
Sample records for science alla scoperta

  1. Alla scoperta della crittografia quantistica

    CERN Document Server

    Filoramo, Eva; Pasquero, Claudia


    La crittografia si sviluppa e perfeziona per rispondere all'esigenza di segretezza nella trasmissione delle informazioni. La crittografia quantistica consente, al contrario di quella correntemente usata, di inviare messaggi che non potranno essere decifrati e di vanificare al massimo i tentativi di una loro intercettazione. Partendo dalla storia dei codici segreti, il libro affronta gli sviluppi pertinenti della teoria quantistica, per approdare infine alla più avanzata ricerca scientifica e tecnologica. Lo scopo è quello di richiamare l'attenzione su un tema le cui applicazioni pratiche coprono molti settori d'interesse strategico e sono destinate, nel prossimo futuro, a rivoluzionare i metodi di scambio delle informazioni.

  2. Il fascino oscuro dell’inflazione alla scoperta della storia dell’universo

    CERN Document Server

    Fré, Pietro


    È dalla più remota antichità che l’uomo si interroga sulla struttura dell’Universo e sulle leggi che lo governano. Ma il progresso compiuto all’inizio del XX secolo non ha paragoni rispetto a quello di tutti i secoli precedenti: nel 1915 fu formulata la relatività generale, indispensabile per inquadrare tutti i fenomeni cosmici e astrofisici; tra il 1920 e il 1930 furono determinate le reali dimensioni dell’Universo visibile e fu scoperta la sua costante espansione. La cosmologia ha poi fatto un grande salto di qualità a cavallo tra la fine del XX secolo e l’inizio del XXI, quando una serie di osservazioni ha confermato che: L’Universo è spazialmente "piatto", in seguito all’inflazione cosmica che, una frazione di secondo dopo il Big Bang, ne ha gonfiato le dimensioni di decine o centinaia di miliardi di volte. L’Universo è costituito al 70% da energia oscura e al 24% da materia oscura: la materia visibile, cioè stelle e galassie, rappresenta solo il 6% del totale. Attualmente l’espa...

  3. Enrico Fermi significato di una scoperta

    CERN Document Server


    Questo volume è la riedizione, rinnovata ed ampliata, del volume "Enrico Fermi. Significato di una scoperta" edito dal FIEN (Forum Italiano dell'Energia Nucleare) nel 1982 e nel 1992 in occasione, rispettivamente, del 40mo e del 50mo anniversario della pila di Fermi.

  4. Dal caos... alla coscienza

    CERN Document Server

    Prattico, Franco


    Attraverso i domini della fisica, della genetica e della biologia, fino alle neuroscienze, alla ricerca dei percorsi che hanno portato alla nascita del cervello umano : frutto di una singolare serie casuale o di una necessità inscritta nelle leggi del Cosmo?

  5. Parricidio e deicidio

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    Raffaele Menarini


    Full Text Available La mancata risoluzione del Complesso di Edipo produce la non insorgenza strutturata del Super Io e, nello stesso tempo, la regressione patologica alle dinamiche religiose del complesso medesimo. Si tratta del fallimento della funzione regolatrice del complesso edipico a livello di meccanismi di interiorizzazione, e quindi di individuazione, del conflitto inconscio, caratterizzato dall’osservazione delle tensioni tra Io e Super Io. Questo fallimento può assumere la configurazione di Complesso di Edipo freddo, la quale può articolarsi nelle dinamiche del parricidio e deicidio. L’esemplificazione storica dell’intero processo è quella relativa la nascita e lo sviluppo del Nazismo.Le dinamiche religiose, presenti nel Complesso di Edipo, riguardano la prima elaborazione freudiana del complesso, correlata alla scoperta della stessa psicoanalisi. Nel suo viaggio in Italia, nel settembre 1907, e in particolare grazie alla visita effettuata al Duomo di Orvieto, con la relativa osservazione degli affreschi di Luca Signorelli, Freud comprese per la prima volta la fenomenologia edipica, con le relative implicazioni del parricidio e deicidio. L’immagine dell’Anticristo rimandava, infatti, al potere del figlio che si era sostituito alla Legge del Padre. La scoperta della dimensione religiosa del Complesso di Edipo, produsse un’inquietante vissuto nella mente di Freud, che si esplicherà nella famosa dimenticanza del nome del Signorelli.


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    Antonietta Gobbis


    Full Text Available Il seguente saggio tratta le possibilità di presentazione in Università straniere, dove si insegna l’ItalianoL2, di un aspetto culturale italiano di forte impatto all’estero come il design, attraverso l’innovativa metodologia del webquest. L’iniziale parte teorica descrive il webquest come metodo didattico costruttivista, con particolare riferimento alle sue caratteristiche, parti costituenti e tipologie. Nella seconda parte vengono dati esempi concreti di webquest di breve e lunga durata su due prodotti italiani molto famosi di packaging design, che hanno festeggiato il loro anniversario nel 2012: il Bacio Perugina e il Campari Soda. I risultati positivi di entrambi i progetti intendono mostrare i vantaggi di una didattica centrata sull’alunno basata su attività di problem-solving e strategie di cooperative learning.  Discovering packaging design through webquest The following essay deals about the possibilities to introduce a very successful cultural topic like Italian Design in Universities abroad, where Italian is taught as second foreign language, through the innovative methodology of WebQuests. The theoretical part describes WebQuests as constructivist didactic method with reference to its characteristics, main constituent parts  and typologies. In the second part we give concrete examples of short and long term WebQuests about two very famous packaging design Italian products which celebrated in 2012 their anniversary: BacioPerugina and Campari Soda. The positive results of both projects aim to show the advantages of learner-centered teaching methods based on problem-solving activities and cooperative learning strategies.

  7. Equazione di Dirac

    CERN Document Server

    Monti, Dalida


    Relativamente poco noto al gran pubblico, il premio Nobel Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac appartiene a quel gruppo di uomini di ingegno che nei primi decenni del secolo contribuirono a dare alla nostra concezione del mondo fisico la sua impronta attuale. Assolutamente cruciali, per una valutazione dell'opera di Dirac, sono gli anni compresi tra il 1925 e il 1931: un periodo in cui il fisico fornisce la prima spiegazione chiara e coerente delle proprietà di spin dell'elettrone (equazione di Dirac) e perviene, in forza della pura deduzione matematica, alla scoperta dell'esistenza dell'elettrone positivo o positrone.

  8. Dall’estetica alla teoria. Note sulla transestetica della letteratura

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    Lorenzo Oropallo


    Full Text Available Come ha messo in rilievo Paul De Man, la teoria della letteratura nasce insieme alla letteratura stessa, dunque a partire dal primo romanticismo tedesco e la sua riflessione intorno alla natura dell'arte. In questo senso, la teoria letteraria non si oppone alla pratica della scrittura, ma alla sua estetica, che quindi è necessario superare.

  9. Prospettive educative per generare e ri-generare le rappresentazioni di genere. Riflessioni da una ricerca.

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    Stefano Benini


    Full Text Available Lo scritto segue gli esiti di una ricerca qualitativa “rappresentazione di genere” su  172 adolescenti di Bologna e Rimini.  I dati raccolti sono letti da un punto di vista pedagogico al fine di delineare tracce e metodi per facilitare le ragazze e i ragazzi alla scoperta di sé e a progettarsi nel proprio essere e divenire femmine e maschi.

  10. Alla scoperta di TV-Glad prima emittente per disabili

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chemi, Tatiana


    the moving story of the first tv-channel for and made by collaborators with handicaps. The Danish broadcast, which is quickly expanding globally, exporting its unique example of tolerance, fantasy and hard work....

  11. Tempo cambiamento invarianza

    CERN Document Server

    Toraldo di Francia, Giuliano


    Il tempo e la grammatica. Tra soggettivo e oggettivo. La scoperta dell'intersoggettivo. Qual è il tempo vero? Gl'invarianti. Le leggi classiche del mondo fisico. La probabilità, personaggio centrale. Irreversibilità, complessità, caos. Il tempo relativo. La storia. Si tratta di temi e riflessioni che riguardano le scienze dure della natura. "Quelle scienze, scrive l'autore, come spero di riuscire ad argomentare nelle pagine che seguono, oggi non sono più così separate e lontane dalle scienze storiche come furono in passato. Ci fu in quelle lezioni un problema di scelta: che cosa è essenziale offrire alla meditazione di chi intende dedicarsi alla ricerca e allo studio degli eventi storici".

  12. Dalla microfisica alla macrofisica

    CERN Document Server

    Caldirola, Piero


    La scoperta delle leggi che reggono il micromondo, effettuata dai creatori della fisica quantistica, rappresenta, assieme a quella della relatività, il maggior progresso compiuto dalla fisica nel XX secolo. Fino a poco fa però, malgrado i suoi successi, la meccanica quantistica era ancora mal compresa soprattutto nelle sue conseguenze filosofiche, e fonte di dibattiti senza fine. Spiaceva infatti, come spiace ancora, a molti il dover usare due linguaggi del tutto diversi per descrivere il micro- e il macromondo, per cui la fisica quantistica appariva come un incidente, uno stadio provvisorio nel cammino della scienza. Fu però la stessa ricerca a mettere in evidenza l'esistenza di sistemi macroscopici, quali l'elio liquido, i superconduttori, il laser, descrivibili solamente attraverso le leggi quantistiche. Si comprese allora essere queste un ponte gettato fra il micro- e il macromondo. Il libro vuole illustrare queste leggi in maniera non divulgativa ma concettuale, cioè limitando al minimo l'uso del for...

  13. Dio gioca a dadi ?

    CERN Document Server

    Stewart, Ian


    E' ancora possibile darsi leggi e regole di carattere generale in questa realtà apparentemente disordinata? Si, a patto di adottare il punto di vista della "teoria del caos", un formidabile strumento matematico sviluppato negli ultimi anni che ha dato il via ad una vera e propria rivoluzione scientifica. Steward guida il lettore alla scoperta degli aspetti principali della teoria e delle sue conseguenze più sorprendenti, senza appesantire la trattazione con eccessivi formalismi matematici.

  14. Cinema ed enogastronomia nel portale turistico della Regione Toscana


    Corinto, Gian Luigi


    Il presente lavoro tratta il caso della Regione Toscana che dal 2005 ha affidato alla Fondazione Sistema Toscana la missione di coordinare strategicamente le attività di promozione territoriale, tra cui le attività della film commission e del portale web dedicato al turismo. Lo scopo è quello di analizzare il modello di promozione degli itinerari enogastronomici e cinematografici come presentato dal portale turistico toscano. L'analisi dimostra che la scoperta dell'enogastronomia regionale è ...

  15. Camminabilità e capacità urbane: valutazione e supporto alla decisione e alla pianificazione urbanistica

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    Ivan Blečić


    Full Text Available L’articolo propone una metodologia di valutazione della camminabilità (walkability urbana ed il rispettivo strumento software di supporto alla decisione ed alla pianificazione urbanistica. Nella parte introduttiva discutiamo la rilevanza del concetto di camminabilità per la qualità urbana ed offriamo un suo inquadramento teorico all’interno dell’approccio alle capacità (capability approach. La parte centrale è dedicata alla presentazione del modello spaziale e multicriteriale di valutazione della camminabilità. La nostra costruzione della camminabilità nel modello propone un certo ribaltamento di prospettiva rispetto ai metodi sinora proposti: anziché valutare quanto un determinato luogo è in sé camminabile, il punteggio di camminabilità calcolato riflette come e verso dove una persona può intraprendere una camminata a partire da quel luogo; in altre parole, non quanto è camminabile, ma invece qual è la camminabilità di cui il luogo è dotato. Per questo, il punteggio di camminabilità combina tre componenti: (1 il numero di destinazioni di interesse/opportunità urbane raggiungibili a piedi; (2 le loro distanze; (3 la qualità dei percorsi pedonali verso queste destinazioni. La qualità dei percorsi pedonali è valutata in base a diversi attributi rilevanti per la camminabilità, che fanno riferimento a caratteristiche proprie della strada e dell’ambiente circostante in grado di contribuire a rendere il percorso piacevole, sicuro ed attrattivo. A titolo illustrativo viene nella terza parte dell’articolo presentato un esempio di applicazione del modello alla città di Alghero.

  16. Kapoyt/blu: alla scoperta della storia armena di un colore

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    Marco Bais


    Full Text Available The study begins with an analysis of the semantics of the Armenian word kapoyt, blue, taking into account its different uses in Armenian literature, e.g. its possible connection with natural elements (lakes, seas, sky, etc., clothes, diseases, precious stones, and toponyms. Great attention has been paid to the metaphorical meanings of kapoyt in Armenian tradition, which are related with feelings such as envy, jealousy, and sorrow. The second part of the study deals with the colour blue as a mean of artistic expression. On the one hand, the symbolism of blue has been investigated through the reflection on the aesthetics of colour found in the works of some Armenian Christian authors of the Middle Ages. On the other, we analyse different types of pigment used by Armenian artists in different times and in different schools, according to the information of ancient handbooks on colour production, and on the basis of data concerning the trade in colouring matters.

  17. Materia strana romanzo scientifico

    CERN Document Server

    Gómez Cadenas, Juan José


    Nel Laboratorio europeo per la fisica delle particelle, il CERN di Ginevra, sta per vedere la luce uno dei più grandi progressi scientifici di tutti i tempi: la scoperta di un nuovo stato della materia, il cosiddetto "plasma di quark". La direttrice del CERN, Helena Le Guin, teme però che insieme al plasma si stiano formando grumi letali di materia strana, in grado di scatenare una reazione a catena che potrebbe distruggere l'intero pianeta. Mentre Helena cerca disperatamente di far fronte alla crisi, a Ginevra arrivano Irene de Ávila, una giovane e promettente fisica teorica, e il maggiore Héctor Espinosa, un militare americano assegnato alla sede dell'ONU per lavorare a un progetto ultrasegreto legato alla non proliferazione delle armi nucleari: inizia così un'appassionante vicenda in cui convergono rivalità scientifiche, peripezie personali e rischiose operazioni di spionaggio che porteranno i protagonisti fino in Iran.

  18. The Theory of Evolution in contemporary culture. Biological evolution and cultural evolution [with english version

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giorgio Forti


    Full Text Available La teoria dell’Evoluzione biologica alla luce delle conoscenze acquisite dalla biologia molecolare, dall’immunologia e  dall’embriologia: la “mutazione adattativa”, sua scoperta nei batteri e sua realtà negli organismi superiori. Statistica degli eventi rari e “piano intelligente”. Eredità dei caratteri acquisiti durante l’epigenesi: Darwin e Lamarck. Struttura del cervello e mente umana: il ruolo dell’eredità biologica e quello di ambiente, apprendimento ed esperienze nella formazione ed evoluzione della mente personale. Arbitrarietà e ridondanza nell’evoluzione biologica e nell’evoluzione del linguaggio umano.

  19. Carrara e le sue cave. Alla scoperta dei paesaggi del marmo

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    Francesco Alberti


    Full Text Available The article describes the strategic master plan drawn in 2007 by P. Giorgieri and F. Alberti, along with a marketing study by SL&A (Rome, for promoting tourism through the places of white marble in Carrara - quarries, sculpture ateliers, exhibition spaces, villages and trails of old quarries, etc.. The proposal is part of the Integrated Plan for Urban Sustainable Development (PIUSS presented with success by the Municipality to the Region Tuscany in 2010, for the allocation of the European structural funds. The plan is structured on six touristic itineraries, some of which follow the routes of the old “Marble Railway”, linking the town center with the extraction areas (with their active or dismissed quarries belonging to different times and the footpaths of the Park of the Apuan Alps.

  20. Campania: territorio e città di fronte alla sfida della logistica

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    Giuseppe Mazzeo


    Full Text Available All’interno del sistema territoriale meridionale la Regione Campania si presenta come un polo importante nel settore del trasporto e dello smistamento delle merci. Questo ruolo si è venuto rinforzando in seguito alla realizzazione di infrastrutture dedicate alla logistica, connesse ad infrastrutture di supporto. Il sistema campano presenta punte di eccellenza di livello nazionale che possono incentivare il ruolo della Regione in questo settore, ma presenta anche fattori negativi che possono rallentare il decollo del settore. Si fa riferimento alle strozzature infrastrutturali e gestionali che ne inceppano l’efficienza, ma anche alla debolezza del sistema produttivo regionale che non garantisce una massa critica locale alla logistica campana. Un terzo aspetto è la mancanza di un chiaro disegno di programmazione degli investimenti e una maggiore chiarezza dei ruoli da assegnare alle diverse iniziative, nate soprattutto sulla base di spinte localistiche non coordinate. Il paper analizza la situazione della logistica territoriale in Campania e delle sue interrelazioni territoriali individuando punti di forza e di debolezza e potenziali fattori evolutivi. Gli aspetti della logistica che vengono affrontati sono di tipo territoriale e si differenziano da quelli della logistica urbana per la quantità di merci movimentate e per la concentrazione in pochi poli strategici, in quanto queste piattaforme logistiche richiedono attrezzature specializzate e ampi spazi per la movimentazione e il deposito. L’analisi del rapporto tra territorio e logistica individua quelli che sono i principali elementi di interconnessione e, spesso, di crisi, nell’uso dello spazio fisico, in ragione degli obiettivi a volte divergenti tra il governo del territorio ed i soggetti economici. Si passa successivamente ad analizzare lo stato del movimento merci in relazione alla portualità mediterranea e lo stato del sistema logistico campano (non ancora definito in tutte le

  1. Ad populum. Parlare alla pancia: retoriche del populismo in Europa

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    Yulia Ivanova


    Full Text Available Recensiamo il libro Ad populum. Parlare alla pancia: retorica del populismo in Europa. Eds. Bruno Capaci e Giuditta Spassini. Bologna: I libri di Emil di Odoya srl., 2016. Stampa. Review of Ad populum. Parlare alla pancia: retorica del populismo in Europa. Eds. Bruno Capaci and Giuditta Spassini. Bologna: I libri di Emil di Odoya srl., 2016. Print

  2. Particelle e nuclei un'introduzione ai concetti fisici

    CERN Document Server

    Povh, Bogdan; Scholz, Christoph; Zetsche, Frank


    Basato sulle lezioni tenute dagli autori all'Università di Heidelberg, il libro offre una panoramica completa e aggiornata della fisica nucleare e delle particelle, per la prima volta presentate in modo unitario. Nella prima delle due parti di cui si compone il volume il lettore viene guidato alla scoperta dei "mattoni dell'universo". L'antica aspirazione ad arrivare, per successive scomposizioni della materia, a una descrizione del mondo in termini di pochi oggetti elementari sembra confortata dalle ultime acquisizioni della fisica: il modello standard, in particolare, offre una spiegazione molto elegante delle complesse interazioni tra particelle.

  3. Il rumore elettrico Dalla fisica alla progettazione

    CERN Document Server

    Pallottino, Giovanni Vittorio


    L’opera fornisce una trattazione chiara, agile ed essenziale, ma completa, del rumore elettrico, argomento considerato generalmente oscuro e specialistico. Molto più breve (circa 275mila battute) dei testi attualmente disponibili. Il contenuto copre gli aspetti essenziali della matematica e della fisica del rumore (termico, shot. 1/f, …), e della sua rappresentazione nei circuiti. Discute quindi il rumore nei dispositivi passivi e attivi, e introduce i criteri di progettazione a basso rumore. Affronta infine brevemente questioni quali l’estrazione del segnale dal rumore e gli impieghi utili del rumore. L’attenzione è generalmente rivolta alla strumentazione fisica a bassa frequenza, in relazione alla pluridecennale esperienza specifica dell’autore. Si tratta di una estensione delle dispense, utilizzate per anni, di un corso universitario. Pertanto la trattazione è fortemente didattica, con particolare attenzione a rimuovere ambiguità e incertezze, discutendo il materiale in termini fisici intuit...

  4. A caccia del bosone di Higgs magneti, governi, scienziati e particelle nell'impresa scientifica del secolo

    CERN Document Server

    Maiani, Luciano


    Nel luglio 2012 veniva confermata sperimentalmente, presso i laboratori del CERN di Ginevra, l'esistenza del "bosone di Higgs", la più piccola di tutte le particelle subatomiche fino ad ora scoperte, teorizzata da Peter Higgs fin dal lontano 1964 e divulgata al mondo come "la particella di Dio". Una scoperta che costituisce un fondamentale passo avanti nella fisica delle particelle e nella conferma del modello standard dell'universo, in direzione di quella Teoria del Tutto, la teoria unificata delle forze, che la fisica insegue da decenni. Per giungere alla prima conferma sperimentale sono stati necessari quasi 50 anni di ricerche teoriche e la costruzione della macchina più grande del mondo, l'LHC, Large Hadron Collider, un anello lungo 27 chilometri situato a 100 metri di profondità nel territorio di Ginevra. Una sfida sul cui successo, all'inizio, pochi avrebbero scommesso e che si accompagna alla storia stessa del CERN, il Consiglio Europeo per la Ricerca Nucleare di cui Luciano Maiani è stato diretto...

  5. L’Igea delle Terme Milano: il contesto di rinvenimento

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    Pietro Mecozzi


    Full Text Available Lʹarticolo prende in esame il contesto di rinvenimento della testa marmorea di Igea recentemente scoperta a Gortina. In particolare intende fornire un quadro generale delle diverse fasi evolutive delle cosiddette Terme Milano e dell’area da esse occupata, dal punto di vista stratigrafico e cronologico. L’attenzione è volta per lo più alle ultime campagne di scavo, che hanno interessato l’area orientale delle Terme. L’articolo presenta inoltre una descrizione specifica del muro all’interno del quale è stata rinvenuta la scultura ed i confronti con altre strutture simili e coeve rinvenute nel sito di Gortina, con particolare attenzione alla comune tecnica costruttiva.

  6. Diavolo di una particella perchè il bosone di Higgs cambierà la nostra vita

    CERN Document Server

    Menasce, Dario


    Lo scienziato del Cern Dario Menasce ha partecipato direttamente agli esperimenti che hanno condotto alla scoperta del Bosone di Higgs, ma , prima di condurre il lettore all'interno dell'LHC e dei suoi misteri, con coinvolgimento e grande serietà guida il lettore attraverso i momenti più importanti delle ricerche della fisica tramite l'intervento dei grandi scienziati del passato e del presente, che hanno infine permesso di arrivare a definire il Modello Standard delle particelle, il primo passo verso l'ipotetica Teoria del Tutto. Un testo molto utile per chi vuole sondare il mondo dell'ultrasottile, che riprendo in più occasioni anche come manuale di consultazione e approfondimento.

  7. Idraulica dei sistemi fognari dalla teoria alla pratica

    CERN Document Server

    Gisonni, Corrado


    La progettazione dei sistemi fognari e dei manufatti in essi presenti richiede un’attenta conoscenza delle leggi che regolano i fenomeni idraulici, con particolare riferimento alle correnti idriche a superficie libera. Partendo dalle nozioni fondamentali dell’Idraulica, il testo intende colmare alcune importanti lacune che ancora caratterizzano la letteratura italiana nel settore e che spesso sono alla base di errori progettuali, con ovvie conseguenze sulla sicurezza dei centri abitati (come testimoniato dai frequenti fenomeni di allagamento che sono stati registrati negli ultimi anni). Il libro è rivolto agli allievi dei corsi di studio nel settore dell’ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale. Particolare interesse è rivolto ai professionisti operanti nel settore della ingegneria idraulica e della pianificazione urbana, per i quali è forte l’esigenza di testi che contengano indicazioni di carattere sia teorico sia pratico, finalizzate alla progettazione di sistemi di drenaggio nei centri abitati.

  8. La mimesis al servizio della giustizia nel film di Angelopoulos Anaparastassi

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    Paola Fallerini


    Full Text Available Un uomo viene ucciso dalla moglie e dal suo amante in uno sperduto villaggio dell’Epiro. L’episodio, ispirato ad un fatto di cronaca, è l’espediente narrativo del primo lungometraggio di Theo Angelopoulos, Anaparastassi (Ricostruzione di un delitto, 1970, nel quale la ricostruzione delle dinamiche del delitto si traduce in una critica al sistema giudiziario che, concentrato soprattutto nella ricerca dei colpevoli, non tiene conto di situazioni di degrado economico sociale e morale. Il film di Angelopoulos è stato girato durante la dittatura dei Colonnelli: in un clima di sopraffazione e censura il regista riesce a inserire all’interno della trama apparentemente innocua di un giallo-poliziesco una forte denuncia nei confronti del sistema sociale e politico. La mimesis è qui intesa come ricostruzione del reale e come interpretazione, dove il traguardo della verità assoluta diventa una utopia che mette in discussione il sistema giudiziario stesso. Si parte dall’assunto che il diritto e la legge hanno bisogno di una rappresentazione per poter esercitare la propria funzione: operano su una scena che non è mai la realtà, anche se reali sono gli effetti della funzione giudicatrice. Questo corto circuito tra realtà e rappresentazione nel sistema giudiziario viene analizzato da Angelopoulos ricorrendo anche ai temi del mito, del ritorno e dell’esilio, e affidandosi alla struttura narrativa del giallo, pur tradendone sistematicamente le regole: non c’è mistero dietro a questo delitto, lo spettatore viene accompagnato alla scoperta di meccanismi e leggi di portata universale, dove non sono le risposte che contano piuttosto la scoperta di nuovi interrogativi probabilmente senza soluzione. In questo film sono già presenti gli elementi stilistici che caratterizzeranno le opere successive del regista greco, primo tra tutti l’effetto di straniamento attraverso il quale è possibile risolvere la dicotomia tra realtà e rappresentazione.

  9. Predicting glass-forming compositions in the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gargarella, P.; de Oliveira, M.F.; Kiminami, C.S.; Pauly, S.; Kuehn, U.; Bolfarini, C.; Botta, W.J.; Eckert, J.


    Research highlights: → The glass-forming ability of the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems was studied using the λ* and the λ.Δe criteria. → Both criteria predicted with just 1% at. of error the best glass-former verified so far in the Al-La system. → Four new glass-former compositions could be predicted in the Al-La-Ni system using the λ.Δe criterion. → The best glass-former reported so far in the Al-La-Ni system was found. - Abstract: In this work, a criterion considering the topological instability (λ) and the differences in the electronegativity of the constituent elements (Δe) was applied to the Al-La and Al-Ni-La systems in order to predict the best glass-forming compositions. The results were compared with literature data and with our own experimental data for the Al-La-Ni system. The alloy described in the literature as the best glass former in the Al-La system is located near the point with local maximum for the λ.Δe criterion. A good agreement was found between the predictions of the λ.Δe criterion and literature data in the Al-La-Ni system, with the region of the best glass-forming ability (GFA) and largest supercooled liquid region (ΔT x ) coinciding with the best compositional region for amorphization indicated by the λ.Δe criterion. Four new glassy compositions were found in the Al-La-Ni system, with the best predicted composition presenting the best glass-forming ability observed so far for this system. Although the λ.Δe criterion needs further refinements for completely describe the glass-forming ability in the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems, the results demonstrated that this criterion is a good tool to predict new glass-forming compositions.

  10. Meccanica quantistica e senso comune

    CERN Document Server

    Albert, David Z


    Come base di una tecnologia di consumo che comprende il laser e il transistor, la meccanica quantistica è tutt'altro che nuova (il "quanto di energia" è familiare anche ai profani), e resta però, nei suoi fondamenti concettuali, un enigma inquietante. Visti da vicino, i fenomeni più semplici pongono continue sfide alla logica e al senso comune, e se la scoperta da parte di Einstein che lo spazio e il tempo sono di fatto un "continuum" deformabile colse il mondo di sorpresa, la nuova meccanica, rivelando un elemento di incertezza e di imprevedibilità al fondo delle cose, fu un vero e proprio trauma, dal quale la fisica non si è mai del tutto ripresa.

  11. Aristotele, Einstein e gli altri i grandi scienziati tra pensiero e vita quotidiana

    CERN Document Server

    Fischer, Ernst Peter


    Abbiamo spesso un'idea confusa di quelle che sono state le vite degli uomini che hanno consacrato all'impresa scientifica le loro migliori energie. Eppure, non solo nell'arte e nella filosofia, ma anche nella scienza "lo stile è l'uomo" e la psicologia del singolo scienziato può rivelarsi il miglior aiuto per capire la logica della scoperta scientifica. Questa è una "storia della scienza raccontata agli amici davanti al caminetto", come l'autore stesso definisce la propria opera. Che non è soltanto una ricostruzione puntuale delle svolte principali che hanno portato alla scienza contemporanea, ma un racconto delle vicende personali di tutti quegli scienziati che sono stati divorati dalla passione del conoscere.

  12. La qualità dell'eLearning Un approccio qualitativo per l'analisi dei feedback degli studenti e dei docenti

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    Patrizia Ghislandi


    Full Text Available La discussione sulla qualità dell'eLearning accademico si sta orientando verso una critica dei modelli di qualità più legati alla produzione industriale, che sono principalmente fondati sulla conformità a standards prestabiliti, i quali a loro volta richiedono generalmente metodi di valutazione quantitativi (Ehlers & Schneckenberg, 2010, Ghislandi, 2008, 2012. In ambito formativo questo implica una visione molto centrata sui risultati (outputs e sull'impatto (outcomes, con scarsa attenzione ai processi. Una visione innovativa della qualità richiede la profonda comprensione di elementi contestuali complessi, delle interazioni e dimensioni relazionali spesso invisibili dagli strumenti quantitativi; e, soprattutto, della generazione di logiche partecipate che aumentino la consapevolezza degli attori coinvolti nei processi che portano alla qualità del modello formativo. In questo lavoro, attraverso la presentazione di uno studio di caso di formazione continua blended, viene introdotto un approccio per il monitoraggio della qualità dell'eLearning. Tale approccio predilige metodologie di analisi qualitativa e partecipata, basate sulla riflessione e  sull’utilizzo di rubric per l’analisi dell’attività formativa. Tale approccio, secondo le autrici, risulta coerente sia dal punto di vista metodologico sia da quello epistemologico, con una nuova visione della qualità come processo continuo di riflessione sulla valutazione dell'esperienza formativa alla scoperta del senso e dei valori portanti della stessa.

  13. La Carta Geomorfologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000 Un fondamentale strumento per la pianificazione territoriale

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    Roberto Graciotti


    Full Text Available Con l’avvio del Progetto CARG (Cartografia geologica e geotematica alla fine degli anni Ottanta ad opera del Servizio Geologico Nazionale (SGN, la cartografia geomorfologica assume per il nostro Paese una particolare importanza per la sua rilevanza scientifica, soprattutto nel campo della conoscenza fisica del territorio applicata alla pianificazione territoriale.

  14. Baltimaade rahvusraamatukogude direktorid kirjutasid alla koostööleppele / Annika Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Annika, 1964-


    23. aprillil 2014 kirjutasid Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu peadirektor Janne Andresoo, Läti Rahvusraamatukogu direktor Andris Vilks ja Leedu Rahvusraamatukogu peadirektor Renaldas Gudauskas alla koostööd tihendavale memorandumile. Artiklile on lisatud koostöömemorandumi tekst

  15. «... Cercare l'esperienza alla sua fonte». Il dono della verità

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    Vincenzo Vitiello


    Full Text Available Un cammino nel territorio della conoscenza, da Wittgenstein a Kant, da Aristotele a Platone, con finale apertura all’etica dell’«accanto», dell’io tu a se medesimo e di se medesimo, ovvero: alla filosofia come testimonianza, alla verità come dono d’altri. «...Look for the experience at its source». The gift of truth A path into the territory of knowledge, from Wittgenstein to Kant, from Aristotle to Plato, with a final opening to the ethics of 'beside', of the I (that is «You» towards Himself and of Himself; that is, to philosophy as witness, to truth as others' gift.


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    Paolo Magrini


    Full Text Available Nella presente nota è descritta Typhloreicheia flaviae n. sp., scoperta nella Grotta di Istirzili N° 50 Sa/NU, 507 m s.l.m. (Sardegna centro-orientale, Supramonte di Baunei, Ogliastra. La nuova specie è affine a T. casalei Magrini, Marcia & Onnis, 2011, nota di una grotta del Supramonte di Urzulei, ma se ne differenzia per numerosi caratteri indicati nel testo e illustrati nelle figure; in particolare: dimensioni nettamente minori, corpo più depresso, tegumenti meno lucidi, pronoto più ristretto alla base, lobo mediano dell’edeago con apice più appuntito in visione laterale e meno inclinato ventralmente, in visione ventrale più dritto e simmetrico, lamella copulatrice con apice conformato diversamente. La nuova specie non presenta caratteri adattativi alla vita ipogea particolarmente evidenti, ma è complessivamente simile ad altri taxa, endogei o tipici dell’MSS, reperiti recentemente in cavità della Sardegna orientale e meridionale: T. carlonnisi Magrini, Marcia & Casale, 2011, T. casalei Magrini, Marcia & Onnis, 2011 e T. grafittii Magrini, Onnis, Casale & Marcia, 2012. Sono inoltre riportate alcune note addizionali sulla distribuzione di Typhloreicheia bulirschi Magrini & Bastianini, 2011 nella Sardegna meridionale.

  17. Il diritto alla salute dello straniero nell’ordinamento italiano


    Monego, Davide


    The author provides a framework of the application of the provisions set up by the legislative decree no. 286/1998 on immigration, that is the most effective measure to protect migrants’ right to health. L'autore fornisce un quadro di applicazione delle disposizioni istituite dal decreto legislativo n. 286/1998 sull'immigrazione, che è la misura più efficace per proteggere il diritto dei migranti alla salute.

  18. Production of biogenic amines in "Salamini italiani alla cacciatora PDO". (United States)

    Coı X0308 Sson, Jean Daniel; Cerutti, Caterina; Travaglia, Fabiano; Arlorio, Marco


    Various fermented and seasoned foods such as cheese, sauerkraut, wine, beer and meat products may contain biogenic amines. The aim of this paper was to describe the presence of some biogenic amines (histamine, tyramine, tryptamine, 2-phenylethylamine) in "Salamini italiani alla cacciatora PDO", a typical fermented-ripened dry sausage widely consumed in Italy. Total level of biogenic amines in commercial samples ranged from 71 to 586 mg kg(-1). The amine recovered in higher concentrations was tyramine (372 mg kg(-1)) followed by histamine (165 mg kg(-1)). The second aim of this work was the quality control of the production in order to determine the parameters influencing the presence of biogenic amines in ripened salami. Sausages sampled for analysis during production, manipulation and ripening showed the presence of tyramine (64.4 mg kg(-1)) only after 15 days of fermentation. All investigated biogenic amines were detected in "Salamini" after 21 days of fermentation. We suggest the control of biogenic as important tool to establish the better condition of preservation of "Salamini italiani alla cacciatore PDO" during their shelf-life.

  19. uomo e galantuomo dai testi alla scena. esperienze di filologia e ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dalla scena virtuale alla scena reale, in Miscellanea eduardiana in memoria di. Franco Carmelo Greco, Napoli, ESI, 200O. Sono in corso di pubblicazione altri due miei lavori rispettivamente su L'officina di Eduardo: esperienze di filologia e semiotica (titolo della relazione da me tenuta al Convegno Maschere e Metamorfosi ...

  20. Lapimaal alla kukkunud kopterit juhtis Eesti piirivalve piloot / Küllike Rooväli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rooväli, Küllike, 1969-


    21. septembril Soomes Lapimaal Vuotso küla lähedal alla kukkunud väikekopterit Schweizer 300C juhtis eestlane - piirivalve lennusalga päästekopteri teine piloot Rannel Vassiljev. Lisa, kaart: Kopteriõnnetus Lapimaal

  1. Viljandimaal läheb kaitse alla viis kanakulli pesa / Renno Nellis ; interv. Liisi Seil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nellis, Renno, 1982-


    Vestlus Kotkaklubi eksperdi Renno Nellisega, kes aitab organiseerida kanakulli püsielupaikade kaitse alla võtmist. Vt. samas ka artiklit: Seil, Liisi "Metsaülemad suhtuvad pesade kaitsmisse mitut moodi"

  2. Il diritto alla salute dei migranti nei Paesi Bassi


    Romeo, Graziella; Palazzo, Nausica


    L’articolo affronta il tema del diritto alla salute del migrante nei Paesi Bassi. Nel far ciò si propone innanzitutto di fornire un inquadramento riguardante la condizione dello straniero dal punto di vista lato sensu costituzionale, e le politiche di assimilazione dello straniero poste in essere dal governo in anni recenti. L’articolo intende in seguito di ricostruire le peculiarità del sistema sanitario olandese e le tipologie di migranti riconosciute a livello domestico, al fine di incroc...

  3. “Mne govorjat, kakaja bednost’ slovarja...” Il protosamizdat del periodo staliniano alla ricerca di un’espressività

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    Massimo Maurizio


    Full Text Available L’estetica della letteratura afferente al circuito samizdat dopo il XX congresso del PCUS (1956 è strettamente legata alla produzione non ufficiale del periodo staliniano, a sua volta definitasi secondo una relazione antitetica alla poesia proletaria degli anni Venti. Molte delle figure di rife- rimento di questo periodo hanno attinto il proprio linguaggio e gli strumenti poetici dall'arsenale espressivo e formale del Secolo d’Argento, sebbene differenziadosene notevolmente e adattan- dolo all'estetica che essi perseguivano, intimamente alternativa a quella realsocialista. La com- plessa poetica di autori quali E. Kropivnickij, Jan Satunovskj (come anche, in un periodo succes- sivo, il “discepolo” del primo G Sapgir e molti altri hanno attinto i tratti distintivi della propria produzione dalla rielaborazione dell’arte proletaria della prima metà degli anni Venti alla luce di una visione dissacrante e grottesca della contemporaneità, che emerge in primo luogo dall'aspetto delle loro opere poetiche.

  4. XX sajandi väärtarhitektuuri hakatakse kaitse alla võtma / Alo Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Alo


    Muinsuskaitseameti ja kultuuriministeeriumi käivitatud "Eesti XX sajandi arhitektuuri kaitsmise ja väärtustamise" projekti käigus valminud XX sajandi väärtarhitektuuri registrist, mis on eelduseks möödunud aastasaja huvitavamate ehitiste riikliku kaitse alla võtmisele

  5. L’invenzione linguistica alla scuola primaria : La didattica dell’italiano nell’esperienza montessoriana

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bonazzoli, C.; Gastaldi, F.; Gobbo, F.


    In questo contributo presentiamo gli aspetti relativi alla didattica dell’italiano all’interno del laboratorio linguistico sperimentale presso la Scuola Montessori Milano. Il laboratorio prevede una serie di incontri tra le insegnanti e i ricercatori, con interventi mirati di questi ultimi in

  6. Väärtuslikud setted jääksid kavandatava gaasitoru alla / Tanel Mazur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mazur, Tanel, 1971-


    Ilmunud ka: Narva Postiljon 1. sept. lk. 2. Akadeemik Anto Raukase sõnul ladestuvad Soome lahte Eesti majandustsooni raua- ja mangaanivarud, mis jääksid Vene-Saksa gaasijuhtme alla. Lisa: Maavara. Vt. samas: Gaasijuhtme rajaja külastus lõppes tulemusteta

  7. I capricci del caso Introduzione alla statistica, al calcolo delle probabilità e alla teoria degli errori

    CERN Document Server

    Piazza, Roberto


    I metodi probabilistici e statistici giocano un ruolo di primo piano sia nella scienza teorica e sperimentale che nelle applicazioni ingegneristiche, costituendo pertanto un elemento essenziale del bagaglio culturale che uno studente deve acquisire fin dai primi anni di apprendimento universitario. Questo libro, che nasce dall’esperienza didattica accumulata dall’autore nell’insegnamento dei metodi sperimentali, si propone di fornire un’introduzione al calcolo delle probabilità e alla teoria degli errori facendo uso di uno stile di presentazione volutamente informale e traendo spunto da concrete applicazioni sperimentali, spesso attraverso esempi di notevole importanza storica. Così, per esempio, argomenti quali il moto browniano, la diffusione di luce, il decadimento radioattivo, la fisiologia della visione, le statistiche quantistiche e di fotorivelazione, vengono utilizzati per delucidare concetti chiave dell’analisi statistica e probabilistica. Un'enfasi particolare è posta sull’origine e l...

  8. Il museo partecipativo sul web: forme di partecipazione dell’utente alla produzione culturale e alla creazione di valore culturale / The participatory museum on the Web: forms of user participation in cultural production and the creation of cultural value

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    Elisa Bonacini


    Full Text Available Obiettivo di questo lavoro è un inquadramento sia del nuovo rapporto fra il museo partecipativo e l’utenza che delle forme di partecipazione dell’utenza alla produzione culturale e alla creazione di valore culturale, alla luce delle potenzialità offerte dalle ICT, soprattutto dal web e dai vari social media. Questo nuovo rapporto, che ha le sue radici più profonde proprio nell’ampia adozione di tutte le piattaforme tecnologiche oggi in uso, consente anche una reinterpretazione del significato stesso di cultural value. Il quadro, che viene qui delineato ed arricchito da numerosi esempi soprattutto stranieri, chiarisce anche quanto l’aspetto partecipativo e l’utilizzo di tags, folksonomie e user generated contents possano incidere sulla fidelizzazione dell’utenza. Infine, in una tabella presentata a fine del contributo, si evidenziano le maggiori componenti che caratterizzano il definitivo passaggio dalla fase Museo 1.0 alla fase Museo 2.0. The aim of this paper is a framework both of the new relationship between the participatory museum and the audience and a framework of multiple forms of audience participation in cultural production and in the creation of cultural value, given the potential offered by ICTs, especially the web and various social media. This new relationship, which has its deepest roots just in the adoption of all technology platforms in use today, also allows for a reinterpretation of the meaning of cultural value. The framework, outlined here and enriched by numerous examples especially foreigners, also makes clear that participation and use of tags, folksonomies and user-generated contents may have an impact on users loyalty. Finally, presented in a table at the end of the paper, we highlight the most important features characterizing the transition from the Museum 1.0 phase to the Museum 2.0 one.

  9. Introduzione alla Teoria della elasticità Meccanica dei solidi continui in regime lineare elastico

    CERN Document Server

    Colombo, Luciano


    La meccanica dei solidi rappresenta un corpus di conoscenze di formidabile robustezza concettuale, di raffinata eleganza matematico-formale e di grandissima utilita’ applicativa. Come tale ha una valenza formativa molto forte in diversi campi delle scienze naturali (fisica della materia, scienza dei materiali), ingegneristiche (scienza delle costruzioni, ingegneria strutturale e meccanica) e matematiche (matematica applicata). La teoria della elasticita’costituisce inoltre uno dei punti-cardine su cui si articola il moderno paradigma di ricerca detto "modellazione multi-scala dei materiali", secondo il quale le proprieta’ di un materiale sono descritte tramite la concorrenza di metodi teorici affatto diversi: mentre alla nanoscala opera la meccanica quantistica, alla micro- e meso-scala opera il continuo. La conoscenza del continuo elastico abilita lo Studente di Fisica, di Scienza dei Materiali, di Matematica o l’Allievo Ingegnere a confrontarsi con questo moderno e affascinate strumento di ricerca s...

  10. Menetlejate küsitlemistehnikad : alla 14-aastaste laste ülekuulamisprotokollide analüüs / Kristjan Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kask, Kristjan, 1980-


    Alla 14-aastaste laste kohtueelse ülekuulamise videosalvestiste analüüsist. Ülevaade põhineb Justiitsministeeriumi poolt 2009. aastal läbi viidud uurimisprojektil "Alaealiste ülekuulamine kriminaalmenetluses". Tabelid

  11. Il Centro Nascita Montessori. Dal neonato in famiglia al bambino e alla famiglia nel servizio educativo

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    Laura Franceschini


    Full Text Available Intervento al Workshop Internazionale “Infanzie e Famiglie in Europa”, del 16 ottobre 2009, presso la Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Via Filippo Re, 6 Bologna (Aula Magna. L’intervento illustra i valori fondativi del Centro Nascita Montessori dalle sue origini ai giorni nostri attraverso un percorso che si è allargato nel tempo: dalla focalizzata attenzione e cura al neonato in famiglia o nel brefotrofio fino agli anni ’60 alla cura della crescita del bambino nei servizi educativi e alla cura della relazione con le famiglie dagli anni ‘70 in poi. Tale espansione del campo di interesse e d’indagine operativa ha arricchito il patrimonio di competenze e di conoscenze del C.N.M..

  12. La nuova fisica delle particelle e i segreti dell'universo un dialogo fra filosofia, scienza e religione

    CERN Document Server

    Bodei, Remo


    La Scuola della Cattedrale, presieduta da Monsignor Gianantonio Borgonovo, prosegue il suo ciclo di incontri con un evento culturale nel segno della fisica che esplora il mondo delle particelle. Guido Tonelli, fisico e professore ordinario dell’Università di Pisa, tratta degli eventi che hanno portato alla scoperta del bosone di Higgs al Cern di Ginevra dove è stato realizzato Lhc, l’acceleratore di particelle più potente del mondo, con un’analisi di materia e antimateria, energia e universo, per capire come tutto è cominciato e come forse andrà a finire. Dove potrà arrivare l’uomo con queste nuove visioni? Quali cambiamenti e traguardi sono ipotizzabili? Come leggere da un punto di vista religioso e filosofico questi nuovi scenari che la scienza prospetta? L’evento ha visto gli interventi di Monsignor Borgonovo e del filosofo Remo Bodei, professore emerito di Filosofia all’Università di Pisa.

  13. Sicurezza nazionale e diritto di libertà religiosa. Alcune considerazioni alla luce della recente esperienza statunitense

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    Pasquale Annicchino


    SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione – 2. La sorveglianza di massa alla luce del caso “Snowden” – 3. Il caso del New York Police Department – 4. Primo emendamento costituzionale e nuove tecnologie – 5. Conclusioni.

  14. Approcci innovativi alla mobilità urbana: il caso di Istanbul

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    Cecilia Scoppetta


    Full Text Available  L'attuale assetto dell'area metropolitana di Istanbul evidenzia con chiarezza il rapporto tra sistema della mobilità urbana ed espansione incontrollata del costruito. Gli strumenti di pianificazione utilizzati nel passato si sono rivelati inefficaci ed hanno prodotto una città in larga parte illegale che oggi appare ingovernabile. Tuttavia anche i nuovi strumenti del piano strategico e del progetto urbano sembrano mostrare i propri limiti. Una maggiore integrazione tra politiche urbane ancora troppo settoriali può contribuire alla definizione di approcci realmente innovativi.

  15. Per un'apologia della maschera

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    Alessio Bertò


    Full Text Available Il presente studio si propone, attraverso una breve esegesi delle teorie sulla maschera e il processo di mascheratura, rivalutare la funzione dell'atto e la figura del travestimento e la maschera, ridotta oggi – se non relegata in un uno strumento di lavoro tecnico – a mero strumento, astratto o concreto, di falsificazione o inganno progettato per nascondere la vera identità dell'utente. Il proposito di maschera della maschera come chiave di accesso a una realtà interiore del soggetto e come una liberazione del sé in stretti canali prefigurati dalla società sempre più impegnato nella formazione di modelli predefiniti di identità, può essere intesa analizzando il significato psicologico della maschera, insieme agli studi antropologici che hanno permesso la scoperta di segreti e le funzioni di questa nelle società antiche, così come nella contemporanea. Questo viaggio ci porterà alla la porta del Sé, in cui la maschera non nasconde un'altra identità, ma apre la strada alla produzione della Persona, permettere il soggetto di porsi al concorso di tutti i giorni della realtà, l’espressione dell'Essere-in-Mondo, per per consentire l'adattamento e la sopravvivenza, garantire la libertà di espressione senza perdersi nell'anonimato di una maschera di morte, "il conformismo e le mode (ideologicos, culturales, sociales, sono i guardiani segreti".

  16. Il mondo secondo la fisica quantistica segreti e meraviglie della scienza che sta cambiando la nostra vita

    CERN Document Server

    Fracas, Fabio


    Questo libro è un'avventura esclusiva e affascinante. Un viaggio, anche nel tempo, alla scoperta di qualcosa di nuovo e di straordinario: la Fisica Quantistica, nelle sue logiche, nelle sue potenzialità, nelle sue applicazioni e nei suoi possibili sviluppi. All'interno del volume vengono ricostruiti passo dopo passo i momenti fondamentali del pensiero quantistico, le questioni su cui si sono interrogati i più grandi scienziati degli ultimi decenni, e i diversi contesti nei quali si sono evoluti i principali modelli della Meccanica Quantistica. Sullo sfondo delle ricerche più attuali - come per esempio quella sulle onde gravitazionali che ha portato al Nobel per la Fisica 2017 -, vengono indagati anche i rapporti esistenti fra Fisica Quantistica, Relatività Einsteiniana e Teoria delle Stringhe. Inoltre, fra i tanti temi trattati nelle sue pagine, trovano spazio persino le incredibili ricadute che gli studi sulla Fisica Quantistica stanno avendo negli ambiti della medicina e delle ricerche sul cervello e s...

  17. Sculpture and Life. The Relation Between Form of Sculpture and Musical Character in the Sound Stone by Pinuccio Sciola

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    Rita Ladogana


    Full Text Available L’intervento si propone di illustrare i risultati più significativi e originali che lo scultore sardo Pinuccio Sciola ha raggiunto in anni di impegno e di ricerca artistica infaticabile. Dai grandi monoliti ai semi della pace, fino alla sorprendente scoperta dei litofoni, il percorso rivela esiti complessi che contemplano, con particolare insistenza nella produzione degli ultimi anni, una stretta connessione tra scultura, musica e architettura. Da quando Sciola scopre che i grossi blocchi di basalto e di calcare, da lui sempre trattati con lo scalpello o col disco dello smeriglio, custodiscono un’anima musicale, l’atto creativo si concentra unicamente nella ricerca di una giusta sintesi tra oggetto scultoreo dalla chiara valenza estetica e potenzialità acustico-sonore dello scolpire. La voce della materia emana suoni di straordinaria complessità condizionati, oltre che dall’azione dell’artista, dall’interazione con gli elementi della natura, con gli elementi atmosferici, con la realtà tutta che li circonda.

  18. Cercare mondi esplorazioni avventurose ai confini dell'universo

    CERN Document Server

    Tonelli, Guido


    Abitiamo un sottile guscio sferico, di pochi chilometri di spessore, intorno alla superficie della Terra. Anche se esploriamo gli abissi più profondi dell'oceano o scaliamo le vette dell'Himalaya, il nostro regno ha dimensioni ridicole. Per questo, se riflettiamo su quelle dell'universo, ci resta una sensazione di lieve sgomento. Non solo. Il nostro piccolo mondo è anche popolato di chimere, fantasmi e terribili inganni: pensiamo che quello che percepiamo sia reale, invece tutto cambia appena ci allontaniamo dall'angolo tranquillo in cui si svolge la nostra esistenza. Quando cerchiamo di capire i fenomeni che si osservano nel meraviglioso tappeto di galassie che ricopre la volta stellata, o quelli che caratterizzano la materia nei suoi componenti elementari, dobbiamo rinunciare alle certezze che governano la nostra vita e intraprendere un viaggio vertiginoso che lascia senza fiato. Guido Tonelli, fisico al Cern di Ginevra e uno dei padri della scoperta del bosone di Higgs, ci fa compiere questo viaggio irri...

