
Sample records for saare maakonna ranna-ala

  1. Tunnustati parimaid üliõpilasteadlasi / Elsa Suuster, Marit Alas, Annely Aleksejev ; küsitlenud Vilma Rauniste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Putku, Elsa, 1984-


    Vestlus üliõpilaste teadustööde riikliku konkursi kolme laureaadiga, kelle uurimistöö oli tehtud Saare maakonnas. Nendeks on Elsa Suuster ja Annely Aleksejev Eesti Maaülikoolist ning Marit Alas Tallinna Ülikoolist

  2. Milline on Saare maakonna ettevõtjate koostöö / Vilma Rauniste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rauniste, Vilma


    Saaremaa ettevõtete, omavalitsuste, koolitusasutuste ja riigi esindajad arutasid maakonna tulevikku. Vt. samas: Kohalviibinute arvamusi organisatsiooni loomise kohta. Arvamust avaldavad: Aadu Keskpaik, Marek Lepamets, Tullio Liblik, Villu Vatsfeld, Jüri Aus, Enn Meri, Riivo Asuja, Tarmo Sink, Robert Pajussaar, Kalle Koov

  3. Tulumaksu laekumine on olnud hea / Urmas Kiil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiil, Urmas


    11 kuu andmed näitavad, et Saare maakonnas tervikuna peaks 2008. aasta tulumaksu laekumise plaan täituma. Diagrammid: Füüsilise isiku tulumaksu laekumine saare maakonna omavalitsustes 2008. a. 11 kuu andmed: laekumise % 2009. a. kavandatud eelarvest; Üksikisiku tulumaksu laekumise tempo aastatel 2007 ja 2008 (11 kuu laekumised võrreldes eelneva aasta sama perioodiga). Kommenteerib Kihelkonna vallavanem Jüri Saar

  4. Blogid Rapla maakonna rahvaraamatukogudes / Maie Jakobson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jakobson, Maie


    Rapla maakonna raamatukoguhoidjate arvamus ajaveebi pidamisest, eelnevatest koolitustest. Arvamust avaldavad: Helve Lehtmaa Laukna raamatukogust, Ilme Säde Käru ramatukogust, Tiina Vaher ja Maie Kalmiste Kehtna raamatukogust, Irma Robam Vahastu raamatukogust ning Mariina Madisson Lelle raamatukogust

  5. Aa ranna veerele kavandatakse kuni 60 elamuga asumit / Külli Kriis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kriis, Külli, 1961-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 6. juuli 2007, lk. 1,4. Lüganuse vallavalitsuses ja kohalikes elanikes tekitavad OÜ Eesti Era kavandatavad elamud Aa külla vastuseisu ranna läheduse, juurdepääsu ning veevarustuse ja kanalisatsiooniprobleemide tõttu

  6. Patarei ja Lennusadama ala planeering = Plan for the Patarei Fort and Lennusadam Port Area

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Patarei ja Lennusadama ala mahulise planeerimise rahvusvaheline ideevõistlus 2007. aastal. Võistlustööd "Kolm õuna" (I preemia - Sverre Laanjärv, Ivar Lubjak), "Põhi" (II preemia - Tõnu Laanemäe, Jaak-Adam Looveer, Toomas Paaver, kaasautorid Indrek Järve ja Lauri Saar) ja "Kompass" (III preemia - Ott Kadarik ja Villem Tomiste, AB Kosmos)

  7. Kena kingitus emale / Olivia Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Olivia


    Tutvustus: Laulud emast / [koostanud Olivia Saar]. Tallinn : TEA Kirjastus, 2007 ; Seitse paid : laulud emale / [Kalju Kangur, Ira Lember, Kersti Merilaas ... jt. ; koostanud Olivia Saar] ; pildid joonistanud Kirke Kangro. Tallinn : TEA Kirjastus, 2007

  8. Viljandi sõudeelling = Viljandi Rowing Slipway / Margit Mutso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutso, Margit, 1966-


    Viljandis Ranna pst. 13 asuva sõudeellingu arhitektuursest lahendusest. Arhitektid Lauri Saar, Toomas Paaver, Indrek Järve (Paik Arhitektid OÜ), kaasautorid Jaak-Adam Looveer, Tõnu Laanemäe. Žürii liige Kalle Komissarov žürii hinnangust kultuurkapitali aastapreemiale esitatud ehitisele

  9. Hans Teiv : mina sellel kohal igavuse üle ei kurda / Hans Teiv ; interv. Heli Salong

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teiv, Hans


    Saare maavanema kohusetäitja ja kandidaat Hans Teiv hindab oma võimalusi saada ametisse kinnitatud, räägib oma tegevusest maavalitsuse osakonnajuhataja ja maakonna juhina ning tutvustab Saaremaa arenguvisioone

  10. Esimene Teater Ö(ö)sel festival läks korda / Merje Pors

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pors, Merje


    15.-16. juulil Kuressaares ja Saare maakonnas toimunud Läänemere saari ühendavast festivalist "Teater Ö(ö)sel". Festivalist võtsid osa Rügeni, Alandi, Gotlandi, Hiiumaa ja Saaremaa teatritrupid

  11. Selgusid aasta 2010 tegijad / Meelis Kaubi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaubi, Meelis


    Saare maakonna aasta õppijaks valiti Rehe Pagar OÜ juhataja Glaudja Majorova, Aasta koolitajaks Signe Sarah Arro, Aasta koolitussõbralikumaks organisatsiooniks Trelleborg IP Estonia ja Aasta koolitussõbralikumaks omavalitsuseks Pöide vald

  12. Maakonna arengukavas pole omavalitsuste häält kuulda / Urve Erikson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erikson, Urve, 1956-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 20. jaan., lk. 2. Ida-Virumaa omavalitsuste liidu tegevdirektor peab oluliseks kohalike omavalitsuste osalemist ning avalikku arutelu maakonna arengustrateegia koostamisel

  13. Aasta 2007 maakonna majanduses

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tagasivaate lõppevale aastale teevad Saare maavanema Toomas Kasemaa, tulundusühistu Mereranna põllumajandusühistu juhatuse esimees Urmas Lehtsalu, Saaremaa Laevakompanii juhatuse esimees Tõnis Rihvk, turismitalunik Jorma T. Ihalainen, turismifirma Arensburgi Reisid ja Saaremaa turismiühenduse juht Margus Mölder, Kuressaare lennujaama juhataja Mati Tang ja Saaremaa piimatööstuse direktor Andi Saagpakk. Ülevaate koostas Aare Laine

  14. Saaremaa maaelu ja põllumajandus said mullu ligi 140 miljonit toetust / Ain Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Ain


    Saare maakond sai 2004. aastal enam kui 138 miljoni krooni eest maaelu- ja põllumajandustoetusi, mis teeb iga maal elava inimese kohta 6760 krooni. Tabelid: Toetussumma maakonna lõikes; Toetussumma iga maal elava inimese kohta (kroonides)

  15. Maakonna tegu – Käsitööplahvatus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Rahvakunsti ja Käsitöö Liidu juhatus andis teist korda välja auhinda “Maakonna tegu”, mille pälvis Pärnu Muuseumi näitus “Käsitöö plahvatus” 6.10.2015- 24.01.2016, mis koosnes kolmest alanäitusest “Loomast loodud”, “Puulased” ja “Helmes, sina kallis väike helmes ...”

  16. Kuidas erivajadustega lastega toime tulla teoorias ja praktikas / Pamela Talzi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talzi, Pamela


    Osilia koolituskeskuses toimuvatest tasuta eripedagoogika kursustest Saare maakonna üldhariduskoolide ja lasteaedade õpetajatele. Projekt sündis Osilia koolituskeskuse ja Tallinna Ülikooli koostöös. Koolituse kohta jagab selgitusi ka Tallinna Ülikooli õpetajate akadeemia koolitusjuht Külli Rauk

  17. Saare Foodsi veetehases valmis uus tootmisliin / Mehis Tulk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tulk, Mehis, 1967-


    Veetootmine läheb kasvavas tempos, sel aastal müüs veetehas neli miljonit liitrit pudelivett, kasvab gaseeritud vee toodangumaht, tulekul on maitsestatud veed. Lisa: AS Saare Foods. AS-i Saare Foods majandusnäitajad 2004-2006

  18. Suured prügifirmad püüavad Saaremaa turgu / Mehis Tulk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tulk, Mehis, 1967-


    Eelseisvate jäätmeveokonkursside tarvis on Saare maakonnas jäätmeloa hankinud lisaks OÜ-le Prügimees ka suured välismaised firmad Ragn-Sells ja Cleanaway. Tabel: Andmed jäätmekäitlusfirmade OÜ Prügimees, Cleanaway, Ragn Sells kohta. Vt. samas: Luba igal juhul vajalik

  19. Vilsandi merepäästejaama paadikuur ja slipp = Vilsandi sea rescue station boathouse and slip

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vilsandi merepäästejaama paadikuur ja slipp Kihelkonna vallas Saare maakonnas. Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali restaureerimispreemia 2012 lagunemisele määratud väikeobjekti uuele elule toomise eest. Arhitektid Emil Urbel, Ainar Luik (AB Emil Urbel). Värava embleemi taastamine Tiit Pääsuke. Muinsuskaitse eritingimused Leele Välja, muinsuskaitseline järelevalve Tõnu Sepp

  20. Saare Jazz toob valguse augustipimedusse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    22. augustil Saaremaal Pidula Forelli puhkekülas toimuvast esimesest Saare Jazzist alapealkirjaga "Valgus pimeduses", peaesinejaks laulja Sofia Rubina koos ansambliga Club Eclectic, soojendusesinejaks laulja Teele Viira ja erikülaliseks Soome trompetist Kalevi Louhivuori, esinejatest

  1. Saare Paadi eelkäija äriplaan valmis salvrätikule

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke : v duhhe innovatsii 24. juuli lk. 4. Paadiehitusfirma Saare Paat juhataja Peeter Sääse sõnul on ettevõttel plaanis uue jahi tootmine, milleks soovitakse taotleda toetust Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuselt. Lisa: AS Saare Paat. Kommenteerib Stig Nordblad

  2. Peterburi Uus-Hollandi saar vuntsitakse üles

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Inglise arhitekt Norman Foster kujundab ümber Peterburi südalinnas asuva Uus-Hollandi saare. Linna peaarhitekt Oleg Hartshenko sõnul ei projekteerita Uus-Hollandi saarele midagi ultramoodsat ja külma

  3. Täna kell 19.30 avatakse reisisadama endises politseimajas...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ranna-ala arenguvõimalusi tutvustav näitus "Tagasi mere juurde. Mereõhk teeb vabaks", linnadevahelise projekti "Grands Travaux" osa. Väljapaneku on koostanud Tallinna linnavalitsusse ja AS Tallinna Sadam tellimusel disainibüroo ZiZi & YoYo

  4. Martin Saar kahe kunstimaailma vahel / Marian Kivila

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivila, Marian, 1985-


    Kunstnik Martin Saare, kelle näitus "Order and Chaos" ("Kord ja kaos") on 31. augustini 2011 avatud galeriis Vaal, loomingust. Samas intervjuus räägib New Yorgis elav kunstnik New Yorgi kunstimaailmast, oma karjäärist, loomingust, kunstieelistustest ja eesmärkidest

  5. Dilmun revisited: excavations at Saar, Bahrain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harriet Crawford


    Full Text Available About 2000 BC the island of Bahrain was at the centre of a prosperous trading community - the Early Dilmun civilization - that stretched from Mesopotamia to the Indus Valley. Excavations at the site of Saar have, since 1989, recovered much new information about the layout of the settlement and its local economy and social system.

  6. Mis on teie maakonna Pisa testi edu võti? / Raivo Peeters, Ivi Remmelg, Monika Adamson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peeters, Raivo


    Küsimusele vastavad Saare maavalitsuse haridus- ja sotsiaalosakonna juhataja Raivo Peeters, Hiiu maavalitsuse haridusnõunik Ivi Remmelg, Põlva maavalitsuse haridus- ja sotsiaalosakonna peaspetsialist Monika Adamson

  7. Saare Paat arendab uusi kaatrimudeleid riigi toel / Mehis Tulk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tulk, Mehis, 1967-


    Nasval tegutsev laevaehitusfirma Saare Paat saab oma kaatri Stormer uute mudelite väljaarendamiseks ja välisturgudel tutvustamiseks riigilt Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse (EAS) kaudu mitu miljonit krooni toetusraha

  8. Mikk Saare esikplaat jõudis poelettidele / Anniki Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Anniki


    Kanal 2 telesaates "Tantsud tähtedega" osalenud laulja Mikk Saare debüütplaadist "See on see" (plaadiesitlused 17. mail Tallinnas Rock Cafés, 18. mail Rakveres ööklubis Lokaal Rakvere ja 19. mail Pärnus ööklubis Bravo)

  9. Saared meis ja meie ümber / Katrin Nielsen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nielsen, Katrin


    Chaplini kunstikeskuses 17. detsembrini avatud fotonäitusest 'Põhjala saared', kus oma töid eksponeerisid: Absalon Hansen - Fääri saartest, Göte Ask - Gotlandist, Andy Horner - Ahvenamaalt, ning Tartu kunstikooli fotoeriala tudengid oma pilte Naissaarest, Piirissaarest, Abrukast, Manijast, Vormsist ja Vilsandist.

  10. Linn nopib arhitektuurikonkursist häid ideid / Anu Saare

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saare, Anu, 1964-


    Rahvusvahelise arhitektuurikonkursi Europan 7 võidutöö Pärnu rannapiirkonna planeerimiseks on Rumeenia arhitektilt Oana-Maria Bogdanilt. Parematest töödest näitus Muuseumiaidas. Kommenteerinud Pärnu linnaarhitekt Ülar Saar

  11. Dramatic music brings the opera to Estonia / Joel Alas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alas, Joel


    Etendustest Birgitta Festivali raames 11.-22. aug. Tallinnas Pirita kloostris: Astor Piazzolla tango-ooperist "Maria de Buenos Aires" 11. aug., W. A. Mozarti ooper "Tituse halastus" Moskva Helikon Opera esituses 15. aug., Shostakovitshi ooper "Mtsenski maakonna Lady Macbeth" 17. augustil

  12. Aasta kordaminekud ja vajakajäämised maakonna nimekate inimeste pilgu läbi / interv. Marek Pihlak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Valga maavanem Georg Trashanov, Valga linnapea Margus Lepik, Tõrva linnapea Agu Kabrits, Otepää vallavanem Jaanus Raidal, Valgamaa päästeteenistuse direktor Väino Rimm, AS-i Valga Haigla juhataja Riho Tapfer, Valga politseijaoskonna ülemkomissar Tõnu Kürsa ja MRP ärigrupi juhatuse liige Valter Malm vastavad küsimustele, mis puudutavad kordaminekuid ja vajakajäämisi maakonnas 2005. aastal ning nimetavad eeskuju väärivaid valgamaalasi

  13. Indrek Saar kehastub Pilistveres Rasputiniks / Aarne Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäe, Aarne, 1967-


    7. aug. esietendub Pilistvere vanas rehehoones Ain Saviaugu kirjutatud ja lavastatud suvetükk "Rasputin". Suvelavastuse tõi välja Põltsamaa Teater Ellunäod koos professionaalsete näitlejatega. Nimiosas mängib näitlejast riigikogulane Indrek Saar. Lisaks lühike intervjuu lavastajaga "Lavastaja Ain Saviauk : "Ajalugu on karm" ja fakte Rasputinist - "Grigori Jefimovitsh Rasputin-Novõhh"

  14. Characterization of d-boroAla as a Novel Broad Spectrum Antibacterial Agent Targeting d-Ala-d-Ala Ligase


    Putty, Sandeep; Rai, Aman; Jamindar, Darshan; Pagano, Paul; Quinn, Cheryl L.; Mima, Takehiko; Schweizer, Herbert P.; Gutheil, William G.


    d-boroAla was previously characterized as an inhibitor of bacterial alanine racemase and d-Ala-d-Ala ligase enzymes [Duncan, K., et al Biochemistry 1989, 28:3541–9]. In the present study, d-boroAla was identified and characterized as an antibacterial agent. d-boroAla has activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, with MICs down to 8 µg/mL. A structure-function study on the alkyl side chain (NH2-CHR-B(OR’)2) revealed that d-boroAla is the most effective agent in a series ...

  15. Rasputin aitas Putini mõtlemisse süveneda / Indrek Saar ; interv. Illar Mõttus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Indrek, 1973-


    Näitleja ja riigikogulane Indrek Saar oma rollist suvelavastuses "Rasputin". Ta annab hinnangu Gruusia sündmustele, osalemisest erakonna esindajana nn. krokodillide komisjonis, mis arutas riigieelarvet

  16. Towards understanding the tandem mass spectra of protonated oligopeptides. 2: The proline effect in collision-induced dissociation of protonated Ala-Ala-Xxx-Pro-Ala (Xxx = Ala, Ser, Leu, Val, Phe, and Trp). (United States)

    Bleiholder, Christian; Suhai, Sándor; Harrison, Alex G; Paizs, Béla


    The product ion spectra of proline-containing peptides are commonly dominated by y(n) ions generated by cleavage at the N-terminal side of proline residues. This proline effect is investigated in the current work by collision-induced dissociation (CID) of protonated Ala-Ala-Xxx-Pro-Ala (Xxx includes Ala, Ser, Leu, Val, Phe, and Trp) in an electrospray/quadrupole/time-of-flight (QqTOF) mass spectrometer and by quantum chemical calculations on protonated Ala-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala. The CID spectra of all investigated peptides show a dominant y(2) ion (Pro-Ala sequence). Our computational results show that the proline effect mainly arises from the particularly low threshold energy for the amide bond cleavage N-terminal to the proline residue, and from the high proton affinity of the proline-containing C-terminal fragment produced by this cleavage. These theoretical results are qualitatively supported by the experimentally observed y(2)/b(3) abundance ratios for protonated Ala-Ala-Xxx-Pro-Ala (Xxx = Ala, Ser, Leu, Val, Phe, and Trp). In the post-cleavage phase of fragmentation the N-terminal oxazolone fragment with the Ala-Ala-Xxx sequence and Pro-Ala compete for the ionizing proton for these peptides. As the proton affinity of the oxazolone fragment increases, the y(2)/b(3) abundance ratio decreases.

  17. Andrus Saar: Neid inimesi, kes peavad õhtul tühja kõhuga magama minema, on ka parimatel aegadel olnud liiga palju / Andrus Saar ; intervjueerinud Katre Ratassepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Andrus, 1946-


    Vaesuse ja sotsiaalse tõrjutuse vastu võitlemise Euroopa aasta Eesti hea tahte saadik leiab, et hirm kaotada töökoht on igati normaalne olukorras, kus inimesed ei ole informeeritud ettevõtte arengust ja perspektiividest ning et praegu oleks viimane aeg muuta toetuste süsteemi. Saar Polli poolt läbiviidud Eurobarometer Flash uuringust

  18. Engineering an ATP-dependent D-Ala:D-Ala ligase for synthesizing amino acid amides from amino acids. (United States)

    Miki, Yuta; Okazaki, Seiji; Asano, Yasuhisa


    We successfully engineered a new enzyme that catalyzes the formation of D-Ala amide (D-AlaNH 2 ) from D-Ala by modifying ATP-dependent D-Ala:D-Ala ligase (EC from Thermus thermophilus, which catalyzes the formation of D-Ala-D-Ala from two molecules of D-Ala. The new enzyme was created by the replacement of the Ser293 residue with acidic amino acids, as it was speculated to bind to the second D-Ala of D-Ala-D-Ala. In addition, a replacement of the position with Glu performed better than that with Asp with regards to specificity for D-AlaNH 2 production. The S293E variant, which was selected as the best enzyme for D-AlaNH 2 production, exhibited an optimal activity at pH 9.0 and 40 °C for D-AlaNH 2 production. The apparent K m values of this variant for D-Ala and NH 3 were 7.35 mM and 1.58 M, respectively. The S293E variant could catalyze the synthesis of 9.3 and 35.7 mM of D-AlaNH 2 from 10 and 50 mM D-Ala and 3 M NH 4 Cl with conversion yields of 93 and 71.4 %, respectively. This is the first report showing the enzymatic formation of amino acid amides from amino acids.

  19. Laevaühenduse puudumine surub Ruhnu saare vägisi ääremaaks / Mari Kodres

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kodres, Mari


    Ruhnu ja mandri vahel puudub regulaarne laevaühendus, Ruhnu vallavalitsus süüdistab veokorralduse eest vastutavat Saare maavalitsust SLK huvide teenimises. Sõlmimisel on leping Saksa lennufirmaga Luftverkehr Friesland Brunzema und Partner

  20. Baltimaade klaasikunstil on arenguruumi, vajaka jääb võimalustest / Mare Saare

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saare, Mare, 1955-


    Rahvusvaheline klaasinäitus "Vitrum Balticum IV" ("Balti klaas IV") Kaunases kuni 7. XII. Esindatud on Eesti (Kai Kiudsoo-Värv, Eeva Käsper, Ivo Lill, Kairi Orgusaar, Mare Saare, Maret Sarapu, Tiina Sarapu), Läti, Leedu ja Soome klaasikunstnikud. 14. XI rahvusvaheline seminar Läänemeremaade klaasikunsti arengukäigust 21. sajandil kunstiakadeemias. Näituse ja seminari kuraator kunstiteadlane Raimonda Kogelyte-Simanatiene

  1. ALA Pretreatment Improves Waterlogging Tolerance of Fig Plants.

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    Yuyan An

    Full Text Available 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA, a natural and environmentally friendly plant growth regulator, can improve plant tolerance to various environmental stresses. However, whether ALA can improve plant waterlogging tolerance is unknown. Here, we investigated the effects of ALA pretreatment on the waterlogging-induced damage of fig (Ficus carica Linn. plants, which often suffer from waterlogging stress. ALA pretreatment significantly alleviated stress-induced morphological damage, increased leaf relative water content (RWC, and reduced leaf superoxide anion ([Formula: see text] production rate and malonaldehyde (MDA content in fig leaves, indicating ALA mitigates waterlogging stress of fig plants. We further demonstrated that ALA pretreatment largely promoted leaf chlorophyll content, photosynthetic electron transfer ability, and photosynthetic performance index, indicating ALA significantly improves plant photosynthetic efficiency under waterlogging stress. Moreover, ALA pretreatment significantly increased activities of leaf superoxide dismutase (SOD and peroxidase (POD, root vigor, and activities of root alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, indicating ALA also significantly improves antioxidant ability and root function of fig plants under waterlogging stress. Taken together, ALA pretreatment improves waterlogging tolerance of fig plants significantly, and the promoted root respiration, leaf photosynthesis, and antioxidant ability may contribute greatly to this improvement. Our data firstly shows that ALA can improve plant waterlogging tolerance.

  2. Kas töötukassa soovitab lapsed CV-st välja jätta? / Mari Kodres

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kodres, Mari


    Karjäärinõustaja Tiina Saare väitel selgus vestlusest töötukassa ühe konsultandiga, et töötukassa klientidel soovitatakse lapsi elulookirjeldusse mitte märkida. Töötukassa nõustamisteenuste ala teenustejuhi Lana Randaru selgitus

  3. Expression of the alaE gene is positively regulated by the global regulator Lrp in response to intracellular accumulation of l-alanine in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Ihara, Kohei; Sato, Kazuki; Hori, Hatsuhiro; Makino, Yumiko; Shigenobu, Shuji; Ando, Tasuke; Isogai, Emiko; Yoneyama, Hiroshi


    The alaE gene in Escherichia coli encodes an l-alanine exporter that catalyzes the active export of l-alanine using proton electrochemical potential. In our previous study, alaE expression was shown to increase in the presence of l-alanyl-l-alanine (Ala-Ala). In this study, the global regulator leucine-responsive regulatory protein (Lrp) was identified as an activator of the alaE gene. A promoter less β-galactosidase gene was fused to an alaE upstream region (240 nucleotides). Cells that were lacZ-deficient and harbored this reporter plasmid showed significant induction of β-galactosidase activity (approximately 17-fold) in the presence of 6 mM l-alanine, l-leucine, and Ala-Ala. However, a reporter plasmid possessing a smaller alaE upstream region (180 nucleotides) yielded transformants with strikingly low enzyme activity under the same conditions. In contrast, lrp-deficient cells showed almost no β-galactosidase induction, indicating that Lrp positively regulates alaE expression. We next performed an electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and a DNase I footprinting assay using purified hexahistidine-tagged Lrp (Lrp-His). Consequently, we found that Lrp-His binds to the alaE upstream region spanning nucleotide -161 to -83 with a physiologically relevant affinity (apparent K D , 288.7 ± 83.8 nM). Furthermore, the binding affinity of Lrp-His toward its cis-element was increased by l-alanine and l-leucine, but not by Ala-Ala and d-alanine. Based on these results, we concluded that the gene expression of the alaE is regulated by Lrp in response to intracellular levels of l-alanine, which eventually leads to intracellular homeostasis of l-alanine concentrations. Copyright © 2016 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Loss of the Arabidopsis thaliana P4-ATPases ALA6 and ALA7 Impairs Pollen Fitness and Alters the Pollen Tube Plasma Membrane

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephen C McDowell


    Full Text Available Members of the P4 subfamily of P-type ATPases are thought to create and maintain lipid asymmetry in biological membranes by flipping specific lipids between membrane leaflets. In Arabidopsis, 7 of the 12 Aminophospholipid ATPase (ALA family members are expressed in pollen. Here we show that double knockout of ALA6 and ALA7 (ala6/7 results in siliques with a ~2-fold reduction in seed set with a high frequency of empty seed positions near the bottom. Seed set was reduced to near zero when plants were grown under a hot/cold temperature stress. Reciprocal crosses indicate that the ala6/7 reproductive deficiencies are due to a defect related to pollen transmission. In-vitro growth assays provide evidence that that ala6/7 pollen tubes are short and slow, with ~2-fold reductions in both maximal growth rate and overall length relative to wild-type. Outcrosses show that when ala6/7 pollen are in competition with wild-type pollen, they have a near 0% success rate in fertilizing ovules near the bottom of the pistil, consistent with ala6/7 pollen having short and slow growth defects. The ala6/7 phenotypes were rescued by the expression of either an ALA6-YFP or GFP-ALA6 fusion protein, which showed localization to both the plasma membrane and highly-mobile endomembrane structures. A mass spectrometry analysis of mature pollen grains revealed significant differences between ala6/7 and wild-type, both in the relative abundance of lipid classes and in the average number of double bonds present in acyl side chains. A change in the properties of the ala6/7 plasma membrane was also indicated by a ~10-fold reduction of labeling by lipophilic FM-dyes relative to wild-type. Together, these results indicate that ALA6 and ALA7 provide redundant activities that function to directly or indirectly change the distribution and abundance lipids in pollen, and support a model in which ALA6 and ALA7 are critical for pollen fitness under normal and temperature-stress conditions.

  5. Photodynamic therapy using aminolevulinic acid (ALA) (United States)

    Bachor, Ruediger; Reich, Ella D.; Miller, Kurt; Hautmann, Richard E.


    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment modality for a variety of cancers. Since no ideal photosensitizer is available yet, new photosensitizers are being sought. A new concept of PDT is the use of endogenous photosensitizers. ALA is a metabolite in heme synthesis. It is a precursor of protoporphyrin IX, a potent photosensitizer. After administration of ALA it is transformed by the cells to protoporphyrin IX. The goal of our study was to examine dark toxicity of ALA and its phototoxic potential in two different human cell lines.

  6. American Library Association (ALA no Second Life (SL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richele Grenge Vignoli

    Full Text Available A American Library Association (ALA está inserida no contexto de Realidade Virtual (RV em 3D, por meio de sua atuação no Second Life (SL, com a ALA Island. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o atendimento virtual a bibliotecários no SL; identificar produtos e serviços que a ALA oferece no SL e analisar sua infraestrutura. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada a análise documental, ação em que a ALA Island foi observada/explorada e estruturada em dados; e o questionário - enviado a uma bibliotecária da ALA Island. Os resultados demonstram que a atuação da ALA no SL tem como propósito central a divulgação de seus projetos, os eventos físicos e os virtuais e o apoio ao bibliotecário em sua vida profissional. A ALA está inserida em diversos recursos da Web 2.0, além do SL, como blogs, wikis, sites de relacionamento, entre outros. Toda a trajetória da ALA foi analisada, assim como as especificidades do seu trabalho realizado para os bibliotecários. Observou-se que o atendimento a bibliotecários no SL é realizado por meio de robôs e indicação de notecards e hiperlinks informativos. No SL, a ALA disponibiliza diversos serviços e produtos aos bibliotecários, como os relacionados com os escritórios, comitês e instituições, além dos serviços e produtos disponíveis no site e no escritório da ALA em Washington-DC e de seus representantes. Os recursos da ALA e do SL, assim como a inserção de bibliotecários em Realidade Virtual (RV precisam ser estudados por meio de pesquisas, para dinamizar e aproximar essa realidade desses profissionais.

  7. Impact of charged amino acid substitution in the transmembrane domain of L-alanine exporter, AlaE, of Escherichia coli on the L-alanine export. (United States)

    Kim, Seryoung; Ihara, Kohei; Katsube, Satoshi; Ando, Tasuke; Isogai, Emiko; Yoneyama, Hiroshi


    The Escherichia coli alaE gene encodes the L-alanine exporter, AlaE, that catalyzes active export of L-alanine using proton electrochemical potential. The transporter comprises only 149 amino acid residues and four predicted transmembrane domains (TMs), which contain three charged amino acid residues. The AlaE-deficient L-alanine non-metabolizing cells (ΔalaE cells) appeared hypersusceptible to L-alanyl-L-alanine showing a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 2.5 µg/ml for the dipeptide due to a toxic accumulation of L-alanine. To elucidate the mechanism by which AlaE exports L-alanine, we replaced charged amino acid residues in the TMs, glutamic acid-30 (TM-I), arginine-45 (TM-II), and aspartic acid-84 (TM-III) with their respective charge-conserved amino acid or a net neutral cysteine. The ΔalaE cells producing R45K or R45C appeared hypersusceptible to the dipeptide, indicating that arginine-45 is essential for AlaE activity. MIC of the dipeptide in the ΔalaE cells expressing E30D and E30C was 156 µg/ml and >10,000 µg/ml, respectively, thereby suggesting that a negative charge at this position is not essential. The ΔalaE cells expressing D84E or D84C showed an MIC >10,000 and 78 µg/ml, respectively, implying that a negative charge is required at this position. These results were generally consistent with that of the L-alanine accumulation experiments in intact cells. We therefore concluded that charged amino acid residues (R45 and D84) in the AlaE transmembrane domain play a pivotal role in L-alanine export. Replacement of three cysteine residues at C22, C28 (both in TM-I), and C135 (C-terminal region) with alanine showed only a marginal effect on L-alanine export.

  8. Characterization of the l-alanine exporter AlaE of Escherichia coli and its potential role in protecting cells from a toxic-level accumulation of l-alanine and its derivatives


    Kim, Seryoung; Ihara, Kohei; Katsube, Satoshi; Hori, Hatsuhiro; Ando, Tasuke; Isogai, Emiko; Yoneyama, Hiroshi


    We previously reported that the alaE gene of Escherichia coli encodes the l-alanine exporter AlaE. The objective of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of the AlaE exporter. The minimum inhibitory concentration of l-alanine and l-alanyl-l-alanine in alaE-deficient l-alanine-nonmetabolizing cells MLA301ΔalaE was 4- and >4000-fold lower, respectively, than in the alaE-positive parent cells MLA301, suggesting that AlaE functions as an efflux pump to avoid a toxic-level accumulation of intr...

  9. Protoporphyrin IX fluorescence kinetics and localization after topical application of ALA pentyl ester and ALA on hairless mouse skin with UVB-induced early skin cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Akker, J. T.; de Bruijn, H. S.; Beijersbergen van Henegouwen, G. M.; Star, W. M.; Sterenborg, H. J.


    In order to improve the efficacy of 5-aminolevulinic acid-based (ALA) photodynamic therapy (PDT), different ALA derivatives are presently being investigated. ALA esters are more lipophilic and therefore may have better skin penetration properties than ALA, possibly resulting in enhanced

  10. Characterization of the l-alanine exporter AlaE of Escherichia coli and its potential role in protecting cells from a toxic-level accumulation of l-alanine and its derivatives. (United States)

    Kim, Seryoung; Ihara, Kohei; Katsube, Satoshi; Hori, Hatsuhiro; Ando, Tasuke; Isogai, Emiko; Yoneyama, Hiroshi


    We previously reported that the alaE gene of Escherichia coli encodes the l-alanine exporter AlaE. The objective of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of the AlaE exporter. The minimum inhibitory concentration of l-alanine and l-alanyl-l-alanine in alaE-deficient l-alanine-nonmetabolizing cells MLA301ΔalaE was 4- and >4000-fold lower, respectively, than in the alaE-positive parent cells MLA301, suggesting that AlaE functions as an efflux pump to avoid a toxic-level accumulation of intracellular l-alanine and its derivatives. Furthermore, the growth of the alaE-deficient mutant derived from the l-alanine-metabolizing strain was strongly inhibited in the presence of a physiological level of l-alanyl-l-alanine. Intact MLA301ΔalaE and MLA301ΔalaE/pAlaE cells producing plasmid-borne AlaE, accumulated approximately 200% and 50%, respectively, of the [(3) H]l-alanine detected in MLA301 cells, suggesting that AlaE exports l-alanine. When 200 mmol/L l-alanine-loaded inverted membrane vesicles prepared from MLA301ΔalaE/pAlaE were placed in a solution containing 200 mmol/L or 0.34 μmol/L l-alanine, energy-dependent [(3) H]l-alanine accumulation occurred under either condition. This energy-dependent uphill accumulation of [(3) H]l-alanine was strongly inhibited in the presence of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone but not by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, suggesting that the AlaE-mediated l-alanine extrusion was driven by proton motive force. Based on these results, physiological roles of the l-alanine exporter are discussed. © 2015 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Millises suunas arened, Pärnu linn? / Maie Kais

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kais, Maie, 1950-


    Uue üldplaneeringu kehtestamisest septembris 2001 kuni käesoleva ajani kehtestatud detailplaneeringutest. Korruselamu kerkimisest kesklinna väikeelamute keskkonda, ranna-alast, nelja korruselamu ehitamisest Rannahotelli vahetusse naabrusesse, hotelli ehitamisest Rannakohviku ja -hotelli vahelisele pargialale, liikluskorraldusest rannas ja ranna lähialadel, Seedri t. villade piiretest jm.

  12. Drainage development and incision rates in an Upper Pleistocene Basalt-Limestone Boundary Channel: The Sa'ar Stream, Golan Heights, Israel (United States)

    Shtober-Zisu, N.; Inbar, M.; Mor, D.; Jicha, B. R.; Singer, B. S.


    Long-term fluvial incision processes and corresponding geomorphic evolution are difficult to quantify, especially in complex systems affected by lithological and tectonic factors. Volcanic landscapes offer the most appropriate environment for the study of landscape evolution, as there is a clear starting time of formation and the lithology is homogenous. In the present study we aim to: (1) analyse the interplay of construction and incision processes throughout eruptive activity; (2) study fluvial erosion processes; (3) analyse sedimentary and volcanic lithological responses to channel erosion; and (4) calculate the incision rates in young basaltic bedrock. We have integrated existing and new 40Ar/39Ar ages of lava flows with estimates of channel geometry and tectonic activity, and considered process geomorphology concepts, to fully understand evolution of a bedrock channel incised at the boundary between basalts and sedimentary rocks with coeval active volcanic processes forcing drainage evolution. Our findings indicate that the Sa'ar basin evolution is controlled by: (1) rock strength of the mixed lithology; (2) alternating cycles of volcanic activity followed by erosion and incision; and (3) the Plio-Pleistocene uplift of Mt. Hermon. The carbonate slopes composing the southern flank of Mt. Hermon are moderate (18-26%) while the basalt slopes deriving from the Golan Heights are much steeper (26-51%). The highly erodible sedimentary rocks at Mt. Hermon's piedmont accelerated river incision, shaping a 650 m wide by 100 m deep canyon. Inside the canyon, the steep channel slope (8.6%) enables downstream movement of large boulders, including autochthonous mega-blocks (D90 size > 2.5 m); 24 knickpoints were identified using DS plots, developed within a knick zone over a distance of 6 km. The brittle and porous structure of the rubbly and blocky interflow layers (clinkers), interbedded between two massive basalt flows, enhances erosion and accelerates scouring of the

  13. PARP1 Val762Ala polymorphism reduces enzymatic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiaogan; Wang Zhaoqi; Tong Weimin; Shen Yan


    Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) modifies a variety of nuclear proteins by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation, and plays diverse roles in molecular and cellular processes. A common PARP1 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at codon 762, resulting in the substitution of alanine (Ala) for valine (Val) in the catalytic domain has been implicated in susceptibility to cancer. To characterize the functional effect of this polymorphism on PARP1, we performed in vitro enzymatic analysis on PARP1-Ala762 and PARP1-Val762. We found that PARP1-Ala762 displayed 57.2% of the activity of PARP1-Val762 for auto-poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation and 61.9% of the activity of PARP1-Val762 for trans-poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of histone H1. The kinetic characterization revealed that the K m of PARP1-Ala762 was increased to a 1.2-fold of the K m of PARP1-Val762 for trans-poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. Thus, the PARP1 Val762Ala polymorphism reduces the enzymatic activity of PARP1 by increasing K m . This finding suggests that different levels of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation by PARP1 might aid in understanding Cancer risk of carriers of the PARP1 Val762Ala polymorphism

  14. The importance of protoporphyrin IX efflux for ALA-PDT dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milanetto, M C; Imasato, H; Perussi, J R


    One of the major advances in PDT is the use of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) to induce the production of an endogenous photosensitizer inside the cells using intracellular enzymatic pathways. ALA is the first intermediate in heme biosynthesis and a precursor of the protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). When activated by light, this efficient photosensitizer accumulated in the target cells can produce cytotoxicity. The aim of this study was to find the best conditions for cell killing using ALA to temporarily increase the concentration of PpIX in two cell lines. It was shown that a considerable efflux of synthesized PpIX occurs. Since this efflux is time-dependent, it is essential to know the optimum time for irradiation after ALA administration. So, the efflux of PpIX from the cells is an important parameter to be considered for ALA-PDT dosimetry

  15. Mida teed siis, kui töötaja on avaldanud soovi firmast lahkuda? / Inge Rumessen, Andres Hall, Mariliin Saar ... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad PR Strategies partner ja strateegiline konsultant Inge Rumessen, auto24ring juhataja Andrs Hall, vabakutseline loovjuht ja produtsent Mariliin Saar, advokaadibüroo Tark partner Hannes Küün, ettevõtte Ööloom ja Frank kaasasutaja Jan Plaan, haridus- ja teadusministeeriumi personaliosakonna juhataja Margot Saluse, Sorry as Service müügijuht ja asutaja Indrek Põldvee ja EBS-i rahvusvahelise koostöö prorektor Toomas Danneberg

  16. Jüri Ratas: tasulise parkimise ala suurendamine probleeme ei tekita / Jüri Ratas ; interv. Askur Alas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ratas, Jüri, 1978-


    Tallinna abilinnapea tasulise parkimise ala laiendamisest Tallinna kesklinnas ja sellega kaasnevatest võimalikest probleemidest. Kommenteerib Johannes Pirita. Kaart. Lisa: Rahvaalgatus sõdib tasulise parkimisega

  17. Studying the potential role of ALIS proteins on the functionality of ALA2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura; Poulsen, Lisbeth Rosager; Meffert, Katharina

    ). Recently we have identified five Cdc50p homologues in Arabidopsis [ALA Interacting Subunit (ALIS) 1 to 5] (1), and demonstrated that these ß-subunits are essential for the functioning of ALA3. We are currently working on a third Arabidopsis P4-ATPase isoform, ALA2. We have shown that this isoform...... is involved in specific translocation of phosphatidylserine analogues. Furthermore, we have found evidence that the substrate specificity is independent of the ß-subunit interacting with this P4-ATPase. ALA2 in combination with ALIS genes complement both the cold and the metal sensitive phenotype caused...... by lack of DRS2 in yeast. Tissue specific expression patterns of ALA2 and ALIS genes indicate that different ALIS isoforms may interact with ALA2 in diverse parts of the plant. At present we are studying the subcellular localization of ALA2 in planta in order to understand better its possible...

  18. Comparison of 18F-FET PET and 5-ALA fluorescence in cerebral gliomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Floeth, Frank Willi; Sabel, Michael; Steiger, Hans Jakob; Ewelt, Christian; Stummer, Walter; Felsberg, Joerg; Reifenberger, Guido; Stoffels, Gabriele; Langen, Karl-Josef; Coenen, Heinz Hubert


    The aim of the study was to compare presurgical 18 F-fluoroethyl-L-tyrosine ( 18 F-FET) uptake and Gd-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) enhancement on MRI (Gd) with intraoperative 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) fluorescence in cerebral gliomas. 18 F-FET positron emission tomography (PET) was performed in 30 patients with brain lesions suggestive of diffuse WHO grade II or III gliomas on MRI. PET and MRI data were coregistered to guide neuronavigated biopsies before resection. After oral application of 5-ALA, 38 neuronavigated biopsies were taken from predefined tumour areas that were positive or negative for 18 F-FET or Gd and checked for 5-ALA fluorescence. 18 F-FET uptake with a mean tumour to brain ratio ≥1.6 was rated as positive. Of 38 biopsies, 21 corresponded to high-grade glioma tissue (HGG) of WHO grade III (n = 19) or IV (n = 2) and 17 biopsies to low-grade glioma tissue (LGG) of WHO grade II. In biopsies corresponding to HGG, 18 F-FET PET was positive in 86% (18/21), but 5-ALA and Gd in only 57% (12/21). A mismatch between Gd and 5-ALA was observed in 6 of 21 cases of HGG biopsy samples (3 Gd-positive/5-ALA-negative and 3 Gd-negative/5-ALA-positive). In biopsies corresponding to LGG, 18 F-FET was positive in 41% (7/17), while 5-ALA and Gd were negative in all but one instance. All tumour areas with 5-ALA fluorescence were positive on 18 F-FET PET. There are differences between 18 F-FET and 5-ALA uptake in cerebral gliomas owing to a limited sensitivity of 5-ALA to detect tumour tissue especially in LGG. 18 F-FET PET is more sensitive to detect glioma tissue than 5-ALA fluorescence and should be considered as an additional tool in resection planning. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gusti Ayu Putu Putri Indira Suari


    Full Text Available Keberadaan pramuwisata lokal yang seluruhnya berjenis kelamin perempuan menjadi keunikan tersendiri bagi Alas Kedaton sebagai suatu daya tarik wisata. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui eksistensi pramuwisata lokal perempuan di daya tarik wisata Alas Kedaton serta untuk mengetahui motivasi mereka bekerja sebagai pramuwisata lokal perempuan di daya tarik wisata Alas Kedaton. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Sedangkan sumber data yakni data primer dan sekunder. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Informan ditentukan secara purposive sampling. Terdapat 45 responden yang dipilih sebagai sampel dengan menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa eksistensi pramuwisata lokal perempuan di daya tarik wisata Alas Kedaton dari awal terbentuknya sampai saat ini dapat dikatakan masih eksis. Meskipun jumlah pramuwisata lokal perempuan di daya tarik wisata Alas Kedaton berkurang dibandingkan ketika awal terbentuknya. Sedangkan motivasi mereka bekerja sebagai pramuwisata lokal di daya tarik wisata Alas Kedaton adalah untuk memenuhi beberapa kebutuhan seperti physiological needs, safety and security needs, affiliation or acceptance needs, esteem needs, dan self actualization. Dan rata-rata responden menjawab motivasi mereka bekerja sebagai pramuwisata lokal perempuan di daya tarik wisata Alas Kedaton adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan afiliasi atau affiliation or acceptance needs.

  20. Ex-vivo absorption study of lysine R-lipoate salt, a new pharmaceutical form of R-ALA. (United States)

    Amenta, Francesco; Buccioni, Michela; Ben, Diego Dal; Lambertucci, Catia; Navia, Aleix Martí; Ngouadjeu Ngnintedem, Michael A; Ricciutelli, Massimo; Spinaci, Andrea; Volpini, Rosaria; Marucci, Gabriella


    Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) oral supplements were used in many pathologies associated with increased oxidative stress. Although only R-ALA is considered the biologically active form, R,S-ALA is used in therapeutic applications even showing poor water solubility. The aim of this work was to study the absorption and transport mechanism across the intestinal barrier of new R-ALA stable and water soluble form, consisting in the lysine R-ALA salt, in presence and absence of specific inhibitors of Na + /multivitamin (SMVT) and monocarboxylic acids (MCT). The absorption of a new ALA form was investigated at rat everted sacs in comparison with R-ALA, S-ALA, and R,S-ALA. Results showed that duodenum is the best portion of intestine for ALA forms absorption. The absorption percentage of R-ALA, S-ALA, R,S-ALA, and lysine R-ALA salt was 66%, 43%, 55%, and 70%, respectively. The modest effect of the SMVT inhibitor biotin demonstrated that this transporter system is not principally involved in the absorption of lysine R-lipoate salt across the rat intestinal barrier. On the contrary, the MCT inhibitor octanoic acid significantly reduced the transport of this salt, whit an absorption decrease of R-ALA and lysine R-lipoate salt of 28% and 24%, respectively. Since the highest concentration of these inhibitors did not completely inhibit the absorption of lysine R-lipoate salt, other transport mechanisms probably operate for its intracellular delivery. The new form of ALA, lysine R-lipoate salt, was the most absorbed respect to the other ALA forms demonstrating that this compound is more suitable for oral administration. This new salt could represent a promising candidate for ALA oral supplementation. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. In vivo study of ALA PLGA nanoparticles-mediated PDT for treating cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (United States)

    Wang, Xiaojie; Shi, Lei; Huang, Zheng; Wang, Xiuli


    Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common skin cancer and its treatment is still a challenge. Although topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) is effective for treating in situ and superficial SCC, the effectiveness of topical ALA delivery to thick SCC can be limited by its bioavailability. Polylactic-co-glycolic acid nanopartieles (PLGA NPs) might provide a promising ALA delivery strategy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of ALA PLGA NPs PDT for the treatment of cutaneous SCC in a mouse model. Methods: ALA loaded PLGA NPs were prepared and characterized. The therapeutic efficacy of ALA PLGA NP mediated PDT in treating UV-induced cutaneous SCC in the mice model were examined. Results: In vivo study showed that ALA PLGA NPs PDT were more effective than free ALA of the same concentration in treating mouse cutaneous SCC. Conclusion: ALA PLGA NPs provides a promising strategy for delivering ALA and treating cutaneous SCC.

