
Sample records for safena magna para

  1. A DUPLICATED GREAT SAPHENOUS VEIN AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE FOR VARICOSITY. Duplicación de la vena safena magna y significado clínico de las várices

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    Waseem Al Talalwah


    Full Text Available En varios estudios se ha relacionado la vena safena magna doble con dilataciones varicosas. Durante una clase de disección de pre-grado de la extremidad inferior se encontró una doble vena safena magna unilateral en el miembro inferior izquierdo de un cadáver masculino. La incidencia de esta variación fue del 1,3% de todos los especímenes muestra. En este trabajo se reporta la variabilidad del drenaje venoso de las extremidades inferiores para mejorar la conciencia para los radiólogos vasculares y proporcionar además una opción adicional en la cirugía de bypass de la arteria coronaria para evitar las várices iatrogénicas. A double great saphenous vein has been associated with varicosity in a number of studies. During routine undergraduate dissection of the lower limb a unilateral double great saphenous was found in the left lower limb of a male cadaver. The incidence of this variation was 1.3% of all specimens. This paper reports the variability of lower limb venous drainage to increase the awareness for vascular radiologists and provide further an additional option in coronary artery bypass surgery to avoid iatrogenic varicosity.

  2. Utilização da safena magna in situ para arterialização do arco venoso do pé The great saphenous vein in situ for the arterialization of the venous arch of the foot

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    Cesar Roberto Busato


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: O tratamento da isquemia crítica de membros inferiores sem leito arterial distal pode ser realizado por meio da inversão do fluxo no arco venoso do pé. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar a técnica e os resultados obtidos com a arterialização do arco venoso do pé, mantendo a safena magna in situ. MÉTODOS: Dezoito pacientes, dos quais 11 com aterosclerose (AO, 6 com tromboangeíte obliterante (TO e 1 com trombose de aneurisma de artéria poplítea (TA foram submetidos ao método. A safena magna in situ foi anastomosada à melhor artéria doadora. O fluxo arterial derivado para o sistema venoso progride por meio da veia cujas válvulas são destruídas. As colaterais da veia safena magna são ligadas desde a anastomose até o maléolo medial, a partir do qual são preservadas. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes, 10 (55,6% mantiveram suas extremidades, 5 com AO e 5 com TO; 7 (38,9% foram amputados, 5 com AO, 1 com TO e 1 com Ta; houve 1 óbito (5,5%. CONCLUSÃO: A inversão do fluxo arterial no sistema venoso do pé deve ser considerada para salvamento de extremidade com isquemia crítica sem leito arterial distal.BACKGROUND: Critical lower limb ischemia in the absence of a distal arterial bed can be treated by arterialization of the venous arch of the foot. OBJETIVE: The objective of this paper was to present the technique and the results of the arterialization of the venous arch of the foot with the in situ great saphenous vein. METHODS: Eighteen patients, 11 with atherosclerosis (AO, 6 with thromboangiitis obliterans (TO and 1 with popliteal artery aneurysm thrombosis were submitted to venous arch arterialization. The in situ great saphenous vein was anastomosed to the best donor artery. Arterial flow derived from the venous system progresses through the vein whose valves were destroyed. The collateral vessels of the great saphenous vein are linked from the anastomosis to the medial malleolus and preserved from this point

  3. Edema de membro inferior secundário a exérese de veia safena magna para utilização como enxerto na revascularização do miocárdio Lower limb edema after great saphenous vein harvesting to be used as graft in myocardial revascularization

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    Cleusa Ema Quilici Belczak


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A revascularização do miocárdio utilizando-se a veia safena magna ainda é procedimento cirúrgico bastante realizado na atualidade. O edema que surge no membro inferior operado causa grande desconforto e necessita ser melhor estudado. OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar o edema de membro inferior secundário a exérese da veia safena magna pela técnica de incisões escalonadas para sua utilização como enxerto venoso na revascularização do miocárdio. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados aleatoriamente 44 indivíduos submetidos a exérese de veia safena magna para revascularização miocárdica há mais de 3 meses. Excluíram-se fatores que pudessem interferir na formação de edema dos membros inferiores. Foram avaliados por volumetria e perimetria maleolares ambos os membros inferiores. Considerou-se como presença de edema significativo a diferença de volume maior que 50 mL e maior de 2 cm em relação ao membro não-operado. Para a análise estatística foram empregados o teste do qui-quadrado, teste exato de Fisher, teste t de Student e o teste de McNemar. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (a = 0,05. RESULTADOS: Encontraram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p BACKGROUND: Myocardial revascularization using the great saphenous vein is still a very common surgical procedure. The edema that occurs in the operated leg causes much discomfort and requires further studies. OBJECTIVES: To describe lower limb edema secondary to great saphenous vein harvesting using the bridge technique for use as venous graft in myocardial revascularization. METHODS: Forty-four individuals previously submitted to great saphenous vein harvesting for myocardial revascularization more than 3 months before were randomly selected. Patients with factors that might interfere with formation of lower limb edema were excluded. Both operated and non-operated legs were evaluated by volumetry and perimetry of the malleolar region. Differences greater than

  4. Preservação da veia safena magna na cirurgia de varizes dos membros inferiores Varicose vein surgery in lower limbs with preservation of the great saphenous vein

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    Hamilton Almeida Rollo


    Full Text Available A veia safena magna autóloga é o melhor substituto arterial nas revascularizações dos membros inferiores, importante na revascularização do miocárdio e pode ser utilizada nas cirurgias do sistema venoso e nos traumas das extremidades. A fleboextração aumenta os riscos de lesões linfáticas e neurológicas. Assim, no tratamento das varizes primárias dos membros inferiores por meio da cirurgia ou de outras técnicas, a preservação da safena é recomendável se ela for normal ou apresentar alterações que ainda permitam sua preservação pela correção da causa desencadeante. Tal correção pode ser feita por técnicas cirúrgicas. Entre elas, a cura hemodinâmica da insuficiência venosa em ambulatório (CHIVA tem mostrado bons resultados. Recentemente, um ensaio clínico randomizado e controlado foi publicado comprovando sua eficácia. Outra técnica bastante utilizada é a da ligadura rasante da junção safenofemoral + crossectomia + ligadura das tributárias de crossa, com a qual se tem obtido resultados contraditórios. Finalmente, as técnicas que corrigem a insuficiência da safena reparando as valvas ostial e pré-ostial (valvoplastia externa são mais fisiológicas. Um ensaio clínico internacional multicêntrico, randomizado e controlado, testando um novo dispositivo, está sendo realizado, com resultados iniciais favoráveis. Este estudo pretende fazer uma revisão sobre as técnicas utilizadas na preservação da safena magna.The autologous great saphenous vein is the most effective bypass choice for lower limb revascularization, playing an important role in myocardial revascularization, and can be used in venous system surgeries and extremity traumas. Stripping increases the risk of lymphatic lesions and nerve damage. Therefore, when surgery or other techniques are used to treat primary varicose veins in the lower limbs, preservation of the saphenous vein is a desirable objective whenever the vein remains healthy or

  5. Associação entre aplasia segmentar de veia safena magna e varizes em membros inferiores avaliada pelo ecocolor Doppler

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    Amélia Cristina Seidel


    Full Text Available ResumoContextoHá diferenças individuais no diâmetro da veia safena magna (VSM em membros normais e doentes; sendo possível a identificação dessas alterações pelo ecocolor Doppler.ObjetivoAvaliar a associação da aplasia segmentar da VSM com a presença de varizes e/ou insuficiência da mesma em membros inferiores, usando o ecocolor Doppler em pacientes com clínica de doença venosa crônica (DVC.Métodos1.408 pacientes com queixas compatíveis de DVC de membros inferiores, sendo 1.286 do sexo feminino, com idade entre 17 e 85 anos, examinados com ecocolor Doppler. Foram incluídos aqueles com classificação CEAP clínica C0 a C4. Pela avaliação clínica, a amostra foi distribuída em grupo A, pacientes com varizes, e grupo B, aqueles sem varizes. O ecocolor Doppler determinou se havia aplasia da VSM pela análise do seu trajeto no compartimento safeno e presença de veias varicosas nos diferentes sítios. Para estatística, foram considerados os testes Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher e uma análise de resíduos em tabelas, com nível de significância de 5%.ResultadosNo grupo A houve 479 (83,9% de VSM insuficientes, 169 (38,2% com aplasia e 71 (80,7% com insuficiência e aplasia associadas. No grupo B, houve 92 (16,1% de VSM insuficientes, 273 (61,8% com aplasia e 17 (19,3% com insuficiência e aplasia associadas.ConclusãoA aplasia segmentar da VSM ocorre mais em membros inferiores que não apresentam varizes e/ou insuficiência da mesma, mas considerando-se a presença da associação de aplasia e insuficiência, houve maior incidência no grupo de membros que apresentavam varizes.

  6. Mapeamento da safena interna com ecocolor Doppler no pré-operatório de cirurgia de revascularização mioc��rdica

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    BARROS Fanilda Souto


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O advento do ecocolor Doppler vascular tornou possível informar o estado anatômico e funcional da safena interna ao cirurgião cardiovascular, no pré-operatório da cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica, sem riscos para o paciente ou para o conduto venoso. O objetivo do estudo foi, juntamente com o cirurgião, avaliar a utilidade do mapeamento da safena interna no pré-operatório. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados, entre março de 1995 e maio de 1998, 208 extremidades inferiores de 104 pacientes selecionados para cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica. O critério utilizado para a seleção da safena foi a safena patente e o diâmetro maior ou igual a 3,0 mm, utilizando os aparelhos de ultra-sonografia ATL - HDI 3000 e Acuson-Sequóia 512. RESULTADOS: Dentre as 208 extremidades estudadas, 186 (89,4% das safenas preenchiam os critérios e a análise do cirurgião estava de acordo com a descrição do ecocolor Doppler. Dezessete (8,2% não preenchiam os critérios e, em 5 (2,4% ,o exame foi compatível com safenectomia radical. Das 17 safenas consideradas não apropriadas, 2 foram exploradas cirurgicamente, sendo a análise do cirurgião concordante com o ultra-som. CONCLUSÃO: Os autores concluem que o ecocolor Doppler, sendo um método diagnóstico não invasivo, pode ser útil no mapeamento da safena interna no pré-operatório de revascularização miocárdica devido à sua capacidade de identificar e selecionar com segurança o vaso a ser utilizado como conduto vascular, o que permite ao cirurgião cardíaco o planejamento cirúrgico.

  7. Embolia atrial de trombo flutuante da veia safena magna após escleroterapia com microespuma ecoguiada Atrial embolism of floating thrombus of the great saphenous vein after microfoam ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy

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    Rubens Pierry Ferreira Lopes


    Full Text Available A escleroterapia com microespuma vem sendo utilizada amplamente no tratamento da doença venosa varicosa. No entanto, a despeito da sua pouca invasividade e segurança, complicações potencialmente graves e letais já foram descritas, como o acidente vascular cerebral e parada cardiorrespiratória. Descrevemos um caso de embolia atrial tardia de trombo flutuante da junção safeno-femoral de veia safena magna varicosa, após escleroterapia com microespuma de polidocanol guiada por ultrassom, e o tratamento dessa complicação.Microfoam sclerotherapy has been widely used in the treatment of varicose vein disease. However, despite its low invasiveness and safety, potentially serious and lethal complications have been described, such as stroke and cardiorespiratory arrest. We describe a case of delayed atrial embolism of floating thrombus in the saphenofemoral junction of a great saphenous varicose vein after microfoam ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, as well as the treatment of this complication.

  8. Padrões de refluxo nas veias safenas em homens com insuficiência venosa crônica

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    Carlos Alberto Engelhorn

    Full Text Available Resumo Contexto A insuficiência venosa crônica (IVCr é frequente e predomina nas mulheres, mas ainda há poucas informações sobre o refluxo nas veias safenas na população masculina. Objetivos Identificar os diferentes padrões de refluxo nas veias safenas magnas (VSMs e parvas (VSPs em homens, correlacionando esses dados com a apresentação clínica conforme a classificação Clínica, Etiológica, Anatômica e Fisiopatológica (CEAP. Métodos Foram avaliados 369 membros inferiores de 207 homens pela ultrassonografia vascular (UV com diagnóstico clínico de IVCr primária. As variáveis analisadas foram a classificação CEAP, o padrão de refluxo nas VSMs e VSPs e a correlação entre os dois. Resultados Nos 369 membros avaliados, 72,9% das VSMs apresentaram refluxo com predominância do padrão segmentar (33,8%. Nas VSPs, 16% dos membros inferiores analisados apresentaram refluxo, sendo o mais frequente o padrão distal (33,9%. Dos membros classificados como C4, C5 e C6, 100% apresentaram refluxo na VSM com predominância do refluxo proximal (25,64%, e 38,46% apresentaram refluxo na VSP com equivalência entre os padrões distal e proximal (33,3%. Refluxo na junção safeno-femoral (JSF foi detectado em 7,1% dos membros nas classes C0 e C1, 35,6% nas classes C2 e C3, e 64,1% nas classes C4 a C6. Conclusões O padrão de refluxo segmentar é predominante na VSM, e o padrão de refluxo distal é predominante na VSP. A ocorrência de refluxo na JSF é maior em pacientes com IVCr mais avançada.

  9. Toxicidade aguda e risco ambiental do antibiótico oxitetraciclina para tilápia ( Oreochromis niloticus , Daphnia magna e Lemna minor

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    A.A. Machado

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi classificar o antibiótico Terramicina(r de acordo com a toxicidade aguda e o risco de intoxicação ambiental para Oreochromis niloticus, Daphnia magna e Lemna minor, com base no seu ingrediente ativo oxitetraciclina (OTC. Além disso, observou-se a ocorrência de sinais de intoxicação aguda em peixes e o efeito da diluição do antibiótico sobre as variáveis de qualidade de água. Alevinos, neonatos e frondes foram expostos a concentrações de OTC. De acordo com os resultados dos testes de toxicidade aguda, a Terramicina(r foi classificada pela toxicidade aguda e pelo risco de intoxicação ambiental. Para O. niloticus, a CL(I50; 48h calculada foi de 6,92 mg L-1, para D. magna a CE(I50; 48h foi de 0,17mg.L-1, enquanto para L. minor a CI(I50;7d foi de 0,68 mg L-1. A Terramicina(r foi classificada como muito tóxica para O. niloticus e extremamente tóxica para D. magna e L. minor e causa risco de intoxicação ambiental para os três organismos testados. Concentrações de 7,5 e 8,0 mg L-1 de OTC reduziram a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido na água. De acordo com este estudo, a Terramicina(r não deve ser utilizada na aquicultura, pois é altamente tóxica e causa risco de intoxicação ambiental aos organismos teste.

  10. Implante de stent dentro de stent recém-implantado em ponte de veia safena para otimização do resultado angiográfico Stenting a stent in saphenous vein graft to optimize the angiographic result

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    Antonio Esteves Fº


    Full Text Available Mulher de 60 anos, com angina progressiva e revascularização do miocárdio, há oito anos, com ponte de veia safena para coronária direita e anastomose de artéria mamaria esquerda para artéria descendente anterior. Submetida a implante de stent Gianturco-Roubin II em terço proximal da ponte de veia safena para artéria coronária direita, com resultado insatisfatório pela persistência de lesão residual, provavelmente, decorrente de prolapso para dentro da luz de material aterosclerótico através dos coils. Foi implantado outro stent (Palmaz-Schatz biliar dentro do stent GRII com sucesso e ótimo resultado angiográfico. Um 2º stent Palmaz-Schatz biliar foi implantado em lesão distal no corpo da ponte, ultrapassando os dois stents, anteriormente implantados, com sucesso. Em algumas situações, implante de stent dentro de outro stent é recurso útil para otimização de resultado angiográfico do implante de um stent.A 60 year-old woman with progressive angina who had been submitted to saphenous bypass-graft to right coronary artery and a left mammary artery graft to anterior descending artery eight years previously, underwent implantation of a Gianturco Roubin II stent in the proximal third of the saphenous vein graft. The result was suboptimal by persistence of a residual stenosis probably due to prolapse of atherosclerotic material through the coil spaces. Another stent (Palmaz-Schatz biliar stent was implanted at the previously stented site with no residual stenosis. Another Palmaz-Schatz biliar stent was successfully implanted in the distal body of the graft to treat another lesion (passing through the previously stents without difficulty. Stenting a stent, in selected situations, is a useful tool to optimize the angiographic result of stent implantation.

  11. La arteria radial puede ser una alternativa a la vena safena

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    Oscar Gil-Albarova


    Full Text Available La arteria radial se ha propuesto como alternativa a la vena safena en cirugía de revascularización miocárdica con el objetivo de mejorar la permeabilidad a largo plazo de los injertos. Se analizan los datos provenientes de los estudios prospectivos aleatorizados y los de trabajos retrospectivos con gran número de pacientes y seguimiento a largo plazo.

  12. Aneurismas múltiplos de pontes aorto-coronárias de veia safena com ruptura fatal Multiple aneurysms of aortocoronary saphenous vein grafts with fatal rupture

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    Fábio R. Távora


    Full Text Available Aneurismas de pontes aorto-coronárias de veia safena são eventos raros, usualmente assintomáticos e detectados de forma incidental. Rupturas espontâneas de pontes de safena são raras, havendo poucos dados radiológicos disponíveis na literatura. Relatamos o caso de um senhor de 39 anos internado com hematêmese dez anos depois de ter sido submetido a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica. Imagens tomográficas mostraram três aneurismas nas pontes de safena, mas o exame não detectou ruptura. O paciente veio a falecer e a necropsia revelou que a causa do óbito havia sido ruptura de aneurisma de pontes de safena. Esse caso ilustra a necessidade de tratamento agressivo de aneurismas sintomáticos de pontes coronarianas.Aortocoronary saphenous vein graft (SVG aneurysms are rare, and are usually asymptomatic and detected incidentally. Spontaneous rupture of SVG is rare and imaging data are few. We report on a 39-year old man who was admitted to the hospital with hematemesis 10 years after aortocoronary bypass surgery. CT images revealed 3 aortocoronary SVG aneurysms, but failed to detect any rupture. His subsequent death due to rupture of SVG aneurysm was documented at autopsy, illustrating the need for aggressive treatment of symptomatic coronary graft aneurysms.

  13. Relationships between acute toxicities of para nitrophenol (p-NP) and nitrobenzene (NB) to Daphnia magna and Photobacterium phosphoreum: Physicochemical properties and metabolites under anaerobic/aerobic sequentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sponza, Delia Teresa; Kuscu, Ozlem Selcuk


    In this study, the acute toxicities of nitrobenzene (NB) and para nitrophenol (p-NP) were investigated in a high rate sequential anaerobic migrating blanket (AMBR)/aerobic completely stirred tank reactor (CSTR) using Microtox and Daphnia magna tests. After sequential anaerobic and aerobic treatments, the inhibitions in the Microtox bacteria decreased from an initial 78.10-48.20% and 4.00%, respectively, in wastewater containing 40.00 mg/L p-NP. The inhibitions of the influent wastewater containing 60.00 mg/L NB decreased from 72.10% to 45.30% and to 4.00% after anaerobic and aerobic treatment, respectively. The acute toxicity removals were 94% and 93% in the effluent of the whole sequential system, for p-NP and NB, respectively. The acute toxicity in the influent was dependent on the parent NB and p-NP concentrations and ons their physicochemical properties such as hydrophobicity, octanol/water partition coefficient and vapour density for both Microtox bacteria and Daphnia magna while the toxicity in the effluent of the anaerobic reactor was strongly dependent on the metabolites of p-NP (p-amino phenol, phenol, NH 4 -N) and NB (aniline) for Microtox test. This effluent was not toxic to Daphnia magna.

  14. Treinamento de sobrecarga muscular não afeta o diâmetro das principais veias dos membros inferiores em mulheres adultas com insuficiência venosa

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    Gigliola Cibele Cunha da Silva


    Full Text Available O exercício físico pode promover benefícios na funcionalidade do sistema venoso. Contudo, tratando-se de exercício com sobrecargas musculares, observa-se contraindicações quanto à sua prática diante da possibilidade da mesma estar relacionada ao agravamento das disfunções venosas. OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos da prática do exercício com sobrecargas musculares sobre o diâmetro venoso de mulheres fisicamente inativas portadoras de insuficiência venosa crônica de membros inferiores. MÉTODOS: Vinte e duas mulheres com idades entre 21 e 58 anos (34,27 ± 12 anos foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: experimental (n = 12 e controle (n = 10. O treinamento com cargas foi realizado por 16 semanas, e o diâmetro venoso foi medido nas veias safenas magna (em nível da coxa e perna e parva no membro inferior esquerdo por meio de ecodoppler colorido. Utilizou-se a ANOVA por dois fatores para avaliar as possíveis modificações dos diâmetros entre os grupos e ao longo do tempo (p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas alterações significativas nos diâmetros das veias safenas parva (porções superior, média e inferior: p = 0,80, 0,32 e 0,20, respectivamente, magna em nível da perna (p = 0,17, 0,74 e 0,96 e magna em nível da coxa (p = 0,57, 0,67 e 0,52. CONCLUSÃO: A prática do exercício com sobrecargas musculares pode ser considerada um meio de intervenção ou tratamento, uma vez que não promoveu alterações no diâmetro venoso de mulheres que apresentaram insuficiência venosa crônica nos membros inferiores.

  15. Variações fisiológicas da pressão do líquido cefalorraqueano na cisterna magna

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    A. Spina-França


    Full Text Available É feito estudo de revisão das variações fisiológicas da pressão do LCR ao nível da cisterna magna (punção suboccipital. Em relação à série de 1.500 pacientes com afecções do sistema nervoso e sem sintomatologia de hipotensão ou de hipertensão intracraniana, a pressão média normal do LCR ao nível da cisterna magna foi de 11,9 cm de água (paciente calmo, decúbito lateral horizontal. As variações fisiológicas de pressão, segundo os achados, têm como limites os valôres de 4,1 e 19,7 cm de água. Êsses valôres permitem caracterizar, para a cisterna magna, a existência de hipotensão do LCR quando a pressão fôr menor ou igual a 4 cm de água; a hipertensão é caracterizada por valores iguais ou maiores do que 20 cm de água. A pressão do LCR ao nível da cisterna magna é menor do que no fundo de saco lombar. Para série de 276 pacientes o valor médio achado para êste último nível foi de 16,7 cm de água (decúbito lateral horizontal. A diferença entre as médias foi altamente significativa. Não foram verificadas modificações da pressão do LCR ao nível da cisterna magna que pudessem ser relacionadas ao sexo. Sem que representassem dados de interêsse para a prática, foram verificadas variações ligadas à côr e à idade dos pacientes. Em média a pressão do LCR se mostrou menor entre pacientes prêtos e amarelos que entre os brancos e os mulatos. Um declínio do valor médio da pressão foi verificado à medida em que aumentava a idade dos pacientes. Êste declínio mostrou-se maior para o grupo de pacientes com idade acima de 60 anos.

  16. Relationships between acute toxicities of para nitrophenol (p-NP) and nitrobenzene (NB) to Daphnia magna and Photobacterium phosphoreum: Physicochemical properties and metabolites under anaerobic/aerobic sequentials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sponza, Delia Teresa, E-mail: [Dokuz Eyluel University, Engineering Faculty, Environmental Engineering Department, Buca Kaynaklar Campus, Buca, Izmir (Turkey); Kuscu, Ozlem Selcuk [Department of Environmental Engineering, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Sueleyman Demirel University, Cuenuer Campus, 32260 Isparta (Turkey)


    In this study, the acute toxicities of nitrobenzene (NB) and para nitrophenol (p-NP) were investigated in a high rate sequential anaerobic migrating blanket (AMBR)/aerobic completely stirred tank reactor (CSTR) using Microtox and Daphnia magna tests. After sequential anaerobic and aerobic treatments, the inhibitions in the Microtox bacteria decreased from an initial 78.10-48.20% and 4.00%, respectively, in wastewater containing 40.00 mg/L p-NP. The inhibitions of the influent wastewater containing 60.00 mg/L NB decreased from 72.10% to 45.30% and to 4.00% after anaerobic and aerobic treatment, respectively. The acute toxicity removals were 94% and 93% in the effluent of the whole sequential system, for p-NP and NB, respectively. The acute toxicity in the influent was dependent on the parent NB and p-NP concentrations and ons their physicochemical properties such as hydrophobicity, octanol/water partition coefficient and vapour density for both Microtox bacteria and Daphnia magna while the toxicity in the effluent of the anaerobic reactor was strongly dependent on the metabolites of p-NP (p-amino phenol, phenol, NH{sub 4}-N) and NB (aniline) for Microtox test. This effluent was not toxic to Daphnia magna.

  17. Ramon Llull's Ars Magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thessa


    might be a viable and valuable approach to understand some of the challenges and possibilities found in computer science and ethics. Vita Llull was born in 1232 in Palma de Mallorca, a melting pot for different cul-tures and religions at the time. Being educated at the king’s court, Llull learned...... of belief, life, and God as such. Computer Science? Llull was an inspiration for later scientists, most notably Giordano Bruno, Athanasius Kirchner, Agrippa of Nettesheim and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, whose dissertation De Arte Combinatoria begins with a discussion of Llull’s Ars Magna. Umberto Eco also......-ple of Mallorca have since tried to have Llull canonised as a saint. Ars Magna A few years before his death Llull began to write the most thorough and final version of his Ars Magna, the Ars Generalis Ultima [3]. The books explain the different figures of the Ars, its principles, questions, descriptions...

  18. Genetic homogeneity of Fascioloides magna in Austria. (United States)

    Husch, Christian; Sattmann, Helmut; Hörweg, Christoph; Ursprung, Josef; Walochnik, Julia


    The large American liver fluke, Fascioloides magna, is an economically relevant parasite of both domestic and wild ungulates. F. magna was repeatedly introduced into Europe, for the first time already in the 19th century. In Austria, a stable population of F. magna has established in the Danube floodplain forests southeast of Vienna. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of F. magna in Austria. A total of 26 individuals from various regions within the known area of distribution were investigated for their cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and nicotinamide dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1) gene haplotypes. Interestingly, all 26 individuals revealed one and the same haplotype, namely concatenated haplotype Ha5. This indicates a homogenous population of F. magna in Austria and may argue for a single introduction. Alternatively, genetic homogeneity might also be explained by a bottleneck effect and/or genetic drift. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Cardioactive effects of diphenhydramine and curcumin in Daphnia magna

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    Noelle Erin Romero


    Full Text Available Although used as a model for examining the cardioactive effects of various compounds, the neuromuscular regulation of the heart of the crustacean Daphnia magna (D. magna is not well understood. In the present study, we sought to determine how the heart rate of D. magna was affected by two previously untested compounds: curcumin and diphenhydramine (DPHM. DPHM produces a number of cardiotoxic side effects in vertebrates, particularly sinus tachycardia. Curcumin acts as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI and was expected toincrease the heart rate of D. magna. DPHM was found unexpectedly to lower the heart rate of D. magna with time. Curcumin increased heart rate when administered in higher concentrations. However, co-administration of curcumin with DPHM negated this effect. These findings may be explained by the potential role of histamine as a sympathetic cardiac neurotransmitter in D. magna.

  20. Ecotoxicity tests based on phototactic behaviour in Daphnia magna; Saggi di ecotossicita` con Daphnia magna basati sul comportamento fototattico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dojmi di Delupis, Gianluigi [Istituto Superiore di Sanita`, Rome (Italy). Lab. di Tossicologia Comparata ed Ecotossicologia


    Zooplankton behaviour depending on light, such as phototaxis, is important, mainly in terms of its ecological significance, as, for example, in the role of phototaxis in the diurnal vertical migration of Daphnia magna, and its possible involvement in predator-prey relations. In Daphnia magna chemicals were found to induce roughly three types of phototaxis alteration: depression, enhancement and sign change. These phenomena are based on mechanisms that require further investigation. In spite of the complex photobehaviour of Daphnia magna and the scarce knowledge of toxic effects, it was possible to set up rapid and easy ecotoxicity tests by fixing certain experimental conditions.

  1. Blood Profile of Rabbits Infected with Eimeria magna

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    A Hana


    Full Text Available Abstract. The research aimed at determining the blood profile of local rabbits infected with different dose of Eimeria magna oocysts. This research used 45 male rabbits with the age of 4 month old, range from 1.5 to 1.8 kg, clinically healthy and free from coccidiosis. The rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups, group I as control (K-0 was given 1.0 ml distilled water/rabbit orally, group II (K-10 was infected with single dose of 10x106 oocysts of E. magna/rabbit orally, and group III (K-20 was infected with single dose of 20x106 oocysts of E. magna/rabbit orally. After infection, rabbits were examined for clinical signs, body weight and temperature daily for five days. Blood samples were drawn from the vena marginalis to examine the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobine, packed cell volume (PCV, leukocytes and its deferent, total protein plasma (TPP and fibrinogen, activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP, alanine amino transferase (ALT, and aspartat aminotransferase (AST. The data were statistically analyzed by two-way anova using factorial design. The results of this research showed that the infection of E. magna in rabbits caused fever and weight loss, accompanied by normochromic microcytic anemia (at doses of 10x106 oocysts, macrocytic normochromic (at doses of 20x106 oocysts, leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, hiperfibrinogenemia, and increased of ALP activity. There were correlations between clinical symptoms and blood profile of rabbits infected with E. magna for five days. The higher the dose and the longer the infection of E. magna in rabbits caused weight loss, increased body temperature, MCV (microcytic to macrocytic, leukocyte, fibrinogen and ALP activity. These findings were useful to have a better understanding of pathophysiology of E. magna infection in  rabbits. Key Words: Eimeria magna, oocyst, rabbit, blood profile A Hana et al/Animal Production 13(3:185-190 (2011

  2. Sex-related differences in the anteroposterior diameter of the foetal cisterna magna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tao, G. [Department of Ultrasound, Qilu hospital of Shandong University, Jinan (China); Yew, D.T. [Department of Anatomy, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong); Gu, T.; Liu, S.; Ma, Z.; Zhan, X.; Cheng, L. [Department of Ultrasound, Qilu hospital of Shandong University, Jinan (China); Li, C. [Department of Ultrasound, Qilu hospital of Shandong University, Jinan (China)], E-mail:


    Aim: To measure the anteroposterior diameter of the foetal cisterna magna and observe whether there are differences according to sex. Materials and methods: Three hundred and thirty-seven Chinese women with low-risk pregnancies and a singleton foetus between 22 and 38 weeks' gestational age were included in this retrospective study. Informed consent of the volunteer subjects and hospital authority approval were first obtained. Double-blinded for gender, the anteroposterior diameter of the cisterna magna of the foetuses was measured by transabdominal sonography. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used for those foetuses with mega cisterna magna. All of the foetuses were healthy by prenatal and postnatal examination, including physical and imaging examination. Results: The mean anteroposterior diameter of the cisterna magna of all foetuses was 8.01 {+-} 1.79 mm. The anteroposterior diameter of the cisterna magna had no obvious correlation with the gestational age. The mean anteroposterior diameter of the cisterna magna of 179 male foetuses was 8.63 {+-} 2.16 mm, and the mean anteroposterior diameter of the cisterna magna of 158 female foetuses was 7.87 {+-} 1.74 mm. The size difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). In the 33 foetuses with mega cisterna magna, the number of male foetuses was greater than female foetuses, and the proportion of the foetuses with mega cisterna magna in the male group was significantly higher than the foetuses in the female group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Male foetuses had slightly larger anteroposterior diameters of the cisterna magna than female foetuses. The study would be useful for creating normal range values for the cisterna magna of male and female foetuses.

  3. Disfunção endotelial causada pela pressão aguda de distensão em veias safenas humanas utilizadas para revascularização do miocárdio Endothelium dysfunction caused by acute pressure distension of human saphenous vein used for myocardial revascularization

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    Fernanda Viaro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar as alterações morfofuncionais induzidas por pressão de distensão, em veias safenas humanas utilizadas para revascularização do miocárdio. MÉTODO: Foram estudadas veias safenas de 20 pacientes, distribuídas em quatro grupos experimentais: controle, 100, 200 e 300 mmHg, submetidos a distensões pressóricas com solução de Krebs por 15 segundos. A metodologia utilizada incluiu: 1 Imunohistoquímica do CD34; 2 Estudo in vitro da reatividade vascular em câmaras de órgãos. RESULTADOS: Os principais achados experimentais foram: 1 A partir da pressurização com 200 mmHg, observou-se uma tendência à diminuição da expressão do CD34, tornando-se estatisticamente significante com 300 mmHg; 2 Não houve comprometimento da contratilidade e dos relaxamentos estudados in vitro. CONCLUSÕES: Embora o estudo in vitro não tenha demonstrado comprometimento da reatividade vascular das veias estudadas, o estudo imunohistoquímico do CD34 mostrou que existe disfunção endotelial com pressurizações de 300 mmHg.OBJECTIVE: To study morphofunctional alterations induced by brief pressure increases in human saphenous veins utilized in coronary artery bypass grafting. METHOD: Saphenous veins of 20 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting, were distributed into four experimental groups, control, 100 mmHg, 200 mmHg and 300 mmHg, and submitted to pressure distention over 15 seconds using Krebs solution. The evaluation included CD34 immunohistochemistry and an In vitro vascular reactivity study in organ chambers. RESULTS: The main experimental findings were 1 From pressures of 200 mmHg there was a tendency to reduce the CD34 expression which became statistically significant at 300 mmHg; 2 There was no impairment of the contraction and relaxation as evidenced by in vitro vascular reactivity tests. CONCLUSION: Although vascular reactivity impairment was not demonstrated in vitro, the CD34 expression, measured by

  4. Prevalência do refluxo na veia safena parva em varizes primárias não complicadas dos membros inferiores pelo eco-Doppler colorido Prevalence of short saphenous vein reflux in primary uncomplicated varicose veins by Doppler ultrasonography

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    Fabio Secchi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de refluxo venoso na veia safena parva em membros inferiores com varizes primárias não complicadas pelo eco-Doppler colorido. MÉTODO: No período de 18 meses, 1.953 pacientes foram submetidos ao eco-Doppler colorido de membros inferiores por doença venosa. Destes, 1.631 com varizes primárias não complicadas foram selecionados para esta análise, sendo que 1.383 eram do sexo feminino (84,79% e 248 (15,21% do sexo masculino. A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 42,89 (± 0,48 anos, variando de 13 a 85 anos. Dos 1.631 pacientes, 1.323 foram submetidos a exame bilateral e 308 a exame unilateral, totalizando 2.954 membros inferiores com varizes primárias não complicadas avaliados. Desse total, 1.461 eram membros inferiores direitos e 1.493, esquerdos. Todos os exames foram realizados seguindo o mesmo protocolo. RESULTADO: Dos 2.954 membros inferiores avaliados, 372 (12,59% apresentaram refluxo em veia safena parva. A prevalência nos homens foi de 14,08% e, nas mulheres, de 12,35%. O refluxo da safena parva foi maior no membro inferior esquerdo (13.13% do que no direito (12,05%. A prevalência do refluxo foi significativamente maior nos pacientes acima de 60 anos. CONCLUSÃO: O refluxo da veia safena parva é relativamente comum, e sua pesquisa deve ser sempre realizada em pacientes com varizes primárias de membros inferiores.OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of small saphenous vein reflux (SSVR in patients with uncomplicated varicose veins, using color-flow Doppler ultrasonography. METHOD: Over an 18-month period, a total of 1,953 patients underwent color-flow Doppler ultrasonography for evaluation of venous disease. Out of the total, 1,631 patients with primary uncomplicated varicose veins were selected for this study: 1,383 (84.79% patients were female and 248 (15.21% were male. Mean age was 42.9 (± 0.48 years, ranging from 13 to 85 years. Of the 1,631 patients, 1,323 underwent bilateral

  5. Bioaccumulation and uptake routes of perfluoroalkyl acids in Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Dai, Zhineng; Xia, Xinghui; Guo, Jia; Jiang, Xiaoman


    Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAs), one kind of emerging contaminants, have attracted great attentions in recent years. However, the study about their bioaccumulation mechanism remains scarce. In this research, the bioaccumulation of six kinds of PFAs in water flea Daphnia magna was studied. The uptake rates of PFAs in D. magna ranged from 178 to 1338 L kg(-1) d(-1), and they increased with increasing perfluoroalkyl chain length; the elimination rates ranged from 0.98 to 2.82 d(-1). The bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) of PFAs ranged from 91 to 380 L kg(-1) in wet weight after 25 d exposure; they increased with increasing perfluoroalkyl chain length and had a significant positive correlation with the n-octanol/water partition coefficients (logK(ow)) of PFAs (pPFAs plays an important role in their bioaccumulation. The BAFs almost kept constant when the PFA concentrations in aqueous phase increased from 1 to 10 μg L(-1). Scenedesmus subspicatus, as the food of D. magna, did not significantly affect the bioaccumulation of PFAs by D. magna. Furthermore, the body burden of PFAs in the dead D. magna was 1.08-2.52 times higher than that in the living ones, inferring that the body surface sorption is a main uptake route of PFAs in D. magna. This study suggested that the bioaccumulation of PFAs in D. magna is mainly controlled by their partition between organisms and water; further research should be conducted to study the intrinsic mechanisms, especially the roles of protein and lipid in organisms. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. magna (Straus, 1820.

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    Hatice Parlak


    Full Text Available Nif Çayi Kirletilmiş Tatli Su ve Sedimentinin Daphnia magna (Strauss, 1820 Üzerine Akut Ve Kronik Toksisitesi. Nif Çayı Endüstriyel, evsel ve tarımsal deşarjlar ile doğrudan kirlenmektedir. Çayın suyunun evsel ve endüstriyel alanlarda sulama ve yıkama suyu olarak kullanılması rahatsızlık verici boyuttadır, bu nedenle doğal populasyonlar için potansiyel toksisitesinin bilinmesi büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Nif Çayı su ve sediment örneklerinin su piresi Daphnia magna kullanılarak toksisitesinin belirlenmesidir. Su ve sediment örneklerinin letal toksisitesi 48-saat akut test, subletal toksisite ise 7-gün kronik test ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. D.magna kullanılarak yapılan 48 saat Akut test sonuçlarına göre LC 50 değerleri su örnekleri için 6.8 ile 12.67 µl/L arasında sediment örnekleri içn 6.826 ile 38.038 µg/L arasında bulunmuştur. Subletal konsantrasyonlara maruz bırakılarak yapılan kronik testler sonucunda tüm istasyonlardan alınan su ve sediment örneklerin canlının üremesi üzerine negatif etkisi olduğu gözlenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler ışığında bu deneme sisteminin rutin kirlilik belirleme çalışmaları için uygunluğu tespit edilmiştir

  7. Case of pacemaker pocket infection caused by Finegoldia magna. (United States)

    Hosseini Dehkordi, Seyed Hamed; Osorio, Georgina


    Finegoldia magna (formerly called Peptostreptococcus magnus) is a Gram-positive anaerobic coccus which is increasingly recognized as an opportunistic pathogen. We present a case of F. magna associated non-valvular cardiovascular device-related infection in an 83 year-old male who received a permanent pacemaker for sick sinus syndrome seven weeks prior to his presentation. Five weeks after the implantation, the pacemaker and leads were explanted because of clinical evidence of pacemaker pocket infection. He was initially treated with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim based on the Gram stain results from the removed pacemaker. However, two weeks later, he was readmitted with sepsis and was successfully treated with ampicillin-sulbactam. Culture results from the pacemaker and pocket as well as blood cultures grew F. magna. Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of F. magna infection when initial gram stain results show "gram positive cocci". Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Ramon Llull's Ars Magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thessa


    The Ars Magna of Ramon Llull must be seen as one of the first attempts to formalise language, thought processes, and creating a basis for rational discussions. It consists of so-called principles, concepts, which are defined and combined through the use of four main figures. Llull's contribution...

  9. Long-term effects to ionizing radiation in crustacean Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarapul'tseva, E.I.


    The results of this study have provided strong evidence for the trans generational effects of parental exposure to ionizing radiation in crustacean Daphnia magna. To establish whether parental irradiation can affect the survival, life span and fertility of directly exposed organisms and their non-exposed offspring, D. magna were given 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000 mGy of acute γ-rays. MTT-assay was first applied for the investigation in vivo of the mechanisms of trans generational low doses effects of radiation and development of stress in Daphnia. Our dates strongly support MTT assay results as a good bio marker of survival and fertility effects at D. magna. (authors)

  10. Toxicity of three strobilurins (kresoxim-methyl, pyraclostrobin, and trifloxystrobin) on Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Cui, Feng; Chai, Tingting; Liu, Xiaoxu; Wang, Chengju


    Strobilurins constitute a new class of fungicides that is the most widely used in the world. The present study was conducted to investigate the aquatic toxicity of 3 common strobilurin fungicides (kresoxim-methyl, pyraclostrobin, and trifloxystrobin) to Daphnia magna. The neonate acute immobilization test showed that the 48-h 50% effective concentration (EC50) values of kresoxim-methyl, pyraclostrobin, and trifloxystrobin were 443.3 µg/L, 20.9 µg/L, and 23.0 µg/L, respectively. In addition, the 3 strobilurins significantly induced activity of the important detoxification enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST) in D. magna, and there was a significant positive relationship between GST activity and immobility of D. magna after acute exposure. The 3 strobilurins showed higher toxicity to D. magna embryos, and the 48-h EC50 were 157.3 µg/L, 3.9 µg/L, and 1.7 µg/L for kresoxim-methyl, pyraclostrobin, and trifloxystrobin, respectively. The 21-d chronic test revealed that the strobilurins could also significantly affect the reproduction, development, and growth of D. magna at sublethal concentrations. The lowest-observed-effect concentrations of kresoxim-methyl, pyraclostrobin, and trifloxystrobin for reproduction were 20 µg/L, 0.15 µg/L, and 0.2 µg/L, respectively, which were close to environmental concentrations. The findings indicate that strobilurin fungicides are very toxic to D. magna and they are sufficient to cause harm to D. magna at environmentally relevant concentrations. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:182-189. © 2016 SETAC. © 2016 SETAC.

  11. Magna-field irradiation: physical considerations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Dyk, J.


    Magna-field radiotherapy in the form of total body, half body and total nodal irradiation is becoming increasingly prominent and involves dosimetric problems that are much more pronounced than they are for conventional field sizes. In this review of the physical considerations of magna-field irradiation, a number of possible alternate methods of producing large radiation fields are outlined, the basic beam dosimetry is reviewed and the factors producing dose variation in the patient are considered. Since the lung contains large regions of low density tissues and has a lower tolerance to radiaiton than most other tissues, special consideration is given to methods of dose determination and dose reduction to this organ. The question of accuracy in dose delivery is briefly discussed and the concept of delivering a radiation dose 'as precisely as readily achievable (APARA), technological and biological factors being taken into account' is introduced.

  12. Fossa navicularis magna detection on cone-beam computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Syed, Ali Z. [Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland(United States); Mupparapu, Mel [Div. of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, Philadelphia (United States)


    Herein, we report and discuss the detection of fossa navicularis magna, a close radiographic anatomic variant of canalis basilaris medianus of the basiocciput, as an incidental finding in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging. The CBCT data of the patients in question were referred for the evaluation of implant sites and to rule out pathology in the maxilla and mandible. CBCT analysis showed osseous, notch-like defects on the inferior aspect of the clivus in all four cases. The appearance of fossa navicularis magna varied among the cases. In some, it was completely within the basiocciput and mimicked a small rounded, corticated, lytic defect, whereas it appeared as a notch in others. Fossa navicularis magna is an anatomical variant that occurs on the inferior aspect of the clivus. The pertinent literature on the anatomical variations occurring in this region was reviewed.

  13. Interspecific differences between D. pulex and D. magna in tolerance to cyanobacteria with protease inhibitors.

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    Christian J Kuster

    Full Text Available It is known that cyanobacteria negatively affect herbivores due to their production of toxins such as protease inhibitors. In the present study we investigated potential interspecific differences between two major herbivores, Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex, in terms of their tolerance to cyanobacteria with protease inhibitors. Seven clones each of D. magna and of D. pulex were isolated from different habitats in Europe and North America. To test for interspecific differences in the daphnids' tolerance to cyanobacteria, their somatic and population growth rates were determined for each D. magna and D. pulex clone after exposure to varying concentrations of two Microcystis aeruginosa strains. The M. aeruginosa strains NIVA and PCC(- contained either chymotrypsin or trypsin inhibitors, but no microcystins. Mean somatic and population growth rates on a diet with 20% NIVA were significantly more reduced in D. pulex than in D. magna. On a diet with 10% PCC(-, the population growth of D. pulex was significantly more reduced than that of D. magna. This indicates that D. magna is more tolerant to cyanobacteria with protease inhibitors than D. pulex. The reduction of growth rates was possibly caused by an interference of cyanobacterial inhibitors with proteases in the gut of Daphnia, as many other conceivable factors, which might have been able to explain the reduced growth, could be excluded as causal factors. Protease assays revealed that the sensitivities of chymotrypsins and trypsins to cyanobacterial protease inhibitors did not differ between D. magna and D. pulex. However, D. magna exhibited a 2.3-fold higher specific chymotrypsin activity than D. pulex, which explains the observed higher tolerance to cyanobacterial protease inhibitors of D. magna. The present study suggests that D. magna may control the development of cyanobacterial blooms more efficiently than D. pulex due to differences in their tolerance to cyanobacteria with protease

  14. Absceso mamario no puerperal por Finegoldia magna Nonpuerperal breast abscess caused by Finegoldia magna

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    L. Castello


    Full Text Available Finegoldia magna son cocos gram-positivos anaerobios estrictos, cuyas células se disponen en pares, tétradas y acúmulos. Forman parte de la flora normal de la piel, tractos gastrointestinal y genitourinario femeninos, y cavidad oral. La especie se caracteriza por ser asacarolítica y su principal fuente de energía la constituyen aminoácidos y peptonas. Por lo general se la aísla en cultivos polimicrobianos a partir de abscesos y otras infecciones de piel y partes blandas, huesos y articulaciones. En el caso descrito, F. magna fue recuperada en cultivo monomicrobiano, a partir de un absceso mamario no puerperal, que se agrega a los dos casos comunicados en la literatura. La identificación se realizó mediante la determinación de la sensibilidad a los discos de potencia especial, pruebas convencionales, y producción de enzimas sacarolíticas y proteol��ticas. Se efectuó la prueba de sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos por el método epsilométrico. Los agentes ensayados y los valores de CIM (µg/ml obtenidos fueron: penicilina, 0,064; cefalotina, 1; metronidazol, 0,25; minociclina, Finegoldia magna is a species of strictly anaerobic gram-positive cocci, arranged in pairs, tetrads, and clusters. These organisms are components of the normal flora of the skin, gastrointestinal and genitourinary female tracts, and oral cavity. They are asaccharolytic and their major energy sources are aminoacids and peptones. The species is usually isolated in polymicrobial cultures from abscesses, soft tissue infections, bone and joints. In the case herein presented, F. magna was recovered in pure culture from a nonpuerperal breast abscess, which adds to the two reported cases in related literature. Species identification was performed by special potency disks, standard bacteriological anaerobic tests, and production of saccharolytic and proteolytic enzymes. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by using the epsilometric test. The agents

  15. Accumulation of dieldrin in an alga (Scenedesmus obliquus), Daphnia magna, and the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) (United States)

    Reinert, Robert E.


    Scenedesmus obliquus, Daphnia magna, and Poecilia reticulata accumulated dieldrin directly from water; average concentration factors (concentration in organism, dry weight, divided by concentration in water) were 1282 for the alga, 13,954 for D. magna, and 49,307 (estimated) for the guppy. The amount accumulated by each species at equilibrium (after about 1.5, 3-4, and 18 days, respectively) was directly proportional to the concentration of dieldrin in the water. Daphnia magna and guppies accumulated more dieldrin from water than from food that had been exposed to similar concentrations in water. When guppies were fed equal daily rations of D. magna containing different concentrations of insecticide, the amounts of dieldrin accumulated by the fish were directly proportional to the concentration in D. magna; when two lots of guppies were fed different quantities of D. magna (10 and 20 organisms per day) containing identical concentrations of dieldrin, however, the amounts accumulated did not differ substantially.

  16. In-vitro antioxidant activity of crataeva magna lour. dc bark extract

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    Sridhar N


    Full Text Available The plant Crataeva magna belonging to family Capparaceae is used in anti spasmodic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, anti protozoal, analgesic purposes. The present study was carried out to evaluate appropriate animal model. The antioxidative potential of different solvent extracts of Crataeva magna were evaluated using 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH, 2,2 ’-Azino-Bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-Sulphonic acid (ABTS, superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical, nitric oxide radical scavenging activities and lipid peroxidation inhibition assay. Among those solvent extracts, ethanolic extract of C. magna exhibited highest level of antioxidant activities. The ethanolic extract also inhibited H 2O2 mediated haemolysis and lipid peroxidation in human RBC.

  17. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Eimeria magna (Apicomplexa: Coccidia). (United States)

    Tian, Si-Qin; Cui, Ping; Fang, Su-Fang; Liu, Guo-Hua; Wang, Chun-Ren; Zhu, Xing-Quan


    In the present study, we determined the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence of Eimeria magna from rabbits for the first time, and compared its gene contents and genome organizations with that of seven Eimeria spp. from domestic chickens. The size of the complete mt genome sequence of E. magna is 6249 bp, which consists of 3 protein-coding genes (cytb, cox1 and cox3), 12 gene fragments for the large subunit (LSU) rRNA, and 7 gene fragments for the small subunit (SSU) rRNA, without transfer RNA genes, in accordance with that of Eimeria spp. from chickens. The putative direction of translation for three genes (cytb, cox1 and cox3) was the same as those of Eimeria species from domestic chickens. The content of A + T is 65.16% for E. magna mt genome (29.73% A, 35.43% T, 17.09 G and 17.75% C). The E. magna mt genome sequence provides novel mtDNA markers for studying the molecular epidemiology and population genetics of Eimeria spp. and has implications for the molecular diagnosis and control of rabbit coccidiosis.

  18. Medical-biological aspects of radiation effects in Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarapultseva, E; Ustenko, K; Uskalova, D; Savina, N


    We have shown that γ-irradiation at doses of 100 and 1000 mGy significantly compromised fecundity and reproductive success of the directly exposed D. magna . These effects were also observed among the non-exposed first-generation progeny of irradiated parents, thus implying the manifestation of transgenerational effects in Daphnia . We have also shown that compromised viability of irradiated D. magna can be attributed cytotoxic effects of irradiation. It would therefore appear that the compromised viability may be attributed to the cytotoxic effects resulted from epigenetic changes affecting some metabolic pathways involved in detoxification of free-radicals. Additionally we have analyzed more distant progeny of irradiated at doses of 10, 100 and 1000 mGy Daphnia . Our data demonstrated that multicellular crustacean D. magna represent a very useful experimental model for analyse of long-term effects of ionising radiation at the organismal level. (paper)

  19. Multigenerational cadmium acclimation and biokinetics in Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guan Rui; Wang Wenxiong


    A Cd exposure (3 μg L -1 ) experiment was conducted for six successive generations to investigate the responses to chronic Cd stress in Daphnia magna. We observed a biphasic accumulation of Cd in the six generations and suggested a similar pattern with respect to daphnids' tolerance. Cd assimilation efficiencies, daphnid growth, and reproduction corresponded to the changes of tolerance, which was partially accounted for by metallothionein induction. When maternally exposed neonates grew in Cd-free water for one or two generations, their growth, MT concentration and biokinetic parameters partially or totally recovered. The rapid recovery suggests the high potential for ecological restoration from Cd pollution. Our results indicate that the tolerance of sensitive D. magna clones to Cd was dependent on long-term or multigenerational exposure. The tolerance developed within the first several generations might not be maintained, and the animals may become even more sensitive to Cd stress in subsequent generations. - Tolerance of sensitive Daphnia magna clones to cadmium was dependent on long-term or multigenerational exposure

  20. Effect of an Aspartame-Ethanol Mixture on Daphnia magna Cardiac Activity

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    Rebecca Kohn


    Full Text Available Aspartame in conjunction with alcohol has been shown to increase the blood alcohol level in humans faster than alcohol and sucrose (Wu et al., 2006. To determine the potential effects of various mixtures of ethanol and aspartame on the nervous system, the heart rate of Daphnia magna (D.magna, water flea was measured in deionized water (control, ethanol, aspartame, and five different mixtures of ethanol and aspartame. The heart rate was chosen as a representative measure since it is controlled by the nervous system and the heart rate of D.magna can easily be measured. The results were statistically evaluated by student’s t-test. A significant increase in heart rate was observed for all mixed assays compared to both control and ethanol, but not to aspartame. The data suggests that the aspartame and alcohol mixture have a greater effect on D. magna heart rate than water or ethanol, but not aspartame alone. We propose that alcohol in combination with aspartame has potentially detrimental consequences for the nervous system.

  1. Multigenerational contaminant exposures produce non-monotonic, transgenerational responses in Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimberly, David A.; Salice, Christopher J.


    Generally, ecotoxicologists rely on short-term tests that assume populations to be static. Conversely, natural populations may be exposed to the same stressors for many generations, which can alter tolerance to the same (or other) stressors. The objective of this study was to improve our understanding of how multigenerational stressors alter life history traits and stressor tolerance. After continuously exposing Daphnia magna to cadmium for 120 days, we assessed life history traits and conducted a challenge at higher temperature and cadmium concentrations. Predictably, individuals exposed to cadmium showed an overall decrease in reproductive output compared to controls. Interestingly, control D. magna were the most cadmium tolerant to novel cadmium, followed by those exposed to high cadmium. Our data suggest that long-term exposure to cadmium alter tolerance traits in a non-monotonic way. Because we observed effects after one-generation removal from cadmium, transgenerational effects may be possible as a result of multigenerational exposure. - Highlights: • Daphnia magna exposed to cadmium for 120 days. • D. magna exposed to cadmium had decreased reproductive output. • Control D. magna were most cadmium tolerant to novel cadmium stress. • Long-term exposure to cadmium alter tolerance traits in a non-monotonic way. • Transgenerational effects observed as a result of multigenerational exposure. - Adverse effects of long-term cadmium exposure persist into cadmium free conditions, as seen by non-monotonic responses when exposed to novel stress one generation removed.

  2. Transmission risk assessment of invasive fluke Fascioloides magna using GIS-modelling and multicriteria analysis methods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juhásová L.


    Full Text Available The combination of multicriteria analysis (MCA, particularly analytic hierarchy process (AHP and geographic information system (GIS were applied for transmission risk assessment of Fascioloides magna (Trematoda; Fasciolidae in south-western Slovakia. Based on the details on F. magna life cycle, the following risk factors (RF of parasite transmission were determined: intermediate (RFIH and final hosts (RFFH (biological factors, annual precipitation (RFAP, land use (RFLU, flooded area (RFFA, and annual mean air temperature (RFAT (environmental factors. Two types of risk analyses were modelled: (1 potential risk analysis was focused on the determination of the potential risk of parasite transmission into novel territories (data on F. magna occurrence were excluded; (2 actual risk analysis considered also the summary data on F. magna occurrence in the model region (risk factor parasite occurrence RFPO included in the analysis. The results of the potential risk analysis provided novel distribution pattern and revealed new geographical area as the potential risk zone of F. magna occurrence. Although the actual risk analysis revealed all four risk zones of F. magna transmission (acceptable, moderate, undesirable and unacceptable, its outputs were significantly affected by the data on parasite occurrence what reduced the informative value of the actual transmission risk assessment.

  3. CRISPR/Cas-mediated targeted mutagenesis in Daphnia magna.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takashi Nakanishi

    Full Text Available The water flea Daphnia magna has been used as an animal model in ecology, evolution, and environmental sciences. Thanks to the recent progress in Daphnia genomics, genetic information such as the draft genome sequence and expressed sequence tags (ESTs is now available. To investigate the relationship between phenotypes and the available genetic information about Daphnia, some gene manipulation methods have been developed. However, a technique to induce targeted mutagenesis into Daphnia genome remains elusive. To overcome this problem, we focused on an emerging genome editing technique mediated by the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated (CRISPR/Cas system to introduce genomic mutations. In this study, we targeted a functionally conserved regulator of eye development, the eyeless gene in D. magna. When we injected Cas9 mRNAs and eyeless-targeting guide RNAs into eggs, 18-47% of the survived juveniles exhibited abnormal eye morphology. After maturation, up to 8.2% of the adults produced progenies with deformed eyes, which carried mutations in the eyeless loci. These results showed that CRISPR/Cas system could introduce heritable mutations into the endogenous eyeless gene in D. magna. This is the first report of a targeted gene knockout technique in Daphnia and will be useful in uncovering Daphnia gene functions.

  4. Computed tomography of the cisterna magna and mega cisterna magna in normal children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Enomoto, Takao; Nakada, Yoshitaka; Maki, Yutaka


    We studied the cisterna magna (CM) on the computed tomography of children under 15 years of age. The scanners were GE-8800RTX and Hitachi CTH, and scanning was carried out parallel to the orbitomeatal line. Those with artifacts were excluded. 5 slices were needed to cover all the posterior fossa in children, but 4 slices were enough in infants, especially those under 6 months of age. 698 cases were included in the former group, and 69, in the latter. The authors estimated the size of the CM on the basis of the position of its tip. 7.1% of the children and 4% of the infants, especially under 6 months of age, had a CM of the full extent (from the foramen magnum to the 5th slice in children and to the 4th one in infants). If we may define a mega cisterna magna (MCM) as a CM more than 2 SD bigger than the mean, then the MCM are included in the groups described above. The MCM had no relationship with age or underlying disorders. The size of the 4th ventricle was, however, rather bigger in the MCM group than the normal CM group, suggesting that the pathogenesis of MCM might be a physiological hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis. Therefore, no therapy was indicated for this abnormality. (author)

  5. A fluorescence-based hydrolytic enzyme activity assay for quantifying toxic effects of Roundup® to Daphnia magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørsted, Michael; Roslev, Peter


    Daphnia magna is a widely used model organism for aquatic toxicity testing. In the present study, we investigated the hydrolytic enzyme activity of D. magna after exposure to toxicant stress. In vivo enzyme activity was quantified using 15 fluorogenic enzyme probes based on 4-methylumbelliferyl...... or 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin. Probing D. magna enzyme activity was evaluated using short-term exposure (24-48 h) to the reference chemical K2Cr2O7, or the herbicide formulation Roundup®. Toxicant induced changes in hydrolytic enzyme activity were compared to changes in mobility (ISO 6341). The results...... showed that hydrolytic enzyme activity was quantifiable as a combination of whole body fluorescence of D. magna, and fluorescence of the surrounding water. Exposure of D. magna to lethal and sublethal concentrations of Roundup® resulted in loss of whole body enzyme activity, and release of cell...

  6. Life history response of Daphnia magna to a mixotrophic golden alga, Poterioochromonas sp., at different food levels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Xue; Hu, Hong-Ying; Perlt, Trine Warming


    The toxicity of Poterioochromonas to Daphnia magna was investigated at different food (Scenedesmus acutus) levels. Poterioochromonas alone of 0.4–20 mg C L-1 was not acutely toxic to D. magna, but did not support D. magna growth, either. When fed mixed diets (2 mg C L-1 in total), D. magna...

  7. Breast abscess due to Finegoldia magna in a non-puerperal women. (United States)

    Cobo, Fernando; Rodríguez-Granger, Javier; Sampedro, Antonio; Navarro-Marí, José María


    Finegoldia magna is a Gram-positive anaerobic coccus involved in a wide variety of infections. We report a unusual case of breast abscess in a non-puerperal patient. A 46-year-old woman presented with pain and a nodular lesion in the left breast. Culture of abscess drainage resulted in isolation of F. magna. Initial treatment with clindamycin was changed to a definitive treatment with amoxicillin-clavulanate for 10 days due to resistance to clindamycin, and improvement of this infection was documented. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Effect of the lipid regulator Gemfibrozil in the Cladocera Daphnia magna at different temperatures. (United States)

    Salesa, Beatriz; Ferrando, María D; Villarroel, María J; Sancho, Encarna


    In the present study, an ecotoxicological approach to the evaluation of Gemfibrozil (GEM) as an emerging organic pollutant was done. In order to assess its toxicity, tests were conducted using the cladocera Daphnia magna. Experiments were carried out at 22°C and 28°C. EC 50 , feeding behavior, and chronic toxicity tests (21 days) were evaluated in D. magna exposed to GEM as well as cholesterol levels at 21-day chronic exposure. D. magna GEM EC 50 values (24 h) in our experimental conditions were 148.75 and 116.24 mg L -1 at 22°C and 28°C, respectively. Test concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0 and 7.5 mg L -1 were selected for subacute and chronic experiments. Subacute short-term test (feeding study) was assessed after exposure to the toxicant. Filtration and ingestion rates of D. magna exposed animals did not show any significant difference (P > 0.05) with respect to control daphniids neither at 22°C nor at 28°C. Therefore, GEM test concentrations used in the present study did not reduce feeding behavior in D. magna. Temperature increased from 22°C to 28°C, which resulted in a decrease of the daphniids reproductive parameters such as brood size and number of young per female. Other parameters as longevity were not affected. The GEM concentrations used in the chronic test with D. magna did not affect daphniids longevity but some reproductive parameters as number of young per female or brood size were affected. Finally, a significant decreased in cholesterol levels was found in those animals exposed to the highest toxicant concentrations. More studies must be done to determine the possible implications of GEM in aquatic fauna and to derive its possible effects on the environment.

  9. Bioaccumulation, stress, and swimming impairment in Daphnia magna exposed to multiwalled carbon nanotubes, graphene, and graphene oxide. (United States)

    Cano, Amanda M; Maul, Jonathan D; Saed, Mohammad; Shah, Smit A; Green, Micah J; Cañas-Carrell, Jaclyn E


    The use of carbon-based nanomaterials (CNMs) such as multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), graphene, and graphene oxide (GO) is increasing across many applications because of their unique and versatile properties. These CNMs may enter the aquatic environment through many pathways, creating the potential for organism exposure. The present study addresses the bioaccumulation and toxicity seen in Daphnia magna exposed to CNMs dispersed in sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS). In study I, D. magna were exposed to varying outer diameters of MWCNTs for 24 h in moderately hard or hard freshwater. Bioaccumulation of MWCNT was found in all treatments, with the highest concentrations (0.53 ± 0.27 μg/g) in D. magna exposed in hard freshwater (p < 0.005). The median lethal concentration (LC50) was determined for D. magna exposed to CNMs in moderately hard and hard freshwater. In study II, D. magna were exposed to CNMs for 72 h in moderately hard freshwater to assess swimming velocity and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) detected by dichlorofluorescein fluorescence. An overall decrease was seen in D. magna swimming velocity after exposure to CNMs. The generation of ROS was significantly higher (1.54 ± 0.38 dichlorofluorescein mM/mg dry wt) in D. magna exposed to MWCNTs of smaller outer diameters than in controls after 72 h (p < 0.05). These results suggest that further investigation of CNM toxicity and behavior in the aquatic environment is needed. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:2199-2204. © 2017 SETAC. © 2017 SETAC.

  10. Bioconcentration of the antidepressant fluoxetine and its effects on the physiological and biochemical status in Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Ding, Jiannan; Zou, Hua; Liu, Qingqing; Zhang, Shanshan; Mamitiana Razanajatovo, Roger


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioconcentration potential of fluoxetine and its biological effects in Daphnia magna. After 48h of waterborne exposure, the bioconcentration of fluoxetine in D. magna was determined to be 460.61 and 174.41Lkg -1 for nominal exposure concentrations of 0.5 and 5µgL -1 , respectively. Moreover, various biological endpoints, including physiological responses (filtration and ingestion rates), enzymatic biomarkers related to neurotoxicity [acetylcholinesterase (AChE)] and antioxidant defense [superoxide dismutase (SOD)], and an oxidative stress damage marker [malondialdehyde (MDA)], were assessed. Fluoxetine exposure increased the filtration rate of daphnia, while the ingestion rate was not obviously modified. AChE activity was significantly inhibited, highlighting the neurotoxicity of fluoxetine on D. magna. However, with some alterations in the SOD activity and MDA content, no obvious oxidative damage was observed in D. magna exposed to fluoxetine at the tested concentrations. These results indicate that fluoxetine can be accumulated and consequently induce physiological and biochemical perturbations in D. magna. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  11. Secreted protein eco-corona mediates uptake and impacts of polystyrene nanoparticles on Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Nasser, Fatima; Lynch, Iseult


    Nanoparticles (NPs) are defined as having at least one external dimension between 1 and 100 nm. Due to their small size, NPs have a large surface area to volume ratio giving them unique characteristics that differ from bulk material of the same chemical composition. As a result these novel materials have found numerous applications in medical and industrial fields with the result that environmental exposure to NPs is increasingly likely. Similarly, increased reliance on plastic, which degrades extremely slowly in the environment, is resulting in increased accumulation of micro-/nano-plastics in fresh and marine waters, whose ecotoxicological impacts are as yet poorly understood. Although NPs are well known to adsorb macromolecules from their environment, forming a biomolecule corona which changes the NP identity and how it interacts with organisms, significantly less research has been performed on the ecological corona (eco-corona). Secretion of biomolecules is a well established predator-prey response in aquatic food chains, raising the question of whether NPs interact with secreted proteins, and the impact of such interaction on NP uptake and ecotoxicity. We report here initial studies, including optimisation of protocols using carboxylic-acid and amino modified spherical polystyrene NPs, to assess interaction of NPs with biomolecules secreted by Daphnia magna and the impact of these interactions on NP uptake, retention and toxicity towards Daphnia magna. Daphnia magna are an important environmental indicator species who may be especially sensitive to nanoparticles (NPs) as a result of being filter-feeders. This paper demonstrates for the first time that proteins released by Daphnia magna create an eco-corona around polystyrene NPs which causes heightened uptake of the NPs and consequently increases toxicity. The secreted protein eco-corona also causes the NPs to be less efficiently removed from the gut of D. magna and NPs remaining in the gut of D. magna

  12. Paraspidodera uncinata (Nematoda, Lauroiinae as parasite of Cavia magna and Cavia aperea (Rodentia, Caviidae in southern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Gabriela da Silva Rocha


    Full Text Available Out of the 5 species of Guinea pig registered for Brazil, 4 (Cavia fulgida, C. porcellus, C. aperea, and C. magna have already been reported as hosts of Paraspidodera uncinata. The rodent species C. magna and C. aperea are small-sized mammals, with terrestrial habits, which occur from southern Brazil to eastern Uruguay. Guinea pig specimens donated for research were necropsied for the analysis of endoparasites, and the nematodes found were identified as P. uncinata. The microhabitats of this species were the small and large intestines in C. magna and the large intestine in C. aperea. The prevalence of P. uncinata in the hosts was 60% in C. magna (n = 5 and 14% in C. aperea (n = 7. The record of P. uncinata in different Guinea pig species allows inferring that the foraging mode is similar in the different locations where they occur in southern Brazil, because, perhaps, the infection of hosts has occurred through the ingestion of vegetables contaminated with P. uncinata eggs. This study contributes to knowledge on the helminth fauna of C. magna and C. aperea in southern Brazil.

  13. Ecotoxicological testing of gas oils (daphnia magna test)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Altmann, B.R.; Mueller, J.; Wenzel, A.; Hensel, R.


    The Water Accomodated Fractions WAF of 4 diesel fuels no. 2 and 4 domestic heating fuels no. 2 of differing origin were analysed on their effect on the mobility of the freshwater crustacean Daphnia Magna. Five loadings per test substance were tested. After an exposition period of 24 h a relationship between loading rates of the WAF and immobility was found for 3 samples, while after 48 h this was observed for all samples. WAF-generation and gas oil data were documented. (orig.) [German] Von 4 Dieselkraftstoff-Gasoelen und 4 Heizoel-Gasoelen EL wurden die Water Accomodated Fractions WAF auf ihre immobilisierende Wirkung auf den Wasserfloh Daphnia Magna untersucht. Von jeder Probe wurden fuenf unterschiedliche Dosierraten geprueft. Nach einer Expositionszeit von 24 Stunden zeigte sich bei 3 Proben und nach 48 Stunden bei allen Proben eine Beziehung zwischen der Dosierrate der Probe und der Immobilitaet. Die Herstellung der WAF und die Daten der Gasoele wurden dokumentiert. (orig.)

  14. A Study on the D. magna and V. fischeri Toxicity Relationship of Industrial Wastewater from Korea (United States)

    Pyo, S.; Lee, S.; Chun Sang, H.; Park, T. J.; Kim, M. S.


    It is well known that high concentration of TDS (total dissolved solid) in industrial effluent gives rise to the toxicity to the Daphnia magna toxicity test. D. magna is vulnerable to relatively low TDS concentration showing the 24-hr EC50 of Salinity 0.6% (as the sea salt concentration). Recently, standard mandatory toxicity testing using Daphnia magna has been used to monitor industrial effluent toxicity according to Korea standard method (Acute Toxicity Test Method of the Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea), ES 04704. 1a) under regulation. Since only one acute toxicity testing is applied in the present, we are trying to introduce microbial battery for more complete toxicity assessment. In this study, the acute toxicities between daphnids and microbes were compared. The results of D. magna and Vibrio fischeri toxicity test from 165 industrial wastewater effluents showed high positive correlation. In addition, the possibility of predicting daphnia toxicity from the bacterial toxicity data amounts to 92.6% if we consider salinity effect (>5ppt) together. From this study, we found that the V. fischeri toxicity test is a powerful battery tool to assess the industrial wastewater toxicity. Here, we suggest that luminescent bacteria toxicity test be useful not only for complete toxicity assessment which can't be obtained by daphnia toxicity testing only but also for the reduction cost, time, and labor in the Korean society. Keywords : D. magna, V. fischeri, Industrial waste water, battery test Acknowledgement This research was supported by a grant (15IFIP-B089908-02) from Plant Research Program funded by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korean government

  15. Toxicity and genotoxicity of the quaternary ammonium compound benzalkonium chloride (BAC) using Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia as model systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lavorgna, Margherita; Russo, Chiara; D'Abrosca, Brigida; Parrella, Alfredo; Isidori, Marina


    The toxicity and genotoxicity of the cationic surfactant benzalkonium chloride (BAC) were studied using Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia as model systems. Acute and chronic toxicity testing were performed according to the international standard guidelines and the genotoxicity was detected through the comet assay on cells from whole organisms in vivo exposed. Acute effects occurred at concentrations in the order of tens of μg/L in D. magna and hundreds of μg/L in C. dubia. Chronic effects were found at one order of magnitude less than short-term effects maintaining the same difference in sensitivity between D. magna and C. dubia. BAC induced relevant DNA damage, in both cladocerans; the lowest adverse effect levels were 0.4 and 4 ng/L for D. magna and C. dubia, respectively. As these effective concentrations are far lower than BAC occurrence in surface waters (units of μg/L) a concerning environmental risk cannot be excluded. The findings of this study showed that D. magna and C. dubia, could be used as model organisms to detect acute and chronic toxicity as well as genotoxicity at the whole organism level. - Highlights: • Benzalkonium chloride chronic effect in C. dubia was found at dozens of μg/L. • The LOAEC detected by comet assay in D. magna is in the order of hundreds of pg/L. • D. magna and C. dubia are useful model organisms to detect toxicity and genotoxicity. - Benzalkonium chloride showed chronic toxicity and genotoxicity in Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia at concentrations of environmental concern. Daphnids are useful model organisms.

  16. In vivo biodegradation of colloidal quantum dots by a freshwater invertebrate, Daphnia magna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwon, Dongwook; Kim, Min Jung; Park, Chansik; Park, Jaehong [Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791 (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Kyungho [Department of Environmental Health, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742 (Korea, Republic of); Yoon, Tae Hyun, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791 (Korea, Republic of)


    Impacts of planktonic invertebrate, Daphnia magna, on the speciation of colloidal quantum dots (QD) were investigated using fluorescence spectromicroscopic technique. Well-dispersed {sup GA/TOPO}QD were prepared by forming a supramolecular assembly of hydrophobic {sup TOPO}QD with biomacromolecules (i.e., Gum Arabic, GA). Biological degradation of this nanomaterial was monitored by fluorescence spectromicroscopic methods. Our study confirmed the major uptake pathway of manufactured nanomaterials and in vivo biodegradation processes in a well-known toxicity test organism, D. magna. In addition, we also found that D. magna can induce significant deterioration of aquatic media by releasing fragments of partially degraded QD colloids. These biological processes may significantly change the predicted toxicities of nanomaterials in aquatic environments. Thus, we propose that the impacts of aquatic living organisms on the environmental fate of manufactured nanomaterials (MNs) should be carefully taken into account when assessing the risk of MNs to the environment and human health.

  17. Multi-generational effects of propranolol on Daphnia magna at different environmental concentrations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Tae-Yong; Kim, Hyun Young; Kim, Sang Don


    To evaluate the effects of propranolol on Daphnia magna (D. magna), we employed a multi-generational exposure period for eight generations and an environmentally relevant low concentration with 1.5 ng/L, 0.2 μg/L and 26 μg/L to reflect a realistic exposure scenario. Physiological endpoints were checked, including growth, number of neonates, heart rate, frequency of abdominal appendage movement and malformation rate of neonates. In the results, growth and abdominal appendage movement were affected by environmental concentration during several generations, and the responses showed consistent tendencies of response increase with concentration increase. Heart rate was the only endpoint affected throughout all exposure generations. Inhibitory and acceleratory effects on heart rate, growth and abdominal appendage movement suggest that it is necessary to cover sub-lethal endpoints of non-targeted organisms in eco-toxicity study because the physiological responses were detected at much lower concentrations than the results of traditional toxicity tests, including environmental concentration. - Highlights: • Multi-generational exposure was conducted to evaluate the effect of propranolol on Daphnia magna. • Heart rate was the only endpoint affected throughout all exposure generations. • Growth and abdominal appendage movement were affected at environmental concentrations. • Time series fluctuations in responses appeared with no tendencies throughout all generations. • It is necessary to cover sub-organismal endpoints and long-term exposure in ecotoxicity test. - Heart rate, growth and abdominal appendage movement of D. magna were affected by the multigenerational exposure of propranolol at environmental levels.

  18. Genetic variation in the cellular response of Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Cladocera) to its bacterial parasite. (United States)

    Auld, Stuart K J R; Scholefield, Jennifer A; Little, Tom J


    Linking measures of immune function with infection, and ultimately, host and parasite fitness is a major goal in the field of ecological immunology. In this study, we tested for the presence and timing of a cellular immune response in the crustacean Daphnia magna following exposure to its sterilizing endoparasite Pasteuria ramosa. We found that D. magna possesses two cell types circulating in the haemolymph: a spherical one, which we call a granulocyte and an irregular-shaped amoeboid cell first described by Metchnikoff over 125 years ago. Daphnia magna mounts a strong cellular response (of the amoeboid cells) just a few hours after parasite exposure. We further tested for, and found, considerable genetic variation for the magnitude of this cellular response. These data fostered a heuristic model of resistance in this naturally coevolving host-parasite interaction. Specifically, the strongest cellular responses were found in the most susceptible hosts, indicating resistance is not always borne from a response that destroys invading parasites, but rather stems from mechanisms that prevent their initial entry. Thus, D. magna may have a two-stage defence--a genetically determined barrier to parasite establishment and a cellular response once establishment has begun.