  19. The law aspects of biotechnology patenting. The living source between discovery and invention; Aspetti giuridici del brevetto biotecnologico. La materia vivente tra scoperta e invenzione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontanella, G.; Cantale, C.; Galeffi, P. [ENEA, Divisione Biotecnologie e Agricoltura, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy); Ariemma, S. [ENEA, Unita' Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    points which could obstruct all future development in the biotech industry (possibly the first aim of the legislation) in cases of servile application of a law which is in reality aimed at securing rights. [Italian] Questo lavoro e' stato svolto in collaborazione con l'Universita' di Roma 3, nell'ambito della preparazione della tesi di laurea del Dott. Gianluca Fontanella. Questa trattazione si e' posta lo scopo di fornire un quadro normativo il piu' possibile omogeneo ed esauriente dell'effettiva situazione esistente nel settore biotecnologico, soffermandosi su uno degli aspetti portanti e piu' controversi in materia, quello, cioe', della definizione dell'oggetto brevettuale, alla luce dell'entrata in vigore della Direttiva 98/44/CE sulla tutela giudirica delle invenzioni biotecnologiche. Nella prima parte del rapporto, data la tecnicita' e la interdisciplinarieta' della materia, e' stato introdotto il tema da un punto di vista piu' generale con riferimento alla definizione del concetto di biotecnologie delle motivazioni che hanno indotto il legislatore ad incidere sul quadro normativo esistente, dando spazio ad un'organica e completa opera di raccolta e di interpretazione dei testi normativi nazionali ed internazionali piu' rilevanti, precedenti alla Direttiva 98/44/CE, in tema di tutela brevettuale, e di biotecnologie in particolare. Nella seconda parte, invece, si e' entrati nel merito della questione della individuazione di cosa sia possibile brevettare alla luce dell'entrata in vigore della Direttiva 98/44/CE, attraverso un accurato esame del testo normativo nella parte in cui analizza e definisce l'ogetto brevettuale in campo biotecnologico. In particolare, e' stata affrontata la questione della brevettualita' della materia vivente, analizzando anche, in modo precipuo, i concetti limitrofi, per natura del trovato, di varieta' vegetale e di razza

  20. The law aspects of biotechnology patenting. The living source between discovery and invention; Aspetti giuridici del brevetto biotecnologico. La materia vivente tra scoperta e invenzione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontanella, G; Cantale, C; Galeffi, P [ENEA, Divisione Biotecnologie e Agricoltura, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy); Ariemma, S [ENEA, Unita' Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    points which could obstruct all future development in the biotech industry (possibly the first aim of the legislation) in cases of servile application of a law which is in reality aimed at securing rights. [Italian] Questo lavoro e' stato svolto in collaborazione con l'Universita' di Roma 3, nell'ambito della preparazione della tesi di laurea del Dott. Gianluca Fontanella. Questa trattazione si e' posta lo scopo di fornire un quadro normativo il piu' possibile omogeneo ed esauriente dell'effettiva situazione esistente nel settore biotecnologico, soffermandosi su uno degli aspetti portanti e piu' controversi in materia, quello, cioe', della definizione dell'oggetto brevettuale, alla luce dell'entrata in vigore della Direttiva 98/44/CE sulla tutela giudirica delle invenzioni biotecnologiche. Nella prima parte del rapporto, data la tecnicita' e la interdisciplinarieta' della materia, e' stato introdotto il tema da un punto di vista piu' generale con riferimento alla definizione del concetto di biotecnologie delle motivazioni che hanno indotto il legislatore ad incidere sul quadro normativo esistente, dando spazio ad un'organica e completa opera di raccolta e di interpretazione dei testi normativi nazionali ed internazionali piu' rilevanti, precedenti alla Direttiva 98/44/CE, in tema di tutela brevettuale, e di biotecnologie in particolare. Nella seconda parte, invece, si e' entrati nel merito della questione della individuazione di cosa sia possibile brevettare alla luce dell'entrata in vigore della Direttiva 98/44/CE, attraverso un accurato esame del testo normativo nella parte in cui analizza e definisce l'ogetto brevettuale in campo biotecnologico. In particolare, e' stata affrontata la questione della brevettualita' della materia vivente, analizzando anche, in modo precipuo, i concetti limitrofi, per natura del trovato, di varieta' vegetale e di razza animale. In conclusione alla Direttiva 98/44/CE e' stato riconosciuto il pregio di aver rappresentato il primo testo

  1. La partecipazione dei fedeli laici alla vita pubblica. Testimonianza cristiana, etica pubblica e bene comune nell’insegnamento di Benedetto XVI

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    Fabio Franceschi


    Full Text Available Versione riveduta e ampliata, nel testo e nell’apparato bibliografico, della relazione presentata con il titolo “L’impegno dei fedeli laici nella vita pubblica tra responsabilità propria, libertà e dovere di obbedienza al magistero. L’insegnamento di Benedetto XVI” al Convegno di studi “Il fedele laico: realtà e prospettive”, organizzato dalla Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (7-8 aprile 2011. Il contributo è destinato alla pubblicazione negli Atti del Convegno. SOMMARIO: 1. Considerazioni introduttive. Natura essenzialmente laicale della responsabilità politica - 2. L’intervento della Chiesa nel dibattito pubblico su questioni inerenti alla vita sociale e politica. I principi c.d. non negoziabili - 3. Fondamentale libertà dei fedeli rispetto alle indicazioni della gerarchia in materia temporale – 4. La funzione di orientamento dei pastori della comunità ecclesiale e i confini dell’intervento della stessa – 5. I limiti alla libertà dei fedeli in materia temporale: il rapporto tra libertà e verità e la salvaguardia delle esigenze etiche fondamentali e irrinunciabili per il bene comune e della società – 6. Benedetto XVI e l’invito a una nuova generazione di cattolici impegnati in politica. La difesa della centralità della persona umana come compito primario dei credenti impegnati nel governo della città terrena– 7. (segue L’impegno a favore della promozione di un concetto positivo di laicità, aperto alla Trascendenza − 8. (segue La politica come forma singolare di realizzazione della carità – 9. (segue La dottrina sociale della Chiesa come strumento di formazione essenziale e guida sicura per i fedeli laici impegnati nell’ambito socio-politico – 10. Considerazioni conclusive. Doveri, rispettivi, dello Stato e della Chiesa affinché si conservino, o se necessario si creino le condizioni esterne idonee e necessarie allo svolgimento dei compiti dei christifideles laici nella polis.

  2. The Help-line "Invito alla Vita": a new project for suicide prevention in Trentino region. (United States)

    Di Napoli, Wilma; Andreatta, Olaf


    "Invito alla Vita" is a community-based suicide prevention project that officially started in Trentino in late 2008. The project was promoted by the local Health Services, trying from the beginning to involve other community subjects, and has been working over five years and a half in different directions, particularly promoting a phone help-line. The aims of the Invito alla Vita (IaV) Help Line have been clear from the beginning: decrease the sense of loneliness, offer encouragement and support, promote engagement with health services, reduce stigma and prejudice. Contrary to popular misconceptions, talking with people about suicide will not increase suicide risk, neither will it induce patients to commit suicide.The volunteers involved in the IaV help-line offer people empathic listening without judgment and easy tips, to reduce loneliness, sadness and supply reassurance that other people care. In this study we tried to deepen our knowledges about the volunteers' motivations and necessities to use them for creating a better system of support: we realized indeed that continuous training and supervision, along with official awards given by community institutions, are basic factors to sustain the volunteers' motives to cooperate with the help line.

  3. Dal materiale all’immateriale. Verso un approccio sostenibile alla gestione nel contesto glocale / From material to immaterial: towards a sustainable approach to management in the glocal context

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    Mara Cerquetti


    Full Text Available Il saggio ripercorre le principali tappe del dibattito internazionale che negli ultimi anni ha condotto ad una nozione di cultural heritage aperta e dinamica, volta al superamento del dualismo tra materiale e immateriale e attenta al ruolo delle comunità locali nei processi di riconoscimento, tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio stesso. Dopo aver preso in esame l’apporto degli studi giuridici, con specifico riferimento al contesto italiano, si analizza il contributo delle scienze sociali, soprattutto manageriali, particolarmente sensibili al tema della sostenibilità delle politiche e delle azioni finalizzate alla valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale materiale e immateriale anche attraverso l’applicazione di strumenti partecipativi. In quest’ottica, riconoscendo un ruolo centrale alla governance e alla collaborazione tra attori pubblici e privati che operano in un medesimo contesto, si porta infine l’attenzione sugli ecomusei, come caso esemplare dell’“immateriale che vive nella materialità”, evidenziando i nodi problematici che emergono dall’analisi della realtà italiana e suggerendo possibili linee di ricerca future.   The paper traces the main steps of the international debate that during the last years lead to an open and dynamic notion of cultural heritage, overcoming the dualism between tangible and intangible and considering the role of local communities in the processes of heritage recognition, safeguarding and enhancement. After examining the contribution of legal studies, above all in Italy, the approach of social sciences is analysed, focusing on management. These studies have explored the sustainability of policies and actions towards tangible and intangible cultural heritage enhancement, also through the application of participatory tools. In this perspective, governance and collaboration among different actors working in the same context gain a central role. Finally, the attention is focused on eco

  4. Pono tibi istam: “Tu curris”.Uno sguardo alla teoria medievale delle obbligazioni

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    Riccardo Strobino


    Full Text Available La teoria delle obbligazioni rappresenta un significativo esempio di come un insieme di tecniche logiche possa essere applicato, in maniera feconda, a contesti disputazionali in cui la dimensione dialogica e l’interazione tra soggetti coinvolti in un confronto dialettico hanno un ruolo di primo piano. L’attenzione che numerosi studiosi hanno manifestato nei confronti di questa parte della logica modernorum negli ultimi quarat’anni testimonia la profondità e la difficoltà dei problemi teorici che stanno alla base della teoria. Molte interpretazioni sono state avanzate circa le motivazioni che spingono i logici medievali a scrivere trattati in cui il portato delle loro dottrine logiche – come, ad esempio, la teoria delle consequentiae - viene declinato ed elaboratamente applicato al gioco dialettico tra due disputanti. La gamma di tali letture comprende differenti ipotesi: la teoria delle obbligazioni potrebbe fornire un nucleo di regole per l’impostazione di un metodo assiomatico rudimentale così come rappresentare un tentativo di elaborare esercizi volti a valutare le capacità logiche degli studenti o, ancora, un gioco teorico, svincolato dall’effettiva applicazione a contesti concreti, la cui finalità sarebbe il mantenimento della coerenza logica. E’ stata sostenuta da più interpreti la funzione pedagogica svolta dalla teoria, al di là del fatto che si tratti o meno di un metodo per la conduzione effettiva di dispute reali. Un’altra linea interpretativa collega la teoria delle obbligazioni al contesto della letteratura dei sophismata e degli insolubilia, dal cui repertorio, in effetti, sono spesso tratti molti degli esempi che si incontrano nella lettura dei trattati de obligationibus. In questo senso, la teoria offrirebbe regole e schemi di risposta che un interlocutore deve utilizzare per risolvere o rispondere a enunciati problematici o paradossali. Non si può escludere, inoltre, che nella teoria si realizzi un

  5. La riscoperta della stereoscopia per la rappresentazione dello spazio architettonico

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    Simone Garagnani


    Full Text Available Il progressivo sviluppo dei metodi della rappresentazione grafica nel corso della storia è stato possibile in virtù della scoperta di strumenti e tecniche appartenenti al loro tempo: questo continuo progresso delle modalità di “raccontare” l’architettura è tuttora in corso di evoluzione, costituendo il fondamento di ogni strategia informativa e di comunicazione del progetto. Il sempre più pervasivo trattamento digitale dell’informazione, sia essa grafica che testuale, ha condotto ad una progressiva riscoperta di approcci tradizionali nella descrizione dello spazio costruito, declinandoli alle nuove tecnologie informatiche per amplificarne possibilità e valenze. È il caso della stereoscopia, diffuso metodo ottocentesco adottato in fotografia per rendere spaziale la percezione dell’immagine sfruttando la visione binoculare; oggi i modelli tridimensionali e le immagini digitali catturate da apposite fotocamere rendono l’approccio stereoscopico di immediato utilizzo anche per i profani della rappresentazione, semplificando e rendendo trasparenti i concetti di geometria proiettiva alla base del metodo. Questo contributo intende indagare le funzionalità, i vantaggi e le criticità della tecnologia stereoscopica immersiva nella moderna comunicazione del progetto d’architettura.

  6. Efficacia e indicazioni del counseling e delle strategie educative nel miglioramento della compliance alla ventilazione a pressione positiva continua – CPAP

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    Elena Peila


    Conclusioni: Le strategie educative sono tecniche efficaci per migliorare l'adrenza alla CPAP anche in popolazioni che abitualmente presentano bassa compliance come i pazienti senza beneficio soggettivo dalla terapia con CPAP o pazienti con comorbilità psichiatrica o cognitiva. Tuttavia sono raccomandati interventi educativi brevi.

  7. I giovani e la democrazia in Portogallo: alla ricerca di un nuovo paradigma?

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    Marco Lisi


    Full Text Available In Portogallo, al pari degli altri paesi europei, la disaffezione e l’apatia politica sono assai sviluppate, soprattutto tra le giovani generazioni. L’articolo utilizza i dati dell’indagine sulla qualità della democrazia per analizzare la relazione tra giovani e politica in Portogallo. La partecipazione non convenzionale e la mobilitazione cognitiva si stanno affermando, ma in maniera minore rispetto ad altri paesi, sebbene anche in Portogallo le mobilitazioni di protesta siano aumentate a seguito della crisi economica. La peculiarità del caso portoghese può essere spiegata come facendo riferimento alla breve storia democratica e alle caratteristiche del sistema politico.

  8. Grey Water Reuse for Agricultural Purposes in the Jordan Valley: Household Survey Results in Deir Alla


    Al-Mashaqbeh, Othman A.; Ghrair, Ayoup M.; Megdal, Sharon B.


    Installation of decentralized grey water treatment systems in small rural communities contributes to a more sustainable water supply. In order to gauge community attitudes about collection and use of grey water, a door-to-door survey in the farming community of Deir Alla, Jordan was conducted by Royal Scientific Society interviewers. Outcomes of a detailed survey, designed specifically for this project, offer insights on people’s views on general water and wastewater issues, as well as their ...

  9. Il volgare e il principe. Politica culturale e questione della lingua alla corte di Cosimo

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    Margherita Quaglino


    Full Text Available Il principato di Cosimo I rappresenta un periodo di snodo fondamentale per la questione della lingua italiana. Il contributo ripercorre la bibliografia degli ultimi vent’anni con l’intento di definirne le principali traiettorie e individuarne l’originalità e le prospettive future rispetto agli studi precedenti. Sono esaminati in particolare gli studi relativi all’opera di Benedetto Varchi e Vincenzio Borghini; ai volgarizzamenti di Giovan Battista Gelli e Cosimo Bartoli; alla redazione e all’edizione delle Vite di Vasari e al rapporto tra letterati e artisti nella celebrazione del potere.

  10. La crescita di Gesù nello Spirito Santo alla luce di Lc 4, 1. 14


    Piotr Florencjan Szymański


    L’autore analizza i due versetti di Lc (4, 1. 14) in cui appare in modo evidente il legame fra Gesù e lo Spirito Santo nel contesto della tentazione del Signore da parte del diavolo. L’indagine di Lc 4, 1 mostra che Gesù, come in Mt e Mc, fu condotto nel deserto dallo Spirito che Egli ha ricevuto al battesimo. Grazie alla forza dello Spirito, Gesù è capace di affrontare il diavolo nella lotta iniziale decisiva e poi compiere fedelmente la sua missione. Realizzandola il Sig...

  11. Le Comunità greca e illirica di Trieste: dalla separazione ecclesiastica alla collaborazione economica (XVIII - XIX secolo)


    Miklic, Vanja


    2012/2013 Nel XVIII secolo, in seguito alla dichiarazione del Porto franco, Trieste si trasformò in una città-porto cosmopolita. Le nuove comunità etnico-religiose, e in particolar modo i greci, gli illirici e gli ebrei usufruirono della favorevole politica economica, dei privilegi commerciali ma soprattutto dell’alto livello di tolleranza religiosa garantiti dal governo asburgico. Questo atteggiamento imperiale contribuì a consolidare la fiducia delle comunità immigrate nel governo centra...

  12. La teoria della radiazione termica dalla fisica classica alla fisica quantistica

    CERN Document Server

    Planck, Max


    La venuta alla luce, nella scienza fisica dei primi anni del Novecento, di elementi assolutamente nuovi prefiguranti il futuro mondo quantistico, è concordemente attribuita all'opera prevalente di Planck e di Einstein, secondo due linee di ricerca profondamente diverse, anche se non lontane risultano le loro concezioni del mondo fisico. Tuttavia, mentre del secondo è facilmente accessibile e sufficientemente nota la produzione scientifica, del primo risulta ancora scarsamente sconosciuta l'ingente produzione di quegli anni, anche perché reperibile, per la maggior parte, solo in lingua originale. Se si tiene presente, inoltre, la comparsa in tempi recenti, della ricostruzione storiografica non tradizionale di T. Kuhn, che ritiene di cogliere, negli scritti di Planck, la permanenza di una struttura integralmente classica fino ad anni successivi al 1906, data di pubblicazione delle Lezioni, risulta naturale convenire sull'opportunità di rendere più agevole l'accesso alle fonti planckiane di quegli anni. ...

  13. La nuova Carta Geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:1.250.000

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    Marco Pantaloni


    Full Text Available Una carta così concepita ha come scopo quello di diffondere in ambito scientifico ma anche, e soprattutto, in ambito didattico, la conoscenza geologica del territorio. L’obiettivo che l’APAT si è impegnato a raggiungere tramite di essa è infatti quello di far arrivare ad un pubblico molto ampio di studiosi, di insegnanti, di studenti e di appassionati, una sintesi delle conoscenze finora raccolte nell’ambito della più recente realizzazione cartografica, la già citata carta geologica alla scala 1:50.000. L’ultima, in ordine di tempo, delle carte a piccola scala realizzate dal Servizio Geologico d’Italia è rappresentata dalla Carta Geologica a scala 1:500.000 pubblicata in 5 fogli durante il periodo 1976-1983.

  14. Sulle ipotesi che stanno alla base della geometria e altri scritti scientifici e filosofici

    CERN Document Server

    Riemann, Bernhard


    Il volume raccoglie, oltre al testo della lezione del 1854 che dà il titolo all'opera, alcuni scritti di carattere scientifico e filosofico di Riemann. A saggi di argomento scientifico si affiancano scritti di argomento più direttamente metodologico. La concezione della scienza che ci viene offerta da questi scritti è assai significativa del personaggio e della sua epoca. Per Riemann la matematica non è un mero strumento esteriore da applicare, appunto dall'esterno, ai fenomeni. Al contrario, essa consente di spingersi con il rigore necessario oltre alla superficie dei fenomeni e di penetrare sempre più a fondo nella realtà, nell'ottica di un sistema unitario e quasi metafisico del sapere scientifico.

  15. «Mi par di trovarmi di fronte a un fatto nuovo letterario»: Carlo Linati alla scoperta di James Joyce

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    Maurizio Pasquero


    Full Text Available Carlo Linati was Joyce’s first translator into Italian. The two writers started corresponding in 1918 and kept in touch throughout the 1930s. They only met once in 1930 in Paris. Joyce had a high opinion of Linati, but – after his «gran rifiuto» concerning Ulysses – their paths separated. Nevertheless Linati did devote his last years to translating Dubliners and Stephen Hero. The essay reconstructs their long relationship by means of rare unpublished documents and letters.

  16. Un sistema di supporto alla decisione per facilitare nuove azioni di finanziamento in ambito pubblico

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    Maria Franca Norese


    Full Text Available Un approfondimento analitico sulle modalità di finanziamento che hanno interessato la Regione Piemonte, sviluppato con il contributo di chi vi ha operato direttamente, ha permesso di acquisire, codificare e organizzare importanti elementi di conoscenza e di proporne l’uso per accrescere la cultura valutativa in Regione. Un accresciuto interesse a rendere più efficienti le azioni di finanziamento pubblico ha spinto ad utilizzare i risultati dell’analisi effettuata in un modello multicriteri di valutazione e in un sistema di supporto alla decisione rivolto a facilitare i nuovi processi di finanziamento e rendere operative attività di monitoraggio in un contesto di apprendimento organizzativo.

  17. Engagerande samtal i det naturvetenskapliga klassrummetInquiry based dialouge in science classroom

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    Ragnhild Löfgren


    Full Text Available This study focuses on classroom communication within an inquiry-based science education (IBSE program, called NTA (Naturvetenskap och Teknik för Alla. The overall aim of the study is to highlight the ways in which productive and engaging conversations are conducted in the classroom. We have analysed the work within the unit ”The Chemistry of food” and the theme testing of fat in food in grade five and six in a Swedish and a Danish science classroom. We have used video cameras and mp3-players to follow the classroom interaction. Our findings indicate that the classroom communication was focused on everyday science content and that the introduction and the summary of the theme were very important for the pupils’ possibilities to productive disciplinary engagement.

  18. Risk from exposure to natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation; Il rischio di esposizione alla radiazione ultravioletta naturale e artificiale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matzeu, M. [Istituto Superiore di Sanita`, Rome (Italy). Lab. di Fisica


    The association between exposure to ultraviolet (UV) and damage to the skin and eyes is today generally accepted. Exposure to UV radiation may occur in several ways. Apart from the sun, there is a wide range of artificial sources used in different fields of industry, research and medicine, the exposure to which adds to the total exposure of an individual during his life-span. The potential effects of ozone layer depletion on the increase of the solar UV radiation at earth`s surface, and therefor on human health, have recently been emphasized. Moreover, great attention has been devoted to the often uncontrolled use of UV lamps for tanning. This report shows the basis on which short and long term UV risk is assessed, and indicates some parameters necessary to its evaluation. The UV effects, both at molecular and cellular levels and on humans, are described together with their respective action spectra. The most common UV sources are then analyzed and their use in different fields is shown. Finally, some methods in dosimetry, which are useful for the correct measurement of exposure values, are described. [Italiano] E` oggi generalmente accettata l`assciazione tra l`esposizione alla radiazione UV e alcuni danni alla pelle e agli occhi (carcinomi e cataratta). Le occasioni di esposizione sono molteplici; oltre al sole, anche una grande varieta` di sorgenti artificiali impiegate per scopi diversi nell`industria, nella ricerca e in medicina danno un contributo, non sempre valutabile, all`esposizione totale di un individuo nell`arco della sua vita. Recentemente e` stato posto l`accento sulle possibili conseguenze della riduzione dello stato di ozono stratosferico sull`aumento della frazione di UV solare al suolo e quindi sulla salute umana; particolare attenzione ha inoltre suscitato l`uso, spesso incontrollato, delle lampade UV per scopi estetici. Sono illustrate le basi sulle quali viene riconosciuto il rischio a breve e a lungo termine e sono definiti i parametri

  19. Risk from exposure to natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation; Il rischio di esposizione alla radiazione ultravioletta naturale e artificiale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matzeu, M [Istituto Superiore di Sanita` , Rome (Italy). Lab. di Fisica


    The association between exposure to ultraviolet (UV) and damage to the skin and eyes is today generally accepted. Exposure to UV radiation may occur in several ways. Apart from the sun, there is a wide range of artificial sources used in different fields of industry, research and medicine, the exposure to which adds to the total exposure of an individual during his life-span. The potential effects of ozone layer depletion on the increase of the solar UV radiation at earth`s surface, and therefor on human health, have recently been emphasized. Moreover, great attention has been devoted to the often uncontrolled use of UV lamps for tanning. This report shows the basis on which short and long term UV risk is assessed, and indicates some parameters necessary to its evaluation. The UV effects, both at molecular and cellular levels and on humans, are described together with their respective action spectra. The most common UV sources are then analyzed and their use in different fields is shown. Finally, some methods in dosimetry, which are useful for the correct measurement of exposure values, are described. [Italiano] E` oggi generalmente accettata l`assciazione tra l`esposizione alla radiazione UV e alcuni danni alla pelle e agli occhi (carcinomi e cataratta). Le occasioni di esposizione sono molteplici; oltre al sole, anche una grande varieta` di sorgenti artificiali impiegate per scopi diversi nell`industria, nella ricerca e in medicina danno un contributo, non sempre valutabile, all`esposizione totale di un individuo nell`arco della sua vita. Recentemente e` stato posto l`accento sulle possibili conseguenze della riduzione dello stato di ozono stratosferico sull`aumento della frazione di UV solare al suolo e quindi sulla salute umana; particolare attenzione ha inoltre suscitato l`uso, spesso incontrollato, delle lampade UV per scopi estetici. Sono illustrate le basi sulle quali viene riconosciuto il rischio a breve e a lungo termine e sono definiti i parametri

  20. I parchi eolici: la complessa interazione tra natura, uomo e tecnologia - The wind farms: the complex interaction among nature, man and technology

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    Massimiliano Masullo


    Full Text Available Sin dai tempi antichi l’uomo ha costruito macchine che, sfruttando l’energia del vento, lo hanno aiutato a nutrire se stesso, la terra e a svolgere lavorazioni complesse. Con la scoperta dell’elettricità la funzione di queste macchine è cambiata radicalmente. Negli ultimi venti anni, politiche d'incentivazione hanno portato allo sviluppo di impianti eolici ed alla loro diffusione sul territorio, determinando una interazione sempre più intensa fra turbine eoliche, ambiente circostante ed uomo. Questo articolo presentata una rassegna dei principali fattori che determinano o modificano la percezione dell’impatto che queste macchine hanno sull’uomo e sull’ambiente circostante. ------ Since ancient times the man has built machines which exploiting the energy of the wind have helped to feed himself, the land and carry out complex operations. With the discovery of electricity the function of these machines is changed radically. In the last twenty years, incentive policies have led to the development of wind farms and their diffusion over the territory, resulting in a more intense interaction between wind turbines, environment and man. This article presents a review of the main factors that determine or affect the perception of the impact that these machines have on humans and the surrounding environment.


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    Gaetano Cici


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    La chiesa-cripta di S. Margherita, situata lungo la strada che collega la città di Melfi (PZ con Rapolla, fu scoperta e illustrata dal Guarini nel 1899. Il santuario, che oggi si presenta in tutta la sua forma rupestre, è ad unica navata, interamente scavato nel tufo vulcanico, ed è fiancheggiato da quattro cappelle voltate a botte di diversa profondità. La chiesa presenta, oggi, un complesso ciclo di affreschi che ricoprono tutte le pareti, tranne le due cappelle vicine alla zona absidale. Tra queste si evidenzia la rappresentazione del ‘Contrasto tra i vivi e i morti’.


    The Hypogeal Church of Santa Margherita in Melfi

    The crypt-church of S. Margherita, located along the road between Melfi (PZ and the town of Rapolla, was firstly discovered and describedby Guarini in 1899. The sanctuary nowadays presents its original rocky form, has a single nave, is entirely curved in volcanic tuffand is flanked by four barrel vaulted chapels with different depth. At present the church shows a complex cycle of frescoes entirely covering the walls, except the two chapels near the apsidal zone. Among the representations it should be noted the ‘Contrasto tra ivivi e i morti’.

  2. Sopravvivenza e dispersione della lepre comune (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778 in relazione alla densità di popolazione e alle caratteristiche ambientali

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    Francesca Pella


    Full Text Available La presente ricerca è stata effettuata con lo scopo di valutare la sopravvivenza di lepri autoctone non traslocate in relazione alle caratteristiche ambientali e alla densità di popolazione. Inoltre è stata analizzata la capacità delle lepri di colonizzare territori a bassa densità, al di fuori delle aree protette, al fine di ricavare indicazioni utili per una gestione della lepre basata sulla corretta pianificazione delle aree protette. Lo studio è stato effettuato dal gennaio del 1999 al luglio del 2001 in due Zone di Ripopolamento e Cattura della Pianura Padana, caratterizzate da colture a seminativi irrigui una (Vistarino e colture a seminativi asciutti l?altra (Portalbera. Per determinare la densità di popolazione sono stati effettuati, in primavera ed autunno, censimenti notturni da autovettura, con proiettore alogeno orientabile manualmente. Per analizzare la sopravvivenza, l?uso dello spazio e la dispersione sono state catturate, con reti a tramaglio, valutate (peso, sesso, classe d?età e condizioni sanitarie e radiomarcate 16 lepri a Vistarino e 20 a Portalbera. I censimenti hanno evidenziato una differenza tra le due aree nelle densità che sono risultate comprese tra gli 11 ed i 20 individui per km² a Vistarino e tra i 29 e gli 83 a Portalbera. La sopravvivenza media delle lepri radiomarcate è stata di 295,5 giorni (ES=43,2, considerando le aree cumulate, e la probabilità di sopravvivenza nel periodo di studio è risultata pari a 0,36 (ES=0,094. Nell?area di studio di Vistarino la sopravvivenza media è stata di 426,4 giorni (ES=61,6 e la probabilità di sopravvivenza di 0,67 (ES=0,12 mentre a Portalbera la sopravvivenza media era di 142,2 giorni (ES=13,9 con una probabilità di sopravvivenza di 0,00 (ES=0,00. La dimensione media dell?area vitale per tutte le lepri catturate in entrambe le aree è stata pari a 47,9 ha (ES=6,08; minimo=0,01; massimo=171,1 se calcolata con il metodo del Minimo Poligono Convesso, mentre era di

  3. L'evoluzione della fisica sviluppo delle idee dai concetti iniziali alla relatività e ai quanti

    CERN Document Server

    Einstein, Albert


    Pubblicato in inglese alla vigilia della Seconda guerra mondiale e subito proposto in traduzione, L’evoluzione della fisica dovette aspettare la fine del conflitto per vedere la sua pubblicazione in Italia. Da allora (1948) questo testo non ha più smesso di rappresentare un punto di riferimento obbligato per il concetto stesso di divulgazione scientifica e per la fisica in particolare. Scritto dai protagonisti assoluti della rivoluzione della fisica relativistica e quantistica, ma destinato a un pubblico di non specialisti, il libro che avete tra le mani è il testo fondativo della moderna divulgazione delle idee, la pietra di paragone di ogni altro libro di fisica, che permette di intuire la straordinaria importanza e il valore rivoluzionario della svolta della fisica del Novecento.

  4. A glorious, yet almost forgotten, mathematical theory, and some possibly new applications of it to physics; Una gloriosa ma quasi dimenticata teoria matematica e certe sue inedite applicazioni alla fisica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lo Surdo, C. [ENEA, Divisione Fusione Centro Ricerche Frascati, Rome (Italy)


    Hardly the role and the importance of Classical-Invariant Theory is the history of mathematics (say, between - 1850 and - 1920) can be fully appreciated by a nonspecialist. In this study, it was firstly purposed to provide a compact sketch of its foundations starting from (and keeping the framework of) some very basic ideas in the equation theory; and then, after reviewing a couple of classical examples, to illustrate a number of (presumably new) applications to physics, with special reference to constitutive relations in continuous material media. As a significant example of the latter type (amongst other ones), it shall be completely worked out the problem of the a priori structure of linear viscous-stress tensor in a magnetoplasma. [Italian] Non e' facile, da parte del non-specialista, apprezzare pienamente il ruolo e l'importanza della Teoria degli Invarianti Classici nella storia della matematica (diciamo all'incirca tra il 1850 e il 1920). In questo studio, il lettore trova anzitutto una rassegna, succinta ma largamente improntata alla generalita', dei suoi fondamenti a partire da poche idee di base della teoria delle equazioni, oltre ad un breve inquadramento storico e alla illustrazione di un paio di esempi classici. Seguono poi alcune applicazion - presuntivamente nuove - alla fisica matematica, con particolare riferimento alle relazioni costitutive in mezzi materiali continui. Come significativo esempio di applicazione di quest'ultimo tipo, e' infine completamente sviluppato il calcolo della struttura a priori del tensore di viscosita' lineare in un magnetoplasma.

  5. Il giorno della laurea di Giovanni Meola. Dal testo alla scena

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    Armando Rotondi


    Full Text Available Quando Giovanni Meola, drammaturgo e regista indipendente, mi ha chiesto di seguire la genesi de Il giorno della laurea, andato poi in scena con Cristiana Dell‟Anna ed Enrico Ottaviano dal 26 aprile al 1 maggio 2016 presso la Sala Ridotto del Teatro Stabile di Napoli-Teatro Nazionale (noto molte volte semplicemente come Teatro Mercadante, ho accettato con grande entusiasmo. E seppure io abbia avuto modo di seguire solo parzialmente le prove, ho raccolto comunque materiale prezioso per questa piccola monografia. Il lavoro critico che segue è stato anticipato da una serie di articoli giornalistici da me firmati e pubblicati su “” il 17, il 24 e il 30 Aprile e da un seminario dal titolo “Nuova letteratura drammatica contemporanea – Incontro con Giovani Meola, Cristiana Dell‟Anna ed Enrico Ottaviano” (28 aprile 2016, da me organizzato e che si è svolto nell'ambito dell‟insegnamento di Letteratura Italiana presso l‟Università degli Studi di Napoli “L‟Orientale”. Nell'approcciarmi alla stesura di questa breve monografia, ho utilizzato pertanto i precedenti articoli come primo schema per ampliare alcuni elementi che, in taluni casi, erano stati appena toccati per motivi propri di spazio, necessariamente limitato nel giornalismo on-line.

  6. “Andrea Palladio e la villa veneta. Da Petrarca a Carlo Scarpa”, un viaggio alla scoperta della civiltà della villa. (II

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    Giulia Tettamanzi


    Full Text Available The exposition “Andrea Palladio e la Villa Veneta. Da Petrarca a Carlo Scarpa” (Andrea Palladio and the villa veneta. From Petrarca to Carlo Scarpa offers a trip through the history of the villa, in places of time, space and culture. This second part suggests an itinerary meeting the most important points of formal and ideological villa maturation during the Renaissance. From Petrarca to Alberti, the villa typology growths and develops in Tuscany, with the Medici family power, then in Rome, beginning popes, Medici family had a primary role in the villa culture, working with the most important artist and architects: Raffaello, the Sangallo family, Giulio Romano. Palladio is the concrete and conceptual centre of the exposition, and in his work, we’ll find the same ideological elements of the villa, grow up in latin culture and in the Renaissance. The villa is showed in its totality as architectonical, economic system, till the completely formation of a model, that successfully affirms in the history, and finally we’ll meet a contemporary architect, Carlo Scarpa. The last part of this text is a real trip trough the villas in the Veneto and its landscape. 

  7. Promoting energy efficiency: supporting Public Administration and Local Bodies; Promuovere l'efficienza energetica : il supporto alla Pubblica Amministrazione e agli Enti Locali

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fasano, G; Manila, E [Dipartimento tecnologie per l' energia, le fonti rinnovabili e il risparmio energetico, ENEA (Italy)


    ENEAS's institutional tasks include technical and scientific support to Public Administration and Local Bodies in the field of energy. Recently such a role has been strengthened by setting up the Agency for Energy Efficiency which ENEA is responsible for. [Italian] Tra i compiti istituzionali dell'ENEA vi e quello di fornire un supporto tecnico scientifico alla PA e agli Enti Locali in tema di energia. Tale ruolo e stato di recente rafforzato con l'istituzione dell'Agenzia per l'Efficienza Energetica affidata all'Ente.

  8. Il Bosone di Higgs

    CERN Multimedia

    Hemmer, Sabine


    Poster di ATLAS sul bosone di Higgs indirizzato al pubblico generico, che spiega il meccanismo di Brout-Englert-Higgs e la sua importanza. Spiega anche il ruolo del Bosone di Higgs, come viene cercato, il percorso della sua scoperta e cosa viene dopo la scoperta. Disponibile anche in Francese ( e Inglese ( Non esitate a utilizzarlo nelle sedi dei vostri Istituti e negli eventi divulgativi! Il poster è in formato A0. Cliccate sull'immagine per scaricare il .pdf ad alta qualità e stamparlo dove preferite. Per qualisasi domanda o commento potete contattare

  9. I beni immobili confiscati alla criminalità organizzata in Lombardia

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    Mattia Maestri


    Full Text Available L’articolo compie una ricognizione della presenza e della distribuzione geografica dei beni immobili confiscati alla criminalità organizzata in Lombardia. Ne propone un’analisi quantitativa, utilizzando i dati messi a disposizione da ANBSC (Agenzia Nazionale dei Beni Sequestrati e Confiscati e da Libera Lombardia. E integra questa prospettiva con una analisi qualitativa condotta sul campo che permette di evidenziare significativi esempi di best practices nel riutilizzo sociale degli stessi beni. Nell’ambito di questa sezione della ricerca vengono anche considerati alcuni fondamentali indicatori: le caratteristiche strutturali del bene immobile, il suo rapporto con la memoria collettiva, la sua notorietà pubblica e le funzioni e le attività che vi vengono svolte. Ne emerge un modello lombardo del riuso sociale contrassegnato da alcune interessanti criticità. The paper analyzes the presence and the geographical distribution of real estate confiscated assets from organized crime. Using data made available by The National Agency of Confiscated Property and Libera association, it provides a quantitative analysis integrated with a qualitative approach on the field with the purpose to highlight examples of best practices in the social re-use of these confiscated assets. In this qualitative analysis are also taken into account some key indicators: the asset’s structural features, its relationship with memory, its public reputation and the activities made inside it. Finally, it emerges a Lombard model of social reuse marked by some interesting criticalities. Key words: Confiscated property, Lombardy, Social business, Best practices, Memory

  10. Metodologie innovative per il supporto alla progettazione e all’analisi delle prestazioni di impianti ad energia solare a concentrazione ed eolici off-shore utilizzando immagini satellitari ottiche e SAR


    Morelli, Marco; Masini, Andrea; Alberto, Marco; Potenza, Marco Alberto Carlo


    In questo lavoro presentiamo delle nuove metodologie, sviluppate nell’ambito del progetto SATENERG (Servizi sATellitari per le ENergie Rinnovabili di nuova Generazione) finanziato dall’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, sia per il supporto alla progettazione/pianificazione che per il monitoraggio quasi in tempo reale e l’analisi delle prestazioni degli impianti ad energia rinnovabile di nuova generazione (CSP, CPV ed eolici off-shore) utilizzando immagini satellitari. In particolare pe...

  11. Vestite alla turchesca. Travestimenti orientali nella drammaturgia italiana e francese tra Sei e Settecento

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    Stefano Agostino Moretti


    Full Text Available Da secoli il Mar Mediterraneo rappresenta un confine tra due mondi. Gli orientalisti li chiamavano e continuano a chiamarli mondo “arabo” e mondo “cristiano”. Questo contributo vuole mostrare come, in tempi non sospetti, l’Italia rappresentasse un ponte tra queste due culture. Grazie agli strumenti della storiografia contemporanea, attenta alla vita quotidiana e agli “archivi del corpo”, scopriamo che durante il XVI e il XVII secolo gli incontri tra musulmani e cristiani fossero molto frequenti e spesso felici. Il teatro comico italiano fu il genere letterario che, prima e meglio di ogni altro, riuscì a cogliere e a descrivere tale fenomeno con tutte le implicazioni politiche, religiose e identitarie, restituendone in pieno uno degli elementi sovente sottaciuti e censurati, ovvero la perturbante carica erotica del “diverso”. Uno degli espedienti che riassumono con maggiore efficacia questo  rapporto identitario e culturale è rappresentato dall’uso del travestimento. Paragonando alcune commedie italiane della prima metà del Seicento con il teatro “orientalista” di Bonarelli, Molière e Goldoni, possiamo osservare la nascita e la crescita di una visione stereotipata e libresca dell’altro, là dove i “panni turcheschi” generavano negli spettatori paura e desiderio.

  12. Journal of Genetics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Author Affiliations. Tarig Dafa'alla1 Gouliang Fu1 2 Luke Alphey1 2. Oxitec Limited, 71 Milton Park, Oxford OX14 4RX, UK; Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK ...

  13. William Franke, Sulla verità poetica che è superiore alla Storia: Porfirio e la critica filosofica della letteratura William Franke, On the Poetic Truth that is Higher than History: Porphyry and the Philosophical Interpretation of Literature

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    Laura Lucia Rossi


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    In this article we propose the translation of William Franke’s paper On the Poetic Truth that is Higher than History: Porphyry and the Philosophical Criticism of Literature, in which the American scholar presents the hermeneutic method of the ancient commentators of Homer, with particular reference to the critic practice applied by the Neoplatonic Porphyry in his De Antro Nympharum. With this treatment Franke proposes and hopes for the return to an interpretive method, called philosophical or speculative, also for contemporary criticism.

    In questo articolo è presentata la traduzione del saggio di William Franke Sulla verità poetica che è superiore alla Storia: Porfirio e la critica filosofica della letteratura, in cui lo studioso americano presenta il metodo ermeneutico degli antichi commentatori di Omero, con particolare riferimento alla critica praticata dal neoplatonico Porfirio, proponendo e auspicando il ritorno ad una modalità interpretativa, detta filosofica o speculativa, anche per la critica contemporanea.

  14. Geophysical surveys and velocimetric measures in the Cerreto di Spoleto (Perugia) area, aiming at a seismic microzoning; Indagini geofisiche e misure velocimetriche finalizzate alla microzonazione sismica dell'area di Cerreto di Spoleto (Perugia)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bongiovanni, G.; Martino, S.; Paciello, A.; Verrubbi, V. [ENEA, Div. Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Centro Ricerche Csaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, Rome (Italy)


    Geophysical prospectings and velocimetric measures, aiming at the seismic microzoning of Cerreto di Spoleto area, are presented. Starting from the data obtained by previous geological-geomechanical surveys, seismic-refraction prospectings were carried on in order to obtain a dynamic characterisation and a geometrical description both of soil and rock materials. The velocimetric measures were performed by temporary free-field arrays, recording both environmental noise and small-magnitude seismic events. The analysis of the obtained records is still in progress, in order to evaluate the local seismic wave amplification. [Italian] Vengono illustrate le indagini geofisiche e le misure velocimetriche condotte nell'area di Cerreto di Spoleto (PG) per la microzonazione sismica. In particolare, sulla base dei dati geologici e geomeccanici precedentemente acquisiti, sono state effettuate indagini di sismica a rifrazione che hanno portato alla caratterizzazione dinamica dei litotipi ed alla definizione delle loro geometrie. Le misure velometriche sono state condotte installando array temporanei in free-field per la registrazione di rumore ambientale ed eventi sismici di piccola magnitudo. E' in corso l'elaborazione delle registrazioni ottenute, finalizzata all'analisi degli effetti di amplificazione sismica locale.

  15. Il sorriso del conte zio. Manzoni, Sade e l’omaggio alla Vergine

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    Fabio Camilletti


    Full Text Available Il saggio esamina la figura della Lucia di Manzoni alla luce del ‘tipo’ letterario della ‘fanciulla perseguitata’, al crocevia fra agiografia, letteratura libertina, romanzo sentimentale, narrativa gotica e letteratura romantica. In particolare si sofferma, anche attraverso un’analisi comparata dei frontespizi de I promessi sposi e dell’edizione del 1791 di Justine, sulle affinità e le divergenze fra la Lucia di Manzoni e l’eroina di Sade, sostenendone la parentela intertestuale e la specularità, nell’essere entrambe risposte (solo apparentemente antitetiche al problema metafisico del male. In questo senso si sottolinea l’influenza, su Manzoni e Sade, del modello mariano, nei decenni in cui si assiste, per reazione al laicismo illuminista e rivoluzionario, a un rinnovato culto per la Vergine, che culminerà con il dogma dell’Immacolata Concezione (1854 e le apparizioni di Lourdes (1858.   The essay examines the figure of Manzoni’s Lucia in the light of the literary ‘type’ of the ‘persecuted maiden’, at the intersection between hagiography, libertine literature, sentimental novel, Gothic narrative, and Romantic literature. In particular, through a comparative analysis of the frontispieces of I promessi sposi and of the 1791 edition of Justine, it focuses on the similarities and differences between Manzoni’s Lucia and Sade’s eponymous heroine, arguing for an intertextual relationship between the two and suggesting their reciprocal specularity, in being both answers (only apparently antithetical to the metaphysical problem of evil. From this angle, the essay analyzes the influence, on both Manzoni and Sade, of the figure of Mary, in the years witnessing – as a reaction against the secularization promoted by the Enlightenment and the French revolution – to a renewed worship for the Holy Virgin, later culminating in the promulgation of the Immaculate Conception dogma (1854 and the apparitions at Lourdes (1858.

  16. DIDATTICA DELLA CHIMICA E TRASPOSIZIONE DIDATTICA Parte seconda - Un’approccio didattico alla costruzione del concetto di trasformazione chimica

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    Elena Ghibaudi


    Full Text Available Questa seconda parte illustra un esempio di trasposizione didattica realizzata in Italia, in classi della scuola secondaria di II grado. Oggetto della trasposizione sono i concetti di trasformazione chimica, di reazione chimica e di equazione di reazione; un risultato di questo percorso è l’introduzione della distinzione fra le nozioni di atomo e molecola da parte degli allievi stessi, come ipotesi necessaria per interpretare la fenomenologia osservata. L’approccio adottato in questa sequenza è di tipo storico-epistemologico e la prassi mediante la quale viene realizzata è socio-costruttivista. Lo strumento didattico è la situazione-problema. Nella prima parte di questo articolo vengono presentate le attività che consentono agli studenti di elaborare il concetto di trasformazione chimica a partire dal concetto di identità di una sostanza chimica e dall’utilizzo del modello particellare. Nella seconda parte vengono presentate le attività di apprendimento che partendo dal contrasto fra le idee di Dalton (atomo indivisibile e quelle di Gay-Lussac (legge di combinazione dei gas portano alle ipotesi di Avogadro e alla distinzione fra molecole e atomi operata da Cannizzaro.

  17. Disputa teologica in un mondo alla rovescia: il dramma su Abramo di Moshè Zacuto

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    Ariel Rathaus


    The foundation of the world (Yessod 'Olam is believed to be the first Biblical drama written in Hebrew.  It was composed in the first half of the 17th century by the mystical and rabbinical author Moshe Zacuto, who immigrated to Italy from Amsterdam.  In fact the work is mostly based on rabbinic legends about Abraham and his struggle against idolatry, and includes many theological debates between the patriarch and King Nimrod, the pagan tyrant who condemns him to be burnt for his ideas. This paper deals with the ideological background of the drama and the peculiar and paradoxical atmosphere created by the theological debates.  As asserted by several scholars (Berliner, Schirmann. Levy, Zacuto, who was born in a refugees family of  Marrano origin,  alluded in his play to the persecutions of the Jews by the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal. On the other hand, it seems that the play also alludes to 17th Century materialistic philosophy and hedonism, symbolized by the words of Nimrod and his sages.  At any rate, the struggle between Abraham and Nimrod takes place in a highly absurd ideological frame, in which right and wrong are meaningless concepts and true faith is considered as a sort of moral perversion: a reversed world. The paper underlines this hidden and ironic aspect of the play and discusses it, on the basis of some classic works on Carnival reversion, like Cocchiara's Il mondo alla rovescia  and Bakhtin' s Rabelais and his world.

  18. Developments in Science and Technology. (United States)


    much more enduring than the many memories that his friends and co-workers will always carry with them. Something of his spirit lives on in all who...8217 2.58 e\\. anrd tire hiit ’ pectral response, sirould at too higi for solar ertergN comc rsiort applicatrorts. Our Norme poinrt retlect the tact tirar...D~allas (23 M~ay 1981). .1. -N. (iiatnni, J. S. Hansen, arid IL. W. Hart, ’’Experimental R. F. L-ischell, ’’Space Age leciology: Applications in Drug

  19. Nel tunnel alla ricerca di una nuova fisica

    CERN Multimedia

    Durante, Elisabetta


    The Large Hadron Collider is at the top of world-wide science for particle physics. It promises to open the road to a new knowledge of the universe and its nature. Luciano Maiani and Robert Aymar, actual and future Director Generals of CERN, explain the aims of this most powerful instrument, the difficulties and the industrial repercussions, among which will be the "Grid", that will change the telecommunications (4 pages)

  20. Strengthening S&T journalism: Musa Fadl Alla Elkheir (Sudan ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Dec 10, 2010 ... ... that matched 16 seasoned science journalists from Africa, America, Europe, and the Middle East with 60 of their less-experienced peers from 35 African and Middle Eastern ... CASE STUDY: Egypt — Privatization alone is not enough ... CASE STUDY: Jordan — Dealing with the water deficit in Jordan.

  1. Constitutional osteochondrodysplasias identifiable a birth. A short review on the state of the art in radiodiagnostic in the late 20. century; Le osteocondrodisplasie costituzionali riconoscibili alla nascita. Una breve rassegna sullo studio dell'arte radiodiagnostica sul finire del 20. secolo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gugliantini, P.; Maragliano, G.; Piscione, M.; Licata, G. [Azienza Ospedaliera San Giovanni - Addolorata, Rome (Italy)


    The value of a systematic radiologic analysis in constitutional osteochondrodysplasias remains underestimated by both neonatologists and radiologists. The authors report the clinical experience of the Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Cure Unit of St. John Hospital in Rome with constitutional osteochondrodysplasias identifiable at birth. The authors justify the relatively high incidence of constitutional osteochondrodysplasias in this study (66% versus an average incidence of 0,076% reported in the world population) on the basis of: a) an increasing number of high-risk newborns in the intensive cure; b) an improvement in our clinical and radiologic diagnostic skill. They conclude that the state of the art of diagnostic of constitutional osteochondrodysplasiasin still based on the first plain X-ray examination performed at birth because of cardiorespiratory and/or abdominal diseases in the newborn. [Italian] L'importanza dell'analisi radiologica sistematica delle osteocondrodisplasie costituzionali e' tutt'ora sottostimata sia dai neonatologi che dai radiologi. Pertanto riferiamo l'esperianza clinico-radiologica di osteocondrodisplasie costituzionali identificabili alla nascita nel Dipartimento di Neonatologia e Terapia Intensiva Neonatale dell'Ospedale San Giovanni di Roma. L'articolo conclude giustificando la relativamente alta incidenza di ostecondrodisplasie costituzionali della casistica in esame (0,66% contro l'incidenza media dei 0,076% riferita alla popolazione mondiale) sulla base di: a) crescente numero di neonati con alto rischio ricoverati nella unita' di terapia intensiva; b) miglioramento delle capacita' diagnostiche, sia cliniche che radiologiche.