  2. Design of PDT protocols using delta-aminolevulinic acid (5ALA) (United States)

    Jacques, Steven L.; He, Xiao-Yan; Gofstein, Gary


    The kinetics of protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) synthesis, bioconversion to other metabolic products, and photobleaching were measured in cell cultures after incubation in media containing the metabolic precursor for heme synthesis, (delta) -aminolevulinic acid (5 ALA). A compartmental model described the kinetics in terms of rate constants for the three processes. The maximum amount of PPIX that can be attained in the cells and the concentration of 5 ALA in the medium that obtains this maximum were determined. Using this information, two dosimetry protocols are outlined which both involve complete photobleaching of the PPIX: (1) the classical acute protocol using maximum 5 ALA to produce maximum PPIX and a light treatment of about 0.5 - 1 hr, and (2) a novel prolonged protocol using continuous low-level 5 ALA delivery to produce only slightly elevated PPIX and an extended light exposure time of over 24 hrs.

  3. 1 küsimus noorele juhile : Milline peaks olema see firma, kus tahad viie aasta pärast töötada? / Kristi Loikmaa, Siim Saare, Tiiu Roosma ... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Ekspress Hotline'i turundujuht Kristi Loikmaa, SEBi organisatsiooni arendusjuht Siim Saare, BonBon Lingerie disainer ja osanik Tiiu Roosma, Advisio asutaja ja juht Lauri Antalainen, Brenstoli müügijuht Maret Puskar ning Carrot Konverentside partner Ott Sarapuu

  4. Substitution of the Lys linker with the β-Ala linker dramatically decreased the renal uptake of 99mTc-labeled Arg-X-Asp-conjugated and X-Ala-Asp-conjugated α-melanocyte stimulating hormone peptides. (United States)

    Flook, Adam M; Yang, Jianquan; Miao, Yubin


    The purpose of this study was to examine whether the substitution of the Lys linker with the β-Ala could reduce the renal uptake of (99m)Tc-labeled Arg-X-Asp-conjugated and X-Ala-Asp-conjugated α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) peptides. RSD-β-Ala-(Arg(11))CCMSH (1) {c[Arg-Ser-Asp-dTyr-Asp]-β-Ala-Cys-Cys-Glu-His-dPhe-Arg-Trp-Cys-Arg-Pro-Val-NH2}, RTD-β-Ala-(Arg(11))CCMSH (2), RVD-β-Ala-(Arg(11))CCMSH (3), RAD-β-Ala-(Arg(11))CCMSH (4), NAD-β-Ala-(Arg(11))CCMSH (5), and EAD-β-Ala-(Arg(11))CCMSH (6) peptides were synthesized and evaluated for their melanocortin 1 (MC1) receptor binding affinities in B16/F1 melanoma cells. The biodistribution of their (99m)Tc-conjugates were determined in B16/F1 melanoma-bearing C57 mice. The substitution of the Lys linker with β-Ala linker dramatically reduced the renal uptake of all six (99m)Tc-peptides. (99m)Tc-4 exhibited the highest melanoma uptake (15.66 ± 6.19% ID/g) and the lowest kidney uptake (20.18 ± 3.86% ID/g) among these (99m)Tc-peptides at 2 h postinjection. The B16/F1 melanoma lesions could be clearly visualized by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/CT using (99m)Tc-4 as an imaging probe.

  5. A study of parallelism of the occlusal plane and ala-tragus line. (United States)

    Sadr, Katayoun; Sadr, Makan


    Orientation of the occlusal plane is one of the most important clinical procedures in prostho-dontic rehabilitation of edentulous patients. The aim of this study was to define the best posterior reference point of ala-tragus line for orientation of occlusal plane for complete denture fabrication. Fifty-three dental students (27 females and 26 males) with complete natural dentition and Angel's Class I occlusal relationship were selected. The subjects were photographed in natural head position while clenching on a Fox plane. After tracing the photographs, the angles between the following lines were measured: the occlusal plane (Fox plane) and the superior border of ala-tragus, the occlusal plane (Fox plane) and the middle of ala-tragus as well as the occlusal plane (Fox plane) and the inferior border of ala-tragus. Descriptive statistics, one sample t-test and independent t-test were used. P value less than 0.05 was considered significant. There was no parallelism between the occlusal plane and ala-tragus line with three different posterior ends and one sample t-test showed that the angles between them were significantly different from zero (pplane. The superior border of the tragus is suggested as the posterior reference for ala-tragus line.

  6. The final story on the ALA3/ALIS1 complex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura

    The final story on the ALA3/ALIS1 complex. Lisbeth R. Poulsena, Rosa L. López-Marquésa, Alexander Schultza, Stephen C. McDowellb, Juha Okkeric, Dirk Lichtc, Thomas Pomorskic,  Jeffrey F. Harperb, and Michael G. Palmgrena,1 aCentre for Membrane Pumps in Cells and Disease - PUMPKIN, Danish National......).              Through a database search we have previously identified five Cdc50p/Lem3p homologues in Arabidopsis (ALIS1-5 for ALA Interacting Subunit)..We investigated the capacity of ALA3, alone and in combination with expressed ALIS proteins, to functionally complement a battery of yeast mutants carrying deletions...... in endogenous P4-ATPases. Our results indicated that ALIS1 functions as a true ß-subunit for the Arabidopsis putative flippase ALA3, being required for ATP-dependent phospholipid transport and for genetic complementation of the yeast P4-ATPase gene Drs2, which is involved in vesicle budding from the late Golgi...

  7. Rannaprotsesside anatoomia laserskaneerimise skalpelliga / Maris Eelsalu, Artu Ellmann, Kalev Julge ... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ajavahemikus 2008-2013 Pirita rannas läbi viidud uurimuses demonstreeriti lennukil paikneva (ALS) ja rannale paigaldatud (TLS) mõõdistusseadmete abil tehtava laserskaneerimise võimalusi ranna kolmemõõtmelise topograafia ajaliste muutuste analüüsimiseks

  8. A facile synthesis of δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) regio-selectively labeled with 13C and direct observation of enzymatic transformation from ALA to porphobilinogen (PBG)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurumaya, Katsuyuki; Okazaki, Takeo; Seido, Nobuo; Akasaka, Yuzuru; Kawajiri, Yoshiki; Kajiwara, Masahiro; Kondo, Masao


    δ-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), labeled with 13 C at position 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, was synthesized from 13 C-labeled glycine, Meldrum's acid, or bromoacetate. The latter compounds were prepared from 13 C-sodium acetate or 13 C-acetic acid. Enzymatic transformation from ALA to porphobilinogen (PBG) was directly observed by 13 C-NMR. (author)

  9. Võru sozdajutsja gigantskije skulpturõ iz peska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Võrus Tamula rannas toimuval rahvusvahelisel liivaskulptuurifestivalil valmib kümme suurt liivaskulptuuri. Lisaks Tamula ranna liivaskulptuuridele valmivad suured liivaskulptuurid veel Taevaskojas, Rõuges, Suur-Munamäel, Kubijal ja Piusal. Eestit esindab Kalle-Priit Pruuden. Festivali kuraator on Henry Timusk

  10. Treating cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma using ALA PLGA nanoparticle-mediated photodynamic therapy in a mouse model (United States)

    Wang, Xiaojie; Shi, Lei; Tu, Qingfeng; Wang, Hongwei; Zhang, Haiyan; Wang, Peiru; Zhang, Linglin; Huang, Zheng; Wang, Xiuli; Zhao, Feng; Luan, Hansen


    Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common skin cancer and its treatment is still difficult. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of nanoparticle (NP)-assisted ALA delivery for topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) of cutaneous SCC. Methods: UV-induced cutaneous SCCs were established in hairless mice. ALA loaded polylactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) NPs were prepared and characterized. The kinetics of ALA PLGA NPs-induced protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence in SCCs, therapeutic efficacy of ALA NP-mediated PDT, and immune responses were examined. Results: PLGA NPs could enhance PpIX production in SCC. ALA PLGA NP mediated topical PDT was more effective than free ALA of the same concentration in treating cutaneous SCC. Conclusion: PLGA NPs provide a promising strategy for delivering ALA in topical PDT of cutaneous SCC.

  11. Isolated cleft of the ala nasi: A report of seven cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J Rajesh Jinka


    Full Text Available Craniofacial clefts other than cleft lip & palate are reported to be 1.4 to 4.9 per 100,000 live births. Of these, clefts of nose are usually associated with other clefts. Isolated cleft of Ala is rare, 0.7% of all clefts reported by Monasterio. In an analysis of photographic records of 3,500 consecutive patients with craniofacial clefts including cleft lip & palate registered with us between 1985- 2012 which were accessed through our data base, 13 patients with nasal clefts were identified, seven out of which had Isolated cleft of the Ala. All were treated by a rotation flap of the Ala with good results with the longest follow up of 14Yrs. The authors have emphasised the rarity of the condition and presented a simple surgical procedure for correction. In the opinion of the authors this very simple procedure which can be performed by the junior surgeon gives a good long term result in the management of cleft Ala.

  12. ALA-PDT mediated DC vaccine for skin squamous cell carcinoma (United States)

    Ji, Jie; Fan, Zhixia; Zhou, Feifan; Wang, Xiaojie; Shi, Lei; Zhang, Haiyan; Wang, Peiru; Yang, Degang; Zhang, Linglin; Wang, Xiuli; Chen, Wei R.


    Dendritic cell (DC) based vaccine has emerged as a promising immunotherapy for cancers. However, most DC vaccines so far have only achieved limited success in cancer treatment. Photodynamic therapy (PDT), an established cancer treatment strategy, can cause immunogenic apoptosis to induce an effective antitumor immune response. In this study, we developed a DC-based cancer vaccine using immunogenic apoptotic tumor cells induced by 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) mediated PDT. The maturation of DCs induced by PDT-treated apoptotic cells was evaluated. The anti-tumor immunity of ALA-PDT-DC vaccine was tested with mouse model. We observed the maturations of DCs potentiated by ALA-PDT treated tumor cells, including phenotypic maturation (upregulation of surface expression of MHC-II, DC80, and CD86), and functional maturation (enhanced capability to secret INF-Υ and IL-12). ALA-PDT-DC vaccine mediated by apoptotic cells provided protection against tumor in mice, far stronger than that of DC vaccine obtained from freeze/thaw treated tumor cells. Our results indicate that immunogenic apoptotic tumor cells can be more effective in enhancing DC-based cancer vaccine, which could improve the clinical application of PDT- DC vaccines.

  13. Alpid, kiviktaimla sünnikodu / Terje Alas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alas, Terje


    Terje Alas Rehemaa aiandus- ja käsitöötalust vahendab muljeid Shveitsi alpi-botaanikaaiast Botanischer Garten Alpinum Schatzalp. Rajajateks Hans Lichtenhahn, Max ja Hans Frei. Nõuandeid alpiaia rajamiseks

  14. Improve efficacy of topical ALA-PDT by calcipotriol through up-regulation of coproporphyrinogen oxidase. (United States)

    Yang, Deng-Fu; Chen, Jia-Haur; Chiang, Chun-Pin; Huang, Zheng; Lee, Jeng-Woei; Liu, Chung-Ji; Chang, Junn-Liang; Hsu, Yih-Chih


    Topical 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy (topical ALA-PDT) is effective for treating oral precancerous lesions. The aim of this in vivo and in vitro study was to examine whether the efficacy of topical ALA-PDT could be further improved by calcipotriol (CAL). Precancerous lesions in the buccal pouch of hamsters were induced by dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA). Lesions were treated with multiple topical ALA-PDT with or without CAL pretreatment. ALA-induced protoporphyrine IX (PpIX) was monitored by in situ fluorescence measurement. The effect of CAL on heme-related enzymes (CPOX, PPOX, and FECH) were examined in an in vitro model using human squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells (SCC4, SAS) using Western blots. Fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that PpIX reached its peak level in precancerous epithelial cells of buccal pouch at 2.5 or 3.5h without or with CAL pretreatment, respectively. Both treatment regimens showed similar response rates, but the complete response was achieved after 5 times of ALA-PDT and 3 times of CAL-ALA-PDT (plevel. Topical CAL can improve the efficacy of ALA-PDT in treating precancerous lesions, likely through the increase in CPOX level and in PpIX production. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Conversion of the agent-oriented domain-specific language ALAS into JavaScript (United States)

    Sredojević, Dejan; Vidaković, Milan; Okanović, Dušan; Mitrović, Dejan; Ivanović, Mirjana


    This paper shows generation of JavaScript code from code written in agent-oriented domain-specific language ALAS. ALAS is an agent-oriented domain-specific language for writing software agents that are executed within XJAF middleware. Since the agents can be executed on various platforms, they must be converted into a language of the target platform. We also try to utilize existing tools and technologies to make the whole conversion process as simple as possible, as well as faster and more efficient. We use the Xtext framework that is compatible with Java to implement ALAS infrastructure - editor and code generator. Since Xtext supports Java, generation of Java code from ALAS code is straightforward. To generate a JavaScript code that will be executed within the target JavaScript XJAF implementation, Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is used.

  16. Properties of myelin altered peptide ligand cyclo(87-99)(Ala91,Ala96)MBP87-99 render it a promising drug lead for immunotherapy of multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Deraos, George; Rodi, Maria; Kalbacher, Hubert; Chatzantoni, Kokona; Karagiannis, Fotios; Synodinos, Loukas; Plotas, Panayiotis; Papalois, Apostolos; Dimisianos, Nikolaos; Papathanasopoulos, Panagiotis; Gatos, Dimitrios; Tselios, Theodore; Apostolopoulos, Vasso; Mouzaki, Athanasia; Matsoukas, John


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, and it has been established that autoreactive T helper (Th) cells play a crucial role in its pathogenesis. Myelin basic protein (MBP) epitopes are major autoantigens in MS, and the sequence MBP87-99 is an immunodominant epitope. We have previously reported that MBP87-99 peptides with modifications at principal T-cell receptor (TCR) contact sites suppressed the induction of EAE symptoms in rats and SJL/J mice, diverted the immune response from Th1 to Th2 and generated antibodies that did not cross react with the native MBP protein. In this study, the linear and cyclic analogs of the MBP87-99 epitope, namely linear (Ala91,Ala96)MBP87-99 (P2) and cyclo(87-99)(Ala91,Ala96)MBP87-99 (P3), were evaluated for their binding to HLA-DR4, stability to lysosomal enzymes, their effect on cytokine secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) derived from MS patients or healthy subjects (controls), and their effect in rat EAE. P1 peptide (wild-type, MBP87-99) was used as control. P2 and P3 did not alter significantly the cytokine secretion by control PBMC, in contrast to P1 that induced moderate IL-10 production. In MS PBMC, P2 and P3 induced the production of IL-2 and IFN-γ, with a simultaneous decrease of IL-10, whereas P1 caused a reduction of IL-10 secretion only. The cellular response to P3 indicated that cyclization did not affect the critical TCR contact sites in MS PBMC. Interestingly, the cyclic P3 analog was found to be a stronger binder to HLA-DR4 compared to linear P2. Moreover, cyclic P3 was more stable to proteolysis compared to linear P2. Finally, both P2 and P3 suppressed EAE induced by an encephalitogenic guinea pig MBP74-85 epitope in Lewis rats whereas P1 failed to do so. In conclusion, cyclization of myelin altered peptide ligand (Ala91,Ala96)MBP87-99 improved binding affinity to HLA-DR4, resistance to proteolysis and antigen-specific immunomodulation

  17. Preparation and preliminary evaluation of 99Tcm-HYNIC-β-Ala-BBN(7-14)NH2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quan Xin; Zhang Yan; Jia Bing; Shi Jiyun; Wang Fan; Zhao Huiyun; Yu Zilin


    99 Tc m -HYNIC-β-Ala-BBN(7-14)NH 2 is prepared by choosing Tricine and EDDA as coligands, and the in vitro stability and biodistribution are compared for the two compounds. The results of ITLC and HPLC analyses show that the labeling yield of both compounds is >95%, and the radiochemical purity (RCP) after purification of Sep-Pak C-18 cartridge is >99%. Both of the compounds show pretty good stability in saline and fetal bovine serum, but cysteine challenge assay shows that the stability of 99 Tc m -HYNIC(EDDA)- β-Ala-BBN (7-14) NH 2 is much better than 99 Tc m -HYNIC (Tricine)-β-Ala-BBN (7-14) NH 2 , with the RCP is >95% and 99 Tc m HYNIC (EDDA)-βAla-BBN (7-14)NH 2 and 99 Tc m -HYNIC (Tricine)-β-Ala-BBN(7-14)NH 2 is defined as two-compartment model, with T 1/2α calculated to be 0.27 min and 1.55 min, and T 1/2β calculated to be 18.1 min and 29.7 min, respectively. Biodistribution reveals that the radio uptake of 99 Tc m -HYNIC(Tricine)-β-Ala-BBN(7-14)NH 2 is higher than that of 99 Tc m -HYNIC(EDDA)-β-Ala-BBN(7-14)NH 2 for all of tis- sues at all time points of the experiment. The uptake in kidneys for both compounds is relatively high, as the uptake in livers and intestines for 99 Tc m -HYNIC(Tricine)-β-Ala-BBN(7- 14)NH 2 is significantly higher than that for 99 Tc m -HYNIC(EDDA)-β-Ala-BBN(7-14)NH 2 , which means that 99 Tc m -HYNIC(EDDA)-β-Ala-BBN(7-14)NH 2 is mainly excreted through kidneys, while 99 Tc m -HYNIC(Tricine)-β-Ala-BBN(7-14)NH 2 is excreted through both kidneys and hepatobiliary system. The above data demonstrate that 99 Tc m -HYNIC(EDDA)-β- Ala-BBN(7-14)NH 2 possesses better chemical and biological properties. (authors)

  18. ALA glossary of library and information science

    CERN Document Server

    Levine-Clark, Michael


    This fourth edition of ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science presents a thorough yet concise guide to the specific words that describe the materials, processes and systems relevant to the field of librarianship.

  19. The Caenorhabditis elegans interneuron ALA is (also) a high-threshold mechanosensor. (United States)

    Sanders, Jarred; Nagy, Stanislav; Fetterman, Graham; Wright, Charles; Treinin, Millet; Biron, David


    To survive dynamic environments, it is essential for all animals to appropriately modulate their behavior in response to various stimulus intensities. For instance, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans suppresses the rate of egg-laying in response to intense mechanical stimuli, in a manner dependent on the mechanosensory neurons FLP and PVD. We have found that the unilaterally placed single interneuron ALA acted as a high-threshold mechanosensor, and that it was required for this protective behavioral response. ALA was required for the inhibition of egg-laying in response to a strong (picking-like) mechanical stimulus, characteristic of routine handling of the animals. Moreover, ALA did not respond physiologically to less intense touch stimuli, but exhibited distinct physiological responses to anterior and posterior picking-like touch, suggesting that it could distinguish between spatially separated stimuli. These responses required neither neurotransmitter nor neuropeptide release from potential upstream neurons. In contrast, the long, bilaterally symmetric processes of ALA itself were required for producing its physiological responses; when they were severed, responses to stimuli administered between the cut and the cell body were unaffected, while responses to stimuli administered posterior to the cut were abolished. C. elegans neurons are typically classified into three major groups: sensory neurons with specialized sensory dendrites, interneurons, and motoneurons with neuromuscular junctions. Our findings suggest that ALA can autonomously sense intense touch and is thus a dual-function neuron, i.e., an interneuron as well as a novel high-threshold mechanosensor.

  20. A facile synthesis of. delta. -aminolevulinic acid (ALA) regio-selectively labeled with sup 13 C and direct observation of enzymatic transformation from ALA to porphobilinogen (PBG)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kurumaya, Katsuyuki; Okazaki, Takeo; Seido, Nobuo; Akasaka, Yuzuru; Kawajiri, Yoshiki; Kajiwara, Masahiro (Meiji College of Pharmacy, Tokyo (Japan)); Kondo, Masao (Institute of Public Health, Tokyo (Japan))


    {delta}-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), labeled with {sup 13}C at position 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, was synthesized from {sup 13}C-labeled glycine, Meldrum's acid, or bromoacetate. The latter compounds were prepared from {sup 13}C-sodium acetate or {sup 13}C-acetic acid. Enzymatic transformation from ALA to porphobilinogen (PBG) was directly observed by {sup 13}C-NMR. (author).

  1. Vibrational and chiroptical spectroscopic characterization of gamma-turn model cyclic tetrapeptides containing two beta-Ala residues. (United States)

    Vass, Elemér; Majer, Zsuzsa; Kohalmy, Krisztina; Hollósi, Miklós


    The optical spectroscopic characterization of gamma-turns in solution is uncertain and their distinction from beta-turns is often difficult. This work reports systematic ECD and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectroscopic studies on gamma-turn model cyclic tetrapeptides cyclo(Ala-beta-Ala-Pro-beta-Ala) (1), cyclo(Pro-beta-Ala-Pro-beta-Ala) (2) and cyclo(Ala-beta-Ala-Ala-beta-Ala) (3). Conformational analysis performed at the 6-31G(d)/B3LYP level of theory using an adequate PCM solvent model predicted one predominant conformer for 1-3, featuring two inverse gamma-turns. The ECD spectra in ACN of 1 and 2 are characterized by a negative n-->pi* band near 230 nm and a positive pi-->pi* band below 200 nm with a long wavelength shoulder. The ECD spectra in TFE of 1-3 show similar spectra with blue-shifted bands. The VCD spectra in ACN-d(3) of 1 and 2 show a +/-/+/- amide I sign pattern resulting from four uncoupled vibrations in the case of 1 and a sequence of two positive couplets in the case of 2. A -/+/+/- amide I VCD pattern was measured for 3 in TFE-d(2). All three peptides give a positive couplet or couplet-like feature (+/-) in the amide II region. VCD spectroscopy, in agreement with theoretical calculations revealed that low frequency amide I vibrations (at approximately 1630 cm(-1) or below) are indicative of a C(7) H-bonded inverse gamma-turns with Pro in position 2, while gamma-turns encompassing Ala absorb at higher frequency (above 1645 cm(-1)). Copyright 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  2. Structural, Mechanical, Anisotropic, and Thermal Properties of AlAs in oC12 and hP6 Phases under Pressure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Zhang


    Full Text Available The structural, mechanical, anisotropic, and thermal properties of oC12-AlAs and hP6-AlAs under pressure have been investigated by employing first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. The elastic constants, bulk modulus, shear modulus, Young’s modulus, B/G ratio, and Poisson’s ratio for oC12-AlAs and hP6-AlAs have been systematically investigated. The results show that oC12-AlAs and hP6-AlAs are mechanically stable within the considered pressure. Through the study of lattice constants (a, b, and c with pressure, we find that the incompressibility of oC12-AlAs and hP6-AlAs is the largest along the c-axis. At 0 GPa, the bulk modulus B of oC12-AlAs, hP6-AlAs, and diamond-AlAs are 76 GPa, 75 GPa, and 74 Gpa, respectively, indicating that oC12-AlAs and hP6-AlAs have a better capability of resistance to volume than diamond-AlAs. The pressure of transition from brittleness to ductility for oC12-AlAs and hP6-AlAs are 1.21 GPa and 2.11 GPa, respectively. The anisotropy of Young’s modulus shows that oC12-AlAs and hP6-AlAs have greater isotropy than diamond-AlAs. To obtain the thermodynamic properties of oC12-AlAs and hP6-AlAs, the sound velocities, Debye temperature, and minimum thermal conductivity at considered pressure were investigated systematically. At ambient pressure, oC12-AlAs (463 K and hP6-AlAs (471 K have a higher Debye temperature than diamond-AlAs (433 K. At T = 300 K, hP6-AlAs (0.822 W/cm·K−1 has the best thermal conductivity of the three phases, and oC12-AlAs (0.809 W/cm·K−1 is much close to diamond-AlAs (0.813 W/cm·K−1.

  3. Surviving the Tremors: ALA in San Francisco. (United States)

    Wilson Library Bulletin, 1992


    Reports on the American Library Association (ALA) 1992 Annual Conference. Highlights include awards given; libraries' futures; bibliographic instruction; NREN (National Research and Education Network); telecommunications; lack of status in librarianship; proposed guidelines for patron behavior; interlibrary loan; the Americans with Disabilities…

  4. Topical application of ALA PDT for the treatment of moderate to severe acne vulgaris (United States)

    Wang, Xiu-Li; Wang, Hong-Wei; Zhang, Ling-Lin; Su, Lina; Guo, Ming-Xia; Huang, Zheng


    Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of topical 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)- medicated photodynamic therapy (ALA PDT) for the treatment of moderate to severe acne vulgaris. Methods: Sixteen Chinese patients with moderate to severe facial acne were treated with 1-3 courses of ALA PDT. ALA cream (3%) was freshly prepared and applied to acne lesions for 3-4 h. The lesions were irradiated by a 635 nm diode laser at dose levels of 60 - 80 J/cm2 at 100 mW/cm2. Clinical assessments were conducted before and after treatment up to 3 months. Results: All patents showed response to ALA PDT. Complete clearance was seen in 10 patients (62.5%) and partial clearance in 6 patients (37.5%). One case showed recurrence after complete clearance at 2 months and another two showed recurrence after complete clearance at 3 months. However, the number of new lesions were significantly reduced. Adverse effects were minimal. Conclusions: The results of this preliminary clinical study is encouraging. ALA PDT is a simple, safe and useful therapeutic option for the treatment of moderate to severe acne. Further studies to evaluate the treatment with a larger number of patients and for a longer period of follow-up are needed.

  5. Combination therapies in adjuvant with topical ALA-mediated photodynamic therapy for DMBA-induced hamster buccal pouch premalignant lesions (United States)

    Yang, Deng-Fu; Hsu, Yih-Chih


    In Taiwan, oral cancer has becomes the fastest growth male cancer disease due to the betel nut chewing habit combing with smoking and alcohol-drinking lifestyle of people. In order to eliminate the systemic phototoxic effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), this study was designed to use a topical ALA-mediated PDT for treatment of DMBA-induced hamster buccal pouch precancerous lesions. DMBA was applied to one of the buccal pouches of hamsters thrice a week for 10 to 12 weeks. Cancerous lesions were induced and proven by histological examination. These DMBA-induced cancerous lesions were used for testing the efficacy of topical ALA-mediated PDT. Before PDT, fluorescence spectroscopy was used to determine when ALA reached its peak level in the lesional epithelial cells after topical application of ALA gel. We found that ALA reached its peak level in precancerous lesions about 2.5 hrs after topical application of ALA gel. The cancerous lesions in hamsters were then treated with topical ALA -mediated PDT with light exposure dose of 150 J/cm2 using LED 635 nm fiber-guided light device. Visual examination demonstrated that adjuvant topical ALA -mediated PDT group has shown better therapeutic results in compared to those of non-adjuvant topical ALA-mediated PDT group for DMBA-induced hamster buccal pouch precancerous lesions.

  6. PPAR2Pro12Ala Polymorphism and Human Health

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weimin He


    Full Text Available The nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPAR is an important transcription factor regulating adipocyte differentiation, lipid and glucose homeostasis, and insulin sensitivity. Numerous genetic mutations of PPAR have been identified and these mutations positively or negatively regulate insulin sensitivity. Among these, a relatively common polymorphism of PPAR, Pro12Ala of PPAR2, the isoform expressed only in adipose tissue has been shown to be associated with lower body mass index, enhanced insulin sensitivity, and resistance to the risk of type 2 diabetes in human subjects carrying this mutation. Subsequent studies in different ethnic populations, however, have revealed conflicting results, suggesting a complex interaction between the PPAR2 Pro12Ala polymorphism and environmental factors such as the ratio of dietary unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids and/or between the PPAR2 Pro12Ala polymorphism and genetic factors such as polymorphic mutations in other genes. In addition, this polymorphic mutation in PPAR2 is associated with other aspects of human diseases, including cancers, polycystic ovary syndrome, Alzheimer disease and aging. This review will highlight findings from recent studies.

  7. Tornide väljaku müüriäärse ala tulevik endiselt ebaselge / Askur Alas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alas, Askur, 1973-


    Tallinna linna ja ehitusfirma Restor vaheline tüli linnamüüri äärse maa täisehitamise suhtes Suurtüki kvartalis pole lahendust leidnud. Linnaosavalitsus soovib müüri äärde parki ja tahab algatada ala detaiplaneeringut. Restoril on Plate ja Eppingi torni vahel ridaelamuboksid juba välja ehitatud

  8. Harnessing cellular differentiation to improve ALA-based photodynamic therapy in an artificial skin model (United States)

    Maytin, Edward; Anand, Sanjay; Sato, Nobuyuki; Mack, Judith; Ortel, Bernhard


    During ALA-based photodynamic therapy (PDT), a pro-drug (aminolevulinic acid; ALA) is taken up by tumor cells and metabolically converted to a photosensitizing intermediate (protoporphyrin IX; PpIX). ALA-based PDT, while an emerging treatment modality, remains suboptimal for most cancers (e.g. squamous cell carcinoma of the skin). Many treatment failures may be largely due to insufficient conversion of ALA to PpIX within cells. We discovered a novel way to increase the conversion of ALA to PpIX, by administering agents that can drive terminal differentiation (i.e., accelerate cellular maturation). Terminally-differentiated epithelial cells show higher levels of intracellular PpIX, apparently via increased levels of a rate-limiting enzyme, coproporphyrinogen oxidase (CPO). To study these mechanisms in a three-dimensional tissue, we developed an organotypic model that mimics true epidermal physiology in a majority of respects. A line of rat epidermal keratinocytes (REKs), when grown in raft cultures, displays all the features of a fully-differentiated epidermis. Addition of ALA to the culture medium results in ALA uptake and PpIX synthesis, with subsequent death of keratinocytes upon exposure to blue light. Using this model, we can manipulate cellular differentiation via three different approaches. (1) Vitamin D, a hormone that enhances keratinocyte differentiation; (2) Hoxb13, a nuclear transcription factor that affects the genetically-controlled differentiation program of stratifying cells (3) Hyaluronan, an abundant extracellular matrix molecule that regulates epidermal differentiation. Because the raft cultures contain only a single cell type (no blood, fibroblasts, etc.) the effects of terminal differentiation upon CPO, PpIX, and keratinocyte cell death can be specifically defined.

  9. 0.5% Liposome-encapsulated 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) photodynamic therapy for acne treatment. (United States)

    An, Jee-Soo; Kim, Jeong-Eun; Lee, Dong-Hun; Kim, Byung-Yoon; Cho, Soyun; Kwon, In-Ho; Choi, Won-Woo; Kang, Seong-Min; Won, Chong-Hyun; Chang, Sung-Eun; Lee, Mi-Woo; Choi, Jee-Ho; Moon, Kee-Chan


    Photodynamic therapy using topical 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) has been successful in treating acne vulgaris, but sun avoidance for at least 48 hours after treatment is necessary due to the risk of post-treatment photosensitivity. Recently, a lower concentration of liposome-encapsulated 5-ALA was introduced to minimize this risk. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of liposome-encapsulated 0.5% 5-ALA in the photodynamic therapy of inflammatory acne and its effects on sebum secretion in Asian skin. Thirteen Korean subjects with inflammatory acne were administered 0.5% ALA spray before photoradiation treatment. Photoradiation was performed at 3.5-6.0 J/cm(2) three times during each of two visits, performed 2 weeks apart. Improvement of acne was evaluated subjectively and objectively based on the Korean Acne Grading System. Sebum secretion was measured quantitatively at each visit. The mean reduction in acne grade at the end of the treatment was 43.2%. Of the patients, 69.2% reported improvements in subjective skin oiliness, but fewer showed objective reductions in sebum secretion as determined by the Sebumeter® SM10. No serious adverse events were observed. Photodynamic therapy using liposome-encapsulated 0.5% 5-ALA improved inflammatory acne with minimal side effects in Asians.

  10. PENGARUH KARAKTERISTIK INDIVIDU TERHADAP SIKAP GOOD FORESTRY GOVERNANCE DI TAMAN NASIONAL ALAS PURWO (The influence of individual characteristic toward attitude to Good Forestry Governance in Alas Purwo National Park

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tri Atmojo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Organisasi taman nasional di Indonesia mengalami berbagai permasalahan di berbagai simpul dan membutuhkan upaya perbaikan kelembagaan. Salah satu upaya pembenahan adalah perbaikan aspek perilaku organisasi yang mengarah kepada pembentukan good forestry governance. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan data dan penjelasan mengenai pengaruh karakteristik individu orang-orang yang bekerja di Taman Nasional (TN Alas Purwo terhadap sikap good forestry governance (GFG. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di TN Alas Purwo pada bulan November-Desember 2011 dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Responden diambil secara purposive sampling terhadap personel TN Alas Purwo. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik individu berpengaruh terhadap sikap good forestry governance. Persamaan regresi yang dihasilkan adalah GFG = 27,449 + 0,463 KI dengan nilai adjusted R2 0,287. Manajemen TN Alas Purwo perlu menaikan kualitas karakteristik individu personel taman nasional dengan melakukan berbagai tindakan manajemen. Implikasi disain organisasi yang tepat untuk tindakan manajemen ini adalah struktur organisasi organik. ABSTRACT In Indonesia, most of national parks have encountered several problems, which need efforts to improve their management. good forestry governance (GFG is one conceptualisation that can be used to improve aspects of organizational behavior in the management of conservation areas. In this research, we obtain data and explanation about influence of the individual characteristic (KI of Alas Purwo National Park with GFG attitude. Using quantitative methods, this study was conducted between November-December  2011. The respondents were staff of Alas Purwo National Park who taken by purposively. We perform data analysis with a simple regression test. The results indicate that the GFG attitude affected individual characteristic. The model is GFG attitude = 27.449 + 0.463 KI with adjusted R2 0,287. We

  11. Growth optimization and characterization of high mobility two-dimensional electron systems in AlAs quantum wells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dasgupta, Shivaji


    In this work two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) based on AlAs/AlGaAs heterostructures doped with Si are investigated. The electrons are confined in AlAs quantum wells (QWs) sandwiched between AlGaAs buffers. Analytical calculations and simulations for AlAs QWs are presented in the first chapter. The results show a cross-over width, above which the wide (001)-oriented QWs show double valley occupancy and wide (110)-oriented QWs show single valley occupancy. We solve the Schroedinger equation analytically for anisotropic masses. The solution shows the orientation dependence of the elliptical cyclotron orbit due to the anisotropic mass. We also present an introduction to the Landau level crossings based on g{sup *}m{sup *} product. In the next chapter, we present experimental results for the double-valley (001)-oriented AlAs QWs. We present the different structures of the deep AlAs QWs along with the low temperature magnetotransport data for these QWs. Thereafter, we present the results on shallow AlAs QWs. We achieved a mobility of 4.2 x 10{sup 5} cm{sup 2}/Vs at 330 mK for the deep backside doped AlAs QW. For the shallow QWs, we achieved a mobility of2.3 x 10{sup 5} cm{sup 2}/Vs at 330 mK, for a density of 2.9 x 10{sup 11} cm{sup -2}. From the magneto-transport data, we see evidence of the double-valley occupation for the (001)-oriented AlAs wide QWs. In the next chapter, we present experimental results for the single-valley (110)-oriented AlAs QWs. We deduced the donor binding energy and the doping efficiency for this facet from a doping series of double-sided doped QWs. Thereafter, we designed different structures for the (110)-oriented AlAs QWs, which we present along with their respective low temperature magneto-transport data. We measured one of the double-sided doped AlAs QWs at very high magnetic fields and low temperatures, down to 60 mK. At the end of the chapter, we present a spike feature observed in the magneto-transport data of these QWs. This

  12. D2-Thr92Ala, thyroid hormone levels and biochemical hypothyroidism in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Procopciuc, Lucia Maria; Caracostea, Gabriela; Hazi, Georgeta; Nemeti, Georgiana; Stamatian, Florin


    To identify if there is a relationship between the deiodinase D2-Thr92Ala genetic variant, thyroid hormone levels and biochemical hypothyroidism in preeclampsia. We genotyped 125 women with preeclampsia and 131 normal pregnant women using PCR-RFLP. Serum thyroid hormone levels were determined using ELISA. Our study showed higher TSH and FT4 levels and lower FT3 levels in women with preeclampsia compared to normal pregnant women, with statistical significance for women with mild and severe preeclampsia. The risk to develop pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), mild or severe preeclampsia was increased in carriers of at least one D2-Ala92 allele. TSH and FT4 levels were significantly higher and FT3 levels were significantly lower in preeclamptic women with severe preeclampsia if they carried the D2-Ala92 allele compared to non-carriers. Pregnant women with PIH and mild preeclampsia, carriers of at least one D2-Ala92 allele, delivered at lower gestational age neonates with a lower birth weight compared to non-carriers, but the results were statistically significant only in severe preeclampsia. The D2-Thr92Ala genetic variant is associated with the severity and the obstetric outcome of preeclampsia, and it also influences thyroid hormone levels. The study demonstrates non-thyroidal biochemical hypothyroidism - as a result of deiodination effects due to D2 genotypes.

  13. Functional characterization of the Thr946Ala SNP at the type 1 diabetes IFIH1 locus. (United States)

    Zouk, Hana; Marchand, Luc; Li, Quan; Polychronakos, Constantin


    The Thr allele at the Thr946Ala non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism (nsSNP) in the IFIH1 gene confers risk for type 1 diabetes (T1D). IFIH1 binds viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), inducing a type I interferon (IFN) response. Reports of this nsSNP's role in IFIH1 expression regulation have produced conflicting results and a study evaluating transfected Thr946Ala protein alleles in an artificial system overexpressing IFIH1 shows that the SNP does not affect IFH1 function. In this study, we examine the effects of the Thr946Ala polymorphism on IFN-α response in a cell line that endogenously expresses physiological levels of IFIH1. Eleven lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) homozygous for the major predisposing allele (Thr/Thr) and 6 LCLs homozygous for the minor protective allele (Ala/Ala) were electroporated with the viral dsRNA mimic, poly I:C, in three independent experiments. Media were collected 24 hours later and measured for IFN-α production by ELISA. Basal IFN response is minimal in mock-transfected cells from both genotypes and increases by about 8-fold in cells treated with poly I:C. LCLs with the Ala/Ala genotype have slightly higher IFN-α levels than their Thr/Thr counterparts but this did not reach statistical significance because of the large variability of the IFN response, due mostly to two high outliers (biological, not technical). A larger sample size would be needed to determine whether the Thr946Ala SNP affects the poly I:C-driven IFN-α response. Additionally, the possibility that this nsSNP recognizes viral dsRNA specificities cannot be ruled out. Thus, the mechanism of the observed association of this SNP with T1D remains to be determined.

  14. Potentiation of ALA-PDT antitumor activity in mice using topical DMXAA (United States)

    Marrero, Allison; Sunar, Ulas; Sands, Theresa; Oseroff, Allan; Bellnier, David


    Photodynamic treatment of subcutaneously implanted Colon 26 tumors in BALB/c mice using the aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-induced photosensitizer protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) was shown to be enhanced by the addition of the vascular disrupting agent 5,6-Dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic-acid (DMXAA; Novartis ASA404). DMXAA increases vascular permeability and decreases blood flow in both murine and human tumors. Sufficiently high parenteral DMXAA doses can lead to tumor collapse and necrosis. We have previously reported marked enhancement of antitumor activity when PDT, using either Photofrin or HPPH, is combined with low-dose intraperitoneal DMXAA. We now describe the first attempt to combine topically-applied DMXAA with PDT. For this, DMXAA was applied two hours before PpIX-activating light delivery. PDT with ALA-PDT alone (ALA 20%; 80 J/cm2 delivered at 75 mW/cm2) caused a 39% decrease in tumor volume compared to unirradiated controls. Addition of topical DMXAA to ALA-PDT resulted in a 74% reduction in tumor volume. Diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS), a non-invasive blood flow imaging method, is being used to understand the mechanism of this effect and to aid in the proper design of the therapy. For instance, our most recent DCS data suggests that the 2-hour interval between the DMXAA and light applications may not be optimum. This preliminary study suggests a potential role for topical DMXAA in combination with PDT for dermatologic tumors.

  15. Fluorescence spectroscopy of gastrointestinal tumors using δ-ALA (United States)

    Borisova, E. G.; Vladimirov, B. G.; Angelov, I. G.; Avramov, L. A.


    In the recent study delta-aminolevulinic acid/Protoporphyrin IX (δ-ALA/PpIX) is used as fluorescent marker for dysplasia and tumor detection in esophagus and stomach. The δ-ALA is administered per os six hours before measurements at dose 20mg/kg weight. High-power light-emitting diode at 405 nm is used as an excitation source. Special opto-mechanical device is built to use the light guide of standard video-endoscopic system (Olimpus Corp.). Through endoscopic instrumental channel a fiber is applied to return information about fluorescence to microspectrometer (USB4000, OceanOptics Inc.). The fluorescence detected from tumor sites has very complex spectral origins. It consists of autofluorescence, fluorescence from exogenous fluorophores and re-absorption from the chromophores accumulated in the tissue investigated. Mucosa autofluorescence lies at 450-600 nm region. The fluorescence of PpIX is clearly pronounced at the 630-710 nm region. Deep minima in the tumor fluorescence signals are observed in the region 540-575 nm, related to hemoglobin re-absorption. Such high hemoglobin content is an indication of the tumors neovascularisation and it is clearly pronounced in all dysplastic and tumor sites investigated. The lack of fluorescence peaks in the red spectral area for normal mucosa is an indication for selective accumulation of δ-ALA/PpIX only in abnormal sites and gives high contrast when lesion borders are determined from clinicians during video observation in the process of diagnostic procedure. Very good correlation between fluorescence signals and histology examination results of the lesions investigated is achieved.

  16. The Constitutional Review Chamber of the Republic of Estonia : 3-4-1-5-01 decision of 3 March 2001 : review of the petition of Saare County Court to declare clause 25 (1) of Procedure for Privatisation of Land by Auction invalid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Riigikohtu lahendi 3-4-1-5-01 (Saare Maakohtu taotlus kontrollida Vabariigi Valitsuse 06. 11. 96. a. määrusega nr. 268 kinnitatud "Maa enampakkumisega erastamise korra" p. 25.1 vastavus seadusele ja põhiseadusele) tekst inglise keeles

  17. Characterization of the Ala62Pro polymorphic variant of human cytochrome P450 1A1 using recombinant protein expression

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Seung Heon; Kang, Sukmo [College of Veterinary Medicine, BK21plus Program for Creative Veterinary Science Research, and Research Institute for Veterinary Science, Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Dong, Mi Sook [School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Park, Jung-Duck [College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Park, Jinseo; Rhee, Sangkee [College of Agriculture of Life Science, Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Ryu, Doug-Young, E-mail: [College of Veterinary Medicine, BK21plus Program for Creative Veterinary Science Research, and Research Institute for Veterinary Science, Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1 is a heme-containing enzyme involved in detoxification of hydrophobic pollutants. Its Ala62Pro variant has been identified previously. Ala62 is located in α-helix A of CYP1A1. Residues such as Pro and Gly are α-helix breakers. In this study, the Ala62Pro variant was characterized using heterologous expression. E. coli expressing the Ala62Pro variant, and the purified variant protein, had lower CYP (i.e. holoenzyme) contents than their wild-type (WT) equivalents. The CYP variant from E. coli and mammalian cells exhibited lower 7-ethoxyresorufin O-dealkylation (EROD) and benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylation activities than the WT. Enhanced supplementation of a heme precursor during E. coli culture did not increase CYP content in E. coli expressing the variant, but did for the WT. As for Ala62Pro, E. coli expressing an Ala62Gly variant had a lower CYP content than the WT counterpart, but substitution of Ala62 with α-helix-compatible residues such as Ser and Val partially recovered the level of CYP produced. Microsomes from mammalian cells expressing Ala62Pro and Ala62Gly variants exhibited lower EROD activities than those expressing the WT or Ala62Val variant. A region harboring α-helix A has interactions with another region containing heme-interacting residues. Site-directed mutagenesis analyses suggest the importance of interactions between the two regions on holoenzyme expression. Together, these findings suggest that the Ala62Pro substitution leads to changes in protein characteristics and function of CYP1A1 via structural disturbance of the region where the residue is located. - Highlights: • Ala62 is located in α-helix A of the carcinogen-metabolizing enzyme CYP1A1. • Pro acts as an α-helix breaker. • A variant protein of CYP1A1, Ala62Pro, had lower heme content than the wild-type. • The variant of CYP1A1 had lower enzyme activities than the wild-type.

