic constitutionalism?
    A critical reading of some Turkish, ECtHR and Indian Supreme Court cases on ‘secularism’

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    Veit Bader


    Full Text Available In recent debates on the constitutional status of 'secularism' we can discern three positions. The first tries to overcome the absence of 'secularism' in most liberal-democratic constitutions by developing a more robust theory of constitutional secularism. The second develops theories of 'alternative secularisms'. The third, defended in this article, argues that we should drop secularism as a 'cacophonous' concept from our constitutional and legal language and replace it by liberal-democratic constitutionalism. I develop an analytical taxonomy of twelve different meanings of 'secularism' based on a comparative study of Turkish and Indian Supreme Court cases on secularism, and demonstrate that they are incompatible with each other and with the hard core of liberal-democratic constitutions. Next, I criticize the respective rulings in the Turkish and Indian context. Particularly in 'militant democracies', the appeal to a principle of 'secularism' turns out to be inimical to the liberal and to the democratic 'constitutional essentials'. I end with some normative recommendations on the role of constitutional review and judicial activism.

  7. Moderate Secularism, Difference Sensitivity and Contextualism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lægaard, Sune


    The article is a rejoinder to Tariq Modood's reply (Politics, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2009) to my article 'Moderate Secularism and Multicultural Equality' (Politics, Vol 28, No. 3, 2008).......The article is a rejoinder to Tariq Modood's reply (Politics, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2009) to my article 'Moderate Secularism and Multicultural Equality' (Politics, Vol 28, No. 3, 2008)....

  8. Concept and Indications of Secular State

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    Philina N. V.


    Full Text Available The article deals with the elaborate analysis of the concept and indications of a secular state. The paper has the interdisciplinary character and it is written on the verge of constitutional law, theory of state administration, philosophy, political science. The comparative analysis between the constitutional indicators of a secular state and democracy realia has been conducted

  9. Hemolytic anemia (United States)

    Anemia - hemolytic ... bones that helps form all blood cells. Hemolytic anemia occurs when the bone marrow isn't making ... destroyed. There are several possible causes of hemolytic anemia. Red blood cells may be destroyed due to: ...

  10. Anemia falciforme alterações angiográficas cerebrais

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    J. O. Alarcon-Adorno


    Full Text Available São descritos dois casos de pacientes com anemia falciforme (AF que desenvolveram complicações neurológicas. Os estudos angiográficos mostraram alterações semelhantes àquelas encontradas na doença moyamoya. Estes achados ocorrem também em outras patologias e são resultado de mecanismo de compensação a oclusão das artérias da base do cérebro. São comentados os riscos e as precauções para a realização da angiografia cerebral.

  11. Modeling the secular evolution of migrating planet pairs (United States)

    Michtchenko, T. A.; Rodríguez, A.


    The secular regime of motion of multi-planetary systems is universal; in contrast with the 'accidental' resonant motion, characteristic only for specific configurations of the planets, secular motion is present everywhere in phase space, even inside the resonant region. The secular behavior of a pair of planets evolving under dissipative forces is the principal subject of this study, particularly, the case when the dissipative forces affect the planetary semi-major axes and the planets move inward/outward the central star, the process known as planet migration. Based on the fundamental concepts of conservative and dissipative dynamics of the three-body problem, we develop a qualitative model of the secular evolution of the migrating planetary pair. Our approach is based on analysis of the energy and the orbital angular momentum exchange between the two-planet system and an external medium; thus no specific kind of dissipative forces is invoked. We show that, under assumption that dissipation is weak and slow, the evolutionary routes of the migrating planets are traced by the Mode I and Mode II stationary solutions of the conservative secular problem. The ultimate convergence and the evolution of the system along one of these secular modes of motion is determined uniquely by the condition that the dissipation rate is sufficiently smaller than the proper secular frequency of the system. We show that it is possible to reassemble the starting configurations and migration history of the systems on the basis of their final states and consequently to constrain the parameters of the physical processes involved.

  12. Anemia como problema de saúde pública: uma realidade atual Anemia as a public health problem: the current situation

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    Malaquias Batista Filho


    Full Text Available Em 1990, as Nações Unidas promoveram a Reunião de Cúpula de Nova Iorque, onde foram traçadas metas para o decênio vindouro, dentre as quais, a redução de um terço na prevalência das anemias nas mulheres em idade fértil. Porém, apesar de percentual modesto, indícios epidemiológicos apontam no sentido inverso, ou seja, indicam a crescente e grave ocorrência de anemia em diferentes regiões do mundo, inclusive no Brasil. Ao reunir esses informes, constata-se que a anemia continua, desde a antiguidade, a ser uma das entidades nosológicas mais prevalentes e difundidas nas populações humanas. A partir daí surge uma série de questionamentos ainda sem respostas em relação às reais prevalência e etiopatogenia do problema, ao grau de implantação e à efetividade das medidas de controle.In 1990, the United Nations held a World Summit in New York, in which goals for the upcoming decade were established. One of these goals was a one-third reduction in the prevalence of anemia among women at childbearing age. Despite this modest percentage, epidemiological indicators point to the opposite direction, indicating an increasing occurrence of anemia in different regions of the world, including in Brazil. These data show that anemia has continued since the antiquity to be one of the most prevalent and widespread diseases in human populations. Thus, a number of questions without answers arise regarding the actual prevalence and etiopathogenesis of the problem as well as with respect to the degree of implantation and the effectiveness of control measures.

  13. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... en español Iron-deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia that occurs if you do not ... iron-deficiency anemia and help rule out other types of anemia. Treatment will explain treatment-related complications ...

  14. Anemia (For Teens) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Anemia KidsHealth / For Teens / Anemia What's in this article? ... Enough Iron Print en español Anemia What Is Anemia? Lots of teens are tired. With all the ...

  15. Fanconi anemia (United States)

    ... possibly given through a vein) to treat infections Blood transfusions to treat symptoms due to low blood counts ... have regular check-ups to screen for cancer. Alternative Names Fanconi's anemia; Anemia - Fanconi's Images Formed elements of blood References Bagby GC. Aplastic anemia and related bone ...

  16. Hemolytic Anemia (United States)

    ... worsen your condition or lead to complications. Hemolytic Anemia and Children Parents of children who have hemolytic anemia usually ... members, friends, and your child's classmates about hemolytic anemia. You also may want to tell your child's teachers or other caregivers about the condition. Let ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... anemia, your doctor may order the following blood tests to diagnose iron-deficiency anemia: Complete blood count (CBC) to ... than normal when viewed under a microscope. Different tests help your doctor diagnose iron-deficiency anemia. In iron-deficiency anemia, blood ...

  18. There is a Sexular Body: Introducing a Material Approach to the Secular

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    Jelle Wiering


    Full Text Available This article calls for more ‘bottom-up inquiry’ into the secular, departing from the assumption that it features normative ideologies and practices that dominate current societies. I plea for collecting and analyzing manifestations of the secular, as the secular as an phenomenon in society is surprisingly unexplored. To stimulate such inquiry, I suggest a material approach to the secular, as it will provide researchers with tools to conduct empirical research on the secular in contemporary societies. Inspired by Joan Scott, Charles Hirschkind, and Talal Asad, this article explores the notion of a Dutch ‘sexular’ body: a body which affective-gestural repertoires, limited here to the context of sexuality, people in society (historically associate with the secular. I conclude by arguing that a material approach to the secular will contribute to (1 obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of the secular, including its cultural conceptualizations and manifestations, and (2 clarifying, and hence facing the normativity the secular imposes on the people living in secular societies.

  19. Varieties of Secularism in Asia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    of the North Atlantic rim. This anthology seeks to begin that task. It does so by suggesting that the kind of secularity described by Taylor is only one amongst others. By attending to the shifting relationship between proper religion and ‘bad faiths’; between politically valorised and embarrassing spiritual...... phenomena; between the new visibilities and silences of magic, ancestors, and religion in democratic politics, this book seeks to outline the particular formations of secularism that have become possible in Asia from China to Indonesia and from Bahrain to Timor-Leste....

  20. Anemia entre pre-escolares - um problema de saude publica em Belo Horizonte, Brasil

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    Thais de Souza Chaves de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O artigo tem por objetivo determinar a prevalência de anemia em crianças matriculadas em creches da regional Centro-Sul de Belo Horizonte (MG, identificando fatores biológicos e socioeconômicos associados. Estudo transversal descritivo realizado em 18 creches. Foram avaliadas 373 crianças com base em amostragem estratificada por instituição participante. A hemoglobina (Hb sérica foi determinada por punção capilar e leitura em β-hemoglobinômetro, adotando-se pontos de corte para anemia de Hb < 11,0g/dL para crianças de seis a 60 meses e Hb < 11,5g/dL para aquelas com idade superior, preconizados pela OMS. O estado nutricional foi definido por aferição do peso e altura e confecção dos índices Peso/Idade (P/I, Estatura/Idade (E/I e IMC/Idade (IMC/I. Entre os participantes 54% eram meninas. A média de idade foi de 38,1 ± 6,2 meses. A prevalência global de anemia foi de 38,3%, sendo superior nas crianças com idade inferior ou igual a 24 meses (56,1%. Encontrou-se associação significativa entre anemia e os fatores menor idade da criança, menor idade materna e baixa renda familiar. O estudo mostrou que anemia em crianças de creches de Belo Horizonte constitui relevante problema de saúde pública, sinalizando a necessidade de se implantar ações específicas para mitigação dos riscos por ele apontados.

  1. What Is Aplastic Anemia? (United States)

    ... Home / Anemia Aplastic Anemia Also known as What Is Aplastic anemia (a-PLAS-tik uh-NEE-me-uh) is ... heart, heart failure , infections, and bleeding. Severe aplastic anemia can even cause death. Overview Aplastic anemia is ...

  2. Anemia do lactente: etiologia e prevalência Anemia in infancy: etiology and prevalence

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    Maria Claret C.M. Hadler


    Full Text Available Objetivo: verificar a prevalência de anemia, anemia ferropriva e deficiência de ferro em lactentes, de unidade pública de saúde, no município de Goiânia, Brasil, analisar e correlacionar as variáveis bioquímicas e hematológicas. Métodos: realizou-se estudo transversal. De 120 mães entrevistadas, foram incluídos 110 lactentes de 6 a 12 meses de idade, a termo e não gemelares. Dados socioeconômicos e hematológicos foram obtidos. Colheu-se sangue venoso dos lactentes em jejum para realização do hemograma completo por contagem eletrônica, ferro sérico, ferritina sérica e proteína C-reativa, os quais foram utilizados na avaliação da etiologia ferropriva nos anêmicos. Crianças com hemoglobina Objective: To verify the prevalence of anemia, iron deficiency anemia and iron deficiency in infants, at a Public Health Unit in the city of Goiânia - Brazil; to analyze and to correlate the hematologic and biochemical variables. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. One hundred and ten full-term infants of the 120 mothers interviewed were included. The infants aged between six and twelve months and there were not twins. Socioeconomic and hematologic data was obtained. Venous blood was taken from fasting infants in order to carry out a complete hemogram through electronic cell counting, serum iron, serum ferritin and C-reactive protein, which were used in the evaluation of the etiology of iron deficiency in the anemic infants. Children with hemoglobin < 11g/dL were considered anemic. Results: The prevalence of anemia was 60.9%. In the diagnosis of the iron deficiency etiology in infants without an inflammation process, when considering the alteration of hemoglobin plus two more indices among mean corpuscular volume (MCV or mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH or serum ferritin or serum iron, the prevalence of the iron deficiency was 87%. Nevertheless, when red cell distribution width (RDW was included in the indices, the

  3. As determinações biológica e social da doença: um estudo de anemia ferropriva The biological and social determinants of illness: a study of iron-deficiency

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    Ignez Salas Martins


    Full Text Available Buscou-se caracterizar os diferentes níveis de determinação da anemia carencial, enquanto fenômeno de saúde pública, a partir de algumas das relações biológicas e sociais definidoras desse processo saúde-doença. Articulando a análise dos processos específicos de determinada população de gestantes aos processos gerais próprios da metrópole paulistana, pôde-se observar como as condições para a ocorrência da anemia ferropriva estão atreladas às condições sociais e econômicas, de classe, seja pelas deficiências qualitativas e quantitativas da dieta, seja pela precariedade de saneamento ambiental, condições essas típicas das áreas habitadas pelas camadas sociais mais baixas. Focalizando um outro nível hierárquico das determinações, a análise dessas carências foi remetida, tendo em vista os processos biológicos singulares, ao conceito de vulnerabilidade orgânica tomado como articulador das características definidoras de grupos biológicos específicos frente aos riscos diferenciais de adoecer e morrer por "causas" ou processos mórbidos particulares, riscos esses atrelados às próprias condições de classe. Caracterizando os determinantes últimos dessa carência em função do baixo nível de consumo do que se convencionou chamar de "bens fundamentais", a análise buscou apreender elementos da realidade paulistana capazes de fornecer subsídios para o estabelecimento de possíveis "níveis críticos de consumo", isto é, determinada condição de vida abaixo da qual os indivíduos, (no caso as gestantes adscritas a grupos sociais específicos estariam inscritos em situações particulares, simultaneamente de naturezas orgânica e social, "determinantes" dos níveis de risco à doença carencial. Focalizou-se a trajetória existente entre as condições de normalidade e de anemia, em termos de processo cuja fase intermediária entre a doença e o estado de normalidade foi representada pela deficiência de

  4. Secular tolerance? : Anti‐Muslim sentiment in Western Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ribberink, E.C.; Achterberg, P.H.J.; Houtman, D.


    he literature about secularization proposes two distinct explanations of anti-Muslim sentiment in secularized societies. The first theory understands it in terms of religious competition between Muslims and the remaining minority of orthodox Protestants; the second understands it as resulting from

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Blood Transfusion Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Changes Heart Failure Hemolytic Anemia Hemophilia Pernicious Anemia Restless Legs Syndrome Von Willebrand Disease Other Resources NHLBI resources Your Guide to Anemia [ ...

  6. What Is Anemia? (United States)

    ... Intramural Research Home / Anemia Anemia Also known as Iron-poor blood , Low blood , ... you or your child diagnosed with Diamond-Blackfan anemia? The registry is collecting information from people with ...

  7. Anemia (United States)

    ... child might have anemia. They will do a physical exam and review your health history and symptoms. To diagnose anemia, your doctor ... and Wellness Staying Healthy Healthy Living Travel Occupational Health First Aid and ... Pets and Animals myhealthfinder Food and Nutrition Healthy Food ...

  8. Anemia ferropriva em crianças de 6 a 12 meses atendidas na rede pública de saúde do município de Viçosa, Minas Gerais Iron deficiency anemia in 6 to 12-month-old infants attended at the public health service of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Danielle Góes da SILVA


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a prevalência de anemia em lactentes de 6 a 12 meses atendidos na rede pública de saúde do município de Viçosa, MG e analisar alguns possíveis fatores de risco. As informações foram obtidas através de questionário aplicado aos responsáveis pela criança e através da verificação de medidas antropométricas e da dosagem de hemoglobina por hemoglobinômetro portátil. No diagnóstico de anemia, utilizou-se o ponto de corte de 11 g/dL. A prevalência de anemia ferropriva nas 204 crianças estudadas foi 60,8%, e 55,6% dos casos de anemia eram graves. A média da hemoglobina foi 9,28±1,07 nos anêmicos e 12,07±0,89 mg/dL nos não-anêmicos. A baixa escolaridade paterna e a idade materna mostraram associação estatística com a anemia (pThis study aimed at verifying the prevalence of anemia in 6 to 12-month-old infantsattended at the public health service of the city of Viçosa, state of Minas Gerais, and analyzing some possible risk factors. Information was obtained through questionnaire applied to those responsible for the infants and through the verification of the anthropometric measures and the hemoglobin dosage by portable hemoglobinometer. In diagnosing anemia, a 11g/dL cutoff point was used. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in a total of 204 infants reached 60.8%, and 55.6% of the cases of anemia were serious. The hemoglobin average was 9.28±1.07 mg/dL in anemic infants, and 12.07± 0.89 mg/dL in non-anemic ones. The father's low school level and the mother's age showed statistical association with anemia (p<0.05. A high prevalence and severity of the anemia was found, emphasizing the need for prevention and control of this disease in the city of Viçosa.

  9. Parvovirose e anemia acentuada em paciente imunocompetente Parvovirus and severe anemia in an immunocompetent patient

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    Juliana Annete Damasceno


    Full Text Available Paciente de 16 anos, sexo masculino, com vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV negativo e sem doença hematológica prévia, desenvolveu anemia acentuada devido à infecção por parvovírus B19. A doença apresentou evolução bifásica, com acalmia clínica e retorno dos sintomas após 15 dias. Ao exame físico, apresentava-se descorado e febril, sem adeno e organomegalias, com sinais de insuficiência cardíaca. O aspirado de medula óssea mostrava megaloblastos com nucléolos aberrantes e, na histologia, foram observadas células gigantes com nucleolação aberrante e presença do corpúsculo de inclusão nuclear típico da parvovirose. O exame de imuno-histoquímica mostrou positividade para anticorpo específico para parvovírus. A sorologia comprovou a infecção.A 16-year-old human immunodeficiency virus (HIV negative male patient without hematological disease developed acute anemia due to parvovirus B19 infection. The disease showed a biphasic evolution: clinical remission and return of symptoms after 15 days. Physical examination revealed paleness and fever, neither adeno nor organomegalies, and signs of heart failure. The bone marrow aspiration showed megaloblasts with aberrant nucleoli. As far as histology is concerned, giant cells with aberrant nucleoli and the presence of intranuclear inclusions typical of Parvoviruses were observed. Immunohistochemistry revealed positivity for specific Parvovirus antibody. Serology confirmed parvovirus B19 infection.

  10. Sex, secularism and religious influence in US politics. (United States)

    Bernstein, Elizabeth; Jakobsen, Janet R


    Through an analysis of alliances between secular and religious actors in US politics and a specific case study on anti-trafficking policy, we show that the intertwining of religion and politics in the US comes from two sources: 1) the secular political and cultural institutions of American public life that have developed historically out of Protestantism, and which predominantly operate by presuming Protestant norms and values; and 2) the direct influence on US politics of religious groups and organisations, particularly in the past quarter-century of lobby groups and political action committees identified with conservative evangelical Christianity. The sources of policies that promote gender and sexual inequality in the US are both secular and religious and we conclude that it is inaccurate to assume that religious influence in politics is necessarily conservative or that more secular politics will necessarily be more progressive than the religious varieties.

  11. Prevalência da anemia em crianças avaliada pela palidez palmar e exame laboratorial: implicações para enfermagem Sentimientos de mujeres-madres delante de la cirugía neonatal en las malformaciones congénitas Prevalence of anemia in children assessed by clinical method known as "palmar pallor" and the laboratory exam: implications for nursing

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    Ethel Bastos da Silva


    Full Text Available Buscou-se analisar a prevalência de anemia ferropriva em crianças e comparar os dados obtidos pelo método clínico "palidez palmar" e exame laboratorial em uma Estratégia de Saúde da Família no município de Panambi/RS. Pesquisa exploratória/descritiva, quantitativa, realizada de março a junho de 2009. Foram sujeitos 41 crianças de 2 meses a 5 anos. Os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva. Das crianças, 51,2% eram do sexo masculino; 41,46% estavam na faixa etária de 0 a 12 meses; 53,6% das famílias situavam-se no nível social D e 43,9% dos chefes de família tinham o Ensino Fundamental completo ou o Ensino Médio incompleto. Pela palidez palmar, a prevalência de anemia foi de 51,2% e pelo exame laboratorial, de 58,53%. O estudo mostra que a palidez palmar e o exame laboratorial, quando usados juntos, fornecem um diagnóstico mais preciso da anemia ferropriva, podendo ser inseridos na prática assistencial da enfermagem na ESF.Se intenta analizar la prevalencia de anemia por deficiencia de fierro en niños y comparar el método clínico "palidez palmar" y el examen de laboratorio en una Estrategia de Salud de la Familia en la municipalidad de Panambi-RS. La pesquisa exploratoria, descriptiva y cuantitativa fue realizada de marzo hasta junio de 2009. Los sujetos fueron 41 niños de 2 meses a 5 años de edad. Los datos fueron analizados por la estadística descriptiva. Del total de niños, 51,2% eran del sexo masculino; 41,46% estaban en la franja etaria de 0 a 12 meses; 53,6% de las familias se sitúan en el nivel social D y 43,9% de los jefes de familia tienen la Enseñanza Fundamental Completa o la Enseñanza Media Incompleta. Por la palidez palmar, la prevalencia de anemia fue de 51,2% y por el examen de laboratorio, de 58,53%. El estudio muestra que la palidez palmar y el examen de laboratorio, cuando usados juntos, proveen un diagnóstico más preciso de la anemia por deficiencia de fierro, pudiendo ser inserido

  12. Tendência secular da doença respiratória na infância na cidade de São Paulo (1984-1996

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    Maria Helena D'Aquino Benicio


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e a distribuição social da doença respiratória na infância, estabelecer a tendência secular dessa enfermidade e analisar sua determinação, com base nos dados coletados por dois inquéritos domiciliares realizados na cidade de São Paulo, SP, em 1984/85 e em 1995/96. MÉTODOS: Os inquéritos estudaram amostras probabilísticas da população residente na cidade com idades entre zero e 59 meses (1.016 em 1984/85 e 1.280 em 1995/96. Nos dois inquéritos estimou-se a prevalência instantânea da doença respiratória alta (acima da epiglote e da doença respiratória baixa com e sem chiado à ausculta pulmonar. A ocorrência da doença respiratória foi aferida por exames clínicos realizados em dias aleatórios, nos próprios domicílios das crianças, por médicos pediatras devidamente treinados e padronizados quanto ao diagnóstico da doença. Os exames clínicos incluíam a anamnese do dia, antecedentes de doença respiratória e o exame físico completo da criança, incluindo inspeção da orofaringe, otoscopia e ausculta pulmonar. Nos dois inquéritos, os exames foram distribuídos ao longo de um período de cerca de 12 meses, de modo a garantir uma varredura uniforme das várias áreas da cidade ao longo das quatro estações. O estudo da distribuição social da doença respiratória levou em conta tercis da renda familiar per capita em cada um dos inquéritos. A estratégia analítica para estudar os determinantes da evolução da prevalência da doença na população empregou modelos hierárquicos de causalidade, análises multivariadas de regressão e procedimentos análogos aos utilizados para calcular riscos atribuíveis populacionais. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: Houve entre os inquéritos aumentos expressivos na prevalência instantânea da doença respiratória alta (de 22,2% para 38,8% e da doença respiratória baixa sem e com chiado (de 6,0% para 10,0% e de 0,8% para 2,8%, respectivamente. No

  13. Tratamento da anemia ferropriva com ferro por via oral

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    Rodolfo D. Cançado

    Full Text Available A anemia ferropriva permanece como uma das deficiências nutricionais mais frequentes e importantes no mundo. O tratamento com ferro deve ser iniciado preferencialmente por via oral e a investigação apropriada de sua causa é obrigatória. Os autores discutem os compostos com ferro atualmente disponíveis, o perfil de eficácia, segurança e tolerabilidade desses medicamentos, e o plano terapêutico mais adequado possível para o sucesso no tratamento dessa doença tão comum e importante.

  14. Anemia and Pregnancy (United States)

    ... Advocacy Toolkit Home For Patients Blood Disorders Anemia Anemia and Pregnancy Your body goes through significant changes ... becoming anemic. back to top Is Pregnancy-Related Anemia Preventable? Good nutrition is the best way to ...

  15. Social Boundaries and Secularism in the Lebanese Left

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haugbølle, Sune


    This article explores the social meaning of boundaries in Lebanon through debates about secularism in and around the Lebanese Left. The aim is to elucidate the political and social meaning of ‘Left’ in a Lebanese context, and the positioning of liminal political subjectivity in a system organized...... along sectarian boundaries. Based on readings of debates about secularism in 1975 and 1976, the article proposes that the Left has since that year been forced to embrace secularism as its primary ideological marker. This experience in turn has become constitutive for what it means to be a leftist...

  16. Pathogenia da anemia na Ancylostomose: II - causas determinantes dos phenomenos regenerativos e degenerativos nessa anemia e contribuições para elucidar o seu mechanismo intimo Pathogenesis of Anaemia in Hookworm Disease: II - causes wich determine the regenerative and degenerative phenomena in this anaemia and contributions towards the elucidation of their inmost mechanism

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    W. O. Cruz


    Full Text Available Estudamos 25 casos escolhidos de Ancylostomose, procurando determinar quaes os factores que provocam a regeneração hematica, procurando o mechanismo desta regeneração e o desenvolver do processo anemiante. Preferimos seleccionar um numero pequeno de casos e acompanhal-o durante um largo tempo, observando alguns delles durante 1 a 1 anno e meio. A parte hematologica constou, além de 568 exames rotineiros (numeração das hematias, dosagem de Hb., determinação do hematocrito, e na maioria das vezes, determinação da taxa de reticulocytose verificação do aspecto morphologico do sangue em esfregaços, de pesquisas sobre a resistencia globular, sobre a taxa de proteinas no sôro, e em alguns casos, contagem de plaquetas, determinação da viscosidade, etc. Empregamos para estas pesquizas os methodos usuaes, a não ser na determinação da resistencia globular, para a qual descrevemos detalhadamente um processo pouco usado. Durante todo o transcorrer das observações, a actividade biologica dos helminthos parasitos foi controlada por numerosos exames de fezes, que constavam da pesquiza de ovos eliminados, de reacções chimicas que demonstrassem a presença de sangue. Exames de urina foram feitos periodicamente e outros exames foram praticados quando sobrevinha uma complicação ou qualquer facto inesperado. Observamos nos casos graves da doença, uma anemia de caracteristicas fixas. E' uma anemia hypochromica, microcytica, fracamente regenerativa. Verificamos que a degeneração dos indices hematicos, isto é, que o grau de hypochromia e micocytose, não se apresentam nestes casos extremos de modo variavel, mas sim, de maneira particularmente constante; e verificamos mais que estes indices assim degenerados (Ind. Vol. 53 uc., Ind. Hb. 13 yy, Ind. Sat. 23% tambem são encontrados segundo observações de outros autores, em varias anemias hypochromicas humanas ou de outros mammiferos. No exame de esfregaços, são extremamente raros ou mesmo


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    Nur Handayani Utami


    Full Text Available Anemia masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan pada wanita hamil. Zat besi dianggap sebagai salah satu zat gizi mikro yang berperan terhadap terjadinya anemia. Kekurangan gizi besi dalam tingkat lanjut dapat menyebabkan anemia, yang disebut sebagai anemia gizi besi. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan antara asupan protein dan gizi mikro serta menghitung odd ratio (OR kejadian anemia dan anemia gizi besi akibat asupan protein dan gizi mikro pada wanita hamil di lokasi studi. Analisis ini merupakan analisa dari data studi kohor Tumbuh Kembang anak pada tahun pertama, yang dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Kebon Kalapa dan Ciwaringin, Kota Bogor yang dianalisa menggunakan disainkasus kontrol. Sebanyak 47 ibu hamil menjadi sampel dalam analisa ini. Kategori untuk anemia yaitu apabila kadar hemoglobin (Hb ibu hamil ≤11 g/dL. Kekurangan gizi besi dikategorikan apabila kadar serum transferrin reseptor (sTfR diatas 4.4 mg/L. Sedangkan Anemia Gizi Besi dikategorikan apabila memiliki kadar Hb < 11 g/dL dan sTfr > 4.4 mg/L. Tes one way anova digunakan untuk menganalisa adanya perbedaan asupan energi, protein dan zat gizi mikro antara ibu hamil yang mengalami anemia, anemia gizi besi maupun yang normal. Odd ratio dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji chi square. Nilai signifikan ditentukan apabila nilai p value < 0.05 dan perhitungan OR> 1. 27.7% dari ibu hamil di lokasi studi mengalami anemia, 14.9% tergolong dalam anemia ringan, 10.6% anemia sedang dan 2.1% anemia berat. Anemia gizi besi dialami oleh 17% dari wanita hamil. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara keparahan anemia dan terjadinya anemia gizi besi. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan antara asupan protein, besi, folate dan zink pada wanita yang mengalami anemia, anemia gizi besi maupun yang normal. Akan tetapi terdapat kecenderungan bahwa asupan zat besi dan seng pada ibu yang anemia dan anemia gizi besi lebih rendah daripada ibu yang normal. Anemia masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan pada ibu

  18. Inborn anemias in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernstein, S.E.; Barker, J.E.; Russell, E.S.


    hereditary anemias of mice have been the chief objects of investigation. At present under study are four macrocytic anemias, five hemolytic anemias, nonhemolytic microcytic anemia, transitory siderocytic anemia, sex-linked iron-transport anemia, an α-thalassemia, and a new target-cell anemia. Each of these blood dyscrasias is caused by the action of a unique mutant gene, which determines the structure of different intracellular molecules, and thus controls a different metabolic process. Thus our wide range of different hereditary anemias has considerable potential for uncovering many different aspects of hemopoietic homeostatic mechanisms in the mouse. Each anemia is studied through: (a) characterization of peripheral blood values, (b) determinations of radiosensitivity under a variety of conditions, (c) measurements of iron metabolism and heme synthesis, (d) histological and biochemical study of blood-forming tissue, (e) functional tests of the stem cell component, (f) examination of responses to erythroid stimuli, and (g) transplantation of tissue between individuals of differently affected genotypes

  19. Anemia Due to Excessive Bleeding (United States)

    ... Hemolytic Anemia Hemoglobin C, S-C, and E Diseases Iron Deficiency Anemia Sickle Cell Disease Thalassemias Vitamin Deficiency Anemia (See ... Hemolytic Anemia Hemoglobin C, S-C, and E Diseases Iron Deficiency Anemia Sickle Cell Disease Thalassemias Vitamin Deficiency Anemia NOTE: ...

  20. Really not god: Secularization and pragmatism in Gamblers Anonymous. (United States)

    Browne, B R


    The paper argues that despite maintaining the image of a twelve-step organization, the central theme of the history of Gamblers Anonymous (GA) in the United States is the increasing secularization of the program of the recovery. The paper documents the increasing secularization and pragmatism of Gamblers Anonymous, as reflected in key documents, despite the spiritual vision of its founding member. The author speculates on why Gamblers Anonymous took a secularized development path. Further research is called for.

  1. From Bad to Worse: Anemia on Admission and Hospital-Acquired Anemia. (United States)

    Koch, Colleen G; Li, Liang; Sun, Zhiyuan; Hixson, Eric D; Tang, Anne S; Phillips, Shannon C; Blackstone, Eugene H; Henderson, J Michael


    Anemia at hospitalization is often treated as an accompaniment to an underlying illness, without active investigation, despite its association with morbidity. Development of hospital-acquired anemia (HAA) has also been associated with increased risk for poor outcomes. Together, they may further heighten morbidity risk from bad to worse. The aims of this study were to (1) examine mortality, length of stay, and total charges in patients with present-on-admission (POA) anemia and (2) determine whether these are exacerbated by development of HAA. In this cohort investigation, from January 1, 2009, to August 31, 2011, a total of 44,483 patients with POA anemia were admitted to a single health system compared with a reference group of 48,640 without POA anemia or HAA. Data sources included the University HealthSystem Consortium database and electronic medical records. Risk-adjustment methods included logistic and linear regression models for mortality, length of stay, and total charges. Present-on-admission anemia was defined by administrative coding. Hospital-acquired anemia was determined by changes in hemoglobin values from the electronic medical record. Approximately one-half of the patients experienced worsening of anemia with development of HAA. Risk for death and resource use increased with increasing severity of HAA. Those who developed severe HAA had 2-fold greater odds for death; that is, mild POA anemia with development of severe HAA resulted in greater mortality (odds ratio, 2.57; 95% confidence interval, 2.08-3.18; P < 0.001), increased length of stay (2.23; 2.16-2.31; P < 0.001), and higher charges (2.09; 2.03-2.15; P < 0.001). Present-on-admission anemia is associated with increased mortality and resource use. This risk is further increased from bad to worse when patients develop HAA. Efforts to address POA anemia and HAA deserve attention.

  2. Your Guide to Anemia (United States)

    ... Inherited Causes l Folate or iron deficiency l Fanconi anemia from poor diet l Shwachman-Diamond l Demand ... cells, leading to aplastic anemia. These conditions include Fanconi anemia, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, dyskeratosis congenita, Diamond- Blackfan anemia, ...

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... to moderate iron-deficiency anemia, or red blood cell transfusion for severe iron-deficiency anemia. You may ... body needs iron to make healthy red blood cells. Iron-deficiency anemia usually develops over time because ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... view the colon directly. What if my doctor thinks something else is causing my iron-deficiency anemia? ... deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in premature ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... you are diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. Risk Factors You may have an increased risk for iron- ... iron-deficiency anemia if you have certain risk factors , including pregnancy. To prevent iron-deficiency anemia, your ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... detect signs of iron-deficiency anemia and help rule out other types of anemia. Treatment will explain ... your blood. More testing may be needed to rule out other types of anemia. Tests for gastrointestinal ...

  7. About Anemia (For Kids) (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español About Anemia KidsHealth / For Kids / About Anemia What's in this ... to every cell in your body. What Is Anemia? Anemia happens when a person doesn't have ...

  8. Secularization- the promoter of “new type of man”

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    Traian-Alexandru MIU


    Full Text Available Secularization is a phenomenon supposing major mutations on the social level. Thus, based on the principle of rationality, secularization has led to the removal of religion from the social sphere, the desacralization, aiming, ultimately, that the sacred disappear altogether from man's life. Within the globalizing-secularizing society, economics seeks to take possession of the entire social and spiritual life, helped by a policy-aggressive mercantile mentality. Secularization has led to manipulation of man so that he believes he has to build his future by abstaining from religion. The secularized man has come to the conclusion that only by his own forces helped by reason, economy and technology he can be the one who creates progress, namely perfection for himself and for the world he lives in. The hypermodern man is a man of ephemerality, a human being looking for his accomplishment in trifles, who no longer has deification as his final goal. The problems that man is facing today can be solved by taking the eternity as reference system for them.

  9. Kosovar Society through Secularism and Religion

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    MSc. Dritero Arifi


    Full Text Available This paper will analyze the importance and the effects of religion, in Kosovar society. A great part of the paper, will analyze the social and the political relations in Post-War Kosovo. Initially it will elaborate religion and secularism, especially in theoreticall aspect, what impact have these definitions in modern societies. In order to explain what the importance of the religion in Kosovo is, we will focus on analyzing ethnical, social and political relations within Kosovo society. A considerable component of the paper is also, the elaboration of secularism in Kosovo conditions. This implies that the formulation of the problem and the objective of this research, are the substance of the paper’s theme, which is, religion in Kosovo; its definition and the outlook of the Kosovar society on religion. Is Kosovo post-war society more or less religious? That means the elements of Religions and Secularism will be part of the analysis of developments in post-war Kosovo.

  10. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... for iron-deficiency anemia if you have certain risk factors , including pregnancy. To prevent iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor may recommend you eat heart-healthy foods or control other conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. ...

  11. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Home / < Back To Health Topics / Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer en español ... bleeding Consuming less than recommended daily amounts of iron Iron-deficiency anemia can be caused by getting ...

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... may require intravenous (IV) iron therapy or a blood transfusion . Iron supplements Your doctor may recommend that you ... Anemia Aplastic Anemia Arrhythmia Blood Donation Blood Tests Blood Transfusion Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Changes Heart Failure Hemolytic Anemia ...

  13. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer en español Iron-deficiency anemia is a ... address the cause of your iron deficiency, such as any underlying bleeding. If undiagnosed or untreated, iron- ...

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Medicine (TOPMed) Program Non-NHLBI resources Anemia (National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus) Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease ( ... Supplement Fact Sheet (NIH) Iron-Deficiency Anemia (National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus) Building 31 31 Center Drive ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... anemia if you have certain risk factors , including pregnancy. To prevent iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor may recommend you eat heart-healthy foods or control other conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Blood tests to screen for ...

  16. Anemia Falciforme: Um Problema Nosso. Uma abordagem bioética sobre a nova genética

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    Diniz Debora


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa uma das ações educativas adotadas pelo Ministério da Saúde no campo das hemoglobinopatias: o folheto informativo Anemia Falciforme: Um Problema Nosso. O objetivo é discutir as premissas e os valores morais que se encontram associados a iniciativas no campo da educação genética, tendo as políticas públicas sobre anemia falciforme no Brasil como estudo de caso. A análise mostra que o conteúdo do folheto oscila entre políticas de prevenção para doenças e promoção de direitos fundamentais, uma característica da nova genética. Além disso, o excesso de informação biomédica especializada no folheto dificulta sua divulgação em massa. Os resultados encontrados foram discutidos à luz do debate bioético contemporâneo sobre a nova genética.

  17. Tendência secular de crescimento em escolares de Paulínia, São Paulo-Brasil (1979/80 - 1993/94 Secular trends of growth of schoolchildren from Paulínia, São Paulo - Brazil (1979/80 - 1993/94

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    Denise Barbieri Marmo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a tendência secular de altura, peso e da relação peso/altura em escolares de Paulínia, São Paulo, Brasil, entre 1979/80 e 1993/94. MÉTODOS: Medidas antropométricas de peso (P e altura (A e da relação P/A de 1.903 crianças de 6,5 a 12,5 anos (51,5% M e 48,5% F de escolas públicas de Paulínia foram comparadas com dados de estudo anterior realizado na mesma cidade, com intervalo de 15 anos. Calculou-se o incremento por década e alisou-se os dados pela técnica de médias e medianas móveis (3H3H3. RESULTADOS: As médias de altura e peso foram sempre superiores às do estudo anterior, com incrementos positivos. Os incrementos para a altura variaram de 1,13 a 5 cm no sexo masculino e 1,2 a 4,33 cm nas meninas, já para o peso a variação foi de 0,53 a 4,13 kg nos meninos e 0,87 a 3,0 kg nas meninas. Para a relação P/A, as médias dos dois estudos foram muito semelhantes em ambos os sexos. CONCLUSÕES: A tendência secular positiva da estatura e do peso neste período deve-se principalmente ao desenvolvimento econômico, de saneamento básico, de habitação, de educação e na área de saúde ocorrido na cidade de Paulínia. A tendência secular positiva encontrada foi semelhante à observada em países desenvolvidos após a II Guerra Mundial e de outros trabalhos brasileiros.BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the secular trends in height, weight and weight/height of schoolchildren from the city of Paulínia, São Paulo, Brazil between 1979/80 and 1993/94. METHODS: Anthropometric measurements (height, weight and weight/height of 1,903 children (6.5-12.5y; 51.5% M: 48.5% F, from Paulínia public schools were compared with data from a previous study carried out in the same city 15 years earlier. Decade increments were calculated and data was smoothed by the technique of means and medians (3H3H3. RESULTS: Height and weight mean values were always greater than those of the previous study, with positive

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... exploring about iron-deficiency anemia. Read more New treatments for disorders that lead to iron-deficiency anemia. We are ... and other pathways. This could help develop new therapies for conditions that ... behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in ...

  19. Periodic and secular changes in SS 433

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collins, G.W.; Newsom, G.H.


    The recent history of SS 433 is reviewed with particular attention being given to the discovery of the periodic phenomena displayed by this object. Several periods ranging from days to months are established as being present in the spectrum of the ''moving'' lines as well as in other aspects of the emission from the object. In addition evidence for secular change in some of the defining parameters of the system is presented. Although these secular changes may eventually prove to be periodic on a rather long time scale, some interpretation of both the periodic and secular phenomena is possible. It is shown that it is possible to interpret all the known periodic phenomena in terms of a processing object responding to the time-varying torques that one would expect in a binary system

  20. Iron deficiency anemia (United States)

    Anemia - iron deficiency ... iron from old red blood cells. Iron deficiency anemia develops when your body's iron stores run low. ... You may have no symptoms if the anemia is mild. Most of the time, ... slowly. Symptoms may include: Feeling weak or tired more often ...

  1. Modelling the secular evolution of migrating planet pairs (United States)

    Michtchenko, T. A.; Rodríguez, A.


    The subject of this paper is the secular behaviour of a pair of planets evolving under dissipative forces. In particular, we investigate the case when dissipative forces affect the planetary semimajor axes and the planets move inwards/outwards the central star, in a process known as planet migration. To perform this investigation, we introduce fundamental concepts of conservative and dissipative dynamics of the three-body problem. Based on these concepts, we develop a qualitative model of the secular evolution of the migrating planetary pair. Our approach is based on the analysis of the energy and the orbital angular momentum exchange between the two-planet system and an external medium; thus no specific kind of dissipative forces is invoked. We show that, under the assumption that dissipation is weak and slow, the evolutionary routes of the migrating planets are traced by the Mode I and Mode II stationary solutions of the conservative secular problem. The ultimate convergence and the evolution of the system along one of these secular modes of motion are determined uniquely by the condition that the dissipation rate is sufficiently smaller than the proper secular frequency of the system. We show that it is possible to reassemble the starting configurations and the migration history of the systems on the basis of their final states and consequently to constrain the parameters of the physical processes involved.

