
Sample records for sector automotriz venezolano

  1. Perfil logístico de colombia sector automotriz


    Gómez Bayter, Jose Manuel; Moreno Serrato, Daniel Felipe


    Mediante este proyecto se caracteriza la situación actual del sector automotriz en Colombia a través de las oportunidades y amenazas que presenta hoy en día el sector a partir de la situación económica mundial y la importancia del sector automotriz para el mundo y otros sectores de la economía dadas sus condiciones de arrastre debido al impacto de la globalización y la celebración de nuevos tratados de libre comercia para el país. Se identifica la importancia del sector debido a su relaci...



    Jos Cervera C; Lilia Mendoza Vega


    Este artículo presenta el diseño de una unidad de gestión del conocimiento en una empresa del sector automotriz, teniendo en cuenta que la fuente vital del crecimiento económico de todo país desarrollado es el poder incrementar sus niveles de productividad, la cual está basada en la capacidad de sus industrias para innovar y perfeccionarse. Esto no es ajeno a las empresas del sector automotriz, ya que el dinamismo industrial en Colombia ha permitido su reactivación en los últimos años, especi...

  3. Especificación de Requerimientos para el Desarrollo de Software Automotriz en México

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    Jorge R. Aguilar Cisneros


    Full Text Available Actualmente, dentro del sector automotriz, México es reconocido a nivel mundial, como un excelente país ensamblador, sin embargo, países como Alemania, Estados Unidos y Japón, entre otros, son reconocidos mundialmente además de ensambladores como países innovadores de éste sector. Bajo este escenario, se propone que México incursione en la investigación e innovación automotriz, particularmente, en el área de desarrollo de sistemas de software automotriz embebido tanto críticos como no críticos. Para llevar a cabo esta propuesta, en este artículo se presenta la situación del desarrollo de software automotriz en México, así como una revisión de los principales modelos de ciclo de vida, estándares y herramientas utilizadas en la construcción de sistemas de software automotriz embebido. De manera particular, presentamos la especificación de requerimientos para el sector automotriz, como un área inicial de atención.

  4. Plan estratégico para el sector de comercio automotriz de vehículos ligeros del Perú


    Cabrera Santa Cruz, María Julia; Hernández Montoya, Marianella; Rojas Rivera, Mashell Sadith; Valencia Zúñiga, César


    xv, 148 h. : il. ; 30 cm. El presente documento propone el Planeamiento Estratégico del Sector de Comercio Automotriz de Vehículos Ligeros de vehículos ligeros en el Perú. Para ello, se han desarrollado 10 capítulos de manera metódica y según la teoría propuesta por D’Alessio (2013), con el objetivo de facilitar e incrementar el comercio automotriz de vehículos ligeros de vehículos ligeros y la producción de autopartes; teniendo en cuenta que el Perú no es un país productor,...

  5. Especificación de Requerimientos para el Desarrollo de Software Automotriz en México


    Jorge R. Aguilar Cisneros; Carlos Alberto Fernández-y-Fernández


    Actualmente, dentro del sector automotriz, México es reconocido a nivel mundial, como un excelente país ensamblador, sin embargo, países como Alemania, Estados Unidos y Japón, entre otros, son reconocidos mundialmente además de ensambladores como países innovadores de éste sector. Bajo este escenario, se propone que México incursione en la investigación e innovación automotriz, particularmente, en el área de desarrollo de sistemas de software automotriz embebido tanto críticos como no crítico...


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    Jos Cervera C


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el diseño de una unidad de gestión del conocimiento en una empresa del sector automotriz, teniendo en cuenta que la fuente vital del crecimiento económico de todo país desarrollado es el poder incrementar sus niveles de productividad, la cual está basada en la capacidad de sus industrias para innovar y perfeccionarse. Esto no es ajeno a las empresas del sector automotriz, ya que el dinamismo industrial en Colombia ha permitido su reactivación en los últimos años, especialmente en Talleres de Mecánica Automotriz, quiénes poseen comportamientos complejos, ya que son organizaciones sociales donde la transcomplejidad nace como resultado de las eternas e incesantes interrelaciones entre las personas y de éstas con los subsistemas sociales de los que son parte. Abstract This paper presents the design of a unit of knowledge management in a company in automotive company’s sector, considering the vital source of economic growth in all developed country is able to increase their levels of productivity, which is based on the ability to their industries to innovate and perfect. This is no stranger to automotive companies, as industrial growth in Colombia has allowed its revival in recent years, especially in Automotive Mechanical Garages, who have complex behaviors, because they are social organizations where complexity is the result the eternal and unremitting interrelationships between people and between them and the social subsystems which they are part.

  7. Propuesta de un sistema de seguridad y salud ocupacional para una empresa del sector de mecánica automotriz


    UPC, Repositorio Academico; Rodríguez Páez, Nadya Leyla


    Se estudia la situación actual de una pequeña y mediana empresa (MYPE) que pertenece al sector de mecánica automotriz, la cual presenta el problema de sobrecostos por el incremento del número de accidentes y enfermedades ocupacionales. Ante esta situación, se propone establecer un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional que contribuya a disminuir el número de accidentes de trabajo y los sobrecostos ocasionados por ellos. Para ello, se deberá estudiar las actuales condiciones de lo...

  8. Perspectivas interculturales en la relación México – Alemania: Un acercamiento a la colaboración en el sector automotriz

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    Yolanda López García


    Full Text Available México y Alemania son socios estratégicos en diversas áreas, y el año 2016-2017 es el “Año Dual” entre estos países que históricamente han fomentado una relación cercana de cooperación tanto económica, social y cultural. Especialmente el sector automotriz es un ámbito económico de crucial importancia en esta relación, que ha presentado una apertura y diversificación a las relaciones comerciales internacionales mexicanas, más allá de la destinada a los socios miembros del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre América del Norte (TLCAN. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal, explorar, a través de entrevistas con expertos, la colaboración entre alemanes y mexicanos en una empresa alemana del sector automotriz en México. Se analiza desde un enfoque intercultural, las perspectivas y los efectos que tienen la cultura y la comunicación en el plano laboral y de los negocios; las diferencias percibidas así como las posibilidades de generar sinergias. Se discuten las medidas aplicadas por parte de la organización y las claves pendientes para facilitar la interacción intercultural.

  9. El mercado y la regulación como determinantes de la innovación ambiental del sector automotriz en México

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    Alex Covarrubias Valdenebro


    Full Text Available La literatura sobre los determinantes de la innovación ambiental, le otorga un rol importante a la regulación ambiental y al mercado. Desde la normatividad, se destaca que una aplicación diferenciada de instrumentos de política, propicia innovaciones ambientales. Mientras que, desde el lado de los factores de competencia del mercado, se destaca que los Sistemas de Manejo Ambiental tipo ISO 14001, determinan un tipo de protección ambiental proactiva. Sin embargo, tradicionalmente, ambos grupos de literatura han evolucionado por separado y su aplicación en las actividades ambientales del sector automotriz en México ha estado ausente. Este documento presenta evidencia empírica para cubrir dicha ausencia. El objetivo del artículo, es mostrar el rol de la regulación y del mercado en las acciones de innovación ambiental ( aia del sector automotriz, tanto a nivel de las prácticas organizacionales en la manufactura, como en el diseño de los automóviles que se producen y comercializan en México. La investigación se realizó a partir de entrevistas en profundidad con gerentes de manufactura encargados de la gestión ambiental, realizadas durante el 2008-2009, y con base en la elaboración de mapas tecnológicos y ambientales de los principales carros producidos y vendidos entre el 2010 y 2015.

  10. Reconversión industrial, gran empresa y efectos territoriales: El caso del sector automotriz en México

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    José Antonio Vieyra Medrano


    Full Text Available El proceso de reconversión industrial que se desarrolla en México manifiesta un impacto diferencial, al incorporar sólo ciertos territorios y determinados sectores económicos a la "nueva lógica de producción global". Esto hace que los patrones territoriales, imperantes hasta los años setenta, se vean modificados. El estudio parte del análisis de la industria manufacturera y reconoce a las empresas de gran tamaño como las de mayor capacidad para asumir dicha reestructuración. Finalmente, se estudia al sector automotriz, asumiéndolo como uno de los más importantes dentro del fenómeno de la globalización, ya que liga realidades nacionales y regionales con el actual funcionamiento de una economía mundial.In Mexico it is developing a process of rationalization of industry. It is expressed by a diferential impact, since it incorporates only some regions and certain economic sectors to the "new global production logic". This makes changes in the land patterns prevailing until the 1970 decade. The analysis leaves from manufacturing industry, identifying the big firms as the more qualified to assume that reestructuration. At last, the automobile sector is studied taking it as a more important ones into globalization phenomenon. So, it links national and regional realities with the actual world economy function.

  11. Competitividad en el Sector Automotriz en el Departamento del Atlantico // Competitiveness in the Automotive Sector in Departamento del Atlantico // Competitividade no Sector Automóvel no Departamento del Atlântico

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    jorge cervera cardenas


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca reflejar el comportamiento de crecimiento o decrecimiento del sector automotriz en el Atlántico y su relación con el mercado global. Se maneja el concepto de intrafirma para la expresión de la integración internacional de la producción, como resultado de las decisiones de las empresas transnacionales acerca de la localización de sus actividades productivas y el cuasimonopolio que indica el grado de interrelación con las empresas multinacionales. Metodológicamente se procedió a partir de los datos del SIREM (Sistema de Información y Reporte Empresarial en el departamento del Atlántico, para la identificación de los componentes principales que regula la actividad del sector en relación con los otros departamentos. Se tiene como resultado los componentes importantes para visualizar si el sector se encuentra en crecimiento o decrecimiento según los principales componentes entre los que están activos, pasivos y patrimonio de las empresas del sector, el cual se compara con otros componentes para realizar un análisis más profundo del comportamiento y así determinar el estado económico de las empresas según los resultados obtenidos para la toma de decisiones de estrategias a implementar por las empresas.

  12. Crisis y perspectivas de la industria automotriz argentina

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    Damián Andrés Bil


    Full Text Available Con la conformación del Mercosur, la automotriz argentina se expandió. Durante los últimos años alcanzó récords de producción, exportaciones y ventas; al punto que se la señala como ejemplo de una nueva etapa productiva. No obstante, desde finales de 2013 el complejo experimenta una crisis que provocó una considerable caída de los indicadores, con suspensiones e incluso despidos en las empresas de autopartes. En este artículo, proponemos revisar los indicadores de la actividad (escala y mercado, productividad, costo laboral, saldo comercial en perspectiva histórica y en el contexto de la competencia internacional. El objetivo es determinar si la situación actual corresponde a un inconveniente coyuntural, o si por el contrario expresa límites históricos que la automotriz argentina no ha superado; y sus perspectivas. *Palabras clave: Argentina, automotriz, crisis, competitividad, Mercosur

  13. Evaluación de riesgos de un taller de reparación y mantenimiento automotriz con problemas de seguridad


    Suárez, Julio


    Los Talleres de mecánica automotriz en Colombia representan un porcentaje significativo de la ocupación laboral, permitiendo que exista proliferación de talleres algunos sofisticados que utilizan tecnología actualizada para el diagnostico y la realización de sus actividades, otros que se emergieron y se mantienen en precarias condiciones sin que exista autoridad estatal que regule estos sectores laborales.

  14. Diagnóstico de la situación actual de la mecánica automotriz en el sector de la chapistería en la ciudad de Azogues y elaboración de una propuesta técnica del pintado de automóviles utilizando nuevas tecnologías con el menor impacto ambiental


    Cárdenas Sánchez, Andrés Eduardo; Tapia Quinteros, Fausto Daniel


    Observando el servicio de chapa y pintura que se oferta en la ciudad de Azogues se pudo notar la deficiencia técnica que tiene este sector de la Mecánica Automotriz, por lo que la presente tesis se enfoca hacia el diagnóstico de la Mecánica Automotriz en lo referente a chapistería para conocer exacta mente cual es la situación actual de la misma y poder implementar procesos técnicos para el desarrollo de esta actividad. El análisis también se enfoca al cuidado y protección del medio ambien...

  15. Estrategias para el desarrollo empresarial: Asociatividad en el sector plástico venezolano

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    María Antonia Cervilla de Olivieri


    Full Text Available Sobre la base de una iniciativa de colaboración puesta en marcha por un conjunto de empresas del sector plástico venezolano, este trabajo pretende ilustrar los beneficios que otorga la participación en redes empresariales e identificar los retos para su consolidación, a fin de proponer recomendaciones para el diseño de estrategias de desarrollo empresarial. La investigación se realizó siguiendo una metodología cualitativa, con base en el enfoque del estudio de caso. Se discuten los marcos conceptuales pertinentes y se presenta el caso de la Corporación de Plásticos Mirandino (CORPLAMI, consorcio de empresas fabricantes de empaques flexibles que inició actividades en 1999, describiéndose su evolución y analizando las barreras superadas para la conformación del grupo así como las amenazas a su sostenibilidad. El caso presentado está basado en la conformación de una red horizontal, donde las empresas cooperan en algunas actividades pero compiten entre sí en un mismo mercado, esperando obtener beneficios individuales de la acción conjunta. Esta experiencia muestra que el camino a seguir para la conformación de redes de empresas pasa por la definición y la ejecución de una estrategia empresaria instrumentada a través de acciones que persiguen los objetivos de mejora en la productividad y en la competitividad.

  16. Evolución de la periferia europea en la cadena de valor automotriz: lecciones aprendidas de Galicia (España

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    Jesús F. Lampón


    Full Text Available La industria automotriz llegó hace casi 60 años a Galicia de la mano de la empresa francesa Peugeot-Citroën. En este lapso de tiempo se han producido cambios en el sistema productivo que ha permitido una evolución hacia actividades de mayor valor añadido. La disponibilidad de un tejido institucional sólido, la alta cualificación del empleo y el desarrollo de un entramado productivo con base local, han sido algunos de los factores clave en esta evolución. Las lecciones obtenidas pueden constituir una referencia para otras regiones periféricas del sector automotriz. Sin embargo, la industria de la región vislumbra una serie de retos que tendrá que acometer y que serán extensibles a otras regiones. Estos retos exigen un enfoque que integre al tejido productivo, las administraciones públicas y la sociedad.

  17. Dinámicas territoriales de la industria automotriz argentina (1990-2012

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    Matías Donato Laborde


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo propone contribuir al análisis de las dinámicas territoriales vinculadas al funcionamiento de la industria automotriz argentina en los periodos de la convertibilidad y post convertibilidad. En este marco, se analizarán las principales características de la industria automotriz teniendo en cuenta las políticas públicas, las diferentes estrategias desplegadas por las empresas y los intercambios comerciales, asimismo se utilizan fuentes estadísticas del INDEC, la AFAC (Asociación de Fábricas Argentinas de Componentes y ADEFA (Asociación de Fábricas de Automotores.

  18. El aprendizaje visto por los estudiantes venezolanos

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    Berta Elena Barrios


    Full Text Available En el siguiente trabajo se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre las con-cepciones del aprendizaje de un grupo de estudiantes venezolanos de educa-ción primaria y media. Se trató de replicar el instrumento y procedimiento deanálisis utilizado por los investigadores Berry y Sahlberg (1996, con el objetivode caracterizar cómo conciben el aprendizaje estudiantes venezolanos entre 11y 15 años de edad y compararlo con sus pares ingleses y finlandeses. El análi-sis de resultados se basó en los criterios propuestos por dichos autores, deno-minados Pasos para un Buen Aprendizaje. Los hallazgos indican que los estu-diantes venezolanos conciben el aprendizaje como memorizar conocimientos,básicamente escolares, enseñados por los docentes. Las concepciones deambas poblaciones se ubican en una visión pasiva del aprendizaje. Se discutela vinculación de las concepciones del aprendizaje con las prácticas de la escuela.

  19. Segmentación del mercado laboral venezolano desde una perspectiva de género


    Muñoz de C., Samaria V.; Pinilla, Bernarda


    Este trabajo analiza la segmentación del mercado laboral venezolano a través de la metodología del Análisis de Correspondencia Múltiple para el año 2009. Los resultados muestran que el género y la educación universitaria son elementos segmentadores del mercado laboral en cuanto a: grupo de ocupación, rama de actividad, sector de ocupación, tamaño de la empresa y el nivel de ingreso. Se muestra que en Venezuela el invertir en capital humano incrementa las posibilidades de accede...

  20. Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de un taller de mantenimiento automotriz especializado en vehículos livianos e híbridos en el sector del Valle de los Chillos, Provincia de Pichincha.


    Villagómez Calvopiña, Nelson Daniel


    El mantenimiento automotriz es una actividad de mucha relevancia que inclusive existen carreras dedicadas exclusivamente al estudio de la mecánica automotriz que tiene como uno de sus objetivos profesionalizar esta actividad que por muchos años ha sido realizada empíricamente. El crecimiento anual del parque automotor es sin duda uno de los factores que motivan la investigación de este proyecto. Es evidente que a mayor cantidad de vehículos en las vías va a existir mayor dem...

  1. La construcción de sentido (‘sensemaking’) de un entorno estratégico turbulento por parte de los altos directivos: un estudio en una multinacional automotriz


    Gamba Ramírez, Jodie Katharine; Sanabria, Mauricio


    Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada al interior de dos contextos. Por un lado, el teórico, en el marco de uno de los discursos más relevantes en los campos de la estrategia organizacional, de la managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) y, en general, de los estudios organizacionales (organization studies): la construcción de sentido (sensemaking). Por el otro, el empírico, en una de las grandes compañías multinacionales del sector automotriz con presencia...

  2. El modelo socioproductivo impulsado por el Estado venezolano, 2007-2013: algunos impactos territoriales


    María Andreina Salas-Bourgoin; Gloria Yulier Cadena Montero; Delfina Trinca Fighera; Nubis Miriam Pulido


    Para aproximarse a algunos de los impactos territoriales del modelo socioproductivo venezolano es necesario conocer algunos antecedentes de la organización del espacio, así como identificar los motivos y las premisas bajos las cuales, el Estado venezolano impulsa un ‘nuevo modelo económico productivo’. En la implementación de este nuevo modelo, el Estado se sustenta en un conjunto de leyes, planes y programas que proponen cambios en las relaciones sociales de producción, lo que no excluye...

  3. Trajectorias tecnologicas existentes y emergentes hacia 2020 : Una panoramica de la industria automotriz global

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vallejo, B.; Martinez Martinez, Adriana; Jorge, Carrillo Viveros


    En este libro, coordinado por Adriana Martínez y Jorge Carrillo, se presentan nueve capítulos en los que diversos especialistas analizan las transformaciones recientes de la industria automotriz desde una perspectiva regional, pero que obedece a los cambios y tendencias internacionales. Dichas

  4. Desarrollo empresarial como eje transversal para la competitividad en el sector portuario Venezolano

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    Ada Maritza Pérez Cárdenas


    Full Text Available El desarrollo Regional del Caribe Venezolano, está conformado por los principales puertos marítimos de Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello y La Guaira. Los cuales se encuentran ubicados en el eje Andino, que está constituido por cinco países: Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Perú y Venezuela. Donde promocionan un sistema de coordinación para la planificación estratégica de la integración física y sincronización de las actividades de comercio internacional. El Eje Andino se caracteriza por articular los principales aeropuertos internacionales y los puertos marítimos de los cinco países. Originando esto un punto estratégico para las negociaciones internacionales y el desarrollo económico social y cultural para lograr un impacto en las funciones comerciales.En Venezuela sus principales centros urbanos, lo componen las ciudades de Caracas, Maracay, Valencia, Maracaibo, Puerto La Cruz, Barcelona, Ciudad Guayana y San Cristóbal. Dentro del eje andino Venezuela es el punto de enlace ferroviario de Caracas con la red nacional, así como brindar apoyo a la negociación comercial en el eje fluvial Orinoco Apure.Palabras Clave: Desarrollo; Eje Transversal; Punto de Enlace. Business development as cross shaft for competitiveness in the port sectorAbstractThe development of the Venezuelan Caribbean Regional, is formed by. major seaports Maracaibo Puerto Cabello and La Guaira. Which are located in the Andean axis, which is formed by five countries, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. Which promoted a system of coordination for the strategic planning of the integration of physical and disincronizacion international trade activities. The Andean axis is characterized by articulating the major international airports and seaports of the five countries.Causing it a strategic point for international negotiations in Venezuela the main urban centers, it comprises the cities of Caracas, Maracay, Valencia, Maracaibo, Puerto La Cruz, Barcelona, Ciudad Guayana and

  5. Propuesta metodológica para el análisis empírico de los cambios ocurridos en el sector agroalimentario venezolano.


    Castillo López, Ricardo; Morales Espinoza, Agustín


    1.- Artículos Tenencia de la tierra y desarrollo rural sostenible: algunos puntos para la reflexión en el caso venezolano. Land tenure and sustained rural development: points for reflecting on the Venezuelan case. Tenure de la terre et développement rural durable : quelques points pour la réflexion dans le cas du Venezuela. Delahaye, Olivier Paradigmas del mercado financiero rural en países en desarrollo. Paradigms in the rural financial markets in developing countries. ...

  6. Comercio de café venezolano, siglos XIX y XX

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    Consuelo Ascanio Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Entre 1870 y 1930 en el mercado cafetero mundial, francés y venezolano coexistían una conjunción variada de unidades de medidas, signos monetarios, denominaciones del producto o fornom, normas y reglamentos mercantiles y órganos informantes, elementos que proporcionaban una identidad muy particular a la actividad cafetera, constituyéndola en un mundo aparte. Al descifrar la relación comercial de estos dos países, a través del comercio de café, enfrentamos a una Venezuela, de carácter liberal, con una Francia, que aplicaba tradicionales medidas proteccionistas; en donde las reglas de juego eran impuestos por el Estado francés y los comerciantes franceses y, aceptadas, de alguna forma por los venezolanos, quienes ponían el producto de su trabajo agriculto y mercantil al servicio de intermediarios y consumidores, sin lograr tasas de retorno que favorecieran cambios económicos de impacto importante.

  7. Propuesta para la vinculación de estudiantes de secundaria a la carrera de Ingeniería Automotriz en la ciudad de Cuenca


    Chávez Japón, Edisson Danilo; Quezada Tocto, Diego Mauricio


    Este proyecto permitirá conseguir las causas del desinterés por las especialidades técnicas en especial por la electromecánica automotriz en la UETS y así obtener una propuesta para la vinculación de estudiantes de secundaria a la Ingeniería Automotriz mediante el diseño, construcción y competición de un coche eléctrico elaborado por los estudiantes y un mentor. This project will get the causes of disinterest in technical specialties, especially for the electro-mechanical automotive in the...

  8. Propuesta estratégica de marketing para la comercialización de productos plásticos venezolanos en el mercado costarricense


    Steblina de Zambrado, Jessica Alexandra


    Tesis de maestría -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Posgrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Maestría Profesional en Administración y Dirección de Empresas con énfasis en Mercadeo y Ventas, 2006 El objetivo general del trabajo es brindar un marco de referencia basado en la investigación de mercados para los productos manufacturados de plástico de origen venezolano, a saber: envases y tapas plásticas del sector farmacéutico, en el mercado costarricense, con el fin de ofrecer a los ex...

  9. Plan de Negocios para una Organización de Servicios de Capacitación en Actualización Tecnológica Automotriz


    Fernández Palomeque, Pablo Andrés


    El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar un modelo de plan de negocios para ésta organización que presta servicios de capacitación en actualización tecnológica automotriz. La empresa proporciona cursos de capacitación en Actualización Tecnológica Automotriz, tales como inyección electrónica de combustible, frenos ABS, AIR-BAG, electrónica básica y electrónica aplicada al automotor. Además brinda asesoramiento permanente y equipamiento electrónico especializado al personal de técnicos dedicados ...

  10. Industria automotriz y TLCAN: Las empresas estadounidenses

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    Julio Castellanos Elías


    Full Text Available En la perspectiva de la industria automotriz el TLCAN fue el resultado de las estrategias que siguieron las ensambladoras de autos General Motor, Ford y Chrysler para tener acceso al mercado mexicano tanto como proveedor de mano de obra barata, abundante y calificada, como de un mercado para sus productos. También se conseguía el acceso a un país que les facilitó ventajas fiscales y laborales. En los 20 años del TLCAN las políticas en la industria han sido dictadas por estas armadoras. En el 2013 se ensamblaron en México más de 3 millones de vehículos, se emplean a más de 65 mil trabajadores en las plantas armadoras y 530 mil en la industria de autopartes.

  11. Movimiento sindical venezolano y flexibilización laboral


    Añez Hernández, Carmen


    Este trabajo tiene como propósito explorar el movimiento sindical venezolano y la flexibilización laboral, identificando su aplicación, las acciones del movimiento sindical y la alianza surgida entre el Estado-sindicato-trabajadores para superar la precarización laboral. Los resultados reflejan que la flexibilización laboral en Venezuela generó consecuencias negativas a los trabajadores, porque perdieron su estabilidad en el empleo y los beneficios contractuales. Dicha situa...

  12. Participación comunitaria: otra mirada al sistema de salud venezolano

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    Adriana Farías-Suárez


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo presenta un bosquejo sobre el sistema de salud venezolano del siglo XX y los cambios que se están gestando a partir de la aprobación de la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela de 1999. La evolución histórica del sistema de salud sugiere el estudio de las políticas de estado que históricamente han impuesto un modelo administrativo con rasgos burocráticos (Waiitzkin, 1981 cercenando la participación comunitaria en el sistema de salud. La influencia socio-política ha propiciado un deterioro creciente del sistema de salud, convirtiéndolo en un sistema excluyente y deficiente. Desde la ejecución de la letra de la carta magna, el Estado venezolano ha generado formas de organización que dan paso a la participación comunitaria en asuntos competentes al área de la salud (CRBV, 1999. Para lograr la sinergia entre la comunidad, las instituciones y las políticas de salud se hace urgente diseñar un modelo de participación comunitaria, a partir de la experiencia de los comités de salud que sirva de soporte para el fortalecimiento de dicha dinámica. El trabajo de los comités de salud impulsará el sistema de salud venezolano que se encuentra en etapa de transformación. Se realizó una revisión de tipo documental trabajando como paradigma epistemológico el materialismo dialéctico (Marx, 1973.

  13. Plan de marketing para el posicionamiento de mercado del Taller Automotriz "Los Turbos".


    Lomas Lomas, Shirley Karina; Riera Cevallos, Jenny Belén


    Propuesta de un plan de marketing para mejorar el posicionamiento del taller automotriz “Los Turbos”, a través de la evaluación del comportamiento del cliente y el diseño de estrategias, que permitan al negocio obtener una ventaja competitiva, incrementando la cuota de mercado y las ventas crezcan. Proposal for a marketing plan to improve the positioning of the business "Turbos", through the evaluation of customer behavior and designing strategies that allow the business to obtain a ...

  14. La industria automotriz en América del Norte después de la crisis 2008: efectos en Canadá

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    Elisa Dávalos


    Full Text Available La industria automotriz de América del Norte ha enfrentado presiones que han generado la relocalización regional, en la que Canadá, como ensamblador, disminuyó en las tres automotrices de Detroit, (GM, Ford y Chrysler, 3-D. A quienes la crisis financiera mundial de 2008, en el difícil contexto de la industria, (lucha por mercados, presiones de competitividad, requerimientos de cambios energéticos y tecnológicos, como el bajo dinamismo de mercados maduros obligó a ajustes y emprender la relocalización a zonas de mano de obra no sindicalizada y/o de bajos salarios. Esto ocasionó que Canadá perdiera peso en la industria automotriz. Resta por examinar el escenario con el recién electo presidente de Estados Unidos y sus políticas proteccionistas, y cómo podrían afectar esa relocalización ante las estrategias de priorizar el territorio de Estados Unidos.

  15. Análisis Competitivo por parte de los talleres de servicio automotriz, mediante el uso del valor percibido por el cliente

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    Jaime Baby Moreno


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata del uso del Valor Percibido por el Cliente (VPC como herramienta para el análisis competitivo por parte de talleres de reparación y mantenimiento automotriz. Se muestra cómo se determinan tanto la importancia relativa de los atributos que los compradores tienen en cuenta para evaluar el desempeño de un taller automotriz, como la evaluación de desempeño, realizada por los compradores de los "Talleres de los concesionarios" y de aquellos que son propiedad de individuos. Posteriormente, se ilustra la manera como unos y otros visualizan su posición competitiva. También muestra la brecha entre los valores ideales esperados y los percibidos por el mercado, la cual se constituye en una especie de "mapa" de oportunidades para las firmas actualmente presentes en el mercado y para nuevos participantes.

  16. Biorremediación de un suelo agrícola impactado con aceite residual automotriz


    Pasaye Anaya, Lizbeth


    El aceite residual automotriz (ARA) derivado del uso de automotores es una mezcla de hidrocarburos (HC) alifáticos, aromáticos y otros que en el suelo impide la actividad microbiana para el reciclaje de elementos esenciales para la vida. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la biorremediación (BR) por bioestimulación (BS) de un suelo agrícola impactado con ARA. Para ello, el suelo contaminado con la mezcla de HC se biorremedió por BS con una solución mineral (SM), lombricomposta (LC) y ab...

  17. La industria automotriz en tres regiones de México. Un análisis de clusters

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    Kurt Unger Rubín


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la competitividad de la industria automotriz mexicana conjugando la delimitación espacial de las regiones económicas, la madurez y el dinamismo de innovación de los sectores líderes, y la dinámica que confiere la integración de la red o clusters de las empresas y sectores en la localidad. El análisis muestra diferencias entre tres regiones y sus estados en cuanto a especialización y grado de diversificación, tanto en función de los recursos naturales de cada entidad como en el aprovechamiento de la experiencia industrial acumulada. En ciertos estados se perciben características de integración entre industrias que subrayan la importancia de los provee - dores de equipos, insumos de la industria siderúrgica y servicios especializados para una integración más dinámica y completa entre usuarios-productores de la industria de automotores y autopartes. Algunas regiones desarrollan mayores enlaces, en tanto que otras mantienen un desarrollo de tipo enclave de las operaciones de ensamble de automóviles o una especialización en ciertas partes para ser exportadas. La localización obedece a múltiples factores de atracción y de selección estratégi ca por los actores o empresas específicas. Un resultado importan te es reducir o matizar la importancia del costo laboral perse. El diferencial salarial no es de terminante para discriminar contra la localización en determinados estados o regiones. Otras ventajas más importantes que compensan costos son la productividad y la competitividad sistémica de integración a las capacidades e insumos industriales locales.

  18. La manipulación mediática en el conflicto venezolano

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    Lic. Antonio Jesús Frías Delgado


    Full Text Available Los orígenes del problema venezolano se remontan a más de cuarenta años en el tiempo. Desde 1958, la relación entre política, economía y sociedad estaba basada: en que las corporaciones que tenían vida social en Venezuela como la iglesia, los sindicatos, los grupos políticos y económicos "se repartían el pastel petrolero", siendo copartícipes del usufructo de la renta petrolera, a través de relaciones de clientelismo, burocratismo, subsidios y ayudas compensatorias. Con estas relaciones se aseguraban la gobernabilidad, sobre la base de una relación de eficacia del estado y de los agentes políticos, satisfaciendo las necesidades de las corporaciones y de los ciudadanos. El sistema político venezolano, basado en una democracia consensual, sólo pudo funcionar durante cuarenta años por el reparto entre los agentes sociales y políticos del usufructo de la renta petrolera; esto empezó a cambiar cuando los índices económicos en Venezuela sufrieron una modificación importante: aumentó la inflación y el desempleo, disminuyó la inversión de capital y todo esto provocó la incapacidad del estado para continuar siendo eficaz.

  19. Síndrome de Aicardi: Descripción de cuatro casos venezolanos


    Suárez-Villalobos, Pilar; Peña, Joaquín A; Calzadilla, Laura; Ruíz, María; Mora-La Cruz, Eduardo


    El síndrome de Aicardi (SA) se caracteriza por agenesia del cuerpo calloso, espasmos infantiles y lesiones lacunares coriorretinianas. Su espectro evolutivo es variable, con pronóstico habitualmente muy grave en los primeros cinco años de vida. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el espectro del fenotipo clínico y evolución de este trastorno en cuatro pacientes venezolanos. Todas las pacientes evaluadas cumplieron los criterios diagnósticos mayores, mostraron retraso psicomotor grave y c...

  20. Modelo de producción más limpia para mejoramiento del desempeño ambiental y productivo de un taller de mecánica automotriz de vehículos livianos. Caso de estudio: Taller Automotriz Tecnobal


    Narváez Bahamonde, María Soledad


    En este aporte se realiza una investigación Exploratoria-Descriptiva dentro de los talleres de mecánica automotriz de vehículos livianos en la ciudad de Cuenca, partiendo del taller caso de estudio: Tecnobal. Se encuestó a 82 propietarios de talleres automotrices, obteniendo un diag nóstico general de la situación actual además, se recopiló información del impacto socio-ambiental y socio-económico mediante encuestas efectuadas a los vecinos de los talleres y a los operarios. Identificándose v...

  1. Estrés laboral, sensibilidad egocéntrica negativa y salud en profesionales venezolanos

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    Lila Goncalves


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la relación existente entre el estrés laboral y la sensibilidad egocéntrica negativa con el estatus de salud física y psicológica de profesionales  venezolanos. Se midieron el estrés laboral percibido, según el Modelo Demanda-Control (demanda-control-apoyo social, la sensibilidad egocéntrica negativa y el estatus salud física y psicológica autopercibida, en  441 profesionales venezolanos de diferentes disciplinas y de ambos sexos (M=220; F=220; edad X= 30 años, DT=6,52. Los resultados mostraron que el estrés laboral y la sensibilidad egocéntrica negativa impactan sobre la salud autopercibida. La sensibilidad egocéntrica negativa se relaciona positivamente con mayores demandas laborales, así como con una mayor ansiedad, depresión, reportes de enfermedad, síntomas e indicadores de morbilidad y de manera inversa con control laboral, apoyo social, autoestima y bienestar, apoyando evidencias previas sobre el efecto pervasivo de la sensibilidad egocéntrica negativa sobre la salud y el bienestar de los individuos.

  2. El papel del movimiento Quinta República en la recomposición del régimen político venezolano (1998-2000

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    Jose Honorio Martinez Torres


    Full Text Available En el presente texto se analiza cómo en medio de la descomposición del régimen político punto fijista un sector de las Fuerzas Armadas encabezó y logró constituirse en la alternativa de recomposición y relegitimación del Estado venezolano. Se describen los orígenes del Movimiento Quinta República (MVR, su orientación ideológica y discursiva, sus formas de organización y acción, las tácticas electorales que utilizó para producir un nuevo orden constitucional, los conflictos que suscitó dicho proceso y las reformas políticas y económicas más significativas que se establecieron con la Constitución Política de 1999. Finalmente se esboza la importancia que tuvieron las reformas producidas en el aparato del Estado, la renovación de los funcionarios de alto nivel, y los resultados mayoritarios obtenidos por el gobierno en los procesos electorales del período 1998-2000 para la constitución de una nueva hegemonía en la conducción del régimen político venezolano. Palabras clave: punto fijismo, Movimiento Quinta República, bolivarianismo, globalización neoliberal. __________________Abstract:In this article the author studies a sector of the Venezuelan Army that became the alternative to recompose and legitimatize the Venezuelan State during the political regime named “punto fijo”. In the same sense, it describes the creation of the Fifth Republic Movement, its ideological orientation, its structure and action process, its electoral tactics which got a new constitutional order, the conflicts coming from the emergence of such political party, and state and economic reforms by the Constitution of 1999. Finally, the author talks about the importance of the reforms, the renewal of nigh level civil servants, and the effective electoral results of the Fifth Republic Movement during the period 1998-2000, that constituted a new Venezuelan hegemonic policy order.Keywords: Punto fijo, Fifth Republic Movement, Bolivarianismo


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    Iván Darío Mercado Martínez

    Full Text Available Mediante este estudio se determinó si la técnica de electrocoagulación contribuye a minimizar la concentración de níquel y materia orgánica y la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO en las aguas residuales de la industria automotriz. Se empleó un diseño experimental factorial multinivel aleatorio en el que la densidad de la corriente y el tiempo de reacción fueron evaluados en tres niveles, mientras que la separación entre electrodos fue analizada en dos niveles. La electrocoagulación se llevó a cabo en un reactor batch usando electrodos de hierro con arreglo monopolar. Fueron utilizadas las técnicas analíticas de digestión ácida, absorción atómica de llama de aire-acetileno y reflujo cerradocolorimétrico (micro DQO para determinar el contenido de los contaminantes. Las condiciones con que se obtuvo la mayor descontaminación del agua analizada fue con la densidad de corriente aplicada: 1,04 A/dm² y tiempo de operación: 17 minutos; con estas variables se observó que la separación electródica no influyó. Los resultados indican que la electrocoagulación podría ser usada para disminuir el níquel y la materia orgánica (DQO presentes en las aguas residuales de la industria automotriz.

  4. Hitos evolutivos y reacomodo orgánico del sindicalismo venezolano en el marco de un nuevo pacto social

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    Luis Lauriño Torrealba


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza los hitos históricos más relevantes del proceso evolutivo del sindicalismo venezolano. Se discutirá la etapa de deterioro del movimiento sindical, en el que esta organización se vio arrastrada por la inercia de una crisis política, económica y social de grandes magnitudes, evidenciada durante su más reciente período a través del autodenominado “socialismo del siglo XXI”. Se mostrarán los signos y claves sociohistóricos que condujeron al sindicalismo venezolano hasta el presente, pero que a su vez le proyectarán hacia el futuro. La premisa consiste en que la organización sindical es parte subsidiaria fundamental de la institucionalidad necesaria para la revitalización del sistema democrático venezolano. Finalmente se reflexionará sobre propuestas y plantea-mientos de reconstrucción de la institucionalidad sindical y democrática. Abstract  The article analyses the crucial historical landmarks of the evolution of Trade Unionism in Venezuela. The downturn of the Trade Union movement driven by the inertia of a political, economic and social crisis of great scope, is examined as evidenced during the most recent period of the self-proclaimed ‘Socialism of the 21st Century’. This contri-bution discusses the socio-historical facts and key aspects, which led Venezuelan Trade Unionism until present times, but which at the same time will shape its future. The premise consists in that labor organization is a vital and subsidiary part of the institutional setting required for the revitalization of the Venezuelan democratic system. Finally, additional reflections will be given to developing different proposals and approaches for the recons-truction of the trade union institutional framework and democratic system.

  5. La protección se queda corta: el nuevo programa de migración de Perú para los venezolanos


    Parent, Nicolas


    La introducción en Perú de un nuevo permiso de trabajo y de estudio para los venezolanos que huyen de la violencia en su país es algo encomiable, pero solo aporta una forma de protección limitada y temporal.



    Mercado Martínez, Iván Darío; González Silva, Germán; Valencia Hurtado, Sergio Humberto


    Mediante este estudio se determinó si la técnica de electrocoagulación contribuye a minimizar la concentración de níquel y materia orgánica y la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO) en las aguas residuales de la industria automotriz. Se empleó un diseño experimental factorial multinivel aleatorio en el que la densidad de la corriente y el tiempo de reacción fueron evaluados en tres niveles, mientras que la separación entre electrodos fue analizada en dos niveles. La electrocoagulación se llevó a ...

  7. Estrés Laboral y el Síndrome de Burnout en Docentes Venezolanos


    Oramas Viera, Arlene; Almirall Hernandez, Pedro; Fernández, Ivis


    La finalidad de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia del estrés laboral percibido por docentes, la afectación por el síndrome de Burnout y la presencia de síntomas de estrés, en esta población, así como las asociaciones existentes entre estas variables. Se realizó un estudio transversal con 885 maestros venezolanos de 53 centros escolares, de los niveles de enseñanza básica y diversificada, de los Estados de Lara, Mérida y Falcón. Fue utilizado el Cuestionario de Burnout de Maslach para...

  8. Análisis de falla en evaporadores de placas de aluminio de sistemas de acondicionamiento de aire automotriz

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    Santiago Mendoza Hurtado


    Full Text Available Se caracterizaron los tipos de fallas a partir del estudio de tres perfiles de evaporadores de placas de aleación de aluminio, puestos fuera de servicio por fugas del refrigerante y obtenidos en talleres de refrigeración automotriz en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Luego se aplicaron las pruebas de la metodología del análisis de falla. Se comprobó que los mecanismos de falla fueron principalmente corrosión con algunas situaciones tendientes a fractura frágil; además, las condiciones ambientales de la ciudad de Barranquilla son factores influyentes en los mecanismos de corrosión.

  9. El proceso constituyente venezolano

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    Ricardo COMBELLAS


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La Asamblea Nacional Constituyente permitirá redefinir el marco institucional de la república venezolana. Este proceso constituyente iniciado en 1989 aborda una etapa definitiva debido al apoyo mayoritario de los venezolanos y a que ha sido asumido como bandera por el hoy presidente Hugo Chávez.El paradigma constitucional ha tenido tropiezos originados por el populismo, el clientelismo, la corrupción, la falta de un trabajo legislativo oportuno, la falta de garantías a los derechos fundamentales, el deterioro del poder judicial y la falta de una participación política abierta.Para llevar a cabo una asamblea nacional constituyente es fundamental la participación amplia que lleve a un consenso constructivo. Es decir, se tratará de iniciar el 25 de abril una constituyente originaria que implica que su capacidad decisoria no esté sujeta a ningún poder establecido, ya que su origen es la expresión política de la soberanía popular que va a modificar el ordenamiento jurídico existente.ABSTRACT: The National Assembly Constituency will permit the redefinition of the institutional framework of the Venezuelan Republic. This fundamental process started in 1989 outlines a definitive stage due to the major support of the Venezuela people, and has been assumed as the platform of present president Hugo Chávez.The constitutional paradigm has flaws that originate from the following: populism, clientelism, corruption, the lack of timely legislative work, the lack of guarantees to basic rights, the deterioration of judicial power, and the lack of open political participation.For the National Assembly Constituency to work, extensive participation is fundamental to bring forth constructive consensus. As its origins now is the political expression of popular sovereignty that modifies the existing judicial order, it wil try to iniciate on the 25th of April a new constituency that implies that its capacity for decision making is not subject to

  10. Fuentes de financiamiento del sector público para las PYMES del sector automotriz especializadas en el sistema de enfriamiento en San Luis Potosí. El caso de la empresa de Enfriamiento Automotriz S. A.


    Lecona Díaz de León, Alfredo


    En México, las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MiPyMEs) representan una de las principales fuerzas que sostienen la economía nacional. Empleando a dos terceras partes de la población activa de nuestro país, dichas empresas han demostrado ser un pilar fundamental en el crecimiento y desarrollo económico y social. A pesar de todas estas cualidades, este sector de la economía no ha sido apoyado lo suficiente por las instituciones gubernamentales o privadas, para fomentar su crecimiento, exp...

  11. Apuntes venezolanos sobre gobierno electrónico. la lejana democracia digital

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    Andrés Cañizales


    Full Text Available El autor analiza la figura de gobierno electrónico como forma de ampliar la participación ciudadana con mecanismos democráticos que se asienten en las nuevas tecnologías. En la primera parte repasa algunos puntos de vista acerca del fenómeno del gobierno electrónico y sus principales características; en la segunda parte muestra los resultados de la evaluación de una serie de portales del Estado venezolano realizada en junio de 2006 como parte de las actividades investigativas del Centro de Investigaciones de la Comunicación de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (CIC-UCAB. Este primer estudio revela que las experiencias de gobierno electrónico en Venezuela están en su fase inicial, teniendo por tanto un peso importante el eje divulgativo/informativo.

  12. Globalización, desigualdad y transmisión de las enfermedades tropicales en el Amazonas venezolano Globalization, inequality, and transmission of tropical diseases in the Venezuelan Amazon

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    Carlos Botto-Abella


    Full Text Available La globalización económica ha acentuado la desigualdad y la vulnerabilidad a las enfermedades tropicales en todo el mundo. La población del Amazonas venezolano y particularmente la población indígena del interior del Estado es uno de los segmentos más desfavorecidos de las Américas a juzgar por los indicadores de salud. Las tasas de mortalidad infantil observadas en poblaciones indígenas en áreas remotas indican que han sido afectadas por la globalización de las enfermedades, pero no se han beneficiado de la globalización de la salud. Por otra parte, la globalización ha influido en las políticas públicas lo cual afectó la eficiencia de los programas de control de enfermedades tropicales en Amazonas. Un nuevo pacto mundial para el desarrollo sostenible de la aldea global es necesario, a través de la "globalización" de los valores y los derechos comunes de la humanidad. En Venezuela, nuevas políticas dirigidas hacia el subsector de salud indígena, más recursos y mayor autonomía de acción pueden ayudar a reducir las inequidades aquí descritas en el Amazonas venezolano.Economic globalization appears to be causing greater inequalities and increased vulnerability to tropical diseases around the world. The Venezuelan Amazon population, especially the rural indigenous population, displays among the worst health indicators in the Americas. High infant mortality rates in remote indigenous populations indicate that such communities have been affected by the globalization of disease, rather than favored by globalization of health. Globalization has also influenced public policies in the country, affecting the efficiency of control programs targeting tropical diseases. A new global pact for the sustainable development of the planet is needed, supported by the globalization of human values and rights. In Venezuela, new policies for the indigenous health sector, more resources, and greater autonomy could help reduce the inequities


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    Leticia Guarino


    Full Text Available  La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo predecir los síntomas físicos y psicológicos percibidos de médicos venezolanos en función de su estrés laboral, estilos de afrontamiento, sensibilidad emocional y características demográficas. La muestra estuvo conformada por 130 médicos que trabajan en unidades críticas de hospitales públicos de Caracas (Venezuela, a quienes se evaluaron los factores psicosociales indicados para determinar el patrón de relación de los mismos y su capacidad de predecir el estatus de los síntomas físicos y psicológicos autoreportados por los galenos. Los resultados de las regresiones múltiples indicaron que el uso del afrontamiento emocional y el ser residente incrementan los niveles de síntomas físicos; adicionalmente, los síntomas psicológicos fueron predichos por el uso del afrontamiento emocional, la condición de ser médico residente, mujer y el poco uso del desapego emocional. Por su parte, la característica de personalidad de mayor presencia en los médicos es la sensibilidad interpersonal positiva, involucrando la expresión y manifestación de sentimientos positivos. Finalmente, el modelo de estrés laboral de Karasek y Theorell permitió la clasificación de los profesionales de la medicina venezolanos en el cuadrante de aprendizaje activo.

  14. Tenencia de la tierra y desarrollo rural sostenible: algunos puntos para la reflexión en el caso venezolano.


    Delahaye, Olivier


    1.- Artículos Tenencia de la tierra y desarrollo rural sostenible: algunos puntos para la reflexión en el caso venezolano. Land tenure and sustained rural development: points for reflecting on the Venezuelan case. Tenure de la terre et développement rural durable : quelques points pour la réflexion dans le cas du Venezuela. Delahaye, Olivier Paradigmas del mercado financiero rural en países en desarrollo. Paradigms in the rural financial markets in developing countries. ...

  15. Creación de empresas e inmigración: El caso del empresariado Venezolano en España


    Toledano, Nuria; Urbano, David; Ribeiro, Domingo


    Durante la última década, la inmigración internacional está adquiriendo gran relevancia en las sociedades europeas. Igualmente, el comportamiento emprendedor que está demostrando una parte de los inmigrantes ha despertado la atención de instituciones y académicos. En este contexto, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo es explorar el proceso de creación de empresas entre la población inmigrante en España, a través del análisis de las experiencias de empresarios de origen venezolano en Ca...

  16. Análisis Económico del Servicio de Cajeros Automáticos en el Sistema Financiero Venezolano


    Enrique R. González Porras


    Análisis Económico del Servicio de Cajeros Automáticos en el Sistema Financiero Venezolano: Resumen: La importancia del Sistema Financiero para las economías resulta innegable. Ahora bien, los cambios de entorno y tecnológicos a los que se enfrenta la banca a nivel mundial, resultan tanto oportunidades como amenazas. Es así como se reconoce la disminución de la participación del subsistema bancario en la actividad de financiación o de intermediación. Sin embargo, los servicios prestados por l...

  17. Elementos de análisis en la reprobación del aprendizaje del cálculo integral: un estudio con estudiantes de mecánica automotriz


    Carreño, Andrés; Leuro, Alejandro


    Los altos índices de reprobación que se han presentado en la asignatura de Matemáticas II en el programa de Mecánica Automotriz de la Escuela Colombiana de Carreras Industriales (ECCI) donde se desarrolla el curso de Cálculo Integral, no son diferentes a los observados en otros estudios realizados mundialmente, los cuales se ubican en un intervalo de entre el 50% y 80% (Mora, 2006, García 2006). El presente trabajo discute sobre el problema de reprobación en la asignatura de cálculo, y se ...

  18. Relación entre Capacidad Aeróbica e Índices Antropométricos en los Trabajadores Manuales Venezolanos


    Francisco José Burgos Navarrete; Evelin Escalona


    Al iniciar el presente estudio no se encontró literatura nacional sobre data antropométrica de los trabajadores manuales venezolanos, que determinase la relación entre la potencia aeróbica o capacidad aeróbica relativa (mlO2/kg-min), ni la capacidad aeróbica absoluta (kcal/min) vs los índices antropométricos: edad, estatura, sexo, masa corporal, perímetro abdominal, índice de masa corporal, frecuencia cardíaca después del ejercicio. En este contexto el objetivo de esta investigación fue deter...


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    Full Text Available La NIIF 13 (2012 “medición del valor razonable” está orientada a unificar, en un único estándar, toda la normativa existente acerca de las mediciones realizadas a valor razonable. En este contex - to normativo, el valor presente, criterio valorativo perteneciente a las variables del nivel 3 de la jerarquía, se ha erigido como la técnica financiera de mayor aceptación tanto en el ámbito de la práctica profesional como en el de los organismos emisores. Este documento se centra en dilucidar los criterios utilizados por los contadores públicos en la aplicación de la técnica de valor presente en el contexto venezolano. El estudio se enmarca dentro de un enfoque cualitativo, circunscrito a la modalidad documental, apoyado en la opinión de expertos. Se concluye que la herramienta financiera más utilizada es la técnica del valor presente esperado en su modalidad de método 2, para cuya construcción se emplea el “modelo de valuación de activos de capital” a fin de obtener la tasa de descuento.

  20. Disciplina fabril y estrategias de dominación corporal en una corporación automotriz transnacional

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    Darío Soich


    Full Text Available La investigación etnográfica propone problematizar la relación entredisciplina capitalista y resistencia obrera a través de la dimensión corporal. En lostalleres productivos de PSA Peugeot-Citroën Argentina, constatamos una miríadade estrategias de dominación corporal sobre la experiencia de cada trabajador enla plataforma de trabajo (reglamentos de conducta, normas y sancionesdisciplinarias, una frontal política de las coerciones sobre el cuerpo, un mecanismode poder que lo explota, lo desarticula y lo recompone provechosamente. Pero almismo tiempo en que la disciplina de fábrica inscribe en la corporalidad las marcasde la dominación, es necesario analizar cómo los trabajadores resisten ser reducidosa ella. Surgen las tácticas oposicionales de carácter circunstancial, disperso yfragmentario. Tales experiencias prácticas cotidianas advierten una activa luchacultural dispuesta en las cambiantes relaciones de dominación, subordinación einsubordinación dentro del proceso de trabajo automotriz.

