
Sample records for samt selvoplevet stress

  1. Sammenhaenge mellem risikoadfaerd for spiseforstyrrelser og Short Form-36 samt selvoplevet stress blandt 16-29-årige danske kvinder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waaddegaard, Mette; Davidsen, Michael; Kjøller, Mette


    disorders and also to SF-36 and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). RESULTS: Women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have a lower score on all subscales of SF-36 than women without risk behaviour. The differences are significant for the subscales for mental health, vitality, social function and general...... health. They also have a higher mean score on PSS than women without risk behaviour. CONCLUSION: Women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have lower mental health-related life quality than women without risk behaviour. They also experience daily life as more unpredictable, stressful and difficult......INTRODUCTION: To improve the early identification of eating disorders the study tested whether women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have lower health-related life quality and more perceived stress than women without risk behaviour. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was a representative...

  2. Sammenhaenge mellem risikoadfaerd for spiseforstyrrelser og Short Form-36 samt selvoplevet stress blandt 16-29-årige danske kvinder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waadegaard, Mette; Davidsen, Michael; Kjøller, Mette


    INTRODUCTION: To improve the early identification of eating disorders the study tested whether women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have lower health-related life quality and more perceived stress than women without risk behaviour. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was a representative...... cross sectional survey of 16-29-year old women and was part of the Danish Health Interview Survey 2005. After the personal interviews, 487 returned the questionnaires, with a response rate of 53.3%. Participants responded to RiBED-8, a screening instrument for identification of risk behaviour for eating...... disorders and also to SF-36 and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). RESULTS: Women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have a lower score on all subscales of SF-36 than women without risk behaviour. The differences are significant for the subscales for mental health, vitality, social function and general...

  3. Sammenhænge mellem risikoadfærd for spiseforstyrrelser og SF-36 samt selvoplevet stress for yngre danske kvinder, 16-29 år

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waaddegaard, Mette; Davidsen, Michael; Kjøller, Mette


    INTRODUCTION: To improve the early identification of eating disorders the study tested whether women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have lower health-related life quality and more perceived stress than women without risk behaviour. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was a representative...... cross sectional survey of 16-29-year old women and was part of the Danish Health Interview Survey 2005. After the personal interviews, 487 returned the questionnaires, with a response rate of 53.3%. Participants responded to RiBED-8, a screening instrument for identification of risk behaviour for eating...... disorders and also to SF-36 and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). RESULTS: Women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have a lower score on all subscales of SF-36 than women without risk behaviour. The differences are significant for the subscales for mental health, vitality, social function and general...

  4. Sammenhænge mellem risikoadfærd for spiseforstyrrelser og SF-36 samt selvoplevet stress for yngre danske kvinder, 16-29 år

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waaddegaard, Mette; Davidsen, Michael; Kjøller, Mette


    cross sectional survey of 16-29-year old women and was part of the Danish Health Interview Survey 2005. After the personal interviews, 487 returned the questionnaires, with a response rate of 53.3%. Participants responded to RiBED-8, a screening instrument for identification of risk behaviour for eating......INTRODUCTION: To improve the early identification of eating disorders the study tested whether women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have lower health-related life quality and more perceived stress than women without risk behaviour. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was a representative...... disorders and also to SF-36 and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). RESULTS: Women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have a lower score on all subscales of SF-36 than women without risk behaviour. The differences are significant for the subscales for mental health, vitality, social function and general...

  5. Stress og profylakse samt behandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Netterstrøm, Bo


    Prevention of stress should address the stressors and factors which modify the effect of these. At the community level legislation and agreements on the labour market are important tools. At the enterprise level policies to reduce stress and monitoring the psychosocial work environment has...... the first priority in prevention. Treatment of stress is often a long-term process involving diagnostic assessment, psycho-education and counselling. The Danish National Board of Health has published recommendations to both general practitioners and the public in this area....

  6. Socialt stöd, arbetsrelaterad stress samt fysisk aktivitets påverkan på individens välmående : En kvantitativ fallstudie


    Ysberg, Cecilia; Pettersson, Jessica


    Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilken effekt socialt stöd, arbetsrelaterad stress samt fysisk aktivitet har på individens välmående. Dessutom undersöktes vilken påverkan kön och ålder har på individens välmående. Karasek´s krav-kontroll-stödmodell utgjorde grund vid analys av resultatet (Karasek & Theorell, 1990). Studien utfördes på en organisation och bygger på en enkätundersökning (n=124) där bekvämlighetsurval användes. Mätinstrumentet består av fem delar som utgörs av demografiska ...

  7. Förändringen av Incoterms klausulerna samt deras användning bland finländska företag


    Storås, Tea; Granberg, Emilia


    Lärdomsprovet behandlar förändringen av Incoterms klausuler samt deras användning bland finländska företag. Ämnet behandlar företag i Finland och dess användning av Incoterms 2010 klausuler vid export och import. Vi avgränsar vårt arbete till att utreda hur Incoterms 2010 påverkat finländska företag samt hur övergången skett från de gamla Incoterms 2000 klausulerna till de nya Incoterms 2010 klausulerna. Lärdomsprovet är uppdelat i en teoretisk del samt i en empirisk del. Den teoretiska delen...

  8. Stress blandt gymnasielærere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lading, Åse


    Artiklen bygger på en større undersøgelse af gymnasielæreres oplevelse af at de som noget nyt skal indgå i tværfaglige team. Kravet indgår som led i de omfattende forandringer der i disse år sker i gymnasieskolen. Artiklen argumenterer for at i modsætning til hvad man kunne forvente, skaber disse...... kan anerkende medarbejderne samt rumme og lære af forskelle og konflikter. Dette ses som et afgørende led i bestræbelserne på at reducere stress på arbejdspladsen....

  9. Hälsofrämjande fysisk aktivitet hos personer under adjuvant cancerbehandling relaterad till fatigue, livskvalitet samt self-efficacy


    Zetterlund, Johanna


    Bakgrund Cancerdrabbade lider ofta av cancerrelaterad fatigue (CRF) och försämrad livskvalitet under och efter behandling. Hälsofrämjande fysisk aktivitet (HFA) kan minska risken för dessa negativa konsekvenser. HFA påverkas bl.a. av träningsrelaterad self-efficacy, dvs tilltron till egen förmåga att vara fysisk aktiv. Syfte Att undersöka HFA hos personer under adjuvant cancerbehandling vid diagnos och efter sex månader samt att undersöka om de med en stabil HFA hade lägre CRF, högre livskval...

  10. Måling af stress hos mink

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Malmkvist, Jens


    Sammendrag Stress indgår som et element ved vurdering af dyrevelfærd. Endvidere kan stress mål anvendes i undersøgelser, hvor forskellige typer af avl, burmiljø og pasning af mink sammenlignes. Men hvad er stress egentlig og hvordan måles det? Er unormal adfærd koblet til stress hos mink? På...... temadagen præsenteres nye resultater og metoder til at vurdere stress hos mink. I en metode måles koncentrationen af nedbrydningsprodukter af hormonet cortisol i gødning fra mink. Der er en række fordele ved denne metode, frem for blodprøvetagning. Forsøg viste, at hovedparten af cortisol udskilles i fæces...... (83 %) frem for i urin (17 %), samt at omsætningen af radioaktivt mærket cortisol ikke er forskellig mellem mink med hhv. lav og høj forekomst af stereotypi. Denne viden kan bruges til bedre at forstå koblingen f.eks. unormal adfærd og stress hos mink....

  11. Sociala medier och levnadsvanor : Användning av Facebook och Twitter samt mat-, motions- och sömnvanor


    Lindström, Anna


    Bakgrund: Ohälsosamma levnadsvanor bidrar avsevärt till sjukdomsbördan. Allt mer tid spenderas vid skärm och forskning tyder på negativa effekter på mat-, motions- och sömnvanor. Teknikens utveckling har förändrat skärmtiden. Sociala medier har intagit en viktig plats i mångas liv och skärmtid är inte längre automatisk förknippat till faktorer såsom stillasittande samt möjlighet att äta mer. Forskning om levnadsvanor och sociala medier saknas. Syfte: Att undersöka graden av användning av de s...

  12. Evaluating the SAMT English Textbook for BSc Students of Physics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mina Sajjadi


    Full Text Available English for Academic Purposes (EAP and English for Specific Purposes (ESP are developing branches of English as a Foreign Language (EFL instruction in Iran. These branches have a marginal status in the tertiary education, and the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology’s high commission offers no clear guidance for selecting and developing basic academic instructional materials related to the linguistic or communicative standards expected by teachers (Mazdayasna & Tahririan, 2008. This paper tries to evaluate an ESP textbook written for BSc students of physics entitled, ‘English for the students of physics’, which is prepared by the Center for Studying and Compiling University Books in Humanities (SAMT. The present research was based on qualitative and quantitative research techniques and included two steps. First, internal, external and overall evaluation of the book was carried out based on McDonough & Shaw (1993 model. While conducting the external evaluation of the book, the intended audience, the proficiency level, the context of use, the language, the author's views on language and methodology, the inclusion of a vocabulary list/index, visual features, and the cultural aspects were examined. The internal evaluation included the presentation of the skills, grading and sequencing, discourse skills, listening section, the representation of different learning styles. And in overall evaluation, general suitability of the textbook was assessed. In the second step, six teachers each responded to a 22-item textbook evaluation questionnaire to express their perceptions concerning various aspects of the textbooks. The results revealed the extent of appropriateness of the textbook used by BSc students of physics. Suggestions are offered for the future revision and/or designing the textbooks.

  13. Udbredelse af den invasive polychaete Marenzelleria spp. i danske farvande samt effekten på sedimentmiljøet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Kenn L; Banta, Gary Thomas

    De europæiske arter af børsteormen Marenzelleria består af tre siblingearter (M. viridis, M. neglecta og M. arctia). De stammer oprindeligt fra den Nord Amerikanske østkyst og Arktis og har været i den sydlige Østersø siden de tidlige 1980’ere. De har stor tolerance over for svingende salinitet...... genetisk analyse efter metoden beskrevet i Blank et al. 2007 [1]. De genetiske metoder er baseret på PCR/RFLP og bruges i dette projekt til at bestemme udbredelsen af de tre sibling arter i danske farvande. Den quantitative fauna opgørelse, samt de forskellige sediment parametre, såsom organisk indhold og...... Sjælland mangler stadig, men forventes foretaget før mødet. På mødet præsenteres foreløbig data om Marenzellerias udbredelse og sedimentkarakteristika.. [1] Blank M., Laine A.O., Jürss K. and Bastrop R. 2007. Molecular identification key based on PCR/RFLP for three polychaete sibling species of the genus...

  14. 1 Stress hos tamrein 2 Arbeidsgruppe om forskning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sven Skjenneberg (ed.


    Full Text Available 1 NOR har adoptert et opprinnelig svensk prosjekt for å klarlegge i hvilken grad moderne reindriftsteknologi kan tenkes å påvirke reinen slik at det utvikles symptomer på stress. Det er særlig to forhold som har gjort NOR interessert i et slikt prosjekt, nemlig stressforandringers innvirkning på kjøttkvalitet samt i hvilken grad stresspåvirkninger kan medføre langtidseffekter som har innvirkning på dyrenes overlevelsesevne under vanskelige vinterforhold, altså på reintapenes størrelse. Begge disse to momenter har direkte innvirkning på reinnæringens økonomi.2 Forskning, veiledning og utdanning i reindriften i Norge.Den arbeidsgruppe som det norske Landbruksdepartementet den 30. august 1983 oppnevnte for å utrede ovennevnte tema, avga 14. mai 1985 sin betenkning. Denne skisserer gruppens forslag til langtidsplan.

  15. Bankvärldens framtid : En studie kring hur banker utnyttjar den teknologiska utvecklingen och digitaliseringen av tjänster, samt dess påverkan på kundrelationer, förtroende och lojalitet


    Grip, Sebastian; Hellström, Gustav; Skyttevall, Tobias


    Titel: Bankvärldens framtid: En studie kring hur banker utnyttjar den teknologiska utvecklingen och digitaliseringen av tjänster samt dess påverkan på kundrelationer, förtroende och lojalitet   Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi   Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Högskola   Författare: Sebastian Grip, Gustav Hellström och Tobias Skyttevall (92/04/22), (94/02/28), (95/05/21) Handledare: Hadjikhani, Annoch   Datum: 05–06–17   Bakgrund: Att skapa en lojal kun...

  16. Vad är den främst avgörande faktorn vid privatkundens val av marginalbank? : en studie om hur demografiska skillnader påverkar privatkunders val av marginalbank samt se hur deras val kan användas vid segmentering


    Lindh, Jenni; Persson, Frida


    Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att förklara vad som är den främst avgörande faktorn vid privatkundens val av marginalbank, genom att jämföra med demografiska variabler samt hur deras val kan användas vid segmentering. Dessutom vill vi titta på vilka typer av banker privatkunder har. Metod: För att nå fram till resultat för analysen har ett positivistiskt angreppssätt och en deduktiv ansats använts. Det empiriska materialet är baserat på en enkätundersökning gjord på personer i Hässl...

  17. Synteserapport & 1. Indenrigspolitiske forhold i Den Islamiske Republik Iran

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Claus Valling

    Rapport til Udenrigsministeriet om de indenrigspolitiske forhold i Iran samt et syntese af hele rapporten: Iran som regional og international medspiller i den globale verdensorden samt Irans indenrigspolitik......Rapport til Udenrigsministeriet om de indenrigspolitiske forhold i Iran samt et syntese af hele rapporten: Iran som regional og international medspiller i den globale verdensorden samt Irans indenrigspolitik...

  18. Insamling av geografisk information med UAV över området Stomsjö i Värnamo kommun : En effektiv arbetsmetod för kartering i 2D och 3D samt dokumentation av arbetsgång och kvalitetssäkring av geografisk information


    Bauner, Mikael


    I detta examensarbetesprojekt genomfördes en flygkartering över deponiområdet Stomsjö i Värnamo kommun, mha. en drönare, eller den i detta sammanhang mer använda benämningen UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). Värnamo kommuns tekniska avdelning var i behov av beräkning av massor vid deponin, ett område på ca 15 hektar samt modellering av densamma. Den låga kostnaden för inköp av UAV och programvara motiverade kommunen att driva egen verksamhet jämfört med att köpa tjänsterna från konsulter. Projek...

  19. CBTs Budget for 1997 og Arbejdsplaner for 1996 - 1999

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Palle


    For Center for Bredbånds Telekommunikation beskrives budget for 1997 samt forskningsplaner for 1996-1999 for områderne optiske netværk, gigabit elektronik, optiske bølgeledere og bredbåndsswitching samt for højhastighedssystemer.......For Center for Bredbånds Telekommunikation beskrives budget for 1997 samt forskningsplaner for 1996-1999 for områderne optiske netværk, gigabit elektronik, optiske bølgeledere og bredbåndsswitching samt for højhastighedssystemer....

  20. Overexpression of a soybean salicylic acid methyltransferase gene confers resistance to soybean cyst nematode (United States)

    Salicylic acid plays a critical role in activating plant defence responses after pathogen attack. Salicylic acid methyltransferase (SAMT) modulates the level of salicylic acid by converting salicylic acid to methyl salicylate. Here, we report that a SAMT gene from soybean (GmSAMT1) plays a role in s...

  1. En god arbejdsdag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thoft, Eva; Sørensen, Ole H.

    I dette værktøj finder små og mellemstore metalvirksomheder gode råd og redskaber, som kan bruges til at få styr på det psykiske arbejdsmiljø. Det kaldes det også »trivsel på arbejdspladsen«, og det handler om, hvordan der skabes en god stemning på arbejdspladsen samt hvordan stress og jag undgås...

  2. Biosynthesis and emission of insect-induced methyl salicylate and methyl benzoate from rice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Nan [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK); Guan, Ju [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK); Ferrer, Jean-Luc [Universite Joseph Fourier, France; Engle, Nancy L [ORNL; Chern, Mawsheng [University of California, Davis; Ronald, Pamela [University of California, Davis; Tschaplinski, Timothy J [ORNL; Chen, Feng [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK)


    Two benzenoid esters, methyl salicylate (MeSA) and methyl benzoate (MeBA), were detected from insect-damaged rice plants. By correlating metabolite production with gene expression analysis, five candidate genes encoding putative carboxyl methyltransferases were identified. Enzymatic assays with Escherichia coli-expressed recombinant proteins demonstrated that only one of the five candidates, OsBSMT1, has salicylic acid (SA) methyltransferase (SAMT) and benzoic acid (BA) methyltransferase (BAMT) activities for producing MeSA and MeBA, respectively. Whereas OsBSMT1 is phylogenetically relatively distant from dicot SAMTs, the three-dimensional structure of OsBSMT1, which was determined using homology-based structural modeling, is highly similar to those of characterized SAMTs. Analyses of OsBSMT1 expression in wild-type rice plants under various stress conditions indicate that the jasmonic acid (JA) signaling pathway plays a critical role in regulating the production and emission of MeSA in rice. Further analysis using transgenic rice plants overexpressing NH1, a key component of the SA signaling pathway in rice, suggests that the SA signaling pathway also plays an important role in governing OsBSMT1 expression and emission of its products, probably through a crosstalk with the JA signaling pathway. The role of the volatile products of OsBSMT1, MeSA and MeBA, in rice defense against insect herbivory is discussed.

  3. Biosynthesis and emission of insect-induced methyl salicylate and methyl benzoate from rice. (United States)

    Zhao, Nan; Guan, Ju; Ferrer, Jean-Luc; Engle, Nancy; Chern, Mawsheng; Ronald, Pamela; Tschaplinski, Timothy J; Chen, Feng


    Two benzenoid esters, methyl salicylate (MeSA) and methyl benzoate (MeBA), were detected from insect-damaged rice plants. By correlating metabolite production with gene expression analysis, five candidate genes encoding putative carboxyl methyltransferases were identified. Enzymatic assays with Escherichia coli-expressed recombinant proteins demonstrated that only one of the five candidates, OsBSMT1, has salicylic acid (SA) methyltransferase (SAMT) and benzoic acid (BA) methyltransferase (BAMT) activities for producing MeSA and MeBA, respectively. Whereas OsBSMT1 is phylogenetically relatively distant from dicot SAMTs, the three-dimensional structure of OsBSMT1, which was determined using homology-based structural modeling, is highly similar to those of characterized SAMTs. Analyses of OsBSMT1 expression in wild-type rice plants under various stress conditions indicate that the jasmonic acid (JA) signaling pathway plays a critical role in regulating the production and emission of MeSA in rice. Further analysis using transgenic rice plants overexpressing NH1, a key component of the SA signaling pathway in rice, suggests that the SA signaling pathway also plays an important role in governing OsBSMT1 expression and emission of its products, probably through a crosstalk with the JA signaling pathway. The role of the volatile products of OsBSMT1, MeSA and MeBA, in rice defense against insect herbivory is discussed. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  4. Methyl salicylate production in tomato affects biotic interactions. (United States)

    Ament, Kai; Krasikov, Vladimir; Allmann, Silke; Rep, Martijn; Takken, Frank L W; Schuurink, Robert C


    The role of methyl salicylate (MeSA) production was studied in indirect and direct defence responses of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to the spider mite Tetranychus urticae and the root-invading fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, respectively. To this end, we silenced the tomato gene encoding salicylic acid methyl transferase (SAMT). Silencing of SAMT led to a major reduction in SAMT expression and MeSA emission upon herbivory by spider mites, without affecting the induced emission of other volatiles (terpenoids). The predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis, which preys on T. urticae, could not discriminate between infested and non-infested SAMT-silenced lines, as it could for wild-type tomato plants. Moreover, when given the choice between infested SAMT-silenced and infested wild-type plants, they preferred the latter. These findings are supportive of a major role for MeSA in this indirect defence response of tomato. SAMT-silenced tomato plants were less susceptible to a virulent strain of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, indicating that the direct defense responses in the roots are also affected in these plants. Our studies show that the conversion of SA to MeSA can affect both direct and indirect plant defence responses.

  5. Urban restrukturering og byidentitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kvorning, Jens


    Bidrag til publikationen i forbindelse med EU-konference samt uddrag af forskningsprojektet: Urban restrukturering......Bidrag til publikationen i forbindelse med EU-konference samt uddrag af forskningsprojektet: Urban restrukturering...

  6. MUF architecture /art London

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svenningsen Kajita, Heidi


    Om MUF architecture samt interview med Liza Fior og Katherine Clarke, partnere i muf architecture/art......Om MUF architecture samt interview med Liza Fior og Katherine Clarke, partnere i muf architecture/art...

  7. God presseskik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaumburg-Müller, Sten


    Notatet giver et overblik over og analyserer Vejledende Regler for God presseskik samt praksis fra Pressenævnet......Notatet giver et overblik over og analyserer Vejledende Regler for God presseskik samt praksis fra Pressenævnet...

  8. Theory of Constraints (TOC)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Aage U.


    Tankegangen bag Theory of Constraints samt planlægningsprincippet Drum-Buffer-Rope. Endvidere skitse af The Thinking Process.......Tankegangen bag Theory of Constraints samt planlægningsprincippet Drum-Buffer-Rope. Endvidere skitse af The Thinking Process....

  9. Bogstafetten, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, november 2010

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nexø, Sniff Andersen


    20 kommenterede værker udstillet i KB Amagers forhal, samt på KB's hjemmeside. Udgivelsesdato: 4. november......20 kommenterede værker udstillet i KB Amagers forhal, samt på KB's hjemmeside. Udgivelsesdato: 4. november...

  10. Indførelse af Lean principper

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balmer, Christian; Michelsen, Aage U


    I artiklen beskrives, hvorledes lean-principper er indført i en forsikringsvirksomhed samt de opnåede resultater.......I artiklen beskrives, hvorledes lean-principper er indført i en forsikringsvirksomhed samt de opnåede resultater....

  11. Fremtidens bæredygtige solcelle-drevne LED system i øjenhøjde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Peter Behrensdorff; Dam-Hansen, Carsten; Thorseth, Anders

    Dimensionering og optimering af energisystemet samt intelligent styring af energiforbrug i fremtidens autonome og bæredygtige LED systemer.......Dimensionering og optimering af energisystemet samt intelligent styring af energiforbrug i fremtidens autonome og bæredygtige LED systemer....

  12. Design is an Attitude

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Kaare Riise


    Arttiklen beskriver den mexicanske designer Rafael Davidsons arbejder gennem en menneskealder, samt hans visioner for mexicansk design i fremtiden.......Arttiklen beskriver den mexicanske designer Rafael Davidsons arbejder gennem en menneskealder, samt hans visioner for mexicansk design i fremtiden....

  13. Facebook - hvor længe fortsætter successen?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klastrup, Lisbeth


    Kort analyse i Politiken af Facebook som fænomen samt danskernes brugsmønstre. Udgivelsesdato: 15.02.09......Kort analyse i Politiken af Facebook som fænomen samt danskernes brugsmønstre. Udgivelsesdato: 15.02.09...

  14. Transportforskning i EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leleur, Steen


    Artiklen giver en gennemgang af aktuelle EU transportforskningsemner samt nogle synspunkter og erfaringer baseret på deltagelse i EU forskningsprojekter.......Artiklen giver en gennemgang af aktuelle EU transportforskningsemner samt nogle synspunkter og erfaringer baseret på deltagelse i EU forskningsprojekter....

  15. Gør skoleledelse en forskel?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjer, Mikkel Giver; Skov, Peter Rohde; Winter, Søren

    og trivsel blandt eleverne. De fem ledelsestemaer er forandringsledelse, kompetenceudvikling, pædagogisk ledelse af undervisningstilrettelæggelse og -metoder, ekstern ledelse samt styring og autonomi. De udvalgte undervisningspraksisser er variation i undervisningen (herunder motion og bevægelse samt...

  16. Ole Rømers mange talenter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Kurt Møller


    Artiklen giver en oversigt over Ole Rømers videnskabelige liv som astronom, fysiker og matematiker samt hans betydning som kongelig embedsmand.......Artiklen giver en oversigt over Ole Rømers videnskabelige liv som astronom, fysiker og matematiker samt hans betydning som kongelig embedsmand....

  17. Skolerettede indsatser for elever med svag socioøkonomisk baggrund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dietrichson, Jens; Bøg, Martin; Filges, Trine

    , samt en kvantitativ syntese. Rapporten bygger på 179 internationale effektstudier af indsatser. De fleste indsatser er gennemført i USA. Analysen viser, at der er stor variation i effektiviteten af indsatserne. Særligt indsatstyperne tutoring, feedback og monitorering, cooperative learning samt...

  18. Dagligliv i 1800-tallets Jylland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Palle Ove


    Genudgivelse af ældre artikler af folkloristen Evald Tang Kristensen med introduktioner til hver artikel samt større indledning til bogen.......Genudgivelse af ældre artikler af folkloristen Evald Tang Kristensen med introduktioner til hver artikel samt større indledning til bogen....

  19. Udfaldskrav til blankt murværk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Erik

    Publikationen beskriver de overvejelser byggeriets parter skal gøre sig inden et byggeri igangsættes vedrørende beslutninger, bygningsudformning og aftaleforhold. Desuden omtaler Tegl 38 materialer (tegl, mørtel etc) samt udførelse (modtagekontrol, opbevaring, murearbejdet etc.) samt vedligehold....

  20. Interview til debat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Tobias Boelt


    Artiklen beskæftiger sig med, hvordan journalist Martin Krasnik med sine interviewteknikker bryder med interviewformatet, som vi kender det, samt hvilke konsekvenser disse brud kan have. På baggrund af blandt andre John Heritage og Steven Clayman samt Emanuel Schegloffs undersøgelser af, hvordan ...

  1. Transgenic soybean overexpressing GmSamT1 exhibits resistance to multiple-HG types of soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines (United States)

    Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) salicylic acid methyl transferase (GmSAMT1) catalyzes the conversion of salicylic acid to methyl salicylate. Prior results showed that when GmSAMT1 was overexpressed in transgenic soybean hairy roots, resistance is conferred against soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heter...

  2. Inger og Johannes Exner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thomas Bo

    Monografi om Inger og Johannes Exners arkitektur. Bogen behandler indgående Exners inspirationer samt deres teorier vedrørende kirkearkitektur og restaurering.......Monografi om Inger og Johannes Exners arkitektur. Bogen behandler indgående Exners inspirationer samt deres teorier vedrørende kirkearkitektur og restaurering....


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brügger, Niels


    Netsted i forbindelse med forskningsprojektet 'dr.dks historie 1996-2006'. Indeholder bl.a. forskerblog om forskningsprojektet ”dr.dks historie 1996-2006” samt om aktuelle internet- og forhold (10. januar 2008-) samt en wiki om dr.dks historie, 1996-2006 (29. november 2009-)...

  4. Clarté des idées innées ?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schøsler, Jørn


    Der gives en analyse af begreberne 'evidens' og 'medfødte idéer' hos Descartes og Locke samt hos de franske oplysningsfilosoffer.......Der gives en analyse af begreberne 'evidens' og 'medfødte idéer' hos Descartes og Locke samt hos de franske oplysningsfilosoffer....

  5. Landsbyer i bevægelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Ulla; Schulz, Anette

    Dette materiale henvender til frivillige og ledere i foreninger samt til alle ildsjæle, der ønsker at bidrage til øget sundhed og udvikling i lokalområdet. Materialet er et resultat af udviklingsprojektet ”Landsbyer i bevægelse”, gennemført i 2007/2008 med støtte fra LEADER+ samt Landdistriktspul......Dette materiale henvender til frivillige og ledere i foreninger samt til alle ildsjæle, der ønsker at bidrage til øget sundhed og udvikling i lokalområdet. Materialet er et resultat af udviklingsprojektet ”Landsbyer i bevægelse”, gennemført i 2007/2008 med støtte fra LEADER+ samt...... Landdistriktspuljen v. Indenrigsministeriet og er tænkt som inspiration til igangsættelse af sundhedsfremmende udviklingsinitiativer i lokalområderne. Materialet indeholder en præsentation af projektet; en beskrivelse af de lokale udviklingsinitiativer, der blev igangsat i løbet af projektperioden; en præsentation af...

  6. Functional Characterization of Salicylic Acid Carboxyl Methyltransferase from Camellia sinensis, Providing the Aroma Compound of Methyl Salicylate during the Withering Process of White Tea. (United States)

    Deng, Wei-Wei; Wang, Rongxiu; Yang, Tianyuan; Jiang, Li'na; Zhang, Zheng-Zhu


    Methyl salicylate (MeSA) is one of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that releases floral scent and plays an important role in the sweet flowery aroma of tea. During the withering process for white tea producing, MeSA was generated by salicylic acid carboxyl methyltransferase (SAMT) with salicylic acid (SA), and the specific floral scent was formed. In this study, we first cloned a CsSAMT from tea leaves (GenBank accession no. MG459470) and used Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae to express the recombinant CsSAMT. The enzyme activity in prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression systems was identified, and the protein purification, substrate specificity, pH, and temperature optima were investigated. It was shown that CsSAMT located in the chloroplast, and the gene expression profiles were quite different in tea organs. The obtained results might give a new understanding for tea aroma formation, optimization, and regulation and have great significance for improving the specific quality of white tea.

  7. EU-retten 2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Karsten Engsig; Nielsen, Poul Runge

    Bogen indeholder en gennemgang af en række generelle problemstillinger vedrørende harmoniseringen indenfor EU samt en nærmere analyse af harmoniseringen på en række udvalgte områder: selskabsret, skatteret, finansielle tjenesteydelser samt den tekniske harmonisering der skal sikre varernes fri be...

  8. International indsats

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sachs, Therese

    En analyse af Beredskabsstyrelsens internationale engagement og muligheder for international indsats fremover. Forslag til struktur logistisk og materielt samt til udvikling af personel-kompetencer......En analyse af Beredskabsstyrelsens internationale engagement og muligheder for international indsats fremover. Forslag til struktur logistisk og materielt samt til udvikling af personel-kompetencer...

  9. Wittgenstein, Frazer, and the Appels of Sodom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Albinus, Lars


    En fremstilling af Wittgensteins kritik af Frazer set i lyset af hans tilsvarende kritik af Freud og Renan samt hans afstandstagen til samtidens progressionstanke.......En fremstilling af Wittgensteins kritik af Frazer set i lyset af hans tilsvarende kritik af Freud og Renan samt hans afstandstagen til samtidens progressionstanke....

  10. Unge og prostitution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Dan

    En national undersøgelse af unges prostitutionserfaringer samt en kvalitativ undersøgelse af socialpædagogers blik for prostitution som social problemstilling......En national undersøgelse af unges prostitutionserfaringer samt en kvalitativ undersøgelse af socialpædagogers blik for prostitution som social problemstilling...

  11. Kontraktstyring i den kommunale sagsbehandling


    Malmskov, Stine; Knudsen, Louise Leelo; Krogh, Ulrik Ullits; Taaensen, Rebekka Amos


    Sagsbehandlers motivation i forhold til sagsbehandling i det kommunale. Der bruges public choice, principal-agentteori samt motiationsteori i form af Frey, Herzberg og Maslow Sagsbehandlers motivation i forhold til sagsbehandling i det kommunale. Der bruges public choice, principal-agentteori samt motiationsteori i form af Frey, Herzberg og Maslow

  12. Functional analysis of a tomato salicylic acid methyl transferase and its role in synthesis of the flavor volatile methyl salicylate. (United States)

    Tieman, Denise; Zeigler, Michelle; Schmelz, Eric; Taylor, Mark G; Rushing, Sarah; Jones, Jeffrey B; Klee, Harry J


    Methyl salicylate (MeSA) is a volatile plant secondary metabolite that is an important contributor to taste and scent of many fruits and flowers. It is synthesized from salicylic acid (SA), a phytohormone that contributes to plant pathogen defense. MeSA is synthesized by members of a family of O-methyltransferases. In order to elaborate the mechanism of MeSA synthesis in tomato, we screened a set of O-methyltransferases for activity against multiple substrates. An enzyme that specifically catalyzes methylation of SA, SlSAMT, as well as enzymes that act upon jasmonic acid and indole-3-acetic acid were identified. Analyses of transgenic over- and under-producing lines validated the function of SlSAMT in vivo. The SlSAMT gene was mapped to a position near the bottom of chromosome 9. Analysis of MeSA emissions from an introgression population derived from a cross with Solanum pennellii revealed a quantitative trait locus (QTL) linked to higher fruit methyl salicylate emissions. The higher MeSA emissions associate with significantly higher SpSAMT expression, consistent with SAMT gene expression being rate limiting for ripening-associated MeSA emissions. Transgenic plants that constitutively over-produce MeSA exhibited only slightly delayed symptom development following infection with the disease-causing bacterial pathogen, Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv). Unexpectedly, pathogen-challenged leaves accumulated significantly higher levels of SA as well as glycosylated forms of SA and MeSA, indicating a disruption in control of the SA-related metabolite pool. Taken together, the results indicate that SlSAMT is critical for methyl salicylate synthesis and methyl salicylate, in turn, likely has an important role in controlling SA synthesis.

  13. Evaluering af Københavns kommunes tre Agenda 21 centre og sattellitter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agger, Annika; Hoffmann, Birgitte; Jensen, Jesper Ole

    Evaluering af Københavns kommunes tre første Agenda 21 centre på Indre Nørrebro, Bispebjerg, Sundbyøster samt sattellitterne på Østerbro og Ydre Nørrebro. Evalueringen fokuserer på centrenes forankring i lokale organisationer og netværk, samt forventningsafklaring mellem de mange involverede...

  14. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Parkinson's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dammann Andersen, Andreas; Binzer, Michael; Stenager, Egon


    Diagnosticering af Parkinson's sygdom (PD) er baseret på den kliniske udvikling af sygdommen samt en fysisk undersøgelse af patienten, men fejldiagnosticering sker hyppigt; specielt i tidlige stadier. Biomarkører for PD kan muliggøre en tidligere og mere præcis diagnosticering samt monitorering a...

  15. Kommentarer til love og ændringer af love

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møgelvang-Hansen, Peter


    folkeoplysende foreningsarbejde og Folkeuniversitetet (folkeoplysningsloven) og ophævelse af lov om daghøjskoler m.v. og lov om den fri ungdomduddannelse samt ændring af lov om refusion af udgifter til uddannelse i forbindelse med aktivering m.m. samt ændring af forskellige love (Reform for daghøjskolerne...

  16. Geophysical identification and geological Implications of the Southern Alaska Magnetic Trough (United States)

    Saltus, R.W.; Hudson, T.L.; Wilson, Frederic H.


    The southern Alaska magnetic trough (SAMT) is one of the fundamental, crustal-scale, magnetic features of Alaska. It is readily recognized on 10 km upward-continued aeromagnetic maps of the state. The arcuate SAMT ranges from 30 to 100 km wide and extends in two separate segments along the southern Alaska margin for about 1200 km onshore (from near the Alaska/Canada border at about 60 degrees north latitude to the Bering Sea) and may continue an additional 500 km or more offshore (in the southern Bering Sea). The SAMT is bordered to the south by the southern Alaska magnetic high (SAMH) produced by strongly magnetic crust and to the north by a magnetically quiet zone that reflects weakly magnetic interior Alaska crust. Geophysically, the SAMT is more than just the north-side dipole low associated with the SAMH. Several modes of analysis, including examination of magnetic potential (pseudogravity) and profile modeling, indicate that the source of this magnetic trough is a discrete, crustal-scale body. Geologically, the western portion of the SAMT coincides to a large degree with collapsed Mesozoic Kahiltna flysch basin. This poster presents our geophysical evidence for the extent and geometry of this magnetic feature as well as initial geological synthesis and combined geologic/geophysical modeling to examine the implications of this feature for the broad scale tectonic framework of southern Alaska.

  17. Eksempler på struktureringer i Kurtágs musik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Svend Hvidtfelt


    Gennem analyse af en sats fra 12 Mikroludier for strygekvartet samt "...quasi una fantasia" påvises måder hvorpå Kurtag strukturerer sin musik.......Gennem analyse af en sats fra 12 Mikroludier for strygekvartet samt "...quasi una fantasia" påvises måder hvorpå Kurtag strukturerer sin musik....

  18. Læringsstile og Personligt Knowledge Management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Ole


    I denne antologi gives der et overblik over de forskellige "familier" af læringsstile samt et historisk rids over stilforskningen. Antologien vil give et indblik i forskellige stilteorier (med særligt fokus på Sternberg, Kolb samt Dunn og Dunn) og de deraf følgende pædagogiske implikationer med h...

  19. Børns narrative kompetencer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krenzen, Anette Elisabeth

    Rapporten er en del af kandidatspeciale, der empirisk undersøger børns narrative kompetencer i skolestarten på Egumsvejens skole i Fredericia samt tilknyttede børneinstitutioner.......Rapporten er en del af kandidatspeciale, der empirisk undersøger børns narrative kompetencer i skolestarten på Egumsvejens skole i Fredericia samt tilknyttede børneinstitutioner....

  20. Strengthening the retention of child protection workers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Niels Rosendal


    Anmeldelsen gennemgår Kenneth Burns afhandling om, hvordan professionelle i børneforsorgen kan søges fastholdt gennem karrieremuligheder, udveksling af job og erfaringer samt jobmobilitet......Anmeldelsen gennemgår Kenneth Burns afhandling om, hvordan professionelle i børneforsorgen kan søges fastholdt gennem karrieremuligheder, udveksling af job og erfaringer samt jobmobilitet...

  1. CISG: retskilder, fortolkning og udfyldning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henschel, Rene Franz

    Oversigt over gældende retskilder samt principper for fortolkning og udfyldning af FN´s konvention om aftaler om internationale køb, CISG. Suppleret med henvisninger til retspraksis.......Oversigt over gældende retskilder samt principper for fortolkning og udfyldning af FN´s konvention om aftaler om internationale køb, CISG. Suppleret med henvisninger til retspraksis....

  2. Adapting Activity and Participation (The ADAPT intervention program)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    von Bülow, Cecilie

    Præsentation af et ergoterapeutisk gruppebaseret program, ADAPT programmet. ADAPT programmet er designet på baggrund af evidens samt understøttet af ergoterapeutiske teorier og modeller......Præsentation af et ergoterapeutisk gruppebaseret program, ADAPT programmet. ADAPT programmet er designet på baggrund af evidens samt understøttet af ergoterapeutiske teorier og modeller...

  3. Floral Benzenoid Carboxyl Methyltransferases: From in Vitro to in Planta Function

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Effmert,U.; Saschenbrecker, S.; Ross, J.; Negre, F.; Fraser, C.; Noel, J.; Dudareva, N.; Piechulla, B.


    Benzenoid carboxyl methyltransferases synthesize methyl esters (e.g., methyl benzoate and methyl salicylate), which are constituents of aromas and scents of many plant species and play important roles in plant communication with the surrounding environment. Within the past five years, eleven such carboxyl methyltransferases were isolated and most of them were comprehensively investigated at the biochemical, molecular and structural level. Two types of enzymes can be distinguished according to their substrate preferences: the SAMT-type enzymes isolated from Clarkia breweri, Stephanotis floribunda, Antirrhinum majus, Hoya carnosa, and Petunia hybrida, which have a higher catalytic efficiency and preference for salicylic acid, while BAMT-type enzymes from A. majus, Arabidopsis thaliana, Arabidopsis lyrata, and Nicotiana suaveolens prefer benzoic acid. The elucidation of C. breweri SAMT's three-dimensional structure allowed a detailed modelling of the active sites of the carboxyl methyltransferases and revealed that the SAM binding pocket is highly conserved among these enzymes while the methyl acceptor binding site exhibits some variability, allowing a classification into SAMT-type and BAMT-type enzymes. The analysis of expression patterns coupled with biochemical characterization showed that these carboxyl methyltransferases are involved either in floral scent biosynthesis or in plant defense responses. While the latter can be induced by biotic or abiotic stress, the genes responsible for floral scent synthesis exhibit developmental and rhythmic expression pattern. The nature of the product and efficiency of its formation in plants depend on the availability of substrates, the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme toward benzoic acid and/or salicylic acid, and the transcriptional, translational, and post-translational regulation at the enzyme level. The biochemical properties of benzenoid carboxyl methyltransferases suggest that the genes involved in plant defenses

  4. Dokumentation og forskning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    Udover en liste over de nyeste specialeafhandlinger er der Nyt fra Forskerprogrammet i musikterapi, og bl.a. omtale af effekt-undersøgelser vedr. musik og autisme, immunsystemet samt astma.......Udover en liste over de nyeste specialeafhandlinger er der Nyt fra Forskerprogrammet i musikterapi, og bl.a. omtale af effekt-undersøgelser vedr. musik og autisme, immunsystemet samt astma....

  5. Socialkonstruktivismer i klassisk og moderne sociologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasborg, Klaus


    En videnskabsteoretisk diskussion af socialkonstruktivismens genealogi, samt af en række fremtrædende socialkonstruktivistiske positioner i klassisk og moderne sociologi (Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Berger & Luckmann, Goffman og Bourdieu)......En videnskabsteoretisk diskussion af socialkonstruktivismens genealogi, samt af en række fremtrædende socialkonstruktivistiske positioner i klassisk og moderne sociologi (Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Berger & Luckmann, Goffman og Bourdieu)...

  6. Arbejdsmiljø og arbejdsliv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    ofte negative konsekvenser for de ansatte i form af: stress, udbrændthed og forværret sundhedstilstand. Den overordnede påstand i denne bog er, at det er muligt at komme arbejdsmiljøproblemerne i forkøbet ved at fokusere på de menneskelige ressourcer i organisationen. For at skabe et positivt...... for arbejdsmiljøforskningen. Temaer der behandles inden for dette perspektiv er: Globalisering og arbejdsmiljø, samspillet mellem menneskearbejdet og dets arbejdsmiljøproblemer, sygefravær og arbejdsmiljø, arbejdsmiljøseminarer og motivation, arbejdsværdiorientering i arbejdsmiljø- og personalearbejde, dødens arbejde samt...

  7. QM/MM Free Energy Simulations of Salicylic Acid Methyltransferase: Effects of Stabilization of TS-like Structures on Substrate Specificity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yao, Jianzhuang [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK); Xu, Qin [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK); Chen, Feng [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK); Guo, Hong [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK)


    Salicylic acid methyltransferases (SAMTs) synthesize methyl salicylate (MeSA) using salicylate as the substrate. MeSA synthesized in plants may function as an airborne signal to activate the expression of defense-related genes and could also be a critical mobile signaling molecule that travels from the site of plant infection to establish systemic immunity in the induction of disease resistance. Here the results of QM/MM free energy simulations for the methyl transfer process in Clarkia breweri SAMT (CbSAMT) are reported to determine the origin of the substrate specificity of SAMTs. The free energy barrier for the methyl transfer from S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) to 4-hydroxybenzoate in CbSAMT is found to be about 5 kcal/mol higher than that from AdoMet to salicylate, consistent with the experimental observations. It is suggested that the relatively high efficiency for the methylation of salicylate compared to 4-hydroxybenzoate is due, at least in part, to the reason that a part of the stabilization of the transition state (TS) configuration is already reflected in the reactant complex, presumably, through the binding. The results seem to indicate that the creation of the substrate complex (e.g., through mutagenesis and substrate modifications) with its structure closely resembling TS might be fruitful for improving the catalytic efficiency for some enzymes. The results show that the computer simulations may provide important insights into the origin of the substrate specificity for the SABATH family and could be used to help experimental efforts in generating engineered enzymes with altered substrate specificity.

  8. Særligt pesticidfølsomme lerområder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nilsson, Bertel; Iversen, Bo Vangsø; Nygaard, Erik

    daværende amter til opgave at udpege de områder, som er særligt følsomme for bestemte typer af forurening samt at prioritere den indsats, der skal gennemføres i disse områder for at beskytte vandressourcen. Lovgrundlaget er L 56 26/6 1998 om ændring af lov om vandforsyning m.v., samt lov om miljø...

  9. Forskning indenfor Augmented Reality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rahn, Annette

    Oplæg vil tage udgangspunkt i en artikel (vedhæftet) som er udgivet i december 2015 i tidsskriftet Læring og Medier (LOM) samt et paper, som skal præsenteres ved en konference i maj. Der vil være særligt fokus på metoden omkring design-based-research-approach, samt at være deltagende i eget forsk...

  10. Delrapport vedrørende kvalitetssikring af pressvejsprocessen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Mogens H.

    "Forundersøgelse samt en oversigt over pressvejsning i AC-TPB, AC-TPE, AC-VT, CD-PE og CS-TPM" Arbejdet er udført under Erhvervsforskerprojektet "Kvalitetssikring af pressvejseprocessen" Delprojekt 1.1......"Forundersøgelse samt en oversigt over pressvejsning i AC-TPB, AC-TPE, AC-VT, CD-PE og CS-TPM" Arbejdet er udført under Erhvervsforskerprojektet "Kvalitetssikring af pressvejseprocessen" Delprojekt 1.1...

  11. Att arbeta i restaurangbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om arbetstagares upplevelser av psykosocial arbetsmiljö och stress


    Sauer, Emma


    En utgångspunkt för arbetslivet bör vara att skapa en arbetsmiljö som ger individer förutsättningar att ingå, kvarstå och utvecklas i arbetet. Arbetsmiljön är betydande för både individers hälsa och verksamheters utveckling samt förutsättningar för tillväxt. Arbetsplatsen betonas därmed vara en betydande arena för förebyggande insatser. Det är arbetsgivaren som har huvudsakligt ansvar för arbetsmiljön. Ingen arbetstagare ska riskera att skadas eller drabbas av ohälsa i arbetet. Syftet med stu...

  12. Landskabets transformation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munck Petersen, Rikke


    Seminaroplæg fra forskere. Faglige seminarer på KA, forår 2005. Belyser transformation af det danske landskab fysisk som holdningsmæssigt, samt hvordan phd-arbejdets egen proces håndterer den.......Seminaroplæg fra forskere. Faglige seminarer på KA, forår 2005. Belyser transformation af det danske landskab fysisk som holdningsmæssigt, samt hvordan phd-arbejdets egen proces håndterer den....

  13. Teodoro Spandugino

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lausten, Pia Schwarz


    Teodoro Spanduginos biografi samt beskrivelse og analyse af værket 'De la origine deli Imperatori Ottomani, ordini de la corte, forma del guerregiare loro, religione, rito, et costumi de la natione' (1519/1538).......Teodoro Spanduginos biografi samt beskrivelse og analyse af værket 'De la origine deli Imperatori Ottomani, ordini de la corte, forma del guerregiare loro, religione, rito, et costumi de la natione' (1519/1538)....

  14. Cuba y las fronteras de la utopía

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gustafsson, Jan


    Artiklen indeholder nogle generelle overvejelser om den sociale utopi som fænomen samt en række empiriske observationer og del analyser af dette fænomen i ft det revolutionære Cuba.......Artiklen indeholder nogle generelle overvejelser om den sociale utopi som fænomen samt en række empiriske observationer og del analyser af dette fænomen i ft det revolutionære Cuba....