  2. Deficiências de micronutrientes em crianças e adolescentes com anemia falciforme: uma revisão sistemática Micronutrient deficiency in children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia: a systematic review

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    Pilar S. R. Mataratzis


    Full Text Available A anemia falciforme é a doença hemolítica crônica, de caráter hereditário mais comum no Brasil, sendo escassas as informações sobre o estado nutricional de micronutrientes em portadores dessa enfermidade no Brasil. Estudos internacionais vêm demonstrando correlação positiva entre deficiência de micronutrientes e evolução desfavorável da doença.O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar revisão sistemática sobre deficiência de micronutrientes em crianças e adolescentes com anemia falciforme.Foram selecionadas publicações nas bases científicas de dados Medline e Lilacs através do Pubmed e Scielo, disponíveis entre os anos de 1998 e 2008. Foram incluídas na análise as publicações realizadas com crianças e adolescentes portadores da forma homozigótica da doença (SS. A qualidade metodológica dos artigos foi avaliada segundo as recomendações de Strobe, sendo selecionados 11 estudos, sendo 2 transversais, 4 caso-controle e 5 de coorte, todos realizados nos Estados Unidos. A avaliação da concordância entre os avaliadores na classificação da qualidade dos artigos demonstrou ótima concordância (k = 1,00, com um total de 90,9% de trabalhos com classificação B. Para a maioria dos nutrientes estudados (vit. A, D, B6, folato, cálcio e zinco, observou-se estado nutricional desfavorável entre os portadores de anemia falciforme, à exceção do ferro e vitamina B12, cujos resultados revelaram baixo ou nenhum nível de inadequação, seja bioquímica ou dietética. Tal constatação reforça a necessidade do cuidado nutricional no manejo desses pacientes, garantindo qualidade de vida para os portadores da doença.Sickle cell anemia is a chronic hemolitic disease and very common in Brazil and there are few information about nutritional status of micronutrients in people with sickle cell anemia in this country. International studies have shown positive correlation between deficiency of micronutrients and worst evolution of

  3. The post-secular city

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Greve, Anni

    ) elements in ritual and ceremonies. Second, emergent spaces of post-secular practices are not only connected to traditional religious sites. With Schmautz (1998) it is necessary to understand a sacred site in its original social and cultural setting, and in the present experience of it. With a point...... in research on trans-national identity making (Fortier 2002). This paper suggests a displacement of focus from trans-national to international identity making and the possible role of religious societies. It is argued that an international culture is not mainstream culture however there are (universal......’ the paper argues for a possible potential of storytelling and mutual recognition. Third, it offers an argument for detecting ‘post-secular sites’ at the urban level from two angles: From architecture (the iconic consciousness) and from performance (the sacred drama). Fourth, the paper closes with a case...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Topics News & Resources Intramural Research Home / < Back To Health Topics / Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer ... and symptoms as well as complications from iron-deficiency anemia. Research for Your Health The NHLBI is part of the U.S. Department ...

  5. Human Rights Education and the Post Secular Turn (United States)

    Bowie, Bob


    This article questions whether human rights education (HRE) scholarship is responding adequately to the post secular turn in thinking about the place and nature of religion in society. Here the post secular turn is used to describe the discrediting of secularisation theory, the recognition of religion as an enduring and pervasive global cultural…

  6. Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (United States)

    ... artérielle Heart Disease Mineral & Bone Disorder Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease What is anemia? Anemia is a condition in ... as they should. How is anemia related to chronic kidney disease? Anemia commonly occurs in people with chronic kidney ...

  7. Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (United States)

    ... Cysts Solitary Kidney Your Kidneys & How They Work Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease What is anemia? Anemia is a condition in which the body ... function as well as they should. How is anemia related to chronic kidney disease? Anemia commonly occurs ...

  8. Pilgrimage as post-secular therapy

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    Lisbeth Mikaelsson


    Full Text Available This article describes the institutionalized pilgrim role and then turns to the therapeutic discourse which is so prominent in the modern pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. Both the role and the discourse can be related to the concept of post-secularity, demonstrating that complex cultural fields such as religion and therapy, become intertwined in new ways through modern pilgrimage. This article also shows that churches cooperating in this type of pilgrimage are adapting to the post-secular age, finding a new sort of raison d’être in a multi-religious, international world. Here the author refers to the Church of Norway and its role in Norwegian pilgrimage. The latter is modelled upon the Santiago example.

  9. Triagem Neonatal, Anemia Falciforme e Serviço Social: o atendimento segundo profissionais de saúde.


    Torres, Camila; Guedes, Cristiano


    Este estudo buscou entender os aspectos sociais percebidos pelos profissionais de uma equipe multidisciplinar de triagem neonatal no processo saúde-doença da anemia falciforme. Visou também compreender a atuação de assistentes sociais na educação em saúde, especialmente o aconselhamento genético. Foram entrevistados profissionais pertencentes a um centro de atendimento de crianças identificadas com anemia falciforme na triagem neonatal. Os resultados revelaram a dificuldade de permanência das...

  10. The „Pussy riot“ case and the post-secular hybrids

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    Uzlaner Dmitrij


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the analysis of the “Pussy riot” case and the peculiarities of Russian postsecularism. Special emphasis is placed on the phenomenon of post-secular hybrids, i.e. the overcoming of the situation of social differentiation between religion and other social subsystems (one of the main distinctive features of secularization. It is claimed that the materials of the trial against “Pussy riot” make evident the appearance in Russia of at least three post-secular hybrids: 1 the blending of religion and politics; 2 installation of religious norms into the public order of the secular state; 3 significance of confessional legal experts as part of the new “ideological state apparatus”.

  11. A prescrição semanal de sulfato ferroso pode ser altamente efetiva para reduzir níveis endêmicos de anemia na infância Long-term preventive mass prescription of weekly doses of iron sulfate may be highly effective to reduce endemic child anemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Augusto Monteiro


    Full Text Available A anemia por deficiência de ferro em crianças é um dos maiores problemas nutricionais enfrentados pelos países em desenvolvimento. Estudos controlados indicam que doses intermitentes de sais de ferro podem ter eficácia semelhante à obtida com o esquema tradicional diário. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar, em uma população onde a anemia na infância é endêmica, a efetividade da prescrição preventiva de doses semanais de sulfato ferroso a todas as crianças entre seis e 59 meses de idade por um período de seis meses. Crianças dos grupos controle e intervenção foram selecionadas a partir de uma amostra aleatória da população de crianças da cidade de São Paulo. Os pais das crianças do grupo intervenção receberam orientação nutricional e frascos de solução de sulfato ferroso com a instrução de ofertá-la aos filhos uma vez por semana até a próxima visita da equipe de pesquisa, que ocorreria em aproximadamente seis meses. Os pais das crianças do grupo controle receberam somente orientação nutricional. O efeito da intervenção foi avaliado por mudanças na concentração da hemoglobina e na prevalência de anemia. As comparações entre os dois grupos foram baseadas na "intenção-de-tratar" e todas as estimativas foram ajustadas para concentração inicial de hemoglobina, idade inicial, duração do seguimento e renda familiar. O ganho médio de hemoglobina devido à intervenção foi de 4,0 g/l e a queda na prevalência de anemia foi de mais de 50%. A intervenção foi particularmente eficiente em prevenir o declínio da concentração de hemoglobina durante os dois primeiros anos de vida. Esse estudo demonstra que, em condições similares àquelas que poderiam facilmente ser reproduzidas por programas regulares de saúde pública, a prescrição universal de doses semanais de sulfato ferroso reduz significativamente o risco de anemia na infância.Iron-deficiency anemia in children remains one of the most

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Topics section only, or the News and Resources section. NHLBI Entire Site NHLBI Entire Site Health ... español Iron-deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia that occurs if you do not have enough iron in your body. People with mild or moderate iron-deficiency anemia ...

  13. Martinho Lutero (1483-1546 e Tomás Müntzer (1489-1525: a justificação teológica da autoridade secular e da revolução política

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    Dreher, Martin Norberto


    Full Text Available A Reforma em território alemão possui duas figuras, por vezes próximas entre si, por vezes muito distantes: Lutero e Tomás Müntzer. À medida que foi se envolvendo na vida de seus fiéis, Müntzer foi tomando caminhos próprios, discordando de Lutero que este tomava a "Palavra, em sua realidade objetiva, como constitutiva da Igreja, e afirmando que os verdadeiros fiéis são os que possuem a experiência subjetiva do "Espírito". Também contra Lutero, que defende a resistência à autoridade, mas em questões seculares aceita a tirania, Müntzer, que vê a fé fortemente inserida no social, defende a revolução armada contra os príncipes. Müntzer não nega a graça, mas esta possui papel secundário em seu pensamento, enquanto, para Lutero, ela se coloca no centro de suas preocupações teológicas

  14. Predictors of anemia in preschool children: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project (United States)

    Aaron, Grant J; Huang, Jin; Varadhan, Ravi; Temple, Victor; Rayco-Solon, Pura; Macdonald, Barbara


    Background: A lack of information on the etiology of anemia has hampered the design and monitoring of anemia-control efforts. Objective: We aimed to evaluate predictors of anemia in preschool children (PSC) (age range: 6–59 mo) by country and infection-burden category. Design: Cross-sectional data from 16 surveys (n = 29,293) from the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project were analyzed separately and pooled by category of infection burden. We assessed relations between anemia (hemoglobin concentration anemia (hemoglobin concentration anemia with concomitant iron deficiency (defined as an inflammation-adjusted ferritin concentration anemia in >50% of surveys. Associations between breastfeeding and anemia were attenuated by controlling for child age, which was negatively associated with anemia. The most consistent predictors of severe anemia were malaria, poor sanitation, and underweight. In multivariable pooled models, child age, iron deficiency, and stunting independently predicted anemia and severe anemia. Inflammation was generally associated with anemia in the high- and very high–infection groups but not in the low- and medium-infection groups. In PSC with anemia, 50%, 30%, 55%, and 58% of children had concomitant iron deficiency in low-, medium-, high-, and very high–infection categories, respectively. Conclusions: Although causal inference is limited by cross-sectional survey data, results suggest anemia-control programs should address both iron deficiency and infections. The relative importance of factors that are associated with anemia varies by setting, and thus, country-specific data are needed to guide programs. PMID:28615260

  15. Fatores de risco para anemia por deficiência de ferro em crianças e adolescentes parasitados por helmintos intestinais Risk factors for iron-deficiency anemia in children and adolescents with intestinal helminthic infections

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    Luciara L. Brito


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar os fatores de risco para anemia por deficiência de ferro em crianças e adolescentes (7 a 17 anos infectados por helmintos. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 1709 crianças e adolescentes residentes na cidade de Jequié, Estado da Bahia, Brasil, que apresentavam infecção leve ou moderada por Schistosoma mansoni, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura e ancilostomídeos. Foram obtidos dados sobre níveis de hemoglobina (hemoglobinômetro portátil, consumo alimentar (inquérito recordatório de 24 horas, infecção parasitária (método Kato-Katz, condições ambientais e domiciliares, renda e escolaridade dos responsáveis. Os fatores de risco para anemia na população foram estudados com base em um modelo hierárquico de causalidade. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de infecção por T. trichiura, A. lumbricoides, S. mansoni e ancilostomídeos foi de 74,8, 63,0, 55,5 e 15,7%, respectivamente. Constatou-se que 32,2% das crianças e adolescentes eram anêmicos. Depois do ajuste para variáveis de confusão, os resultados da análise multivariada mostraram que a renda familiar per capita abaixo de um quarto do salário mínimo (27 dólares, o sexo masculino, a faixa etária de 7 a 9 anos e a ingestão inadequada de ferro biodisponível foram significativamente associados à anemia. CONCLUSÕES: As ações para controle da anemia no grupo de maior risco, conforme identificado no presente estudo, devem visar o aumento do consumo de alimentos ricos em ferro e da biodisponibilidade do ferro ingerido, bem como a melhoria das condições sócio-ambientais.OBJECTIVE: To investigate risk factors for iron-deficiency anemia in children and adolescents (7 to 17 years of age with intestinal helminthic infections. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 1 709 children and adolescents living in Jequié, a town in the state of Bahia, Brazil, who had mild to moderate infection by Schistosoma mansoni, Ascaris

  16. Aplastic Anemia (United States)

    Aplastic anemia is a rare but serious blood disorder. If you have it, your bone marrow doesn't make ... blood cells. There are different types, including Fanconi anemia. Causes include Toxic substances, such as pesticides, arsenic, ...

  17. Aspectos da luta política e do republicanismo no contexto da diocese do Algarve


    Duarte, Afonso da Cunha


    A implantação da República no Algarve reflecte o rescaldo das lutas fratricidas do século XIX entre os partidários da fação de D. Pedro e de D. Miguel. O clero religioso e secular tomara parte na luta partidária e a Igreja no Algarve ficou totalmente desorganizada. A evangelização deixou de se fazer. Quando se implantou a República, uma parte dos que se diziam de cristãos eram anticlericais. D. António Barbosa Leão não ignorou a crítica política da situação reinante e a dicotomia dos que s...

  18. Secularization and de-secularization processes under the light of Max Weber’s rationalization sociology

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    Eduardo Weisz


    Full Text Available This article starts posing a number of problems with which the classical understanding of the end of religions in Modernity has been confronted. This allows for a framework from which Max Weber’s theory of secularization can be addressed. From 1904 onwards, this author was engaged in the understanding of the historical-universal process of rationalization, and it is in this analysis where his prospective of secularization has to be looked for. His sociology of religion is therefore deconstructed from this point of view, so as to grasp why he understood that religions were displaced in the constitution of modern life conducts. After this analysis, the article poses the importance of this author’s legacy for the understanding of different issues concerning the present process of rebirth of religions.

  19. A model for solar constant secular changes (United States)

    Schatten, Kenneth H.


    In this paper, contrast models for solar active region and global photospheric features are used to reproduce the observed Active Cavity Radiometer and Earth Radiation Budget secular trends in reasonably good fashion. A prediction for the next decade of solar constant variations is made using the model. Secular trends in the solar constant obtained from the present model support the view that the Maunder Minimum may be related to the Little Ice Age of the 17th century.

  20. The Jesuit Imaginary: Higher Education in a Secular Age (United States)

    Hendrickson, Daniel Scott


    The philosopher Charles Taylor argues in "A Secular Age" (2007) that people who live in secular cultures are losing the capacity to experience genuine "fullness." Described by Taylor as a philosophical-anthropological conception of human flourishing that corresponds with existential senses of meaning and purpose, fullness is…

  1. Evaluating secular acceleration in geomagnetic field model GRIMM-3 (United States)

    Lesur, V.; Wardinski, I.


    Secular acceleration of the magnetic field is the rate of change of its secular variation. One of the main results of studying magnetic data collected by the German survey satellite CHAMP was the mapping of field acceleration and its evolution in time. Questions remain about the accuracy of the modeled acceleration and the effect of the applied regularization processes. We have evaluated to what extent the regularization affects the temporal variability of the Gauss coefficients. We also obtained results of temporal variability of the Gauss coefficients where alternative approaches to the usual smoothing norms have been applied for regularization. Except for the dipole term, the secular acceleration of the Gauss coefficients is fairly well described up to spherical harmonic degree 5 or 6. There is no clear evidence from observatory data that the spectrum of this acceleration is underestimated at the Earth surface. Assuming a resistive mantle, the observed acceleration supports a characteristic time scale for the secular variation of the order of 11 years.

  2. Mouse models of Fanconi anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parmar, Kalindi; D'Andrea, Alan; Niedernhofer, Laura J.


    Fanconi anemia is a rare inherited disease characterized by congenital anomalies, growth retardation, aplastic anemia and an increased risk of acute myeloid leukemia and squamous cell carcinomas. The disease is caused by mutation in genes encoding proteins required for the Fanconi anemia pathway, a response mechanism to replicative stress, including that caused by genotoxins that cause DNA interstrand crosslinks. Defects in the Fanconi anemia pathway lead to genomic instability and apoptosis of proliferating cells. To date, 13 complementation groups of Fanconi anemia were identified. Five of these genes have been deleted or mutated in the mouse, as well as a sixth key regulatory gene, to create mouse models of Fanconi anemia. This review summarizes the phenotype of each of the Fanconi anemia mouse models and highlights how genetic and interventional studies using the strains have yielded novel insight into therapeutic strategies for Fanconi anemia and into how the Fanconi anemia pathway protects against genomic instability.

  3. Mouse models of Fanconi anemia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parmar, Kalindi; D' Andrea, Alan [Department of Radiation Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 02115 (United States); Niedernhofer, Laura J., E-mail: [Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Cancer Institute, 5117 Centre Avenue, Hillman Cancer Center, Research Pavilion 2.6, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-1863 (United States)


    Fanconi anemia is a rare inherited disease characterized by congenital anomalies, growth retardation, aplastic anemia and an increased risk of acute myeloid leukemia and squamous cell carcinomas. The disease is caused by mutation in genes encoding proteins required for the Fanconi anemia pathway, a response mechanism to replicative stress, including that caused by genotoxins that cause DNA interstrand crosslinks. Defects in the Fanconi anemia pathway lead to genomic instability and apoptosis of proliferating cells. To date, 13 complementation groups of Fanconi anemia were identified. Five of these genes have been deleted or mutated in the mouse, as well as a sixth key regulatory gene, to create mouse models of Fanconi anemia. This review summarizes the phenotype of each of the Fanconi anemia mouse models and highlights how genetic and interventional studies using the strains have yielded novel insight into therapeutic strategies for Fanconi anemia and into how the Fanconi anemia pathway protects against genomic instability.

  4. Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA) (United States)

    ... page Print this page My Cart Severe aplastic anemia (SAA) Severe aplastic anemia (SAA) is a disease ... leukemia (ALL) Other diseases What is severe aplastic anemia (SAA)? SAA is a bone marrow disease. The ...

  5. Fanconi's Anemia Effect or Sickle Cell Anemia Effect: That is the Question. (United States)

    Unal, Sule; Chui, David H K; Gumruk, Fatma


    A 16-year-old boy who was diagnosed to have sickle cell anemia was referred to our center. The parental consanguinity, growth retardation and dysmorphic features prompted a search for possible Fanconi's Anemia (FA). The diepoxybutane (DEB) test was positive, confirming FA. The interaction of both diseases might account for his relatively mild phenotype in terms of both sickle cell anemia (or Hb S, HBB: c.20A > T) and FA. The high Hb F level that might be related to concomitant FA, may have caused a milder phenotype of sickle cell anemia, whereas nitric oxide (NO) depletion as a consequence of sickle cell anemia, may have caused a delay in the bone marrow failure of FA.

  6. Secular Islam and the Rhetoric of Humanity


    Kharputly, Nadeen Sh B


    Secular Islam and the Rhetoric of Humanity” examines competing notions of humanity in representations of Islam in the United States from the Civil Rights period to the present. In post-9/11 representations, Islam is rhetorically “humanized” by the dominant culture in attempts to determine Islam’s role in the United States. This humanizing framework not only presumes an inherent lack of humanity in Islam; it establishes the ideal of the human as white, rational, and secular. To critique this ...

  7. The Prevalence of Anemia and Moderate-Severe Anemia in the US Population (NHANES 2003-2012) (United States)


    Since anemia is associated with poor health outcomes, the prevalence of anemia is a significant public health indicator. Even though anemia is primarily caused by iron deficiency, low oxygen-carrying capacity may result from other conditions such as chronic diseases, which remain a relevant health concern in the United States. However, studies examining current rates of anemia in the total US population and in more specific subgroups are limited. Data from five National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) from 2003 to 2012 were analyzed to assess two outcomes: anemia and moderate-severe anemia, which were based upon serum hemoglobin levels (Hb) as per World Health Organization (WHO) definitions. Statistical analysis using SAS examined temporal trends and the prevalence of anemia among sexes, age groups, and races/ethnicities. The study estimated that an average of 5.6% of the U.S. population met the criteria for anemia and 1.5% for moderate-severe anemia during this 10-year period. High-risk groups such as pregnant women, elderly persons, women of reproductive age, non-Hispanic blacks, and Hispanics were identified, and relationships between multiple risk factors were examined. Rates of anemia in men increased monotonically with age, while that of women increased bimodally with peaks in age group 40–49 years and 80–85 years. The effect of risk factors was observed to compound. For instance, the prevalence of anemia in black women aged 80–85 years was 35.6%, 6.4 times higher than the population average. Moreover, anemia is a growing problem because of the increased prevalence of anemia (4.0% to 7.1%) and moderate-severe anemia (1.0% to 1.9%), which nearly doubled from 2003–2004 to 2011–2012. Thus, these results augment the current knowledge on anemia prevalence, severity, and distribution among subgroups in the US and raised anemia as an issue that requires urgent public health intervention. PMID:27846276

  8. Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (United States)

    ... Support Publications Fundraising News What is the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund? Fanconi anemia is an inherited disease that can lead to ... population. Lynn and Dave Frohnmayer started the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, in 1989 to find effective treatments ...

  9. Iron deficiency anemia and megaloblastic anemia in obese patients. (United States)

    Arshad, Mahmoud; Jaberian, Sara; Pazouki, Abdolreza; Riazi, Sajedeh; Rangraz, Maryam Aghababa; Mokhber, Somayyeh


    The association between obesity and different types of anemia remained uncertain. The present study aimed to assess the relation between obesity parameters and the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia and also megaloblastic anemia among Iranian population. This cross-sectional study was performed on 1252 patients with morbid obesity that randomly selected from all patients referred to Clinic of obesity at Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital in 2014. The morbid obesity was defined according to the guideline as body mass index (BMI) equal to or higher than 40 kg/m2. Various laboratory parameters including serum levels of hemoglobin, iron, ferritin, folic acid, and vitamin B12 were assessed using the standard laboratory techniques. BMI was adversely associated with serum vitamin B12, but not associated with other hematologic parameters. The overall prevalence of iron deficiency anemia was 9.8%. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia was independent to patients' age and also to body mass index. The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency was totally 20.9%. According to the multivariable logistic regression model, no association was revealed between BMI and the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia adjusting gender and age. A similar regression model showed that higher BMI could predict occurrence of vitamin B12 deficiency in morbid obese patients. Although iron deficiency is a common finding among obese patients, vitamin B12 deficiency is more frequent so about one-fifth of these patients suffer vitamin B12 deficiency. In fact, the exacerbation of obesity can result in exacerbation of vitamin B12 deficiency.

  10. Anemia em gestantes brasileiras antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ferro

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    Elizabeth Fujimori


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar prevalência de anemia e valores de hemoglobina (Hb em gestantes brasileiras, antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ferro. MÉTODOS: Estudo de avaliação de painéis repetidos, desenvolvido em serviços públicos de saúde de municípios das cinco regiões brasileiras. Dados retrospectivos foram obtidos de 12.119 prontuários de gestantes distribuídas em dois grupos: antes da fortificação, com parto anterior a junho de 2004, e após a fortificação, com última menstruação após junho de 2005. Anemia foi definida como Hb < 11,0 g/dL. Valores de Hb/idade gestacional foram avaliados segundo dois referenciais da literatura. Foram utilizados teste qui-quadrado, t de Student e regressão logística, com nível de 5% de significância. RESULTADOS: Na amostra total, anemia caiu de 25% para 20% após fortificação (p < 0,001, com médias de Hb significativamente maiores no grupo "após" (p < 0,001. Observaram-se, entretanto, diferenças regionais importantes: reduções significativas nas regiões Nordeste (37% para 29% e Norte (32% para 25%, onde as prevalências de anemia eram elevadas antes da fortificação, e reduções menores nas regiões Sudeste (18% para 15% e Sul (7% para 6%, onde as prevalências eram baixas. Os níveis de Hb/idade gestacional de ambos os grupos se mostraram discretamente mais elevados nos primeiros meses, porém bem mais baixos após o terceiro ou quarto mês, dependendo da referência utilizada para comparação. Análise de regressão logística mostrou que grupo, região geográfica, situação conjugal, trimestre gestacional, estado nutricional inicial e gestação anterior associaram-se com anemia (p < 0,05. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de anemia diminuiu após a fortificação, porém continua elevada nas regiões Nordeste e Norte. Embora a fortificação possa ter tido papel nesse resultado favorável, há que se considerar a contribuição de outras políticas p

  11. Contrasting irreligious orientation: atheism and secularity in the USA and Scandinavia

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    Phil Zuckerman


    Full Text Available Atheism and secularity are not static, fixed orientations. Rather, atheism and secularity are contoured, malleable, and deeply shaped by cultural and social forces. A clear example of the degree to which atheism and secularity can be lived and expressed quite differently in different socio-cultural locations is revealed by comparing and contrasting the ways in which they are manifested in the United States and Scandinavia.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michikoshi, Shugo; Kokubo, Eiichiro; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro


    We perform a linear stability analysis of a dust layer in a turbulent gas disk. Youdin investigated the secular gravitational instability (GI) of a dust layer using hydrodynamic equations with a turbulent diffusion term. We obtain essentially the same result independently of Youdin. In the present analysis, we restrict the area of interest to small dust particles, while investigating the secular GI in a more rigorous manner. We discuss the time evolution of the dust surface density distribution using a stochastic model and derive the advection-diffusion equation. The validity of the analysis by Youdin is confirmed in the strong drag limit. We demonstrate quantitatively that the finite thickness of a dust layer weakens the secular GI and that the density-dependent diffusion coefficient changes the growth rate. We apply the results obtained to the turbulence driven by the shear instability and find that the secular GI is faster than the radial drift when the gas density is three times as large as that in the minimum-mass disk model. If the dust particles are larger than chondrules, the secular GI grows within the lifetime of a protoplanetary disk.

  13. Anemia muy precoz del prematuro con peso ≤ 1 500 g:: prevalencia y factores asociados Very early anemia in premature weighing ≤ 1 500 g:: prevalence and associated factors

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    Yusleivy Milagros López Negrín


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. En el Hospital Ginecoobstétrico Docente «Ramón González Coro» no se ha estudiado la prevalencia de la anemia muy precoz de la prematuridad y los factores asociados a su aparición. Se decidió realizar esta investigación para dar respuesta a esta interrogante y proporcionar bases a las autoridades administrativas para el trazado de estrategias preventivas más eficaces, que reduzcan esta complicación y sus consecuencias. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, de corte transversal, donde se incluyeron todos los recién nacidos (RN ≤ de 1 500 g nacidos antes de las 37 semanas y atendidos en el servicio de neonatología del hospital durante el año 2008. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por 25 neonatos. Se determinó en cada uno la presencia o no de anemia muy precoz. Se determinó la prevalencia de esta enfermedad y los factores maternos, perinatales y posnatales asociados. RESULTADOS. Presentó anemia muy precoz el 52 % de los neonatos (13/25. La hemoglobina materna baja no se asoció a la anemia muy precoz (RP 0,62; IC 95 % 0,21-1,80. Ninguna variable perinatal se asoció a la anemia muy precoz, aunque se encontró que la prevalencia de esta enfermedad disminuye al aumentar la edad gestacional al nacer (tendencia lineal: X² 4,33; gl 1; p 0,037. Los RN con alguna morbilidad grave tuvieron 2,44 veces más probabilidad de presentar anemia muy precoz (RP 2,44; IC 95 % 1,01-5,87. La prevalencia de la anemia muy precoz se incrementó al aumentar los mililitros por kilogramo de peso de sangre extraída (tendencia lineal: X² 7,6195; gl 1; p 0,0058. Los RN con extracciones entre 5 y 10 mL/kg y > 10 mL/kg tuvieron 5,3 y 4,5 veces más probabilidad de presentar anemia (RP 5,33; IC 95 % 1,4739-19,2988 y RP4,5 ; IC 95 % 1,1254-17,9930, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES. Un poco más de la mitad de los casos presentaron anemia muy precoz y los factores independientes asociados a su aparición fueron la presencia de

  14. Iron, Anemia, and Iron Deficiency Anemia among Young Children in the United States


    Gupta, Priya M.; Perrine, Cria G.; Mei, Zuguo; Scanlon, Kelley S.


    Iron deficiency and anemia are associated with impaired neurocognitive development and immune function in young children. Total body iron, calculated from serum ferritin and soluble transferrin receptor concentrations, and hemoglobin allow for monitoring of the iron and anemia status of children in the United States. The purpose of this analysis is to describe the prevalence of iron deficiency (ID), anemia, and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) among children 1–5 years using data from the 2007–201...

  15. Variáveis maternas e infantis associadas à ocorrência de anemia em crianças nos serviços de atenção básica em São Paulo Mother and child factors related to occurrence of anemia in children assisted at primary health care centers of São Paulo city, Brazil

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    Patrícia Colombo Compri


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar variáveis maternas e infantis associadas à ocorrência de anemia em crianças atendidas por serviços de atenção básica à saúde do município de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 357 crianças, de quatro a 24 meses, de três serviços de atenção básica à saúde da região sul da cidade. As variáveis foram separadas em categorias relacionadas à mãe e à criança. A dosagem de hemoglobina foi realizada por punção digital, com ponto de corte de 11g/dL para o diagnóstico de anemia. O teste t de Student foi aplicado para comparar as médias de hemoglobina de dois grupos independentes; a ANOVA, para três ou mais grupos; e o teste de Mann-Whitney para comparar a velocidade de crescimento e o grupo etário. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de hemoglobina abaixo de 11g/dL foi de 60%. Entre as variáveis maternas, não se constatou associação com a ocorrência de anemia. Houve associação entre anemia, gênero da criança e velocidade de ganho de peso. Quanto à alimentação, não foi encontrada associação entre tempo de aleitamento materno e anemia, mas houve associação com a ingestão quantitativa e qualitativamente pobre em ferro. CONCLUSÕES: A alta prevalência de anemia relacionou-se ao gênero masculino, no qual a velocidade de crescimento em menores de seis meses e naqueles com 18 a 24 meses foi maior, além de se associar à baixa ingestão de ferro na dieta.OBJECTIVE: To analyze mother and child factors associated with the occurrence of anemia in children assisted at primary health care centers in São Paulo city, Brazil. METHODS: The study enrolled 357 children from four to 24 months assisted at three health care centers in the southern region of the city. Possible factors associated to anemia and related to mother and children characteristics were categorized. Hemoglobin was determined by digital puncture and the cut value for anemia diagnosis was 11g/dL. Student t test was used to compare the

  16. The New Secular Humanists: Ronald Dworkin and Philip Kitcher on Life without God

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    Charles Taliaferro


    Full Text Available Ronald Dworkin and Philip Kitcher recognize that traditional, religious faith—especially in Christian theistic tradition—has virtues that seem to be missing in a secular worldview. To remedy this apparent deficit, they both propose that a secular worldview can provide a satisfying foundation for a flourishing, meaningful life. Moreover, Kitcher argues that secular humanism is far more justified than a religious worldview because it does not face the problem of diversity that arises in the case of religion. I argue that secular humanism faces the same problem of diversity that Kitcher proposes undermines religious belief. I further argue that Dworkin’s and Kitcher’s secular alternative to a religious worldview is problematic.

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... your doctor may recommend you eat heart-healthy foods or control other conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... from developing iron-deficiency anemia. Foods that are good sources of iron include dried beans, dried fruits, eggs, lean red meat, ... signs of iron-deficiency anemia include: Brittle nails ...

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... for iron-deficiency anemia. Lifestyle habits Certain lifestyle habits may increase your risk for iron-deficiency anemia, including: Vegetarian or vegan eating patterns. Not eating enough iron-rich foods, such ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Hemophilia Pernicious Anemia Restless Legs Syndrome Von Willebrand Disease Other Resources NHLBI resources Your Guide to Anemia [PDF, 1.54MB] Cardiovascular Health Study Recipient Epidemiology Donor Studies (REDS) program ...

  1. Sickle cell anemia (United States)

    Anemia - sickle cell; Hemoglobin SS disease (Hb SS); Sickle cell disease ... Sickle cell anemia is caused by an abnormal type of hemoglobin called hemoglobin S. Hemoglobin is a protein inside red blood cells ...

  2. The Secularization of Russian Orthodoxy in the Late Russian Empire, 1860–1910: the Indoctrination and De-Institutionalization (Problem Statement

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    Andrey Yu. Mikhailov


    Full Text Available This article is based on the methodology of intellectual history examines the process of secularization of Orthodoxy in the late Russian Empire 1860 – 1910-ies. The focus of the formulation of a scientific problem: consideration of secularization as indoctrination Orthodoxy and de-institutionalization of the Synod Church. Under the first attempt to synthesize the doctrine Orthodoxy with modernist ideologies (socialism, nationalism, secularism (laicism, under the second – the erosion of the church as an institution by dividing into various inner-group. As a consequence of early modern rationalization to 1830–1840 there are three ways of indoctrination orthodoxy as synthesis with modern ideology. Firstly, synthesis with a modernist nationalism in its evolution from the "civilian" to the "political". The concept of late imperial political nationalism (N.P. Ignatiev, A.A. Kireev, tied to version of neoslavyanofily (new slavyanofily (N.P. Aksakov, D.A. Khomyakov and civilizational theory (L. Leontiev, N.I. Danilevsky tried synthesize Orthodoxy and nationalism in the spirit of religious interpretation of the nation and society. Secondly, with social theories of modern European socialism and positivism. (archimandrite Fedor (Bukharev, S.N. Bulgakov, archimandrite Michael (Semenov, and others.. Thirdly, with a modernist secularism (laicism and liberalism: P.V. Valuev, D.A. Tolstoy, K.P. Pobedonostsev. De-institutionalization of the Synodal Church took place in the following ways. In the period of early modernity (1700–1840, konfessionaliztion (die Konfessionalisierung, happened embedding religious institution in the state organism (nationalization on the practical and theoretical level. The evolution from the early modernity to late modernity (1830–1860 itself has raise the question of the "internal" secularization as activation of layman or parishioner. Theory A.S. Khomyakov (new criteria and the nature of the Church as a divine

  3. Vitamin Deficiency Anemia (United States)

    ... are unique to specific vitamin deficiencies. Folate-deficiency anemia risk factors include: Undergoing hemodialysis for kidney failure. ... the metabolism of folate. Vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia risk factors include: Lack of intrinsic factor. Most ...

  4. Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia (United States)

    Immune hemolytic anemia secondary to drugs; Anemia - immune hemolytic - secondary to drugs ... Drugs that can cause this type of hemolytic anemia include: Cephalosporins (a class of antibiotics), most common ...

  5. Thiamine– Responsive Megaloblastic Anemia Syndrome

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    F Motavaselian


    Full Text Available Thiamine Responsive megaloblastic anemia in DIDMOA (Wolfram syndrome has an autosomal- recessive mode of inheritance . Megaloblastic anemia and sideroblastic anemia is accompanied by diabetes insipidus (DI, diabetes mellitus (DM ,optic atrophy (OA and deafness (D. Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia are also present. We report a 7 month old girl with congenital macrocytic anemia; a rare clinical feature of Wolfram,s syndrome with increased plasma levels of blood glucose, both of which dramatically responded to administration of thiamine in large doses . The patient also had neurosensorial deafness, but no improvement was observed in the deafness. We presented the case because thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia is a rare clinical presentation of Wolfram syndrome and after institution of treatment with thiamine, the anemia and hyperglycemia returned to normal.

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... may be diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia if you have low iron or ferritin levels in your blood. More testing may be needed to rule out other types of anemia. Tests for gastrointestinal ...

  7. Anemia of Chronic Disease and Iron Deficiency Anemia in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. (United States)

    Murawska, Natalia; Fabisiak, Adam; Fichna, Jakub


    Anemia coexists with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in up to two-thirds of patients, significantly impairing quality of life. The most common types of anemia in patients with IBD are iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease, which often overlap. In most cases, available laboratory tests allow successful diagnosis of iron deficiency, where difficulties appear, recently established indices such as soluble transferrin-ferritin ratio or percentage of hypochromic red cells are used. In this review, we discuss the management of the most common types of anemia in respect of the latest available data. Thus, we provide the mechanisms underlying pathophysiology of these entities; furthermore, we discuss the role of hepcidin in developing anemia in IBD. Next, we present the treatment options for each type of anemia and highlight the importance of individual choice of action. We also focus on newly developed intravenous iron preparations and novel, promising drug candidates targeting hepcidin. Concurrently, we talk about difficulties in differentiating between the true and functional iron deficiency, and discuss tools facilitating the process. Finally, we emphasize the importance of proper diagnosis and treatment of anemia in IBD. We conclude that management of anemia in patients with IBD is tricky, and appropriate screening of patients regarding anemia is substantial.

  8. Anemia hemolítica auto-imune e outras manifestações imunes da leucemia linfocítica crônica Autoimmune hemolytic anemia and other autoimmune diseases related to chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    José O. Bordin


    Full Text Available A leucemia linfocítica crônica (LLC é freqüentemente associada a manifestações auto-imunes principalmente relacionadas às células do sistema hematopoético causando anemia hemolítica auto-imune (AHAI, púrpura trombocitopênica imune (PTI, aplasia pura de série vermelha (APSV, e neutropenia imune. A LLC é diagnosticada em até 15% dos pacientes com AHAI, e em cerca de 50% dos pacientes com AHAI secundária a doença maligna. A PTI ocorre em 2%, e a APSV em 1% dos pacientes com LLC. Prednisona é o tratamento inicial de escolha para a citopenia imune associada à LLC. Para cerca de 60% dos pacientes que apresentam recidiva da manifestação auto-imune tem sido utilizada esplenectomia, imunoglobulina endovenosa, ou ciclosporina. Embora as evidências sobre fisiopatologia sejam limitadas, os mecanismos fisiopatológicos da auto-imunidade na LLC estão relacionados à atividade dos linfócitos B leucêmicos que atuam como células apresentadoras de antígeno aberrantes, e são eficientes em processar e apresentar proteínas da membrana de hemácias e de plaquetas às células TH auto-reativas. Linfócitos TH específicos para certos auto-antígenos podem escapar de mecanismos de controle de auto-tolerância, e, se ativados, podem causar doença auto-imune. O diagnóstico de AHAI contra-indica o uso de fludarabina em pacientes com LLC, pois esse análogo da purina tem sido associado ao desenvolvimento de AHAI grave e fatal, com risco consideravelmente mais alto para pacientes mais imunossuprimidos devido a vários tratamentos anteriores.Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL is frequently associated with autoimmune diseases directed against hematopoietic cells, including autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA, immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP, pure red cell aplasia (PRCA, and immune neutropenia. CLL represents the diagnosis in up to 15% of the patients with AIHA, and in 50% of the patients with AIHA secondary to malignancy. ITP occurs in 2% and

  9. Anemia of Chronic Liver Diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Hyun Chung; Lee, Jhung Sang; Koh, Chang Soon; Lee, Mun Ho


    The pathogenetic mechanisms of anemia in patients with chronic liver disease were observed. Seventeen patients with moderate to advanced hepatic diseases were studied by various methods. Only patients without previous blood loss were included : 14 had cirrhosis, 2 had active chronic hepatitis, and one had inferior vena cava obstruction with associated liver cirrhosis. The followings were the results: 1. The anemia based on red blood cell count, Hb., and Ht. was found in 76.5-78.6% of the patients. 2. Red cell indices indicated that normo-macrocytic and normochromic anemia was present is the majority of the patients. 3. No evidence of megaloblastic anemia was found on the basis of the morphological examinations. 4. Serum iron, TIBC, % saturation and iron content in the bone marrow indicated that iron deficiency anemia was present in about half of the patients. 5. In the view of the erythrocyte dynamics, primary increase in the red cell destruction was ascribed to the cause of the anemia. 6. Decrease in the red cell survival time was not correlated with MCV, % saturation and S.L. ratio. Also, hemoglobin level was not correlated with MCV, % saturation and T 50 Cr. Therefore, multiple causes may be involved in the pathogenesis of the anemia. 7. Anemia as determined by the red cell volume was found in only 60% of the patients. It may be possible that hemodilutional anemia is present.

  10. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... deficiency anemia can cause serious complications, including heart failure and development delays in children. Explore this Health ... to iron-deficiency anemia include: End-stage kidney failure, where there is blood loss during dialysis. People ...

  11. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... deficiency anemia can cause serious complications, including heart failure and development delays in children. Explore this Health ... lead to iron-deficiency anemia include: End-stage kidney failure, where there is blood loss during dialysis. ...

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in ... Visit Children and Clinical Studies to hear experts, parents, and children talk about their experiences with clinical ...

  13. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... contribute to differences in disease severity and how patients respond to treatment. The NHLBI Strategic Vision highlights ... Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Avoiding Anemia (National ...

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... to improve health through research and scientific discovery. Improving health with current research Learn about the following ... deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in premature ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how ... Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Avoiding Anemia (National ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia. These conditions include: Intestinal and digestive conditions, such as celiac disease; inflammatory bowel diseases, ... iron-deficiency anemia , such as bleeding in the digestive or urinary tract or heavy menstrual bleeding, your ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... mg and women need 18 mg. After age 51, both men and women need 8 mg. Pregnant ... for iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about exciting research areas that NHLBI is exploring about iron-deficiency anemia. ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... heart failure . Increased risk of infections Motor or cognitive development delays in children Pregnancy complications, such as ... for iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about exciting research areas that NHLBI is exploring about iron-deficiency anemia. ...

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... heavy menstrual periods. Individuals with a gene for hemophilia, including symptomatic female carriers who have heavy menstrual ... Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Changes Heart Failure Hemolytic Anemia Hemophilia Pernicious Anemia Restless Legs Syndrome Von Willebrand Disease ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen ... the size of your liver and spleen. Blood tests Based on results from blood tests to screen ...

  1. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... less than 12 g/dl for women is diagnostic of anemia. In iron-deficiency anemia, red blood ... both full-term and preterm infants. Look for Diagnosis will explain tests and procedures that your doctor ...

  2. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-fortified foods that have iron added. Vegetarian diets can provide enough iron if you choose nonmeat ... Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Avoiding Anemia (National ...

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... less than 12 g/dl for women is diagnostic of anemia. In iron-deficiency anemia, red blood ... physical exam, or order blood tests or other diagnostic tests. Physical exam Your doctor may ask about ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... and pregnancy. Good sources of iron are meat, poultry, fish, and iron-fortified foods that have iron ... Anemia Restless Legs Syndrome Von Willebrand Disease Other Resources NHLBI resources Your Guide to Anemia [PDF, 1. ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... learning how having iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. ... iron-deficiency anemia in blood donors affects the quality of donated red blood cells, such as how ...

  6. Side Effects: Anemia (United States)

    Anemia is a side effect of cancer treatments, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It can make women and men feel fatigued, dizzy, and short of breath. Learn how to manage fatigue caused by anemia during cancer treatment.

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... endoscopy or colonoscopy, to stop bleeding. Healthy lifestyle changes To help you meet your daily recommended iron ... iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... leaving cells where it is stored or from being absorbed in the duodenum, the first part of ... treatments for iron-deficiency anemia. Living With After being diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia, it is important ...

