
Sample records for saska lindfors kari

  1. Penghentian Karies Gigi Sulung Anterior (Laporan Penelitian

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    Titi Pratiwi Indra Yoga


    Full Text Available Salah satu cara menanggulangi karies pada gigi sulung anterior adalah dengan mengasah gigi menjadi bentuk self cleansing atau tapered dan kemudian mengolesnya dengan larutan SnF2 10%. Cara ini relatif mudah mengerjakannya serta murah biayanya. Keburukannya hanya pada masalah estetis, yaitu bentuk gigi menjadi lebih kecil, serta adanya staining kecoklatan karena pengendapan Sn. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah cara ini dapat menghentikan karies pada gigi sulung anterior, serta sampai berapa lama pengaruh SnF2 10% dapat menghentikan karies. Sampel diambil dari murid TK yang berusia 2,5 sampai 5 tahun, gigi sulung anteriornya terkena karies email pada bagian proksimal satu atau dua sisi. Mengingat usia sampel yang masih muda, maka sampai akhir penelitian hanya didapat 20 orang anak yang memenuhi kriteria, dan hasil penelitian dihitung secara statistik dengan X2 – test. Hasil penelitian ternyata prosedur perawatan ini berhasil secara bermakna setelah 3-6 bulan (X2 = 0.056, df = 1, dan p < 0.05.

  2. Biorsopsi Ion Logam Zink (II dalam Larutan Menggunakan Daun Kari (Murraya Koenigii

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    Bhayu Gita Bhernama


    Full Text Available Penyerapan ion logam Zn (II menggunakan daun kari (murraya koenigii telah dilakukan, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar ion logam Zn (II yang dapat diserap oleh daun kari (murraya koenigii. Kemampuan daun kari untuk menyerap ion logam Zn (II telah dievaluasi dengan variasi pH larutan, kosentrasi, ukuran partikel berat biomaterial. Kadar ion logam yang terserap diukur menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kondisi optimum penyerapan ion logam Zn 9II menggunakan daun kari dengan pH 5 kapasitas penyerapan 0,611 mg/g, ukuran partikel 150 µm kapasitas penyerapan 0,689 mg/g, konsentrasi 50 ppm dengan kapasitas penyerapan 0,443 mg/g dan berat material 0,5 g kapasitas penyerapan 1,505 mg/g. Berdasarkan persamaan isoterm Langmuir didapatkan kapasitas penyerapan maksimum Qmax -0,127. Hasil analisis FTIR memperlihatkan adanya gugus hidroksil yang dapat mengikat ion logam Zn (II. Kata kunci : logam berat Zn (II, penyerapan, daun kari

  3. [Kari Tarkiainen, Ülle Tarkiainen. Provinsen bortom havet : Estlands svenska historia 1561-1710; Kari Tarkiainen, Ülle Tarkiainen. Meretagune maa : Rootsi aeg Eestis 1561-1710] / Pärtel Piirimäe

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    Piirimäe, Pärtel, 1972-


    Arvustus: Tarkiainen Kari, Tarkiainen Ülle. Provinsen bortom havet : Estlands svenska historia 1561-1710 Verlag Atlantis. Stockholm 2013; Tarkiainen, Kari, Tarkiainen, Ülle. Meretagune maa : Rootsi aeg Eestis 1561-1710. verlag Varrak Tallinn 2014

  4. Gambaran Histopatologik Lesi Karies pada Email dengan Aplikasi Fluor In Vitro

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    Agoeng Tjahjani


    Full Text Available Tahap dini karies telah lama dikenal dengan istilah bercak putih. Untuk mengetahui terjadinya lesi karies di bawah permukaan email in vivo, maka dilakukan penelitian secara in vitro dengan merendam gigi Premolar dengan dan tanpa aplikasi fluor dalam perbenihan kuman Streptococcus mutans FA-1 (ATCC 16495. Enam puluh empat gigi Preolar tanpa karies dibagi dalam 2 kelompok. Pada kelompok perlakuan, gigi diaplikasi dengan fluor sedang pada kelompok kontrol gigi tanpa aplikasi fluor. Semua gigi dimasukkan dalam perbenihan tioglikolat air yang ke dalamnya telah ditanam Streptococcus mutans FA-4 (ATCC 16495 selama 4 dan 8 minggu. Pembentukan bercah putih diamati dengan mikroskop 'zoom-stereo'. Sedang besarnya porusitas di bawah permukaan email diaamti dengan mikroskop polarisasi. Pada akhir minggu ke-4 dan ke-8 pada kedua kelompok ditemukan peningkatan jumlah gigi dengan pembentukan bercak putih dan peningkatan nilai rata-rata kedalaman lapisan badan lesi. Uji statistik dengan chi-square test menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna pada p<0.05. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut di atas disimpulkan bahwa (1 aplikasi NaF hanya menghambat sebagian pembentukan lesi karies dan (2 sistem perbenihan kuman yang digunakan tidak dapat mencerminkan keadaan mulut yang sebenarnya.


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    Pawarti Pawarti


    Full Text Available Abstract: Topical Fluoride Application And Fissure Sealant To Prevent Dental Caries Permanent First Molars. Anatomy pits and fissures of teeth are caries initiation vulnerable areas of the permanent molars that grow at the age of 6 years where children can not perform oral hygiene. Caries prevention can be done by closing the pits and fissures or application of fluoride (topical fluoride application on the surface of the teeth. The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference fissure sealants and topical application of fluoride to prevent dental caries of first permanent molars. This study was a quasi-experimental study with time series, a sample was taken by purposive 117-second grade students of SDN District of North Pontianak. Data were analyzed using t-test. The result showed that fissure sealant more effective in caries prevention of first permanent molar than topical fluoride application where there were none caries teeth after and month fissure sealant, 25% sealant partially off and 11% fully off. Teeth that have done fluoride after 6 months of 3.9% of dental caries, the eighth month of 5.4% of dental caries. There was a significant difference between the effectiveness of fissure sealants with topical application of fluoride to prevent dental caries in first permanent molars p-value < 0.05, after 6-month p-value: 0.004 and after 8-month p-value: 0.001. Abstrak: Topical Fluoride Application Dan Fissure Sealant Untuk Mencegah Karies Pada Gigi Molar Satu Permanen. Anatomi pit dan fisura gigi merupakan daerah rentan inisiasi karies gigi molar satu permanen yang tumbuh pada usia 6 tahun anak belum bisa melakukan kebersihan mulutnya. Pencegahan karies dapat dilakukan dengan cara menutup pit dan fissure atau pengolesan fluor (topical fluoride application pada permukaan gigi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis perbedaan efektivitas fissure sealant dan topical fluoride application untuk mencegah karies gigi molar satu permanen anak

  6. Prediksi Risiko Karies Baru Berdasarkan Konsumsi Pempek pada Anak Usia 1112 Tahun Di Palembang (Tinjauan dengan Cariogram

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    Marlindayanti Marlindayanti


    Full Text Available Penyakit rongga mulut yang sering diderita anak adalah karies gigi. Hasil penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan prevalensi karies gigi anak di Palembang sebesar 92,43%. Pempek makanan khas jenis karbohidrat lengket yang dimakan bersama kuahnya (cuko, kebiasaan anak di Palembang mengkonsumsi pempek lebih dari 2 kali sehari. Frekuensi konsumsi karbohidrat yang sering berakibat karies gigi. Kebiasaan anak di Palembang mengkonsumsi pempek merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya karies gigi. Risiko karies gigi perlu diketahui untuk melihat kisaran karies baru yang dapat terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi risiko terjadinya karies baru berdasarkan frekuensi konsumsi pempek di Palembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tekhnik cluster, subjek penelitian sebanyak 305 anak dari 52 SD di Palembang. Pengukuran prediksi risiko karies menggunakan cariogram dengan cara mengumpulkan data survei diet frekuensi konsumsi secara keseluruhan dan frekuensi konsumsi pempek, DMF-T, kapasitas buffer, sekresi saliva, plak skor, program fluor dan penyakit umum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prediksi risiko karies anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang 65,72% (kategori tinggi kontribusi pempek 45,83% dari total konsumsi makan keseluruhan. Peluang menghindari karies sebesar 34,28%. Urutan penyebab risiko karies adalah kerentanan (31,0%, pola makan (17,36%, bakteri (8,91% dan keadaan lain yang berpengaruh (5,35%. Kesimpulan penelitian, prediksi risiko terjadinya karies baru pada anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang termasuk kategori tinggi, pempek menyumbang 45,83% dari total konsumsi keseluruhan. Urutan prediksi risiko karies anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang, kerentanan, pola makan, bakteri dan faktor lain yang berpengaruh.    Prediction of The Risk Of New Caries Base on Pempek Consumption on Children Age 11-12 Years Old In Palembang. The oral cavity disease often suffered by children is dental


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    Susi Susi


    Full Text Available AbstrakKaries merupakan masalah utama di rongga mulut anak. Kerusakan gigi sulung lebih cepat menyebar, meluas dan lebih parah dari pada gigi permanen. Karies lebih banyak ditemukan pada orang dengan status sosial ekonomi rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan status sosial ekonomi dengan kejadian karies pada gigi sulung anak usia 4 dan 5 tahun pada murid TK Adzkia II, TK Lillah, dan TK Mutiara Ananda di Kota Padang.Penelitian ini bersifat observasi analitik menggunakan metode cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah murid TK Adzkia II, TK Lillah, dan TK Mutiara Ananda yang berumur 4-5 tahun atau murid lokal A yang berjumlah sebanyak 59 orang, sampel yang diteliti 57 orang. Metode pengambilan data primer yaitu dengan melakukan wawancara dengan orang tua dan pemeriksaan status karies responden.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan status sosial ekonomi orang tua dari responden 75,4% tidak miskin dan status karies responden 50,9% baik. Dari responden yang tidak miskin, 46,5% memiliki status karies yang buruk, 53,5% memiliki status karies yang baik. Hasil uji statistik diperoleh tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna dari proporsi status karies responden dengan pendapatan orang tua responden.Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa responden dengan status sosial ekonomi tidak miskin dan status karies baik lebih dominan. Disarankan kepada sekolah agar memberikan pengetahuan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut secara rutin kepada murid – murid dan bagi orang tua lebih memperhatikan jajanan yang dikonsumsi oleh anaknya.Kata Kunci : karies, status sosial ekonomiAbstractCaries is a major issue in the oral cavity of children. Damage spreading deciduous teeth faster, more widespread and severe than in permanent teeth. Caries are more common in people with low socioeconomic status. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of socioeconomic parents status with the incidence of caries in primary teeth of kindergarten

  8. Development of the KARI Space Debris Collision Risk Management System (KARISMA) (United States)

    Kim, Hae-Dong; Lee, Sang-Cherl; Cho, Dong-Hyun; Seong, Jae-Dong


    Korea has been operating multi-purpose low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites such as the Korea multi-purpose satellite (KOMPSAT) since 1999 and the Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS), which was launched into geostationary orbit in 2006. The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) consequently became concerned about the deteriorating space debris environment. This led to the instigation, in 2011, of a project to develop the KARI space debris collision risk management system (KARISMA). In 2014, KARISMA was adopted as an official tool at the KARI ground station and is operated to mitigate collision risks while being continuously upgraded with input from satellite operators. The characteristics and architecture of KARISMA are described with detailed operational views. The user-friendly user interfaces including 2D and 3D displays of the results, conjunction geometries, and so on, are described in detail. The results of our analysis of the space collision risk faced by the KOMPSAT satellites as determined using KARISMA are presented, as well as optimized collision avoidance maneuver planning with maneuvering strategies for several conjunction events. Consequently, the development of KARISMA to provide detailed descriptions is expected to contribute significantly to satellite operators and owners who require tools with many useful functions to mitigate collision risk.

  9. Faktor Bauran Pemasaram yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian di Rumah Makan Mak Kari Panam Pekanbaru


    Dwineti, Rifka Putri; Syahza, Almasdi; Syabrus, Hardisem


    Abstack: This study aims to determine what marketing mix factors considered by consumers in making purchasing decisions shopped at the restaurant Mak Kari Panam Pekanbaru. The population in this study are all consumers who shop at the restaurant mak kari. In determining the number of samples, researchers used a purposive sampling method, the sample size used as respondents in this study were 100 respondents. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis, t test and F test with ...

  10. Kondisi oral higiene dan karies gigi pada vegetarian dan non vegetarian di Maha Vihara Maitreya Medan


    Prawira, Albert


    Perbedaan pola makan antara vegetarian dan non vegetarian dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi oral higiene dan karies gigi pada umat vegetarian dan non vegetarian di Maha Vihara Maitreya Medan. Jenis penelitian adalah survei deskriptif. Sampel terdiri atas 74 vegetarian dan 65 non vegetarian. Pemeriksaan oral higiene dan karies gigi masing-masing menggunakan indeks OHIS Greene dan Vermillion dan indeks DMFT Klein, se...

  11. Tartu Pauluse kirik = St. Paul's Church in Tartu / Merja Nieminen, Kari Järvinen

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    Nieminen, Merja


    Eliel Saarineni projekteeritud Tartu Pauluse kiriku restaureerimisest. Restaureerimisprojekti autorid Merja Nieminen, Kari Järvinen, sisearhitekt Markku Nors. Kultuurkapitali Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali aastapreemia 2016 laureaat

  12. Virtual screening and evaluation of Ketol-Acid Reducto-Isomerase (KARI as a putative drug target for Aspergillosis

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    Morya Vivek K


    Full Text Available Abstract Aspergillus is a leading causative agent for fungal morbidity and mortality in immuno-compromised patients. To identify a putative target to design or identify new antifungal drug, against Aspergillus is required. In our previous work, we have analyzed the various biochemical pathways, and we found Ketol Acid Reducto-Isomerase (KARI an enzyme involves in the amino acid biosynthesis, could be a better target. This enzyme was found to be unique by comparing to host proteome through BLASTp analysis. A homology based model of KARI was generated by Swiss model server. The generated model had been validated by PROCHECK and WHAT IF programs. The Zinc library was generated within the limitation of the Lipinski rule of five, for docking study. Based on the dock-score six molecules have been studied for ADME/TOX analysis and subjected for pharmacophore model generation. The Zinc ID of the potential inhibitors is ZINC00720614, ZINC01068126, ZINC0923, ZINC02090678, ZINC00663057 and ZINC02284065 and found to be pharmacologically active agonist and antagonist of KARI. This study is an attempt to Insilco evaluation of the KARI as a drug target and the screened inhibitors could help in the development of the better drug against Aspergillus.

  13. Pengaruh (pH Saliva terhadap Terjadinya Karies Gigi pada Anak Usia Prasekolah

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    Made Ayu Lely


    Full Text Available AbstractDental caries is a multifactorial process that occurs through the interaction between teeth and saliva as host, the bacteria in the oral cavity, as well as easily fermented foods. Saliva is one of the factors that have a major influence on the severity of dental caries. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of salivary pH with dental caries among 564 preschool-age children in DIY Province and Banten Province. The results showed that pH levels of the preschool-age children’saliva are more than 75% basic ranging between 6.8 to 8.0 and the highest levels are in Serang District. Index def-t in Serang District is highest (8.83 and the lowest one is in Yogyakarta City (4.97. The mean number of cavities/ decay more than missing teeth or filling teeth. The study indicates that the acidity of saliva among preschool children in the two provinces is not associated with the occurrence of dental caries.It is more likely due to the habit of drinking sweet milk or eating sticky foods.Key words: thepH of saliva, dental caries,sweet food, sticky foods, preschool childrenageAbstrakKaries gigi merupakan proses multifaktor yang terjadi melalui interaksi antara gigi dan saliva sebagai pejamu, bakteri didalam rongga mulut, serta makanan yang mudah difermentasikan. Saliva merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap keparahan karies gigi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pH saliva terhadap terjadinya karies gigi pada anak usia prasekolah. Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang pada 564 orang anak usia prasekolah di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Provinsi DIY dan Provinsi Banten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa derajat keasaman (pH saliva pada anak-anak usia prasekolah lebih dari 75% bersifat basa berkisar antara 6,8-8,0 dan tertinggi di Kabupaten Serang. Indeks def-t tertinggi 8,83 di Kabupaten Serang dan yang terendah 4,97 di Kotamadya Yogyakarta. Rerata jumlah gigi berlubang


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    Desak Made Dwi Ambari Ningsih


    Full Text Available Kesehatan gigi masih menjadi masalah di Indonesia dilihat dari prevalensi karies gigi yang mencapai 73% dari jumlah penduduk. Di Puskesmas Sidemen, penyakit gigi, gusi dan pulpa merupakan urutan keempat dari 10 besar penyakit yang paling sering terjadi. Adanya fakta bahwa ketersediaan air bersih, sikat gigi dan pasta gigi di daerah Sidemen tidak sulit diperoleh, menunjukkan adanya faktor lain yang mempengaruhi tingginya kejadian karies gigi, misalnya perilaku menggosok gigi dan juga pengetahuan  orang tua dan anak terhadap karies gigi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi karies gigi, perilaku menggosok gigi, dan gambaran perilaku menggosok gigi terhadap kejadian karies gigi pada siswa usia sekolah dasar di wilayah Puskesmas Sidemen, Kecamatan Sidemen, Kabupaten Karangasem. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif potong-lintang yang dilakukan pada bulan Juni sampai dengan Juli 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan 68 orang sampel yang ditentukan secara purposive random sampling pada siswa usia 7 hingga 12 tahun di SD Negeri 1 Telagatawang. Pada penelitian ini, didapatkan prevalensi karies gigi pada anak usia sekolah dasar di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sidemen  masih tinggi (58,8%. Sebanyak 58 orang (85,3% belum menerapkan perilaku menggosok gigi yang memenuhi standar dan hanya 10 orang (14,7% yang perilaku menggosok gigi sudah memenuhi standar. Karies gigi lebih banyak dialami oleh anak-anak yang tidak memenuhi standar dalam perilaku menggosok gigi, yaitu sebanyak 63,8% (37 orang dari total 58 orang yang perilaku menggosok gigi tidak memenuhi standar. Sedangkan dari 10 orang yang memenuhi standar perilaku menggosok ternyata didapatkan sebagian besar, yaitu 7 orang (70% tidak karies. Sehingga secara umum dari penelitian ini dapat ditarik simpulan bahwa terdapat kecenderungan peningkatan presentase kejadian karies gigi pada anak dengan perilaku menggosok gigi yang salah dibandingkan yang benar.    

  15. Väitlus : vastuseks eelolevale / Enn Küng, Kari Tarkiainen, Ülle Tarkiainen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Küng, Enn, 1963-


    Väitlus Enn Küngi ning Kari ja Ülle Tarkiaineni vahel, mille aluseks on 2015. a. Akadeemia 8. numbris ilmunud Enn Küngi arvustis Tarkiainenite raamatule "Provinsen bortom havet. Estlands svenska historia 1561-1710" (Lk. 1491-1499)

  16. Kadar leptin saliva dan kejadian karies gigi anak obesitas (Salivary leptin levels and caries incidence in obese children

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    Elfrida Atzmaryanni


    Full Text Available Background: Children with obesity have a lower incidence of caries. Salivary leptin levels of obese children is higher than normal children. Leptin is protein hormone, contained in saliva. Salivary proteins maintain the balance of the ecosystem in the mouth. Purpose: The article was aimed to study the correlation of salivary leptin levels with caries incidence in obese children. Review: Mouth is reflection of the health status and so many changes occur as a weight gain. Child with obesity has a low incidence of caries than normal. This condition is associated with changes in oral cavity, especially the increase in salivary leptin. Caries is a disease of hard tissues cause by the activty of microorganisms, especially Streptococcus mutans. Salivary proteins maintain the balance of the ecosystem in the mouth. Leptin is a protein saliva, produced predominantly in adipose tissue and conduct active transport to saliva. Salivary leptin works in two ways: as an antimicrobial which prevents the attachment of bacteria on tooth surface or by inducing cytokine that affect the immune system in oral cavity. Conclusion: Salivary leptin is higher in obese children than in normal children. The low incidence of caries on obesity is associated with salivary leptin. Alteration in salivary composition and flow rate also decreased caries in obesity.Latar belakang: Anak yang mengalami obesitas memiliki insiden karies yang rendah. Kadar leptin saliva anak obesitas lebih tinggi dari anak normal. Leptin merupakan salah satu protein hormon yang terdapat di saliva. Protein saliva berfungsi untuk menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem di mulut. Tujuan: Artikel ini bertujuan mempelajari hubungan antara kadar leptin di dalam saliva dengan kejadian karies anak obesitas. Tinjauan pustaka: Rongga mulut merupakan cerminan dari status kesehatan dan banyak perubahan yang terjadi seiring peningkatan berat badan seseorang. Anak Obesitas memiliki insiden karies yang rendah jika dibandingkan

  17. SLO Eesti AS-il uus tegevdirektor / Jaanus Laikmaa, Pekka Syrjäkari ; interv. Rein Aro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laikmaa, Jaanus, 1970-


    Elektritarvikutega seotud hulgimüüjaid koondavasse rahvusvahelisse ettevõtete kooslusesse Sonepar Group kuuluva SLO Eesti AS tegevdirektor Jaanus Laikmaa ja juhatuse esimees Pekka Syrjäkari räägivad oma ettevõtte arengust, tootevalikust, kvaliteedipoliitikast, konkurentsist, elektrikaupade aastamessi SLO Sügispäev korraldamisest, ettevõtte perspektiividest Eesti praeguse majandusseisu taustal


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    José Beria


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to expose the current state of linguistic research on the Kari'na language. It is based on the review and analysis of published studies on Kari'na by experts from two perspectives: their own experience and the results from the study of the literature published on the subject. In the article, we examined and discussed the most relevant thesis and scientific articles of the highest level of reliability that have been published on Kari'na. Under the focus of a documentary research, we proceeded with the review of the literature which consisted of the location, selection and evaluation of the literature on primary studies, useful for the purpose of the study. Then we extracted and collected the relevant and necessary information for the research problem. The information collected is organized according to the different components of the grammar: phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicography. The scope and importance of each one of the works considered were highlighted. Rather than offering a critical assessment of published studies, we prepared a descriptive review to provide a synthesized material with relevant information about the language.

  19. TSKT-ORAM: A Two-Server k-ary Tree Oblivious RAM without Homomorphic Encryption

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    Jinsheng Zhang


    Full Text Available This paper proposes TSKT-oblivious RAM (ORAM, an efficient multi-server ORAM construction, to protect a client’s access pattern to outsourced data. TSKT-ORAM organizes each of the server storages as a k-ary tree and adopts XOR-based private information retrieval (PIR and a novel delayed eviction technique to optimize both the data query and data eviction process. TSKT-ORAM is proven to protect the data access pattern privacy with a failure probability of 2 - 80 when system parameter k ≥ 128 . Meanwhile, given a constant-size local storage, when N (i.e., the total number of outsourced data blocks ranges from 2 16 – 2 34 , the communication cost of TSKT-ORAM is only 22–46 data blocks. Asymptotic analysis and practical comparisons are conducted to show that TSKT-ORAM incurs lower communication cost, storage cost and access delay in practical scenarios than the compared state-of-the-art ORAM schemes.

  20. Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and rheumatic disease in the Warao, Kari'ña, and Chaima indigenous populations of Monagas State, Venezuela. (United States)

    Granados, Ysabel; Rosillo, Celenia; Cedeño, Ligia; Martínez, Yanira; Sánchez, Gloris; López, Geovalis; Pérez, Fernando; Martínez, Damarys; Maestre, Gabriela; Berbin, Sol; Chacón, Rosa; Stekman, Iván; Valls, Evart; Peláez-Ballestas, Ingris


    This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and rheumatic diseases in the Warao, Kari'ña, and Chaima indigenous populations of Monagas State, Venezuela. A cross-sectional, analytical, community-based study was conducted in 1537 indigenous subjects ≥18 years old (38.6 % male, mean age 41.4 ± 17.5 years). The cross-culturally validated Community Oriented Program for the Control of Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) diagnostic questionnaire was applied. Subjects with a positive COPCORD diagnosis (either historic or current pain) were evaluated by primary care physicians and rheumatologists. A descriptive analysis was performed and comparisons made using analysis of variance and the chi-square test. Pain in the last 7 days was reported by 32.9 %, with pain intensity, according to a Likert-type scale [no pain, 195 (38.5 %); minimal pain, 231 (45.6 %); strong pain, 68 (13.4 %); intense pain, 5 (0.9 %)], 38.0 % reported historical pain, and 641 (41.7 %) had either historic or current pain. Of the COPCORD-positive subjects, pain most frequently occurred in the knee, back, and hands. Musculoskeletal and rheumatic diseases included osteoarthritis (14.1 %), back pain (12.4 %), rheumatic regional pain syndromes (RRPS) (9.7 %), undifferentiated arthritis (1.5 %), rheumatoid arthritis (1.1 %), and fibromyalgia (0.5 %). Chaima (18.3 %) and Kari'ña (15.6 %) subjects had a high prevalence of osteoarthritis, and Warao subjects had a high prevalence of low back pain (13.8 %). The prevalence of RRPS was high in all three ethnic groups. The Chaima group had the highest prevalence of rheumatic diseases, with 2.0 % having rheumatoid arthritis. This study provides useful information for health care policy-making in indigenous communities.


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    Indirawati Tjahja N


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Background: Dental caries are usual/y caused by poor oral hygiene, resulting in the accumulation of plaque that contains a variety of bacteria. Method: This study uses diagnostic test research design. The study was conducted at the health center Kedondong, Ketapang district of West Kalimantan. Subjects numbered 30 children, consisting of men and women aged 15 years, each subject wil/ be examined by 10 dentists and 10 non-dentists. Non-dentists include nursing academy, academy of nutrition, pharmaceutical academy, academy of enviromental health and public health scholers. The research objective was to compare the results of the DMF- T (Decay Missing Fil/ing Treatment between a dentist and non-dentist. Result: The results obtained, the smal/est difference mean DMF- T with the dentist examiner was between 3.8000-3.8667, while the non-dentist examiner is 3.1333. Conclusion: The measurement of non-dentists is lower than the measurement of the dentist. Key words: dental caries, DMF- T, dentist and non-dentist, aged 15 years ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Karies gigi umumnya disebabkan, karena kebersihan mulut yang buruk, sehingga terjadi akumulasi plak yang mengandung berbagai macam bakteri. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian uji Diagnostik. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Kedondong kabupaten Ketapang Kalimantan Barat. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 30 anak, yang terdiri dari laki-laki dan perempuan yang berusia 15 tahun, Masing-masing subjek akan diperiksa oleh 10 orang dokter gigi dan 10 orang non-dokter gigi. Non-dokter gigi meliputi Akademi Keperawatan, Akademi Gizi, Akademi Farmasi, Akademi Kesehatan Lingkungan, dan Sarjana Kesahatan Masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah membandingkan hasil pemeriksaan DMF- T (Decay Missing Fil/ing Treatment antara dokter gigi dengan non-dokter gigi. Hasil: Hasil penelitian didapatkan, beda mean yang terkecil DMF- T dengan pemeriksa dokter gigi adalah diantara 3.8000-3.8667, sedang pemeriksa non

  2. The Style of Ben Okri in Songs of Enchantment and Infinite Riches

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nneka Umera-Okeke

    An International Multidisciplinary Journal, Ethiopia. Vol. 9(4), Serial No. ... impropriety), only to be enmeshed neck-deep soon after in this “business” far deeper than the previous ..... Indianapolis: The Odyssey Press, 1977. Lindfors, Bernth.

  3. NATO eskaader on Admiral Pitka juhtimisel teel Tallinna / Hannes Krause

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Krause, Hannes


    Eesti mereväe lipulaeva Admiral Pitka komandör Jüri Saska tõstab esile laeva meeskonna uusi praktilisi kogemusi, mis on saadud viimastel kuudel NATO miinitõrjeeskaadri staabilaeva meeskonna rollis. Eskaadri ülem kaptenleitnant Nico Vasseur on Eesti mereväelaste tööga väga rahul

  4. Artificial domain duplication replicates evolutionary history of ketol-acid reductoisomerases. (United States)

    Cahn, Jackson K B; Brinkmann-Chen, Sabine; Buller, Andrew R; Arnold, Frances H


    The duplication of protein structural domains has been proposed as a common mechanism for the generation of new protein folds. A particularly interesting case is the class II ketol-acid reductoisomerase (KARI), which putatively arose from an ancestral class I KARI by duplication of the C-terminal domain and corresponding loss of obligate dimerization. As a result, the class II enzymes acquired a deeply embedded figure-of-eight knot. To test this evolutionary hypothesis we constructed a novel class II KARI by duplicating the C-terminal domain of a hyperthermostable class I KARI. The new protein is monomeric, as confirmed by gel filtration and X-ray crystallography, and has the deeply knotted class II KARI fold. Surprisingly, its catalytic activity is nearly unchanged from the parent KARI. This provides strong evidence in support of domain duplication as the mechanism for the evolution of the class II KARI fold and demonstrates the ability of domain duplication to generate topological novelty in a function-neutral manner. © 2015 The Protein Society.

  5. 76 FR 18532 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Assessment... (United States)


    ... interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR (See FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT to request an invitation providing webinar access information.) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske...-mail: . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic, and...

  6. 77 FR 35358 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Gulf of Mexico... (United States)


    ... contact Kari Fenske and Ryan Rindone at SEDAR (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) to request an invitation providing webinar access information. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR...: ; or Ryan Rindone, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North...

  7. 76 FR 10007 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting (United States)


    ... contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR (See FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) to request an invitation providing webinar access information. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail:

  8. 76 FR 77491 - Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR... (United States)


    ... Kari H. Fenske at SEDAR (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) to request an invitation providing webinar access information. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari H. Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; email:

  9. 75 FR 42378 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); South Atlantic... (United States)


    ... public. Those interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR. See FOR FURTHER... CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; (843) 571- 4366; . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic...

  10. 76 FR 35856 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting (United States)


    ... public. Those interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR (See FOR FURTHER... CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail: . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Webinar Date Day Time...

  11. 75 FR 47266 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); South Atlantic... (United States)


    ... participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR. See FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT to request an invitation providing webinar access information. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail: kari.fenske...

  12. 76 FR 47564 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Assessment... (United States)


    ... open to the public. Those interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR (See Contact... CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail: . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf of Mexico...

  13. 77 FR 11065 - Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR... (United States)


    ... public. Those interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR (See FOR FURTHER... invitations at least 24 hours in advance of each webinar. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Dr. Suite 201; phone (843) 571-4366. Email:

  14. 75 FR 39918 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); South Atlantic... (United States)


    ... interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR. See FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT to... CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail: . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf of Mexico...

  15. Malting Characteristics of Some Sorghum and Millet Grain Varieties Grown in Kenya

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makokha, A.O; Makwaka, A.M; Oniang'o, R.O; Njoroge, S.M


    Industrial malt in Kenya for commercial beer production is made exclusively from barley. This study explored the potential of producing suitable malt from some sorghum and finger millet grain varieties grown in Kenya. Malting characteristics of two sorghum grain varieties, KARI Mtama-1 and local Red variety, and that of finger millet was done and compared to that of barley. Among the grain characteristics determined before malting were water sensitivity, polyphenol (tannin) content and total protein. The grain was malted by striping in water for 48 h, followed by germination for four days at 25 degrees celcious, then kilned at 50 degrees celcious for 24 h. The malting characteristics determined included total soluble N, free amino N, wort pH and fermentable sugars. The local red sorghum and millet had high polyphenol content while KARI Mtama-1 and barley had low levels. KARI Mtama-1 had positive water sensitivity while barley had negative sensitivity. Finger millet and local red sorghum were water insensitive. Free amino N was 113, 125, 144, and 154mg 100g - 1 malt for millet, barley, local Red and KARI Mtama-1, respectively. Total fermentation sugars were 307, 477, 610 and 178 mg 1 - 1 for finger millet, local red, barley and KARI Mtama 1 , respectively. The results showed that that the proteolytic and amyloytic characteristics of the KARI Mtama-1 malt are largely similar to those of barley. Hence the KARI Mtama-1 malt are largely similar to those of barley. Hence the KARI Mtama-1 has good potential fro conventional lager beer production. Malts of local Red sorghum grain and millet may be more suitable for industrial production of opaque/cloudy beer

  16. 76 FR 13986 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Public Meetings (United States)


    ..., SC 29405. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail:

  17. Gambaran densitas kamar pulpa gigi sulung menggunakan cone beam CT-3D (Description of pulp chamber density in deciduous teeth using cone beam CT-3D

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herdiyati Y


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is the most common chronic diseases. Detection of caries is needed, especially on the deciduous teeth. An examination such as radiological examination is essential. The radiographic figures distinguish radiolucent of the crown. Digital radiography cone beam computed tomography (CBCT is able to show a more detailed picture. Purpose: This study was aimed to get value of the density of pulp chamber of caries and non caries deciduous teeth using CBCT radiographs. Methods: The study was conducted by using simple descriptive. The samples were all the data CBCT of pediatric patients aged 7-10 years who visited the Dental Hospital of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Padjadjaran. The samples were teeth with single and double root. Results: The results showed that the value of the normal pulp density is 422.56 Hu, while the condition of caries decreased becomes -77.89 Hu. Conclusion: The tooth with caries showed a lower density than the non caries/tooth.Latar belakang: Karies gigi merupakan penyakit kronis yang sering terjadi. Deteksi terhadap karies sangat diperlukan terutama pada gigi decidius. Pemeriksaan penunjang berupa pemeriksaan radiologis sangat diperlukan. Secara umum gambaran radiografi dapat membedakan karies berupa gambaran radiolusent pada mahkota. Radiografi digital cone beam computed tomografi (CBCT, merupakan jenis radiografi yang mampu memperlihatkan gambaran yang lebih detail. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan nilai densitas kamar pulpa gigi sulung yang karies dan non karies menggunakan radiografi CBCT. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode simple deskriptif. Sampel penelitian adalah semua data CBCT dari pasien anak berusia 7 - 10 tahun yang berkunjung ke RSGM Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran. Gigi yang dianalisa meliputi gigi berakar tunggal dan berakar ganda. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai densitas pulpa normal adalah 422,56 Hu, sedangkan pada kondisi

  18. Taotlused ja tulemus / Rein Tootmaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tootmaa, Rein


    Helle Karise kavandatava portreefilmide sarja "Contra mortem" esimene film "Dr. Andres Ellamaa" : operaatorid Peter Murdmaa ja Marko Piirsoo : monteerija Eero Karis : produtsendid Helle Karis ja Maret Hirtentreu : kasutatud Carl Orffi muusikat : Myth Film 2002

  19. Doktor Ellamaa elutants / Linnar Priimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Priimägi, Linnar, 1954-


    Helle Karise kavandatava portreefilmide sarja "Contra mortem" esimene film "Dr. Andres Ellamaa" : operaatorid Peter Murdmaa ja Marko Piirsoo : monteerija Eero Karis : produtsendid Helle Karis ja Maret Hirtentreu : kasutatud Carl Orffi muusikat : Myth Film 2002

  20. Uz grafiem balstītie darbu plānošanas algoritmi


    Magdaļenoka, Māra


    Bakalaura darbā aprakstīti divu veidu grafi (disjunktīvais grafs un divpusējais grafs), kurus izmanto general shop problēmu atrisināšanai. Darbā tika aplūkotas open shop un job shop problēmas, kuru atrisinājuma iegūšanai ar grafu palīdzību tika izmantotas loku krāsošanas, divpusējās saskaņošanas un bootleneck metodes.