  1. Overview of some biomedical research projects in tropical medicine conducted at the Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas. (United States)

    Romano, E; Cesari, I; Escalante, A; Liprandi, F; O'Daly, J A; Perez, H; Takiff, H


    The Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC) is a government-funded multidisciplinary academic institution dedicated to research, development and technology in many areas of knowledge. Biomedical projects and publications comprise about 40% of the total at IVIC. In this article, we present an overview of some selected research and development projects conducted at IVIC which we believe contain new and important aspects related to malaria, ancylostomiasis, dengue fever, leishmaniasis and tuberculosis. Other projects considered of interest in the general area of tropical medicine are briefly described. This article was prepared as a small contribution to honor and commemorate the centenary of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.

  2. Overview of some biomedical research projects in tropical medicine conducted at the Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas

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    Romano Egidio


    Full Text Available The Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC is a government-funded multidisciplinary academic institution dedicated to research, development and technology in many areas of knowledge. Biomedical projects and publications comprise about 40% of the total at IVIC. In this article, we present an overview of some selected research and development projects conducted at IVIC which we believe contain new and important aspects related to malaria, ancylostomiasis, dengue fever, leishmaniasis and tuberculosis. Other projects considered of interest in the general area of tropical medicine are briefly described. This article was prepared as a small contribution to honor and commemorate the centenary of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.

  3. La industria automotriz y el fomento a las cadenas productivas en Sonora: el caso de la Ford en Hermosillo

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    Fabiola Galicia-Bretón Mora


    Full Text Available La formación de cadenas productivas es una condición indispensable para el desarrollo económico local en el nuevo escenario que genera un entorno globalmente competitivo. En el caso de Sonora, a partir de la instalación de la planta de estampado y ensamble de la Ford Motor Company en Hermosillo en 1986, las empresas locales no han podido integrarse plenamente a los procesos productivos de la planta. Este fracaso tiene su principal origen en la inadecuada política industrial aplicada por los organismos gubernamentales y privados, junto con la falta de una cultura emprendedora que asuma mayores riesgos. En este artículo se presenta la historia de la industria automotriz en México, en especial el caso de Sonora. Los resultados permiten prever que difícilmente -en el corto plazo- se generarán encadenamientos productivos.

  4. Afrontamiento y sensibilidad emocional como moderadores de la relación estrés-salud en médicos venezolanos


    Lisbeth Bethelmy; Leticia Guarino


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el rol moderador de la sensibilidad emocional y los estilos de afrontamiento en la relación estrés-salud en médicos venezolanos. La muestra estuvo conformada por 130 médicos que trabajan en unidades críticas de hospitales públicos de la ciudad de Caracas, a quienes se evaluó su nivel de estrés laboral, sensibilidad emocional, estilos de afrontamiento y salud percibida. Las regresiones jerárquicas indicaron que los estilos de afrontamiento r...

  5. Geodinámica ambiental de La cuenca Del río San Pedro. Flanco norandino venezolano

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    Kati A. MONTIEL


    Full Text Available El estúdio abarca el perímetro de Ia cuenca del rio San Pedro, flanco norandino venezolano, donde amplias áreas deforestadas, cicatrices de deslizamiento, sistemas de diaclasas, cercavas y surcos se conjugan y generan un desequilíbrio morfogenético expresado en movimientos de masa generalizados y avalanchas torrenciales, representando un peligro natural para Ia población local. Mediante el diserto de un SIG se efectuo una matriz espacial sustentada en el análisis geológico, geomorfológico, geotécnico, fotointerpretativo y ajustado a Ia clasificación de Ferrer, se identificaron diferentes niveles de estabilidad relativa: inestabilidad, inestabilidad crítica y potencialmente inestable, estos localizados en los espacios de mayor concentración poblacional.

  6. Actualización de teorías archivísticas: una necesidad para mejorar la gestión de archivos venezolanos

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    Arcángel Sánchez Gómez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo destaca la importancia del análisis y actualización de la teoría de la disciplina de archivos, comoelemento dinamizador para el establecimiento de estrategias que permiten solucionar ciertas debilidades. El objetivode esta experiencia, es refl exionar sobre los problemas del sector archivístico nacional que han sido infl uenciadospor la desactualización y el mal uso de la terminología archivística, como lo son la Legislación Archivística Nacionaly la conformación de los pensum de estudio de las instituciones de educación superior; específi camente el dela Escuela de Bibliotecología y Archivología de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Para los efecto, se utiliza elmétodo de investigación descriptivo, cuyo análisis de resultados prevé la necesidad de defi nir un vocabulario únicopara que los profesionales del área, puedan llevar a la praxis la teoría aprendida, utilizando estrategias basadas en elconsenso y la búsqueda de espacios de discusión para el análisis de los preceptos teóricos y su aplicabilidad prácticasobre las particularidades de los archivos venezolanos. Se concluye, que resulta indispensable defi nir una agendade discusión, que sirva de propuesta para la normalización y validación de preceptos teóricos afi nes al desarrolloarchivístico nacional.

  7. Elaboración de material didáctico para los colegios técnicos de la provincia del Azuay que tienen la especialidad de Mecánica Automotriz


    Loaiza Macanchi, Luis Rodrigo; Nagua Farah, Omar David; Romero Romero, Henry Paul


    El presente trabajo de tesis se trata de la elaboración de material didáctico demostrativo de sistemas automotrices reales destinados para los Colegios Técnicos de la Provincia del Azuay, que cuentan con la especialidad en Mecánica Automotriz, con el objetivo de aportar a la educación de esta especialidad. El trabajo de tesis fue dividido en 3 capítulos: en el primer capítulo se elaboró un análisis de la necesidad de material didáctico de los laboratorios 3 Colegios técnicos de la provincia; ...

  8. Evaluación de la edad dental en niños venezolanos utilizando el método de Schour y Massler

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: La presente investigación pretende determinar la precisión del método propuesto por Schour y Massler para la estimación de la edad dental en un grupo de niños Venezolanos que asistió al Servicio de Ortodoncia de Interceptiva de la Universidad Central de Venezuela en el período de 2001-2011. Materiales y métodos: Se seleccionó una muestra estratifi por edad y sexo incluyendo radiografías panorámicas de alta calidad tomadas a pacientes sanos con edades de 4 a 10 años. Se determinó estadio de erupción (con barrera ósea, sin barrera ósea, en plano oclusal y formación radicular (etapas de Nolla en la muestra, comparando las medias con las tablas de Schour y Massler (ANOVA p=0.05 distribuyendo por rangos de edad. Resultados: La erupción dental fue similar a la graficada en las tablas de Schour y Massler, con un adelanto estadísticamente significavo para el incisivo central inferior y retardo para del primer premolar superior y segundo premolar inferior. La formación radicular estuvo retrasada en comparación con las tablas, siendo estadísticamente signifi\tpara las etapas fi\tde formación radicular del incisivo lateral inferior, el primer premolar superior, segundos premolares y segundo molar superior. Conclusiones: La estimación de edad dental utilizando las tablas de Schour y Massler fue apropiada en esta muestra de niños Venezolanos.

  9. Estrés laboral, afrontamiento, sensibilidad emocional y síntomas físicos y psicológicos en médicos venezolanos

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    Lisbeth Bethelmy Rincón


    Full Text Available La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo predecir los síntomas físicos y psicológicos percibidos de médicos venezolanos en función de su estrés laboral, estilos de afrontamiento, sensibilidad emocional y características demográficas. La muestra estuvo conformada por 130 médicos que trabajan en unidades críticas de hospitales públicos de Caracas (Venezuela, a quienes se evaluaron los factores psicosociales indicados para determinar el patrón de relación de losmismos y su capacidad de predecir el estatus de los síntomas físicos y psicológicos autoreportados por los galenos. Los resultados de las regresiones múltiples indicaron que el uso del afrontamiento emocional y el ser residente incrementan los niveles de síntomas físicos; adicionalmente, los síntomas psicológicos fueron predichos por el uso del afrontamiento emocional, la condición de ser médico residente, mujer y el poco uso del desapego emocional. Por su parte, la característica de personalidad de mayor presencia en los médicos es la sensibilidad interpersonal positiva, involucrando la expresión y manifestación de sentimientos positivos. Finalmente, el modelo de estrés laboral de Karasek y Theorell permitió la clasificación de los profesionales de la medicina venezolanos en el cuadrante de aprendizaje activo.

  10. Higiene bucal deficiente, hábito de fumar y gingivitis crónica en adolescentes venezolanos de 15-18 años


    Pérez Barrero, Bernardo Ricardo; Duharte Garbey, Carelia; Perdomo Estrada, Cristina; Ferrer Mustelier, Ania; Gan Caldero, Bárbara


    Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en el consultorio Adaca, del área de salud integral comunitaria El Socorro en el municipio de Valencia, estado venezolano de Carabobo, para valorar los principales factores de riesgo que influyeron en la aparición de gingivitis crónica en 75 adolescentes de 15-18 años durante el período comprendido desde agosto de 2009 hasta enero de 2010. La selección para ambos grupos se efectuó a través del muestreo no probabilístico intencional (por orden de lleg...

  11. Determinación de la adsorción de cadmio mediante isotermas de adsorción en suelos agrícolas venezolanos


    Subero Neudis; Sánchez Nereida; Rivero Carmen


    El cadmio es un metal pesado que tiende a acumularse en la superficie del suelo. En los últimos años, las actividades antropogénicas han ocasionado un incremento en los niveles de este metal en suelos agrícolas generando gran preocupación ambiental debido a su movilidad y lixiviación en el perfil del suelo y a la facilidad con que es absorbido por las plantas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la capacidad de adsorción de cadmio, de cuatro suelos venezolanos de uso agrícola con difer...

  12. A Fábrica Nacional de Motores (FNM e a Pré-história da Implantação da Indústria Automobilística no Brasil do Ponto de Vista da Teoria Ator-Rede

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    Eduardo Paiva Nazareth


    Full Text Available La planta nacional de Motores (FNM pertenece a la pre-historia de la tecnología brasileña en el sector de Automotriz. Fue creada para fabricar el motor para los aeroplanos, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Posteriormente fue convertida en una industria de automotriz a través de acuerdos de cooperación tecnológica con los italianos, para la producción de sus camiones y automóviles. Su agotamiento sucedió con su controvertida venta para la alfa de Romeo, en 1968. Con el objetivo de abordar la Teoría del actor red, la investigación se propone delinear e identificar una narrativa histórica capaz de anteponerse a la considerada reputación asimétrica de la FNM.

  13. Estrés laboral, afrontamiento, sensibilidad emocional y síntomas físicos y psicológicos en médicos venezolanos


    Bethelmy, Lisbeth; Guarino, Leticia


     La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo predecir los síntomas físicos y psicológicos percibidos de médicos venezolanos en función de su estrés laboral, estilos de afrontamiento, sensibilidad emocional y características demográficas. La muestra estuvo conformada por 130 médicos que trabajan en unidades críticas de hospitales públicos de Caracas (Venezuela), a quienes se evaluaron los factores psicosociales indicados para determinar el patrón de relación de los mismos y su capacidad de pr...

  14. Videos promocionales de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana y de las carreras de Ingeniería Automotriz, Ingeniería en Biotecnología, Comunicación Social y Administración de Empresas


    Arias Guzhñay, Iván Santiago; Quito Sinchi, Verónica Estefanía


    Realización de productos audiovisuales de cinco minutos que promocionen las carreras que ofrece la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, sede Cuenca, con una visión general, mostrando sus características académicas y de infraestructura, además de las carreras de Ingeniería en Biotecnología, Ingeniería en Mecánica Automotriz, Comunicación Social y Administración de Empresas. Making audiovisual products five minutes that promote the careers offered by the The Politecnica Salesiana University, b...

  15. Usabilidad en los contenidos de cibermedios venezolanos: Un acercamiento a la apropiación social de Internet

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    Hazel Mogollón


    Full Text Available El crecimiento de Internet afianza la necesidad de estudiarla dentro del paradigma socio técnico, dadas sus posibilidades de intervenir en nuestras vidas y en nuestras formas de trabajo y de comunicación. En este estudio, se hace un primer esbozo del concepto de Usabilidad desarrollado por Nielsen (2003 y su posible articulación como estrategia para potenciar la apropiación social de la red descrita por Castells (1999, pues en su abordaje de la comunicación en el ciberespacio se plantean retos en el diseño de mensajes fáciles de ser comprendidos, aprendidos, usados por las personas. Se detallan además los resultados de un estudio de usabilidad en el diseño de contenidos de cibermedios venezolanos, empleando las propuestas metodológicas de Nielsen (2003 mediante la aplicación de test de usuarios.


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    César Augusto Pérez Jiménez


    Full Text Available Pensar en educación conlleva pensar en actores, escenarios y contextos sociales. La sexualidad, la enseñanza, el aprendizaje, la vivencia y la corporeidad juegan un papel preponderante en la formación de la conciencia ciudadana para la participación en una sociedad plural y diversa. Ante la urgente necesidad de reflexionar sobre los discursos educativos es decisivo valorar la subjetividad como una forma de comprensión de la vida cotidiana y, en consecuencia, de la sexualidad, la ciudadanía y la inclusión. Esto conduce a repensar la educación sobre la sexualidad, a partir de las dinámicas intersubjetivas desde las cuales emerge el reto que apunta a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de valores humanos sustentados en la crítica reflexiva sobre la vida misma. Así, los educadores y educadoras están convocados a discernir sobre la sexualidad, como un asunto cotidiano y encarnado en saberes socialmente productivos, establecidos en la comprensión subjetiva de las relaciones materiales, éticas y radicales con el mundo circundante. Este es el propósito del análisis del Sistema Educativo Bolivariano venezolano, que se hace en el artículo.


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    Inés Guardia Rolando


    Full Text Available Tras la victoria electoral de Chávez, en 1999, una cantidad de venezolanos ha abandonado el país en busca de oportunidades. Los motivos abarcan desde temores por el destino político, hasta razones personales asociadas con su bienestar económico. El propósito de este ensayo es utilizar algunos postulados de los enfoques políticos y antropológicos, como construcción de identidades culturales y procesos de asimilación e integración, y aplicarlos a los emigrantes que residen en distintas ciudades de Norteamérica. Se maneja el siguiente supuesto, mientras los inmigrantes ejercen una actividad política que los mantiene pendientes de los acontecimientos políticos de su país de origen, más difícil resulta su proceso de integración al nuevo destino. El análisis se inscribe en la corriente denominada «historia de los hechos recientes» y combina la metodología histórica con categorías de las ciencias sociales, antropológicas y politológicas. El artículo ese organiza en dos apartados: el primero presenta un breve inventario de los grupos constituidos, se revisan sus fundamentos políticos y misión como actores políticos transnacionales. El segundo evalúa la posibilidad de que estos grupos se asimilen o si yace en ellos una resistencia a integrarse, es decir, si conservan su propia identidad sin articularse con los otros, comportándose como una minoría.

  18. Propuesta de implementación de un centro de servicio mecánico automotriz para vehículos livianos y maquinaria pesada de la Ilustre Municipalidad del cantón Déleg de la provincia del Cañar


    Zamora Zeas, Nelson Isaac


    Este estudio plantea; la propuesta de implementación de un centro de servicio mecánico automotriz para vehículos livianos y maquinaria pesada del gobierno autónomo descentralizado del cantón Déleg, juntamente con el análisis de factibilidad técnica, económica y de gestión. Asegurando la confiabilidad, durabilidad, y reducción de costes en el mantenimiento de la flota. This study raises, the proposed implementation of an automotive mechanical service center for light vehicles and heavy mach...

  19. El Personalismo en el Discurso Político Venezolano. Un Enfoque Semántico y Pragmático

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    Lourdes Molero de Cabeza


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de los discursos pronunciados por el actual presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez, durante la campaña electoral de 1998 y el primer año de su gobierno. Se utiliza el enfoque del análisis del discurso en la doble perspectiva semántica y pragmática. En el componente semántico, los resultados señalan las características del líder, configuradas en la lógica del relato de los acontecimientos sociales y políticos, mostrados en una narración construida desde la perspectiva del “yo” emisor para responder a la finalidad persuasiva del discurso político. El análisis se sitúa en el contexto social, histórico y político que antecede a la victoria electoral obtenida por el presidente Chávez en la elecciones de 1998.

  20. Diferencias individuales y burnout en médicos oncólogos venezolanos / Individual Differences and Burnout in Venezuelan Oncologists

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    Blanca Torres


    Full Text Available El presente estudio explora la influencia de ciertas diferencias individuales como la sensibilidad emocional, los estilos de afrontamiento y los estilos de comunicación sobre el burnout de médicos oncólogos venezolanos. Participaron en el estudio 93 médicos oncólogos de diversos hospitales oncológicos públicos de Caracas (Venezuela, quienes completaron los cuestionarios que evaluaban las variables mencionadas. Los resultados indicaron niveles medios de burnout en los médicos estudiados, una mayor sensibilidad emocional positiva, adopción de funcionales estilos de afrontamiento y estilos de comunicación más centrados en sí mismos. Por su parte, el análisis de regresión reveló que una mayor sensibilidad egocéntrica negativa y una menor sensibilidad interpersonal positiva determinan mayores niveles de burnout en los oncólogos.

  1. La industria mexicana de autopartes: su evolución y perspectivas ante la globalización

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    Juan Antonio Vargas Barraza


    Full Text Available La industria automotriz es una de las más globalizadas. Como se basa primordialmente en el ensamblado, se involucra una inmensa variedad de componentes y de otras industrias (acero y otros metales, electrónica, plásticos, vidriera y textil. Muchos de esos elementos son manufacturados por firmas independientes, las cuales pueden estableceré en el país que les otorgue ventajas competitivas. El modelo global de la producción automotriz es un ejemplo de integración industrial. Por la generación de empleos de integración industrial. Por la generación de empleos relacionados con la industria automotriz, la localización de plantas e industrias ha estado fuertemente influenciada por las políticas de los gobiernos nacionales, los cuales han luchado por asegurar que dichas pantas se establezcan en su territorio. Esta industria es considerada como un ingrediente de suma importancia para el desarrollo de estrategias económicas que procuran el crecimiento de un país. México es un país con una fuerte industria ensambladora y de autopartes. La integración y apertura de México en los procesos de globalización ha traído cambios en el sector de autopartes, mismos que representan una serie de oportunidades y amenazas que se detallan en el siguiente trabajo.

  2. Vicente Marcano (1848-1891), redescubierto. Parte I: el perfil biográfico y la educación temprana de un científico Venezolano del siglo XIX


    Álvarez Cornett, José G.


    Vicente Marcano fue un hombre de ciencia multidimensional y un ciudadano venezolano decimonónico ejemplar quien está considerado como el precursor de las ciencias experimentales en Venezuela. Marcano cultivó diversas disciplinas: la química agrícola y, lo que hoy llamaríamos la ciencia de los alimentos y la geoquímica. Además, hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XX, Vicente Marcano tenía el record de mayor número de cuevas exploradas en Venezuela, también hizo aportes a la antropología y la etno...

  3. Construcción social para una transformación contingencial de la realidad en el sector extractivo petrolero venezolano.


    Alizo, Stephanía


    El sector extractivo petrolero es un ente fundamental en la economía mundial, sin embargo, en el caso de Venezuela, éste presenta fluctuaciones en sostenibilidad como sostén básico de sus exportaciones. Por ello, se ha requerido el estudio de perspectivas no tradicionales, como la social, porque en ésta se engranan las demás perspectivas: económica, energética, ambiental, productiva, contable, entre otras. Para esta investigación, se pretendió proponer aproximaciones teóricas sobre la cons...

  4. Análisis de los componentes del circuito lácteo venezolano

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    Mariby Boscán


    Full Text Available El circuito lácteo venezolano está constituido por cuatro eslabones principales: producción primaria, procesamiento, comercialización y consumo, que estudiados conjuntamente, permiten comprender la dimensión real de los problemas que enfrenta. Por tanto, el presente artículo pretende analizar los componentes del circuito lácteo, para lo cual se realizó un estudio descriptivo, utilizando fuentes secundarias, adicionalmente, se diseñó un instrumento semiestructurado para realizar entrevistas a los gerentes de las empresas más importantes del estado Zulia, logrando caracterizar el circuito lácteo en esa región, dado que ésta presenta la mayor participación dentro de la producción de leche cruda nacional (39,32% para 1998. La producción de leche siempre ha estado por debajo del consumo nacional, por lo cual Venezuela es un demandante neto en el mercado internacional. Los resultados de esta investigación arrojaron que la industria que más absorbe leche cruda es la del queso y otros usos (60,05% para 2001, la comercialización de ésta leche en su mayoría se realiza directamente, productor - plantas procesadoras, mientras que los productos derivados presentan canales de mercadeo alternativos para atender al consumidor. Adicionalmente, se pudo constatar que el consumo por persona en Venezuela es bajo (79 lts/hab/año para 2002 con respecto al normativo internacional de 130 lts/hab/año.

  5. Aproximación al enlace de las políticas públicas con la actividad exportadora en Aguascalientes, México

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    Ruben Macías Acosta


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza el impacto que la industria automotriz de Aguascalientes tiene sobre la generación del empleo en la entidad, dado que considera las actividades económicas de exportación más relevantes en el sector de las manufacturas. Resulta interesante hacer este análisis en un contexto en el cual el comercio internacional en las últimas décadas se ha articulado a través de las llamadas Cadenas Globales de Valor (CGV concepto que refiere a la división internacional de tareas que responde a la fragmentación geográfica de los procesos productivos para reducir costos aprovechando las políticas de apertura comercial y que para el caso del sector se ubica en el eslabón de ensamblado de bienes finales con bajo valor agregado en la región de América del Norte. Con esta finalidad se calculó el multiplicador del empleo que tiene el sector automotriz de exportación respecto del resto de la economía local no exportadora, para lo cual se utilizó el Método de la Base Exportadora con la información censal de 2003, 2008 y 2013 a nivel nacional y de Aguascalientes. Los resultados indican un impacto relevante de esta actividad exportadora en los sectores no exportadores ya que los multiplicadores fueron de 41.4, 13.9 y 19.1 en los tres respectivos censos, reflejando el número de empleos generados en la economía del estado de Aguascalientes, por cada trabajador adicional en el sector exportador. Se considera también la importancia de las políticas públicas orientadas al fomento de las exportaciones y atracción de la inversión en el estado.

  6. Disciplina fabril y estrategias de dominación corporal en una corporación automotriz transnacional

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    Darío Soich


    Full Text Available La investigación etnográfica propone problematizar la relación entre disciplina capitalista y resistencia obrera a través de la dimensión corporal. En los talleres productivos de PSA Peugeot-Citroën Argentina, constatamos una miríada de estrategias de dominación corporal sobre la experiencia de cada trabajador en la plataforma de trabajo (reglamentos de conducta, normas y sanciones disciplinarias, una frontal política de las coerciones sobre el cuerpo, un mecanismo de poder que lo explota, lo desarticula y lo recompone provechosamente. Pero al mismo tiempo en que la disciplina de fábrica inscribe en la corporalidad las marcas de la dominación, es necesario analizar cómo los trabajadores resisten ser reducidos a ella. Surgen las tácticas oposicionales de carácter circunstancial, disperso y fragmentario. Tales experiencias prácticas cotidianas advierten una activa lucha cultural dispuesta en las cambiantes relaciones de dominación, subordinación e insubordinación dentro del proceso de trabajo automotrizThis ethnographic research relates capitalist discipline and labour resistance through body dimension. On the shopfloors of PSA Peugeot-Citröen Argentina, we discover a variety of dominant strategies bodily situated which constrain the experience of each worker (factory codes, rules, disciplinary suspensions, a direct confrontation, a mechanism of power that exploit, dislocate and reconstruct the body profitably. Even though the factory discipline inscribes forms of dominance through the body, it is necessary to understand how workers resist being reduced to them. Oppositional tactics appear, incidental ways of protest inside the automotive labour process. Those practices of everyday life show an active cultural struggle in contexts of domination, subordination and insubordination.

  7. Cumplimiento de las promesas en el marco de la calidad del servicio de alojamiento turístico del estado Mérida, Venezuela. Compliance with the promises related to the quality of the Merida state tourist accommodation service, Venezuela.


    Díaz Pérez, Flora María; Morillo Moreno, Marysela Coromoto


    ResumenLa actividad turística, pese a esfuerzos realizados, no es actualmente un sector relevante en Venezuela, sin embargo, constituye una alternativa para el desarrollo económico. El estudio de la competitividad del sector turístico venezolano es pertinente, donde la calidad y los servicios de alojamiento son componentes fundamentales. En este trabajo se determinó si se da el cumplimiento de las promesas sobre el servicio por parte de los proveedores de alojamiento turístico del estado Méri...

  8. Caracterización del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los docentes de las carreras de Ingeniería Mecánica Automotriz e Ingeniería Electrónica de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Cuenca en el periodo 2013


    Pesantez Ortiz, Shajaira Clotilde; Pacheco Caracundo, Mario Patricio


    El objetivo del presente trabajo investigativo está centrado en la necesidad de conocer los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, para la realización de esta investigación tomamos como muestra a las carreras de Ingeniería mecánica Automotriz e Ingeniería Electrónica por ser las carreras más grandes de la institución mencionada. La metodología para realizar esta investigación se fundamenta en la técnica de la observación. The objective of this researc...

  9. Juegos de Palo en Lara. Elementos para la historia social de un arte marcial venezolano

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    Röhrig Assunção, Matthias


    Full Text Available This article situates Venezuelan stick fighting among the wider field of European and Afro-American martial arts. The author analyses the different forms used since the early 19th century by men in the rural areas of the state of Lara, where it is still practised today. Whereas the Juego de Garrote serves recreational and sportive purposes, the Juego de Batalla is part of a broader devotion to Saint Anthony. The criminal records show how the use of the fighting stick in the period 1880-1930 allowed the construction of a male identity (the «guapo» through the frequent fights between men.

    Este trabajo intenta situar a los juegos de palo venezolanos dentro de una perspectiva más amplia de las artes marciales europeas y afro-americanas. Analiza las diferentes modalidades practicadas desde el siglo XIX por los hombres del campo en Lara, Estado donde se conservó su práctica hasta hoy en día. Mientras el Juego de Garrote servía y sirve para fines recreativos y deportivos, el Juego de Batalla era y es parte de la devoción a San Antonio. Los procesos criminales muestran cómo el uso del garrote permitió la construcción de una identidad masculina («el guapo» a través de las frecuentes riñas entre hombres en el período 1880-1930.

  10. Arquitectura industrial y reestructuración de la industria automotriz en el distrito federal (Ciudad de México 1993-2010

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    Selva Leonor Daville Landero


    to the plants’ requirements. The paper highlights the case of a Volkswagen TIER1 micro-enterprise and its survival strategies, including its technological learning, which stands out against the absence of support from the automobile manufacturer.A partir del abandono unilateral en 1986, del sistema de protección tarifaria, y reforzado desde 1994 con la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio con América del Norte (TLCAN, se intensificó la política de reorientación de la economía mexicana hacia el exterior.  En especial la industria automotriz ha llevado a cabo importantes transformaciones, tanto de modernización como de relocalización. Este trabajo analiza los cambios ocurridos en la industria automotriz establecida en el Distrito Federal en base a la información estadística censal existente y a la obtenida de una encuesta realizada entre empresas de la rama. La tesis que se presenta es que, a pesar de las dificultades, no sólo las grandes o medianas empresas pueden ser proveedoras directas de armadoras. Dado que esto depende de sus capacidades de adaptación a las exigencias de estas. Por lo tanto se destaca el caso de una microempresa TIER1 de Volkswagen y sus estrategias de sobrevivencia dentro de las que sobresalen su aprendizaje tecnológico, sin haber recibido apoyo de la armadora.

  11. Nuevas relaciones laborales en la industria automotriz colombiana


    Edgar Augusto Valero


    Los sectores de ensamble de autos y fabricación de autopartes en Colombia describen las presiones que ejerce el entorno competitivo internacional sobre la eficiencia y la calidad. Estas presiones han incidido en la adopción de nuevas formas de organización del trabajo y en el cambio casi generalizado de políticas de personal durante los últimos quince años. En este artículo se analiza e ilustra un conjunto de transformaciones significativas en las relaciones laborales en esta rama industrial,...

  12. Volumen de grasa visceral como indicador de obesidad en hombres adultos


    Ana I. García; Laura Niño-Silva; Katherine González-Ruiz; Robinson Ramírez-Vélez


    Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del volumen de grasa visceral estimado por ecuación predictiva en un grupo de adultos de Bogotá, Colombia, además de evaluar la relación de la grasa visceral con factores de riesgo asociados a enfermedad cardiovascular. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal en 413 hombres voluntarios del sector educativo y automotriz de Bogotá, Colombia. El volumen de grasa visceral fue estimado por ecuación predictiva y los resultados fueron divididos por terciles d...

  13. Diseño de un sistema de gestión de calidad basado en la norma ISO 9001: 2008 para la empresa CS Diesel


    Martínez Montenegro, Gabriela Fernanda


    A nivel mundial la industria automotriz se caracteriza por ser una de las más competitivas y cambiantes, debido a las innovaciones tecnológicas que experimenta lo que obliga a las empresas vinculadas al sector a readaptarse a las nuevas tendencias tanto técnicas como administrativas, para no perder su nivel de participación en el mercado, valiéndose de instrumentos que permitan modificar su estructura interna, con el fin de optimizar su desempeño y adaptarse a los nuevos requerimientos.

  14. Consecuencias de la extensión de las salvaguardias en el año 2016 en el sector automotriz del distrito metropolitano de Quito


    Armas Haro, Ximena Patricia


    With the safeguard measure and the extension of the same in 2016, in this investigation, it resulted that in the automotive industry most affected sectors are importers and marketers of light vehicles and parts and marketers trucks and buses; as customers by the current economic situation does not wish to invest in a vehicle and if people have a vehicle not buy spare parts or original tires but buy alternative parts or domestic tires by the lowest p...

  15. Actualidad y prospectiva de La electrónica en Colombia y en el mundo

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    Adolfo Mora Villate


    Full Text Available En muchos artículos y ponencias se ha resaltado la importancia que ha adquirido la electrónica en los últimos lustros, en primer lugar por la creciente influencia que ejerce sobre la automatización y por consiguiente sobre la productividad de la industria, y en general sobre la productividad de todos los sectores de la economía, influencia que es muy notoria en casos como los de la banca y el comercio. En segundo lugar la electrónica se destaca por haberse constituido en la industria de mayores ventas en el mundo, las que en 1992 llegaron a 1013 billones de dólares (1 billón = 1000 millones, superando incluso a la industria automotriz. En tercer lugar, la industria electrónica se ha convertido en la principal industria empleadora de los países avanzados: en los EEUU ya ocupa más trabajadores que las industrias automotriz, del acero y aeronáutica juntas. Cuando se trata la actualidad y la prospectiva de la electrónica no se puede omitir el tema de la microelectrónica, un sector considerado como el factor dirigente de la industria electrónica. Pero ¿Qué es la microelectrónica? Vocablo tan trajinado y que algunos mencionan aparentemente sin entender su significado. Esta es una de las preguntas que se tratara de resolver en la siguiente sección.

  16. Una mirada a la filosofía y sus nexos con el pensar venezolano

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    Omar Astorga


    Full Text Available Con este breve texto nos acercamos al quehacer filosófico venezolano con el fin de mostrar un mapa complejo y versátil, conocido por un pequeño grupo de especialistas, pero ignorado por muchos lectores, en especial si se trata de considerar los nexos que han existido entre la reflexión filosófica y diversos temas relacionados con el país. Destacamos, en primer lugar, el trabajo dedicado a algunos filósofos de la Colonia y a Andrés Bello. Ponemos luego, de relieve, la reivindicación de la filosofía política desde el siglo XIX. Seguidamente, el paso al siglo XX nos sirve para reseñar aspectos fundamentales de la exploración de nuestro positivismo. Ya entrado este siglo, mencionamos a algunos ensayistas filósofos que se preocuparon por la interpretación del país. Y en la segunda mitad de siglo, lo hacemos con filósofos destacados por su experiencia ensayística. De igual modo, nos referimos a los estudiosos de Kant, Hegel y a la tradición marxista, así como a la presencia del neopositivismo. Pasamos luego a exponer algunos tópicos a través de los cuales también se aprecia el nexo entre la reflexión filosófica y la necesidad de pensar el país. La educación, la comunicación y el ámbito jurídico son los temas escogidos para mostrar ese nexo.

  17. Estudio prospectivo de quistes de la lámina dental en neonatos venezolanos vih(+ y vih(-

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de quistes de la lámina dental en un grupo de neonatos venezolanos VIH (+ y VIH (- verticalmente expuestos. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, analítico y descriptivo. Se recolectaron datos en neonatos VIH(+ y VIH (- verticalmente expuestos. Fueron examinados clínicamente con la técnica rodilla a rodilla y con iluminación de la lámpara de la unidad dental. Se analizó la información general obtenida de las madres. El tratamiento de los datos se realizó mediante el Programa SPSS versión 11 de la escuela de Estadística y Actuario de la Facultad de Economía Universidad Central de Venezuela. Resultados: La población estuvo conformada por 62 neonatos 32 VIH (+ Y 30 VIH(-. La ocupación de la madre en su mayoría eran amas de casa, 68% procedía de Caracas, 57% pertenecían al género masculino, el motivo de consulta de los expuestos fue el control 72% y el de VIH(+ emergencias 88%, el 83% presentaron quistes, con un predominio en el reborde maxilar. Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten destacar la importancia de la participación del odontopediatra dentro del equipo interdisciplinario que atiende a neonatos así como destacar la importancia del examen bucal del recién nacido.

  18. Toyotismo y representación sindical. Dos culturas dentro de la misma contradicción


    Osvaldo R. Battistini


    Con la incorporación del capital japonés en el sector automotriz argentino, se utilizan intensamente las técnicas japonesas de organización del trabajo. Este artículo tiene como propósito estudiar las relaciones laborales en una empresa de capitales japoneses en Argentina, con especial atención en la relación entre la implementación del sistema de producción y la acción sindical. Los resultados revelan que factores culturales y políticos impidieron a la empresa contar con una repr...

  19. Determinación del perfil de exposición potencial a contaminantes químicos mediante el uso de metodologías de evaluación simplificada en trabajadores de autopartes en el barrio La Paz, Bogotá 2015


    Fager Arcila, Ana Elizabeth


    Las actividades de mantenimiento automotriz en el sector de autopartes conlleva el uso de agentes químicos bajo diversas circunstancias de exposición, tanto en las condiciones de manipulación de productos químicos como a las características propias de cada actividad de mantenimiento asociado a las tareas específicas del trabajo. Tradicionalmente la evaluación de contaminantes químicos desde la visión de la Higiene Ocupacional incluye la evaluación cuantitativa de la exposición mediante técnic...

  20. Estructuras hexaquirales con coeficiente de Poisson negativo bajo carga uniaxial en el plano


    Oscar Gerardo Castro Ardila; Gonzalo Fernando Casanova García; Yesid Aguilar Castro


    El estudio y las aplicaciones de estructuras deformables con formas celulares y relación de Poisson efectiva negativa son de interés en la actualidad para los sectores automotriz y aeroespacial, como también para la aplicación en componentes ópticos, biológicos, micro electrónicos, estructurales y termo mecánicos. Estas estructuras poseen baja densidad, alta rigidez a cortante en el plano y la capacidad de sufrir grandes deformaciones en el rango elástico del material constitutivo, comparada ...

  1. Modelo matemático para el problema integrado de ubicación óptima de estaciones de intercambio de baterías, ruteo de vehículos eléctricos y reducción de pérdidas de energía en la red de distribución


    Sánchez Arango, Juan David


    En la actualidad existe una creciente preocupación por el deterioro causado al ambiente debido a la introducción de gases tóxicos. Lo anterior ha impulsado una cantidad de políticas ambientales que propenden a la reducción de este tipo de gases. En consecuencia, el sector automotriz ha sido señalado como el principal causante de emisiones en el planeta debido a la baja eficiencia de los motores de combustión interna convencionales, los cuales solo usan alrededor del 30% de la energía provista...

  2. Meningoencefalitis amebiana primaria: comunicacion de dos nuevos casos Venezolanos Primary amebic meningoencephalitis: two new cases report from Venezuela

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    Fátima Petit


    Full Text Available La meningoencefalitis amebiana primaria (MAP es infrecuente. Describimos dos nuevos casos de MAP en pacientes Venezolanos. Caso 1, Varón de 10 años, con fiebre, cefalea, vómitos y debilidad generalizada, y antecedente de inmersión en un estanque de agua días antes del inicio de sus síntomas, falleciendo 72 horas después del ingreso. Caso 2, Varón de 23 años con historia de cefalea, fiebre, vómitos, somnolencia y cambios de conducta. El paciente falleció 40 horas después. El estudio neuropatológico en ambos casos reveló MAP por Naegleria fowleri. La encefalitis por amebas anfizoicas debe sospecharse en casos de meningoencefalitis asépticas.Primary amebic menigoencephalitis (PAM is rare. Two cases of PAM in Venezuelan patients are described. Case 1, a 10 year-old male with headache, fever, vomiting. The patient swam in a water reservoir before the onset of his disease. He died during his third hospital day. Case 2, a 23 year-old male with a history of headache, fever, vomiting, drowsiness, and behavioral disturbances. The patient died on his second hospital day. The diagnosis in both cases was PAM due to Naegleria fowleri. Central nervous system infection by free-living amebas should be considered in meningoencephalitides with bacterial-free cerebro-spinal fluid.

  3. Relación entre Capacidad Aeróbica e Índices Antropométricos en los Trabajadores Manuales Venezolanos

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    Francisco José Burgos Navarrete


    Full Text Available Al iniciar el presente estudio no se encontró literatura nacional sobre data antropométrica de los trabajadores manuales venezolanos, que determinase la relación entre la potencia aeróbica o capacidad aeróbica relativa (mlO2/kg-min, ni la capacidad aeróbica absoluta (kcal/min vs los índices antropométricos: edad, estatura, sexo, masa corporal, perímetro abdominal, índice de masa corporal, frecuencia cardíaca después del ejercicio. En este contexto el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la asociación entre la capacidad aeróbica vs los índices antropométricos escogidos. Marco metodológico: el paradigma es el cuantitativo, su tipo es correlacional, con diseño de campo, epidemiológico y de corte transversal. La Capacidad aeróbica relativa es un parámetro fisiológico de competencia personal de umbral o, un índice de salud. A partir de la Capacidad aeróbica relativa se deduce matemáticamente la Capacidad aeróbica absoluta, la cual indica la capacidad para sostener un consumo metabólico en trabajos físicos durante períodos de tiempo variable, se evaluó la Capacidad aeróbica relativa empleando la prueba del escalón (USDA Forest Service Step Test, participantes: 40 hombres y 33 mujeres, de 20 a 59 años de edad. En los hombres la Capacidad aeróbica relativa, la Capacidad aeróbica absoluta, el perímetro abdominal y el índice de masa corporal fueron mayores que en las mujeres. Mostraron correlaciones negativas: 1. la Capacidad aeróbica relativa vs los índices: edad, perímetro abdominal, Índice de masa corporal, frecuencia cardíaca después del ejercicio; 2. la Capacidad aeróbica absoluta vs edad, perímetro abdominal, frecuencia cardíaca después del ejercicio; sin embargo, la correlación resultó positiva entre Capacidad aeróbica absoluta vs índice de masa corporal. Fue posible obtener dos ecuaciones, ambas con R2 = 0,78, predictoras de las Capacidad aeróbica absoluta para ambos sexos y a partir de

  4. Compendio de los Sistemas de Distribución Variable (SDV)


    Cabrera Rodríguez, Luis Carlos; Sigüenza Reinoso, Adrián Xavier


    El "Compendio de los Sistemas de Distribución Variable (SDV)"; es un libro en donde se describe a los profesionales del sector automotriz acerca de las particularidades de esta innovación tecnológica que día a día sigue mejorando y que es necesario que todos nos pongamos al tanto; que los ingenieros crearon en los motores de combustión con el fin de incrementar su rendimiento así como también disminuir las emisiones contaminantes de estos. Cada uno de los capítulos de los cuales consta est...

  5. Publicidad, medio para crear una ventaja competitiva


    Leyva Mancera, Jose Luis


    El caso muestra la manera en que surge una capacidad dinámica de reacción de la empresa líder del mercado en el sector automotriz en Colombia. GM Colmotores, genera estrategias para responder a los cambios, oportunidades y retos del mercado y los competidores. Así mismo se muestra la flexibilidad y evolución de la empresa que durante los últimos años siempre ha estado con la mayor porción de mercado en la industria. El desarrollo del caso permite ver como por medio de la capacidad de diri...

  6. Políticas de capacitación tecnológica en el ambiente municipal venezolano

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    Nora Belloso de Núñez


    Full Text Available La inclusión de las tecnologías de información en la Administración Pública Nacional, ha originado cambios que exigen la presencia de personal capacitado tecnológicamente en sus organizaciones nacionales, regionales y locales, de allí que el presente trabajo tiene por objetivo describir las políticas de capacitación tecnológica en el ambiente municipal venezolano, durante el período 2000-2008. La investigación de tipo documental, incluyó la revisión de sitios web de ministerios vinculados a las tecnologías y de 26 alcaldías. Los resultados reflejaron la existencia de diversos documentos normativos y de gestión, que permiten desarrollar talento humano con las competencias tecnológicas necesarias y exigidas por la modernización de la gestión pública; diversos organismos de carácter público y privado actúan como facilitadoras en la formación del funcionario público, el proyecto de Alcaldía Digital ha sido la política más transcendental de capacitación tecnológica de los funcionarios y de los 26 sitios web revisados, correspondientes a las alcaldías, solo se identificaron políticas de este tipo en 4 de ellas. Se concluye que las políticas estudiadas se materializan a través de la creación de infraestructuras compuestas por instituciones, instructores, planes, programas y proyectos. En el ambiente municipal son responsabilidad de las alcaldías, las mismas se encontraron en forma expresa, complementaria o tácita y su contenido aborda aspectos instrumentales y cognitivos, sin darle relevancia a valores y actitudes para con las tecnologías

  7. Estudio sobre las habilidades emocionales de estudiantes venezolanos de bachillerato y formación técnica superior

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    Jesús Marcos Segura-Martín


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de las habilidades emocionales de nuestros estudiantes y los factores que influyen sobre estas nos permitirá formular estrategias que mejoren los logros académicos de los estudiantes, mejorar el comportamiento y la calidad de las relaciones en su entorno educativo. La presente investigación tiene por objetivo diagnosticar las habilidades emocionales de estudiantes venezolanos de bachillerato y formación técnica superior para determinar relaciones entre habilidades emocionales, su relación con los efectos del género, contexto geográfico y edad. Hemos realizado una investigación con diseño de campo, apoyada en cuestionarios, entrevistas y observaciones. Los niveles de investigación han sido exploratorio, descriptivo y correlacional. La población estuvo conformada por estudiantes de educación secundaria y estudiantes de los primeros semestres de formación técnica superior (entre 15 a 25 años, pertenecientes a instituciones educativas venezolanas. Se utilizó un muestreo intencional de 441 alumnos. El instrumento de recogidas de datos fue un cuestionario de emociones, basado en el modelo de Goleman y validado a partir de diferentes estrategias. Los principales hallazgos de la investigación revelan la existencia de diferencias estadísticas significativas entre las habilidades emocionales de los estudiantes por género; entre ellas, las habilidades emocionales de autocontrol y competencia social fueron las menos favorecidas.

  8. Convergencia tecnológica y nacimiento de las maquiladoras de tercera generación: el caso Delphi-Juárez

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    Arturo Lara Rivero


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es el de explicar el nacimiento de un moderno, inédito centro de investigación y desarrollo de auto partes electrónicas: Delphi - Juárez . La pregunta básica que guía este trabajo es la siguiente: ¿cuáles son las implicaciones de la convergencia tecnológica electrónica / automotriz sobre el número, distribución espacial y jerárquica de los proveedores? Esta convergencia tecnológica viene a revalorizar las antiguas funciones eléctricas (y tanto a los viejos proveedores de partes eléctricas maduras como a los proveedores de arneses y a insertarlas en una nueva jerarquía tecnológica con interacciones más intensas entre proveedores de arneses, léase maquiladoras del sector auto partes electrónicos / eléctricos y las empresas propiamente automotrices. Resulta imprescindible leer la formación del centro de investigación y desarrollo Delphi Juárez desde la perspectiva de los procesos de convergencia, resolución de desequilibrios tecnológicos y coevolución tecnológica del campo electrónico y automotriz.

  9. Sectoral Innovation Watch electrical and Optical Equipment Sector. Final sector report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broek, T. van den; Giessen, A.M. van der


    The electrical and optical equipment sector is a high-tech manufacturing sector. It is one of the most innovative sectors in Europe with investments and advances in fundamental research, applied R&D and innovation in the actual use of equipment. This sector is also one of the most global sectors

  10. La inversión extranjera en Cúcuta 2006 -2012: Evaluación de impacto en la ciudad por movilidad de capitales venezolanos en la constitución de empresas y variables económicas de Cúcuta

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    Pedro Rafael Sayago Rojas


    Full Text Available La presente investigación tiene como objetivo medir el impacto económico y social que sobre la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta (Norte de Santander, Colombia ha producido la movilidad de capital venezolano, en los últimos siete años, sobre la constitución de empresas inscritas en la Cámara de Comercio Cúcuta, su organización jurídica, el monto del capital invertido o formación bruta de capital, el destino de la inversión en las principales actividades económicas productivas locales, y el impacto sobre la generación de empleo en el Área Metropolitana de Cúcuta.

  11. Afrontamiento y sensibilidad emocional como moderadores de la relación estrés-salud en médicos venezolanos

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    Lisbeth Bethelmy


    Full Text Available La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el rol moderador de la sensibilidad emocional y los estilos de afrontamiento en la relación estrés-salud en médicos venezolanos. La muestra estuvo conformada por 130 médicos que trabajan en unidades críticas de hospitales públicos de la ciudad de Caracas, a quienes se evaluó su nivel de estrés laboral, sensibilidad emocional, estilos de afrontamiento y salud percibida. Las regresiones jerárquicas indicaron que los estilos de afrontamiento racional y por desapego emocional actúan como variables protectoras de los síntomas físicos, mientras que el afrontamiento por evitación constituye un factor de riesgo que acentúa los efectos negativos del estrés sobre la salud. El afrontamiento por evitación fue la única variable que actuó como moderadora de la relación entre el control percibido y los síntomas psicológicos. La sensibilidad emocional no mostró un efecto moderador, pero pudo establecerse su impacto directo sobre los síntomas. El estudio brinda nueva evidencia empírica para los modelos de sensibilidad emocional y afrontamiento para el estudio de las diferencias individuales en los profesionales de la medicina en Venezuela.

  12. Diseño de interfaces en los medios visitados por los venezolanos ¿Los más usados son usables?

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    Gladys Benigni


    Full Text Available Las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC han impactado favorablemente a los ciudadanos y han cambiado sus hábitos de consumo de bienes y servicios; desde las distintas facetas de la vida en sociedad es necesario acoplarse a estos nuevos hábitos. La prensa nacional e internacional no escapa a esta realidad, y por tal, han comenzado a abrirse espacios en Internet para acercarse más a los ciudadanos a través del apoderamiento de las TIC. En Venezuela se ha venido incrementando el uso de los sitios web de los medios de comunicación social; a los cuales se accede desde computadores personales, portátiles, tabletas y teléfonos inteligentes. No obstante, muchos espacios en Internet se diseñan sin apego a las normas y principios de usabilidad que facilitan la intuitiva y correcta interacción del usuario con la aplicación informática. En consecuencia, se evalúa si los sitios web de los medios de comunicación social más usados por los internautas venezolanos son usables; para lo cual, se los analizará empleando los Principios de usabilidad, de Nielsen, y la Guía para evaluación experta, de Márquez Correa. Se concluye que los sitios web evaluados cumplen medianamente los principios, partes y recomendaciones expertas en cuanto al diseño de interfaces web.

  13. Trabajo femenino y brecha de ingresos por género en Venezuela.


    Genny Zuñiga; María Beatriz Orlando


    Este trabajo estudia la situación de la mujer en el mercado de trabajo venezolano en cuanto a su participación y el nivel de ingreso laboral obtenido. En la evolución de la participación de la mujer en el mercado de trabajo destaca la importancia de la edad, situación conyugal, nivel educativo, fecundidad y área de residencia como factores determinantes de la misma. Existen diferencias de ingreso medio entre hombres y mujeres, favorables a los primeros, que son más marcadas en el sector infor...

  14. Caracterización preliminar de la "comunidad" de reptiles de un sector de la Serranía del Perijá, Colombia

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    Hernández Ruz José


    Full Text Available En marzo de 1996, mediante búsqueda libre y captura manual se efectuaron muestreos de lagartos y serpientes en manchas de bosque y en áreas abiertas en sectores del Municipio de La Jagua de Ibirico, Serranía del Perijá, Cesar, Colombia, en un corte altitudinal entre los 140 y 1800 m. Se registraron 28 especies: 17 de lagartos y 11 de serpientes. Las familias dominantes en número de géneros y especies fueron Polychrotidae para lagartos y Colubridae para serpientes; se encontraron 12 especies en áreas deforestadas, ocho en áreas boscosas y ocho comunes a ambos tipos de ambientes. La comunidad mostró preferencia por los hábitats alterados, actividad diurna y comúnmente se les encontró en el piso. La comunidad de reptiles de la Serranía del Perijá se relaciona mejor con las de la región caribe y andina que con la chocoana o amazónica; no se encontraron diferencias en las faunas de reptiles entre los flancos colombiano y venezolano de la Serranía. En este trabajo se adicionan nueve especies a la fauna de reptiles de la región: seis de saurios, Ameiva bifrontata, Anolis auratus, Anolis apollinaris, Leposoma rugiceps, Stenocercus erythrogaster y Lepidoblepharis sp. y tres de serpientes Chironius monticola, Rhadinaeafulviceps y Stenorrhina degenardtii.In March 1996, by means of free search and manual capture samplings oflizards and snakes were made in stains of forests and areas opened up in La Jagua de Ibirico, Serranía del Perijá, Departamento del Cesar, Colombia, in an altitudinal range be tween the 140 and 1800 m. 28 species were registered: 17 oflizards and II of snakes. The dominant families in number of genera and species were Polychrotidae for lizards and Colubridae for snakes. There were 12 species in non-forest areas, eight in forest areas and eight common to both types of environments. The community showed preference for altered habitats, day activity and cornmonly they were found on the floor. It was found that the

  15. Estudio de las características de los morteros con adiciones provenientes de neumáticos fuera de uso (NFUs).


    Gualdrón Pernía, Karla Andreina


    La creciente evolución de las sociedades y grandes ciudades, ha estado marcada por el desarrollo de industrias que intentan satisfacer las necesidades de los habitantes, entre estas se encuentra la industria automotriz, evolucionando notoriamente en los últimos 100 años, y provocando una serie de consecuencias e impactos medioambientales, muchas veces irreparables. Junto con la industria automotriz crece exponencialmente la de neumáticos, ocasionando la generación incontrolada de residuos ...

  16. Determinación de la adsorción de cadmio mediante isotermas de adsorción en suelos agrícolas venezolanos

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    Subero Neudis


    Full Text Available El cadmio es un metal pesado que tiende a acumularse en la superficie del suelo. En los últimos años,las actividades antropogénicas han ocasionado un incremento en los niveles de este metal en suelosagrícolas generando gran preocupación ambiental debido a su movilidad y lixiviación en el perfil delsuelo y a la facilidad con que es absorbido por las plantas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinarla capacidad de adsorción de cadmio, de cuatro suelos venezolanos de uso agrícola con diferenciastexturales. Para determinar la capacidad de adsorción del metal en cada suelo, inicialmente se determinóel tiempo óptimo de agitación; el cual fue de 2 horas y la relación suelo-solución enriquecedora de Cd;la cual fue de 1:50. Con estos parámetros se elaboraron las isotermas de adsorción para los suelos y secompararon los modelos de Freundlich y Langmuir. Los resultados mostraron que el modelo matemáticode Freundlich es el que mejor describe la cinética de la reacción y la capacidad de adsorción de Cdpor los suelos, siendo los que poseen mayores contenidos de arcilla, MO y pH ácidos los de mayorcapacidad de adsorción.