  2. Raffermir le journalisme scientifique: Musa Fadl Alla Elkheir (Soudan)

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    C'est ainsi que j'en suis venu à penser qu'au lieu de me contenter d'exercer la médecine, je pourrais aussi contribuer à faire connaître la science au grand public. ... À l'époque, j'ai lancé, avec d'autres médecins et journalistes, un réseau en ligne pour favoriser l'échange d'idées, d'opinions et d'information. Un de ces ...

  3. Quantification of character-impacting compounds in Ocimum basilicum and 'Pesto alla Genovese' with selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Amadei, Gianluca; Ross, Brian M


    Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is an important flavourant plant which constitutes the major ingredient of the pasta sauce 'Pesto alla Genovese'. The characteristic smell of basil stems mainly from a handful of terpenoids (methyl cinnamate, eucalyptol, linalool and estragole), the concentration of which varies according to basil cultivars. The simple and rapid analysis of the terpenoid constituents of basil would be useful as a means to optimise harvesting times and to act as a quality control process for basil-containing foodstuffs. Classical analytical techniques such as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) are, however, slow, technically demanding and therefore less suitable for routine analysis. A new chemical ionisation technique which allows real-time quantification of traces gases, Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS), was therefore utilised to determine its usefulness for the assay of terpenoid concentrations in basil and pesto sauce headspace. Trace gas analysis was performed using the NO(+) precursor ion which minimised interference from other compounds. Character-impacting compound concentration was measured in basil headspace with good reproducibility and statistically significant differences were observed between cultivars. Quantification of linalool in pesto sauce headspace proved more difficult due to the presence of interfering compounds. This was resolved by careful selection of reaction product ions which allowed us to detect differences between various commercial brands of pesto. We conclude that SIFT-MS may be a valid tool for the fast and reproducible analysis of flavourant terpenoids in basil and basil-derived foodstuffs. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  4. Le radici culturali della diagnosi (Pietro Barbetta

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    Orazio Maria Valastro


    Full Text Available Questo libro costituisce il primo approccio italiano alla costruzione di un discorso culturale sulla diagnosi e intende offrire un significativo contributo alla riapertura di un dibattito avviato da Michel Foucault e da Gregory Bateson e precocemente abbandonato: quello sull'importanza della storia sociale, dell'antropologia culturale e degli studi sulla comunicazione in relazione all'insorgenza, alla definizione e alla cura della psiche.

  5. Grey Water Reuse for Agricultural Purposes in the Jordan Valley: Household Survey Results in Deir Alla

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    Sharon B. Megdal


    Full Text Available Installation of decentralized grey water treatment systems in small rural communities contributes to a more sustainable water supply. In order to gauge community attitudes about collection and use of grey water, a door-to-door survey in the farming community of Deir Alla, Jordan was conducted by Royal Scientific Society interviewers. Outcomes of a detailed survey, designed specifically for this project, offer insights on people’s views on general water and wastewater issues, as well as their motivation, practices and concerns related to using grey water treatment for a portion of their household wastewater and reuse of the treated grey water for irrigation. A total of 47 respondents from different socio-economic background, aged over 18 years, from this community in the Jordan valley took part in the survey. The level of formal education of the respondents was low, and most of households’ incomes were below the poverty line in Jordan. Most of the respondents reported that the quality of water supplied by public network is acceptable, but the quantity is insufficient to meet their demand, with supplies being delivered to the household once a week. Respondents relied on the public water network as a first-most important resource (85.1%, and 57.4% of the respondent relied on private water tankers as a second-most important resource in addition to the public network. However, 6% of the respondents relied only on private water tankers with no access to the public network. Storage tanks are common practice in all the houses in order to store enough water for at least one week. The survey responses provide evidence that rural communities are willing to accept reuse of treated grey water for irrigation. Furthermore, some of people in the studied area are willing to learn more about grey water treatment and reuse in order to operate grey water systems for irrigation purposes. Water scarcity in this rural area of Jordan is the main determinant of

  6. Editoriale

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    V. Busacchi


    Full Text Available Il Novecento è stato profondamente influenzato dagli sviluppi teoretico-pratici e riflessivi dell’ermeneutica filosofica. Ha introdotto un tale ventaglio di problematizzazioni, contenuti e prospettive, e su una vasta scala di riferimento e investimento (inter-disciplinare, da parer inserirsi nell’orbita di una vera e propria koinè filosofica, non decennale (Vattimo ma secolare. Una produttività, significatività e forza euristica del ricercare e del pensare che ha investito vari ambiti scientifici, particolarmente (ma non solo delle scienze umane e sociali: dalla psicologia alla sociologia, dalla psicoanalisi alla letteratura, dalla semiotica alla esegesi biblica, dall’antropologia culturale alla linguistica, dalla retorica alla narratologia, dalla storia al diritto, dalla teoria politica alla religione, ecc. Si tratta di un itinerario tanto ampio e fertile quanto non lineare e problematico, e persino conflittuale.

  7. Viva il GIS Day!

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    Redazione Redazione


    Full Text Available Il GIS Day è sponsorizzato oltre che da ESRI, dalla National Geographic Society, dalla Association of American Geographers, dalla UCGIS (University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, dalla United States Geological Survey e dalla Library of Congress. Il tutto nasce nel corso della Geography Awareness Week, terza settimana di novembre che nel 1987 il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Ronald Reagan stabilì dovesse essere dedicata alla diffusione della cultura geografica.

  8. Tribunale di Piacenza- sezione lavoro Ord. 16 gennaio 2013, dr Picciau RCC contro MB s.r.l.

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    Calogero Massimo Cammalleri


    Full Text Available Lavoro (controversie – impugnazione di licenziamento – nuovo rito ex l. n. 92 del 2012– facoltatività – esclusione- rinuncia alla fase sommaria – ammissibilità.* Lavoro (controversie – impugnazione di licenziamento – nuovo rito ex l. n. 92 del 2012– rinuncia alla fase sommaria – conseguenze – applicazione analogica art. 4 del d. lgs n. 150 del 2011 (semplificazione dei riti – integrazione degli atti – separazione delle doman­de.* Benché il rito previsto dalla legge Fornero non sia facoltativo, non sussistono limiti di ordi­ne legale, nell'ambito dello stesso rito, alla rinuncia alla fase sommaria, attesocchè l'interesse di entrambe le parti del rapporto di lavoro ad una sollecita definizione del processo inerente ai licenziamenti con tutela ex art. 18 st. lav. e quello pubblico alla sollecita definizione di tali processi non viene menomato. * Nel caso di rinuncia concorde alla fase sommaria del giudizio introdotto con il nuovo rito dei licenziamenti e di compresenza di domande diverse il giudice deve separare i processi e contestualmente fissare distinte udienze ex art. 420 c.p.c.

  9. Sospensione di potestà

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    Maria Fausta Maternini


    Full Text Available La voce è destinata alla pubblicazione, in lingua spagnola, nel Diccionario general de Derecho canónico edito dall’Instituto Martìn de Azpilcueta, Universidad de Navarra. SOMMARIO: 1. Il concetto di potestà nella Chiesa – 2. La sospensione di potestà quale atto amministrativo - 3. … in relazione al munus santificandi - 4. … in relazione alla potestà di magistero - 5 … in relazione alla potestà di governo.


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    IACOBUCCI Giuseppe


    Full Text Available High-energy physics is posing a long series of questions, relating elementary particles to the symmetries that govern fundamental forces and to the intimate fabric of our universe. The recent discovery at CERN of the Higgs boson is just the first goal of the rich LHC physics program.

  11. Nascita e destino della soggettività. Dai ruoli professionali ai processi di cura, attraverso una lettura di "Quel che resta del giorno" di Kazuo Ishiguro

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    Gabriele Profita


    Full Text Available Questa riflessione affronta un tema assai rilevante per le professioni di cura, con uno sguardo particolare alla psicoterapia. Per chiarire il ruolo della soggettività e della nascita e maturazione di un ruolo professionale riporterò un’analisi di un testo letterario attraverso il quale sarà più agevole scoprire come si forma l’identità di un ruolo professionale e come si avvia alla sua maturazione e alla sua codificazione. In particolare quali sono i rischi legati ad una sua rigida codificazione rivolta alla sua normatività tecnica? Mi propongo di tracciare un confronto con alcune forme di costruzione della soggettività che nel corso dei secoli hanno fondato il modello dell’uomo occidentale nelle sue articolazioni professionali.

  12. Atleti adolescenti e comunità sportiva: il senso psicologico di comunità applicato allo sport


    Scotto Di Luzio, Silvia


    Il Senso di Comunità costituisce un fattore importante per il benessere e lo sviluppo sociale positivo degli adolescenti (Pretty, 2002 ; Cicognani et al., 2006; 2012). Tuttavia, pochi studi hanno fornito informazioni significative sui meccanismi che possono condurre alla costruzione di una Comunità nello sport (Warner & Dixon, 2011). Finalità generale di questa tesi è di contribuire alla definizione di una Comunità Sportiva, esaminando i meccanismi alla base della formazione del Senso di Comu...

  13. Additivation of polyamide fibers by means of micro- and nano-particles containing jojoba oil


    Persico, Paola


    [Italiano] Obiettivo del Progetto di Dottorato, finanziato dalla Nylstar-Italia (azienda produttrice di poliammide), era realizzare fibre ad azione cosmetica per produrre calze, guanti e maglieria intima a nuovo valore aggiunto da introdurre nel mercato dei tessili skin care. Il primo passo dell’attività di ricerca è consistito nell’individuazione dell’agente cosmetico in base alla sua affinità con lo strato cutaneo e alla sua resistenza alla degradazione termica, tenendo conto che la poli...

  14. Application of life cycle assessment to production processes of environmentally sustainable concrete, prepared with artificial aggregates; Applicazione della metodologia life cycle assessment alla produzione di conclomerati cementizi di qualita' contenenti aggregati artificiali

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vaccaro, R. [Italrecuperi, Pozzuoli (Italy); Colangelo, F. [Basilicata Univ., Poteza (Italy). Dip. di Ungegneria e Fisica dell' Ambiente; Palumbo, M. [Federico II Univ., Napoli (Italy). Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Fisica dell' Ambiente; Cioffi, R. [Parthenope Univ., Napoli (Italy). Dipartimento per le Tecnologie


    This paper is about the application of Life Cycle Assessment (L.C.A.) on environmentally sustainable concrete production processes. The goal of this experimentations is to assess environmental impact and energy demand related to concrete production, by using, in different admixtures, natural and artificial aggregates, belonging from treatments of different kind of industrial wastes characterized by very small particle sizes. Particular attention was concentrated on the utilization of fine fraction since it is difficult to recover in usual fields of recycling (i.e. aggers, crowl spaces, etc.). This study follows the approach from cradle to cradle. This experimentation was conducted in relation to four concrete admixtures produced, one of them containing only natural aggregate, and the other ones obtained by substituting the 10% of aggregate respectively with inert wastes as construction and demolition waste (CeD waste). cement kiln dust (CKD) and marble sludge. For all admixtures six different end-life scenarios have been proposed, one of them considers all materials transported in landfill while the other ones consider a partial transportation on landfill (15%) and a recycle of the 85% of wastes obtained after demolition of structures. [Italian] Il presente lavoro ha come oggetto l'applicazione della metodologia Life Cycle Assessment (L.C.A.) ai processi produttivi di calcestruzzi eco-compatibili. L'obiettivo dello studio e' quello di valutare il carico ambientale ed il consumo energetico associato alla produzione di calcestruzzo impiegando, in differenti miscele, aggregati artificiali provenienti dal trattamento di differenti tipologie di scarti industriali di pezzatura molto piccola. E' stata posta particolare attenzione all'utilizzo della frazione fine in quanto quest'ultima risulta piu' difficilmente recuperabile nei consueti campi d'impiego (es. rienpimento per sottofondi stradali, vespai, etc.). L

  15. 13. Italian-Hungarian Symposium on spectrochemistry: environmental contamination and food safety. Book of Abstract; 13. Simposio italo-ungherese di spettrochimica: contaminazione ambientale e sicurezza alimentare

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bottoni, P [Department of Environment and Primary Prevention, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome (Italy); Caroli, S [Department of Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome (Italy)


    This edition of the Symposium focuses primarily on the impact of environmental pollution on food safety. With about 90 contributions, equally distributed between oral and poster presentations, some of the major challenges posed by anthropic activities to food commodities are discussed. The role of modern analytical techniques in this context is highlighted particularly as regards the importance of reliable experimental information in the decision-making process. The Symposium features seven oral sessions, devoted, respectively, to basic research, manufacturers, water, soil and sediment, atmosphere, food and research in Antarctica. Presentations in the poster sessions are grouped likewise. The variety of issues dealt with in this conference give ample evidence of the progress made so far by analytical sciences in this field and set the stage for further innovative research. [Italian] Questa edizione del Simposio e dedicata soprattutto alle conseguenze della contaminazione ambientale sulla sicurezza degli alimenti. Alcune delle sfide piu rilevanti poste dalle attivita umane alla integrita dei prodotti alimentari sono discusse in circa 90 contributi, equamente distribuiti tra relazioni orali e poster. Vengono particolarmente messe in luce l'importanza delle attuali tecniche analitiche per produrre informazioni sperimentali attendibili e la rilevanza di queste ultime nel processo decisionale. Le sette sessioni orali sono dedicate, rispettivamente, alla ricerca di base, ai costruttori di strumentazione, alle acque, ai suoli e sedimenti, all'atmosfera, agli alimenti ed alla ricerca in Antartide. Le presentazioni poster si articolano in modo analogo. L'ampiezza dei temi esposti dimostra concretamente l'innovazione ad oggi apportata in questo settore dalle scienze analitiche e pone le basi per ricerche ancora piu avanzate.

  16. Il lungo freddo storia di Bruno Pontecorvo, lo scienziato che scelse l'URSS

    CERN Document Server

    Mafai, Miriam


    Nelle parole della grande giornalista recentemente scomparsa, la documentata narrazione della storia di Bruno Pontecorvo, fisico nucleare di fama mondiale che, nel pieno della Guerra fredda, scelse di abbandonare l'Occidente e di lavorare e vivere nell'Unione Sovietica. Grazie alla capacità della Mafai nel ricostruire gli eventi cruciali della vita di Pontecorvo in un nuovo quadro rivelatore, "Il lungo freddo" non offre solo un'inedita prospettiva sulla drammatica corsa alla bomba atomica - dalle decisive scoperte del Progetto Manhattan alla tragica esplosione di Hiroshima, dalla prima atomica sovietica alla bomba all'idrogeno - ma rappresenta soprattutto la memoria collettiva di una generazione che ha posto la politica al centro delle proprie scelte di vita. E svela i drammi umani di un conflitto che per più di quarant'anni ha diviso il mondo.

  17. Huvide kaalumine Eesti ja Euroopa Liidu looduskaitseõiguses: võrdlev analüüs / Hannes Veinla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veinla, Hannes, 1957-


    Eesti ja Euroopa looduskaitseõiguse põhielementidest. Sotsiaal-majanduslikest aspektidest loodusobjektide kaitse alla võtmisel, looduskaitserežiimi ulatusest väljaspool kaitsealasid, avalike huvide kaalust kaitse alla võetud ala kaitsekorra tagamisel. Sisaldab asjakohast kohtupraktikat

  18. Geometrie del senso. Ripensare la semiotica dell’immagine a partire da La macchina della pittura

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    Lucia Corrain


    Full Text Available Il contributo intende ripercorrere il ruolo che Omar Calabrese ha avuto nella fondazione della Semiotica dell’arte. Una disciplina che, in Italia, vede la sua nascita a partire dall’ultimo ventennio del secolo scorso e che lo studioso, recentemente scomparso, ha contribuito a delineare con precisione. Il volume La macchina della pittura è sicuramente il suo contributo più innovativo, più sistematico e anc’oggi attuale. All’epoca in cui è stato pubblicato, nel 1985, lanciava una duplice sfida: alla storia dell’arte tradizionale e alla semiotica. Alla prima perché imponeva un altro tipo di sguardo, capace di decifrare il modo in cui attraverso la forma è costruito il senso pittorico. Alla semiotica perché dimostra come la pittura sia in grado di produrre senso e addirittura contenga al suo interno i meccanismi per interpretarla.

  19. La nuova costellazione Galileo và in orbita

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    Renzo Carlucci


    Full Text Available Siamo arrivati alla fine del 2005 e assistiamo alla partenza del primo satellite del nuovo sistema di posizionamento europeo.Giove-A, nome in codice del primo satellite, non farà parte però della costellazione definitiva, è come un satellite sacrificale che opererà per un certo periodo inviando segnali atti alla messa a punto del sistema finale e da qui a due anni cesserà la sua funzione. Sarà seguito a breve da Giove-B, anch’esso con un destino simile al suo predecessore.

  20. Information Science: Science or Social Science?


    Sreeramana Aithal; Paul P.K.,; Bhuimali A.


    Collection, selection, processing, management, and dissemination of information are the main and ultimate role of Information Science and similar studies such as Information Studies, Information Management, Library Science, and Communication Science and so on. However, Information Science deals with some different characteristics than these subjects. Information Science is most interdisciplinary Science combines with so many knowledge clusters and domains. Information Science is a broad disci...

  1. BNI aperta e in cooperazione: come e perché

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    Luca Bellingeri


    Full Text Available A seguito della crisi economica che ha colpito l'Italia negli ultimi anni si è avuta una contrazione delle risorse economiche messe a disposizione delle biblioteche italiane, specialmente di quelle dipendenti dal MIBACT.  In tale contesto, la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze e l'agenzia bibliografica nazionale che da essa dipende hanno subito un ridimensionamento del loro prodotto, la Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana, condizionata dalla grave contrazione del numero degli addetti alla sua redazione. La ricerca di soluzioni per far fronte alla difficile situazione ha portato a due importanti decisioni che fanno perno sul concetto di natura di servizio pubblico e sul principio della cooperazione. La prima ha portato alla pubblicazione della Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana in forma libera e gratuita sul sito della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, a decorrere dallo scorso 30 maggio, consentendo alla BNI di mettersi al passo con le principali bibliografie nazionali europee. La seconda consiste nell'avvio di un progetto collaborativo che, seppur confermando il coordinamento bibliografico, la gestione informatica ed il controllo redazionale finale alla Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, si basa sull'apporto di alcune biblioteche di poli SBN dotate di precise caratteristiche di copertura da deposito legale e di specializzazione disciplinare, dando vita ad una Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana cooperativa.

  2. Towards a Collective Intelligence: Transmediality and the Wu Ming Project

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    Melina Anne Masterson


    Full Text Available Dagli albori della Seconda Repubblica in Italia,  le strategie di dominio sui mass media dell’ex premier Silvio Berlusconi hanno avuto un effetto considerevole sull’immaginario culturale italiano. In un approccio multisensoriale e multimediale alla scrittura, il collettivo Wu Ming mette in questione i paradigmi culturali che negli ultimi venti anni sono diventati egemonici. L’esperienza di un romanzo dei Wu Ming va ben oltre la parola stampata poiché cerca di stimolare tutti i cinque sensi per arricchire il modo in cui il lettore vive quello che c’è sulla pagina, dimostrando esempi chiari della «convergence culture» coniata da Henry Jenkins. Questo saggio esamina l’interazione tra parola e immagine messa in atto dal collettivo tramite il sito Pinterest e illustra come questo aspetto del loro progetto rappresenti un microcosmo di un approccio complessivo alla creazione estetica e alla pratica culturale. Inoltre, questo saggio descrive in che modo il processo collettivo di consumo portato avanti dai Wu Ming contribuisca alla formazione delle «communities of sentiment» di Arjun Appadurai e alla «intelligenza collettiva» di Jenkins. Queste sono formazioni che rivitalizzano il concetto di cultura popolare per la nostra epoca digitale e offrono un’alternativa ad un immaginario culturale italiano sovra-determinato dalle pratiche del Berlusconismo.

  3. l'altra metà futurista: la donna nel futurismo, le donne del futurismo

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    altro con l'amplesso più totale della vita” è seguito dal brusco ritorno alla realtà di sé stessi e la domanda cosciente e terrificante “si, ma noi cosa siamo? Ci conosciamo?” (Ginanni, 1919:45). Si arriva alla constatazione desolante che rimane.

  4. Nafta hind langeb bensiinist kiiremini / Hindrek Riikoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Riikoja, Hindrek


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 4. sept. lk. 5. Bensiinihinna langus on jäänud Eesti tanklates nafta maailmaturu hindadele neli korda alla. Lisa: Bensiin ja nafta on hakanud odavnema. Vt. samas: Hirmu külvanud orkaan Gustav tõi leebudes naftahinna alla

  5. La fisica dell'immortalità Dio, la cosmologia e la resurrezione dei morti

    CERN Document Server

    Tipler, Frank J


    “Questo libro descrive la teoria del Punto Omega: la teoria fisica e sperimentale di un Dio onnipresente onniscente e onnipotente, che in un giorno del futuro remoto farà risorgere ciascuno di noi alla vita eterna in una dimora che per ogni aspetto fondamentale è il paradiso della tradizione ebraico-cristiana. I singoli termini delle teoria – per esempio i concetti di onnipresenza, onniscienza, onnipotenza, corpo (spirituale) risuscitato, paradiso – saranno presentati come principi della fisica pura. In questo libro non farò mai appello alla rivelazione; mi appellerò, invece, ai risultati concreti della scienza moderna e alla ragione del lettore. Descriverò il meccanismo fisico della risurrezione universale. Mostrerò con estrema precisione come la fisica consenta la risurrezione alla vita eterna di tutti coloro che sono vissuti, che vivano o che vivranno. E mostrerò anche perché, nel futuro remoto, tale facoltà di risuscitare esisterà davvero e perché sarà effettivamente usata. A chi ha perd...


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    Paolo Grilli


    Full Text Available La parte alta del bacino idrografico del Fiume Metauro (Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano è stata oggetto di una campagna di ricerca annuale finalizzata alla caratterizzazione della comunità macrobentonica. In quattro stazioni di raccolta è stata riscontrata una comunità di elevata ricchezza tassonomica, alla quale contribuivano taxa stenoeci con valore di indicatori e/o di importanza biogeografica. I popolamenti sono apparsi differenti nelle varie stazioni e nelle diverse stagioni, mostrando nel complesso una relazione inversa tra ricchezza tassonomica e abbondanza del taxon dominante. La diversità tassonomica era più elevata nelle stazioni a maggiore altitudine, caratterizzate da sedimenti grossolani, mentre una sensibile riduzione del numero di taxa è stata osservata lungo l’asta fluviale, dove è apparsa evidente la dominanza di taxa eurieci. La diversità della comunità macrobentonica osservata dimostra l’importanza faunistica ed ecologica del tratto pedemontano del fiume Metauro, evidenziando l’opportunità di una sua gestione attenta alla tutela e alla conservazione.

  7. Contemporary librarianship and special collections issues: a case study in manuscript collections of Timbuktu and other Malian cities

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    Maria Luisa Russo


    Full Text Available Questo articolo affronta le problematiche legate alla gestione di collezioni speciali attraverso il caso di studio dei manoscritti di Timbuktu. La duplice questione di conservazione e accesso è presentata alla luce delle attuali tendenze della biblioteconomia, evidenziando le potenziali debolezze delle biblioteche preposte alla conservazione di collezioni speciali di fronte a nuovi compiti e incombenze. Posto che inclusione e crescita sono capisaldi della Dichiarazione di Lione sulle biblioteche, va compreso fino a che punto questi requisiti siano applicabili alle collezioni speciali. Il progetto descritto in questo articolo presenta un utile punto di vista in questo senso, grazie alla molteplicità di attività che vengono condotte sotto la sua egida: vengono infatti descritte le attività principali e le modalità di organizzazione del lavoro, rispondendo allo stesso tempo a finalità di accesso e di ricerca. Viene infine sviluppata una riflessione sul ruolo delle collezioni speciali nel panorama, mutato e in continua evoluzione, dei compiti e della missione delle biblioteche.

  8. Audiovisivi per línsegnamento e nuove tecnologie nelle classi 2.0 della regione Emilia-Romagna

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    Laura Corazza


    Full Text Available I bambini e i ragazzi nel nuovo millennio sono forse più avvezzi alla visione di un film o di una trasmissione televisiva che non alla lettura di un libro. Quello che è certo, è che sono sottoposti a un bombardamento mediatico senza precedenti grazie a canali televisivi specializzati nella produzione di programmi per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza, alla Rete Internet e ai dispositivi mobili di ultima generazione. E a scuola? Come cambia la didattica? Al laboratorio Mela abbiamo documentato con un video l’avvio della prima esperienza delle Cl@ssi 2.0 in Emilia-Romagna nelle scuole secondarie inferiori. Alla fine dei 3 anni di sperimentazione, durante i quali gli insegnanti hanno utilizzato LIM, computer in classe e Moodle per l’insegnamento a distanza, abbiamo invece cercato di capire, con un questionario, come e quanto vengano utilizzati i video per la didattica. Ne sono seguite alcune riflessioni.

  9. Raccontare la giustizia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, M.; Urban, M.B.


    Dalle varie riflessioni critiche sul rapporto tra letteratura e giustizia e tra narrazione e legge si può dedurre che alla letteratura venga attribuita la facoltà di “fare giustizia” e alla legge il potenziale di produrre delle storie. Anche se le opinioni divergono sull’effettivo valore

  10. Rigenerazione urbana: professione, didattica, ricerca

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    Roberto Mingucci


    Full Text Available Il numero 3/2011 di IN_BO rappresenta una evoluzione significativa nella vita della rivista. Come da sempre abbiamo segnalato, IN_BO è nata per essere dedicata a temi che coinvolgono l’intero quadro di discipline nella formazione degli Ingegneri-Architetti, con l’obiettivo di mettere a confronto esperienze di ricerca e di studio orientate, in particolare, alla conoscenza, alla rappresentazione e al progetto del territorio, della città e dell’architettura. Questo numero realizza, in una sintesi molto efficace, questa intenzione, confrontando riflessioni, esperienze e progetti sul tema della rigenerazione urbana. Tra le finalità di IN_BO c’è anche quella di voler lavorare alla costruzione di una matura sensibilità progettuale, più legata ai valori e ai significati, pronta anche alla creatività e alla sperimentazione, piuttosto che al rigoroso rispetto normativo, seppure questo rappresenti un passaggio ineludibile e necessario. Ed è proprio quello che questo numero della rivista prova a fare, impostando un ragionamento, raccogliendo input nel confronto con esperienze internazionali, aprendosi a più letture e a più interpretazioni. Questa metodologia operativa è sicuramente utile per gli studenti e i ricercatori, ma allo stesso modo lo è anche per i tecnici e i professionisti, che nel mondo globale devono fare i conti con riferimenti, culturali e progettuali, che superano i confini nazionali, alla ricerca di una nuova dimensione e di una rinnovata identità. IN_BO, dunque, può essere strumento di conoscenza, divenendo recipiente di esperienze, e allo stesso tempo luogo di dialogo a più voci, aperto, continuo e costruttivo. Uno spazio dove l’accademia e la professione si incontrano, in un reciproco e proficuo scambio.

  11. L’enigma dei raggi cosmici le più grandi energie dell’universo

    CERN Document Server

    De Angelis, Alessandro


    Grazie ad avventurosi studi fu possibile dimostrare un secolo fa che parte della radiazione naturale che si osserva sulla Terra è di natura extraterrestre: era la scoperta dei cosiddetti “raggi cosmici”, particelle che arrivano da misteriosi acceleratori nell’universo, probabilmente buchi neri supermassicci e resti di supernova, a energie anche centinaia di milioni di volte di quelle a cui riusciamo a produrle con i più potenti acceleratori della Terra. A cent’anni dalle prime scoperte questo libro si propone, con l’aiuto di documenti scoperti recentemente, di raccontare la vera storia di questa appassionante avventura scientifica e le frontiere dell'esplorazione dei raggi cosmici.

  12. Stima del valore di trasformazione utilizzando la funzione di stima. Il Market Comparison Approach a tabella dei dati ridotta

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    Maurizio d’Amato


    Full Text Available Il contributo propone l’utilizzo di una rielaborazione dell’uso del Market Comparison Approach per la determinazione del valore di beni immobili che sono stati oggetto di una trasformazione. Esso è focalizzato sulla determinazione valore di un bene immobile in seguito a una trasformazione finalizzato alla determinazione del valore di un suolo nell’ambito dell’applicazione dell’extraction method. I risultati, basati su dati di compravendita e riferiti a un caso reale in provincia di Bari, possono essere estesi anche alla valutazione degli immobili in costruzione e alla determinazione del valore di beni immobili in costruzione (investment property under construction con il metodo del valore futuro.

  13. Gli incerti confini del cosmo dai buchi neri alle macchine del tempo

    CERN Document Server

    De Felice, Fernando


    Il libro mostra come la gravitazione abbia un ruolo determinante nei fenomeni cosmici che più ci impressionano, da quelli relativamente vicini alla nostra esperienza (come la formazione delle stelle) a quelli meno intuibili (come la formazione dei buchi neri), alla struttura dell'Universo nel suo insieme. Oltre a spiegare, in modo qualitativo, concetti come la geometria dello spazio-tempo, la relatività del tempo e i coni di luce, l'autore formula un'ipotesi innovativa tendente a spiegare l'origine della gravitazione e con essa quella dei fenomeni circondati ancora da un alone di mistero: la materia oscura dell'Universo e il destino della materia alla fine del collasso gravitazionale.

  14. Edmondo De Amicis e la proposta al Ministro dell’Istruzione Pubblica. Un recupero bibliografico

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    Michela Dota


    Full Text Available Il presente articolo riporta alla luce un contributo dimenticato di Edmondo De Amicis al dibattito post-unitario intorno alla scuola, avviato dalla Relazione manzoniana. In dialogo con quest’ultima e con la letteratura pedagogica coeva, Una proposta al ministro dell’istruzione pubblica (1869 auspica la realizzazione di un libro per gli allievi della scuola primaria, calibrato per i contenuti e per la lingua sulle risorse mentali dei piccoli lettori. Con l’ausilio di alcuni stralci epistolari finora inediti, il presente intervento contestualizza lo scritto deamicisiano, in relazione alla biografia storico-letteraria dello scrittore e al dibattito linguistico e educativo coevo, offrendone infine una trascrizione.

  15. Il Cratilo di Platone

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    Maria Chiara Pievatolo


    Full Text Available La guida ipertestuale alla lettura del Cratilo di Platone composta per gli studenti della facoltà di Scienze politiche dell’università di Pisa è ora visibile a tutti qui. L’ipertesto ha tratto vantaggio dall’Introduzione alla linguistica generale del professor Manuel Barbera dell’università...

  16. Storia del contributo italiano alla viticoltura sudafricana dalle origini alla contemporaneità

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    Claudio Sessa


    Full Text Available Italians over time have formed a symbiotic relationship with the plant of the vine, with its fruit, the grape and its product, the wine. Exported in the world the skills and quality craftsmanship, the know-how of useful knowledge to the development of winemaking in any place or region of the world, as in South Africa. The great skill matured over the centuries has been a useful tool, a “business card” with which to enter into society and different national contexts other than through an integration and comparison process which contributed to the evolution and modification of the screws viticulture sector of South African food and costumes. This article aims to reconstruct the South African wine-making history through the analysis of the Italian contribution to the development of the sector itself in a long-term perspective that goes from the XVII century to contemporary deepening episodes neglected and free from scientific-academic discussion.

  17. Alla fine della vita: bioetica e medicina alla ricerca di un confine

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    Barcaro, Rosangela


    Full Text Available [At the end of life: bioethics and medicine looking for a boundary]. Bioethics, neuroscience, medicine are contributing to a debate on the definition and criteria of death. This topic is very controversial, and it demonstrates clashing views on the meaning of human life and death. Official medical and legal positions agree upon a biological definition of death as irreversible cessation of integrated functioning of the organism as a whole, and whole-brain criterion to ascertain death. These positions have to face many criticisms: some scholars speak of logical and practical inconsistency, some others of invalid scientific theory about the supreme integrator. In this paper some criticisms are exposed and discussed in order to reconstruct the state of the art in bioethical debate.

  18. MARE HIBERICUM. Considerazioni canonistiche sulla spartizione alessandrina dell’Oceano Atlantico

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    Piero Bellini


    Principi cristiani - 18. Mandato missionario conferito in via esclusiva ai Principi di Spagna: sua giustificazione in chiave di «convenientia ad finem spiritualem» - 19. Riferimento alla «ratio pacis» ad evitare intralci alla «conversio barbarorum» - 20. Contestazione della «divisio oceani» e della conseguente «divisio mundi - Conclusione.

  19. Imagineering the astronomical revolution - Essay review (United States)

    Jardine, Nicholas.


    Concerning following Books: (I) Transmitting knowledge - words, images, and instruments in early modern Europe. Kusukawa and Maclean (eds.), OUP, Oxford, 2006; (II) Widmung, Welterklärung und Wissenschaftslegitimierung: Titelbilder und ihre Funktionen in der wissenschaftlichen Revolution. Remmert, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2005; (III) The power of images in early modern science. Lefevre, Renn and Schoepflin (eds.), Birkhäuser, Basel, 2003; (IV) Immagini per conoscere - dal Rinascimento alla rivoluzione scientifica. Meroi and Pogliano (eds.), Olschki, Florenz, 2001; (V) Erkenntnis Erfindung Konstruktion - Studien zur Bildgeschichte von Naturwissenschaften und Technik vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Holländer (ed.), Mann, Berlin, 2000.

  20. Misure alternative alla detenzione e promozione dei diritti tra prossimità e sollecitudine / Mesures alternatives à l’incarcération et promotion des droits entre proximité et sollicitude / Alternative measures to detention and promotion of the rights between proximity and concern

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    Bisi Roberta


    Full Text Available I percorsi che portano ad usufruire di misure alternative alla detenzione sollecitano riflessioni circa l’importanza delle relazioni, dei processi ed anche delle modalità di costruzione degli interventi. Pertanto, è oltremodo necessario che, grazie a comparazioni verificate in altri Paesi e il progetto europeo di ricerca al quale è dedicato questo numero della Rivista ne è un esempio, vengano formulate e trasferite sul piano operativo contenuti e proposte che dovranno scaturire ed essere rilevate con iniziative di studio, di ricerche, di verifiche e di sperimentazioni poiché l’esigenza di libertà, che è alla base della detenzione, pone problemi di fondo e ne sollecita soluzioni, trattandosi di beni raramente e adeguatamente recuperabili o ricostruibili in pieno. Les parcours qui conduisent à bénéficier de mesures alternatives à l’incarcération sollicitent des réflexions sur l’importance des relations, des processus, mais aussi sur les modalités d’élaboration des interventions. Par conséquent, grâce aux comparaisons avec d’autres pays, et au projet de recherche européen auquel ce numéro de la « Revue de Criminologie, Victimologie et Sécurité » est consacré, il est plus que nécessaire que les propositions et les suggestions formulées soient mises en ɶuvre. Ces dernières devront être élaborées à partir d’études, de recherches, de vérifications et d’essais puisque l’exigence de la liberté, qui est à la base de l’incarcération, pose des problèmes majeurs et demande des solutions, s’agissant de biens rarement et adéquatement récupérables ou pouvant être pleinement reconquis. The routes leading to benefit from alternative measures to detention encourage to reflect on the importance of those relationships and procedures involved in the development of the relevant required interventions. Thanks to the comparisons made in other countries (and the European research project examined in this

  1. Prime osservazioni in tema di rappresentanza sindacale: dal protocollo del 31 maggio 2013 alla sentenza della Corte Costitu­zionale n. 231 del 2013

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    Marina Capobianco


    áti­cas divisiones averiguadas en los últimos años entre los sindicatos. El Protocolo se pone en perfecta línea de continuidad con el anterior Acuerdo Interconfederal del 28 junio del 2011, diferenciándose de ello, sin embargo, en algunas partes. Dentro de este escenario, se analiza la reciente pronunciación de la Corte Constitucional sobre la legitimidad constitucional del art. 19 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores hoy, recorriendo las etapas de progresiva afirmación de la nueva orientación jurisprudencial dirigida a encontrar soluciones de compromiso para poner punto final a la añosa cuestión de la representación "irrisorta", en el ámbito del vacío legislativo en materia sindical. Riassunto - L'Autore affronta lo spinoso tema della rappresentanza sindacale alla luce del­la stipulazione della recente Intesa recante indicazioni in tema di misurazione della rappresen­tatività, sottoscritta unitariamente dalle parti sociali per porre fine alle drammatiche divisioni verificatesi negli ultimi anni sul fronte endo-sindacale. Il Protocollo si pone in perfetta linea di continuità con il precedente Accordo Interconfederale del 28 giugno del 2011, differenziando­sene, tuttavia, su alcune parti. Entro tale scenario, si analizza la recente pronuncia della Con­sulta sulla legittimità costituzionale dell'art. 19 dello Statuto dei Lavoratori oggi, ripercorren­dosi le tappe di progressiva affermazione del nuovo orientamento giurisprudenziale volto a trovare soluzioni di compromesso per porre fine alla annosa questione della rappresentanza “irrisorta”, nell'ambito del vuoto legislativo in materia sindacale. Sommario – 1. L'Accordo del 31 maggio 2013 nel quadro dei previgenti accordi interconfe­derali – 2. Le nuove misure di rappresentatività – 3. L'efficacia soggettiva ed i criteri di votazio­ne - 4. La clausola di esigibilità e di tregua sindacale – 5. La portata e gli effetti del nuovo accordo – 6. La recente decisione della Consulta e le "soluzioni" al

  2. Nazimova  

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Norup, Lis


    Om udvekslingen mellem litteratur og film. Alla Nazimovas filmatisering af Oscar Wildes "Salome" og gestaltning af dekadent-komplicerede kvindeskikkelser som Salome og Hedda Gabler Udgivelsesdato: dec.......Om udvekslingen mellem litteratur og film. Alla Nazimovas filmatisering af Oscar Wildes "Salome" og gestaltning af dekadent-komplicerede kvindeskikkelser som Salome og Hedda Gabler Udgivelsesdato: dec....

  3. Big Bologna. Le anomalie degli spazi pubblici in grande scala

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    Richard Ingersoll


    Full Text Available Nella periferia di Bologna sono nati recentemente nuovi spazi pubblici, molto diversi rispetto a quelli della città storica, che esprimono chiaramente  la mania della grandezza, la sindrome di Big Bologna. Ovunque si getta lo sguardo si notano nuove manifestazioni di una scala fuori proporzione che contribuisce alla segregazione sociale. Da quando sono arrivate le torri bianche della megastruttura di Kenzo Tange alla Fiera, la grande scala ha dato origine a spazi pubblici poco ameni per la vita urbana. Forse questi megaprogetti sono inevitabili segni dell’epoca della globalizzazione, ma ci si chiede se i committenti e i loro architetti sono stati consapevoli di quanto la progettazione di tali forme causa un deterrente alla socializzazione.

  4. Science and Science Fiction (United States)

    Oravetz, David


    This article is for teachers looking for new ways to motivate students, increase science comprehension, and understanding without using the old standard expository science textbook. This author suggests reading a science fiction novel in the science classroom as a way to engage students in learning. Using science fiction literature and language…

  5. Information and technology are not enough: we need also knowledge and science.

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    Ferdinando Boero


    Full Text Available EnThe era of Information and Technology has changed our life, allowing those who can access an internet connection to consult an almost unlimited number of sites covering almost all topics. It is difficult, however, to distinguish reliable information from unreliable one. The data posted in the web might be very precise while lacking accuracy. It is very important that information is based on solid knowledge, like the one guaranteed by peer-reviewed scientific journals. It is argued, with some examples, that the current policy of Information availability throught the internet is not based on sufficient knowledge. More reliability is available at the sites of scientific journals, but they often require a subscription and enforce copyright restrictions, so hampering the spread of knowledge which is the basis of scientific "publication" (i.e. the delivery of the results of science to the public.ItL'era della Tecnologia dell'Informazione ha cambiato la nostra vita, permettendo a chi abbia una connessione internet di consultare un numero illimitato di siti che coprono quasi tutti gli argomenti. E' difficile, tuttavia, distinguere le informazioni attendibili da quelle inattendibili. I dati pubblicati nella rete possono essere molto precisi ma mancare completamente di accuratezza. E' molto importante che le informazioni siano basate su solide conoscenze, come quella garantita dalla revisione dei pari (peer-review utilizzata dalle riviste scientifiche. Questo lavoro suggerisce, con alcuni esempi, che la politica corrente di disponibilità di informazioni attraverso internet non è basata su sufficiente conoscenza. Una maggiore attendibilità è disponibile sui siti delle riviste scientifiche, ma essi spesso richiedono un abbonamento e impongono restrizioni basate sul copyright, impedendo così la diffusione delle conoscenze che è alla base delle "pubblicazioni" scientifiche (cioè della disponibilità pubblica dei risultati della ricerca scientifica.

  6. GIS 2010 e pubblica amministrazione

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    Renzo Carlucci


    Full Text Available L’apporto della geomatica alla conoscenza del territorio e alla sua difesa spazia su vari aspetti. Dalla difesa idrogeologica al monitoraggio dei movimenti, dalla predisposizione delle mappe urbanistiche all’analisi d’uso del suolo, la sovrapposizione di informazioni su diversi piani costituisce il cuore del funzionamento dei Sistemi Informativi Geografici.


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    Silvia Marianna Bollone


    Full Text Available La componente linguistica riveste un ruolo prioritario nell’insegnamento-apprendimento delle scienze, specificamente prescritto dai programmi scolastici attualmente vigenti in Europa e pienamente accolto dalle Indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo della scuola dell'infanzia e del primo ciclo d’istruzione, di cui D.M. 254/2012. Il presente lavoro intende indagare l’incidenza dell’aspetto linguistico-comunicativo nel processo di insegnamento-apprendimento delle scienze nell’ambito di tre differenti contesti europei: l’Italia, la Danimarca e il Galles, nella fascia di età compresa all’incirca tra gli 11 e 14 anni, corrispondente per l’Italia alla Scuola secondaria di primo grado, per la Danimarca ad un segmento della Folkeskole, e per il Galles alla fase iniziale della Secondary School. La ricerca, incentrata su uno specifico argomento del programma di scienze comune ai tre sistemi scolastici, prevede un’analisi dei programmi ministeriali, delle programmazioni degli insegnanti, dei manuali in uso nelle scuole, nell’intento di definire il ruolo assegnato agli aspetti linguistici nell’insegnamento delle scienze sia livello legislativo-istituzionale che nella quotidiana pratica didattica.  Teaching science in Europe: language issues compared (Italy, Denmark, Wales The linguistic component plays a major role in the teaching and learning of science, specifically prescribed by the curriculum currently in force in Europe and fully supported by the National Guidelines for the curriculum in kindergarten and the first cycle of education, regulated by DM 254/2012. This paper aims to investigate the linguistic-communicative impact in the process of teaching and learning science in three different European contexts: Italy, Denmark and Wales in children aged 11 to 14, corresponding in Italy to Middle school, in Denmark to a segment of the Folkeskole, and in Wales to the initial phase of the Secondary school. The research focused on a

  8. Do Gender-Science Stereotypes Predict Science Identification and Science Career Aspirations among Undergraduate Science Majors? (United States)

    Cundiff, Jessica L.; Vescio, Theresa K.; Loken, Eric; Lo, Lawrence


    The present research examined whether gender-science stereotypes were associated with science identification and, in turn, science career aspirations among women and men undergraduate science majors. More than 1,700 students enrolled in introductory science courses completed measures of gender-science stereotypes (implicit associations and…

  9. Introduzione alla fisica matematica

    CERN Document Server

    Persico, Enrico


    Cinematica dei mezzi continui, campi scalari e vettoriali ; funzioni armoniche, rappresentazioni confomi ; teoria dell'elasticità ; elettromagnetismo ; conduzione del calore (e diffusione) ; le equazioni a derivate parziali della fisica matematica ; cenni sulla teoria della relatività (ristretta).

  10. La validità degli atti giuridici

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    Maria Fausta Maternini


    Full Text Available La voce è destinata alla pubblicazione, in lingua spagnola, nel Diccionario general de Derecho canónico edito dall’Instituto Martìn de Azpilcueta, Universidad de Navarra. SOMMARIO: 1. La validità dell’ atto giuridico in ambito privato - 2. Gli atti giuridici pubblici e il procedimento amministrativo che concorre alla loro formazione - 3 Le anormalità dell’atto.

  11. se una notte d'inverno di italo calvino: la letteratura tra gioco ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    immergerti nel libro» non riesce più, e Calvino, sempre vigile nei commenti metanarrativi, interviene facendo ... pensi alla Lettrice che in questo momento sta aprendo anche lei il libro, ed ecco che al romanzo da ..... (la parola è di Calvino), si può rendere con la formula matematica di tre alla terza (33). In letteratura però i ...

  12. L'equazione di Dio Einstein, la relatività e l'universo in espansione

    CERN Document Server

    Aczel, Amir D


    Prendendo in esame le ultime scoperte della comunità scientifica mondiale, l'autore parla di cosmologia, ovvero lo studio della natura dell'universo. Servendosi di Einstein e delle sue teorie che spiegano i legami tra relatività e cosmologia, Aczel ci spiega come il grande scienziato si sia praticamente trasformato nel portavoce di Dio rivelandoci le verità fondamentali dell'universo in cui viviamo. In realtà lo studioso, quando nel 1912 dedusse dai suoi calcoli che l'universo era in continua espansione, ritenne implausibili le conclusioni della sua scoperta e inventò una costante matematica (la "costante cosmologica") che ovviasse al problema. Oggi la scienza conferma sempre più quell'ipotesi di novant'anni fa.

  13. VII Workshop Italiano sulla fisica pp a LHC (United States)

    LHCpp2016 è la settima edizione dell'incontro nazionale sulla fisica p-p a LHC. Questa serie di incontri è nata a Pisa nel 2003 con lo scopo di stimolare lo scambio di idee tra le comunità sperimentali di ATLAS, CMS e LHCB e la comunità teorica. Caratteristica fondamentale di questi incontri è la preparazione di larga parte dei talk in collaborazione tra i vari esperimenti e la comunità teorica. Largo spazio nella preparazione e presentazione dei talk viene dato ai giovani ricercatori. In questa settima edizione, che si tiene di nuovo a Pisa, vogliamo concentrare l'attenzione sulle potenzialità di scoperta offerte dai dati raccolti durante il runII di LHC.

  14. Un'estrema solitudine la vita e l'opera di Werner Heisenberg

    CERN Document Server

    Cassidy, David C


    Il genio di Werner Heisenberg attraversa l'orizzonte della fisica del nostro secolo come una meteora. Testimoniano della fecondità e dell'originalità del suo pensiero non solo il Nobel che gli fu assegnato a soli 32 anni, ma soprattutto i decisivi impulsi da lui dati alla fisica quantistica, alla teoria delle particelle elementari, alla teoria del nucleo. Si deve a Heisenberg quel "principio di indeterminazione" che ha rivoluzionato non solo il corso della fisica ma il modo di concepire la posizione dell'uomo nell'universo. L'interesse del libro, però, vuole andare oltre la fisica, giacché il curriculum del "ragazzo di campagna dei biondi capelli" rispecchia in forma emblematica l'ambiguo rapporto della scienza col potere.

  15. The Scheme of interlaced scuta in the roman mosaic and the case of Desenzano

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    Daniela Massara


    Full Text Available Lo schema degli scuta incrociati ricorre in numerosi mosaici pavimentali romani, databili tra il II secolo a.C. e l'VIII secolo d.C., situati in diverse regioni dell'Impero Romano (Achaia, Africa Proconsularis, Arabia, Aquitania, Belgica, Cyprus, Hispania, Italia, Mauretania Caesariensis, Numidia, Palaestina, Sardinia, Syria. La prima parte dell'articolo è dedicata alla presentazione dello schema in generale e alla diffusione delle sue varianti. La seconda parte, alla luce dell'intero repertorio raccolto e dei confronti più stringenti individuati, si concentra sul pavimento musivo dell'ambiente d'ingresso della villa romana di Desenzano del Garda, sul trattamento dello schema, sugli elementi riempitivi adottati (in particolare “il nodo” e la funzione del vestibolo associato al pavimento e al contesto monumentale dell'abitazione.

  16. Science of science. (United States)

    Fortunato, Santo; Bergstrom, Carl T; Börner, Katy; Evans, James A; Helbing, Dirk; Milojević, Staša; Petersen, Alexander M; Radicchi, Filippo; Sinatra, Roberta; Uzzi, Brian; Vespignani, Alessandro; Waltman, Ludo; Wang, Dashun; Barabási, Albert-László


    Identifying fundamental drivers of science and developing predictive models to capture its evolution are instrumental for the design of policies that can improve the scientific enterprise-for example, through enhanced career paths for scientists, better performance evaluation for organizations hosting research, discovery of novel effective funding vehicles, and even identification of promising regions along the scientific frontier. The science of science uses large-scale data on the production of science to search for universal and domain-specific patterns. Here, we review recent developments in this transdisciplinary field. Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

  17. Science and data science. (United States)

    Blei, David M; Smyth, Padhraic


    Data science has attracted a lot of attention, promising to turn vast amounts of data into useful predictions and insights. In this article, we ask why scientists should care about data science. To answer, we discuss data science from three perspectives: statistical, computational, and human. Although each of the three is a critical component of data science, we argue that the effective combination of all three components is the essence of what data science is about.

  18. Primary Science Interview: Science Sparks (United States)

    Bianchi, Lynne


    In this "Primary Science" interview, Lynne Bianchi talks with Emma Vanstone about "Science Sparks," which is a website full of creative, fun, and exciting science activity ideas for children of primary-school age. "Science Sparks" started with the aim of inspiring more parents to do science at home with their…

  19. Caring Science or Science of Caring. (United States)

    Turkel, Marian C; Watson, Jean; Giovannoni, Joseph


    The concepts caring science and science of caring have different meanings; however, they are often used interchangeably. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the synthesis of the scholarly literature on the definitions of the science of caring and caring science and to affirm the authors' perspective relating to the language of caring science. Caring science advances the epistemology and ontology of caring. Ideas related to caring science inquiry are presented, and the authors acknowledge the future of caring science as unitary caring science.

  20. What's science? Where's science? Science journalism in German print media. (United States)

    Summ, Annika; Volpers, Anna-Maria


    This article examines the current state of science coverage in German print media. It deals with the following questions: (1) how the main characteristics of science journalism can be described, (2) whether there is a difference between various scientific fields, and (3) how different definitions of science journalism lead to differing findings. Two forms of science coverage were analyzed in a standardized, two-part content analysis of German newspapers (N = 1730 and N = 1640). The results show a significant difference between a narrow and a broad definition of science journalism. In the classic understanding, science journalism is prompted by scientific events and is rather noncritical. Science coverage in a broad sense is defined by a wider range of journalistic styles, driven by non-scientific events, and with a focus on the statements of scientific experts. Furthermore, the study describes the specific role of the humanities and social sciences in German science coverage. © The Author(s) 2015.