  1. Distribution of class ii major histocompatibility complex antigenexpressing cells in human dental pulp with carious lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tetiana Haniastuti


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is a bacterial infection which causes destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth. Exposure of the dentin to the oral environment as a result of caries inevitably results in a cellular response in the pulp. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC is a group of genes that code for cell-surface histocompatibility antigens. Cells expressing class II MHC molecules participate in the initial recognition and the processing of antigenic substances to serve as antigen-presenting cells. Purpose: The aim of the study was to elucidate the alteration in the distribution of class II MHC antigen-expressing cells in human dental pulp as carious lesions progressed toward the pulp. Methods: Fifteen third molars with caries at the occlusal site at various stages of decay and 5 intact third molars were extracted and used in this study. Before decalcifying with 10% EDTA solution (pH 7.4, all the samples were observed by micro-computed tomography to confirm the lesion condition three-dimensionally. The specimens were then processed for cryosection and immunohistochemistry using an anti-MHC class II monoclonal antibody. Results: Class II MHC antigen-expressing cells were found both in normal and carious specimens. In normal tooth, the class II MHC-immunopositive cells were observed mainly at the periphery of the pulp tissue. In teeth with caries, class II MHC-immunopositive cells were located predominantly subjacent to the carious lesions. As the caries progressed, the number of class II MHC antigen-expressing cells was increased. Conclusion: The depth of carious lesions affects the distribution of class II MHC antigen-expressing cells in the dental pulp.Latar belakang: Karies merupakan penyakit infeksi bakteri yang mengakibatkan destruksi jaringan keras gigi. Dentin yang terbuka akibat karies akan menginduksi respon imun seluler pada pulpa. Kompleks histokompatibilitas utama (MHC merupakan sekumpulan gen yang mengkode histokompatibilitas

  2. Insecticide-Treated Rodent Baits for Sand Fly Control (United States)


    Agricul- tural Research Institute study area (KARI; lat 0.47, long 36.00) was comprised of land used for small-scale farming and for forage by goats area. The sites at the KARI and Bogoria study areas had large numbers of a variety of non-reservoir ani- mals, including other small mammals, goats

  3. Management of anterior teeth damage caused by complex caries through aesthetic endorestoration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nanik Zubaidah


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is a microbiological disease that result in localized dissolution and destruction of the calcified tissue. It is multifactorial, therefore prevention must be based on a multifactorial approach. The damage of anterior teeth due to complex caries, for certain person may interfere their performance and decrease their self confidence aesthetically. Restoration of tooth form and function, especially on anterior teeth is highly valuable. Purpose: To present a case of maxillary anterior teeth with complex caries, through endorestoration treatment for recovering its original function and aesthetic. Case: The 21 years old male patient with complex carries on maxillary anterior teeth number 12, 11, 21, 22 and 23. The patient felt bad about his performance and affect his self confidence. The patient visited the clinic to repair his teeth and to get its form and function aesthetically. Case management: The endorestoration treatment was performed for carious teeth through pulpectomy followed by insertion of post retention and porcelain fused to metal crowns. Conclusion: Anterior teeth with severed complex caries can be managed through endorestoration treatment to recover its performance and function aesthetically.Latar belakang: Dental karies adalah penyakit infeksi yang berakibat kerusakan jaringan kalsifikasi dan bersifat multifactorial. Oleh karena itu pencegahan dilakukan dengan pendekatan multifactorial. Kerusakan gigi anterior karena karies kompleks untuk orang-orang tertentu mungkin berdampak pada penampilan dan penurunan kepercayaan diri karena factor estetik. Perbaikan gigi anterior dari berbagai kerusakan baik dalam hal bentuk maupun fungsinya sangat besar nilainya. Tujuan: Untuk menunjukkan kasus gigi anterior rahang atas karena karies kompleks melalui perawatan endorestorasi untuk mengembalikan fungsi gigi asli dan estetik. Kasus: Laki-laki usia 21 tahun dengan karies kompleks pada gigi anterior rahang atas 12, 11, 21

  4. The frequency of bottle feeding as the main factor of baby bottle tooth decay syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mochamad Fahlevi Rizal


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries remains as main problem in Indonesia and its prevalence is high (90.05%. However, there is no appropriate data that can be used to analyze dental caries in toddlers, especially baby bottle tooth decay syndrome (BBTD, though the number of BBTD cases is high in some pediatric dental clinics (90% of patients visiting the clinics. Even though some factors have already been considered to be the risk factor of BBTD, the main risk factor of BBTD is still unknown, especially BBTD in Indonesia. Purpose: This research was aimed to obtain data relating with bottle-feeding habit in 3-5 year old children in Indonesia and its caries risk. Method: The study was an observational research conducted with clinical examination through caries status (deft of each child deserved by pediatric dentists and through questionnaire distributed to parents to examine the risk factor of BBTD. Observation was conducted on 62 children in the range of age 3 to 5 years old with bottle-feeding habit. Result: The results revealed that status of caries was various. The data showed that the frequency of bottle feeding more than twice could trigger BBTD 2.27 times higher than other factors such as the use of bottle feeding as a pacifier prior sleeping, the period of bottle-feeding, and the breast-feeding experience. Conclusion: though milk as subtract can possibly become a factor triggering caries, the frequency of bottle-feeding is highly considered as main factor. Since it could modulated the bacterial colonization on dental surface, which affects its virulence.Latar belakang: Karies masih menjadi masalah utama di Indonesia. Dalam praktek sehari-hari prevalensi karies masih sangat tinggi (90.05%. Belum ada data yang memadai dalam penelaahan karies yang spesifik pada anak balita selama ini khususnya kasus sindroma karies botol (SKB sementara itu kasus SKB ditemukan sangat tinggi di beberapa klinik gigi anak (90% dari jumlah pasien yang datang ke klinik

  5. The role of Hsp0, CD-8 and IFN-γ in immunopathobiogenesis of periapical granuloma in dental caries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Risya Cilmiaty


    Full Text Available Background: The incidence of dental caries with periapical granulomas in Indonesia is quite high. However, the mechanism of the formation of periapical granulomas in dental caries caused by bacterial infection in immunopathobiogenesis cannot be explained completely. Thus, this explanation is necessary in order to be used as a basis for diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic measures. Purpose: This research was aimed to determine the role of Hsp60, CD-8 and IFN-γ in immunopatobiogenesis of periapical granuloma in dental caries. Methods: This research was an analytic observational study with cross sectional approach. Samples of this research were 36 teeth of patients with dental caries, consisting of 18 caries teeth with periapical granulomas and 18 caries teeth without periapical granulomas. The variables observed in this research were Hsp60, CD-8 and IFN-γ. Measurements were conducted by using immunohistochemical methods on periapical tissue. Results: The mean of Hsp60, CD-8 and IFN-γ in granuloma group was significantly higher than those in non granuloma group (p<0.05. The positive role of IFN-γ on the incidence of granulomas appeared to be more prominent. Conclusion: The study suggested that in immunopathobiogenesis of periapical granuloma in dental caries, Hsp60, CD-8 and IFN-γ played important roles, but the role of IFN-γ was found to be more prominent.Latar belakang: Angka kejadian gigi karies dengan granuloma periapikal di Indonesia cukup tinggi, Namun mekanisme terbentuknya granuloma periapikal pada gigi karies yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri secara imunopatobiogenesis belum dapat dijelaskan secara tuntas. Adanya penjelasan ini diperlukan agar dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengembangan diagnosis, langkah preventif dan terapinya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran Hsp60, CD-8 dan IFN-γ dalam immunopatobiogenesis dari granuloma periapikal karies gigi. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional

  6. Pulp nerve fibers distribution of human carious teeth: An immunohistochemical study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tetiana Haniastuti


    Full Text Available Background: Human dental pulp is richly innervated by trigeminal afferent axons that subserve nociceptive function. Accordingly, they respond to stimuli that induce injury to the pulp tissue. An injury to the nerve terminals and other tissue components in the pulp stimulate metabolic activation of the neurons in the trigeminal ganglion which result in morphological changes in the peripheral nerve terminals. Purpose: The aim of the study was to observe caries-related changes in the distribution of human pulpal nerve. Methods: Under informed consents, 15 third molars with caries at various stages of decay and 5 intact third molars were extracted because of orthodontic or therapeutic reasons. All samples were observed by micro-computed tomography to confirm the lesion condition 3-dimensionally, before decalcifying with 10% EDTA solution (pH 7.4. The specimens were then processed for immunohistochemistry using anti-protein gene products (PGP 9.5, a specific marker for the nerve fiber. Results: In normal intact teeth, PGP 9.5 immunoreactive nerve fibers were seen concentrated beneath the odontoblast cell layer. Nerve fibers exhibited an increased density along the pulp-dentin border corresponding to the carious lesions. Conclusion: Neural density increases throughout the pulp chamber with the progression of caries. The activity and pathogenicity of the lesion as well as caries depth, might influence the degree of neural sprouting.Latar belakang: Pulpa gigi manusia diinervasi oleh serabut saraf trigeminal yang berespon terhadap stimuli penyebab perlukaan dengan menimbulkan rasa sakit. Perlukaan pada akhiran saraf dan komponen lain dari pulpa akan menstimulasi aktivasi metabolik dari neuron pada ganglion trigeminal sehingga mengakibatkan perubahan morfologi pada akhiran saraf perifer. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati perubahan distribusi saraf pada pulpa gigi manusia yang disebabkan oleh proses karies. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan

  7. Helenduvad nobelistid / Alar Karis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karis, Alar, 1958-


    Nobeli keemiapreemia saanud Columbia ülikooli bioloogi Martin Chalfie, California ülikooli teadlase Roger Tsieni ja Jaapani päritolu Woods Hole'i merebioloogialaboratooriumi emeriitprofessori Osamu Shimomura meduusi-uuringutest

  8. Helenduvad nobelistid / Alar Karis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karis, Alar, 1958-


    Nobeli keemiapreemia saanud Columbia ülikooli bioloogi Martin Chalfie, California ülikooli teadlase Roger Tsieni ja Jaapani päritolu Woods Hole'i merebioloogialaboratooriumi emeriitprofessori Osamu Shimomura meduusi-uuringutest

  9. The relation between salivary sIgA level and caries incidence in Down syndrome children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosdiana Rosdiana


    Full Text Available Background: Down syndrome or Trisomy 21 is a genetic disorder caused by extra chromosome on chromosome 21. Down syndrome child, however, has good resistance against caries, and some of them even are caries-free. It is because the level of salivary sIgA in Down syndrome children is equal or even higher than that in normal children. Purpose: This review was aimed to review the relation between salivary sIgA level and caries incidence in Down syndrome children. Reviews: Down syndrome is a collection of symptoms caused by chromosomal abnormality that has a number of physical and mental disorders. Down syndrome children, nevertheless, have significantly lower incidence of caries than normal children. These conditions are thought to relate to characteristics of oral cavity and the level of salivary sIgA in Down syndrome children. Caries is a disease of dental hard tissues caused by the fermentation of sucrose into glucans by glucosyltransferase enzymes (GTF of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans. One of proteins in saliva that acts as a defense mechanism is imunoglubulin. Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA inhibits the activity of S. mutans as bacteria causing caries forming glucan. This immunoglobulin, sIgA, is the most abundant immunoglobulin in saliva. The level of salivary sIgA in Down syndrome children is significantly higher than that in normal children. Conclusion: Besides factors of tooth eruption delays, wide spaces among teeth, microdontia, pH, and high saliva contents (calcium, sodium, bicarbonate, the low incidence of caries in Down syndrome children is also related with the higher level of salivary sIgA in Down syndrome children than that in normal children.Latar belakang: Sindroma Down atau Trisomi 21 merupakan kelainan genetik yaitu adanya kromosom ekstra pada kromosom 21. Anak sindroma Down memiliki resistensi yang baik terhadap karies dan sebagian dari mereka bebas karies. Kadar sIgA saliva anak sindroma Down sama atau bahkan lebih tingi

  10. Televaatajani jõuab kodumaine arstide seriaal / Marii Karell

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karell, Marii, 1980-


    12. veebruaril tutvustab Helle Karis kavandatava portreefilmide sarja "Contra mortem" esimest filmi "Dr. Andres Ellamaa". Sarja eesti arstidest hakatakse alates aprillikuust näitama Eesti Televisioonis

  11. Avameelne lugu teisest Välis-Eestist / Rainer Vilumaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vilumaa, Rainer


    Rootsieestlase Kari Bie Erenurme isikunäitus "Karmavõlg" Hobusepea galeriis. Kunstnik jutustab avameelset pihtimuslugu fotograafia, audio-video, installatsiooni ja kollaazhi vahenditega. Autori lühibiograafia

  12. Juta Rabe lubab tuukrid uuesti Estoniale saata / Antti Oolo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oolo, Antti, 1967-


    Juta Rabe ja tema tööandja Saksa Filmikompanii Top Story plaanivad kevadel uut tuukriekspeditsiooni Estonia vrakile ning tahavad paluda ametliku uurimiskomisjoni liikme Kari Lehtola endale eksperdiks

  13. Civic engagement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Puuronen, Vesa; Saari, Kari; Neuvonen, Samuli


    Vesa Puuronen, Kari Saari, Samuli Neuvonen, Niko Eskelinen and Klaus Levinsen (2014). (Ch 6), in Mark Ellison and Gary Pollock: Deliverable 4.6: Measuring participation. Europe-wide thematic report....

  14. Tartu Pauluse kirik - made in Finland. Taastatud eksklusiivsemalt kui algupäraselt ehitatud / Egle Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamm, Egle, 1969-


    Eliel Saarinen kavandatud Tartu Pauluse kiriku renoveerimisest. 2006. aastal korraldatud konkursi võitsid soome arhitektid Merja Nieminen ja Kari Järvinen. Renoveerimisel kujunes keskseks Saarineni vaimu ja vormikeele tabamine

  15. Helsingis kerkib jääst kirik : Euroopa kultuuripealinn 2000 Helsingi võlub sauna ja maailmakultuuriga / Piret Tali

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tali, Piret, 1972-


    Helsingisse püstitatavatest lume- ja jääskulptuuridest, valgusinstallatsioonidest (Kide, Vahemere sosin). Arhitektid Kari Leppänen, Peter Ch. Butter, Dusan Janovich, Jyrki Sandell. Ürituste loetelu

  16. Perbandingan Jumlah Koloni Bakteri Saliva pada Anak-Anak Karies dan Non Karies Setelah Mengkonsumsi Minuman Berkarbonasi

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    Rendra Chriestedy Prasetya


    Full Text Available Dental caries and periodontal disease are well established and common in Indonesia, and both of these diseases are major concerns for the oral and dental health. The objective of this study was to compare the differences in children with and without caries in terms of colony bacteria in the saliva, and the changes before and after consumption of carbonated drink. The study was conducted on Al-Qodiri elementary school students who were 10-12 years old. Saliva was collected before and after consumption (for 2 min of a carbonated drink. T-test was used to analyze the results. The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference (p<0.05 between the caries and non-caries groups.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v15i1.86

  17. Hubungan PH, Hidrasi, Kapasitas Bufer Saliva, Jumlah Streptococcus Mutans dengan Keparahan Karies pada Anak Rampan Karies


    Subekti, Ani; Kristiani, Nany; Rimbyastuti, Hermin


    Rampan caries is the habit of bottle feeding at night, sweets preference and often meals sucking. Saliva is one of the factors that may influence the occurrence of caries. Some of the factors that cause caries saliva such as saliva pH, hydration, microorganisms of the oral cavity and salivary buffer capacity.The research objective was to determine the relationship of hydration, pH, buffer capacity salivary and growth Streptoccoccus mutans against caries severity or deft.A sample of 30 kinderg...

  18. Need sinihallid veised... : Marie Under ja Villem Ridala / Ruth Mirov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mirov, Ruth, 1928-


    Vaadeldakse kahte ühest ja samast muistendist - merest tõusnud lehmakarjast - inspireeritud ballaadi: Marie Underi "Merilehmi" (ilm. kogus "Õnnevarjutus", 1929) ja Villem Ridala "Sinist karja" (ilm. kogus "Sinine kari", 1930)

  19. LTV1 raidījuma „Aizliegtais paņēmiens” ētiskie aspekti


    Zeikate, Ieva


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir LTV1 Raidījuma „Aizliegtais paľēmiens” ētiskie aspekti. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt raidījuma saturu, noskaidrot, vai tajā tiek ievēroti ţurnālistikas ētikas principi un vērtības, noteikt raidījuma mērķus un izmantotos līdzekļus, kā arī to saskaľotību, veicot raidījuma izpēti aptuveni gada garumā. Teorija balstīta par televīziju, pētnieciskās ţurnālistikas teorētisko raksturojumu, ētiku un ţurnālistikas ētikas pamatprincipiem. Izvēlētās pētniecības metodes i...

  20. La Gran financiarización

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    Julio Castellanos Elías


    Full Text Available Reseña al libro de Polanyi Levitt, Kari "From The Great Transformation to the Great Financialization. On Karl Polanyi and Other Essays”, Fernwood Publishing, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2013, 286 pp.

  1. South African Journal of Education - Vol 25, No 4 (2005)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effects of transformational leadership on human resource management in primary schools · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Prakash Singh, Kari Lokotsch, 279-286 ...


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    Widijanto Sudhana


    Full Text Available Cigarette smoking has long been suspected to be associated with a variety of oral conditions including dental caries. However, the association between habitual smoking with the caries incidence have to be further elucidated. The caries epidemiological data were reported significantly higher among smokers compared to non-smokers. Further, a retrospective study on the relationship between habitual cigarette smoking and specific pattern of dental decay has been reported that a specific type of decay occurs in term of form, location, and pathology. Although there are still controversial data, in the respect of oral hygiene, plaque index reported greater in smokers, while smokers showed decreased levels of salivary IgA, buffer capacity, and pH when compared with non-smokers. It can be concluded, there are relationship between smoking and the caries incidence indicated by several epidemiological data. However, further biomedical and studies on the influence of smoking on the caries development are still needed.

  3. Odontoblast layer structure alteration as a response to carious lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tetiana Haniastuti


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is a bacterial disease affecting the hard tissue of the teeth as well as the pulp. The human dental pulp consists of odontoblast which are organized as a densely packed cell layer. Odontoblasts is located at the periphery of the pulp; therefore, they are the first cells encountered by cariogenic bacteria and their products that are represented in the carious lesion. Purpose: This study aimed to elucidate the effect of cariogenic bacteria to odontoblasts of human teeth. Methods: Five intact third molars and 15 third molars with occlusal caries at various stages of decay were extracted because of orthodontic or therapeutic reasons. The tooth specimens were fixed, decalcified with 10% EDTA solution (pH 7.4, and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections of 5 μm thickness were cut and stained with haematoxylin eosin and Gram’s, in addition to nestin immunohistochemistry. The specimens were then examined under light microscopy. Results: In normal teeth, odontoblast layer were aligned along the pulp chamber showing normal morphology of the cells. Slight disorganization of odontoblast layer was seen in the cases of carious lesions confined to enamel. In the cases of carious lesions confined to dentin, odontoblast layer was not observed in the areas subjacent to the lesions, only single cells showing flattened cell morphology were found. Odontoblasts beneath the lesion suffered severe damage and diminished nestin immunoreaction were observed in all cases of carious lesions with pulp exposure. Conclusion: Cariogenic bacteria invasion may damage the odontoblasts by affecting the morphology and vitality of the cells. The severity of the damage of the odontoblasts may increase as the bacterial invasion progresses toward the pulp.Latar belakang: Karies merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri, yang dapat memengaruhi jaringan keras gigi maupun pulpa. Pada pulpa gigi manusia terdapat sel odontoblas yang tersusun atas lapisan sel

  4. Manager- bändikarjääri disainija ja kokkusõlmija / Paul Cheeetham, Tapio Korjus, Petri H. Lunden ...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Cheetham, Paul


    Muusikamanageride Paul Cheethami, Tapio Korjuse, Petri H. Lundeni, Kari Pössi ja Rasmus Stolbergi arvamusi oma tööst ja nõuannetest eesti ansamblitele, kes tahavad oma karjääri teha rahvusvahelisel areenil

  5. Muusikalised maiuspalad raekojas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    26. juulil Pärnu raekojas toimuvast kontserdist "Grande Serenade", esitusel Johann Hummeli serenaadid (Grande Serenade), esinevad Arvo Leibur (viiul), Heiki Mätlik (kitarr), Madis Kari (klarnet), Aare Tammesalu (tšello) ja Tarmo Eespere (klaver)

  6. Soome tippdisain Washingtonis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Soome disaininäitusest "Sauma". Lähemalt disainer Klaus Aalto kummutist "Take Out", sisearhitekt Esa Vesmaneni köögilahendusest "Koe" ("Proovi"), sisearhitekt Samuli Naamanka leiutatud graafilisest betoonist, disainer Kari Sivoneni leiutatud portatiivsest päikesepatareist "Photon"

  7. Skolotāju apmierinātības ar darbu, stresa un pašefektivitātes sakarības skolotāju grupā


    Radziņš, Rolands


    No skolotāju apmierinātības ar darbu, stresa pārvarēšanas un pašefektivitātes ir atkarīga ne tikai viena konkrēta darbinieka, bet visas izglītības iestādes skolotāju un personāla labizjūta un pedagoģiskā darba efektivitāte kopumā. Pētījuma „Skolotāju apmierinātības ar darbu, stresa un pašefektivitātes sakarības skolotāju grupā” mērķis, saskaņā ar pasūtījumu, bija noskaidrot skolotāju apmierinātību ar darbu, darba stresa un pašefektivitātes sakarības un izstrādāt atbalsta pasākumus un rekomend...

  8. Tere taas, XIII sajand! / Kalle Käsper

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Käsper, Kalle, 1952-


    Helle Karise portreefilm alternatiivse meditsiini abil ravitsejast Aleksander Heintalust alias Vigala Sassist : operaatorid Ago Ruus, Peter Murdmaa ja Madis Mihkelsoo : monteerija Eero Karis : kostüümid Mare Raidmalt : kasutatud Veljo Tormise ballaadi "Raua needmine" : Myth Film 2002

  9. Väliseesti kadunud tütred on lõpuks koju jõudnud / Johannes Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Johannes, 1965-


    Rootsieesti kunstniku Kari Bie Erenurme korternäitus "Top Secret - the Lady is a Tramp" Tallinnas Väike-Karja 1-19/13 tutvustab tema ema elu paguluses. Eksponeeritud on märkmed, kirjad, fotod, esemed ja video "Kõrvarõngad"

  10. Effects of covering highland banana stumps with soil on banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) oviposition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Masanza, M.; Gold, C.S.; Huis, van A.; Ragama, P.E.


    The effect of covering post-harvest banana stumps with soil on banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) oviposition levels was investigated at three locations, Sendusu, Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) and Ntungamo district of southwestern Uganda. In the first experiment


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    Lendrawati Lendrawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakKaries merupakan masalah kesehatan gigi yang banyak diderita oleh anak-anak seluruh dunia terutama negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Kerusakan gigi pada anak-anak terjadi lebih cepat dibandingkan orang dewasa karena gigi yang baru erupsi masih dalam proses maturasi dan proses mineralisasi belum sempurna. Tubuli dentin anak anak yang masih lebar menyebabkan pembentukan jaringan sklerotik tidak sempurna dan buffer saliva masih kurang sehingga aktivitas proteolitik menjadi lebih banyak di dalam mulut. Fluor merupakan zat mineral yang digunakan sebagai bahan yang efektif mencegah terjadinya karies gigi dapat membuat lapisan email tahan terhadap kerusakan yang disebabkan pelarutan email oleh zat asam. Strategi pencegahan karies lebih efektif sejak diperkenalkannya silver diamina fluoride (SDF yang merupakan cairan tidak berwarna mengandung ion fluoride yang digunakan untuk memacu terjadinya proses remineralisasi hidoksiapatit mineral gigi. Penggunaan SDF ini merupakan metoda Arresting Caries Treatment (ACT. SDF menggabungkan efek penguatan gigi dari natrium fluoride (NaF dan efek nitrat perak.Konsentrasi efektif solusi SDF 38% (44.800 ion fluoride ppm digunakan untuk menghambat perkembangan karies pada gigi sulung anak-anak, terutama anak-anak yang sulit untuk dilakukan perawatan. SDF sederhana, mudah dalam mengaplikasikan dan biaya pemakaian lebih murah. SDF merupakan bahan yang tepat untuk digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan gigi masyarakat terutama pada anak-anak.Kata Kunci : karies gigi, silver diamine fluoride, Arresting Caries Treatment, topikalAbstractDental caries is a health problem that affects many children all over the world, especially in developing countries, including Indonesia. Tooth decay in children occurs more rapidly than adults because the new tooth eruption is still in the process of maturation and mineralization process is not perfect. Dentin tubules of children is still wide lead sclerotic tissue formation

  12. Relationship between salivary fluor concentration and caries index in 12–15 years old children

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    Vidyana Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is a bacterial infection leading to dissolution and localized damage of hard tissues. The assessment of caries risk is based on several caries indicators including clinical conditions (DMF-T index, environment (fluor, and general health. Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between salivary fluor concentration and caries index in children aging 12–15 years old at SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII Pangalengan. Methods: This study is an observational analytical study using crosssectional approach and is conducted in a field trial manner. The study sample consists of 80 students in the age of 12 to 15 years old at SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII selected through Probability Sampling manner using simple random sampling method. Results: The result of this study shows a DMF-T index of 4.32 and salivary fluor concentration mean of 0.018. Pearson Product Moment correlation test shows that there is a weak correlation between salivary fluor concentration and DMF-T index. Conclusion: It is concluded that the salivary fluor concentration has an insignificant correlation with the DMF-T index since the fluor concentration in saliva is very low.Latar belakang: Karies gigi adalah penyakit infeksi bakteri yang berakibat pada disolusi dan kerusakan terlokalisasi jaringan keras. Penilaian risiko karies berdasarkan atas beberapa indikator karies yaitu kondisi klinis (indeks DMF-T, lingkungan (fluor, dan kesehatan umum. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan konsentrasi fluor yang terdapat dalam saliva dengan indeks karies pada anak usia 12-15 tahun di SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII Pangalengan. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan di lapangan. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 80 orang siswasiswi usia 12–15 tahun di SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII Pangalengan yang dipilih secara Probability Sampling dengan metode simple random sampling. Hasil

  13. A combinatorial proof of Postnikov's identity and a generalized enumeration of labeled trees


    Seo, Seunghyun


    In this paper, we give a simple combinatorial explanation of a formula of A. Postnikov relating bicolored rooted trees to bicolored binary trees. We also present generalized formulas for the number of labeled k-ary trees, rooted labeled trees, and labeled plane trees.

  14. Papers in Language Learning and Language Acquisition. AFinLA Yearbook 1980. No. 28. (United States)

    Sajavaara, Kari, Ed.; And Others

    Papers include: (1) "Language Acquisitional Universals: L1, L2, Pidgins, and FLT" (Henning Wode); (2) "Language Acquisition, Language Learning and the School Curriculum" (Norman F. Davies); (3) "Language Teaching and Acquisition of Communication" (Kari Sajavaara, Jaakko Lehtonen); (4) "On the Distinction between…

  15. SMI Compatible Simulation Scheduler Design for Reuse of Model Complying with SMP Standard

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    Cheol-Hea Koo


    Full Text Available Software reusability is one of key factors which impacts cost and schedule on a software development project. It is very crucial also in satellite simulator development since there are many commercial simulator models related to satellite and dynamics. If these models can be used in another simulator platform, great deal of confidence and cost/schedule reduction would be achieved. Simulation model portability (SMP is maintained by European Space Agency and many models compatible with SMP/simulation model interface (SMI are available. Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI is developing hardware abstraction layer (HAL supported satellite simulator to verify on-board software of satellite. From above reasons, KARI wants to port these SMI compatible models to the HAL supported satellite simulator. To port these SMI compatible models to the HAL supported satellite simulator, simulation scheduler is preliminary designed according to the SMI standard.

  16. Productivité agricole et changements climatiques dans les régions ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Skills development program involving CALESA and KARI-IDRC Climate Change project scientists [Annex B]. Download PDF. Journal articles. Characterization of climate risks in dryland crop-livestock systems of Kenya. Download PDF. Journal articles. Assessing climate induced risks to rainfed crop production in arid and ...

  17. Tartu Jaani kiriku taastamisest / Kaur Alttoa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alttoa, Kaur, 1947-


    Arhitekt Udo Tiirmaa, ARC Projekt. Insenerid: Heino Uuetalu, Kari Avellan. Kunstiajaloolane Kaur Alttoa. Valguslahendus: Üllar Võrno. Teostus: AS Rand ja Tuulberg, OÜ Wunibald. Kirik pühitseti 29. VI 2005. a. Ill: 2 joonist: plaan, vaade, 2 fotot, 8 värv. fotot

  18. Tallinna Teletorn = Tallinn Television Tower

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rekonstrueeritud Tallinna Teletorn Kloostrimetsa tee 58a, valminud 2012. Eesti kultuurkapitali aastapreemia 2012. Arhitekt David Basiladze. Rekonstrueerimise projekti arhitektid Raivo Kotov, Andrus Kõresaar, Indrek Mikk, Margit Aule, Jaanus Männik, Lea Laidra, Karis Kahr (KOKO Arhitektid). Sisearhitektid Liis Lindvere, Raili Paling, Margit Argus (KOKO Arhitektid). Konstruktor Neoprojekt

  19. Koolijuhid kaalukeelteks / Jevgeni Karavajev, Matti Martinson ; interv. Peeter Ernits, Anneli Sihvart, Jüri Leesment

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karavajev, Jevgeni


    Tallinna linnapea Edgar Savisaare kukutamist kommenteerivad Keskerakonnast Res Publicasse üle läinud Kari gümnaasiumi direktor Jevgeni Karavajev ja Reformierakonna poolt Madagaskarilt koju toodud Rahumäe põhikooli direktor Matti Martinson, kelle hääled said umbusaldushääletusel otsustavateks

  20. Den kolde videnskab og den varme omsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højlund, Susanne


    This essay focusses on the cultural understanding of the nursing profession as a practice of contrasts. The criticism of dualism put forward by Gregory Bateson is presented and discussed in relation to the thinking of Kari Martinsen. Bateson's ideas about 'third position' and 'interface' are used...

  1. Piano - puust paviljon puupealinnas Lahtis / Agneta Land

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Land, Agneta


    Rahvusvahelisest preemiast Spirit of Nature, mis antakse üle Lahtis Sibeliustalos. Rootsi arhitekti Gert Wingõrdh'i projekteeritud Piano paviljonist Lahtis. Terrassmööbli valmistas puusepp Kari Virtanen, kohviku interjööri toolid ja lauad disainis Tapio Anttila. 7 fotot välis- ja sisevaadetega

  2. Kuni 24. XII on Y-galerii P- ja T-saalis vaadata näitus "Võõras mure"...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Näitusel "Võõras mure" on väljas EKA avatud akadeemia lõpetanud kunstnike Anniki Kari, Ellen-Reet Türi ja Ulvi Kuldkepi maalid. A- ja E-saalis avatud Lauri Pajose näitusel "Tonal" näeb suuremõõtmelisi sürreaalabstraktseid maale


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    Magdarina Destri Agtini


    Full Text Available Worldwide caries is still mainly problem in oral and dental diseases. In developing countries 30%-90% of 12-years old children do not get oral and dental treatment. In Indonesia, several programs have been implemented to improve oral and dental health status for all age groups. How over, a few reports/National dental health profile showed that mean DMF-T tend to increase, year 1970 DMF-T=0,70, 1980 DMF-T= 2,30, 1990 DMF-T=2,70, and National Health Research (Riskesdas 2007 DMFT=4,8. In National Health Research 2007, it was revealed 29,8% of active caries found in 12-years old children. If the active caries are not managed further complication will occure that may cause teeth extraction. An early teeth extraction can influence mastication and general health. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART is a preventive and restorative approach for managing carious lesions ofthe teeth. It constitutes of hand instruments only (no electric drills used for widening cavity openings and for excavating soft decayed tissue from within the cavity, followed by the application of an adhesive dental material, usually a high-viscosity glass-ionomer (GIC filling material, into the cavity and over the adjacent pits and fissures. ART-GIC consepts are minimally invasive, inhibit further progression ofdental caries., preventive, as well as curative. Effectiveness of ART-GIC can be determined by successrate of ART-GIC fillings (F and effect of ART-GIC on both Decayed (D and Performance Treatment Index (PTI. Several studies showed that success rate ART-GIC are varies, around 71%-85%. There is no significant difference of success rate ART-GIC between dentis and dental nurses. The highest rate of Fluor release occurred on the first day after ART-GIC filling. Further more ART-GIC also inhibit new caries, as well as inhibit increased DMF-T. The increasing of F, may influence improvement of PTI (PTI around 50%-52%. Additional can improve dental health services. It is suggested that implementation of ART-GIC is needed in outreach areas with limited facilities; in all primary schools,all health services, under-5 years children, geriatric groups (Panti Wreda. As an alternative way to conduct ART-GIC development through dental nurses. More over suggested, although it is a simple method, a careful implementation of ART-GIC are need to be concern. Thus sustainability of continuing ART-GIC education and training is needed. Key words: Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART, Glass lonomer Cement (GiC, Efektifitas ART dan GIC

  4. Enumerating submultisets of multisets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hage, J.


    In this paper we consider the problem of enumerating the submultisets of a multiset, in which each element has equal multiplicity. The crucial property is that consecutive submultisets in this listing differ one in the cardinality of only one of the elements. This is a generalization to k-ary

  5. chemotherapy at the uch, ibadan.

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    (Review) Neurologia, Neurochirurga Polska 1999;. 33(6): 1425—33. 2. Tarja Tertu Pelliniemi, Kerty Irjsla, Kri Mattila Kari Pulkki,. Allah Rajamaki et al. Immunoreactive Interkeukin-6 and Acute. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, December 2001, Vol. 4(2) phase proteins as prognostic factors in multiple myeloma. Blood.

  6. Conceptual Design of Simulation Models in an Early Development Phase of Lunar Spacecraft Simulator Using SMP2 Standard (United States)

    Lee, Hoon Hee; Koo, Cheol Hea; Moon, Sung Tae; Han, Sang Hyuck; Ju, Gwang Hyeok


    The conceptual study for Korean lunar orbiter/lander prototype has been performed in Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). Across diverse space programs around European countries, a variety of simulation application has been developed using SMP2 (Simulation Modelling Platform) standard related to portability and reuse of simulation models by various model users. KARI has not only first-hand experience of a development of SMP compatible simulation environment but also an ongoing study to apply the SMP2 development process of simulation model to a simulator development project for lunar missions. KARI has tried to extend the coverage of the development domain based on SMP2 standard across the whole simulation model life-cycle from software design to its validation through a lunar exploration project. Figure. 1 shows a snapshot from a visualization tool for the simulation of lunar lander motion. In reality, a demonstrator prototype on the right-hand side of image was made and tested in 2012. In an early phase of simulator development prior to a kick-off start in the near future, targeted hardware to be modelled has been investigated and indentified at the end of 2012. The architectural breakdown of the lunar simulator at system level was performed and the architecture with a hierarchical tree of models from the system to parts at lower level has been established. Finally, SMP Documents such as Catalogue, Assembly, Schedule and so on were converted using a XML(eXtensible Mark-up Language) converter. To obtain benefits of the suggested approaches and design mechanisms in SMP2 standard as far as possible, the object-oriented and component-based design concepts were strictly chosen throughout a whole model development process.

  7. Korea Earth Observation Satellite Program (United States)

    Baek, Myung-Jin; Kim, Zeen-Chul

    via Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) as the prime contractor in the area of Korea earth observation satellite program to enhance Korea's space program development capability. In this paper, Korea's on-going and future earth observation satellite programs are introduced: KOMPSAT- 1 (Korea Multi Purpose Satellite-1), KOMPSAT-2 and Communication, Broadcasting and Meteorological Satellite (CBMS) program. KOMPSAT-1 satellite successfully launched in December 1999 with Taurus launch vehicle. Since launch, KOMPSAT-1 is downlinking images of Korea Peninsular every day. Until now, KOMPSAT-1 has been operated more than 2 and half years without any major hardware malfunction for the mission operation. KOMPSAT-1 payload has 6.6m panchromatic spatial resolution at 685 km on-orbit and the spacecraft bus had NASA TOMS-EP (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer-Earth Probe) spacecraft bus heritage designed and built by TRW, U.S.A.KOMPSAT-1 program was international co-development program between KARI and TRW funded by Korean Government. be launched in 2004. Main mission objective is to provide geo-information products based on the multi-spectral high resolution sensor called Multi-Spectral Camera (MSC) which will provide 1m panchromatic and 4m multi-spectral high resolution images. ELOP of Israel is the prime contractor of the MSC payload system and KARI is the total system prime contractor including spacecraft bus development and ground segment. KARI also has the contract with Astrium of Europe for the purpose of technical consultation and hardware procurement. Based on the experience throughout KOMPSAT-1 and KOMPSAT-2 space system development, Korea is expecting to establish the infrastructure of developing satellite system. Currently, KOMPSAT-2 program is in the critical design stage. are scheduled to launch in 2008 and in 2014, respectively. The mission of CBMS consists of two areas. One is of space technology test for the communications mission, and the other is of a real

  8. Salapärane mustlashobune / Ingrid Randlaht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randlaht, Ingrid


    Ristandhobustest, ametliku nimega Irish cob (iiri cob), ingliskeelses maailmas valdavalt Gypsy Horse ehk mustlashobusena tuntud ning Mandri-Euroopas peremeeste järgi tinkeriteks kutsutavatest hobustest, samuti Iirimaa kuulsast Ballinasloe hobulaadast, kus müüakse tinkereid, ning Mätta turismitalust Lääne-Virumaal, kus on suurim tinkerite kari Eestis

  9. Agricultural Productivity and Climate Change in Arid and Semiarid ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    This project aims to strengthen the capacity of the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) to undertake climate change adaptation studies in the context of agricultural research. ... La gestion de l'eau dans les milieux urbains et ruraux, élément fondamental des villes qui savent s'adapter aux changements climatiques.

  10. Vliv kariérového přechodu na kariérní úspěch zaměstnance

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    Hana Klupáková


    Full Text Available Purpose of the article: The career has in the 21st century new direction. The classic career ladder has no more importance. This new career direction brings new perception of career success. So it has to be identified career success factors. Methods: It was conducted quantitative research; data were collected by questionnaires for employees who made a career transition in the last five years. The data were processed with MS Excel and Statistics. Data were purified, and characterized with descriptive statistics. To identify factors it was performed factor analysis using PCA with Varimax factors rotation. Relationships between variables were tested by analysis of variance and t-tests. Scientific aim is to prove the career transition effect on employees’ career success and characterize these effects of variable type of career transition. Findings: It was proved the detention between mobility type and type of career transition. Employees, who are transferred within a company, are changing job usually upward, while the transition between companies is mostly to jobs unrelated to last job position. Furthermore it was identified three factors of career success, one subjective and 2 objective. It was statistically confirm the influence of career transition type on subjective career success and impact of mobility type on the objective career success. Conclusions: Results indicate that the greatest satisfaction brings career transition up the career ladder, while transition into unrelated jobs (decisions under risk leads to dissatisfaction increase. We can say that employees who remain in company feel usually „happier“ and although they may feel relatively unhappy, cannot suffer the disappointment in expectations. Career transition affects career success in a predictable direction. So companies can prepare to provide certainty and stability in familiar situations, as they have to anchor employees in the company and work group if they come for unrelated job position or environment.

  11. Airspace Technology Demonstration 3 (ATD-3): Applied Traffic Flow Management Project Overview (United States)

    Gong, Chester


    ATD-3 Project Overview for 3rd Joint Workshop for KAIA-KARI - NASA ATM Research Collaboration. This presentation gives a high level description of the ATD-3 project and related technologies. These technologies include Multi-Flight Common Routes (MFCR), Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests (TASAR) and Dynamic Routes for Arrivals in Weather (DRAW).

  12. Subscriptions

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Subscriptions Contact. Rachel Rege Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, P O Box 57811, Nairobi, KENYA Email: East Africa Kssh 4000; Sterling 40; USA $62; including postage by surface mail. Postage by air mail can be arranged at cost on request. Payments to be made to the Editor, East African ...