  17. Soldadura de aceros dual phase en chapa fina: GMAW, PAW y RSW


    Svoboda,Hernán; Lorusso,Hernán N.; Burgueño,Alejandro


    Los aceros Dual Phase (DP) han encontrado recientemente una fuerte aplicación en elementos estructurales en la industria automotriz, debido a la necesidad de disminuir peso. La soldadura de estos materiales cobra particular importancia considerando su aplicación estructural y los procesos relacionados en su fabricación. En particular la soldadura de resistencia por punto (RSW) y semiautomática con alambre macizo y protección gaseosa (GMAW) son ampliamente utilizados en la industria automotriz...

  18. La evolucion de la industria del sector automotriz en Japon, crecimiento de las empresas automotrices japonesas y su impacto en la economía de Japon

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    Monica Blanco


    Full Text Available The main question of this research was to know if the growing of the Japanese automotive Industry Sector has an impact on the Japanese economy or is the export dynamics evolution of automotive company that has enabled significant growth. We analyze the evolution of the Japanese automotive industry starting with a review of the global automotive industry and ending with the analysis of case study as the Japanese company, Toyota. It’s important to know that since 1952, the Japanese government started a policy to encourage the automotive industry through the provision of cheap credit, tax and labor market protection, and emerging companies like Toyota, Nissan, Mazda and Honda. These facts eventually became highly competitive the Japanese companies that created and flexible production systems, which are more efficient and reduce production costs, help increase sales and foreign trade.

  19. Proceso de análisis del dominio ágil de sistemas integrados de salud en el contexto venezolano

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    Francisca Losavio


    Full Text Available El diseño de arquitecturas de sistemas integrados (SI es un reto de la Ingeniería del Software, más aún en un contexto de producción industrial. Este trabajo, propone un proceso de análisis del dominio ágil (ADA de Sistemas de Información Integrados de Salud (SIS considerando reglas del negocio, para modelar requisitos no funcionales (RNF globales y relativos a estilos arquitectónicos, y la identificación de requisitos funcionales (RF, puede ser utilizado como entrada a procesos ascendentes o “bottom-up” para construir la arquitectura de referencia (AR, donde no se contemplan etapas de ADA porque se centran en refactorización de productos existentes. En ADA, los RNF son especificados mediante el modelo de calidad estándar ISO/IEC 25010, que representa la calidad del producto de software y facilita así la comunicación, se estudian componentes de productos existentes y no el modelado global de características, como ocurre en enfoques clásicos descendentes o “top-down”. Para el desarrollo del estudio se considera el contexto venezolano, donde se analizan proyectos en Venezuela y un estudio de campo sobre una muestra de institutos de salud del país, para obtener un panorama de la situación actual. Se aprecia la necesidad de la pronta implantación de SIS con historias clínicas electrónicas interoperables y servicios generales de telemedicina. ADA, puede ser reutilizado en otros dominios y es usado para “validar” una AR-SIS, obtenida por un proceso ascendente definido en trabajos anteriores, el cual solo consideraba el estudio de productos existentes

  20. Reactivación de la movilización obrera en la industria terminal automotriz (2004‐2011: Recuperación parcial del salario con persistencia en la flexibilización laboral Reactivation of labor mobilization in the automotive industry (2004‐2011: Partial recovery of wages with labor flexibility persistence

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    Sebastián Guevara


    Full Text Available A partir del año 2004 el accionar gremial de los trabajadores de las empresas terminales en Argentina creció en visibilidad. A través de la creciente negociación colectiva pero también de, asambleas en los lugares de trabajo, manifestaciones públicas, movilizaciones y huelgas, la reactivación de los conflictos gremiales encabezados por los trabajadores fue dando forma al freno que experimentó la tendencia decreciente que presentaban tanto el empleo como los salarios en el sector. Sin embargo, a pesar de esta creciente movilización y sus resultados en términos de empleo y salarios, las bases de las negociaciones no parecen haberse modificado de modo sustancial. Es decir, el conjunto de condiciones flexibilizadas de compra y uso de la fuerza de trabajo mantienen su vigencia (y en algunos casos se profundizaron. Esta situación se puso de manifiesto en la crisis que experimentó el sector entre 2008 y 2009, frente a la cual las empresas apelaron a las herramientas flexibles (e incluso aprovecharon la situación para profundizar su desarrollo. La resistencia de los trabajadores frente a la crisis dejó en evidencia, también, las críticas a la dirección sindical que se desarrollaron en los lugares de trabajo. En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de los conflictos laborales desarrollados en la industria terminal automotriz argentina entre 2004 y 2011. Así como de algunos de los resultados de estos conflictos en cuanto a: la evolución salarial, el proceso de flexibilización laboral y la política sindical.Since 2004 the power of the workers union of auto makers in Argentina grew in visibility. Through collective bargaining, but also increasing of, assemblies in workplaces, public demonstrations, protests and strikes, the revival of labor conflicts led by the workers was giving way to brake the downward trend experienced both employment had as wages in the sector. However, despite this growing movement and results in terms of

  1. La música tradicional venezolana: entrevista imaginaria realizada al concertista y compositor venezolano, Eladio Mujica

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    Raimundo Mijares


    Full Text Available La siguiente entrevista imaginaria realizada al compositor y concertista venezolano, Profesor, Eladio Mujica la realicé en la ciudad de Caracas un día del mes de septiembre del año 2017. Fue un ejercicio que sirvió de pretexto para acercarme en el tiempo a un creador de la música venezolana. Recordando sus inicios en el repertorio de la guitara y el cuatro, el profesor Mujica ha significado una referencia de incalculable valor para el patrimonio musical de la música tradicional venezolana. Nuestra amistad se forjó en la ciudad de Porlamar cuando concurríamos al Complejo Cultural Modesta Bor en busca de conocimientos que lograsen colmar nuestras expectativas en las carreras que cada uno tenía en un horizonte no muy lejano. Nuestros pasos se separaron por aquellos años a finales de 1970 cuando Él, en el área de la música y mi persona en las artes del teatro y de regreso a Caracas, decido quedarme en la capital para desarrollar mi carrera en el ejercicio teatral, sin regresar por largo tiempo a la región espartana y sin enterarme certeramente de su paradero. No obstante, los caminos se juntan y precisamente en los actuales momentos, cuando una persona amiga de ambos logra informarme de su persona, de lo que está haciendo y es en esos instantes cuando afloran aquellos recuerdos maravillosos de pretéritos años en tierras margariteñas, cuando juntos jugábamos a ser héroes. De esas añoranzas nace la disposición de realizar esta entrevista a mi amigo, enaltecida por el aprecio, admiración y respeto hacia la persona que es, Eladio Mujica. El tema de la entrevista escogido giró en torno a la música tradicional venezolana relacionándolo con los cuatro puntos cardinales de la geografía. Ese paneo por el pentagrama de la creación musical nacional es motivo de inspiración e identidad; demostrando la riqueza que reside, permanece y se expresa poniendo en evidencia la herencia y evolución histórica de cada una de esas expresiones.

  2. Determinación de la adsorción de cadmio mediante isotermas de adsorción en suelos agrícolas venezolanos

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    Nereida Sánchez


    Full Text Available El cadmio es un metal pesado que tiende a acumularse en la superficie del suelo. En los últimos años, las actividades antropogénicas han ocasionado un incremento en los niveles de este metal en suelos agrícolas generando gran preocupación ambiental debido a su movilidad y lixiviación en el perfil del suelo y a la facilidad con que es absorbido por las plantas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la capacidad de adsorción de cadmio, de cuatro suelos venezolanos de uso agrícola con diferencias texturales. Para determinar la capacidad de adsorción del metal en cada suelo, inicialmente se determinó el tiempo óptimo de agitación; el cual fue de 2 horas y la relación suelo-solución enriquecedora de Cd; la cual fue de 1:50. Con estos parámetros se elaboraron las isotermas de adsorción para los suelos y se compararon los modelos de Freundlich y Langmuir. Los resultados mostraron que el modelo matemático de Freundlich es el que mejor describe la cinética de la reacción y la capacidad de adsorción de Cd por los suelos, siendo los que poseen mayores contenidos de arcilla, MO y pH ácidos los de mayor capacidad de adsorción.

  3. El índice de miseria corregido por informalidad: una aplicación al caso de Venezuela


    Ramoni-Perazzi, Josefa; Orlandoni-Merli, Giampaolo


    Esta investigación propone una modificación al índice de miseria de Okun (IMO) adaptándolo a mercados con estas características, agregándole al nivel de desempleo el nivel de empleo en el sector informal (ESI). El estudio compara la evolución de diversos índices de miseria tradicionales en varias regiones durante las últimas décadas, haciendo hincapié en el caso venezolano, para el cual se estima también el nuevo índice propuesto. Los resultados muestran mejoras en el bienestar de los grupos ...

  4. Desarrollo de un sistema experto para el diagnostico de fallas automotrices

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    Fuentes Covarrubias, Ricardo


    Full Text Available Se presenta un prototipo experimental de un sistema experto para el diagnóstico de fallas mecánicas en automóviles, a partir de una interacción en tiempo real. Este sistema es una herramienta de diagnóstico para técnicos mecánicos, practicantes y personas con conocimientos básicos de mecánica automotriz y puede también ser empleado como un sistema tutor inteligente para un curso de mecánica automotriz.

  5. Private sector participation in power sector in India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ranganathan, V.


    The Indian Government is currently thinking of allowing private sector to participate in power sector inviting private sector to generate electricity mainly from coal. The main motivation is resource mobilization from private sector, since the Plan funds are diverted to rural development away from power sector; and yet the massive expansion has to be financed. The paper analyzes the inherent difficulties and contradictions in the Government's proposal, such as co-existence of high cost private power and low cost public power, the potential goal-conflicts of private and public utilities and the constraints in raising finance. It suggests a different model in order to make the privatization proposition feasible. 12 refs

  6. Propuesta de un plan estratégico de mercadeo para la marca de vehículos Ford en Costa Rica


    Rodríguez Arguedas, Ronald; Solís Arce, Rita


    Universidad de Costa Rica. Posgrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Maestría Profesional en Administración y Dirección de Empresas con énfasis en Mercadeo y Ventas Se propone un plan estratégico de mercadeo para la empresa Nacional Automotriz (NASA), distribuidor exclusivo de las líneas de vehículos Ford en Costa Rica, mediante una evaluación de las actuales estrategias aplicadas por la empresa y del mercado nacional automotriz, que permita a NASA aumentar su competitividad, inc...

  7. Evaluación ergonómica en una empresa del sector alimenticio venezolano

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    Carlos García Rondón


    Full Text Available Se presenta una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal, que tuvo como propósito realizar una evaluación ergonómica de carácter integral en dos áreas de una empresa de alimentos congelados (Vegetales Congelados y Bocados de Yuca, con el fin de identificar los factores de riesgo a lesiones músculo esqueléticas y sus niveles de nocividad. Para ello se estimó la capacidad física,  la postura, se caracterizó el ambiente laboral y los factores psicosociales en ocho puestos de trabajo. Los resultados muestran que los trabajadores del área de vegetales congelados presentan un mayor riesgo a lesiones músculo-esqueléticas que los del área de Bocados de Yuca. La postura no neutral es el elemento más estresante, y ésta se relacionó positivamente (prueba estadística significativa al 5% con la morbilidad reportada por el servicio médico. El ruido y la temperatura son los factores ambientales de mayor impacto, y de los componentes psicosociales, la iniciativa y el estatus social presentan nocividad. Se concluye alertando sobre la necesidad de realizar mejoras a las condiciones de trabajo para reducir el consumo energético, pues éste determina en gran medida la respuesta cardiovascular de los trabajadores, juntamente con la exposición a posturas comprometidas. A cross-sectional descriptive research is presented, intended to perform an integrated ergonomic evaluation on two areas of a frozen food company (Frozen Vegetables & Cassava Snacks in order to identify musculoskeletal disorder risk factors and injury levels.  Estimated physical capacity, studied working positions, characterizing the work environment and psychosocial factors over workers of eight job positions.  Results show that workers in the frozen vegetables area have a higher risk of musculoskeletal injuries than those in the Cassava Bites area. Non-neutral posture is the most stressful element and it was positively related (significant statistical test at 5% with morbidity reported by the medical service. Noise and temperature are the environmental factors of greatest impact, and for psychosocial components, initiative and social status have harmful effects.  Concluded alerting on the need for improvements on working conditions to reduce energy consumption, since this largely determines the cardiovascular response of workers in conjunction with exposure to compromising positions.

  8. Short Summary European Reports on Retail Sector, Motor Vehicle Repair and Sales Sector, Food and Beverages Sector. (United States)

    European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Berlin (Germany).

    This document is composed of European synthesis reports on retail trade, the agro-food sector, and the motor vehicle sales and repair sector. They are based on the most important findings of the European report and the 12 national reports for each sector. Section 1, "Retail Sector," deals in part 1 with the structure of retailing in the…


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    Emilse Durán-Aponte


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la validación del Inventario de Autoeficacia para Inteligencias Múltiples Revisado IAIM-R en estudiantes universitarios venezolanos. Participaron voluntariamente 342 estudiantes de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Venezuela inscritos en el período septiembre-diciembre del 2012. Se realizó el análisis factorial de componentes principales y el análisis factorial confirmatorio para obtener evidencias de validez de constructo. Adicionalmente, se realizó una regresión logística binaria para obtener evidencias de validez predictiva. Estos estudios confirmaron una distribución de los reactivos en 7 factores del instrumento, que resultó ser satisfactorio y parcialmente consistente con investigaciones teóricas y empíricas relacionadas con el constructo. Se concluye que la validación del IAIM-R permite la medición de la autoeficacia para inteligencias múltiples, de manera consistente, desde el punto de vista estadístico, y posibilita la comparación de resultados entre poblaciones y variables de interés para el desarrollo de la teoría social cognitiva y aspectos inherentes al estudiante y su motivación ante determinada demanda académica o carrera. En cuanto a la validez predictiva, el instrumento es pertinente cuando se trata de la selección de carreras técnicas de las áreas industrial y administrativa, en especial por las dimensiones de autoeficacia lógico-matemática, cinestésica y emocional. Se recomienda que futuros estudios se orienten al desarrollo de líneas de investigación asociadas con el rendimiento académico, la motivación y la permanencia en el sistema universitar.

  10. Impact of private sector credit on the real sector of Nigeria

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    Aliyu Mamman, Ph.D


    Full Text Available The real sector is a strategic component of an economy because it produces and distributes tangible goods and services required to satisfy aggregate demand in the economy. For this reason, there is the need for adequate credit flow from the banking industry to the real sector, which in the Nigerian case, the credit flow has been grossly inadequate. This study is carried out to examine the impact of credit to private sector (CPS on the real sector of Nigeria with a view to assess the significant contribution of CPS to real sector growth in Nigeria. The study used aggregate time series data from 1986 to 2010, which was drawn from central bank of Nigeria (CBN statistical bulletin and CBN annual report and statement of accounts. The data was analysed using multiple regression and based on the coefficient of determination (R square, the study reveals a 96.1% variation between the CPS and real sector growth in Nigeria. The study cocludes that there is a statistically significant impact of credit to private sector on the real sector of Nigeria. This, suggest that the performance of the real sector is greatly influence by credit to private sector. The study recommends that the federal government of Nigeria through the central bank of Nigeria (CBN should enhance the financing of the real sector as well as improve credit flow to the sector because of its strategic importance in creating and generating growth of the economy.

  11. El financiamiento de la banca pública en los Planes de Desarrollo de la Nación en el período 2000-2012

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    Marianela Acuña Ortigoza


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se exponen los elementos de política pública que direccionan la agenda desarrollada por el Estado venezolano durante el período 2000-2012 para transformar el sistema financiero nacional de acuerdo a los objetivos indicados en los Planes de Desarrollo Nacional, sustentándose en autores como Álvarez (2009, Girón et al. (2010, Meszaros (2009, Ocando y Pirela (2008 y documentos institucionales de SUDEBAN, Ministerio de Planificación y Desarrollo y Asamblea Nacional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Mediante una investigación documental con diseño bibliográfico, se aborda el análisis político y epistémico de la investigación, considerando el método hermenéutico, que permitió reflexionar sobre los mecanismos de financiamiento instrumentados por el Estado venezolano durante el período 2000-2012. Los resultados de la investigación señalan la necesidad de comprender la axiología que determina la toma de decisiones públicas para analizar y explicar las dinámicas económicas. Durante el período analizado se observan cambios significativos en el sistema financiero venezolano asociados al cumplimiento de los objetivos enunciados en los Planes de Desarrollo Nacional 2001-2007 y 2007-2013, entre ellos: el aumento de la participación de la banca pública asociándose la función de banca de desarrollo como la función fundamental de los bancos públicos, la orientación del crédito de acuerdo a los propósitos estratégicos de desarrollo, modificación y/o creación del marco jurídico e institucional, aumento en los niveles de bancarización, creación de instituciones de atención a sectores excluidos: Banco de Desarrollo de la Mujer y el Banco del Pueblo, transformación del Fondo de Inversiones de Venezuela en el Banco de Desarrollo Económico y Social de Venezuela (BANDES, y adquisición por parte del Estado venezolano del Banco de Venezuela, lo que permitió incrementar la participación de la

  12. Nuevas relaciones laborales en la industria automotriz colombiana

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    Edgar Augusto Valero


    Full Text Available Los sectores de ensamble de autos y fabricación de autopartes en Colombia describen las presiones que ejerce el entorno competitivo internacional sobre la eficiencia y la calidad. Estas presiones han incidido en la adopción de nuevas formas de organización del trabajo y en el cambio casi generalizado de políticas de personal durante los últimos quince años. En este artículo se analiza e ilustra un conjunto de transformaciones significativas en las relaciones laborales en esta rama industrial, con base en información cualitativa de las tres más importante plantas terminales del país y de dos notables compañías fabricantes de componentes. Aunque las dinámicas no son homogéneas, se puede decir que el proceso más generalizado ha sido el debilitamiento de la negociación colectiva y las relaciones industriales, como bases para la interacción y el acuerdo entre capital y trabajo. Las políticas de personal y formas de organización de la producción han conducido en casi todas los espacios a una definición autoritaria y unilateral de las relaciones laborales y de las condiciones de trabajo por parte de las empresas. Los nuevos modelos de relaciones laborales se van conformando a través de prácticas organizativas y de gestión de personal que combinan mecanismos tradicionales de coacción y flexibilidad (políticas antisindicales y trabajo temporal con elaboradas y sutiles estrategias para generar entre los trabajadores sentido de pertenencia y compromiso con los fines de las empresas (adoctrinamiento en el discurso empresarial de la competitividad, llamados a la participación y autocontrol para el logro de mejores estándares de calidad, prácticas neopaternalistas, entre otras.

  13. Structural change and inter-sectoral mobility in a two-sector economy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antoci, Angelo; Galeotti, Marcello; Iannucci, Gianluca; Russu, Paolo


    This paper studies the dynamics of a two-sector economy (with a natural resource-dependent sector and an industrial sector) characterized by free inter-sectoral labor mobility and heterogeneity of agents (workers and entrepreneurs). In such a context, we analyze the effects of the deterioration of natural resources, caused by the production activity of both sectors, on inter-sectoral movements of the labor force (structural changes), on ecological dynamics and on the revenues of workers and entrepreneurs. As in the seminal work by Matsuyama (1992), we obtain that a low productivity of labor in the resource-dependent sector can fuel the industrialization process. However, differently from Matsuyama, in our model the industrialization process may give rise to a reduction in workers’ revenues if the contribution to environmental depletion of the industrial sector, per unit of product, is higher than that of the resource-dependent one.

  14. Desarrollo de un sistema experto para el diagnostico de fallas automotrices


    Fuentes Covarrubias, Ricardo; Fuentes Covarrubias, Andrés Gerardo


    Se presenta un prototipo experimental de un sistema experto para el diagnóstico de fallas mecánicas en automóviles, a partir de una interacción en tiempo real. Este sistema es una herramienta de diagnóstico para técnicos mecánicos, practicantes y personas con conocimientos básicos de mecánica automotriz y puede también ser empleado como un sistema tutor inteligente para un curso de mecánica automotriz. In this paper we present an experimental prototype of an expert system for the diagnosis...

  15. De sistema mecánico a sistema tecnológico complejo. El caso de los automóviles

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    Arturo Ángel Lara Rivero


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los trabajos de investigación relacionados con el sector automotriz se ha concentrado en el análisis de la naturaleza mecánica de los vehículos y, de una manera muy escasa, al estudio de su naturaleza electrónica. Para dar cuenta de las transformaciones profundas ocurridas en las últimas cuatro décadas es necesario integrar en la explicación la manera en que los componentes y los sistemas electrónicos han transformado la naturaleza de los vehículos automotores. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la naturaleza de los procesos evolutivos implicados en la transición del vehículo automotor: de un sistema complejo a un sistema complejo adaptable.

  16. Distribución y densidad de la trucha Oncorhynchus mykiss (Salmoniformes: Salmonidae en los Andes venezolanos

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    Jaime E. Péfaur


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se informa acerca de la distribución espacial y la abundancia de las poblaciones de la trucha arcoiris silvestre en los Andes Venezolanos, con base en recolectas en 68 estaciones de muestreo durante un año. Ubicadas entre 500 y 4000 msnm en siete cuencas hidrográficas de los ríos más importantes de los Andes de Venezuela. Un total de 612 individuos fueron obtenidos en estaciones por encima de los 1700 m. La mayoría de los peces de recogieron en las cuencas de los ríos Chama (43%, Motatán (21% y Santo Domingo (32%, con sólo algunos ejemplares recolectados en los ríos Negro (1.75% y La Grita (0-33%, y con ausencia de capturas en los ríos Escalante y Mocotíes. Los machos adultos superan numéricamente a las hembras en una posición de 2.15: 1. Los juveniles conforman un 56.7% del total de capturas, con una proporción de 1.30 juveniles por adulto. El tamaño de los especímenes varió desde 2.0 a 21.8 cm. Con casi la mitad de ellos dentro del intervalo 5.1 - 10.0 cm. El peso de los ejemplares también presentó una amplia variación, con un máximo de 317.0g.Spatial distribution and relative abundance of wild rainbow trout populations were studied in 68 stations located between 500 and 4000 masl in seven hydrological basins of the most important Andean rivers of Venezuela during a year of sampling. A total of 612 individuals were obtained above 1700 m. Most fishes were obtained from the Chama ( 43%, Motatán (21% and Santo Domingo (32% rivers, very few in the Negro (1.75% and La Grita (0.33% rivers, and none in the Escalante and Mocotíes rivers basins. Adult males were more abundant than females in a 2.15:1 proportion. Juveniles made a 56.7% of captures, with a proportion of 1.30 juveniles per adult. Individual sizes varied from 2.0 to 21.8 cm, most within the interval 5.1 - 10.0 cm; the weight of specimens also showed an ample variation, with a maximum of 317.0 g.

  17. From Public to Private Sector: Motives and Explanations for Sector Switching

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jesper Rosenberg


    Sector switching is interesting in relation to understanding how to get and keep people working in the public sector as well as to understand public and private differences. This paper focuses on why public employees leave public organizations to work in the private sector. We use a design studying...... higher educated Danish employees who recently worked in the state, comparing those who shift job to another public organization with those who switch to the private sector. We focus on different motives for job shifts which may influence sector switching such as salary, job security, organizational...... characteristics and public service motivation....

  18. Second sector cool down

    CERN Multimedia


    At the beginning of July, cool-down is starting in the second LHC sector, sector 4-5. The cool down of sector 4-5 may occasionally generate mist at Point 4, like that produced last January (photo) during the cool-down of sector 7-8.Things are getting colder in the LHC. Sector 7-8 has been kept at 1.9 K for three weeks with excellent stability (see Bulletin No. 16-17 of 16 April 2007). The electrical tests in this sector have got opt to a successful start. At the beginning of July the cryogenic teams started to cool a second sector, sector 4-5. At Point 4 in Echenevex, where one of the LHC’s cryogenic plants is located, preparations for the first phase of the cool-down are underway. During this phase, the sector will first be cooled to 80 K (-193°C), the temperature of liquid nitrogen. As for the first sector, 1200 tonnes of liquid nitrogen will be used for the cool-down. In fact, the nitrogen circulates only at the surface in the ...

  19. International Conference on Chemical Kinetics: Program and Abstracts Held in Gaithersburg, Maryland on 17-19 June 1985. (United States)


    Salamanca Dpto. Fisica Teorica and University Complutense Dpto. Metodos Matematicos de la F1sica The authors show how the knowledge of (n-1) first...M. Dominguez. Centro de Quimica, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas Caracas 1010-A. Venezuela. The kinetics of the gas phase...Alexandra Rotinov, Rosa M. Domfnguez, and Ignacio Martin Centro de Qufmica, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (I.V.I.C.), Caracas

  20. Cyclical absenteeism among private sector, public sector and self-employed workers. (United States)

    Pfeifer, Christian


    This research note analyzes differences in the number of absent working days and doctor visits and in their cyclicality between private sector, public sector and self-employed workers. For this purpose, I used large-scale German survey data for the years 1995 to 2007 to estimate random effects negative binomial (count data) models. The main findings are as follows. (i) Public sector workers have on average more absent working days than private sector and self-employed workers. Self-employed workers have fewer absent working days and doctor visits than dependent employed workers. (ii) The regional unemployment rate is on average negatively correlated with the number of absent working days among private and public sector workers as well as among self-employed men. The correlations between regional unemployment rate and doctor visits are only significantly negative among private sector workers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Agriculture Sectors (United States)

    The Agriculture sectors comprise establishments primarily engaged in growing crops, raising animals, and harvesting fish and other animals. Find information on compliance, enforcement and guidance on EPA laws and regulations on the NAICS 111 & 112 sectors.

  2. Apropiación de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en el ámbito educativo venezolano

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    Ingrith Roselys Marcano-Rojas


    Full Text Available El propósito de esta investigación es valorar el uso de la tecnología de la información y la comunicación como medio de apoyo a la formación docente en el ámbito venezolano, precisando cómo ha sido la intervención tecnológica en el entorno educativo. Se trata de una revisión documental donde se referencian experiencias de actualización docente emprendidas en países como Panamá, Colombia, México y Argentina, y se comparan con los esfuerzos realizados en Venezuela. Destacando que se han creado planes para mejorar la calidad de la formación docente en materia de Informática; así como proyectos dedicados a la atención de las comunidades en el uso del computador y de las comunicaciones, ejemplo: dotación de laboratorios informáticos, portales Web dedicados a la educación, el Plan Nacional de Alfabetización Tecnológica (PNAT, entre otros. Se concluye que se pueden concentrar esfuerzos para coadyuvar al fortalecimiento de la formación docente, y aprovechar el potencial que tiene la Nación para el apoyo de sus planes tecnológicos, considerando así, al contingente de estudiantes de educación universitaria que deben prestar servicio comunitario como requisito para optar al título profesional. En correspondencia con esto, se propone emprender un trabajo significativo con los estudiantes voluntarios del servicio comunitario para que aporten sus conocimientos en la preparación de los docentes en formación, y constituir una propuesta en pro de fortalecer el trabajo colaborativo entre Instituciones educativas.

  3. Sectoral Innovatiohn Performance in the Biotechnology Sector. Final Report. Task 1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Enzing, C.M.; Valk, T. van der


    In general the biotechnology sector can be qualified as a science driven and high tech sector. This applies for both the group of biotech start-ups that are present in each of the three sub-sectors (red biotech: health/pharma, green biotech: agrifood and white biotech: chemicals) as for the red

  4. Sectoral panorama: the electric power sector in Europe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mons, L.


    This study takes stock on the main european markets to help the electric power companies in their decisions and investments. The first part presents the electric power sector structure in Europe. The second part is devoted to the market evolution for the different european markets (german, french, british, italian and spanish) with an analysis of the retail prices, the competition and the evolution perspectives. The third part presents the highlights in the electric power sector between 2001 and the middle of 2003. The enterprises management and strategies are presented in the fourth part. In the last part the document analyzes the financial performances of the sector and the electric power companies. (A.L.B.)

  5. Los espantos de La sabana: leyendas y religiosidad de los Llanos venezolanos (The ghosts of Savannah: Legends and religion of the Venezuelan Ilanos - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n30p572

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    Jenny González Muñoz


    Full Text Available Los procesos culturales de los pueblos rurales de América Latina en cuanto a su parte inmaterial, están íntimamente relacionados con la memoria colectiva y/o social, la cual puede fungir, entre otras cosas, para afianzar la transmisión de leyendas creadas por la sabiduría popular por medio de la tradición oral. En los llanos centro-occidentales venezolanos a lo largo de más dos siglos se ha diseminado cantidad de leyendas que cuentan la aparición de espíritus que vagan por las sabanas solitarias, sobre todo en las noches de mayor oscuridad; los llamados “espantos de la sabana” son las almas de antiguos pobladores, ya conocidos, que deambulan pidiendo oraciones para su descanso eterno, o por no poder encontrar la paz que procuran. Dichas narraciones, al pasar de generación en generación forman parte de la identidad llanera y son incluidas en la literatura nacional; en el presente artículo se destaca esta característica colocando como ejemplo la novela de Rómulo Gallegos, Cantaclaro, así como coplas populares o aquellas recopiladas por Alberto Arvelo Torrealba para establecer el enlace existente entre la creación y transmisión de las leyendas y la religiosidad de dicha cultura. Palabras clave: Espantos de la sabana. Leyendas populares. Llanos centro-occidentales venezolanos. Religiosidad. Abstract Cultural processes of rural populations in Latin America while its immaterial dimension, are closely related to social and collective memory, which can serve, among other thins, to strengthen the transmission of legends created by wisdom through oral tradition. In the plains of the Midwest Venezuelan, during more than two centuries, were heard many legends that tell the apparition of spirits which roam the savannas lonely, especially on the darkest nights. These "ghosts of Savannah" are the souls of old settlers who roam (roam because they can not find peace or because they are asking for prayers for his eternal rest. These stories

  6. Sectoral Innovation Watch Biotechnology Sector. Final sector report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Enzing, C.


    Biotechnology has evolved from a single set of technologies in the mid 1970s into a full grown technological field that is the driving force in innovation processes in many industrial sectors (pharmaceutical, medical, agriculture, food, chemical, environment, instruments). Nowadays, biotechnology is

  7. Economic Multipliers and Sectoral Linkages: Ghana and the New Oil Sector

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    Dennis Nchor


    Full Text Available The study seeks to assess the structure of the economy of Ghana in terms of changes in the economic structure before and after the production of oil in commercial quantities. This is viewed with regards to economic multipliers, sectoral interdependence and trade concentration. The results show that changes occurred with regards to multipliers and sectoral interdependence. The output multipliers of most sectors have declined. The results also show that the agricultural sector experienced an initial decline in its growth while industry experienced an increase. The performance of the services sector was relatively stable for the period covered by the study. There is a decline in the level of trade concentration though on a whole the concentration index is still high. The study employed input-output modeling techniques and the data was obtained from the Ghana statistical service and the World Development Indicators.

  8. El sector productivo The productive sector

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    Encarna Santolaria


    Full Text Available El crecimiento del sector servicios en detrimento del sector primario, la flexibilidad del mercado laboral y la progresiva incorporación de la mujer a dicho mercado son los cambios más destacados del sector productivo español en los últimos 25 años. Las mujeres en España presentan tasas de desempleo, trabajo temporal y a tiempo parcial mucho mayores que los hombres. Además, las condiciones de acceso al mercado de trabajo y las condiciones en las que éste se desempeña están también muy relacionadas con la clase social. Las mujeres cubren la escasez de servicios públicos destinados al cuidado de las criaturas pequeñas y de las personas mayores o dependientes, y realizan una labor de cuidadoras informales sin reconocimiento social, lo cual les impide el acceso a un puesto de trabajo o su mantenimiento y limita de forma decisiva las posibilidades de desarrollo y progreso profesional. Todo ello indica una clara diferencia con respecto a los hombres en cuanto a la frecuencia de contratos temporales y de tiempo parcial, así como en la segregación laboral, tanto horizontal como vertical. Estos aspectos de segregación son más evidentes en las mujeres de clases sociales menos privilegiadas, en las que se concentran las peores condiciones de acceso al mercado laboral y de trabajo. En España es imprescindible llevar a cabo políticas que ofrezcan servicios que permitan compatibilizar la vida laboral y familiar en condiciones de mayor equidad, tanto en razón de género como de clase social.In the last 25 years, the production sector in Spain has undergone important changes. Among these changes, the important growth of the services sector at the expense of the primary sector, the increasing flexibility of the labour market, and the rise in the female workforce could be considered as the most relevant ones. Spanish women have higher rates of unemployment, temporary jobs and part time contracts than Spanish men. Moreover, job access and work

  9. The French nuclear sector. Situation and predictions 2018 - Sectoral and competitive analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document comprises two reports. A first one, published and updated three times a year, and a second one which is a yearly publication. The first one, based on an analysis of market perspectives and of actor strategies, proposes a synthesis on the consequences of the evolution of the economic environment, on major trends noticed for the nuclear sector, and on predictable evolutions. It proposes the most recent data regarding the activities of more than 100 firms belonging to the sector (notably in terms of electric power production, of turnover for firms specialised in nuclear maintenance or in the fuel cycle). It highlights recent events for companies of the sector: takeovers, investments, restructuring, introduction of new products, and so on. It proposes a sector-based dashboard which contains all the critical figures useful to analyse the sector situation (activity determining factors, key figures for the sector and its environment). The annual report proposes a general presentation of the sector (determining factors of the activity, operated nuclear plants in the world, nuclear power production in the world, uranium production and consumption in the world, maintenance and improvement expenses on nuclear plants, electric power consumption and shares in power generation by different sources in France), an analysis of the evolution of the sector activity (trends, indicators, financial performance of actors in the maintenance of nuclear plants), an overview of important issues for the profession (growth issue despite the maturity of the French market, implications of intensification of foreign competition, of higher safety requirements, and of a decrease of nuclear energy profitability), and an analysis of the sector economic structure (turnovers, personnel, position of France among world exporters, equipment export structure, key figures for nuclear maintenance). The last part proposes presentations of 20 French actors and data and information sheets for 10

  10. Trabajo femenino y brecha de ingresos por género en Venezuela.

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    Genny Zuñiga


    Full Text Available Este trabajo estudia la situación de la mujer en el mercado de trabajo venezolano en cuanto a su participación y el nivel de ingreso laboral obtenido. En la evolución de la participación de la mujer en el mercado de trabajo destaca la importancia de la edad, situación conyugal, nivel educativo, fecundidad y área de residencia como factores determinantes de la misma. Existen diferencias de ingreso medio entre hombres y mujeres, favorables a los primeros, que son más marcadas en el sector informal de la economía. Como resultado de la estimación de un modelo de ingresos laborales, puede concluirse que los hombres devengan remuneraciones 20 por ciento superiores a las de sus colegas mujeres con escolaridad y experiencia similar, desempeñándose en el mismo sector y ocupación. Empleando la metodología de Oaxaca y Blinder, también concluimos que la mayor parte de las diferencias de ingreso laboral entre hombres y mujeres no puede ser explicada por diferencias en escolaridad, experiencia o sector económico.

  11. La firmeza del personal cubano de la salud en Venezuela. Nuestra opinión

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    José Suárez Lezcano


    Full Text Available La situación política y social en la hermana República Bolivariana de Venezuela en estos días es tensa. La oposición, encabezada por Henrique Capriles, se niega a reconocer el triunfo en las urnas del candidato socialista Nicolás Maduro. Capriles ha llamado a sus seguidores, de forma solapada, a no reconocer la victoria de Maduro, y ha estimulado actos de violencia en todo el país. Algunos centros médicos donde trabajan colaboradores cubanos no han escapado de esa violencia. Nuestros colaboradores, sin embargo, han seguido cumpliendo con su deber, por la razón que los llevó a la tierra de Bolívar: “atender a cada ciudadano venezolano que requiera de sus servicios, independientemente de la filiación política, clase social, u otras consideraciones,” como dijo al periódico Granma el viceministro cubano de Salud, Dr. Roberto González Martín. Pero nuestros hermanos cubanos no han estado solos. Se ha desarrollado un movimiento voluntario, espontáneo de protección entre los venezolanos, como muestra del cariño y respeto que se han ganado los profesionales cubanos entre los pobladores de los barrios populares. Se sabe, los venezolanos saben, que la presencia de los médicos, enfermeras y técnicos cubanos se debe únicamente  a dos nobles objetivos, el de brindar atención médica a todo el que lo necesite y el contribuir a la formación de médicos venezolanos, que ya en cifra de cerca de 15 mil se han graduado con la ayuda de los profesionales cubanos. Actualmente Cuba mantiene en Venezuela cerca de  45 mil colaboradores que brindan asistencia en las áreas de medicina, deportes, cultura, construcción, agricultura y otras, como parte de los programas de colaboración, impulsados por el fallecido Comandante presidente Hugo Chávez. Somos cubanos y conocemos bien el espíritu de nuestros compatriotas. El pueblo venezolano puede tener la certeza que nuestros profesionales de la salud estarán firmes, junto a ellos, mientras el

  12. Public Sector Expatriate Managers:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fenner, Charles, R., Jr.; Selmer, Jan


    Although public sector expatriates are becoming increasingly common, research on them is very limited. There is reason to believe that the situation for expatriates from the public sector may be different than for those from the private sector. This study investigated U.S. Department of Defense a...


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    Rocío Meneses


    Full Text Available Incrementar la efectividad de los grupos y equipos de trabajo es fundamental en cualquier organización, y más, durante los periodos de crisis económica. Para diseñar un equipo, formar un grupo u optimizar su trabajo, es preciso considerar las tareas, los procesos y los resultados. Siendo los equipos una herramienta clave en la competitividad del sector de la automoción, en este artículo nos enfocaremos en cómo mejorar el desempeño y la efectividad de los equipos de producción de este sector en las industrias españolas, a través de tres procesos, desarrollo grupal, identificación con el grupo y potencia del equipo. Los resultados indican que estos procesos predicen el 57% del desempeño grupal y especialmente dos de los criterios de efectividad utilizados en el sector (absentismo y orden e higiene en el lugar de trabajo. Discutiremos la utilidad de estos resultados para gerentes y lideres de equipos, con el objetivo de favorecer la efectividad de los equipos de producción del sector.

  14. Multi-sectoral action for child safety-a European study exploring implicated sectors. (United States)

    Scholtes, Beatrice; Schröder-Bäck, Peter; Förster, Katharina; MacKay, Morag; Vincenten, Joanne; Brand, Helmut


    Injury to children in Europe, resulting in both death and disability, constitutes a significant burden on individuals, families and society. Inequalities between high and low-income countries are growing. The World Health Organisation Health 2020 strategy calls for inter-sectoral collaboration to address injury in Europe and advocates the whole of government and whole of society approaches to wicked problems. In this study we explore which sectors (e.g. health, transport, education) are relevant for four domains of child safety (intentional injury, water, road and home safety). We used the organigraph methodology, originally developed to demonstrate how organizations work, to describe the governance of child safety interventions. Members of the European Child Safety Alliance, working in the field of child safety in 24 European countries, drew organigraphs of evidence-based interventions. They included the different actors involved and the processes between them. We analyzed the organigraphs by counting the actors presented and categorizing them into sectors using a pre-defined analysis framework. We received 44 organigraphs from participants in 24 countries. Twenty-seven sectors were identified across the four domains. Nine of the 27 identified sectors were classified as 'core sectors' (education, health, home affairs, justice, media, recreation, research, social/welfare services and consumers). This study reveals the multi-sectoral nature of child safety in practice. It provides information for stakeholders working in child safety to help them implement inter-sectoral child safety interventions taking a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach to health governance. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association. All rights reserved.

  15. Torus sector handling system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grisham, D.L.


    A remote handling system is proposed for moving a torus sector of the accelerator from under the cryostat to a point where it can be handled by a crane and for the reverse process for a new sector. Equipment recommendations are presented, as well as possible alignment schemes. Some general comments about future remote-handling methods and the present capabilities of existing systems will also be included. The specific task to be addressed is the removal and replacement of a 425 to 450 ton torus sector. This requires a horizontal movement of approx. 10 m from a normal operating position to a point where its further transport can be accomplished by more conventional means (crane or floor transporter). The same horizontal movement is required for reinstallation, but a positional tolerance of 2 cm is required to allow reasonable fit-up for the vacuum seal from the radial frames to the torus sector. Since the sectors are not only heavy but rather tall and narrow, the transport system must provide a safe, stable, and repeatable method fo sector movement. This limited study indicates that the LAMPF-based method of transporting torus sectors offers a proven method of moving heavy items. In addition, the present state of the art in remote equipment is adequate for FED maintenance

  16. Industrial innovation and intra sectoral and inter sectoral technology diffusion; Innovacion industrial y difusion tecnological intrasectorial e intersectorial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serrano Domingo, G.; Cabrera Borras, B.; Requena Silvente, F.


    This paper examines whether sectoral backward and forward linkages can generate positive externalises in sectoral innovation through diffusion of technological knowledge, both across countries within a sector or across sectors within a country. Using a sample of 14 OECD countries and 12 sectors over the period 1995-2005 we find that forward linkages enhance sectoral innovation. Intra sectoral slipovers are important among sectors and countries with low-to-medium R an D intensity while inter sectoral slipovers have a major impact on sectors with high R and D intensity. (Author)


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    Full Text Available Recently, the concept of sectoral approaches has been discussed actively under the UNFCCC framework as it could realize GHG mitigations for the Kyoto Protocol and beyond. However, most studies have never introduced this approach to the transport sector explicitly or analyzed its impacts quantitatively. In this paper, we introduce a sectoral approach which aims to set sector-specific emission reduction targets for the transport sector for the post-2012 climate regime. We suppose that developed countries will commit to the sectoral reduction target and key developing countries such as China and India will have the sectoral no-lose targets — no penalties for the failure to meet targets but the right to sell exceeding reductions — for the medium term commitment, i.e. 2013–2020. Six scenarios of total CO2 emission reduction target in the transport sector in 2020, varying from 5% to 30% reductions from the 2005 level are established. The paper preliminarily analyzes shares of emission reductions and abatement costs to meet the targets for key developed countries including the USA, EU-15, Russia, Japan and Canada. To analyze the impacts of the proposed approach, we generate sectoral marginal abatement cost (MAC curves by region through extending a top-down economic model, namely the AIM/CGE model. The total emission reduction targets are analyzed against the developed MAC curves for the transport sector in order to obtain an equal marginal abatement cost which derives optimal emission reduction for each country and minimizes total abatement cost. The results indicate that the USA will play a crucial role in GHG mitigations in the transport sector as it is most responsible for emission reductions (i.e. accounts for more than 70% while Japan will least reduce (i.e. accounts for about 3% for all scenarios. In the case of a 5% reduction, the total abatement is equal to 171.1 MtCO2 with a total cost of 1.61 billion USD; and in the case of a 30

  18. Impact analysis of leading sub sector on basic sector to regional income in Siak Regency, Riau Province (United States)

    Astuti, P.; Nugraha, I.; Abdillah, F.


    During this time Siak regency only known as oil producing regency in Riau province, but based on the vision of spatial planning Siak’s regency in 2031 there was a shift from petroleum towards to other sectors such as agribusiness, agroindustry and tourism. The purpose of this study was to identify the sector base, the leading subsectors and shift with their characteristics and to identify the leading subsectors development priority. The method used in this research consisted of the method of Location Quotient (LQ, Shift Share, and Overlay method). The research results were used Location Quotient (LQ) to identify sector’s base in Siak regency based on the document of PDRB. The sector’s refers to the constant prices year of 2000 were mining and quarrying sector (2.25). The sector’s base using document of PDRB at constant prices 2000 without oil and gas sector was the agricultural sector with a value of LQ was 2,45. The leading sub sector in the Siak regency with mining and quarrying sector was oil and gas (1.02) and leading sub sector without oil and gas sector was the plantation sector (1.48) and forestry sector (1.73). Overlay analysis results shown that agriculture sector as a sector base and plantation and forestry as a leading sub sector has positive value and categorize as progressive and competitiveness. Because of that, this leading sub sector gets high priority to developing.

  19. Efecto de la violación del contrato psicológico y el agotamiento emocional sobre el cinismo del empleado

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    Aurora Irma Máynez Guaderrama


    Full Text Available El contrato psicológico es relevante para comprender el comportamiento y el bienestar de los trabajadores. Esta investigación analiza el efecto de la violación del contrato psicológico sobre el cinismo del empleado a través de la mediación del agotamiento emocional. Para ello se realizó una investigación cuantitativa, empírica y transversal a través de una encuesta personal a personal operativo que labora en el sector automotriz de empresas maquiladoras de exportación localizadas en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México. Mediante un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales se encontró que la violación del contrato psicológico afecta de forma directa e indirecta sobre el cinismo del empleado, a través de la mediación del agotamiento emocional.

  20. Energy sector alliances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McQuade, Owen


    Contains Executive Summary and Chapters on: A changing energy sector; Rationale for the joint venture, merger or acquisition; Mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures by sector; The joint venture process; Key factors for success; Financing the venture; Case studies; The future outlook. (Author)

  1. Cross-sector Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Würtz Jessen, Søren; Linnet, Andreas; Tscherning, Rasmus Wiinstedt


    The aim of this handbook is to help improve your opportunities for getting started on innovative and business development projects that reach beyond your own sector, commonly known as ’Cross-sector innovation’, or ’Cross innovation’ for short. We believe that there is a need for an easily read...... innovation handbook that can reach out to all sectors and potential partners whose point of departure, language use and understanding of customers is often very different to that of businesses. These differences constitute a resource for business development. If exploited they can lead to new ways of doing...... things and help us breakaway from the lull of the modes of expression and methods ‘customarily’ employed in business development. The handbook focuses on the interaction of “traditional’ businesses and sectors that belong to those known as the creative and the experience industries, i.e. designers...

  2. Calidad e integracion exitosa de la cadena automotriz de las PYMES en el estado de Nuevo Leon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Blanco Jiménez


    Full Text Available Small and medium enterprises in the automotive industry in Mexico play an increasingly important role in the development of national industry, contributing to 2.6% of GDP and represent 11.5% of the manufacturing sector. However, in a recent study of TBM Consulting found that only 20% of auto parts manufacturers in Mexico have the potential to become world-class suppliers of the automotive industry, 40% are in the process of improvement and the remaining 40%, still doing things the traditional way. According to this analysis, including the difficulties faced by SMEs are unable to comply with the requirements of quality products, poor marketing, lack of refinancing, lack of efficient management techniques, among others. In this research is to analyze the problems of SMEs in the automotive sector in the State of Nuevo León and whether having a system implementation of 5S's is looking to integrate the methodologies needed to be innovative, strengthen intercompany and to adopt the ABC costing accounting system, allowing them to have a better quality and successful integration in the automotive supply chain in Nuevo Leon.

  3. Guerra Federal e Instrucción Pública en las Memorias de los Secretarios del Gobierno Venezolano entre 1859 – 1863 / Federal War and Public Instruction in the reports of the Secretaries of the Venezuelan government between 1859 – 1863

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramón Alexander Uzcátegui Pacheco


    Full Text Available La Guerra Federal fue la contienda bélica que involucró a los habitantes del territorio venezolano entre 1859 y 1863. Este acontecimiento histórico marca de forma decisiva la configuración política del Estado venezolano, incluso en la actualidad. Qué impacto tuvo este enfrentamiento social generalizado en la marcha de la instrucción pública. En este trabajo se analiza la exposición de las memorias que los Secretarios de gobierno presentan al Congreso Nacional o su equivalente entre 1858 y 1863. La revisión permite identificar los efectos de la guerra en la instrucción pública. Dependiendo de la orientación política del Gobierno, el Secretario encargado expresará su visión sobre la instrucción pública. La información que disponen los Secretarios pone en evidencia la gestión pública de la instrucción elemental, los colegios nacionales y la universidad en las circunstancias de la guerra civil. Serias dificultades en el funcionamiento de los centros de enseñanza se deducen de la lectura de la fuente indicada. Finalizada la guerra se propone fortalecer la instrucción pública como medio garante de la paz. Los efectos de la guerra en la institucionalidad educativa tendrán expresión en sus aspectos políticos doctrinarios con la incorporación histórica de la idea de libertad de enseñanza. Federal War and Public Instruction in the reports of the Secretaries of the Venezuelan government between 1859 – 1863 ABSTRACT The Federal War was the military conflict involved the inhabitants of Venezuela between 1859 and 1863. This historic event marked a decisive political configuration of the Venezuelan State, until today. What did impact this widespread social confrontation in the progress of public instruction? This paper is analyzed the expositions presented between 1858 and 1863 for government of Secretaries to Congress or its equivalent. The review can be identifies the effects of war on public education. Depending on the

  4. Role of Manufacturing Sector and Trade, Hotel, Restaurant Sector In East Java’s Economy: Input Output Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anggari Marya Kresnowati


    Full Text Available This study aimed to (1 analyze the relationship the manufacturing sector and the trade, hotel, and restaurant sector with other sectors in East Java, (2 to analyze the economic impact caused the two sectors based on the multiplier effect, (3 and analyze the economic impact caused by these two sectors if there additional investment funds. This study uses data analysis input output 2010 East Java 19x19 aggregation sector.The results indicate that base metals subsector has the highest linkages to other sectors. Based on household income multiplier effect, trade subsector has the greatest multiplier. Employment multiplier in trade and industrial sectors are in medium rank. This is indicates that the labor has been absorbed well in both sectors. The output multiplier effect, subsector non-metal goods, except petroleum and coal has the highest multiplier. The last, according to the analysis of investment injection simulations Input-Output East Java in 2010, subsector other processing industries has a best value added. Overall, the manufacturing sector has a better influence to East Java's economy than trade, hotel, and restaurant sector.

  5. La dimension etica de la gestion de compra: un caso venezolano en el sector petrolero


    Abreu, J. L.


    El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre los elementos de la gestión de compra y los factores éticos involucrados, previa identificación de estos elementos y factores. Se efectuó un tipo de investigación de carácter descriptivo. La población estuvo conformada por compradores de 46 empresas constructorascontratistas que prestan servicio a Petróleos de Venezuela en la Costa Oriental del Lago de Maracaibo, Venezuela. El diseño de la investigación fue...

  6. La dimension etica de la gestion de compra: un caso venezolano en el sector petrolero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abreu, J. L.


    Full Text Available El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre los elementos de la gestión de compra y los factores éticos involucrados, previa identificación de estos elementos y factores. Se efectuó un tipo de investigación de carácter descriptivo. La población estuvo conformada por compradores de 46 empresas constructorascontratistas que prestan servicio a Petróleos de Venezuela en la Costa Oriental del Lago de Maracaibo, Venezuela. El diseño de la investigación fue de captación de datos por encuesta, utilizando un cuestionario compuesto por 40 items. El estudio confirmó el supuesto de que existe relación entre los elementos de la gestión de compra y los factores éticos involucrados en la misma. Dentro de un marco ético existe relación entre la gestión de compra y los siguientes elementos: Relación comprador-proveedor, toma de decisiones, calidad total, empowerment, problemática ambiental y liderazgo. Los valores éticos más resaltantes en orden de importancia encontrados en el estudio fueron: confianza, integridad, orden, honestidad, lealtad, respeto, justicia y responsabilidad.