  1. Dalla creazione alla programmazione. Il concetto di vita nell’era della biologia sintetica

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    Luca Lo Sapio


    Full Text Available This paper aims to organize a reflection about the recent developing field of synthetic biology. It is structured into three main parts. The first one tries to point out the features of this emerging field (the analogies and the differences with the genetic engineering; the second one analyzes the terms and the concepts we can find in the fundamental article by Venter et al. (and in the recent article published by La Jolla Institute’s researchers; the third one delineates the principal outcomes of synthetic biology’s applications, in particular, for the formulation of the concept of life. Therefore it is proposed a connection between artificial life’s science and human enhancement. In fact I think it is possible to clarify human enhancement problem by a specific investigation of synthetic biology’s main characteristics.

  2. La ‘Bildung’: una categoria pedagogica significativa anche in Italia

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    Franco Cambi


    Full Text Available Il saggio discute la pedagogia della Bildung in Italia mediante ildialogo e il confronto con la cultura tedesca e la sua identità formativa. Al centro dell’analisi l’herbartismo di Credaro, il neoidealismo spaventiano di Gentile, il neokantismo di Banfi, lo storicismo di Croce, il marxismo di Gramsci, correnti di pensiero che hanno attivato un dialogo forte e originale con la pedagogia dellaBildung. Si problematizza il dialogo critico che è continuato negli anni Sessanta/Settanta con i richiami alla lectio dei francofortesi, poi negli anni Ottanta/Novanta con la presenza dell’ermeneutica e con le sue diverse frontiere, poi ancora negli anni Novanta e Duemila con un doppio e esplicito richiamo: alla formazione dell’“uomo umano” e alla storia complessa nella cultura attuale della teoria della Bildung.

  3. Accessibilità e fruibilità del patrimonio architettonico: occasioni per una sostenibilità “sociale” del recupero

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    Alessandro Greco


    Full Text Available Il tema dell’accessibilità e della fruibilità del patrimonio storico – architettonico sta assumendo sempre più rilevanza nel contesto nazionale, e in quello europeo più in generale, anche per le importanti funzioni che normalmente vengono inserite in contenitori edilizi dall’elevato valore culturale e documentale, collocati spesso nel centro storico delle città oppure in aree di elevato pregio ambientale.Il contributo propone riflessioni di carattere generale sull’importanza “sociale” dell’accessibilità al patrimonio edilizio storico e offre spunti per un approccio alla progettazione dell’accessibilità secondo un metodo consapevole della complessità del tema, partecipato e multidisciplinare. Il testo si completa con l’illustrazione di due ricerche applicate (una alla scala urbana e una alla scala edilizia sviluppate secondo tale metodo.

  4. Science Fiction and Science Education. (United States)

    Cavanaugh, Terence


    Uses science fiction films such as "Jurassic Park" or "Anaconda" to teach science concepts while fostering student interest. Advocates science fiction as a teaching tool to improve learning and motivation. Describes how to use science fiction in the classroom with the sample activity Twister. (YDS)

  5. Preservice Science Teachers' Science Teaching Orientations and Beliefs about Science (United States)

    Kind, Vanessa


    This paper offers clarification of science teacher orientations as a potential component of pedagogical content knowledge. Science teaching orientations and beliefs about science held by 237 preservice science teachers were gathered via content-specific vignettes and questionnaire, respectively, prior to participation in a UK-based teacher…

  6. Formative science and indicial science: epistemological proposal for information science

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    Eliany Alvarenga de Araújo


    Full Text Available Epistemological reflections on the Information Science as scientific field that if structure in the context of modern science, in theoretical and methodological terms and technologies of the information in applied terms. Such configuration made possible the sprouting of this science; however we consider that the same one will not guarantee to this science the full development as field of consistent and modern knowledge. Modern Science, while scientific practical vision and meets depleted and the information technologies are only auto-regulated mechanisms that function according to principles of automatisms. To leave of these considerations we propols the concept of Formative Science (Bachelard, 1996 and the Indiciario Paradigm (1991 with epistemological basis for the Information Science. The concept of formative science if a base on the principles of tree states of the scientific spirit and the psychological condition of the scientific progress and the indiciario paradigm it considers the intuição (empirical and rational as methodological base to make it scientific.

  7. A multi-sensory methodological approach for science learning

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    Eugenia Lucia Bossio


    Full Text Available This paper presents both a learning environment aimed at science education and the results obtained at the end of its experimentation carried out in a secondary school. The edutainment environment has been designed to explain the physical theory of superstrings, and it was mainly based on the construction of artifacts and on the manipulation of digital media. In order to both intrigue students and make interesting and appealing this complex subject of physics we have tried to stimulate and engage students in a multi-sensory way through different approaches. It was outlined a path made by different steps to deal with the scientific issues addressed that would actively encourage a real translation of knowledge into skills and both different styles and ways of learning. Superstring theory was first presented through traditional approaches and, later, through the construction of metaphoric representations made by artifacts created by the students. The experimentation, conducted on a group of 20 students, allowed to evaluate the effectiveness of the environment. Un approccio multisensoriale per l’apprendimento delle scienzeQuesto articolo presenta un ambiente di apprendimento rivolto alla didattica delle scienze e i risultati ottenuti al termine della sua sperimentazione compiuta presso un istituto scolastico d’istruzione secondaria di primo grado. L’ambiente di edutainment è stato progettato per realizzare la divulgazione della teoria fisica delle superstringhe, ed è stato prevalentemente basato sulla costruzione di manufatti e sulla manipolazione di media digitali. Si è cercato di stimolare e coinvolgere gli alunni mediante approcci diversi e in maniera multisensoriale con l’obiettivo di incuriosirli rendendo interessante e accattivante questo complesso argomento della fisica. È stato delineato un percorso per gradi alle problematiche scientifiche affrontate che potesse attivamente stimolare sia i vari stili e modi di apprendimento

  8. Reddito minimo e piena occupazione. Note sull'idea dei "piani di lavoro garantito" e di "occupazione di ultima istanza"


    Foggi, Jacopo


    L'articolo costituisce una rapida disamina di una proposta politica per la piena occupazione e la lotta alla povertà, poco nota nel dibattito politico, filosofico ed economico italiano. L'interesse della proposta, sviluppata inizialmente da Hyman Minsky e ripresa indipendentemente da diversi economisti in particolare di indirizzo post-keynesiano, sta essenzialmente nell'affrontare congiuntamente lotta alla povertà e perseguimento della piena occupazione, all'interno di un quadro macroeconomic...

  9. Il ruolo di Betlemme nella storia cristiana e nella posizione della Santa Sede

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    Raffaele Coppola


    SOMMARIO: 1. Osservazioni introduttive e metodologiche - 2. Betlemme nella Bibbia - 3. Politica, cultura e religione: dalla dominazione romana alla disfatta dei mamelucchi - 4. Dall'occupazione turca ai nostri giorni; il predominio della storia politica - 5. La “nouvelle histoire” e la posizione della Santa Sede - 6. L'assedio israeliano alla Basilica della Natività - 7. Il “paradosso cristiano” e la città nascosta. Il muro della vergogna.

  10. Video e comunicazione scientifica. Il laboratorio MELA dell’Università di Bologna

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    Laura Corazza


    Full Text Available Al Media Education e-learning LAboratorio del Dipartimento di Scienze dell’educazione e della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione, Università di Bologna, un gruppo di esperti e di tecnici svolge attività di supporto alla didattica e alla ricerca, lavorando con i docenti per produrre audiovisivi e materiali multimediali. I prodotti MELA sono video per l’approfondimento culturale, per la produzione scientifica, per la documentazione.

  11. Feeding strategies of Rattus norvegicus: a review / Una sintesi di alcuni aspetti della strategia alimentare del ratto Rattus norvegicus

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    Mara Cagnin


    the foraging behaviour of the rat, are: the constant sampling of al1 the potential foods that brings the populations to a noteworthy adaptability to the change of available resources; the social interactions among individuals (mother-pups, adult-adult that are very important in influencing the food preferences and, eventually, the food avoidance; the use of feeding-places, which is considered as a fundamental trait of the foraging behaviour of the rat, working as an information-centre of the animals. Riassunto Sono stati esaminati alcuni dei più importanti aspetti della strategia alimentare del ratto, Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769 considerando in particolare il comportamento dei selvatici e i lavori in natura. Le marcate differenze individuali nelle preferenze alimentari ed il campionamento continuo di tutte le potenziali fonti alimentari, permettono alle popolazioni naturali di sfruttare un gran numero di risorse dell'ambiente, adattandosi alle sue variazioni. I1 comportamento di accumulo, ben evidenziato in laboratorio ma scarsamente documentato in natura, sembra nel ratto un meccanismo utilizzato solo per far fronte a situazioni particolari (es. surplus di cibo, allattamento. I1 grado di neofobia è variamente modulato in popolazioni che hanno un rapporto con l'ambiente umano e assente nelle popolazioni non commensali. Molto importanti risultano le interazioni sociali fra gli individui (madre-piccoli, adulti-adulti nell'influenzare le scelte alimentari. Vengono discussi i dati relativi alla predazione su Molluschi che confermano l'ipotesi di una trasmissione delle informazioni riguardo alla scoperta di nuovi alimenti e delle tecniche di apertura del guscio. La formazione di mense viene interpretata come un fondamentale aspetto del comportamento di foraggiamento del ratto, rilevante come centro per lo scambio di informazioni fra gli animali.

  12. Everyday science & science every day: Science-related talk & activities across settings (United States)

    Zimmerman, Heather

    To understand the development of science-related thinking, acting, and learning in middle childhood, I studied youth in schools, homes, and other neighborhood settings over a three-year period. The research goal was to analyze how multiple everyday experiences influence children's participation in science-related practices and their thinking about science and scientists. Ethnographic and interaction analysis methodologies were to study the cognition and social interactions of the children as they participated in activities with peers, family, and teachers (n=128). Interviews and participant self-documentation protocols elucidated the participants' understandings of science. An Everyday Expertise (Bell et al., 2006) theoretical framework was employed to study the development of science understandings on three analytical planes: individual learner, social groups, and societal/community resources. Findings came from a cross-case analysis of urban science learners and from two within-case analyses of girls' science-related practices as they transitioned from elementary to middle school. Results included: (1) children participated actively in science across settings---including in their homes as well as in schools, (2) children's interests in science were not always aligned to the school science content, pedagogy, or school structures for participation, yet children found ways to engage with science despite these differences through crafting multiple pathways into science, (3) urban parents were active supporters of STEM-related learning environments through brokering access to social and material resources, (4) the youth often found science in their daily activities that formal education did not make use of, and (5) children's involvement with science-related practices can be developed into design principles to reach youth in culturally relevant ways.

  13. WikiScience: Wikipedia for science and technology


    Aibar Puentes, Eduard


    Peer-reviewed Presentació de la conferència "WikiScience: Wikipedia for science and technology". Presentación de la conferencia "WikiScience: Wikipedia for science and technology". Presentation of the conference "Science Wiki: Wikipedia for science and technology".

  14. Where civics meets science: building science for the public good through Civic Science. (United States)

    Garlick, J A; Levine, P


    Public understanding of science and civic engagement on science issues that impact contemporary life matter more today than ever. From the Planned Parenthood controversy, to the Flint water crisis and the fluoridation debate, societal polarization about science issues has reached dramatic levels that present significant obstacles to public discussion and problem solving. This is happening, in part, because systems built to support science do not often reward open-minded thinking, inclusive dialogue, and moral responsibility regarding science issues. As a result, public faith in science continues to erode. This review explores how the field of Civic Science can impact public work on science issues by building new understanding of the practices, influences, and cultures of science. Civic Science is defined as a discipline that considers science practice and knowledge as resources for civic engagement, democratic action, and political change. This review considers how Civic Science informs the roles that key participants-scientists, public citizens and institutions of higher education-play in our national science dialogue. Civic Science aspires to teach civic capacities, to inform the responsibilities of scientists engaged in public science issues and to inspire an open-minded, inclusive dialogue where all voices are heard and shared commitments are acknowledged. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Portraying Real Science in Science Communication (United States)

    van Dijk, Esther M.


    In both formal and informal settings, not only science but also views on the nature of science are communicated. Although there probably is no singular nature shared by all fields of science, in the field of science education it is commonly assumed that on a certain level of generality there is a consensus on many features of science. In this…

  16. Dialogo su psicoanalisi e poesia (1946

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    Benedetto Croce


    Full Text Available Nel 1946 “La Fiera letteraria” ospitò due importanti interventi dedicati a psicoanalisi e poesia. Il primo, per mano nientemeno che di Benedetto Croce, era una lettera di poche pagine, di sostanziale chiusura nei confronti delle pretese novità e originalità del “freudismo” soprattutto in ambito filosofico. Il secondo era la risposta, molto più dettagliata e articolata di un poeta come Umberto Saba, che invece alla psicoanalisi (e non solo come terapia credeva e teneva molto. Riproponiamo qui questi due testi, preceduti da altri due brevi interventi di Croce sulla psicoanalisi: il primo è una recensione alla traduzione francese del testo di Freud sul sogno del 1903; il secondo è una critica sprezzante nei confronti della “cosiddetta critica stilistica”, che viene messa in relazione al metodo Montessori e appunto alla psicoanalisi. 


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    Full Text Available statistica
    non ha goduto di buona stampa nel passato anche recente; particolarmente
    poco apprezzata è stata la statistica meteorologica e climatologica.
    Occorre riconoscere che tale atteggiamento era almeno in
    parte frutto di un preconcetto errato sul significato della statistica, ma
    che d'altra parte la natura dei lavori di tal genere che venivano alla
    luce sembrava a volte confermare la giustezza del preconcetto. Il fatto
    è che una parte degli studiosi di meteorologia avvertiva più di altri,
    probabilmente per la propria stessa costituzione mentale, l'astrattezza
    dei metodi fisico-matematici applicati alla grandiosa e al tempo stesso
    minuta complessità dei fenomeni meteorologici, sentendo dunque maggiormente
    la necessità di far costante ricorso alla realtà delle osservazioni
    effettivamente eseguite.

  18. Science teaching in science education (United States)

    Callahan, Brendan E.; Dopico, Eduardo


    Reading the interesting article Discerning selective traditions in science education by Per Sund , which is published in this issue of CSSE, allows us to open the discussion on procedures for teaching science today. Clearly there is overlap between the teaching of science and other areas of knowledge. However, we must constantly develop new methods to teach and differentiate between science education and teaching science in response to the changing needs of our students, and we must analyze what role teachers and teacher educators play in both. We must continually examine the methods and concepts involved in developing pedagogical content knowledge in science teachers. Otherwise, the possibility that these routines, based on subjective traditions, prevent emerging processes of educational innovation. Modern science is an enormous field of knowledge in its own right, which is made more expansive when examined within the context of its place in society. We propose the need to design educative interactions around situations that involve science and society. Science education must provide students with all four dimensions of the cognitive process: factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge. We can observe in classrooms at all levels of education that students understand the concepts better when they have the opportunity to apply the scientific knowledge in a personally relevant way. When students find value in practical exercises and they are provided opportunities to reinterpret their experiences, greater learning gains are achieved. In this sense, a key aspect of educational innovation is the change in teaching methodology. We need new tools to respond to new problems. A shift in teacher education is needed to realize the rewards of situating science questions in a societal context and opening classroom doors to active methodologies in science education to promote meaningful learning through meaningful teaching.

  19. Secondary science teachers' attitudes toward and beliefs about science reading and science textbooks (United States)

    Yore, Larry D.

    Science textbooks are dominant influences behind most secondary science instruction but little is known about teachers' approach to science reading. The purpose of this naturalistic study was to develop and validate a Science and Reading Questionnaire to assess secondary science teachers' attitudes toward science reading and their beliefs or informed opinions about science reading. A survey of 428 British Columbia secondary science teachers was conducted and 215 science teachers responded. Results on a 12-item Likert attitude scale indicated that teachers place high value on reading as an important strategy to promote learning in science and that they generally accept responsibility for teaching content reading skills to science students. Results on a 13-item Likert belief scale indicated that science teachers generally reject the text-driven model of reading, but they usually do not have well-formulated alternative models to guide their teaching practices. Teachers have intuitive beliefs about science reading that partially agree with many research findings, but their beliefs are fragmented and particularly sketchy in regard to the cognitive and metacognitive skills required by readers to learn from science texts. The findings for attitude, belief, and total scales were substantiated by further questions in the Science and Reading Questionnaire regarding classroom practice and by individual interviews and classroom observations of a 15-teacher subsample of the questionnaire respondents.

  20. La Banca Centrale Europea : profili giuridici e istituzionali, un confronto con il modello americano della Federal Reserve


    BARONCELLI, Stefania


    Il libro analizza il processo di creazione e l'evoluzione istituzionale della Banca Centrale Europea facendo una comparazione con l'esperienza storica del Federal Reserve System americano. Vengono così confrontate le ragioni che hanno portato alla creazione delle due banche centrali, le politiche economiche che ne hanno ispirato l'azione ed i problemi istituzionali legati alla gestione della politica monetaria in un'area politicamente non uniforme quale appunto l'attuale Unione Europea. Pu...

  1. 77 FR 55863 - NASA Advisory Council; Science Committee; Earth Science Subcommittee; Applied Sciences Advisory... (United States)


    ... Committee; Earth Science Subcommittee; Applied Sciences Advisory Group Meeting AGENCY: National Aeronautics... the Applied Science Advisory Group. This Subcommittee reports to the Earth Science Subcommittee... following topics: --Applied Sciences Program Update --Earth Science Data Latency Study Preliminary Update...

  2. Interfacial and Surface Science | Materials Science | NREL (United States)

    Science group within the Material Science Center. He oversees research studies of surfaces and interfaces Interfacial and Surface Science Interfacial and Surface Science Image of irregular-outlined, light address a broad range of fundamental and applied issues in surface and interfacial science that are

  3. Science Programs (United States)

    Laboratory Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability Science & ; Innovation Collaboration Careers Community Environment Science & Innovation Facilities Science Pillars Research Library Science Briefs Science News Science Highlights Lab Organizations Science Programs Applied

  4. Science Olympiad students' nature of science understandings (United States)

    Philpot, Cindy J.


    Recent reform efforts in science education focus on scientific literacy for all citizens. In order to be scientifically literate, an individual must have informed understandings of nature of science (NOS), scientific inquiry, and science content matter. This study specifically focused on Science Olympiad students' understanding of NOS as one piece of scientific literacy. Research consistently shows that science students do not have informed understandings of NOS (Abd-El-Khalick, 2002; Bell, Blair, Crawford, and Lederman, 2002; Kilcrease and Lucy, 2002; Schwartz, Lederman, and Thompson, 2001). However, McGhee-Brown, Martin, Monsaas and Stombler (2003) found that Science Olympiad students had in-depth understandings of science concepts, principles, processes, and techniques. Science Olympiad teams compete nationally and are found in rural, urban, and suburban schools. In an effort to learn from students who are generally considered high achieving students and who enjoy science, as opposed to the typical science student, the purpose of this study was to investigate Science Olympiad students' understandings of NOS and the experiences that formed their understandings. An interpretive, qualitative, case study method was used to address the research questions. The participants were purposefully and conveniently selected from the Science Olympiad team at a suburban high school. Data collection consisted of the Views of Nature of Science -- High School Questionnaire (VNOS-HS) (Schwartz, Lederman, & Thompson, 2001), semi-structured individual interviews, and a focus group. The main findings of this study were similar to much of the previous research in that the participants had informed understandings of the tentative nature of science and the role of inferences in science, but they did not have informed understandings of the role of human imagination and creativity, the empirical nature of science, or theories and laws. High level science classes and participation in

  5. Applications of Nuclear Science for Stewardship Science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cizewski, Jolie A


    Stewardship science is research important to national security interests that include stockpile stewardship science, homeland security, nuclear forensics, and non-proliferation. To help address challenges in stewardship science and workforce development, the Stewardship Science Academic Alliances (SSAA) was inaugurated ten years ago by the National Nuclear Security Administration of the U. S. Department of Energy. The goal was to enhance connections between NNSA laboratories and the activities of university scientists and their students in research areas important to NNSA, including low-energy nuclear science. This paper presents an overview of recent research in low-energy nuclear science supported by the Stewardship Science Academic Alliances and the applications of this research to stewardship science.

  6. Fascinating! Popular Science Communication and Literary Science Fiction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Gitte


    Some see literary Science Fiction as a possible vehicle for critical discussions about the future development and the ethical implications of science-based technologies. According to that understanding, literary Science Fiction constitutes a variety of science communication. Along related lines, ......, popular science communication with science fiction features might be expected to serve a similar purpose. Only, it is far from obvious that it actually works that way.......Some see literary Science Fiction as a possible vehicle for critical discussions about the future development and the ethical implications of science-based technologies. According to that understanding, literary Science Fiction constitutes a variety of science communication. Along related lines...

  7. Impossibilità i limiti della scienza e la scienza dei limiti

    CERN Document Server

    Barrow, John D


    Il libro parte da una semplice domanda: esistono fenomeni che alla fine si riveleranno semplicemente inconoscibili e inspiegabili? Dopo avere definito il significato della inconoscibilità, Barrow lo esamina in rapporto ai limiti della mente umana, a quelli della tecnologia, a quelli cosmologici e ai limiti profondi insiti nella natura dell'universo. Alla fine di questa panoramica emerge prepotentemente una convinzione: la presenza dell'impossibilità e del limite non mina affatto alle fondamenta l'idea di scienza.

  8. Sulla ricerca del minimo dei consumi per vetture sportive


    Dolcini, Enrico


    La ricerca oggetto di questa tesi, come si evince dal titolo stesso, è volta alla riduzione dei consumi per vetture a forte carattere sportivo ed elevate prestazioni specifiche. In particolare, tutte le attività descritte fanno riferimento ad un ben definito modello di vettura, ovvero la Maserati Quattroporte. Lo scenario all’interno del quale questo lavoro si inquadra, è quello di una forte spinta alla riduzione dei cosiddetti gas serra, ossia dell’anidride carbonica, in linea con quelle ...

  9. Policing The crisis– Italian style Policing the crisis – Italian style

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    Alessandro De Giorgi


    Full Text Available Esiste la tentazione di leggere l’attuale svolta autoritaria italiana – soprattutto nelle sue espressioni più apertamente xenofobe (dalla schedatura etnica dei Rom alla clandestinità come aggravante per i reati commessi da stranieri e punitive (dall’impiego dell’esercito per funzioni di ordine pubblico alla previsione dell’ergastolo per l’omicidio di “appartenenti alle forze dell’ordine”, attraverso le lenti del fascismo – al limite, di un “fascismo democratico”.

  10. Exploring science through science fiction

    CERN Document Server

    Luokkala, Barry B


    How does Einstein’s description of space and time compare with Dr. Who? Can James Bond really escape from an armor-plated railroad car by cutting through the floor with a laser concealed in a wristwatch? What would it take to create a fully-intelligent android, such as Star Trek’s Commander Data? How might we discover intelligent civilizations on other planets in the galaxy? Is human teleportation possible? Will our technological society ever reach the point at which it becomes lawful to discriminate on the basis of genetic information, as in the movie GATTACA? Exploring Science Through Science Fiction addresses these and other interesting questions, using science fiction as a springboard for discussing fundamental science concepts and cutting-edge science research. The book is designed as a primary text for a college-level course which should appeal to students in the fine arts and humanities as well as to science and engineering students. It includes references to original research papers, landmark scie...

  11. Italian comics and cinema: forms and functions of pornographic parody

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    Mauro Giori


    Full Text Available Il saggio si propone di indagare un fenomeno come il frequente ricorso alla parodia di testi preesistenti da parte della pornografia, un fenomeno tanto notorio quanto trascurato, anche dalla recente ondata di studi su questo particolare genere. Al centro dell’indagine viene posta una forma di pornografia che in Italia, tra gli anni ’60 e gli anni ’80, ha fatto da testa di ponte alla diffusione di quella cinematografica attraverso una produzione industriale vasta quanto peculiare: quella in forma di fumetto. Tale produzione verrà analizzata in una prospettiva intermediale, ovvero nelle sue molteplici relazioni con il mondo del cinema, che vanno dall’assegnazione di volti di attori celebri ad alcuni eroi delle sue serie fino alla vera e propria parodia di interi film. Si mettono così in luce caratteri e funzioni assolti dalla parodia nell’ambito specifico della pornografia.

  12. Meccanica razionale

    CERN Document Server

    Biscari, Paolo; Saccomandi, Giuseppe; Vianello, Maurizio Stefano


    Questo testo, che giunge ora alla Terza Edizione, è stato concepito principalmente per le necessità delle Scuole di Ingegneria, dove la Meccanica Razionale ha il duplice ruolo di introdurre sia alla modellizzazione fisico-matematica rigorosa che a specifiche applicazioni sviluppate poi in altri insegnamenti. La trattazione che qui proponiamo vuole presentare i concetti fondamentali mantenendo sempre l'attenzione rivolta alle applicazioni, a volte comuni ad altre discipline, in vista di sinergie didattiche favorite dalla presenza di corsi integrati. Abbiamo cercato di dare al libro una impostazione il più possibile coerente con questa finalità, soprattutto in alcune sezioni tradizionalmente caratterizzate da una trattazione più astratta: dai vincoli al Principio dei lavori virtuali, dal Principio di d'Alembert alla Meccanica Analitica. Abbiamo comunque mantenuto la tradizionale e, a nostro parere, irrinunciabile struttura ipotetico-deduttiva nello svolgimento delle argomentazioni, che fa ancora della Mecc...

  13. Science Song Project: Integration of Science, Technology and Music to Learn Science and Process Skills

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    Jiyoon Yoon


    Full Text Available It has been critical to find a way for teachers to motivate their young children to learn science and improve science achievement. Since music has been used as a tool for educating young students, this study introduces the science song project to teacher candidates that contains science facts, concepts, laws and theories, and combines them with music for motivating their young children to learn science and improve science achievement. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of the science song project on teacher candidates’ understanding of science processing skills and their attitudes toward science. The participants were 45 science teacher candidates who were enrolled in an EC-6 (Early Childhood through Grade 6 program in the teacher certification program at a racially diverse Texas public research university. To collect data, this study used two instruments: pre-and post-self efficacy tests before and after the science teacher candidates experienced the science song project and final reflective essay at the end of the semester. The results show that while developing their songs, the participating teacher candidates experienced a process for science practice, understood science concepts and facts, and positively improved attitudes toward science. This study suggests that the science song project is a science instruction offering rich experiences of process-based learning and positive attitudes toward science.

  14. L’arte del paesaggio e la sua trasformazione

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raffaele Milani


    Full Text Available Leggere il paesaggio significa capire la natura, la storia e la cultura di un luogo. Una lettura importante per recuperare i segni del passato, renderli visibili e accostarli a più recenti segni provenienti dalle nuove richieste di possibili trasformazioni. Le forme riconoscibili di un paesaggio rivelano pagine di una lunga storia, dalla tradizione alla modernità. Perché esso è moderno e antico allo stesso tempo. Il paesaggio esprime un’immagine di forme, una reazione sentimentale e allo stesso tempo un’esigenza d’astrazione. E’ categoria dell’oggetto e del soggetto. Dufrenne, in un secolo che sembrava avesse dimenticato la bellezza del paesaggio, aveva elogiato sin dal 1955 la percezione estetica della natura sottolineando una certa indistinzione del sensoriale e dell’affettivo. In generale si accenna a un’arte del paesaggio quando esso viene concepito e sentito in relazione allo sguardo pittorico, alla veduta, alla teatralizzazione della natura, alle suggestioni visive delle note di viaggio. Ma, se vogliamo veramente pensarlo come un’arte dell’origine, un’arte che precede i suoi riflessi nella riproduzione dell’arte figurativa, esso ci appare più ampiamente e profondamente unito a un insieme di aspetti che mettono in luce l’uomo tra natura, cultura, storia e mito. Quest’ultimo si fa poi strumento importantissimo nel cogliere e trasmettere il mistero, l’inesplicabile, l’invisibile. Il paesaggio è, allora, sia reale, un’arte fornita dal fare e dalla cultura di un popolo, sia mentale, legato alla rappresentazione e alla visione del mondo. Gli architetti e i paesaggisti che sono invitati a ridare dignità a un territorio degradato, o troppo alterato e manipolato, dovranno ricordarsi dell’interazione di queste due accezioni ed essere capaci di leggere e interpretare i segni della presenza dell’uomo e migliorare così l’aspetto dei luoghi. 

  15. The Double Helix: Why Science Needs Science Fiction. (United States)

    Andreadis, Athena


    Discusses why science needs science fiction, commenting on the author's book about science that draws heavily on the "Star Trek" series. The best science, in spite of popular thinking, comes from leaps of intuition, and science fiction provides a creative spark that encourages participation in science. (SLD)

  16. Il bosone di Higgs l'invenzione e la scoperta della "particella di Dio"

    CERN Document Server

    Baggott, Jim


    Tra i tanti oggetti pervasivi ed elusivi che affollano la dimensione invisibile del mondo subatomico, il "bosone di Higgs" è stato il più pervasivo ed elusivo: quella particella era l'elemento cruciale che mancava a completare il puzzle del Modello Standard, perché conferiva massa a tutte le altre particelle elementari, un enigma rimasto altrimenti insoluto. Quando finalmente il 4 luglio 2012 il CERN ne ha annunciato la verifica sperimentale, la "particella di Dio" (come un fisico l'ha temerariamente denominata) ha attirato su di sé i riflettori dell'attenzione mediatica mondiale. Affrontando l'intera questione con un rigore che ne acuisce la densità intellettuale e la vertigine tecnologica, Jim Baggott segue due percorsi paralleli. Non solo, infatti, ne ricostruisce la genesi teorica, ma ripercorre tutte le stazioni di avvicinamento all'eclatante risultato di Ginevra: il legame tra i primi acceleratori degli anni Venti e le collisioni di particelle nei raggi cosmici; la messa a punto del ciclotrone da p...

  17. Science Teaching in Science Education (United States)

    Callahan, Brendan E.; Dopico, Eduardo


    Reading the interesting article "Discerning selective traditions in science education" by Per Sund, which is published in this issue of "CSSE," allows us to open the discussion on procedures for teaching science today. Clearly there is overlap between the teaching of science and other areas of knowledge. However, we must…

  18. How to Motivate Science Teachers to Use Science Experiments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josef Trna


    Full Text Available A science experiment is the core tool in science education. This study describes the science teachers' professional competence to implement science experiments in teaching/learning science. The main objective is the motivation of science teachers to use science experiments. The presented research tries to answer questions aimed at the science teachers' skills to use science experiments in teaching/learning science. The research discovered the following facts: science teachers do not include science experiments in teaching/learning in a suitable way; are not able to choose science experiments corresponding to the teaching phase; prefer teachers' demonstration of science experiments; are not able to improvise with the aids; use only a few experiments. The important research result is that an important motivational tool for science teachers is the creation of simple experiments. Examples of motivational simple experiments used into teachers' training for increasing their own creativity and motivation are presented.

  19. Management of science policy, sociology of science policy and economics of science policy

    CERN Document Server

    Ruivo, Beatriz


    'Management of science policy, sociology of science policy and economics of science policy' is a theoretical essay on the scientific foundation of science policy (formulation, implementation, instruments and procedures). It can be also used as a textbook.

  20. Is normal science good science?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrianna Kępińska


    Full Text Available “Normal science” is a concept introduced by Thomas Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962. In Kuhn’s view, normal science means “puzzle solving”, solving problems within the paradigm—framework most successful in solving current major scientific problems—rather than producing major novelties. This paper examines Kuhnian and Popperian accounts of normal science and their criticisms to assess if normal science is good. The advantage of normal science according to Kuhn was “psychological”: subjective satisfaction from successful “puzzle solving”. Popper argues for an “intellectual” science, one that consistently refutes conjectures (hypotheses and offers new ideas rather than focus on personal advantages. His account is criticized as too impersonal and idealistic. Feyerabend’s perspective seems more balanced; he argues for a community that would introduce new ideas, defend old ones, and enable scientists to develop in line with their subjective preferences. The paper concludes that normal science has no one clear-cut set of criteria encompassing its meaning and enabling clear assessment.

  1. Plagiaatorist Saksa minister andis alla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Saksamaa kaitseminister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg astus plagiaadiskandaali tõttu tagasi. Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg on veebilehe GutenPlag Wikia andmetel pea sõna-sõnalt ilma viitamata teistelt autoritelt maha kirjutanud viiendiku oma doktoritööst

  2. Korpikuusen kannon alla : Hahmosuunnittelun anatomia


    Toivola, Laura


    Teksti on tutkimus hahmosuunnittelun metodeista ja siitä, mistä muodostuu ja kuinka luodaan ”hyvä” hahmo. Käytännön osiossa muunnetaan sarjakuvastripeissä käytetty hahmo tekijän alter egosta itsenäiseksi 3D-animaatiohahmoksi. Hahmon suunnittelu on jaettu kahteen osaan; hahmon taustan ja henkilöhistorian suunnitteluun sekä hahmon visuaalisen ulkomuodon ja habituksen luomiseen. Tekstissä käsitellään erilaisia näkökulmia, joita voi käyttää hyväkseen hahmoa luodessa ja pohditaan viitekirjal...

  3. Pluss ja miinus / Hendrik Alla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alla, Hendrik, 1976-


    Jõuluteemalistest ja jõuluvanalistest arvutireklaamidest. Halb: MicroLink (idee: MicroLink, teostus: Division) 'Arreteeriti jõuluvana!', Assert (Limit Reklaam) 'Viktor (57), näärivana'. Parem: PCT (Snaiper) 'Sa ju lubasid...'.

  4. Kuidas kirjutada kunstiajalugu? / Anu Allas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Allas, Anu, 1977-


    14. ja 15. mail 2010 Tallinnas toimunud USA Clarki instituudi ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Kunstiteaduse Instituudi seminarist "Thinking Art History in East-Central Europe" (Arutlusi Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa kunstiajaloo teemal)

  5. 75 FR 10845 - Subcommittee on Forensic Science; Committee on Science; National Science and Technology Council (United States)


    ... OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY Subcommittee on Forensic Science; Committee on Science... participants. SUMMARY: The Subcommittee on Forensic Science of the National Science and Technology Council's... . Kenneth E. Melson, Co-Chair, Subcommittee on Forensic Science. [FR Doc. 2010-4899 Filed 3-8-10; 8:45 am...

  6. Science in Science Fiction. (United States)

    Allday, Jonathan


    Offers some suggestions as to how science fiction, especially television science fiction programs such as "Star Trek" and "Star Wars", can be drawn into physics lessons to illuminate some interesting issues. (Author/KHR)

  7. Hollywood Science: Good for Hollywood, Bad for Science? (United States)

    Perkowitz, Sidney


    Like it or not, most science depicted in feature films is in the form of science fiction. This isn't likely to change any time soon, if only because science fiction films are huge moneymakers for Hollywood. But beyond that, these films are a powerful cultural force. They reach millions as they depict scientific ideas from DNA and cloning to space science, whether correctly or incorrectly; reflect contemporary issues of science and society like climate change, nuclear power and biowarfare; inspire young people to become scientists; and provide defining images -- or stereotypes -- of scientists for the majority of people who've never met a real one. Certainly, most scientists feel that screen depictions of science and scientists are badly distorted. Many are, but not always. In this talk, based on my book Hollywood Science [1], I'll show examples of good and bad screen treatments of science, scientists, and their impact on society. I'll also discuss efforts to improve how science is treated in film and ways to use even bad movie science to convey real science. [4pt] [1] Sidney Perkowitz, Hollywood Science: Movies, Science, and the End of the World (Columbia University Press, New York, 2007). ISBN: 978-0231142809

  8. Communicating Science (United States)

    Russell, Nicholas


    Introduction: what this book is about and why you might want to read it; Prologue: three orphans share a common paternity: professional science communication, popular journalism, and literary fiction are not as separate as they seem; Part I. Professional Science Communication: 1. Spreading the word: the endless struggle to publish professional science; 2. Walk like an Egyptian: the alien feeling of professional science writing; 3. The future's bright? Professional science communication in the age of the internet; 4. Counting the horse's teeth: professional standards in science's barter economy; 5. Separating the wheat from the chaff: peer review on trial; Part II. Science for the Public: What Science Do People Need and How Might They Get It?: 6. The Public Understanding of Science (PUS) movement and its problems; 7. Public engagement with science and technology (PEST): fine principle, difficult practice; 8. Citizen scientists? Democratic input into science policy; 9. Teaching and learning science in schools: implications for popular science communication; Part III. Popular Science Communication: The Press and Broadcasting: 10. What every scientist should know about mass media; 11. What every scientist should know about journalists; 12. The influence of new media; 13. How the media represents science; 14. How should science journalists behave?; Part IV. The Origins of Science in Cultural Context: Five Historic Dramas: 15. A terrible storm in Wittenberg: natural knowledge through sorcery and evil; 16. A terrible storm in the Mediterranean: controlling nature with white magic and religion; 17. Thieving magpies: the subtle art of false projecting; 18. Foolish virtuosi: natural philosophy emerges as a distinct discipline but many cannot take it seriously; 19. Is scientific knowledge 'true' or should it just be 'truthfully' deployed?; Part V. Science in Literature: 20. Science and the Gothic: the three big nineteenth-century monster stories; 21. Science fiction: serious

  9. Does science education need the history of science? (United States)

    Gooday, Graeme; Lynch, John M; Wilson, Kenneth G; Barsky, Constance K


    This essay argues that science education can gain from close engagement with the history of science both in the training of prospective vocational scientists and in educating the broader public about the nature of science. First it shows how historicizing science in the classroom can improve the pedagogical experience of science students and might even help them turn into more effective professional practitioners of science. Then it examines how historians of science can support the scientific education of the general public at a time when debates over "intelligent design" are raising major questions over the kind of science that ought to be available to children in their school curricula. It concludes by considering further work that might be undertaken to show how history of science could be of more general educational interest and utility, well beyond the closed academic domains in which historians of science typically operate.

  10. Communicating knowledge in science, science journalism and art

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kristian Hvidtfelt

    Richter. The specialized knowledge about the image is communicated in three very different contexts with three very different outcomes. The paper uses Niklas Luhmann's system theory to describe science, science journalism, and art as autonomous social subsystems of communication. Also, Luhmann's notions...... of irritation and interference are employed to frame an interpretation of the complex relations between communicating knowledge about the image in science, science journalism, and art. Even though the functional differentiation between the communication systems of science, science journalism, and art remains...... that Richter's Erster Blick ends up questioning the epistemological and ontological grounds for communication of knowledge in science and in science journalism....

  11. La cura della professionalità nei servizi per l’infanzia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanna Gherardi


    Full Text Available Il presente contributo riporta fasi e risultati di un’indagine empirica sulla percezione di cura di insegnanti di scuola dell’infanzia considerando il loro lavoro di cura, ossia in rapporto alla propria professionalità in istituzioni pubbliche rivolte alla cura dell’infanzia. Il principio teorico di riferimento sta nella reciprocità della cura all’interno di una istituzione educativa in una società democratica. I teorici di riferimento sono: Dewey (1937; Lewin (1948; Bernstein (1975; Bronfenbrenner (1979; Bruner (2002.

  12. Tallinna Ülikool tulekul / Sirje Tohver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tohver, Sirje


    Ajaloo Instituudi, EAR-i, Eesti Humanitaarinstituudi, EKA ja TPÜ juhid kirjutasid 15.05.2002 Tallinna Raekojas alla ühise tegevuse lepingule ning ühiste kavatsuste deklaratsioonile. Tallinna Ülikooli alustab 2003/04. õa. Kirjutati alla ka koostöölepingule Tallinna linnaga, mis sätestab lepingupoolte tegevuse urbanistikaalase õppetöö ning linnauuringute korraldamisel. Kommenteerivad TPÜ rektor M. Heidmets, EKA rektor A. Keskküla, Ajaloo Instituudi direktor P. Raudkivi, EHI Sihtasutuse Nõukogu esimees R. Raud, EHI rektor J. Tamm

  13. Una introduzione ai software per il crime mapping / Observations préliminaires sur les logiciels du mappage du crime / Some introductory notes on crime mapping software


    Ummarino Alessandro


    RiassuntoIl Crime Mapping più che una disciplina a se stante non è altro che l’applicazione di tecniche di analisi statistico-geografica allo studio dei reati. Grazie all’utilizzo dei software GIS (Geographic Information System), all’esponenziale sviluppo dell’informatica e alla facile accessibilità al web, la produzione di mappe di qualità è ormai alla portata di un qualunque utente medio. La possibilità di applicare tali tecniche di analisi è offerta in modo efficace da software GIS commerc...

  14. Science or Science Fiction?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lefsrud, Lianne M.; Meyer, Renate


    This paper examines the framings and identity work associated with professionals’ discursive construction of climate change science, their legitimation of themselves as experts on ‘the truth’, and their attitudes towards regulatory measures. Drawing from survey responses of 1077 professional......, legitimation strategies, and use of emotionality and metaphor. By linking notions of the science or science fiction of climate change to the assessment of the adequacy of global and local policies and of potential organizational responses, we contribute to the understanding of ‘defensive institutional work...

  15. Computational Materials Science | Materials Science | NREL (United States)

    Computational Materials Science Computational Materials Science An image of interconnecting, sphere science capabilities span many research fields and interests. Electronic, Optical, and Transport Properties of Photovoltaic Materials Material properties and defect physics of Si, CdTe, III-V, CIGS, CZTS

  16. Recruiting Science Majors into Secondary Science Teaching: Paid Internships in Informal Science Settings (United States)

    Worsham, Heather M.; Friedrichsen, Patricia; Soucie, Marilyn; Barnett, Ellen; Akiba, Motoko


    Despite the importance of recruiting highly qualified individuals into the science teaching profession, little is known about the effectiveness of particular recruitment strategies. Over 3 years, 34 college science majors and undecided students were recruited into paid internships in informal science settings to consider secondary science teaching…

  17. «Señor, dizen de la estoria del viejo»: el cuento Senex caecus del Sendebar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salvatore Luongo


    Full Text Available Insieme a Puer 4 annorum e Puer 5 annorum che lo precedono, Senex caecus, il quarto dei cinque enxemplos che nella parte finale del Sendebar il principe offre a suo padre il re e alla corte, costituisce un mini-ciclo dedicato alla saggezza, significativamente incentrato sul topos del puer-senex. Con il cuento, che per articolazione strutturale e sviluppo della trama, posti al servizio di una portata didascalica ampia («Señor, non te di este enxenplo sinon por que sepas las artes del mundo», si configura come uno dei maggiormente complessi della raccolta, l’Infante affronta il tema del disvelamento dell’inganno in virtù del saggio consigliere e in forza del buon consiglio, dando prova di una capacità di argomentazione e del possesso di una conoscenza superiori, non solo rispetto alla matrigna calunniatrice e ai «privados», ma anche allo stesso Alcos, la conoscenza che si conviene, appunto, a un re.

  18. Fisica solare

    CERN Document Server

    Degl’Innocenti, Egidio Landi


    Il volume è un'introduzione alla Fisica Solare che si propone lo scopo di illustrare alla persona che intende avvicinarsi a questa disciplina (studenti, dottori di ricerca, ricercatori) i meccanismi fisici che stanno alla base della complessa fenomenologia osservata sulla stella a noi più vicina. Il volume non ha la pretesa di essere esauriente (basta pensare che la fisica solare spazia su un gran numero di discipline, quali la Fisica Nucleare, la Termodinamica, L'Elettrodinamica, la Fisica Atomica e Molecolare, la Spettoscopia in tutte le bande dello spettro elettromagnetico, la Magnetoidrodinamica, la Fisica del Plasma, lo sviluppo di nuova strumentazione, l'Ottica, ecc.). Piuttosto, sono stati scelti un numero di argomenti di rilevanza fondamentale nello studio presente del Sole (soprattutto nei riguardi delle osservazioni da terra con grandi telescopi) e su tali argomenti si è cercato di dare una panoramica generale, inclusiva dell'evoluzione storica, senza scendere in soverchi dettagli. Siccome la Fis...

  19. Cognitive science contributions to decision science. (United States)

    Busemeyer, Jerome R


    This article briefly reviews the history and interplay between decision theory, behavioral decision-making research, and cognitive psychology. The review reveals the increasingly important impact that psychology and cognitive science have on decision science. One of the main contributions of cognitive science to decision science is the development of dynamic models that describe the cognitive processes that underlay the evolution of preferences during deliberation phase of making a decision. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. The sciences of science communication. (United States)

    Fischhoff, Baruch


    The May 2012 Sackler Colloquium on "The Science of Science Communication" brought together scientists with research to communicate and scientists whose research could facilitate that communication. The latter include decision scientists who can identify the scientific results that an audience needs to know, from among all of the scientific results that it would be nice to know; behavioral scientists who can design ways to convey those results and then evaluate the success of those attempts; and social scientists who can create the channels needed for trustworthy communications. This overview offers an introduction to these communication sciences and their roles in science-based communication programs.

  1. 75 FR 4882 - Subcommittee on Forensic Science; Committee on Science; National Science and Technology Council (United States)


    ... OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY Subcommittee on Forensic Science; Committee on Science; National Science and Technology Council ACTION: Notice of Panel Session. Public input is requested concerning appropriate Federal Executive Branch responses to the National Academy of Sciences 2009 report...

  2. Constructing a philosophy of science of cognitive science. (United States)

    Bechtel, William


    Philosophy of science is positioned to make distinctive contributions to cognitive science by providing perspective on its conceptual foundations and by advancing normative recommendations. The philosophy of science I embrace is naturalistic in that it is grounded in the study of actual science. Focusing on explanation, I describe the recent development of a mechanistic philosophy of science from which I draw three normative consequences for cognitive science. First, insofar as cognitive mechanisms are information-processing mechanisms, cognitive science needs an account of how the representations invoked in cognitive mechanisms carry information about contents, and I suggest that control theory offers the needed perspective on the relation of representations to contents. Second, I argue that cognitive science requires, but is still in search of, a catalog of cognitive operations that researchers can draw upon in explaining cognitive mechanisms. Last, I provide a new perspective on the relation of cognitive science to brain sciences, one which embraces both reductive research on neural components that figure in cognitive mechanisms and a concern with recomposing higher-level mechanisms from their components and situating them in their environments. Copyright © 2009 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.

  3. 1st Hands-on Science Science Fair


    Costa, Manuel F. M.; Esteves. Z.


    In school learning of science through investigative hands-on experiments is in the core of the Hands-on Science Network vision. However informal and non-formal contexts may also provide valuable paths for implementing this strategy aiming a better e!ective science education. In May 2011, a "rst country wide “Hands-on Science’ Science Fair” was organized in Portugal with the participation of 131 students that presented 38 projects in all "elds of Science. In this communication we will pr...

  4. Informal science education at Science City (United States)

    French, April Nicole

    The presentation of chemistry within informal learning environments, specifically science museums and science centers is very sparse. This work examines learning in Kansas City's Science City's Astronaut Training Center in order to identify specific behaviors associated with visitors' perception of learning and their attitudes toward space and science to develop an effective chemistry exhibit. Grounded in social-constructivism and the Contextual Model of Learning, this work approaches learning in informal environments as resulting from social interactions constructed over time from interaction between visitors. Visitors to the Astronaut Training Center were surveyed both during their visit and a year after the visit to establish their perceptions of behavior within the exhibit and attitudes toward space and science. Observations of visitor behavior and a survey of the Science City staff were used to corroborate visitor responses. Eighty-six percent of visitors to Science City indicated they had learned from their experiences in the Astronaut Training Center. No correlation was found between this perception of learning and visitor's interactions with exhibit stations. Visitor attitudes were generally positive toward learning in informal settings and space science as it was presented in the exhibit. Visitors also felt positively toward using video game technology as learning tools. This opens opportunities to developing chemistry exhibits using video technology to lessen the waste stream produced by a full scale chemistry exhibit.

  5. Funzioni esecutive in interazione con dispositivi di narrazione multilineare per una formazione generativa evidence based

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luisa Salmaso


    Full Text Available La promozione degli apprendimenti in partecipazione e cooperazione con gli altri, la pianificazione da concretizzare attraverso azioni organizzate, il far scaturire dal problem setting narrativo un processo dinamico, prospettico e costruttivo, in cui l’alunno viene sostenuto dal formatore e dalla struttura narrativa che guida, sono in grado di sollecitare la scoperta di percorsi possibili, sostenendo il carico cognitivo implicato in processi complessi, quali le funzioni neuropsicologiche di tipo esecutivo (Hughes, 2011; Zoccolotti, 2010. Il modello qui presentato può permettere l’attivazione di processi di apprendimento multiplo, infatti, pur inquadrato nel paradigma socio-culturale costruzionista, implica anche strategie afferenti a modelli istruzionali, cognitivi e metacognitivi dell’apprendimento, offrendo una palestra articolata per uno sviluppo di abilità cognitive e sociali, in una prospettiva formativa generativa evidence based.

  6. 76 FR 6163 - Subcommittee on Forensic Science; Committee on Science; National Science and Technology Council (United States)


    ... Branch responses to the AFIS interoperability issues identified in the National Academy of Sciences 2009... OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY Subcommittee on Forensic Science; Committee on Science; National Science and Technology Council ACTION: Notice of meeting. Public input is requested concerning...

  7. The Science of Science Communication and Protecting the Science Communication Environment (United States)

    Kahan, D.


    Promoting public comprehension of science is only one aim of the science of science communication and is likely not the most important one for the well-being of a democratic society. Ordinary citizens form quadrillions of correct beliefs on matters that turn on complicated scientific principles they cannot even identify much less understand. The reason they fail to converge on beliefs consistent with scientific evidence on certain other consequential matters—from climate change to genetically modified foods to compusory adolescent HPV vaccination—is not the failure of scientists or science communicators to speak clearly or the inability of ordinary citizens to understand what they are saying. Rather, the source of such conflict is the proliferation of antagonistic cultural meanings. When they become attached to particular facts that admit of scientific investigation, these meanings are a kind of pollution of the science communication environment that disables the faculties ordinary citizens use to reliably absorb collective knowledge from their everyday interactions. The quality of the science communication environment is thus just as critical for enlightened self-government as the quality of the natural environment is for the physical health and well-being of a society's members. Understanding how this science communication environment works, fashioning procedures to prevent it from becoming contaminated with antagonistic meanings, and formulating effective interventions to detoxify it when protective strategies fail—those are the most critical functions science communication can perform in a democratic society.