  18. Lifelong imbalanced LA/ALA intake impairs emotional and cognitive behavior via changes in brain endocannabinoid system (United States)

    Zamberletti, Erica; Piscitelli, Fabiana; De Castro, Valentina; Murru, Elisabetta; Gabaglio, Marina; Colucci, Paola; Fanali, Chiara; Prini, Pamela; Bisogno, Tiziana; Maccarrone, Mauro; Campolongo, Patrizia; Banni, Sebastiano; Rubino, Tiziana; Parolaro, Daniela


    Imbalanced dietary n-3 and n-6 PUFA content has been associated with a number of neurological conditions. Endocannabinoids are n-6 PUFA derivatives, whose brain concentrations are sensitive to modifications of fatty acid composition of the diet and play a central role in the regulation of mood and cognition. As such, the endocannabinoid system appears to be an ideal candidate for mediating the effects of dietary fatty acids on mood and cognition. Lifelong administration of isocaloric α-linolenic acid (ALA)-deficient and -enriched diets induced short-term memory deficits, whereas only dietary ALA enrichment altered emotional reactivity in adult male rats compared with animals fed a standard diet that was balanced in ALA/linoleic acid (LA) ratio. In the prefrontal cortex, both diets reduced 2-AG levels and increased MAG lipase expression, whereas only the enriched diet reduced AEA levels, simultaneously increasing FAAH expression. In the hippocampus, an ALA-enriched diet decreased AEA content and NAPE-PLD expression, and reduced 2-AG content while increasing MAG lipase expression. These findings highlight the importance of a diet balanced in fatty acid content for normal brain functions and to support a link between dietary ALA, the brain endocannabinoid system, and behavior, which indicates that dietary ALA intake is a sufficient condition for altering the endocannabinoid system in brain regions modulating mood and cognition. PMID:27903595

  19. Vanalinna, Kalaranna basseini ja Linnahalli vaheline ala / Villem Tomiste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tomiste, Villem, 1975-


    Detailplaneeringu koostaja Tallinna Linnaplaneerimise Amet, konsultandid AB Kosmos ja K-Projekt. Projekti peamine eesmärk on tuua linn mere äärde. Selleks on loodud jalakäijate ala, kust voolavad läbi autoteed

  20. Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) polymorphism in lead exposed Bangladeshi children and its effect on urinary aminolevulinic acid (ALA)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tasmin, Saira, E-mail: [Department of Human Ecology, School of International Health, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan); Furusawa, Hana [Department of Human Ecology, School of International Health, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan); Ahmad, Sk. Akhtar [Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences, 125/1, Darus Salam, Mirpur, Dhaka 1216 (Bangladesh); Faruquee, M.H. [Department of Public Health, State University of Bangladesh, 77 Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1205 (Bangladesh); Watanabe, Chiho [Department of Human Ecology, School of International Health, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan)


    Background and objective: Lead has long been recognized as a harmful environmental pollutant. People in developing countries like Bangladesh still have a higher risk of lead exposure. Previous research has suggested that the delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) genotype can modify lead toxicity and individual susceptibility. As children are more susceptible to lead-induced toxicity, this study investigated whether the ALAD genotype influenced urinary excretion of delta-aminolevulinic acid (U-ALA) among children exposed to environmental lead in Bangladesh. Methods: Subjects were elementary schoolchildren from a semi-urban industrialized area in Bangladesh. A total of 222 children were studied. Blood and urine were collected to determine ALAD genotypes, blood lead levels and urinary aminolevulinic acid (U-ALA). Results: The mean BPb level was 9.7 µg/dl for the study children. BPb was significantly positively correlated with hemoglobin (p<0.01). In total, allele frequency for ALAD 1 and 2 was 0.83 and 0.17 respectively. The mean U-ALA concentration was lower in ALAD1-2/2-2 carriers than ALAD1-1 carriers for boys (p=0.001). But for girls, U-ALA did not differ significantly by genotype (p=0.26). When U-ALA was compared by genotype at the same exposure level in a multiple linear regression analysis, boys who were ALAD1-2/2-2 carriers still had a lower level of U-ALA compared to ALAD1-1carriers. Conclusion: This study provides information about the influence of ALAD polymorphism and its association with U-ALA in Bangladeshi children. Our results indicate that the ALAD1-2/2-2 genotype may have a protective effect in terms of U-ALA for environmentally lead exposed boys. - Highlights: • High blood lead level for the environmentally exposed schoolchildren. • BPb was significantly correlated with U-ALA and Hb. • Effect of ALAD genotype on U-ALA is differed by sex. • Lower U-ALA in ALAD2 than ALAD1 carriers only for boys at same exposure.

  1. Comparsion of light dose on topical ALA-mediated photodynamic therapy for DMBA-induced hamster buccal pouch premalignant lesions (United States)

    Yang, Deng-Fu; Tseng, Meng-Ke; Liu, Chung-Ji; Hsu, Yih-Chih


    Oral cancer has becomes the most prominent male cancer disease due to the local betel nut chewing habit combing with smoking and alcohol-drinking lifestyle. In order to minimize the systemic phototoxic effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), this study was designed to use a topical ALA-mediated PDT for treatment of DMBA-induced hamster buccal pouch cancerous lesions. DMBA was applied to one of the buccal pouches of hamsters thrice a week for 8 to 10 weeks. Precancerous lesions were induced and proven by histological examination. These DMBA-induced cancerous lesions were used for testing the efficacy of topical ALA -mediated PDT. We found that ALA reached its peak level in cancerous lesions about 2.5 hrs after topical application of ALA gel. The precancerous lesions in hamsters were then treated with topical ALA -mediated PDT with light exposure dose of 75 and 100 J/cm2 using LED 635 nm Wonderlight device. It is suggesting that optimization of the given light dose is critical to the success of PDT results.

  2. Desleucyl-Oritavancin with a Damaged d-Ala-d-Ala Binding Site Inhibits the Transpeptidation Step of Cell-Wall Biosynthesis in Whole Cells of Staphylococcus aureus. (United States)

    Kim, Sung Joon; Singh, Manmilan; Sharif, Shasad; Schaefer, Jacob


    We have used solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance to characterize the exact nature of the dual mode of action of oritavancin in preventing cell-wall assembly in Staphylococcus aureus. Measurements performed on whole cells labeled selectively in vivo have established that des-N-methylleucyl-N-4-(4-fluorophenyl)benzyl-chloroeremomycin, an Edman degradation product of [ 19 F]oritavancin, which has a damaged d-Ala-d-Ala binding aglycon, is a potent inhibitor of the transpeptidase activity of cell-wall biosynthesis. The desleucyl drug binds to partially cross-linked peptidoglycan by a cleft formed between the drug aglycon and its biphenyl hydrophobic side chain. This type of binding site is present in other oritavancin-like glycopeptides, which suggests that for these drugs a similar transpeptidase inhibition occurs.

  3. Preclinical Development of a Subcutaneous ALAS1 RNAi Therapeutic for Treatment of Hepatic Porphyrias Using Circulating RNA Quantification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amy Chan


    Full Text Available The acute hepatic porphyrias are caused by inherited enzymatic deficiencies in the heme biosynthesis pathway. Induction of the first enzyme 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 (ALAS1 by triggers such as fasting or drug exposure can lead to accumulation of neurotoxic heme intermediates that cause disease symptoms. We have demonstrated that hepatic ALAS1 silencing using siRNA in a lipid nanoparticle effectively prevents and treats induced attacks in a mouse model of acute intermittent porphyria. Herein, we report the development of ALN-AS1, an investigational GalNAc-conjugated RNAi therapeutic targeting ALAS1. One challenge in advancing ALN-AS1 to patients is the inability to detect liver ALAS1 mRNA in the absence of liver biopsies. We here describe a less invasive circulating extracellular RNA detection assay to monitor RNAi drug activity in serum and urine. A striking correlation in ALAS1 mRNA was observed across liver, serum, and urine in both rodents and nonhuman primates (NHPs following treatment with ALN-AS1. Moreover, in donor-matched human urine and serum, we demonstrate a notable correspondence in ALAS1 levels, minimal interday assay variability, low interpatient variability from serial sample collections, and the ability to distinguish between healthy volunteers and porphyria patients with induced ALAS1 levels. The collective data highlight the potential utility of this assay in the clinical development of ALN-AS1, and in broadening our understanding of acute hepatic porphyrias disease pathophysiology.

  4. The plant P4-ATPase ALA2 is involved in flipping of phosphatidylserine analogues

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura

    The plant P4-ATPase ALA2 is involved in flipping of phosphatidylserine analogues Rosa Laura López-Marqués1, Lisbeth Rosager Poulsen1, Katharina Meffert2, Thomas Pomorski2, Michael Gjedde Palmgren1 1Centre for Membrane Pumps in Cells and Disease - PUMPKIN, Danish National Research Foundation...... physiological function.   1 Poulsen, L.R; López-Marqués, R.L et al. (2008) The Arabidopsis P4-ATPase ALA3 localizes to the Golgi and requires a ß-subunit to function in lipid translocation and secretory vesicle formation. The Plant Cell, vol. 20, 658-676. 2 Gomès, E. et al. (2000) Chilling tolerance...... in Arabidopsis involves ALA1, a member of a new family of putative aminophospholipid translocases. The Plant Cell, vol. 12, 2441-2453....

  5. The plant P4-ATPase ALA2 is involved in flipping of phosphatidylserine analogues

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Lisbeth Rosager

      The plant P4-ATPase ALA2 is involved in flipping of phosphatidylserine analogues Rosa Laura López-Marqués1, Lisbeth Rosager Poulsen1, Katharina Meffert2, Thomas Pomorski2, Michael Gjedde Palmgren1 1Centre for Membrane Pumps in Cells and Disease - PUMPKIN, Danish National Research Foundation...... physiological function.   1 Poulsen, L.R; López-Marqués, R.L et al. (2008) The Arabidopsis P4-ATPase ALA3 localizes to the Golgi and requires a ß-subunit to function in lipid translocation and secretory vesicle formation. The Plant Cell, vol. 20, 658-676. 2 Gomès, E. et al. (2000) Chilling tolerance...... in Arabidopsis involves ALA1, a member of a new family of putative aminophospholipid translocases. The Plant Cell, vol. 12, 2441-2453....

  6. Modulatory effects of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) administration on insulin sensitivity in obese PCOS patients. (United States)

    Genazzani, A D; Shefer, K; Della Casa, D; Prati, A; Napolitano, A; Manzo, A; Despini, G; Simoncini, T


    To evaluate the efficacy of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) administration on hormonal and metabolic parameters of obese PCOS patients. A group of 32 obese PCOS patients were selected after informed consent. 20 patients referred to have first grade relatives with diabetes type I or II. Hormonal and metabolic parameters as well as OGTT were evaluated before and after 12 weeks of ALA integrative administration (400 mg per os every day). ALA administration significantly decreased insulin, glucose, BMI and HOMA index. Hyperinsulinemia and insulin response to OGTT decreased both as maximal response (Δmax) and as AUC. PCOS with diabetes relatives showed the decrease also of triglyceride and GOT. Interestingly in all PCOS no changes occurred on all hormonal parameters involved in reproduction such as LH, FSH, and androstenedione. ALA integrative administration at a low dosage as 400 mg daily improved the metabolic impairment of all PCOS patients especially in those PCOS with familiar diabetes who have a higher grade of risk of NAFLD and predisposition to diabetes.

  7. Proteomics and SSH analyses of ALA-promoted fruit coloration and evidence for the involvement of a MADS-box gene, MdMADS1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xinxin Feng


    Full Text Available Skin color is a key quality attribute of fruits and how to improve fruit coloration has long been a major concern. 5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA, a natural plant growth regulator, can significantly increase anthocyanin accumulation in fruit skin and therefore effectively improve coloration of many fruits, including apple. However, the molecular mechanism how ALA stimulates anthocyanin accumulation in fruit skin remains unknown. Here, we investigated the impact of ALA on apple skin at the protein and mRNA levels. A total of 85 differentially expressed proteins in apple skins between ALA and water treatment (control were identified by complementary gel-based and gel-freeseparation techniques. Most of these differentially expressed proteins were up-regulated by ALA. Function analysis suggested that 87.06% of the ALA-responsive proteins were associated with fruit ripening. To further screen ALA-responsive regulators, we constructed a subtracted cDNA library (tester: ALA treatment; driver: control and obtained 104 differentially expressed unigenes, of which 38 unigenes were indicators for the fruit ripening-related gene. The differentially changed proteins and transcripts did not correspond well at an individual level, but showed similar regulated direction in function at the pathway level. Among the identified fruit ripening-related genes, the expression of MdMADS1, a developmental transcription regulator of fruit ripening, was positively correlated with expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes (MdCHS, MdDFR, MdLDOX and MdUFGT in apple skin under ALA treatment. Moreover, overexpression of MdMADS1 enhanced anthocyanin content in transformed apple calli, which was further enhanced by ALA. The anthocyanin content in MdMADS1-silenced calli was less than that in the control with ALA treatment, but higher than that without ALA treatment. These results indicated that MdMADS1 is involved in ALA-induced anthocyanin accumulation. In addition, anthocyanin

  8. The comparison between LAC and ALA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tzu-heng Chiu


    Full Text Available A good library association serves its members, improves the librarianship, and helps library institutions achieving their missions. This article describes the history, missions and goals, organization structure, membership, financial sources, professional activities, publication, and website of the Library Association of China (LAC and American Library Association (ALA, respectively. Considering social / cultural / political differences between Taiwan and the United Sates, the author then compares these two library associations from the eight factors mentioned above. At the end, suggestions for the LAC are proposed.[Article content in Chinese

  9. Sadamaala konkurss : Tallinna kesklinnaga piirneva mereäärse ala parima linnaehitusliku kontseptsiooni saamiseks korraldatud arhitektuurivõistlus / Andres Alver, Margus Koot, Arvo Rikkinen...[jt.] ; interv. Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Zürii liikmed konkursist, premeeritud töödest. Preemiad: I - Villem Tomiste, Veronika Valk; II - Illimar Truverk, Indrek Järve, Mattias Agabus, Tiit Sild, Karri Tiigisoon ning Toomas Paaver, Lauri Saar; III - Ivar Lubjak, Maria Pukk; ostud: Ott Kadarik, Rene Valner ning Siiri Vallner, Indrek Peil; täiendav ost (Muinsuskaitseamaet): Nikolai Serebrjakov, Leonid Tozil, Sergei Sevtsenko, Sulev Roosmaa. 6 illustratsiooni

  10. Kampanye Pr Radio Ssfm “Assik Ala Ssfm”


    Putra, Jeffry Septian; Setiabudi, Djoko; Naryoso, Agus


    JUDUL : Kampanye PR Radio SSFM “Assik Ala SSFM”NAMA : Jeffry Septian PutraNIM : D2C607024ABSTRAKSIPersaingan radio saat ini semakin ketat, industri media siaran perlu memahamidan mengenali ekspektasi atau apa yang diinginkan para pendengar. Pengelola radioperlu strategi untuk mendapatkan perhatian dari para pendengarnya terlebih dari sisipemasaran yang akan memberikan dampak bagi kelancaran merebut perhatianpendengar. Untuk menciptakan strategi yang tepat dalam membuat mengelola radioagar tet...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Gede Soma


    Full Text Available Overall population dynamic were observed in identified individuals between August andOctober 2008, in large group of long failed macaques in the AlasKedaton, Bali. Totalpopulation was 364 monkeys consisted of 54 (14,8% adult males, 104 (28,6% adultfemales, 164 (45,1% juvenile and 42 (11,5% infant. They were divided into 4 differentsmall social groups i.e., Parking area group, North area group, Centre area group and Southarea group. Ratio of adult male and adult female was 1: 2.Population densitiesof Macaca fascicularisin Alas Kedaton were 30 monkeys / Ha andpopulation natalities were 11, 5%.

  12. Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma polymorphism Pro12Ala in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS of South Indian Population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raichel Jacob


    Conclusion: PPARγ2 gene Pro12Ala polymorphism was supposed to be susceptible genes in PCOS. The present study demonstrated that there is a statistical difference between the distributions of PPAR gamma Pro12Ala polymorphism in South Indian Population.

  13. Sperm quality after swim up and density gradient centrifugation sperm preparation with supplementation of alpha lipoic acid (ALA): A preliminary study (United States)

    Lestari, Silvia W.; Lestari, Sarah H.; Pujianto, Dwi A.


    Intra uterine insemination (IUI) as one of the treatment for infertility, persists low success rate. A factor that contributes to the unsuccessful of IUI is sperm preparation, performed through Swim-up (SU) and Density Gradient Centrifugation (DGC) methods. Furthermore, studies have shown that Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant that could enhance the sperm motility and protect the DNA integrity of the sperm [1]. This study is aimed to re-evaluate the efficiency of the DGC and SU methods in selecting sperm before being transferred for IUI by the supplementation of ALA based on the sperm DNA integrity. Semen samples were obtained from 13 men from partners of women who are infertile (normozoospermia) and underwent IUI. Semen analysis based on the guideline of World Health Organization (WHO) 2010 was performed to measure the sperm motility and velocity, before and after sperm preparation. Then, samples were incubated with Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) in 0.625 mg (ALA 1), 1.25 mg (ALA 2) and 2.5 mg (ALA 3). The Sperm Chromatin Dispersion (SCD) test was performed to evaluate the sperm DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI). The percentage of motile sperm was higher in prepared sperm (post-DGC and post-SU) than in whole semen. Furthermore, the percentage of motile sperm was higher in post-DGC compared to post-SU. The level of DFI after the supplementation of ALA was decreased in prepared sperm compared to the whole semen. ALA was proved capable to select the better sperm quality with decreased sperm DNA fragmentation of prepared sperm in the all of DFI category.

  14. Nuclear receptor 5A (NR5A) family regulates 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 (ALAS1) gene expression in steroidogenic cells. (United States)

    Ju, Yunfeng; Mizutani, Tetsuya; Imamichi, Yoshitaka; Yazawa, Takashi; Matsumura, Takehiro; Kawabe, Shinya; Kanno, Masafumi; Umezawa, Akihiro; Kangawa, Kenji; Miyamoto, Kaoru


    5-Aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 (ALAS1) is a rate-limiting enzyme for heme biosynthesis in mammals. Heme is essential for the catalytic activities of P450 enzymes including steroid metabolic enzymes. Nuclear receptor 5A (NR5A) family proteins, steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), and liver receptor homolog-1 (LRH-1) play pivotal roles in regulation of steroidogenic enzymes. Recently, we showed that expression of SF-1/LRH-1 induces differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into steroidogenic cells. In this study, genome-wide analysis revealed that ALAS1 was a novel SF-1-target gene in differentiated mesenchymal stem cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and reporter assays revealed that SF-1/LRH-1 up-regulated ALAS1 gene transcription in steroidogenic cells via binding to a 3.5-kb upstream region of ALAS1. The ALAS1 gene was up-regulated by overexpression of SF-1/LRH-1 in steroidogenic cells and down-regulated by knockdown of SF-1 in these cells. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α, a coactivator of nuclear receptors, also strongly coactivated expression of NR5A-target genes. Reporter analysis revealed that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α strongly augmented ALAS1 gene transcription caused by SF-1 binding to the 3.5-kb upstream region. Finally knockdown of ALAS1 resulted in reduced progesterone production by steroidogenic cells. These results indicate that ALAS1 is a novel NR5A-target gene and participates in steroid hormone production.

  15. PPARγ Pro12Ala and ACE ID polymorphisms are associated with BMI and fat distribution, but not metabolic syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Passaro Angela


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Metabolic Syndrome (MetS results from the combined effect of environmental and genetic factors. We investigated the possible association of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ2 (PPARγ2 Pro12Ala and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE I/D polymorphisms with MetS and interaction between these genetic variants. Methods Three hundred sixty four unrelated Caucasian subjects were enrolled. Waist circumference, blood pressure, and body mass index (BMI were recorded. Body composition was estimated by impedance analysis; MetS was diagnosed by the NCEP-ATPIII criteria. A fasting blood sample was obtained for glucose, insulin, lipid profile determination, and DNA isolation for genotyping. Results The prevalence of MetS did not differ across PPARγ2 or ACE polymorphisms. Carriers of PPARγ2 Ala allele had higher BMI and fat-mass but lower systolic blood pressure compared with Pro/Pro homozygotes. A significant PPARγ2 gene-gender interaction was observed in the modulation of BMI, fat mass, and blood pressure, with significant associations found in women only. A PPARγ2-ACE risk genotype combination for BMI and fat mass was found, with ACE DD/PPARγ2 Ala subjects having a higher BMI (p = 0.002 and Fat Mass (p = 0.002. Pro12Ala was independently associated with waist circumference independent of BMI and gender. Conclusions Carriers of PPARγ2 Ala allele had higher BMI and fat-mass but not a worse metabolic profile, possibly because of a more favorable adipose tissue distribution. A gene interaction exists between Pro12Ala and ACE I/D on BMI and fat mass. Further studies are needed to assess the contribution of Pro12Ala polymorphism in adiposity distribution.

  16. Challenges for Community-Based Forest Management in the KoloAla Site Manompana (United States)

    Urech, Zora Lea; Sorg, Jean-Pierre; Felber, Hans Rudolph


    Following the IUCN 5th World Congress on Protected Areas in 2003, the then-President of Madagascar decided to increase the area of Madagascar's protected areas from 1.7 to 6 million ha. To combine the aims of protection and timber production, a new concept was developed through the establishment of community-based forest management (CBFM) sites, called KoloAla. However, experience shows that similar management transfers to communities in Madagascar have only been successful in a very few cases. We aimed to explore the success to be expected of this new approach in the particular case of the Manompana corridor at Madagascar's eastern coast. In a first step, the readiness of the corridor's resource users for CBFM has been analysed according to the seven resource users' attributes developed by Ostrom that predict an effective self-organized resource management. In a second step, we explored how KoloAla addresses known challenges of Madagascar's CBFM. Analyses lead in a rather sober conclusion. Although KoloAla attempts to address the goals of poverty alleviation, biodiversity conservation and timber production under a single umbrella, it does so in a rather non-innovative way. Challenges with regard to the state's environmental governance, agricultural inefficiency and thus deforestation remain unsolved.

  17. Evaluation of Partial Cut-out of Sacroiliac Screws From the Sacral Ala Slope via Pelvic Inlet and Outlet View. (United States)

    Zhang, Jingwei; Hamilton, Ryan; Li, Ming; Ebraheim, Nabil A; He, Xianfeng; Liu, Jiayong; Zhu, Limei


    An anatomic and radiographic study of placement of sacroiliac screws. The aim of this study was to quantitatively assess the risk of partial cut-out of sacroiliac screws from the sacral ala slope via inlet and outlet view. The partial cut-out of sacroiliac screws from the superior surface of sacral ala can jeopardize the L5 nerve root, which is difficult to identify on the pelvic inlet and outlet views. Computed tomography images of 60 patients without pelvic ring deformity or injury were used to measure the width (on inlet view) and height (on outlet view) of the sacral ala. The angle of the sacral ala slope was measured on lateral view. According to the measured parameters, the theoretical safe trajectories of screw placement were calculated using inverse trigonometric functions. Under fluoroscopic guidance, a sacroiliac screw was placed close to the midline on both inlet and outlet views, including posterosuperior, posteroinferior, anterosuperior, and anteroinferior regions to the midline. The incidence of screw partial cut-out from the superior surface of sacral ala was identified. The measured widths and heights of the sacral alas were 28.1 ± 2.8 and 29.8 ± 3.1 mm, respectively. The average angle between the superior aspect of the S1 vertebral body and the superior aspect of the sacral ala was 37.2 ± 2.5 degrees. The rate of partial cut-out of the screws from the superior surface of sacral ala slope was 12.5% (5/40) in posterosuperior, 0% (0/40) in posteroinferior, 70% (28/40) in anterosuperior, and 20% (8/40) in anteroinferior. To avoid the risk of partial cut-out from sacroiliac screw placement, more precise description should be added to the conventional description: the sacroiliac screws should be placed at the inferior half portion on outlet view and at the posterior half portion on inlet view. 4.

  18. Association between PPAR-γ2 Pro12Ala genotype and insulin resistance is modified by circulating lipids in Mexican children (United States)

    Stryjecki, Carolina; Peralta-Romero, Jesus; Alyass, Akram; Karam-Araujo, Roberto; Suarez, Fernando; Gomez-Zamudio, Jaime; Burguete-Garcia, Ana; Cruz, Miguel; Meyre, David


    The Pro12Ala (rs1801282) polymorphism in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ2 (PPAR-γ2) has been convincingly associated with insulin resistance (IR) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) among Europeans, in interaction with a high-fat diet. Mexico is disproportionally affected by obesity and T2D however, whether the Pro12Ala polymorphism is associated with early metabolic complications in this population is unknown. We assessed the association of PPAR-γ2 Pro12Ala with metabolic traits in 1457 Mexican children using linear regression models. Interactions between PPAR-γ2 Pro12Ala and circulating lipids on metabolic traits were determined by adding an interaction term to regression models. We observed a high prevalence of overweight/obesity (49.2%), dyslipidemia (34.9%) and IR (11.1%). We detected nominally significant/significant interactions between lipids (total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol), the PPAR-γ2 Pro12Ala genotype and waist-to-hip ratio, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR and IR (9.30 × 10−4  ≤ Pinteraction ≤ 0.04). Post-hoc subgroup analyses evidenced that the association between the PPAR-γ2 Pro12Ala genotype and fasting insulin, HOMA-IR and IR was restricted to children with total cholesterol or LDL-cholesterol values higher than the median (0.02 ≤ P ≤ 0.03). Our data support an association of the Pro12Ala polymorphism with IR in Mexican children and suggest that this relationship is modified by dyslipidemia. PMID:27075119

  19. Effects of Ala-Gln feeding strategies on growth, metabolism, and crowding stress resistance of juvenile Cyprinus carpio var. Jian. (United States)

    Chen, Xiu-Mei; Guo, Gui-Liang; Sun, Li; Yang, Qiu-Shi; Wang, Gui-Qin; Qin, Gui-Xin; Zhang, Dong-Ming


    The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different L-alanyl-l-glutamine (Ala-Gln) feeding strategies on the growth performance, metabolism and crowding stress resistance related parameters in juvenile Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio var. Jian) under crowded condition (80 g/L). Juvenile Jian carp (initial weight 26.1 ± 0.6 g) were distributed into five groups which fed with graded concentrations (0% or 1.0%) of Ala-Gln for eight weeks. Control group (I, 0/0) fed with control diet (0% Ala-Gln) throughout the feeding trial. The other four groups employed different control and experimental diet feeding strategies ranging from two weeks control diet fed and two weeks experimental diet (1% Ala-Gln) fed (II, 0/2) to eight weeks experimental diet fed (V, 4/4). Results revealed that Mean weight gain (MEG) under all different feeding strategies of Ala-Gln were significantly higher than that of the control group (p < 0.05), and MEG of group II (201.90%) was even higher than that of group IV (184.70%). Liver glycogen and blood total protein of groups II, III and V were significantly higher than that in groups I and IV (p < 0.05). The highest level of serum thyroxine (10.07 ng/ml), insulin-like growth factor-I (52.40 ng/ml) and insulin (9.73 μ IU/mL) were observed in group V. However, diet supplemented with Ala-Gln did not affect the levels of serum glucose, cortisol and catecholamine in fish. The mRNA expression of GR1a, GR1b and GR2 were also significantly changed in Ala-Gln supplementation groups compared with control group (p < 0.05). After fish intraperitoneally injected with virulent Aeromonas hydrophila, the fish survival rates were significantly increased in all Ala-Gln supplementation groups compared with control group (p < 0.05). Results from the present experiment showed the importance of dietary supplementation of Ala-Gln in benefaction of the growth performance, metabolism and crowding stress resistance in Jian carp breeding. The

  20. Ala from Zeljin: Results of the recent research of folk mythology in Zupa

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    Todorović Ivica


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of the recent ethnological research, conduced in Aleksandrovacka Zupa and other areas. In this paper, the emphasis has been placed on notions on mythical beings, i.e. alas and dragons, which in the context of the materials collected take up one of most prominent positions, indicating the specific nature of the micro-regional unit, but also a symbol of the local identity. Namely, there are recordings of numerous and extremely interesting variations of the myth and ideas on the ala from Zeljin which, as the definitely most exposed mythical entity, is certainly a Zupa-specific property.

  1. 5-ALA Fluorescence Image Guided Resection of Glioblastoma Multiforme: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samy Eljamel


    Full Text Available Background: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM is one of the most deadly cancers in humans. Despite recent advances in anti-cancer therapies, most patients with GBM die from local disease progression. Fluorescence image guided surgical resection (FIGR was recently advocated to enhance local control of GBM. This is meta-analyses of 5-aminolevulinic (5-ALA induced FIGR. Materials: Review of the literature produced 503 potential publications; only 20 of these fulfilled the inclusion criteria of this analysis, including a total of 565 patients treated with 5-ALA-FIGR reporting on its outcomes and 800 histological samples reporting 5-ALA-FIGR sensitivity and specificity. Results: The mean gross total resection (GTR rate was 75.4% (95% CI: 67.4–83.5, p < 0.001. The mean time to tumor progression (TTP was 8.1 months (95% CI: 4.7–12, p < 0.001. The mean overall survival gain reported was 6.2 months (95% CI: −1–13, p < 0.001. The specificity was 88.9% (95% CI: 83.9–93.9, p < 0.001 and the sensitivity was 82.6% (95% CI: 73.9–91.9, p < 0.001. Conclusion: 5-ALA-FIGR in GBM is highly sensitive and specific, and imparts significant benefits to patients in terms of improved GTR and TTP.

  2. Structural and functional analysis of the ASM p.Ala359Asp mutant that causes acid sphingomyelinase deficiency. (United States)

    Acuña, Mariana; Castro-Fernández, Víctor; Latorre, Mauricio; Castro, Juan; Schuchman, Edward H; Guixé, Victoria; González, Mauricio; Zanlungo, Silvana


    Niemann-Pick disease (NPD) type A and B are recessive hereditary disorders caused by deficiency in acid sphingomyelinase (ASM). The p.Ala359Asp mutation has been described in several patients but its functional and structural effects in the protein are unknown. In order to characterize this mutation, we modeled the three-dimensional ASM structure using the recent available crystal of the mammalian ASM as a template. We found that the p.Ala359Asp mutation is localized in the hydrophobic core and far from the sphingomyelin binding site. However, energy function calculations using statistical potentials indicate that the mutation causes a decrease in ASM stability. Therefore, we investigated the functional effect of the p.Ala359Asp mutation in ASM expression, secretion, localization and activity in human fibroblasts. We found a 3.8% residual ASM activity compared to the wild-type enzyme, without changes in the other parameters evaluated. These results support the hypothesis that the p.Ala359Asp mutation causes structural alterations in the hydrophobic environment where ASM is located, decreasing its enzymatic activity. A similar effect was observed in other previously described NPDB mutations located outside the active site of the enzyme. This work shows the first full size ASM mutant model describe at date, providing a complete analysis of the structural and functional effects of the p.Ala359Asp mutation over the stability and activity of the enzyme. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Characterization of a TK6-Bcl-xL gly-159-ala Human Lymphoblast Clone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chyall, L.: Gauny, S.; Kronenberg, A.


    TK6 cells are a well-characterized human B-lymphoblast cell line derived from WIL-2 cells. A derivative of the TK6 cell line that was stably transfected to express a mutated form of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xL (TK6-Bcl-xL gly-159- ala clone #38) is compared with the parent cell line. Four parameters were evaluated for each cell line: growth under normal conditions, plating efficiency, and frequency of spontaneous mutation to 6‑thioguanine resistance (hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase locus) or trifluorothymidine resistance (thymidine kinase locus). We conclude that the mutated Bcl-xL protein did not affect growth under normal conditions, plating efficiency or spontaneous mutation frequencies at the thymidine kinase (TK) locus. Results at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) locus were inconclusive. A mutant fraction for TK6‑Bcl-xL gly-159-ala clone #38 cells exposed to 150cGy of 160kVp x-rays was also calculated. Exposure to x-irradiation increased the mutant fraction of TK6‑Bcl-xL gly-159-ala clone #38 cells.

  4. Mida suudab muusikateraapia? / Melanie Voigt, Esa Ala-Ruona ; inetrvjueerinud Kristel Kossar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Voigt, Melanie


    Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemias toimunud Euroopa Muusikateraapia Konföderatsiooni peaassambleel ja sümpoosionil ettekannetega esinenud muusikaterapeudid Malanie Voigt Saksamaalt ja Esa Ala-Ruona Soomest räägivad tööst puuetega lastega ja tööstressist ning heliilmast

  5. Inducible l-Alanine Exporter Encoded by the Novel Gene ygaW (alaE) in Escherichia coli ▿ (United States)

    Hori, Hatsuhiro; Yoneyama, Hiroshi; Tobe, Ryuta; Ando, Tasuke; Isogai, Emiko; Katsumata, Ryoichi


    We previously isolated a mutant hypersensitive to l-alanyl-l-alanine from a non-l-alanine-metabolizing Escherichia coli strain and found that it lacked an inducible l-alanine export system. Consequently, this mutant showed a significant accumulation of intracellular l-alanine and a reduction in the l-alanine export rate compared to the parent strain. When the mutant was used as a host to clone a gene(s) that complements the dipeptide-hypersensitive phenotype, two uncharacterized genes, ygaW and ytfF, and two characterized genes, yddG and yeaS, were identified. Overexpression of each gene in the mutant resulted in a decrease in the intracellular l-alanine level and enhancement of the l-alanine export rate in the presence of the dipeptide, suggesting that their products function as exporters of l-alanine. Since ygaW exhibited the most striking impact on both the intra- and the extracellular l-alanine levels among the four genes identified, we disrupted the ygaW gene in the non-l-alanine-metabolizing strain. The resulting isogenic mutant showed the same intra- and extracellular l-alanine levels as observed in the dipeptide-hypersensitive mutant obtained by chemical mutagenesis. When each gene was overexpressed in the wild-type strain, which does not intrinsically excrete alanine, only the ygaW gene conferred on the cells the ability to excrete alanine. In addition, expression of the ygaW gene was induced in the presence of the dipeptide. On the basis of these results, we concluded that YgaW is likely to be the physiologically most relevant exporter for l-alanine in E. coli and proposed that the gene be redesignated alaE for alanine export. PMID:21531828

  6. Introducing ALAS: A Novel Agent-Oriented Programming Language (United States)

    Mitrović, Dejan; Ivanović, Mirjana; Vidaković, Milan


    Agent-oriented programming languages represent a family of programming languages that provide developers with high-level abstractions and constructs necessary for implementing and using agent-related concepts. In this paper a novel agent-oriented programming language for rapid and efficient development of reactive agents, named ALAS, is presented. The simple, but powerful set of language constructs is designed to support the execution of agents in heterogenous environments, and to enable easy employment of advanced agent features, such as mobility and web service integration.

  7. Synthesis of phthalocyanines-ALA conjugates: water-soluble compounds with low aggregation. (United States)

    de Oliveira, Kleber T; de Assis, Francisco F; Ribeiro, Anderson O; Neri, Claudio R; Fernandes, Adjaci U; Baptista, Mauricio S; Lopes, Norberto P; Serra, Osvaldo A; Iamamoto, Yassuko


    Syntheses of two water-soluble phthalocyanines (Pc) containing 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) linked to the core structure are described. These compounds were prepared by using original functionalizations, and they present remarkable structural and photophysical features, indicating that they could be applied to photodynamic therapy (PDT).

  8. ALA-based fluorescent diagnosis of malignant oral lesions in the presence of bacterial porphyrin formation (United States)

    Schleier, P.; Berndt, A.; Zinner, K.; Zenk, W.; Dietel, W.; Pfister, W.


    The aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) -based fluorescence diagnosis has been found to be promising for an early detection and demarcation of superficial oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC). This method has previously demonstrated high sensitivity, however this clinical trial showed a specificity of approximately 62 %. This specificity was mainly restricted by tumor detection in the oral cavity in the presence of bacteria. After topical ALA application in the mouth of patients with previously diagnosed OSSC, red fluorescent areas were observed which did not correlate to confirm histological findings. Swabs and plaque samples were taken from 44 patients and cultivated microbiologically. Fluorescence was investigated (OMA-system) from 32 different bacteria strains found naturally in the oral cavity. After ALA incubation, 30 of 32 strains were found to synthesize fluorescent porphyrins, mainly Protoporphyrin IX. Also multiple fluorescent spectra were obtained having peak wavelengths of 636 nm and around 618 nm - 620 nm indicating synthesis of different porphyrins, such as the lipophylic Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) and hydrophylic porphyrins (water soluble porphyrins, wsp). Of the 32 fluorescent bacterial strains, 18 produced wsp, often in combination with PpIX, and 5 produced solely wsp. These results clarify that ALA-based fluorescence diagnosis without consideration or suppression of bacteria fluorescence may lead to false-positive findings. It is necessary to suppress bacteria fluorescence with suitable antiseptics before starting the procedure. In this study, when specific antiseptic pre-treatment was performed bacterial associated fluorescence was significantly reduced.

  9. Intestinal fatty acid binding protein Ala54Thr polymorphism is associated with peripheral atherosclerosis combined with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Khattab, Salma A; Abo-Elmatty, Dina M; Ghattas, Maivel H; Mesbah, Noha M; Mehanna, Eman T


    Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein 2 (FABP2) is expressed in enterocytes and binds saturated and unsaturated long-chain fatty acids. The FABP2 Ala54Thr polymorphism has been reported to effect lipid metabolism. The aim of the present study was to assess the relationship between this polymorphism and peripheral atherosclerosis combined with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in an Egyptian population. The study was performed on 100 T2DM patients with peripheral atherosclerosis and 100 control subjects. The Ala54Thr polymorphism was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism, whereas serum FABP2 levels were determined using ELISA. Fasting blood glucose, fasting serum insulin concentrations, HbA1c, lipid profile, body mass index (BMI) and systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP, respectively) were determined. There was a higher frequency of the Thr54 allele among the patient group (P = 0.002). In Ala54/Thr54 heterozygotes and carriers of the rare Thr54/Thr54 genotype, there were significant increases in BMI and FABP2. Those with the Thr54/Thr54 genotype had significantly decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentrations; in addition, those with the Thr54/Thr54 genotype had significantly higher SBP and DBP than subjects with the Ala54/Ala54 and Ala54/Thr54 genotypes. There was a positive correlation between FABP2 levels and BMI, SBP and DBP, and a negative correlation with HDL-C. The Thr54 allele of the FABP2 Ala54Thr polymorphism was associated with an increased incidence of peripheral atherosclerosis combined with T2DM in the population studied. © 2016 Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  10. Evaluation of glucose metabolism and reproductive hormones in polycystic ovary syndrome on the basis of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma2 Pro12Ala genotype. (United States)

    Tok, E C; Aktas, A; Ertunc, D; Erdal, E M; Dilek, S


    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma2 Pro12Ala polymorphism has been suggested as a protective factor for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In this study, we aimed to investigate metabolic features and reproductive hormones in women with PCOS and compare these features with control women on the basis of Pro12Ala genotype. This study involved 60 randomly selected women with PCOS and 60 controls. Main outcome measures were anthropometric measures, variables of glucose metabolism and reproductive hormones. All the patients were genotyped for Pro12Ala variant of PPAR-gamma2 gene. Patients with Pro12Ala polymorphism were more obese in both groups. Furthermore, they had lower fasting insulin levels, were less insulin-resistant and were less glucose-intolerant as demonstrated by 2 h glucose concentrations. However, there was no difference in reproductive hormone levels on the basis of Pro12Ala genotype. Both control women and women with PCOS had significant differences in glucose metabolism on the basis of PPAR-gamma2 Pro12Ala polymorphism. Pro12Ala variant may break the process that leads to PCOS in susceptible women, instead of being a direct causal relationship between Pro12Ala polymorphism and PCOS.

  11. Valor educativo y generalización del grupo "Alas por la vida" Educational value and generalization of "Alas por la Vida"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexis Hugo Cantero Ronquillo


    Full Text Available En el tratamiento del cáncer de mama, además de la agresión quirúrgica, en ocasiones mutilante, seguida o precedida por las molestias inherentes a los tratamientos oncoespecíficos, a veces persisten "heridas", que aunque invisibles, no siempre cierran totalmente, y afectan durante mucho tiempo, o toda la vida, a un grupo importante de pacientes y familiares cercanos. El proyecto "Alas por la vida" propone nuevas alternativas en el tratamiento de la mujer con cáncer de mama, que puedan prepararla para una nueva etapa, y vivir con el estatus de enferma crónica, que no refleje invalidez en el desempeño de sus funciones, que alcance la recuperación de su equilibrio biopsicosocial, y, consecuentemente, el disfrute de una adecuada calidad de vida. Mediante intercambios entre sobrevivientes de la enfermedad, familiares y profesionales, charlas científicas, sesiones de preguntas y respuestas, reflexiones de operadas en su lucha contra el cáncer de mama y también de sus esposos, así como con actividades socioculturales, etc., se han logrado resultados muy positivos por este grupo, lo que se refleja en encuestas realizadas a tal efecto. El Grupo de Apoyo a Pacientes Mastectomizadas "Alas por la vida", ha resultado ser un instrumento muy útil para elevar la autoestima y mejorar la calidad de vida de las sobrevivientes, que a la vez ha fortalecido y humanizado nuestra lucha contra el cáncer de mama, y se han aglutinando crecientemente más seguidores en esta noble causa, por lo que recomendamos se organicen proyectos similares en todas las provincias del país.In the treatment of beast cancer besides the surgical aggression occasionally mutilating followed or precedes by the molecules inherent to specific oncologic treatments, sometimes the "wounds" persist that although invisibles, not always are totally closed involving for much time or for life to a significant group of patients and close relatives.The project "Alas por la Vida" proposes

  12. Assay for identification of heterozygous single-nucleotide polymorphism (Ala67Thr in human poliovirus receptor gene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shyam Sundar Nandi


    Results: A new SNP assay for detection of heterozygous Ala67Thr genotype was developed and validated by testing 150 DNA samples. Heterozygous CD155 was detected in 27.33 per cent (41/150 of DNA samples tested by both SNP detection assay and sequencing. Interpretation & conclusions: The SNP detection assay was successfully developed for identification of Ala67Thr polymorphism in human PVR/CD155 gene. The SNP assay will be useful for large scale screening of DNA samples.

  13. The Pro12Ala polymorphism in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-2 gene (PPARγ2 is associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhijun Wu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Contradictory results have been reported regarding the association between Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPARγ2 and coronary artery disease (CAD. We sought to estimate the inconsistent results by performing a comprehensive meta-analysis. METHODS: Studies in English or Chinese publications were identified by screening MEDLINE, Embase, CNKI, Wanfang and CBM. 22 studies including 8948 cases and 14427 controls were selected. A random-effects model was applied to combine the divergent outcomes of the individual studies, while addressing between-study heterogeneity and publication bias. RESULTS: The Pro12Ala polymorphism of control population followed Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for all studies (P>0.05. Overall, a marginal increased risk of CAD under the recessive genetic model (AlaAla vs ProAla+ProPro: P = 0.04, OR = 1.31, 95%CI 1.01-1.69, P(heterogeneity = 0.67, I(2 = 0% and the homozygote comparison (AlaAla vs ProPro: P = 0.04,OR = 1.30, 95%CI 1.01-1.68, P(heterogeneity = 0.68, I(2 = 0% was observed. In the subgroup analysis by ethnicity, carriers of AlaAla homozygotes had a significant increased risk for CAD among Caucasians (AlaAla vs ProAla+ProPro: P = 0.01, OR = 1.45, 95%CI 1.08-1.96, P(heterogeneity = 0.48, I(2 = 0%; AlaAla vs ProPro: P = 0.02,OR = 1.44, 95%CI 1.07-1.93, P(heterogeneity = 0.46, I(2 = 0%. After dividing into population source, the CAD risk magnitude of hospital-based studies was distinctly strengthened under the recessive model (P = 0.03,OR = 1.85,95%CI 1.07-3.19, P(heterogeneity = 0.87,I(2 = 0% and the homozygote comparison (P = 0.03,OR = 1.83, 95%CI 1.06-3.16, P(heterogeneity = 0.88, I(2 = 0%. There was no observable publication bias as reflected by funnel plot and Egger's linear regression test (t = -0.12, P = 0.91. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrated that the PPARγ2 Pro12Ala polymorphism might be risk-conferring locus for the progression of CAD among Caucasians, but not among Asians.

  14. Evaluation of labelling conditions, quality control and biodistribution study of 99mTc-5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA). A potential liver imaging agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalim Ullah Khan; Mohammad Rafi; Samina Roohi; Rizwana Zahoor; Zafar Iqbal; Mushtaq Ahmad


    Labelling of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) with 99m Tc was achieved by using SnCl 2 ·2H 2 O as reducing agent. Radiochemical purity and labelling efficiency was determined by instant thin layer chromatography/paper chromatography. Efficiency of labelling was dependent on many parameters such as amount of ligand, reducing agent, pH, and time of incubation. 99m Tc labelled 5-ALA remained stable for 24 h in human serum. Tissue biodistribution of 99m Tc-5-ALA was evaluated in Sprague-Dawley rats. Biodistribution study (% ID/g) in rats revealed that 99m Tc-5-ALA was accumulated significantly in liver, spleen, stomach and intestine after half hour, 4 and 24 h. Significant activity was noted in bladder and urine at 4 h. High liver uptake of 99m Tc-5-ALA makes it a promising liver imaging agent. (author)

  15. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) Pro12Ala polymorphism and colorectal cancer (CRC) risk. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Shao, Yan; Tang, Shenhua; Cheng, Xianyong; Lian, Haifeng; Qin, Chengyong


    The association between the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) Pro12Ala polymorphism and colorectal cancer (CRC) risk was inconclusive. We conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the association between PPARγ Pro12Ala polymorphism and CRC risk. We searched Pubmed, EMBASE, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure databases. Data were extracted and pooled odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. A total of 17 case-control studies with 12635 and 15803 controls were included in this meta-analysis. Overall, PPARγ Pro12Ala polymorphism was associated with CRC risk (OR = 0.84, 95% CI 0.75-0.94, P = 0.003, I(2) = 35%). In the subgroup analysis by ethnicity, a significant association was found among Caucasians (OR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.75-0.96, P = 0.007, I(2) = 38%) but not among Asians (OR = 0.76, 95% CI 0.51-1.12, P = 0.17, I(2) = 28%). In the subgroup analysis by CRC site, a significant association was found among colon cancer (OR = 0.81, 95% CI 0.66-0.98, P = 0.03, I(2) = 16%) but not among rectal cancer (OR = 0.83, 95% CI 0.57-1.21, P = 0.34, I(2) = 63%). The sensitivity analysis did not influence the result by omitting low-quality studies (OR = 0.76, 95% CI 0.63-0.93, P = 0.006, I(2) = 51%). In conclusion, this meta-analysis suggested that PPARγ Pro12Ala polymorphism was significant associated with CRC risk.

  16. Shifting with the Paradigm: LJ's Picks & Pans for ALA in Disneyland (United States)

    Berry, John N., III


    The feelings of librarians planning for the American Library Association (ALA) conference at Disneyland (aka Anaheim, California, June 26-July 2) range from moderate pleasure to dread. Some remember the joys and difficulties of Orlando, especially the exorbitant cab fares and mediocre restaurants. Others quail at screaming kids and tourists in…

  17. Sadama ala planeering = Harbour area master plan / Ivan Sergejev, Helen Rebane, Karina Niinepuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sergejev, Ivan, 1987-


    EKA arhitektuuri ja linnaplaneerimise osakonna IV kursuse 2009-2010 õppeaastal erialase projekteerimise raames kavandatud planeeringu eesmärgiks on tihendada Tallinna sadama ala ning arendada sellest välja mitmekesine ja efektiivne linnaruum

  18. The Pro12Ala Polymorphism of PPAR-γ Gene Is Associated with Sepsis Disease Severity and Outcome in Chinese Han Population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guoda Ma


    Full Text Available Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ is a ligand-binding nuclear receptor, and its activation plays a prominent role in regulating the inflammatory response. Therefore, PPAR-γ has been suggested as a candidate gene for sepsis. In the present study, we investigated the association between the Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPAR-γ and sepsis in a Han Chinese population. A total of 308 patients with sepsis and 345 healthy controls were enrolled in this study. Genotyping was performed using the polymerase chain reaction-ligation detection reaction (PCR-LDR method. No significant differences were detected in the allele and genotype distributions of the PPAR-γ Pro12Ala SNP between septic patients and controls (P=0.622 for genotype; P=0.629 for allele. However, stratification by subtypes (sepsis, septic shock, and severe sepsis revealed a statistically significant difference in the frequency of the Ala allele and Ala-carrier genotype between the patients with the sepsis subtype and the healthy controls (P=0.014 for allele and P=0.012, for genotype. Moreover, significant differences were found in the frequency of the Ala allele and genotype between the sepsis survivors and nonsurvivors (all P=0.002. In the survivors, the PPAR-γ Pro12Ala genotype was significantly associated with decreased disease severity and recovery time (all P<0.001. Thus, genetic polymorphism is thought to play a role in the development and outcome of sepsis.