  19. Magna Carta: Teaching Medieval Topics for Historical Significance (United States)

    Metzger, Scott Alan


    The Middle Ages are an immensely important era in the Western experience. Unfortunately, medieval studies are often marginalized or trivialized in school curriculum. With the approach of the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, the famous charter of rights from medieval England, one has a timely and useful example for considering what a focus on…

  20. Ecotoxicological effect of ketamine: Evidence of acute, chronic and photolysis toxicity to Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Li, Shih-Wei; Wang, Yu-Hsiang; Lin, Angela Yu-Chen


    Ketamine has been increasingly used in medicine and has the potential for abuse or illicit use around the world. Ketamine cannot be removed by conventional wastewater treatment plants. Although ketamine and its metabolite norketamine have been detected to a significant degree in effluents and aquatic environments, their ecotoxicity effects in aquatic organisms remain undefined. In this study, we investigated the acute toxicity of ketamine and its metabolite, along with the chronic reproductive toxicity of ketamine (5-100μg/L) to Daphnia magna. Multiple environmental scenarios were also evaluated, including drug mixtures and sunlight irradiation toxicity. Ketamine and norketamine caused acute toxicity to D. magna, with half lethal concentration (LC 50 ) values of 30.93 and 25.35mg/L, respectively, after 48h of exposure. Irradiated solutions of ketamine (20mg/L) significantly increased the mortality of D. magna; pre-irradiation durations up to 2h rapidly increased the death rate to 100%. A new photolysis byproduct (M.W. 241) of norketamine that accumulates during irradiation was identified for the first time. The relevant environmental concentration of ketamine produced significant reproductive toxicity effects in D. magna, as revealed by the reduction of the number of total live offspring by 33.6-49.8% (p ketamine concentration cannot be ignored and warrant further examination. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. The response of European Daphnia magna Straus and Australian Daphnia carinata King to changes in geomagnetic field. (United States)

    Krylov, Viacheslav V; Bolotovskaya, Irina V; Osipova, Elena A


    This study investigates the effects of lifelong exposure to reversed geomagnetic and zero geomagnetic fields (the latter means absence of geomagnetic field) on the life history of Daphnia carinata King from Australia and Daphnia magna Straus from Europe. Considerable deviation in the geomagnetic field from the usual strength, leads to a decrease in daphnia size and life span. Reduced brood sizes and increased body length of neonates are observed in D. magna exposed to unusual magnetic background. The most apparent effects are induced by zero geomagnetic field in both species of Daphnia. A delay in the first reproduction in zero geomagnetic field is observed only in D. magna. No adaptive maternal effects to reversed geomagnetic field are found in a line of D. magna maintained in these magnetic conditions for eight generations. Integrally, the responses of D. magna to unusual geomagnetic conditions are more extensive than that in D. carinata. We suggest that the mechanism of the effects of geomagnetic field reversal on Daphnia may be related to differences in the pattern of distribution of the particles that have a magnetic moment, or to moving charged organic molecules owing to a change in combined outcome and orientation of the geomagnetic field and Earth's gravitational field. The possibility of modulation of self-oscillating processes with changes in geomagnetic field is also discussed.

  2. Uptake and depuration of gold nanoparticles in Daphnia magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skjolding, Lars Michael; Kern, Kristina; Hjorth, Rune


    This study presents a series of short-term studies (total duration 48 h) of uptake and depuration of engineered nanoparticles (ENP) in neonate Daphnia magna. Gold nanoparticles (Au NP) were used to study the influence of size, stabilizing agent and feeding on uptake and depuration kinetics...

  3. Free ionic nickel accumulation and localization in the freshwater zooplankter, Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hall, T.M.


    The processes which lead to the accumulation of free ionic nickel (radioactive) from solution by Daphnia magna were studied and incorporated into a model which describes accummulation at different concentrations. Adsorption proved to be a relatively small component of nickel accummulation. The accummulation rate eventually approached zero, which represented an equilibrium between uptake and loss of nickel. However, elimination experiments did reveal a pool of relatively static nickel. The appearance and distribution of nickel within five body parts (body fluid, carapace, gut, filtering appendages, and eggs) of D. magna supported the accummulation data and added to the understanding of the pathways of nickel through the organism

  4. Bioassay of Phenol and its Intermediate Products Using Daphnia magna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Afshin Maleki


    Full Text Available Phenol is one of the most common compounds found in many industrial effluents such as petroleum refining and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, paint and dye industries, organic chemicals manufacturing, etc. The contamination of bodies of water with phenol is a serious problem in terms of environmental considerations due to its high toxicity. In this study, toxicity of phenol and its degradation mixtures by sonochemical, photochemical, and photosonochemical processes were investigated. Toxicity assay tests were carried out using Daphnia magna as a bio-indicator. The sonochemical and photochemical experiments were carried out using a bath sonicator (500 W working at 35 and 130 kHz frequencies and with a 400 W medium pressure mercury lamp, respectively. Experiments were performed at initial concentrations of 100 mg L-1. Bioassay tests showed that phenol was toxic to D.magna and so resulted in quite low LC50 values. Comparison of toxicity units (TU between phenol and effluent toxicity showed that TU value for photosonochemical effluent was lower than that obtained for phenol, photochemical effluent, and sonochemical effluent. It was found that the toxicity unit of photochemical effluent was lower than that obtained for sonochemical effluent. According to the D.magna acute toxicity test, it is concluded that photosonolysis and photolysis are capable of decreasing the toxicity of by-products formed during the degradation of phenol aqueous solutions. Photosonic and photolytic processes can, therefore, be recommended as a potential approach to the treatment of phenolic wastewater.

  5. The acute toxic effects of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate ionic liquids on Chlorella vulgaris and Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Zhang, Cheng; Zhang, Shuai; Zhu, Lusheng; Wang, Jinhua; Wang, Jun; Zhou, Tongtong


    Given their increasingly widespread application, the toxic effects of ionic liquids (ILs) have become the subject of significant attention in recent years. Therefore, the present study assessed the acute toxic effects of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate ([C n mim]NO 3 (n = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12)) on Chlorella vulgaris and Daphnia magna. The sensitivity of the tested organism Daphnia magna and the investigated IL concentrations in water using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were also evaluated to demonstrate the reliability of the present study. The results illustrated that Daphnia magna is indeed sensitive to the reference toxicant and the investigated ILs were stable in the aquatic environment. The 50% effect concentration (EC 50 ) was used to represent the acute toxic effects on Chlorella vulgaris and Daphnia magna. With the increasing alkyl-chain lengths, the toxicity of the investigated ILs increased in both the test organisms. Accordingly, the alkyl-chain lengths can cause significantly toxic effects on aquatic organisms, and Daphnia magna are much more sensitive than Chlorella vulgaris to the imidazolium-based ILs used in the present study. Furthermore, the present study provides more information on the acute toxic effects of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Magna Carta Libertatum – osmisté výročí

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Blahož, Josef


    Roč. 154, č. 6 (2015), s. 449-464 ISSN 0231-6625 Institutional support: RVO:68378122 Keywords : Magna Carta Libertatum * development of constitutionalism * rule of law Subject RIV: AG - Legal Sciences

  7. Single nucleotide polymorphism discovery from expressed sequence tags in the waterflea Daphnia magna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Souche Erika L


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Daphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera plays a central role in standing aquatic ecosystems, has a well known ecology and is widely used in population studies and environmental risk assessments. Daphnia magna is, especially in Europe, intensively used to study stress responses of natural populations to pollutants, climate change, and antagonistic interactions with predators and parasites, which have all been demonstrated to induce micro-evolutionary and adaptive responses. Although its ecology and evolutionary biology is intensively studied, little is known on the functional genomics underpinning of phenotypic responses to environmental stressors. The aim of the present study was to find genes expressed in presence of environmental stressors, and target such genes for single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP marker development. Results We developed three expressed sequence tag (EST libraries using clonal lineages of D. magna exposed to ecological stressors, namely fish predation, parasite infection and pesticide exposure. We used these newly developed ESTs and other Daphnia ESTs retrieved from NCBI GeneBank to mine for SNP markers targeting synonymous as well as non synonymous genetic variation. We validate the developed SNPs in six natural populations of D. magna distributed at regional scale. Conclusions A large proportion (47% of the produced ESTs are Daphnia lineage specific genes, which are potentially involved in responses to environmental stress rather than to general cellular functions and metabolic activities, or reflect the arthropod's aquatic lifestyle. The characterization of genes expressed under stress and the validation of their SNPs for population genetic study is important for identifying ecologically responsive genes in D. magna.

  8. Acute and chronic toxicity of veterinary antibiotics to Daphnia magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wollenberger, Leah; Halling-Sørensen, B.; Kusk, Kresten Ole


    The acute and chronic toxicity of nine antibiotics used both therapeutically and as growth promoters in intensive farming was investigated on the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna. The effect of the antibiotics metronidazole (M), olaquindox (OL), oxolinic acid (OA), oxytetracycline (OTC...

  9. Protein profiling as early detection biomarkers for TiO2 nanoparticle toxicity in Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Sá-Pereira, Paula; Diniz, Mário S; Moita, Liliana; Pinheiro, Teresa; Mendonça, Elsa; Paixão, Susana M; Picado, Ana


    The mode of action for nanoparticle (NP) toxicity in aquatic organisms is not yet fully understood. In this work, a strategy other than toxicity testing was applied to Daphnia magna exposed to TiO 2 -NPs: the use of nuclear microscopy and the assessment of protein profile. D. magna is a keystone species broadly used as a model system in ecotoxicology. Titanium (Ti) was found in the D. magna digestive tract, mainly in the gut. The penetration of Ti into the epithelial region was greater at higher exposure levels and also observed in eggs in the brood pouch. The protein profile of individuals exposed to different concentrations showed that 2.8 and 5.6 mg/L TiO 2 -NP concentrations induced an over-expression of the majority of proteins, in particular proteins with molecular weight of ∼120, 85 and 15 kDa, while 11.2 mg/L TiO 2 -NP had an inhibitory effect on protein expression. The Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization with tandem time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS) analysis of these proteins consistently identified them as vitellogenin (Vtg)-like proteins, associated with enzymes involved in redox balance. These results indicate that Vtg-like proteins are up-regulated in D. magna exposed to TiO 2 -NPs. Vitellogenesis is associated with the reproduction system, suggesting that TiO 2 -NP exposure can impair reproduction by affecting this process. The precise mode of action of TiO 2 -NPs is still unclear and the results from this study are a first attempt to identify specific proteins as potential markers of TiO 2 -NP toxicity in D. magna, providing useful information for future research.

  10. Rapid changes in water hardness and alkalinity: Calcite formation is lethal to Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Bogart, Sarah J; Woodman, Samuel; Steinkey, Dylan; Meays, Cindy; Pyle, Greg G


    There is growing concern that freshwater ecosystems may be negatively affected by ever-increasing anthropogenic inputs of extremely hard, highly alkaline effluent containing large quantities of Ca(2+), Mg(2+), CO3(2-), and HCO3(-) ions. In this study, the toxicity of rapid and extreme shifts in water hardness (38-600mg/L as CaCO3) and alkalinity (30-420mg/L as CaCO3) to Daphnia magna was tested, both independently and in combination. Within these ranges, where no precipitation event occurred, shifts in water hardness and/or alkalinity were not toxic to D. magna. In contrast, 98-100% of D. magna died within 96h after exposure to 600mg/L as CaCO3 water hardness and 420mg/L as CaCO3 alkalinity (LT50 of 60h with a 95% CI of 54.2-66.0h). In this treatment, a CaCO3 (calcite) precipitate formed in the water column which was ingested by and thoroughly coated the D. magna. Calcite collected from a mining impacted stream contained embedded organisms, suggesting field streams may also experience similar conditions and possibly increased mortality as observed in the lab tests. Although further investigation is required to determine the exact fate of aquatic organisms exposed to rapid calcite precipitation in the field, we caution that negative effects may occur more quickly or at lower concentrations of water hardness and alkalinity in which we observed effects in D. magna, because some species, such as aquatic insects, are more sensitive than cladocerans to changes in ionic strength. Our results provide evidence that both calcite precipitation and the major ion balance of waters should be managed in industrially affected ecosystems and we support the development of a hardness+alkalinity guideline for the protection of aquatic life. Crown Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Rigorous patient-prosthesis matching of Perimount Magna aortic bioprosthesis. (United States)

    Nakamura, Hiromasa; Yamaguchi, Hiroki; Takagaki, Masami; Kadowaki, Tasuku; Nakao, Tatsuya; Amano, Atsushi


    Severe patient-prosthesis mismatch, defined as effective orifice area index ≤0.65 cm(2) m(-2), has demonstrated poor long-term survival after aortic valve replacement. Reported rates of severe mismatch involving the Perimount Magna aortic bioprosthesis range from 4% to 20% in patients with a small annulus. Between June 2008 and August 2011, 251 patients (mean age 70.5 ± 10.2 years; mean body surface area 1.55 ± 0.19 m(2)) underwent aortic valve replacement with a Perimount Magna bioprosthesis, with or without concomitant procedures. We performed our procedure with rigorous patient-prosthesis matching to implant a valve appropriately sized to each patient, and carried out annular enlargement when a 19-mm valve did not fit. The bioprosthetic performance was evaluated by transthoracic echocardiography predischarge and at 1 and 2 years after surgery. Overall hospital mortality was 1.6%. Only 5 (2.0%) patients required annular enlargement. The mean follow-up period was 19.1 ± 10.7 months with a 98.4% completion rate. Predischarge data showed a mean effective orifice area index of 1.21 ± 0.20 cm(2) m(-2). Moderate mismatch, defined as effective orifice area index ≤0.85 cm(2) m(-2), developed in 4 (1.6%) patients. None developed severe mismatch. Data at 1 and 2 years showed only two cases of moderate mismatch; neither was severe. Rigorous patient-prosthesis matching maximized the performance of the Perimount Magna, and no severe mismatch resulted in this Japanese population of aortic valve replacement patients. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions:

  12. Comet Assay on Daphnia magna in eco-genotoxicity testing. (United States)

    Pellegri, Valerio; Gorbi, Gessica; Buschini, Annamaria


    Detection of potentially hazardous compounds in water bodies is a priority in environmental risk assessment. For the evaluation and monitoring of water quality, a series of methodologies may be applied. Among them, the worldwide used toxicity tests with organisms of the genus Daphnia is one of the most powerful. In recent years, some attempts were made to utilize Daphnia magna in genotoxicity testing as many of the new environmental contaminants are described as DNA-damaging agents in aquatic organisms. The aim of this research was to develop a highly standardized protocol of the Comet Assay adapted for D. magna, especially regarding the isolation of cells derived from the same tissue (haemolymph) from newborn organisms exposed in vivo. Several methods for haemolymph extraction and different Comet Assay parameters were compared. Electrophoretic conditions were adapted in order to obtain minimum DNA migration in cells derived from untreated organisms and, at the same time, maximum sensitivity in specimens treated with known genotoxicants (CdCl2 and H2O2). Additional tests were performed to investigate if life-history traits of the cladoceran (such as the age of adult organisms that provide newborns, the clutch size of origin, the number of generations reared in standard conditions) and the water composition as well, might influence the response of the assay. This study confirms the potential application of the Comet Assay in D. magna for assessing genotoxic loads in aqueous solution. The newly developed protocol could integrate the acute toxicity bioassay, thus expanding the possibility of using this model species in freshwater monitoring (waters, sediment and soil elutriates) and is in line with the spirit of the EU Water Framework Directive in reducing the number of bioassays that involve medium-sized species. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Toxicity of noradrenaline, a novel anti-biofouling component, to two non-target zooplankton species, Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia. (United States)

    Overturf, C L; Wormington, A M; Blythe, K N; Gohad, N V; Mount, A S; Roberts, A P


    Noradrenaline (NA) is the active component of novel antifouling agents and acts by preventing attachment of fouling organisms. The goal of this study was to examine the toxicity of NA to the non-target zooplankton D. magna and C. dubia. Neonates were exposed to one of five concentrations of NA and effects on survival, reproduction and molting were determined. Calculated LC50 values were determined to be 46 and 38 μM in C. dubia and D. magna, respectively. A 10-day C. dubia study found that reproduction metrics were significantly impacted at non-lethal concentrations. In D. magna, concentrations greater than 40 μM significantly impacted molting. A toxicity test was conducted with D. magna using oxidized NA, which yielded similar results. These data indicate that both NA and oxidized NA are toxic to non-target zooplankton. Results obtained from this study can be used to guide future ecological risk assessments of catecholamine-based antifouling agents. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  14. Performance Evaluation of Manual and Automated (MagNA Pure Nucleic Acid Isolation in HPV Detection and Genotyping Using Roche Linear Array HPV Test

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aikaterini Chranioti


    Full Text Available Nucleic acids of human papillomavirus (HPV isolated by manual extraction method (AmpliLute and automated MagNA pure system were compared and evaluated with cytohistological findings in 253 women. The concordance level between AmpliLute and MagNA was very good 93.3% (=0.864, <.0001. Overall HPVpositivity detected by AmpliLute was 57.3% (30.4% as single and 27% as multiple infections in contrast to MagNA 54.5% (32% and 23%, resp.. Discrepant results observed in 25 cases: 11 MagNA(−/AmpliLute(+, 10 of which had positive histology; 5 MagNA(+/AmpliLute(− with negative histology; 8 MagNA(+/AmpliLute(+: in 7 of which AmpliLute detected extra HPV genotypes and 1 MagNA(invalid/AmpliLute(+ with positive histology. Both methods performed well when compared against cytological (area under curve (AUC of AmpliLute 0.712 versus 0.672 of MagNA and histological diagnoses (AUC of AmpliLute 0.935 versus 0.877 of MagNA, with AmpliLute showing a slightly predominance over MagNA. However, higher sensitivities, specificities, and positive/negative predictive values were obtained by AmpliLute.

  15. Evaluation of Daphnia magna as an indicator of Toxicity and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Performance evaluation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with special reference to toxicity reduction using Daphnia magna straus as test organism is very important to study the likely adverse effects of the treated wastewater on the aquatic ecosystem of receiving waters and to detect common environmentally ...

  16. Trophic transfer of gold nanoparticles from Euglena gracilis or Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Woo-Mi; Yoon, Sung-Ji; Shin, Yu-Jin; An, Youn-Joo


    Understanding the trophic transfer of nanoparticles (NPs) is important because NPs are small enough to easily penetrate into organisms. In this study, we evaluated the trophic transfer of gold NPs (AuNPs) within the aquatic food chain. We observed AuNPs transfer from 2 species of primary producers (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii or Euglena gracilis) to the primary consumer (Daphnia magna). Also, bioaccumulation of AuNPs in E. gracilis was higher than that in C. reinhardtii. The reasons for the difference in Au accumulation may be the physical structure of these organisms, and the surface area that is available for interaction with NPs. C. reinhardtii has a cell wall that may act as a barrier to the penetration of NPs. The size of E. gracilis is larger than that of C. reinhardtii. This study demonstrates the trophic transfer of AuNPs from a general producer to a consumer in an aquatic environment. - Highlights: • This study evaluated the trophic transfer of AuNPs in an aquatic food chain. • Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Euglena gracilis were selected as the primary producers. • Daphnia magna was used as the primary consumer. • The bioaccumulation of AuNPs in E. gracilis was higher than that in C. reinhardtii. • AuNPs were transferred from C. reinhardtii and E. gracilis to D. magna. - Gold nanoparticles can transfer from primary producers (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii or Euglena gracilis) to the primary consumer (Daphnia magna) in an aquatic environment

  17. Effects of symbiotic bacteria on chemical sensitivity of Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Manakul, Patcharaporn; Peerakietkhajorn, Saranya; Matsuura, Tomoaki; Kato, Yasuhiko; Watanabe, Hajime


    The crustacean zooplankton Daphnia magna has been widely used for chemical toxicity tests. Although abiotic factors have been well documented in ecotoxicological test protocols, biotic factors that may affect the sensitivity to chemical compounds remain limited. Recently, we identified symbiotic bacteria that are critical for the growth and reproduction of D. magna. The presence of symbiotic bacteria on Daphnia raised the question as to whether these bacteria have a positive or negative effect on toxicity tests. In order to evaluate the effects of symbiotic bacteria on toxicity tests, bacteria-free Daphnia were prepared, and their chemical sensitivities were compared with that of Daphnia with symbiotic bacteria based on an acute immobilization test. The Daphnia with symbiotic bacteria showed higher chemical resistance to nonylphenol, fenoxycarb, and pentachlorophenol than bacteria-free Daphnia. These results suggested potential roles of symbiotic bacteria in the chemical resistance of its host Daphnia. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



    Nabil.A. ABD EL-TAWAB


    The Hadrianic Baths is one of the most important archaeological sites in Leptis Magna- Libya. It was built at the command of Emperor Hadrian in the early 2nd century CE; they represent some of the most lavish structures of Leptis Magna. It is unique in design and building technique. It was built of limestone, marble and brick. This paper mainly describes the deterioration of marble. The marble in the monuments can be classified into several types, based on its color, texture, chemical composi...

  19. Quantifying sublethal effects of glyphosate and Roundup® to Daphnia magna using a fluorescence based enzyme activity assay and video tracking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roslev, Peter; R. Hansen, Lone; Ørsted, Michael

    Glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) is the active ingredient in a range of popular broad-spectrum, non-selective herbicide formulations. The toxicity of this herbicide to non-target aquatic organisms such as Daphnia magna is often evaluated using conventional toxicity assays that focus...... on endpoints such as immobility and mortality. In this study, we investigated sublethal effects of glyphosate and Roundup® to D. magna using video tracking for quantifying behavioral changes, and a novel fluorescence based assay for measuring in vivo hydrolytic enzyme activity (FLEA assay). Roundup® exposure...... resulted in concentration-dependent inhibition of alkaline phosphatase activity in D. magna. The inhibition of alkaline phosphatase by Roundup® was temperature-dependent with lowest inhibition at 14 °C and greater inhibition at 20 and 26 °C. Exposure of D. magna to sublethal concentrations of glyphosate...

  20. High pathogenicity and strong immunogenicity of a Chinese isolate of Eimeria magna Pérard, 1925. (United States)

    Tao, Geru; Wang, Yunzhou; Li, Chao; Gu, Xiaolong; Cui, Ping; Fang, Sufang; Suo, Xun; Liu, Xianyong


    Coccidia infection of rabbits with one or several species of parasites of the genus Eimeria causes coccidiosis, a disease leading to huge economic losses in the rabbit industry. Eimeria magna, one of the causal agents of rabbit coccidiosis, was characterized as mildly pathogenic and moderately immunogenic in previous studies. In this study, we identified a Chinese isolate of E. magna by testing its biological features (oocyst morphology and size, prepatent time) and sequencing its internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) DNA fragment. This isolate is highly pathogenic; infection of rabbits with only 1×10 2 oocysts caused a 55% reduction in weight gain in 14days. In addition, immunization with 1×10 2 oocysts prevented body weight loss against re-infection with 5×10 4 oocysts, indicating the high immunogenicity of this isolate. Our study described the distinctive phenotype of the Chinese isolate of E. magna and contributed to the research of geographic variation of rabbit coccidia. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Bioavailability and effect of pirimicarb on Daphnia magna in a laboratory freshwater/sediment system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kusk, K.O.


    In tests with newborn and one-week-old Daphnia magna, 48-h EC(50) values of 21-24 mu g/L and 16 mu g/L pirimicarb, respectively, were found. Older animals thus were as sensitive to pirimicarb as newborn animals. In an experiment with sediment included in the test system, all mother animals survived...... not reduced significantly during the experiment, due to the small amount of sediment used. Accumulation in the sediment was found independent of the water concentration used. This was also the case with bioaccumulation in Daphnia magna, where a bioaccumulation factor of 31-37 was found on a dry weight basis...

  2. Comparative effects of graphene and graphene oxide on copper toxicity to Daphnia magna: Role of surface oxygenic functional groups. (United States)

    Liu, Yingying; Fan, Wenhong; Xu, Zhizhen; Peng, Weihua; Luo, Shenglian


    Although the risk of graphene materials to aquatic organisms has drawn wide attention, the combined effects of graphene materials with other contaminants such as toxic metals, which may bring about more serious effects than graphene materials alone, have seldom been explored. Herein, the effects of graphene (GN) and graphene oxide (GO, an important oxidized derivative of graphene) on copper (Cu) toxicity to Daphnia magna were systematically investigated. The results indicated that GN remarkably increased the Cu accumulation in D. magna and enhanced the oxidative stress injury caused by Cu, whereas did not significantly alter D. magna acute mortality within the tested Cu concentrations (0-200 μg L -1 ). On the contrary, GO significantly decreased the Cu accumulation in D. magna and alleviated the oxidative stress injury caused by Cu. Meanwhile, the presence of GO significantly reduced the mortality of D. magna when Cu concentration exceeded 50 μg L -1 . The different effects of GN and GO on Cu toxicity were possibly dependent on the action of surface oxygenic functional group. Because of the introduction of surface oxygenic functional groups, the adsorption ability to metal ions, stability in water and interaction mode with organisms of GO are quite different from that of GN, causing different effects on Cu toxicity. This study provides important information on the bioavailability and toxicity of heavy metals as affected by graphene materials in natural water. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Uptake and effects of microplastic textile fibers on freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Jemec, Anita; Horvat, Petra; Kunej, Urban; Bele, Marjan; Kržan, Andrej


    Microplastic fibers (MP) from textile weathering and washing are increasingly being recognized as environmental pollutants. The majority of studies on the bioavailability and effects of microplastic focused on small polystyrene spherical plastic particles, while less data are available for fibers and for other materials besides polystyrene. We investigated the ingestion and effects of ground polyethylene terephthalate (PET) textile microfibers (length range: 62-1400 μm, width 31-528 μm, thickness 1-21.5 μm) on the freshwater zooplankton crustacean Daphnia magna after a 48 h exposure and subsequent 24 h of recovery in MP free medium and algae. The majority of ingested fibers by D. magna were around 300 μm, but also some very large twisted MP fibers around 1400 μm were found inside the gut. Exposure to these fibers results in increased mortality of daphnids after 48 h only in the case where daphnids were not pre-fed with algae prior to experiment, but no effect was found when daphnids were fed before the experiments. Regardless of the feeding regime, daphnids were not able to recover from MP exposure after additional 24 h incubation period in a MP free medium with algae. The uptake and effects of PET textile MP on D. magna are presented here for the first time. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Genetically modified rice Bt-Shanyou63 expressing Cry1Ab/c protein does not harm Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Zhang, Li; Guo, Ruqing; Fang, Zhixiang; Liu, Biao


    The genetically modified (GM) rice Bt-ShanYou63 (Bt-SY63) received an official biosafety certificate while its safety remained in dispute. In a lifelong study, Daphnia magna were experimentally fed a basal diet of rice flours from Bt-SY63 or its parental rice ShanYou63 (SY63) at concentrations of 0.2mg, 0.3mg, or 0.4mgC (per individual per day). Overall the survival, body size, and reproduction of the animals were comparable between Bt-SY63 and ShanYou63.. The results showed that no significant differences were observed in growth and reproduction parameters between D. magna fed GM and non-GM flour and no dose-related changes occurred in all the values. Based on the different parameters assessed, the GM rice Bt-SY63 is a safe food source for D. magna that does not differ in quality from non-GM rice. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  5. Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Soluble Fractions of Industrial Solid Wastes on Daphnia magna and Vibrio fischeri

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Letícia Flohr


    Full Text Available Industrial wastes may produce leachates that can contaminate the aquatic ecosystem. Toxicity testing in acute and chronic levels is essential to assess environmental risks from the soluble fractions of these wastes, since only chemical analysis may not be adequate to classify the hazard of an industrial waste. In this study, ten samples of solid wastes from textile, metal-mechanic, and pulp and paper industries were analyzed by acute and chronic toxicity tests with Daphnia magna and Vibrio fischeri. A metal-mechanic waste (sample MM3 induced the highest toxicity level to Daphnia magna(CE50,48 h=2.21%. A textile waste induced the highest toxicity level to Vibrio fischeri (sample TX2, CE50,30 min=12.08%. All samples of pulp and paper wastes, and a textile waste (sample TX2 induced chronic effects on reproduction, length, and longevity of Daphnia magna. These results could serve as an alert about the environmental risks of an inadequate waste classification method.

  6. Biochemical analysis of plant protection afforded by a nonpathogenic endophytic mutant of Colletotrichum magna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Redman, R.S.; Rodriguez, R.J. (Geological Survey, Seattle, WA (United States) Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States). Dept. of Botany); Clifton, D.R.; Morrel, J.; Brown, G. (Geological Survey, Seattle, WA (United States)); Freeman, S. (Volcani Center, Bet Dagan (Israel). Dept. of Plant Pathology)


    A nonpathogenic mutant of Colletotrichum magna (path-1) was previously shown to protect watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings from anthracnose disease elicited by wild-type C. magna. Disease protection was observed in stems of path-1-colonized cucurbits but not in cotyledons, indicating that path-1 conferred tissue-specific and/or localized protection. Plant biochemical indicators of a localized and systemic (peroxidase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, lignin, and salicylic acid) plant-defense response were investigated in anthracnose-resistant and-susceptible cultivars of cucurbit seedlings exposed to four treatments: (1) water (control), (2) path-1 conidia, (3) wild-type conidia, and (4) challenge conditions (inoculation into path-1 conidia for 48 h and then exposure to wild-type conidia). Collectively, these analyses indicated that disease protection in path-1-colonized plants was correlated with the ability of these plants to mount a defense response more rapidly and to equal or greater levels than plants exposed to wild-type C. magna alone. Watermelon plants colonized with path-1 were also protected against disease caused by Colletotrichum orbiculare and Fusarium oxysporum. A model based on the kinetics of plant-defense activation is presented to explain the mechanism of path-1-conferred disease protection.

  7. Daphnia magna fitness during low food supply under different water temperature and brownification scenarios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Gall


    Full Text Available Much of our current knowledge about non-limiting dietary carbon supply for herbivorous zooplankton is based on experimental evidence and typically conducted at ~1 mg C L-1 and ~20°C. Here we ask how low supply of dietary carbon affects somatic growth, reproduction, and survival of Daphnia magna and test effects of higher water temperature (+3 °C relative to ambient and brownification (3X higher than natural water color; both predicted effects of climate change during fall cooling. We predicted that even at very low carbon supply (~5µg C L-1, higher water temperature and brownification will allow D. magna to increase its fitness. Neonates (<24 h old were incubated with lake seston for 4 weeks (October-November 2013 in experimental bottles submerged in outdoor mesocosms to explore effects of warmer and darker water. Higher temperature and brownification did not significantly affect food quality, as assessed by its fatty acid composition. Daphnia exposed to both increased temperature and brownification had highest somatic growth and were the only that reproduced, and higher temperature caused the highest Daphnia survival success. These results suggest that even under low temperature and thus lower physiological activity, low food quantity is more important than its quality for D. magna fitness.

  8. CRISPR/Cas-mediated knock-in via non-homologous end-joining in the crustacean Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Kumagai, Hitoshi; Nakanishi, Takashi; Matsuura, Tomoaki; Kato, Yasuhiko; Watanabe, Hajime


    The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated system (Cas) is widely used for mediating the knock-in of foreign DNA into the genomes of various organisms. Here, we report a process of CRISPR/Cas-mediated knock-in via non-homologous end joining by the direct injection of Cas9/gRNA ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) in the crustacean Daphnia magna, which is a model organism for studies on toxicology, ecology, and evolution. First, we confirmed the cleavage activity of Cas9 RNPs comprising purified Cas9 proteins and gRNAs in D. magna. We used a gRNA that targets exon 10 of the eyeless gene. Cas9 proteins were incubated with the gRNAs and the resulting Cas9 RNPs were injected into D. magna eggs, which led to a typical phenotype of the eyeless mutant, i.e., eye deformity. The somatic and heritable mutagenesis efficiencies were up to 96% and 40%, respectively. Second, we tested the CRISPR/Cas-mediated knock-in of a plasmid by the injection of Cas9 RNPs. The donor DNA plasmid harboring the fluorescent reporter gene was designed to contain the gRNA recognition site. The co-injection of Cas9 RNPs together with the donor DNAs resulted in generation of one founder animal that produced fluorescent progenies. This transgenic Daphnia had donor DNA at the targeted genomic site, which suggested the concurrent cleavage of the injected plasmid DNA and genomic DNA. Owing to its simplicity and ease of experimental design, we suggest that the CRISPR/Cas-mediated knock-in method represents a promising tool for studying functional genomics in D. magna.

  9. Genes mirror geography in Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Fields, Peter D; Reisser, Céline; Dukić, Marinela; Haag, Christoph R; Ebert, Dieter


    Identifying the presence and magnitude of population genetic structure remains a major consideration in evolutionary biology as doing so allows one to understand the demographic history of a species as well as make predictions of how the evolutionary process will proceed. Next-generation sequencing methods allow us to reconsider previous ideas and conclusions concerning the distribution of genetic variation, and what this distribution implies about a given species evolutionary history. A previous phylogeographic study of the crustacean Daphnia magna suggested that, despite strong genetic differentiation among populations at a local scale, the species shows only moderate genetic structure across its European range, with a spatially patchy occurrence of individual lineages. We apply RAD sequencing to a sample of D. magna collected across a wide swath of the species' Eurasian range and analyse the data using principle component analysis (PCA) of genetic variation and Procrustes analytical approaches, to quantify spatial genetic structure. We find remarkable consistency between the first two PCA axes and the geographic coordinates of individual sampling points, suggesting that, on a continent-wide scale, genetic differentiation is driven to a large extent by geographic distance. The observed pattern is consistent with unimpeded (i.e. no barriers, landscape or otherwise) migration at large spatial scales, despite the fragmented and patchy nature of favourable habitats at local scales. With high-resolution genetic data similar patterns may be uncovered for other species with wide geographic distributions, allowing an increased understanding of how genetic drift and selection have shaped their evolutionary history. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Assessment of the effects of the carbamazepine on the endogenous endocrine system of Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Oropesa, A L; Floro, A M; Palma, P


    In the present study, the endocrine activity of the antiepileptic pharmaceutical carbamazepine (CBZ) in the crustacean Daphnia magna was assessed. To assess the hormonal activity of the drug, we exposed maternal daphnids and embryos to environmental relevant concentrations of CBZ (ranging from 10 to 200 μg/L) and to mixtures of CBZ with fenoxycarb (FEN; 1 μg/L). Chronic exposure to CBZ significantly decreased the reproductive output and the number of molts of D. magna at 200 μg/L. This compound induced the production of male offspring (12 ± 1.7 %), in a non-concentration-dependent manner, acting as a weak juvenile hormone analog. Results showed that this substance, at tested concentrations, did not antagonize the juvenoid action of FEN. Further, CBZ has shown to be toxic to daphnid embryos through maternal exposure interfering with their normal gastrulation and organogenesis stages but not producing direct embryo toxicity. These findings suggest that CBZ could act as an endocrine disruptor in D. magna as it decreases the reproductive output, interferes with sex determination, and causes development abnormality in offspring. Therefore, CBZ could directly affect the population sustainability.

  11. Male meiosis in Crustacea: synapsis, recombination, epigenetics and fertility in Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Gómez, Rocío; Van Damme, Kay; Gosálvez, Jaime; Morán, Eugenio Sánchez; Colbourne, John K


    We present the first detailed cytological study of male meiosis in Daphnia (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Cladocera)-an aquatic microcrustacean with a cyclical parthenogenetic life cycle. Using immunostaining of the testes in Daphnia magna for baseline knowledge, we characterized the different stages of meiotic division and spermiogenesis in relation to the distribution of proteins involved in synapsis, early recombination events and sister chromatid cohesion. We also studied post-translational histone modifications in male spermatocytes, in relation to the dynamic chromatin progression of meiosis. Finally, we applied a DNA fragmentation test to measure sperm quality of D. magna, with respect to levels of inbreeding. As a proxy for fertility, this technique may be used to assess the reproductive health of a sentinel species of aquatic ecosystems. Daphnia proves to be a model species for comparative studies of meiosis that is poised to improve our understanding of the cytological basis of sexual and asexual reproduction.

  12. [Comparison of manual and automated (MagNA Pure) nucleic acid isolation methods in molecular diagnosis of HIV infections]. (United States)

    Alp, Alpaslan; Us, Dürdal; Hasçelik, Gülşen


    Rapid quantitative molecular methods are very important for the diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections, assessment of prognosis and follow up. The purpose of this study was to compare and evaluate the performances of conventional manual extraction method and automated MagNA Pure system, for the nucleic acid isolation step which is the first and most important step in molecular diagnosis of HIV infections. Plasma samples of 35 patients in which anti-HIV antibodies were found as positive by microparticule enzyme immunoassay and confirmed by immunoblotting method, were included in the study. The nucleic acids obtained simultaneously by manual isolation kit (Cobas Amplicor, HIV-1 Monitor Test, version 1.5, Roche Diagnostics) and automated system (MagNA Pure LC Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit, Roche Diagnostics), were amplified and detected in Cobas Amplicor (Roche Diagnostics) instrument. Twenty three of 35 samples (65.7%) were found to be positive, and 9 (25.7%) were negative by both of the methods. The agreement between the methods were detected as 91.4%, for qualitative results. Viral RNA copies detected by manual and MagNA Pure isolation methods were found between 76.0-7.590.000 (mean: 487.143) and 113.0-20.300.0000 (mean: 2.174.097) copies/ml, respectively. When both of the overall and individual results were evaluated, the number of RNA copies obtained with automatized system, were found higher than the manual method (p<0.05). Three samples which had low numbers of nucleic acids (113, 773, 857, respectively) with MagNA Pure, yielded negative results with manual method. In conclusion, the automatized MagNA Pure system was found to be a reliable, rapid and practical method for the isolation of HIV-RNA.

  13. Automated extraction of genomic DNA from medically important yeast species and filamentous fungi by using the MagNA Pure LC system. (United States)

    Loeffler, Juergen; Schmidt, Kathrin; Hebart, Holger; Schumacher, Ulrike; Einsele, Hermann


    A fully automated assay was established for the extraction of DNA from clinically important fungi by using the MagNA Pure LC instrument. The test was evaluated by DNA isolation from 23 species of yeast and filamentous fungi and by extractions (n = 28) of serially diluted Aspergillus fumigatus conidia (10(5) to 0 CFU/ml). Additionally, DNA from 67 clinical specimens was extracted and compared to the manual protocol. The detection limit of the MagNA Pure LC assay of 10 CFU corresponded to the sensitivity when DNA was extracted manually; in 9 of 28 runs, we could achieve a higher sensitivity of 1 CFU/ml blood, which was found to be significant (p DNA from all fungal species analyzed could be extracted and amplified by real-time PCR. Negative controls from all MagNA Pure isolations remained negative. Sixty-three clinical samples showed identical results by both methods, whereas in 4 of 67 samples, discordant results were obtained. Thus, the MagNA Pure LC technique offers a fast protocol for automated DNA isolation from numerous fungi, revealing high sensitivity and purity.

  14. Better Alone or in Ill Company? The Effect of Migration and Inter-Species Comingling on Fascioloides magna Infection in Elk. (United States)

    Pruvot, Mathieu; Lejeune, Manigandan; Kutz, Susan; Hutchins, Wendy; Musiani, Marco; Massolo, Alessandro; Orsel, Karin


    Migratory movements and alteration of host communities through livestock production are examples of ecological processes that may have consequences on wildlife pathogens. We studied the effect of co-grazing of cattle and wild elk, and of elk migratory behaviour on the occurrence of the giant liver fluke, Fascioloides magna, in elk. Migratory elk and elk herds with a higher proportion of migratory individuals were significantly less likely to be infected with F. magna. This may indicate a decreased risk of infection for migratory individuals, known as the "migratory escape" hypothesis. Elk herds overlapping with higher cattle densities also had a lower prevalence of this parasite, even after adjustment for landscape and climate variables known to influence its life cycle. Serological evidence suggests that even in low-prevalence areas, F. magna is circulating in both elk and cattle. Cattle are "dead-end" hosts for F. magna, and this may, therefore, indicate a dilution effect where cattle and elk are co-grazing. Migratory behaviour and host community composition have significant effects on the dynamics of this wildlife parasite; emphasizing the potential impacts of decisions regarding the management of migratory corridors and livestock-wildlife interface.

  15. Better Alone or in Ill Company? The Effect of Migration and Inter-Species Comingling on Fascioloides magna Infection in Elk.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mathieu Pruvot

    Full Text Available Migratory movements and alteration of host communities through livestock production are examples of ecological processes that may have consequences on wildlife pathogens. We studied the effect of co-grazing of cattle and wild elk, and of elk migratory behaviour on the occurrence of the giant liver fluke, Fascioloides magna, in elk. Migratory elk and elk herds with a higher proportion of migratory individuals were significantly less likely to be infected with F. magna. This may indicate a decreased risk of infection for migratory individuals, known as the "migratory escape" hypothesis. Elk herds overlapping with higher cattle densities also had a lower prevalence of this parasite, even after adjustment for landscape and climate variables known to influence its life cycle. Serological evidence suggests that even in low-prevalence areas, F. magna is circulating in both elk and cattle. Cattle are "dead-end" hosts for F. magna, and this may, therefore, indicate a dilution effect where cattle and elk are co-grazing. Migratory behaviour and host community composition have significant effects on the dynamics of this wildlife parasite; emphasizing the potential impacts of decisions regarding the management of migratory corridors and livestock-wildlife interface.

  16. Nano-TiO2 enhances the toxicity of copper in natural water to Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan Wenhong; Cui Minming; Liu Hong; Wang Chuan; Shi Zhiwei; Tan Cheng; Yang Xiuping


    The acute toxicity of engineered nanoparticles (NPs) in aquatic environments at high concentrations has been well-established. This study demonstrates that, at a concentration generally considered to be safe in the environment, nano-TiO 2 remarkably enhanced the toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna by increasing the copper bioaccumulation. Specifically, at 2 mg L -1 nano-TiO 2 , the (LC 50 ) of Cu 2+ concentration observed to kill half the population, decreased from 111 μg L -1 to 42 μg L -1 . Correspondingly, the level of metallothionein decreased from 135 μg g -1 wet weight to 99 μg g -1 wet weight at a Cu 2+ level of 100 μg L -1 . The copper was found to be adsorbed onto the nano-TiO 2 , and ingested and accumulated in the animals, thereby causing toxic injury. The nano-TiO 2 may compete for free copper ions with sulfhydryl groups, causing the inhibition of the detoxification by metallothioneins. - Research highlights: → This study demonstrates that, at a concentration generally considered to be safe in the environment, nano-TiO 2 remarkably enhanced the toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna. → The copper was found to be adsorbed onto the nano-TiO 2 , and ingested and accumulated in the Daphnia magna, thereby causing toxic injury. → The nano-TiO 2 may compete for free copper ions with sulfhydryl groups, causing the inhibition of the detoxification mechanism of metallothionein. - The nano-TiO 2 remarkably enhanced the toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna. The nano-TiO 2 may compete for free copper ions with sulfhydryl groups, causing the inhibition of the detoxification mechanism of metallothionein.

  17. Food mediated life history strategies in Daphnia magna : their relevance to ecotoxicological evaluations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Enserink, E.L.


    The waterflea Daphnia magna is a widely used test organism in ecotoxicological studies. Acute and chronic laboratory tests yield basic information for the development of water quality standards, assessment of potential hazards of (new) chemicals, waste water licences and

  18. Lethal/sublethal responses of Daphnia magna to acute norfloxacin contamination and changes in phytoplankton-zooplankton interactions induced by this antibiotic (United States)

    Pan, Ying; Yan, Shi-Wei; Li, Ruo-Zhu; Hu, Yi-Wen; Chang, Xue-Xiu


    Although the well-known antibiotic norfloxacin (NOR) is recognized as an important environmental pollutant, little is known about its impacts on ecological processes, particularly on species interactions. In this paper, we quantified Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) responses in mortality rate at lethal NOR concentrations (0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg L-1), and in heartbeat rate, swimming behavior and feeding rate (on the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa) at sublethal NOR concentrations (0, 25, 50 and 100 mg L-1) to determine the effects of this antibiotic in plankton systems. In 96-h-long lethal experiment, mortality rates of D. magna increased significantly with increasing NOR concentration and exposure time. In sublethal experiments, heartbeat rate decreased, while time ratio of vertical to horizontal swimming (TVH) and the duration of quiescence increased in D. magna individuals exposed to increasing NOR concentrations after 4 and 12 h of exposure. These collectively led to decreases in both average swimming ability and feeding rate, consistent with the positive relationship between average swimming ability and feeding rate. Overall, results indicate that, by affecting zooplankton heartbeat rate and behavior, NOR decreased feeding efficiency of D. magna even at low doses, therefore, it might seriously compromise ecosystem health and function.

  19. Successfully resisting a pathogen is rarely costly in Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Labbé, Pierrick; Vale, Pedro F; Little, Tom J


    A central hypothesis in the evolutionary ecology of parasitism is that trade-offs exist between resistance to parasites and other fitness components such as fecundity, growth, survival, and predator avoidance, or resistance to other parasites. These trade-offs are called costs of resistance. These costs fall into two broad categories: constitutive costs of resistance, which arise from a negative genetic covariance between immunity and other fitness-related traits, and inducible costs of resistance, which are the physiological costs incurred by hosts when mounting an immune response. We sought to study inducible costs in depth using the crustacean Daphnia magna and its bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa. We designed specific experiments to study the costs induced by exposure to this parasite, and we re-analysed previously published data in an effort to determine the generality of such costs. However, despite the variety of genetic backgrounds of both hosts and parasites, and the different exposure protocols and environmental conditions used in these experiment, this work showed that costs of exposure can only rarely be detected in the D. magna-P. ramosa system. We discuss possible reasons for this lack of detectable costs, including scenarios where costs of resistance to parasites might not play a major role in the co-evolution of hosts and parasites.

  20. Greek perceptions of frontier in Magna Graecia: literature and archaeology in dialogue

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Airton POLLINI


    Full Text Available The paper deals with Greek perceptions of frontier in Magna Graecia, from a historical archaeological, contextual standpoint. Considering the complex relationship between literary and archaeological evidence, the paper uses as a case study the frontier in Southern Italy, discussing the subjective frontier perceptions by Greeks and Natives in interaction.

  1. The efficacy of intraoperative ultrasonography-assisted microinvasive cisterna magna reconstruction for Chiari malformation typeⅠwith syringomyelia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LI Peng-chao


    Full Text Available Objective To report the method and effect of intraoperative ultrasonography-assisted microinvasive cisterna magna reconstruction for Chiari malformation type Ⅰ with syringomyelia. Methods Ninty-three patients suffered from Chiari malformation typeⅠwith syringomyelia were treated by microinvasive cisterna magna reconstruction. The skin incision was 1.50-3.00 cm. The bone removal of foramen magnum was 1.50 cm × 2.00 cm with C1 reserved. Dura and arachnoid were incised and sutured linearly. All of the patients underwent cerebellar tonsillar resection and exploration of median aperture of fourth ventricle. Intraoperative ultrasonography was performed both before and after cerebellar tonsillar resection to judge the effect of cisterna magna reconstruction. According to Tator method, the curative effect was divided into 3 groups, improved, stable and worsen. MRI were reviewed at the same time, and the result was divided into syrinx disappeared, reduced, no change and expanded. Results The operation was successful in all patients. Postoperative complications included cerebellum hemorrhage (n = 1, cerebral infarction (n = 1, hydrocephalus (n = 1, subcutaneous dropsy (n = 2 and were recovered after specific treatment. All patients were followed up for 6 months to 12 months after operation. Thirty-six cases were improved, 55 cases were stable, and 2 cases got worse. The MRI showed that the syringomyelia shrinked or disappeared in 90 cases, no change in 3 cases and no expansion. Eighty cases were followed up for 30 months to 36 months after operation, 12 stable cases improved, 1 stable case got worse, while the others remained unchanged. The MRI showed no change was compared with previous follow-up imaging. Conclusion Microinvasive cisterna magna reconstruction is a surgical procedure with mininal injury, quick recovery, stable effect, fewer complications, and high security. Intraoperative ultrasonography provides reliable data and is easy to perform.

  2. A comparison of the response of Simocephalus mixtus (Cladocera) and Daphnia magna to contaminated freshwater sediments. (United States)

    Martínez-Jerónimo, Fernando; Cruz-Cisneros, Jade Lizette; García-Hernández, Leonardo


    The southeast region of Mexico is characterized by intensive oil industry activities carried out by the national public enterprise Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX). The freshwater lagoon "El Limón", located in the municipality of Macuspana, state of Tabasco, Mexico, has received over 40 years discharges of untreated waste waters from the Petrochemical Complex "Ciudad PEMEX", located on the border of the lagoon. To assess the toxicity of the sediments and, hence, to obtain information on the biological effects of these contaminating discharges, the cladoceran Simocephalus mixtus was used as a test organism in acute (48h) and chronic (12d) toxicity assays. For comparison purposes, bioassays were also conducted with the reference cladoceran Daphnia magna. The sediments of this lagoon contain important amounts of metals and hydrocarbons that have been accumulated over time; however, the acute tests only registered reduced lethal effects on the test organisms (maxima of 10% and 17% mortality for D. magna and S. mixtus, respectively). This may be due to low bioavailability of the pollutants present in the sediments. On the other hand, partial or total inhibition and delay in the start of reproduction, reduction in clutch sizes, reduced survival, as well as reduction in the size of adults and offspring were recorded in the chronic assays. The most evident chronic effects were found in S. mixtus; in this species, reproduction was inhibited up to 72%, whereas D. magna was only affected by 24%. We determined that S. mixtus is a more sensitive test organism than D. magna to assess whole-sediment toxicity in tropical environments, and that chronic exposure bioassays are required for an integrated sediment evaluation. The sediments from "El Limón" lagoon induced chronic intoxication responses and, therefore, remediation measures are urgently needed to recover environmental conditions suitable for the development of its aquatic biota.

  3. Phototoxicity and oxidative stress responses in Daphnia magna under exposure to sulfathiazole and environmental level ultraviolet B irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jungkon [School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Seoul, 110-799 (Korea, Republic of)], E-mail:; Park, Yena [School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Seoul, 110-799 (Korea, Republic of)], E-mail:; Choi, Kyungho [School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Seoul, 110-799 (Korea, Republic of)], E-mail:


    Sulfonamide antibiotics frequently occur in aquatic environments. In this study, phototoxicity of sulfathiazole (STZ) and its mechanism of action were investigated using Daphnia magna. We evaluated the changes of molecular level stress responses by assessing gene expression, enzyme induction and lipid peroxidation, and the related organism-level effects in D. magna. In the presence of ultraviolet B (UV-B) light (continuous irradiation with 13.8 {+-} 1.0 {mu}W cm{sup -2} d{sup -1}), STZ (at the nominal concentration of 94.9 mg/L) caused a significant increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and lipid peroxidation. Catalase (CAT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) showed concentration-dependent increases caused by the exposure. Exposure to STZ and UV-B light caused apparent up-regulation of {alpha}-esterase, hemoglobin, and vitellogenin mRNA. The survival of daphnids was significantly affected by the co-exposure to STZ and UV-B. The biochemical and molecular level observations in combination with organism-level effects suggest that the phototoxicity of STZ was mediated in part by ROS generated by oxidative stress in D. magna.

  4. Phototoxicity and oxidative stress responses in Daphnia magna under exposure to sulfathiazole and environmental level ultraviolet B irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jungkon; Park, Yena; Choi, Kyungho


    Sulfonamide antibiotics frequently occur in aquatic environments. In this study, phototoxicity of sulfathiazole (STZ) and its mechanism of action were investigated using Daphnia magna. We evaluated the changes of molecular level stress responses by assessing gene expression, enzyme induction and lipid peroxidation, and the related organism-level effects in D. magna. In the presence of ultraviolet B (UV-B) light (continuous irradiation with 13.8 ± 1.0 μW cm -2 d -1 ), STZ (at the nominal concentration of 94.9 mg/L) caused a significant increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and lipid peroxidation. Catalase (CAT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) showed concentration-dependent increases caused by the exposure. Exposure to STZ and UV-B light caused apparent up-regulation of α-esterase, hemoglobin, and vitellogenin mRNA. The survival of daphnids was significantly affected by the co-exposure to STZ and UV-B. The biochemical and molecular level observations in combination with organism-level effects suggest that the phototoxicity of STZ was mediated in part by ROS generated by oxidative stress in D. magna

  5. Effects of aqueous stable fullerene nanocrystals (nC60) on the food conversion from Daphnia magna to Danio rerio in a simplified freshwater food chain. (United States)

    Tao, Xianji; Li, Cuilan; Zhang, Bo; He, Yiliang


    Understanding the nanomaterial potential to the food conversion of two food chain levels is important in the ecosystem assessment as manufactured nanomaterials are being released into the environment. In this investigation, the food conversion from Daphnia magna (D. magna) (prey) to Danio rerio (D. rerio) (predator) was used as the study object of aqueous stable fullerene nanocrystals (nC60). Accumulated nC60 of D. magna was determined as the nominal initial exposure concentration for D. rerio. The results of 21-d dietary exposure experiment demonstrate that nC60 in D. magna decreased the body weight growths and condition factors of D. rerio, and reduced the food conversion ratio by 20% (from D. magna to D. rerio). Further, the experiments present that nC60 decrease three digestive enzymes activities of trypsinase, lipase, and amylase by 30, 29, and 55% in vivo, and by 60, 90, and 42% in vitro, respectively. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments indicated that nC60 was involved with the decrements of digestive enzymes activities. These decrements in digestive enzymes activities may be due to the deactivation caused by the adsorption of nC60 particles onto the surface or active center of digestive enzymes. Sum up, these results not only describe the nC60 deleterious effects on the food conversion from D. magna to D. rerio, but also provide some information regarding a probable food conversion inhibition mechanism of nC60. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Toxicity Identification and Evaluation for the Effluent from Wastewater Treatment Plant in Industrial Complex using D.magna (United States)

    Lee, S.; Keum, H.; Chun Sang, H.


    In recent years, the interests on the impacts of industrial wastewater on aquatic ecosystem have increased with concern about ecosystem protection and human health. Whole effluent toxicity tests are used to monitor toxicity by unknown toxic chemicals as well as conventional pollutants from industrial effluent discharges. This study describes the application of TIE (toxicity identification evaluation) procedures to an acutely toxic effluent from a wastewater treatment plant in industrial complex which was toxic to Daphnia magna. In TIE phase I (characterization step), the toxic effects by heavy metals, organic compounds, oxidants, volatile organic compounds, suspended solids and ammonia were screened and revealed that the source of toxicity is far from these toxicants group. Chemical analysis (TIE phase II) on TDS showed that the concentration of chloride ion (6,900 mg/L) was substantially higher than that predicted from EC50 for D. magna. In confirmation step (TIE phase III), chloride ion was demonstrated to be main toxicant in this effluent by the spiking approach, species sensitivity approach and deletion approach. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, sulfate ion concentration (450, 100, 80, 5,300, 0.66, 2,200mg/L) was not shown toxicity from D. magna. Finally, we concluded that chloride was the most contributing toxicant in the waste water treatment plant. Further research activities are needed for technical support of toxicity identification and evaluation on the various types of wastewater treatment plant discharge in Korea. Keywords : TIE, D. magna, Industrial waste water Acknowledgement This research was supported by a grant (15IFIP-B089908-02) from Plant Research Program funded by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korean government

  7. Ultrasound guided double injection of blood into cisterna magna: a rabbit model for treatment of cerebral vasospasm. (United States)

    Chen, Yongchao; Zhu, Youzhi; Zhang, Yu; Zhang, Zixuan; Lian, Juan; Luo, Fucheng; Deng, Xuefei; Wong, Kelvin K L


    Double injection of blood into cisterna magna using a rabbit model results in cerebral vasospasm. An unacceptably high mortality rate tends to limit the application of model. Ultrasound guided puncture can provide real-time imaging guidance for operation. The aim of this paper is to establish a safe and effective rabbit model of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage with the assistance of ultrasound medical imaging. A total of 160 New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into four groups of 40 each: (1) manual control group, (2) manual model group, (3) ultrasound guided control group, and (4) ultrasound guided model group. The subarachnoid hemorrhage was intentionally caused by double injection of blood into their cisterna magna. Then, basilar artery diameters were measured using magnetic resonance angiography before modeling and 5 days after modeling. The depth of needle entering into cisterna magna was determined during the process of ultrasound guided puncture. The mortality rates in manual control group and model group were 15 and 23 %, respectively. No rabbits were sacrificed in those two ultrasound guided groups. We found that the mortality rate in ultrasound guided groups decreased significantly compared to manual groups. Compared with diameters before modeling, the basilar artery diameters after modeling were significantly lower in manual and ultrasound guided model groups. The vasospasm aggravated and the proportion of severe vasospasms was greater in ultrasound guided model group than that of manual group. In manual model group, no vasospasm was found in 8 % of rabbits. The ultrasound guided double injection of blood into cisterna magna is a safe and effective rabbit model for treatment of cerebral vasospasm.

  8. Obesogens beyond Vertebrates: Lipid Perturbation by Tributyltin in the Crustacean Daphnia magna (United States)

    Jordão, Rita; Casas, Josefina; Fabrias, Gemma; Campos, Bruno; Piña, Benjamín; Lemos, Marco F.L.; Soares, Amadeu M.V.M.; Tauler, Romà


    Background The analysis of obesogenic effects in invertebrates is limited by our poor knowledge of the regulatory pathways of lipid metabolism. Recent data from the crustacean Daphnia magna points to three signaling hormonal pathways related to the molting and reproductive cycles [retinoic X receptor (RXR), juvenile hormone (JH), and ecdysone] as putative targets for exogenous obesogens. Objective The present study addresses the disruptive effects of the model obesogen tributyltin (TBT) on the lipid homeostasis in Daphnia during the molting and reproductive cycle, its genetic control, and health consequences of its disruption. Methods D. magna individuals were exposed to low and high levels of TBT. Reproductive effects were assessed by Life History analysis methods. Quantitative and qualitative changes in lipid droplets during molting and the reproductive cycle were studied using Nile red staining. Lipid composition and dynamics were analyzed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Relative abundances of mRNA from different genes related to RXR, ecdysone, and JH signaling pathways were studied by qRT-PCR. Results and Conclusions TBT disrupted the dynamics of neutral lipids, impairing the transfer of triacylglycerols to eggs and hence promoting their accumulation in adult individuals. TBT’s disruptive effects translated into a lower fitness for offspring and adults. Co-regulation of gene transcripts suggests that TBT activates the ecdysone, JH, and RXR receptor signaling pathways, presumably through the already proposed interaction with RXR. These findings indicate the presence of obesogenic effects in a nonvertebrate species. Citation Jordão R, Casas J, Fabrias G, Campos B, Piña B, Lemos MF, Soares AM, Tauler R, Barata C. 2015. Obesogens beyond vertebrates: lipid perturbation by tributyltin in the crustacean Daphnia magna. Environ Health Perspect 123:813–819; PMID

  9. Comparative ovarian microarray analysis of juvenile hormone-responsive genes in water flea Daphnia magna: potential targets for toxicity. (United States)

    Toyota, Kenji; Williams, Timothy D; Sato, Tomomi; Tatarazako, Norihisa; Iguchi, Taisen


    The freshwater zooplankton Daphnia magna has been extensively employed in chemical toxicity tests such as OECD Test Guidelines 202 and 211. Previously, it has been demonstrated that the treatment of juvenile hormones (JHs) or their analogues to female daphnids can induce male offspring production. Based on this finding, a rapid screening method for detection of chemicals with JH-activity was recently developed using adult D. magna. This screening system determines whether a chemical has JH-activity by investigating the male offspring inducibility. Although this is an efficient high-throughput short-term screening system, much remains to be discovered about JH-responsive pathways in the ovary, and whether different JH-activators act via the same mechanism. JH-responsive genes in the ovary including developing oocytes are still largely undescribed. Here, we conducted comparative microarray analyses using ovaries from Daphnia magna treated with fenoxycarb (Fx; artificial JH agonist) or methyl farnesoate (MF; a putative innate JH in daphnids) to elucidate responses to JH agonists in the ovary, including developing oocytes, at a JH-sensitive period for male sex determination. We demonstrate that induction of hemoglobin genes is a well-conserved response to JH even in the ovary, and a potential adverse effect of JH agonist is suppression of vitellogenin gene expression, that might cause reduction of offspring number. This is the first report demonstrating different transcriptomics profiles from MF and an artificial JH agonist in D. magna ovary, improving understanding the tissue-specific mode-of-action of JH. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  10. Nutritional value content, biomass production and growth performance of Daphnia magna cultured with different animal wastes resulted from probiotic bacteria fermentation (United States)

    Endar Herawati, Vivi; Nugroho, R. A.; Pinandoyo; Hutabarat, Johannes


    Media culture is an important factor for the growth and quality of Daphnia magna nutrient value. This study has purpose to find the increasing of nutritional content, biomass production and growth performance of D. magna using different animal wastes fermented by probiotic bacteria. This study conducted using completely randomized experimental design with 10 treatments and 3 replicates. Those media used different animal manures such as chicken manure, goat manure and quail manure mixed by rejected bread and tofu waste fermented by probiotic bacteria then cultured for 24 days. The results showed that the media which used 50% chicken manure, 100% rejected bread and 50% tofu waste created the highest biomass production, population and nutrition content of D.magna about 2111788.9 ind/L for population; 342 grams biomass production and 68.85% protein content. The highest fatty acid profile is 6.37% of linoleic and the highest essential amino acid is 22.8% of lysine. Generally, the content of ammonia, DO, temperature, and pH during the study were in the good range of D. magna’s life. This research has conclusion that media used 50% chicken manure, 100% rejected bread and 50% tofu waste created the highest biomass production, population and nutrition content of D. magna.

  11. Copper regulation and homeostasis of Daphnia magna and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata: influence of acclimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bossuyt, Bart T.A.; Janssen, Colin R.


    This study aimed to evaluate (1) the capacity of the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and the waterflea Daphnia magna to regulate copper when exposed to environmentally realistic copper concentrations and (2) the influence of multi-generation acclimation to these copper concentrations on copper bioaccumulation and homeostasis. Based on bioconcentration factors, active copper regulation was observed in algae up to 5 μg Cu L -1 and in daphnids up to 35 μg Cu L -1 . Constant body copper concentrations (13 ± 4 μg Cu g DW -1 ) were observed in algae exposed to 1 through 5 μg Cu L -1 and in daphnids exposed to 1 through 12 μg Cu L -1 . At higher exposure concentrations, there was an increase in internal body copper concentration, while no increase was observed in bioconcentration factors, suggesting the presence of a storage mechanism. At copper concentrations of 100 μg Cu L -1 (P. subcapitata) and 150 μg Cu L -1 (D. magna), the significant increases observed in body copper concentrations and in bioconcentration factors may be related to a failure of this regulation mechanism. For both organisms, internal body copper concentrations lower than 13 μg Cu g DW -1 may result in copper deficiency. For P. subcapitata acclimated to 0.5 and 100 μg Cu L -1 , body copper concentrations ranged (mean ± standard deviation) between 5 ± 2 μg Cu g DW -1 and 1300 ± 197 μg Cu g DW -1 , respectively. For D. magna, this value ranged between 9 ± 2 μg Cu g DW -1 and 175 ± 17 μg Cu g DW -1 for daphnids acclimated to 0.5 and 150 μg Cu L -1 . Multi-generation acclimation to copper concentrations ≥12 μg Cu L -1 resulted in a decrease (up to 40%) in body copper concentrations for both organisms compared to the body copper concentration of the first generation. It can be concluded that there is an indication that P. subcapitata and D. magna can regulate their whole body copper concentration to maintain copper homeostasis within their optimal copper range and

  12. Effects of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Aphanizomenon ovalisporum (cyanobacteria) ingestion on Daphnia magna midgut and associated diverticula epithelium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nogueira, Isabel C.G.; Lobo-da-Cunha, Alexandre; Vasconcelos, Vitor M.


    This article reports a light and electron microscopy investigation of the effects of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Aphanizomenon ovalisporum ingestion on midgut and associated digestive diverticula of Daphnia magna. Additionally, survivorship and growth effects caused by feeding on cyanobacteria were assessed. Three cyanobacteria were used in the experiments: cylindrospermopsin (CYN)-producing C. raciborskii, CYN-producing A. ovalisporum and non-CYN-producing C. raciborskii. In order to discriminate between the alterations due to the low nutritional value of cyanobacteria and toxic effects, a control group was fed on the chlorophyte Ankistrodesmus falcatus and another control group was not fed. In the chlorophyte fed control, the epithelium lining the midgut and associated diverticula is mainly formed by strongly stained cells with an apical microvilli border. Nevertheless, unstained areas in which cell lyses had occurred were also observed. In the unfed control, the unstained areas became predominant due to an increment of cell lyses. All individuals fed on CYN-producing A. ovalisporum and some of those fed on non-CYN-producing C. raciborskii appear similar to the unfed control. However, some individuals fed on non-CYN-producing C. raciborskii showed similarities with the fed control. In contrast, the midgut and digestive diverticula of D. magna fed on CYN-producing C. raciborskii showed a widespread dissociation of epithelial cells, associated with severe intracellular disorganization, but cell lysis was less evident than in controls. These alterations cannot be attributed to CYN, because those effects were not induced by CYN-producing A. ovalisporum. Therefore, data suggest the production of another unidentified active metabolite by CYN-producing C. raciborskii, responsible for the disruption of cell adhesion in the epithelium of D. magna digestive tract. Data also show that the tested cyanobacteria are inadequate as food to D. magna, due to low nutritional

  13. Negative effects of UVB-irradiated phytoplankton on life history traits and fitness of Daphnia magna

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lange, de H.J.; Reeuwijk, van P.L.


    1. We tested the effect of ultraviolet-B (UVB)-irradiated phytoplankton on life history characteristics of Daphnia magna . Two phytoplankton species were used, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Cryptomonas pyrenoidifera . The phytoplankton species were cultured under photosynthetically active radiation

  14. Successfully resisting a pathogen is rarely costly in Daphnia magna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vale Pedro F


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A central hypothesis in the evolutionary ecology of parasitism is that trade-offs exist between resistance to parasites and other fitness components such as fecundity, growth, survival, and predator avoidance, or resistance to other parasites. These trade-offs are called costs of resistance. These costs fall into two broad categories: constitutive costs of resistance, which arise from a negative genetic covariance between immunity and other fitness-related traits, and inducible costs of resistance, which are the physiological costs incurred by hosts when mounting an immune response. We sought to study inducible costs in depth using the crustacean Daphnia magna and its bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa. Results We designed specific experiments to study the costs induced by exposure to this parasite, and we re-analysed previously published data in an effort to determine the generality of such costs. However, despite the variety of genetic backgrounds of both hosts and parasites, and the different exposure protocols and environmental conditions used in these experiment, this work showed that costs of exposure can only rarely be detected in the D. magna-P. ramosa system. Conclusions We discuss possible reasons for this lack of detectable costs, including scenarios where costs of resistance to parasites might not play a major role in the co-evolution of hosts and parasites.

  15. Combining physico-chemical analysis with a Daphnia magna bioassay to evaluate a recycling technology for drinking water treatment plant waste residuals. (United States)

    Chen, Ting; Xu, Yongpeng; Zhu, Shijun; Cui, Fuyi


    Recycling water treatment plant (WTP) waste residuals is considered to be a feasible method to enhance the efficiency of pollutant removal. This study also evaluated the safety and water quality of a pilot-DWTP waste residuals recycling technology by combining physical-chemistry analysis with a Daphnia magna assay. The water samples taken from each treatment step were extracted and concentrated by XAD-2 resin and were then analyzed for immobilization and enzyme activity with D. magna. The measured parameters, such as the dissolve organic carbon (DOC), UV254 and THM formation potential (THMFPs) of the recycling process, did not obviously increase over 15 days of continuous operation and were even lower than typical values from a conventional process. The extract concentration ranged from 0 to 2 Leq/ml as measured on the 7th and 15th days and the immobilization of D. magna exposed to water treated by the recycling process was nearly equivalent to that of the conventional process. Both the superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the catalase (CAT) activity assay indicated that a lower dose of water extract (0.5, 1, 1.5 Leq/ml) could stimulate the enzyme activity of D. magna, whereas a higher dose (2 Leq/ml at the sampling point C3, R3, R4 ) inhibits the activity. Moreover, the SOD and CAT activity of D. magna with DOC and UV254 showed a strong concentration-effect relationship, where the concentration range of DOC and UV254 were 4.1-16.2 mg/L and 0.071-4.382 cm(-1), respectively. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the conventional and recycling treatment processes and the toxicity of water samples in the recycling process did not increase during the 15-day continuous recycling trial. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Efecto tóxico del DDT, clordano y agua de la presa Ignacio Ramírez (México, sobre Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Daphnidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Martínez-Tabche


    Full Text Available Actualmente en México son empleados los plaguicidas diclorodifeniltricloroetano (DDT y clordano (CLO para combatir la malaria y termitas. De 1990 a 1996 un total de 27 ton de DDT y 508 de CLO, en forma de productos técnicos, fueron importados. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer una metodología para determinar el impacto ambiental que pueden producir estos compuestos sobre un embalse. El efecto tóxico del DDT y CLO fue evaluado sobre la actividad de la o-demetilasa (OD y del acetilcolinesterasa (AchA del cladócero Daphnia magna al exponerla a diferentes concentraciones de los insecticidas disueltos en el agua de tres sitios de la presa Ignacio Ramírez (PIR. El efecto del agua contaminada con los insecticidas sobre la actividad de la AChA y OD, así como la CL50, fueron utilizadas como indicadores de exposición para determinar los lugares más contaminadas de la PIR. Las características fisicoquímicas del agua así como la biodiversidad de los sitios en estudio de la presa fueron considerados. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la estación cercana a la compuerta exhibe un potencial de toxicidad, ya que las actividades enzimáticas fueron modificadas. Se sugiere utilizar las actividades de AchA y OD del cladócero para evaluar la toxicidad de un cuerpo de agua contaminado por insecticidas organoclorados.Chlorodiphenylnitrichloroethane (DDT and chlordane (CLO are currently used in Mexico to control malaria and termites. From 1990 to 1996 a total of 27 ton of DDT and 508 of CLO were imported. We establish a methodology to determine their environmental impact in a Mexican dam (Ignacio Ramírez. The toxic effect of DDT and CLO were evaluated on the o-demethylase (OD and acethycholinesterase activities (AchA of the cladoceran Daphnia magna exposed to different concentrations of the insecticides solved in water from three sites. Their effect on the AchA and OD activities, and so the CL50 were used as exposure bioindicators to

  17. Is The Principle Of Magna Carta Regarding Religious Liberties Applied In Macedonia?

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    Nuhija Bekim


    Full Text Available Human rights were analyzed and described in many writings from older times. If we consider their fame and historical value, most important ones are: Great Charter of Freedoms (Magna Carta Libertatum of 1215, the Law on Rights (Bill of Rights of 1689, the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America (1776 and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (1789.

  18. Forças mecânicas e veias safenas humanas: implicação na revascularização do miocárdio Mechanical forces and human saphenous veins: coronary artery bypass graft implications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Angelo Tineli


    Full Text Available As células endoteliais vasculares estão expostas a uma variedade de forças mecânicas in vivo, resultantes do fluxo sangüíneo pulsátil. Dentre essas forças, destacam-se: forças de cisalhamento, tangenciais à parede do vaso, produzidas pelo atrito com o fluxo sangüíneo viscoso, tensão de complacência da parede vascular e a pressão hidrostática do conteúdo sangüíneo no interior da vasculatura. Diversos autores estudaram as alterações hemodinâmicas, funcionais e morfológicas em veias safenas humanas causadas por esses tipos de forças com resultados conflitantes. A motivação dessa revisão foi analisar dados da literatura e alguns dados experimentais do nosso laboratório. Os aspectos revistos são: 1 Respostas endoteliais e regulação gênica causadas pelo shear stress; 2 Efeitos da pressão hidrostática na morfologia da célula endotelial, expressão gênica da superfície celular endotelial e proliferação das células endoteliais, 3 Efeitos da tração no endotélio de veias safenas humanas.Vascular endothelial cells are exposed to a variety of in vivo mechanical forces, specifically, shear stress for the blood flow, tensile stress from the compliance of the vessel wall and the hydrostatic pressure from containment of blood within inside the vasculature. Many authors studied hemodynamic, functional and morphological human saphenous veins alterations caused by these different forces with conflictant results. This review text was motivated with the specific aim of analyze literature data and some experimental data carried out in our laboratory. The adopted review subjects were: 1 Endothelial responses and gene regulation to shear stress; 2 Effects of the hydrostatic pressure in the endothelial cell morphology, gene expression of the endothelial cellular surface and proliferation of endothelial cells; 3 Effects of the traction on the human saphenous vein endothelium.


    The research presented here resulted in EC50 and LOEC values for the contaminants copper, cadmium, diazinon, atrazine, and cyanide to the species Lemna Minor, Pimephales promelas, Daphnia magna, and Ceriodaphnia dubia. Observed values were used as benchmarks for assessing the se...

  20. Automated Extraction of Genomic DNA from Medically Important Yeast Species and Filamentous Fungi by Using the MagNA Pure LC System


    Loeffler, Juergen; Schmidt, Kathrin; Hebart, Holger; Schumacher, Ulrike; Einsele, Hermann


    A fully automated assay was established for the extraction of DNA from clinically important fungi by using the MagNA Pure LC instrument. The test was evaluated by DNA isolation from 23 species of yeast and filamentous fungi and by extractions (n = 28) of serially diluted Aspergillus fumigatus conidia (105 to 0 CFU/ml). Additionally, DNA from 67 clinical specimens was extracted and compared to the manual protocol. The detection limit of the MagNA Pure LC assay of 10 CFU corresponded to the sen...

  1. Draft Genome Sequence of Serratia sp. Strain DD3, Isolated from the Guts of Daphnia magna


    Poehlein, Anja; Freese, Heike M.; Daniel, Rolf; Simeonova, Diliana D.


    We report the draft genome sequence of Serratia sp. strain DD3, a gammaproteobacterium from the family Enterobacteriaceae. It was isolated from homogenized guts of Daphnia magna. The genome size is 5,274 Mb. peerReviewed

  2. Growth and Survival Rate of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Larvae Fed by Daphnia magna Cultured With Organic Fertilizer Resulted From Probiotic Bacteria Fermentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vivi Endar Herawati


    Full Text Available Daphnia magna is a potential feed for fish. The aim of this research was to find the best treatment and effect of D. magna culture addition from fermented organic fertilizer, to growth and survival rate of Oreochromis niloticus larvae. There were five treatments, each with three repetitions used in the study. All treatments used chicken dung, and different combinations of rice bran, coconut oilcake waste and tilapia larvae. Feeding on tilapia was given by ad libitum method for five times a day until 14 days. Water quality during the research was maintained at temperature 28–29°C, DO 0.3 ppm and pH 8.1–8.2. Observed variables include relative growth rate, survival rate, food consumption rate and water quality. Our results showed that D. magna cultured by fermented organic fertilizer for tilapia larvae (O. niloticus had high significant effect (p < 0.01 on the relative growth rate and survival rate. Treatment of D. magna cultured by 1.2 g/L chicken manure, 0.9 g/L rice bran and 0.3 g/L coconut oilcake showed the highest value on the relative growth rate (10.86%; survival rate (98.46% and food consumption at first week (106.43% and second week (152.76%.