  8. Science Smiles

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Science Smiles. Articles in Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Volume 1 Issue 4 April 1996 pp 4-4 Science Smiles. Chief Editor's column / Science Smiles · R K Laxman · More Details Fulltext PDF. Volume 1 Issue 5 May 1996 pp 3-3 Science Smiles.

  9. A study of science leadership and science standards in exemplary standards-based science programs (United States)

    Carpenter, Wendy Renae

    The purpose for conducting this qualitative study was to explore best practices of exemplary standards-based science programs and instructional leadership practices in a charter high school and in a traditional high school. The focus of this study included how twelve participants aligned practices to National Science Education Standards to describe their science programs and science instructional practices. This study used a multi-site case study qualitative design. Data were obtained through a review of literature, interviews, observations, review of educational documents, and researcher's notes collected in a field log. The methodology used was a multi-site case study because of the potential, through cross analysis, for providing greater explanation of the findings in the study (Merriam, 1988). This study discovered six characteristics about the two high school's science programs that enhance the literature found in the National Science Education Standards; (a) Culture of expectations for learning-In exemplary science programs teachers are familiar with a wide range of curricula. They have the ability to examine critically and select activities to use with their students to promote the understanding of science; (b) Culture of varied experiences-In exemplary science programs students are provided different paths to learning, which help students, take in information and make sense of concepts and skills that are set forth by the standards; (c) Culture of continuous feedback-In exemplary science programs teachers and students work together to engage students in ongoing assessments of their work and that of others as prescribed in the standards; (d) Culture of Observations-In exemplary science programs students, teachers, and principals reflect on classroom instructional practices; teachers receive ongoing evaluations about their teaching and apply feedback towards improving practices as outlined in the standards; (e) Culture of continuous learning-In exemplary

  10. Science for Diplomacy, Diplomacy for Science (United States)

    Colglazier, E. Wiliam


    I was a strong proponent of ``science diplomacy'' when I became Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State in 2011. I thought I knew a lot about the subject after being engaged for four decades on international S&T policy issues and having had distinguished scientists as mentors who spent much of their time using science as a tool for building better relations between countries and working to make the world more peaceful, prosperous, and secure. I learned a lot from my three years inside the State Department, including great appreciation and respect for the real diplomats who work to defuse conflicts and avoid wars. But I also learned a lot about science diplomacy, both using science to advance diplomacy and diplomacy to advance science. My talk will focus on the five big things that I learned, and from that the one thing where I am focusing my energies to try to make a difference now that I am a private citizen again.

  11. Probe into geo-information science and information science in nuclear and geography science in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Bin


    In the past ten years a new science-Geo-Information Science, a branch of Geoscience, developed very fast, which has been valued and paid much attention to. Based on information science, the author analyzes the flow of material, energy, people and information and their relations, presents the place of Geo-Information Science in Geo-science and its content from Geo-Informatics, Geo-Information technology and the application of itself. Finally, the author discusses the main content and problem existed in Geo-Information Science involved in Nuclear and Geography Science

  12. Archives: Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 1 - 31 of 31 ... Archives: Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie. Journal Home > Archives: Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  13. Pure Science and Applied Science

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    Robert J. Aumann


    Full Text Available (Excerpt The name of my talk is Pure Science and Applied Science, and the idea I would like to sell to you today is that there is no such thing as “pure” or “applied” science. In other words, there is such a thing as science, but there is no difference between pure and applied science. Science is one entity and cannot be separated into different categories. In order to back that up, I would like to tell you a little story. As an undergraduate, I studied mathematics at City College in New York. At that time, what was called Pure Mathematics was in vogue, and the more prominent mathematicians were a little contemptuous of any kind of application. A very famous, prominent mathematician in the first half of the previous century by the name of G. H. Hardy, who was in a branch of mathematics called number theory, said that the only thing he regretted was that he unwittingly did some important work in mathematical genetics that eventually turned out to have some application. … Such was the atmosphere in the late ’40s of the previous century and, being a young man and impressionable, I was swept up in this atmosphere.

  14. La storiografia sul movimento e sull'ordine monastico di Vallombrosa osb. Uno status quaestionis

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    Francesco Salvestrini


    Full Text Available La ricerca storica sui monaci vallombrosani è rimasta a lungo un “affare” interno alla congregazione. Soltanto nel Novecento, e soprattutto nella seconda metà del secolo, si è sviluppata (anche da parte di studiosi laici una storiografia “critica”, più aperta alla comparazione con altri movimenti e congregazioni. Ancor oggi, tuttavia, le indagini prediligono la fase nascente e zenitale (XI-XIV sec., trascurando il Quattrocento. A questo bilancio storiografico si ricollega la Bibliografia vallombrosana, edita nello stesso numero di questa rivista.

  15. Principio di cooperazione, rapporti con le confessioni minoritarie e problemi di rappresentanza. Uno sguardo all’esperienza latinoamericana

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    Antonio Ingoglia


    Full Text Available Testo della relazione tenuta al Convegno di studi sul tema “La rappresentatività istituzionale delle confessioni religiose prive di intesa” (Palermo, 21-22 maggio 2010 organizzato dall’Università di Palermo, destinata alla pubblicazione negli Atti. SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. La condizione dei culti minoritari in America Latina: cambiamenti in corso - 3. I rapporti con le confessioni religiose non registrate o non ammesse alla concertazione. Normative nazionali a confronto – 4. Il problema dei culti “ancestrali” – 5. Alcune conclusioni.

  16. Science Process Skills in Science Curricula Applied in Turkey (United States)

    Yumusak, Güngör Keskinkiliç


    One of the most important objectives of the science curricula is to bring in science process skills. The science process skills are skills that lie under scientific thinking and decision-making. Thus it is important for a science curricula to be rationalized in such a way that it brings in science process skills. New science curricula were…

  17. International production on science oriented towards data: analysis of the terms data science and e-science in scopus and the web of science


    Leilah Santiago Bufrem; Fábio Mascarenhas e Silva; Natanael Vitor Sobral; Anna Elizabeth Galvão Coutinho Correia


    Introduction: current configuration in the dynamics of production and scientific communication reveals the role of Science Oriented Towards Data, a comprehensive conception represented, mainly, by terms such as "e-Science" and "Data Science". Objective: To present the global scientific production on Science Oriented Towards Data by using the terms "e-Science" and "Data Science" in Scopus and the Web of Science during 2006-2016. Methodology: The study is divided into five phases: a) sear...

  18. Physical Sciences 2007 Science & Technology Highlights

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hazi, A U


    The Physical Sciences Directorate applies frontier physics and technology to grand challenges in national security. Our highly integrated and multidisciplinary research program involves collaborations throughout Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the National Nuclear Security Administration, the Department of Energy, and with academic and industrial partners. The Directorate has a budget of approximately $150 million, and a staff of approximately 350 employees. Our scientists provide expertise in condensed matter and high-pressure physics, plasma physics, high-energy-density science, fusion energy science and technology, nuclear and particle physics, accelerator physics, radiation detection, optical science, biotechnology, and astrophysics. This document highlights the outstanding research and development activities in the Physical Sciences Directorate that made news in 2007. It also summarizes the awards and recognition received by members of the Directorate in 2007.

  19. How In-Service Science Teachers Integrate History and Nature of Science in Elementary Science Courses (United States)

    Hacieminoglu, Esme


    The purpose of this study is to investigate how the in-service science teachers' (IST) perceptions and practices about curriculum and integration of the history of science (HOS) and the nature of science (NOS) affect their science courses. For this aim, how ISTs integrated the NOS and HOS in their elementary science courses for understanding of…

  20. Tribunale di Palermo - sezione lavoro Ord. 11 aprile 2013, dr Soffientini MM contro GS

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    Calogero Massimo Cammalleri


    Full Text Available Lavoro (controversie – area della tutela obbligatoria - licenziamento orale intimato prima del­l'entrata in vigore della legge n. 92 del 2012 - giudizio in­staurato successivamen­te – nuovo rito - applicabilità.* Lavoro (rapporto – licenziamento orale intimato prima del­l'entrata in vigore della leg­ge n. 92 del 2012 – giudizio in­staurato successivamente – art. 18 nuovo testo – applicabili­tà – esclusione.* Lavoro (controversie – lavoro irregolare – differenze retributive connesse all'accerta­mento della natura del rapporto - inammissibilità.* Lavoro (controversie – area della tutela obbligatoria - licenziamento orale intimato prima del­l'entrata in vigore della legge n. 92 del 2012 – mera domanda di condanna al pa­gamento dell'indennità ex art. 8 della l. n. 604 del 1966 – irrilevanza – offerta della pre­stazione – necessità – invito alla reintegrazione – insufficienza – domanda giudiziale di pagamento dell'indennità risarcitoria – irrilevanza – conseguenze – carenza di interesse ad agire – rigetto nel merito .* Alla controversia di impugnazione del licenziamento, il cui ricorso sia stato depositato suc­cessivamente all'entrata in vigore della legge n. 92 del 2012, si applica il nuovo rito speciale, ancorché il licenziamento si sia perfezionato in data anteriore e ancorchè sia assoggettato alla tutela obbligatoria. * L'inefficacia del licenziamento privo del requisito della forma scritta non comporta l'auto­matico riconoscimento, in capo al prestatore di lavoro, del diritto alla corresponsione delle retribuzioni non percepite in seguito alla interruzione di fatto del rapporto contrattuale. Poi­ché non integrano costituzione in mora accipiendi né l'impugnazione del licenziamento con la richiesta stragiudiziale di essere reintegrato, né la domanda giudiziale di condanna all'inden­nità ex art. 8 della legge n.604 del 1966 quest'ultima domanda deve essere rigettata. * La domanda

  1. Data-driven predictions in the science of science. (United States)

    Clauset, Aaron; Larremore, Daniel B; Sinatra, Roberta


    The desire to predict discoveries-to have some idea, in advance, of what will be discovered, by whom, when, and where-pervades nearly all aspects of modern science, from individual scientists to publishers, from funding agencies to hiring committees. In this Essay, we survey the emerging and interdisciplinary field of the "science of science" and what it teaches us about the predictability of scientific discovery. We then discuss future opportunities for improving predictions derived from the science of science and its potential impact, positive and negative, on the scientific community. Copyright © 2017, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  2. Can citizen science enhance public understanding of science? (United States)

    Bonney, Rick; Phillips, Tina B; Ballard, Heidi L; Enck, Jody W


    Over the past 20 years, thousands of citizen science projects engaging millions of participants in collecting and/or processing data have sprung up around the world. Here we review documented outcomes from four categories of citizen science projects which are defined by the nature of the activities in which their participants engage - Data Collection, Data Processing, Curriculum-based, and Community Science. We find strong evidence that scientific outcomes of citizen science are well documented, particularly for Data Collection and Data Processing projects. We find limited but growing evidence that citizen science projects achieve participant gains in knowledge about science knowledge and process, increase public awareness of the diversity of scientific research, and provide deeper meaning to participants' hobbies. We also find some evidence that citizen science can contribute positively to social well-being by influencing the questions that are being addressed and by giving people a voice in local environmental decision making. While not all citizen science projects are intended to achieve a greater degree of public understanding of science, social change, or improved science -society relationships, those projects that do require effort and resources in four main categories: (1) project design, (2) outcomes measurement, (3) engagement of new audiences, and (4) new directions for research. © The Author(s) 2015.

  3. Islam and Science (United States)

    Salam, Abdus

    The following sections are included: * The Holy Quran and Science * Modem Science, A Greco- Islamic Legacy * The Decline of Sciences in Islam * The Limitations of Science * Faith and Science * The Present Picture of Sciences in the Islamic Countries * Renaissance of Sciences in Islam * Steps Needed for Building up Sciences in the Islamic Countries * Science Education * Science Foundations in Islam * Technology in Our Countries * Concluding Remarks * REFERENCES

  4. L’incontro di Bruno Munari con la didattica attiva. I fondamenti pedagogici dei laboratori "Giocare con l’arte".

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    Laura Panizza


    Full Text Available Il saggio affronta il tema: quali idee pedagogiche hanno influenzato la progettazione dei laboratori "Giocare con l’arte", ideati da Bruni Munari negli anni Settanta e destinati a trasformare profondamente il modo d’intendere la didattica museale e l’educazione estetico-artistica. L’ipotesi dell’autrice è che questi laboratori riprendano alcuni principi dell’attivismo pedagogico, a cui Munari non fa però esplicito riferimento nei suoi scritti. Per questo motivo, il saggio cerca di ricostruire gli incontri più significativi che possono aver mediato l’approccio alla didattica attiva, soffermandosi in particolare sui rapporti di collaborazione intessuti da Munari con lo scrittore Gianni Rodari e con il pedagogista Giovanni Belgrano. Sia Rodari, sia Belgrano erano legati – seppure con diverse modalità – al Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa, che si proponeva di rinnovare la scuola italiana ispirandosi alla pedagogia deweyana. Attraverso la loro mediazione, Munari può essersi avvicinato all’attivismo, di cui condivideva peraltro molteplici assunti: dall’esigenza di promuovere la creatività del bambino, mediante la sperimentazione di materiali e tecniche, alla concezione dell’educatore come animatore delle attività volte alla padronanza dei saperi. In tal senso, il saggio si propone anche di mostrare la continuità esistente tra questa linea teorica e la riflessione sulla democratizzazione dell’arte intrapresa da Munari già nel 1948, con la fondazione – insieme ad altri artisti – del Movimento Arte Concreta.

  5. Citizen Science: Opportunities for Girls' Development of Science Identity (United States)

    Brien, Sinead Carroll

    Many students in the United States, particularly girls, have lost interest in science by the time they reach high school and do not pursue higher degrees or careers in science. Several science education researchers have found that the ways in which youth see themselves and position themselves in relation to science can influence whether they pursue science studies and careers. I suggest that participation in a citizen science program, which I define as a program in which girls interact with professional scientists and collect data that contributes to scientific research, could contribute to changing girls' perceptions of science and scientists, and promote their science identity work. I refer to science identity as self-recognition and recognition by others that one thinks scientifically and does scientific work. I examined a case study to document and analyze the relationship between girls' participation in a summer citizen science project and their development of science identity. I observed six girls between the ages of 16 and 18 during the Milkweed and Monarch Project, taking field notes on focal girls' interactions with other youth, adults, and the scientist, conducted highly-structured interviews both pre-and post- girls' program participation, and interviewed the project scientist and educator. I qualitatively analyzed field notes and interview responses for themes in girls' discussion of what it meant to think scientifically, roles they took on, and how they recognized themselves as thinking scientifically. I found that girls who saw themselves as thinking scientifically during the program seemed to demonstrate shifts in their science identity. The aspects of the citizen science program that seemed to most influence shifts in these girls' science identities were 1) the framing of the project work as "real science, 2) that it involved ecological field work, and 3) that it created a culture that valued data and scientific work. However, some of the girls only

  6. Identifying Relevant Anti-Science Perceptions to Improve Science-Based Communication: The Negative Perceptions of Science Scale

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    Melanie Morgan


    Full Text Available Science communicators and scholars have struggled to understand what appears to be increasingly frequent endorsement of a wide range of anti-science beliefs and a corresponding reduction of trust in science. A common explanation for this issue is a lack of science literacy/knowledge among the general public (Funk et al. 2015. However, other possible explanations have been advanced, including conflict with alternative belief systems and other contextual factors, and even cultural factors (Gauchat 2008; Kahan 2015 that are not necessarily due to knowledge deficits. One of the challenges is that there are limited tools available to measure a range of possible underlying negative perceptions of science that could provide a more nuanced framework within which to improve communication around important scientific topics. This project describes two studies detailing the development and validation of the Negative Perceptions of Science Scale (NPSS, a multi-dimensional instrument that taps into several distinct sets of negative science perceptions: Science as Corrupt, Science as Complex, Science as Heretical, and Science as Limited. Evidence for the reliability and validity of the NPSS is described. The sub-dimensions of the NPSS are associated with a range of specific anti-science beliefs across a broad set of topic areas above and beyond that explained by demographics (including education, sex, age, and income, political, and religious ideology. Implications for these findings for improving science communication and science-related message tailoring are discussed.

  7. Young "Science Ambassadors" Raise the Profile of Science (United States)

    Ridley, Katie


    Katie Ridley, science coordinator at St. Gregory's Catholic Primary School, Liverpool, UK, states that the inspiration for "science ambassadors" came after embarking on the Primary Science Quality Mark programme at their school. Ridley realized that science was just not recognised as such by the children, they talked about scientific…

  8. Razionalismo, politica e teoria della conoscenza. Un contributo alla filosofia arabo-islamica del presente

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    Mohammed Abed Al-Jabri


    Full Text Available Rationalism, Politics, and Theory of Knowledge. A Contribution to Contemporary Arab-Islamic Philosophy - The present text is a significant excerpt from the interview released in 1981 by the Moroccan philosopher Mohamed Abed Al-Jabri in the journal al-thaquafa- al-djadida [The New Culture]. The text was later revisited by Al-Jabri himself and published in 1991 with the title li'anna al-aqlaniya darura [Why rationalism is necessary] in a book on the relationship between tradition and modernity in the Arab-Islamic culture, At-turat wa-I-hadatha [Tradition and Modernity]. The interview deals with some of the central points in the contemporary debate on the social, political and cultural renewal of the Arabic world. Al-Jabri thinks that a critical perspective on Arab-Islamic culture must be developed. He maintains that in the Arab-Islamic world there is an enormous need for philosophy – discussion and rational argumentation – and for rationalism. Rationalism would contribute, among other things, to freeing politics and science from the chains of dogmatism, religion and tradition.

  9. Science teacher orientations and PCK across science topics in grade 9 earth science (United States)

    Campbell, Todd; Melville, Wayne; Goodwin, Dawne


    While the literature is replete with studies examining teacher knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), few studies have investigated how science teacher orientations (STOs) shape classroom instruction. Therefore, this research explores the interplay between a STOs and the topic specificity of PCK across two science topics within a grade 9 earth science course. Through interviews and observations of one teacher's classroom across two sequentially taught, this research contests the notion that teachers hold a single way of conceptualising science teaching and learning. In this, we consider if multiple ontologies can provide potential explanatory power for characterising instructional enactments. In earlier work with the teacher in this study, using generic interview prompts and general discussions about science teaching and learning, we accepted the existence of a unitary STO and its promise of consistent reformed instruction in the classroom. However, upon close examination of instruction focused on different science topics, evidence was found to demonstrate the explanatory power of multiple ontologies for shaping characteristically different epistemological constructions across science topics. This research points to the need for care in generalising about teacher practice, as it reveals that a teacher's practice, and orientation, can vary, dependent on the context and science topics taught.

  10. La coesione in italiano e in russo: alcune tendenze nell’espressione dei rapporti di caratterizzazione

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    Edyta Bocian


    Full Text Available L’obiettivo dell’articolo è quello di analizzare i mezzi metaforici esistenti nella lingua italiana volti a verbalizzare le emozioni. L’analisi è stata effettuata ricorrendo alla teoria cognitiva della metafora di Lakoff e Johnson su un corpus che consta di risorse metaforiche convenzionali presenti nei dizionari italiani monolingue. Nello specifico si è cercato di delineare un quadro della concettualizzazione emotiva in italiano, riflettendo su problematiche quali i domini origine adoperati, i possibili limiti posti alla concettualizzazione, nonché l’immagine linguistica che scaturisce dalle emozioni.

  11. Giulio Angioni's Assandira: The Art of Writing in Between the Furrows

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    Carlo Maxia


    Full Text Available Il lavoro di Giulio Angioni si è mosso costantemente tra antropologia e letteratura. I due campi permettono di cogliere livelli elevati di complessità e di profondità su tematiche talvolta comuni. È il caso di Assandira e dei testi scientifici dedicati al lavoro agropastorale. Nel romanzo l’antropologo mette in scena aspetti particolari della cultura, con una forte presenza delle emozioni, evanescenti e contradditorie. L’ammirevole risultato è debitore dell’impegno che l’antropologo-nativo ha dedicato all’etnografia ma anche alla riflessività rispetto alla propria origine culturale.



    De Felice, Camillo


    Il femminiello rappresenta il terzo sesso, il travestito… E questo pezzo parla del rito d’iniziazione di un uomo alla femminilità… retaggi di riti apotropaici, greci... legati alla fertilità. N’usanza segreta, a Torre del Greco,alchemica, eretica, esoterica…Nu rituale iniziatico,fatto in clandestinità ! ‘A tammorra nchiova ‘o tiempe, abballa e nun smove ‘o viente.Nu femmenielle ncopp’ ‘o lettino,sgrava, turcenno ‘e stentine. ‘A parente che le da ‘a mano chiagne stregnenno ‘a suttana, at...

  13. Simulation systems, models and calculations; Le strategie di ricerca. Sistemi di simulazione, modellistica e calcolo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mathis, A.; Novelli, P. [ENEA, Rome (Italy)


    Historically, theory and experimentation have been used to conduct scientific research. Simulation is emerging as a powerful third approach, to discovery, introducing many new challengers and opportunities in solving complex scientific problems. [Italian] Le competenze, le tecnologie e le infrastrutture per il calcolo ad alte prestazioni costituiscono una strumentazione di valenza strategica per il conseguimento degli obiettivi posti da una gestione ottimale dell'energia e dell'ambiente nel nostro Paese. In tale ambito la scienza della Simulazione e' stata individuata come terza via parallela alla sperimenazione e alla teoria.

  14. Capabilities: Science Pillars (United States)

    Alamos National Laboratory Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability Science & Innovation Collaboration Careers Community Environment Science & Innovation Facilities Science Pillars Research Library Science Briefs Science News Science Highlights Lab Organizations

  15. Faces of Science (United States)

    Alamos National Laboratory Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability Science & Innovation Collaboration Careers Community Environment Science & Innovation Facilities Science Pillars Research Library Science Briefs Science News Science Highlights Lab Organizations

  16. Bradbury Science Museum (United States)

    Alamos National Laboratory Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability Science & Innovation Collaboration Careers Community Environment Science & Innovation Facilities Science Pillars Research Library Science Briefs Science News Science Highlights Lab Organizations

  17. Office of Science (United States)

    Alamos National Laboratory Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability Science & Innovation Collaboration Careers Community Environment Science & Innovation Facilities Science Pillars Research Library Science Briefs Science News Science Highlights Lab Organizations

  18. Romanticism and Romantic Science: Their Contribution to Science Education (United States)

    Hadzigeorgiou, Yannis; Schulz, Roland


    The unique contributions of romanticism and romantic science have been generally ignored or undervalued in history and philosophy of science studies and science education. Although more recent research in history of science has come to delineate the value of both topics for the development of modern science, their merit for the educational field…

  19. Adapting Practices of Science Journalism to Foster Science Literacy (United States)

    Polman, Joseph L.; Newman, Alan; Saul, Ellen Wendy; Farrar, Cathy


    In this paper, the authors describe how the practices of expert science journalists enable them to act as "competent outsiders" to science. We assert that selected science journalism practices can be used to design reform-based science instruction; these practices not only foster science literacy that is useful in daily life, but also…

  20. Factors Influencing Science Content Accuracy in Elementary Inquiry Science Lessons (United States)

    Nowicki, Barbara L.; Sullivan-Watts, Barbara; Shim, Minsuk K.; Young, Betty; Pockalny, Robert


    Elementary teachers face increasing demands to engage children in authentic science process and argument while simultaneously preparing them with knowledge of science facts, vocabulary, and concepts. This reform is particularly challenging due to concerns that elementary teachers lack adequate science background to teach science accurately. This study examined 81 in-classroom inquiry science lessons for preservice education majors and their cooperating teachers to determine the accuracy of the science content delivered in elementary classrooms. Our results showed that 74 % of experienced teachers and 50 % of student teachers presented science lessons with greater than 90 % accuracy. Eleven of the 81 lessons (9 preservice, 2 cooperating teachers) failed to deliver accurate science content to the class. Science content accuracy was highly correlated with the use of kit-based resources supported with professional development, a preference for teaching science, and grade level. There was no correlation between the accuracy of science content and some common measures of teacher content knowledge (i.e., number of college science courses, science grades, or scores on a general science content test). Our study concluded that when provided with high quality curricular materials and targeted professional development, elementary teachers learn needed science content and present it accurately to their students.

  1. A Festival of Contemporary Science for Science Teachers (United States)

    Harrison, Tim; Berry, Bryan; Shallcross, Dudley


    In this article, the authors describe the first Festival of Contemporary Science for Science Teachers which was held in January 2010. Focusing on a number of leading-edge science topics, this new festival was organised by Bristol ChemLabS, in collaboration with the Science Learning Centre South West, and involved academics from several departments…

  2. Preservice Science Teachers' Views on Science-Technology-Society (United States)

    Dikmentepe, Emel; Yakar, Zeha


    The aim of this study is to investigate the views of pre-service science teachers on Science-Technology-Society (STS). In the research, a descriptive research method was used and data were collected using the Views on Science-Technology-Society (VOSTS) Questionnaire. In general, the results of this study revealed that pre-service science teachers…

  3. Democratizing data science through data science training. (United States)

    Van Horn, John Darrell; Fierro, Lily; Kamdar, Jeana; Gordon, Jonathan; Stewart, Crystal; Bhattrai, Avnish; Abe, Sumiko; Lei, Xiaoxiao; O'Driscoll, Caroline; Sinha, Aakanchha; Jain, Priyambada; Burns, Gully; Lerman, Kristina; Ambite, José Luis


    The biomedical sciences have experienced an explosion of data which promises to overwhelm many current practitioners. Without easy access to data science training resources, biomedical researchers may find themselves unable to wrangle their own datasets. In 2014, to address the challenges posed such a data onslaught, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched the Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative. To this end, the BD2K Training Coordinating Center (TCC; was funded to facilitate both in-person and online learning, and open up the concepts of data science to the widest possible audience. Here, we describe the activities of the BD2K TCC and its focus on the construction of the Educational Resource Discovery Index (ERuDIte), which identifies, collects, describes, and organizes online data science materials from BD2K awardees, open online courses, and videos from scientific lectures and tutorials. ERuDIte now indexes over 9,500 resources. Given the richness of online training materials and the constant evolution of biomedical data science, computational methods applying information retrieval, natural language processing, and machine learning techniques are required - in effect, using data science to inform training in data science. In so doing, the TCC seeks to democratize novel insights and discoveries brought forth via large-scale data science training.

  4. Impact of Informal Science Education on Children's Attitudes About Science (United States)

    Wulf, Rosemary; Mayhew, Laurel M.; Finkelstein, Noah D.


    The JILA Physics Frontier Center Partnerships for Informal Science Education in the Community (PISEC) provides informal afterschool inquiry-based science teaching opportunities for university participants with children typically underrepresented in science. We focus on the potential for this program to help increase children's interest in science, mathematics, and engineering and their understanding of the nature of science by validating the Children's Attitude Survey, which is based on the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey [1] and designed to measure shifts in children's attitudes about science and the nature of science. We present pre- and post-semester results for several semesters of the PISEC program, and demonstrate that, unlike most introductory physics courses in college, our after-school informal science programs support and promote positive attitudes about science.

  5. Il Servizio Intercultura dell’Istituto di Terapia Familiare di Firenze

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    Giancarlo Francini


    Full Text Available Nel corso del presente articolo vengono descritte le premesse epistemologiche e le metodologie adottate dagli operatori del Servizio Intercultura dell’Istituto di Terapia Familiare di Firenze (ITFF nel lavoro con la popolazione migrante ed elencati gli interventi fatti nel territorio. Il Servizio Intercultura dell’ITFF si è interrogato in questi anni sul valore della cultura come porta d’ingresso nel rapporto con il migrante; nel chiedere loro di narrare aspetti della loro cultura condividiamo aspetti della nostra cultura. L’incontro con il malinteso, che come dice Jankelevitch «(… è un quasi niente» (Jankelevitch, 1987, p. 233, perché se fosse stato qualcosa di più ce ne saremmo accorti e se fosse qualcosa di meno non sarebbe significativo, ci permette di aprirci a un rapporto che cambia entrambi, operatore e migrante, nella relazione. È nella relazione e attraverso il racconto dell’evento migrazione e del ciclo di vita che si costruisce e si cerca un linguaggio comune per la descrizione e l’espressione del disagio. Il lavoro con i migranti deve fare i conti con le difficoltà legate all’impiego, alla casa, al permesso di soggiorno e non ultimo alla brevità di alcuni incontri, perché per alcuni la nostra città è solo una tappa di un percorso che continua alla ricerca di una sistemazione migliore. Nel territorio di Firenze sono stati messi a punto una serie di servizi: oltre alla clinica e a uno sportello di consulenza, ci si dedica alla formazione degli operatori che lavorano con i migranti. Esempi di queste attività sono: un progetto di peer tutoring in alcune scuole superiori, uno di formazione per le assistenti sociali al fine di proporre un protocollo più efficace di presa in carico dei migranti, una serie di focus group con dipendenti Asl all’interno del progetto “Mamma segreta” della regione Toscana; inoltre, la collaborazione con le associazioni presenti sul territorio ha permesso un contatto

  6. When Nature of Science Meets Marxism: Aspects of Nature of Science Taught by Chinese Science Teacher Educators to Prospective Science Teachers (United States)

    Wan, Zhi Hong; Wong, Siu Ling; Zhan, Ying


    Nature of science (NOS) is beginning to find its place in the science education in China. In a study which investigated Chinese science teacher educators' conceptions of teaching NOS to prospective science teachers through semi-structured interviews, five key dimensions emerged from the data. This paper focuses on the dimension, "NOS content…

  7. Fort Collins Science Center-Fiscal year 2009 science accomplishments (United States)

    Wilson, Juliette T.


    Public land and natural resource managers in the United States are confronted with increasingly complex decisions that have important ramifications for both ecological and human systems. The scientists and technical professionals at the U.S. Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center?many of whom are at the forefront of their fields?possess a unique blend of ecological, socioeconomic, and technological expertise. Because of this diverse talent, Fort Collins Science Center staff are able to apply a systems approach to investigating complicated ecological problems in a way that helps answer critical management questions. In addition, the Fort Collins Science Center has a long record of working closely with the academic community through cooperative agreements and other collaborations. The Fort Collins Science Center is deeply engaged with other U.S. Geological Survey science centers and partners throughout the Department of the Interior. As a regular practice, we incorporate the expertise of these partners in providing a full complement of ?the right people? to effectively tackle the multifaceted research problems of today's resource-management world. In Fiscal Year 2009, the Fort Collins Science Center's scientific and technical professionals continued research vital to Department of the Interior's science and management needs. Fort Collins Science Center work also supported the science needs of other Federal and State agencies as well as non-government organizations. Specifically, Fort Collins Science Center research and technical assistance focused on client and partner needs and goals in the areas of biological information management and delivery, enterprise information, fisheries and aquatic systems, invasive species, status and trends of biological resources (including human dimensions), terrestrial ecosystems, and wildlife resources. In the process, Fort Collins Science Center science addressed natural-science information needs identified in the U

  8. PO.RA project. An analysis on gas radon concentrations in soil versus fluctuations in the groundwater table; Progetto PO.RA.. Analisi della concentrazione di gas radon nel non saturo in relazione alla soggiacenza della falda freatica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serentha' , C.; Torretta, M. [Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell' Ambiente della Lombardia, Dipartimento di Monza, Monza (Italy)


    Man is daily exposed to natural radiation, mainly due to cosmic rays and natural radioactive elements, whose most important radioactive daughters are {sup 222}Rn (radon) and {sup 220}Rn (thoron). Being these ones gaseous, they can spread through the ground, reaching the atmosphere and accumulating in rooms, where their concentrations may be very high. As radon exhalation is strongly connected with the hydrogeological features of the environment, this study tried to find a relationship between fluctuations in the groundwater table and gas radon concentrations in soil, in order to try estimates of indoor radon concentrations. [Italian] L'uomo e' quotidianamente esposto ad una radioattivita' di origine naturale, dovuta principalmente ai raggi cosmici ed alla presenza di alcuni elementi radioattivi naturali, i cui discendenti radioattivi piu' importanti sono il {sup 222}Rn (radon) e il {sup 220}Rn (thoron). Tali elementi, a causa della loro natura gassosa, si possono diffondere attraverso il terreno e raggiungere l'atmosfera sovrastante; cio' puo' provocarne l'accumulo in ambienti chiusi, dando luogo a concentrazioni anche elevate con possibili conseguenze sulla salute. Poiche' l'esalazione del gas radon e' foremente legata alle caratteristiche idrogeologiche dell'ambiente, in questo lavoro si e' cercato di definire una relazione che legasse le variazioni della soggiacenza della falda freatica alle variazioni della concentrazione del gas radon nel non saturo, al fine di verificare se sia possibile effettuare un'attivita' previsionale applicabile ai rilievi di gas radon indoor.

  9. Parents' Attitudes Towards Science and their Children's Science Achievement (United States)

    Perera, Liyanage Devangi H.


    Although countries worldwide are emphasizing the importance of science education for technological development and global economic competition, comparative findings from standardized international student assessments reveal a huge gap in science scores between developed and developing countries. Certain developed economies too have made little progress in raising science achievement over the past decade. Despite school improvement being placed high on the policy agenda, the results of such actions have been poor. Therefore, there is a need to explore additional ways in which science achievement can be enhanced. This study focuses on the family and examines whether parents' attitudes towards science (how much they value science and the importance they place on it) can influence their children's science achievement. Individual- and school-level data are obtained from the Program for International Student Assessment 2006 survey for 15 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and non-OECD countries. Hierarchical linear modelling is employed to estimate the equations. The findings indicate that parents' attitudes towards science have a positive and statistically significant effect on science achievement, after controlling for other important student- and school-level variables. Moreover, students from poor backgrounds appear to benefit from more positive parental science attitudes as much as students from high socioeconomic status, such that equality of student achievement is not affected. This study recommends that schools and teachers encourage parents to play a more pro-active role in their children's science education, as well as educate parents about the importance of science and strategies that can be adopted to support their children's science learning.

  10. Science + Maths = A Better Understanding of Science! (United States)

    Markwick, Andy; Clark, Kris


    Science and mathematics share a common purpose: to explore, understand and explain the pure beauty of our universe and how it works. Using mathematics in science enquiry can enhance children's understanding of science and also provide opportunities for children to apply their mathematical knowledge to "real" contexts. The authors…

  11. Common Earth Science Misconceptions in Science Teaching (United States)

    King, Chris


    A survey of the Earth science content of science textbooks found a wide range of misconceptions. These are discussed in this article with reference to the published literature on Earth science misconceptions. Most misconceptions occurred in the "sedimentary rocks and processes" and "Earth's structure and plate tectonics"…

  12. Environmental science: A new opportunity for soil science

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pepper, I.L.


    During the golden era of soil science--from the 1950s to the 1980s--the main focus of this discipline was on the role of soil in production agriculture. More recently, renewed interest in the area of environmental science has offered new opportunities to soil scientists. Thus, many soil scientists are now working in areas such as bioremediation, waste recycling, and/or contaminant transport. Environmental science has, therefore, not only changed the traditional research role of soil scientists at land grant institutions but has also influenced student enrollment, the traditional soil science curriculum, and faculty recruitment. These changes require a new breed of soil scientist, one with a background not only in soil science but also in other areas of environmental science as well.

  13. Connecting university science experiences to middle school science teaching (United States)

    Johnson, Gordon; Laughran, Laura; Tamppari, Ray; Thomas, Perry


    Science teachers naturally rely on their university science experiences as a foundation for teaching middle school science. This foundation consists of knowledge far too complex for the middle level students to comprehend. In order for middle school science teachers to utilize their university science training they must search for ways to adapt their college experiences into appropriate middle school learning experience. The criteria set forth above provide broad-based guidelines for translating university science laboratory experiences into middle school activities. These guidelines are used by preservice teachers in our project as they identify, test, and organize a resource file of hands-on inquiry activities for use in their first year classrooms. It is anticipated that this file will provide a basis for future curriculum development as the teacher becomes more comfortable and more experienced in teaching hands-on science. The presentation of these guidelines is not meant to preclude any other criteria or considerations which a teacher or science department deems important. This is merely one example of how teachers may proceed to utilize their advanced science training as a basis for teaching middle school science.

  14. Senator Fred Harris's National Social Science Foundation proposal: Reconsidering federal science policy, natural science-social science relations, and American liberalism during the 1960s. (United States)

    Solovey, Mark


    During the 1960s, a growing contingent of left-leaning voices claimed that the social sciences suffered mistreatment and undue constraints within the natural science-dominated federal science establishment. According to these critics, the entrenched scientific pecking order in Washington had an unreasonable commitment to the unity of the sciences, which reinforced unacceptable inequalities between the social and the natural sciences. The most important political figure who advanced this critique, together with a substantial legislative proposal for reform, was the Oklahoma Democratic Senator Fred Harris. Yet histories of science and social science have told us surprisingly little about Harris. Moreover, existing accounts of his effort to create a National Social Science Foundation have misunderstood crucial features of this story. This essay argues that Harris's NSSF proposal developed into a robust, historically unique, and increasingly critical liberal challenge to the post-World War II federal science establishment's treatment of the social sciences as "second-class citizens."

  15. Hormesis in Regulatory risk assessment - Science and Science Policy. (United States)

    Gray, George


    This brief commentary will argue that whether hormesis is considered in regulatory risk assessment is a matter less of science than of science policy. I will first discuss the distinction between science and science policy and their roles in regulatory risk assessment. Then I will focus on factors that influence science policy, especially as it relates to the conduct of risk assessments to inform regulatory decisions, with a focus on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The key questions will then be how does hormesis interact with current concepts of science and science policy for risk assessment? Finally, I look ahead to factors that may increase, or decrease, the likelihood of hormesis being incorporated into regulatory risk assessment.

  16. The rightful place of science science on the verge

    CERN Document Server


    A crisis looms over the scientific enterprise. Not a day passes without news of retractions, failed replications, fraudulent peer reviews, or misinformed science-based policies. The social implications are enormous, yet this crisis has remained largely uncharted—until now. In Science on the Verge, luminaries in the field of post-normal science and scientific governance focus attention on worrying fault-lines in the use of science for policymaking, and the dramatic crisis within science itself. This provocative new volume in The Rightful Place of Science also explores the concepts that need to be unlearned, and the skills that must be relearned and enhanced, if we are to restore the legitimacy and integrity of science.

  17. Science and religion: implications for science educators (United States)

    Reiss, Michael J.


    A religious perspective on life shapes how and what those with such a perspective learn in science; for some students a religious perspective can hinder learning in science. For such reasons Staver's article is to be welcomed as it proposes a new way of resolving the widely perceived discord between science and religion. Staver notes that Western thinking has traditionally postulated the existence and comprehensibility of a world that is external to and independent of human consciousness. This has led to a conception of truth, truth as correspondence, in which our knowledge corresponds to the facts in this external world. Staver rejects such a conception, preferring the conception of truth as coherence in which the links are between and among independent knowledge claims themselves rather than between a knowledge claim and reality. Staver then proposes constructivism as a vehicle potentially capable of resolving the tension between religion and science. My contention is that the resolution between science and religion that Staver proposes comes at too great a cost—both to science and to religion. Instead I defend a different version of constructivism where humans are seen as capable of generating models of reality that do provide richer and more meaningful understandings of reality, over time and with respect both to science and to religion. I argue that scientific knowledge is a subset of religious knowledge and explore the implications of this for science education in general and when teaching about evolution in particular.

  18. Journal of Earth System Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China. Earth Sciences Department, Faculty of Science, University of Kufa, Najaf 34003, Iraq. College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China.

  19. Globalisation and science education: Rethinking science education reforms (United States)

    Carter, Lyn


    Like Lemke (J Res Sci Teach 38:296-316, 2001), I believe that science education has not looked enough at the impact of the changing theoretical and global landscape by which it is produced and shaped. Lemke makes a sound argument for science education to look beyond its own discourses toward those like cultural studies and politics, and to which I would add globalisation theory and relevant educational studies. Hence, in this study I draw together a range of investigations to argue that globalisation is indeed implicated in the discourses of science education, even if it remains underacknowledged and undertheorized. Establishing this relationship is important because it provides different frames of reference from which to investigate many of science education's current concerns, including those new forces that now have a direct impact on science classrooms. For example, one important question to investigate is the degree to which current science education improvement discourses are the consequences of quality research into science teaching and learning, or represent national and local responses to global economic restructuring and the imperatives of the supranational institutions that are largely beyond the control of science education. Developing globalisation as a theoretical construct to help formulate new questions and methods to examine these questions can provide science education with opportunities to expand the conceptual and analytical frameworks of much of its present and future scholarship.

  20. New concepts of science and medicine in science and technology studies and their relevance to science education. (United States)

    Wang, Hsiu-Yun; Stocker, Joel F; Fu, Daiwie


    Science education often adopts a narrow view of science that assumes the lay public is ignorant, which seemingly justifies a science education limited to a promotional narrative of progress in the form of scientific knowledge void of meaningful social context. We propose that to prepare students as future concerned citizens of a technoscientific society, science education should be informed by science, technology, and society (STS) perspectives. An STS-informed science education, in our view, will include the following curricular elements: science controversy education, gender issues, historical perspective, and a move away from a Eurocentric view by looking into the distinctive patterns of other regional (in this case of Taiwan, East Asian) approaches to science, technology, and medicine. This article outlines the significance of some major STS studies as a means of illustrating the ways in which STS perspectives can, if incorporated into science education, enhance our understanding of science and technology and their relationships with society. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  1. New concepts of science and medicine in science and technology studies and their relevance to science education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hsiu-Yun Wang


    Full Text Available Science education often adopts a narrow view of science that assumes the lay public is ignorant, which seemingly justifies a science education limited to a promotional narrative of progress in the form of scientific knowledge void of meaningful social context. We propose that to prepare students as future concerned citizens of a technoscientific society, science education should be informed by science, technology, and society (STS perspectives. An STS-informed science education, in our view, will include the following curricular elements: science controversy education, gender issues, historical perspective, and a move away from a Eurocentric view by looking into the distinctive patterns of other regional (in this case of Taiwan, East Asian approaches to science, technology, and medicine. This article outlines the significance of some major STS studies as a means of illustrating the ways in which STS perspectives can, if incorporated into science education, enhance our understanding of science and technology and their relationships with society.

  2. Learning Science, Learning about Science, Doing Science: Different Goals Demand Different Learning Methods (United States)

    Hodson, Derek


    This opinion piece paper urges teachers and teacher educators to draw careful distinctions among four basic learning goals: learning science, learning about science, doing science and learning to address socio-scientific issues. In elaboration, the author urges that careful attention is paid to the selection of teaching/learning methods that…

  3. gateway to government science information. (United States)

    Fitzpatrick, Roberta Bronson

    2010-01-01 is a portal to more than 40 scientific databases and 200 million pages of science information via a single query. It connects users to science information and research results from the U.S. government. This column will provide readers with an overview of the resource, as well as basic search hints.

  4. Ma quanto è brutta questa "Smart City"! / But how bad this "Smart City"!

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Umberto Cao


    Full Text Available La Smart City è una macchina, una sorta di città-computer nella quale l'hardware è costituito dagli edifici e dalle infrastrutture e il software dalla gestione digitale integrata delle comunicazioni immateriali. Insomma una città efficiente nel senso pieno della parola. Il problema si pone quando queste caratteristiche vengono considerate sufficienti a restituire qualità alla città. Una qualità urbana che discende meccanicamente dalla “efficienza” farebbe pensare più alla distopia della Metropolis di Fritz Lang che alla utopia della Città nuova di Sant'Elia. / The Smart City is a machine, a sort of city-computer, where the hardware is made by buildings and infrastructures and the software by integrated digital networks. So an efficient city in absolute sense. The problem is when these goals and these procedures are considered able to generate an architectural form, or when considered sufficient to return quality to the city. An urban quality that derives from "efficiency" makes think more about dystopia of Fritz Lang's Metropolis that utopia of the New City of Sant'Elia.

  5. Neanche sbagliata il fallimento della teoria delle stringhe e la corsa all'unificazione delle leggi della fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Woit, Peter


    La teoria delle stringhe, "eterna promessa" della fisica teorica, sembra oggi giunta alla resa dei conti, e molti studiosi si stanno da tempo interrogando sulla sua reale validità. Un certo malcontento già serpeggiava nei corridoi delle università e in alcuni scritti quasi clandestini ma ora giunge dagli Stati Uniti la voce di Peter Woit, ferma e decisa nel lanciare un messaggio chiaro: questa presunta "teoria del tutto" che pretendeva di unificare le leggi della fisica, si è rivelata alla fine una "teoria del niente", incapace di dimostrare anche uno solo dei suoi enunciati. Dopo una dettagliata panoramica sugli sviluppi della fisica che hanno portato, nella metà degli anni Settanta, alla nascita e al successo del Modello standard, Woit giunge quindi al cuore del suo libro. L'accusa è pesante: non solo i teorici delle stringhe non fanno scienza, ma hanno goduto di un predominio eccessivo per vent'anni, monopolizzando il reperimento dei fondi economici pubblici e privati e impedendo di fatto un sano pro...

  6. Chi ha paura del relativismo? Peirce, Wittgenstein, Vygotski e le radici linguistiche della conoscenza (non della realtà.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Letizia Caronia


    Full Text Available Le derive decostruzioniste e antirealiste e la discutibile equivalenza tra relativismo e disimpegno scettico hanno necessariamente prodotto un richiamo al realismo e un ennesimo appello alla necessità di una fondazione ultima delle conoscenze, delle decisioni e delle pratiche. Stiamo gettando via il bambino insieme all’acqua sporca? Questo articolo argomenta la tesi dell’irritante ineluttabilità del costruttivismo. Attraverso un riordinamento delle categorie pertinenti e sulla scorta del pensiero di Peirce, Wittgenstein e Vygotsky, si sostiene che il costruttivismo a presuppone una ontologia realista; b afferma che la realtà sia osservabile, rappresentabile, descrivibile; c implica una definizione di verità come corrispondenza ma nega che sia possibile individuare quell’ “una e una sola” descrizione della realtà che corrisponderebbe alla realtà in modi indipendenti dal linguaggio. Nelle sezioni conclusive si discutono le implicazioni del costruttivismo realista. In particolare ci si propone di dimostrare l’ineludibile e radicale appello alla responsabilità proprio – malgrado le apparenze – di uno dei corollati del costruttivismo: la relatività concettuale e la connessa questione della relatività epistemica.

  7. La piattaforma logistica di Leixões, Portogallo, e il suo territorio.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Campolongo


    Full Text Available L’obiettivo dell’articolo è l’analisi critica del progetto preliminare della piattaforma di Leixões, nell’area metropolitana di Porto, al fine di verificare le modalità con cui sono state affrontate le questioni relative alla connessione tra mobilità dedicata e mobilità ordinaria, il rapporto con i caratteri del sistema insediativo in cui l’area è inserita, le relazioni con le zone di protezione ambientale contigue alla parte meridionale del polo logistico. Sulla base di questa attenta disamina sono state avanzate delle ipotesi progettuali tese a modificare alcuni aspetti della impostazione insediativa del progetto, pur mantenendo sostanzialmente inalterato il layout d’insieme della struttura. L’articolo è organizzato in cinque sezioni. All’introduzione segue una breve descrizione del sistema logistico in Portogallo e del Piano nazionale della Logistica. La sezione 3 è dedicata alla presentazione del progetto preliminare della piattaforma di Leixões e la sezione 4 all’analisi critica di tale progetto e alle possibili ipotesi progettuali alternative. Seguono le considerazioni conclusive.

  8. Comacchio e i suoi ponti.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Maestri


    Full Text Available La città di Comacchio, a trenta chilometri a nord di Ravenna, essendo sorta all’interno di una vasta zona di Valli da Pesca, è rimasta isolata dalla terraferma fino alla metà del secolo XIX. Alla devoluzione del Ducato di Ferrara alla Santa Sede (1598, la Città di Comacchio, le sue saline e le sue Valli da Pesca sono state sfruttate dalla Reverenda Camera Apostolica per circa due secoli. Nella prima metà del secolo XVII, per volontà di alcuni illuminati cardinali Legati di Ferrara, la città di Comacchio ha visto la realizzazione di importanti interventi urbani e territoriali, tra cui la costruzione di numerosi ed interessanti ponti e l’escavazione di un canale navigabile, per metterla in comunicazione diretta con il Mare Adriatico. Lo scritto tratta, brevemente, della particolare configurazione urbana del centro storico della città e della costruzione dei ponti, che sono ancora oggi la caratteristica principale della città lagunare, e in particolare delle caratteristiche di tre di essi (il Treponti, il Ponte delle Carceri e il Ponte di Piazza.

  9. Economies of scale versus economies of density in the electricity distribution. A quantitative analysis; Economie di scala versus economie di densita' nella distribuzione elettrica. Un'analisi quantitativa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gulli' , F. [IEFE, Universita' Bocconi, Milan (Italy)


    The aim of this article is to analyse the costs of the electricity distribution in Italy. The case examined (Enel's distribution activity) is particularly interesting. In fact the specific organization of Enel allows to separate the effects of firm scale from the influence of the customers territorial concentration (territorial density). On this subject, the results of the econometric analysis shows that density economics are more important than scale economics. [Italian] L'obiettivo di questo articolo e' analizzare i costi nell'attivita' di distribuzione elettrica in Italia. Il caso esaminato, la distribuzione dell'Enel, e' a questo proposito particolarmente interessante, grazie alla specifica organizzazione dell'Enel che prevede la presenza di centri di gestione gerarchicamente separati. E' stato cosi' possibile distinguere nettamente fra effetti dovuti alla scala produttiva ed effetti connessi alla concentrazione territoriale dell'utenza (effetti di densita'). Il modello econometrico costruito sui dati dell'Enel ha, al riguardo, permesso di verificare che le economie di densita' sono piu' importanti di quelle di scala.

  10. Physical Sciences 2007 Science and Technology Highlights

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazi, A.U.


    The Physical Sciences Directorate applies frontier physics and technology to grand challenges in national security. Our highly integrated and multidisciplinary research program involves collaborations throughout Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the National Nuclear Security Administration, the Department of Energy, and with academic and industrial partners. The Directorate has a budget of approximately $150 million, and a staff of approximately 350 employees. Our scientists provide expertise in condensed matter and high-pressure physics, plasma physics, high-energy-density science, fusion energy science and technology, nuclear and particle physics, accelerator physics, radiation detection, optical science, biotechnology, and astrophysics. This document highlights the outstanding research and development activities in the Physical Sciences Directorate that made news in 2007. It also summarizes the awards and recognition received by members of the Directorate in 2007

  11. Science and Society - Problems, issues and dilemmas in science education

    CERN Multimedia


    Next in CERN's series of Science and Society speakers is Jonathan Osborne, Senior Lecturer in Science Education at King's College London. On Thursday 26 April, Dr Osborne will speak in the CERN main auditorium about current issues in science education in the light of an ever more science-based society. Jonathan Osborne, Senior Lecturer in Science Education at King's College London. Does science deserve a place at the curriculum high table of each student or is it just a gateway to a set of limited career options in science and technology? This question leads us to an important change in our ideas of what science education has been so far and what it must be. Basic knowledge of science and technology has traditionally been considered as just a starting point for those who wanted to build up a career in scientific research. But nowadays, the processes of science, the analysis of risks and benefits, and a knowledge of the social practices of science are necessary for every citizen. This new way of looking at s...