  19. Loss of the Arabidopsis thaliana P₄-ATPase ALA3 reduces adaptability to temperature stresses and impairs vegetative, pollen, and ovule development.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephen C McDowell

    Full Text Available Members of the P4 subfamily of P-type ATPases are thought to help create asymmetry in lipid bilayers by flipping specific lipids between the leaflets of a membrane. This asymmetry is believed to be central to the formation of vesicles in the secretory and endocytic pathways. In Arabidopsis thaliana, a P4-ATPase associated with the trans-Golgi network (ALA3 was previously reported to be important for vegetative growth and reproductive success. Here we show that multiple phenotypes for ala3 knockouts are sensitive to growth conditions. For example, ala3 rosette size was observed to be dependent upon both temperature and soil, and varied between 40% and 80% that of wild-type under different conditions. We also demonstrate that ala3 mutants have reduced fecundity resulting from a combination of decreased ovule production and pollen tube growth defects. In-vitro pollen tube growth assays showed that ala3 pollen germinated ∼2 h slower than wild-type and had approximately 2-fold reductions in both maximal growth rate and overall length. In genetic crosses under conditions of hot days and cold nights, pollen fitness was reduced by at least 90-fold; from ∼18% transmission efficiency (unstressed to less than 0.2% (stressed. Together, these results support a model in which ALA3 functions to modify endomembranes in multiple cell types, enabling structural changes, or signaling functions that are critical in plants for normal development and adaptation to varied growth environments.

  20. "LJ" Report "Anaheim, ALA 2008": Amid the Fantasy, Doses of Reality (United States)

    Blumenstein, Lynn; Berry, John; Fialkoff, Francine; Fox, Bette-Lee; Hadro, Josh; Horrocks, Norman; Oder, Norman; Roncevic, Mirela


    If the resort city of Anaheim, California, home of Disneyland and its "imagineers," marked a departure from the urban reality of the typical American Library Association (ALA) annual conference, it was impossible, at this 2008 meeting, to avoid urgent library issues. How do libraries maintain their value and cultural presence as users…

  1. Impact of an AlAs window layer upon the optical properties of Al x Ga1-x As photodiodes (United States)

    Kang, T.; Chen, X. J.; Johnson, E. B.; Christian, J. F.; Lee, K.; Hammig, M. D.


    Recently developed advanced scintillators, which have the ability to distinguish gamma-ray interaction events from those that accompany neutron impact, require improved quantum efficiency in the blue to near UV region of the spectrum. We utilize GaAs/Al0.8Ga0.2As photodiode elements as components in a wide band-gap solid-state photomultiplier as a lower-cost, lower logistical burden, and higher quantum efficiency replacement for the photomultiplier tube. An AlAs window layer is employed as a means to increase the diode’s optical performance. Relative to structures absent the window layer, simulations and measurements demonstrate that the AlAs layer produces a spatial coincidence between regions of large drift fields with regions of high photon absorption. In addition to the AlAs layer, secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements show that an unexpected high degree of inter-diffusion of GaAs and AlAs quenches the photon-detection efficiency, a decrease that can be avoided by its post-growth removal. With the AlAs layer, the peak external quantum efficiency of 49% is achieved at 450 nm with 10 V reverse bias, which does not fully deplete the device. Simulations show that full depletion can result in efficiencies exceeding 90%. In order to enhance the optical response, a simple anti-reflective coating layer is designed using the existing passivation layer components that successfully minimizes the reflection at the wavelength range of interest (300 nm-500 nm).

  2. Impact of an AlAs window layer upon the optical properties of AlxGa1−xAs photodiodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, T; Hammig, M D; Chen, X J; Johnson, E B; Christian, J F; Lee, K


    Recently developed advanced scintillators, which have the ability to distinguish gamma-ray interaction events from those that accompany neutron impact, require improved quantum efficiency in the blue to near UV region of the spectrum. We utilize GaAs/Al 0.8 Ga 0.2 As photodiode elements as components in a wide band-gap solid-state photomultiplier as a lower-cost, lower logistical burden, and higher quantum efficiency replacement for the photomultiplier tube. An AlAs window layer is employed as a means to increase the diode’s optical performance. Relative to structures absent the window layer, simulations and measurements demonstrate that the AlAs layer produces a spatial coincidence between regions of large drift fields with regions of high photon absorption. In addition to the AlAs layer, secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements show that an unexpected high degree of inter-diffusion of GaAs and AlAs quenches the photon-detection efficiency, a decrease that can be avoided by its post-growth removal. With the AlAs layer, the peak external quantum efficiency of 49% is achieved at 450 nm with 10 V reverse bias, which does not fully deplete the device. Simulations show that full depletion can result in efficiencies exceeding 90%. In order to enhance the optical response, a simple anti-reflective coating layer is designed using the existing passivation layer components that successfully minimizes the reflection at the wavelength range of interest (300 nm–500 nm). (paper)

  3. 5-ALA/PpIX fluorescence detection of gastrointestinal neoplasia (United States)

    Borisova, Ekaterina G.; Vladimirov, Borislav; Terziev, Ivan; Ivanova, Radina; Avramov, Latchezar


    In the recent study delta-ALA/PpIX is used as fluorescent marker for dysplasia and tumor detection in esophagus, stomach and colon. ALA is administered per os six to eight (depending on the lesion location) hours before measurements at dose 20mg/kg weight. High-power light-emitting diode at 405 nm is used as an excitation source. Special opto-mechanical device is built for the LED to use the light guide of standard video-endoscopic system. Through endoscopic instrumental channel a fiber is applied to return information about fluorescence to microspectrometer. The fluorescence detected from tumor sites has very complex spectral origins. It consists of autofluorescence, fluorescence from exogenous fluorophores and re-absorption from the chromophores accumulated in the tissue investigated. Spectral features observed during endoscopic investigations could be distinct as the next regions: 450-630 nm region, where tissue autofluorescence is observed; 630-710 nm region, where fluorescence of PpIX is clearly pronounced; 530-580 nm region, where minima in the autofluorescence signal are observed, related to re-absorption of oxy-hemoglobin in this spectral area. Endogenous and exogenous fluorescence spectra are used to develop simple but effective algorithm, based on dimensionless ratio of the signals at 560 and 635 nm, for differentiation of normal/abnormal gastrointestinal tissues. Very good correlation between fluorescence signals and histology examination of the lesions investigated is achieved.

  4. Feasibility of Raman spectroscopy in vitro after 5-ALA-based fluorescence diagnosis in the bladder (United States)

    Grimbergen, M. C. M.; van Swol, C. F. P.; van Moorselaar, R. J. A.; Mahadevan-Jansen, A.,; Stone, N.


    Photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) has become popular in bladder cancer detection. Several studies have however shown an increased false positive biopsies rate under PDD guidance compared to conventional cystoscopy. Raman spectroscopy is an optical technique that utilizes molecular specific, inelastic scattering of light photons to interrogate biological tissues, which can successfully differentiate epithelial neoplasia from normal tissue and inflammations in vitro. This investigation was performed to show the feasibility of NIR Raman spectroscopy in vitro on biopsies obtained under guidance of 5-ALA induced PPIX fluorescence imaging. Raman spectra of a PPIX solution was measured to obtain a characteristic signature for the photosensitzer without contributions from tissue constituents. Biopsies were obtained from patients with known bladder cancer instilled with 50ml, 5mg 5-ALA two hours prior to trans-urethral resection of tumor (TURT). Additional biopsies were obtained at a fluorescent and non-fluorescent area, snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 °C. Each biopsy was thawed before measurements (10sec integration time) with a confocal Raman system (Renishaw Gloucestershire, UK). The 830 nm excitation (300mW) source is focused on the tissue by a 20X ultra-long-working-distance objective. Differences in fluorescence background between the two groups were removed by means of a special developed fluorescence subtraction algorithm. Raman spectra from ALA biopsies showed different fluorescence background which can be effectively removed by a fluorescence subtraction algorithm. This investigation shows that the interaction of the ALA induced PPIX with Raman spectroscopy in bladder samples. Combination of these techniques in-vivo may lead to a viable method of optical biopsies in bladder cancer detection.

  5. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) modulates expression of apoptosis associated proteins in hippocampus of rats exposed during postnatal period to sodium arsenite (NaAsO2). (United States)

    Dixit, Shilpi; Dhar, Pushpa; Mehra, Raj D


    The present study focused on the role of exogenous alpha lipoic acid (ALA) in amelioration of inorganic arsenic ( iAs ) induced effects on apoptosis and apoptosis associated proteins in developing rat hippocampus. NaAsO 2 (1.5/2.0 mg/kg bw) alone or along with ALA (70 mg/kg bw) was administered to rat pups (experimental groups) by intraperitoneal (i.p.) route from postnatal day (PND) 4-15. Controls received no treatment/distilled water/ALA. On PND 16, the animals were perfusion fixed and the brains were processed for paraffin embedding (CV and TUNEL staining) and cryopreservation (immunohistochemistry). The fresh brain tissue was used for Western blotting. Significant increase was observed in TUNEL positive cells and Bax (pro-apoptotic protein) expression in hippocampal sub-regions of iAs alone treated groups, whereas Bcl-2 expression was intensified in animals receiving ALA with iAs . Densitometric analysis (Western blots) revealed optimal restoration of Bax and Bcl-2 ratio in animals receiving ALA with iAs , thereby suggesting the protective role of ALA in iAs induced developmental neurotoxicity.

  6. Light fractionation increases the efficacy of ALA-PDT but not of MAL-PDT: What is the role of (vascular) endothelial cells? (United States)

    de Bruijn, H. S.; de Vijlder, H. C.; de Haas, E. R. M.; van der Ploeg-van den Heuvel, A.; Kruijt, B.; Poel-Dirks, D.; Sterenborg, H. J. C. M.; ten Hagen, T. L. M.; Robinson, D. J.


    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) using protoporpyrin IX (PpIX) precursors like 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) or methyl-aminolevulinate (MAL) has shown to be effective in the treatment of various skin diseases. Using ALA we have shown in numerous studies a significantly improved efficacy by applying light fractionation with a long dark interval. In contrast, in the hairless mouse model, the PDT efficacy using MAL is unaffected by adopting this approach. More acute edema is found after ALA-PDT suggesting a difference in response of endothelial cells to PDT. To investigate the role of endothelial cells, cryo-sections of hairless mouse skin after 4 hours of topical MAL or ALA application were stained with a fluorescent endothelial cell marker (CD31). Co-localization of this marker with the PpIX fluorescence was performed using the spectral imaging function of the confocal microscope. We have also used intra-vital confocal microscopy to image the PpIX fluorescence distribution in correlation with the vasculature of live mouse skin. Our results show PpIX fluorescence at depth in cryo-sections of mouse skin after 4 hours of topical application. Co-localization has shown to be difficult due to the changes in tissue organization caused by the staining procedure. As expected we found high PpIX fluorescence levels in the epidermis after both MAL and ALA application using intra-vital microscopy. After ALA application more PpIX fluorescence was found deep in the dermal layer of the skin than after MAL. Furthermore we detected localized fluorescence in unidentified structures that could not be correlated to blood vessels or nerves.

  7. Idiopathic elastosis perforans serpiginosa with satisfactory response after 5-ALA photodynamic therapy. (United States)

    Alique-García, S; Company-Quiroga, J; Horcajada-Reales, C; Echeverría-García, B; Tardío-Dovao, J C; Borbujo, J


    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves the use of photochemical reactions mediated through the interaction of photosensitizing agents, light, and oxygen for the treatment of malignant or benign diseases. Topical photosensitizers employed in dermatology are 5-aminolevulinic acid (5 ALA) and methyl aminolevulinate, classically used for the treatment of superficial non-melanoma skin cancer and their precursors. Recently the efficacy of PDT has been introduced in other benign diseases. Elastosis perforans serpiginosa (EPS) is a rare skin disorder characterized by transepidermal elimination of abnormal elastic fibers. Management of this condition is complicated, various methods have been used but with limited success. We report a case of EPS in a 30-yeard-old woman treated with 5 ALA-PDT. After 4 sessions the lesions have almost completely disappeared with no residual side effects. Therefore we present an effective and safe alternative for the treatment of EPS. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Loss of the Arabidopsis thaliana P4-ATPase ALA3 Reduces Adaptability to Temperature Stresses and Impairs Vegetative, Pollen, and Ovule Development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McDowell, Stephen C.; Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura; Poulsen, Lisbeth Rosager


    , a P4-ATPase associated with the trans-Golgi network (ALA3) was previously reported to be important for vegetative growth and reproductive success. Here we show that multiple phenotypes for ala3 knockouts are sensitive to growth conditions. For example, ala3 rosette size was observed to be dependent...

  9. Meta-analysis of association between the Pro12Ala polymorphism of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ2 gene and diabetic retinopathy in Caucasians and Asians. (United States)

    Ma, Jinlan; Li, Yan; Zhou, Fang; Xu, Xiaoyi; Guo, Gang; Qu, Yi


    The Pro12Ala polymorphism of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ2 (PPARγ2) gene is reported to be associated with diabetes. However, the gene's association with diabetic retinopathy (DR) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has been investigated in numerous epidemiologic studies with controversial results. This meta-analysis aimed to collectively assess the association of the Pro12Ala polymorphism with DR in T2DM. An electronic literature search was conducted on PubMed, ISI Web of Knowledge, EMBASE, and the China National Knowledge Internet. A dominant model [(Pro/Ala +Ala/Ala) versus Pro/Pro] was used to ensure adequate statistical power. Crude odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using the fixed effect model. Potential sources of heterogeneity and bias were explored. This meta-analysis included genotype data from 2,720 cases with DR and 2,450 controls free of DR from eight eligible publications. The results showed the Ala allele had a protective effect on DR in T2DM (OR=0.81; 95% CI: 0.68-0.98, p=0.03). There was no significant evidence against homogeneity (I(2)=46%, P(heterogeneity)=0.07). The sensitivity analysis showed a robust association of the Pro12Ala polymorphism with DR in T2DM after a study involving Caucasians that presented a big effect on heterogeneity (OR=0.75; 95% CI: 0.62-0.91, p=0.003) was excluded. Possible ethnic differences in the association of the Pro12Ala single nucleotide polymorphism and DR were demonstrated; a significant association was illustrated in the Caucasian subgroup (OR=0.74; 95% CI: 0.59-0.94, p=0.01) but was not found in the Asian subgroup (OR=0.77; 95% CI: 0.55-1.07, p=0.12). No publication bias was observed. This meta-analysis suggested a significant association exists between the Pro12Ala polymorphism and DR in T2DM with ethnic differences. The Ala allele had a significant protective effect against DR in T2DM.

  10. Arhitektuuribürood pakkusid hipodroomi ala elamukvartaliks ümberehitamiseks julgeid projekte / Hille Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Hille, 1941-2014


    Tallinna Hipodroomi ala hoonestamise ideekonkursi võitsid QP Arhitektid (Tõnu Laigu, Koit Ojaliiv, Mari Rass, Asko Uukado) ja Salto Arhitektuuribüroo (Ralf Lõoke, Karli Luik, Maarja Kask). Kommenteerib Endrik Mänd

  11. Gene expression pattern at different time points following ALA-PDT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verwanger, T.; Sanovic, R.; Ruhdorfer, S.; Aberger, F.; Frischauf, A.; Krammer, B.


    Full text: The photo sensitizer protoporphyrin IX, endogenously accumulated from the precursor aminolevulinic acid (ALA), is a successful agent in photodynamic tumor therapy. In spite of encouraging clinical results, the basic mechanisms leading to cell death are not fully understood. We therefore set out to analyze the alteration of the gene expression pattern in the squamous cell carcinoma cell line A-431 at different time points after photodynamic treatment with endogenous protoporphyrin IX by cDNA-array technique. Cells were incubated for 16 hours with 100 μg/ml ALA and irradiated with a fluence of 3.5 J/cm 2 resulting in 50 % survival until 8 hours post treatment. RNA was isolated at 1.5, 3, 5 and 8 hours post treatment as well as of 3 controls (untreated, light only and dark), radioactively labelled by reverse transcription with 33P-dCTP and hybridized onto macroarray PCR filters containing PCR products of 2135 genes, which were selected for relevance in tumors, stress response and signal transduction. Verification of observed expression changes was carried out by real time PCR. We found a strong induction of expression of immediate early genes like c-fos as well as decreased expression of genes involved in proliferation like myc and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). (author)

  12. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA modulates expression of apoptosis associated proteins in hippocampus of rats exposed during postnatal period to sodium arsenite (NaAsO2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shilpi Dixit


    Full Text Available The present study focused on the role of exogenous alpha lipoic acid (ALA in amelioration of inorganic arsenic (iAs induced effects on apoptosis and apoptosis associated proteins in developing rat hippocampus. NaAsO2 (1.5/2.0 mg/kg bw alone or along with ALA (70 mg/kg bw was administered to rat pups (experimental groups by intraperitoneal (i.p. route from postnatal day (PND 4–15. Controls received no treatment/distilled water/ALA. On PND 16, the animals were perfusion fixed and the brains were processed for paraffin embedding (CV and TUNEL staining and cryopreservation (immunohistochemistry. The fresh brain tissue was used for Western blotting. Significant increase was observed in TUNEL positive cells and Bax (pro-apoptotic protein expression in hippocampal sub-regions of iAs alone treated groups, whereas Bcl-2 expression was intensified in animals receiving ALA with iAs. Densitometric analysis (Western blots revealed optimal restoration of Bax and Bcl-2 ratio in animals receiving ALA with iAs, thereby suggesting the protective role of ALA in iAs induced developmental neurotoxicity.

  13. [Ala12]MCD peptide: a lead peptide to inhibitors of immunoglobulin E binding to mast cell receptors. (United States)

    Buku, A; Condie, B A; Price, J A; Mezei, M


    An effort was made to discover mast cell degranulating (MCD) peptide analogs that bind with high affinity to mast cell receptors without triggering secretion of histamine or other mediators of the allergic reaction initiated by immunoglobulin E (IgE) after mast cell activation. Such compounds could serve as inhibitors of IgE binding to mast cell receptors. An alanine scan of MCD peptide reported previously showed that the analog [Ala12]MCD was 120-fold less potent in histamine-releasing activity and fivefold more potent in binding affinity to mast cell receptors than the parent MCD peptide. Because this analog showed marginal intrinsic activity and good binding affinity it was subsequently tested in the present study as an IgE inhibitor. In contrast to MCD peptide, [Ala12]MCD showed a 50% inhibition of IgE binding to the Fc epsilon RI alpha mast cell receptor by using rat basophilic leukemia (RBL-2H3) mast cells and fluorescence polarization. Furthermore, in a beta-hexosaminidase secretory assay, the peptide also showed a 50% inhibition of the secretion of this enzyme caused by IgE. An attempt was made to relate structural changes and biologic differences between the [Ala12]MCD analog and the parent MCD peptide. The present results show that [Ala12]MCD may provide a base for designing agents to prevent IgE/Fc epsilon RI alpha interactions and, consequently, allergic conditions.

  14. The Short Life and Ignominious Death of ALA Video and Special Projects. (United States)

    Handman, Gary


    Discussion of videocassettes in our culture and the function of video collections in libraries focuses on the creation and demise of a unit sponsored by the American Library Association, the ALA Video and Special Projects. The unit's role is discussed and funding decisions that led to its demise are explained. (LRW)

  15. The Thr92Ala 5′ Type 2 Deiodinase Gene Polymorphism Is Associated with a Delayed Triiodothyronine Secretion in Response to the Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone–Stimulation Test: A Pharmacogenomic Study (United States)

    Butler, Peter W.; Smith, Sheila M.; Linderman, Joyce D.; Brychta, Robert J.; Alberobello, Anna Teresa; Dubaz, Ornella M.; Luzon, Javier A.; Skarulis, Monica C.; Cochran, Craig S.; Wesley, Robert A.; Pucino, Frank


    Background The common Thr92Ala D2 polymorphism has been associated with changes in pituitary–thyroid axis homeostasis, but published results are conflicting. To investigate the effects of the Thr92Ala polymorphism on intrathyroidal thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) conversion, we designed prospective pharmacogenomic intervention aimed to detect differences in T3 levels after thyrotropin (TSH)-releasing hormone (TRH)–mediated TSH stimulation of the thyroid gland. Methods Eighty-three healthy volunteers were screened and genotyped for the Thr92Ala polymorphism. Fifteen volunteers of each genotype (Thr/Thr, Thr/Ala, and Ala/Ala) underwent a 500 mcg intravenous TRH stimulation test with serial measurements of serum total T3 (TT3), free T4, and TSH over 180 minutes. Results No differences in baseline thyroid hormone levels were seen among the study groups. Compared to the Thr/Thr group, the Ala/Ala group showed a significantly lower TRH-stimulated increase in serum TT3 at 60 minutes (12.07 ± 2.67 vs. 21.07 ± 2.86 ng/dL, p = 0.029). Thr/Ala subjects showed an intermediate response. Compared to Thr/Thr subjects, the Ala/Ala group showed a blunted rate of rise in serum TT3 as measured by mean time to 50% maximum delta serum TT3 (88.42 ± 6.84 vs. 69.56 ± 6.06 minutes, p = 0.028). Subjects attained similar maximal (180 minutes) TRH-stimulated TT3 levels. TRH-stimulated TSH and free T4 levels were not significantly different among the three genotype groups. Conclusions The commonly occurring Thr92Ala D2 variant is associated with a decreased rate of acute TSH-stimulated T3 release from the thyroid consistent with a decrease in intrathyroidal deiodination. These data provide a proof of concept that the Thr92Ala polymorphism is associated with subtle changes in thyroid hormone homeostasis. PMID:21054208

  16. Volikogu kergitas kruntide alghinna Olümpia vastas 240 miljoni kroonini / Askur Alas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alas, Askur, 1973-


    Tallinna linnavolikogu tõstis 26. jaanuari istungil Juhkentali 1b, 3d ja 3e kruntide avaliku enampakkumise alghinna 78 miljonilt kroonilt 240 miljonile. Kruntidele on lubatud ehitada üks kuni 30-korruseline ning mitu 3-8 korruselist hoonet. Kaart: Ala detailplaneering

  17. Rolled-Up Nanotech: Illumination-Controlled Hydrofluoric Acid Etching of AlAs Sacrificial Layers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Costescu Ruxandra


    Full Text Available Abstract The effect of illumination on the hydrofluoric acid etching of AlAs sacrificial layers with systematically varied thicknesses in order to release and roll up InGaAs/GaAs bilayers was studied. For thicknesses of AlAs below 10 nm, there were two etching regimes for the area under illumination: one at low illumination intensities, in which the etching and releasing proceeds as expected and one at higher intensities in which the etching and any releasing are completely suppressed. The “etch suppression” area is well defined by the illumination spot, a feature that can be used to create heterogeneously etched regions with a high degree of control, shown here on patterned samples. Together with the studied self-limitation effect, the technique offers a way to determine the position of rolled-up micro- and nanotubes independently from the predefined lithographic pattern.

  18. cDNAs encoding [D-Ala2]deltorphin precursors from skin of Phyllomedusa bicolor also contain genetic information for three dermorphin-related opioid peptides.


    Richter, K; Egger, R; Negri, L; Corsi, R; Severini, C; Kreil, G


    We present the structure of four precursors for [D-Ala2]deltorphins I and II as deduced from cDNAs cloned from skin of the frog Phyllomedusa bicolor. These contain the genetic information for one copy of [D-Ala2]deltorphin II and zero, one, or three copies of [D-Ala2]deltorphin I. In each case, the D-alanine of the end product is encoded by a normal GCG codon for L-alanine. In addition, the existence of three peptides related to dermorphin was predicted from the amino acid sequence of the pre...

  19. The miniband spectrum in (AlAs) sub M (GaAs) sub N (111)

    CERN Document Server

    Karavaev, G F; Egunov, R M


    The electron states for energies in the conduction band of (AlAs) sub M (GaAs) sub N (111) superlattices with M >= N (N < 10) are considered. The properties of such superlattices are mainly determined by electrons of X-valley in AlAs and L-valley in GaAs. The calculations are carried out on the basis of the envelope-function model of interface band mixing. Miniband spectra, symmetry and localization of wave functions, and also probabilities of the interminiband infrared absorption are defined and analyzed. It is shown that the latter have a significant magnitude not only at light polarization along the superlattice growth axis, but also at normal incidence of a light wave to the surface. The analysis has been normal incidence of a light wave to the surface. The analysis has shown the importance of consideration of X sub 5 -states belonging to the valence band for infrared absorption

  20. CrAs(0 0 1)/AlAs(0 0 1) heterogeneous junction as a spin current diode predicted by first-principles calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Min, Y.; Yao, K.L.; Liu, Z.L.; Cheng, H.G.; Zhu, S.C.; Gao, G.Y.


    We report on first-principles calculations of spin-dependent quantum transport in a CrAs(0 0 1)/AlAs(0 0 1) heterogeneous junction and predict a strong diode effect of charge and spin current. The minority spin current is absolutely inhibited when the bias voltage is applied to the terminals of both CrAs and AlAs. The majority spin current is inhibited when the bias voltage is applied to the terminal of CrAs and 'relaxed' when the bias voltage is applied to the terminal of AlAs. The charge and spin current diode are promising for reprogrammable logic applications in the field of spintronics

  1. Agentes Locales Ambientales (ALAs: Hacia la ciudad sostenible

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marín-Herbert, S.


    Full Text Available Any action aimed at improving the quality of life in a city through more sustainable urban models, based on a reference framework such as the Local Agenda 21 or the, calls for changes to its inhabitants' behaviour. The ALAs project drives this change by making the city's youngest inhabitants Leaders of Change. They involve others (school friends, family members, neighbours in direct action in their neighbourhood, making the community participate independently in improving the city’s sustainability and quality of life. To the sequence “awareness- raising - action - monitoring - motivation tools such as our Geographical Information System have been added to support the neighbourhood action strategy by monitoring its efficiency and its effectiveness at meeting targets.Partiendo de un marco de referencia, como la Agenda Local 21 (1 o la Carta de Leipzig (2, cualquier acción encaminada a una mejora en la calidad de vida de una ciudad a través de modelos urbanos más sostenibles, requiere una modificación en las conductas de sus habitantes. El proyecto ALAs, motiva este cambio a través del paso directo a la acción liderada por los más jóvenes a través del Sistema Educativo quien mediante un efecto multiplicador (compañeros, familiares, vecinos y a través de la acción directa en sus barrios, consigue fomentar la participación autónoma de la población en la mejora de la sostenibilidad (3y la calidad de vida de su ciudad. A la secuencia “concienciación - acción - medición - motivación se han incorporado herramientas como el GIS que apoyan la estrategia de acción en los barrios controlando su e! cacia y e! ciencia en la consecución de los objetivos.

  2. ALA/LA ameliorates glucose toxicity on HK-2 cells by attenuating oxidative stress and apoptosis through the ROS/p38/TGF-β1 pathway. (United States)

    Jiang, Mingxia; Zhang, Haifen; Zhai, Lijie; Ye, Bianliang; Cheng, Yin; Zhai, Chengkai


    Growing evidence indicates that oxidative stress (OS) plays a pivotal role in Diabetic nephropathy (DN). In a previous study we demonstrated that ALA/LA protected HK-2 cells against high glucose-induced cytotoxicity. So we aimed to establish the glucose injury model of HK-2 cells and investigate the beneficial effects of ALA/LA on high glucose-induced excessive production of TGF-β1 and the possible mechanisms mediating the effects. The expression of OS markers in high glucose-induced HK-2 cells treated with ALA/LA., including the antioxidant enzymes and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, as well as the apoptosis rate were assayed by ELISA and flow cytometry. The p38/transforming growth factor β 1 (TGF-β 1 ) signal pathway were measured by real-time RT-PCR and western blot. The modeling condition of glucose toxicity on HK-2 cells was at the glucose concentration of 40.9 mM. ALA/LA can significantly increase the activities of antioxidant enzymes and decrease ROS production stimulated by high glucose. The study also found that ALA/LA caused a decrease in the apoptosis rate and TGF-β 1 level of HK-2 cells under high glucose stress through the ROS/p38 pathway. ALA/LA exerts protective effects in vitro through inhibition of ROS generation, down regulation of the activation of the p38MAPK pathway and the expression of TGF-β 1 in HK-2 cells.

  3. Active Listening Attitude Scale (ALAS: Reliability and Validity in a Nationwide Sample of Greek Educators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ntina Kourmousi


    Full Text Available The present study examined the Active Listening Attitude Scale (ALAS validity and reliability in a sample of 3955 Greek educators. The sample was randomly split and an exploratory factor analysis (EFA was conducted in the even subsample to evaluate the scale’s construct validity. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA was performed in the odd subsample to confirm the three-factor model identified by the EFA. The chi square test (χ2 of the model was significant (p < 0.05, due to the large sample size. The root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA, the comparative fit index (CFI and the goodness of fit index (GFI values were 0.079, 0.969 and 0.960, respectively, further supporting the fit of the three-factor model. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to test internal consistency reliability and was satisfactory exceeding 0.72 for ALAS subscales. The intercorrelations of the three subscales were all positive and significant (p < 0.001, ranging from 0.20 to 0.42. Student’s t-tests and the computation of effect sizes revealed that women scored higher on Listening Skill and Conversation Opportunity, while principals and participants trained on mental health promotion scored higher on all three subscales. The analyses confirmed the three-factor model of ALAS and demonstrated its validity and reliability in measuring Greek teachers’ active listening attitudes.

  4. Short-term supplementation of low-dose gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), or GLA plus ALA does not augment LCP omega 3 status of Dutch vegans to an appreciable extent

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fokkema, M R; Brouwer, D A; Hasperhoven, M B; Martini, I A; Muskiet, F A

    Vegans do not consume meat and fish and have therefore low intakes of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP). They may consequently have little negative feedback inhibition from dietary LCP on conversion of alpha -linolenic acid (ALA) to the LCP omega 3 eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and

  5. ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom: Who We Are and How We Help Librarians (United States)

    Pekoll, Kristin


    The American Library Association's (ALA's) Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) strives to educate librarians and the public about the nature and importance of intellectual freedom in libraries, and it will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary in 2017. Libraries are a forum for information and ideas (under the First Amendment), and librarians are…

  6. PVR/CD155 Ala67Thr Mutation and Cleft Lip/Palate. (United States)

    Vieira, Alexandre R; Letra, Ariadne; Silva, Renato M; Granjeiro, Jose M; Shimizu, Takehiko; Poletta, Fernando A; Mereb, Juan C; Castilla, Eduardo E; Orioli, Iêda M


    The 19q13 locus has been linked to cleft lip and palate by our group and independently by others. Here we fine mapped the region in an attempt to identify an etiological variant that can explain cleft lip and palate occurrence. A total of 2739 individuals born with cleft lip and palate, related to individuals born with cleft lip and palate, and unrelated were studied. We used linkage and association approaches to fine map the interval between D19S714 and D19S433 and genotypes were defined by the use of TaqMan chemistry. We confirmed our previous findings that markers in PVR/CD155 are associated with cleft lip and palate. We studied the mutation Ala67Thr further and calculated its penetrance. We also attempted to detect PVR/CD155 expression in human whole saliva. Our results showed that markers in PVR/CD155 are associated with cleft lip and palate and the penetrance of the Ala67Thr is very low (between 1% and 5%). We could not detect PVR/CD155 expression in adult human whole saliva and PVR/CD155 possibly interacts with maternal infection to predispose children to cleft lip only.

  7. Restoran Noa Miidurannas = Noa Restaurant in the Miiduranna area of Tallinn / Peeter Loo, Jan Skolimowski, Kaspar Kruuse, Tarmo Piirmets ; kommenteerinud Raivo Kotov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Noa restoran Miidurannas Ranna tee 3, valminud 2014. Arhitektid Peeter Loo, Jan Skolimowski, Kaspar Kruuse (Kamp Arhitektid), sisearhitekt Tarmo Piirmets (Pink). Eesti Kultuurkapitali Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali arhitektuuripreemia 2014

  8. The Caenorhabditis elegans interneuron ALA is (also) a high-threshold mechanosensor


    Sanders, Jarred; Nagy, Stanislav; Fetterman, Graham; Wright, Charles; Treinin, Millet; Biron, David


    Background To survive dynamic environments, it is essential for all animals to appropriately modulate their behavior in response to various stimulus intensities. For instance, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans suppresses the rate of egg-laying in response to intense mechanical stimuli, in a manner dependent on the mechanosensory neurons FLP and PVD. We have found that the unilaterally placed single interneuron ALA acted as a high-threshold mechanosensor, and that it was required for this pr...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. O. Akinyede


    Full Text Available Understanding the hydrologic system surrounding crater lakes is of great importance for prevention of flooding damages, conservation of ecological environment, and assessment of socio-economic impact of dam failure on the civilians in the downstream regions. Lake Nyos is a crater lake formed by volcanic activities at the Oku volcanic field on the Cameroon Volcanic Line. It is a freshwater lake with a maximum depth of 200 meter. In 1986, a limnic eruption at the lake emitted 1.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the bottom of saturated water into the air and suffocated up to 1,800 people and 3,500 livestock at nearby villages. The lake waters are held in place by a natural dam composed of loosely consolidated volcanic rock, which is now at the verge of collapse due to accelerated erosion. This study was carried out to determine the flood risks and vulnerability of population and infrastructure along Katsina-Ala drainage basins. The project integrated both satellite images and field datasets into a hydrologic model for Katsina-Ala River Basin and its vicinity including the Lake Nyos. ArcHydro was used to construct a hydrologic database as 'data models' and MIKE SHE was employed to conduct hydrologic simulations. Vulnerable infrastructures, population and socio-economic activities were identified to assist the Federal and State governments in disaster mitigation and management plans. The result of the project provides comprehensive knowledge of hydrologic system of Katsina-Ala drainage basin to mitigate potential future disasters from a potential dam failure and manage water resources against such disasters.

  10. Stabilization of a chitinase from Serratia marcescens by Gly-->Ala and Xxx-->Pro mutations.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gaseidnes, S.; Synstad, B.; Jia, X.; Kjellesvik, H.; Vriend, G.; Eijsink, V.G.


    This paper describes attempts to increase the kinetic stability of chitinase B from Serratia marcescens (ChiB) by the introduction of semi-automatically designed rigidifying mutations of the Gly-->Ala and Xxx-->Pro type. Of 15 single mutants, several displayed significant increases in thermal

  11. VAT-teater vaatab 30 aastat tulevikku / Tiiu Laks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laks, Tiiu, 1984-


    VAT Teater toob S. Becketti "Krappi viimase lindi" lavale ebatavalisel moel. Festivalil "Draama 2010" Tartus toimub 8. septembril esimene avalik lindistus "...viimane lint / Saare esimene lint". Kontseptsioon: Tanel Saar ja Co. Esitus: Tanel Saar ja Hanna Allsaar. Näitejuhid-konsultandid: Rait Avestik ja Aare Toikka. "Krappi viimane lint" esietendub VAT Teatri ja Tanel Saare esituses 2040. a. sügisel. Festivali "Draama 2010" kavast

  12. Association of PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism with insulin sensitivity and body mass index in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. (United States)

    Baldani, Dinka Pavicic; Skrgatic, Lana; Cerne, Jasmina Z; Ferk, Polonca; Simunic, Velimir; Gersak, Ksenija


    Insulin resistance is one of the key factors in the pathogenesis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG) plays a role in the regulation of insulin sensitivity. The aim of the present study was to establish a possible association of the PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism with PCOS and its effect on family and personal history, as well as on the metabolic and endocrine parameters in PCOS patients. A total of 151 PCOS patients and 179 healthy women of reproductive age were enrolled. History, body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio and the presence of phenotypic hyperandrogenism were recorded. Hormonal, metabolic and biochemical profiles were assessed. A molecular analysis for the genetic polymorphism was performed. One third (29.8%) of the PCOS patients were found to be carriers of at least one variant of the Ala allele (X/Ala), while 70.2% carried two wild-type Pro alleles (Pro/Pro), with an equal distribution observed in the control group. The PCOS patients carrying the X/Ala alleles exhibited lower serum fasting insulin levels, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and BMI compared to Pro/Pro carriers. This finding was significant only in the lean PCOS group. The polymorphic genotype exerted no effect on history, hormonal and clinical hyperandrogenism, lipid status or C-reactive protein, leptin, adiponectin, resistin and ghrelin serum levels in women with PCOS. In conclusion, although the PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism is not a major determinant of PCOS in the Croatian population, it may exert a positive effect on insulin sensitivity and BMI. As these associations were recorded exclusively in the lean group of patients with PCOS, this polymorphism potentially contributes to a protective role against hyperinsulinemia and obesity.

  13. Electron microscopy of GaAs-based structures with InAs and As quantum dots separated by an AlAs barrier

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nevedomskiy, V. N.; Bert, N. A.; Chaldyshev, V. V.; Preobrazhenskiy, V. V.; Putyato, M. A.; Semyagin, B. R.


    Electron microscopy studies of GaAs-based structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy and containing arrays of semiconductor InAs quantum dots and metal As quantum dots are performed. The array of InAs quantum dots is formed by the Stranski-Krastanov mechanism and consists of vertically coupled pairs of quantum dots separated by a GaAs spacer 10 nm thick. To separate the arrays of semiconductor and metal quantum dots and to prevent diffusion-induced mixing, the array of InAs quantum dots is overgrown with an AlAs barrier layer 5 or 10 nm thick, after which a GaAs layer is grown at a comparatively low temperature (180°C). The array of As quantum dots is formed in an As-enriched layer of the low-temperature GaAs by means of post-growth annealing at 400–760°C for 15 min. It is established that the AlAs barrier layer has a surface profile corresponding to that of a subbarrier layer with InAs quantum dots. The presence of such a profile causes the formation of V-shaped structural defects upon subsequent overgrowth with the GaAs layer. Besides, it was obtained that AlAs layer is thinned over the InAs quantum dots tops. It is shown that the AlAs barrier layer in the regions between the InAs quantum dots effectively prevents the starting diffusion of excess As at annealing temperatures up to 600°C. However, the concentration of mechanical stresses and the reduced thickness of the AlAs barrier layer near the tops of the InAs quantum dots lead to local barrier breakthroughs and the diffusion of As quantum dots into the region of coupled pairs of InAs quantum dots at higher annealing temperatures

  14. Comparison of the crystal structure and function to wild-type and His25Ala mutant human heme oxygenase-1. (United States)

    Zhou, Wen-Pu; Zhong, Wen-Wei; Zhang, Xue-Hong; Ding, Jian-Ping; Zhang, Zi-Li; Xia, Zhen-Wei


    Human heme oxygenase-1 (hHO-1) is a rate-limiting enzyme in heme metabolism. It regulates serum bilirubin level. Site-directed mutagenesis studies indicate that the proximal residue histidine 25 (His25) plays a key role in hHO-1 activity. A highly purified hHO-1 His25Ala mutant was generated and crystallized with a new expression system. The crystal structure of the mutant was determined by X-ray diffraction technology and molecular replacement at the resolution of 2.8 A, and the model of hHO-1 His25Ala mutant was refined. The final crystallographic and free R factors were 0.245 and 0.283, respectively. The standard bond length deviation was 0.007 A, and the standard bond angle deviation was 1.3 degrees . The mutation of His25 to Ala led to an empty pocket underneath the ferric ion in the heme, leading to loss of binding iron ligand. Although this did not cause an overall structural change, the enzymatic activity of the mutant hHO-1 was reduced by 90%. By supplementing imidazole, the HO-1 activity was restored approximately 90% to its normal level. These data suggest that Ala25 remains unchanged in the structure compared to His25, but the important catalytic function of hHO-1 is lost. Thus, it appears that His25 is a crucial residue for proper hHO-1 catalysis.

  15. Design rules for modulation doped AlAs quantum wells (United States)

    Chung, Yoon Jang; Baldwin, K. W.; West, K. W.; Kamburov, D.; Shayegan, M.; Pfeiffer, L. N.

    AlxGa1-xAs/AlAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells were grown with various barrier compositions ranging from x =0.26 to x =0.8. We investigate the modulation doping characteristics of the samples by magneto-transport measurements. The carrier concentration in the well peaks near the barrier alloy fraction of x =0.26 in the dark and near x =0.38 after illumination with a red LED. This behavior is consistent with the results in a separate study for AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells in the range of x =0.26 to x =1.0. We show from a charge transfer model that the calculated energy difference between the conduction band offset at the well interface and the donor energy level, ΔEC-ED, coincides for the two types of wells. This implies that, despite the differing positions of the conduction band minimum for the GaAs and AlAs wells, the doping of either well is governed by the electronic properties of the barrier. Based on this knowledge we designed high quality AlAs quantum wells with low (1 x 1011 cm-2) and high (3 x 1011 cm-2) density, and the magneto-transport data show clear signals of the fractional quantum Hall effect (2/3, 3/5, 4/7 for low density and 5/3, 8/5 for high density). Work supported by the NSF (Grants DMR-1305691, ECCS-1508925, and MRSEC DMR-1420541), the DOE Basic Energy Sciences (Grant DE-FG02-00-ER45841), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Grant GBMF4420), and the Keck Foundation.

  16. Novel Association of WNK4 Gene, Ala589Ser Polymorphism in Essential Hypertension, and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nooshin Ghodsian


    Full Text Available With-no-lysine (K Kinase-4 (WNK4 consisted of unique serine and threonine protein kinases, genetically associated with an autosomal dominant form of hypertension. Argumentative consequences have lately arisen on the association of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms of WNK4 gene and essential hypertension (EHT. The aim of this study was to determine the association of Ala589Ser polymorphism of WNK4 gene with essential hypertensive patients in Malaysia. WNK4 gene polymorphism was specified utilizing mutagenically separated polymerase chain reaction (PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP method in 320 subjects including 163 cases and 157 controls. Close relation between Ala589Ser polymorphism and elevated systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP was recognized. Sociodemographic factors including body mass index (BMI, age, the level of fasting blood sugar (FBS, low density lipoprotein (LDL, and triglyceride (TG in the cases and healthy subjects exhibited strong differences (p<0.05. The distribution of allele frequency and genotype of WNK4 gene Ala589Ser polymorphism showed significant differences (p<0.05 between EHT subjects with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM and normotensive subjects, statistically. The WNK4 gene variation influences significantly blood pressure increase. Ala589Ser probably has effects on the enzymic activity leading to enhanced predisposition to the disorder.

  17. Surgical strategy for malignant gliomas involving pyramidal tracts guided by functional neuronavigation and 5-ALA fluorescence navigation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Ken-ichi; Ito, Tamio; Seo, Yoshinobu; Sunohara, Tadashi; Maeda, Masana; Sasaki, Takehiko; Nakagawara, Jyoji; Nakamura, Hirohiko


    For patients with malignant glioma invading pyramidal tracts, maximal resections are difficult to accomplish while preserving their motor function. We used tractography-integrated functional neuronavigation and 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) fluorescence-guided resection for removal of malignant gliomas involving pyramidal tract. In this study, we analyzed postoperative motor function and extent of resection in a series of patients who underwent surgery in our department. Ten patients with malignant glioma invading pyramidal tracts underwent radical surgery. To preserve pyramidal tracts, we developed a functional neuronavigation-guided fence-post procedure to avoid the problem of brain shift, a disadvantage of the existing neuronavigation systems. Furthermore we have achieved precise resection of tumors using 5-ALA fluorescence navigation. Intraoperatively, tumor fluorescence was visualized using a modified operating microscope. All fluorescing tumor tissue was resected. Motor function was preserved after appropriate tumor resection in all cases. Postoperatively, improvement of motor weakness was observed in seven patients, whereas transient mild motor weakness occurred in two patients. Gross total removals were accomplished in seven patients, and subtotal removal was accomplished in one patient, and partial removal was accomplished in two patients. Combined use of tractography-integrated functional neuronavigation and 5-ALA fluorescence-guided resection contributes to maximal safe resection of malignant gliomas with pyramidal tract involvement. (author)

  18. The Arabidopsis P4-ATPase ALA3 requires a ß-subunit to function in phospholipid translocation and secretory vesicle formation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura

    The Arabidopsis P4-ATPase ALA3 requires a ß-subunit to function in phospholipid translocation and secretory vesicle formation   Lisbeth R. Poulsen1, Rosa L. López-Marqués1, Stephen C. McDowell2, Juha Okkeri3, Dirk Licht3, Alexander Schulz1, Thomas Pomorski3,  Jeffrey F. Harper2, and Michael G....... Palmgren1 1Centre for Membrane Pumps in Cells and Disease - PUMPKIN, Danish National Research Foundation, Department of Plant Biology, University of Copenhagen, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark 2Biochemistry Department MS200, University of Nevada Reno, NV 89557, USA 3Humboldt-University Berlin, Faculty...... and in inducing membrane curvature, which is a requirement for vesicle formation. We show that Aminophospholipid ATPase3 (ALA3), a member of the P4-ATPase subfamily in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, localizes to the Golgi apparatus and that genetic lesions of ALA3 result in impaired growth of roots and shoots...