  3. The protective roles of TiO2 nanoparticles against UV-B toxicity in Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Liu, Jie; Wang, Wen-Xiong


    Aquatic environments are increasingly under environmental stress due to ultraviolet (UV) radiation and potential inputs of nanoparticles with intense application of nanotechnology. In this study, we investigated the interaction between UV-B radiation and titanium nanoparticles (TiO 2 -NPs) in a model freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna. UV-B toxicity to Daphnia magna was examined when the daphnids were exposed to a range of TiO 2 -NPs concentrations with an initial 5 or 10min of 200μW/cm 2 UV-B radiation. In addition, UV-B toxicity was also examined in the presence of TiO 2 -NPs in the body of daphnids. Our results demonstrated that the daphnid mortality under UV-B radiation decreased significantly in the presence of TiO 2 -NPs both in the water and in the body, indicating that TiO 2 -NPs had some protective effects on D. magna against UV-B. Such protective effect was mainly caused by the blockage of UV-B by TiO 2 -NPs adsorption. UV-B produced reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the water and in the daphnids, which was not sufficient to cause mortality of daphnids over short periods of radiation. Previous studies focused on the effects of TiO 2 -NPs on the toxicity of total UV radiation, and did not attempt to differentiate the potential diverse roles of UV-A and UV-B. Our study indicated that TiO 2 -NPs may conversely protect the UV-B toxicity to daphnids. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Influence of environmental factors on the response of a natural population of Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Cladocera) to spinosad and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis in Mediterranean coastal wetlands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duchet, C. [Entente Interdepartementale de Demoustication du Littoral Mediterraneen, 165 avenue Paul-Rimbaud, Montpellier F-34184 (France); INRA, UMR985 Ecologie et Sante des Ecosystemes, Equipe Ecotoxicologie et Qualite des Milieux Aquatiques, 65 rue de Saint Brieuc, Rennes F-35042 (France); Caquet, Th. [INRA, UMR985 Ecologie et Sante des Ecosystemes, Equipe Ecotoxicologie et Qualite des Milieux Aquatiques, 65 rue de Saint Brieuc, Rennes F-35042 (France); Franquet, E. [Universite Paul Cezanne, Institut Mediterraneen d' Ecologie et de Paleoecologie, Faculte des Sciences et Techniques Saint Jerome, C31, Marseille F-13397 (France); Lagneau, C. [Entente Interdepartementale de Demoustication du Littoral Mediterraneen, 165 avenue Paul-Rimbaud, Montpellier F-34184 (France); Lagadic, L., E-mail: Laurent.Lagadic@rennes.inra.f [INRA, UMR985 Ecologie et Sante des Ecosystemes, Equipe Ecotoxicologie et Qualite des Milieux Aquatiques, 65 rue de Saint Brieuc, Rennes F-35042 (France)


    The present study was undertaken to assess the impact of a candidate mosquito larvicide, spinosad (8, 17 and 33 mug L{sup -1}) on a field population of Daphnia magna under natural variations of water temperature and salinity, using Bti (0.16 and 0.50 muL L{sup -1}) as the reference larvicide. Microcosms (125 L) were placed in a shallow temporary marsh where D. magna was naturally present. The peak of salinity observed during the 21-day observation period may have been partly responsible for the decrease of daphnid population density in all the microcosms. It is also probably responsible for the absence of recovery in the microcosms treated with spinosad which caused a sharp decrease of D. magna abundance within the first two days following treatment whereas Bti had no effect. These results suggest that it may be difficult for a field population of daphnids to cope simultaneously with natural (water salinity and temperature) and anthropogenic (larvicides) stressors. - Significant interaction between salinity and spinosad exposure impairs the recovery of a natural population of Daphnia magna.

  5. Arqueología en Egipto y Sudán. El proyecto de investigación de Ehnasya el Medina (Heracleópolis Magna, Egipto

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    Pérez Die, María del Carmen


    Full Text Available Not available.La presencia española en excavaciones en Egipto y Sudán es relativamente reciente. Se inició en la década de los años sesenta mediante la participación en la campaña de salvamento de Nubia y ha continuado hasta la actualidad, gracias a una serie de proyectos de investigación arqueológica como el que se desarrolla en el yacimiento de Ehnasya el Medina (Heracleópolis Magna, que está proporcionando conclusiones fundamentales para la historia de Egipto. Existen, también, otros proyectos que muestran el interés por la egiptología, así como el alto desarrollo que esta ciencia ha alcanzado en nuestro país.

  6. Relationship between trans-generational effects of tetracycline on Daphnia magna at the physiological and whole organism level

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyun Young; Yu, Seungho; Jeong, Tae-yong; Kim, Sang Don


    The effects of pharmaceuticals have been underestimated during single generation exposure. Therefore, in this study, we investigated toxic responses at the physiological and whole organism level in tetracycline-exposed Daphnia magna over four consecutive generational lifecycles. The results showed that tetracycline affected energy-related physiological functions in concentration- and generation-dependent manners, and especially maintenance costs increased. Consequently, multigenerational exposure to tetracycline induced changes in energy balance, resulting in the change of higher levels of biological responses. In contrast, D. magna acclimated to tetracycline exposure over multiple generations, as evidenced by the increased LC 50 values. Transgenerational adaptation was related to the neonatal sensitivity and energy reserves of the organism. The results also emphasized the idea that the number of generation is an important factor for toxicity. The present study confirmed that toxic stress induces metabolic changes in an organism, thereby leading to increased energy consumption that results in adverse effects on reproduction. - Highlights: • Transgenerational adaptation of D. magna to tetracycline was observed. • TCN affected energy-related physiological function and increased maintenance energy. • LC 50 value of TCN increased with increasing concentration and generation. • The number of exposure generation may be an important factor for toxicity. - The change in internal energy balance in daphnids during multigenerational exposure to tetracycline may explain whole organism responses

  7. Pharmacological and morphological characteristics of the muscular system of the giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna - Bassi 1875). (United States)

    Trailović, Saša M; Marinković, Darko; Trailović, Jelena Nedeljković; Milovanović, Mirjana; Marjanović, Djordje S; Aničić, Milan R


    Motility is required for feeding, reproduction and maintenance of the fluke in the host's liver. According to that, the neuromuscular system can be an attractive drugable target for chemotherapy. Musculature of the Fascioloides magna is organized into three layers, an outer circular layer, beneath this layer the longitudinal layer, and third, the oblique, or diagonal layer underlies the longitudinal layer. In our study, the administration of atropine or caffeine did not cause classic muscle contractions of F. magna muscle strips. However, the Electrical Field Stimulation (EFS) induced stable and repeatable contractions, which enabled us to examine their sensitivity to the various substances. Acetylcholine (ACh) (300 μM and 1 mM), caused only a slight relaxation, without affecting the amplitude of spontaneous contractions or the amplitude of contractions induced by EFS. Contrary to that, atropine (100 μM) caused a significant increase in the basal tone and an increase of EFS-induced contractions. If acetylcholine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in trematodes, the described effects of atropine are achieved by the blockade of inhibitory neurotransmission. On the other hand, with respect to the process of excitation-contraction coupling, the plant alkaloid ryanodine (30 μM) significantly reduced the basal tone, as well as EFS-induced contractions of F. magna muscle strips. Ryanodine inhibited the potentiating effect of atropine on the basal tone and contractions caused by EFS, which indicates that the contractile effect of atropine is dependent on Ca(++) release from intracellular stores. Caffeine (500 μM) caused relaxation of fluke muscle strips and at the same time significantly enhanced the EFS-induced contractions. Both effects of caffeine can be explained by entry of extracellular Ca(++) into muscle cells. The muscle contractility of F. magna depends both on the entry of extracellular calcium, and calcium release from intracellular stores, which are

  8. Reversal of severe SPECT asymmetry after venous extra-intracranial high flow bypass in a patient submitted to therapeutic internal carotid occlusion: case report Reversão de importante assimetria ao SPECT após bypass venoso de alto fluxo extra-intracraniano em paciente submetido a oclusão terapêutica da carótida interna: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Marcondes


    Full Text Available Therapeutic occlusion of the internal carotid artery is the main option for the treatment of the symptomatic intracavernous internal carotid artery aneurysms, but the issue of the best way of doing the balloon test occlusion (BTO regarding prediction of future ischemic events remains debatable. Single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT has been offered as one of the best option of monitoring regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF during the BTO, where severe asymmetry is predictive of delayed ischemia. We describe a case of important SPECT asymmetry during BTO clinically negative and its complete reversal with carotid occlusion after extra-intracranial bypass with high flow safenous vein bypass between the cervical carotid artery and the middle cerebral artery.Oclusão terapêutica carotídea ainda é a principal escolha para o tratamento dos aneurismas sintomáticos da artéria carótida interna ao nível do seio cavernoso.Existem controvérsias em relação à obtenção de testes com maior valor preditivo em relação à complicações isquêmicas futuras durante a realização do teste de oclusão carotídeo por balão. A tomografia computorizada de emissão de fóton único (SPECT tem sido defendida como uma opção para a melhor avaliação do fluxo sanguíneo regional cerebral, onde evidente assimetria é indicativa de isquemia tardia. Descrevemos um caso de importante assimetria ao SPECT durante o teste clinicamente negativo e sua reversão completa após anastomose extra-intracraniana com interposição de veia safena magna (alto fluxo entre a artéria carótida cervical e a artéria cerebral média.

  9. Effects of various metals on survival, growth, reproduction, and metabolism of Daphnia magna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Biesinger, K E; Christensen, G M


    The toxicities of various metals to Daphnia magna were evaluated on the basis of a 48-hr 50% lethal concentration (lc50) 3-week 16% reproductive impairment concentrations (In micrograms per liter) for the metal ions tested were: Na(I), 680,000; Ca(II), 116,000; Mg(II), 82,000; K(I), 53,000; Sr(II), 42,000; Ba(II), 5,800; Fe(III), 4,380; Mn(II), 4,100; As(V), 520; Sn(II), 350; Cr(III), 330; Al(III), 320; Zn(II), 70; Au(III), 60; Ni(II), 30; Pb(II), 30; Cu(II), 22; Pt(IV), 14; Co(II), 10; Hg(II), 3.4; and Cd(II), 0.17. At mental concentrations permitting survival but impairing reproduction, daphnids weighed less than control animals. Amounts of total protein and glutamic oxalacetic transaminase activity varied with the different metals. The negative logarithm of the solubility product constant 8 pksp of the metal sulfides, electronegativity, and the logarithm of the equilibrium constant (log keg) of the metal-ATP complex were positively correlated with toxicity to D. magna. Other physicochemical properties were considered, but no additional correlations were found.

  10. Study on the Effect of Heavy metals toxicity according to changing Hardness concentration using D.magna (United States)

    Chun Sang, H.


    n order to determine and prevent the number of ecological effects of heavy metals in the materials, we have to accurately measure the heavy metals present in the water-based protection ecosystems and may determine the effects to humans. Heavy metals occurred in the industrial effluent which is a state in which the monitor, based on the emission standards are made by the Ministry of Environment and managed and waste water contained Copper, Zinc, lead, etc. These heavy metals are able to express the toxic effects only when present in the free-ions in the aqueous condition, which appears differently affected by the degree to hardness change in accordance with the season, precipitation. Generally changing hardness concentration can not precisely evaluate toxic effects of heavy metals in the water system. Anderson announced a study on bioassay for heavy metals from industrial waste water using Daphnia magna(Anderson, 1944, 1948). Breukelman published study the resitivity difference for the mercury Chloride(HgCl2). Braudouin(1974) compared the zooplankton(Daphnia sp.) acute toxicity of the different heavy metals and confirmed the sensitivity. Shcherban(1979) presented for toxicity evaluation results for the heavy metal of the Daphnia magna according to different temperature conditions. In the United States Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) established a standard test method for water fleas, managed and supervised water ecosystems, and announced the adoption of a bioassay standard method. This study was performed to evaluate acute inhibition using the Daphnia magna for the biological effect of heavy metal ions in water-based toxicity in the hardness change. Evaluation methods were conducted in EPA Water Quality process test criteria. TU(Toxic Unit), NOEC (No Observable Effect Concentration), LOEC (Lowest Observable Effect Concentration), EC50 (Median Effective Concentration) was calculated by Toxcalc 5.0 Program. Keywords : D. magna, Hardness, Toxic Unit, Heavy metal

  11. Population structure and dispersal routes of an invasive parasite, Fascioloides magna, in North America and Europe

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Juhasova, L.; Kraľová-Hromadová, I.; Bazsalovicsová, E.; Minárik, G.; Štefka, Jan; Mikulíček, P.; Pálková, L.; Pybus, M.


    Roč. 9, OCT 13 (2016), č. článku 547. ISSN 1756-3305 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : microsatellites * parasite * giant liver fluke * Fascioloides magna * genetic interrelationships * migratory routes Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 3.080, year: 2016

  12. Exposure of Daphnia magna to trichloroethylene (TCE) and vinyl chloride (VC): evaluation of gene transcription, cellular activity, and life-history parameters. (United States)

    Houde, Magali; Douville, Mélanie; Gagnon, Pierre; Sproull, Jim; Cloutier, François


    Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a ubiquitous contaminant classified as a human carcinogen. Vinyl chloride (VC) is primarily used to manufacture polyvinyl chloride and can also be a degradation product of TCE. Very few data exist on the toxicity of TCE and VC in aquatic organisms particularly at environmentally relevant concentrations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sub-lethal effects (10 day exposure; 0.1; 1; 10 µg/L) of TCE and VC in Daphnia magna at the gene, cellular, and life-history levels. Results indicated impacts of VC on the regulation of genes related to glutathione-S-transferase (GST), juvenile hormone esterase (JHE), and the vitelline outer layer membrane protein (VMO1). On the cellular level, exposure to 0.1, 1, and 10 µg/L of VC significantly increased the activity of JHE in D. magna and TCE increased the activity of chitinase (at 1 and 10 µg/L). Results for life-history parameters indicated a possible tendency of TCE to affect the number of molts at the individual level in D. magna (p=0.051). Measurement of VG-like proteins using the alkali-labile phosphates (ALP) assay did not show differences between TCE treated organisms and controls. However, semi-quantitative measurement using gradient gel electrophoresis (213-218 kDa) indicated significant decrease in VG-like protein levels following exposure to TCE at all three concentrations. Overall, results indicate effects of TCE and VC on genes and proteins related to metabolism, reproduction, and growth in D. magna. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. The effects of food availability on growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna exposed to silver nanoparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mackevica, Aiga; Skjolding, Lars Michael; Gergs, A.

    ) were performed using 30 nm citric acid stabilized AgNP. The aim of the study was, besides providing data for the chronic toxicity of AgNP, to study the influence of the food availability on the reproductive toxicity of AgNP in Daphnia magna. The exposure concentrations applied ranged from 2 to 50 μg...... to controls, whereas concentrations above 10 μgAg/L resulted in inhibition of growth and reproduction as well as an increased mortality. The addition of higher amounts of food showed a beneficial effect on animal survival, growth and reproduction. Similar as in normal food availability treatment, animals......The number of available studies on the acute effects of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) on aquatic organisms has increased dramatically in recent years, but there is still very limited information available on chronic effects. In this study, a series of Daphnia magna 21-days reproduction test (OECD 211...

  14. Multi-generation cadmium acclimation and tolerance in Daphnia magna Straus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muyssen, Brita T.A.; Janssen, Colin R.


    The cladoceran Daphnia magna was acclimated for seven generations to cadmium concentrations ranging from 0 (control) to 250 μg/l Cd (corresponding to a free ion activity of 4.60 nM Cd 2+ ). Acute and chronic cadmium tolerance as well as cadmium accumulation were monitored as a function of acclimation time. After two to three generations of acclimation to concentrations ranging from 0.23 to 1.11 nM Cd 2+ increases in acute tolerance were maximal (factor 7.2) and significant. Acclimation for seven generations to the same acclimation concentrations did result in an increased chronic cadmium tolerance (21 days EC 50 values increased). Organisms acclimated to 1.93 nM Cd 2+ were equally or more sensitive than non-acclimated daphnids in acute and chronic toxicity tests. Cadmium contents in D. magna increased significantly as a function of the acclimation concentration. Maximum body burdens of 236±30 μg Cd/g dry weight were measured in organisms exposed to 4.60 nM Cd 2+ , but detoxification mechanisms were only successful up to 82±20 μg Cd/g dry weight as this concentration did not cause major decreases in survival and reproduction in chronic toxicity tests. As the potential positive effect of acclimation on cadmium tolerance disappeared with successive acclimation generations and increasing acclimation concentrations, it is concluded that multi-generation acclimation studies are important for the evaluation of the long-term effects of environmental toxicants. - Multi-generation acclimation studies are important for evaluating long-term effects of aquatic pollutants

  15. The development of pathogen resistance in Daphnia magna: implications for disease spread in age-structured populations. (United States)

    Garbutt, Jennie S; O'Donoghue, Anna J P; McTaggart, Seanna J; Wilson, Philip J; Little, Tom J


    Immunity in vertebrates is well established to develop with time, but the ontogeny of defence in invertebrates is markedly less studied. Yet, age-specific capacity for defence against pathogens, coupled with age structure in populations, has widespread implications for disease spread. Thus, we sought to determine the susceptibility of hosts of different ages in an experimental invertebrate host-pathogen system. In a series of experiments, we show that the ability of Daphnia magna to resist its natural bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa changes with host age. Clonal differences make it difficult to draw general conclusions, but the majority of observations indicate that resistance increases early in the life of D. magna, consistent with the idea that the defence system develops with time. Immediately following this, at about the time when a daphnid would be most heavily investing in reproduction, resistance tends to decline. Because many ecological factors influence the age structure of Daphnia populations, our results highlight a broad mechanism by which ecological context can affect disease epidemiology. We also show that a previously observed protective effect of restricted maternal food persists throughout the entire juvenile period, and that the protective effect of prior treatment with a small dose of the pathogen ('priming') persists for 7 days, observations that reinforce the idea that immunity in D. magna can change over time. Together, our experiments lead us to conclude that invertebrate defence capabilities have an ontogeny that merits consideration with respect to both their immune systems and the epidemic spread of infection. © 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  16. Acute and chronic toxicity of four frequently used UV filter substances for Desmodesmus subspicatus and Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Sieratowicz, Agnes; Kaiser, Dominic; Behr, Maximilian; Oetken, Matthias; Oehlmann, Jörg


    As a consequence of growing public concern about UV radiation effects on human health chemical and physical UV filters are increasingly used in personal care and other products. The release of these lipophilic and often persistent compounds into surface waters may pose a risk for aquatic organisms. The aim of the study was to determine effects of four frequently used UV filters on primary aquatic producers and consumers, the green alga Desmodesmus subspicatus and the crustacean Daphnia magna. Exposure to benzophenone 3 (BP3), ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate (EHMC), 3-benzylidene camphor (3-BC) and 3-(4'-methylbenzylidene)-camphor (4-MBC) resulted in growth inhibition of D. subspicatus with 72 h IC(10) values of 0.56 mg/L (BP 3), 0.24 mg/L (EHMC), 0.27 mg/L (3-BC) and 0.21 mg/L (4-MBC). EC(50) concentrations in the acute test with D. magna were 1.67, 0.57, 3.61 and 0.80 mg/L for BP3, EHMC, 3-BC and 4-MBC, respectively. Chronic exposure of D. magna resulted in NOECs of 0.04 mg/L (EHMC) and 0.1 mg/L (3-BC and 4-MBC). BP 3 showed no effects on neonate production or the length of adults. Rapid dissipation of these substances from the water phase was observed indicating the need for more frequent test medium renewal in chronic tests or the use of flow-through test systems.

  17. Spectral SAR Ecotoxicology of Ionic Liquids: The Daphnia magna Case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Putz, M.V.; Lacrama, A.M.; Ostafe, V.; Lacrama, A.M.


    Aiming to provide a unified theory of ionic liquids eco toxicity, the recent spectral structure activity relationship (S-SAR) algorithm is employed for testing the two additive models of anionic-cationic interaction containing ionic liquid activity: the causal and the endpoint, |0+> and |1+> models, respectively. As a working system, the Daphnia magna eco toxicity was characterized through the formulated and applied spectral chemical-eco biological interaction principles. Specific anionic-cationic-ionic-liquid rules of interaction along the developed mechanistic hypersurface map of the main eco toxicity paths together with the so-called resonance limitation of the standard statistical correlation analysis were revealed.

  18. The positively phototactic reaction of daphnia magna straus: A contribution to the understanding of diurnal vertical migration

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ringelberg, J.


    The present investigation was aimed at gaining more insight into the physiological mechanism underlying the diurnal vertical migration of planktonic animals. The experiments were carried out on Daphnia magna. Only reactions to decreases in light intensity were studied. Kinetical

  19. Ecotoxicological assessment of Roundup-ready soybean agriculture investigated in a D. magna model


    Cuhra, Marek


    Paper III of this thesis is not available i Munin: III: M. Cuhra, T. Traavik & T. Bøhn. 2014. 'Life cycle fitness differences in Daphnia magna fed Roundup-Ready soybean or conventional soybean or organic soybean', available in Aquaculture Nutrition Transgenic glyphosate tolerant soybeans are constituents of an industrial production system with specific agricultural practices and supplementary agrochemicals as interwoven additional elements. Thus the material produced should not be see...

  20. Multigenerational effects evaluation of the flame retardant tris(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate (TBOEP) using Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Giraudo, Maeva; Dubé, Maxime; Lépine, Mélanie; Gagnon, Pierre; Douville, Mélanie; Houde, Magali


    Tris(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate (TBOEP) is an organophosphate ester used as substitute following the phase-out of brominated flamed retardants. Because of its high production volume and its use in a broad range of applications, this chemical is now frequently detected in the environment and biota. However, limited information is available on the long-term effects of TBOEP in aquatic organisms. In this study, Daphnia magna were exposed over three 21d generations to an environmentally relevant concentration of TBOEP (10μg/L) and effects were evaluated at the gene transcription, protein, and life-history (i.e., survival, reproduction and growth) levels. Chronic exposure to TBEOP did not impact survival or reproduction of D. magna but affected the growth output. The mean number of molts was also found to be lower in daphnids exposed to the chemical compared to control for a given generation, however there were no significant differences over the three generations. Molecular responses indicated significant differences in the transcription of genes related to growth, molting, ecdysteroid and juvenile hormone signaling, proteolysis, oxidative stress, and oxygen transport within generations. Levels of mRNA were also found to be significantly different for genes known to be involved in endocrine-mediated mechanisms such as reproduction and growth between generations F0, F1, and F2, indicating effects of parental exposure on offspring. Transcription results were supported by protein analyses with the significant decreased in catalase (CAT) activity in F1 generation, following the decreased transcription of cat in the parental generation. Taken together, these multi-biological level results suggest long-term potential endocrine disruption effects of TBOEP in D. magna exposed to an environmentally relevant concentration. This study highlights the importance of using chronic and multigenerational biological evaluation to assess risks of emerging chemicals. Crown Copyright

  1. Fatores de risco que afetam as complicações da dissecação da veia safena na revascularização cirúrgica do miocárdio The risk factors affecting the complications of saphenous vein graft harvesting in aortocoronary bypass surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monir Abbaszadeh


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O problema da cicatrização de feridas é comumente observado após procedimentos de revascularização do miocárdio. Nosso objetivo é determinar a prevalência e os indicadores de complicação na dissecação da veia safena após procedimentos de revascularização coronária. MÉTODOS: Após revisão e aprovação pelo comitê de ética da instituição, uma revisão retrospectiva de 4029 procedimentos de revascularização foi realizada com enxerto da veia safena durante um período de seis anos. Treze fatores de risco para aqueles que desenvolveram complicações extensas nas feridas da perna foram analisados e comparados com toda a coorte de pacientes submetidos a procedimentos de revascularização semelhantes durante o mesmo período. RESULTADOS: Complicações nas feridas do membro inferior ocorreram em 68 pacientes (1,7%, 43 deles precisaram de intervenção cirúrgica adicional. Foram realizados 17 desbridamentos de feridas, nove transplantes de pele, uma angioplastia, 11 fasciotomias, três procedimentos vasculares e duas transferências livre de tecidos. Das treze variáveis analisadas pela análise multivariada, sexo feminino, IMC, uso de enxerto de veia torácica interna, doença vascular periférica, o uso de balão intra-aórtico no pós-operatório e hiperlipidemia pré-existente foram identificados como indicadores independentes significativos de complicações extensas nas feridas a perna (pOBJECTIVE: Problem of wound healing is commonly observed after coronary artery bypass graft procedures. Our aim is to determine the prevalence and the predictors of saphenous vein harvesting complication after coronary revascularization procedures. METHODS: After institutional ethical committee review and approval, a retrospective review was undertaken of 4029 bypass procedures with saphenous vein graft performed over a period of six years is conducted. Thirteen risk factors for those who developed major leg wound

  2. Ecotoxicological assessment of grey water treatment systems with Daphnia magna and Chironomus riparius. (United States)

    Hernández Leal, L; Soeter, A M; Kools, S A E; Kraak, M H S; Parsons, J R; Temmink, H; Zeeman, G; Buisman, C J N


    In order to meet environmental quality criteria, grey water was treated in four different ways: 1) aerobic 2) anaerobic+aerobic 3) aerobic+activated carbon 4) aerobic+ozone. Since each treatment has its own specific advantages and disadvantages, the aim of this study was to compare the ecotoxicity of differently treated grey water using Chironomus riparius (96 h test) and Daphnia magna (48 h and 21d test) as test organisms. Grey water exhibited acute toxicity to both test organisms. The aerobic and combined anaerobic+aerobic treatment eliminated mortality in the acute tests, but growth of C. riparius was still affected by these two effluents. Post-treatment by ozone and activated carbon completely removed the acute toxicity from grey water. In the chronic toxicity test the combined anaerobic+aerobic treatment strongly affected D. magna population growth rate (47%), while the aerobic treatment had a small (9%) but significant effect. Hence, aerobic treatment is the best option for biological treatment of grey water, removing most of the toxic effects of grey water. If advanced treatment is required, the treatment with either ozone or GAC were shown to be very effective in complete removal of toxicity from grey water. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Parasitism drives host genome evolution: Insights from the Pasteuria ramosa-Daphnia magna system. (United States)

    Bourgeois, Yann; Roulin, Anne C; Müller, Kristina; Ebert, Dieter


    Because parasitism is thought to play a major role in shaping host genomes, it has been predicted that genomic regions associated with resistance to parasites should stand out in genome scans, revealing signals of selection above the genomic background. To test whether parasitism is indeed such a major factor in host evolution and to better understand host-parasite interaction at the molecular level, we studied genome-wide polymorphisms in 97 genotypes of the planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna originating from three localities across Europe. Daphnia magna is known to coevolve with the bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa for which host genotypes (clonal lines) are either resistant or susceptible. Using association mapping, we identified two genomic regions involved in resistance to P. ramosa, one of which was already known from a previous QTL analysis. We then performed a naïve genome scan to test for signatures of positive selection and found that the two regions identified with the association mapping further stood out as outliers. Several other regions with evidence for selection were also found, but no link between these regions and phenotypic variation could be established. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that parasitism is driving host genome evolution. © 2017 The Author(s). Evolution © 2017 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  4. Is acetylcholinesterase a biomarker of susceptibility in Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) after deltamethrin exposure? (United States)

    Toumi, Héla; Boumaiza, Moncef; Millet, Maurice; Radetski, Claudemir Marcos; Felten, Vincent; Férard, Jean François


    In the present study, we explored the possibility of using the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as a biomarker after deltamethrin (pyrethroid insecticide) exposure with three strains of the cladoceran Daphnia magna. Four calculated time-weighted deltamethrin concentrations (20.1, 40.3, 80.6 and 161.3 ng L(-1)) were compared against control acetylcholinesterase activity. Our results showed that after 48 h of deltamethrin exposure, all treatments induced a significant decrease of AChE activities whatever the three considered strains. However, diverse responses were registered in terms of lowest observed effect concentrations (LOEC: 80.6 ng L(-1) for strain 1 and 20.1 ng L(-1) for strains 2 and 3) revealing differences in sensitivity among the three tested strains of D. magna. Our results suggest that after deltamethrin exposure, the AChE activity responses can be also used as a biomarker of susceptibility (i.e., variation of strain specific response). Moreover, our results show that strain 1 is the less sensitive in terms of IC50-48 h of AChE, whereas it became the most sensitive when considering the EC50-48 h estimated in the standard ecotoxicity test. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Fluxômetro hidrodinámico em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio Hidro-dynamic flowmeter in myocardial revascularization surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fábio Biscegli Jatene


    Full Text Available A avaliação do fluxo pelas pontes de veia safena na cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio fornece uma informação segura do aporte sangüíneo ao miocárdio, bem como da perspectiva de perviabilidade destas anastomoses a longo prazo. Contudo, em nosso meio, a disponibilidade de fluxômetros eletrônicos, habitualmente utilizados, é, por vezes, difícil, sobretudo em função de seu custo e manutenção. O sistema desenvolvido consta de um conector para a linha arterial, com saída lateral, ligado a um tubo de Y. Uma das extremidades é conectada a um manómetro e a outra, à veia safena, ao término da anastomose distal. Como a saída lateral tem diâmetro conhecido, a queda da pressão, quando se liga o sistema para aveia safena, é proporcional ao fluxo. Uma tabela obtida por calibração prévia, permite conhecer, instantaneamente, o fluxo para a artéria tratada. Outra vantagem do sistema é a irrigação seletiva para a área tratada antes da realização da anastomose proximal, situação favorável quando existem áreas severamente isquémicas. Este sistema, em uso corrente em nosso Serviço, vem provando a sua eficiência, aliada à sua praticidade e ao custo irrelevante.Evaluation of blood flow in saphenous vein grafts during coronary surgery gives valuable information about myocardial perfusion and long-term by- pass patency as well. However, electronic flowmeter availability is a limiting factor because of costs and maintenance. A system was developed consisting of a connection to the arterial line, with a Y tube; one branch of the Y tube is connected to a manometer and the other one to the vein graft. Since the connection to the arterial line has a know diameter, pressure drop in the system is proportional to the flow in the graft. With previous calibration, a chart was constructed that allows instantaneous evaluation of the flow. Another advantage of the system is the selective perfusion of the area to be treated before

  6. Sucralose induces biochemical responses in Daphnia magna.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ann-Kristin Eriksson Wiklund

    Full Text Available The intense artificial sweetener sucralose has no bioconcentration properties, and no adverse acute toxic effects have been observed in standard ecotoxicity tests, suggesting negligible environmental risk. However, significant feeding and behavioural alterations have been reported in non-standard tests using aquatic crustaceans, indicating possible sublethal effects. We hypothesized that these effects are related to alterations in acetylcholinesterase (AChE and oxidative status in the exposed animals and investigated changes in AChE and oxidative biomarkers (oxygen radical absorbing capacity, ORAC, and lipid peroxidation, TBARS in the crustacean Daphnia magna exposed to sucralose (0.0001-5 mg L(-1. The sucralose concentration was a significant positive predictor for ORAC, TBARS and AChE in the daphnids. Moreover, the AChE response was linked to both oxidative biomarkers, with positive and negative relationships for TBARS and ORAC, respectively. These joint responses support our hypothesis and suggest that exposure to sucralose may induce neurological and oxidative mechanisms with potentially important consequences for animal behaviour and physiology.

  7. Evaluation of Baffle Fixes Film up Flow Sludge Blanket Filtration (BFUSBF) System in Treatment of Wastewaters from Phenol and 2,4-Dinitrophenol Using Daphnia Magna Bioassay


    Mohammad Javad Ghannadzadeh; Ahmad Jonidi Jafari; Abbas Rezaee; Fatemeh Eftekharian; Ali Koolivand


    Background: Phenol and nitrophenol are common compounds found in different types of industrial wastewater known as serious threats to human health and natural environment. In this study, Daphnia magna was used to evaluate the effectiveness of "baffle fixes film up flow sludge blanket filtration" (BFUSBF) system in elimination of phenolic compounds from water. Methods: D. magna cultures were used as toxicity index of phenol and 2,4-DNP mixtures after treatment by a pilot BFUSBF system which...

  8. Trans-generational effects induced by alpha and gamma ionizing radiations at Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parisot, Florian


    Anthropogenic activities related to the nuclear industry contribute to continuous discharges of radionuclides into terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Over the past decades, the ecological risk of ionizing radiation has become a growing public, regulatory and scientific concern for ecosystems protection. Until recently, only few studies focus on exposure situations at low doses of irradiation, although these situations are representative of realistic environmental conditions. Understanding how ionizing radiation affects species over several generations and at various levels of biological organization is a major research goal in radioecology. The aim of this PhD was to bring new knowledge on the effects of ionizing radiation during a multi-generational expose of the aquatic invertebrate, Daphnia magna. A two-step strategy was implemented. First, an external gamma radiation at environmentally relevant dose rates was performed on D. magna over three successive generations (F0, F1 and F2). The objective of this experiment was to examine whether low dose rates of radiation induced increasing effects on survival, growth and reproduction of daphnids over generations and to test a possible accumulation and transmission of DNA alterations from adults to offspring. Results showed an accumulation and a transmission of DNA alterations over generations, together with an increase in effect severity on growth and reproduction from generation F0 to generation F2. Transiently more efficient DNA repair leading to some recovery at the organism level was suggested in generation F1. Second, data from the external gamma irradiation and those from an earlier study of internal alpha contamination were analyzed with DEBtox models (Dynamic Energy Budget applied to toxicology), to identify and compare the causes of the trans-generational increase in effect severity between the two types of radiation. In each case, two distinct metabolic modes of action were necessary to explain effects on

  9. Long-term evaluation of lethal and sublethal toxicity of industrial effluents using Daphnia magna and Moina macrocopa. (United States)

    Yi, Xianliang; Kang, Sung-Wook; Jung, Jinho


    Acute toxicity and feeding rate inhibition of effluent from a wastewater treatment plant and its adjacent stream water on Daphnia magna and Moina macrocopa were comparatively studied. The acute toxicity of the final effluent (FE) fluctuated greatly over the sampling period from January to August 2009. Toxicity identification results of the FE in July 2009 showed that Cu originating from the Fenton's reagent was likely a key toxicant. In addition, the feeding rate of both species was still inhibited by the FEs in which acute toxicity was not observed. These findings indicate that the feeding response would be a useful tool for monitoring sublethal effects of industrial effluents. For the acute toxicity test, M. macrocopa was more sensitive than D. magna, but the opposite result was true in the case of the feeding rate inhibition. These suggest that different species have different sensitivities to toxic chemicals and to the test methods. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Comparative ecotoxicity of potential biofuels to water flea (Daphnia magna), zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) V79 cells. (United States)

    Heger, Sebastian; Du, Miaomiao; Bauer, Kevin; Schäffer, Andreas; Hollert, Henner


    The ecotoxicity of two biofuel candidates (1‑octanol and 2‑butanone) was investigated by an integrative test strategy using three bioassays: the acute immobilisation test with water flea (D. magna), the fish embryo acute toxicity test with zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the in vitro micronucleus assay with Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) V79 cells. The median effective concentration (EC 50 ) values were 14.9±0.66mgL -1 for 1‑octanol, and 2152.1±44.6mgL -1 for 2‑butanone in the D. magna test. Both 1‑octanol and 2‑butanone caused teratogenic and lethal effects on zebrafish embryos, while exposure to 1‑octanol significantly induced these effects at concentrations ≥2.0mgL -1 . These results indicate that 1‑octanol exert much higher ecotoxicity than 2‑butanone to D. magna and zebrafish embryos. Moreover, both 1‑octanol and 2‑butanone did not cause significant genotoxic effects, while their metabolites significantly induced micronuclei in V79 cells. The present study proposed an integrative test approach to evaluate the potential ecotoxicity of biofuels using simple, quick and inexpensive bioassays. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate induce high toxicity to Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Daphnia magna and Danio rerio

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro, Fabianne; Gallego-Urrea, Julián Alberto; Jurkschat, Kerstin; Crossley, Alison; Hassellöv, Martin; Taylor, Cameron; Soares, Amadeu M.V.M.; Loureiro, Susana


    Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) have gained attention over the years due to the antimicrobial function of silver, which has been exploited industrially to produce consumer goods that vary in type and application. Undoubtedly the increase of production and consumption of these silver-containing products will lead to the entry of silver compounds into the environment. In this study we have used Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Daphnia magna and Danio rerio as model organisms to investigate the toxicity of AgNP and AgNO 3 by assessing different biological endpoints and exposure periods. Organisms were exposed following specific and standardized protocols for each species/endpoints, with modifications when necessary. AgNP were characterized in each test-media by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and experiments were performed by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) to investigate the aggregation and agglomeration behavior of AgNP under different media chemical composition and test-period. TEM images of AgNP in the different test-media showed dissimilar patterns of agglomeration, with some agglomerates inside an organic layer, some loosely associated particles and also the presence of some individual particles. The toxicity of both AgNO 3 and AgNP differ significantly based on the test species: we found no differences in toxicity for algae, a small difference for zebrafish and a major difference in toxicity for Daphnia magna. - Highlights: •Effects of silver nanoparticles and nitrate were compared in three aquatic species. •The presence of food on the immobilization assay for Daphnia magna significantly decreased AgNP toxicity. •AgNP and AgNO 3 differ in toxicity according to the test species and endpoint. •AgNP and AgNO 3 induced dissimilar abnormalities on zebrafish embryos' development. •AgNP behavior in the test media will rule its bioavailability and uptake and therefore toxicity

  12. Silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate induce high toxicity to Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Daphnia magna and Danio rerio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro, Fabianne, E-mail: [Department of Biology and CESAM, University of Aveiro. Campus Universitario de Santiago, 3810-193. Aveiro (Portugal); Gallego-Urrea, Julián Alberto [Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biologyx, University of Gothenburg, Kemivägen 4, 41296 Gothenburg (Sweden); Jurkschat, Kerstin; Crossley, Alison [Department of Materials, Oxford University Begbroke Science Park OX5 1PF (United Kingdom); Hassellöv, Martin [Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biologyx, University of Gothenburg, Kemivägen 4, 41296 Gothenburg (Sweden); Taylor, Cameron [Department of Materials, Oxford University Begbroke Science Park OX5 1PF (United Kingdom); Soares, Amadeu M.V.M.; Loureiro, Susana [Department of Biology and CESAM, University of Aveiro. Campus Universitario de Santiago, 3810-193. Aveiro (Portugal)


    Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) have gained attention over the years due to the antimicrobial function of silver, which has been exploited industrially to produce consumer goods that vary in type and application. Undoubtedly the increase of production and consumption of these silver-containing products will lead to the entry of silver compounds into the environment. In this study we have used Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Daphnia magna and Danio rerio as model organisms to investigate the toxicity of AgNP and AgNO{sub 3} by assessing different biological endpoints and exposure periods. Organisms were exposed following specific and standardized protocols for each species/endpoints, with modifications when necessary. AgNP were characterized in each test-media by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and experiments were performed by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) to investigate the aggregation and agglomeration behavior of AgNP under different media chemical composition and test-period. TEM images of AgNP in the different test-media showed dissimilar patterns of agglomeration, with some agglomerates inside an organic layer, some loosely associated particles and also the presence of some individual particles. The toxicity of both AgNO{sub 3} and AgNP differ significantly based on the test species: we found no differences in toxicity for algae, a small difference for zebrafish and a major difference in toxicity for Daphnia magna. - Highlights: •Effects of silver nanoparticles and nitrate were compared in three aquatic species. •The presence of food on the immobilization assay for Daphnia magna significantly decreased AgNP toxicity. •AgNP and AgNO{sub 3} differ in toxicity according to the test species and endpoint. •AgNP and AgNO{sub 3} induced dissimilar abnormalities on zebrafish embryos' development. •AgNP behavior in the test media will rule its bioavailability and uptake and therefore toxicity.

  13. Research of acute influence of new fertlizer «Rost-concentrate» on the hydrobionts Сyprinus carpio L. and Daphnia magna Straus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. Tson


    Full Text Available Purpose. To establish and assess acute toxicity parameters of "ROST-concentrate (10+7+7" acute toxicity for planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna Straus and carp fingerlings Cyprinus carpio L. Methodology."ROST-concentrate (10+7+7" contains macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, which are valuable for the pond ecosystem, and trace elements in environmentally safe chelate form. We determined the vital (LC0, absolutely lethal (LC100 and median (LC50 drug concentrations on the test organisms such as crustacean D. magna (Cladocera and carp fingerlings C. carpio. The determination of acute lethal toxicity on D. magna was conducted according to DSTU 4173: 2003 that corresponded to the international standard ISO 6341: 2012, MOD [7]. The temperature of the experiment was 20±0.5 oC. The exposure time - 96 hours. Daphnia were not fed. Following "ROST-concentrate (10+7+7" concentrations were tested: 100; 75; 50; 25; 10; 1; 0.5; 0.1; 0.05; 0.01; 0,005; 0,001 ml/dm3. We also determined the acute lethal toxicity on carp fingerings with an average weight of 6.78±0.63 grams following the standardized procedure [8]. Pond water was used in the experiment. Ten fish were placed into a 40 L aquarium. Following concentrations of "ROST-concentrate (10+7+7" were investigated: 0,5; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 15; 20; 30; 40 mg/L. The exposure time was 24 hours. Water temperature was 19±1oC. LC50 drug median concentration was calculated according to G. Kerber method. Findings. The parameters of integral acute toxicity of "ROST-concentrate (10+7+7" on typical organisms of fish pond ecosystems.With 96 h exposure on juvenile cladoceran D. magna, lethal concentration was LC100 = 5,00 ml/dm3, median concentration was LC50 = 0,15 ml/dm3, vital concentration was LC0 = 0,01 ml/dm3. According to the classification of toxic substances, the "ROST-concentrate (10+7+7" is characterized by low toxicity on juvenile cladoceran D. magna. With 24 h exposure on carp

  14. The Effect of Fermentation Time with Probiotic Bacteria on Organic Fertilizer as Daphnia magna Cultured Medium towards Nutrient Quality, Biomass Production and Growth Performance Enhancement (United States)

    Endar Herawati, Vivi; Agung Nugroho, Ristiawan; Pinandoyo; Darmanto, YS; Hutabarat, Johannes


    The nutrient quality and growth performance of D. magna are highly depend on the organic fertilizer which is used in its culture medium. The objective of this study was to identify the best fermentation time by using probiotic bacteria on organic fertilizer as mass culture medium to improve its nutrient quality, biomass production, and growth performance. This study was conducted using completely randomized experimental design with five treatments and three repetitions. Organic fertilizers used cultured medium with chicken manure, rejected bread and tofu waste fermented by probiotic bacteria then cultured for 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The results showed that medium which used 25% chicken manure, 25% tofu waste and 50% rejected bread cultured for 28 days created the highest biomass production, population density and nutrient content of D. magna those are 233,980 ind/L for population density; 134.60 grams for biomass production, 0.574% specific growth rate; 68.06% protein content and 6.91% fat. The highest fatty acid profile is 4.83% linoleic and 3.54% linolenic acid. The highest essential amino acid is 53.94 ppm lysine. In general, the content of ammonia, DO, temperature, and pH during the study were in the good range of D. magna life. The conclusion of this research is medium which used 25% chicken manure, 25% tofu waste and 50% rejected bread cultured for 28 days created the highest biomass production, population and nutrient content of D. magna.

  15. Symbiotic bacteria contribute to increasing the population size of a freshwater crustacean, Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Peerakietkhajorn, Saranya; Tsukada, Koji; Kato, Yasuhiko; Matsuura, Tomoaki; Watanabe, Hajime


    The filter-feeding crustacean Daphnia is a key organism in freshwater ecosystems. Here, we report the effect of symbiotic bacteria on ecologically important life history traits, such as population dynamics and longevity, in Daphnia magna. By disinfection of the daphniid embryos with glutaraldehyde, aposymbiotic daphniids were prepared and cultured under bacteria-free conditions. Removal of bacteria from the daphniids was monitored by quantitative polymerase chain reaction for bacterial 16S rRNA gene. The population of aposymbiotic daphniids was reduced 10-folds compared with that of the control daphniids. Importantly, re-infection with symbiotic bacteria caused daphniids to regain bacteria and increase their fecundity to the level of the control daphniids, suggesting that symbiotic bacteria regulate Daphnia fecundity. To identify the species of symbiotic bacteria, 16S rRNA genes of bacteria in daphniids were sequenced. This revealed that 50% of sequences belonged to the Limnohabitans sp. of the Betaproteobacteria class and that the diversity of bacterial taxa was relatively low. These results suggested that symbiotic bacteria have a beneficial effect on D. magna, and that aposymbiotic Daphnia are useful tools in understanding the role of symbiotic bacteria in the environmental responses and evolution of their hosts. © 2014 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Trophic transfer of differently functionalized zinc oxide nanoparticles from crustaceans (Daphnia magna) to zebrafish (Danio rerio)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skjolding, Lars Michael; Winther-Nielsen, M.; Baun, Anders


    ) higher than toxic levels reported for zinc in D. magna. Consequently, the zinc recovered in the animals was not solely due to soluble zinc, but agglomerates/aggregates of ZnO NP or ZnO-octyl NP contributed to the body burdens. The trophic transfer study showed uptake of both ZnO NP and ZnO-octyl NP...

  17. The Fluid Dynamical Performance of the Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease Prosthesis

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    Philipp Marx


    Full Text Available The aim of the present in vitro study was the evaluation of the fluid dynamical performance of the Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease depending on the prosthetic size (21, 23, and 25 mm and the cardiac output (3.6–6.4 L/min. A self-constructed flow channel in combination with particle image velocimetry (PIV enabled precise results with high reproducibility, focus on maximal and local peek velocities, strain, and velocity gradients. These flow parameters allow insights into the generation of forces that act on blood cells and the aortic wall. The results showed that the 21 and 23 mm valves have a quite similar performance. Maximal velocities were 3.03±0.1 and 2.87±0.13 m/s; maximal strain Exx, 913.81±173.25 and 896.15±88.16 1/s; maximal velocity gradient Eyx, 1203.14±221.84 1/s and 1200.81±61.83 1/s. The 25 mm size revealed significantly lower values: maximal velocity, 2.47±0.15 m/s; maximal strain Exx, 592.98±155.80 1/s; maximal velocity gradient Eyx, 823.71±38.64 1/s. In summary, the 25 mm Magna Ease was able to create a wider, more homogenous flow with lower peak velocities especially for higher flow rates. Despite the wider flow, the velocity values close to the aortic walls did not exceed the level of the smaller valves.

  18. Gene transcription in Daphnia magna: effects of acute exposure to a carbamate insecticide and an acetanilide herbicide. (United States)

    Pereira, Joana Luísa; Hill, Christopher J; Sibly, Richard M; Bolshakov, Viacheslav N; Gonçalves, Fernando; Heckmann, Lars-Henrik; Callaghan, Amanda


    Daphnia magna is a key invertebrate in the freshwater environment and is used widely as a model in ecotoxicological measurements and risk assessment. Understanding the genomic responses of D. magna to chemical challenges will be of value to regulatory authorities worldwide. Here we exposed D. magna to the insecticide methomyl and the herbicide propanil to compare phenotypic effects with changes in mRNA expression levels. Both pesticides are found in drainage ditches and surface water bodies standing adjacent to crops. Methomyl, a carbamate insecticide widely used in agriculture, inhibits acetylcholinesterase, a key enzyme in nerve transmission. Propanil, an acetanilide herbicide, is used to control grass and broad-leaf weeds. The phenotypic effects of single doses of each chemical were evaluated using a standard immobilisation assay. Immobilisation was linked to global mRNA expression levels using the previously estimated 48h-EC(1)s, followed by hybridization to a cDNA microarray with more than 13,000 redundant cDNA clones representing >5000 unique genes. Following exposure to methomyl and propanil, differential expression was found for 624 and 551 cDNAs, respectively (one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction, P

  19. Sequence Conservation and Sexually Dimorphic Expression of the Ftz-F1 Gene in the Crustacean Daphnia magna.

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    Nur Syafiqah Mohamad Ishak

    Full Text Available Identifying the genes required for environmental sex determination is important for understanding the evolution of diverse sex determination mechanisms in animals. Orthologs of Drosophila orphan receptor Fushi tarazu factor-1 (Ftz-F1 are known to function in genetic sex determination. In contrast, their roles in environmental sex determination remain unknown. In this study, we have cloned and characterized the Ftz-F1 ortholog in the branchiopod crustacean Daphnia magna, which produces males in response to environmental stimuli. Similar to that observed in Drosophila, D. magna Ftz-F1 (DapmaFtz-F1 produces two splicing variants, αFtz-F1 and βFtz-F1, which encode 699 and 777 amino acids, respectively. Both isoforms share a DNA-binding domain, a ligand-binding domain, and an AF-2 activation domain and differ only at the A/B domain. The phylogenetic position and genomic structure of DapmaFtz-F1 suggested that this gene has diverged from an ancestral gene common to branchiopod crustacean and insect Ftz-F1 genes. qRT-PCR showed that at the one cell and gastrulation stages, both DapmaFtz-F1 isoforms are two-fold more abundant in males than in females. In addition, in later stages, their sexual dimorphic expressions were maintained in spite of reduced expression. Time-lapse imaging of DapmaFtz-F1 RNAi embryos was performed in H2B-GFP expressing transgenic Daphnia, demonstrating that development of the RNAi embryos slowed down after the gastrulation stage and stopped at 30-48 h after ovulation. DapmaFtz-F1 shows high homology to insect Ftz-F1 orthologs based on its amino acid sequence and exon-intron organization. The sexually dimorphic expression of DapmaFtz-F1 suggests that it plays a role in environmental sex determination of D. magna.

  20. To flee or not to flee: detection, avoidance and attraction of profitable resources by Daphnia magna studied with olfactometer

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    Johann P. Müller


    Full Text Available The cladoceran herbivore Daphnia magna is a major consumer of phytoplankton in lakes. Therefore, this organism may control the phytoplankton community and the proliferation of some algae or cyanobacteria. Cladoceran behaviour and migration in relation to temperature, light or presence of planktivorous fishes have been well studied. In particular, it is known that the detection of kairomones produced by predators may induce avoidance. Avoidance could also occur with other semiochemicals such as cyanotoxins. In order to explore this hypothesis, we used an olfactometer to observe and measure the exploratory behaviour of D. magna individuals based on the motivation for food. Daphnids were allowed to choose between different compounds: water, a pure cyanotoxin, i.e. the microcystin-RR [(MC-RR], extracts of one MC-producing strain (PMC 75.02 and one MC-free strain (PMC 87.02 of Planktothrix agardhii, or a green algae Scenedesmus obliquus. With this experimental design, we observed that i cladocerans are able to detect resources with different qualities, ii they can explore before exhibiting preferences, and iii daphnids are able to avoid compounds that are potentially toxic (e.g., microcystins. First, daphnids explored the environment, subsequently (after about 1.5 h, they showed a significant tendency to stay where there is a profitable resource such as S. obliquus. These results also suggest that specimens of D. magna cannot detect MC compounds from P. agardhii, but they respond to it as a food resource. The study of zooplankton ability to explore the environment when exposed to semiochemicals needs further investigation. 

  1. Selected endocrine disrupting compounds (vinclozolin, flutamide, ketoconazole and dicofol): effects on survival, occurrence of males, growth, molting and reproduction of Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Haeba, Maher H; Hilscherová, Klára; Mazurová, Edita; Bláha, Ludek


    Pollution-induced endocrine disruption in vertebrates and invertebrates is a worldwide environmental problem, but relatively little is known about effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in planktonic crustaceans (including Daphnia magna). Aims of the present study were to investigate acute 48 h toxicity and sub-chronic (4-6 days) and chronic (21 days) effects of selected EDCs in D. magna. We have investigated both traditional endpoints as well as other parameters such as sex determination, maturation, molting or embryogenesis in order to evaluate the sensitivity and possible use of these endpoints in ecological risk assessment. We have studied effects of four model EDCs (vinclozolin, flutamide, ketoconazole and dicofol) on D. magna using (i) an acute 48 h immobilization assay, (ii) a sub-chronic, 4-6 day assay evaluating development and the sex ratio of neonates, and (iii) a chronic, 21 day assay studying number of neonates, sex of neonates, molting frequency, day of maturation and the growth of maternal organisms. Acute EC50 values in the 48 h immobilization test were as follows (mg/L): dicofol 0.2, ketoconazole 1.5, flutamide 2.7, vinclozolin >3. Short-term, 4-6 day assays with sublethal concentrations showed that the sex ratio in Daphnia was modulated by vinclozolin (decreased number of neonate males at 1 mg/L) and dicofol (increase in males at 0.1 mg/L). Flutamide (up to 1 mg/L) had no effect on the sex of neonates, but inhibited embryonic development at certain stages during chronic assay, resulting in abortions. Ketoconazole had no significant effects on the studied processes up to 1 mg/L. Sex ratio modulations by some chemicals (vinclozolin and dicofol) corresponded to the known action of these compounds in vertebrates (i.e. anti-androgenicity and anti-oestrogenicity, respectively). Our study revealed that some chemicals known to affect steroid-regulated processes in vertebrates can also affect sublethal endpoints (e.g. embryonic sex determination

  2. Genomic integration and germline transmission of plasmid injected into crustacean Daphnia magna eggs.

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    Yasuhiko Kato

    Full Text Available The water flea, Daphnia, has been the subject of study in ecology, evolution, and environmental sciences for decades. Over the last few years, expressed sequence tags and a genome sequence have been determined. In addition, functional approaches of overexpression and gene silencing based on microinjection of RNAs into eggs have been established. However, the transient nature of these approaches prevents us from analyzing gene functions in later stages of development. To overcome this limitation, transgenesis would become a key tool. Here we report establishment of a transgenic line using microinjection of plasmid into Daphnia magna eggs. The green fluorescent protein (GFP gene fused with the D. magna histone H2B gene under the control of a promoter/enhancer region of the elongation factor 1α-1 (EF1α-1 gene, EF1α-1::H2B-GFP, was used as a reporter providing high resolution visualization of active chromatin. Transgenic lines were obtained from 0.67% of the total fertile adults that survived the injections. One of the transgenic animals, which exhibited fluorescence in the nuclei of cells during embryogenesis and oogenesis, had two copies of EF1α-1::H2B-GFP in a head-to-tail array. This is the first report of a transgenesis technique in Daphnia and, together with emerging genome sequences, will be useful for advancing knowledge of the molecular biology of Daphnia.

  3. The Principle Of Justice In Magna Carta Libertatum And Its Influence On The Law In General

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    Zendeli Emine


    Full Text Available This article aims to expound the principle of justice, as a fundamental value and as an immanent category of law, as well as one of the fundamental human rights, prescribed and guaranteed by a myriad of international instruments and documents. After a brief historical account, by focusing on Article 40 of the Magna Carta Libertatum, which states that: “To No One Will we Sell, To No One Will we refuse or delay, right or justice”, this article claims to show the importance of incorporation of this principle in the provisions of the Magna Carta and its impact on the development of theory and legislation in the past and present. Moreover, the article intends to explore the extent of influence that the priciple of justice has on the functioning of the law in general. Since justice implicates the permanent and constant will to render each person his due, and this achieved through equality, it results that justice means being equal. In this context, the article will explore the concept of equality as a precondition of justice, as well as the conditions and modalities for its implementation.

  4. Effect of carbaryl (carbamate insecticide) on acetylcholinesterase activity of two strains of Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera). (United States)

    Toumi, Hela; Bejaoui, Mustapha; Touaylia, Samir; Burga Perez, Karen F; Ferard, Jean François


    The present study was designed to investigate the effect of carbaryl (carbamate insecticide) on the acetylcholinesterase activity in two strains (same clone A) of the crustacean cladoceran Daphnia magna. Four carbaryl concentrations (0.4, 0.9, 1.8 and 3.7 µg L(-1)) were compared against control AChE activity. Our results showed that after 48 h of carbaryl exposure, all treatments induced a significant decrease of AChE activities whatever the two considered strains. However, different responses were registered in terms of lowest observed effect concentrations (LOEC: 0.4 µg L(-1) for strain 1 and 0.9 µg L(-1) for strains 2) revealing differences in sensitivity among the two tested strains of D. magna. These results suggest that after carbaryl exposure, the AChE activity responses can be also used as a biomarker of susceptibility. Moreover, our results show that strain1 is less sensitive than strain 2 in terms of IC50-48 h of AChE activity. Comparing the EC50-48 h of standard ecotoxicity test and IC50-48 h of AChE inhibition, there is the same order of sensitivity with both strains.

  5. A Case with Mega Cisterna Magna Renal and Ear Anomalies: Is This a New Syndrome?

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    Çapan Konca


    Full Text Available Background. Extrarenal pathologies may be associated with renal position and fusion anomalies. According to the literature, our patient is the first horseshoe kidney case that had mega cisterna magna, arachnodactyly, and mild mental retardation. Case Report. A 9-year-old boy admitted because of the myoclonic jerks. He had a dysmorphic face, low-set and cup-shaped ears, arachnodactyly, and mild mental retardation. The patient’s laboratory findings were normal except for a mild leucocytosis and hypochromic microcytic anemia. His cerebrospinal fluid was cytologically and biochemically normal. Cranial MRI revealed 1.5 cm diametered mega cisterna magna in the retrocerebellar region. Although there were no significant epileptical discharges in the electroencephalography, there were slow wave discharges arising from the anterior regions of both hemispheres. Because he had stomachache, abdominal ultrasonography was performed, and horseshoe kidney was determined. Abdominal CT did not reveal any abnormalities except the horseshoe kidney. There were not any cardiac pathologies in echocardiography. He had normal 46XY karyotype and there were no repeated chromosomal derangements, but we could not evaluate for molecular and submicroscopic somatic changes. He was treated with valproic acid and myoclonic jerks did not repeat. Conclusion. We suggest that the presence of these novel findings may represent a newly recognized, separate syndrome.

  6. Classification of solid industrial waste based on ecotoxicology tests using Daphnia magna: an alternative


    William Gerson Matias; Vanessa Guimarães Machado; Cátia Regina Silva de Carvalho-Pinto; Débora Monteiro Brentano; Letícia Flohr


    The adequate treatment and final disposal of solid industrial wastes depends on their classification into class I or II. This classification is proposed by NBR 10.004; however, it is complex and time-consuming. With a view to facilitating this classification, the use of assays with Daphnia magna is proposed. These assays make possible the identification of toxic chemicals in the leach, which denotes the presence of one of the characteristics described by NBR 10.004, the toxicity, which is a s...

  7. Daphnia magna shows reduced infection upon secondary exposure to a pathogen. (United States)

    McTaggart, Seanna J; Wilson, Philip J; Little, Tom J


    Previous pathogen exposure is an important predictor of the probability of becoming infected. This is deeply understood for vertebrate hosts, and increasingly so for invertebrate hosts. Here, we test if an initial pathogen exposure changes the infection outcome to a secondary pathogen exposure in the natural host-pathogen system Daphnia magna and Pasteuria ramosa. Hosts were initially exposed to an infective pathogen strain, a non-infective pathogen strain or a control. The same hosts underwent a second exposure, this time to an infective pathogen strain, either immediately after the initial encounter or 48 h later. We observed that an initial encounter with a pathogen always conferred protection against infection compared with controls.

  8. Interactive effects of a bacterial parasite and the insecticide carbaryl to life-history and physiology of two Daphnia magna clones differing in carbaryl sensitivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Coninck, Dieter I.M.; De Schamphelaere, Karel A.C.; Jansen, Mieke; De Meester, Luc; Janssen, Colin R.


    Highlights: ► Interactive effects between a bacterial parasite and an insecticide in Daphnia magna. ► Two D. magna clones differing strongly in their sensitivity to the insecticide. ► Effects studied on various life-history and physiological endpoints. ► Genetic differences in strength and direction of interaction effects. -- Abstract: Natural and chemical stressors occur simultaneously in the aquatic environment. Their combined effects on biota are usually difficult to predict from their individual effects due to interactions between the different stressors. Several recent studies have suggested that synergistic effects of multiple stressors on organisms may be more common at high compared to low overall levels of stress. In this study, we used a three-way full factorial design to investigate whether interactive effects between a natural stressor, the bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa, and a chemical stressor, the insecticide carbaryl, were different between two genetically distinct clones of Daphnia magna that strongly differ in their sensitivity to carbaryl. Interactive effects on various life-history and physiological endpoints were assessed as significant deviations from the reference Independent Action (IA) model, which was implemented by testing the significance of the two-way carbaryl × parasite interaction term in two-way ANOVA's on log-transformed observational data for each clone separately. Interactive effects (and thus significant deviations from IA) were detected in both the carbaryl-sensitive clone (on survival, early reproduction and growth) and in the non-sensitive clone (on growth, electron transport activity and prophenoloxidase activity). No interactions were found for maturation rate, filtration rate, and energy reserve fractions (carbohydrate, protein, lipid). Furthermore, only antagonistic interactions were detected in the non-sensitive clone, while only synergistic interactions were observed in the carbaryl sensitive clone. Our

  9. Interactive effects of a bacterial parasite and the insecticide carbaryl to life-history and physiology of two Daphnia magna clones differing in carbaryl sensitivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Coninck, Dieter I.M., E-mail: [Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, J. Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium); De Schamphelaere, Karel A.C. [Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, J. Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium); Jansen, Mieke; De Meester, Luc [Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, University of Leuven, Ch. Deberiotstraat 32, B-3000 Leuven (Belgium); Janssen, Colin R. [Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, J. Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)


    Highlights: ► Interactive effects between a bacterial parasite and an insecticide in Daphnia magna. ► Two D. magna clones differing strongly in their sensitivity to the insecticide. ► Effects studied on various life-history and physiological endpoints. ► Genetic differences in strength and direction of interaction effects. -- Abstract: Natural and chemical stressors occur simultaneously in the aquatic environment. Their combined effects on biota are usually difficult to predict from their individual effects due to interactions between the different stressors. Several recent studies have suggested that synergistic effects of multiple stressors on organisms may be more common at high compared to low overall levels of stress. In this study, we used a three-way full factorial design to investigate whether interactive effects between a natural stressor, the bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa, and a chemical stressor, the insecticide carbaryl, were different between two genetically distinct clones of Daphnia magna that strongly differ in their sensitivity to carbaryl. Interactive effects on various life-history and physiological endpoints were assessed as significant deviations from the reference Independent Action (IA) model, which was implemented by testing the significance of the two-way carbaryl × parasite interaction term in two-way ANOVA's on log-transformed observational data for each clone separately. Interactive effects (and thus significant deviations from IA) were detected in both the carbaryl-sensitive clone (on survival, early reproduction and growth) and in the non-sensitive clone (on growth, electron transport activity and prophenoloxidase activity). No interactions were found for maturation rate, filtration rate, and energy reserve fractions (carbohydrate, protein, lipid). Furthermore, only antagonistic interactions were detected in the non-sensitive clone, while only synergistic interactions were observed in the carbaryl sensitive clone. Our

  10. Interactive effects of a bacterial parasite and the insecticide carbaryl to life-history and physiology of two Daphnia magna clones differing in carbaryl sensitivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Coninck, Dieter I.M., E-mail: [Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, J. Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium); De Schamphelaere, Karel A.C. [Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, J. Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium); Jansen, Mieke; De Meester, Luc [Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, University of Leuven, Ch. Deberiotstraat 32, B-3000 Leuven (Belgium); Janssen, Colin R. [Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, J. Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)


    Highlights: ► Interactive effects between a bacterial parasite and an insecticide in Daphnia magna. ► Two D. magna clones differing strongly in their sensitivity to the insecticide. ► Effects studied on various life-history and physiological endpoints. ► Genetic differences in strength and direction of interaction effects. -- Abstract: Natural and chemical stressors occur simultaneously in the aquatic environment. Their combined effects on biota are usually difficult to predict from their individual effects due to interactions between the different stressors. Several recent studies have suggested that synergistic effects of multiple stressors on organisms may be more common at high compared to low overall levels of stress. In this study, we used a three-way full factorial design to investigate whether interactive effects between a natural stressor, the bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa, and a chemical stressor, the insecticide carbaryl, were different between two genetically distinct clones of Daphnia magna that strongly differ in their sensitivity to carbaryl. Interactive effects on various life-history and physiological endpoints were assessed as significant deviations from the reference Independent Action (IA) model, which was implemented by testing the significance of the two-way carbaryl × parasite interaction term in two-way ANOVA's on log-transformed observational data for each clone separately. Interactive effects (and thus significant deviations from IA) were detected in both the carbaryl-sensitive clone (on survival, early reproduction and growth) and in the non-sensitive clone (on growth, electron transport activity and prophenoloxidase activity). No interactions were found for maturation rate, filtration rate, and energy reserve fractions (carbohydrate, protein, lipid). Furthermore, only antagonistic interactions were detected in the non-sensitive clone, while only synergistic interactions were observed in the carbaryl sensitive clone

  11. The critical importance of defined media conditions in Daphnia magna nanotoxicity studies. (United States)

    Römer, Isabella; Gavin, Alex J; White, Thomas A; Merrifield, Ruth C; Chipman, James K; Viant, Mark R; Lead, Jamie R


    Due to the widespread use of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), the likelihood of them entering the environment has increased and they are known to be potentially toxic. Currently, there is little information on the dynamic changes of AgNPs in ecotoxicity exposure media and how this may affect toxicity. Here, the colloidal stability of three different sizes of citrate-stabilized AgNPs was assessed in standard strength OECD ISO exposure media, and in 2-fold (media2) and 10-fold (media10) dilutions by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) and these characteristics were related to their toxicity towards Daphnia magna. Aggregation in undiluted media (media1) was rapid, and after diluting the medium by a factor of 2 or 10, aggregation was reduced, with minimal aggregation over 24h occurring in media10. Acute toxicity measurements were performed using 7nm diameter particles in media1 and media10. In media10 the EC50 of the 7nm particles for D. magna neonates was calculated to be 7.46μgL(-1) with upper and lower 95% confidence intervals of 6.84μgL(-1) and 8.13μgL(-1) respectively. For media1, an EC50 could not be calculated, the lowest observed adverse effect concentration (LOAEC) of 11.25μgL(-1) indicating a significant reduction in toxicity compared to that in media10. The data suggest the increased dispersion of nanoparticles leads to enhanced toxicity, emphasising the importance of appropriate media composition to fully assess nanoparticle toxicity in aquatic ecotoxicity tests. Copyright © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  12. Filming of zooplankton: a case study of rotifer males and Daphnia magna

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    Pierluigi Colangeli


    Full Text Available Filming live organisms can give new insights into the hidden life of plankton. Accessibly priced digital cameras are now available for a large range of users. Here, we demonstrate the technical setup and workflow of using a single-lens reflex (DSLR camera to film the behaviour of males of two rotifer species, Brachionus angularis Gosse (1851 and Keratella cochlearis Gosse (1851, and of the cladoceran Daphnia magna Straus (1820. Rotifers are cyclical parthenogens that produce males only under certain environmental conditions. Thus, knowledge on rotifer males is still limited because of their ephemeral nature and because they are often smaller than females. We filmed males of B. angularis and K. cochlearis with a DSLR camera connected to a compound microscope to better understand their morphology and behaviour in comparison to conspecific females. While written descriptions have their scientific value, seeing is complementary because everyone can verify what has been described. We made our videos publicly accessible through links connected to the paper. Our videos are, to our best knowledge, the first on males of B. angularis and K. cochlearis. Furthermore, we filmed the behavioural response of D. magna to ultraviolet (UV radiation with a macro lens attached to the DSLR camera. Approaches like this are valuable tools in environmental teaching. To see live organisms with one’s own eyes may contribute to raising public awareness about the value of water resources and their hidden communities. In summary, filming can be a valuable tool to ignite scientific discussion, but the videos need an open-access platform where they can be referenced in a topic-related order.

  13. Assessing mandated credit programs: Case study of the Magna Carta in the Philippines

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    Ryan Jacildo


    Full Text Available We examine the effects of a mandated credit program to small and medium enterprises in the Philippines (Magna Carta Law using a panel dataset compiled from official data published by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. The final sample of 109 financial institutions represented over 90% of total finance sector assets in the Philippines. We highlight three important findings. First, although the total lending levels to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs grew slightly, the percentage shares of loans allocated to MSMEs declined drastically from a peak of 30% of total loans in 2002 to 16.4% in 2010. Second, following the upwards revision of the loan target (from 6% to 8% for smaller firms in 2008, there was a sharp increase in noncompliance especially amongst universal and commercial banks. On the other hand, total loans to medium enterprises were still more than threefold larger than the targeted 2%. Third, there is an increased heterogeneity in optimal loan portfolio across banks. Most surprisingly, the absolute level of MSME lending by rural and cooperative banks declined since 2008. Direct compliance amongst universal and commercial banks decreased beginning in the late 2007, while that of thrift banks increased to almost 100%. Abolishing the Magna Carta targets for medium-sized enterprise loans would most likely yield little adverse effects. Meanwhile, efforts to improve financial access to MSMEs should focus on alternative nondistortionary ways to increase financing supply, such as improving institutional framework for informational availability and development of equity and bond markets for MSMEs.

  14. Selected endocrine disrupting compounds (vinclozolin, flutamide, ketoconazole and dicofol): Effects on survival, occurrence of males, growth, molting and reproduction of Daphnia magna

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Haeba, M. H.; Hilscherová, Klára; Mazurová, E.; Bláha, Luděk


    Roč. 15, č. 3 (2008), s. 222-227 ISSN 0944-1344 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60050516 Keywords : Daphnia magna * dicofol * endocrine disruption Subject RIV: EF - Botanics Impact factor: 2.492, year: 2008

  15. Cirurgia de revascularização coronariana esquerda sem CEC e sem manuseio da aorta em pacientes acima de 75 anos: análise das mortalidades imediata e a médio prazo e das complicações neurológicas no pós-operatório imediato

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    José Glauco LOBO FILHO


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A circulação extracorpórea (CEC e o manuseio da aorta ascendente (MAA estão associados a alta incidência de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC na cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (RM em pacientes idosos. Esta complicação deve-se, sobretudo, ao MAA, por ocasião do pinçamento e despinçamento, quer para isolamento do coração do circuito de CEC, quer para realização das anastomoses dos enxertos na aorta ascendente. OBJETIVOS: Verificar mortalidades imediata e a médio prazo e a ocorrência de AVC no pós-operatório imediato (POI em pacientes acima de 75 anos submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização do sistema coronariano esquerdo (SCE, sem CEC e sem MAA. MÉTODO: De janeiro de 2000 a abril de 2002, 40 pacientes acima de 75 anos (média 79,1 anos foram submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização do SCE, com enxerto de artéria torácica interna esquerda (ATIE para a artéria descendente anterior (DA, e enxerto(s de veia safena magna oriundo(s da ATIE para outro(s ramo(s da coronária esquerda (enxerto composto, sem CEC e sem MAA. Houve predominância do sexo masculino (67,5%. Foram realizados 89 enxertos (média 2,22 pontes por paciente, sendo 40 (44,94% de ATIE e 49 (55,06% de veia safena. A ocorrência de AVC foi avaliada por exames clínico e neurológico. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada ocorrência de AVC no grupo estudado. Não houve óbitos no POI. CONCLUSÃO: A cirurgia de revascularização do SCE em pacientes acima de 75 anos sem CEC e sem MAA pode ser realizada sistematicamente de modo a evitar a ocorrência de AVC, com baixa mortalidade.INTRODUCTION: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB and Ascending Aorta manipulation (AAM are associated with a high incidence of stroke in coronary surgery in patients older than 75 years. This complication is due, mostly, to the handling of the aorta by the time of the cross-clamping, either for heart isolation from CPB, or to perform saphenous vein graft anastomosis to the

  16. Mimicking Daphnia magna bioassay performance by an electronic tongue for urban water quality control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kirsanov, Dmitry, E-mail: [Laboratory of Chemical Sensors, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Laboratory of Artificial Sensor Systems, ITMO University, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Legin, Evgeny [Laboratory of Artificial Sensor Systems, ITMO University, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Sensor Systems LLC, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Zagrebin, Anatoly; Ignatieva, Natalia; Rybakin, Vladimir [Institute of Limnology, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Legin, Andrey [Laboratory of Chemical Sensors, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Laboratory of Artificial Sensor Systems, ITMO University, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation)


    Highlights: • -Daphnia magna bioassay can be simulated with multisensor system. • Urban water toxicity can be predicted from potentiometric ET data. • Independent test set validation confirms statistical significance of the results. - Abstract: Toxicity is one of the key parameters of water quality in environmental monitoring. However, being evaluated as a response of living beings (as their mobility, fertility, death rate, etc.) to water quality, toxicity can only be assessed with the help of these living beings. This imposes certain restrictions on toxicity bioassay as an analytical method: biotest organisms must be properly bred, fed and kept under strictly regulated conditions and duration of tests can be quite long (up to several days), thus making the whole procedure the prerogative of the limited number of highly specialized laboratories. This report describes an original application of potentiometric multisensor system (electronic tongue) when the set of electrochemical sensors was calibrated against Daphnia magna death rate in order to perform toxicity assessment of urban waters without immediate involvement of living creatures. PRM (partial robust M) and PLS (projections on latent structures) regression models based on the data from this multisensor system allowed for prediction of toxicity of unknown water samples in terms of biotests but in the fast and simple instrumental way. Typical errors of water toxicity predictions were below 20% in terms of Daphnia death rate which can be considered as a good result taking into account the complexity of the task.

  17. Cisterna magna microdialysis of 22Na to evaluate ion transport and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knuckey, N.W.; Fowler, A.G.; Johanson, C.E.; Nashold, J.R.; Epstein, M.H.


    Microdialysis is used in vivo for measuring compounds in brain interstitial fluid. The authors describe another application of this technique to the central nervous system, namely microprobe dialysis in the cisterna magna to study the dynamics of ion transport and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) formation in the rat. The choroid plexus is the major source of CSF, which is produced by active transport of Na from blood into the cerebral ventricles. Formation of CSF is directly proportional to the blood-to-CSF transport of Na. By injecting 22 Na into the systemic circulation and quantifying its movement into CSF by microdialysis, one can reliably estimate alterations in the rate of CSF formation. The sensitivity of this system was determined by administering acetazolamide, a standard inhibitor of CSF production. Because acetazolamide is known to decrease CSF formation by 40% to 50%, the cisternal microdialysis system in animals treated with this drug should detect a corresponding decrease in the amount of 22 Na dialyzed. This hypothesis is supported by the 22 Na uptake curves for control versus treated animals: that is, by the acetazolamide-induced average diminution of about 45% in both the rate and extent of tracer accession to dialysate. Bumetanide, a loop diuretic, reduced by 30% the 22 Na entry into dialysate. Microprobe dialysis of fluid in the cisterna magna is thus a minimally invasive and economical method for evaluating effects of drugs and hormones on the choroid plexus-CSF system

  18. AAV9-mediated central nervous system–targeted gene delivery via cisterna magna route in mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera Lukashchuk


    Full Text Available Current barriers to the use of adeno-associated virus serotype 9 (AAV9 in clinical trials for treating neurological disorders are its high expression in many off-target tissues such as liver and heart, and lack of cell specificity within the central nervous system (CNS when using ubiquitous promoters such as human cytomegalovirus (CMV or chicken-β-actin hybrid (CAG. To enhance targeting the transgene expression in CNS cells, self-complementary (sc AAV9 vectors, scAAV9-GFP vectors carrying neuronal Hb9 and synapsin 1, and nonspecific CMV and CAG promoters were constructed. We demonstrate that synapsin 1 and Hb9 promoters exclusively targeted neurons in vitro, although their strengths were up to 10-fold lower than that of CMV. In vivo analyses of mouse tissue after scAAV9-GFP vector delivery via the cisterna magna revealed a significant advantage of synapsin 1 promoter over both Hb9 variants in targeting neurons throughout the brain, since Hb9 promoters were driving gene expression mainly within the motor-related areas of the brain stem. In summary, this study demonstrates that cisterna magna administration is a safe alternative to intracranial or intracerebroventricular vector delivery route using scAAV9, and introduces a novel utility of the Hb9 promoter for the targeted gene expression for both in vivo and in vitro applications.