  9. Anemia ferropriva em populações da região sul do Estado de São Paulo Iron deficiency anaemia in populations of the Southern area of the State of S. Paulo, Brazil

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    Sophia Cornblüth Szarfarc


    Full Text Available Foi feito um levantamento da ocorrência de anemia ferropriva no Vale do Ribeira, nas localidades de Iguape, Apiaí, Ribeira, Barra do Chapéu e Pontal do Ribeira, através de dosagens, no sangue, de Hemoglobina, Hematócrito, Ferro sérico e Capacidade de Ligação de Ferro. Na mesma amostra populacional, pelo estudo da composição dos alimentos consumidos, foi obtida a ingestão de ferro, média, diária, "per capita" nas seis localidades referidas. Os resultados da adequação de consumo foram: em Iguape, 91%; Pontal do Ribeira, 63%; Icapara, 81%; Apiaí, 122%; Ribeira, 99% e em Barra do Chapéu, 125%. Através dos índices aplicados, evidenciou-se a existência de anemia como problema de Saúde Pública na grande maioria das áreas estudadas.A study of iron deficiency anaemia in seaside and mountain population of the southern area of the state of S. Paulo, Brazil, was carried out. The towns studies were, Iguape, Pontal do Ribeira, Icapara, Apiai, Ribeira and Barra do Chapeu. Studying the composition of food-stuff consumed a "per capita" average iron consumption was stablished for each town. Results showed that consumption of iron in Iguape was 91% of minimum needs, Pontal do Ribeira, 63%, Icapara, 81%, Apiai, 122%, Ribeira, 99% and Barra do Chapeu, 125%. It was found that in most localities iron deficiency anaemia constitutes a public health problem.

  10. Reação transfusional hiper-hemolítica em pacientes portadores de anemia falciforme: relato de dois casos Hyper-hemolytic transfusional reaction in sickle cell patients: two case reports

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    Cláudia C.S. Naufel


    Full Text Available O caráter crônico da anemia, nos pacientes portadores de anemia falciforme, associado à maior capacidade de liberação de oxigênio pela Hb S, faz com que sejam pouco sintomáticos em relação à anemia e não necessitem de forma rotineira de transfusão de hemácias. Contudo, na vigência de complicações agudas, a queda adicional da hemoglobina pode precipitar descompensação da função cardio-respiratória e colocar em risco a vida do paciente, tornando a transfusão de sangue um recurso terapêutico de grande importância. Em virtude da elevada freqüência de transfusões a que esses pacientes são submetidos, é de fundamental importância o conhecimento dos principais riscos e o diagnóstico adequado das complicações decorrentes da terapia transfusional. Uma forma atípica de reação transfusional, denominada reação transfusional hiperhemolítica, foi descrita recentemente em pacientes com anemia falciforme após transfusão de hemácias aparentemente compatíveis. (4,5,6,7 Nesta condição, transfusões ulteriores podem exacerbar o quadro hemolítico e colocar em risco a vida do paciente. Os mecanismos patofisiológicos exatos dessa entidade ainda não são bem conhecidos e o tratamento consiste na suspensão da transfusão, corticoterapia e/ou administração de imunoglobulina. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o relato de dois casos de reação transfusional hiperhemolítica em pacientes portadores de anemia falciforme.The chronic character of sickle cell anemia associated with the greater capacity to liberate oxygen by the Hb S, results in patients exhibiting few symptoms in relation to the anemia and they do not require regular hemacias transfusions. Nevertheless, in the face of acute complications, the additional drop in hemoglobin can precipitate an imbalance in the cardio-respiratory function and put the life of the patient at risk, making blood transfusion therapy of utmost importance. In the light of the

  11. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia. Search the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) to learn about research that ... iron-deficiency anemia in blood donors affects the quality of donated red blood cells, such as how ...

  12. Cancer-related anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Rzaeq, Hikmat N.


    Anemia is the most common hematological abnormality in cancer patients is often under-recognized and undertreated. The pathogenesis of cancer anemia is complex and most of time multifactorial; involving factors related to the tumor itself or its therapy. While anemia can be present in a wide range of symptoms, involing almost every organ, it is beleived that it contributes much to cancer-related-fatigue, one of the most common symptoms in cancer patients. In addition there is increasing evidence to suggest that anemia is an independent factor adversely affecting tumor reponse and patient survival. While blood transfusion was the only option to treat cancer related anemia, the use of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) is becomig the new standard of care, more so with the recent studies demonstrating the feasibility of a sigle weekly injection .Things are even getting better with the recent approval of a new form of rHuEPO; Darbepoetin an analogue with a 3-fold longer half-life. In addition to its effects in raising homoglobin, several well controlled studies demonstrated decrease in transfusion requirementsand better qualify of life assessed objectively using standard assesments scales. (author)

  13. Iron deficiency or anemia of inflammation? : Differential diagnosis and mechanisms of anemia of inflammation. (United States)

    Nairz, Manfred; Theurl, Igor; Wolf, Dominik; Weiss, Günter


    Iron deficiency and immune activation are the two most frequent causes of anemia, both of which are based on disturbances of iron homeostasis. Iron deficiency anemia results from a reduction of the body's iron content due to blood loss, inadequate dietary iron intake, its malabsorption, or increased iron demand. Immune activation drives a diversion of iron fluxes from the erythropoietic bone marrow, where hemoglobinization takes place, to storage sites, particularly the mononuclear phagocytes system in liver and spleen. This results in iron-limited erythropoiesis and anemia. This review summarizes current diagnostic and pathophysiological concepts of iron deficiency anemia and anemia of inflammation, as well as combined conditions, and provides a brief outlook on novel therapeutic options.

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... other conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen ... check the size of your liver and spleen. Blood tests Based on results from blood tests to screen ...

  15. Sickle cell anemia.


    ŘÍHOVÁ, Tereza


    This thesis is about the disease called sickle cell anemia, or drepanocytosis. In this thesis is described the history of the disease, pathophysiology, laboratory features, various clinical features, diferencial diagnosis, quality of life in sickle cell anemia and therapy.

  16. Non-linear development of secular gravitational instability in protoplanetary disks (United States)

    Tominaga, Ryosuke T.; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro; Takahashi, Sanemichi Z.


    We perform non-linear simulation of secular gravitational instability (GI) in protoplanetary disks, which has been proposed as a mechanism of planetesimal and multiple ring formation. Since the timescale of the growth of the secular GI is much longer than the Keplerian rotation period, we develop a new numerical scheme for a long-term calculation utilizing the concept of symplectic integration. With our new scheme, we first investigate the non-linear development of the secular GI in a disk without a pressure gradient in the initial state. We find that the surface density of dust increases by more than a factor of 100 while that of gas does not increase even by a factor of 2, which results in the formation of dust-dominated rings. A line mass of the dust ring tends to be very close to the critical line mass of a self-gravitating isothermal filament. Our results indicate that the non-linear growth of the secular GI provides a powerful mechanism to concentrate the dust. We also find that the dust ring formed via the non-linear growth of the secular GI migrates inward with a low velocity, which is driven by the self-gravity of the ring. We give a semi-analytical expression for the inward migration speed of the dusty ring.

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... blocks the intestine from taking up iron. Other medical conditions Other medical conditions that may lead to iron-deficiency anemia ... daily amount of iron. If you have other medical conditions that cause iron-deficiency anemia , such as ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... hemoglobin levels. This was associated with a greater risk of death even with mild anemia. Now, anemia in older adults is recognized as an important condition. NHLBI Small Business Program. Through the NHLBI Small Business Program , we ...

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... loss and lead to iron-deficiency anemia. Common causes of blood loss that lead to iron-deficiency anemia include: Bleeding in your GI tract, from an ulcer, colon cancer, or regular use of medicines such as aspirin ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... for iron-deficiency anemia. Lifestyle habits Certain lifestyle habits may increase your risk for iron-deficiency anemia, including: Vegetarian or vegan eating patterns. Not eating enough iron-rich foods, such as meat and fish, may result in ...

  1. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... even with mild anemia. Now, anemia in older adults is recognized as an important condition. NHLBI Small Business Program. Through the NHLBI Small Business Program , we fund research and development for domestic small businesses that have strong potential ...

  2. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... anemia. Return to Signs, Symptoms, and Complications to review signs and symptoms as well as complications from iron-deficiency ... NIH]) Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Centers for Disease Control and ... Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet (NIH) Iron-Deficiency Anemia (National Library ...

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... be at risk for iron-deficiency anemia. Lifestyle habits Certain lifestyle habits may increase your risk for iron-deficiency anemia, ... you are experiencing side effects such as a bad metallic taste, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or upset stomach. ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... how we are using current research and advancing research to prevent iron-deficiency anemia. Participate in NHLBI Clinical Trials will explain our ongoing clinical studies that are investigating prevention strategies for iron-deficiency anemia. Signs, Symptoms, and Complications ...

  5. Secular change in 13 metabolic phenotypes: A Chinese longitudinal twin study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Shuxia; Pang, Zengchang; Zhang, Dongfeng

    in prospective investigations. Based on Chinese twin data collected from Danish-Chinese collaboration research, we perform twin modeling on 13 metabolic phenotypes (total cholesterol; triglyceride; high density lipoprotein (HDL); low density lipoprotein (LDL); urine acid (UA); glucose; weight; body mass index...... fitted to the secular changes in each of the 13 phenotypes with best fitting model selected based on model performance. Age and sex were included as covariates in the models to adjust for their effects on secular trend. Results: Variations in secular change in 3 lipids (total cholesterol; triglyceride...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Videos for Educators Search English Español Iron-Deficiency Anemia KidsHealth / For Parents / Iron-Deficiency Anemia What's in ... common nutritional deficiency in children. About Iron-Deficiency Anemia Every red blood cell in the body contains ...

  7. Prevalence of Anemia in Children Three to 12 Months Old in a Health Service in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil La prevalencia de anemia en niños de 3 a 12 meses de vida en un servicio de salud de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil Prevalência de anemia em crianças de 3 a 12 meses de vida em um serviço de saúde de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil

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    Márcia Cristina Guerreiro dos Reis


    , quantitativo, recorte de um projeto multicêntrico, que verificou a prevalência de anemia em crianças de 3 a 12 meses, em um serviço de saúde em Ribeirão Preto, SP. Foram realizadas entrevistas e dosagem de hemoglobina de 121 crianças que participaram do estudo. Adotaram-se dois critérios internacionais como parâmetros de anemia, de acordo com a idade da criança. Para a análise dos dados foram utilizadas estatística descritiva, medidas de tendência central e associações. A prevalência de anemia nas 69 crianças de 3 a 5 meses foi de 20,2% e naquelas 52, de 6 a 12 meses, foi de 48%. A prevalência total de anemia foi de 32,2%. Encontrou-se associação significativa entre anemia e idade da criança e anemia e uso de leite de vaca fluido.

  8. Anemia of Chronic Liver Diseases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Hyun Chung; Lee, Jhung Sang; Koh, Chang Soon; Lee, Mun Ho [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The pathogenetic mechanisms of anemia in patients with chronic liver disease were observed. Seventeen patients with moderate to advanced hepatic diseases were studied by various methods. Only patients without previous blood loss were included : 14 had cirrhosis, 2 had active chronic hepatitis, and one had inferior vena cava obstruction with associated liver cirrhosis. The followings were the results: 1. The anemia based on red blood cell count, Hb., and Ht. was found in 76.5-78.6% of the patients. 2. Red cell indices indicated that normo-macrocytic and normochromic anemia was present is the majority of the patients. 3. No evidence of megaloblastic anemia was found on the basis of the morphological examinations. 4. Serum iron, TIBC, % saturation and iron content in the bone marrow indicated that iron deficiency anemia was present in about half of the patients. 5. In the view of the erythrocyte dynamics, primary increase in the red cell destruction was ascribed to the cause of the anemia. 6. Decrease in the red cell survival time was not correlated with MCV, % saturation and S.L. ratio. Also, hemoglobin level was not correlated with MCV, % saturation and T{sub 50} Cr. Therefore, multiple causes may be involved in the pathogenesis of the anemia. 7. Anemia as determined by the red cell volume was found in only 60% of the patients. It may be possible that hemodilutional anemia is present.

  9. Fatores de risco de anemia em lactentes matriculados em creches públicas ou filantrópicas de São Paulo Risk factors for anemia in infants enrolled in public or philanthropic day-care centers in São Paulo city, Brazil

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    Tulio Konstantyner


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar e quantificar os fatores de risco de anemia em lactentes matriculados em creches públicas ou filantrópicas no município de São Paulo e discutir o impacto das ações da creche no controle desta carência nutricional específica. MÉTODO: Estudo seccional compreendendo 212 lactentes de duas creches públicas e três filantrópicas. Foram realizadas entrevistas com as mães, coleta de sangue por punção digital e antropometria. Considerou-se como anemia, hemoglobina inferior a 11g/dL. Foi ajustado um modelo de regressão logística para fatores de risco entre grupos de lactentes com e sem anemia. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de anemia foi de 51,9%. O modelo logístico final foi composto por 4 variáveis: presença de 1 ou mais irmãos menores que 5 anos (Odds Ratio=2,57; p=0,005; estar freqüentando creche de administração exclusivamente pública (Odds Ratio=2,12; p=0,020; uso de aleitamento materno exclusivo inferior a 2 meses (Odds Ratio=1,88; p=0,044, e idade inferior a 15 meses (Odds Ratio=2,32; p=0,006. CONCLUSÃO:Concluiu-se que a alta prevalência de anemia evidencia a ineficiência das creches estudadas para controlar e prevenir esta carência nutricional; portanto, cabe ao planejador de saúde considerar os riscos de anemia identificados e quantificados quando da elaboração de programas de controle e prevenção.OBJECTIVE: To identify and quantify the risk factors for anemia in infants enrolled in public or philanthropic day care centers in São Paulo city and discuss the impact of the actions of day care centers in controlling this specific nutritional deficiency. METHODS: Cross-sectional study comprising 212 infants of two public and three philanthropic day care centers. Interviews with the mothers, collection of blood by digital puncture and anthropometry were performed. Anemia was characterized by hemoglobin levels below 11g/dL. A logistic regression model for risk factors between groups of infants with

  10. Secular stability of rotating stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imamura, J.N.; Friedman, J.L.; Durisen, R.H.


    In this work, the authors calculate the secular stability limits of rotating polytropes to nonaxisymmetric perturbations of low m. Polytropic indices ranging from 1 to 3 and several angular momentum distributions are considered. Results are most conveniently presented in terms of the t-parameter, defined as the ratio of the rotational kinetic energy to the absolute value of the gravitational energy of the fluid. Previous work on polytropes considered only the m = 2 mode, which is unstable for values of the t-parameter greater than 0.14 +- 0.01 for the n values n = 1.5 and 3 and the angular momentum distributions tested (see Durisen and Imamura 1981). The GRR secular stability limit of the m - 2 mode for the Maclaurin spheroids (n = 0) was determined by Chandrasekhar (1970). GRR stability limits of higher m modes for the Maclaurin spheroids were located approximately by Comins (1979a,b) and more precisely by Friedman (1983). 16 references, 2 tables

  11. Secular stability of rotating stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imamura, J.N.; Friedman, J.L.; Durisen, R.H.


    In this work, we calculate the secular stability limits of rotating polytropes to nonaxisymmetric perturbations of low m. We consider polytropic indices ranging from 1 to 3 and several angular momentum distributions. Results are most conveniently presented in terms of the t-parameter, defined as the ratio of the rotational kinetic energy to the absolute value of the gravitational energy of the fluid. Previous work on polytropes considered only the m = 2 mode, which is unstable for values of the t-parameter greater than 0.14 +- 0.01 for the n values n = 1.5 and 3 and the angular momentum distributions tested (see Durisen and Imamura 1981). The GRR secular stability limit of the m = 2 mode for the Maclaurin spheroids (n = O) was determined by Chandrasekhar (1970). GRR stability limits of higher m modes for the Maclaurin spheroids were located approximately by Comins (1979a,b) and more precisely by Friedman (1983)


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    Sylvio Fausto GIL FILHO


    Full Text Available Nas transformações do catolicismo brasileiro, o foco regional se relaciona com a análise da escala local e global como dimensões extremamente articuladas. Esta articulação caracteriza a Igreja local de Curitiba (PR com uma territorialidade de duas instâncias, influenciadas por tensões escalares de caráter global próprias da hierarquia universal da Igreja e tensões regionais específicas da Igreja local. Afora estas forças de caráter endógeno da estrutura eclesiástica, verificam-se também tensões exógenas à própria Igreja, representadas por instituições não-católicas e mesmo instituições seculares. O último quarto do século XX demonstrou uma crise da representação dominante da Igreja Católica Romana no Brasil. A conjuntura secular das cidades e a retração no espírito missionário da Igreja motivaram o diagnóstico de uma certa estagnação do domínio simbólico da Igreja. Com efeito, o pluralismo religioso dos grandes centros urbanos cunhou uma nova realidade, baseada em um crescente questionamento do mito do Brasil católico. O crescimento de movimentos religiosos pentecostais e neopentecostais representou nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 um impacto considerável na forma de a religiosidade popular fazer uma segunda identidade religiosa. Roman Catholic Church in Curitiba (PR: structures of territoriality under the religious pluralism Abstract In the transformation process of Brazilian Catholicism, the regional focus links with the analysis of the local and global scale as extremely articulated dimensions. This articulation characterizes the local Church of Curitiba (PR with a territoriality of two instances, influenced by scale tensions of global character peculiar to the head of the universal hierarchy of the Church and regional tensions specific of the local Church. Beyond these forces of endogenous character of the ecclesiastical structure, we also verified exogenous tensions of the Church itself, represented by

  13. Contemporary environmentalism as a current of spiritual post-secular practice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Wickström


    Full Text Available Contemporary spirituality often bears the stamp of an eco-discourse. It is characteristic of post-spiritual practices that there is a blurring of the boundaries between the sacred and profane and in this sphere, influenced by the eco-consciousness, nature and the body can be sacralised. In this article the author looks into environmentalism as a current in spirituality. First spirituality as a concept is discussed. Second follows a section on aspects of contemporary environmentalism, dealing with new social movements, new identity and the main directions of environmentalism. After that, the distinction between environmentally motivated spirituality and spir­itually motivated environmentalism is presented. At the end there is a short discussion of post-secular issues concerning environmentalism. Worldviews are no longer necessarily either religious or secular, but may also combine elements of rational secularity with enchanted spirituality. The blurring of the boundaries between secular and religious views and motives occur, as well as the separation of mind and body, rationality and belief, and human and nature.

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... if you are diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. Risk Factors You may have an increased risk for iron-deficiency anemia because of your age, ... or sex. Age You may be at increased risk for iron deficiency at certain ages: Infants between ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Are you curious about how inflammation from chronic diseases can cause iron-deficiency anemia? Read more When there is ... DBDR) is a leader in research on the causes, prevention, and treatment of blood diseases, including iron-deficiency anemia. Search the NIH Research ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in premature or very small newborns . In collaboration with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron supplements work best to treat iron-deficiency anemia in children who do not consume the daily recommended amount ... and Clinical Studies to hear experts, parents, and children talk about their experiences with clinical ... Anemia Arrhythmia Blood Donation Blood Tests Blood ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... stores are developed during the third trimester of pregnancy. Children between ages 1 and 2, especially if they drink a lot ... Resources NHLBI resources Your Guide to Anemia [PDF, ... (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Avoiding Anemia (National ...

  19. Situação epidemiológica da anemia infecciosa equina em equídeos de tração do Distrito Federal

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    Daniella D.A. Moraes

    Full Text Available RESUMO: A anemia infecciosa equina (AIE é uma doença causada por um lentivirus que possui distribuição mundial. Essa enfermidade é um entrave ao desenvolvimento da equinocultura no Brasil devido à obrigatoriedade de eutanásia dos animais positivos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a prevalência de AIE em equídeos de tração no Distrito Federal, assim como identificar fatores de risco associados à doença. Foram sorteados aleatoriamente 350 proprietários (Unidades Primárias de Amostragem- UPA e foram amostrados todos os equídeos (Unidades secundárias de Amostragem de cada proprietário sorteado, totalizando 496 animais. As amostras sanguíneas foram analisadas no Lanagro/MG por meio da técnica de imunodifusão em ágar gel (IDGA. No momento da coleta de sangue, também foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico para a análise de possíveis fatores de risco. A prevalência de AIE nas UPA foi estimada em 2,29%, (IC 95%: 1,01-4,2% e nos animais foi de 1,81% (IC 95%: 0,55-3,07%. A prevalência foi significativamente maior em muares do que em equinos. Não foi possível comprovar a presença de nenhum outro fator de risco associado à doença. Este estudo demonstra que a prevalência da AIE em equídeos de tração é baixa no Distrito Federal, porém mais alta do que os dados de vigilância de rotina sugerem, o que justifica a eutanásia dos equídeos reagentes, com a finalidade de promover a erradicação da enfermidade. Ratifica-se a importância da realização de exames periódicos nesses animais e a manutenção das atividades de vigilância.

  20. Severe Anemia in Malawian Children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Calis, J.C.J.; Kamija, S.P.; Faragher, E.B.; Brabin, B.J.; Bates, I.; Cuevas, L.E.; Haan, de R.J.; Phiri, A.I.; Malange, P.; Khoka, M.; Hulshof, P.J.M.; Lieshout, L.; Beld, M.G.H.M.; Teo, Y.Y.; Rockett, K.A.; Richardson, A.; Kwiatkowski, D.P.; Molyneux, M.E.; Hensbroek, van M.B.


    Background Severe anemia is a major cause of sickness and death in African children, yet the causes of anemia in this population have been inadequately studied. Methods We conducted a case¿control study of 381 preschool children with severe anemia (hemoglobin concentration,

  1. Familial resemblance in religiousness in a secular society

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvidtjørn, Dorte; Petersen, Inge; Hjelmborg, Jacob


    generally considered more religious than the very secular northern European countries. Comparisons of the results are complicated by diverse definitions of religiousness, but several studies indicate that the influence of the family environment is most predominant in early life, whereas genetic influences...... increase with age. We performed a population-based twin study of religiousness in a secular society using data from a Web-based survey sent to 6,707 Danish twins born 1970-1989, who were identified in the Danish Twin Registry. We applied Fishman's three conceptual dimensions of religiousness: cognition...

  2. Anemia in the general population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martinsson, Andreas; Andersson, Charlotte; Andell, Pontus


    predictor of mortality, with the highest mortality observed for macrocytic anemia, which was less prevalent than microcytic and normocytic anemia. Dietary intake of iron and vitamin B12 were significantly lower and use of antithrombotic medications was significantly higher in subjects with anemia. The World...

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... how having iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in premature or very small newborns . In collaboration with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... anemia, including: Vegetarian or vegan eating patterns. Not eating enough iron-rich foods, such as meat and fish, may result in ... deficiency anemia, your doctor may recommend heart-healthy eating and choosing iron-rich foods, especially during certain stages of life when more ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in premature or very small newborns . In collaboration with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how best to treat ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... over 65 years of age had low hemoglobin levels. This was associated with a greater risk of death even with mild anemia. Now, anemia in older adults is recognized as an important condition. NHLBI Small Business Program. Through the NHLBI Small Business Program , we ...

  7. Post-religional perspective and secular Buddhism: Stephen Batchelor and the post-metaphysical religion

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    Leandro Durazzo


    Full Text Available This paper aims to present one of the contemporary trends on Buddhism, specially from the last decades in West, for its encounter with the globalized and dynamic context of present societies. This Buddhist trend, the progressive secularization of its traditions and practices, not to mention its increasing acceptance of historical-textual refutation, finds in Stephen Batchelor - a former monk in two different Buddhist traditions, Tibetan and Korean Zen - a catalyzer and a well-known advocate of secular perspective to the contemporary Buddhism. Here we will present the potential dialogue between the Secular Buddhism - besides the secularizing perspectives over orthodox cultural traditions - and the post-religional subject, as proposed by Marià Corbí and the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians. For the purposes of this paper we will focus on the modernizing and secular hermeneutics on Dharma practice, as defended by Stephen Batchelor and others.

  8. Technical Limitations in Merging Secular and Sacred Functions in Monumental Churches (United States)

    Piatkowska, Ksenia


    The abandonment of churches and their adaptation for secular purposes is a current subject in Europe and worldwide. Most cases involve objects that were desacralized and then rebuilt as a whole object for alternative functions. Thus far, the merging of secular and sacred functions in one monumental Catholic church has not raised any issues. The paper describes the case of St. Catherine’s Church in Gdansk, Poland, where sacred function exists parallel to the new secular function being implemented. The study is based on the authentic, professional experience of the author. It describes the technical limitations arising from the need to ensure destinies for the optimal conditions of both sacred and secular function, while avoiding undesirable interference between them. The author further identifies architectural solutions most relevant to current requirements for protection of sacred zones in the church, for preservation of the monument, and for optimal function of a modern science museum. Significant design issues include: the inviolability of the sacred zone, preservation of the historical value of the monument, proper operation of new secular zones in compliance with contemporary standards of safety, performance of the assumed mission and profitability. The research indicates specific areas where the highest probability of collision exists between the sacred and profane and where technical problems are likely to occur.

  9. Jardinópolis sem anemia, primeira fase: avaliação antropométrica e do estado nutricional de ferro Jardinópolis without anemia, first stage: anthropometric and iron nutrition status evaluation

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    Carlos Alberto N. Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Com a finalidade de preparar um programa municipal de fortificação da água de beber com ferro, foi realizado levantamento antropométrico e do estado nutricional de ferro das crianças institucionalizadas nas cinco creches de período integral da cidade de Jardinópolis, São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Em estudo transversal, foram avaliadas 184 crianças com idades entre 12 e 59,9 meses, no período entre 1º e 31 de agosto de 2006. De cada criança, foram obtidos dados pessoais, peso, estatura e colhida amostra de sangue para dosagem de hemoglobina, volume corpuscular médio (VCM, índice de saturação da transferrina (IST e o red cell distribution width (RDW. RESULTADOS: A prevalência global de anemia foi de 29,3% e a média de hemoglobina de 11,5g/dL. Deficiência de ferro foi observada em 75% das crianças. As prevalências de deficit (escore Z 2 foi de 2,2%. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar de inferior a outros estudos brasileiros, a prevalência de anemia mostrou-se elevada. A antropometria mostrou que a oferta de macronutrientes está bastante próxima do ideal, mas a elevada prevalência de crianças deficientes em ferro indica a necessidade da adoção de medidas para aprimorar a oferta de ferro.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to get basic information about the nutritional status of institutionalized preschool children who attend full time day-care centers in the city of Jardinópolis, São Paulo, Brazil, with the purpose of preparing a fortification trial. METHODS: This cross-sectional study enrolled 184 children, aged 12 to 59.9 months, between August 1st to 31st, 2006. Personal data on each child along with weight, height, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume (MCV, transferrin saturation and the red cell distribution width (RDW were obtained. RESULTS: Anemia was present in 29.3% of the children and the mean hemoglobin value for the whole group was 11.5g/dL. Iron deficiency was observed in 75% of all children. Deficit prevalence (Z score

  10. Anemia: An approach to evaluation, 2014

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    Philip Kuriakose


    Full Text Available Anemia is very commonly encountered in general clinical practice among all age groups. The more commonly used way to classify anemia has been to categorize it as being microcytic (mean corpuscular volume [MCV] 100 fL, which in turn allows for a more practical way to attempt to come up with a cause for any decrease in hemoglobin. Microcytic anemias are usually due to iron deficiency (in turn, a result of a number of different etiologies ranging from decreased intake, malabsorption, or blood loss, hemoglobinopathies (thalassemic syndromes, and some cases of severe anemia resulting from chronic disease. Normocytic anemia is often a result of anemia of chronic disease, hemolysis, or secondary to bone marrow failure. Macrocytic anemias are frequently caused by deficiencies of folic acid and/or Vitamin B12, exposure to toxic agents like drugs that interfere with DNA metabolism and alcohol, as also bone marrow failure states, such as from myelodysplastic syndrome. A comprehensive history, physical examination, and directed laboratory evaluation will help to identify a specific cause for anemia.

  11. Severe anemia in Malawian children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Calis, Job C. J.; Phiri, Kamija S.; Faragher, E. Brian; Brabin, Bernard J.; Bates, Imelda; Cuevas, Luis E.; de Haan, Rob J.; Phiri, Ajib I.; Malange, Pelani; Khoka, Mirriam; Hulshof, Paul J. M.; van Lieshout, Lisette; Beld, Marcel G. H. M.; teo, Yik Y.; Rockett, Kirk A.; Richardson, Anna; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P.; Molyneux, Malcolm E.; Boele van Hensbroek, Michael


    Background Severe anemia is a major cause of sickness and death in African children, yet the causes of anemia in this population have been inadequately studied. Methods We conducted a case-control study of 381 preschool children with severe anemia (hemoglobin concentration, <5.0 g per deciliter) and

  12. Severe anemia in Malawian children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Calis, Job Cj; Phiri, Kamija S.; Faragher, E. Brian; Brabin, Bernard J.; Bates, Imelda; Cuevas, Luis E.; de Haan, Rob J.; Phiri, Ajib I.; Malange, Pelani; Khoka, Mirriam; Hulshof, Paul Jm; van Lieshout, Lisette; Beld, Marcel Ghm; teo, Yik Y.; Rockett, Kirk A.; Richardson, Anna; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P.; Molyneux, Malcolm E.; van Hensbroek, Michaël Boele


    Severe anemia is a major cause of sickness and death in African children, yet the causes of anemia in this population have been inadequately studied. We conducted a case-control study of 381 preschool children with severe anemia (hemoglobin concentration, <5.0 g per deciliter) and 757 preschool

  13. Cognitive dissonance between religious and secular social attitudes

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    Marković Jelena


    Full Text Available The initial finding of the study, which served as the basis for the exploration of cognitive dissonance between religious and secular behavioral norms, was revealed in a tendency of the majority of religious students to accept behavioral norms, attitudes and believes (concerning interpersonal relationships and reproduction-related ethical issues which are not supported by Orthodox Christian Church viewpoint and teachings. However, certain cognitive and value system consistency appeared to exist: the intensity of religiousness was related to lower degrees of secular norms approval. It has been found that religious and nonreligious subjects differ significantly in their preference of the strategy used to maintain balance between dissonant religious and secular attitudes- in 3 out of 4 issues considered in the study. Religious subjects most frequently chose relativism strategy, claiming that some specific exceptions from a general rule or standpoint do not necessarily depreciate it, while nonreligious subjects most frequently chose dualistic viewpoint that principally separated and restricted domains of reasoning on spiritual and worldly issues, making them psychologically irrelevant to one another.

  14. Secular Examination of Spirituality-Prosociality Association

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dong, Mengchen; Wu, Song; Zhu, Yijie; Jin, Shenghua; Zhang, Yanjun


    Religious beliefs in Chinese cultural background, especially in Chinese secular society, have rarely been systematically investigated. The nonreligious-based population in China endorses certain supernatural beliefs or has related transcendent experience, even though they usually claim themselves as

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... also are hoping to determine which iron supplements work best to treat iron-deficiency anemia in children who do not consume the daily recommended amount of iron. Read less Participate in NHLBI Clinical Trials We lead or sponsor many studies related to iron-deficiency anemia. See if you ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Precision Medicine Activities Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Population and Epidemiology Studies Women’s Health All Science A- ... to help your body absorb iron. Avoid drinking black tea, which reduces iron ... was associated with a greater risk of death even with mild anemia. Now, anemia in older ...

  17. Questioning Engelhardt's assumptions in Bioethics and Secular Humanism. (United States)

    Ahmadi Nasab Emran, Shahram


    In Bioethics and Secular Humanism: The Search for a Common Morality, Tristram Engelhardt examines various possibilities of finding common ground for moral discourse among people from different traditions and concludes their futility. In this paper I will argue that many of the assumptions on which Engelhardt bases his conclusion about the impossibility of a content-full secular bioethics are problematic. By starting with the notion of moral strangers, there is no possibility, by definition, for a content-full moral discourse among moral strangers. It means that there is circularity in starting the inquiry with a definition of moral strangers, which implies that they do not share enough moral background or commitment to an authority to allow for reaching a moral agreement, and concluding that content-full morality is impossible among moral strangers. I argue that assuming traditions as solid and immutable structures that insulate people across their boundaries is problematic. Another questionable assumption in Engelhardt's work is the idea that religious and philosophical traditions provide content-full moralities. As the cardinal assumption in Engelhardt's review of the various alternatives for a content-full moral discourse among moral strangers, I analyze his foundationalist account of moral reasoning and knowledge and indicate the possibility of other ways of moral knowledge, besides the foundationalist one. Then, I examine Engelhardt's view concerning the futility of attempts at justifying a content-full secular bioethics, and indicate how the assumptions have shaped Engelhardt's critique of the alternatives for the possibility of content-full secular bioethics.

  18. Riscos isolados e agregados de anemia em crianças frequentadoras de berçários de creches Isolated and combined risks for anemia in children attending the nurseries of daycare centers

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    Tulio Konstantyner


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar e quantificar os fatores de risco isolados e agregados de anemia, proporcionando visão ampliada quanto à probabilidade da sua ocorrência. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 482 crianças, entre 4 e 29 meses de idade, frequentadoras de berçários de creches públicas e filantrópicas do município de São Paulo (SP, que participaram de dois inquéritos (2004 e 2007. Foram realizadas entrevistas com as mães, coleta de sangue por punção digital e antropometria. Considerou-se anemia, hemoglobina inferior a 11 g/dL. Foi ajustado modelo de regressão logística não-condicional para fatores de risco de anemia, considerando-se estatisticamente significantes associações com p OBJECTIVE: To identify and quantify isolated and combined risk factors for anemia, providing a comprehensive view of the likelihood of its occurrence. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 482 children aged 4 to 29 months attending the nurseries of philanthropic and public daycare centers in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, who participated in two surveys (2004 and 2007. Mothers were interviewed, blood was collected using digital puncture, and anthropometry was performed. Anemia was characterized by hemoglobin levels below 11 g/dL. Unconditional logistic regression was adjusted for anemia risk factors. A value of p < 0.05 indicated statistically significant associations. Post-test odds and likelihood ratios were calculated to define post-test probabilities. Epi-InfoTM 2000 and Stata 10.0 software packages were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Prevalence of anemia was 43.6% (95%CI 39.1-48.1. The final logistic model included five categorical variables: mother's age less than 28 years (OR = 1.50; p = 0.041, per capita income below half a minimum wage (OR = 1.56; p = 0.029, exclusive breastfeeding less than 2 months (OR = 1.71; p = 0.009, decrease in weight/age z score from birth to survey (OR = 1.47; p = 0.050, and age less than 17 months (OR = 2

  19. Loners, Groupies, and Long-term Eccentricity (and Inclination) Behavior: Insights from Secular Theory (United States)

    Van Laerhoven, Christa L.


    Considering the secular dynamics of multi-planet systems provides substantial insight into the interactions between planets in those systems. Secular interactions are those that don't involve knowing where a planet is along its orbit, and they dominate when planets are not involved in mean motion resonances. These interactions exchange angular momentum among the planets, evolving their eccentricities and inclinations. To second order in the planets' eccentricities and inclinations, the eccentricity and inclination perturbations are decoupled. Given the right variable choice, the relevant differential equations are linear and thus the eccentricity and inclination behaviors can be described as a sum of eigenmodes. Since the underlying structure of the secular eigenmodes can be calculated using only the planets' masses and semi-major axes, one can elucidate the eccentricity and inclination behavior of planets in exoplanet systems even without knowing the planets' current eccentricities and inclinations. I have calculated both the eccentricity and inclination secular eigenmodes for the population of known multi-planet systems whose planets have well determined masses and periods. Using this catalog of secular character, I will discuss the prevalence of dynamically grouped planets ('groupies') versus dynamically uncoupled planets ('loners') and how this relates to the exoplanets' long-term eccentricity and inclination behavior. I will also touch on the distribution of the secular eigenfreqiencies.

  20. Substitution or Symbiosis? Assessing the Relationship between Religious and Secular Giving (United States)

    Hill, Jonathan P.; Vaidyanathan, Brandon


    Research on philanthropy has not sufficiently examined whether charitable giving to religious causes impinges on giving to secular causes. Examining three waves of national panel data, we find that the relationship between religious and secular giving is generally not of a zero-sum nature; families that increase their religious giving also…

  1. Diagnóstico diferencial da deficiência de ferro Differential diagnosis of iron deficiency

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    Perla Vicari


    Full Text Available A deficiência de ferro é considerada a patologia hematológica mais prevalente no homem. Assim, é fundamental a adequada identificação de suas causas, bem como a diferenciação com outras patologias distintas para adequada abordagem da deficiência de ferro. Neste artigo são brevemente descritas outras condições que podem cursar com anemia microcítica, tais como: talassemias, anemia de doença crônica, anemia sideroblástica e envenenamento por chumbo, patologias estas que devem ser afastadas durante investigação de anemia ferropriva.Iron deficiency is considered to be the commonest hematological pathology in humans. Thus, the essential steps in an adequate approach of iron deficiency include: the proper identification of its causes and the differentiation between iron deficiency and other conditions. This article briefly describes other conditions that may present with microcytic anemia such as thalassemia, anemia of chronic diseases, sideroblastic anemia and lead intoxication. These diseases should be considered during the investigation of iron deficiency anemia.

  2. Severe anemia in Malawian children. (United States)

    Calis, Job Cj; Phiri, Kamija S; Faragher, E Brian; Brabin, Bernard J; Bates, Imelda; Cuevas, Luis E; de Haan, Rob J; Phiri, Ajib I; Malange, Pelani; Khoka, Mirriam; Hulshof, Paul Jm; van Lieshout, Lisette; Beld, Marcel Ghm; Teo, Yik Y; Rockett, Kirk A; Richardson, Anna; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P; Molyneux, Malcolm E; van Hensbroek, Michaël Boele


    Severe anemia is a major cause of sickness and death in African children, yet the causes of anemia in this population have been inadequately studied. We conducted a case-control study of 381 preschool children with severe anemia (hemoglobin concentration, <5.0 g per deciliter) and 757 preschool children without severe anemia in urban and rural settings in Malawi. Causal factors previously associated with severe anemia were studied. The data were examined by multivariate analysis and structural equation modeling. Bacteremia (adjusted odds ratio, 5.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.6 to 10.9), malaria (adjusted odds ratio, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.6 to 3.3), hookworm (adjusted odds ratio, 4.8; 95% CI, 2.0 to 11.8), human immunodeficiency virus infection (adjusted odds ratio, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.0 to 3.8), the G6PD -202/-376 genetic disorder (adjusted odds ratio, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3 to 4.4), vitamin A deficiency (adjusted odds ratio, 2.8; 95% CI, 1.3 to 5.8), and vitamin B 12 deficiency (adjusted odds ratio, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.4 to 3.6) were associated with severe anemia. Folate deficiency, sickle cell disease, and laboratory signs of an abnormal inflammatory response were uncommon. Iron deficiency was not prevalent in case patients (adjusted odds ratio, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.22 to 0.60) and was negatively associated with bacteremia. Malaria was associated with severe anemia in the urban site (with seasonal transmission) but not in the rural site (where malaria was holoendemic). Seventy-six percent of hookworm infections were found in children under 2 years of age. There are multiple causes of severe anemia in Malawian preschool children, but folate and iron deficiencies are not prominent among them. Even in the presence of malaria parasites, additional or alternative causes of severe anemia should be considered.

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... grams per deciliter (g/dl) for men and less than 12 g/dl for women is diagnostic of anemia. In iron-deficiency anemia, ... blood levels of iron will be low, or less than 10 micromoles per liter (mmol/L) for both men and women. Normal levels are 10 to 30 mmol/L. ...

  4. Anemia in the Newborn (United States)

    ... Overview of Horseshoe Kidney Additional Content Medical News Anemia in the Newborn By Andrew W. Walter, MS ... for the Professional Version Blood Problems in Newborns Anemia in the Newborn Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn ...

  5. SureClick® (Darbepoetin alfa) can improve perceived satisfaction and competence for anemia treatment and increase self-administration in non-dialyzed patients with chronic kidney disease. (United States)

    Bonafont, Xavier; Romero, Ramón; Martínez, Isabel; del Pino, María D; Gil, José M; Aranda, Pedro; Roca, Ramón; Claverol, Joana; Cucala, Mercedes


    SureClick® is a prefilled pen for administration of darbepoetin alfa (DA) that is ready-to-use. We explored patient satisfaction with SureClick® compared with prefilled syringes (PFS). Multicenter, prospective, 6-months, observational study in non-dialyzed patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) treated with DA in PFS who switched to SureClick® at baseline. Main outcomes were: change in Anemia Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (ATSQ-S), Perceived Competence for Anemia Scale (PCAS) and self-administration rate. We enrolled 132 patients with a mean(SD) age of 71.3 (14.6) years, 57.6% women. Mean(SD) ATSQ-S scores at baseline and final records were 25.5 (7.9) and 31.6 (4.9) (on a scale from 0 to 36 maximum satisfaction-, mean change: 6.2, 95%CI: 4.6-7.8, pscale from 1 to 7 maximum competence, pperceived competence in anemia management in non-dialyzed CKD patients, and could increase the self-administration rate, thereby reducing use of health resources.

  6. Resurrecting Democracies : Secularity Recast in Charles Taylor, Paul Valadier, and Joseph Ratzinger

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, Roshnee

    In this article, the alternative conception of secularity of Charles Taylor, Paul Valadier and Joseph Ratzinger (former Benedict XVI) is explored. A secularized society, which they take as an established condition, does not necessarily exclude religion, Christianity or Christian transcendence, in

  7. Genetics Home Reference: Diamond-Blackfan anemia (United States)

    ... Home Health Conditions Diamond-Blackfan anemia Diamond-Blackfan anemia Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Diamond-Blackfan anemia is a disorder of the bone marrow . The ...