  19. A determination of occlusal plane comparing different levels of the tragus to form ala-tragal line or Camper's line: A photographic study. (United States)

    Kumar, Sandeep; Garg, Sandeep; Gupta, Seema


    The purpose of this study was to determine accurately the part of the tragus to be used to form the Ala-Tragal line or Camper's line in orthognathic profile patients. 150 dentate subjects with age of 18-40 years with orthognathic profile were sampled. Life-size lateral digital photographs of the face with fox plane were taken in natural head position. Different angles between Eye-Ear plane and occlusal plane (OT1-OP), Eye-Ear plane and ala-superior border of tragus (OT1-AT1), Eye-Ear plane and ala-middle border of tragus (OT1-AT2) and Eye-Ear plane and ala-inferior border of tragus (OT1-AT3) were calculated using computer software package, AutoCAD 2004. From the three angles formed by the Eye-ear plane (OT1 or FH plane) and the ala-tragal lines, the one closest to the angle formed between Eye-Ear plane (OT1) and occlusal plane (OP) was used to determine the occlusal plane of orientation. The obtained results were subjected to ANOVA F test, Tukey's Honestly significant difference test, followed by Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation test. P values of less than 0.05 were taken as statistically significant. The mean of base line angle i.e. OT1-OP angle (11.96 ± 4.36) was found to be close to OT1-AT2 angle (13.67 ± 1.93) and OT1-AT3 angle (10.31 ± 2.03), but OT1-OP angle was found to be more closer to OT1-AT3 angle. Comparison of mean angles showed that OT1-OP angle in both males (11.68) and females (12.51) is close to OT1-AT3 angle (males- 11.01, females- 11.95). The line joining from ala to the lower border of the tragus was parallel to the occlusal plane in 53.3% of the subjects. There was no influence of the sex on the level of occlusal plane.

  20. Koorimuusika täidab õhtuid / Ave Sopp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sopp, Ave


    Portlandi ülikooli kammerkoori kontserdist Pärnu Ranna kõlakojas 29. juunil, dirigent Bruce Browne. Norrköpingi muusikaseltsi kammerkoori kontserdist Pärnu Eliisabeti kirikus 2. juulil, dirigent Michael Bruze

  1. Role of 5-ALA in improving extent of tumour resection in patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme. (United States)

    Waqas, Muhammad; Khan, Inamullah; Shamim, Muhammad Shahzad


    Goal of surgery for patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is gross total resection with no new neurological deficits. Surgical resection is often restricted due the difficulty in differentiating the tumour from surrounding normal brain using either naked eye, or standard intra-operative white light microscopy. GBM uptakes orally administered 5-ALA becomes fluorescent when viewed by a special light, and this property has been used to improve intra-operative tumour identification. This technique should therefore allow better extent of tumour resection. The hypothesis has been tested through several studies and even though most studies are of low quality, they strongly favour the use of 5- ALA in improving the extent of resection when compared to white light microscopy. A systematic review on the topic had a similar conclusion. Few studies have also hinted on a high false negative rate with the use of this technique..

  2. H2O2 mediates ALA-induced glutathione and ascorbate accumulation in the perception and resistance to oxidative stress in Solanum lycopersicum at low temperatures. (United States)

    Liu, Tao; Hu, Xiaohui; Zhang, Jiao; Zhang, Junheng; Du, Qingjie; Li, Jianming


    Low temperature is a crucial factor influencing plant growth and development. The chlorophyll precursor, 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is widely used to improve plant cold tolerance. However, the interaction between H 2 O 2 and cellular redox signaling involved in ALA-induced resistance to low temperature stress in plants remains largely unknown. Here, the roles of ALA in perceiving and regulating low temperature-induced oxidative stress in tomato plants, together with the roles of H 2 O 2 and cellular redox states, were characterized. Low concentrations (10-25 mg·L - 1 ) of ALA enhanced low temperature-induced oxidative stress tolerance of tomato seedlings. The most effective concentration was 25 mg·L - 1 , which markedly increased the ratio of reduced glutathione and ascorbate (GSH and AsA), and enhanced the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and glutathione reductase. Furthermore, gene expression of respiratory burst oxidase homolog1 and H 2 O 2 content were upregulated with ALA treatment under normal conditions. Treatment with exogenous H 2 O 2 , GSH, and AsA also induced plant tolerance to oxidative stress at low temperatures, while inhibition of GSH and AsA syntheses significantly decreased H 2 O 2 -induced oxidative stress tolerance. Meanwhile, scavenging or inhibition of H 2 O 2 production weakened, but did not eliminate, GSH- or AsA- induced tomato plant tolerance to oxidative stress at low temperatures. Appropriate concentrations of ALA alleviated the low temperature-induced oxidative stress in tomato plants via an antioxidant system. The most effective concentration was 25 mg·L - 1 . The results showed that H 2 O 2 induced by exogenous ALA under normal conditions is crucial and may be the initial step for perception and signaling transmission, which then improves the ratio of GSH and AsA. GSH and AsA may then interact with H 2 O 2 signaling, resulting in enhanced antioxidant capacity

  3. Thr92Ala polymorphism in the type 2 deiodinase is not associated with T4 dose in athyroid patients or patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heemstra, K. A.; Hoftijzer, H. C.; van der Deure, W. M.; Peeters, R. P.; Fliers, E.; Appelhof, B. C.; Wiersinga, W. M.; Corssmit, E. P. M.; Visser, T. J.; Smit, J. W. A.


    SUMMARY Objective: The type 2 deiodinase (D2)-Thr92Ala polymorphism has been associated with decreased D2 activity in some in vitro experiments but not in others. So far no association between the D2-Thr92Ala polymorphism and serum thyroid hormone levels has been observed in humans, but in a recent

  4. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma) Pro12Ala polymorphism and risk for pediatric obesity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dedoussis, George V; Vidra, Nikoleta; Butler, Johannah; Papoutsakis, Constantina; Yannakoulia, Mary; Hirschhorn, Joel N; Lyon, Helen N; Vidra, Nikoletta

    BACKGROUND: Variation in the peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) gene has been reported to alter the risk for adiposity in adults. METHODS: We investigated the gender related association between the Pro12Ala variant (rs1801282) in obesity and insulin resistance traits in 794

  5. The Ala54Thr Polymorphism of the Fatty Acid Binding Protein 2 Gene Modulates HDL Cholesterol in Mexican-Americans with Type 2 Diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorena M. Salto


    Full Text Available The alanine to threonine amino acid substitution at codon 54 (Ala54Thr of the intestinal fatty acid binding protein (FABP2 has been associated with elevated levels of insulin and blood glucose as well as with dyslipidemia. The aim of this study was to characterize the effect of this FABP2 polymorphism in Mexican-Americans with type 2 diabetes (T2D in the context of a three-month intervention to determine if the polymorphism differentially modulates selected clinical outcomes. For this study, we genotyped 43 participant samples and performed post-hoc outcome analysis of the profile changes in fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, insulin, lipid panel and body composition, stratified by the Ala54Thr polymorphism. Our results show that the Thr54 allele carriers (those who were heterozygous or homozygous for the threonine-encoding allele had lower HDL cholesterol and higher triglyceride levels at baseline compared to the Ala54 homozygotes (those who were homozygous for the alanine-encoding allele. Both groups made clinically important improvements in lipid profiles and glycemic control as a response to the intervention. Whereas the Ala54 homozygotes decreased HDL cholesterol in the context of an overall total cholesterol decrease, Thr54 allele carriers increased HDL cholesterol as part of an overall total cholesterol decrease. We conclude that the Ala54Thr polymorphism of FABP2 modulates HDL cholesterol in Mexican-Americans with T2D and that Thr54 allele carriers may be responsive in interventions that include dietary changes.

  6. The Thr92Ala deiodinase type 2 (DIO2) variant is not associated with type 2 diabetes or indices of insulin resistance in the old order of Amish. (United States)

    Mentuccia, Daniela; Thomas, Matthew J; Coppotelli, Giuseppe; Reinhart, Laurie J; Mitchell, Braxton D; Shuldiner, Alan R; Celi, Francesco S


    A common polymorphism of the type 2 deiodinase gene (Thr92Ala DIO2) was found to be associated with insulin resistance in a mixed Caucasian population. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of the Thr92Ala DIO2 variant to indices of insulin resistance in the Old Order Amish. A genotype-phenotype association study was performed at the research clinic in Strasburg, Pennsylvania, and the molecular genetics laboratory at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, and the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. A total of 1,268 subjects participated in the Amish Family Diabetes Study. An association among the Thr92Ala DIO2 variant and type 2 diabetes, indices of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), insulin secretion, free thyroid hormones, and thyrotropin (TSH) was found. No association was found among the Thr92Ala DIO2 variant and type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, or body mass index (BMI) in the Amish. In nondiabetics (n = 747), the Ala92 allele tended to be associated with decreased rather then increased insulin secretion. No differences were observed in thyroid hormones or TSH. Contrary to prior findings, the Thr92Ala DIO2 variant tends to be associated with increased rather then decreased insulin sensitivity in the Amish. These findings could be secondary to a different genetic background or to environmental factors specific for this population.

  7. Association of Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPAR-γ2 Gene and diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yong-Qing Liu


    Full Text Available AIM: To observe the relationship between Prol2Ala polymorphism of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ2(PPAR-γ2gene and diabetic retinopathy(DRwith type 2 diabetic mellitus(T2DMof the Han nationality in Shanxi province. METHODS: Totally 90 patients with T2DM were selected into our research, who were at the age of 40 to 70 years old, diabetic duration from 10 to 20 years, blood pressure PPAR-γ2 gene were determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms(PCR-RFLPassay in all the patients. RESULTS: PCR results showed that there were 2 alleles and 3 genotypes in the groups. The frequency of genotype PP, PA, AA were 40.0%, 53.3%, 6.7% in NDR group, 70.0%, 30.0%, 0.0% in BDR group, 76.7%, 23.3%, 0% in PDR group, respectively. The allele frequency(χ2=10.208and gene frequency(χ2=10.351were statistically significant(PCONCLUSION: The alanine variant of Prol2Ala polymorphism of PPAR-γ2 gene is associated with DR in type 2 diabetes among the Hans in Shanxi area, and the Ala allele might be a protective factor for the development of diabetic retinopathy.

  8. Spinal antinociceptive effects of [D-Ala2]deltorphin II, a novel and highly selective delta-opioid receptor agonist. (United States)

    Improta, G; Broccardo, M


    Pharmacological assays in isolated tissues and binding tests have recently shown that two peptides, with the sequence Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Asp-(or Glu)- Val-Val-Gly-NH2, isolated from skin extracts of Phyllomedusa bicolor and named [D-Ala2]deltorphin I and II, respectively, possess a higher affinity and selectivity for delta-opioid receptors than any other known natural compound. Since much evidence supports the role of spinal delta-opioid sites in producing antinociceptive effects, we investigated whether analgesia might be detected by direct spinal cord administration of [D-Ala2]deltorphin II (DADELT II) in the rat. The thermal antinociceptive effects of intrathecal DADELT II and dermorphin, a potent mu-selective agonist, were compared at different postinjection times by means of the tail-flick test. The DADELT II produced a dose-related inhibition of the tail-flick response, which lasted 10-60 min depending on the dose and appeared to be of shorter duration than the analgesia produced in rats after intrathecal injection of dermorphin (20-120 min). The analgesic effect of infused or injected DADELT II was completely abolished by naltrindole, the highly selective delta antagonist. These results confirm the involvement of delta receptors in spinal analgesic activity in the rat.

  9. Thermal conductivity of InAs quantum dot stacks using AlAs strain compensating layers on InP substrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salman, S.; Folliot, H.; Le Pouliquen, J.; Chevalier, N.; Rohel, T.; Paranthoën, C.; Bertru, N.; Labbé, C.; Letoublon, A.; Le Corre, A.


    Highlights: ► The thermal conductivity of InAs on InP (1 1 3)B quantum dots stacks is measured. ► The growth of a close stack of 100 layers of InAs using AlAs strain compensating layers is presented. ► New data on the thermal conductivity of InP n-doped susbtrate are given. - Abstract: The growth and thermal conductivity of InAs quantum dot (QD) stacks embedded in GaInAs matrix with AlAs compensating layers deposited on (1 1 3)B InP substrate are presented. The effect of the strain compensating AlAs layer is demonstrated through Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and X-ray diffraction structural analysis. The thermal conductivity (2.7 W/m K at 300 K) measured by the 3ω method reveals to be clearly reduced in comparison with a bulk InGaAs layer (5 W/m K). In addition, the thermal conductivity measurements of S doped InP substrates and the SiN insulating layer used in the 3ω method in the 20–200 °C range are also presented. An empirical law is proposed for the S doped InP substrate, which slightly differs from previously presented results.

  10. Lead and zinc concentrations in plasma, erythrocytes, and urine in relation to ALA-D activity after intravenous infusion of Ca-EDTA.


    Ishihara, N; Shiojima, S; Hasegawa, K


    Lead and zinc concentrations in plasma, erythrocytes, and urine, urinary ALA concentration, and ALA-D activity in blood were studied for four hours in two male lead workers during and after a one hour infusion of Ca-EDTA 2Na. Urinary and plasma lead concentrations increased as a result of administering Ca-EDTA 2Na, and the ratios of lead concentrations in plasma to those in urine were greatly increased. The increase of plasma lead concentration was not due to the haemolytic effect of Ca-EDTA ...

  11. Association of the Pro12Ala Polymorphism with the Metabolic Parameters in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moushira Zaki


    CONCLUSION: The PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism might contribute to the risk of PCOS and abnormal metabolic parameters and could be considered as a biomarker for early diagnosis and clinic prediction of metabolic complications.

  12. Healthy reduced-fat Bologna sausages enriched in ALA and DHA and stabilized with Melissa officinalis extract. (United States)

    Berasategi, Izaskun; Navarro-Blasco, Iñigo; Calvo, Maria Isabel; Cavero, Rita Yolanda; Astiasarán, Iciar; Ansorena, Diana


    Reduced-energy and reduced-fat Bologna products enriched with ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids were formulated by replacing the pork back-fat by an oil-in-water emulsion containing a mixture of linseed-algae oil stabilized with a lyophilized Melissa officinalis extract. Healthier composition and lipid profile was obtained: 85 kcal/100 g, 3.6% fat, 0.6 g ALA and 0.44 g DHA per 100 g of product and ω-6/ω-3 ratio of 0.4. Technological and sensory problems were not detected in the new formulations. Reformulation did not cause oxidation problems during 32 days of storage under refrigeration. The results suggest that it is possible to obtain reduced-fat Bologna-type sausages rich in ALA and DHA and stabilized with natural antioxidants, applying the appropriate technology without significant effects on the sensory quality, yielding interesting products from a nutritional point of view. © 2013.

  13. cDNAs encoding [D-Ala2]deltorphin precursors from skin of Phyllomedusa bicolor also contain genetic information for three dermorphin-related opioid peptides. (United States)

    Richter, K; Egger, R; Negri, L; Corsi, R; Severini, C; Kreil, G


    We present the structure of four precursors for [D-Ala2]deltorphins I and II as deduced from cDNAs cloned from skin of the frog Phyllomedusa bicolor. These contain the genetic information for one copy of [D-Ala2]deltorphin II and zero, one, or three copies of [D-Ala2]deltorphin I. In each case, the D-alanine of the end product is encoded by a normal GCG codon for L-alanine. In addition, the existence of three peptides related to dermorphin was predicted from the amino acid sequence of the precursors. These peptides were synthesized with a D-alanine in position 2 and their pharmacological properties were tested. Two of them, [Lys7]dermorphin-OH and [Trp4,Asn7]dermorphin-OH, were found to have roughly the same affinity and selectivity for mu-type opioid receptors as dermorphin.

  14. Rannas tuleb karm reede / Andris Tammela

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammela, Andris


    Kontsertidel 1. mail Pärnu Beach Clubis esinevad punkrockansambel Belka (esitleb oma mai lõpus ilmuva uue albumi "Kiviaeg" materjali), ansambel Mai Skizo ja post-hardcore bänd Joseph Inch, esinejatest

  15. PPARγ Pro12Ala polymorphism and risk of acute coronary syndrome in a prospective study of Danes

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    Jensen Majken K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Acute coronary syndrome (ACS is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ plays a key role in the regulation of the energy balance, adipocyte differentiation and lipid biosynthesis. The aim was to investigate if the polymorphism PPARγ2 Pro12Ala, which encodes a less efficient transcription factor, was associated with risk of acute coronary disease and if there were interactions between this polymorphism and factors that modify PPARγ activity, such as alcohol intake, smoking, and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine. Methods A case-cohort study including 1031 ACS cases and a sub-cohort of 1703 persons was nested within the population-based prospective study Diet, Cancer and Health of 57,053 individuals. Results Homozygous male variant allele carriers of PPARγ2 Pro12Ala were at higher risk of ACS (HR = 2.12, 95% CI: 1.00–4.48 than homozygous carriers of the Pro-allele. Among men, there was a statistically significant interaction between genotypes and alcohol intake such that homozygous variant allele carriers with a low alcohol intake were at higher risk of ACS (HR = 25.3, CI: 16.5–38.7 compared to homozygous common allele carriers (p for interaction Conclusion In the present study, there were no consistent associations between PPARγ Pro12Ala and risk of ACS, and no consistent interaction with alcohol, BMI, NSAID or smoking in relation to ACS.

  16. Dietary ALA, EPA and DHA have distinct effects on oxylipin profiles in female and male rat kidney, liver and serum. (United States)

    Leng, Shan; Winter, Tanja; Aukema, Harold M


    There is much data on the effects of dietary n-3 fatty acids on tissue fatty acid compositions, but comparable comprehensive data on their oxygenated metabolites (oxylipins) is limited. The effects of providing female and male rats with diets high in α-linolenic acid (ALA), EPA or DHA for 6 weeks on oxylipins and fatty acids in kidney, liver and serum were therefore examined. The oxylipin profile generally reflected fatty acids, but it also revealed unique effects of individual n-3 fatty acids that were not apparent from fatty acid data alone. Dietary ALA increased renal and serum DHA oxylipins even though DHA itself did not increase, while dietary EPA did not increase DHA oxylipins in kidney or liver, suggesting that high EPA may inhibit this conversion. Oxylipin data generally corroborated fatty acid data that indicated that DHA can be retroconverted to EPA and that further retroconversion to ALA is limited. Dietary n-3 fatty acids decreased n-6 fatty acids and their oxylipins (except linoleic acid and its oxylipins), in order of effectiveness of DHA > EPA > ALA, with some exceptions: several arachidonic acid oxylipins modified at carbon 15 were not lower in all three sites, and EPA had a greater effect on 12-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid and its metabolites in the liver. Oxylipins were predominantly higher in males, which was not reflective of fatty acids. Tissue-specific oxylipin profiles, therefore, provide further information on individual dietary n-3 fatty acid and sex effects that may help explain their unique physiological effects and have implications for dietary recommendations. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Functional and Histological Evaluation following Canine Vocal Fold Reconstruction Using Composite Thyroid Ala Perichondrium Flaps. (United States)

    Hoffman, Matthew R; Glab, Rachel; Gunderson, McLean; Maytag, Allison L; Yang, David T; Jiang, Jack J; Dailey, Seth H


    We evaluated the effects of vocal fold reconstruction using a composite thyroid ala perichondrium flap (CTAP) after unilateral vocal fold stripping in beagles. We hypothesized that CTAP would improve glottic closure, decrease phonation threshold pressure, and decrease perturbation. In addition, vocal folds with CTAP would exhibit neovascularization and fat with increased von Willebrand factor (vWF) and smooth muscle actin (SMA), reflecting neoangiogenesis and flap viability. Randomized controlled trial using beagles. University laboratory. Ten beagles underwent unilateral vocal fold stripping. Dogs in the scar-only group (n = 5) were sacrificed at 1 month. Dogs in the CTAP group (n = 5) underwent ipsilateral reconstruction with CTAP at 1 month and were sacrificed at 2 months. Excised larynx experiments evaluated vocal fold vibration using aerodynamic, acoustic, and mucosal wave measurements. Qualitative evaluation of vocal fold morphology and quantitative analysis of elastin, collagen, glycosaminoglycans, vWF, SMA, and hyaluronic acid were performed. Phonation threshold pressure (P = .005), percent jitter (P = .010), percent shimmer (P = .007), and open quotient (P = .007) were lower in the CTAP group. Neovascularization (P = .0079) and fat (P = .1667) occurred more with CTAP, although the difference in fat was not significant. von Willebrand factor was higher with CTAP vs contralateral normal fold (P = .110), although not statistically significant. Smooth muscle actin was higher with CTAP vs contralateral normal fold (P = .038) and scarred vocal folds (P = .022). Composite thyroid ala perichondrium flap restored glottic closure and vibratory periodicity following vocal fold scarring. Additional investigation on biologic response is warranted. Composite thyroid ala perichondrium flap offers an autologous, vascularized implant that can improve both vocal fold structure and function. © American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation 2015.

  18. Evaluation of 99mTc-HYNIC-βAla-Bombesin(7-14 as an agent for pancreas tumor detection in mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F.N. Carlesso


    Full Text Available Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is important in oncology because of its high mortality rate. Deaths may be avoided if an early diagnosis could be achieved. Several types of tumors overexpress gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPr, including pancreatic cancer cells. Thus, a radiolabeled peptide derivative of gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP may be useful as a specific imaging probe. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the feasibility of using 99mTc-HYNIC-βAla-Bombesin(7-14 as an imaging probe for Capan-1 pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Xenographic pancreatic tumor was developed in nude mice and characterized by histopathological analysis. Biodistribution studies and scintigraphic images were carried out in tumor-bearing nude mice. The two methods showed higher uptake by pancreatic tumor when compared to muscle (used as control, and the tumor-to-muscle ratio indicated that 99mTc-HYNIC-βAla-Bombesin(7-14 uptake was four-fold higher in tumor cells than in other tissues. Scintigraphic images also showed a clear signal at the tumor site. The present data indicate that 99mTc-HYNIC-βAla-Bombesin(7-14 may be useful for the detection of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

  19. Kinnisvaraturul jätkus stabiilne hinnatõus / Anniki Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Anniki


    Arco Vara kinnisvarabüroo koostatud Eesti kinnisvaraturu esimese poolaasta ülevaatest selgub, et tänavu esimese kuue kuuga tõusid Pärnu korterite hinnad ligi 10% ning maakonnas oli hinnatõus veel suurem, keskmiselt 15-20%. Tabelid: Pärnu maakonna korterelamute arendusprojektide pakkumised seisuga 2006 juuni; Valik elamukruntide arendusprojekte lähivaldades; Pärnu korterelamute arendusprojektide pakkumised seisuga 2006 juuni; Pärnus paiknevate tüüpkorterite hinnad 2006 I poolaastal; Elamukruntide keskmised hinnad Pärnus 2006. aasta juunis; Eramute keskmised hinnad Pärnus 2006. aasta juunis

  20. Implication of the Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPAR-gamma 2 gene in type 2 diabetes and obesity in the French population

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    Charles Marie-Aline


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Pro12Ala Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP of the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma 2 (PPAR-gamma 2 has been associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2D and also inconsistently with obesity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of this SNP with regards to T2D and childhood and adult obesity in the French Caucasian population. Methods We conducted three independent case/control studies encompassing 2126 cases and 1124 controls. Results We found a significant association between PPAR-gamma 2 Pro12Ala SNP and T2D (p = 0.04, OR = 1.37, which was stronger when the T2D cohort was stratified according to the obesity status (p = 0.03, OR = 1.81 in obese T2D subjects. In contrast, there was no association between the Pro12Ala SNP and childhood and adulthood obesity. In normal glucose tolerant obese adults (but not in lean subjects, the Pro12 allele was associated with a significant increase in fasting insulin levels (p = 0.01, and in insulin resistance estimated by the Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR (p = 0.003, after adjustment for age, gender and BMI. We didn't detect evidence for an interaction effect between the Pro12Ala SNP and the obesity status with respect to the HOMA-IR index in normal glucose tolerant children, but we found a borderline interaction (p = 0.06 in normal glucose tolerant adults. Conclusion Our results showed that the Pro12Ala polymorphism is not associated with childhood or adult obesity in the French Caucasian population. In contrast, we confirm a contribution of the PPAR-gamma 2 Pro12 allele in the genetic risk forT2D, especially in obese subjects, where this allele worsens insulin resistanceand increases fasting insulin levels.

  1. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of intraoperative imaging in high-grade glioma resection; a comparative review of intraoperative ALA, fluorescein, ultrasound and MRI. (United States)

    Eljamel, M Sam; Mahboob, Syed Osama


    Surgical resection of high-grade gliomas (HGG) is standard therapy because it imparts significant progression free (PFS) and overall survival (OS). However, HGG-tumor margins are indistinguishable from normal brain during surgery. Hence intraoperative technology such as fluorescence (ALA, fluorescein) and intraoperative ultrasound (IoUS) and MRI (IoMRI) has been deployed. This study compares the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of these technologies. Critical literature review and meta-analyses, using MEDLINE/PubMed service. The list of references in each article was double-checked for any missing references. We included all studies that reported the use of ALA, fluorescein (FLCN), IoUS or IoMRI to guide HGG-surgery. The meta-analyses were conducted according to statistical heterogeneity between studies. If there was no heterogeneity, fixed effects model was used; otherwise, a random effects model was used. Statistical heterogeneity was explored by χ 2 and inconsistency (I 2 ) statistics. To assess cost-effectiveness, we calculated the incremental cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY). Gross total resection (GTR) after ALA, FLCN, IoUS and IoMRI was 69.1%, 84.4%, 73.4% and 70% respectively. The differences were not statistically significant. All four techniques led to significant prolongation of PFS and tended to prolong OS. However none of these technologies led to significant prolongation of OS compared to controls. The cost/QALY was $16,218, $3181, $6049 and $32,954 for ALA, FLCN, IoUS and IoMRI respectively. ALA, FLCN, IoUS and IoMRI significantly improve GTR and PFS of HGG. Their incremental cost was below the threshold for cost-effectiveness of HGG-therapy, denoting that each intraoperative technology was cost-effective on its own. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. AlaScan: A Graphical User Interface for Alanine Scanning Free-Energy Calculations. (United States)

    Ramadoss, Vijayaraj; Dehez, François; Chipot, Christophe


    Computation of the free-energy changes that underlie molecular recognition and association has gained significant importance due to its considerable potential in drug discovery. The massive increase of computational power in recent years substantiates the application of more accurate theoretical methods for the calculation of binding free energies. The impact of such advances is the application of parent approaches, like computational alanine scanning, to investigate in silico the effect of amino-acid replacement in protein-ligand and protein-protein complexes, or probe the thermostability of individual proteins. Because human effort represents a significant cost that precludes the routine use of this form of free-energy calculations, minimizing manual intervention constitutes a stringent prerequisite for any such systematic computation. With this objective in mind, we propose a new plug-in, referred to as AlaScan, developed within the popular visualization program VMD to automate the major steps in alanine-scanning calculations, employing free-energy perturbation as implemented in the widely used molecular dynamics code NAMD. The AlaScan plug-in can be utilized upstream, to prepare input files for selected alanine mutations. It can also be utilized downstream to perform the analysis of different alanine-scanning calculations and to report the free-energy estimates in a user-friendly graphical user interface, allowing favorable mutations to be identified at a glance. The plug-in also assists the end-user in assessing the reliability of the calculation through rapid visual inspection.

  3. ERCC1 Cys8092Ala and XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphisms predict progression-free survival after curative radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

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    Hekun Jin

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in DNA repair genes can alter gene expression and activity and affect response to cancer treatment and, correspondingly, survival. The present study was designed to evaluate the utility of the XRCC1 Arg399Gln and ERCC1 Cys8092Ala SNPs, measured in pretreatment biopsy samples, as predictors of response to radiotherapy in patients with non-metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 75 consecutive patients with stage II-IVA-B NPC. XRCC1 Arg399Glu and ERCC1 Cys8092Ala SNPs were identified from paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens via Sanger sequencing. Expression of p53 and pAkt protein was analyzed by immunohistochemical staining. Potential relationships between genetic polymorphisms and progression-free survival (PFS were analyzed by using a Cox proportional hazards model, the Kaplan-Meier method, and the log-rank test. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis showed that carriers of the ERCC1 8092 Ala/Ala genotype [hazard ratio (HR 1.882; 95% confidence interval (CI 1.031-3.438; P = 0.039] and heavy smokers (≥20 pack-years carrying the XRCC1 Arg/Arg genotype (HR 2.019; 95% CI 1.010-4.036; P = 0.047 had significantly lower PFS rates. Moreover, combined positive expression of p53 and pAkt led to significantly increased PFS in subgroups carrying the XRCC1 Gln allele (HR 7.057; 95% CI 2.073-24.021; P = 0.002 or the ERCC1 Cys allele (HR 2.568; 95% CI 1.056-6.248; P = 0.038. CONCLUSIONS: The ERCC1 Cys8092Ala polymorphism is an independent predictor of response to radiotherapy for NPC, and the XRCC1 Arg399Glu mutation combined with smoking status seems to predict PFS as well. Our results further suggest a possible correlation between these genetic polymorphisms and p53 protein status on survival.

  4. Arhitektuurivõistlused 2008 / Mait Väljas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Väljas, Mait


    Võistluste tulemused: Pekingi saatkonnahoone: I preemia - A. Põime, L. Põime, L. Vaimel; Riia saatkonnahoone: I - L.-K. Stöör, Ü.-T. Stöör, H. Urb; Eesti Kunstiakadeemia uus õppehoone: I - SEA + Effekt (Taani); Eesti Maaülikooli Kreutzwaldi 5 õppehoone juurdeehitis: I - P. Loo, J. Skolimowski, L. Vene, K. Kruuse (KAMP Arhitektid); TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia loomeinkubaatori ja lavakunstide õppehoone: I - S. Vallner, H. Urb, I. Peil, H. Lass, S.-M. Mändmaa (Kavakava); Tamula järve ranna-ala mahuline planeering: I - K. Enno, L. Luhse, M. Zeleznova, R. Ailt (K. Enno Arhitektuuribüroo); Tartu pärmivabriku kvartali arhitektuurivõistlus: võidutöö - Atelier Thomas Pucher / Bramberger Architects (Austria); Paldiski mnt. 50 kinnistu ja lähiala: I-II - T. Laigu, K. Ojaliiv, M. Rass, A. Uukado (QP Arhitektid); maastikuarhitektuuri võistlus "Eesti Maaülikooli Tähtvere linnaku välialad": I - H. Runnel, T. Ong; Tartu rahu tähisala kujundus: I - M. Kinks, K. Süda; Veneetsia XI rahvusvahelise arhitektuuribiennaali ideekavandi võistlus: I - M. Kask, R. Lõoke, N. Külm; aasta betoonehitis 2007 - Puurmani kaarsild, konstruktorid S. Idnurm, J. Idnurm; Eesti parim puitehitis 2008: eramu Loobul - R. Vaiksoo; võistluse "Eramu 2006-2007" peapreemia: villa Paldiskis - S. Vallner, I. Peil

  5. Professor Trechsel : Eesti e-valimiste aeg on liiga lühike / Alexander H. Trechsel ; interv. Askur Alas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trechsel, Alexander H.


    e-valimistele pühendatud rahvusvahelisel konverentsil esinenud Genfi ülikooli e-demokraatia keskuse juhataja, poliitikateaduste professor Eesti e-valimistest ja e-valimiste tulevikust. Vt. samas: Askur Alas. Konverentsil analüüsiti e-valimiste kogemusi; Eestis hääletas digitaalselt 9317 valijat

  6. Kodavere keelest ja selle hoidjatest / Vaike Käosaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Käosaar, Vaike, 1948-


    Kodavere murrakust. Sisaldab Heino Õunapi ja Ella Viirmaa murdetekste. Ilmunud on Kodavere murdes kogumikud: Õlemä elon : lugusid Kodavere murrakus. - Ranna [Jõgevamaa] : Sääritsa Küla Seltsing, 2006 ; Põlvess põlve. - [Kodavere (Jõgevamaa)] : E. Treial, 2007

  7. THz emission of donor and acceptor doped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures with inserted thin AlAs monolayer (United States)

    van Dommelen, Paphavee; Daengngam, Chalongrat; Kalasuwan, Pruet


    In this paper, we explore THz range optical intersubband transition energies in a donor doped quantum well of a GaAs/AlGaAs system as a function of the insertion position of an AlAs monolayer in the GaAs quantum well. In simulated models, the optical transition energies between electron subband levels 1 and 2 were higher in the doped structure than in the undoped structure. This may be because the envelope wave function of the second electron subband strongly overlapped the envelope wave function of the first electron subband and influenced the optical intersubband transition between the two levels in the THz range. At different levels of bias voltage at the Schottky barrier on the donor doped structure, the electric field in the growth direction of the structure linearly increased the further away the AlAs monolayer was placed from the reference position. We also simulated the optical transition energies between acceptor energy levels of the acceptor doped structure as a function of the insertion position of the AlAs monolayer. The acceptor doped structure induced THz range emission whereas the undoped structure induced mid-IR emission.

  8. The value of polymorphism RRO12ALA gene PPARG in violation of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. V. Ziablytsev


      Resume. The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing in Ukraine and worldwide. The severity of this disease is determined by the number of complications, which are based on lipid peroxidation (LPO. Today, the influence of gene polymorphisms Pro12Ala PPARG on oxidative and antioxidant processes is not in doubt. We studied the association between gene polymorphism Pro12Ala rs1801282 PPARG and intensification of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant systems (AOS in 88 patients with type 2 diabetes, using analysis of variance. In the 12Pro allele carriers male found probable increased intensification of lipid peroxidation than in women, with increasing levels of DC (p=0,034 and MDA (p=0,001. Reducing the enzyme catalase level of AOC in patients with type 2 diabetes was observed in the case of genotype Pro12Pro gene PPARG on 21.7% compared with heterozygotes (F=8,17; p=0,005 and the presence of the allele 12Pro (F=6,28 , p=0,013. Found significantly higher activity of AOC in the form of increasing the level of α-TF (p=0,016 and catalase activity (p=0,034 among male patients with gene polymorphism Pro12Ala PPARG, than homozygotes for allele 12Pro.   Key words: lipid peroxidation; antioxidant system; type 2 diabetes mellitus; polymorphism Pro12Ala rs1801282 of gene PPARG

  9. Sotsialismi muinasjutt : kui "sotsialistlik" oli Nõukogude Eesti kirjandus / Cornelius Hasselblatt ; inglise keelest tõlkinud Marju Roberts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hasselblatt, Cornelius, 1960-


    Eesti kirjandusest 1940-1956. Lähemalt järgmistest romaanidest: Erni Krusteni "Pekside raamat" (1946), Osvald Toominga "Pruuni katku aastail" (1950), Aadu Hindi "Tuulise ranna" 1. osa (1956), Johannes Semperi "Punased nelgid"(1955) ja Rudolf Sirge "Maa ja rahvas" (1956)

  10. The fairy tale of socialism : How "socialist" was the "new" literature in Soviet Estonia? / Cornelius Hasselblatt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hasselblatt, Cornelius, 1960-


    Eesti kirjandusest 1940-1956. Lähemalt järgmistest romaanidest: Erni Krusteni "Pekside raamat" (1946), Osvald Toominga "Pruuni katku aastail" (1950), Aadu Hindi "Tuulise ranna" 1. osa (1956), Johannes Semperi "Punased nelgid"(1955) ja Rudolf Sirge "Maa ja rahvas" (1956)

  11. Pärnu mudaravila restaureerimine ja juurdeehitus = Restoration and extension of the Pärnu mud baths / Tarmo Teedumäe, Paco Ulman, Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teedumäe, Tarmo, 1970-


    Restaureeritud ja uue juurdeehitusega Pärnu mudaravila Ranna puiestee 1, valminud 2014. Arhitektid Tarmo Teedumäe, Paco Ulman, Inga Raukas, Arhitektuuriagentuur, Allianss Arhitektid. Sisearhitektid Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla, Urmo Vaikla, Tuuli Trei, Margit Teikari (Vaikla Stuudio). 2014. aasta Kultuurkapitali Arhitektuuripreemia kandidaat

  12. Evaluation of {sup 99m}Tc-HYNIC-βAla-Bombesin{sub (7-14)} as an agent for pancreas tumor detection in mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlesso, F.N.; Fuscaldi, L.L.; Araujo, R.S.; Teixeira, C.S.; Oliveira, M.C.; Fernandes, S.O.A.; Cassali, G.D.; Reis, D.C.; Barros, A.L.B.; Cardoso, V.N., E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is important in oncology because of its high mortality rate. Deaths may be avoided if an early diagnosis could be achieved. Several types of tumors overexpress gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPr), including pancreatic cancer cells. Thus, a radiolabeled peptide derivative of gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) may be useful as a specific imaging probe. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the feasibility of using {sup 99m}Tc-HYNIC--βAla-Bombesin{sub (7-14)} as an imaging probe for Capan-1 pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Xenographic pancreatic tumor was developed in nude mice and characterized by histopathological analysis. Biodistribution studies and scintigraphic images were carried out in tumor-bearing nude mice. The two methods showed higher uptake by pancreatic tumor when compared to muscle (used as control), and the tumor-to-muscle ratio indicated that {sup 99m}Tc-HYNIC--βAla-Bombesin{sub (7-14)} uptake was four-fold higher in tumor cells than in other tissues. Scintigraphic images also showed a clear signal at the tumor site. The present data indicate that {sup 99m}Tc-HYNIC--βAla-Bombesin{sub (7-14)} may be useful for the detection of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. (author)

  13. Anomalous giant piezoresistance in AlAs 2D electron systems with antidot lattices. (United States)

    Gunawan, O; Gokmen, T; Shkolnikov, Y P; De Poortere, E P; Shayegan, M


    An AlAs two-dimensional electron system patterned with an antidot lattice exhibits a giant piezoresistance effect at low temperatures, with a sign opposite to the piezoresistance observed in the unpatterned region. We suggest that the origin of this anomalous giant piezoresistance is the nonuniform strain in the antidot lattice and the exclusion of electrons occupying the two conduction-band valleys from different regions of the sample. This is analogous to the well-known giant magnetoresistance effect, with valley playing the role of spin and strain the role of magnetic field.

  14. Relationship between the occlusal plane corresponding to the lateral borders of the tongue and ala-tragus line in edentulous patients. (United States)

    Ghosn, Carole Abi; Zogheib, Carla; Makzoumé, Joseph E


    Definitions of the ala-tragus line (ATL) cause confusion, because the exact points of reference for this line do not agree. This study determined the relationship between the prosthetic occlusal plane (OP) corresponding to the lateral borders of the tongue and ATL which was established by using the inferior border of the ala of the nose and (1) the superior border of the tragus (ATL 1), (2) the tip (ATL 2) and (3) the inferior border of the tragus (ATL 3). Neutral zone moldings using phonation and autopolymerizing acrylic resin were recorded and leveled with the lateral borders of the tongue. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken of each subject by a standard method. Tracings were obtained on acetate paper to show the prosthetic OP and the three ATLs. The relationship between the prosthetic OP and each of ATL was measured for each subject. Mean and standard deviation values were then calculated for the relationship. Statistical analysis was performed using repeated measure analysis of variance followed by Bonferroni pairwise comparisons and Student's t-test (α = 0.05). Significant difference was found between the three mean angles (p = 0.001). There was no significant difference between the mean angle (5.00° ± 4.38) formed by OP and ATL 2, and the mean angle (4.90° ± 3.50) formed by OP and ATL 3 (p = 1.00) which revealed the smallest. The findings of this study indicated that ATLs, extending from the inferior border of the ala of the nose to (1) the tip of the tragus of the ear, and (2) the inferior border of the tragus presented the closest relationship to the prosthetic OP corresponding to the lateral borders of the tongue. When the ATL is used for orientation of the OP in denture construction, it would seem preferable to define it as running from the inferior border of the ala of the nose to the tip or to the inferior border of the tragus of the ear.

  15. The Association of PPARγ Pro12Ala and C161T Polymorphisms with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Their Influence on Lipid and Lipoprotein Profiles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zohreh Rahimi


    Full Text Available Background The aim of present study was to clarify the role of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR γ Pro12Ala and C161T polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS and their influence on lipid and lipoprotein profiles of patients. Materials and Methods The present cross-sectional study consisted of 50 women with PCOS, who referred to the Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences Clinic between April and October 2015, and 233 unrelated age-matched healthy women from the same region (West Iran. The PPARγ Pro12Ala and PPARγ C161T polymorphisms were gen- otyped using the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. Fasting blood sugar (FBS, serum triglycerides (TG, cholesterol, low density lipoprotein- cholesterol (LDL-C, high density lipoprotein- cholesterol (HDL-C and estradiol levels were measured. Results The serum level of estradiol was significantly lower in PCOS patients compared to healthy women. The PPARγ Pro12Ala (CG genotype increased the risk of PCOS 2.96-fold. The frequency of the PPARγ T allele (at C161T was 21% in patients and 17.2% in controls with no significant difference (P=0.52. In all studied individuals, the PPARγ CG geno- type was associated with significantly higher levels of TG. However, significantly lower levels of total cholesterol and LDL-C were observed in PPARγ TT individuals compared with those with the CC genotype. Within the PCOS group, the PPARγ CG genotype was significantly associated with lower levels of estradiol compared with the CC genotype. Also, the CG genotype was significantly associated with higher levels of TG when compared with the CC genotype. Conclusion Our study shows that, unlike PPARγ C161T, PPARγ Pro12Ala is associated with the risk of PCOS. Also, we found that the lipid and lipoprotein profiles significantly vary based on PPARγ Pro12Ala and C161T genotypes.

  16. Carlo Ginzburg: anomaalia viitab normile / intervjueerinud Marek Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ginzburg, Carlo, 1939-


    Intervjuu itaalia ajaloolase Carlo Ginzburgiga tema raamatu "Ükski saar pole saar : neli pilguheitu inglise kirjandusele globaalsest vaatenurgast" eesti keeles ilmumise puhul. Teos ilmus Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastuses

  17. Pärnumaa väikesaar sai oma traktori / Silvi Kanoshina

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kanoshina, Silvi


    Ilmunud ka: Pärnu Postimees 10. sets, lk. 5. Tõstamaa vald ostis Manija saare rannaniitude korrastamiseks traktori, raha traktori ostmiseks sai vald Euroopa regionaalarengu fondist. Kaart: Manija saar

  18. Agar pronkssõduriga võitleja sai kanepisuitsetamise eest trahvi / Katrin Rohtla, Siim Randla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rohtla, Katrin, 1966-


    Aktiivse pronkssõduri vastasena tuntust kogunud Isamaaliidu liige Kalev Rebane sai Läänemaal Peraküla rannas kanepi suitsetamise eest politseilt 9000 krooni trahvi. Isamaa ja Res Publica Liidu liikmed on teinud ettepaneku noormees erakonnast välja arvata. Lisa: Mille eest koostati protokoll?

  19. Stratigraphic position of the rhyolitic in the Upper Rotliegende of the Saar-Nahe-area and the uranium content of the coal-tuff-horizon at the Kornkiste near Schallodenbach/Pfalz (SW Germany)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haneke, J; Gaede, C W [Gewerkschaft Brunhilde, Uetze (Germany, F.R.); Lorenz, V [Mainz Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Geowissenschaften


    The lithostratigraphic sequence of the Upper Rotliegende rocks of the SE-flank of the Palatinate anticline (Saar-Nahe-basin, SW Germany) is described using as index horizons six principal rhyolitic tuff layers (1-VI) and several basic to intermediate lava flows. Coal and bentonite beds are developed at the base of rhyolite tuff III at the Kornkiste near Schallodenbach. In this basal sequence anomalous U/sub 3/O/sub 8/, Cu, Pb, Zn contents have been detected. Cu occurs in part as azurite and malachite. The major amount of the investigated elements appears to occur in form of organic complexes or compounds in the coals. In addition these elements seem to have been absorbed by the bentonite clay minerals. The elements U, Cu, Pb show a clear positive correlation between each other wheres Zn correlators negatively with these elements. The U-Cu-Pb-Zn-enrichment is believed to have been caused by descending aqueous solutions.

  20. Long-sustaining response in a patient with non-resectable, distant recurrence of glioblastoma multiforme treated by interstitial photodynamic therapy using 5-ALA: case report. (United States)

    Stummer, Walter; Beck, Tobias; Beyer, Wolfgang; Mehrkens, Jan Hendrik; Obermeier, Andreas; Etminan, Nima; Stepp, Herbert; Tonn, Jörg-Christian; Baumgartner, Reinhold; Herms, Jochen; Kreth, Friedrich Wilhelm


    Glioblastoma multiforme continues to be a devastating disease despite modest improvements in survival achieved at present, and there is an urgent need for innovative treatment concepts. Five-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is a drug which induces protoporphyrin IX accumulation in malignant gliomas and has been explored for fluorescence-guided resections of these tumors. ALA is also under investigation as a photosensitizer. We report a case of a patient with prior left frontal glioblastoma multiforme treated by surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, who developed a remote lesion in the left insula, which was refractory to secondary treatments. In a compassionate use setting she was treated by oral application of ALA (20 mg/kg bodyweight), and stereotactic phototherapy achieved by positioning four laser diffusors using 3-dimensional irradiation planning, and a 633 nm diode laser. The lesion disappeared 24 h after therapy. Circumferential contrast enhancement was observed at 72 h, which disappeared in the course of subsequent months. Edema resolved completely. The patient is still free of recurrence 56 months after treatment, demonstrating an impressive and long-lasting response to this novel mode of therapy.

  1. Assessment of the Pro12Ala Polymorphism in the PPAR-γ2 Gene among Type 2 Diabetes Patients in a Nigerian Population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Godwill Azeh Engwa


    Full Text Available The association between the Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPARγ2 gene, type 2 diabetes (T2D, and obesity in certain ethnic populations has been reported. However, this relationship has not yet been described among diabetes patients in Nigeria. This study investigated the relationship between the Pro12Ala polymorphism in the PPARγ2 gene, obesity, and lipid abnormalities characterizing T2D among patients in Nigeria. This case-control study recruited 73 T2D and 75 non-diabetic (ND patients. Demographic and clinical data were collected and blood glucose levels together with serum lipid profile for patients were measured. Pro12Ala polymorphism in the PPARγ2 gene was genotyped by restriction fragment length-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RFLP-PCR. The PPAR-γ2 gene (amplicon size = 270 base pair was successfully amplified for all samples. Following restriction enzyme digestion and analysis by agarose gel electrophoresis, amplicons from samples showed a band of size 270 bp and were of the wild homozygous Pro/Pro genotype. Ala12 variant was totally absent from the study population. Obesity, estimated using Body Mass Index (BMI and waist circumference (WC, was significantly higher (p < 0.05 in T2D patients compared to the non-diabetic patients. More so, the prevalence of lipid abnormalities; hypercholesterolaemia (TC > 200 mg/dL, hypertriglyceridaemia (TG > 150 mg/dL, high HDL (>100 mg/dL, and low HDL (<50 mg/dL was significantly greater (p < 0.001 in T2D patients compared to non-diabetic patients. Results obtained further indicated lack of significant association between PPAR-γ2 gene polymorphism, T2D, and obesity. However, obesity and dyslipidaemia were strongly associated in T2D patients.