  7. Información sobre I+D y valoración de empresas El caso del sector automotriz en Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y Reino Unido

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    Teresa Duarte Atoche


    Full Text Available Los Principios de Contabilidad Generalmente Aceptados en EE.UU. requieren del tratamiento como gasto de las inversiones de I+D. Sin embargo, las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera permiten su capitalización siempre y cuando se cumplan ciertos criterios (IAS 38. En la actualidad, la Junta de Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad (IASB y el Consejo de Normas de Contabilidad Financiera (FASB están de acuerdo en unificar esfuerzos para reducir o eliminar las diferencias entre el IFRS y los Principios de Contabilidad Generalmente Aceptados en EE.UU. Los comités del IASB y FASB continúan trabajando sobre las inversiones en I+D; por ello es que en este trabajo se contrastó la relevancia y fiabilidad de la información sobre I+D con objeto de poder estimar el valor de mercado de las empresas que cotizan en los mercados de capitales. El método se centró en el empleo en diferentes variaciones del modelo de Ohlson (1995. La muestra estuvo formada por empresas que cotizan en Estados Unidos y en el Reino Unido y que pertenecen al sector del automóvil; el horizonte temporal analizado comprende diez años (1995-2004. Se encontró que los inversores consideran la inversión en I+D con un lapso temporal mayor a un ejercicio económico como un activo; sin embargo, la inversión en I+D corriente es considerada como un gasto del ejercicio sin aportar valor añadido a las compañías; consecuencia de esto, la normativa internacional debería seguir lo regulado por el IASB.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahmad, Nisar; Naveed, Amjad; Naz, Amber


    believe that structural change is an unimportant side effect of the economic development. On the contrary, economists associated with the World Bank and some others posit that growth is brought about by the changes in sectoral composition. The objective of this study is to empirically test...... the relationship between sectoral shares and economic growth by using the panel data for 20 developed countries. The results of the granger causality suggest that both services and agriculture sectors do granger cause economic growth, whereas industrial sector does not granger cause growth. Reverse causality does...... not hold for any of the three sectors. The results of Barro and Non-Barro regressions along with the set of control variables have suggested that services sector is negatively affecting growth, whereas both industrial and agriculture shares are positively affect economic growth....

  9. Unionism Comes to the Public Sector


    Richard B. Freeman


    This paper argues that public sector labor relations is best understood in a framework that focuses on unions' ability to shift demand curves rather than to raise wages, as is the case in the private sector. It reviews the public sector labor relations literature and finds that: (i) public sector unionism has flourished as a result of changes in laws; (2) the effects of public sector unions on wages are likely to have been underestimated; (3) public sector unions have a somewhat different eff...

  10. Sectoral Innovation Watch Food and Drinks Sector. Final Sector Report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leis, M.; Gijsbers, G.; Zee, F. van der


    The food and drinks manufacturing industry is a diverse and complex sector. There are ample possibilities for performance improvement and innovation in the food and drinks industry as well as a variety of challenges ranging from a lack of financial and human resources, fragmented consumer interests

  11. Retórica vs. Comportamiento en las relaciones comerciales. Un análisis de las relaciones de Venezuela hacia Estados Unidos. Periodo 2007-2012


    Osorio Quevedo, Alejandra


    El objetivo de esta monografía es analizar la incongruencia entre la retórica antiestadounidense empleada por Hugo Chávez durante su segundo mandato presidencial y las relaciones comerciales entre Venezuela y Estados Unidos, caracterizadas por la continua y considerable exportación de crudo venezolano. Por consiguiente, tras una descripción del discurso y de la política exterior del entonces mandatario, aunada a la exposición de estadísticas del comercio bilateral de crudo venezolano; se estu...

  12. The emerging fourth sector


    Friis, Andreas


    The Fourth Sector is a new phenomenon related to dual social and financial value creation, until now not clearly defined with crisp sectoral boundaries and an operationalized definition. The phenomenon is getting increased attention in media, conferences, business schools and by organizations all over the world, and this study intends to explain the macroenvironmental changes that led to the rise of the fourth sector, describe new trends of social value creation in the private ...

  13. Private sector participation in the electricity sector : potential and critical issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunsky, I.


    This presentation discussed the development of infrastructure in the electricity sector with particular reference to public-private partnerships and project finance. Emerging markets that encourage private-sector investment were presented along with recommendations to negotiate power purchase agreements involving small-scale hydroelectric power; a thermal power plant at Suroit, Quebec; and, wind energy in Quebec's Gaspe Peninsula. Interconnection to the provincial power grid was also reviewed with reference to the risk faced by the promoters of a project in terms of project design, construction, financing, production and maintenance. The risks faced by Hydro-Quebec were also discussed along with risk allocations between the private and public sectors. tabs., figs

  14. Regional transport sector mitigation options

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, Peter [EECG Consultants, Gaborone (Botswana)


    The rationale for conducting climate change mitigation studies in the transport sector is on the premise that: The transport sector is the second largest consumer of fossil fuels in the region; The regional transport sector is an area with high opportunity for infrastructural development under UNFCCC financial mechanism; The regional transport sector is crucial in the SADC region for trade and coupled with the Trade Protocol will play a major role in development hence the need to make it efficient in terms of energy demand and provision of services; The sector offers many mitigation options but with a challenge to evaluate their energy saving and GHG saving potential and yet there is need to quantify possible emission reduction for possible future emission trading. This is also a sector with potential to qualify for financing through Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) recently stipulated in the Kyoto Protocol. (au)

  15. Regional transport sector mitigation options

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, Peter


    The rationale for conducting climate change mitigation studies in the transport sector is on the premise that: The transport sector is the second largest consumer of fossil fuels in the region; The regional transport sector is an area with high opportunity for infrastructural development under UNFCCC financial mechanism; The regional transport sector is crucial in the SADC region for trade and coupled with the Trade Protocol will play a major role in development hence the need to make it efficient in terms of energy demand and provision of services; The sector offers many mitigation options but with a challenge to evaluate their energy saving and GHG saving potential and yet there is need to quantify possible emission reduction for possible future emission trading. This is also a sector with potential to qualify for financing through Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) recently stipulated in the Kyoto Protocol. (au)

  16. The gas market and sector in France. Situation and predictions 2018 - Sector and competitive analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Through a detailed analysis of market determining factors, of evolutions of supply and demand, and of major events in firms life, this set of two reports proposes an analysis of the recent situation of the gas sector and of the evolutions of the competitive game. The first report on situation and predictions which is updated three times a year, proposes a synthesis on the consequences of the evolution of the economic environment, on major trends noticed for the sector, and on predictable evolutions. It proposes the most recent predictions regarding natural gas consumption in France and the turnover of the gas sector. It highlights recent events for companies of the sector: takeovers, investments, restructuring, introduction of new products, and so on. It proposes a sector-based dashboard which contains all the critical figures useful to analyse the sector situation (activity determining factors, key figures for the sector and its environment). The second report (the annual one) proposes an overview of trends and competition within the gas sector. It gives an overview of some basic aspects of the activity (sector organisation, gas categories, main customer markets, gas consumption in industry), and of its determining factors, analyses the sector environment (sites connected to the natural gas network, evolution of average temperatures in France, production by chemical industry, by the food industry, and by metallurgy and oil refining, thermal production of electricity, regulatory evolution regarding supports to energy efficiency, and new opportunities). The evolution of the sector activity is analysed through its trends and indicators (turnovers, gas consumption, butane-propane deliveries, wholesale prices, regulated tariffs). The economic structure is also analysed: aspects related to the upstream part (extraction, injection of biogas, natural gas main input and output points, transport and storage, natural gas distribution), and aspects related to gas provision

  17. Sectoral Innovation Watch Retail and Wholesale Trade Sector. Final sector report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schaffers, H.; Rubalcaba, L.; Merino, F.; Giesecke, S.; Schaper-Rinkel, P.; Velsing, E.J.; Montalvo, C.


    The retail and wholesale trade sector traditionally is considered as a poor innovator. Innovation is seen as driven mostly by applications of information and communication technology (ICT). This report adopts a more comprehensive definition of innovation than the traditional one, taking into account

  18. Necesidades de aprendizaje sobre drogadicción en médicos generales integrales venezolanos de Lara (2007 Needs of learning on drug addiction in Venezuelan integral general physicians from Lara state (2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morayma Zulueta Yate


    Full Text Available Introducción: las drogadicciones constituyen un problema de salud que en algunos países desarrollados, supera en morbilidad y casi alcanzan en letalidad, a las enfermedades cardiovasculares y oncológicas. Objetivo: identificar el nivel de conocimientos sobre drogadicción en médicos generales integrales venezolanos, que laboran en los consultorios populares del municipio Iribarren, en el estado Lara, Venezuela. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo, en el periodo comprendido entre diciembre de 2006 y junio de 2007. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por los 46 médicos que laboran en los consultorios de este municipio. Para la recogida de los datos se aplicó una encuesta, previo consentimiento informado. Se trabajó con números absolutos y porcentajes, como medida para cada variable utilizada. Resultados: se obtuvo un predominio de 28 galenos con experiencia laboral entre 6 y 10 años para un 60,9 %. La totalidad de los médicos reconoció como drogas a la marihuana, la heroína y la cocaína, todos refirieron que solo se debe tratar con prioridad al paciente enfermo, además predominó el criterio de que el tratamiento médico, se debe realizar con el paciente hospitalizado para un 56,6 %. Existió escasa experiencia en el manejo de estos pacientes para un 91,3 % y el 100 % de los encuestados, refirió no conocer el Programa Nacional de Drogadicción. Conclusiones: existe un escaso conocimiento con respecto al manejo de la drogadicción en la atención primaria de salud, se identificaron necesidades de aprendizaje por parte de los médicos generales integrales venezolanos.Introduction: the drug addictions are a health problem that in some developed countries overtakes in morbility and almost to achieve the lethality to cardiovascular and oncologic diseases. Objective: to identify the level of knowledge on drug addiction in Venezuelan integral general physicians working in popular consulting rooms

  19. Do sector-specific shocks explain aggregate fluctuations?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busato, Francesco; Girardi, Alessandro; Argentiero, Amedeo

    -sector productivity fluctuations.(ii) Cross-sector technology shocks have very little explanatory power on productivity andemployment, while cross-sector non-technology shocks explain more than 60 percent of employmentthat is reallocated across sector; this suggests that the shocks’ transmission mechanism....... Thenon-durable sector may follow a standard RBC model, while the durable sector should incorporateconsumption habit formation....

  20. Perceptions of the Third Sector

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekkers, R.H.F.P.; Brink Lund, A.


    How do citizens in Europe view third sector organizations? How can differences in perceptions of the third sector among citizens in Europe be explained? And how is the third sector assessed therein with regard to its contribution to social innovation? Based on the limited scope of the evidence

  1. Bureaucratic reform, informal sector and welfare


    Chaudhuri, Sarbajit; Mandal, Biswajit


    In this paper we formulate a three-sector general equilibrium model where one sector produces a service or good used as an intermediate input in two other sectors. Intermediate input here resembles bureaucratic (in)efficiency/control, red-tapism etc. in light of these concerns we introduce informal sector where wage is determined through competitive mechanism. We show that informal wage must go up if bureaucratic efficiency increases in general or if informal sector becomes less prone to bure...

  2. Agricultural sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ainul Hayati Daud; Hazmimi Kasim


    The applications of nuclear technology in agriculture sector cover the use of the technology at every aspects of agricultural activity, starting from the seed to harvesting as well as the management of plantations itself. In this sector, a total of 55 entities comprising 17 public agencies and 38 private companies were selected for the study. Almost all, 91 % of them are located in Peninsular Malaysia; the rest operates in Sabah and Sarawak. The findings of the study in the public agencies and private companies are presented in the next sections. (author)

  3. Responsible leader behavior in health sectors. (United States)

    Longest, Beaufort


    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to expand attention to responsible leader behavior in the world's health sectors by explaining how this concept applies to health sectors, considering why health sector leaders should behave responsibly, reviewing how they can do so, and asserting potential impact through an applied example. Design/methodology/approach This paper is a viewpoint, reflecting conceptualizations rooted in leadership literature which are then specifically applied to health sectors. A definition of responsible leader behavior is affirmed and applied specifically in health sectors. Conceptualizations and viewpoints about practice of responsible leader behavior in health sectors and potential consequences are then discussed and asserted. Findings Leadership failures and debacles found in health, but more so in other sectors, have led leadership researchers to offer insights, many of them empirical, into the challenges of leadership especially by more clearly delineating responsible leader behavior. Practical implications Much of what has been learned in the research about responsible leader behavior offers pathways for health sector leaders to more fully practice responsible leadership. Social implications This paper asserts and provides a supporting example that greater levels of responsible leader behavior in health sectors hold potentially important societal benefits. Originality/value This paper is the first to apply emerging conceptualizations and early empirical findings about responsible leader behavior specifically to leaders in health sectors.

  4. Sector Information Data Set (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fishing sectors were established in the Greater Atlantic region in 2010 under catch share management initiatives. Sector data kept at GARFO is mostly a collection of...

  5. Public sector pay in the UK


    Cribb, Jonathan; Emmerson, Carl; Sibieta, Luke


    This report looks at trends in public sector pay and compares these with what has been happening in the private sector. We start by analysing the overall levels of public and private sector pay, including how they have evolved over recent years and the differences after accounting for the different composition of the public and private sector workforces. We then examine how the difference between pay in the public and private sector varies across different groups of workers and areas of the c...

  6. Sectoral Innovation Foresight. Electrical and Optical Equipment Sector. Final report. Task 2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broek, T. van den; Giessen, A.M. van der


    The goal of this study is to highlight possible future developments of importance to the electrical and optical (E&O) equipment sector, paying particular importance to ‘radical’ changes and discussing policy options and future scenarios. The electrical & optical equipment sector plays a vital role

  7. Leading sector development in Muaro Jambi District

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Safri


    Full Text Available Efforts to improve economic development and economic growth of Muaro Jambi Regency is a must. Efforts to increase economic development and economic growth can occur, if local governments are able to determine or identify priority sectors or become a base sector. Given the importance of determining and defining the right and correct strategy in the development of leading economic sectors/bases, it is necessary to conduct further study related to the development of leading sector policy in Muaro Jambi Regency. Analysis tools that are used are LQ (Location Quotient and SWOT analysis. The results of the analysis found that of there are three sectors that are the main sector or base in Muaro Jambi Regency, namely agriculture, livestock, plantation, fishery and forestry sector, mining and quarrying sector and manufacturing industry sector. Strategies that can be done in order to maintain and develop the sector and sub-sectors/recommended base there are several alternative strategies that combine internal environmental conditions and external environment Muaro Jambi Regency is S - O (power against opportunities, S - T (power against threats W - O (weakness to opportunity and W - T (weakness to threat. Keywords: Location Quotient, SWOT Analysis, Base Sector

  8. Comparing public and private sector switchers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Anders; Hansen, Jesper Rosenberg; Bozeman, Barry

    are related to sector switching and the pattern of sector switch, public to private versus private to public. We propose a life stage model arguing that people's needs change in different life stages of their lives. We further suggest that this can help explain why they switch sector. We use unique Danish...... labor market data that include information on all employees in Denmark (both private and public sector). The data are for the period 1980 to 2006, and this longitudinal database includes abundant information about job changes, including sector switching. Our findings indicate mixed support....... Finally, we find that people with more education are likely to switch from private to public sector....

  9. Relational differences in interpersonal communication during third sector and public sector work

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Dennis Jim

    -going establishment and negotiation of interpersonal relations always takes place (Madsen, 1996). Using pragmatic speech act theory (Alrø & Kristiansen, 2006; Searle, 1969; Vagle, Sandvik, & Svennevig, 1993), the aim is to gain insight into the relation building in the two types of work and to show how micro level...... they are not interested in (Scheibel, 2014). The debate seems to boil down to a concern, that people doing volunteer work in the third sector, would loose their motivation to volunteer, if their work was like working in the public sector. As a contribution to this debate, this paper will examine the role interpersonal...... organisational communication can play in understanding how working in the third sector can differ from working in the public sector. This is based on Ryan & Deci who argue that the way people relate to other people and consequently communicate with them, plays a key role in their motivation for conducting...

  10. Sectoral patterns versus firm-level heterogeneity - The dynamics of eco-innovation strategies in the automotive sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faria, Lourenco; Andersen, Maj Munch


    analysis using patent data from 1965 to 2012. Our findings suggest a process of co-evolution of firms' strategies and indicate that strong sectoral-specific patterns of eco-innovation are present in this sector from the mid-2000s onwards. For fuel cells technologies, however, we observe the formation......This paper sheds light on some important but underestimated elements of green industrial dynamics: the evolution of firms' eco-innovation strategies and activities within a sector. While eco-innovation sectoral case studies have taken place before, our analysis is distinct in investigating the rate......, direction and extent of eco-innovation in the automotive sector, represented here by the main automakers, in order to identify possibly sectoral-specific patterns in firms' strategies, as opposed to divergent strategic behaviors, grounded on evolutionary economic theory. We conduct a two-step empirical...

  11. Higgs Portal into Hidden Sectors

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Several attractive theoretical ideas suggest the existence of one or more 'hidden sectors' consisting of standard model singlet fields, some of which may not be too heavy. There is a profound reason to think that the Higgs sector might provide the first access to these hidden sectors. This scenario could affect Higgs phenomenology in drastic ways.

  12. Aid and sectoral growth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Selaya, Pablo; Thiele, Rainer


    This article examines empirically the proposition that aid to poor countries is detrimental for external competitiveness, giving rise to Dutch disease type effects. At the aggregate level, aid is found to have a positive effect on growth. A sectoral decomposition shows that the effect is (i......) significant and positive in the tradable and the nontradable sectors, and (ii) equally strong in both sectors. The article thus provides no empirical support for the hypothesis that aid reduces external competitiveness in developing countries. A possible reason for this finding is the existence of large idle...

  13. Canada's hydrogen energy sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimmel, T.B.


    Canada produces the most hydrogen per capita of any Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) country. The majority of this hydrogen is produced by steam methane reforming for industrial use (predominantly oil upgrading and fertilizer production). Canada also has a world leading hydrogen and fuel cell sector. This sector is seeking new methods for making hydrogen for its future energy needs. The paper will discuss Canada's hydrogen and fuel cell sector in the context of its capabilities, its demonstration and commercialization activities and its stature on the world stage. (author)

  14. Estudio geoeconómico de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela

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    Manfred Grautoff


    Full Text Available La respuesta heterodoxa del gobierno Venezolano a las distorsiones creadas en su mercado agrava su situación económica. Esto es evidente en la penalización del mercado de bonos de intercambio no regulado que muchas empresas han utilizado como su principal fuente de divisas. En lugar de abordar la causa del problema (sobrevaluación del tipo de cambio, la respuesta del gobierno incentiva la fuga de capitales al reducir la demanda interna en emisión de deuda. Los problemas de liquidez aumentan el riesgo de la expropiación —sin indemnización— de los activos del sector privado. En el sector financiero los principales bancos se mantienen capitalizados mientras las instituciones más pequeñas presentan problemas económicos. Esto refleja una falta de aplicación de las directivas reguladoras y una injerencia política en la supervisión. El gasto se incrementa debido al aumento de los costos del sector público vía salarios (que representan la tercera parte del gasto del gobierno central. Esto se traduce en una ampliación del déficit, hasta del 3,7 % del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB, para 2011.



    Rocío Meneses; Jose Navarro


    Incrementar la efectividad de los grupos y equipos de trabajo es fundamental en cualquier organización, y más, durante los periodos de crisis económica. Para diseñar un equipo, formar un grupo u optimizar su trabajo, es preciso considerar las tareas, los procesos y los resultados. Siendo los equipos una herramienta clave en la competitividad del sector de la automoción, en este artículo nos enfocaremos en cómo mejorar el desempeño y la efectividad de los equipos de producción de este sector e...

  16. Industrial sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ainul Hayati Daud; Hazmimi Kasim


    The industrial sector is categorized as related to among others, the provision of technical and engineering services, supply of products, testing and troubleshooting of parts, systems and industrial plants, quality control and assurance as well as manufacturing and processing. A total of 161 entities comprising 47 public agencies and 114 private companies were selected for the study in this sector. The majority of the public agencies, 87 %, operate in Peninsular Malaysia. The remainders were located in Sabah and Sarawak. The findings of the study on both public agencies and private companies are presented in subsequent sections of this chapter. (author)

  17. Abelian hidden sectors at a GeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morrissey, David E.; Poland, David; Zurek, Kathryn M.


    We discuss mechanisms for naturally generating GeV-scale hidden sectors in the context of weak-scale supersymmetry. Such low mass scales can arise when hidden sectors are more weakly coupled to supersymmetry breaking than the visible sector, as happens when supersymmetry breaking is communicated to the visible sector by gauge interactions under which the hidden sector is uncharged, or if the hidden sector is sequestered from gravity-mediated supersymmetry breaking. We study these mechanisms in detail in the context of gauge and gaugino mediation, and present specific models of Abelian GeV-scale hidden sectors. In particular, we discuss kinetic mixing of a U(1) x gauge force with hypercharge, singlets or bi-fundamentals which couple to both sectors, and additional loop effects. Finally, we investigate the possible relevance of such sectors for dark matter phenomenology, as well as for low- and high-energy collider searches.

  18. Two-sector disequilibrium growth

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.G.M. van Marrewijk (Charles); J.B.L.M. Verbeek (Jos)


    textabstractWe investigate the effects of (i) profit distribution to either laborers or capital-owners, (ii) sector-specific or efficient rationing schemes, and (iii) government consumption in a two-sector disequilibrium growth model with sluggish real wage rate adjustment (which affects capital

  19. The Healthcare and Public Health Sector Challenges and Strategies to Conducting Sector Wide Assessments


    Meyer, Harry


    Our Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) sector is vast, complex and essential to virtually all other sectors of our nation’s infrastructure. Without a healthy workforce modern society quickly grinds to a halt. The often messy networks of healthcare providers, insurance companies, emergency departments, pharmaceutical manufactures and other equally important actors are bound together in fragile alliances to maintain and restore basic health. Thus the HPH sector becomes an important cog in the w...

  20. industria automovilística

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    Luis Arturo Rivas Tovar


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objeto mostrar una breve reseña de lo que ha sido la gestión del conocimiento en la industria automotriz internacional. Se describen las experiencia de gestión dentro de las que cabe mencionar la transformación de conocimiento tácito en explícito (Honda, la socialización del conocimiento (Nissan, la creación de comunidades de práctica (Ford, la creación de los libros de conocimiento de ingeniería (Daimler Chrysler, las alianzas de aprendizaje (GM, el aprendizaje colectivo (IRIZAR España, y el sistema de agentes inteligentes (Volvo. Finalmente se describen los retos de la industria automotriz mexicana en materia de gestión del conocimiento, derivada de su proceso de apertura comercial.

  1. La gestión del conocimiento en la industria automovilística

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    Luis Arturo Rivas Tovar, Ph.D.


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objeto mostrar una breve reseña de lo que ha sido la gestión del conocimiento en la industria automotriz internacional. Se describen las experiencia de gestión dentro de las que cabe mencionar la transformación de conocimiento tácito en explícito (Honda, la socialización del conocimiento (Nissan, la creación de comunidades de práctica (Ford, la creación de los libros de conocimiento de ingeniería (Daimler Chrysler, las alianzas de aprendizaje (GM, el aprendizaje colectivo (IRIZAR España, y el sistema de agentes inteligentes (Volvo. Finalmente se describen los retos de la industria automotriz mexicana en materia de gestión del conocimiento, derivada de su proceso de apertura comercial.

  2. Exportaciones a Venezuela: evolución y efecto sobre el panorama exportador y las firmas colombianas (2000-2012

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    Aarón Garavito


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza la dinámica de las exportaciones colombianas al mercado venezolano, las características de las firmas que despachan bienes a dicho destino y la dependencia de estas empresas de los ingresos obtenidos por las ventas a Venezuela. Los resultados muestran que los despachos al mercado venezolano afectan la evolución, la estructura y el destino de las exportaciones colombianas. Así, su evolución ha respondido en parte al ciclo económico en el vecino país y a las relaciones diplomáticas binacionales. A nivel de las firmas, se encontraron cambios en las características del conjunto de empresas que participan en dicho mercado conforme a la coyuntura del comercio entre los dos países. Finalmente, para una muestra de empresas el mercado venezolano es uno de los principales destinos internacionales para sus productos, pero no representa la mayor parte de sus ingresos operacionales, los cuales son atribuibles fundamentalmente al mercado interno.

  3. Exportaciones a Venezuela: evolución y efecto sobre el panorama exportador y las firmas colombianas (2000-2012

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    Aaron Garavito


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza la dinámica de las exportaciones colombianas al mercado venezolano, las características de las firmas que despachan bienes a dicho destino y la dependencia de estas empresas de los ingresos obtenidos por las ventas a Venezuela. Los resultados muestran que los despachos al mercado venezolano afectan la evolución, la estructura y el destino de las exportaciones colombianas. Así, su evolución ha respondido en parte al ciclo económico en el vecino país y a las relaciones diplomáticas binacionales. A nivel de las firmas, se encontraron cambios en las características del conjunto de empresas que participan en dicho mercado conforme a la coyuntura del comercio entre los dos países. Finalmente, para una muestra de empresas el mercado venezolano es uno de los principales destinos internacionales para sus productos, pero no representa la mayor parte de sus ingresos operacionales, los cuales son atribuibles fundamentalmente al mercado interno.

  4. Engineering in the energy sector. The single market and the engineering sector; Ingenieria en el sector energetico. El mercado unico y el sector de ingenieria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Rodrigues, A [Empresarios Agrupados, A.I.E., Madrid (Spain)


    Projects with large infrastructures, particularly those in the field of energy, provide a strong boost to certain industrial sectors in the country. In the case of Spain, the policy of direct management 'by components' of these projects - hydroelectric power plants, petrochemical plants, thermoelectric plants and nuclear power plants - adopted by the electric utility owners has furthered not only the local equipment manufacturing industry but also the engineering sector. At present, with full implementation of the Single Market in sight, it is particularly interesting for Spain to continue building up a powerful engineering sector, increasing its size and usefulness, and extending its traditional areas of action to other technologies, more on the lines of engineering and consulting firms in the USA than in the rest of Europe. The intention is to endow our equipment and construction companies with the skills necessary to enable them to compete with large European conglomerates in their respective sectors. The structure of these conglomerates usually contains engineering capabilities which are not habitual in our industry. Examples are given, showing how this model has been used to compete and win awards for important international projects. A specific analysis has been made of the position of Spanish engineering and industry in nuclear power generation projects in the former Soviet Union and East European countries, in which large investments are expected to be made. (author)

  5. Cross-Sector Partnership Formation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    I. Stöteler (Ismaela); S. Reeder (Sabine); R.J.M. van Tulder (Rob)


    textabstractA cross-sector partnership is a collaborative effort in which parties from different societal sectors pool resources to provide solutions to (perceived) common problems. These partnerships are often rather complex because of a number of reasons: (1) they address complex issues, (2) they

  6. Sector Economic Outlook. Energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The energy sector is a key driver of the economic pillar of Vision 2030. As the economy grows, urbanization intensifies and incomes increase, corporate and household demand for energy also rises. To meet this growth in demand for energy, the sector needs to increase investments and diversify into more sources of energy such as geothermal and wind power. It is therefore critical that focus is directed towards development and sustainability of the energy sector to ensure delivery of least cost power that will improve Kenya's competitiveness and achieve the Vision 2030 objective of 10% average annual economic growth.

  7. Estimación de la edad dental en un grupo de niños venezolanos utilizando el método de Nolla

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    A. Carolina Medina


    Full Text Available La edad dental es un indicador de maduración corporal de importancia clínica en Odontología para la planificación del tratamiento de pacientes en crecimiento. El objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer la precisión de la determinación de la edad dental calculada con el método Nolla, en un grupo de niños y niñas del Área Metropolitana de Caracas. Materiales y Métodos: Se seleccionó una muestra estratificada por edad y género incluyendo 238 radiografías panorámicas de elevada calidad de personas sanas con edades entre 5 y 13 años. Se calculó la diferencia entre la edad cronológica y dental distribuyéndola entre géneros y grupos de edad. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando pruebas de correlación (Pearson, y diferencias entre medias t -Student, ANOVA, fijando p<0,05. El coeficiente k intraobservador fue de 0,68. Resultados: La correlación entre la edad dental cronológica y la edad dental fue de 0,92 años (p=0,01. La formación dental se presentó retrasada en varones al compararla con la de las hembras, alcanzando significación estadística sólo para los caninos y primer premolar superior. Para el total, la diferencia entre la edad dental y cronológica fue estadísticamente significativa, registrándose una subestimación de la edad en -0,88 ± 0,94 años (p=0,01. La subestimación fue mayor para las hembras (-1,04±0,93 años que para los varones (-0,72±0,94 años. Conclusión: Se concluye que el Método de Nolla puede ser utilizado para la identificación de etapas de formación dental en la población de niños y niñas venezolanos, aunque carece de precisión para el cálculo de su edad dental.

  8. Las incubadoras de empresas como instrumento de vinculación universidad-sector productivo-sector público

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    Jorge Moreno


    Full Text Available Este artículo hace referencia a la incubación de empresas en un ambiente tecnológico innovador así como el papel que pueden jugar la universidad, el sector productivo y el sector público para el desarrollo de procesos de incubación. En tal sentido, pretendió analizar la viabilidad del establecimiento de incubadoras de empresas como modalidad de vinculación universidad-sector productivo- sector público. Se concluye: 1 que la inadecuación de las estructuras administrativas de las instituciones gubernamentales dificulta la vinculación con las universidades y sectores productivos. 2 Un aspecto que a resaltar, es la formación, desarrollo de recursos humanos y la transferencia de ciencia y tecnología, constituyen estrategias claras de vinculación y 3 el sector público debe diseñar políticas de vinculación con las empresas y las universidades especialmente en materia de financiamiento.

  9. Energy sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Within the framework of assessing the state of the environment in Lebanon, this chapter describes primary energy demand, the electricity generating sector and environmental impacts arising from the energy sector.Apart from hydropower and traditional energy sources, which together represent 1.7% of energy consumption, all energy in Lebanon derives from imported petroleum products and some coal.Tables present the imports of different petroleum products (Gasoil, Kerosene, fuel oil, coal etc...), their use, the energy balance and demand.Energy pricing and pricing policies, formal and informal electricity generations in Lebanon are described emphasized by tables. The main environmental impacts are briefly summarized. Thermal power stations give rise to emissions of Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ), particulates, oxides of nitrogen (NO x ) and CO/CO 2 from combustion of primary fuel informally generated power from both industry and domestic consumption produce particulate materials and emissions of NO x and SO 2 projected emissions of SO 2 from the power sector with the present generating capacity and with the new combined cycle power plants in operation are shown. Other environmental impacts are described. Recommendations for supply and environment policy are presented

  10. Industrial Disputes in the Construction Sector

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    L.J Perry


    Full Text Available The Cole Royal Commission enquiry into the building and construction (abbreviated to ‘construction’ sector recommended controversial workplace-relation reforms for that sector. The recommended changes are likely to be enshrined in legislation within the year. The Commission drew on analyses of industrial disputes that focused, in the main, on quite recent experience. This paper attempts to give a broader historical perspective on disputes in that sector by considering the pattern of disputes for the entire post-World War II period. Accordingly, data on disputes and employees during the entire period are gathered from Australian Bureau of Statistics current and archived sources. These data are classified according to sector (construction versus non-construction and analysed. It is found that the strike rate has, on average, been greater in the construction sector than in the non-construction sector. However, there have been periods during which disputes in the construction sector have been relatively low. The most recent period was during the period of the Accord (1983-96, during which the strike rate in the construction sector fell relatively strongly. The analysis of this relatively broad historical period draws attention, among other things, to the possibility that the sort of strategies employed during the Accord years – strategies of cooperation and consensus building – may provide a more effective means of bringing industrial peace to the workplace relations scene of the construction sector than policies that are relatively confrontational.

  11. The electric tariff in the residential sector; Tarificacion electrica en el sector residencial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sheinbaum Pardo, Claudia [Instituto de Ingenieria, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    The main objective of this paper is to make an historical revision and analyze the current condition of the electric tariffs in the Mexican residential sector and ask ourselves if the equalization of tariffs generates the possibility that the entire population has access to the electricity service. The document is divided into three parts. The first one presents the history and the tendencies of the tariffs in the domestic sector in Mexico since 1973 until 1996 and the current tariff structure. The second one describes the characteristics of the residential users and mention is made of how the increment of the electric tariffs would affect the various population sectors. The last part of this paper presents some tariff criteria, that take into account energy conservation measures [Espanol] El objetivo principal de este trabajo es hacer una revision historica y analizar la situacion actual de las tarifas electricas en el sector residencial mexicano y preguntarnos si la igualdad de tarifas genera la posibilidad de que toda la poblacion tenga acceso al servicio electrico. El documento se divide en tres partes. La primera presenta la historia y tendencias de las tarifas del sector domestico en Mexico desde 1973 hasta 1996 y la estructura tarifaria actual. La segunda describe las caracteristicas de los usuarios residenciales y se menciona como afectaria el incremento de las tarifas electricas a los distintos sectores de la poblacion. La ultima parte de este trabajo presenta algunos criterios de tarificacion, que toman en cuenta medidas de ahorro de energia

  12. Financial Sector Structure and Economic Growth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rapp, Marc Steffen

    Economists consider a well-functioning financial sector to be of first order importance for a modern (capitalist) economy. However, in the aftermath of the financial crisis a debate about the future role of the financial sector emerged and many commentators have called into question whether...... the financial sector actually creates value for the wider society. This research, which is part of a broad research project “Nordic Finance and the Good Society”, aims to contribute to this debate by studying the role of the financial sector structure for economic development of an economy. Therefore......, it proceeds in five steps. First, it provides some reflections on the financial sector and the existing literature studying financial sector structure and its association with economic development. Second, it presents stylized firm-level evidence on capital structure choice and firm behavior. It is argued...

  13. The Italian energy sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The energy sector in Italy, as in Europe and in many other areas of the world, is undergoing rapid and profound changes. The 1986 ratification of the European Single Act was intended to create a European internal market, where circulation of people, capital, goods, and services would reach the highest possible liberalization. In 1988, in the document The Energy Internal Market, the European Union (EU) commission stressed the need for creation of an internal energy market--free of obstacles--to increase security of supply, to reduce costs, and to strengthen the competitiveness of the European economic system. In 1990, the Community Council adopted directives to implement the EU energy sector. This article describes Italy's role as part of the EU energy sector. It covers the following topics: the Italian energy sector; electricity vs gas transportation; project finance; recent developments advance Italian power industry; specifying powerplant components -- Italian stype; buyers' guide to Italian equipment, services

  14. Brazilian healthcare in the context of austerity: private sector dominant, government sector failing. (United States)

    Costa, Nilson do Rosário


    This paper presents the arguments in favor of government intervention in financing and regulation of health in Brazil. It describes the organizational arrangement of the Brazilian health system, for the purpose of reflection on the austerity agenda proposed for the country. Based on the literature in health economics, it discusses the hypothesis that the health sector in Brazil functions under the dominance of the private sector. The categories employed for analysis are those of the national health spending figures. An international comparison of indicators of health expenses shows that Brazilian public spending is a low proportion of total spending on Brazilian health. Expenditure on individuals' health by out-of-pocket payments is high, and this works against equitability. The private health services sector plays a crucial role in provision, and financing. Contrary to the belief put forward by the austerity agenda, public expenditure cannot be constrained because the government has failed in adequate provision of services to the poor. This paper argues that, since the Constitution did not veto activity by the private sector segment of the market, those interests that have the greatest capacity to vocalize have been successful in imposing their preferences in the configuration of the sector.

  15. Private Sector Participation in the Indian Power Sector and Climate Change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhide, Shashanka; Malik, Payal; Nair, S.K.N.; Blanc, Aymeric; Jaitley, Monica; Acharya, Nandini


    In September 2005, AFD's Research Department launched a Research Program on Public Private Partnerships with an approach combining economic analysis (contractual incentives, financing of investment, etc.) with a sociological and political approach to regulatory issues. Various case studies have been conducted in different sectors (water and sanitation, power, transport) and countries. This study falls within the above research framework since India - like most major developing countries - has attempted to introduce market forces in its electric power systems. At the same time, growing concern over global climate change has put the spotlight on the need for India to control its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). India is currently the world's sixth biggest producer of GHG emissions, but is the second biggest if one considers the rate of augmentation of its emissions. Half of India's total GHG emissions are produced by its power sector, and 70 per cent of electricity is generated by thermal power plants, mainly from coal. Climate change mitigation in the power sector is thus a strategic issue for AFD in India. This study is structured so as to examine the intersection of these two crucial challenges in India by exploring the links between private participation in the power sector in India and the reduction of GHG emissions

  16. On value differences experienced by sector switchers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Graaf, G.; van der Wal, Z.


    This article examines experienced differences in values between employees in the public and private sector. To elucidate them, the authors interviewed 30 employees of the public sector previously employed in the private sector and 30 employees of the private sector previously employed in the public

  17. Attractiveness of employment sectors for physical therapists in Ontario, Canada (1999-2007: implication for the long term care sector

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    Landry Michel D


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recruiting and retaining health professions remains a high priority for health system planners. Different employment sectors may vary in their appeal to providers. We used the concepts of inflow and stickiness to assess the relative attractiveness of sectors for physical therapists (PTs in Ontario, Canada. Inflow was defined as the percentage of PTs working in a sector who were not there the previous year. Stickiness was defined as the transition probability that a physical therapist will remain in a given employment sector year-to-year. Methods A longitudinal dataset of registered PTs in Ontario (1999-2007 was created, and primary employment sector was categorized as ‘hospital’, ‘community’, ‘long term care’ (LTC or ‘other.’ Inflow and stickiness values were then calculated for each sector, and trends were analyzed. Results There were 5003 PTs in 1999, which grew to 6064 by 2007, representing a 21.2% absolute growth. Inflow grew across all sectors, but the LTC sector had the highest inflow of 32.0%. PTs practicing in hospitals had the highest stickiness, with 87.4% of those who worked in this sector remaining year-to-year. The community and other employment sectors had stickiness values of 78.2% and 86.8% respectively, while the LTC sector had the lowest stickiness of 73.4%. Conclusion Among all employment sectors, LTC had highest inflow but lowest stickiness. Given expected increases in demand for services, understanding provider transitional probabilities and employment preferences may provide a useful policy and planning tool in developing a sustainable health human resource base across all employment sectors.

  18. Attractiveness of employment sectors for physical therapists in Ontario, Canada (1999-2007): implication for the long term care sector (United States)


    Background Recruiting and retaining health professions remains a high priority for health system planners. Different employment sectors may vary in their appeal to providers. We used the concepts of inflow and stickiness to assess the relative attractiveness of sectors for physical therapists (PTs) in Ontario, Canada. Inflow was defined as the percentage of PTs working in a sector who were not there the previous year. Stickiness was defined as the transition probability that a physical therapist will remain in a given employment sector year-to-year. Methods A longitudinal dataset of registered PTs in Ontario (1999-2007) was created, and primary employment sector was categorized as ‘hospital’, ‘community’, ‘long term care’ (LTC) or ‘other.’ Inflow and stickiness values were then calculated for each sector, and trends were analyzed. Results There were 5003 PTs in 1999, which grew to 6064 by 2007, representing a 21.2% absolute growth. Inflow grew across all sectors, but the LTC sector had the highest inflow of 32.0%. PTs practicing in hospitals had the highest stickiness, with 87.4% of those who worked in this sector remaining year-to-year. The community and other employment sectors had stickiness values of 78.2% and 86.8% respectively, while the LTC sector had the lowest stickiness of 73.4%. Conclusion Among all employment sectors, LTC had highest inflow but lowest stickiness. Given expected increases in demand for services, understanding provider transitional probabilities and employment preferences may provide a useful policy and planning tool in developing a sustainable health human resource base across all employment sectors. PMID:22643111

  19. Sector agreements in post-2012 commitments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vieillefosse, A.


    After having recalled the economical theory on havens of pollution, and the problem of concurrence distortions in the Kyoto protocol, and then defined what a sector-based objective is, this report proposed analyses on several sectors: electricity and heat production, steel, cement, aluminium, chemistry and, more partially, the transport sector (light motor vehicles and air transporters). The objective is to develop economical instruments which will help industrialists in adopting less polluting technologies while minimizing concurrence distortions induced by the carbon constraint. For each sector, the report proposes an assessment of emissions, growth prospects, and exposure to international concurrence. It assess to which extent a sector-based objective would be justified and relevant

  20. Ingerop - Nuclear sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    As regards the nuclear sector, Ingerop has acquired along the decades extensive experience in designing and calculating complex structures for nuclear facilities. Since 2002, Ingerop focused on more system- and process-oriented projects in this field. Nowadays, Ingerop offers integrated services based on its sound know-how, top-notch expertise and insight into the management of nuclear projects, for both revamping and new build activities. Ingerop has made the development of the energy sector one of its top priorities in particular for the nuclear sector along with NucAdvisor, the first French engineering practice specialising in civil nuclear power. NucAdvisor's main mission is to assist governments or their representatives in developing their nuclear programs offering expertise and consulting services on specific topics like siting, licensing and operation of nuclear power plants, as well as decommissioning and dismantling and radioactive waste management. In January 2016, a new subsidiary has been created - INGEROP Contracting - which provides a global EPC/turnkey offer covering all fields of energy and industry. Its goal is to deliver projects from the design up to the commissioning, while taking a clear commitment on the overall cost and schedule. This brochure presents the Ingerop Company, its offer of services and main fields of intervention, its IT tools for 3D modeling and design, its activities and main references in the nuclear sector

  1. Energy. Sector 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The aim of this article is to report the results of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventory for the year 1994. The following GHG are of interest in the energy sector: Carbon dioxide CO 2 , methane CH 4 , nitrous oxide N 2 O, oxides of nitrogen NO x , carbon monoxide CO, sulphur dioxide SO 2 and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs). The inventory has focused on the following GHG related sources: -Electricity generation through the electric utility. -Private generation of electricity -Manufacturing industries and construction -Transport: road, domestic aviation and national navigation -Energy use in the residential sector -Energy use in the commercial/institutional sector -Energy use in the agriculture/forestry/fishing sector The fuel types taken into consideration are:Gasoline, jet Kerosene, Kerosene for household use, gas oil, diesel oil, fuel oil, LPG, lubricating oil, coal, wood and charcoal (solid biomass). Care has been taken to eliminate the fuel used by international marine and aviation bunkers from the national inventory. The amount of GHG released to the atmosphere has been estimated using the IPCC methodology and emission factors .Where national emission factors differed from those of IPCC, the factors are discussed. Complete documentation of compiled information and data sources are attached to this article.Finally both the reference approach and analysis by source categories have been carried out and are reported in this inventory

  2. Monetary Policy with Sectoral Trade-offs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petrella, Ivan; Rossi, Raffaele; Santoro, Emiliano


    properties of simple rules that react to alternative measures of final goods price inflation. Due to factor demand linkages, the cost of production in one sector is influenced by price-setting in the other sector. Therefore, measures of aggregate inflation weighing sectoral prices based on their relative...

  3. Private Sector Credit and Inflation Volatility

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorna Katusiime


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the effect of inflation volatility on private sector credit growth. The results indicate that private sector credit growth is positively linked to the one period lagged inflation volatility. Given that past monetary policy actions continue to affect the targeted variables due to the substantial lags in the transmission mechanism, the positive response of private sector credit growth to past inflation volatility suggests a credible monetary policy regime in Uganda, which has led to a reduction in the level of macroeconomic uncertainty and the restoration of favorable economic conditions and prospects, thus increasing the demand for credit. Further, the study finds that the lagged private sector credit growth, nominal exchange rate, and inflation have a statistically significant effect on private sector credit growth while financial innovation, interest rates, and GDP growth appear not to be important determinants of private sector credit growth. The robustness of our findings is confirmed by sensitivity checks.

  4. Smart grids and the transformation of the electricity sector: ICT firms as potential catalysts for sectoral change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erlinghagen, Sabine; Markard, Jochen


    The sustainability challenges associated with increasing demand and generation of electricity require a far-reaching transformation of the energy system. Smart grid technologies are expected to play a major role in such sectoral transformation. While a growing body of literature is concerned with the dynamics and particularities of sectoral transformation, most contributions have focused on exogenous shocks or new technological developments as drivers of change. This paper complements the existing perspectives by exploring the role of actors as catalysts for transformation. Within the field of smart grid, we study the transformative influence of ICT firms on the energy sector in Europe. More specifically, we analyze actor participation in 450 European smart grid projects between 2000 and 2011 as well as acquisitions in the field. We find that incumbent firms from the ICT sector have gained influence and drive transformation through the creation of variety, in terms of technology, business models and value chains. As a strategic reaction, electricity sector incumbents have recently acquired many start-ups specialized in ICT technology and thus expanded their competence base. We conclude that entrants from another sector can be important catalysts for sectoral transformation and should be analyzed more systematically in transition studies. - Highlight: ► Entrants from adjacent sectors are important catalysts for sectoral transformation. ► We provide a socio-technical systems perspective on smart grid. ► We analyze actor participation in smart grid projects in Europe 2000–2011. ► ICT firms drive transformation towards a smarter grid.

  5. Account for sector heterogeneity in China's energy consumption. Sector price indices vs. GDP deflator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, Chunbo


    A common practice in decomposition analyses is to deflate output indicators to purge the impact of inflation by using a general deflator. This practice fails to account for sector heterogeneity and can be hazardous. Although the general identified patterns are largely correct, the calculated magnitudes can be misleading or even wrongly signed. Instead, it is strongly recommended that sector heterogeneity is accounted for by using individual sector price indices for all relevant sectors instead of one general (GDP) deflator. This paper analyzes this advanced decomposition using Chinese data and compares to the usual method of using only one deflator. It is found that while most differences are only of quantitative quality, some show even a qualitative difference. Furthermore, the rising energy intensity in the early 2000s, which has been discussed by previous studies, vanishes completely. (author)

  6. Reflections on science and the communication sector (United States)

    Raes, Frank


    Reflections on science and the communication sector. In this contribution I will reflect about successes and failures in communicating climate change and air pollution sciences to the general public. These communication efforts included writing popular articles, giving public presentations, working with people from the social scientists and artists. Giving the fact that communication is a very important (economic) sector on its own, the question is to what extent scientists should enter that sector, whether scientists are at all accepted in that sector, whether they should use the expertise in that sector, or whether they should merely provide the knowledge to be used by that sector.

  7. Public Sector Organizations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Renate; Leixnering, Stephan


    New public management-inspired reforms created numerous autonomous units with many different faces and labels. This variety of organizations and organizational forms precludes a straightforward definition of what constitutes a public sector organization and blurs the boundaries between the public...... and private sectors as well as the boundaries of single organizations. In addition, the complexity of the interlocking arrangements and relationships in this public organizational landscape has resulted in considerable governance problems with serious implications for coordination and policy coherence....

  8. “Crossing over”: appropriate private sector principles, to operate more reliable public sector water services


    Kevin Wall


    Private sector institutions utilise many different business methods, some of which can selectively be adapted for use by organisations outside the private sector, to the benefit of their service delivery responsibilities. But the best of the appropriate practices from the private sector have often “not crossed over”. The Water Research Commission (WRC) of South Africa, working in collaboration with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), finds that the concept of franch...

  9. The Distribution of Gender and Public Sector Pay Premia: Evidence from the Egyptian Organised Sector


    Mona Said


    Using earnings functions estimates on a survey of Egyptian establishments conducted in 1990, standard decomposition techniques of wage differentials show that both males and females have an earnings disadvantage in the public enterprise and government sectors after correcting for a range of personal and job characteristics. Gender based pay discrimination is small in the public sector. In contrast, it is quite high by international comparisons in the private sector and mainly takes place by p...


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    Aulia Keiko Hubbansyah


    Full Text Available In this study, we analyze the dynamic interactions between the financial sectors and the business sectors in the ASEAN-4 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. To do that, we apply the newly generalized version of the Vector Autoregressive Framework (VAR spillover index approach proposed by Diebold and Yilmaz (2012 as our method of analysis. Based on quarterly data of each variable over the period from the first quarter of 1984 to the fourth quarter of 2015 for the ASEAN-4 countries, this study finds that: 1 Spillovers between the variables move in a diverse manner over the period of analysis for each country, 2 The variable that acts as the dominant crisis transmitter in each country is different for each country, 3 The interdependence between the variables became stronger, both within and across the countries, during the crisis period. In particular, the business sectors played a leading role during the onset of the crisis, while the financial sectors took their places as the dominant source of spillovers as the crisis deepened. 4 Credit growth in Thailand was found to be the dominant transmitter of shocks to the ASEAN-3 countries. Overall, these results suggest that the strength and movement of the spillovers between the financial and business sectors changed from time to time along with the changes that happened in the economies.

  11. Electricity sector integration in West Africa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pineau, Pierre-Olivier


    Regional and global integration initiatives push for more electricity sector integration everywhere in the world, including West Africa. The creation of the West African Power Pool (WAPP) in 2000 and important investments under this new structure in 2006 are concrete actions that will result in a more integrated West African electricity sector. But will this integrated sector be more functional than the previous ones? Will the identified electricity sector problems be solved with the new power pool? This paper analyzes how power sector integration is presented by international institutions (the UN Economic Commission for Africa, World Energy Council and World Bank) and identifies three problematic issues with the current integration approach: lack of African ownership, unclear and conflicting reform objectives and uncertainty of integration outcomes

  12. La eficiencia relativa del sector real vs. la del sector financiero de la economía colombiana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria Isabel Rodriguez Lozano


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es comparar las empresas del sector real de la economía y las entidades del sector financiero colombiano para el año 2014, en términos de eficiencia relativa, mediante la aplicación de la metodología Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA. Para un país como Colombia, perteneciente a las economías emergentes, es importante la realización de este estudio para determinar hasta dónde estos dos sectores son eficientes o ineficientes, dada la importancia que tienen en la generación de desarrollo y en la disminución de las desigualdades sociales. Se toman como fuente de información la Superintendencia de Sociedades y la Superintendencia Financiera. Se analizaron 26.799 empresas del sector real y 254 entidades del sector financiero, lo que dio como resultado mejores indicadores para el sector financiero y, dentro de este, se destacó la industria aseguradora. Sin embargo, es necesario que estos dos sectores mejoren su desempeño, ya que solo el 2,6 % de las empresas y entidades estudiadas es eficiente.

  13. 'Where is the public health sector?' Public and private sector healthcare provision in Madhya Pradesh, India. (United States)

    De Costa, Ayesha; Diwan, Vinod


    This paper aims to empirically demonstrate the size and composition of the private health care sector in one of India's largest provinces, Madhya Pradesh. It is based on a field survey of all health care providers in Madhya Pradesh (60.4 million in 52,117 villages and 394 towns). Seventy-five percent of the population is rural and 37% live below poverty line. This survey was done as part of the development of a health management information system. The distribution of health care providers in the province with regard to sector of work (public/private), rural-urban location, qualification, commercial orientation and institutional set-up are described. Of the 24,807 qualified doctors mapped in the survey, 18,757 (75.6%) work in the private sector. Fifteen thousand one hundred forty-two (80%) of these private physicians work in urban areas. The 72.1% (67793) of all qualified paramedical staff work in the private sector, mostly in rural areas. The paper empirically demonstrates the dominant heterogeneous private health sector and the overall the disparity in healthcare provision in rural and urban areas. It argues for a new role for the public health sector, one of constructive oversight over the entire health sector (public and private) balanced with direct provision of services where necessary. It emphasizes the need to build strong public private partnerships to ensure equitable access to healthcare for all.