  8. One Size Does Not Fit All: Complexity, Religion, Secularism and Education (United States)

    Davies, Lynn


    The continuing incidence of extremist acts committed in the name of religion underscores the need to examine the interplay between religion and learning. This article argues for a secular foundation in society and school to protect against religion contributing to conflict and extremism. However, this is not a hard version of secularism, but a…

  9. Estado nutricional e anemia ferropriva em gestantes: relação com o peso da criança ao nascer Nutritional status and iron-deficiency anemia in pregnant women: relationship with the weight of the child at birth

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    Daniela da Silva Rocha


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o estado nutricional e a prevalência de anemia durante a gestação e correlacioná-los com o peso do recém-nascido. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal com gestantes que realizaram o pré-natal no único serviço público de saúde do município de Viçosa, MG, no período de dezembro de 2002 a maio de 2003. Foi aplicado questionário com informações maternas e realizada dosagem de hemoglobina através do Hemocue, além da obtenção de dados de peso e estatura da gestante. As informações referentes aos recém-nascidos foram obtidas no programa Sistema de Informação de Nascidos Vivos/MS. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 168 gestantes de baixo nível socioeconômico e baixa escolaridade. Encontraram-se 41,3% de gestantes com estado nutricional pré-gestacional inadequado, sendo 25,7% com baixo peso e 17,4% com sobrepeso ou obesidade. A maioria das gestantes apresentou ganho de peso inadequado durante a gestação. A prevalência total de anemia ferropriva foi de 21,4%, sendo que essa aumentou com a idade gestacional. A freqüência de baixo peso e peso insuficiente ao nascer foi de 8,9% e 28,6%, respectivamente. As variáveis antropométricas (peso pré-gestacional, estatura, índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional e ganho de peso total apresentaram associação estatisticamente significante com o peso ao nascer. CONCLUSÃO: As variáveis antropométricas maternas apresentaram correlação com o peso ao nascer. Neste estudo não houve relação entre o estado nutricional de ferro das gestantes e o peso de nascimento.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the nutritional status and prevalence to anemia during pregnancy, and to correlate these factors with the weight at birth. METHODS: A transversal study was carried out with pregnant women who underwent prenatal care at the only public health service in the municipality of Viçosa, MG, Brazil, from December 2002 to May 2003. A questionnaire was applied

  10. Anemia of Inflammation and Chronic Disease (United States)

    ... AI/ACD. AI/ACD is easily confused with iron- deficiency anemia because in both forms of anemia levels of ... cell production. Low blood iron levels occur in iron-deficiency anemia because levels of the iron stored in the ...

  11. Predictors of anemia in women of reproductive age: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project. (United States)

    Wirth, James P; Woodruff, Bradley A; Engle-Stone, Reina; Namaste, Sorrel Ml; Temple, Victor J; Petry, Nicolai; Macdonald, Barbara; Suchdev, Parminder S; Rohner, Fabian; Aaron, Grant J


    Background: Anemia in women of reproductive age (WRA) (age range: 15-49 y) remains a public health problem globally, and reducing anemia in women by 50% by 2025 is a goal of the World Health Assembly. Objective: We assessed the associations between anemia and multiple proximal risk factors (e.g., iron and vitamin A deficiencies, inflammation, malaria, and body mass index) and distal risk factors (e.g., education status, household sanitation and hygiene, and urban or rural residence) in nonpregnant WRA. Design: Cross-sectional, nationally representative data from 10 surveys ( n = 27,018) from the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project were analyzed individually and pooled by the infection burden and risk in the country. We examined the severity of anemia and measured the bivariate associations between anemia and factors at the country level and by infection burden, which we classified with the use of the national prevalences of malaria, HIV, schistosomiasis, sanitation, and water-quality indicators. Pooled multivariate logistic regression models were constructed for each infection-burden category to identify independent determinants of anemia (hemoglobin concertation <120 g/L). Results: Anemia prevalence was ∼40% in countries with a high infection burden and 12% and 7% in countries with moderate and low infection burdens, respectively. Iron deficiency was consistently associated with anemia in multivariate models, but the proportion of anemic women who were iron deficient was considerably lower in the high-infection group (35%) than in the moderate- and low-infection groups (65% and 71%, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, inflammation, vitamin A insufficiency, socioeconomic status, and age were also significantly associated with anemia, but malaria and vitamin B-12 and folate deficiencies were not. Conclusions: The contribution of iron deficiency to anemia varies according to a country's infection

  12. Predictors of anemia in women of reproductive age: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project (United States)

    Woodruff, Bradley A; Petry, Nicolai; Macdonald, Barbara; Aaron, Grant J


    Background: Anemia in women of reproductive age (WRA) (age range: 15–49 y) remains a public health problem globally, and reducing anemia in women by 50% by 2025 is a goal of the World Health Assembly. Objective: We assessed the associations between anemia and multiple proximal risk factors (e.g., iron and vitamin A deficiencies, inflammation, malaria, and body mass index) and distal risk factors (e.g., education status, household sanitation and hygiene, and urban or rural residence) in nonpregnant WRA. Design: Cross-sectional, nationally representative data from 10 surveys (n = 27,018) from the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project were analyzed individually and pooled by the infection burden and risk in the country. We examined the severity of anemia and measured the bivariate associations between anemia and factors at the country level and by infection burden, which we classified with the use of the national prevalences of malaria, HIV, schistosomiasis, sanitation, and water-quality indicators. Pooled multivariate logistic regression models were constructed for each infection-burden category to identify independent determinants of anemia (hemoglobin concertation Anemia prevalence was ∼40% in countries with a high infection burden and 12% and 7% in countries with moderate and low infection burdens, respectively. Iron deficiency was consistently associated with anemia in multivariate models, but the proportion of anemic women who were iron deficient was considerably lower in the high-infection group (35%) than in the moderate- and low-infection groups (65% and 71%, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, inflammation, vitamin A insufficiency, socioeconomic status, and age were also significantly associated with anemia, but malaria and vitamin B-12 and folate deficiencies were not. Conclusions: The contribution of iron deficiency to anemia varies according to a country’s infection burden. Anemia

  13. Institutional Confidence in the United States: Attitudes of Secular Americans

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    Isabella Kasselstrand


    Full Text Available The First Amendment to the United States’ Constitution addresses freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. However, the historical influence of religion in laws, policies, and political representation have left secular individuals feeling excluded. At the same time, levels of confidence in social and political institutions in the United States are at an all-time low. This begs the question: Is there a relationship between secularity and confidence in various social and political institutions (e.g. the armed forces, churches, major companies, government, police, and political parties? This question is examined using data on the United States from the World Values Survey from 1995–2011. While controlling for a range of key demographics, the findings show a negative relationship between secularity and institutional confidence. More specifically, atheists and nonreligious individuals are less likely than those who are religious to have confidence in all six institutions. Based on previous literature and the empirical evidence presented in this study, we argue that overall lower levels of institutional confidence among secular Americans is an outcome of the exclusion of such individuals from American social life. Thus, it highlights the importance of addressing the stereotypes and prejudice that this minority group faces.

  14. Estudio longitudinal de anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos en pacientes con anemia drepanocítica Longitudinal study of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in patients with sickle cell anemia

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    Ana María Guerreiro Hernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal para detectar anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA en 13 pacientes con anemia drepanocítica en crisis vasooclusiva y en estado basal, mediante un método de inmunofluorescencia indirecta. Del total de 34 muestras de suero obtenidas, 16 fueron en crisis vasooclusiva y en 12 de ellas, correspondientes a 10 pacientes, se demostró la presencia de p-ANCA. En el resto de las muestras en crisis vasooclusiva y en estado basal no se observó la presencia de p-ANCA o c-ANCA. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la posible participación de los p-ANCA en el daño isquémico, así como la importancia de su medición en el diagnóstico de las crisis vasooclusivas (CVO en los pacientes con anemia drepanocítica (ADA longitudinal study was made to detect antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA in 13 patients with sickle cell anemia in vasocclusive crisis and basal state by using an indirect immunofluorescence method. Of 34 serum samples, 16 were in vasocclusive crisis and 12 of them corresponding to 10 patients revealed the presence of p-ANCA. Neither p-ANCA nor c-ANCA was observed in the rest of the samples taken in vasoclussive crisis and in basal state. The results achieved signaled a possible involvement of p-ANCA in ischemic damage as well as the importance of their measurement in the diagnosis of vasocclusive crisis in patients with sickle cell anemia


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    Ni Made Dharma Laksmi


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Aplastic Anemia describes a disorder of the clinical syndrome is marked by a deficiency of red blood cells, neutrophils, monocytes and platelets in the absence of other forms of bone marrow damage. Aplastic anemia is classified as a rare disease in developed countries the incidence of 3-6 cases / 1 million inhabitants / year. The exact cause of someone suffering from aplastic anemia also can not be established with certainty, but there are several sources of potential risk factors. Prognosis or course of the disease varies widely aplastic anemia, but without treatment generally gives a poor prognosis /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}

  16. Secular Orbit Evolution in Systems with a Strong External Perturber—A Simple and Accurate Model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrade-Ines, Eduardo [Institute de Mécanique Céleste et des Calcul des Éphémérides—Observatoire de Paris, 77 Avenue Denfert Rochereau, F-75014 Paris (France); Eggl, Siegfried, E-mail:, E-mail: [Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, 91109 Pasadena, CA (United States)


    We present a semi-analytical correction to the seminal solution for the secular motion of a planet’s orbit under gravitational influence of an external perturber derived by Heppenheimer. A comparison between analytical predictions and numerical simulations allows us to determine corrective factors for the secular frequency and forced eccentricity in the coplanar restricted three-body problem. The correction is given in the form of a polynomial function of the system’s parameters that can be applied to first-order forced eccentricity and secular frequency estimates. The resulting secular equations are simple, straight forward to use, and improve the fidelity of Heppenheimers solution well beyond higher-order models. The quality and convergence of the corrected secular equations are tested for a wide range of parameters and limits of its applicability are given.

  17. Secular and Koranic Literacies in South Asia: From Colonisation to Contemporary Practice (United States)

    Maddox, Bryan


    This paper explores the distinction between "secular" and "Koranic" schooling and literacy in South Asia. It begins by tracing an archaeology of the distinction between secular "literacy" and religious "illiteracy". It locates the emergence of the distinction in the colonial census of the 19th century, in…

  18. Fanconi Anemia — Case Report of Rare Aplastic Anemia at Child

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    Deaconu Alina


    Full Text Available Introduction: Fanconi anemia is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by congenital abnormalities, defective haematopoiesis, and a high risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia, myelodysplastic syndrome and cancers. FA was first described in 1927 by the Swiss pediatrician Guido Fanconi. The diagnosis is based on morphological abnormalities, hematologic abnormalities (pancytopenia, macrocytic anemia and progressive bone marrow failure and genetic tests (cariograma.

  19. Lunar nitrogen: Secular variation or mixing?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Norris, S.J.; Wright, I.P.; Pillinger, C.T.


    The two current models to explain the nearly 40% variation of the lunar nitrogen isotopic composition are: (1) secular variation of solar wind nitrogen; and (2) a two component mixing model having a constant, heavy solar wind admixed with varying amounts of indigenous light lunar N (LLN). Both models are needed to explain the step pyrolysis extraction profile. The secular variation model proposes that the low temperature release is modern day solar wind implanted into grain surfaces, the 900 C to 1100 C release is from grain surfaces which were once exposed to the ancient solar wind but which are now trapped inside agglutinates, and the >1100 C release as spallogenic N produced by cosmic rays. The mixing model ascribes the components to solar wind, indigenous lunar N and spallogenic N respectively. An extension of either interpretation is that the light N seen in lunar breccias or deep drill cores represent conditions when more N-14 was available to the lunar surface

  20. Secular Ethics Education as an Alternative to Religious Education--Finnish Teachers' Views (United States)

    Zilliacus, Harriet; Kallioniemi, Arto


    This study provides a Finnish perspective to international discussions on religious and worldviews education through the subject of secular ethics. This subject has been offered in Finland since 1985 throughout comprehensive schools and is primarily directed at students who are non-affiliated. Secular ethics education has scarcely been researched…

  1. Comments on equilibrium, transient equilibrium, and secular equilibrium in serial radioactive decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prince, J.R.


    Equations describing serial radioactive decay are reviewed along with published descriptions or transient and secular equilibrium. It is shown that terms describing equilibrium are not used in the same way by various authors. Specific definitions are proposed; they suggest that secular equilibrium is a subset of transient equilibrium

  2. Genetic diagnosis for congenital hemolytic anemia. (United States)

    Ohga, Shouichi


    Congenital hemolytic anemia is a group of monogenic diseases presenting with anemia due to increased destruction of circulating erythrocytes. The etiology of inherited anemia accounts for germline mutations of the responsible genes coding for the structural components of erythrocytes and extra-erythrocytes. The erythrocyte abnormalities are classified into three major disorders of red cell membrane defects, hemoglobinopathies, and red cell enzymopathies. The extra-erythrocyte abnormalities, typified by consumption coagulopathy and intravascular hemolysis, include Upshaw-Schulman syndrome and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. The clinical manifestations of congenital hemolytic anemia are anemia, jaundice, cholelithiasis and splenomegaly, while the onset mode and severity are both variable. Genetic overlapping of red cell membrane protein disorders, and distinct frequency and mutation spectra differing among races make it difficult to understand this disease entity. On the other hand, genetic modifiers for the phenotype of β-globin diseases provide useful information for selecting the optimal treatment and for long-term management. Recently, next generation sequencing techniques have enabled us to determine the novel causative genes in patients with undiagnosed hemolytic anemias. We herein review the concept and strategy for genetic diagnosis of inherited hemolytic anemias.


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    Larissa CASTELACI


    Full Text Available A diminuição da capacidade fisiológica e o declínio funcional dos órgãos, associados ao aumento da expectativa de vida, tornam os idosos mais propensos ao desenvolvimento de doenças. A anemia é uma patologia comum nos idosos, associada a várias condições crônicas, com sintomas que podem ser confundidos pela própria idade. Com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência de anemia e identificar fatores associados em idosos residentes no município de Nova Roma do Sul- RS, foi realizado um estudo transversal. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre março e agosto de 2016, através de visitas domiciliares para aplicação de questionários, que identificaram informações demográficas, comportamentais e alimentares. Foram mensuradas medidas antropométricas e amostras de sangue, para exames bioquímicos. Presença de anemia foi identificada a partir da concentração sanguínea de hemoglobina, seguindo os valores de referência estabelecidos pela OMS (<12g/dL mulheres, <13g/dL homens. Foram avaliados 294 idosos, onde a prevalência geral de anemia foi de 4,4%. Quando associados, os resultados com maior prevalência do desfecho foram: idade avançada (12,5%, não ter filhos (11,1%, dormir 9 horas ou mais (7,4%, diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus (13,0% e hipertensão arterial (7,4%, e o consumo elevado de alimentos gordurosos (9,0%. A regressão logística ajustada foi significativa para diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus e consumo elevado de alimentos gordurosos, apresentando respectivamente odds ratio de 7,97 (p=0,004 e 4,01 (p=0,043. A prevalência de anemia em idosos residentes de Nova Roma do Sul- RS foi baixa, no entanto, assim como outras doenças que acometem esta população, merece atenção clínica e tratamento adequado.

  4. Fatores associados a anemia por deficiência de ferro em crianças pré-escolares brasileiras Factors associated with iron deficiency anemia in Brazilian preschool children

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    Carlos A. N. de Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar fatores determinantes de anemia e deficiência de ferro em crianças de duas creches da cidade de Pontal, sudeste do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal foi realizado avaliando-se 192 crianças com idades entre 12 e 72 meses. Dados pessoais (idade, sexo, uso de ferro medicamentoso, duração do aleitamento materno, tipo de parto, cuidados pré-natais, peso e estatura e dados socioeconômicos (número de co-habitantes, escolaridade dos pais e renda per capita familiar foram obtidos e correlacionados com hemoglobina, receptores de transferrina, ferritina e anemia ferropriva. RESULTADOS: A idade foi a variável mais afetada pelo estado nutricional de ferro, correlacionando-se com maiores valores de hemoglobina e ferritina e menores valores de receptor de transferrina, sendo que menos anemia ferropriva foi detectada quanto maior a idade. As outras variáveis estudadas não apresentaram correlação com o estado nutricional de ferro. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados sugerem que as estratégias de controle para essa população de crianças pré-escolares devem ser direcionadas especialmente para aquelas de menor idade.OBJECTIVE: To examine the determining factors of anemia and iron deficiency in children attending two day care centers in the town of Pontal, southeast of Brazil. METHODS: Cross-sectional study was conducted in 192 children aged 12 to 72 months. Personal data (age, sex, use of medicinal iron supplements, duration of breast-feeding, type of delivery, prenatal care, weight, and height, and socioeconomic data (number of co-inhabitants, parental schooling, and per capita family income were obtained and evaluated together with hemoglobin, serum transferrin receptor, ferritin, and iron deficiency anemia. RESULTS: Age was the variable that most affected iron nutritional status, with higher hemoglobin values, lower transferrin receptor concentrations, higher ferritin values and lower iron deficiency anemia being detected with increasing

  5. Clinical, hematological, and molecular characterization of sickle cell anemia pediatric patients from two different cities in Brazil Caracterização clínica, hematológica e molecular de crianças portadoras da anemia falciforme em duas diferentes cidades do Brasil

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    Isa Menezes Lyra


    Full Text Available This study focused on clinical, hematological, and molecular aspects of sickle cell anemia pediatric patients from two different cites in Brazil. Seventy-one patients from São Paulo and Salvador, aged 3 to 18 years, were evaluated. Hematological analyses, betaS globin gene haplotypes, and alpha2 3.7kb-thalassemia were performed. Numbers of hospitalizations due to vaso-occlusive crises, infections, stroke, and cholelithiasis were investigated. São Paulo had more hospitalizations from vaso-occlusion, cholelithiasis, and stroke than Salvador. The Ben/CAR genotype predominated in both cities. alpha2 3.7kb-thalassemia had a frequency of 28.2% in Salvador, mostly with Ben/CAR genotype (45.0%, while São Paulo had 22.5% with similar frequencies of the Ben/ CAR and CAR/CAR genotypes. Sickle cell anemia patients from São Paulo also had more episodes of stroke, which was observed among CAR/CAR, atypical, and BEN/CAR haplotypes. In Salvador stroke was only observed in the Ben/CAR genotype. Cholelithiasis had similar frequencies in the two cities. These data suggest a milder phenotype among patients in Salvador, possibly due to genetic, environmental, and socioeconomic factors. Further studies are needed to elucidate modulating factors and phenotype association.O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar aspectos clínicos, hematológicos e moleculares de pacientes pediátricos portadores de anemia falciforme em duas cidades brasileiras: Salvador e São Paulo. Foram estudados 71 pacientes com idades variando entre 3 a 18 anos, analisando-se os seguintes aspectos: perfis hematológicos, haplótipos dos genes da globina beta, presença de talassemia alfa-2(3.7kb, número de internações por vaso-oclusão, infecção, presença de acidente vascular cerebral e litíase biliar. O genótipo Ben/CAR predominou nas duas cidades. Talassemia alfa-2(3.7kb teve freqüência de 28,2% em Salvador e 22,5% em São Paulo. Os pacientes de São Paulo apresentaram um número maior

  6. Calling in Work: Secular or Sacred? (United States)

    Steger, Michael F.; Pickering, N. K.; Shin, J. Y.; Dik, B. J.


    Recent scholarship indicates that people who view their work as a calling are more satisfied with their work and their lives. Historically, calling has been regarded as a religious experience, although modern researchers frequently have adopted a more expansive and secular conceptualization of calling, emphasizing meaning and personal fulfillment…

  7. Secular decline in male testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin serum levels in Danish population surveys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersson, Anna-Maria; Jensen, Tina K; Juul, Anders


    Adverse secular trends in male reproductive health have been reported to be reflected in increased testicular cancer risk and decreased semen quality in more recently born men. These secular trends may also be reflected by changes in Leydig cell function.......Adverse secular trends in male reproductive health have been reported to be reflected in increased testicular cancer risk and decreased semen quality in more recently born men. These secular trends may also be reflected by changes in Leydig cell function....

  8. Existe um imaginário social secularizado na América Latina? (Is there a secularized social imaginary in Latin America?) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n29p133


    Elton Vitoriano Ribeiro


    Neste artigo, pretende-se interpretar a posição de Taylor sobre a situação da sociedade contemporânea secular a partir do seguinte itinerário: (1) discutindo em grandes linhas sua concepção filosófica da multiculturalidade de nossas sociedades atuais, (2) propondo uma narrativa que aponte para uma interpretação do imaginário social multicultural e secularizado, e finalmente (3) apontando para o lugar da racionalidade filosófica neste percurso. A análise se faz tendo em mente que a coexistênci...

  9. Secularization and its Impact on the Jews’ Religious Life

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    Vasile Adrian


    Full Text Available Secularization brings forward a desacralized world, exclusively oriented to the material and concerned with the “fashion of the day” rather than with the Spirit of God. Secularism made man wander from god and ignore the religious, spiritual and moral principles found in Christianity and Judaism. Secularization caused all social, economic or political aspects be expressed outside these principles and, many times, against them. Man’s religiousness has become something personal and original that has nothing to do with community or the life of the community, thus becoming a strictly private or intimate option, and in many case even a taboo. Therefore we speak about a privatization of the religious feeling that has no connection to Christianity or Judaism. Unfortunately Judaism has been affected in some other way besides what concerns religious life. We are referring to the anti-Semite feeling that reached its peak at the beginning of the last century and tragically ended in the holocaust in which millions of Jews lost their lives.

  10. Anemia e insuficiência cardíaca na comunidade: comparação com um ambulatório especializado Anemia e insuficiencia cardiaca en la comunidad: comparación con un consultorio especializado Anemia and heart failure in a community-based cohort: comparison with a specialized outpatient clinic

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    Eduarda Barcellos dos Santos


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A anemia é comum em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC. Sua prevalência em pacientes com IC na comunidade é desconhecida em nosso meio. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência e características de pacientes com anemia em uma população não selecionada com IC na comunidade, comparando-a a uma população com IC atendida em um ambulatório especializado. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, prospectivo, observacional, realizado de janeiro de 2006 a março de 2007. Os pacientes com IC preenchiam os critérios de Boston, com pontuação >8. Anemia foi definida pelos critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde, como valores de hemoglobina FUNDAMENTO: La anemia es común en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC. Su prevalencia en pacientes con IC en la comunidad es desconocida en nuestro medio. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la prevalencia y características de pacientes con anemia en una población con IC no seleccionada en la comunidad, comparándola a una población con IC atendida en un consultorio especializado. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal, prospectivo, observacional, realizado de enero de 2006 a marzo de 2007. Los pacientes con IC cumplían los criterios de Boston, con puntuación >8. La anemia fue definida por los criterios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, como valores de hemoglobina BACKGROUND: Anemia is common in patients with heart failure (HF. Its prevalence in patients with HF from a community-based cohort is unknown in our country. OBJECTIVE: evaluate the prevalence and characteristics of patients with anemia in a non-selected population with HF from a community-based cohort, comparing it with that of a HF population treated at a specialized outpatient clinic. METHODS: This was a transversal, prospective, observational study, carried out from January 2006 to March 2007. The patients with HF met the Boston criteria, with a score > 8. Anemia was defined through the criteria of the World Health Organization as hemoglobin levels


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    Priscila Sanchez Bosco


    Full Text Available Objetivos: objetivos levantar informações atualizadas acerca das novas concepções sobre o cuidado de Enfermagem para clientes portadores de anemias hemolíticas e discutir as novas concepções acerca do cuidado de Enfermagem para os clientes portadores de anemias hemolíticas. Métodos: O presente estudo foi extraído de um projeto de pesquisa que tem como tema as novas concepções acerca do cuidado de Enfermagem para o cliente portador de anemias hemolíticas crônicas. Foi desenvolvido no ano de 2008 como parte do projeto de pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram utilizados como fontes, bases de dados eletrônicos além de levantamento junto às bibliotecas tradicionais. Resultados: Durante a coleta de dados foram levantados: 36 ARTIGOS “ON LINE”; 10 oriundos de BIBLIOTECAS CONVENCIONAIS e 4 DISSERTAÇÕES E 1 TESE. Conclusão: Conclui-se que o meio ambiente exerce força sobre estes clientes e que os enfermeiros podem utilizar-se de estratégias educacionais para que tanto estes clientes consigam conviver com a anemia falciforme de forma mais harmônica, sem o medo e a angústia que, geralmente se mostram presentes.

  12. Anemias hemolíticas

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    Ricardo Cediel Ángel


    Full Text Available Hayem (1898 y más tarde Widal (1907 señalaron que, al paso que la forma congénita clásica de anemia hemolítica de Minkowski y Chauffard a menudo causaba pocos síntomas, otro tipo que ellos clasificaron como adquirido, con frecuencia' se asociaba con anemia severa y acentuada incapacidad. Incluyeron allí casos de excesiva destrucción de sangre asociada a diversas infecciones ó intoxicaciones lo mismo que casos de etiología desconocida. Chauffard fue capaz de demostrar autohemolisinas en el suero de unos pocos casos de anemia hemolítica aguda adquirida y se refirió a ellos como "ictericias hemolisínicas". Sin embargo por muchos años existió la duda de que hubiera un verdadero tipo de anemia hemolítica adquirida y muy poco fue tenida en cuenta la posibilidad de que pudiera jugar papel en estos casos una reacción inmunológica.

  13. Genetics Home Reference: iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia (United States)

    ... refractory iron deficiency anemia Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... expand/collapse boxes. Description Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia is one of many types of anemia , which ...

  14. Habermas and the Meaning of the Post-Secular Society: Complementary Learning Processes (United States)

    Welton, Michael R.


    This essay argues that if social justice is to prevail in our world, we must understand the post-secular nature of our globalized society as a prerequisite for moving beyond "might is right" to national and international relations that heed all voices towards evidence-based interaction. Our post-secular world and postmetaphysical…

  15. Surviving Secularization: Masking the Spirit in the Jankunu (John Canoe Festivals of the Caribbean

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    Kenneth M. Bilby


    Full Text Available Jankunu (Jonkonnu, Junkanoo, an Afro-Caribbean Yuletide tradition centering on masked dance, is generally characterized as a secular festival. This article presents contemporary ethnographic evidence showing that certain older variants of the tradition remain closely connected with African-derived religious concepts and practices. On the basis of this new evidence, the author argues for a reexamination and reevaluation of the historical significance of this tradition, which even today, despite its ostensible secularity, has vaguely "spiritual" associations for many in the region—including some of those who represent it as "secular." The article interprets this apparent contradiction as the result of a historical process of secularization (in response to the stigmatization of African modes of religiosity that was only partly successful.

  16. Hemoglobinúria paroxística noturna: da fisiopatologia ao tratamento Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria: from physiopathology to treatment

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    Martha Mariana de Almeida Santos Arruda


    Full Text Available Hemoglobinúria paroxística noturna (HPN é uma anemia hemolítica crônica adquirida rara, de curso clínico extremamente variável. Apresenta-se frequentemente com infecções recorrentes, neutropenia e trombocitopenia, e surge em associação com outras doenças hematológicas, especialmente com síndromes de falência medular, como anemia aplásica e síndrome mielodisplásica. É considerada ainda um tipo de trombofilia adquirida, apresentando-se com tromboses venosas variadas, com especial predileção por trombose de veias hepáticas e intra-abdominais, sua maior causa de mortalidade. A tríade anemia hemolítica, pancitopenia e trombose faz da HPN uma síndrome clínica única, que deixou de ser encarada como simples anemia hemolítica adquirida para ser considerada um defeito mutacional clonal da célula-tronco hematopoética (CTH. A mutação ocorre no gene da fosfaditilinositolglicana classe-A, e resulta no bloqueio precoce da síntese de âncoras de glicosilfosfaditilinositol (GPI, responsáveis por manter aderidas à membrana plasmática dezenas de proteínas com funções específicas. A falência em sintetizar GPI madura gera redução de todas as proteínas de superfície normalmente ancoradas por ela. Dentre elas estão o CD55 e o CD59, que controlam a ativação da cascata do complemento. Assim, na HPN há aumento da susceptibilidade de eritrócitos ao complemento, gerando hemólise. Revisa-se aqui sua fisiopatologia, curso clínico, os tratamentos disponíveis com ênfase para o transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas alogênicas e para o eculizumab, um anticorpo monoclonal humanizado que bloqueia a ativação do complemento terminal no nível C5 e previne a formação do complexo de ataque à membrana, a primeira droga a demonstrar eficácia no tratamento da HPN.Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH is a rare disorder, an acquired chronic hemolytic anemia, often associated with recurrent nocturnal exacerbations

  17. The challenge of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

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    Hassanain Hani Hassan


    Full Text Available Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA is a Coomb's-negative hemolytic anemia characterized by red cell fragmentation (schistocytes. Thrombotic microangiopathy anemia, including thrombotic thrombocytopenia and hemolytic-uremic syndrome, malignant hypertension, preeclampsia are among the most common causes. We present a case of MAHA presenting with thrombocytopenia initially diagnosed as MAHA secondary to thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and received five sessions plasmapheresis without improvement but with worsening of anemia and thrombocytopenia. On further inquiry, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency was identified, and the patient showed dramatic recovery after the trial of B12 and folate.

  18. Anemia ferropriva em atletas adolescentes da Fundação Vila Olímpica de Manaus-AM Iron deficiency anaemia in adolescent athletes of the Vila Olímpica Fonndation of Manaus - AM

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    Sandra Maria Trindade Nunes


    Full Text Available Considerando a escassez de informações quanto ao estado nutricional de atletas jovens, identificou-se a prevalência de anemia ferropriva e sua associação com indicadores nutricionais de atletas adolescentes participantes do Programa de Iniciação Esportiva da Fundação Vila Olímpica de Manaus-AM. A amostra foi constituída por 194 atletas adolescentes do gênero masculino, voluntários, praticantes de diferentes modalidades esportivas classificados como iniciantes. A coleta dos dados foi realizada mediante verificação de medidas antropométricas (peso corporal, estatura e espessuras das dobras cutâneas tricipital e subescapular, dosagem de hemoglobina utilizando o hemoglobinômetro portátil (Sistema Hemocue e instrumento socioeconômico. No diagnóstico do estado nutricional foram utilizados os indicadores Estatura para a Idade (E/I e Índice de Massa Corporal para a idade (IMC/I, assumindo pontos de corte propostos pela OMS. Os resultados mostraram que 9,4% dos adolescentes apresentaram desnutrição, 8,2% sobrepeso e 4,6% obesidade. A prevalência de anemia ferropriva encontrada na amostra foi de 41,7%, com predominância na classe socioeconômica mais baixa. Embora a prevalência de anemia tenha sido elevada, o estado nutricional dos adolescentes não influenciou sobre este resultado, considerando que a maioria dos adolescentes apresentou-se eutrófica. Diante do exposto, sugere-se a adoção de medidas efetivas de intervenção e de educação nutricional visando à minimização e/ou o controle da anemia ferropriva.Considering the dearth of information with regard to the nutritional state of young athletes, were identified the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia and its association with nutritional indicators of adolescent athletes participating in the Sport Initiation Program of the Vila Olímpica Foundation in Manaus -AM. A sample was made up of 194 voluntary adolescent male athletes classified as beginners, who participated

  19. Metformin Therapy for Fanconis Anemia (United States)


    AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-16-1-0300 TITLE: Metformin Therapy for Fanconis Anemia PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Markus Grompe CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION... Anemia 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-16-1-0300 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Markus Grompe 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK...298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 This award pertains to the treatment of the inherited bone marrow failure syndrome Fanconi’s Anemia

  20. Influência da anemia ferropriva no eletroforetrograma de hemoglobina de leitões


    Cruz, Nathan da Rocha Neves [UNESP


    A hemoglobina é uma proteína globular composta por fração protéica (cadeias de globina), fração heme onde ocorre a ligação do íon bivalente de ferro, sendo que, as globinas combinadas ajudam a tipificar as hemoglobina em Hb Adulta (Hb A), Fetal (Hb F) e Adulta 2 (Hb A2). Na deficiência de ferro, que pode culminar anemia por disfunção eritropoiética, prevalente em leitões e seres humanos, a hemoglobina pode ter alterações estruturais denominadas hemoglobinopatias. O estudo determinou a influên...

  1. Anemia and survival in human immunodeficiency virus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundgren, Jens Dilling; Mocroft, Amanda


    The prospective, multicenter cohort study EuroSIDA has previously reported on predictors and outcomes of anemia in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. In a Cox proportional-hazards model with serial measures of CD4+ cell count, plasma viral load, and degrees of anemia fitted...... as time-dependent variables, the relative hazard of death increased markedly for patients with anemia versus no anemia. A clinical scoring system was developed and validated for patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy using the most recent laboratory measures. Mild and severe anemia were...... independently (Panemia. The mechanisms underlying why hemoglobin is such a strong prognostic...

  2. Genetics Home Reference: X-linked sideroblastic anemia (United States)

    ... Conditions X-linked sideroblastic anemia X-linked sideroblastic anemia Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... the expand/collapse boxes. Description X-linked sideroblastic anemia is an inherited disorder that prevents developing red ...

  3. Special Issues for People with Aplastic Anemia (United States)

    ... Menu Donate Special Issues for People with Aplastic Anemia Because you have aplastic anemia , everyday events can ... bleeding, such as contact sports. Pregnancy and Aplastic Anemia Pregnancy is possible for women who have been ...

  4. Diagnóstico laboratorial da anemia hemolítica auto-imune: características do teste manual direto do PolybreneÒ Laboratory diagnosis of auto-immune hemolytic anemia: characteristics of the manual direct test of PolybreneTM

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    G.W. Braga


    Full Text Available O teste manual direto do PolybreneÒ (TDP e o teste de Coombs direto (TCD foram utilizados para a detecção de IgG na superfície de hemácias de pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e laboratorial de anemia hemolítica auto-imune (AHAI. OBJETIVO: Comparar a sensibilidade e especificidade do TPD e do TCD no diagnóstico da AHAI. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 18 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico-laboratorial de AHAI. Como indivíduos controles, foram testados 20 doadores de sangue assintomáticos e 20 pacientes com anemia falciforme. RESULTADOS: O TCD foi positivo em 14 pacientes e negativo em quatro indivíduos, enquanto o TDP foi positivo em 17 pacientes e negativo em um indivíduo que apresentava TCD positivo devido a fixação de complemento (C3d nas hemácias. Todos os eluatos positivos realizados com a técnica de diclorometano revelaram anticorpos quentes com especificidade "anti-Rh". A sensibilidade do TDP (94% para detectar fixação de IgG in vivo foi significantemente maior (pThe direct manual PolybreneTM test (DPT and the direct antiglobulin tests (DAT were employed to detect antibody sensitizing red blood cell (RCB in patients with clinical and laboratorial findings of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA. PURPOSE: To compare the sensitivity and specificity of DPT and DAT in the diagnosis of AIHA. METHODS: Eighteen consecutive patients with diagnosis of AIHA were evaluated. The control group consisted of 20 normal volunteers blood donors and 20 patients with sickle cell anemia. All patients and controls were submitted to DPT and DAT. All DAT positive samples were further tested using monospecific reagents ( anti-IgG heavy chain and anti-C3d. Positive samples for either DPT or DAT were evaluated by eluate technique using. The dichloromethane (DCM. RESULTS: The DAT was positive in 14 patients and negative in 4 subjects, while the DPT was positive in 17 patients and negative in 1 individual who had a positive DAT owing to complement (C3d. All


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    Febrianti Febrianti


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN 2 Bogor adalah sekolah dengan angka  prevalensi anemia tertinggi di kota Bogor. Dari pemeriksaan Puskesmas Bogor Timur pada tahun 2009, ada 65,8 persen  siswi sekolah tersebut yang menderita anemia. Tujuan:  Identifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian anemia. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan potong lintang. Variabel dependen adalah kejadian anemia. Variabel independen terdiri atas lama haid, frekuensi makan, kebiasaan makan buah-buahan, kebiasaan makan protein hewani, kebiasaan makan protein nabati, dan kebiasaan minum teh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dua tahap yaitu pengisian kuesioner dan pengambilan sampel darah. Data dianalisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil:  Ditemukan  hubungan  yang  bermakna  antara  lama  haid  dengan  kejadian  anemia remaja  putri  (p value=0.028. Variabel lain tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan anemia.  Kesimpulan: Prevalensi anemia di MAN 2 Bogor berhubungan dengan lama haid dan tidak berhubungan dengan variabel lain.  Kata kunci: anemia remaja putri, faktor-faktor anemia, lama haid.

  6. Características fenotípicas dos pacientes com anemia falciforme de acordo com os haplótipos do gene da βS-globina em Fortaleza, Ceará

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    Lilianne B. Silva


    Full Text Available Foram analisados 47 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico, laboratorial e molecular de anemia falciforme, residentes em Fortaleza, Ceará, com a finalidade de fornecer informações sobre a influência dos haplótipos do gene da βS- globina nas características fenotípicas desta doença. A determinação dos valores hematológicos foi realizada em contador automático de células sanguíneas, e os níveis de HbF foram determinados pela técnica da desnaturação alcalina. O DNA foi isolado de leucócitos, a partir de amostras de sangue total. A análise dos haplótipos da mutação βS foi realizada por PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Lenght Polymorphism, sendo analisados seis sítios polimórficos de restrição. Os pacientes foram divididos em cinco grupos, de acordo com o tipo de haplótipo: Bantu/Bantu, Benin/Benin, Bantu/Benin, Bantu/Atípico e Benin/Atípico. O nível de significância considerado nas análises foi p<0,05. Na comparação entre os haplótipos e as características hematológicas estudadas, apenas os valores de HbF e Ht apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa. Os níveis de HbF foram maiores no haplótipo Benin, seguido do haplótipo Bantu, o que está em conformidade com os dados da literatura. Foram demonstrados maior presença de crises vaso-oclusivas e episódios de pneumonia no haplótipo Benin/Atípico do que no haplótipo Bantu/Atípico; e maior presença de crises de infecção urinária no haplótipo Benin/Atípico do que no haplótipo Benin/Benin. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os haplótipos Bantu/Bantu e Benin/Benin em relação às complicações clínicas; entretanto, foi observado que o haplótipo Bantu/Bantu tem uma maior frequência em todos os eventos clínicos estudados quando comparado ao Benin/Benin. Os resultados demonstram que o tipo de haplótipo do gene da βS-globina influencia as características fenotípicas dos pacientes com

  7. Avoiding Anemia: Boost Your Red Blood Cells (United States)

    ... Issues Subscribe January 2014 Print this issue Avoiding Anemia Boost Your Red Blood Cells En español Send ... Disease When Blood Cells Bend Wise Choices Preventing Anemia To prevent or treat iron-deficiency anemia: Eat ...

  8. Fatores de risco para anemia em crianças de 6 a 12 meses no Brasil Risk factors for anemia among 6- to 12-month-old children in Brazil

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    Mônica Glória Neumann Spinelli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de anemia e investigar os fatores de risco a ela associados em lactentes brasileiros que recebem atendimento na rede básica de saúde. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal com 2 715 crianças entre 6 e 12 meses de idade, residentes em 12 municípios das cinco regiões do Brasil. As mães ou responsáveis responderam a um questionário para coleta de informações sobre a criança e sua alimentação. Foram medidos o peso e a altura para determinação do estado nutricional. Também foi feita a dosagem da concentração de hemoglobina com fotômetro portátil HemoCue, considerando-se como anemia o nível OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of anemia and to determine associated risk factors among infants receiving routine health care in public clinics in Brazil. METHOD: This cross-sectional study included 2 715 infants between 6 and 12 months old in 12 cities, in all five of the geographic regions of Brazil. Information regarding the child and its feeding habits was obtained from the mother or other caregiver, using a questionnaire. Nutritional status was determined based on height and weight measurements. The hemoglobin concentration was measured using the HemoCue portable hemoglobinometer. Anemia was defined as hemoglobin < 11 g/dL. The infants’ eating habits were assessed based on what they were eating around the time of the questionnaire interviews. The association between anemia and the different variables was evaluated through bivariate analysis, followed by multiple logistic regression using a hierarchical selection model. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia for the entire group was 65.4%. Multiple regression analysis identified the following risk factors for anemia: living in the Southeastern Region of Brazil (odds ratio (OR = 1.57, 95% confidence interval (95% CI = 1.25- 1.99, maternal age < 20 years (OR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.21-2.07, birthweight < 2 500 g (OR = 2.09, 95% CI = 1.48-2.95, not being breast-fed (OR

  9. Fatores associados a alteração da linguagem em crianças pré-escolares Factors associated to language disorders in preschool children

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    Juliana Coelho de Paula Mendes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores associados à alteração da linguagem entre variáveis sociais e nutricionais de pré-escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 126 crianças com idade entre 6 meses e 6 anos da região sul do município de São Paulo. Utilizou-se o Teste de Triagem de Desenvolvimento de Denver II para detectar risco de linguagem. O resultado do teste foi comparado com as seguintes variáveis: idade, gênero, escolaridade da mãe, estado nutricional da criança, número e ordem de nascimento dos filhos e anemia. Os resultados receberam análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Segundo o teste de Denver II, dos 126 sujeitos da pesquisa 18,3% apresentaram risco para linguagem e 9,5% anemia. Não houve diferença entre os grupos risco e não risco para as variáveis idade, estado nutricional, escolaridade da mãe e gênero. Para as variáveis número de filhos, ordem de nascimento e presença de anemia, ao contrário, houve diferença entre os grupos risco e não risco. CONCLUSÃO: O maior risco para aquisição e desenvolvimento de linguagem centrou-se no grupo de anêmicos, filhos mais velhos e com menos de quatro irmãos. Estudos semelhantes são fundamentais para detectar possíveis alterações no desenvolvimento da linguagem e, consequentemente, na aprendizagem e futuro desempenho social da criança.PURPOSE: To identify factors related to language disorders among social and nutritional variables in preschoolers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study carried out with 126 children from the south region of the city of São Paulo, with ages ranging from 6 months to 6 years. The Denver II Developmental Screening Test was administered to detect the risk for language disorders. The test results were compared to the following variables: age, gender, mother's level of education, child nutritional status, number and order of children's birth, and anemia. Results were statistically analyzed. RESULTS:According to the Denver II test, 18.3% of

  10. Secular chaos and its application to Mercury, hot Jupiters, and the organization of planetary systems. (United States)

    Lithwick, Yoram; Wu, Yanqin


    In the inner solar system, the planets' orbits evolve chaotically, driven primarily by secular chaos. Mercury has a particularly chaotic orbit and is in danger of being lost within a few billion years. Just as secular chaos is reorganizing the solar system today, so it has likely helped organize it in the past. We suggest that extrasolar planetary systems are also organized to a large extent by secular chaos. A hot Jupiter could be the end state of a secularly chaotic planetary system reminiscent of the solar system. However, in the case of the hot Jupiter, the innermost planet was Jupiter (rather than Mercury) sized, and its chaotic evolution was terminated when it was tidally captured by its star. In this contribution, we review our recent work elucidating the physics of secular chaos and applying it to Mercury and to hot Jupiters. We also present results comparing the inclinations of hot Jupiters thus produced with observations.