  13. Prospective Evaluation of Mental Health and Deployment Experience Among Women in the US Military (United States)


    Beverly Sheppard, Katherine Snell, Steven Speigle, Kari Sausedo, Jennifer Walstrom, Martin White, James Whitmer, and Char- lene Wong; Madigan Army Medical...what physicians should know. J Gen Intern Med. 2006; 21(suppl 3):S5–S10. 13. Lindstrom KE, Smith TC, Wells TS, et al. The mental health of U.S

  14. Tudengite nappus seab kõrgkoolid raskustesse / Madis Filippov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Filippov, Madis


    Gümnasistide arvu vähenemine nõuab kõrgkoolide töö ümberhindamist. Arvamust avaldavad Tallinna Ülikooli rektor Rein Raud, Tartu Ülikooli rektor Alar Karis, Eesti Maaülikooli rektor Mait Klaassen, Euroülikooli rektor Jüri Martin, Estonian Business Schooli rektor Peeter Kross ja haridusminister Tõnis Lukas

  15. Korelasi Jumlah Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans dan Level Ekspresi Interlukin 8 (IL-8 pada Severe Early Childhood Caries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Luthfi


    Full Text Available Karies gigi pada anak usia dini merupakan masalah kesehatan yang sangat serius karena merupakan penyakit infeksi kronis yang menular. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir pandangan tentang neutrofil telah berubah secara dramatis. Neutrofil tidak hanya berperan sebagai pembunuh mikroba melalui proses fagositosis, pelepasan reactive oxigen species (ROS dan peptida antimikrobialnya tetapi neutrofil turut mengatur aktifasi respon imun. Interleukin-8 (IL-8 berfungsi sebagai aktivator kuat dan kemoatraktan neutrofil oleh karena itu IL-8 merupakan mediator kunci dalam migrasi neutrofil ke lokasi peradangan dan infeksi. Untuk menganalisis hubungan dari jumlah S. mutans dan ekspresi IL-8 neutrofil saliva pada anak usia dini bebas karies dan severe early childhood caries (S-ECC. Perlakuan dilakukan pada dua kelompok yaitu isolasi dan menghitung jumlah S. mutans pada sampel saliva dan sampel hasil kumur dengan NaCl 1,5% yang diisolasi neutrofilnya kemudian dianalisis ekspresi IL-8 menggunakan flow cytometry dari 20 anak bebas karies dan 20 anak severe early childhood caries. Hasil nilai rata-rata diketahui bahwa jumlah S. mutans anak usia dini bebas karies lebih rendah (513.500,00±185.565,28 CFU/ml dibandingkan dengan S-ECC (977.000,00±222.500,15 CFU/ml, sedangkan ekspresi IL-8 neutrofil saliva anak usia dini bebas karies lebih tinggi (3,31±0,50 dibandingkan dengan S-ECC (2,95+0,56. Penurunan ekspresi IL-8 neutrofil saliva kemungkinan sebagai penyebab meningkatnya jumlah S. mutans pada S-ECC. Correlation of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans Level and Interleukin 8 (IL-8 Expressions of Salivary Neutrophils in Severe Early Childhood Caries. Early childhood caries is a very serious health problem because it is a chronic infectious disease that is contagious. Dental caries begins after the primary teeth grow and develop on the tooth surface very quickly and progressively. In recent years the views of neutrophils have changed dramatically. Neutrophils

  16. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    27 janv. 2014 ... revenue normale. La patiente est mise sous traitement antibacillaire, pendant 9 mois, selon le protocole: rifampicine,isoniazide, pirazinamide et éthambutol pendant 2 mois, puis 7 mois de rifampicine et d'isoniazide. L'évolution après .... PubMed | Google Scholar. 2. Moutaouakil A, Kari B, Zadnass A. La ...

  17. Prescription Stimulants and the Development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among U.S. Service Members (United States)


    Medina-Torne, M.P.H.; Anna Nagel, M.P.H.; Roy Nesbitt, M.A.; Christopher Phillips, M.D., M.P.H.; Roy Nesbitt, M.A.; Toni Rush, M.P.H.; Kari Sausedo...RJ, Robbins BW, Caiola E, Joynt M, Halterman JS. Prescribing of controlled medications to adolescents and young adults in the United States

  18. From Test Takers to Test Makers (United States)

    Smith, Kari


    As a classroom teacher, Kari Smith realized that traditional objective tests don't always assess what students actually know. But tests are so deeply embedded in the education system that it would be difficult to do away with them entirely. Smith decided to make tests into learning tools. In this article, Smith describes three strategies for…

  19. Kariogram dan Peranannya dalam Meramalkan Kemungkinan Terjadinya Karies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Safrida Hoesin


    Full Text Available Cariogram is an instrument which was prepared to estimate caries occurrence among the 18 years old (Branthall et al. 1996. In the Cariogram, parameters of caries interation were consist of diet, susceptible tooth, bacteria and circumstances. However, some of the points in parameters such as colony count and topical fluoride or water fluoridation were not widely known in Indonesia. The aim of this report is to modify a Cariogram for the 12 year old children based on an epidemiological observation which subjects were selected in a randomized stratified sampling. The data were analysed in a multiple logistic regression technique. As a result of the study revealed that new parameters of a modified Cariogram model were slightly different from the original: however, it could be introduced as a model of caries reduction to support the national promotive and preventice program.

  20. Central Delta languages: An overview | Kari | Stellenbosch Papers ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents an overview of the phonology, morphology and syntax of Central Delta languages. It also provides information on the geo-linguistic, demographic and sociolinguistic situation of these languages. It notes that Central Delta languages have a 20-vowel system, which divides into two sets of 10 vowels ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Retno Indrawati Roestamadji


    Full Text Available Dental caries is a unique multifactorial infectious disease. In recent years, the prevalence of dental caries in most western countries has steadily declined. By contrast study done in some developing countries such as Zambia, Nigeria, Thailand and Indonesia showed a marked increase in dental caries. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans is the most important agent of human caries. Cariogenic feature of these bacteria include synthesis intracellular polysaccharide, extracellular polysaccharide, lactic acid production and ability to survive in low pH levels. Potentially, caries can be reduced by interfering with transmission of S . mutans, eliminating established S. mutanspopulations from the oral cavity, increasing the acid resistance of the teeth and control and control of the carbohydrate composition of the diet. Oral anti mutans vaccines have been demonstrated in the laboratory, the costs involved in the development for human are relatively high. Studies Strain replacement therapy is a great promise in implantation of benign oral microbial strain capable of successfully competing with S. mutans.

  2. Prevotella intermedia and Porphyromonas gingivalis in dental caries with periapical granuloma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Risya Cilmiaty


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries with necrotic pulp is a multifactorial disease that attacks enamel involving tooth pulp. The anaerobic bacteria infection in the pulp chamber could induce the formation of periapical granuloma. However, the presence of the most frequently anaerobic bacteria identified in apical periodontitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia, in periapical granuloma have not been confirmed. Purpose: The aims of study were to determine the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia in dental caries with necrotic pulp and to determine its relation to periapical granuloma. Methods: Thirty-six patients of dental caries with necrotic pulp in Dr. Moewardi General Hospital in Surakarta, Indonesia were involved and classified into two groups, the group of patients with periapical granuloma and the group of patients without periapical granuloma. The caries tooth was extracted, and the chronic periapical tissue was swabbed and cultured on blood agar medium in anaerobic condition. The bacterial DNA was extracted from the positive cultures and subjected for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR. Results: Periapical granuloma was more likely found in women (OR 5.5, 95% CI=1.277-23.693; RR 2.5, 95% CI= 1.025-6.100. Black colonies bacteria were associated with periapical granuloma (OR 2.2, 95% CI=0.517-9.594; RR 1.5, 95% CI=0.655-3.623. Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia were detected in group with or without periapical granuloma, however, only Prevotella intermedia was associated with periapical granuloma (OR 1.6, 95% CI=0.418-5.903; RR 1.3, 95% CI=0.653-2.393. Conclusion: The presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia in periapical granuloma were confirmed, however, only Prevotella intermedia were associated with periapical granuloma.Latar belakang: Karies gigi dengan pulpa nekrosis adalah penyakit multifaktorial yang menyerang enamel hingga ruang pulpa gigi. Infeksi bakteri anaerob

  3. Neli korda restoranis / Pekka Toivanen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toivanen, Pekka


    Kultuurirestoran "Hima ja Sali" (Talberginkatu 1 C 10), mille sisustuse ja kinnise mööbli on kujundanud Kari Lappalainen. Telekokk Jyrki Sukula restoran "Via" (Ludviginkatu 8-10), mille sisustuse on kujundanud Jani Koivula ja Mikael Mantila. Restoran "Mother" (Eerikinkatul) Stefan Lindforsi kujunduses ning Antti Rouhunkoski ja Sami Sorvali kaasajastatud kujunduses. Büroo Valvomo kujundatud "Wrong Nuudle Bar". 13 ill

  4. Vammaisten henkilöiden osallisuus ja sen monet tasot : "saa olla osallinen arjessa"


    Liinamaa, Piia


    TIIVISTELMÄ VAMMAISTEN HENKILÖIDEN OSALLISUUS JA SEN MONET TASOT “Saa olla osallinen arjessa” Piia Liinamaa Sosiaalityö Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos Pro gradu -tutkielma Jyväskylän yliopisto / Kokkolan yliopistokeskus Chydenius Ohjaaja: YTT Kari Ilmonen Syksy 2016 Sivumäärä: 87 sivua, 3 liitettä ____________________________________________________________________________ Tämä kvalitatiivinen pro gradu -tutkimus liittyy vammaisten henkilöiden o...

  5. Eesti Meremuuseumi hoone Lennusadamas = Estonian Maritime Museum in the Tallinn Seaplane Harbour

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Meremuuseumi rekonstrueeritud vesilennukite angaarid Tallinnas Vesilennuki 6, valminud 2012. Eesti kultuurkapitali aastapreemia 2012. Arhitektid Raivo Kotov, Andrus Kõresaar, Indrek Mikk, Margit Aule, Tõnis Savi, Lea Laidra, Karis Kahr, Jelena Altmäe, Jaanus Männik (KOKO Arhitektid). Sisearhitektid Margit Argus, Andrus Kõresaar, Olga Batuhtina (KOKO Arhitektid). Raudbetoonkonstruktsioonide renoveerimisprojekt Karl Õiger, Heiki Onton (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool). Uued konstruktsioonid Neoprojekt

  6. The NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program - Presentation to Korean Aerospace Research Institute (United States)

    LaBel, Kenneth A.; Sampson, Michael J.


    This presentation will provide basic information about NASA's Electronic Parts and Packaging Program (NEPP), for sharing with representatives of the South Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) as part of a larger presentation by Headquarters Office of Safety and Mission Assurance. The NEPP information includes mission and goals, history of the program, basic focus areas, strategies, deliverables and some examples of current tasks.

  7. Movement influences carambola leaflet chlorophyll fluorescence and temperature under sunny conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marler, T.E.; Lawton, P.D.


    Leaflets of 'Arkin', 'B-10', 'Kary', and 'Sri Kembangan' carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.) trees were restrained in a horizontal position for 3.5 h during midday under full sun conditions to determine the influence of overriding natural leaflet movement on adaxial chlorophyll fluorescence and temperature. Induced chlorophyll fluorescence obtained after 30 minutes of dark adaptation following the period of full sun exposure was affected by leaflet movement. Restrained leaflets exhibited a variable fluorescence (Fv)/peak fluorescence (Fm) of 0.48, while that of unrestrained leaflets was 0.65. Adaxial leaflet temperature of restrained leaflets was 6C higher than that of leaflets that were allowed to move. The influence of leaflet movement on temperature or chlorophyll fluorescence was not different among the four cultivars. However, mean Fv/Fm of 'Kary' and 'Sri Kembangan' was lower than that of 'B-10'. Our results indicate that the ability of carambola to change leaflet angle leads to lower temperature and higher photochemical efficiency than occurs when leaflets are not allowed to move naturally (vertically orient) under full sun conditions

  8. Kunst aitab klisheesid lõhkuda : prostitutsioon / Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varblane, Reet, 1952-


    Prostitutsiooniteemast kunstis, praeguste prostitutsiooni käsitlevate näituste ("Sex Work. Kunst. Mythos. Realität" Berliinis, Ann-Sofi Sideni projekt "Warte mal! Prostitutsion after the Velvet Revolution" jt.) rollist. Pikemalt näitusest "Kehaturg / Sex market" Tallinna Kunstihoones. Anu Juuraku, Foxy Haze'i, Teemu Mäki, Tatjana Antoshina, Kari Bie Erenurme, Sandra Jõgeva, Shula Kesheti, Deimantas Narkeviciuse ja Pal Hollenderi töödest

  9. Näitused / Mari Sobolev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sobolev, Mari, 1968-


    Rotermanni Soolaladu: "Cweesti" (maastikuarhitektuur- ruum mere ja maa piiril); Tarbekunstimuuseum: "Pro Arte" (soome nüüdisaegse käsitöö näitus); Linnagalerii Tallinnas: Eve Kask "29 1Ü2"; Sammas-galerii: Rene Kari maalid; Kunstihoone galerii: Anne Türn "Hundid" (keraamika); Tammsaare muuseum. Karl Manbergi maalid ja pisiplastika (1914 Tallinn - 1993 Sidney); Eesti Loodusmuuseum: Marielle Liiveti maalid ja kompositsioonid; Raatus-galerii. "Euroopa koolis".

  10. Musta Torstai : Summan tehtaan lopettaminen traumaattisen kriisin ja urakehityksen näkökulmasta


    Stenman, Kari


    TIIVISTELMÄ KYMENLAAKSON AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Palveluyrittäjyys STENMAN, KARI Musta Torstai, Summan tehtaan lopettaminen traumaattisen kriisin ja urakehityksen näkökulmasta Opinnäytetyö 49 sivua + 2 liitesivua Työn ohjaajat lehtori Sinikka Pekkalin, lehtori Ari Lindeman Kesäkuu 2010 Avainsanat selviytyminen, traumaattinen kriisi, ura-ankkurit Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida, miten Summan tehtaalta vuonna 2007 irtisanottu ihminen selviytyy koettuaan traum...

  11. The Atiri Concept for Scaling up Demand-Driven Technologies: The Experience from its Application by Dairy Goat Farmers in Embu

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiruiru, E.M.


    Agriculture production on smallholder farms of Kenya has continued to decline despite years of agriculture research by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI). Farmers to access agricultural technologies resulting from poor coverage mainly attributed this to a low ability by regular extension and use of inappropriate mechanisms for transferring proven technologies. The evolvement of the Agricultural Technology and Information Response Initiative (ATIRI) in KARI in 2002 was aimed at catalyzing delivery of Impact- oriented agricultural technologies to the beneficiaries at grass-root levels on a demand-driven basis. The basic hypothesis was that both the demand for technologies and their adoption would be enhanced. The Manyatta Dairy Goat-keeping Self-help Group (MDGSG) in Embu was among the initial community-based organization (CBO) facilitated within the framework of ATIRI concept to acquire various technologies aimed at improving dairy goat productivity. Following the demand for suitable forages, the scale of planting as well as skills and knowledge of forage utilization practices significantly increased after 1.5 years. In particular, fodder trees (Calliandra calothyrsus and Leucaena trichandra) and dual-purpose sweet potato recorded the highest expansion of 500 and 1300% respectively. The mean daily milk yield per head recorded in 1996 was 0.8 compared to 2.5 lt. by 2002. The relative number of goats per household in 2002 (5.7 heads) was also significantly higher than the one recorded in 1996 (1.5 heads). These changes were generally attributed to improve feeding especially from the period 2000 when the ATIRI activities started resulting in faster growth rate and improved reproductive efficiency. The major indication to adoption of technologies is the opportunity it created for farmers to increase cash income from either sale of animals or manure. The approach to involve farmers has shown tremendous potential for scaling up technology transfer since over

  12. Attitudes towards English in Ghana Kari Dako Millicent Akosua ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    always put the local languages at a disadvantage for it is only through the official ... Primary Four it is, or is supposed to be, the language of instruction in all subjects, ... persistent features of usage should be accepted as local variety markers or ...

  13. Föräldrars kunskaper om kost och karies


    Hamiti, Edona; Weinås, Ingrid


    The purpose of this study was to investigate parents' knowledge about diet and dental caries. The survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire consisting of 19 questions regarding knowledge of diet and caries, and preventive measures. The questionnaires were distributed to parents who were visiting a dental hygienist or prophylaxis nurse with their children aged 0-3 years. A total of 88 completed surveys were collected. The study showed that the majority of the parents had knowledge ...

  14. Google Forms aitab treeningpäevikut luua / Karis Niisuke

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niisuke, Karis


    1.09.2015 riigigümnaasiumina alustanud Jõhvi Gümnaasium seadis õpetajad uude olukorda, tuli leida toimivad lahendused muutunud õppekorraldusega toimetulekuks. Nii sündis veebipõhise treeningpäeviku lahendus Google Forms näol

  15. Špecifiká kariérneho rozvoja žien


    Oleárová, Petra


    Main goal of diploma thesis is to show what motivates women in their career, where they see the barriers. It also gives a look at the specific organizations, institutions and documents which focus on equal opportunities.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ratna Meidyawati


    Full Text Available Therapy of radiation is chosen therapy for oral cancer especially Carcininoma Nasopharynx, however, often caused changes in normal tissue in the oral cavity. Based on the anamneses of the patient, they have dry mouth since the disturbance of the function of parotid salivary gland has causing the saliva amount become lower. This condition can encourage the caries process. From all of the five cases occurred after the radiation between one month until six years the time, extended damage is seen, demineralization with a small cavity, and discoloring teeth color into brown.

  17. Välipääomarahoitusinstrumentit : Yhtiöoikeudellinen tutkimus vieraan pääoman ehtoisen välipääomarahoittajan asemasta osakeyhtiössä.


    Lautjärvi, Kari


    Kari Lautjärvi MEZZANINE FINANCE INSTRUMENTS - A COMPANY LAW STUDY ON THE DEBT BASED MEZZANINE INSTRUMENT HOLDER´S LEGAL POSITION IN A FINNISH COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES 1. Object and methods of the dissertation This doctoral dissertation provides a comprehensive discussion on various equity and debt financing instruments that Finnish limited liability companies (limited by shares) generally use. The main focus of the dissertation is examining mezzanine debt instruments incorpor...

  18. Kilde soome proosa kuldajast / Ann-Christine Snickars ; rootsikeelsest käsikirjast tõlkinud Anu Saluäär

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Snickars, Ann-Christine


    Soome proosast, mehe ja naise rollist kirjanduses, ajaloo mõjust soome proosale. Näiteid soome prosaistidest Kari Hotakaisest, Frederik Långist, Kjell Westöst, Pirkko Saisiolist, Asko Sahlbergist, Pirjo Hassisest, Monika Fagerholmist, Anja Snellmanist, Leena Landerist, Anna-Leena Härkösest, Mari Möröst, Heidi Köngäsest, Riitta Jalosest, Kreetta Onkelist, Sofi Oksasest, Henrikka Ringbomist, Sanna Tahvasest, Malin Kivelöst, Lars Sundist, Susanne Ringellist ja Petri Tammisest

  19. Complementary and alternative exercise for fibromyalgia: a meta-analysis


    Mist, Scott; Firestone,Kari; Jones,Kim Dupree


    Scott David Mist, Kari Firestone, Kim Dupree Jones Fibromyalgia Research and Treatment Group, School of Nursing, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR, USA Abstract: Complementary and alternative medicine includes a number of exercise modalities, such as tai chi, qigong, yoga, and a variety of lesser-known movement therapies. A meta-analysis of the current literature was conducted estimating the effect size of the different modalities, study quality and bias, and adverse events....

  20. The reablement team`s voice:a qualitative study of how an integrated multidisciplinary team experiences participation in reablement


    Hjelle, Kari Margrete; Skutle, Olbjørg; Førland, Oddvar; Alvsvåg, Herdis


    Kari Margrete Hjelle,1,2 Olbjørg Skutle,2,3 Oddvar Førland,2,4 Herdis Alvsvåg4 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Radiography, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway; 2Centre for Care Research Western Norway, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway; 3Department of Health and Social Educators, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway; 4VID Specialized Universi...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lutfi Salisa Setiawati


    Full Text Available Generally, expert system only show types of disease after user choose symptoms. In the study is done the addition of disease severity level. The method applied in the calculation of the severity is a method of Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (Method of Sugeno. This study attempts to know whether method Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang can work for expert system in giving the diagnosis diseases of the teeth. The result of this research or severity for diseases of pulpitis reversible 38,53%, pulpitis irreversible 59,64%, periodontitis 69,62%, acute periodontitis 51,43%, gingivitis 45.5%, acute pericoronitis 53,93%, sub acute pericoronitis 52,14%, chronic pericoronitis 46,05%, caries dentist an early stage 37,61%, caries dentist toward an advanced stage 43,89%, caries dentist an advanced stage 51,76%, gangrene pulpa 42,5%, polyps pulpa 56,43%, and periostitis 58,55%. A conclusion that was obtained from the study that is a method of Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang could be applied to expert system of the teeth. Key Word: Teeth , Expert System , Expert System Teeth , Fuzzy Logic , Fuzzy Inference System , Takagi-Sugeno-Kang , Fuzzy Sugeno Pada umumnya, istem pakar hanya menampilkan jenis penyakit setelah user memilih gejala-gejala. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan tingkat keparahan penyakit. Metode yang diterapkan dalam perhitungan tingkat keparahan ini yaitu Metode Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (Metode Sugeno. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah metode Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang dapat diterapkan pada sistem pakar dalam memberikan diagnosa penyakit gigi. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan tingkat keparahan untuk penyakit Pulpitis Reversibel 38,53%, Pulpitis Irreversibel 59,64%, Periodontitis 69,62%, Periodontitis Akut 51,43%, Gingivitis 45,5%, Perikoronitis Akut 53,93%, Perikoronitis Sub Akut 52,14%, Perikoronitis Kronis 46,05%, Karies Denties Tahap Awal 37,61%, Karies

  2. Raskauden vaikutukset suun terveyteen : Oppimateriaali raskaana olevien suun terveydestä Oulun Ammattikorkeakoulun kätilöopiskelijoille


    Lesonen, Jemina; Pääkkönen, Pauliina


    Raskaus vaikuttaa suuhun usealla tavalla esimerkiksi estrogeenin ja progesteronin pitoisuuksien muutosten vuoksi. Raskausaikana sylki happamoituu ja sen puskurointikyky heikkenee, suu voi tuntua kuivalta ja mikrobien määrä suussa kasvaa. Esimerkiksi nämä tekijät yhdessä mahdollisen napostelun ja raskauspahoinvoinnin kanssa vaikuttavat raskaana olevan karies- ja eroosioriskiin. Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa selkeä ja asiantuntijatietoon perustuva sähköinen o...

  3. Do Prostate Cancer Exosomes Generate a Field Effect Leading to Tumor Multifocality (United States)


    Undergraduate Research program (to K. Gabriel and E. Frisch), and a generous gift from Melinda and Edward Subia of Orange County CA. Abstract Field effect or...kind gift of Dr. W. Xiao, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China. pLKO.1 control and pLKO.1/EGR-1 shRNA plasmids were from...Pathology and Hospital: Trisha Fleet for procuring prostate tissues through patient consent; Myra Zucker, Cathy Martinez, and Kari Rigg for skillfully

  4. A recursive algorithm for trees and forests


    Guo, Song; Guo, Victor J. W.


    Trees or rooted trees have been generously studied in the literature. A forest is a set of trees or rooted trees. Here we give recurrence relations between the number of some kind of rooted forest with $k$ roots and that with $k+1$ roots on $\\{1,2,\\ldots,n\\}$. Classical formulas for counting various trees such as rooted trees, bipartite trees, tripartite trees, plane trees, $k$-ary plane trees, $k$-edge colored trees follow immediately from our recursive relations.

  5. RanGTP-mediated nuclear export of karyopherin α involves its interaction with the nucleoporin Nup153


    Moroianu, Junona; Blobel, Günter; Radu, Aurelian


    Using binding assays, we discovered an interaction between karyopherin α2 and the nucleoporin Nup153 and mapped their interacting domains. We also isolated a 15-kDa tryptic fragment of karyopherin β1, termed β1*, that contains a determinant for binding to the peptide repeat containing nucleoporin Nup98. In an in vitro assay in which export of endogenous nuclear karyopherin α from nuclei of digitonin-permeabilized cells was quantitatively monitored by indirect immunofluorescence with anti-kary...

  6. The absolute calibration of KOMPSAT-3 and 3A high spatial resolution satellites using radiometric tarps and MFRSR measurments (United States)

    Yeom, J. M.


    Recently developed Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-3A (KOMPSAT-3A), which is a continuation of the KOMPSAT-1, 2 and 3 earth observation satellite (EOS) programs from the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) was launched on March, 25 2015 on a Dnepr-1 launch vehicle from the Jasny Dombarovsky site in Russia. After launched, KARI performed in-orbit-test (IOT) including radiometric calibration for 6 months from 14 Apr. to 4 Sep. 2015. KOMPSAT-3A is equipped with two distinctive sensors; one is a high resolution multispectral optical sensor, namely the Advances Earth Image Sensor System-A (AEISS-A) and the other is the Scanner Infrared Imaging System (SIIS). In this study, we focused on the radiometric calibration of AEISS-A. The multispectral wavelengths of AEISS-A are covering three visible regions: blue (450 - 520 nm), green (520 - 600 nm), red (630 - 690 nm), one near infrared (760 - 900 nm) with a 2.0 m spatial resolution at nadir, whereas the panchromatic imagery (450 - 900 nm) has a 0.5 m resolution. Those are the same spectral response functions were same with KOMPSAT-3 multispectral and panchromatic bands but the spatial resolutions are improved. The main mission of KOMPSAT-3A is to develop for Geographical Information System (GIS) applications in environmental, agriculture, and oceanographic sciences, as well as natural hazard monitoring.

  7. Relationships between mineralization and silicic volcanism in the central Andes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Francis, P.W.; Halls, C.; Baker, M.C.W.


    Studies of late Tertiary silicic volcanic centers in the Western and Eastern Cordilleras of the Central Andes show that three volcanic environments are appropriate sites for mineralization: (1) ring-fracture extrusions post-dating large calderas; (2) similar extrusions within ignimbrite shields; and (3) isolated, small silicic volcanoes. Subvolcanic tin mineralization in the Eastern Cordillera is located in silicic stocks and associated breccias of Miocene age. The Cerro Rico stock, Potosi, Bolivia, contains tin and silver mineralization and has an intrusion age apparently millions of years younger than that of the associated Kari Kari caldera. Similar age relationships between mineralization and caldera formation have been described from the San Juan province, Colorado. The vein deposits of Chocaya, southern Bolivia, were emplaced in the lower part of an ignimbrite shield, a type of volcanic edifice as yet unrecognized in comparable areas of silicic volcanism. The El Salvador porphyry copper deposit, Chile, is related to silicic stocks which may have been intruded along a caldera ring fracture. Existing models for the genesis of porphyry copper deposits suggest that they formed in granodioritic stocks located in the infrastructure of andesitic stratovolcanoes. The dome of La Soufriere, Guadeloupe is proposed as a modern analog for the surface expression of subvolcanic mineralization processes, the phreatic eruptions there suggesting the formation of hydrothermal breccia bodies in depth.

  8. International Project Management Committee: Overview and Activities (United States)

    Hoffman, Edward


    This slide presentation discusses the purpose and composition of the International Project Management Committee (IMPC). The IMPC was established by members of 15 space agencies, companies and professional organizations. The goal of the committee is to establish a means to share experiences and best practices with space project/program management practitioners at the global level. The space agencies that are involved are: AEB, DLR, ESA, ISRO, JAXA, KARI, and NASA. The industrial and professional organizational members are Comau, COSPAR, PMI, and Thales Alenia Space.

  9. Suuhygienistin käyttämät fluorilakat ja niiden vaikutus suun terveyteen


    Korpiaho, Teija


    Karies on maailman yleisimpiä infektiotauteja ja aina kun se on mahdollista, kariesvaurioiden eteneminen tulee pysäyttää. Fluorin saanti on ensiarvoisen tärkeää karieksen ehkäisyssä, estetään sairauden syntyminen. Suun omahoidolla on keskeinen merkitys karieksen hallinnassa. Suun omahoitoon kuuluu pesu 2 kertaa vuorokaudessa fluorihammastahnaa käyttäen, mutta myös säännölliset suun terveystarkastukset. Suunhoidon ammattilaiset arvioivat kotihoidon riittävyyden ja vaikutukset, näkevät alk...

  10. Maskinunderhållets utveckling från forntiden till framtiden


    Sundius, Erik


    Mitt examensarbete består av två delar, en teoretisk och en praktisk del. Den praktiska delen gjordes i Axxells metallverkstad i Karis. Metallverkstaden erbjuder yrkesutbildning för både ungdomar och vuxna. Arbetet inleddes den 23 februari 2012 och tog ungefär ett år i anspråk. Syftet med arbetet var, enligt uppdragsavtalet, att "förbättra arbetssäkerheten och kvaliteten på undervisningen genom dokumenterade rutiner för service och underhåll" och arbetsrubriken var "Servicehandbok för Axxell ...

  11. Meie kobar PÖFFi peamises põõsas / Tarmo Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Tarmo, 1958-


    Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivalist, Eesti filmide võistlusprogrammist, mille auhinna rahastajaks on Scottish Leader Eesti. Konkurssprogrammis on 12 täispikka filmi: "Sügisball" (rezh. Veiko Õunpuu), "Nuga" (rezh. Marko Raat), "Dirigendi kõla" (rezh. Helle Karis, Peter Murdmaa), "Vastutuulesaal" (rezh. Priit Valkna), "Klass" (rezh. Ilmar Raag), "Kuhu põgenevad hinged" (rezh. Rainer Sarnet), "Tervitusi Nõukogude Eestist!" (rezh. Urmas Eero Liiv), "Jonathan Austraaliast" (rezh. Sulev Keedus), "Georg" (rezh. Peeter Simm), "Debora Vaarandi aeg" (rezh. Katrin Laur), "Jan Uuspõld läheb Tartusse" (rezh. Andres Maimik, Rain Tolk), "Põdra kuningriik" (rezh. Rein Maran)


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    Jean Yves Calvez


    Full Text Available Jean Yves Calvez, um dos maiores especialistas contemporâneos do pensamento de Marx, autor, dentre outros numerosos livros e artigos, da obra clássica "La Pensée de KarI Marx", traduzida em todos os principais idiomas (trad. port. de Agostinho Velloso S.J., ed. Livraria Tavares Martins, 2 vols., analisa o problema que, sob variantes diversas se renova constantemente na Igreja, nos últimos decênios, a saber, o dos cristãos que intentam adoptar o marxismo "com distingos", isto é, adoptar parte do mesmo,dissociada do todo.

  13. I skuggan av mitt forna jag : Unga kvinnors upplevelser av våldsutsatthet


    Hellgren, Åsa; Nordström, Alexandra


    Bakgrund: Våld i parrelationer hos ungdomar har ökat de senaste åren och blivit ett stort problem. Våldet kan leda till att de utsatta unga kvinnorna kan få både fysiska och psykiska hälsoproblem som påverkar deras framtid. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Som teoretisk referensram används Kari Martinsens teori om omsorg, inkluderande Martinsens begrepp om det förnimmande och det registrerade ögat, samt begreppen skuld och skam. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva de unga kv...


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    Rinati Adrin


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the difference of oral hygiene and teeth caries in children with asthma bronchiale, age 3-6 years with several levels of frequency of asthma attack. Fifty children with asthma bronchiale were chosen from Pulmonology Clinic University of Indonesia RSCM. This study used Green and Vermilion to assess the oral hygiene and def-t index for measured caries. The frequency of asthma attack was amount of attack of children using drugs per year. The sample was divided into 3 groups. The first group consists of children with asthma 2-6 attacks per year. Second group with 7-12 attacks per year, and the third group more than 12 times per year. One way ANOVA test showed that the oral hygiene and def-t had significant differences between the three groups (p>0.001. Tukey test showed that oral hygiene had significant differences between the group I-II, I-III, II-III respectively (p>0.001. There was a strong correlation between oral hygiene and frequency of asthma attack (r=0.68, def-t and frequency of asthma attacks (r-0.75, and oral hygiene and caries (r-0.85.

  15. Russian oil exports : the Baltic Sea remains important route / Kari Liuhto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liuhto, Kari


    Kui Venemaa jätkab naftatranspordi suurendamist Läänemere sadamate kaudu, siis paneb see EL-i ja Venemaa suhted tõsiselt proovile, leiab autor ning et keskkonnale kõige ohutum viis naftat Venemaalt läände eksportida oleks läbi Murmanski sadama Põhja-Jäämeres. Tabel: Venemaa toornafta eksport 2002. aastal.

  16. Vanhan Suomen arkistot : arkiven från Gamla Finland / Kari Takiainen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tarkiainen, Kari, 1938-


    Arvustus: Vanhan Suomen arkistot: arkiven från Gamla Finland, toimittaneet Eljas Orman, Jyrki Paaskoski, Arkistolaitoksen yleiluettelo VI, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden seuran toimituksia, 1385 (Porvoo 2012), 400 lk.

  17. Rootsi tülikas provints 17. sajandi lõpul / Kari Tarkiainen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tarkiainen, Kari, 1938-


    Arvustus: Kasper Kepsu. Den besvärliga provinsen. Reduktion, skattearrending och bondeoroligheter i det svenska Ingermanland under slutet av 1600-talet. Helsingfors, 2014. Ingerimaa erinevusest Eestimaast ja Liivimaast


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    Fx. Sintawati


    Full Text Available Abstak:Latar Belakang: Provinsi Bangka Belitung merupakan wilayah dengan tingkat kerusakan gigi penduduknya tertinggi di Indonesia. Pada Riskesdas 2007 dilaporkan di Provinsi Bangka Belitung, penduduk usia 12 tahun ke atas pernah mengalami karies sebesar 86,8 % dan yang mengalami karies aktif yang belum memperoleh perawatan sebesar 50,8%. Dari penelitian terdahulu di Provinsi Bangka Belitung diketahui bahwa rata-rata 5 gigi per-orang pernah mengalami kerusakan meliputi 3,6 gigi dicabut, 0,35 gigi dibiarkan karies tanpa perawatan dan hanya 0,05 yang ditumpat.  Ini mengambarkan situasi layanan kesehatan gigi di Provinsi Bangka Belitung yang didominasi oleh pelayanan pencabutan gigi.  Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui status kesehatan gigi dan pola berobat gigi di Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan rancangan cross sectional (potong lintang, adapun  jumlah responden penelitian  adalah 1152 orang. Hasil: Status kesehatan gigi terendah (indeks DMF-T tertinggi  pada  golongan usia > 60 tahun dimana pada perempuan lebih tinggi daripada laki-laki. Upaya untuk mengatasi  sakit  gigi atau kelainan gigi yang paling banyak  adalah dengan pencabutan gigi (77,6%, pemberian obat untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit (77,3%, konseling atau penyuluhan (34,8%, dan penambalan gigi (33,1%. Kesimpulan: Status kesehatan gigi di Provinsi Bangka Belitung sangat rendah, dengan indeks DMF-T yang sangat tinggi dijumpai pada golongan umur > 60 tahun, diikuti golongan umur  35-44 tahun. Upaya pengobatan yang dilakukan  lebih banyak pencabutan gigi, ini berarti upaya perawatan/pengobatan yang dilakukan masyarakat sudah sangat terlambat. Saran: Perlu peningkatan kemampuan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan juga akses ke tempat pelayanan kesehatan gigi  karena ini berhubungan erat dengan kejadian karies gigiABSTRACT Background: Bangka Belitung Province is the region with the highest population rate of tooth decay in

  19. Bayesian inference – a way to combine statistical data and semantic analysis meaningfully

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    Eila Lindfors


    Full Text Available This article focuses on presenting the possibilities of Bayesian modelling (Finite Mixture Modelling in the semantic analysis of statistically modelled data. The probability of a hypothesis in relation to the data available is an important question in inductive reasoning. Bayesian modelling allows the researcher to use many models at a time and provides tools to evaluate the goodness of different models. The researcher should always be aware that there is no such thing as the exact probability of an exact event. This is the reason for using probabilistic models. Each model presents a different perspective on the phenomenon in focus, and the researcher has to choose the most probable model with a view to previous research and the knowledge available.The idea of Bayesian modelling is illustrated here by presenting two different sets of data, one from craft science research (n=167 and the other (n=63 from educational research (Lindfors, 2007, 2002. The principles of how to build models and how to combine different profiles are described in the light of the research mentioned.Bayesian modelling is an analysis based on calculating probabilities in relation to a specific set of quantitative data. It is a tool for handling data and interpreting it semantically. The reliability of the analysis arises from an argumentation of which model can be selected from the model space as the basis for an interpretation, and on which arguments.Keywords: method, sloyd, Bayesian modelling, student teachersURN:NBN:no-29959

  20. Kas teie arvates tuleks Ülejõe pargid Emajõe vasakkaldal taashoonestada? / intervjueerinud Ivi Drikkit ja Jüri Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vastasid: Mati Tolmoff, Veljo Ipits, Toomas Savi, Verni Loodmaa, Väino Kull, Toomas Kapp, Triin Anette Kaasik, Kristjan Karis, Hele Everaus, Margot Fjuk, Janika Mölder, Hannes Astok, Jaak Adamsoo, Martin Parmas, Toivo Kabanen, Oleg Nesterenko, Tõnu Ints, Piret Uluots, Peep Peterson, Marju Lauristin, Jarno Laur, Arno Arukask, Ülo Veldre, Toomas Jürgenstein, Veera Sirg, Maie Pastik, Elmut Paavel, Avo Rosenvald, Toivo Maimets, Peeter Tulviste, Joel Luhamets, Jüri Kõre, Ants Kask, Enn Tarto, Tarmo Punger, Merle Jääger, Vladimir Šokman, Boris Habramov, Jevgenia Lindevaldt, Harri Jallajas, Natalja Trošina, Olev Raju, Nikolai Põdramägi

  1. Reviews of recent publications

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    various authors


    Full Text Available Elisabeth Bronfen. Over Her Dead Body: Death, Feminity and the Aesthetic by Lisa Maruca Jacques Dupin: Selected Poems . (Translated by Paul Auster, Stephen Romer, and David Shipiro. by Maryann De Julio Carolyn A. Durham. The Contexture of Feminism: Marie Cardinal and Multicultural Literacy by Yolanda Astarita Patterson Mike Gonzalez and David Treece. The Gathering of Voices: The Twentieth-Century Poetry of Latin America by Steven F. White Emily D. Hicks. Border Writing: The Multidimensional Text by Roselyn Constantino Robin Régine. Socialist Realism: An Impossible Aesthetic by Peter Hitchcock Kari Weil. Androgyny and the Denial of Difference by Brigitte Roussel

  2. Riskien hallinta, vahinkokäynnistyksen esto


    Ruotsalainen, Jarmo


    Tiivistelmä Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tehdä proseduurit vahinkokäynnistysten estämiseksi Jeld-Wen Oy:n Kuopion ovitehtaan kaikille koneille. Yrityksellä ei ollut ennestään toimivia proseduureja. Lisäksi tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tehdä korjaus- ja huoltotyöt turvalliseksi vahinkokäynnistysten osalta ja estää niistä johtuvat onnettomuudet. Työ on aloitettu alusta ja sitä tehtiin yhdessä projektijohtaja Kari Kuosmasen kanssa. Hänen vastuualueena oli vastata kysymyksiin...