  14. Public sector achievement in 36 countries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Benedikt Goderis


    This report examines the inputs, outputs and outcomes of the public sector in 36 countries (including the EU-28) over the period 1995-2012. We study two sectors – education and health – in some detail, while taking a more general look at the sectors social safety, housing, social security and

  15. Changes in the Danish construction sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Kristian; Emmitt, Stephen; Bonke, Sten


    Like the building sector in many other countries the Danish construction sector was criticised heavily in a number of government sponsored reports in the 1990s. The sector was seen to be unresponsive to change and ‘locked-in’ to familiar working practices, and so development was needed. And, like...

  16. Third sector primary care for vulnerable populations. (United States)

    Crampton, P; Dowell, A; Woodward, A


    This paper aims to describe and explain the development of third sector primary care organisations in New Zealand. The third sector is the non-government, non-profit sector. International literature suggests that this sector fulfils an important role in democratic societies with market-based economies, providing services otherwise neglected by the government and private for-profit sectors. Third sector organisations provided a range of social services throughout New Zealand's colonial history. However, it was not until the 1980s that third sector organisations providing comprehensive primary medical and related services started having a significant presence in New Zealand. In 1994 a range of union health centres, tribally based Mäori health providers, and community-based primary care providers established a formal network -- Health Care Aotearoa. While not representing all third sector primary care providers in New Zealand, Health Care Aotearoa was the best-developed example of a grouping of third sector primary care organisations. Member organisations served populations that were largely non-European and lived in deprived areas, and tended to adopt population approaches to funding and provision of services. The development of Health Care Aotearoa has been consistent with international experience of third sector involvement -- there were perceived "failures" in government policies for funding primary care and private sector responses to these policies, resulting in lack of universal funding and provision of primary care and continuing patient co-payments. The principal policy implication concerns the role of the third sector in providing primary care services for vulnerable populations as a partial alternative to universal funding and provision of primary care. Such an alternative may be convenient for proponents of reduced state involvement in funding and provision of health care, but may not be desirable from the point of view of equity and social cohesion

  17. The first LHC sector is fully interconnected

    CERN Multimedia


    Sector 7-8 is the first sector of the LHC to become fully operational. All the magnets, cryogenic line, vacuum chambers and services are interconnected. The cool down of this sector can soon commence. LHC project leader Lyn Evans, the teams from CERN's AT/MCS, AT/VAC and AT/MEL groups, and the members of the IEG consortium celebrate the completion of the first LHC sector. The 10th of November was a red letter day for the LHC accelerator teams, marking the completion of the first sector of the machine. The magnets of sector 7-8, together with the cryogenic line, the vacuum chambers and the distribution feedboxes (DFBs) are now all completely interconnected. Sector 7-8 has thus been closed and is the first LHC sector to become operational. The interconnection work required several thousand electrical, cryogenic and insulating connections to be made on the 210 interfaces between the magnets in the arc, the 30 interfaces between the special magnets and the interfaces with the cryogenic line. 'This represent...

  18. Sector 7-8 powered up

    CERN Document Server


    1. Frédéric Gicquel from the Cryogenics for Accelerators Group (AT/ACR) and Anupama Kulkarni from the Magnets and Electrical Systems Group (AT/MEL) at the CERN Control Centre during the powering-up of Sector 7-8. 2. Frédérick Bordry, leader of the Power Converter Group (AB/PO), and Roberto Saban, responsible for coordinating the LHC commissioning (TS/HDO), celebrate the end of the first powering-up of an entire LHC sector: Sector 7-8.

  19. Cybersecurity Public Sector Threats and Responses

    CERN Document Server

    Andreasson, Kim J


    The Internet has given rise to new opportunities for the public sector to improve efficiency and better serve constituents in the form of e-government. But with a rapidly growing user base globally and an increasing reliance on the Internet, digital tools are also exposing the public sector to new risks. An accessible primer, Cybersecurity: Public Sector Threats and Responses focuses on the convergence of globalization, connectivity, and the migration of public sector functions online. It identifies the challenges you need to be aware of and examines emerging trends and strategies from around

  20. Sectoral Market Mechanisms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper first reviews proposals for the design of sectoral and related market mechanisms currently debated, both in the UNFCCC negotiations, and in different domestic legislative contexts. Secondly, it addresses the possible principles and technical requirements that Parties may wish to consider as the foundations for further elaboration of the mechanisms. The third issue explored herein is domestic implementation of sectoral market mechanisms by host countries, incentives to move to new market mechanisms, as well as how the transition between current and future mechanisms could be managed.

  1. Application of safety and reliability approaches in the power sector: Inside-sectoral overview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kozine, Igor


    This chapter summarizes the state-of-the-art and state-of-practice on the applications of safety and reliability approaches in the Power Sector. The nature and composition of this industrial sector including the characteristics of major hazards are summarized. The present situation with regard...... to a number of key technical aspects involved in the use of safety and reliability approaches in the power sector is discussed. Based on this review a Technology Maturity Matrix is synthesized. Barriers to the wider use of risk and reliability methods in the design and operation of power installations...... are identified and possible ways of overcoming these barriers are suggested. Key issues and priorities for research are identified....

  2. The Information Sector: Definition and Measurement. (United States)

    Porat, Marc U.

    In the last 20 years the U.S. economy had changed as a result of the increase in production, processing, and distribution of information goods and services. Three information sectors--the primary sector producing information goods and services, the private bureaucracy, and the public bureaucracy--are part of a six-sector economy. Today,…

  3. [The productive sector]. (United States)

    Santolaria, Encarna; Fernández, Alberto; Daponte, Antonio; Aguilera, I


    In the last 25 years, the production sector in Spain has undergone important changes. Among these changes, the important growth of the services sector at the expense of the primary sector, the increasing flexibility of the labour market, and the rise in the female workforce could be considered as the most relevant ones. Spanish women have higher rates of unemployment, temporary jobs and part time contracts than Spanish men. Moreover, job access and work conditions are highly related to gender and social class. Because women are forced to compensate for the scarcity of social services for caring for young children and for dependent elderly, they become informal and socially unrecognised caregivers, preventing them from getting or holding a job, and significantly limiting their opportunities for professional development. These social conditions are closely related with the fact that work conditions for women involve higher temporality rates and shorter contracts than those of men, given the sectors and jobs in which they tend to work (due to segregation). Similarly, workers of the less privileged social classes have poorer work conditions. Thus, women of the lower income class are mainly suffering the worst job contracts and the poorest work conditions. More social services are needed to make it possible to attend to family needs and still be able to access and maintain a job contract. Policies tending to conciliate labour and family life are indispensable and should incorporate measures to equally distribute the house keeping activities between women and men.

  4. Introduction of EDI in the public sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falch, Morten


    Reviews the status of EDI in the sectors of health, public transport and taxation and public administration. The impact of this on the diffusion of EDI in other sectors is analysed.......Reviews the status of EDI in the sectors of health, public transport and taxation and public administration. The impact of this on the diffusion of EDI in other sectors is analysed....

  5. Role of the private sector in vaccination service delivery in India: evidence from private-sector vaccine sales data, 2009-12. (United States)

    Sharma, Abhishek; Kaplan, Warren A; Chokshi, Maulik; Zodpey, Sanjay P


    India's Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) provides basic vaccines free-of-cost in the public sector, yet national vaccination coverage is poor. The Government of India has urged an expanded role for the private sector to help achieve universal immunization coverage. We conducted a state-by-state analysis of the role of the private sector in vaccinating Indian children against each of the six primary childhood diseases covered under India's UIP. We analyzed IMS Health data on Indian private-sector vaccine sales, 2011 Indian Census data and national household surveys (DHS/NFHS 2005-06 and UNICEF CES 2009) to estimate the percentage of vaccinated children among the 2009-12 birth cohort who received a given vaccine in the private sector in 16 Indian states. We also analyzed the estimated private-sector vaccine shares as function of state-specific socio-economic status. Overall in 16 states, the private sector contributed 4.7% towards tuberculosis (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)), 3.5% towards measles, 2.3% towards diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT3) and 7.6% towards polio (OPV3) overall (both public and private sectors) vaccination coverage. Certain low income states (Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Assam and Bihar) have low private as well as public sector vaccination coverage. The private sector's role has been limited primarily to the high income states as opposed to these low income states where the majority of Indian children live. Urban areas with good access to the private sector and the ability to pay increases the Indian population's willingness to access private-sector vaccination services. In India, the public sector offers vaccination services to the majority of the population but the private sector should not be neglected as it could potentially improve overall vaccination coverage. The government could train and incentivize a wider range of private-sector health professionals to help deliver the vaccines, especially in the low

  6. Chemical and Petrochemical Sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This publication is a background document on the global chemical and petrochemical sector for the IEA publication Energy Technology Transitions in Industry (IEA, 2009). It provides further, more detailed information on the methodology and data issues for energy efficiency indicators for the sector. The indicators discussed offer insight regarding the energy efficiency improvement potential in the short- to medium-term (by proven technologies).

  7. Sectoral dynamics and technological convergence: an evolutionary analysis of eco-innovation in the automotive sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faria, Lourenco; Andersen, Maj Munch


    We know from evolutionary theory that sectoral characteristics are important to innovation. This paper investigates if sectoral characteristics also are important to eco-innovation, a hitherto under-researched theme. We argue that research into possible sectoral patterns in eco-innovation is key...... 1965 to 2012, focusing on powertrain technologies. The empirical analysis is based on patent data amongst big car producers and focuses on identifying changes in two main aspects: (1) the convergence/divergence of firms’ green strategies and technologies within the automotive sector; and (2......) the contribution of alternative key green technological trajectories relative to the dominant design. Our findings indicate that the evolution of relative green patenting has followed a positive, linear growth over the last decades with increasing participation of alternative propulsion technologies and increasing...

  8. Government services: sector skills assessment 2012


    Parry, Jon; Ojo, Adegbola


    The aim of this report is to provide authoritative labour market intelligence (LMI) for the Government Services sector to inform the strategic decision making of national governments in the development of employment and skills policy. It is one of 15 UK Sector Skills Assessment (SSA) reports produced by Sector Skills Councils and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.

  9. Lessons Learned from the Private Sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robichaud, Robert J [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    This session is focused on lessons learned from private sector energy projects that could be applied to the federal sector. This presentation tees up the subsequent presentations by outlining the differences between private and federal sectors in objectives, metrics for determining success, funding resources/mechanisms, payback and ROI evaluation, risk tolerance/aversion, new technology adoption perspectives, and contracting mechanisms.

  10. Health sector reform and public sector health worker motivation: a conceptual framework. (United States)

    Franco, Lynne Miller; Bennett, Sara; Kanfer, Ruth


    Motivation in the work context can be defined as an individual's degree of willingness to exert and maintain an effort towards organizational goals. Health sector performance is critically dependent on worker motivation, with service quality, efficiency, and equity, all directly mediated by workers' willingness to apply themselves to their tasks. Resource availability and worker competence are essential but not sufficient to ensure desired worker performance. While financial incentives may be important determinants of worker motivation, they alone cannot and have not resolved all worker motivation problems. Worker motivation is a complex process and crosses many disciplinary boundaries, including economics, psychology, organizational development, human resource management, and sociology. This paper discusses the many layers of influences upon health worker motivation: the internal individual-level determinants, determinants that operate at organizational (work context) level, and determinants stemming from interactions with the broader societal culture. Worker motivation will be affected by health sector reforms which potentially affect organizational culture, reporting structures, human resource management, channels of accountability, types of interactions with clients and communities, etc. The conceptual model described in this paper clarifies ways in which worker motivation is influenced and how health sector reform can positively affect worker motivation. Among others, health sector policy makers can better facilitate goal congruence (between workers and the organizations they work for) and improved worker motivation by considering the following in their design and implementation of health sector reforms: addressing multiple channels for worker motivation, recognizing the importance of communication and leadership for reforms, identifying organizational and cultural values that might facilitate or impede implementation of reforms, and understanding that reforms

  11. Workplace violence in service sectors with implications for the education sector : issues, solutions and resources


    Verdugo, Richard; Vere, Anamaria


    Examines the causes of workplace violence and stress and investigates the scope of violence and stress in the education sector and its impact on the sector and its workforce. Explores strategies to remedy the problem.

  12. The increased importance of sector switching

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Anders; Hansen, Jesper Rosenberg


    Sector switching is an important phenomenon that casts light on public–private differences. Yet our knowledge about its prevalence and trends is limited. We study sector switching using unique Danish register-based employer–employee data covering more than 25 years. We find that sector switching...... constitutes 18.5% of all job-to-job mobility, and the trend is increasing both from public to private and from private to public. Sector switching is also generally increasing for middle managers, but for administrative professionals only the flows from private to public increase and for top managers only...... the flows from public to private increase....


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    Full Text Available Concentration is a situation in which market structure of a sector is controlled by a few firms. At the present time, many analyzing methods such as Herfindahl-Hirschman and N-Firm Concentration Indexes are used to determine market structure.According to market concentration indexes, higher concentration level means more monopolistic market structure, lower concentration level means more full competitive market structure. In this study concentration levels of media groups in Turkish journalism sector within the scope of traditional journalism and internet journalism was analyzed via N-Firm Concentration and H-H Indexes. As a result of the study, it’s seen that first four biggest media groups have monopolistic competition in internet journalism sector,and oligopol structure in traditional journalism sector. According to H-H index analyze, there is monopolistic competition in the sector.

  14. Determination of consumption biogenic solid fuels in the commercial sector, trade, services (tertiary sector). Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viehmann, Cornelia; Westerkamp, Tanja; Schwenker, Andre; Schenker, Marian; Thraen, Daniela; Lenz, Volker; Ebert, Marcel


    The policy has both national and European level ambitious program aimed at expansion of renewable energy and related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In the national action plan for renewable energy of the Federal Republic of Germany these goals are defined by 2020. The share of renewable energy in the provision of heat and cold should therefore rise from 6.6% to 15.5% of gross final energy consumption. According to the increasing importance of solar-thermal, near-surface and geothermal heat, the relative share of biomass is decreasing. However biomass makes with those listed in the national action plan with 79% an essential amount in regenerative heat market [BMU 2010]. For the pursuit of goals and reviews, the support measures and packages of measures which are initiated in this context, a regular and timely reporting on the development of the above objectives is mandatory. The diverse and growing reporting requirements such as in the EU directive on the promotion of renewable energy, require, however well-founded knowledge of the sector-specific energy consumption from renewable sources. While the data available for use of biogenic solid fuels in the sectors household and industry has improved significantly in recent years, for the sector commercial sector, trade, services (tertiary sector) reliable figures are still lacking. Against this background, the objective is to present study, in close cooperation with the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), the determination of the final energy consumption biogenic solid fuels in the tertiary sector in Germany for the year 2008. The basis is, in addition to the development of the current knowledge of the energy and heat consumption, the delimitation and characterization of the sector and the development of an extrapolation tools. The demand for this tool is its expandability and update possibility. From the industry-nonspecific and industry-specific input data can be derived, collecting for the extrapolation

  15. Indicadores : El sector financiero colombiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Andrés Giraldo Rendón


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza datos estadísticos que pueden revelar la situación actual -2002- del sector financiero en Colombia. Luego de mostrar algunas series temporales como los depósitos en cuenta corriente y las utilidades del sector se llega a la conclusión de que el sector se ha recuperado pero aún existen preocupaciones por causa de la evolución de la cartera hipotecaria y la difícil situación económica internacional que no permite una recuperación sostenible.

  16. Mergers & Acquisitions in India: A sectoral analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Priya Bhalla


    Full Text Available Globalization, deregulation and technological improvements have resulted in increase in M&A across the globe. There is enormous literature existing in the advanced economies. However, very little information is available regarding M&A in India. Various sectors have witnessed differential involvement in M&A activity indicating higher participation by some. Particularly, certain sectors such as financial services and pharmaceuticals demonstrate higher M&A activity. To emphasise differential importance of sectors in M&A activity, it is necessary to conduct a sector-wise analysis. Accordingly, this study attempts to investigate the differential representation of various sectors in M&A. Further, it explores the role played by India in the rising global M&A activity. In light of this, it specifies the factors driving consolidation in the financial sector globally.

  17. Efficiency of the Macedonian banking sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naumovska Elena


    Full Text Available The subject of this paper is to measure the efficiency of the Macedonian banking sector by applying two approaches: firstly, comparative analysis on the efficiency indicators of the banking sector in the Republic of Macedonia and the countries of Central and Southeastern Europe (CSEE and secondly, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA. The aim is to provide directions and guidelines for further strengthening of the Macedonian banking sector. According to the comparative analysis of the efficiency indicators (net interest margin and operating costs of the Macedonian banking sector and the countries of CSEE, the countries whose banking sector shows lower operating costs are characterized with a higher level of financial deepening and greater degree of financial intermediation. The high interest margins direct towards unsuitable allocation of financial resources and insufficient competitiveness in the domestic banking sector. When applying the DEA approach, it can be stated that the group of large banks marks the highest efficiency within the Macedonian banking sector. The high concentration degree of banking activities within the group of large banks with a leading role in determining the interest rates, results in a rigid interest policy of the banks. In the direction of strengthening the efficiency of the Macedonian banking sector as a whole, the obtained results show that it is necessary for the banks to be further consolidated so as to utilize the advantages of the economies of scale, increase competitiveness, offer a diversified structure of products, invest in new contemporary software solutions that will allow reinforcement of their employees’ productivity and long-term reduction of the operating costs, as well.

  18. Safety in the Transport Sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Kirsten


    In EU the transport sector has an incident rate of accidents at work at 40 pr 1000 employees. The Danish insurance company CODAN has insured a big part of this sector concerning transport of gods on shore. The purpose of the project is to document the safety problems in the sector and to develop...... a strategy for a preventive intervention in transport enterprises. The results will in the end be included in a new strategy for the insurance company and the transport sectores organization towards a better safety performance. The safety problems for the employees are the activities carried out by loading......, unloading or work with transport equipment carried out at many different work places. The main safety problems are falls, heavy lifting, poor ergonomic working conditions, hits or collisions with gods, equipments or falling objects, the traffic risk situations, work with animals and finally the risk...

  19. Interplanetary sector boundaries 1971--1973

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klein, L.; Burlaga, L.F.


    Eighteen interplanetary sector boundary crossings observed at 1 AU during the period January 1971 to January 1974 by the magnetometer on the Imp 6 spacecraft was discussed. The events were examined on many different time scales ranging from days on either side of the boundary to high-resolution measurements of 12.5 vectors per second. Two categories of boundaries were found, one group being relatively thin (averaging approx. =10 4 km) and the other being thick (averaging approx. =10 6 km). In many cases the field vector rotated in a plane from polarity to the other. Only two of the transitions were null sheets. Using the minimum variance analysis to determine the normals to the plane of rotationa and assuming that this is the same as the normal to the sector boundary surface, it was found that the normals were close to ( 0 ) the ecliptic plane. The high inclination of the sector boundary surfaces during 1971--1973 verifies a published prediction and may be related to the presence of large equatorial coronal holes at this time. An analysis of tangential discontinuities contained in 4-day periods about our events showed that their orientations were generally not related to the orientations of the sector boundary surface, but rather their characteristics were about the same as those for discontinuities outside the sector boundaries. Magnetic holes were found in thick sector boundaries, at a rate about 3 times that elsewhere. The holes were especially prevalent near stream interfaces, suggesting that they might be related to the convergence and/or slip of adjacent solar wind streams

  20. Public Sector and Europeanization Challenges

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucica Matei


    Full Text Available The paper emphasises the role of the market-type mechanisms within the activity of the organisations from the public sector. The end of the 20th century was defined by the effects of the public sector reform. The public sector is placed within the cultural and political environment of each country and the reforms have aimed to redefine the structures of the state organisations in the economy and the relationships such as market-government, government-bureaucracy, government- citizens, bureaucracy-citizens, civil servants-politicians-citizens. The public sector reform, achieved at the managerial systems, organisational structures and regulations levels is accompanied by specific and structural reforms. Accepting the market-type mechanisms instead of bureaucratic mechanisms, meaning not the simple provision of public services but the creation of some governmental “actors”, functioning completely on commercial bases, supporting the development of the partnerships between the public and private sector, introducing privatisation is achieved in view of creating “the facilitating state”. We discuss about “facilities” such as citizens and society involvement in public businesses, making public administration more citizen-friendly and the state closer to the public need. The citizens’ involvement, as customers in the flow of the public service contributes to creating an organic ensemble characterised by two fundamental dimensions: level and type of influence of the customers and the private-public dichotomy. Synthesising, the relationships and market mechanisms enable to the public sector to get closer to the public needs and to create a modern administration based on efficiency, effectiveness and openness towards change.

  1. India's Downstream Petroleum Sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This study provides a holistic examination of pricing and investment dynamics in India's downstream petroleum sector. It analyses the current pricing practices, highlights the tremendous fiscal cost of current pricing and regulatory arrangements, and examines the sectoral investment dynamics. It also looks at potential paths towards market-based reform along which the Indian government may move, while at the same time protecting energy market access for India's large poor population.

  2. Speedy changes in energy sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kazlauskas, J.


    Status of the reforms in Lithuania's energy sector and preparation of updated Energy Strategy is presented in this article. The new Strategy has been worked out considering the conclusions of different studies as well as the changes that have taken place in Lithuania and restructuring of its energy sector, the guidelines of the European Union. The principal objectives of the country's energy sector consists in reliable and safe energy supply with minimum expenses, increasing efficiency of energy utilisation, introducing principles of market economy within the sector, reducing environmental impacts, preparing Lithuania's energy sector for integration into the EU. In the field of nuclear energy the top priority is to ensure the safety of Ignalina NPP. Ignalina NPP will only be operated if and as long as it is safe. Two most likely scenarios for the future operation of Ignalina NPP are analysed in the draft Strategy. According to scenario 1, reactor 1 and 2 are to be operated half of the design service life, until 2005 and 2010 respectively, i.e. until the gap between the graphite and fuel channels reaches the critical margin. In accordance with the second scenario, the fuel channels are to be replaced as envisaged in the design, after which the reactors may be operated for another 10 - 15 years

  3. Engineering in the energy sector. The single market and the engineering sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia Rodrigues, A.


    Projects with large infrastructures, particularly those in the field of energy, provide a strong boost to certain industrial sectors in the country. In the case of Spain, the policy of direct management 'by components' of these projects - hydroelectric power plants, petrochemical plants, thermoelectric plants and nuclear power plants - adopted by the electric utility owners has furthered not only the local equipment manufacturing industry but also the engineering sector. At present, with full implementation of the Single Market in sight, it is particularly interesting for Spain to continue building up a powerful engineering sector, increasing its size and usefulness, and extending its traditional areas of action to other technologies, more on the lines of engineering and consulting firms in the USA than in the rest of Europe. The intention is to endow our equipment and construction companies with the skills necessary to enable them to compete with large European conglomerates in their respective sectors. The structure of these conglomerates usually contains engineering capabilities which are not habitual in our industry. Examples are given, showing how this model has been used to compete and win awards for important international projects. A specific analysis has been made of the position of Spanish engineering and industry in nuclear power generation projects in the former Soviet Union and East European countries, in which large investments are expected to be made. (author)

  4. Between Public - Private Partnerships and public finance in the public infrastructure sector: The water and sanitation sector in Albania

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fjona Zeneli


    Full Text Available It’s known in the literature that public-private partnerships (PPPs are one the main instruments that permit private collaboration in projects that are public otherwise. It’s also clear that their implementation is different depending on the rules of the countries, their market level of acceptance etc. The first objective of this paper is to revise PPPs projects in the water sector in Albania, seen in the context of alternative financing ways for joint-stock companies of Albanian water sector, due to the nature of the market (a developing emerging market, in the context of bad financial times after 2008 (the start of the international financial crisis. The second objective is to describe the development of the Albanian legislation for management contracts introduced for the first time in the waters and sanitation sector in 2004 and privatization practices in public sector. The main conclusion is that in the developing markets creating possibilities for private sector participation in the infrastructure public services (especially in the drinking water and sanitation sector will be seen with skepticism because of failed previous privatization practices or the sensitivity degree of the water sector related to the penetration level of private factor in the sector. Public finance will be explored as a convenient alternative.

  5. Performance measurement in transport sector analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Išoraitė


    Full Text Available The article analyses the following issues: 1. Performance measurement in literature. The performance measurement has an important role to play in the efficient and effective management of organizations. Kaplan and Johnson highlighted the failure of the financial measures to reflect changes in the competitive circumstances and strategies of modern organizations. Many authors have focused attention on how organizations can design more appropriate measurement systems. Based on literature, consultancy experience and action research, numerous processes have been developed that organizations can follow in order to design and implement systems. Many frameworks have been proposed that support these processes. The objective of such frameworks is to help organizations define a set of measures that reflect their objectives and assess their performance appropriately. 2. Transport sector performance and its impacts measuring. The purpose of transport measurement is to identify opportunities enhancing transport performance. Successful transport sector management requires a system to analyze its efficiency and effectiveness as well as plan interventions if transport sector performance needs improvement. Transport impacts must be measurable and monitorable so that the person responsible for the project intervention can decide when and how to influence them. Performance indicators provide a means to measure and monitor impacts. These indicators essentially reflect quantitative and qualitative aspects of impacts at given time and places. 3. Transport sector output and input. Transport sector inputs are the resources required to deliver transport sector outputs. Transport sector inputs are typically: human resources, particularly skilled resources (including specialists consulting inputs; technology processes such as equipment and work; and finance, both public and private. 4. Transport sector policy and institutional framework; 5. Cause – effect linkages; 6

  6. Health-care sector and complementary medicine: practitioners' experiences of delivering acupuncture in the public and private sectors. (United States)

    Bishop, Felicity L; Amos, Nicola; Yu, He; Lewith, George T


    The aim was to identify similarities and differences between private practice and the National Health Service (NHS) in practitioners' experiences of delivering acupuncture to treat pain. We wished to identify differences that could affect patients' experiences and inform our understanding of how trials conducted in private clinics relate to NHS clinical practice. Acupuncture is commonly used in primary care for lower back pain and is recommended in the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence's guidelines. Previous studies have identified differences in patients' accounts of receiving acupuncture in the NHS and in the private sector. The major recent UK trial of acupuncture for back pain was conducted in the private sector. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 16 acupuncturists who had experience of working in the private sector (n = 7), in the NHS (n =3), and in both the sectors (n = 6). The interviews lasted between 24 and 77 min (median=49 min) and explored acupuncturists' experiences of treating patients in pain. Inductive thematic analysis was used to identify similarities and differences across private practice and the NHS. The perceived effectiveness of acupuncture was described consistently and participants felt they did (or would) deliver acupuncture similarly in NHS and in private practice. In both the sectors, patients sought acupuncture as a last resort and acupuncturist-patient relationships were deemed important. Acupuncture availability differed across sectors: in the NHS it was constrained by Trust policies and in the private sector by patients' financial resources. There were greater opportunities for autonomous practice in the private sector and regulation was important for different reasons in each sector. In general, NHS practitioners had Western-focussed training and also used conventional medical techniques, whereas private practitioners were more likely to have Traditional Chinese training and to practise

  7. The Danish Social Housing Sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Rikke Skovgaard; Haagerup, Christian Deichmann


    With Denmark faring reasonably well through the global financial crisis, the policy changes to the social housing sector caused by the crisis have been limited. Nevertheless, changes have taken place nonetheless both in terms of policy and in the residential composition of the sector which polici...

  8. Vacuum status-display and sector-conditioning programs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skelly, J.; Yen, S.


    Two programs have been developed for observation and control of the AGS vacuum system, which include these notable features: they incorporate a graphical user interface, and they are driven by a relational database which describes the vacuum system. The vacuum system comprises some 440 devices organized into 28 vacuum sectors. The Status Display Program invites menu selection of a sector, interrogates the relational database for relevant vacuum devices, acquires live readbacks, and posts a graphical display of their status. The Sector Conditioning Program likewise invites sector selection, produces the same status display, and also implements process control logic on the sector devices to pump the sector down from atmospheric pressure to high vacuum over a period extending for several hours. As additional devices are installed in the vacuum system, the devices are likewise added to the relational database; these programs then automatically include the new devices. 2 refs., 1 fig

  9. Embodied energy use in China's industrial sectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Zhu; Geng Yong; Lindner, Soeren; Zhao Hongyan; Fujita, Tsuyoshi; Guan Dabo


    As the world’s top energy consumer, China is facing a great challenge to solve its energy supply issue. In this paper energy use from all industrial sectors in China’s economy of 2007 was explored by conducting an extended environmental input–output analysis. We compare the energy consumption embodied in the final demand for goods and services from 29 sectors with the energy demand required for the actual production process in each sector. Two different viewpoints for sectoral energy use have been presented: energy use is directly allocated to the producer entity, and energy use is reallocated to sector’s supply chain from consumption perspective. Our results show that considerable amount of energy use is embodied in the supply chain, especially for “Construction” and “Other Service Activities” sectors, which is not detected if energy use is allocated on a production basis. When further dividing embodied energy consumption into direct energy consumption and indirect energy consumption, total indirect energy consumption is much higher than that of total direct energy consumption, accounting for 80.6% of total embodied energy consumption in 2007. Our results provide a more holistic picture on sectoral energy consumption and therefore can help decision-makers make more appropriate policies. - Highlights: ► A hybrid IO-LCA model was employed to analyze China’s energy use at sectoral level. ► A case study on China’s sectoral energy consumption is done. ► Construction and service sectors are actually energy intensive from the supply chain perspectives. ► Upstream and downstream ectoral collaboration along the whole supply chain is necessary. ► Energy conservation policies should be based upon a comprehensive analysis on sectoral energy use.

  10. Is the public healthcare sector a more strenuous working environment than the private sector for a physician? (United States)

    Heponiemi, Tarja; Kouvonen, Anne; Sinervo, Timo; Elovainio, Marko


    The present study examined the differences between physicians working in public and private health care in strenuous working environments (presence of occupational hazards, physical violence, and presenteeism) and health behaviours (alcohol consumption, body mass index, and physical activity). In addition, we examined whether gender or age moderated these potential differences. Cross-sectional survey data were compiled on 1422 female and 948 male randomly selected physicians aged 25-65 years from The Finnish Health Care Professionals Study. Logistic regression and linear regression analyses were used with adjustment for gender, age, specialisation status, working time, managerial position, and on-call duty. Occupational hazards, physical violence, and presenteeism were more commonly reported by physicians working in the public sector than by their counterparts in the private sector. Among physicians aged 50 years or younger, those who worked in the public sector consumed more alcohol than those who worked in the private sector, whereas in those aged 50 or more the reverse was true. In addition, working in the private sector was most strongly associated with lower levels of physical violence in those who were older than 50 years, and with lower levels of presenteeism among those aged 40-50 years. The present study found evidence for the public sector being a more strenuous work environment for physicians than the private sector. Our results suggest that public healthcare organisations should pay more attention to the working conditions of their employees.

  11. East Midlands healthcare and bioscience sector strategy


    East Midlands Development Agency


    The healthcare and bioscience sector is one of four priority sectors identified in the regional economic strategy, A Flourishing Region. This document sets out a strategy for maximising the contribution of the healthcare and biosciences sector to the economic development of the East Midlands.

  12. Analysis of Public Sector Efficiency in Developed Countries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivan Lovre


    Full Text Available The public sector in developed countries went through various forms of transformation in the twentieth century. The expansion of the public sector resulted in high levels of public spending in developed countries. The financial crisis of 2008 led to recessions in the economies of developed countries, the public debt growth, and actualized the issue of the public sector optimal size and efficiency. This study analysed the public sector efficiency in 19 developed countries. The analysis focuses on the relationship between the size of public expenditure and economic growth in the global financial crisis and the measures implemented. The aim of the research in this paper is a comparison of total and partial efficiency of the public sector in developed countries, in order to determine the characteristics of the public sector operations. The comparison covers the areas of the public sector operations in order to identify sources of inefficiency. Partial and overall efficiency of countries are analysed with different size and concept of the public sector, to determine the relationship between the public sector size, efficiency and welfare of citizens. The research results clearly indicate (unjustified state intervention in developed countries.

  13. Private Sector and Enterprise Development

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training ..... and ..structures that offer services to private sector enterprises and represent .... investment climate reform and the adoption of good governance practices. ..... Over two-thirds of the labour force in Jordan, the West Bank & Gaza, Iraq and Syria is in the service sector.

  14. EDI in the Public Sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falch, Morten


    Introduction of EDI in the public administration is apriority for the Danish Government. EDI is both seen as a catlyst for development towards an information society ans as a means for more efficient use of scarce resources. EDI in the banking sector and the retail sector is reviewed, drivers...

  15. Sectoral profiles of working conditions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Houtman, I.L.D.; Andries, F.; Berg, R. van den; Dhondt, S.


    This report looks at trends in working conditions across different sectors Over the period 1995-2000. Basing its findings on the Third European Survey on Working Conditions (2000) in the 15 EU Member States and Norway, it examines the quality of working life in eighteen different sectors. It

  16. Chilly dark sectors and asymmetric reheating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adshead, Peter; Cui, Yanou; Shelton, Jessie


    In a broad class of theories, the relic abundance of dark matter is determined by interactions internal to a thermalized dark sector, with no direct involvement of the Standard Model (SM). We point out that these theories raise an immediate cosmological question: how was the dark sector initially populated in the early universe? Motivated in part by the difficulty of accommodating large amounts of entropy carried in dark radiation with cosmic microwave background measurements of the effective number of relativistic species at recombination, N eff , we aim to establish which admissible cosmological histories can populate a thermal dark sector that never reaches thermal equilibrium with the SM. The minimal cosmological origin for such a dark sector is asymmetric reheating, when the same mechanism that populates the SM in the early universe also populates the dark sector at a lower temperature. Here we demonstrate that the resulting inevitable inflaton-mediated scattering between the dark sector and the SM can wash out a would-be temperature asymmetry, and establish the regions of parameter space where temperature asymmetries can be generated in minimal reheating scenarios. Thus obtaining a temperature asymmetry of a given size either restricts possible inflaton masses and couplings or necessitates a non-minimal cosmology for one or both sectors. As a side benefit, we develop techniques for evaluating collision terms in the relativistic Boltzmann equation when the full dependence on Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac phase space distributions must be retained, and present several new results on relativistic thermal averages in an appendix.

  17. Chilly dark sectors and asymmetric reheating

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adshead, Peter [Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Urbana, IL 61801 (United States); Cui, Yanou [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5 (Canada); Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Maryland,College Park, MD 20742 (United States); Shelton, Jessie [Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Urbana, IL 61801 (United States)


    In a broad class of theories, the relic abundance of dark matter is determined by interactions internal to a thermalized dark sector, with no direct involvement of the Standard Model (SM). We point out that these theories raise an immediate cosmological question: how was the dark sector initially populated in the early universe? Motivated in part by the difficulty of accommodating large amounts of entropy carried in dark radiation with cosmic microwave background measurements of the effective number of relativistic species at recombination, N{sub eff}, we aim to establish which admissible cosmological histories can populate a thermal dark sector that never reaches thermal equilibrium with the SM. The minimal cosmological origin for such a dark sector is asymmetric reheating, when the same mechanism that populates the SM in the early universe also populates the dark sector at a lower temperature. Here we demonstrate that the resulting inevitable inflaton-mediated scattering between the dark sector and the SM can wash out a would-be temperature asymmetry, and establish the regions of parameter space where temperature asymmetries can be generated in minimal reheating scenarios. Thus obtaining a temperature asymmetry of a given size either restricts possible inflaton masses and couplings or necessitates a non-minimal cosmology for one or both sectors. As a side benefit, we develop techniques for evaluating collision terms in the relativistic Boltzmann equation when the full dependence on Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac phase space distributions must be retained, and present several new results on relativistic thermal averages in an appendix.

  18. Iran’s Pharmaceutical Sectoral Innovation System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bahman Kargar Shahamat


    Full Text Available Abstract By reviewing economic performance, two main phenomena could be identified: The first phenomenon is prior to the third wave of the Industrial Revolution in which limited resources are the predominant input; in other words, physical and natural resources are much more credited than human resources. The second phenomenon resonates with the third wave of industrial revolution to the present time, suggesting the pivotal role of humans in production and accumulation of wealth, in which limited resources are no longer considered as predominant input. The present research seeks to understand the behavioral logic of the players of Iran's pharmaceutical sector so as to infer the innovative treatment of the firms in this sector. The concept of innovative system is indebted to the efforts economists and other scientists have made by analyzing economic development based upon technological development. Meanwhile, sectoral innovation system (SIS is a tool for analyzing a technological sector in the context of evolutionary economics with an emphasis on institutional capabilities. The structure of such an approach is composed of some components through which performance analysis of certain technological sector could be made possible. In research, we use expert panel with 12 experts from Universities, Companies, Governmental institutes. The current study wishes to explain structural model of institutional elements in this technological sector. Subsequently, in light of such an explanation, structural elements of this sector would be analyzed through identification of legal and regulatory framework, innovative culture, innovative infrastructure, financial resources, information resources, technology transfer mechanisms, commercialization support and marketing.

  19. Chilly dark sectors and asymmetric reheating (United States)

    Adshead, Peter; Cui, Yanou; Shelton, Jessie


    In a broad class of theories, the relic abundance of dark matter is determined by interactions internal to a thermalized dark sector, with no direct involvement of the Standard Model (SM). We point out that these theories raise an immediate cosmological question: how was the dark sector initially populated in the early universe? Motivated in part by the difficulty of accommodating large amounts of entropy carried in dark radiation with cosmic microwave background measurements of the effective number of relativistic species at recombination, N eff , we aim to establish which admissible cosmological histories can populate a thermal dark sector that never reaches thermal equilibrium with the SM. The minimal cosmological origin for such a dark sector is asymmetric reheating, when the same mechanism that populates the SM in the early universe also populates the dark sector at a lower temperature. Here we demonstrate that the resulting inevitable inflaton-mediated scattering between the dark sector and the SM can wash out a would-be temperature asymmetry, and establish the regions of parameter space where temperature asymmetries can be generated in minimal reheating scenarios. Thus obtaining a temperature asymmetry of a given size either restricts possible inflaton masses and couplings or necessitates a non-minimal cosmology for one or both sectors. As a side benefit, we develop techniques for evaluating collision terms in the relativistic Boltzmann equation when the full dependence on Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac phase space distributions must be retained, and present several new results on relativistic thermal averages in an appendix.

  20. Sector retinitis pigmentosa. (United States)

    Van Woerkom, Craig; Ferrucci, Steven


    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is one of the most common hereditary retinal dystrophies and causes of visual impairment affecting all age groups. The reported incidence varies, but is considered to be between 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 7,000. Sector retinitis pigmentosa is an atypical form of RP that is characterized by regionalized areas of bone spicule pigmentation, usually in the inferior quadrants of the retina. A 57-year-old Hispanic man with a history of previously diagnosed retinitis pigmentosa came to the clinic with a longstanding symptom of decreased vision at night. Bone spicule pigmentation was found in the nasal and inferior quadrants in each eye. He demonstrated superior and temporal visual-field loss corresponding to the areas of the affected retina. Clinical measurements of visual-field loss, best-corrected visual acuity, and ophthalmoscopic appearance have remained stable during the five years the patient has been followed. Sector retinitis pigmentosa is an atypical form of RP that is characterized by bilateral pigmentary retinopathy, usually isolated to the inferior quadrants. The remainder of the retina appears clinically normal, although studies have found functional abnormalities in these areas as well. Sector RP is generally considered a stationary to slowly progressive disease, with subnormal electro-retinogram findings and visual-field defects corresponding to the involved retinal sectors. Management of RP is very difficult because there are no proven methods of treatment. Studies have shown 15,000 IU of vitamin A palmitate per day may slow the progression, though this result is controversial. Low vision rehabilitation, long wavelength pass filters, and pedigree counseling remain the mainstay of management.

  1. Hidden-Sector Dynamics and the Supersymmetric Seesaw

    CERN Document Server

    Campbell, Bruce A; Maybury, David W


    In light of recent analyses that have shown that nontrivial hidden-sector dynamics in models of supersymmetry breaking can lead to a significant impact on the predicted low-energy supersymmetric spectrum, we extend these studies to consider hidden-sector effects in extensions of the MSSM to include a seesaw model for neutrino masses. A dynamical hidden sector in an interval of mass scales below the seesaw scale would yield renormalization-group running involving both the anomalous dimension from the hidden sector and the seesaw-extended MSSM renormalization group equations (RGEs). These effects interfere in general, altering the generational mixing of the sleptons, and allowing for a substantial change to the expected level of charged-lepton flavour violation in seesaw-extended MSSM models. These results provide further support for recent theoretical observations that knowledge of the hidden sector is required in order to make concrete low-energy predictions, if the hidden sector is strongly coupled. In parti...

  2. [Harassment in the public sector]. (United States)

    Puech, Paloma; Pitcho, Benjamin


    The French Labour Code, which provides full protection against moral and sexual harassment, is not applicable to public sector workers. The public hospital is however not exempt from such behaviour, which could go unpunished. Public sector workers are therefore protected by the French General Civil Service Regulations and the penal code.

  3. Sectoral energy demand data: Sources and Issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ounali, A.


    This chapter of the publication is dealing with Sectoral Energy Demand Data giving details about the Sources and Issues. Some comments are presented on rural energy surveys. Guidelines for the Definition and Desegregation of Sectoral Energy Consumption is given and Data Necessary for Sectoral Energy Demand Analysis is discussed

  4. Monetary Policy with Sectoral Linkages and Durable Goods

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petrella, Ivan; Rossi, Raffaele; Santoro, Emiliano

    We study the normative implications of a New Keynesian model featuring intersectoral trade of intermediate goods between two sectors that produce durables and non-durables. The interplay between durability and sectoral production linkages fundamentally alters the intersectoral stabilization trade....... Aggregating durable and non-durable inflation depending on the relative degrees of sectoral price stickiness may induce a severe bias. Input materials attenuate the response of sectoral inflations to movements in the real marginal costs, so that the effective slopes of the sectoral supply schedules...

  5. Electricity sector prospective 2009-2024; Prospectiva del sector electrico 2009-2024

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Irastorza Trejo, Veronica; Doniz Gonzalez; Virginia; Cue Aguilar; Gumersindo [Secretaria de Energia, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    This prospective planning of the electricity sector is comprised of four chapters and covers the 2009-2024 planning horizon. The first chapter describes recent developments in the international market of electric energy, which analyzes trends in global consumption of electrical energy, global installed capacity by technology type and country, sources of primary and secondary energy used to generate electricity in several countries and regions, the projections of fuel consumption and the dynamic construction of new plants and infrastructure using technology that, in both advanced economies and in the emerging strategic trends represent in the context the global fight against climate change, among which the new technology and advanced nuclear reactor technologies applicable to the use of renewable sources like wind, solar, geothermal, mini hydro, and bioenergy, among others. The second chapter presents the structure of the legal and regulatory framework in the electricity sector and regulatory policy instruments applicable in Mexico and saved the state permits issued in the methods considered in the Public Service Law of Electricity. The third chapter analyzes the evolution of the national electricity market in recent years, considering the behavior of domestic electricity consumption, sales to the public service sector, the seasonal behavior of demand and pricing structure. In the fourth chapter presents the path planning of consumption and electricity demand at the national, sectoral and regional levels in order to identify the requirements of capacity and energy for the period 2009-2024. [Spanish] Esta prospectiva de planeacion del sector electrico se integra por cuatro capitulos y abarca el horizonte de planeacion 2009-2024. El primer capitulo describe la evolucion reciente del mercado internacional de la energia electrica, en el cual se analizan las tendencias en el consumo mundial de energia electrica, capacidad mundial instalada por tipo de tecnologia y paises

  6. Sectoral approaches to improve regional carbon budgets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smith, P.; Nabuurs, G.J.; Janssens, I.A.; Reis, S.; Marland, G.; Soussana, J.F.; Christensen, T.R.; Heath, L.; Apps, M.; Alexeyev, V.; Fang, J.; Gattuso, J.P.; Guerschman, J.P.; Huang, Y.; Jobbagy, E.; Murdiyarso, D.; Ni, J.; Nobre, A.; Peng, C.; Walcroft, A.; Wang, S.Q.; Pan, Y.; Zhou, G.S.


    Humans utilise about 40% of the earth¿s net primary production (NPP) but the products of this NPP are often managed by different sectors, with timber and forest products managed by the forestry sector and food and fibre products from croplands and grasslands managed by the agricultural sector. Other

  7. Directory of the French thermal solar sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demangeon, Elsa; Simmonet, Raphael; Canals, Jonathan


    After an overview of what is at stake for the thermal solar sector in terms of employment and industrial development, a discussion of the huge energy and industrial potential of this sector, and the proposition of a road map for the development of this sector in France, this publication proposes a directory of actors of the different activity sectors: research and development, engineering, electric and electronic hardware manufacturing, thermal equipment manufacturing, fluid manufacturing, reflector manufacturing, thermodynamic machine manufacturer, structure component manufacturer, control-command system, energy storage, developers, and so on

  8. Coopetition Segments in a Public-Sector Context

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stentoft, Jan; Mikkelsen, Ole Stegmann; Ingstrup, Mads Bruun


    The concept of coopetition is well-known in a private-sector context, but it is greatly neglected in a public-sector context. In continuation of this, the article sets out to explore and further position coopetition in the public sector. This is achieved through a study of coopetition among seven...... municipalities located in a Danish business region named the Triangle Region. The article concludes by identifying and describing four public-sector coopetition segments, and by providing a segmentation model to categorize and discuss different coopetition initiatives. Furthermore, the model can help public...

  9. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading for the Transport Sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holmgren, Kristina; Belhaj, Mohammed; Gode, Jenny; Saernholm, Erik; Zetterberg, Lars; Aahman, Markus


    In this study we have analysed different options to apply emissions trading for greenhouse gas emissions to the transport sector. The main focus has been on the EU transport sector and the possibility to include it in the current EU ETS in the trading period beginning in 2013. The purpose was to study how different alternatives will affect different actors. Focus has been on three sub-sectors; road transport, aviation and shipping. The railway sector has only been treated on a general level. The study includes the following three parts: 1. An economic analysis of the consequences of greenhouse gas emissions trading for the transport sector including an analysis of how the total cost for reaching an emission target will be affected by an integrated emissions trading system for the transport sector and the industry (currently included sectors) compared to separate systems for the sectors, 2. An analysis of design possibilities for the different sub-sectors. Discussion of positive and negative aspects with different choices of design parameters, such as trading entity, covered greenhouse gases, allocation of emission allowances and monitoring systems, 3. Examination of the acceptance among different actors for different options of using greenhouse gas emissions trading in the transport sector. When setting up an emissions trading scheme there are a number of design parameters that have to be analysed in order to find an appropriate system, with limited administrative and transaction costs and as small distortions as possible to competitiveness

  10. Sector-specific issues and reporting methodologies supporting the General Guidelines for the voluntary reporting of greenhouse gases under Section 1605(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Volume 2: Part 4, Transportation sector; Part 5, Forestry sector; Part 6, Agricultural sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This volume, the second of two such volumes, contains sector-specific guidance in support of the General Guidelines for the voluntary reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration. This voluntary reporting program was authorized by Congress in Section 1605(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992. The General Guidelines, bound separately from this volume, provide the overall rationale for the program, discuss in general how to analyze emissions and emission reduction/carbon sequestration projects, and address programmatic issues such as minimum reporting requirements, time parameters, international projects, confidentiality, and certification. Together, the General Guidelines and the guidance in these supporting documents will provide concepts and approaches needed to prepare the reporting forms. This second volume of sector-specific guidance covers the transportation sector, the forestry sector, and the agricultural sector

  11. Ex Post Regulation as the Method of Sectoral Regulation in Electricity Sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafał Nagaj


    Full Text Available Aim/purpose - The aim of the article is to present the essence of ex post approach to sectoral regulation, to show the advantages and disadvantages of ex post regulation and to answer the question whether it is worth using in the electricity sector. Design/methodology/approach - For this purpose, a critical analysis of expert literature was made and an empirical analysis of countries that have applied ex post regulation in the electricity sector in the European Union. Two research methods were used: a case study and a comparison of changes in price and quality of services. The research period covered the period 2000-2016. Findings - It was found that ex post regulation reduces regulatory costs, does not adversely affect the quality of service and long-term rates, gives businesses the freedom of decision-making and the ability to react quickly to changes in the economy. The main disadvantages of ex post regulation are the tendency for companies to over-estimate bills for consumers, the difficulty of pursuing claims by consumers and the need to shift regulatory risk to consumers. Research implications/limitations - In the paper there was identified a research gap, i.e. the effects of ex post regulation in the electricity sector in European Union countries where such regulation was applied. Identifying the research gap will help us understand what are the advantages and disadvantages of ex post regulation and will create a model for when it is good moment to implement this in the economy. Besides identifying the research gap, further studies will be required over ex post regulation. Originality/value/contribution - The additional value of the paper is the study of ex post regulation, its essence and types. The article analyzed the effects of ex post regulation in the electricity sector and provided valuable insights into the potential risks associated with this approach to economic regulation.

  12. Communication in third sector organisations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Durán-Bravo, M.A.


    Full Text Available Third sector organisations favour the social development due to their capacity to produce human and social capital in society (Putman, 2001. In order to achieve social welfare third sector organisations need to produce a positive change in the relations among individuals, groups and institutions in a society. The expectations about the third sector organisations’ transparency and capacity to tackle social problems are increasing worldwide. In Mexico, this problematic is more complex because there is a low level of professionalism, transparency, accountability and participation culture in the organized civil society (ITAM, 2010. The development of the organized civil society in Mexico will depend to a great extent on its capacity to communicate its values to society and achieve a cultural and social change. Therefore, the third sector organisations must adopt strategic initiatives to reinforce their credibility and reputation, because the public and private donors are increasingly more demanding in their criteria to grant resources to social projects; and because the Mexican society has a low participation level and faces increasingly more complex social problems.

  13. Regulatory reform in Mexico's natural gas sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In recent years Mexico has implemented remarkable structural changes in its economy. However, until recently its large and key energy sector was largely unreformed. This is now changing. In 1995 the Mexican Government introduced legislative changes permitting private sector involvement in natural gas storage, transportation and distribution. Subsequent directives set up a detailed regulatory framework. These developments offer considerable promise, not only for natural gas sector development but also for growth in the closely linked electricity sector. This study analyses the changes which have taken place and the rationale for the regulatory framework which has been established. The study also contains recommendations to assist the Government of Mexico in effectively implementing its natural gas sector reforms and in maximizing the benefits to be realised through the new regulatory framework. (author)

  14. Opportunities for business and partnership : services sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendoza Fernandez, J.


    Mexico is one of the countries with the highest industrial growth in Latin America. This is due to its geographical location, its vast oil and gas reserves, its membership in NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), and mainly because of its modern economic policies. Mexico is a country in which many opportunities for private investment in the energy sector exist. This paper discussed Bufete Industrial Construcciones' involvement and experiences in the fields of petroleum, electricity and natural gas. The goals to be achieved in the various areas of the energy sector for the 2000-2006 period were summarized for the electric sector, the natural gas sector and the oil and gas extraction sector. The 4 mega projects currently underway include the Cantarell, the Burgos, the Ku-Maloob Zaap and the Delta del Grijalva projects

  15. Public Sector/Private Sector Interaction in Providing Information Services. Report to the NCLIS from the Public Sector/Private Sector Task Force. (United States)

    National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, Washington, DC.