  15. Formidling af praksisforløbet på Modul 12

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    De studerende skal efter endt praksisforløb udarbejde et blogindlæg, som kommenteres af 3 andre medstuderendes grupper, samt vejleder. Dette materiale skal anvendes som baggrund for deres modulprøve på modul 12......De studerende skal efter endt praksisforløb udarbejde et blogindlæg, som kommenteres af 3 andre medstuderendes grupper, samt vejleder. Dette materiale skal anvendes som baggrund for deres modulprøve på modul 12...

  16. Sound Settlements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Peder Duelund; Hornyanszky, Elisabeth Dalholm; Larsen, Jacob Norvig


    Præsentation af projektresultater fra Interreg forskningen Sound Settlements om udvikling af bæredygtighed i det almene boligbyggerier i København, Malmø, Helsingborg og Lund samt europæiske eksempler på best practice......Præsentation af projektresultater fra Interreg forskningen Sound Settlements om udvikling af bæredygtighed i det almene boligbyggerier i København, Malmø, Helsingborg og Lund samt europæiske eksempler på best practice...

  17. God fondsledelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feldthusen, Rasmus Kristian


    Artiklen behandler temaet god fondsledelse i såvel erhvervsdrivende som ikke-erhvervsdrivende fonde. Emnet er relevant eftersom fonde har en markant anderledes struktur end andre selskabsformer, hvilket især gør sig gældende med hensyn til ejerstrukturen. For det første er fonde selvejende, hvilket....... Erhvervsstyrelsen samt kritisk revision af fondens revisor. Artiklen inddrager Erhvervsfondsudvalgets rapport og forslag til nye lovbestemmelser samt udkast til anbefalinger om god fondsledelse....

  18. God fondsledelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feldthusen, Rasmus Kristian


    Artiklen behandler temaet god fondsledelse i såvel erhvervsdrivende som ikke-erhvervsdrivende fonde. Emnet er relevant eftersom fonde har en markant anderledes struktur end andre selskabsformer, hvilket især gør sig gældende med hensyn til ejerstrukturen. For det første er fonde selvejende, hvilket....... Erhvervsstyrelsen samt kritisk revision af fondens revisor. Artiklen inddrager Erhvervsfondsudvalgets rapport og forslag til nye lovbestemmelser samt anbefaling om god fondsledelse....

  19. Den empiriske uddannelsesvidenskab og kvalitet i studieaktivitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Keiding, Tina Bering; Qvortrup, Ane


    Bidraget kobler studieaktivitetesmodellen med kvalitetsindikatorer for god undervisning, og viler blandt andet, hvorledes modellen kan støtte samtænkning af forskellige undervisnings- og læringsformater med henblik på øge den aktive læretid......Bidraget kobler studieaktivitetesmodellen med kvalitetsindikatorer for god undervisning, og viler blandt andet, hvorledes modellen kan støtte samtænkning af forskellige undervisnings- og læringsformater med henblik på øge den aktive læretid...

  20. Evaluering af den ernæringsmæssige kvalitet af madordninger i daginstitutioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Marie Heyn; Lassen, Anne Dahl; Christensen, Lene Møller

    Fokus på madordninger i daginstitutioner og kvaliteten heraf har været stigende de seneste år. Mange nye madordninger er etableret i løbet af 2009 og 2010 især i børnehaver og i børnehavegrupper i de integrerede daginstitutioner. I 2009 opstillede Fødevarestyrelsen anbefalinger for den ernæringsm...... fedt samt at servere fisk, grøntsager, kartofler, samt fuldkornsvarianter af ris, pasta og brød mere hyppigt....

  1. Ross - for altid?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blume, Peter Erik


    Med baggrund i Jens Ewalds bog om Alf Ross omtaler artiklen en række de problemstillinger, som bogen behandler, samt vurderer den betydning, Ross har haft og måske fortsat har. Afslutningsvis betones den juridiske biografis betydning.......Med baggrund i Jens Ewalds bog om Alf Ross omtaler artiklen en række de problemstillinger, som bogen behandler, samt vurderer den betydning, Ross har haft og måske fortsat har. Afslutningsvis betones den juridiske biografis betydning....

  2. "Forlagbranchen satser på de unges sprog" interview med Bent Fausing af Naj Helen Hertzum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fausing, Bent


    Om afsmitningen af sms sprog på det almindelige sprog, samt afsmitningen af billedbeskeder og digitale fotostreams på Social Network Sites (Twitter, Facebook, Fælickr etc.) på æstetikken og kunsten i det hele taget.......Om afsmitningen af sms sprog på det almindelige sprog, samt afsmitningen af billedbeskeder og digitale fotostreams på Social Network Sites (Twitter, Facebook, Fælickr etc.) på æstetikken og kunsten i det hele taget....

  3. Emissionsfremskrivning 2015-2030

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Plejdrup, Marlene Schmidt; Winther, Morten


    Emissionsfremskrivning af luftforurenende stoffer (SO2, NOx, NMVOC, PM2.5 og black carbon) for årene 2015-2030. Notatet beskriver forskellene til den seneste fremskrivning, resultaterne af nærværende fremskrivning samt en vurdering af usikkerhederne.......Emissionsfremskrivning af luftforurenende stoffer (SO2, NOx, NMVOC, PM2.5 og black carbon) for årene 2015-2030. Notatet beskriver forskellene til den seneste fremskrivning, resultaterne af nærværende fremskrivning samt en vurdering af usikkerhederne....

  4. NATO 1949-2009: Fra regional forsvarsorganisation til global militær aktør

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villaume, Poul


    Baggrunden for Atlantpagtens oprettelse, NATOs formative periode i 1950erne, 'out-of-area'-operationer i Den Tredje Verden, atomstrategier, afspændingsperioden, den kolde krigs afslutning, samt NATOs transformation og udvidelse efter 1991 tematiseres i en oversigtlig analyse.......Baggrunden for Atlantpagtens oprettelse, NATOs formative periode i 1950erne, 'out-of-area'-operationer i Den Tredje Verden, atomstrategier, afspændingsperioden, den kolde krigs afslutning, samt NATOs transformation og udvidelse efter 1991 tematiseres i en oversigtlig analyse....

  5. Toxic C17-Sphinganine Analogue Mycotoxin, Contaminating Tunisian Mussels, Causes Flaccid Paralysis in Rodents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riadh Marrouchi


    Full Text Available Severe toxicity was detected in mussels from Bizerte Lagoon (Northern Tunisia using routine mouse bioassays for detecting diarrheic and paralytic toxins not associated to classical phytoplankton blooming. The atypical toxicity was characterized by rapid mouse death. The aim of the present work was to understand the basis of such toxicity. Bioassay-guided chromatographic separation and mass spectrometry were used to detect and characterize the fraction responsible for mussels’ toxicity. Only a C17-sphinganine analog mycotoxin (C17-SAMT, with a molecular mass of 287.289 Da, was found in contaminated shellfish. The doses of C17-SAMT that were lethal to 50% of mice were 750 and 150 μg/kg following intraperitoneal and intracerebroventricular injections, respectively, and 900 μg/kg following oral administration. The macroscopic general aspect of cultures and the morphological characteristics of the strains isolated from mussels revealed that the toxicity episodes were associated to the presence of marine microfungi (Fusarium sp., Aspergillus sp. and Trichoderma sp. in contaminated samples. The major in vivo effect of C17-SAMT on the mouse neuromuscular system was a dose- and time-dependent decrease of compound muscle action potential amplitude and an increased excitability threshold. In vitro, C17-SAMT caused a dose- and time-dependent block of directly- and indirectly-elicited isometric contraction of isolated mouse hemidiaphragms.

  6. The effect of academic stress and attachment stress on stress-eaters and stress-undereaters. (United States)

    Emond, Michael; Ten Eycke, Kayla; Kosmerly, Stacey; Robinson, Adele Lafrance; Stillar, Amanda; Van Blyderveen, Sherry


    It is well established that stress is related to changes in eating patterns. Some individuals are more likely to increase their overall food intake under conditions of stress, whereas others are more likely to consume less food when stressed. Attachment style has been linked to disordered eating and eating disorders; however, comparisons of eating behaviors under attachment versus other types of stress have yet to be explored. The present laboratory study examined the eating patterns in self-identified stress-undereaters and stress-eaters under various types of stress. More specifically, the study examined the effects of academic and attachment stress on calorie, carbohydrate and sugar consumption within these two groups. Under the guise of critiquing student films, university students viewed either one of two stress-inducing videos (academic stress or attachment stress, both designed to be emotionally arousing) or a control video (designed to be emotionally neutral), and their food intake was recorded. Results demonstrated that the video manipulations were effective in inducing stress. Differential patterns of eating were noted based on group and stress condition. Specifically, stress-undereaters ate fewer calories, carbohydrates and sugars than stress-eaters in the academic stress condition, but not in the attachment stress or control condition. Findings suggest that specific types of stressors may influence eating behaviors differently. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. High Efficiency Power Converter for Low Voltage High Power Applications


    Nymand, Morten; Andersen, Michael A. E.


    Emnet for denne Ph.d. afhandling er design af effektelektroniske dc-dc konvertere med meget høj virkningsgrad til anvendelser med høj udgangseffekt, lav indgangsspænding samt høj udgangsspænding. Disse konvertere anvendes i stigende grad indenfor vedvarende energisystemer baseret på brændselsceller, batterier eller solceller. Anvendelserne omfatter nødstrømsanlæg (UPS), decentrale mikro-kraftvarmeanlæg, transportsystemer så som elektriske hybridbiler, gaffeltrucks samt særlige anvendelser ind...

  8. L'Italie dans l'imaginaire romantique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kongresakter, der samler en række foredrag om Chateaubriand, Goethe, Mme de Staël, Stendhal, Nerval, H.C. Andersen, Ginguené, Sismondi, Michelet, Granet, Delacroix og Rossini, samt oversættelser mellem fra Italien til Frankrig omkring 1800.......Kongresakter, der samler en række foredrag om Chateaubriand, Goethe, Mme de Staël, Stendhal, Nerval, H.C. Andersen, Ginguené, Sismondi, Michelet, Granet, Delacroix og Rossini, samt oversættelser mellem fra Italien til Frankrig omkring 1800....

  9. Om veltalenhed på folkesproget

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høgel, Christian


    Oversættelse (i samarbejde med Hanne Roer) af og kommentarer til (ved Hanne Roer) Dantes De vulgari eloquentia (Om veltalenhed på folkesproget) samt (ved Hanne Roer) oversættelse og kommentar til Dantes 13. brev til Cangrande della Scala......Oversættelse (i samarbejde med Hanne Roer) af og kommentarer til (ved Hanne Roer) Dantes De vulgari eloquentia (Om veltalenhed på folkesproget) samt (ved Hanne Roer) oversættelse og kommentar til Dantes 13. brev til Cangrande della Scala...

  10. The 1918-20 International Intervention in the Baltic Region

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clemmesen, Michael Hesselholt


    Den britisk-ledede intervention i Baltikum efter Første Verdenskrig minder på afgørende punkter om indsatsen på Balkan samt senere i Irak og Afghanistan. Men operationerne fik afgørende succes på ét år......Den britisk-ledede intervention i Baltikum efter Første Verdenskrig minder på afgørende punkter om indsatsen på Balkan samt senere i Irak og Afghanistan. Men operationerne fik afgørende succes på ét år...

  11. Strategi til udbredelse og udvikling af aquaponik


    Bartholin, Aline; Nielsen, Per


    Denne rapport omhandler, hvorledes aquaponik i fremtiden skal udbredes med henblik på at produktionsmetoden bliver en del af den etablerede fødevaresektor. Ud fra et interview med PlanteLaboratoriet som er en del af foreningen Akvaponisk Selskab, samt observationer af en workshop afholdt af PlanteLaboratoriet forsøger vi at kortlægge den førte strategi til udbredelse og udvikling af aquaponik, samt undersøge hvorledes aquaponik som innovation bliver taget imod af mulige adoptere. Empirien sam...

  12. EU Udbudsretten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Sune Troels; Jakobsen, Peter Stig; Kalsmose-Hjelmborg, Simon Evers

    I bogen, som er en 2. udgave, analyseres EU udbudsdirektiv for offentlige myndigheder og EU's forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektiv. I analyserne inddrages EU-domstolens domme, afgørelser fra Kalgenævnet for Udbud, domme fra danske domstole samt litteratur på dansk og engelsk.......I bogen, som er en 2. udgave, analyseres EU udbudsdirektiv for offentlige myndigheder og EU's forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektiv. I analyserne inddrages EU-domstolens domme, afgørelser fra Kalgenævnet for Udbud, domme fra danske domstole samt litteratur på dansk og engelsk....

  13. Byarkitektonisk formkvalitet analyseret på computer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skauge, Jørn


    Arkitekter og byplanlæggere anvender i stigende grad computere som arbejdsredskab, f.eks. til tekst- og talbehandling samt tegneopgaver (CAD). Udover denne ret traditionelle anvendelse af computeren er der i arkitektarbejde stigende behov for også at anvende computeren til analyse- og information......Arkitekter og byplanlæggere anvender i stigende grad computere som arbejdsredskab, f.eks. til tekst- og talbehandling samt tegneopgaver (CAD). Udover denne ret traditionelle anvendelse af computeren er der i arkitektarbejde stigende behov for også at anvende computeren til analyse- og...

  14. Musikterapi som bidrag til en tværfaglig og personcentreret demensomsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    blive belyst i kapitlet og videre anvendt i en argumentation for, at der i omsorgsarbejde med mennesker, som har vanskeligt ved at indgå i fællesskaber pga. en demenssygdom, kan inddrages viden om hvordan netop fællesskab og samvær styrkes af musik. Det indebærer ikke blot viden om, hvad musik er, f...... for overbehandling med antipsykotisk medicin, samt stress og udbrændthed hos de nærmeste omsorgsgivere. Kan vores viden, om hvordan musik kan skabe samvær og er grundlæggende i den menneskelige kommunikation, anvendes i denne sammenhæng? I de nationale retningslinjer for demens anbefaler Sundhedsstyrelsen ’ikke...

  15. Destabilising Sex work and Intimacy?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spanger, Marlene

    politikfelt prostitution. Undersøgelsen trækker på poststrukturalistisk feministisk teori og er baseret på interviews med kvindelige thailandske migranter, der sælger sex, og socialarbejdere samt deltagende observationer og diverse dokumenter. Afhandlingen falder i to dele. Den første del er rammen for de...... fire artikler, som består af en introduktion, en teoretisk ramme, metodeovervejelser og konklusion samt et overordnet forskningsspørgsmål: Hvordan destabiliserer og reproducerer kvindelige thailandske migranter, der sælger sex i Danmark, det danske prostitutionspolitikfelts kategorier ’sexarbejde’ og...

  16. Soja og palmeolie – certificeringsordninger til dokumentation af bæredygtighed i forbindelse med produktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, John Erik; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Sørensen, Janni Merete

    Danmark importerer betydelige mængder soja og palmeolieprodukter, der er produceret under vilkår, der ikke er godkendt i EU, og som kan have væsentlige negative konsekvenser for landbefolkningens sundhed samt miljø- og naturforhold. I nærværende rapport fra DCA – Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og...... Jordbrug, Aarhus Universitet, der er udarbejdet på anmodning fra Fødevareministeriet, gennemgås foreliggende dokumentation om produktionsforholdene samt aspekter vedrørende certificering af forbedrede metoder i forbindelse med produktion af soya og palmeolie...

  17. Socialt ansvarlig markedsføring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henschel, Rene Franz


    Samarbejde mellem juridiske froskere fra ASB, datalogiske forskere fra AAU samt den geostatiske virksomhed GEOMATIC skal sikre, at udviklingen af markedsføring til nye mobile teknologier sker på en etisk og socialt ansvarlig måde og ikke overskrider forbrugernes privatsfære.......Samarbejde mellem juridiske froskere fra ASB, datalogiske forskere fra AAU samt den geostatiske virksomhed GEOMATIC skal sikre, at udviklingen af markedsføring til nye mobile teknologier sker på en etisk og socialt ansvarlig måde og ikke overskrider forbrugernes privatsfære....

  18. Ny E18 forbi drikkevannskilden Hallevannet i søndre Vestfold Påvirkninger - Tiltak


    Berge, D.; Stene-Johansen, S.


    Den nye trasèen for E18 forbi drikkevannskilden Hallevannet vil gå dels i fjellskjæring, dels i tunnel, dels på oppfylte masser, og dels i jordskjæringer, samt i bru over bukta innerst i Vassbotn. Ca. 4.5 km motorveg vil drenere mot Hallevannet. I anleggsfasen vil sprengning, tunnelboring, knusing, graving og oppfylling kunne føre til partikkelforurensninger. Disse skadene kan unngås hvis tunnelvaskevann, samt drensvann fra knuseverk ledes gjennom sedimenteringsbasseng før det slippes ut. I v...

  19. Severe accident management program at Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borondo, L.; Serrano, C.; Fiol, M.J.; Sanchez, A.


    Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant (GE BWR/6) has implemented its specific Severe Accident Management Program within this year 2000. New organization and guides have been developed to successfully undertake the management of a severe accident. In particular, the Technical Support Center will count on a new ''Severe Accident Management Team'' (SAMT) which will be in charge of the Severe Accident Guides (SAG) when Control Room Crew reaches the Emergency Operation Procedures (EOP) step that requires containment flooding. Specific tools and training have also been developed to help the SAMT to mitigate the accident. (author)

  20. Dåb eller ej?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leth-Nissen, Karen Marie Sø; Trolle, Astrid Krabbe

    Fremlægger resultater fra to undersøgelser om småbørnsforældres til- og fravalg af dåb: en landsdækkende YouGov online spørgeundersøgelse samt kvalitative interviews foretaget i Sydhavn sogn i København.......Fremlægger resultater fra to undersøgelser om småbørnsforældres til- og fravalg af dåb: en landsdækkende YouGov online spørgeundersøgelse samt kvalitative interviews foretaget i Sydhavn sogn i København....

  1. Informationskompetence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Maria Bøtker


    Det beskrives hvordan informationsøgningundervisning på læreruddannelsen på Fyn er tilrettelagt, for at sikre en sammenhæng mellem undervisning i bibliotekets ressourcer og den øvrige faglige undervisning. Teoretisk inddrages Illeris læringstrekant samt Kolb læringscirkel.......Det beskrives hvordan informationsøgningundervisning på læreruddannelsen på Fyn er tilrettelagt, for at sikre en sammenhæng mellem undervisning i bibliotekets ressourcer og den øvrige faglige undervisning. Teoretisk inddrages Illeris læringstrekant samt Kolb læringscirkel....

  2. Moms og fast ejendom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edlund, Hans Henrik


    I artiklen gives et overblik over, hvorledes fast ejendom behandles momsmæssigt. Derfor findes en kort skitsering af reglerne for moms på byggearbejder, afgrænsningen mellem momspligtig og momsfri udlejning, muligheden for frivillig registrering af udlejning samt opgørelse af reguleringsforpligte......I artiklen gives et overblik over, hvorledes fast ejendom behandles momsmæssigt. Derfor findes en kort skitsering af reglerne for moms på byggearbejder, afgrænsningen mellem momspligtig og momsfri udlejning, muligheden for frivillig registrering af udlejning samt opgørelse af...

  3. Supervision af psykologkandidater i privat praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Birgitte

    et litteratur review over relevante temaer i supervisionslitteraturen samt overvejelser om læring i supervision. Afhandlingens empiriske resultater vil blive belyst og diskuteret med udgangspunkt i tilsvarende fænomener i supervisionslitteraturen. Resultaterne af undersøgelsen viser, at der er en...... række vigtige elementer ved supervision, der skal være opfyldt, hvis den skal opleves som udviklende og lærerig af praksiskandidaterne. Det er elementer som kontraktetablering, rådgivning og teoretisk refleksion, en tydelig teoretisk referenceramme samt støtte og anerkendelse fra supervisor. Det...

  4. Religious Imagery in Popular Music Theatre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eigtved, Michael


    Artiklen undersøger hvordan religiøse billeder, narrative strategier og andre elementer er en del af musicalgenren. Der foretages en mere indgående analyse af Richard Rodgers' og Oscar Hammersteins forestilling Carousel samt af Andrew LLoyd Webber og Tim Rices forestilling Evita.......Artiklen undersøger hvordan religiøse billeder, narrative strategier og andre elementer er en del af musicalgenren. Der foretages en mere indgående analyse af Richard Rodgers' og Oscar Hammersteins forestilling Carousel samt af Andrew LLoyd Webber og Tim Rices forestilling Evita....

  5. Læring og refleksion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wahlgren, B.; Rattleff, Pernille; Høyrup, S.

    State of the art inden for forskning om læring på arbejdspladsen samt gennemgang af læringsteori og refleksionsbegrebet hos Dewey, Dreyfus, Schön, Argyris, Kolb, Jarvis, Mezirow og Brookfield. Afsluttes med diskussion af syntetiseret model for læring på arbejdspladsen.......State of the art inden for forskning om læring på arbejdspladsen samt gennemgang af læringsteori og refleksionsbegrebet hos Dewey, Dreyfus, Schön, Argyris, Kolb, Jarvis, Mezirow og Brookfield. Afsluttes med diskussion af syntetiseret model for læring på arbejdspladsen....

  6. Mundtlig eksamen via Adobe Connect - erfaringer og retningslinjer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christopher Kjær


    Full Text Available I løbet af de sidste tre år har der på Syddansk Universitet (SDU været afholdt mere end 20 mundtlige kandidatforsvar samt andre mundtlige eksaminationer via webkonferencesystemet Adobe Connect. På baggrund heraf, er formålet med denne artikel, at videregive de praktiske erfaringer fra gennemførelsen af disse eksaminationer samt at opstille nogle hensigtsmæssige retningslinjer for dem, der ønsker at give sig i kast med mundtlig eksamination via Adobe Connect. Der indledes derfor med en generel præsentation af Adobe Connect samt de elementer ved systemet som oftest anvendes i forbindelse med mundtlig eksamination. Herefter præsenteres de typiske årsagerne til, at Adobe Connect anvendes til eksamination. I forlængelse heraf gennemgås nogle scenarier for afholdelse af mundtlig eksamination i systemet. Nogle af disse scenarier suppleres med beskrivelser af deltagernes oplevelser og erfaringer med gennemførelsen af mundtlige eksaminationer via Adobe Connect. Der afsluttes med nogle opsamlende retningslinjer for gennemførelse af mundtlig eksamination via Adobe Connect.

  7. Stress Management: Job Stress (United States)

    Healthy Lifestyle Stress management Job stress can be all-consuming — but it doesn't have to be. Address your triggers, keep perspective and ... stress triggers, it's often helpful to improve time management skills — especially if you tend to feel overwhelmed ...

  8. State of the art undersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Nils


    Dette skrift omhandler nogle af de erfaringer der til dato er opnået i forbindelse med standby projektets udførelse. Hovedtemaet er en “State of the art undersøgelse” der omhandler standby-spændingsforsyninger, samt komponenter der kan anvendes til konstruktion af dem......Dette skrift omhandler nogle af de erfaringer der til dato er opnået i forbindelse med standby projektets udførelse. Hovedtemaet er en “State of the art undersøgelse” der omhandler standby-spændingsforsyninger, samt komponenter der kan anvendes til konstruktion af dem...

  9. Forbedret natur? - om computerspil i naturen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Erik


    Location Based Computer Games er en ny genre indenfor computerspil. Spillerne anvender håndholdt computer (fx mobiltelefon) og positioneringsudstyr (fx GPS) samt trådløst net. Spillene foregår ofte i bymiljøer, men har også potentiale som en ny type oplevelse af naturen.......Location Based Computer Games er en ny genre indenfor computerspil. Spillerne anvender håndholdt computer (fx mobiltelefon) og positioneringsudstyr (fx GPS) samt trådløst net. Spillene foregår ofte i bymiljøer, men har også potentiale som en ny type oplevelse af naturen....

  10. Design og analyse af eksperimenter i R

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Malte Rokkjær


    eksperimentelle studier med afsæt i statistikprogrammet R. Det er håbet, at notatet vil være en hjælp til at reflektere over, designe, og analysere eksperimenter i forbindelse med bachelorprojekter eller specialer - og forhåbentligt også i arbejde med eksperimenter uden for instituttets mure. Notatet berører......, herunder balancetest, hypotesetest med og uden kovariatjustering, interaktioner samt udledning af konfidensintervaller. Det antages, at læseren har et grundlæggende kendskab til R samt til *potentiel outcomes*-frameworket. De indledende kapitler i Gerber & Green (2012) eller Imbens & Athey (2017) er gode...

  11. Good stress, bad stress and oxidative stress: insights from anticipatory cortisol reactivity. (United States)

    Aschbacher, Kirstin; O'Donovan, Aoife; Wolkowitz, Owen M; Dhabhar, Firdaus S; Su, Yali; Epel, Elissa


    Chronic psychological stress appears to accelerate biological aging, and oxidative damage is an important potential mediator of this process. However, the mechanisms by which psychological stress promotes oxidative damage are poorly understood. This study investigates the theory that cortisol increases in response to an acutely stressful event have the potential to either enhance or undermine psychobiological resilience to oxidative damage, depending on the body's prior exposure to chronic psychological stress. In order to achieve a range of chronic stress exposure, forty-eight post-menopausal women were recruited in a case-control design that matched women caring for spouses with dementia (a chronic stress model) with similarly aged control women whose spouses were healthy. Participants completed a questionnaire assessing perceived stress over the previous month and provided fasting blood. Three markers of oxidative damage were assessed: 8-iso-prostaglandin F(2α) (IsoP), lipid peroxidation, 8-hydroxyguanosine (8-oxoG) and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), reflecting oxidative damage to RNA/DNA respectively. Within approximately one week, participants completed a standardized acute laboratory stress task while salivary cortisol responses were measured. The increase from 0 to 30 min was defined as "peak" cortisol reactivity, while the increase from 0 to 15 min was defined as "anticipatory" cortisol reactivity, representing a cortisol response that began while preparing for the stress task. Women under chronic stress had higher 8-oxoG, oxidative damage to RNA (pstress and elevated oxidative stress damage, but only among women under chronic stress. Consistent with this model, bootstrapped path analysis found significant indirect paths from perceived stress to 8-oxoG and IsoP (but not 8-OHdG) via anticipatory cortisol reactivity, showing the expected relations among chronically stressed participants (p≤.01) Intriguingly, among those with low chronic stress

  12. Ett företag utifrån en kundsynvinkel - Team Kitchen Ab


    Dristig, Oscar


    Uppdragsgivaren för detta examensarbete är företaget Team Kitchen Ab vars huvudsakliga verksamhetsområde är ordnandet av matlagningskurser för både privata samt företagskunder. Syftet med arbetet är att redogöra för och mäta kundtillfredställelse och tjänstekvalitet hos uppdragsgivaren samt att redogöra för förbättrings-, och utvecklingsmöjligheter inom företagets tjänster och verksamhet. Teorier som behandlas i detta arbete är kvalitet och processer av bl.a. Lecklin och Edvardsson, SERVQUAL ...

  13. Stereotyped perceptions of chronic pain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Marie Østergaard


    Artiklen undersøger hvordan stærke sociale stereotyper former socialarbejderes tilgang til hjælpesøgende borgere. Den empiriske analyse fokuserer på betydningen af 'deservingness' kriterier, samt på hvordan paternalistiske og følelsesmæssige argumenter bliver brugt af socialarbejdere til at retfæ......Artiklen undersøger hvordan stærke sociale stereotyper former socialarbejderes tilgang til hjælpesøgende borgere. Den empiriske analyse fokuserer på betydningen af 'deservingness' kriterier, samt på hvordan paternalistiske og følelsesmæssige argumenter bliver brugt af socialarbejdere til...... at retfærdiggøre stereotype kategoriseringer....

  14. ABS – Arkitektonisk kvalitet i fremtidens læringsrum på universitetet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Cecilie Breinholm; Harder, Henrik; Knudstrup, Mary-Ann

    forskningsprojektets hypoteser om, at den fysiske kontekst er af betydning for læringssituationen i den pågældende fysiske kontekst, samt at der dermed er forskel på læringssituationen i de to fysiske kontekster, der danner genstand for empiri-indsamlingen i dette studie. Dog har den fysiske kontekst ikke alene af...... den fysiske kontekst og læringssituationen i den pågældende fysiske kontekst. Dog vil den anvendte metode kunne benyttes i videre forskning på baggrund af ovenstående foreløbige konklusioner, og hvor eksempelvis den sociale kontekst, lovgivning og regler samt curriculum holdes konstant, mens der...

  15. Att drabbas av cancer i tonåren : En kvantitativ studie om hälsorelaterad livskvalitet två till fyra år efter diagnos


    Hiding, Markus; Lavemark, Niklas


    Syfte Studiens syfte var att undersöka: självskattad hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos tonåringar som drabbats av cancer två år (T5), tre år (T6) och fyra år (T7) efter diagnos, samt att jämföra deras skattningar med en referensgrupp randomiserad från befolkningen.   Metod Tonåringarna med cancer besvarade SF-36 2 år (N=38), 3 år (N=42) samt 4 år (N=39) efter diagnos. En referensgrupp (N=300) randomiserad av Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) besvarade samma formulär vid ett tillfälle. Samtlig data...

  16. Spektral lysdæmpningsmodel for 2 grønlandske fjorde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Murray, Ciarán; Stedmon, Colin; Markager, Stiig

    de forskellige optiske aktive komponenter: farvede opløste organiske material (CDOM), organiske partikler (inklusive fytoplankton og deres klorofyl indhold), samt uorganiske partikler. Data der indgår i arbejdet inkluderer spektrale lysindstråling igennem vandsøjlen, målt ved en Satlantic profiler på...... 8 stationer i Godthåbsfjord og 8 stationer i Young Sund. Målinger af optiske egenskaber, spektrale CDOM- (farvede opløste organiske material) og partikulær-absorption, samt koncentrationer af opløste og partikulært kulstof, klorofyl og uorganiske partikulært stof indgår også. En model bliver...

  17. Organic food conversion in Danish public kitchens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Nina Nørgaard

    Økologifremmeordningen under Økologiplan Danmark gav tilsagn til økologiomlægnings-projekter for første gang i efteråret 2012 samt foråret 2013. Denne ph.d. afhandling undersøger effekten af disse økologiomlægningsprojekter på økologiprocenten samt arbejdstrivslen blandt køkkenmedarbejdere i de d...... tværtimod, at de som følge af omlægningen har fået større glæde og motivation ved arbejdet. Kun bør der være opmærksomhed på, om omlægningerne giver anledning til større fysisk nedslidning....

  18. Mink kan også have influenza

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjulsager, Charlotte Kristiane; Krog, Jesper Schak; Larsen, Gitte


    , hvis der opstår mistanke om influenza ved obduktionen, eller hvis der er alvorlige langvarige udbrud. For at kunne iværksætte foranstaltninger, der begrænser forekomsten af influenza hos mink, er det nødvendigt at kende udbredelsen af influenzavirus blandt farmede mink i Danmark. Formålet med denne...... minkobduktionskursus, samt vilde mink. Der blev påvist influenza A virus i mink fra otte farme. Genetiske analyser indikerede, at disse virus stammede fra både danske svin og mennesker. For at forebygge udbrud af influenza i farmede mink anbefales det, at undgå kontakt mellem mink og influenzasyge personer, samt sikre...

  19. 1+1=3? : en studie om co-branding och dess påverkan på ett varumärkes värde


    Lindberg, Ida; Andersson, Sandra


    Co-branding, vilket är en typ av varumärkessamarbete, har på senare tid blivit en populär strategi i strävan efter att skapa ett högre värde för konsumenten samt nå fördelar så som ökade intäkter samt möjligheten att skapa och attrahera lojala kunder. Dock finns det siffror som pekar på att många co-brandingsamarbeten misslyckas. Mot denna bakgrund har syftet med denna studie varit att, utifrån lojala kunders perspektiv, undersöka vilken påverkan ett varumärkessamarbete av typen co-branding k...

  20. Stress (United States)

    ... can be life-saving. But chronic stress can cause both physical and mental harm. There are at least three different types of stress: Routine stress related to the pressures of work, family, and other daily responsibilities Stress brought about ...

  1. Troponinforhøjelse--differentialdiagnostiske overvejelser samt prognostisk betydning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jesper Khedri; Mickley, Hans


    It has become increasingly evident that elevation of troponins can be demonstrated in other diseases than acute myocardial infarction. In this review we wanted to assess the prevalence and the clinical importance of troponin elevations in patients with mainly extra-cardiac organ manifestations. O...

  2. børsretten II

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Nis Jul

    Fremstillingen beskæftiger sig med den materielle børs- og kapitalmarkedsret, herunder notering og prospekter, oplysningsforpligtelse, overtagelsetilbud, insiderhandel og kursmanipulation samt tilsyn...

  3. Børsretten II

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Paul Krüger; Clausen, Nis Jul

    Fremstillingen beskæftiger sig med den materielle børs- og kapitalmarkedsret, herunder notering og prospekter, oplysningsforpligtelse, overtagelsetilbud, insiderhandel og kursmanipulation samt tilsyn...

  4. Assessment of Workplace Stress: Occupational Stress, Its Consequences, and Common Causes of Teacher Stress. (United States)

    Hansen, Jo-Ida; Sullivan, Brandon A.

    This chapter introduces teachers and other education professionals to the assessment of occupational stress. It begins with a brief discussion of what occupational stress is, and overview of the consequences of prolonged stress, and a review of the common causes of teacher stress. Next, it presents methods for reducing occupational stress through…

  5. Countermeasures to stress corrosion cracking by stress improvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Umemoto, Tadahiro


    One of the main factors of the grain boundary stress corrosion cracking occurred in the austenitic stainless steel pipes for reactor cooling system was the tensile residual stress due to welding, and a number of methods have been proposed to reduce the residual stress or to change it to compressive stress. In this paper, on the method of improving residual stress by high frequency heating, which has been applied most frequently, the principle, important parameters and the range of application are explained. Also the other methods of stress improvement are outlined, and the merit and demerit of respective methods are discussed. Austenitic stainless steel and high nickel alloys have good corrosion resistance, high toughness and good weldability, accordingly they have been used for reactor cooling system, but stress corrosion cracking was discovered in both BWRs and PWRs. It occurs when the sensitization of materials, tensile stress and the dissolved oxygen in high temperature water exceed certain levels simultaneously. The importance of the residual stress due to welding, induction heating stress improvement, and other methods such as heat sink welding, last pass heat sink welding, back lay welding and TIG torch heating stress improvement are described. (Kako, I.)

  6. Childhood Stress (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Childhood Stress KidsHealth / For Parents / Childhood Stress What's in this ... and feel stress to some degree. Sources of Stress Stress is a function of the demands placed ...

  7. The Hammer and the Saw

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jesper Lau

    Artiklen forklarer forskellen på insiderhandel, oplysningspligt og manipulation, og kritiserer forslaget til markedsmisbrugsforordning for at sammenblande disse, samt kritiserer Domstolens afgørelse i Daimler....

  8. Bone stress in runners with tibial stress fracture. (United States)

    Meardon, Stacey A; Willson, John D; Gries, Samantha R; Kernozek, Thomas W; Derrick, Timothy R


    Combinations of smaller bone geometry and greater applied loads may contribute to tibial stress fracture. We examined tibial bone stress, accounting for geometry and applied loads, in runners with stress fracture. 23 runners with a history of tibial stress fracture & 23 matched controls ran over a force platform while 3-D kinematic and kinetic data were collected. An elliptical model of the distal 1/3 tibia cross section was used to estimate stress at 4 locations (anterior, posterior, medial and lateral). Inner and outer radii for the model were obtained from 2 planar x-ray images. Bone stress differences were assessed using two-factor ANOVA (α=0.05). Key contributors to observed stress differences between groups were examined using stepwise regression. Runners with tibial stress fracture experienced greater anterior tension and posterior compression at the distal tibia. Location, but not group, differences in shear stress were observed. Stepwise regression revealed that anterior-posterior outer diameter of the tibia and the sagittal plane bending moment explained >80% of the variance in anterior and posterior bone stress. Runners with tibial stress fracture displayed greater stress anteriorly and posteriorly at the distal tibia. Elevated tibial stress was associated with smaller bone geometry and greater bending moments about the medial-lateral axis of the tibia. Future research needs to identify key running mechanics associated with the sagittal plane bending moment at the distal tibia as well as to identify ways to improve bone geometry in runners in order to better guide preventative and rehabilitative efforts. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Lärplatta som verktyg för elever i behov av särskilt stöd! : En specialpedagogisk studie om hur elever i åk 4-7 använder lärplatta i klassrummet och hur uppföljning av användningen sker


    Lindgren, Ditte; Nordström, Ulrika


    Studiens syfte var att få kunskap om hur lärplatta används som verktyg för elever i behov av särskilt stöd i åk 4-7, samt om lärplattan används utifrån specialpedagogens syfte för den enskilda eleven med den. Använda datainsamlingsmetoder är kvalitativa intervjuer med specialpedagoger, lärare och elever, samt elevobservationer. De frågeställningar som studien sökt svar på är: i vilket syfte valdes lärplatta som verktyg av specialpedagog för elever i behov av särskilt stöd, hur använder elever...

  10. Gemensam modell för professionella : E-klubb för närståendevårdare till personer med Multipel Skleros


    Ekholm, Johanna; Lukkari, Noora; Nordberg, Marie; Parviainen, Jolanda


    Detta examensarbete är en del av ett projekt som Yrkeshögskolan Novia inledde redan våren 2016. Syftet med arbetet är främja hälsa och välbefinnande samt stöda och stärka närståendevårdarens egna resurser. Målet med arbetet är att skapa en gemensam modell för en e-klubb som skall användas av professionella. Grunden för arbetet har varit tjänstedesign och litteraturöversikt. Arbetet är uppdelat i två delar: en gemensam modell för uppbyggandet av en e klubb samt en målgruppsspecifik del. Den...

  11. Sundhed, krop og bevægelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsmark, Lena; Semke, Anja; Wiben, Henrik

    Sundhed, krop og bevægelse indgår i Munksgaards serie af bøger til den pædagogiske assistentuddannelse. Bogen indeholder teori til fagene Sundhed i den pædagogiske praksis, Bevægelse og idræt samt Arbejdsmiljø og ergonomi. Udgangspunktet for bogens indhold er den pædagogiske praksis. Dvs. at begr......Sundhed, krop og bevægelse indgår i Munksgaards serie af bøger til den pædagogiske assistentuddannelse. Bogen indeholder teori til fagene Sundhed i den pædagogiske praksis, Bevægelse og idræt samt Arbejdsmiljø og ergonomi. Udgangspunktet for bogens indhold er den pædagogiske praksis. Dvs...

  12. Bedømmelse af gruppearbejde i forbindelse med brug af Cooperative Learning som undervisningsmetode

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jens Ejbye Schmidt


    Full Text Available Cooperative learning (CL er en undervisningsmetode, hvor læring foregår i små grupper (team, og interaktionen struktureres efter nøje gennemarbejdede principper. Jeg har igennem en årrække – og med succes – brugt CL i min undervisning på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. I denne artikel vil jeg beskrive det udviklingsarbejde, jeg har gjort med indførelse af CL, så der er en mere klar sammenhæng mellem læringsmål og undervisningsform, samt hvordan de studerende i denne sammenhæng bliver bedømt. Bedømmelsen gælder både deres faglige niveau, samt mere generelle ingeniørkompetencer.

  13. Planering och genomförandet av en leende-kampanj för de anställda på Esbo IKEA


    Hietanen, Laura


    Kundservice är viktigt för ett företags framgång och därför bör de investera i det. Då kundernas upplevelser överrensstämmer med de förväntningar de haft för företaget kommer de mer sannolikt att komma tillbaka och berätta om upplevelserna till personer i sin omgivning. De anställda har en avgörande roll i detta sammanhang. De kan med sitt agerande inverka både positivt samt negativt på synen på kundservicenivån i företaget. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att planera samt genomföra en leen...

  14. Psykoterapi og supervision

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Claus Haugaard


    Kapitlet beskriver supervisionen funktioner i forhold til psykoterapi. Supervision af psykoterapi henviser i almindelighed til, at en psykoterapeut konsulterer en ofte mere erfaren kollega (supervisor) med henblik på drøftelse af et konkret igangværende psykoterapeutisk behandlingsforløb. Formålet...... er at fremme denne fagpersons (psykoterapeutens) faglige udvikling samt sikre kvaliteten af behandlingen.kan defineres som i. Der redegøres for, hvorfor supervision er vigtig del af psykoterapeutens profession samt vises, hvorledes supervision foruden den faglige udvikling også er vigtigt redskab i...... psykoterapiens kvalitetssikring. Efter at have drøftet nogle etiske forhold ved supervision, fremlægges endelig nogle få forskningsresultater vedr. psykoterapisupervision af danske psykologer....

  15. Work-related stress and posttraumatic stress in emergency medical services. (United States)

    Donnelly, Elizabeth


    Recent research efforts in emergency medical services (EMS) has identified variability in the ability of EMS personnel to recognize their level of stress-related impairment. Developing a better understanding of how workplace stress may affect EMS personnel is a key step in the process of increasing awareness of the impact of work-related stress and stress-related impairment. This paper demonstrates that for those in EMS, exposure to several types of workplace stressors is linked to stress reactions. Stress reactions such as posttraumatic stress symptomatology (PTSS) have the potential to negatively influence the health of EMS providers. This research demonstrates that two different types of work-related stress and alcohol use influence the development of PTSS. A probability sample of nationally registered emergency medical technician (EMT)-Basics and EMT-Paramedics (n = 1,633) completed an Internet-based survey. Respondents reported their levels of operational and organizational types of chronic stress, critical incident stress, alcohol use, and PTSS. Ordinary least squares regression illustrated that when demographic factors were controlled, organizational and operational forms of chronic stress, critical incident stress, and alcohol use were all significant predictors of PTSS (p stress and critical incident stress (p stress and alcohol use (p stress reaction. Higher levels of chronic stress, critical incident stress, and alcohol use significantly related to an increased level of PTSS. Further, for those reporting high levels of alcohol use or critical incident stress, interactions with high levels of chronic operational stress were associated with higher rates of PTSS. For those interested in the impact of work-related stress in EMS, these findings indicate that attention must be paid to levels of stress associated with both critical incident exposure as well as the chronic stress providers experience on a day-to-day basis.

  16. Bruxism affects stress responses in stressed rats. (United States)

    Sato, Chikatoshi; Sato, Sadao; Takashina, Hirofumi; Ishii, Hidenori; Onozuka, Minoru; Sasaguri, Kenichi


    It has been proposed that suppression of stress-related emotional responses leads to the simultaneous activation of both sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and that the expression of these emotional states has a protective effect against ulcerogenesis. In the present study, we investigated whether stress-induced bruxism activity (SBA) has a physiological effect of on the stress-induced changes of the stomach, thymus, and spleen as well as blood leukocytes, cortisol, and adrenaline. This study demonstrated that SBA attenuated the stress-induced ulcer genesis as well as degenerative changes of thymus and spleen. SBA also attenuated increases of adrenaline, cortisol, and neutrophils in the blood. In conclusion, expression of aggression through SBA during stress exposure attenuates both stress-induced ANS response, including gastric ulcer formation.

  17. Nuclear stress test (United States)

    ... Persantine stress test; Thallium stress test; Stress test - nuclear; Adenosine stress test; Regadenoson stress test; CAD - nuclear stress; Coronary artery disease - nuclear stress; Angina - nuclear ...

  18. The shape of change in perceived stress, negative affect, and stress sensitivity during mindfulness based stress reduction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Snippe, E.; Dziak, J.J.; Lanza, S.T.; Nyklicek, I.; Wichers, M.


    Both daily stress and the tendency to react to stress with heightened levels of negative affect (i.e., stress sensitivity) are important vulnerability factors for adverse mental health outcomes. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) may help to reduce perceived daily stress and stress

  19. The Shape of Change in Perceived Stress, Negative Affect, and Stress Sensitivity During Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Snippe, Evelien; Dziak, John J.; Lanza, Stephanie T.; Nykliek, Ivan; Wichers, Marieke

    Both daily stress and the tendency to react to stress with heightened levels of negative affect (i.e., stress sensitivity) are important vulnerability factors for adverse mental health outcomes. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) may help to reduce perceived daily stress and stress

  20. Stress and Protists: No life without stress. (United States)

    Slaveykova, Vera; Sonntag, Bettina; Gutiérrez, Juan Carlos


    We report a summary of the symposium "Stress and Protists: No life without stress", which was held in September 2015 on the VII European Congress of Protistology in partnership with the International Society of Protistologists (Seville, Spain). We present an overview on general comments and concepts on cellular stress which can be also applied to any protist. Generally, various environmental stressors may induce similar cell responses in very different protists. Two main topics are reported in this manuscript: (i) metallic nanoparticles as environmental pollutants and stressors for aquatic protists, and (ii) ultraviolet radiation - induced stress and photoprotective strategies in ciliates. Model protists such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Tetrahymena thermophila were used to assess stress caused by nanoparticles while stress caused by ultraviolet radiation was tested with free living planktonic ciliates as well as with the symbiont-bearing model ciliate Paramecium bursaria. For future studies, we suggest more intensive analyses on protist stress responses to specific environmental abiotic and/or biotic stressors at molecular and genetic levels up to ecological consequences and food web dynamics. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  1. Oxidative stress adaptation with acute, chronic, and repeated stress. (United States)

    Pickering, Andrew M; Vojtovich, Lesya; Tower, John; A Davies, Kelvin J


    Oxidative stress adaptation, or hormesis, is an important mechanism by which cells and organisms respond to, and cope with, environmental and physiological shifts in the level of oxidative stress. Most studies of oxidative stress adaption have been limited to adaptation induced by acute stress. In contrast, many if not most environmental and physiological stresses are either repeated or chronic. In this study we find that both cultured mammalian cells and the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster are capable of adapting to chronic or repeated stress by upregulating protective systems, such as their proteasomal proteolytic capacity to remove oxidized proteins. Repeated stress adaptation resulted in significant extension of adaptive responses. Repeated stresses must occur at sufficiently long intervals, however (12-h or more for MEF cells and 7 days or more for flies), for adaptation to be successful, and the levels of both repeated and chronic stress must be lower than is optimal for adaptation to acute stress. Regrettably, regimens of adaptation to both repeated and chronic stress that were successful for short-term survival in Drosophila nevertheless also caused significant reductions in life span for the flies. Thus, although both repeated and chronic stress can be tolerated, they may result in a shorter life. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. The impact of static stress change, dynamic stress change, and the background stress on aftershock focal mechanisms (United States)

    Hardebeck, Jeanne L.


    The focal mechanisms of earthquakes in Southern California before and after four M ≥ 6.7 main shocks provide insight into how fault systems respond to stress and changes in stress. The main shock static stress changes have two observed impacts on the seismicity: changing the focal mechanisms in a given location to favor those aligned with the static stress change and changing the spatial distribution of seismicity to favor locations where the static stress change aligns with the background stress. The aftershock focal mechanisms are significantly aligned with the static stress changes for absolute stress changes of ≥ 0.02 MPa, for up to ~20 years following the main shock. The dynamic stress changes have similar, although smaller, effects on the local focal mechanisms and the spatial seismicity distribution. Dynamic stress effects are best observed at long periods (30–60 s) and for metrics based on repeated stress cycling in the same direction. This implies that dynamic triggering operates, at least in part, through cyclic shear stress loading in the direction of fault slip. The background stress also strongly controls both the preshock and aftershock mechanisms. While most aftershock mechanisms are well oriented in the background stress field, 10% of aftershocks are identified as poorly oriented outliers, which may indicate limited heterogeneity in the postmain shock stress field. The fault plane orientations of the outliers are well oriented in the background stress, while their slip directions are not, implying that the background stress restricts the distribution of available fault planes.