  2. Ala54Thr fatty acid-binding protein 2 (FABP2 polymorphism in recurrent depression: associations with fatty acid concentrations and waist circumference.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roel J T Mocking

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Fatty acid (FA-alterations may mediate the mutual association between Major Depressive Disorder (MDD and cardiovascular disease (CVD. However, etiology of observed FA-alterations in MDD and CVD remains largely unclear. An interesting candidate may be a mutation in the fatty acid-binding protein 2 (FABP2-gene, because it regulates dietary FA-uptake. Therefore, we aimed to test the hypotheses that in MDD-patients the FABP2 Ala54Thr-polymorphism would be (I more prevalent than in sex- and age-matched controls, (II associated with observed alterations in FA-metabolism, and (III associated with CVD-risk factor waist circumference. METHODS: We measured concentrations of 29 different erythrocyte FAs, FABP2-genotype, and waist circumference in recurrent MDD-patients and matched never-depressed controls. RESULTS: FABP2-genotype distribution did not significantly differ between the 137 MDD-patients and 73 matched controls. However, patients with the Ala54Thr-polymorphism had (I higher concentrations of especially eicosadienoic acid (C20:2ω6; P=.009 and other 20-carbon FAs, and associated (II lower waist circumference (P=.019. In addition, FABP2-genotype effects on waist circumference in patients seemed (I mediated by its effect on C20:2ω6, and (II different from controls. CONCLUSIONS: Although Ala54Thr-polymorphism distribution was not associated with recurrent MDD, our results indicate that FABP2 may play a role in the explanation of observed FA-alterations in MDD. For Ala54Thr-polymorphism patients, potentially adaptive conversion of increased bioavailable dietary precursors into eicosadienoic acid instead of arachidonic acid might be related to a low waist circumference. Because this is the first investigation of these associations, replication is warranted, preferably by nutrigenetic studies applying lipidomics and detailed dietary assessment.

  3. 10 kohta veel all / Kaido Haagen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haagen, Kaido


    Sukeldumiskohti maailmas: Similani saared Tais, Averoy Norras, Tofo Mosambiigis, Punane meri Egiptuses, Sipadani saar Malaisias, Dili Ida-Timoris, Tulamben Balil, Lembeh Indoneesias, Malapascua Filipiinidel, Äntu järved Eestis

  4. Photodynamic Detection of Peritoneal Metastases Using 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yutaka Yonemura


    Full Text Available In the past, peritoneal metastasis (PM was considered as a terminal stage of cancer. From the early 1990s, however, a new comprehensive treatment consisting of cytoreductive surgery and perioperative chemotherapy has been established to improve long-term survival for selected patients with PM. Among prognostic indicators after the treatment, completeness of cytoreduction is the most independent predictors of survival. However, peritoneal recurrence is a main cause of recurrence, even after complete cytoreduction. As a cause of peritoneal recurrence, small PM may be overlooked at the time of cytoreductive surgery (CRS, therefore, development of a new method to detect small PM is desired. Recently, photodynamic diagnosis (PDD was developed for detection of PM. The objectives of this review were to evaluate whether PDD using 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA could improve detection of small PM.

  5. The use of 5-ALA to assist complete removal of residual non-enhancing part of childhood medulloblastoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skjøth-Rasmussen, Jane; Bøgeskov, Lars; Sehested, Astrid


    . METHODS: The child was pretreated with 3 × 4 mg dexamethasone for 4 days prior to the second surgery. At 5 a.m. on the day of surgery, a freshly prepared solution of 5-ALA (20 mg/kg body weight; Medac, Germany) was given orally. RESULTS: At surgery, through the original opening, the vague red fluorescence...

  6. "Loomakari" kui uue ühiskonnakorralduse näide / Ernest Truely ; tõlkinud Ulla Juske

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Truely, Ernest


    Sandra Jõgeva kuraatoriprojektist "Loomakari" Tallinna Kunstihoones, avatud 12. aprillini. Kujundaja Tanel Saar. Sandra Jõgeva, Tanel Saare, Anthony Faroux' (Inglismaa), Jenni Juulia Wallinheimo (Soome) ja Kjetil Kauslandi (Norra) töödest

  7. IL6R Variation Asp358Ala Is a Potential Modifier of Lung Function in Asthma (United States)

    Hawkins, Gregory A; Robinson, Mac B; Hastie, Annette T; Li, Xingnan; Li, Huashi; Moore, Wendy C; Howard, Timothy D; Busse, William W.; Erzurum, Serpil C.; Wenzel, Sally E.; Peters, Stephen P; Meyers, Deborah A; Bleecker, Eugene R


    Background The IL6R SNP rs4129267 has recently been identified as an asthma susceptibility locus in subjects of European ancestry but has not been characterized with respect to asthma severity. The SNP rs4129267 is in linkage disequilibrium (r2=1) with the IL6R coding SNP rs2228145 (Asp358Ala). This IL6R coding change increases IL6 receptor shedding and promotes IL6 transsignaling. Objectives To evaluate the IL6R SNP rs2228145 with respect to asthma severity phenotypes. Methods The IL6R SNP rs2228145 was evaluated in subjects of European ancestry with asthma from the Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP). Lung function associations were replicated in the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Asthma (CSGA) cohort. Serum soluble IL6 receptor (sIL6R) levels were measured in subjects from SARP. Immunohistochemistry was used to qualitatively evaluate IL6R protein expression in BAL cells and endobronchial biopsies. Results The minor C allele of IL6R SNP rs2228145 was associated with lower ppFEV1 in the SARP cohort (p=0.005), the CSGA cohort (0.008), and in combined cohort analysis (p=0.003). Additional associations with ppFVC, FEV1/FVC, and PC20 were observed. The rs2228145 C allele (Ala358) was more frequent in severe asthma phenotypic clusters. Elevated serum sIL6R was associated with lower ppFEV1 (p=0.02) and lower ppFVC (p=0.008) (N=146). IL6R protein expression was observed in BAL macrophages, airway epithelium, vascular endothelium, and airway smooth muscle. Conclusions The IL6R coding SNP rs2228145 (Asp358Ala) is a potential modifier of lung function in asthma and may identify subjects at risk for more severe asthma. IL6 transsignaling may have a pathogenic role in the lung. PMID:22554704

  8. Usaha Peningkatan Konservasi Mamalia di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo melalui Wisata Safari pada Generasi Muda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dina - Aulia


    Full Text Available Abstrak Wisata Safari melalui mammal watching berpotensi mendukung konservasi alam dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas apresiasi generasi muda tentang pentingnya diversitas dan konservasi mamalia melalui wisata safari di taman Nasional Alas Purwo. Penelitian eksperimental semu (quasi-experimental research design ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan dua perlakuan, yaitu kelompok wisatawan dan kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini melibatkan enam wisatawan sebagai ulangan. Mammal watching berlangsung selama dua hari pada pagi hingga sore hari di tiga lokasi pengamatan yaitu Padang Rumput Sadengan, Pantai Triangulasi, dan Jalur Triangulasi-Pancur. Saat mammal watching wisatawan melihat aktifitas mamalia mencari makan, atraksi brakhiasi, serta menikmati parade senja. Penilaian persepsi awal, peningkatan kualitas apresiasi generasi muda terhadap diversitas dan konservasi serta evaluasi kegiatan secara keseluruhan diperoleh melalui kuesioner. Data berupa jawaban deskriptif dikonversi melalui penilaian kualitas jawaban 0-100. Data numerik dianalisis menggunakan uji T pada α=0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi awal wisatawan lebih baik daripada kontrol. Salah satu poin penting sebelum melakukan kegiatan pengamatan satwa mamalia (mammal watching adalah pembekalan. Mammal watching menambah pemahaman mengenai diversitas dan konservasi mammalia di ranah kognitif, afektif, maupun psikomotorik wisatawan. Keseluruhan rangakaian kegiatan wisata safari meliputi pembekalan, pembagian field guide, mammal watching dan evaluasi dapat meningkatkan apresiasi wisatawan. Wisata safari dapat digunakan sebagai sarana penelitian, hiburan untuk wisatawan dan pemasukan bagi taman nasional. Kata kunci: generasi muda, konservasi, mammals watching, Taman Nasional Alas Purwo   Abstract Wildlife Tourism, especially mammals watching, have play an important role to conserve natural resources and

  9. Studies of the common DIO2 Thr92Ala polymorphism and metabolic phenotypes in 7342 Danish white subjects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grarup, Niels; Andersen, Mette K; Andreasen, Camilla H


    The type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase (D2) catalyzes the conversion of T(4) to the active form of thyroid hormone, which is a critical regulator of thermogenesis and glucose metabolism. A Thr92Ala polymorphism in the gene encoding D2 (DIO2) has been reported to associate with insulin resistance....

  10. Jõulukuusest saab Stroomi rannas skulptuur / Malle Pajula

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pajula, Malle, 1971-


    Tuleskulptuuri seavad kokku rootsi kunstnikud Gunnar Carl Nilsson ja Ola Öhlin, kes Rootsis asutasid tuleskulptorite seltsi. Tuleskulptuure teevad ka eesti kunstnikud ja üliõpilased. Süüdatakse 14. jaanuaril

  11. Hõõguv konflikti / Urmas Kiil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiil, Urmas


    Aprilli alguses täitus 25 aastat päevast, mil algas relvastatud konflikt Argentina ja Suurbritannia vahel, põhjuseks Falklandi saared. Konflikt kestis 74 päeva. Kaart: Falklandi saared ehk Malviinid

  12. The stratigraphic position of the rhyolitic in the Upper Rotliegende of the Saar-Nahe-area and the uranium content of the coal-tuff-horizont at the Kornkiste near Schallodenbach/Pfalz (SW Germany)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haneke, J.; Gaede, C.W.; Lorenz, V.


    The lithostratigraphic sequence of the Upper Rotliegende rocks of the SE-flank of the Palatinate anticline (Saar-Nahe-basin, SW Germany) is described using as index horizons six principal rhyolitic tuff layers (1-VI) and several basic to intermediate lava flows. Coal and bentonite beds are developed at the base of rhyolite tuff III at the Kornkiste near Schallodenbach. In this basal sequence anomalous U 3 O 8 , Cu, Pb, Zn contents have been detected. Cu occurs in part as azurite and malachite. The major amount of the investigated elements appears to occur in form of organic complexes or compounds in the coals. In addition these elements seem to have been absorbed by the bentonite clay minerals. The elements U, Cu, Pb show a clear positive correlation between each other wheres Zn correlators negatively with these elements. The U-Cu-Pb-Zn-enrichment is believed to have been caused by descending aqueous solutions. (orig.) [de

  13. Application of evolutionary algorithm methods to polypeptide folding: comparison with experimental results for unsolvated Ac-(Ala-Gly-Gly)5-LysH+

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damsbo, Martin; Kinnear, Brian S; Hartings, Matthew R


    We present an evolutionary method for finding the low-energy conformations of polypeptides. The application, called FOLDAWAY,is based on a generic framework and uses several evolutionary operators as well as local optimization to navigate the complex energy landscape of polypeptides. It maintains...... mobility measurements. It has a flat energy landscape where helical and globular conformations have similar energies. FOLDAWAY locates several large groups of structures not found in previous molecular dynamics simulations for this peptide, including compact globular conformations, which are probably...... two complementary representations of the structures and uses the CHARMM force field for evaluating the energies. The method is applied to unsolvated Met-enkephalin and Ac-(Ala-Gly-Gly)(5)-Lys(+)H(+). Unsolvated Ac-(Ala-Gly-Gly)(5)-Lys(+)H(+) has been the object of recent experimental studies using ion...

  14. Synthesis and Pharmacology of Halogenated δ-Opioid-Selective [D-Ala2]Deltorphin II Peptide Analogues (United States)

    Pescatore, Robyn; Marrone, Gina F.; Sedberry, Seth; Vinton, Daniel; Finkelstein, Netanel; Katlowitz, Yitzchak E.; Pasternak, Gavril W.; Wilson, Krista R.; Majumdar, Susruta


    Deltorphins are naturally occurring peptides produced by the skin of the giant monkey frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor). They are δ-opioid receptor-selective agonists. Herein, we report the design and synthesis of a peptide, Tyr-D-Ala-(pI)Phe-Glu-Ile-Ile-Gly-NH2 3 (GATE3-8), based on the [D-Ala2]deltorphin II template, which is δ-selective in in vitro radioligand binding assays over the μ- and κ-opioid receptors. It is a full agonist in [35S]GTPγS functional assays and analgesic when administered supraspinally to mice. Analgesia of 3 (GATE3-8) is blocked by the selective δ receptor antagonist naltrindole, indicating that the analgesic action of 3 is mediated by the δ-opioid receptor. We have established a radioligand in which 125I isincorporated into 3 (GATE3-8). The radioligand has a KD of 0.1 nM in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing the δ receptor. Additionally, a series of peptides based on 3 (GATE3-8) was synthesized by incorporating various halogens in the para position on the aromatic ring of Phe3. The peptides were characterized for binding affinity at the μ-, δ-, and κ-opioid receptors, which showed a linear correlation between binding affinity and the size of the halogen substituent. These peptides may be interesting tools for probing δ-opioid receptor pharmacology. PMID:25844930

  15. Synthesis and pharmacology of halogenated δ-opioid-selective [d-Ala(2)]deltorphin II peptide analogues. (United States)

    Pescatore, Robyn; Marrone, Gina F; Sedberry, Seth; Vinton, Daniel; Finkelstein, Netanel; Katlowitz, Yitzchak E; Pasternak, Gavril W; Wilson, Krista R; Majumdar, Susruta


    Deltorphins are naturally occurring peptides produced by the skin of the giant monkey frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor). They are δ-opioid receptor-selective agonists. Herein, we report the design and synthesis of a peptide, Tyr-d-Ala-(pI)Phe-Glu-Ile-Ile-Gly-NH2 3 (GATE3-8), based on the [d-Ala(2)]deltorphin II template, which is δ-selective in in vitro radioligand binding assays over the μ- and κ-opioid receptors. It is a full agonist in [(35)S]GTPγS functional assays and analgesic when administered supraspinally to mice. Analgesia of 3 (GATE3-8) is blocked by the selective δ receptor antagonist naltrindole, indicating that the analgesic action of 3 is mediated by the δ-opioid receptor. We have established a radioligand in which (125)I is incorporated into 3 (GATE3-8). The radioligand has a KD of 0.1 nM in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing the δ receptor. Additionally, a series of peptides based on 3 (GATE3-8) was synthesized by incorporating various halogens in the para position on the aromatic ring of Phe(3). The peptides were characterized for binding affinity at the μ-, δ-, and κ-opioid receptors, which showed a linear correlation between binding affinity and the size of the halogen substituent. These peptides may be interesting tools for probing δ-opioid receptor pharmacology.

  16. Alberta's GESE and place name researchers from Estonia / foto: Helgi Leesment

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    esimestest eestlastest Kanadasse väljarändajatest Hendrik Kingsepast ja Ott Kängsepast (Horma Ottist), tema hauakivi loost ning eesti nimeuurijate Evar Saare, Mariko Fasteri ja Evo Saare külaskäigust Kanadasse

  17. Simmul sai Anapas auhinna / Ilona Martson, Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martson, Ilona, 1970-


    SRÜ ja Baltimaade 11. filmifestivalil Anapas sai parima meesnäitleja preemia Rain Simmul Nika osa eest Arvo Iho mängufilmis "Karu süda". Videoprogrammi grand prix sai Mikk Ranna animafilm "Sääsk ja hobune", samas märgiti ära ka Mark Soosaare "La Paloma"

  18. Uudised

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Giuseppe Verdi ooperi "Maskiball" uuslavastusest Malmös. Kantrilaulja Willie Nelsoni heliplaadist "Cowboys are Frequently Secretly". Helilooja Gustav Mahleri lapselaps Marina Mahler nõuab Austria Galeriilt tagasi Edvard Munchi maali "Suveöö rannas". Jamaical Kingstonis asuvast reggae-laulja Bob Marley sünnimajast, kus asuvad helistuudio ja muuseum

  19. Rahvaluulet koduloos / Ülo Tedre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tedre, Ülo, 1928-


    Arvustus: Kuldkepp, Jüri. Jüri Kuldkeppi mälestusvihikud. [Tallinn : T. Kuldkepp, 2007] ; Õlemä elon : lugusid Kodavere murrakus. Ranna [Jõgevamaa] : Sääritsa Küla Seltsing, 2006 ; Põlvess põlve. [Kodavere (Jõgevamaa)] : E. Treial, 2007 ; Põlvamaa muistendid. Põlva : Jakob Hurda nimeline Põlva Rahvahariduse Selts, 2007

  20. Expanding phenotype of p.Ala140Val mutation in MECP2 in a 4 generation family with X-linked intellectual disability and spasticity. (United States)

    Lambert, Sophie; Maystadt, Isabelle; Boulanger, Sébastien; Vrielynck, Pascal; Destrée, Anne; Lederer, Damien; Moortgat, Stéphanie


    Mutations in MECP2 (MIM #312750), located on Xq28 and encoding a methyl CpG binding protein, are classically associated with Rett syndrome in female patients, with a lethal effect in hemizygous males. However, MECP2 mutations have already been reported in surviving males with severe neonatal-onset encephalopathy, or with X-linked intellectual disability associated with psychosis, pyramidal signs, parkinsonian features and macro-orchidism (PPM-X syndrome; MIM3 #300055). Here we report on the identification of the p.Ala140Val mutation in the MECP2 gene in 4 males and 3 females of a large Caucasian family affected with X-linked intellectual disability. Females present with mild cognitive impairment and speech difficulties. Males have moderate intellectual disability, impaired language development, friendly behavior, slowly progressive spastic paraparesis and dystonic movements of the hands. Two of them show microcephaly. The p.Ala140Val mutation is recurrent, as it was already described in 4 families with X-linked mental retardation and in three sporadic male patients with intellectual disability. We further delineate the phenotype associated with the p.Ala140Val mutation, illustrating a variable expressivity even within a given family, and we compare our patients with previous reported cases in the literature. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  1. Rationally designed chimeric peptide of met-enkephalin and FMRFa-[D-Ala2,p-Cl-Phe4]YFa induce multiple opioid receptors mediated antinociception and up-regulate their expression. (United States)

    Vats, Ishwar Dutt; Chaudhary, Snehlata; Sharma, Ahuti; Nath, Mahendra; Pasha, Santosh


    The physiological role of NPFF/FMRFa family of peptides appears to be complex and exact mechanism of action of these peptides is not yet completely understood. In same line of scrutiny, another analog of YGGFMKKKFMRFamide (YFa), a chimeric peptide of met-enkephalin and FMRFamide, was rationally designed and synthesized which contain D-alanine and p-Cl-phenylalanine residues at 2nd and 4th positions, respectively i.e., Y-(D-Ala)-G-(p-Cl-Phe)-MKKKFMRFamide ([D-Ala(2), p-Cl-Phe(4)]YFa) in order to achieve improved bioavailability and blood brain barrier penetration. Therefore, present study investigates the possible antinociceptive effect of [D-Ala(2), p-Cl-Phe(4)]YFa on intra-peritoneal (i.p.) administration using tail-flick test in rats followed by its opioid receptor(s) specificity using mu, delta and kappa receptor antagonists. Further, its antinociceptive effect was examined during 6 days of chronic i.p. treatment and assessed effect of this treatment on differential expression of opioid receptors. [D-Ala(2), p-Cl-Phe(4)]YFa in comparison to parent peptide YFa, induce significantly higher dose dependent antinociception in rats which was mediated by all three opioid receptors (mu, delta and kappa). Importantly, it induced comparable antinociception in rats throughout the chronic i.p. treatment and significantly up-regulated the overall expression (mRNA and protein) of mu, delta and kappa opioid receptors. Therefore, pharmacological and molecular behavior of [D-Ala(2), p-Cl-Phe(4)]YFa demonstrate that incorporation of D-alanine and p-Cl-phenylalanine residues at appropriate positions in chimeric peptide leads to altered opioid receptor selectivity and enhanced antinociceptive potency, relative to parent peptide. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. A retrospective review of pain control by a two-step irradiance schedule during topical ALA-photodynamic therapy of non-melanoma skin cancer. (United States)

    Zeitouni, Nathalie C; Paquette, Anne D; Housel, Joseph P; Shi, Yi; Wilding, Gregory E; Foster, Thomas H; Henderson, Barbara W


    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with topical δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) of non-melanoma skin cancers is often associated with treatment-limiting pain. A previous study on basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) at Roswell Park Cancer Institute evaluated a two-step irradiance scheme as a means of minimizing pain, preserving outcomes, and limiting treatment time. We used an initial low irradiance until 90% of the protoporphyrin IX was photobleached, followed by a high irradiance interval until the prescribed fluence was delivered. Success of this pilot investigation motivated integration of the protocol into routine practice. Here, we present a retrospective review of recent clinical experience in a broad patient population. This was a retrospective review of an existing dermatology database. Fourteen caucasion patients-nine men and five women, ages 18-80, with a total of 51 superficial and 73 nodular BCCs, and three Bowen's disease lesions-were included. ALA was applied to each lesion for approximately 4 hours. Lesions received an initial irradiance of 30-50 mW/cm(2) for 20 J/cm(2) , followed by 150 mW/cm(2) for a total fluence of 200-300 J/cm(2) . Pain was assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS). Clinical outcome was determined at 6-12 months. Median VAS scores were 1.0 for both irradiances. Five of 127 lesions required pain control with 1% xylocaine. Pain was strongly influenced by lesion location but not by lesion type, number, or size. Complete responses were achieved in 84.1% of BCCs, which compares favorably with reported results for single ALA-PDT treatments. Two of three Bowen's disease lesions showed a complete response. Complete responses for nodular BCCs were 37%, which are also within the range of reported outcomes. A two-step irradiance protocol in ALA-PDT effectively minimizes pain, maintains excellent clinical outcomes in superficial lesions, and adds minimal treatment time. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. "Klass" - röövkapitalistlik realism / Margus Mikomägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikomägi, Margus, 1956-


    Ilmar Raagi noortefilmi "Klass" oli võimalus vaadata Rapla maakonna koolide õpilastel, õpetajatel, sotsiaalpedagoogidel ja -nõunikel ning kõigil huvilistel 6. detsembril Rapla kultuuri- ja huvikeskuses

  4. The association between the FABP2 Ala54Thr variant and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis based on 11 case-control studies


    Liu, Peng; Yu, Dan; Jin, Xiaoping; Li, Cai; Zhu, Feng; Zheng, Zhou; Lv, Chenlin; He, Xinwei


    Fatty acid binding protein 2 (FABP2) Ala54Thr gene polymorphism has been suggested to be associated with the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), but some studies show the inconsistent result. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to assess the association between FABP2 Ala54Thr gene polymorphism variants and the T2DM. A total of 7095 subjects in 11 case-control studies were included in this meta-analysis. Under the allele model (T versus A), the pooled OR of Asian sub...

  5. Research of ALA combined with HpD-PDT which induced s180 ascitic tumor cells, death or apoptosis on cytology (United States)

    Zhu, Jing; Yan, Min; Zhang, Hui-Guo; Li, Enling; Luo, Hongyu


    To ascertain the adequate dosage of ALA combined with HpD-PDT which induced tumor cell death or apoptosis on cytology. And to study the different effect of ALA-PDT and HPD-PDT used only. Rat ascitic tumor cells(S180) were randomly divided into several groups and incubated with ALA(20μg/ml 、40μg/ml、80μg/ml 、160μg/ml)、HPD(2.5μg/ml、5μg/ml、10μg/ml)and their combination dosages. 630nm light (total output 2W) was delivered to tumor cells at a constant fluence rate: 200mw/cm2 and a constant irradiated time period: 20 minutes. We set 3 groups (no photosensitizers or no irradiation or neither) to be the control groups. We used inversion microscopy to observe the morphological change of tumor cells and flow cytometry technology to detect the death or apoptosis of tumor cells during the experiment. ..

  6. Biological evaluation of 177Lu-labeled DOTA-Ala(SO3H)-Aminooctanoyl-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-N methyl Gly-His-Statine-Leu-NH2 for gastrin-releasing peptide receptor-positive prostate tumor targeting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Jae Cheong; Cho, Eun Ha; Kim, Jin Joo; Choi, Sang Mu; Lee, So young; Nam, Sung Soo; Park, Ul Jae; Park, Soo Hyun


    Bombesin binds with selectivity and high affinity to a Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR), which is highly overexpressed in prostate cancer cells. The present study describes the in vitro and in vivo biological characteristics of DOTA-Ala(SO 3 H)-Aminooctanoyl-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-N methyl Gly-His-Statine-Leu-NH 2 (DOTA-sBBNA), an antagonist analogue of bombesin peptide for the targeting of GRPR. DOTA-sBBNA was synthesized and labeled with 177 Lu as previously published. A saturation assay on PC-3 human prostate cancer cells revealed that the Kd value of the radiolabeled peptide was 1.88 nM with a maximum binding capacity (Bmax) of 289.3 fmol/10 6 cells. The radio-peptide slowly internalized, and 24.4 ± 0.5% of the total binding was internalized in 4 hr. Biodistribution studies were conducted in healthy and PC-3 xenografted balb/c mice, which showed high uptake and retention of tumor-associated radioactivity in PC-3 xenografted mice. The tumor-to-blood ratio was 126.02 ± 9.36 at 1.5 hr p.i., and was increased to 216.33 ± 61.58 at 24 hr p.i., which means that the radiolabeled peptide was highly accumulated in a tumor and rapidly cleared from the blood pool. The GRPR is also over-expressed in Korean prostate cancer patients. These results suggest that this 177 Lu-labeled peptide has promising characteristics for application in nuclear medicine, namely for the diagnosis and treatment of GRPR over-expressing prostate tumors

  7. Structures of an alanine racemase from Bacillus anthracis (BA0252) in the presence and absence of (R)-1-aminoethylphosphonic acid (l-Ala-P)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Au, Kinfai; Ren, Jingshan; Walter, Thomas S.; Harlos, Karl; Nettleship, Joanne E.; Owens, Raymond J.; Stuart, David I.; Esnouf, Robert M.


    Structures of BA0252, an alanine racemase from B. anthracis, in the presence and absence of the inhibitor (R)-1-aminoethylphosphonic acid (l-Ala-P) and determined by X-ray crystallography to resolutions of 2.1 and 1.47 Å, respectively, are described. Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, has been targeted by the Oxford Protein Production Facility to validate high-throughput protocols within the Structural Proteomics in Europe project. As part of this work, the structures of an alanine racemase (BA0252) in the presence and absence of the inhibitor (R)-1-aminoethylphosphonic acid (l-Ala-P) have determined by X-ray crystallo@@graphy to resolutions of 2.1 and 1.47 Å, respectively. Difficulties in crystallizing this protein were overcome by the use of reductive methylation. Alanine racemase has attracted much interest as a possible target for anti-anthrax drugs: not only is d-alanine a vital component of the bacterial cell wall, but recent studies also indicate that alanine racemase, which is accessible in the exosporium, plays a key role in inhibition of germination in B. anthracis. These structures confirm the binding mode of l-Ala-P but suggest an unexpected mechanism of inhibition of alanine racemase by this compound and could provide a basis for the design of improved alanine racemase inhibitors with potential as anti-anthrax therapies

  8. ÜhesHingamise peol Tallinnas on Pala valla kultuurisaadikuks kolm rahvatantsurühma / Jaan Lukas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lukas, Jaan, 1964-


    2.- 5. juulini Tallinnas toimuval tantsupeol "ÜhesHingamine" esinevad Anna Haava nimelise Pala Kooli kaheksandate ja üheksandate klasside segarühm (juhendaja on kooli direktor Malle Weinrauch), Pala Kultuurimaja segarühm (juhendaja M. Weinrauch) ja Ranna naisrühm Lahe (juhendaja Julia Tross). Laulupeost võtab osa Pala Kultuurimaja segakoor

  9. Ärkamisaeg / Urve Erikson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erikson, Urve, 1956-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 1. dets. 2004, lk. 2. Ida-Virumaa Omavalitsuste Liidu tegevdirektor viitab narkomaaniavastase võitluse ja narkoennetustöö nõrkusele maakonnas ja selle põhjustele

  10. Parandada püksipõlve augu väljalõikamise teel / Jaak Tomberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tomberg, Jaak, 1980-


    Arvustus: Saar, Anti. Kuidas sa ära läksid ja mina maha jäin : [jutud]. Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2006 ; Saar, Anti. Nemad kaks : [lühiromaan]. Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2008 ; Tekste siledast ruumist : [jutud]. Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2009

  11. Arvamus Ruhnu liiklusest ja tegelikkus / Toomas Kasemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kasemaa, Toomas, 1968-


    Saare maavanema sõnul on Ruhnul turismi arenguks vajalikud samad reeglid, mis kehtivad ülejäänud Eestis, Euroopas ja maailmas. Turismi arendamiseks peab tegema turundust sihtrühmade juures, tagama koos reisikorraldajatega saare majutuskohtade ja teenuste müügi

  12. Kõrgeimad tipud on kättesaadavad vaid valituile / Nils Niitra

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niitra, Nils, 1975-


    Tartu linnavalitsuse planeeringuteenistuse ja volikogu arengu- ja planeerimiskomisjoni erinevast suhtumisest ehitusfirmade Linnaehitus ja Lion House ehitusplaanidesse püstitada kõrghooneid. Vt. samas: Jüri Saare intervjuud endise abilinnapea Kaarel Sahaga: Tigutorn lisandub mitmete õigusvastaste ehitiste ritta; Jüri Saar. Linnavolinikud toimuvaga rahul

  13. Tallinna sadama ümbruse maa-ala renoveerimise ideekonkurss 1996 = The area around the port of Tallinn : contest for renovation ideas 1996 / Veljo Kaasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaasik, Veljo


    Tallinna sadamapiirkonnast. Linnaehituslik ideekava Tallinna kesklinna sadama ümbruse maa-ala renoveerimiseks (ideekonkursi võistlustöö arhitektuurne osa, 1996). Autorid: A. Alver, V. Kaasik, T. Trummal. Kaasautorid: T. Laht, S. Koppel, U. Mets

  14. Thr202Ala in thyA Is a Marker for the Latin American Mediterranean Lineage of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Rather than Para-Aminosalicylic Acid Resistance

    KAUST Repository

    Feuerriegel, S.


    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) involved in the development of resistance represent powerful markers for the rapid detection of first- and second-line resistance in clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) isolates. However, the association between particular mutations and phenotypic resistance is not always clear-cut, and phylogenetic SNPs have been misclassified as resistance markers in the past. In the present study, we investigated the utility of a specific polymorphism in thyA (Thr202Ala) as a marker for resistance to para-aminosalicyclic acid (PAS). Sixty-three PAS-susceptible MTBC strains comprising all major phylogenetic lineages, reference strain H37Rv, and 135 multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains from Germany (comprising 8 PAS-resistant isolates) were investigated for the presence of Thr202Ala. In both strain collections, the Thr202Ala SNP was found exclusively in strains of the Latin American Mediterranean (LAM) lineage irrespective of PAS resistance. Furthermore, PAS MICs (0.5 mg/liter) for selected LAM strains (all containing the SNP) and non-LAM strains (not containing the SNP), as well as the results of growth curve analyses performed in liquid 7H9 medium in the presence of increasing PAS concentrations (0 to 2.0 mg/liter), were identical. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that the Thr202Ala polymorphism in thyA is not a valid marker for PAS resistance but, instead, represents a phylogenetic marker for the LAM lineage of the M. tuberculosis complex. These findings challenge some of the previous understanding of PAS resistance and, as a consequence, warrant further in-depth investigations of the genetic variation in PAS-resistant clinical isolates and spontaneous mutants.

  15. Lack of association between the Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPAR-gamma 2 gene and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Qatari consanguineous population. (United States)

    Badii, Ramin; Bener, Abdulbari; Zirie, Mahmoud; Al-Rikabi, Ammar; Simsek, Mehmet; Al-Hamaq, Abdulla O A A; Ghoussaini, Maya; Froguel, Philippe; Wareham, Nick J


    Peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) is a nuclear hormone receptor that serves as a master regulator for adipocytes-specific genes contributing to adipocytes differentiation, insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism. The substitution of proline to alanine at codon 12 of the PPAR gamma 2 gene (Pro12Ala polymorphism) is most widely studied, and the associations with diabetes, obesity, and other clinical parameters have been reported and discussed in several ethnic groups. Among native Qatar ethnicity, however, there is no report about this polymorphism. The aim of this study was to estimate the allele frequency of the Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPAR gamma 2 gene among Qatari population and investigate the association between this polymorphism and obesity or type 2 diabetes. This is a matched case-control study. It was carried out among diabetic patients and healthy subjects at the Primary Healthcare Clinics, and the survey was conducted from February 2003 to March 2006 in Qatari male and female nationals aged 35 to 60 years. The study was based on matched age, sex, and ethnicity of 400 cases (with diabetes) and 450 controls (without diabetes). Face-to-face interviews were based on a questionnaire that included variables such as age, sex, sociodemographic status, body mass index (BMI), and obesity. Their health status was assessed by medical conditions, family history, and blood pressure measurements. The allele frequency of Pro12Ala polymorphism in PPAR gamma 2 gene among Qataris is lower than that in many Caucasian ethnic groups. No association is seen between the Pro12Ala and type 2 Diabetes (0.055 vs 0.059, OR = 1.1311, P = 0.669). Nearly half of the diabetic type 2 patients (48.5%) were obese (BMI > 30) compared to nondiabetic subjects (29.8%) (P Qatar.

  16. Radar - interaktiivne kultuurilooline kaart / Tõnno Jonuks, Priit Lätti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jonuks, Tõnno


    Radar on digitaalne Eesti kaart, mis kajastab ümbritseva maastiku kujutamist ja mõtestamist elanike poolt. Pilootprojektina alustati Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi folkloristika osakonnas Lääne-Viru maakonna kaardistamist 2003. a.

  17. GaAs, AlAs, and AlxGa1-xAs: Material parameters for use in research and device applications (United States)

    Adachi, Sadao


    The AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure system is potentially useful material for high-speed digital, high-frequency microwave, and electro-optic device applications. Even though the basic AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure concepts are understood at this time, some practical device parameters in this system have been hampered by a lack of definite knowledge of many material parameters. Recently, Blakemore has presented numerical and graphical information about many of the physical and electronic properties of GaAs [J. S. Blakemore, J. Appl. Phys. 53, R123 (1982)]. The purpose of this review is (i) to obtain and clarify all the various material parameters of AlxGa1-xAs alloy from a systematic point of view, and (ii) to present key properties of the material parameters for a variety of research works and device applications. A complete set of material parameters are considered in this review for GaAs, AlAs, and AlxGa1-xAs alloys. The model used is based on an interpolation scheme and, therefore, necessitates known values of the parameters for the related binaries (GaAs and AlAs). The material parameters and properties considered in the present review can be classified into sixteen groups: (1) lattice constant and crystal density, (2) melting point, (3) thermal expansion coefficient, (4) lattice dynamic properties, (5) lattice thermal properties, (6) electronic-band structure, (7) external perturbation effects on the band-gap energy, (8) effective mass, (9) deformation potential, (10) static and high-frequency dielectric constants, (11) magnetic susceptibility, (12) piezoelectric constant, (13) Fröhlich coupling parameter, (14) electron transport properties, (15) optical properties, and (16) photoelastic properties. Of particular interest is the deviation of material parameters from linearity with respect to the AlAs mole fraction x. Some material parameters, such as lattice constant, crystal density, thermal expansion coefficient, dielectric constant, and elastic constant

  18. Maailmaränduri märkmeid. Mis jääb meelde? / Zoja Raskasov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raskasov, Zoja, 1918-2002


    Mõnerealised tähelepanekud kohtadest, kus autor reisinud - Türgi, Iisrael, Pärsia, India, Tseilon, Nepaal, Hong-Kong, Bangkok, Singapur, Jaava, Austraalia, Bali, Tansaania, Egiptus, Tuneesia, Maroko. Kanaari saared, Madeira, Mehhiko, USA, Kanada, Hispaania, Portugal, Malta, Vahemeremaad, Austria, Šveits, Holland, Briti saar, Põhjamaad

  19. Pikk-kääbaste tähendusest : Rõsna küla kääbaskalmistute materjali alusel / Mare Aun, Raili Allmäe, Liina Maldre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aun, Mare, 1939-


    Käsitletakse pikk-kääbaste tähendust Pihkva järve läänekaldal asuvate Rõsna-Saare I, Rõsna-Saare II ja Suure-Rõsna esimese aastatuhande teise poole põletusmatustega kääbaskalmistute arheoloogilise ning osteoloogilise materjali uurimise alusel

  20. Association of Polymorphous Markers Ala(-9Val of SOD2 Gene and C(-262T of CAT Gene in Patients with Hashimotos’ Thyroiditis and Hypothyroidism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A Mkrtumyan


    Full Text Available A comparative analysis of distribution of alleles and genotypes of polymorphous markers Ala(-9Val of SOD2 gene and C(-262T of CAT gene was performed. Eighty six patients with Hashimotos’ thyroiditis (HT were enrolled in the study. Significant deferens were found by comparison of alleles and genotypes incidence of polymorphous marker Ala(-9Val of SOD2 gene in HT-patients and in control group. Significant increase of incidence of Val/Val genotype (OR = 15,6; p = 0.04 in HT-patients may reflect a higher risk of HT in Val/Val individuals. This hypothesis may be confirmed by increase of malonic dialdehyde and antithyroid antibodies in Val/Val carriers.

  1. Ahistajat tabada aidanud naine sai aumärgi / Agnes Kuus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuus, Agnes


    Justiitsministeerium tunnustas kodanikujulguse aumärgiga seitset inimest, kes on kaasa aidanud kurjategijate tabamisele, teiste seas sai aumärgi Ingrid Lepp, kes aitas politseil kinni püüda Pärnu rannas tegutsenud ahistaja. Vt. samas: Turvamees nabis kinni muukija; Noored jälitasid telefonivarast; Tõnu Timma; Gennadi Kulla; Rita Parel. Lisa: Autasu julgetele

  2. Siim Nestor soovitab : D1 Recordingsi turnee Eestis. Matthew Herbert / Siim Nestor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nestor, Siim, 1974-


    Iiri techno-firma D1 Recordingsi esindajate kontsertidest 4. märtsil üritusel "Kõigem ruudus" Von Krahlis Tallinnas ja 5. märtsil Ranna klubis Sillamäel. Matthew Herbert Big Band'i ja soome elktroonilise muusika ansambli Uusi Fantaasia kontserdist 5. märtsil Sakala keskuses Tallinnas üritusel "Jazz'n'Motion"

  3. Kunstfotograafid tõid pildid Valka / Marje Laugen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laugen, Marje


    Valga kultuurikeskuses avati Ungari Vabariigi Smogy maakonna algatatud rahvusvahelise kunstiprojekti Changing World Images raames fotonäitus "Teatriprintsiip eesti fotos". Näituse organisaator Raivo Behrsin, kuraator Peeter Linnap. Vallo Kalamehe kommentaar

  4. Arhitektuuriuudised / Urmas Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Urmas, 1981-2012


    Silotorni otsas asuvast eramust USAs Alabama osariigis Hale'i maakonnas, Artechic Architects'i Ovaalsest majast Jaapanis, Boeri Studio korterelamust Itaalias Seregnos ja arhitekt Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas'i sotsiaalmajast Andaluusias

  5. Toetusi saab küsida ka LEADER-programmi raames / Raavo Raadik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raadik, Raavo


    Eesti Hobusekasvatajate Seltsi raskeveohobuse kasvatajate haruseltsi juht Enn Rand on LEADER-programmi abil oluliselt arendanud Pärnumaal Tõstamaa vallas asuvat Maria talu, mis on praeguseks muutunud maakonnas arvestatavaks puhke- ja spordikeskuseks

  6. Rahvastiku paiknemine Eestis = Distribution of population in Estonia / Mihkel Servinski, Anne Karjus, Andres Rõigas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Servinski, Mihkel


    Rahvastiku paiknemisest teljel pealinn ja pealinna piirkond versus ülejäänud Eesti, teljel linn-maa ning paiknevuse erinevusi maakonna tasandil, omavalitsusüksuse ehk linna-valla tasandil. Diagrammid. Tabelid

  7. Kagu-Eesti kodune (lapsekeskne) laulmistraditsioon aastal 2000. II : lauljad ja laulud / Anu Vissel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vissel, Anu


    Artikli aluseks on ankeetküsitluse vastused, mis on saadud 2000. aastal Võru ja Põlva maakonna peredest. Selgitatakse, kes laulavad lastele, millistes olukordades, lähemalt analüüsitakse unelaule

  8. Sirbi sari kahe lugupeetud isanda võrra rikkam / Jaak Urmet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Urmet, Jaak, 1979-


    Sarjas "Sirbi raamat" ilmusid Johannes Saare ja Ervin Õunapuu esseekogumikud: Õunapuu, Ervin. Öövöö ; déja-vu 1985-2004 ; Saar, Johannes. Päevast päeva : pildikesi ühe rahvusmütoloogia lagunemisest aastail 1993-2004 (Tallinn : Sihtasutus Kultuurileht Sirp, 2004)

  9. Habitat Dan Perilaku Kangkareng Perut-putih (Anthracoceros Albirostris Convexus Temm. 1832) Di Resort Rowobendo Tn Alas Purwo


    Tarigan, Salvionita BR; Hernowo, Jarwadi Budi


    Oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris) is one of hornbill spesies (Bucerotidae) that protected in Indonesia based on Goverment Regulation No. 7/1999. The habitat of oriental pied hornbillin Resort Rowobendo Alas Purwo National Park (APNP) are natural forest and mixed forest plantation. The characteristic of the bird feeding site is a fruiting tree with a thick meat with the shaped is an oval, thin rind, soft, and contain more water and has sweet taste. The characteristic for the b...



    Salvionita BR Tarigan; Jarwadi Budi Hernowo


    Oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris) is one of hornbill spesies (Bucerotidae) that protected in Indonesia based on Goverment Regulation No. 7/1999. The habitat of oriental pied hornbillin Resort Rowobendo Alas Purwo National Park (APNP) are natural forest and mixed forest plantation. The characteristic of the bird feeding site is a fruiting tree with a thick meat with the shaped is an oval, thin rind, soft, and contain more water and has sweet taste. The characteristic for the b...

  11. Loodushariduskava viib lapsed ja looduse kokku / Külli Kriis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kriis, Külli, 1961-


    Riikliku looduskaitsekeskuse Ida-Viru regiooni loodushariduskava järgi arendatakse maakonnas välja piisavalt loodusmaju ja -tube ning õpialasid ja matkaradu, mis võimaldavad loodusõpet kõigile lasteaia- ja koolilastele

  12. Mees, kes käib kiiresti ja räägib kiiresti / Arthur Seppern ; interv. Tiia Linnard

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seppern, Arthur


    Intervjuu mehega, kes on teinud maakonnas ajalugu muusikuna, klubitöötajana, kolhoosiesimehena, kultuuriosakonna juhatajana ja peab nüüd kutsekooli direktori ametit. Vt. ka Severnoje Poberezhje : Subbota 10. nov. 2001

  13. Pärnumaa Ettevõtlus- ja Arenduskeskus on kõigi ettevõtlike partner aastast 1994 / Lehar Kütt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kütt, Lehar


    Sihtasutus Pärnumaa Ettevõtlus- ja Arenduskeskus (PEAK) on maakonna tasakaalustatud arengu huvides tegutsev organisatsioon. PEAK kuulub Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse (EAS) maakondlike arenduskeskuste võrgustikku. PEAK-i teenustest. Diagramm: Mittetulundusorganisatsioonide tegevusvaldkonnad

  14. Structure-activity relationships of the unique and potent agouti-related protein (AGRP)-melanocortin chimeric Tyr-c[beta-Asp-His-DPhe-Arg-Trp-Asn-Ala-Phe-Dpr]-Tyr-NH2 peptide template. (United States)

    Wilczynski, Andrzej; Wilson, Krista R; Scott, Joseph W; Edison, Arthur S; Haskell-Luevano, Carrie


    The melanocortin receptor system consists of endogenous agonists, antagonists, G-protein coupled receptors, and auxiliary proteins that are involved in the regulation of complex physiological functions such as energy and weight homeostasis, feeding behavior, inflammation, sexual function, pigmentation, and exocrine gland function. Herein, we report the structure-activity relationship (SAR) of a new chimeric hAGRP-melanocortin agonist peptide template Tyr-c[beta-Asp-His-DPhe-Arg-Trp-Asn-Ala-Phe-Dpr]-Tyr-NH(2) that was characterized using amino acids previously reported in other melanocortin agonist templates. Twenty peptides were examined in this study, and six peptides were selected for (1)H NMR and computer-assisted molecular modeling structural analysis. The most notable results include the identification that modification of the chimeric template at the His position with Pro and Phe resulted in ligands that were nM mouse melanocortin-3 receptor (mMC3R) antagonists and nM mouse melanocortin-4 receptor (mMC4R) agonists. The peptides Tyr-c[beta-Asp-His-DPhe-Ala-Trp-Asn-Ala-Phe-Dpr]-Tyr-NH(2) and Tyr-c[beta-Asp-His-DNal(1')-Arg-Trp-Asn-Ala-Phe-Dpr]-Tyr-NH(2) resulted in 730- and 560-fold, respectively, mMC4R versus mMC3R selective agonists that also possessed nM agonist potency at the mMC1R and mMC5R. Structural studies identified a reverse turn occurring in the His-DPhe-Arg-Trp domain, with subtle differences observed that may account for the differences in melanocortin receptor pharmacology. Specifically, a gamma-turn secondary structure involving the DPhe(4) in the central position of the Tyr-c[beta-Asp-Phe-DPhe-Arg-Trp-Asn-Ala-Phe-Dpr]-Tyr-NH(2) peptide may differentiate the mixed mMC3R antagonist and mMC4R agonist pharmacology.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisnyak Yu. V.