  3. Pengaruh Pengunyahan Permen Karet dengan Pemanis Xylitol terhadap Penurunan Risiko Karies Gigi

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    Wahyu Sulistiadi


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to assess the relation between the use of xylitol chewing gum and risk of dental caries. The sample was taken from a population of 800 (120 samples. Standard equipment was used in observing the dental plaque, salivary flow rate and pH of the saliva from patients using xylitol chewing gum or non xylitol chewing gum. The results were analyzed using the t-test (one tailed with 95% confidence intervals (α ≤ 0.05. The results show a significant effect of chewed xylitol gum with increased pH in saliva, increased salivary flow rate (SFR, and decreased plaque score.


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    Okti Nadia Poetri


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to explore IgY anti Streptococcus mutan production and the ability of Igy Streptococcus mutans blocking adhesion process. The eggs was collected from Single Comb Brown Leghorn which have been immunized by S. mutan. Agar gel precipitation test was done to detect IgY anti S. mutans in serum and egg. Egg which Countain IgY anti S. mutans was collected. IgY anti S. mutans extracted from egg yolk by mean s PEG-Amonium sulfat and purified using fast protein liquid chromatography. The purity of Igy anti S. mutans was determined by UV spectropometer. Biological activities of Igy anti S. mutans to inhibit adhession process was learned by anti adhesion test. We use two dose of IgY, which is 100 ug and 500 ug. Igy anti S. mutans formen in serum five weeks after the first immunization while it formed in egg nine weeks after the first immunization. Igy anti S. mutanss still present in serum andegg until twelve weeks from the first immunization. Igy anti S. mutanss could decrease the amount of bacteria which attach the epithelial cell surface. The amount of sticky bacteria on epithelial cell (without IgY are 40 cell bacteria/epithelial cell. After blocked by IgY anti S. mutanss the amount of bacteria turn into 30 cell bacteria/epithelial cell (for dose of 100 ug IgY and 28 cell bacteria/epitheelial cell (for dose of 500 ug IgY. This research concluded that hens were capable producing IgY anti S. mutanss in egg yolk and it can be used to solve dental caries problem which caused by S. mutanss.


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    Laksmi Dwiati


    Full Text Available In dental health community programmes there are several kind of efficiency application patron such as dental health programme worthy to do, like comparing various alternatives procedures in a dental health programmes. Cost effectiveness analysis (CEA is becoming increasingly popular as society moved toward rationalizing dental health cost to optimized programmes. CEA compares the cost of procedure with its effectiveness thus helping an adiminstrator to judge whether the procedure is worth itrs cost. CEA also permit comparison of various interventions that result in a similar dental health outcome. A major benefit of CEA is that it forces decision maker to confront the trade-offs implicit in all decision regarding alternative approaches. Caries dentis and gingivitis are still aserious oral health problem to solve especially for primary school student. Curative effort is relative more expensive, so it was chosen alternative for preventing caries must be together with preventing gingivtis. The purpose of the research is gerring the cost effective moel of preventive caries and gingivitis for a primary school student at DKI Jakarta. The opportunity cost of alternative model preventive caries and gingivitis intervention such a modern dentistry approach (Fissure Sealant and Oral-Hygiene instruction procedures by the dentist to compare against model routine intervention approach (fluoride mouth rinsing and ART procedures by the full time dentist or by dentist together with teachers along with the relative effectiveness of preventive treatment. In this quasi experiment research with multistage randomized designed we use respondent of all primary school student in DKI Jakarta for two different treatment group. Fissure Sealant and Oral Hygiene Instruction procedures by the Dentist were judged to be more cost effective than fluoride mouthrinsing and ART procedures by the dentist together with teachers, or by the full time dentist.

  6. Development of Ozone Detector for Ksr-Iii and Preliminary Test Results

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    Seung-Hyun Hwang


    Full Text Available KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute has measured the ozone density profiles over the Korean Peninsular since the launch of the Korean Sounding Rocket-I (KSR-I in 1993. The purpose of ozone measurements is to obtain the stratospheric and mesospheric vertical ozone density profiles over the Korean Peninsular with solar UV radiometers. With the visible channel of the radiometer, the attitude variation of the rocket was corrected and compensated. Developed system is based on ozone detector designs onboard the KSR-I and KSR-II. We discuss the development of ozone detector which will be onboard the KSR-III and its circuit and vibration test results for EM Model.

  7. Koreksi dimensi vertikal oklusal dengan modifikasi restorasi mahkota logam pada kasus severe early childhood caries (Correcting occlusal vertical dimension using modified stainless steel crown restoration in severe early childhood caries case

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    Amrita Widyagarini


    Full Text Available Background: Severe early childhood caries (SECC describes progressively dental caries in primary dentition among children aged less than 3 to 5-year-old. Loss of Occlusal Vertical Dimension (OVD with deep bite in clinical feature found 2.5 times more often in s-ecc children than others. It leads discrepancies of vertical development of permanent dentition, hence creates malocclusion. Purpose: The aim of this paper was to report consideration and correction of OVD in SECC child. Case: A 5-year-old girl was accompanied by her mother came to pediatric dental clinic Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesia. Patient’s chief complaint was decay on all her teeth. Clinical examination revealed caries on all primary dentition, tooth #16, #46 have not yet been occluded, 26 erupted partially and it occluded with 36, anterior deep bite. Diagnose was anterior deep bite caused by SECC. Case management: Operative-rehabilitative treatment restores OVD to prevent malocclusion by modifying height of ssc in primary molars. Correcting deep bite using stainless steel crown (SSC modified in posterior was done. First, restoration with glass-ionomer cement for raising the bite followed by a week evaluation to observe masticatory function and functional analysis of temporomandibular joint. Second, ssc were placed in primary molars. Conclusion: Modifying height of ssc in primary molars could corrected OVD in SECC child. Permanent first molars eruption could be guided to completely occlusion and prevent early malocclusion.Latar belakang: Severe early childhood caries (SECC menunjukan pola karies gigi sulung yang progresif dan menyeluruh pada anak usia di bawah 3 hingga 5 tahun. Kehilangan dimensi vertikal oklusal (DVO, dengan gambaran gigitan dalam pada periode gigi sulung dilaporkan terjadi 2,5 kali lebih banyak pada anak SECC. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan gangguan perkembangan vertikal gigi permanen yang nantinya menyebabkan maloklusi. Tujuan: Laporan kasus ini

  8. Design and Realization of Universal Data Interface

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    Jong-Woo Kim


    Full Text Available KARI studied data interface of Space Applications for developing Space Experimental Instrument in International Space Station, designed, and manufactured the UDIS (International Sapce Station Universal Data Interface simulator according to requirements of the data interface. This paper explains the design and implementation of UDIS for space application. UDIS is the instrument which simulate to interface the data from ISS to experiment module, payload and habitation module and use the development of a experiment system in the space. This simulator will be used to the GSE (Ground Support Equipment for test of experiment system. By realization of the simulator, we ensure data interface skills for a manned-space data communication system.

  9. Estonian Attitudes towards the German Exercise of Power in Estonia 1941-1944 / Kari Alenius

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alenius, Kari, 1966-


    Eestlaste suhtumisest Saksa okupatsioonivõimudesse perioodil 1941-1944. Perioodi võib jagada kolmeks etapiks. 1941. aastal suhtuti sakslastesse heatahtlikult. Pettumus hakkas süvenema 1942. aasta talvel. Alates 1942. aasta kevadest polnud enam üksmeele leidmine võimalik

  10. Efek antikaries ekstrak gambir pada tikus jantan galur wistar

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    Siti Rusdiana Puspa Dewi


    Full Text Available Anti-caries effect of gambier extract on male wistar rats. Several previous studies have mentioned that gambir extract can inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans because it contains active substances of catechins and tannins. The objective of this study was to explore the anti-caries effect of gambir extract on male Wistar rats. Thirty-six Wistar rats were inoculated with S. mutans, given cariogenic foods and divided into 4 groups according to the doses of gambir extract, namely 6 mg, 12 mg, 24 mg and placebo. After 60 days, the rats were euthanized, then the number of caries on the mesial or distal and occlusal surfaces was counted by using the Keyes’ method. The data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis test. The results revealed that caries was found only in occlusal surfaces with an enamel depth. There is no significant difference among all the groups, so it can be concluded that gambir extract at 6 mg, 12 mg and 24 mg doses do not have anti-caries effect on the teeth of male Wistar rats.   ABSTRAK Beberapa penelitian terdahulu mengatakan bahwa ekstrak gambir dapat menghambat pertumbuhan Steptococcus mutans (S. mutans karena mengandung zat aktif katekin dan tanin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat efek antikaries ekstrak gambir pada tikus jantan galur Wistar. Tiga puluh enam ekor tikus galur Wistar diinokulasi dengan S.  mutans, diberikan makanan kariogenik dan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yakni, kelompok yang diberi dosis ekstrak gambir 6 mg, 12 mg, 24 mg dan plasebo. Setelah 60 hari, tikus di eutanasia, kemudian dihitung jumlah karies pada permukaan halus dan oklusal dengan menggunakan metode Keyes. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan tes Kruskal Wallis. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa karies ditemukan hanya pada pemukaan oklusal dengan kedalaman email. Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antar semua kelompok, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak gambir dengan dosis 6 mg, 12 mg dan 24 mg tidak memiliki efek

  11. Hoiupanga peahoone. Tallinn, Rävala pst. 5

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    Projekteerimise ajaloost: 1985. a. Tallinna Moemaja arhitektuurikonkurss ja 1988. a. RPIs "Eesti Tööstusprojekt" valmis ENSV Kergetööstuse Ministeeriumi Teaduslik-Tehnilise Keskuse ja Tallinna Moemaja I ehitusjärgu projekt (R. Kurvitz, U. Muru); !991. a. AS Astlanda ärikeskuse tellimusel krundi hoonestamiseks eskiisprojekt (J. Okas, M. Lõoke) ning alternatiivprojekt (T. Altosaar). Kvartali hoonestuskava: Arhitektuuribüroo Kalle Rõõmus. Projekteerijad: SRV OY, arhitekt Kari Mökkälä, Arhitektuuribüroo Kalle Rõõmus, arhitekt Kullervo Kliimand. Sisekujundus: ARS Interjöörprojekt, autorid Karolin Kõll, Eero Jürgenson, Martin Pärn. Projektijuht: SRV Teräsbetooni Oy. Ehituse peatöövõtt: Eesti Ehitus. Konstruktiivne osa: E - Inseneribüroo. Projekt 1995-97, valmis 1997. Täismonteeritav karkasssüsteemis 7-korruseline büroohoone

  12. Problematika personální politiky ve vybraném podniku


    Vaňková, Kateřina Bc.


    Teoretická část se věnuje obecným pojmům personální práce, vytváření a analýze pracovních míst, personálnímu plánování, získávání a výběru zaměstnanců a řízení kariéry. V praktické části jsou tyto oblasti analyzovány v konkrétním podniku, kterým je Toyota Peugeot Citroen Automobile. Vzávěru je provedena SWOT analýza vybraných personálních činností a zhodnocení a návrhy.

  13. Cultura y economía

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    Kari Polanyi Levitt


    Full Text Available Se hace una introducción teórica e intelectual de Karl Polanyi, que destaca la crítica al discurso económico dominante, el cual tiene una fuerte influencia en la economía real como en la situación de la sociedad en su conjunto. Ponencia presentada en la Conferencia Anual de la Asociación Americana de Sociología en San Francisco, Agosto de 2014. Es una versión actualizada del capítulo 7 del libro Kari Polanyi Levitt (2013 “From The Great Transformation to the Great Financialization. On Karl Polanyi and Other Essays”, Fernwood Publishing, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2013, 286 páginas. Traducción del inglés al castellano para Ola Financiera de Eugenia Correa y Wesley Marshall.

  14. Bioensaio rápido de determinação da sensibilidade da acetolactato sintase (ALS a herbicidas inibidores Rapid bioassay to determine the sensitivity of acetolactate synthase (ALS to inhibitor herbicides

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    Patrícia Andrea Monqueiro


    Full Text Available Foi avaliada a atividade da acetolactato sintase (ALS, em plantas resistentes e suscetíveis de B. pilosa e A. quitensis após a aplicação de herbicidas inibidores da ALS. O método baseia-se na utilização do ácido ciclopropanodicarboxílico (CPCA para inibir a cetoácido reductoisomerase (KARI, enzima que catalisa a reação seguinte do acetolactato na cadeia de biossíntese dos aminoácidos valina, leucina e isoleucina, provocando assim, o acúmulo de acetolactato, que na presença de um ácido forte forma acetoína. A base para a distinção entre os biotipos resistentes e suscetíveis é a quantidade de acetoína formada, que será maior nos biotipos em que a enzima ALS não sofreu inibição, ou seja, nos biotipos resistentes. A quantificação da acetoína acumulada ocorreu através da formação de um complexo colorido vermelho, devido a reação entre acetoína, creatina e naftol, cuja densidade ótica a 530 nm é proporcional à concentração do acetolactato formado na reação. Sendo assim, foi desenvolvido um ensaio utilizando este método após a aplicação dos herbicidas chlorimuron-ethyl e imazethapyr nos biotipos R e S de Bidens pilosa, Amaranthus quitensis no estádio de dois pares de folhas. O bioensaio demonstrou que a enzima ALS dos biotipos resistentes é insensível aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS e que este tipo de bioensaio é uma forma rápida e eficaz de diferenciação entre biotipos resistentes e suscetíveis.In order to compare the acetolactate synthase (ALS activity of resistant and susceptible biotypes of Bidens pilosa and Amaranthus quitensis to ALS inhibitor herbicides, a method based on ciclopronocarboxilic acid (CPCA to inhibit the enzyme ketoacidredutoisomerase (KARI is used. This enzyme catalyzes the reaction after acetolactate in the biosynthesis reaction chain of the aminoacids valine, leucine and isoleucine. In the presence of a KARI inhibitor, carbon from pyruvate flows through the branched chain

  15. Art for the Apocalypse: Sculpture by Frink in Losey’s The Damned

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    Susan Felleman


    Full Text Available Blacklisted and exiled, American director Joseph Losey finished The Damned in England in 1961 but Hammer Films did not release it until 1963 (then with severe cuts and it wasn’t seen until 1965 in the U.S., further changed and retitled These Are the Damned. Adapted by Evan Jones from The Children of Light, a novel by H.L. Lawrence, The Damned is a strange hybrid of science fiction, horror and social commentary that in some ways anticipates by a decade Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange. Beautifully photographed in black-and-white on location in Weymouth, it brings a mysterious American stranger (Macdonald Carey—perhaps a fugitive—into a violent confrontation with a gang of Teddy Boys and ultimately into a deadly, dystopic government experiment with radioactive children. Among the film’s considerable changes to Lawrence’s narrative was the addition of a major character: a sculptor, whose cliff-top studio is a vivid and key location and whose works function as visual omens of a social and technological apocalypse to come. Freya Neilson (Viveca Lindfors was conceived expressly to employ the work of sculptor Elisabeth Frink (1930-1993, whose scarred, distressed figural works of the period included anthropomorphic birds, winged men, fallen men, horse heads and other morbid ciphers of existential dread. In the film these works of plaster and bronze embody the age of anxiety even as they represent art as a redemptive alternative to the cold-bloodedness of both lowbrow Teddy Boy (Oliver Reed and highbrow Government scientist (Alexander Knox. Associated with the postwar structure of feeling that Herbert Read characterized as “the geometry of fear,” Frink’s work performs a major role in The Damned, giving form to psychosocial ills and fears of the postwar generation. 

  16. Regional long-term development of innovative capability in SMEs / Risto Pulkkainen, Matti Lintuniemi, Kari Kempas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pulkkainen, Risto


    Väikeste ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtete uuendusvõimet hinnatakse kõige enam kohalike innovatsiooniteenuste, nagu näiteks kiire reageerimisvõime ja strateegiline koostöö, järgi. Illustreeriva näitena kasutatakse Helsingi Tehnikaülikoolis Lahti regiooni jaoks välja töötatud regionaalsete innovatsiooniteenuste mudelit. Lühikokkuvõte 2002. aastal läbiviidud uuringu tulemustest, mille käigus selgitati välja ettevõtete kogemused nimetatud mudeliga ning suhtumine sellesse. Skeemid. Tabelid

  17. Transfer zaměstnanců jako možnost kariérního rozvoje

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    Lucie Linhartová


    Full Text Available Purpose of the article: Employee turnover is considered to be one of the persisting problems in organizations. This study examines how employee turnover affect employees regarding their future career grow. Paper examines the behaviour inside organizations that leads to turnover and thus transfers to new position in order to improve work conditions, role, and position and even to higher employee status. Methodology/methods: The deduction and induction method has revealed seven main causes of employee mobility: remuneration, future certainty, relationships, recognition, communication, corporate culture and expectations. The factors have been statistically tested and analysed in order to validate its impact on employee transfers. The data has been collected in two successive quantitative surveys by means of questionnaire investigation. The surveys were focus on random sample of employees (who had already left their jobs. Scientific aim: The aim of the paper is to reveal causes of employee turnover and following ways of mobility of employees to different organizations and sectors. Transfer to different organization/sector is a result of causes of employee turnover depending on the performance and affectivity of each employee. Findings: The research validated that knowledge workers who desire personal development do not care about high of salaries but they expect clear vision and performance rise. The revealed outputs allow us to assume that those employees are willing to change their job even to different sector in order to fill their needs to grow. Conclusions: The outcomes provide a specification and causes of employees’ affectivity. One third of employees leave job after futile attempt to change. Factor analysis revealed two ways of career development. 23% of employees leave organisations because of impossibility to grow. Employees notice necessary tendencies to mobility and universality, which is currently supported by programmes of the European Union.

  18. Pengaruh Pola Jajan di Sekolah Terhadap Karies Gigi pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Jember

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    Hestieyonini Hadnyanawati


    Full Text Available The pattern-eating snack at schoolchild habit needed specially attention for his parent's or teacher's. This habit is not good enough for nutrient and hygiene. A food or a drink contains sucrose more like by schoolchild. The purpose of this study is to know the correlation of Eating snack at schoolchild habit and caries of five elementary school students in Kabupaten Jember. Method cross sectional was use in this study, and sample was taken by Stratified Random Sampling. Material and tools uses in this study are mouth glass, sonde, pincer, probe periodontal, sterile cotton, and alcohol 70%. The respondents examined and write DMF-t status, and they answered the questioner for two known eating snack at schoolchild habit. The result data was test by Analyst of Variance (ANOVA, and indicated that there is correlation between eating snack at schoolchild habit and caries (p<0.01.

  19. Pengaruh Pola Jajan di Sekolah Terhadap Karies Gigi pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Jember


    Hestieyonini Hadnyanawati


    The pattern-eating snack at schoolchild habit needed specially attention for his parent's or teacher's. This habit is not good enough for nutrient and hygiene. A food or a drink contains sucrose more like by schoolchild. The purpose of this study is to know the correlation of Eating snack at schoolchild habit and caries of five elementary school students in Kabupaten Jember. Method cross sectional was use in this study, and sample was taken by Stratified Random Sampling. Material and tools us...

  20. Complementary and alternative exercise for fibromyalgia: a meta-analysis

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    Mist SD


    Full Text Available Scott David Mist, Kari Firestone, Kim Dupree Jones Fibromyalgia Research and Treatment Group, School of Nursing, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR, USA Abstract: Complementary and alternative medicine includes a number of exercise modalities, such as tai chi, qigong, yoga, and a variety of lesser-known movement therapies. A meta-analysis of the current literature was conducted estimating the effect size of the different modalities, study quality and bias, and adverse events. The level of research has been moderately weak to date, but most studies report a medium-to-high effect size in pain reduction. Given the lack of adverse events, there is little risk in recommending these modalities as a critical component in a multimodal treatment plan, which is often required for fibromyalgia management. Keywords: fibromyalgia, exercise, complementary and alternative, efficacy, safety

  1. Enhancing the Productivity of High Value Crops and Income Generation with Small-Scale Irrigation Technologies in Kenya. Final Report 2009-2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The project was implemented by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute in collaboration with key irrigation stakeholders including Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA), G North and Son limited, Kenya Irrigation and Drainage Association (KIDA), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Greenbelt Movement and Ministry of Agriculture. The objective was to develop and pilot test appropriate irrigation systems (methods and related water/nutrient management practices) for small-scale farmers for increasing yield, quality of high value crops and farmers income to improved livelihood. The project built on earlier work on low head drip irrigation in Kenya involving KARI led promotion among the peri-urban and rural communities. The Equipment used include Neutron Probe Hydroprobe, Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizers (5% a.e), drip irrigation kits, MoneyMaker irrigation pumps, Pessl imetos weather station, SDEC tensimetre and tensiometers), Venturi injectors, among others.

  2. Effect of sunflower climbing bean intercroping system on insect pest incidence and crop productivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tuey, R.K.; Koros, I.; Wanyonyi, W.


    Intercropping of sunflower and climping beans were evaluated for pest incidence and yield advantages during the main season of 2000/2001 at KARI-NPBRC, Njoro. Three sunflower varieties, Fedha, Record, PAN-7553 and three climbing beans varieties, Puebla, Omukingi and Flora were laid out in a complete randomised block design with four replications. Sunflower was spaced at 75 x 30 cm while the climbing beans were spaced at 50 x 37.5 cm. Assessment of pest damage on various treatments commenced 17 days after planting. Results showed that low plant germination was mainly a result of dry weather and taht cutworm damage was insignificant. There was a sunflower x climbing bean variety interaction, which regulated the aphid infestation of the climbing beans. Sunflower variety PAN-7553 recorded significantly (P<0.01) more pecked heads than the other two varieties. (author)

  3. Cost-effectiveness of routine measuring of serum drug concentrations and anti-drug antibodies in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis patients with TNF-α blockers

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    Laine J


    Full Text Available Juha Laine,1 T Sakari Jokiranta,2,3 Kari K Eklund,4,5 Merja Väkeväinen,1 Kari Puolakka6 1Pfizer Oy, Helsinki, 2United Medix Laboratories Ltd, Espoo, 3Research Programs Unit, Immunobiology, 4Department of Rheumatology, University of Helsinki, 5Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, 6Department of Medicine, South Karelia, Finland Abstract: Monitoring of anti-drug antibodies (ADAbs or serum concentrations of biologicals in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis could provide an explanation for a loss of efficacy and help in the choice of subsequent medication. Current clinical practices do not generally include such monitoring of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α blockers on a routine basis. The main aims of this study were to estimate the probabilities of optimal and nonoptimal treatment decisions if infliximab or adalimumab drug trough level (DL and ADAbs are tested or not in rheumatoid arthritis, and to model cost-effectiveness of performing such monitoring on a routine basis. Data on DLs and ADAbs concentrations were obtained in Finland from clinically requested monitoring analyses of 486 and 1,137 samples from patients on adalimumab and infliximab, respectively. DL was within the target range in 42% of samples from adalimumab- and 50.4% of infliximab-treated patients. ADAbs were detected in approximately 20% and 13.5% of samples from adalimumab- and infliximab-treated patients, respectively. ADAbs were found in 52.3% and 41.3% of those with low adalimumab or infliximab DLs, respectively. The monitoring data were incorporated into probabilities for making the optimal treatment decision. Economic impact of clinical decision-making was modeled in a short-term (3–6 months scenario with 100 hypothetical patients. In the model, the combined measurement of DLs and ADAbs was cost-saving compared to the nontesting scenario when the monitoring results affected the treatment decision in at least 2–5 of 100 patients, a proportion which is easily

  4. Oral health knowledge among parents of autistic child in Bandung-Indonesia

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    Yetty Herdiyati Nonong


    Full Text Available Background: Autistic children as well as other special needs individual demand special care given by their parents. But there exist limited awareness among parents in Indonesia society, especially with regard to their oral health. Purpose: The study was aimed to assess the oral health related knowledge, attitude and behavior of the parents; and oral health status of their autistic children in comparison with non-autistic children. Methods: Total of 56 children (23 autistic and 23 normal between 7-12 years was included in this study. Data on parents’ knowledge, attitude, oral health practice and behavior of their children were gathered from the questionnaires. The oral health status of the children was recorded using deft and DMFT caries index. Results: All obtained data were analyzed using sPss version 13 to correlate the index of the sample. It showed that caries index of autistic child was lower and limited oral health knowledge among parents. Conclusion: There is need of greater awareness to be spread among the population of Indonesia about the existing professional help for the special children and educate the parents to maintain their child’s oral health for a better quality of life.Latar belakang: Anak autis seperti juga individu berkebutuhan khusus lainnya memerlukan perhatian khusus dari orang tuanya. Namun banyak keterbatasan kesadaran orang tua dalam masyarakat Indonesia, terutama berkaitan dengan kesehatan mulut anak autis mereka. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengetahuan kesehatan gigi, perilaku orang tua dan anak mereka yang autis. Metode: Data pengetahuan orang tua dikumpulkan dari kuesioner dan status kesehatan mulut anak dicatat menggunakan indeks karies DMFT dan deft. sejumlah 56 anak (23 autis dan 23 non-autis sebagai kelompok kontrol usia 7-12 tahun ikut serta dalam penelitian ini. Hasil: Data yang didapatkan dianalisis menggunakan sPss versi 13 untuk mengkorelasikan indeks subjek. Hasil menunjukkan indeks

  5. Organizational and sectoral changes in transition banking : Estonian experience / Kari Liuhto, Olga Lushtshik, Mart Sõrg...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Teadustöö käsitleb organisatsioonilisi ja sektoriaalseid arenguid Eesti pangandussektoris. Uuringu tulemuste põhjal võib järeldada, et vaatamata ebastabiilsele majanduslikule ja õiguslikule keskkonnale üleminekuperioodil, on pangandus Eestis olnud palju tulutoovam kui paljudes arenenud riikides, samal ajal on aga siirdemajanduse panganduse efektiivsus volatiilne ning ebaõnnestumise risk kõrge. Tabelid, joonised, diagrammid

  6. Pencegahan primer pada anak yang berisiko karies tinggi (Primary prevention in children with high caries risk

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    Ami Angela


    Full Text Available Oral and dental health has got improvement tremendously over the last century but the prevalence of dental caries in children has remained a significant clinical problem. Caries risk varies between individuals according to each subject’s balance between factors exposing to and protecting from caries attack. It is important to assess the risk of caries for all patients on a routine basis. Caries risk is divided into three levels: high, moderate, and low. Thereby, the dental professional is better to make a specific prevention and treatment recommendations to reduce a child risk and improve overall oral health. The goal of caries-risk assessment and preventive treatment is to eliminate caries or at least to reduce the high-caries occurrence down to the level of the remaining part of the age group. Preventive treatment is divided into three parts: primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. This paper describes the primary prevention in children with high caries risk by behavior modification and tooth protection. Behavior modification is about dental health education, oral hygiene, diet and sugar consumption, sugar-free chewing gum and sugar-free medicines. Tooth protection is about sealant, usage of flouride and chlorhexidine.

  7. [We do not create values, but uphold them--a contribution to nursing's value theory]. (United States)

    Nortvedt, P


    This article argues how the nature of nursing is anchored in a realist conception of moral value. This moral ontology claims that phenomena like suffering, pain and human distress have a distinct moral character that is independent of individual human perception and empathic responsiveness. This position of moral realism is evident in the ethics of KE. Løgstrup, Kari Martinsen and Nel Noddings. However, these influential theories are in need of a philosophical theory of moral agency which establish a role for moral sensitivity. Moreover, and trying to bridge the gap between analytical moral philosophy and fenomenologist analysis in ethics, the article's final part illuminates how the encounter with the moral realities of immediate human suffering inhabits a significant normative claim. This normative claim of compassion and mercy restricts an impartial, justice-based morality and has significant implications on nurse's perceptions of prioritizing dilemmas.

  8. Heads of administration from the University of Bergen, Norway, visiting CERN

    CERN Multimedia



    The faculty directors and heads of administration from the University of Bergen, Norway, visited CERN on November 6 2017. The group was received by Martin Steinacher, Director for Finance and Human Resources, Prof. Egil Lillestøl, honorary staff member and Jens Vigen, head librarian. The delegation from Bergen included: Kjell Bernstrøm, University Director, Øystein Iversen, Director for Faculty of Law, Tore Tungodden, Assistant University Director, Kari Fuglseth, Deputy Director General University Director´s Office, Laurice Høie, Higher Executive Officer University Director´s Office, Ingar Myking, Deputy Director General University Director´s Office, Alette Mykkeltvedt, Director for Faculty of Social Sciences, Elisabeth Lysebo, Director for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Kim Ove Hommen, Director for Faculty of Humanities, Kristin Nodland, Head of Administration University Museum, Synnøve Myhre, Director for Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, Ørjan Hauge, Assistant Director for Facu...

  9. Contingency and Political Action: The Role of Leadership in Endogenously Created Crises

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    András Körösényi


    Full Text Available Among the recent literature about leadership and crisis situations two main strands are to be observed: structuralist ones mainly treat political leaders as reactive agents who have relatively little room for maneuver, while constructivist ones put greater emphasis on the opportunities in interpreting crises. Our claim is that there is a third analytical possibility mainly neglected in recent literature that is even more voluntaristic than the constructivist approaches. In this scenario, there is no external shock; leaders do not only interpret, but also “invent” crises. To make our claim plausible, we build a conceptual-descriptive typology of the potential relationships between crisis situations and agency. The typology is founded on Kari Palonen’s differentiation between Machiavellian and Weberian types of contingency, but uses his originally conceptual historical argument for analytical purposes. To underpin our theoretical argument, we present short illustrative examples to all three types of crisis scenarios (the structuralist, the constructivist, and the voluntarist one.

  10. Performance test for the compressor of 100kW APU

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Byeung Jun; Cha, Bong Jun; Yang, Soo Seok; Lee, Kyoung Jin; Baik, Ki Young


    The performance test of a centrifugal compressor for APU(Auxiliary Power Unit) which is developed by the collaborative research of KARI and Samsung TechWin has been conducted. The investigated compressor consists of a curved inlet, a centrifugal impeller, a channel diffuser and a plenum chamber. The experiments were carried out in an open-loop centrifugal compressor test rig driven by a turbine. For three different diffusers, overall performance data were obtained at 80%, 90% and 97% of design speed. For the initially designed wedge-type diffuser, test results showed that the compressor was operated at a higher mass flow rate than the design requirement. By reducing the diffuser throat area, the compressor operating range was shifted to lower mass flow rate range. The test result of redesigned wedge-type diffuser showed high pressure loss. To reduce the diffuser loss, diffuser inlet radius was increased and airfoil-type of diffuser was adopted. This airfoil-type diffuser showed reasonal results in terms of design requirement

  11. Hierarchical reorganization of dimensions in OLAP visualizations. (United States)

    Lafon, Sébastien; Bouali, Fatma; Guinot, Christiane; Venturini, Gilles


    In this paper, we propose a new method for the visual reorganization of online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes that aims at improving their visualization. Our method addresses dimensions with hierarchically organized members. It uses a genetic algorithm that reorganizes k-ary trees. Genetic operators perform permutations of subtrees to optimize a visual homogeneity function. We propose several ways to reorganize an OLAP cube depending on which set of members is selected for the reorganization: all of the members, only the displayed members, or the members at a given level (level by level approach). The results that are evaluated by using optimization criteria show that our algorithm has a reliable performance even when it is limited to 1 minute runs. Our algorithm was integrated in an interactive 3D interface for OLAP. A user study was conducted to evaluate our approach with users. The results highlight the usefulness of reorganization in two OLAP tasks.


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    Violeta Šiljak


    Full Text Available Implementation of scientific management in sport applied to the sport event is very significant because of connection between theory and practice. Management of a sport event is complex, because it is necessary to supervise the event itself, from the beginning till the end. „The Mini Olympic Games – Zemun 2004.“ are the sport event which was successfully organized in June 2004. by the Faculty of Management in Sport. The aim of this project was to establish interaction of cultural, business and friendly relations between Greece and Serbia, as well as to promote the Faculty of Management in Sport, University „Braća Karić“. The realization of this sport event was based on application of all the principles of general management. This striking example could be a very useful for future practical work in order to perceive extremely important syncretism of scientific management and sport events.

  13. Eesti põllumajanduse töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse profiil / Marina Kempinen, Kari Kurppa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kempinen, Marina


    Eesti põllumajanduse töötervishoiu ja -ohutuse sektoraalne profiil koostati põllumajanduse töötervishoiu võrgustiku raames ühe osana Eesti-Soome koostööprojektist töötervishoiuteenuste alal (2003-2004). Tabel: SWOT-analüüsi tulemused


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    Tuti Kusumaningsih


    Full Text Available The main objective of this activity was to provide counseling for the parents of kindergarten children to improve their understanding on the importance of knowledge to control dental caries related to children's diet behavior. In addition, this activity also provided training for children on Dental Health Education (DHE. Target group was the mother of kindergarten children in Kenjeran Sub district, Surabaya, who were expected to be able to apply knowledge they obtained, not only for their children, but also to others, for example, mothers who were involved in Posyandu and PKK activities. Participants of counseling were 160 individuals from 5 kindergartens, represented 5 villages in Kenjeran Subdistrict, Surabaya. Counseling was done via tutorial and visualization methods, followed by question-and-answer session, discussion, questionnaire filling, and evaluation. Training on how to brush tooth properly was given to the children. Pre-counseling questionnaire was falsely answered by 57.6% of the participants, and this number decreased drastically to 4.38% after counseling was given. DHE counseling and training for kindergarten children could be easily accepted. Motivation given could produce positive effects on cognitive knowledge of the mothers and on tooth brushing skill of the children. It is expected that teeth examination and counseling on dental health can be regulary dong in view of the absence of UKGS at kindergarten level.

  15. Faktor - Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Derajat Kaparahan Karies di Kecamatan Slawi Kabupaten Tegal Propinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 1998

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    Febrina Setiawati


    Full Text Available Residence of Slawi Subdistrict, Tegal District Central Java Province have a frequent tea drinking habit with specific characters of high concentrate tea without sugar or a lot of sugar. It is acknowledged that fluor content in tea can prevent dental caries, while sugar, a sucrose type of carbohydrate in the tea is most cariogenic. The subject of the study, regarding the tea drinking habit, is to obtain information about factors correlated to severity of dental caries in residence of the Slawi Subdistrict, Tegal Distric, Central Java Province. The study type is cross sectional with a sample size of 140. The subjects of the study were residents of Slawi Subdistric with age ranging from 18 to 44 years. An interview was conducted to obtain information of tea drinking characteristics. Samples of tea, water and sugar from each subject examined in a laboratory to obtain the information about fluor and and sugar contents in tea. Saliva examination was also conducted to know its buffer capacity and flow rate. Intra oral clinical examination was conducted to obtain DMF-T and plaque scores. Statistical analysis was applied with multiple linear regression methods using SPSS 7.5 and Stata version 4. The result of the study show that caries prevalence of 76.92% in subjects with tea drinking habit without sugar. The subjects had a 2.85 DMF-T score. Meanwhile caries prevalence was 98.15% for subjects with tea drinking habit with sugar. The subjects had a 6.15 DMF-T score. The mean of fluor concentration in all subjects drinking water was 0.11 mg/l, and 5.26% for sugar content. 68.94% of DMF-T score variation concluded in the multiple linear regression model, is showed by the factors in the model.

  16. Feasibility Study of Synthetic Aperture Radar - Adaptability of the Payload to KOMPSAT Platform

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    Young-Soo Kim


    Full Text Available Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR has been used for mapping the surface geomorphology of cloudy planets like Venus as well as the Earth. The cloud-free Mars is also going to be scanned by SAR in order to detect buried water channels and other features under the very shallow subsurface of the ground. According to the 'Mid and Long-term National Space Development Plan' of Korea, SAR satellites, in addition to the EO (Electro-Optical satellites, are supposed to be developed in the frame of the KOMPSAT (Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite program. Feasibility of utilizing a SAR payload on KOMPSAT platform has been studied by KARI in collaboration with Astrium U.K. The purpose of the SAR program is Scientific and Civil applications on the Earth. The study showed that KOMPSAT-2 platform can accommodate a small SAR like Astrium's MicroSAR. In this paper, system aspects of the satellite design are presented, such as mission scenario, operation concept, and capabilities. The spacecraft design is also discussed and conclusion is followed.

  17. Irish Accents, Foreign Voices: Mediated Agency and Authenticity in In the Name of the Father and Fifty Dead Men Walking

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    Nicole Ives-Allison


    Full Text Available Given the intensity of narrative contestation over the public history of and discourse around the modern period of Northern Irish civil conflict known locally as ‘the Troubles’, for filmmakers from outside of Northern Ireland to be seen as making a legitimate contribution to existing debates, there is a pressure for their film texts to be read as ‘authentic’. This desire for authenticity fundamentally shapes the narrative approach taken by these filmmakers. Various filmmaking strategies have been employed in the pursuit of authenticity, but both Jim Sheridan’s In the Name of the Father (1993 and Kari Skogland’s Fifty Dead Men Walking (2008 have taken a distinctly narrative approach, relying upon local written autobiographical material. However, the way in which Sheridan and Skogland have sought to deploy the authenticity embedded in locally grounded source material flirts with self-defeatism as both films problematically obscure the limitations on agency imposed by the filmmakers on the local voices upon who claims of authenticity, and thus the films’ legitimacy, depend.

  18. Strategie řízení třídy u studentů učitelství na praxi


    Lojdová Kateřina; Škarková Lucie; Lukas Josef


    Cílem výzkumu je popsat strategie řízení třídy u studentů učitelství na praxi na druhém stupni českých základních škol. Právě řízení třídy je pro studenty učitelství na praxi obtížné. Nezvládnutí práce se třídou může vést až ke změně kariérní dráhy. Výzkum hloubkově interpretuje strategie řízení třídy u studentů učitelství na praxi a popisuje některé problémy, se kterými se studenti učitelství potýkají. Skrze strategie řízení třídy učitel ovlivňuje fyzický a sociální prostor školní třídy za ú...