  19. Resistance to a bacterial parasite in the crustacean Daphnia magna shows Mendelian segregation with dominance. (United States)

    Luijckx, P; Fienberg, H; Duneau, D; Ebert, D


    The influence of host and parasite genetic background on infection outcome is a topic of great interest because of its pertinence to theoretical issues in evolutionary biology. In the present study, we use a classical genetics approach to examine the mode of inheritance of infection outcome in the crustacean Daphnia magna when exposed to the bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa. In contrast to previous studies in this system, we use a clone of P. ramosa, not field isolates, which allows for a more definitive interpretation of results. We test parental, F1, F2, backcross and selfed parental clones (total 284 genotypes) for susceptibility against a clone of P. ramosa using two different methods, infection trials and the recently developed attachment test. We find that D. magna clones reliably exhibit either complete resistance or complete susceptibility to P. ramosa clone C1 and that resistance is dominant, and inherited in a pattern consistent with Mendelian segregation of a single-locus with two alleles. The finding of a single host locus controlling susceptibility to P. ramosa suggests that the previously observed genotype-genotype interactions in this system have a simple genetic basis. This has important implications for the outcome of host-parasite co-evolution. Our results add to the growing body of evidence that resistance to parasites in invertebrates is mostly coded by one or few loci with dominance.

  20. The Role of AChE in Swimming Behavior of Daphnia magna: Correlation Analysis of Both Parameters Affected by Deltamethrin and Methomyl Exposure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qing Ren


    Full Text Available The unpredictable toxicity of insecticides may cause behavior disorder of biological organisms. In order to assess the role of acetylcholinesterase (AChE in swimming behavior of Daphnia magna, a correlation analysis of both parameters in 24 h exposure of deltamethrin (DM and methomyl (MT was investigated. The behavior responses of D. magna in DM (13.36 μg/L and 33.40 μg/L and MT (19.66 μg/L and 49.15 μg/L suggested that recovery behavior in the adjustment phase was crucial, and behavior homeostasis provided them with an optimal way to achieve a wider tolerance against environmental stress. During the experiment, positive effects on AChE activity occurred in the beginning of the exposure. Even though the de novo synthesis of AChE in D. magna might help it recover, the AChE inhibition in different treatments could be observed. Some induction effects on AChE activity at the beginning of exposure occurred, and a 50% decrease may cause toxic effects on behavior. In most treatments, the results showed that both behavior strength and AChE activity stayed in the same field within a correlation circle. These results illustrated that the environmental stress caused by both DM and MT could inhibit AChE activity and subsequently induce a stepwise behavior response, though both pesticides affect it as direct and indirect inhibitors, respectively.

  1. Arginine kinase in the cladoceran Daphnia magna: cDNA sequencing and expression is associated with resistance to toxic Microcystis. (United States)

    Lyu, Kai; Zhang, Lu; Zhu, Xuexia; Cui, Guilian; Wilson, Alan E; Yang, Zhou


    Nutrient loading derived from anthropogenic activities into lakes have increased the frequency, severity and duration of toxic cyanobacterial blooms around the world. Although herbivorous zooplankton are generally considered to be unable to control toxic cyanobacteria, populations of some zooplankton, including Daphnia, have been shown to locally adapt to toxic cyanobacteria and suppress cyanobacterial bloom formation. However, little is known about the physiology of zooplankton behind this phenomenon. One possible explanation is that some zooplankton may induce more tolerance by elevating energy production, thereby adding more energy allocation to detoxification expenditure. It is assumed that arginine kinase (AK) serves as a core in temporal and spatial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) buffering in cells with high fluctuating energy requirements. To test this hypothesis, we studied the energetic response of a single Daphnia magna clone exposed to a toxic strain of Microcystis aeruginosa, PCC7806. Arginine kinase of D. magna (Dm-AK) was successfully cloned. An ATP-gua PtransN domain which was described as a guanidine substrate specificity domain and an ATP-gua Ptrans domain which was responsible for binding ATP were both identified in the Dm-AK. Phylogenetic analysis of AKs in a range of arthropod taxa suggested that Dm-AK was as dissimilar to other crustaceans as it was to insects. Dm-AK transcript level and ATP content in the presence of M. aeruginosa were significantly lower than those in the control diet containing only the nutritious chlorophyte, Scenedesmus obliquus, whereas the two parameters in the neonates whose mothers had been previously exposed to M. aeruginosa were significantly higher than those of mothers fed with pure S. obliquus. These findings suggest that Dm-AK might play an essential role in the coupling of energy production and utilization and the tolerance of D. magna to toxic cyanobacteria. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Reducing Prosthesis-Patient Mismatch With Edwards Magna Prosthesis for Aortic Valve Replacement. (United States)

    Kume, Yuta; Fujita, Tomoyuki; Fukushima, Satsuki; Hata, Hiroki; Shimahara, Yusuke; Matsumoto, Yorihiko; Yamashita, Kizuku; Kobayashi, Junjiro


    Prosthesis-patient mismatch (PPM) is associated with increased mid-term and long-term mortality rates after aortic valve replacement (AVR). This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Magna and Magna Ease (CEPMs) aortic bioprostheses to reduce the incidence of PPM.Methods and Results:Altogether, 282 consecutive patients (113 women, mean age 69.9±9.9 years) underwent AVR with a CEPMs between 2008 and 2015. They were divided into 3 groups based on the risk of PPM as a result of their body surface area and aortic annular diameter (BSA/AnnD ratio): low-risk (LR) group: 0.64±0.05 m 2 /cm (n=94); medium-risk (MR) group: 0.73±0.02 m 2 /cm (n=94); high-risk (HR) group: 0.83±0.05 m 2 /cm (n=94). The 30-day mortality rate was 0.4%. The 5-year actuarial survival rates were 93.2%, 92.3%, and 94.8% for groups LR, MR, and HR, respectively. No explants as a result of structural valve deterioration occurred. No patients showed severe PPM, defined as a measured effective orifice area index (EOAI) <0.65 cm 2 /m 2 . Although there were significant (P<0.05) differences in EOAI (0.98±0.2, 0.90±0.21, and 0.88±0.1 cm 2 /m 2 among the LR, MR, and HR groups, respectively), the corresponding transvalvular mean pressure gradients (13.0±5.5, 12.3±4.0, 12.7±5.3 mmHg) and regression rates of the left ventricular mass (29.8%, 28.7%, 28.9%) were similar among groups. CEPMs provide low surgical risk and reduce the risks of PPM, even in HR patients, with excellent hemodynamics.

  3. QSTR with extended topochemical atom (ETA) indices. 16. Development of predictive classification and regression models for toxicity of ionic liquids towards Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roy, Kunal; Das, Rudra Narayan


    Highlights: • Ionic liquids are not intrinsically ‘green chemicals’ and require toxicological assessment. • Predictive QSTR models have been developed for toxicity of ILs to Daphnia magna. • Simple two dimensional descriptors were used to reduce the computational burden. • Discriminant and regression based models showed appreciable predictivity and reproducibility. • The extracted features can be explored in designing novel environmentally-friendly agents. -- Abstract: Ionic liquids have been judged much with respect to their wide applicability than their considerable harmful effects towards the living ecosystem which has been observed in many instances. Hence, toxicological introspection of these chemicals by the development of predictive mathematical models can be of good help. This study presents an attempt to develop predictive classification and regression models correlating the structurally derived chemical information of a group of 62 diverse ionic liquids with their toxicity towards Daphnia magna and their interpretation. We have principally used the extended topochemical atom (ETA) indices along with various topological non-ETA and thermodynamic parameters as independent variables. The developed quantitative models have been subjected to extensive statistical tests employing multiple validation strategies from which acceptable results have been reported. The best models obtained from classification and regression studies captured necessary structural information on lipophilicity, branching pattern, electronegativity and chain length of the cationic substituents for explaining ecotoxicity of ionic liquids towards D. magna. The derived information can be successfully used to design better ionic liquid analogues acquiring the qualities of a true eco-friendly green chemical

  4. Phenoloxidase but not lytic activity reflects resistance against Pasteuria ramosa in Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Pauwels, Kevin; De Meester, Luc; Decaestecker, Ellen; Stoks, Robby


    The field of ecological immunology strongly relies on indicators of immunocompetence. Two major indicators in invertebrates, the activity of phenoloxidase (PO) and lytic activity have recently been questioned in studies showing that, across a natural range of baseline levels, these indicators did not predict resistance against a manipulated challenge with natural parasites. We confirmed this finding by showing that baseline levels of PO and lytic activity in the host Daphnia magna were not related to spore load of the parasite Pasteuria ramosa. Yet, PO levels in infected hosts did predict spore load, indicating PO activity can be useful as an indicator of immunocompetence in this model parasite-host system.

  5. Acute and chronic toxicity of buprofezin on Daphnia magna and the recovery evaluation. (United States)

    Liu, Yong; Qi, Suzhen; Zhang, Wen; Li, Xuefeng; Qiu, Lihong; Wang, Chengju


    The toxic effects of buprofezin on Daphnia magna after both chronic and acute exposures were evaluated according to OECD guidelines. A 48-h acute exposure of buprofezin resulted in daphnid immobility at an EC(50) of 0.44 mg/L. In a 14 days chronic exposure of buprofezin (0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15 mg/L), the development and reproduction of daphnids were all significantly affected and the body length was more sensitive than other observed parameters. However, the adverse effects of buprofezin on parental daphnids can be passed on to their offspring and cannot be recovered in a short time.

  6. Cadmium tolerance in seven Daphnia magna clones is associated with reduced hsp70 baseline levels and induction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haap, Timo; Koehler, Heinz-R.


    The stress protein hsp70 is part of the intracellular alarm and repair system which enables organisms to counteract negative effects of toxicants on protein integrity. Under long-term selection pressure exerted by environmental pollution, in particular heavy metals, this system may be expected to play a major role in the course of local, microevolutionary events leading to the acquisition of toxicant resistance. Seven clones of Daphnia magna from different geographical regions were characterized regarding their sensitivity to Cd, their hsp70 expression, and Cd accumulation. In an acute immobilisation assay, the tested clones showed remarkable differences in their sensitivity to Cd. The highest EC 50 values by far were obtained for the clone displaying lowest hsp70 expression. In general, hsp70 levels reflected the order of sensitivity to Cd among the seven clones reciprocally. Clonal variations in sensitivity and hsp70 expression could not be related to differential accumulation of Cd, though. In summary, the association of stress insensitivity with low hsp70 induction which has been exemplarily reported for populations of different invertebrates under strong selection pressure could be affirmed for a largely parthenogenetic species for the first time. Furthermore, our observation has serious consequences for the interpretation of toxicological assays using a single D. magna clone solely.

  7. Evaluation of Baffle Fixes Film up Flow Sludge Blanket Filtration (BFUSBF System in Treatment of Wastewaters from Phenol and 2,4-Dinitrophenol Using Daphnia Magna Bioassay

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Javad Ghannadzadeh


    Full Text Available Background: Phenol and nitrophenol are common compounds found in different types of industrial wastewater known as serious threats to human health and natural environment. In this study, Daphnia magna was used to evaluate the effectiveness of "baffle fixes film up flow sludge blanket filtration" (BFUSBF system in elimination of phenolic compounds from water. Methods: D. magna cultures were used as toxicity index of phenol and 2,4-DNP mixtures after treatment by a pilot BFUSBF system which consisted of baffle in anoxic section and biofilm in aerobic sections. Initial concentrations were 312 mg/L phenol and 288 mg/L 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP. Results: Bioassay tests showed that D. magna was influenced by the toxicity of phenol and 2,4 DNP mixtures. The comparison between the toxicity of initial phenol and 2,4-DNP mixtures and the output toxic unit (TU derived from BFUSBF treatment system showed that the TU of the effluent from BFUSBF reactor was much lower than that of the solution that entered the reactor. Conclusion: Based on the acute toxicity test, BFUSBF process could reduce phenol and 2,4-DNP in aqueous solutions. Therefore, it is possible to use BFUSBF process as an appropriate treatment option for wastewaters containing phenolic compounds.

  8. The effect of temperature on the sensitivity of Daphnia magna to cyanobacteria is genus dependent. (United States)

    Hochmuth, Jennifer D; De Schamphelaere, Karel A C


    In the present study, the authors investigated the effects of 6 different genera of cyanobacteria on multiple endpoints of Daphnia magna in a 21-d life table experiment conducted at 3 different temperatures (15 °C, 19 °C, and 23 °C). The specific aims were to test if the effect of temperature on Daphnia's sensitivity to cyanobacteria differed among different cyanobacteria and if the rank order from most to least harmful cyanobacteria to Daphnia reproduction changed or remained the same across the studied temperature range. Overall, the authors observed a decrease in harmful effects on reproduction with increasing temperature for Microcystis, Nodularia, and Aphanizomenon, and an increase in harmful effects with increasing temperature for Anabaena and Oscillatoria. No effect of temperature was observed on Daphnia sensitivity to Cylindrospermopsis. Harmful effects of Microcystis and Nodularia on reproduction appear to be mirrored by a decrease in length. On the other hand, harmful effects of Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, and Oscillatoria on reproduction were correlated with a decrease in intrinsic rate of natural increase, which was matched by a later onset of reproduction in exposures to Oscillatoria. In addition, the results suggest that the cyanobacteria rank order of harmfulness may change with temperature. Higher temperatures may increase the sensitivity of D. magna to the presence of some cyanobacteria (Anabaena and Oscillatoria) in their diet, whereas the harmful effects of others (Microcystis, Nodularia, and Aphanizomenon) may be reduced by higher temperatures. © 2014 SETAC.

  9. Effect of pH and ionic strength on exposure and toxicity of encapsulated lambda-cyhalothrin to Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Son, Jino; Hooven, Louisa A; Harper, Bryan; Harper, Stacey L


    Encapsulation of pesticide active ingredients in polymers has been widely employed to control the release of poorly water-soluble active ingredients. Given the high dispersibility of these encapsulated pesticides in water, they are expected to behave differently compared to their active ingredients; however, our current understanding of the fate and effects of encapsulated pesticides is still limited. In this study, we employed a central composite design (CCD) to investigate how pH and ionic strength (IS) affect the hydrodynamic diameter (HDD) and zeta potential of encapsulated λ-cyhalothrin and how those changes affect the exposure and toxicity to Daphnia magna. R(2) values greater than 0.82 and 0.84 for HDD and zeta potential, respectively, irrespective of incubation time suggest those changes could be predicted as a function of pH and IS. For HDD, the linear factor of pH and quadratic factor of pH×pH were found to be the most significant factors affecting the change of HDD at the beginning of incubation, whereas the effects of IS and IS×IS became significant as incubation time increased. For zeta potential, the linear factor of IS and quadratic factor of IS×IS were found to be the most dominant factors affecting the change of zeta potential of encapsulated λ-cyhalothrin, irrespective of incubation time. The toxicity tests with D. magna under exposure conditions in which HDD or zeta potential of encapsulated λ-cyhalothrin was maximized or minimized in the overlying water also clearly showed the worst-case exposure condition to D. magna was when the encapsulated λ-cyhalothrin is either stable or small in the overlying water. Our results show that water quality could modify the fate and toxicity of encapsulated λ-cyhalothrin in aquatic environments, suggesting understanding their aquatic interactions are critical in environmental risk assessment. Herein, we discuss the implications of our findings for risk assessment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All

  10. Molecular cloning of manganese superoxide dismutase gene in the cladoceran Daphnia magna: Effects of microcystin, nitrite, and cadmium on gene expression profiles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lyu, Kai; Zhu, Xuexia; Chen, Rui [Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biodiversity and Biotechnology, School of Biological Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, 1 Wenyuan Road, Nanjing 210023 (China); Chen, Yafen [State Key Laboratory for Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China); Yang, Zhou, E-mail: [Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biodiversity and Biotechnology, School of Biological Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, 1 Wenyuan Road, Nanjing 210023 (China)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Daphnia magna MnSOD (Dm-MnSOD) was identified and revealed MnSOD-family features. • The expression of Dm-MnSOD decreased with increased developmental stages. • Dm-MnSOD transcript was kinetically up-regulated by microcystin, nitrite and Cd. • Response of SOD to ubiquitous waterborne pollutants in D. magna was elucidated. • Dm-MnSOD gene is a potential biomarker indicating pollutants in the environment. - Abstract: Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are metalloenzymes that represent one important line of defense against oxidative stress produced by reactive oxygen species in aerobic organisms. Generally, waterborne pollutants caused by irregular anthropogenic activities often result in oxidative damage in aquatic organisms. The aim of this study was to molecularly characterize the manganese superoxide dismutase gene (Dm-MnSOD) in the waterflea, Daphnia magna, and evaluate the mRNA expression patterns quantified by real-time PCR after exposure to three common waterborne pollutants (microcystin-LR, nitrite, and cadmium). The results showed that the full-length Dm-MnSOD sequence consists of 954 bp nucleotides, encoding 215 amino acids, showing well-conserved domains that are required for metal binding and several common characteristics, such as two MnSOD domains. The deduced amino acid sequence of Dm-MnSOD shared over 70% similarity with homologues from Bythograea thermydron, Dromia personata, Cancer pagurus, and Scylla paramamosain. Dm-MnSOD gene expression was up-regulated in response to exposure to the three chemicals tested. The overall results indicated that Dm-MnSOD gene is an inducible gene and potential biomarker indicating these pollutants in the environment.

  11. Development and characterization of multiplex panels of polymorphic microsatellite loci in giant liver fluke Fascioloides magna (Trematoda: Fasciolidae), using next-generation sequencing approach

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Minárik, G.; Bazsalovicsová, E.; Zvijáková, Ĺ.; Štefka, Jan; Pálková, L.; Kraľová-Hromadová, I.


    Roč. 195, č. 1 (2014), s. 30-33 ISSN 0166-6851 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : Short tandem repeats * Population genetics * Invasive parasite * Microsatellites * Fascioloides magna Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 1.787, year: 2014

  12. Effects of the cyanobacterial neurotoxin B-N-methylamino-L-alamine (BMAA) on the survival, mobility and reproduction of Daphnia magna

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lürling, M.F.L.L.W.; Faassen, E.J.; Eenennaam, van J.S.


    In short-term tests and chronic life table assays, Daphnia magna was exposed to the cyanobacterial neurotoxic non-protein amino acid ß-N-methylamino-l-alanine (BMAA). BMAA was not acutely lethal to Daphnia (LC50–48h > 10 000 µg L-1), but reduced mobility (IC50–48h 40 µg L-1) and affected life

  13. Modification of metal bioaccumulation and toxicity in Daphnia magna by titanium dioxide nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan, Cheng; Wang, Wen-Xiong


    Titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) nanoparticles are widely used in water treatments, yet their influences on other contaminants in the water are not well studied. In this study, the aqueous uptake, assimilation efficiency, and toxicity of two ionic metals (cadmium-Cd, and zinc-Zn) in a freshwater zooplankton, Daphnia magna, were investigated following 2 days pre-exposure to nano-TiO 2 . Pre-exposure to 1 mg/L nano-TiO 2 resulted in a significant increase in Cd and Zn uptake from the dissolved phase. After the nano-TiO 2 in the guts were cleared, the uptake rates immediately recovered to the normal levels. Concurrent measurements of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and metallothioneins (MTs) suggested that the increased metal uptake was mainly due to the increased number of binding sites provided by nano-TiO 2 presented in the guts. Consistently, pre-exposure to nano-TiO 2 increased the toxicity of aqueous Cd and Zn due to enhanced uptake. Our study provides the evidence that nano-TiO 2 in the guts of animals could increase the uptake and toxicity of other contaminants. -- Highlights: • Dissolved Cd and Zn uptake in daphnids increased significantly after nano-TiO 2 pre-exposure. • Aqueous toxicity of Cd and Zn also increased after nano-TiO 2 pre-exposure. • Dietary assimilation of Cd and Zn was not affected after nano-TiO 2 pre-exposure. • Metal uptake recovered to normal levels after nano-TiO 2 in the guts were removed. • Nano-TiO 2 in the guts of animals could increase the uptake and toxicity of other contaminants. -- Nano-TiO 2 accumulation in Daphnia magna facilitated the uptake and toxicity of metal contaminants

  14. Gene transcription profiles, global DNA methylation and potential transgenerational epigenetic effects related to Zn exposure history in Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vandegehuchte, Michiel B.; De Coninck, Dieter; Vandenbrouck, Tine; De Coen, Wim M.; Janssen, Colin R.


    A reduced level of DNA methylation has recently been described in both Zn-exposed and non-exposed offspring of Daphnia magna exposed to Zn. The hypothesis examined in this study is that DNA hypomethylation has an effect on gene transcription. A second hypothesis is that accumulative epigenetic effects can affect gene transcription in non-exposed offspring from parents with an exposure history of more than one generation. Transcriptional gene regulation was studied with a cDNA microarray. In the exposed and non-exposed hypomethylated daphnids, a large proportion of common genes were similarly up- or down-regulated, indicating a possible effect of the DNA hypomethylation. Two of these genes can be mechanistically involved in DNA methylation reduction. The similar transcriptional regulation of two and three genes in the F 0 and F 1 exposed daphnids on one hand and their non-exposed offspring on the other hand, could be the result of a one-generation temporary transgenerational epigenetic effect, which was not accumulative. - Zn-induced DNA hypomethylation is related to gene transcription in Daphnia magna and Zn exposure potentially induced limited temporary transgenerational effects on gene transcription.

  15. Daphnia magna and Xenopus laevis as in vivo models to probe toxicity and uptake of quantum dots functionalized with gH625

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Galdiero E


    Full Text Available Emilia Galdiero,1 Annarita Falanga,2 Antonietta Siciliano,1 Valeria Maselli,1 Marco Guida,1 Rosa Carotenuto,1 Margherita Tussellino,1 Lucia Lombardi,3 Giovanna Benvenuto,4 Stefania Galdiero2 1Department of Biology, 2Department of Pharmacy and CiRPEB, University of Naples Federico II, 3Department of Experimental Medicine, Second University of Naples, 4Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, Napoli, Italy Abstract: The use of quantum dots (QDs for nanomedicine is hampered by their potential toxicologic effects and difficulties with delivery into the cell interior. We accomplished an in vivo study exploiting Daphnia magna and Xenopus laevis to evaluate both toxicity and uptake of QDs coated with the membranotropic peptide gH625 derived from the glycoprotein H of herpes simplex virus and widely used for drug delivery studies. We evaluated and compared the effects of QDs and gH625-QDs on the survival, uptake, induction of several responsive pathways and genotoxicity in D. magna, and we found that QDs coating plays a key role. Moreover, studies on X. laevis embryos allowed to better understand their cell/tissue localization and delivery efficacy. X. laevis embryos raised in Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus containing QDs or gH625-QDs showed that both nanoparticles localized in the gills, lung and intestine, but they showed different distributions, indicating that the uptake of gH625-QDs was enhanced; the functionalized QDs had a significantly lower toxic effect on embryos’ survival and phenotypes. We observed that D. magna and X. laevis are useful in vivo models for toxicity and drug delivery studies. Keywords: membranotropic peptide, delivery, blood–brain barrier, nanoparticles, genotoxicity

  16. Metallothionein and Hsp70 trade-off against one another in Daphnia magna cross-tolerance to cadmium and heat stress

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haap, Timo, E-mail:; Schwarz, Simon; Köhler, Heinz-R.


    Highlights: • Cadmium acclimation of two Daphnia magna clones which differed in Cd sensitivity and Hsp70 levels. • Two distinct metal-handling strategies regarding Hsp70 and MT expression were observed. • High Hsp70 levels did not confer an increase in Cd and heat stress tolerance. • Our results indicate a trade-off between Hsp70 and MT. - Abstract: The association between the insensitivity of adapted ecotypes of invertebrates to environmental stress, such as heavy metal pollution, and overall low Hsp levels characterizing these organisms has been attracting attention in various studies. The present study seeks to induce and examine this phenomenon in Daphnia magna by multigenerational acclimation to cadmium in a controlled laboratory setting. In this experiment, interclonal variation was examined: two clones of D. magna that have previously been characterized to diverge regarding their cadmium resistance and levels of the stress protein Hsp70, were continuously exposed to a sublethal concentration of Cd over four generations to study the effects of acclimation on Hsp70, metallothionein (MT), reproduction and cross-tolerance to heat stress. The two clones differed in all the measured parameters in a characteristic way, clone T displaying Cd and heat resistance, lower Hsp70 levels and offspring numbers on the one hand and higher MT expression on the other hand, clone S the opposite for all these parameters. We observed only slight acclimation-induced changes in constitutive Hsp70 levels and reproductive output. The differences in MT expression between clones as well as between acclimated organisms and controls give evidence for MT accounting for the higher Cd tolerance of clone T. Overall high Hsp70 levels of clone S did not confer cross tolerance to heat stress, contrary to common expectations. Our results suggest a trade-off between the efforts to limit the proteotoxic symptoms of Cd toxicity by Hsp70 induction and those to sequester and detoxify Cd by

  17. Transgenerational effects and recovery of microplastics exposure in model populations of the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna Straus. (United States)

    Martins, Alexandra; Guilhermino, Lúcia


    The environmental contamination by microplastics is a global challenge to ecosystem and human health, and the knowledge on the long-term effects of such particles is limited. Thus, the effects of microplastics and post-exposure recovery were investigated over 4 generations (F 0 , F 1 , F 2 , F 3 ) using Daphnia magna as model. Effect criteria were parental mortality, growth, several reproductive parameters, and population growth rate. Microplastics exposure (0.1mg/l of pristine polymer microspheres 1-5μm diameter) caused parental mortality (10-100%), and significantly (p≤0.05) decreased growth, reproduction, and population growth rate leading to the extinction of the microplastics-exposed model population in the F 1 generation. Females descending from those exposed to microplastics in F 0 and exposed to clean medium presented some recovery but up to the F 3 generation they still had significantly (p≤0.05) reduced growth, reproduction, and population growth rate. Overall, these results indicate that D. magna recovery from chronic exposure to microplastics may take several generations, and that the continuous exposure over generations to microplastics may cause population extinction. These findings have implications to aquatic ecosystem functioning and services, and raise concern on the long-term animal and human exposure to microplastics through diverse routes. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Analyzing the capacity of the Daphnia magna and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata bioavailability models to predict chronic zinc toxicity at high pH and low calcium concentrations and formulation of a generalized bioavailability model for D. magna. (United States)

    Van Regenmortel, Tina; Berteloot, Olivier; Janssen, Colin R; De Schamphelaere, Karel A C


    Risk assessment in the European Union implements Zn bioavailability models to derive predicted-no-effect concentrations for Zn. These models are validated within certain boundaries (i.e., pH ≤ 8 and Ca concentrations ≥ 5mg/L), but a substantial fraction of the European surface waters falls outside these boundaries. Therefore, we evaluated whether the chronic Zn biotic ligand model (BLM) for Daphnia magna and the chronic bioavailability model for Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata could be extrapolated to pH > 8 and Ca concentrations model can accurately predict Zn toxicity for Ca concentrations down to 0.8 mg/L and pH values up to 8.5. Because the chronic Zn BLM for D. magna could not be extrapolated beyond its validity boundaries for pH, a generalized bioavailability model (gBAM) was developed. Of 4 gBAMs developed, we recommend the use of gBAM-D, which combines a log-linear relation between the 21-d median effective concentrations (expressed as free Zn 2+ ion activity) and pH, with more conventional BLM-type competition constants for Na, Ca, and Mg. This model is a first step in further improving the accuracy of chronic toxicity predictions of Zn as a function of water chemistry, which can decrease the uncertainty in implementing the bioavailability-based predicted-no-effect concentration in the risk assessment of high-pH and low-Ca concentration regions in Europe. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:2781-2798. © 2017 SETAC. © 2017 SETAC.

  19. Acute and chronic effects from pulse exposure of D. magna to silver and copper oxide nanoparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Sara Nørgaard; Lützhøft, Hans-Christian Holten; Rasmussen, Rose


    Aquatic toxicity testing of nanoparticles (NPs) is challenged by their dynamic behavior in test suspensions. The resulting difficulties in controlling and characterizing exposure concentrations are detrimental to the generation of concentration-response data needed for hazard identification of NPs...... is an environmentally relevant exposure scenario for NPs, which for AgNPs and CuONPs enables more stable exposures and cause acute immobility of D. magna comparable to continuous 24 h exposures. Pulse exposure is likely relevant and applicable for other toxic and dissolving metal NPs, but this requires further research....

  20. Mechanistic study of the toxicity of ionizing radiation in Daphnia magna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parisot, F.; Alonzo, F. [Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire, IRSN/PRP-ENV/SERIS/LECO, Laboratoire d' Ecotoxicologie des Radionucleides, Cadarache (France); Bourdineaud, J.P. [UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU Station Marine d' Arcachon Universite Bordeaux 1, Arcachon (France); Poggiale, J.C. [Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography - MIO - UMR 7294 Pytheas Institute - OSU, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille (France)


    In the last decade, the ecological impact of ionizing radiation has emerged as a growing scientific concern for ecosystems protection. However, the assessment of potential radiological effects on the environment is hampered by both a gap of available scientific data and a lack in proven methods. Understanding how ionizing radiation affects wildlife at biologically and ecologically relevant scales is a major issue in environmental protection. This issue is one of the objectives of the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) developed in the framework of the European program STAR (Strategy for Allied Radioecology). In this context, the present PhD project aims to evaluate chronic effects of external Cs-137 gamma radiation at low doses on a representative species of aquatic ecosystems, the cladoceran crustacean Daphnia magna. More precisely, the objectives of this study are to evaluate multi-generational effects of irradiation on: (i) genotoxic effects and their potential consequences on survival, somatic growth and fecundity, (ii) the energy budget and (iii) the population dynamics of Daphnia. An experimental design was developed to expose daphnids to low doses of ionizing radiation ranging from 0,008 to 32 mGy.h{sup -1} across 3 successive generations (75 days). DNA damages were assessed using random amplified polymorphic DNA and real time PCR (RAPD - PCR). Effects on survival, somatic growth and fecundity were monitored for 21-25 days in each generation, from hatching to release of brood 5. Our aim is to: examine a potential correlation between molecular (DNA) damage and effects observed at the individual level (survival, somatic growth and fecundity) across generations and test the suitability of DNA damage as an early indice of future trans-generational effects. As a future perspective, individual and molecular effects data will be analysed using a DEBtox model (Dynamic Energy Budget Applied to Toxicology) in order to identify the metabolic modes of action of ionizing

  1. Widespread gene transfer in the central nervous system of cynomolgus macaques following delivery of AAV9 into the cisterna magna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Hinderer


    Full Text Available Adeno-associated virus serotype 9 (AAV9 vectors have recently been shown to transduce cells throughout the central nervous system of nonhuman primates when injected into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, a finding which could lead to a minimally invasive approach to treat genetic and acquired diseases affecting the entire CNS. We characterized the transduction efficiency of two routes of vector administration into the CSF of cynomolgus macaques—lumbar puncture, which is typically used in clinical practice, and suboccipital puncture, which is more commonly used in veterinary medicine. We found that delivery of vector into the cisterna magna via suboccipital puncture is up to 100-fold more efficient for achieving gene transfer to the brain. In addition, we evaluated the inflammatory response to AAV9-mediated GFP expression in the nonhuman primate CNS. We found that while CSF lymphocyte counts increased following gene transfer, there were no clinical or histological signs of immune toxicity. Together these data indicate that delivery of AAV9 into the cisterna magna is an effective method for achieving gene transfer in the CNS, and suggest that adapting this uncommon injection method for human trials could vastly increase the efficiency of gene delivery.

  2. Effects of an anionic surfactant (FFD-6) on the energy and information flow between a primary producer (Scenedesmus obliquus) and a consumer (Daphnia magna)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lürling, M.; de Lange, H.J.; Peeters, E.T.H.M.


    The effects of a commercially available anionic surfactant solution (FFD-6) on growth and morphology of a common green alga (Scenedesmus obliquus) and on survival and clearance rates of the water flea Daphnia magna were studied. The surfactant-solution elicited a morphological response (formation of

  3. Study of the uranium effects on energy budget and population dynamics in Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massarin, S.


    This work aimed to study effects of uranium on energy budget and population dynamics in Daphnia magna a representative micro-crustacean of freshwater ecosystems. An experimental study of uranium toxicity on physiology (nutrition, respiration) and life history (survival, growth and reproduction) of D. magna was carried out, based on exposures over one, two or three successive generations (F0, F1 and F2) started with neonates from 1. or 5. brood, at 0, 10, 25 and 75 μg U.L -1 . Results showed that toxic effects increased across generations (partially due to daphnid exposure during embryogenesis) and that individuals from 1. brood were more sensitive than individuals from 5. brood. Significant reductions in assimilation rates, measured using a radio-tracing method with 14 C-labelled food, allowed us to identify an effect on assimilation as the mode of action for uranium, in agreement with important damages in the integrity of intestinal epithelium observed by optic microscopy. Integrating results in a dynamic energy budget model (DEBtox) yielded estimated no effect concentrations (NEC) of 9.37, 8.21 and 2.31 μg U.L -1 above which organism functions were altered in generations F0, F1 and F2, respectively. Combining DEBtox with matrix models allowed us to extrapolate consequences on asymptotic population growth rate (λ), a relevant endpoint in an ecological context. Simulations predicted an increase in uranium impact across generations with reduction of λ in F0 and population extinctions at 51-59 μg U.L -1 in F1 and 39-41 μg U.L -1 in F2. Simulations emphasized the importance of considering the most sensitive individuals while determining population response. (author)

  4. The effect of pH on the uptake and toxicity of the bivalent weak base chloroquine tested on Salix viminalis and Daphnia magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rendal, Cecilie; Kusk, Kresten Ole; Trapp, Stefan


    , and therefore a higher toxicity can be expected. The current study examines the pHdependent toxicity and bioaccumulation of the bivalent weak base chloroquine (pKa: 10.47 and 6.33, log KOW 4.67) tested on Salix viminalis (basket willow) and Daphnia magna (water flea). The transpiration rates of hydroponically...

  5. Magna Carta And Its Significant Role For Rule Of Law In The Republic Of Macedonia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shumanovska-Spasovska Ivana


    Full Text Available One of the most important and famous historical documents from the English legal and constitutional legacy is the Magna Carta Libertatum. Signed and sealed in the year 1215 the Magna Carta is further on viewed as the sole inception of the idea of limiting the power of the ruler trough legal rules. That limitation is to be made with legal rules that are binding for everyone, even the monarch. Therefore, the Great Charter is viewed as the first document signed by a monarch with which, the principle of supremacy of the law is set out. That supremacy of the law has been further on developed by eminent scholars and practitioners, eventually leading to the development of the concept of rule of law. Rule of law, as a concept, means that the royal authority (or the executive branch of power is going to be inferior to the law. However, this concept means a lot more than simply that. Unlike the principle of legal state, the rule of law is closely linked to justice, separation of powers and legal certainty. All of these concepts are actually prerequisites for its existence. That is why each of them is separately examined and elaborated. Furthermore, as one of the most important principles the rule of law had a great influence on the constitutional (and legal systems around the world. Since the Republic of Macedonia strives to become a democratic state where the rule of law is established and developed it is important to elaborate the influence of this principle in it. Therefore, the research gravitates over the principle of rule of law in the Republic of Macedonia.

  6. Proteínas totais do liquido cefalorraqueano obtido por punção da cisterna magna: valores normais. Variações ligadas ao sexo Total protein content of normal cisternal cerebrospinal fluid: Variations related to sex

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. M. Singer Vermes


    Full Text Available Aplicando o método de Lowry, determinamos as proteínas totais do LCR considerado normal de 98 pessoas: 58 do sexo masculino e 40 do feminino. Todas as amostras de LCR foram obtidas por punção da cisterna magna (LCR-SO. Mediante tratamento estatístico dos valores obtidos, estabelecemos as taxas normais de proteinorraquia cisternal para a população mista: limite superior de 40,36 mg/100 ml, valor médio de 26,78 mg/100 e limite inferior de 13,20 mg/100 ml. Estes valores são superiores àqueles referidos na literatura. Foi verificado que a proteinorraquia total é, em média, significantemente maior nos indivíduos do sexo masculino, que nos de feminino. Consequentemente estabelecemos em separado os níveis normais de proteínas totais do LCR-SO para pessoas do sexo masculino e feminino. As taxas médias de proteínas totais do LCR-SO de pessoas do sexo masculino e feminino são de 28,76 e 23,91 mg/100 ml, respectivamente; os limites normais vão de 16,96 a 47,13 mg/100 ml para o sexo masculino e de 14,76 a 42,76 mg/100 ml para o sexo feminino.The total protein content of CSF collected from the cisterna magna (cisternal fluid of 98 patients (58 males and 40 females with no neurological diseases was determined by the colorimetric method devised by Lowry and co-workers. This method has been previously chosen based mainly on it's sensitivity, accuracy and low fluid consumption. The CSF samples were normal with regard to pressure, color, citology and it's content in glucose, chloride and urea. Complement fixation tests for syphilis and cisticercosis, as well as the globulin tests (Pandy, Nonne — Appelt and Takata-Ara were negative. The average value and the normal range of cisternal fluid total protein was calculated for the mixed population (males and females. The mean protein value was 26.78 mg/100 ml, the lower and upper limits were respectively 13.20 and 40.36 mg/100 ml. These data are higher than those stated in some publications, and

  7. Claudia Quinta (Pro Caelio 34 and an altar to Magna Mater

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eleanor Winsor Leach


    Full Text Available Among the items of sculpture from the Capitoline collection now housed in the Museum of the Power Station Montemartini is a marble relief altar of the Claudian Period (E. Simon's dating dedicated to the mater deorum and the navis salvia and depicting the arrival of the goddess Cybele at Rome by ship. The dedicator is one Claudia Syntyche and the sculpture alludes to the legends attached to a much honored woman of the Claudian family whom Cicero, in his oration pro Caelio brought on stage in a cameo appearance to bolster his case against the controversial contemporary woman Clodia Metelli as one of the accusers of his client M. Caelius Rufus. This paper will consider questions raised by the iconography of the altar with reference to the development of Claudia's legend in Roman mythology and subsequently ask who was this Claudia the dedicator and why did she choose Magna Mater for her vow?

  8. Effects of electrocautery to provoke endovascular thermal injury Efeitos do eletrocautério para provocar lesão térmica endovascular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Henrique Rossi


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of a new electrocautery device to provoke endovascular venous thermal injury. METHODS: An experimental endovascular electrocautery was placed inside eight ex-vivo bovine saphenous veins models. Each one was divided in eight segments and progressive intensities of electric energy liberated. The macroscopic and microscopic effects were analyzed. RESULTS: Forty bovine saphenous veins segments were studied. The higher the electric energy applied the greater the nuclear picnosis and more intense the cytoplasmatic shrinkage and electrocoagulation effects. CONCLUSION: The experimental endovascular electrocautery device demonstrated to be both capable of inducing the destruction of the intimal layers of the studied vein model and provoke endovascular thermal injury.OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos de um modelo experimental de eletrocautério em provocar lesão venosa térmica endovascular. MÉTODOS: O eletrocautério endovascular foi colocado dentro de oito modelos experimentais de veia safena bovina. Cada uma foi dividida em oito segmentos e intensidades progressivas de energia elétrica liberada. Os efeitos macroscópicos e microscópicos foram analisados. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados quarenta segmentos de veia safena bovina. Quanto maior a energia elétrica aplicada pelo eletrocauterizador endovascular maiores foram as alteraçoes de picnose nuclear e mais intensa a retração citoplasmática observada. CONCLUSÃO: O eletrocautério endovascular experimental demonstrou ser capaz de induzir a destruição da camada íntima e provocar lesão térmica endovascular.

  9. Modelo de atención al usuario y gestión documental para la Procuraduría General de la Nación en la ciudad de Medellín



    El presente trabajo de investigación resulta relevante para localizar el problema de la atención al usuario y la gestión documental en la Procuraduría General de la Nación sede Medellín (Antioquia), desde una visión orientada al logro de resultados y eficiencia en el desarrollo de las funciones asignadas por nuestra carta magna. El tipo de estudio realizado es cuantitativo a partir del cual se logró identificar las debilidades existentes en el sistema actual de atención al usuario y de...

  10. Validation of a Mathematical Model for Green Algae (Raphidocelis Subcapitata Growth and Implications for a Coupled Dynamical System with Daphnia Magna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Stemkovski


    Full Text Available Toxicity testing in populations probes for responses in demographic variables to anthropogenic or natural chemical changes in the environment. Importantly, these tests are primarily performed on species in isolation of adjacent tropic levels in their ecosystem. The development and validation of coupled species models may aid in predicting adverse outcomes at the ecosystems level. Here, we aim to validate a model for the population dynamics of the green algae Raphidocelis subcapitata, a planktonic species that is often used as a primary food source in toxicity experiments for the fresh water crustacean Daphnia magna. We collected longitudinal data from three replicate population experiments of R. subcapitata. We used this data with statistical model comparison tests and uncertainty quantification techniques to compare the performance of four models: the Logistic model, the Bernoulli model, the Gompertz model, and a discretization of the Logistic model. Overall, our results suggest that the logistic model is the most accurate continuous model for R. subcapitata population growth. We then implement the numerical discretization showing how the continuous logistic model for algae can be coupled to a previously validated discrete-time population model for D. magna.

  11. Acute toxicity tests with Daphnia magna, Americamysis bahia, Chironomus riparius and Gammarus pulex and implications of new EU requirenments for the aquatic effect assessment of insecticides

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brock, T.C.M.; Wijngaarden, van R.P.A.


    Threshold concentrations for treatment related effects of 31 insecticides, as derived from aquatic micro-/mesocosm tests, were used to calibrate the predictive value of the European Tier-1 acute effect assessment on basis of laboratory toxicity tests with Daphnia magna, Chironomus spp., Americamysis

  12. Integrated analysis of the ecotoxicological and genotoxic effects of the antimicrobial peptide melittin on Daphnia magna and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galdiero, Emilia; Maselli, Valeria; Falanga, Annarita; Gesuele, Renato; Galdiero, Stefania; Fulgione, Domenico; Guida, Marco


    Melittin is a major constituent of the bee venom of Apis mellifera with a broad spectrum of activities. Melittin therapeutical potential is subject to its toxicity and the assessment of ecotoxicity and genotoxicity is of particular interest for therapeutic use. Here we analyzed the biological effects of melittin on two aquatic species, which are representative of two different levels of the aquatic trophic chain: the invertebrate Daphnia magna and the unicellular microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. The attention was focused on the determination of: i) ecotoxicity; ii) genotoxicity; iii) antigenotoxicity. Our main finding is that melittin is detrimental to D. magna reproduction and its sub-lethal concentrations create an accumulation dependent on exposition times and a negative effect on DNA. We also observed that melittin significantly delayed time to first eggs. Moreover, results showed that melittin exerted its toxic and genotoxic effects in both species, being a bit more aggressive towards P. subcapitata. - Highlights: • We examine ecotoxicity to study how AMPs affect the environment. • We examine genotoxicity in order to analyze the damages to the DNA. • We examine the antigenotoxicity in order to verify DNA repair ability of the cells. • Possible therapeutical applications of AMPs depend on assessment of ecotoxicity. - Melittin exerts its dose dependent toxic and genotoxic effects on both indicators; no toxicity is found at concentrations that may typically reach the environment

  13. Combined acute ecotoxicity of malathion and deltamethrin to Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera): comparison of different data analysis approaches. (United States)

    Toumi, Héla; Boumaiza, Moncef; Millet, Maurice; Radetski, Claudemir Marcos; Camara, Baba Issa; Felten, Vincent; Masfaraud, Jean-François; Férard, Jean-François


    We studied the combined acute effect (i.e., after 48 h) of deltamethrin (a pyrethroid insecticide) and malathion (an organophosphate insecticide) on Daphnia magna. Two approaches were used to examine the potential interaction effects of eight mixtures of deltamethrin and malathion: (i) calculation of mixture toxicity index (MTI) and safety factor index (SFI) and (ii) response surface methodology coupled with isobole-based statistical model (using generalized linear model). According to the calculation of MTI and SFI, one tested mixture was found additive while the two other tested mixtures were found no additive (MTI) or antagonistic (SFI), but these differences between index responses are only due to differences in terminology related to these two indexes. Through the surface response approach and isobologram analysis, we concluded that there was a significant antagonistic effect of the binary mixtures of deltamethrin and malathion that occurs on D. magna immobilization, after 48 h of exposure. Index approaches and surface response approach with isobologram analysis are complementary. Calculation of mixture toxicity index and safety factor index allows identifying punctually the type of interaction for several tested mixtures, while the surface response approach with isobologram analysis integrates all the data providing a global outcome about the type of interactive effect. Only the surface response approach and isobologram analysis allowed the statistical assessment of the ecotoxicological interaction. Nevertheless, we recommend the use of both approaches (i) to identify the combined effects of contaminants and (ii) to improve risk assessment and environmental management.

  14. Interclonal proteomic responses to predator exposure in Daphnia magna may depend on predator composition of habitats. (United States)

    Otte, Kathrin A; Schrank, Isabella; Fröhlich, Thomas; Arnold, Georg J; Laforsch, Christian


    Phenotypic plasticity, the ability of one genotype to express different phenotypes in response to changing environmental conditions, is one of the most common phenomena characterizing the living world and is not only relevant for the ecology but also for the evolution of species. Daphnia, the water flea, is a textbook example for predator-induced phenotypic plastic defences; however, the analysis of molecular mechanisms underlying these inducible defences is still in its early stages. We exposed Daphnia magna to chemical cues of the predator Triops cancriformis to identify key processes underlying plastic defensive trait formation. To get a more comprehensive idea of this phenomenon, we studied four genotypes with five biological replicates each, originating from habitats characterized by different predator composition, ranging from predator-free habitats to habitats containing T. cancriformis. We analysed the morphologies as well as proteomes of predator-exposed and control animals. Three genotypes showed morphological changes when the predator was present. Using a high-throughput proteomics approach, we found 294 proteins which were significantly altered in their abundance after predator exposure in a general or genotype-dependent manner. Proteins connected to genotype-dependent responses were related to the cuticle, protein synthesis and calcium binding, whereas the yolk protein vitellogenin increased in abundance in all genotypes, indicating their involvement in a more general response. Furthermore, genotype-dependent responses at the proteome level were most distinct for the only genotype that shares its habitat with Triops. Altogether, our study provides new insights concerning genotype-dependent and general molecular processes involved in predator-induced phenotypic plasticity in D. magna. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Mixture toxicity of flubendazole and fenbendazole to Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Puckowski, Alan; Stolte, Stefan; Wagil, Marta; Markiewicz, Marta; Łukaszewicz, Paulina; Stepnowski, Piotr; Białk-Bielińska, Anna


    Nowadays, residual amounts of many pharmaceuticals can be found in various environmental compartments including surface and ground waters, soils and sediments as well as biota. Even though they undergo degradability, their environmental discharge is relatively continuous, thus they may be regarded as quasi-persistent contaminants, and are also frequently regarded as emerging organic pollutants. Benzimidazoles, especially flubendazole (FLU) and fenbendazole (FEN), represent two anthelmintic drugs belonging to this group. Although their presence in environmental matrices has been reported, there is relatively little data concerning their (eco)toxicological impact. Furthermore, no data is available on their mixture toxicity. FLU and FEN have been found to have a strong impact on an environmentally important non-target organism - Daphnia magna. Moreover, these compounds are usually present in the environment as a part of pharmaceutical mixtures. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate their mixture toxicity, which was the main aim of this study. Single substance toxicity tests were carried out in parallel with mixture studies of FLU and FEN, with the application of two well established concepts of Concentration Addition (CA) and Independent Action (IA). As a result, both models (CA and IA) were found to underestimate the toxicity of mixtures, however CA yielded more accurate predictions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  16. Analysis of the swimming velocity of cadmium-stressed Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baillieul, M.; Blust, R.


    The swimming velocity of the waterflea Daphnia magna is dependent on its body size. Therefore, environmental factors like toxic stress that influence growth also influence swimming velocity. An experiment was set up to test whether exposure to cadmium would reduce only growth, with a concomitant decrease in velocity, or whether it would reduce velocity below the swimming velocity of similarly-sized control animals. Daphnids were exposed for 10 days to free cadmium ion concentrations ranging from 1x10 -8 to 1x10 -7 M Cd 2+ , and body size and swimming velocity were measured every 2 days. The results showed that cadmium decreased both growth and velocity, i.e. exposed daphnids swam slower than similarly-sized control daphnids. Swimming velocity provided no indication of successful acclimation in any cadmium treatment. Food consumption and assimilation were reduced by exposure to cadmium. This reduced food intake may have, at least partially, caused the decreased growth rates. However, since reduced food intake does not affect swimming velocity, the reduced swimming velocity must be attributed to toxic effects of cadmium, other than those on food intake. (Copyright (c) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. All rights reserved.)

  17. High concentrations of protein test substances may have non-toxic effects on Daphnia magna: implications for regulatory study designs and ecological risk assessments for GM crops. (United States)

    Raybould, Alan; Burns, Andrea; Hamer, Mick


    Laboratory testing for possible adverse effects of insecticidal proteins on non-target organisms (NTOs) is an important part of many ecological risk assessments for regulatory decision-making about the cultivation of insect-resistant genetically modified (IRGM) crops. To increase confidence in the risk assessments, regulatory guidelines for effects testing specify that representative surrogate species for NTOs are exposed to concentrations of insecticidal proteins that are in excess of worst-case predicted exposures in the field. High concentrations in effects tests are achieved by using protein test substances produced in microbes, such as Escherichia coli. In a study that exposed Daphnia magna to a single high concentration of a microbial test substance containing Vip3Aa20, the insecticidal protein in MIR162 maize, small reductions in growth were observed. These effects were surprising as many other studies strongly suggest that the activity of Vip3Aa20 is limited to Lepidoptera. A plausible explanation for the effect on growth is that high concentrations of test substance have a non-toxic effect on Daphnia, perhaps by reducing its feeding rate. A follow-up study tested that hypothesis by exposing D. magna to several concentrations of Vip3Aa20, and a high concentration of a non-toxic protein, bovine serum albumin (BSA). Vip3Aa20 and BSA had sporadic effects on the reproduction and growth of D. magna. The pattern of the effects suggests that they result from non-toxic effects of high concentrations of protein, and not from toxicity. The implications of these results for regulatory NTO effects testing and ERA of IRGM crops are discussed.

  18. Environmental labeling of car tires--toxicity to Daphnia magna can be used as a screening method. (United States)

    Wik, Anna; Dave, Göran


    Car tires contain several water-soluble compounds that can leach into water and have toxic effects on aquatic organisms. Due to tire wear, 10,000 tonnes of rubber particles end up along the Swedish roads every year. This leads to a diffuse input of emissions of several compounds. Emissions of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of particular concern. PAHs are ingredients of the high aromatic oil (HA oil) that is used in the rubber as a softener and as a filler. The exclusion of HA oils from car tires has started, and an environmental labeling of tires could make HA oils obsolete. The toxicity to Daphnia magna from 12 randomly selected car tires was tested in this study. Rubber from the tread of the tires was grated into small pieces, to simulate material from tire wear, and the rubber was equilibrated with dilution water for 72 h before addition of test organisms. The 24-h EC50s of the rubber pieces ranged from 0.29 to 32 gl-1, and the 48-h EC50s ranged from 0.0625 to 2.41 gl-1. Summer tires were more toxic than winter tires. After the 48-h exposure, the daphnids were exposed to UV-light for 2 h, to determine if the tires contained compounds that were phototoxic. After UV-activation the EC50s ranged from 0.0625 to 0.38 gl-1. Four of the 12 tires had a very distinct photoactivation, with a toxicity increase of >10 times. This study has shown that the used method for toxicity testing with Daphnia magna according to ISO 6341 could be used as a basis for environmental labeling of car tires.

  19. Effects of functionalized fullerenes on bifenthrin and tribufos toxicity to Daphnia magna: Survival, reproduction, and growth rate. (United States)

    Brausch, Kathryn A; Anderson, Todd A; Smith, Philip N; Maul, Jonathan D


    Incorporation of carbon nanomaterials into industrial and consumer products is increasing, yet their impact on aquatic ecosystems alone and in chemical mixtures is largely unknown. Carbon nanomaterials may be found in the aquatic environment as mixtures with pesticides because of their proposed use in agriculture as smart delivery systems and nanosensors. The interaction effects of a functionalized fullerene ([1,2-methanofullerene C₆₀]-61-carboxylic acid) (fC₆₀) at 52.8 µg/L and the hydrophobic pesticides bifenthrin and tribufos were examined. The test organism was Daphnia magna, and response variables included 48-h survival, reproduction (bifenthrin, 70-d; tribufos, 21-d), and 10-d growth. Both pesticides reduced D. magna survival and reproduction (p bifenthrin acute toxicity but did not significantly affect chronic endpoints or growth (p > 0.05). Median lethal concentrations (LC50s), median inhibition concentrations (IC50s) for days surviving, and IC50s for reproduction were 0.86, 0.55, and 0.49 µg/L for bifenthrin; 0.22, 0.39, and 0.77 µg/L for fC₆₀-bifenthrin mix; 6.63, 9.89, and 5.79 µg/L for tribufos; and 9.17, 8.17, and 6.59 µg/L for fC₆₀-tribufos mix. Mixtures did not affect instantaneous growth rate (p > 0.05). These results suggest that fC₆₀ had little effect on pesticide chronic toxicity but influenced acute toxicity. Given the widespread application of nanotechnology, the influence of nanomaterials on environmental contaminants is an important consideration. Thus, our results may be useful in the development and use of nanotechnology in agricultural practices. © 2010 SETAC.

  20. Sequence analysis of ribosomal and mitochondrial genes of the giant liver fluke Fascioloides magna (Trematoda: Fasciolidae): intraspecific variation and differentiation from Fasciola hepatica

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kráľová-Hromadová, I.; Špakulová, M.; Horáčková, Eva; Turčeková, Ĺ.; Novobilský, A.; Beck, R.; Koudela, Břetislav; Marinculić, A.; Rajský, D.; Pybus, M.


    Roč. 94, č. 1 (2008), s. 58-67 ISSN 0022-3395 R&D Projects: GA ČR GD524/03/H133; GA AV ČR IAA6022404 Grant - others:Slovak Research and Development Agency(SK) APVV-51-062205 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60220518 Keywords : Fascioloides magna * Fasciola hepatica * ribosomal genes * mitochondrial genes Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 1.165, year: 2008

  1. Promoting effects on reproduction increase population vulnerability of Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Agatz, Annika; Hammers-Wirtz, Monika; Gabsi, Faten; Ratte, Hans Toni; Brown, Colin D; Preuss, Thomas G


    Environmental risk assessment of chemicals is based on single species tests at the individual level with single compounds. However, the protection goal is the sustainability of a population, which faces several natural stressors and mixtures of chemicals in the environment. Therefore, experiments were undertaken to quantify the combined effects of chemicals with different modes of action on Daphnia magna populations. Populations continuously exposed to dispersogen A and at abundance equilibrium were treated with a 2-d pulse of p353-nonylphenol. In previous studies, dispersogen A was shown to act as a natural info-chemical, promoting the reproduction of daphnids (higher offspring quantity) coupled with reduced offspring fitness, whereas nonylphenol in pulsed-exposure caused size-selective mortality. Dispersogen A caused accelerated population growth to maximum abundance, shifted the population structure towards smaller individuals, and increased the population sensitivity to nonylphenol. The authors showed that a positive effect observed at the individual level can be transposed to a negative effect when monitored at the population level. So far, positive effects are not addressed in environmental risk assessment, and even in higher-tier testing, population structure is not quantified. Both factors indicate a potential mismatch between protection aim and risk assessment practice. Copyright © 2012 SETAC.

  2. Behavior and chronic toxicity of two differently stabilized silver nanoparticles to Daphnia magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sakka, Yvonne; Skjolding, Lars Michael; Mackevica, Aiga


    While differences in silver nanoparticle (AgNP) colloidal stability, surface potential, or acute aquatic toxicity for differently stabilized AgNP have often been reported, these have rarely been studied in long-term ecotoxicity tests. In the current study, we investigated the chronic toxicity of Ag...... types of AgNP during a typical media exchange period in the D. magna test for chronic toxicity. As expected, the sterically stabilized AgNP were more stable in the test medium, also in the presence of food; however, a higher uptake of silver after 24 h exposure of the charge stabilized AgNP was found...... compared to the detergent-stabilized AgNP (0.046 ± 0.006 μg Ag μg DW−1 and 0.023 ± 0.005 μg Ag μg DW−1, respectively). In accordance with this, the higher reproductive effects and mortality were found for the charge-stabilized than for the sterically-stabilized silver nanoparticles in 21-d tests...

  3. Discordant K-Ar ages between hornblende and biotite from the Tanzawa tonalitic pluton in the southern Fossa Magna, central Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Kohei; Shibata, Ken; Uchiumi, Shigeru


    K-Ar ages were determined for hornblende and biotite in three tonalites from the Tanzawa pluton in the southern Fossa Magna, central Japan. The two minerals show discordant ages of 10.1 and 10.7 Ma for hornblende and 4.6 - 5.1 Ma for biotite. The age data and field evidence indicate that the pluton was emplaced in the Tanzawa Group in Middle Miocene time and its slow cooling (ca. 50 deg C/Ma in average) resulted in younger ages of boitites than hornblendes due to lower closure temperature for biotite. (author)

  4. Not all that glitters is gold - Electron microscopy study on uptake of gold nanoparticles in Daphnia magna and related artefacts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Louise Helene Søgaard; Skjolding, Lars Michael; Thit, Amalie


    techniques are used to investigate internalization of 10 nm gold nanoparticles in Daphnia magna gut lumen and gut epithelial cells upon 24h exposure and outline potential artefacts, i.e. high contract precipitates from sample preparation related to these techniques. Light sheet microscopy confirmed...... accumulation of gold nanoparticles in the gut lumen. Scanning transmission electron microscopy and elemental analysis revealed gold nanoparticles attached to the microvilli of gut cells. Interestingly, the peritrophic membrane appeared to act as a semipermeable barrier between the lumen and the gut epithelium...

  5. Comparing humic substance and protein compound effects on the bioaccumulation of perfluoroalkyl substances by Daphnia magna in water. (United States)

    Xia, Xinghui; Dai, Zhineng; Rabearisoa, Andry Harinaina; Zhao, Pujun; Jiang, Xiaoman


    The influence of humic substances and protein compounds on the bioaccumulation of six types of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in Daphnia magna was compared. The humic substances included humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA), the protein compounds included chicken egg albumin (albumin) and peptone, and the PFASs included perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), perfluorodecanoic acid, perfluoroundecanoic acid, and perfluorododecanoic acid. Four concentrations (0, 1, 10, and 20 mg L(-1)) of the four dissolved organic matter (DOM) types were investigated. At the 1 mg L(-1) level, HA and albumin enhanced all tested PFAS bioaccumulation, whereas FA and peptone only enhanced the bioaccumulation of shorter-chain PFASs (PFOS, PFOA, and PFNA). However, all four DOM types decreased all tested PFAS bioaccumulation at the 20 mg L(-1) level, and the decreasing ratios of bioaccumulation factors caused by FA, HA, albumin, and peptone were 1-49%, 23-77%, 17-58%, and 8-56%, respectively compared with those without DOM. This is because DOM not only reduced the bioavailable concentrations and uptake rates of PFASs but also lowered the elimination rates of PFASs in D. magna, and these opposite effects would change with different DOM types and concentrations. Although the partition coefficients (L kg(-1)) of PFASs between HA and water (10(4.21)-10(4.98)) were much lower than those between albumin and water (10(4.92)-10(5.86)), their effects on PFAS bioaccumulation were comparable. This study suggests that although PFASs are a type of proteinophilic compounds, humic substances also have important effects on their bioavailability and bioaccumulation in aquatic organisms. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. The effect of food on the respiration rates of Daphnia magna using a flow-through system

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    Claire Schmoker


    Full Text Available Respiration rates and gut fluorescence of the cladoceran Daphnia magna were studied using a flow-through system. This open system has the advantage of introducing food or producing a starvation effect during the course of the experiment. Severe variations in respiratory rates were observed in relation to the presence or absence of food, indicating short-term variability. Organisms kept starved or at low food for a long period (15-20 h responded to a sudden increase in food by increasing their respiration rates three- to four-fold in parallel with their gut content. A significant relationship between gut fluorescence and respiration rates was observed, suggesting that feeding and the related swimming activity were responsible for the observed metabolic variability.

  7. Impaired reproduction and individual growth of the water flea Daphnia magna as consequence of exposure to the non-ester pyrethroid etofenprox. (United States)

    Sancho, Encarna; Banegas, Sandra; Villarroel, María José; Ferrando, Dolores


    The effect of the pesticide etofenprox (0.76, 0.95, 1.18, 1.48, and 1.85 μg L -1 ) on survival, reproduction, and growth of Daphnia magna organisms was monitored using 21-day exposure tests. In order to test pesticide effects on D. magna, survival, length, mean total neonates per female, mean brood size, time to first reproduction, mean number broods per female, cumulative molting, and the population parameter intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) were used. Reproduction was seriously affected by etofenprox. Concentrations of etofenprox higher than 1.18 μg L -1 affected all the reproductive parameters analyzed as well as individual length. However, daphnids' survival after 21 days of pesticide exposure did not exhibited differences among experimental and control groups. The no observed effect concentration (NOEC), the lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC), and the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration (MATC) were calculated for the different parameters. A MATC estimation of 1.32 μg L -1 was calculated for mean brood size, mean number of broods per female, mean number of neonates per female, and the intrinsic rate of growth population. Etofenprox effect on the algae Nannochloris oculata was also evaluated. The selected etofenprox concentrations did not affect algal growth rate (μ) after 24 h; however, N. oculata exposed during 48 and 72 h to the highest etofenprox concentration showed a decreased in its population rate.

  8. Effect of subcellular distribution on nC₆₀ uptake and transfer efficiency from Scenedesmus obliquus to Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Chen, Qiqing; Hu, Xialin; Yin, Daqiang; Wang, Rui


    The potential uptake and trophic transfer ability of nanoparticles (NPs) in aquatic organisms have not been well understood yet. There has been an increasing awareness of the subcellular fate of NPs in organisms, but how the subcellular distribution of NPs subsequently affects the trophic transfer to predator remains to be answered. In the present study, the food chain from Scenedesmus obliquus to Daphnia magna was established to simulate the trophic transfer of fullerene aqueous suspension (nC60). The nC60 contaminated algae were separated into three fractions: cell wall (CW), cell organelle (CO), and cell membrane (CM) fractions, and we investigated the nC60 uptake amounts and trophic transfer efficiency to the predator through dietary exposure to algae or algal subcellular fractions. The nC60 distribution in CW fraction of S. obliquus was the highest, following by CO and CM fractions. nC60 uptake amounts in D. magna were found to be mainly relative to the NPs' distribution in CW fraction and daphnia uptake ability from CW fraction, whereas the nC60 trophic transfer efficiency (TE) were mainly in accordance with the transfer ability of NPs from the CO fraction. CW fed group possessed the highest uptake amount, followed by CO and CM fed groups, but the presence of humic acid (HA) significantly decreased the nC60 uptake from CW fed group. The CO fed groups acquired high TE values for nC60, while CM fed groups had low TE values. Moreover, even though CW fed group had a high TE value; it decreased significantly with the presence of HA. This study contributes to the understanding of fullerene NPs' dietary exposure to aquatic organisms, suggesting that NPs in different food forms are not necessarily equally trophically available to the predator. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Infections by Pasteuria do not protect its natural host Daphnia magna from subsequent infections. (United States)

    Duneau, David; Ebert, Dieter; Du Pasquier, Louis


    The existence of immunological memory in invertebrates remains a contentious topic. Exposure of Daphnia magna crustaceans to a noninfectious dose of the bacterium Pasteuria ramosa has been reported to reduce the chance of future infection upon exposure to higher doses. Using clonal hosts and parasites, we tested whether initial exposure of the host to the parasite (priming), followed by clearing of the parasite with antibiotic, protects the host from a second exposure (challenge). Our experiments included three treatments: priming and challenge with the same or with a different parasite clone, or no priming. Two independent experiments showed that both the likelihood of infection and the degree of parasite proliferation did not differ between treatments, supporting the conclusion that there is no immunological memory in this system. We discuss the possibility that previous discordant reports could result from immune or stress responses that did not fade following initial priming. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Effect of pH on the toxicity and bioconcentration of sulfadiazine on Daphnia magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Anskjær, Gitte Gotholdt; Rendal, Cecilie; Kusk, Kresten Ole


    The antimicrobial sulfonamide sulfadiazine has in the last decades been detected in environmental water bodies, both surface and ground water. Since pH in the environment may vary considerably, this study examined the toxicity of the amphoter sulfadiazine towards Daphnia magna at pH levels of 6.......0, 7.5 and 8.5, thus taking the impact of speciation into consideration, contrary to earlier eco-toxicity studies conducted at standard conditions. Toxicity tests were performed using the standard ISO 6341 test procedure modified to accommodate the three pH levels and the toxicity was expressed as EC50....... After 48h the EC50 was determined to be 27.2, 188 and 310mgL−1 at pH 6.0, 7.5 and 8.5, respectively, thus demonstrating a significant effect of pH on the toxicity of sulfadiazine. Furthermore, the bioconcentration factor (dry weight) was determined to be 50 and 36 at pH 6.0 and 8.5, respectively...


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    Nabil.A. ABD EL-TAWAB


    Full Text Available The Hadrianic Baths is one of the most important archaeological sites in Leptis Magna- Libya. It was built at the command of Emperor Hadrian in the early 2nd century CE; they represent some of the most lavish structures of Leptis Magna. It is unique in design and building technique. It was built of limestone, marble and brick. This paper mainly describes the deterioration of marble. The marble in the monuments can be classified into several types, based on its color, texture, chemical composition and the constituent mineral. The Hadrianic Baths is subjected to severe degradation, due to the climate, which is typically marine. This site suffered from different weathering forms, for example, disintegration of grains, pitting, chipping, frequent flaking, multiple-flaking, fissures and biodeterioration. These weathering forms were produced by many deterioration factors, such as moisture, salt weathering, biological and micro-biological factors, changes in temperature and wind erosion. The aim of this study is to characterize the building materials at the Hadrianic Baths, especially marble, and to evaluate the role of groundwater and sea weathering on the strength of the marble exposed to the coastline of the Mediterranean. Many samples were collected from limestone, marble, mortar, plaster and salts, for analysis and investigation. Several scientific techniques were used in the study of the morphology and texture. Those methods include microscopy, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM, polarized light microscopy (PLM and stereo microscopy. A qualitative identification of organic and inorganic chemical species was performed by using techniques such as energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS, X-ray diffraction (XRD and microbial investigation were also done. Our results indicated that the deterioration of marble was caused by the aggressive action of environmental agents. SEM observations indicated the occurrence of microcracks and particle aggregates

  12. Temperature-dependent effect of filamentous cyanobacteria on Daphnia magna life history traits

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    Full Text Available Filamentous cyanobacteria are unsuitable food for Daphnia due to their poor manageability, poor nutritional value and, in some cases, toxicity. As the strength of harmful effects of cyanobacteria on filter-feeding zooplankton is temperature dependent, the global warming scenarios for eutrophic lakes in temperate zone might include an escalated suppression of Daphnia populations caused by the presence of cyanobacterial filaments. To test this assumption, we conducted life-table experiments with four clones of Daphnia magna fed either a green alga Scenedesmus obliquus or a non-toxic strain of filamentous cyanobacteria Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in two temperatures (20 °C and 24 °C. Key life history parameters of Daphnia, i.e., age and size at first reproduction, fecundity, and individual growth rate, were measured. Both food and temperature significantly affected Daphnia performance, however, the effect of interaction of these two factors was ambiguous and highly genotype-dependent. We conclude that the temperature increase within the studied range will not necessarily strengthen the suppression of Daphnia growth by filamentous cyanobacteria, but may affect clonal selection within population of Daphnia, thus possibly triggering microevolutionary changes within affected populations.

  13. Bone marrow stem cells delivered into the subarachnoid space via cisterna magna improve repair of injured rat spinal cord white matter (United States)

    Marcol, Wiesław; Slusarczyk, Wojciech; Sieroń, Aleksander L; Koryciak-Komarska, Halina; Lewin-Kowalik, Joanna


    The influence of bone marrow stem cells on regeneration of spinal cord in rats was investigated. Young adult male Wistar rats were used (n=22). Focal injury of spinal cord white matter at Th10 level was produced using our original non-laminectomy method by means of high-pressured air stream. Cells from tibial and femoral bone marrow of 1-month old rats (n=3) were cultured, labeled with BrdU/Hoechst and injected into cisterna magna (experimental group) three times: immediately after spinal cord injury and 3 as well as 7 days later. Neurons in brain stem and motor cortex were labeled with FluoroGold (FG) delivered caudally from the injury site a week before the end of experiment. Functional outcome and morphological features of regeneration were analyzed during 12-week follow-up. The lesions were characterized by means of MRI. Maximal distance of expansion of implanted cells in the spinal cord was measured and the number of FG-positive neurons in the brain was counted. Rats treated with stem cells presented significant improvement of locomotor performance and spinal cord morphology when compared to the control group. Distance covered by stem cells was 7 mm from the epicenter of the injury. Number of brain stem and motor cortex FG-positive neurons in experimental group was significantly higher than in control. Obtained data showed that bone marrow stem cells are able to induce the repair of injured spinal cord white matter. The route of cells application via cisterna magna appeared to be useful for their delivery in spinal cord injury therapy. PMID:26628950

  14. Linking sub-individual and supra-individual effects in Daphnia magna exposed to sub-lethal concentration of chlorpyrifos. (United States)

    Ferrario, Claudia; Parolini, Marco; De Felice, Beatrice; Villa, Sara; Finizio, Antonio


    The main objective of the present study was to investigate possible links between sub-individual and supra-individual levels (i.e. population level) biomarkers in D. magna exposed to sublethal concentrations of the insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPF). To achieve the aim, 8-day old individuals were exposed for 96 h to two environmentally relevant concentrations of CPF (50 and 250 ng/L). Sub-individual level effects were investigated by measuring the activity of antioxidant (SOD, CAT, and GPx) and detoxifying (GST) enzymes, as well as by measuring the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. In addition, the effects at supra-individual level were assessed by using a video-tracking system and analyzing changes in swimming capabilities (i.e. percentage of activity time, distance moved, and velocity). Our data have shown that daphnids exposed to both CPF concentrations were in a condition of stress which was highlighted by changes in both sub- and supra-individual biomarkers. Moreover, our results highlighted that the lowest tested CPF concentration did not modulate the antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes, whereas, an inhibition of AChE and a decrease of some parameters related to swimming behaviour (distance moved and velocity) were noted. On the contrary, significant changes in all the sub-individual biomarkers were measured at the highest tested concentration. In addition, organisms recovered the movement capability (distance moved) and also activate a mechanism of avoidance (increased swimming velocity). On the other hand, a reduction in the percent of active time was measured and this was attributed to the energy spent by organisms to activate antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes and the mechanism of avoidance. Based on these results, our study suggests the existence of a link between sub- and supra-individual levels, as the activation or non-activation in the antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes activities can led to different modifications of the swimming behaviour

  15. Validation of a biotic ligand model on site-specific copper toxicity to Daphnia magna in the Yeongsan River, Korea. (United States)

    Park, Jinhee; Ra, Jin-Sung; Rho, Hojung; Cho, Jaeweon; Kim, Sang Don


    The objective of this study was to determine whether the water effect ratio (WER) or biotic ligand model (BLM) could be applied to efficiently develop water quality criteria (WQC) in Korea. Samples were collected from 12 specific sites along the Yeongsan River (YSR), Korea, including two sewage treatment plants and one estuary lake. A copper toxicity test using Daphnia magna was performed to determine the WER and to compare to the BLM prediction. The results of the WER from YSR samples also indicated significantly different copper toxicities in all sites. The model-based predictions showed that effluent and estuary waters had significantly different properties in regard to their ability to be used to investigate water characteristics and copper toxicity. It was supposed that the slight water characteristics changes, such as pH, DOC, hardness, conductivity, among others, influence copper toxicity, and these variable effects on copper toxicity interacted with the water composition. The 38% prediction was outside of the validation range by a factor of two in all sites, showing a poor predictive ability, especially in STPs and streams adjacent to the estuary, while the measured toxicity was more stable. The samples that ranged from pH 7.3-7.7 generated stable predictions, while other samples, including those with lower and the higher pH values, led to more unstable predictions. The results also showed that the toxicity of Cu in sample waters to D. magna was closely proportional to the amounts of acidity, including the carboxylic and phenolic groups, as well as the DOC concentrations. Consequently, the acceptable prediction of metal toxicity in various water samples needs the site-specific results considering the water characteristics such as pH and DOC properties particularly in STPs and estuary regions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Bleach Solution Requirement for Hatching of Daphnia magna Resting Eggs

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    Catur Retnaningdyah


    Full Text Available Daphnia (water fleas belong to the zooplankton group called Cladocerans have sexual reproduction when conditions less favorable that produce diapausing eggs are enclosed in the ephippium. Hatching ephippial eggs in the laboratory is important in ecological, toxicology, genetical, and evolutionary studies. This study aims to improve the current methods of egg hatching from ephippium. Each of 50 ephippium were treated together by placing them in a glass jar and adding 50 mL bleach solution (sodium hypochlorite. Concentrations of sodium hypochlorite used in this experiment were 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4% and 8%. These concentration treatments were crossed with the following exposure times (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 minutes. Culturing was done in 80 mL of artificial Daphnia medium, incubated in constant light and temperatures 20°C for 25 days. There were two repetitions in this experiment that were run at the same time. Result of this experiment showed that pretreatment with 0.5-8% bleach solution significantly increases the yield of total hatch rate of Daphnia magna resting eggs by about 21% over unbleached control. However, there was no significant difference among the bleach treatments. Concentration of bleach solution 0.5%, 1% and 4% significantly accelerated the time period until the first hatching (first day hatching. Difference of exposure time (1 - 32 minutes at each concentration treatments were not influence the yield of total hatch and the time period until first hatching.

  17. The effects of epoxiconazole and α-cypermethrin on Daphnia magna growth, reproduction, and offspring size

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gottardi, Michele; Birch, Michala Rosa; Dalhoff, Kristoffer


    of sublethal concentrations of epoxiconazole and α-cypermethrin and their mixture on growth, reproduction, and in vivo cytochrome P450 activity of the aquatic crustacean Daphnia magna over 42 d. Continuous exposure to nonlethal concentrations of α-cypermethrin at 20 ng/L negatively affected adult growth...... and number and size of neonates within the first 14 d of exposure. Exposure to epoxiconazole at 25 μg/L increased protein content of adults within 1 to 3 d after initiating exposure and increased cumulative number of offspring at exposure times >31 d. Epoxiconazole enhanced the negative effect of α...... with other stressors such as food scarcity, predation, and pathogens, posing an additional hazard for the organisms at the beginning of their life cycle. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;9999:1-12. © 2017 SETAC....