    Full Text Available Introduction. Emergence of nosocomial bacterial pathogens (especially Gram-negative bacteria with multiple resistance against almost all available antibiotics is a growing medical problem. No novel drugs targeting multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria have been developed in recent years. In this context, there has been greatly renewed interest to cyclic lipodecapeptides polymyxins. Polymyxins exhibit rapid bactericidal activity, they are specific and highly potent against Gramnegative bacteria, but have potential nephrotoxic side effects. So polymyxins are attractive lead compounds to develop analogues with improved microbiological, pharmacological and toxicological properties. A detailed knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of polymyxin interactions with its cell targets is a prerequisite for the purposeful improvement of its therapeutic properties. The primary cell target of a polymyxin is a lipopolysaccharide (LPS in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. The binding site of polymyxin on LPS has been supposed to be Kdo2-lipid A fragment. Methods. For all molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulation experiments the YASARA suite of programs was used. Complex of antimicrobial peptide polymyxin В3 (PmB3 with Kdo2-lipid A portion of E. coli lipopolysaccharide was constructed by rigid docking with flexible side chains of the peptide. By alanine scanning of polymyxin В3 bound to LPS followed by simulated annealing minimization of the complexes in explicit water environment, the molecular aspects of PmB3-LPS binding have been studied by 20 ns molecular dynamics simulations at 298 K and pH 7.0. The AMBER03 force field was used with a 1.05 nm force cutoff. To treat long range electrostatic interactions the Particle Mesh Ewald algorithm was used. Results. Ala-mutations of polymyxin’s residues Dab1, Dab3, Dab5, Dab8 and Dab9 in the PmB3-LPS complex caused sustained structural changes resulting in the notable loss in stability of

  16. Vändra kandis kasvab arbuus ja melon / Liina Siniveer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Siniveer, Liina


    Vt. ka Postimees : na russkom jazõke 21. juuli lk. 8. Pärnumaa Saare ja Tõrvaaugu talu peremehed Aivar Saar ja Harri Poom tegelevad lisaks maasikakasvatusele ning viljapuuistikute müügile ka eksootiliste viljade - arbuuside, melonite, aprikooside ja viinamarjade - kasvatamisega. Kaart: Lüüste küla

  17. Selgusid Betti Alveri preemia nominendid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Betti Alveri kirjandusauhinna nominendid: Sass Henno "Mina olin siin", Andrei Hvostovi "Lombakas Achilleus", Mart Kanguri, Jaak Ranna ja Ivar Ravi "Jaak Rand ja teisi jutte", Diana Leesalu "2 grammi hämaruseni", Jaan Pehki "Sisukord", Linnar Priimäe "Kelle tee on varjul", Leo de Sixtuse "Skarabeuse tsivilisatsioon". Vt. ka Eesti Päevaleht, 16. nov., lk. 15

  18. Arhitektuurivõistlus 21. sajandi kodu Lahemaal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hinnang peapreemia pälvinud töödele "Ranna-Niidu" (Mikk Mutso), "Sirmik" (Maarja Elm, Sten Ader), "Akupunktuur" (Lidia Zarudnaja, Martin Noorväli, Urmas Paul) ja "Adaptsioon" (Kristjan Tõlk, Olavi Kukk, Heleriin Vaher) ning eripreemia pälvinud töödele "Greg" (Eve Komp, Artur Staškevitš) ja "Potjomkin" (Johan Tali)

  19. Preventing pressure sores of the nasal ala after nasotracheal tube intubation: from animal model to clinical application. (United States)

    Huang, Tze-Ta; Tseng, Chih-En; Lee, Tsan-Mu; Yeh, Jen-Ying; Lai, Yu-Yung


    Nasal-ala pressure sores induced by nasotracheal intubation are common complications of oral and maxillofacial surgery, but are easily ignored. To determine whether such sores could be prevented, we studied the effects of a combination of cushioning material in an animal model, and then analyzed the efficacy of this combination clinically. Four pigs received nasotracheal intubation. Each pig received intubation for 4, 8, 12, or 16 hours. Outcomes from pigs undergoing 500-gram-weight compression on each nostril were compared: one nostril received an application of cushioning materials, and the contralateral nostril did not. After the required study period, clinical assessment and further evaluation were performed by measuring pressure-sore dimensions and performing incisional biopsies. Clinical applications of this protective technique were then undertaken. Eight patients who underwent intubation without Soft Liner (GC Co, Tokyo, Japan) and DuoDERM CGF (ConvaTec, Inc, Princeton, NJ) protection, and 10 patients with Soft Liner and DuoDERM protection, were evaluated. The protective efficacy of the cushioning materials was significant in the animal model as well as in clinical practice. Pressure sores were avoided on the protected side, with severe tissue necrosis documented on the control side. We found that the combined use of Soft Liner and DuoDERM reduced the size and severity of nasal-ala pressure sores attributable to nasotracheal intubation during oral and maxillofacial surgery.

  20. Muusikamaailm : Rostropovitsh Shostakovitshiga Madridis. Melbourne'i orkester Euroopas. Weilli aasta ka Ameerikas. Klaverifestival Manchesteris / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    D. Shostakovitshi ooperi "Mtsenski maakonna leedi Macbeth" esmalavastusest Madridi Teatro Realis M. Rostropovitshi dirigeerimisel. Melbourne'i orkestri kontserdireisist Euroopasse. K. Weilli 100. sünniaastapäeva üritustest USAs. Manchesteris toimuvast klaverimuusikafestivalist

  1. Patsiendid võidavad vaid uue haiglaga / Guido Ratnik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ratnik, Guido


    Pärnu maakonnaarst kommenteerib "Eesti haiglate arengukava aastani 2015" ja Pärnu maakonna haiglate tulevikku. Programmi finantseeris koos Eesti riigiga Maailmapank ja uurimuse tegid Eesti tervishoiuspetsialistid ja Rootsi firmad Scandinavian Care Consultants AB

  2. LEADER-programm toob Jõgevamaale miljoneid kroone / Ardi Kivimets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivimets, Ardi, 1947-


    Jõgevamaa Koostöökoja juhatus ja liikmed ning külade esindajad arutasid LEADER-meetme rakendamist maakonnas ning tegevuspiirkonna arengustrateegia koostamist. Oma kogemusi jagasid Soome Turu piirkonna Varsinais-Suomen LEADER-tegevusgrupi esindajad

  3. 5-ALA induced fluorescent image analysis of actinic keratosis (United States)

    Cho, Yong-Jin; Bae, Youngwoo; Choi, Eung-Ho; Jung, Byungjo


    In this study, we quantitatively analyzed 5-ALA induced fluorescent images of actinic keratosis using digital fluorescent color and hyperspectral imaging modalities. UV-A was utilized to induce fluorescent images and actinic keratosis (AK) lesions were demarcated from surrounding the normal region with different methods. Eight subjects with AK lesion were participated in this study. In the hyperspectral imaging modality, spectral analysis method was utilized for hyperspectral cube image and AK lesions were demarcated from the normal region. Before image acquisition, we designated biopsy position for histopathology of AK lesion and surrounding normal region. Erythema index (E.I.) values on both regions were calculated from the spectral cube data. Image analysis of subjects resulted in two different groups: the first group with the higher fluorescence signal and E.I. on AK lesion than the normal region; the second group with lower fluorescence signal and without big difference in E.I. between two regions. In fluorescent color image analysis of facial AK, E.I. images were calculated on both normal and AK lesions and compared with the results of hyperspectral imaging modality. The results might indicate that the different intensity of fluorescence and E.I. among the subjects with AK might be interpreted as different phases of morphological and metabolic changes of AK lesions.

  4. Pärnus näeb Balti filmi- ja meediakooli lühifilme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Pärnu keskraamatukogus linastuvad Tallinna ülikooli Balti filmi- ja meediakooli lühifilmid, mis on jätkuks Pärnu linna ja Norra Buskerudi maakonna Comeniuse haridusprojekti raames toimuvale Pärnu koolide filmikoolitusele

  5. Pärnu võimukoalitsioon kutsub pataljoni toetama / Eno-Gerrit Link

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Link, Eno-Gerrit


    Pärnu võimuerakonnad kutsuvad linna ja maakonna elanikke kõnekoosolekule, kus nad soovivad avaldada nördimust kaitseministeeriumi plaani üle sulgeda selle aasta lõpul Pärnu üksik-jalaväepataljon

  6. Sõdurid annavad politseile tööd / Toomas Herm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Herm, Toomas, 1961-


    Kokkuvõte eelmisel aastal Lääne-Virumaal toime pandud kuritegudest. Eelmisel aastal kasvas maakonnas narkootikumidega seotud väärtegude arv, milles suurt rolli mängis Tapal baseeruv 1. jalaväepataljon

  7. Buskerudi maavolikogu aitab osta tekke ja generaatoreid / Silvia Paluoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paluoja, Silvia, 1956-


    Buskerudi maavolikogu esimees Tor Ottar Karlsen külastas Pärnut, et saada ülevaade maakonna tormikahjustustest ning andis maavanema kohusetäitjale Toomas Kivimäele üle 180 000 krooni suuruse abi

  8. Saaremaal anti täiskäik LEADER-programmi käivitamiseks / Ain Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Ain


    Saaremaa Kodukandi korraldatud infopäeval sündis algatusrühm LEADER-tüüpi arendustegevuse ettevalmistamiseks maakonnas. Tabel: Saaremaa algatusrühma tegevuskava LEADER-tüüpi maapiirkondade arendustegevuse ettevalmistamiseks

  9. Evaluation of Acoustic Emission NDE of Composite Crew Module Service Module/Alternate Launch Abort System (CCM SM/ALAS) Test Article Failure Tests (United States)

    Horne, Michael R.; Madaras, Eric I.


    Failure tests of CCM SM/ALAS (Composite Crew Module Service Module / Alternate Launch Abort System) composite panels were conducted during July 10, 2008 and July 24, 2008 at Langley Research Center. This is a report of the analysis of the Acoustic Emission (AE) data collected during those tests.

  10. The cisproline(i - 1)-aromatic(i) interaction: Folding of the Ala-cisPro-Tyr peptide characterized by NMR and theoretical approaches

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nardi, Frederico; Kemmink, Johan; Sattler, Michael; Wade, Rebecca C. [European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Germany)


    Cisproline(i-1)-aromatic(i) interactions have been detected in several short peptides in aqueous solution by analysis of anomalous chemical shifts measured by {sup 1}H-NMR spectroscopy. This formation of local structure is of importance for protein folding and binding properties. To obtain an atomic-detail characterisation of the cisproline(i-1)-aromatic(i) interaction in terms of structure, energetics and dynamics, we studied the minimal peptide unit, blocked Ala-cisPro-Tyr, using computational and experimental techniques. Structural database analyses and a systematic search revealed two groups of conformations displaying a cisproline(i-1)-aromatic(i) interaction. These conformations were taken as seeds for molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent at 278 K. During a total of 33.6 ns of simulation, all the 'folded' conformations and some 'unfolded' states were sampled. {sup 1}H- and {sup 13}C-chemical shifts and {sup 3}J-coupling constants were measured for the Ala-Pro-Tyr peptide. Excellent agreement was found between all the measured and computed NMR properties, showing the good quality of the force field. We find that under the experimental and simulation conditions, the Ala-cisPro-Tyr peptide is folded 90% of the time and displays two types of folded conformation which we denote 'a' and 'b'. The type a conformations are twice as populated as the type b conformations. The former have the tyrosine ring interacting with the alanine {alpha} proton and are enthalpically stabilised. The latter have the aromatic ring interacting with the proline side chain and are entropically stabilised. The combined and complementary use of computational and experimental techniques permitted derivation of a detailed scenario of the 'folding' of this peptide.

  11. Kirjandusraal 2007 / Heily Soosaar, Merle Pindmaa, Kaija Kasak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soosaar, Heily


    Tartu linna ja maakonna 9.-12. klassi õpilastele korraldatud arvutipõhisest õppematerjalide konkursist "Kirjandusraal 2007", kus osalenuil tuli teha PowerPoint-esitlus ühest neljast eesti kirjanikust (Merca, Contra, Sass Henno või Aidi Vallik)

  12. Lääne turist hindab Võrumaa ehedust / Tiit Soosaar ; interv. Mari-Anne Leht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soosaar, Tiit


    Võrumaa turismiliidu juhatusse esimees ja turismitalu omanik vastab küsimustele maakonnas olevate turismitalude hulga, puhkajate, puhkamisvõimaluste reklaami, ida poolt saabuvate turistide kohta. Vt. samas: Võrumaad külastanud välismaalaste arv kasvas

  13. The association between the Pro12Ala polymorphism in the PPARg gene and

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schow, Trine


    The interaction between the Pro12Ala polymorphism in peroxisome-proliferator-activator receptor gamma PPARg -2 and physical activity in the association with obesity (BMI ≥30 kg m-2) was explored in 901 women and 903 men between 30 and 75 years participating in a population survey of cardiovascular...... disease risk factors in Vara, Sweden, (participation rate 81%). Questionnaires and interviews covered physical activity at leisure time (LTPA), smoking habits and socio-economic background, and anthropometric measures were ascertained. Obesity was found in 26% of the women and 20% of the men......: 0.19-5.91). This association was not seen in men or in women women above 50 years, but this risk was prevented already by a moderate level of LTPA. These findings support the emphasis...

  14. L’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la recerca a Llatinoamèrica. Acostament des d’ALAS Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Torres Frías


    Full Text Available El present text inclou l’anàlisi de treballs presentats en el XXX Congreso Latinoamericano de Sociología ALAS Costa Rica, celebrat el 2015, coordinat per l’Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología (ALAS. Es prenen en consideració vuit treballs relacionats amb el procés d’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la recerca i es recuperen les principals aportacions que han fet sobre el tema. Es discuteix sobre com s’aborda el procés d’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la recerca en el context llatinoamericà. S’evidencia que, malgrat les diferències contextuals i institucionals, a Llatinoamèrica prevalen problemàtiques compartides sobre formació per a la recerca. Alguns dels principals aspectes que es posen de manifest estan relacionats amb la dificultat que tenen els formadors per desenvolupar el procés d’ensenyament-aprenentatge en el marc de les ciències socials i humanitats. Altres aspectes es vinculen amb l’experiència en recerca del formador mateix, amb l’estil que té per dur a terme la seva pròpia recerca i guiar tesis, i amb l’estil de docència que utilitza. També són un factor de rellevància els estils dels estudiants, així com les creences que tots dos actors tenen sobre la formació per a la recerca. Finalment, l’existència o no d'una cultura de recerca s’aprecia com una problemàtica que cal tenir en compte.

  15. 78 FR 61949 - Order Relating to Afshin (“Sean”) Naghibi (United States)


    ... arrangement to pay UMI, and would send payment to BVBA or Raytec, which then transferred Taban Saar's funds to... ordered by Taban Saar, via Belgium, from UMI. Because there was a discrepancy between the amount of the... used the same arrangement to pay UMI, and would send payment to BVBA or Raytec, which then transferred...

  16. Truu armastuse võimalikkusest / Jaan Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruus, Jaan, 1938-2017


    Mängufilm "Madisoni maakonna sillad" ("The Bridges of Madison County") : stsenarist Robert James Walleri romaani põhjal Richard LaGravenese : režissöör ja peaosatäitja Clint Eastwood : Ameerika Ühendriigid 1995

  17. Kooli innovatsiooni mudelid maakoolide näitel / Anita Kärner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kärner, Anita, 1956-


    Eduko programmi analüüsigrandi toel läbiviidud uuringust nelja Lõuna-Eesti maakonna kooli baasil, et selgitada välja, kuidas käsitlevad maakoolid innovatsiooni ning missugused on seda soodustavad ja takistavad tegurid

  18. LEADER-tegevusest / Ene Sarapuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarapuu, Ene


    Läänemaa LEADER-tegevusgrupi eesmärk on maakonna kui terviku ühtne areng, et kogu Läänemaa oleks vajalike teenustega kaetud ning ettevõtjad julgeks ning suudaks uute teenuste ja toodetega turule tulla

  19. Concordia maja haldaja võib tudengid kooli ukse taha jätta / Sigrid Laev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laev, Sigrid


    Concordia ülikooli ruumide haldaja lubab üürivõla tõttu rentimise lõpetada. Haridusminister Mailis Ranna sõnul tuleb hakata läbi rääkima, kas Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool on valmis andma kasutusele oma ruume või kas on võimalik saada muid rendipindu. Valitsus keeldus kategooriliselt Concordia miljonivõlgu maksmast. AS Audentes loobus Concordia ostmisest

  20. The History of the Foundation of the Iranian National Blood Transfusion Service in 1974 and the Biography of its Founder; Professor Fereydoun Ala. (United States)

    Azizi, Mohammad Hossein; Nayernouri, Touraj; Bahadori, Moslem


    The history of early attempts of blood transfusion in Iran traces back to the 1940s; however, around three decades later in 1974, the Iranian National Blood Transfusion Service (Sazeman-e Melli-e Enteqal-e Khun-e Iran) was founded by the outstanding hematologist, Professor Fereydoun Ala. The main goals of this centralized organization were to collect blood from healthy voluntary donors, to screen the donated blood and to provide various safe blood products based on scientific and ethical standards. In due course, a new era of blood transfusion service in Iran had begun to such a degree that after more than four decades of its activity, it is now considered the best-developed blood service in the eastern Mediterranean region. Here, a brief historical account of the early blood transfusion efforts and the establishment of the modern Iranian National Blood Transfusion Service in Iran is discussed in addition to the life and career of its founder and first director, Professor Fereydoun Ala.

  1. Rahvaliidu kants Palamusel käärib / Rein Sikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sikk, Rein, 1961-


    Rahvaliidu Jõgeva maakonna juhi Riina Kulli väitel pole ükski sotsiaaldemokraat ega Rahvaliidu liider käinud kohapeal kahe erakonna võimalikku liitumist selgitamas. Palamuse elanike arvamusi Rahvaliidu ja SDE võimaliku ühinemise kohta

  2. Spordipreemiad leidsid omaniku / Anne Põder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põder, Anne, 1973-


    Järvamaa omavalitsuste liit ja spordiliit tunnustasid maakonna parimaid sportlasi, kelleks osutusid Ain-Alar Juhanson, Mikko Vanaisak, Viktoria Leks ja Grit Shadeiko. Spordiedendaja preemia sai Tiit Kavak, spordi elutöö preemia pälvis Enn Sõmeri

  3. Ontikal algas teatrisuvi / Gerli Romanovitš

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Romanovitš, Gerli, 1977-


    Ontika mõisa õuel esietendus vene kirjandusklassiku Nikolai Leskovi jutustuse ainetel valminud suvelavastus "Mtsenski maakonna leedi Macbeth". Dramatiseeringu autor Urmas Lennuk, lavastaja Eili Neuhaus. Kaasa teevad Jõhvi teater Tuuleveski ja slaaviühingu "Läte" naiskoor Kundast

  4. Valdade ühinemine võib muuta maakondade piire / Maris S Kaasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaasik, Maris S


    2. augustil saatis siseministeerium maaomavalitsuste liidule ja linnade liidule kooskõlastamiseks ühinemispiirkondade nimekirja. Kooskõlastuste tähtaeg on 16. augustil. Lisa: Põlva maakonna KOV-ide ühinemiseks pakub ühinemispiirkondade loetelu järgnevad variandid

  5. Standorte der Hoch- und Berufsschulen in Estland - Faktor zur Förderung der Regionalpolitik / Matti Raudjärv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raudjärv, Matti


    Kuigi erineva potentsiaaliga, on kõrgharidus esindatud enamikes Eesti maakondades (puudub vaid Hiiu, Jõgeva ja Põlva maakonnas, Valga teeb koostööd Läti Valka linnaga), kuid kutsehariduse regionaalne aspekt on autori arvates kavandatud tasakaalustamatult. Tabel

  6. USA juhtivpoliitik sai süüdistuse pettuses / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA Kongressi vabariiklaste juht Tom DeLay astus ametist tagasi, kuna Texase osariigi Travise maakonna kohus esitas talle süüdistuse seotuse eest Texase valimiskampaania rahastamisskeemiga. Esindajatekoja uueks vabariiklaste juhiks sai Missouri osariigi kongresmen Roy Blunt

  7. Phenotype-genotype correlation in Wilson disease in a large Lebanese family: association of c.2299insC with hepatic and of p. Ala1003Thr with neurologic phenotype.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julnar Usta

    Full Text Available Genotype phenotype correlations in Wilson disease (WD are best established in homozygous patients or in compound heterozygous patients carrying the same set of mutations. We determined the clinical phenotype of patients with WD carrying the c.2298_2299insC in Exon 8 (c.2299insC or the p. Ala1003Thr missense substitution in Exon 13 mutations in the homozygous or compound heterozygous state. We investigated 76 members of a single large Lebanese family. Their genotypes were determined, and clinical assessments were carried out for affected subjects. We also performed a literature search retrieving the phenotypes of patients carrying the same mutations of our patients in the homozygous or compound heterozygous state. There were 7 consanguineous marriages in this family and the prevalence of WD was 8.9% and of carriers of ATP7B mutation 44.7%. WD was confirmed in 9 out of 76 subjects. All 9 had the c.2299insC mutation, 5 homozygous and 4-compound heterozygous with p. Ala1003Thr. Six of our patients had hepatic, 2 had neurologic and 1 had asymptomatic phenotype. Based on our data and a literature review, clear phenotypes were reported for 38 patients worldwide carrying the c.2299insC mutation. About 53% of those have hepatic and 29% have neurologic phenotype. Furthermore, there were 10 compound heterozygous patients carrying the p. Ala1003Thr mutation. Among those, 80% having c.2299insC as the second mutation had hepatic phenotype, and all others had neurologic phenotype. We hereby report an association between the c.2299insC mutation and hepatic phenotype and between the p. Ala1003Thr mutation and neurologic phenotype.

  8. In vitro Evaluation of a Bombesin Antagonistic Analogue Conjugated with DOTA-Ala(SO3H)-Aminooctanoyl for Targeting of the Gastrin-releasing Peptide Receptor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Jae Cheong; Cho, Eun Ha; Kim, Jin Joo; Lee, So Young; Choi, Sang Mu


    As Bombesin (BBS) binds with high affinity to GRPR, BBS derivatives have been labeled with various radionuclides such as 99 mTc, 111 In, 90 Y, 64 Cu, 177 Lu, 68 Ga, or 18 F and have proved to be successful candidates for peptide receptor radiotherapy (PRRT). In this study, we employed Ala(SO 3 H)-Aminooctanoyl as a linker of BBS antagonistic peptide sequence, Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-N methyl Gly-His-Statine-Leu-NH 2 , with DOTA to prepare radiolabeled candidates for GRPR targeting. A DOTA-conjugated BBS antagonistic analogue was synthesized and radiolabeled with 177 Lu, and in vitro characteristics on GRPR-overexpressing human prostate tumor cells were evaluated. In conclusion, a novel BBS antagonistic analogue, 177 Lu-DOTA-sBBNA, is a promising candidate for the targeting of GRPR-over-expressing tumors. Further investigations to evaluate its in vivo characteristics and therapeutic efficacy are needed

  9. Deciphering a molecular mechanism of neonatal diabetes mellitus by the chemical synthesis of a protein diastereomer, [D-AlaB8]human proinsulin. (United States)

    Avital-Shmilovici, Michal; Whittaker, Jonathan; Weiss, Michael A; Kent, Stephen B H


    Misfolding of proinsulin variants in the pancreatic β-cell, a monogenic cause of permanent neonatal-onset diabetes mellitus, provides a model for a disease of protein toxicity. A hot spot for such clinical mutations is found at position B8, conserved as glycine within the vertebrate insulin superfamily. We set out to investigate the molecular basis of the aberrant properties of a proinsulin clinical mutant in which residue Gly(B8) is replaced by Ser(B8). Modular total chemical synthesis was used to prepare the wild-type [Gly(B8)]proinsulin molecule and three analogs: [D-Ala(B8)]proinsulin, [L-Ala(B8)]proinsulin, and the clinical mutant [L-Ser(B8)]proinsulin. The protein diastereomer [D-Ala(B8)]proinsulin produced higher folding yields at all pH values compared with the wild-type proinsulin and the other two analogs, but showed only very weak binding to the insulin receptor. The clinical mutant [L-Ser(B8)]proinsulin impaired folding at pH 7.5 even in the presence of protein-disulfide isomerase. Surprisingly, although [L-Ser(B8)]proinsulin did not fold well under the physiological conditions investigated, once folded the [L-Ser(B8)]proinsulin protein molecule bound to the insulin receptor more effectively than wild-type proinsulin. Such paradoxical gain of function (not pertinent in vivo due to impaired secretion of the mutant insulin) presumably reflects induced fit in the native mechanism of hormone-receptor engagement. This work provides insight into the molecular mechanism of a clinical mutation in the insulin gene associated with diabetes mellitus. These results dramatically illustrate the power of total protein synthesis, as enabled by modern chemical ligation methods, for the investigation of protein folding and misfolding. © 2014 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  10. Hydrogeological Modelling of the Geothermal Waters of Alaşehir in the Continental Rift Zone of the Gediz, Western Anatolia, Turkey (United States)

    Ӧzgür, Nevzat; Bostancı, Yesim; Anilır Yürük, Ezgi


    In western Anatolia, Turkey, the continental rift zones of the Büyük Menderes, Küçük Menderes and Gediz were formed by extensional tectonic features striking E-W generally and representing a great number of active geothermal systems, epithermal mineralizations and volcanic rocks from Middle Miocene to recent. The geothermal waters are associated with the faults which strike preferentially NW-SE and NE-SW and locate diagonal to general strike of the rift zones of the Menderes Massif. These NW-SE and NE-SW striking faults were probably generated by compressional tectonic regimes which leads to the deformation of uplift between two extensional rift zones in the Menderes Massif. The one of these rift zones is Gediz which is distinguished by a great number of geothermal waters such as Alaşehir, Kurşunlu, Çamurlu, Pamukkale and Urganlı. The geothermal waters of Alaşehir form the biggest potential in the rift zone of Gediz with a capacity of about 100 to 200 MWe. Geologically, the gneisses from the basement rocks in the study area which are overlain by an Paleozoic to Mesozoic intercalation of mica schists, quartzites and marbles, a Miocene intercalation of conglomerates, sandstones and clay stones and Plio-Quaternary intercalation of conglomerates, sandstones and clay stones discordantly. In the study area, Paleozoic to Mesozoic quartzites and marbles form the reservoir rocks hydrogeologically. The geothermal waters anions with Na+K>Ca>Mg dominant cations and HCO3>Cl> dominant anions are of Na-HCO3 type and can be considered as partial equilibrated waters. According to the results of geochemical thermometers, the reservoir temperatures area of about 185°C in accordance with measured reservoir temperatures. Stabile isotopes of δ18O versus δ2H of geothermal waters of Alaşehir deviate from the meteoric water line showing an intensive water-rock interaction under high temperature conditions. These data are well correlated with the results of the

  11. Gömülmüs Atom Potansiyeli Kullanarak CuNi Alasımının Moleküler Dinamik Simulasyonu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eşe Ergün AKPINAR


    Full Text Available Bu çalısmada, CuNi alasımının moleküler dinamik simulasyonu, Sutton-Chen (SC potansiyeli kullanılarak incelendi. Bu potansiyel Cu, Ni ve CuNi in deneysel bilgilerinin fonksiyon parametrelerine fit edilmesiyle elde edildi. CuNi alasımının kristalizasyon sürecini atomik olarak tanımlamak için, gömülmüs atom yöntemini esas alan sabit basınç, sabit sıcaklık (NPT moleküler dinamik simulasyonu uygulandı. Sıvı fazda iken 4x1011 K/s sogutma hızında sogutulan CuNi alasımının yapısı ve kristallesme olusum yetenegi radyal dagılım fonksiyonuyla incelendi. Simulasyon, üç temel dogrultu boyunca periyodik sınır sartlarını saglayan kübik bir hücrede 1024 atom içeren sistemle gerçeklestirildi. Hareket denklemleri Verlet algoritması kullanılarak sayısal olarak çözüldü. Sogutma deneyi için sıvı hal baslangıcı, katının sıvı sıcaklıgına ısıtılmasıyla elde edildi. Sistem 1300-1550K sıvılasma bölgesi üzerindeki sıcaklıkta eritildi ve homojenize edildi ve hızla oda sıcaklıgına sogutuldu.

  12. Aktivitas Manusia dan Distribusi Banteng (Bos Javanicus D’alton 1832 di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Ali Imron


    Full Text Available Human Activities and Distribution of Banteng (Bos Javanicus D’alton 1832 in Alas Purwo National Park This study aims to comprehend whether human activities contribute to the presence of banteng (Bos sundaicus d’Alton 1836 in the Alas Purwo National Park (APNP. We laid continuous strip line transects from centre of human activities to the direction of core area of APNP. Three locations were selected: Sadengan grazing area, Giri Salaka Hinduism praying area, and Kutorejo village; representing low to high human disturbance respectively. We collected both direct and indirect presence of banteng as well as human activities within 20 metre strip lines with 10 metre width. Data were compiled each 100 metres and analyzed with means comparison to observe difference among locations. Correlation analyses were used to assess the relation between distance from centre of human activities, human activities and banteng presence. Regression analysis was used when  significant correlations found. Our non parametric test showed that human disturbances are significantly different among sites (Kruskal Wallis Test; df 2 = 6.220, p< 0.05. In similar tendency but different manner, it is showed that the different levels of human disturbance conveyed significant difference in number of banteng’s tracks (Kruskal Wallis Test; df 2 = 18.888, p< 0.05. The distance from centre of human activities is negatively related to number of human tracks (Spearman rho; r2= -0.307 N= 64, p<0.05* and also to number of banteng’s tracks (Spearman rho, r2= -0.728 N= 30, p<0.05**. The regression analysis showed that number of human tracks explained 18.6% of total variation on number of Banteng’s tracks, while distance from centre of human activities explained 59%.

  13. Frost related dieback in Estonian energy plantations of willows in relation to fertilisation and pathogenic bacteria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cambours, M.A.; Nejad, P. [Department of Forest Mycology and Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7026, 750 07 Uppsala (Sweden); Heinsoo, K. [Institute of Zoology and Botany, Estonian Agricultural University, Riia 181, 51014 Tartu (Estonia); Granhall, U. [Department of Microbiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7025, 750 07 Uppsala (Sweden)


    Two 9-year old Estonian Salix plantations suffering from dieback were studied: one situated on poor mineral soil and divided into fertilised and unfertilised plots (Saare plantation) and another growing on a well-decomposed and nitrogen-rich organic soil, without fertiliser application (Kambja plantation). Bacteria from internal tissues of visually damaged shoots from seven clones were isolated in spring and autumn. The strains were subsequently biochemically characterised and tested for ice nucleation activity and pathogenicity on Salix. Some strains were also analysed with 16S rRNA. High numbers of culturable bacteria were found, belonging mainly to Erwinia, Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas spp. Fertilised plots were significantly more colonised by bacteria than unfertilised plots and also more extensively damaged, showing a lower density of living plants after 7 years of culture. More ice nucleation active (INA) strains were found in Saare fertilised plots and at Kambja than in Saare unfertilised plots. Likewise, most pathogenic strains were isolated from Saare fertilised plots and from Kambja. For some of the willow clones studied, dieback appeared to be related to both clonal frost sensitivity and abundance of INA and pathogenic bacteria. The plantations probably suffered from the presence of high amounts of pathogens and from frost related injuries aggravated by INA bacteria. Most probably the fertilisation at Saare and the nitrogen-rich soil at Kambja created a favourable environment for bacterial development and led to high dieback levels after the first harvest. (author)

  14. Sammaste säraga pole võimalik valgustada meie elu varjukülgi / Janek Nelson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nelson, Janek


    Ilmunud ka: Meie Maa, 8. sept. 2007, lk. 2; Nädaline, 13. sept. 2007, lk. 2; Põhjarannik, 19. sept. 2007, lk. 2; Severnoje Poberezhje, 19. sept. 2007, lk. 2. Rahvaliidu Rapla maakonnaühenduse juht kritiseerib valitsuse tegevust

  15. Taaskinnitati Raplamaa kui turvaliste paikkonna staatus / Maire Kõrver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kõrver, Maire, 1961-


    Rapla maakond kuulub aastast 2004 ainsana Eestis rahvusvahelisse Safe Community ehk turvalise kodupaiga võrgustikku. Ülevaade Raplas toimunud Eesti II Safe Community konverentsist, kus tervitusega Riigikogust ja tunnustussõnadega Rapla maakonna tervisedendajatele esines parlamendi sotsiaalkomisjoni esimees Urmas Reinsalu

  16. An insulin receptor mutant (Asp707 → Ala), involved in leprechaunism, is processed and transported to the cell surface but unable to bind insulin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    L.M. 't Hart (Leen); D. Lindhout (Dick); G.C.M. van der Zon (Gerard); H. Kayserilli (Hülya); M.Y. Apak (Memnune); W.J. Kleijer (Wim); E.R. van der Vorm (Eric); J.A. Maassen (Johannes)


    textabstractWe have identified a homozygous mutation near the carboxyl terminus of the insulin receptor (IR) α subunit from a leprechaun patient, changing Asp707 into Ala. Fibroblasts from this patient had no high affinity insulin binding sites. To examine the effect of the mutation on IR

  17. Estonski kadr pod juzhnõm nebom / Nikolai Hrustaljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hrustaljov, Nikolai


    SRÜ ja Baltimaade 11. filmifestivalil Anapas sai parima meesnäitleja preemia Rain Simmul Nika osa eest Arvo Iho mängufilmis "Karu süda", žürii märkis ära Mark Soosaare 8-minutilise "La Paloma", "Avatud videoööde" peapreemia sai Mikk Ranna "Sääsk ja hobune". Festivali parimaks filmiks kuulutati Igor Minajevi "Kuumaastikud" ("Lunnõje poljanõ")

  18. Euroraha suurendab Eesti võimalusi / Tea Varrak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varrak, Tea


    Rahandusministeeriumi kantsler euroraha kasutamisest ja 2007. aastal algavast uuest seitsme aastasest (2007-2013) tsüklist. Tabel: Struktuurifondidest antavad toetused maakonna järgi (seisuga 31.12.2005). Diagramm: Praeguse ja järgmise perioodi rahaliste mahtude ligikaudne võrdlus

  19. RMK reform jätab maakonda kaks metskonda üheteistkümnest / Silvia Paluoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paluoja, Silvia, 1956-


    Riigimetsa Majandamise Keskus on otsustanud minna 1. juulist üle uuele töökorraldusele. Juhtkonna tasandil kavandatud reform jagab Eestimaa senise viie RMK regiooni asemel kolmeks: moodustuvad RMK Kirde, Kagu ja Edela regioon. Lisa: RMK reform Pärnu maakonnas

  20. Näljastreiki pidanud Mussolini ei suutnud oma parteid päästa / Ülle Toode

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toode, Ülle, 1969-


    Benito Mussolini lapselaps Alessandra Mussolini korraldas Roomas kohtuhoone ees näljastreigi, lootes, et kohus lubab tal osaleda Lazio maakonna kohalikel valimistel. Itaalia valimiskomisjoni teatel on Lazios Mussolini partei toetuseks kogutud rohkem kui 4000 allkirjast vähemalt 870 võltsitud

  1. Motivación y Hábitos de estudio en estudiantes de la Universidad Alas Peruanas, Filial Juliaca


    Quispe Tapia, David


    El objetivo de la presente tesis es sustentar la influencia de la motivación en el habito de estudio en los estudiantes de la Universidad Alas Peruana, filial Juliaca. Asimismo, conocer de qué manera influye la motivación intrínseca y la motivación extrínseca en los hábitos de estudio. Los métodos y el estudio corresponde al tipo cualitativo, básico y con un diseño descriptivo correlacional, con una población de estudio de 160 estudiantes de los cuales se obtuvo una muestra ...

  2. Quantitative model calculation of the time-dependent protoporphyrin IX concentration in normal human epidermis after delivery of ALA by passive topical application or lontophoresis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Star, Willem M.; Aalders, Maurice C. G.; Sac, Arnoldo; Sterenborg, Henricus J. C. M.


    We present a mathematical layer model to quantitatively calculate the diffusion of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in the skin in vivo, its uptake into the cells and its conversion to protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) and subsequently to heme. The model is a modification and extension of a recently presented

  3. Evaluation of the hepatic bioconversion of α-linolenic acid (ALA to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA in rats fed with oils from chia (Salvia hispánica or rosa mosqueta (Rosa rubiginosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tapia O., G.


    Full Text Available The high dietary intake of n-6 fatty acids in relation to n-3 fatty acids generates health disorders, such as cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory diseases and other chronic diseases. The consumption of fish, which is rich in n-3 fatty acids, is low in Latin America and it is necessary to seek other alternatives, such as chia oil (CO or rosa mosqueta oil (RMO, which are rich in α-linolenic acid (ALA, the precursor of the n -3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA. This study evaluates the hepatic bioconversion of ALA to EPA and DHA and the damage to the liver (histology and transaminase in Sprague- Dawley rats fed different vegetable oils. Four experimental groups (n = 9 animals each group were fed the following dietary supplements for 21 days: a sunflower oil (SFO, b RMO, c CO d olive oil with fish oil added (EPA and DHA (OO/FO. RMO and CO increased the hepatic levels of ALA, EPA and DHA and decreased the n-6/n-3 ratio compared to SFO (p El elevado aporte en la dieta de ácidos grasos omega- 6, en relación a los ácidos grasos omega-3, genera alteraciones de la salud cardiovascular, inflamación y otras patologías crónicas no transmisibles. Por otro lado, el pescado rico en ácidos grasos omega-3 es de bajo consumo en Latinoamérica, siendo necesario buscar otras alternativas de aporte de ácidos grasos omega-3, como lo son el aceite de chía (CO o el de rosa mosqueta (RMO, ricos en ácido α-linolénico (ALA, que es el precursor de los ácidos grasos omega-3, eicosapentaenoico (EPA y docosahexaenoico (DHA. Este trabajo evaluó en forma preliminar la bioconversión hepática del ALA en EPA y DHA y el daño hepático (histología y transaminasas en ratas Sprague-Dawley alimentadas con diferentes aceites vegetales. Se conformaron cuatro grupos experimentales (n = 9 animales por grupo que recibieron durante 21 días: a aceite de girasol (SFO; b RMO, c CO y d aceite de oliva adicionado de aceite de pescado (EPA

  4. PPAR gamma Pro(12)Ala polymorphism and risk of acute coronary syndrome in a prospective study of Danes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vogel, Ulla Birgitte; Segel, Stine; Dethlefsen, Claus


    Background: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) plays a key role in the regulation of the energy balance, adipocyte differentiation and lipid biosynthesis. The aim...... was to investigate if the polymorphism PPAR gamma 2 Pro(12)Ala, which encodes a less efficient transcription factor, was associated with risk of acute coronary disease and if there were interactions between this polymorphism and factors that modify PPAR gamma activity, such as alcohol intake, smoking, and use of non...

  5. Ala397Asp mutation of myosin VIIA gene segregating in a Spanish family with type-Ib Usher syndrome. (United States)

    Espinós, C; Millán, J M; Sánchez, F; Beneyto, M; Nájera, C


    In the current study, 12 Spanish families affected by type-I Usher syndrome, that was previously linked to chromosome 11q, were screened for the presence of mutations in the N-terminal coding portion of the motor domain of the myosin VIIA gene by single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis of the first 14 exons. A mutation (Ala397Asp) segregating with the disease was identified, and several polymorphisms were also detected. It is presumed that the other USHIB mutations in these families could be located in the unscreened regions of the gene.

  6. Refractive properties of imidazolium ionic liquids with alanine anion [C n mim][Ala] ( n = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) (United States)

    Zhou, Cai-bin; Li, Jing; Yi, Zhe; Ai, Hong-jun


    Imidazolium ionic liquids with alanine anion, [C n mim][Ala] ( n = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), were prepared and characterized. The standard addition method was used to measure refractivity of the synthesized ionic liquids in order to eliminate the effect of water traces in the ionic liquids. The molar refraction and molecular polarizability were also calculated by Lorentz-Lorenz's method. Using liner extrapolation, the semiempirical estimation method for optical properties of other ionic liquids with amino acid anions was established.

  7. Vabastajad või vallutajad? Siseasjade Rahvakomissariaadi Tartu Linnaosakonna tegevusest 1944. aastal / Pearu Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Pearu, 1974-


    Tartu linnas ja maakonnas rinde üleliikumise järel valitsenud olukorrast 1944. aastal : opratiivgruppide moodustamisest, SARK-i Tartu osakonna tegevuse algusest, elanikkonna registreerimisest, operatiiv-agentuurtöö käivitamisest, arreteerimistest, sõjaväelaste omavolist ja marodöörlusest

  8. Riigi haldusterritoriaalse jaotuse Gordioni sõlm / Janno Reiljan, Aivo Ülper

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reiljan, Janno, 1951-2018


    Analüüsitakse Eesti riigi haldusterritoriaalse jaotuse teoreetilisi, poliitilisi ja korralduslikke aluseid, tehakse võrdlusi Põhjamaadega ning sellest lähtuvalt pakutakse välja suund sisulise lahenduse otsimiseks. Omavalitsusüksuste suuruse empiiriline analüüs toetub Viljandi maakonna andmetele.

  9. Ryder Cup ning rahvusvaheline kogemus teenindusvaldkonnast / Liis Meeras

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meeras, Liis


    Iirimaal Dublini lähedal Kildare maakonna provintsis asuvas K-Clubis 22.-24. septembrini toimunud 36. Ryder Cup turniirist, mis on üks prestiizhikaim golfiüritus maailmas. Oma muljetest räägivad üritusel teenindanud turismitudengid TÜ Pärnu kolledzhist

  10. Palkade pingerida tekitas pahameelt / Kadri Haavajõe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haavajõe, Kadri


    Rahandusministeeriumi poolt koostatud pingerida õpetajate palkadest näitas, et Lääne-Virumaa õpetajatest kõige kõrgemat palka saavad Tamsalu valla õpetajad, keskmiselt 11 916 krooni, kõige väiksem oli aga maakonnas Viru-Nigula pedagoogide palk - 8 768 krooni

  11. Konverents andis piirkonna arengukava koostamiseks avalöögi / Helve Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Helve, 1958-


    Ülevaade Põltsamaal toimunud arengukonverentsist, millega alustati üle linna piiride vaatava arengukava koostamist aastani 2025. Konverentsi peaesinejateks olid Põltsamaa linnavolikogu liige Margus Oro, linnapea Jaan Aiaots ning regionaalminister Vallo Reimaa. Vt. samas: Vallo Reimaa: Keskus-tagamaa süsteemis maakonnas kolm linna

  12. Problemu postavili v otshered / Tarmo Tammiste ; interv. Jevgenia Aleksejeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammiste, Tarmo, 1962-


    Narva linnapea ei nõustu seisukohaga, et Eesti-Vene piiril tekkinud pikkade ootejärjekordadega kaasnenud probleemid on vaid maakonna või Narva linna mure. Narva on teinud ettepanekuid olukorra parandamiseks, kuid need on linnapea sõnul jäänud vastuseta

  13. SLC6A3 coding variant Ala559Val found in two autism probands alters dopamine transporter function and trafficking. (United States)

    Bowton, E; Saunders, C; Reddy, I A; Campbell, N G; Hamilton, P J; Henry, L K; Coon, H; Sakrikar, D; Veenstra-VanderWeele, J M; Blakely, R D; Sutcliffe, J; Matthies, H J G; Erreger, K; Galli, A


    Emerging evidence associates dysfunction in the dopamine (DA) transporter (DAT) with the pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The human DAT (hDAT; SLC6A3) rare variant with an Ala to Val substitution at amino acid 559 (hDAT A559V) was previously reported in individuals with bipolar disorder or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We have demonstrated that this variant is hyper-phosphorylated at the amino (N)-terminal serine (Ser) residues and promotes an anomalous DA efflux phenotype. Here, we report the novel identification of hDAT A559V in two unrelated ASD subjects and provide the first mechanistic description of its impaired trafficking phenotype. DAT surface expression is dynamically regulated by DAT substrates including the psychostimulant amphetamine (AMPH), which causes hDAT trafficking away from the plasma membrane. The integrity of DAT trafficking directly impacts DA transport capacity and therefore dopaminergic neurotransmission. Here, we show that hDAT A559V is resistant to AMPH-induced cell surface redistribution. This unique trafficking phenotype is conferred by altered protein kinase C β (PKCβ) activity. Cells expressing hDAT A559V exhibit constitutively elevated PKCβ activity, inhibition of which restores the AMPH-induced hDAT A559V membrane redistribution. Mechanistically, we link the inability of hDAT A559V to traffic in response to AMPH to the phosphorylation of the five most distal DAT N-terminal Ser. Mutation of these N-terminal Ser to Ala restores AMPH-induced trafficking. Furthermore, hDAT A559V has a diminished ability to transport AMPH, and therefore lacks AMPH-induced DA efflux. Pharmacological inhibition of PKCβ or Ser to Ala substitution in the hDAT A559V background restores AMPH-induced DA efflux while promoting intracellular AMPH accumulation. Although hDAT A559V is a rare variant, it has been found in multiple probands with neuropsychiatric disorders associated with imbalances in DA neurotransmission

  14. In vitro Evaluation of a Bombesin Antagonistic Analogue Conjugated with DOTA-Ala(SO{sub 3}H)-Aminooctanoyl for Targeting of the Gastrin-releasing Peptide Receptor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lim, Jae Cheong; Cho, Eun Ha; Kim, Jin Joo; Lee, So Young; Choi, Sang Mu [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    As Bombesin (BBS) binds with high affinity to GRPR, BBS derivatives have been labeled with various radionuclides such as {sup 99}mTc, {sup 111}In, {sup 90}Y, {sup 64}Cu, {sup 177}Lu, {sup 68}Ga, or {sup 18}F and have proved to be successful candidates for peptide receptor radiotherapy (PRRT). In this study, we employed Ala(SO{sub 3}H)-Aminooctanoyl as a linker of BBS antagonistic peptide sequence, Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-N methyl Gly-His-Statine-Leu-NH{sub 2}, with DOTA to prepare radiolabeled candidates for GRPR targeting. A DOTA-conjugated BBS antagonistic analogue was synthesized and radiolabeled with {sup 177}Lu, and in vitro characteristics on GRPR-overexpressing human prostate tumor cells were evaluated. In conclusion, a novel BBS antagonistic analogue, {sup 177}Lu-DOTA-sBBNA, is a promising candidate for the targeting of GRPR-over-expressing tumors. Further investigations to evaluate its in vivo characteristics and therapeutic efficacy are needed.