  11. Secular chaos and its application to Mercury, hot Jupiters, and the organization of planetary systems (United States)

    Lithwick, Yoram; Wu, Yanqin


    In the inner solar system, the planets’ orbits evolve chaotically, driven primarily by secular chaos. Mercury has a particularly chaotic orbit and is in danger of being lost within a few billion years. Just as secular chaos is reorganizing the solar system today, so it has likely helped organize it in the past. We suggest that extrasolar planetary systems are also organized to a large extent by secular chaos. A hot Jupiter could be the end state of a secularly chaotic planetary system reminiscent of the solar system. However, in the case of the hot Jupiter, the innermost planet was Jupiter (rather than Mercury) sized, and its chaotic evolution was terminated when it was tidally captured by its star. In this contribution, we review our recent work elucidating the physics of secular chaos and applying it to Mercury and to hot Jupiters. We also present results comparing the inclinations of hot Jupiters thus produced with observations. PMID:24367108

  12. Concepts of anemia among low income Nicaraguan women Conceptos de anemia entre mujeres nicaragüenses de baja renta Conceitos de anemia entre mulheres nicaragüenses de baixa renda

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    Rita L. Ailinger


    Full Text Available Anemia is a common health problem among women throughout the world, however, there has been minimal research on women's concepts of anemia. The purpose of this study was to examine concepts of anemia in low income Nicaraguan women. A qualitative design was used. Audio-taped open-ended interviews in Spanish with 14 women were used to obtain data. Tapes were transcribed and content analyzed. The findings indicate that few of the women had biomedically accurate concepts of anemia, such as that it was due to lack of iron from poor eating. Others held folk medical beliefs including home remedies, for example drinking the milk of a mare or beet juice and eating certain foods such as bean soup. Most of the women did not know any symptoms of anemia and a few reported that it can develop into leukemia. These concepts of anemia are instructive for nurses working with patients from Nicaragua and will be useful in developing nursing interventions to alleviate this public health problem.La anemia es un problema de salud común entre las mujeres alrededor del mundo, sin embargo, se han realizado pocas investigaciones sobre los conceptos de anemia entre las mujeres. El propósito de este estudio fue examinar los conceptos de anemia en mujeres Nicaragüenses de bajos ingresos económicos. La investigación fue de orden cualitativa. Para la recolección de datos, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, grabadas en castellano, con 14 mujeres. Las cintas grabadas fueron transcritas y se realizó un análisis de contenido. Los resultados indican que pocas mujeres poseen conocimientos biomédicos sobre anemia, por ejemplo, la ingestión de alimentos pobres en hierro. Otras expresaron creencias populares, como remedios caseros, ingestión de leche de yegua o jugo de remolacha y ciertos alimentos como sopa de judías. La mayoría de las mujeres no conocía ningún síntoma de anemia y pocas relataron que creían que esta enfermedad podría transformarse en

  13. Prediction of secular acceleration of axial rotation of Mars (United States)

    Barkin, Yu. V.


    Secular motion of the Earth pole and non-tidal acceleration of its diurnal rotation have obtained rather precise explanation with the help of simple one-point model of the directed transport of fluid masses from a southern hemisphere in northern hemisphere with the general direction, given by geocentric axis OP directed to pole P with coordinates 700N, 10403 E[1]. The another generalized model represents a system of two material points with masses m2 and m1, located on surface of the Earth at poles of geocentric axis OP. Masses are linearly changed in the time with velocities [2]: ṁ2 = 0.179 × 1015kg/yrand ṁ1 = 0.043 × 1015kg/yr. A reduction of fluid masses of the appropriate thin spherical layer of the Earth correspond to secular increasing of masses of model points. The specified model has allowed to explain values of fundamental geodynamic parameters observably and determined during decades: a direction and velocity of drift of a pole of the Earth; value of non-tidal acceleration of axial rotation; to explain a secular variations of coefficients of the second, third, fourth, sixth and eighth zonal harmonics of a geopotential; coefficients of secular changes of a surface of ocean for the last approximately 150 years; a direction of secular drift of a geocenter and other planetary phenomena [3]. The role of the angular momentum of redistributed masses of the Earth in rotation of the Earth appeared not essential at the given stage of researches. On the essence the offered model has semi-empirical character as it bases on values of velocities of change of masses of points and the given position of axis OP. For their determination and estimations the part of the observant data was used, and other parameters were designed under analytical formulas. The obtained results have precisely confirmed competency and affectivity of geodynamic model [4] about existence of secular drift of a liquid core along radial direction OP with velocity about 2.6 cm/yr in the

  14. A anemia falciforme como problema de Saúde Pública no Brasil The sickle cell disease as a Public Health problem in Brazil

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    Roberto B. de Paiva e Silva


    Full Text Available Apesar de a anemia falciforme ser a doença hereditária de maior prevalência no Brasil, a literatura nacional carece de investigações a respeito dos seus aspectos de Saúde Pública. Investigou-se a realidade vivida por 80 pacientes adultos (49 mulheres e 31 homens com diagnóstico de anemia falciforme, seguidos regularmente em centro hematológico. O diagnóstico tardio da doença foi um dos principais aspectos detectados na casuística examinada. Observou-se que a problemática maior do paciente adulto com a anemia falciforme esta centrada nos aspectos econômicos, sobretudo na falta de oportunidades profissionais, apesar de os mesmos poderem participar do mercado de trabalho, desde que estejam recebendo tratamento médico adequado e exerçam funções compatíveis com as suas limitações e potencialidades. A orientação psicoterapêutica teve uma grande aceitação pelos pacientes, sem diferença significativa entre os sexos. Concluiu-se haver necessidade da implantação de programas comunitários de diagnóstico precoce e de orientação médica, social e psicológica dos doentes com a anemia falciforme no Brasil, bem como de aconselhamento genético não diretivo dos casais de heterozigotos com o traço falciforme.Sickle cell anemia is the most prevalent hereditary disease in Brazil. However, the Brazilian literature registers no investigations into the public health aspects of the disease. This present study investigates the way of life of 80 adult patients (49 women and 31 men with a diagnosis of sicklecell anemia, at a blood center in Brazil. The late diagnosis of the disease was one of the most significant aspects observed in this group of patients. It was also observed that the dominant problem faced by adult patients with sickle cell anemia is of an economic nature, mainly due to lack of professional opportunities. However, patients can well undertake economic activities under adequate medical supervision, according to their

  15. Sacralizando o secular. Os movimentos etno-fundamentalistas

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    Enzo Pace


    Full Text Available Os movimentos religiosos fundamentalistas encaram o Estado secular como um inimigo, porque pretendem sistematizar seu poder como se Deus não atuasse. Esses movimentos consideram sua religião como o repositório de verdade absoluta, a fonte derradeira que legitima as leis humanas. Assim, conquanto sejam pós-seculares, ao mesmo tempo tentam transformar os princípios religiosos em agendas políticas. Com efeito, os militantes agem frequentemente de acordo com princípios políticos, procurando afirmar o primado de sua própria fé sobre a dos outros. Eles se movem dentro das sociedades contemporâneas em nome de uma teologia política radical. Os principais argumentos baseiam-se em dois estudos de caso: o Bodu Bala Sena no Sri Lanka e os movimentos para o Hindutva na Índia.

  16. A secular technetium–molybdenum generator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Araujo, Wagner L., E-mail:; Campos, Tarcisio P.R., E-mail:


    A compact secular molybdenium generator is subject of this paper. This generator represents a nuclear system that comprises a hydrogen-isotopes fusor, moderator, reflector and shield. Deuterium fusion reactions in a tritiated or deuterated target provide the neutron source. A moderation fluid slowdown the neutron energy which increases {sup 98}Mo(n,γ){sup 99}Mo capture reaction rates. Neutron reflection minimizes the neutron escape and the radiation shield encloses the device. The neutron yield calculation along with electromagnetic and nuclear simulations were addressed. Results revealed the accelerator equipotential surfaces ranging from −30 to 150 kV, the ion trajectories and the energy beam profile define a deuteron current of 1 A with energy of 180 keV at the target, the spatial distribution of the neutron flux, and the {sup 99}Mo and {sup 99m}Tc activities in function of transmuter operation time. The kinetics of the {sup 99m}Tc correlated to its precursor activity demonstrates a secular equilibrium providing 2 Ci in a operational time of 150 h. As conclusion, the investigated nuclear and electromagnetic features have demonstrated that such generator shall have a notable potential for feeding the {sup 99m}Tc clinical application.

  17. What Lies between the Religious and the Secular?: Education beyond the Human (United States)

    Seo, Yong-Seok


    The current age is characterised by many as secular, and a source of such a characterisation can be found in the Nietzschean claim that thoughts about there being some ultimate reality have to be jettisoned, and human existence and the world need to be embraced as they are. That claim is renewed by some secular thinkers who insist that education…

  18. Aplastic anemia in Japanese radiological technicians

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitabatake, T.; Watanabe, T.; Saito, A.; Nakamura, M.; Shiohama Hospital, Mie


    Among the Japanese radiological technicians, four deaths from aplastic anemia have been reported after 1930. On the other hand, during the period from 1930 to 1960, the population of radiological technicians is estimated to be 74,400 man-years, in which 0.5 aplastic anemias are expected. However, actually three died from aplastic anemia. This difference is statistically significant at the 1% level. While, in the period from 1961 to 1973, the observed value is 1 against 0.7 expected. It is concluded that aplastic anemia had been induced frequently among the Japanese radiological technicians in the era when there was much exposure to occupational radiation. (orig.) [de

  19. Public debt, secular stagnation and functional finance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skott, Peter


    Fiscal policy and public debt may be required to maintain full employment and avoid secular stagnation. This conclusion emerges from a range of different models, including OLG specifications and stock-flow consistent (post-) Keynesian models. One of the determinants of the required long-run debt ...

  20. Distinguish natural sources out of secular equilibrium with their parents or daughters in Gamma ray spectrum analyses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mao Yahong; Liu Yigang


    Objective: To determine materials containing natural radionuclides in or out secular equilibrium with their parents or daughters. Methods: In gamma ray spectrum analyses, the activity concentration of every daughter is the same as that of its parent when the material is in secular equilibrium. The activity concentrations of daughters and their parents are different when the material is out of secular equilibrium. Results: It is different to determine whether the exposures from these materials should be exempted that materials containing natural radionuclides are in or out of secular equilibrium with their parents or daughters. Conclusion: It is important to determine materials containing natural radionuclides in or out secular equilibrium with their parents or daughters in gamma ray spectrum analyses. (authors)

  1. Secular Love number of Phobos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bursa, M.


    The secular Love number of Phobos was estimated k s =10.4. It only deviates by one order of magnitude from that corresponding to the ideal equilibrium state. It is not in contradiction with the theory of the origin of Phobos as a result of the accretion around Mars. In its early history, the rotation period of Phobos had been estimated to be approx. 2.4 hours. (author). 1 tab., 4 refs

  2. Secular Evolution in Disk Galaxies (United States)

    Kormendy, John


    Self-gravitating systems evolve toward the most tightly bound configuration that is reachable via the evolution processes that are available to them. They do this by spreading -- the inner parts shrink while the outer parts expand -- provided that some physical process efficiently transports energy or angular momentum outward. The reason is that self-gravitating systems have negative specific heats. As a result, the evolution of stars, star clusters, protostellar and protoplanetary disks, black hole accretion disks and galaxy disks are fundamentally similar. How evolution proceeds then depends on the evolution processes that are available to each kind of self-gravitating system. These processes and their consequences for galaxy disks are the subjects of my lectures and of this Canary Islands Winter School. I begin with a review of the formation, growth and death of bars. Then I review the slow (`secular') rearrangement of energy, angular momentum, and mass that results from interactions between stars or gas clouds and collective phenomena such as bars, oval disks, spiral structure and triaxial dark haloes. The `existence-proof' phase of this work is largely over: we have a good heuristic understanding of how nonaxisymmetric structures rearrange disk gas into outer rings, inner rings and stuff dumped onto the centre. The results of simulations correspond closely to the morphology of barred and oval galaxies. Gas that is transported to small radii reaches high densities. Observations confirm that many barred and oval galaxies have dense central concentrations of gas and star formation. The result is to grow, on timescales of a few Gyr, dense central components that are frequently mistaken for classical (elliptical-galaxy-like) bulges but that were grown slowly out of the disk (not made rapidly by major mergers). The resulting picture of secular galaxy evolution accounts for the richness observed in galaxy structure. We can distinguish between classical and pseudo

  3. The incidence of gastrointestinal pathology and subsequent anemia in young men presenting with iron deficiency without anemia. (United States)

    Carter, Dan; Bardan, Eytan; Derazne, Estela; Tzur, Dorit; Avidan, Benjamin


    The etiology of iron deficiency (ID) without anemia in young men is unclear, and there are no evidence-based recommendations for the required gastrointestinal (GI) evaluation. The aims of this study were to examine the incidence of significant GI pathology and the development of anemia during the follow-up of young men presenting with ID, but without anemia. All young men (18-30 years) who served in the Israel Defense Forces during the years 2005-2013 and had at least a single laboratory test indicative of ID without anemia were followed until the diagnosis of significant GI pathology or discharge from military service. The study population included 2061 young men (mean age 20.7±1.8). During follow-up of 3150 person years, significant GI pathologies were diagnosed in 39 patients: inflammatory bowel disease in 25 (1.2%), celiac disease in 8 (0.4%), and peptic disease in 4 (0.1%). No cases of GI-related cancer were diagnosed. ID anemia developed during follow-up in 203 (9.8%). Lower baseline hemoglobin levels, lower ferritin levels, and younger age at diagnosis were more common among those who developed anemia. The development of anemia was a predisposing factor for the diagnosis of GI pathology (risk ratio=3.60, 95% confidence interval 1.34-8.32, P=0.012). Significant GI pathology is very uncommon in young men presenting with ID. Overt anemia developed in close to 10% of the study cohort. Therefore, we advise simple GI evaluation (celiac serology, C-reactive protein or fecal calprotectin, and urease breath test) as well as follow-up in this population.

  4. Global and disease-associated genetic variation in the human Fanconi anemia gene family


    Rogers, Kai J.; Fu, Wenqing; Akey, Joshua M.; Monnat, Raymond J.


    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a human recessive genetic disease resulting from inactivating mutations in any of 16 FANC (Fanconi) genes. Individuals with FA are at high risk of developmental abnormalities, early bone marrow failure and leukemia. These are followed in the second and subsequent decades by a very high risk of carcinomas of the head and neck and anogenital region, and a small continuing risk of leukemia. In order to characterize base pair-level disease-associated (DA) and population gen...

  5. Perils of the Future: A Discussion of Marx’s Secularization Thesis

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    Clava Brodsky


    Full Text Available As both a journalist and a philosopher, Karl Marx had one eye on the present and the other on the future. This dual concern is particularly clear in On the Jewish Question, where Marx persons his theory of secularization. In this article, I claim that his account of political secularization is far more convincing; while his account of human emancipation – his wish for the future – rests on a thin reading of human rights.

  6. Secular Extragalactic Parallax and Geometric Distances with Gaia Proper Motions (United States)

    Paine, Jennie; Darling, Jeremiah K.


    The motion of the Solar System with respect to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) rest frame creates a well measured dipole in the CMB, which corresponds to a linear solar velocity of about 78 AU/yr. This motion causes relatively nearby extragalactic objects to appear to move compared to more distant objects, an effect that can be measured in the proper motions of nearby galaxies. An object at 1 Mpc and perpendicular to the CMB apex will exhibit a secular parallax, observed as a proper motion, of 78 µas/yr. The relatively large peculiar motions of galaxies make the detection of secular parallax challenging for individual objects. Instead, a statistical parallax measurement can be made for a sample of objects with proper motions, where the global parallax signal is modeled as an E-mode dipole that diminishes linearly with distance. We present preliminary results of applying this model to a sample of nearby galaxies with Gaia proper motions to detect the statistical secular parallax signal. The statistical measurement can be used to calibrate the canonical cosmological “distance ladder.”

  7. Religion, Education and the Post-Secular Child (United States)

    Davis, Robert A.


    This essay endeavours to reframe current discussion of the relationship of religion to education by highlighting an often seriously neglected element of contemporary educational thought: the changing, post-secular understanding of childhood in the globalised age. Drawing upon recent ethnographies of childhood, and an older anthropological…

  8. Spirituality and secularization: nursing and the sociology of religion. (United States)

    Paley, John


    The concept of spirituality is much discussed in the UK nursing literature, despite the fact that Britain is one of the most secular countries in the world, and steadily becoming more so. Here, I pose the following question: given this increasing secularization, what accounts for the current interest in spirituality among UK nurses? The literature on spirituality in nursing has blossomed in the last 10 years, and various attempts have been made to define 'spirituality', 'spiritual need' and 'spiritual care'. Most definitions distinguish between 'spirituality' and 'religion', acknowledging that the latter is more institutional, and theologically more restrictive, than the former; and they suggest that spirituality is universal, something which (unlike religion) all human beings share. I draw on the sociology of religion - neglected, for the most part, in the nursing literature - to establish two main points. Firstly, that the UK and the USA are at opposite ends of the religion/secularity spectrum, implying that it is a mistake to assimilate USA and UK sources. Secondly, that the concept of spirituality, as currently understood, is of very recent origin, and is still 'under construction', having become separated from its associations with Christian piety and mysticism only since the 1980s. The extension of spirituality into secular domains is part of a professionalization project in nursing, a claim to jurisdiction over a newly invented sphere of work. For the time being, it remains an academic project (in the UK) as it is not one with which many clinicians identify. Relevance to clinical practice. What counts as 'spiritual need' or 'spiritual care' may not be the same in both countries, and UK clinicians are unlikely to welcome the role of surrogate chaplain, which their USA colleagues are apparently willing to embrace.

  9. The Evidence-Based Evaluation of Iron Deficiency Anemia. (United States)

    Hempel, Eliana V; Bollard, Edward R


    Anemia is a prevalent disease with multiple possible etiologies and resultant complications. Iron deficiency anemia is a common cause of anemia and is typically due to insufficient intake, poor absorption, or overt or occult blood loss. Distinguishing iron deficiency from other causes of anemia is integral to initiating the appropriate treatment. In addition, identifying the underlying cause of iron deficiency is also necessary to help guide management of these patients. We review the key components to an evidence-based, cost-conscious evaluation of suspected iron deficiency anemia. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Tendência secular da peste no Estado do Ceará, Brasil Secular plague trend in Ceará State, Brazil

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    Antonia Ivoneida Aragão


    Full Text Available Após a sua introdução no Ceará, Brasil, em 1900, a peste focalizou-se em sete complexos ecológicos: Chapada do Araripe e Serras da Ibiapaba, do Baturité, do Machado, das Matas, da Pedra Branca e de Uruburetama. As atividades de vigilância nesses focos no período de 1935/2004 foram desenvolvidas sucessivamente pelo Departamento Nacional de Saúde, Serviço Nacional de Peste, Departamento Nacional de Endemias Rurais, Superintendência de Campanhas de Saúde Pública, Fundação Nacional de Saúde e finalmente pela Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. A análise dos dados levantados sobre a ocorrência de casos humanos nesses 70 anos permite identificar diferentes padrões de circulação da enfermidade na população humana, caracterizados pela alternância de momentos de elevadas incidências e de silêncio, possibilitando estabelecer uma periodização cronológica com características epidemiológicas próprias. Conclui-se desses resultados que a peste ainda deve ser considerada uma ameaça potencial, o que justifica revitalizar as ações de vigilância epidemiológica, o que só ocorrerá com o fortalecimento de todas as instâncias do Sistema Único de Saúde.After its introduction into the State of Ceará, Brazil, in 1900, the plague was established in seven ecological complexes: Chapada do Araripe and the Ibiapaba, Baturité, Machado, Matas, Pedra Branca, and Uruburetama mountains. These natural foci were monitored successively from 1935 to 2004 by the National Health Department, National Plague Service, National Department of Rural Endemics, Superintendency of Public Health Campaigns, National Health Foundation, and finally by the National Health Surveillance Secretariat. Data analysis on human cases during these 70 years allowing identifying different plague circulation patterns in the human population, alternating high incidence with silent periods and characterizing a chronological periodicity with unique epidemiological

  11. Secularities, Diversities and Pluralities: Understanding the Challenges of Religious Diversity in Latin America

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    Edgar Zavala-Pelayo


    Full Text Available Latin America is experiencing today the greatest religious diversity in its entire history. However, it must also be noted that a large number of the growing religious minorities may be classified into types of Christianity with conservative overtones. In this paper we will suggest that the literature streams on multiple secularities in contemporary (Western societies and religious diversity in Latin America do offer insightful perspectives yet fail to adequately convey the challenges raised by the religious across contemporary Latin America. Addressing Latin America’s historical background, we will distinguish conceptually and empirically among different degrees of secularities, diversities and pluralities and will construct with these distinctions a descriptive-normative model that can guide future analyses of secular and religious phenomena in Latin America. It is only through a comprehensive understanding of diversities, pluralities and secularities that the debates on those human rights crucial for social inclusion—from sexual and reproductive rights to gender and religious equality—can be fruitfully conducted in and beyond Latin America.

  12. Thinking beyond Secularism: The Catholic Church and Political Practice in Rural South India

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    Aparna Sundar


    Full Text Available This article re-opens the debate on secularism in India by looking at a religion and a region that has historically been marginal to this discourse, focusing on the way in which the Catholic Church has historically mediated the relationship between individuals and the state, among the fishing communities of South India. The Catholic Church’s dominant position among the fishing communities, its minority status within India, as well as theological and other shifts that have taken place within the global Church, lead it to articulate a secular, even radical politics as its primary mode of religious engagement. Radical clergy, many from fishing backgrounds, act as both organic and traditional intellectuals in the Gramscian sense, linking the traditional religious concerns of the Church to the secular interests of their parishioners. Likewise, villagers participate in Church-generated associations spaces to secure wider political goals. The paper concludes that certain forms of religious organisation in the public sphere might indeed be compatible with democracy, citizenship, and even secularism.

  13. Anemia (United States)

    ... a hemoglobin value of less than 13.5 gm/dl in a man or less than 12.0 gm/dl in a woman. Normal values for children ... types of anemia cannot be prevented, eating healthy foods can help you avoid both iron-and vitamin- ...

  14. Anemia em adolescentes segundo maturação sexual Anemia among adolescents according to sexual maturation

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    Bianca Assunção Iuliano


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência de anemia em adolescentes (hemoglobina0,05. Observou-se aparente aumento do nível médio de hemoglobina com o desenvolvimento do adolescente. Detectou-se anemia em 11,0% dos adolescentes, a maioria na fase púbere, classificada como ''prevalência leve'' segundo a World Health Organization. Não foi encontrada associação entre indicadores sociais e anemia. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo apontou baixa prevalência de anemia, mas acima do esperado entre púberes de escola particular e indica tendência de aumento dos níveis de hemoglobina com o desenvolvimento sexual dos adolescentes. Devem ser realizados novos estudos de prevalência de anemia para se determinar sua causa entre adolescentes de diferentes níveis socioeconômicos.OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of anemia (hemoglobin level <12g/dL in adolescents, according to their sexual maturation stage. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with all adolescents enrolled in 5th - 8th grades in a private school in the city of São Paulo. Their hemoglobin level was measured (using Hemocue® and sexual development was self-evaluated (with the aid of pictures of the maturation stages proposed by Tanner. The social indicators evaluated were the per capita family income and maternal schooling. Student t test and non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test were used for mean comparison and Chi-square-test for associations (p<0.05. RESULTS: We analyzed 118 students, of which 66.9% were females (aged 12.2±1.13 years and 33.1% were males (aged 12.0±1.18 years. The mean hemoglobin level was 13.2±1.08 g/dL for females and 13.3±1.21 g/dL for males, with no significant difference. An apparent increase in the mean hemoglobin level was verified along with sexual development of the adolescents. Anemia was detected in 11% of them, most in the pubertal stage, which is classified by the World Health Organization as ''mild prevalence''. No association was found between social

  15. Management of Anemia of Inflammation in the Elderly

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    Antonio Macciò


    Full Text Available Anemia of any degree is recognized as a significant independent contributor to morbidity, mortality, and frailty in elderly patients. Among the broad types of anemia in the elderly a peculiar role seems to be played by the anemia associated with chronic inflammation, which remains the most complex form of anemia to treat. The origin of this nonspecific inflammation in the elderly has not yet been clarified. It seems more plausible that the oxidative stress that accompanies ageing is the real cause of chronic inflammation of the elderly and that the same oxidative stress is actually a major cause of this anemia. The erythropoietic agents have the potential to play a therapeutic role in this patient population. Despite some promising results, rHuEPO does not have a specific indication for the treatment of anemia in the elderly. Moreover, concerns about their side effects have spurred the search for alternatives. Considering the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of anemia of inflammation in the elderly population, an integrated nutritional/dietetic approach with nutraceuticals that can manipulate oxidative stress and related inflammation may prevent the onset of this anemia and its negative impact on patients’ performance and quality of life.

  16. Management of Anemia of Inflammation in the Elderly (United States)

    Macciò, Antonio; Madeddu, Clelia


    Anemia of any degree is recognized as a significant independent contributor to morbidity, mortality, and frailty in elderly patients. Among the broad types of anemia in the elderly a peculiar role seems to be played by the anemia associated with chronic inflammation, which remains the most complex form of anemia to treat. The origin of this nonspecific inflammation in the elderly has not yet been clarified. It seems more plausible that the oxidative stress that accompanies ageing is the real cause of chronic inflammation of the elderly and that the same oxidative stress is actually a major cause of this anemia. The erythropoietic agents have the potential to play a therapeutic role in this patient population. Despite some promising results, rHuEPO does not have a specific indication for the treatment of anemia in the elderly. Moreover, concerns about their side effects have spurred the search for alternatives. Considering the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of anemia of inflammation in the elderly population, an integrated nutritional/dietetic approach with nutraceuticals that can manipulate oxidative stress and related inflammation may prevent the onset of this anemia and its negative impact on patients' performance and quality of life. PMID:23091709

  17. Geomagnetic secular variation in India-regional and local features

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivastava, B.J.; Abbas, H.


    A study of the secular variation in the geomagnetic elements H, Z, F and D at Colaba (Bombay)-Alibag for the period 1848-1973, has been made. Fifth degree polynomials are fitted to the data of annual mean values of H, Z and F, and third degree to D, and the residuals discussed. The trends are also examined at the six Indian observatories using the data for 1960-1974. The increasing trend of Z at Alibag is found to decrease from about 1937, while that of H and F from 1965 at 20-30 nT/year, it being of the same order at Sabhawala and Hyderabad but smaller at the equatorial stations, particularly for Z component. The westward annual change in D swings eastward again around 1965 at all the Indian stations. This reversal of the secular variation trend in India after 1965 emerges as an important regional feature connected with a southward migration of the dip equator in India from 1968. The secular change in D at Alibag (+0.4'/year) is somewhat anomalous in the sense that it is reduced as compared to Hyderabad and other stations (+1.6'/year), probably due to the local magnetic anomaly of the Deccan lavas, and calls for detailed investigations. (auth.)

  18. Socio-economic and demographic determinants of childhood anemia

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    Sankar Goswmai


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate socio-economic and demographic determinants of anemia among Indian children aged 6-59 months. METHODS: Statistical analysis was performed on the cross-sectional weighted sample of 40,885 children from 2005 to 2006 National Family Health Survey by using multinomial logistic regression to assess the significance of some risk factors in different degrees of child anemia. Anemia was diagnosed by World Health Organization (WHO cut-off points on hemoglobin level. Pearson's chi-squared test was applied to justify the associations of anemia with different categories of the study population. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia was 69.5%; 26.2% mild, 40.4% moderate, and 2.9% severe anemia. Overall prevalence rate, along with mild and moderate cases, showed an increasing trend up to 2 years of age and then decreased. Rural children had a higher prevalence rate. Of 28 Indian states in the study, 10 states showed very high prevalence, the highest being Bihar (77.9%. Higher birth order, high index of poverty, low level of maternal education, mother's anemia, non-intake of iron supplements during pregnancy, and vegetarian mother increased the risks of all types of anemia among children (p < 0.05. Christian population was at lower risk; and Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, and Other Backward Class categories were at higher risk of anemia. CONCLUSION: The results suggest a need for proper planning and implementation of preventive measures to combat child anemia. Economically under-privileged groups, maternal nutrition and education, and birth control measures should be priorities in the programs.

  19. Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia (United States)

    Jimenez, Kristine; Kulnigg-Dabsch, Stefanie


    Anemia affects one-fourth of the world’s population, and iron deficiency is the predominant cause. Anemia is associated with chronic fatigue, impaired cognitive function, and diminished well-being. Patients with iron deficiency anemia of unknown etiology are frequently referred to a gastroenterologist because in the majority of cases the condition has a gastrointestinal origin. Proper management improves quality of life, alleviates the symptoms of iron deficiency, and reduces the need for blood transfusions. Treatment options include oral and intravenous iron therapy; however, the efficacy of oral iron is limited in certain gastrointestinal conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, and autoimmune gastritis. This article provides a critical summary of the diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia. In addition, it includes a management algorithm that can help the clinician determine which patients are in need of further gastrointestinal evaluation. This facilitates the identification and treatment of the underlying condition and avoids the unnecessary use of invasive methods and their associated risks. PMID:27099596

  20. Unexpected Anemia and Reticulocytopenia in an Adolescent With Sickle Cell Anemia Receiving Chronic Transfusion Therapy. (United States)

    Blauel, Emily R; Grossmann, Lily T; Vissa, Madhav; Miller, Scott T


    In a patient with sickle cell disease receiving chronic transfusion, exacerbation of anemia with reticulocytopenia must prompt consideration of a delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction with hyperhemolysis, as further transfusion may worsen this condition; definitive diagnosis is sometimes difficult. Anemia evolving during parvovirus B19-induced erythroid hypoplasia (transient aplastic crisis) should be attenuated in chronic transfusion patients due to superior survival of transfused over endogenous red blood cells. A 16-year-old with sickle cell disease receiving chronic transfusion of modified intensity (goal to maintain hemoglobin S<50%) who developed symptomatic anemia with reticulocytopenia was later shown to have had transient aplastic crisis.

  1. Genetics Home Reference: thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome (United States)

    ... Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable ... the expand/collapse boxes. Description Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome is a rare condition characterized by hearing ...

  2. Striking Seasonality in the Secular Warming of the Northern Continents: Structure and Mechanisms (United States)

    Nigam, S.; Thomas, N. P.


    The linear trend in twentieth-century surface air temperature (SAT)—a key secular warming signal— exhibits striking seasonal variations over Northern Hemisphere continents; SAT trends are pronounced in winter and spring but notably weaker in summer and fall. The SAT trends in historical twentieth-century climate simulations informing the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change's Fifth Assessment show varied (and often unrealistic) strength and structure, and markedly weaker seasonal variation. The large intra-ensemble spread of winter SAT trends in some historical simulations was surprising, especially in the context of century-long linear trends, with implications for the detection of the secular warming signal. The striking seasonality of observed secular warming over northern continents warrants an explanation and the representation of related processes in climate models. Here, the seasonality of SAT trends over North America is shown to result from land surface-hydroclimate interactions and, to an extent, also from the secular change in low-level atmospheric circulation and related thermal advection. It is argued that the winter dormancy and summer vigor of the hydrologic cycle over middle- to high-latitude continents permit different responses to the additional incident radiative energy from increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. The seasonal cycle of climate, despite its monotony, provides an expanded phase space for the exposition of the dynamical and thermodynamical processes generating secular warming, and an exceptional cost-effective opportunity for benchmarking climate projection models.

  3. Secular and Religious Social Support Better Protect Blacks than Whites against Depressive Symptoms. (United States)

    Assari, Shervin; Moghani Lankarani, Maryam


    Purpose: Although the protective effect of social support against depression is well known, limited information exists on racial differences in this association. The current study examined Black-White differences in the effects of religious and secular emotional social support on depressive symptoms in a national sample of older adults in the United States. Methods: With a longitudinal prospective design, the Religion, Aging and Health Survey, 2001⁻2004, followed 1493 Black ( n = 734) and White ( n = 759) elderly individuals (age 66 and older) for three years. Race, demographics (age and gender), socio-economics (education and marital status) and frequency of church attendance were measured at baseline in 2001. Secular social support, religious social support, chronic medical conditions and depressive symptoms [8- item Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression scale (CES-D)] were measured in 2004. Multiple linear regression models were used for data analysis. In the pooled sample, secular and religious social support were both protective against depressive symptoms, net of all covariates. Race interacted with secular ( β = −0.62 for interaction) and religious ( β = −0.21 for interaction) social support on baseline depressive symptoms ( p social support on depressive symptoms was larger for Blacks ( β = −0.64) than Whites ( β = −0.16). Conclusion: We found Black—White differences in the protective effects of secular and religious social support against depressive symptoms. Blacks seem to benefit more from the same level of emotional social support, regardless of its source, compared to Whites.

  4. 9 CFR 311.34 - Anemia. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Anemia. 311.34 Section 311.34 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION... CERTIFICATION DISPOSAL OF DISEASED OR OTHERWISE ADULTERATED CARCASSES AND PARTS § 311.34 Anemia. Carcasses of...

  5. Family structure and child anemia in Mexico. (United States)

    Schmeer, Kammi K


    Utilizing longitudinal data from the nationally-representative Mexico Family Life Survey, this study assesses the association between family structure and iron-deficient anemia among children ages 3-12 in Mexico. The longitudinal models (n = 4649), which control for baseline anemia status and allow for consideration of family structure transitions, suggest that children living in stable-cohabiting and single-mother families and those who have recently experienced a parental union dissolution have higher odds of anemia than those in stable-married, father-present family structures. Interaction effects indicate that unmarried family contexts have stronger associations with anemia in older children (over age five); and, that the negative effects of parental union dissolution are exacerbated in poorer households. Resident maternal grandparents have a significant beneficial effect on child anemia independent of parental family structure. These results highlight the importance of family structure for child micronutrient deficiencies and suggest that understanding social processes within households may be critical to preventing child anemia in Mexico. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Post-Secularism, Religious Knowledge and Religious Education (United States)

    Carr, David


    Post-secularism seems to follow in the wake of other (what are here called) "postal" perspectives--post-structuralism, postmodernism, post-empiricism, post-positivism, post-analytical philosophy, post-foundationalism and so on--in questioning or repudiating what it takes to be the epistemic assumptions of "modernism." To be sure, post-secularism…

  7. Aggregate demand, functional finance and secular stagnation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skott, Peter


    This paper makes three main points. Fiscal policy, first, may be needed in the long run to maintain full employment and avoid secular stagnation. If fiscal policy is used in this way, second, the long-run debt ratio depends (i) inversely on the rate of growth, (ii) inversely on government consump...

  8. Tissue Factor and Thrombin in Sickle Cell Anemia


    Chantrathammachart, Pichika; Pawlinski, Rafal


    Sickle cell anemia is an inherited hematologic disorder associated with hemolytic and vaso-occlusive complications. An activation of coagulation is also a prominent feature of sickle cell anemia. Growing evidence indicates that coagulation may contribute to the inflammation and vascular injury in sickle cell anemia. This review focuses on tissue factor expression and its contribution to the activation of coagulation, thrombosis and vascular inflammation in sickle cell anemia.

  9. The Role of Interreligious and Interfaith Dialogue in the Post-Secular World

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    Biljana Popovska


    Full Text Available Today, western liberal democratic societies are secular, or in other words, religion is set apart from the state. However, the beginning of the 21st century has seen a re-politicizing of the religion. This paper argues that religion plays an important role in current global politics and events. Moreover, it has been used as tool to recruit masses for a wrong cause. Hence, Interreligious and interfaith dialog can play a role of catalysts and a future trend in cultural diplomacy. The paper provides definitions of a secular and post secular society. Then, it discusses the general concept of dialogue and explores it from an interreligious and interfaith point of view as a way to mitigate the role religion has undertaken. Finally, it provides examples of what European Union has been doing in that respect.

  10. Iron Deficiency, Anemia and Mortality in Renal Transplant Recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eisenga, Michele F.; Minovic, Isidor; Berger, Stefan P.; Kootstra-Ros, Jenny E.; van den Berg, Else; Riphagen, Ineke J.; Navis, Gerjan; van der Meer, Peter; Bakker, Stephan J. L.; Gaillard, Carlo A. J. M.

    Anemia, iron deficiency anemia (IDA), and iron deficiency (ID) are highly prevalent in renal transplant recipients (RTR). Anemia is associated with poor outcome, but the role of ID is unknown. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association of ID, irrespective of anemia, with all-cause mortality

  11. Iron Deficiency, Anemia and Mortality in Renal Transplant Recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eisenga, Michele F.; Minovic, Isidor; Berger, Stefan P; Kootstra-Ros, Jenny E.; van den Berg, Else; Riphagen, Ineke J.; Navis, Gerjan J.; Van der Meer, Peter; Bakker, Stephan J. L.; Gaillard, Carlo A. J. M.


    Anemia, iron deficiency anemia (IDA), and iron deficiency (ID) are highly prevalent in renal transplant recipients (RTR). Anemia is associated with poor outcome, but the role of ID is unknown. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association of ID, irrespective of anemia, with all-cause mortality

  12. Anemia in Mexican women: results of two national probabilistic surveys Anemia en mujeres mexicanas: resultados de dos encuestas nacionales probabilísticas

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    Teresa Shamah-Levy


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of anemia in Mexican women and analyze its trends with information from the last two national nutrition surveys. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The prevalence of anemia in women was analyzed. Anemia was adjusted by socioeconomic profile and by potentially explanatory variables. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of anemia for pregnant women was 20.2% (95% CI 15.9, 26.2% and 15.5% for non-pregnant women (95% CI 14.7, 16.4%. The prevalence of anemia in women decreased from 1999 to 2006 in all socioeconomic profiles. Adolescent women living in the northern and in the southern regions had a greater risk of anemia than those in Mexico City (p= 0.05. Significant risk was found among low socioeconomic level (pOBJETIVO: Describir la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres y analizar su tendencia a través de las dos últimas encuestas nacionales de nutrición. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizó la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres. La prevalencia de anemia se ajustó por perfil socioeconómico y por posibles variables que la expliquen. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia global de anemia fue de 20.2% (IC95% 15.9, 26.2% para mujeres embarazadas y de 15.5% (IC95% 14.7, 16.4% para mujeres no embarazadas. La prevalencia de anemia en mujeres disminuyó de 1999 a 2006 en todos los niveles socioeconómicos. Las mujeres adolescentes que viven en las regiones norte y sur tuvieron mayor riesgo de anemia que las que viven en la Ciudad de México (p= 0.05. Se encontró un riesgo significativo asociado con el nivel socioeconómico bajo (p< 0.06. La mayor paridad resultó ser un factor de riesgo significativo (p< 0.05. CONCLUSIONES: Aun cuando la presencia de anemia en mujeres en edad reproductiva en México ha disminuido, continúa siendo un problema de salud pública.

  13. Multidisciplinary approach to anemia

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    Anca Ghiațău


    Full Text Available Introduction: We present the case of a 65 years- old woman who was admitted with a severe macrocytic anemia Hb= 5.7g/dl and diffuse bone pain. Biologically she has moderate thrombocytopenia 35 000/µl, a hepatic cytolysis and cholestatic syndrome. Material and method: The patient was extensively evaluated before presentation for a mild iron - deficiency anemia for which she underwent endoscopic examination of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract- normal. The bone marrow aspiration on admission revealed a marked hyperplasia of the erythroblastic line with ~50% basophilic erythroblasts suggesting a regenerative erythroid hyperplasia. These changes along with the marked reticulocytosis on the peripheral blood smear oriented us towards a hemolytic anemia; Folic acid, vitamin B12, autoimmune tests and hemolytic tests were all normal. We continued the investigations with a thoraco-abdominopelvic computed tomography which identified diffuse demineralization, vertebral compactation and pelvic stress fractures. The breast examination revealed a right breast nodule, but the breast ultrasonography pleaded for benignity. Lacking a clear definitive diagnosis we decided to perform a bone marrow biopsy. Results: The osteo- medullary biopsy pointed towards a medullar invasion from a lobular mammary carcinoma; In these circumstances we performed an ultrasound guided biopsy of the right mammary lump thus histologically confirming a tumoral invasion of the bone marrow with subsequent anemia. The patient started chemotherapy in the Oncology ward. Conclusion: The particularity of this case consists in the pattern of anemia, which initially seemed iron deficient and afterwards macrocytic – apparently hemolytic and was actually due to the tumoral medullar invasion and also the nonspecific ultrasonographic appearance of the breast tumor.