  19. Compliance with RSV prophylaxis: Global physicians’ perspectives

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    Kari S Anderson


    Full Text Available Kari S Anderson, Victoria M Mullally, Linda M Fredrick, Andrew L CampbellAbbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL, USAAbstract: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV is a significant cause of morbidity in high-risk infants. Palivizumab is proven to prevent serious RSV disease, but compliance with prophylaxis (monthly doses during the RSV season is essential to ensure protection. We invited 453 pediatricians to participate in a survey to identify their perspectives of barriers to compliance and interventions to improve compliance with palivizumab prophylaxis schedules. One hundred physicians from five continents completed the survey, identifying caregiver inconvenience, distance to clinic, cost of prophylaxis, and lack of understanding of the severity of RSV as the most common reasons for noncompliance. They recommended provision of educational materials about RSV, reminders from hospital or clinic, and administration of prophylaxis at home to increase compliance. Globally, physicians recognize several obstacles to prophylaxis compliance. This survey suggests that focused proactive interventions such as empowering caregivers with educational materials and reducing caregiver inconvenience may be instrumental to increase compliance.Keywords: medication adherence, respiratory syncytial virus infections, infant, premature, immunization, passive

  20. Gigi Tiruan Cekat dengan Fiber-Reinforced Composites pada Kehilangan Gigi Anterior dengan Space Menyempit

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    Budi Santoso


    Full Text Available Latar belakang. Pada kasus kehilangan gigi-gigianterior tanpa penggantian secepatnya akan menyebabkan rasa malu, tidak percaya diri,gangguan berbicara dan bersuara, pergeseran gigi-gigitetangganya, tilting,hilangnyakontakantar gigi,elongasi gigi antagonisnya, traumatik oklusi, ginggival pocket serta karies pada gigi sebelahnya. Tujuan. Penulisan laporan ini untuk memberi informasi bahwa pada kasus kehilangan gigi anterior dengan space yang telah menyempit dapat dibuatkan protesa berupa gigi tiruan cekat dengan fiber-reinforced composites. Kasus. Seorang pasien laki-Iaki berusia 26 tahun datang ke RSGM dengan kasus kehilangan gigi incisivus centralis kiri atas dengan space mesio-distal yang telah menyempit. Penanganan. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan subyektif, obyektif dan radiografi maka dilakukan perawatan dengan protesa berupa gigi tiruan cekat dengan fiber-reinforced composites. Setelah 10 hari perawatan kemudian kontrol dan pad a pemeriksaan subyektif tidak ada keluhan. Pada pemeriksaan obyektif dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap retensi, stabilisasi, oklusi, estetis dan warnanya. Kesimpulan. Hasil Perawatan gigi tiruan cekat dengan fiber-reinforced composites dapat memperbaiki kondisi kehilangan gigi dengan space mesio-distal yang telah menyempit sehingga mengembalikan estetika dan percaya diri pasien.

  1. Perawatan Pulpektomi Secara Singkat Pada Gigi Sulung Nekrotik (Laporan Kasus

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    Sarworini Bagio Budiardjo


    Full Text Available Perawatan pulpektomi gigi sulung nekrotik akibat atrisi, trauma atau karies yakni pembuangan seluruh jaringan pulpa nekrotik dan menggantikannya dengan bahan pengisi yang padat, dapat diresorbsi serta tampak secara radiografis. Tujuannya antara lain untuk mempertahankan gigi sulung sampai saatnya digantikan dengan gigi tetap pengganti. Perkembangan, anatomi dan histologi gigi sulung membedakan teknik perawatan pulpektomi gigi sulung dan gigi tetap.Indikasinya adalah gigi sulung nekrotik tanpa peradangan periapikal, mahkota mendukung sterilisasi dan dapat direstorasi serta resorbsi akar fisiologis kurang dari sepertiga akar.Kesulitan perawatan terutama karena bentuk saluran akar yang sangat bervariasi dan resorbsi akar yang tidak beraturan. Tahap perawatan terdiri dari persiapan gigi, sterilisasi, pengisian dan restorasi.Keempat tahap dapat diselesaikan dalam satu kali kunjungan.Pada keadaan dimana terjadi kesulitan persiapan gigi, maka tindakan pengisian saluran akar dan restorasi ditunda 1 minggu kemudian, sehingga perawatan pulpektomi diselesaikan dalam 2 kali kunjungan.Dalam laporan kasus, perawatan pulpektomi dilakukan pada gigi insisif dan molar sulung dengan teknik 1-2 kali kunjungan.Sebagai bahan sterilisasi saluran akar digunakan formokresol dan bahan pengisi campuran zinkoksid-eugenol.  

  2. Konflikt i wojna jako „bicz Boży” w literaturze bułgarskiego średniowiecza

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    Marzanna Kuczyńska


    Full Text Available Conflict and war as the “whip of God” in the literature of the Bulgarian Middle Ages The article focuses on the motif of war as a tool for the realization of God’s plans for people and the sign of His reward, and above all the penalty for human misdeeds, so called “whip of God”. The forms of the presence of the idea of God’s whip, his literary images and the functions it implements, are analyzed. The analysis was carried out on the material of the Bulgarian literature from 10th-15th century.   Konflikt i wojna jako „bicz Boży” w literaturze bułgarskiego średniowiecza Przedmiotem zainteresowania w artykule jest motyw wojny jako narzędzia realizacji Bożych planów wobec ludzi i znaku Jego nagrody, a przede wszystkim kary za ludzkie przewinienia, tzw. „bicz Boży”. Analizowane są formy obecności idei „bicza Bożego”, jego literackie wyobrażenia i funkcje, jakie realizuje. Analizę przeprowadzono na materiale bułgarskiego piśmiennictwa X–XV wieku.

  3. Suppression of vascular endothelial growth factor expression by cannabinoids in a canine osteosarcoma cell line

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    Figueiredo AS


    Full Text Available Andreza S Figueiredo,1 Hiram J García-Crescioni,1 Sandra C Bulla,1 Matthew K Ross,2 Chelsea McIntosh,1 Kari Lunsford,3 Camilo Bulla11Department of Pathobiology and Population Medicine, 2Department of Basic Sciences, 3Department of Clinical Sciences and Animal Health Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USAAbstract: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF is a key regulator in both physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis, and cannabinoids decrease VEGF release in human and murine cancer cells. The aim of this study was to assess the in vitro effects of a synthetic cannabinoid, WIN-55,212-2, on the expression of the proangiogenic factor VEGF-A in the canine osteosarcoma cell line 8. After analysis of gene expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, the compound decreased VEGF-A expression by 35% ± 10% (P < 0.0001 as compared with the control. This synthetic cannabinoid shows promise as a potential inhibitor of angiogenesis, and further studies are warranted to investigate its in vivo effects and to explore the potential of this and related compounds as adjuvant cancer therapy in the dog.Keywords: dog, cancer, angiogenesis, cannabinoids

  4. RT-PCR Protocols - Methods in Molecular Biology

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    Manuela Monti


    Full Text Available “The first record I have of it, is when I made a computer file which I usually did whenever I had an idea, that would have been on the Monday when I got back, and I called it Chain Reaction.POL, meaning polymerase. That was the identifier for it and later I called the thing the Polymerase Chain Reaction, which a lot of people thought was a dumb name for it, but it stuck, and it became PCR”. With these words the Nobel prize winner, Kary Mullis, explains how he named the PCR: one of the most important techniques ever invented and currently used in molecular biology. This book “RT-PCR Protocols” covers a wide range of aspects important for the setting of a PCR experiment for both beginners and advanced users. In my opinion the book is very well structured in three different sections. The first one describes the different technologies now available, like competitive RT-PCR, nested RT-PCR or RT-PCR for cloning. An important part regards the usage of PCR in single cell mouse embryos, stressing how important...........


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    Full Text Available Com o uso intensivo de herbicidas inibidores da acetolactato sintase (ALS em áreas cultivadas com soja, no município de São Gabriel d'Oeste (MS, Brasil, selecionou-se um biótipo resistente da planta daninha Bidens pilosa. A confirmação bioquímica desta resistência, no entanto, é muito difícil de ser feita em campo. Assim, realizou-se um bioensaio com o objetivo de testar a sensibilidade da ALS desse biótipo aos herbicidas inibidores dessa enzima, por meio da aplicação simultânea de herbicidas inibidores da ALS e da KARI (cetoácido reductoisomerase. Para a inibição desta última enzima, utilizou-se o teste CPCA (ácido 1,1-ciclopropanodicarboxílico. Por ele, confirmou-se que a resistência do biótipo de Bidens pilosa é decorrente da insensibilidade da ALS aos herbicidas, que visam inibi-la; pois, quanto maior a quantidade de acetoína, maior é a atividade da enzima e mais intensa a coloração desenvolvida, proporcionando maiores valores nas leituras de absorbância.

  6. A Network-Based Impact Measure for Propagated Losses in a Supply Chain Network Consisting of Resilient Components

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    Jesus Felix Bayta Valenzuela


    Full Text Available The topology of a supply chain network affects the impacts of disruptions in it. We formulate a network-based measure of the impact of a disruption loss in a supply chain propagating downstream from an originating node. The measure takes into account the loss profile of the originating node, the structure of the supply network, and the resilience of the network components. We obtain an analytical expression for the impact measure under a beta-distributed initial loss (generalizable to any continuous distribution supported on the interval 0,1, under a breakthrough scenario (in which a fraction of the initial production loss reaches a focal company downstream as opposed to containment upstream or at the originating point. Furthermore, we obtain a closed-form solution for a supply chain network with a k-ary tree topology; a numerical study is performed for a scale-free network and a random network. Our proposed approach enables the evaluation of potential losses for a focal company considering its supply chain network structure, which may help the company to plan or redesign a robust and resilient network in response to different types of disruptions.

  7. Řízení kariéry v manažerské struktuře IT společnosti


    Durajová, Veronika


    The Master's Thesis deals with an examination of the career management within an organization, especially in the managerial structure, and the related themes, such as performance and potential appraisal, and talent management. The aim of the work is to determine the current trends in this field of human resources management based on a survey of Czech and foreign literature and to analyze the performance of these activities at Unicorn Systems company. The theoretical part describes the basic a...


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    Ni Putu Premierita Haryanti


    Full Text Available Thi s  study  aims  to  analyze  the moderating  role  of work  experience  on the effect  of work  stress.  The  study wasconducted  at  the  Bali  Dynasty Resort   Kuta  with a  sample  of  84 people,   selected  by proportioned  stratifiedrandom  sampl ing  method.  Data  were  analyzed  using  Moderated  Regression  Analysis  (MRA.  It  found  thatwork experience was able to moderate  stress whi le working on the performance of work experience was  notable  to moderate the  influence of  intrinsic  motivation on  performance.  Head  of the company  should  improveemployee performance  through opt imal  recruitment not ice  and pay  at tention to  the  work  experience of  theapplicants  as  well   as  providing  information  on  employment  status  and  length  of  employment  to  the  peoplewho elected as an employee

  9. Inhibition of dental plaque formation by toothpaste containing propolis

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    Nurin Aisyiyah Listyasari


    Full Text Available Background: Plaque is the main cause of caries and periodontal disease. Caries and periodontal disease can be prevented by inhibiting dental plaque formation. To inhibit the formation of plaque, teeth must be brushed with toothpaste. According to previous studies, propolis contains apigenin and tt-farnesol classified as flavonoid that can inhibit the formation of dental plaque by inhibiting glucosyltransferase enzym and membrane integrity of Streptococcus mutans. Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of toothpaste containing propolis on the formation of dental plaque. Methods: Post test with only control group design was used. The subjects of this study were 30 boarding school students of Hidayatullah, Yayasan Al-Burhan, Gedawang, Semarang, divided into two groups, randomized control group and treatment group. Control group was not treated with toothpaste contanining propolis. Meanwhile, treatment group was treated with toothpaste containing propolis. Plaque then was measured by using plaque index of Sillness and Loe method after using toothpaste containing propolis for four hours. Afterwards, the data was analyzed by a computer program, Mann-Whitney test, with its significance p < 0.05. Results: The result of Mann-Whitney test showed a significant difference, 0.002 (p < 0.05, between the control group and the treatment group. The median of the control group was about 3.41, while that of the treatment group was about 0.58. Conclusion: The use of toothpaste contaning propolis can prevent dental plaque formation.Latar belakang: Plak merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya karies dan penyakit periodontal. Karies dan penyakit periodontal dapat dicegah dengan menghambat pembentukan plak gigi. Untuk mencegah terbentuknya plak, gigi harus digosok menggunakan pasta gigi. Penelitian terdahulu menyebutkan bahwa propolis mengandung flavonoid apigenin dan tt-farnesol yang mampu menghambat aktivitas enzim glukosiltransferase dan menghambat



    Sunubi, Erni


    JURNAL MASYARAKAT EPIDEMIOLOGI INDONESIA ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to discover the correlation between potable water fluor and dental caries of elementary school children in Landono district, South Konawe regency, Southeast Sulawesi province. The study was cross sectional. The number of samples was 144 six graders elementary school children aged 12 years selected by proportional stratified random sampling. The water samples were collected from water resources consumed by the ch...

  11. Probabilistic simple sticker systems (United States)

    Selvarajoo, Mathuri; Heng, Fong Wan; Sarmin, Nor Haniza; Turaev, Sherzod


    A model for DNA computing using the recombination behavior of DNA molecules, known as a sticker system, was introduced by by L. Kari, G. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, and S. Yu in the paper entitled DNA computing, sticker systems and universality from the journal of Acta Informatica vol. 35, pp. 401-420 in the year 1998. A sticker system uses the Watson-Crick complementary feature of DNA molecules: starting from the incomplete double stranded sequences, and iteratively using sticking operations until a complete double stranded sequence is obtained. It is known that sticker systems with finite sets of axioms and sticker rules generate only regular languages. Hence, different types of restrictions have been considered to increase the computational power of sticker systems. Recently, a variant of restricted sticker systems, called probabilistic sticker systems, has been introduced [4]. In this variant, the probabilities are initially associated with the axioms, and the probability of a generated string is computed by multiplying the probabilities of all occurrences of the initial strings in the computation of the string. Strings for the language are selected according to some probabilistic requirements. In this paper, we study fundamental properties of probabilistic simple sticker systems. We prove that the probabilistic enhancement increases the computational power of simple sticker systems.

  12. No-fault compensation for ventilator-dependent children: a reasonable settlement value for lifetime attendant care

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    Jenkins RC


    Full Text Available Randall C Jenkins,1–3 Brian W Boelens,1 Kari L Aasheim,1 Nikolaus Gravenstein4–5 1University of Florida Self-Insurance Program, 2University of Florida Healthcare Education Insurance Company, 3Department of Health Services Research, Management & Policy, College of Public Health and Health Professions, 4Department of Anesthesiology, 5Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA Abstract: Severe neurological outcomes sustained in childhood often result in lifetime health care needs that are beyond the financial means of most families. When severe neurological deficits are alleged to have resulted from professional negligence, relief may be sought through litigation; however, the American tort system often yields inconsistent results or no compensation for patients. We sought to identify a reasonable, objective, and data-based monetary range for a no-fault compensation system with high- and low-financial limits for those with severe neurological deficits. Based on documented life expectancies and attendant care cost studies, the data analysis indicates a no-fault settlement payment ranging from US$479,712.24 to $3,098,504.16, reasonably ensures care and services for life. Keywords: cost of health care, health law, health regulation, long-term care, medical malpractice

  13. Constraints on the performance of school-based dental program in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: A qualitative study

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    Rosa Amalia


    Full Text Available Background: A high prevalence of caries at ages ≥ 12 in Yogyakarta province (DMFT = 6.5, raises the question of the effectiveness of the school-based dental program (SBDP which, as a national oral health program in schools, is organized by community health centers (CHCs. Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the possible constraints on work processes which might affect the performance of SBDPs in controlling caries. Methods: In-depth interviews was conducted in twelve CHCs, covering all five districts both in urban and rural areas. Subjects were 41 dentists and dental nurses working in these CHCs. The interviews were structured according to the following themes: resources and logistics; program planning; target achievement; monitoring and evaluation; and suggestions for possible improvements. The data were analyzed using content analysis. Results: The main constraints identified were limited resources and inflexible regulations for resource allocation in the CHC, and inadequate program planning and program evaluation. Inadequate participation of parents was also identified. Another constraint is thatpolicy at the district level orientates oral health towards curative intervention rather than prevention. Suggestions from interviewees include encouraging a policy for oral health, task delegation, a funding program using school health insurance, and a reorientation towards prevention. Conclusion: The weakness of management processes and the unsupported policy of the SBDP at the local level result in a lack of effectiveness. The constraints identified and suggestions for improvements could constitute a basis for improving program quality.Latar Belakang: Tingginya prevalensi karies pada usia ≥ 12 tahun (DMFT = 6.5 di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY menimbulkan pertanyaan akan efektifitas Usaha Kesehatan Gigi Sekolah (UKGS. UKGS adalah salah satu program nasional di bidang kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang dilaksanakan oleh Puskesmas

  14. Indirect pulp capping in primary molar using glass ionomer cements

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    Murtia Metalita


    Full Text Available Background: Indirect pulp capping in primary teeth, however, is more rarely conducted than permanent teeth, since it thought to have low impact and most suggestion is for taking caries lesion aggressively on primary teeth. Purpose: The study was aimed to evaluate the subjective complaint, clinical symptom, and radiographic appearance of indirect pulp capping treatment using glass ionomers cements in primary molar. Methods: Sixteen children in range of age 6 to 8 years old, who visited Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry Universitas Airlangga Dental Hospital, Surabaya Indonesia, were the subject of study. They had one occlusal dental caries on one side of maxillary or mandibular primary molar with the diagnose of pulpitis reversible. The experimental group, had indirect pulp capping treatment with glass ionomer cements (GC Fuji VII®, while the control group, had indirect pulp capping treatment with calcium hydroxide (Metapaste. Each group was filled with GC Fuji IX® as permanent restoration. After one week, one month, and three months later, the observations were made on subjective complaint, clinical symptom, and radiographic appearance. Results: The results showed no subjective complaint such as pain or problem on mastication; no negative clinical symptoms such as pain on palpation, gingivitis or periodontitis, and abnormal tooth mobility; no negative radiographic appearance such as pathological apical radioluscency, internal or external resorbtion, and change of ligament periodontal widthafter the treatment. Conclusion: The study suggested that indirect pulp capping treatment using glass ionomer cement materials on primary teeth might be considered to be the treatment choice.Latar belakang: Indirect pulp capping pada gigi sulung lebih jarang dilakukan dibandingkan gigi permanen, karena dianggap memiliki dampak yang rendah dan sebagian besar menyarankan untuk mengambil lesi karies secara agresif pada gigi sulung. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan


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    Buddiwati Punta


    Full Text Available Dental caries is a multifactorial disease. The most important factors in the development of caries is saliva. Reduced salivary secretion in patients with type 2 diabetes melitus to the occurrence of caries have yielded controversial results. The aim of the study was to find out whether the risk factors of the saliva i.e. saliva secretion rate, buffer capacity, salivary S. mutans, salivary Lactobacilli, alone or in combination, could be used for prediction of caries activity. Thirty patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and age range 46-73 participated. Diabetic status was determined by fasting plasma glucose is >126mg/dl, 2-hour plasma glucose is >140mg/dl. Decayed, missing, and filled teeth indices were determined by means of clinical examination. Stimulated saliva with parafin was measured for flow rate and buffer capacity, level of S. mutans & Lactobacilli were analyzed with dentobuff and dentocult. There was no decrease in salivary secretion in patients with type 2 diabetes melitus. Significant corellation were found between buffer capacity, and combination of the S. mutans & Lactobacilli counts in caries activity.

  16. Preliminary Report: DESiGN and Test Result of KSR-3 Rocket Magnetometers

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    Hyo-Min Kim


    Full Text Available The solar wind contributes to the formation of unique space environment called the Earth's magnetosphere by various interactions with the Earth's magnetic field. Thus the solar-terrestrial environment affects the Earth's magnetic field, which can be observed with an instrument for the magnetic field measurement, the magnetometer usually mounted on the rocket and the satellite and based on the ground observatory. The magnetometer is a useful instrument for the spacecraft attitude control as well as the Earth's magnetic field measurements for a scientific purpose. In this paper, we present the preliminary design and test results of the two onboard magnetometers of KARI's (Korea Aerospace Research Institute sounding rocket, KSR-3, which will be launched four times during the period of 2001-02. The KSR-3 magnetometers consist of the fluxgate magnetometer, MAG/AIM (Attitude Information Magnetometer for acquiring the rocket flight attitude information, and of the search-coil magnetometer, MAG/SIM (Scientific Investigation Magnetometer for the observation of the Earth's magnetic field fluctuations. With the MAG/AIM, the 3-axis attitude information can be acquired by the comparison of the resulting dc magnetic vector field with the IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field. The Earth's magnetic field fluctuations ranging from 10 to 1,000 Hz can also be observed with the MAG/SIM measurement.

  17. An update on the treatment of acromegaly

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    Edling KL


    Full Text Available Kari L Edling,1 Anthony P Heaney1,21Department of Medicine, 2Department of Neurosurgery, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USAAbstract: Acromegaly is caused by pituitary somatotroph hypersecretion of growth hormone leading to elevated hepatic-derived and local levels of insulin-like growth factor-1. It is associated with increased morbidity and mortality due primarily to cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. Normalization of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 levels has been associated with decreased morbidity from metabolic and cardiovascular effects, as well as reduced overall mortality in epidemiologic studies. Many patients experience a delay in obtaining a diagnosis, have pituitary macroadenomas at presentation, and accordingly, a significant number will not be cured by tumor surgical resection alone. Adjunctive radiation therapy cannot always offer biochemical and clinical disease control and carries a 40% risk of partial or total pituitary failure in the medium term. Several monotherapies or combination medical therapies are currently available for both primary and adjuvant acromegaly treatment, and include long-acting somatostatin analogs, the growth hormone receptor antagonist pegvisomant, and dopamine agonists. Next generation somatostatin analogs and new drug delivery methods of existing agents are in ongoing clinical studies. This paper will review current and novel therapies under development for acromegaly.Keywords: acromegaly, growth hormone, pituitary tumors, somatostatin analog, pasireotide, pegvisomant

  18. Parallel computing in genomic research: advances and applications

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    Ocaña K


    Full Text Available Kary Ocaña,1 Daniel de Oliveira2 1National Laboratory of Scientific Computing, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, 2Institute of Computing, Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil Abstract: Today's genomic experiments have to process the so-called "biological big data" that is now reaching the size of Terabytes and Petabytes. To process this huge amount of data, scientists may require weeks or months if they use their own workstations. Parallelism techniques and high-performance computing (HPC environments can be applied for reducing the total processing time and to ease the management, treatment, and analyses of this data. However, running bioinformatics experiments in HPC environments such as clouds, grids, clusters, and graphics processing unit requires the expertise from scientists to integrate computational, biological, and mathematical techniques and technologies. Several solutions have already been proposed to allow scientists for processing their genomic experiments using HPC capabilities and parallelism techniques. This article brings a systematic review of literature that surveys the most recently published research involving genomics and parallel computing. Our objective is to gather the main characteristics, benefits, and challenges that can be considered by scientists when running their genomic experiments to benefit from parallelism techniques and HPC capabilities. Keywords: high-performance computing, genomic research, cloud computing, grid computing, cluster computing, parallel computing

  19. The economic impact of the EU enlargement and forthcoming change in legislation of the special economic zone upon the Kaliningrad region / Kari Liuhto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liuhto, Kari


    Kiired majandusreformid Balti riikides ja Poolas seoses nende hiljutise Euroopa Liidu liikmelisusega tõstatab küsimuse, kuidas on see mõjutanud EL väliste siirderiikide majanduskeskkonda. Euroopa Liidu laienemise sotsiaal-majanduslik mõju Kaliningradi erimajanduspiirkonnale. Tabelid

  20. Perbedaan Pola Kurva Keparahan Karies Gigi Susu dan Gigi Tetap serta Faktor yang Beperan, Pada Anak dengan Status Gizi Kurang dan Gizi Baik

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    Poppy Andriany


    Full Text Available This study is aimed to describe the pattern of the primary and permanent teeth caries’ severity curve within 3 -12 years of age children in a poor and good nutritional status, and to describe the predisposing factors’ differences at a certain area which has a high prevalence of poor nutritional status. Method: This study was performed as a cross sectional study. Result: The standardized primary dentition caries’ scores show that the highest value belongs to the group of 5 years old children with poor nutritional status (10.4, and the caries’ scores are higher in the children with poor nutritional status which is one year earlier than the children with good nutritional status whose highest caries score is at 6 years old group (8.00. Conclusions: In this cross sectional study, the result is plotted in curve, shown that in the children with poor nutritional status the curve pattern is higher than the children with good nutritional status at the same age (3-12 years of age. It is also shown the same phenomenon at both groups of 6-12 of age, which means that there is a positive correlation between primary dentition caries and permanent dentition caries. The most obvious predisposing factors in the caries severity is the salivary pH.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v15i3.33

  1. Informální u č ení v karié ř e žen. / Informal learning within the career development of women.

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    Lenka Hloušková


    Full Text Available The aim of this text is to describe how informal learning influences the career development of women. Answer to the above mentioned question follows from a qualitative study within a research study on the topic: The needs of adults in relation to the building of their careers and how to satisfy these through career counselling andguidance services. Qualitative approach was implemented as biographic research with the use of the life story method. For the purpose of this text, we used a sample of seven women of different ages, the same degree of education, with at least one-year-work experience and with different types of changes in their careers. The data suggest that women learn informally either due to the pressure of a situation or „for the future“. If women learn as a result of the pressure of the situation, informal learning represents a tool for satisfying needs that are perceived as deficit. In fact, these women don'tplan their career development in a long-term perspective and from the point of view of career building, informal learning becomes a tool for changing the current state. In case that women learn for the future, via learning they try to satisfy needs which canbe regarded (according to Maslow as the self-realization needs. These women plan their career development and this is why it is possible to consider informal learning as a direct tool for their career development.

  2. Kariérní vzorce žen v managementu. Strategie žen v rámci genderového režimu organizace

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Křížková, Alena


    Roč. 39, č. 4 (2003), s. 447-469 ISSN 0038-0288 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAB7028201 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7028912 Keywords : Women in management * gender regime of organisation * flexibility on the labor market Subject RIV: AO - Sociology, Demography Impact factor: 0.063, year: 2003

  3. The effect of monofluorophosphate implant in white rat mothers towards the level of fluor in the incisors of their young babies (Rattus-rattus

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    Widjijono Widjijono


    Full Text Available Background: Fluoride has been widely used in the prevention of dental caries for a long time. To prevent dental caries, fluoride must be induced in low amount at high frequency. Inducing it through implantation process even make slow release of small concentration of fluoride. Purpose: The aim of this research was to analyze whether the induction of monofluorophosphate (MFP implant into the white rat mothers affects the level of fluoride in the incisors of their young babies. Method: The objects of the research were twenty white rat mothers in two days of pregnancy which then were divided into four groups (n=5. First, those mothers have been induced with implant under their back skin until their born young babies in the age of 35 days (n=5. The level of fluoride in the incisors of those young babies then is measured with Potentiometer. The obtained data were finally analyzed with One-Way ANOVA test and continued by with LSD test (p=0.05. Result: The result of this research showed that the means of the fluoride level in the incisors of those babies divided into those four groups in series were about 11956.16±201.35 ppb (K, 27328.04±234.56 ppb (P1, 37267.21±248.86 ppb (P2, and 18103.50±267.11 ppb (P3. The result of ANOVA test then showed that the induction of various MFP implant levels significantly affected the level of fluoride in the incisors of the babies. The mean differences among the treatment groups after being tested with LSD 0.05 were also significant. Conclusion: The finding confirm that the significant increasing of the optimal fluoride retention in the incisors of white rat babies can be achieved with the induction of fluoride with MFP ions implant in about 52.98 mg.Latar belakang: Pencegahan karies gigi menggunakan senyawa fluor telah banyak dilakukan dan berlangsung dalam jangka waktu lama. Pemberian fluor dalam jumlah rendah dan frekuensi tinggi merupakan pemenuhan kebutuhan pencegahan karies gigi. Pemberian dengan cara

  4. Karakterisasi Simplisia, Skrining Fitokimia dan Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun dari Dua Varietas Sirih (Piper betle L.) Terhadap Bakteri Streptococcus mutans Penyebab Karies Gigi


    Sitorus, Sulastri


    Leaf of betle (Piper betle L) has beeen used traditionally as medicine, for example as mouthwash, prevent caries and wound curing. This betle have many varieties which was differented by it colour, form and taste. Part of betle are different from colour, form, taste. Part of betle are red betle, Malay betel, black betel, silver betle, forest betle and prawn, but some people more used to sirih Melayu. It happened because almost people do not recordnice varieties of Piper betle. This observat...

  5. Identity of Innovative Multifunctional Material Manufacturing Business in Latvia / Inovatīvu Daudzfunkcionālo Materiālu Ražotāju Identitāte Latvijā (United States)

    Geipele, I.; Staube, T.; Ciemleja, G.; Zeltins, N.; Ekmanis, Yu.


    The publication comprises the results from the practical scientific investigation to define the profile and distinctions of the Latvian innovative multifunctional material manufacturing industry. The research is carried out by a holistic approach, including expert interviews, qualitative analysis of the official register data, practical survey, and financial data analysis. The paper seeks to give the detailed data on a technological profile of the mentioned representative companies, if there is a synergy or tough competition in the Latvian market. The current research is topical, because it is unique and does not have analogues in Latvia, and the research is timely due to correspondence with recently stated Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation in Latvia. The main findings are associated with recognition of the factors that make impact on commercialisation of the finished goods, obtained financial results and planned directions of development of the respondent companies. Publikācija sniedz veiktā zinātniski praktiskā pētījuma rezultātus, kura ietvaros tika noteikts Latvijas inovatīvu daudzfunkcionālo materiālu ražotāju darbības profils un identitāte. Pētījumā tika izmantota kompleksās analīzes metode, kas ietvēra ekspertu intervijas, uzņēmumu oficiāli reģistrēto datu kvalitatīvo analīzi, zinātniski praktisko aptauju, kā arī pētāmo uzņēmumu finanšu darbības rezultātu analīzi. Zinātniskais darbs sniedz izsmeļošu informāciju par mērķa uzņēmumu tehnoloģisko profilu un pēta, vai Latvijas mērķa ražošanas nozarē ir sinerģijas vai sīvās konkurences pazīmes. Šim zinātniskajam pētījumam ir noteikta aktualitāte saskaņā ar tā unikalitāti Latvijas valsts mērogā un atbilstība Viedās specializācijas stratēģijai. Pētījuma galvenie secinājumi ir saistīti ar uzņēmumu produkcijas komercializācijas ietekmējošo faktoru apzināšanu, sasniegtajiem finansiālajiem rezultātiem un pl

  6. One year in orbit of the first Geostationary Ocean Colour Imager (GOCI) (United States)

    Faure, François; Coste, Pierre; Benchetrit, Thierry; Kang, Gm Sil; Kim, Han-dol


    Geostationary Ocean Colour Imager (GOCI) is the first Ocean Colour Imager to operate from a Geostationary Orbit. It was developed by Astrium SAS under KARI contract in about 3 years between mid 2005 and October 2008 and integrated on-board COMS satellite end 2008 aside the COMS Meteo Imager (MI). COMS satellite was launched in June 2010 and the in-orbit commissioning tests were completed in beginning of 2011. The mission is designed to significantly improve ocean observation in complement with low orbit service by providing high frequency coverage. The GOCI is designed to provide multi-spectral data to detect, monitor, quantify, and predict short-term changes of coastal ocean environment for marine science research and application purpose. Target area for the GOCI observation in the COMS satellite covers a large 2500 x 2500 km2 sea area around the Korean Peninsula, with an average Ground sampling distance (GSD) of 500m, corresponding to a NADIR GSD of 360m. The presentation will shortly recall the mission objectives and major instrument requirements, and then present the results of inorbit testing and validations. All functions and in particular the CMOS detector matrix operate nominally. Performances evaluated in orbit (SNR, MTF, etc.) show results above the requirements. Finally, in-orbit calibrations using the sun diffuser provide very satisfactory consistency with the ground characterisation. GOCI is now delivering operational products and proving the interest of Geo observation in the Ocean Colour applications

  7. Early Phase Contingency Trajectory Design for the Failure of the First Lunar Orbit Insertion Maneuver: Direct Recovery Options (United States)

    Song, Young-Joo; Bae, Jonghee; Kim, Young-Rok; Kim, Bang-Yeop


    To ensure the successful launch of the Korea pathfinder lunar orbiter (KPLO) mission, the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) is now performing extensive trajectory design and analysis studies. From the trajectory design perspective, it is crucial to prepare contingency trajectory options for the failure of the first lunar brake or the failure of the first lunar orbit insertion (LOI) maneuver. As part of the early phase trajectory design and analysis activities, the required time of flight (TOF) and associated delta-V magnitudes for each recovery maneuver (RM) to recover the KPLO mission trajectory are analyzed. There are two typical trajectory recovery options, direct recovery and low energy recovery. The current work is focused on the direct recovery option. Results indicate that a quicker execution of the first RM after the failure of the first LOI plays a significant role in saving the magnitudes of the RMs. Under the conditions of the extremely tight delta-V budget that is currently allocated for the KPLO mission, it is found that the recovery of the KPLO without altering the originally planned mission orbit (a 100 km circular orbit) cannot be achieved via direct recovery options. However, feasible recovery options are suggested within the boundaries of the currently planned delta-V budget. By changing the shape and orientation of the recovered final mission orbit, it is expected that the KPLO mission may partially pursue its scientific mission after successful recovery, though it will be limited.

  8. "Tinni" Rice ( Oryza rufipogon Griff.) Production: An Integrated Sociocultural Agroecosystem in Eastern Uttar Pradesh of India (United States)

    Singh, Ranjay K.; Turner, Nancy J.; Pandey, C. B.


    This study reports how Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and informal cultural institutions have conserved key varieties of the wildgrowing rice, ` tinni' (red rice, or brownbeard rice, Oriza rufipogon Griff.), within the Bhar community of eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. The study was conducted, using conventional and participatory methods, in 10 purposively selected Bhar villages. Two distinct varieties of tinni (` tinni patali' and ` tinni moti') with differing habitats and phenotypic characters were identified. Seven microecosystems (Kari, Badaila, Chammo, Karmol, Bhainsiki, Bhainsala and Khodailia) were found to support these varieties in differing proportions. Tinni rice can withstand more extreme weather conditions (the highest as well as lowest temperatures and rainfall regimes) than the `genetically improved' varieties of rice ( Oriza sativa L.) grown in the region. Both tinni varieties are important bioresources for the Bhar's subsistence livelihoods, and they use distinctive conservation approaches in their maintenance. Bhar women are the main custodians of tinni rice agrobiodiversity, conserving tinni through an institution called Sajha. Democratic decision-making at meetings organized by village elders determines the market price of the tinni varieties. Overall, the indigenous institutions and women's participation seem to have provided safeguards from excessive exploitation of tinni rice varieties. The maintenance of tinni through cultural knowledge and institutions serves as an example of the importance of locally maintained crop varieties in contributing to people's resilience and food security in times of rapid social and environmental change.

  9. Folate content and availability in Malaysian cooked foods. (United States)

    Chew, S C; Khor, G L; Loh, S P


    Data on folate availability of Malaysian cooked foods would be useful for estimation of dietary folate intake; however such information is scarce. A total of 53 samples of frequently consumed foods in Malaysia were selected from the Nutrient Composition of Malaysian Foods. Folate content was determined using HPLC method hyphenated with a stainless steel C18 column and ultraviolet detector (lambda = 280 nm). The index of folate availability was defined as the proportion of folate identified as monoglutamyl derivatives from the total folate content. Total folate content of different food samples varied from 30-95 microg/100g fresh weight. Among rice-based dishes, the highest and the lowest total folate was in coconut milk rice (nasi lemak) and ghee rice (nasi minyak), respectively. In noodle dishes, fried rice noodle (kuey teow goreng) and curry noodle (mee kari) had the highest folate contents. The highest index of folate availability was in a flat rice noodle dish (kuey teow bandung) (12.13%), while the lowest was in a festival cake (kuih bakul) (0.13%). Folate content was found to be negatively related to its availability. This study determined folate content and folate availability in commonly consumed cooked foods in Malaysia. The uptake of folate from foods with high folate content may not be necessarily high as folate absorption also depends on the capacity of intestinal deconjugation and the presence of high fibre in the foods.

  10. Radiation-related caries. Etiology and possible preventive strategies. What should the radiotherapist know?; Radiogene Karies. Aetiologie und Moeglichkeiten der Praevention. Was sollte der Strahlentherapeut wissen?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schweyen, R.; Hey, J. [Martin-Luther-Univ., Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). Universitaetspoliklinik fuer Prothetik; Fraenzel, W. [Martin-Luther-Univ., Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Physik; Vordermark, D. [Martin-Luther-Univ., Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). Universitaetsklinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie; Hildebrandt, G.; Kuhnt, T. [Universitaetsklinikum Rostock (Germany). Universitaetsklinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie


    After radiation treatment of head-and-neck cancer, the impairment of patient's quality of life still remains an issue. After completion of the treatment course, a substantial number of patients develop so-called radiation caries. In addition, almost 50% of all cases of infectious osteoradionecrosis (iORN) of the jaws are directly associated with radiation caries. This review addresses our current knowledge on the etiology and pathogenesis of radiation caries including possible preventive strategies. Materials and methods A PubMed search using the terms ''radiation caries'' (''radiation related caries'', ''radiation related damage to dentition'') and ''radiogenic caries'' (''postradiation caries'', ''dental complications and radiotherapy'') was performed. The analysis of its content focused on the etiology, the pathogenesis, and the available knowledge on prophylaxis as well as treatment of radiation caries. Results For this review, 60 publications were selected. As main causal factors for radiogenic caries, either indirect impairment, resulting from alterations in the oral environment (e.g., radiation-induced xerostomia) or direct radiation-induced damage in teeth hard tissues are discussed. Radiation caries remains a lifelong threat and, therefore, requires permanent prevention programs. Conclusion To enable optimal medical care of the patients during the time course of radiotherapy as well as afterwards, close interdisciplinary cooperation between radiotherapists, oral surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists, and dentists is absolutely essential. (orig.)