  3. Stress field models from Maxwell stress functions: southern California (United States)

    Bird, Peter


    The lithospheric stress field is formally divided into three components: a standard pressure which is a function of elevation (only), a topographic stress anomaly (3-D tensor field) and a tectonic stress anomaly (3-D tensor field). The boundary between topographic and tectonic stress anomalies is somewhat arbitrary, and here is based on the modeling tools available. The topographic stress anomaly is computed by numerical convolution of density anomalies with three tensor Green's functions provided by Boussinesq, Cerruti and Mindlin. By assuming either a seismically estimated or isostatic Moho depth, and by using Poisson ratio of either 0.25 or 0.5, I obtain four alternative topographic stress models. The tectonic stress field, which satisfies the homogeneous quasi-static momentum equation, is obtained from particular second derivatives of Maxwell vector potential fields which are weighted sums of basis functions representing constant tectonic stress components, linearly varying tectonic stress components and tectonic stress components that vary harmonically in one, two and three dimensions. Boundary conditions include zero traction due to tectonic stress anomaly at sea level, and zero traction due to the total stress anomaly on model boundaries at depths within the asthenosphere. The total stress anomaly is fit by least squares to both World Stress Map data and to a previous faulted-lithosphere, realistic-rheology dynamic model of the region computed with finite-element program Shells. No conflict is seen between the two target data sets, and the best-fitting model (using an isostatic Moho and Poisson ratio 0.5) gives minimum directional misfits relative to both targets. Constraints of computer memory, execution time and ill-conditioning of the linear system (which requires damping) limit harmonically varying tectonic stress to no more than six cycles along each axis of the model. The primary limitation on close fitting is that the Shells model predicts very sharp

  4. Manage Stress (United States)

    ... Manage Stress Print This Topic En español Manage Stress Browse Sections The Basics Overview Signs and Health ... and Health Effects What are the signs of stress? When people are under stress, they may feel: ...

  5. Multi-Word Units in Monolingual Scandinavian Dictionaries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schoonderbeek Hansen, Inger

    Referat af NFL (Nordisk Forening for Leksikografi) Symposium om Ordforbindelser i monolingvale nordiske ordbøger. Introduktion, referat af alle 13 foredrag og efterfølgende diskussion samt konklusion....

  6. Etik i fysioterapi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Præstegaard, Jeanette


    Et kvalitativt interviewstudie af en gruppe fysioterapeuters etiske perception i forhold til etiske problemstillinger opstået i daglig praksis samt en etisk analyse af Danske Fysioterapeuters etiske retningslinier...

  7. Stress Incontinence (United States)

    Stress incontinence Overview Urinary incontinence is the unintentional loss of urine. Stress incontinence happens when physical movement or activity — such ... coughing, sneezing, running or heavy lifting — puts pressure (stress) on your bladder. Stress incontinence is not related ...

  8. Stress Management (United States)

    Healthy Lifestyle Stress management By Mayo Clinic Staff Stress basics Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the demands of life. ... some people's alarm systems rarely shut off. Stress management gives you a range of tools to reset ...

  9. Prenatal Maternal Stress Programs Infant Stress Regulation (United States)

    Davis, Elysia Poggi; Glynn, Laura M.; Waffarn, Feizal; Sandman, Curt A.


    Objective: Prenatal exposure to inappropriate levels of glucocorticoids (GCs) and maternal stress are putative mechanisms for the fetal programming of later health outcomes. The current investigation examined the influence of prenatal maternal cortisol and maternal psychosocial stress on infant physiological and behavioral responses to stress.…

  10. Stress-induced hyperthermia in translational stress research

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vinkers, C.H.; Penning, R.; Ebbens, M.M.; Helhammer, J.; Verster, J.C.; Kalkman, C.J.; Olivier, B.


    The stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) response is the transient change in body temperature in response to acute stress. This body temperature response is part of the autonomic stress response which also results in tachycardia and an increased blood pressure. So far, a SIH response has been found in

  11. Teacher Wellness: Too Stressed for Stress Management? (United States)

    Kipps-Vaughan, Debi; Ponsart, Tyler; Gilligan, Tammy


    Healthier, happier teachers promote healthier, happier, and more effective learning environments. Yet, many teachers experience considerable stress. Studies have found that between one fifth and one fourth of teachers frequently experience a great deal of stress (Kyriacou, 1998). Stress in teaching appears to be universal across nations and…

  12. Interindividual differences in stress sensitivity: basal and stress-induced cortisol levels differentially predict neural vigilance processing under stress. (United States)

    Henckens, Marloes J A G; Klumpers, Floris; Everaerd, Daphne; Kooijman, Sabine C; van Wingen, Guido A; Fernández, Guillén


    Stress exposure is known to precipitate psychological disorders. However, large differences exist in how individuals respond to stressful situations. A major marker for stress sensitivity is hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis function. Here, we studied how interindividual variance in both basal cortisol levels and stress-induced cortisol responses predicts differences in neural vigilance processing during stress exposure. Implementing a randomized, counterbalanced, crossover design, 120 healthy male participants were exposed to a stress-induction and control procedure, followed by an emotional perception task (viewing fearful and happy faces) during fMRI scanning. Stress sensitivity was assessed using physiological (salivary cortisol levels) and psychological measures (trait questionnaires). High stress-induced cortisol responses were associated with increased stress sensitivity as assessed by psychological questionnaires, a stronger stress-induced increase in medial temporal activity and greater differential amygdala responses to fearful as opposed to happy faces under control conditions. In contrast, high basal cortisol levels were related to relative stress resilience as reflected by higher extraversion scores, a lower stress-induced increase in amygdala activity and enhanced differential processing of fearful compared with happy faces under stress. These findings seem to reflect a critical role for HPA-axis signaling in stress coping; higher basal levels indicate stress resilience, whereas higher cortisol responsivity to stress might facilitate recovery in those individuals prone to react sensitively to stress. © The Author (2015). Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:

  13. Education in 2025

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knoop, Hans Henrik


    Sammenfatning af positiv-psykologi-relaterede processuelle principper for pædagogik og uddannelse i 2010 - samt prospektiv vurdering af disse princippers gyldighed og vilkår for udfoldelse i 2025....

  14. Living in history: When historical events affect the organization of autobiographical memory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brown, Norman R.; Hansen, Tia G. B.; Lee, Peter J.


    Præsenterer Living-in-History paradigmet og resultater fra de første 10 samples samt diskuterer selvbiografisk hukommelses-effekt af hverdagsinvasive hhv. emotionelt/politisk berørende samfundsbegivenheder....

  15. Residual stresses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sahotra, I.M.


    The principal effect of unloading a material strained into the plastic range is to create a permanent set (plastic deformation), which if restricted somehow, gives rise to a system of self-balancing within the same member or reaction balanced by other members of the structure., known as residual stresses. These stresses stay there as locked-in stresses, in the body or a part of it in the absence of any external loading. Residual stresses are induced during hot-rolling and welding differential cooling, cold-forming and extruding: cold straightening and spot heating, fabrication and forced fitting of components constraining the structure to a particular geometry. The areas which cool more quickly develop residual compressive stresses, while the slower cooling areas develop residual tensile stresses, and a self-balancing or reaction balanced system of residual stresses is formed. The phenomenon of residual stresses is the most challenging in its application in surface modification techniques determining endurance mechanism against fracture and fatigue failures. This paper discusses the mechanism of residual stresses, that how the residual stresses are fanned and what their behavior is under the action of external forces. Such as in the case of a circular bar under limit torque, rectangular beam under limt moment, reclaiming of shafts welds and peening etc. (author)

  16. Managing Leadership Stress

    CERN Document Server

    Bal, Vidula; McDowell-Larsen, Sharon


    Everyone experiences stress, and leaders face the additional stress brought about by the unique demands of leadership: having to make decisions with limited information, to manage conflict, to do more with less . . . and faster! The consequences of stress can include health problems and deteriorating relationships. Knowing what signs of stress to look for and having a strategy for increasing your resources will help you manage leadership stress and be more effective over a long career.Table of ContentsThe Stress of Leadership 7Why Is Leadership Stressful? 8Stress Assessment 13When Stress Is Wh

  17. Fiktionsbaseret religion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Davidsen, Markus


    Jediismen er en ny religion, der bygger på George Lucas' Star Wars-film. Kernen i jediismen er medlemmernes identifikation med jedi-ridderne fra Star Wars, troen på, at Kraften eksisterer uden for det fiktive univers, samt rituel interaktion med Kraften. På baggrund af en analyse af syv jediistiske...... gruppers hjemmesider skitserer artiklen jediismens selvforståelse med fokus på selv-identifikation, læren om Kraften, praksis og etik samt forhandlingen af forholdet til Star Wars. Endvidere argumenteres for, hvorfor jediismen må fortolkes som en religion og ikke blot som et fanfænomen. Endelig foreslås...... kategorien 'fiktionsbaseret religion' introduceret i religionsvidenskaben som betegnelse for en række nye religioner baseret på 'fiktive religioner' indlejret i fiktionstekster....

  18. Occupational Stress


    Löblová, Klára


    The thesis deals with load, stress and related questions of the working life. Work-related stress brings numerous difficulties not only to affected individuals, but as a result also to organizations. The thesis follows symptoms, impacts, somatic and mental aspects of stress, its types and also types of stressors, which cause this problem. It is concentrated on workload as a specific area of work-related stress, individual resistance to the load, factors of workload and work-related stress and...

  19. Relationship between general intelligence, emotional intelligence, stress levels and stress reactivity. (United States)

    Singh, Yogesh; Sharma, Ratna


    Stressful life events and daily life stresses have both deleterious and cumulative effects on human body. In several studies, stress has been shown to affect various parameter of higher mental function like attention, concentration, learning and memory. Present study was designed to explore the relationship among GI level, EI level, psychological stress levels and acute stress reactivity in young normal healthy subjects. The study was conducted on thirty four healthy male student volunteers to study a) acute stress reactivity in subjects with varying levels of General Intelligence (GI) and Emotional Intelligence (EI) and b) correlation between GI, EI, acute stress and perceived stress. Baseline GI and EI and acute stress and perceived stress scores were measured by standard assessment scales. Using median value of GI and EI scores as cutoff values, subjects were categorized into four groups. Among different GI-EI groups, acute stress reactivity was similar but salivary Cortisol (especially post stressor level) and perceived stress level was a differentiating factor. High level of EI was associated inversely with acute and chronic perceived stress level. Significant correlation was found between acute and chronic perceived stress levels. Level of general intelligence showed no relation to acute or chronic stress levels as well as acute stress reactivity. The differences in various groups of GI and EI had no effect on the baseline and post stress performance on Sternberg memory test and all the three conditions of Stroop test. In conclusion emotional intelligence as an attribute is better suited to handle day to day acute stress and chronic perceived stress.

  20. Stress and Health

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rod, Naja Hulvej


    Background Stress is an important public health issue. One in ten Danish adults experience high levels of stress in their daily lives and stress is one of the main occupational health problems in Europe. The link between stress and health is still debated in the scientific literature...... and the pathways underlying these potential health effects are far from elucidated. The dissertation contributions to the literature on stress and health by empirically testing the relationship between stress and major chronic disorders and by providing new evidence on the underlying physiological, psychological...... and behavioral mechanisms. Stress is a complex concept and in order to better understand the relation between stress and health, the dissertation works with a clear distinction between the health consequences of different types of stress including external stressors, perceived stress, and measures of the stress...

  1. Stressful life events, vulnerable to stress and depression among ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The present study was carried out to observe the difference between male and female Eritrean students on the basis of stressful life events, vulnerable to stress and depression. Stressful life Events Questionnaire, Vulnerable to Stress Instrument and Beck Depression Scale were administered to gather information. The data ...

  2. Coupling effects of chemical stresses and external mechanical stresses on diffusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xuan Fuzhen; Shao Shanshan; Wang Zhengdong; Tu Shantung


    Interaction between diffusion and stress fields has been investigated extensively in the past. However, most of the previous investigations were focused on the effect of chemical stress on diffusion due to the unbalanced mass transport. In this work, the coupling effects of external mechanical stress and chemical stress on diffusion are studied. A self-consistent diffusion equation including the chemical stress and external mechanical stress gradient is developed under the framework of the thermodynamic theory and Fick's law. For a thin plate subjected to unidirectional tensile stress fields, the external stress coupled diffusion equation is solved numerically with the help of the finite difference method for one-side and both-side charging processes. Results show that, for such two types of charging processes, the external stress gradient will accelerate the diffusion process and thus increase the value of concentration while reducing the magnitude of chemical stress when the direction of diffusion is identical to that of the stress gradient. In contrast, when the direction of diffusion is opposite to that of the stress gradient, the external stress gradient will obstruct the process of solute penetration by decreasing the value of concentration and increasing the magnitude of chemical stress. For both-side charging process, compared with that without the coupling effect of external stress, an asymmetric distribution of concentration is produced due to the asymmetric mechanical stress field feedback to diffusion.

  3. Stressing Academia? Stress-as-Offence-to-Self at Danish Universities (United States)

    Opstrup, Niels; Pihl-Thingvad, Signe


    Academic work has traditionally been seen as relatively stress free. However, a growing number of studies have reported increases in occupational stress experienced by university researchers. In order to explain stress among this group, we build on a new perspective in occupational stress research: the so-called stress-as-offence-to-self…

  4. Dancando na corda bamba

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Ingemai


    Artiklen analyserer Eduardo Lourenços idéhistoriske indplacering i Portugisisk tænkning samt redegør for hvorledes Lourenço 'overlevede' opkomsten af et nyt videnskabsteoretisk paradigme: konstruktivismen....

  5. Revisortilsynets og FSR - danske revisorers syn på

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartmann, Stig; Haraszuk, Anni


    Artiklen er baseret på interview med følgende: Christel Maria Thousing og Mette Banke-Eriksen, chefkonsulenterne i sekretariatet for Revisortilsynet samt Anders Bisgaard, medlem af FSR - danske revisorers Revisionstekniske udvalg....

  6. Werlauff's kommenterede aktieselskabslov

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik; Schaumburg-Müller, Peer

    Bogen kommenterer hver enkelt paragraf i den danske aktieselskabslov, herunder med henvisninger til praksis fra danske domstole, EF-domstolen, Erhvervsankenævnet mv samt med relevante henvisninger til dansk og udenlandsk retslitteratur....

  7. Miljøfarlige stoffer i ålekvabbe - Delrapport I

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahllöf, Ingela; Strand, Jakob

    Miljøfarlige stoffer i ålekvabbe blev analyseret og sammenholdt med forekomst af misdannede ålekvabbeunger. Kobber, organotin, dioxiner, furaner, dioxin-lignende PCB’er samt bromerede flammehæmmere blev vurderet....

  8. Hvor skal vi hen?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rørbech, Helle


    Indledning til Cursiv nr. 12: Didaktiske destinationer -12 bidrag til danskfagets didaktik. Introduktion til nummerets artikler samt de aktuelle problemstillinger og grundlæggende fagdidaktiske spørgsmål, de behandler...

  9. Mindfulness i skolen : ABC, 123, samt elever i balanse


    Kristiansen, Kristin


    I oppgaven redegjøres for begrepet og tilstanden mindfulness. Både mindfulness med opphav i Østens kontemplative tradisjon, og Ellen Langers vestlige mer kognitive mindfulness, defineres og utdypes. Videre diskuteres mindfulness i en pedagogisk sammenheng. Siste del av oppgaven er en spørreundersøkelse, der lærerne i Tromsøskoler sine erfaringer, holdninger og interesser relatert til kontemplativ pedagogikk og mindfulness, er kartlagt.

  10. Stress and Coping with Stress in Adolescence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petra Dolenc


    Full Text Available Because of the many developmental changes in adolescence, young people are exposed to greater likelihood of experiencing stress. On the other hand, this period is critical for developing effective and constructive coping strategies. In the contribution, we summarize part of what is known about stress, stress responses and coping. Throughout, we focus on common stressful events among adolescents and emphasize the importance of dealing successfully with stressors in their daily lives. Finally, we highlight the most frequently used instruments to measure coping behaviour in youth and present an overview of the research findings on differences in coping among adolescents according to age and gender.

  11. Pre-cold stress increases acid stress resistance and induces amino ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pre-cold stress increases acid stress resistance and induces amino acid homeostasis in Lactococcus lactis NZ9000. ... Purpose: To investigate the effects of pre-cold stress treatments on subsequent acid stress resistance ... from 32 Countries:.

  12. Residual stresses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macherauch, E.


    Residual stresses are stresses which exist in a material without the influence of external powers and moments. They come into existence when the volume of a material constantly changes its form as a consequence of mechanical, thermal, and/or chemical processes and is hindered by neighbouring volumes. Bodies with residual stress are in mechanical balance. These residual stresses can be manifested by means of all mechanical interventions disturbing this balance. Acoustical, optical, radiological, and magnetical methods involving material changes caused by residual stress can also serve for determining residual stress. Residual stresses have an ambivalent character. In technical practice, they are feared and liked at the same time. They cause trouble because they can be the cause for unexpected behaviour of construction elements. They are feared since they can cause failure, in the worst case with catastrophical consequences. They are appreciated, on the other hand, because, in many cases, they can contribute to improvements of the material behaviour under certain circumstances. But they are especially liked for their giving convenient and (this is most important) mostly uncontrollable explanations. For only in very few cases we have enough knowledge and possibilities for the objective evaluation of residual stresses. (orig.) [de

  13. Role of stress areas, stress severity, and stressful life events on the onset of depressive disorder: a case-control study. (United States)

    Lueboonthavatchai, Peeraphon


    Although the stress and stressful life events are known as the precipitation of depressive disorder, the areas of stress and types of stressful life events found in depression are varied by different socio-cultural context. Identify the stress areas, stress severity, and types of stressful life events associated with the onset of depressive disorder in Thai depressed patients. Ninety depressed and ninety non-depressed subjects, aged above 18 years old, from the Department of Psychiatry, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, were recruited into the present study between July 2007 and January 2008. All subjects completed a demographic data form, and a 1-Year Life Stress Event Questionnaire. The association between the number of stressful life events, stress areas, stress severity, types of stressful life events, and the onset of depressive disorder were analyzed by independent t-test and chi-square test. Logistic regression was performed to identify the predictors of depressive disorder. Most of the subjects were young and middle-aged women, living in Bangkok and the central region. The depressed subjects experienced more stressful life events than the non-depressed subjects (5.81 +/- 3.19 vs. 3.24 +/- 2.80 events in one year) (p stress areas (health-related, family-related, financial, occupational, and social stress), and overall stress were associated with the onset of depressive disorder (p stress in all areas were at the higher risk of depressive disorder than those with the mild stress (p stress was the stress area highest associated with the depressive disorder (OR = 5.93, 95% CI = 2.33-16.92, p stressful life events associated with the onset of depressive disorder were the medical hospitalization, medical illness leading to missing work or disturbed daily routine, change in sleeping habits, absence of recreation, arguments with spouse, sexual difficulties with spouse, family financial problems, job loss, and trouble with boss (p stress was the significant

  14. Musikterapi ift. børn med autismediagnoser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    En gennemgang af nyeste forskning i musikterapi (Cochrane Reviews og RCTstudier), der viser evidens for, at musikterapi fremmer sociale færdigheder, verbal og nonverbal kommunikation samt følelsesmæssigt samspil....

  15. Kortlægning af Hadforbrydelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drud Jensen, Mads Ted; Kromand, Rolf; Birgit, Lindsnæs

    Kortlægning af hadforbrydelser baserer sig på selvrapporteret udsathed for kriminalitet samt e-survey gennemført blandt minoritetsgrupper, der antages at være særlig udsat for hadforbrydelser....

  16. Housing and Welfare - Homes|Ensembles|City

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Udstillingskatalog til udstilling om kommende boligbyggeri i københavnsområdet med 32 konkrete projekter til opførelse af boligbyggeri, 4 internationale projekter, 11 forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter om temaet samt film...

  17. Perceived stress and dietary choices: The moderating role of stress management. (United States)

    Errisuriz, Vanessa L; Pasch, Keryn E; Perry, Cheryl L


    Many college students exhibit unhealthy eating behaviors, consuming large quantities of high-fat foods and few fruits and vegetables. Perceived stress has been linked to daily dietary choices among college students; however, this work has been conducted among predominantly white, female populations. The role of perceived stress management in moderating this relationship is unclear. This study investigated the relationship between perceived stress and dietary choices among a diverse sample of male and female college freshmen and assessed whether perceived ability to manage stress moderated this relationship. 613 students from a large, public university completed an online survey which assessed past week consumption of various foods and beverages (e.g. soda, fast food, fruits, vegetables), as well as perceived stress and ability to manage stress. Hierarchical linear regression examined the association between perceived stress and past week dietary choices, and the moderating effect of perceived ability to manage stress, controlling for demographic variables. Perceived stress was positively associated with past week soda, coffee, energy drink, salty snack, frozen food, and fast food consumption (pmoderated the relationship between stress and sweet snack consumption. Individuals who reported low ability to manage stress consumed greater amounts. Findings indicate greater stress is associated with poor dietary choices among college freshmen. The relationship between stress and sweet snack consumption was exacerbated among those who reported low ability to manage stress. It may be important for college nutrition education programs to focus on the relationship between stress and diet and promote effective stress management techniques. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Oxidative stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osredkar Joško


    Full Text Available The human organism is exposed to the influence of various forms of stress, either physical, psychological or chemical, which all have in common that they may adversely affect our body. A certain amount of stress is always present and somehow directs, promotes or inhibits the functioning of the human body. Unfortunately, we are now too many and too often exposed to excessive stress, which certainly has adverse consequences. This is especially true for a particular type of stress, called oxidative stress. All aerobic organisms are exposed to this type of stress because they produce energy by using oxygen. For this type of stress you could say that it is rather imperceptibly involved in our lives, as it becomes apparent only at the outbreak of certain diseases. Today we are well aware of the adverse impact of radicals, whose surplus is the main cause of oxidative stress. However, the key problem remains the detection of oxidative stress, which would allow us to undertake timely action and prevent outbreak of many diseases of our time. There are many factors that promote oxidative stress, among them are certainly a fast lifestyle and environmental pollution. The increase in oxidative stress can also trigger intense physical activity that is directly associated with an increased oxygen consumption and the resulting formation of free radicals. Considering generally positive attitude to physical activity, this fact may seem at first glance contradictory, but the finding has been confimed by several studies in active athletes. Training of a top athlete daily demands great physical effort, which is also reflected in the oxidative state of the organism. However, it should be noted that the top athletes in comparison with normal individuals have a different defense system, which can counteract the negative effects of oxidative stress. Quite the opposite is true for irregular or excessive physical activity to which the body is not adapted.

  19. Competitive ability, stress tolerance and plant interactions along stress gradients. (United States)

    Qi, Man; Sun, Tao; Xue, SuFeng; Yang, Wei; Shao, DongDong; Martínez-López, Javier


    Exceptions to the generality of the stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH) may be reconciled by considering species-specific traits and stress tolerance strategies. Studies have tested stress tolerance and competitive ability in mediating interaction outcomes, but few have incorporated this to predict how species interactions shift between competition and facilitation along stress gradients. We used field surveys, salt tolerance and competition experiments to develop a predictive model interspecific interaction shifts across salinity stress gradients. Field survey and greenhouse tolerance tests revealed tradeoffs between stress tolerance and competitive ability. Modeling showed that along salinity gradients, (1) plant interactions shifted from competition to facilitation at high salinities within the physiological limits of salt-intolerant plants, (2) facilitation collapsed when salinity stress exceeded the physiological tolerance of salt-intolerant plants, and (3) neighbor removal experiments overestimate interspecific facilitation by including intraspecific effects. A community-level field experiment, suggested that (1) species interactions are competitive in benign and, facilitative in harsh condition, but fuzzy under medium environmental stress due to niche differences of species and weak stress amelioration, and (2) the SGH works on strong but not weak stress gradients, so SGH confusion arises when it is applied across questionable stress gradients. Our study clarifies how species interactions vary along stress gradients. Moving forward, focusing on SGH applications rather than exceptions on weak or nonexistent gradients would be most productive. © 2018 by the Ecological Society of America.

  20. Residual stresses and stress corrosion cracking in pipe fittings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parrington, R.J.; Scott, J.J.; Torres, F.


    Residual stresses can play a key role in the SCC performance of susceptible materials in PWR primary water applications. Residual stresses are stresses stored within the metal that develop during deformation and persist in the absence of external forces or temperature gradients. Sources of residual stresses in pipe fittings include fabrication processes, installation and welding. There are a number of methods to characterize the magnitude and orientation of residual stresses. These include numerical analysis, chemical cracking tests, and measurement (e.g., X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, strain gage/hole drilling, strain gage/trepanning, strain gage/section and layer removal, and acoustics). This paper presents 400 C steam SCC test results demonstrating that residual stresses in as-fabricated Alloy 600 pipe fittings are sufficient to induce SCC. Residual stresses present in as-fabricated pipe fittings are characterized by chemical cracking tests (stainless steel fittings tested in boiling magnesium chloride solution) and by the sectioning and layer removal (SLR) technique

  1. Stress og aldring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Anders; Jørgensen, Martin Balslev; Poulsen, Henrik Enghusen


    Accumulating evidence supports the popular notion that psychological stress states may accelerate aging. Stress has been shown to influence cellular systems known to be involved in the aging process. Furthermore, stress is associated with an increased risk of various age-related medical disorders....... These effects are likely mediated by the secretion of stress hormones. In this short review we focus on biochemical and epidemiological evidence for a link between stress and aging.......Accumulating evidence supports the popular notion that psychological stress states may accelerate aging. Stress has been shown to influence cellular systems known to be involved in the aging process. Furthermore, stress is associated with an increased risk of various age-related medical disorders...

  2. Changing stress levels through gaining information on stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.N. Madu


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this research was to find out the effect of the Information Phase of a Stress Management Program (SMP on the perceptions of participants about their stress levels. Method: A total sample of 100 workers (nursing staff, private business men and women, laboratory assistants, the protective services [foreman and security staff], as well as people in human resources departments took part in this study. All the participants were from the Northern and Gauteng Provinces in South Africa. The Combined Hassles and Uplifts Scale (Folkman & Lazarus, 1989 was used as an instrument to measure the perceived stress level of participants in a SMP. Result: A significant reduction in stress levels was achieved among those who received the Information Phase of the SMP only, as well as those who received the whole stress management techniques. There was no significant difference between the amount of reduction in perceived stress-levels achieved among those that received the Information Phase of the SMP only, compared to that of those who received the whole techniques. Conclusion: The authors conclude that where the resources are limited, only the information phase of a SMP may be given to desiring clients. That should help to save time and money spent on participating in SMPs. This should however not discourage the use of the whole SPM, where affordable. Keywords: Stress Management Programs, Information Phase, Perception, Stress Level.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zachary Robert Patterson


    Full Text Available Stress is defined as the behavioral and physiological responses generated in the face of, or in anticipation of, a perceived threat. The stress response involves activation of the sympathetic nervous system and recruitment of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA axis. When an organism encounters a stressor (social, physical, etc., these endogenous stress systems are stimulated in order to generate a fight-or-flight response, and manage the stressful situation. As such, an organism is forced to liberate energy resources in attempt to meet the energetic demands posed by the stressor. A change in the energy homeostatic balance is thus required to exploit an appropriate resource and deliver useable energy to the target muscles and tissues involved in the stress response. Acutely, this change in energy homeostasis and the liberation of energy is considered advantageous, as it is required for the survival of the organism. However, when an organism is subjected to a prolonged stressor, as is the case during chronic stress, a continuous irregularity in energy homeostasis is considered detrimental and may lead to the development of metabolic disturbances such as cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes mellitus and obesity. This concept has been studied extensively using animal models, and the neurobiological underpinnings of stress induced metabolic disorders are beginning to surface. However, different animal models of stress continue to produce divergent metabolic phenotypes wherein some animals become anorexic and loose body mass while others increase food intake and body mass and become vulnerable to the development of metabolic disturbances. It remains unclear exactly what factors associated with stress models can be used to predict the metabolic outcome of the organism. This review will explore a variety of rodent stress models and discuss the elements that influence the metabolic outcome in order to further our understanding of stress

  4. Strength-based learning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ledertoug, Mette Marie

    Posteren viser PhD-projektet Styrkebaseret læring - børns karakterstyrker som veje til læringspotentialet med teoretisk fundament, forskningsmetoder og måleredskaber samt de første resultater herfra....

  5. Godkendelses- og kontrolordninger for byggevarer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høffding Knuttson, H.

    Anvisningen giver en samlet oversigt over alle de godkendelses- og kontrolordninger, der er etableret i henhold til bygningsreglementerne, Dansk Ingeniørforenings normer og danske standarder, samt de benyttede mærkninger af byggevarer....

  6. Cultural minorities in Danish museums

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjørup, Søren


    Artikel om den forbløffende mangel på bevidsthed om minoriteter i danske museer, samt en diskussion af Dansk Jødisk Museum, specielt spillet mellem arkitekten Daniel Libeskinds koncept og museets egen meddelelse...

  7. Symposium on teacher stress. Occupational stress among vocational teachers. (United States)

    Pithers, R T; Fogarty, G J


    There is a widespread belief that work related stress among teachers is serious, with implications for teachers' health status and performance. The difficulty with interpreting data on teacher stress is that the measuring instruments used are often neither standardised nor sometimes focused on stressors pertinent to the occupational roles of teachers. This study, therefore, uses a recently developed test instrument called the Occupational Stress Inventory (OSI) which concisely measures occupational stress, strain and coping resources. Data were obtained, using the OSI, from a group of vocational teachers and compared to a group of professional non-teachers. Overall the results showed a significantly higher level of teacher stress, although only one of 10 stress and strain measures contributed to this effect. The implications for teachers, in terms of occupational role, are discussed.

  8. When does stress help or harm? The effects of stress controllability and subjective stress response on stroop performance. (United States)

    Henderson, Roselinde K; Snyder, Hannah R; Gupta, Tina; Banich, Marie T


    The ability to engage in goal-directed behavior despite exposure to stress is critical to resilience. Questions of how stress can impair or improve behavioral functioning are important in diverse settings, from athletic competitions to academic testing. Previous research suggests that controllability is a key factor in the impact of stress on behavior: learning how to control stressors buffers people from the negative effects of stress on subsequent cognitively demanding tasks. In addition, research suggests that the impact of stress on cognitive functioning depends on an individual's response to stressors: moderate responses to stress can lead to improved performance while extreme (high or low) responses can lead to impaired performance. The present studies tested the hypothesis that (1) learning to behaviorally control stressors leads to improved performance on a test of general executive functioning, the color-word Stroop, and that (2) this improvement emerges specifically for people who report moderate (subjective) responses to stress. Experiment 1: Stroop performance, measured before and after a stress manipulation, was compared across groups of undergraduate participants (n = 109). People who learned to control a noise stressor and received accurate performance feedback demonstrated reduced Stroop interference compared with people exposed to uncontrollable noise stress and feedback indicating an exaggerated rate of failure. In the group who learned behavioral control, those who reported moderate levels of stress showed the greatest reduction in Stroop interference. In contrast, in the group exposed to uncontrollable events, self-reported stress failed to predict performance. Experiment 2: In a second sample (n = 90), we specifically investigated the role of controllability by keeping the rate of failure feedback constant across groups. In the group who learned behavioral control, those who reported moderate levels of stress showed the greatest Stroop

  9. Coping with stress and by stress: Russian men and women talking about transition, stress and health. (United States)

    Pietilä, Ilkka; Rytkönen, Marja


    Several studies have claimed stress to be a major reason for poor public health in Russia and referred to significant social changes as a reason for the high level of perceived stress among Russians. This article aims to examine how stress and its relation to health are interpreted in the context of everyday life in Russian men's and women's interview talk with a focus on descriptions of recent social changes. The research material consists of 29 thematic interviews of men and women from St. Petersburg aged 15-81. In the analysis of contextual constructions of stress, we found that stress was used not only within a context of an individual's own life as an expression of a strained psycho-physiological state but also denoted larger societal processes and changes. In addition to individual experiences, the whole of Russian society was described as suffering from stress. Throughout the material, most interviewees, whilst outspokenly blaming stress for deteriorating physical health, met difficulties in making concrete these negative influences. Based on analysis, we interpret our interviewees' accounts of stress as a part of the cultural discourse wherein 'stress' serves as a conceptual tool in making interpretations about both the people and their social environment. Stress, as a concept, has emerged in a wide range of different institutional sites, such as the media and public health policy and has become a discursive entity of contemporary social life in Russia. We claim that it has simultaneously become an intermediary concept articulating a shared, cultural experience of the changes in Russian society and their effects on individuals' everyday life and health. Thus, the concept of stress helps people to articulate, make sensible, and cope with the impacts of transition on their individual lives.

  10. Stress Fractures (United States)

    Stress fractures Overview Stress fractures are tiny cracks in a bone. They're caused by repetitive force, often from overuse — such as repeatedly jumping up and down or running long distances. Stress fractures can also arise from normal use of ...

  11. Online community för finska resemarknaden : Case STA Travel Suomi


    Kantola, Jonas


    Facebook är världens största sociala nätverk. Idag befinner sig de flesta företag där och det är mycket svårt för ett enskilt företag att stå ut i mängden. STA Travel Suomi befin-ner sig också på Facebook men har haft svårt att få någonslags aktivitet samt anhängare på sidan. STA Travel är globalt den största resebyrån för unga samt studerande och franchisen öppnade i Finland i oktober 2011. Syftet med detta arbete är att redogöra hur STA Travel Suomi kunde förbättra sin online community på F...

  12. Varmeplan Danmark 2010

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyrelund, Anders; Fafner, Klaus; Ulbjerg, Flemming


    -overløbet reduceres med små 40 % ift. referencen (i et lukket system uden handel med el), hvilket i et åbent system med handel med el kan omsættes til en øget fortjeneste på i størrelsesordnen 50-100år. De konkrete tal skal tages med den usikkerhed denne type af analyser medfører, men selve konklusionen om...... række barrierer for at dette kan gennemføres, samt udarbejdet forslag til virkemidler til at imødegå disse. De foreslåede virkemidler spænder bredt i karakter, og inkluderer således både informative, restriktive samt økonomiske virkemidler. I den nuværende situation er påvirkningen af statskassen...

  13. Ledelse, læring og trivsel i folkeskolerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winter, Søren C.; Nielsen, Vibeke Lehmann; Rosdahl, Anders

    Denne rapport afdækker sammenhænge mellem ledelse og læring samt trivsel på de danske folkeskoler. Rapporten viser, at eleverne lærer mere på de skoler, hvor ledelsen har en lederuddannelse, har høj grad af autonomi, og hvor faglighed og teamarbejde vægtes højt. Også når der korrigeres for elevsa......Denne rapport afdækker sammenhænge mellem ledelse og læring samt trivsel på de danske folkeskoler. Rapporten viser, at eleverne lærer mere på de skoler, hvor ledelsen har en lederuddannelse, har høj grad af autonomi, og hvor faglighed og teamarbejde vægtes højt. Også når der korrigeres...

  14. Extraversion and cardiovascular responses to recurrent social stress: Effect of stress intensity. (United States)

    Lü, Wei; Xing, Wanying; Hughes, Brian M; Wang, Zhenhong


    The present study sought to establish whether the effects of extraversion on cardiovascular responses to recurrent social stress are contingent on stress intensity. A 2×5×1 mixed-factorial experiment was conducted, with social stress intensity as a between-subject variable, study phase as a within-subject variable, extraversion as a continuous independent variable, and cardiovascular parameter (HR, SBP, DBP, or RSA) as a dependent variable. Extraversion (NEO-FFI), subjective stress, and physiological stress were measured in 166 undergraduate students randomly assigned to undergo moderate (n=82) or high-intensity (n=84) social stress (a public speaking task with different levels of social evaluation). All participants underwent continuous physiological monitoring while facing two consecutive stress exposures distributed across five laboratory phases: baseline, stress exposure 1, post-stress 1, stress exposure 2, post-stress 2. Results indicated that under moderate-intensity social stress, participants higher on extraversion exhibited lesser HR reactivity to stress than participants lower on extraversion, while under high-intensity social stress, they exhibited greater HR, SBP, DBP and RSA reactivity. Under both moderate- and high-intensity social stress, participants higher on extraversion exhibited pronounced SBP and DBP response adaptation to repeated stress, and showed either better degree of HR recovery or greater amount of SBP and DBP recovery after stress. These findings suggest that individuals higher on extraversion exhibit physiological flexibility to cope with social challenges and benefit from adaptive cardiovascular responses. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Background Stress Inventory: Developing a Measure of Understudied Stress. (United States)

    Terrill, Alexandra L; Gjerde, Jill M; Garofalo, John P


    Background stress is an understudied source of stress that involves both ambient stress and daily hassles upon which new stressors are superimposed. To date, an accurate measure of the background stress construct has not been available. We developed the Background Stress Inventory, a 25-item self-report measure that asks respondents to indicate how distressed they have felt over the past month and the majority of the past year across five domains: financial, occupation, environment, health and social. Seven hundred seventy-two participants completed the paper-and-pencil measure; the sample was randomly split into two separate subsamples for analyses. Exploratory factor analysis suggested five factors corresponding to these domains, and confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable global fit (X(2)(255) = 456.47, comparative fit index = 0.94, root mean square error of approximation = 0.045). Cronbach's alpha (0.89) indicated good internal reliability. Construct validity analyses showed significant positive relationships with measures of perceived stressfulness (r = 0.62) and daily hassles (0.41), p's < 0.01. Depressive symptoms (0.62) and basal blood pressure (0.21) were both significantly associated with background stress, p's < 0.01. The importance of the proposed measure is reflected in the limited research base on the impact of background stress. Systematic investigation of this measure will provide insight into this understudied form of chronic stress and its potential influence on both psychological and physical endpoints. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  16. Stress and Health

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rod, Naja Hulvej


    and behavioral mechanisms. Stress is a complex concept and in order to better understand the relation between stress and health, the dissertation works with a clear distinction between the health consequences of different types of stress including external stressors, perceived stress, and measures of the stress......’s disease patients. Results The combined evidence of this dissertation shows a moderately higher risk of some common chronic disorders including cardiovascular disease and atopic disorders among individuals exposed to work-related stressors and perceived stress. Most empirical studies also report higher...... of pathways. The physiological stress response has the ability to directly affect vital body systems including the cardiovascular, immune, and metabolic systems. Further, stress can lead to unfavorable changes in health-related behavior, impaired sleep and poor mental health. An increasing number of well...

  17. Prediction of life stress on athletes' burnout: the dual role of perceived stress. (United States)

    Chyi, Theresa; Lu, Frank Jing-Horng; Wang, Erica T W; Hsu, Ya-Wen; Chang, Ko-Hsin


    Although many studies adopted Smith's (1986) cognitive-affective model of athletic burnout in examining stress-burnout relationship, very few studies examined the mediating/moderating role of perceived stress on the stress-burnout relationship. We sampled 195 college student-athletes and assessed their life stress, perceived stress, and burnout. Correlation analyses found all study variables correlated. Two separate hierarchical regression analyses found that the "distress" component of perceived stress mediated athletes' two types of life stress-burnout relationship but "counter-stress" component of perceived stress-moderated athletes' general-life stress-burnout relationship. We concluded that interweaving relationships among athletes' life stress, perceived stress, and burnout are not straightforward. Future research should consider the nature of athletes life stress, and dual role of perceived stress in examining its' association with related psychological responses in athletic settings.

  18. Crowdings betydning for antallet af tvangsfikseringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bak, Jesper; Nielsen, Lea Marie; Hæssum, Birte


    I denne artikel vil vi beskrive et par af resultaterne fra forskningsprojektet ”Mechanical restraint. Preventive Factors in Theory and Practice” samt et eksempel fra praksis om crowdings betydning for hvor meget der bliver tvangsfikseret....

  19. Learn to manage stress (United States)

    Stress - managing; Stress - recognizing; Stress - relaxation techniques ... LEARN TO RECOGNIZE STRESS The first step in managing stress is recognizing it in your life. Everyone feels stress in a different way. ...

  20. Evaluation of Stress and a Stress-Reduction Program Among Radiologic Technologists. (United States)

    Reingold, Lynn


    To investigate stress levels and causes of stress among radiologic technologists and determine whether an intervention could reduce stress in a selected radiologic technologist population. Demographic characteristics and data on preintervention stress sources and levels were collected through Internet-based questionnaires. A 6-week, self-administered, mindfulness-based stress-reduction program was conducted as a pilot intervention with 42 radiologic technologists from the Veterans Administration Medical Center. Data also were collected postintervention. Identified sources of stress were compared with findings from previous studies. Some radiologic technologists experienced improvement in their perceptions of stress after the intervention. Sources of stress for radiologic technologists were similar to those shown in earlier research, including inconsistent management, poor management communication, conflicting demands, long work hours, excessive workloads, lack of work breaks, and time pressures. The mindfulness-based stress-reduction program is an example of an inexpensive method that could improve personal well-being, reduce work errors, improve relationships in the workplace, and increase job satisfaction. More research is needed to determine the best type of intervention for stress reduction in a larger radiologic technologist population.

  1. Stress and Mood (United States)

    ... Relaxation Emotions & Relationships HealthyYouTXT Tools Home » Stress & Mood Stress & Mood Many people who go back to smoking ... story: Time Out Times 10 >> share What Causes Stress? Read full story: What Causes Stress? >> share The ...

  2. Repetitive Stress Injuries (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Repetitive Stress Injuries KidsHealth / For Teens / Repetitive Stress Injuries What's ... t had any problems since. What Are Repetitive Stress Injuries? Repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) are injuries that ...

  3. Sustainability of compressive residual stress by stress improvement processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishikawa, Satoru; Okita, Shigeru; Yamaguchi, Atsunori


    Stress improvement processes are countermeasures against stress corrosion cracking in nuclear power plant components. It is necessary to confirm whether compressive residual stress induced by stress improvement processes can be sustained under operation environment. In order to evaluate stability of the compressive residual stress in 60-year operating conditions, the 0.07% cyclic strains of 200 times at 593 K were applied to the welded specimens, then a thermal aging treatment for 1.66x10 6 s at 673 K was carried out. As the result, it was confirmed that the compressive residual stresses were sustained on both surfaces of the dissimilar welds of austenitic stainless steel (SUS316L) and nickel base alloy (NCF600 and alloy 182) processed by laser peening (LP), water jet peening (WJP), ultrasonic shot peening (USP), shot peening (SP) and polishing under 60-year operating conditions. (author)

  4. Life stress and mental disorders in the South African Stress and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Life stress and mental disorders in the South African Stress and Health study. ... Although stressful life events (SLEs) are associated with psychopathology, the ... life stress and sociodemographic predictors of 12-month and lifetime disorder.

  5. To stress or not to stress: a question of models. (United States)

    Gray, J Megan; Chaouloff, Francis; Hill, Matthew N


    Stress research is a rapidly evolving field that encompasses numerous disciplines ranging from neuroscience to metabolism. With many new researchers migrating into the field, navigating the hows and whys of specific research questions can sometimes be enigmatic given the availability of so many models in the stress field. Additionally, as with every field, there are many seemingly minor experimental details that can have dramatic influences on data interpretation, although many of these are unknown to those not familiar with the field. The aim of this overview is to provide some suggestions and points to guide researchers moving into the stress field and highlight relevant methodological points that they should consider when choosing a model for stress and deciding how to structure a study. We briefly provide a primer on the basics of endpoint measurements in the stress field, factors to consider when choosing a model for acute stress, the difference between repeated and chronic stress, and importantly, influencing variables that modulate endpoints of analysis in stress work. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  6. Stress og insomni

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jennum, Poul; Zachariae, Bobby


    Insomnia and stress are two conditions, which are strongly associated and appear to be pathophysiologically integrated: the occurrence of stress increases the risk of insomnia, insomnia exacerbates stress, and coexistence of both factors has a negative influence on their prognosis. Stress...

  7. The relative impact of work-related stress, life stress and driving environment stress on driving outcomes. (United States)

    Rowden, Peter; Matthews, Gerald; Watson, Barry; Biggs, Herbert


    Previous research has shown the association between stress and crash involvement. The impact of stress on road safety may also be mediated by behaviours including cognitive lapses, errors, and intentional traffic violations. This study aimed to provide a further understanding of the impact that stress from different sources may have upon driving behaviour and road safety. It is asserted that both stress extraneous to the driving environment and stress directly elicited by driving must be considered part of a dynamic system that may have a negative impact on driving behaviours. Two hundred and forty-seven public sector employees from Queensland, Australia, completed self-report measures examining demographics, subjective work-related stress, daily hassles, and aspects of general mental health. Additionally, the Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) and the Driver Stress Inventory (DSI) were administered. All participants drove for work purposes regularly, however the study did not specifically focus on full-time professional drivers. Confirmatory factor analysis of the predictor variables revealed three factors: DSI negative affect; DSI risk taking; and extraneous influences (daily hassles, work-related stress, and general mental health). Moderate intercorrelations were found between each of these factors confirming the 'spillover' effect. That is, driver stress is reciprocally related to stress in other domains including work and domestic life. Structural equation modelling (SEM) showed that the DSI negative affect factor influenced both lapses and errors, whereas the DSI risk-taking factor was the strongest influence on violations. The SEMs also confirmed that daily hassles extraneous to the driving environment may influence DBQ lapses and violations independently. Accordingly, interventions may be developed to increase driver awareness of the dangers of excessive emotional responses to both driving events and daily hassles (e.g. driving fast to 'blow off steam

  8. Work Stress


    Roeters, Anne


    Most of us agree that stress is a growing problem within organizations. We hear about the postal workers who had killed fellow employees and supervisors, and then hear that a major cause of tension is at work. Friends tell us that they are stressed due to increased workload and he has to work overtime because the company is restructured. We read the polls that employees complain about the stress in trying to balance family life with the work. Stress is a dynamic condition in which an individu...

  9. Stress (United States)

    ... taking care of an aging parent. With mental stress, the body pumps out hormones to no avail. Neither fighting ... with type 1 diabetes. This difference makes sense. Stress blocks the body from releasing insulin in people with type 2 ...

  10. is through our senses that we can understand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thurlbourne, Chris


    Rapporten indeholder det umiddelbart tilgængelige resultat af prisopgaven. Dels 14 artikler skrevet af lærere og erhvervslivet til et introduktionsseminar for deltagere i prisopgaven og dels de studerendes opgavebesvarelser samt dommerbetænkningerne...