  14. Factors Associated with Anemia in the Institutionalized Elderly.

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    Emanuelle Cruz da Silva

    Full Text Available As a common problem in long-term care facilities (LTCFs, anemia affects 25-63% of the elderly. The aim of the present study was to describe the prevalence and characteristics of anemia and its associated factors in the institutionalized elderly. The cross-sectional study was carried out with three hundred thirteen individuals aged ≥ 60 years, of both genders, living in long-term care facilities for the elderly in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Poisson regression (PR with robust variance estimates was used to assess the factors related to anemia. The prevalence of anemia was 38%. Mild anemia was predominant in both genders (male: 26.8%; female: 21.1%, as normocytic and normochromic anemia, with no anisocytosis (69.75%. Anemia was associated with thinness (PR: 1.68; 95% CI: 1.04-2.72 and with moderate (PR: 1.98; 95% CI: 1.07-3.63 and total (PR: 2.61; 95% CI: 1.34-5.07 dependence in the final model. Severe dependence exhibited borderline significance (PR: 1.94; 95% CI: 1.00-3.77. The prevalence of anemia was high in the institutionalized elderly in both genders, with characteristics suggesting chronic diseases as the causal factor, and the frequency of occurrence was higher in thinness elderly with moderate to total dependence.

  15. Genetics Home Reference: congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (United States)

    ... Facebook Twitter Home Health Conditions CDA Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia ( CDA ) is an inherited blood disorder that affects ...

  16. FastStats: Anemia or Iron Deficiency (United States)

    ... this? Submit What's this? Submit Button NCHS Home Anemia or Iron Deficiency Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share ... visits Number of visits to emergency departments with anemia as the primary hospital discharge diagnosis: 188,000 ...

  17. Treatment of anemia with darbepoetin alfa in systolic heart failure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Swedberg, Karl; Young, James B; Anand, Inder S


    Patients with systolic heart failure and anemia have worse symptoms, functional capacity, and outcomes than those without anemia. We evaluated the effects of darbepoetin alfa on clinical outcomes in patients with systolic heart failure and anemia.......Patients with systolic heart failure and anemia have worse symptoms, functional capacity, and outcomes than those without anemia. We evaluated the effects of darbepoetin alfa on clinical outcomes in patients with systolic heart failure and anemia....

  18. Religion, Education, and Secularism in International Agencies (United States)

    Stambach, Amy; Marshall, Katherine; Nelson, Matthew J.; Andreescu, Liviu; Kwayu, Aikande C.; Wexler, Philip; Hotam, Yotam; Fischer, Shlomo; El Bilawi, Hassan


    During the interwar years of the early twentieth century, and through at least the 1980s, education was seen by scholars, state leaders, and international agency representatives alike as a way to modernize and secularize underdeveloped communities. Arguments about the modernizing power of education did not erase or discount the presence of…

  19. Prevalence and Correlates of Maternal Anemia in Rural Sidama ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In order to assess the prevalence and correlates of prenatal anemia, a survey was conducted among 700 randomly selected pregnant women in rural Sidama, Southern Ethiopia. The prevalences of anemia, Iron Deficiency (ID) and ID anemia were 31.6%, 17.4% and 8.7%, respectively. The burden of anemia was ...

  20. Correction of anemia in pregnancy

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    Analía Cánepa


    Se observó que en el 50% de las pacientes estudiadas no se logró corregir la anemia. Concluimos que existe una dificultad en la corrección de la anemia y una necesidad de realizar futuros estudios que permitan conocer las causas de este problema e implementar acciones en base a ellas.


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    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Anemia is defined as haemoglobin level in the blood below the lower extreme of the normal range for the age and sex of the individual. According to WHO, in developing countries the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women averages 60%, ranging between 35 to 100% among different regions of the world. A hemoglobin concentration below 11.0g/dl or packed cell volume (PCV of less than 33.0% is regarded as anemia during pregnancy by the WHO. It occurs in 40 - 80% of the pregnant women. Iron and folic acid defici encies, malaria, intestinal parasitic infections and hemoglobinopathies are the principal causes of anemia in pregnancy. Predisposing factors include young age, grand multiparity, low socioeconomic status, illiteracy, ignorance and short intervals of pregn ancy. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To study various patterns of anemia in pregnant women having haemoglobin level < 11 gm%. 2. To determine the most common pattern of anemia in pregnancy based on red cell morphology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is a prospe ctive study over a period of one year from September 2014 to August 2015 in the department of pathology, Andhra medical college, Visakhapatnam . The study was conducted on 120 pregnant women whose haemoglobin level is < 11 gm/dl. All the haemotological parameters & peripheral blood smear stained by Leishman’s stain were evaluated. Complete clinical & obstetric history was recorded. Socioeconomic status was also noted. RESULTS: Out of 120 cases of anemia, we found 47 patie nts (39.1% having dimorphic anemia, 36(30% – microcytic hypochromic anemia, 23(19.1% - normocytic hypochromic anemia, 11(9.16% - sickle cell anemia and 1(0.83% case of pancytopenia. Maximum cases were seen in the age group of 21 - 30 years. 52 cases (43. 3% were primigravida and remaining 68 cases (56.6% were gravida two to four. 20 cases (16.6% were diagnosed in the first trimester, 38 cases (31.6% in the second trimester & 62 cases (51.6s% in the

  2. The conditions of believe and unbelieve in a secular Age

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    Juan Manuel Cincunegui


    Full Text Available In A Secular Age the Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor offered an analytical description and a genealogy of the current conditions of belief and unbelief in the North Atlantic contemporary societies. He encouraged as well a set of similar investigations in other cultural settings that are affected by the processes of modernization. He argues about the existence of ‘alternative modernities’ each one of them facing critically the univocal sociological theories of modernity and secularization that interpreted as universal the process of disenchantment occurred in the West and the setbacks with regard to the presence of religion in the public sphere and religious practice in some contemporary Western societies

  3. Correlative study on anemia and radiotherapy effects in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Jinsheng; Jiang Yuanshi; Cao Xibiao; Zhan Yongzhong; Yang Liye; Chen Jianxiu; Chen Chengwu; Li Yang


    Objective: To study the effect of oxygen-carrying ability of blood efficacy of radiotherapy for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods: Altogether 161 cases of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma were classified according to severity of anemia, and Hb, RBC, MCH, HCT, MCV, MCHC and RDW were tested before, during and after radiotherapy. The patients were followed-up for up to 5 years, the relationship and mechanism among anemia, radiotherapy effects and survival rate was discussed. Results: The survival rate between anemia group and non-anemia group was different significantly (P<0.05). Anemia before radiotherapy, anemia appearance or anemia deterioration during radiotherapy were sensitive factors affecting radiotherapy results. The anemia more severe, the radiotherapy worse. Conclusion: Anemia-hypohemoglobinemia leads to decrease of oxygen-carrying capacity of blood, resulting in oxygen deficiency of tumor cells and their radiotherapy resistance. Therefore this method is worthy of further studies

  4. Avaliação do estado nutricional de ferro e anemia em crianças menores de 5 anos de creches públicas Nutritional assessment of iron status and anemia in children under 5 years old at public daycare centers

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    Ana Cláudia F. Vieira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o estado nutricional de ferro e a prevalência de anemia em crianças menores de 5 anos de creches públicas da cidade do Recife (PE. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, com amostra aleatória sistemática de 162 crianças, de 6 a 59 meses. O estado nutricional de ferro foi avaliado em termos de reservas corporais (ferritina sérica, transferrinemia (ferro sérico, capacidade total de ligação do ferro e % de saturação da transferrina, eritropoiese (protoporfirina eritrocitária livre e hemoglobinogênese (hemoglobina. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de anemia (hemoglobina 40 µmol/mol heme em 69,6% (IC95% 61,0-77,1 das crianças. Os parâmetros de ferro não apresentaram correlação com o gênero (p > 0,05. No entanto, crianças 24 meses. A significante correlação observada entre reserva, transferrinemia e eritropoiese representa achado compatível com o esperado ciclo de vida do ferro no organismo. CONCLUSÕES: A deficiência de ferro e a anemia parecem ser um importante problema de saúde pública entre as crianças menores de 5 anos de creches públicas do Recife. Logo, ações efetivas direcionadas à prevenção e ao controle dessa deficiência são fortemente recomendadas nesse contexto ecológico.OBJECTIVE: To assess nutritional iron status and anemia prevalence in children less than 5 years old at public daycare centers in the city of Recife, PE, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study, with a systematic random sampling of 162 children aged 6 to 59 months. Nutritional iron status was assessed in terms of body iron reserves (serum ferritin, transferrinemia (serum iron, total iron binding capacity, and transferrin saturation %, erythropoiesis (free erythrocyte protoporphyrin and hemoglobin production (hemoglobin. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia (hemoglobin 40 µmol/mol heme in 69.6% (95%CI 61.0-77.1 of the children. Iron parameters were not correlated with sex (p > 0.05. However, children 24 months. The significant


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Sanemichi Z.; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro


    Recent ALMA observation has revealed multiple ring structures formed in a protoplanetary disk around HL Tau. Prior to the ALMA observation of HL Tau, theoretical analysis of secular gravitational instability (GI) described a possible formation of multiple ring structures with separations of 13 au around a radius of 100 au in protoplanetary disks under certain conditions. In this article, we reanalyze the viability of secular GI by adopting the physical values inferred from the observations. We derive the radial distributions of the most unstable wavelength and the growth timescale of secular GI and verify that secular GI can form the ring structures observed in HL Tau. When a turbulent viscosity coefficient α remains small in the inner region of the disk, secular GI grows in the whole disk. Thus, the formation of planetary mass objects should occur first in the inner region as a result of gravitational fragmentation after the nonlinear growth of secular GI. In this case, the resulting objects are expected to create gaps at r  ∼ 10 au and ∼30 au. As a result, all ring structures in HL Tau can be created by secular GI. If this scenario is realized in HL Tau, the outer region corresponds to the earlier growth phase of the most unstable mode of secular GI, and the inner region corresponds to the outcome of the nonlinear growth of secular GI. Therefore, this interpretation suggests that we are possibly witnessing both the beginning and the end of planet formation in HL Tau.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takahashi, Sanemichi Z. [Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University, 6-3 Aoba, Aramaki-aza, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi (Japan); Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 464-8602 (Japan)


    Recent ALMA observation has revealed multiple ring structures formed in a protoplanetary disk around HL Tau. Prior to the ALMA observation of HL Tau, theoretical analysis of secular gravitational instability (GI) described a possible formation of multiple ring structures with separations of 13 au around a radius of 100 au in protoplanetary disks under certain conditions. In this article, we reanalyze the viability of secular GI by adopting the physical values inferred from the observations. We derive the radial distributions of the most unstable wavelength and the growth timescale of secular GI and verify that secular GI can form the ring structures observed in HL Tau. When a turbulent viscosity coefficient α remains small in the inner region of the disk, secular GI grows in the whole disk. Thus, the formation of planetary mass objects should occur first in the inner region as a result of gravitational fragmentation after the nonlinear growth of secular GI. In this case, the resulting objects are expected to create gaps at r  ∼ 10 au and ∼30 au. As a result, all ring structures in HL Tau can be created by secular GI. If this scenario is realized in HL Tau, the outer region corresponds to the earlier growth phase of the most unstable mode of secular GI, and the inner region corresponds to the outcome of the nonlinear growth of secular GI. Therefore, this interpretation suggests that we are possibly witnessing both the beginning and the end of planet formation in HL Tau.

  7. "Doing the Secular": Academic Practices in the Study of Religion at Two Danish Universities (United States)

    Johansen, Birgitte Schepelern


    The academic study of religion at the public university often presents itself as a secular, non-religious, scientific endeavor. The identity of the study is thus firmly rooted within one of the central secular-religious divides, namely that between science and religion. Based on the assumption that such distinctions between religion and the…

  8. Aplastic anemia due to radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakai, Kunio; Saito, Akira


    The relationship between radiation exposure and aplastic anemia, clarified previously, is discussed. When persons such as radiological technicians receive whole-body irradiation in rather large doses, it is possible that aplastic anemia will result later on. However, this is difficult to determine because the irradiated region is limited despite large doses of radiation. (Bell, E.)

  9. Ethics of surrogacy: a comparative study of Western secular and islamic bioethics. (United States)

    Islam, Sharmin; Nordin, Rusli Bin; Bin Shamsuddin, Ab Rani; Mohd Nor, Hanapi Bin; Al-Mahmood, Abu Kholdun


    The comparative approach regarding the ethics of surrogacy from the Western secular and Islamic bioethical view reveals both commensurable and incommensurable relationship. Both are eager to achieve the welfare of the mother, child and society as a whole but the approaches are not always the same. Islamic bioethics is straightforward in prohibiting surrogacy by highlighting the lineage problem and also other social chaos and anarchy. Western secular bioethics is relative and mostly follows a utilitarian approach.

  10. Ethics of Surrogacy: A Comparative Study of Western Secular and Islamic Bioethics (United States)

    Islam, Sharmin; Nordin, Rusli Bin; Bin Shamsuddin, Ab Rani; Mohd Nor, Hanapi Bin; Al-Mahmood, Abu Kholdun


    The comparative approach regarding the ethics of surrogacy from the Western secular and Islamic bioethical view reveals both commensurable and incommensurable relationship. Both are eager to achieve the welfare of the mother, child and society as a whole but the approaches are not always the same. Islamic bioethics is straightforward in prohibiting surrogacy by highlighting the lineage problem and also other social chaos and anarchy. Western secular bioethics is relative and mostly follows a utilitarian approach. PMID:23864994

  11. Avaliação da eficácia do uso intravenoso de sacarato de hidróxido de ferro III no tratamento de pacientes adultos com anemia ferropriva Evaluation of the efficacy of intravenous iron III-hydroxide saccharate for treating adult patients with iron deficiency anemia

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    Rodolfo D. Cançado


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do uso intravenoso de sacarato de hidróxido de ferro III no tratamento de pacientes adultos com anemia ferropriva. No período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2005, estudamos cinqüenta pacientes com anemia ferropriva que apresentaram intolerância e/ou resposta inadequada ao tratamento com ferro por via oral e/ou valor de hemoglobina inferior a 7,0 g/dL. Os principais exames laboratoriais realizados foram: hemograma completo, contagem de reticulócitos, ferro sérico, capacidade total de ligação de ferro e ferritina sérica. Os pacientes receberam uma dose semanal de 200 mg de sacarato de hidróxido de ferro III diluído em 250 mL de soro fisiológico a 0,9%, administrado por via intravenosa em trinta minutos. O tratamento foi realizado até a obtenção do valor de hemoglobina igual ou maior que 12,0 g/dL para mulheres e 13,0 g/dL para homens, ou até a administração da dose total de ferro parenteral recomendada para cada paciente. A idade mediana dos cinqüenta pacientes estudados foi de 45 anos, variando entre 28 e 76 anos; quarenta (80,0% eram do sexo feminino. A causa mais comum de anemia ferropriva no sexo feminino foi sangramento uterino anormal observado em 25/40 pacientes (62,5% e, no sexo masculino, gastrectomia parcial em 7/10 (70,0%. Vinte e quatro (48,0% pacientes foram incluídos nesse estudo por falta de resposta à terapia com ferro oral, 22 (44,0% por intolerância ao ferro oral e quatro (8,0% por hemoglobina The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of intravenous iron III-hydroxide saccharate to treat adult patients with iron deficiency anemia. Between January 2003 and December 2005 we studied 50 patients with iron deficiency anemia who presented intolerance or inadequate response to oral iron therapy, or hemoglobin level < 7 g/dL. The main laboratory tests performed were: complete blood cell count, reticulocyte count, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity

  12. Prevalence of Anemia in Latin America and the Caribbean. (United States)

    Mujica-Coopman, María F; Brito, Alex; López de Romaña, Daniel; Ríos-Castillo, Israel; Coris, Héctor; Olivares, Manuel


    In Latin America and the Caribbean, anemia has been a public health problem that affects mainly women of childbearing age and children under 6 years of age. However, the current prevalence of anemia in this region is unknown. To examine the latest available prevalence data on anemia in Latin America and the Caribbean. A systematic review was conducted in 2011 and updated in 2014. Studies determining the prevalence of anemia conducted in apparently healthy populations with national or regional representativeness were included in the review. The lowest prevalence rates of anemia among children under 6 years of age were found in Chile (4.0%), Costa Rica (4.0%), Argentina (7.6%), and Mexico (19.9%). In Nicaragua, Brazil, Ecuador, El Panama, and Honduras, anemia was a moderate public health problem, with prevalence ranging Salvador, Cuba, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Peru, from 20.1% to 37.3%. Anemia was a severe public health problem in Guatemala, Haiti, and Bolivia. The prevalence of anemia among women of childbearing age was lowest in Chile (5.1%). In Colombia, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Honduras, and Argentina, anemia was a mild public health problem, with prevalence ranging from 7.6% to 18.7%. In Guatemala, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Bolivia, anemia was a moderate public health problem, with prevalence ranging from 21.4% to 38.3%. Panama and Haiti had the highest reported prevalence rates (40.0% and 45.5%, respectively), and anemia was considered a severe public health problem in those countries. Anemia remains a public health problem in children under 6 years of age and women of childbearing age in most Latin America and Caribbean countries for which data are available.

  13. Secular change of LOD caused by core evolution (United States)

    Denis, C.; Rybicki, K. R.; Varga, P.


    Fossils and tidal deposits suggest that, on the average, the Earth's despinning rate had been five times less in the Proterozoic than in the Phanerozoic. This difference is probably due, for the major part, to the existence of a Proterozoic supercontinent. Nevertheless, core formation and core evolution should have compensated to some extent the effect of tidal friction, by diminishing the Earth's inertia moment. We have investigated quantitatively this contribution of the evolving core to the change of LOD. For the present epoch, we find that the solidification of the inner core causes a relative secular decrease of LOD of approximately 3 μs per century, whereas the macrodiffusion of iron oxides and sulfides from the D" into the outer core across the CMB (inasfar as Majewski's theory holds) leads to a relative secular decrease of LOD by about 15 μs per century. On the other hand, the theory of slow core formation developped by Runcorn in the early 1960s as a by-product of his theory of mantle-wide convection, leads to a relative secular decrease of LOD during most of the Proterozoic of about 0.25 ms per century. Although core formation is now widely assumed to have been a thermal run-away process that occurred shortly after the Earth itself had formed, Runcorn's theory of the growing core would nicely explain the observed palaeo-LOD curve. In any case, formation of the core implies, all in all, a relative decrease of LOD of typically 3 hours.

  14. Prevalence of high blood pressure, heart disease, thalassemia, sickle-cell anemia, and iron-deficiency anemia among the UAE adolescent population. (United States)

    Barakat-Haddad, Caroline


    This study examined the prevalence of high blood pressure, heart disease, and medical diagnoses in relation to blood disorders, among 6,329 adolescent students (age 15 to 18 years) who reside in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Findings indicated that the overall prevalence of high blood pressure and heart disease was 1.8% and 1.3%, respectively. Overall, the prevalence for thalassemia, sickle-cell anemia, and iron-deficiency anemia was 0.9%, 1.6%, and 5%, respectively. Bivariate analysis revealed statistically significant differences in the prevalence of high blood pressure among the local and expatriate adolescent population in the Emirate of Sharjah. Similarly, statistically significant differences in the prevalence of iron-deficiency anemia were observed among the local and expatriate population in Abu Dhabi city, the western region of Abu Dhabi, and Al-Ain. Multivariate analysis revealed the following significant predictors of high blood pressure: residing in proximity to industry, nonconventional substance abuse, and age when smoking or exposure to smoking began. Ethnicity was a significant predictor of heart disease, thalassemia, sickle-cell anemia, and iron-deficiency anemia. In addition, predictors of thalassemia included gender (female) and participating in physical activity. Participants diagnosed with sickle-cell anemia and iron-deficiency anemia were more likely to experience different physical activities.

  15. Anemia as a risk factor for childhood asthma

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    Ramakrishnan K


    Full Text Available Objective: This prospective-(cohort study was conducted to evaluate whether anemia is a risk factor for childhood asthma. Materials and Methods: Two hundred children in the age group of 2-18 years who attended the Outpatient Department with upper respiratory / lower respiratory tract infections were included in this study. One hundred children with anemia were taken as the study group and another 100, age - and sex-matched children without anemia were taken as the control.They were subjected to complete blood count (CBC C-reactive protein (CRP estimation, Mantoux test and chest X-ray. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs were performed on those above six years showing evidence of asthma. Peripheral smear, serum ferritin and serum iron-binding capacity were estimated for all anemic children. Results: Asthma was present in 74 (74% children in the study group and in 33 (33% children in the control group. Iron-deficiency anemia was present in 85 (85% anemia of chronic infection in 20 (20% and the other five (5% had hemolytic anemia. Anemia was found to be a risk factor for childhood asthma. Conclusion: Anemic children were 5.75 times more susceptible to asthmatic attacks when compared with nonanemic children.

  16. Protrusio acetabuli in sickle-cell anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinez, S.; Apple, J.S.; Baber, C.; Putman, C.E.; Rosse, W.F.


    Of 155 adults with sickle-cell anemia (SS, SC), radiographs of the pelvis or hip demonstrated protrusio acetabuli on at least one side in 14 (3 men and 11 women), as indicated by projection of the acetabular line medial to the ilio-ischial line. All 14 patients had bone changes attributable to sickle-cell anemia, including marrow hyperplasia and osteonecrosis; however, the severity of femoral or acetabular osteonecrosis did not appear directly related to the protrusion. The authors conclude that sickle-cell anemia can predispose to development of protrusio acetabuli

  17. Magnitude of Anemia at Discharge Increases 30-Day Hospital Readmissions. (United States)

    Koch, Colleen G; Li, Liang; Sun, Zhiyuan; Hixson, Eric D; Tang, Anne; Chagin, Kevin; Kattan, Michael; Phillips, Shannon C; Blackstone, Eugene H; Henderson, J Michael


    Anemia during hospitalization is associated with poor health outcomes. Does anemia at discharge place patients at risk for hospital readmission within 30 days of discharge? Our objectives were to examine the prevalence and magnitude of anemia at hospital discharge and determine whether anemia at discharge was associated with 30-day readmissions among a cohort of hospitalizations in a single health care system. From January 1, 2009, to August 31, 2011, there were 152,757 eligible hospitalizations within a single health care system. The endpoint was any hospitalization within 30 days of discharge. The University HealthSystem Consortium's clinical database was used for demographics and comorbidities; hemoglobin values are from the hospitals' electronic medical records, and readmission status was obtained from the University HealthSystem Consortium administrative data systems. Mild anemia was defined as hemoglobin of greater than 11 to less than 12 g/dl in women and greater than 11 to less than 13 g/dl in men; moderate, greater than 9 to less than or equal to 11 g/dl; and severe, less than or equal to 9 g/dl. Logistic regression was used to assess the association of anemia and 30-day readmissions adjusted for demographics, comorbidity, and hospitalization type. Among 152,757 hospitalizations, 72% of patients were discharged with anemia: 31,903 (21%), mild; 52,971 (35%), moderate; and 25,522 (17%), severe. Discharge anemia was associated with severity-dependent increased odds for 30-day hospital readmission compared with those without anemia: for mild anemia, 1.74 (1.65-1.82); moderate anemia, 2.76 (2.64-2.89); and severe anemia, 3.47 (3.30-3.65), P < 0.001. Anemia at discharge is associated with a severity-dependent increased risk for 30-day readmission. A strategy focusing on anemia treatment care paths during index hospitalization offers an opportunity to influence subsequent readmissions.



    A. G. Rumyantsev


    Anemia in children is one of the most frequent somatic diseases. Criteria of anemia diagnosis are strictly regulated as decrease of hemoglobin/erythrocytes level accompanies majority of infectious, inflammatory, autoimmune, hereditary diseases and, in several cases, it is estimated as transitory disease in some periods of children’s growth and development. The article presents main classification and differential diagnostic schemes of anemia. Diagnostics makes accent on laboratory analysis; t...

  19. An unusual cause of anemia and encephalopathy

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    Sanjeev Kumar Sharma


    Full Text Available The authors present here an interesting case of recent onset anemia that was associated with an encephalopathy of the unusual cause.Although severe anemia can theoretically result in anemic hypoxia and can then lead to hypoxic encephalopathy, it is not a primary cause of encephalopathy. More frequently anemia can contribute together with other multiple causes of encephalopathy, such as infections, metabolic abnormalities, trauma, hepatic dysfunction, hypertension, toxins.

  20. Anemia, tumor hypoxemia, and the cancer patient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varlotto, John; Stevenson, Mary Ann


    Purpose: To review the impact of anemia/tumor hypoxemia on the quality of life and survival in cancer patients, and to assess the problems associated with the correction of this difficulty. Methods: MEDLINE searches were performed to find relevant literature regarding anemia and/or tumor hypoxia in cancer patients. Articles were evaluated in order to assess the epidemiology, adverse patient effects, anemia correction guidelines, and mechanisms of hypoxia-induced cancer cell growth and/or therapeutic resistance. Past and current clinical studies of radiosensitization via tumor oxygenation/hypoxic cell sensitization were reviewed. All clinical studies using multi-variate analysis were analyzed to show whether or not anemia and/or tumor hypoxemia affected tumor control and patient survival. Articles dealing with the correction of anemia via transfusion and/or erythropoietin were reviewed in order to show the impact of the rectification on the quality of life and survival of cancer patients. Results: Approximately 40-64% of patients presenting for cancer therapy are anemic. The rate of anemia rises with the use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormonal therapy for prostate cancer. Anemia is associated with reductions both in quality of life and survival. Tumor hypoxemia has been hypothesized to lead to tumor growth and resistance to therapy because it leads to angiogenesis, genetic mutations, resistance to apoptosis, and a resistance to free radicals from chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Nineteen clinical studies of anemia and eight clinical studies of tumor hypoxemia were found that used multi-variate analysis to determine the effect of these conditions on the local control and/or survival of cancer patients. Despite differing definitions of anemia and hypoxemia, all studies have shown a correlation between low hemoglobin levels and/or higher amounts of tumor hypoxia with poorer prognosis. Radiosensitization through improvements in tumor oxygenation/hypoxic cell

  1. Incidencia y mortalidad por anemia en pacientes gravemente enfermos Incidence and mortality due to anemia in acutely ill patients

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    Maicelys Ramírez Zaldívar


    Full Text Available Introducción: la anemia es una de las enfermedades más conocidas y evaluadas en la práctica médica diaria. Objetivo: determinar la morbilidad y mortalidad de pacientes graves con anemia. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo de 118 pacientes ingresados en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva del Hospital General Universitario "Vladimir Ilich Lenin" de Holguín, desde agosto hasta diciembre de 2010. Las variables discretas fueron comparadas mediante el test de £i al cuadrado y el de Fisher, y las continuas, por medio de las pruebas de T-Student y Mann-Whitney (la hemoglobina media, para á=0,05. Resultados: la anemia afectó 79,6 % de los integrantes de la serie y aumentó evolutivamente, con el consecuente empeoramiento de estos, de los cuales fallecieron 34,0 %, quienes tenían mayor edad (p=0,0004, necesitaron más transfusiones sanguíneas (p=0,005 y presentaron el trastorno de la hemoglobina más tardíamente (5,1 días. De los pacientes con anemia grave (hemoglobina:0,05. Conclusiones: la anemia en los pacientes graves se relacionó con una mayor mortalidad, estadía, necesidad de transfusiones de glóbulos rojos y causas médicas (neurológicas, en tanto, la edad avanzada y la gravedad de la anemia de aparición tardía se asociaron fundamentalmente a la mortalidad.Introduction: anemia is one of the well-known and evaluated diseases in the daily medical practice. Objective: to determine the morbidity and mortality of acutely ill patients with anemia. Methods: a prospective study of 118 patients admitted in the Intensive Therapy Unit of "Vladimir Ilich Lenin" General University Hospital in Holguín was carried out from August to December, 2010. Discrete variables were compared by means of the X² and Fisher tests, and the continuous variables, by means of the T-Student and Mann-Whitney tests (the mean hemoglobin, for á =0.05. Results: anemia affected 79.6% of the members of the series and it increased progressively, with the

  2. [Effect of anemia on child development: long-term consequences]. (United States)

    Zavaleta, Nelly; Astete-Robilliard, Laura


    Anemia in children younger than 3 years is a public health problem in Peru and worldwide. It is believed that one of the primary causes of anemia is iron deficiency. Numerous studies and reviews have reported that iron deficiency limited psychomotor development in children and that, despite the correction of anemia, children with iron deficiency experienced poorer long-term performance in cognitive, social, and emotional functioning. These outcomes were reported in observational studies, follow-up studies, and experimental studies with a control group. Anemia can decrease school performance, productivity in adult life, quality of life, and the general income of affected individuals. Here we describe possible mechanisms underlying the effect of iron deficiency, with or without anemia, on childhood development. The high rate of anemia in this age group is a cause for concern. Moreover, anemia should be prevented in the first year of life to avoid long-term negative effects on individual development.

  3. Sacred Spaces: Religious and Secular Coping and Family Relationships in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. (United States)

    Brelsford, Gina M; Ramirez, Joshua; Veneman, Kristin; Doheny, Kim K


    Preterm birth is an unanticipated and stressful event for parents. In addition, the unfamiliar setting of the intensive care nursery necessitates strategies for coping. The primary study objective of this descriptive study was to determine whether secular and religious coping strategies were related to family functioning in the neonatal intensive care unit. Fifty-two parents of preterm (25-35 weeks' gestation) infants completed the Brief COPE (secular coping), the Brief RCOPE (religious coping), and the Family Environment Scale within 1 week of their infant's hospital admission. This descriptive study found that parents' religious and secular coping was significant in relation to family relationship functioning. Specifically, negative religious coping (ie, feeling abandoned or angry at God) was related to poorer family cohesion and use of denial. These findings have relevance for interventions focused toward enhancing effective coping for families. Further study of religious and secular coping strategies for neonatal intensive care unit families is warranted in a larger more diverse sample of family members.

  4. Transient Ischemic Attack Caused by Iron Deficiency Anemia

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    Ufuk Emre


    Full Text Available Transient Ischemic Attack Caused by Iron Deficiency Anemia Transient ischemic attacks are episodes of transient focal ischemia involving the brain or brainstem. They are commonly two to thirty minutes in duration and lasting less than 24 hours. Anemia of iron deficiency isn’t frequently cause for transient ischemic attack. It has been reported as a risk factor for childhood ischemic strokes. In the iron deficiency anemia, T‹A may develop as result of hypercoagulable state and increased viscosity that is caused by anemic hypoxia that is result of reduce hemoglobine level, seconder thrombosis and microcytose As iron deficiency anemia has been reported so rarely in adult patients with transient ischemic attacks as a cause, we aimed to discuss the clinical and outcome features of two cases with iron deficiency anemia and transient ischemic attacks in this study. Materials and methods: Routine neurologic examination, biochemical screen, serological tests, vasculitic markers, thyroid function tests, vitamin B 12 level, cranial imaging, vertebral carotid doppler USG examination was conducted in the two patients. Anemia of iron deficiency was found as the only risk factor for TIA and the two patients were treated with replacement of iron and antiagregan therapy. Neurological examination revealed no abnormality through the two years of follow-up. The iron deficiency anemia may be cause of many neurologic problems such a irritability, lethargy, headache, development retardation except from T‹A. In the iron deficiency anemia, early diagnosis and treatment is important

  5. Thyroid storm and warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia. (United States)

    Moore, Joseph A; Gliga, Louise; Nagalla, Srikanth


    Graves' disease is often associated with other autoimmune disorders, including rare associations with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA). We describe a unique presentation of thyroid storm and warm AIHA diagnosed concurrently in a young female with hyperthyroidism. The patient presented with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and altered mental status. Laboratory studies revealed hemoglobin 3.9g/dL, platelets 171×10 9 L -1 , haptoglobin storm and warm AIHA. She was started on glucocorticoids to treat both warm AIHA and thyroid storm, as well as antithyroid medications, propranolol and folic acid. Due to profound anemia and hemodynamic instability, the patient was transfused two units of uncrossmatched packed red blood cells slowly and tolerated this well. She was discharged on methimazole as well as a prolonged prednisone taper, and achieved complete resolution of the thyrotoxicosis and anemia at one month. Hyperthyroidism can affect all three blood cell lineages of the hematopoietic system. Anemia can be seen in 10-20% of patients with thyrotoxicosis. Several autoimmune processes can lead to anemia in Graves' disease, including pernicious anemia, celiac disease, and warm AIHA. This case illustrates a rarely described presentation of a patient with Graves' disease presenting with concurrent thyroid storm and warm AIHA. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Pyrexia due to megaloblastic anemia: An Unusual Case

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    Singh PS, Vijay Verma, Vidyasagar, Granth Kumar


    Full Text Available Postmenopausal vegetarian female presented with short febrile illness associated with generalized weakness Clinical and investigative findings evidenced megaloblastic anemia Since none of investigations could pinpoint the cause for pyrexia and patient did not respond to empirical antibiotic and conservative antimalarial therapy, megaloblastic anemia itself was suspected to be cause for febrile episode Patient was treated with parenteral B12 and oral folic acid for megaloblastic anemia and she responded to it and became afebrile within 72 hours. Subsequently megaloblastic anemia was correlated to be cause of febrile illness.

  7. Genetics Home Reference: X-linked sideroblastic anemia and ataxia (United States)

    ... linked sideroblastic anemia and ataxia X-linked sideroblastic anemia and ataxia Printable PDF Open All Close All ... the expand/collapse boxes. Description X-linked sideroblastic anemia and ataxia is a rare condition characterized by ...

  8. [Prevalence of anemia in reproductive-age Mexican women]. (United States)

    Shamah-Levy, Teresa; Villalpando, Salvador; Mundo-Rosas, Verónica; De la Cruz-Góngora, Vanessa; Mejía-Rodríguez, Fabiola; Méndez Gómez-Humarán, Ignacio


    To update the prevalence of anemia and its trend in Mexican women of childbearing age over the past 13 years using information from the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2012 and 2006 (ENSANUT 2012 and ENSANUT 2006, respectively) and from the National Nutrition Survey 1999 (ENN 99). Data came from three national probabilistic surveys, representative at regional and rural / urban level. Hemoglobin (Hb) in women was measured using a HemoCue photometer and classified as anemia according to the WHO criteria. Frequencies and CI95% were estimated for each survey (ENSANUT 2012, ENSANUT 2006 and ENN 99) as well as percentage changes in anemia prevalence among pregnant and non-pregnant women in this survey sequence. The national prevalence of anemia in 2012 in non-pregnant women was 11.6% and in pregnant women was 17.9%. Between 1999 and 2012, a 10 percentage point (pp) decreasing in anemia prevalence was observed in the first ones and a 13.5 pp in the second ones. Although it has declined in the past 13 years, anemia in women of childbearing age remains as a serious public health problem. It is considered necessary to design strategies to prevent iron deficiency and for the early detection of anemia in women.

  9. Reticulocyte parameters in hemoglobinopathies and iron deficiency anemia

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    Cortellazzi Laura C.


    Full Text Available Flow cytometric reticulocyte analysis allows the evaluation of reticulocyte maturity. New reticulocyte parameters have been used in the diagnosis and management of anemias, in the bone marrow transplant setting and in the monitoring of iron replacement or erythropoiet in therapy. Reticulocyte numbers and maturation levels have been studied in different hemoglobinopathies and the results have been correlated with the degree of ineffective erythropoiesis. In order to verify differences in reticulocyte parameters in various types of anemias and to test the absolute number of immature reticulocytes as a possible discriminating factor among various types of anemias, reticulocyte counts were performed on 219 samples from patients with sickle cell anemia (SS (n= 62, hemoglobin S trait (n=9, Sbeta thalassemia (n=7, hemoglobin SC disease (n=11, beta thalassemia trait (n=33 and iron deficiency anemia (n= 47, and non-anemic individuals (n= 50. Mean fluorescence index (MFI was defined as representative of the degree of reticulocyte immaturity and it was evaluated as a percentage and in absolute values. Reticulocyte counts and MFI values were significantly higher in SS, Sbeta thalassemic and SC groups when compared to controls, but not different among the three anemia groups. Patients with hemoglobin S trait, iron deficiency anemia and beta thalassemia trait showed reticulocyte parameters similar to the non-anemic group. There was no difference between the b thalassemic trait and iron deficiency anemia in relation to any parameters. MFI in absolute numbers were significantly higher in anemias that develop with the hemolytic process, although this was not evident in MFI percentage values. Our results showed that the erythoid expansion in sickle cell diseases (SS, SC and Sb thalassemia leads to an enhanced immature reticulocyte release from bone marrow and that the phenomena is more evident by the MFI counting in absolute figures than in percentages. We

  10. Prevalence, severity, and related factors of anemia in HIV/AIDS patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohsen Meidani


    Full Text Available Objective: The prevalence of anemia in HIV infected patients has not been well characterized in Iran. This study aimed to describe the prevalence of anemia and related factors in HIV positive patients. Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study, anemia prevalence and risk factors of 212 HIV positive patients were assessed, at the behavioral disease consulting center in Isfahan. The relationship between anemia, demographic variables, and clinical histories were analyzed. Mild to moderate anemia was defined as hemoglobin 8-13 g/dL for men and 8-12 g/dL for women. Severe anemia was defined as hemoglobin, 8 g/dL. Results: A total of 212 HIV positive patients with a mean±SD age of 36.1 ± 9.1 years were assessed. We found that hemoglobin levels were between 4.7 and 16.5 gr/dL. In this study, the overall prevalence of anemia was 71%, with the majority of patients having mild to moderate anemia. Mild to moderate anemia and severe anemia occurred in 67% and 4% of patients, respectively. The mean absolute CD4 count was 348 ± 267.8 cells/cubic mm. Sixty one of 212 patients were at late stage of HIV infection (males=51 and female=10. Of the 212 HIV positive patients enrolled, 17 (8% had a positive history of tuberculosis. We found a strong association between anemia and death. Conclusion: Normocytic anemia with decreased reticulocyte count was the most common type of anemia in overall. Prevalence of anemia in this study is relatively higher than other similar studies. Such a high prevalence of anemia needs close monitoring of patients on a zidovudine-based regimen. Better screening for anemia and infectious diseases, and modified harm reduction strategy (HRS for injection drug users are primary needs in HIV seropositive patients.

  11. Internal and environmental secular evolution of disk galaxies (United States)

    Kormendy, John


    This Special Session is devoted to the secular evolution of disk galaxies. Here `secular' means `slow' i.e., evolution on time scales that are generally much longer than the galaxy crossing or rotation time. Internal and environmentally driven evolution both are covered. I am indebted to Albert Bosma for reminding me at the 2011 Canary Islands Winter School on Secular Evolution that our subject first appeared in print in a comment made by Ivan King (1977) in his introductory talk at the Yale University meeting on The Evolution of Galaxies and Stellar Populations: `John Kormendy would like us to consider the possibility that a galaxy can interact with itself.. . . I'm not at all convinced, but John can show you some interesting pictures.' Two of the earliest papers that followed were Kormendy (1979a, b); the first discusses the interaction of galaxy components with each other, and the second studies these phenomena in the context of a morphological survey of barred galaxies. The earliest modeling paper that we still use regularly is Combes & Sanders (1981), which introduces the now well known idea that box-shaped bulges in edge-on galaxies are side-on, vertically thickened bars. It is gratifying to see how this subject has grown since that time. Hundreds of papers have been written, and the topic features prominently at many meetings (e.g., Block et al. 2004; Falcoń-Barroso & Knapen 2012, and this Special Session). My talk here introduces both internal and environmental secular evolution; a brief abstract follows. My Canary Islands Winter School review covers both subjects in more detail (Kormendy 2012). Kormendy & Kennicutt (2004) is a comprehensive review of internal secular evolution, and Kormendy & Bender (2012) covers environmental evolution. Both of these subject make significant progress at this meeting. Secular evolution happens because self-gravitating systems evolve toward the most tightly bound configuration that is reachable by the evolution processes

  12. Secular decline in male testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin serum levels in Danish population surveys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersson, Anna-Maria; Jensen, Tina Kold; Juul, Anders


    Adverse secular trends in male reproductive health have been reported to be reflected in increased testicular cancer risk and decreased semen quality in more recently born men. These secular trends may also be reflected by changes in Leydig cell function....

  13. Iron Deficiency and Anemia Predict Mortality in Patients with Tuberculosis123 (United States)

    Isanaka, Sheila; Mugusi, Ferdinand; Urassa, Willy; Willett, Walter C.; Bosch, Ronald J.; Villamor, Eduardo; Spiegelman, Donna; Duggan, Christopher; Fawzi, Wafaie W.


    Many studies have documented a high prevalence of anemia among tuberculosis (TB) patients and anemia at TB diagnosis has been associated with an increased risk of death. However, little is known about the factors contributing to the development of TB-associated anemia and their importance in TB disease progression. Data from a randomized clinical trial of micronutrient supplementation in patients with pulmonary TB in Tanzania were analyzed. Repeated measures of anemia with iron deficiency, anemia without iron deficiency, and iron deficiency without anemia were assessed as risk factors for treatment failure, TB recurrence, and mortality. The prevalence of anemia (hemoglobin iron deficiency (mean corpuscular volume , 80 fL). We found no evidence of an association between anemia (with or without iron deficiency) or iron deficiency without anemia at baseline and the risk of treatment failure at 1 mo after initiation. Anemia without iron deficiency was associated with an independent, 4-fold increased risk of TB recurrence [adjusted RR = 4.10 (95% CI = 1.88, 8.91); P Iron deficiency and anemia (with and without iron deficiency) were associated with a 2- to nearly 3-fold independent increase in the risk of death [adjusted RR for iron deficiency without anemia = 2.89 (95% CI = 1.53, 5.47); P = 0.001; anemia without iron deficiency = 2.72 (95% CI = 1.50, 4.93); P = 0.001; iron deficiency anemia = 2.13 (95% CI = 1.10, 4.11); P = 0.02]. Efforts to identify and address the conditions contributing to TB-associated anemia, including iron deficiency, could play an important role in reducing morbidity and mortality in areas heavily affected by TB. PMID:22190024

  14. Acreditação e credenciamento de laboratórios de ensaio para diagnósticos de anemia infecciosa equina


    Bordin, Ricardo


    Este trabalho apresenta uma contribuição ao processo de acreditação e credenciamento aos laboratórios de ensaio no escopo da Anemia Infecciosa Equina (AIE). Consiste em uma proposta de priorização de requisitos para a acreditação, credenciamento e biossegurança de laboratórios de ensaio, desenvolvida por sete etapas metodológicas: 1) descrição dos elementos que caracterizam um laboratório de AIE e utilização da experiência do laboratório de estudo como facilitador do processo de acreditação; ...