  12. Exploring Girls' Science Affinities Through an Informal Science Education Program (United States)

    Todd, Brandy; Zvoch, Keith


    This study examines science interests, efficacy, attitudes, and identity—referred to as affinities, in the context of an informal science outreach program for girls. A mixed methods design was used to explore girls' science affinities before, during, and after participation in a cohort-based summer science camp. Multivariate analysis of survey data revealed that girls' science affinities varied as a function of the joint relationship between family background and number of years in the program, with girls from more affluent families predicted to increase affinities over time and girls from lower income families to experience initial gains in affinities that diminish over time. Qualitative examination of girls' perspectives on gender and science efficacy, attitudes toward science, and elements of science identities revealed a complex interplay of gendered stereotypes of science and girls' personal desires to prove themselves knowledgeable and competent scientists. Implications for the best practice in fostering science engagement and identities in middle school-aged girls are discussed.

  13. Evaluation Science (United States)

    Patton, Michael Quinn


    Culturally and politically science is under attack. The core consequence of perceiving and asserting evaluation as science is that it enhances our credibility and effectiveness in supporting the importance of science in our world and brings us together with other scientists to make common cause in supporting and advocating for science. Other…

  14. The Nature of Science and Science Education: A Bibliography (United States)

    Bell, Randy; Abd-El-Khalick, Fouad; Lederman, Norman G.; Mccomas, William F.; Matthews, Michael R.

    Research on the nature of science and science education enjoys a long history, with its origins in Ernst Mach's work in the late nineteenth century and John Dewey's at the beginning of the twentieth century. As early as 1909 the Central Association for Science and Mathematics Teachers published an article - A Consideration of the Principles that Should Determine the Courses in Biology in Secondary Schools - in School Science and Mathematics that reflected foundational concerns about science and how school curricula should be informed by them. Since then a large body of literature has developed related to the teaching and learning about nature of science - see, for example, the Lederman (1992)and Meichtry (1993) reviews cited below. As well there has been intense philosophical, historical and philosophical debate about the nature of science itself, culminating in the much-publicised Science Wars of recent time. Thereferences listed here primarily focus on the empirical research related to the nature of science as an educational goal; along with a few influential philosophical works by such authors as Kuhn, Popper, Laudan, Lakatos, and others. While not exhaustive, the list should prove useful to educators, and scholars in other fields, interested in the nature of science and how its understanding can be realised as a goal of science instruction. The authors welcome correspondence regarding omissions from the list, and on-going additions that can be made to it.

  15. Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    AFRICAN JOURNALS ONLINE (AJOL) · Journals · Advanced Search · USING AJOL · RESOURCES. Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé. Journal Home > Vol ... The journal is focused on health sciences in general. It publishes articles ...

  16. Taking the Lead in Science Education: Forging Next-Generation Science Standards. International Science Benchmarking Report. Appendix (United States)

    Achieve, Inc., 2010


    This appendix accompanies the report "Taking the Lead in Science Education: Forging Next-Generation Science Standards. International Science Benchmarking Report," a study conducted by Achieve to compare the science standards of 10 countries. This appendix includes the following: (1) PISA and TIMSS Assessment Rankings; (2) Courses and…

  17. Other Women in Science Groups | Women in Science | Initiatives ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences · Resonance – Journal of Science ... The Department of Science & Technology has set up a National Task Force on Women ... The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) has set up a ... the area of Science in Society under its Research and Innovation programmes.

  18. Elucidating elementary science teachers' conceptions of the nature of science: A view to beliefs about both science and teaching (United States)

    Keske, Kristina Palmer

    The purpose of this interpretive case study was to elucidate the conceptions of the nature of science held by seven elementary science teachers. The constructivist paradigm provided the philosophical and methodological foundation for the study. Interviews were employed to collect data from the participants about their formal and informal experiences with science. In addition, the participants contributed their perspectives on four aspects of the nature of science: what is science; who is a scientist; what are the methods of science; and how is scientific knowledge constructed. Data analysis not only revealed these teachers' views of science, but also provided insights into how they viewed science teaching. Four themes emerged from the data. The first theme developed around the participants' portrayals of the content of science, with participant views falling on a continuum of limited to universal application of science as procedure. The second theme dealt with the participants' views of the absolute nature of scientific knowledge. Participants' perceptions of the tentative nature of science teaching provided the basis for the third theme concerning the need for absolutes in practice. The fourth theme drew parallels between participants' views of science and science teaching, with two participants demonstrating a consistency in beliefs about knowledge construction across contexts. This study revealed both personal and contextual factors which impacted how the participants saw science and science teaching. Many of the participants' memories of formal science revolved around the memorization of content and were viewed negatively. All the participants had limited formal training in science. Of the seven participants, only two had chosen to be science teachers at the beginning of their careers. The participants' limited formal experiences with science provided little time for exploration into historical, philosophical, and sociological studies of science, a necessary

  19. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    College of Materials Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China; Guangxi Key Laboratory of Information Materials, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China; Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Luoyang Institute of Science and ...

  20. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90112, Thailand; Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University, Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani, 12120, Thailand; Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Thaksin University, Papayom, ...

  1. Home Culture, Science, School and Science Learning: Is Reconciliation Possible? (United States)

    Tan, Aik-Ling


    In response to Meyer and Crawford's article on how nature of science and authentic science inquiry strategies can be used to support the learning of science for underrepresented students, I explore the possibly of reconciliation between the cultures of school, science, school science as well as home. Such reconciliation is only possible when…

  2. International production on science oriented towards data: analysis of the terms data science and e-science in scopus and the web of science

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leilah Santiago Bufrem


    Full Text Available Introduction: current configuration in the dynamics of production and scientific communication reveals the role of Science Oriented Towards Data, a comprehensive conception represented, mainly, by terms such as "e-Science" and "Data Science". Objective: To present the global scientific production on Science Oriented Towards Data by using the terms "e-Science" and "Data Science" in Scopus and the Web of Science during 2006-2016. Methodology: The study is divided into five phases: a search for information in Scopus and the Web of Science data bases; b obtaining bibliometric records; c complementing keywords; d data correction and crossing; e analytical data representation. Results: The most important terms within the analyzed scientific production were Distributed computer systems (2006, Grid computing (2007-2013 and Big data (2014- 2016. In the area of Library and Information Science, the emphasis was on Digital Library and Open Access issues, highlighting the importance of the field for the discussions on the devices providing access to scientific information in digital media. Conclusions: Under a diachronic look, it was found a visible shift of focus, from issues approaching data exchange operations to an analytical perspective for finding patterns in large data volumes

  3. Mars: A Freshmen Year Seminar of Science and Science-fiction (United States)

    Svec, Michael; Moffett, D. A.; Winiski, M.


    "Mars: On the shoulder of giants" is a freshmen year seminar developed collaboratively between the physics, education, and center for teaching and learning. This course focuses on how scientific knowledge is developed through the lens of our changing view of Mars throughout history. Analyses of current studies of Mars are juxtaposed against historical understanding and perceptions of the planet found in scientific and popular literature of the day, as well as the movies. Kim Stanley Robinson’s "Red Mars" provides a unifying story throughout the course complimented by Fredrick Taylor’s "The Scientific Exploration of Mars" and Hartmann’s "A Traveler’s Guide to Mars." Based on the three-years of experience, the authors advocate the use of the speculative science-fiction novel and argue for its use in high school and undergraduate courses including those for science majors. Many of the students who selected this seminar went on to major in science and in subsequent interviews discussed the influence of science fiction on their decision to major in science. Science fiction provided story, science, and speculation that became a rich medium for critical-thinking skills and critical literacy. Student reflections indicated that science fiction served as a reminder of why they study science, a source for imagination, and exploration of science as a human endeavor. Based on this experience, we propose five elements for selecting science-fiction for inclusion in science classes: 1) Provides a deep description of the science content or technologies, 2) Describes science and technologies are plausible or accurate to the time period, 3) Contains a novum or plausible innovation that plays a key element in the speculation, 4) Exploration of the impact on society or humanity, and, 5) Shows science and technology as human endeavors.

  4. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The Institute for Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, MAScIR (Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, Innovation and Research), Rabat, Morocco; LMPHE (URAC 12), Departement of Physique, BP 1014, Faculty of Science, Mohammed V-Agdal University, Rabat, Morocco; National Centre for Energy, Sciences and ...

  5. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science; Volume 29; Issue 5 ... Polyester urethane; scaffold; tensile strength; swelling; degradation; cell culture. ... Materials Science Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, India; School of Medical Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur ...

  6. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... Physics · Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences · Resonance – Journal of Science ... Home; Journals; Journal of Chemical Sciences; Special Issues ... 2nd International Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISMC-2008) ... New Directions of Research in Molecules and Materials ... Theoretical Models for Molecular Structure.

  7. Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences; Search. Search. Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences. Title. Author. Keywords. Fulltext. Submit. Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences. Current Issue : Vol. 128, Issue 2. Current Issue Volume 128 | Issue 2. April 2018. Home · Volumes & Issues · Special Issues ...

  8. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... India; Department of Physics, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, P.O. Box 36, Code 123, Oman; Department of Polymer Science andRubber Technology, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin 682022, India; Department of Materials Science and Nanoengineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, USA ...

  9. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    National Initiative on Undergraduate Science (NIUS) Chemistry Programme Fellow, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mankhurd, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 088, India; Department of Chemistry, V. K. Krishna Menon College of Commerce & S. S. Dighe College of Science, Bhandup (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 ...

  10. Science Outside the Lab: Helping Graduate Students in Science and Engineering Understand the Complexities of Science Policy. (United States)

    Bernstein, Michael J; Reifschneider, Kiera; Bennett, Ira; Wetmore, Jameson M


    Helping scientists and engineers challenge received assumptions about how science, engineering, and society relate is a critical cornerstone for macroethics education. Scientific and engineering research are frequently framed as first steps of a value-free linear model that inexorably leads to societal benefit. Social studies of science and assessments of scientific and engineering research speak to the need for a more critical approach to the noble intentions underlying these assumptions. "Science Outside the Lab" is a program designed to help early-career scientists and engineers understand the complexities of science and engineering policy. Assessment of the program entailed a pre-, post-, and 1 year follow up survey to gauge student perspectives on relationships between science and society, as well as a pre-post concept map exercise to elicit student conceptualizations of science policy. Students leave Science Outside the Lab with greater humility about the role of scientific expertise in science and engineering policy; greater skepticism toward linear notions of scientific advances benefiting society; a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the actors involved in shaping science policy; and a continued appreciation of the contributions of science and engineering to society. The study presents an efficacious program that helps scientists and engineers make inroads into macroethical debates, reframe the ways in which they think about values of science and engineering in society, and more thoughtfully engage with critical mediators of science and society relationships: policy makers and policy processes.

  11. Effects of Inquiry-Based Science Instruction on Science Achievement and Interest in Science: Evidence from Qatar (United States)

    Areepattamannil, Shaljan


    The author sought to investigate the effects of inquiry-based science instruction on science achievement and interest in science of 5,120 adolescents from 85 schools in Qatar. Results of hierarchical linear modeling analyses revealed the substantial positive effects of science teaching and learning with a focus on model or applications and…

  12. Transforming Elementary Science Teacher Education by Bridging Formal and Informal Science Education in an Innovative Science Methods Course (United States)

    Riedinger, Kelly; Marbach-Ad, Gili; McGinnis, J. Randy; Hestness, Emily; Pease, Rebecca


    We investigated curricular and pedagogical innovations in an undergraduate science methods course for elementary education majors at the University of Maryland. The goals of the innovative elementary science methods course included: improving students' attitudes toward and views of science and science teaching, to model innovative science teaching…

  13. Incorporating Earth Science into Other High School Science Classes (United States)

    Manning, C. L. B.; Holzer, M.; Colson, M.; Courtier, A. M. B.; Jacobs, B. E.


    As states begin to review their standards, some adopt or adapt the NGSS and others write their own, many basing these on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. Both the NGSS and the Frameworks have an increased emphasis on Earth Science but many high school teachers are being asked to teach these standards in traditional Biology, Chemistry and Physics courses. At the Earth Educators Rendezvous, teachers, scientists, and science education researchers worked together to find the interconnections between the sciences using the NGSS and identified ways to reference the role of Earth Sciences in the other sciences during lectures, activities and laboratory assignments. Weaving Earth and Space sciences into the other curricular areas, the teams developed relevant problems for students to solve by focusing on using current issues, media stories, and community issues. These and other lessons and units of study will be presented along with other resources used by teachers to ensure students are gaining exposure and a deeper understanding of Earth and Space Science concepts.

  14. Science Anxiety, Science Attitudes, and Constructivism: A Binational Study (United States)

    Bryant, Fred B.; Kastrup, Helge; Udo, Maria; Hislop, Nelda; Shefner, Rachel; Mallow, Jeffry


    Students' attitudes and anxieties about science were measured by responses to two self-report questionnaires. The cohorts were Danish and American students at the upper secondary- and university-levels. Relationships between and among science attitudes, science anxiety, gender, and nationality were examined. Particular attention was paid to constructivist attitudes about science. These fell into at least three broad conceptual categories: Negativity of Science Toward the Individual, Subjective Construction of Knowledge, and Inherent Bias Against Women. Multigroup confirmatory factor analyses revealed that these dimensions of constructivist attitudes were equally applicable and had the same meaning in both cultures. Gender differences in mean levels of constructivist attitudes were found; these varied across the two cultures. Constructivist beliefs were associated with science anxiety, but in different ways for females and males, and for Danes and Americans. In agreement with earlier studies, females in both the US and Danish cohorts were significantly more science anxious than males, and the gender differences for the Americans were larger than those for the Danes. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for reducing science anxiety by changing constructivist beliefs.

  15. Science/s.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emmanuelle Tricoire


    Full Text Available Un forum a été organisé en mars par la Commission européenne. Il s’appelait « Science in Society ». Depuis 2000 la Commission a mis en place un Plan d’Action élaboré pour que soit promue « la science » au sein du public, afin que les citoyens prennent de bonnes décisions, des décisions informées. Il s’agit donc de développer la réflexivité au sein de la société, pour que cette dernière agisse avec discernement dans un monde qu’elle travaille à rendre durable. ...

  16. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... XIONG1 WEIHUA ZHU1 HEMING XIAO1. Institute for Computation in Molecular and Materials Science and Department of Chemistry, School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China; School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, ...

  17. Initiatives | Women in Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    This initiative of the Women in Science (WiS) Panel relates to mentoring of young ... The Women in Science Panel (WiS) of Indian Academy of Sciences has ... age of 52, after a valiant battle with cancer, today on 29th March 2016 in Delhi.

  18. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Editorial Board. Bulletin of Materials Science. Editor. Giridhar U. Kulkarni, Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Science, Bengaluru. Associate Editors. Ayan Datta, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata M. Eswaramoorthy, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru A.K. Ganguli ...

  19. Network science, nonlinear science and infrastructure systems

    CERN Document Server


    Network Science, Nonlinear Science and Infrastructure Systems has been written by leading scholars in these areas. Its express purpose is to develop common theoretical underpinnings to better solve modern infrastructural problems. It is felt by many who work in these fields that many modern communication problems, ranging from transportation networks to telecommunications, Internet, supply chains, etc., are fundamentally infrastructure problems. Moreover, these infrastructure problems would benefit greatly from a confluence of theoretical and methodological work done with the areas of Network Science, Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Science. This book is dedicated to the formulation of infrastructural tools that will better solve these types of infrastructural problems. .

  20. Gender roles and science beliefs and their relationship to science interest (United States)

    Paolucci, Judith Jean

    This study investigated adolescents' views about the nature of science (NOS) and conceptions of their gender identities, and revealed whether these conceptions and views are related to their science interest. Participants were 566 high school students enrolled in chemistry courses at three high schools in a New England state. A questionnaire was used to assess participants' science interest, gender role perceptions, and views about science, as well as to provide background and math and science achievement data. The study found that while student scores of NOS understanding did not differ by gender, some significant differences were noted on the student responses to statements about science. Students with higher-than-average science interest scores responded to these statements differently than students with lower science interest scores; their responses tended to more closely match statements about NOS taken from current reform documents. The study also found that math and science achievement, masculinity scores, and NOS scores accounted for a greater variance of science interest for girls than for boys, though all three also contributed significantly and positively to the regression equation for boys. These predictor variables predicted membership to the lower or higher science interest groups, but could not predict students' career aspiration groups. Thus, other mediating factors not considered in this study may translate high science interest to science career aspiration. The results of this study coed prior research, which found that science and math achievement and masculinity are positively and significantly related to science interest for boy boys and girls. Moreover, the study found that achievement in math and science courses is a greater predictor of science interest for girls than for boys. The results of this study provide a rationale for incorporating the nature of science into the science curriculum. Moreover, since the science interest of boys was

  1. Dostoevskij e il sillogismo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard Peace


    Full Text Available Si presenta di seguito la prima traduzione italiana del saggio di Richard Peace Dostoevsky and the Syllogism, pubblicato in lingua originale nel volume IX (2005 della collana Dostoevsky Studies, New Series. Il saggio è dedicato alla rielaborazione del sillogismo aristotelico da parte dei personaggi dostoevskiani nell’ambito del dibattito fra le due principali correnti filosofiche della Russia ottocentesca: l’ «occidentalismo» e lo «slavofilismo». Peace evidenzia come Dostoevskij miri a dimostrare che il ragionamento sillogistico sia estraneo alla forma mentis russa attraverso i fallimenti argomentativi dei suoi «ideofori»

  2. Appropriazioni debite: reti sociali e gerarchie nel consumo locale dell’aiuto umanitario. Il campo rifugiati di Darwanaje-Somaliland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luca Ciabarri


    Full Text Available Come altre zone del Corno d’Africa, la regione dell’Awdal è un’area di lunga presenza dell’aiuto umanitario internazionale. È un’area, considerando gli ultimi 30 anni, di emergenza strutturale (Piguet 1998, prodotto di una serie ricorrente di destabilizzazioni politiche e sociali – si pensi alla grande carestia del 1974 che ha colpito l’intera regione, alla guerra dell’Ogaden tra Etiopia e Somalia nel 1977-78 e infine al conflitto civile somalo, cominciato nel Nord nel 1988 ma preceduto da continue tensioni per tutti gli anni Ottanta – a cui hanno fatto seguito interventi esterni d’aiuto.

  3. Membrane filter technologies for safe and clean processes and improved production; Filtrazione. Sicurezza, igiene, migliore produzione. Esperienze e proposte dalla Francia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mezzalira, P. (comp.)


    A wide variety of separation technologies, from membrane filtration, to chromatography, from reverse osmosis to micro- and ultrafiltration, with state-of-the-art tools are employed in various sectors to optimise process safety and improve production. The expertise and know-how of some companies in France. [Italian] Diverse tecnologie di filtrazione, dalla separazione a membrana, alla cromatografia, dall'osmosi inversa alla micro e ultrafiltrazione con apparecchiature d'avanguardia continuamente aggiornate, per le svariate applicazioni in diversi settori di attivita', all'insegna della sicurezza, dell'igiene, e di una migliore produttivita'.

  4. Index viktat efter omsättning : Presterar ett index viktat efter omsättning bättre än ett index viktat efter börsvärde?


    Walljaeger, Christoffer; Uhrdin, Susanna


    Om den effektiva marknadshypotesen inte gäller skulle varje aktie handlas över eller under aktiens verkliga värde. Om så är fallet skulle alla index som är viktade efter börsvärde automatiskt överexponeras när en aktie handlas över dess verkliga värde och underexponera när en aktie handlas under dess verkliga värde. Det här betyder att kapitalviktade index är fundamentalt och strukturellt bristfälliga och kommer kontinuerligt övervikta alla aktier som handlas över verkligt värde och undervikt...

  5. Innovation in Citizen Science – Perspectives on Science-Policy Advances

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susanne Hecker


    Full Text Available Citizen science is growing as a field of research with contributions from diverse disciplines, promoting innovation in science, society, and policy. Inter- and transdisciplinary discussions and critical analyses are needed to use the current momentum to evaluate, demonstrate, and build on the advances that have been made in the past few years. This paper synthesizes results of discussions at the first international citizen science conference of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA in 2016 in Berlin, Germany, and distills major points of the discourse into key recommendations. To enhance innovation in science, citizen science needs to clearly demonstrate its scientific benefit, branch out across disciplines, and foster active networking and new formats of collaboration, including true co-design with participants. For fostering policy advances, it is important to embrace opportunities for policy-relevant monitoring and policy development and to work with science funders to find adequate avenues and evaluation tools to support citizen science. From a society angle it is crucial to engage with societal actors in various formats that suit participants and to evaluate two-way learning outcomes as well as to develop the transformative role of science communication. We hope that these key perspectives will promote citizen science progress at the science-society-policy interface.

  6. Family experiences, the motivation for science learning and science ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Schulze, Salome

    Student Motivation for Science Learning questionnaire combined with items investigating family experiences. ... science achievement: inadequate school resources and weak household ..... informal interviews with the science teachers of the.

  7. Science as theater, theater as science (United States)

    Lustig, Harry


    Beginning with Bertold Brecht's "Galileo" in 1942 and Friedrich Dürrenmatt's "The Physicists" in 1962, physics and other sciences have served a number of dramatists as backdrops for the exposition of existential problems, as well as the provision of entertainment. Michael Frayn's 1998 play "Copenhagen" broke new ground by giving a central role to the presentation of scientific substance and ideas and to the examination of recent controversial and emotionally charged events in the history of science and of the "real world". A rash of "science plays" erupted. How should we physicists react to this development? Surely, it can be argued, any exposure of science to the public is better than none and will help break down the barriers between the "two cultures". But what if the science or the scientists are badly misrepresented or the play is a weapon to strip science of its legitimacy and its claims to reality and truth? After reviewing a half dozen of the new plays, I conclude that "Copenhagen", though flawed, is not only the best of show, but a positive, even admirable endeavor. The contributions of Bohr, Heisenberg, Born, Schrödinger, and other scientists and their interactions in the golden years of the creation of quantum mechanics are accurately and thrillingly rendered. There may be no better non-technical exposition of complementarity and the uncertainty principle than the one that Frayn puts into the mouths of Bohr and Heisenberg. The treatment of the history of the atomic bomb and Heisenberg's role in Germany's failure to achieve a bomb is another matter. Frayn can also be criticized for applying uncertainly and complementarity to the macroscopic world and, in particular, to human interactions, thereby giving some aid and comfort to the post-modernists. These reservations aside, Copenhagen is a beautiful contribution to the appreciation of science.

  8. USSR report: life sciences. Biomedical and behavioral sciences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Studies in life sciences, biomedical sciences, and behavioral sciences are reported. The following fields of interest were studied: agricultural biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, environment effects, medical demography, medicine, microbiology, physiology, radiation biology, and human factors engineering. For individual titles, see N82-33989 through N82-33994

  9. Naturalized Philosophy of Science and Natural Science Education. (United States)

    Siegel, Harvey


    Reviews the philosophical controversy concerning naturalism, and investigates the role it might play in the science classroom. Argues that science students can benefit from explicit study of this controversy and from explicit consideration of the extent to which philosophy of science can be studied naturalistically. (PR)

  10. It's not rocket science : developing pupils’ science talent in out-of-school science education for primary schools

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geveke, Carla


    Out-of-school science educational activities, such as school visits to a science center, aim at stimulating pupils’ science talent. Science talent is a developmental potential that takes the form of talented behaviors such as curiosity and conceptual understanding. This dissertation investigates

  11. It's not rocket science : Developing pupils’ science talent in out-of-school science education for Primary Schools

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geveke, Catherina


    Out-of-school science educational activities, such as school visits to a science center, aim at stimulating pupils’ science talent. Science talent is a developmental potential that takes the form of talented behaviors such as curiosity and conceptual understanding. This dissertation investigates

  12. Preservice Elementary Teachers' Science Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Science Content Knowledge (United States)

    Menon, Deepika; Sadler, Troy D.


    Self-efficacy beliefs that relate to teachers' motivation and performance have been an important area of concern for preservice teacher education. Research suggests high-quality science coursework has the potential to shape preservice teachers' science self-efficacy beliefs. However, there are few studies examining the relationship between science self-efficacy beliefs and science content knowledge. The purpose of this mixed methods study is to investigate changes in preservice teachers' science self-efficacy beliefs and science content knowledge and the relationship between the two variables as they co-evolve in a specialized science content course. Results from pre- and post-course administrations of the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument-B (Bleicher, 2004) and a physical science concept test along with semi-structured interviews, classroom observations and artifacts served as data sources for the study. The 18 participants belonged to three groups representing low, medium and high initial levels of self-efficacy beliefs. A repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance design was used to test the significance of differences between the pre- and post-surveys across time. Results indicated statistically significant gains in participants' science self-efficacy beliefs and science conceptual understandings. Additionally, a positive moderate relationship between gains in science conceptual understandings and gains in personal science teaching efficacy beliefs was found. Qualitative analysis of the participants' responses indicated positive shifts in their science teacher self-image and they credited their experiences in the course as sources of new levels of confidence to teach science. The study includes implications for preservice teacher education programs, science teacher education, and research.

  13. Sottoscrizioni autografe nelle più antiche carte del monastero di S. Liberatore alla Maiella. Contributo alla storia del rapporto tra scrittura e alfabetismo in Abruzzo nel secolo X Autograph subscriptions in the oldest cards of the monastery of S. Liberatore of the Maiella. A contribution to the history of the relationship between writing and literacy in Abruzzo in 10th Century

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    Mariano Dell'Omo


    Full Text Available

    Il saggio che si propone di contribuire alla storia delle relazioni tra scrittura e alfabetismo in Abruzzo nel secolo X, deriva da una sezione (pp. CXLI-CLXX della “Introduzione storica, paleografica e archivistica” al volume pubblicato dall’autore nel 2003. L’immediato contesto geo-monastico è quello di S. Liberatore alla Maiella, la più grande delle dipendenze di Montecassino in Abruzzo, e una delle prepositure più notevoli tra le circa sessanta che appartennero al monastero cassinese nell’Italia centro-meridionale. L’obiettivo più generale è quello di far conoscere l’intero fondo archivistico di S. Liberatore, sia quello di età medievale con il citato volume, sia quello di età moderna con il successivo, apparso nel 2006. Questa specifica serie dell’Archivio cassinese, gravitante intorno a S. Liberatore ma relativa anche ad altri centri monastici minori di area abruzzese, e che occupa oggi le capsule da XCIX a CIV, racchiude complessivamente 801 documenti.

    Tra questi se ne annoverano alcuni particolarmente noti agli studiosi – specialmente dopo i lavori di Enrico Carusi (1929, 1932 e Herbert Bloch (1986 –, come il “Memoratorium” dell’abate Bertario († 883 e il “Commemoratorium” – inventario testamentario – del preposito maiellese, poi abate di Montecassino Teobaldo († 1035/1037.

    Alcuni hanno riservato interessanti scoperte, come l’attuale caps. XCIX, fasc. I, n. 4, una carta del luglio 936, che racchiude la più antica sottoscrizione autografa (“Ego qui supra Arechisi iudex” di Arechi, giudice della città di Capua, lo stesso che sottoscrisse il celeberrimo placito del 960, prima testimonianza ufficiale di volgare italiano.

    Altri costituiscono un nucleo di documenti omogenei (nn. 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 la cui edizione integrale ha offerto finalmente in modo completo la più antica collezione di contratti agrari di Montecassino (dal 950 al 984, specialmente sotto forma di

  14. DES Science Portal: II- Creating Science-Ready Catalogs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fausti Neto, Angelo; et al.


    We present a novel approach for creating science-ready catalogs through a software infrastructure developed for the Dark Energy Survey (DES). We integrate the data products released by the DES Data Management and additional products created by the DES collaboration in an environment known as DES Science Portal. Each step involved in the creation of a science-ready catalog is recorded in a relational database and can be recovered at any time. We describe how the DES Science Portal automates the creation and characterization of lightweight catalogs for DES Year 1 Annual Release, and show its flexibility in creating multiple catalogs with different inputs and configurations. Finally, we discuss the advantages of this infrastructure for large surveys such as DES and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. The capability of creating science-ready catalogs efficiently and with full control of the inputs and configurations used is an important asset for supporting science analysis using data from large astronomical surveys.

  15. Science As A Second Language: Acquiring Fluency through Science Enterprises (United States)

    Shope, R.; EcoVoices Expedition Team


    Science Enterprises are problems that students genuinely want to solve, questions that students genuinely want to answer, that naturally entail reading, writing, investigation, and discussion. Engaging students in personally-relevant science enterprises provides both a diagnostic opportunity and a context for providing students the comprehensible input they need. We can differentiate instruction by creating science enterprise zones that are set up for the incremental increase in challenge for the students. Comprehensible input makes reachable, those just-out-of-reach concepts in the mix of the familiar and the new. EcoVoices takes students on field research expeditions within an urban natural area, the San Gabriel River Discovery Center. This project engages students in science enterprises focused on understanding ecosystems, ecosystem services, and the dynamics of climate change. A sister program, EcoVoces, has been launched in Mexico, in collaboration with the Universidad Loyola del Pacífico. 1) The ED3U Science Inquiry Model, a learning cycle model that accounts for conceptual change: Explore { Diagnose, Design, Discuss } Use. 2) The ¿NQUIRY Wheel, a compass of scientific inquiry strategies; 3) Inquiry Science Expeditions, a way of laying out a science learning environment, emulating a field and lab research collaboratory; 4) The Science Educative Experience Scale, a diagnostic measure of the quality of the science learning experience; and 5) Mimedia de la Ciencia, participatory enactment of science concepts using techniques of mime and improvisational theater. BACKGROUND: Science has become a vehicle for teaching reading, writing, and other communication skills, across the curriculum. This new emphasis creates renewed motivation for Scientists and Science Educators to work collaboratively to explore the common ground between acquiring science understanding and language acquisition theory. Language Acquisition is an informal process that occurs in the midst of

  16. Science access, career choices, achievement, and motivation: Perceptions of female science olympians (United States)

    Price, Kelly Rae

    Women remain under-represented in science career fields and this is especially evident in the physical sciences. Female students maintain equal science interest and achievement to male students in elementary school but by middle and high school they fall behind their male peers. Reasons cited for girls' declining interest in science include battling traditional gender stereotypes, lack of encouragement, and lack of female role models. Four main science concerns related to girls/women as indicated by research literature were science access, career choices, achievement, and motivation. In Georgia, some girls have made a break from the research trends by demonstrating their fervor for science through participation in the academic activity, Science Olympiad. The purpose of this study was to examine the science perceptions of girls who demonstrated science success by their participation in Science Olympiad. Utilizing phenomenological and feminist perspectives, the qualitative research method of focus group interviewing was used to address the research questions comprising the four science concerns of female science access, career choices, achievement, and motivation. The study participants were all girls/women who participated in Science Olympiad. A total of five focus groups were studied. One of the focus groups had current college undergraduates, former Science Olympians, in it while the others were composed of high school girls. Through the description of their science experiences, the participants shared their perceptions of the four science concerns. When addressing these science concerns, the participants revealed four factors that had most affected their science perceptions: the importance of support, science needs Serious Fun, teachers matter, and the bonuses of extracurricular involvement. In their experiences, the participants found success in science because they had teachers, parents, and peers who supported their academic interests, including science, and

  17. A Science Products Inventory for Citizen-Science Planning and Evaluation. (United States)

    Wiggins, Andrea; Bonney, Rick; LeBuhn, Gretchen; Parrish, Julia K; Weltzin, Jake F


    Citizen science involves a range of practices involving public participation in scientific knowledge production, but outcomes evaluation is complicated by the diversity of the goals and forms of citizen science. Publications and citations are not adequate metrics to describe citizen-science productivity. We address this gap by contributing a science products inventory (SPI) tool, iteratively developed through an expert panel and case studies, intended to support general-purpose planning and evaluation of citizen-science projects with respect to science productivity. The SPI includes a collection of items for tracking the production of science outputs and data practices, which are described and illustrated with examples. Several opportunities for further development of the initial inventory are highlighted, as well as potential for using the inventory as a tool to guide project management, funding, and research on citizen science.

  18. A science products inventory for citizen-science planning and evaluation (United States)

    Wiggins, Andrea; Bonney, Rick; LeBuhn, Gretchen; Parrish, Julia K.; Weltzin, Jake F.


    Citizen science involves a range of practices involving public participation in scientific knowledge production, but outcomes evaluation is complicated by the diversity of the goals and forms of citizen science. Publications and citations are not adequate metrics to describe citizen-science productivity. We address this gap by contributing a science products inventory (SPI) tool, iteratively developed through an expert panel and case studies, intended to support general-purpose planning and evaluation of citizen-science projects with respect to science productivity. The SPI includes a collection of items for tracking the production of science outputs and data practices, which are described and illustrated with examples. Several opportunities for further development of the initial inventory are highlighted, as well as potential for using the inventory as a tool to guide project management, funding, and research on citizen science.

  19. A Science Products Inventory for Citizen-Science Planning and Evaluation (United States)

    Wiggins, Andrea; Bonney, Rick; LeBuhn, Gretchen; Parrish, Julia K; Weltzin, Jake F


    Abstract Citizen science involves a range of practices involving public participation in scientific knowledge production, but outcomes evaluation is complicated by the diversity of the goals and forms of citizen science. Publications and citations are not adequate metrics to describe citizen-science productivity. We address this gap by contributing a science products inventory (SPI) tool, iteratively developed through an expert panel and case studies, intended to support general-purpose planning and evaluation of citizen-science projects with respect to science productivity. The SPI includes a collection of items for tracking the production of science outputs and data practices, which are described and illustrated with examples. Several opportunities for further development of the initial inventory are highlighted, as well as potential for using the inventory as a tool to guide project management, funding, and research on citizen science. PMID:29867254

  20. Science as religion: when science becomes (too) irrational. (United States)

    Muzur, Amir; Rinčić, Iva


    Science is expected to be objective: however, since practiced and produced by humans, it has to reflect human flows - prejudices, stubbornness, malice, and the tendency to be misused. No wonder an excellent scientist like John Eccles proclaimed science to be among the most personal activities he had known. By analysing a few examples from the history of science (in particular the intellectual development of Van Rensselaer Potter, the American onco-biochemist and bioethics pioneer), as well as the current trend of the evidence-based approach, the present paper will try to demonstrate that denying, distrusting, and opposing science for the sake of religion, as seen so many times in human history, has significant similarities to the overestimation of science we more often encounter in our times.

  1. The Dissemination of Science and Science Journalism in Brazilian Universities: Analyzing Strategies that Facilitate Access to Science & Technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giuliana Batista Rodrigues de Queiroz


    Full Text Available This article is a mapping of Brazilian universities that maintain a structured work for Science Journalism and / or the dissemination of science. It analyses the strategies used by the top 50 Brazilian universities for including dissemination of science in their communication activities. In order to do this each institution’s website was examined for the purpose of collecting a large sample size of universities that organize and prioritize the dissemination of science and science journalism, and make their studies and projects available to the public. The dissemination of science is a priority for only 15 universities; ones that have structured science journalism programs. 11 of these universities are among the top 25 in the country which indicates that there is a direct relationship between academic quality and dissemination of science. Thus, this study lends to a deeper understanding of the field of science journalism.

  2. Materials Science | NREL (United States)

    microscopy and imaging science, interfacial and surface science, materials discovery, and thin-film material Science Materials Science Illustration with bottom row showing a ball-and-stick model and top row dense black band. State-of-the-art advances in materials science come from a combination of experiments

  3. In-Service Turkish Elementary and Science Teachers' Attitudes toward Science and Science Teaching: A Sample from Usak Province (United States)

    Turkmen, Lutfullah


    The purpose of this study is to reveal Turkish elementary teachers' and science teachers' attitudes toward science and science teaching. The sample of the study, 138 in-service elementary level science teachers from a province of Turkey, was selected by a clustered sampling method. The Science Teaching Attitude Scale-II was employed to measure the…

  4. Social representations of science and gender in Science teaching

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bettina Heerdt


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes the Social Representations (SR of teachers regarding the Nature of Science (NoS, gender issues in society, Science and in the teaching context. The theoretical approach is Moscovici’s SR associated to NoS discussions, Science feminist theories and Teaching of Science. A number of twenty-two teachers were part of this research. Data were collected through the filmic record. The lexical analysis was performed using the Alceste software. Four classes were formed: NoS, Gender and women in Science, Gender and teaching context, and Gender and society. In the areas of the teachers’ education, it was not possible to find significant differences in SR. Through empirical data, the distinct argumentation of men and women is noticed. The SR of men, naturalized, discriminatory and of gender issue denial in society and Science, is more forceful than of women. It is necessary, in the initial and continued education, the problematization of gender issues in Science.

  5. Science Standards, Science Achievement, and Attitudes about Evolution (United States)

    Belin, Charlie M.; Kisida, Brian


    This article explores the relationships between (a) the quality of state science standards and student science achievement, (b) the public's belief in teaching evolution and the quality of state standards, and (c) the public's belief in teaching evolution and student science achievement. Using multiple measures, we find no evidence of a…

  6. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Ming Kang1 2 Xiaoming Liao1 Guangfu Yin1 Xun Sun3 Xing Yin4 Lu Xie4 Jun Liu2. College of Materials Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China; College of Material Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China; Department of ...

  7. Women in Science | Initiatives | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... Journal of Chemical Sciences · Journal of Earth System Science · Journal of ... and to suggest recommendations, the Council of the Indian Academy of Sciences ... in January 2005, to carry out recommendations made by the committee and to ... An article published in "The Guardian" on 10 best unsung female scientists.

  8. Nature of Science or Nature of the Sciences? (United States)

    Schizas, Dimitrios; Psillos, Dimitris; Stamou, George


    The present essay examines the emerging issue of domain-general versus domain-specific nature of science (NOS) understandings from a perspective that illuminates the value of domain-specific philosophies of science for the growth and development of the NOS educational field. Under the assumption that individual sciences do have their own…

  9. Open Science: a first step towards Science Communication (United States)

    Grigorov, Ivo; Tuddenham, Peter


    As Earth Science communicators gear up to adopt the new tools and captivating approaches to engage citizen scientists, budding entrepreneurs, policy makers and the public in general, researchers have the responsibility, and opportunity, to fully adopt Open Science principles and capitalize on its full societal impact and engagement. Open Science is about removing all barriers to basic research, whatever its formats, so that it can be freely used, re-used and re-hashed, thus fueling discourse and accelerating generation of innovative ideas. The concept is central to EU's Responsible Research and Innovation philosophy, and removing barriers to basic research measurably contributes to engaging citizen scientists into the research process, it sets the scene for co-creation of solutions to societal challenges, and raises the general science literacy level of the public. Despite this potential, only 50% of today's basic research is freely available. Open Science can be the first passive step of communicating marine research outside academia. Full and unrestricted access to our knowledge including data, software code and scientific publications is not just an ethical obligation, but also gives solid credibility to a more sophisticated communication strategy on engaging society. The presentation will demonstrate how Open Science perfectly compliments a coherent communication strategy for placing Marine Research in societal context, and how it underpin an effective integration of Ocean & Earth Literacy principles in standard educational, as well mobilizing citizen marine scientists, thus making marine science Open Science.

  10. Science in Cinema. Teaching Science Fact through Science Fiction Films. (United States)

    Dubeck, Leroy W.; And Others

    Many feel that secondary school graduates are not prepared to compete in a world of rapidly expanding technology. High school and college students in the United States often prefer fantasy to science. This book offers a strategy for overcoming student apathy toward the physical sciences by harnessing the power of the cinema. In it, ten popular…

  11. Una introduzione ai software per il crime mapping / Observations préliminaires sur les logiciels du mappage du crime / Some introductory notes on crime mapping software

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ummarino Alessandro


    Full Text Available RiassuntoIl Crime Mapping più che una disciplina a se stante non è altro che l’applicazione di tecniche di analisi statistico-geografica allo studio dei reati. Grazie all’utilizzo dei software GIS (Geographic Information System, all’esponenziale sviluppo dell’informatica e alla facile accessibilità al web, la produzione di mappe di qualità è ormai alla portata di un qualunque utente medio. La possibilità di applicare tali tecniche di analisi è offerta in modo efficace da software GIS commerciali e da software GIS free e open source. Chi si vuole avvicinare a questa disciplina, sia che intenda procedere con applicazioni di tipo tattico (pianificazione dei controlli, attività di prevenzione, investigazioni giudiziarie, etc. sia che intenda svolgere degli studi di tipo sociologico (criminalità, devianza, illegalità diffusa, percezione della sicurezza, etc., deve comunque acquisire una solida preparazione di base nell’utilizzo di programmi GIS prima di inferire generalizzazioni dai risultati utilizzando chiavi di lettura provenienti dalle scienze sociali. Il Crime Mapping può trovare una valida applicazione nell’ambito di una generale attività di polizia, soprattutto a livello locale, per la gestione delle risorse destinate alla sicurezza, per la programmazione dei servizi di polizia e soprattutto quale supporto di tipo tattico nell’ambito di attività mirate alla repressione e alla prevenzione di specifici atti criminosi e illeciti. Le mappage du crime n’est pas simplement une discipline en soi, mais une application de techniques d’analyse statistiques et géographiques à l’étude du crime. Grâce au développement exponentiel de l’informatique et à l’accessibilité du Web , tous les utilisateurs moyens ont désormais la possibilité de produire des cartes des crimes de qualité avec le logiciel SIG (système d'information géographique (GIS - Geographic Information System. Aujourd’hui la possibilité de se

  12. Advancing the Science of Team Science (United States)

    Falk‐Krzesinski, Holly J.; Börner, Katy; Contractor, Noshir; Fiore, Stephen M.; Hall, Kara L.; Keyton, Joann; Spring, Bonnie; Stokols, Daniel; Trochim, William; Uzzi, Brian


    Abstract The First Annual International Science of Team Science (SciTS) Conference was held in Chicago, IL April 22–24, 2010. This article presents a summary of the Conference proceedings. Clin Trans Sci 2010; Volume 3: 263–266. PMID:20973925

  13. Citizen science can improve conservation science, natural resource management, and environmental protection (United States)

    McKinley, Duncan C.; Miller-Rushing, Abe J.; Ballard, Heidi L.; Bonney, Rick; Brown, Hutch; Cook-Patton, Susan; Evans, Daniel M.; French, Rebecca A.; Parrish, Julia; Phillips, Tina B.; Ryan, Sean F.; Shanley, Lea A.; Shirk, Jennifer L.; Stepenuck, Kristine F.; Weltzin, Jake F.; Wiggins, Andrea; Boyle, Owen D.; Briggs, Russell D.; Chapin, Stuart F.; Hewitt, David A.; Preuss, Peter W.; Soukup, Michael A.


    Citizen science has advanced science for hundreds of years, contributed to many peer-reviewed articles, and informed land management decisions and policies across the United States. Over the last 10 years, citizen science has grown immensely in the United States and many other countries. Here, we show how citizen science is a powerful tool for tackling many of the challenges faced in the field of conservation biology. We describe the two interwoven paths by which citizen science can improve conservation efforts, natural resource management, and environmental protection. The first path includes building scientific knowledge, while the other path involves informing policy and encouraging public action. We explore how citizen science is currently used and describe the investments needed to create a citizen science program. We find that:Citizen science already contributes substantially to many domains of science, including conservation, natural resource, and environmental science. Citizen science informs natural resource management, environmental protection, and policymaking and fosters public input and engagement.Many types of projects can benefit from citizen science, but one must be careful to match the needs for science and public involvement with the right type of citizen science project and the right method of public participation.Citizen science is a rigorous process of scientific discovery, indistinguishable from conventional science apart from the participation of volunteers. When properly designed, carried out, and evaluated, citizen science can provide sound science, efficiently generate high-quality data, and help solve problems.

  14. Parents' and children's beliefs about science and science careers (United States)

    Telfer, Jo Ann

    Science has become an essential part of our cultural, social and technological lives. Around the world economic policies are giving high priority to the production of new knowledge generated by scientists. Unfortunately, gender equality in science-related careers has not been achieved. Women who possess high intellectual and personal abilities are succeeding in many occupational areas previously closed to all but the most impervious women, but females are still largely underrepresented in physical science and mathematics related careers. The purpose of the current study was to examine the reasons for this underrepresentation of women in science-related careers. Participants included a subset of mothers (n = 174), fathers (n = 132) and children (n = 186) from a larger study at the University of Calgary entitled Gender Differences in Student Participation and Achievement in the Sciences: Choice or Chance ? Telephone interview and survey questionnaire data were examined for gender and achievement level differences, focusing on high achieving girls who are most likely to succeed in science-related careers. Relationships between parents' and children's responses were also examined using the theoretical construct of Eccles' Model of Achievement Related Choices. Gathered data were studied using factor analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, analysis of variance as well as categorical analysis of qualitative results. Girls and boys achieved similar grades on all academic measures except the Alberta Science Achievement Test, where boys scored significantly higher than girls. Mothers, fathers, and children indicated positive attitudes towards science, no gender stereotyping about science and science careers, and gender neutral beliefs about science achievement. Gender differences were found in expressed possibility of future career choice. Science/Professional Careers were viewed as male occupations by mothers and children, but as gender neutral occupations by fathers

  15. Parking Policies in Tourist Cities Politiche della sosta in città turistiche

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Anna La Rocca


    policies refer to individuation of urban zones specifically dedicated to tourist bus parking also in tourist cities. This underlines a lack of integrated planning and policies aimed at optimizing urban supply to reduce the congestion caused by tourist flows. Parking facilities should be built in order to avoid urban congestion problem due to tourist charge. These specific parking areas should be located outside the inner city whose connection should be ensured though: –ecologic tourist shuttle also equipped to give information about visit modalities and tourist attractions; –bike sharing or other sustainable transport modality allowing flexibility in scheduling visit especially for some specific tourist users (i.e. young people, families, students, etc.; –taxi sharing allowing to reach rapidly central zones especially for business tourist; –design of equipped pedestrian and cycling routes to get information or other kind of support services aimed to optimize the visit. Special incentives could be provided for some specific tourist typologies (i.e. students, seniors, families, young people.L’attività turistica genera impatti diretti sulla mobilità urbana in termini di incremento sia dei livelli di inquinamento sia della congestione urbana. Le politiche orientate alla gestione della mobilità turistica in ambito urbano fanno riferimento soprattutto ad interventi restrittivi per ridurre l’accesso e il transito dei bus turistici nei centri storici. Più raramente tali interventi si ispirano ad un disegno maggiormente coordinato di gestione della mobilità turistica integrato a funzioni di accoglienza ed orientamento dei flussi di visitatori in transito nelle città. La proposta di realizzare una rete urbana per l’offerta di sosta turistica integrata costituisce l’obiettivo del lavoro presentato in questo articolo. In Italia le indicazioni relative alla mobilità urbana sono contenute all’interno di specifici piani che stabiliscono le regole per il

  16. Science Fiction in the Political Science Classroom: A Comment (United States)

    Landers, Clifford E.


    Science fiction can be used for introducing and analyzing political concepts at the undergraduate level for either a specialized theory-oriented course such as Political Science Fiction or an Introduction to Political Science course. (Author/RM)

  17. Learning Science and the Science of Learning. Science Educators' Essay Collection. (United States)

    Bybee, Rodger W., Ed.

    This yearbook addresses critical issues in science learning and teaching. Contents are divided into four sections: (1) "How Do Students Learn Science?"; (2) "Designing Curriculum for Student Learning"; (3) "Teaching That Enhances Student Learning"; and (4) "Assessing Student Learning." Papers include: (1) "How Students Learn and How Teachers…

  18. Midwest Science Festival: Exploring Students' and Parents' Participation in and Attitudes Toward Science. (United States)

    Dippel, Elizabeth A; Mechels, Keegan B; Griese, Emily R; Laufmann, Rachel N; Weimer, Jill M


    Compared to national numbers, South Dakota has a higher proportion of students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Interest in science can be influenced by exposure to science through formal and informal learning. Informal science activities (including exposures and participation) have been found to elicit higher levels of interest in science, likely impacting one's attitude towards science overall. The current study goal is to better understand the levels and relationships of attitude, exposure, and participation in science that were present among students and parents attending a free science festival. The project collected survey data from 65 students and 79 parents attending a science festival ranging from age 6 to 65. Informal science participation is significantly related to science attitudes in students and informal science exposure is not. No relationship was found for parents between science attitudes and participation. Students who indicated high levels of informal science participation (i.e., reading science-themed books) were positively related to their attitudes regarding science. However, informal science exposures, such as attending the zoo or independently visiting a science lab, was not significantly associated with positive attitudes towards science.

  19. Teletrasporto dalla fantascienza alla realtà

    CERN Document Server

    Castellani, Leonardo


    Chi di noi correndo nell’ansia di un ritardo non ha desiderato per un attimo di teletrasportarsi nel luogo dell’appuntamento? Proprio come facevano i personaggi di Star Trek entrando nella sala teletrasporto dell’ Enterprise e ricomparendo immediatamente in qualche altro punto dell’universo. Forse ci siamo anche chiesti se la scienza e gli sviluppi della tecnologia ci porteranno mai a questo. Gli autori propongono un viaggio nel mondo dei quanti, dove si nascondono possibilità sorprendenti: non solo il teletrasporto di particelle, ma sistemi crittografici a prova della più abile spia, e calcolatori che usano singoli atomi come registri di memoria, capaci di calcoli ritenuti fino a oggi impossibili. I fondamenti della fisica microscopica vengono descritti senza tecnicismi; se ne illustrano applicazioni che, come è successo in passato con il transistor e il laser, trasformeranno radicalmente i nostri calcolatori, le transazioni commerciali e le carte di credito, le comunicazioni, insomma una parte im...