  18. Comparação da perviedade entre artéria radial e veia safena em pacientes em pós-operatório de cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica com retorno dos sintomas Comparison of patency between radial artery and saphenous vein in a coronary artery bypass grafting post operative with return of the symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herbert Coelho Hortmann


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a perviedade da artéria radial e veia safena em pacientes com retorno dos sintomas após cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRVM. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo. No período de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 2005, foram realizadas 469 CRVMs com o uso da artéria radial dentre os enxertos, no Hospital Vera Cruz, em Belo Horizonte/MG. Destes, 94 pacientes apresentaram alterações isquêmicas no pós-operatório recente ou tardio e foram reestudados com cineangiocoronariografia. Os enxertos foram divididos em três grupos: artéria torácica interna (ATI, artéria radial (AR e veia safena (VS, e foram estratificados segundo a gravidade das lesões: sem lesão grave (OBJECTIVE: To compare the radial artery and saphenous vein's patency in patients with recurrence of symptoms in a coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG. METHODS: Retrospective study. From January 1998 to December 2005, 469 CABGs were performed using the radial artery as a graft, in Vera Cruz Hospital in Belo Horizonte/ MG. Among the patients who underwent those surgeries, 94 presented ischemic changes in early or late postoperative period, which led them to be re-evaluated by coronary angiography. The grafts were divided in three groups: internal thoracic artery (ITA, radial artery (RA and saphenous vein (SV, and they were stratified according to the severity of injury: uninjured or patent (< 70%, severe obstruction (70 to 99% and occlusion. RESULTS: For the 94 patients in the study, 86 grafts of ITA, 94 of RA and 111 of SV were used. For the 86 ITA grafts, 73 (84.88% were found patent. For the 94 RA grafts, 55 (58.51% were found patent, and for the 111 SV grafts, 73 (65.76% were uninjured. A statistically significant difference (P= 0.001 was found between RA and SV grafts, with a higher patency found for VS graft. For the RA grafts, women presented a worse result concerning the RA patency (65.7% and 40.7%, with P = 0.006. Concerning coronary

  19. Going deeper into phosphorus adsorbents for lake restoration: Combined effects of magnetic particles, intraspecific competition and habitat heterogeneity pressure on Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Del Arco, Ana; Parra, Gema; de Vicente, Inmaculada


    Aquatic population responses to chemical exposure may be exacerbated by intraspecific competition pressures, being also shaped by habitat heterogeneity. Magnetic particles (MPs) have been recently proposed as promising phosphorus (P) adsorbents for lake restoration. This study focuses on assessing the effects of MPs on the abundance of the crustacean Daphnia magna under different levels of both intraspecific competition pressure and habitat heterogeneity. The experimental design consisted of two experiments (in homogeneous and heterogeneous habitats) done in glass jars with four concentrations of MPs: controls of 0g MPsL -1 , and treatments of 1, 1.5 and 2g MPsL -1 . In addition, competition treatments were established by using different population densities, and hence, no competition (C), low (L) and high (H) competition pressures were simulated. The experiments lasted for 7 days, with a 4-day pre-exposure period, in which competition was all allowed to take place, and a 3-day post-exposure period. Twenty-four hours after adding MPs, the MPs were removed by applying a magnetic separation technique. The results showed that competition pressures occurred and significantly reduced population abundances during the pre-exposure period. During the post-exposure period, the combined effects of competition and MPs were detected in both homogeneous (Ho-) and heterogeneous (He-) habitat experiments, showing a significantly drastic reduction in abundances. In fact, the lethal concentration for 50% of the population (LC 50 - 24h) was 0 and 0.16g MPsL -1 in the Ho- and He-experiments respectively, indicating that the addition and especially the removal of MPs cause extreme mortality. These results indicated that even though competition plays a role in shaping populations, its influence was down-weighted by the stronger pressures of MPs. In addition, as no significant differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous habitats were found, we may state that the refuge offered was

  20. The genetic basis of resistance and matching-allele interactions of a host-parasite system: The Daphnia magna-Pasteuria ramosa model.

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    Gilberto Bento


    Full Text Available Negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS is an evolutionary mechanism suggested to govern host-parasite coevolution and the maintenance of genetic diversity at host resistance loci, such as the vertebrate MHC and R-genes in plants. Matching-allele interactions of hosts and parasites that prevent the emergence of host and parasite genotypes that are universally resistant and infective are a genetic mechanism predicted to underpin NFDS. The underlying genetics of matching-allele interactions are unknown even in host-parasite systems with empirical support for coevolution by NFDS, as is the case for the planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna and the bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa. We fine-map one locus associated with D. magna resistance to P. ramosa and genetically characterize two haplotypes of the Pasteuria resistance (PR- locus using de novo genome and transcriptome sequencing. Sequence comparison of PR-locus haplotypes finds dramatic structural polymorphisms between PR-locus haplotypes including a large portion of each haplotype being composed of non-homologous sequences resulting in haplotypes differing in size by 66 kb. The high divergence of PR-locus haplotypes suggest a history of multiple, diverse and repeated instances of structural mutation events and restricted recombination. Annotation of the haplotypes reveals striking differences in gene content. In particular, a group of glycosyltransferase genes that is present in the susceptible but absent in the resistant haplotype. Moreover, in natural populations, we find that the PR-locus polymorphism is associated with variation in resistance to different P. ramosa genotypes, pointing to the PR-locus polymorphism as being responsible for the matching-allele interactions that have been previously described for this system. Our results conclusively identify a genetic basis for the matching-allele interaction observed in a coevolving host-parasite system and provide a first insight into

  1. The genetic basis of resistance and matching-allele interactions of a host-parasite system: The Daphnia magna-Pasteuria ramosa model. (United States)

    Bento, Gilberto; Routtu, Jarkko; Fields, Peter D; Bourgeois, Yann; Du Pasquier, Louis; Ebert, Dieter


    Negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS) is an evolutionary mechanism suggested to govern host-parasite coevolution and the maintenance of genetic diversity at host resistance loci, such as the vertebrate MHC and R-genes in plants. Matching-allele interactions of hosts and parasites that prevent the emergence of host and parasite genotypes that are universally resistant and infective are a genetic mechanism predicted to underpin NFDS. The underlying genetics of matching-allele interactions are unknown even in host-parasite systems with empirical support for coevolution by NFDS, as is the case for the planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna and the bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa. We fine-map one locus associated with D. magna resistance to P. ramosa and genetically characterize two haplotypes of the Pasteuria resistance (PR-) locus using de novo genome and transcriptome sequencing. Sequence comparison of PR-locus haplotypes finds dramatic structural polymorphisms between PR-locus haplotypes including a large portion of each haplotype being composed of non-homologous sequences resulting in haplotypes differing in size by 66 kb. The high divergence of PR-locus haplotypes suggest a history of multiple, diverse and repeated instances of structural mutation events and restricted recombination. Annotation of the haplotypes reveals striking differences in gene content. In particular, a group of glycosyltransferase genes that is present in the susceptible but absent in the resistant haplotype. Moreover, in natural populations, we find that the PR-locus polymorphism is associated with variation in resistance to different P. ramosa genotypes, pointing to the PR-locus polymorphism as being responsible for the matching-allele interactions that have been previously described for this system. Our results conclusively identify a genetic basis for the matching-allele interaction observed in a coevolving host-parasite system and provide a first insight into its molecular basis.

  2. Comparative toxicity of leachates from 52 textiles to Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Dave, Göran; Aspegren, Pia


    The environmental aspects of textiles are very complex and include production, processing, transport, usage, and recycling. Textiles are made from a variety of materials and can contain a large number of chemicals. Chemicals are used during production of fibres, for preservation and colouring and they are released during normal wear and during washing. The aim of this study was to investigate the release to water of toxic chemicals from various textiles. Altogether 52 samples of textiles made from cotton (21), linen (4), cotton and linen (7), cellulose (3), synthetic fibres (7), cotton and synthetic fibres (8) and wool (2). Seven were eco-labelled. All textiles were cut into squares and placed into Petri dishes with 50 ml ISO test medium in a concentration series (4-256 cm(2)/50 ml) and tested for acute toxicity to Daphnia magna. Estimated EC50s were converted into weight/volume, and 48-h EC50s ranged between 182 g/L. It was not possible to detect any difference between fibre type and toxicity (ANOVA), but a significantly higher toxicity was found for printed versus unprinted cotton and cotton/linen textiles, while the opposite was found for synthetic textiles. Eco-labelled products were evenly distributed on a toxicity scale, which means that eco-labelling in its present form does not necessarily protect users or the environment from exposure to toxic chemicals. Therefore, the results from the present study suggest that bioassays and toxicity tests should become an integrated part of textile environmental quality control programs. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Review on the acute Daphnia magna toxicity test – Evaluation of the sensitivity and the precision of assays performed with organisms from laboratory cultures or hatched from dormant eggs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Persoone


    Full Text Available One of the most internationally used bioassays for toxicity screening of chemicals and for toxicity monitoring of effluents and contaminated waters is the acute toxicity test with daphnid crustaceans, and in particular that performed with Daphnia magna.Standard methods have been developed for this assay that were gradually endorsed by national and international organisations dealing with toxicity testing procedures, in view of its application within a regulatory framework. As for all toxicity tests, the organisms used for the acute D. magna assay have to be obtained from live stocks which are cultured in the laboratory on live food (micro-algae.Unsurprisingly the various standard protocols of this particular assay differ – at least to a certain extent – with regard to the test organism culturing conditions. In addition, some technical aspects of the toxicity test such as the effect criterion (mortality of immobility, the exposure time, the type of dilution water, etc., also vary from one standard to another.Although this particular assay is currently used in many countries, the technical and biological problems inherent in year-round culturing and availability of the biological material and the culturing/maintenance costs of live stocks restrict its application to a limited number of highly specialised laboratories.This fundamental bottleneck in toxicity testing triggered investigations which brought forward the concept of “microbiotests” or “small-scale” toxicity tests. “Culture/maintenance free” aquatic microbiotests with species of different phylogenetic groups were developed in the early 1990s at the Laboratory for Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology at the Ghent University in Belgium.These assays which were given the generic name “Toxkits”, are unique in that they employ dormant stages (“cryptobiotic eggs” of the test species, which can be stored for long periods of time and “hatched” at the time of

  4. Metabolomics reveals energetic impairments in Daphnia magna exposed to diazinon, malathion and bisphenol-A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagato, Edward G.; Simpson, André J.; Simpson, Myrna J.


    Highlights: • Metabolomics detected shifts with sub-lethal exposure to contaminants. • Diazinon and malathion induced comparable, non-linear responses. • Bisphenol-A resulted in energy impairment. • Overall, insight into sub-lethal toxicity was garnered using NMR-based metabolomics. - Abstract: "1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics was used to study the response of Daphnia magna to increasing sub-lethal concentrations of either an organophosphate (diazinon or malathion) or bisphenol-A (BPA). Principal component analysis (PCA) of "1H NMR spectra were used to screen metabolome changes after 48 h of contaminant exposure. The PCA scores plots showed that diazinon exposures resulted in aberrant metabolomic profiles at all exposure concentrations tested (0.009–0.135 μg/L), while for malathion the second lowest (0.08 μg/L) and two highest exposure concentrations (0.32 μg/L and 0.47 μg/L) caused significant shifts from the control. Individual metabolite changes for both organophosphates indicated that the response to increasing exposure was non-linear and described perturbations in the metabolome that were characteristic of the severity of exposure. For example, intermediate concentrations of diazinon (0.045 μg/L and 0.09 μg/L) and malathion (0.08 μg/L) elicited a decrease in amino acids such as leucine, valine, arginine, glycine, lysine, glutamate, glutamine, phenylalanine and tyrosine, with concurrent increases in glucose and lactate, suggesting a mobilization of energy resources to combat stress. At the highest exposure concentrations for both organophosphates there was evidence of a cessation in metabolic activity, where the same amino acids increased and glucose and lactate decreased, suggesting a slowdown in protein synthesis and depletion of energy stocks. This demonstrated a similar response in the metabolome between two organophosphates but also that intermediate and severe stress levels could be differentiated by changes in the

  5. The Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Microparticles on Individual Fitness in Daphnia magna.

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    Martin Ogonowski

    Full Text Available Concerns are being raised that microplastic pollution can have detrimental effects on the feeding of aquatic invertebrates, including zooplankton. Both small plastic fragments (microplastics, MPs produced by degradation of larger plastic waste (secondary MPs; SMPs and microscopic plastic spheres used in cosmetic products and industry (primary MPs; PMPs are ubiquitously present in the environment. However, despite the fact that most environmental MPs consist of weathered plastic debris with irregular shape and broad size distribution, experimental studies of organism responses to MP exposure have largely used uniformly sized spherical PMPs. Therefore, effects observed for PMPs in such experiments may not be representative for MP-effects in situ. Moreover, invertebrate filter-feeders are generally well adapted to the presence of refractory material in seston, which questions the potential of MPs at environmentally relevant concentrations to measurably affect digestion in these organisms. Here, we compared responses to MPs (PMPs and SMPs and naturally occurring particles (kaolin clay using the cladoceran Daphnia magna as a model organism. We manipulated food levels (0.4 and 9 μg C mL-1 and MP or kaolin contribution to the feeding suspension (<1 to 74% and evaluated effects of MPs and kaolin on food uptake, growth, reproductive capacity of the daphnids, and maternal effects on offspring survival and feeding. Exposure to SMPs caused elevated mortality, increased inter-brood period and decreased reproduction albeit only at high MP levels in the feeding suspension (74% by particle count. No such effects were observed in either PMP or kaolin treatments. In daphnids exposed to any particle type at the low algal concentration, individual growth decreased by ~15%. By contrast, positive growth response to all particle types was observed at the high algal concentration with 17%, 54% and 40% increase for kaolin, PMP and SMP, respectively. When test particles

  6. RIBE at an inter-organismic level: A study on genotoxic effects in Daphnia magna exposed to waterborne uranium and a uranium mine effluent. (United States)

    Reis, P; Lourenço, J; Carvalho, F P; Oliveira, J; Malta, M; Mendo, S; Pereira, R


    The induction of RIBE (Radiation Induced Bystander Effect) is a non-target effect of low radiation doses that has already been verified at an inter-organismic level in fish and small mammals. Although the theoretical impact in the field of environmental risk assessment (ERA) is possible, there is a gap of knowledge regarding this phenomenon in invertebrate groups and following environmentally relevant exposures. To understand if RIBE should be considered for ERA of radionuclide-rich wastewaters, we exposed Daphnia magna (uranium mine effluent for 48 h, and to a matching dose of waterborne uranium (55.3 μg L -1 ). Then the exposed organisms were placed (24 and 48 h) in a clean medium together with non-exposed neonates. The DNA damage observed for the non-exposed organisms was statistically significant after the 24 h cohabitation for both uranium (neonates p = 0.002; 5 d-old daphnids p = uranium mine effluent exposure (only for neonates p = 0.042). After 48 h cohabitation significant results were obtained only for uranium exposure (neonates p = 0.017; 5 d-old daphnids p = 0.013). Although there may be some variability associated to age and exposure duration, the significant DNA damage detected in non-exposed organisms clearly reveals the occurrence of RIBE in D. magna. The data obtained and here presented are a valuable contribution for the discussion about the relevance of RIBE for environmental risk assessment. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Strain difference in sensitivity to 3,4-dichloroaniline and insect growth regulator, fenoxycarb, in Daphnia magna

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oda, S.; Tatarazako, N.; Dorgerloh, M


    Acute and reproductive toxicity tests were conducted on seven strains of Daphnia magna from six laboratories in five countries. 3,4-Dichloroaniline (DCA) and fenoxycarb were used as test chemicals. Acute toxicity tests revealed that estimated EC50 (50% effective concentration) values for DCA varied...... by a factor of 2.1 among strains (310-640 mu g/L), whereas the EC50 values for fenoxycarb varied by a factor of 4 (210-860 mu g/L). EC50 values for reproductive toxicity tests with DCA ranged from 5.9 to 38 mu g/L among strains. Fenoxycarb exposure induced the production of male neonates in all the strains...... used in the present study. Estimated EC50 values for the induction of male offspring were highly variable among strains: sensitivity to fenoxycarb differed by a factor of approximately 23 overall (0.45-10 mu g/L). The present pre-validation tests suggest that induction of male sex in neonates...

  8. O custo médio direto do material utilizado em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio

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    Bittar Eliana


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Verificar o custo médio direto do material usado em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio e comparar o custo médio encontrado segundo o número de pontes de safena realizadas. MÉTODOS: Como referencial teórico para apuração dos custos utilizou-se o sistema de custeio de absorção por produto/procedimento. A pesquisa, do tipo descritiva, foi realizada no centro cirúrgico de um hospital especializado em cardiologia, no município de São Paulo. A amostra foi conformada por 104 cirurgias de revascularização do miocárdio. RESULTADOS: O levantamento do consumo possibilitou aferição do custo médio direto de material usado em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio que resultou em R$2.718,78. CONCLUSÕES: Houve uma variação de custos do material, em relação ao número de pontes de safena realizadas, havendo uma diferença significativa entre as cirurgias de 1, 2 e 3 pontes, o que não ocorreu entre as cirurgias de 3, 4 e 5 pontes. O custo médio direto das cirurgias foi: 1 ponte (R$2.207,71, 2 pontes (R$2.554,61, 3 pontes (R$2.768.94, 4 pontes (R$2.848,65 e 5 pontes (R$2.884,13. Os itens de material de perfusão (R$1.051,24, fios cirúrgicos (R$829,98 e material de consumo (R$442,40 foram os que apresentaram o maior custo médio.

  9. A taste of plastic - quantifying micro- and nanoplastic ingestion and interactions with feeding in daphnia magna (E)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rist, Sinja; Baun, Anders; Hartmann, Nanna B.

    Aquatic ecosystems worldwide are polluted by microplastics and they are ingested by a broad range of organisms. Although research so far mainly focused on marine ecosystems, freshwater organisms are just as affected. Approaches to study microplastic ingestion are predominantly qualitative since...... exposed to a particle concentration of 1 mg/l for 24 h (uptake) and thereafter transferred to clean medium for another 24 h (depuration). During both phases animals were sampled and particle body burdens were determined by measuring particle fluorescence in the dissolved tissue. To analyze the influence...... of particle size, the study was done with beads of 2 µm and 100 nm. It was furthermore analyzed how the processes are affected by food availability and how the particles in turn affect the feeding rate of D. magna. Both particle sizes were readily taken up and body burdens increased with exposure time. The 2...

  10. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles increase sensitivity in the next generation of the water flea Daphnia magna.

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    Mirco Bundschuh

    Full Text Available The nanoparticle industry is expected to become a trillion dollar business in the near future. Therefore, the unintentional introduction of nanoparticles into the environment is increasingly likely. However, currently applied risk-assessment practices require further adaptation to accommodate the intrinsic nature of engineered nanoparticles. Combining a chronic flow-through exposure system with subsequent acute toxicity tests for the standard test organism Daphnia magna, we found that juvenile offspring of adults that were previously exposed to titanium dioxide nanoparticles exhibit a significantly increased sensitivity to titanium dioxide nanoparticles compared with the offspring of unexposed adults, as displayed by lower 96 h-EC(50 values. This observation is particularly remarkable because adults exhibited no differences among treatments in terms of typically assessed endpoints, such as sensitivity, number of offspring, or energy reserves. Hence, the present study suggests that ecotoxicological research requires further development to include the assessment of the environmental risks of nanoparticles for the next and hence not directly exposed generation, which is currently not included in standard test protocols.

  11. Toxicity assessment of polluted sediments using swimming behavior alteration test with Daphnia magna (United States)

    Nikitin, O. V.; Nasyrova, E. I.; Nuriakhmetova, V. R.; Stepanova, N. Yu; Danilova, N. V.; Latypova, V. Z.


    Recently behavioral responses of organisms are increasingly used as a reliable and sensitive tool in aquatic toxicology. Behavior-related endpoints allow efficiently studying the effects of sub-lethal exposure to contaminants. At present behavioural parameters frequently are determined with the use of digital analysis of video recording by computer vision technology. However, most studies evaluate the toxicity of aqueous solutions. Due to methodological difficulties associated with sample preparation not a lot of examples of the studies related to the assessment of toxicity of other environmental objects (wastes, sewage sludges, soils, sediments etc.) by computer vision technology. This paper presents the results of assessment of the swimming behavior alterations of Daphnia magna in elutriates from both uncontaminated natural and artificially chromium-contaminated bottom sediments. It was shown, that in elutriate from chromium contaminated bottom sediments (chromium concentration 115±5.7 μg l-1) the swimming speed of daphnids was decreases from 0.61 cm s-1 (median speed over the period) to 0.50 cm s-1 (median speed at the last minute of the experiment). The relocation of Daphnia from the culture medium to the extract from the non-polluted sediments does not essential changes the swimming activity.

  12. Avaliação ecotoxicológica utilizando bioensaios com daphnia magna em água de lavoura de arroz no município de Mostardas, RS, Brasil

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    Thelma Duarte Brandolt


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou avaliar a toxicidade aguda da água proveniente dos canais de uma lavoura orizícola irrigada pela Lagoados Patos, na localidade de Mostardas/RS, através da utilização de bioensaios com o organismo teste Daphnia magna. Foramescolhidos 3 locais de amostragem: um próximo ao ponto de captação da água (P1; um na saída de uma área de plantio (P2, e outrono dreno de retorno da água para a Lagoa dos Patos (P3. As coletas foram realizadas em três momentos do ciclo produtivo: antes,durante e após a irrigação, correspondendo aos meses de Novembro de 2007, Janeiro e Março de 2008. Os testes foram realizados noLaboratório de Ecotoxicologia da UNISC, seguindo a norma técnica ABNT 12713. Após 48 horas de exposição aos efluentes,observou-se o número de indivíduos imóveis por concentração e calculou-se a porcentagem de imobilidade. O resultado do teste foiexpresso pela Concentração Efetiva Inicial Mediana - CE(I50 48h, que corresponde à concentração da amostra que causou efeitoagudo a 50% dos organismos. Os resultados indicaram, nos diferentes locais de coleta e estágios de manejo da lavoura, uma baixatoxicidade para este bioindicador, ou mesmo ausência de toxicidade, uma vez que apresentaram uma CE(I 50 48h superior a 75% naescala de toxicidade relativa, de acordo com o sistema de monitoramento estabelecido durante o ciclo de produção. Neste sentido,visando à corroboração dos mesmos, sugere-se o aumento da periodicidade do desenho experimental, bem como a realização dascoletas em período mais próximo da aplicação dos agroquímicos.Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the acute toxicity ofthe water from the channels of rice fields irrigated by the Lagoados Patos, in the town of Mostardas,/RS, through the use of bioassays with the test organism Daphnia magna. Threesampling locations we selected: one near the point of watercatchments (P1, an output of an area planting (P2, and anotheron the drain

  13. Masaje de drenaje venolinfático


    Cebrià Iranzo, M. Àngels


    El drenaje venolinfático intercala maniobras descritas como drenaje linfático manual y maniobras superficiales que siguen el recorido venoso de las venas safenas, de sus respectivos cayados y del sistema anastomótico venoso.

  14. Review on the acute Daphnia magna toxicity test – Evaluation of the sensitivity and the precision of assays performed with organisms from laboratory cultures or hatched from dormant eggs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Persoone G.


    “Culture/maintenance free” aquatic microbiotests with species of different phylogenetic groups were developed in the early 1990s at the Laboratory for Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology at the Ghent University in Belgium. These assays which were given the generic name “Toxkits”, are unique in that they employ dormant stages (“cryptobiotic eggs” of the test species, which can be stored for long periods of time and “hatched” at the time of performance of the assays. One of these microbiotests is the Daphtoxkit F magna, which is currently used in many laboratories worldwide for research as well as for toxicity monitoring purposes. The microbiotest technology has several advantages in comparison to the “traditional” tests based on laboratory cultures, especially its independence of the stock culturing burden. However, the acceptance (or possible non-acceptance of performing assays with test organisms obtained from “dormant eggs” should be clearly dictated by the “sensitivity” and “precision” criteria of the former assays in comparison to the latter. The first part of this review therefore thoroughly reviews the scientific literature and of data obtained from various laboratories for assays performed with either D. magna test organisms obtained from lab cultures or hatched from dormant eggs. Attention has focused on data of quality control tests performed on reference chemicals, and in particular on potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7 for which an acceptability range of 0.6–2.1 mg·L–1 has been set in ISO standard 6341 for the 24 h EC50 of the acute D. magna assay. Mean EC50s, standard deviations and variation coefficients were calculated from the collected data, all of which are presented in tables and figures and discussed in detail. The major conclusions drawn from the analysis of the large number of quality control (QC data on the acute D. magna toxicity test are that : (1 Virtually all results from assays performed with

  15. Metabolomics reveals energetic impairments in Daphnia magna exposed to diazinon, malathion and bisphenol-A

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagato, Edward G.; Simpson, André J.; Simpson, Myrna J., E-mail:


    Highlights: • Metabolomics detected shifts with sub-lethal exposure to contaminants. • Diazinon and malathion induced comparable, non-linear responses. • Bisphenol-A resulted in energy impairment. • Overall, insight into sub-lethal toxicity was garnered using NMR-based metabolomics. - Abstract: {sup 1}H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics was used to study the response of Daphnia magna to increasing sub-lethal concentrations of either an organophosphate (diazinon or malathion) or bisphenol-A (BPA). Principal component analysis (PCA) of {sup 1}H NMR spectra were used to screen metabolome changes after 48 h of contaminant exposure. The PCA scores plots showed that diazinon exposures resulted in aberrant metabolomic profiles at all exposure concentrations tested (0.009–0.135 μg/L), while for malathion the second lowest (0.08 μg/L) and two highest exposure concentrations (0.32 μg/L and 0.47 μg/L) caused significant shifts from the control. Individual metabolite changes for both organophosphates indicated that the response to increasing exposure was non-linear and described perturbations in the metabolome that were characteristic of the severity of exposure. For example, intermediate concentrations of diazinon (0.045 μg/L and 0.09 μg/L) and malathion (0.08 μg/L) elicited a decrease in amino acids such as leucine, valine, arginine, glycine, lysine, glutamate, glutamine, phenylalanine and tyrosine, with concurrent increases in glucose and lactate, suggesting a mobilization of energy resources to combat stress. At the highest exposure concentrations for both organophosphates there was evidence of a cessation in metabolic activity, where the same amino acids increased and glucose and lactate decreased, suggesting a slowdown in protein synthesis and depletion of energy stocks. This demonstrated a similar response in the metabolome between two organophosphates but also that intermediate and severe stress levels could be differentiated by

  16. Responses of alkaline phosphatase activity to phosphorus stress in Daphnia magna. (United States)

    McCarthy, S D S; Rafferty, S P; Frost, P C


    We examined how alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity within the bodies and in the materials released by the crustacean Daphnia magna responds to variable algal food phosphorus (P)-content. We found that Daphnia eating P-poor food (C:P approximately 700) had significantly higher AP activity in their bodies on a mass-specific basis compared with individuals eating P-rich food (C:P approximately 100). This dietary P effect on AP activity was not altered by Daphnia starvation but was partially related to differences in the P concentration of animal body homogenates. By contrast, poor P-nutrition of Daphnia lowered AP activity in released materials compared with that measured from their P-sufficient conspecifics. Moreover, AP activity in Daphnia release was lowest in animals consuming P-poor food for longer time periods. Our results support the hypothesis that AP activity increases inside P-limited Daphnia as a mechanism to increase P-acquisition and retention from ingested algae in these nutritionally stressed animals. The lower level of AP activity present in the water of P-deprived animals could reflect a change from largely free to membrane-bound AP isotypes in the digestive tracts of P-starved animals or a decrease in the shedding of membrane-anchored AP from their intestinal lining. These results supplement accumulating evidence that P-poor algal food reduces the dietary mineral P available to Daphnia. In addition, animal body AP activity measurements, with some refinement, may prove useful as an in situ indicator of P-stress in aquatic consumers.

  17. Environmental sex determination in the branchiopod crustacean Daphnia magna: deep conservation of a Doublesex gene in the sex-determining pathway.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yasuhiko Kato


    Full Text Available Sex-determining mechanisms are diverse among animal lineages and can be broadly divided into two major categories: genetic and environmental. In contrast to genetic sex determination (GSD, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying environmental sex determination (ESD. The Doublesex (Dsx genes play an important role in controlling sexual dimorphism in genetic sex-determining organisms such as nematodes, insects, and vertebrates. Here we report the identification of two Dsx genes from Daphnia magna, a freshwater branchiopod crustacean that parthenogenetically produces males in response to environmental cues. One of these genes, designated DapmaDsx1, is responsible for the male trait development when expressed during environmental sex determination. The domain organization of DapmaDsx1 was similar to that of Dsx from insects, which are thought to be the sister group of branchiopod crustaceans. Intriguingly, the molecular basis for sexually dimorphic expression of DapmaDsx1 is different from that of insects. Rather than being regulated sex-specifically at the level of pre-mRNA splicing in the coding region, DapmaDsx1 exhibits sexually dimorphic differences in the abundance of its transcripts. During embryogenesis, expression of DapmaDsx1 was increased only in males and its transcripts were primarily detected in male-specific structures. Knock-down of DapmaDsx1 in male embryos resulted in the production of female traits including ovarian maturation, whereas ectopic expression of DapmaDsx1 in female embryos resulted in the development of male-like phenotypes. Expression patterns of another D. magna Dsx gene, DapmaDsx2, were similar to those of DapmaDsx1, but silencing and overexpression of this gene did not induce any clear phenotypic changes. These results establish DapmaDsx1 as a key regulator of the male phenotype. Our findings reveal how ESD is implemented by selective expression of a fundamental genetic component that is

  18. Is ultraviolet radiation a synergistic stressor in combined exposures? The case study of Daphnia magna exposure to UV and carbendazim

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro, Fabianne; Ferreira, Nuno C.G.; Ferreira, Abel; Soares, Amadeu M.V.M.; Loureiro, Susana


    The toxicological assessment of chemical compounds released to the environment is more accurate when mixtures of chemicals and/or interactions between chemicals and natural stressors are considered. Ultraviolet radiation can be taken as a natural stressor since the levels of UV are increasing due to the decrease of its natural filter, the stratospheric ozone concentration. Therefore, a combination of chemical exposures and increasing UV irradiance in aquatic environments is likely to occur. In the current study, combined effects of carbendazim and ultraviolet radiation were evaluated, using selected life traits as endpoints on Daphnia magna. To design combined exposures, first single chemical and natural stressor bioassays were performed: a reproduction test with carbendazim and a reproduction, feeding inhibition and Energy budget test with ultraviolet radiation. Following single exposures, the combinations of stressors included exposures to UV radiation and carbendazim for a maximum exposure time of 4 h, followed by a post-exposure period in chemically contaminated medium for a maximum of 15 days, depending on the endpoint, where the effects of the combined exposures were investigated. Statistical analyses of the data set were performed using the MixTox tool and were based on the conceptual model of Independent Action (IA) and possible deviations to synergism or antagonism, dose-ratio or dose-level response pattern. Both ultraviolet radiation and carbendazim as single stressors had negative impacts on the measured life traits of daphnids, a decrease on both feeding rates and reproduction was observed. Feeding rates and reproduction of D. magna submitted to combined exposures of ultraviolet radiation and carbendazim showed a dose-ratio deviation from the conceptual model as the best description of the data set, for both endpoints. For feeding inhibition, antagonism was observed when the UV radiation was the dominant item in combination, and for reproduction

  19. Effects of 4-nonylphenol, fish predation and food availability on survival and life history traits of Daphnia magna straus. (United States)

    Beklioglu, Meryem; Banu Akkas, S; Elif Ozcan, H; Bezirci, Gizem; Togan, Inci


    This study aimed to investigate the compound effect of environmentally relevant 4-nonylphenol (NP) concentrations and natural stressors-namely fish predation and food availability-on Daphnia magna, which were exposed to four NP concentrations (0, 1, 5 and 10 microg l(-1)) under optimum or low food concentrations (1.00 and 0.075 mg C l(-1), respectively) in water (un)conditioned by a fish predator (Alburnus alburnus). A(n) "environmentally relevant" and "no observable effect" concentration (NOEC) of NP (10 microg l(-1)) resulted in a significant reduction (P ecosystems. The deterioration of the life-history traits-namely, NP-induced delay in the age at first reproduction (P ecosystems. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of taking into account environmentally realistic conditions while investigating the effects of NOEC levels of toxicants on non-target aquatic species.

  20. Interactive effects of a bacterial parasite and the insecticide carbaryl to life-history and physiology of two Daphnia magna clones differing in carbaryl sensitivity. (United States)

    De Coninck, Dieter I M; De Schamphelaere, Karel A C; Jansen, Mieke; De Meester, Luc; Janssen, Colin R


    Natural and chemical stressors occur simultaneously in the aquatic environment. Their combined effects on biota are usually difficult to predict from their individual effects due to interactions between the different stressors. Several recent studies have suggested that synergistic effects of multiple stressors on organisms may be more common at high compared to low overall levels of stress. In this study, we used a three-way full factorial design to investigate whether interactive effects between a natural stressor, the bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa, and a chemical stressor, the insecticide carbaryl, were different between two genetically distinct clones of Daphnia magna that strongly differ in their sensitivity to carbaryl. Interactive effects on various life-history and physiological endpoints were assessed as significant deviations from the reference Independent Action (IA) model, which was implemented by testing the significance of the two-way carbaryl×parasite interaction term in two-way ANOVA's on log-transformed observational data for each clone separately. Interactive effects (and thus significant deviations from IA) were detected in both the carbaryl-sensitive clone (on survival, early reproduction and growth) and in the non-sensitive clone (on growth, electron transport activity and prophenoloxidase activity). No interactions were found for maturation rate, filtration rate, and energy reserve fractions (carbohydrate, protein, lipid). Furthermore, only antagonistic interactions were detected in the non-sensitive clone, while only synergistic interactions were observed in the carbaryl sensitive clone. Our data clearly show that there are genetically determined differences in the interactive effects following combined exposure to carbaryl and Pasteuria in D. magna. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Acute toxicity over Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Daphnia magna: Bioassays with water samples from a dam under the influence of uranium mine and with manganese

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferrari, Carla R.; Nascimento, Heliana de Azevedo Franco do; Silverio, Emilia Gabriela Costa; Bruschi, Armando Luis; Roque, Claudio Vitor; Nascimento, Marcos Roberto L.; Bonifacio, Rodrigo Leandro, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (LAPOC/CNEN-MG), Pocos de Caldas, MG (Brazil). Laboratorio de Pocos de Caldas; Rodgher, Suzelei [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil). Dep. de Engenharia Ambiental


    Treated effluents from uranium mine with acid mine drainage can impact receiving water bodies. AMD is relevant from the environmental view due to the large volume of effluents generated, known to affect aquatic biota. Studies show that one of the main problems of treated effluents released by UTM/INB on the catchment basin of Ribeirao das Antas is associated to high Mn values in water samples. In this context, acute 48-h toxicity tests with Mn were conducted with Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Daphnia magna to determine the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) and the Observed Effect Concentration (OEC) in laboratory bioassays and to verify the potential toxicity of the Mn in face of concentrations found in water samples from the Antas Dam, which receives treated effluents from UTM/INB. In this study, preliminary results of acute toxicity for C. silvestrii indicated OEC values between 9.0 and 10.0 mg Mn/L and NOEC < 3.0 mg Mn/L. For D. magna, OEC and NOEC concentrations were ≥ 30 mg Mn/L and ≤ 80 mg Mn/L, respectively. It was verified that Mn concentrations determined in environmental samples registered the highest value at 1.75 mg Mn/L, below the OEC concentrations recorded for both species. Since manganese occurs in the composition of the effluent that may contain other stable and radioactive elements, complementary ecotoxicological tests must be conducted, aiming at the assessment of synergistic and antagonistic effects of the chemical mixture that makes up the radioactive effluents that are treated and released at the Antas Dam. Such bioassays are underway in the Radioecology Laboratory at LAPOC/CNEN. (author)

  2. Acute toxicity over Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Daphnia magna: Bioassays with water samples from a dam under the influence of uranium mine and with manganese

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrari, Carla R.; Nascimento, Heliana de Azevedo Franco do; Silverio, Emilia Gabriela Costa; Bruschi, Armando Luis; Roque, Claudio Vitor; Nascimento, Marcos Roberto L.; Bonifacio, Rodrigo Leandro; Rodgher, Suzelei


    Treated effluents from uranium mine with acid mine drainage can impact receiving water bodies. AMD is relevant from the environmental view due to the large volume of effluents generated, known to affect aquatic biota. Studies show that one of the main problems of treated effluents released by UTM/INB on the catchment basin of Ribeirao das Antas is associated to high Mn values in water samples. In this context, acute 48-h toxicity tests with Mn were conducted with Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Daphnia magna to determine the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) and the Observed Effect Concentration (OEC) in laboratory bioassays and to verify the potential toxicity of the Mn in face of concentrations found in water samples from the Antas Dam, which receives treated effluents from UTM/INB. In this study, preliminary results of acute toxicity for C. silvestrii indicated OEC values between 9.0 and 10.0 mg Mn/L and NOEC < 3.0 mg Mn/L. For D. magna, OEC and NOEC concentrations were ≥ 30 mg Mn/L and ≤ 80 mg Mn/L, respectively. It was verified that Mn concentrations determined in environmental samples registered the highest value at 1.75 mg Mn/L, below the OEC concentrations recorded for both species. Since manganese occurs in the composition of the effluent that may contain other stable and radioactive elements, complementary ecotoxicological tests must be conducted, aiming at the assessment of synergistic and antagonistic effects of the chemical mixture that makes up the radioactive effluents that are treated and released at the Antas Dam. Such bioassays are underway in the Radioecology Laboratory at LAPOC/CNEN. (author)

  3. Classification of solid industrial waste based on ecotoxicology tests using Daphnia magna: an alternative

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    William Gerson Matias


    Full Text Available The adequate treatment and final disposal of solid industrial wastes depends on their classification into class I or II. This classification is proposed by NBR 10.004; however, it is complex and time-consuming. With a view to facilitating this classification, the use of assays with Daphnia magna is proposed. These assays make possible the identification of toxic chemicals in the leach, which denotes the presence of one of the characteristics described by NBR 10.004, the toxicity, which is a sufficient argument to put the waste into class I. Ecotoxicological tests were carried out with ten samples of solid wastes of frequent production and, on the basis of the results from EC(I50/48h of those samples in comparison with the official classification of NBR 10.004, limits were established for the classification of wastes into class I or II. A coincidence in the classification of 50% of the analyzed samples was observed. In cases in which there is no coherence between the methods, the method proposed in this work classifies the waste into class I. These data are preliminary, but they reveal that the classification system proposed here is promising because of its quickness and economic viability.

  4. Long-range crystalline order in spicules from the calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna (Porifera, Calcarea). (United States)

    Rossi, Andre L; Campos, Andrea P C; Barroso, Madalena M S; Klautau, Michelle; Archanjo, Bráulio S; Borojevic, Radovan; Farina, Marcos; Werckmann, Jacques


    We investigated the ultrastructure and crystallographic orientation of spicules from the calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna (subclass Calcaronea) by transmission and scanning electron microscopy using two different methods of sample preparation: ultramicrotomy and focused ion beam (FIB). It was found that the unpaired actine from the spicules was oriented in the [211] zone axis. The plane that contains the unpaired actine and divides symmetrically the paired actines is the (-120). This plane is a mirror plane of the hexagonal lattice system. All the spicule types analyzed presented the same crystallographic orientation. Electron nanodiffraction maps from 4μm×4μm regions prepared by FIB showed disorientation of <2° between diffraction patterns obtained from neighbor regions, indicating the presence of a unique, highly aligned calcite crystalline phase. Among the eight FIB sections obtained, four presented high pore density. In one section perpendicular to the actine axis pores were observed only in the center of the spicule aligned in a circular pattern and surrounded by a faint circular contour with a larger radius. The presence of amorphous carbon representative of organic molecules detected by electron energy loss spectroscopy was correlated neither with porosity nor with specific lattice planes. Copyright © 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Divino Eterno Teixeira


    Full Text Available Panels were produced with strips of bamboo (Guadua magna in layers crossed at angles of 90° and bonded with phenol-formaldehyde or PVA based resin, glued in three and five plies. The panels were tested and the physical and mechanical properties determined. The tests were primarily related to the commercial adhesives used as well as the number of layers of bamboo used. The density ranged from 0.690 to 0.768 Panels bonded with PVA resin showed low mechanical strength, with MOR between 6.7 and 7.8 MPa. Those bonded with phenol-formaldehyde adhesive showed high strength, with modulus of rupture (MOR ranging from 55.5 to 87.0 MPa, which is excellent for boards similar to wood-based panels. Panels with phenolic resin also had reduced thickness swelling, up to 8.4%. The panels made with three layers showed higher resistance to bending than those made with five layers.

  6. Toxicity of neem's oil, a potential biocide against the invasive mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker 1857

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    Patricio J. Pereyra


    Full Text Available The golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker 1857 is one of the most distributed Nuisance Invasive Species (NIS in South America, and a threat of great concern for the industry of the area. In this study, we carried out toxicity tests made with a Neem's oil solution with L. fortunei larvae and benthonic adults (7, 13 and 19 ± 1 mm. Tests with non-target species (Daphnia magna, Lactuca sativa and Cnesterodon decemmculatus were also made with the aim to evaluate the potential toxicity of the Neem's solution in the environment. The LC100 of Neem's solution obtained for larvae was 500 µl/L, a value much higher than the one obtained for D. magna and C. decemmaculatus. Thus, we recommend that it should not be used in open waters. However, since the adults were killed in 72 h and the larvae in 24 h, this product can be used in closed systems, in man-made facilities.O Mexilhão dourado Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker 1857 é uma das espécies invasoras melhor distribuídas na América do Sul, sendo motivo de grande preocupação para a indústria local. Neste estudo, nós realizamos ensaios de toxicidade de soluções de Óleo de Neem em larvas e adultos bentônicos de L. fortune (7, 13 e 19 ± 1 mm. Com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial tóxico do Óleo de Neem no ambiente também foram realizados testes com organismos não alvo (Daphnia magna, Lactuca sativa e Cnesterodon decemmculatus. A LC100 da solução de Neem para larvas foi 500 µl/L, um valor muito superior ao obtido para D. magna e C. decemmaculatus. Desta forma, nossa recomendação é que este óleo não deve ser utilizado em ambientes naturais abertos. No entanto, uma vez que os adultos morreram em 72h e as larvas em 24h, este produto pode ser utilizado em sistemas fechados construídos pelo homem.

  7. Revascularização da artéria coronária direita intra-atrial Revascularization of intracavitary right coronary artery

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    Artur Lourenção Júnior


    Full Text Available A artéria coronária direita, em seu trajeto no sulco atrioventricular direito, pode, em raras ocasiões, penetrar na cavidade atrial direita. Esta variação anatômica poderá modificar a tática cirúrgica em operações de revascularização miocárdica. No presente trabalho, relatamos o caso em que a ponte de veia safena para a artéria coronária direita foi realizada em posição intra-atrial direita.The right coronary artery, during your course in the right atrioventricular sulcus, can sometimes penetrate the right atrial cavity. This anatomical variety can modify the surgical tactics in aortocoronary by-pass surgery. In this paper we present a patient in whom the by-pass with saphenous vein graft to the right coronary artery was made in right intracavitary position.

  8. How cyclophosphamide at environmentally relevant concentration influences Daphnia magna life history and its proteome.

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    Małgorzata Grzesiuk

    Full Text Available The waste of commonly used medicines is known to contaminate freshwater ecosystems. Pharmaceuticals can be toxic, mutagenic, or modifying to freshwater organisms even at low concentrations if consider their permanent presence in the environment. Chemotherapeutics used to treat cancer, and in particular alkylating agents, contribute significantly to this form of pollution, the latter introducing cytotoxic and/or mutagenic lesions to the DNA and RNA of organisms which can be disruptive to their cells. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of the alkylating anticancer agent cyclophosphamide (CP on Daphnia magna clones. We evaluated the life history parameters and protein profiles of this crustacean following exposure to environmentally relevant CP concentration of 10 ng L-1. Even at this low concentration, the alkylating agent caused modification of the life history parameters and proteome profile of the Daphnia. These changes were clone-specific and involved growth rate, age at first reproduction, neonate number, and proteins related to cell cycle and redox state regulation. The disturbance caused by pharmaceuticals contaminating freshwater ecosystem is probably weaker and unlikely to be cytotoxic in character due to the high dilution of these substances in the water. However, our results indicate that prolonged exposure of organisms to these toxins may lead to modifications on the organismal and molecular levels with unpredictable significance for the entire ecosystem.

  9. Seasonal abundance and activity of pill millipedes ( Arthrosphaera magna) in mixed plantation and semi-evergreen forest of southern India (United States)

    Ashwini, Krishna M.; Sridhar, Kandikere R.


    Seasonal occurrence and activity of endemic pill millipedes ( Arthrosphaera magna) were examined in organically managed mixed plantation and semi-evergreen forest reserve in southwest India between November 1996 and September 1998. Abundance and biomass of millipedes were highest in both habitats during monsoon season. Soil moisture, conductivity, organic carbon, phosphate, potassium, calcium and magnesium were higher in plantation than in forest. Millipede abundance and biomass were about 12 and 7 times higher in plantation than in forest, respectively ( P 0.05). Millipede abundance and biomass were positively correlated with rainfall ( P = 0.01). Besides rainfall, millipedes in plantation were positively correlated with soil moisture as well as temperature ( P = 0.001). Among the associated fauna with pill millipedes, earthworms rank first followed by soil bugs in both habitats. Since pill millipedes are sensitive to narrow ecological changes, the organic farming strategies followed in mixed plantation and commonly practiced in South India seem not deleterious for the endangered pill millipedes Arthrosphaera and reduce the risk of local extinctions.

  10. Propulsion of the Water Flea, Daphnia magna: Experiments, Scaling, and Modelling (United States)

    Skipper, A. N.; Murphy, D.; Webster, D. R.; Yen, J.


    The freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna is a widely studied zooplankton in relation to food webs, predator-prey interactions, and other biological/ecological considerations; however, their locomotion is poorly quantified and understood. These water fleas utilize a hop-and-sink mechanism that consists of making quick, impulsive jumps by beating their antennae to propel themselves forward ( 1 body length). The animals then sink for a period, during which they stretch out their antennae to increase drag and thereby reduce their sinking velocity. Time-resolved three-dimensional flow fields surrounding the animals were quantified with a unique infrared tomographic particle image velocity (tomo-PIV) system. Three-dimensional kinematics data were also extracted from the image sequences. In the current work, we compared body kinematics and flow disturbance among organisms of size in the range of 1.3 to 2.8 mm. The stroke cycle averaged 150 ms in duration, ranging from 100 to 180 ms; this period is generally evenly split between the power and recovery strokes. The range of peak hop velocity was 27.2 to 32.5 mm/s, and peak acceleration was in the range of 0.68 to 1.8 m/s2. The results showed a distinct relationship between peak hop speed (Vmax 14 BL/s) and body size; these data collapsed onto a single time-record curve during the power stroke when properly non-dimensionalized. The fluid flow induced by each antennae consisted of a viscous vortex ring that demonstrated a slow decay in the wake. The strength, size, and decay of the induced viscous vortex rings were compared as a function of organism size. Finally, the viscous vortex rings were analyzed in the context of a double Stokeslet model that consisted of two impulsively applied point forces separated by the animal width.

  11. Regulation and dysregulation of vitellogenin mRNA accumulation in daphnids (Daphnia magna)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hannas, Bethany R.; Wang, Ying H.; Thomson, Susanne; Kwon, Gwijun; Hong, Li [Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7633 (United States); LeBlanc, Gerald A., E-mail: [Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7633 (United States)


    The induction of vitellogenin in oviparous vertebrates has become the gold standard biomarker of exposure to estrogenic chemicals in the environment. This biomarker of estrogen exposure also has been used in arthropods, however, little is known of the factors that regulate the expression of vitellogenin in these organisms. We investigated changes in accumulation of mRNA products of the vitellogenin gene Vtg2 in daphnids (Daphnia magna) exposed to a diverse array of chemicals. We further evaluated the involvement of hormonal factors in the regulation of vitellogenin expression that may be targets of xenobiotic chemicals. Expression of the Vtg2 gene was highly responsive to exposure to various chemicals with an expression range spanning approximately four orders of magnitude. Chemicals causing the greatest induction were piperonyl butoxide, chlordane, 4-nonylphenol, cadmium, and chloroform. Among these, only 4-nonylphenol is recognized to be estrogenic. Exposure to several chemicals also suppressed Vtg2 mRNA levels, as much as 100-fold. Suppressive chemicals included cyproterone acetate, acetone, triclosan, and atrazine. Exposure to the estrogens diethylstilbestrol and bisphenol A had little effect on vitellogenin mRNA levels further substantiating that these genes are not induced by estrogen exposure. Exposure to the potent ecdysteroids 20-hydroxyecdysone and ponasterone A revealed that Vtg2 was subject to strong suppressive control by these hormones. Vtg2 mRNA levels were not significantly affected from exposure to several juvenoid hormones. Results indicate that ecdysteroids are suppressors of vitellogenin gene expression and that vitellogenin mRNA levels can be elevated or suppressed in daphnids by xenobiotics that elicit antiecdysteroidal or ecdysteroidal activity, respectively. Importantly, daphnid Vtg2 is not elevated in response to estrogenic activity.

  12. Regulation and dysregulation of vitellogenin mRNA accumulation in daphnids (Daphnia magna)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hannas, Bethany R.; Wang, Ying H.; Thomson, Susanne; Kwon, Gwijun; Li Hong; LeBlanc, Gerald A.


    The induction of vitellogenin in oviparous vertebrates has become the gold standard biomarker of exposure to estrogenic chemicals in the environment. This biomarker of estrogen exposure also has been used in arthropods, however, little is known of the factors that regulate the expression of vitellogenin in these organisms. We investigated changes in accumulation of mRNA products of the vitellogenin gene Vtg2 in daphnids (Daphnia magna) exposed to a diverse array of chemicals. We further evaluated the involvement of hormonal factors in the regulation of vitellogenin expression that may be targets of xenobiotic chemicals. Expression of the Vtg2 gene was highly responsive to exposure to various chemicals with an expression range spanning approximately four orders of magnitude. Chemicals causing the greatest induction were piperonyl butoxide, chlordane, 4-nonylphenol, cadmium, and chloroform. Among these, only 4-nonylphenol is recognized to be estrogenic. Exposure to several chemicals also suppressed Vtg2 mRNA levels, as much as 100-fold. Suppressive chemicals included cyproterone acetate, acetone, triclosan, and atrazine. Exposure to the estrogens diethylstilbestrol and bisphenol A had little effect on vitellogenin mRNA levels further substantiating that these genes are not induced by estrogen exposure. Exposure to the potent ecdysteroids 20-hydroxyecdysone and ponasterone A revealed that Vtg2 was subject to strong suppressive control by these hormones. Vtg2 mRNA levels were not significantly affected from exposure to several juvenoid hormones. Results indicate that ecdysteroids are suppressors of vitellogenin gene expression and that vitellogenin mRNA levels can be elevated or suppressed in daphnids by xenobiotics that elicit antiecdysteroidal or ecdysteroidal activity, respectively. Importantly, daphnid Vtg2 is not elevated in response to estrogenic activity.

  13. Analysis of gasoline and diesel prices and subsidies in Mexico, 2007-2011; Analisis de los precios y de los subsidios a las gasolinas y el diesel en Mexico, 2007-2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tepach M, Reyes [LXI legislatura, Camara de Diputados (Mexico)


    subsidy was 56,153.3 mp and for 2011 Congress estimated a transfer to consumers of 9,631.3 mp. [Spanish] A partir de diciembre del 2009, el Gobierno Federal reinicio los deslizamientos mensuales de los precios de las gasolinas y el diesel con el objetivo de reducir los subsidios a favor de los consumidores nacionales: de diciembre del 2009 a julio del 2011, la gasolina Premium paso de 9.57 a 10.38 pesos por litro; la Magna de 7.77 a 9.32 pesos por litro y el diesel de 8.16 a 9.68 pesos por litro. El subsidio a las gasolinas y el diesel durante el ano 2011 tuvieron el siguiente comportamiento: En diciembre del 2009, el precio de la gasolina Premium en Mexico era 27 centavos por litro mas caro que el registrado en Estados Unidos, en julio del 2011 fue de 1.12 pesos por litro mas barato en nuestro pais. Respecto a la gasolina Magna, en diciembre del 2009 mantenia un subsidio de 64 centavos por litro, en julio del 2011 fue de 1.33 pesos por litro mas barata en nuestro pais. Por ultimo, el precio del Diesel mantuvo un subsidio de 1 peso por litro en diciembre del 2009, incrementandose a 2.11 pesos por litro en julio del 2011 con respecto al precio observado en Estados Unidos. Respecto a la estimacion monetaria de los ingresos que la industria de las gasolineras dejara de percibir por el diferencial de precios de estos petroliferos: Durante el ano 2010, fue de 41 mil 421.27 millones de pesos (mdp), distribuido de la siguiente manera: para la gasolina Magna fue de -21 mil 246.55 mdp, para la Premium fue de 597.22 mdp y para el Diesel fue de -20 mil 771.94 mdp. Para el periodo enero-julio del 2011, el monto total de los ingresos que la industria ha dejado de percibir ha sido de 48 mil 976.19 mdp, distribuido de la siguiente manera: para la gasolina Magna fue de -28 mil 400.9 mdp, para la Premium fue de -1 mil 707.6 mdp y para el Diesel fue de -18 mil 867.8 mdp. Notese que el 57.99% de la perdida de este ingreso se genera a traves del consumo de la gasolina Magna, porque mantiene

  14. Do microplastic particles affect Daphnia magna at the morphological, life history and molecular level?

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    Hannes K Imhof

    Full Text Available Microplastic particles are ubiquitous not only in marine but also in freshwater ecosystems. However, the impacts of microplastics, consisting of a large variety of synthetic polymers, on freshwater organisms remains poorly understood. We examined the effects of two polymer mixtures on the morphology, life history and on the molecular level of the waterflea Daphnia magna (three different clones. Microplastic particles of ~40 μm were supplied at a low concentration (1% of the food particles leading to an average of ~30 particles in the digestive tract which reflects a high microplastic contamination but still resembles a natural situation. Neither increased mortality nor changes on the morphological (body length, width and tail spine length or reproductive parameters were observed for adult Daphnia. The analyses of juvenile Daphnia revealed a variety of small and rather subtle responses of morphological traits (body length, width and tail spine length. For adult Daphnia, alterations in expression of genes related to stress responses (i.e. HSP60, HSP70 & GST as well as of other genes involved in body function and body composition (i.e. SERCA were observed already 48h after exposure. We anticipate that the adverse effects of microplastic might be influenced by many additional factors like size, shape, type and even age of the particles and that the rather weak effects, as detected in a laboratory, may lead to reduced fitness in a natural multi-stressor environment.

  15. Comparison of the capacity of two biotic ligand models to predict chronic copper toxicity to two Daphnia magna clones and formulation of a generalized bioavailability model. (United States)

    Van Regenmortel, Tina; Janssen, Colin R; De Schamphelaere, Karel A C


    Although it is increasingly recognized that biotic ligand models (BLMs) are valuable in the risk assessment of metals in aquatic systems, the use of 2 differently structured and parameterized BLMs (1 in the United States and another in the European Union) to obtain bioavailability-based chronic water quality criteria for copper is worthy of further investigation. In the present study, the authors evaluated the predictive capacity of these 2 BLMs for a large dataset of chronic copper toxicity data with 2 Daphnia magna clones, termed K6 and ARO. One BLM performed best with clone K6 data, whereas the other performed best with clone ARO data. In addition, there was an important difference between the 2 BLMs in how they predicted the bioavailability of copper as a function of pH. These modeling results suggested that the effect of pH on chronic copper toxicity is different between the 2 clones considered, which was confirmed with additional chronic toxicity experiments. Finally, because fundamental differences in model structure between the 2 BLMs made it impossible to create an average BLM, a generalized bioavailability model (gBAM) was developed. Of the 3 gBAMs developed, the authors recommend the use of model gBAM-C(uni), which combines a log-linear relation between the 21-d median effective concentration (expressed as free Cu(2+) ion activity) and pH, with more conventional BLM-type competition constants for sodium, calcium, and magnesium. This model can be considered a first step in further improving the accuracy of chronic toxicity predictions of copper as a function of water chemistry (for a variety of Daphnia magna clones), even beyond the robustness of the current BLMs used in regulatory applications. © 2015 SETAC.

  16. Daphnia exilis Herrick, 1895 (Crustacea: Cladocera): Una especie zooplanctónica potencialmente utilizable como organismo de prueba en bioensayos de toxicidad aguda en ambientes tropicales y subtropicales




    La evaluación biológica de los efectos tóxicos que producen los contaminantes químicos sobre los organismos acuáticos es fundamental para establecer medidas de control que restrinjan o limiten la contaminación en los ecosistemas acuáticos receptores de descargas. Para realizar esta valoración con frecuencia se emplean como organismos de prueba a diferentes especies planctónicas, siendo Daphnia magna el cladócero más utilizado en todo el mundo en pruebas de toxicidad, pese a que su utilidad en...

  17. Transcriptional and cellular effects of benzotriazole UV stabilizers UV-234 and UV-328 in the freshwater invertebrates Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Giraudo, Maeva; Cottin, Guillaume; Esperanza, Marta; Gagnon, Pierre; Silva, Amila O De; Houde, Magali


    Benzotriazole ultra violet stabilizers (BZT-UVs) are compounds used in many applications and products to prevent photochemical degradation. Despite their widespread presence in aquatic ecosystems and persistence in the environment, there are very limited data on their effects and toxicity, and their modes of action remain largely unknown. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the chronic effects of 2 BZT-UVs, 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-bis(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl)phenol (UV-234) and 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-di-tert-pentylphenol (UV-328), on the freshwater green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna. Organisms were exposed to 0.01 and 10 μg/L of UV-234, UV-328, as well as a mixture of the 2 compounds. Life-history endpoints (viability, reproduction, and growth) and oxidative stress-related biomarkers (gene transcription, reactive oxygen species [ROS] production, and lipid peroxidation) were measured. Daphnia magna growth, reproduction, and gene transcription were not impacted by 21-d individual or mixed exposure. After 96-h of exposure, no differences were observed on the cellular viability of C. reinhardtii for either of the 2 BZT-UVs. In the algae, results showed increased ROS production in response to UV-328 and lipid peroxidation following exposure to UV-234. Synergistic effects of the 2 BZT-UVs were evident at the transcriptional level with 2 to 6 times up-regulation of glutathione peroxidase (gp x ) in response to the mixture for all treatment conditions. The transcription of superoxide dismutase (sod), catalase (cat), and ascorbic peroxidase (apx) was also regulated by UV-234 and UV-328 in the green algae, most likely as a result of ROS production and lipid peroxidation. Results from the present study suggest potential impacts of UV-234 and UV-328 exposure on the antioxidant defense system in C. reinhardtii. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:3333-3342. © 2017 Crown in the Right of Canada. Published by

  18. Análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano de bugio-ruivo (Alouatta guariba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos V. Tranquilim


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de desenvolver e adaptar técnicas diagnósticas em neurologia para primatas não humanos, da espécie Alouatta guariba Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812 (bugio-ruivo saudáveis e mantidos em cativeiro. Foram realizadas análises físico-químicas e citológicas do líquido cefalorraquidiano obtido na cisterna magna de oito bugios-ruivos. Para realização dos exames, todos os animais foram contidos quimicamente com associação de cetamina, xilazina e midazolam e anestesia inalatória com isoflurano. Os resultados das análises do líquido cefalorraquidiano demonstraram valores médios de proteína: 16,92mg/dL±9,84; glicose: 131,25mg/dL±106,7; pH: 8,37±0,69; células nucleadas: 0,5/mm³±0,75; hemácias: 49,37/mm³±111,76 e pressão: 7,37cm H2O±1,77. O trabalho demonstrou a segurança e a eficácia da colheita do líquido cefalorraquidiano na cisterna magna de Alouatta guariba e os valores de referência para a espécie.

  19. Para-Hermitian and para-quaternionic manifolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, S.; Zamkovoy, S.


    A set of canonical para-Hermitian connections on an almost para-Hermitian manifold is defined. A Para-hermitian version of the Apostolov-Gauduchon generalization of the Goldberg-Sachs theorem in General Relativity is given. It is proved that the Nijenhuis tensor of a Nearly para-Kaehler manifolds is parallel with respect to the canonical connection. Salamon's twistor construction on quaternionic manifold is adapted to the para-quaternionic case. A locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) flat structure with parallel Lee form on the Kodaira-Thurston complex surfaces modeled on S 1 x SL (2, R)-tilde is constructed. Anti-self-dual locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) neutral metrics with non vanishing Weyl tensor are obtained on the Inoe surfaces. An example of anti-self-dual neutral metric which is not locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) is constructed. (author)

  20. Para-Hermitian and para-quaternionic manifolds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ivanov, S [University of Sofia ' St. Kl. Ohridski' , Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia (Bulgaria) and Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy); Zamkovoy, S [University of Sofia ' St. Kl. Ohridski' , Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia (Bulgaria)


    A set of canonical para-Hermitian connections on an almost para-Hermitian manifold is defined. A Para-hermitian version of the Apostolov-Gauduchon generalization of the Goldberg-Sachs theorem in General Relativity is given. It is proved that the Nijenhuis tensor of a Nearly para-Kaehler manifolds is parallel with respect to the canonical connection. Salamon's twistor construction on quaternionic manifold is adapted to the para-quaternionic case. A locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) flat structure with parallel Lee form on the Kodaira-Thurston complex surfaces modeled on S{sup 1} x SL (2, R)-tilde is constructed. Anti-self-dual locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) neutral metrics with non vanishing Weyl tensor are obtained on the Inoe surfaces. An example of anti-self-dual neutral metric which is not locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) is constructed. (author)

  1. Influence of pH and media composition on suspension stability of silver, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide nanoparticles and immobilization of Daphnia magna under guideline testing conditions. (United States)

    Cupi, Denisa; Hartmann, Nanna B; Baun, Anders


    In aquatic toxicity testing of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) the process of agglomeration is very important as it may alter bioavailability and toxicity. In the present study, we aimed to identify test conditions that are favorable for maintaining stable ENP suspensions. We evaluated the influence of key environmental parameters: pH (2-12) and ionic strength using M7, Soft EPA (S EPA) medium, and Very Soft EPA (VS EPA) medium; and observed the influence of these parameters on zeta potential, zeta average, and acute immobilization of Daphnia magna for three different ENPs. Despite being sterically stabilized, test suspensions of silver (Ag) ENPs formed large agglomerates in both VS EPA and M7 media; and toxicity was found to be higher in VS EPA medium due to increased dissolution. Low-agglomerate suspensions for zinc oxide (ZnO) could be obtained at pH 7 in VS EPA medium, but the increase in dissolution caused higher toxicity than in M7 medium. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) ENPs had a point of zero charge in the range of pH 7-8. At pH 7 in VS EPA, agglomerates with smaller hydrodynamic diameters (~200nm) were present compared to the high ionic strength M7 medium where hydrodynamic diameters reached micrometer range. The stable suspensions of TiO2 ENPs caused immobilization of D. magna, 48-h EC50 value of 13.7mgL(-1) (95% CI, 2.4mg-79.1mgL(-1)); whereas no toxicity was seen in the unstable, highly agglomerated M7 medium suspensions, 48-h EC50 >100mgL(-1). The current study provides a preliminary approach for methodology in testing and assessing stability and toxicity of ENPs in aquatic toxicity tests of regulatory relevance. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Bioavailability of benzo(a)pyrene and dehydroabietic acid from a few lake waters containing varying dissolved organic carbon concentrations to Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oikari, A.; Kukkonen, J.


    Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in natural waters consists of a great variety of organic molecules. Some of these molecules have been identified but most of them cannot be identified. This unidentified group of heterogeneous organic macromolecules is considered as humic substances. The role of humic substances in water chemistry and in aquatic toxicology is receiving increasing attention. The effects of DOC on the bioavailability of organic pollutants have been demonstrated in several studies. A decreased bioavailability has been demonstrated in most cases. Both the quantity and the quality of DOC are suggested determinants of this apparent ecotoxicological buffer of inland waters worldwide. In this study, the authors measured the bioaccumulation of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and dehydroabietic acid (DHAA) in Daphnia magna using a wide range of naturally occurring DOC levels. Another objective was to associate the reduced bioavailability with the chemical characteristics of water and DOC

  3. Relationship between the energy status of Daphnia magna and its sensitivity to environmental stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smolders, Roel; Baillieul, Marc; Blust, Ronny


    This work tested the hypothesis that animals with a high energy status are more successful in dealing with stress than animals with a low energy status. Daphnids (Daphnia magna) were reared for 2 weeks in four different concentrations of food. Survival was not affected by food supply, and growth and reproduction increased with increasing food ration. This increase correlated well with the energy status, as was measured by scope for growth on day 15. After 2 weeks, the daphnids in the four different food ration groups were exposed for another 2 weeks to a range of increased salinities or cadmium concentrations, while remaining in their respective food concentrations. In the salinity groups, survival, growth, or reproduction were not influenced at low salinities. Exposure to higher salinity significantly decreased survival and reproduction, but this decrease was more pronounced in the highest food concentrations. In the cadmium exposed daphnids, cadmium content increased with increasing exposure concentrations, but accumulation was independent of food rations. Cadmium exposure significantly decreased survival, growth, and reproduction and this decrease again was more pronounced with increasing food concentration. Thus, the high energy status of the daphnids from the high food concentrations at the start of the exposure did not provide an increased capacity to cope with additional stress. Instead, the sensitivity of the daphnids to stress increased with increasing food ration. This increased sensitivity is likely to be the result of a change in life history from emphasizing survival at low food supply to stressing reproduction at high food supply

  4. The cellular immune response of Daphnia magna under host-parasite genetic variation and variation in initial dose. (United States)

    Auld, Stuart K J R; Edel, Kai H; Little, Tom J


    In invertebrate-parasite systems, the likelihood of infection following parasite exposure is often dependent on the specific combination of host and parasite genotypes (termed genetic specificity). Genetic specificity can maintain diversity in host and parasite populations and is a major component of the Red Queen hypothesis. However, invertebrate immune systems are thought to only distinguish between broad classes of parasite. Using a natural host-parasite system with a well-established pattern of genetic specificity, the crustacean Daphnia magna and its bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa, we found that only hosts from susceptible host-parasite genetic combinations mounted a cellular response following exposure to the parasite. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that genetic specificity is attributable to barrier defenses at the site of infection (the gut), and that the systemic immune response is general, reporting the number of parasite spores entering the hemocoel. Further supporting this, we found that larger cellular responses occurred at higher initial parasite doses. By studying the natural infection route, where parasites must pass barrier defenses before interacting with systemic immune responses, these data shed light on which components of invertebrate defense underlie genetic specificity. © 2012 The Author(s). Evolution© 2012 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  5. Hazard assessment for a pharmaceutical mixture detected in the upper Tennessee River using Daphnia magna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Wolfe


    Full Text Available Widespread use of pharmaceuticals has resulted in mixture concentrations ranging from mg/L in effluent to µg/L concentrations in surface water. In a 2008 study, 13 pharmaceuticals, ranging in amounts from 0.0028 to 0.1757 µg/l, were identified in the Tennessee River, USA and its tributaries. In order to address the need for risk assessment of environmentally relevant pharmaceutical mixtures, Daphnia magna 21-d life cycle tests were performed on a mixture of 11 of the 13 pharmaceuticals as well as on the individual components of the mixture. Mixture exposures were based on the same initial ratios of individual compounds, up to 1000x the initial mixture concentrations.  The endpoints of mortality, time to first brood, size, and fecundity were the assessed.  The LOEC of the 11- pharmaceutical mixture was determined to be 100x greater than the measured mixture concentration detected in the Tennessee River, with the NOEC being 75x that of the measured mixture.  Single concentrations of pharmaceuticals within the mixture up to the 100x LOEC were not statistically different from control for any of the assessed endpoints.  Thus, no single pharmaceutical was deemed predominately responsible for the mixture toxicity at the concentrations tested. While mixtures of pharmaceuticals are common in many systems, based on the findings of the present study, they may not pose a significant acute or chronic hazard to aquatic invertebrates at current concentrations.

  6. The infection rate of Daphnia magna by Pasteuria ramosa conforms with the mass-action principle. (United States)

    Regoes, R R; Hottinger, J W; Sygnarski, L; Ebert, D


    In simple epidemiological models that describe the interaction between hosts with their parasites, the infection process is commonly assumed to be governed by the law of mass action, i.e. it is assumed that the infection rate depends linearly on the densities of the host and the parasite. The mass-action assumption, however, can be problematic if certain aspects of the host-parasite interaction are very pronounced, such as spatial compartmentalization, host immunity which may protect from infection with low doses, or host heterogeneity with regard to susceptibility to infection. As deviations from a mass-action infection rate have consequences for the dynamics of the host-parasite system, it is important to test for the appropriateness of the mass-action assumption in a given host-parasite system. In this paper, we examine the relationship between the infection rate and the parasite inoculum for the water flee Daphnia magna and its bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa. We measured the fraction of infected hosts after exposure to 14 different doses of the parasite. We find that the observed relationship between the fraction of infected hosts and the parasite dose is largely consistent with an infection process governed by the mass-action principle. However, we have evidence for a subtle but significant deviation from a simple mass-action infection model, which can be explained either by some antagonistic effects of the parasite spores during the infection process, or by heterogeneity in the hosts' susceptibility with regard to infection.

  7. Gene expression profiling of three different stressors in the water flea Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Jansen, Mieke; Vergauwen, Lucia; Vandenbrouck, Tine; Knapen, Dries; Dom, Nathalie; Spanier, Katina I; Cielen, Anke; De Meester, Luc


    Microarrays are an ideal tool to screen for differences in gene expression of thousands of genes simultaneously. However, often commercial arrays are not available. In this study, we performed microarray analyses to evaluate patterns of gene transcription following exposure to two natural and one anthropogenic stressor. cDNA microarrays compiled of three life stage specific and three stressor-specific EST libraries, yielding 1734 different EST sequences, were used. We exposed juveniles of the water flea Daphnia magna for 48, 96 and 144 h to three stressors known to exert strong selection in natural populations of this species i.e. a sublethal concentration of the pesticide carbaryl, infective spores of the endoparasite Pasteuria ramosa, and fish predation risk mimicked by exposure to fish kairomones. A total of 148 gene fragments were differentially expressed compared to the control. Based on a PCA, the exposure treatments were separated into two main groups based on the extent of the transcriptional response: a low and a high (144 h of fish or carbaryl exposure and 96 h of parasite exposure) stress group. Firstly, we observed a general stress-related transcriptional expression profile independent of the treatment characterized by repression of transcripts involved in transcription, translation, signal transduction and energy metabolism. Secondly, we observed treatment-specific responses including signs of migration to deeper water layers in response to fish predation, structural challenge of the cuticle in response to carbaryl exposure, and disturbance of the ATP production in parasite exposure. A third important conclusion is that transcription expression patterns exhibit stress-specific changes over time. Parasite exposure shows the most differentially expressed gene fragments after 96 h. The peak of differentially expressed transcripts came only after 144 h of fish exposure, while carbaryl exposure induced a more stable number of differently expressed gene

  8. Haemoglobin-mediated response to hyper-thermal stress in the keystone species Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Cuenca Cambronero, Maria; Zeis, Bettina; Orsini, Luisa


    Anthropogenic global warming has become a major geological and environmental force driving drastic changes in natural ecosystems. Due to the high thermal conductivity of water and the effects of temperature on metabolic processes, freshwater ecosystems are among the most impacted by these changes. The ability to tolerate changes in temperature may determine species long-term survival and fitness. Therefore, it is critical to identify coping mechanisms to thermal and hyper-thermal stress in aquatic organisms. A central regulatory element compensating for changes in oxygen supply and ambient temperature is the respiratory protein haemoglobin (Hb). Here, we quantify Hb plastic and evolutionary response in Daphnia magna subpopulations resurrected from the sedimentary archive of a lake with known history of increase in average temperature and recurrence of heat waves. By measuring constitutive changes in crude Hb protein content among subpopulations, we assessed evolution of the Hb gene family in response to temperature increase. To quantify the contribution of plasticity in the response of this gene family to hyper-thermal stress, we quantified changes in Hb content in all subpopulations under hyper-thermal stress as compared to nonstressful temperature. Further, we tested competitive abilities of genotypes as a function of their Hb content, constitutive and induced. We found that Hb-rich genotypes have superior competitive abilities as compared to Hb-poor genotypes under hyper-thermal stress after a period of acclimation. These findings suggest that whereas long-term adjustment to higher occurrence of heat waves may require a combination of plasticity and genetic adaptation, plasticity is most likely the coping mechanism to hyper-thermal stress in the short term. Our study suggests that with higher occurrence of heat waves, Hb-rich genotypes may be favoured with potential long-term impact on population genetic diversity.

  9. Tax and the Forgotten Classes: from the Magna Carta to the English Revolution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Passant


    Full Text Available This paper looks at three key early events in English tax history, the 1215 Magna Carta, the Peasants' Revolt of 1381 and the English Revolution from 1640 to 1649. It uses these events to explore the relationship between tax, ward, democracy and rebellion. Tax is both an expression of and a cause of class divisions that is can, and does as these events show, spark revolts against the state imposing the taxes. These revolts can be between members of the ruling elite, or between the people outside the ruling elite and that group of rulers both political and economic, or a mixture of both. The aim is to reintroduce class into tax history and show over time the crucial role ordinary people (for example peasants, artisans and workers play in the history of taxation. Thus the people of London played a role in the successful rebellion of the Barons against the kings' imposition of excessive tax and the establishment of a common counsel of the elite to approve future extractions. This gain became the bedrock for future democratic demands, for example no taxation without representation. Peasants drove the revolt of 1381 against poll taxes but could not make demands that transcended their particular class position although they gave hints of an alternative non-class divided society. In 1629 Ship Money enabled the King to rule without parliamentary and this eventually sparked the rebellion and then revolution from 1640 in the context of a society changing from feudal to capitalist relations. In all three cases the actions of the masses of ordinary people are a key to understanding the events and the intertwining of war, tax, democracy and rebellion that becomes evident during this investigation.

  10. Evidence for a cost of immunity when the crustacean Daphnia magna is exposed to the bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa. (United States)

    Little, Tom J; Killick, Stuart C


    The deployment of the immune system has the obvious potential to ameliorate infection outcomes, but immune responses can also harm hosts by either damaging host tissues or monopolizing resources, leading to enhanced mortality. To gain insight into such a 'cost of immunity' when the crustacean Daphnia magna is challenged with the bacterium Pasteuria ramosa, we measured survivorship among hosts that resisted infection following exposure to various strains and doses of the parasite. In the first of two experiments, these exposures were: single exposures with relatively non-aggressive strains, double exposures with non-aggressive strains, and exposure to aggressive strains. Mortality increased across this gradient of exposure. In a second experiment, we varied the dose of the most aggressive P. ramosa strain and found that resisting infection when a large dose was applied resulted in greater mortality than when a medium or low dose was applied. Assuming that resistance is accomplished with an immune response, and that more aggressive parasites and/or larger doses of parasites are more immunostimulatory, these data are compatible with a cost of immunity. Indeed, in terms of survival, resisting parasites can be more harmful than infection.

  11. Pressor response to L-cysteine injected into the cisterna magna of conscious rats involves recruitment of hypothalamic vasopressinergic neurons. (United States)

    Takemoto, Yumi


    The sulfur-containing non-essential amino acid L-cysteine injected into the cisterna magna of adult conscious rats produces an increase in blood pressure. The present study examined if the pressor response to L-cysteine is stereospecific and involves recruitment of hypothalamic vasopressinergic neurons and medullary noradrenergic A1 neurons. Intracisternally injected D-cysteine produced no cardiovascular changes, while L-cysteine produced hypertension and tachycardia in freely moving rats, indicating the stereospecific hemodynamic actions of L-cysteine via the brain. The double labeling immunohistochemistry combined with c-Fos detection as a marker of neuronal activation revealed significantly higher numbers of c-Fos-positive vasopressinergic neurons both in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei and tyrosine hydroxylase containing medullary A1 neurons, of L-cysteine-injected rats than those injected with D-cysteine as iso-osmotic control. The results indicate that the cardiovascular responses to intracisternal injection of L-cysteine in the conscious rat are stereospecific and include recruitment of hypothalamic vasopressinergic neurons both in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, as well as of medullary A1 neurons. The findings may suggest a potential function of L-cysteine as an extracellular signal such as neuromodulators in central regulation of blood pressure.