  15. Salmonella osteomyelitis by sickle cell anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rausch, H.; Tran, V.T.; Boeckmann, U.; Duesseldorf Univ.


    Case report of a 28 year old black sickle cell anemia patient with salmonella osteomyelitis of the radius. Aside from sickle cell anemia patients this skeletal complication of enteric salmonellosis is an extreme rarity. Description of the typical roentgenological features includes intracortical fissures and sequestration. (orig.) [de

  16. Evidence in the auroral record for secular solar variability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sicoe, G.L.


    The historial record of aurorae is continuous and usefully dense for at least the 2000 years. Revival of interest in the secular variability in solar activity motivates a review of the auroral record. The existence of secular variations in the auroral occurrence frequency has been known since the early 1700's, including the existence of a significant attenuation of auroral activity during the Maunder Minimum. Investigation of secular variations prior to the Maunder Minimum is now possible based on six auroral catalogs that have been published within the last 20 years. The catalogs cover the time period from the fifth century B.C. to the seventeenth century A.D. and combine both oriental and European obsertions. Features corresponding to the previously recognized Medieval Minimum, Medieval Maximum, and the Spoerer Minimum are clearly evident in both oriental and European records. The global synchronicity of anomalies in the auroral occurrence frequency is used to argue that they are caused by changes in the level or state of solar activity. The combined catalogs provide a sufficient number of events in the Middle Ages to resolve a quasi-80-year periodicity in the recorded auroral occurrence frequency. Also in the unusually rich intervals of the Middle Ages, clear quasi-10-year periodicities appear in the recorded occurrence frequency wave from. These are most reasonably interpreted as manifestations of the 11-year solar cycle and indicate that the solar cycle was then operative

  17. Fanconi anemia (cross)linked to DNA repair. (United States)

    Niedernhofer, Laura J; Lalai, Astrid S; Hoeijmakers, Jan H J


    Fanconi anemia is characterized by hypersensitivity to DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) and susceptibility to tumor formation. Despite the identification of numerous Fanconi anemia (FANC) genes, the mechanism by which proteins encoded by these genes protect a cell from DNA interstrand crosslinks remains unclear. The recent discovery of two DNA helicases that, when defective, cause Fanconi anemia tips the balance in favor of the direct involvement of the FANC proteins in DNA repair and the bypass of DNA lesions.

  18. An instance of secularization? The Finnish online discussion of the issue of same-sex marriages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jenni Hokka


    Full Text Available In October 2010 one of Finland’s four national TV channels aired a panel discussion dealing with gay and lesbian rights in society. Among the debaters were members of parliament from various parties, well-known actors and other public figures, as well as a priest, a bishop and other religious spokespeople. Afterwards, a great number of people publicly expressed their views on same-sex marriages. The ways the Lutheran Church treated the same-sex couples, as well as the reasons and outcomes of a vast number of resignations from the Church were discussed, particularly in the online discussion forums. The public discussion spread rapidly, especially through the social media. Resignations from the Church are often perceived as a clear sign of the decline of religious beliefs and practices, which is an integral aspect of the secularization process. But lately the whole notion of a secularization of society has been questioned and a growing number of researchers have stated that the concepts of resacralization, desecularization, or a resurgence of religion would actually better describe the current situation than the theory of secularization. The aim of this article is to examine whether the concept of secularization still has some explanatory power at least in the Nordic countries. Another aim is to contemplate what kind of knowledge this special case has to offer when rethinking secularization.

  19. Anemia and iron deficiency before and after bariatric surgery. (United States)

    Salgado, Wilson; Modotti, Caue; Nonino, Carla Barbosa; Ceneviva, Reginaldo


    Iron deficiency and anemia are changes often associated with obesity. Bariatric surgery is responsible for increasing the iron loss and reducing its absorption. The objective of this study was to evaluate anemia and iron deficiency before and after bariatric surgery and to relate them to possible predisposing factors. A retrospective study was conducted on obese patients submitted to open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, in which clinical and laboratory data were obtained up to 48 months postoperatively. Patients were divided into groups according to the presence or absence of anemia and to the presence or absence of iron deficiency (even without anemia), and all data were compared between these groups. Preoperatively, 21.5% of patients had anemia and 20% had iron deficiency. The number of patients with anemia did not vary through the 4 years of the study, but ferritin levels significantly decreased with time (Panemia. Female gender was a variable associated with a greater incidence of iron deficiency. Anemia and iron deficiency are frequent in obese patients and must be treated before surgery. Medical and nutritional surveillance is important in the postoperative period of bariatric surgery. Management of each condition must be directed at correcting the 2 major sources of iron deficiency and anemia: food intolerance (mostly meat intolerance) and losses (frequently due to menstruation). These are the factors more related to iron deficient anemia. Copyright © 2014 American Society for Bariatric Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Iron deficiency, anemia, and mortality in renal transplant recipients. (United States)

    Eisenga, Michele F; Minović, Isidor; Berger, Stefan P; Kootstra-Ros, Jenny E; van den Berg, Else; Riphagen, Ineke J; Navis, Gerjan; van der Meer, Peter; Bakker, Stephan J L; Gaillard, Carlo A J M


    Anemia, iron deficiency anemia (IDA), and iron deficiency (ID) are highly prevalent in renal transplant recipients (RTR). Anemia is associated with poor outcome, but the role of ID is unknown. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association of ID, irrespective of anemia, with all-cause mortality in RTR. Cox regression analyses were used to investigate prospective associations. In 700 RTR, prevalences of anemia, IDA, and ID were 34%, 13%, and 30%, respectively. During follow-up for 3.1 (2.7-3.9) years, 81 (12%) RTR died. In univariable analysis, anemia [HR, 1.72 (95%CI: 1.11-2.66), P = 0.02], IDA [2.44 (1.48-4.01), P anemia with mortality became weaker after adjustment for ID [1.52 (0.97-2.39), P = 0.07] and disappeared after adjustment for proteinuria and eGFR [1.09 (0.67-1.78), P = 0.73]. The association of IDA with mortality attenuated after adjustment for potential confounders. In contrast, the association of ID with mortality remained independent of potential confounders, including anemia [1.77 (1.13-2.78), P = 0.01]. In conclusion, ID is highly prevalent among RTR and is associated with an increased risk of mortality, independent of anemia. As ID is a modifiable factor, correction of ID could be a target to improve survival. © 2016 The Authors. Transplant International published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Steunstichting ESOT.

  1. [Spatial analysis of gestational anemia in Peru, 2015]. (United States)

    Hernández-Vásquez, Akram; Azañedo, Diego; Antiporta, Daniel A; Cortés, Sandra


    To establish regional prevalences of anemia in pregnant women receiving care at public clinics in Peru in 2015 and identify high-prevalence district conglomerates. An ecological study was carried out on data from pregnant women with anemia registered on the Nutritional Status Information System (SIEN) who received care in 7703 public clinics in 2015. Regional and district prevalences of gestational anemia were calculated. District conglomerates with a high prevalence of gestational anemia were identified using the Moran Index. Information was gathered from 311,521 pregnant women distributed in 1638 districts in Peru. The national prevalence of anemia was 24.2% (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 24.0-24.3%), the rural prevalence was 30.5%, and the urban prevalence was 22.0%. The regions of Huancavelica (45.5%; 95% CI: 44.2-46.7%), Puno (42.8%; 95% CI: 41.9-43.7%), Pasco (38.5%; 95% CI: 36.9-40.0%), Cusco (36.0%; 95% CI: 35.3-36.8%), and Apurímac (32.0%; 95% CI: 30.8-33.1%) had the highest prevalences of anemia. The local Moran Index identified 202 high-priority districts (hot spots) (12.3% of total; 44 urban and 158 rural) located in Ancash, Apurímac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Junín, La Libertad, Lima, Pasco, and Puno containing high-prevalence district conglomerates. Gestational anemia in Peru has its highest prevalence rates in rural and southern mountainous areas. The district conglomerates with high prevalence rates of gestational anemia coincide with the areas of high regional prevalence.

  2. Severe anemia in 3 toddlers with gastric lactobezoar. (United States)

    Klein-Franke, A; Kropshofer, G; Gassner, I; Meister, B; Salvador, C; Scholl-Bürgi, S; Mueller, T; Heinz-Erian, P


    Anemia in toddlers may result from many disorders including excessive feeding with cow's milk. Another sequel of age-inadequate cow's milk nutrition may be gastric lactobezoar (GLB), a dense lump of coagulated milk and mucus in the stomach. 3 toddlers presented with a history of excessive intake of full cream cow's milk, abdominal distension, vomiting, dehydration, fatigue, marked pallor and tachycardia. Diagnostic imaging revea-led large GLBs as the likely origin of the abdominal symptoms. Laboratory evaluation showed severe anemia with depleted iron stores and signs of protein catabolism. Non-cow's milk-induced causes of anemia including defects of erythropoiesis, hemoglobin structure, RBC-enzymes and blood coagulation, hemolysis, immune disorders, infection, inflammation, extraintestinal hemorrhage, nephropathy were - according to the available data - unlikely to cause the anemia in our patients. Thus their anemia is thought to be due to age-inadequate cow's milk nutrition leading to 1) low intake, decreased absorption/bioavailability and increased intestinal loss of iron, and 2) GLB which induced blood loss following mechanical irritation of the gastric mucosa and vomiting causing high gastric pH and decrease in duodenal iron absorption. The anemia in our patients is due to both exaggerated feeding with cow's milk and adverse effects of GLBs. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that, after erythrocyte transfusion, iron substitution, age-adapted nutrition and GLB-dissolution, the anemia did not recur. We propose to include GLB in the differential diagnosis of anemia in cow's milk fed small children. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  3. An Etiologic Profile of Anemia in 405 Geriatric Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tabea Geisel


    Full Text Available Background. Anemia is a common condition in the elderly and a significant risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality, reducing not only functional capacity and mobility but also quality of life. Currently, few data are available regarding anemia in hospitalized geriatric patients. Our retrospective study investigated epidemiology and causes of anemia in 405 hospitalized geriatric patients. Methods. Data analysis was performed using laboratory parameters determined during routine hospital admission procedures (hemoglobin, ferritin, transferrin saturation, C-reactive protein, vitamin B12, folic acid, and creatinine in addition to medical history and demographics. Results. Anemia affected approximately two-thirds of subjects. Of 386 patients with recorded hemoglobin values, 66.3% were anemic according to WHO criteria, mostly (85.1% in a mild form. Anemia was primarily due to iron deficiency (65%, frequently due to underlying chronic infection (62.1%, or of mixed etiology involving a combination of chronic disease and iron deficiency, with absolute iron deficiency playing a comparatively minor role. Conclusion. Greater awareness of anemia in the elderly is warranted due to its high prevalence and negative effect on outcomes, hospitalization duration, and mortality. Geriatric patients should be routinely screened for anemia and etiological causes of anemia individually assessed to allow timely initiation of appropriate therapy.

  4. Kosovar Society through Secularism and Religion


    MSc. Dritero Arifi; Dr.Sc. Ylber Sela


    This paper will analyze the importance and the effects of religion, in Kosovar society. A great part of the paper, will analyze the social and the political relations in Post-War Kosovo. Initially it will elaborate religion and secularism, especially in theoreticall aspect, what impact have these definitions in modern societies. In order to explain what the importance of the religion in Kosovo is, we will focus on analyzing ethnical, social and political relations within Kosovo society. A...

  5. Proper Elements and Secular Resonances for Irregular Satellites (United States)

    Beaugé, C.; Nesvorný, D.


    We present results of an analytical study of proper elements and secular resonances for the irregular satellites of the outer planets. In the case of the Jovian system we identify three satellite families, two of them previously known (Carme and Ananke), plus a new agglomeration of four bodies that includes Pasiphae as its largest member. While the distribution of proper elements for Saturn's moons seems to be more random, a small cluster was found for the direct moons formed by Albiorix, Erriapo, and 2004 S1, slightly different from the so-called Gaulish cluster. No significant families are detected in the present study for the Uranian or Neptunian satellite systems. For each satellite system we determine the location of several secular resonances in the proper element space. Apart from the well-known resonance locks of Pasiphae, Sinope, and Siarnaq, a comparison between the resonance locations and proper elements shows that Saturn's satellite Narvi also exhibits temporary librations in the ϖ-ϖsolar resonance. However, unlike the resonant Jovian moons that are located in the same configuration, Narvi's critical argument librates alternately around values near 90° and 270°. Neither the Uranian nor Neptunian systems seem to have resonant moons. The resonant dynamics of the real satellites in the vicinity of ϖ˙-ϖ˙solar=0 is studied with a simple model for secular resonances based on the restricted three-body problem. Depending on the initial conditions, we show the existence of one or two modes of libration that can occur at different values of the critical angle, showing a good correspondence with the observed behavior of all the resonant moons. Finally, we discuss the global distribution of the real satellites with respect to the secular resonances, as compared with synthetic populations of bodies drawn solely from stability conditions. For Saturn, we find that the present satellite population appears compatible with simple random distributions. Although

  6. Religiousness and religious coping in a secular society: the gender perspective. (United States)

    Hvidtjørn, Dorte; Hjelmborg, Jacob; Skytthe, Axel; Christensen, Kaare; Hvidt, Niels Christian


    Women are found to be more religious than men and more likely to use religious coping. Only few studies have explored religious gender differences in more secular societies. This population-based study comprised 3,000 Danish men and women (response rate 45 %) between 20 and 40 years of age. Information about demographics, religiousness and religious coping was obtained through a web-based questionnaire. We organized religiousness in the three dimensions: Cognition, Practice and Importance, and we assessed religious coping using the brief RCOPE questionnaire. We found substantial gender differences in both religiousness and religious coping. Nearly, 60 % of the women believed in some sort of spirit or in God compared to 40 % of the men. Generally, both men and women scored low on the RCOPE scale. However, for respondents reporting high levels of religiousness, the proportion of men who scored high in the RCOPE exceeded the proportion of women in using positive and especially negative coping strategies. Also, in a secular society, women are found to be more religious than men, but in a subset of the most religious respondents, men were more inclined to use religious coping. Further studies on religious coping in secular societies are required.

  7. Cytokine overproduction and crosslinker hypersensitivity are unlinked in Fanconi anemia macrophages. (United States)

    Garbati, Michael R; Hays, Laura E; Rathbun, R Keaney; Jillette, Nathaniel; Chin, Kathy; Al-Dhalimy, Muhsen; Agarwal, Anupriya; Newell, Amy E Hanlon; Olson, Susan B; Bagby, Grover C


    The Fanconi anemia proteins participate in a canonical pathway that repairs cross-linking agent-induced DNA damage. Cells with inactivated Fanconi anemia genes are universally hypersensitive to such agents. Fanconi anemia-deficient hematopoietic stem cells are also hypersensitive to inflammatory cytokines, and, as importantly, Fanconi anemia macrophages overproduce such cytokines in response to TLR4 and TLR7/8 agonists. We questioned whether TLR-induced DNA damage is the primary cause of aberrantly regulated cytokine production in Fanconi anemia macrophages by quantifying TLR agonist-induced TNF-α production, DNA strand breaks, crosslinker-induced chromosomal breakage, and Fanconi anemia core complex function in Fanconi anemia complementation group C-deficient human and murine macrophages. Although both M1 and M2 polarized Fanconi anemia cells were predictably hypersensitive to mitomycin C, only M1 macrophages overproduced TNF-α in response to TLR-activating signals. DNA damaging agents alone did not induce TNF-α production in the absence of TLR agonists in wild-type or Fanconi anemia macrophages, and mitomycin C did not enhance TLR responses in either normal or Fanconi anemia cells. TLR4 and TLR7/8 activation induced cytokine overproduction in Fanconi anemia macrophages. Also, although TLR4 activation was associated with induced double strand breaks, TLR7/8 activation was not. That DNA strand breaks and chromosome breaks are neither necessary nor sufficient to account for the overproduction of inflammatory cytokines by Fanconi anemia cells suggests that noncanonical anti-inflammatory functions of Fanconi anemia complementation group C contribute to the aberrant macrophage phenotype and suggests that suppression of macrophage/TLR hyperreactivity might prevent cytokine-induced stem cell attrition in Fanconi anemia. © Society for Leukocyte Biology.

  8. [Anemia: guidelines comparison]. (United States)

    Del Vecchio, Lucia


    The development of recombinant human erythropoietin and its introduction into the market in the late 1980s has significantly improved the quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and reduced the need for blood transfusions. Starting from a cautious target, a progressive increase in the recommended hemoglobin levels has been observed over the years, in parallel with an increase in the obtained levels. This trend has gone together with the publication of findings of observational studies showing a relationship between the increase in hemoglobin levels and a reduction in the mortality risk, with the conduction of clinical trials testing the effects of complete anemia correction, and with the compilation of guidelines on anemia control in CKD patients by scientific societies and organizations. In the last two years, evidence of a possible increase in the mortality risk in those patients who were randomized to high hemoglobin levels has resulted in a decrease in the upper limit of the recommended Hb target to be obtained with erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESA), and consequently in a narrowing of the target range. Comparison of guidelines on anemia control in CKD patients is an interesting starting point to discuss single recommendations, strengthen their importance, or suggest new topics of research to fill up important gaps in knowledge.

  9. Frequency of anemia in chronic psychiatry patients

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    Korkmaz S


    Full Text Available Sevda Korkmaz,1 Sevler Yildiz,1 Tuba Korucu,1 Burcu Gundogan,1 Zehra Emine Sunbul,1 Hasan Korkmaz,2 Murad Atmaca1 1Department of Psychiatry, 2Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Firat University, Elazig, Turkey Purpose: Anemia could cause psychiatric symptoms such as cognitive function disorders and depression or could deteriorate an existing psychiatric condition when it is untreated. The objective of this study is to scrutinize the frequency of anemia in chronic psychiatric patients and the clinical and sociodemographic factors that could affect this frequency.Methods: All inpatients in our clinic who satisfied the study criteria and received treatment between April 2014 and April 2015 were included in this cross-sectional study. Sociodemographic data for 378 patients included in the study and hemoglobin (Hb and hematocrit values observed during their admission to the hospital were recorded in the forms. Male patients with an Hb level of <13 g/dL and nonpregnant female patients with an Hb level of <12 g/dL were considered as anemic.Findings: Axis 1 diagnoses demonstrated that 172 patients had depressive disorder, 51 patients had bipolar disorder, 54 patients had psychotic disorder, 33 patients had conversion disorder, 19 patients had obsessive-compulsive disorder, 25 patients had generalized anxiety disorder, and 24 patients had other psychiatric conditions. It was also determined that 25.4% of the patients suffered from anemia. Thirty-five percent of females and 10% of males were considered as anemic. The frequency of anemia was the highest among psychotic disorder patients (35%, followed by generalized anxiety disorder patients (32%, and obsessive-compulsive disorder patients (26%. Anemia was diagnosed in 22% of depressive disorder patients, 25% of bipolar disorder patients, and 24% of conversion disorder patients.Results: The prevalence of anemia among chronic psychiatry patients is more frequent than the general population

  10. Prevalência de aloimunização eritrocitária em pacientes portadores de anemia falciforme

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Gomes Vizzoni


    Full Text Available Embora as transfusões de concentrado de hemácias sejam importantes para o tratamento de pacientes com anemia falciforme, elas acarretam riscos imunológicos tais como a aloimunização a antígenos eritrocitários. Aproximadamente 50% dos pacientes de anemia falciforme recebem transfusões no decorrer da vida, e entre 5 e 10% desses pacientes são submetidos a um programa de transfusão crônica. A aloimunização eritrocitária é uma complicação relativamente comum, podendo até mesmo levar a reações transfusionais hemolíticas tardias, contribuindo para aumentar as comorbidades da doença. Importantes medidas para prevenção dessas complicações nesses pacientes são o uso de hemácias previamente fenotipadas, além da fenotipagem do próprio receptor de concentrado de hemácias, determinando seu correto perfil fenotípico e possibilitando a escolha de concentrado de hemácias com antígenos correspondentes ao do paciente a ser transfundido. Extensa genotipagem eritrocitária profilática para selecionar doadores para pacientes que receberão repetidas transfusões durante um longo período é uma aplicação atraente de tipagem de sangue baseado em DNA. Isso é particularmente relevante para pacientes com doença falciforme, nos quais a taxa de aloimunização é elevada.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    the secular is ignored or where exclusive humanism is seen as the inevitable conclusion of a .... responsible for ordinary events in the world. Various .... immanent frame is dependent on and open to a transcendent source while for others, the ...

  12. Oral human papillomavirus is common in individuals with Fanconi anemia. (United States)

    Sauter, Sharon L; Wells, Susanne I; Zhang, Xue; Hoskins, Elizabeth E; Davies, Stella M; Myers, Kasiani C; Mueller, Robin; Panicker, Gitika; Unger, Elizabeth R; Sivaprasad, Umasundari; Brown, Darron R; Mehta, Parinda A; Butsch Kovacic, Melinda


    Fanconi anemia is a rare genetic disorder resulting in a loss of function of the Fanconi anemia-related DNA repair pathway. Individuals with Fanconi anemia are predisposed to some cancers, including oropharyngeal and gynecologic cancers, with known associations with human papillomavirus (HPV) in the general population. As individuals with Fanconi anemia respond poorly to chemotherapy and radiation, prevention of cancer is critical. To determine whether individuals with Fanconi anemia are particularly susceptible to oral HPV infection, we analyzed survey-based risk factor data and tested DNA isolated from oral rinses from 126 individuals with Fanconi anemia and 162 unaffected first-degree family members for 37 HPV types. Fourteen individuals (11.1%) with Fanconi anemia tested positive, significantly more (P = 0.003) than family members (2.5%). While HPV prevalence was even higher for sexually active individuals with Fanconi anemia (17.7% vs. 2.4% in family; P = 0.003), HPV positivity also tended to be higher in the sexually inactive (8.7% in Fanconi anemia vs. 2.9% in siblings). Indeed, having Fanconi anemia increased HPV positivity 4.9-fold (95% CI, 1.6-15.4) considering age and sexual experience, but did not differ by other potential risk factors. Our studies suggest that oral HPV is more common in individuals with Fanconi anemia. It will be essential to continue to explore associations between risk factors and immune dysfunction on HPV incidence and persistence over time. HPV vaccination should be emphasized in those with Fanconi anemia as a first step to prevent oropharyngeal cancers, although additional studies are needed to determine whether the level of protection it offers in this population is adequate. ©2015 American Association for Cancer Research.

  13. The Student with Sickle Cell Anemia. (United States)

    Tetrault, Sylvia M.


    Sickle cell anemia is the most common and severe of inherited chronic blood disorders. In the United States, sickle cell anemia is most common among the Black population. Among the most commonly occurring symptoms are: an enlarged spleen, episodes of severe pain, easily contracted infections, skin ulcers, and frequent urination. (JN)

  14. A novel ubiquitin ligase is deficient in Fanconi anemia.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meetei, AR; Winter, de J.P.; Medhurst, A.L. dr.; Wallisch, M; Waisfisz, Q.; Vrugt, van der H.J.; Oostra, A.B.; Yan, Z; Ling, C; Bishop, CE; Hoatlin, M.E.; Joenje, H.


    Fanconi anemia is a recessively inherited disease characterized by congenital defects, bone marrow failure and cancer susceptibility. Cells from individuals with Fanconi anemia are highly sensitive to DNA-crosslinking drugs, such as mitomycin C (MMC). Fanconi anemia proteins function in a DNA damage

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... for gastrointestinal bleeding To see if gastrointestinal bleeding is causing your iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor may order the following procedures to guide treatment . Fecal ...

  16. Púrpura trombocitopênica e anemia hemolítica auto-imune em pacientes internados com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil Trombocytopenic purpura and autoimmune hemolytic anemia in hospitalized patients with juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Jochebed Kyoung Kim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o comprometimento hematológico (CHE em pacientes internados com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ. MÉTODOS: durante o período de 1994 a 2005, ocorreram 195 internações de 77 pacientes com LESJ (critérios do Colégio Americano de Reumatologia e foram acompanhadas pela Unidade de Reumatologia Pediátrica do Instituto da Criança - Universidade de São Paulo. Essas internações foram avaliadas com relação à presença de CHE inicial ou evolutivo: anemia hemolítica auto-imune ou púrpura trombocitopênica. Todos os pacientes realizaram dois ou mais hemogramas. O diagnóstico de anemia hemolítica auto-imune (AHAI foi estabelecido pela queda acentuada dos níveis de hemoglobina (acima de 2 g/dl, reticulocitose, aumento de desidrogenase láctica (DHL, aumento de bilirrubina indireta e teste de Coombs positivo. As manifestações hematológicas associadas à infecção, neoplasia e anemia aplásica foram excluídas. RESULTADOS: o CHE ocorreu em 14 pacientes (18,9%, com 15 internações. Destes, 11 eram do sexo feminino, sete apresentaram púrpura trombocitopênica, cinco, anemia hemolítica auto-imune e dois, síndrome de Evans. O CHE, como manifestação inicial e isolada do LESJ, foi evidenciado em três pacientes. Todos os pacientes com púrpura trombocitopênica apresentaram sangramento cutâneo (petéquias e/ou equimoses. Todos estavam em atividade da doença e apresentavam simultaneamente outras manifestações do LESJ, particularmente nefrite e vasculite. Inicialmente, todos receberam pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona e, posteriormente, prednisona. Em três pacientes, o tratamento foi predominantemente realizado para controle das manifestações hematológicas, com gamaglobulina endovenosa. Os imunossupressores mais utilizados foram pulsoterapia endovenosa com ciclosfosfamida, ciclosporina e azatioprina. Óbito ocorreu em uma paciente por sangramento de sistema nervoso central. Nenhum paciente necessitou de

  17. Fuzzy Law and the Boundaries of Secularism

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    W Menski


    Full Text Available The author delivered a speech at a Religare Conference. Showing his distaste for fuzzy law, he argues that "moderate secularism" is not merely another fuzzy concept, but it is "super-fuzzy", and that lawyers claiming to love certainty "have a tendency to sit in judgment over matters and even pre-judge things they know little about, including legal pluralism" leading to much irritation.

  18. Sickle Cell Anemia: MedlinePlus Health Topic (United States)

    ... Cell Disease Also called: Hemoglobin SS disease, Sickle cell anemia On this page Basics Summary Start Here Diagnosis ... red blood cells. This is a condition called anemia , and it can make you feel tired. The ...

  19. A dor no cotidiano de cuidadores e crianças com anemia falciforme

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    Tatiane Lebre Dias


    Full Text Available As crises de dor crônica ou aguda, de diferente intensidade e recorrência imprevisível, são um dos sintomas mais frequentes na Anemia Falciforme (AF e tendem a afetar a qualidade de vida dos portadores da doença. Este estudo procurou descrever e comparar a percepção do episódio doloroso da AF entre crianças e seus cuidadores. Participaram 27 pares de cuidador-criança, sendo 11 pares formados por crianças atendidas no Ambulatório de Pediatria do Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio de Moraes de Vitória/ES e 16 pares compostos por crianças que frequentavam o Hemocentro de Cuiabá/MT. Os resultados revelaram diferença na percepção de cuidador e criança sobre a caracterização da dor no que se refere ao tipo e à intensidade. As crises de dor interferem, sobretudo, nas atividades do cotidiano. A estratégia de enfrentamento mais utilizada por ambos os grupos centrou-se em pensamentos que envolveram os aspectos negativos da experiência indesejada, o que indica a necessidade de intervenção psicológica com esta população

  20. Sobrecarga de ferro transfusional em portadores de anemia falciforme: comparação entre ressonância magnética e ferritina sérica

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    Lécio dos Anjos Bourbon Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar variáveis preditoras de sobrecarga de ferro em portadores de anemia falciforme e correlacionar indicadores bioquímicos e imaginológicos. MATERIAiS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal envolvendo 32 portadores de anemia falciforme, que foram submetidos a dosagem sérica de ferro, ferritina e a ressonância magnética do fígado. Foram realizadas cinco sequências gradiente-eco e uma spin-eco. A intensidade de sinal foi obtida em cada sequência pelas médias das regiões de interesse no fígado e musculatura paravertebral para obter a razão da intensidade de sinal (RIS fígado/músculo. A partir da RIS foi obtida a concentração hepática estimada de ferro (CHEF pela fórmula: e[5,808 - (0,877 × T2* - (1,518 × PI], onde T2* é a RIS na sequência com TE de 13 ms e PI é a RIS da sequência com ponderação intermediária. Os pacientes foram agrupados segundo o regime de transfusão de hemácias (regulares mensais versus esporádicas. RESULTADOS: Os grupos transfusionais foram comparados pelas variáveis clínico-laboratoriais, sendo significativas as diferenças entre RIS, CHEF e ferritina sérica: o grupo que recebeu transfusões regulares apresentou sobrecarga de ferro hepático mais intensa. CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância magnética foi ferramenta eficiente para avaliação de sobrecarga hepática de ferro em portadores de anemia falciforme.


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    Grant R. Tomkinson


    Full Text Available DESCRIPTION This book describes and discusses children's physical capacity in terms of aerobic and anaerobic power generation according to secular trends and geographic variability. PURPOSE To discuss the controversial issue of whether present day's children and adolescents are fitter than their equals of the past and whether they are fitter if they live in the more prosperous countries. AUDIENCE Pediatricians, medical practitioners, physical educators, exercise and/or sport scientists, exercise physiologists, personal trainers and graduate students in relevant fields will find this book helpful when dealing with contemporary trends and geographic variability in pediatric fitness. FEATURES The volume starts by examining the general picture on children fitness by the editors. The individual chapter's authors discuses the data gathered since the late 1950s on secular trends and geographic changeability in aerobic and anaerobic pediatric fitness performances of children and adolescents from 23 countries in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, the Middle East and North America. There are chapters proposing that there is proof that there has been a world-wide decline in pediatric aerobic performance in recent decades, relative stability in anaerobic performance, and that the best performing children come from northern and central Europe. In final chapters possible causes to that end are considered, including whether weakening in aerobic performance are the result of distributional or widespread declines, and whether increases in obesity alone can explain the failure in aerobic performance. ASSESSMENT The editors have assembled a volume of Medicine and Sports Science that is necessary and essential reading for all who are interested in understanding and improving the fitness of children. The readers will find useful information in this book on secular trends and geographic variability in pediatric fitness. I believe, the book will serve as a first

  2. Acompanhamento nutricional de criança portadora de anemia falciforme na Rede de Atenção Básica à Saúde Nutritional follow-up of children with sickle cell anemia treated in a Primary Care Unit

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    Karen Cordovil M. de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relatar estudo de caso de atendimento nutricional a criança com diagnóstico de anemia falciforme. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Realizaram-se quatro atendimentos nutricionais pela equipe do Internato de Nutrição da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj no período de julho a setembro de 2005 a criança de 1 a 4 meses, feminina, negra, com anemia falciforme. Na avaliação do estado nutricional e do ganho de peso, empregaram-se os seguintes indicadores antropométricos: comprimento/idade, peso/idade e peso/comprimento, e um indicador de impacto nutricional. A análise dietética compreendeu a avaliação da ingestão energética e de macronutrientes observada na primeira consulta após 30 dias de intervenção. COMENTÁRIOS: Ao longo do período analisado, a baixa estatura para a idade (z=−1,32 evoluiu para adequação (z=0,87, enquanto o peso em relação ao comprimento manteve-se inadequado (z=−2,53. O ganho de peso foi 50% inferior ao incremento esperado. O consumo energético inicialmente inadequado (60% das recomendações alcançou, após 30 dias, 117%. A Estratégia em Saúde da Família vem sendo recomendada como importante ferramenta para monitorar as condições nutricionais, bem como para melhorar a atenção prestada. Entretanto, considerando o modelo de atenção primária local, observa-se haver necessidade de capacitação, especialmente no que tange às peculiaridades inerentes à condição de nutrição e de saúde dos portadores de anemia falciforme.OBJECTIVE: To report the nutritional follow-up of a black baby girl, one year and four months old, with homozygous sickle cell anemia. CASE DESCRIPTION: From July-September 2005, the infant attended four nutritional appointments at the Nutrition Internship Program from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The nutritional status was evaluated by the anthropometric indexes: length/age, weight/age and weight/length, and by one indicator of

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Supplement Fact Sheet (NIH) Iron-Deficiency Anemia (National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus) ... Privacy Policy Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Accessibility Copyright and Usage No FEAR ...

  4. Epidemiology of aplastic anemia in Japanese radiological technicians

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitabatake, Takashi; Watanabe, Tsuyoshi; Saito, Akira; Nakamura, Minoru.


    Among Japanese radiological technicians, four deaths from aplastic anemia have been recorded. Based on this fact, some epidemiological considerations are tried. During the period from 1930 to 1960, the population of radiological technicians is estimated to be 74,400 man-years, in which 0.5 aplastic anemias are expected. However actually three died from aplastic anemia. This difference is statistically significant at the 1% level. On the other hand, in the period from 1961 to 1973, the observed value is 1 against 0.7 expected. It is concluded that aplastic anemia had been frequently induced among Japanese radiological technicians in the era when there was much exposure to occupational radiation. (auth.)

  5. Aplastic anemia and related disorders in atomic bomb survivors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ichimaru, Michito; Tomonaga, Yu; Matsunaga, Masako; Sadamori, Naoki; Ishimaru, Toranosuke.


    Whether the incidence of aplastic anemia significantly increases due to the later effect of atomic-bomb radiation was studied. After the data of aplastic anemia which occurred within 1950 - 1973 were evaluated and the diagnoses of the cases were certified, the incidence of aplastic anemia per 109,000 inhabitants of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was calculated and compared according to the dose of atomic-bomb radiation. There was no increase in the incidence according to an increase in radiation dose, and there was no fact that aplastic anemia increased in a certain period either. Most of the atomic-bomb survivors who were close to the epicenter and were clinically diagnosed as aplastic anemia had leukemia lesion or myeloid proliferating lesion, and it is likely to be that pathological changes resembling aplastic anemia may appear in a certain phase of myeloid proliferation or as a phenotype of myeloid proliferation. An evaluation was made on cases of aplastic anemia of other groups, but the doses of atomic-bomb radiation which they received were not so much to give effect on the bone marrow except only two cases. (Ueda, J.)

  6. The Problems of Teaching the Basics of Secular Ethics to Pedagogic Students

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    L. V. Shcheglova


    Full Text Available The paper looks at the specialists training for teaching the Basics of Secular Ethics course in the secondary school. In author’s opinion, the above course is entitled to develop children’s moral consciousness. The subject is practical rather than descriptive, focused on the spiritual work, and teaching how to live in harmony with themselves and the surrounding world. The author emphasizes the difference between the secular and religious ethics related to the specificity of moral consciousness - based either on the principle of personal moral autonomy or theonomy in case of the religious ethics. The problematic task of developing the morally independent personality in the modern society is complicated by the confusion of ethics and etiquette, wide spread ideas of pluralism, relativism, infantilism and sense gratification. The challenges and inner contradictions of the given educational module are revealed in dealing with such concepts as the mercy and moral ideal. In conclusion, the author points out the significance of active positions of teachers and students alike in pursuing the Secular Ethics course. 

  7. Crustal concealing of small-scale core-field secular variation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hulot, G.; Olsen, Nils; Thebault, E.


    of internal origin happen to be detectable now in spherical harmonic degrees up to, perhaps, 16. All of these changes are usually attributed to changes in the core field itself, the secular variation, on the ground that the lithospheric magnetization cannot produce such signals. It has, however, been pointed...... out, on empirical grounds, that temporal changes in the field of internal origin produced by the induced part of the lithospheric magnetization could dominate the core field signal beyond degree 22. This short note revisits this issue by taking advantage of our improved knowledge of the small...... cause of the observed changes in the field of internal origin up to some critical degree, N-C, is indeed likely to be the secular variation of the core field, but that the signal produced by the time-varying lithospheric field is bound to dominate and conceal the time-varying core signal beyond...


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    Dewi Permaesih


    Full Text Available Anemia in Indonesia is a public health problem. The prevalence still have a tendency to increase. The main antecedent factor for anemia is the lack of iron intake. The purpose of this analysis is to learn and find other factors besides iron. Sources of data were from the study of morbidity and disability of the Household Health Survey, 2001. The respondents were adolescents between 10-19 years of age. Data on social economic status, illness records, medicine consumption, physical activities and smoking habits were collected by interview during household visits. Data on anemia were identified from the results of hemoglobin determination by HemoCue. The nutrition status was found from the calculation of Body Mass Index. Data on energy consumption were taken from food expenditure for meal data from SUSENAS. Variable used for the purpose of this analysis were age, gender, smoking habit, alcohol drinking, breakfast, the use of time for physical activities, IMT, hemoglobin value and energy consumption. Data analyse were conducted in 3 stages,i.e., univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyse. Overall, the prevalence of anemia among adolescents was found to be 25.5%; 21% for adolescent boys and 30% for adolescent girls. Around 27.1% adolescents reside in the village and 22.6% in the city. Adolescents who consume > 70% energy from being suggested were around 38% respondents. Seventeen percent was classified as thinny adolescent based on IMT indicator. The result on bivariate analyse showed that respondents who were less educated have a significant relation (p < 0.05 with getting anemia (OR=3.8; 95% CI=1.9-7.2. Male adolescents have lower risk to get anemia (OR=0.6; 95% CI 0.5-7.3. Other variables that showed significant relation with anemia were smoking (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1-1.8, breakfast habit (OR 0.6 ;95% CI 0.4-0.9 and sufficient energy consumption (OR 0.7; 95% CI 0.6-0.9. Result of multiple regression logistic test indicate that variables related

  9. Iron deficiency and anemia in heart failure. (United States)

    Çavuşoğlu, Yüksel; Altay, Hakan; Çetiner, Mustafa; Güvenç, Tolga Sinan; Temizhan, Ahmet; Ural, Dilek; Yeşilbursa, Dilek; Yıldırım, Nesligül; Yılmaz, Mehmet Birhan


    Heart failure is an important community health problem. Prevalence and incidence of heart failure have continued to rise over the years. Despite recent advances in heart failure therapy, prognosis is still poor, rehospitalization rate is very high, and quality of life is worse. Co-morbidities in heart failure have negative impact on clinical course of the disease, further impair prognosis, and add difficulties to treatment of clinical picture. Therefore, successful management of co-morbidities is strongly recommended in addition to conventional therapy for heart failure. One of the most common co-morbidities in heart failure is presence of iron deficiency and anemia. Current evidence suggests that iron deficiency and anemia are more prevalent in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction, as well as those with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction. Moreover, iron deficiency and anemia are referred to as independent predictors for poor prognosis in heart failure. There is strong relationship between iron deficiency or anemia and severity of clinical status of heart failure. Over the last two decades, many clinical investigations have been conducted on clinical effectiveness of treatment of iron deficiency or anemia with oral iron, intravenous iron, and erythropoietin therapies. Studies with oral iron and erythropoietin therapies did not provide any clinical benefit and, in fact, these therapies have been shown to be associated with increase in adverse clinical outcomes. However, clinical trials in patients with iron deficiency in the presence or absence of anemia have demonstrated considerable clinical benefits of intravenous iron therapy, and based on these positive outcomes, iron deficiency has become target of therapy in management of heart failure. The present report assesses current approaches to iron deficiency and anemia in heart failure in light of recent evidence.

  10. Secularism in Nigeria: An Assessment | Ogoloma | AFRREV IJAH ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Secularism is not the absence of religions in the state. Rather, it is the absence of a state sponsored religion where everyone will be made to choose a religion of their choice. People are free to follow which religious tenets they like without any fear, intimidation, victimization or favour. The central and state administrations ...

  11. Anemia em gestantes brasileiras antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ferro Anemia en gestantes brasileñas antes y después de la fortificación de harinas con hierro Anemia in Brazilian pregnant women before and after flour fortification with iron

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth Fujimori


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar prevalência de anemia e valores de hemoglobina (Hb em gestantes brasileiras, antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ferro. MÉTODOS: Estudo de avaliação de painéis repetidos, desenvolvido em serviços públicos de saúde de municípios das cinco regiões brasileiras. Dados retrospectivos foram obtidos de 12.119 prontuários de gestantes distribuídas em dois grupos: antes da fortificação, com parto anterior a junho de 2004, e após a fortificação, com última menstruação após junho de 2005. Anemia foi definida como Hb OBJETIVO: Comparar prevalencia de anemia y valores de hemoglobina (Hb en gestantes brasileñas, antes y después de la fortificación de las harinas con hierro. MÉTODOS: Estudio de evaluación de paneles repetidos, desarrollado en servicios públicos de salud de municipios de las cinco regiones brasileñas. Datos retrospectivos se obtuvieron de 12.119 prontuarios de gestantes distribuidas en dos grupos: antes de la fortificación, con parto anterior a junio de 2004, y posterior a la fortificación, con última menstruación después de junio 2005. Anemia fue definida como HbOBJECTIVE: To compare prevalence of anemia and hemoglobin (Hb levels in Brazilian pregnant women before and after flour fortification with iron. METHODS: A repeated cross-sectional panel study of public health care centers of municipalities in the five Brazilian regions was conducted. Retrospective data were obtained from 12,119 medical records of pregnant women distributed in two groups: before fortification (delivery prior to June 2004 and after fortification (date of last period after June 2005. Anemia was defined as Hb<11.0 g/dl. Hb levels according to gestational age were assessed using two references from the literature. Statistical analysis was carried out using chi-squared tests, Student's t tests, and logistic regression, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: In the total sample, prevalence of anemia fell from

  12. Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) presenting with neonatal aplastic anemia. (United States)

    Scott, Angela; Glover, Jason; Skoda-Smith, Suzanne; Torgerson, Troy R; Xu, Min; Burroughs, Lauri M; Woolfrey, Ann E; Fleming, Mark D; Shimamura, Akiko


    Aplastic anemia in the neonate is rare. We report a case of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) presenting with neonatal aplastic anemia. This report highlights the importance of considering SCID early in the evaluation of neonatal aplastic anemia prior to the development of infectious complications. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Anemia: monosymptomatic celiac disease. A report of 3 cases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Depla, A. C.; Bartelsman, J. F.; Mulder, C. J.; Tytgat, G. N.