    The results of a 2-year study on the interactions between government and private sector information activities are presented in terms of principles and guidelines for federal policy to support the development and use of information resources, products, and services, and to implement the principles. Discussions address sources of conflict between…

  16. Croatian Energy Sector Reform - Results Achieved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nota, R.


    During the past ten years, the energy sector has passed through significant changes including fundamental market, economic, legislative and institutional aspects of sector operation. As the main goal of the Republic of Croatia is the integration into the European Union, the energy sector reform ought to be conducted in keeping with the present market development processes of the EU in such a way as to fulfil all safety criteria. In view of the above mentioned, the Croatian Parliament brought a number of laws during its session in July 2001 (''Official Gazette'' 68/01): 1. Energy Law 2. Energy Activities Regulation Law 3. Electricity Market Law 4. Gas Market Law 5. Oil and Oil Derivatives Market Law, which present the commencement of the energy sector reform (

  17. Public versus private sector: Do workers’ behave differently?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Aguiar do Monte


    Full Text Available It has been widely assumed in the literature that public sector organization operates in a different way compared to private sector organization. This paper intends to contribute to develop further this issue by investigating whether the relationship between worker efforts differs significantly both in the public and in the private sector. By drawing on data from the Monthly Employment Survey (PME, Brazil 2003–2012, and proxies for worker effort (unpaid overtime work and absences, it was observed, initially, significant differences between worker’s profiles depending on the sector they are employed. In turn, the estimation results of the dynamic panel models confirm that the level of worker effort alters according to their switches from one sector to another in the labor market. Briefly, public sector workers do not tend to do unpaid overtime work comparable to those in private sector, and they are more likely to be absent at work.

  18. Benin - Transport Sector Investment Program


    Mohan, P.C.


    The objectives of this project (1997-2001) using $40 million of IDA funds were to: (i) safeguard the competitiveness of Benin's transport sector and of its transit corridor through open modal competition; (ii) improve government's capacity for planning, programming and managing transport sector investments; (iii) boost the allocation of resources to infrastructure maintenance; (iv) boost t...

  19. Waste management. Sector 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The waste management section of this report deals with two sectors: land disposal of solid waste and wastewater treatment. It provides background information on the type of emissions that contribute to the greenhouse gases from these two sectors, presents both sector current status in Lebanon, describes the methodology followed to estimate the corresponding emissions, and presents the results obtained regarding greenhouse emissions. The total methane emissions from solid waste disposal on land are 42.804 Gg approximately. There are no emissions from wastewater and industrial handling systems because, for the target year 1994, there was no treatment facilities in Lebanon. The wastewater (municipal, commercial and industrial) was directly discharged into the sea, rivers, ravines or septic tanks which indicate that methane or nitrous oxide emissions are significant if not nonexistent. Note that this situation will change in the future as treatment plants are being constructed around the country and are expected to come into operation by the year 2000

  20. Private sector data for performance management. (United States)


    This report examines and analyzes technical and institutional issues associated with the use of private sector travel time and speed data for public sector performance management. The primary data needs for congestion performance measures are outline...

  1. Textile sector:a study of the effects of the commercial openingon the Brazilian textile sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone Vilela Marquezini


    Full Text Available The process of commercial opening occurred in 1990 during the Collor’s govern­ment made the transformation industry get into a restructuring process. The ob­jective of this paper is to present the effects of the commercial opening of the textile sector during the period of 1993-2004 and main strategies adopted for the enterprises. The study was based on interview of the executives and institutions related to the textile sector. After ten years, the commercial opening is considered positive to the improvement of the productive structure of the sector. Besides the reduction on tariffs and the devaluation of the exchange rate in 1999, was pointed of the responsible factors of the adjusting process.

  2. Composite Dark Sectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carmona, Adrian


    We introduce a new paradigm in Composite Dark Sectors, where the full Standard Model (including the Higgs boson) is extended with a strongly-interacting composite sector with global symmetry group G spontaneously broken to H is contained in G. We show that, under well-motivated conditions, the lightest neutral pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons are natural dark matter candidates for they are protected by a parity symmetry not even broken in the electroweak phase. These models are characterized by only two free parameters, namely the typical coupling g D and the scale f D of the composite sector, and are therefore very predictive. We consider in detail two minimal scenarios, SU(3)/[SU(2) x U(1)] and [SU(2) 2 x U(1)]/[SU(2) x U(1)], which provide a dynamical realization of the Inert Doublet and Triplet models, respectively. We show that the radiatively-induced potential can be computed in a five-dimensional description with modified boundary conditions with respect to Composite Higgs models. Finally, the dark matter candidates are shown to be compatible, in a large region of the parameter space, with current bounds from dark matter searches as well as electroweak and collider constraints on new resonances.

  3. Transformation of the Polish Banking Sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marek Stefański


    Full Text Available In the post-war period the banking system in Poland underwent two important system transitions: after 1946 and after 1989. The third transformation began after May 1, 2004, but it did not have a systemic character. The Polish banking sector started to operate on the Single European Market. The first part of the paper is devoted to the problems of the banks transformations after 1989 with a special focus on the quantitative development of banks in 19892008, and on subsequent privatisation and consolidation processes. The former intensified in 19891999, and the latter in 19992002. The consolidation process was very noticeable in the sector of cooperative banks after 1994. The second part of the paper includes an economic and financial analysis of the banks. A lot of attention was paid to the liquidity of the banking sector. It was assessed as good, which was confirmed by a short-term rating of Moodys and by the Financial Stability Report 2009, published by the National Bank of Poland in June 2009. The comparison of the net profit of the banking sector in 19972008 shows its dependence on the economic situation and policy. The number of banks with capital adequacy ratio well above the minimum required by the banking supervision is rising. The financial power ratings are not favorable for the domestic banks. The third part of the paper focuses on the development directions of the Polish banking sector. It may be concluded on the basis of the analysis that privatisation and consolidation processes will be continued. They will concentrate on the capital of foreign banks already operating in Poland. As compared with individual foreign banks, the potential of the Polish banking sector is week. The fourth part of the paper focuses on the presentation Polish banking sector in the context of European Union banking sector. The paper finishes with conclusions. Generally, Polish banks have to implement a strategy to enable them to compete on the Single

  4. ¿Cómo mejorar la eficacia de los equipos de trabajo a través de los procesos grupales? Un ejemplo en la industria automotriz


    Meneses, Rocío; Navarro Cid, José


    Incrementar la efectividad de los grupos y equipos de trabajo es fundamental en cualquier organización, y más, durante los periodos de crisis económica. Para diseñar un equipo, formar un grupo u optimizar su trabajo, es preciso considerar las tareas, los procesos y los resultados. Siendo los equipos una herramienta clave en la competitividad del sector de la automoción, en este artículo nos enfocaremos en cómo mejorar el desempeño y la efectividad de los equipos de producción de este sector e...

  5. Trade and Sectoral Productivity


    Fadinger, Harald; Fleiss, Pablo


    Even though differences in sectoral total factor productivity are at the heart of Ricardian trade theory and many models of growth and development, very little is known about their size and their form. In this paper we try to fill this gap by using a Hybrid-Ricardo-Heckscher-Ohlin trade model and bilateral sectoral trade data to overcome the data problem that has limited previous studies, which have used input and output data to back out productivities, to a small number of OECD economies. We...

  6. Private sector joins family planning effort. (United States)


    Projects supported by the Directorate for Population (S&T/POP) of the U.S. Agency for International Development and aimed at increasing for-profit private sector involvement in providing family planning services and products are described. Making products commercially available through social-marketing partnerships with the commercial sector, USAID has saved $1.1 million in commodity costs from Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Indonesia, and Peru. Active private sector involvement benefits companies, consumers, and donors through increased corporate profits, healthier employees, improved consumer access at lower cost, and the possibility of sustained family planning programs. Moreover, private, for-profit companies will be able to meet service demands over the next 20 years where traditional government and donor agency sources would fail. Using employee surveys and cost-benefit analyses to demonstrate expected financial and health benefits for businesses and work forces, S&T/POP's Technical Information on Population for the Private Sector (TIPPS) project encourages private companies in developing countries to invest in family planning and maternal/child health care for their employees. 36 companies in 9 countries have responded thus far, which examples provided from Peru and Zimbabwe. The Enterprise program's objectives are also to increase the involvement of for-profit companies in delivering family planning services, and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of private volunteer organizations in providing services. Projects have been started with mines, factories, banks, insurance companies, and parastatals in 27 countries, with examples cited from Ghana and Indonesia. Finally, the Social Marketing for Change project (SOMARC) builds demand and distributes low-cost contraceptives through commercial channels especially to low-income audiences. Partnerships have been initiated with the private sector in 17 developing countries, with examples provided from

  7. Extended Producer Responsibility in the Aviation Sector


    Brito, Marisa; Laan, Erwin; Irion, B.D.


    textabstractIn this paper we investigate recent initiatives with respect to extended producer responsibility in the aviation sector. We compare those with the existing practices in the automobile sector and the emerging regulations in the shipping sector. We describe the challenges and the lessons to be learned from the evolution and state of extended producer responsibility in these two industries.

  8. The Lure of the Private Sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egerod, Benjamin Carl Krag


    colleagues -- who now work as lobbyists -- are. I document that when private sector career prospects improve, so does the probability that the average US senator leaves office to take a lobbying job. There is no effect immediately before a senator's pension scheme improves, and senators, who retire from...... working life after Congress or are elected to a safe seat, are unaffected by private sector career prospects. This indicates that senators react to opportunity costs associated with being in office. Finally, while the results suggest that certain ideological types are more attracted by private sector...

  9. CP violation in the baryon sector

    CERN Document Server

    Smith, Eluned Anne


    The study of CP violation in the baryon sector is still a relatively new field and offers the possibility to make many CP measurements which could complement those performed in the meson sector. This is especially true of late given the large number of baryons currently being produced at the LHC. Such measurements could help further over-constrain the CKM unitary triangle, as well as furthering our understand of baryongenesis. These proceedings will give an overview of the current state of the search for CP violation in the baryon sector.

  10. South Africa's electricity consumption: A sectoral decomposition analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inglesi-Lotz, Roula; Blignaut, James N.


    Highlights: → We conduct a decomposition exercise of the South African electricity consumption. → The increase in electricity consumption was due to output and structural changes. → The increasing at a low rate electricity intensity was a decreasing factor to consumption. → Increases in production were proven to be part of the rising trend for all sectors. → Only 5 sectors' consumption were negatively affected by efficiency improvements. -- Abstract: South Africa's electricity consumption has shown a sharp increase since the early 1990s. Here we conduct a sectoral decomposition analysis of the electricity consumption for the period 1993-2006 to determine the main drivers responsible for this increase. The results show that the increase was mainly due to output or production related factors, with structural changes playing a secondary role. While there is some evidence of efficiency improvements, indicated here as a slowdown in the rate of increase of electricity intensity, it was not nearly sufficient to offset the combined production and structural effects that propelled electricity consumption forward. This general economy-wide statement, however, can be misleading since the results, in essence, are very sector specific and the inter-sectoral differences are substantial. Increases in production were proven to be part of the rising trend for all sectors. However, only five out of fourteen sectors were affected by efficiency improvements, while the structural changes affected the sectors' electricity consumption in different ways. These differences concerning the production, structural and efficiency effects on the sectors indicate the need for a sectoral approach in the energy policy-making of the country rather than a blanket or unilateral economy-wide approach.

  11. Public and Private Sector IT Governance: Identifying Contextual Differences


    John Campbell; Craig McDonald; Tsholofelo Sethibe


    This paper highlights systemic contextual differences and the unique IT Governance issues that might arise in public and private sector organizations. Public sector organizations constitute a significant component of economic activity in most countries. Like their private sector counterparts, many public sector agencies are struggling to cope with reduced or inadequate IT budgets and are continuously looking for ways to extract maximum value from IT resources. While both sectors face similar ...

  12. Transforming the Nigerian power sector for sustainable development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gatugel Usman, Zubairu; Abbasoglu, Serkan; Tekbiyik Ersoy, Neyre; Fahrioglu, Murat


    Nigeria has been plagued with acute power shortages due to poor performance of its power sector. Several policies and reforms have been implemented by the government to address the poor performance of the power generation, transmission and distribution sectors of the electricity industry. Also various strategies were employed by the government which includes encouraging private sector participation, diversification of the energy generation sources and promoting energy efficiency for sustainable development. In addition the government has spent billions of dollars since 2001 in the construction of new power generation facilities, transmission lines and distribution centers to boost the power supply. It has deregulated the generation and distribution sectors to encourage private sector participation and empowers the Energy Commission of Nigeria to embark on programs and strategies that can boost energy generation from renewable sources. This paper examined the country's energy sources and the power sector reforms adopted by the government. The paper also outlined some recommendations based on reforms implemented by other countries with similar resources to Nigeria which yielded positive results. - Highlights: • Available resources for power generation in Nigeria. • Power sector challenges, policies and reforms. • Implications of the reforms implemented. • Recommendations for improving the sector's performance.

  13. Sectoral Economies, Economic Contexts, and Attitudes toward Immigration. (United States)

    Dancygier, Rafaela M; Donnelly, Michael J


    Do economic considerations shape attitudes toward immigration? In this article, we consider the relationship between economic interests and immigration preferences by examining how developments in individuals' sectors of employment affect these views. Using survey data across European countries from 2002 to 2009 and employing new measures of industry-level exposure to immigration, we find that sectoral economies shape opinions about immigration. Individuals employed in growing sectors are more likely to support immigration than are those employed in shrinking sectors. Moreover, the economic context matters: Making use of the exogenous shock to national economies represented by the 2008 financial crisis, we show that sector-level inflows of immigrant workers have little effect on preferences when economies are expanding, but that they dampen support for immigration when economic conditions deteriorate and confidence in the economy declines. These sectoral effects remain even when controlling for natives' views about the impact of immigration on the national economy and culture. When evaluating immigration policy, individuals thus appear to take into account whether their sector of employment benefits economically from immigration.

  14. Sectoral Economies, Economic Contexts, and Attitudes toward Immigration (United States)

    Donnelly, Michael J.


    Do economic considerations shape attitudes toward immigration? In this article, we consider the relationship between economic interests and immigration preferences by examining how developments in individuals' sectors of employment affect these views. Using survey data across European countries from 2002 to 2009 and employing new measures of industry-level exposure to immigration, we find that sectoral economies shape opinions about immigration. Individuals employed in growing sectors are more likely to support immigration than are those employed in shrinking sectors. Moreover, the economic context matters: Making use of the exogenous shock to national economies represented by the 2008 financial crisis, we show that sector-level inflows of immigrant workers have little effect on preferences when economies are expanding, but that they dampen support for immigration when economic conditions deteriorate and confidence in the economy declines. These sectoral effects remain even when controlling for natives' views about the impact of immigration on the national economy and culture. When evaluating immigration policy, individuals thus appear to take into account whether their sector of employment benefits economically from immigration. PMID:24363457


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    Ileana Cosmina PITULICE


    Full Text Available In Romania the development of public sector accounting was initiated in 2002, and enlarged for all public sector entities in 2005, but the transition is a static process although there are many issues that should be changed. Based on Hepworth’s (2003 preconditions of success in adoption accrual accounting for public sector, this paper aims to analyse through a qualitative research whether accruals implementation in Romanian public sector was fulfilling its purposes or not. Financial information disclosed through public sector entities’ financial statements make the connection between citizens and state over the last one’s capacity to respond to community’s goals.

  16. Analysis of exports of the brazilian mineral sector

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    Alison Geovani Schwingel Franck


    Full Text Available This study sought to analyze the pattern of specialization of exports of brazilian mineral sector, identifying the most dynamic productive sectors in the period between 1999 and 2015. For this purpose, the Import Coverage Ratio was calculated, as well as the Intra-industry Trade rate (IIT, and the Sector Concentration of Exports. Data were collected from the Foreign Trade Information Analysis System (Alice Web. The results indicated that Brazil has a few competitive mineral groups in its export basket, and that it is concentrated in a few sectors. It was found that the most competitive sectors were Niobium ore, iron, manganese, gold, aluminum, other semimanufaturado and copper.

  17. Sectoral innovation foresight. Biotechnology sector. Final Reeport. Task 2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Valk, T. van der; Gijsbers, G.W.; Meis, M.


    Biotechnology has evolved from a single set of technologies in the mid 1970s (e.g. recombinant DNA technology) into the full grown economic activity of today. The set of technologies that constitute the field of biotechnology thus find their applications in different sectors, most notably in

  18. Competitive intelligence practice in the South African property sector

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    Tshilidzi E. Nenzhelele


    Full Text Available Background: The South African property sector contributes highly to creating jobs, skills development, poverty reduction and economic growth. Although South Africa dropped in the global competitiveness ranking, the property sector of South Africa remains very competitive. To survive in a competitive sector, firms around the world practice competitive intelligence(CI. Although the use of CI has been examined in other sectors in South Africa, no study on CI practice has been conducted in the property sector. Objectives: The objective of this research was to establish the extent to which the property sector of South Africa practices CI. Method: This research was quantitative in nature and a web-based questionnaire was used to collect data from estate agencies in the South African property sector. Results: The results indicate that the South African property sector is very competitive and estate agencies practice CI to gain competitive advantage and make quality decisions.Moreover, the results reveal that the property sector practice CI legally and ethically. The results indicate that the majority of estate agencies are very small employing at most five employees and make at most 5 million Rands annual turnover. Conclusion: The South African property sector ethically and legally practices CI to gain competitive advantage and to aid in making quality decisions.

  19. Knowledge management initiatives benefits for the Slovenian public sector

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    Simon Colnar


    Full Text Available This paper highlights the importance of knowledge management in Slovenian public sector organizations. Knowledge management has received a lot of attention in the past two decades, however in the public sector it is still under-researched. The global financial and economic crisis revealed some important organizational weaknesses in the Republic of Slovenia, some particularly due to the ineffectiveness of the Slovenian public sector, which ranks amongst the worst in the Euro zone. Authors argue that a stronger commitment to knowledge management, which is currently unused in the Slovenian public sector, represents an opportunity to coordinate and exploit public sector organizational knowledge resources. After analysing existing literature, authors have identified examples of good practices from foreign countries that could be partially transferred and adapted into the Slovenian environment. Since the efficient use of knowledge is linked to the performance of public sector organizations, the paper suggests that successful implementation of knowledge management initiatives should result in a more efficient public sector and, indirectly, in improved international public sector competitiveness rankings. This paper is also considered to be important for public sector practitioners and managers, as it proposes implementation of a knowledge management pilot project in Slovenian public sector.

  20. Estudios sobre Cacao 1.Incidencia de la "Pasmazón de los Pepinos" en Algunos Cacaos Venezolanos

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    Ciferri R.


    Full Text Available Se investigó la incidencia de la pudrición de la mazorca del cacao por el Phytophthora palmivora Butler sobre diferentes grupos de variedades de cacao cultivadas en el ambiente subárido de regadío en Ocumare de la Costa, Estado Aragua, Venezuela. Se ha averiguado que la infección sistémica de dichas mazorcas proviene de la infección primaria de los cojines florales, habiéndose estudiado su curso y sus características. Entre otras cosas se notó que, aunque es verdad que el período de mayor susceptibilidad a la infección sistémica es el que corre desde el fin del estado de pepino del fruto (fruto mayor de 9-10 centímetros, o sea de 75 a 90 días de edad y el fin del período de desarrollo del fruto (140 a 150 días a contar desde la fecundación de la flor, puede haber un estado precoz de infección de la mazorca joven, el cual no ocurre nunca antes de los quince días de edad, esto es, en el período de máxima incidencia de la enfermedad fisiológica conocida como "pasmazón de los pepinos". Dicha infección es exclusivamente sistémica y puede afectar hasta las dos quintas partes de los pepinos que cuelgan de cojines infectados. Observóse que el chancro del tallo, que por lo regular sigue a la infección del cojín floral, no es tan dañino como comúnmente se afirma, pero que sus daños económicos se deben a la improductividad producida en el cojín infectado. El Criollo de concha decolorada es más susceptible a la infección por Phytophthora que el de concha morada y el híbrido forastero venezolano el cual, a su vez, parece más susceptible a la infección del cojín floral que los demás grupos de variedades. En un lapso de 10 meses los frutos infectados por medio del cojín floral representan los tres cuartos o cuatro quintos del total. La presencia de pigmento antociánico en la cáscara de la mazorca no madura parece conferir una relativa resistencia a la infección por el Phytophthora; empero, en el Forastero

  1. Contribution of Romanian Secondary Sector to Regional Development

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    Cristina ALPOPI


    Full Text Available In this paper, we shows the contribution of the secondary sector (industry and construction on the economic development of the regions, functional areas and the urban system in Romania. The development of economic activities of production is conditioned by certain geophysical, demographical, social and cultural characteristics. Considering that economic restructuring and privatization of industry put their mark on the evolution of the Romanian economy in recent years, it is absolutely necessary to take into account the influence of the secondary sector activities - industry and construction, to establish the development measures of romanian regions. One more reason is that the most industrialized cities prior 1990, dependent on a single branch of industry, losing the markets for these industries, recorded high unemployment, which in terms of social, equates to a high degree of poverty. Territorial development of the secondary sector shows large differences mainly due to natural barriers, level of accessibility to natural resources and public services of general interest. These gaps deep more economic and social problems existing in the territory. In the secondary sector, Romania follows closely the provisions of European Union policy, in order to develop a national competitive market, integrated into the European internal market. An example: in the industrial branch, employment share is approximately equal to the european average level. In terms of productivity, in Romania, in the context of a very low level of this indicator, its value is high in the industrial sector (especially in the manufacturing sector the specific productivity is above the national average. It is estimated that after 2014, the improvement of Romania's macroeconomic stability could generate rapid growth in the secondary sector. In Romania, industrial sector faces with problems such: the high level of resources not identified, poor promotion on domestic and foreign market

  2. Dutch business opportunities in the Turkish biodiesel sector

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, R.C.; Elbersen, H.W.; Yilmaz, G.


    To research possibilities for Dutch businesses to be involved in the Turkish biodiesel sector, a short literature study and unstructured interviews with sector stakeholders were performed. Turkey is interested to develop its biofuel sector particularly to improve its security of energy supply, more

  3. Business opportunities in the Ethiopian fruit and vegetable sector

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, R.C.; Jager, de A.


    The horticultural sector in Ethiopia is growing strongly. Major part of this growth is created by investments in the floriculture sector. Recently more and more in terest from the Dutch private sector is shown in the Ethiopian fruits and vegeta ble sector. Export of fruit and vegetables has been

  4. Critical Design Factors for Sector Transport Maintenance in DEMO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Utoh, H.; Someya, Y.; Tobita, K.; Asakura, N.; Hoshino, K.; Nakamura, M., E-mail: [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Rokkasho (Japan)


    Full text: Maintenance is a critical issue for fusion DEMO reactor because the design conditions and requirements of DEMO maintenance scheme are different from that of ITER remote handling. The sector transport maintenance scheme has advantages to maintain blankets and divertors without the use of sophisticated remote handling devices including sensitive devices to radiation in the reactor. SlimCS designed in JAEA adopts the sector transport maintenance scheme in which every sector is pulled out horizontally through a port between TF coils. A critical design issue for the horizontal sector transport maintenance scheme is how to support an enormous turnover force of the toroidal field (TF) coils. We propose following two options; first option is the horizontal transport maintenance scheme in which every sector is pulled out through four horizontal ports connected with the corridor. Second option is the vertical sector transport maintenance scheme with small vertical maintenance ports (total: 6 ports). The new horizontal sector transport limited in the number of maintenance ports is a more realistic maintenance scheme, and the key engineering issue is the transferring mechanism of sector in the vacuum vessel. In the maintenance scenario, the key design factors are the cool down time in reactor and the cooling method in maintenance scheme for keeping components under operation temperature. By one-dimensional heat conduction analysis, the sector should be transported to hot cell within 40 hours in the case the cool down time is one month. In the horizontal sector transport maintenance, the maintenance time including removal of cooling piping, drain of cooling water and sector transport to hot cell is about 32 hours. Furthermore, the tritium release in the sector transport can be suppressed because the components temperature drops by forced-air cooling system. This paper mainly focuses on a sector transport maintenance scheme from the aspects of high plant availability

  5. Modelo conceptual de datos difusos de triaje para emergencia hospitalaria representado con FuzzyEER

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    Wuilfredo Rangel


    Full Text Available El triaje de emergencia persigue desarrollar el proceso de valorización clínica preliminar para ordenar los pacientes según el nivel de urgencia o gravedad, antes de la atención médica, de forma que en una condición de saturación del servicio o disminución de recursos, los pacientes más graves sean tratados con prioridad. Un proceso de triaje presenta un alto grado de imprecisión o incertidumbre al momento de expresar el estado de salud de un paciente, en consecuencia puede haber dificultad y riesgo en la clasificación de las urgencias. En los servicios de emergencias de loshospitales públicos venezolanos, en especial el servicio de emergencia del Hospital Universitario de Caracas (HUC, seha evidenciado un incremento en el número de casos que se atienden, siendo una constante la saturación del servicio, lo cual imposibilita que los pacientes con prioridad de atención, sean tratados más rápidamente de forma oportuna y eficaz. En este trabajo se propone un modelo conceptual de datos difuso de triaje para el sector salud venezolano basado en el proceso de triaje hospitalario de la Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina de Emergencia y Desastres (SVMED, ya que un modelo de datos que contemple la representación de atributos difusos puede representar de mejor forma los requerimientos del sistema. El modelo propuesto utiliza la notación Entidad Relación con elementos difusos (FuzzyEER para la representación de las entidades y atributos con imprecisión. Dicho modelo será la base de un sistema automatizado de triaje que hará uso del lenguaje de consultas difusas FSQL (Fuzzy SQL.

  6. (How) does sectoral detail affect the robustness of policy insights from energy system models? The refining sector's example

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nicolas, Claire; Saint-Antonin, Valerie; Tchung-Ming, Stephane


    In this research, we rekindle an old debate by questioning the impact on mitigating policy evaluation of detailing a sub-sector in a global energy-transportation model. We chose the refining sector because it is a relevant case of a sector for which representation widely differs across models and because it offers a unique set of complex joint production in the energy sector. To investigate whether the level of detail in the description of the refinery impacts optimal mitigation options, we take the example of a long-term, national, linear programming based, energy-transport system model (TIMES based). We found that the refinery description used in the energy system model matters when trying to evaluate energy or climate policy applied to the transportation sector. It impacts the policy costs but also the technology trajectories chosen at the optimum. Essentially, the balance between energy efficiency and carbon intensity of transport may be affected by the accuracy of the description of the pivotal refining sector. Consequently, increasing this sector accuracy level should not only be motivated by the wish to gain wider quantitative insights on potential evolution of the energy system but also by the wish to improve the robustness of the model outcomes. (authors)

  7. The future of Bulgarian nuclear sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iordanov, I.; Yankov, I.


    The problems of the Bulgarian nuclear energy sector in Bulgaria and possible solutions are presented. The priorities are summarized as: extension of life for units 5 and 6 in NPP Kozloduy establishing of contacts with producers of SMR long‐term strategy for Bulgarian energy sector

  8. Public and Private Sector IT Governance: Identifying Contextual Differences

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    John Campbell


    Full Text Available This paper highlights systemic contextual differences and the unique IT Governance issues that might arise in public and private sector organizations. Public sector organizations constitute a significant component of economic activity in most countries. Like their private sector counterparts, many public sector agencies are struggling to cope with reduced or inadequate IT budgets and are continuously looking for ways to extract maximum value from IT resources. While both sectors face similar managerial-level IT issues and challenges, we argue that there are systemic differences between private and public sector organizations suggesting that a one size fits all approach to IT Governance may not apply.

  9. Public Sector Wage Growth in Alberta

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    Ken Boessenkool


    Full Text Available In recent years, Alberta’s fiscal stance has shifted from large surpluses to deficits, and a large part of the blame appears to be due to rising public sector salaries. Since 2000, the province’s public sector wage bill has shot up by 119 percent — almost double the rate of growth in the rest of Canada. Wages, previously roughly at par with the rest of the country, are now higher (in many cases very substantially across all public sector categories, including health care, social services, education and government, consuming 95 percent of the increase in provincial revenues over the past decade. At the same time, the number of public sector employees has grown faster than the overall population; it is difficult to attribute this sharp uptick to a rise in productivity, or the need to compete with private industry for skilled workers. This paper breaks down the increases in every category, arguing that if the provincial government is looking to trim expenditures, public sector salaries are a good place to start. The authors make their case using detailed Statistics Canada data, throwing down the gauntlet to defenders of the status quo and challenging them to justify these disparate increases.

  10. Public and private sector wages in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hartog, J.; Oosterbeek, H.


    There is much debate in the Netherlands about underpayment of public-sector workers relative to private-sector workers. In this paper, the authors analyze the wage structures in both sectors using an endogenous switching regression model. Unlike previous Dutch studies, the authors find that the

  11. Institutional determinants of power sector reform in Pakistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ullah, Kafait; Arentsen, Maarten J.; Lovett, Jon C.


    The electricity supply sector in Pakistan has performed poorly in recent years. Reforms were introduced in the mid-1990s to improve the sector, but progressed slowly with no significant impacts on pre-reform performance. This study uses new institutional economics as a theoretical basis to elucidate reasons for the failure of power sector reforms in Pakistan to make improvements. Interviews with 23 experts using Q-methodology generated 215 statements that were used as a Q concourse. Of these, 51 statements were selected for the Q sample and ranked by 34 respondents depending on their importance. Analysis revealed four important discourses on the determinants of power sector reform failure in Pakistan. These included weak governance structure, country and sectoral endowments, inefficient regulator and unspecified political institutions or unfriendly political contexts. The study recommends establishment of institutions that support a market based power supply sector and improvements to the contractual arrangements between stakeholders to reduce opportunistic behaviour. - Highlights: • This study utilizes New Institutional Approach to study power sector reforms in Pakistan. • Work of Douglass North and Oliver Williamson help create analytical frame. • Q methodology helps overcome data limitations. • Results reveal institutional aspects as important for poor performance of reforms. • Study suggests policy recommendations to improve institutional environment and governance of power sector in Pakistan.


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    Full Text Available This research aims to analyze inter economic sectoral linkages and to arrange the Klassen typology of economic sectors in Semarang Regency. The Klassen typology is composed from the result of the linkage analysis. To construct the analysis, this paper also utulizes the input-output analysis. It finds that service sector has the highest backward linkage while farming sector has the highest forward linkage. Based on the Klassen typology analysis, sectors with the highest backward and forward linkages and potential to be the leading sector are farming sector, dan trade, hotel and restaurant sector.Keywords: Backward linkage,forward linkage, Klassen typologyJEL classification number: R15, O21AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji seberapa besar keterkaitan antar sektor ekonomi di Kabupaten Semarang dan memetakan tipologi Klassennya. Tipologi Klasen disusun berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis keterkaitannya. Untuk menyusun analisis tersebut, paper ini juga menggunakan analisis input-output. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sektor jasa memiliki keterkaitan ke belakang tertinggi dibandingkan dengan sektor lainnya. Sementara itu, sektor pertanian merupakan sektor yang memiliki keterkaitan ke depan tertinggi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tipologi Klassen, sektor yang memiliki keterkaitan ke depan dan ke belakang yang tinggi dan dapat menjadi sektor unggulan adalah sektor perdagangan, hotel dan sektor restoran.Kata kunci: Keterkaitan ke belakang, keterkaitan ke depan, tipologi KlassenJEL classification numbers: R15, O21

  13. Private Sector in Indian Healthcare Delivery: Consumer Perspective and Government Policies to promote private Sector

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    Utkarsh Shah, Ragini Mohanty


    Full Text Available This research paper attempts to collate literature from various sources, in an attempt to answer three pertinent questions related to healthcare in India. Firstly, what is it meant by ‘private sector’ in healthcare delivery system of India, secondly how has the private sector evolved over the decades and what has been the role of the government in propelling the growth. Finally, the paper tries to highlight some of the factors that have promoted the growth of private sector in India with specific reference to quality of medical care. The paper explicitly indicates that the deficiencies in the public health delivery system of India, was the key to growth of private infrastructure in healthcare.The shift of hospital industry for ‘welfare orientation’ to ‘business orientation’ was marked by the advent of corporate hospitals, supported by various policy level initiatives made by the government. Today, there are over 20 international healthcare brands in India with several corporate hospitals.However, a large section of the ‘private healthcare delivery segment’ is scattered and quality of medical care continues to remain a matter of concern. This paper tracks the various government initiatives to promote private investment in healthcare and attempts to explore the reasons for preference of the private sector. Surprisingly, in contrast to contemporary belief, quality of medical care doesn’t seem to be the leading cause for preference of the private sector. Except for a few select corporate and trust hospitals, quality of medical care in private sector seems to be poor and at times compromised.

  14. How to improve collaboration between the public health sector and other policy sectors to reduce health inequalities? - A study in sixteen municipalities in the Netherlands. (United States)

    Storm, Ilse; den Hertog, Frank; van Oers, Hans; Schuit, Albertine J


    The causes of health inequalities are complex. For the reduction of health inequalities, intersectoral collaboration between the public health sector and both social policy sectors (e.g. youth affairs, education) and physical policy sectors (e.g. housing, spatial planning) is essential, but in local practice difficult to realize. The aim of this study was to examine the collaboration between the sectors in question more closely and to identify opportunities for improvement. A qualitative descriptive analysis of five aspects of collaboration within sixteen Dutch municipalities was performed to examine the collaboration between the public health sector and other policy sectors: 1) involvement of the sectors in the public health policy network, 2) harmonisation of objectives, 3) use of policies by the relevant sectors, 4) formalised collaboration, and 5) previous experience. Empirical data on these collaboration aspects were collected based on document analysis, questionnaires and interviews. The study found that the policy workers of social sectors were more involved in the public health network and more frequently supported the objectives in the field of health inequality reduction. Both social policy sectors and physical policy sectors used policies and activities to reduce health inequalities. More is done to influence the determinants of health inequality through policies aimed at lifestyle and social setting than through policies aimed at socioeconomic factors and the physical environment. Where the physical policy sectors are involved in the public health network, the collaboration follows a very similar pattern as with the social policy sectors. All sectors recognise the importance of good relationships, positive experiences, a common interest in working together and coordinated mechanisms. This study shows that there is scope for improving collaboration in the field of health inequality reduction between the public health sector and both social policy sectors

  15. Behavioral economics perspectives on public sector pension plans. (United States)

    Beshears, John; Choi, James J; Laibson, David; Madrian, Brigitte C


    We describe the pension plan features of the states and the largest cities and counties in the U.S. Unlike in the private sector, defined benefit (DB) pensions are still the norm in the public sector. However, a few jurisdictions have shifted toward defined contribution (DC) plans as their primary savings plan, and fiscal pressures are likely to generate more movement in this direction. Holding fixed a public employee's work and salary history, we show that DB retirement income replacement ratios vary greatly across jurisdictions. This creates large variation in workers' need to save for retirement in other accounts. There is also substantial heterogeneity across jurisdictions in the savings generated in primary DC plans because of differences in the level of mandatory employer and employee contributions. One notable difference between public and private sector DC plans is that public sector primary DC plans are characterized by required employee or employer contributions (or both), whereas private sector plans largely feature voluntary employee contributions that are supplemented by an employer match. We conclude by applying lessons from savings behavior in private sector savings plans to the design of public sector plans.

  16. Does it pay to be a public-sector employee?


    Fabien Postel-Vinay


    Direct wage comparisons show that public-sector 
employees earn around 15% more than private-sector employees. But should these differences be interpreted as a “public-sector premium”? Two points need to be considered. First, the public and private sectors differ in the jobs they offer and the type of workers they employ, which explains a large share of the wage gap. Second, public- and private-sector careers also differ in other important dimensions, such as job stability and income progress...

  17. Convergence of carbon dioxide emissions in different sectors in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Juan; Zhang, Kezhong


    In this paper, we analyze differences in per capita carbon dioxide emissions from 1996 to 2010 in six sectors across 28 provinces in China and examine the σ-convergence, stochastic convergence and β-convergence of these emissions. We also investigate the factors that impact the convergence of per capita carbon dioxide emissions in each sector. The results show that per capita carbon dioxide emissions in all sectors converged across provinces from 1996 to 2010. Factors that impact the convergence of per capita carbon dioxide emissions in each sector vary: GDP (gross domestic product) per capita, industrialization process and population density impact convergence in the Industry sector, while GDP per capita and population density impact convergence in the Transportation, Storage, Postal, and Telecommunications Services sector. Aside from GDP per capita and population density, trade openness also impacts convergence in the Wholesale, Retail, Trade, and Catering Service sector. Population density is the only factor that impacts convergence in the Residential Consumption sector. - Highlights: • Analyze differences in CO 2 emissions in six sectors among 28 provinces in China. • Examine the convergence of CO 2 emissions in six sectors. • Investigate factors impact on convergence of CO 2 emissions in each sector. • Factors impact on convergence of per capita CO 2 emissions in each sector vary

  18. Specifics of the employment process in the public sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raluca DIMITRIU


    Full Text Available The labour legislation applicable in public sector is very different from the one applicable in private sector. Unlike the private sector where the market is the most efficient regulator and sanctions all errors made by the assessor, in the public sector there isn’t always a feed-back from the economic realities that may prove the accuracy and the efficiency of the assessment. Consequently, the law goes further on and imposes requirements, deadlines and procedures. While the private sector enjoys a certain flexibility regarding the assessment of the staff, in order to adjust it to the requirements of the economic realities, in the public sector, flexibility can lead to manifestations of subjectivism and arbitrariness. On the other hand, the excessive amount of regulations applicable in public sector may provide versatile and even contradictory results.

  19. Financial development and sectoral CO2 emissions in Malaysia. (United States)

    Maji, Ibrahim Kabiru; Habibullah, Muzafar Shah; Saari, Mohd Yusof


    The paper examines the impacts of financial development on sectoral carbon emissions (CO 2 ) for environmental quality in Malaysia. Since the financial sector is considered as one of the sectors that will contribute to Malaysian economy to become a developed country by 2020, we utilize a cointegration method to investigate how financial development affects sectoral CO 2 emissions. The long-run results reveal that financial development increases CO 2 emissions from the transportation and oil and gas sector and reduces CO 2 emissions from manufacturing and construction sectors. However, the elasticity of financial development is not significant in explaining CO 2 emissions from the agricultural sector. The results for short-run elasticities were also consistent with the long-run results. We conclude that generally, financial development increases CO 2 emissions and reduces environmental quality in Malaysia.

  20. Analysis of Intra-Industry Trade in Turkish Automotive Sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Füsun YENİLMEZ


    Full Text Available The automotive sector is one of the important sectors affecting the economy of a country. Considering the export and import size of the sector, any kind of work to be done for the sector is important. The analysis of Turkey's situation in the sector will contribute to R&D studies to develop the sector, strategic planning and determination of short, medium and long term targets. The aim of the paper is to determine the location of the Turkish automotive industry in world trade. For this purpose, firstly products in the automotive sector foreign trade were reduced to three sub-digit and included in the evaluation. Grubel-Lloyd index is used in the analysis. As a result of the analyzes, Turkey has been determined separately according to the product groups of the countries that have the most intensive trade in industry.

  1. Security Sector Reform in Albania


    Abazi, Enika; Bumci, Aldo; Hide, Enri; Rakipi, Albert


    International audience; This paper analyses security sector reform (SSR) in Albania. In all its enterprises in reforming the security sector,Albania is assisted by different initiatives and projects that provide expertise and financial support. To assesswhether reforms improved the overall security environment (national and human) of the country, it is necessaryto measure the effectiveness of the various initiatives and projects. This is gauged by how well the initiatives andprojects achieved...

  2. Lifshitz-sector mediated SUSY breaking


    Pospelov, MaximDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, V8P 5C2, Canada; Tamarit, Carlos(Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, ON, N2L 2Y5, Canada)


    We propose a novel mechanism of SUSY breaking by coupling a Lorentz-invariant supersymmetric matter sector to non-supersymmetric gravitational interactions with Lifshitz scaling. The improved UV properties of Lifshitz propagators moderate the otherwise uncontrollable ultraviolet divergences induced by gravitational loops. This ensures that both the amount of induced Lorentz violation and SUSY breaking in the matter sector are controlled by $ {{{\\Lambda_{\\mathrm{HL}}^2}} \\left/ {{M_P^2}} \\righ...

  3. 50 CFR 648.87 - Sector allocation. (United States)


    ... biological, economic, and social impacts of sectors and their fishing operations consistent with confidentiality requirements of applicable law. (vii) Interaction with other fisheries—(A) Use of DAS. A sector...; and any other information about such a program required by NMFS; (xii) ACE thresholds that may trigger...

  4. Modelling Transition Towards Sustainable Transportation Sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dominkovic, Dominik Franjo; Bačeković, I.; Mýrdal, Jón Steinar Garðarsson


    In a transition towards 100% renewable energy system, transportation sector is rarely dealt withusing the holistic approach and measuring its impact on the whole energy system. Furthermore, assolutions for power and heat sectors are clearer, it is a tendency of the researchers to focus on thelatt...

  5. Modernize the Public Sector through Innovation?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansson, Finn; Norn, Maria Theresa; Vad, Torben Bundgaard


    The New Public Management drive to innovate in the public sector has become less influential and new initiatives to drive innovation are now sought. There are well-known challenges when using social science research to inform innovation in the public sector. In order to address these challenges, ...

  6. Marine renewable energy sector early-stage supply chain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Marine renewable energy is an emergent sector in Canada. Although supply chain studies have been performed on the United Kingdom and the United States markets, no study has been conducted yet in Canada. The aim of this study was therefore to perform a supply chain analysis in Canada to assess the maturity, strengths, and weaknesses of the sector and determine where the opportunities lie. The study emphasises that the sector is still at the prototype stage in Canada and that the industry must learn to improve its technology and begin to take on large scale projects. Canada has several strengths in the marine renewable energy sector, mainly in terms of resources and facilities, but there are also weaknesses pertaining to technology development and experience. The study concluded that the development of the sector must be centered on a solid vision; in the near term, technological innovation is needed to reach pre-commercialization while in the long term, the sector should aim for commercial application.

  7. Cartel control in the energy sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buedenbender, U.


    The current regulatory regime governing the electricity and gas supply industries of the energy sector is characterized by the admissibility of protected sales areas defined by demarcation agreements. However, this economic advantage is counterbalanced by legal provisions providing for specific supervision of the utilities under cartel law. The cartel authority exercises the functions of control of abusive practices, focussing on control of prices and general terms and conditions, cooperation between the utilities and operators owners of power generation plants, the very topical aspects of TPA (third party access to networks), and adherence to the principle of conduct of business of the utilities in line with the conditions of free competition. The book addresses all relevant aspects of cartel control relating to existing law and the overall context of the energy sector. General principles of cartel control in the economic sector at large are compared to specific conditions in the energy sector, revealing the differences in competences of the cartel authority. (orig./HP) [de

  8. Magnets repair for 3-4 sectors

    CERN Document Server

    Rossi, L; Modena, M


    The incident in 3-4 sector has affected some 50 main LHC magnets. Such a scenario was never considered as realistic in the past. Our reserve of magnet has been barely sufficient (some 40 dipoles and 14 SSS, in some cases the reserve magnet types are not compatible with the one damaged). Furthermore the subsequent measurements on other sectors have shown the necessity to replace other magnets. The plan and methods for assessing the damage that occurred to a cold mass and the decision on its substitution, rather than a simple revamping of the magnet itself, will be discussed. The question if the magnets in the sector are adequate for powering and beam operation will be addressed. The implementation of the changes and their traceability will be presented. Finally the spare situation, which includes the plan for repairing and testing of all damaged cold masses of sector 3-4 and the impact on it of the 3-4 incident, is discussed.

  9. Sectoral Systems and Innovation and Technology Policy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franco Malerba


    Full Text Available Este artigo usa o conceito de sistema setorial de inovações que permite a utilização de uma visão multidimensional integrada e dinâmica da inovação em seus setores. Sistemas setoriais apresentam três dimensões que afetam tanto a geração e adoção de novas tecnologias quanto a organização da inovação e produção nos seguintes níveis setoriais: conhecimento, atores e redes e instituições. O artigo discute o escopo conceitual dos sistemas setoriais, apresenta cinco análises de setores principais e examina suas tendências principais, seus desafios e suas transformações. O artigo também oferece uma análise sobre implicações políticas públicas e sugestões do ponto de vista do sistema setorial de inovações.This paper uses the concept of sectoral system of innovation which aims to provide a multidimensional, integrated and dynamic view of innovation in sectors. Sectoral systems have three dimensions that affect the generation and adoption of new technologies and the organization of innovation and production at the sectoral level: knowledge (and the related boundaries, actors and networks, and institutions. The paper discusses the conceptual framework of sectoral systems, presents five main sectoral systems and examines their major trends, challenges and transformation. The paper then examines which are the main policy implications and indications in a sectoral system perspective.

  10. Topical review of the Finnish forest sector 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuuluvainen, K.


    The present report is e review of the Finnish forest sector, made by several authors. The topics reviewed are: Economic trends of forest sector; The operational conditions of the forest sector; Development of the forest sector; Conjuncture reviews; Special topics including the certification of the forests, the forest reserves in Finland, the financial support forest economy, export prices of sawn timber and cellulose, raw-wood markets, forests and forest industry shares as targets for investments, recreational use of the state owned areas. (8 refs.)

  11. Regional Integration, Trade and Private Sector Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Regional Integration, Trade and Private Sector Development Program (Namibia) ... (NEPRU's other clients include regional and private sector institutions.) ... New Dutch-Canadian funding for the Climate and Development Knowledge Network.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    and the efficiency in the allocation of the society's resources, which were not ... financial system so as to make the system operate on the basis of the market ..... cases, the null hypothesis that financial sector deregulation does not granger .... Financial Sector Development and Growth: Evidence from Malaysia, Brookings.

  13. Energy consumption in the transport sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plouchart, G.


    During the 20. century, transport sector demand in the OECD countries boomed. The main drivers for growth were road transport and, more recently, air transport. As emerging countries continue to develop and the world faces the threat of climate change, this sector represents a major long-term challenge

  14. Evaluation of the Financial and Operating Performance of Fertilizers and Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sectors of Indian Public Sector Enterprises After Disinvestment

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    Full Text Available After 1991 the Government of India is following a policy of economic liberalisation and concept of disinvestment has been more or less accepted by at least all the parties whenever they are Government Disinvestment involves the sale of equity and bond capital invested by the government in PSUs. The failure of the public sector to fulfill the role assigned to it resulted in the protest become louder and more articulate. The main focus of the present paper is to examine the impact of disinvestment on the financial and operating performance of fertilizers and chemical & pharmaceutical sectors of Indian Public sector enterprises. April 2009 onwards, there are fourteen enterprises in which government has undertaken disinvestment recently. After partial disinvestment of both fertilizers and chemical & pharmaceutical sectors of Indian Public sector enterprises, their dependence on the outsiders’ funds has been increased+

  15. Draft report of energetic sector in rural areas; Informe borrador del sector energetico en el medio rural

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The present work about the main line of action identify at national level to improve the rural energy development, list of the energy sector, current situation of the energy and actions and its promotion.Suggestion of improvements in the structures and functions of the energy sector.

  16. Public Sector IS Maturity Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zinner Henriksen, Helle; Andersen, Kim Normann; Medaglia, Rony


    Online applications and processing of tax forms, driver licenses, and construction permits are examples of where policy attention and research have been united in efforts aiming to categorize the maturity level of e-services. Less attention has been attributed to policy areas with continuous online...... citizenpublic interaction, such as in public education. In this paper we use a revised version of the Public Sector Process Rebuilding (PPR) maturity model for mapping 200 websites of public primary schools in Denmark. Findings reveal a much less favorable picture of the digitization of the Danish public sector...... compared to the high ranking it has received in the international benchmark studies. This paper aims at closing the gap between the predominant scope of maturity models and the frequency of citizen-public sector interaction, and calls for increased attention to the activities of government where the scale...

  17. Work Motivation and Incentives in the Public Sector

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Zoutenbier (Robin)


    markdownabstractThe public sector makes up for an important part of our economy. According to estimates by the OECD (2008) a large share of the labor force in OECD countries is employed by the public sector. These public sector workers provide a wide range of goods and services to the public.

  18. New Technologies to Assist Training in Hospitality Sector (United States)

    Balta, Sabah


    Hospitality sector needs new technological training tools, which can assist to improve sector employees' skills and services quality. The sector might be more interactive when these technological training tools used on the job-training program. This study addresses to issue of illumination of new technologic tools that enforce training in which…

  19. Global Sectoral Industry Approaches to Climate Change. The Way Forward

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stigson, B.; Egenhofer, C.; Fujiwara, N.


    The structure of some industrial sectors is so highly concentrated that just a handful of companies are responsible for producing a significant share of that sector's total greenhouse gases emissions worldwide. These sectors are thus a 'natural' focus of policy-makers concerned with climate change and have attracted keen interest from the EU. So-called 'sectoral approaches' are seen as having the potential to broaden the range of contributions by all parties, including emerging economies, to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and to help moderate competitiveness concerns in trade-exposed industries. In particular, such approaches may help to quantify emissions on a sector-by-sector basis, building confidence that policies and measures can be put in place to reduce emissions. They can also help identify national or global commitments through the aggregation of sectoral data. While sectoral approaches allow policy-makers to concentrate on those individual sectors that contribute significantly to global emissions, they also pose a number of challenges. This CEPS Task Force Report identifies the principal issues associated with sectoral approaches - their rationale and the associated political dynamics - and gives an overview of existing approaches, the formulation of preconditions that would allow sectoral approaches to be implemented and an analysis of the potential interaction of sectoral approaches with existing climate change policies. The concluding chapter sketches a possible way forward

  20. Myanmar Transport Sector Initial Assessment


    Asian Development Bank (ADB)


    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is preparing sector assessments to help align future ADB support with the needs and strategies of developing member countries and other development partners. The assessment is a working document that helps inform the development of country partnership strategies. This transport sector assessment highlights development issues, needs, and strategic assistance priorities of the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and ADB, with a focus on rail, road...

  1. Sectoral Innovation System Foresight in Brazil and Korea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl Andersen, Allan; Andersen, Per Dannemand; Park, Byeongwon

    involved in strategic innovation system (IS) transformation. This paper seeks to address the latter research gaps by exploring sector foresight in Brazil and South Korea (henceforth Korea). Though very different, both countries face challenges of IS transformation. In both countries sector level foresight...... in emerging economies as Brazil and Korea. Chapter two will outline the basic principles of ISF that will be translated into indicators for our measuring of ISF. Also, it will illustrate why the sector-level approach is necessary. Chapter three presents sector foresight cases from Brazil and Korea. Chapter...

  2. Leadership, the financial sector and development in Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Studies have shown that leadership is a vital factor for the realization of organizational goals in the public and private sector of any economy. This article therefore examines leadership, the financial sector and development in Nigeria. The financial sector represented by banks in this article is so crucial to the Nigerian ...

  3. Comparison of utility sectors in the Netherlands. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuit, M.; Kort, M.B.; Stout, H.D.; Boersma, F.C.; Ten Heuvelhof, E.F.; Kuenneke, R.W.; Van Twist, M.J.W.; Weijnen, M.P.C.