  12. Molecular responses during cadmium-induced stress in Daphnia magna: Integration of differential gene expression with higher-level effects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soetaert, Anneleen [Department of Biology, Laboratory for Ecophysiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium)]. E-mail:; Vandenbrouck, Tine [Department of Biology, Laboratory for Ecophysiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Ven, Karlijn van der [Department of Biology, Laboratory for Ecophysiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Maras, Marleen [Department of Biology, Laboratory for Ecophysiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Remortel, Piet van [Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Intelligent Systems Laboratory, University of Antwerp, Middelheimlaan 1, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Blust, Ronny [Department of Biology, Laboratory for Ecophysiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Coen, Wim M. de [Department of Biology, Laboratory for Ecophysiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium)


    DNA microarrays offer great potential in revealing insight into mechanistic toxicity of contaminants. The aim of the present study was (i) to gain insight in concentration- and time-dependent cadmium-induced molecular responses by using a customized Daphnia magna microarray, and (ii) to compare the gene expression profiles with effects at higher levels of biological organization (e.g. total energy budget and growth). Daphnids were exposed to three cadmium concentrations (nominal value of 10, 50, 100 {mu}g/l) for two time intervals (48 and 96 h). In general, dynamic expression patterns were obtained with a clear increase of gene expression changes at higher concentrations and longer exposure duration. Microarray analysis revealed cadmium affected molecular pathways associated with processes such as digestion, oxygen transport, cuticula metabolism and embryo development. These effects were compared with higher-level effects (energy budgets and growth). For instance, next to reduced energy budgets due to a decline in lipid, carbohydrate and protein content, we found an up-regulated expression of genes related to digestive processes (e.g. {alpha}-esterase, cellulase, {alpha}-amylase). Furthermore, cadmium affected the expression of genes coding for proteins involved in molecular pathways associated with immune response, stress response, cell adhesion, visual perception and signal transduction in the present study.

  13. Who benefits from reduced reproduction in parasitized hosts? An experimental test using the Pasteuria ramosa-Daphnia magna system. (United States)

    Mageroy, Jon H; Grepperud, Eldfrid J; Jensen, Knut Helge


    We investigated whether parasites or hosts benefit from reduced reproduction in infected hosts. When parasites castrate their hosts, the regain of host reproduction is necessary for castration to be a host adaptation. When infecting Daphnia magna with Pasteuria ramosa, in a lake water based medium, 49 2% of the castrated females regained reproduction. We investigated the relationship between castration level, and parasite and host fitness proxies to determine the adaptive value of host castration. Hosts which regained reproduction contained less spores and had a higher lifetime reproduction than permanently castrated hosts. We also found a negative correlation between parasite and host lifetime reproduction. For hosts which regained reproduction we found no optimal level of castration associated with lifetime reproduction. These results support the view that host castration only is adaptive to the parasite in this system. In addition, we suggest that permanent castration might not be the norm under natural conditions in this system. Finally, we argue that a reduction in host reproduction is more likely to evolve as a property favouring parasites rather than hosts. To our knowledge this is the only experimental study to investigate the adaptive value of reduced host reproduction when castrated hosts can regain reproduction.

  14. Comparison between two clones of Daphnia magna: Effects of multigenerational cadmium exposure on toxicity, individual fitness, and biokinetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guan Rui; Wang Wenxiong


    We investigated the effects of genotype (two different clones) and multigenerational Cd-exposure history on Cd toxicity, individual fitness, and biokinetics in populations of a freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna. The adults of the tolerant (T) clone had longer mean-survival-time than the sensitive (S) clone in both control groups (without Cd-exposure) and continuous Cd-exposure groups, but the two clones showed comparable resistances to acute Cd stress in the recovery groups. The body concentration of metallothionein (MT) played a critical role in handling Cd stress, which mainly accounted for the significant difference between the two clones in terms of survival distribution. High comparability of these two clones in individual fitness parameters and biokinetics suggested that these parameters are unlikely driven by genetic variation. For each specific clone, continuous Cd-exposure inhibited the animal growth, elevated the MT induction, and increased the Cd uptake rate (ingestion rate, assimilation efficiency from dietary phase, and uptake rate from dissolved phase), all of which enhanced the weight-specific Cd accumulation in daphnids' bodies. The strong dependence of biokinetic parameters on environmental factors (e.g., food concentrations, pH, dissolved or dietary metal concentration, and metal exposure histories) rather than on genotypes implied the great potential of using biokinetics in inter-lab comparisons and environmental risk assessments

  15. Comparison between two clones of Daphnia magna: effects of multigenerational cadmium exposure on toxicity, individual fitness, and biokinetics. (United States)

    Guan, Rui; Wang, Wen-Xiong


    We investigated the effects of genotype (two different clones) and multigenerational Cd-exposure history on Cd toxicity, individual fitness, and biokinetics in populations of a freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna. The adults of the tolerant (T) clone had longer mean-survival-time than the sensitive (S) clone in both control groups (without Cd-exposure) and continuous Cd-exposure groups, but the two clones showed comparable resistances to acute Cd stress in the recovery groups. The body concentration of metallothionein (MT) played a critical role in handling Cd stress, which mainly accounted for the significant difference between the two clones in terms of survival distribution. High comparability of these two clones in individual fitness parameters and biokinetics suggested that these parameters are unlikely driven by genetic variation. For each specific clone, continuous Cd-exposure inhibited the animal growth, elevated the MT induction, and increased the Cd uptake rate (ingestion rate, assimilation efficiency from dietary phase, and uptake rate from dissolved phase), all of which enhanced the weight-specific Cd accumulation in daphnids' bodies. The strong dependence of biokinetic parameters on environmental factors (e.g., food concentrations, pH, dissolved or dietary metal concentration, and metal exposure histories) rather than on genotypes implied the great potential of using biokinetics in inter-lab comparisons and environmental risk assessments.

  16. Mapping the expression of the sex determining factor Doublesex1 in Daphnia magna using a knock-in reporter. (United States)

    Nong, Quang Dang; Mohamad Ishak, Nur Syafiqah; Matsuura, Tomoaki; Kato, Yasuhiko; Watanabe, Hajime


    Sexually dimorphic traits are common and widespread among animals. The expression of the Doublesex-/Mab-3-domain (DM-domain) gene family has been widely studied in model organisms and has been proven to be essential for the development and maintenance of sex-specific traits. However, little is known about the detailed expression patterns in non-model organisms. In the present study, we demonstrated the spatiotemporal expression of the DM-domain gene, doublesex1 (dsx1), in the crustacean Daphnia magna, which parthenogenetically produces males in response to environmental cues. We developed a dsx1 reporter strain to track dsx1 activity in vivo by inserting the mCherry gene into the dsx1 locus using the TALEN-mediated knock-in approach. After confirming dsx1 expression in male-specific traits in juveniles and adults, we performed time-lapse imaging of embryogenesis. Shortly after gastrulation stage, a presumptive primary organiser, named cumulus, first showed male-specific dsx1 expression. This cell mass moved to the posterior growth zone that distributes dsx1-expressing progenitor cells across the body during axial elongation, before embryos start male-specific dsx1 expression in sexually dimorphic structures. The present study demonstrated the sex-specific dsx1 expression in cell populations involved in basal body formation.

  17. Exploring the role of quantum chemical descriptors in modeling acute toxicity of diverse chemicals to Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Reenu; Vikas


    Various quantum-mechanically computed molecular and thermodynamic descriptors along with physico-chemical, electrostatic and topological descriptors are compared while developing quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) for the acute toxicity of 252 diverse organic chemicals towards Daphnia magna. QSAR models based on the quantum-chemical descriptors, computed with routinely employed advanced semi-empirical and ab-initio methods, along with the electron-correlation contribution (CORR) of the descriptors, are analyzed for the external predictivity of the acute toxicity. The models with reliable internal stability and external predictivity are found to be based on the HOMO energy along with the physico-chemical, electrostatic and topological descriptors. Besides this, the total energy and electron-correlation energy are also observed as highly reliable descriptors, suggesting that the intra-molecular interactions between the electrons play an important role in the origin of the acute toxicity, which is in fact an unexplored phenomenon. The models based on quantum-chemical descriptors such as chemical hardness, absolute electronegativity, standard Gibbs free energy and enthalpy are also observed to be reliable. A comparison of the robust models based on the quantum-chemical descriptors computed with various quantum-mechanical methods suggests that the advanced semi-empirical methods such as PM7 can be more reliable than the ab-initio methods which are computationally more expensive. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. DNA alterations and effects on growth and reproduction in Daphnia magna during chronic exposure to gamma radiation over three successive generations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parisot, Florian; Bourdineaud, Jean-Paul; Plaire, Delphine; Adam-Guillermin, Christelle; Alonzo, Frédéric


    Highlights: • We exposed three successive generations of Daphnia magna to chronic gamma radiation. • We examined DNA alterations and effects on survival, growth and reproduction. • DNA alterations were accumulated over a generation and transmitted to the progeny. • Effects on survival and reproduction, and delay in growth increased over generations. - Abstract: This study examined chronic effects of external Cs-137 gamma radiation on Daphnia magna exposed over three successive generations (F0, F1 and F2) to environmentally relevant dose rates (ranging from 0.007 to 35.4 mGy h −1 ). Investigated endpoints included survival, growth, reproduction and DNA alterations quantified using random-amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). Results demonstrated that radiation effects on survival, growth and reproduction increased in severity from generation F0 to generation F2. Mortality after 21 days at 35.4 mGy h −1 increased from 20% in F0 to 30% in F2. Growth was affected by a slight reduction in maximum length at 35.4 mGy h −1 in F0 and by reductions of 5 and 13% in growth rate, respectively, at 4.70 and 35.4 mGy h −1 in F2. Reproduction was affected by a reduction of 19% in 21 day-fecundity at 35.4 mGy h −1 in F0 and by a delay of 1.9 days in brood release as low as 0.070 mGy h −1 in F2. In parallel, DNA alterations became significant at decreasing dose rates over the course of F0 (from 4.70 mGy h −1 at hatching to 0.007 mGy h −1 after ∼21 days) and from F0 to F2 (0.070 mGy h −1 at hatching to 0.007 mGy h −1 after ∼21 days), demonstrating their rapid accumulation in F0 daphnids and their transmission to offspring generations. Transiently more efficient DNA repair leading to some recovery at the organism level was suggested in F1, with no effect on survival, a slight reduction of 12% in 21 day-fecundity at 35.4 mGy h −1 and DNA alterations significant at highest dose rates only. The study improved our understanding of

  19. DNA alterations and effects on growth and reproduction in Daphnia magna during chronic exposure to gamma radiation over three successive generations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parisot, Florian [Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), PRP-ENV/SERIS/LECO, Cadarache, St Paul-lez-Durance 13115 (France); Bourdineaud, Jean-Paul [UMR 5805 EPOC – OASU, Station marine d’Arcachon, Université Bordeaux 1, Arcachon 33120 (France); Plaire, Delphine; Adam-Guillermin, Christelle [Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), PRP-ENV/SERIS/LECO, Cadarache, St Paul-lez-Durance 13115 (France); Alonzo, Frédéric, E-mail: [Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), PRP-ENV/SERIS/LECO, Cadarache, St Paul-lez-Durance 13115 (France)


    Highlights: • We exposed three successive generations of Daphnia magna to chronic gamma radiation. • We examined DNA alterations and effects on survival, growth and reproduction. • DNA alterations were accumulated over a generation and transmitted to the progeny. • Effects on survival and reproduction, and delay in growth increased over generations. - Abstract: This study examined chronic effects of external Cs-137 gamma radiation on Daphnia magna exposed over three successive generations (F0, F1 and F2) to environmentally relevant dose rates (ranging from 0.007 to 35.4 mGy h{sup −1}). Investigated endpoints included survival, growth, reproduction and DNA alterations quantified using random-amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). Results demonstrated that radiation effects on survival, growth and reproduction increased in severity from generation F0 to generation F2. Mortality after 21 days at 35.4 mGy h{sup −1} increased from 20% in F0 to 30% in F2. Growth was affected by a slight reduction in maximum length at 35.4 mGy h{sup −1} in F0 and by reductions of 5 and 13% in growth rate, respectively, at 4.70 and 35.4 mGy h{sup −1} in F2. Reproduction was affected by a reduction of 19% in 21 day-fecundity at 35.4 mGy h{sup −1} in F0 and by a delay of 1.9 days in brood release as low as 0.070 mGy h{sup −1} in F2. In parallel, DNA alterations became significant at decreasing dose rates over the course of F0 (from 4.70 mGy h{sup −1} at hatching to 0.007 mGy h{sup −1} after ∼21 days) and from F0 to F2 (0.070 mGy h{sup −1} at hatching to 0.007 mGy h{sup −1} after ∼21 days), demonstrating their rapid accumulation in F0 daphnids and their transmission to offspring generations. Transiently more efficient DNA repair leading to some recovery at the organism level was suggested in F1, with no effect on survival, a slight reduction of 12% in 21 day-fecundity at 35.4 mGy h{sup −1} and DNA alterations significant at highest

  20. Impact of polystyrene microplastics on Daphnia magna mortality and reproduction in relation to food availability (United States)

    Aljaibachi, Rana


    Microplastics (MPs) in the environment continue to be a growing area of concern in terms of acute and chronic impacts on aquatic life. Whilst increasing numbers of studies are providing important insights into microparticle behaviour and impacts in the marine environment, a paucity of information exists regarding the freshwater environment. This study focusses on the uptake, retention and the impact of 2 µm polystyrene MPs in the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna in relation to food intake (algae Chlorella vulgaris), with MP size chosen to approximately match the cell size of the algae. Daphnia were exposed to varied concentrations of MPs and algae. When exposed to a single concentration of MPs Daphnia almost immediately ate them in large quantities. However, the presence of algae, even at low concentrations, had a significant negative impact on MP uptake that was not in proportion to relative availability. As MP concentrations increased, intake did not if algae were present, even at higher concentrations of MPs. This suggests that Daphnia are selectively avoiding eating plastics. Adult Daphnia exposed to MPs for 21 days showed mortality after seven days of exposure in all treatments compared to the control. However significant differences were all related to algal concentration rather than to MP concentration. This suggests that where ample food is present, MPs have little effect on adults. There was also no impact on their reproduction. The neonate toxicity test confirmed previous results that mortality and reproduction was linked to availability of food rather than MP concentrations. This would make sense in light of our suggestion that Daphnia are selectively avoiding eating microplastics. PMID:29686944

  1. Impact of polystyrene microplastics on Daphnia magna mortality and reproduction in relation to food availability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rana Aljaibachi


    Full Text Available Microplastics (MPs in the environment continue to be a growing area of concern in terms of acute and chronic impacts on aquatic life. Whilst increasing numbers of studies are providing important insights into microparticle behaviour and impacts in the marine environment, a paucity of information exists regarding the freshwater environment. This study focusses on the uptake, retention and the impact of 2 µm polystyrene MPs in the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna in relation to food intake (algae Chlorella vulgaris, with MP size chosen to approximately match the cell size of the algae. Daphnia were exposed to varied concentrations of MPs and algae. When exposed to a single concentration of MPs Daphnia almost immediately ate them in large quantities. However, the presence of algae, even at low concentrations, had a significant negative impact on MP uptake that was not in proportion to relative availability. As MP concentrations increased, intake did not if algae were present, even at higher concentrations of MPs. This suggests that Daphnia are selectively avoiding eating plastics. Adult Daphnia exposed to MPs for 21 days showed mortality after seven days of exposure in all treatments compared to the control. However significant differences were all related to algal concentration rather than to MP concentration. This suggests that where ample food is present, MPs have little effect on adults. There was also no impact on their reproduction. The neonate toxicity test confirmed previous results that mortality and reproduction was linked to availability of food rather than MP concentrations. This would make sense in light of our suggestion that Daphnia are selectively avoiding eating microplastics.

  2. QSAR modeling of toxicity of diverse organic chemicals to Daphnia magna using 2D and 3D descriptors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kar, Supratik; Roy, Kunal


    One of the major economic alternatives to experimental toxicity testing is the use of quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) which are used in formulating regulatory decisions of environmental protection agencies. In this background, we have modeled a large diverse group of 297 chemicals for their toxicity to Daphnia magna using mechanistically interpretable descriptors. Three-dimensional (3D) (electronic and spatial) and two-dimensional (2D) (topological and information content indices) descriptors along with physicochemical parameter log K o/w (n-octanol/water partition coefficient) and structural descriptors were used as predictor variables. The QSAR models were developed by stepwise multiple linear regression (MLR), partial least squares (PLS), genetic function approximation (GFA), and genetic PLS (G/PLS). All the models were validated internally and externally. Among several models developed using different chemometric tools, the best model based on both internal and external validation characteristics was a PLS equation with 7 descriptors and three latent variables explaining 67.8% leave-one-out predicted variance and 74.1% external predicted variance. The PLS model suggests that higher lipophilicity and electrophilicity, less negative charge surface area and presence of ether linkage, hydrogen bond donor groups and acetylenic carbons are responsible for greater toxicity of chemicals. The developed model may be used for prediction of toxicity, safety and risk assessment of chemicals to achieve better ecotoxicological management and prevent adverse health consequences.

  3. QSAR modeling of toxicity of diverse organic chemicals to Daphnia magna using 2D and 3D descriptors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kar, Supratik [Drug Theoretics and Cheminformatics Laboratory, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Raja S C Mullick Road, Kolkata 700032 (India); Roy, Kunal, E-mail: [Drug Theoretics and Cheminformatics Laboratory, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Raja S C Mullick Road, Kolkata 700032 (India)


    One of the major economic alternatives to experimental toxicity testing is the use of quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) which are used in formulating regulatory decisions of environmental protection agencies. In this background, we have modeled a large diverse group of 297 chemicals for their toxicity to Daphnia magna using mechanistically interpretable descriptors. Three-dimensional (3D) (electronic and spatial) and two-dimensional (2D) (topological and information content indices) descriptors along with physicochemical parameter log K{sub o/w} (n-octanol/water partition coefficient) and structural descriptors were used as predictor variables. The QSAR models were developed by stepwise multiple linear regression (MLR), partial least squares (PLS), genetic function approximation (GFA), and genetic PLS (G/PLS). All the models were validated internally and externally. Among several models developed using different chemometric tools, the best model based on both internal and external validation characteristics was a PLS equation with 7 descriptors and three latent variables explaining 67.8% leave-one-out predicted variance and 74.1% external predicted variance. The PLS model suggests that higher lipophilicity and electrophilicity, less negative charge surface area and presence of ether linkage, hydrogen bond donor groups and acetylenic carbons are responsible for greater toxicity of chemicals. The developed model may be used for prediction of toxicity, safety and risk assessment of chemicals to achieve better ecotoxicological management and prevent adverse health consequences.

  4. Short-term exposure with high concentrations of pristine microplastic particles leads to immobilisation of Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Rehse, Saskia; Kloas, Werner; Zarfl, Christiane


    Recent studies revealed that freshwaters are not only polluted by chemicals, but also by persistent synthetic material like microplastics (plastic particles pollutants or release additives. Although there is rising concern about the pollution of freshwaters by microplastics, knowledge about their potential effects on organisms is limited. For a better understanding of their risks, it is crucial to unravel which characteristics influence their effects on organisms. Analysing effects by the mere particles is the first step before including more complex interactions e.g. with associated chemicals. The aim of this study was to analyse potential physical effects of microplastics on one representative organism for limnic zooplankton (Daphnia magna). We investigated whether microplastics can be ingested and whether their presence causes adverse effects after short-term exposure. Daphnids were exposed for up to 96 h to 1-μm and 100-μm polyethylene particles at concentrations between 12.5 and 400 mg L(-1). Ingestion of 1-μm particles led to immobilisation increasing with dose and time with an EC50 of 57.43 mg L(-1) after 96 h. 100-μm particles that could not be ingested by the daphnids had no observable effects. These results underline that, considering high concentrations, microplastic particles can already induce adverse effects in limnic zooplankton. Although it needs to be clarified if these concentrations can be found in the environment these results are a basis for future impact analysis, especially in combination with associated chemicals. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Temporal genetic stability in natural populations of the waterflea Daphnia magna in response to strong selection pressure. (United States)

    Orsini, Luisa; Marshall, Hollie; Cuenca Cambronero, Maria; Chaturvedi, Anurag; Thomas, Kelley W; Pfrender, Michael E; Spanier, Katina I; De Meester, Luc


    Studies monitoring changes in genetic diversity and composition through time allow a unique understanding of evolutionary dynamics and persistence of natural populations. However, such studies are often limited to species with short generation times that can be propagated in the laboratory or few exceptional cases in the wild. Species that produce dormant stages provide powerful models for the reconstruction of evolutionary dynamics in the natural environment. A remaining open question is to what extent dormant egg banks are an unbiased representation of populations and hence of the species' evolutionary potential, especially in the presence of strong environmental selection. We address this key question using the water flea Daphnia magna, which produces dormant stages that accumulate in biological archives over time. We assess temporal genetic stability in three biological archives, previously used in resurrection ecology studies showing adaptive evolutionary responses to rapid environmental change. We show that neutral genetic diversity does not decline with the age of the population and it is maintained in the presence of strong selection. In addition, by comparing temporal genetic stability in hatched and unhatched populations from the same biological archive, we show that dormant egg banks can be consulted to obtain a reliable measure of genetic diversity over time, at least in the multidecadal time frame studied here. The stability of neutral genetic diversity through time is likely mediated by the buffering effect of the resting egg bank. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Conformación del Observatorio de Inequidades en Salud en México

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    José Meljem-Moctezuma


    Full Text Available La construcción del sistema universal de salud al que se ha orientado el Gobierno de la República requiere avanzar en una oferta de servicios de forma homogénea en relación con las necesidades específicas de la población del país, para dar así un contenido claro y firme al derecho a la protección de la salud que ha establecido la Carta Magna...

  7. The implementation of multi-task geophysical survey to locate Cleopatra Tomb at Tap-Osiris Magna, Borg El-Arab, Alexandria, Egypt “Phase II”

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    Abbas M. Abbas


    VLF-EM data were collected along parallel lines covering the investigated site with a line-to-line spacing of 1 m. The point-to-point distance of 1 m along the same line was employed. The data were qualitatively interpreted by Fraser filtering process and quantitatively by 2-D VLF inversion of tipper data and forward modeling. Results obtained from VLF-EM interpretation are correlated with 2-D resistivity imaging and drilling information. Findings showed a highly resistive zone at a depth extended from about 25–45 m buried beneath Osiris temple, which could be indicated as the tomb of Cleopatra and Anthony. This result is supported by Fraser filtering and forward modeling results. The depth of archeological findings as indicated from the geophysical survey is correlated well with the depth expected by archeologists, as well as, the depth of discovered tombs outside Tap-Osiris Magna temple. This depth level has not been reached by drilling in this site. We hope that the site can be excavated in the future based on these geophysical results.

  8. Disentangling the influence of parasite genotype, host genotype and maternal environment on different stages of bacterial infection in Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Hall, Matthew D; Ebert, Dieter


    Individuals naturally vary in the severity of infectious disease when exposed to a parasite. Dissecting this variation into genetic and environmental components can reveal whether or not this variation depends on the host genotype, parasite genotype or a range of environmental conditions. Complicating this task, however, is that the symptoms of disease result from the combined effect of a series of events, from the initial encounter between a host and parasite, through to the activation of the host immune system and the exploitation of host resources. Here, we use the crustacean Daphnia magna and its parasite Pasteuria ramosa to show how disentangling genetic and environmental factors at different stages of infection improves our understanding of the processes shaping infectious disease. Using compatible host-parasite combinations, we experimentally exclude variation in the ability of a parasite to penetrate the host, from measures of parasite clearance, the reduction in host fecundity and the proliferation of the parasite. We show how parasite resistance consists of two components that vary in environmental sensitivity, how the maternal environment influences all measured aspects of the within-host infection process and how host-parasite interactions following the penetration of the parasite into the host have a distinct temporal component.

  9. The influence of bacteria-dominated diets on Daphnia magna somatic growth, reproduction, and lipid composition. (United States)

    Taipale, Sami J; Brett, Michael T; Pulkkinen, Katja; Kainz, Martin J


    We explored how dietary bacteria affect the life history traits and biochemical composition of Daphnia magna, using three bacteria taxa with very different lipid composition. Our objectives were to (1) examine whether and how bacteria-dominated diets affect Daphnia survival, growth, and fecundity, (2) see whether bacteria-specific fatty acid (FA) biomarkers accrued in Daphnia lipids, and (3) explore the quantitative relationship between bacteria availability in Daphnia diets and the amounts of bacterial FA in their lipids. Daphnia were fed monospecific and mixed diets of heterotrophic (Micrococcus luteus) or methanotrophic bacteria (Methylomonas methanica and Methylosinus trichosporium) and two phytoplankton species (Cryptomonas ozolinii and Scenedesmus obliquus). Daphnia neonates fed pure bacteria diets died after 6-12 days and produced no viable offspring, whereas those fed pure phytoplankton diets had high survival, growth, and reproduction success. Daphnia fed a mixed diet with 80% M. luteus and 20% of either phytoplankton had high somatic growth, but low reproduction. Conversely, Daphnia fed mixed diets including 80% of either methane-oxidizing bacteria and 20% Cryptomonas had high reproduction rates, but low somatic growth. All Daphnia fed mixed bacteria and phytoplankton diets had strong evidence of both bacteria- and phytoplankton-specific FA biomarkers in their lipids. FA mixing model calculations indicated that Daphnia that received 80% of their carbon from bacteria assimilated 46 ± 25% of their FA from this source. A bacteria-phytoplankton gradient experiment showed a strong positive correlation between the proportions of the bacterial FA in the Daphnia and their diet, indicating that bacterial utilization can be traced in this keystone consumer using FA biomarkers. © 2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Intracellular conversion of environmental nitrate and nitrite to nitric oxide with resulting developmental toxicity to the crustacean Daphnia magna.

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    Bethany R Hannas


    Full Text Available Nitrate and nitrite (jointly referred to herein as NO(x are ubiquitous environmental contaminants to which aquatic organisms are at particularly high risk of exposure. We tested the hypothesis that NO(x undergo intracellular conversion to the potent signaling molecule nitric oxide resulting in the disruption of endocrine-regulated processes.These experiments were performed with insect cells (Drosophila S2 and whole organisms Daphnia magna. We first evaluated the ability of cells to convert nitrate (NO(3(- and nitrite (NO(2(- to nitric oxide using amperometric real-time nitric oxide detection. Both NO(3(- and NO(2(- were converted to nitric oxide in a substrate concentration-dependent manner. Further, nitric oxide trapping and fluorescent visualization studies revealed that perinatal daphnids readily convert NO(2(- to nitric oxide. Next, daphnids were continuously exposed to concentrations of the nitric oxide-donor sodium nitroprusside (positive control and to concentrations of NO(3(- and NO(2(-. All three compounds interfered with normal embryo development and reduced daphnid fecundity. Developmental abnormalities were characteristic of those elicited by compounds that interfere with ecdysteroid signaling. However, no compelling evidence was generated to indicate that nitric oxide reduced ecdysteroid titers.Results demonstrate that nitrite elicits developmental and reproductive toxicity at environmentally relevant concentrations due likely to its intracellular conversion to nitric oxide.

  11. Phylogeography of Daphnia magna Straus (Crustacea: Cladocera) in Northern Eurasia: Evidence for a deep longitudinal split between mitochondrial lineages. (United States)

    Bekker, Eugeniya I; Karabanov, Dmitry P; Galimov, Yan R; Haag, Christoph R; Neretina, Tatiana V; Kotov, Alexey A


    Species with a large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due to logistic difficulties of obtaining adequate sampling. For instance, in most species with a Holarctic distribution, the majority of studies has concentrated on the European or North American part of the distribution, with the Eastern Palearctic region being notably understudied. Here, we study the phylogeography of the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna Straus, 1820 (Crustacea: Cladocera), based on partial mitochondrial COI sequences and using specimens from populations spread longitudinally from westernmost Europe to easternmost Asia, with many samples from previously strongly understudied regions in Siberia and Eastern Asia. The results confirm the previously suspected deep split between Eastern and Western mitochondrial haplotype super-clades. We find a narrow contact zone between these two super-clades in the eastern part of Western Siberia, with proven co-occurrence in a single lake in the Novosibirsk region. However, at present there is no evidence suggesting that the two mitochondrial super-clades represent cryptic species. Rather, they may be explained by secondary contact after expansion from different refugia. Interestingly, Central Siberia has previously been found to be an important contact zone also in other cladoceran species, and may thus be a crucial area for understanding the Eurasian phylogeography of freshwater invertebrates. Together, our study provides an unprecedented complete, while still not global, picture of the phylogeography of this important model species.

  12. A Comparative Study of the Eco toxicity of Palm-Based Methyl Ester Sulphonates (MES) to Tilapia and Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Razmah, G.; Afida, I.S.; Zulina, A.M.; Noorazah, Z.; Hazimah, A.H.


    Methyl ester sulphonates (MES) is a surfactant derived from plant resources, suitable as active ingredient in detergents. MES possesses good surface-active properties, good detergency and tolerant to water hardness. In this study, the eco toxicity of MES was evaluated through the 48 hr Daphnia magna immobilisation test and the 96 hr fish acute toxicity test with Tilapia. MES samples with different alkyl chain lengths (C14, C16 and C16:18) produced by the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) and commercial MES (C16:18) were tested. Results from all tests indicated that Daphnia was more sensitive to toxic effects from MES than was Tilapia. There is also significant difference in eco toxicity responses for palm-based MES of various chain lengths regardless of the species tested. The eco toxicity increased as the hydrophobicity of the MES increased due to increase of alkyl chain length. However, less than 30 % of MES is used in detergent products and will not pose environmental effects on aquatic organisms. MES is therefore suitable for environmental compatible cleaning products in view of its eco toxicity that is on par to the widely used anionic surfactants, such as linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS). The use of MES in cleaning products may help the industry to fulfil its social responsibility to a cleaner and better environment. (author)

  13. An investigation of the inter-clonal variation of the interactive effects of cadmium and Microcystis aeruginosa on the reproductive performance of Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Coninck, Dieter I.M.; Janssen, Colin R.; De Schamphelaere, Karel A.C.


    Highlights: •Interaction of a metal and cyanobacterium in 20 genetically distinct waterflea clones. •All observed effects were non-interactive. •This contrasted expectations based on shared modes of toxic action. -- Abstract: Interactive effects between chemical and natural stressors as well as genetically determined variation in stress tolerance among individuals may complicate risk assessment and management of chemical pollutants in natural ecosystems. Although genetic variation in tolerance to single stressors has been described extensively, genetic variation in interactive effects between two stressors has only rarely been investigated. Here, we examined the interactive effects between a chemical stressor (Cd) and a natural stressor (the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa) on the reproduction of Daphnia magna in 20 genetically different clones using a full-factorial experimental design and with the independent action model of joint stressor action as the reference theoretical framework. Across all clones, the reduction of 21-day reproduction compared to the control treatment (no Cd, no M. aeruginosa) ranged from −10% to 98% following Cd exposure alone, from 44% to 89% for Microcystis exposure alone, and from 61% to 98% after exposure to Cd + Microcystis combined. Three-way ANOVA on log-transformed reproduction data of all clones together did not detect a statistically significant Cd × Microcystis interaction term (F-test, p = 0.11), meaning that on average both stressors do not interact in inhibiting reproductive performance of D. magna. This finding contrasted expectations based on some known shared mechanisms of toxicity of Cd and Microcystis and therefore cautions against making predictions of interactive chemical + natural stressor effects from incomplete knowledge on affected biological processes and pathways. Further, still based on three-way ANOVA, we did not find statistically significant clone × Cd × Microcystis interaction when data for

  14. An investigation of the inter-clonal variation of the interactive effects of cadmium and Microcystis aeruginosa on the reproductive performance of Daphnia magna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Coninck, Dieter I.M., E-mail:; Janssen, Colin R.; De Schamphelaere, Karel A.C.


    Highlights: •Interaction of a metal and cyanobacterium in 20 genetically distinct waterflea clones. •All observed effects were non-interactive. •This contrasted expectations based on shared modes of toxic action. -- Abstract: Interactive effects between chemical and natural stressors as well as genetically determined variation in stress tolerance among individuals may complicate risk assessment and management of chemical pollutants in natural ecosystems. Although genetic variation in tolerance to single stressors has been described extensively, genetic variation in interactive effects between two stressors has only rarely been investigated. Here, we examined the interactive effects between a chemical stressor (Cd) and a natural stressor (the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa) on the reproduction of Daphnia magna in 20 genetically different clones using a full-factorial experimental design and with the independent action model of joint stressor action as the reference theoretical framework. Across all clones, the reduction of 21-day reproduction compared to the control treatment (no Cd, no M. aeruginosa) ranged from −10% to 98% following Cd exposure alone, from 44% to 89% for Microcystis exposure alone, and from 61% to 98% after exposure to Cd + Microcystis combined. Three-way ANOVA on log-transformed reproduction data of all clones together did not detect a statistically significant Cd × Microcystis interaction term (F-test, p = 0.11), meaning that on average both stressors do not interact in inhibiting reproductive performance of D. magna. This finding contrasted expectations based on some known shared mechanisms of toxicity of Cd and Microcystis and therefore cautions against making predictions of interactive chemical + natural stressor effects from incomplete knowledge on affected biological processes and pathways. Further, still based on three-way ANOVA, we did not find statistically significant clone × Cd × Microcystis interaction when data for

  15. Toxicity of a binary mixture on Daphnia magna: biological effects of uranium and selenium isolated and in mixture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeman, F.


    Among the multiple substances that affect freshwater ecosystems, uranium and selenium are two pollutants found worldwide in the environment, alone and in mixture. The aim of this thesis work was to investigate the effect of uranium and selenium mixture on daphnia (Daphnia magna). Studying effects of a mixture requires the assessment of the effect of single substances. Thus, the first experiments were performed on single substance. Acute toxicity data were obtained: EC 50 48h = 0, 39±0, 04 mg.L -1 for uranium and EC 50 48h 1, 86±0, 85 mg.L -1 for selenium. Chronic effects were also studied. Data on fecundity showed an EC 10 reproduction of 14±7 μg. L -1 for uranium and of 215±25 μg. L -1 for selenium. Uranium-selenium mixture toxicity experiments were performed and revealed an antagonistic effect. This study further demonstrates the importance of taking into consideration different elements in binary mixture studies such as the choice of reference models (concentration addition or independent action), statistical method, time exposure and endpoints. Using integrated parameters like energy budget was shown to be an interesting way to better understand interactions. An approach including calculation of chemical speciation in the medium and bioaccumulation measurements in the organism permits assumptions to be made on the nature of possible interactions between mixture components (toxico-dynamic et toxico-kinetic interactions). (author)

  16. A 5' UTR-Overlapping LncRNA Activates the Male-Determining Gene doublesex1 in the Crustacean Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Kato, Yasuhiko; Perez, Christelle Alexa G; Mohamad Ishak, Nur Syafiqah; Nong, Quang D; Sudo, Yuumi; Matsuura, Tomoaki; Wada, Tadashi; Watanabe, Hajime


    Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are pervasively transcribed in the eukaryotic genome [1] and are important for the control of master regulatory genes that are involved in cell differentiation and development [2, 3]. Here, we show that a 5' UTR-overlapping lncRNA regulates the male-specific expression of the DM-domain gene doublesex1 (dsx1) in the crustacean Daphnia magna, which produces males in response to environmental stimuli. This lncRNA, named doublesex1 alpha promoter-associated long RNA (DAPALR), is transcribed upstream the transcription start site (TSS) in a sense orientation and subjected to 5' end capping and 3' end processing at a stem-loop structure before the dsx1 coding exon. Similar to dsx1, its expression is only activated in males by the juvenile hormone (JH) and basic-leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor Vrille (Vri) and is maintained during embryogenesis. Knockdown of DAPALR in males silenced dsx1 and led to feminization, including egg production, whereas ectopic expression of DAPALR in dsx1-silenced females resulted in the de-repression of dsx1. We further demonstrate that the DAPALR transcript overlaps the dsx1 5'-UTR, and this overlapping region is required for dsx1 activation. Our results suggest that DAPALR can transactivate and possibly maintain dsx1 expression. This might be important for converting transient environmental signals into stable male development, controlled by the continuous expression of dsx1. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Changes in the metabolic elimination profile of testosterone following exposure of the crustacean Daphnia magna to tributyltin. (United States)

    LeBlanc, G A; McLachlan, J B


    The biocide tributyltin has been found to cause the development of pseudohermaphroditic conditions in some neogastropod species. These abnormalities of the reproductive system have adversely affected the fecundity of some field populations of gastropods, resulting in local population declines. Current evidence suggests that tributyltin elicits these effects by interfering with the biotransformation of testosterone to other steroid derivatives, resulting in an elevation in endogenous testosterone or some of its bioactive derivatives. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether tributyltin altered testosterone metabolism in daphnids (Daphnia magna), a species commonly used in ecotoxicology testing. Exposure of daphnids to 1.2 microg (tin)/L caused a general increase in the rate of elimination of oxido-reduced, hydroxylated, and glucose-conjugated derivatives of testosterone. However, tributyltin exposure had no significant effect on the rate of elimination of the glucose-conjugated forms of the various oxido-reduced and hydroxylated derivatives of testosterone. As a result, the percentage of the oxido-reduced and hydroxylated metabolites of testosterone eliminated as glucose conjugates decreased with increasing tributyltin exposure levels. These results demonstrate that tributyltin causes alterations in testosterone metabolism in daphnids that would result in an increase in the production of oxido-reduced derivatives. These products are preferentially retained in the tissues of daphnids and are variously androgenic in vertebrates. The increased production of oxido-reduced derivatives of testosterone may be mechanically responsible for the masculinizing effects of tributyltin in some species and suggests that daphnids may be a suitable surrogate for evaluating the potential of chemicals to elicit this form of toxicity. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

  18. n vivo retention of ingested Au NPs by Daphnia magna: No evidence for trans-epithelial alimentary uptake (United States)

    Khan, Farhan R.; Kennaway, Gabrielle M.; Croteau, Marie-Noële; Dybowska, Agnieszka; Smith, Brian D.; Nogueira, António J.A.; Rainbow, Philip S.; Luoma, Samuel N.; Valsami-Jones, Eugenia


    In vivo studies with Daphnia magna remain inconclusive as to whether engineered nanoparticles (NPs) are internalized into tissues after ingestion. Here we used a three-pronged approach to study the in vivo retention and efflux kinetics of 20 nm citrate stabilized Au NPs ingested by this key aquatic species. Daphnids were exposed to suspended particles (600 μg L−1) for 5 h after which they were depurated for 24 h in clean water containing algae. Light microscopy was used to follow the passage of Au NPs through the gastrointestinal tract, Au body burdens were determined by ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to examine the presence and distribution of Au NPs in tissues. Results revealed that the elimination of Au NPs was bi-phasic. The fast elimination phase lasted −1 (±SE) which accounted for ∼75% of the ingested Au. The remaining ∼25% of the ingested Au NPs was eliminated at a 100-fold slower rate. TEM analysis revealed that Au NPs in the midgut were in close proximity to the peritrophic membrane after 1 and 24 h of depuration. There were no observations of Au NP uptake at the microvilli. Thus, although Au NPs were retained in the gut lumen, there was no observable internalization into the gut epithelial cells. Similar to carbon nanotubes and CuO NPs, our findings indicate that in daphnids the in vivo retention of Au NPs does not necessarily result in their internalization.

  19. Acute toxicity of fire control chemicals to Daphnia magna(Straus) and Selenastrum capricornutum(Printz) (United States)

    McDonald, Susan F.; Hamilton, Steven J.; Buhl, Kevin J.; Heisinger, James F.


    Acute toxicity tests were conducted exposingDaphnia magnaStraus (daphnid) in soft and hard reconstituted waters (hardness 42 and 162 mg/liter as CaCO3, respectively), andSelenastrum capricornutumPrintz (algae) in ASTM algal assay medium (hardness 15 mg/liter as CaCO3) to fire retardants Fire-Trol GTS-R, Fire-Trol LCG-R, and Phos-Chek D75-F, and foam suppressants Phos-Chek WD-881 and Silv-Ex. The chemicals were slightly toxic to practically harmless to daphnids and moderately toxic to algae. Water quality did not consistently alter the toxicity of the test chemicals to daphnids. The most toxic chemical to daphnids was Silv-Ex (48-hr EC507 mg/liter in soft and hard waters), whereas the least toxic chemical to daphnids was Fire-Trol LCG-R (48-hr EC50848 mg/liter in soft water, 813 mg/liter in hard water). The most toxic chemical to algae was Fire-Trol LCG-R (96-hr IC5010 mg/liter), and the least toxic chemical was Phos-Chek D75-F (96-hr IC5079 mg/liter). Un-ionized ammonia concentrations near the EC50or IC50value in tests with the Fire-Trol compounds were frequently equal to or above reported LC50un-ionized ammonia concentrations. Un-ionized ammonia concentrations in tests with Phos-Chek D75-F were low, thus other toxic components present in the compounds probably contributed to the toxicity. When compared to the daphnids tested in ASTM soft water, the Fire-Trol compounds were most toxic to algae, whereas Phos-Chek D75-F and the foam suppressants were most toxic to daphnids. The results of these tests are comparable to those obtained from research conducted in other laboratories with the same species and similar chemicals. Accidental entry of fire-fighting chemicals into aquatic environments could adversely affect algae and aquatic invertebrates, thus disrupting ecosystem function.

  20. Fístula arteriovenosa safeno-femoral superficial como acesso à hemodiálise: descrição de técnica operatória e experiência clínica inicial Superficial saphenofemoral arteriovenous fistula as access to hemodialysis: description of operative technique and initial clinical experience

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    João Antônio Corrêa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever uma técnica de confecção de fístula arteriovenosa para acesso à hemodiálise, avaliando os aspectos técnicos de sua confecção, eficácia e complicações. MÉTODO: Foram realizadas 16 fístulas arteriovenosas safeno-femoral superficial em 15 pacientes, no período de agosto de 1998 a outubro de 2000. Esses procedimentos foram efetuados em pacientes sem opções de acesso em membros superiores. A técnica utilizada foi a anteriorização e superficialização da veia safena magna, anastomosando-a na artéria femoral superficial distal. As fístulas arteriovenosas safeno-femoral superficial foram avaliadas quanto à facilidade de punção, fluxo adequado, pressão venosa espontânea, adequação de diálise e complicações no intra-operatório. RESULTADOS: Todas as fístulas puderam ser concluídas com sucesso, sem complicações no intra-operatório. Houve um óbito precoce, porém as demais estavam aptas às punções no 30º dia pós-operatório. Quatorze fístulas foram utilizadas e, na evolução, três pacientes foram submetidos a transplante renal, quatro apresentaram trombose, dois apresentaram pseudoaneurisma de punção. CONCLUSÃO: As fístulas arteriovenosas safeno-femoral superficial mostram-se como boa alternativa para pacientes que não possuem outras possibilidades de acesso em membros superiores, permitindo tratamento hemodialítico eficaz, com boa taxa de perviedade em médio prazo.OBJECTIVE: To describe a technique for creating an arteriovenous fistula as an access to hemodialysis, evaluating its technical aspects, efficacy and complications. METHOD: From August 1998 to October 2000, 16 superficial saphenofemoral arteriovenous fistulas were performed in 15 patients. These procedures were used in patients without access options in upper limbs. The surgical technique consisted of an anteriorization and a superficialization of the saphenous vein anastomosed to the superficial femoral artery in the

  1. Myxomycetes da Chapada do Araripe (Crato - CE, Brasil Myxomycetes from Chapada do Araripe (Crato, CE, Brazil

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    Laise de Holanda Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Foi efetuado um levantamento dos Myxomyeetes ocorrentes em área de floresta no município do Crato, CE (7º13'53" S; 39º24'28'' W; Alt. 422m, assinalando-se as seguintes famílias e gêneros: Ceratiomyxaceae (Ceratiomyxa, 1 sp.; Cribrariaceae (Cribraria, lsp., Dictydium, 1 sp.; Didymiaceae (Didymium, 2sp.; Enteridiaceae (Dicrydiaethalium, 1sp.; Physaraceae (Badhamia, 2sp., Fuligo, 2sp., Physarum, 5sp.; Steinonitaceae (Comatricha, 3sp., Sfemonitis, 6sp.; Trichiaceae (Arcyria, 3sp., Hemitrichia, 2sp., Periclwena, 1 sp.- Constatou-se preferência das espécies para frutificar em troncos mortos de dicotiledôneas, seguindo-se restos de palmeiras e folhedo. O levantamento eleva para 30 o número de espécies referidas para o Ceará. Uma família e 19 espécies são novos registros para o Estado e Arcyria magna var. rosea Rex é nova referência para o Brasil. São apresentados comentários, chave de identificação e distribuição geográfica das espécies no Nordeste do Brasil.A survey on Myxomycetes was made in the woods of Crato Municipality. State of Ceará, Brazil (7º13'53" S; 39º24,28" W; Alt. 422m. when the following families and genera were registered: Ceratiomyxaceae (Ceratiomyxa, 1 sp.; Cribrariaceae (Cribraria, 1 sp., Dictydium. 1 sp.; Didymiaceae (Didymium, 2sp.; Enteridiaceae Dictydiaethalium, 1 sp.; Physaraceae (Badhamia. 2sp., Fuligo, 2sp., Physarum, 5sp.; Stemonitaceae Comatricha, 3sp., Stemonitis, 6sp.; Trichiaceae (Arcyria, 3sp., Hemitrichia, 2sp., Perichaena, lsp..The species sporulated mostly on dead dicotyledones wood, followed by monocotyledones (Arecaceae debris and litter. The survey raises the number of registers referred to the State of Ceará to 30 species. One family and 19 species are new records for that State while Arcyria magna var. rosea Rex represents a new record for Brazil. Key for the species, comments and geographical distribution in Northeast Brazil arc presented.

  2. Serie: Madera para construcción Acabados para madera


    Sáenz-Muñoz, Marta; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica


    Durante mucho tiempo, la madera ha sido utilizada como material de construcción para resolver principalmente objetivos estructurales; sin embargo, actualmente, el uso de la madera ha tomado mucho auge en la estética de las construcciones, para brindar apariencia y calidez. En la actualidad, el mercado ofrece una amplia gama productos para dar diversos “acabados” a la madera, los cuales sirven para resaltar la belleza de algunas de ellas, realzar características como el color y la veta, o bien...

  3. Not all that glitters is gold-Electron microscopy study on uptake of gold nanoparticles in Daphnia magna and related artifacts. (United States)

    Jensen, Louise Helene Søgaard; Skjolding, Lars Michael; Thit, Amalie; Sørensen, Sara Nørgaard; Købler, Carsten; Mølhave, Kristian; Baun, Anders


    Increasing use of engineered nanoparticles has led to extensive research into their potential hazards to the environment and human health. Cellular uptake from the gut is sparsely investigated, and microscopy techniques applied for uptake studies can result in misinterpretations. Various microscopy techniques were used to investigate internalization of 10-nm gold nanoparticles in Daphnia magna gut lumen and gut epithelial cells following 24-h exposure and outline potential artifacts (i.e., high-contrast precipitates from sample preparation related to these techniques). Light sheet microscopy confirmed accumulation of gold nanoparticles in the gut lumen. Scanning transmission electron microscopy and elemental analysis revealed gold nanoparticles attached to the microvilli of gut cells. Interestingly, the peritrophic membrane appeared to act as a semipermeable barrier between the lumen and the gut epithelium, permitting only single particles through. Structures resembling nanoparticles were also observed inside gut cells. Elemental analysis could not verify these to be gold, and they were likely artifacts from the preparation, such as osmium and iron. Importantly, gold nanoparticles were found inside holocrine cells with disrupted membranes. Thus, false-positive observations of nanoparticle internalization may result from either preparation artifacts or mistaking disrupted cells for intact cells. These findings emphasize the importance of cell integrity and combining elemental analysis with the localization of internalized nanoparticles using transmission electron microscopy. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:1503-1509. © 2016 SETAC. © 2016 SETAC.

  4. Anastomose mamária-coronária: análise de 2923 casos Mammary-coronary artery anastomosis: analysis of 2923 cases

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    Jarbas J Dinkhuysen


    Full Text Available Foi a partir de 1972 que, no Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia, se iniciou o emprego da anastomose mamária-coronária associada, ou não, a pontes de safena, ou a outros procedimentos. Nessa época, apenas a artéria mamária interna esquerda (AMIE foi usada (57 casos para a revascularização da descendente anterior (DA ou diagonal. No período 1973/1974 (386 casos, já ocorreram as primeiras anastomoses seqüenciais AMIE-DA/DA, assim como a artéria mamária interna direita (AMID passou a ser empregada para ramos diagonais. Com a finalidade de verificar a evolução tardia desta técnica, sua aplicação foi praticamente interrompida, entre 1975/1982, restringindo-se a apenas 43 casos, nesse período. Entretanto, a partir de 1982 até junho de 1986, ocorreu significativo incremento na sua aplicação (2374 casos, sendo que, desde então, a quase totalidade (93% das cirurgias de revascularização do miocárdio tem uma ou mais coronárias tratadas com anastomose mamária-coronária. A combinação mais freqüente é AMIE/DA nos casos de mamária isolada e AMIE/DA e AMID/Mg Cx nos casos de dupla mamária. Contudo, observaram-se, na casuística, as mais variadas combinações (71 e associações, abrangendo, praticamente, todas as artérias coronárias. Analisando-se o pós-operatório imediato de um grupo isolado de 177 pacientes operados em 1984, observou-se que esta técnica não influiu na ocorrência de deiscência parcial, ou total, de esterno, em reoperação por sangramento; todavia, ocorreram, em 25% dos casos, elevação transitória da cúpula frénica, atelectasia em 17% e derrame pleural residual em 27,6%, geralmente concomitantes. Em relação à evolução tardia, num grupo de 754 pacientes com mamária e safena e com evolução até 9 anos, em 924 (71,8% dos enxertos reestudados, constataram-se índices de permeabilidade de 91,5% nas mamárias versus 70,6% (826 das pontes de safena. Em outro grupo (102 pacientes, com evolu

  5. O projeto da Grande Instauração de Francis Bacon e por que Kant lhe dedicou a Crítica = Francis Bacon’s project of the Instauratio Magna, and why Kant dedicated the Critique to him

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    Spinelli, Miguel


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste artigo consiste em averiguar os propósitos que levaram Bacon a compor o que chamou de Instauratio Magna: uma grande instauração da ciência futura nos termos de uma ampla restauração do passado da ciência. Trata-se de uma exposição de seu projeto (do que idealizou fazer em contraposição ao que efetivamente realizou. Visto que Kant dedicou a Bacon a Crítica da Razão pura, também se impôs como objetivo deste artigo a necessidade de buscar o motivo dessa dedicatória

  6. Toxicity of platinum, palladium and rhodium to Daphnia magna in single and binary metal exposure experiments. (United States)

    Zimmermann, Sonja; Wolff, Carolina; Sures, Bernd


    Mainly due to automobile traffic, but also due to other sources, the platinum group elements (PGE) platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) and rhodium (Rh) are introduced into aquatic biotopes where they accumulate in sediments of lakes and rivers. However, the toxicity of these noble metals to aquatic organisms is not well understood and especially toxicity studies under standardized condition are lacking. Thus, the toxicity of Pt, Pd and Rh to Daphnia magna was tested in single metal exposure experiments according to OECD guideline 202. Immobility and lethality was recorded after 24 h and 48 h of exposure and EC 50 and LC 50 , respectively, were determined. As the nominal exposure concentration of Pd differed significantly from the quantified concentration, the control of the real exposure concentration by chemical analysis is mandatory, especially for Pd. The toxicity decreased in the order Pd > Pt ≫ Rh with e.g. LC 50 (48 h) values of 14 μg/L for Pd, 157 μg/L for Pt and 56,800 μg/L for Rh. The exposure period had a clear effect on the toxicity of Pt, Pd and Rh. For Pt and Rh the endpoint immobility was more sensitive than the endpoint lethality whereas Pd toxicity was similar for both endpoints. The Hill slopes, which are a measure for the steepness of the concentration-response curves, showed no significant discrepancies between the different metals. The binary metal exposure to Pt and Pd revealed a more-than-additive, i.e. a synergistic toxicity using the toxic unit approach. The present study is a start to understand the toxicity of interacting PGE. The modes of action behind the synergistic effect are unclear. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. A Novel Newborn Rat Kernicterus Model Created by Injecting a Bilirubin Solution into the Cisterna Magna (United States)

    Song, Sijie; Hu, Ying; Gu, Xianfang; Si, Feifei; Hua, Ziyu


    Background Kernicterus still occurs around the world; however, the mechanism of bilirubin neurotoxicity remains unclear, and effective treatment strategies are lacking. To solve these problems, several kernicterus (or acute bilirubin encephalopathy) animal models have been established, but these models are difficult and expensive. Therefore, the present study was performed to establish a novel kernicterus model that is simple and affordable by injecting unconjugated bilirubin solution into the cisterna magna (CM) of ordinary newborn Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Methods On postnatal day 5, SD rat pups were randomly divided into bilirubin and control groups. Then, either bilirubin solution or ddH2O (pH = 8.5) was injected into the CM at 10 µg/g (bodyweight). For model characterization, neurobehavioral outcomes were observed, mortality was calculated, and bodyweight was recorded after bilirubin injection and weaning. Apoptosis in the hippocampus was detected by H&E staining, TUNEL, flow cytometry and Western blotting. When the rats were 28 days old, learning and memory ability were evaluated using the Morris water maze test. Results The bilirubin-treated rats showed apparently abnormal neurological manifestations, such as clenched fists, opisthotonos and torsion spasms. Bodyweight gain in the bilirubin-treated rats was significantly lower than that in the controls (Pbilirubin-treated rats were both dramatically higher than those of the controls (P = 0.004 and 0.017, respectively). Apoptosis and necrosis in the hippocampal nerve cells in the bilirubin-treated rats were observed. The bilirubin-treated rats performed worse than the controls on the Morris water maze test. Conclusion By injecting bilirubin into the CM, we successfully created a new kernicterus model using ordinary SD rats; the model mimics both the acute clinical manifestations and the chronic sequelae. In particular, CM injection is easy to perform; thus, more stable models for follow-up study are

  8. Aquatic toxicity of cartap and cypermethrin to different life stages of Daphnia magna and Oryzias latipes. (United States)

    Kim, Younghee; Jung, Jinyong; Oh, Sorin; Choi, Kyungho


    Cartap and cypermethrin, which are among the most widely used pesticides in many countries, are considered safe because of their low mammalian toxicity and their low persistence in the environment. However, recent findings of endocrine-disrupting effects and developmental neurotoxicity have raised concerns about the potential ecological impacts of these pesticides. We evaluated the aquatic toxicity of cartap [S,S'-(2-dimethylaminotrimethylene) bis(thiocarbamate), unspecified hydrochloride] and cypermethrin [(RS)-alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(1RS,3RS,1RS,3SR)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylate], both individually and combined, on different life stages of the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna and a freshwater teleost, Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). The 96-hr Daphnia median effective concentrations (EC50s) for cartap and cypermethrin were 91.0 microg/L and 0.00061 microg/L, respectively. Rapid recovery of Daphnia was observed after short-term pulsed exposure to cartap and cypermethrin; there were no adverse effects on reproduction or survival 20 d after a 24 hr exposure to cartap up to 1240 microg/L and cypermethrin up to 1.9 microg/L. Chronic continuous exposure (for 21 d) of 7-d-old Daphnia to cypermethrin significantly reduced the intrinsic population growth rate in a concentration-dependent manner. However, because the intrinsic population growth rates were all above zero, populations did not decrease even at the highest experimental concentration of 200 ng/L. Exposure of Daphnia neonates (cartap or 40 microg/L of cypermethrin. The mixture of both compounds showed no synergistic toxicity. The extremely high acute-to-chronic ratio suggests that the standard acute lethal toxicity assessment might not reflect the true environmental hazards of these frequently used pesticides. Ecological hazard assessments of long-term low dose or pulsed exposures to cartap and cypermethrin may reveal more realistic consequences of these compounds in

  9. Significant intra-valvular pressure loss across EPIC SUPRA and perimount magna supra-annular designed aortic bioprostheses in patients with normal aortic size

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    Jagdish C. Mohan


    Full Text Available Doppler-derived trans-prosthetic gradients are higher and the estimated effective valve area is smaller than the catheter-derived and directly measured hemodynamic values, mostly due to pressure recovery phenomenon. Pressure recovery to a varying extent is common to all prosthetic heart valves including bioprostheses. Pressure recovery-related differences are usually small except in patients with bileaflet metallic prosthesis, wherein high-pressure local jets across central orifice have been documented since long back and also in patients with narrow aortic root. We describe two patients with normally functioning stented aortic bioprostheses with supra-annular design (EPIC SUPRA and PERIMOUNT MAGNA, wherein very high trans-prosthetic gradients and critically reduced estimated effective valve orifice areas in presence of normal aortic size were consistently recorded over long periods of follow-up. The valve leaflets, however had normal excursion, were thin, opened with a triangular or oblong shape and had expected geometric valve area (1.7 and 1.6 cm2 respectively measured by 3D trans-oesophageal echocardiographic planimetry. Pressure recovery upstream the valves accounted for 20% and 12% of total pressure gradients respectively. Dominant site for pressure drop was intra-valvular (75–85%. Such a phenomenon has not been reported in vivo for these two valve designs.

  10. Significant intra-valvular pressure loss across EPIC SUPRA and perimount magna supra-annular designed aortic bioprostheses in patients with normal aortic size. (United States)

    Mohan, Jagdish C; Mohan, Vishwas; Shukla, Madhu; Sethi, Arvind

    Doppler-derived trans-prosthetic gradients are higher and the estimated effective valve area is smaller than the catheter-derived and directly measured hemodynamic values, mostly due to pressure recovery phenomenon. Pressure recovery to a varying extent is common to all prosthetic heart valves including bioprostheses. Pressure recovery-related differences are usually small except in patients with bileaflet metallic prosthesis, wherein high-pressure local jets across central orifice have been documented since long back and also in patients with narrow aortic root. We describe two patients with normally functioning stented aortic bioprostheses with supra-annular design (EPIC SUPRA and PERIMOUNT MAGNA), wherein very high trans-prosthetic gradients and critically reduced estimated effective valve orifice areas in presence of normal aortic size were consistently recorded over long periods of follow-up. The valve leaflets, however had normal excursion, were thin, opened with a triangular or oblong shape and had expected geometric valve area (1.7 and 1.6cm 2 respectively) measured by 3D trans-oesophageal echocardiographic planimetry. Pressure recovery upstream the valves accounted for 20% and 12% of total pressure gradients respectively. Dominant site for pressure drop was intra-valvular (75-85%). Such a phenomenon has not been reported in vivo for these two valve designs. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  11. Para-bosons and Para-fermions in Quantum Mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cattani, M.S.D.; Fernandes, N.C.


    Within the framework of the ordinary quantum mechanics, a detailed study of the energy eigenfunctions of N identical particles using the irreducible representations of the permutation group in the Hilbert space is performed. It is shown that the para-states, as occurs with the boson and fermion states, are compatible with the postulates of quantum mechanics and with the principle of indistinguishability. A mathematical support for the existence of para-bosons and para-fermions is given. Gentile's quantum statistics is, in a certain sense, justified. (Author) [pt

  12. Nickel and binary metal mixture responses in Daphnia magna: Molecular fingerprints and (sub)organismal effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vandenbrouck, Tine; Soetaert, Anneleen; Ven, Karlijn van der; Blust, Ronny; Coen, Wim de


    The recent development of a custom cDNA microarray platform for one of the standard organisms in aquatic toxicology, Daphnia magna, opened up new ways to mechanistic insights of toxicological responses. In this study, the mRNA expression of several genes and (sub)organismal responses (Cellular Energy Allocation, growth) were assayed after short-term waterborne metal exposure. Microarray analysis of Ni-exposed daphnids revealed several affected functional gene classes, of which the largest ones were involved in different metabolic processes (mainly protein and chitin related processes), cuticula turnover, transport and signal transduction. Furthermore, transcription of genes involved in oxygen transport and heme metabolism (haemoglobin, δ-aminolevilunate synthase) was down-regulated. Applying a Partial Least Squares regression on nickel fingerprints and biochemical (sub)organismal parameters revealed a set of co-varying genes (haemoglobin, RNA terminal phosphate cyclase, a ribosomal protein and an 'unknown' gene fragment). An inverse relationship was seen between the mRNA expression levels of different cuticula proteins and available energy reserves. In addition to the nickel exposure, daphnids were exposed to binary mixtures of nickel and cadmium or nickel and lead. Using multivariate analysis techniques, the mixture mRNA expression fingerprints (Ni 2+ + Cd 2+ , Ni 2+ + Pb 2+ ) were compared to those of the single metal treatments (Ni 2+ , Cd 2+ , Pb 2+ ). It was hypothesized that the molecular fingerprints of the mixtures would be additive combinations of the gene transcription profiles of the individual compounds present in the mixture. However, our results clearly showed additionally affected pathways after mixture treatment (e.g. additional affected genes involved in carbohydrate catabolic processes and proteolysis), indicating interactive molecular responses which are not merely the additive sum of the individual metals. These findings, although indicative of

  13. Marcadores para la Realidad Aumentada para fines educativos

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    María Reina Zarate Nava


    Full Text Available La Realidad Aumentada (AR es considerada por algunos expertos como la tecnología en crecimiento para el 2014, en diferentes sectores: ingeniería, educación, juegos y negocios, siendo este último el más usado en él 2013. Sin embargo en el sector educativo la AR se presenta en algunos proyectos que se han desarrollado para diferentes áreas de las ciencias, como Química, Física y Matemáticas, lo anterior con el objetivo de facilitar el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje. En el presente artículo se presenta el modelo de patrones utilizado para un Proyecto AR enfocado en Química, el cual presenta un conjunto de patrones que fueron valorados para facilitar el rastreo de los objetos y a su vez el entendimiento de algunos materiales de los laboratorios de Química I.

  14. Efecto tóxico y ecotoxicológico de arenas negras de la minería artesanal en Madre de Dios


    Huamán Paredes, Elsa; Vicuña Puente, Denis; Visitación Figueroa, Lizardo; Flores del Pino, Lisveth


    En el presente trabajo se estudió el efecto tóxico y ecotoxicológico de arenas negras (ANM) provenientes de la extracción artesanal de oro, en el departamento de Madre de Dios. Para evaluar el efecto tóxico se usó el test "Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure" (TCLP) y con los lixiviados se hicieron pruebas de ecotoxicidad agudas según el protocolo de la EPA 600/3-88/029 usando microorganismos de prueba, neonatos de Daphnia Magna, con 24 horas de nacidos y en semillas de Lactuca sativa....

  15. Generating para-water from para-hydrogen: A Gedankenexperiment. (United States)

    Ivanov, Konstantin L; Bodenhausen, Geoffrey


    A novel conceptual approach is described that is based on the transfer of hyperpolarization from para-hydrogen in view of generating a population imbalance between the two spin isomers of H 2 O. The approach is analogous to SABRE (Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange) and makes use of the transfer of spin order from para-hydrogen to H 2 O in a hypothetical organometallic complex. The spin order transfer is expected to be most efficient at avoided level crossings. The highest achievable enrichment levels of para- and ortho-water are discussed. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Influencia del uso de una técnica menos invasiva que disminuye la aparición de complicaciones de la safenectomía en la cirugía de revascularización miocárdica Influence of the use of a less invasive technique that reduces the appearance of complications of safenectomy in myocardial revascularization surgery

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    José L Ramírez


    Full Text Available Introducción: a pesar de sus limitaciones, la vena safena interna aún es el conducto más utilizado en cirugía de revascularización miocárdica. Sin embargo, las complicaciones del procedimiento de extracción de la vena constituyen un problema de gran magnitud en cuanto a morbilidad, estancia hospitalaria y costos de atención. Material y métodos: se presenta un ensayo clínico controlado, en el cual se evalúa una técnica menos invasiva para la extracción de la vena safena interna, en comparación con la técnica estándar de nuestra institución, para lo cual se tomaron 200 pacientes en el grupo de intervención y 400 pacientes en el grupo control. Resultados: la tasa de infección intrahospitalaria de la safenectomía en el grupo de intervención, fue del 0,5% en comparación con el 4% en el grupo control, lo que produce un valor de RR=0,125 con un intervalo de confianza del 95% de 0,016-0,916 sustancialmente menor en el grupo de estudio; el valor de RRA fue de 3,5% y el de NNT fue de 28, lo que indica que con esta técnica se evita una infección en cada 28 pacientes que van a cirugía. Además, se halló que los pacientes del grupo de intervención tienen una estancia hospitalaria significativamente menor que los controles; las medias fueron 7,39 ± 5,882 días para el grupo de intervención y 8,64 ± 8,55 días para el grupo control. Conclusiones: se puede concluir que la técnica de safenectomía menos invasiva es segura, y fácil de aprender, y ofrece una gran ventaja desde el punto de vista de la morbilidad asociada a la herida quirúrgica en las piernas.Background: The internal saphenous vein, despite all its limitations, remains the most used duct for myocardial revascularization. However, the complications regarding the extraction of the vein are a big problem in terms of morbidity, length of hospital stay and costs. Material and methods: We present a controlled clinical assay, evaluating a less invasive technique for

  17. Effects of three pesticides on superoxide dismutase and glutathione-S-transferase activities and reproduction of Daphnia magna

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    Song Yuzhi


    Full Text Available Applying pesticides to crops is one of the causes of water pollution by surface runoff, and chlorpyrifos, trifluralin and chlorothalonil are used respectively as insecticide, herbicide and fungicide for crop plants widely. To explore effects of three pesticides on aquatic organisms, superoxide dismutase (SOD and glutathione S-transferase (GST activities were determined after 24 h and 48 h exposure of D. magna with ages of 6–24 h to several low concentrations of chlorpyrifos (0.36, 0.72, 1.43, 2.86, 5.72 μg∙L−1, trifluralin (0.17, 0.33, 0.66, 1.33, 2.65 mg∙L−1 and chlorothalonil (0.09, 0.18, 0.36, 0.72, 1.43 mg∙L−1 respectively. Main reproductive parameters including first pregnancy time, first brood time, the number of first brood and total fecundity after 21 d exposures at the same concentrations of pesticides as described above were also measured. The results showed that the activities of GST increased in lower concentrations and decreased in higher concentrations after 24 h exposure to three pesticides, respectively. The activities of SOD showed the same changes after 48 h exposure. With the time prolonged, the activities of GST decreased while the activities of SOD increased. After 21 d exposure, the first pregnancy time and first brood time were delayed, while the number of the first brood and total fecundity per female decreased with increasing concentrations. These results corroborated that GST activity was more sensitive to those pesticides than SOD activity, and there was a significant relationship between total fecundity and pesticides-dose(r>0.94, n=6, GST activity after 48 h exposure and total fecundity after 21 d exposure (r>0.92, n=6.

  18. Single- and mixture toxicity of three organic UV-filters, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, octocrylene, and avobenzone on Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Park, Chang-Beom; Jang, Jiyi; Kim, Sanghun; Kim, Young Jun


    In freshwater environments, aquatic organisms are generally exposed to mixtures of various chemical substances. In this study, we tested the toxicity of three organic UV-filters (ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, octocrylene, and avobenzone) to Daphnia magna in order to evaluate the combined toxicity of these substances when in they occur in a mixture. The values of effective concentrations (ECx) for each UV-filter were calculated by concentration-response curves; concentration-combinations of three different UV-filters in a mixture were determined by the fraction of components based on EC 25 values predicted by concentration addition (CA) model. The interaction between the UV-filters were also assessed by model deviation ratio (MDR) using observed and predicted toxicity values obtained from mixture-exposure tests and CA model. The results from this study indicated that observed ECx mix (e.g., EC 10mix , EC 25mix , or EC 50mix ) values obtained from mixture-exposure tests were higher than predicted ECx mix (e.g., EC 10mix , EC 25mix , or EC 50mix ) values calculated by CA model. MDR values were also less than a factor of 1.0 in a mixtures of three different UV-filters. Based on these results, we suggest for the first time a reduction of toxic effects in the mixtures of three UV-filters, caused by antagonistic action of the components. Our findings from this study will provide important information for hazard or risk assessment of organic UV-filters, when they existed together in the aquatic environment. To better understand the mixture toxicity and the interaction of components in a mixture, further studies for various combinations of mixture components are also required. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Uma ferramenta para planejamento de estudos para concursos

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    Leonardo Pimentel


    Full Text Available De acordo com a constituição brasileira, a única forma de se tornar um empregado do governo é passar em um concurso público. O exame de conhecimento do cargo é um dos componentes mais importantes de um concurso. Estudar para esse exame é uma tarefa que requer planejamento. Um meio de obter um bom planejamento é construir uma grade de horários que relacione as matérias a serem estudadas com os respectivos horários disponíveis para o estudo. Esse tipo de problema se assemelha bastante à gerência de projetos, em que se procura estabelecer a distribuição das atividades ao longo do tempo disponível. Assim, torna-se interessante explorar a dinâmica de estudos para concursos como um projeto. O presente trabalho apresenta a ferramenta de apoio ao estudos - Passe-me, baseada no ciclo PDCA (do inglês, Plan-Do-Check-Act. Por se tratar de uma ferramenta web, o tempo de resposta para produzir uma grade de estudos é fundamental. A ferramenta faz uso de algoritmo genético para calcular a grade de horários priorizando a velocidade de resposta. A ferramenta foi avaliada em diferentes cenários de uso e obteve desempenho satisfatório durante a produção da grade de estudos.

  20. Docencia para el logro y educación para emprender

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    Luis Gerardo Rodríguez Gómez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN En el primer artículo, el autor plasmó los elementos relevantes para una propuesta de educación para emprender. En este describe el desarrollo docente como expresión de una intensión, saber y un quehacer, encaminados a la formación del hombre emprendedor. El artículo se divide en tres partes. En la primera, se reseña los factores que orientan la intensión docente para emprender, a partir de un discurso y formas metodológicas establecidas con esa intención. En segundo lugar, se asume el espacio y tiempo la clase como unidad de análisis, para lograr objetivos de tipo institucional, programático y temático y en la parte final, se examina la evaluación docente y se hacen consideraciones generales para una propuesta de evaluación,  que surge al investigar la actuación del maestro.

  1. The potential for adaptation in a natural Daphnia magna population: broad and narrow-sense heritability of net reproductive rate under Cd stress at two temperatures. (United States)

    Messiaen, M; Janssen, C R; Thas, O; De Schamphelaere, K A C


    The existence of genetic variability is a key element of the adaptive potential of a natural population to stress. In this study we estimated the additive and non-additive components of the genetic variability of net reproductive rate (R(0)) in a natural Daphnia magna population exposed to Cd stress at two different temperatures. To this end, life-table experiments were conducted with 20 parental and 39 offspring clonal lineages following a 2 × 2 design with Cd concentration (control vs. 3.7 μg Cd/L) and temperature (20 vs. 24 °C) as factors. Offspring lineages were obtained through inter-clonal crossing of the different parental lineages. The population mean, additive and non-additive genetic components of variation in each treatment were estimated by fitting an Animal Model to the observed R(0) values using restricted maximum likelihood estimation. From those estimates broad-sense heritabilities (H(2)), narrow-sense heritabilities (h(2)), total (CV(G)) and additive genetic coefficients of variation (CV(A)) of R(0) were calculated. The exposure to Cd imposed a considerable level of stress to the population, as shown by the fact that the population mean of R(0) exposed to Cd was significantly lower than in the control at the corresponding temperature, i.e. by 23 % at 20 °C and by 88 % at 24 °C. The latter difference indicates that increasing temperature increased the stress level imposed by Cd. The H² and CV(G) were significantly greater than 0 in all treatments, suggesting that there is a considerable degree of genetic determination of R(0) in this population and that clonal selection could rapidly lead to increasing population mean fitness under all investigated conditions. More specifically, the H² was 0.392 at 20 °C+Cd and 0.563 at 24 °C+Cd; the CV(G) was 30.0 % at 20 °C+Cd and was significantly higher (147.6 %) in the 24 °C+Cd treatment. Significant values of h(2) (= 0.23) and CV(A) (= 89.7 %) were only found in the 24 °C+Cd treatment, suggesting

  2. Modelos para estimar consumo e exigências nutricionais para poedeiras comerciais


    Palma Bendezu, Hilda Cristina [UNESP


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um modelo para calcular as ingestões de aminoácidos e energia para a fase de maturação sexual e produção de ovos. As exigências de energia, aminoácidos e consumo de ração foram calculados pelo método fatorial, considerando na fase de maturação sexual a quantidade de nutrientes requerida para mantença e a quantidade de nutrientes necessários para crescimento e deposição de nutrientes corporais em cada componente do corpo (ovário, oviduto, corpo livre de ...

  3. Modelos para estimar as exigências de energia metabolizável para poedeiras


    Sakomura,Nilva Kazue; Basaglia,Roberta; Sá-Fortes,Cristina M. L.; Fernandes,João Batista K.


    Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, elaborar um modelo para estimar as exigências de energia metabolizável (EM) para poedeiras leves da linhagem Lohmann LSL, utilizando-se o método fatorial. Para determinar o efeito da temperatura sobre as exigências de EM para mantença, foram conduzidos experimentos em câmaras climáticas com temperaturas constantes de 12, 22 e 31ºC, utilizando a técnica do abate comparativo. A exigência de energia líquida para o ganho de peso foi determinada por meio da regress...

  4. Significados da gravidez e da maternidade: discursos de primíparas e multíparas


    Silva, Flavia Baroni; Souza, Laura Vilela e; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio


    Resumo: O objetivo foi compreender os sentidos sobre maternidade e as vivências da gravidez em gestantes primíparas e multíparas. Foram entrevistadas seis gestantes, sendo três primíparas e três multíparas. Nas falas, foram trazidos temas como dificuldades físicas, alterações corporais, repercussão da gravidez no relacionamento conjugal, planejamento da gravidez e envolvimento paterno. Observou-se, nas primíparas, que a inexperiência trouxe insegurança, ao passo que, em algumas multíparas, ho...

  5. Estrategias para negociaciones exitosas.


    José B. Parra V; Evelinda Santiago J.; Misael Murillo M.; Candy Atonal N.


    Las estrategias de negociación son herramientas para disminuir conflictos o para intercambiar bienes y servicios. Una negociación exitosa crea relaciones de solidaridad y propicia reciprocidad, cooperación y confianza para quienes tendrán relaciones permanentes de negociación con beneficios para ambas partes. Una estrategia de negociación exitosa requiere manejar el desarrollo del ambiente social del grupo de personas, con la finalidad de tener presente las fronteras que no pueden irrumpirse....

  6. El debate entre liberales y conservadores en Centroamérica : distintos medios para un objetivo connún, la construcción de una república de ciudadanos (1821-1900

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia Alda Mejías


    Full Text Available La aspiración común de los liberales y los conservadores en Centroamérica en el siglo XIX fue construir una república representativa de ciudadanos instruidos y formados. La diferencia radico en cómo realizar este proceso de transformación. Este debate determinó en buena parte la evolución de la ciudadanía y los diferentes modelos de república implantados a lo largo del siglo XIX en la región. Mediante el estudio comparado de la legislación electoral y los textos constitucionales se comprueba la existencia de tres modelos de república diferentes en coherencia con la forma en que ambos grupos concibieron la forma, el ritmo y los medios para lograr un objetivo compartido por ambos.The common goal of liberals and conservatives In Centroamérica during the nineteeth century was the construction of a representative republic constituted by formed and instructed citizens. Tfie difference among them was how to perform this transformation process. The debate determined basically the evolution of citizenship and the distinctive modela of republican order implanted during the century. Through the comparative analysis of electoral legislatlon and ttie Cartas Magnas can be preved tfie existence of three different republican models according withi tlie common goal of the two already mentioned groups.