  20. Lihtsalt kunst ja kapital / Anu Allas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Allas, Anu, 1977-


    Saksa galeristi ja kollektsionääri Rolf Ricke kogu põhjal koostatud näitusest "Das Kapital - Blue Chips & Masterpieces" Frankfurdi Moodsa Kunsti Muuseumis. Kunstikogumisest ja kunstipoliitikast Lääne-Euroopas

  1. L'Italia di fronte alla mafia

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    Elisabetta Cesqui


    Full Text Available La realtà odierna delle mafie è in forte evoluzione e assume fra l’altro forme concrete diverse. Il lavoro compiuto dagli Stati Generali promossi dal Ministero della Giustizia ha messo in luce la complessità dei rapporti tra mafie e società, illuminando le zone di debolezza del sistema legale. Questo viene dunque chiamato oggi a sviluppare strategie di contrasto e di prevenzione sorrette da una nuova consapevolezza del fenomeno mafioso, che dimostra sempre più di non avere confini, né sul piano geografico né sul piano sociale o culturale. Parole chiave: criminalità organizzata, mafie, Stati Generali, strategia, prevenzione, consapevolezza, legalità   Nowadays mafias are seeing a phase of strong expansion, in a variety of different directions and shapes. The work carried out by the General States promoted by the Ministry of Justice has highlighted the complexity of the relations between mafia and society and underlined the weak areas of the existing law. The legal system is now facing the necessity of developing new strategies and tools for tackling and preventing the mafia phenomenon which increasingly proves to have no borders, either geographically or socially or culturally. Keywords: organized crime, mafias, General States , strategy, prevention, awareness, legality

  2. Alla cerca della particella di dio

    CERN Multimedia

    Caprara, Giovanni


    "Keep in mind her name, Fabiola Gianotti. She is the head of a team of 1'800 physicists from all over the world, and work in an historic experiment: to product in a laboratory the initial energy of the Big Bang. She said it will be like to discover an unknown flower. And perhaps, the secret of matter." (2 pages)

  3. Dalla crisi finanziaria alla crisi reale

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    Full Text Available The financial crisis of 2008 is put in relation with two bubbles, financial and housing. Easy credit is at the origin of both bubbles. Risky bonds were issued to mobilize mortgages originated in the housing market, and bad bonds entered a fantastic number of institutional and private portfolios all over the world without any perception of the their risk. Unfortunately, bank credit to speculators was abundant and fed the final growth of the bubbles. When fears started to spread, the fall was immediate and expectations impaired very rapidly. The main aggregate demand components were severely curtailed and production fell as well. This is the crisis of the real economy. Fortunately, as opposed to what happened in 1929, the interventions of central banks and governments have been of an unprecedented size. The bail out of insolvent banks in particular has been providential. The exit from the current crisis, however, will surely be slow.

  4. Dai suoni alla lingua in uso

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pierucci, Giulia

    Being able to understand and produce the sound system of the target language is a building block in the process of language learning. In spite of this, pronunciation is often neglected in FL/SL curricula and teaching practice. This project’s goal is to contribute to the field of FLT by designing...... on the whole process of FL learning, this project will integrate intensive training in pronunciation with activities aimed at a range of language components, from grammar to comprehension to pragmatic competence, always based on authentic material. The project’s methodology is based on design research...

  5. Nõukogulik Gruusia annab alla / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Hääletustulemuste võltsimisest Adzhaarias 2. novembril toimunud parlamendivalimistel. Adzhaaria autonoomne vabariik ei tunnista uut võimu Gruusias. Tagasiastunud presidendi Eduard Shevardnadze lähikond on uuele võimule järele andnud. Lisa: Gruusia

  6. Davanti alla grande macchina della legge

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Remo Ceserani


    Full Text Available La letteratura e le sue rappresentazioni del mondo della legge. Differenze profonde tra l’amministrazione della giustizia nei paesi eredi del diritto romano e quella nei paesi di tradizione anglosassone. I protagonisti della scena giudiziaria: l’imputato, il procuratore, gli avvocati, i testimoni, il perito di parte, il giudice, la giuria, il pubblico. La macchina della giustizia, i suoi funzionamenti, l’atmosfera delle udienze nelle metafore letterarie. La frequente incomprensione dei suoi meccanismi da parte di imputati e pubblico. Gli esempi di molti testi letterari e filmici, dal Libro di Giobbe ai romanzi di Grisham.

  7. Davanti alla grande macchina della legge


    Remo Ceserani


    La letteratura e le sue rappresentazioni del mondo della legge. Differenze profonde tra l’amministrazione della giustizia nei paesi eredi del diritto romano e quella nei paesi di tradizione anglosassone. I protagonisti della scena giudiziaria: l’imputato, il procuratore, gli avvocati, i testimoni, il perito di parte, il giudice, la giuria, il pubblico. La macchina della giustizia, i suoi funzionamenti, l’atmosfera delle udienze nelle metafore letterarie. La frequente incomprensione dei suoi m...

  8. Do compulsory secondary science courses change students’ attitude towards studying science?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Lærke Elisabeth; Petersen, Morten Rask


    recruitment to STEM education has been a compulsory course in the Gymnasium called Natural Science Subject (NSS). This is an interdisciplinary, introductory course with the intention that students shall “ … realize the importance of knowing and understanding natural science thinking” (Authors translation...... science and science careers. In this approach we ended up with the following research question: “Does a compulsory introductory sciences course have an impact on students’ attitude towards studying sciences in secondary school?” In this approach we chose to use parameters as motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2002...... Subject course. The distribution included all levels (K10-K12) and all study lines. Student answers were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U-test using SPSS statistics 22 as analytical tool. Comparisons for this study were made across study lines (natural science vs. human science & social science...

  9. The Presentation of Science in Everyday Life: The Science Show (United States)

    Watermeyer, Richard


    This paper constitutes a case-study of the "science show" model of public engagement employed by a company of science communicators focused on the popularization of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subject disciplines with learner constituencies. It examines the potential of the science show to foster the interest…

  10. Turkish Pre-Service Science Teachers' Views on Science-Technology-Society Issues (United States)

    Yalvac, Bugrahan; Tekkaya, Ceren; Cakiroglu, Jale; Kahyaoglu, Elvan


    The international science education community recognises the role of pre-service science teachers' views about the interdependence of Science, Technology, and Society (STS) in achieving scientific literacy for all. To this end, pre-service science teachers' STS views signal the strengths and the weaknesses of science education reform movements.…

  11. Science Lives: Women and Minorities in the Sciences. (United States)

    Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. KUOM Radio.

    This pamphlet and accompanying brochure of the same title describe a radio series of 13 half hour programs on the participation of women and minorities in science in the United States. The series attempts to make the public aware of the crisis in the sciences and science education and provides role models for young people, particularly young women…

  12. Science 101: What Constitutes a Good Science Project (United States)

    Robertson, Bill


    Having written columns dealing with science fairs before, Bill Robertson notes that it's been a long time since he has tackled the subject of what passes for a "science fair" in schools these days. Because science fairs have changed over the years, Robertson revisits the topic and explains the scientific method. The main focus of the…

  13. Towards Building Science Teachers’ Understandings of Contemporary Science Practices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Greg Lancaster


    Full Text Available Faculties of Education and Science at Monash University have designed a Masters unit to assist pre-service and in-service science teachers in exploring the practices of contemporary science and examine how varied understandings can influence science communication. Teachers are encouraged to explore their current understandings of the Nature of Science (NoS and to contrast their views with those known to be widely held by society (Cobern & Loving, 1998. Teachers are challenged to provide insights into their thinking relating to the NoS. In order to build understandings of contemporary science practice each teacher shadows a research scientist and engages them in conversations intended to explore the scientists’ views of NoS and practice. Findings suggest that teachers were initially uncomfortable with the challenge to express ideas relating to their NoS and were also surprised how diverse the views of NoS can be among teachers, scientists and their peers, and that these views can directly impact ways of communicating contemporary science practice.

  14. Constructivism in Science and Science Education: A Philosophical Critique (United States)

    Nola, Robert

    This paper argues that constructivist science education works with an unsatisfactory account of knowledge which affects both its account of the nature of science and of science education. The paper begins with a brief survey of realism and anti-realism in science and the varieties of constructivism that can be found. In the second section the important conception of knowledge and teaching that Plato develops in the Meno is contrasted with constructivism. The section ends with an account of the contribution that Vico (as understood by constructivists), Kant and Piaget have made to constructivist doctrines. Section three is devoted to a critique of the theory of knowledge and the anti-realism of von Glaserfeld. The final section considers the connection, or lack of it, between the constructivist view of science and knowledge and the teaching of science.

  15. Global Patterns in Students' Views of Science and Interest in Science (United States)

    van Griethuijsen, Ralf A. L. F.; van Eijck, Michiel W.; Haste, Helen; den Brok, Perry J.; Skinner, Nigel C.; Mansour, Nasser; Savran Gencer, Ayse; BouJaoude, Saouma


    International studies have shown that interest in science and technology among primary and secondary school students in Western European countries is low and seems to be decreasing. In many countries outside Europe, and especially in developing countries, interest in science and technology remains strong. As part of the large-scale European Union funded `Science Education for Diversity' project, a questionnaire probing potential reasons for this difference was completed by students in the UK, Netherlands, Turkey, Lebanon, India and Malaysia. This questionnaire sought information about favourite courses, extracurricular activities and views on the nature of science. Over 9,000 students aged mainly between 10 and 14 years completed the questionnaire. Results revealed that students in countries outside Western Europe showed a greater interest in school science, in careers related to science and in extracurricular activities related to science than did Western European students. Non-European students were also more likely to hold an empiricist view of the nature of science and to believe that science can solve many problems faced by the world. Multilevel analysis revealed a strong correlation between interest in science and having such a view of the Nature of Science.

  16. Teaching Science as Science Is Practiced: Opportunities and Limits for Enhancing Preservice Elementary Teachers' Self-Efficacy for Science and Science Teaching (United States)

    Avery, Leanne M.; Meyer, Daniel Z.


    Science teaching in elementary schools, or the lack thereof, continues to be an area of concern and criticism. Preservice elementary teachers' lack of confidence in teaching science is a major part of this problem. In this mixed-methods study, we report the impacts of an inquiry-based science course on preservice elementary teachers' self-efficacy…

  17. Online citizen science games: Opportunities for the biological sciences. (United States)

    Curtis, Vickie


    Recent developments in digital technologies and the rise of the Internet have created new opportunities for citizen science. One of these has been the development of online citizen science games where complex research problems have been re-imagined as online multiplayer computer games. Some of the most successful examples of these can be found within the biological sciences, for example, Foldit, Phylo and EteRNA. These games offer scientists the opportunity to crowdsource research problems, and to engage with those outside the research community. Games also enable those without a background in science to make a valid contribution to research, and may also offer opportunities for informal science learning.

  18. Science and anti-science

    CERN Document Server

    Holton, Gerald


    What is good science? What goal--if any--is the proper end of scientific activity? Is there a legitimating authority that scientists mayclaim? Howserious athreat are the anti-science movements? These questions have long been debated but, as Gerald Holton points out, every era must offer its own responses. This book examines these questions not in the abstract but shows their historic roots and the answers emerging from the scientific and political controversies of this century. Employing the case-study method and the concept of scientific thematathat he has pioneered, Holton displays the broad scope of his insight into the workings of science: from the influence of Ernst Mach on twentiethcentury physicists, biologists, psychologists, and other thinkers to the rhetorical strategies used in the work of Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, and others; from the bickering between Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Congress over the proper form of federal sponsorship of scientific research to philosophical debates since Oswald...

  19. Studying Students' Science Literacy: Non-Scientific Beliefs and Science Literacy Measures (United States)

    Impey, C.; Buxner, S.


    We have been conducting a study of university students' science literacy for the past 24 years. Based on the work of the National Science Board's ongoing national survey of the US public, we have administered the same survey to undergraduate science students at the University of Arizona almost every year since 1989. Results have shown relatively little change in students' overall science literacy, descriptions of science, and knowledge of basic science topics for almost a quarter of a century despite an increase in education interventions, the rise of the internet, and increased access to knowledge. Several trends do exist in students' science literacy and descriptions of science. Students who exhibit beliefs in non-scientific phenomenon (e.g., lucky numbers, creationism) consistently have lower science literacy scores and less correct descriptions of scientific phenomenon. Although not surprising, our results support ongoing efforts to help students generate evidence based thinking.

  20. FWP executive summaries: Basic energy sciences materials sciences programs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Samara, G.A.


    This report provides an Executive Summary of the various elements of the Materials Sciences Program which is funded by the Division of Materials Sciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy at Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico.

  1. Science and Community Engagement: Connecting Science Students with the Community (United States)

    Lancor, Rachael; Schiebel, Amy


    In this article we describe a course on science outreach that was developed as part of our college's goal that all students participate in a meaningful community engagement experience. The Science & Community Engagement course provides a way for students with science or science-related majors to learn how to effectively communicate scientific…

  2. Science of learning is learning of science: why we need a dialectical approach to science education research (United States)

    Roth, Wolff-Michael


    Research on learning science in informal settings and the formal (sometimes experimental) study of learning in classrooms or psychological laboratories tend to be separate domains, even drawing on different theories and methods. These differences make it difficult to compare knowing and learning observed in one paradigm/context with those observed in the other. Even more interestingly, the scientists studying science learning rarely consider their own learning in relation to the phenomena they study. A dialectical, reflexive approach to learning, however, would theorize the movement of an educational science (its learning and development) as a special and general case—subject matter and method—of the phenomenon of learning (in/of) science. In the dialectical approach to the study of science learning, therefore, subject matter, method, and theory fall together. This allows for a perspective in which not only disparate fields of study—school science learning and learning in everyday life—are integrated but also where the progress in the science of science learning coincides with its topic. Following the articulation of a contradictory situation on comparing learning in different settings, I describe the dialectical approach. As a way of providing a concrete example, I then trace the historical movement of my own research group as it simultaneously and alternately studied science learning in formal and informal settings. I conclude by recommending cultural-historical, dialectical approaches to learning and interaction analysis as a context for fruitful interdisciplinary research on science learning within and across different settings.

  3. Korduvarvestamise keeld karistuse kohaldamisel / Jaan Sootak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sootak, Jaan, 1948-


    Kergendavatest ja raskendavatest asjaoludest karistuse mõistmisel. Korduvarvestamise keelu probleemidest, keelu piiridest ja korduvarvestamise keelu alla sattuvatest asjaoludest. Sisaldab asjakohast kohtupraktikat

  4. The Science of Sex Differences in Science and Mathematics (United States)

    Halpern, Diane F.; Benbow, Camilla P.; Geary, David C.; Gur, Ruben C.; Hyde, Janet Shibley; Gernsbacher, Morton Ann


    Summary Amid ongoing public speculation about the reasons for sex differences in careers in science and mathematics, we present a consensus statement that is based on the best available scientific evidence. Sex differences in science and math achievement and ability are smaller for the mid-range of the abilities distribution than they are for those with the highest levels of achievement and ability. Males are more variable on most measures of quantitative and visuospatial ability, which necessarily results in more males at both high- and low-ability extremes; the reasons why males are often more variable remain elusive. Successful careers in math and science require many types of cognitive abilities. Females tend to excel in verbal abilities, with large differences between females and males found when assessments include writing samples. High-level achievement in science and math requires the ability to communicate effectively and comprehend abstract ideas, so the female advantage in writing should be helpful in all academic domains. Males outperform females on most measures of visuospatial abilities, which have been implicated as contributing to sex differences on standardized exams in mathematics and science. An evolutionary account of sex differences in mathematics and science supports the conclusion that, although sex differences in math and science performance have not directly evolved, they could be indirectly related to differences in interests and specific brain and cognitive systems. We review the brain basis for sex differences in science and mathematics, describe consistent effects, and identify numerous possible correlates. Experience alters brain structures and functioning, so causal statements about brain differences and success in math and science are circular. A wide range of sociocultural forces contribute to sex differences in mathematics and science achievement and ability—including the effects of family, neighborhood, peer, and school

  5. Plans of mice and men: from bench science to science policy. (United States)

    Simon, Ian D


    The transition from bench science to science policy is not always a smooth one, and my journey stretched as far as the unemployment line to the hallowed halls of the U.S. Capitol. While earning my doctorate in microbiology, I found myself more interested in my political activities than my experiments. Thus, my science policy career aspirations were born from merging my love of science with my interest in policy and politics. After receiving my doctorate, I accepted the Henry Luce Scholarship, which allowed me to live in South Korea for 1 year and delve into the field of science policy research. This introduction into science policy occurred at the South Korean think tank called the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI). During that year, I used textbooks, colleagues, and hands-on research projects as my educational introduction into the social science of science and technology decision-making. However, upon returning to the United States during one of the worst job markets in nearly 80 years, securing a position in science policy proved to be very difficult, and I was unemployed for five months. Ultimately, it took more than a year from the end of the Luce Scholarship to obtain my next science policy position with the American Society for Microbiology Congressional Fellowship. This fellowship gave me the opportunity to work as the science and public health advisor to U.S. Senator Harry Reid. While there were significant challenges during my transition from the laboratory to science policy, those challenges made me tougher, more appreciative, and more prepared to move from working at the bench to working in the field of science policy. Copyright © 2011.

  6. A Career in Science | Women in Science | Initiatives | Indian ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Journals · Overview · Bulletin of Materials Science · DIALOGUE: Science, ... Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore ... Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Thiruvananthapuram ... The Panel organized a one day Lecture on the occasion of International ...

  7. Bridging Science and Policy: The AGU Science Policy Conference (United States)

    Hankin, E. R.; Uhlenbrock, K.; Landau, E. A.


    In recent years, science has become inextricably linked to the political process. As such, it is more important now than ever for science to forge a better relationship with politics, for the health of both science and society. To help meet this need, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) strives to engage its members, shape policy, and inform society about the excitement of Earth and space science and its role in developing solutions for the sustainability of the planet. In June 2013, AGU held its second annual Science Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. The goal of the conference is to provide a new forum for diverse discussions and viewpoints on the challenges and opportunities of science policy, with a focus on applications of Earth and space science that serve local, national, and international communities. The meeting brought together more than 300 scientists, policy makers, industry professionals, members of the press, and other stakeholders to discuss the topics concerning the Arctic, climate change, oceans, energy, technology and infrastructure, and natural hazards science as they relate to challenges impacting society. Sessions such as 'The Water-Energy Nexus,' 'Potential for Megadisasters,' 'The Changing Ocean and Impacts on Human Health,' and 'Drowning and Drought: Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change' are examples of some of the intriguing and timely science policy issues addressed at the conference. The findings from the conference were used to develop a summary report. The report highlights key facts and figures to be used as a resource in discussions with policy makers and other stakeholders regarding the conference topics. This presentation will discuss the goals and outcomes of the conference and how the event represents one of the many ways AGU is approaching its 'Science and Society' priority objective as part of the Union's strategic plan; namely by increasing the effectiveness and recognition of AGU among policy makers as an authoritative

  8. Criteri di indagine degli spazi voltati nell’ambito dell’architettura storica e in archeologia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luca Cipriani


    Full Text Available ItLo studio degli spazi voltati nell’ambito dell’architettura storica è un tema di grande interesse, che da sempre vede impegnati vari studiosi afferenti ad ambiti disciplinari diversi, dall’archeologia, alla storia dell’arte, alla conservazione. In tale contesto interdisciplinare molto spesso il ruolo di ingegneri ed architetti, che si occupano di indagare le matrici geometriche alla base della progettazione di tali spazi, viene relegato ad un ruolo accessorio rispetto a quello dei conservatori, che materialmente si occupano delle pratiche di manutenzione e di restauro. Con l’avanzare delle tecnologie di rilevamento, che spaziano con sempre maggiore affidabilità dalla documentazione dei caratteri morfologici superficiali a quelli più intrinseci alla base dei manufatti, quale può essere il ruolo attuale di chi si occupa di comprendere il progetto che generò tali ambienti? In altri termini, quel vasto patrimonio immateriale che sta alla base della concezione progettuale di un manufatto, specialmente se scaturito da una raffinata conoscenza matematica e geometrica, ha oggi un ruolo riconoscibile e sufficientemente autorevole rispetto all’ammontare di conoscenze tecniche che permettono alle “macchine” di funzionare?Con questo contributo si intende mostrare come l’integrazione di vari know-how legati sia alla modellazione reality-based che alla conoscenza dei criteri e degli strumenti di progettazione del passato, possa fornire un input sostanziale per l’intervento e per la conoscenza di manufatti caratterizzati da una evidente complessità geometrica e costruttiva. Per ricaduta si intende poi mostrare come la documentazione fine a se stessa, per quanto accurata, certificata e garantita attraverso le più avanzate tecnologie e metodologie integrate, non si configuri come base di scambio e di dialogo interdisciplinare. En The study of vaulted spaces in the context of the historic architecture is a topic of great interest

  9. Science-Technology-Society (STS): A New Paradigm in Science Education (United States)

    Mansour, Nasser


    Changes in the past two decades of goals for science education in schools have induced new orientations in science education worldwide. One of the emerging complementary approaches was the science-technology-society (STS) movement. STS has been called the current megatrend in science education. Others have called it a paradigm shift for the field…

  10. The Next Generation Science Standards: A Focus on Physical Science (United States)

    Krajcik, Joe


    This article describes ways to adapt U.S. science curriculum to the U.S. National Research Council (NRC) "Framework for K-12 Science Education" and "Next Generation of Science Standards" (NGSS), noting their focus on teaching the physical sciences. The overall goal of the Framework and NGSS is to help all learners develop the…

  11. Fumo attivo e passivo, consumo di caffè ed effetti sulla gravidanza: uno studio caso controllo in Italia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Fantuzzi


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: alcune abitudini di vita possono influenzare lo sviluppo fetale durante il periodo di gravidanza. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di indagare gli effetti di alcune abitudini voluttuarie sulle nascite premature e sul basso peso alla nascita.

    Metodi: è stato condotto uno studio caso controllo nel periodo ottobre 1999 settembre 2000 in 9 città italiane (Genova, Udine, Modena, Parma, Siena, Roma, L’Aquila, Napoli e Catania. Sono stati identificati come casi 525 neonati pretermine (26ma, 38ma settimana di gravidanza e 317 neonati a termine ma con peso ‹ al 10° P. Sono stati arruolati come controllo 871 bambini nati a termine e normopeso. Le informazioni relative all’esposizione al fumo attivo e passivo e al consumo di caffè e i dati personali sono stati raccolti attraverso un apposito questionario.

    Risultati: dai risultati dell’analisi univariata è emerso un maggior rischio di basso peso alla nascita nei bambini le cui madri avevano fumato durante l’ultimo trimestre di gravidanza, con un chiaro effetto dose risposta. (OR: 2.09, 95% CI:1.45 - 3.00 per 1 9 sigarette/giorno, e OR= 2.76, 95% CI: 1.67 - 4.45 per 10 ed oltre sigarette al giorno. Anche la nascita pretermine sembra influenzata dall’abitudine tabagica della madre anche se in modo meno evidente. OR: 1.47, 95% CI: 1.05 - 2.04 per 1 9 sigarette/giorno e un OR: 1,30 95% CI: 0.78 - 4.81 per 10 e più sigarette/giorno. Per quanto riguarda l’esposizione al fumo passivo (più di due fumatori nelle abitazioni è stata osservata una positiva associazione con il basso peso alla nascita (OR: 3.05, 95% CI: 1.19 - 7.79. Il consumo di caffè non sembra influenzare lo sviluppo fetale. La regressione logistica multipla ha confermato solo l’influenza del fumo attivo della madre sulla basso peso alla nascita. (AOR= 2.49, 95% CI: 1.74 - 3.56.

    Conclusioni: questo studio conferma che

  12. Commonly Shared Foundation of Mathematics, Information Science, Natural Science, Social Science, and Theology


    Wayne, James J.


    Through a simple thought experiment, this paper shows that there must be a shared foundation of mathematics, information science, natural science, social science, and theology. The thought experiment is to ask a volunteer to write down an arbitrary real number between 0 and 1 with many digits. For example, 0.19823765010367129462…. would be one of such numbers. Then we analyze this experiment result by asking five simple questions: Is the real number a random real? Can the observed real numbe...

  13. Making Philosophy of Science Education Practical for Science Teachers (United States)

    Janssen, F. J. J. M.; van Berkel, B.


    Philosophy of science education can play a vital role in the preparation and professional development of science teachers. In order to fulfill this role a philosophy of science education should be made practical for teachers. First, multiple and inherently incomplete philosophies on the teacher and teaching on what, how and why should be integrated. In this paper we describe our philosophy of science education (ASSET approach) which is composed of bounded rationalism as a guideline for understanding teachers' practical reasoning, liberal education underlying the why of teaching, scientific perspectivism as guideline for the what and educational social constructivism as guiding choices about the how of science education. Integration of multiple philosophies into a coherent philosophy of science education is necessary but not sufficient to make it practical for teachers. Philosophies are still formulated at a too abstract level to guide teachers' practical reasoning. For this purpose, a heuristic model must be developed on an intermediate level of abstraction that will provide teachers with a bridge between these abstract ideas and their specific teaching situation. We have developed and validated such a heuristic model, the CLASS model in order to complement our ASSET approach. We illustrate how science teachers use the ASSET approach and the CLASS model to make choices about the what, the how and the why of science teaching.

  14. A call for more science in forensic science. (United States)

    Bell, Suzanne; Sah, Sunita; Albright, Thomas D; Gates, S James; Denton, M Bonner; Casadevall, Arturo


    Forensic science is critical to the administration of justice. The discipline of forensic science is remarkably complex and includes methodologies ranging from DNA analysis to chemical composition to pattern recognition. Many forensic practices developed under the auspices of law enforcement and were vetted primarily by the legal system rather than being subjected to scientific scrutiny and empirical testing. Beginning in the 1990s, exonerations based on DNA-related methods revealed problems with some forensic disciplines, leading to calls for major reforms. This process generated a National Academy of Science report in 2009 that was highly critical of many forensic practices and eventually led to the establishment of the National Commission for Forensic Science (NCFS) in 2013. The NCFS was a deliberative body that catalyzed communication between nonforensic scientists, forensic scientists, and other stakeholders in the legal community. In 2017, despite continuing problems with forensic science, the Department of Justice terminated the NCFS. Just when forensic science needs the most support, it is getting the least. We urge the larger scientific community to come to the aid of our forensic colleagues by advocating for urgently needed research, testing, and financial support.

  15. Sports-science roundtable: does sports-science research influence practice? (United States)

    Bishop, David; Burnett, Angus; Farrow, Damian; Gabbett, Tim; Newton, Robert


    As sports scientists, we claim to make a significant contribution to the body of knowledge that influences athletic practice and performance. Is this the reality? At the inaugural congress of the Australian Association for Exercise and Sports Science, a panel of well-credentialed academic experts with experience in the applied environment debated the question, Does sports-science research influence practice? The first task was to define "sports-science research," and it was generally agreed that it is concerned with providing evidence that improves sports performance. When practices are equally effective, sports scientists also have a role in identifying practices that are safer, more time efficient, and more enjoyable. There were varying views on the need for sports-science research to be immediately relevant to coaches or athletes. Most agreed on the importance of communicating the results of sports-science research, not only to the academic community but also to coaches and athletes, and the need to encourage both short- and long-term research. The panelists then listed examples of sports-science research that they believe have influenced practice, as well as strategies to ensure that sports-science research better influences practice.

  16. Nine meta-functions for science museums and science centres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Achiam, Marianne; Sølberg, Jan


    Science centres and science museums face challenges such as increased accountability, increased demands for accessibility, and growing competition from leisure experiences. On their own, the traditional museum practices of preservation, communication, and research are insufficient to address...... Ecsite conference, to map out how these institutions address modern-day challenges. This analysis generates a new framework of nine meta-functions for science centres and science museums that can guide and help qualify discussions about their present and future activities. We discuss the new meta...

  17. Dispositivi formativi e forme di vita

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesco Cappa


    Full Text Available Il dibattito pedagogico che ha caratterizzato gli ultimi anni ha spesso insistito sull’importanza del nesso tra sviluppo tecnologico e modelli formativi. Questa relazione, però, troppo spesso non valorizza i modi in cui l’esperienza educativa e formativa dovrebbe essere sempre più accuratamente pensata, progettata e predisposta se vista dalla prospettiva delle buone pratiche tecnologiche. Tale valorizzazione dell’istanza formativa deve prendere avvio da una riflessione critica e approfondita sui modelli impliciti ed espliciti che caratterizzano le pratiche educative e formative, valorizzando l’uso e l’interpretazione che i soggetti rendono attuali.Per consentire tale riflessione è necessario pensare un dispositivo pedagogico che non perda di vista la complessità delle dimensioni che agiscono nell’accadere educativo, capace di creare nuovi percorsi di sperimentazione delle conoscenze e nuove ipotesi di formazione di sé e degli altri. La formazione interpretata alla luce dei dispositivi pedagogici può offrire un valido strumento teorico e pratico per immaginare, progettare e valutare gli effetti che ogni azione formativa produce legati alla trasformazione dei saperi, alla vita delle forme e alle forme di vita contemporanee.

  18. Sardi Ilienses (Livio, XLI, 12, 4

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raimondo Zucca


    Full Text Available Riassunto: L’evoluzione possibile della cultura delle comunità indigene della Sardegna dalla prima età del Ferro fino alla possibile ed eccezionale acquisizione della forma urbana, in periodo punico, ci porta a riflettere sui modelli da applicare ai dati culturali di contesti distinti dagli ambiti urbani fenici e cartaginesi e dei territori di pertinenza connessi alla diretta colonizzazione punica, benché in essi sia possibile cogliere elementi culturali Sardi. Attualmente il modello riferito alla cultura sarda della Prima età del Ferro e delle età successive è quello degli Entangled Objects and Hybrid Practices.   Abstract: The possible development of the culture of the indigenous communities of Sardinia, from the early Iron Age to the acquisition of the urban settlement in the Punic period, leads us to a reflection on the applying models to the different Phoenician and Carthaginian urban archaeological contexts and the areas directly related to the Carthaginian colonization, although it could be possible to find cultural Sardinian elements. Currently the model refers to the Sardinian culture of the First Iron Age and later ages is that of Entangled Objects and Hybrid Practices.

  19. Keith E. Karlsson, Syntax and Affixation, The Evolution of MENTE in Latin and Romance, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für roma­ nische Philologie, Band 182, M. Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen 1981,

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pavao Tekavčić


    Full Text Available La linguistica romanza, "scienza-pilota" delle discipline sorelle, vanta ormai una tradizione tanto lunga e ricca che i singoli studi non  si contano più; eppure ci sono ancora domi­ ni che consentono ricerche ulteriori e conclusioni nuove (si pensi ad esempio alla monografia di H. J. Izzo sulla gorgia toscana o agli studi di P. A. Gaeng sulle iscrizioni latine cristiane - per citare solo due recenti autori fra i tanti che si possono elencare. Alla folta serie delle monografie romanze si è venuta ad aggiungere recentemente quella che qui intendia­mo recensire. L'autore, docente all'Università di Knoxville (Tennessee, USA, dedica la sua monografia ad un dominic che e da tempo nato e studiato, che dunque potrebbe parere risolto, mentre e invece ben lantana dall'essere Chiaro in tutti i Suoi aspetti. Si tratta della genesi (in latina e dell'evoluzione (negli idiomi romanzi degli avverbi formati con il morfema MENTE. L'opera di K. E. Karlsson rappresenta un contribute di notevole importanza allo studio del problema, cosa visibile anche dalla sua pubblicazione nella collana dei Beihefte alla ZrPh.

  20. Senior High School Earth Sciences and Marine Sciences. (United States)

    Hackenberg, Mary; And Others

    This guide was developed for earth sciences and marine sciences instruction in the senior high schools of Duval County, Jacksonville, Florida. The subjects covered are: (1) Earth Science for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders; (2) Marine Biology I for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders; (3) Marine Biology II, Advanced, for 11th and 12th graders; (4) Marine…

  1. U-Science (Invited) (United States)

    Borne, K. D.


    The emergence of e-Science over the past decade as a paradigm for Internet-based science was an inevitable evolution of science that built upon the web protocols and access patterns that were prevalent at that time, including Web Services, XML-based information exchange, machine-to-machine communication, service registries, the Grid, and distributed data. We now see a major shift in web behavior patterns to social networks, user-provided content (e.g., tags and annotations), ubiquitous devices, user-centric experiences, and user-led activities. The inevitable accrual of these social networking patterns and protocols by scientists and science projects leads to U-Science as a new paradigm for online scientific research (i.e., ubiquitous, user-led, untethered, You-centered science). U-Science applications include components from semantic e-science (ontologies, taxonomies, folksonomies, tagging, annotations, and classification systems), which is much more than Web 2.0-based science (Wikis, blogs, and online environments like Second Life). Among the best examples of U-Science are Citizen Science projects, including Galaxy Zoo, Stardust@Home, Project Budburst, Volksdata, CoCoRaHS (the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow network), and projects utilizing Volunteer Geographic Information (VGI). There are also scientist-led projects for scientists that engage a wider community in building knowledge through user-provided content. Among the semantic-based U-Science projects for scientists are those that specifically enable user-based annotation of scientific results in databases. These include the Heliophysics Knowledgebase, BioDAS, WikiProteins, The Entity Describer, and eventually AstroDAS. Such collaborative tagging of scientific data addresses several petascale data challenges for scientists: how to find the most relevant data, how to reuse those data, how to integrate data from multiple sources, how to mine and discover new knowledge in large databases, how to

  2. Journal of Earth System Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... 835 215, India. Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India. Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India. Laboratoire Image Ville Environnement, UMR 7362CNRS/UDS, 3, rue de l'Argonne, 67000 Strasbourg, France.

  3. From learning science to teaching science: What transfers? (United States)

    Harlow, Danielle Boyd

    As educational researchers and teacher educators, we have the responsibility to help teachers gain the skills and knowledge necessary to provide meaningful learning activities for their students. For elementary school science, this means helping teachers create situations in which children can participate in the practices associated with scientific inquiry. Through the framework of transfer I investigated how a professional development course based on an inquiry-based physics curriculum influenced five elementary teachers teaching practices and identified the factors that led to or hindered this transfer. In this study, evidence of transfer consisted of episodes where the teachers used the ideas learned in the physics course to solve new problems such as transforming activities to be appropriate for their students and responding to unexpected students' ideas. The findings of this study highlight the many different ways that teachers use what they learn in content courses to teach science to elementary children. While some teachers transferred pedagogical practices along with the content, others transformed the content to be useful in already existing pedagogical frameworks, and still others show little or no evidence of transfer. What the teachers transferred depended upon their existing teaching context as well as their prior ideas about teaching science and physics content. Specifically, the findings of this study suggest that the teachers transferred only what they sought from the course. One implication of this study is that the sort of science training we provide teachers can affect far more than just the teachers' conceptual understanding of science and performance on written conceptual exams. Science courses have the potential to impact the sort of science education that K-5 children receive in elementary classrooms in terms of the topics taught but the way that science is represented. An additional implication is that teaching science to teachers in ways

  4. Science as Content, Science as Context: Working in the Science Department (United States)

    Wildy, Helen; Wallace, John


    In this study we explored how the science department shaped the relationship between a science department head, Mr Greg, and a teacher, Ms Horton, as they grappled with their expectations of, and responsibilities for, teaching and leadership in the daily life in the department. We found that, from their life histories and their positions in the…

  5. How does a Next Generation Science Standard Aligned, Inquiry Based, Science Unit Impact Student Achievement of Science Practices and Student Science Efficacy in an Elementary Classroom? (United States)

    Whittington, Kayla Lee

    This study examined the impact of an inquiry based Next Generation Science Standard aligned science unit on elementary students' understanding and application of the eight Science and Engineering Practices and their relation in building student problem solving skills. The study involved 44 second grade students and three participating classroom teachers. The treatment consisted of a school district developed Second Grade Earth Science unit: What is happening to our playground? that was taught at the beginning of the school year. Quantitative results from a Likert type scale pre and post survey and from student content knowledge assessments showed growth in student belief of their own abilities in the science classroom. Qualitative data gathered from student observations and interviews performed at the conclusion of the Earth Science unit further show gains in student understanding and attitudes. This study adds to the existing literature on the importance of standard aligned, inquiry based science curriculum that provides time for students to engage in science practices.

  6. Science Shops

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard


    The paper prsents the overall concept of science shops as practised in most of the European science shops and present the concept practised and some experience obtained at the Technical University of Denmark. An outline for the planning of new sceince shops is presented.......The paper prsents the overall concept of science shops as practised in most of the European science shops and present the concept practised and some experience obtained at the Technical University of Denmark. An outline for the planning of new sceince shops is presented....

  7. Information Science Roles in the Emerging Field of Data Science

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    Gary Marchionini


    Full Text Available The article discusses how data science emerges from information science,statistics, computer science, and knowledge domain. Schools of information stand as meaningful and substantive entities that are critical to the education of scholars and practitioners who work across a wide range of enterprises. Data science is but one emerging field that will benefit from information school engagement.

  8. The Los Alamos Science Pillars The Science of Signatures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, Joshua E. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Peterson, Eugene J. [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    As a national security science laboratory, Los Alamos is often asked to detect and measure the characteristics of complex systems and to use the resulting information to quantify the system's behavior. The Science of Signatures (SoS) pillar is the broad suite of technical expertise and capability that we use to accomplish this task. With it, we discover new signatures, develop new methods for detecting or measuring signatures, and deploy new detection technologies. The breadth of work at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in SoS is impressive and spans from the initial understanding of nuclear weapon performance during the Manhattan Project, to unraveling the human genome, to deploying laser spectroscopy instrumentation on Mars. Clearly, SoS is a primary science area for the Laboratory and we foresee that as it matures, new regimes of signatures will be discovered and new ways of extracting information from existing data streams will be developed. These advances will in turn drive the development of sensing instrumentation and sensor deployment. The Science of Signatures is one of three science pillars championed by the Laboratory and vital to supporting our status as a leading national security science laboratory. As with the other two pillars, Materials for the Future and Information Science and Technology for Predictive Science (IS&T), SoS relies on the integration of technical disciplines and the multidisciplinary science and engineering that is our hallmark to tackle the most difficult national security challenges. Over nine months in 2011 and 2012, a team of science leaders from across the Laboratory has worked to develop a SoS strategy that positions us for the future. The crafting of this strategy has been championed by the Chemistry, Life, and Earth Sciences Directorate, but as you will see from this document, SoS is truly an Institution-wide effort and it has engagement from every organization at the Laboratory. This process tapped the insight and

  9. Engaging a Rural Community with Science through a Science Café (United States)

    Adams, P. E.


    Public awareness about science and science issues is often lacking in the general community; in a rural community there are even fewer options for an interested person to engage with others on science topics. One approach to address this issue is through the use of the Science Café model of citizen science at the local level. The Science Café concept, for the United States, originated in Boston ( Science Café events are held in informal settings, such as restaurants, pubs, or coffee houses with presentations being provided by experts on the subject. The format is designed to promote discussion and questions. Fort Hays State University Science and Mathematics Institute (SMEI), located in Hays, KS, is now in its fifth year of hosting a science café in a community of 20,000 people. The program in Hays started as a grassroots effort from an area high school teacher asking SMEI to organize and support the program. Attendance at the Science Café has range from 14 to 75 people (fire code capacity!), with an average attendance of 30 people. The audience for our Science Café has been citizens, college students, high school students, and university faculty. The presenters at the Hays Science Café have ranged from scientists to engineers, high school students to hobbyists. Our topics have ranged from searching for life in the universe, wind energy, paleo-life in Kansas, climate change, honey bees, and planetary science. The program has developed a strong following in the community and has led to the formation of additional Science Café programs in Kansas. Selection of topics is based on community interest and timeliness. Publicity occurs through posters, e-mail, and social media outlets. Participants have found the sessions to be of interest and a place to learn more about the world and become informed about issues in the news. The Science Café in Hays has had a positive impact on the community.

  10. Emerging areas of science: Recommendations for Nursing Science Education from the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Idea Festival. (United States)

    Henly, Susan J; McCarthy, Donna O; Wyman, Jean F; Heitkemper, Margaret M; Redeker, Nancy S; Titler, Marita G; McCarthy, Ann Marie; Stone, Patricia W; Moore, Shirley M; Alt-White, Anna C; Conley, Yvette P; Dunbar-Jacob, Jacqueline


    The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science aims to "facilitate and recognize life-long nursing science career development" as an important part of its mission. In light of fast-paced advances in science and technology that are inspiring new questions and methods of investigation in the health sciences, the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science convened the Idea Festival for Nursing Science Education and appointed the Idea Festival Advisory Committee (IFAC) to stimulate dialogue about linking PhD education with a renewed vision for preparation of the next generation of nursing scientists. Building on the 2005 National Research Council report Advancing The Nation's Health Needs and the 2010 American Association of Colleges of Nursing Position Statement on the Research-Focused Doctorate Pathways to Excellence, the IFAC specifically addressed the capacity of PhD programs to prepare nursing scientists to conduct cutting-edge research in the following key emerging and priority areas of health sciences research: omics and the microbiome; health behavior, behavior change, and biobehavioral science; patient-reported outcomes; big data, e-science, and informatics; quantitative sciences; translation science; and health economics. The purpose of this article is to (a) describe IFAC activities, (b) summarize 2014 discussions hosted as part of the Idea Festival, and (c) present IFAC recommendations for incorporating these emerging areas of science and technology into research-focused doctoral programs committed to preparing graduates for lifelong, competitive careers in nursing science. The recommendations address clearer articulation of program focus areas; inclusion of foundational knowledge in emerging areas of science in core courses on nursing science and research methods; faculty composition; prerequisite student knowledge and skills; and in-depth, interdisciplinary training in supporting area of science content and methods. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc

  11. The "Next Generation Science Standards" and the Life Sciences (United States)

    Bybee, Rodger W.


    Publication of the "Next Generation Science Standards" will be just short of two decades since publication of the "National Science Education Standards" (NRC 1996). In that time, biology and science education communities have advanced, and the new standards will reflect that progress (NRC 1999, 2007, 2009; Kress and Barrett…

  12. Valid and Reliable Science Content Assessments for Science Teachers (United States)

    Tretter, Thomas R.; Brown, Sherri L.; Bush, William S.; Saderholm, Jon C.; Holmes, Vicki-Lynn


    Science teachers' content knowledge is an important influence on student learning, highlighting an ongoing need for programs, and assessments of those programs, designed to support teacher learning of science. Valid and reliable assessments of teacher science knowledge are needed for direct measurement of this crucial variable. This paper…

  13. Project-Based Science (United States)

    Krajcik, Joe


    Project-based science is an exciting way to teach science that aligns with the "Next Generation Science Standards" ("NGSS"). By focusing on core ideas along with practices and crosscutting concepts, classrooms become learning environments where teachers and students engage in science by designing and carrying out…

  14. Teaching Grade Eight Science with Reference to the Science Curriculum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rasel Babu


    Full Text Available A mixed methodological approach was used to explore to what extent the science curriculum was being reflected in science teaching-learning of grade VIII students in Bangladesh. 160 students were randomly selected and 10 science teachers were purposively selected as study respondents. Fifteen science lessons were observed. Data were collected via student questionnaires, teacher interviews, and classroom observation checklists. Grade VIII science teaching-learning activities were not conducted according to the instructions of the science curriculum. Most teachers did not adhere to the curriculum and teacher's guide. Teachers mainly depended on lecture methods for delivering lessons. Learning by doing, demonstrating experiments, scientific inquiry, rational thinking, and analysing cause-effect relationships were noticeably absent. Teachers reported huge workloads and a lack of ingredients as reasons for not practising these activities. Teachers did not use teaching aids properly. Science teaching-learning was fully classroom centred, and students were never involved in any creative activities. 

  15. How do science centers perceive their role in science teaching?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jan Alexis; Stougaard, Birgitte; Andersen, Beth Wehner

    This poster presents the data of a survey of 11 science centres in the Region of Southern Denmark. The survey is the initial step in a project which aims, on the one hand, to identify the factors which conditions successful learning outcomes of visits to science centres, and, on the other hand...... and teachers. In the present survey we have approached the topic from the perspective of science centres. Needless to say, the science centres’ own perception of their role in science teaching plays a vital role with respect to the successfulness of such visits. The data of our survey suggest that, also from......, to apply this identification so as to guide the interaction of science teachers and science centres. Recent literature on this topic (Rennie et. al. 2003; Falk & Dierking 2000) suggest that stable learning outcomes of such visits require that such visits are (1) prepared in the sense that the teacher has...

  16. Community science, philosophy of science, and the practice of research. (United States)

    Tebes, Jacob Kraemer


    Embedded in community science are implicit theories on the nature of reality (ontology), the justification of knowledge claims (epistemology), and how knowledge is constructed (methodology). These implicit theories influence the conceptualization and practice of research, and open up or constrain its possibilities. The purpose of this paper is to make some of these theories explicit, trace their intellectual history, and propose a shift in the way research in the social and behavioral sciences, and community science in particular, is conceptualized and practiced. After describing the influence and decline of logical empiricism, the underlying philosophical framework for science for the past century, I summarize contemporary views in the philosophy of science that are alternatives to logical empiricism. These include contextualism, normative naturalism, and scientific realism, and propose that a modified version of contextualism, known as perspectivism, affords the philosophical framework for an emerging community science. I then discuss the implications of perspectivism for community science in the form of four propositions to guide the practice of research.

  17. Dose evaluation for workers employed in an industry involving enamel paints containing zirconium silicate; Valutazione di dose per i lavoratori occupati in una industria che utilizza vernici a smalto contenenti silicato di zirconio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castellani, C.M.; Berico, M.; De Zaiacomo, T.; Formignani, M.; Ianni, A.; Nobili, C.; Sandri, S.; Vasselli, R. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Ezio Clementel, Bologna (Italy). Dipt. Ambiente


    In the frame of the European Recommendations for radiological protection, an evaluation of the annual dose has been made for workers employed in an industry for the production of sanitary equipment involving the use of enamel paints containing zirconium silicate. [Italian] Nella prospettiva dell'applicazione della direttiva europea relativa alla protezione radiologica dei lavoratori, vengono presentati i risultati relativi alla valutazione di dose annuale complessiva per i lavoratori occupati in una industria per la produzione di articoli igienico-sanitari che utilizza vernici a smalto contenenti silicato di zirconio. Il fine e' la valutazione del problema radioprotezionistico per gli addetti a causa delle impurezza radioattive presenti nei materiali utlizzati.

  18. Standardiserat spotlightfäste


    Danielsson, Ellen; Bylund, Frida


    Våren 2016 påbörjades detta kandidatexamensarbete med IKEA of Sweden som uppdragsgivare. Uppdragets som gavs var att ta fram ett standardiserat spotlightfäste som fungerar för alla spotlights i IKEAs sortiment, i alla länder där IKEA har varuhus. Projektet inleddes med en förstudie som inkluderade intervjuer, studiebesök och användartest där dagens lösningar kunde kartläggas. Därefter genomfördes en konceptgenerering i syfte att ta fram så många koncept som möjligt som kan lösa dagens problem...

  19. An introductory profile of the principle of equality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riccardo Conte


    Full Text Available Premessi brevi cenni storici sulla formulazione del principio d’eguaglianza, con particolare riferimento alle Costituzioni della Rivoluzione francese, l’A. esamina alcune questioni affrontate dalla Corte costituzionale italiana in relazione all’art. 3 Cost.: dalla parità di trattamento tra uomo e donna, all’eguaglianza delle religioni rispetto alla legge, all’illegittimità di alcuni privilegi per categorie di persone (es.: immunità per parlamentari e ministri. Si sofferma, inoltre, su alcuni nuovi profili (es.: il riconoscimento delle relazioni omosessuali, anche alla luce del cosiddetto principio d’eguaglianza sostanziale, sancito dal secondo comma dell’art. 3 Cost., e della centralità della persona, sancito dall’art. 2 Cost.

  20. Prosumer e star dei videogiochi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giuseppe Frazzetto


    Full Text Available Su molti server di World of Warcraft ci sono toon (“personaggi” pilotati dal giocatore “famosi”. Il caso più significativo è quello di Kungen (cioè “re”, toon del giocatore svedese Thomas Bengtsson, leader prima dei Nihilum poi di un’altra celebre gilda, Ensidia. Questa peculiare fama settoriale è certamente legata alla struttura degli MMORPG, al loro essere basati su una specifica forma di socializzazione. Tuttavia ci si potrebbe chiedere: il giocatore capace di guidare un suo toon fino alla “celebrità” è un “produttore”? Un prosumer? Certo, non è “produttore” del software. Qui è in questione qualcosa di molto diverso.

  1. Michel Foucault e il problema della genealogia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrico Abeni


    Full Text Available "Si j'étais prétentieux, je donnerais comme titre général à ce que je fais : généalogie de la morale." Dietro questa affermazione, rilasciata nel contesto colloquiale di un'intervista, è possibile scorgere il segno di una confessione intellettuale e il compendio di un pensiero. In primo luogo, allusivamente, rinvia alla figura di Nietzsche e alla traccia indelebile che il suo pensiero ha lasciato nella filosofia e nella ricerca di Foucault. In secondo luogo, autorizza a osservare nella riflessione foucaultiana la filigrana di quella genealogia che il presente lavoro si propone di affrontare come stile d'interrogazione filosofica.

  2. Citizen Science Initiatives: Engaging the Public and Demystifying Science

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kim Van Vliet


    Full Text Available The Internet and smart phone technologies have opened up new avenues for collaboration among scientists around the world. These technologies have also expanded citizen science opportunities and public participation in scientific research (PPSR. Here we discuss citizen science, what it is, who does it, and the variety of projects and methods used to increase scientific knowledge and scientific literacy. We describe a number of different types of citizen-science projects. These greatly increase the number of people involved, helping to speed the pace of data analysis and allowing science to advance more rapidly. As a result of the numerous advantages of citizen-science projects, these opportunities are likely to expand in the future and increase the rate of novel discoveries.

  3. National Science Bowl | NREL (United States)

    Science Bowl National Science Bowl The Department of Energy's Office of Science sponsors the National Science Bowl competition. This fun, fast-paced academic tournament tests the brainpower of middle and high school student teams on science and math topics. The National Science Bowl provides an

  4. National Science Teachers Association (United States)

    ; Resources Books, Articles, and More NSTA Press® NSTA Journals Science and Children Science Scope The Science Teacher Journal of College Science Teaching Connected Science Learning NSTA Learning Center Online Resources: Calendar, Freebies ... e-Newsletters NSTA Science Store New Releases Bestsellers Award Winners

  5. Cognitive knowledge, attitude toward science, and skill development in virtual science laboratories (United States)

    Babaie, Mahya

    The purpose of this quantitative, descriptive, single group, pretest posttest design study was to explore the influence of a Virtual Science Laboratory (VSL) on middle school students' cognitive knowledge, skill development, and attitudes toward science. This study involved 2 eighth grade Physical Science classrooms at a large urban charter middle school located in Southern California. The Buoyancy and Density Test (BDT), a computer generated test, assessed students' scientific knowledge in areas of Buoyancy and Density. The Attitude Toward Science Inventory (ATSI), a multidimensional survey assessment, measured students' attitudes toward science in the areas of value of science in society, motivation in science, enjoyment of science, self-concept regarding science, and anxiety toward science. A Virtual Laboratory Packet (VLP), generated by the researcher, captured students' mathematical and scientific skills. Data collection was conducted over a period of five days. BDT and ATSI assessments were administered twice: once before the Buoyancy and Density VSL to serve as baseline data (pre) and also after the VSL (post). The findings of this study revealed that students' cognitive knowledge and attitudes toward science were positively changed as expected, however, the results from paired sample t-tests found no statistical significance. Analyses indicated that VSLs were effective in supporting students' scientific knowledge and attitude toward science. The attitudes most changed were value of science in society and enjoyment of science with mean differences of 1.71 and 0.88, respectively. Researchers and educational practitioners are urged to further examine VSLs, covering a variety of topics, with more middle school students to assess their learning outcomes. Additionally, it is recommended that publishers in charge of designing the VSLs communicate with science instructors and research practitioners to further improve the design and analytic components of these

  6. Students' awareness of science teachers' leadership, attitudes toward science, and positive thinking (United States)

    Lu, Ying-Yan; Chen, Hsiang-Ting; Hong, Zuway-R.; Yore, Larry D.