    There is a growing need of evaluating experiences with the liberalization of different sectors in the Netherlands. To what extent do the technical, economical and organizational characteristics of a sector determine the options to deal with competition? And to what extent does the type of competition determine whether the aimed for improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the service will be realized or not? Thereto, a systematic comparative analysis of infrastructure-related sectors has been carried out. In this report the experiences of the liberalization process in the electric and gas utilities sectors and the public transportation (buses and railway) sector are translated to preliminary conclusions and new research questions with respect to the possibilities to introduce competition in the water supply sector. refs

  4. General overview of the Mexican energy sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez-Jacome, D.


    An overview of Mexico's energy sector was presented, with particular focus on the natural gas and electricity sectors. Mexico ranks fifth in oil production, eighth in proven oil reserves, and fourteenth in natural gas reserves. In 1998, the energy sector generated 3.3 per cent of Mexico's gross domestic product (GDP), and oil accounted for 7.5 per cent of total exports. National production of natural gas has been forecasted to grow at a rate of 5.2 per cent annually over the next 10 years. This will be largely due to the increased demand for natural gas to produce electricity. The Mexican government has also taken initiatives to restructure the Mexican energy sector with particular focus on increasing the competitiveness of the electric power industry. Electricity demand is also expected to grow at a rate of 6 per cent annually over the next six years. The objectives of energy reform are to promote more investment from all sectors in order to strengthen the development of the electric power industry and to provide a reliable, high quality service at competitive prices. 9 figs


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    V. I. Khabarov


    Full Text Available PurposeThe aim of the research is to demonstrate the need for the Conception of Ontology-based Sector Educational Space. This Conception could become the basis for the integration of transport sector university information resources into the open virtual network information resource and global educational space. Its content will be presented by standardized ontology-based knowledge packages for educational programs in Russian and English languages.MethodologyComplex-based, ontological, content-based approaches and scientific principles of interdisciplinarity and standardization of knowledge are suggested as the methodological basis of the research. ResultsThe Conception of Ontology-based Sector Educational Space (railway transport, the method of the development of knowledge packages as ontologies in Russian and English languages, the Russian-English Transport Glossary as a separate ontology are among the expected results of the project implementation.Practical implicationsThe Conception could become the basis for the open project to establish the common resource center for transport universities (railway transport. The Conception of ontology-based sector educational space (railway transport could be adapted to the activity of universities of other economic sectors.

  6. Jurisdictional Competition Between Private and Public Sector Auditors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klarskov Jeppesen, Kim


    This paper explores the apparent paradox that while public sector auditors have become more powerful by claiming performance auditing expertise and linking this to New Public Management reforms, the same reforms have provided an opening for competition between private and public sector auditors....... In Denmark, the competitive relation has led to a jurisdictional dispute between public and private sector auditors in which the former have developed a special qualification for public sector auditors. The paper analyses the development of this qualification using Abbott's (1988) theory of the system...... of professions, thus focusing on how the involved groups have attempted to build networks of support for their competing jurisdictional claims of expertise. The case contributes to knowledge about the potential for development of a distinct public sector auditor identity. The case suggests that to develop...

  7. Nexus Between Working Capital Management and Sectoral Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suman Talreja


    Full Text Available This study aims to examine the impact of aggressive working capital factors/policies on firms’ performance to improve the financial health. Random and Fixed Effect models estimated by taking annual data of two major sectors: automobile and food sectors from 2006 to 2016. According to the findings, aggressive investment factor/policy (AIF has a negative impact on gross operating income (GOI in both sectors while aggressive financing factor/policy (AFF has an adverse effect on GOI in the food sector and positive impact on GOI in the automobile sector. The results of this study should be of great importance to investors, creditors, and financial analysts, especially after the global financial crisis and the collapses of giant organizations worldwide.DOI: 10.15408/ess.v8i1.7075

  8. [University-external sector linkage: a managerial strategy]. (United States)

    Campos, Gilberto


    The University-External Sector vinculation is an increasing phenomenon in Latin America as in the rest of the world. The universities through its investigation processes actively participate in the creation and incorporation of science and technology to produce technological processes, to bring foreign technology into national reality, and also to create and transmit innovation for the productive sector. In those ways these institutions achieve bonds with the external sector which provide them with additional income and allows them to have certain relief for their tight teaching and investigation budgets. Several studies in university organizations have been made to identify the motivations and barriers for de adequate development of the interaction between the university and the external sector. The lack of vinculation between these institutions could be due in part to the lack of knowledge that the external sector has of the possibility to obtain services from the university, and also the lack of knowledge that the university has about the needs of potential users of their services. The goals achieved by public Venezuelan universities, in the last years, in their search of a vinculation with the external sector could grow and consolidate through an adequate strategic management plan that allows a mayor diffusion and promotion of the results of their investigations and services, to reach in a wider and more direct way, and to a greater number of potential clients.

  9. Return on Investment in the Public Sector

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Bigham, Joshua


    .... This demand has created a trend in the public sector, not only in the United States, but worldwide as well, towards the importation of private sector business practices to improve accountability-oriented analysis...

  10. Energy demand analysis in the industrial sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lapillone, B.


    This Chapter of the publication is dealing with Energy Demand Analysis in the Industrial Sector.Different estimates of energy consumption in Industry taking Thailand as an example is given. Major energy consuming industrial sectors in selected Asian countries are given. Suggestion for the analysis of the energy consumption trends in industry, whether at the overall level or at the sub-sector level (e.g. food) using the conventional approach , through energy/output ratio is given. 4 refs, 7 figs, 13 tabs

  11. Private sector in public health care systems


    Matějusová, Lenka


    This master thesis is trying to describe the situation of private sector in public health care systems. As a private sector we understand patients, private health insurance companies and private health care providers. The focus is placed on private health care providers, especially in ambulatory treatment. At first there is a definition of health as a main determinant of a health care systems, definition of public and private sectors in health care systems and the difficulties at the market o...

  12. Public sector innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wegener, Charlotte


    This paper explores the value dimension of public innovation in the light of practitioners’ values and asks why there seems to be a clash between innovation imperatives and workplace practices in the public sector. The paper contributes to the research on public innovation from a practice...... perspective by providing evidence from an ethnographic field study on innovation in social and health care studies in Denmark. These studies are part of the vocational education and training (VET) system, which combines coursework at a college and internship in the elder care sector. The study is thus cross...... initiate innovations grounded in their values. The main point put forward is that the value dimension of public innovation must be understood not only in terms of value creation (economic or non-economic), which frontline practitioners are required to contribute to, but also as value-based practices...

  13. Private Sector Savings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pitonáková Renáta


    Full Text Available The majority of household savings are in the form of bank deposits. It is therefore of interest for credit institutions to tailor their deposit policy for getting finances from non-banking entities and to provide the private sector with the loans that are necessary for investment activities and consumption. This paper deals with the determinants of the saving rate of the private sector of Slovakia. Economic, financial and demographic variables influence savings. Growth of income per capita, private disposable income, elderly dependency ratio, real interest rate and inflation have a positive impact on savings, while increases in public savings indicate a crowding out effect. The inflation rate implies precautionary savings, and dependency ratio savings for bequest. There are also implications for governing institutions deciding on the implementation of appropriate fiscal and monetary operations.

  14. Private Sector Contracting and Democratic Accountability (United States)

    DiMartino, Catherine; Scott, Janelle


    Public officials are increasingly contracting with the private sector for a range of educational services. With much of the focus on private sector accountability on cost-effectiveness and student performance, less attention has been given to shifts in democratic accountability. Drawing on data from the state of New York, one of the most active…

  15. Marketization trajectories in the Danish road and park sectors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindholst, Andrej Christian; Hansen, Morten Balle; Petersen, Ole Helby


    (as providers of maintenance services) in the municipal road and park sectors in Denmark over the past 30 years. The study draws theoretically on historical institutionalism as an interpretive framework and empirically on findings from earlier research, register data from municipal accounts as well...... as new survey data. Findings – Marketization within the road and park sectors has historically taken place through gradual changes, in particular by processes of layering and displacement, which has added up to substantial transformations in both sectors. Transformations relate to the levels of private...... sector involvement, the purpose of using private contractors, the extent of competition and the design of contractual arrangements. The road sector has been a frontrunner in this marketization process, while the park sector increasingly has been “catching up.” Originality/value – The paper contributes...

  16. HIV / AIDS and the retail sector. (United States)

    Michael, K


    Employing approximately 1.5 million employees and comprised of 80,000 employers, the retail and wholesale sector accounted for 16.1% of South Africa's gross domestic product in 1996. HIV/AIDS threatens the retail sector, but it is unclear whether the pandemic threatens equally every sub-sector of the industry. The 4 main sub-sectors are fast-moving consumer goods; clothing, footwear, and textiles; vehicles; and furniture and major appliances. The nature of retail infrastructure and competitive and economic trends are described. Over the next decade, AIDS may reduce the size of consumer markets through increased mortality, and will certainly slow growth in spending. The pandemic may also divert spending away from retail merchandise to health care, and threaten businesses which extend credit and offer death benefits and funeral policies to clients. AIDS morbidity and mortality could also disrupt supply chains, especially for retailers who buy their products locally. The vulnerability of retail activities is discussed, with reference to the Living Standards Measure (LSM) developed by the South African Advertising Research Foundation.

  17. Improving Outcomes in the Nigeria Healthcare Sector through Public ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    PPP) model in the Country's healthcare sector. Public - Private Interaction offers opportunity of leveraging private sector investment in the sector and further enhances improvements in service delivery as well as increases access to quality ...

  18. The Indian power sector - Role of appellate tribunal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bajaj, Harbans; Sharma, Deepak


    India's electricity-supply industry mainly owned and operated by the public sector has been facing endemic energy and peaking shortages with huge commercial losses. Power sector reforms initiated in 1990s culminated with enactment of The Electricity Act, 2003 is briefly discussed here. Appellate Tribunal for Electricity - a unique feature of the Act - constituted to redress grievances of stakeholders has set ground rules for the power sector having harmonizing effect on the various power sector issues and have reduced the element of uncertainty which was prevalent hitherto fore as revealed by the several case studies this paper presents.

  19. Study the Effect of Value-Added of Services Sector on Forecasting of Electricity Demand in Services Sector due to Price Reform

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sayed Mahdi Mostafavi


    Full Text Available Electrical energy is as one of the important effective factors on economic growth and development. In recent decades, numerous studies in different countries to estimate and forecast electricity demand in different parts of the economy have been made. In this paper, using the method ARDL, estimation and forecasting of electricity demand in the services sector of Iran are determined for the time period from 1983 to 2012. Estimated equations show that the added value of the services sector and a significant positive impact on the demand for electricity in this sector. The price elasticity for services sector is smaller than 1 due to low electricity prices and subsidized electricity. Hence, electricity prices have little impact on the demand for electricity. The results of the estimate represents a long-term relationship between the variables in the services sector. In this paper, based on amendments to the law on subsidies and estimated values, anticipated electricity demand until the end of the fifth development plan was carried out. The results indicate an increase in power consumption in the services sector.

  20. Wireless technologies for the Construction Sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heller, Alfred; Orthmann, Christian


    the building sector and is therefore used to analyse requirements for alternative technologies. The motivation of the current work is to find upcoming technologies that bring improvements into the sector, for example improved life cycle costs and energy efficiencies, increasing quality, construction...... and operation efficiency and reducing faults and losses. The paper also lays out requirements expected by the sector. It will be shown that the wireless sensor network technology is a strong competitor that may meet the requirements. By analysing the application of such technologies throughout the building...... that follow the wireless sensor network, the paper will line up the requirements that the new technology has to meet to be introduced successfully....

  1. Sectoral Approaches to Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper explores sectoral approaches as a new set of options to enhance the effectiveness of greenhouse gas reduction policies and to engage emerging economies on a lower emission path. It surveys existing literature and recent policy trends in international climate change discussions, and provides an overview of sectoral approaches and related issues for trade-exposed, greenhouse-gas intensive industries (cement, iron and steel and aluminium). It is also based on interviews conducted by the IEA Secretariat in Australia, China, Europe, Japan, and the United States. Sectoral approaches were also discussed during workshops on technology and energy efficiency policies in industry, following the IEA's mandate under the Gleneagles Plan of Action.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iryna Bezpyata


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is an analysis of material well-being level in agrarian sector of economy by productive resources (by land, labour, hardware providing with that provides efficiency of economic activity and ground of basic directions of the rational bringing in and use of resource potential of agrarian sector of economy in Ukraine in market conditions. Research methodology consists in the use of statistical and economic research methods for analysis of productive resources using modern state of agriculture for period from 2010 to 2014 years. Research results show that the resource providing agrarian sector development can be defined as totality of certain types of resources (land, technological, labour, financial and sources of their forming, directly participating in the processes of agrarian sector economies development that can be mobilized with the purpose of providing the scale using of their potential possibilities and transition of agriculture to the qualitatively new state. Analysis of the modern state of material well-being of agrarian sector resources of economy in Ukraine is unsatisfactory and with every year gets worse. To overcome this problem agricultural commodity producers are unable only by themselves. For the improvement of the economic state of agrarian sector of economy in whole country and regional state support of home agricultural producer, stimulation of his activity is needed. And first of all the self-weighted investment policy of the state should become such measures in the agrarian sector of economy that will allow bringing in of greater amount of investment resources for the improvement of technical equipment at agricultural enterprises, development of production co-operation and products sale, introduction of personnel management modern methodology, increase in labour activity level in agrarian sector, realization of the permanent updating and increase in products quality control, etc. Practical value. Got

  3. Miami's Third Sector Alliance for Community Well-being. (United States)

    Evans, Scotney D; Raymond, Catherine; Levine, Daniella


    Traditional capacity-building approaches tend to be organizationally focused ignoring the fact that community-based organizations learn and take action in a larger network working to promote positive community change. The specific aim of this paper was to outline a vision for a Third Sector Alliance to build organizational, network, and sector capacity for community well-being in Miami. Building a foundation for social impact requires a strategy for organizational, network, and sector capacity building. Organizational, network, and sector capacity building can best be achieved through a cooperative network approach driven by a solid community-university partnership. Although a Third Sector Alliance for Community Well-being does not yet exist in Miami, Catalyst Miami and the University of Miami (UM) have partnered closely to articulate a vision of what could be and have been working to make that vision a reality.

  4. Tuberculosis Notification by Private Sector' Physicians in Tehran. (United States)

    Ahmadi, Ayat; Nedjat, Saharnaz; Gholami, Jaleh; Majdzadeh, Reza


    A small proportion of physicians adhere to tuberculosis (TB) notification regulations, particularly in the private sector. In most developing countries, the private sector has dominance over delivering services in big cities. In such circumstances deviation from the TB treatment protocol is frequently happening. This study sought to estimate TB notification in the private sector and settle on determinants of TB notification by private sector physicians. A population-based study has been conducted; private physicians at their clinics were interviewed. The total number of 443 private sectors' physicians has been chosen by the stratified random sampling method. Appropriate descriptive analysis was used to describe the study's participants. Logistic regression was used for bivariable and multivariable analysis. The response rate of the study was 90.06 (399%). Among responders, who had stated that they were suspicious of TB over the recent year, 62 (16.45%) stated that they reported cases of TB at least once during the same period. Having reporting requirements and the number of visited patients was significantly related to TB suspicious (odds ratio = 2.84, confidence interval: 1.62-5, P private sector by simple and quick interventions. It seems that a considerable fraction of private sector physicians, not all of them, will notify TB if they are provided with primary information and primary resources. To optimize the TB notification, however, intersectoral interventions are more likely to be successful.

  5. Dark Sectors 2016 Workshop: Community Report

    CERN Document Server

    Alexander, Jim; Echenard, Bertrand; Essig, Rouven; Graham, Matthew; Izaguirre, Eder; Jaros, John; Krnjaic, Gordan; Mardon, Jeremy; Morrissey, David; Nelson, Tim; Perelstein, Maxim; Pyle, Matt; Ritz, Adam; Schuster, Philip; Shuve, Brian; Toro, Natalia; Van De Water, Richard G.; Akerib, Daniel; An, Haipeng; Aniol, Konrad; Arnquist, Isaac J.; Asner, David M.; Back, Henning O.; Baker, Keith; Baltzell, Nathan; Banerjee, Dipanwita; Batell, Brian; Bauer, Daniel; Beacham, James; Benesch, Jay; Bjorken, James; Blinov, Nikita; Boehm, Celine; Bondi, Mariangela; Bonivento, Walter; Bossi, Fabio; Brodsky, Stanley J.; Budnik, Ran; Bueltmann, Stephen; Bukhari, Masroor H.; Bunker, Raymond; Carpinelli, Massimo; Cartaro, Concetta; Cassel, David; Cavoto, Gianluca; Celentano, Andrea; Chaterjee, Animesh; Chaudhuri, Saptarshi; Chiodini, Gabriele; Cho, Hsiao-Mei Sherry; Church, Eric D.; Cooke, D.A.; Cooley, Jodi; Cooper, Robert; Corliss, Ross; Crivelli, Paolo; Curciarello, Francesca; D'Angelo, Annalisa; Davoudiasl, Hooman; De Napoli, Marzio; De Vita, Raffaella; Denig, Achim; deNiverville, Patrick; Deshpande, Abhay; Dharmapalan, Ranjan; Dobrescu, Bogdan; Donskov, Sergey; Dupre, Raphael; Estrada, Juan; Fegan, Stuart; Ferber, Torben; Field, Clive; Figueroa-Feliciano, Enectali; Filippi, Alessandra; Fornal, Bartosz; Freyberger, Arne; Friedland, Alexander; Galon, Iftach; Gardner, Susan; Girod, Francois-Xavier; Gninenko, Sergei; Golutvin, Andrey; Gori, Stefania; Grab, Christoph; Graziani, Enrico; Griffioen, Keith; Haas, Andrew; Harigaya, Keisuke; Hearty, Christopher; Hertel, Scott; Hewett, JoAnne; Hime, Andrew; Hitlin, David; Hochberg, Yonit; Holt, Roy J.; Holtrop, Maurik; Hoppe, Eric W.; Hossbach, Todd W.; Hsu, Lauren; Ilten, Phil; Incandela, Joe; Inguglia, Gianluca; Irwin, Kent; Jaegle, Igal; Johnson, Robert P.; Kahn, Yonatan; Kalicy, Grzegorz; Kang, Zhong-Bo; Khachatryan, Vardan; Kozhuharov, Venelin; Krasnikov, N.V.; Kubarovsky, Valery; Kuflik, Eric; Kurinsky, Noah; Laha, Ranjan; Lanfranchi, Gaia; Li, Dale; Lin, Tongyan; Lisanti, Mariangela; Liu, Kun; Liu, Ming; Loer, Ben; Loomba, Dinesh; Lyubovitskij, Valery E.; Manalaysay, Aaron; Mandaglio, Giuseppe; Mans, Jeremiah; Marciano, W.J.; Markiewicz, Thomas; Marsicano, Luca; Maruyama, Takashi; Matveev, Victor A.; McKeen, David; McKinnon, Bryan; McKinsey, Dan; Merkel, Harald; Mock, Jeremy; Monzani, Maria Elena; Moreno, Omar; Nantais, Corina; Paul, Sebouh; Peskin, Michael; Poliakov, Vladimir; Polosa, Antonio D.; Pospelov, Maxim; Rachek, Igor; Radics, Balint; Raggi, Mauro; Randazzo, Nunzio; Ratcliff, Blair; Rizzo, Alessandro; Rizzo, Thomas; Robinson, Alan; Rubbia, Andre; Rubin, David; Rueter, Dylan; Saab, Tarek; Santopinto, Elena; Schnee, Richard; Shelton, Jessie; Simi, Gabriele; Simonyan, Ani; Sipala, Valeria; Slone, Oren; Smith, Elton; Snowden-Ifft, Daniel; Solt, Matthew; Sorensen, Peter; Soreq, Yotam; Spagnolo, Stefania; Spencer, James; Stepanyan, Stepan; Strube, Jan; Sullivan, Michael; Tadepalli, Arun S.; Tait, Tim; Taiuti, Mauro; Tanedo, Philip; Tayloe, Rex; Thaler, Jesse; Tran, Nhan V.; Tulin, Sean; Tully, Christopher G.; Uemura, Sho; Ungaro, Maurizio; Valente, Paolo; Vance, Holly; Vavra, Jerry; Volansky, Tomer; von Krosigk, Belina; Whitbeck, Andrew; Williams, Mike; Wittich, Peter; Wojtsekhowski, Bogdan; Xue, Wei; Yoon, Jong Min; Yu, Hai-Bo; Yu, Jaehoon; Yu, Tien-Tien; Zhang, Yue; Zhao, Yue; Zhong, Yiming; Zurek, Kathryn


    This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years.

  6. Dark Sectors 2016 Workshop: Community Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alexander, Jim; et al.


    This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years.

  7. Determination of the Regional Economy Leading Sectors in Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fitri Amalia


    Full Text Available Economic growth and its process are the main condition for the sustainability of the regional economic development. Because of the continuing population growth means economic needs also increase so that additional revenue required each year. This can be obtained by the increase in aggregate output (goods and services or the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP each year. To carry out development with limited resources as a consequence should be focused to develop the sectors that provide great multiplier effect on other sectors or the whole economy. This research is focused to determine the regional leading sector of Bone Bolango as the information and considerations in planning economic development. Location Quotient (LQ and Shift Share are tools of analysis. Location Quotient analysis indicates agriculture, manufacture, finance, leasing and corporate services are base sectors in the Bone Bolango district. Shift Share analysis indicates that the competitive sectors are finance, leasing and corporate services. The results of the analysis based on three analysis tools indicate that the leading sector with the criteria developed, base, and competitive is finance and services sector.

  8. Financiación del Sector Salud

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Galán Morera


    Full Text Available

    Fuentes de Financiación

    Tomando como base la información proveniente de la Oficina de Planeación del Ministerio de Salud, se pudo establecer que el sector contó para la vigencia de 1985 con un total de 52.364 millones de pesos.

    El Gobierno Nacional aportó al sector salud el 51.8% de su presupuesto discriminado así: un 37.4% por concepto del Situado Fiscal y un 14.4% destinado a Hospitales de Referencia y a campañas especiales de controlo erradicación tales como la Campaña de Lepra, Tuberculosis, Malaria, etc.

    Por otra parte la comunidad en forma directa o indirecta contribuyó con el resto del presupuesto (48.2%. En este sentido los recursos del Nivel Seccional provenientes de licores, cervezas, apuestas permanentes, loterías y Beneficencias, Asambleas, Intendencias y Comisarías, Registro y Anotación y otros, contribuyeron con el 24.7% del total. La venta de servicios representó el 23.6% del presupuesto destinado al Sector Salud.

    Situado fiscal

    De un gran presupuesto nacional de 330.4 72 millones de pesos, la Ley destinó el 25% (82.618 millones de pesos para los Sectores de Salud y Educación y el resto 75% (274.854 millones de pesos para los demás sectores del desarrollo nacional...

  9. Marketization trajectories in the Danish road and park sectors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindholst, Andrej Christian; Hansen, Morten Balle; Petersen, Ole Helby


    sector involvement, the purpose of using private contractors, the extent of competition and the design of contractual arrangements. The road sector has been a frontrunner in this marketization process, while the park sector increasingly has been “catching up.” Originality/value – The paper contributes......Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to improve the understanding of the evolution of marketization in the public sector as a process of institutional change. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on a study of marketization and gradual changes in the involvement of private contractors...... as new survey data. Findings – Marketization within the road and park sectors has historically taken place through gradual changes, in particular by processes of layering and displacement, which has added up to substantial transformations in both sectors. Transformations relate to the levels of private...

  10. The argentine electric sector reform and its correlation with energy efficiency; La reforma del sector electrico argentino y su relacion con la eficiencia energetica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carpio, Claudio [MGM International (Argentina)


    The reforms in the Argentine electrical sector and the effect these have originated in the energy efficiency policies for public sector are presented. The characteristics exposed of the Argentina Electric sector previous to the 1992 transformation are the departing base that gave rise to the reform fundaments, generating privatizations and a vertical economic scheme. The transformation of the electric sector departing from its environmental regulations yielded in a quality service, good electricity distribution, better prices and proper energy efficiency. [Spanish] Se presentan las reformas en el sector electrico argentino y el efecto que han tenido sobre las politicas de eficiencia energetica elaboradas en el sector publico. Las caracteristicas expuestas del sector electrico argentino previas a la transformacion de 1992 son la base de partida que dio lugar a los fundamentos de la reforma generando privatizaciones y un esquema economico vertical. La transformacion del sector electrico a partir de sus regulaciones energeticas y ambientales redituaron en calidad de servicio, de distribucion de electricidad, precios y en la propia eficiencia energetica.

  11. Bioresource Sector of the Russian Far East

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Evgenyevna Antonova


    Full Text Available The article studies the development of the Far Eastern bioresource sector in 2006–2015 and its components: fishing industry, forestry and agriculture. It is shown that renewable bioresources, which form the foundation of the bioresource sector, are now becoming the limiting factor of that sector’s further extensive development which necessitates a transition to new ways and technologies of extracting and processing resources. The article attempts to identify and estimate the bioresource sector’s contribution to the economy of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD as a statistical unit through aggregating main macroeconomic indicators (gross added value, monetary value of exports, investments, number of employed, and tax revenue of its three components. The conclusion is that during the studied period the bioresource sector’s contribution to the economy of the FEFD has decreased mainly due to the factors of tax revenues and gross added value. The sector’s importance as source of employment in remote areas had also declined. At the same time the bioresource sector continues to significantly contribute to exports, mainly thanks to the fishing industry and agriculture. It is shown that the dominant role in the bioresource sector belongs to the fishing industry which increased its contribution to the bioresource sector and showed the most stable development compared to other components. The article studies changes in institutional conditions in all three components, their influence on the development of investments of the bioresource sector

  12. Public-Private Partnerships in China’s Urban Water Sector (United States)

    Mol, Arthur P. J.; Fu, Tao


    During the past decades, the traditional state monopoly in urban water management has been debated heavily, resulting in different forms and degrees of private sector involvement across the globe. Since the 1990s, China has also started experiments with new modes of urban water service management and governance in which the private sector is involved. It is premature to conclude whether the various forms of private sector involvement will successfully overcome the major problems (capital shortage, inefficient operation, and service quality) in China’s water sector. But at the same time, private sector involvement in water provisioning and waste water treatments seems to have become mainstream in transitional China. PMID:18256780

  13. Sectoral effects of a world oil-price shock: economy-wide linkages to the agricultural sector. Staff report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanson, K.; Robinson, S.; Schluter, G.


    The effects of a world oil price shock on U.S. agriculture are analyzed in an economywide environment. The authors use an input-output model to analyze the direct and indirect cost linkages between energy and other sectors of the economy. Then, to allow sectoral output adjustment and the effects on the U.S. current account, they use the U.S. Department of Agriculture/Economic Research Service Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to analyze the sectoral effects under three different macro adjustment scenarios. The effects on agriculture are not limited to the direct and indirect energy costs. Exchange rate or foreign borrowing adjustments to higher oil import costs and government support programs for agriculture also matter

  14. Nuclear industry: a young sector of excellence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varin, P.


    Nuclear industry is the 3. industrial sector in France and is the good reason why the French energy mix is largely carbon-free. The medium term challenges that faces nuclear industry in this country is first to succeed the extensive refit of nuclear power plants with a view on getting the extension of their operating life and secondly to recruit the skilled staff nuclear industry needs. About 8000 jobs dispatched in the 2500 enterprises that forms the nuclear sector will be available each year up to 2020. The age pyramid shows that numerous retirements are expected in the years to come so the issue of skill and knowledge transfer is looming. 25% of recruitment will be made on the basis of work-study contracts particularly for technical jobs. Concerning recruitment, the nuclear sector is competing with other high-tech sectors like aeronautics or the automobile sector, which make things harder. The image that nuclear industry wants to promote of itself is the image of a young, modern, high-tech industry that appeared less than 50 years ago and whose main purpose is to provide a carbon-free electricity to an avid world. (A.C.)

  15. The changing face of public sector employment 1999–2009


    David Matthews


    SUMMARYThis article presents an analysis of public sector employment (PSE) and makes comparisons with the private sector, using data from the Labour Force Survey and Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings. It looks at the nature of employment in the public sector before discussing the characteristics that differentiate people employed in both the public and private sector, comparing proportions of public and private sector workers in different groups: by sex, age, ethnicity, disability, working ...

  16. Strengthening linkages of the financial services and real sectors of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Strengthening linkages of the financial services and real sectors of the ... policy, financial sector credit and capital market activities have impacted on the real sector growth. ... sector as a result such financial crimes like misappropriation of funds. ... better results; more investment instruments such as derivatives, convertibles, ...

  17. When do ruling elites support productive sectors?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjær, Anne Mette

    that the ruling elite initially supported the fishing industry because of industry pressure. They have failed to enforce fisheries management because there are big political costs associated with such enforcement. The dairy sector in the southwestern milk region was initially supported because the ruling elite......This paper explains the differences in ruling elite support for the fisheries and dairy sectors in Uganda. Although production in Uganda has not generally been promoted in any sustained way, ruling elites have to varying degrees supported the dairy and fisheries sectors. The paper shows...... wanted to build a coalition of support in this region. Coming from the region himself, the president had a keen interest in dairy cattle. The sector was subsequently regulated because the biggest processor put pressure on the ruling elite to do so. Even when the ruling coalition is fragmented, promoting...

  18. Strategy in the Public and Private Sectors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alford, John; Greve, Carsten


    Strategic concepts and practices first evolved in the private sector, so they evoked much controversy when they migrated to the public sector from the late 1970s onwards. Partly this was about their (in)applicability to the distinctive features of government organizations, in particular their focus...... on public as well as private value, their situation in a political rather than a market environment, their almost exclusive capacity to use legal authority to achieve purposes, and the extent to which they often need to share power over personnel and resources with other public sector agencies....... These and other factors complicated efforts to apply New Public Management and similar frameworks in strategy concepts in a governmental context. Partly also the traditional private-sector focus on single organizations did not resonate with the growth of network governance from the 1990s. The authors argue...

  19. Lifshitz-sector mediated SUSY breaking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pospelov, Maxim; Tamarit, Carlos


    We propose a novel mechanism of SUSY breaking by coupling a Lorentz-invariant supersymmetric matter sector to non-supersymmetric gravitational interactions with Lifshitz scaling. The improved UV properties of Lifshitz propagators moderate the otherwise uncontrollable ultraviolet divergences induced by gravitational loops. This ensures that both the amount of induced Lorentz violation and SUSY breaking in the matter sector are controlled by Λ HL 2 /M P 2 , the ratio of the Hořava-Lifshitz cross-over scale Λ HL to the Planck scale M P . This ratio can be kept very small, providing a novel way of explicitly breaking supersymmetry without reintroducing fine-tuning. We illustrate our idea by considering a model of scalar gravity with Hořava-Lifshitz scaling coupled to a supersymmetric Wess-Zumino matter sector, in which we compute the two-loop SUSY breaking corrections to the masses of the light scalars due to the gravitational interactions and the heavy fields

  20. Regulation of the power sector

    CERN Document Server


    Regulation of the Power Sector is a unified, consistent and comprehensive treatment of the theories and practicalities of regulation in modern power-supply systems. The need for generation to occur at the time of use occasioned by the impracticality of large-scale electricity storage coupled with constant and often unpredictable changes in demand make electricity-supply systems large, dynamic and complex and their regulation a daunting task. Conceptually arranged in four parts, this book addresses both traditional regulatory frameworks and also liberalized and re-regulated environments. First, an introduction gives a full characterization of power supply including engineering, economic and regulatory viewpoints. The second part presents the fundamentals of regulation and the third looks at the regulation of particular components of the power sector in detail. Advanced topics and subjects still open or subject to dispute form the content of the fourth part. In a sector where regulatory design is the key driver...

  1. The gas sector in Quebec

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teixeira, G.


    Natural gas in Canada represents 29% of the primary energy and 42% of the energy used in the industrial sector. The biggest users are the manufacturing industries for which the low cost of natural gas and the quality of products resulting from its use represent a serious advantage in a more and more competitive market. This document takes stock of the situation of natural gas and gas-related technologies in Quebec. The first part recalls the historical evolution of the gas distribution network in Quebec and its present day situation. Then, some technical-economical data about the consumption of natural gas in Quebec are presented according to the sectors of use. The third part treats of the R and D activities linked with the gas sector, in particular the activities of the two main research organizations: the technical centre of natural gas and the research group in gas technologies of the Polytechnique school of Montreal. (J.S.)

  2. Performance of private sector health care: implications for universal health coverage. (United States)

    Morgan, Rosemary; Ensor, Tim; Waters, Hugh


    Although the private sector is an important health-care provider in many low-income and middle-income countries, its role in progress towards universal health coverage varies. Studies of the performance of the private sector have focused on three main dimensions: quality, equity of access, and efficiency. The characteristics of patients, the structures of both the public and private sectors, and the regulation of the sector influence the types of health services delivered, and outcomes. Combined with characteristics of private providers-including their size, objectives, and technical competence-the interaction of these factors affects how the sector performs in different contexts. Changing the performance of the private sector will require interventions that target the sector as a whole, rather than individual providers alone. In particular, the performance of the private sector seems to be intrinsically linked to the structure and performance of the public sector, which suggests that deriving population benefit from the private health-care sector requires a regulatory response focused on the health-care sector as a whole. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Intrinsic Motivations of Public Sector Employees: Evidence for Germany

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.J. Dur (Robert); R. Zoutenbier (Robin)


    textabstractWe examine differences in altruism and laziness between public sector employees and private sector employees. Our theoretical model predicts that the likelihood of public sector employment increases with a worker's altruism, and increases or decreases with a worker's laziness depending

  4. Factor de desconfianza en el sector inmobiliario


    Zapata Vega, José Luis


    Es momento de tomar consciencia de los sectores que más impactan en la economía y sociedad de un país. El sector inmobiliario Colombiano tiene la importancia suficiente para que sea manejado con manos firmes que permitan su continuo crecimiento de la manera como lo ha demostrado en los últimos años. La inversión nacional y extranjera ha revolucionado la comercialización de inmuebles, creando la necesidad de servicios inmobiliarios de alta calidad. Con base en lo anterior, este sector debe ...

  5. 7 CFR 652.23 - Certification process for private-sector entities. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Certification process for private-sector entities. 652... ASSISTANCE Certification § 652.23 Certification process for private-sector entities. (a) A private sector... individual basis as part of the private-sector entity's certification and ensures that the requirements set...

  6. Financial Sector Competition, Service Trade, and Growth

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.F. François (Joseph); F.W. Eschenbach


    textabstractWe explore dynamic linkages between financial/banking sector openness, financial sector competition, and growth. We first develop an analytical model, highlighting links between long-run economic performance and services trade, through scale economies and market and cost structures in

  7. Private Sector in Indian Healthcare Delivery: Consumer Perspective and Government Policies to promote private Sector


    Utkarsh Shah, Ragini Mohanty


    This research paper attempts to collate literature from various sources, in an attempt to answer three pertinent questions related to healthcare in India. Firstly, what is it meant by ‘private sector’ in healthcare delivery system of India, secondly how has the private sector evolved over the decades and what has been the role of the government in propelling the growth. Finally, the paper tries to highlight some of the factors that have promoted the growth of private sector in India with spec...

  8. Exploring communication of resistance in cross-sector collaboration:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plotnikof, Mie

    his study addresses the role of resistance in cross-sector collaboration. It explores how resistance is communicated during collaboration to better understand not just its destructive, but also constructive effects on organizing cross-sector collaboration. In so doing, the paper conceptualizes...... to the process. Thereby, the study contributes with theorizing resistance and offers analytical insights on its dynamics and effects on organizing cross-sector collaboration....

  9. 22 CFR 201.23 - Procurement under private sector procedures. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Procurement under private sector procedures... § 201.23 Procurement under private sector procedures. (a) General requirements. Procurements under private sector procedures will normally be carried out by importers using negotiated procurement...

  10. The Mauritius stock exchange: Sectoral analysis, risk and return ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Companies listed on the Mauritius Stock Exchange are classified into seven sectors of the economy, namely Banking & Insurance, Industry, Investments, Sugar, Commerce, Leisure & Hotels and Transport. Significant improvements in market capitalisation and turnover are noted in all sectors except the Transport sector.

  11. Sectoral Productivity Growth and R&D Spillovers in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nahuis, R.; Tang, P.J.G.


    This paper assesses empirically whether R&D spillovers are important and whether they originate from domestic or foreign activities. Data for eleven sectors are used to explain the impact on total factor productivity of R&D by the sector itself, by other Dutch sectors and by foreign sectors. We find

  12. Ten years of energy consumption in the tertiary sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rabai, Yacine


    This document presents and comments data regarding electricity consumption by the tertiary sector over the last ten years in France. It notably outlines its strong increase compared to the other sectors (housing, industry, transport, agriculture). It comments the evolution of the energy mix of the tertiary sector (electricity with 47%, gas with 25% and oil with 19% are prevailing). It briefly comments the evolution of energy efficiency within this sector. It indicates and comments the shares of energy consumption, of high voltage electricity and gas consumption by the different sub-sectors (retail, automobile and motorcycle repair, public administration, health and social activity, real estate, specialised, scientific and technical activities, education, and so on)

  13. The impact of oil price on Malaysian sector indices (United States)

    Ismail, Mohd Tahir; Luan, Yeap Pei; Ee, Ong Joo


    In this paper, vector error correction model (VECM) has been utilized to model the dynamic relationships between world crude oil price and the sector indices of Malaysia. The sector indices have been collected are covering the period Jan 1998 to Dec 2013. Surprisingly, our investigations show that oil price changes do not Granger-cause any of the sectors in all of Malaysia. However, sector indices of Food Producer and Utilities are found to be the cause of the changes in world crude oil prices. Furthermore, from the results of variance decomposition, very high percentage of shocks is explained by world crude oil price itself over the 12 months and small impact from other sector indices.

  14. Appraisal of Priority Sector Lending by Commercial Banks in India


    C Bhujanga Rao


    This report provides an overview of the performance of priority sector lending by commercial banks in India. The review captures the changing contours of Reserve Bank of India policy on priority sector advances. The paper analyses the trends in priority sector lending for the period 1995-2011, the burden of non-performing assets of commercial bank in priority sector lending and the extent to which priority sector targets are achieved by individual banks. It is observed that the scheduled comm...

  15. Extended Higgs sectors in radiative neutrino models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oleg Antipin


    Full Text Available Testable Higgs partners may be sought within the extensions of the SM Higgs sector aimed at generating neutrino masses at the loop level. We study a viability of extended Higgs sectors for two selected models of radiative neutrino masses: a one-loop mass model, providing the Higgs partner within a real triplet scalar representation, and a three-loop mass model, providing it within its two-Higgs-doublet sector. The Higgs sector in the one-loop model may remain stable and perturbative up to the Planck scale, whereas the three-loop model calls for a UV completion around 106 GeV. Additional vector-like lepton and exotic scalar fields, which are required to close one- and three-loop neutrino-mass diagrams, play a decisive role for the testability of the respective models. We constrain the parameter space of these models using LHC bounds on diboson resonances.

  16. Mobilizing the private sector. Indonesia. (United States)

    Ferraz-tabor, L


    The national diarrheal disease control program has made progress against diarrheal illness in Indonesia, but diarrhea still accounts for 130,000 deaths of under-5 year olds annually. The potential of the private sector had been virtually untapped until the PRITECH Project designed and implemented a private sector based program to complement government efforts to reduce childhood morbidity and mortality related to diarrhea. PRITECH wanted to motivate commercial firms to invest the capital necessary to commercialize oral rehydration salts (ORS) so that program self-sufficiency would be maximized over the long term without depending upon donor support. Sections describe the lack of commercial sector ORS promotion, supply and demand factors, raising interest in ORS, conditions for change, the potential market for ORS, demand, production capacity, previous collaborative efforts, areas for improvement, PRITECH's role as catalyst, coordination with commercial companies, marketing workshops, collaboration with the Indonesian Medical Association, the handwashing campaign, and program impact. Although the program has been in place for just 1 year, sales of ORS have increased along with the degree of sustainable collaboration among local institutions. The author stresses that for the model to be successfully replicated elsewhere, the government, medical and pediatric associations, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, groups which can promote oral rehydration therapy, and opinion leaders in the medical community must be involved. Finally, note is made that the image of ORS must be improved and that the work of the public and commercial sectors can be complementary.

  17. Services Sector Development and Improving Production Network in ASEAN


    Yose Rizal Damuri


    While the importance of services sector in creating value added and employment has been recognized, the role of services as providers of major inputs to production sector are often forgotten and overlooked. This paper stresses the importance of services sector in supporting economic activities in general; the role that has become increasingly more critical in the wake of global production network. It argues that development of the services sector is crucial to supporting an economy’s partic...

  18. Crowding out intrinsic motivation in the public sector


    Georgellis, Y; Iossa, E; Tabvuma, V


    Employing intrinsically motivated individuals has been proposed as a means of improving public sector performance. In this article, we investigate whether intrinsic motivation affects the sorting of employees between the private and the public sectors, paying particular attention to whether extrinsic rewards crowd out intrinsic motivation. Using British longitudinal data, we find that individuals are attracted to the public sector by the intrinsic rather than the extrinsic rewards that the se...



    Thirtle, Colin G.; Srinivasan, Chittur S.; Heisey, Paul W.


    Intellectual property protection, globalization, and pressure on public budgets in many industrialized countries have shifted the balance of plant breeding activity from the public to the private sector. Several economic factors influence the relative shares of public versus private sector plant breeding activity, with varying results over time, over country, and over crop. The private sector, for example, dominates corn breeding throughout the industrialized world, but public and private act...

  20. Determining market boundaries in the electricity sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godde, Anne


    The purpose of the present study was to develop a method of determining market boundaries in preparation of identifying all the competitive forces which a company in the electricity sector must address and deciding on this basis whether it has a dominant position in the market. The study focused in particular on current developments in the German electricity sector, this being the only way to permit a demarcation that accurately reflects the true economic situation. First the question was addressed whether a determination of market boundaries is at all necessary for performing a competitive analysis and in what specific constellations they could play a role. Giving due consideration to the special features of the electricity sector the most preferable market demarcation methods were applied to individual areas of the electricity sector that are of competitive relevance. Efforts were directed at arriving at market boundaries most conducive to the goal of identifying those competitive forces which a company in the electricity sector must address. For this purpose a critical assessment was undertaken of established market demarcation practices in Europe and Germany in order to determine whether ''classical'' market demarcation methods could be applied or whether modifications were needed on account of special features of market structure. The author also describes and discusses alternatives to the established market demarcation methods. She also elucidates methods of determining the boundaries of markets that have emerged as a result of recent developments in the electricity sector, for example through the growth of electricity production from renewable resources, or which are still in the process of formation.


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    Lino Amaro Nunes Vieira ,


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to determine the size of the forest sector in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil using the production gross value. Also, the wealth generated by the commercial balance, tax collection and jobs generated and maintained by the sector were analyzed. It was verified that Minas Gerais plays a relevant role in the Brazilian forest sector, with a gross production in 2003 reaching the value of R$1.275,3 millions. The results showed the importance of forest sector for the social and economic development of the State, generating approximately 1,3 million indirect and direct jobs and contributing significantly to the State’s forest exports.

  2. Environmental issues of Ukrainian energy sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streimikiene, D.


    Ukraine's power sector is the twelfth-largest in the world in terms of installed capacity, with 54 GW and Ukraine still obtains over 50% of its electricity usage from nuclear source. In terms of energy consumption per dollar, Ukraine has one of the highest levels of energy and carbon intensity in the world. The country has very huge energy sector which cause a significant impact on environment


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    Yu. Kovalenko


    Full Text Available Broad and narrow approaches of the financial system are obtained. The difference between the financial system and the financial sector (the fi-nancial corporations sector is shown. Organizational and institutional matrix of the financial system of the economy is proposed. Key positions of institutional sectors classification of Ukraine’s economy are analyzed, as well as the System of National Accounts with respect to the financial sec-tor of corporations. The structure of the sector of financial corporations in Ukraine is defined.

  4. Engaging in Productive Sector Development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Whitfield, Lindsay; Buur, Lars

    Through a comparison of sector cases in Mozambique and Ghana, the paper analyzes why and how African states engage in developing productive sectors and with what success. It argues that successful state interventions depend on four factors: (1) sustained political support by the government...... in the four factors and thus different economic outcomes. Specifically, cocoa, export is a case of sustained political support, palm oil is a case of poorly implemented industrial policy, and horticulture export is a case of political neglect of an industry. In concluding, the paper emphasizes the political...

  5. Engaging in productive sector development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buur, Lars; Whitfield, Lindsay

    Through a comparison of sector cases in Mozambique and Ghana, the paper analyzes why and how African states engage in developing productive sectors and with what success. It argues that successful state interventions depend on four factors: (1) sustained political support by the government...... in the four factors and thus different economic outcomes. Specifically, cocoa, export is a case of sustained political support, palm oil is a case of poorly implemented industrial policy, and horticulture export is a case of political neglect of an industry. In concluding, the paper emphasizes the political...

  6. Analysis of leading sector of Jambi City

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hardiani Hardiani


    Full Text Available This study aims to analyze the leading sectors in the city of Jambi. The main data used is GDP data of Jambi City series 2010 for the period of 2012-2014. Analysis tool that is used are Location Quotient, Shift Share, Klassen Typology and Overlay Analysis. The results of the analysis found that of the 14 basic sectors in Jambi City (based on LQ analysis, there are four priority sectors namely electricity and gas procurement, building, large and retail trade, car and motorcycle repairs, health service, and social activities. Keywords: Location Quotient, Shift Share, Klassen Tipology, Overlay Analysis

  7. Status of the methanization sector in France

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report aims at describing the status of methanization installations, either operating or under construction, on the French national territory, all sectors included (industry, agriculture, sewage treatment, municipal wastes). In a first part, the authors propose a definition of methanization, a presentation of the various implementation techniques, a presentation of the different sectors using methanization (industry, agriculture and breeding, sewage treatment plants, household wastes), and a presentation of a survey. Then, they comment and discuss more precisely the different sectors, their history, their geographical distribution in France, their technologies, their effluents, their production, their economic data, their perspectives

  8. European Competition Law in the electricity sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiller, P.


    The first part gives an overview on the implementation of the Electricity Directive 96/92 in the member states of the European Union and on the still missing preconditions for a single market in the electricity sector. The second part deals with the main elements of the European merger control (market definition, market domination), the decisions in the electricity sector and analyses the impact of the Electricity Directive 96/92 EG on future merger decisions in this sector. The third part examines the role of the articles 81 and 82 EGV to secure competition in the electricity market. (author)

  9. Transport Sector Energy 2010; Transportsektorns energianvaendning 2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Today, transport accounts for a quarter of Sweden's energy consumption which consists almost exclusively of fossil fuels. But with the increasing demands for reduced emissions of greenhouse gases, the sector's conversion to other fuels or energy sources will have a major impact the next years. This situation is expected to expand the requirements for statistics of energy consumption of the transport sector. The publication is divided into two parts. Chapter 2 describes the official energy statistics for the transport sector and Chapter 3 presents a breakdown of energy use in passenger and freight services for the respective modes.

  10. Sectoral Costs of Environmental Policy. Final Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vercaemst, P.; Vanassche, S.; Campling, P.; Vranken, L.; Agnolucci, P.; Salmons, R.; Shaw, B.; Jantzen, J.; Van der Woerd, H.; Gruenig, M.; Best, A.


    The Directorate General for Environment of the European Commission has launched a study on the 'Sectoral costs of environmental policy'. The overall aim of the study is to obtain a clearer picture of the impact of environmental policy in some of the industrial sectors most affected by environmental policy, taking into account the differences between sectors and Member States. Previous studies mainly focussed on the individual impact of one Directive, but in this study we will assess the cumulative costs attributable to the environmental policy in its entirety and attempt to identify synergies between individual policies. The project has the following main objectives: paint a clearer picture of the environmental costs for the selected industries; indicate the differences in costs between individual companies; indicate the differences in costs between Member States; demonstrate the drivers for environmental expenditures of the companies and differences between sectors and Member States; describe different types of environmental regulation (policy instruments) and their impact on environmental expenditures; evaluate the environmental performance of the industries and differences between companies/Member States; collect evidence for the impacts of environmental regulation (and associated costs) on the competitiveness of companies; and carry out an international comparison. The sectors selected are:oil supply chain; electricity production; steel industry; and textile and leather industry

  11. National transparency assessment of Kuwait's pharmaceutical sector. (United States)

    Badawi, Dalia A; Alkhamis, Yousif; Qaddoumi, Mohammad; Behbehani, Kazem


    Corruption is one of several factors that may hinder the access to pharmaceuticals. Since Kuwait has the highest per-capita spending on pharmaceuticals in the region, we wanted to evaluate the level of transparency in its pharmaceutical sector using an established assessment tool adapted by the World Health Organization. Standardized questionnaires were conducted via semi-structured interviews with key informants to measure the level of transparency in eight functions of the public pharmaceutical sector. The scores for the degree of vulnerability to corruption reflected marginal to moderate venerability to corruption for most pharmaceutical sectors. The perceived strengths included availability of appropriate laws, the presence of clear standard operating procedures, and the use of an efficient registration/distribution system. Weaknesses included lack of conflict of interest guidelines and written terms of reference, absence of pharmacoeconomic studies, and inconsistencies in law enforcement. Findings reveal that few functions of Kuwait pharmaceutical sector remain fairly vulnerable to corruption. However, the willingness of Kuwait Ministry of Health to adopt the assessment study and the acknowledgement of the weaknesses of current processes of the pharmaceutical sector may assist to achieve a transparent pharmaceutical system in the near future. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Regulation and competition issues in Thai electricity sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wisuttisak, Pornchai


    This paper explores the issues related to regulatory reform and liberalisation leading toward competition in the Thai electricity sector, which is still under the monopoly control of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Following an overview of the current market structure of the Thai electricity sector, the process of liberalisation and deregulation that contributes to the uncompetitive market structure under SOEs’ control is examined. The author asserts that there are problems within the Energy Commission and the Energy Industry Act BE 2550 (2007) that contribute to the continuance of an uncompetitive electricity supply. Possible reforms to the Thai electricity regulation are proposed with the aim of creating market competition and efficiency in the Thai electricity sector. - Highlights: ► Author studies on the regulatory reform and a development of liberalisation plans on Thai electricity sector. ► The paper presents that the liberalisation plan was affected by the government implementation on electricity corporatisation. ► The paper asserts that the current energy regulation will not lead to market reform and competition in electricity. ► The paper also discusses on the current monopoly structure of Thai electricity sector under state owned enterprises. ► The paper concludes that Thailand needs an appropriate regulatory reform for building competition in electricity sector.


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    Kazım Ozan ÖZER


    Full Text Available The various dimensions of the concept of the competitiveness in service sectors have drawn attention of many researchers. Discipline of business concerns firm, sector and the international dimensions of national level competition. This study focus on explaining the competitiveness of Istanbul Hotel Sector by considering the dynamics connected to the sectoral competitiveness of Tourism. For the analysis, different data collection techniques have been used. As for the secondary data, literature review has been done about Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model that is mostly prefered for this kind of researches. For the primary data, senior managers of hotels in Istanbul Hotel Sector were applied to the interviews and formal interviews. As a result of this study it’s seen that Istanbul Hotel Sector has profitability rates that attract new entrants and the competition conditions are available for new entrants to the Istanbul Hotel Sector.

  14. Forecasting the Romanian sectoral economy using the input-output method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana DUGULEANĂ


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to forecast the sectoral output in 2013 based on the input-output structure of Romanian economy in 2010. Considering that the economic linkage mechanisms do not easily change during certain time periods, the forecasting is possible, even if not in the sequence of the time passing. Using the technical matrix of the sectoral structure described for year 2010 and some known indicators of the economic sectors, as the value added for each sector in 2013, the sectoral output is projected for 2013. The Romanian GDP in 2013 is estimated based on the input-output model. From a managerial perspective, this study is useful to forecast the sectoral output and to understand the sectoral behaviour, based on the input-output analysis of the value added, the compensation for employees and the final demand, which were considered here.

  15. The renewable energy sector. A Flemish socio-economic analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hutsebaut, E.; De Decker, M.


    This study examines the most important characteristics of the renewable energy sector in Flanders, Belgium, based on interviews held with the sector. The addressed parameters include turnover, employment, Financial ratios, the characteristics of the sector such as Legal form, year of establishment, geographical location, and so on. [nl



    Chand, Sumit


    ABSTRACT The iron and steel manufacturing sector is one of the largest sectors in the world in terms of financial volume of trade, employment potential, development of ancillary and allied industries and geographical spread. Added to this is the fact that iron and steel is used as an input in almost all the industrial and manufacturing sectors and goods produced by them. As a result this sector attracts the maximum attention of almost all the countries of the world, whether being one of t...