  7. The long-term effects of acute exposure to ionising radiation on survival and fertility in Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarapultseva, Elena I.; Dubrova, Yuri E.


    The results of recent studies have provided strong evidence for the transgenerational effects of parental exposure to ionising radiation and chemical mutagens. However, the transgenerational effects of parental exposure on survival and fertility remain poorly understood. To establish whether parental irradiation can affect the survival and fertility of directly exposed organisms and their offspring, crustacean Daphnia magna were given 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000 mGy of acute γ-rays. Exposure to 1000 and 10,000 mGy significantly compromised the viability of irradiated Daphnia and their first-generation progeny, but did not affect the second-generation progeny. The fertility of F 0 and F 1 Daphnia gradually declined with the dose of parental exposure and significantly decreased at dose of 100 mGy and at higher doses. The effects of parental irradiation on the number of broods were only observed among the F 0 Daphnia exposed to 1000 and 10,000 mGy, whereas the brood size was equally affected in the two consecutive generations. In contrast, the F 2 total fertility was compromised only among progeny of parents that received the highest dose of 10,000 mGy. We propose that the decreased fertility observed among the F 2 progeny of parents exposed to 10,000 mGy is attributed to transgenerational effects of parental irradiation. Our results also indicate a substantial recovery of the F 2 progeny of irradiated F 0 Daphnia exposed to the lower doses of acute γ-rays. - Highlights: • Viability of irradiated daphnids and their F 1 progeny is compromised. • Viability of the F 2 progeny of irradiated parents is not affected. • Total fertility of irradiated daphnids and their F 1 progeny declines with the dose. • Total fertility of the F 2 progeny of parents exposed to 10,000 mGy is compromised. • The decreased fertility among the F 2 progeny is transgenerational phenomenon.

  8. The long-term effects of acute exposure to ionising radiation on survival and fertility in Daphnia magna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarapultseva, Elena I. [Department of Biology, Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering NRNU MEPhI, Studgorodok,1, Obninsk, Kaluga Region 249040 (Russian Federation); National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Kashirskoe Highway, 31, Moscow 115409 (Russian Federation); Dubrova, Yuri E., E-mail: [Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH (United Kingdom); Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Gubkina Str. 3, 11933 Moscow (Russian Federation)


    The results of recent studies have provided strong evidence for the transgenerational effects of parental exposure to ionising radiation and chemical mutagens. However, the transgenerational effects of parental exposure on survival and fertility remain poorly understood. To establish whether parental irradiation can affect the survival and fertility of directly exposed organisms and their offspring, crustacean Daphnia magna were given 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000 mGy of acute γ-rays. Exposure to 1000 and 10,000 mGy significantly compromised the viability of irradiated Daphnia and their first-generation progeny, but did not affect the second-generation progeny. The fertility of F{sub 0} and F{sub 1}Daphnia gradually declined with the dose of parental exposure and significantly decreased at dose of 100 mGy and at higher doses. The effects of parental irradiation on the number of broods were only observed among the F{sub 0}Daphnia exposed to 1000 and 10,000 mGy, whereas the brood size was equally affected in the two consecutive generations. In contrast, the F{sub 2} total fertility was compromised only among progeny of parents that received the highest dose of 10,000 mGy. We propose that the decreased fertility observed among the F{sub 2} progeny of parents exposed to 10,000 mGy is attributed to transgenerational effects of parental irradiation. Our results also indicate a substantial recovery of the F{sub 2} progeny of irradiated F{sub 0}Daphnia exposed to the lower doses of acute γ-rays. - Highlights: • Viability of irradiated daphnids and their F{sub 1} progeny is compromised. • Viability of the F{sub 2} progeny of irradiated parents is not affected. • Total fertility of irradiated daphnids and their F{sub 1} progeny declines with the dose. • Total fertility of the F{sub 2} progeny of parents exposed to 10,000 mGy is compromised. • The decreased fertility among the F{sub 2} progeny is transgenerational phenomenon.

  9. Linear solvation energy relationships for toxicity of selected organic chemicals to Daphnia pulex and Daphnia magna (United States)

    Passino, Dora R.M.; Hickey, James P.; Frank, Anthony M.


    In the Laurentian Great Lakes, more than 300 contaminants have been identified in fish, other biota, water, and sediment. Current hazard assessment of these chemicals by the National Fisheries Research Center-Great Lakes is based on their toxicity, occurrence in the environment, and source. Although scientists at the Center have tested over 70 chemicals with the crustacean Daphnia pulex, the number of experimental data needed to screen the huge array of chemicals in the Great Lakes exceeds the practical capabilities of conducting bioassays. This limitation can be partly circumvented, however, by using mathematical models based on quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) to provide rapid, inexpensive estimates of toxicity. Many properties of chemicals, including toxicity, bioaccumulation and water solubility are well correlated and can be predicted by equations of the generalized linear solvation energy relationships (LSER). The equation we used to model solute toxicity is Toxicity = constant + mVI/100 + s (π* + dδ) + bβm + aαm where VI = intrinsic (Van der Waals) molar volume; π* = molecular dipolarity/polarizability; δ = polarizability 'correction term'; βm = solute hydrogen bond acceptor basicity; and αm = solute hydrogen bond donor acidity. The subscript m designates solute monomer values for α and β. We applied the LSER model to 48-h acute toxicity data (measured as immobilization) for six classes of chemicals detected in Great Lakes fish. The following regression was obtained for Daphnia pulex (concentration = μM): log EC50 = 4.86 - 4.35 VI/100; N = 38, r2 = 0.867, sd = 0.403 We also used the LSER modeling approach to analyze to a large published data set of 24-h acute toxicity for Daphnia magna; the following regression resulted, for eight classes of compounds (concentration = mM): log EC50 = 3.88 - 4.52 VI/100 - 1.62 π* + 1.66 βm - 0.916 αm; N = 62, r2 = 0.859, sd = 0.375 In addition we developed computer software that identifies

  10. Para-equilibrium phase diagrams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pelton, Arthur D.; Koukkari, Pertti; Pajarre, Risto; Eriksson, Gunnar


    Highlights: • A rapidly cooled system may attain a state of para-equilibrium. • In this state rapidly diffusing elements reach equilibrium but others are immobile. • Application of the Phase Rule to para-equilibrium phase diagrams is discussed. • A general algorithm to calculate para-equilibrium phase diagrams is described. - Abstract: If an initially homogeneous system at high temperature is rapidly cooled, a temporary para-equilibrium state may result in which rapidly diffusing elements have reached equilibrium but more slowly diffusing elements have remained essentially immobile. The best known example occurs when homogeneous austenite is quenched. A para-equilibrium phase assemblage may be calculated thermodynamically by Gibbs free energy minimization under the constraint that the ratios of the slowly diffusing elements are the same in all phases. Several examples of calculated para-equilibrium phase diagram sections are presented and the application of the Phase Rule is discussed. Although the rules governing the geometry of these diagrams may appear at first to be somewhat different from those for full equilibrium phase diagrams, it is shown that in fact they obey exactly the same rules with the following provision. Since the molar ratios of non-diffusing elements are the same in all phases at para-equilibrium, these ratios act, as far as the geometry of the diagram is concerned, like “potential” variables (such as T, pressure or chemical potentials) rather than like “normal” composition variables which need not be the same in all phases. A general algorithm to calculate para-equilibrium phase diagrams is presented. In the limit, if a para-equilibrium calculation is performed under the constraint that no elements diffuse, then the resultant phase diagram shows the single phase with the minimum Gibbs free energy at any point on the diagram; such calculations are of interest in physical vapor deposition when deposition is so rapid that phase

  11. Estrategia para elevar la motivación laboral; factor imprescindible para mejorar nuestra productividad.


    Reina de los Ángeles Carballé Piñón


    Este trabajo "Estrategia para elevar la motivación laboral; factor imprescindible para mejorar nuestra productividad" resulta de la investigación realizada para tesis de maestría; se realizó el estudio de 2 entidades, nos permitió conocer las principales posiciones que sobre motivación existen, factores que la influencian, cómo incide en el desempeño laboral y que acciones diseñar para elevarla. Las 2 entidades seleccionadas, claves en el desempeño empresarial son un centro de interfase y un...

  12. Estrategias para negociaciones exitosas.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José B. Parra V


    Full Text Available Las estrategias de negociación son herramientas para disminuir conflictos o para intercambiar bienes y servicios. Una negociación exitosa crea relaciones de solidaridad y propicia reciprocidad, cooperación y confianza para quienes tendrán relaciones permanentes de negociación con beneficios para ambas partes. Una estrategia de negociación exitosa requiere manejar el desarrollo del ambiente social del grupo de personas, con la finalidad de tener presente las fronteras que no pueden irrumpirse. Otro aspecto importante, es el lenguaje corporal utilizado por las personas y las tácticas que se practican. El manejo de esta información permite diseñar diferentes modelos de negociaciones para cada caso específico. Este documento propone la utilización de la herramienta MONACO, diseñada por los autores, que es un software útil para encontrar los mejores tácticas posibles dentro de una negociación; basándose en el lenguaje corporal que muestra el negociante oponente durante cada oferta monetaria. El uso de este software da al negociador la oportunidad de manejar las negociaciones con mayor control, el negociador que usa el software puede elegir una estrategia de acuerdo a las relaciones que espera mantener con el negociador oponente.

  13. Assessing the environmental hazard of individual and combined pharmaceuticals: acute and chronic toxicity of fluoxetine and propranolol in the crustacean Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Varano, Valentina; Fabbri, Elena; Pasteris, Andrea


    Pharmaceuticals are widespread emerging contaminants and, like all pollutants, are present in combination with others in the ecosystems. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the toxic response of the crustacean Daphnia magna exposed to individual and combined pharmaceuticals. Fluoxetine, a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor widely prescribed as antidepressant, and propranolol, a non-selective β-adrenergic receptor-blocking agent used to treat hypertension, were tested. Several experimental trials of an acute immobilization test and a chronic reproduction test were performed. Single chemicals were first tested separately. Toxicity of binary mixtures was then assessed using a fixed ratio experimental design. Five concentrations and 5 percentages of each substance in the mixture (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%) were tested. The MIXTOX model was applied to analyze the experimental results. This tool is a stepwise statistical procedure that evaluates if and how observed data deviate from a reference model, either concentration addition (CA) or independent action (IA), and provides significance testing for synergism, antagonism, or more complex interactions. Acute EC50 values ranged from 6.4 to 7.8 mg/L for propranolol and from 6.4 to 9.1 mg/L for fluoxetine. Chronic EC50 values ranged from 0.59 to 1.00 mg/L for propranolol and from 0.23 to 0.24 mg/L for fluoxetine. Results showed a significant antagonism between chemicals in both the acute and the chronic mixture tests when CA was adopted as the reference model, while absence of interactive effects when IA was used.


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    Pierre Gilles Bélanger


    Full Text Available Actualmente en Latinoamérica, la mayor parte de los países han modificado sus códigos penales con el objeto de tener una mejor salud procesal. En esta transición, hace falta ayuda internacional real, apoyo, colaboración e intercambio de ideas, programas, experiencias, grupos de trabajo, capacitación a nivel bilateral y multilateral dirigida por expertos para los actores en el sistema penal y para la sociedad. Todos los países de Latinoamérica, han tenido éxitos y todos tienen fallas en las reformas procesales desarrolladas en materia penal. Parece entonces oportuno, empezar el dialogo y la colaboración para contribuir a una mejor comprensión y edificación de los sistemas penales y su evolución. Para ello se requiere compartir las experiencias que han funcionado en otros países, adaptándolas al marco jurídico de cada contexto en particular. Por un lado, esto ayuda a mejorar la comprensión operacional del procedimiento penal y por otro lado, el respeto de las garantías jurídicas establecidas en las Cartas Magnas de cada país y por ende estabilidad institucional, seguridad y desarrollo económico para la sociedad.

  15. ¿Argumentar para definir o definir para argumentar?


    Silva, Luz; Samper, Carmen


    Se presenta y se ilustra un marco de referencia de un estudio en curso para obtener el título de Maestría en Docencia de la Matemática de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia); estudio sobre la conexión entre las acciones de definir y argumentar, que puede contribuir a la práctica de profesores en ejercicio y en formación. La habilidad para construir una definición es un posible indicio de comprensión, mientras que saberla de memoria no garantiza la comprensión del concepto (Vinner, 1...

  16. Determination of 54 pesticides in waters of the Iberian Douro River estuary and risk assessment of environmentally relevant mixtures using theoretical approaches and Artemia salina and Daphnia magna bioassays. (United States)

    Cruzeiro, Catarina; Amaral, Sofia; Rocha, Eduardo; Rocha, Maria João


    As a case study, the estuary of the international Douro River (Iberian Peninsula) was sampled over a year (2010) at six sampling sites to determine the presence of 56 pesticides of different categories (insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides). 96% of measured pesticides were detected in 79% of the quantified samples. Individual average pesticide concentrations ranged from 39 to 1 265ng/L, indicating a ubiquitous presence of the selected compounds; moreover, twelve pesticides were above the 2013/39/EU Directive limits. Due to its highly impacted profile, a theoretical hazard assessment was done considering the average and maximum environmental mixtures of all measured pesticides to identify the most sensitive trophic level. For both environmental mixtures, the theoretical approach suggested that invertebrates were the most sensitive group. Therefore, short-time exposure assays using both invertebrates Artemia salina and Daphnia magna, were done using the referred mixtures. Data demonstrated significant toxic effects ─ high mortality rate and abnormal swimming behaviour ─ of the exposed animals. Both approaches (theoretical and experimental) support the analytical results, alerting for an intervention on this estuarine environment and of other comparable. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Privilégios: Relato de uma Trajetória Acadêmica

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    Carlos Hasenbalg


    Full Text Available Este texto corresponde àAulaMagna proferida porCarlosHasenbalg no dia 21 de maio de 2007 no antigo Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro (Iuperj, atual Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ, um ano após ter deixado o Instituto para retornar à sua cidade natal, Buenos Aires, onde faleceu no dia 5 de outubro de 2014.Oautor narra sua formação e trajetória intelectual, bem como a construção do campo de estudos sobre relações e desigualdades raciais no Brasil.

  18. La creación de juzgados especiales en el Ecuador como mecanismo efectivo para la protección del medio ambiente


    Tomalá Bravo, Amadeo Mauricio


    El medio ambiente se encuentra amenazado por factores como la sobreexplotación de los recursos naturales y la contaminación. De esta manera se pone en riesgo la salud y la vida de las personas, las mismas que el Estado debe proteger a través de políticas públicas oportunas y la adopción de las correspondientes medidas legislativas tendientes a la protección ambiental. La Constitución de la República del Ecuador dice que los derechos o principios son de inmediata aplicación. La Carta Magna...

  19. Guias ópticos para sensores


    Marcos de Castro Pacitti


    Neste trabalho foram estudados guias ópticos para atuarem como sensores ou em sistemas sensores. Ênfase especial foi dada em guias ópticos retangulares, para dispositivos ópticos integrados, e fibras ópticas elípticas. A analise de fibras ópticas elípticas resultou em um modelamento pratico para projeto das mesmas em aplicações onde se deseja operar com dois modos guiados, situação esta que se mostra muito atraente para implementação de diversos tipos de sensores a fibra óptica. A seguir es...

  20. Toxicidade aguda do sulfato de cobre e do triclorfon para três espécies de daphnias em presença e ausência de sedimento


    Romero Arauco, Luis Ricardo [UNESP


    The aim of this study was to determine the acute toxicity, LE50-48h, of copper sulfate and of trichlorfon, to compare sensitivities and to evaluate the risk of environmental poisoning for three species of daphnias (Daphnia similis, Daphnia magna and Daphnia laevis), in the presence and absence of sediment. The tests for acute toxicity were performed under laboratory conditions, in a climatized room according to standardized methods with some adaptations. The LE50-48h values of copper sulfate ...

  1. Labbtex: Toolbox para generación de informes en LATEX para Matlab

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Almazán Gárate


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el software desarrollado por el Equipo H3lite dentro del Departamento de Ingeneniería Civil. Transportes de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid para la generación de informes enLATEX mediante el software Matlab® y la integración en sus rutinas, Labbtex.La librería Labbtex proporciona un marco flexible para mezclar texto y código Matlab® para la generación automática de documentos. Un rchivo fuente simple contiene el texto de documentación y el código Matlab, al correr la aplicación se genera un documento final LATEX que contiene el texto, gráficos y tablas indicados con el formato de un documento LATEX. El código Matlab genera un documento LATEX usando la sintaxis. Así, LATEX (para composición de texto de alta calidad y Matlab® (para cálculo matemático pueden usarse simultáneamente. Esto permite la generación de informes en tiempo real con un uso de recursos mínimo.

  2. Internet como instrumento para la Yihad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfonso Merlos García


    Full Text Available Las extraordinarias ventajas que ofrece Internet lo han convertido en un instrumento clave y dinámico en la estrategia de los yihadistas. Los medios de comunicación, la clase política y las agencias de seguridad e información han tendido a concentrar sus esfuerzos en la neutralización del ciberterrorismo sin prestar suficiente atención a los múltiples usos de Internet que están haciendo los neosalafistas: para la propaganda y para la guerra psicológica, para el reclutamiento y para la financiación, para la documentación y para la planificación de atentados. Las democracias deberían considerar el coste que tendrá la derrota frente al movimiento yihadista globalizado en la batalla por el ciberespacio

  3. Cross-elicitation responses to 2-methoxymethyl-para-phenylenediamine in para-phenylenediamine-allergic individuals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schuttelaar, M.-L.; Coenraads, P.-J.; Blömeke, B.; Goebel, C.


    The introduction of a methoxymethyl side chain into para-phenylenediamine (PPD) resulted in the development of a new hair dye molecule: 2-methoxymethyl-para-phenylenediamine (Me-PPD). Besides having excellent hair colouring properties, this PPD derivate has significantly lower skin-sensitizing

  4. Vene riiklik pank noolib tublit tükki Saksa Opelis / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Kanada autoosade tootja Magna, Belgia päritolu investor RHI International ja Beijing Automotive Industries tahavad General Motorsilt osta enamusosalust Saksa autotootjas Opel. Magna, kelle pakkumises osaleb Venemaa riiklik Sberbank, soovib endale intellektuaalset omandit ja jaotusõigusi Venemaal

  5. Oro para Colombia


    Rubio Forero, María Claudia


    Las mujeres han debido atravesar un largo camino partiendo de la discriminación hasta empezar un proceso de equidad en la sociedad y en el deporte, de esta manera llegar a ser parte de un evento como los Juegos Olímpicos. Esta tesis toma el caso de tres atletas colombianas y describe su proceso de formación para lograr dos medallas de oro para el país.

  6. Rapid Bedside Inactivation of Ebola Virus for Safe Nucleic Acid Tests

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenstierne, Maiken Worsøe; Karlberg, Helen; Bragstad, Karoline


    Rapid bedside inactivation of Ebola virus would be a solution for the safety of medical and technical staff, risk containment, sample transport, and high-throughput or rapid diagnostic testing during an outbreak. We show that the commercially available Magna Pure lysis/binding buffer used...... for nucleic acid extraction inactivates Ebola virus. A rapid bedside inactivation method for nucleic acid tests is obtained by simply adding Magna Pure lysis/binding buffer directly into vacuum blood collection EDTA tubes using a thin needle and syringe prior to sampling. The ready-to-use inactivation vacuum...... tubes are stable for more than 4 months, and Ebola virus RNA is preserved in the Magna Pure lysis/binding buffer for at least 5 weeks independent of the storage temperature. We also show that Ebola virus RNA can be manually extracted from Magna Pure lysis/binding buffer-inactivated samples using...

  7. Infraestructura para laboratorios de acceso remoto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    López Luro, Francisco


    Full Text Available Las tecnologías de Internet permiten el uso de sistemas de software distribuido para el acceso en forma remota a laboratorios físicos y virtuales, para llevar a cabo actividades de investigación experimental a distancia. A partir de los marcos teóricos que definen los estructurantes de los laboratorios, los implementadores de laboratorios de acceso remoto deben diseñar y desarrollar arquitecturas de servicios que permitan un acceso flexible y controlado. Este trabajo define una infraestructura para la implementación de aplicaciones para el acceso remoto a laboratorios físicos y virtuales y para la gestión de los mismos. Se presentan conceptos que permiten extender la modalidad tradicional de conexión con un dispositivo, para llevar adelante actividades prácticas de laboratorio colaborativas y concurrentes.

  8. Effects of charge and surface ligand properties of nanoparticles on oxidative stress and gene expression within the gut of Daphnia magna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dominguez, Gustavo A.; Lohse, Samuel E.; Torelli, Marco; Murphy, Catherine; Hamers, Robert J.; Orr, Galya; Klaper, Rebecca D.


    Concern has been raised regarding the current and future release of engineered nanomaterials into aquatic environments from industry and other sources. However, not all nanomaterials may cause an environ-mental impact and identifying which nanomaterials may be of greatest concern has been difficult. It is thought that the surface groups of a functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) may play a significant role in determining their interactions with aquatic organisms, but the way in which surface properties of NPs impact their toxicity in whole organisms has been minimally explored. A major point of interaction of NPs with aquatic organisms is in the gastrointestinal tract as they ingest particulates from the water column or from the sediment. The main goal of this study was to use model gold NP (AuNPs) to evaluate the potential effects of the different surfaces groups on NPs on the gut of an aquatic model organism, Daphnia magna. In this study, we exposed daphnids to a range of AuNPs concentrations and assessed the impact of AuNP exposure in the daphnid gut by measuring reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and expression of genes associated with oxidative stress and general cellular stress: glutathione S-transferase(gst), catalase (cat), heat shock protein 70 (hsp70), and metallothionein1 (mt1). We found ROS formation and gene expression were impacted by both charge and the specific surface ligand used. We detected some degree of ROS production in all NP exposures, but positively charged AuNPs induced a greater ROS response. Similarly, we observed that, compared to controls, both positively charged AuNPs and only one negatively AuNP impacted expression of genes associated with cellular stress. Finally, ligand-AuNP exposures showed a different toxicity and gene expression profile than the ligand alone, indicating a NP specific effect.

  9. Comparative acute toxicity of leachates from plastic products made of polypropylene, polyethylene, PVC, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, and epoxy to Daphnia magna. (United States)

    Lithner, Delilah; Nordensvan, Ildikó; Dave, Göran


    The large global production of plastics and their presence everywhere in the society and the environment create a need for assessing chemical hazards and risks associated with plastic products. The aims of this study were to determine and compare the toxicity of leachates from plastic products made of five plastics types and to identify the class of compounds that is causing the toxicity. Selected plastic types were those with the largest global annual production, that is, polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or those composed of hazardous monomers (e.g., PVC, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene [ABS], and epoxy). Altogether 26 plastic products were leached in deionized water (3 days at 50°C), and the water phases were tested for acute toxicity to Daphnia magna. Initial Toxicity Identification Evaluations (C18 filtration and EDTA addition) were performed on six leachates. For eleven leachates (42%) 48-h EC50s (i.e the concentration that causes effect in 50 percent of the test organisms) were below the highest test concentration, 250 g plastic/L. All leachates from plasticized PVC (5/5) and epoxy (5/5) products were toxic (48-h EC50s ranging from 2 to 235 g plastic/L). None of the leachates from polypropylene (5/5), ABS (5/5), and rigid PVC (1/1) products showed toxicity, but one of the five tested HDPE leachates was toxic (48-h EC50 17-24 g plastic/L). Toxicity Identification Evaluations indicated that mainly hydrophobic organics were causing the toxicity and that metals were the main cause for one leachate (metal release was also confirmed by chemical analysis). Toxic chemicals leached even during the short-term leaching in water, mainly from plasticized PVC and epoxy products.

  10. Diseño de imágenes para ciegos, material didáctico para niños con discapacidad visual.




    El objetivo de este proyecto es contribuir investigación para la creación, la aplicación, la transformación del quehacer profesional del diseño gráfico en el conocimiento y las habilidades, en la formación de profesionales en el área del diseño para material didáctico para esta disciplina, por lo cual es necesario cambiar respuestas para lo local y/o para la globalización. En la historia del diseño, se plantea, proyectar para la globalización, para la humanidad. Ahora el planteamiento de r...

  11. Direct and indirect effects of ionizing radiation on grazer–phytoplankton interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nascimento, Francisco J.A.; Bradshaw, Clare


    Risk assessment of exposure to radionuclides and radiation does not usually take into account the role of species interactions. We investigated how the transfer of carbon between a primary producer, Raphidocelis subcapitata, and a consumer, Daphnia magna, was affected by acute exposure to gamma radiation. In addition to unexposed controls, different treatments were used where: a) only D. magna (Z treatment); b) only R. subcapitata (P treatment) and c) both D. magna and R. subcapitata (ZP treatment) were exposed to one of three acute doses of gamma radiation (5, 50 and 100 Gy). We then compared differences among treatments for three endpoints: incorporation of carbon by D. magna, D. magna growth and R. subcapitata densities. Carbon incorporation was affected by which combination of species was irradiated and by the radiation dose. Densities of R. subcapitata at the end of the experiment were also affected by which species had been exposed to radiation. Carbon incorporation by D. magna was significantly lower in the Z treatment, indicating reduced grazing, an effect stronger with higher radiation doses, possibly due to direct effects of gamma radiation. Top-down indirect effects of this reduced grazing were also seen as R. subcapitata densities increased in the Z treatment due to decreased herbivory. The opposite pattern was observed in the P treatment where only R. subcapitata was exposed to gamma radiation, while the ZP treatment showed intermediate results for both endpoints. In the P treatments, carbon incorporation by D. magna was significantly higher than in the other treatments, suggesting a higher grazing pressure. This, together with direct effects of gamma radiation on R. subcapitata, probably significantly decreased phytoplankton densities in the P treatment. Our results highlight the importance of taking into account the role of species interactions when assessing the effects of exposure to gamma radiation in aquatic ecosystems. - Highlights: • Direct

  12. The para-petroleum industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The para-petroleum industry includes societies that realize studies and installations for the deposits exploitation. This document presents the situation of the para-petroleum industry in 2001, the world investment growth of the activity, the french societies financial results and an inventory of the main operations in the amalgamation domain. (A.L.B.)

  13. Testes de toxicidade aguda através de bioensaios no extrato solubilizado dos resíduos classe II A - não inertes e classe II B - inertes Acute toxicity tests by bioassays applied to the solubilized extracts of solid wastes class II A - non inerts and class II B - inerts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nébora Liz Vendramin Brasil Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A grande diversidade de substâncias potencialmente tóxicas contribuem para a deterioração do meio ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor a utilização de bioensaios, através de testes de toxicidade aguda com Daphnia magna e Vibrio fischeri, como mais um parâmetro a ser analisado no extrato solubilizado dos resíduos que, segundo a NBR 10004/04 fossem classificados como classe II A - não inertes ou classe II B - inertes. Realizaram-se, também, testes de toxicidade no drenado dos aterros classe II A e II B. Verificou-se que a toxicidade foi constatada nos extratos solubilizados dos 18 resíduos analisados e que, apenas três das amostras estariam próprias para lançamento, ou seja os resíduos 04, 14 e 15. Já, a toxicidade encontrada no drenado dos aterros, ficou muito superior do que a toxicidade de cada extrato solubilizado analisado separadamente.A great diversity of substances potencially toxic contributes to the deterioration of the environment. The aim of this research was to propose the use of bioassays using Daphnia magna and Vibrio fischeri, as another parameter to be analyzed in the solubilized extraction of waste according to NBR 10004/04 and classified as class II A - non inerts or class II B - inerts. Besides, another test was performed to measure the level of toxicity in the drainage of the landfill class II A and II B. It was verified that the toxicity found in the solubilized extracts of the 18 wastes analysed.Only 3 wastes (04, 14 and 15 were within the emission limits. On the other hand the toxicity found in the drainage of the landfill, from which all the samples came from, was much higher than the individual one.

  14. Can mixtures of cyanotoxins represent a risk to the zooplankton? The case study of Daphnia magna Straus exposed to hepatotoxic and neurotoxic cyanobacterial extracts. (United States)

    Freitas, Emanuela Cristina; Pinheiro, Carlos; Rocha, Odete; Loureiro, Susana


    Worldwide, cyanobacterial blooms have been increasing in intensity and frequency, with toxic cyanobacteria sometimes dominant throughout the year in many freshwater bodies. Since the coexistence of more than one type of cyanotoxins in freshwater environments is a common phenomenon, studies on the joint effects of these toxins would be very useful. In this study, the single and combined effects of two cyanotoxins with different modes of action (hepatotoxic and neurotoxic) on the survival (lethal exposure) and feeding (sublethal exposure) of the cladoceran Daphnia magna were investigated. With the single exposures, it was observed that both the survival and feeding activity of the daphnids were impaired by the hepatotoxic and neurotoxic extracts at environmentally relevant concentrations. In the combined exposures, both survival and feeding rate endpoints showed a good fit to the independent action model. For the acute assay and 24h exposure period in the feeding inhibition test, there was no interaction between components of the hepatotoxic and neurotoxic extracts, although a slight tendency to a synergistic deviation could be seen in the feeding rates. On the other hand, for the 4h post-exposure period, a synergistic deviation was found in feeding rates at all mixture concentrations tested. Hence, the combined exposure of hepatotoxins and neurotoxins should also be taken into account in risk assessments of freshwater bodies, since the mixture of these toxins can result in more severe post-exposure effects on the feeding of daphnids than the sum of those expected for single exposures. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Chemical compositions and Sr, Nd isotope ratios of gabbroic xenoliths in calc-alkali andesites of Naeba and Torikabuto volcanoes, North Fossa Magna, central Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimazu, Mitsuo; Kawano, Yoshinobu; Kaji, Kiyoshi; Igarashi, Satoshi.


    Gabbroic, doleritic and basaltic xenoliths found in calc-alkali andesites of Naeba and Torikabuto volcanoes are geochemically divided into three groups. Gabbro A of the group 1 from Naeba is rich in MgO and Ni, poor in alkalis, and shows depleted REE pattern resembling those of Ichinomegata (Sp. No.2232) and Hakone (HKG1, HKG2) volcanoes. On the basis the REE pattern and high Al IV contents in clinopyroxenes, gabbro A is interpreted to have been cumulate from a primary magma generated by partial melting of upper mantle. From REE pattern, gabbros of the group 2 from Ichinomegata (Sp. No.2218) may have derived from low alkali tholeiite magma which have been formed by removal of material such as the group 1 gabbro at shallow depth. Doleritic and basaltic xenoliths of the group 3 from Naeba, gabbroic xenoliths from Torikabuto and Umikawa are poorer in MgO and richer in alkalis than those of the group 1 and show enriched pattern in REE resembling that of high alkali tholeiite and contain clinopyroxenes having low Al IV . Therefore, these rocks are considered to be differentiates of high alkali tholeiite magma at shallow depth. On εNd- 87 Sr/ 86 Sr diagram, isotope data of gabbro A of the group 1 plot near those of andesites from Asama and Myoko volcanoes of the North Fossa Magna. It is interpreted that these rocks have derived from the same mantle source as the Asama and Myoko volcanoes which are richer in incompatible elements than those of MORB. (author)

  16. Adesao ao guia alimentar para populacao brasileira

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    Eliseu Verly Junior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO : Analisar a adesão ao Guia Alimentar para População Brasileira. MÉTODOS : Amostra composta por participantes do Inquérito de Saúde de São Paulo (n = 1.661 que preencheram dois recordatórios de 24 horas. Foi utilizado modelo bivariado de efeito misto para a razão entre o consumo de energia do grupo de alimentos e o consumo calórico total. A razão estimada foi utilizada para calcular o percentual de indivíduos com consumo abaixo ou acima da recomendação. RESULTADOS : Pelo menos 80,0% da população consome abaixo do recomendado para: leite e derivados; frutas e sucos de frutas; e cereais, tubérculos e raízes; aproximadamente 60,0% para legumes e verduras; 30,0% para feijões; e 8,0% para carnes e ovos. Adolescentes apresentaram a maior inadequação para legumes e verduras (90,0%, e o estrato de maior renda foi associado à menor inadequação para óleos, gorduras e sementes oleaginosas (57,0%. CONCLUSÕES : Foi observado consumo inadequado dos grupos de alimentos relacionados com aumento do risco de doenças crônicas.

  17. Algoritmos para problemas de empacotamento


    Eduardo Candido Xavier


    Resumo: Neste trabalho estudamos diversos problemas de empacotamento considerados NP-difíceis. Assumindo a hipótese de que P ? NP, sabemos que não existem algoritmos eficientes (complexidade de tempo polinomial) exatos para resolver tais problemas. Uma das abordagens consideradas para tratar tais problemas é a de algoritmos de aproximação, que são algoritmos eficientes e que geram soluções com garantia de qualidade. Neste trabalho apresentamos alguns algoritmos aproximados para problemas de e...

  18. Download this PDF file

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    not have a pedigree in the history of the civil law tradition to which Book III of the Code is ..... of white (magna) teff with the same quantity of another white (magna) teff. Likewise, an ..... 57.. (Accessed ...

  19. 76 FR 6839 - ActiveCore Technologies, Inc., Battery Technologies, Inc., China Media1 Corp., Dura Products... (United States)


    ... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [File No. 500-1] ActiveCore Technologies, Inc., Battery Technologies, Inc., China Media1 Corp., Dura Products International, Inc. (n/k/a Dexx Corp.), Global Mainframe Corp., GrandeTel Technologies, Inc., Magna Entertainment Corp. (n/k/a Reorganized Magna Entertainment...

  20. Kant em defesa da alimentação saudável [Kant in defense of healthy food

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    Sônia Soares


    Full Text Available O direito humano à alimentação adequada (DHAA foi consagrado na Carta Magna brasileira, reconhecendo na dignidade da pessoa humana o seu fundamento. Admitindo esta garantia jurídica como pré-condição para uma reflexão ética, defendo neste artigo a necessidade de utilizar a doutrina kantiana dos deveres e do cuidado de si para fundamentar a escolha de uma alimentação saudável como um dever de virtude, para o que será necessário estabelecer a dimensão moral da alimentação no âmbito da filosofia de Kant. O objetivo é mostrar a aplicação da filosofia prática de Kant na elaboração de uma nova abordagem dos problemas alimentares atuais. Minha defesa deve ser vista como complemento ao argumento da utilidade do alimento em geral presente nas políticas e programas públicos voltados para a alimentação, nutrição e segurança alimentar, que destacam os benefícios pessoais e coletivos obtidos a partir da escolha de uma alimentação saudável.

  1. Construcción de un indicador para medir competencias básicas para la vida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Collado Chaves


    Full Text Available La necesidad de construir un indicador para cuantificar el nivel de Competencias Básicas para la Vida (CBV, nace con la evaluación los resultados de un proyecto dirigido a población joven. El propósito de ese proyecto es construir capital humano y empleabilidad en hombres y mujeres con edades entre 13 y 18 años, desertores o en riesgo de desertar del sistema educativo, sin empleo formal y que viven en ambientes de pobreza y exclusión. Una de las dimensiones de empleabilidad son las Competencias Básicas para la Vida. La dimensión de competencias básicas para la vida se refiere a aspectos de personalidad asociados con el desempeño del individuo en sus relaciones consigo mismo y con los demás. Los datos provienen de una investigación cuyo propósito consiste en evaluar los resultados de una intervención en población joven de comunidades pobres y excluidas. La construcción del indicador uso técnicas psicométricas para la validación de las distintas subdimensiones que pertenecen al concepto de competencias básicas para la vida. Según el marco conceptual este indicador está compuesto por seis dimensiones, la validación empírica hecha en este artículo incluye solamente cuatro de ellas, todas de carácter actitudinal. El indicador posee algunas ventajas en términos de la capacidad de discriminación debido a que su distribución tiende a ser normal. Sin embargo se ve afectaba por valores extremos a la izquierda del promedio y valores modales a una desviación estándar (positiva del promedio. Estos resultados serán útiles para discusiones futuras sobre los puntos de corte (baremos, el comportamiento del indicador cuando se correlaciona con deseabilidad social y la integración de la dimensión de Competencias Básicas para la Vida en el indicador de empleabilidad.

  2. Cisternal myelography in dogs. Comparative study between Iopamidol and Metrizamide; Mielografia en caninos. Estudio comparativo entre Iopamidol y Metrizamida via cisterna magna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thibaut, J.; Silva, C. G.; Vargas, L.; Born, R.; Deppe, R.


    With the aim of comparing two contrast medium utilized in myelography 12 adult dogs of both sexes and grouped into two groups (G1 and G2) of six dog each, were used. Both groups were previously anesthetized with sodium thiopental (20 mg/kg). Group 1 was injected via Cisterna magna into the subarachnoid space with metrizamide (Amipaque 6.75) in doses of 0,33 cc/kg. Group 2 was injected with iopamidol (Niopam 300) in doses of 0,26 cc/kg. For each animal, three series of four radiographs each were taken in ventro-dorsal and lateral projections at 5, 15 and 20 minutes after administering the contrast medium. During the course of the study, the dogs remained inclined in 20 deg in craneo-caudal direction in order to promote the caudal migration of the contrast medium. Radiographic plates of each dog obtained with the different treatments were simultaneously analyzed, comparing the characteristics of: advance speed of the contrast medium, the radiographic density and outlines and the possible appearance of adverse effects. Advance speed of the contrast medium into the subarachnoid space was greater with iopamidol, reaching an average of 20 vertebrae in the ventro-dorsal projection and an average of 21 vertebrae in the lateral projection. On the other hand metrizamide reached an average of 14 vertebrae in the ventro-dorsal projection and 16 vertebrae in the lateral projection. Radiographic density was lower with iopamidol, especially at 15 minutes allowing a greater contrast and therefore a better sight of the medullar structure. With regard to the outlines, these were neater with iopamidol, while with metizamide the outline was neat after 5 minutes, then became diffuse 15 and 20 minutes after being injected. No side effects were observed with the use of both contrast media.

  3. Propuesta metodológica para hacer un diagnóstico de la Educación para el Desarrollo

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    Francisco Javier Gómez González


    Full Text Available El presente artículo quiere dar a conocer el diseño metodológico para la elaboración de un diagnóstico de situación de la educación para el desarrollo en Castilla y León, que se ha ideado desde el Observatorio de Cooperación Internacional de la Universidad de Valladolid con el fin de que el conocimiento sobre la situación actual de la educación para el desarrollo en Castilla y León sirva de base para la formulación de una futura estrategia de acción en educación para el desarrollo en la Comunidad.

  4. Requisitos de clientes para o desenvolvimento de um implemento a fim de fechar taipas abertas para drenagem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulisses Giacomini Frantz


    Full Text Available O arroz irrigado é cultivado na maior parte do RS com aplainamento da superfície do solo em desnível e sistema de cultivo mínimo. Com a semeadura em solo seco, há necessidade de conformar drenos, que cortam transversalmente as taipas, na área de cultivo. Para o estabelecimento da lâmina de água definitiva, essas taipas abertas para drenagem devem ser fechadas e, para essa finalidade, não existe um equipamento específico que execute tal atividade com devida agilidade e qualidade, sendo necessário o desenvolvimento de um implemento com este fim. Ainda, para o processo de desenvolvimento de máquinas agrícolas, faz-se necessário o levantamento de uma série de informações. Na fase de projetação, essas informações são necessárias para o estabelecimento das necessidades dos clientes/usuários e dos requisitos dos clientes, para posteriormente serem transformadas em requisitos de projeto e estabelecidas as especificações de projeto. Desse modo, este trabalho objetivou determinar os requisitos dos clientes, a partir das suas necessidades, para o projeto de um implemento com a função de fechamento de taipas abertas para drenagem no arroz irrigado. As informações foram levantadas a partir de pesquisas bibliográficas e aplicação de questionários a futuros clientes/usuários. Como resultados, foram identificadas as necessidades dos clientes, assim como 25 requisitos de clientes

  5. Hiperacumulación de metales : ¿una ventaja para la planta y para el hombre?


    Llugany i Ollé, Mercè; Tolrà Pérez, Roser; Poschenrieder, Charlotte; Barceló Coll, Juan


    La hiperacumulación es la capacidad que tienen algunas plantas para concentrar metales en sus tejidos a niveles muy por encima de los normales sin presentar síntomas de toxicidad. Estas plantas hiperacumuladoras han desarrollado mecanismos internos de tolerancia a la toxicidad por metales. Esta peculiaridad las hace útiles para el hombre como herramienta en las nuevas tecnologías de fitoremediación. Sin embargo, ¿cual es el beneficio de esta hiperacumulación de metales para la propia planta? ...

  6. Hiperacumulación de metales: ¿una ventaja para la planta y para el hombre?


    M. Llugany; R. Tolrà; C. Poschnrieder; J. Barceló


    La hiperacumulación es la capacidad que tienen algunasplantas para concentrar metales en sus tejidos a niveles muy por encima de los normales sin presentar síntomas de toxicidad. Estas plantas hiperacumuladoras han desarrollado mecanismos internos de tolerancia a la toxicidad por metales. Esta peculiaridad las hace útiles para el hombre como herramienta en las nuevas tecnologías de fitoremediación. Sin embargo, ¿cual es el beneficio de esta hiperacumulación de metales para la propia planta? S...

  7. ¿Para que la historia?


    Jaime Jaramillo Uribe


    Para qué sirve la historia?. ¿Puede el conocimiento del pasado darnos pautas para comprender el presente? Sobre este, como sobre tantos problemas teóricos de la historia, se han realizado largos e inacabados debates entre historiadores y filósofos. En este ensayo se acepta como eficaz la hipótesis de que conocer el origen y el desarrollo de un proceso es buen fundamento para explicarse una situación final. En el caso de la historia colombiana, se parte de la base de que al producirse la indep...

  8. Subvenciones para instituciones Directrices para gastos de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    División de Administración de Subvenciones ... En la Parte 2 del Acuerdo de Subvención estándar de IDRC se incluyen los límites ... pagar los costos de sustitución (tiempo libre para personal académico) de los investigadores principales.

  9. Direct and indirect effects of ionizing radiation on grazer-phytoplankton interactions. (United States)

    Nascimento, Francisco J A; Bradshaw, Clare


    Risk assessment of exposure to radionuclides and radiation does not usually take into account the role of species interactions. We investigated how the transfer of carbon between a primary producer, Raphidocelis subcapitata, and a consumer, Daphnia magna, was affected by acute exposure to gamma radiation. In addition to unexposed controls, different treatments were used where: a) only D. magna (Z treatment); b) only R. subcapitata (P treatment) and c) both D. magna and R. subcapitata (ZP treatment) were exposed to one of three acute doses of gamma radiation (5, 50 and 100 Gy). We then compared differences among treatments for three endpoints: incorporation of carbon by D. magna, D. magna growth and R. subcapitata densities. Carbon incorporation was affected by which combination of species was irradiated and by the radiation dose. Densities of R. subcapitata at the end of the experiment were also affected by which species had been exposed to radiation. Carbon incorporation by D. magna was significantly lower in the Z treatment, indicating reduced grazing, an effect stronger with higher radiation doses, possibly due to direct effects of gamma radiation. Top-down indirect effects of this reduced grazing were also seen as R. subcapitata densities increased in the Z treatment due to decreased herbivory. The opposite pattern was observed in the P treatment where only R. subcapitata was exposed to gamma radiation, while the ZP treatment showed intermediate results for both endpoints. In the P treatments, carbon incorporation by D. magna was significantly higher than in the other treatments, suggesting a higher grazing pressure. This, together with direct effects of gamma radiation on R. subcapitata, probably significantly decreased phytoplankton densities in the P treatment. Our results highlight the importance of taking into account the role of species interactions when assessing the effects of exposure to gamma radiation in aquatic ecosystems. Copyright © 2016 The

  10. Zoneamento agroclimático da palma forrageira (Opuntia sp. para o estado da Paraíba

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    Bergson G. Bezerra


    Full Text Available A palma forrageira tornou-se, ao longo dos anos, uma importante alternativa forrageira no semiárido brasileiro (SAB principalmente em longos períodos de estiagens. Apesar de sua magnitude para a agropecuária, seu cultivo tem dispensando tratos culturais básicos e embasamento técnico-científico quanto às suas exigências climáticas. Assim, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar o zoneamento agroclimático da cultura da palma forrageira (Opuntia sp. para o estado da Paraíba. O zoneamento agroclimático da palma forrageira foi elaborado com base nos indicadores climáticos delineados na literatura e nos dados climatológicos de precipitação e temperatura (média, máxima e mínima de 97 localidades do estado da Paraíba. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a mesorregião da Borborema é a que apresenta as condições climáticas mais favoráveis para o cultivo da palma forrageira. As mesorregiões do Agreste, Sertão e a parte do Litoral, são aptas porém com restrições. No entanto, recomenda-se o cultivo da palma forrageira em todo o território do estado da Paraíba, exceto para a parte costeira da mesorregião do Litoral e região em torno de Areia. Em ambos os casos a inaptidão ocorre em função do excesso de precipitação.

  11. Study of whole effluent acute toxicity test (Daphnia magna as an evaluation of Ministry of Environment and Forestry Decree No. 3 In 2014 concerning industrial performance rank in environmental management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rohmah Neng


    Full Text Available Only 15% of the industries in Citarum Watershed, specifically in Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency, Sumedang Regency, Bandung City and Cimahi City, are registered as PROPER industries. They must comply to indicators as set in the Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree No. 3 In 2014 concerning Industrial Performance Rank in Environmental Management, as a requirement to apply for PROPER. Wastewater treatment and management, referencing to Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree No. 5 In 2014 concerning Wastewater Effluent Standards, must be performed to be registered as PROPER industries. Conducting only physical-chemical parameter monitoring of wastewater is insufficient to determine the safety of wastewater discharged into the river, therefore additional toxicity tests involving bioindicator are required to determine acute toxicity characteristic of wastewater. The acute toxicity test quantifies LC50 value based on death response of bioindicators from certain dosage. Daphnia magna was used as bioindicator in the toxicity test and probit software for analysis. In 2015-2016, the number of industries that discharged wastewater exceeding the standard was found greater in non-PROPER industries than in PROPER industries. Based on the toxicity level, both PROPER and non-PROPER industries have toxic properties, however PROPER industries of 2015-2016 is more toxic with LC5096 value reaching 2.79%.

  12. Plan estratégico para la empresa Global Logistics (GL) para el periodo 2017-2019


    Castello Manky, Luis Fernando; Grados Iturrizaga, Miguel Augusto; Hudson Okumura, Ciro


    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad el desarrollo de un plan estratégico para la empresa Global Logistics (GL) para los años 2017 a 2019. Inicia con el análisis y diagnóstico situacional, donde se analiza el macroentorno en base al análisis PESTEL y luego se procede a analizar la industria considerando las cinco fuerzas de Porter, para, finalmente, determinar las oportunidades y amenazas que enfrenta la empresa. Una vez concluido el análisis y diagnóstico situacional, se...

  13. Procedimiento para el cierre de canteras de materiales para construcción en Cuba

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    Julio Montero-Matos


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de facilitar a los concesionarios de canteras de materiales para la construcción una herramienta metodológica para efectuar el cierre de estas y garantizar una minería sostenible se propuso un procedimiento en seis etapas a partir del diagnóstico realizado en 22 canteras, ubicadas en tres regiones mineras cubanas. El procedimiento busca disminuir los impactos ambientales provocados por la explotación de las canteras y ofrecer a la industria un estándar para lograr uniformidad en la planificación y ejecución del cierre con un costo mínimo.

  14. 76 FR 34211 - Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Kennecott Utah Copper... (United States)


    ... Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Kennecott Utah Copper LLC Tailings Expansion Project, Near Magna... Copper Tailings Expansion Project, an expansion of an active commercial mining operation near Magna, Salt Lake County, UT. Kennecott Utah Copper LLC (KUC) has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit...

  15. Desenvolvimento de filmes biodegradáveis para cobertura de solo, ensacamento de frutos e sacos para mudas


    Ana Paula Bilck


    Filmes plásticos de polietileno e polipropileno derivados do petróleo são amplamente utilizados na agricultura para a confecção de estufas, sacos para produção de mudas e filmes para cobertura do solo. Estes filmes constituem um sério problema ambiental, pois devido ao seu elevado peso molecular e propriedades hidrofóbicas, possuem alta estabilidade química, levando um longo tempo para se decompor totalmente e também são de difícil reciclagem. A utilização de polímeros biodegradáveis é uma al...

  16. Taller para desarrollar la creatividad




    [ES] Partimos de la base de que la creatividad es una capacidad realmente valiosa, no solo para el ámbito artístico, si no para cualquier aspecto de la vida. Este proyecto está enfocado a un taller diseñado para que a partir de técnicas de expresión gráfico-plásticas podamos estimular y desarrollar la creatividad, principalmente en niños de tercer ciclo de primaria. Con este proyecto relacionamos el arte y la creatividad que se asocia a esté con la educación. Martínez Guerola, B. (2015). T...

  17. Sistema solar para aquecimento ambiente e aquecimento de piscinas: uma solução promissora para climas do Sul da Europa


    Carvalho, M. J.; Neves, Ana


    A avaliação do sistema apresentado neste trabalho foi focada em sistemas que podem fornecer água quente, aquecimento ambiente e aquecimento de piscinas, e que são projectados para climas do Sul da Europa, especialmente para habitações uni-familiares. Pelas características climáticas do Sul da Europa, o aquecimento ambiente é apenas necessário para um curto período do ano, sendo para esta avaliação considerado um período de seis meses para aquecimento ambiente e um período de seis meses para a...


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    Igor Mayer Soares


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi apresentado um modelo para determinar as funções de transferência para análise da estabilidade longitudinal de Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANT através do desenvolvimento simplificado das equações do movimento de aeronaves. O sistema foi simplificado considerando que o motor e o arrasto na superfície de comando não influenciam na dinâmica do veículo, pois o mesmo é significativamente menor que um avião. Analisamos também a resposta em função do tempo para as deflexões das superfícies de comando. Nos resultados apresentados é possível perceber que mesmo simples, o modelo oferece uma boa aproximação para análise dinâmica de VANTs e predizer sua estabilidade e qualidade de voo.


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    Marino Valencia Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La creciente importancia del conocimiento, como nuevo factor de producción, hace que la creación y transferencia se convierta en una de las principales prioridades de las organizaciones. El presente artículo describe tanto los fundamentos de la teoría de los recursos y capacidades de la empresa como el enfoque de la gestión del conocimiento, con sus procesos de generación y transferencia del conocimiento. Estos sirven de guía básica teórica para alcanzar el siguiente objetivo: Diseñar un modelo de generación y transferencia de conocimiento para los procesos de dirección, gestión humana y del conocimiento para PyMES, con el fin de que éstas alcancen mayores niveles de competitividad. El modelo se diseña, a partir del direccionamiento estratégico de la organización. Está conformado por tres etapas, articuladas con elementos y actividades. Las acciones se enfocan en dos factores clave de éxito: la cultura organizacional y la formación. La utilización del modelo permitirá a las PyMES optimizar los recursos y capacidades disponibles, lo cual se refleja en el desempeño del trabajador y en el fortalecimiento de la cultura organizacional.

  20. Flora da Paraíba, Brasil: Loganiaceae Flora of Paraíba, Brazil: Loganiaceae

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    Kiriaki Nurit


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho apresenta-se o tratamento taxonômico da família Loganiaceae, como parte do projeto "Flora da Paraíba", que vem sendo realizado com o objetivo de identificar e catalogar as espécies da flora local. Realizouse coletas e observações de campo para as identificações, descrições e ilustrações botânicas que foram efetuadas após estudos morfológicos, com o auxílio da bibliografia especializada, complementados pela análise de fotos de tipos, espécimes dos herbários EAN, JPB e IPA, e comparação com material identificado por especialistas. Registrou-se para a Paraíba quatro espécies: Spigelia anthelmia L., com ampla distribuição, e três espécies de Strychnos, somente coletadas em remanescentes de Mata Atlântica, S. atlantica Krukoff & Barneby, S. parvifolia A. DC. e S. trinervis (Vell. Mart.This work constitutes a taxonomic treatment of the Loganiaceae family as part of the project "Flora da Paraíba", which have been carried out with the objective to identify and catalogue the species of the local flora. The botanical identifications and illustrations were made by morphological studies supported by bibliography, analysis of the types, specimens from herbaria EAN, JPB and IPA, and comparison with samples previously identified by specialists, complemented by field observations. Four species of Loganiaceae belonging two genera were found in State of Paraíba: Spigelia anthelmia L. that has wide distribution and three species of Strychnos, found on remains of Atlantic forest, which are S. atlantica Krukoff & Barneby, S. parvifolia A. DC. and S. trinervis (Vell. Mart.

  1. Educación para emprender una alternativa para el siglo XXI

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    Luis Gerardo Rodríguez Gómez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El artículo describe la experiencia educativa del programa Físico- Deportivo orientado a estimular la actitud para emprender dentro de una concepción de forma integral, mediante Asignaturas de contenido Sico- físico, como parte del desarrollo curricular en Facultades de Administración de Empresas e ingeniería de Sistemas en la Escuela de Administración de Negocios (EAN. El desarrollo temático hace énfasis en un proceso orientado  a superar formas de educación encaminadas al logro de habilidades técnicas para el ejercicio de un empleo y propone desde  la educación delas conductas  motrices, modos de encausar la energía sicosomática con el fin de asimilar la incertidumbre del momento histórico que se vive en los países de lento desarrollo, para corresponder a un mundo que empuña la bandera de la diversidad, el cambio acelerado y la competencia tecnológica.

  2. La carrera profesional para el profesorado

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    José Gimeno Sacristán


    Full Text Available La carrera del profesorado es un instrumento para el reconocimiento del mérito de los profesores en el desarrollo de su profesionalidad -lo cual supone atender a la mejora de sus capacidades cognitivas como a su competencia reflexivo-práctica- cuyos fines son la motivación para el ejercicio de sus funciones, reforzar su compromiso con la educación en general y como forma de reconocer con justicia el mérito de los mejores profesionales. Desde un punto de vista estrictamente educativo, la carrera debe servir para la mejora de las prácticas de enseñanza que incidan en la mejora de los aprendizajes. Esta pretensión nos exige explicitar los criterios para determinar lo que entendemos como buenas prácticas y precisar los criterios para su evaluación. La complejidad de la enseñanza requiere metodologías adecuadas para abordar procesos de índole cualitativa. La regulación de la carrera docente tiene que superar tanto el cuantitativismo fácil en los métodos y la regulación burocrática de niveles de calidad, así como contemplar un conjunto de incentivos no solamente salariales.

  3. Tiempo para un cambio (United States)

    Woltjer, L.


    En la reunion celebrada en diciembre dei ano pasado informe al Consejo de mi deseo de terminar mi contrato como Director General de la ESO una vez que fuera aprobado el proyecto dei VLT, que se espera sucedera hacia fines de este aAo. Cuando fue renovada mi designacion hace tres aAos, el Consejo conocia mi intencion de no completar los cinco aAos dei contrato debido a mi deseo de disponer de mas tiempo para otras actividades. Ahora, una vez terminada la fase preparatoria para el VLT, Y habiendose presentado el proyecto formalmente al Consejo el dia 31 de marzo, y esperando su muy probable aprobacion antes dei termino de este ano, me parece que el 10 de enero de 1988 presenta una excelente fecha para que se produzca un cambio en la administracion de la ESO.

  4. Leasing: una alternativa de financiamiento para PYMES


    Bedjan, María Belén


    En la actualidad las pequeñas y medianas empresas encuentran dificultades para acceder a las líneas tradicionales de créditos bancarios. Por otro lado las empresas necesitan actualizarse constantemente para poder ser competitivas en el mercado. Es aquí donde el leasing nace como una alternativa de financiación para las PyMEs. Este trabajo pretendió demostrar la conveniencia financiera del leasing con respecto a los préstamos bancarios para la compra de maquinarias agrícolas ...

  5. Estrategia para elevar la motivación laboral; factor imprescindible para mejorar nuestra productividad.

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    Reina de los Ángeles Carballé Piñón


    Full Text Available Este trabajo "Estrategia para elevar la motivación laboral; factor imprescindible para mejorar nuestra productividad" resulta de la investigación realizada para tesis de maestría; se realizó el estudio de 2 entidades, nos permitió conocer las principales posiciones que sobre motivación existen, factores que la influencian, cómo incide en el desempeño laboral y que acciones diseñar para elevarla. Las 2 entidades seleccionadas, claves en el desempeño empresarial son un centro de interfase y un centro generador de conocimientos, nuestro objetivo principal es sugerir propuestas que eleven la motivación de los trabajadores del CIGET(centro de interfase y la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus(centro generador de conocimientos por desempeñar una mejor labor y lograr así aumento de la eficacia, eficiencia y productividad; este se concreta específicamente en determinar qué factores ocasionan desmotivación en los trabajadores del CIGET y la Universidad, identificar aquellos factores que realmente motivan a estas personas, de manera individual como colectivamente y trazar una estrategia con el objetivo de elevar la motivación de los trabajadores hacia la actividad que realizan y dotar a estos de herramientas para la identificación de actitudes positivas o negativas en el ámbito laboral y cómo potenciarlas o minimizarlas según sea el caso.

  6. Competencia para desarrollar la alfabetización digital


    González Rodríguez, José Santiago; Navarrete Aguirre, Mariana; Molina Zacate, Ma. Gabriela


    Introducción, Objetivos Generales, Temario: (1) ¿Qué significa la competencia para desarrollar la alfabetización digital? (2) ¿Por qué es relevante que adquiera la competencia para desarrollar la alfabetización digital en mi formación? (3) ¿Cómo aprendo la competencia para desarrollar la alfabetización digital? (4) ¿Cómo aplico la competencia para desarrollar la alfabetización digital? (5) ¿Cómo puedo autoevaluar mi competencia para desarrollar la alfabetización digital (...

  7. Motivacao para o tratamento. Dados psicometricos da escala SOCRATES 8D e estrategias psicoterapeuticas para motivar para o tratamento


    Janeiro, Luís; Faísca, Luís


    A motivação para o tratamento é considerada um factor fundamental para o processo de mudança e tratamento do toxicodependente. Prochaska, Diclemente, e Norcross (1992) consideram que a motivação que o sujeito possui no início do tratamento determina directamente os resultados alcançados no mesmo. Diclemente, Bellino, e Neavins (1999) acrescentam, ainda, que a estreita relação entre os resultados obtidos no tratamento e a motivação aquando do seu início pode ser medida pela formação precoce de...

  8. La estrategia educativa 2020 o las limitaciones del Banco Mundial para promover el "aprendizaje para todos"

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    Antoni Verger


    Full Text Available LA NUEVA Estrategia Educativa 2020 del Banco Mundial establece las prioridades de reforma educativa en países en vías de desarrollo para la década siguiente. El título explícito de la estrategia, Aprendizaje para Todos, es un claro reconocimiento de que, más allá de políticas centradas en el acceso, se debe hacer algo más para asegurar que la educación derive en experiencias positivas de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, como este artículo sostiene, las opciones de políticas explícitas y latentes en la Estrategia 2020 no son las más adecuadas para lograr el Aprendizaje para Todos. El artículo desarrolla tres tipos de argumentos al respecto. El primero se refiere al fuerte apego del Banco a un conocimiento disciplinario y un enfoque metodológico que es insuficiente para entender lo que aprenden los niños en la escuela y por qué. El segundo argumento se refiere al sesgo pro-mercado de la Estrategia por lo que respecta a la reforma del sector público y a nuevas formas de oferta educativa. En tercer lugar, el artículo señala las principales ausencias de la Estrategia, con especial atención a las omisiones relacionadas con la compleja relación entre educación y pobreza.

  9. Inteligencia Emocional para tiempos de crisis


    Fernández-Berrocal, Pablo


    La Inteligencia Emocional se concibe como un conjunto de habilidades, tanto básicas como complejas, dirigidas a “unificar las emociones y el razonamiento”, esto es, usar las emociones para facilitar el razonamiento y los procesos de pensamiento, y usar nuestro razonamiento para pensar de forma inteligente acerca de nuestras emociones (Mayer y Salovey, 1997). En concreto, la IE se define como una habilidad mental que incluye “la capacidad para percibir, valorar y expresar las emociones con...

  10. GRASP para o PQA: um limite de aceitação para soluções iniciais

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    Range Maria Cristina


    Full Text Available O Problema Quadrático de Alocação (PQA pertence à classe dos problemas NP-Hard e desafia os pesquisadores tanto em sua teoria quanto em sua parte computacional. Pela sua alta complexidade muitos métodos heurísticos têm sido desenvolvidos para tentar resolvê-lo aproximadamente. A metaheurística GRASP (greedy randomized adaptive search procedures se mostrou bastante eficiente. Neste trabalho, uma proposta para descartar soluções iniciais supostamente ruins é apresentada com base na normalização de custos calculadas num intervalo entre limites de solução. Para este GRASP restrito, foi observada uma redução do tempo computacional para encontrar as soluções ótimas ou soluções viáveis de boa qualidade quando comparado ao GRASP original.

  11. Paisajes para un desarrollo sustentable y participativo

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    Rafael Mata Olmo


    Para terminar, el texto recoge una experiencia de proyecto territorial de paisaje, la del Plan Insular de Menorca (Islas Baleares, España, aprobado en 2003. Se sintetizan sus determinaciones sobre la protección de determinados terrenos por sus altos valores paisajísticos, sus directrices para que las políticas sectoriales (turismo, agricultura, infraestructuras, etc. incorporen criterios paisajísticos, y sus iniciativas para la gestión y mejora del paisaje y para el fomento del acceso público a su contemplación y disfrute.

  12. Sistema de realidad aumentada para aplicaciones Android


    Fernández Sánchez, Natalia Mercedes


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la creación de un sistema de realidad aumentada para el sistema operativo Android con idea de que sea utilizado para la creación de un videojuego, pero que a su vez sea lo suficientemente versátil como para poder utilizarse en otro tipo de aplicaciones. De este objetivo principal podemos obtener los objetivos secundarios: - Conocer las características que ofrecen los teléfonos móviles y como éstas pueden ser aprovechadas para la crea...

  13. Marco de referencia para el desarrollo de un sistema de apoyo para la toma de decisiones para la gestión de inventarios

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    Carlos Alberto Castro Zuluaga


    Full Text Available El principal objetivo de este artículo es presentar un marco de referencia para desarrollar un sistema de soporte a la toma de decisiones para la gestión de inventarios que permita definir técnicamente los parámetros de una política de control de inventario específica. El modelo propuesto puede ser utilizado de forma genérica en casi cualquier tipo de industria, el cual incluye las entradas fundamentales, una descripción de los procesos internos requeridos y las salidas esperadas. En la investigación se utilizaron métodos inductivos-deductivos para definir el marco de referencia propuesto, el cual se fundamenta en dos indicadores clave en la gestión de inventario: niveles de servicio y costos. Finalmente, mediante una simulación es posible concluir que utilizando los parámetros teóricos para el modelo de inventario punto de reorden-cantidad fija, que son encontrados por el marco de referencia propuesto, se obtienen aproximadamente los valores esperados tanto de los niveles de servicio como de los costos.

  14. Meios e fins do desenvolvimento para Celso Furtado

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    Fabio Antonio de Campos


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse artigo é expor o conceito de desenvolvimento para Celso Furtado. Para tanto, nos interessa apresentar o desenvolvimento nacional como um fim em sua abordagem sobre a formação social brasileira Para atingir tal estágio, os meios para o autor seriam assegurados por um típico desenvolvimento capitalista. Dentro dessa problemática, mostraremos também o alcance e os limites dessa concepção para o caráter dependente e subdesenvolvido do capitalismo brasileiro.

  15. Metodología para un proceso de planeación estratégica para las PYMES


    Bonilla Zhindón, Daniela


    Todas las organizaciones, grandes, medianas, pequeñas, públicas y privadas, requieren de un plan estratégico estructurado para determinar las posiciones futuras en las que desean estar, por este motivo el propósito del presente estudio es construir una metodología transversal para el levantamiento de la planeación estratégica para el sector de calzado en la ciudad de Cuenca, mediante un análisis del estado en la que se encuentran las empresas en cuanto al proceso de planificación estratégica,...

  16. Coccocypselum pulchellum (Rubiaceae, nuevo registro para Argentina

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    Elsa L. Cabral


    Full Text Available Se cita Coccocypselum pulchellum por primera vez para Argentina, en Predio Guaraní, Misiones. Esta es la tercera especie de Coccocypselum registrada para la flora de Argentina junto con C. hasslerianum y C. lanceolatum. Se incluyen descripciones, ilustraciones y una clave para reconocer las tres especies argentinas de Coccocypselum.

  17. Modelo para determinar as exigências de proteína para poedeiras Modelling protein utilization in laying hens

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    Nilva Kazue Sakomura


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi elaborar um modelo para estimar as exigências de proteína bruta (PB para poedeiras leves, usando o método fatorial. Para determinar as exigências de proteína bruta (PB para manutenção foi utilizada a técnica do balanço de nitrogênio. A exigência de proteína bruta para o ganho de peso foi determinada em função do conteúdo de nitrogênio na carcaça e a eficiência de utilização do nitrogênio da dieta. A exigência de PB, para produção de ovos, foi determinada considerando o teor de PB determinado nos ovos e a eficiência de deposição do nitrogênio no ovo. A partir dos valores das exigências para manutenção, para o ganho e produção foi elaborada uma equação para predizer as exigências diárias de PB (g/ ave/ dia para poedeiras: PB = 1,94. P0,75 + 0,48.G + 0,301.O, em que P = peso corporal (kg, G = ganho de peso diário (g/dia e O = massa de ovos produzida (g/ave/dia.The objective of this study was to determine a model for crude protein requirements (CP for laying hen by the factorial method. The protein maintenance requirement was determine by the nitrogen balance technique . The crude protein requirement for weight gain was determined based on body nitrogen content and nitrogen efficiency for body deposition. The crude protein requirement for egg production was determined based on the nitrogen content of eggs and nitrogen efficiency for egg deposition. Considering the requirements for maintenance, egg production and weight gain, it was elaborated a protein requirement model for laying hen: PB = 1.94xW.75 + 0.480xG + 0,301x E, where PB = requirement (g/bird/day, W = body weight (kg, G = daily weight gain (g/day and E = egg mass (g/bird/day.

  18. Tuberculose em Salvador: custos para o sistema de saúde e para as famílias

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    Costa João G


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A tuberculose é uma das maiores causas de mortalidade no mundo, porém seus efeitos econômicos são pouco conhecidos. O objetivo do estudo foi o de estimar os custos do tratamento e prevenção da tuberculose para o sistema de saúde (público e privado e para as famílias. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado no município de Salvador, BA, em 1999. Os dados para estimação dos custos para o sistema de saúde foram coletados nas secretarias de saúde, centros de saúde e em uma entidade filantrópica. Os custos públicos e privados foram estimados pela metodologia da contabilidade de custos. Os dados de custos para as famílias foram coletados por meio de questionários e incluem despesas com transporte, alimentação e outros, bem como as perdas de renda associadas à doença. RESULTADOS: O custo médio para tratamento de um caso novo de tuberculose foi de aproximadamente R$186,00 (US$103; para o tratamento de um paciente multiresistente o custo foi 27 vezes mais alto. Os custos para o serviço público corresponderam a 65% em internações, 32% em tratamento e apenas 3% em prevenção. As famílias comprometeram cerca de 33% da sua renda com despesas relacionadas a tuberculose. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar do fato das famílias não terem que pagar por medicamentos e tratamento, dado que este serviço é oferecido pelo Estado, os custos familiares ligados a perda de rendimentos devido a doença foram muito elevados. A proporção utilizada em prevenção pelo serviço público é pequena. Um maior investimento em campanhas de prevenção poderia não somente diminuir o número de casos, mas também, levar a um diagnósticos precoce, diminuindo os custos associados à hospitalização. A falta de um sistema integrado de custos não permite a visualização dos custos nos diversos setores.


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    Rosa M. Medir Huerta


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es presentar una propuesta evaluativa para ac - tividades de educación ambiental para la sostenibilidad en el ámbito escolar ofrecidas desde entidades externas a la escuela. Para ello, se realiza una eva - luación real de un programa educativo de una administración pública que se orienta al refuerzo del currículo de educación infantil, primaria y secundaria. El objetivo de la evaluación es diagnosticar la presencia, en las actividades estudiadas, de principios clave de la educación ambiental para la sosteni - bilidad identificados por el equipo de investigación a partir de referencias internacionales. La metodología es la investigación evaluativa de programas dentro del paradigma crítico de la investigación educativa y con herramientas de tipo cuantitativo. Se utiliza, básicamente, un cuestionario expresamente diseñado que valora la presencia y la ausencia de los principios establecidos de la educación ambiental para la sostenibilidad. Los resultados nos aportan nuevas informaciones acerca de las fortalezas y las debilidades del desarrollo de actividades de educación ambiental. Se llega a una valoración cuantificada de los principios definidos en tres grupos, según su necesidad de mejora, y se determina que los principios mejor tratados en las actividades son los que se relacionan con los contenidos disciplinares más clásicos, tratados con buenos y distintos métodos didácticos. En cambio, las debilidades detectadas se refieren a aspectos cruciales de la educación ambiental tales como experimentar nuevas sensaciones, aprender a buscar información, pensamiento crítico, sentimiento de pertenencia a un lugar, trabajo en colaboración, adquirir una visión global de la realidad, y reflexionar sobre la vida cotidiana y sobre el futuro deseado.


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    Janes Siqueira


    Full Text Available O trabalho que apresentamos é parte da pesquisa com os estudantes das licenciaturas e da pedagogia da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul-UNISC-RS-Brasil. Este está inserido na linha de pesquisa: educação, trabalho e emancipação. Queremos compreender, à luz do materialismo histórico e dialético e das categorias da crítica da economia política, os significados atribuídos pelos estudantes universitários ao fenômeno trabalho e estudo. É uma pesquisa preferentemente qualitativa de natureza dialética. Para Marx, a essência da realidade humana reside no trabalho, mas a fonte de toda a riqueza está na natureza. Logo, trabalho, natureza e sociedade estão em relação dialética. Trabalho, portanto, é a ideia central articuladora, e natureza e sociedade devem ser estudadas em conexão com o trabalho. Marx trata o trabalho, no modo de produção capitalista, como impedimento ao desenvolvimento humano. Propõe o mesmo como um ato de criação e auto-expressão humana que não deve ter um valor. A compreensão dessa premissa é necessária para que os trabalhadores possam significar e ressignificar o trabalho para além da ideologia dominante. Algumas categorias aparecem como relevantes para a análise: condições de trabalho e de estudo, necessidade de formação, predominância do trabalho sobre o estudo, dificuldade de conciliar tempo de estudo e de trabalho. Na relação com o objeto de estudo, ressaltaremos a crise estrutural do capital, a desregulamentação das leis do trabalho e sua flexibilização e as contradições entre trabalho e estudo bem como quais possibilidades emancipatórias são visualizadas ou sonhadas pelos trabalhadores-estudantes. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: contradições entre trabalho e educação, condições e significados, realidade e possibilidades.

  1. Educación para la sostenibilidad

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    Educadores por la sostenibilidad


    Full Text Available La importancia dada por los expertos en sostenibilidad al papel de la educación queda reflejada en el lanzamiento mismo de la Década de la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible o, mejor, para un futuro sostenible (2005-2014 a cuyo impulso y desarrollo esta destinado este artículo, así como la página web que la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos ha habilitado dentro de su portal digital, para la celebración de la Década.

  2. Obtención de ferromanganeso alto carbono y escoria para el desarrollo de materiales para soldar

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    Lorenzo Perdomo-González


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis de la posibilidad de empleo de pirolusita en el desarrollo de aleaciones al manganeso y escorias con un sistema de óxidos MnO-SiO2-CaO con características propias para el desarrollo de fundentes para la soldadura automática para arco sumergido (SAAS. A partir de la composición química del mineral de manganeso se realizan los cálculos del proceso de reducción con el empleo de la tecnología sin fundente en presencia de coque como reductor, obteniéndose las adecuadas composiciones y las propiedades de los productos del proceso. Se realiza una corrida experimental de obtención de ferromanganeso con adiciones de dolomita, caolín y fluorita como correctores de la escoria. Se conforma una matriz de fundente para arco sumergido con la escoria y se le evalúan las propiedades tecnológicas de soldadura.

  3. Avaliação das competências de professores de enfermagem para desenvolver programas educativos para adultos

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    Patricia Bover Draganov


    Full Text Available Avaliar o desempenho que o enfermeiro docente de enfermagem atribui a si, nas competências para desenvolver programas educativos para adultos, foi objetivo desse estudo descritivo, comparativo, transversal e quantitativo, desenvolvido com 226 docentes enfermeiros de cursos de graduação em enfermagem paulistanos. Os dados foram colhidos por escala de Likert, lançados em planilha Excel® e analisados por estatística descritiva e testes não paramétricos de Wilcoxon e Friedman. A população tinha predominantemente entre 46-55 anos (87/38,49%, eram mulheres (198/87, 61% e mestres (180/79, 65%. Os professores consideraram-se distantes das competências que almejavam alcançar. A menor habilidade esteve em construir desenhos de programas para atender às situações de aprendizagem e a maior, em avaliar programas de ensino. O maior desejo esteve em desenhar programas com formatos criativos e o menor desejo para usar conselhos, comitês e força-tarefa. Concluiuse que desenhar programas educativos para adultos ainda é algo pouco explorado e pouco experenciado por esses docentes.

  4. Caminhos para a gestão integrada do território no Vale do Paraíba de 1950 a 2004

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    José Luiz Ronca Caruso


    Full Text Available The Paraíba Valley region and its political-administrative frame. The region and its two phases of Planning: the economic development and the sustainable one. The Paraíba Valley Road System as a policy of the economic planning. The Paraíba Valley Region and its physical conformation: the Paraíba do Sul river basin. The water resources management in the Paraíba do Sul river basin. Two levels of management: the federal and the one of the State. The water resources Planning and its possibilities for a sustainable development of the region, through a comprehensive management

  5. Universidades accesibles para todos

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    Roxana Stupp Kupiec


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende hacer conciencia sobrelos factores que inciden en la construcción colectiva deuniversidades dispuestas a innovar y transformar suideología, sus políticas, el currículum, los servicios estu-diantiles, la infraestructura física y administrativa y lasestrategias de comunicación e información, bajo el para-digma de la accesibilidad en el entorno. Se hace referen-cia al marco legal internacional y nacional que orientalas acciones que deben planificarse e implementarse enlas instituciones de Educación Superior.En la construcción de universidades accesibles para to-dos se requiere de un cambio en la concepción curricu-lar. Se analizan conceptos como la flexibilidad en la for-mación y el acceso a los planes de estudio para respondera las necesidades educativas de todos los estudiantes. Para promover estas transformaciones se proponen prin-cipios y prácticas tales como la interdisciplinareidad y lainclusión del tema de la discapacidad en todas las carre-ras. Además, se presentan ejemplos de aplicación en dife-rentes áreas del perfil profesional, en la formación deldocente universitario y en actividades de proyección so-cial, vida estudiantil e investigación. En el ámbito estu-diantil, se describen algunos servicios y procesos que sehan desarrollado en la Universidad de Costa Rica

  6. Propuesta para el cálculo del Índice Dm para la validez de los ítemes


    Dominguez Lara, Sergio


    Se presenta un programa en formato MS Excel para calcular el índice Dm para la validez de los ítemes. La validez es un proceso de acumulación de pruebas para apoyar la interpretación y el uso de las puntuaciones de los tests psicológicos, siendo las relaciones de los puntajes con otras variables externas una importante fuente de validación. Una variante es la llamada validez relacionada al criterio, en la cual se espera una correlación significativa con aquellos criterios externos que son teó...