    There appears to be a complex network of cognitive and affective factors that influence students' decisions to study science and motivate their choices to engage in science-oriented careers. This study explored 330 Taiwanese senior high school students' awareness of their science teacher's learning leadership and how it relates to the students' attitudes toward science and positive thinking. Initial results revealed that the optimism of positive thinking is highly and positively correlated with the future participation in science and learning science in school attitudes toward science and self-concept in science. Moreover, structural equation modelling (SEM) results indicated that the subscale of teachers' leadership with idealised influence was the most predictive of students' attitudes toward science (β = .37), and the leadership with laissez-faire was predictive of students' positive thinking (β = .21). In addition, the interview results were consistent with the quantitative findings. The correlation and SEM results indicate some of the associations and potential relationships amongst the motivational and affective factors studied and students' attitudes toward and intentions to study science, which will increase their likelihood of future involvement in science careers.

  7. Research methods from social science can contribute much to the health sciences. (United States)

    Wensing, Michel


    Research methods from social science, such as social network analysis, random coefficient modeling, and advanced measurement techniques, can contribute much to the health sciences. There is, however, a slow rate of transmission of social science methodology into the health sciences. This paper identifies some of the barriers for adoption and proposes ideas for the future. Commentary. Contributions of social science to the health sciences are not always recognized as such. It may help if the professional profile of social science in the health sciences would be higher and if its focus would be more on making useful predictions. Clinical epidemiologists may assume that their discipline includes all relevant methods and that social science is largely based on qualitative research. These perceptions need to be challenged in order to widen the scope of clinical epidemiology and include relevant methods from other sciences. New methods help to ask new research questions and to provide better to old questions. This paper has sketched challenges for both social science researchers and clinical epidemiologists.

  8. Sound Science (United States)

    Sickel, Aaron J.; Lee, Michele H.; Pareja, Enrique M.


    How can a teacher simultaneously teach science concepts through inquiry while helping students learn about the nature of science? After pondering this question in their own teaching, the authors developed a 5E learning cycle lesson (Bybee et al. 2006) that concurrently embeds opportunities for fourth-grade students to (a) learn a science concept,…

  9. Inaugural Seminar on "Women in Science : A Career in Science"

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Venue : SMS Auditorium, Cochin University of Science and Technology, ... in science, particularly at the senior levels of teaching and research in India, has ... To explore avenues for entrepreneur development for women through Science.

  10. Cyber-crime Science = Crime Science + Information Security

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hartel, Pieter H.; Junger, Marianne; Wieringa, Roelf J.


    Cyber-crime Science is an emerging area of study aiming to prevent cyber-crime by combining security protection techniques from Information Security with empirical research methods used in Crime Science. Information security research has developed techniques for protecting the confidentiality,

  11. Fort Collins Science Center- Policy Analysis and Science Assistance Branch : Integrating social, behavioral, economic and biological sciences (United States)


    The Fort Collins Science Center's Policy Analysis and Science Assistance (PASA) Branch is a team of approximately 22 scientists, technicians, and graduate student researchers. PASA provides unique capabilities in the U.S. Geological Survey by leading projects that integrate social, behavioral, economic, and biological analyses in the context of human-natural resource interactions. Resource planners, managers, and policymakers in the U.S. Departments of the Interior (DOI) and Agriculture (USDA), State and local agencies, as well as international agencies use information from PASA studies to make informed natural resource management and policy decisions. PASA scientists' primary functions are to conduct both theoretical and applied social science research, provide technical assistance, and offer training to advance performance in policy relevant research areas. Management and research issues associated with human-resource interactions typically occur in a unique context, involve difficult to access populations, require knowledge of both natural/biological science in addition to social science, and require the skill to integrate multiple science disciplines. In response to these difficult contexts, PASA researchers apply traditional and state-of-the-art social science methods drawing from the fields of sociology, demography, economics, political science, communications, social-psychology, and applied industrial organization psychology. Social science methods work in concert with our rangeland/agricultural management, wildlife, ecology, and biology capabilities. The goal of PASA's research is to enhance natural resource management, agency functions, policies, and decision-making. Our research is organized into four broad areas of study.

  12. Understanding Science and Technology Interactions Through Ocean Science Exploration: A Summer Course for Science Teachers (United States)

    Baldauf, J.; Denton, J.


    In order to replenish the national supply of science and mathematics educators, the National Science Foundation has supported the formation of the Center for Applications of Information Technology in the Teaching and Learning of Science (ITS) at Texas A&M University. The center staff and affiliated faculty work to change in fundamental ways the culture and relationships among scientists, educational researchers, and teachers. ITS is a partnership among the colleges of education, science, geosciences, agriculture and life science at Texas A&M University. Participants (teachers and graduate students) investigate how science is done and how science is taught and learned; how that learning is assessed, and how scholarly networks among all engaged in this work can be encouraged. While the center can offer graduate degrees most students apply as non-degree seekers. ITS participants are schooled on classroom technology applications, experience working on project teams, and access very current research work being conducted by scientists. ITS offers a certificate program consisting of two summer sessions over two years that results in 12 hours of graduate credit that can be applied to a degree. Interdisciplinary project teams spend three intense weeks connecting current research to classroom practices. During the past summer with the beginning of the two-year sequence, a course was implemented that introduced secondary teachers to Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) contributions to major earth science themes, using core and logging data, engineering (technology) tools and processes. Information Technology classroom applications were enhanced through hands-on laboratory exercises, web resources and online databases. The course was structured around the following objectives. 1. Distinguish the purpose and goals of the Ocean Drilling Program from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program and describe the comparable science themes (ocean circulation, marine sedimentation, climate history

  13. Understandings of Nature of Science and Multiple Perspective Evaluation of Science News by Non-science Majors (United States)

    Leung, Jessica Shuk Ching; Wong, Alice Siu Ling; Yung, Benny Hin Wai


    Understandings of nature of science (NOS) are a core component of scientific literacy, and a scientifically literate populace is expected to be able to critically evaluate science in the media. While evidence has remained inconclusive on whether better NOS understandings will lead to critical evaluation of science in the media, this study aimed at examining the correlation therein. Thirty-eight non-science majors, enrolled in a science course for non-specialists held in a local community college, evaluated three health news articles by rating the extent to which they agreed with the reported claims and providing as many justifications as possible. The majority of the participants were able to evaluate and justify their viewpoint from multiple perspectives. Students' evaluation was compared with their NOS conceptions, including the social and cultural embedded NOS, the tentative NOS, the peer review process and the community of practice. Results indicated that participants' understanding of the tentative NOS was significantly correlated with multiple perspective evaluation of science news reports of socioscientific nature (r = 0.434, p media of socioscientific nature. However, the null result for other target NOS aspects in this study suggested a lack of evidence to assume that understanding the social dimensions of science would have significant influence on the evaluation of science in the media. Future research on identifying the reasons for why and why not NOS understandings are applied in the evaluation will move this field forward.

  14. The Next Generation Science Standards and the Life Sciences (United States)

    Bybee, Rodger W.


    Using the life sciences, this article first reviews essential features of the "NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education" that provided a foundation for the new standards. Second, the article describes the important features of life science standards for elementary, middle, and high school levels. Special attention is paid to the teaching…

  15. Making Philosophy of Science Education Practical for Science Teachers (United States)

    Janssen, F. J. J. M.; van Berkel, B.


    Philosophy of science education can play a vital role in the preparation and professional development of science teachers. In order to fulfill this role a philosophy of science education should be made practical for teachers. First, multiple and inherently incomplete philosophies on the teacher and teaching on what, how and why should be…

  16. Science Fiction on Film. (United States)

    Burmester, David


    Reviews science fiction films used in a science fiction class. Discusses feature films, short science fiction films, short story adaptations, original science fiction pieces and factual science films that enrich literature. (EL)

  17. New Roles for Scientists and Science Societies to Improve Science Communication (United States)

    Schneider, S. H.


    Should North American Scientists and Science Societies continue with current communication programs or is there a need for expanded and or altered roles in Science Communication? If current practices are working, why is discourse outside of science societies so often misinformed and distorted on environmental change issues that are clearly defined and described within the science community? Climate change is one example there is virtual unanimity and overwhelming evidence from the scientific community that the Earth is warming rapidly and humans are an important cause, but there is confusion in the media and the public, in part due to disinformation campaigns by greenhouse gas polluters and privately funded "Think Tanks." A summary discussion will be presented that addresses many of the ideas and issues brought forward by colleagues in science, science communication and education. Scientists and Science Societies must re-establish objectivity in science information communication to educators, the media and the public. Recommendations on directions will be a key outcome of this presentation.

  18. Theoretical computer science and the natural sciences (United States)

    Marchal, Bruno


    I present some fundamental theorems in computer science and illustrate their relevance in Biology and Physics. I do not assume prerequisites in mathematics or computer science beyond the set N of natural numbers, functions from N to N, the use of some notational conveniences to describe functions, and at some point, a minimal amount of linear algebra and logic. I start with Cantor's transcendental proof by diagonalization of the non enumerability of the collection of functions from natural numbers to the natural numbers. I explain why this proof is not entirely convincing and show how, by restricting the notion of function in terms of discrete well defined processes, we are led to the non algorithmic enumerability of the computable functions, but also-through Church's thesis-to the algorithmic enumerability of partial computable functions. Such a notion of function constitutes, with respect to our purpose, a crucial generalization of that concept. This will make easy to justify deep and astonishing (counter-intuitive) incompleteness results about computers and similar machines. The modified Cantor diagonalization will provide a theory of concrete self-reference and I illustrate it by pointing toward an elementary theory of self-reproduction-in the Amoeba's way-and cellular self-regeneration-in the flatworm Planaria's way. To make it easier, I introduce a very simple and powerful formal system known as the Schoenfinkel-Curry combinators. I will use the combinators to illustrate in a more concrete way the notion introduced above. The combinators, thanks to their low-level fine grained design, will also make it possible to make a rough but hopefully illuminating description of the main lessons gained by the careful observation of nature, and to describe some new relations, which should exist between computer science, the science of life and the science of inert matter, once some philosophical, if not theological, hypotheses are made in the cognitive sciences. In the

  19. Exploring social networks of municipal science education stakeholders in Danish Science Municipalities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    von der Fehr, Ane

    development in the science and technology industry. Therefore, much effort has been invested to improve science education. The importance of school external stakeholders in development of education has been an increasingly emphasised, also in the field of science education. This has led to a growing focus......Science education development is a field of many interests and a key interest is recruitment of students who wish to pursue an education in science. This is an urgent societal demand in Denmark as well as internationally, since highly skilled science graduates are needed for the continuous...... involved in science education development. These municipal science education networks (MSE networks) were identified as important for development of science education in the SM project. Therefore, it was a key interest to explore these networks in order to investigate how the central stakeholders affected...

  20. Science Matters Special Edition: Wildland Fire Science (United States)

    EPA is applying its extensive expertise in air quality science to the study of wildland fires to help states and communities that are impacted. This issue of Science Matters newsletter highlights some of the research projects under way by EPA and partners.

  1. The Implications for Science Education of Heidegger's Philosophy of Science (United States)

    Shaw, Robert


    Science teaching always engages a philosophy of science. This article introduces a modern philosophy of science and indicates its implications for science education. The hermeneutic philosophy of science is the tradition of Kant, Heidegger, and Heelan. Essential to this tradition are two concepts of truth, truth as correspondence and truth as…

  2. Science packages (United States)


    Primary science teachers in Scotland have a new updating method at their disposal with the launch of a package of CDi (Compact Discs Interactive) materials developed by the BBC and the Scottish Office. These were a response to the claim that many primary teachers felt they had been inadequately trained in science and lacked the confidence to teach it properly. Consequently they felt the need for more in-service training to equip them with the personal understanding required. The pack contains five disks and a printed user's guide divided up as follows: disk 1 Investigations; disk 2 Developing understanding; disks 3,4,5 Primary Science staff development videos. It was produced by the Scottish Interactive Technology Centre (Moray House Institute) and is available from BBC Education at £149.99 including VAT. Free Internet distribution of science education materials has also begun as part of the Global Schoolhouse (GSH) scheme. The US National Science Teachers' Association (NSTA) and Microsoft Corporation are making available field-tested comprehensive curriculum material including 'Micro-units' on more than 80 topics in biology, chemistry, earth and space science and physics. The latter are the work of the Scope, Sequence and Coordination of High School Science project, which can be found at More information on NSTA can be obtained from its Web site at

  3. Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Author Affiliations. Chengyuan Qu1 Yang Cao2. School of Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian 116600, China; School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China ...

  4. Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ), Kalasalingam University, Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil 626126, India; School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia; Department of Computer Science, Ball State ...

  5. National Science Resources Center Project for Improving Science Teaching in Elementary Schools. Appendix A. School Systems With Exemplary Elementary Science Programs. Appendix B. Elementary Science Network (United States)


    Glass, Lawrence, Deer Park High School Glass, Millard, K-12 Science Supervisor Bloomfield Municipal School District Glassman, Neil, Gleason, Steve...Superientendent Vaughn Municipal Schools Knop, Ronald N., Teacher Grissom Junior High School Knox, Amie, Director of Master Teacher Program W. Wilson...Science Supervisor Pequannock Township Public Schools Mercado , Roberto, Science Coordinator Colegio Radians, Inc. Merchant, Edwin, K-12 Science

  6. How Do Turkish Middle School Science Coursebooks Present the Science Process Skills? (United States)

    Aslan, Oktay


    An important objective in science education is the acquisition of science process skills (SPS) by the students. Therefore, science coursebooks, among the main resources of elementary science curricula, are to convey accurate SPS. This study is a qualitative study based on the content analysis of the science coursebooks used at middle schools. In…

  7. The sciences of science communication


    Fischhoff, Baruch


    The May 2012 Sackler Colloquium on “The Science of Science Communication” brought together scientists with research to communicate and scientists whose research could facilitate that communication. The latter include decision scientists who can identify the scientific results that an audience needs to know, from among all of the scientific results that it would be nice to know; behavioral scientists who can design ways to convey those results and then evaluate the success of those attempts; a...

  8. Media, risk and science

    CERN Document Server

    Allan, Stuart


    How is science represented by the media? Who defines what counts as a risk, threat or hazard, and why? In what ways do media images of science shape public perceptions? What can cultural and media studies tell us about current scientific controversies? "Media, Risk and Science" is an exciting exploration into an array of important issues, providing a much needed framework for understanding key debates on how the media represent science and risk. In a highly effective way, Stuart Allan weaves together insights from multiple strands of research across diverse disciplines. Among the themes he examines are: the role of science in science fiction, such as "Star Trek"; the problem of 'pseudo-science' in "The X-Files"; and how science is displayed in science museums. Science journalism receives particular attention, with the processes by which science is made 'newsworthy' unravelled for careful scrutiny. The book also includes individual chapters devoted to how the media portray environmental risks, HIV-AIDS, food s...

  9. Cultivation of science identity through authentic science in an urban high school classroom (United States)

    Chapman, Angela; Feldman, Allan


    This study examined how a contextually based authentic science experience affected the science identities of urban high school students who have been marginalized during their K-12 science education. We examined students' perceptions of the intervention as an authentic science experience, how the experience influenced their science identity, as well as their perceptions about who can do science. We found that the students believed the experience to be one of authentic science, that their science identity was positively influenced by participation in the experience, and that they demonstrated a shift in perceptions from stereotypical to more diverse views of scientists. Implications for science education are discussed.

  10. Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    , Sichuan 614202, China; School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan 610054, China; School of Mathematics and Statistics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, ...

  11. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Author Affiliations. Santanu Bhattacharya1 Raghavan Varadarajan2. Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012; Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012 ...

  12. Journal of Earth System Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The Journal of Earth System Science was earlier a part of the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences – Section A begun in 1934, and later split in 1978 into theme journals. This journal was published as Proceedings – Earth and Planetary Sciences since 1978, and in 2005 was renamed 'Journal of Earth System ...

  13. Designing Science Games and Science Toys from the Perspective of Scientific Creativity (United States)

    Demir Kaçan, Sibel


    This study was conducted with the participation of 21 pre-service science teachers attending the faculty of education of a university in Turkey. The study aims to evaluate pre-service science teachers' science games and science toy designs in terms of scientific creativity. Participants were given a four-week period to design science games or…

  14. Opening science: New publication forms in science

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Scheliga, Kaja


    Full Text Available [english] Digital technologies change how scientists access and process information and consequently impact publication forms in science. Even though the core of scientific publications has remained the same, established publication formats, such as the scientific paper or book, are succumbing to the transitions caused by digital technologies. At the same time, new online tools enable new publication forms, such as blogs, microblogs or wikis, to emerge. This article explores the changing and emerging publications forms in science and also reflects upon the changing role of libraries. The transformations of publishing forms are discussed in the context of open science.

  15. New science on the Open Science Grid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pordes, R; Altunay, M; Sehgal, C [Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510 (United States); Avery, P [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 (United States); Bejan, A; Gardner, R; Wilde, M [University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607 (United States); Blackburn, K [California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Blatecky, A; McGee, J [Renaissance Computing Institute, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 (United States); Kramer, B; Olson, D; Roy, A [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Livny, M [University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 53706 (United States); Potekhin, M; Quick, R; Wenaus, T [Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 (United States); Wuerthwein, F [University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 (United States)], E-mail:


    The Open Science Grid (OSG) includes work to enable new science, new scientists, and new modalities in support of computationally based research. There are frequently significant sociological and organizational changes required in transformation from the existing to the new. OSG leverages its deliverables to the large-scale physics experiment member communities to benefit new communities at all scales through activities in education, engagement, and the distributed facility. This paper gives both a brief general description and specific examples of new science enabled on the OSG. More information is available at the OSG web site:

  16. New science on the Open Science Grid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pordes, R; Altunay, M; Sehgal, C; Avery, P; Bejan, A; Gardner, R; Wilde, M; Blackburn, K; Blatecky, A; McGee, J; Kramer, B; Olson, D; Roy, A; Livny, M; Potekhin, M; Quick, R; Wenaus, T; Wuerthwein, F


    The Open Science Grid (OSG) includes work to enable new science, new scientists, and new modalities in support of computationally based research. There are frequently significant sociological and organizational changes required in transformation from the existing to the new. OSG leverages its deliverables to the large-scale physics experiment member communities to benefit new communities at all scales through activities in education, engagement, and the distributed facility. This paper gives both a brief general description and specific examples of new science enabled on the OSG. More information is available at the OSG web site:

  17. Teaching Science Fact with Science Fiction (United States)

    Raham, R. Gary


    The literature of science fiction packs up the facts and discoveries of science and runs off to futures filled with both wonders and warnings. Kids love to take the journeys it offers for the thrill of the ride, but they can learn as they travel, too. This book will provide the reader with: (1) an overview of the past 500 years of scientific…

  18. Speaker on verge of resignation

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Leedu parlamendi spiikri Viktoras Muntianase umbusaldusavaldusele kirjutasid alla nii opositsiooni- kui ka koalitsiooniparteide poliitikud. Muntianas on seotud altkäemaksu skandaaliga Kaunase kruntide erastamisel

  19. A guided science

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valsiner, Jaan

    That sciences are guided by explicit and implicit ties to their surrounding social world is not new. Jaan Valsiner fills in the wide background of scholarship on the history of science, the recent focus on social studies of sciences, and the cultural and cognitive analyses of knowledge making....... The theoretical scheme that he uses to explain the phenomena of social guidance of science comes from his thinking about processes of development in general—his theory of bounded indeterminacy—and on the relations of human beings with their culturally organized environments. Valsiner examines reasons for the slow...... and nonlinear progress of ideas in psychology as a science at the border of natural and social sciences. Why is that intellectual progress occurs in different countries at different times? Most responses are self-serving blinders for presenting science as a given rather than understanding it as a deeply human...

  20. Play with Science in Inquiry Based Science Education


    Andrée, Maria; Lager-Nyqvist, Lotta; Wickman, Per-Olof


    In science education students sometimes engage in imaginary science-oriented play where ideas about science and scientists are put to use. Through play, children interpret their experiences, dramatize, give life to and transform what they know into a lived narrative. In this paper we build on the work of Vygotsky on imagination and creativity. Previous research on play in primary and secondary school has focused on play as a method for formal instruction rather than students’ spontaneous info...

  1. Popular Science Writing Bringing New Perspectives into Science Students' Theses (United States)

    Pelger, Susanne


    This study analyses which perspectives occur in science students' texts at different points in time during the process of writing a popular science article. The intention is, thus, to explore how popular science writing can help students discover and discuss different perspectives on science matter. For this purpose, texts written by 12 bachelor…

  2. Toward a Big Data Science: A challenge of "Science Cloud" (United States)

    Murata, Ken T.; Watanabe, Hidenobu


    During these 50 years, along with appearance and development of high-performance computers (and super-computers), numerical simulation is considered to be a third methodology for science, following theoretical (first) and experimental and/or observational (second) approaches. The variety of data yielded by the second approaches has been getting more and more. It is due to the progress of technologies of experiments and observations. The amount of the data generated by the third methodologies has been getting larger and larger. It is because of tremendous development and programming techniques of super computers. Most of the data files created by both experiments/observations and numerical simulations are saved in digital formats and analyzed on computers. The researchers (domain experts) are interested in not only how to make experiments and/or observations or perform numerical simulations, but what information (new findings) to extract from the data. However, data does not usually tell anything about the science; sciences are implicitly hidden in the data. Researchers have to extract information to find new sciences from the data files. This is a basic concept of data intensive (data oriented) science for Big Data. As the scales of experiments and/or observations and numerical simulations get larger, new techniques and facilities are required to extract information from a large amount of data files. The technique is called as informatics as a fourth methodology for new sciences. Any methodologies must work on their facilities: for example, space environment are observed via spacecraft and numerical simulations are performed on super-computers, respectively in space science. The facility of the informatics, which deals with large-scale data, is a computational cloud system for science. This paper is to propose a cloud system for informatics, which has been developed at NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), Japan. The NICT science

  3. Reconceptualizing the Nature of Science for Science Education: Why Does it Matter? (United States)

    Dagher, Zoubeida R.; Erduran, Sibel


    Two fundamental questions about science are relevant for science educators: (a) What is the nature of science? and (b) what aspects of nature of science should be taught and learned? They are fundamental because they pertain to how science gets to be framed as a school subject and determines what aspects of it are worthy of inclusion in school…

  4. Understanding How Science Works: The Nature of Science as The Foundation for Science Teaching and Learning (United States)

    McComas, William F.


    The nature of science (NOS) is a phrase used to represent the rules of the game of science. Arguably, NOS is the most important content issue in science instruction because it helps students understand the way in which knowledge is generated and validated within the scientific enterprise. This article offers a proposal for the elements of NOS that…

  5. How the “Queen Science” Lost Her Crown: A Brief Social History of Science Fairs and the Marginalization of Social Science

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jonathan Marx


    Full Text Available Science fairs at one time started out with an interest of increasing participation in the sciences. But as time has passed, the definition of science has been narrowed to the point where any possible social science project has been eliminated in favor of the bench sciences only. Even here, natural curiosity of students has been deemphasized. It is not surprising that science majors in the USA are becoming fewer and fewer given the narrowing of the disciplines. Young people are discouraged from majoring in science by the science establishment.

  6. Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Author Affiliations. XIAOXIANG JIAO1 MINGYAN LI2. School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408, China; School of Mathematics and Statistics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China ...

  7. Science, Science Signaling, and Science Translational Medicine – AAAS Special Collection on Cancer Research, March 2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Forsythe, Katherine H.


    Full Text Available The National Cancer Act, signed in 1971, aimed to eliminate cancer deaths through a massive increase in research funding. The American Association for the Advancement of Science, the publisher of Science, Science Signaling, and Science Translational Medicine, observed the 40th anniversary of the Cancer Act in 2011, with special research articles and features, found in all three journals, on the state of cancer research 40 years later. This collection of articles explores both breakthroughs and the challenges in cancer research over the last four decades, and lets us know what we might expect in the future.

  8. Middle School Students' Attitudes toward Science, Scientists, Science Teachers and Classes (United States)

    Kapici, Hasan Özgür; Akçay, Hakan


    It is an indispensable fact that having a positive attitude towards science is one of the important factors that promotes students for studying in science. The study is a kind of national study that aims to investigate middle school students', from different regions of Turkey, attitudes toward science, scientists and science classes. The study was…

  9. eScience and archiving for space science

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Timothy E Eastman


    Full Text Available A confluence of technologies is leading towards revolutionary new interactions between robust data sets, state-of-the-art models and simulations, high-data-rate sensors, and high-performance computing. Data and data systems are central to these new developments in various forms of eScience or grid systems. Space science missions are developing multi-spacecraft, distributed, communications- and computation-intensive, adaptive mission architectures that will further add to the data avalanche. Fortunately, Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD tools are rapidly expanding to meet the need for more efficient information extraction and knowledge generation in this data-intensive environment. Concurrently, scientific data management is being augmented by content-based metadata and semantic services. Archiving, eScience and KDD all require a solid foundation in interoperability and systems architecture. These concepts are illustrated through examples of space science data preservation, archiving, and access, including application of the ISO-standard Open Archive Information System (OAIS architecture.

  10. Do science coaches promote inquiry-based instruction in the elementary science classroom? (United States)

    Wicker, Rosemary Knight

    The South Carolina Mathematics and Science Coaching Initiative established a school-based science coaching model that was effective in improving instruction by increasing the level of inquiry-based instruction in elementary science classrooms. Classroom learning environment data from both teacher groups indicated considerable differences in the quality of inquiry instruction for those classrooms of teachers supported by a science coach. All essential features of inquiry were demonstrated more frequently and at a higher level of open-ended inquiry in classrooms with the support of a science coach than were demonstrated in classrooms without a science coach. However, from teacher observations and interviews, it was determined that elementary schoolteacher practice of having students evaluate conclusions and connect them to current scientific knowledge was often neglected. Teachers with support of a science coach reported changes in inquiry-based instruction that were statistically significant. This mixed ethnographic study also suggested that the Mathematics and Science Coaching Initiative Theory of Action for Instructional Improvement was an effective model when examining the work of science coaches. All components of effective school infrastructure were positively impacted by a variety of science coaching strategies intended to promote inquiry. Professional development for competent teachers, implementation of researched-based curriculum, and instructional materials support were areas highly impacted by the work of science coaches.

  11. The historiography of contemporary science, technology, and medicine writing recent science

    CERN Document Server

    Söderqvist, Thomas


    As historians of science increasingly turn to work on recent (post 1945) science, the historiographical and methodological problems associated with the history of contemporary science are debated with growing frequency and urgency. Bringing together authorities on the history, historiography and methodology of recent and contemporary science, this book reviews the problems facing historians of technology, contemporary science and medicine, and explores new ways forward. With contributions from key researchers in the field, the text covers topics that will be of ever increasing interest to historians of post-war science, including the difficulties of accessing and using secret archival material, the interactions between archivists, historians and scientists, and the politics of evidence and historical accounts.

  12. Science Fairs for Science Literacy (United States)

    Mackey, Katherine; Culbertson, Timothy


    Scientific discovery, technological revolutions, and complex global challenges are commonplace in the modern era. People are bombarded with news about climate change, pandemics, and genetically modified organisms, and scientific literacy has never been more important than in the present day. Yet only 29% of American adults have sufficient understanding to be able to read science stories reported in the popular press [Miller, 2010], and American students consistently rank below other nations in math and science [National Center for Education Statistics, 2012].

  13. Symposium 1: Challenges in science education and popularization of Science

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ildeo de Castro Moreira


    Full Text Available Science education and popularization of science are important elements for social inclusion. The Brazil exhibits strong inequalities regarding the distribution of wealth, access to cultural assets and appropriation of scientific and technological knowledge. Each Brazilian should have the opportunity to acquire a basic knowledge of science and its operation that allow them to understand their environment and expand their professional opportunities. However, the overall performance of Brazilian students in science and math is bad. The basic science education has, most often, few resources and is discouraging, with little appreciation of experimentation, interdisciplinarity and creativity. Beside the shortage of science teachers, especially teachers with good formation, predominate poor wage and working conditions, and deficiencies in instructional materials and laboratories. If there was a significant expansion in access to basic education, the challenge remains to improve their quality. According to the last National Conference of STI, there is need of a profound educational reform at all levels, in particular with regard to science education. Already, the popularization of science can be an important tool for the construction of scientific culture and refinement of the formal teaching instrument. However, we still lack a comprehensive and adequate public policy to her intended. Clearly, in recent decades, an increase in scientific publication occurred: creating science centers and museums; greater media presence; use of the internet and social networks; outreach events, such as the National Week of CT. But the scenario is shown still fragile and limited to broad swathes of Brazilians without access to scientific education and qualified information on CT. In this presentation, from a general diagnosis of the situation, some of the main challenges related to education and popularization of science in the country will address herself.

  14. Behavioural sciences at university of health sciences: the way forward

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, J.S.; Mukhtar, O.; Tabasum, S.


    Background: The association of medical ethics with teaching and training and health profession has been informal, largely dependent on role modelling and the social contract of the physicians with the community that they abide by. This study was conducted to examine the effect, if any, of introducing the subject of Behavioural Sciences on students performance in the clinical years viva voce and patient interactions components of the examinations. Methods: A prospective study on four cohorts of students at UHS from 2007 to 2012 (8,155 candidates). Reliability was calculated through Cronbach Alpha. Linear Regression Analysis was applied to determine the relationship between the scores of Basic Medical Sciences, Behavioural Sciences and Forensic medicine with the viva voce and Structured Stations marks of the Clinical Sciences in OSCE. Gender and demographics analysis was also done. Results: Cronbach Alpha was 0.47, 0.63, 0.67 and 0.53 for the Papers of Behavioural Sciences from 2007 to 2010 respectively. Poor predictive value of Behavioural Sciences for performance in the clinical years viva voce and OSCE was identified. Basic Medical Sciences and Forensic Medicine were statistically significant predictors for the performance of female candidates in all four cohorts of the study (p<0.05). In Central Punjab, Behavioural Sciences statistically significantly predicted for better performance in all four cohorts of the study (p<0.05). Conclusion: It is premature to understand the results of Behavioural Sciences teaching at University of Health Sciences (UHS). We can still safely conclude that it can only have a positive sustained effect on the healthcare delivery systems and patient care in Pakistan if it is integrated within each subject and taught and learned not as a theoretical construct but rather an evaluation of one values within the code of conduct of medical professionalism in the larger context of the societal and cultural norms. (author)

  15. Secondary Science Teachers' and Students' Involvement in a Primary School Community of Science Practice: How It Changed Their Practices and Interest in Science (United States)

    Forbes, Anne; Skamp, Keith


    MyScience is a primary science education initiative in which being in a community of practice is integral to the learning process. In this initiative, stakeholder groups—primary teachers, primary students and mentors—interact around the `domain' of `investigating scientifically'. This paper builds on three earlier publications and interprets the findings of the views of four secondary science teachers and five year 9 secondary science students who were first-timer participants—as mentors—in MyScience. Perceptions of these mentors' interactions with primary students were analysed using attributes associated with both `communities of practice' and the `nature of science'. Findings reveal that participation in MyScience changed secondary science teachers' views and practices about how to approach the teaching of science in secondary school and fostered primary-secondary links. Year 9 students positively changed their views about secondary school science and confidence in science through participation as mentors. Implications for secondary science teaching and learning through participation in primary school community of science practice settings are discussed.

  16. Rhetoric of Science. (United States)

    Harris, R. Allen


    Places rhetoric of science in context with sociology, psychology, history, and philosophy of science. Generates a typology of concerns for rhetoric of science. Characterizes the central issues of the field. (RS)

  17. More than "Cool Science": Science Fiction and Fact in the Classroom (United States)

    Singh, Vandana


    The unfortunate negative attitude toward physics among many students, including science majors, warrants creative approaches to teaching required physics courses. One such approach is to integrate science fiction into the curriculum, either in the form of movies or the written word. Historically this has been done since at least the 1970s, and by now many universities and colleges have courses that incorporate science fiction stories or film. The intent appears to be to a) increase student interest in physics, b) increase the imaginative grasp of the student, and c) enable a clearer understanding of physics concepts. Reports on these experiments, from Freedman and Little's classic 1980 paper to more recent work like that of Dubeck et al.,2 Dark,3 and Smith,4 indicate that such innovative approaches do work. I was curious as to whether a combination of science fiction and science fact (in the form of a science news article) might enhance the benefits of including science fiction. Below I describe how I used a science fiction story along with a science article on a related theme to pique the interest of students in a new and exciting area of research that was nevertheless connected to the course material.

  18. The pedagogy of argumentation in science education: science teachers' instructional practices (United States)

    Özdem Yilmaz, Yasemin; Cakiroglu, Jale; Ertepinar, Hamide; Erduran, Sibel


    Argumentation has been a prominent concern in science education research and a common goal in science curriculum in many countries over the past decade. With reference to this goal, policy documents burden responsibilities on science teachers, such as involving students in dialogues and being guides in students' spoken or written argumentation. Consequently, teachers' pedagogical practices regarding argumentation gain importance due to their impact on how they incorporate this practice into their classrooms. In this study, therefore, we investigated the instructional strategies adopted by science teachers for their argumentation-based science teaching. Participants were one elementary science teacher, two chemistry teachers, and four graduate students, who have a background in science education. The study took place during a graduate course, which was aimed at developing science teachers' theory and pedagogy of argumentation. Data sources included the participants' video-recorded classroom practices, audio-recorded reflections, post-interviews, and participants' written materials. The findings revealed three typologies of instructional strategies towards argumentation. They are named as Basic Instructional Strategies for Argumentation, Meta-level Instructional ‌St‌‌rategies for ‌Argumentation, and Meta-strategic Instructional ‌St‌‌rategies for ‌Argumentation. In conclusion, the study provided a detailed coding framework for the exploration of science teachers' instructional practices while they are implementing argumentation-based lessons.

  19. Science on stage

    CERN Multimedia


    During the opening ceremony, the audience was dazzled by a juggling show involving dramatic light effects. They also took away with them a teacher's sheet explaining some of the scientific concepts involved in juggling. Science teachers can sometimes be quite humorous when it comes to explaining serious matters, as those who took part in the 'Science on Stage' festival held at CERN from 21 to 25 November were able to see for themselves. The 500 or so participants from 27 different countries, mostly science teachers but also some university lecturers, science outreach specialists and students, had the opportunity to share their experience of the teaching of science. They also attended presentations and shows, took part in workshops and visited a fair with stands offering ideas on how to make school science lessons more appealing. The festival, organised by the EIROforum (a partnership between CERN, EFDA, ESA, ESO, EMBL, ESRF and ILL), marked the end of two years of projects for the promotion of science in vir...

  20. Analysis of students’ science motivation and nature of science comprehension in middle school

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Azizul Ghofar Candra Wicaksono


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to explore the pattern of science motivation and nature of science (NoS and the relationship between science motivation and nature of science in middle school students located in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. The design of this study was survey followed by the correlation study to discover the relationship between science motivation level and nature of science comprehension. This research included 113 students as sample. The instrument used for data collection was SMQ and seven essay test from NoS indicator. This study revealed that the students had a median score of science motivation and the low score in nature of science comprehension. There were students’ science motivation and nature of science comprehension urgently need to be improved. It can be done by developing learning process and any support from school or family.

  1. The science writing tool (United States)

    Schuhart, Arthur L.

    This is a two-part dissertation. The primary part is the text of a science-based composition rhetoric and reader called The Science Writing Tool. This textbook has seven chapters dealing with topics in Science Rhetoric. Each chapter includes a variety of examples of science writing, discussion questions, writing assignments, and instructional resources. The purpose of this text is to introduce lower-division college science majors to the role that rhetoric and communication plays in the conduct of Science, and how these skills contribute to a successful career in Science. The text is designed as a "tool kit," for use by an instructor constructing a science-based composition course or a writing-intensive Science course. The second part of this part of this dissertation reports on student reactions to draft portions of The Science Writing Tool text. In this report, students of English Composition II at Northern Virginia Community College-Annandale were surveyed about their attitudes toward course materials and topics included. The findings were used to revise and expand The Science Writing Tool.

  2. Revolutionary Science. (United States)

    Casadevall, Arturo; Fang, Ferric C


    On rare occasions in the history of science, remarkable discoveries transform human society and forever alter mankind's view of the world. Examples of such discoveries include the heliocentric theory, Newtonian physics, the germ theory of disease, quantum theory, plate tectonics and the discovery that DNA carries genetic information. The science philosopher Thomas Kuhn famously described science as long periods of normality punctuated by times of crisis, when anomalous observations culminate in revolutionary changes that replace one paradigm with another. This essay examines several transformative discoveries in the light of Kuhn's formulation. We find that each scientific revolution is unique, with disparate origins that may include puzzle solving, serendipity, inspiration, or a convergence of disparate observations. The causes of revolutionary science are varied and lack an obvious common structure. Moreover, it can be difficult to draw a clear distinction between so-called normal and revolutionary science. Revolutionary discoveries often emerge from basic science and are critically dependent on nonrevolutionary research. Revolutionary discoveries may be conceptual or technological in nature, lead to the creation of new fields, and have a lasting impact on many fields in addition to the field from which they emerge. In contrast to political revolutions, scientific revolutions do not necessarily require the destruction of the previous order. For humanity to continue to benefit from revolutionary discoveries, a broad palette of scientific inquiry with a particular emphasis on basic science should be supported. Copyright © 2016 Casadevall and Fang.

  3. Imaginative science education the central role of imagination in science education

    CERN Document Server

    Hadzigeorgiou, Yannis


    This book is about imaginative approaches to teaching and learning school science. Its central premise is that science learning should reflect the nature of science, and therefore be approached as an imaginative/creative activity. As such, the book can be seen as an original contribution of ideas relating to imagination and creativity in science education. The approaches discussed in the book are storytelling, the experience of wonder, the development of ‘romantic understanding’, and creative science, including science through visual art, poetry and dramatization. However, given the perennial problem of how to engage students (of all ages) in science, the notion of ‘aesthetic experience’, and hence the possibility for students to have more holistic and fulfilling learning experiences through the aforementioned imaginative approaches, is also discussed. Each chapter provides an in-depth discussion of the theoretical background of a specific imaginative approach (e.g., storytelling, ‘wonder-full’ s...

  4. The Science DMZ: A Network Design Pattern for Data-Intensive Science

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dart, Eli; Rotman, Lauren; Tierney, Brian; Hester, Mary; Zurawski, Jason


    The ever-increasing scale of scientific data has become a significant challenge for researchers that rely on networks to interact with remote computing systems and transfer results to collaborators worldwide. Despite the availability of high-capacity connections, scientists struggle with inadequate cyberinfrastructure that cripples data transfer performance, and impedes scientific progress. The Science DMZ paradigm comprises a proven set of network design patterns that collectively address these problems for scientists. We explain the Science DMZ model, including network architecture, system configuration, cybersecurity, and performance tools, that creates an optimized network environment for science. We describe use cases from universities, supercomputing centers and research laboratories, highlighting the effectiveness of the Science DMZ model in diverse operational settings. In all, the Science DMZ model is a solid platform that supports any science workflow, and flexibly accommodates emerging network technologies. As a result, the Science DMZ vastly improves collaboration, accelerating scientific discovery.

  5. Science and Art (United States)

    Moore, John W.


    Science and art diverge in that art usually represents a single individual's conception and viewpoint, even when many others are involved in bringing a work to fruition, whereas science progresses by extending consensus among those knowledgeable in a field. Art usually communicates at an emotional level. It values individual expression and impact on the emotions at the expense of objectivity. Science, especially in its archival record, values objectivity and reproducibility and does not express the imagination and joy of discovery inherent in its practice. This is too bad, because it does not give a realistic picture of how science is really done and because individuality and emotion are inherently more interesting than consensus. Leaving out the personal, emotional side can make science seem boring and pedestrian, when exactly the opposite is true. In teaching science we need to remember that communication always benefits from imagination and esthetic sense. If we present science artistically and imaginatively, as well as objectively and precisely, students will develop a more complete understanding of what science and scientists are about--one that is likely to capture their imaginations, emotions, and best efforts.

  6. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Journal of Chemical Sciences; Volume 119; Issue 5 ... We present here results of ab-initio studies of structures and interaction energies of ... Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics, International Institute ...

  7. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Journal of Chemical Sciences; Volume 125; Issue 6 ... friendly deprotection of acetonides and cleavage of acetals and ketones has been ... Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, ...

  8. SSMA Science Reviewers' Forecasts for the Future of Science Education. (United States)

    Jinks, Jerry; Hoffer, Terry


    Described is a study which was conducted as an exploratory assessment of science reviewers' perceptions for the future of science education. Arrives at interpretations for identified categories of computers and high technology, science curriculum, teacher education, training, certification, standards, teaching methods, and materials. (RT)

  9. The nature of science in science education: theories and practices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Maria Morais


    Full Text Available The article is based on results of research carried out by the ESSA Group (Sociological Studies of the Classroom centred on the inclusion of the nature of science (metascience on science education. The results, based on analyses of various educational texts and contexts – curricula/syllabuses, textbooks and pedagogic practices – and of the relations between those texts/contexts, have in general shown a reduced presence and low conceptualization of metascience. The article starts by presenting the theoretical framework of the research of the ESSA Group which was focused on the introduction of the nature of science in science education. It is mostly based on Ziman’s conceptualization of metascience (1984, 2000 and on Bernstein’s theorization of production and reproduction of knowledge, particularly his model of pedagogic discourse (1990, 2000 and knowledge structures (1999. This is followed by the description of a pedagogical strategy, theoretically grounded, which explores the nature of science in the classroom context. The intention is to give an example of a strategy which privileges a high level learning for all students and which may contribute to a reflection about the inclusion of the nature of science on science education. Finally, considerations are made about the applicability of the strategy on the basis of previous theoretical and empirical arguments which sustain its use in the context of science education.

  10. Exploring Connections Between Earth Science and Biology - Interdisciplinary Science Activities for Schools (United States)

    Vd Flier-Keller, E.; Carolsfeld, C.; Bullard, T.


    To increase teaching of Earth science in schools, and to reflect the interdisciplinary nature and interrelatedness of science disciplines in today's world, we are exploring opportunities for linking Earth science and Biology through engaging and innovative hands-on science activities for the classroom. Through the NSERC-funded Pacific CRYSTAL project based at the University of Victoria, scientists, science educators, and teachers at all levels in the school system are collaborating to research ways of enriching the preparation of students in math and science, and improving the quality of science education from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Our primary foci are building authentic, engaging science experiences for students, and fostering teacher leadership through teacher professional development and training. Interdisciplinary science activities represent an important way of making student science experiences real, engaging and relevant, and provide opportunities to highlight Earth science related topics within other disciplines, and to expand the Earth science taught in schools. The Earth science and Biology interdisciplinary project builds on results and experiences of existing Earth science education activities, and the Seaquaria project. We are developing curriculum-linked activities and resource materials, and hosting teacher workshops, around two initial areas; soils, and marine life and the fossil record. An example activity for the latter is the hands-on examination of organisms occupying the nearshore marine environment using a saltwater aquarium and touch tank or beach fieldtrip, and relating this to a suite of marine fossils to facilitate student thinking about representation of life in the fossil record e.g. which life forms are typically preserved, and how are they preserved? Literacy activities such as fossil obituaries encourage exploration of paleoenvironments and life habits of fossil organisms. Activities and resources are being tested with teachers

  11. Biographical Sources in the Sciences--Life, Earth and Physical Sciences (1989-2006). LC Science Tracer Bullet. TB 06-4 (United States)

    Freitag, Ruth, Comp.; Bradley, Michelle Cadoree, Comp.


    This guide offers a systematic approach to the wide variety of published biographical information on men and women of science in the life, earth and physical sciences, primarily from 1989 to 2006, and complements Library of Congress Science Tracer Bullet "TB88-3" ("Biographical Sources in the Sciences," compiled 1988 [ED306074]) and "TB06-7"…

  12. Right wing parties join forces / Louise O'Dwyer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    O'Dwyer, Louise


    Leedu konservatiivne Isamaaliit ja Kristlik-Demokraatlik Partei kirjutasid ühiskongressil alla kahe partei ühinemiskokkuleppele. Uue poliitilise jõu nimetuseks on Isamaaliit - Leedu Kristlikud Demokraadid

  13. Some relevant questions in science education from the perspective Science- Technology-Society

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prieto, Teresa;


    Full Text Available In this article, some of the answers given at this time to three classic questions related to science teaching: why teach science?, what kind of science to teach?, and how to teach it?, are analyzed from a Science-Technology- Society perspective (STS. It argues for the need to prepare future citizens to make responsible decisions on matters related to science and technology in the XXI century, and the convenience of using socio-scientific issues in the science classroom. Finally, the analysis is exemplified in two cases: food consumption and energy consumption.

  14. Science teacher’s idea about environmental concepts in science learning as the first step of science teacher training (United States)

    Tapilouw, M. C.; Firman, H.; Redjeki, S.; Chandra, D. T.


    To refresh natural environmental concepts in science, science teacher have to attend a teacher training. In teacher training, all participant can have a good sharing and discussion with other science teacher. This study is the first step of science teacher training program held by education foundation in Bandung and attended by 20 science teacher from 18 Junior High School. The major aim of this study is gathering science teacher’s idea of environmental concepts. The core of questions used in this study are basic competencies linked with environmental concepts, environmental concepts that difficult to explain, the action to overcome difficulties and references in teaching environmental concepts. There are four major findings in this study. First finding, most environmental concepts are taught in 7th grade. Second finding, most difficult environmental concepts are found in 7th grade. Third finding, there are five actions to overcome difficulties. Fourth finding, science teacher use at least four references in mastering environmental concepts. After all, teacher training can be a solution to reduce difficulties in teaching environmental concepts.

  15. Inequalities in Science


    Xie, Y.


    Inequalities in scientists’ contributions to science and their rewards have always been very high. There are good reasons to propose that inequalities in science across research institutions and across individual scientists have increased in recent years. In the meantime, however, globalization and internet technology have narrowed inequalities in science across nations and facilitated the expansion of science and rapid production of scientific discoveries through international collaborative ...

  16. Adhesion science

    CERN Document Server

    Comyn, John


    The use of adhesives is widespread and growing, and there are few modern artefacts, from the simple cereal packet, to the jumbo jet, that are without this means of joining. Adhesion Science provides an illuminating account of the science underlying the use of adhesives, a branch of chemical technology which is fundamental to the science of coatings and composite materials and to the performance of all types of bonded structures. This book guides the reader through the essential basic polymer science, and the chemistry of adhesives in use at present. It discusses surface preparation for adhesive bonding, and the use of primers and coupling agents. There is a detailed chapter on contact angles and what can be predicted from them. A simple guide on stress distribution joints and how this relates to testing is included. It also examines the interaction of adhesives and the environment, including an analysis of the resistance of joints to water, oxygen and ultra-violet light. Adhesion Science provides a comprehens...

  17. Science Teacher Orientations and PCK across Science Topics in Grade 9 Earth Science (United States)

    Campbell, Todd; Melville, Wayne; Goodwin, Dawne


    While the literature is replete with studies examining teacher knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), few studies have investigated how science teacher orientations (STOs) shape classroom instruction. Therefore, this research explores the interplay between a STOs and the topic specificity of PCK across two science topics within a grade…

  18. Effects of 3D Printing Project-based Learning on Preservice Elementary Teachers' Science Attitudes, Science Content Knowledge, and Anxiety About Teaching Science (United States)

    Novak, Elena; Wisdom, Sonya


    3D printing technology is a powerful educational tool that can promote integrative STEM education by connecting engineering, technology, and applications of science concepts. Yet, research on the integration of 3D printing technology in formal educational contexts is extremely limited. This study engaged preservice elementary teachers (N = 42) in a 3D Printing Science Project that modeled a science experiment in the elementary classroom on why things float or sink using 3D printed boats. The goal was to explore how collaborative 3D printing inquiry-based learning experiences affected preservice teachers' science teaching self-efficacy beliefs, anxiety toward teaching science, interest in science, perceived competence in K-3 technology and engineering science standards, and science content knowledge. The 3D printing project intervention significantly decreased participants' science teaching anxiety and improved their science teaching efficacy, science interest, and perceived competence in K-3 technological and engineering design science standards. Moreover, an analysis of students' project reflections and boat designs provided an insight into their collaborative 3D modeling design experiences. The study makes a contribution to the scarce body of knowledge on how teacher preparation programs can utilize 3D printing technology as a means of preparing prospective teachers to implement the recently adopted engineering and technology standards in K-12 science education.

  19. Bringing Up Girls in Science (BUGS): The Effectiveness of an Afterschool Environmental Science Program for Increasing Female Students' Interest in Science Careers (United States)

    Tyler-Wood, Tandra; Ellison, Amber; Lim, Okyoung; Periathiruvadi, Sita


    Bringing Up Girls in Science (BUGS) was an afterschool program for 4th and 5th grade girls that provided authentic learning experiences in environmental science as well as valuable female mentoring opportunities in an effort to increase participants' academic achievement in science. BUGS participants demonstrated significantly greater amounts of gain in science knowledge as measured by the Iowa Test of Basic Skills in Science (ITBS-S). The original BUGS participants and contrasts have now completed high school and entered college, allowing researchers to assess the long-term impact of the BUGS program. Fourteen former BUGS participants completed two instruments to assess their perceptions of science and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. Their results were compared to four contrast groups composed entirely of females: 12 former BUGS contrasts, 10 college science majors, 10 non-science majors, and 9 current STEM professionals. Results indicate that BUGS participants have higher perceptions of science careers than BUGS contrasts. There were no significant differences between BUGS participants, Science Majors, and STEM professionals in their perceptions of science and STEM careers, whereas the BUGS contrast group was significantly lower than BUGS participants, Science Majors, and STEM Professionals. Additional results and implications are discussed within.

  20. Disciplinary Literacy in Science: Developing Science Literacy through Trade Books (United States)

    Fang, Zhihui


    Developing science literacy requires not only firsthand explorations of the material world but also secondhand investigations with text. A potentially powerful kind of text in science is trade books. This column describes four classroom ploys for using science trade books to enhance students' secondhand experiences.