  11. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate sebagai Penutup Perforasi Akar Lateral Premolar Mandibula Disertai Restorasi Onlei Resin Komposit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nanda Kusumastuti


    Full Text Available Latar belakang. Kegagalan memperoleh arah preparasi saluran akar yang lurus merupakan salah satu penyebab utama perforasi akar lateral. Pemakaian mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA pada penutupan perforasi akar lateral memberikan kerapatan yang lebih baik dibandingkan bahan yang lain. Tujuan. Penulisan laporan ini untuk melaporkan penutupan perforasi akar lateral menggunakan MTA pada perawatan saluran akar gigi premolar dua kanan mandibula nekrosis pulpa dilanjutkan restorasi onlei resin komposit sehingga !ungsi gigi dapat tereapai kembali. Kasus dan penanganan. Pasien laki-Iaki berusia 35 tahun datang ke klinik Konservasi RSGM Prof. Soedomo dengan keluhan ingin melanjutkan perawatan gigi belakang kanan bawahnya yang pernah dirawat di dokter gigi sebelumnya tetapi tidak selesai. Pada pemeriksaan CE negati!, perkusi positi!, palpasi dan mobilitas negati!. Gambaran radiogra! terlihat adanya area radiolusen pada 1/3 akar lateral bagian mesial. Diagnosis gigi 45 adalah karies profunda dengan nekrosis pulpa disertai perforasi akar lateral. Preparasi saluran akar dilakukan dengan teknik crown down menggunakan protaper hand use. MTA setebal 3 mm ditempatkan dalam saluran akar yang mengalami perforasi akar lateral dan selanjutnya saluran akar diobturasi dengan teknik single cone. Tiga bulan setelah penutupan perforasi akar lateral, pasien tidak ada keluhan serta pada pemeriksaan perkusi, palpasi dan mobilitas negati! kemudian dilanjutkan dengan restorasi onlei resin komposit. Kesimpulan. Kasus premolar dua kanan mandibula yang mengalami perforasi akar lateral dapat disembuhkan dengan penggunaan MTA sebagai bahan penutup perforasi. Evaluasi pasea pengaplikasian MTA dilakukan pada bulan ke-3 menunjukkan hasil yang eukup memuaskan dengan ditandai daerah radiolusensi yang mengeeil pada daerah perforasi.

  12. Clinical confidence following an interprofessional educational program on eating disorders for health care professionals: a qualitative analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pettersen G


    Full Text Available Gunn Pettersen,1 Jan H Rosenvinge,1 Kari-Brith Thune-Larsen,2 Rolf Wynn1,31Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway; 2Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; 3Division of Addictions and Specialized Services, University Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø, NorwayAbstract: There are an increasing number of educational programs to improve clinical competence and skills to treat mental disorders. For complex disorders there is also a focus on improving the quality of interprofessional work. This paper reports on interprofessional outputs of an educational program on eating disorders. A total of 207 professionals who completed the program were requested to describe up to 12 possible scenarios depicted as realistic prospects for their future work within this field. Analyzing the scenarios resulted in three categories of describing the participants' preferences: (1 interprofessional interventions and treatment; (2 the further development of competence; and (3 organization of the health care system. The findings showed that the participants were considering working across new lines in their current workplaces or crossing borders to new frontiers in the execution of competence. Our findings may be summarized into the concept of "clinical confidence." This concept has so far been understood as some kind of personal trait, disposition, or attitude. The present findings add nuances to this concept in terms of state-dependent encouragement, engagement, and a potential to act and to cross professional borders in order to better treat complex mental disorders.Keywords: interprofessional educational programs, interprofessional work, clinical confidence, eating disorders program, health care professional

  13. Preliminary Results of BTDF Calibration of Transmissive Solar Diffusers for Remote Sensing (United States)

    Georgiev, Georgi T.; Butler, James J.; Thome, Kurt; Cooksey, Catherine; Ding, Leibo


    Satellite instruments operating in the reflected solar wavelength region require accurate and precise determination of the optical properties of their diffusers used in pre-flight and post-flight calibrations. The majority of recent and current space instruments use reflective diffusers. As a result, numerous Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) calibration comparisons have been conducted between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and other industry and university-based metrology laboratories. However, based on literature searches and communications with NIST and other laboratories, no Bidirectional Transmittance Distribution Function (BTDF) measurement comparisons have been conducted between National Measurement Laboratories (NMLs) and other metrology laboratories. On the other hand, there is a growing interest in the use of transmissive diffusers in the calibration of satellite, air-borne, and ground-based remote sensing instruments. Current remote sensing instruments employing transmissive diffusers include the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite instrument (OMPS) Limb instrument on the Suomi-National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) platform,, the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) on the Korea Aerospace Research Institute's (KARI) Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS), the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura platform, the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) instrument and the Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS).. This ensemble of instruments requires validated BTDF measurements of their on-board transmissive diffusers from the ultraviolet through the near infrared. This paper presents the preliminary results of a BTDF comparison between the NASA Diffuser Calibration Laboratory (DCL) and NIST on quartz and thin Spectralon samples.

  14. Design and analysis of variable-twist tiltrotor blades using shape memory alloy hybrid composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jae-Sang; Kim, Seong-Hwan; Jung, Sung Nam; Lee, Myeong-Kyu


    The tiltrotor blade, or proprotor, acts as a rotor in the helicopter mode and as a propeller in the airplane mode. For a better performance, the proprotor should have different built-in twist distributions along the blade span, suitable for each operational mode. This paper proposes a new variable-twist proprotor concept that can adjust the built-in twist distribution for given flight modes. For a variable-twist control, the present proprotor adopts shape memory alloy hybrid composites (SMAHC) containing shape memory alloy (SMA) wires embedded in the composite matrix. The proprotor of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) Smart Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (SUAV), which is based on the tiltrotor concept, is used as a baseline proprotor model. The cross-sectional properties of the variable-twist proprotor are designed to maintain the cross-sectional properties of the original proprotor as closely as possible. However, the torsion stiffness is significantly reduced to accommodate the variable-twist control. A nonlinear flexible multibody dynamic analysis is employed to investigate the dynamic characteristics of the proprotor such as natural frequency and damping in the whirl flutter mode, the blade structural loads in a transition flight and the rotor performance in hover. The numerical results show that the present proprotor is designed to have a strong similarity to the baseline proprotor in dynamic and load characteristics. It is demonstrated that the present proprotor concept could be used to improve the hover performance adaptively when the variable-twist control using the SMAHC is applied appropriately

  15. Design and analysis of variable-twist tiltrotor blades using shape memory alloy hybrid composites (United States)

    Park, Jae-Sang; Kim, Seong-Hwan; Jung, Sung Nam; Lee, Myeong-Kyu


    The tiltrotor blade, or proprotor, acts as a rotor in the helicopter mode and as a propeller in the airplane mode. For a better performance, the proprotor should have different built-in twist distributions along the blade span, suitable for each operational mode. This paper proposes a new variable-twist proprotor concept that can adjust the built-in twist distribution for given flight modes. For a variable-twist control, the present proprotor adopts shape memory alloy hybrid composites (SMAHC) containing shape memory alloy (SMA) wires embedded in the composite matrix. The proprotor of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) Smart Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (SUAV), which is based on the tiltrotor concept, is used as a baseline proprotor model. The cross-sectional properties of the variable-twist proprotor are designed to maintain the cross-sectional properties of the original proprotor as closely as possible. However, the torsion stiffness is significantly reduced to accommodate the variable-twist control. A nonlinear flexible multibody dynamic analysis is employed to investigate the dynamic characteristics of the proprotor such as natural frequency and damping in the whirl flutter mode, the blade structural loads in a transition flight and the rotor performance in hover. The numerical results show that the present proprotor is designed to have a strong similarity to the baseline proprotor in dynamic and load characteristics. It is demonstrated that the present proprotor concept could be used to improve the hover performance adaptively when the variable-twist control using the SMAHC is applied appropriately.

  16. Preliminary results of BTDF calibration of transmissive solar diffusers for remote sensing (United States)

    Georgiev, Georgi T.; Butler, James J.; Thome, Kurt; Cooksey, Catherine; Ding, Leibo


    Satellite instruments operating in the reflected solar wavelength region require accurate and precise determination of the optical properties of their diffusers used in pre-flight and post-flight calibrations. The majority of recent and current space instruments use reflective diffusers. As a result, numerous Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) calibration comparisons have been conducted between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and other industry and university-based metrology laboratories. However, based on literature searches and communications with NIST and other laboratories, no Bidirectional Transmittance Distribution Function (BTDF) measurement comparisons have been conducted between National Measurement Laboratories (NMLs) and other metrology laboratories. On the other hand, there is a growing interest in the use of transmissive diffusers in the calibration of satellite, air-borne, and ground-based remote sensing instruments. Current remote sensing instruments employing transmissive diffusers include the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite instrument (OMPS) Limb instrument on the Suomi-National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) platform,, the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) on the Korea Aerospace Research Institute's (KARI) Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS), the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura platform, the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) instrument and the Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS).. This ensemble of instruments requires validated BTDF measurements of their onboard transmissive diffusers from the ultraviolet through the near infrared. This paper presents the preliminary results of a BTDF comparison between the NASA Diffuser Calibration Laboratory (DCL) and NIST on quartz and thin Spectralon samples.

  17. Peranan sorbitol dalam mempertahankan kestabilan pH saliva pada proses pencegahan karies (The role of sorbitol in maintaining saliva’s pH to prevent caries process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Soesilo


    Full Text Available People in Indonesia often consume food containing sucrose. If the sucrose consumed is in a large amount, it will decrease saliva’s pH and soon teeth destruction will happen. To avoid it, it is necessary to change sucrose consumption habit into another kind of sugar, namely sorbitol. Sorbitol is preferred to use, because it is cheaper and easier to get. Sorbitol is made from cassava, which is plentifully grown in Indonesia. Sorbitol is not good media for bacteria to grow. Because sorbitol has a diol, so it’s difficult to catalyst by glucosyltransferase enzyme, which is produced by bacteria Streptococcus mutans. The conclusion is that sorbitol is difficult to be fermented by Streptococcus mutans so it will not decrease saliva’s pH.

  18. Recovery from eating disorders: psychometric properties of a patient-related measure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosenvinge JH


    Full Text Available Gunn Pettersen,1 Kari-Brith Thune-Larsen,2 Jan H Rosenvinge31Department of Health and Care Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway; 2Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; 3Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, NorwayAbstract: Although there are numerous lists of items covering clinically valid aspects of recovery from eating disorders, these lists are on the nominal level: the potential for multidimensional development has not been explored. Such exploration is the purpose of the present study. The subjects included in the study were 152 female clinicians, 1052 females randomly selected from the general population, and 184 eating-disorder patients. All subjects rated 17 recovery items on a 10-point scale in terms of their relevance and importance. They also completed measures of knowledge about eating disorders and their own eating problems, in addition to providing information about their age and personal acquaintance with eating disorders. Fourteen recovery-item scores were sample unspecific, and hence all samples tended to judge the majority of items in a similar manner. The 17 items successfully formed three separate factors covering specific eating-disorder symptoms, as well as social and psychological issues. The clinician and general population sample analyzed together provided a more condensed scale comprising two factors (specific eating-disorder symptoms and psychosocial factors, with each factor having three items. This factor structure was successfully replicated using the patient-validation sample. The findings indicate an empirical basis for a valid recovery measure that may be suitable in future outcome research.Keywords: eating disorders, recovery, outcome, outcome measures

  19. Scholars and scientists in the history of the lymphatic system. (United States)

    Natale, Gianfranco; Bocci, Guido; Ribatti, Domenico


    The discovery of the lymphatic system has a long and fascinating history. The interest in anatomy and physiology of this system paralleled that of the blood cardiocirculatory system and has been maybe obscured by the latter. Paradoxically, if the closed blood system appeared open in Galen's anatomy and physiology, and took a very long time to be correctly described in terms of pulmonary and general circulation by ibn Al-Nafis/Michael Servetus/Realdo Colombo and William Harvey, respectively, the open lymphatic system was incorrectly described as a closed circuit connected with arteries and veins. In ancient times only macroscopic components of the lymphatic system have been described, although misinterpreted, including lymph nodes and lacteals, the latter being easily identified because of their milk-like content. For about 15 centuries the dogmatic acceptance of Galen's notions did not allow a significant progress in medicine. After Vesalius' revolution in anatomical studies, new knowledge was accumulated, and the 17th century was the golden age for the investigation of the lymphatic system with several discoveries: gut lacteals (Gaspare Aselli), cloacal bursa (Hieronimus Fabricius of Acquapendente), reservoir of the chyle (Jean Pecquet), extra-intestinal lymphatic vessels (Thomas Bartholin and Olaus Rudbeck dispute), hepatic lymph circulation (Francis Glisson). In the Enlightenment century Frederik Ruysch described the function of lymphatic valves, and Paolo Mascagni provided a magnificent iconography of the lymphatic network in humans. In recent times, Leonetto Comparini realized three-dimensional reconstructions of the liver lymphatic vessels, and Kari Alitalo discovered the lymphatic growth factor/receptor system. Far from a complete understanding of its anatomy and function, the lymphatic system still needs to be profoundly examined. © 2017 Anatomical Society.

  20. In Vitro Screening for the Tumoricidal Properties of International Medicinal Herbs (United States)

    Mazzio, Elizabeth A.; Soliman, Karam F. A.


    There is growing use of anticancer complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) worldwide. The purpose of the current study is to assess a sizeable variety of natural and plant sources of diverse origin, to ascertain prospective research directives for cancer treatment and potential new chemotherapy drug sources. In this study, 374 natural extracts (10 μg/mL-5 mg/mL) were evaluated for dose-dependent tumoricidal effects using immortal neuroblastoma of spontaneous malignant origin. The findings indicate no pattern of tumoricidal effects by diverse plants with similar families/genus under the classes Pinopsida, Equisetopsida, Lycopodiosida, Filicosida, Liliopsida Monocotyledons or Magnoliopsida Dicotyledons. The results indicate that many of the most commonly used CAMs exhibited relatively weak tumoricidal effects including cats claw, astragalus, ginseng, echinacea, mistletoe, milk thistle, slippery elm, cayenne, chamomile, don quai, meadowsweet, motherwort and shepherd's purse. The data demonstrate that the most potent plant extracts were randomly dispersed within the plantae kingdom (LC50 = 31-490 μg/mL) in order of the lowest LC50 Dioscorea villosa (Dioscoreaceae) > Sanguinaria canadensis (Papaveraceae) > Dipsacus asper (Dipsacaceae) > Populus balsamifera (Salicaceae) > Boswellia carteri (Burseraceae) > Cyamopsis psoralioides (Fabaceae) > Rhamnus cathartica (Rhamnaceae) > Larrea tridentate (Zygophyllaceae) > Dichroa febrifuga (Hydrangeaceae) > Batschia canescens (Boraginaceae) > Kochia scoparia (Chenopodiaceae) > Solanum xanthocarpum (Solanaceae) > Opoponax chironium (Umbelliferae) > Caulophyllum thalictroides (Berberidaceae) > Dryopteris crassirhizoma (Dryopteridaceae) > Garcinia cambogia (Clusiaceae) > Vitex agnus-castus (Verbenaceae) > Calamus draco (Arecaceae). These findings show tumoricidal effect by extracts of wild yam root, bloodroot, teasel root, bakuchi seed, dichroa root, kanta kari, garcinia fruit, mace, dragons blood and the biblically referenced

  1. Isotope tracer-aided studies on the date and significance of insecticides used for the control of rice pests under conditions of Indian agriculture. Coordinate programme on isotopic-tracer-aided studies on the origin and fate of foreign chemical residues in the agricultural environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sethunathan, N.


    Radiotracer-aided studies were made of the fate of insecticides: parathion, benzenehexachloride (BHC) and endrin in rice soils under flooded conditions and the effect of a fungicide benomyl on heterotrophic nitrification. BHC, known for its stability in non-flooded soils and other aerobic environments, decomposed rapidly in microbially-active flooded soils, capable of obtaining Eh of -40 to -100 mV. Moreover the addition of rice straw (a common cultural practice) further accelerated the Eh drop due to enhanced microbial activity and, thereby, BHC degradation. Substantial loss of gamma-BHC also occurred by volatilization from the standing water of flooded soils. The fate of endrin was studied in 8 rice-flooded soils. Endrin decomposed rapidly in most soils, except in a sandy one. Endrin was converted to 6 metabolites in non-sterile samples of laterite, alluvial and pokkali soils as compared to 3 compounds in sterile samples indicating microbial participation. In sandy soils also only 3 compounds were detected and in kari soil 4. The degradation of parathion in flooded soils proceeds by nitrogroup reduction to amino-parathion and by hydrolysis of the P-O-C linkage to P-nitrophenol and diethylthiophosphoric acid. Microorganisms, Penicillium waksmani Zoleski, Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. are involved in both reactions. Organic sources inhibited the parathion hydrolysis but it is unlikely to cause any residue hazards since at the same time nitrogroup reduction is enhanced. Applications of benomyl to the simulated oxidized zone of flooded soils favoured heterotrophic nitrification due to stimulating the proliferation of heterotrophic nitrifying bacteria. This may pose an indirect environmental pollution hazard in addition to the direct toxicity of the fungicide

  2. Culture-sensitive adaptation and validation of the community-oriented program for the control of rheumatic diseases methodology for rheumatic disease in Latin American indigenous populations. (United States)

    Peláez-Ballestas, Ingris; Granados, Ysabel; Silvestre, Adriana; Alvarez-Nemegyei, José; Valls, Evart; Quintana, Rosana; Figuera, Yemina; Santiago, Flor Julian; Goñi, Mario; González, Rosa; Santana, Natalia; Nieto, Romina; Brito, Irais; García, Imelda; Barrios, Maria Cecilia; Marcano, Manuel; Loyola-Sánchez, Adalberto; Stekman, Ivan; Jorfen, Marisa; Goycochea-Robles, Maria Victoria; Midauar, Fadua; Chacón, Rosa; Martin, Maria Celeste; Pons-Estel, Bernardo A


    The purpose of the study is to validate a culturally sensitive adaptation of the community-oriented program for the control of rheumatic diseases (COPCORD) methodology in several Latin American indigenous populations. The COPCORD Spanish questionnaire was translated and back-translated into seven indigenous languages: Warao, Kariña and Chaima (Venezuela), Mixteco, Maya-Yucateco and Raramuri (Mexico) and Qom (Argentina). The questionnaire was administered to almost 100 subjects in each community with the assistance of bilingual translators. Individuals with pain, stiffness or swelling in any part of the body in the previous 7 days and/or at any point in life were evaluated by physicians to confirm a diagnosis according to criteria for rheumatic diseases. Overall, individuals did not understand the use of a 0-10 visual analog scale for pain intensity and severity grading and preferred a Likert scale comprising four items for pain intensity (no pain, minimal pain, strong pain, and intense pain). They were unable to discriminate between pain intensity and pain severity, so only pain intensity was included. For validation, 702 subjects (286 male, 416 female, mean age 42.7 ± 18.3 years) were interviewed in their own language. In the last 7 days, 198 (28.2 %) subjects reported having musculoskeletal pain, and 90 (45.4 %) of these had intense pain. Compared with the physician-confirmed diagnosis, the COPCORD questionnaire had 73.8 % sensitivity, 72.9 % specificity, a positive likelihood ratio of 2.7 and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.73. The COPCORD questionnaire is a valid screening tool for rheumatic diseases in indigenous Latin American populations.

  3. In vitro screening for the tumoricidal properties of international medicinal herbs. (United States)

    Mazzio, Elizabeth A; Soliman, Karam F A


    There is growing use of anticancer complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) worldwide. The purpose of the current study is to assess a sizeable variety of natural and plant sources of diverse origin, to ascertain prospective research directives for cancer treatment and potential new chemotherapy drug sources. In this study, 374 natural extracts (10 microg/mL-5 mg/mL) were evaluated for dose-dependent tumoricidal effects using immortal neuroblastoma of spontaneous malignant origin. The findings indicate no pattern of tumoricidal effects by diverse plants with similar families/genus under the classes Pinopsida, Equisetopsida, Lycopodiosida, Filicosida, Liliopsida Monocotyledons or Magnoliopsida Dicotyledons. The results indicate that many of the most commonly used CAMs exhibited relatively weak tumoricidal effects including cats claw, astragalus, ginseng, echinacea, mistletoe, milk thistle, slippery elm, cayenne, chamomile, don quai, meadowsweet, motherwort and shepherd's purse. The data demonstrate that the most potent plant extracts were randomly dispersed within the plantae kingdom (LC(50) = 31-490 microg/mL) in order of the lowest LC(50) Dioscorea villosa (Dioscoreaceae) > Sanguinaria canadensis (Papaveraceae) > Dipsacus asper (Dipsacaceae) > Populus balsamifera (Salicaceae) > Boswellia carteri (Burseraceae) > Cyamopsis psoralioides (Fabaceae) > Rhamnus cathartica (Rhamnaceae) > Larrea tridentate (Zygophyllaceae) > Dichroa febrifuga (Hydrangeaceae) > Batschia canescens (Boraginaceae) > Kochia scoparia (Chenopodiaceae) > Solanum xanthocarpum (Solanaceae) > Opoponax chironium (Umbelliferae) > Caulophyllum thalictroides (Berberidaceae) > Dryopteris crassirhizoma (Dryopteridaceae) > Garcinia cambogia (Clusiaceae) > Vitex agnus-castus (Verbenaceae) > Calamus draco (Arecaceae). These findings show tumoricidal effect by extracts of wild yam root, bloodroot, teasel root, bakuchi seed, dichroa root, kanta kari, garcinia fruit, mace, dragons blood and the biblically


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    Ratih Ariningrum


    Full Text Available In Indonesia town people are being increase almost twofold. Than many people have to stay in the slum areas. The health of teeth and mouth service in health centres (puskesmas is given toothache for low income people and specially for anxious people to toothache. The percentage of the toothache, pulpitis and periapical membrane diseases for people took the fourth rank from nine non contagious diseases at Kecamatan Penjaringan are 2.9% in 1999. The objectives of the research were to determine the relations of knowledge, attitude, and behavior aspect about dental caries with DMF-T index. The other objecllves were to determine the classification of slum and non­ slum areas regarding  the knowledge, attitude, and behavtor about caries on the elementary school students 6th class. Results by simple linear regression showed that DMF-T index were influenced by variables of knowledge (p = 0.041. Results by multiple linear regression showed that DMF-T index is influenced by variable of knowledge and attitude about dental (p knowledge = 0.010 and p attitude = 0.046. Results by t test proved there were the significant differences in the knowledge and attitude between elementary school students 6th class in the slum and non-slum area (p knowledge= 0.001 and p attitude= 0.029. Dental healthy of elementary school students 6th class were mfluenced by knowledge. If the variables of knowledge, attitude, and behavior were analyzed together, just variables of knowledge and attitude that influenced caries dentis (DMF-T index. The classification slum and non-slum areas influenced the knowledge and attitude of the students about dental caries.   Key words:  knowledge, attitude, practice, index DMF- T. slum and non-slum area

  5. Saturn's Irregular Moon Ymir (United States)

    Denk, Tilmann; Mottola, S.


    Ymir (diameter 18 km), Saturn's second largest retrograde outer or irregular moon, has been observed six times by the Cassini narrow-angle camera (NAC) during the first 7 months in 2012. The observations span phase angles from 2° up to 102° and were taken at ranges between 15 and 18 million kilometers. From such a distance, Ymir is smaller than a pixel in the Cassini NAC. The data reveal a sidereal rotation period of 11.93 hrs, which is 1.6x longer than the previously reported value (Denk et al. 2011, EPSC/DPS #1452). Reason for this discrepancy is that the rotational light curve shows a rather uncommon 3-maxima and 3-minima shape at least in the phase angle range 50° to 100°, which was not recognizable in earlier data. The data cover several rotations from different viewing and illumination geometries and allow for a convex shape inversion with possibly a unique solution for the pole direction. The model reproduces the observed light curves to a very good accuracy without requiring albedo variegation, thereby suggesting that the lightcurve is dominated by the shape of Ymir. Among Saturn's irregular moons, the phenomenon of more than two maxima and minima at moderate to high phase angles is not unique to Ymir. At least Siarnaq and Paaliaq also show light curves with a strong deviation from a double-sine curve. Their rotation periods, however, remain unknown until more data can be taken. The light curve of Phoebe is fundamentally different to Ymir's because it is mainly shaped by local albedo differences and not by shape. Other reliable rotation periods of irregular satellites measured by Cassini include: Mundilfari 6.74 h; Kari 7.70 h; Albiorix 13.32 h; Kiviuq 21.82 h. More uncertain values are: Skathi 12 h; Bebhionn 16 h; Thrymr 27 h; Erriapus 28 h.

  6. Periods, poles, and shapes of Saturn's irregular moons (United States)

    Denk, Tilmann; Mottola, Stefano


    We report rotational-lightcurve observations of irregular moons of Saturn based on disk-integrated observations with the Narrow-Angle Camera of the Cassini spacecraft. From 24 measured rotation periods, 20 are now known with an accuracy of ~2% or better. The numbers are as follows (in hours; an '*' marks the less reliable periods): Hati 5.42; Mundilfari 6.74; Loge 6.94*; Skoll 7.26; Kari 7.70; Suttungr 7.82*, Bergelmir 8.13; Phoebe 9.274; Siarnaq 10.188; Narvi 10.21; Tarvos 10.69; Skathi 11.30; Ymir 11.922; Hyrrokkin 12.76; Greip 12.79*; Ijiraq 13.03; Albiorix 13.32; Bestla 14.624; Bebhionn 16.40; Paaliaq 18.75; Kiviuq 21.96; Erriapus 28.15; Thrymr 35 or >45* Tarqeq 76.8.More recent data strengthen the notion that objects in orbits with an inclination supplemental angle i' > 27° have significantly slower spin rates than those at i' 27°, Siarnaq, stands opposed to at least eight objects with faster spins and i' 27° bin contains all nine known prograde moons and four retrograde objects.A total of 25 out of 38 known outer moons has been observed with Cassini, and there is no chance to observe the 13 missing objects until end-of-mission. However, all unobserved objects are part of the i' 27° are known, and none of them is a fast rotator, with no exception.Several objects were observed repeatedly to determine pole directions, sidereal periods, and convex shapes. A few lightcurves have been observed to show three maxima and three minima even at low phase angles, suggesting objects with a triangular equatorial cross-section. Some objects with 2 maxima/ 2 minima are probably quite elongated. One moon even shows lightcurves with 4 maxima/ 4 minima.

  7. Building effective partnerships: the role of trust in the Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa project

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    Ezezika Obidimma C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa (VIRCA is an agricultural biotechnology public-private partnership (PPP comprising the Donald Danforth Plant Sciences Center (DDPSC, National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO of Uganda and Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI. The project seeks to develop virus-resistant cassava for farmers in Kenya and Uganda. Yet, there is much public skepticism about the use of genetically modified (GM crops and private sector involvement in Africa. This case study sought to understand the role of trust in the VIRCA partnership. Methods We conducted semi-structured, face-to-face interviews to obtain stakeholders’ views on the challenges to, and practices for, building trust in the VIRCA partnership. Interviewee responses, together with relevant documents and articles, were analyzed to generate descriptions of how trust is operationalized in this evolving agbiotech PPP. Data were analyzed based on recurring and emergent themes from the interviewee responses. Results Various factors undermine and build trust in agbiotech PPPs. Individual and institutional enthusiasm and detailed collaborative agreements stipulating partner roles and responsibilities are likely to enhance trust among partners. On the other hand, negative perceptions propagated by international partners about the capacities of African institutions and scientists, coupled with slow regulatory processes in Africa, are likely to be impediments to trust building. Conclusions Based on the findings of this study, we have derived four key lessons. First, differences in the capacity of the partner institutions and individuals should be respected. Second, technical and infrastructural capacity support for regulatory processes in Africa must be built. Third, detailed agreements and open and transparent partner practices during project implementation are necessary to dispel perceptions of inequality among partners. Fourth, institutional

  8. Nutritional screening of older home-dwelling Norwegians: a comparison between two instruments

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    Söderhamn U


    Full Text Available Ulrika Söderhamn, Bjørg Dale, Kari Sundsli, Olle SöderhamnCentre for Caring Research-Southern Norway, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Agder, Grimstad, NorwayBackground: It is important to obtain knowledge about the prevalence of nutritional risk and associated factors among older home-dwelling people in order to be able to meet nutritional challenges in this group in the future and to plan appropriate interventions. The aim of this survey was to investigate the prevalence of home-dwelling older people at nutritional risk and to identify associated factors using two different nutritional screening instruments as self-report instruments.Methods: This study had a cross-sectional design. A postal questionnaire, including the Norwegian versions of the Nutritional Form for the Elderly (NUFFE-NO and Mini Nutritional Assessment – Short Form (MNA-SF, background variables, and health-related questions was sent to a randomized sample of 6033 home-dwelling older people in southern Norway. A total of 2106 (34.9% subjects were included in the study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and logistic regression analyses.Results: When using the NUFFE-NO and MNA-SF, 426 (22.3% and 258 (13.5% older persons, respectively, were identified to be at nutritional risk. The risk of undernutrition increased with age. Several predictors for being at risk of undernutrition, including chronic disease/handicap and receiving family help, as well as protective factors, including sufficient food intake and having social contacts, were identified.Conclusion: Health professionals must be aware of older people's vulnerability to risk of undernutrition, perform screening, and have a plan for preventing undernutrition. For that purpose, MNA-SF and NUFFE-NO can be suggested for screening older people living at home.Keywords: aged, risk factors, undernutrition, screening

  9. Talking About Climate: a simple tool for everyday climate conversations (United States)

    Twedt, J. R.; White, R. H.; Tigchelaar, M.; Doroschak, K.; Buchanan, R.; Lundquist, D.


    Public opinion research from the Yale Climate Opinion Maps shows that more than half of Americans are worried about climate change, yet over 70% of Americans rarely or never discuss it with friends or family. Sociologist Kari Marie Norgaard has written about climate denial and how the subject of climate change kills conversation in her interviews, even among people who feel concerned. At the same time, news reporting on climate is often dense with information or scientific nuance and fails to make people feel personally invested in this global issue. This is problematic, because a fair and civil response to our climate crisis will require not only the personal commitment of many, but also collaborative public discourse. For these reasons, we have developed an app that aims to foster meaningful conversation about climate change. The app draws on a database we constructed of historic climate events and relates these events to people's own lives and experiences. Our database is broad and growing, and includes climate change facts, landmark cases in environmental law, social achievements such as the IPCC earning the Nobel Peace Prize, and the personal account from a 12-year old's blog post about FEMA relocation after Hurricane Katrina. Events are stated in plain language and accompanied by open-ended questions to spark discussion. The goal of ClimateConversations is not to inform or persuade, but to support reflective, open-ended conversation, to encourage personal storytelling about climate-related events, and to foster generative dialogue on an issue that all too often causes discomfort and social division. Here we present the climate science, social science, software, and design considerations that went into developing this app. We will also present early quantitative and qualitative metrics of it's use and effectiveness both in classroom and community settings.

  10. Relationship between self-reported pain sensitivity and pain after total knee arthroplasty: a prospective study of 71 patients 8 weeks after a standardized fast-track

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    Valeberg BT


    Full Text Available Berit T Valeberg,1 Lise H Høvik,2 Kari H Gjeilo3–6 1Faculty of Nursing, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo, 2Clinic of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, 3Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 4Department of Cardiology, 5National Competence Centre for Complex Symptom Disorders, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, 6Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Background and purpose: This was a prospective cohort study assessing data from 71 adult patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA following a standardized fast-track program between January and July 2013. The objective was to examine the relationship between self-rated pain sensitivity, as measured by the Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire (PSQ, and postoperative pain after TKA. Methods: The baseline questionnaires, PSQ and Brief Pain Inventory, were given to the patients for self-administration at the presurgical evaluation (1–2 weeks prior to surgery. The follow-up questionnaire, Brief Pain Inventory, was administered at the first follow-up, 8 weeks after surgery. Results: A statistically significant association was found between average preoperative pain and average pain 8 weeks after surgery (P=0.001. The PSQ-minor was statistically significantly associated with average pain only for patients younger than 70 years (P=0.03. Interpretation: This is the first study to examine the relationship between pain sensitivity measured by PSQ and postoperative pain in patients after TKA. We found that a lower score on the PSQ-minor was statistically significantly associated with patients’ pain 8 weeks after TKA surgery, but only for younger patients. Further research is needed to explore whether the PSQ could be a useful screening tool for patients’ pain sensitivity in clinical settings. Keywords

  11. Polymerase chain reaction: basic protocol plus troubleshooting and optimization strategies. (United States)

    Lorenz, Todd C


    In the biological sciences there have been technological advances that catapult the discipline into golden ages of discovery. For example, the field of microbiology was transformed with the advent of Anton van Leeuwenhoek's microscope, which allowed scientists to visualize prokaryotes for the first time. The development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is one of those innovations that changed the course of molecular science with its impact spanning countless subdisciplines in biology. The theoretical process was outlined by Keppe and coworkers in 1971; however, it was another 14 years until the complete PCR procedure was described and experimentally applied by Kary Mullis while at Cetus Corporation in 1985. Automation and refinement of this technique progressed with the introduction of a thermal stable DNA polymerase from the bacterium Thermus aquaticus, consequently the name Taq DNA polymerase. PCR is a powerful amplification technique that can generate an ample supply of a specific segment of DNA (i.e., an amplicon) from only a small amount of starting material (i.e., DNA template or target sequence). While straightforward and generally trouble-free, there are pitfalls that complicate the reaction producing spurious results. When PCR fails it can lead to many non-specific DNA products of varying sizes that appear as a ladder or smear of bands on agarose gels. Sometimes no products form at all. Another potential problem occurs when mutations are unintentionally introduced in the amplicons, resulting in a heterogeneous population of PCR products. PCR failures can become frustrating unless patience and careful troubleshooting are employed to sort out and solve the problem(s). This protocol outlines the basic principles of PCR, provides a methodology that will result in amplification of most target sequences, and presents strategies for optimizing a reaction. By following this PCR guide, students should be able to: • Set up reactions and thermal cycling

  12. Positioning of sponsorships on the cultural events market

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    Lukić-Krstanović Miroslava


    Full Text Available The paper deals with the relationship between cultural events and financial possession through which a complex web of communication can be discerned, in positions of social responsibility and consumerism. In the first part of the paper, sponsorship is described in its historical context in order to point out its key features and transformations over time, especially in the socialist and post-socialist period. By contextualizing sponsorship strategies and messages, one can accurately track the representations and values attached to the positioning of cultural products in the zone of national and global policies. Musical spectacles (concerts, festivals, assemblies etc. are attractive and useful products in the sponsorship market. The EXIT festival, Jelen beer, Guča, Telenor, Alpha Bank, Bogoljub Karić, Zepter, Beer Fest, Tuborg, Kustendorf are just some examples - patents of sponsorship of cultural manifestations in the transitional period. This paper constructs three forms of sponsorship strategies in the domain of cultural festival scenes: ownership, leadership and partnership. In the domain of partnership between collective and private property, sponsorship strategies are based on an ethical mimicry of old/new rules and their enforcers within a gift economy, thus creating arbitrary spaces for action adjusted for crises (the grey economy, money laundering, unstable economic policies etc.. Leadership is a sponsorship strategy which entails complete domination in the sphere of decision making, utilization and spending, without the possibility of outside control. In leadership there is no opposition between owners and sponsors, and everything is subject to the authority of the individual as the one and only, inviolable self-sponsor. Partnership is based on the power of choice in the domain of competition and opposition as bipolar ownership. The tandems of spectacle - sponsor and enjoyment - monopoly, are viable projectors of various strategies


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    Magdarina D. Agtini


    Full Text Available Community dental health status for permanent teeth in determined by the DMF-T (Decayed Misssing and Filled Teeth. The DMF-T in a number of industrialized nations shows a tendency to drop while the trend in developing nations is increasing. In Indonesia dental caries is still the foremost problem in oral and dental diseases, Prevalence of dental caries is around 85%-99%. The DMF-T is varied, reflect geographic and ages variations. In three decade's the intensity of dental caries is increasing with each decade, 0,70 DMF-T in 1970 to be 2,30 DMF-T in 1980 and 2,70 DMF-Tin 1990. Goal of dental caries control for 2010 is DMF-T ≤ 1 for 12 years age group. Baseline study is therefore necessary to ascertain DMF-T, PTI (Performed Treatment Index and RTI (Required Treatment Index. The study was implemented in the districts of Cianjur, Karawang and Serang in West Java for two years. The study design was cohort. The respondents  were 1200 pupils aged 8 years, randomly selected with a signifzcantcy grade of p < 0,05 and power of 0,20. The study results showed average of DMF-T at the beginning was 1,52 ± 1,21, and after two years the DMF-T was 2.45 ± 1.51 comprise only of the decayed component, and There was significant different (p=0,000. The DMF-T was low WHO criteria, nevertheless the PTI (1,2% was very low and the RTI (98% was very high. The DMF_T average shows a tendency to increase, with D as the largest component and F (Filling the smallest one. The control of dental caries faces several problems, like the limited number of manpower and facilities, and limited supply of water and electricity incertain areas. Therefore treatment of dental caries with GIC fillings using the ART method should be taken into consideration receive the necessary attention.   Key words:  Status kesehatan gigi, Karies, Performed treatment Index (PTI,  Required Treatment  Index (RTI

  14. A randomized trial of individual versus group-format exercise and self-management in individuals with Parkinson’s disease and comorbid depression

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    Sajatovic M


    Full Text Available Martha Sajatovic,1,2 Angela L Ridgel,3 Ellen M Walter,1,4 Curtis M Tatsuoka,1,2 Kari Colón-Zimmermann,2 Riane K Ramsey,2 Elisabeth Welter,2 Steven A Gunzler,1,4 Christina M Whitney,1,4 Benjamin L Walter1,4 1Department of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 2Neurological and Behavioral Outcomes Center, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, 3Department of Exercise Physiology, Kent State University, Kent, 4Movement Disorders Center, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, USA Background: Depression is common in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD, and exercise is known to improve depression and PD. However, lack of motivation and low self-efficacy can make exercise difficult for people with PD and comorbid depression (PD-Dep. A combined group exercise and chronic disease self-management (CDSM program may improve the likelihood that individuals will engage in exercise and will show a reduction in depression symptoms. The purpose of this study was to compare changes in depression in PD-Dep between individual versus group exercise plus CDSM and to examine participant adherence and perception of the interventions.Methods: Participants (N=30 were randomized to either Enhanced EXerCisE thErapy for PD (EXCEED; group CDSM and exercise or self-guided CDSM plus exercise. Outcomes were change in depression assessed with the Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS, cognition, apathy, anxiety, sleep, quality of life, motor function, self-efficacy, and patient satisfaction.Results: Both groups showed significant improvement in MADRS (P<0.001 with no significant group difference. Individuals in EXCEED group enjoyed the group dynamics but noted difficulty with the fixed-time sessions.Conclusion: Both group CDSM plus exercise and self-guided CDSM plus exercise can improve depression in PD-Dep. These findings suggest that development of a remotely delivered group-based CDSM format

  15. Frequency of the MDR1 mutant allele associated with multidrug sensitivity in dogs from Brazil

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    Monobe MM


    Full Text Available Marina M Monobe,1 João P Araujo Junior,2 Kari V Lunsford,3 Rodrigo C Silva,4 Camilo Bulla41Department of Veterinary Clinics, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, 2Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Biosciences Institute, Sao Paulo State University (UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil; 3Department of Clinical Sciences and Animal Health Center, 4Department of Pathobiology and Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, Mississippi, MS, USAAbstract: To date, a 4-bp deletion in the MDR1 gene has been detected in more than ten dog breeds, as well as in mixed breed dogs, in several countries, however information regarding this mutation in dogs from Brazil is lacking. For this reason, 103 Collies, 77 Border Collies, 76 Shetland Sheepdogs, 20 Old English Sheepdogs, 55 German Shepherds, 16 Australian Shepherds, and 53 Whippets from Brazil were screened for the presence of the mutation. The heterozygous mutated genotype, MDR1 (+/−, frequency found for Collies, Australian Shepherd, and Shetland Sheepdog was 50.5% (95% CI =41.1%–59.9%, 31.3% (95% CI =8.6%–53.2%, and 15.8% (95% CI =7.7%–23.9%, respectively. Homozygous mutated genotype, MDR1 (−/−, was detected only in Collies 35.9%. The MDR1 allele mutant frequency found for Collies, Australian Shepherd, and Shetland Sheepdog was 61.2% (95% CI =54.8%–67.5%, 15.6% (95% CI =3.1%–28.2%, and 7.9% (95% CI =3.7%–12.1%, respectively. Additionally, even free of the mutant allele, the maximum mutant prevalence (MMP in that population, with 95% CI, was 3.8%, 5.2%, 5.4%, and 13.8% for Border Collies, German Shepherds, Whippets, and Old English Sheepdogs, respectively. In this way, this information is important, not only for MDR1 genotype-based breeding programs and international exchange of breeding animals of predisposed breeds, but also for modification of drug therapy for breeds at risk.Keywords: P-glycoprotein, MDR1 mutation, ivermectin, dog, drug

  16. Screening strategies and predictive diagnostic tools for the development of new-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantation: an overview

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    Pham PT


    Full Text Available Phuong-Thu T Pham,1 Kari L Edling,2 Harini A Chakkera,3 Phuong-Chi T Pham,4 Phuong-Mai T Pham51Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division, Kidney Transplant Program, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Hypertension, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 3Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division Kidney Transplant Program, Mayo Clinic Hospital, Phoenix, AZ, USA; 4Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division, UCLA-Olive View Medical Center, Sylmar, CA, USA; 5Department of Medicine, Greater Los Angeles, Veterans Administration Health Care System, CA, USAAbstract: New-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantation (NODAT is a serious and common complication following solid organ transplantation. NODAT has been reported in 2% to 53% of all solid organ transplants. Kidney transplant recipients who develop NODAT have variably been reported to be at increased risk of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events and other adverse outcomes including infection, reduced patient survival, graft rejection, and accelerated graft loss compared with those who do not develop diabetes. Limited clinical studies in liver, heart, and lung transplants similarly suggested that NODAT has an adverse impact on patient and graft outcomes. Early detection and management of NODAT must, therefore, be integrated into the treatment of transplant recipients. Studies investigating the best screening or predictive tool for identifying patients at risk for developing NODAT early after transplantation, however, are lacking. We review the clinical predictive values of fasting plasma glucose, oral glucose tolerance test, and A1C in assessing the risk for NODAT development and as a screening tool. Simple diabetes prediction models that incorporate clinical and/or metabolic risk factors (such as age, body mass index, hypertriglyceridemia, or metabolic syndrome are also

  17. „Knowledge is power“: Studium MBA v perspektivě Bourdieuho teorie kapitálů/ “Knowledge is power”: MBA study program in Bourdieu’s perspective of capitals

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    Jana Dvořáčková


    Full Text Available Cílem této empirické studie, která vychází z ročního etnografického výzkumu na soukromé vysoké škole, je analyzovat, jaký význam má studijní program MBA v reprodukci sociálních diferencí. V první části je představeno teoretické pozadí studie, jímž jsou Bourdieuho koncepty kulturního, ekonomického, symbolického a sociálního kapitálu a jeho pojetí mechanismu sociální reprodukce skrze školské instituce. Druhá část příspěvku přibližuje klíčové rysy soukromé vysoké školy, kde se výzkum realizoval. Třetí část je věnována analýze manifestních cílů MBA programu, jímž je posílit kulturní a ekonomický kapitál studujících – rozvíjet jejich znalosti, kariérní perspektivy i úspěchy v podnikání. Vedle toho se zabývá MBA studiem coby zdrojem symbolického i sociálního kapitálu. Jak text ukazuje, MBA program je vedle prostředku získávání znalostí a dovedností současně prostorem konverze ekonomického kapitálu do kapitálu symbolického a sociálního. Ty následně zvyšují objem ekonomického kapitálu studujících, čímž dále upevňují jejich sociální pozici.