  17. The rates and financing of electric sector expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiganer, L.; Coutinho, L.H.S.A.; Dias, L.E.N.; Silva Pegado, P.A. da; Foletto, N.S.; Guerreiro, A.G.


    The current economic and political crisis of Brazilian society reach the several productive sectors that compose the national economy, and among them the electric sector. An adequate rate policy, new ways of getting resources to its financing, costs reduction, and the increase of internal generation of resources, are the objective of this work, that evaluates and evidences these questions in order to their repercussion in financing of electric sector expansion. (C.M.)

  18. International Outsourcing and Productivity in Italian Manufacturing Sectors


    Lo Turco Alessia


    This paper estimates the effect of international outsourcing of materials and services on productivity in Italian manufacturing sectors during the period 1985-1997. Three different measures of outsourcing are used. Firstly, a "narrow" measure of outsourcing is calculated as the intensity of intermediate inputs that each sector imports from the same sector abroad. Secondly, a "broad" measure of outsourcing of materials is calculated as the intensity of materials imported from non-energy manufa...

  19. Self-initiated expatriates in the private vs. the public sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauring, Jakob; Selmer, Jan


    Although research on private-sector expatriates is abundant, not much is known about their public-sector counterparts, especially self-initiated expatriates, who themselves initiate the move to live and work abroad. Comparing work outcomes and creativity of self-initiated expatriates in the private...... vs. the public sector, the results of a survey including 329 respondents indicated that performance and effectiveness were higher in the private sector. However, only in the public sector was there a positive association between creativity and the two work outcomes. These findings are discussed...

  20. El mundo del libro: Miranda y la revolución francesa Junio de 1967

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caracciolo Parra Pérez


    Full Text Available Debemos agradecer a la generosidad sin límites del gran historiador venezolano, Héctor Parra Márquez, pariente cercano en lo espiritual y consanguíneo de Parra Pérez, el tener en nuestra Biblioteca, con dedicatoria que nos honra, la obra "MIRANDA Y LA REVOLUCION FRANCESA" en II Tomos, que escribiera el gran crítico e historiador venezolano Caracciolo Parra Pérez, cuya obra es un estuario gigantesco para hallar las rutas, los nombres, porfías, hazañas, frustraciones, de esta América de lentos sones cobrizos, renovadas esperanzas, ácidas porfías, ambivalencias, derrotas y éxitos, eruptivas pasiones, marcos dorados de leyenda, trabajo de hombres sudorosos en la briega emancipadora, intelectuales ilusos, forjadores de esperanzas, y siempre prontos a "recibir las bofetadas"

  1. Construction Sector (NAICS 23) (United States)

    Find environmental regulatory information for the construction sector, including the construction of buildings or engineering projects. This includes RCRA information for hazardous waste, refrigeration compliance, asbestos, effluent guidelines & lead laws

  2. Building a comprehensive mill-level database for the Industrial Sectors Integrated Solutions (ISIS) model of the U.S. pulp and paper sector. (United States)

    Modak, Nabanita; Spence, Kelley; Sood, Saloni; Rosati, Jacky Ann


    Air emissions from the U.S. pulp and paper sector have been federally regulated since 1978; however, regulations are periodically reviewed and revised to improve efficiency and effectiveness of existing emission standards. The Industrial Sectors Integrated Solutions (ISIS) model for the pulp and paper sector is currently under development at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and can be utilized to facilitate multi-pollutant, sector-based analyses that are performed in conjunction with regulatory development. The model utilizes a multi-sector, multi-product dynamic linear modeling framework that evaluates the economic impact of emission reduction strategies for multiple air pollutants. The ISIS model considers facility-level economic, environmental, and technical parameters, as well as sector-level market data, to estimate the impacts of environmental regulations on the pulp and paper industry. Specifically, the model can be used to estimate U.S. and global market impacts of new or more stringent air regulations, such as impacts on product price, exports and imports, market demands, capital investment, and mill closures. One major challenge to developing a representative model is the need for an extensive amount of data. This article discusses the collection and processing of data for use in the model, as well as the methods used for building the ISIS pulp and paper database that facilitates the required analyses to support the air quality management of the pulp and paper sector.

  3. Trends in Sector Switching: Evidence from Employer-Employee Data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Anders; Hansen, Jesper Rosenberg

    Sector switching is new to the public administration literature and our knowledge about the prevalence and trends is limited. Yet, sector switching is an important phenomenon which casts light on public-private differences. We study sector switching in a modern economy using unique Danish register......-based employer-employee data covering more than 25 years. We find that sector switching constitutes 18.5 percent of all job-to-job mobility and the trend is increasing both in general, for administrative professionals, for top managers and, in particular, for middle managers. These findings are robust...

  4. Indian power sector: achievements and failures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sen Gupta, D.P.


    The paper deals with the growth of India's power sector over the last 50 years since independence, touching upon some developments that followed. It also highlights the power crisis that presently faces the nation, projecting into the next decade. The role played by the Indian Institute of Science in the development of India's power sector and is now playing to help mitigate the present and future shortages is briefly described. (author)

  5. Universal Industrial Solution and Industrial Sectors Module for Pulp and Paper Sector (United States)

    Increased concerns over air pollution and its detrimental effects on health have called for more stringent emission reduction strategies in the industrial sector. However, stringent regulatory policies can potentially adversely affect domestic and international trade. Therefore E...

  6. Power sector reform in India: current issues and prospects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Anoop


    Power sector reforms in India were initiated at a juncture when the sector was plagued with commercial losses and burgeoning subsidy burden. Investment in the sector was not able to keep pace with growing demand for electricity. This paper takes stock of pre-reform situation in Indian power sector and identifies key concerns that led to initiation of the process of reform. The paper discusses major policy and regulatory changes undertaken since the early 1990s. The paper also illustrates changes in the market structure as we move along the reform process. We also discuss some of the major provisions of the recently enacted Electricity Act 2003 that aims to replace the prevailing acts which govern the functioning of the power sector in the country. In this context, we discuss two issues arising out of it, namely open access and multi-year tariff that we think would have a significant bearing on the performance of the sector in the near future. The paper also evaluates the reform process in the light of some of the regulatory changes undertaken. Finally, the paper briefly discusses the issues involved in introduction of competition in the power sector primarily through development of a market for bulk power

  7. Public Sector Employees: Risk Averse and Altruistic?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.W.J.M. Buurman (Margaretha); A.J. Dur (Robert); S. Bossche, van den (Seth)


    textabstractWe assess whether public sector employees have a stronger inclination to serve others and are more risk averse than employees in the private sector. A unique feature of our study is that we use revealed rather than stated preferences data. Respondents of a large-scale survey were offered

  8. Public sector employees: risk averse and altruistic?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buurman, M.; Delfgaauw, J.; Dur, R.; Bossche, S.N.J. van den


    We assess whether public sector employees have a stronger inclination to serve others and are more risk averse than employees in the private sector. A unique feature of our study is that we use revealed rather than stated preferences data. Respondents of a large-scale survey were offered a

  9. Public sector employees: risk averse and altruistic?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buurman, M.; Dur, R.; Bossche, S.N.J. van den


    We assess whether public sector employees have a stronger inclination to serve others and are more risk averse than employees in the private sector. A unique feature of our study is that we use revealed rather than stated preferences data. Respondents of a large-scale survey were offered a

  10. Sectoral Innovation Foresight. Food and Drinks sector. Final Report. Task 2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leis, M.; Gijsbers, G.; Zee, F.A. van der


    Although food and drinks are essential for human life, the food and beverage industry is generally perceived as low-to-mid-technology sector as measured on common indicators for innovativeness and supported by CIS4 data. In principal, however, there exist many innovation possibilities within the

  11. The energy sector in Chile: An introductory outlook

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After an introduction on Chilean energy policy, governmental structure in the energy sector, and foreign investment regulations, descriptions and analyses are provided of the main energy sectors in Chile: petroleum, electric power, natural gas, coal, and non-traditional energy sources. The descriptions include a general overview, government policies, current legislation, incentives and restrictions to energy production, organizations that have a bearing on policy design, and the role of the particular sector in the national economy. The analyses outline the current and possible future state of activity in each sector and provide an indication of areas of interest and business opportunities for Canadian investors. A directory is included of public organizations and other entities related to energy. 12 refs, 1 fig., 9 tabs

  12. The Impact of Productivity Increasing in Indonesian Maritim Sector: General Equilibrium Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Widyastutik Widyastutik


    Full Text Available The increase in productivity in the maritime sector will realize the maritime sector as a prime mover. This study aims to analyze the impact of the maritime sector productivity improvement on the performance of the economy. This research simulates increased productivity in the maritime sector (consisting of the fisheries, oil, gas sub-sector and marine transport services sector using the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP version 8. Simulation analysis showed an increase in productivity in the maritime sector has a positive impact on welfare, real GDP, and trade balance of Indonesia. However, the impact of the increase in productivity is not followed by an increase in output in all sectors. This indicates that if the increase in productivity occurs only in the maritime sector alone without being followed by an increase in productivity in other sectors, the sectoral performance is not optimal.DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v5i2.3403

  13. Towards a Public Sector GIS Evaluation Methodology | Kurwakumire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Towards a Public Sector GIS Evaluation Methodology. ... AFRICAN JOURNALS ONLINE (AJOL) · Journals · Advanced Search · USING AJOL · RESOURCES ... However, evaluation methodologies for public sector GIS are largely lacking.

  14. Product market integration, tax distortions and public sector size

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Torben M.; Sørensen, Allan

    of product market integration for the public sector are far from straightforward. The reason is gains-from-trade effects which tend to increase the tax base and decrease the opportunity costs of public consumption (marginal utility of private consumption falls). It follows that the retrenchment view...... that product market integration inevitable leads to a downward pressure on public sector activities does not get support in a standard setting. A particularly noteworthy finding is that a country with a large public sector (strong preferences for public consumption) may benefit more by integrating......The implications of product market integration for public sector activities (transfers and public consumption) are considered in a standard setting. The analysis supports that a larger public sector (higher tax rate) tends to increase wages and worsen wage competitiveness. However, the implications...

  15. Financial Analysis of the Financial Institutions Sector in Kosovo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vlora Prenaj


    Full Text Available Paper work “Financial analysis of the financial institutions sector in Kosovo” treats financial sector in Kosovo. Paper work contains the current position of the economy, economic prospects and macroeconomic projections for the financial sector in Kosovo, future potential and possibilities of financial sector in Kosovo. The main goal of this research is financial analysis of Kosovo financial institutions sector - overview of key indicators. This research evaluates the performances of commercial bank’s profitability, which have operated in the market during the period 2006-2012. This research is conducted through financial analysis coefficients: Return on Equity, Return on assets and Cost to Income. Test t-Student is used to analyze the profitability for the period 2006/2007 before the financial crisis and the period 2011/2012 after financial crisis.

  16. The opening of the Mexican electric sector to foreign investment. Volume 1; La apertura externa en el sector electrico Mexicano. Volumen 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quintanilla Martinez, Juan [eds.] [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This document is the first one of three volumes of the 1. Seminar on the Current Conditions and Perspectives of the Electric Sector in Mexico, organized by the Programa Universitario de Energia and the Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas (University Program of Energy and the Institute of Economic Research, both of them agencies of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)). The titles of the three volumes are the following: Volume 1.- The opening of the Mexican Electric Sector to foreign investment. Volume 2.- Concrete innovation and technological learning experiences at the Luz y Fuerza del Centro enterprise. Volume 3.- The Electric Energy and the Environment in Mexico. This first volume deals on the World tendencies towards the privatization; the new financing techniques and the reorganization of the Mexican electric industry; the electric rates in the residential sector; the distribution of the income and the electricity expense in Mexican homes, the privatization of the energy in Mexico and the production costs in generation projects planning. These documents were formulated by specialists of the Electric Sector, from the Electric Sector itself as well as from academic entities, public and private [Espanol] Este documento constituye el primero de tres volumenes del Primer Seminario sobre Situacion y Perspectivas del Sector Electrico en Mexico, organizado por el Programa Universitario de Energia y el Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas, ambas dependencias de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). Los titulos de los tres volumenes son los siguientes: volumen 1: La apertura externa del sector electrico mexicano, volumen 2: Experiencias concretas de innovacion y aprendizaje tecnologico en la empresa Luz y Fuerza del Centro, volumen 3: Energia electrica y medio ambiente en Mexico. Este primer volumen trata sobre las tendencias mundiales hacia la privatizacion; las nuevas tecnicas de financiamiento y reorganizacion de la industria

  17. The Tributary Regime in the oil sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carta Petrolera


    The tributary regime of the oil sector, is framed by the fiscal crisis that the country, maxim if one keeps in mind the importance of the fiscal revenues originated in the exploitation of these resources in Colombia, so much for the tribute coming from the foreign investment of the sector, like for the utilities generated by ECOPETROL and its impact in the public finances. However in front of this focus, the strategic importance of maintaining the investment in hydrocarbons and the paper that the fiscal politics and the tributary politics for the sector should play in the future and they constitute the government's key pieces

  18. Multi-sectoral interventions for healthy growth. (United States)

    Casanovas, Ma del Carmen; Lutter, Chessa K; Mangasaryan, Nune; Mwadime, Robert; Hajeebhoy, Nemat; Aguilar, Ana Maria; Kopp, Ciro; Rico, Luis; Ibiett, Gonzalo; Andia, Doris; Onyango, Adelheid W


    The risk of stunted growth and development is affected by the context in which a child is born and grows. This includes such interdependent influences as the political economy, health and health care, education, society and culture, agriculture and food systems, water and sanitation, and the environment. Here, we briefly review how factors linked with the key sectors can contribute to healthy growth and reduced childhood stunting. Emphasis is placed on the role of agriculture/food security, especially family farming; education, particularly of girls and women; water, sanitation, and hygiene and their integration in stunting reduction strategies; social protection including cash transfers, bearing in mind that success in this regard is linked to reducing the gap between rich and poor; economic investment in stunting reduction including the work with the for-profit commercial sector balancing risks linked to marketing foods that can displace affordable and more sustainable alternatives; health with emphasis on implementing comprehensive and effective health care interventions and building the capacity of health care providers. We complete the review with examples of national and subnational multi-sectoral interventions that illustrate how critical it is for sectors to work together to reduce stunting. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Energy transition in transport sector from energy substitution perspective (United States)

    Sun, Wangmin; Yang, Xiaoguang; Han, Song; Sun, Xiaoyang


    Power and heating generation sector and transport sector contribute a highest GHG emissions and even air pollutions. This paper seeks to investigate life cycle costs and emissions in both the power sector and transport sector, and evaluate the cost-emission efficient (costs for one unit GHG emissions) of the substitution between new energy vehicles and conventional gasoline based vehicles under two electricity mix scenarios. In power sector, wind power and PV power will be cost comparative in 2030 forecasted with learning curve method. With high subsidies, new energy cars could be comparative now, but it still has high costs to lower GHG emissions. When the government subsidy policy is reversible, the emission reduction cost for new energy vehicle consumer will be 900/ton. According to the sensitive analysis, the paper suggests that the government implement policies that allocate the cost to the whole life cycle of energy production and consumption related to transport sector energy transition and policies that are in favor of new energy vehicle consumers but not the new energy car producers.

  20. Strategic Human Resource Management and the Australian Public Sector

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    Karen MANNING


    Full Text Available The connection between human resources and performance in firms in the private sector is well documented. What is less clear is whether the move towards managerialism that has taken place within the Australian public sector during the last twenty years has brought with it some of the features of the relationships between Human Resource Management (HRM and performance experienced within the private sector. The research begins with a review of the literature. In particular the conceptual thinking surrounding the connection between HRM and performance within private sector organizations is explored. Issues of concern are the direction of the relationship between HRM and performance and definitional questions as to the nature and level of HRM to be investigated and the measurement of performance. These conceptual issues are also debated within the context of a public sector and particularly the Australian environment. An outcome of this task is the specification of a set of appropriate parameters for a study of these linkages within Australian public sector organizations.

  1. Is There Any Sectoral Cointegration in Indonesia Equity Market?

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    Aileen Clarissa Surya


    Full Text Available This research analyzes short and medium-run cointegration relationship among 9 sectoral indices in Indonesia equity market (JCI, using 2012-2016 weekly closing prices as the data. Researchers analyzed the relationship among these sectors using Johansen-Julius Cointegration Test and predict the causal relationship using Engle-Granger Causality and model the causalities using Vector Error Correction Model. Researchers findings based on the empirical results of Johansen cointegration tests are there is no cointegration in the short-run as the sector indices performance are caused by unique moving factors that affect all sectors differently. However, there is a medium run relationship among the sectors as they are moved by macroeconomic and political conditions towards the same direction. Other two methods, Engle-Granger and VECM, are also supporting the results from Johansen cointegration tests. The findings from this research can be useful as an insight for investors and fund managers in minimizing portfolio risk by using sectoral diversification, which based on the research can only be applied in the short run period.

  2. Energy consumption in the industrial sector. Evolution and perspectives; Consumo energetico en el sector industrial. Evolucion y perspectivas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vieyra Fernandez, Arturo; Cortes Mendez, Carlos


    This article has the purpose of analyzing the main determinants of energy use in the industrial sector, standing out the economical, social and technological implications that determine a specific consumption pattern, departing from which, -as first hand indicators- the efficiency conditions under which this consumption is effected, are evaluated. Likewise, a break-up by branch for the analysis is proposed, taking as a reference point the importance of each one of these in the sector global consumption as well as the available information for each one of them. Finally, the execution of a prospective with an horizon to the year 2005, taking into consideration a macroeconomic scenario, in general, and the potential saving for each sub-sector, in particular, is proposed. [Espanol] El articulo tiene como finalidad analizar los determinantes principales del consumo energetico del sector industrial, destacando las implicaciones de caracter economico, social y tecnologico que conlleva a un patron especifico de consumo, a partir del cual se evaluan - con indicadores de primera mano - las condiciones de eficiencia bajo las cuales se realiza dicho consumo. Asimismo, se propone una desagregacion por rama para el analisis, tomando como punto de referencia la importancia de cada una de estas en el consumo global del sector, asi como la informacion disponible para cada una. Finalmente, se propone un ejercicio de prospectiva con un horizonte hasta el ano 2005 tomando en consideracion un escenario macroeconomico en general y el potencial de ahorro para cada subsector en particular.

  3. Energy consumption in the industrial sector. Evolution and perspectives; Consumo energetico en el sector industrial. Evolucion y perspectivas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vieyra Fernandez, Arturo; Cortes Mendez, Carlos


    This article has the purpose of analyzing the main determinants of energy use in the industrial sector, standing out the economical, social and technological implications that determine a specific consumption pattern, departing from which, -as first hand indicators- the efficiency conditions under which this consumption is effected, are evaluated. Likewise, a break-up by branch for the analysis is proposed, taking as a reference point the importance of each one of these in the sector global consumption as well as the available information for each one of them. Finally, the execution of a prospective with an horizon to the year 2005, taking into consideration a macroeconomic scenario, in general, and the potential saving for each sub-sector, in particular, is proposed. [Espanol] El articulo tiene como finalidad analizar los determinantes principales del consumo energetico del sector industrial, destacando las implicaciones de caracter economico, social y tecnologico que conlleva a un patron especifico de consumo, a partir del cual se evaluan - con indicadores de primera mano - las condiciones de eficiencia bajo las cuales se realiza dicho consumo. Asimismo, se propone una desagregacion por rama para el analisis, tomando como punto de referencia la importancia de cada una de estas en el consumo global del sector, asi como la informacion disponible para cada una. Finalmente, se propone un ejercicio de prospectiva con un horizonte hasta el ano 2005 tomando en consideracion un escenario macroeconomico en general y el potencial de ahorro para cada subsector en particular.

  4. Malaysian water sector reform : policy and performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kim, C.T.


    One of the measures that can help developing countries in meeting Target 10 of the Millennium Development Goals – halving the number of people without access to water and adequate sanitation by 2015 – is through a water sector reform. In this research the Malaysian water sector reform is

  5. Environmental consequences of electricity sector reforms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wohlgemuth, N.


    Worldwide, the electricity industry is in the process of undergoing fundamental transitions. The reform process typically involves one or more of the following changes: commercialisation, privatisation, unbundling/restructuring and introduction of competition. The environmental impacts of these changes pull in different directions. There is concern that restructured electricity markets may not always incorporate adequately the environmental impacts of electricity resource development and consumption decisions. However, the electricity sector reform process also offers an opportunity to promote positive environmental changes: because the sector is already in flux, it may be easier to address environmental issues. The paper gives an overview of power sector reform in six countries where reforms have already been implemented, and concludes that reform measures will have to be accompanied by competitively neutral regulations in order to stimulate investment in environmentally sound technologies, including renewable and energy efficient technologies. (author)


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    Йолита Ричардовна Вайнхардт


    Full Text Available Objective: to examine the details of declared activities of social responsibility in the public sector. To achieve the objective the following tasks are formulated: (1 to review the CSR research carried out inLithuania; (2 to analyse the communicative actions of public sector organizations concerning socially responsible activities. Method of work: the article is written using the methods of content analysis, analogy and reflection.  Results: Corporate social responsibility (CSR activities focused on external interest groups and their representation are analysed in the article. The survey covers state capital enterprises or enterprises, in which a larger part of the portfolio of shares is owned by the public sector, and educational organizations, the founder of which is the state. The research of CSR carried out in Lithuania in recent years is overviewed and analysis of the way the public sector organizations, which belong to United Nations Global Compact (hereafter GC network communicate their socially responsible activities is provided. It has been found that the membership of the majority of public sector organizations in the GC is rather formal, and insufficient attention is given for communicating socially responsible activities in information carriers, most easily accessible to the user.  Application of results: management in the public sector.DOI:

  7. Sectoral Innovation Foresight. Space and Aeronautics Sectors. Final Report. Task 2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brandes, F.; Poel, M.


    The European aerospace industry is world leader in large civil aircraft, business jets and helicopters, aero-engines and defence electronics. The sector in Europe is dominated by a small number of large firms highly concentrated in the UK, France and Germany. It is a mature market focusing on

  8. Consumers satisfaction in the energy sector in Kenya

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mutua, John; Ngui, Dianah; Osiolo, Helen; Aligula, Eric; Gachanja, James


    This paper analyzes consumer satisfaction in the energy sector in Kenya to assess the quality and level of service delivery. By use of the European Consumer Satisfaction Index (ECSI), the paper estimates consumer satisfaction in biomass, petroleum, electricity and renewable energy subsectors. The findings are that consumer satisfaction is highest in the renewable energy sub sector at 74.7% followed by petroleum at 62.8%. The electricity sub sector has the lowest consumer satisfaction of 53.06%. Further, it is found that the image of renewable energy providers is also the highest at 72.5% followed by that of petroleum companies at 63.1%. In the electricity sub sector, perceived value scored the highest at 64.2%. The paper concludes that image of a service provider, loyalty of consumers, consumer expectations, perceived value, perceived quality and the way complains are handled are very important factors that determine consumer satisfaction levels. It is recommended that for monitoring and evaluation purposes in the performance of the energy sector, the Energy RegulatoryCommission(ERC) could use the consumer satisfaction index level to evaluate whether the regulatory policies and their implementation are bearing fruit where a high index would be associated with good performance and vice versa. - Highlights: ► The paper estimates consumer satisfaction in biomass, petroleum, electricity and renewable energy subsectors. ► Consumer satisfaction is highest in the renewable energy sub sector at 74.7%. ► The electricity sub sector has the lowest consumer satisfaction of 53.06%. ► Image of renewable energy providers is also the highest at 72.5%. ► Factors explaining consumer satisfaction are; Image, consumers’ loyalty, expectations, perceived value, and perceived quality.

  9. The tourism sector in Asom - a critical study

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    Padmasree Karamala


    Full Text Available The Tourism Sector has become a part or an appendage of the international trade and exchange system. The State of Asom in India is one of the most beautiful and attractive regions of India. There is hardly any other state which offers what Asom has. Asom has greater variety and colors in its natural scenery and in the cultural treasures of the people that inhabit it. Asom is blessed with an abundance of scenic grandeur. In view of the growing importance of the tourism sector all over the world in general, and in the State of Asom in particular, the tourism sector has become a part or an appendage of the international trade and exchange system. The present study intends to study the position of the Asom tourism sector. It was found that Asom has occupied the lionsshare in the North East Region, with almost 68 percent of this share, while in India it has only 0.005per cent, 0.0035per cent of the Asia Pacific region and accounts for 0.00044 per cent of the world tourist arrivals from 2011-2012. Although it is suffering from different threats and challenges, it has a number of key attributes to attract domestic and foreign tourists into the state. This has enormous potential for the future development of the tourism sector in the state, hence government should encourage the private sector to be involved in the tourism field and try to attract private investment. Consequently, a well co-ordinated tourism plan and a policy of publicprivate partnership is required so as to develop the tourism sector in the state in the long run.

  10. India's Downstream Petroleum Sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This study provides a holistic examination of pricing and investment dynamics in India's downstream petroleum sector. It analyses the current pricing practices, highlights the tremendous fiscal cost of current pricing and regulatory arrangements, and examines the sectoral investment dynamics. It also looks at potential paths towards market-based reform along which the Indian government may move, while at the same time protecting energy market access for India's large poor population.

  11. Facts 2010 - The Norwegian petroleum sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The publication provides a general overview of information regarding the petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. Content; Foreword; The petroleum sector - Norway's largest industry; Organisation of Norwegian petroleum activity; Government petroleum revenues; Exploration activities; Development and operations; Norwegian gas exports; Decommissioning; Research, technology and industrial development; Environmental considerations in the Norwegian petroleum sector; Petroleum resources; Fields in production; Fields under development; Future developments; Fields where production has ceased; Pipelines and onshore facilities. (AG)

  12. Development of Agrotouristical Sector in Romania


    Irina Elena CHIRTOC; Gabriela BUSAN


    The agrotouristical sector allows demand to space by engaging in recreational activities, sports and cultural entertainment, respond to the urban population growing interest towards the natural heritage and rural culture, having important implications in terms of economic and socio-political life of the Romanian village. The paper provides a brief analysis of the sector of agro-tourism in our country during 2000-2015, using the statistics presented by the National Institute of Statistics, to ...

  13. Structure of financing investments in the energy sector

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    Kowal Barbara


    The article shows how the financing structure of the companies from the fuel and energy sector, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, has evolved over the years. The authors also estimated the cost of equity. The results were compared with the chosen mining companies in Poland. Companies from the energy sector have lower investment risk than companies from the fuel sector. Looking at the profitability of investments it should be emphasized that the financing by outside capital is more advantageous than equity financing.

  14. Work Motivation and Incentives in the Public Sector


    Zoutenbier, Robin


    markdownabstractThe public sector makes up for an important part of our economy. According to estimates by the OECD (2008) a large share of the labor force in OECD countries is employed by the public sector. These public sector workers provide a wide range of goods and services to the public. Examples of services that are publicly provided range from education, health care, transport, garbage collection, to public safety. This large variety in public services suggests that all people, at some...

  15. Implications of private sector Hib vaccine coverage for the introduction of public sector Hib-containing pentavalent vaccine in India: evidence from retrospective time series data. (United States)

    Sharma, Abhishek; Kaplan, Warren A; Chokshi, Maulik; Hasan Farooqui, Habib; Zodpey, Sanjay P


    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine has been available in India's private sector market since 1997. It was not until 14 December 2011 that the Government of India initiated the phased public sector introduction of a Hib (and DPT, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus)-containing pentavalent vaccine. Our objective was to investigate the state-specific coverage and behaviour of Hib vaccine in India when it was available only in the private sector market but not in the public sector. This baseline information can act as a guide to determine how much coverage the public sector rollout of pentavalent vaccine (scheduled April 2015) will need to bear in order to achieve complete coverage. 16 of 29 states in India, 2009-2012. Retrospective descriptive secondary data analysis. (1) Annual sales of Hib vaccines, by volume, from private sector hospitals and retail pharmacies collected by IMS Health and (2) national household surveys. State-specific Hib vaccine coverage (%) and its associations with state-specific socioeconomic status. The overall private sector Hib vaccine coverage among the 2009-2012 birth cohort was low (4%) and varied widely among the studied Indian states (minimum 0.3%; maximum 4.6%). We found that private sector Hib vaccine coverage depends on urban areas with good access to the private sector, parent's purchasing capacity and private paediatricians' prescribing practices. Per capita gross domestic product is a key explanatory variable. The annual Hib vaccine uptake and the 2009-2012 coverage levels were several times higher in the capital/metropolitan cities than the rest of the state, suggesting inequity in access to Hib vaccine delivered by the private sector. If India has to achieve high and equitable Hib vaccine coverage levels, nationwide public sector introduction of the pentavalent vaccine is needed. However, the role of private sector in universal Hib vaccine coverage is undefined as yet but it should not be neglected as a useful complement to

  16. Improving Performances in the Public Sector: The Scientific ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Improving Performances in the Public Sector: The Scientific Management Theory ... adopts the principles for enhanced productivity, efficiency and the attainment of ... of the public sector, as observed and reported by several scholars over time.


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    Daniela ANTONESCU


    Full Text Available Situated in a permanent process of adaptation and transformation, the SME sector recorded a significant national quantitative and qualitative leap. At regional level, development of the SME sector are determined by a number of local factors, which distinguishes and emphasizes the importance of this sector, providing clues that lead to some courses of action that can be considered when developing strategies or development programs. Overall, regional disparities in the development of SME sector is relatively small, except for being on the region-capital Bucharest-Ilfov, which is distanced from the other regions in particular the performance achieved.

  18. Building a Comprehensive Mill-Level Database for the Industrial Sectors Integrated Solutions (ISIS) Model of the U.S. Pulp and Paper Sector (United States)

    Modak, Nabanita; Spence, Kelley; Sood, Saloni; Rosati, Jacky Ann


    Air emissions from the U.S. pulp and paper sector have been federally regulated since 1978; however, regulations are periodically reviewed and revised to improve efficiency and effectiveness of existing emission standards. The Industrial Sectors Integrated Solutions (ISIS) model for the pulp and paper sector is currently under development at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and can be utilized to facilitate multi-pollutant, sector-based analyses that are performed in conjunction with regulatory development. The model utilizes a multi-sector, multi-product dynamic linear modeling framework that evaluates the economic impact of emission reduction strategies for multiple air pollutants. The ISIS model considers facility-level economic, environmental, and technical parameters, as well as sector-level market data, to estimate the impacts of environmental regulations on the pulp and paper industry. Specifically, the model can be used to estimate U.S. and global market impacts of new or more stringent air regulations, such as impacts on product price, exports and imports, market demands, capital investment, and mill closures. One major challenge to developing a representative model is the need for an extensive amount of data. This article discusses the collection and processing of data for use in the model, as well as the methods used for building the ISIS pulp and paper database that facilitates the required analyses to support the air quality management of the pulp and paper sector. PMID:25806516

  19. Just How Big is the Schism Between the Health Sector and the Water and Sanitation Sector in Developing Countries?

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    A. A. Cronin


    Full Text Available Water, sanitation and hygiene are all key aspects to a healthy environment but often they suffer from a lack of coherence within the sector itself and also a lack of synergy with the health sector. This is not acceptable given one quarter of all child deaths are directly attributable to water-borne disease. This lack of synergy is evident at many different layers including planning, resource allocation and donor commitment. Developing countries must, in consultation with their communities, examine their biggest health risks and allocate resources accordingly. Sustained dialogue and increased in-depth analysis are needed to find consensus and an improved synergy across these vital sectors.

  20. A Short Study on Cooperative Sector in Iran. Challenges and Issues

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    Hassan Danaee Fard


    Full Text Available This paper aims to study the issues of cooperative sector in Iran. According to the theories,among the three sectors i.e. Public, private and cooperative sector probably cooperative sectorbecause of participating people directly in its process, can work better for economic development andcan be considered as a country economic developer example by job creation and others, Prior Workbecause Islam religion has invited people for having cooperation and also Iranian is a Muslim countrythen there have been a lot work on cooperative sector and this work is among the others who looks forthe challenges and issues in this sector, Approach this paper looks for the challenges and issues ofthe cooperative sector in Iran to run effective cooperation, Results Cooperative sector in alldeveloped and undeveloped and developing countries has its own challenges and in Iran as a fastdeveloping country which want to speed the developing process then needs to consider thecooperative sector challenges in Iran and other countries as well, Implications Practitioners,academician and others who want to work on challenges and issues of cooperative sector in Iran andothers . Value among the other important variables in economic development, cooperative has thepriority because of its fast returned effects in economic development then this paper aims to study thechallenges of this sector.

  1. Input-output analysis in fertilizers sector. A case study of Turkey

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karkacier, O.; Guelse, H.S.; Sayili, M.; Akca, H.


    The types of structural analysis in the input-output model known are forward and backwards ties. Fertilizer sector is tied forwardly agriculture, agri-business, chemistry, petro-chemistry and glass sector. In addition, it tied backwardly mining, chemistry, petro-chemistry, electricity, gas, water and transportation. The effect of backward tie of fertilizer sector is more important than its effect of the forward ties. In this study, by means of the year of 1979, 1985 and 1990 input-output table of Turkey the own situation of fertilizer industry and the production relation with other sectors of the economy have been tired to explain with forward and backwards ties. According to the result of the research it was determined that in 1990, (u j ) input coefficient of fertilizer sector is 69 %. That is, 69 percent of the product of fertilizer sector was used as an intermediate goods by other sectors. Therefore, 31 percent of goods produced by fertilizer sector was consumed as a final good. In addition, in this year, (w i ) intermediate use coefficient of fertilizer sector is 52 %. (w i ) intermediate use coefficient of fertilizer sector decreased from 1973 to 1990, as a result of this final use coefficient (1-w i ) increased. Refs. 5 (author)

  2. Russian financial sector: adjustment and management

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    Vitaly J. Ozira


    Full Text Available This paper reviews general issues relate to Russian financial system and policies in the context of economies relying to a significan extent on market mechanisms to allocate resources. After a brief introduction describing the functions of the financial sector in a marke economy, the paper presents an inventory o the most common problems hindering the effective performance of the financial system as a development tool, and some policy guideline based on the analysis. The text aims a presenting a brief exposition of the basic principles that provide a conceptual framework to review the issues.Finance, like money, is not a realit which exists independently from the specific cultural, political and legal features of a given society. The reason is that finance is ai institution, which organizes relevant modes o interaction among various groups or individual economic units claims on the social resources, the functions fulfilled by the financial sector need not be the universal.The views expressed in the paper are the author's own responsibility and should not be interpreted as presenting the official position paper on financial sector management.El presente artículo examina problemas generales concernientes al sector financiero de Rusia a la luz del sistema económico apoyado en los mecanismos de mercado de la distribución de los recursos. Después de la introducción que describe las funciones de dicho sector en las condiciones de mercado, el artículo representa un cuadro típico de problemas que frenan el funcionamiento eficaz del sistema financiero como instrumento de desarrollo. Asimismo el autor ofrece recomendaciones prácticas basadas en el resultado del análisis llevado a cabo por él. El texto del artículo contiene los principios fundamentales que son, propiamente dicho, los marcos conceptuales del presente trabajo.Las finanzas, como es sabido, están estrechamente vinculadas a las peculiaridades jurídicas, políticas y culturales de

  3. Sectoral Innovation Foresight. Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector. Final Report. Task 2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Giesecke, S.; Schaper-Rinkel


    The internationalization, concentration and differentiation of retailing is challenging the traditional retail and wholesale sector organisation and its distribution structures that firms have employed to get goods and services to market. With the intensification of competition and speed of change

  4. and the Energy Sector

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nigeria's harsh economic situation in 2016 has led major industries to look inwards to resolve supply deficits occasioned ... In the electricity sector, however, the influx of imported electrical .... Engineering Infrastructure in a 2014 address.

  5. Public sector reform and demand for human resources for health (HRH

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    Lethbridge Jane


    Full Text Available Abstract This article considers some of the effects of health sector reform on human resources for health (HRH in developing countries and countries in transition by examining the effect of fiscal reform and the introduction of decentralisation and market mechanisms to the health sector. Fiscal reform results in pressure to measure the staff outputs of the health sector. Financial decentralisation often leads to hospitals becoming "corporatised" institutions, operating with business principles but remaining in the public sector. The introduction of market mechanisms often involves the formation of an internal market within the health sector and market testing of different functions with the private sector. This has immediate implications for the employment of health workers in the public sector, because the public sector may reduce its workforce if services are purchased from other sectors or may introduce more short-term and temporary employment contracts. Decentralisation of budgets and administrative functions can affect the health sector, often in negative ways, by reducing resources available and confusing lines of accountability for health workers. Governance and regulation of health care, when delivered by both public and private providers, require new systems of regulation. The increase in private sector provision has led health workers to move to the private sector. For those remaining in the public sector, there are often worsening working conditions, a lack of employment security and dismantling of collective bargaining agreements. Human resource development is gradually being recognised as crucial to future reforms and the formulation of health policy. New information systems at local and regional level will be needed to collect data on human resources. New employment arrangements, strengthening organisational culture, training and continuing education will also be needed.

  6. Fabrication progress of the ITER vacuum vessel sector in Korea

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, B.C., E-mail: [National Fusion Research Institute, Gwahangno 113, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Y.J.; Hong, K.H.; Sa, J.W.; Kim, H.S.; Park, C.K.; Ahn, H.J.; Bak, J.S.; Jung, K.J. [National Fusion Research Institute, Gwahangno 113, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Park, K.H.; Roh, B.R.; Kim, T.S.; Lee, J.S.; Jung, Y.H.; Sung, H.J.; Choi, S.Y.; Kim, H.G.; Kwon, I.K.; Kwon, T.H. [Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., Dong-gu, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: ► Fabrication of ITER vacuum vessel sector full scale mock-up to develop fabrication procedures. ► The welding and nondestructive examination techniques conform to RCC-MR. ► The preparation of real manufacturing of ITER vacuum vessel sector. -- Abstract: As a participant of ITER project, ITER Korea has to supply two ITER vacuum vessel sectors (Sector no. 6, no. 1) of total nine ITER VV sectors. After the procurement arrangement with ITER Organization, ITER Korea made the contract with Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for fabrication of two sectors. Then the start of the manufacturing design was initiated from January 2010. HHI made three real scale R and D mock-ups to verify the critical fabrication feasibility issues on electron beam welding, 3D forming, welding distortion and achievable tolerances. The documentation according to IO and the French nuclear safety regulation requirement, the qualification of welding and nondestructive examination procedures conform to RCC-MR 2007 were proceed in parallel. The mass production of raw material was done after receiving ANB (agreed notified body) verification of product/parts and shop qualification. The manufacturing drawing, manufacturing and inspection plan of VV sector with supporting fabrication procedures are also verified by ANB, accordingly the first cutting and forming of plates for VV sector fabrication started from February 2012. This paper reports the latest fabrication progress of ITER vacuum vessel Sector no. 6 that will be assembled as the first sector in the ITER pit. The overall fabrication route, R and D mock-up fabrication results with forming and welding distortion analysis, qualification status of welding and nondestructive examination (NDE) are also presented.

  7. Long-run sectoral development time series evidence for the German economy


    Dietrich, Andreas; Krüger, Jens J.


    In economic development, long-run structural change among the three main sectors of an economy follows a typical pattern with the primary sector (agriculture, mining) first dominating, followed by the secondary sector (manufacturing) and finally by the tertiary sector (services) in terms of employment and value added. We reconsider the verbal theoretical work of Fourastié and build a simple model encompassing its main features, most notably the macroeconomic influences on the sectoral develop...

  8. Financial sector taxation: Financial activities tax or financial transaction tax?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danuše Nerudová


    Full Text Available The recent financial crises has revealed the need to improve and ensure the stability of the financial sector to reduce negative externalities, to ensure fair and substantial contribution of the financial sector to the public finances and the need to consolidate public finance. All those needs represent substantial arguments for the discussion about the introduction of financial sector taxation. There are discussed in the paper two possible schemes of financial sector taxation – financial transaction tax and financial activities tax. The aim of the paper is to research the possibility of the introduction of financial sector taxation, to discuss the pros and cons of two major candidates on financial sector taxation – financial transaction tax and financial activities tax and to suggest the possible candidate suitable for the implementation on the EU level. Financial transaction tax represents the tool suitable mainly on global level, for only in that case enables generate sufficient financial resources. From EU point of view is considered as less suitable, for it bears the risk of reallocation. Therefore the introduction of financial activities tax on EU level is considered as a better solution for the financial sector taxation in the EU, for financial sector is exempted from value added tax. With respect to the fact, that the implementation would represent the innovative approach to the financial sector taxation, there are no empirical proves and therefore this could be the subject of further research.

  9. Global oil prices, macroeconomic fundamentals and China's commodity sector comovements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Peng


    This paper investigates the common movements of commodity sectors in China as well as the economic underpinnings of the comovements. We employ a Bayesian dynamic latent factor model to disentangle the common and idiosyncratic sector-specific factors of the prices of a group of China's commodity sectors: petrochemicals, grains, energy, non-ferrous metals, oils & fats, and softs. The results indicate that the common factor accounts for a significant portion of the fluctuations of China's commodity sectors, providing evidence of the strong commodity sector comovements in China. We further use a VAR model to link the common movements across China's commodity sectors to the underlying determinants, including global oil price shocks and domestic macroeconomic fluctuations. We find that the global oil price shocks have strong effects on the common movements across commodity sectors in China in addition to its domestic macroeconomic fluctuations at long horizons. However, at short horizons, the common movements across commodity sectors in China respond more strongly to the global oil shocks than to its domestic macroeconomic fluctuations. - Highlights: • We examine the comovements of commodity prices at the industry level in China. • The common factor accounts for a significant portion of commodity sector fluctuations. • We investigate the joint impacts of global oil price shocks and domestic macro fluctuations on the comovements. • The global oil price shocks have persistent and strong effects on the comovements. • The impacts of domestic macro fluctuations on the comovements differ at short and long horizons.

  10. HR in the Canadian renewable energy sector: HRSDC situational analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, B.; Ferguson, T.


    This paper outlines the human resources needs in the Canadian renewable energy sector. Emerging energies sector has many skills needs, some of which need to be developed. Emerging energy sector includes wind, solar photovoltaic (PV) and bio energy

  11. A new NAMA framework for dispersed energy end-use sectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, C.-C.


    This paper presents a new approach for a nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMA) framework that can unlock the huge potential for greenhouse gas mitigation in dispersed energy end-use sectors in developing countries; specifically, the building sector and the industrial sector. These two sectors make up the largest portions of energy consumption in developing countries. However, due to multiple barriers and lack of effective polices, energy efficiency in dispersed energy end-use sectors has not been effectively put into practice. The new NAMA framework described in this paper is designed to fulfill the demand for public policies and public sector investment in developing countries and thereby boost private sector investment through project based market mechanisms, such as CDM. The new NAMA framework is designed as a need-based mechanism which effectively considers the conditions of each developing country. The building sector is used as an example to demonstrate how NAMA measures can be registered and implemented. The described new NAMA framework has the ability to interface efficiently with Kyoto Protocol mechanisms and to facilitate a systematic uptake for GHG emission reduction investment projects. This is an essential step to achieve the global climate change mitigation target and support sustainable development in developing countries.

  12. How to decarbonize the transport sector?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van der Zwaan, B.; Keppo, I. [Policy Studies Department, Energy research Center of the Netherlands ECN, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Johnsson, F. [Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Goeteborg (Sweden)


    This article investigates possible evolution pathways for the transport sector during the 21st century, globally and in Europe, under a climate change control scenario. We attempt to shed light on the question how the transport sector should best be decarbonized. We perform our study with the global bottom-up energy systems model TIAM-ECN, a version of the TIAM (TIMES Integrated Assessment Model) model that is broadly used for the purpose of developing energy technology and climate policy scenarios, which we adapted for analyzing in particular the transport sector. Given the global aggregated perspective of TIAM-ECN, that in its current version yields at every point in time a single CO2 price for different forms of energy use across geographic regions and economic sectors, it generates a decarbonization process that for the transport sector occurs later in time than for the power sector. This merely reflects that emission reductions are generally cheaper for electricity production than for transportation, and that it is thus cost-minimizing to spend limited financial resources available for CO2 emissions abatement in the power sector first. In our scenarios the use of hydrogen in internal combustion engines and fuel cells, rather than electricity as energy carrier and batteries to store it, gradually becomes the dominant transport technology. This outcome is in agreement with some recent publications but is at loggerheads with the current popularity of the electric car. Based on sensitivity analysis we conclude that even if the establishment of a hydrogen infrastructure proves about an order of magnitude more costly than modeled in our base case, electricity based transportation only broadly emerges if simultaneously also the costs of electric cars go down by at least 40% with respect to our reference costs. One of the explanations for why the electric car is today, by e.g. entrepreneurs, often considered the supposed winner amongst multiple future transportation

  13. Sectoral risk research about input-output structure of the United States (United States)

    Zhang, Mao


    There exist rare researches about economic risk in sectoral level, which is significantly important for risk prewarning. This paper employed status coefficient to measure the symmetry of economic subnetwork, which is negatively correlated with sectoral risk. Then, we do empirical research in both cross section and time series dimensions. In cross section dimension, we study the correlation between sectoral status coefficient and sectoral volatility, earning rate and Sharpe ratio respectively in the year 2015. Next, in the perspective of time series, we first investigate the correlation change between sectoral status coefficient and annual total output from 1997 to 2015. Then, we divide the 71 sectors in America into agriculture, manufacturing, services and government, compare the trend terms of average sectoral status coefficients of the four industries and illustrate the causes behind it. We also find obvious abnormality in the sector of housing. At last, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the federal government.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philip Ifeakachukwu Nwosa


    Full Text Available This paper examined the long-run and short-run relationship between gasoline price and sectoral output in Nigeria for the period from 1980 to 2010. Six sectors (agriculture; manufacturing; building and construction; wholesale and retail; transportation and communication of the economy were examined. The long run regression estimate showed that gasoline price is a significant determinant output in all sectors examined with exception to the building and construction sector while the short run error correction estimate revealed that only output of the agriculture and the manufacturing sectors of the Nigerian economy is affect by gasoline price increase in the short run. The study recommended among others the need for the government to ensure adequate power supply in order to reduce the over reliance of economics sectors on gasoline as a prime source of power.

  15. Validación del inventario de autoeficacia para inteligencias múltiples revisado (IAMI-R en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios venezolanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilse Durán- Aponte


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la validación del Inventario de Autoeficacia para Inteligencias Múltiples Revisado IAIM-R en estudiantes universitarios venezolanos. Participaron voluntariamente 342 estudiantes de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Venezuela inscritos en el período septiembre-diciembre del 2012. Se realizó el análisis factorial de componentes principales y el análisis factorial confirmatorio para obtener evidencias de validez de constructo. Adicionalmente, se realizó una regresión logística binaria para obtener evidencias de validez predictiva. Estos estudios confirmaron una distribución de los reactivos en 7 factores del instrumento, que resultó ser satisfactorio y parcialmente consistente con investigaciones teóricas y empíricas relacionadas con el constructo. Se concluye que la validación del IAIM-R permite la medición de la autoeficacia para inteligencias múltiples, de manera consistente, desde el punto de vista estadístico, y posibilita la comparación de resultados entre poblaciones y variables de interés para el desarrollo de la teoría social cognitiva y aspectos inherentes al estudiante y su motivación ante determinada demanda académica o carrera. En cuanto a la validez predictiva, el instrumento es pertinente cuando se trata de la selección de carreras técnicas de las áreas industrial y administrativa, en especial por las dimensiones de autoeficacia lógico-matemática, cinestésica y emocional. Se recomienda que futuros estudios se orienten al desarrollo de líneas de investigación asociadas con el rendimiento académico, la motivación y la permanencia en el sistema universitario. This article present the validation the Self-Efficacy Inventory For Multiple Intelligence Revised IAMI-R in Venezuelan university students. 342 students participated voluntarily in Simon Bolivar University of Venezuela enrolled in period September-December 2012. The principal component factor analysis and confirmatory factor

  16. Riesgo ergonómico en empresas artesanales del sector de la manufactura, Santander. Colombia Ergonomic risk craft enterprises manufacturing sector, Santander. Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Patricia Ardila Jaimes


    Full Text Available Introducción: Es importante reconocer que algunas profesiones del ramo de la manufactura no tienen de manera estandarizada programas en ergonomía, por lo tanto se requiere reconocer dichas limitaciones, las cuales podrían desencadenar en patologías musculares, altos índices de ausentismo y disminución en la productividad. Objetivos: Determinar el perfil de riesgo ergonómico de las empresas artesanales de tabaco y joyería de la región de Santander, Colombia en el año 2010. Materiales y métodos: Se trató de un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal donde la población encuestada fueron empresas del sector de la manufactura de los sub-sectores artesanales tabacalero y joyero. La unidad de análisis principal fue la empresa. Se diligenció un instrumento que identificaba rasgos de la cultura ergonómica de las empresas. Resultados: Se encuestaron 15 empresas tabacaleras y 10 joyeras. Las empresas no cuentan con políticas en salud ocupacional en 73% para el sector tabaco y en 80% para el sector joyero. En ambos sectores la repetitividad fue el factor ergonómico más prevalente con 80% y 36,4% respectivamente. A su vez, 60% de las empresas del tabaco tienen establecido la elaboración de rediseño de puesto de trabajo, en relación al 10% presentado por las empresas joyeras, finalmente en ambos sectores se encontró un porcentaje no superior al 13% sobre realización de capacitaciones sobre control de riesgos ergonómicos a sus trabajadores. Conclusiones: El perfil de riesgo ergonómico en el sector tabacalero y joyero artesanal se muestra incipiente, considerando estar influenciado por factores como desconocimiento del tema y falta de compromiso gerencial en la implementación de programas que ayuden a minimizar las enfermedades derivadas de las actividades que se desarrollan en cada uno de los sectores.Introduction: It is important to recognize that some professions the manufacturing industry have no standardized way in ergonomics

  17. Progress in customer relationship management adoption: a cross-sector study


    Meadows, Maureen; Dibb, Sally


    Although customer relationship management (CRM) is widely used by organizations to capture and manage customer data, the process of implementation can be problematic. This article takes a multi-sector view of CRM implementation in three areas of the UK services sector: banking and finance; professional services; and the government/public sector. The study captures variations in CRM practice and implementation across these sectors, applying an existing framework of CRM implementation to tease ...

  18. Invisible axion in the hidden sector of no-scale supergravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Hikaru


    We propose a new axion model which incorporates the U(1) PQ symmetry into a hidden sector, as well as an observable sector, of no-scale supergravity models. The axion is a spin-zero field in the hidden sector. The U(1) PQ symmetry is naturally embedded in the family symmetry of the no-scale models. Invisible axions live in the gravity hidden sector without conflict with the cosmological and astrophysical constraints. (orig.)

  19. Privatisation electric power sector in Pakistan: some important issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghafoor, A.; Weiss, J.


    This discussion paper highlights important issues relating to the privatisation of Pakistan's electric power sector. Salient features of the electric power sector in Pakistan, factors affecting the economic performance of this sector, the partial privatisation policy adopted by Pakistan, ongoing private power projects, and current privatisation policy are examined. The arguments for competition are raised, and alternative policy reforms the are considered

  20. Combating Terrorism with Socioeconomics: Leveraging the Private Sector (United States)


    ndupress   issue 46, 3d quarter 2007  /  JFQ        127 Leveraging the Private Sector b y m i e m i e W i n n b y R d Major Miemie...the Private Sector 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK...nongovernmental organizations, private sector , academia, and the U.S. Government (including the military). To attract all the necessary