  11. Introduktion til Modul 12 på Ergoterapeutuddannelsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Fungerer som de studerendes forberedelse til introduktionen, samt til at arbejde interaktivt. De studerende arbejder interaktivt i de 3 lektioner som undervisningen forløber over, mhp. at inddrage de studerende i viden om modulets indhold....

  12. Emma Bentz: I stadens skugga. Den medeltida landsbygden som arkeologiskt forskningsfält

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Mette Svart


    Anmeldelse af doktordisputats, Lunds Universitet. Afhandlingen omhandler etableringen af den middelalderlige landbebyggelse som arkæologisk forskningsfelt fra 1930érne til i dag samt etableringen og vedligeholdelsen af et forskningsfelt indenfor den humanistiske videnskab....

  13. Stress revisited: A critical evaluation of the stress concept

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koolhaas, J.M.; Bartolomucci, A.; Buwalda, B.; de Boer, S.F.; Flügge, G.; Korte, S.M.; Meerloo, P.; Murison, R.; Olivier, B.; Palanza, P.; Richter-Levin, G.; Sgoifo, A.; Steimer, T.; Stiedl, O.; van Dijk, G.; Wöhr, M.; Fuchs, E.


    With the steadily increasing number of publications in the field of stress research it has become evident that the conventional usage of the stress concept bears considerable problems. The use of the term 'stress' to conditions ranging from even the mildest challenging stimulation to severely

  14. Stress revisited : a critical evaluation of the stress concept

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koolhaas, J.M.; Bartolomucci, A; Buwalda, B; Flügge, G; de Boer, Sietse; Korte, S M; Meerlo, P; Murison, R; Olivier, B; Palanza, P; Richter-Levin, G; Sgoifo, A; Steimer, T; Stiedl, O; van Dijk, G; Wöhr, M; Fuchs, E


    With the steadily increasing number of publications in the field of stress research it has become evident that the conventional usage of the stress concept bears considerable problems. The use of the term 'stress' to conditions ranging from even the mildest challenging stimulation to severely

  15. Minority Stress and Stress Proliferation Among Same-Sex and Other Marginalized Couples. (United States)

    LeBlanc, Allen J; Frost, David M; Wight, Richard G


    Drawing from 2 largely isolated approaches to the study of social stress-stress proliferation and minority stress-the authors theorize about stress and mental health among same-sex couples. With this integrated stress framework, they hypothesized that couple-level minority stressors may be experienced by individual partners and jointly by couples as a result of the stigmatized status of their same-sex relationship-a novel concept. They also consider dyadic minority stress processes, which result from the relational experience of individual-level minority stressors between partners. Because this framework includes stressors emanating from both status- (e.g., sexual minority) and role-based (e.g., partner) stress domains, it facilitates the study of stress proliferation linking minority stress (e.g., discrimination), more commonly experienced relational stress (e.g., conflict), and mental health. This framework can be applied to the study of stress and health among other marginalized couples, such as interracial/ethnic, interfaith, and age-discrepant couples.

  16. Neuromuscular Stress. (United States)

    White, Timothy P.; Kern, Marialice


    Discusses exercise-induced stress that results from motor unit recruitment, the impact of recruitment on selected systemic support systems, and some of the environmental overlays that affect the degree of physiological stress. Adaptations to sustained changes in physical activity and muscle and myotendinous injury induced by stress are examined.…

  17. Stress strain tensors with their application to x-ray stress measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurita, Masanori


    This paper describes in detail the method of obtaining the formulas of stress-strain tensor that express the directional dependence of stress-strain, that is, how these values change in response to coordinate transformation, and clarifies the preconditions for supporting both formulas. The two conversion formulas are both the second order of tensor, and the formula of strain tensor not only does not use the relational expression of stress and strain at all, but also is obtained completely independently of the formula of stress tensor. Except for the condition that the strain is very small (elastic deformation) in the conversion formula of strain, both formulas unconditionally come into effect. In other words, both formulas hold true even in the isotropic elastic body or anisotropic elastic body. It was shown that the conversion formula of strain can be derived from the conversion formula of stress using the formula of Hooke for isotropic elastic body. From these three-dimensional expressions, the two-dimensional stress-strain coordinate conversion formula that is used for Mohr's stress-strain circle was derived. It was shown that these formulas hold true for three-dimensional stress condition with stress-strain components in the three-axial direction that are not plane stress nor plane strain condition. In addition, as an application case of this theory, two-dimensional and three-dimensional X-ray stress measurements that are effective for residual stress measurement were shown. (A.O.)

  18. Rock stress investigations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pahl, A.; Heusermann, St.; Braeuer, V.; Gloeggler, W.


    On the research project 'Rock Stress Mesurements' the BGR has developed and tested several methods for use in boreholes at a depth of 200 m. Indirect stress measurements using overcoring methods with BGR-probes and CSIR-triaxial cells as well as direct stress measurements using the hydraulic-fracturing method were made. To determine in-situ rock deformation behavior borehole deformation tests, using a BGR-dilatometer, were performed. Two types of the BGR-probe were applied: a four-component-probe to determine horizontal stresses and a five-component-probe to determine a quasi three-dimensional stress field. The first time a computer for data processing was installed in the borehole together with the BGR-probe. Laboratory tests on low cylinders were made to study the stress-deformation behavior. To validate and to interprete the measurement results some test methods were modelled using the finite-element method. The dilatometer-tests yielded high values of Young's modulus, whereas laboratory tests showed lower values with a distinct deformation anisotropy. Stress measurements with the BGR-probe yielded horizontal stresses being higher than the theoretical overburden pressure. These results are comparable to the results of the hydraulic fracturing tests, whereas stresses obtained with CSIR-triaxial cells are lower. The detailed geological mapping of the borehole indicated relationships between stress and geology. With regard to borehole depth different zones of rock structure joint frequency, joint orientation, and orientation of microfissures as well as stress magnitude, stress direction, and degree of deformation anisotropy could be distinguished. (author) 4 tabs., 76 figs., 31 refs

  19. Pad stress tests with increasing load for the diagnosis of stress urinary incontinence. (United States)

    Rimstad, Liv; Larsen, Elsa Skjønhaug; Schiøtz, Hjalmar A; Kulseng-Hanssen, Sigurd


    The aim of the study was to test the ability of pad stress tests with increasing load (supine, jumping on the floor, and jumping on a trampoline) to document stress incontinence in subjectively stress incontinent women. In this prospective study 147 subjectively stress and mixed incontinent women performed consecutively the three pad stress tests with a bladder volume of 300 ml. Nineteen women performed a second trampoline pad stress test to test repeatability of the test. Nine continent women performed a trampoline pad stress test in order to determine if subjectively continent women would leak during the test. Seventy-two women (49%) leaked during the supine, 136 (93%) leaked during the jumping, and 146 (99%) leaked during the trampoline pad stress test. The differences between pad stress tests were significant with P trampoline pad stress tests was high at 0.8. None of the nine continent women leaked during the trampoline pad stress test. The supine pad stress test has low sensitivity and is therefore often falsely negative. The jumping pad stress test is a simple test to perform and is satisfactory for everyday use. Subjectively stress incontinent women who do not leak during the jumping pad stress test may perform a trampoline pad stress test to document stress incontinence. The trampoline pad stress test is also simple to perform and detected leakage in 91% of the women who did not leak during the jumping pad stress test. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Interoception and Stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André eSchulz


    Full Text Available Afferent neural signals are continuously transmitted from visceral organs to the brain. Interoception refers to the processing of visceral-afferent neural signals by the central nervous system, which can finally result in the conscious perception of bodily processes. Interoception can, therefore, be described as a prominent example of information processing on the ascending branch of the brain-body axis. Stress responses involve a complex neuro-behavioral cascade, which is elicited when the organism is confronted with a potentially harmful stimulus. As this stress cascade comprises a range of neural and endocrine pathways, stress can be conceptualized as a communication process on the descending branch of the brain-body axis. Interoception and stress are, therefore, associated via the bi-directional transmission of information on the brain-body axis. It could be argued that excessive and/or enduring activation (e.g. by acute or chronic stress of neural circuits, which are responsible for successful communication on the brain-body axis, induces malfunction and dysregulation of these information processes. As a consequence, interoceptive signal processing may be altered, resulting in physical symptoms contributing to the development and/or maintenance of body-related mental disorders, which are associated with stress. In the current paper, we summarize findings on psychobiological processes underlying acute and chronic stress and their interaction with interoception. While focusing on the role of the physiological stress axes (HPA axis and autonomic nervous system, psychological factors in acute and chronic stress are also discussed. We propose a feed-forward model involving stress (in particular early life or chronic stress, as well as major adverse events, the dysregulation of physiological stress axes, altered perception of bodily sensations, and the generation of physical symptoms, which may in turn facilitate stress.

  1. Stress og aldring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Anders; Jørgensen, Martin Balslev; Poulsen, Henrik Enghusen


    Accumulating evidence supports the popular notion that psychological stress states may accelerate aging. Stress has been shown to influence cellular systems known to be involved in the aging process. Furthermore, stress is associated with an increased risk of various age-related medical disorders....... These effects are likely mediated by the secretion of stress hormones. In this short review we focus on biochemical and epidemiological evidence for a link between stress and aging....

  2. Occupational role stress is associated with higher cortisol reactivity to acute stress. (United States)

    Wirtz, Petra H; Ehlert, Ulrike; Kottwitz, Maria U; La Marca, Roberto; Semmer, Norbert K


    We investigated whether occupational role stress is associated with differential levels of the stress hormone cortisol in response to acute psychosocial stress. Forty-three medication-free nonsmoking men aged between 22 and 65 years (mean ± SEM: 44.5 ± 2) underwent an acute standardized psychosocial stress task combining public speaking and mental arithmetic in front of an audience. We assessed occupational role stress in terms of role conflict and role ambiguity (combined into a measure of role uncertainty) as well as further work characteristics and psychological control variables including time pressure, overcommitment, perfectionism, and stress appraisal. Moreover, we repeatedly measured salivary cortisol and blood pressure levels before and after stress exposure, and several times up to 60 min thereafter. Higher role uncertainty was associated with a more pronounced cortisol stress reactivity (p = .016), even when controlling for the full set of potential confounders (p stress reactivity was not associated with role uncertainty. Our findings suggest that occupational role stress in terms of role uncertainty acts as a background stressor that is associated with increased HPA-axis reactivity to acute stress. This finding may represent a potential mechanism regarding how occupational role stress may precipitate adverse health outcomes.

  3. Neuroepigenetics of stress. (United States)

    Griffiths, B B; Hunter, R G


    Stress, a common if unpredictable life event, can have pronounced effects on physiology and behavior. Individuals show wide variation in stress susceptibility and resilience, which are only partially explained by variations in coding genes. Developmental programing of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal stress axis provides part of the explanation for this variance. Epigenetic approaches have successfully helped fill the explanatory gaps between the influences of gene and environment on stress responsiveness, and differences in the sequelae of stress across individuals and generations. Stress and the stress axis interacts bi-directionally with epigenetic marks within the brain. It is now clear that exposure to stress, particularly in early life, has both acute and lasting effects on these marks. They in turn influence cognitive function and behavior, as well as the risk for suicide and psychiatric disorders across the lifespan and, in some cases, unto future generations. Copyright © 2014 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Effect of applied stress on the compressive residual stress introduced by laser peening

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sumiya, Rie; Tazawa, Toshiyuki; Narazaki, Chihiro; Saito, Toshiyuki; Kishimoto, Kikuo


    Peening is the process which is able to be generated compressive residual stress and is known to be effective for preventing SCC initiation and improvement of fatigue strength. Laser peening is used for the nuclear power plant components in order to prevent SCC initiation. Although it is reported that the compressive residual stress decreases due to applied stresses under general operating condition, the change of residual stress might be large under excessive loading such as an earthquake. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the relaxation behavior of the compressive residual stress due to laser peening and to confirm the surface residual stress after loading. Therefore laser peened round bar test specimens of SUS316L which is used for the reactor internals of nuclear power plant were loaded at room temperature and elevated temperature and then surface residual stresses were measured by X-ray diffraction method. In the results of this test, it was confirmed that the compressive residual stress remained after applying uniform stress larger than 0.2% proof stress, and the effect of cyclic loading on the residual stress was small. The effect of applying compressive stress on the residual stress relaxation was confirmed to be less than that of applying tensile stress. Plastic deformation through a whole cross section causes the change in the residual stress distribution. As a result, the surface compressive residual stress is released. It was shown that the effect of specimen size on residual stress relaxation and the residual stress relaxation behavior in the stress concentration region can be explained by assumed stress relaxation mechanism. (author)

  5. Projekt Sundterm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toft, Birthe


    terminologisk konsistent dansk klinisk terminologi, der accepteres af sundhedssektorens praktikere. Forfatteren er tilknyttet projektet som ekstern terminologikonsulent og beskriver i artiklen blandt andet arbejdet i projektets redaktionsgruppe, der godkender den oversatte terminologi samt fastlægger de...

  6. Sound Settlements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Peder Duelund; Hornyanszky, Elisabeth Dalholm; Larsen, Jacob Norvig


    Præsentation af projektresultater fra Interreg forskningen Sound Settlements om udvikling af bæredygtighed i det almene boligbyggerier i København, Malmø, Helsingborg og Lund samt europæiske eksempler på best practice...

  7. At Måle Arkitektur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ventzel Riis, Nina


    Artiklen er en mere eller mindre personlig beretning om, hvorfor undertegnede har valgt den aktuelle uddannelse samt en beskrivelse af hvorfor dette valg er endt med en forskeruddannelse. Artiklen beskriver inspirationskilder og tanker bag de foretagede valg....

  8. Spansk kommunikation. - Supplerende materiale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ambjørn, Lone

    Kompendiet indeholder afsnit om lydlære, skriftlig kommunikation, læring om sproglig læring samt IT i spansk kommunikation, herunder afsnit om netværksstøttet læring i Campusnet. (Ej kompilering)....

  9. Vitalisering og lærerarbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Lisbeth Angela Lunde

    Melanie Kleins objektrelationsteori. De empiriske analyser i afhandlingen omfatter undervisningspraksis, vitaliseringsmåder ud fra et selvpsykologisk og et objektrelationsteoretisk perspektiv, forholdet mellem vitaliseringsmåder og mulighederne for anerkendelse i det konkrete arbejde samt forholdet mellem...

  10. Madkultur i skolen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brock, Steen; Christensen, Anne-Marie Søndergaard


    Artiklen belyser etiske problemstillinger omkrig dette at spise i skoletiden, på baggrund af Jürgen Habermas og Ludwig Wittgensteins respektive moralopfattelser. I særlig grad tematiseres forholdet mellem medborgerskab og verdensborgerskab, samt etikkens eksistentielle dimensioner...

  11. When does stress help or harm? The effects of stress controllability and subjective stress response on Stroop performance.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roselinde Kaiser Henderson


    Full Text Available The ability to engage in goal-directed behavior despite exposure to stress is critical to resilience. Questions of how stress can impair or improve behavioral functioning are important in diverse settings, from athletic competitions to academic testing to clinical therapy. Previous research suggests that controllability is a key factor in the impact of stress on behavior: learning how to control stressors buffers people from the negative effects of stress on subsequent cognitively demanding tasks. In addition, research suggests that the impact of stress on cognitive functioning depends on an individual’s response to stressors: moderate responses to stress can lead to improved performance while extreme (high or low responses can lead to impaired performance. The present studies tested the hypothesis that 1 learning to behaviorally control stressors leads to improved performance on a test of general executive functioning, the color-word Stroop, and that 2 this improvement emerges specifically for people who report moderate (subjective responses to stress. Experiment 1: Stroop performance, measured before and after a stress manipulation, was compared across groups of undergraduate participants (n=109. People who learned to control a noise stressor and received accurate performance feedback demonstrated reduced Stroop interference compared with people exposed to uncontrollable noise stress and feedback indicating an exaggerated rate of failure. In the group who learned behavioral control, those who reported moderate levels of stress showed the greatest reduction in Stroop interference. In contrast, in the group exposed to uncontrollable events, self-reported stress failed to predict performance. Experiment 2: In a second sample (n=90, we specifically investigated the role of controllability by keeping the rate of failure feedback constant across groups. In the group who learned behavioral control, those who reported moderate levels of stress

  12. Impact of chronic maternal stress during early gestation on maternal-fetal stress transfer and fetal stress sensitivity in sheep. (United States)

    Dreiling, Michelle; Schiffner, Rene; Bischoff, Sabine; Rupprecht, Sven; Kroegel, Nasim; Schubert, Harald; Witte, Otto W; Schwab, Matthias; Rakers, Florian


    Acute stress-induced reduction of uterine blood flow (UBF) is an indirect mechanism of maternal-fetal stress transfer during late gestation. Effects of chronic psychosocial maternal stress (CMS) during early gestation, as may be experienced by many working women, on this stress signaling mechanism are unclear. We hypothesized that CMS in sheep during early gestation augments later acute stress-induced decreases of UBF, and aggravates the fetal hormonal, cardiovascular, and metabolic stress responses during later development. Six pregnant ewes underwent repeated isolation stress (CMS) between 30 and 100 days of gestation (dGA, term: 150 dGA) and seven pregnant ewes served as controls. At 110 dGA, ewes were chronically instrumented and underwent acute isolation stress. The acute stress decreased UBF by 19% in both the CMS and control groups (p stress-induced cortisol and norepinephrine concentrations indicating a hyperactive hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis and sympathetic-adrenal-medullary system. Increased fetal norepinephrine is endogenous as maternal catecholamines do not cross the placenta. Cortisol in the control but not in the CMS fetuses was correlated with maternal cortisol blood concentrations; these findings indicate: (1) no increased maternal-fetal cortisol transfer with CMS, (2) cortisol production in CMS fetuses when the HPA-axis is normally inactive, due to early maturation of the fetal HPA-axis. CMS fetuses were better oxygenated, without shift towards acidosis compared to the controls, potentially reflecting adaptation to repeated stress. Hence, CMS enhances maternal-fetal stress transfer by prolonged reduction in UBF and increased fetal HPA responsiveness.

  13. In stressful company – Changes in stress and work ties over time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waldstrøm, Christian; Parker, Andrew; Shah, Neha P.

    Recent research on stress and burnout has highlighted the collective aspects of stress symptoms, perceived stress, and coping mechanisms. Much of this work, however, is focused on group and team dynamics rather than how network factors shape individuals’ feelings of stress and burnout. We use...... a stress questionnaire and social network analysis at three time points in a Scandinavian biotechnology company to examine the interactions between stress and relationship development and maintenance over time. We show that individuals tend to form and maintain ties to people who are less stressed than...... they are, indicating that while misery might love company, stress does not. Given the longitudinal nature of the study, we’re able to disentangle the causal effects....

  14. Stressed Out: How Stress Develops and How to Cope with it

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mortillaro Marcello


    Full Text Available Our experience of stress depends on how we evaluate the circumstances impacting our individual well-being. In principle, any event can be a stressor. Certain events can produce complex emotional states, such as a mixture of anger and worry. If such states are prolonged, they can lead to stress. Stress can be identified by means of such expressive components as facial expression and signs of stress in the voice. Indeed, the voice is particularly sensitive to stress and is frequently used to measure stress levels. Coping strategies differ from person to person and are not mutually exclusive. Often, people use multiple strategies at the same time. Not all of these strategies are good for individual well-being or favor a cooperation-based work culture. To avoid employee burnout, companies should keep an eye on the stress load of their employees and develop trainings to increase emotional competences and improve constructive stress management.

  15. Geopotential Stress

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schiffer, Christian; Nielsen, S.B.

    Density heterogeneity in the Earth’s lithosphere causes lateral pressure variations. Horizontal gradients of the vertically integrated lithostatic pressure, the Geopotential Energy (GPE), are a source of stresses (Geopotential Stress) that contribute to the Earth’s Stress Field. In theory the GPE...... is linearly related to the lithospheric part of the Geoid. The Geopotential Stress can be calculated if either the density structure and as a consequence the GPE or the lithospheric contribution to the Geoid is known. The lithospheric Geoid is usually obtained by short pass filtering of satellite Geoid...... are not entirely suitable for the stress calculations but can be compiled and adjusted. We present an approach in which a global lithospheric density model based on CRUST2.0 is obtained by simultaneously fitting topography and surface heat flow in the presence of isostatic compensation and long-wavelength lateral...

  16. [Stress in surgeries]. (United States)

    Daian, Márcia Rodrigues; Petroianu, Andy; Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo; Jeunon, Ester Eliane


    The purpose of this article was to provide the literature regarding the psychological stress in the peri-operative period of adult patients undergoing operations under general anesthesia. The articles were obtained by surveying the papers published and catalogued in the Medline Pubmed interface database, Lilacs and the Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS) since 1984, crossing the headings stress, surgery, general anesthesia, psychology. Over 800 articles related to stress and surgery were analyzed with regards to their relevance to the considered subject. Eighteen articles were related to psychological stress. Their results confirmed the presence of psychological and physical stress, during the peri-operative period as well as relation between stress and de clinical post-operative recovery. There is a gap regarding in the peri-operative period. More studies on psychological influence on stress may benefit patients and help professionals during the surgical treatment.

  17. New Religions and Globalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogen er en antologi af bidrag fra en konference under Research Network on New Religions (RENNER). Med bidrag fra specialister i nye religioner og globalisering fra hele verden introduceres empiriske resultater samt teoretiske og metodiske reflektioner over emnet....

  18. Forskning i arbejdsmiljømodeller i dansk sammenhæng

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kjeld

    Med udgangspunkti jobstrainmodellen (Karasek og Theorell 1990)og Scheins organisationskulturbegreb (1994) samt et gennemført casestudium inden for en voksenhandicaporganisation, opstilles en ny model til beskrivelse og analyse af arbejdsmiljøforhold for alle personalegrupper, ansat inden...

  19. The Yeast Environmental Stress Response Regulates Mutagenesis Induced by Proteotoxic Stress (United States)

    Shor, Erika; Fox, Catherine A.; Broach, James R.


    Conditions of chronic stress are associated with genetic instability in many organisms, but the roles of stress responses in mutagenesis have so far been elucidated only in bacteria. Here, we present data demonstrating that the environmental stress response (ESR) in yeast functions in mutagenesis induced by proteotoxic stress. We show that the drug canavanine causes proteotoxic stress, activates the ESR, and induces mutagenesis at several loci in an ESR-dependent manner. Canavanine-induced mutagenesis also involves translesion DNA polymerases Rev1 and Polζ and non-homologous end joining factor Ku. Furthermore, under conditions of chronic sub-lethal canavanine stress, deletions of Rev1, Polζ, and Ku-encoding genes exhibit genetic interactions with ESR mutants indicative of ESR regulating these mutagenic DNA repair processes. Analyses of mutagenesis induced by several different stresses showed that the ESR specifically modulates mutagenesis induced by proteotoxic stress. Together, these results document the first known example of an involvement of a eukaryotic stress response pathway in mutagenesis and have important implications for mechanisms of evolution, carcinogenesis, and emergence of drug-resistant pathogens and chemotherapy-resistant tumors. PMID:23935537

  20. Oxidative stress associated with exercise, psychological stress and life-style factors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, P; Wallin, H; Knudsen, Lisbeth E.


    generation. Here, we review the effect of alcohol, air pollution, cigarette smoke, diet, exercise, non-ionizing radiation (UV and microwaves) and psychological stress on the development of oxidative stress. Regular exercise and carbohydrate-rich diets seem to increase the resistance against oxidative stress....... Air pollution, alcohol, cigarette smoke, non-ionizing radiation and psychological stress seem to increase oxidative stress. Alcohol in lower doses may act as an antioxidant on low density lipoproteins and thereby have an anti-atherosclerotic property....

  1. A Molecular Web: Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Namrata eChaudhari


    Full Text Available Execution of fundamental cellular functions demands regulated protein folding homeostasis. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER is an active organelle existing to implement this function by folding and modifying secretory and membrane proteins. Loss of protein folding homeostasis is central to various diseases and budding evidences suggest ER stress as being a major contributor in the development or pathology of a diseased state besides other cellular stresses. The trigger for diseases may be diverse but, inflammation and/or ER stress may be basic mechanisms increasing the severity or complicating the condition of the disease. Chronic ER stress and activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR through endogenous or exogenous insults may result in impaired calcium and redox homeostasis, oxidative stress via protein overload thereby also influencing vital mitochondrial functions. Calcium released from the ER augments the production of mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS. Toxic accumulation of ROS within ER and mitochondria disturb fundamental organelle functions. Sustained ER stress is known to potentially elicit inflammatory responses via UPR pathways. Additionally, ROS generated through inflammation or mitochondrial dysfunction could accelerate ER malfunction. Dysfunctional UPR pathways has been associated with a wide range of diseases including several neurodegenerative diseases, stroke, metabolic disorders, cancer, inflammatory disease, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and others. In this review we have discussed the UPR signaling pathways, and networking between ER stress induced inflammatory pathways, oxidative stress and mitochondrial signaling events which further induce or exacerbate ER stress.

  2. Benchmarking for controllere: metoder, teknikker og muligheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bukh, Per Nikolaj; Sandalgaard, Niels Erik; Dietrichson, Lars Grubbe


    Benchmarking indgår på mange måder i både private og offentlige virksomheders ledelsespraksis. I økonomistyring anvendes benchmark-baserede indikatorer (eller nøgletal), eksempelvis ved fastlæggelse af mål i resultatkontrakter eller for at angive det ønskede niveau for visse nøgletal i et Balanced...... Scorecard eller tilsvarende målstyringsmodeller. Artiklen redegør for begrebet benchmarking ved at præsentere og diskutere forskellige facetter af det, samt redegør for fire forskellige anvendelser af benchmarking for at vise begrebets bredde og væsentligheden af at klarlægge formålet med et...... benchmarkingprojekt. Dernæst bliver forskellen på resultatbenchmarking og procesbenchmarking behandlet, hvorefter brugen af intern hhv. ekstern benchmarking, samt brugen af benchmarking i budgetlægning og budgetopfølgning, behandles....

  3. Tilblivelsen af det ny nordiske køkken

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, John Damm; Nickelsen, Niels Christian


    Denne artikel er en analyse af en organisatorisk transformations indledende fase. Konkret den fase, hvor en institutionel entreprenør undfanger en idé, der bryder med eksisterende logikker i et organisatorisk felt og derved skaber et potentiale for forandring ved at udfordre eksisterende logikker...... institutionel entreprenør kan initiere forandring i et organisatorisk felt, samt en afprøvning af et begrebsapparat opstillet af Svejenova et al. (2007). Analysen knytter an til agens/struktur problematikken. Hvor neo-institutionelle analyser samt andre sociologisk orienterede analyser enten undereksponerer....... Analysens gennemgående empiriske forankringspunt er det gastronomiske felt i Danmark og i Norden og mere specifikt; kokken og entreprenøren Claus Meyers ambitioner om at virkeliggøre en madpolitisk vision. Artiklens teoretiske bidrag er en begrebsliggørelse, præcisering og nuancering af, hvordan en...

  4. Stress and Cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffer, Johansen,; Sørensen, Ivalu; Lim Høeg, Beverly


    The role of stress in relation to cancer remains controversial. Stress is assumed to be an emerging public health problem in modern society. Still, we argue that it is relevant to view the role of stress in cancer from a scientific point of view. A critical overview of existing evidence...... is presented through previous review studies, and the importance of methodological challenges is highlighted. We summarize the evidence on the role of stress as a cause of cancer, on the impact of stress on cancer prognosis, and on how coping mechanisms may influence stress levels in cancer patients. Finally......, we describe the evidence on interventions to relieve stress in cancer patients for the purpose of improving both well-being and cancer prognosis. Against public opinion, we critically dismiss the evidence on psychotherapy as a tool to prolong life after cancer as inconsistent and unresolved....

  5. Minority Stress and Stress Proliferation Among Same-Sex and Other Marginalized Couples (United States)

    LeBlanc, Allen J.; Frost, David M.; Wight, Richard G.


    Drawing from 2 largely isolated approaches to the study of social stress—stress proliferation and minority stress—the authors theorize about stress and mental health among same-sex couples. With this integrated stress framework, they hypothesized that couple-level minority stressors may be experienced by individual partners and jointly by couples as a result of the stigmatized status of their same-sex relationship—a novel concept. They also consider dyadic minority stress processes, which result from the relational experience of individual-level minority stressors between partners. Because this framework includes stressors emanating from both status- (e.g., sexual minority) and role-based (e.g., partner) stress domains, it facilitates the study of stress proliferation linking minority stress (e.g., discrimination), more commonly experienced relational stress (e.g., conflict), and mental health. This framework can be applied to the study of stress and health among other marginalized couples, such as interracial/ethnic, interfaith, and age-discrepant couples. PMID:25663713

  6. Faktiske tekster 2. udgave

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fibiger, Johannes; Lorentzen, Rasmus Fink; Iversen, Gurli Bjørn

    Artiklen redegør for udbredelsen af netbårne multimodale tekster som fx hjemmesider, tweets og wikis. i forlængelse heraf introduceres en kommunikationskritisk kompetence samt en udvidet kokmmunikationsmodel som danskgfaglige analyseredskaber. Afslutningsvis perspektiveres der til underviserens...

  7. Praksisudvikling og respektproduktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørck, Line Lerche; Elholm, Nynne; Jensen, Silla


    Dette kapitel har form som en casebaseret refleksion over arbejdet med praksisudvikling og respektproduktion på en produktionsskolelinje kaldet Kulturcoach, samt teori udvikling og empiribaseret diskussion af anerkendelses-processer forstået som positiv interpellation. Danmark har 79 produktionss...

  8. Innovative Product Development Processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Leif; Gayretli, Ahmet


    Kapitlet adresserer specifikke problemer ved at gennemføre produktudviklingsprocesser i organisationen. Ineffektiv projektledelse og konflikthåndtering, øget produkt kompleksitet samt mangelfulde metoder i arbejdsprocesserne medfører problemer ved at gennemføre en succesfuld markedsintroduktion. ...

  9. Skoling af lyst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerg, Helle


    På baggrund af interview med tre elevgenerationer fremanalyseres skolens virkningsfuldhed i skoling af lyst i et historisk perspektiv. I afhandlingen udvikles to teoretisk-analytiske optikker: Skolen som ideologisk rum - med inspiration fra Slavoj Zizeks ideologikritik, samt Skolen som affektivt...

  10. Betonkrav og praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, E.

    Publikationen giver en historisk gennemgang af danske betonkrav, dansk projektering- og udførelsespraksis samt eksisterende viden om betons holdbarhed. Stoffet er belyst med eksempler fra skadesager, og det beskrives, hvordan holdbarhedskrav er blevet opfattet på forskellige tidsspunkter....

  11. At skabe et billede af sig selv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fausing, Bent


    Om selfier, deres opståen, dere æstetik, deres funktion. Herunder er begreber som anerkendelse og selv-respektv samt selvets dannelse cenrale for fremstillingen. Desuden er den generell visuelle drejning i de sociale medier taget med in emnebehandlingen....

  12. Psychophysiological responses to stress after stress management training in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sabine J M de Brouwer

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Stress management interventions may prove useful in preventing the detrimental effects of stress on health. This study assessed the effects of a stress management intervention on the psychophysiological response to stress in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA. METHODS: Seventy-four patients with RA, who were randomly assigned to either a control group or a group that received short-term stress management training, performed a standardized psychosocial stress task (Trier Social Stress Test; TSST 1 week after the stress management training and at a 9-week follow-up. Psychological and physical functioning, and the acute psychophysiological response to the stress test were assessed. RESULTS: Patients in the intervention group showed significantly lower psychological distress levels of anxiety after the training than did the controls. While there were no between-group differences in stress-induced tension levels, and autonomic (α-amylase or endocrine (cortisol responses to the stress test 1 week after the intervention, levels of stress-induced tension and cortisol were significantly lower in the intervention group at the 9-week follow-up. Overall, the response to the intervention was particularly evident in a subgroup of patients with a psychological risk profile. CONCLUSION: A relatively short stress management intervention can improve psychological functioning and influences the psychophysiological response to stress in patients with RA, particularly those psychologically at risk. These findings might help understand how stress can affect health and the role of individual differences in stress responsiveness. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NTR1193.

  13. Neuropeptide Y and Stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Murat Gulsun


    Full Text Available The neurobiological aspects of stress and coping skills has been the focus of interest for many researchers. Some of the studies has shown that there is a significant relationship among genetically variables, stress response and life events. Neuropeptide Y is one of the systems regulating the stress response. Under the prolonged or repeated trauma neuropeptide Y is released from the brain's key areas. This system shows different levels of functioning in individuals with different levels of resilience. There is particular interest in the variations of genes that encode stress-sensitive signaling molecules during gene-environment interaction. This condition may contribute to susceptibility of stress or stress resilience. Neuropeptide Y system plays a key role in the adaptation to behavioral stress. The reduced levels of neuropeptide Y have also been observed in treatment-resistant depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. Lower level of neuropeptide Y expression and dysfunctional neuropeptide Y system in response to stress and resulting decreased stress resilience could increase susceptibility to stress-related disorders.

  14. Effectiveness of stress release geometries on reducing residual stress in electroforming metal microstructure (United States)

    Song, Chang; Du, Liqun; Zhao, Wenjun; Zhu, Heqing; Zhao, Wen; Wang, Weitai


    Micro electroforming, as a mature micromachining technology, is widely used to fabricate metal microdevices in micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS). However, large residual stress in the local positions of the micro electroforming layer often leads to non-uniform residual stress distributions, dimension accuracy defects and reliability issues during fabrication of the metal microdevice. To solve this problem, a novel design method of presetting stress release geometries in the topological structure of the metal microstructure is proposed in this paper. First, the effect of stress release geometries (circular shape, annular groove shape and rivet shape) on the residual stress in the metal microstructure was investigated by finite element modeling (FEM) analysis. Two evaluation parameters, stress concentration factor K T and stress non-uniformity factor δ were calculated. The simulation results show that presetting stress release geometries can effectively reduce and homogenize the residual stress in the metal microstructures were measured metal microstructure. By combined use with stress release geometries of annular groove shape and rivet shape, the stress concentration factor K T and the stress non-uniformity factor δ both decreased at a maximum of 49% and 53%, respectively. Meanwhile, the average residual stress σ avg decreased at a maximum of 20% from  -292.4 MPa to  -232.6 MPa. Then, micro electroforming experiments were carried out corresponding to the simulation models. The residual stresses in the metal microstructures were measured by micro Raman spectroscopy (MRS) method. The results of the experiment proved that the stress non-uniformity factor δ and the average residual stress σ avg also decreased at a maximum with the combination use of annular groove shape and rivet shape stress release geometries, which is in agreement with the results of FEM analysis. The stress non-uniformity factor δ has a maximum decrease of 49% and the

  15. Sleep, Stress & Relaxation: Rejuvenate Body & Mind (United States)

    Sleep, Stress & Relaxation: Rejuvenate Body & Mind; Relieve Stress; best ways to relieve stress; best way to relieve stress; different ways to relieve stress; does smoking relieve stress; does tobacco relieve stress; how can I relieve stress; how can you relieve stress; how do I relieve stress; reduce stress; does smoking reduce stress; how can I reduce stress; how to reduce stress; reduce stress; reduce stress levels; reducing stress; smoking reduce stress; smoking reduces stress; stress reducing techniques; techniques to reduce stress; stress relief; best stress relief; natural stress relief; need stress relief; relief for stress; relief from stress; relief of stress; smoking and stress relief; smoking for stress relief; smoking stress relief; deal with stress; dealing with stress; dealing with anger; dealing with stress; different ways of dealing with stress; help dealing with stress; how to deal with anger; how to deal with stress; how to deal with stress when quitting smoking; stress management; free stress management; how can you manage stress; how do you manage stress; how to manage stress; manage stress; management of stress; management stress; managing stress; strategies for managing stress; coping with stress; cope with stress; copeing with stress; coping and stress; coping skills for stress; coping strategies for stress; coping strategies with stress; coping strategy for stress; coping with stress; coping with stress and anxiety; emotional health; emotional health; emotional health article; emotional health articles; deep relaxation; deep breathing relaxation techniques; deep muscle relaxation; deep relaxation; deep relaxation meditation; deep relaxation technique; deep relaxation techniques; meditation exercises; mindful exercises; mindful meditation exercises; online relaxation exercises; relaxation breathing exercises; relaxation exercise; relaxation exercises; stress relaxation; methods of relaxation for stress; relax stress; relax techniques stress

  16. Stress factors for the deformation systems of zirconium under multiaxial stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hobson, D.O.


    Calculation of the resolved shear stresses (rss) that act on various deformation systems in metals and, in particular, the determination of those systems subjected to the highest rss by a given set of multiaxial stresses is of importance in the study of texture development, yielding and plastic flow. This study examines the geometrical influences of any stress state on the deformation modes of zirconium. One slip mode and three twinning modes, comprising twenty-one deformation systems, are considered. Stress factors computed for these systems are shown on a coordinate system that allows specimen orientation, most highly stressed deformation system, and stress factor to be shown without ambiguity. The information in this report allows the determination of the rss that results from any multiaxial stress state; this information also allows the prediction of the deformation modes that might operate for any specimen orientation in that strss state

  17. Laser-induced stresses versus mechanical stress power measurements during laser ablation of solids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shannon, M.A.; Russo, R.E.


    Laser-induced stresses resulting from high-power laser-material interactions have been studied extensively. However, the rate of change in mechanical energy, or stress power, due to laser-induced stresses has only recently been investigated. An unanswered question for monitoring laser-material interactions in the far-field is whether stress power differs from stresses measured, particularly with respect to laser-energy coupling to a solid target. This letter shows experimental acoustic data which demonstrate that stress power measured in the far field of the target shows changes in laser-energy coupling, whereas the stresses measured do not. For the ambient medium above the target, stress power and stress together reflect changes in laser-energy coupling. copyright 1995 American Institute of Physics

  18. Triaxial Wetting Test on Rockfill Materials under Stress Combination Conditions of Spherical Stress p and Deviatoric Stress q

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan-yi Zhang


    Full Text Available A GCTS medium-sized triaxial apparatus is used to conduct a single-line method wetting test on three kinds of rockfill materials of different mother rocks such as mixture of sandstone and slate, and dolomite and granite, and the test stress conditions is the combination of spherical stress p and deviatoric stress q. The test results show that (1 for wetting shear strain, the effects of spherical stress p and deviatoric stress q are equivalent, and wetting shear strain and deviatoric stress q show the power function relationship preferably. (2 For wetting volumetric strain, the effect of deviatoric stress q can be neglected because it is extremely insignificant, and spherical stress p is the main influencing factor and shows the power function relationship preferably. (3 The wetting strains decrease significantly with the increase in initial water content and sample density generally, but the excessively high dry density will increase the wetting deformation. Also, the wetting strains will decrease with the increase in the saturated uniaxial compressive strength and average softening coefficient of the mother rock. Based on the test results, a wetting strain model is proposed for rockfill materials. The verification results indicate that the model satisfactorily reflects the development law of wetting deformation.

  19. Do I just look stressed or am I stressed? Work-related stress in a sample of Italian employees. (United States)

    Giorgi, Gabriele; Leon-Perez, Jose M; Cupelli, Vincenzo; Mucci, Nicola; Arcangeli, Giulio


    Work-related stress is becoming a significant problem in Italy and it is therefore essential to advance the theory and methodology required to detect this phenomenon at work. Thus, the aim of this paper is to propose a new method for evaluating stress at work by measuring the discrepancies between employees' perceptions of stress and their leaders' evaluation of the stress of their subordinates. In addition, a positive impression scale was added to determine whether workers might give socially desirable responses in organizational diagnosis. Over 1,100 employees and 200 leaders within several Italian organizations were involved in this study. Structural equation modeling was used to test such new method for evaluating stress in a model of stress at work that incorporates relationships among individual (positive impression), interpersonal (workplace bullying) and organizational factors (working conditions, welfare culture, training). Results showed that the leaders' capacity to understand subordinates' stress is associated with subordinates' psychological well-being since higher disagreement between self and leaders' ratings was related to lower well-being. We discuss the implications of healthy leadership for the development of healthy organizations.


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    Maria-Elena, GHEORDUNESCU


    Full Text Available Taking into account the changes that are currently taking place in our country, it is clear that these changes, which occur in almost all companies, lead to new stress factors for both employees and the organization. Occupational stress is a major problem for employees and managers, but also for the whole society. The issue of stress in organizations has given birth to many debates and studies. It is a common theme that is addressed by managers, employees and consultants from different perspectives. According to a study by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, in the European Union, work-related stress is the second work-related health issue after dorsal disorders. It affects 28% of EU employees. The European Parliament is fully involved in addressing issues related to the psychological support of the staff. Preventing work-related stress is one of the objectives set out in the Communique of the European Commission for Employment and Social Affairs regarding their new health and safety at work strategy. Manifestations of stress in organizations are easily observable, being manifested by behaviors such as: difficulties in adapting to the changes required to work or the dramatic drop in labor productivity. Also a double action is met: both the person who passes through the stressful situation and at the organization level on which it is reflected the existence of a stressful environment. This paper aims to address the implications of workplace stress, symptoms of stress in the workplace and strategies to eliminate and prevent stress at work This paper represents an exploratory research based on qualitative methods, being consulted various sources of information: the literature, case studies, media articles, reports of relevant organizations, etc.

  1. Overcoming job stress (United States)

    ... Overcoming job stress To use the sharing features on this page, ... stay healthy and feel better. Causes of Job Stress Although the cause of job stress is different ...

  2. Opposite Effects of Stress on Pain Modulation Depend on the Magnitude of Individual Stress Response. (United States)

    Geva, Nirit; Defrin, Ruth


    The effect of acute stress on pain threshold and intolerance threshold are reported as producing either hypoalgesia or hyperalgesia. Yet, the contribution of individual stress reactivity in this respect has not been established. The aim was to test 2 pain modulation paradigms under acute stress manipulation, to our knowledge, for the first time, to study whether stress differentially affects pain modulation, and whether the effect is related to individual stress response. Participants were 31 healthy subjects. Conditioned pain modulation (CPM) and pain adaptation were measured before and after inducing an acute stress response using the Montreal Imaging Stress Task. Subjects' stress response was evaluated according to salivary cortisol, autonomic function, and perceived stress and anxiety. The Montreal Imaging Stress Task induced a validated stress response. On a group level, stress induced reduction in CPM magnitude and increase in pain adaptation compared with baseline. These responses correlated with stress reactivity. When the group was subdivided according to stress reactivity, only high stress responders exhibited reduced CPM whereas only low stress responders exhibited increased pain adaptation. The results suggest that acute stress may induce opposite effects on pain modulation, depending on individual stress reactivity magnitude, with an advantage to low stress responders. This study evaluated the effect of acute stress on pain modulation. Pain modulation under stress is affected by individual stress responsiveness; decreased CPM occurs in high stress responders whereas increased pain adaptation occurs in low stress responders. Identification of high stress responders may promote better pain management. Copyright © 2017 The American Pain Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. When does stress help or harm? The effects of stress controllability and subjective stress response on Stroop performance.


    Roselinde Kaiser Henderson; Hannah R. Snyder; Tina eGupta; Marie T. Banich; Marie T. Banich


    The ability to engage in goal-directed behavior despite exposure to stress is critical to resilience. Questions of how stress can impair or improve behavioral functioning are important in diverse settings, from athletic competitions to academic testing to clinical therapy. Previous research suggests that controllability is a key factor in the impact of stress on behavior: learning how to control stressors buffers people from the negative effects of stress on subsequent cognitively demanding ...

  4. When Does Stress Help or Harm? The Effects of Stress Controllability and Subjective Stress Response on Stroop Performance


    Henderson, Roselinde K.; Snyder, Hannah R.; Gupta, Tina; Banich, Marie T.


    The ability to engage in goal-directed behavior despite exposure to stress is critical to resilience. Questions of how stress can impair or improve behavioral functioning are important in diverse settings, from athletic competitions to academic testing. Previous research suggests that controllability is a key factor in the impact of stress on behavior: learning how to control stressors buffers people from the negative effects of stress on subsequent cognitively demanding tasks. In addition, r...

  5. Stresses in Dolosse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Burcharth, Hans F.; Liu, Zhou; Howell, Gary L.


    Failures of rubble mound breakwaters armoured with complex types of unreinforced concrete armour units are often due to breakage. This happens when the stresses exceed the material strength. Sufficient parametric studies of the stresses are not yet available to produce design diagrams for structu......Failures of rubble mound breakwaters armoured with complex types of unreinforced concrete armour units are often due to breakage. This happens when the stresses exceed the material strength. Sufficient parametric studies of the stresses are not yet available to produce design diagrams...... for structural integrity. The paper presents the results and the analyses of model tests with 200 kg and 200 g load-cell instrumented Dolosse. Static stresses and wave generated stresses were studied as well as model and scale effects. A preliminary design diagram for Dolosse is presented as well....

  6. Heat stress and sudden infant death syndrome--stress gene expression after exposure to moderate heat stress

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rohde, Marianne Cathrine; Corydon, Thomas Juhl; Hansen, Jakob


    The aim of the present study was to investigate stress gene expression in cultured primary fibroblasts established from Achilles tendons collected during autopsies from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) cases, and age-matched controls (infants dying in a traumatic event). Expression of 4 stress...... responsive genes, HSPA1B, HSPD1, HMOX1, and SOD2, was studied by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR analysis of RNA purified from cells cultured under standard or various thermal stress conditions. The expression of all 4 genes was highly influenced by thermal stress in both SIDS and control cells. High...... interpersonal variance found in the SIDS group indicated that they represented a more heterogeneous group than controls. The SIDS group responded to thermal stress with a higher expression of the HSPA1B and HSPD1 genes compared to the control group, whereas no significant difference was observed...

  7. Interindividual differences in stress sensitivity: basal and stress-induced cortisol levels differentially predict neural vigilance processing under stress

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Henckens, Marloes J. A. G.; Klumpers, Floris; Everaerd, Daphne; Kooijman, Sabine C.; van Wingen, Guido A.; Fernández, Guillén


    Stress exposure is known to precipitate psychological disorders. However, large differences exist in how individuals respond to stressful situations. A major marker for stress sensitivity is hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis function. Here, we studied how interindividual variance in both

  8. Visitors to Nicopolis in the reigns of Augustus and Ali Pacha

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Isager, Jacob


    Nicopolis, grundlagt af kejser Augustus, efter slaget ved Actium (i 31. f.Kr.) i samtidens litteratur samt i rejselitteraturen fra begyndelsen af 1800-tallet og de ideologiske og moralske overvejelser, som antikkens og 1800-tallets forfattere har gjort sig....

  9. Erfaringer fra nedrivning af boligblok i Rødbyhavn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Søren Skibstrup; Hansen, Klaus; Krogh, Hanne

    Denne meddelelse indeholder en beskrivelse af nedrivningen af et betonelementbyggeri. Der er foretaget en registrering af energiforbrug i forbindelse med nedrivningen og bortskaffelsen samt en registrering af de miljøbelastende stoffer i bygningsaffaldet. Inden bebyggelsen blev revet ned, blev de...