  18. Comments on the article entitled “Incompatibility of the Shuttleworth equation with Hermann’s mathematical structure of thermodynamics” by D.J. Bottomley, Lasse Makkonen and Kari Kolari [Surf. Sci. 603 (2009) 97 (United States)

    Hecquet, Pascal


    In the Shuttleworth's equation gij=γδij+dγ/dɛij, γ is the surface energy and gij is the surface stress with respect to the corresponding bulk quantity. At equilibrium and T=0 K, the bulk energy is the cohesive energy and the bulk stress is zero ( p=0). For i=j ( ɛii is hydrostatic) and for a flat surface, we show that the equilibrium surface stress gii corresponds to a surface pressure located mainly at the first monolayer and that the presence of the surface energy γ in the Shuttleworth's equation results from the matter conservation rule. Indeed, γ is an energy calculated per constant unit area while the atomic surface varies with the deformation as ( 1+ɛii). The equilibrium surface stress gii present at the surface is parallel to the surface. When gii is positive, this signifies that the surface atoms tend to contract together in the direction i even if the bulk pressure p is zero.


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    Editorial, Foreword


    Full Text Available September 18th, 2016Deggendorf, Germany by: Artificial Intelligence Center Department of Computer Science Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University in PragueTechnicka 2, Prague 6, 166 27, Czech RepublicGuest editors:Jan Faigl (Artificial Intelligence Center, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in PragueJiří Vokřínek (Artificial Intelligence Center, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in PragueScientific comittee:D. Belter (Poznań University of Technology, PolandW. Dorner (Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, GermanyJ. Faigl (Czech Technical University in PragueT. Krajník (University of Lincoln, United KingdomA. Komenda (Czech Technical University in PragueG. Kupris (Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, GermanyM. Rollo (Czech Technical University in PragueM. Saska (Czech Technical University in PragueJ. Vokřínek (Czech Technical University in PragueV. Vonásek (Czech Technical University in PragueK. Walas (Poznań University of Technology, Poland Foreword:The third year of the student conference on “Planning in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics” (PAIR continues in joining young researchers and students interested in robotics and artificial intelligence. In 2016, we follow the schema of the last year as a joint event with the RoboTour competition in Deggendorf, Germany. Thanks to the great collaboration with Gerald Kupris and Wolfgang Donner from Technische Hochschule Deggendorf and support from Czech Technical University under project No. SVK 26/16/F3 and Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Finanzen, für Landesentwicklung und Heimat, we have been able to provide accommodations and travel support to participants and an invited speaker. Fourteen papers have accepted and listed in the conference program. The papers have been authored by students from Central Europe

  20. Improved Bean Varieties Make a difference in Western Kenya: An Impact Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Odendo, M.


    A survey was conducted in Kakamega and Vihiga District of Western Kenya during 2001 cropping seasons to analyze impacts of root rot resistance bean varieties introduced in Kakamega and Vihiga Districts by KARI and CIAT between 1989 and 1998. The objective of the study were to: assess adoption of the introduced root rot resistance bush and climbing bean varieties, determine technological and socio-economic factors that enhances or lessen adoption and attainment of the impacts, and examine types and magnitude of the impacts of adoption of the improved bean varieties at farm-level. To form a composite picture on spread and impact of the varieties, a systematic approach was developed to collect and put together data from several sources mainly literature reviews and household surveys. Data were collected through interviews of 233 randomly selected households, using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and Tobit model were used to analyse the data. The study showed that although several improved bean varieties were disseminated, most farmers did not adopt all the varieties; 35-80% of the farmers had mainly adopted three bush beans KK22, KK15 and KK8. A relatively small portion of farmers (8-19%) adopted climbers. Disease resistance (root rot) was only one of the criteria, but not the most important one, farmers used in selecting the varieties they adopted. Result of Tobit analysis showed that farmers perception of the trait of the bean varieties as well as farm-farmer characteristics were important determinants of decisions to adopt and intensity the adoption. The main impacts of the new beans were their contribution to equity by improving food self-sufficiency for about 97-99% of te farmers. Most farmers used their bean harvest mainly for subsistence, only a few farmers sold beans in any given season. The 63% of the households that sold beans to earn cash income to purchase other types of food as well as investing in capital assets, especially household

  1. Being old and living alone in urban areas: the meaning of self-care and health on the perception of life situation and identity

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    Sundsli K


    Full Text Available Kari Sundsli,1,2, Geir Arild Espnes,3 Olle Söderhamn21Department of Social Work and Health Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, 2Centre for Caring Research – Southern Norway, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway; 3Research Centre for Health Promotion and Resources, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, NorwayBackground: Living alone in urban areas when getting old is an important and necessary field for research as the growth of the urban population worldwide increases, and due to the fact that people live longer. How older people manage their self-care and health, and how this might influence their identity and life situation may be very important to understand when planning for a new, upcoming older generation. The aim of this study was to elucidate the meaning of self-care and health for the perception of life situation and identity among single-living older individuals in urban areas in southern Norway.Methods: A phenomenological–hermeneutic approach inspired by Ricoeur was applied. Nine single-living older persons in urban areas, 70–82 years of age, and identified to be in good health were interviewed. The interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using a phenomenological–hermeneutic method.Results: Strength and a time dimension characterized the meaning of self-care and health for the perception of life situation and identity as narrated by the group of single-living older individuals in urban areas in southern Norway. The informants were, as older individuals, caring, autonomous, and robust characters, who had gone through difficult times in life, and in a resilient way moved towards a new future. They valued and were grateful for what they had learned in their lives and could go forward and still experience and explore.Conclusion: Self-care is significant in the perception of life situation and identity among single

  2. Updates in the treatment of ocular allergies

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    Osmo Kari


    Full Text Available Osmo Kari1, K Matti Saari21Department of Allergology, Skin and Allergy Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland; 2Department of Ophthalmology, University of Turku, Turku, FinlandAbstract: Allergic diseases have greatly increased in industrialized countries. About 30% of people suffer from allergic symptoms and 40%–80% of them have symptoms in the eyes. Atopic conjunctivitis can be divided into seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC and perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC. The treatment of SAC is simple; antihistamines, anti-inflammatory agents, or chromoglycate. In severe cases of SAC, subcutaneous or sublingual immunotherapy is helpful. PAC needs longer therapy, often year round, with mast cell stabilizers, antihistamines, and sometimes local steroids. Atopic keratoconjunctivitis is a more severe disease showing chronic blepharitis often connected with severe keratitis. It needs, in many cases, continuous treatment of the lid eczema and keratoconjunctivitis. Blepharitis is treated with tacrolimus or pimecrolimus ointment. Conjunctivitis additionally needs corticosteroids and, if needed, cyclosporine A (CsA drops are administered for longer periods. Basic conjunctival treatment is with mast cell-stabilizing agents and in addition, antihistamines are administered. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis is another chronic and serious allergic disease that mainly affects children and young people. It is a long-lasting disease which commonly subsides in puberty. It demands intensive therapy often for many years to avoid serious complicating corneal ulcers. Treatment is mast cell-stabilizing drops and additionally antihistamines. In relapses, corticosteroids are needed. When the use of corticosteroids is continuous, CsA drops should be used, and in relapses, corticosteroids should be used additionally. Nonallergic eosinophilic conjunctivitis (NAEC is a less known, but rather common, ocular disease. It affects mostly middle-aged and

  3. Real-time terminal area trajectory planning for runway independent aircraft (United States)

    Xue, Min

    The increasing demand for commercial air transportation results in delays due to traffic queues that form bottlenecks along final approach and departure corridors. In urban areas, it is often infeasible to build new runways, and regardless of automation upgrades traffic must remain separated to avoid the wakes of previous aircraft. Vertical or short takeoff and landing aircraft as Runway Independent Aircraft (RIA) can increase passenger throughput at major urban airports via the use of vertiports or stub runways. The concept of simultaneous non-interfering (SNI) operations has been proposed to reduce traffic delays by creating approach and departure corridors that do not intersect existing fixed-wing routes. However, SNI trajectories open new routes that may overfly noise-sensitive areas, and RIA may generate more noise than traditional jet aircraft, particularly on approach. In this dissertation, we develop efficient SNI noise abatement procedures applicable to RIA. First, we introduce a methodology based on modified approximated cell-decomposition and Dijkstra's search algorithm to optimize longitudinal plane (2-D) RIA trajectories over a cost function that minimizes noise, time, and fuel use. Then, we extend the trajectory optimization model to 3-D with a k-ary tree as the discrete search space. We incorporate geography information system (GIS) data, specifically population, into our objective function, and focus on a practical case study: the design of SNI RIA approach procedures to Baltimore-Washington International airport. Because solutions were represented as trim state sequences, we incorporated smooth transition between segments to enable more realistic cost estimates. Due to the significant computational complexity, we investigated alternative more efficient optimization techniques applicable to our nonlinear, non-convex, heavily constrained, and discontinuous objective function. Comparing genetic algorithm (GA) and adaptive simulated annealing (ASA


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    Kadir Can DİLBER


    Full Text Available The work, named “Husband and Wife Tale”, written by Ahmet Mithat Efendi; though it does not bear the characteristics expected from a tale, has as impressive structure as the tales in terms of reading. Using the expression “tale” in the work, the author inevitably exhibits an ironic demeanor. People reading the tale expect to hear a husband and wife tale. Yet, a different story and voice greet the person inside the text. The dialogues inside the text direct us to monologue expression, however it is not a simple narration. In order to determine the narration tools in this narration text, we tried to make use of Chatman’s methodology. According to this methodology, the narration is split into two as the story and the expression. What appear in the “Husband and Wife Tale”, which we have tried to evaluate within this frame are dialogues of the narrator and the author. These dialogues signify that the narration has an upper fiction quality. Then we meet the author, who plans to make the story be read until the end by a delay and distraction tactic. We listened to a range of subjects from philosophy to mathematics from husband and wife expressions within the text. We witnessed fictive agreement of the author, who is in search of the ideal reader, with the reader. Ahmet Mithat Efendi’nin kaleme aldığı “Karı Koca Masalı” isimli eser, bir masaldan beklenen özellikleri taşımasa da okunabilirliği açısından masallar kadar etkili bir yapıya sahiptir. Eserin içerisinde masal tabirini kullanan yazar aslında ister istemez ironik bir tavır sergilemiş olur. Masalı alıp okuyan insanların beklentisi bir karı koca masalı duymaktır. Ancak metin içerisine girildiğinde farklı bir hikâye ve ses ile karşılaşılır. Metin içerisindeki karşılıklı konuşmalar bizi iç monolog terimine yönlendirse de basit bir anlatı metni değildir. Bu anlatı metnindeki anlatı araçlarını tespit edebilmek için Chatman’ın metodolojisinden yararlanmaya çalıştık. Bu metodolijiye göre anlatı kendi içerisinde öykü ve söylem diye ikiye ayrılır. Bu çerçeve de değerlendirmeye çalıştığımız “Karı Koca Masalı”nda ilk karşımıza çıkan şey, anlatıcı ve yazarın karşılıklı konuşmaları olur. Bu konuşmalar, anlatının üst kurmaca bir niteliğe sahip olduğunu bize gösterir. Daha sonra bir geciktirme ve oyalama taktiği ile hikâyeyi sonuna kadar okutmayı planlayan yazar ile karşılaştık. Metin içerisinde karı koca tabirlerinden felsefe ve matematiğe kadar uzanan farklı konuları dinledik. İdeal okurunu arayan yazarın okur ile girdiği kurmaca anlaşmasına tanık olduk.

  5. Psychospołeczne uwarunkowania wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju dziecka przebywającego z matką w izolacji penitencjarnej

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    Ilona Fajfer-Kruczek


    Full Text Available Rozwój jednostki i jego uwarunkowania znajdują się w kręgu zainteresowań medycyny, psychologii, pedagogiki i socjologii. Pobyt dziecka z matką w izolacji penitencjarnej jest szczególną, trudną sytuacją społeczną. Z jednej strony umożliwia prawidłowy rozwój dziecka w wieku 0–3 lat, z drugiej niesie za sobą szereg zagrożeń. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie uwarunkowań rozwoju dziecka przebywającego z matką w izolacji więziennej w kontekście społecznym, a także w świetle wybranych teorii psychologicznych. W pracy przedstawiono specyfikę odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności przez kobiety będące matkami oraz aspekty prawne, formalne i resocjalizacyjne odnoszące się do matki, dziecka i diady matka–dziecko. Przyjmuje się, że przywięzienne domy matki i dziecka stanowią formę wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju dziecka w trudnej sytuacji skierowania matki do zakładu karnego. Szczegółowo opisano standardy pobytu matek z dziećmi w takich placówkach (pomieszczenia mieszkalne, rekreacyjne i terapeutyczne, warunki socjalne – jako formy zabezpieczenia podstawowych i specyficznych potrzeb kobiet i dzieci. Skupiono się na zobrazowaniu czynników środowiskowych wspomagających i chroniących prawidłowy rozwój dziecka oraz relację matki z dzieckiem, takich jak obecność personelu penitencjarnego (wychowawcy, psychologowie i personelu medycznego (lekarze, pielęgniarki. Zaprezentowano zasoby (norma intelektualna, wysoka motywacja do realizowania się w roli matki i obciążenia (deficyty w funkcjonowaniu w rolach społecznych, niska samoocena, brak poczucia kompetencji czy instrumentalne traktowanie dzieci kobiet skazanych za przestępstwo oraz metody oddziaływań resocjalizacyjnych, edukacyjnych i terapeutycznych. Ważnymi aspektami omawianych oddziaływań są kształtowanie właściwej relacji matki z dzieckiem, budowanie kompetencji rodzicielskich i ciągła weryfikacja stanu relacji przez kadr

  6. Prespektif Pemikiran Ki Hadjar Dewantara Dalam Pendidikan Karakter Dan Kaitannya Dengan Pendidikan Islam

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    Fauziah Mashari


    Full Text Available Artikel ini membahas pendidikan karakter dalam perspektif Ki Hadjar Dewantara yang merupakan Bapak Pendidikan Nasional, dan kaitannya dengan pendidikan Islam. Di dalam pembangunan karakter yang dipentingkan adalah keikhlasan, kejujuran, jiwa kemanusiaan yang tinggi, sesuainya kata dengan perbuatan, prestasi kerja, kedisiplinan, jiwa dedikasi dan selalu berorientasi kepada hari depan dan pembaharuan. Pembinaan karakter akhlaq-ul kari>mah harus ditanamkan kepada seluruh lapisan dan tingkatan masyarakat, mulai dari tingkat atas sampai ke lapisan bawah. Lapisan atas itu kemudian memberikan teladan yang baik pada masyarakat dan rakyatnya. Tetapi manakala para pemimpin memberikan contoh yang buruk, maka akan berlaku pepatah yang menyatakan, “kalau guru kencing berdiri, murid akan kencing berlari; andai kata guru kencing berdiri, niscaya murid akan kencing menari-nari.” Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah tersebut diatas, tulisan ini bermaksud mencari jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan mendasar berikut: (1 bagaimana pengertian pendidikan karakter Ki Hadjar Dewantara? (2 bagaimana pengertian pendidikan agama? (3 bagaimana kaitan pendidikan karakter Ki Hadjar Dewantara dengan pendidikan Islam? Uraian dari jawaban yang dimaksud akan menunjukkan secara gamblang bahwa gagasan Ki Hadjar Dewantara tentang pendidikan karakter seiring dan sejalan dengan pendidikan Islam. || This article discusses character education in the perspective of Ki Hadjar Dewantara who is Father of National Education, and its relation to Islamic education. What is necessary for constructing the character is sincerity, honesty, spirit of humanity, suitability of words and deeds, work performance, discipline, dedication and spirit. Character building of akhlāq-ul karīmah must be imparted to all layers and levels of society, from top to bottom layer. Then, the top layer gives good examples to the society and its people. When the leaders have bad examples, so there is a strong and

  7. eHealth Literacy and Health Behaviors Affecting Modern College Students: A Pilot Study of Issues Identified by the American College Health Association. (United States)

    Britt, Rebecca Katherine; Collins, William Bart; Wilson, Kari; Linnemeier, Georgiann; Englebert, Andrew Mark


    diet. These results suggest several areas that may be targeted for future health campaigns toward college students. In addition, eHEALS was found to be a useful instrument for college students in the United States. Lastly, these results point to a need to deliver targeted information to college students, particularly since eHEALS captures literacy based on positively phrased items. ©Rebecca Katherine Britt, William Bart Collins, Kari Wilson, Georgiann Linnemeier, Andrew Mark Englebert. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 19.12.2017.

  8. Penambahan xylitol dalam glukosa, sukrosa terhadap pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans (in vitro (The Additional xylitol in glucose and sucrose on growth of Mutans Streptococci (in vitro

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    Susilowati Susilowati


    Full Text Available Background: Xylitol is a sugar alcohol group consisting of five-carbon chain and the sugar substitutes are recommended to prevent caries. Dietary sugars known as a good substrate for the growth of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans. Two types of sugar, xylitol and dietary sugars have different effects on the growth of S.mutans. Purpose: The objective of this study were to determine the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC of xylitol on the growth of S.mutans and to determine the addition of xylitol in glucose and sucrose in the growth of S. mutans in vitro. Methods: The samples were divided into 3 groups: xylitol group, xylitol and sucrose combination group, and xylitol and glucose combination group . In all groups were tested against S.mutans growth in various concentrations. Results: The minimum inhibitory concentration against S.mutans xylitol was equal to 0.625%. The addition of xylitol in sucrose the inhibition of S.mutans growth occurred at concentrations of 0.625 % and 2.5%. The addition of xylitol in glucose inhibited the growth of S.mutans at all concentrations. Conclusion: This study showed that the combination of xylitol with dietary sugars could inhibit the growth of S.mutans.Latar belakang: Xylitol adalah golongan gula alkohol yang terdiri dari lima rantai karbon dan merupakan sugar substitutes yang dianjurkan untuk mencegah terjadinya karies. Dietary sugars diketahui sebagai substrat yang baik untuk pertumbuhan bakteri rongga mulut salah satunya Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans. Dua jenis gula yaitu xylitol dan dietary sugars memiliki pengaruh yang berbeda pada pertumbuhan S. mutans. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meneliti konsentrasi hambat minimal (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration/ MIC xylitol terhadap pertumbuhan S mutans dan meneliti pengaruh penambahan xylitol dalam glukosa dan dalam sukrosa terhadap pertumbuhan S. mutans secara in vitro. Metode: Sampel dibagi dalam 3 kelompok: kelompok xylitol, kelompok kombinasi

  9. Lived experiences of self-care among older physically active urban-living individuals

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    Sundsli K


    Full Text Available Kari Sundsli,1,2 Geir Arild Espnes,3 Olle Söderhamn21Department of Social Work and Health Science, Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 2Centre for Caring Research, Southern Norway, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway, 3Research Centre for Health Promotion and Resources HiST-NTNU, Department of Social Work and Health Science, Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management, NTNU, Trondheim, NorwayBackground: Promoting physical activity is a public health priority in most industrial countries, and physical function is an important factor when taking into consideration older people’s self-care and health. Despite the increasing challenges associated with urbanization and the aging population, urban life appears to be positive in many ways for urban dwellers. However, the manner in which older people live in urban settings and how this influences their ability to take care of themselves should be considered important knowledge for health professionals and politicians to acquire. The aim of this study was to describe the lived experiences of self-care and features that may influence health and self-care among older urban home-dwelling individuals who are physically active.Methods: Ten subjects, three women and seven men, who were aged 65–82 years and identified to be physically active, were interviewed. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed according to the descriptive phenomenological method devised by Giorgi.Results: Our findings showed beneficial self-care. The participants lived active everyday lives and were frequently physically active. They were part of a supportive, inclusive, and promoting fellowship, and they had the opportunity to travel. They utilized their competence and experienced making themselves useful. It was a privilege to be part of a family life as a husband, wife, parent, and/or a grandparent. They

  10. The reablement team’s voice: a qualitative study of how an integrated multidisciplinary team experiences participation in reablement

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    Hjelle KM


    Full Text Available Kari Margrete Hjelle,1,2 Olbjørg Skutle,2,3 Oddvar Førland,2,4 Herdis Alvsvåg4 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Radiography, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway; 2Centre for Care Research Western Norway, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway; 3Department of Health and Social Educators, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway; 4VID Specialized University, Bergen, Norway Background: Reablement is an early and time-limited home-based rehabilitation intervention that emphasizes intensive, goal-oriented, and multidisciplinary assistance for people experiencing functional decline. Few empirical studies to date have examined the experiences of the integrated multidisciplinary teams involved in reablement. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to explore and describe how an integrated multidisciplinary team in Norway experienced participation in reablement.Methods: An integrated multidisciplinary team consisting of health care professionals with a bachelor’s degree (including a physiotherapist, a social educator, occupational therapists, and nurses and home-based care personnel without a bachelor’s degree (auxiliary nurses and nursing assistants participated in focus group discussions. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the resulting data.Results: Three main themes emerged from the participants’ experiences with participating in reablement, including “the older adult’s goals are crucial”, “a different way of thinking and acting – a shift in work culture”, and “a better framework for cooperation and application of professional expertise and judgment”. The integrated multidisciplinary team and the older adults collaborated and worked in the same direction to achieve the person’s valued goals. The team supported the older adults in performing activities themselves rather than completing tasks for them. To


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    Susi Susi


    Full Text Available AbstrakKaries gigi dan penyakit periodontal dapat dicegah dengan mengontrol pembentukan plak secara teratur. Penggunaan pasta gigi herbal dapat memberikan efek kimia untuk mengontrol pembentukan plak. Studi terdahulu mendapatkan bahwa pasta gigi herbal dapat mengurangi jumlah bakteri utama pada rongga mulut yaitu Streptococcus mutans. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti perbedaan daya hambat beberapa pasta gigi herbal (mengandung siwak, cengkeh, dan daun sirih terhadap pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans. Metode penelitian adalah eksperimental dengan meletakkan cakram yang sudah direndam dengan pasta gigi ke medium agar darah yang mengandung koloni Streptococcus mutans. Uji daya hambat bakteri dilakukan dengan metode difusi. Terbentuknya zona bening di sekitar koloni bakteri menunjukkan adanya penghambatan pertumbuhan bakteri uji. Hasil uji satu arah ANOVA menunjukkan adanya perbedaan daya hambat yang bermakna antar pasta gigi herbal yang digunakan (p<0.05. Ketiga pasta gigi didapakan memiliki kemampuan antibakteri kuat dengan rata-rata zona hambat 16.075 mm, 13.375 mm dan 11.080 mm. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pasta gigi herbal mempunyai efek anti bakteri terhadap pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans dengan efek anti bakteri terkuat di tunjukkan oleh pasta gigi mengandung cengkeh.AbstractDental caries and periodontal disease can be eliminated by regularly control plaque formation. The usage of herbal toothpaste is able to give chemical effect toward plaque control. Previous studies shown that the usage of herbal toothpaste was able to reduce the growth of Streptococcus mutans, the main bacteria in the mouth. The study aimed at investigating the difference of zone of inhibition of several herbal toothpastes (siwak- , cloves- , and betel leaves- contained toward the growth of Streptococcus mutans.This study was experimental research using disc that had been immersed and subsequently put it onto Blood agar medium that contain Streptococcus mutans


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    Fajar Prasetya


    Full Text Available This study aimed to obtain mouth gel formula ​​from extract of black betel leaves which effectively kill microbes that cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis and tooth decay (caries. The mouth gel formulation ​​from black betel leaves extract has been made by various concentrate of Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose (HEC as a mucoadhesive polymer. The optimized mouth gel base determine by evaluation the physical which includes organoleptic, viscosity, pH, the spreadability, and consistency after 16 days storage. The evaluation test was done with pH 7.21 (which lowest - 7.78 (the highest. The spreadability after 16 days storage of 50 grams for formula 1, formula 2, formula 3 each is 11.33 cm, 5.60 cm, and 4.70 cm. The consistency of the mouth gel formulation ​​from black betel leaves extract on formula 1, formula 2, and formula 3 are no changes occurred up to 16 days of storage. The viscosity obtained after 16 days of storage for formula 1, formula 2, and formula 3 respectively are 4.30 dpas, 37 dpas, and 80 dpas. The result showed that formula 2 has better formulation. Keywords: antimicrobials ,mouth gel, black betel, gingivitis, cavities ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formula gel mulut dari ekstrak daun sirih hitam yang secara efektif membunuh mikroba yang menyebabkan peradangan pada gusi (gingivitis dan kerusakan gigi (karies. Formulasi gel mulut dari hitam sirih ekstrak daun telah dibuat oleh berbagai konsentrasi Hidroksi Etil Selulosa (HEC sebagai polimer mukoadhesif. Dioptimalkan basis gel mulut menentukan dengan evaluasi fisik yang meliputi organoleptik, viskositas, pH, spreadability, dan konsistensi setelah 16 hari penyimpanan. Tes evaluasi dilakukan dengan pH 7.21 (yang terendah - 7.78 (tertinggi. The spreadability setelah 16 hari penyimpanan 50 gram untuk formula 1, rumus 2, rumus 3 masing-masing adalah 11,33 cm, 5,60 cm, dan 4,70 cm. Konsistensi formulasi gel mulut dari daun sirih hitam ekstrak formula 1, rumus

  13. Norwegian petroleum technology. A success story

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    times the amount of money that his company had invested in research and development in Norway. The committee hopes that telling these stories of Norwegian technology will demonstrate that research really does pay. The editorial committee has consisted of: Ole Lindefjeld (chair), ConocoPhillips, Helge Keilen (editor), Offshore Media Group, Kari Druglimo, The Research Council of Norway, Siri Helle Friedemann, The Research Council of Norway, Liv Lunde, IFE Institute for Energy Technology, David Lysne, SINTEF Petroleum Research, Kjell Markman, RF Rogland Research, Grethe Schei, SINTEF Petroleum Research, Knut Aam, Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) (author) (ml)

  14. Ženy v kontextu harmonizace pracovních a rodinných rolí. Mateřství a budování kariéry jako dva hlavní imperativy života současných žen


    Svobodová, Martina


    The Bachelor thesis deals with three groups of strategies for reconciliation of work and family roles of contemporary Czech women. The strategies are devided according to three ideal types of women. These ideal types are women who are seeking to harmonize work and family life, than women working only in the sphere of employment, and - finally only women in the sphere of family and household. The text is devoted to various three types of women and to specific groups of women, which are linked ...

  15. Pomegranate juice (Punica granatum as an ideal mouthrinse for fixed orthodontic patients

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    Haryono Utomo


    Full Text Available Background: Prevention of caries as well as periodontal disease is mandatory during orthodontic treatment. Nevertheless, the use of antiseptic mouthrinse is contraindicated for prolonged use. Pomegranate juice is a polyphenol-rich juice with high antioxidant capacity as well as antimicrobial properties. It has been shown to exert beneficial characteristics for orthodontic patients such as antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects. Moreover, it contained fluoride and phosphorous which are cariostatic. Previous study in fixed orthodontic patients revealed that rinsing with this juice showed reduced dental plaque and superior compared with chlorhexidine. If it has unwanted effect by reducing pro-inflammatory reaction that also needed in orthodontic movement is not clearly understood. Purpose: The aim of the present review was to discuss the beneficial and unwanted effect of pomegranate juice mouthrinse towards orthodontic treatment. Reviews: Pomegranate has antimicrobial activity, its methanolic skin extract is the most potent followed by seed juice. Nevertheless, seed juice is not only tastier, easier to make but also has mild antimicrobial potency which is beneficial for long-term use. Healthy periodontal tissue is preferable for orthodontic movement since it resulted in less unwanted bone resorption. Conclusion: Regarding its beneficial effect and safety of pomegranate juice if use daily mouthrinse in fixed orthodontic patients, it could be proposed as an ideal long term use mouthrinse for fixed orthodontic patients. However, further researches should be done to verify this concept.Latar belakang: Pencegahan karies dan penyakit periodontal sangat penting dalam perawatan ortodontik. Walaupun demikian, penggunaan obat kumur antiseptik jangka panjang merupakan kontraindikasi. Jus buah delima sangat kaya akan polifenol dengan kemampuan antioksidan yang tinggi disertai kemampuan antimikroba. Beberapa penelitian telah menunjukkan dampak menguntungkan

  16. Perawatan Maloklusi Angle Klas I dengan Gigi Depan Crowding Berat dan Cross Bite Menggunakan Teknik Begg pada Pasien dengan Kebersihan Mulut Buruk

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    Sri Wahyuningsih


    Full Text Available Gigi depan crowding/berjejal parah dan cross bite adalah kasus yang sering dijumpai pada perawatan ortodontik. Gigi crowding dapat menyulitkan membersihkan mulut pada area gigi crowding sehingga dapat menyebabkan masalah periodontal. Salah satu keuntungan perawatan ortodontik cekat dengan teknik Begg adalah menghasilkan gaya yang ringan dalam megkoreksi gigi berjejal dan cross bite dapat memberikan kenyamanan pada pasien. Tujuan perawatan ini adalah untuk mengkoreksi gigi berjejal dan cross bite dalam waktu yang singkat menggunakan teknik Begg. Seorang pasien wanita umur 24 tahun dengan maloklusi Angle klas I dan skeletal klas III protrusif mandibula, gigi depan crowding berat dan cross bite, konstraksi lengkung pada kedua rahang, pergeseran median line rahang atas dan bawah disertai, gingivitis berat dan karies. Skaling, perawatan saluran akar dan pencabutan gigi non vital dilakukan sebelum perawatan ortodontik dilakukan. Koreksi dengan teknik Begg memerlukan waktu selama 6 bulan untuk mengkoreksi gigi crowding dan cross bite semuanya dalam waktu yang sama. Koreksi kasus gigi depan crowding berat dan cross bite disertai masalah periodontal dapat dilakukan dengan teknik Begg dalam waktu yang singkat dengan kemajuan yang bagus.   Treatment of Class I Angle Malocclusion with Severe Crowding and Crossbite of Anterior Teeth Using Begg Technique in Bad Oral Hygiene Patient. The severe crowding and cross bite of anterior teeth were very common type cases in orthodontic. Crowding teeth compromised the oral hygiene due to the difficulty in oral cleansing on the crowding area that cause periodontal problem. One of advantages of fixed orthodontic treatment using Begg technique produced the light forces in correcting crowding and cross bite could give convenience to patients. The purpose of this treatment is to correct crowding and cross bite in a short period of time using Begg technique. A 24 years old female patient with Class I Angle

  17. Operational Characteristics Identification and Simulation Model Verification for Incheon International Airport (United States)

    Eun, Yeonju; Jeon, Daekeun; Lee, Hanbong; Zhu, Zhifan; Jung, Yoon C.; Jeong, Myeongsook; Kim, Hyounkyong; Oh, Eunmi; Hong, Sungkwon; Lee, Junwon


    integrated into NASA's Airspace Technology Demonstration-2 (ATD-2) project for technology demonstration of Integrated Arrival-Departure-Surface (IADS) operations at CLT. This study is a part of the international research collaboration between KAIA (Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement), KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) and NASA, which is being conducted to validate the effectiveness of SARDA concept as a controller decision support tool for departure and surface management of ICN. This paper presents the preliminary results of the collaboration effort. It includes investigation of the operational environment of ICN, data analysis for identification of the operational characteristics of the airport, construction and verification of airport simulation model using Surface Operations Simulator and Scheduler (SOSS), NASA's fast-time simulation tool.

  18. Irregular Saturnian Moon Lightcurves from Cassini-ISS Observations: Update (United States)

    Denk, Tilmann; Mottola, S.