  7. Educación para el Ocio: Ha llegado la hora de un nuevo objetivo para una vieja idea.

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    Susan Hutchinson


    Full Text Available La Educación para el Ocio nos sitúa ante una vieja idea, que está siendo examinada con renovado vigor en Canadá. Profesionales e investigadores de diversas disciplinas (por ejemplo, en el ámbito de Salud, la Justicia, la Educación o la Recreación reconocen, cada vez más, que son muchas las personas que pueden beneficiarse del ocio y de las oportunidades de recreación en sus comunidades, aún cuando son bastantes las no pueden hacerlo porque carecen de alfabetización en ocio. Esto es, de los conocimientos, habilidades y confianza que se necesitan para darle un significado personal, que incida positivamente en su bienestar y calidad de vida. La Educación para el Ocio es un medio clave para mejorar la alfabetización en ocio. El texto presenta un modelo de educación para el ocio desarrollado por la Dra. Brenda Robertson, argumentando cómo y por qué la Educación para el Ocio es necesaria para abordar la salud mental y el bienestar de las personas que sufren marginación en sus comunidades. Complementariamente se presentan algunas recomendaciones para avanzar esta Educación, como un componente fundamental de la agenda nacional para la recreación en Canadá.--------------------------------------------------------------------Leisure education is an old idea that is being examined with renewed vigour in Canada. Practitioners and researchers from various disciplines (e.g., health, justice, education, recreation are recognising anew that many people who could benefit from leisure or recreation opportunities in their communities are unable to do so because they lack leisure literacy. Leisure literacy refers to the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage in personally meaningful, health-enhancing leisure. Leisure education is a key means to enhance leisure literacy. The paper presents a model of leisure education developed by Dr. Brenda Robertson and argues for how and why leisure education is needed to address the mental health and well

  8. O efeito trabalhador adicional para filhos no Brasil

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    Elzira Lúcia de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a hipótese da existência do efeito trabalhador adicional para filhos no Brasil, procurando identificar se a situação de desemprego do chefe de família fará com que algum membro da família, cuja condição seja filho, transite para a População Economicamente Ativa - PEA. A base de dados utilizada foi a Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego - PME realizada pelo IBGE, que permite a construção de painéis para análise longitudinal de dados. A hipótese foi testada para pelo menos um filho com idade de 10 a 18 anos, entre 2002 e 2013, para as regiões metropolitanas de Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Porto Alegre, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Recife, que compõem a área de abrangência da PME. Este trabalho admite a existência de diferencial por sexo do chefe para o efeito trabalhador adicional de filhos de 10 a 18 anos. Os resultados mostraram haver um efeito positivo maior para chefes homens do que para chefes mulheres, sendo que a variável de transição do filho para a atividade não apresentou significância estatística que permitisse assumir a existência do efeito. Corroborou-se a hipótese da existência de diferencial por sexo, contudo no sentido oposto ao da hipótese assumida.

  9. Effects of an anionic surfactant (FFD-6) on the energy and information flow between a primary producer (Scenedesmus obliquus) and a consumer (Daphnia magna). (United States)

    Lürling, M; de Lange, H J; Peeters, E T H M


    The effects of a commercially available anionic surfactant solution (FFD-6) on growth and morphology of a common green alga (Scenedesmus obliquus) and on survival and clearance rates of the water flea Daphnia magna were studied. The surfactant-solution elicited a morphological response (formation of colonies) in Scenedesmus at concentrations of 10-100 μl l(-1) that were far below the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) value of 1,000 μl l(-1) for growth inhibition. The NOEC-value of FFD-6 for colony-induction was 3 μl l(-1). Daphnia survival was strongly affected by FFD-6, yielding LC(50-24h) and LC(50-48 h) of 148 and 26 μl l(-1), respectively. In addition, clearance rates of Daphnia feeding on unicellular Scenedesmus were inhibited by FFD-6, yielding a 50% inhibition (EC(50-1.5h)) at 5.2 μl l(-1) with a NOEC of 0.5 μl l(-1). When Daphnia were offered FFD-6-induced food in which eight-celled colonies (43 × 29 μm) were most abundant, clearance rates (~0.14 ml ind.(-1) h(-1)) were only 25% the rates of animals that were offered non-induced unicellular (15 × 5 μm) Scenedesmus (~0.56 ml ind.(-1) h(-1)). As FFD-6 concentrations in the treated food used in the experiments were far below the NOEC for clearance rate inhibition, it is concluded that the feeding rate depression was caused by the altered morphology of the Scenedesmus moving them out of the feeding window of the daphnids. The surfactant evoked a response in Scenedesmus that is similar to the natural chemically induced defensive reaction against grazers and could disrupt the natural information conveyance between these plankton organisms.

  10. Biocomercio: una alternativa para el desarrollo sostenible

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    Carlos Murillo R.


    Full Text Available El desarrollo sostenible en países ricos en biodiversidad dependerá de la capacidad de los gobiernos de implementar los arreglos institucionales necesarios para conciliar la preservación de los recursos naturales con el uso de los mismos para la producción de bienes y servicios que puedan potenciar el crecimiento económico y un mayor bienestar para las comunidades locales donde estos recursos se encuentren. Este es el objetivo de la Iniciativa de Biocomercio que ha venido impulsando la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas para el Comercio y el Desarrollo (UNCTAD en distintos países de Latinoamérica. En el tanto estos principios y los establecidos en el CDB se puedan viabilizar e inspiren los distintos Programas Nacionales de Biocomercio en los países de la región, parecería no haber dudas de que la Iniciativa abre nuevas puertas para el uso, aprovechamiento y desarrollo sostenible de los mismos.


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    Rafael Rocha Gomes


    Full Text Available O foco do projeto de pesquisa foi analisar, modelar e construir utilizando uma impressora 3D, um frame de um Veículo Aéreo Não Tripulado (VANT para voos em ambiente indoor. Esta aeronave será usada para experimentos laboratoriais, que exijam características especiais para ambientes indoor e de pesquisa, tais como, ser compacto, leve e uma estrutura que minimize os riscos aos operadores, pois dividirá espaço com pessoas. A motivação desta pesquisa se deu pelo fato dos frames disponíveis no mercado serem voltados para voos outdoor, como por exemplo, os utilizados para monitoramento. Com o intuito de proporcionar uma solução de aeronave para espaço laboratorial indoor, a proposta deste trabalho foi de modelar e imprimir em 3D um protótipo de frame que atenda todos os requisitos necessários para este tipo de voo.

  12. Para una Mejor Comprensión del Desarrollo: Análisis conceptual, lógica para su abordaje e instrumentos para su medición

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    Héctor Cárcamo


    cross nacional para la realización de estudios vinculados al desarrollo. Se plantea una revisión de conceptos fundamentales como el de desarrollo y la necesidad de la equivalencia funcional. El documento continúa con una reflexión guiada desde la noción de desarrollo social; asumiendo críticamente que el desarrollo se ha plasmado como un intento por lograr una radiografía del todo que ha olvidado la integración de sus partes constituyentes, negando de esta manera la diversidad como condición esencial para dar sentido a la idea de una visión integradora. Finalmente se realiza una revisión de CASEN como instrumento para medir el desarrollo social en Chile.


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    Rosinda de Castro Guerra RAMOS


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma experiência sobre como o Google Drive pode ser usado para o desenho de MED (Material Educacional Digital para o ensino-aprendizagem de línguas, devido ao crescente uso das TDICs (Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação na área de educação e aos desafios que o design de materiais educacionais para o ambiente digital nos lançam.  Para apresentar nossa experiência, faremos uma discussão teórica sobre os conceitos de desenvolvimento de material didático (TOMLINSON, 2003; RAMOS, 2009, de material educacional digital –MED – (BEHAR, 2009, multimodalidade (ROJO e BARBOSA, 2015, a lacuna existente em relação ao  letramento digital na formação de professores (LEFFA, 2013, os níveis/tipos  de interação em ambiente digital (HIRUMI, 2013 e sua relação na coconstrução de novos conhecimentos (VIGOTSKY, 1989, 1998; OLIVEIRA, 1997; BRASIL, 1998. Em seguida, descreveremos o Google Drive e as funcionalidades dos aplicativos de produtividade Google Documentos, Planilhas, Apresentações e Formulários. Finalizaremos com considerações sobre essa experiência e suas contribuições para a área de formação de professores de línguas.

  14. Factores de riesgo para el neonato pequeño para la edad gestacional en un hospital de Lima, Perú

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    J. Eduardo Tejeda-Mariaca

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Identificar factores de riesgo para neonatos a término pequeños para la edad gestacional. Materiales y métodos. Cohorte retrospectiva que utilizó datos del Sistema Informático Materno Perinatal del Hospital María Auxiliadora de Lima, del período 2000 a 2010. Se evaluó la edad materna, paridad, nivel educativo, estado civil, índice de masa corporal pregestacional, número de controles prenatales, presencia de patologías como preeclampsia, eclampsia, infección urinaria y diabetes gestacional como factores de riesgo en pequeños para edad gestacional. El peso para la edad gestacional fue calculado sobre la base de percentiles peruanos. Se calcularon los riesgos relativos crudos (RR y ajustados (RRa con sus intervalos de confianza al 95% usando modelos lineales generalizados log binomial. Resultados. Se incluyeron 64 670 gestantes. La incidencia de pequeños para la edad gestacional fue 7,2%. La preeclampsia (RRa 2,0; IC 95%: 1,86-2,15, eclampsia (RRa 3,22; IC 95%: 2,38-4,35, bajo peso materno (RRa 1,38; IC 95%: 1,23-1,54, nuliparidad (RRa 1,32; IC 95%: 1,23-1,42, edad ≥35 años (RRa 1,16; IC 95%: 1,04-1,29, tener controles prenatales de 0 a 2 (RRa 1,43; IC 95%: 1,32-1,55 y 3 a 5 (RRa 1,22; IC 95%: 1,14-1,32 fueron factores de riesgo para ser pequeños para la edad gestacional. Conclusiones. Es necesario identificar a las gestantes con factores de riesgo como los encontrados para disminuir la condición de pequeños para la edad gestacional. Se debe actuar poniendo énfasis en factores modificables, tales como la frecuencia de sus controles prenatales

  15. Ciclo Hápticos: Para Quinteto de Sopros

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    Jorge Luiz de Lima Santos


    Full Text Available Memorial e partitura de Ciclo Hápticos, escrita em 2014 para quinteto de sopros. O memorial descreve brevemente as ferramentas metodológicas empregadas para o planejamento e criação da obra. De um lado, para produção do material melódico-harmônico foi empregado o Sistema-Gr de composição musical, desenvolvido por Carlos Almada (2014. Do outro lado, para organização formal, utilizamos o software Partitions - que faz parte do conjunto de programas do Parsemat, elaborado por Pauxy Gentil-Nunes (2009 – o qual informa o conjunto total de possibilidades de partições de um dado número.

  16. Effect of Na, Ca and pH on simultaneous uptake of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the water flea Daphnia magna measured using stable isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komjarova, I.; Blust, R.


    The present study investigates the effects of Na + , Ca 2+ and pH on the kinetics of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn uptake in Daphnia magna at low exposure concentrations measured using a stable isotope technique. Using experimental data the uptake rate constants were calculated for each metal individually on the basis of total metal concentrations. The copper uptake was not significantly affected by variations in chemical composition of the test medium. Calcium had a suppressing effect on the uptake of Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn. Specifically, Cd and Ni uptake rate constants decreased with increases in calcium concentrations from 0.1 to 2.5 mM. The uptake of Zn and Pb was significantly suppressed only at 2.5 mM Ca. The effect of sodium was less clear. There was no effect of varying sodium concentrations on the Ni uptake rate constants. Cd and Pb showed an increase in uptake rate constants at elevated sodium concentrations (2-8 mM Na + for Cd and 8 mM Na + for Pb). A bell-shaped response on increasing Na + concentrations was observed for Zn with a maximum value of uptake rate constant at the middle value (2 mM Na + ). Variation in pH of the medium affected Cd, Ni and Zn uptake processes. When Daphnia were exposed to acidic conditions (pH 6), the Cd and Ni uptake rate constants were the highest, while similarly low values were observed at neutral and basic conditions. In contrast, the uptake rates of Zn were linearly increasing with increasing pH of the medium.

  17. Proteinas do liquido cefalorraqueano: II. Valores normais das frações proteicas obtidas por eletroforese (variações ligadas a cor, sexo e idade

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    Lucia M. Singer Vermes


    Full Text Available Mediante dosagens de proteínas totais e eletroforese sobre acetato de celulose de 213 amostras de LCR normal, obtidas por punção da cisterna magna, foram efetuados estudos para verificação de variações ligadas à cor, sexo e idade. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que: 1. não existem diferenças ligadas à cor no proteinograma do LCR; 2. em crianças, os fatores sexo e idade não influem nos valores estudados; 3. as taxas de proteínas totais e frações protéicas do LCR normal de criança diferem das de homens e de mulheres; 4. em adultos ocorrem variações ligadas ao sexo no proteinograma do LCR; 5. em adultos, proteínas totais e todas frações protéicas, quando expressas em mg/100 ml, aumentam com o avançar da idade. Foram estabelecidas, para a metodologia usada, as taxas fisiológicas do proteinograma do LCR de crianças, homens e mulheres, separadamente.


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    Carina da Cunha Alvez


    Full Text Available O direito fundamental a um meio ambiente sadio passou à categoria de direito fundamental propriamente dito a partir da edição da Constituição Federal de 1988, pois foi especificamente garantido no corpo da Carta Magna, em seu artigo 225 e seus parágrafos. Ocorre que para se determinar o âmbito de proteção deste novo direito fundamental, tem-se que estabelecer os parâmetros conceituais do meio ambiente e, ter claro que a acepção envolve o ambiente natural, o artificial e o cultural. Para a efetividade deste direito é necessário um primeiro passo no sentido de se implementar a compatibilização entre a preservação do meio ambiente e a continuidade do desenvolvimento/crescimento econômico e tecnológico, ou seja, mister consubstanciar o desenvolvimento sustentável – que por si só não exterminará os danos ambientais, mas é fator positivo na tutela específica

  19. Palladium-mediated conversion of para-aminoarylboronic esters into para-aminoaryl- 11C-methanes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Valdemar Lykke; Herth, Matthias Manfred; Lehel, Szabolcs


    of free amines. Aryl boronic esters containing primary, secondary, and tertiary amines were successfully converted into corresponding labeled methyl derivatives in suf¿cient radiochemical yield to apply this method for tracer development. This procedure was applied to the labeling of CIMBI-712......Cross-couplings are an alternative to conventional 11C-methylations which are generally employed in PET tracer synthesis. Therefore, we set out to develop a general procedure for the synthesis of para-11CH3 labeled aromatic amines from the corresponding para-aminoarylboronic esters in the presence...

  20. Sistema de autenticidad para aplicaciones de análisis de eventos para seguridad.




    [ES] En este proyecto se afronta la creación de un sistema distribuido capaz de garantizar, en aplicaciones empleadas para el análisis de eventos de seguridad, la autenticidad de los datos transmitidos entre el host cliente y servidor con el fin de asegurar la integridad de los mismos en la transmisión entre ambas partes, así como evitar la posible alteración en el destino. Para ello, se utilizará la tecnología blockchain a modo de base de datos en la que se almacenen los hashe...

  1. Para uma abordagem virtuosa do Jornalismo

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    Rogério Christofoletti


    Full Text Available As últimas décadas têm favorecido o crescimento do interesse e dos estudos sobre a ética jornalística. No Brasil e em outras praças, as abordagens deste tema têm sido na maioria das vezes por um caráter deontológico ou utilitarista. Neste artigo, chamamos a atenção para uma perspectiva que privilegie as virtudes como pontos de partida para os debates acerca das condutas dos profissionais. Uma ética das virtudes remete a Aristóteles e aos estoicos, mas vem sendo retomada por autores mais contemporâneos, como Macintyre e Comte-Sponville, entre outros. No jornalismo, esta abordagem não é definitiva ou totalizante, mas contribui para uma compreensão mais ampla da discussão, chamando inclusive a atenção para recomendações éticas úteis, práticas e atuais.

  2. Educación para la Salud: espacio curricular optativo para los estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina


    Susacasa, Sandra; Candreva, Anna; Cerasa, Silvana; Azanza, Marisa


    La educación para la salud adquiere relevancia en los programas institucionales internacionales. Estos se orientan a promover un mayor nivel de salud en la población. Sin embargo, las problemáticas vinculadas al campo de la educación para la salud, de acuerdo con los informes epidemiológicos, no están mejorando. Aún más, la situación se vuelve más crítica. En nuestro país las demandas sociales expresan la urgente necesidad de instalar la Educación para la Salud en espacios educativos y de sal...

  3. Modelo para la implementación de controles internos para empresas constructoras.


    Choez Chiquito, Wilton Antonio


    La presente investigación se refiere al tema Metodología para la implementación de nuevos métodos de Control para las empresas de construcción en el Ecuador. Donde las características principales de este sector ha sido su rápido crecimiento en las últimas dos décadas, con un alto número de trabajadores de obras con bajo o ningún nivel de educación, falta de compromiso por parte de los empleados de obra por el alto nivel de rotación que puede existir debido a que las construcciones son por per...


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    Antonio Bastidas Unigarro


    Full Text Available El perfil del gerente social adecuado para enfrentar los retos del mundo globalizado se ha estructurado a partir de cuatro requerimientos fundamentales: los conocimientos, la experiencia, las habilidades y las actitudes, los cuales se analizan como competencias indispensables para administrar la problemática compleja, llena de incertidumbres y desafíos del nuevo milenio. La propuesta para la construcción de un perfil de este gerente parte de considerar tres tipos de competencias: las funcionales, las comportamentales y los requisitos de estudio y experiencia. Su construcción parte del análisis de la Gerencia Social en el estado neoliberal, escenario, que reclama la formación de gerentes sociales comprometidos en la construcción de una sociedad mas justa, incluyente, participativa, democrática y solidaria.

  5. Toxicity of binary mixtures of metals and pyrethroid insecticides to Daphnia magna Straus. Implications for multi-substance risks assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barata, Carlos [Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology, Universitat Poltiecnica de Catalunya, CN 150 Km 14.5, Terrassa 08220 (Spain)]. E-mail:; Baird, D.J. [National Water Research Institute (Environment Canada) at Canadian Rivers Institute, 10 Bailey Drive, PO Box 45111, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton E3B 6E1, New Brunswick (Canada); Nogueira, A.J.A. [Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro (Portugal); Soares, A.M.V.M. [Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro (Portugal); Riva, M.C. [Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology, Universitat Poltiecnica de Catalunya, CN 150 Km 14.5, Terrassa 08220 (Spain)


    Two different concepts, termed concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA), describe general relationships between the effects of single substances and their corresponding mixtures allowing calculation of an expected mixture toxicity on the basis of known toxicities of the mixture components. Both concepts are limited to cases in which all substances in a mixture influence the same experimental endpoint, and are usually tested against a 'fixed ratio design' where the mixture ratio is kept constant throughout the studies and the overall concentration of the mixture is systematically varied. With this design, interaction among toxic components across different mixture ratios and endpoints (i.e. lethal versus sublethal) is not assessed. In this study lethal and sublethal (feeding) responses of Daphnia magna individuals to single and binary combinations of similarly and dissimilarly acting chemicals including the metals (cadmium, copper) and the pyrethroid insecticides ({lambda}-cyhalothrin and deltamethrin) were assayed using a composite experimental design to test for interactions among toxic components across mixture effect levels, mixture ratios, lethal and sublethal toxic effects. To account for inter-experiment response variability, in each binary mixture toxicity assay the toxicity of the individual mixture constituents was also assessed. Model adequacy was then evaluated comparing the slopes and elevations of predicted versus observed mixture toxicity curves with those estimated for the individual components. Model predictive abilities changed across endpoints. The IA concept was able to predict accurately mixture toxicities of dissimilarly acting chemicals for lethal responses, whereas the CA concept did so in three out of four pairings for feeding response, irrespective of the chemical mode of action. Interaction effects across mixture effect levels, evidenced by crossing slopes, were only observed for the binary mixture Cd and Cu for

  6. Toxicity of binary mixtures of metals and pyrethroid insecticides to Daphnia magna Straus. Implications for multi-substance risks assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barata, Carlos; Baird, D.J.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Riva, M.C.


    Two different concepts, termed concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA), describe general relationships between the effects of single substances and their corresponding mixtures allowing calculation of an expected mixture toxicity on the basis of known toxicities of the mixture components. Both concepts are limited to cases in which all substances in a mixture influence the same experimental endpoint, and are usually tested against a 'fixed ratio design' where the mixture ratio is kept constant throughout the studies and the overall concentration of the mixture is systematically varied. With this design, interaction among toxic components across different mixture ratios and endpoints (i.e. lethal versus sublethal) is not assessed. In this study lethal and sublethal (feeding) responses of Daphnia magna individuals to single and binary combinations of similarly and dissimilarly acting chemicals including the metals (cadmium, copper) and the pyrethroid insecticides (λ-cyhalothrin and deltamethrin) were assayed using a composite experimental design to test for interactions among toxic components across mixture effect levels, mixture ratios, lethal and sublethal toxic effects. To account for inter-experiment response variability, in each binary mixture toxicity assay the toxicity of the individual mixture constituents was also assessed. Model adequacy was then evaluated comparing the slopes and elevations of predicted versus observed mixture toxicity curves with those estimated for the individual components. Model predictive abilities changed across endpoints. The IA concept was able to predict accurately mixture toxicities of dissimilarly acting chemicals for lethal responses, whereas the CA concept did so in three out of four pairings for feeding response, irrespective of the chemical mode of action. Interaction effects across mixture effect levels, evidenced by crossing slopes, were only observed for the binary mixture Cd and Cu for lethal effects

  7. Nuevo lenguaje para un nuevo medio

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    Inma Martín Herrera


    Full Text Available El concepto tradicional de comunicación unidereccional se ha roto para convertirse en comunicación pluridireccional que permitirá la retroalimentación informativa. Las nuevas formas de redactar, contar diseñar y presentar la información en Internet exige nuevos hábitos de lectura por parte de la audiencia. El lector deberá tomar conciencia de que está frente a un medio diferente con el que debe familiarizarse para hacer uso correcto del soporte digital, se informará adecuadamente para disfrutar de las ventajas del innovador medio, conocido como Periodismo de servicios o Nuevo Periodismo.

  8. “Libros para niñas y libros para niños”: Presencia de estereotipos de género en una colección de libros para dibujar

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    Yolanda Cabrera García-Ochoa


    Full Text Available Los aprendizajes que se producen a partir de las propuestas imaginarias y simbólicas en los materiales didácticos pueden contener elementos sexistas. El objetivo del estudio consiste en determinar, a través de un análisis de contenido, si la colección de libros para dibujar “Doodle para niñas” y “Doodle para niños” representa roles estereotipados de género en sus imágenes y en el texto escrito. Tanto a nivel de representación gráfica como escrita, ambos libros utilizan roles estereotipados sobre todo en detrimento de la mujer. Aunque el sistema educativo español señala hace años un modelo igualitario para eliminar la discriminación, los avances conseguidos desde un prisma constitucional y legal, van muy por delante de unos sistemas culturales y sociales que apenas han evolucionado.

  9. Plan de mercadeo para una promotora de eventos corporativos


    Burbano Zhindon, Andrea Cristina; Chavez Lopez, Maria Cecilia; Orlando Haro, Sofia Pierina; Miranda, Jorge Luis


    Este proyecto presenta una alternativa para todas aquellas empresas que realizan eventos frecuentemente, ofreciéndoles un servicio personalizado para la coordinación de cada uno de los detalles que conlleva la organización de un evento. El objetivo fundamental de este estudio es desarrollar un plan de mercadeo para el servicio antes mencionado, aplicando los principios del marketing para su correcta implementación.

  10. Agricultura familiar para el desarrollo rural incluyente

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    Laksmi Reddiar Krishnamurthy


    Full Text Available Las comunidades indígenas Mayas de la península de Yucatán han practicado la antigua tradición de agricultura familiar, en particular los huertos caseros, para garantizar su seguridad alimentaria. Con el objetivo de mejorar la práctica tradicional considerando paradigmas de la ciencia moderna, por una parte, se colectaron datos para definir la complejidad estructural y diversidad funcional a partir de 20 huertos familiares en cinco comunidades: X - Maben, X - Pichil, X - Yatil, San José II y Melchor Ocampo; y por otra, se organizaron grupos de discusión para dilucidar la estrategia de gestión practicada por las comunidades nativas. Los resultados mostraron que los huertos son manejados principalmente por las mujeres. También mostraron que el propósito principal del crecimiento y mantenimiento de los huertos familiares es garantizar la producción de alimentos nutritivos durante todo el año. Y, por último que los huertos caseros también sirven para propósitos secundarios tales como la provisión de productos y servicios para la medicina tradicional. El estudio sugiere que se debe de promover e invertir en huertos caseros para mejorar las estrategias de desarrollo incluyente en ambientes socio-culturales y biofísicos similares.

  11. Patrones de diseño para mejorar la accesibilidad y uso de aplicaciones sociales para adultos mayores

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    Huizilopoztli Luna García


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo fue proponer una colección no exhaustiva de 36 patrones para el diseño de interacciones en aplicaciones sociales para adultos mayores. La propuesta representa un punto de partida confiable para facilitar, a diseñadores/desarrolladores, la integración de usabilidad en las interfaces de estas tecnologías con el fin de fomentar su aceptación, uso y adopción entre los adultos mayores. Esta propuesta se basa en esfuerzos previos comúnmente expresados como criterios y guías de diseño para definir los posibles problemas de usabilidad en este tipo de interfaces, y se concentra en reforzar estos enfoques mediante la integración de una mayor descripción de tales anomalías y alternativas de solución bajo una estructura de patrones útil para los diseñadores/desarrolladores. Se realizó un estudio de usabilidad con la técnica «evaluación heurística» (comúnmente utilizada en interacción hombre-máquina para obtener la percepción de los usuarios sobre un diseño particular. El trabajo se llevó a cabo desde dos perspectivas: el punto de vista de expertos técnicos y la percepción de un grupo social de adultos mayores. Los resultados reflejaron que los patrones propuestos propician la creación de interfaces bien diseñadas capaces de ofrecer una mejor experiencia de uso y promueven un impacto positivo en la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores.

  12. Alimentos balanceados para perros en Costa Rica

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    Ruth Vargas


    Full Text Available Diagnóstico de la comercialización de alimentos balanceados para perros en Costa Rica. Para ampliar los reportes oficiales de la comercialización de alimentos para perros se creó una base de datos que incluyó cantidad, costo, empaque y formulación durante el período 1998 a agosto del 2000. De 1995 a 1998 y de 1996 a 1999 la producción nacional incrementó un 90,4% y la importación un 42,56% respectivamente, ocupando los alimentos nacionales un 72% del tonelaje y un 70% del valor en dólares americanos. No fue posible determinar cuál es el empaque más comercializado, pero si que los alimentos extrusados son los que ocupan el primer lugar y que los alimentos recomendados para cachorros y adultos son los que más se comercializan. La ausencia de datos en las declaraciones sugiere la necesidad de incrementar el control en las mismas en caso de requerirse un estudio de mercado, ya que contrariamente a esta situación el mayor número de garantías inscritas corresponden separadamente para las fases de cachorros y adultos. Merece también atención que las garantías indican mayores porcentajes de proteína cruda que los recomendados por la AAFCO y que al menos 36 fórmulas son recomendadas para estados sanitarios específicos (p.e. para perros con problemas de alergias, cálculos renales, pérdidas de pelo, etc. sin que oficialmente se encuentre registrada ninguna fórmula medicada

  13. Actitud Positiva: la base para la competitividad

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    Marco Anderson Espinoza


    Full Text Available Una estrategia empresarial enfocado en el mejoramiento continuo de la productividad para la competitividad, depende significativamente del manejo inteligente de tres variables visibles:Calidad, Entrega oportuna y Costo. No obstante, estas tres variables no suelen sersuficientes. La estrategia debe ser complementada con el manejo adecuado de variables intangibles como la Motivación y las Condiciones de Trabajo, con la aplicación de Tecnología Ambientalmente Amigable, en un marco de Actitud Positiva.A final de cuentas, la Actitud Positiva es fundamental para el recurso humano de cualquier organización, a fin de construir una plataforma sólida y estable que sirva de base para soportar un proceso sostenible de mejoramiento de la productividad, para aumentar la competitividad como estrategia empresarial exitosa.

  14. Survival, reproduction, growth, and parasite resistance of aquatic organisms exposed on-site to wastewater treated by advanced treatment processes. (United States)

    Schlüter-Vorberg, Lisa; Knopp, Gregor; Cornel, Peter; Ternes, Thomas; Coors, Anja


    Advanced wastewater treatment technologies are generally known to be an effective tool for reducing micropollutant discharge into the aquatic environment. Nevertheless, some processes such as ozonation result in stable transformation products with often unknown toxicity. In the present study, whole effluents originating from nine different steps of advanced treatment combinations were compared for their aquatic toxicity. Assessed endpoints were survival, growth and reproduction of Lumbriculus variegatus, Daphnia magna and Lemna minor chronically exposed in on-site flow-through tests based on standard guidelines. The treatment combinations were activated sludge treatment followed by ozonation with subsequent filtration by granular activated carbon or biofilters and membrane bioreactor treatment of raw wastewater followed by ozonation. Additionally, the impact of treated wastewater on the immune response of invertebrates was investigated by challenging D. magna with a bacterial endoparasite. Conventionally treated wastewater reduced reproduction of L. variegatus by up to 46%, but did not affect D. magna and L. minor with regard to survival, growth, reproduction and parasite resistance. Instead, parasite susceptibility was significantly reduced in D. magna exposed to conventionally treated as well as ozonated wastewater in comparison to D. magna exposed to the medium control. None of the three test organisms provided clear evidence that wastewater ozonation leads to increased aquatic toxicity. Rather than to the presence of toxic transformation products, the affected performance of L. variegatus could be linked to elevated concentrations of ammonium and nitrite that likely resulted from treatment failures. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Extraction and analysis of silver and gold nanoparticles from biological tissues using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Gray, Evan P; Coleman, Jessica G; Bednar, Anthony J; Kennedy, Alan J; Ranville, James F; Higgins, Christopher P


    Expanded use of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in consumer products increases the potential for environmental release and unintended biological exposures. As a result, measurement techniques are needed to accurately quantify ENP size, mass, and particle number distributions in biological matrices. This work combines single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spICPMS) with tissue extraction to quantify and characterize metallic ENPs in environmentally relevant biological tissues for the first time. ENPs were extracted from tissues via alkaline digestion using tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH). Method development was performed using ground beef and was verified in Daphnia magna and Lumbriculus variegatus . ENPs investigated include 100 and 60 nm Au and Ag stabilized by polyvynylpyrrolidone (PVP). Mass- and number-based recovery of spiked Au and Ag ENPs was high (83-121%) from all tissues tested. Additional experiments suggested ENP mixtures (60 and 100 nm Ag ENPs) could be extracted and quantitatively analyzed. Biological exposures were also conducted to verify the applicability of the method for aquatic organisms. Size distributions and particle number concentrations were determined for ENPs extracted from D. magna exposed to 98 μg/L 100 nm Au and 4.8 μg/L 100 nm Ag ENPs. The D. magna nanoparticulate body burden for Au ENP uptake was 613 ± 230 μg/kgww, while the measured nanoparticulate body burden for D. magna exposed to Ag ENPs was 59 ± 52 μg/kgww. Notably, the particle size distributions determined from D. magna tissues suggested minimal shifts in the size distributions of ENPs accumulated, as compared to the exposure media.

  16. Technological properties of kaolin from Para; Propriedades tecnologicas do caulin do Para

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hildebrando, E.; Martin-Cortes, G.R.; Esper, F.J.; Wiebeck, H.; Alves Junior, P.; Valenzuela-Diaz, F.R., E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (PMT/EP/USP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Escola Politecnica. Departamento de Engenharia Metalurgica e de Materiais


    The NE of the State of Para, is notable for its large reserves of kaolin for paper. Kaolin is a mineral composed of hydrated aluminum silicates such as kaolinite and halloysite. The exploitation of these reserves to generate products with higher commercial value, especially in the industries of adsorbents and catalysts, is what motivates the continuous study of technological properties of the Amazon kaolin's. Thus, this paper presents a technological characterization of a sample of kaolin from Para State by X-ray diffraction, SEM - scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The results of preliminary tests indicate that the sample consists for the most part by kaolinite present in low concentrations of quartz and anatase. (author)

  17. The return of Ehrlich's 'Therapia magna sterilisans' and other Ehrlich concepts?. Series of papers honoring Paul Ehrlich on the occasion of his 150th birthday. (United States)

    Sörgel, F


    On March 14th of this year, the birthday of Paul Ehrlich, the great German researcher and 'founder of chemotherapy', returned for the 150th time. Interestingly, his later colleague Emil von Behring was born one day later in 1854. Both were coworkers in Robert Koch's laboratory and became Nobel Prize laureates (for their work in immunology), making great contributions to antiinfectious treatments. Emil von Behring's approach was through the use of immunological agents, while Ehrlich favored an approach of antiinfectious treatment by chemical agents. Through an ingenious concept that was a clear continuation of his early days in research with dyes, he found the first chemotherapeutic agents. From his dye work, he had concluded the following: if there are dyes that one can use to stain cells, why not develop pharmacological agents that, like stains, also attach to a structure in the living pathogen and kill them. He gave these agents the emotionally charged name 'magic bullets'. This introductory review will initiate a series of papers on the occasion of Ehrlich's 150th birthday and the 'World Conference on Dosing of Antiinfectives: Dosing the Magic Bullets', which is going to be held in Nürnberg, Germany, from September 9 to 11, 2004 (see Apart from the conference topic, this conference will also commemorate a real science giant of the last century and yet a modest human being whom, as Robert Koch put it, 'one had to like'. This article recalls Ehrlich's ingenious concepts, including modern syphilis treatment, one-dose treatment ('therapia magna sterilisans') of Helicobacter pylori infections and introduction of an arsenic compound, arsenic trioxide, as well as experiments and new exciting data on Congo red, a well-known 'non-Ehrlich dye'. Copyright 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

  18. Desarrollo de manuales para la inspección y revisión de instalaciones petrolíferas para uso propio, para suministro a vehículos y transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera


    Cardell Bilbao, Pablo Juan


    El objetivo de este proyecto es la realización de un manual que aúne y clarifique toda la documentación, la normativa y los procedimientos necesarios para cumplir las auditorías (revisiones e inspecciones) en las instalaciones existentes, los trámites para la apertura de nuevas instalaciones para suministro a vehículos (especialmente las Estaciones de Servicio (EESS), y para Usos Propios (UUPP) en Canarias, y el transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera (ADR), mostrando el procedimien...

  19. Oxitocina: nuevas perspectivas para una droga antigua


    Steven L. CLARK; Kathleen Rice SIMPSON; G. Eric KNOX; Thomas J. GARITE


    La oxitocina es el medicamento más comúnmente asociada con la prevención de complicaciones perinatales y recientemente fue incluida por el Instituto para la Administración Medicamentosa Segura (Institute for Safe Medication Practices - ISMP) en una pequeña lista de medicamentos “con alto grado de riesgos”, lo que puede “necesitar salvaguardas especiales para reducir el riesgo de error”. Las recomendaciones actuales para administrar este medicamento son vagas en relación a la indicación, tiemp...


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    César Alfonso Defrancisco-Larrañaga


    Full Text Available El planeta no atraviesa por su mejor momento en materia de conservación y renovación de sus recursos naturales. Claramente en los últimos tiempos los recursos hídricos han venido haciéndose cada vez menores; el hombre ha notado con preocupación y vivido en carne propia este fenómeno, que de no ser tratado a tiempo, podría atentar contra la existencia misma. Esto lo ha alentado a buscar métodos que sirvan como solución para contrarrestar éste mal y crear conciencia entre sus iguales, para así poder garantizar su permanencia y la de su entorno durante muchas generaciones. En países desarrollados del continente europeo y en algunos lugares de América del norte, el uso de sistemas de reutilización y tratamiento de aguas grises y aprovechamiento de las aguas lluvias se ha convertido en una constante y nos están dando las pautas para poder seguir el ejemplo y así de esta manera poder aportar a la causa ambiental y a su vez crear un ahorro en nuestros gastos mensuales de consumo.


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    Miryam Narváez Rivero


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El sistema educativo tiene el reto actual de formar individuos autónomos. Esta autonomía no implica solo el que las personas tengan los recursos necesarios para aprender a aprender, sino que puedan convivir armónicamente en comunidad, escuchándose a sí mismos para tomar sus propias decisiones, sin estar determinados por deseos instintivos ni modelos coercitivos impuestos por la sociedad. Así, para desarrollar autonomía, le corresponde a la educación trabajar tres elementos: la voluntad, la libertad y la autoestima. De esta forma, una educación promotora de una verdadera autonomía deberá tener un carácter dialógico, haciendo hincapié en la integración solidaria de la persona con su comunidad. Nos referimos a una persona que no ha renunciado a sus metas ni aspiraciones, sino que sabe cómo guiarlas hacia un proyecto común de bienestar general. ABSTRACT: The educative system’s latest challenge is to educate independent individuals. This autonomy does not just imply that people have the necessary resources to learn to learn, but the ones they need to live together in harmony with others, listening to themselves to make their own decisions without being determined by instinctive desires nor coercive models imposed by the society. It is so, that to develop autonomy, the educational system must work with these three elements: will, freedom and self-esteem. Also, an educational system which promotes a true autonomy must have a dialogic character, insisting on the individual solidarity integration with the community; with this, we mean a person who has not resigned to his goals or aspirations, but that knows how to guide them towards a common project for the community well-being.

  2. Efecto tóxico del DDT, clordano y agua de la presa Ignacio Ramírez (México), sobre Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Daphnidae)


    Laura Martínez-Tabche; Martha Romero Solís; Eugenia López López; Marcela Galar Martínez


    Actualmente en México son empleados los plaguicidas diclorodifeniltricloroetano (DDT) y clordano (CLO) para combatir la malaria y termitas. De 1990 a 1996 un total de 27 ton de DDT y 508 de CLO, en forma de productos técnicos, fueron importados. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer una metodología para determinar el impacto ambiental que pueden producir estos compuestos sobre un embalse. El efecto tóxico del DDT y CLO fue evaluado sobre la actividad de la o-demetilasa (OD) y del acetilc...

  3. Significado de la calidad de vida del adulto mayor para sí mismo y para su familia

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    Martha Vera


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comprender el significado que la expresión lingüística ‘calidad de vida del adulto mayor’ tiene para el adulto mayor y para su familia. Diseño: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, interpretativo - comprensivo, fundamentado en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales. Lugar: Asentamiento Humano Laura Caller, en Los Olivos. Participantes: Adultos mayores y sus respectivos grupos familiares. Métodos: Las técnicas e instrumentos utilizados fueron la observación, entrevista a profundidad y grupos focales; guía de observación y dos cuestionarios con ocho preguntas norteadoras, previamente validados. Principales medidas de resultados: Significado de calidad de vida para el adulto mayor y para la familia. Resultados: Participaron dieciséis adultos mayores con sus respectivos grupos familiares, entre 2004 y 2006. Los discursos a través de la ‘objetivación’ y el ‘anclaje’ y los análisis general, ideográfico-axial y nomotético-selectivo permitieron la emergencia de cuatro representaciones sociales: a conocimiento sobre la vejez y ser un adulto mayor; b elementos principales y secundarios del significado de calidad de vida del adulto mayor; c valores y actitudes del adulto mayor y familia sobre la calidad de vida; y, d necesidades del adulto mayor como ser social y la calidad de vida. Conclusiones: Para el adulto mayor, calidad de vida significa tener paz y tranquilidad, ser cuidado y protegido por la familia con dignidad, amor y respeto, y tener satisfechas como ser social sus necesidades de libre expresión, decisión, comunicación e información. Para la familia, que el adulto mayor satisfaga sus necesidades de alimentación, vestido, higiene y vivienda.


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    Patrícia Melo Silva


    Full Text Available O trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre como a ética pode contribuir para a ciência se desenvolver de maneira sustentável com o intuito de garantir a biodiversidade em uma sociedade que cresce de acordo com a moral utilitarista. Os principais aspectos analisados foram questões da ética como proposta oposta à moral utilitarista, além de aspectos relacionados à economia global, ao sistema capitalista e à interdisciplinaridade. O principal objetivo do trabalho é analisar como a ética pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável e para o respeito à biodiversidade. A metodologia utilizada foi a de análise bibliográfica.

  5. Efectos del cromo hexavalente y un carbamato sobre dos especies de cladoceros

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    Carmen Reyes Blandon


    Full Text Available The effect of a carbamate and a heavy metal was evaluated on survival, sexual maturation and fertility of the acuatic cladocerans Daphnia magna and Daphnia obtusa. Alcute toxicity -LC50 and chronic toxicity-CV values were determined. For D. magna LC50 Cr+6 was 0.35 mg/l and CV 0.20 mg/l. For D. obtusa LC50 Cr+6 was 0.04 mg/l and VC 0.009 mg/l. For D. magna LC50 Methomyl was 0.10 mg/l and CV 2.2x10-3 mg/l. Exposure of D. obtusa to Methomyl yielded a LC50 of 0.005 mg/l, and response of animal at sublethal concentrations were irregular, therefore CV statistical confidence was poor and not show.

  6. Nueva Sede para la Academia

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    Mario Camacho Pinto


    Full Text Available

    Una nueva sede adecuadamente dotada siempre estuvo en la mente de nuestros expresidentes Académicos César Augusto Pantoja, Hernando Groot, Pablo Gómez Martínez, Jorge Cavelier Gaviria y Efraim Otero-Ruiz, con quienes me tocó en suerte trabajar 12 años consecutivos, cerca de ellos a través de mi cargo de Coordinardor de la Comisión Permanente de Biblioteca y Publicaciones y de la Revista MEDICINA que se ha venido publicando sin interrupciones dentro de un compañerismo ejemplar; además de otras distinciones operativas que me inducen a expresar gratitud.

    Ahora, además, como Secretario de la Coporación por elección unánime de la Asamblea hace dos años, he sido testigo ático de una intensa, inteligente e inagotable actividad que nuestro Presidente Académico Juan Jacobo Muñoz Delgado quien siempre con el visto bueno de la Junta Directiva, mediante un acelerado ritmo de trabajo se impuso la tarea de convertir en realidad inmediata tan anhelada y necesaria idea.

    En efecto, la nueva sede fue inaugurada oficialmente el día 2 de septiembre de 1993.

    Este Editorial es la constancia escrita de tal febril actividad que para proporcionar evidencia a los lectores de “MEDICINA” resumo en breves incisos que muestran el tránsito a un estado con superávit de excepción para esta clase de instituciones:

    1. Terminación de la obra ya iniciada de la remodelación arquitectónica, tanto exterior de seguridad y aspecto como interior con suficientes y modernas instalaciones.

    2. Cerramiento total con altas y elegantes rejas metálicas y doble portería por la calle 69 y la carrera 7a.

    3. Aparcadero lujosamente adoquinado, amplio y seguro para 30 automóviles.

    4. Decoración interior estéticamente consultada, bien lograda en cortinas y clásicas lámparas de cristal obsequiadas por conocidos académicos. Un par de originales urnas precolombianas en el hall de entrada.

    5. Zona social doble, amplia

  7. Hacia un nuevo diseño para el aprendizaje: escenarios educativos para la Web 2.0

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    Alejandro Canales Cruz


    Full Text Available En este artículo se retoma la caracterización de pedagogía en la virtualidad, la cual se fundamenta en la apropiación tecnológica en función de la educación y voluntad de los participantes. Se propone la convergencia del diseño tecnopedagógico, unido a la apropiación creativa y a los usos pedagógicos efectivos para maximizar el proceso educativo. Se plantea el empleo de la especificación IMS Learning Design (LD para la construcción de escenarios educativos como un proceso sistémico con actividades interrelacionadas que permiten crear ambientes que en verdad faciliten, de forma mediada, el proceso educativo. Finalmente, se presenta una herramienta para la autoría de escenarios educativos.

  8. Modelo de negocio para bebidas funcionales Ceiba


    Gil Giraldo, Jhonatan; Restrepo Mesa, Juan Eduardo


    El presente documento, modelo de negocio para bebidas naturales Ceiba, es el trabajo de grado realizado por los autores con el fin de optar al título de magíster en Administración (MBA) de la Universidad EAFIT -- El cual esta soportado en los diferentes conceptos y metodologías de modelo de negocio y planes de negocio -- Por tratarse de un prototipo que busca definir los elementos estratégicos necesarios para su desarrollo, arrojó como resultado que la metodología más adecuada para ser aplica...

  9. Middleware Cerberus usando RFID para rastreabilidade bovina


    Silva, Márcio Roberto


    A gerência na zootecnia de precisão é cada vez mais necessária para garantia de lucros e a conquista de novos mercados os quais exigem qualidade e certificação. Nesta dissertação é abordado um sistema de rastreabilidade para o controle na bovinocultura utilizando chips RFID. Sendo que a identificação segura dos animais é a base para a rastreabilidade bovina e bubalina. Em vista as exigências do mercado consumidor o governo brasileiro instituiu o Sistema Brasileiro de Identificação e Certifica...

  10. Test para la profilaxis de la prematuridad


    Cruz Laguna, Gladys María


    La prematuridad constituye un problema mundial de salud, la comunidad científica busca predictores para disminuir su incidencia. La investigación persiguió obtener una escala de puntuación que modele las características cervicales y permita diagnosticar la condición de riesgo de las gestantes para extender el período de gestación y lograr nacimientos al término. Se realizó un cuasiexperimento en gestantes con factores de riesgo para la prematuridad del municipio Holguín. La muestra fue confor...

  11. Biokinetics of cadmium, selenium, and zinc in freshwater alga Scenedesmus obliquus under different phosphorus and nitrogen conditions and metal transfer to Daphnia magna

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Riqing; Wang Wenxiong


    The uptake of Cd, Se(IV) and Zn by the freshwater alga Scenedesmus obliquus and the subsequent transfer and release budget in Daphnia magna were investigated under different nutrient additions and cell incubation conditions. An increase in ambient phosphate concentrations from 0.5 μmol l -1 to 50 μmol l -1 significantly increased the intracellular accumulation of Cd (by 18x) and Zn (by 5x), but decreased the accumulation of Se (by 126x) in the alga. The percentage of these metals distributing in the intracellular pool of algae also increased substantially with increasing ambient P concentrations. Nitrate addition from 5.0 to 200 μmol l -1 did not influence the uptake of any of the three metals, although a significant decrease in the intracellular Se distribution was observed. Radiolabeled algae under different nutrient manipulations (semi-continuous culture, starvation, and P-pulse treatments) were used to measure trophic transfer assimilation efficiency (AE) in Daphnia. When the algal cells were grown in a semi-continuous culture, starved for N and P, or were treated with P-pulse, the AEs of Cd and Zn were generally independent of the nutritional conditions, but the Se AE was significantly affected by different P levels. The efflux rate constants, determined during 10 d depuration following 7 days of dietary uptake, decreased significantly for Cd and Zn, but were relatively constant for Se with increasing P concentration. N-addition caused no effect on the metal efflux rate constants. P- or N-additions did not influence the release budget (including molting, neonates, excretion and feces) for all three elements in Daphnia. Our study indicated that phosphate enrichment may substantially increase metal uptake in green alga S. obliquus. Responses of trophic transfer in Daphnia to nutrient enrichment were metal specific. P-enrichment can possibly lead to considerable decrease on Se transfer from algae to zooplankton. - Phosphorous enrichment influences metal uptake

  12. Biokinetics of cadmium, selenium, and zinc in freshwater alga Scenedesmus obliquus under different phosphorus and nitrogen conditions and metal transfer to Daphnia magna

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu Riqing; Wang Wenxiong


    The uptake of Cd, Se(IV) and Zn by the freshwater alga Scenedesmus obliquus and the subsequent transfer and release budget in Daphnia magna were investigated under different nutrient additions and cell incubation conditions. An increase in ambient phosphate concentrations from 0.5 {mu}mol l{sup -1} to 50 {mu}mol l{sup -1} significantly increased the intracellular accumulation of Cd (by 18x) and Zn (by 5x), but decreased the accumulation of Se (by 126x) in the alga. The percentage of these metals distributing in the intracellular pool of algae also increased substantially with increasing ambient P concentrations. Nitrate addition from 5.0 to 200 {mu}mol l{sup -1} did not influence the uptake of any of the three metals, although a significant decrease in the intracellular Se distribution was observed. Radiolabeled algae under different nutrient manipulations (semi-continuous culture, starvation, and P-pulse treatments) were used to measure trophic transfer assimilation efficiency (AE) in Daphnia. When the algal cells were grown in a semi-continuous culture, starved for N and P, or were treated with P-pulse, the AEs of Cd and Zn were generally independent of the nutritional conditions, but the Se AE was significantly affected by different P levels. The efflux rate constants, determined during 10 d depuration following 7 days of dietary uptake, decreased significantly for Cd and Zn, but were relatively constant for Se with increasing P concentration. N-addition caused no effect on the metal efflux rate constants. P- or N-additions did not influence the release budget (including molting, neonates, excretion and feces) for all three elements in Daphnia. Our study indicated that phosphate enrichment may substantially increase metal uptake in green alga S. obliquus. Responses of trophic transfer in Daphnia to nutrient enrichment were metal specific. P-enrichment can possibly lead to considerable decrease on Se transfer from algae to zooplankton. - Phosphorous enrichment

  13. para mujeres y niños vulnerables

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... a nivel global . 73. Generar confianza y crear espacio para el compromiso . 75 .... para construir sistemas de salud sólidos y han colaborado inmensamente con ..... instituciones sanitarias se ve obligado a recolectar información y a registrar ...

  14. Modelo para la Gestión de la Innovación por Proyectos para Empresas que aplican el Perfeccionamiento Empresarial en Cuba


    Antonio M. Navarro López


    Las Empresas que aplican el Perfeccionamiento Empresarial, no cuentan con un Modelo para la Gestión de la Innovación para el desarrollo Empresarial. Por lo que se propone éste Modelo para las mismas y generalizándose de esta forma el conocimiento de Gestión de la Innovación de la Empresa de Proyectos de Arquitectura e Ingeniería de Matanzas, Cuba, lo que permite el desarrollo Empresarial y la Implantación del Sub Sistema de Innovación para estas Empresas en Perfeccionamiento Empresarial. Se p...

  15. Retos para la agricultura en Costa Rica

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    Oscar Arias M.


    Full Text Available Retos para la agricultura en Costa Rica es un análisis crítico del desarrollo agrícola de Costa Rica de los últimos 25 años. La diversificación agrícola que promovió Costa Rica en la década de los ochenta, permitió ampliar la oferta exportable y reducir la vulnerabilidad de la dependencia económica de productos tradicionales, como café y banano. Los retos de la economía global y el establecimiento de tratados comerciales con muchos países, hacen necesario que el país promueva en el sector agrícola la exportación con mayor valor agregado, para lo cual es necesario una modernización y reconversión productiva, ya que el modelo actual está agotado. Debemos mejorar sustancialmente los bienes y servicios que ofrecemos; para este propósito, algunos aspectos como la imagen de marca del país con tradición democrática, respeto a los derechos laborales, así como las buenas prácticas de manejo ambiental, deben publicitarse. Como una herramienta clave para la incorporación de mayor valor agregado a nuestra producción agrícola, debemos promover la inversión en investigación y desarrollo, que históricamente ha sido escasa (0,4% del PIB. En vista de que el Estado Costarricense ha demostrado una incapacidad crónica para impulsar la ciencia y la tecnología como una herramienta para nuestro desarrollo, se propone un estímulo a la inversión privada y el fortalecimiento de una alianza con el Estado y las universidades. Se analiza la conveniencia del fortalecimiento de la autosuficiencia alimentaria y de que las empresas pequeñas y medianas jueguen un papel más activo en la agro-exportación. Respecto a los tratados comerciales que se han venido negociando, se considera la conveniencia para el país, ya que son instrumentos para integrar nuestro quehacer económico a nivel mundial, y nuestro deber es el de luchar para que el sector agropecuario tenga oportunidad de subsistir competitivamente según esas nuevas reglas y

  16. Matemática para la familia


    Cittadino, José


    Para muchos profesores de matemáticas ha sido de primordial interés encontrar estrategias didácticas apropiadas para orientar el aprendizaje de las matemáticas escolares de los niños (as) y jóvenes de manera que las clases se conviertan en encuentros agradables y la relación matemática-aprendizaje- profesor sea la mejor.

  17. Educación para emprender, una opción para el mundo en desarrollo

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    Luis Gerardo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La búsqueda de las formas educativas para corresponder con el momento histórico que vive el mundo de hoy, ha sacudido de reformas, adecuaciones y reconversiones, la geografía de nuestros países aspirantes al desarrollo. En Latinoamérica la reforma educativa es una constante y este fenómeno implica, que como educadores estemos obligados a asumir en mayor o menor proporción, el impacto de tal explosión reformista. Construir desde el quehacer cotidiano, formas de educación para orientar de manera coherente la formación de hombres para dirigir organizaciones en el mundo  de hoy, implica general un proceso educativo acorde con la reforma de la educación superior en el macro de la apertura y globalización  de la economía, y  la cual problemática social en la que se vislumbran la inestabilidad del futuro, plasmada en la crisis de la certeza y el reto de la complejidad

  18. Um Termômetro para as Macro-Prudenciais

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    Fabio Kanczuk


    Full Text Available Desenvolvemos um modelo com fricções no crédito tanto para firmas como famílias. Crédito às firmas é tratado como nos modelos de acelerador financeiro (e.g. Bernanke e Gilchrist (1999. Os juros sobre os recursos emprestados às famílias dependem de seu endividamento, como em Curdia e Woodford (2010. O modelo é estimado para o Brasil, utilizado para estudar os episódios de desaceleração, e para a extração dos prêmios de financiamento (destilados a partir de dados não financeiros, os quais são comparados com informações sobre crédito às pessoas físicas e jurídicas. Dessa forma, o obtém-se um termômetro para mensurar como medidas prudenciais sobre o crédito afetam atividade e inflação.

  19. Vascularização arterial e venosa do linfonodo poplíteo em cães

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    Karina de Senna Villar


    Full Text Available O linfonodo poplíteo nos cães situa-se, à direita e à esquerda em um espaço designado fossa poplítea, no terço distal dos músculos bíceps femoral, lateralmente e semitendinoso, medialmente, projetando-se na altura da face caudal das articulações femoro tibial e femoro patelar (articulação do joelho. Neste estudo foram utilizados vinte e cinco cães, machos e fêmeas adultos, procedentes do canil municipal de Araçatuba, São Paulo, cujas capturas foram efetuadas pela defesa sanitária animal desta cidade. Os vasos arteriais destinados a esta estrutura derivam sempre, de ambos os lados, da artéria femoral caudal distal e variam de 10 a 1, com maior freqüência de 2 (7 vezes, 28% à direita e de 6 a 2 igualmente com maior freqüência de 2 (8 vezes, 32%. Tão logo tem-se ainda à direita 5 e 6 ramos (3 vezes, 12%, 1, 7 e 10 (1 vez, 4%. Relativamente às veias derivadas deste linfonodo, convergem sempre para a veia safena lateral, estes vasos oscilam entre 9 e 2, com maior freqüência de 3 (9 vezes, 3,6%, à direita e de 12 a 2, com maior freqüência de 3 (10 vezes, 40% à esquerda. Assim, os demais ramos oriundos da linfonodo poplíteo direito e que se inserem na veia supracitada são em número de 2 e 5 (5 vezes, 20%, 4 e 6 (2 vezes, 8% e 8 e 9 (1 vez, 4%. Não obstante, ao lado esquerdo verifica-se em número de 2 ramos (6 vezes, 24%, 4 (4 vezes, 16%, 6 (3 vezes, 12% e finalizando 9 e 12 ramos (1 vez, 4%. O tamanho do linfonodo poplíteo em cães soropositivos para Leishmaniose Visceral pode encontrar-se entre 7,8 x 3,8 x 6,1 a 50,0 x 20,7 x 28,5 , em mm, sendo a média 26,18 x 10,5 x 15,97 mm para o direito e 26,98 x 11,14 x 15,25 mm para o esquerdo (referente as medidas dorso-ventral, latero-lateral e crânio-caudal, respectivamente.

  20. Metodologia de la Administración Federal de Aviación para el Diseño de estructuras de Pavimento flexible para aeropuertos

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    Julián Rodrigo Quintero González


    Full Text Available Se representan los aspectos técnicos fundamentales y principalesconsideraciones de la metodologia propuesta por la Administracion Federal de Aviación FAA para el diseño de estructuras de pavimento para aeropuertos. Se exponen los aspectos sobre las variables consideradas en el diseño (estructurales tránsito, factores ambientales y factores intrinsecos, se establecen las caracteristicas de las variables consideradas por el metodo (subrasante y materiales para la estructura, geometría del tren de aterrizaje, número de decolajes equivalentes y peso bruto maximo del decolaje y se explica el procedimiento utilizado para el tratamiento de la información requerida en diseño estructural de pavimentos flexibles para aeropuertos.

  1. Construyendo campos para el aprendizaje creativo. Método del juego

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    Paco Cerezo Sánchez


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta el marco teórico, el camino recorrido y los resultados de una experiencia piloto para la formación de formadores y de trabajadores del sector de transportes, experiencia hecha para desarrollar competencias interpersonales.Avanzamos desde el constructivismo y proponemos un método de aprendizaje en grupo, denominado Método del juego porque se basa en juegos sociales experienciados por los participantes (alumnos durante el taller.Aquí, hablo de los contenidos formativos - dirigidos especialmente a la formación de formadores- y también de la forma de aprender y de la estructura oculta en los procesos de aprendizaje. Describo un marco teórico que permite aplicar métodos de aprendizaje grupal y creativo para la formación continua, y aporto herramientas para que los formadores las adapten y construyan sus propios juegos didácticos. El marco creativo de aprendizaje y este método del juego nacen de experiencias entrenando a actores de teatro de calle (desde 1983, formadores y directivos (desde 1991 y aplicaciones para eLearning (1996-2007 en diferentes sectores y países europeos; experiencia consolidada con el equipo de (2005-2008. Al principio usaba juegos extraídos del circo, ahora son juegos sociales o de mesa.El marco creativo y el método del juego aquí propuestos sirven para desarrollar: el potencial humano, la autonomía personal, la creatividad y la innovación, las competencias interpersonales, de trabajo en equipo, para comprender y solucionar conflictos; la habilidad para comprender y solucionar problemas complejos; la habilidad para aprender a aprender.Así, esta propuesta para aprender jugando en grupo recoge las experiencias acumuladas durante 20 años formando formadores y complementa a otras investigaciones y productos1, muchos de ellos específicos para la formación de formadores. Para Aprender jugando en grupo hemos creado un paquete integrado por el marco teórico creador de

  2. Confianza y capital social: evidencia para México

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    Rubén Martínez-Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Desde la perspectiva económica la confianza entre los miembros de una sociedad está asociada al funcionamiento eficiente de los mercados, al reforzamiento de contratos y, en general, a la capacidad para generar desarrollo y bienestar. En este artículo exploramos empíricamente los determinantes de la confianza en México, en particular, aislamos la relación entre dos medidas de capital social, una para el individuo y otra para su entorno. Nuestros resultados muestran que la confianza aumenta con estas medidas de capital social y con ausencia de se - gregación es mayor en comunidades pequeñas, a mayor edad y para habitantes del centro-occidente, entre otras.


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    Agenor Brighent


    Full Text Available Teve lugar, em Nairobi, o II Fórum Mundial de Teologia e Libertação, entre os dias 16e 19de janeiro de 2007.O primeiro havia sido realizado em Porto Alegre, em janeiro de 2005, cujos resultados estão publicados em L.C. SUSIN (org., Teologia para outro mundo possível, São Paulo: Paulinas, 2006 (485 pp.. O segundo teve como tema - "espiritualidade para outro mundo possível". Fizeram-se presentes 300participantes, oriundos dos cinco Continentes, em sua maioria da África, especialmente de Nairobi, seguida da Europa, América, Ásia e Oceania, respectivamente. Para além da reflexão e dos conteúdos, o simples encontro e cruzamento de buscas e realizações em esfera planetária, já justifica por si só o evento. Em tempos de crise de paradigmas e dos metarrelatos, a experiência se erige como lugar privilegiado para repensar a razão e as razões do existir, do mundo e da fé. Os trabalhos tiveram lugar no Carmelite Center, nos arredores da contrastante capital do Quênia.

  4. Tithonia diversifolia: especie para ramoneo en sistemas silvopastoriles y métodos para estimar su consumo.

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    Estefanía Mejía-Díaz


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue recopilar avances investigativos sobre aspectos agronómicos, nutricionales y productivos de T. diversifolia Hemsl. A Gray en sistemas silvopastorils (SSP como estrategia de producción ganadera y conocer metodologías para estimar el consumo de forraje de vacas bajo SSP. La introducción de sistemas silvopastoriles proporciona una vegetación estrati cada, además de generar diversos bienes, servicios ambientales y bienestar animal, constituyéndose, desde el punto de vista productivo, ecológico, económico y social, en una de las modalidades más prometedoras de los sistemas agroforestales. En la presente revisión se realizó una descripción de la arbustiva T. diversifolia Hemsl. A Gray, como especie estratégica para ser introducida en los sistemas silvopastoriles sean estos de baja o alta densidad, la cual por su calidad composicional ha sido reportada como una arbustiva con potencial para ser utilizada en la nutrición de rumiantes, teniendo un posible efecto positivo sobre índices productivos y económicos. Se discutieron tres técnicas utilizadas para estimar el consumo de forraje por bovinos en pastoreo, las cuales pueden ser aplicadas tanto en sistemas tradicionales como en sistemas silvopastoriles.

  5. ParaChoice Model.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heimer, Brandon Walter [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States); Levinson, Rebecca Sobel [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States); West, Todd H. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States)


    Analysis with the ParaChoice model addresses three barriers from the VTO Multi-Year Program Plan: availability of alternative fuels and electric charging station infrastructure, availability of AFVs and electric drive vehicles, and consumer reluctance to purchase new technologies. In this fiscal year, we first examined the relationship between the availability of alternative fuels and station infrastructure. Specifically, we studied how electric vehicle charging infrastructure affects the ability of EVs to compete with vehicles that rely on mature, conventional petroleum-based fuels. Second, we studied how the availability of less costly AFVs promotes their representation in the LDV fleet. Third, we used ParaChoice trade space analyses to help inform which consumers are reluctant to purchase new technologies. Last, we began analysis of impacts of alternative energy technologies on Class 8 trucks to isolate those that may most efficaciously advance HDV efficiency and petroleum use reduction goals.

  6. Modificación del caldo extracto de levadura manitol para la producción a mediana escala de inoculantes para leguminosas

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    Ernesto Ormeño-Orrillo


    Full Text Available El caldo extracto de levadura manitol (LM, un medio ampliamente utilizado para el cultivo de rizobios, fue modificado para reducir su costo y utilizarlo en la producción a mediana escala de inoculantes para leguminosas. Los dos ingredientes más costosos, el extracto de levadura y el manitol, fueron reducidos o reemplazados con substratos más económicos. Se pudo reducir la concentración de extracto de levadura a 0,05 g/L sin afectar el crecimiento cuando se agregó 1,1 g/L de ácido glutámico o glutamato de sodio grado alimento. El manitol pudo ser substituido por 12,5 g/L de glicerina grado farmacéutico para las cepas de Bradyrhizobium o por 10 g/L de azúcar grado alimento para las cepas de Rhizobium. No se alteraron las propiedades simbióticas de las cepas cultivados en los medios modificados.

  7. Avaliação do tratamento biológico de lixiviado de aterro sanitário em escala real na Região Sul do Brasil

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    Iracema Souza Maia


    Full Text Available RESUMO Esta pesquisa avaliou o desempenho do sistema de tratamento biológico de lixiviado de um aterro sanitário em escala real formado por duas lagoas anaeróbias (LAs operadas em série, um sistema de lodos ativados (SLOA e uma lagoa facultativa (LF. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficiência desse sistema biológico por meio do monitoramento de variáveis físico-químicas e ensaios de toxicidade, já que existe carência de artigos científicos para estudos em escala real e para esse tipo de configuração no tratamento de lixiviados. As coletas foram realizadas com frequência quinzenal, seguidas de análises laboratoriais para caracterização dos diferentes lixiviados coletados ao longo do tratamento. A eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica observada foi de 80 e 60% para carbono orgânico dissolvido e demanda química de oxigênio, respectivamente. O sistema apresentou ainda eficiência de 83 e 73% para remoção de nitrogênio amoniacal e fósforo, respectivamente. Observou-se uma diminuição média de 44% de toxicidade do lixiviado tratado, que apresentou características tóxicas para o organismo teste Daphnia magna . A configuração do sistema biológico demonstrou-se vantajosa na remoção de matéria orgânica e fração nitrogenada, contudo os resultados indicam a necessidade de tratamento complementar.

  8. Plan de negocio para una empresa que alquila bombas sumergibles para el sector minero


    Pérez León Corzo, Stepahnie Pamela


    El presente trabajo de investigación evalúa la viabilidad operativa y financiera para operar una pequeña empresa dedicada al alquiler de bombas sumergibles para la actividad de desagüe de medianas y pequeñas empresas del sector minero. Estructuralmente, la empresa estará constituida por la alta dirección conformada por tres socios quienes aportarán el 30% de la inversión inicial, el 70% restante se obtendrá mediante un financiamiento a mediano plazo con un banco local. La línea media estará c...

  9. Experimental study of para- and ortho-H3+ recombination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plasil, R; Varju, J; Hejduk, M; Dohnal, P; KotrIk, T; Glosik, J


    Recombination of H 3 + with electrons is a key process for many plasmatic environments. Recent experiments on storage ring devices used ion sources producing H 3 + with enhanced populations of H 3 + ions in the para nuclear spin configuration to shed light on the theoretically predicted faster recombination of para states. Although increased recombination rates were observed, no in situ characterization of recombining ions was performed. We present a state selective recombination study of para- and ortho-H 3 + ions with electrons at 77 K in afterglow plasma in a He/Ar/H 2 gas-mixture. Both spin configurations of H 3 + have been observed in situ with a near infrared cavity ring down spectrometer (NIR-CRDS) using the two lowest energy levels of H 3 + . Using hydrogen with an enhanced population of H 2 molecules in para states allowed us to influence the [para-H 3 + ]/[ortho-H 3 + ] ratio in the discharge and in the afterglow. We observed an increase in the measured effective recombination rate coefficients with the increase of the fraction of para-H 3 + . Measurements with different fractions of para-H 3 + at otherwise identical conditions allowed us to determine the binary recombination rate coefficients for pure para-H 3 + p α bin (77 K) = (2.0±0.4)x10 -7 cm 3 s -1 and pure ortho-H 3 + o α bin (77 K) = (4±3)x10 -8 cm 3 s -1 .

  10. Experimental study of para- and ortho-H3+ recombination (United States)

    Plašil, R.; Varju, J.; Hejduk, M.; Dohnal, P.; Kotrík, T.; Glosík, J.


    Recombination of H3+ with electrons is a key process for many plasmatic environments. Recent experiments on storage ring devices used ion sources producing H3+ with enhanced populations of H3+ ions in the para nuclear spin configuration to shed light on the theoretically predicted faster recombination of para states. Although increased recombination rates were observed, no in situ characterization of recombining ions was performed. We present a state selective recombination study of para- and ortho-H3+ ions with electrons at 77 K in afterglow plasma in a He/Ar/H2 gas-mixture. Both spin configurations of H3+ have been observed in situ with a near infrared cavity ring down spectrometer (NIR-CRDS) using the two lowest energy levels of H3+. Using hydrogen with an enhanced population of H2 molecules in para states allowed us to influence the [para-H3+]/[ortho-H3+] ratio in the discharge and in the afterglow. We observed an increase in the measured effective recombination rate coefficients with the increase of the fraction of para-H3+. Measurements with different fractions of para-H3+ at otherwise identical conditions allowed us to determine the binary recombination rate coefficients for pure para-H3+ pαbin(77 K) = (2.0±0.4)×10-7 cm3s-1 and pure ortho-H3+ oαbin(77 K) = (4±3)×10-8 cm3s-1.

  11. Exhibidor de cinturones para Montagne


    Galletti, Julia


    En el exhibidor de cinturones diseñado para la marca de ropa deportiva Montagne se produjo un trabajo estético-formal en relación a la simbología característica de la marca. Su principal característica es ser un exhibidor 360°, es decir que desde cualquier punto de vista se puede obtener un buen panorama del producto expuesto. Está confeccionado en materiales livianos para facilitar su movilidad dentro del local estipulado (exhibición en vidriera o mostrador). Asimismo, es totalmente desarmab...

  12. Educación para un nuevo humanismo

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    Full Text Available Se parte del tema de la responsabilidad social universitaria, evaluada muchas veces con base en indicadores, especialmente de pertinencia. Se advierten los peligros que esto conlleva para la educación en general, si no se toma como punto de partida el sentido mismo de universidad y de educación, es decir, si no se parte de la identidad propia de las instituciones educativas. Se sugiere, por tanto, volver a retomar la discusión en torno a la formación humanista en los procesos educativos, para lo cual se analizan muy brevemente la Carta sobre el humanismo, de Martin Heidegger; las Normas para el parque humano, de Peter Sloterdijk; la Universidad sin condición, de Jacques Derrida y El cultivo de la humanidad, de Martha Nussbaum. Se cierra el ensayo con la propuesta de Jürgen Habermas de una teoría comunicativa de la educación para la ciudadanía.

  13. Actividad Física: Pasaporte Para La Salud

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    Sandra M.M. MATSUDO


    Full Text Available Las nuevas recomendaciones de actividad física para la salud, que cuentan con la aprobación de la oms, el cdc, el Colegio Americano de Medicina Deportiva (acsm y la American Heart Association, enfatizan que al menos 30 minutos diarios, por lo menos cinco días de la semana (de preferencia todos los días de la semana, de forma continua o en sesiones acumuladas de 10 o 15 minutos, de una actividad de intensidad moderada pueden ser suficientes para traer beneficios para la salud y la prevención, tratamiento, control y rehabilitación de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Por lo tanto, los especialistas en ciencias del deporte y las autoridades sanitarias recomiendan que toda persona incluya en su vida cotidiana, ya sea en el hogar, en el trabajo o en la comunidad, una actividad física regular para recuperar o mantener la salud.

  14. Proposta de um instrumento para avaliar eventos adversos em odontologia

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    Claudia Dolores Trierweiler Sampaio de Oliveira Corrêa


    Full Text Available Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi propor um conjunto de rastreadores para a pesquisa de eventos adversos em odontologia ambulatorial no Brasil. O instrumento foi elaborado em duas etapas: (i para construir um conjunto preliminar de rastreadores foi realizada uma revisão da literatura, a fim de identificar a composição das ferramentas de rastreamento utilizadas nas demais áreas da saúde e os principais eventos adversos encontrados em odontologia; (ii para validar os rastreadores preliminarmente construídos foi organizado um painel de especialistas empregando o método Delphi modificado. Foram elaborados quatorze rastreadores para compor um instrumento com critérios explícitos para identificar potenciais eventos adversos no cuidado odontológico, essenciais para os estudos de revisão retrospectiva de prontuários. Pesquisas relacionadas à segurança do paciente em odontologia ainda são bastante incipientes em relação às demais áreas da saúde. Este trabalho pretendeu contribuir para a investigação nesse campo. O aporte da literatura e a ajuda da expertise do painel de especialistas permitiram a elaboração de um conjunto de rastreadores para a detecção de eventos adversos odontológicos, no entanto, são necessários estudos adicionais para testar a validade do instrumento.

  15. Sistemática para avaliação da conformidade: uma proposta para uso de cão-guia


    Brito, Joana D'Arc de


    O objetivo do presente estudo é identificar e propor quais os principais requisitos para a Avaliação dos Centros de Treinamento, de Treinadores e dos Instrutores Autônomos de cães-guia, de forma a atender o que prescreve a Lei n.º 11.126, de 27 de junho de 2005 no concernente às necessidades de adaptação dos segmentos envolvidos. Esta pesquisa foi estruturada em 3 (três) etapas. No primeiro momento utilizou-se de fontes bibliográficas para o levantamento de obras de referência para o desenvol...

  16. Creación de materiales didácticos orales para la clase de lengua para la traducción


    González Royo, Carmen; Chiapello, Stefania; Martín Sánchez, Teresa; Pascual Escagedo, Consuelo; Puigdevall Balafuy, Núria; Mura, G. Angela; Regagliolo, Alberto


    “Creación de materiales didácticos orales para la clase de lengua para la traducción” (3546) es una red que, desde una perspectiva de investigación-acción, investiga la implementación de materiales docentes para los currículos de lengua y traducción en las asignaturas de E/LE e I/LE en los grados de Lenguas Extranjeras y Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Alicante, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa de Nápoles y Università degli Studi di Salerno. A partir de los materiales produci...

  17. Aneurisma del seno de Valsalva derecho

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    Rebeca Manrique


    Full Text Available Varón de 60 años con antecedente de hipertensión arterial, diagnosticado incidentalmente de aneurisma del seno de Valsalva derecho de 7 cm con insuficiencia aórtica ligera. Bajo circulación extracorpórea y pinzamiento aórtico se reseca el aneurisma y se reconstruye el defecto con un parche de prótesis Dacron Hemashield Platinum® (Maquet, Rastatt, Alemania, reimplantando el ostium coronario derecho y realizando derivación aortocoronaria a primera marginal con vena safena (hallazgo en cateterismo preoperatorio. La ecocardiografía intraoperatoria objetivó insuficiencia aórtica trivial residual. Como complicación postoperatoria presentó ictus en el territorio de la cerebral media izquierda, con restitutio ad integrum.

  18. TV Móvel: onde estamos e para onde vamos

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    Clara-Luz Álvarez


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta (1 as características técnicas da TV Móvel [Mobile TV] e sua diferença para o IPTV e a TV pela Internet [Internet TV], (2 as questões relativas a rede, espectro e equipamento que influenciarão o arcabouço normativo, (3 as oportunidades geradas para a TV Móvel quando da migração para a TV digital, e (4 um estudo de caso do México pertinente ao marco regulatório dos serviços de telecomunicações e de radiodifusão, aos atores do mercado, à disponibilidade de espectro, à migração para a TV digital e outras questões proeminentes para a TV Móvel.

  19. Preparar para el futuro: el rol del educador

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    Myrna A. Cuevas Ruiz


    Full Text Available El artículo aborda el problema de la educación a la luz de las esperanzas y exigencias que se le plantean y de sus posibilidades reales para responder a los retos. En este marco, ubica la figura del educador, las cualidades que deben caracterizarlo para responder a las demandas de los retos educativos y los requerimientos que, en el contexto de la profesión docente, deben satisfacerse para impulsar los cambios.

  20. QRLabel y Blackbird: 2 aplicaciones accesibles para Android


    Mercade Aguila, Gisela


    El objetivo de este proyecto es el de realizar dos aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles con sistema operativo Android. Estas aplicaciones están ideadas para ser usadas por una persona invidente o con deficiencias visuales. El transcurso del desarrollo de cada aplicacion sirve para conocer y experimentar con diferentes herramientas que dispone este sistema operativo, y de este modo estudiar sus ventajas y limitaciones. Se presentan dispositivos y prototipos de dispositivos diseñados exclusiv...