  10. Dødelig venlafaxinforgiftning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Julie Steen; Munck, Lars Kristian


    Venlafaxin er en serotonin- og noradrenalingenoptagelseshæmmer, der er godkendt til behandling af depressioner og angsttilstande. Symptomer ved forgiftning er serotonergt syndrom, generaliserede krampeanfald, rabdomyolyse samt akut lever-, hjerte- og nyresvigt. Der findes ingen antidot. Med afsæt i...

  11. Evaluering af Senter for flerkulturelt og internasjonalt arbeid (SEFIA)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stensaker, Bjørn; Benedicte, Brøgger; Nielsen, Kjeld


    Rapporten indeholder en beskrivelse af resultaterne fra en intern og ekstern evaluering af SEFIA - et center der driver undervisning og forsknings- og udviklingsarbejde samt formidling inden for temaerne flerkulturel forståelse og internationalt udviklingsarbejde. Evalueringen er foretaget på gru...

  12. Kilden til evig succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulfelt, Flemming


    Strategi. Fokuser på at øge indtægterne frem for at mindske omkostningerne samt på at konkurrere på andre parametre end prisen. Kan man forene de to strategier, har man måske fundet den hellige virksomhedsgral....

  13. Sprogfag i forandring - pædagogik og praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søgaard, Karoline; Revier, Robert Lee; Daryai-Hansen, Petra

    "Sprogfag i forandring" 2. udgave handler om undervisning i engelsk, tysk og fransk i grundskolen samt den ofte vanskelige omsætning af politiske lovkrav og pædagogiske idéer til faktiske læringsprocesser i klasseværelset....

  14. Virksomhedsteori - anno 2002

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busch-Jensen, Peter


    Artiklen diskuterer centrale begreber i virksomhedsteorien, som den præsenteres af bl.a. A.N. Leontjev. Argumentationen peger på problemer mht. virksomhedsteoriens motivbegreb, dens marx-inspirerede tilgang til menneskets ontologi og fylogenese, samt sprogteori. Slutteligt argumenteres derfor for...

  15. Kritikkens natur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schatz-Jakobsen, Claus


    Artiklen introducerer det nye forskningsfelt inden for samtænkning af litteratur, kultur og natur, den såkaldt økologiske kritik, og kaster et kritisk blik på  dens brug af romantisk litteratur som proto-økologisk kanon....

  16. Empowering Teachers in Secondary School

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Inger-Marie F.

    Konferencebidraget fortæller om overvejelserne ifm. design af et online kursus om undervisning i virtuelle verdner for folkeskolelærere. Overvejelserne drejer sig om indhold såvel som læringsteorier og undervisningsmetoder samt afviklingen af kurset online....

  17. Boligmarkedet under inflation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lunde, J.

    Rapportens enkelte kapitler behandler prisdannelsen på boligmarkedet, huslejereguleringen, prisudviklingen på bolig-delmarkederne, fremkomsten af kapital- og debitorgevinster ved besiddelse og belåning af boligejendomme, samt de samfundsøkonomiske årsager til denne prisudvikling og disse gevinstd...

  18. Soundtrack_Remix

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meldgaard, Morten; Jørgensen, Peter


    Dobbelt CD med udgivelse af Soundtracket til filmen "KIM" af Peter Jørgensen, samt 10 Remix lavet af internationale kunstnere og en artikel om lyd og billede "Picturesque Soundtrack". Udgivet på det engelske selskab "Under the Spire" i 350 eksemplarer....

  19. Risø årsberetning 2001

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    I denne årsberetning præsenteres et lille udpluk af Risøs resultater i 2001. En mere detaljeret gennemgang af Risøs projekter findes i Risøs Virksomhedsregnskab for 2001 samt i forskningsafdelingernes egne årsberetninger....

  20. Dansk selskabsret 3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis Hansen, Søren; Krenchel, Jens Valdemar

    virksomheder, fra partnerskaber i liberale erhverv til store entreprenørfællesskaber og samarbejder mellem store virksomheder samt joint ventures. Bind 3 af Dansk selskabsret – Interessentskaber – behandler: •Interessentskabets stiftelse •Forholdet mellem interessenterne •Misligholdelse af...

  1. Stress Management: Spirituality (United States)

    Healthy Lifestyle Stress management Taking the path less traveled by exploring your spirituality can lead to a clearer life purpose, better personal relationships and enhanced stress management skills. By Mayo Clinic Staff Some stress relief ...

  2. Levels of occupational stress and stressful activities for nurses working in emergency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Ricardo Ferreira da Fonseca


    Full Text Available The study aimed to identify stress levels, areas and their activities identified as stressful by nurses working in the emergence in Manaus, AM, Brazil. It is an epidemiological, cross-sectional design, with 36 emergency nurses from December 2010 to January 2011. The Bianchi Stress Scale with 57 questions was used. The nurses were at risk for high levels of stress. The most stressful areas were the operation of the unit, conditions of work and personnel administration, and the most stressful activity was the request for equipment review and repair. The difference by Friedman test between the areas was significant (p <0.05, Dunn post-test significant (p <0.05 when compared by peers. The accumulation of management activities with the assistance activities can generate higher levels of stress, it is necessary to invest in improving the work environment and management support to minimize the stress experienced at work.

  3. Vicarious social defeat stress: Bridging the gap between physical and emotional stress. (United States)

    Sial, Omar K; Warren, Brandon L; Alcantara, Lyonna F; Parise, Eric M; Bolaños-Guzmán, Carlos A


    Animal models capable of differentiating the neurobiological intricacies between physical and emotional stress are scarce. Current models rely primarily on physical stressors (e.g., chronic unpredictable or mild stress, social defeat, learned helplessness), and neglect the impact of psychological stress alone. This is surprising given extensive evidence that a traumatic event needs not be directly experienced to produce enduring perturbations on an individual's health and psychological well-being. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a highly debilitating neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by intense fear of trauma-related stimuli, often occurs in individuals that have only witnessed a traumatic event. By modifying the chronic social defeat stress (CSDS) paradigm to include a witness component (witnessing the social defeat of another mouse), we demonstrate a novel behavioral paradigm capable of inducing a robust behavioral syndrome reminiscent of PTSD in emotionally stressed adult mice. We describe the vicarious social defeat stress (VSDS) model that is capable of inducing a host of behavioral deficits that include social avoidance and other depressive- and anxiety-like phenotypes in adult male mice. VSDS exposure induces weight loss and spike in serum corticosterone (CORT) levels. A month after stress, these mice retain the social avoidant phenotype and have an increased CORT response when exposed to subsequent stress. The VSDS is a novel paradigm capable of inducing emotional stress by isolating physical stress/confrontation in mice. The VSDS model can be used to study the short- and long-term neurobiological consequences of exposure to emotional stress in mice. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Work stress, life stress, and smoking among rural–urban migrant workers in China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cui Xiaobo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Stimulated by rapid modernization and industrialization, there is massive rural–urban migration in China. The migrants are highly susceptible to smoking and mental health problems. This study examined the association between both perceived work stress and perceived life stress with smoking behavior among this group during the period of migration. Methods Participants (n = 1,595 were identified through stratified, multi-stage, systematic sampling. Smoking status separated non-smokers from daily and occasional smokers, and migration history, work stress, and life stress were also measured. Analyses were conducted using the Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. Two models were utilized. The first was the full model that comprised sociodemographic and migration-related characteristics, as well as the two stress variables. In addressing potential overlap between life and work stress, the second model eliminated one of the two stress variables as appropriate. Results Overall smoking prevalence was 64.9% (95% CI: 62.4-67.2%. In the regression analysis, under the full model, migrants with high perceived life stress showed a 45% excess likelihood to be current smokers relative to low-stress counterparts (OR: 1.45; 95% CI: 1.05 – 2.06. Applying the second model, which excluded the life stress variable, migrants with high perceived work stress had a 75% excess likelihood to be current smokers relative to opposites (OR: 1.75; 95% CI: 1.26–2.45. Conclusions Rural–urban migrant workers manifested a high prevalence of both life stress and work stress. While both forms of stress showed associations with current smoking, life stress appeared to outweigh the impact of work stress. Our findings could inform the design of tobacco control programs that would target Chinese rural–urban migrant workers as a special population.

  5. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) KidsHealth / For Parents / Posttraumatic Stress Disorder ( ... My Child? Looking Ahead Print What Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Someone who is the victim of ( ...

  6. Do I Just Look Stressed or am I Stressed? Work-related Stress in a Sample of Italian Employees


    GIORGI, Gabriele; LEON-PEREZ, Jose M.; CUPELLI, Vincenzo; MUCCI, Nicola; ARCANGELI, Giulio


    Work-related stress is becoming a significant problem in Italy and it is therefore essential to advance the theory and methodology required to detect this phenomenon at work. Thus, the aim of this paper is to propose a new method for evaluating stress at work by measuring the discrepancies between employees' perceptions of stress and their leaders' evaluation of the stress of their subordinates. In addition, a positive impression scale was added to determine whether workers might give sociall...

  7. Perceived stress at work is associated with attenuated DHEA-S response during acute psychosocial stress. (United States)

    Lennartsson, Anna-Karin; Theorell, Töres; Kushnir, Mark M; Bergquist, Jonas; Jonsdottir, Ingibjörg H


    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) have been suggested to play a protective role during acute psychosocial stress, because they act as antagonists to the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. This study aims to investigate whether prolonged psychosocial stress, measured as perceived stress at work during the past week, is related to the capacity to produce DHEA and DHEA-S during acute psychosocial stress. It also aims to investigate whether prolonged perceived stress affects the balance between production of cortisol and DHEA-S during acute psychosocial stress. Thirty-six healthy subjects (19 men and 17 women, mean age 37 years, SD 5 years), were included. Perceived stress at work during the past week was measured by using the Stress-Energy (SE) Questionnaire. The participants were divided into three groups based on their mean scores; Low stress, Medium stress and High stress. The participants underwent the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) and blood samples were collected before, directly after the stress test, and after 30 min of recovery. General Linear Models were used to investigate if the Medium stress group and the High stress group differ regarding stress response compared to the Low stress group. Higher perceived stress at work was associated with attenuated DHEA-S response during acute psychosocial stress. Furthermore, the ratio between the cortisol production and the DHEA-S production during the acute stress test were higher in individuals reporting higher perceived stress at work compared to individuals reporting low perceived stress at work. There was no statistical difference in DHEA response between the groups. This study shows that prolonged stress, measured as perceived stress at work during the past week, seems to negatively affect the capacity to produce DHEA-S during acute stress. Given the protective functions of DHEA-S, attenuated DHEA-S production during acute stress may lead to higher risk for adverse

  8. Overall bolt stress optimization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Niels Leergaard


    The state of stress in bolts and nuts with International Organization for Standardization metric thread design is examined and optimized. The assumed failure mode is fatigue, so the applied preload and the load amplitude together with the stress concentrations define the connection strength....... Maximum stress in the bolt is found at the fillet under the head, at the thread start, or at the thread root. To minimize the stress concentration, shape optimization is applied. Nut shape optimization also has a positive effect on the maximum stress. The optimization results show that designing a nut......, which results in a more evenly distribution of load along the engaged thread, has a limited influence on the maximum stress due to the stress concentration at the first thread root. To further reduce the maximum stress, the transition from bolt shank to the thread must be optimized. Stress reduction...

  9. Equivalence of Stress and Energy Calculations of Mean Stress

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Ole Bøcker; Brown, L. M.


    Calculations of the mean stress in a plastically deformed matrix containing randomly distributed elastic inclusions are considered. The mean stress for an elastically homogeneous material is calculated on the basis of an energy consideration which completely accounts for elastic interactions....... The result is shown to be identical to that obtained from a stress calculation. The possibility of including elastic interactions in the case of elastic inhomogeneity is discussed....

  10. Prediction of life stress on athletes’ burnout: the dual role of perceived stress (United States)

    Wang, Erica T.W.; Hsu, Ya-Wen; Chang, Ko-Hsin


    Although many studies adopted Smith’s (1986) cognitive–affective model of athletic burnout in examining stress–burnout relationship, very few studies examined the mediating/moderating role of perceived stress on the stress–burnout relationship. We sampled 195 college student-athletes and assessed their life stress, perceived stress, and burnout. Correlation analyses found all study variables correlated. Two separate hierarchical regression analyses found that the “distress” component of perceived stress mediated athletes’ two types of life stress–burnout relationship but “counter-stress” component of perceived stress-moderated athletes’ general-life stress–burnout relationship. We concluded that interweaving relationships among athletes’ life stress, perceived stress, and burnout are not straightforward. Future research should consider the nature of athletes life stress, and dual role of perceived stress in examining its’ association with related psychological responses in athletic settings. PMID:29362691

  11. Prediction of life stress on athletes’ burnout: the dual role of perceived stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Theresa Chyi


    Full Text Available Although many studies adopted Smith’s (1986 cognitive–affective model of athletic burnout in examining stress–burnout relationship, very few studies examined the mediating/moderating role of perceived stress on the stress–burnout relationship. We sampled 195 college student-athletes and assessed their life stress, perceived stress, and burnout. Correlation analyses found all study variables correlated. Two separate hierarchical regression analyses found that the “distress” component of perceived stress mediated athletes’ two types of life stress–burnout relationship but “counter-stress” component of perceived stress-moderated athletes’ general-life stress–burnout relationship. We concluded that interweaving relationships among athletes’ life stress, perceived stress, and burnout are not straightforward. Future research should consider the nature of athletes life stress, and dual role of perceived stress in examining its’ association with related psychological responses in athletic settings.

  12. Predictors of responses to stress among families coping with poverty-related stress. (United States)

    Santiago, Catherine DeCarlo; Etter, Erica Moran; Wadsworth, Martha E; Raviv, Tali


    This study tested how poverty-related stress (PRS), psychological distress, and responses to stress predicted future effortful coping and involuntary stress responses one year later. In addition, we explored age, sex, ethnicity, and parental influences on responses to stress over time. Hierarchical linear modeling analyses conducted with 98 low-income families (300 family members: 136 adults, 82 school-aged children, 82 adolescents) revealed that primary control coping, secondary control coping, disengagement, involuntary engagement, and involuntary disengagement each significantly predicted future use of that response. Primary and secondary control coping also predicted less maladaptive future responses to stress, while involuntary responses to stress undermined the development of adaptive responding. Age, sex, and interactions among PRS and prior coping were also found to predict certain responses to stress. In addition, child subgroup analyses demonstrate the importance of parental modeling of coping and involuntary stress responses, and warmth/nurturance and monitoring practices. Results are discussed with regard to the implications for preventive interventions with families in poverty.

  13. Evaluation of stress intensity factors due to welding residual stresses for circumferential cracked pipes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Chang-Young; Kim, Yun-Jae; Oh, Young-Jin; Kim, Jong-Sung; Song, Tae-Kwang; Kim, Yong-Beum


    To investigate the applicability of existing methods to estimate stress intensity factors due to welding residual stresses, comparisons with finite element (FE) solutions are made for two types of generic welding residual stress profiles, generated by simulating repair welds. It is found that fitting residual stresses over the crack depth using third-order polynomials gives good estimates of stress intensity factors but fitting over the entire thickness can result in inaccurate estimates even with fourth-order polynomials. Noting that welding residual stresses are often determined from FE analyses, linearization of residual stresses to estimate stress intensity factors is proposed. Comparison with FE solutions shows good agreements. -- Highlights: ► Applicability of K estimation methods is investigated for welding residual stresses. ► Two types of generic residual stress profiles with repair welds are considered. ► Fitting residual stresses over the crack depth gives good estimates of K. ► A method to estimate K by linearising residual stress profiles is proposed

  14. Stress and your heart (United States)

    Coronary heart disease - stress; Coronary artery disease - stress ... Your body responds to stress on many levels. First, it releases stress hormones that make you breathe faster. Your blood pressure goes up. Your muscles ...

  15. Subacute stress and chronic stress interact to decrease intestinal barrier function in rats. (United States)

    Lauffer, Adriana; Vanuytsel, Tim; Vanormelingen, Christophe; Vanheel, Hanne; Salim Rasoel, Shadea; Tóth, Joran; Tack, Jan; Fornari, Fernando; Farré, Ricard


    Psychological stress increases intestinal permeability, potentially leading to low-grade inflammation and symptoms in functional gastrointestinal disorders. We assessed the effect of subacute, chronic and combined stress on intestinal barrier function and mast cell density. Male Wistar rats were allocated to four experimental groups (n = 8/group): 1/sham; 2/subacute stress (isolation and limited movement for 24 h); 3/chronic crowding stress for 14 days and 4/combined subacute and chronic stress. Jejunum and colon were collected to measure: transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER; a measure of epithelial barrier function); gene expression of tight junction molecules; mast cell density. Plasma corticosterone concentration was increased in all three stress conditions versus sham, with highest concentrations in the combined stress condition. TEER in the jejunum was decreased in all stress conditions, but was significantly lower in the combined stress condition than in the other groups. TEER in the jejunum correlated negatively with corticosterone concentration. Increased expression of claudin 1, 5 and 8, occludin and zonula occludens 1 mRNAs was detected after subacute stress in the jejunum. In contrast, colonic TEER was decreased only after combined stress, and the expression of tight junction molecules was unaltered. Increased mast cell density was observed in the chronic and combined stress condition in the colon only. In conclusion, our data show that chronic stress sensitizes the gastrointestinal tract to the effects of subacute stress on intestinal barrier function; different underlying cellular and molecular alterations are indicated in the small intestine versus the colon.

  16. Stress Management: Yoga (United States)

    Healthy Lifestyle Stress management Is yoga right for you? It is if you want to fight stress, get fit and stay healthy. By ... particular, may be a good choice for stress management. Hatha is one of the most common styles ...

  17. Stressing academia?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Opstrup, Niels; Pihl-Thingvad, Signe

    Incongruences between the individual and the organizational work context are potential stressors. The present study focuses on the relationship between a complementary need-supply fit and Danish researchers’ self-perceived job stress. Strain is expected to increase as organizational supplies fall...... hand, the fit on “hard” dimensions as salary, financial rewards and career opportunities is found to be unrelated to the researchers’ self-perceived stress-level. The fit with regard to job security is an important exception, however....... to “soft” dimensions as freedom and independence in the job, personal and professional development at work, and receiving peer recognition is highly significant for the researchers’ self-perceived stress-level. The better the fit is the lower stress-levels the researchers’ on average report. On the other...

  18. Melatonin improves memory acquisition under stress independent of stress hormone release


    Rimmele, U; Spillmann, M; Bärtschi, C; Wolf, O T; Weber, C S; Ehlert, Ulrike; Wirtz, P H


    RATIONALE: Animal studies suggest that the pineal hormone melatonin influences basal stress hormone levels and dampens hormone reactivity to stress. OBJECTIVES: We investigated whether melatonin also has a suppressive effect on stress-induced catecholamine and cortisol release in humans. As stress hormones affect memory processing, we further examined a possible accompanying modulation of memory function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty healthy young men received a single oral dose of either 3...

  19. Occupational imbalance and the role of perceived stress in predicting stress-related disorders. (United States)

    Håkansson, Carita; Ahlborg, Gunnar


    Stress-related disorders are the main reason for sick leave in many European countries. The aim of the present study was to explore whether perceived occupational imbalance predicts stress-related disorders, potential gender differences, and to explore the mediating role of perceived stress. Longitudinal data on 2223 employees in a public organization in Sweden were collected by surveys, and analyzed by logistic regression. Occupational imbalance predicted stress-related disorders among both women and men. However, what aspects of occupational imbalance which predicted stress-related disorders differ by gender. Perceived stress was not a mediator in these associations. How women and men perceived their occupational balance affected the risk of stress-related disorders. The results may be used to develop effective strategies to decrease stress-related disorders.

  20. Association between prenatal psychological stress and oxidative stress during pregnancy. (United States)

    Eick, Stephanie M; Barrett, Emily S; van 't Erve, Thomas J; Nguyen, Ruby H N; Bush, Nicole R; Milne, Ginger; Swan, Shanna H; Ferguson, Kelly K


    Prenatal psychological stress during pregnancy has been associated with adverse reproductive outcomes. A growing animal literature supports an association between psychological stress and oxidative stress. We assessed this relationship in pregnant women, hypothesising that psychological stress is associated with higher concentrations of oxidative stress biomarkers during pregnancy. Psychosocial status and stressful life events (SLE) were self-reported. 8-iso-prostaglandin F 2α (8-iso-PGF 2α ) was measured as a biomarker of oxidative stress in urine samples at median 32 weeks' gestation. We examined SLEs individually (ever vs never) and in summary (any vs none) and psychosocial status as measured by individual subscales and in summary (poor vs good). Linear models estimated associations between these parameters and urinary 8-iso-PGF 2α concentrations after adjusting for covariates. The geometric mean of 8-iso-PGF 2α was significantly higher among pregnant women who were non-White, smokers, had less than a college education, higher pre-pregnancy BMI and were unmarried. Having ever had a death in the family (n = 39) during pregnancy was associated with a 22.9% increase in 8-iso-PGF 2α in unadjusted models (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.50, 48.8). Poor psychosocial status was associated with a 13.1% (95% CI 2.43, 25.0) greater mean 8-iso-PGF 2α in unadjusted analyses. Associations were attenuated, but remained suggestive, after covariate adjustment. These data suggest that 8-iso-PGF 2α is elevated in pregnant women with who are at a sociodemographic disadvantage and who have higher psychological stress in pregnancy. Previous studies have observed that 8-iso-PGF 2α levels are associated with adverse birth outcomes, oxidative stress could be a mediator in these relationships. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Professional stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stanojević Dragana Z.


    Full Text Available Job stress is a line, for the person at work hired adverse physiological, psychological and behavioral reactions to situations in which job requirements are not in accordance with its capabilities, abilities and needs. Sources of stress at work are numerous. Personal factors: personality types have been most studied so far, environmental changes and demographic characteristics as well. Interpersonal stress inducing factors act and influence to the occurrence of many psychosomatic diseases. Psychosocial climate and relationships which are prevented or encouraged such as: cooperation and competition, trust and suspicion certainly affect to the appearance of professional stress. The way of leadership is very important. Organizational factors are the type of work, work time, noncompliance of the job, the introduction of new ethnologies, the conflict of personal roles, fear of job loss, bad physical conditions of working environment. The consequences of stress at work are numerous: at the cognitive level, the emotional level, the production plan, the health, plan reduces the immune system that cause a variety of psychosomatic illnesses and accidents at work.

  2. Compressive residual stresses as a preventive measure against stress corrosion cracking on turbine components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berger, C.; Ewald, J.; Fischer, K.; Gruendler, O.; Potthast, E.; Stuecker, E.; Winzen, G.


    Disk type low pressure turbine rotors have been designed for a large variety of power plant applications. Developing disk type rotors required a concerted effort to design a shaft/disk shrink fit with a minimum of tensile stress concentrations in order to aim for the lowest possible susceptibility to corrosive attack, i.e. stress corrosion cracking. As a result of stresses, the regions of greatest concern are the shrink fit boundaries and the keyways of turbine disks. These stresses are caused by service loading, i.e. centrifugal and shrinkage stresses and by manufacturing procedure, i.e. residual stresses. The compressive residual stresses partly compensate the tensile service stresses so that an increase of compressive residual stresses decreases the whole stress state of the component. Special manufacturing procedures, e.g. accelerated cooling after tempering can induce compressive residual stresses up to about 400 MPa in the hub bore region of turbine disk

  3. Does unconscious stress play a role in prolonged cardiovascular stress recovery? (United States)

    Brosschot, J F; Geurts, S A E; Kruizinga, I; Radstaak, M; Verkuil, B; Quirin, M; Kompier, M A J


    According to recent insights, humans might not be aware of a substantial part of their cognitive stress representations while these still have prolonged physiological effects. 'Unconscious stress' can be measured by implicit affect (IA) tests. It was shown that IA predicts physiological stress responses, in fact better than explicit ('conscious') affect. It is not known yet whether IA is associated with concurrent prolonged stress responses. In two studies (n = 62 and 123), anger harassment was used to induce stress. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were measured continuously. During BP and HR recovery, IA was measured by an 'anger' version of the implicit association test (IAT) or the implicit positive and negative affect test (IPANAT). Blood pressure and HR increased during anger harassment and recovery afterwards. When using the IPANAT BP recovery levels were lower when positive IA was high and higher when negative IA was high, independent of explicit affect and rumination. These results were not found using the IAT. These results provide preliminary evidence that physiological stress recovery is associated with IA. This is in line with the theory that unconscious stress is responsible for a-possibly considerable-part of unhealthy prolonged stress-related physiological activity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  4. Stress og insomni

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jennum, Poul; Zachariae, Bobby


    Insomnia and stress are two conditions, which are strongly associated and appear to be pathophysiologically integrated: the occurrence of stress increases the risk of insomnia, insomnia exacerbates stress, and coexistence of both factors has a negative influence on their prognosis. Stress...... and insomnia thus share complex interactions and the mechanisms involved are insufficiently understood but involve both psychological and physiological processes. First choice interventions involve behavioural and cognitive strategies and, to a lesser extent, pharmacological treatment....

  5. Stress Management: Positive Thinking (United States)

    Healthy Lifestyle Stress management Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. Practice overcoming negative self-talk ... with optimism is a key part of effective stress management. And effective stress management is associated with ...

  6. Social identity influences stress appraisals and cardiovascular reactions to acute stress exposure. (United States)

    Gallagher, Stephen; Meaney, Sarah; Muldoon, Orla T


    This study tested a recent theoretical development in stress research to see whether group membership influenced cardiovascular reactions following exposure to acute stress. Participants (N = 104) were exposed to a message in which a maths test was described as stressful or challenging by an ingroup member (a student) or outgroup member (a stress disorder sufferer). Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure(DBP) and heart rate (HR) were monitored throughout a standard reactivity study. As expected, a significant interaction was found; relative to those who were told that the task was challenging, ingroup members reported more stress and had higher DBP and HR reactivity when told by an ingroup member that the maths task was stressful; task information did not have the same effect for outgroup members. These results indicate that informational support is not constant but varies as a function of group membership. Finally, this recent development in stress research may prove useful for those interested in investigating the interactions between social, psychological and physiological processes underlying health disparities. What is already known on this subject? Stress is a common risk factor for hypertension and coronary heart disease. Social support has been found to reduce cardiovascular reactions to acute psychological stress. The influence of social support on stress varies as a consequence of social identity. What does this study add? The social group that one belongs to influences how one appraises and responds to stress. Social identity provides a useful framework for understanding how social processes are associated with health disparities. © 2013 The British Psychological Society.

  7. Photobiomodulation on Stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Timon Cheng-Yi Liu


    Full Text Available Photobiomodulation (PBM is a nondamaged modulation of laser irradiation or monochromatic light (LI on a biosystem function. It depends on whether the function is in its function-specific homeostasis (FSH. An FSH is a negative-feedback response of a biosystem to maintain the function-specific conditions inside the biosystem so that the function is perfectly performed. A function in its FSH is called a normal function. A function far from its FSH is called a dysfunctional function. The process of a function from dysfunctional to normal is called a functional normalization. For a normal function in its FSH, there are FSH-essential subfunctions (FESs, FSH-nonessential subfunctions (FNSs, and an FES/FNS-specific homeostasis (FESH/FNSH. A FSH can resist internal/external disturbances under the threshold, but can be disrupted by an FSH-specific stress (FSS. A normal/dysfunctional FSS is called a successful/chronic stress. An FESH/FNSH-specific stress was called an extraordinary/ordinary stress. A low level LI (LLL cannot directly affect a normal function, but can modulate a chronic stress. A normal function may have a chronic ordinary stress, and an LLL may modulate the chronic ordinary stress so that it promotes the normalization of the dysfunctional FNS and then upgrades the normal function. A high level LI can modulate a normal function and may be a successful stress.

  8. Stress at Work Place


    Mohammad A. Shahrour


    One of hardest forms of stresses to avoid is that work place or job stress Job stress refers to stress experienced by an individual at or because of issues at their work place The term work related stress has many meanings and it causes different levels of anxiety. Not all challenges at work can be called stress as some of these challenges drive employees upward, and empower them to learn new skills or push them to work harder to achieve a certain goal. So, this type of challenges cannot be c...

  9. Psykomotorisk behandling og wellness til personer med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamp, Anne Schinkel; Frausing, Kristian Park

    Rapporten evaluerer projektet Psykomotorisk behandling af personer med demens gennem fokusgruppeinterviews med deltagende studerende og personale fra deltagende centre. Samlet peges der på gavnligt udbytte for de demente beboere samt både personligt og fagligt udbytte for de deltagende studerende...

  10. Enzymatic Production of Ceramide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Long

    organiske fase cirkulerede kontinuerligt. Bland det ti membran som blev afprøvede, bibeholdt enzymet i membranen RC 70PP, men med lav immobiliserings effektivitet. Når tre immobiliserings metoder, filtrering, kovalent binding samt cross-linking sammenlignedes, havde enzym som var immobiliseret ved...

  11. Det skadelige 'rum'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Lars Axel


    kortlagt. Ud over Hitlers magtfulde politiske retorik er det i Hans Grimms roman Volk ohne Raum, Karl Haushofers geopolitiske rumstudier, Konrad Meyers rumforskning, Carl Schmitts udkast til en ’folkeretslig storrumsordning’ samt i Werner Bests maximer for en etnicistisk storrumsforvaltning, at rum...

  12. Forskning i mediesprog - teorier, modeller og analyser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Finn


    Kritisk præsentation af den nyeste forskning i mediesprog med fokus på det teoretiske grundlag og de opstillede analysemodeller (Teun van Dijk og teorien om tematiske makrostrukturer/skematiske superstrukturer, Allan Bell og sociolingvistikken, Roger Fowler og den kritiske lingvistik samt Norman...

  13. Datalogging in Science

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Harald; Johansen, Benny Lindblad; Simmie, Geraldine Mooney

    DLIS (Data Logging in Science) er et efteruddannelses koncept til naturfagslærere i brug af datalogning i skolens naturfagsundervisning. Bogen er en samling af artikler henvendt til naturfagslærere publiceret af projektets projektmedarbejdere, samt materiale udviklet til at understøtte...

  14. Styrkebaseret læring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ledertoug, Mette Marie

    læringsdimensioner: Indhold-, drivkraft- og samspilsdimensionen. Denne model udbygges yderligere. For indholdsdimensionen tilføjes SOLO-taxonomi og teorien om transfer. For drivkraftdimensionen tilføjes Self-Determination Theory og for samspilsdimensionen tilføjes Eriksons psykosociale stadie teori samt forskning...

  15. Last fra kornede materialer på begrænsningsvægge i lave lagerbygninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, S.

    Rapporten indeholder forudsætninger og retningslinier for den statiske beregning af lave lagerbygninger, fx. plansiloer i landbruget. I to hovedkapitler gives data og formler til lastbestemmelse som grundlag for brudundersøgelse og deformationsundersøgelse, samt et eksempel på lastberegning....

  16. Tilblivelselsen af det Ny Nordiske Køkken

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nickelsen, Niels Christian; Scheuer, John Damm


    aktørens skabende sider eller reducerer aktørens aktive skabende sider til "utilitaristisk mekanik", nuancerer artiklen det handlerum, som findes mellem forenklede forestillinger om fri handling og social determinerethed. Dette finder sted via analyse af nogle empiriske observationer, samt via en...

  17. Individual Drawings and Collective Representations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rothstein, Mikael


    En undersøgelse af hvordan forestillinger om døden, herunder selvmord, kommer til udtryk i unge indianeres tegninger, og hvordan såvel den historiske udvikling, deres sociale situation samt en række religiøse forestillinger spiller en rolle....

  18. Enzyme catalysed production of phospholipids with modified fatty acid profile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vikbjerg, Anders Falk


    Phospholipider har stor anvendelse i levnedsmiddel-, kosmetik-, og farmaceutiske produkter for blandt andet deres emulgerende egenskaber samt evne til at danne liposomer. Interessen for at ændre på phospholipidernes struktur er stigende. Strukturændringer resulterer i ændret funktionalitet. Ved u...

  19. Cold Stress (United States)

    ... Publications and Products Programs Contact NIOSH NIOSH COLD STRESS Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Workers who ... cold environments may be at risk of cold stress. Extreme cold weather is a dangerous situation that ...

  20. Heat Stress (United States)

    ... Publications and Products Programs Contact NIOSH NIOSH HEAT STRESS Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir OSHA-NIOSH ... hot environments may be at risk of heat stress. Exposure to extreme heat can result in occupational ...

  1. Environmental stress, oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) polymorphism, and mental health following collective stress. (United States)

    Lucas-Thompson, Rachel G; Holman, E Alison


    We examined whether the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs53576 genotype buffers the combined impact of negative social environments (e.g., interpersonal conflict/constraint) and economic stress on post-traumatic stress (PTS) symptoms and impaired daily functioning following collective stress (September 11th terrorist attacks). Saliva was collected by mail and used to genotype 704 respondents. Participants completed Web-based assessments of pre-9/11 mental health, acute stress 9-23 days after 9/11, the quality of social environments 1 year post-9/11, economic stress 18 months post-9/11, and PTS symptoms and impaired functioning 2 and 3 years post-9/11. Interactions between negative social environments and economic stress were examined separately based on OXTR rs53576 genotype (GG vs. any A allele). For individuals with an A allele, a negative social environment significantly increased PTS symptoms without regard to the level of economic stress experienced. However, for respondents with a GG genotype, negative social environments predicted elevated PTS symptoms only for those also experiencing high economic stress. Gender moderated associations between negative social environments, economic stress, and impaired functioning. The functioning of females was most affected by negative social environments regardless of genotype and economic stress, whereas the functioning of males was differentially susceptible to economic stress depending on OXTR genotype and negative social environments. These findings suggest that it is important to consider the combined impact of gender and ongoing stress in different domains as moderators of genetic vulnerability following collective stress. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Forecasting Financial Stress


    Jan Willem Slingenberg; Jakob de Haan


    This paper uses a Financial Stress Index (FSI) for 13 OECD countries to examine which variables can help predicting financial stress. A stress index measures the current state of stress in the financial system and summarizes it in a single statistic. We employ three criteria for indicators to be used in constructing a multi-country FSI (the index covers the entire financial system, indicators used are available at a high frequency for many countries for a long period, and are comparable) to c...

  3. Postprandial hyperglykaemi. Postprandiale blodglukosesvingninger og kardiovaskulaer sygdom samt sendiabetiske komplikationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsbad, Sten; Brock, Birgitte; Schmitz, Ole


    Epidemiological studies have suggested that postprandial hyperglycaemia may be a unique risk factor for development of cardiovascular disease, although the predictive value has been minor or disappeared after compensation for other cardiovascular risk factors. Pathophysiological studies have demo...... have focused on specific treatment of postprandial hyperglycaemia. Therefore, the importance of postprandial hyperglycaemia for development of diabetic complications and atherosclerosis is unclear.......Epidemiological studies have suggested that postprandial hyperglycaemia may be a unique risk factor for development of cardiovascular disease, although the predictive value has been minor or disappeared after compensation for other cardiovascular risk factors. Pathophysiological studies have...

  4. Stress, fatigue, and sleep quality leading up to and following a stressful life event. (United States)

    Van Laethem, Michelle; Beckers, Debby G J; Dijksterhuis, Ap; Geurts, Sabine A E


    This study aims to examine (a) the time course of stress, fatigue, and sleep quality among PhD students awaiting a stressful event and (b) whether daily anticipation of this event influences day-level stress, fatigue, and sleep quality. Forty-four PhD students completed evening and morning questionnaires on eight days from 1 month before their dissertation defense until one month thereafter. Results showed increased stress leading up to the defense, while fatigue and sleep quality remained unchanged. Comparing the night before the defense with the night after, stress rapidly decreased, whereas fatigue and sleep quality increased. Following the defense, stress and sleep quality remained stable, whereas fatigue declined. Stress 1 month before the defense was higher than 1 month thereafter. Regarding day-level relations, stress was adversely affected by negative anticipation and favorably by positive outcome expectancy, whereas positive anticipation had no influence. Positive outcome expectancy was an important predictor of improved sleep quality. We conclude that stress may be elevated long before a stressful event takes place but that one can recover rather quickly from temporary stress. Positive outcome expectancy of a stressful event may be an important predictor of reduced day-level stress and improved day-level sleep quality leading up to a stressful event. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  5. Does Unconscious Stress Play a Role in Prolonged Cardiovascular Stress Recovery?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brosschot, J.F.; Geurts, S.A.E.; Kruizinga, I.; Radstaak, M.; Verkuil, B.; Quirin, M.R.; Kompier, M.A.J.


    According to recent insights, humans might not be aware of a substantial part of their cognitive stress representations while these still have prolonged physiological effects. Unconscious stress' can be measured by implicit affect (IA) tests. It was shown that IA predicts physiological stress

  6. Academic Major as a Perceived Stress Indicator: Extending Stress Management Intervention (United States)

    May, Ross W.; Casazza, Stephen P.


    Previous research that has explored stress differences between "hard" and "soft" academic majors did not provide clear criteria for categorizing "hard" and "soft" majors, used a single item to measure reported stress, and reported contradictory stress differences between academic majors (Myrtek, Hilgenberg,…

  7. Stress

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Keller, Hanne Dauer


    Kapitlet handler om stress som følelse, og det trækker primært på de få kvalitative undersøgelser, der er lavet af stressforløb.......Kapitlet handler om stress som følelse, og det trækker primært på de få kvalitative undersøgelser, der er lavet af stressforløb....

  8. Lexical influence on stress processing in a fixed-stress language. (United States)

    Garami, Linda; Ragó, Anett; Honbolygó, Ferenc; Csépe, Valéria


    In the present study, we investigate how lexicality affects the processing of suprasegmental features at the word level. In contrast to earlier studies which analyzed the role of either segmental or suprasegmental feature in language processing our aim was to investigate the effect of the lexical status on the processing of violated stress pattern defined by linguistic rules. We have conducted a passive oddball ERP experiment, presenting a frequent CVCV word with legal (familiar) and illegal (unfamiliar) stress patterns. Former results obtained with pseudo-words in a similar paradigm enabled to assess the influence of lexical information on stress processing. The presence of lexically relevant information resulted in different ERP patterns compared to those obtained with pseudo-words. We obtained two consecutive MMN responses to the illegally stressed words while violating the illegal stress pattern with a legal one the deviant stimulus elicited two consecutive MMN responses as well. In the latter condition lexicality clearly enhanced the comparison of prosodic information between standard and deviant stimuli, as these components very completely missing when presenting pseudo-words. We interpret the results that lexicality acts as a filter since in the absence of lexical familiarity unfamiliar stress patterns are discriminated better. Our results highlight that even when stress is fully predictable, it is taken into account during pre-attentive processing of linguistic input. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Learning design – praktisk planlægning af et blended undervisningsforløb

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Janne Saltoft

    undervisningsplanlægning. Model og toolkit introduceres desuden generelt som planlægningsværktøj på Health til planlægning af blendede undervisningsforløb. På workshoppen præsenteres learning design-model og toolkit, samt de teoretiske rammer, som de valg, der er truffet i forbindelse med udviklingen, er baseret på......I 2011 vedtog Aarhus Universitet en politik for educational it, der indeholdt visioner for anskaffelse af et nyt learning management system (LMS), undervisningsudvikling og uddannelse af undervisere. Blackboard blev anskaffet, og implementering samt uddannelse af undervisere startede i slutningen...... udvidet kursus. For at eksplicitere og kvalitetssikre undervisningsplanlægningen med educational it blev det besluttet at binde undervisningen i Blackboard op på et learning design med en central learning design-model, som skulle lægge op til at skabe sammenhængende undervisning, understøtte aktiverende...

  10. Brugerinvolvering og programmering for masterplan konkurrence på Bispebjerg Hospital

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fronczek-Munter, Aneta


    at præsentere resultaterne af et casestudie på Bispebjerg Hospital, som jeg gennemførte som en del af mit PhD-projekt om Usability Briefing for hospitaler. PhD-projektet inkluderer studier af metoder og resultater af brugerinvolvering i design samt organisering og gennemførelse af god programmering.......Sundhedsfaciliteter har for nylig fået en masse opmærksomhed i Danmark, fordi der er planlagt 37 hospitalsprojekter de næste 10-15 år (http:// Projekterne er både helt nye hospitaler, nye hospitalsbygninger samt videreudvikling af eksisterende...... hospitaler. Der er også en del fokus på de indledende stadier af designprocesser med brugerinvolvering og konkurrence-programmering, med det formål at opnå moderne og fremragende hospitaler, der understøtter behovene hos fremtidige patienter, sundhedspersonale og samfundet. Denne artikel har til formål...

  11. Nyt fra videnskaberne 2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Evron, Lotte


    faldforebyggelsesprogrammer (Bunn et al, 2008). En ny gren inden for faldforskning undersøger opfattelser af fald og faldforebyggelse samt barrierer og motivation for deltagelse i faldforebyggelsesprogrammer (McMahon et al 2011, Calhoun et al 2011, Evron et al, 2009, Bunn et al, 2008). I mit ph.d. projekt forsøger jeg...... temaer som frygt for svækkelse, fastholdelse af autonomi og uafhængighed i hverdagen, og forskellige opfattelser af faldrisici (McMahon, 2011). I modsætning til deltagere, ser ikke-deltagere ikke et aktuelt behov for at forebygge fald (Calhoun 2011, Evron 2009), hvilket forklares ud fra to opfattelser...... gængse faldforskning bygger derimod på et rationale, hvormed fald ses som noget unaturligt, der skal forebygges. Nogle studier kobler ikke-deltagelse med fornægtelse eller undervurdering af faldproblemer, samt manglende viden (Bunn et al, 2008). Andre viser, at kategorisering som faldtruet kan have...

  12. Overexpression of a cytosolic abiotic stress responsive universal stress protein (SbUSP mitigates salt and osmotic stress in transgenic tobacco plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pushpika eUdawat


    Full Text Available The Universal Stress Protein (USP is a ubiquitous protein and plays an indispensable role in plant abiotic stress tolerance. The genome of Salicornia brachiata contains two homologues of intron less SbUSP gene which encodes for salt and osmotic responsive universal stress protein. In vivo localization reveals that SbUSP is a membrane bound cytosolic protein. The role of the gene was functionally validated by developing transgenic tobacco and compared with control (wild type and vector control plants under different abiotic stress condition. Transgenic lines (T1 exhibited higher chlorophyll, relative water, proline, total sugar, reducing sugar, free amino acids, polyphenol contents, osmotic potential, membrane stability and lower electrolyte leakage and lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde content under stress treatments than control (WT and VC plants. Lower accumulation of H2O2 and O2- radicals was also detected in transgenic lines compared to control plants under stress conditions. Present study confers that overexpression of the SbUSP gene enhances plant growth, alleviates ROS buildup, maintains ion homeostasis and improves the physiological status of the plant under salt and osmotic stresses. Principal component analysis (PCA exhibited a statistical distinction of plant response to salinity stress, and a significant response was observed for transgenic lines under stress, which provides stress endurance to the plant. A possible signaling role is proposed that some downstream genes may get activated by abiotic stress responsive cytosolic SbUSP, which leads to the protection of cell from oxidative damages. The study unveils that ectopic expression of the gene mitigates salt or osmotic stress by scavenging ROS and modulating the physiological process of the plant.

  13. Investigations of some rock stress measuring techniques and the stress field in Norway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanssen, Tor Harald


    Rock stresses are important to the safe construction and operation of all man-made structures in rock, whether In mining, civil or petroleum engineering. The crucial issue is their relative magnitude and orientation. This thesis develops equipment and methods for further rock stress assessment and reevaluates existing overcoring rock stress measurements, and relates this information to the present geological setting. Both laboratory work and field work are involved. In the field, rock stresses are measured by the overcoring and the hydraulic fracturing technique. An observation technique for assessing likely high stresses is developed. The field data refer to several hydropower projects and to some offshore hydrocarbon fields. The principal sections are: (1) Tectonic setting in the western Fennoscandia, (2) Triaxial rock stress measurements by overcoring using the NTH cell (a strain gauge cell developed at the Norwegian technical university in Trondheim and based on the CSIR cell of the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research), (3) Laboratory testing of the NTH cell, (4) Quality ranking of stresses measured by the NTH cell, (4) Recalculated rock stresses and implications to the regional stress field, (5) Hydraulic fracturing stress measurements. 113 refs., 98 figs., 62 tabs.

  14. Investigations of some rock stress measuring techniques and the stress field in Norway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanssen, Tor Harald


    Rock stresses are important to the safe construction and operation of all man-made structures in rock, whether In mining, civil or petroleum engineering. The crucial issue is their relative magnitude and orientation. This thesis develops equipment and methods for further rock stress assessment and reevaluates existing overcoring rock stress measurements, and relates this information to the present geological setting. Both laboratory work and field work are involved. In the field, rock stresses are measured by the overcoring and the hydraulic fracturing technique. An observation technique for assessing likely high stresses is developed. The field data refer to several hydropower projects and to some offshore hydrocarbon fields. The principal sections are: (1) Tectonic setting in the western Fennoscandia, (2) Triaxial rock stress measurements by overcoring using the NTH cell (a strain gauge cell developed at the Norwegian technical university in Trondheim and based on the CSIR cell of the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research), (3) Laboratory testing of the NTH cell, (4) Quality ranking of stresses measured by the NTH cell, (4) Recalculated rock stresses and implications to the regional stress field, (5) Hydraulic fracturing stress measurements. 113 refs., 98 figs., 62 tabs.

  15. Bridging scales of crustal stress patterns using the new World Stress Map (United States)

    Heidbach, O.; Rajabi, M.; Cui, X.; Fuchs, K. W.; Mueller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Reiter, K.; Tingay, M. R. P.; Wenzel, F.; Xie, F.; Ziegler, M.; Zoback, M. D.; Zoback, M. L.