    Cassini ISS-NAC observations of the irregular moons of Saturn revealed various physical information on these objects. 16 synodic rotational periods: Hati (S43): 5.45 h; Mundilfari (S25): 6.74 h; Suttungr (S23): ~7.4 h; Kari (S45): 7.70 h; Siarnaq (S29): 10.14 h; Tarvos (S21): 10.66 h; Ymir (S19, sidereal period): 11.92220 h ± 0.1 s; Skathi (S27): ~12 h; Hyrrokkin (S44): 12.76 h; Ijiraq (S22): 13.03 h; Albiorix (S26): 13.32 h; Bestla (S39): 14.64 h; Bebhionn (S37): ~15.8 h; Kiviuq (S24): 21.82 h; Thrymr (S30): ~27 h; Erriapus (S28): ~28 h. The average period for the prograde-orbiting moons is ~16 h, for the retrograde moons ~11½ h (includes Phoebe's 9.2735 h from Bauer et al., AJ, 2004). Phase-angle dependent behavior of lightcurves: The phase angles of the observations range from 2° to 105°. The lightcurves which were obtained at low phase (<40°) show the 2-maxima/ 2-minima pattern expected for this kind of objects. At higher phases, more complicated lightcurves emerge, giving rough indications on shapes. Ymir pole and shape: For satellite Ymir, a convex-hull shape model and the pole-axis orientation have been derived. Ymir's north pole points toward λ = 230°±180°, β = -85°±10°, or RA = 100°±20°, Dec = -70°±10°. This is anti-parallel to the rotation axes of the major planets, indicating that Ymir not just orbits, but also rotates in a retrograde sense. The shape of Ymir resembles a triangular prism with edge lengths of ~20, ~24, and ~25 km. The ratio between the longest 25 km) and shortest axis (pole axis, ~15 km) is ~1.7. Erriapus seasons: The pole direction of object Erriapus has probably a low ecliptic latitude. This gives this moon seasons similar to the Uranian regular moons with periods where the sun stands very high in the sky over many years, and with years-long periods of permanent night. Hati density: The rotational frequency of the fastest rotator (Hati) is close to the frequency where the object would lose material from the surface if

  19. Structure of Suasselkä Postglacial Fault in northern Finland obtained by analysis of ambient seismic noise (United States)

    Afonin, Nikita; Kozlovskaya, Elena


    the SPGF corresponds to a narrow region of low S-wave velocities surrounded by rocks with high S-wave velocities. We interpret this low velocity region as a non-healed mechanically weak fault damage zone (FDZ) remained after the last major earthquake that occurred after the last glaciation. Seismic instruments for the DAFNE/FINLAND experiment were provided by the institute of Seismology of the University of Helsinki and by the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory. The study was partly funded by Posiva Oy and Geological Survey of Finland. DAFNE/FINLAND Working Group: Ilmo Kukkonen Pekka Heikkinen Kari Komminaho Elena Kozlovskaya Riitta Hurskainen Tero Raita Hanna Silvennoinen

  20. An analysis of Finnish skiing school students' academic education and athletic success [Analýza akademického vzdělání a sportovních úspěchů studentů finských lyžařských škol

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    Jan-Erik Romar


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Skiing boarding schools provide an opportunity to combine academic education and an athletic career. Many athletes select to go to a boarding school at an age of 16 because they have poor local training possibilities; however, this physical move away from home providesmany challenges. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to analyze academic education and athletic success of skiing school students in Finland. METHODS: The participants were 49 students (15 girls and 34 boys with an average age of 17 years. They came from three skiing boarding schools, two cross-country and one alpine school. Sixty percent of the alpine skiers were members of the junior national team while only six percent of the cross-country skiers. All participants completed a survey about study success and athletic performance. RESULTS: The results showed that 80% of the students extended their high school studies from three to four years. About 50% of all students were satisfied with their academic success. Fifty-four percent of alpine skiers and 15% of cross-country skiers indicated that their best athletic success were in international competitions. Almost all students perceived that skiing school helped by combining sport and school. However, only 40% of the alpine skiers and 62% of the cross-country skiers were satisfied with their present athletic success. Seventy-three percent of the alpine skiers felt that sport participation affected negatively their success in school. Success in sport, good training possibilities, skilled coaches and caring friends were reason for enjoying life in skiing boarding schools. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the concept of skiing schools and suggest that there are many things to consider when combining education and an athletic career.[VÝCHODISKA: Lyžařské internátní školy nabízejí možnost spojit akademické vzdělání a sportovní kariéru. Mnozí sportovci odcházejí ve věku 16 let na internátní

  1. The relationships of self-efficacy, physical activity, and paid work to health-related quality of life among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD

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    Andenæs R


    Full Text Available Randi Andenæs,1 Signe Berit Bentsen,2 Kari Hvinden,3,4 May Solveig Fagermoen,5,6 Anners Lerdal6,71Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo, Norway; 2Department of Health Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway; 3LHL Helse AS, Glittreklinikken, Hakadal, Norway; 4Norwegian Advisory Unit for Learning and Mastery in Health, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; 5Department of Gastroenterology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; 6Department of Nursing Science, Institute of Health and Society, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; 7Department of Research, Lovisenberg Diakonale Hospital, Oslo, NorwayPurpose: Although chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD primarily affects the lungs, it is regarded as a systemic disorder associated with comorbidity and physical deterioration, which often results in reduced levels of health-related quality of life (HRQoL. Self-efficacy is an important concept in self-management, which is vital for improving HRQoL in patients with COPD. The purpose of this study was to examine how general self-efficacy, leisure time physical activity, and sociodemographic variables such as employment status are related to the physical and mental health components of HRQoL in patients with COPD.Patients and methods: In this cross-sectional study, 97 COPD patients (54.6% male, mean age 64.6 years, standard deviation [SD] 9.5 beginning a pulmonary rehabilitation program completed three self-report questionnaires: the short form (SF-12v2 Health Survey as a measure of HRQoL; the General Self-Efficacy Scale; and a standardized instrument measuring regular leisure time physical activity.Results: The physical health component median score was 31.3 (interquartile range [IQR] 16.3 and the mental health component median score was 45.9 (IQR 21.5. Two sets of linear regression analyses were performed, one

  2. Summary of KOMPSAT-5 Calibration and Validation (United States)

    Yang, D.; Jeong, H.; Lee, S.; Kim, B.


    Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite 5 (KOMPSAT-5), equipped with high resolution X-band (9.66 GHz) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), is planning to be launched on August 22, 2013. With the satellite's primary mission objective being providing Geographical Information System (GIS), Ocean monitoring and Land management, and Disaster and ENvironment monitoring (GOLDEN), it is expected that its applications for scientific research on geographical processes will be extensive. In order to meet its mission objective, the KOMPSAT-5 will provide three different kinds of SAR imaging modes; High Resolution Mode (1 m resolution, 5 km swath), Standard Mode (3 m resolution, 30 km swath), and Wide Swath Mode (20 m resolution, 100 km swath). The KOMPSAT-5 will be operated in a 550 km sun-synchronous, dawn- dusk orbit with a 28-day ground repeat cycle providing valuable image information on Earth surface day-or-night and even in bad weather condition. After successful launch of the satellite, it will go through Launch and Early Operation (LEOP) and In-Orbit Testing (IOT) period about for 6 months to carry out various tests on satellite bus and payload systems. The satellite bus system will be tested during the first 3 weeks after the launch focusing on the Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem (AOCS) and Integrated GPS Occultation Receiver (IGOR) calibration. With the completion of bus system test, the SAR payload system will be calibrated during initial In-Flight check period (11 weeks) by the joint effort of Thales Alenia Space Italy (TAS-I) and Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). The pointing and relative calibration will be carried out during this period by analyzing the doppler frequency and antenna beam pattern of reflected microwave signal from selected regions with uniform backscattering coefficients (e.g. Amazon rainforest). A dedicated SAR calibration, called primary calibration, will be allocated at the end of LEOP for 12 weeks to perform thorough calibration activities

  3. Innovative SETI by the KLT (United States)

    Maccone, C.

    SETI searches are, by definition, the extraction of very weak radio signals out of the cosmic background noise. When SETI was born in 1959, it was "natural" to attempt this extraction by the only detection algorithm well known at the time: the Fourier Transform (FT). In fact: 1) SETI radio astronomers had adopted the viewpoint that a candidate ET signal would necessarily be a sinusoidal carrier, i.e. a very narrow-band signal. Over such a narrow band, the background noise is necessarily white. And so, the basic assumption behind the FT that the background noise must be white was "perfectly matched" to SETI for the next fifty years! 2) In addition, the Americans, J. W. Cooley and J. W. Tukey discovered in April 1965 that all the FT computations could be speeded up to N*ln(N) (rather than N2) (N is the number of numbers to be processed) by their own Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Then, SETI radio astronomers all over the world gladly and unquestioningly adopted the new FFT forever. In 1983, however, the French SETI radio astronomer, François Biraud, dared to challenge this view (ref. [6]). He argued that we only can make guesses about ET's telecommunication systems, and that the shifting trend on Earth was from narrow-band to wide-band telecommunications. Thus, a new transform, other than the FFT, was needed that could detect signals over both narrow and wide bands, regardless of the colored noise distribution over any finite bandwidth. Such a transform had actually been pointed out as early as 1946 by the Finn mathematician, Kari Karhunen, and the French mathematician, Michel Loève, and is thus named KLT for them. In conclusion, François Biraud suggested to "look for the unknown in SETI" by adopting the KLT rather than the FFT. The same ideas were reached independently by this author also, and starting 1987, he too was "preaching the KLT": first at the SETI Institute, then (since 1990) at the Italian CNR (now called INAF) SETI facilities at Medicina, near Bologna

  4. Daya antibakteri obat kumur chlorhexidine, povidone iodine, fluoride suplementasi zinc terhadap, Streptococcus mutans dan Porphyromonas gingivalis (Antibacterial effect of mouth washes containing chlorhexidine, povidone iodine, fluoride plus zinc on Strep

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    Betadion Rizki Sinaredi


    Full Text Available Background: Dental Caries and periodontal disease prevalence in Indonesian children are still high. Some efforts can be done to overcome the problem; one of them is the use of mouthwash to decrease pathogen microorganisms. The mouthwashes that commercially available in market are chlorhexidine, povidone Iodine and Fluoride with Zinc supplementation. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the anti bacterial effect of the mouthwashes chlorhexidine, povidone iodine and fluoride with zinc supplementation against mix bacteria that found in the plaque, Streptococcus mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis. Methods: The antibacterial effect was measured using disk diffusion test. The bacteria samples (plaque polybacteria, S.mutans and P. gingivalis were inoculated and spread in the petridish containing MHA. Paper discs containing the mouthwashes were placed in the petridish and incubated for 24 hours at 37oC (anaerobe for P. gingivalis, aerobe for S. mutans and polybacteria. The diameter of inhibition zone surrounding the paper discs were measured and compared between each active ingredient contained in mouthwash. Results: Chlorhexidine had the strongest antibacterial effect than povidone iodine and fluoride. Chlorhexidine was more effective to inhibited the growth of S. mutans than to polybacteria or P.Gingivalis, while Povidone iodine and fluoride were more effective to inhibited the growth of polybacteria. Conclusion: The mouthwash chlorhexidine was more effective to inhibit the growth of plaque polybacteria, Streptoccous mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis compared with povidone iodine and fluoride with zinc supplementation.Latar belakang: Prevalensi karies gigi dan penyakit periodontal masih tinggi pada anak Indonesia. Usaha mengatasi hal tersebut antara lain melalui melalui penggunaan obat kumur untuk mengurangi jumlah kuman pathogen. Kandungan obat kumur yang beredar di pasar diantaranya adalah chlorhexidine, povidone iodine dan fluoride

  5. Performance management by co-operating and participating. Lessons learned from transfering service responsibiliy from state to municipal level Árangursstjórnun með samstarfi og þátttöku: Lærdómur af yfirfærslu verkefna frá ríki til sveitarfélaga

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    Óskar Dýrmundur Ólafsson


    ð við stjórnun þeirra er heppilegt að líta í ríkari mæli til valdeflingar, lærdóms og möguleika til aukinnar skilvirkni með kerfishugsun.

  6. The Effectiveness of Smartphone Apps for Lifestyle Improvement in Noncommunicable Diseases: Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses. (United States)

    Lunde, Pernille; Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad; Bergland, Astrid; Kværner, Kari Jorunn; Bye, Asta


    term (3-6 months; P=.02) with low heterogeneity (I 2 =41%). In the long term (10-12 months), the overall effect on HbA 1c was statistical significant (P=.009) and without heterogeneity (I 2 =0%). The quality of evidence according to Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation was low for short term and moderate for long term. Our review demonstrated limited research of the use of smartphone apps for NCDs other than diabetes with a follow-up of at least 3 months. For diabetes, the use of apps seems to improve lifestyle factors, especially to decrease HbA 1c . More research with long-term follow-up should be performed to assess the effect of smartphone apps for NCDs other than diabetes. ©Pernille Lunde, Birgitta Blakstad Nilsson, Astrid Bergland, Kari Jorunn Kværner, Asta Bye. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 04.05.2018.

  7. Shear strength of orthodontic bracket bonding with GIC bonding agent after the application of CPP-ACPF paste

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    Melisa Budipramana


    Full Text Available Background: White spot lesion is a major problem during fixed orthodontic treatment. This problem can be solved by minimizing white spot lesion before the treatment and using a fluoride-releasing bonding agent. The application of casein phosphopeptidesamorphous calcium phospate fluoride (CPP-ACPF paste as remineralization agent before treatment and GIC as orthodontic bonding agent is expected to overcome this problem as well as to strengthen GIC bonding. Purpose: To measure the shear strength of fix orthodontic appliance using GIC bonding with CPP-ACPF application prior treatment. Methods: In this study, 50 extracted premolars were randomly divided into 2 groups: group 1 as treatment group and group II as control group that was not given CPPACPF pretreatment. After having been cut and put into acrylic device, the samples in group I were given pretreatment with CPP-ACPF paste on enamel surface for 2 minutes twice a day as instructed in product label for 14 days. Orthodontic brackets were bonded with GIC bonding agent on all samples in both groups as instructed in product label. Then, the shear strength was measured by Autograph Shimatzu with crosshead speed 0.5 mm/minute. The data was analyzed with Independent t-test. Results: The mean shear bond strength in treatment group was 19.22 ± 4.04 MPa and in control group was 12.97 ± 3.97 MPa. Independent t-test analysis showed that there was a significant difference between treatment and control group (p<0.05. Conclusion: CPP-ACPF pretreatment could increase GIC orthodontic bonding shear strength.Latar belakang: Lesi putih karies merupakan masalah utama selama perawatan dengan peranti cekat ortodonti. Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan cara mengurangi lesi putih sebelum perawatan dengan menggunakan bahan bonding yang mengandung fluorida. Aplikasi pasta casein phosphopeptides-amorphous calcium phospate fluoride (CPP-ACPF sebagai bahan remineralisasi sebelum perawatan dan bahan bonding GIC diharapkan dapat

  8. A Study of Umbilical Communication Interface of Simulator Kernel to Enhance Visibility and Controllability (United States)

    Koo, Cheol Hea; Lee, Hoon Hee; Moon, Sung Tae; Han, Sang Hyuck; Ju, Gwang Hyeok


    In aerospace research and practical development area, increasing the usage of simulation in software development, component design and system operation has been maintained and the increasing speed getting faster. This phenomenon can be found from the easiness of handling of simulation and the powerfulness of the output from the simulation. Simulation brings lots of benefit from the several characteristics of it as following, - easy to handle ; it is never broken or damaged by mistake - never wear out ; it is never getting old - cost effective ; once it is built, it can be distributed over 100 ~ 1000 people GenSim (Generic Simulator) which is developing by KARI and compatible with ESA SMP standard provides such a simulation platform to support flight software validation and mission operation verification. User interface of GenSim is shown in Figure 1 [1,2]. As shown in Figure 1, as most simulation platform typically has, GenSim has GRD (Graphical Display) and AND (Alpha Numeric Display). But frequently more complex and powerful handling of the simulated data is required at the actual system validation for example mission operation. In Figure 2, system simulation result of COMS (Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite, launched at June 28 2008) is being drawn by Celestia 3D program. In this case, the needed data from Celestia is given by one of the simulation model resident in system simulator through UDP network connection in this case. But the requirement of displaying format, data size, and communication rate is variable so developer has to manage the connection protocol manually at each time and each case. It brings a chaos in the simulation model design and development, also to the performance issue at last. Performance issue is happen when the required data magnitude is higher than the capacity of simulation kernel to process the required data safely. The problem is that the sending data to a visualization tool such as celestia is given by a

  9. Dental measurements of Deuteromalayid Javanese students of the Faculty of Dentistry Airlangga University

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    Myrtati Dyah Artaria


    dilihat dari geligi tengkorak manusia, untuk keperluan identifikasi. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan ukuran mesiodistal gigi antara laki-laki dan perempuan Deuteromalayid dari Jawa. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan data pengukuran mesio-distal gigi untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan antar jenis kelamin pada ukuran gigi mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga keturunan Deuteromalayid dari Jawa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tahap awal dengan jumlah sampel yang masih terbatas. Sampel diambil dari 52 orang individu yang bersedia dicetak giginya dengan jumlah 26 laki-laki dan 26 perempuan. Pengukuran dilakukan dari mesial ke distal gigi. Pengukuran tidak dilakukan mesial gigi yang mengalami kerusakan seperti misalnya karena karies atau aus yang parah. Signifikansi perbedaan antar jenis kelamin dianalisis menggunakan independent t-test. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antar laki-laki dan perempuan di semua jenis gigi, kecuali pada premolar ke dua atas dan bawah. ”Reverse sexual dimorphism” di mana rata-rata ukuran gigi perempuan lebih besar dari lakilaki, tidak ditemukan pada sampel ini. Pada penelitian ini meskipun dijumpai ”overlap” pada ukuran gigi laki-laki dan perempuan, tetapi sebagian besar rata-rata ukuran gigi berbeda secara bermakna antar kedua jenis kelamin pada sampel mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga yang berasal dari Jawa keturunan Deuteromalayid. Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengukuran gigi laki-laki lebih besar daripada perempuan, kecuali premolar kedua maksila dan mandibula.

  10. Treatment of non-vital primary molar using lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR 3Mix-MP

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    Tania Saskianti


    pasien anak. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk evaluasi klinis penggunaan 3Mix - MP- kombinasi obat antibakteri, yaitu metronidazole, minocycline dan ciprofloxacin (3Mix, dan makrogol dan propilen glikol (MP – sebagai pengobatan pulpa pada gigi molar sulung yang nekrose. Metode: Subjek adalah pasien anak dari Klinik Kedokteran Gigi Anak Rumah Sakit Gigi & Mulut Universitas Airlangga. Delapan gigi molar sulung dengan nekrosis pulpa akibat karies gigi dipilih sebagai sampel. Pengobatan dilakukan berdasarkan konsep lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR. Selapis pasta 3 Mix - MP ditempatkan di kavitas gigi dan kemudian ditumpat dengan semen glass-ionomer. Subjek diminta untuk kontrol untuk evaluasi klinis dan radiografi 1, 3 dan 6 bulan pasca perawatan. Efek antibakteri 3 Mix - MP terhadap bakteri campuran rongga pulpa yang diisolasi sebelum terapi dibandingkan dengan tempophore . Efek antibakteri ditentukan dengan mengukur zona hambat setelah 24 jam inkubasi anaerob. Hasil: Tujuh dari 8 subjek pada saat kontrol tidak menunjukkan gejala klinis akut atau kronis, seperti fistula, abses, eksudat purulen, bengkak atau merasa sakit selama pengunyahan. Hasil uji mikrobiologi menunjukkan LSTR 3Mix - MP memiliki efek antibakteri yang lebih tinggi daripada tempophore (p<0,001. Simpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan 3Mix - MP memberikan respon positif pada perawatan molar sulung yang nekrotik secara klinis dan radiografis.

  11. The increasing of enamel calcium level after casein phosphopeptideamorphous calcium phosphate covering

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    Widyasri Prananingrum


    Full Text Available Background: Caries process is characterized by the presence of demineralization. Demineralization is caused by organic acids as a result of carbohydrate substrate fermentation. Remineralization is a natural repair process for non-cavitated lesions. Remineralization occurs if there are Ca2+ and PO43- ions in sufficient quantities. Casein-amorphous calcium phosphate phosphopeptide (CPP-ACP is a paste material containing milk protein (casein, that actually contains minerals, such as calcium and phosphate. The casein ability to stabilize calcium phosphate and enhance mineral solubility and bioavailability confers upon CPP potential to be biological delivery vehicles for calcium and phosphate. Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the calcium levels in tooth enamel after being covered with CPP-ACP 2 times a day for 3, 14 and 28 days. Methods: Sample were bovine incisors of 3 year old cows divided into 4 groups, namely group I as control group, group II, III and IV as treatment groups covered with CPP-ACP 2 times a day. All of those teeth were then immersed in artificial saliva. Group II was immersed for 3 days, while group III was immersed for 14 days, and group IV was immersed for 28 days. One drop of CPP-ACP was used to cover the entire labial surface of teeth. The measurement of the calcium levels was then conducted by using titration method. All data were analyzed by One- Way ANOVA test with 5% degree of confidence. Results: The results showed significant difference of the calcium levels in tooth enamel of those groups after covered with CPP-ACP 2 times a day for 3, 14 and 28 days (p = 0.001. There is also significant difference of the calcium levels in tooth enamel of those treatment groups and the control group (p = 0.001. Conclusion: The calcium levels of tooth enamel are increased after covered with CPP-ACP 2 times a day for 3, 14 and 28 days.Latar belakang: Proses terjadinya karies gigi ditandai oleh adanya demineralisasi

  12. Korelasi Faktor Ibu Dengan Status Kesehatan Gigi Dan Mulut Anak Taman Kanak-Kanak Di Kelurahan Kemayoran Kecamatan Krembangan, Kota Surabaya

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    oktarina oktarina


    Full Text Available Caries among children 1–4 years in Indonesia was 10.4%. Maintenance of dental and oral health among under five children and kindergarten depent on their mothers. Mother’s knowledge on dental and oral health maintenance is lack. The study aimed to determine the correlation of maternal knowledge, attitude, and behaviour behavior on maintenance of dental and oral health to their children dental and oral health status. It was an observational study with a cross sectional design. The study was conducted to kindergarden in Kelurahan Kemayoran, Surabaya city. There were 73 mothers and 73 of their children recruited. The independent variables were knowledge, attitude, and practice of mothers on maintenance of dental and oral health and the dependent variables was their children dental and oral health status. Data were collected by interview and the dental and oral health status by intra-oral dental examination. Analysis was by Spearmen correlation test. The majority of mothers were aged 30-39 years old, middle education, with Rp.1,000,000,- to Rp.2,000,000,- monthly income. For their children were relatively higher girls and 78.1% with bad dental and oral health status. The knowledge of mothers on maintenamce dental and oral health was not correlated to their children dental and health status possibly the lowest (30.1% mothers knowledge on bruishing teeth conducted together with their children. Meanwhile, the mother attitute was correlated (r = 0.272 to their children dental and health status, ρ = 0.01. It was as more than half of mothers very agree that their children should brush their teeth twice a day. The behaviour of mothers on maintenance dental and oral health was not correalated as none of caries teeth was patched. Primary Health Centers should enhance education on the right knowledge on maintenance of dental and oral hygiene of children, especially among mothers. AbstrakKaries pada anak 1–4 tahun di Indonesia sebesar 10

  13. Anticipated Improvements in Precipitation Physics and Understanding of Water Cycle from GPM Mission (United States)

    Smith, Eric A.


    The GPM mission is currently planned for start in the late-2007 to early-2008 time frame. Its main scientific goal is to help answer pressing scientific problems arising within the context of global and regional water cycles. These problems cut across a hierarchy of scales and include climate-water cycle interactions, techniques for improving weather and climate predictions, and better methods for combining observed precipitation with hydrometeorological prediction models for applications to hazardous flood-producing storms, seasonal flood/draught conditions, and fresh water resource assessments. The GPM mission will expand the scope of precipitation measurement through the use of a constellation of some 9 satellites, one of which will be an advanced TRMM-like core satellite carrying a dual-frequency Ku-Ka band precipitation radar and an advanced, multifrequency passive microwave radiometer with vertical-horizontal polarization discrimination. The other constellation members will include new dedicated satellites and co-existing operational/research satellites carrying similar (but not identical) passive microwave radiometers. The goal of the constellation is to achieve approximately 3-hour sampling at any spot on the globe -- continuously. The constellation s orbit architecture will consist of a mix of sun-synchronous and non-sun-synchronous satellites with the core satellite providing measurements of cloud-precipitation microphysical processes plus calibration-quality rainrate retrievals to be used with the other retrieval information to ensure bias-free constellation coverage. GPM is organized internationally, involving existing, pending, projected, and under-study partnerships which will link NASA and NOAA in the US, NASDA in Japan, ESA in Europe, ISRO in India, CNES in France, and possibly AS1 in Italy, KARI in South Korea, CSA in Canada, and AEB in Brazil. Additionally, the program is actively pursuing agreements with other international collaborators and

  14. In vitro effect of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser exposure on morphology, hydroxyapatite composition and microhardness properties of human dentin

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    Retna Apsari


    : Mode Q-Switch pada laser Nd:YAG dapat menghasilkan fenomena ablasi pada dentin. Laser Nd:YAG yang digunakan mempunyai panjang gelombang 1064 nm, durasi pulsa 8 ns beroperasi dengan mode TEM00. Sampel dentin yang digunakan tanpa karies dan plak, yang dipapari laser dengan mode Q-switch dalam berbagai variasi dosis energi. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengamati efek ablasi dentin secara in vitro akibat paparan laser Nd:YAG Q-switch dengan pengamatan morfologi permukaan, komposisi hidroksiapatit, dan uji kekerasan mikro. Metode: Laser Nd:YAG Q-switch dengan frekuensi 10 Hz dan variasi dosis energi 13,9 J/cm2, 21,2 J/cm2 dan 41,7 J/cm2 ditembakkan pada sampel dentin manusia dengan teknik penyinaran bebas tanpa dilewatkan serat optik. Dentin yang terbuka diamati menggunakan x-ray diffraction (XRD dan fluoresence scanning electron microscopy for energy dispersive (FESEM-EDAX. Kekerasan mikro dari dentin juga diamati menggunakan microhardness vickers test (MVT. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi hidroksiapatit dari dentin setelah paparan laser Nd:YAG Q-Switch menunjukkan peningkatan berkisar 75,02% sampai 78,21% dibandingkan normal, dengan kekerasan mikro berkisar 38,7 kgf/mm2 sampai 86,6 kgf/mm2. Perubahan pada struktur mikro tersebut disebakan karena adanya efek fototermal. Kerapatan daya yang bervariasi berdasarkan variasi dosis energi menyebabkan efek panas pada dentin yang menyebabkan adanya fenomena optical breakdown, yang ditandai dengan munculnya efek leleh dan lubang pada sampel karena produksi plasma dan adanya gelombang kejut, mulai dosis 21,2 J/cm2. Berdasarkan uji XRD, efek yang muncul pada dentin tidak menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan struktur kristal hidroksiapatit, tetapi menyebabkan perubahan komposisi hidroksiapatit yang disebut dengan fotoablasi. Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan mode Q-switched pada laser Nd:YAG sebagai alat dengan kontak minimal dapat dijadikan teknik alternatif untuk meningkatkan kualitas perawatan

  15. Ambitious Icelanders: The Background and Beginning of Icelandic International Development Stórhuga Íslendingar: Forsaga og upphaf íslenskrar þróunarsamvinnu

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    Kristín Loftsdóttir


    Full Text Available The idea of development gained hegemonic status in the middle of the 20th century as a way of understanding the relationship between different parts of the world. Even though debated how development would best be achieved, the idea as such was generally not critically assessed. Development institutions were seen as objective institutions with the technological knowledge necessary to move one society to the next level of development.The collection of data of these institutions in the so-called underdeveloped parts of the world involved the most intimate aspects of societies,and gave the idea of development content and meaning. The article looks at the origin of Icelandic development aid and aims at contextualizing it within international ideas of aid. The discussion starts with overview of historical appearance of international development globally and its hegemonic position. It focuses then on how the idea of development takes shape in an Icelandic context at a particular period and how it was shaped by international discourses, as is for example reflected in increased pressure on the Icelandic government to initiate an aid institution. The establishment of Iceland’s first governmental institutions focusing on aid in 1971 reflects still little interest by the Icelandic government at that time in international development. The article also shows how these international discourses become entangled with Icelandic nationalism, and thus the emphasis that the Icelandic nation-state would be engaged in international development.Hugmyndin um þróunarhjálp til handa fátækari hlutum heimsins fékk hugmyndafræðilegt forræði um miðja 20. öld og þá sem leið til að skilja stöðu ólíkra hluta heimsins. Þrátt fyrir að deilt hafi verið um leiðir eða útfærslu að þróun, var sú hugmynd, að sumar þjóðir væru vanþróaðar og aðrar þróaðar, ekki gagnrýnd sem slík. Litið var á þróunarsamvinnustofnanir sem hlutlaus fyrirb

  16. Book Reviews

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    Redactie KITLV


    Full Text Available -Philip D. Morgan, Marcus Wood, Blind memory: Visual representations of slavery in England and America 1780-1865. New York: Routledge, 2000. xxi + 341 pp. -Rosemarijn Hoefte, Ron Ramdin, Arising from bondage: A history of the Indo-Caribbean people. New York: New York University Press, 2000. x + 387 pp. -Flávio dos Santos Gomes, David Eltis, The rise of African slavery in the Americas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. xvii + 353 pp. -Peter Redfield, D. Graham Burnett, Masters of all they surveyed: Exploration, geography, and a British El Dorado. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. xv + 298 pp. -Bernard Moitt, Eugenia O'Neal, From the field to the legislature: A history of women in the Virgin Islands. Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 2001. xiii + 150 pp. -Allen M. Howard, Nemata Amelia Blyden, West Indians in West Africa, 1808-1880: The African Diaspora in reverse. Rochester NY: University of Rochester Press, 2000. xi + 258 pp. -Michaeline A. Crichlow, Kari Levitt, The George Beckford papers. Kingston: Canoe Press, 2000. lxxi + 468 pp. -Michaeline A. Crichlow, Audley G. Reid, Community formation; A study of the 'village' in postemancipation Jamaica. Kingston: Canoe Press, 2000. xvi + 156 pp. -Linden Lewis, Brian Meeks, Narratives of resistance: Jamaica, Trinidad, the Caribbean. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press, 2000. xviii + 240 pp. -Roderick A. McDonald, Bridget Brereton, Law, justice, and empire: The colonial career of John Gorrie, 1829-1892. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press, 1997. xx + 371 pp. -Karl Watson, Gary Lewis, White rebel: The life and times of TT Lewis. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press, 1999. xxvii + 214 pp. -Mary Turner, Armando Lampe, Mission or submission? Moravian and Catholic missionaries in the Dutch Caribbean during the nineteenth century. Göttingen, FRG: Vandenburg & Ruprecht, 2001. 244 pp. -O. Nigel Bolland, Anton L. Allahar, Caribbean charisma: Reflections on

  17. Book Reviews

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    Redactie KITLV


    Full Text Available -Charles V. Carnegie, W. Jeffrey Bolster, Black Jacks: African American Seamen in the age of sail. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1997. xiv + 310 pp. -Stanley L. Engerman, Wim Klooster, Illicit Riches: Dutch trade in the Caribbean, 1648-1795. Leiden: KITLV Press, 1998. xiv + 283 pp. -Luis Martínez-Fernández, Emma Aurora Dávila Cox, Este inmenso comercio: Las relaciones mercantiles entre Puerto Rico y Gran Bretaña 1844-1898. San Juan: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1996. xxi + 364 pp. -Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, Arturo Morales Carrión, Puerto Rico y la lucha por la hegomonía en el Caribe: Colonialismo y contrabando, siglos XVI-XVIII. San Juan: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico y Centro de Investigaciones Históricas, 1995. ix + 244 pp. -Herbert S. Klein, Patrick Manning, Slave trades, 1500-1800: Globalization of forced labour. Hampshire, U.K.: Variorum, 1996. xxxiv + 361 pp. -Jay R. Mandle, Kari Levitt ,The critical tradition of Caribbean political economy: The legacy of George Beckford. Kingston: Ian Randle, 1996. xxvi + 288., Michael Witter (eds -Kevin Birth, Belal Ahmed ,The political economy of food and agriculture in the Caribbean. Kingston: Ian Randle; London: James Currey, 1996. xxi + 276 pp., Sultana Afroz (eds -Sarah J. Mahler, Alejandro Portes ,The urban Caribbean: Transition to the new global economy. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1997. xvii + 260 pp., Carlos Dore-Cabral, Patricia Landolt (eds -O. Nigel Bolland, Ray Kiely, The politics of labour and development in Trinidad. Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago: The Press University of the West Indies, 1996. iii + 218 pp. -Lynn M. Morgan, Aviva Chomsky, West Indian workers and the United Fruit Company in Costa Rica, 1870-1940. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1996. xiii + 302 pp. -Eileen J. Findlay, Maria del Carmen Baerga, Genero y trabajo: La industria de la aguja en Puerto Rico y el Caribe hispánico. San Juan

  18. Sports context of the original families of three generations of national football team players [Sportovní kontext původních rodin tří generací fotbalových reprezentantů

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    Hana Válková


    in any of the three different generations.[VÝCHODISKA: Rodinný context je považován za podstatný jev, ovlivňující vývoj celoživotní sportivní kariéry. Přes tuto skutečnost je role rodiny v etapách různých historických změn zkoumána zřídka. Výzkumný concept studie je založen na "teorii přechodu" (tj. raná sportovní socializace, na principu "generačního přenosu" (tj. interakce rodiče-děti, a to v rámci různého mikro (rodinného a makro (sociálně-ekonomického kontextu. CÍLE: Cílem studie je nalézt vztahy mezi ukazateli rané socializace v rodinném kontextu fotbalových hráčů - reprezentantů České republiky ve třech rozdílných socio-ekonomických časových obdobích. METODIKA: Byly zkoumány tři generace fotbalových hráčů národní reprezentace. Výzkumný vzorek P (n = 69 sestával ze tří sub-skupin: P1 (n = 23 - současná generace fotbalové reprezentace v letech kolem roku 1991, P2 (n = 23 - generace reprezentující v letech 1981 - 2001 a P3 - generace reprezntující v letech 1965 - 1987. Data byla získána semi-strukturovaným rozhovorem orientovaným na rodinné zázemí v etapě rané sportovní socializace každé generace. Odpovědi byly analyzovány a data tříděna v kategoriální škále (5 domén po 4 kategoriích. Dále byla data zpracována deskriptivní statistikou a srovnání vybraných kategorií mezi generacemi neparametrickým testem Chí-kvadrát na hladině významnosti p < 0,05. VÝSLEDKY: Shodná role otců byla nalezena ve všech třech generacích a take ve shodných kategoriích (typ výchovy, začlenění do fotbalu, motivační přístupy. Role matek byla odlišná ve vztahu ke generační emancipaci žen, ale vždy podporující sportovní vývoj dětí. ZÁVĚRY: Výsledky podtrhují význam rané sportovní socializace v rodině, důležitost generačního přenosu, funkci otce, matky i sourozenců jako motivátorů, a to bez ohledu na příslušnost ke kterékoliv ze t

  19. There’s a kind of hush…..

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    Yngve Nordkvelle


    phenomenon. She argues for the need to think wider and inclusively when describing phenomena theoretically and empirically.In the third paper, Professors Kari Nes and Gerd Wikan of Hedmark University College, Norway report from a project involving interactive whiteboards (IWB in teaching in schools. In analyzing closely how seven teachers go about their interactive boards when teaching, they see that the IWBs have potentials that not all teachers are able to realize. They discuss what teachers need in order to develop their ability to stage “exploratory talks” with students.Last we bring a brief research report from Jacques Kerneis, who is a professor at ESPE (École Superiéure du Professorate et de l’éducation Bretagne, France, who outlines experiences from three differents projects aiming at defining digital-, media- and information literacy in a French speaking context. Using a particular vocabulary of « apparatus », « phenomenotechnique » and « phenomenographie » the projects aimed at providing a framework of the evolving interpretations of these phenomena.

  20. Analysis of motives for mentoring students in practical pedagogical training [Analýza důvodů k mentoringu studentů během pedagogické praxe

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    Marjeta Kovač


    pedagogical training of students to improve its quality and promote realistic preparation for working in a real work environment.[VÝCHODISKA: Hlavním cílem inovace studijních programů ve většině členských států EU byla unifikace a modernizace těchto programů, která umožní rozvoj EU v jednu z nejsilnějších znalostních společností. Moderní studijní programy zdůrazňují vzájemné spo jení teoretických principů, které si studenti osvojují během studia, s praxí z toho důvodu, že praktická příprava je jednou z nejdůležitějších částí všech studijních programů. Rovněž účinný systém kvalitních a kompetentních školitelů má významnou roli. Tito školitelé připraví jedince ke vstupu na trh práce právě rozvojem jejich specifických dovedností v autentickém prostředí. CÍLE: Z toho důvodu, že mnoho členských států EU ještě nevytvořilo systém kompetentních a kvalitních školitelů, prezentuje tato studie systém opatření k růstu motivace učitelů pro školení studentů a lepší kvalitu školitelské činnosti. Studie zkoumá motivy pro školení studentů v praktické přípravě. METODIKA: Výzkum zahrnoval 62 učitelů, kteří vyučovali na Fakultě sportu v Ljubljani. Použitý dotazník obsahoval 26 různých motivů. Pro zpracování dat byla využita deskriptivní statistika a faktoriální analýza. VÝSLEDKY: Výsledky ukázaly, že školitelé školí studenty v pedagogické praxi za účelem rozvoje svých vlastních profesních dovedností a z důvodu kariérních motivů – profesní postup v hierarchickém žebříčku získáváním dodatečných bodů umožňujících postup na vyšší profesní úroveň. Oba tyto důvody znamenají vyšší profesní postavení v pracovním prostředí. ZÁVĚRY: Bylo zjištěno, že by bylo potřeba vytvořit model partnerské spolupráce mezi fakultou sportu a vzdělávacími školami a prostřednictvím vhodných opatření zajistit v

  1. FOREWORD: Third Nordic Symposium on Computer Simulation in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics (United States)

    Kaski, K.; Salomaa, M.


    Prizes were some of the newest books on the beauty of fractals. The First Prize was won by Hanna Viertio, the Second Prize by Miguel Zendejas and the Third Prize was shared by Leo Kärkkäinen and Kari Rummukainen. As for the future of Computational Science, we identify two principal avenues: (a) big science - large centers with ultrafast supercomputers, and (b) small science - active groups utilizing personal minisupercomputers or supenvorkstations. At present, it appears that the latter already compete extremely favourably in their performance with the massive supercomputers - at least in their throughput and, especially, in tasks where a broad range of diverse software support is not absolutely necessary. In view of this important emergence of "personal supercomputing", we envisage that the role and the development of large computer centers will have to be reviewed critically and modified accordingly. Furthermore, a promise for some radically new approaches to Computational Science could be provided by massively parallel computers; among them, maybe solutions based on ideas of neural computing could be utilized, especially for restricted applications. Therefore, in order not to overlook any important advances within such a forefront field, one should rather choose the strategy of actively following each and every one of these routes. In perspective of the large variety of simultaneous developments, we want to emphasize the importance of Nordic collaboration in sharing expertise and experience in the rapidly progressing research - it ought to be cultivated and could be expanded. Therefore, we think that it is vitally important to continue with and to further promote the kind of Nordic Symposia that have been held at Lund, Kolle-Kolle, and Lahti. We want to thank most cordially the plenary and invited speakers, contributors, students, and in particular the Conference Secretary, Ms Ulla Ahlfors and Dr Milja Mäkelä, who was responsible for the local arrangements. The

  2. Selected Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies (jENS 2017; Venice (Italy; October 31-November 4, 2017; Session "Quality Improvement, Parents Centered Care"

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