    Patients with monosymptomatic celiac disease (CD) can escape diagnosis for a long period. Anemia is a common finding in CD, although anemia as the sole symptom is relatively unknown. We report on three patients who presented with iron deficiency anemia and no other symptom, in whom CD was considered

  14. Anemia e renda per capita familiar de crianças freqüentadoras da creche do Centro Educacional Unificado Cidade Dutra, no Município de São Paulo Anemia and per capita income in children enrolled in a childhood education center in São Paulo, Brazil

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    Teresinha Stumpf Souto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência de anemia de acordo com a renda familiar per capita de crianças matriculadas no Centro de Educação Infantil (CEI do Centro Educacional Unificado (CEU Cidade Dutra, no Município de São Paulo, São Paulo, em 2004. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, com 190 crianças de 11 a 57 meses de idade distribuídas em duas faixas de renda familiar per capita ( 1 salário mínimo. Foram consideradas anêmicas as crianças com taxa de hemoglobina OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of anemia according to family per capita income in children enrolled in a day care center in São Paulo, Brazil, in 2004. METHODS: This cross-sectional study enrolled 190 children aged 11 to 57 months divided into two groups of per capita income ( 1 minimum wage. Hemoglobin level was evaluated in capillary blood (finger-stick test using a Hemocue® portable photometer. Anemia was considered when hemoglobin level was below 11g/dL. The results were analyzed using chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests. RESULTS: Anemia was found in 31.6% of the investigated children, with a higher proportion in younger children. The frequency of anemia was, respectively, 72.7%, 41.2%, 19.7% and 15.4% in children aged 11-23 months age, 24-35 months, 36-47 months, and 48-57 months. Among children of families with low per capita income, the frequency of anemia was 36.7%. In families earning more than one minimum wage per capita per month, there were 22.9% of children with anemia. CONCLUSIONS: At the day care center, the frequency of anemia was higher among children aged 11-23 months, especially when the family per capita income was less than one minimum wage per month.

  15. Why religion deserves a place in secular medicine. (United States)

    Biggar, Nigel


    As a science and practice transcending metaphysical and ethical disagreements, 'secular' medicine should not exist. 'Secularity' should be understood in an Augustinian sense, not a secularist one: not as a space that is universally rational because it is religion-free, but as a forum for the negotiation of rival reasonings. Religion deserves a place here, because it is not simply or uniquely irrational. However, in assuming his rightful place, the religious believer commits himself to eschewing sheer appeals to religious authorities, and to adopting reasonable means of persuasion. This can come quite naturally. For example, Christianity (theo)logically obliges liberal manners in negotiating ethical controversies in medicine. It also offers reasoned views of human being and ethics that bear upon medicine and are not universally held-for example, a humanist view of human dignity, the bounding of individual autonomy by social obligation, and a special concern for the weak. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  16. Paracelsus, Paracelsianism, and the secularization of the worldview. (United States)

    Webster, Charles


    This paper examines Paracelsus and Paracelsianism in the light of the ideas of Max Weber concerning the social consequences of the Reformation, with special reference to his theories of Entzauberung and secularization. He linked these tendencies both to the rise of capitalism and the growth of experimental science. The detailed case study of Paracelsus' account of diseases linked with saints, in common with his interpretation of many other conditions, demonstrates that he self-consciously extended the boundaries of medicine and eroded the role of magic and witchcraft associated with the church. On the other hand, Paracelsus adopted the Neoplatonic worldview, was immersed in popular magic, and evolved a system of medicine that self-consciously revolved around magic. These factors seem to place a distinct limit on his role in the demystification of knowledge. However, the magic of Paracelsus entailed a decisive break with the entrenched elitist and esoteric tradition of the occultists and hermeticists. It is argued that this reconstructed magic re-establishes the credentials of Paracelsus as a significant contributor to the disenchantment and secularization of the worldview.

  17. Study of secular equilibrium reinstatement on UO2 pellets manufactured by AUC route

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carnaval, João Paulo R.; Beltran, Dalton J.M.C.; Oliveira, Carlos A.


    The fuel assemblies manufactured by INB for Angra-1 power plant has axial blanket fuel rods which must be inspected due the columns formed by different enrichment pellets. The equipment used for inspection is built with a group of BGO scintillators detectors which measurement principle is based on the absorption of gamma rays emitted from Uranium decay. The commercial grade UF 6 used by INB is stored into cylinders type 30B. The uranium inside these cylinders is in secular equilibrium before the processing. It has been found that the AUC route causes the loss of that equilibrium because the UF 6 is volatilized from the cylinder and the uranium daughters remain in the container. As AUC is converted to powder and pellets, the secular equilibrium is restored through time. The purpose of this work is to present a study of the secular equilibrium reinstatement on UO 2 pellets manufactured by AUC route before being inspected on Rod Scanner. (author)

  18. Observação de anemia hemolítica auto-imune em artrite reumatóide Observation of autoimmune hemolytic anemia in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Ricardo A. S. Souza


    Full Text Available Artrite reumatóide é uma doença difusa do tecido conjuntivo que se caracteriza pelo acometimento articular e sistêmico. Disfunções hematológicas como anemia ocorrem em até 65% dos pacientes, sendo a anemia das doenças crônicas a forma mais comum. A anemia hemolítica auto-imune pode estar associada à difusa do tecido conjuntivo, sendo classicamente associada ao lúpus eritematoso sistêmico e fazendo parte dos seus critérios de classificação. A presença de anemia hemolítica auto-imune em artrite reumatóide é relatada raramente na literatura e os mecanismos etiopatogênicos para o seu desenvolvimento ainda não estão esclarecidos. Descrevemos um caso de artrite reumatóide no adulto e outro de artrite reumatóide juvenil que desenvolveram anemia hemolítica auto-imune e discutimos os prováveis mecanismos etiopatogênicos envolvidos.Rheumatoid arthritis is a connective tissue disease characterized by articular and systemic involvement. Hematological abnormalities such as anemia may occur in up to 65% of the patients, with chronic disease anemia being the commonest form. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia can be associated with different connective tissue diseases, particularly systemic lupus erythematosus and it is part of its classification criteria. On the other hand, the presence of autoimmune hemolytic anemia in rheumatoid arthritis has rarely been described in the literature and the pathogenic mechanisms for its development remain unclear. We describe here a case of rheumatoid arthritis and another of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that developed to autoimmune hemolytic anemia and present the probable etiopathogenic mechanisms.

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Learn more about participating in a clinical trial . View all trials from . Visit Children and Clinical ... Resources NHLBI resources Your Guide to Anemia [PDF, 1. ...

  20. Secular trends in menarcheal age in India-evidence from the Indian human development survey.

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    Praveen Kumar Pathak

    Full Text Available Evidence from a number of countries in Europe and North America point towards the secular declining trend in menarcheal age with considerable spatial variations over the past two centuries. Similar trends were reported in several developing countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America. However, data corroborating any secular trend in the menarcheal age of the Indian population remained sparse and inadequately verified.We examined secular trends, regional heterogeneity and association of socioeconomic, anthropometric and contextual factors with menarcheal age among ever-married women (15-49 years in India. Using the pseudo cohort data approach, we fit multiple linear regression models to estimate secular trends in menarcheal age of 91394 ever-married women using the Indian Human Development Survey.The mean age at menarche among Indian women was 13.76 years (95 % CI: 13.75, 13.77 in 2005. It declined by three months from 13.83 years (95% CI: 13.81, 13.85 among women born prior to 1955-1964, to nearly 13.62 years (95% CI: 13.58, 13.67 among women born during late 1985-1989. However, these aggregate national figures mask extensive spatial heterogeneity as mean age at menarche varied from 15.0 years in Himachal Pradesh during 1955-1964 (95% CI: 14.89-15.11 to about 12.1 years in Assam (95% CI: 11.63-12.56 during 1985-1989.The regression analysis established a reduction of nearly one month per decade, suggesting a secular decline in age at menarche among Indian women. Notably, the menarcheal age was significantly associated with the area of residence, geographic region, linguistic groups, educational attainment, wealth status, caste and religious affiliations among Indian women.

  1. Signaling Pathways in Pathogenesis of Diamond Blackfan Anemia (United States)




    Bodzsar, Eva B; Zsakai, Annamaria; Mascie-Taylor, Nicholas


    This paper analyses the secular changes in the body development patterns of Hungarian children between the 1910s and the beginning of the 2000s in relation to socioeconomic and demographic changes in the country. Individual growth data of children were available from two national growth studies (1983-86, 2003-06), while sample-size weighted means of children's body dimensions were collected through regional studies between the 1920s and 1970s. Gross domestic product, Gini index, life expectancy at birth and under-5 mortality rate were used to assess the changes in economic status, income inequalities of the society and the population's general health status, respectively. Secular changes in food consumption habits were also examined. The positive Hungarian secular changes in socioeconomic status were associated with a continuous increase in children's body dimensions. The negative socioeconomic changes reflected only in wartime and post-war periods of children's growth, and the considerable socioeconomic changes at the beginning of the 1990s did not appear to influence the positive trend in children's growth. The positive secular trend in stature and body mass did not level off at the beginning of the 2000s: the socioeconomic conditions that support optimal growth and maturation could improve in Hungary.

  3. Hematocrit, anemia, and arm preference for blood sample collection ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Anemia in pregnancy is a common cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Regular review of hematocrit (HCT) and anemia patterns in pregnancy is necessary in our environment. Aim: The aim was to determine the average HCT, prevalence, and pattern of anemia, as well the arm ...

  4. The Effects of Anemia on Pregnancy Outcome in Patients with Pyelonephritis

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    Sarah K. Dotters-Katz


    Full Text Available Objective. Pyelonephritis is a common infectious morbidity of pregnancy. Though anemia is commonly associated with pyelonephritis, there are little data describing the effect of pyelonephritis with anemia on pregnancy outcomes. The purpose of this study was to further assess the association of anemia with infectious morbidity and pregnancy complications among women with pyelonephritis. Study Design. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of pregnant women admitted to Duke University Hospital between July 2006 and May 2012 with pyelonephritis. Demographic, laboratory, and clinical data from the subject’s pregnancy and hospitalizations were analyzed. Patients with pyelonephritis and anemia (a hematocrit < 32 were compared to those without anemia. Descriptive statistics were used to compare the two groups. Results. 114 pregnant women were admitted with pyelonephritis and 45 (39.5% had anemia on admission. There was no significant difference in age, race, preexisting medical conditions, or urine bacterial species between patients with anemia and those without. Women with anemia were more likely to deliver preterm (OR 3.3 (95% CI 1.07, 11.4, . When controlling for race and history of preterm delivery, women with anemia continued to have increased odds of preterm birth (OR 6.0, CI 1.4, 35, . Conclusion. Women with pyelonephritis and anemia are at increased risk for preterm delivery.

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... making new blood cells. Visit our Aplastic Anemia Health Topic to learn more. Read ... to review family history, lifestyle, unhealthy environments, or other factors that increase your risk of ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... complications, including heart failure and development delays in children. Explore this Health ... red blood cells. Iron-deficiency anemia usually develops over time because your body’s intake of iron ...

  7. Immune hemolytic anemia (United States)

    ... intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or removal of the spleen (splenectomy) may be considered. You may receive treatment to ... need special treatment. In most people, steroids or splenectomy can totally or partially control anemia.

  8. Secularity and religiosity: keystones of Turkish national identity

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    Sergey V. Olyunin


    Full Text Available According to many experts Turkish National Federation experiences crisis of its national identity. The article concerns the problem of secular and religious balance in Turkish nationalism. Special attention is attached to Turkey as a project and Turkey as a process, war factor in a birth of the nation, national idea reproduction, Islam nationalization and nationalism Islamisation.

  9. Prevalence and association of post-renal transplant anemia

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    Hesham Elsayed


    Full Text Available In some renal allograft recipients, anemia persists or develops following transplantation. Anemia is associated with pre-operative blood loss and allograft dysfunction, including delayed graft function, acute rejection and chronic allograft dysfunction. To study the prevalence and association of post-renal transplant anemia, we studied 200 renal transplant recipients; 131 (65.5% patients were males and 69 (34.5% patients were females, and age ranged from 17 to 67 years, with a mean of 37.7 ± 10.8 years. All patients were receiving cyclosporine, prednisolone and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF. Complete blood count was done at two times: three and six months post-renal transplant. There were 74% anemic patients three months after renal transplantation and 45% anemic patients six months after renal transplantation. High creatinine value, female gender, delayed graft function, episodes of acute rejection, perioperative blood loss and infections were the only significant independent risk factors for prevalence of anemia post-renal transplant. In our study, we did not find an association between MMF and cyclosporine nor angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs or angiotensin receptors blocker (ARBs with anemia. This study demonstrates that anemia is a common complication during the first six months after kidney transplantation, with several risk factors precipitating this complication.

  10. Association of mild anemia with cognitive, functional, mood and quality of life outcomes in the elderly: the "Health and Anemia" study.

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    Ugo Lucca

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: In the elderly persons, hemoglobin concentrations slightly below the lower limit of normal are common, but scant evidence is available on their relationship with significant health indicators. The objective of the present study was to cross-sectionally investigate the association of mild grade anemia with cognitive, functional, mood, and quality of life (QoL variables in community-dwelling elderly persons. METHODS: Among the 4,068 eligible individuals aged 65-84 years, all persons with mild anemia (n = 170 and a randomly selected sample of non-anemic controls (n = 547 were included in the study. Anemia was defined according to World Health Organization (WHO criteria and mild grade anemia was defined as a hemoglobin concentration between 10.0 and 11.9 g/dL in women and between 10.0 and 12.9 g/dL in men. Cognition and functional status were assessed using measures of selective attention, episodic memory, cognitive flexibility and instrumental and basic activities of daily living. Mood and QoL were evaluated by means of the Geriatric Depression Scale-10, the Short-Form health survey (SF-12, and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Anemia. RESULTS: In univariate analyses, mild anemic elderly persons had significantly worse results on almost all cognitive, functional, mood, and QoL measures. In multivariable logistic regressions, after adjustment for a large number of demographic and clinical confounders, mild anemia remained significantly associated with measures of selective attention and disease-specific QoL (all fully adjusted p<.046. When the lower limit of normal hemoglobin concentration according to WHO criteria was raised to define anemia (+0.2 g/dL, differences between mild anemic and non anemic elderly persons tended to increase on almost every variable. CONCLUSIONS: Cross-sectionally, mild grade anemia was independently associated with worse selective attention performance and disease-specific QoL ratings.


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    Rakesh Kakkar


    Full Text Available Background: Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common form of malnutrition, early intervention during adolescence (girls can prevent high morbidity and mortality of these future mothers. Objectives: To study prevalence & factors contributing to anaemia among adolescent school girls. Material and Methods: Area or region addressed – Iron deficiency anemia in adolescent girls. Present study was conducted among 317 adolescent (10-19Yrs government schoolgirls of Bhopal city from June2005-July2006. Three study groups were selected from three different girls’ school by random sampling method. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS. Result & Conclusion: Overall prevalence was 58.4% among adolescent schoolgirls. Prevalence of anemia was dependent on the knowledge about prevention of anemia, literacy level, food habits, birth order & also frequency of Iron rich source viz. green leafy vegetable & non vegetarian diet. While there was no significant relation of anemia with duration of menstrual flow but there was significant (P<0.05 difference in number of anaemic cases with age at menarche i.e. with higher age at menarche; there was more chances of anemia. Level of anemia was higher (p<0.05 in early adolescent (10 -13 Years age group (81% as compared to middle (58.3% and late adolescent (17-19 years age group girls (48.7%.

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... improved health for people with iron-deficiency anemia. Recipient Epidemiology Donor Studies program findings help to protect blood donors . NHLBI’s Recipient Epidemiology Donor Studies (REDS) program , which began in ...

  13. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... also often take other medicines—such as proton pump inhibitors, anticoagulants, or blood thinners—that may cause iron-deficiency anemia. Proton pump inhibitors interfere with iron absorption, and blood thinners ...

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... lead to iron-deficiency anemia include: End-stage kidney failure, where there is blood loss during dialysis. People who have chronic kidney disease also often take other medicines—such as ...

  15. Sideropenic anemia in preschool children and risk factors

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    Stojanović Dušica


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Sideropenic anemia is one of the most common nutritional disorders in the world. The children are at higher risk of iron deficiency than adults due to their rapid growth during infancy and relatively higher requirements of iron. OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to investigate the prevalence of sideropenic anemia in pre-school children and relevant risk factors. METHOD: Study on sideropenic anemia of preschool children was performed in Zaječar Municipality in 2003. Subjects: all children, age 6-7 years, who lived in the Zaječar Municipality (554 children. The investigation included: interview of children's parents and laboratory analysis of blood. RESULTS: The frequency of sideropenic anemia was 5.23% in tested children (hemoglobin level less than 11g/dl. Sex and place of residence had no significant impact on hemoglobin concentration in blood of children. Likewise, social status and education of parents had no significant impact on iron deficiency anemia. Higher incidence of infections was found in children with lower hemoglobin concentration in blood (p<0.05. It made no difference if children attended the kindergarten or not. Nutrition of children in kindergarten does not correct domestic nutrition, which should be one of its basic roles. CONCLUSION: Since sideropenic anemia gives rise to serious health problems, such as poor cognitive and motor development and behavioral problems, it is important to take corrective measures regarding domestic and social nutrition of children. Therefore, it is necessary to take action in preventing the sideropenic anemia and provide normal growth and development.

  16. Enfrentando a Dor na Anemia Falciforme: Uma Proposta de Avaliação e Intervenção Psicológica com Criança


    OLIVEIRA, C. G. T.


    A tese se constituiu em uma pesquisa que objetivou descrever e analisar o processo de enfrentamento da dor em crianças com Anemia Falciforme, com idade entre 8 a 10 anos, subsidiando uma proposta de intervenção psicológica baseada na abordagem cognitivo-comportamental e em atividades lúdicas.



    I Wayan Wawan Lismana


    Aplastic anemia is anemia that occurs because of a failure of hematopoiesis is relatively rarebut can be life threatening. The cause of aplastic anemia itself is still largely unknown oridiopathic. Minority of cases mainly due to a virus infection, one of which is viral hepatitishas long been known to cause symptoms of aplastic anemia. This report discusses thesuspected aplastic anemia caused by hepatitis virus infection. Course of the disease or theprognosis of aplastic anemia varies, but a ...

  18. Assessment of anemia during CT pulmonary angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Caroline; Groth, Michael; Bley, Thorsten A.; Henes, Frank O.; Treszl, András; Adam, Gerhard; Bannas, Peter


    Objectives: Anemia is associated with increased mortality in patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of Hounsfield unit (HU) measurements on the single unenhanced trigger slice of pulmonary CT angiography scans for diagnosis of anemia. Material and Methods: 150 consecutive patients (median age 64 ± 16 years) with suspected PE underwent pulmonary CT angiography. Two radiologists, blinded to laboratory results, performed HU measurements in the single unenhanced trigger scan independently by region-based analysis (ROI). HU values from ascending and descending aorta and the calculated mean of both were correlated with serum hemoglobin levels. Inter- and intraobserver variability was determined for HU measurements, and ROC analysis was performed for diagnosis of anemia. Calculated linear models were used to assess formulas for estimation of hemoglobin levels from HU measurements. Results: HU measurements revealed high intra- and interrater reliability (ICC > 0.981 and ICC > 0.965, respectively). Calculated mean HU values showed a strong correlation with serum hemoglobin levels (r = 0.734), which allowed generation of different formulas for calculation of hemoglobin levels from HU measurements. ROC analyses confirmed a high sensitivity (80.4 for men; 91.3 for women) and specificity (84.0 for men; 84.9 for women) for diagnosing anemia. Conclusion: Diagnosis of anemia and quantification of hemoglobin levels upon a single unenhanced trigger scan of pulmonary CT angiography is feasible. We suggest disclosing the anemic state in the radiological report, independent of the presence of PE, since anemia carries increased risks of morbidity and mortality.

  19. Assessment of anemia during CT pulmonary angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Caroline, E-mail: [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, 20246 Hamburg (Germany); Groth, Michael; Bley, Thorsten A.; Henes, Frank O. [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, 20246 Hamburg (Germany); Treszl, András [Department of Medical Biometry and Epidemiology, University Hospital Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, 20246 Hamburg (Germany); Adam, Gerhard; Bannas, Peter [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, 20246 Hamburg (Germany)


    Objectives: Anemia is associated with increased mortality in patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of Hounsfield unit (HU) measurements on the single unenhanced trigger slice of pulmonary CT angiography scans for diagnosis of anemia. Material and Methods: 150 consecutive patients (median age 64 ± 16 years) with suspected PE underwent pulmonary CT angiography. Two radiologists, blinded to laboratory results, performed HU measurements in the single unenhanced trigger scan independently by region-based analysis (ROI). HU values from ascending and descending aorta and the calculated mean of both were correlated with serum hemoglobin levels. Inter- and intraobserver variability was determined for HU measurements, and ROC analysis was performed for diagnosis of anemia. Calculated linear models were used to assess formulas for estimation of hemoglobin levels from HU measurements. Results: HU measurements revealed high intra- and interrater reliability (ICC > 0.981 and ICC > 0.965, respectively). Calculated mean HU values showed a strong correlation with serum hemoglobin levels (r = 0.734), which allowed generation of different formulas for calculation of hemoglobin levels from HU measurements. ROC analyses confirmed a high sensitivity (80.4 for men; 91.3 for women) and specificity (84.0 for men; 84.9 for women) for diagnosing anemia. Conclusion: Diagnosis of anemia and quantification of hemoglobin levels upon a single unenhanced trigger scan of pulmonary CT angiography is feasible. We suggest disclosing the anemic state in the radiological report, independent of the presence of PE, since anemia carries increased risks of morbidity and mortality.

  20. The use of MAGSAT data to determine secular variation. (United States)

    Cain, J.C.; Frayser, J.; Muth, L.; Schmitz, D.


    A combined spatial and secular variation model of the geomagnetic field, labeled M061581, is derived from a selection of MAGSAT data. Secular variation (SV) data computed from linear fits to midnight hourly values from 19 magnetic observatories were also included in the analysis but were seen to have little effect on the model. The SV patterns from this new model are compared with those from the 1980 IGRF and with those for 1970 computed by the DGRF and with the 1960 patterns computed using the GSFC(12/66) model. Most of the features of the M061581 are identical in location and level with those of the 1980 IGRF. Together they confirm that the reversals in sign of field change seen over Asia and North America between 1965 and 1975 are reverting to the pre-1965 states. The M061581 model gives -32 nT/yr for the dipole decay rate, larger than the 70% increase already reported since 1965. -Authors

  1. Secular Feminisms and Attitudes towards Religion in the Context of a West-European Society – Flanders, Belgium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Brandt, H.P.


    Ideologies and politics of humanism and secularism in Western Europe historically have a tensioned relationship with religion as well as with feminism and the women's movement. In this article, I aim to demonstrate the multiplicity and complexity of several recent secular feminist responses to

  2. Anemia and hemoglobin levels among Indigenous Xavante children, Central Brazil. (United States)

    Ferreira, Aline Alves; Santos, Ricardo Ventura; Souza, July Anne Mendonça de; Welch, James R; Coimbra, Carlos E A


    To evaluate the prevalence of anemia, mean hemoglobin levels, and the main nutritional, demographic, and socioeconomic factors among Xavante children in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. A survey was conducted with children under 10 years of age in two indigenous Xavante communities within the Pimentel Barbosa Indigenous Reserve. Hemoglobin concentration levels, anthropometric measurements, and socioeconomic/demographic data were collected by means of clinical measurements and structured interviews. The cut-off points recommended by the World Health Organization were used for anemia classification. Linear regression analyses with hemoglobin as the outcome and Poisson regression with robust variance and with the presence or absence of anemia as outcomes were performed (95%CI). Lower mean hemoglobin values were observed in children under 2 years of age, without a significant difference between sexes. Anemia was observed among 50.8% of children overall, with the highest prevalence among children under 2 years of age (77.8%). Age of the child was inversely associated with the occurrence of anemia (adjusted PR = 0.60; 95%CI 0.38-0.95) and mean hemoglobin values increased significantly with age. Greater height-for-age z-score values reduced the probability of having anemia by 1.8 times (adjusted PR = 0.59; 95%CI 0.34-1.00). Presence of another child with anemia within the household increased the probability of the occurrence of anemia by 52.9% (adjusted PR = 1.89; 95%CI 1.16-3.09). Elevated levels of anemia among Xavante children reveal a disparity between this Indigenous population and the national Brazilian population. Results suggest that anemia is determined by complex and variable relationships between socioeconomic, sociodemographic, and biological factors.

  3. Global and disease-associated genetic variation in the human Fanconi anemia gene family. (United States)

    Rogers, Kai J; Fu, Wenqing; Akey, Joshua M; Monnat, Raymond J


    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a human recessive genetic disease resulting from inactivating mutations in any of 16 FANC (Fanconi) genes. Individuals with FA are at high risk of developmental abnormalities, early bone marrow failure and leukemia. These are followed in the second and subsequent decades by a very high risk of carcinomas of the head and neck and anogenital region, and a small continuing risk of leukemia. In order to characterize base pair-level disease-associated (DA) and population genetic variation in FANC genes and the segregation of this variation in the human population, we identified 2948 unique FANC gene variants including 493 FA DA variants across 57,240 potential base pair variation sites in the 16 FANC genes. We then analyzed the segregation of this variation in the 7578 subjects included in the Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) and the 1000 Genomes Project (1KGP). There was a remarkably high frequency of FA DA variants in ESP/1KGP subjects: at least 1 FA DA variant was identified in 78.5% (5950 of 7578) individuals included in these two studies. Six widely used functional prediction algorithms correctly identified only a third of the known, DA FANC missense variants. We also identified FA DA variants that may be good candidates for different types of mutation-specific therapies. Our results demonstrate the power of direct DNA sequencing to detect, estimate the frequency of and follow the segregation of deleterious genetic variation in human populations. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  4. Multivariable Discriminant Analysis for the Differential Diagnosis of Microcytic Anemia

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    Eloísa Urrechaga


    Full Text Available Introduction. Iron deficiency anemia and thalassemia are the most common causes of microcytic anemia. Powerful statistical computer programming enables sensitive discriminant analyses to aid in the diagnosis. We aimed at investigating the performance of the multiple discriminant analysis (MDA to the differential diagnosis of microcytic anemia. Methods. The training group was composed of 200 β-thalassemia carriers, 65 α-thalassemia carriers, 170 iron deficiency anemia (IDA, and 45 mixed cases of thalassemia and acute phase response or iron deficiency. A set of potential predictor parameters that could detect differences among groups were selected: Red Blood Cells (RBC, hemoglobin (Hb, mean cell volume (MCV, mean cell hemoglobin (MCH, and RBC distribution width (RDW. The functions obtained with MDA analysis were applied to a set of 628 consecutive patients with microcytic anemia. Results. For classifying patients into two groups (genetic anemia and acquired anemia, only one function was needed; 87.9% β-thalassemia carriers, and 83.3% α-thalassemia carriers, and 72.1% in the mixed group were correctly classified. Conclusion. Linear discriminant functions based on hemogram data can aid in differentiating between IDA and thalassemia, so samples can be efficiently selected for further analysis to confirm the presence of genetic anemia.

  5. Educação para a genética em saúde pública: um estudo de caso sobre a anemia falciforme Genetics education in public health: a case study on sickle cell anaemia in Brazil

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    Debora Diniz


    Full Text Available A anemia falciforme é a doença genética de maior prevalência na população brasileira e comumente apontada como uma questão de saúde pública. O Brasil tem investido na elaboração de ações no campo da anemia falciforme, dentre as quais se encontram ações educativas. Este artigo analisa alguns dos impactos causados pelas informações contidas no folheto educativo Anemia falciforme: um problema nosso, do Ministério da Saúde. O objetivo foi descrever e analisar como, após a leitura do folheto, pessoas com diferentes níveis de escolaridade compreendem a distinção entre traço e a anemia falciforme e como mensuram o risco reprodutivo de casais com o traço falciforme. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionário aplicado com 1.007 pessoas, em 11 cidades brasileiras, no período de junho a setembro de 2003. Os dados revelam que: a educação formal é fator fundamental para compreensão do folheto; a confusão entre traço e anemia falciformes permanece apesar de o folheto destacar a diferença entre ambas; e o risco reprodutivo de nascimento de futuras crianças com anemia falciforme é sobrevalorizado. Os resultados apontam para a tensão entre estratégias de prevenção de doenças e de promoção da autonomia reprodutiva, uma característica da nova genética.The sickle cell anaemia is the genetic disease with the highest prevalence in Brazil and it is considered a public health matter. Brazil has proposed medical actions to control sickle cell anaemia. This paper analyses some impacts of the educative brochure Anemia falciforme: um problema nosso (Sickle Cell Anaemia: a collective question, edited by the Brazilian Health Ministry. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyse how, after reading the brochure, people with different levels of education understand the difference between trace and sickle cell anaemia, and how they measure the reproductive risk of couples with the trace. The gather of information

  6. Retinal phlebitis associated with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. (United States)

    Chew, Fiona L M; Tajunisah, Iqbal


    To describe a case of retinal phlebitis associated with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Observational case report. A 44-year-old Indian man diagnosed with autoimmune hemolytic anemia presented with a 1-week history of blurred vision in both eyes. Fundus biomicroscopy revealed bilateral peripheral retinal venous sheathing and cellophane maculopathy. Fundus fluorescent angiogram showed bilateral late leakage from the peripheral venous arcades and submacular fluid accumulation. The retinal phlebitis resolved following a blood transfusion and administration of systemic steroids. Retinopathy associated with autoimmune hemolytic anemia is not well known. This is thought to be the first documentation of retinal phlebitis occurring in this condition.

  7. The Role of Secularism of State on the Relationship Between Catholic Identity, Political Orientation, and Gay Rights Issues. (United States)

    Hichy, Zira; Gerges, Mina Halim Helmy; Platania, Silvia; Santisi, Giuseppe


    In discussions of regulations governing same-sex marriage and adoption by gays and lesbians, the issue of state secularism is often called into question. This study aims to test the mediating effects of state secularism on the relationship between Catholic identity, political orientation, and gay civil rights. Participants were Catholic Italians who completed a questionnaire measuring the constructs under investigation. Results showed that state secularism mediates the effects of Catholic identity and political orientation on attitudes toward same-sex marriage and adoption by gays and lesbians.

  8. Reticulocyte maturity indices in iron deficiency anemia

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    Muriel Wollmann


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the reticulocyte maturity indices (low, medium, and high fluorescence ratios in iron deficient 1- to 6-year-old children, and identify the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in this population. Methods: The present study included 39 subjects, divided into two groups: control subjects (n = 33, and subjects with iron deficiency anemia (n = 6. The results were analyzed by Student's t-test for comparison of means. Differences were considered significant when two-tailed p-value < 0.05. Results: Subjects with iron deficiency anemia presented increases in the proportion of mean (10.3 ± 4.7% vs. 6.0 ± 3.4%; p-value = 0.003, and high fluorescence reticulocytes (2.3 ± 0.87% vs. 0.9 ± 0.9%; p-value = 0.03 compared to the control group. The prevalence of anemia in this population was 15% (n = 6. Conclusion: The indices related to immaturity of reticulocytes are higher in the presence of iron deficiency, thus demonstrating a deficiency in the raw material to form hemoglobin and are, therefore, possible early markers of iron deficiency and anemia. We emphasize the need to standardize these indices for use in clinical practice and lab test results.

  9. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... an increased risk for iron-deficiency anemia because of your age, unhealthy environments, family ... 12 months, especially if they are fed only breast milk or are fed formula that is not fortified ...

  10. Measurement of Secular Motion Frequency in Miniature Paul Trap to Ascertain the Stability Parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bin, Guo; Hua, Guan; Qu, Liu; Yao, Huang; Xue-Ren, Huang; Ke-Lin, Gao


    40 Ca + ions are trapped and laser cooled in a miniature Paul trap. The secular motion was observed by the radio-frequency resonance of the ion cloud and Zeeman profile sidebands of a single ion experimentally. The trap stability parameters a and q are determined with an uncertainty under 1 % by the secular motion frequency measurement. The trap efficiency is 0.75. A practicable suggestion is given for the benefits of a new trap design. (atomic and molecular physics)

  11. Predicting Precession Rates from Secular Dynamics for Extra-solar Multi-planet Systems (United States)

    Van Laerhoven, Christa


    Considering the secular dynamics of multi-planet systems provides substantial insight into the interactions between planets in those systems. Secular interactions are those that don't involve knowing where a planet is along its orbit, and they dominate when planets are not involved in mean motion resonances. These interactions exchange angular momentum among the planets, evolving their eccentricities and inclinations. To second order in the planets' eccentricities and inclinations, the eccentricity and inclination perturbations are decoupled. Given the right variable choice, the relevant differential equations are linear and thus the eccentricity and inclination behaviors can be described as a sum of eigenmodes. Since the underlying structure of the secular eigenmodes can be calculated using only the planets' masses and semi-major axes, one can elucidate the eccentricity and inclination behavior of planets in exoplanet systems even without knowing the planets' current eccentricities and inclinations. I have calculated both the eccentricity and inclination secular eigenmodes for the population of known multi-planet systems whose planets have well determined masses and periods and have used this to predict what range of pericenter precession (and nodal regression) rates the planets may have. One might have assumed that in any given system the planets with shorter periods would have faster precession rates, but I show that this is not necessarily the case. Planets that are 'loners' have narrow ranges of possible precession rates, while planets that are 'groupies' can have a wider range of possible precession rates. Several planets are expected to undergo significant precession on few-year timescales and many planets (though not the majority of planets) will undergo significant precession on decade timescales.


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    S. V. Trophimov


    Full Text Available The proposed paper outlines concepts of the Religious individualism in modern Western society analyzed by the French sociologist Danièle Hervieu-Léger in “Religion in movement (1999”. Author proposes an assessment of the religious situation in the French society at the end of the XX century and discuss some examples. Particular attention is given to crisis of secular regulation of the religious in the modern society. The weakening of the regulatory capacity of religious institutions leads to a weakening of the secular state. Religious institutions should be able to implement the regime of the truth of faith, which makes the institutional power of the superior guarantor of common faith principles shared by all believers of the denomination. The system of “copying” the structures of the Catholic Church of the XVIII century adopted by the secular state, today is not more correspond nor religious organizations in general, neither even the modern structures of the organization of the Catholic Church in France, that become a problem for a state-confessional relation. Modern institutional disorganization in the religious field, contributing to the destabilization of the French model of secularism, weakened by political cultural and economic liberalization that undermine its principles values that historically based secular system itself. Institutional crisis of the truths of faith approval favours an increase in the number of belief systems of individual communities. The problem can not be solved a priori, legally separating the traditional, “recognized by law” and other religions. The changing religious situation the state must find a new model of interaction with religious groups and organizations. The material is useful for comparative studies of the religious situation in Russia and Western Europe.

  13. Fanconi anemia proteins in telomere maintenance. (United States)

    Sarkar, Jaya; Liu, Yie


    Mammalian chromosome ends are protected by nucleoprotein structures called telomeres. Telomeres ensure genome stability by preventing chromosome termini from being recognized as DNA damage. Telomere length homeostasis is inevitable for telomere maintenance because critical shortening or over-lengthening of telomeres may lead to DNA damage response or delay in DNA replication, and hence genome instability. Due to their repetitive DNA sequence, unique architecture, bound shelterin proteins, and high propensity to form alternate/secondary DNA structures, telomeres are like common fragile sites and pose an inherent challenge to the progression of DNA replication, repair, and recombination apparatus. It is conceivable that longer the telomeres are, greater is the severity of such challenges. Recent studies have linked excessively long telomeres with increased tumorigenesis. Here we discuss telomere abnormalities in a rare recessive chromosomal instability disorder called Fanconi Anemia and the role of the Fanconi Anemia pathway in telomere biology. Reports suggest that Fanconi Anemia proteins play a role in maintaining long telomeres, including processing telomeric joint molecule intermediates. We speculate that ablation of the Fanconi Anemia pathway would lead to inadequate aberrant structural barrier resolution at excessively long telomeres, thereby causing replicative burden on the cell. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  14. [Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA)]. (United States)

    Kaiser, A; Meier, H P; Straub, R; Gerber, V


    Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) is a reportable, eradicable epizootic disease caused by the equine lentivirus of the retrovirus family which affects equids only and occurs worldwide. The virus is transmitted by blood, mainly by sanguivorous insects. The main symptoms of the disease are pyrexia, apathy, loss of body condition and weight, anemia, edema and petechia. However, infected horses can also be inapparent carriers without any overt signs. The disease is diagnosed by serological tests like the Coggins test and ELISA tests. Presently, Switzerland is offi cially free from EIA. However, Switzerland is permanently at risk of introducing the virus as cases of EIA have recently been reported in different European countries.

  15. An analysis of anemia and child mortality

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brabin, B. J.; Premji, Z.; Verhoeff, F.


    The relationship of anemia as a risk factor for child mortality was analyzed by using cross-sectional, longitudinal and case-control studies, and randomized trials. Five methods of estimation were adopted: 1) the proportion of child deaths attributable to anemia; 2) the proportion of anemic children

  16. Management of Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole Haagen; Ainsworth, Mark; Coskun, Mehmet


    Anemia is the most frequent complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but anemia, mostly due to iron deficiency, has long been neglected in these patients. The aim was to briefly present the pathophysiology, followed by a balanced overview of the different forms of iron replacement...... available, and subsequently, to perform a systematic review of studies performed in the last decade on the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in IBD. Given that intravenous therapies have been introduced in the last decade, a systematic review performed in PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library......, and the websites of WHO, FDA, and EMA covered prospective trials investigating the management of iron-deficiency anemia in IBD published since 2004. A total of 632 articles were reviewed, and 13 articles (2906 patients) with unique content were included. In general, oral supplementation in iron-deficiency anemia...

  17. When Science Replaces Religion: Science as a Secular Authority Bolsters Moral Sensitivity.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Onurcan Yilmaz

    Full Text Available Scientific and religious thinking compete with each other on several levels. For example, activating one generally weakens the other. Since priming religion is known to increase moral behaviour and moral sensitivity, priming science might be expected to have the opposite effect. However, it was recently demonstrated that, on the contrary, science priming increases moral sensitivity as well. The present set of studies sought to replicate this effect and test two explanations for it. Study 1 used a sentence unscrambling task for implicitly priming the concept of science but failed to replicate its effect on moral sensitivity, presumably due to a ceiling effect. Study 2 replicated the effect with a new measure of moral sensitivity. Study 3 tested whether science-related words create this effect by activating the idea of secular authority or by activating analytic thinking. It was demonstrated that words related to secular authority, but not words related to analytic thinking, produced a similar increase in moral sensitivity. Religiosity level of the participants did not influence this basic finding. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that science as a secular institution has overtaken some of the functions of religion in modern societies.

  18. When Science Replaces Religion: Science as a Secular Authority Bolsters Moral Sensitivity. (United States)

    Yilmaz, Onurcan; Bahçekapili, Hasan G


    Scientific and religious thinking compete with each other on several levels. For example, activating one generally weakens the other. Since priming religion is known to increase moral behaviour and moral sensitivity, priming science might be expected to have the opposite effect. However, it was recently demonstrated that, on the contrary, science priming increases moral sensitivity as well. The present set of studies sought to replicate this effect and test two explanations for it. Study 1 used a sentence unscrambling task for implicitly priming the concept of science but failed to replicate its effect on moral sensitivity, presumably due to a ceiling effect. Study 2 replicated the effect with a new measure of moral sensitivity. Study 3 tested whether science-related words create this effect by activating the idea of secular authority or by activating analytic thinking. It was demonstrated that words related to secular authority, but not words related to analytic thinking, produced a similar increase in moral sensitivity. Religiosity level of the participants did not influence this basic finding. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that science as a secular institution has overtaken some of the functions of religion in modern societies.

  19. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 in aplastic anemia, Fanconi anemia and hematopoietic stem cells. (United States)

    Van Wassenhove, Lauren D; Mochly-Rosen, Daria; Weinberg, Kenneth I


    Maintenance of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) compartment depends on the ability to metabolize exogenously and endogenously generated toxins, and to repair cellular damage caused by such toxins. Reactive aldehydes have been demonstrated to cause specific genotoxic injury, namely DNA interstrand cross-links. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) is a member of a 19 isoenzyme ALDH family with different substrate specificities, subcellular localization, and patterns of expression. ALDH2 is localized in mitochondria and is essential for the metabolism of acetaldehyde, thereby placing it directly downstream of ethanol metabolism. Deficiency in ALDH2 expression and function are caused by a single nucleotide substitution and resulting amino acid change, called ALDH2*2. This genetic polymorphism affects 35-45% of East Asians (about ~560 million people), and causes the well-known Asian flushing syndrome, which results in disulfiram-like reactions after ethanol consumption. Recently, the ALDH2*2 genotype has been found to be associated with marrow failure, with both an increased risk of sporadic aplastic anemia and more rapid progression of Fanconi anemia. This review discusses the unexpected interrelationship between aldehydes, ALDH2 and hematopoietic stem cell biology, and in particular its relationship to Fanconi anemia. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. The equations of motion of a secularly precessing elliptical orbit (United States)

    Casotto, S.; Bardella, M.


    The equations of motion of a secularly precessing ellipse are developed using time as the independent variable. The equations are useful when integrating numerically the perturbations about a reference trajectory which is subject to secular perturbations in the node, the argument of pericentre and the mean motion. Usually this is done in connection with Encke's method to ensure minimal rectification frequency. Similar equations are already available in the literature, but they are either given based on the true anomaly as the independent variable or in mixed mode with respect to time through the use of a supporting equation to track the anomaly. The equations developed here form a complete and independent set of six equations in time. Reformulations both of Escobal's and Kyner and Bennett's equations are also provided which lead to a more concise form.