    Knowledge of the contemporary crustal stress field is a key parameter for the understanding of geodynamic processes such as global plate tectonics and the earthquake cycle. It is also an essential parameter for our sustainable and safe usage of Earth's resources, which is a major challenge for energy security in the 21st century. Since 1986, the World Stress Map (WSM) project has systematically compiled present-day stress information and provides a unique public domain global database. It is a long-term project based on an international network of partners from academia and industry. All data are public and available on the project website at For the 30th anniversary of the project a new database has been compiled, containing double the amount of data records (n=42,870) including new data records from almost 4,000 deep boreholes. The new compilation focused on areas with previously sparse data coverage in order to resolve the stress pattern on different spatial scales. The significantly higher data density can now be used to resolve stress pattern heterogeneities on regional and local scales, as well as with depth in some regions. We present three results derived from the new WSM compilation: 1.) The global comparison between absolute plate motion and the mean of the orientation of maximum horizontal stress SHmax on a regular grid shows that there is still a correlation for the North and South America plate, but deviations from this general trend are now also clearly resolved. 2.) The variability of the crustal stress pattern changes when zooming in from plate-wide scale down to basin scale at 100 km. We show examples for Eastern Australia, Oklahoma and Central Europe. This regional and local variability of the stress pattern can be used as a proxy to identify and quantify regional and local stress sources by means of geomechanical-numerical models of the 3D stress tensor. 3.) Finally we present briefly the general concept of a multi-stage 3D

  16. An unusual stress fracture: Bilateral posterior longitudinal stress fracture of tibia. (United States)

    Malkoc, Melih; Korkmaz, Ozgur; Ormeci, Tugrul; Oltulu, Ismail; Isyar, Mehmet; Mahirogulları, Mahir


    Stress fractures (SF) occur when healthy bone is subjected to cyclic loading, which the normal carrying range capacity is exceeded. Usually, stress fractures occur at the metatarsal bones, calcaneus, proximal or distal tibia and tends to be unilateral. This article presents a 58-year-old male patient with bilateral posterior longitudinal tibial stress fractures. A 58 years old male suffering for persistent left calf pain and decreased walking distance for last one month and after imaging studies posterior longitudinal tibial stress fracture was detected on his left tibia. After six months the patient was admitted to our clinic with the same type of complaints in his right leg. All imaging modalities and blood counts were performed and as a result longitudinal posterior tibial stress fractures were detected on his right tibia. Treatment of tibial stress fracture includes rest and modified activity, followed by a graded return to activity commensurate with bony healing. We have applied the same treatment protocol and our results were acceptable but our follow up time short for this reason our study is restricted for separate stress fractures of the posterior tibia. Although the main localization of tibial stress fractures were unilateral, anterior and transverse pattern, rarely, like in our case, the unusual bilateral posterior localization and longitudinal pattern can be seen. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  17. Bidirectional crosstalk between stress-induced gastric ulcer and depression under chronic stress.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shuang Zhang

    Full Text Available Stress contributes to a variety of diseases and disorders such as depression and peptic ulcer. The present study aimed to investigate the correlation between stress ulcer and depression in pathogenesis and treatment by using chronic stress depression (CSD, chronic psychological stress ulcer (CPSU and water immersion restrain stress models in rats. Our data showed that the ulcer index of the animals after CSD exposure was significantly higher than that of controls. Depression-like behaviors were observed in rat after CPSU exposure. Fluoxetine hydrochloride significantly reduced the ulcer index of rats exposed to CPSU stress, while ranitidine inhibited depression-like behavior of the animals in CSD group. The ulcer index of rats administered with mifepristone after CPSU stress was markedly reduced compared to CPSU group, although there was no significant difference in the depression-like behavior between mifepristone-treated CSD group and naive controls. We also found that the rats exposed to CPSU or CSD stress displayed a lower level of corticosterone than naive controls, however, the acute stress (AS group showed an opposite result. Additionally, in order to study the relevance of H(2 receptors and depression, we treated the CSD group with cimetidine and famotidine respectively. The data showed that cimetidine inhibited depression-like behavior in CSD rats, and famotidine had no impact on depression. Overall our data suggested that the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA axis dysfunction may be the key role in triggering depression and stress ulcer. Acid-suppressing drugs and antidepressants could be used for treatment of depression and stress ulcer respectively. The occurrence of depression might be inhibited by blocking the central H(2 receptors.

  18. Stress: a concept analysis. (United States)

    Goodnite, Patricia M


    To analyze the concept of stress and provide an operational definition of stress. Literature review revealed that stress is a commonly used, but often ambiguous, term. Findings supported a definition of stress entailing an individual's perception of a stimulus as overwhelming, which in turn elicits a measurable response resulting in a transformed state. This analysis adopts a dynamic definition of stress that may serve to encourage communication, promote reflection, and enhance concept understanding. This definition may provide direction for future work, as well as enhance efforts to serve patients affected by stress. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Psychophysiological responses to stress after stress management training in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwer, S.J.M. de; Kraaimaat, F.W.; Sweep, F.C.; Donders, A.R.T.; Eijsbouts, A.; Koulil, S. van; Riel, P.L.C.M. van; Evers, A.W.M.


    BACKGROUND: Stress management interventions may prove useful in preventing the detrimental effects of stress on health. This study assessed the effects of a stress management intervention on the psychophysiological response to stress in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: Seventy-four

  20. Acute restraint stress induces endothelial dysfunction: role of vasoconstrictor prostanoids and oxidative stress. (United States)

    Carda, Ana P P; Marchi, Katia C; Rizzi, Elen; Mecawi, André S; Antunes-Rodrigues, José; Padovan, Claudia M; Tirapelli, Carlos R


    We hypothesized that acute stress would induce endothelial dysfunction. Male Wistar rats were restrained for 2 h within wire mesh. Functional and biochemical analyses were conducted 24 h after the 2-h period of restraint. Stressed rats showed decreased exploration on the open arms of an elevated-plus maze (EPM) and increased plasma corticosterone concentration. Acute restraint stress did not alter systolic blood pressure, whereas it increased the in vitro contractile response to phenylephrine and serotonin in endothelium-intact rat aortas. NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME; nitric oxide synthase, NOS, inhibitor) did not alter the contraction induced by phenylephrine in aortic rings from stressed rats. Tiron, indomethacin and SQ29548 reversed the increase in the contractile response to phenylephrine induced by restraint stress. Increased systemic and vascular oxidative stress was evident in stressed rats. Restraint stress decreased plasma and vascular nitrate/nitrite (NOx) concentration and increased aortic expression of inducible (i) NOS, but not endothelial (e) NOS. Reduced expression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1, but not COX-2, was observed in aortas from stressed rats. Restraint stress increased thromboxane (TX)B(2) (stable TXA(2) metabolite) concentration but did not affect prostaglandin (PG)F2α concentration in the aorta. Restraint reduced superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, whereas concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and reduced glutathione (GSH) were not affected. The major new finding of our study is that restraint stress increases vascular contraction by an endothelium-dependent mechanism that involves increased oxidative stress and the generation of COX-derived vasoconstrictor prostanoids. Such stress-induced endothelial dysfunction could predispose to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

  1. [Compassion as a mediator between stressful events and perceived stress in Greek students]. (United States)

    Tholouli, E; Maridaki-Kassotaki, A; Varvogli, L; Chrousos, G P


    Compassion is closely related with human's survival as a mammal and has been developed through evolution for pain reduction, for forming affiliative bonds and alliances with non kin in order to increase protection and cope with external threats. Compassion seems to influence people's ability to deal with life's adverse situations such as stress and it is linked with lower psychopathology and greater wellbeing. Compassion is closely related to empathy and altruism and it is defined as the recognition of the pain of the self or others' that is accompanied with the will to take action in order to relieve the person from pain. Its main features are kindness instead of self-judgment and indifference, the recognition of common humanity instead of the feeling of separation and mindfulness when facing adverse conditions instead of over-identification with one's pain or disengagement with the pain of others. According to the biopsychosocial approach, stress can be defined by three dimensions such as the cause or stressful factors that can be major life events or daily hassles, the perception of stress that is manifested through cognitive, emotional and behavioural reactions and the physiological response for achieving homeostasis. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of compassion for self and others in the occurrence of stressful events and levels of perceived stress in students. Participants were 280 undergraduate students from two Greek universities. Results indicated that students who had experienced a greater amount of stressful events during the past year reported having higher levels of perceived stress and that higher self-compassion was correlated with less perceived stress. Moreover, the adverse effect of stressful events on perceived stress was partially explained by the mediating role of self-compassion. Students who reported more stressful events showed higher compassion for others in opposition to compassion towards themselves but

  2. Estimation of stress intensity factors for circumferential cracked pipes under welding residual stress filed

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Chang Young; Kim, Yun Jae; Oh, Young Jin; Song, Tae Kwang; Kim, Yong Beum; Oh, Young Jin; Song, Tae Kwang; Kim, Yong Beum


    Recently, stress corrosion cracking(SCC) have been found in dissimilar metal welds of nozzles in some pressurized water reactors and on low carbon stainless steel piping systems of boiling water reactors. The important factor of SCC is the residual stress field caused by weld. For the evaluation of crack growth analysis due to SCC, stress intensity factor under a residual stress field should be estimated. Several solutions for stress intensity factor under residual stress field were recommended in flaw assessment codes such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section XI, R6, American Petroleum Institute (API579). Some relevant works have been studied. Dong et al. evaluated stress intensity factors in welded structures. Miyazaki et al. estimated stress intensity factors of surface crack in simple stress fields. This paper presents a simple method to estimate stress intensity factors in welding residual stress field. For general application, results of structure integrity assessment codes KI solutions were compared Finite element analyses of welding simulation and cracked pipes are described. Comparison results of KI solutions and proposed simplified solution are presented in the works

  3. Pacing stress echocardiography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agrusta Marco


    Full Text Available Abstract Background High-rate pacing is a valid stress test to be used in conjunction with echocardiography; it is independent of physical exercise and does not require drug administration. There are two main applications of pacing stress in the echo lab: the noninvasive detection of coronary artery disease through induction of a regional transient dysfunction; and the assessment of contractile reserve through peak systolic pressure/ end-systolic volume relationship at increasing heart rates to assess global left ventricular contractility. Methods The pathophysiologic rationale of pacing stress for noninvasive detection of coronary artery disease is obvious, with the stress determined by a controlled increase in heart rate, which is a major determinant of myocardial oxygen demand, and thereby tachycardia may exceed a fixed coronary flow reserve in the presence of hemodynamically significant coronary artery disease. The use of pacing stress echo to assess left ventricular contractile reserve is less established, but promising. Positive inotropic interventions are mirrored by smaller end-systolic volumes and higher end-systolic pressures. An increased heart rate progressively increases the force of ventricular contraction (Bowditch treppe or staircase phenomenon. To build the force-frequency relationship, the force is determined at different heart rate steps as the ratio of the systolic pressure (cuff sphygmomanometer/end-systolic volume index (biplane Simpson rule. The heart rate is determined from ECG. Conclusion Two-dimensional echocardiography during pacing is a useful tool in the detection of coronary artery disease. Because of its safety and ease of repeatability noninvasive pacing stress echo can be the first-line stress test in patients with permanent pacemaker. The force-frequency can be defined as up- sloping (normal when the peak stress pacing systolic pressure/end-systolic volume index is higher than baseline and intermediate stress

  4. The stress field and transient stress generation at shallow depths in the Canadian shield

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasegawa, H.S.


    A prominent feature of the stress field in eastern Canada is the high horizontal stress at shallow depths. Possible causative factors to this shallow stress field are remanent stresses from a previous tectonic orogeny, plate tectonic stresses and glacial-related stresses (glacial drag and flexual stress). The inherent difficulty in differentiating residual from current stress is one of the reasons why the relative contributions to the stress field from the phenomena described above are not properly understood. Maximum stress-strain changes an underground vault is likely to encounter from natural phenomena should occur when the periphery of the advancing or retreating glacier is near the vault. Theoretical calculations indicate that lithospheric flexure, differential postglacial uplift and possibly glacial drag may be able to generate significant horizontal stresses around a vault. In order to calculate the earthquake potential of these induced stress changes, the ambient tectonic stress field should also be included and a suitable failure criterion (e.g. Coulomb-Mohr) used. For earthquakes to generate appreciable stress-strain concentrations near a vault; the seismic signal must contain appreciable energy at appropriate frequencies (wavelengths comparable to vault dimensions) and be of appreciable duration; the particle velocity must be high (> 10 cm/s), induced strain is a function of particle velocity; and, the hypocentre must be less than half a fault length from the vault for residual deformation (strain and tilt) to be significant. The most severe case is when the causative fault intersects the vault

  5. Individual differences in delay discounting under acute stress: the role of trait perceived stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karolina M. Lempert


    Full Text Available Delay discounting refers to the reduction of the value of a future reward as the delay to that reward increases. The rate at which individuals discount future rewards varies as a function of both individual and contextual differences, and high delay discounting rates have been linked with problematic behaviors, including drug abuse and gambling. The current study investigated the effects of acute anticipatory stress on delay discounting, while considering two important factors: individual perceptions of stress and whether the stressful situation is future-focused or present-focused. Half of the participants experienced acute stress by anticipating giving a videotaped speech. This stress was either future-oriented (speech about future job or present-oriented (speech about physical appearance. They then performed a delay discounting task, in which they chose between smaller, immediate rewards and larger, delayed rewards. Their scores on the Perceived Stress Scale were also collected. The way in which one appraises a stressful situation interacts with acute stress to influence choices; under stressful conditions, delay discounting rate was highest in individuals with low perceived stress and lowest for individuals with high perceived stress. This result might be related to individual variation in reward responsiveness under stress. Furthermore, the time orientation of the task interacted with its stressfulness to affect the individual’s propensity to choose immediate rewards. These findings add to our understanding of the intermediary factors between stress and decision making.

  6. Stress Management and Gifted Children (United States)

    Patel, Vidisha A.


    Stress can affect anyone, and gifted children are no exception. Giftedness can sometimes be the cause of the stress. Perfectionism, sensitivity, and intensity are characteristics of gifted children that may exacerbate stress. Stress can be constructive. Prolonged stress, however, with no time to recover becomes detrimental. Continued stress upsets…

  7. Writing about stress: the impact of a stress-management programme on staff accounts of dealing with stress. (United States)

    van Oorsouw, Wietske M W J; Embregts, Petri J C M; Bosman, Anna M T; Jahoda, Andrew


    Helping staff serving clients with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour to cope with stress has implications for their own well-being and for the lives of those they support. This study examined staff members' views of stress and the effectiveness of a stress-management intervention. Effectiveness was assessed using written assignments regarding stress management, and changes in views presented were tested in a pre- and post-test control group design. In the first phase, a content analysis was conducted across groups, which revealed that participants expressed a broad variety of views about stress and coping mechanisms, with considerable individual differences. In the second phase, a more fine-grained quantitative analysis was conducted to assess training effectiveness. Results showed an increase in the proportion of coping strategies referred to by the experimental group post-training. This positive change remained at follow-up. The results of the content analysis and the outcome data have implications for staff training. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Comfort food is comforting to those most stressed: evidence of the chronic stress response network in high stress women. (United States)

    Tomiyama, A Janet; Dallman, Mary F; Epel, Elissa S


    Chronically stressed rodents who are allowed to eat calorie-dense "comfort" food develop greater mesenteric fat, which in turn dampens hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis activity. We tested whether similar relations exist in humans, at least cross-sectionally. Fifty-nine healthy premenopausal women were exposed to a standard laboratory stressor to examine HPA response to acute stress and underwent diurnal saliva sampling for basal cortisol and response to dexamethasone administration. Based on perceived stress scores, women were divided into extreme quartiles of low versus high stress categories. We found as hypothesized that the high stress group had significantly greater BMI and sagittal diameter, and reported greater emotional eating. In response to acute lab stressor, the high stress group showed a blunted cortisol response, lower diurnal cortisol levels, and greater suppression in response to dexamethasone. These cross-sectional findings support the animal model, which suggests that long-term adaptation to chronic stress in the face of dense calories result in greater visceral fat accumulation (via ingestion of calorie-dense food), which in turn modulates HPA axis response, resulting in lower cortisol levels. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. The origin of the distinction between microscopic formulas for stress and Cauchy stress


    Chen, Youping


    Stress is calculated routinely in atomistic simulations. The widely used microscopic stress formulas derived from classical or quantum mechanics, however, are distinct from the concept of Cauchy stress, i.e., the true mechanical tress. This work examines various atomistic stress formulations and their inconsistencies. Using standard mathematic theorems and the law of mechanics, we show that Cauchy stress results unambiguously from the definition of internal force density, thereby removing the...

  10. Adolescents' sleep in low-stress and high-stress (exam) times: a prospective quasi-experiment. (United States)

    Dewald, Julia F; Meijer, Anne Marie; Oort, Frans J; Kerkhof, Gerard A; Bögels, Susan M


    This prospective quasi-experiment (N = 175; mean age = 15.14 years) investigates changes in adolescents' sleep from low-stress (regular school week) to high-stress times (exam week), and examines the (moderating) role of chronic sleep reduction, baseline stress, and gender. Sleep was monitored over three consecutive weeks using actigraphy. Adolescents' sleep was more fragmented during the high-stress time than during the low-stress time, meaning that individuals slept more restless during stressful times. However, sleep efficiency, total sleep time, and sleep onset latency remained stable throughout the three consecutive weeks. High chronic sleep reduction was related to later bedtimes, later sleep start times, later sleep end times, later getting up times, and more time spent in bed. Furthermore, low chronic sleep reduction and high baseline stress levels were related to more fragmented sleep during stressful times. This study shows that stressful times can have negative effects on adolescents' sleep fragmentation, especially for adolescents with low chronic sleep reduction or high baseline stress levels.

  11. Stress and hormones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salam Ranabir


    Full Text Available In the modern environment one is exposed to various stressful conditions. Stress can lead to changes in the serum level of many hormones including glucocorticoids, catecholamines, growth hormone and prolactin. Some of these changes are necessary for the fight or flight response to protect oneself. Some of these stressful responses can lead to endocrine disorders like Graves′ disease, gonadal dysfunction, psychosexual dwarfism and obesity. Stress can also alter the clinical status of many preexisting endocrine disorders such as precipitation of adrenal crisis and thyroid storm.

  12. Pain stress and headache. (United States)

    Panerai, Alberto E


    The association between pain and stress is an old one, but still it is not really clear who comes first. Pain induces stress, and stress induces pain. Pain is part of our homeostatic system and in this way is an emotion, i.e., it tells us that something is out-of-order (control), and emotion drives our behavior and one behavior is stress response. Stress comes from ourselves: the imagination we have or would like to have of us, from the image others give of us, from the goals we assume it is necessary to reach for our well-being or the goals others want us to fulfill. Stress comes from our social condition and the condition we would like, stress comes from dangerous situations we cannot control. Headache easily fits in the picture.

  13. The use of Stress Tensor Discriminator Faults in separating heterogeneous fault-slip data with best-fit stress inversion methods. II. Compressional stress regimes (United States)

    Tranos, Markos D.


    Synthetic heterogeneous fault-slip data as driven by Andersonian compressional stress tensors were used to examine the efficiency of best-fit stress inversion methods in separating them. Heterogeneous fault-slip data are separated only if (a) they have been driven by stress tensors defining 'hybrid' compression (R constitute a necessary discriminatory tool for the establishment and comparison of two compressional stress tensors determined by a best-fit stress inversion method. The best-fit stress inversion methods are not able to determine more than one 'real' compressional stress tensor, as far as the thrust stacking in an orogeny is concerned. They can only possibly discern stress differences in the late-orogenic faulting processes, but not between the main- and late-orogenic stages.

  14. Oxidative stress impairs the heat stress response and delays unfolded protein recovery.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masaaki Adachi


    Full Text Available Environmental changes, air pollution and ozone depletion are increasing oxidative stress, and global warming threatens health by heat stress. We now face a high risk of simultaneous exposure to heat and oxidative stress. However, there have been few studies investigating their combined adverse effects on cell viability.Pretreatment of hydrogen peroxide (H(2O(2 specifically and highly sensitized cells to heat stress, and enhanced loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. H(2O(2 exposure impaired the HSP40/HSP70 induction as heat shock response (HSR and the unfolded protein recovery, and enhanced eIF2alpha phosphorylation and/or XBP1 splicing, land marks of ER stress. These H(2O(2-mediated effects mimicked enhanced heat sensitivity in HSF1 knockdown or knockout cells. Importantly, thermal preconditioning blocked H(2O(2-mediated inhibitory effects on refolding activity and rescued HSF1 +/+ MEFs, but neither blocked the effects nor rescued HSF1 -/- MEFs. These data strongly suggest that inhibition of HSR and refolding activity is crucial for H(2O(2-mediated enhanced heat sensitivity.H(2O(2 blocks HSR and refolding activity under heat stress, thereby leading to insufficient quality control and enhancing ER stress. These uncontrolled stress responses may enhance cell death. Our data thus highlight oxidative stress as a crucial factor affecting heat tolerance.

  15. Generalized Unsafety Theory of Stress: Unsafe Environments and Conditions, and the Default Stress Response. (United States)

    Brosschot, Jos F; Verkuil, Bart; Thayer, Julian F


    Prolonged physiological stress responses form an important risk factor for disease. According to neurobiological and evolution-theoretical insights the stress response is a default response that is always "on" but inhibited by the prefrontal cortex when safety is perceived. Based on these insights the Generalized Unsafety Theory of Stress (GUTS) states that prolonged stress responses are due to generalized and largely unconsciously perceived unsafety rather than stressors. This novel perspective necessitates a reconstruction of current stress theory, which we address in this paper. We discuss a variety of very common situations without stressors but with prolonged stress responses, that are not, or not likely to be caused by stressors, including loneliness, low social status, adult life after prenatal or early life adversity, lack of a natural environment, and less fit bodily states such as obesity or fatigue. We argue that in these situations the default stress response may be chronically disinhibited due to unconsciously perceived generalized unsafety. Also, in chronic stress situations such as work stress, the prolonged stress response may be mainly caused by perceived unsafety in stressor-free contexts. Thus, GUTS identifies and explains far more stress-related physiological activity that is responsible for disease and mortality than current stress theories.

  16. Generalized Unsafety Theory of Stress: Unsafe Environments and Conditions, and the Default Stress Response

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jos F. Brosschot


    Full Text Available Prolonged physiological stress responses form an important risk factor for disease. According to neurobiological and evolution-theoretical insights the stress response is a default response that is always “on” but inhibited by the prefrontal cortex when safety is perceived. Based on these insights the Generalized Unsafety Theory of Stress (GUTS states that prolonged stress responses are due to generalized and largely unconsciously perceived unsafety rather than stressors. This novel perspective necessitates a reconstruction of current stress theory, which we address in this paper. We discuss a variety of very common situations without stressors but with prolonged stress responses, that are not, or not likely to be caused by stressors, including loneliness, low social status, adult life after prenatal or early life adversity, lack of a natural environment, and less fit bodily states such as obesity or fatigue. We argue that in these situations the default stress response may be chronically disinhibited due to unconsciously perceived generalized unsafety. Also, in chronic stress situations such as work stress, the prolonged stress response may be mainly caused by perceived unsafety in stressor-free contexts. Thus, GUTS identifies and explains far more stress-related physiological activity that is responsible for disease and mortality than current stress theories.

  17. A physical/psychological and biological stress combine to enhance endoplasmic reticulum stress

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mondal, Tapan Kumar; Emeny, Rebecca T.; Gao, Donghong; Ault, Jeffrey G.; Kasten-Jolly, Jane; Lawrence, David A., E-mail:


    The generation of an immune response against infectious and other foreign agents is substantially modified by allostatic load, which is increased with chemical, physical and/or psychological stressors. The physical/psychological stress from cold-restraint (CR) inhibits host defense against Listeria monocytogenes (LM), due to early effects of the catecholamine norepinephrine (NE) from sympathetic nerves on β1-adrenoceptors (β1AR) of immune cells. Although CR activates innate immunity within 2 h, host defenses against bacterial growth are suppressed 2–3 days after infection (Cao and Lawrence 2002). CR enhances inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and NO production. The early innate activation leads to cellular reduction-oxidation (redox) changes of immune cells. Lymphocytes from CR-treated mice express fewer surface thiols. Splenic and hepatic immune cells also have fewer proteins with free thiols after CR and/or LM, and macrophages have less glutathione after the in vivo CR exposure or exposure to NE in vitro. The early induction of CR-induced oxidative stress elevates endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which could interfere with keeping phagocytized LM within the phagosome or re-encapsuling LM by autophagy once they escape from the phagosome. ER stress-related proteins, such as glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78), have elevated expression with CR and LM. The results indicate that CR enhances the unfolded protein response (UPR), which interferes with host defenses against LM. Thus, it is postulated that increased stress, as exists with living conditions at low socioeconomic conditions, can lower host defenses against pathogens because of oxidative and ER stress processes. - Highlights: • Cold-restraint (physical/psychological stress) induces early oxidative stress. • The oxidative stress relates to catecholamine signaling beta-adrenoceptors. • Physical/psychological stress combines infection enhancing inflammation. • Endoplasmic reticulum

  18. Acute Stress Decreases but Chronic Stress Increases Myocardial Sensitivity to Ischemic Injury in Rodents. (United States)

    Eisenmann, Eric D; Rorabaugh, Boyd R; Zoladz, Phillip R


    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the largest cause of mortality worldwide, and stress is a significant contributor to the development of CVD. The relationship between acute and chronic stress and CVD is well evidenced. Acute stress can lead to arrhythmias and ischemic injury. However, recent evidence in rodent models suggests that acute stress can decrease sensitivity to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Conversely, chronic stress is arrhythmogenic and increases sensitivity to myocardial IRI. Few studies have examined the impact of validated animal models of stress-related psychological disorders on the ischemic heart. This review examines the work that has been completed using rat models to study the effects of stress on myocardial sensitivity to ischemic injury. Utilization of animal models of stress-related psychological disorders is critical in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disorders in patients experiencing stress-related psychiatric conditions.

  19. Acute Stress Decreases but Chronic Stress Increases Myocardial Sensitivity to Ischemic Injury in Rodents (United States)

    Eisenmann, Eric D.; Rorabaugh, Boyd R.; Zoladz, Phillip R.


    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the largest cause of mortality worldwide, and stress is a significant contributor to the development of CVD. The relationship between acute and chronic stress and CVD is well evidenced. Acute stress can lead to arrhythmias and ischemic injury. However, recent evidence in rodent models suggests that acute stress can decrease sensitivity to myocardial ischemia–reperfusion injury (IRI). Conversely, chronic stress is arrhythmogenic and increases sensitivity to myocardial IRI. Few studies have examined the impact of validated animal models of stress-related psychological disorders on the ischemic heart. This review examines the work that has been completed using rat models to study the effects of stress on myocardial sensitivity to ischemic injury. Utilization of animal models of stress-related psychological disorders is critical in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disorders in patients experiencing stress-related psychiatric conditions. PMID:27199778

  20. Stress i gymnasiet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne Maj; Lagermann, Laila Colding

    Denne undersøgelse af stress hos gymnasieelever i Aalborg viser, hvordan stress giver sig udslag i gymnasiet, hvad der stresser eleverne, hvad der adskiller de stressramte elever fra andre elever, hvordan et stressreduktionskurset Åben og Rolig for Unge virker for de unge i gymnasiet, og hvad der...... kan modvirke stress i gymnasiet....

  1. Acute stress does not affect the impairing effect of chronic stress on memory retrieval (United States)

    Ozbaki, Jamile; Goudarzi, Iran; Salmani, Mahmoud Elahdadi; Rashidy-Pour, Ali


    Objective(s): Due to the prevalence and pervasiveness of stress in modern life and exposure to both chronic and acute stresses, it is not clear whether prior exposure to chronic stress can influence the impairing effects of acute stress on memory retrieval. This issue was tested in this study. Materials and Methods: Adult male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to the following groups: control, acute, chronic, and chronic + acute stress groups. The rats were trained with six trials per day for 6 consecutive days in the water maze. Following training, the rats were either kept in control conditions or exposed to chronic stress in a restrainer 6 hr/day for 21 days. On day 22, a probe test was done to measure memory retention. Time spent in target and opposite areas, platform location latency, and proximity were used as indices of memory retention. To induce acute stress, 30 min before the probe test, animals received a mild footshock. Results: Stressed animals spent significantly less time in the target quadrant and more time in the opposite quadrant than control animals. Moreover, the stressed animals showed significantly increased platform location latency and proximity as compared with control animals. No significant differences were found in these measures among stress exposure groups. Finally, both chronic and acute stress significantly increased corticosterone levels. Conclusion: Our results indicate that both chronic and acute stress impair memory retrieval similarly. Additionally, the impairing effects of chronic stress on memory retrieval were not influenced by acute stress. PMID:27635201

  2. Biologic Stress, Oxidative Stress, and Resistance to Drugs: What Is Hidden Behind

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Pantelidou


    Full Text Available Stress can be defined as the homeostatic, nonspecific defensive response of the organism to challenges. It is expressed by morphological, biochemical, and functional changes. In this review, we present biological and oxidative stress, as well as their interrelation. In addition to the mediation in biologic stress (central nervous, immune, and hormonal systems and oxidative stress, the effect of these phenomena on xenobiotic metabolism and drug response is also examined. It is concluded that stress decreases drug response, a result which seems to be mainly attributed to the induction of hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes. A number of mechanisms are presented. Structure-activity studies are also discussed. Vitamin E, as well as two synthetic novel compounds, seem to reduce both oxidative and biological stress and, consequently, influence drug response and metabolism.

  3. Et eventuelt bortskaffelses- og betalingsansvar efter dansk og grønlandsk ret begrundet i efterladte anlæg, bygninger, forureninger m.v. i det åbne land

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Basse, Ellen Margrethe


    Der er tale om et responsum til Departementet for Natur og Miljø, Grønland vedrørende miljøretlige, erstatningsretlige og forvaltningsretlige vurderinger af forsigtighedskrav, oprydningsforpligtelser samt økonomisk kompensation for efterladte genstande, affald m.v. i det åbne land...

  4. Forfatningsret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waage, Frederik

    Bogen indeholder en introduktion til faget forfatningsret og 15 større øvelsesopgaver med tilhørende rettevejledninger samt øvrigt materiale til brug for undervisning og eksamenslæsning. Med et stort antal fiktive eksempler demonstrerer bogen, hvordan forfatningsretlige problemer kan identificere...

  5. Denitrification, greenhousegas emission and solute transport in reactive drainage filters (Subsurface flow constructed wetlands)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Jacob Druedahl


    Kvælstofudvaskning fra landbrugsjord til overfladevand fører til eutrofiering og dermed en forringelse af vandkvaliteten, samt tab af biodiversitet. Underjordiske dræn leder nitratrigt drænvand direkte og hurtigt til overfladevand, hvilket resulterer i en ineffektiv rensningseffektivitet som eksi...

  6. Det Kongelige Puslespil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    3D modeller og animation af vikingetidens Jelling, baseret på bl.a. udgravningsdata fra Jellingprojektet. Gennemgang af vikingesamfundet og en beskrivelse af de to runesten i Jelling, en kronologisk gennemgang af udgravningerne fra 2008, samt indklip fra historien om Harald Blåtands bedrifter...

  7. Frafald i de danske ungdomsuddannelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Christian Helms


    Artiklen analyserer på baggrund af et review af forskningen på området årsager til frafald i de danske ungdomsuddannelser - gymnasieuddannelser og erhvervsuddannelser, samt vurderer en række af de tiltag som er iværksat for at reducere frafaldet....

  8. Frege - The Unintentional Linguist. On Frege's Views of Language in the Context of 19th Century German Linguistics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Karsten Hvidtfelt


    , Steinthal, Paul, Wundt) og sprogkritik (Gruppe, Nietzsche, Mauthner) og hvorledes hans kamp mod sproget endte med et bittert personligt og professionelt nederlag. Derefter foretager jeg en rekonstruktion af Freges logiske grammatik samt af det argument som blev afgørende for Freges accept af...

  9. Economic performance of selected European and Canadian fisheries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agnarsson, Sveinn; Eliasen, Søren Qvist; Gudmundsdottir, Saga


    Denne rapport analyserer den seneste produktivitetsudvikling i nogle af de vigtigste fangstbaserede fiskeri i Europa. Ved brug af data om specifikke flådesegmenter er produktivitetsvæksten blevet sammenlignet mellem demersalt fiskeri i Storbritannien, Spanien, Norge, Island og Færøerne, samt pela...

  10. Sub Luna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenløv, Jesper

     Afhandlingen, Sub luna- kosmologier, religion og videnskab i antikken, undersøger de antikke forestillinger om naturens og universets indretning samt menneskets placering i verden således som dette kommer til udtryk i de kosmologiske teorier, der formuleredes i den antikke videnskabelige eller...

  11. Praktiske erfaringer med alternative isoleringsmaterialer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Torben Valdbjørn; Hansen, Klavs Feilberg

    Borup Seniorby er et demonstrationsbyggeri hvori der både er anvendt alternative isoleringsmaterialer og mineraluld. Denne rapport introducerer byggeriet og redegør for byggeprocessen samt håndteringen af de valgte isoleringsprodukter. Ni forskellige produkter, enten i form af løsfyld eller...

  12. Klienters virkninger på sundhedsprofessionerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Kristian; Højbjerg, Karin


    I professionslitteraturen beskrives profession overordnet som mere eller mindre autonome, faglige grupper, der i et historisk perspektiv udvikler sig i et samspil med samfundsmæssige institutioner samt i relationer til andre faggrupper Abbott 1988, Abbott 2005a og b, Carlhed 2011, Friedson, Weber...

  13. Det menneskelige

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Jan Brødslev

    livsfasepsykologi, Winnicotts og Heinz Kohuts Selv-psykologi, Seligmans positive psykologi, kognitiv psykologi og A. H. Almaas' essenspsykologi), lærinsgteori (David Kolb), teorierne om følelsesmæssig intelligens (Daniel Goleman, David Servan-Schreiber) samt buddhisme (Dalai Lama) og kristendom. I bogen gives der...

  14. Construction research needs in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    fælles europæisk forsknings- og udviklingsstrategi for byggesektoren har det europæiske netværk af byggeforskningsinstitutter, ENBRI, sammenfattet de nationale forskningstemaer samt analyseret perspektiver og behov. Dette materiale er anvendt som diskussionsoplæg ved symposiet Construction research needs...

  15. Environmental assessment of solid waste landfilling in a life cycle perspective (LCA model EASEWASTE)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manfredi, Simone

    fordele med henblik på global opvarmning (GW) samt andre kategorier. Omfanget af de mulige besparelser per masseenhed LFG udnyttet, afhænger ikke kun af effektiviteten af energigenindvindingen fra LFG, men også af de specifikke processer LFG energiproduktionen (elektricitet og/eller varme) erstatter...

  16. CCCTB – Europa Kommissionens direktivforslag om en konsolideret selskabsskattebase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Peter Koerver; Bundgaard, Jakob

    realiseret inden for EU, samt at koncerninterne transaktioner skal elimineres, hvorved transfer pricing-dokumentation bliver overflødig. Endvidere skal koncerner kunne nøjes med at indlevere én selvangivelse for alle deres EU-baserede aktiviteter. Denne artikel har fokus på hovedelementerne i...

  17. CCCBT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Peter Koerver; Bundgaard, Jakob; Bendtsen, Moalem Weitemeyer


    realiseret inden for EU, samt at koncerninterne transaktioner skal elimineres, hvorved transfer pricing-dokumentation bliver overflødig. Endvidere skal koncerner kunne nøjes med at indlevere én selvangivelse for alle deres EU-baserede aktiviteter. Denne artikel har fokus på hovedelementerne i...

  18. GISMOVA. GIS-baseret moniteringsstrategi i vandforsyningen. 2. del - Vejledning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Sille Lyster; Christensen, Sarah Christine Boesgaard; Albrechtsen, Hans-Jørgen

    , baggrund og metode, beskriver baggrunden for GISMOVA, samt sammenfatning og inspiration til metoden (Larsen et al. 2015). Denne 2. del demonstrerer GISMOVA, anvendt på VandCenter Syds (VCS) distributionssystem. Demonstrationen fungerer også som vejledning til brug af GISMOVA i andre forsyninger og er...

  19. Stress intensity factors and constant stress terms for interface cracks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fett, T.; Rizzi, G.


    In bi-material joints cracks can propagate along the interface or kink into one of the two materials. Whereas the energy release rate can be applied for interface cracks in the same way as usual for homogeneous materials, the computation of stresses in the vicinity of the crack tip is significantly more complicated. In order to assess crack kinking, it is necessary to know the mixed-mode stress intensity factor contributions K I and K II as well as the constant stress terms in the two materials. Whereas the stress intensity factors are available for a large number of infinite and semi-infinite bodies, there is experimental interest in practically used test specimens. This especially holds for the constant x-stress terms. Finite element computations are performed for the special case of a disappearing second Dundurs parameter, i.e. β=0. The fracture mechanics parameters K I , K II , σ 0 for the interface crack are reported in the form of diagrams and approximate relations. (orig.)

  20. Sex and stress: Men and women show different cortisol responses to psychological stress induced by the Trier social stress test and the Iowa singing social stress test. (United States)

    Reschke-Hernández, Alaine E; Okerstrom, Katrina L; Bowles Edwards, Angela; Tranel, Daniel


    Acute psychological stress affects each of us in our daily lives and is increasingly a topic of discussion for its role in mental illness, aging, cognition, and overall health. A better understanding of how such stress affects the body and mind could contribute to the development of more effective clinical interventions and prevention practices. Over the past 3 decades, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) has been widely used to induce acute stress in a laboratory setting based on the principles of social evaluative threat, namely, a judged speech-making task. A comparable alternative task may expand options for examining acute stress in a controlled laboratory setting. This study uses a within-subjects design to examine healthy adult participants' (n = 20 men, n = 20 women) subjective stress and salivary cortisol responses to the standard TSST (involving public speaking and math) and the newly created Iowa Singing Social Stress Test (I-SSST). The I-SSST is similar to the TSST but with a new twist: public singing. Results indicated that men and women reported similarly high levels of subjective stress in response to both tasks. However, men and women demonstrated different cortisol responses; men showed a robust response to both tasks, and women displayed a lesser response. These findings are in line with previous literature and further underscore the importance of examining possible sex differences throughout various phases of research, including design, analysis, and interpretation of results. Furthermore, this nascent examination of the I-SSST suggests a possible alternative for inducing stress in the laboratory. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Overexpression of a Cytosolic Abiotic Stress Responsive Universal Stress Protein (SbUSP) Mitigates Salt and Osmotic Stress in Transgenic Tobacco Plants (United States)

    Udawat, Pushpika; Jha, Rajesh K.; Sinha, Dinkar; Mishra, Avinash; Jha, Bhavanath


    The universal stress protein (USP) is a ubiquitous protein and plays an indispensable role in plant abiotic stress tolerance. The genome of Salicornia brachiata contains two homologs of intron less SbUSP gene which encodes for salt and osmotic responsive USP. In vivo localization reveals that SbUSP is a membrane bound cytosolic protein. The role of the gene was functionally validated by developing transgenic tobacco and compared with control [wild-type (WT) and vector control (VC)] plants under different abiotic stress condition. Transgenic lines (T1) exhibited higher chlorophyll, relative water, proline, total sugar, reducing sugar, free amino acids, polyphenol contents, osmotic potential, membrane stability, and lower electrolyte leakage and lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde content) under stress treatments than control (WT and VC) plants. Lower accumulation of H2O2 and O2− radicals was also detected in transgenic lines compared to control plants under stress conditions. Present study confers that overexpression of the SbUSP gene enhances plant growth, alleviates ROS buildup, maintains ion homeostasis and improves the physiological status of the plant under salt and osmotic stresses. Principal component analysis exhibited a statistical distinction of plant response to salinity stress, and a significant response was observed for transgenic lines under stress, which provides stress endurance to the plant. A possible signaling role is proposed that some downstream genes may get activated by abiotic stress responsive cytosolic SbUSP, which leads to the protection of cell from oxidative damages. The study unveils that ectopic expression of the gene mitigates salt or osmotic stress by scavenging ROS and modulating the physiological process of the plant. PMID:27148338

  2. Cross-country discrepancies on public understanding of stress concepts: evidence for stress-management psychoeducational programs. (United States)

    Souza-Talarico, Juliana Nery; Wan, Nathalie; Santos, Sheila; Fialho, Patrícia Paes Araujo; Chaves, Eliane Corrêa; Caramelli, Paulo; Bianchi, Estela Ferraz; Santos, Aline Talita; Lupien, Sonia J


    Negative effects of stress have pose one of the major threats to the health and economic well being of individuals independently of age and cultural background. Nevertheless, the term "stress" has been globally used unlinked from scientificevidence-based meaning. The discrepancies between scientific and public stress knowledge are focus of concern and little is know about it. This is relevant since misconceptions about stress may influence the effects of stress-management psychoeducational programs and the development of best practices for interventions. The study aimed to analyze stress knowledge among the Canadian and Brazilian general public and to determine the extent to which scientific and popular views of stress differ between those countries. We evaluated 1156 healthy participants between 18 and 88 years of age recruited from Canada (n = 502) and Brazil (n = 654). To assess stress knowledge, a questionnaire composed of questions regarding stress concepts ("stress is bad" versus "stress-free life is good") and factors capable of triggering the stress response ("novelty, unpredictability, low sense of control and social evaluative threat versus "time pressure,work overload, conflict, unbalance and children") was used. Both Canadian and Brazilian participants showed misconceptions about stress and the factors capable of triggering a stress response. However, the rate of misconceptions was higher in Brazil than in Canada (p stress science and its variance according to a country's society. Psychoeducational programs and vulnerability of stress-related disorder are discussed.

  3. Stress anisotropy and stress gradient in magnetron sputtered films with different deposition geometries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Z.B.; Yalisove, S.M.; Bilello, J.C.


    Mo films were deposited via magnetron sputtering with two different deposition geometries: dynamic deposition (moving substrate) and static deposition (fixed substrate). The residual stress and structural morphologies of these films were investigated, with particular focus on in-plane anisotropy of the biaxial stress and stress gradient across the film thickness. The results revealed that the Mo films developed distinct states of residual stress, which depended on both deposition geometry and film thickness. With the dynamic geometry, the Mo films generally exhibited anisotropic stress. Both the degree of anisotropy and the magnitude of stress varied as functions of film thickness. The variation of stress was linked to the evolution of anisotropic microstructures in the films. The Mo films from the static geometry developed isotropic residual stress, which was more compressive and noticeably larger in magnitude than that of the Mo films from the dynamic geometry. Aside from these disparities, the two types of Mo films (i.e., anisotropic and isotropic) exhibited notably similar trends of stress variation with film thickness. Depth profiling indicated the presence of large stress gradients for the Mo films, irrespective of the deposition geometries. This observation seems to be consistent with the premise that Mo films develop a zone T structure, which is inherently inhomogeneous along the film thickness. Moreover, the largest stress gradient for both types of deposition geometries arises at roughly the same film depth (∼240 nm from substrate), where the stresses sharply transits from highly compressive to less compressive or even tensile. This appears to correspond to the boundary region that separates two distinct stages of microstructural evolution, a feature unique to zone T-type structure


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    Kamaazura Abu Abu


    Full Text Available The hospitality industry is an entity that is continuously determined by varying new demands and the needs of its customers. This ever-changing and complex working environment has caused and become a source of stress for the hospitality industries’ workforce. Workplace stress is increasing from year to year and has become a focus of research interest in recent years. Responding to the demands of management who require a more precise understanding of the issues of workplace stress, researchers have conducted studies on a total of 115 respondents from a 3 star-hotel and a 4 star-hotel. The personnel involved came from the food and beverage departments, room services and the front offices, whose daily routines involved direct face to face serving activities and fulfilling their customers’ demands. Using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 19.0 and AMOS version 18.0, the results of Exploratory Data Analysis (EFA and Confirmatory Data Analysis (CFA have confirmed that there are two stress factors, namely challenge stress and hindrance stress. Both of these stress factors have a significantly negative relation to one another. Understanding these dimensions in detail can help the hospitality organizations to be well prepared for the task of motivating their employees.

  5. A study on anti-stress property of Nardostachys jatamamsi on stress induced Drosophila melanogaster

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    Shilpashree R.


    Full Text Available Stress is a feeling that’s created when we react to particular events. It s the body’s way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness. As a result of the stress immune system can be suppressed by chronic stress opening to increased infections and increasing the risk of autoimmune diseases. So one has to learn away to overcome stress. Here is an attempt made to overcome the stress induced in Drosophila melanogaster a model organism, in this study. Methotrexate is used to induce the stress at different concentration taking different group of flies and a Nardostachys jatamamsi plant extract having antistress property is used to relieve the stress induced. This stress relieve measured by the various stress related enzymes like catalase and Superoxide dismutase by this antistress property of the plant Nardostachys jatamamsi was shown.

  6. Acute stress decreases but chronic stress increases myocardial sensitivity to ischemic injury in rodents

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    Eric D Eisenmann


    Full Text Available Cardiovascular disease is the largest cause of mortality worldwide, and stress is a significant contributor to the development of cardiovascular disease. The relationship between acute and chronic stress and cardiovascular disease is well-evidenced. Acute stress can lead to arrhythmias and ischemic injury. However, recent evidence in rodent models suggests that acute stress can decrease sensitivity to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Conversely, chronic stress is arrythmogenic and increases sensitivity to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Few studies have examined the impact of validated animal models of stress-related psychological disorders on the ischemic heart. This review examines the work that has been completed using rat models to study the effects of stress on myocardial sensitivity to ischemic injury. Utilization of animal models of stress-related psychological disorders is critical in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disorders in patients experiencing stress-related psychiatric conditions.

  7. The maximum possible stress intensity factor for a crack in an unknown residual stress field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coules, H.E.; Smith, D.J.


    Residual and thermal stress fields in engineering components can act on cracks and structural flaws, promoting or inhibiting fracture. However, these stresses are limited in magnitude by the ability of materials to sustain them elastically. As a consequence, the stress intensity factor which can be applied to a given defect by a self-equilibrating stress field is also limited. We propose a simple weight function method for determining the maximum stress intensity factor which can occur for a given crack or defect in a one-dimensional self-equilibrating stress field, i.e. an upper bound for the residual stress contribution to K I . This can be used for analysing structures containing defects and subject to residual stress without any information about the actual stress field which exists in the structure being analysed. A number of examples are given, including long radial cracks and fully-circumferential cracks in thick-walled hollow cylinders containing self-equilibrating stresses. - Highlights: • An upper limit to the contribution of residual stress to stress intensity factor. • The maximum K I for self-equilibrating stresses in several geometries is calculated. • A weight function method can determine this maximum for 1-dimensional stress fields. • Simple MATLAB scripts for calculating maximum K I provided as supplementary material.

  8. Stress and Fear Extinction (United States)

    Maren, Stephen; Holmes, Andrew


    Stress has a critical role in the development and expression of many psychiatric disorders, and is a defining feature of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Stress also limits the efficacy of behavioral therapies aimed at limiting pathological fear, such as exposure therapy. Here we examine emerging evidence that stress impairs recovery from trauma by impairing fear extinction, a form of learning thought to underlie the suppression of trauma-related fear memories. We describe the major structural and functional abnormalities in brain regions that are particularly vulnerable to stress, including the amygdala, prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus, which may underlie stress-induced impairments in extinction. We also discuss some of the stress-induced neurochemical and molecular alterations in these brain regions that are associated with extinction deficits, and the potential for targeting these changes to prevent or reverse impaired extinction. A better understanding of the neurobiological basis of stress effects on extinction promises to yield novel approaches to improving therapeutic outcomes for PTSD and other anxiety and trauma-related disorders. PMID:26105142

  9. [Stress and auto-immunity]. (United States)

    Delévaux, I; Chamoux, A; Aumaître, O


    The etiology of auto-immune disorders is multifactorial. Stress is probably a participating factor. Indeed, a high proportion of patients with auto-immune diseases report uncommon stress before disease onset or disease flare. The biological consequences of stress are increasingly well understood. Glucocorticoids and catecholamines released by hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis during stress will alter the balance Th1/Th2 and the balance Th17/Treg. Stress impairs cellular immunity, decreases immune tolerance and stimulates humoral immunity exposing individuals to autoimmune disease among others. The treatment for autoimmune disease should include stress management. Copyright © 2012 Société nationale française de médecine interne (SNFMI). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  10. Pathogenesis of Chronic Hyperglycemia: From Reductive Stress to Oxidative Stress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liang-Jun Yan


    Full Text Available Chronic overnutrition creates chronic hyperglycemia that can gradually induce insulin resistance and insulin secretion impairment. These disorders, if not intervened, will eventually be followed by appearance of frank diabetes. The mechanisms of this chronic pathogenic process are complex but have been suggested to involve production of reactive oxygen species (ROS and oxidative stress. In this review, I highlight evidence that reductive stress imposed by overflux of NADH through the mitochondrial electron transport chain is the source of oxidative stress, which is based on establishments that more NADH recycling by mitochondrial complex I leads to more electron leakage and thus more ROS production. The elevated levels of both NADH and ROS can inhibit and inactivate glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH, respectively, resulting in blockage of the glycolytic pathway and accumulation of glycerol 3-phospate and its prior metabolites along the pathway. This accumulation then initiates all those alternative glucose metabolic pathways such as the polyol pathway and the advanced glycation pathways that otherwise are minor and insignificant under euglycemic conditions. Importantly, all these alternative pathways lead to ROS production, thus aggravating cellular oxidative stress. Therefore, reductive stress followed by oxidative stress comprises a major mechanism of hyperglycemia-induced metabolic syndrome.

  11. Response inhibition and cognitive appraisal in clients with acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. (United States)

    Abolghasemi, Abass; Bakhshian, Fereshteh; Narimani, Mohammad


    The purpose of the present study was to compare response inhibition and cognitive appraisal in clients with acute stress disorder, clients with posttraumatic stress disorder, and normal individuals. This was a comparative study. The sample consisted of 40 clients with acute stress disorder, 40 patients with posttraumatic stress disorder, and 40 normal individuals from Mazandaran province selected through convenience sampling method. Data were collected using Composite International Diagnostic Interview, Stroop Color-Word Test, Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory, and the Impact of Event Scale. Results showed that individuals with acute stress disorder are less able to inhibit inappropriate responses and have more impaired cognitive appraisals compared to those with posttraumatic stress disorder. Moreover, results showed that response inhibition and cognitive appraisal explain 75% of the variance in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and 38% of the variance in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. The findings suggest that response inhibition and cognitive appraisal are two variables that influence the severity of posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder symptoms. Also, these results have important implications for pathology, prevention, and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder.

  12. The teacher under stress

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    Krnjajić Stevan B.


    Full Text Available Empirical records consistently point to the fact that the phenomenon of stress is characteristic of service professions, especially of teacher’s. Although stress in teachers is a problem of public interest, it is still a relatively new field of empirical investigations. Data available show that stress in teachers can have negative effects on school as an organization teacher professional achievement, his/her and his/her family psychosocial status. The most frequent symptoms of a prolonged professional stress are anxiety, depression, frustration, unfriendly behavior towards students and colleagues, emotional weariness, and extreme tension. Health and psychological problems cause, most frequently, the reduction of self-esteem job dissatisfaction, job resignation, absenteeism, and wrong decision-making. In an attempt to call professional public attention to negative effects of stress on the outcomes of teacher work, we have analyzed four important aspects of stress teachers experience in their everyday work (a definition and measurement of stress, (b distribution and sources of stress (problem behaviors in students, poor working conditions, lack of time, poor school ethos, (c teacher personality traits (sex, age, work experience, locus of control, job satisfaction, intention to resign absenteeism, (d strategies for overcoming and reducing negative effects of stress (direct action techniques, palliative techniques.

  13. Residual stresses and stress corrosion effects in cast steel nuclear waste overpacks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Attinger, R.O.; Mercier, O.; Knecht, B.; Rosselet, A.; Simpson, J.P.


    In the concepts for final disposal of high-level radioactive waste in Switzerland, one engineered barrier consists of an overpack made out of cast steel GS-40. Whenever tensile stresses are expected in the overpack, the issue of stress corrosion cracking must be expected. A low-strength steel was chosen to minimize potential problems associated with stress corrosion cracking. A series of measurements on stress corrosion cracking under the conditions as expected in the repository confirmed that the corrosion allowance of 50 mm used for the design of the reference overpack is sufficient over the 1000 years design lifetime. Tensile stresses are introduced by the welding process when the overpack is closed. For a multipass welding, the evolution of deformations, strains and stresses were determined in a finite-element calculation. Assuming an elastic-plastic material behavior without creep, the residual stresses are high; considering creep would reduce them. A series of creep tests revealed that the initial creep rate is important for cast steel already at 400deg C. (orig.)

  14. [Osteoporosis and stress]. (United States)

    Kumano, Hiroaki


    There may be three ways of relationship between stress and osteoporosis. The first is that stress induces some physiological changes leading to osteoporosis. The second is that stress induces behavioral distortion of eating, drinking, exercise, and sleep habits, which leads to osteoporosis. The third is that osteoporosis, on the other hand, brings about anxiety, depression, loss of social roles, and social isolation, which leads to stress. The susceptible sex and age groups are postmenopausal women and young women. The abrupt decrease of estrogen in postmenopausal women promotes reabsorption of bone, and it was also reported that the increase of interleukin-6 (IL-6) that is downstream of estrogen was related to the production of osteoclast and to the development of disability of the aged. Regarding the association with stress, while it was reported that depression or depressive states directly increased inflammation-induced cytokines including IL-6, it was also pointed out that stress-induced easy infectious may produce chronic infection, which indirectly increases inflammation-induced cytokines. Anorexia Nervosa that is assumed to be associated with adolescent developmental stress is noteworthy in young women. Amenorrhea is always present in this disease, and in addition to bone reabsorption associated with estrogen deficiency, the decrease of bone formation associated with malnutrition may be related to the development of osteoporosis.

  15. Lack of Social Support Raises Stress Vulnerability in Rats with a History of Ancestral Stress. (United States)

    Faraji, Jamshid; Soltanpour, Nabiollah; Lotfi, Hamid; Moeeini, Reza; Moharreri, Ali-Reza; Roudaki, Shabnam; Hosseini, S Abedin; Olson, David M; Abdollahi, Ali-Akbar; Soltanpour, Nasrin; Mohajerani, Majid H; Metz, Gerlinde A S


    Stress is a primary risk factor for psychiatric disorders. However, it is not fully understood why some stressed individuals are more vulnerable to psychiatric disorders than others. Here, we investigated whether multigenerational ancestral stress produces phenotypes that are sensitive to depression-like symptoms in rats. We also examined whether social isolation reveals potentially latent sensitivity to depression-like behaviours. F4 female rats born to a lineage of stressed mothers (F0-F3) received stress in adulthood while housed in pairs or alone. Social isolation during stress induced cognitive and psychomotor retardation only in rats exposed to ancestral stress. Social isolation also hampered the resilience of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to chronic stress and reduced hippocampal volume and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression. Thus, synergy between social isolation and stress may unmask a latent history of ancestral stress, and raises vulnerability to mental health conditions. The findings support the notion that social support critically promotes stress coping and resilience.

  16. The glutathione mimic ebselen inhibits oxidative stress but not endoplasmic reticulum stress in endothelial cells. (United States)

    Ahwach, Salma Makhoul; Thomas, Melanie; Onstead-Haas, Luisa; Mooradian, Arshag D; Haas, Michael J


    Reactive oxygen species are associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and atherosclerosis, yet the use of antioxidants in clinical trials has been ineffective at improving outcomes. In endothelial cells, high-dextrose-induced oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress promote endothelial dysfunction leading to the recruitment and activation of peripheral blood lymphocytes and the breakdown of barrier function. Ebselen, a glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX1) mimic, has been shown to improve β-cell function in diabetes and prevent atherosclerosis. To determine if ebselen inhibits both oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in endothelial cells, we examined its effects in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAEC) with and without high-dextrose. Oxidative stress and ER stress were measured by 2-methyl-6-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3,7-dihydroimidazo[1,2-A]pyrazin-3-one hydrochloride chemiluminescence and ER stress alkaline phosphatase assays, respectively. GPX1 over-expression and knockdown were performed by transfecting cells with a GPX1 expression construct or a GPX1-specific siRNA, respectively. Ebselen inhibited dextrose-induced oxidative stress but not ER stress in both HUVEC and HCAEC. Ebselen also had no effect on tunicamycin-induced ER stress in HCAEC. Furthermore, augmentation of GPX1 activity directly by sodium selenite supplementation or transfection of a GPX1 expression plasmid decreased dextrose-induced oxidative stress but not ER stress, while GPX1 knockout enhanced oxidative stress but had no effect on ER stress. These results suggest that ebselen targets only oxidative stress but not ER stress. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  17. Stress Reactivity in Insomnia. (United States)

    Gehrman, Philip R; Hall, Martica; Barilla, Holly; Buysse, Daniel; Perlis, Michael; Gooneratne, Nalaka; Ross, Richard J


    This study examined whether individuals with primary insomnia (PI) are more reactive to stress than good sleepers (GS). PI and GS (n = 20 per group), matched on gender and age, completed three nights of polysomnography. On the stress night, participants received a mild electric shock and were told they could receive additional shocks during the night. Saliva samples were obtained for analysis of cortisol and alpha amylase along with self-report and visual analog scales (VAS). There was very little evidence of increased stress on the stress night, compared to the baseline night. There was also no evidence of greater stress reactivity in the PI group for any sleep or for salivary measures. In the GS group, stress reactivity measured by VAS scales was positively associated with an increase in sleep latency in the experimental night on exploratory analyses. Individuals with PI did not show greater stress reactivity compared to GS.

  18. Greater physiological and behavioral effects of interrupted stress pattern compared to daily restraint stress in rats.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Zhang

    Full Text Available Repeated stress can trigger a range of psychiatric disorders, including anxiety. The propensity to develop abnormal behaviors after repeated stress is related to the severity, frequency and number of stressors. However, the pattern of stress exposure may contribute to the impact of stress. In addition, the anxiogenic nature of repeated stress exposure can be moderated by the degree of coping that occurs, and can be reflected in homotypic habituation to the repeated stress. However, expectations are not clear when a pattern of stress presentation is utilized that diminishes habituation. The purpose of these experiments is to test whether interrupted stress exposure decreases homotypic habituation and leads to greater effects on anxiety-like behavior in adult male rats. We found that repeated interrupted restraint stress resulted in less overall homotypic habituation compared to repeated daily restraint stress. This was demonstrated by greater production of fecal boli and greater corticosterone response to restraint. Furthermore, interrupted restraint stress resulted in a lower body weight and greater adrenal gland weight than daily restraint stress, and greater anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus maze. Control experiments demonstrated that these effects of the interrupted pattern could not be explained by differences in the total number of stress exposures, differences in the total number of days that the stress periods encompased, nor could it be explained as a result of only the stress exposures after an interruption from stress. These experiments demonstrate that the pattern of stress exposure is a significant determinant of the effects of repeated stress, and that interrupted stress exposure that decreases habituation can have larger effects than a greater number of daily stress exposures. Differences in the pattern of stress exposure are therefore an important factor to consider when predicting the severity of the effects of repeated

  19. Stress 'deafness' in a language with fixed word stress: an ERP study on Polish

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    Ulrike eDomahs


    Full Text Available The aim of the present contribution was to examine the factors influencing the prosodic processing in a language with predictable word stress. For Polish, a language with fixed penultimate stress but several well-defined exceptions, difficulties in the processing and representation of prosodic information have been reported (e.g., Peperkamp & Dupoux, 2002. The present study utilized event-related potentials (ERPs to investigate the factors influencing prosodic processing in Polish. These factors are i the predictability of stress and ii the prosodic structure in terms of metrical feet. Polish native speakers were presented with correctly and incorrectly stressed Polish words and instructed to judge the correctness of the perceived stress patterns. For each stress violation an early negativity was found which was interpreted as reflection of an error-detection mechanism, and in addition exceptional stress patterns (= antepenultimate stress and post-lexical (= initial stress evoked a task-related positivity effect (P300 whose amplitude and latency is correlated with the degree of anomaly and deviation from an expectation. Violations involving the default (= penultimate stress in contrast did not produce such an effect. This asymmetrical result is interpreted to reflect that Polish native speakers are less sensitive to the default pattern than to the exceptional or post-lexical patterns. Behavioral results are orthogonal to the electrophysiological results showing that Polish speakers had difficulties to reject any kind of stress violation. Thus, on a meta-linguistic level Polish speakers appeared to be stress-‘deaf’ for any kind of stress manipulation, whereas the neural reactions differentiate between the default and lexicalized patterns.

  20. Relation between stress-precipitated seizures and the stress response in childhood epilepsy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Campen, Jolien S.; Jansen, Floor E.; Pet, Milou A.; Otte, Willem M.; Hillegers, Manon H J; Joëls, Marian; Braun, Kees P J


    The majority of patients with epilepsy report that seizures are sometimes triggered or provoked. Stress is the most frequently self-reported seizure-precipitant. The mechanisms underlying stress-sensitivity of seizures are currently unresolved. We hypothesized that stress-sensitivity of seizures

  1. Human Service Employees Coping with Job Stress, Family Stress and Work-Family Conflict. (United States)

    Carbone, Dominic J.

    The intersection of work and family life has always been a popular topic of discussion among family theorists. This study examined human service employees in direct service positions coping with work stress, family stress, and work-family conflict. The effects of work stress, family stress and work-family conflict on depression were examined.…

  2. Effects of work stress and home stress on autonomic nervous function in Japanese male workers. (United States)

    Maeda, Eri; Iwata, Toyoto; Murata, Katsuyuki


    Autonomic imbalance is one of the important pathways through which psychological stress contributes to cardiovascular diseases/sudden death. Although previous studies have focused mainly on stress at work (work stress), the association between autonomic function and stress at home (home stress) is still poorly understood. The purpose was to clarify the effect of work/home stress on autonomic function in 1,809 Japanese male workers. We measured corrected QT (QTc) interval and QT index on the electrocardiogram along with blood pressure and heart rate. Participants provided self-reported information about the presence/absence of work/home stress and the possible confounders affecting QT indicators. Home stress was related positively to QT index (p=0.040) after adjusting for the possible confounders, though work stress did not show a significant relation to QTc interval or QT index. The odds ratio of home stress to elevated QT index (≥105) was 2.677 (95% CI, 1.050 to 6.822). Work/home stress showed no significant relation to blood pressure or heart rate. These findings suggest that autonomic imbalance, readily assessed by QT indicators, can be induced by home stress in Japanese workers. Additional research is needed to identify different types of home stress that are strongly associated with autonomic imbalance.

  3. Psychological stress, cocaine and natural reward each induce endoplasmic reticulum stress genes in rat brain. (United States)

    Pavlovsky, A A; Boehning, D; Li, D; Zhang, Y; Fan, X; Green, T A


    Our prior research has shown that the transcription of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress transcription factors activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) and ATF4 are induced by amphetamine and restraint stress in rat striatum. However, presently the full extent of ER stress responses to psychological stress or cocaine, and which of the three ER stress pathways is activated is unknown. The current study examines transcriptional responses of key ER stress target genes subsequent to psychological stress or cocaine. Rats were subjected to acute or repeated restraint stress or cocaine treatment and mRNA was isolated from dorsal striatum, medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens brain tissue. ER stress gene mRNA expression was measured using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and RNA sequencing. Restraint stress and cocaine-induced transcription of the classic ER stress-induced genes (BIP, CHOP, ATF3 and GADD34) and of two other ER stress components x-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) and ATF6. In addition, rats living in an enriched environment (large group cage with novel toys changed daily) exhibited rapid induction of GADD34 and ATF3 after 30 min of exploring novel toys, suggesting these genes are also involved in normal non-pathological signaling. However, environmental enrichment, a paradigm that produces protective addiction and depression phenotypes in rats, attenuated the rapid induction of ATF3 and GADD34 after restraint stress. These experiments provide a sensitive measure of ER stress and, more importantly, these results offer good evidence of the activation of ER stress mechanisms from psychological stress, cocaine and natural reward. Thus, ER stress genes may be targets for novel therapeutic targets for depression and addiction. Copyright © 2013 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Staphylococcal response to oxidative stress

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    Rosmarie eGaupp


    Full Text Available Staphylococci are a versatile genus of bacteria that are capable of causing acute and chronic infections in diverse host species. The success of staphylococci as pathogens is due in part to their ability to mitigate endogenous and exogenous oxidative and nitrosative stress. Endogenous oxidative stress is a consequence of life in an aerobic environment; whereas, exogenous oxidative and nitrosative stress are often due to the bacteria’s interaction with host immune systems. To overcome the deleterious effects of oxidative and nitrosative stress, staphylococci have evolved protection, detoxification, and repair mechanisms that are controlled by a network of regulators. In this review, we summarize the cellular targets of oxidative stress, the mechanisms by which staphylococci sense oxidative stress and damage, oxidative stress protection and repair mechanisms, and regulation of the oxidative stress response. When possible, special attention is given to how the oxidative stress defense mechanisms help staphylococci control oxidative stress in the host.

  5. Stress in the zoo: Tracking the impact of stress on memory formation over time. (United States)

    Vogel, Susanne; Schwabe, Lars


    Although stress is well known to modulate human memory, precisely how memory formation is altered by a stressful encounter remains unclear. Stress effects on cognition are mainly mediated by the rapidly acting sympathetic nervous system, resulting in the release of catecholamines, and the slower acting hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis secreting cortisol, which induces its effects on cognition through fast, non-genomic actions and delayed, genomic actions. Importantly, these different waves of the physiological stress response are thought to dynamically alter neural processing in brain regions important for memory such as the amygdala and the hippocampus. However, the precise time course of stress effects on memory formation is still unclear. To track the development of stress effects on memory over time, we tested individuals who underwent a stressful experience or a control procedure before a 2-h walk through a zoo, while an automatic camera continuously photographed the events they encoded. In a recognition memory test one week later, participants were presented with target photographs of their own zoo tour and lure photographs from an alternate tour. Stressed participants showed better memory for the experimental treatment than control participants, and this memory enhancement for the stressful encounter itself was directly linked to the sympathetic stress response. Moreover, stress enhanced memory for events encoded 41-65min after stressor onset, which was associated with the cortisol stress response, most likely arising from non-genomic cortisol actions. However, memory for events encoded long after the stressor, when genomic cortisol actions had most likely developed, remained unchanged. Our findings provide novel insights into how stress effects on memory formation develop over time, depending on the activity of major physiological stress response systems. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. An updated stress map of the continental United States reveals heterogeneous intraplate stress (United States)

    Levandowski, Will; Herrmann, Robert B.; Briggs, Rich; Boyd, Oliver; Gold, Ryan


    Knowledge of the state of stress in Earth's crust is key to understanding the forces and processes responsible for earthquakes. Historically, low rates of natural seismicity in the central and eastern United States have complicated efforts to understand intraplate stress, but recent improvements in seismic networks and the spread of human-induced seismicity have greatly improved data coverage. Here, we compile a nationwide stress map based on formal inversions of focal mechanisms that challenges the idea that deformation in continental interiors is driven primarily by broad, uniform stress fields derived from distant plate boundaries. Despite plate-boundary compression, extension dominates roughly half of the continent, and second-order forces related to lithospheric structure appear to control extension directions. We also show that the states of stress in several active eastern United States seismic zones differ significantly from those of surrounding areas and that these anomalies cannot be explained by transient processes, suggesting that earthquakes are focused by persistent, locally derived sources of stress. Such spatially variable intraplate stress appears to justify the current, spatially variable estimates of seismic hazard. Future work to quantify sources of stress, stressing-rate magnitudes and their relationship with strain and earthquake rates could allow prospective mapping of intraplate hazard.

  7. Evaluation of local stress for stress corrosion crack initiation by three-dimensional polycrystal model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamaya, Masayuki; Kitamura, Takayuki


    In order to understand the initiation behavior of microstructurally small cracks in a stress corrosion cracking condition, it is important to know the tensile normal stress acting on the grain boundary (normal G.B. stress). The local stress in a polycrystalline body is greatly influenced by deformation constraint which is caused by anisotropic and/or inhomogeneous property of each grain. In present study, the local normal G.B. stress on bi- and tri-crystal bodies and a three-dimensional polycrystalline body consisting of 100 grains were evaluated by the finite element method under a remote uniform tensile stress condition. The polycrystalline body was generated by using a Monte Carlo procedure and random orientations were assigned to each grain. It was revealed that the local normal G.B. stress on the polycrystalline body is inhomogeneous under uniform applied stress. The stress tends to be large near the triple points due to the deformation constraint caused by adjacent grains, even though the grain boundary inclination to the load axis has large influence. It was also shown that particular high stress was not observed at corners of the polycrystalline body. (author)

  8. Stress and asthma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shoji Nagata


    Full Text Available Three factors in recent medical research and treatment (advances in the field of psychoneuroimmunology, epidemiological evidence regarding important interaction between psychosocial factors and development of disease, and the recognition of the importance of patient education for self-management of asthma have led clinicians and researchers to reconsider the role of psychosocial stress in asthma. There are many reports suggesting that stressful life events, family problems and a behavior pattern that increases psychological conflict may influence the development or relapse of asthma and influence its clinical course. Depression is known as one of the risk factors of fatal asthmatic attack. In laboratory studies, about 20% of asthmatics were considered reactors who showed an airway change after exposure to emotional stress. Studies regarding the pathway of stress effect on allergy and asthma are reviewed and discussed from the standpoint of psychoneuroimmunology; for example, the enhancement of IgE production and increased susceptibility to respiratory infection by stress, conditioned anaphylaxis and nerve/mast cell interaction, the effect of stress on various bronchial responses and the inhibition of the immediate and late asthmatic response by anterior hypothalamic lesioning.

  9. Fatigue life estimation considering welding residual stress and hot-spot stress of welded components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, S. H.; Lee, T. K.; Shin, B. C.


    The fatigue life of welded joints is sensitive to welding residual stress and complexity of their geometric shapes. To predict the fatigue life more reasonably, the effects of welding residual stress and its relaxation have to be considered quantitatively which are equivalent to mean stress by external loads. The hot-spot stress concept should be also adopted which can be reduce the dependence of fatigue strengths for various welding details. Considering the factors mentioned above, a fatigue life prediction model using the modified Goodman's diagram was proposed. In this model, an equivalent stress was introduced which are composed of the mean stress based on the hot-spot stress concept and the relaxed welding residual stress. From the verification of the proposed model to real welding details, it is confirmed that this model can be applied to predict reasonably their fatigue lives

  10. Response Inhibition and Cognitive Appraisal in Clients with Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abass Abolghasemi


    Full Text Available Objective: The purpose of the present study was to compare response inhibition and cognitive appraisal in clients with acute stress disorder, clients with posttraumatic stress disorder, and normal individuals .Method:This was a comparative study. The sample consisted of 40 clients with acute stress disorder, 40 patients with posttraumatic stress disorder, and 40 normal individuals from Mazandaran province selected through convenience sampling method. Data were collected using Composite International Diagnostic Interview, Stroop Color-Word Test, Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory, and the Impact of Event Scale. Results:Results showed that individuals with acute stress disorder are less able to inhibit inappropriate responses and have more impaired cognitive appraisals compared to those with posttraumatic stress disorder. Moreover, results showed that response inhibition and cognitive appraisal explain 75% of the variance in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and 38% of the variance in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms .Conclusion:The findings suggest that response inhibition and cognitive appraisal are two variables that influence the severity of posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder symptoms. Also, these results have important implications for pathology, prevention, and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder

  11. Oxidative Stress in Neurodegeneration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Varsha Shukla


    Full Text Available It has been demonstrated that oxidative stress has a ubiquitous role in neurodegenerative diseases. Major source of oxidative stress due to reactive oxygen species (ROS is related to mitochondria as an endogenous source. Although there is ample evidence from tissues of patients with neurodegenerative disorders of morphological, biochemical, and molecular abnormalities in mitochondria, it is still not very clear whether the oxidative stress itself contributes to the onset of neurodegeneration or it is part of the neurodegenerative process as secondary manifestation. This paper begins with an overview of how oxidative stress occurs, discussing various oxidants and antioxidants, and role of oxidative stress in diseases in general. It highlights the role of oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The last part of the paper describes the role of oxidative stress causing deregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5 hyperactivity associated with neurodegeneration.

  12. The influence of motivation on stress: is it stressful not to fit? (United States)

    Schwab, Sebastian; Wolf, Oliver T; Memmert, Daniel


    The present research elaborates on the regulatory fit hypothesis by investigating a biological stress marker in a motivational fit- and non-fit-situation. Recent stress theories lead to the assumption that the participants' stress level in fit-situations remains constant or rather decreases, whereas under non-fit-conditions an increase of the stress activity is observed. We tested this hypothesis by assessment of salivary α-amylase (sAA), a saliva-based stress marker presumed to reflect noradrenergic activity. The results indicated that participants in a fit-situation show a decrease in sAA, whereas participants in a non-fit-situation demonstrate a contrary effect with an increase in sAA. These findings extend the concept of regulatory fit by illustrating that there are differences in sAA activity depending on whether participants are in a fit-situation. The experience of regulatory fit appears to be associated with a reduction of stress.

  13. Iodine-induced stress corrosion cracking of fixed deflection stressed slotted rings of Zircaloy fuel cladding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sejnoha, R.; Wood, J.C.


    Stress corrosion cracking of Zircaloy fuel cladding by fission products is thought to be an important mechanism influencing power ramping defects of water-reactor fuels. We have used the fixed-deflection stressed slotted-ring technique to demonstrate cracking. The results show both the sensitivity and limitations of the stressed slotted-ring method in determining the responses of tubing to stress corrosion cracking. They are interpreted in terms of stress relaxation behavior, both on a microscopic scale for hydrogen-induced stress-relief and on a macroscopic scale for stress-time characteristics. Analysis also takes account of nonuniform plastic deformation during loading and residual stress buildup on unloading. 27 refs

  14. Stress in Context: Morpho-Syntactic Properties Affect Lexical Stress Assignment in Reading Aloud. (United States)

    Spinelli, Giacomo; Sulpizio, Simone; Primativo, Silvia; Burani, Cristina


    Recent findings from English and Russian have shown that grammatical category plays a key role in stress assignment. In these languages, some grammatical categories have a typical stress pattern and this information is used by readers. However, whether readers are sensitive to smaller distributional differences and other morpho-syntactic properties (e.g., gender, number, person) remains unclear. We addressed this issue in word and non-word reading in Italian, a language in which: (1) nouns and verbs differ in the proportion of words with a dominant stress pattern; (2) information specified by words sharing morpho-syntactic properties may contrast with other sources of information, such as stress neighborhood. Both aspects were addressed in two experiments in which context words were used to induce the desired morpho-syntactic properties. Experiment 1 showed that the relatively different proportions of stress patterns between grammatical categories do not affect stress processing in word reading. In contrast, Experiment 2 showed that information specified by words sharing morpho-syntactic properties outweighs stress neighborhood in non-word reading. Thus, while general information specified by grammatical categories may not be used by Italian readers, stress neighbors with morpho-syntactic properties congruent with those of the target stimulus have a primary role in stress assignment. These results underscore the importance of expanding investigations of stress assignment beyond single words, as current models of single-word reading seem unable to account for our results.

  15. Epidemiology of metatarsal stress fractures versus tibial and femoral stress fractures during elite training. (United States)

    Finestone, Aharon; Milgrom, Charles; Wolf, Omer; Petrov, Kaloyan; Evans, Rachel; Moran, Daniel


    The training of elite infantry recruits takes a year or more. Stress fractures are known to be endemic in their basic training and the clinical presentation of tibial, femoral, and metatarsal stress fractures are different. Stress fracture incidence during the subsequent progressively more demanding training is not known. The study hypothesis was that after an adaptation period, the incidence of stress fractures during the course of 1 year of elite infantry training would fall in spite of the increasingly demanding training. Seventy-six male elite infantry recruits were followed for the development of stress fractures during a progressively more difficult training program composed of basic training (1 to 14 weeks), advanced training (14 to 26 weeks), and unit training (26 to 52 weeks). Subjects were reviewed regularly and those with clinical suspicion of stress fracture were assessed using bone scan and X-rays. The incidence of stress fractures was 20% during basic training, 14% during advanced training and 23% during unit training. There was a statistically significant difference in the incidence of tibial and femoral stress fractures versus metatarsal stress fractures before and after the completion of phase II training at week 26 (p=0.0001). Seventy-eight percent of the stress fractures during phases I and II training were either tibial or femoral, while 91% of the stress fractures in phase III training were metatarsal. Prior participation in ball sports (p=0.02) and greater tibial length (p=0.05) were protective factors for stress fracture. The study hypothesis that after a period of soldier adaptation, the incidence of stress fractures would decrease in spite of the increasingly demanding elite infantry training was found to be true for tibial and femoral fractures after 6 months of training but not for metatarsal stress fractures. Further studies are required to understand the mechanism of this difference but physicians and others treating stress fractures

  16. Stress potentiates decision biases: A stress induced deliberation-to-intuition (SIDI model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rongjun Yu


    Full Text Available Humans often make decisions in stressful situations, for example when the stakes are high and the potential consequences severe, or when the clock is ticking and the task demand is overwhelming. In response, a whole train of biological responses to stress has evolved to allow organisms to make a fight-or-flight response. When under stress, fast and effortless heuristics may dominate over slow and demanding deliberation in making decisions under uncertainty. Here, I review evidence from behavioral studies and neuroimaging research on decision making under stress and propose that stress elicits a switch from an analytic reasoning system to intuitive processes, and predict that this switch is associated with diminished activity in the prefrontal executive control regions and exaggerated activity in subcortical reactive emotion brain areas. Previous studies have shown that when stressed, individuals tend to make more habitual responses than goal-directed choices, be less likely to adjust their initial judgment, and rely more on gut feelings in social situations. It is possible that stress influences the arbitration between the emotion responses in subcortical regions and deliberative processes in the prefrontal cortex, so that final decisions are based on unexamined innate responses. Future research may further test this ‘stress induced deliberation-to-intuition’ (SIDI model and examine its underlying neural mechanisms.

  17. Energetic stress: The reciprocal relationship between energy availability and the stress response. (United States)

    Harrell, C S; Gillespie, C F; Neigh, G N


    The worldwide epidemic of metabolic syndromes and the recognized burden of mental health disorders have driven increased research into the relationship between the two. A maladaptive stress response is implicated in both mental health disorders and metabolic disorders, implicating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis as a key mediator of this relationship. This review explores how an altered energetic state, such as hyper- or hypoglycemia, as may be manifested in obesity or diabetes, affects the stress response and the HPA axis in particular. We propose that changes in energetic state or energetic demands can result in "energetic stress" that can, if prolonged, lead to a dysfunctional stress response. In this review, we summarize the role of the hypothalamus in modulating energy homeostasis and then briefly discuss the relationship between metabolism and stress-induced activation of the HPA axis. Next, we examine seven mechanisms whereby energetic stress interacts with neuroendocrine stress response systems, including by glucocorticoid signaling both within and beyond the HPA axis; by nutrient-induced changes in glucocorticoid signaling; by impacting the sympathetic nervous system; through changes in other neuroendocrine factors; by inducing inflammatory changes; and by altering the gut-brain axis. Recognizing these effects of energetic stress can drive novel therapies and prevention strategies for mental health disorders, including dietary intervention, probiotics, and even fecal transplant. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Internationalt samarbejde om BIM og digitale vejmodeller

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Christian Fuglsang; Kjems, Erik


    Begrebet BIM (BygningsInformationsModellering) har for alvor ramt infrastruktursektoren, og der arbejdes i mange lande på at optimere håndteringen og udnyttelsen af data. Der er en generel enighed om effektiviseringspotentialet, samt at der er behov for internationale standarder. Følgende giver et...

  19. Acute dental pain I

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Närhi, Matti; Bjørndal, Lars; Pigg, Maria


    Den specialiserede anatomi i pulpa-dentin-organet samt den rige pulpale innervation fra trigeminusnerven forklarer de forskellige typer af smertefølelser i en tand. En kort skarp smerte er typisk for en A-(nerve) fibermedieret smerte, imens en langvarig, bankende smerte indikerer C-(nerve) fibera...

  20. Evalueringskultur i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Martin Søland; Andersen-Mølgaard, Hanna

    Emne: undervisningsmetoder ; evaluering ; folkeskolen ; undervisning ; læring Præsentation og definition af begreber knyttet til arbejdet med evaluering og læring, samt en gennemgang af forskellige evalueringsmetoder og redskaber. Derudover diskuteres de didaktiske overvejelser man bør gøre sig i...

  1. Dokumentation og forskning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    Nyt fra Forskerprogrammet i musikterapi. Review-artikler vedr. musikterapi og onkologi og demens. Særnummer i Approaches om Europæisk GIM forening. Bogudgivelse: Lindvang & Beck (Red). Musik, krop og følelser. Neuroaffektive processer i musikterapi samt Jensen (Red.) Kultur og Sundhed. TV-serie s...

  2. Passiv sporgasmetode til ventilationsundersøgelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergsøe, N.C.

    Der gives en redegørelse for metodens beregningsgrundlag samt en beskrivelse af måleudstyret og dets anvendelse. Rapporten henvender sig til ventilations- og indeklimateknikere, der inden for det byggetekniske og sundhedsfaglige område er beskæftiget med undersøgelser af bygningers ventilationsfo...

  3. Frozen WWII battlefields in High Arctic Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fog Jensen, Jens

    Projektet ’Kampen om Klimaet’ har til formål gennem tværfaglige historiske og arkæologiske undersøgelser at dokumentere Anden Verdens Krigs arkæologiske spor i Nordøstgrønland, samt at analysere disse i et tværfagligt perspektiv...

  4. Lhasa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Katalog til udstilling på KA d. 4. - 30. september 2005. Kataloget introducerer til udstillingen Lhasa - Et studieophold på Himlens Tag. I fotografier og tegninger samt tekst fortælles om rejsens mål og resultater: Opmålinger af tempelruinen Shide og hotellet Ghorka....

  5. Styret naturlig ventilation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morsing, S.; Strøm, J.S.

    Publikationen præsenterer et generelt dimensioneringsgrundlag for naturlig ventilation i husdyrstalde. Det er kontrolleret ved forsøg i slagtesvinestalde, hvor det ligeledes er undersøgt hvilken temperaturstabilitet, der kan opnås ved naturlig ventilation, samt produktions- og adfærdsmæssige...

  6. Brugerinvolvering i design af læreprocesser – refleksioner over et større forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik; Heilesen, Simon


    quadruple helix model. Begrebet "didaktisk design" problematiseres ud fra betragtningen, at der i design-aktiviteter er behov for at medtænke og involvere forskellige tilgange samt forskellige kompetencer hos aktørerne. "Design thinking" inddrages for at pointere, at design er en eksplorativ, dialogisk og...

  7. Brugerinvolvering i design af læreprocesser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heilesen, Simon; Helms, Niels Henrik


    quadruple helix model. Begrebet "didaktisk design" problematiseres ud fra betragtningen, at der i design-aktiviteter er behov for at medtænke og involvere forskellige tilgange samt forskellige kompetencer hos aktørerne. "Design thinking" inddrages for at pointere, at design er en eksplorativ, dialogisk og...

  8. Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud - modelprogram - uddannelse og implementering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    VIDA-modelrapport 2 præsenterer den samlede uddannelses- og implementeringsproces, der har fundet sted i VIDA-projektet 2011-2013. Rapporten beskriver i detaljer, hvordan VIDA-uddannelsesforløbet er bygget op i tre faser samt det curriculum, uddannelsen var bygget op over. Rapporten er udarbejdet...

  9. Didaktik,metoder, undervisningsmaterialer til Entreprenørskab, Teknologi, Velfærdsinnovation 2013

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kallesøe, Hanne Kathrine; Petersen, Anne Karin; Christiansen, Anne Marie Højvang


    . Uddannelsesforløbet skulle udvikles og gennemføres i tæt samarbejde med Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation, IDEA samt offentlige og private virksomheder. Målet med uddannelsesforløbet var at give studerende mulighed for at udvikle tværprofessionelle, innovative, entreprenante og intraprenante kompetencer. Projektets...

  10. Mere kulstof i jorden er en kur mod våde marker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gislum, René


    Kulstof: Jordens evne til at afdræne jordprofilen afhænger bl.a. af jordens indhold af organisk materiale. Frøgræs og græs generelt øger både organisk materiale og vandinfiltration samt evnen til at modstå jordpakning....

  11. Betydningen af rammevilkår for strategisk miljø- og forretningsudvikling & industrielle symbioser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kørnøv, Lone; Lyhne, Ivar; Mortensen, Lucia


    Undersøgelsen af betydningen af rammevilkår for strategisk miljø- og forretningsudvikling & industrielle symbioser er gennemført i regi af Miljø++-samarbejdet. Undersøgelsen bygger på otte virksomhedsinterviews, workshop med Aalborg Kommune samt bootcamp med interessenter indenfor Miljø++...

  12. Happy Cycling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geert Jensen, Birgitte; Nielsen, Tom


    og Interaktions Design, Aarhus Universitet under opgave teamet: ”Happy Cycling City – Aarhus”. Udfordringen i studieopgaven var at vise nye attraktive løsningsmuligheder i forhold til cyklens og cyklismens integration i byrum samt at påpege relationen mellem design og overordnede diskussioner af...

  13. Selvfremstillingens kunst i 1500-tallets Italien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gersbøll, Jeppe Priess

    hofkulturer, en internalisering af samfundsnormer (et ydre, regulerende blik) i individet samt evnen til performativt at skabe sig en identitet gennem rollespil i de stadig mere forpligtende fællesskaber.Mekanismerne findes afspejlet i portrætkunstens forhold mellem realisme og idealisme og kan følges...

  14. Anmeldelse af: Afghantsy. The Russians in Afghanistan 1979-89

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David


    Baseret på nyligt afklassificeret materiale fra arkiverne i Moskva samt fremstillinger af russiske historikere, tegnes et anderledes og mere nuanceret billede af de sovjetiske erfaringer fra Afghanistan. De første spadestik til opgøret med den amerikanske stempling af den sovjetiske ageren i...

  15. Storlandbrug i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rentz-Petersen, Nee


    Med udgangspunkt i storlandbrugets udfordringer med at indpasse deres nye produktionsanlæg i det danske kulturlandskab, introduceres et nyt princip for helhedsplanlægning for nye storlandbrug anlagt på 'bar mark'. Forslaget indeholder produktionsbygning med tilhørende tekniske anlæg, samt 3 bepla...

  16. Health literacy is associated with health behaviour and self-reported health

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aaby, Anna; Friis, Karina; Christensen, Bo


    Sundhedskompetence er menneskers evne til forstå og anvende information om sundhed. Dette tværsnitsstudie undersøger associationen mellem sundhedskompetence og sundhedsadfærd samt sundhedsstatus. Studiet viser, at de to undersøgte dimensioner af sundhedskompetence (’at forstå information om sundhed...

  17. Impact of Information Literacy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Lars Jakob


    Opgaven er en undersøgelse af sammenhængen mellem informationskompetence og karakterer. Emnet undersøges via en litteraturgennemgang af tidligere forskning, hvor karakterer inddrages, samt via en analyse af 80 eksamensopgaver fra et marketingsfag på cand. merc.-uddannelsen på Aarhus Universitet. ...

  18. Når troen bliver til sang

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kirsten


    I anmeldelsen fremhæver jeg, at Selander i denne artikelsamling både beskæftiger sig med salmeteksterne og med melodierne. Denne dobbeltkompetence er usædvanlig hos en litteraturforsker. Artiklerne giver et fint indblik i svensk salmetradition samt i komponisternes arbejde med melodierne. Selande...

  19. Professionalitet og medlemsdemokrati

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anette; Johannsen, Gundi Schrötter


    begreb om udspændthed (Kofoed 2003 & Neidel 2011) samt Erving Goffmans begreber om frontstage og backstage (Jacobsen & Kristiansen 2014). Analyserne viser en kompleks praksis udspændt mellem forskelligrettede krav og forventninger og med stadige forhandlinger, som både medarbejdere og medlemmer må...

  20. Metmaterials for sensing applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Claus

    Formålet med med dette PhD projekt er eksperimentielt at undersøge sensor potentialet af forskellige metamateriale designs. Metamaterialer er kompositmaterialer bestående af omgivende dielektrisk materiale samt metalstrukturer, som er periodisk arrangeret og mindre end lysets bølgelængde. Projekt...

  1. Elforbrug til IKT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gram-Hanssen, Kirsten; Larsen, Troels Fjordbak; Christensen, Toke Haunstrup

    I denne rapport opstilles to scenarier for elforbruget til informations- og kommunikationsteknologi (TV, DVD,  pillekonsoller, PC, printere, forskellige former for radioer samt alle former for telefoner mv.) i 2015 på baggrund af antagelser om, at såvel bestanden af apparater som brugen af...

  2. På sporet af entreprenørskab i uddannelserne på RUC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fæster, Monika; Revsbech, Christine


    som uddannelse til social entreprenør gennem Master i Socialt Entreprenørskab samt den internationale kandidatuddannelse Social Entrepreneurship and Management; og på den anden som del af de pædagogiske og didaktiske overvejelser i universitetsundervisningen. Primært ses kurserne at danne rammerne...

  3. Udpegning af risikolokaliteter på det tosporede vejnet i åbent land baseret på data om vejens karakteristika

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Camilla Sloth

    I det stedbestemte trafiksikkerhedsarbejde har udpegning og udbedring af sorte pletter (identificering, analyse samt udbedring af risikolokaliteter på vejnettet) siden 1970’erne været en af de primære aktiviteter. Imidlertid er sortpletarbejdet med årene blevet vanskeligere af to grunde: Dels er ...

  4. Design, fabrication and testing of support structures for biomimetic water filters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vogel, Jörg

    Behovet for teknologisk udvikling indenfor rensning af vand er massivt i disse tider og mulighederne for forskellige løsninger er talrige både indenfor traditionel omvendt osmose samt det nye felt direkte osmose. Omvendt osmose er et veletableret forskningsfelt og princippet bag omvendt osmose...

  5. Retten til privathed i det danske sundhedsvæsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre, Hanne Pihl; Juel Vang, Katrine


    på en tilfredsstillende måde. Artiklens primære perspektiv er deontologisk, men for at nuancere vores diskussion inddrages lejlighedsvist også utilitaristiske argumenter. Endvidere inddrages i artiklen Helen Nissenbaum, Tom L. Beauchamp og James F. Childress samt John Rawls. I artiklen vil tre...

  6. Tyskland kvæler Europas økonomi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Mogens Ove


    Tyskland dikterer økonomisk smalhals i Europa de næste mange år frem. Men spareiveren virker ikke og vil føre til mere arbejdsløshed samt større splittelse mellem Europas center og periferi. Så hvorfor ikke prøve noget andet?...

  7. Forekomst af resistente bakterier og forbrug af antibiotika til hunde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Karl; Pedersen, Kristina; Jensen, Helene


    ), Pasteurella multocida (n=25), Bordetella bronchiseptica (n=14), Proteus spp. (n=29), og E. coli (n=449). I undersøgelsen anvendtes data fra VetStat databasen. Størstedelen af de antibiotika, der bruges til hunde er bredspektrede. Penicilliner med udvidet spektrum, cephalosporiner samt sulphonamider...

  8. Homing Interactions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borup Lynggaard, Aviaja


    . Denne bygger på en forståelse af mobilitet i relation til design, der er behandler de etnografiske data og hjemlighedskarakteristikaene. Ligeledes er der et bidrag i mangfoldigheden af ”Connecting interaction” eksperimenterne, samt i at studere velhavende med høj rejseaktivitet som inspiration...

  9. Undersøgelse af moderne økonomistyringsværktøjer i Danmark 2001

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Steen; Melander, Preben; Jakobsen, Morten


    , ikkefinansielleperformance mål, quality costing, cost of engineering,strategic costing, Business Excellence Modellen, BalancedScorecard, videnregnskab, Economic Value Added, samtShareholder Value. Disse begreber er udvalgt, da de vurderes atvære de mest kendte og mest omdiskuterede såvel i teorien som ipraksis. De...

  10. Dersom Du, min Læser! ..

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wille, Niels Erik


    Diskuterer problemer med anvendelse af sproghandlingsteori på illokutionære (især assertive) sproghandlinger i fiktionsfortællinger og andre tekster. Påviser at problemerne udspringer af uheldige eller ugennemtænkte formuleringer allerede i de første formuleringer af sproghandlingsteorien samt de...

  11. Introduction to Cultural Understanding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Iben

    En introduktion til kulturforståelse. Bogen introducerer i første del centrale begreber som kultur, interkulturel kommunikation, kulturel identitet, medier, diskrimination samt forholdet mellem det globale og det lokale. I bogens anden del gives en række eksempler på analyseredskaber til interkul...

  12. Social work and artefacts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høybye-Mortensen, Line Matilde


    Socialarbejderes brug af artefakter—altså objekter såsom papir, computer og plastikmodeller—i klientrelationer bliver sjældent undersøgt. Som oftest fokuserer forskningen på interpersonelle relationer, målgrupper, professionelle kompetencer og indsatstyper samt metoder i socialt arbejde. I en und...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leinikka Dall, Ole


    Formålet med klimatjekket er at give virksomheder og institutioner en mulighed for at vurdere klimaeffekten af energiforbrug samt andre kilder der har betydning. Klimatjekket skal være en hjælp til at udarbejde en klimastrategi og følge op med konkrete handlinger....

  14. Seeding Stress Resilience through Inoculation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Archana Ashokan


    Full Text Available Stress is a generalized set of physiological and psychological responses observed when an organism is placed under challenging circumstances. The stress response allows organisms to reattain the equilibrium in face of perturbations. Unfortunately, chronic and/or traumatic exposure to stress frequently overwhelms coping ability of an individual. This is manifested as symptoms affecting emotions and cognition in stress-related mental disorders. Thus environmental interventions that promote resilience in face of stress have much clinical relevance. Focus of the bulk of relevant neurobiological research at present remains on negative aspects of health and psychological outcomes of stress exposure. Yet exposure to the stress itself can promote resilience to subsequent stressful episodes later in the life. This is especially true if the prior stress occurs early in life, is mild in its magnitude, and is controllable by the individual. This articulation has been referred to as “stress inoculation,” reminiscent of resilience to the pathology generated through vaccination by attenuated pathogen itself. Using experimental evidence from animal models, this review explores relationship between nature of the “inoculum” stress and subsequent psychological resilience.

  15. Residual stress by repair welds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mochizuki, Masahito; Toyoda, Masao


    Residual stress by repair welds is computed using the thermal elastic-plastic analysis with phase-transformation effect. Coupling phenomena of temperature, microstructure, and stress-strain fields are simulated in the finite-element analysis. Weld bond of a plate butt-welded joint is gouged and then deposited by weld metal in repair process. Heat source is synchronously moved with the deposition of the finite-element as the weld deposition. Microstructure is considered by using CCT diagram and the transformation behavior in the repair weld is also simulated. The effects of initial stress, heat input, and weld length on residual stress distribution are studied from the organic results of numerical analysis. Initial residual stress before repair weld has no influence on the residual stress after repair treatment near weld metal, because the initial stress near weld metal releases due to high temperature of repair weld and then stress by repair weld regenerates. Heat input has an effect for residual stress distribution, for not its magnitude but distribution zone. Weld length should be considered reducing the magnitude of residual stress in the edge of weld bead; short bead induces high tensile residual stress. (author)

  16. Stress biology and aging mechanisms: toward understanding the deep connection between adaptation to stress and longevity. (United States)

    Epel, Elissa S; Lithgow, Gordon J


    The rate of biological aging is modulated in part by genes interacting with stressor exposures. Basic research has shown that exposure to short-term stress can strengthen cellular responses to stress ("hormetic stress"). Hormetic stress promotes longevity in part through enhanced activity of molecular chaperones and other defense mechanisms. In contrast, prolonged exposure to stress can overwhelm compensatory responses ("toxic stress") and shorten lifespan. One key question is whether the stressors that are well understood in basic models of aging can help us understand psychological stressors and human health. The psychological stress response promotes regulatory changes important in aging (e.g., increases in stress hormones, inflammation, oxidative stress, insulin). The negative effects of severe stress are well documented in humans. Potential positive effects of acute stress (stress resistance) are less studied, especially at the cellular level. Can stress resistance slow the rate of aging in humans, as it does in model organisms? If so, how can we promote stress resistance in humans? We urge a new research agenda embracing the continuum from cellular stress to psychological stress, using basic and human research in tandem. This will require interdisciplinary novel approaches that hold much promise for understanding and intervening in human chronic disease. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  17. Stress !!!


    Fledderus, M.


    Twee op de vijf UT-studenten hebben last van ernstige studiestress, zo erg zelfs dat het ze in hun privéleven belemmert. Die cijfers komen overeen met het landelijk beeld van stress onder studenten. Samen met 14 andere universiteits- en hogeschoolbladen enquêteerde UT Nieuws bijna 5500 studenten. Opvallend is dat mannelijke studenten uit Twente zich veel minder druk lijken te maken over hun studie. Onder vrouwen ligt de stress juist erg hoog ten opzichte van het landelijk gemiddelde.

  18. Bolt Stress Monitor (United States)


    In photo, an engineer is using a new Ultrasonic Bolt Stress Monitor developed by NASA's Langley Research Center to determine whether a bolt is properly tightened. A highly accurate device, the monitor is an important tool in construction of such structures as pressure vessels, bridges and power plants, wherein precise measurement of the stress on a tightened bolt is critical. Overtightened or undertightened bolts can fail and cause serious industrial accidents or costly equipment break-downs. There are a number of methods for measuring bolt stress. Most widely used and least costly is the torque wrench, which is inherently inaccurate; it does not take into account the friction between nut and bolt, which has an influence on stress. At the other end of the spectrum, there are accurate stress-measuring systems, but they are expensive and not portable. The battery-powered Langley monitor fills a need; it is inexpensive, lightweight, portable and extremely accurate because it is not subject to friction error. Sound waves are transmitted to the bolt and a return signal is received. As the bolt is tightened, it undergoes changes in resonance due to stress, in the manner that a violin string changes tone when it is tightened. The monitor measures the changes in resonance and provides a reading of real stress on the bolt. The device, patented by NASA, has aroused wide interest and a number of firms have applied for licenses to produce it for the commercial market.

  19. Transcriptional 'memory' of a stress: transient chromatin and memory (epigenetic) marks at stress-response genes. (United States)

    Avramova, Zoya


    Drought, salinity, extreme temperature variations, pathogen and herbivory attacks are recurring environmental stresses experienced by plants throughout their life. To survive repeated stresses, plants provide responses that may be different from their response during the first encounter with the stress. A different response to a similar stress represents the concept of 'stress memory'. A coordinated reaction at the organismal, cellular and gene/genome levels is thought to increase survival chances by improving the plant's tolerance/avoidance abilities. Ultimately, stress memory may provide a mechanism for acclimation and adaptation. At the molecular level, the concept of stress memory indicates that the mechanisms responsible for memory-type transcription during repeated stresses are not based on repetitive activation of the same response pathways activated by the first stress. Some recent advances in the search for transcription 'memory factors' are discussed with an emphasis on super-induced dehydration stress memory response genes in Arabidopsis. © 2015 The Author The Plant Journal © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Acute Stress Decreases but Chronic Stress Increases Myocardial Sensitivity to Ischemic Injury in Rodents


    Eisenmann, Eric D.; Rorabaugh, Boyd R.; Zoladz, Phillip R.


    Cardiovascular disease is the largest cause of mortality worldwide, and stress is a significant contributor to the development of cardiovascular disease. The relationship between acute and chronic stress and cardiovascular disease is well-evidenced. Acute stress can lead to arrhythmias and ischemic injury. However, recent evidence in rodent models suggests that acute stress can decrease sensitivity to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Conversely, chronic stress is arrythmogenic and incr...

  1. Stress: Neurobiology, consequences and management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anil Kumar


    Full Text Available Stress, both physical and psychological, is attracting increasing attention among neuroresearchers. In the last 20 decades, there has been a surge of interest in the research of stress-induced manifestations and this approach has resulted in the development of more appropriate animal models for stress-associated pathologies and its therapeutic management. These stress models are an easy and convenient method for inducing both psychological and physical stress. To understand the behavioral changes underlying major depression, molecular and cellular studies are required. Dysregulation of the stress system may lead to disturbances in growth and development, and may this may further lead to the development of various other psychiatric disorders. This article reviews the different types of stress and their neurobiology, including the different neurotransmitters affected. There are various complications associated with stress and their management through various pharmacological and non-pharmacological techniques. The use of herbs in the treatment of stress-related problems is practiced in both Indian and Western societies, and it has a vast market in terms of anti-stress medications and treatments. Non-pharmacological techniques such as meditation and yoga are nowadays becoming very popular as a stress-relieving therapy because of their greater effectiveness and no associated side effects. Therefore, this review highlights the changes under stress and stressor and their impact on different animal models in understanding the mechanisms of stress along with their effective and safe management.

  2. Friluftsliv i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andkjær, Søren

    semistrukturerede interviews med deltagere og ledere i friluftsliv fra de udvalgte cases. Herudover inddrages struktureret og direkte deltagende observation af praksis samt dokumentmateriale. I den komparative, perspektiverende del, er der foretaget et kvalitativt casestudy af Outdoor Education i New Zealand med...... anvendelse af metoder svarende til den kvalitative undersøgelse af organiseret friluftsliv i Danmark. Analysen af Outdoor Education i New Zealand tjener primært til at give perspektiv til undersøgelsen af friluftsliv i Danmark.   Resultater Deltagelse i friluftsliv handler for de unge primært om sociale...... til udtryk i from af undervisernes pædagogiske idealer samt skolernes værdisæt, og i mindre grad er en del af deltagernes oplevelse og forståelse. Praksis og værdier i Outdoor Education i New Zealand kan på mange måder sammenlignes med adventure, som en nyere trend i friluftsliv i Danmark. Samtidigt...

  3. Mere kvalificeret studievalg – mindre frafald?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heilesen, Simon


    Artiklen redegør for to forsøg med at anvende MOOC-formatet (Massive Open Online Course) i en dansk, regional sammenhæng. Forsøgene er tænkt som et bud på en mulig vej til at nedbringe studiefrafald gennem bedre information på ungdomsuddannelserne om, hvad et universitetsstudium indebærer. De...... to MOOC-produkter bidrager såvel som supplement til studievalgsvejledningen, som læringsobjekt og som et middel til at markedsføre videregående uddannelser. De to produkter henvender sig endvidere til ansatte i regionens virksomheder og organisationer med formidling af viden og et tilbud om aktivt og...... dialogisk at sætte sig ind i et genstandsfelt. Udviklingen af konceptet rammesættes indledningsvis af en skitsering af studievalgsproblematikken, af MOOC som fænomen, samt af en oversigt over tilsvarende anvendelser af MOOC-formatet. Herefter præsenteres de to uddannelsesdesigns samt brugernes afprøvning og...

  4. Evaluering af 'Tankerne på plads og hverdagen tilbage' - et kursusforløb for modermærkekræftramte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haslam, Trine Lolk

    af modermærkekræft til at genvinde trygheden og kontrollen i deres liv, ved at gøre dem bedre i stand til at forstå, acceptere og håndtere deres sygdom og behandling, samt at reducere de modermærkekræftramtes brug af sundhedsvæsenet til det nødvendige. Således ønskes det at påvirke adfærd på kort og...... behandlingen samt give en tilbagemelding på operationsforløbet. På kurset underviser desuden en psykolog, der behandler de psykologiske aspekter ved det at få en livstruende sygdom, hvilket ligeledes er af stor betydning for kursisterne. Desk study underbygger dette ved at pointere, at patientskole med...... formidling af viden via forskellige metoder, giver positiv effekt. Analysen i forbindelse med programteori 2 underbygger at kurset er tilrettelagt og gennemført som gruppebaseret undervisning, hvilket jf. desk study bidrager til øget egenomsorg. Den procesorienterede dialogiske tilrettelæggelse og...

  5. Outcomes after the calcaneal lengthening osteotomy with artificial structural bone graft in paediatric flatfoot surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martinkevich, Polina


    at skræddersy PROMs, der har til formål at beskrive patientens perspektiv på egne symptomer, samt i hvilket omfang disse påvirker almindelige dagligdagsaktiviteter. Det regions/dimensionsspecifikke "Oxford Ankle Foot Questionnaire", OxAFQ, er vist at være et validt instrument til at skelne mellem sværhedsgrader...... samt forældre (proxy) version) blev oversat til dansk med efterfølgende validering. Valideringen inkluderede reliabilitet (test-retest, internal consistency ("homogenitet")), anvendeligehed (respons, udfyldningstid, "loft og gulveffekt") og konstruktionsvaliditet. Det generiske Child Health...... kliniske udfald målt med OxAFQ. Det første delmål i thesen (studie I) var at oversætte den engelske version af OxAFQ til dansk med efterfølgende validering. Det andet delmål (studie II) var at bestemme præcisionen og anvendeligheden af stereorøntgen i calcaneusforlængelsesostetomier. Det tredie og centrale...

  6. Økologisk Risikovurdering af Genmodificerede Planter i 2010

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjellsson, Gøsta; Sørensen, Jesper Givskov; Strandberg, Morten Tune

    nye forsøgsudsætninger i EU med 12 forskellige plantearter i 2010. De fleste var herbicidtolerante (74 %) eller insektresistente (40 %). Antibiotikaresistensmarkører indgik kun i 11 % af forsøgsplanterne mod 16 % i 2009. I Danmark var der ni fortsatte forsøgsudsætninger med dem glyfosattolerante NK603......-majs samt et fortsat forsøg med den glyfosattolerante GA21-majs. Der var ni nye markedsføringsansøgninger i EU i 2010: To insekt- og herbicidtolerante majs, en insektresistent majs, en tørketolerant majs, to insektresistente sojabønner, en insektresistent og herbicid-tolerant sojabønne samt......-majs, HT-sojabønne, Bt/HT-bomuld og HT-raps. I EU blev der kun dyrket Bt-majs MON810 på 81.098 i seks lande hvor de største arealer fandtes i Spanien mens der ikke var nogen GM-dyrkning i Frankrig og Tyskland....

  7. Process-Costing, Job-Order-Costing, Operation Costing (også kaldet Batch Costing og Functional Costing - Når Systemtankegangen ligger til grund for økonomistyringen og dens beslutninger)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Steen


    De tre begreber process-costing, job-order-costing, operation-costing samt functional-based costing er faktisk historiske begreber som stammer langt tilbage i økonomistyringslitteraturen, faktisk tilbage til Scientific Management bevægelsen fra 20'erne og 30'erne. Man kan derfor ikke sige, at disse...... ordreregnskabet, f.eks. som dette er analyseret hos Palle Hansen og Vagn Madsen. Begrebet operational costing anvendes også, men dette dækker i realiteten over, hvordan og hvilke elementer der indgår i hele virksomhedens regnskabs-information-system. Dvs. at dette mere er et spørgsmål om, hvordan systemerne er...... Aktivitets-Baseret Cost Management systemerne. Det er derfor vigtigt dels at kende sin historie på området, dels at gøre sig klart, om de under visse antagelser stadig har deres berettigelse. De samme begreber har også deres pendant til de danske begreber, afdelings- eller funktionsregnskabet samt...

  8. Stress on the Job: How Family Literacy Program Directors Perceive Occupational Stress (United States)

    Sandlin, Jennifer A.; Chen, Chia-Yin


    Little research has examined stress among family literacy administrators, although studies in other contexts reveal occupational stress can lead to illness, distress, and organizational problems. This article presents findings from a recent study of stress among family literacy program directors in Texas. Findings reveal family literacy program…

  9. The Young and the Stressed: Stress, Impulse Control, and Health in College Students. (United States)

    Leppink, Eric W; Odlaug, Brian L; Lust, Katherine; Christenson, Gary; Grant, Jon E


    High levels of stress are common among young adults, particularly those enrolled in college. These degrees of stress have shown numerous deleterious effects across both academic and health variables. Findings regarding the role of stress in the presentation of impulse control disorders, particular among college students, are limited. This study examined potential associations between perceived stress, academic achievement, physical/mental health, and impulse control disorders in young adults. A total of 1805 students completed an online survey and were included in the analysis. Responders were grouped by their overall score on the Perceived Stress Scale into mild, moderate, or severe. Severe perceived stress was associated with worse academic achievement and worse physical health, as well as higher rates of psychiatric and impulsive disorders. These findings may suggest associations between stress and numerous aspects of mental/physical health in young adults, which could be an important consideration for individuals working with college students.

  10. Stress and Posttraumatic Stress in Mothers of Children With Type 1 Diabetes. (United States)

    Rechenberg, Kaitlyn; Grey, Margaret; Sadler, Lois


    The onset of acute and chronic illness in children frequently triggers episodes of stress and posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) in mothers. Mothers of children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) consistently report high levels of stress and PTSS. The purpose of this integrative review was to review and synthesize the published empirical research. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were used to conduct this integrative literature review. A total of 19 studies were identified from a sample of 128. Stress and PTSS were prevalent in mothers of youth with T1D. While PTSS was most severe at disease onset, symptoms often persisted 1 to 5 years after diagnosis. The diagnosis of T1D in a child was traumatic for mothers. Stress and PTSS in mothers adversely affected children's health. Management of stress symptoms in mothers may lead to improved behavioral and metabolic outcomes in children.

  11. Probing Earth's State of Stress (United States)

    Delorey, A. A.; Maceira, M.; Johnson, P. A.; Coblentz, D. D.


    The state of stress in the Earth's crust is a fundamental physical property that controls both engineered and natural systems. Engineered environments including those for hydrocarbon, geothermal energy, and mineral extraction, as well those for storage of wastewater, carbon dioxide, and nuclear fuel are as important as ever to our economy and environment. Yet, it is at spatial scales relevant to these activities where stress is least understood. Additionally, in engineered environments the rate of change in the stress field can be much higher than that of natural systems. In order to use subsurface resources more safely and effectively, we need to understand stress at the relevant temporal and spatial scales. We will present our latest results characterizing the state of stress in the Earth at scales relevant to engineered environments. Two important components of the state of stress are the orientation and magnitude of the stress tensor, and a measure of how close faults are to failure. The stress tensor at any point in a reservoir or repository has contributions from both far-field tectonic stress and local density heterogeneity. We jointly invert seismic (body and surface waves) and gravity data for a self-consistent model of elastic moduli and density and use the model to calculate the contribution of local heterogeneity to the total stress field. We then combine local and plate-scale contributions, using local indicators for calibration and ground-truth. In addition, we will present results from an analysis of the quantity and pattern of microseismicity as an indicator of critically stressed faults. Faults are triggered by transient stresses only when critically stressed (near failure). We show that tidal stresses can trigger earthquakes in both tectonic and reservoir environments and can reveal both stress and poroelastic conditions.

  12. Modelling of loading, stress relaxation and stress recovery in a shape memory polymer. (United States)

    Sweeney, J; Bonner, M; Ward, I M


    A multi-element constitutive model for a lactide-based shape memory polymer has been developed that represents loading to large tensile deformations, stress relaxation and stress recovery at 60, 65 and 70°C. The model consists of parallel Maxwell arms each comprising neo-Hookean and Eyring elements. Guiu-Pratt analysis of the stress relaxation curves yields Eyring parameters. When these parameters are used to define the Eyring process in a single Maxwell arm, the resulting model yields at too low a stress, but gives good predictions for longer times. Stress dip tests show a very stiff response on unloading by a small strain decrement. This would create an unrealistically high stress on loading to large strain if it were modelled by an elastic element. Instead it is modelled by an Eyring process operating via a flow rule that introduces strain hardening after yield. When this process is incorporated into a second parallel Maxwell arm, there results a model that fully represents both stress relaxation and stress dip tests at 60°C. At higher temperatures a third arm is required for valid predictions. Crown Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Effects of prenatal stress on vulnerability to stress in prepubertal and adult rats. (United States)

    Fride, E; Dan, Y; Feldon, J; Halevy, G; Weinstock, M


    This study investigated the hypotheses that unpredictable prenatal stress has effects on the offspring, similar to those induced by perinatal administration of glucocorticoids and increases the vulnerability to stressful situations at adulthood. Rats were exposed to random noise and light stress throughout pregnancy. Offspring were tested for the development of spontaneous alternation behavior (SA) and at adulthood, their response to novel or aversive situations, open field, extinction and punishment following acquisition of an appetitive response and two-way active avoidance, were assessed. In prenatally stressed rats, the development of SA was significantly delayed. On repeated exposure to an open field they were less active; control rats had elevated plasma corticosterone (CCS) on days 2 and 4 of open field exposure, while prenatally stressed rats had significantly raised plasma CCS after each exposure (days 1-8). Furthermore, punishment-induced suppression of an appetitive response was enhanced. Acquisition of active avoidance was faciliated in female but reduced in male prenatally stressed offspring. It is suggested that random prenatal noise and light stress may cause impairment of development of hippocampal function which lasts into adulthood. This impairment is manifested as an increase in vulnerability and a decrease in habituation to stressful stimuli.

  14. Occupational status and job stress in relation to cardiovascular stress reactivity in Japanese workers. (United States)

    Hirokawa, Kumi; Ohira, Tetsuya; Nagayoshi, Mako; Kajiura, Mitsugu; Imano, Hironori; Kitamura, Akihiko; Kiyama, Masahiko; Okada, Takeo; Iso, Hiroyasu


    This study aimed to investigate the effects of occupational status and job stress factors on cardiovascular stress reactivity in Japanese workers. In this baseline assessment between 2001 and 2009 in Osaka, Japan, we examined 928 healthy Japanese employees (330 men, 598 women) from two occupational statuses: managers/professionals and general workers. A brief job stress questionnaire was used to evaluate job stress levels. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP), heart rate, heart rate variability (high-frequency [HF], low-frequency [LF], LF/HF], and peripheral blood flow were measured at rest and during two stressful tasks. Changes in stress reactivity were calculated as the difference between the measured variables during the tasks and the rest period. Men showed inverse associations between quantitative job overload and DBP, heart rate, and LF/HF, between physical demands and blood pressure (SBP, DBP), and between a poor physical environment and HF. Men also had positive associations between qualitative job overload and heart rate, and between physical demands and peripheral blood flow (all p occupational status, significant associations between job stress and changes in stress reactivity were observed in male managers/professionals and female general workers (p stress levels are associated with changes in cardiovascular stress reactivity in men and women. Occupational status may modify these associations.

  15. Stress and Heart Health (United States)

    ... It Works Healthy Workplace Food and Beverage Toolkit Stress and Heart Health Updated:Jan 8,2018 When ... therapist in your community. Last reviewed 6/2014 Stress Management • Home • How Does Stress Affect You? Introduction ...

  16. Optimization of Bolt Stress

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Niels Leergaard


    The state of stress in bolts and nuts with ISO metric thread design is examined and optimized. The assumed failure mode is fatigue so the applied preload and the load amplitude together with the stress concentrations define the connection strength. Maximum stress in the bolt is found at, the fillet...... under the head, at the thread start or at the thread root. To minimize the stress concentration shape optimization is applied....

  17. Neutron-diffraction measurements of stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holden, T.M.


    Experiments on bent steam-generator tubing have shown that different diffraction peaks, (1 1 1) or (0 0 2), give different results for the sign and magnitude of the stress and strain. From an engineering standpoint, the macroscopic stress field cannot be both positive and negative in the same volume, so this difference must be due to intergranular effects superposed on the macroscopic stress field. Uniaxial tensile test experiments with applied stresses beyond the 0.2% offset yield stress, help to understand this anomaly, by demonstrating the different strain response to applied stress along different crystallographic axes.When Zr-alloys are cooled from elevated temperatures, thermal stresses always develop, so that it is difficult to obtain a stress-free lattice spacing from which residual strains may be derived. From measurements of the temperature dependence of lattice spacing, the temperature at which the thermal stresses vanish may be found. From the lattice spacing at this temperature the stress-free lattice spacings at room temperature can be obtained readily.To interpret the measured strains in terms of macroscopic stress fields it is necessary to know the diffraction elastic constants. Neutron diffraction measurements of the diffraction elastic constants in a ferritic steel for the [1 1 0], [0 0 2] and [2 2 2] crystallographic axes, in directions parallel and perpendicular to the applied stress are compared with theoretical diffraction elastic constants. (orig.)

  18. Quantification of Applied Stresses of C-Ring Specimens for Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Woo Gon; Kim, Sun Jae; Rhee, Chang Kyu; Kuk, Il Hiun; Choi, Jong Ho


    For comparing their resistances for stress-corrosion cracking(SCC) in the K600-MA, K690-MA, and K600-TT tubes, C-ring specimens were fabricated with the various thermal-treatments to control the distributions of the precipitates like Cr-carbides. The bending stresses were analyzed to determine the amounts to make the stress quantitatively to all the C-ring samples, and then the stresses were calculated with the relation to the outer diameter(O.D) deflection(δ) of the C-rings. To measure accurately the bending strains of the C-ring specimens, the strain gauges were used and the compression test was also carried out. In the elastic region, the stresses in both the transverse and the circumferential directions were different with the locations of the strain gauges as attached at α= 30 .deg., 45 .deg., and 90 .deg. to the principal stress direction, but those in the longitudinal direction were independent of their attached locations. Calculated stresses from the strains obtained using the strain gauges were well agreed with the theoretical. In the plastic region over δ=1.0mm, the stresses for the TT tubes showed lower values of about 400MPa than those for the MA tubes. However, the stresses among the TT tubes showed almost the similar values in this region. Therefore, the states of the stresses applied to the C-ring specimens would be different with the material conditions, i.e, the chemical compositions, the thermal treatments such as MA and TT

  19. Chronic unpredictable stress deteriorates the chemopreventive efficacy of pomegranate through oxidative stress pathway. (United States)

    Hasan, Shirin; Suhail, Nida; Bilal, Nayeem; Ashraf, Ghulam Md; Zaidi, Syed Kashif; AlNohair, Sultan; Banu, Naheed


    Chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) can influence the risk and progression of cancer through increased oxidative stress. Pomegranate is known to protect carcinogenesis through its anti-oxidative properties. This study is carried out to examine whether CUS affects the chemopreventive potential of pomegranate through oxidative stress pathway. Role of CUS on early stages of 7, 12 dimethyl benz(a) anthracene (DMBA) induced carcinogenesis, and its pre-exposure effect on chemopreventive efficacy of pomegranate juice (PJ) was examined in terms of in vivo antioxidant and biochemical parameters in Swiss albino rats. Rats were divided in various groups and were subjected to CUS paradigm, DMBA administration (65 mg/kg body weight, single dose), and PJ treatment. Exposure to stress (alone) and DMBA (alone) led to increased oxidative stress by significantly decreasing the antioxidant enzymes activities and altering the glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), and glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) levels. A significant increase in DNA damage demonstrated by comet assay was seen in the liver cells. Stress exposure to DMBA-treated rats further increased the oxidative stress and disturbed the biochemical parameters as compared to DMBA (alone)-treated rats. Chemoprevention with PJ in DMBA (alone)-treated rats restored the altered parameters. However, in the pre-stress DMBA-treated rats, the overall antioxidant potential of PJ was significantly diminished. Our results indicate that chronic stress not only increases the severity of carcinogenesis but also diminishes the anti-oxidative efficacy of PJ. In a broader perspective, special emphasis should be given to stress management and healthy diet during cancer chemoprevention.

  20. Stress vulnerability and the effects of moderate daily stress on sleep polysomnography and subjective sleepiness. (United States)

    Petersen, Helena; Kecklund, Göran; D'Onofrio, Paolo; Nilsson, Jens; Åkerstedt, Torbjörn


    The purpose of this study was to investigate if and how sleep physiology is affected by naturally occurring high work stress and identify individual differences in the response of sleep to stress. Probable upcoming stress levels were estimated through weekly web questionnaire ratings. Based on the modified FIRST-scale (Ford insomnia response to stress) participants were grouped into high (n = 9) or low (n = 19) sensitivity to stress related sleep disturbances (Drake et al., 2004). Sleep was recorded in 28 teachers with polysomnography, sleep diaries and actigraphs during one high stress and one low stress condition in the participants home. EEG showed a decrease in sleep efficiency during the high stress condition. Significant interactions between group and condition were seen for REM sleep, arousals and stage transitions. The sensitive group had an increase in arousals and stage transitions during the high stress condition and a decrease in REM, whereas the opposite was seen in the resilient group. Diary ratings during the high stress condition showed higher bedtime stress and lower ratings on the awakening index (insufficient sleep and difficulties awakening). Ratings also showed lower cognitive function and preoccupation with work thoughts in the evening. KSS ratings of sleepiness increased during stress for the sensitive group. Saliva samples of cortisol showed no effect of stress. It was concluded that moderate daily stress is associated with a moderate negative effect on sleep sleep efficiency and fragmentation. A slightly stronger effect was seen in the sensitive group. © 2012 European Sleep Research Society.

  1. Personalized stress management : enabling stress monitoring with LifelogExplorer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kocielnik, R.D.; Sidorova, N.


    Stress is one of the major triggers for many diseases. Improving stress balance is therefore an important prevention step. With advances in wearable sensors, it becomes possible to continuously monitor and analyse user’s behavior and arousal in an unobtrusive way. In this paper, we report on a case

  2. Stress and disorders of the stress system. (United States)

    Chrousos, George P


    All organisms must maintain a complex dynamic equilibrium, or homeostasis, which is constantly challenged by internal or external adverse forces termed stressors. Stress occurs when homeostasis is threatened or perceived to be so; homeostasis is re-established by various physiological and behavioral adaptive responses. Neuroendocrine hormones have major roles in the regulation of both basal homeostasis and responses to threats, and are involved in the pathogenesis of diseases characterized by dyshomeostasis or cacostasis. The stress response is mediated by the stress system, partly located in the central nervous system and partly in peripheral organs. The central, greatly interconnected effectors of this system include the hypothalamic hormones arginine vasopressin, corticotropin-releasing hormone and pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides, and the locus ceruleus and autonomic norepinephrine centers in the brainstem. Targets of these effectors include the executive and/or cognitive, reward and fear systems, the wake-sleep centers of the brain, the growth, reproductive and thyroid hormone axes, and the gastrointestinal, cardiorespiratory, metabolic, and immune systems. Optimal basal activity and responsiveness of the stress system is essential for a sense of well-being, successful performance of tasks, and appropriate social interactions. By contrast, excessive or inadequate basal activity and responsiveness of this system might impair development, growth and body composition, and lead to a host of behavioral and somatic pathological conditions.

  3. Stress field determination in an alloy 600 stress corrosion crack specimen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rassineux, B.; Labbe, T.


    In the context of EDF studies on stress corrosion cracking rates in the Alloy 600 steam generators tubes, we studied the influence of strain hardened surface layers on the different stages of cracking for a tensile smooth specimen (TLT). The stress field was notably assessed to try and explain the slow/rapid-propagation change observed beyond the strain hardened layers. The main difficulty is to simulate in a finite element model the inner and outer surfaces of these strain hardened layers, produced by the final manufacturing stages of SG tubes which have not been heat treated. In the model, the strain hardening is introduced by simulating a multi-layer material. Residual stresses are simulated by an equivalent fictitious thermomechanical calculation, realigned with respect to X-ray measurements. The strain hardening introduction method was validated by an analytical calculation giving identical results. Stress field evolution induced by specimen tensile loading were studied using an elastoplastic 2D finite element calculations performed with the Aster Code. The stress profile obtained after load at 660 MPa shows no stress discontinuity at the boundary between the strain hardened layer and the rest of the tube. So we propose that a complementary calculation be performed, taking into account the multi-cracked state of the strain hardened zones by means of a damage variable. In fact, this state could induce stress redistribution in the un-cracked area, which would perhaps provide an explanation of the crack-ground rate change beyond the strain hardened zone. The calculations also evidence the harmful effects of plastic strains on a strain hardened layer due to the initial state of the tube (not heat-treated), to grit blasting or to shot peening. The initial compressive stress condition of this surface layer becomes, after plastic strain, a tensile stress condition. These results are confirmed by laboratory test. (author). 10 refs., 18 figs., 9 tabs., 2 appends

  4. Evaluation of stress gradient by x-ray stress measurement based on change in angle phi

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasaki, Toshihiko; Kuramoto, Makoto; Yoshioka, Yasuo.


    A new principle of X-ray stress evaluation for a sample with steep stress gradient has been prosed. The feature of this method is that the stress is determined by using so-called phi-method based on the change of phi-angle and thus has no effect on the penetration depth of X-rays. The procedure is as follows; firstly, an average stress within the penetration depth of X-rays is determined by changing only phi-angle under a fixed psi-angle, and then a distribution of the average stress vs. the penetration depth of X-rays is detected by repeating the similar procedure at different psi-angles. The following conclusions were found out as the result of residual stress measurements on a carbon steel of type S 55 C polished by emery paper. This method is practical enough to use for a plane stress problem. And the assumption of a linear stress gradient adopted in the authors' previous investigations is valid. In case of a triaxial stress analysis, this method is effective for the solution of three shearing stresses. However, three normal stresses can not be solved perfectly except particular psi-angles. (author)

  5. The stress connection : neuroimaging studies of emotion circuits in social stress, personality, and stress-related psychopathology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veer, Ilya Milos


    The aim of this thesis was to identify the neural mechanisms that enable a person to adaptively respond to, and recover from stress, which was studied in healthy controls, in people with increased vulnerability or resilience to stress-related disorders, and in people with depression or PTSD, using

  6. Aging causes decreased resistance to multiple stresses and a failure to activate specific stress response pathways (United States)

    Bergsma, Alexis L.; Senchuk, Megan M.; Van Raamsdonk, Jeremy M.


    In this work, we examine the relationship between stress resistance and aging. We find that resistance to multiple types of stress peaks during early adulthood and then declines with age. To dissect the underlying mechanisms, we use C. elegans transcriptional reporter strains that measure the activation of different stress responses including: the heat shock response, mitochondrial unfolded protein response, endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response, hypoxia response, SKN-1-mediated oxidative stress response, and the DAF-16-mediated stress response. We find that the decline in stress resistance with age is at least partially due to a decreased ability to activate protective mechanisms in response to stress. In contrast, we find that any baseline increase in stress caused by the advancing age is too mild to detectably upregulate any of the stress response pathways. Further exploration of how worms respond to stress with increasing age revealed that the ability to mount a hormetic response to heat stress is also lost with increasing age. Overall, this work demonstrates that resistance to all types of stress declines with age. Based on our data, we speculate that the decrease in stress resistance with advancing age results from a genetically-programmed inactivation of stress response pathways, not accumulation of damage. PMID:27053445

  7. Aging causes decreased resistance to multiple stresses and a failure to activate specific stress response pathways. (United States)

    Dues, Dylan J; Andrews, Emily K; Schaar, Claire E; Bergsma, Alexis L; Senchuk, Megan M; Van Raamsdonk, Jeremy M


    In this work, we examine the relationship between stress resistance and aging. We find that resistance to multiple types of stress peaks during early adulthood and then declines with age. To dissect the underlying mechanisms, we use C. elegans transcriptional reporter strains that measure the activation of different stress responses including: the heat shock response, mitochondrial unfolded protein response, endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response, hypoxia response, SKN-1-mediated oxidative stress response, and the DAF-16-mediated stress response. We find that the decline in stress resistance with age is at least partially due to a decreased ability to activate protective mechanisms in response to stress. In contrast, we find that any baseline increase in stress caused by the advancing age is too mild to detectably upregulate any of the stress response pathways. Further exploration of how worms respond to stress with increasing age revealed that the ability to mount a hormetic response to heat stress is also lost with increasing age. Overall, this work demonstrates that resistance to all types of stress declines with age. Based on our data, we speculate that the decrease in stress resistance with advancing age results from a genetically-programmed inactivation of stress response pathways, not accumulation of damage.

  8. Psychological Stress, Cocaine and Natural Reward Each Induce Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Genes in Rat Brain


    Pavlovsky, Ashly A.; Boehning, Darren; Li, Dingge; Zhang, Yafang; Fan, Xiuzhen; Green, Thomas A.


    Our prior research has shown that the transcription of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress transcription factors Activating Transcription Factor 3 (ATF3) and ATF4 are induced by amphetamine and restraint stress in rat striatum. However, presently it is unknown the full extent of ER stress responses to psychological stress or cocaine, and which of the three ER stress pathways is activated. The current study examines transcriptional responses of key ER stress target genes subsequent to psychologi...

  9. Stress and headache chronification. (United States)

    Houle, Timothy; Nash, Justin M


    In this special section, the concept of stress has been linked to the chronification of headache and is considered to be one of several likely mechanisms for the progression of an otherwise episodic disorder to a chronic daily phenomenon. The present review discusses the concept of stress and describes the mechanisms through which stress could influence headache progression. The hypothesized mechanisms include stress serving as a unique trigger for individual attacks, as a nociceptive activator, and as a moderator of other mechanisms. Finally, the techniques used in the screening and management of stress are mentioned in the context of employing strategies for the primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention of headache progression.

  10. Post-traumatic stress disorder and beyond: an overview of rodent stress models. (United States)

    Schöner, Johanna; Heinz, Andreas; Endres, Matthias; Gertz, Karen; Kronenberg, Golo


    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder of high prevalence and major socioeconomic impact. Patients suffering from PTSD typically present intrusion and avoidance symptoms and alterations in arousal, mood and cognition that last for more than 1 month. Animal models are an indispensable tool to investigate underlying pathophysiological pathways and, in particular, the complex interplay of neuroendocrine, genetic and environmental factors that may be responsible for PTSD induction. Since the 1960s, numerous stress paradigms in rodents have been developed, based largely on Seligman's seminal formulation of 'learned helplessness' in canines. Rodent stress models make use of physiological or psychological stressors such as foot shock, underwater trauma, social defeat, early life stress or predator-based stress. Apart from the brief exposure to an acute stressor, chronic stress models combining a succession of different stressors for a period of several weeks have also been developed. Chronic stress models in rats and mice may elicit characteristic PTSD-like symptoms alongside, more broadly, depressive-like behaviours. In this review, the major existing rodent models of PTSD are reviewed in terms of validity, advantages and limitations; moreover, significant results and implications for future research-such as the role of FKBP5, a mediator of the glucocorticoid stress response and promising target for therapeutic interventions-are discussed. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine.

  11. Effect of stress management interventions on job stress among nurses working in critical care units. (United States)

    Light Irin, C; Bincy, R


    Stress in nurses affects their health and increases absenteeism, attrition rate, injury claims, infection rates and errors in treating patients. This in turn significantly increases the cost of employment in healthcare units. Proper management of stress ensures greater efficiency at work place and improved wellbeing of the employee. Therefore, a pre-experimental study was conducted among 30 Critical Care Unit nurses working inMedical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram, (Kerala) to assess the effect of stress management interventions such as Job Stress Awareness, Assertiveness Training, Time Management, andProgressive Muscle Relaxation on job stress. The results showed that caring for patients, general job requirements and workload were the major sources of stress for the nurses. The level of severe stress was reduced from 60 percent to 20 percent during post-test. The Stress Management Interventions were statistically effective in reducing the stress of nurses at p<0.001 level.

  12. Time, stress, and temperature-dependent deformation in nanostructured copper: Stress relaxation tests and simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Xu-Sheng; Wang, Yun-Jiang; Wang, Guo-Yong; Zhai, Hui-Ru; Dai, L.H.; Zhang, Tong-Yi


    In the present work, stress relaxation tests, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted on coarse-grained (cg), nanograined (ng), and nanotwinned (nt) copper at temperatures of 22 °C (RT), 30 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C, and 75 °C. The comprehensive investigations provide sufficient information for the building-up of a formula to describe the time, stress, and temperature-dependent deformation and clarify the relationship among the strain rate sensitivity parameter, stress exponent, and activation volume. The typically experimental curves of logarithmic plastic strain rate versus stress exhibited a three staged relaxation process from a linear high stress relaxation region to a subsequent nonlinear stress relaxation region and finally to a linear low stress relaxation region, which only showed-up at the test temperatures higher than 22 °C, 22 °C, and 30 °C, respectively, in the tested cg-, ng-, and nt-Cu specimens. The values of stress exponent, stress-independent activation energy, and activation volume were determined from the experimental data in the two linear regions. The determined activation parameters, HRTEM images, and MD simulations consistently suggest that dislocation-mediated plastic deformation is predominant in all tested cg-, ng-, and nt-Cu specimens in the initial linear high stress relaxation region at the five relaxation temperatures, whereas in the linear low stress relaxation region, the grain boundary (GB) diffusion-associated deformation is dominant in the ng- and cg-Cu specimens, while twin boundary (TB) migration, i.e., twinning and detwinning with parallel partial dislocations, governs the time, stress, and temperature-dependent deformation in the nt-Cu specimens.

  13. Asymmetrical cross-talk between the endoplasmic reticulum stress and oxidative stress caused by dextrose. (United States)

    Mooradian, Arshag D; Onstead-Haas, Luisa; Haas, Michael J


    Oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stresses are implicated in premature cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes. The aim of the present study was to characterize the nature of the interplay between the oxidative and ER stresses to facilitate the development of therapeutic agents that can ameliorate these stresses. Human coronary artery endothelial cells were treated with varying concentrations of dextrose in the presence or absence of three antioxidants (alpha tocopherol, ascorbate and ebselen) and two ER stress modifiers (ERSMs) (4-phenylbutyrate and taurodeoxycholic acid). ER stress was measured using the placental alkaline phosphatase assay and superoxide (SO) generation was measured using the superoxide-reactive probe 2-methyl-6-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3,7-dihydroimidazo[1,2-A]pyrazin-3-one hydrochloride chemiluminescence. The SO generation was increased with increasing concentrations of dextrose. The ER stress was increased with both low (0 and 2.75 mM) and high (13.75 and 27.5 mM) concentrations of dextrose. The antioxidants inhibited the dextrose induced SO production while in high concentrations they aggravated ER stress. The ERSM reduced ER stress and potentiated the efficacy of the three antioxidants. Tunicamycin-induced ER stress was not associated with increased SO generation. Time course experiments with a high concentration of dextrose or by overexpressing glucose transporter one in endothelial cells revealed that dextrose induced SO generation undergoes adaptive down regulation within 2 h while the ER stress is sustained throughout 72 h of observation. The nature of the cross talk between oxidative stress and ER stress induced by dextrose may explain the failure of antioxidant therapy in reducing diabetes complications. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Evaluation of stresses generated in steel finger joint of bridge by X-ray stress measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kohri, Ami; Kawano, Yutaka; Nishido, Takayuki


    In a steel bridge, the evaluation of the stress generated in the finger joint without a gap to absorb temperature change can be an index when evaluating the remaining life. This study chose as the object the finger joint of a diagonal bridge, where the generated stress state is considered to be more complicated, prepared a finger joint test specimen that simulated an actual part, and performed a load test. For judgment, FEM analysis, non-destructive X-ray stress measurement, and measurement of the generated stress using strain gauge were applied. Compared with the FEM analysis results, the difference in the stress value was generated due to the difference in the contact state, but the trends of the stress distribution were equivalent. In addition, the same measurement value as the strain gauge was obtained, and the validity of the X-ray stress measurement method was confirmed. As a result, it was found that the stress measurement method by X-ray is effective for measuring the generated stress including the residual stress of the finger joint without gap at a bridge. (A.O.)

  15. Analysis of rock stress and rock stress measurements with application to Aespoe HRL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lundholm, Beatrice


    The process of choosing a site for a nuclear waste repository means that many aspects have to be taken into consideration. One of these is that the repository has to be mechanically stable for a long time. The mechanical stability of the rock is very difficult to determine. One of several factors, which determine the mechanical stability, is the virgin state of stress. The thesis project consists of two parts. In the first part the state of stress at Aespoe Hard Rock Laboratory had to be defined. This was done based on earlier rock stress measurements conducted during the years 1988 to 1997. Two different measurement techniques have been used, hydraulic fracturing and overcoring. During the overcoring two types of cells have been used, CSIRO HI-cell and a cell developed by the Swedish State Power Board (SSPB). In the second part of the project, investigation of the correlation between the stress and geological structures are made using numerical modelling tools such as FLAC, UDEC and 3DEC. The rock stress measurements using the hydraulic fracturing gave orientations of the horizontal stress that coincide with earlier hydraulic fracturing measurements conducted in Scandinavia. The magnitudes of rock stresses are slightly lower than the earlier reported stress magnitudes for the Scandinavian part of the earth crust. The rock stresses obtained from the overcoring resulted in higher stresses than what was predicted by the hydraulic fracturing measurements. However, the orientation of the maximum horizontal stresses coincides well between the two techniques. The orientation is also more or less constant with respect to increasing depth. The state of stress at Aespoe is defined by using the results from the hydraulic fracturing and the measurements conducted by SSPB-cell. The measurements from the SSPB-cell are used since these have a Poisson's ratio that corresponds well with the uniaxial tests of rock samples and since the measurements have been done at a distance from

  16. Job Stress, Job Dissatisfaction and Stress Related Illnesses Among ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between self-reported job stress and job dissatisfaction and the prevalence of stress related illnesses and risk factors amongst educators. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a representative sample of 21,307 educators from public schools in South Africa.

  17. Control of welding residual stress for ensuring integrity against fatigue and stress-corrosion cracking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mochizuki, Masahito


    The availability of several techniques for residual stress control is discussed in this paper. The effectiveness of these techniques in protecting from fatigue and stress-corrosion cracking is verified by numerical analysis and actual experiment. In-process control during welding for residual stress reduction is easier to apply than using post-weld treatment. As an example, control of the welding pass sequence for multi-pass welding is applied to cruciform joints and butt-joints with an X-shaped groove. However, residual stress improvement is confirmed for post-weld processes. Water jet peening is useful for obtaining a compressive residual stress on the surface, and the tolerance against both fatigue and stress-corrosion cracking is verified. Because cladding with a corrosion-resistant material is also effective for preventing stress-corrosion cracking from a metallurgical perspective, the residual stress at the interface of the base metal is carefully considered. The residual stress of the base metal near the clad edge is confirmed to be within the tolerance of crack generation. Controlling methods both during and after welding processes are found to be effective for ensuring the integrity of welded components

  18. Perceived Stress, Sources and Severity of Stress among medical undergraduates in a Pakistani Medical School

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malik Samina


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recently there is a growing concern about stress during undergraduate medical training. However, studies about the same are lacking from Pakistani medical schools. The objectives of our study were to assess perceived stress, sources of stress and their severity and to assess the determinants of stressed cases. Methods A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey was carried out among undergraduate medical students of CMH Lahore Medical College, Pakistan during January to March 2009. Perceived stress was assessed using the perceived stress scale. A 33-item questionnaire was used to assess sources of stress and their severity. Results The overall response rate was 80.5% (161 out of 200 students. The overall mean perceived stress was 30.84 (SD = 7.01 and was significantly higher among female students. By logistic regression analysis, stressed cases were associated with occurrence of psychosocial (OR 5.01, 95% CI 2.44-10.29 and academic related stressors (OR 3.17 95% CI 1.52-6.68. The most common sources of stress were related to academic and psychosocial concerns. 'High parental expectations', 'frequency of examinations', 'vastness of academic curriculum', 'sleeping difficulties', 'worrying about the future', 'loneliness', 'becoming a doctor', 'performance in periodic examinations' were the most frequently and severely occurring sources of stress. There was a negative but insignificant correlation between perceived stress and academic performance (r = -0.099, p > 0.05. Conclusion A higher level of perceived stress was reported by the students. The main stressors were related to academic and psychosocial domains. Further studies are required to test the association between stressed cases and gender, academic stressors and psychosocial stressors.

  19. How Do Stress Exposure and Stress Regulation Relate to Borderline Personality Disorder?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nadège Bourvis


    Full Text Available Borderline personality disorder (BPD is a severe and frequent disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of instability affecting impulse control, emotional regulation, cognitive processing, self-image and interpersonal relationships. Patients’ personal histories are often marked by stressful or traumatic experiences, either unique or repeated. Moreover, while clinical signs of the disorder include both chronic and acute features, acute features are mostly triggered by acute stressful situations. Such features include transient cognitive distortion, intense anger, uncontrollable impulsivity, and self-harm behavior – including suicide – and contribute to the burden of the disease. In this paper, we review the various aspects (epidemiological, clinical, and physiological contributing to the relationship between BDP and stress. In particular, we explore the statistical association between stress exposure and the emergence of BPD while taking into account other psychopathologies, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Then, the different aspects of stress responses (namely, the phenomenological, behavioral, hormonal, neuro-vegetative and neural responses are reviewed in BPD patients. Pathophysiological hypotheses are formulated to explain the differences in responses between BPD patients and healthy subjects and their relation to BPD symptoms. Although the pathogenesis remains uncertain, our conclusions seem to reflect a specific biological and neural pattern of altered stress perception and regulation in BPD.

  20. Plant Core Environmental Stress Response Genes Are Systemically Coordinated during Abiotic Stresses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kenneth W. Berendzen


    Full Text Available Studying plant stress responses is an important issue in a world threatened by global warming. Unfortunately, comparative analyses are hampered by varying experimental setups. In contrast, the AtGenExpress abiotic stress experiment displays intercomparability. Importantly, six of the nine stresses (wounding, genotoxic, oxidative, UV-B light, osmotic and salt can be examined for their capacity to generate systemic signals between the shoot and root, which might be essential to regain homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. We classified the systemic responses into two groups: genes that are regulated in the non-treated tissue only are defined as type I responsive and, accordingly, genes that react in both tissues are termed type II responsive. Analysis of type I and II systemic responses suggest distinct functionalities, but also significant overlap between different stresses. Comparison with salicylic acid (SA and methyl-jasmonate (MeJA responsive genes implies that MeJA is involved in the systemic stress response. Certain genes are predominantly responding in only one of the categories, e.g., WRKY genes respond mainly non-systemically. Instead, genes of the plant core environmental stress response (PCESR, e.g., ZAT10, ZAT12, ERD9 or MES9, are part of different response types. Moreover, several PCESR genes switch between the categories in a stress-specific manner.