  15. DVD. Kalmer Saar soovitab: "Casanova", "Fellini's Casanova" / Kalmer Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Kalmer


    Kaks DVD-d mängufilmidega seiklejast Giovanni Giacomo Casanovast (1725-1798) : "Casanova", režissöör Lasse Hallström : Ameerika Ühendriigid 1995 ja "Federico Fellini Casanova" : režissöör F. Fellini, Itaalia 1976. Ka filmi lisadest DVD-l

  16. A cyclic carbo-isosteric penta-depsipeptide: cyclo(Phe1–d-Ala2–Gly3–Phe4–APO5

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stéphanie M. Guéret


    Full Text Available The title compound, cyclo(Phe1–d-Ala2–Gly3–Phe4–APO5, C26H32N4O5, is the minor diastereoisomer of a cyclic penta-peptidomimetic analogue containing a novel 2-aminopropyl lactone (APO motif, which displays the same number of atoms as the native amino acid glycine and has a methyl group in place of the carbonyl O atom. The crystal structure presented here allows the analysis of the secondary structure of this unprecedented cyclic carbo-isosteric depsipeptide. The conformation of the central ring is stabilized by an intramolecular N—H...O hydrogen bond between the carbonyl O atom of the first residue (Phe1 and the amide group H atom of the fourth residue (Phe4. Based on the previously reported hydrogen bond and on the values of the torsion angles ϕ and ψ, the loop formed by the first, second, third and fourth residues (Phe1, d-Ala2, Gly3 and Phe4 can be classified as a type II′ β-turn. The loop around the new peptidomimetic motif, on the other hand, resembles an open γ-turn containing a weak N—H...O hydrogen bond between the carbonyl group O atom of the fourth residue (Phe4 and the amide unit H atom of the first residue (Phe1. In the crystal, the peptidomimetic molecules are arranged in chains along the b-axis direction. Within such a chain, the molecules of the structure are linked via N—H...O hydrogen bonds between the amide group H atom of the secondary residue (d-Ala2 and the carboxy unit O atom of the fourth residue (Phe4 in a neighboring molecule. The newly formed methyl stereocentre of the APO peptidomimetic motif (APO5 was obtained as the minor diastereoisomer in a ring-closing reductive amination reaction and adopts an R configuration.

  17. Tessier No. 3 and No. 4 clefts: Sequential treatment in infancy by pre-surgical orthopedic skeletal contraction, comprehensive reconstruction, and novel surgical lengthening of the ala base-canthal distance. (United States)

    Spolyar, John L; Hnatiuk, Mark; Shaheen, Kenneth W; Mertz, Jennifer K; Handler, Lawrence F; Jarial, Ravinder; Roldán, J Camilo


    Repair of facial clefts implies wide tissue mobilization with multi-stage surgical treatment. Authors propose pre-surgical orthopedic correction for naso-oro-ocular clefts and a novel surgical option for Tessier No. 3 cleft. Two male infants, a Tessier No. 3 cleft (age 7 months) and another Tessier No. 4 (age 3 months), were treated with a modified orthopedic Latham device with additional septo-premaxillary molding and observed to age four years. Tessier No. 3 orthopedic measurements were obtained by image corrected cephalometric analysis. Subsequent repair included tissue expansion on Tessier No. 4 and naso-frontal Rieger flap combined with myocutaneous upper lid flap on Tessier No. 3. Orthopedic movements ranged from 18.5 mm in bi-planar to 33 mm in oblique analyses. Tissue margins became aligned with platform normalization. Tissue expansion on Tessier No. 4 improved distances from ala base-lower lid and subalar base-lip. The naso-frontal flap combined with myocutaneous upper lid flap on Tessier No. 3 had similar achievement, but also sufficiently lengthened ala base-canthal distance. Repairs were facilitated by pre-surgical orthopedic correction. The naso-frontal flap combined with an upper lid myocutaneous flap seems viable as a single-stage option to lengthen ala base-canthal distance to advance repair achievement in unilateral Tessier No. 3. Copyright © 2015 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Võidukad sambad

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    William Wallace'i monument Shotimaal, Korea armee võite Jaapani vägede üle tähistav Bukgwani mälestusmärk, Berliini Siegessäule, Hispaania kodusõjas langunute mälestusmärk Valle de los Caidos, Bolzano maakonna Võidumonument

  19. Jörg Specht: toetan niikaua, kui suudan / Jörg Specht ; interv. Elina Kononenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Specht, Jörg


    Võru maakonna 2004. a. parimaks toetajaks valiti Jörg Specht, kes töötab Bad Segebergis ehitusettevõtjana ning on Võrumaale toonud suurel hulgal abipakke ja kingitusi. Mullu autasustati teda päästeameti hõberistiga. Vt. samas: Specht kinkis Kandlele oma auto

  20. Palkmaja mõisahäärberiks / Ene Pajula

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pajula, Ene, 1950-


    Riguldi (Rickholtzi) mõisa ajaloost, omanikest, klassitsistlikust häärberist, kõrvalhoonetest. 1967. aastast kuulub Riguldi Tallinna 1. internaatkoolile. Vana kuivati on Taubede järeltulijad tagasi ostnud ja suvemajaks ümber ehitanud. Kommentaarid Lääne maakonna arhitektilt Tõnis Padult. 10 ill

  1. Structural study of the AlP, GaAs and AlAs semiconductors with wurtzite structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bautista H, A.; Perez A, L.; Pal, U.; Rivas S, J.F.


    In this work we present ab initio calculations of optimization geometries, lattice constant and electronic structure for semiconductors wurtzite type, like AIN, CdS, Zn S, Zn Se, Ga N and GaAs. For this, we used the CASTEP program of CERUIS with LDA and GGA approximations, in the framework of Functional Density Theory. The used pseudopotentials are available in that program and were generated using the optimization scheme of Troullier-Martins. With the lattice constant just optimized, we calculate then the X-ray spectra for studied semiconductors.We analyzed the effect of used pseudopotentials on function of the results obtained. Finally, we predicted the geometry and X-ray pattern for AIP, AlAs and GaAs with wurtzite structure, giving evidence about the semiconductor character of these materials. (Author)

  2. Preliminary Validation of a High Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and -Linolenic Acid (ALA) Dietary Oil Blend: Tissue Fatty Acid Composition and Liver Proteome Response in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Smolts. (United States)

    Nuez-Ortín, Waldo G; Carter, Chris G; Wilson, Richard; Cooke, Ira; Nichols, Peter D


    Marine oils are important to human nutrition as the major source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a key omega-3 long-chain (≥C20) polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 LC-PUFA) that is low or lacking in terrestrial plant or animal oils. The inclusion of fish oil as main source of n-3 LC-PUFA in aquafeeds is mostly limited by the increasing price and decreasing availability. Fish oil replacement with cheaper terrestrial plant and animal oils has considerably reduced the content of n-3 LC-PUFA in flesh of farmed Atlantic salmon. Novel DHA-enriched oils with high alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) content will be available from transgenic oilseeds plants in the near future as an alternative for dietary fish oil replacement in aquafeeds. As a preliminary validation, we formulated an oil blend (TOFX) with high DHA and ALA content using tuna oil (TO) high in DHA and the flaxseed oil (FX) high in ALA, and assessed its ability to achieve fish oil-like n-3 LC-PUFA tissue composition in Atlantic salmon smolts. We applied proteomics as an exploratory approach to understand the effects of nutritional changes on the fish liver. Comparisons were made between fish fed a fish oil-based diet (FO) and a commercial-like oil blend diet (fish oil + poultry oil, FOPO) over 89 days. Growth and feed efficiency ratio were lower on the TOFX diet. Fish muscle concentration of n-3 LC-PUFA was significantly higher for TOFX than for FOPO fish, but not higher than for FO fish, while retention efficiency of n-3 LC-PUFA was promoted by TOFX relative to FO. Proteomics analysis revealed an oxidative stress response indicative of the main adaptive physiological mechanism in TOFX fish. While specific dietary fatty acid concentrations and balances and antioxidant supplementation may need further attention, the use of an oil with a high content of DHA and ALA can enhance tissue deposition of n-3 LC-PUFA in relation to a commercially used oil blend.

  3. Preliminary Validation of a High Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA and -Linolenic Acid (ALA Dietary Oil Blend: Tissue Fatty Acid Composition and Liver Proteome Response in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar Smolts.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Waldo G Nuez-Ortín

    Full Text Available Marine oils are important to human nutrition as the major source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, a key omega-3 long-chain (≥C20 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 LC-PUFA that is low or lacking in terrestrial plant or animal oils. The inclusion of fish oil as main source of n-3 LC-PUFA in aquafeeds is mostly limited by the increasing price and decreasing availability. Fish oil replacement with cheaper terrestrial plant and animal oils has considerably reduced the content of n-3 LC-PUFA in flesh of farmed Atlantic salmon. Novel DHA-enriched oils with high alpha-linolenic acid (ALA content will be available from transgenic oilseeds plants in the near future as an alternative for dietary fish oil replacement in aquafeeds. As a preliminary validation, we formulated an oil blend (TOFX with high DHA and ALA content using tuna oil (TO high in DHA and the flaxseed oil (FX high in ALA, and assessed its ability to achieve fish oil-like n-3 LC-PUFA tissue composition in Atlantic salmon smolts. We applied proteomics as an exploratory approach to understand the effects of nutritional changes on the fish liver. Comparisons were made between fish fed a fish oil-based diet (FO and a commercial-like oil blend diet (fish oil + poultry oil, FOPO over 89 days. Growth and feed efficiency ratio were lower on the TOFX diet. Fish muscle concentration of n-3 LC-PUFA was significantly higher for TOFX than for FOPO fish, but not higher than for FO fish, while retention efficiency of n-3 LC-PUFA was promoted by TOFX relative to FO. Proteomics analysis revealed an oxidative stress response indicative of the main adaptive physiological mechanism in TOFX fish. While specific dietary fatty acid concentrations and balances and antioxidant supplementation may need further attention, the use of an oil with a high content of DHA and ALA can enhance tissue deposition of n-3 LC-PUFA in relation to a commercially used oil blend.

  4. Fluvial sedimentary styles and associated depositional environments in the buntsandstein west of river rhine in saar area and pfalz (F.R. Germany) and vosges (France) (United States)

    Dachroth, Wolfgang

    The Buntsandstein west of river Rhine in Saar area, Pfalz and Vosges consists of three fluvial magnacycles which are characterized by different associated non-alluvial environments. The stratigraphic sequence is divided by several unconformities reflecting tectonic movements which were connected with periods of extension of the depositional area. Two major phases and two minor events are recognized by the evaluation of the Pfalz unconformity and the Lothringen unconformity, and the Leuter unconformity and the Saar unconformity, respectively. The Lower Buntsandstein (including Zechstein) compries the first magnacycle and is built up of alluvial-fan deposits, fluvial braidplain sediments and marine to lagoonal deposits. Some aeolian sands as well as several palaeosols are also present. The palaeolandscape consists of alluvial fans seaming the margin of the basin and fluvial braidplains reaching from the toes of the fan belt to the centre of the depositional area which is occupied by a lagoonal sea that partially evolves into a playa-lake with progressive refreshment. The Middle Buntsandstein comprises the second magnacycle and is composed of an alternation of aeolian Dünnschichten and fluvial Felsbänke. The third facies are alluvial-fan deposits of palaeogeographically restricted distribution along the margins of the basin. The aeolian Dünnschichten originate in the marginal parts of chott-type depressions (in comparison with the recent Chott Djerid in Tunesia) where rising ground water moistens the dry sediments that are laid down on the playa floor and thus allows their enhanced preservation. In dry periods, wind-blown sand is spread out as plane sheets or as migrating wind ripple trains, or accumulates to barchanoid-type dunes that advance across the flat. Depending on supply of sand, all stages of transition between dune fields with only narrow interdune corridors between the ridges and interdune playas with isolated widely-spaced dunes are developed. The

  5. Pärandkultuur - muinsuskaitse reserv / Jüri Kusmin, Vaike Pommer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kusmin, Jüri


    Riigimetsa Majandamise Keskuse initsiatiivil ja Euroopa struktuurifondide toel viidi aastatel 2005-2007 Eesti neljas maakonnas - Läänemaa, Raplamaa, Harjumaal ja Järvamaal - läbi metsandusliku pärandkultuuri inventuur. Kaardistatud on enam kui 6300 objekti. Andmed on kantud Maa-Ameti andmebaasi geoportaali X-GIS.

  6. Muusikamaailm : Rostropovitshi suurprojekt. Festival "Arsenal Baroque" Metzis. "UltraSchall" Berliinis. Vermeuleni preemia 2000. Thielemann jääb Berliini. Henri Tomasi ئ 100 / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    M. Rostropovitsh tõi publiku ette Shostakovitshi ooperi "Mtsenski maakonna leedi Macbeth". Festivalist Arsenal Baroque" Metzis. Rahvusvahelisest festivalist "UltraSchall" Berliinis. Matthijs Vermeuleni nim. preemia sai tänavu R. Rijnvos. C. Thielemann jääb Deutsche Operi muusikadirektoriks veel aastani 2007. Lühidalt H. Tomasist

  7. Saksa kolonistid Baltikumis 18.-20. sajandil / Tiit Rosenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rosenberg, Tiit, 1946-


    Esimene püsivam saksa talupoegade asundus tekkis Liivimaal Võnnu (Cesise) maakonnas 18. sajandi keskel. Suurem saksa põllutööliste laine jõudis Liivimaale 1860. aastate algul. Esimese maailmasõja eelsetel aastatel tõid mõisnikud Venemaa saksa kolooniatest Eestisse ligikaudu 400 saksa peret

  8. Comment: studies of the Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPAR-gamma gene in the Danish MONICA cohort: homozygosity of the Ala allele confers a decreased risk of the insulin resistance syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Laura; Brødbaek, Kasper; Fenger, Mogens


    with the frequency in the non-IRS group [2.8% (2.1-3.5%); P = 0.02; odds ratio, 0.24 (0.06-0.99)]. Moreover, in the total study population, homozygous carriers of the variant had lower levels of fasting serum triglyceride [1.1 +/- 0.4 mmol/liter (means +/- SD) vs. 1.4 +/- 0.9 mmol/liter; P = 0.04] and a lower...... was examined using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism in a phenotypically well characterized population-based sample of 2245 nondiabetic subjects. The study participants were characterized by a number of anthropometric and biochemical measurements and the European Group for the Study of Insulin...... Resistance criteria enabling a classification of the study population in an IRS group and a non-IRS group. The allelic frequency of the Pro12Ala polymorphism in the total study sample was 14% (95% confidence interval, 13-15%). Two hundred ninety-four subjects fulfilled the European Group for the Study...

  9. Analysis of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD: Ala-9Val and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px: Pro 197 Leu gene polymorphisms in mood disorders.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Birgül Elbozan Cumurcu


    Full Text Available We investigated the etiopathogenetic role of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD (Ala-9Val and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px (Pro 197 Leu gene polymorphisms in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD and bipolar I disorder (BD. Eighty patients with MDD, 82 patients with BD (total 162 patients and 96 healthy controls were enrolled in this study and genotyped using a Real Time-Quantitative Polymer Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR-based method. The patients with BD and MDD and the controls had a similar distribution of the genotypes and alleles in the Ala-9Val MnSOD gene polymorphism. Comparison of the MDD group and control group regarding the Pro197 Leu GSH-Px gene polymorphism revealed similar genotype distribution but different allele distribution. The BD group and control group were similar both for genotypes and for alleles when compared regarding the Pro 197 Leu GSH-Px gene polymorphism. The combined analysis (MDD plus BD also failed to find any association between the Ala-9Val MnSOD and Pro 197 Leu GSH-Px gene polymorphism. Although small statistical power of the current study the significant difference between patients with depression and the control group for the Pro 197 Leu GSH-Px polymorphism indicates that the distribution of these alleles may have a contribution in the physiopathogenesis of depression. One of the limitation of the current study is that the sample size is too small. Understanding of the exact role of Pro 197 LeuGSH-Px polymorphism in the development of depression needs to further studies with more sample size and high statistical power.

  10. MTHFR Glu429Ala and ERCC5 His46His polymorphisms are associated with prognosis in colorectal cancer patients: analysis of two independent cohorts from Newfoundland.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amit A Negandhi

    Full Text Available In this study, 27 genetic polymorphisms that were previously reported to be associated with clinical outcomes in colorectal cancer patients were investigated in relation to overall survival (OS and disease free survival (DFS in colorectal cancer patients from Newfoundland.The discovery and validation cohorts comprised of 532 and 252 patients, respectively. Genotypes of 27 polymorphisms were first obtained in the discovery cohort and survival analyses were performed assuming the co-dominant genetic model. Polymorphisms associated with disease outcomes in the discovery cohort were then investigated in the validation cohort.When adjusted for sex, age, tumor stage and microsatellite instability (MSI status, four polymorphisms were independent predictors of OS in the discovery cohort MTHFR Glu429Ala (HR: 1.72, 95%CI: 1.04-2.84, p = 0.036, ERCC5 His46His (HR: 1.78, 95%CI: 1.15-2.76, p = 0.01, SERPINE1 -675indelG (HR: 0.52, 95%CI: 0.32-0.84, p = 0.008, and the homozygous deletion of GSTM1 gene (HR: 1.4, 95%CI: 1.03-1.92, p = 0.033. In the validation cohort, the MTHFR Glu429Ala polymorphism was associated with shorter OS (HR: 1.71, 95%CI: 1.18-2.49, p = 0.005, although with a different genotype than the discovery cohort (CC genotype in the discovery cohort and AC genotype in the validation cohort. When stratified based on treatment with 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU-based regimens, this polymorphism was associated with reduced OS only in patients not treated with 5-FU. In the DFS analysis, when adjusted for other variables, the TT genotype of the ERCC5 His46His polymorphism was associated with shorter DFS in both cohorts (discovery cohort: HR: 1.54, 95%CI: 1.04-2.29, p = 0.032 and replication cohort: HR: 1.81, 95%CI: 1.11-2.94, p = 0.018.In this study, associations of the MTHFR Glu429Ala polymorphism with OS and the ERCC5 His46His polymorphism with DFS were identified in two colorectal cancer patient cohorts. Our results also suggest

  11. Siim Nestor soovitab : Rulers of the Deep. Tartu Popi ja Roki Instituut. Väliskülalised / Siim Nestor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nestor, Siim, 1974-


    Duo Rulers of the Deep heliplaadi "Next Evolution" esitlustest 28. apr. Ranna klubis Sillamäel, 29. apr. klubis Hollywood Tallinnas, 30. apr. Rakvere teatrikohvikus, 5. mail klubis Privé Tallinnas, 6. mail klubis Illusion Tartus. Ansambli Tartu Popi ja Roki Instituut esikalbumi "Madise margikogu" esitlusest 29. apr. Sõbra Majas Tartus. James Mowbray 28. apr. klubis Privé Tallinnas ja 29. apr. klubis Illusioon, Maga Mo peol "Bassikultuur" 28. apr. Von Krahlis Tallinnas

  12. Eesti Ettevõtete TOP 100

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    TOP 100. Käibe TOP 500. Käibe kasvu TOP 100. Kasumi TOP 100. Kasumi kasvu TOP 100. Rentaabluse TOP 100. Omakapitali tootlikkuse TOP 100. Eesti edukamate ettevõtete üldandmed. Eesti edukamate ettevõtete finantsnäitajad. Valdkonna ja maakonna TOP-ide edukamate ettevõtete finantsnäitajad

  13. Parimad noored lauljad on selgunud. Laval särasid noored lauljad / Ülle Jantson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jantson, Ülle


    Pärnu linna ja maakonna noorte solistide konkursist "Sügisulg" (produtsendiks Helen Erastus), mille võitjad esindavad Pärnumaad üle-eestilisel laulukonkursil "Laulukarussell 2008". Finaalkontsertidest 10.-19aastastele 23. nov. Pärnu kontserdimajas ja 3-9aastastele 25. nov. Endla teatri Küünis, nimekiri võitjatest

  14. Regional profile : Estonia - Harju county / Erik Terk, Silja Kurik, Marko Tiirinen...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ülevaade Harjumaast, ajalooline kujunemine, Harju maakond kui Eesti majanduselu keskus. Harjumaa logistiline potensiaal. Tabelid ja diagrammid: demograafilisi andmeid Harju maakonna kohta; tööhõive muutused Harjumaal 1992-1998; turism 1994-1998; tööpuudus ja tööturg 1991-1999; majanduslikud näitajad

  15. Statistical analysis of wind speed using two-parameter Weibull distribution in Alaçatı region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozay, Can; Celiktas, Melih Soner


    Highlights: • Wind speed & direction data from September 2008 to March 2014 has been analyzed. • Mean wind speed for the whole data set has been found to be 8.11 m/s. • Highest wind speed is observed in July with a monthly mean value of 9.10 m/s. • Wind speed with the most energy has been calculated as 12.77 m/s. • Observed data has been fit to a Weibull distribution and k &c parameters have been calculated as 2.05 and 9.16. - Abstract: Weibull Statistical Distribution is a common method for analyzing wind speed measurements and determining wind energy potential. Weibull probability density function can be used to forecast wind speed, wind density and wind energy potential. In this study a two-parameter Weibull statistical distribution is used to analyze the wind characteristics of Alaçatı region, located in Çeşme, İzmir. The data used in the density function are acquired from a wind measurement station in Alaçatı. Measurements were gathered on three different heights respectively 70, 50 and 30 m between 10 min intervals for five and half years. As a result of this study; wind speed frequency distribution, wind direction trends, mean wind speed, and the shape and the scale (k&c) Weibull parameters have been calculated for the region. Mean wind speed for the entirety of the data set is found to be 8.11 m/s. k&c parameters are found as 2.05 and 9.16 in relative order. Wind direction analysis along with a wind rose graph for the region is also provided with the study. Analysis suggests that higher wind speeds which range from 6–12 m/s are prevalent between the sectors 340–360°. Lower wind speeds, from 3 to 6 m/s occur between sectors 10–29°. Results of this study contribute to the general knowledge about the regions wind energy potential and can be used as a source for investors and academics.

  16. Meat, milk, saturated fatty acids, the Pro12Ala and C161T polymorphisms of the PPARgamma gene and colorectal cancer risk in Japanese. (United States)

    Kuriki, Kiyonori; Hirose, Kaoru; Matsuo, Keitaro; Wakai, Kenji; Ito, Hidemi; Kanemitsu, Yukihide; Hirai, Takashi; Kato, Tomoyuki; Hamajima, Nobuyuki; Takezaki, Toshiro; Suzuki, Takeshi; Saito, Toshiko; Tanaka, Rie; Tajima, Kazuo


    The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) gene plays important roles in energy homeostasis. To examine interactions between consumption of foods and fatty acids and the Pro12Ala and C161T (His447His) polymorphisms for colorectal cancer, we performed two case-control studies in Japanese. In study 1, there were 128 colorectal cancer cases and 238 non-cancer controls, and in study 2 there were 257 cases and 771 (age- and sex-matched) non-cancer controls. Assessment of food and nutrients consumption in study 1 was via a nine-item questionnaire, while in study 2 assessment of consumption was according to a more detailed semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Consumption of foods and fatty acids was divided into low, moderate and high groups. The overall frequency of the Ala allele was frequencies of the Pro/Pro + C/C and Pro/Pro + (C/T + T/T) genotypes were 70-73% and 20-26%, respectively. Compared with subjects with low meat intake and the Pro/Pro + C/C genotype, those with high meat consumption and the same genotype had a stronger increased risk in study 1 [OR, 2.88; 95% CI, 1.14-7.30; P for trend = 0.02], but a positive association with processed meat consumption was greatest in those with the Pro/Pro + (C/T + T/T) genotype (P for trend = 0.05) in study 2. Likewise, high consumption of saturated fatty acids and milk appeared to confer marginal increased risk and stronger decreased risk, respectively, in those with the Pro/Pro and Pro/Pro + C/C genotypes (OR, 1.35 and 0.65; 95% CI, 0.93-1.96 and 0.43-1.00; P for trend = 0.10 and 0.06). Further large-scale studies are needed to determine colorectal cancer risk according to relationships between the PPARgamma gene polymorphisms and dietary intakes of meat, processed meat, milk and saturated fatty acids in Japanese with very low frequency of the Ala allele.

  17. Use of 99mTc-HYNIC-βAla-Bombesina(7-14) peptide for the identification of prostate tumor, LNCaP line, in an experimental model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuscaldi, Leonardo Lima


    Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent tumors in men, showing high mortality rates. Current diagnostic methods are not able to identify early prostate carcinoma, often resulting in a late diagnosis with established metastasis. Thus, there is by the scientific community an incessant search for diagnostic methods for early assessment of prostate cancer, facilitating the treatment and increasing the chances of cure. In this context, nuclear medicine provides a diagnostic method which can detect tumors at an early stage, because it is based on biochemical and physiological changes of the tissue, such as overexpression of gastrin releasing peptide receptors (GRPr's) by prostate cancer cells. Bombesin, a tetradecapeptide isolated from the frog Bombina bombina, has a high affinity for the GRPr's, since it is analogous to gastrin releasing peptide. Therefore, this study aims to prepare the complex 99m Tc-HYNIC-βAla-Bombesina (7-14) and use it for the identification of prostate tumor, LNCaP line, in an experimental model. For in vitro assays, aliquots of 0.026 MBq of the radiopeptide were incubated with 2x10 6 LNCaP cells in a water bath at 37 deg C, for 1 and 4 hours, with and without prior addition of cold peptide (n=3). Prostate tumors were induced into the upper right flank of male BALB/c nude mice by subcutaneous injection of 5x106 LNCaP cells resuspended in 150 μL of Matrigel:RPMI-1640 medium (1:1). Biodistribution profile (n=5) and scintigraphic images (n=3) were obtained at 1 and 4 hours after intravenous injection of 7.4 MBq of 99m Tc-HYNIC-βAla-Bombesina (7-14) . To assess this, healthy male BALB/c mice and tumor-bearing male BALB/c nude mice with 15, 20 and 25 days of tumor development were used. In vitro study results showed that the fraction of the radiopeptide which bound to LNCaP cells was 2.08 +- 0.30% (1 hour) and 2.44 +- 0.18% (4 hours). From the percentage which was bound, the internalized fractions were 25.64 +- 3.14% (1 hour) and 25.27 +- 2

  18. Kooli innovatsiooni mudelid maakoolide näitel (KIMA) / Anita Kärner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kärner, Anita, 1956-


    Ülevaade Eduko analüüsigrandi toetusel nelja Lõuna-Eesti maakonna kooli baasil Tartu Ülikoolis läbi viidud uuringust, mille eesmärgiks oli selgitada, millised on kooli organisatsiooni sisemised ja väliskeskkonna tegurid uuenduste algatamisel ja elluviimisel, millised on koolis muutusi soodustavad ja takistavad tegurid

  19. "Sügisulg" toob noored anded suurele lavale / Silja Joon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Joon, Silja, 1966-


    Pärnu linna ja maakonna noorte solistide konkursist "Sügisulg" (produtsendiks Helen Erastus), mille võitjad esindavad Pärnumaad üle-eestilisel laulukonkursil "Laulukarussell 2008" (finaalkontserdid 10.-19aastastele 23. nov. Pärnu kontserdimajas ja 3-9aastastele 25. nov. Endla teatri Küünis, finalistid vt.

  20. Presidentidest usaldas rahvas kõige enam Arnold Rüütlit / Vahur Koorits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koorits, Vahur, 1981-


    Kaitseministeeriumi korraldatud institutsioonide usaldusväärsuse küsitlusest selgus, et president Arnold Rüütlit usaldas tema ametiajal keskmiselt 79 % Eesti inimestest. President Toomas Hendrik Ilves pälvis 73 % vastanute usalduse ja president Lennart Meri usaldas tema viimasel ametiaastal 70 % küsitletutest. Lisatud joonis: Usaldus taasiseseisvuseaegsete presidentide vastu (aastatel 2001-2008). Arvamust avaldavad president Arnold Rüütel, Postimehe kolumnist Enn Soosaar, uuringufirma Saar Poll juhataja Andrus Saar ja president T. H. Ilvese avalike suhete nõunik Toomas Sildam

  1. Simm jagas Anapas piitsa ja präänikut / Peeter Simm ; interv. Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Simm, Peeter, 1953-


    Žürii liige SRÜ ja Baltimaade 11. filmifestivalil Anapas, eesti režissöör P. Simm festivalist ja eesti filmi tasemest endiste nõukogude vabariikide tänaste tegijate kõrval. Parima meesnäitleja preemia sai Rain Simmul Nika osa eest Arvo Iho mängufilmis "Karu süda". Videoprogrammi grand prix sai Mikk Ranna animafilm "Sääsk ja hobune", samas märgiti ära ka Mark Soosaare "La Paloma"


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viviana López Torres


    Full Text Available Tratándose de un nuevo paradigma de desarrollo, la resiliencia propone que no todas las personas que crecen en condiciones de adversidad, pobreza y desigualdad social serán adultos condenados al fracaso, a la delincuencia o a la locura; por el contrario, este concepto enfatiza en el potencial humano y hace un llamado a la esperanza y a la responsabilidad colectiva en la promoción de cambio social. El presente ensayo parte de una revisión analítica de literatura reciente sobre resiliencia, en el marco del trabajo realizado durante el año 2009 por el grupo "Esperanza y Vida", en la línea de investigación denominada "Resiliencia y contextos psicosociales", perteneciente al programa de Psicología de la Universidad Antonio Nariño (UAN Bogotá, Colombia. Este ejercicio reflexivo tiene como propósito analizar el concepto de resiliencia en el contexto escolar, considerando que este es uno de los primeros contactos de la infancia con la cultura, el lugar en donde las niñas y los niños van a preguntarse cómo funciona el mundo, el sitio donde pueden encontrar respuestas honestas y sugerencias útiles sobre cómo comprenderlo y cómo transformarlo; además, señala cómo acciones pedagógicas fundamentadas en el reconocimiento del estudiante como un agente responsable y activo en el proceso de aprendizaje, favorecen actitudes de compromiso en la promoción de la transformación social positiva.

  3. Two 24-hour Studies of Water Quality in the Ala Wai Canal during March and July, 1994 for the Mamala Bay Study, Pollutant Source Identification Project MB-3, (NODC Accession 0001188) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset focuses on studies of water quality in the Ala Wai Canal in order to determine its role of point and non point source disharge into Mamala Bay. The...

  4. Study of false positives in 5-ALA induced photodynamic diagnosis of bladder carcinoma (United States)

    Draga, Ronald O. P.; Grimbergen, Matthijs C. M.; Kok, Esther T.; Jonges, Trudy G. N.; Bosch, J. L. H. R.


    Photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) is a technique that enhances the detection of tumors during cystoscopy using a photosensitizer which accumulates primarily in cancerous cells and will fluoresce when illuminated by violetblue light. A disadvantage of PDD is the relatively low specificity. In this retrospective study we aimed to identify predictors for false positive findings in PDD. Factors such as gender, age, recent transurethral resection of bladder tumors (TURBT), previous intravesical therapy (IVT) and urinary tract infections (UTIs) were examined for association with the false positive rates in a multivariate analysis. Data of 366 procedures and 200 patients were collected. Patients were instilled with 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) intravesically and 1253 biopsies were taken from tumors and suspicious lesions. Female gender and TURBT are independent predictors of false positives in PDD. However, previous intravesical therapy with Bacille Calmette-Guérin is also an important predictor of false positives. The false positive rate decreases during the first 9-12 weeks after the latest TURBT and the latest intravesical chemotherapy. Although shortly after IVT and TURBT false positives increase, PDD improves the diagnostic sensitivity and results in more adequate treatment strategies in a significant number of patients.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yayu Indrawati


    Full Text Available In the recent days, to understanding the consumers behaviour is becoming a primary concern in marketing.This is also including in tourism marketing particularly tourism destination. The phenomenon of understandingthe consumer taste in tourism is popularly known as quality experience. It has a meaning that when tourist spendstheir money on a certain destination they expect for quality experience. It can be seen on their satisfaction thatappear on their willingness to revisit or giving the positive impression to their friends and relatives. Today, thereis a downward point in tourist destination in the last five years. Previously there were 1500 visitors per day, butlately it is only 10.000 both for international and domestic visitors. It is caused by the raise of competitor’s numberand the tourist responses towards Alas Kedaton site. Such impression comes from its cleanliness, the hospitalityof the staff, the price of entrance fee, and lack of facilities. Other instances are the uncomfortable way to get tothe site, as well as the absence of spiritual facilities for Muslim visitors for praying during their visit to this place.

  6. Similarities and differences in political opinions of Abul A'la Mawdudi and Sayyid Qutb

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kostić Ejub Ivan


    Full Text Available In the academic literature in the West, Abul A'la Mawdudi and Sayyid Qutb are often referred to as the thinkers who have, through their thinking and activism, set the foundations for radical Islamist ideas which are said to have served as the basis for the emergence of jihadist movements. Moreover, in the West their intellectual heritage and thought have been to a great extent identified as the same. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to show impartially the true nature of their political thought, and in addition to similarities in their thinking identify differences in their development, intellectual approach and activism. This attempt at differentiating opinions of the two Muslim intellectuals comes as a result of insight into the fact that scientists in the West are often inclined to a gross simplification and identifying of Islamic thinkers and movements for the sake of ideologically coloured academic prerequisites, and without deeper analyses. This paper will also provide terminology solutions for certain aspects of Islamic activism.

  7. Biological profile of 99mTc-HYNIC-βAla-NT(8-13) in MDAMB-231 breast cancer cell line

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teodoro, Rodrigo; Faintuch, Bluma L.; Wiecek, Danielle P.; Silva, Natanael G.; Vallejo, Natalia M.


    Introduction: Neurotensin (NT) is a tridecapeptide involved in several growth-steps of human cancers. Recent studies postulated the role of NT and NT-receptor subtype 1 in breast cancer progression. However, the main drawback of natural NT is its rapid degradation in plasma. In an effort to develop a NT peptide-based radiopharmaceutical for the detection of breast cancer, the aim of this study was the radiolabeling of the double stabilized NT(8-13) peptide using HYNIC as chelating agent. Methods: Conjugated HYNIC-βAla-NT(8-13) was labeled with 99m Tc using tricine and EDDA as coligands. Radiochemical purity was checked by TLC and confirmed by RP-HPLC. 99m Tc-HYNIC-βAla-NT(8-13) (0.1 mL/74 MBq) was administered in Nude mice bearing MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells and biodistribution studies were carried out at 30 and 90 min postinjection (pi). Blocking evaluation was also conducted by co-injection of 115 nmol of cold NT (8-13) analog. Planar gamma-camera imaging was acquired at the earlier time point studied. Results: Radiochemical purity of the radioconjugate was higher than 99%. Biodistribution studies revealed a very fast accumulation in tumor (1.97±0.18% ID/g, 30 min pi) with a sharply decrease at the later time point studied (0.44±0.02% ID/g). The specificity of the radioconjugate was evaluated with blockade studies. A reduction of 45.94%, 27.73% and 36.39% was found for tumor, large and small intestines, respectively, at 30 min pi. Otherwise, a less impressive blockade was observed for tumor and small intestine (28.68% and 24.90%, respectively) at the later time point studied. Conclusion: The results provide encouraging evidence in the development of radiolabeled NT(8-13) analogues for breast cancer diagnosis. (author)

  8. Intro / Johannes Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Johannes, 1965-


    Kolmest projektist Tallinna Kunstihoones: 8.04.-28.05. 2006 avatud Elin Kardi, Marko Mäetamme, Marco Laimre ja Andres Tali Ühisnäitusest "Vägivald ja propaganda", selle raames 26.04.-09.05. avatud Emergency Biennale'ist, rahvusvahelisest rändnäitusest Tšetšeenia toetuseks (Tallinnas ühinesid biennaaliga Jüri Ojaver, Neeme Külm, Marco Laimre, Marko Mäetamm), 27.04. toimunud Kaasaegse Kunsti Eesti Keskuse 4. ettekannete päevast "Kunstnike moraalsed valikud kultuurikonfliktides" sarjast "Lisandusi eesti kunstiloole"

  9. Questionnaire / Andrus, Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Andrus, 1946-


    Euroülikooli korraldatud küsitlusuuringu tulemustest, mis kirjeldavad eesti ja vene üliõpilaste erinevate meediaväljaannete jälgimist 2007. aasta aprillis aset leidnud sündmusete kajastamisel. Tabelid

  10. Studies of the Pro12Ala polymorphism of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma2 (PPAR-gamma2) gene in relation to insulin sensitivity among glucose tolerant caucasians

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ek, J; Andersen, G; Urhammer, S A


    We examined whether the Pro12-Ala polymorphism of the human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma2 (PPAR-gamma2) gene was related to altered insulin sensitivity among glucose-tolerant subjects or a lower accumulated incidence or prevalence of IGT and Type II (non-insulin-dependent) dia......-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus among Scandinavian Caucasians....

  11. Atomic structures of a monolayer of AlAs, GaAs, and InAs on Si(111)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Geunjung; Yoon, Younggui


    We study atomic structures of a monolayer of AlAs, GaAs, and InAs on a Si(111) substrate from first-principles. The surface with the stacking sequence of ...SiSiMAsSiAs is energetically more stable than the surface with the stacking sequence of ...SiSiSiAsMAs, where M is Al, Ga, or In. The atomic structure of the three top layers of the low-energy surfaces are quite robust, irrespective of M, and the atomic structure of the AlAsSiAs terminated surface and that of the GaAsSiAs terminated surface are very similar. For the high-energy AsMAs terminated surfaces, the broken local tetrahedral symmetry plays an important role in the atomic structures. The calculated atomic structures of InAs on the Si(111) substrate depart most from the structure of crystalline Si.

  12. Birgitta festival tulekul

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Birgitta festivali üritustest Tallinnas Pirita kloostri varemetes: 11. ja 12. aug. Astor Piazzolla tango-ooper "Maria de BuenosAires", 15. aug. Mozarti ooper "Tituse halastus", 17. aug. D. Shostakovitshi ooper "Mtsenski maakonna lady Macbeth", 18. aug. Carl Orffi "Carmina Burana, 19. aug. Verdi "Reekviem", 20. aug. Tõnis Mägi, Ultima Thule ja Tallinna Kammerorkestri kontsert

  13. PRIA ja MES teevad koostööd maaelu edendamiseks / Heli Raamets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raamets, Heli, 1975-


    Ilmunud ka: Nädaline : Maakonna Talu Leht, 16. okt. 2004, lk. 1. Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet (PRIA) ning Maaelu Edendamise Sihtasutus (MES) sõlmisid kokkuleppe, mille alusel külaelu arendajatel, kellele PRIA määras või määrab investeeringutoetuse, on võimalik saada omaosaluse rahastamiseks MES-ist laenu või tagatist pangalaenu jaoks

  14. Hulkuvate loomade valdkonna käsitlemine kohalike omavalitsuste tasandil = Handling of the stray animal issue at the local government level : III koht bakalaureusetööde kategoorias / Kaili Velleste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Velleste, Kaili


    Töö eesmärgiks oli selgitada, kas kohalikud omavalitsused hindavad hulkuvate ja kodutute loomade valdkonda oluliseks, et sellega tegeleda; kas nad peavad kehtivaid seadusi ja meetmeid piisavateks, et reguleerida hulkuvate loomade arvukust; kuidas suhtutakse loomakaitseseaduse ja loomatauditõrje seaduse muutmise seaduse eelnõus väljatoodud muudatustesse. Uuring viidi läbi Harju maakonna omavalitsustes

  15. Pirita klooster tänasest ooperikires / Kersti Inno

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Inno, Kersti, 1954-


    Birgitta Festivalist 11.-22. aug. Tallinnas Pirita kloostris. Astor Piazzolla tango-ooperist "Maria de Buenos Aires" (etendused 11. ja 12. aug. Pirita kloostri varemetes). Moskva Helikon Opera etendustest: 15. aug. Mozarti ooper "Tituse halastus" ja 17. aug. Shostakovitshi ooper "Mtsenski maakonna Lady Macbeth". Carl Orffi "Carmina Burana" 18. aug., Verdi "Reekviem" 19. aug. ja kontsert "Tuulatud Thule" 20. augustil

  16. Impact of dietary precursor ALA versus preformed DHA on fatty acid profiles of eggs, liver and adipose tissue and expression of genes associated with hepatic lipid metabolism in laying hens. (United States)

    Neijat, M; Eck, P; House, J D


    Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), including alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and preformed longer chain PUFA (LCPUFA, particularly docosahexaenoic acid, DHA) differ in their egg LCPUFA enrichment efficiency. However, mechanisms leading to these differences are unclear. To this end, omega-3 PUFA contents in different lipid classes, including triacylglycerol (TAG) and total phospholipid (PL) in yolk, liver and adipose, as well as the expression of key hepatic enzymes in lipid metabolism were evaluated in laying hens in response to changes in dietary supply. Seventy Lohmann hens (n=10/treatment) consumed either a control diet (0.03% total omega-3 PUFA), or the control with supplementation (0.20%, 0.40% and 0.60% total omega-3 PUFA) from either flaxseed oil or algal product, as sources of ALA (precursor) or DHA (preformed), respectively. The study was arranged in a completely randomized design, and data were analyzed using the Proc Mixed procedure of SAS. ALA accumulated as a function of intake (PDHA-fed hens. Unlike flaxseed oil, preformed-DHA contributed to greater (P<0.0001) accumulation of LCPUFA in yolk total PL and TAG pool, as well as adipose TAG. This may relate to elevated (P<0.0001) expression of acyl-CoA synthetase (ACSL1). No difference in hepatic EPA level in total lipids was noted between both treatment groups; EPA liver =2.1493x-0.0064; R 2 =0.70, P<0.0001 (x=dietary omega-3 PUFA). The latter result may highlight the role of hepatic EPA in the regulation of LCPUFA metabolism in laying hens. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  17. Obtención de modelo matemático para el desarrollo del perfil del ala de una aeronave.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Cabrera Pedroso


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo está dirigido a brindar un modelo matemático que permita el cálculo y determinación de una función analítica para la obtención del perfil de un ala de geometría simétrica y variable de una aeronave con el empleo de métodos computacionales. En el artículo se analiza los métodos para la elaboración de sistemas de cálculo basados en modelos matemáticos obtenidos en MATLAB 7.0 e implementados con el software LabVIEW 6.0 a través de programas de diseños asistidos por computadoras en AUTOCAD (AUTOLISP. Los diferentes tópicos abordados dan a los interesados una idea global del desarrollo de esta tecnología computacional y su aplicación a ramas de la mecánica, así como la metodología seguida para obtener el perfil aerodinámico de un ala. También se exponen aspectos generales del empleo de la función AUTOLISP y el código fuente del programa diseñado.Title: Obtaining a mathematical model for the development of an airship wing profile.This article was carried out to obtain a mathematical model that allows the calculation and determination of an analytic function of symmetrical geometry profile and variable. In the article it is analyzed the methods for the elaboration of system of calculations based on mathematical models obtained with the software language LabVIEW 6.0 and it is used to developing the program attended by the computers AUTOCAD (AUTOLISP. The approached topics give to the interested parties a global idea of the development it gives this technology and their application to branches of the mechanical specialties, as well as the followed methodology to obtain the aerofoil profile of a wing. General aspects are also exposed of the employment of the function AUTOLISP and the source code on the sketch program.

  18. Evaluation of the water quality related to the acid mine drainage of an abandoned mercury mine (Alaşehir, Turkey). (United States)

    Gemici, Unsal


    Mobility of metals in water, mine wastes, and stream sediments around the abandoned Alaşehir mercury mine was investigated to evaluate the environmental effects around the area. Mine waters are dominantly acidic with pH values of 2.55 in arid season and 2.70 in wet season and are sulfate rich. Acidity is caused mainly by the oxidation of sulfide minerals. Pyrite is the main acid-producing mineral in the Alaşehir area. Of the major ions, SO(4) shows a notable increase reaching 3981 mg/l, which exceeds the WHO (WHO guidelines for drinking water quality, vol. 2. Health criteria and other supporting information, 1993) and TS (Sular-Içme ve kullanma sulari. Ankara: Türk Standartlari Enstitüsü, 1997) drinking water standard of 250 mg/L. Mine waters have As, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Al with concentrations higher than drinking water standards. Hg concentrations of adit water samples and surface waters draining the mine area are between 0.25 and 0.274 microg/L and are below the WHO (WHO guidelines for drinking water quality, vol. 2. Health criteria and other supporting information, 1993) drinking water standard of 1.0 microg/L. However, the concentrations are above the 0.012 microg/L standard (EPA, Water quality standards. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants, states' compliance, final rule. Fed. Reg., 40 CFR, Part 131, 57/246, 60847-60916, 1992) used to protect aquatic life. Stream sediment samples have abnormally high values of especially Hg, As, Ni, and Cr metals. Geoaccumulation (Igeo) and pollution index (PI) values are significantly high and denote heavy contamination in stream sediments. The stream sediments derived from the mining area with the surface waters are potentially hazardous to the environment adjacent to the abandoned Hg mine and are in need of remediation.

  19. Biological profile of {sup 99m}Tc-HYNIC-betaAla-NT(8-13) in MDAMB-231 breast cancer cell line

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teodoro, Rodrigo; Faintuch, Bluma L.; Wiecek, Danielle P.; Silva, Natanael G.; Vallejo, Natalia M., E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Diretoria de Radiofarmacia


    Introduction: Neurotensin (NT) is a tridecapeptide involved in several growth-steps of human cancers. Recent studies postulated the role of NT and NT-receptor subtype 1 in breast cancer progression. However, the main drawback of natural NT is its rapid degradation in plasma. In an effort to develop a NT peptide-based radiopharmaceutical for the detection of breast cancer, the aim of this study was the radiolabeling of the double stabilized NT(8-13) peptide using HYNIC as chelating agent. Methods: Conjugated HYNIC-betaAla-NT(8-13) was labeled with {sup 99m}Tc using tricine and EDDA as coligands. Radiochemical purity was checked by TLC and confirmed by RP-HPLC. {sup 99m}Tc-HYNIC-betaAla-NT(8-13) (0.1 mL/74 MBq) was administered in Nude mice bearing MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells and biodistribution studies were carried out at 30 and 90 min postinjection (pi). Blocking evaluation was also conducted by co-injection of 115 nmol of cold NT (8-13) analog. Planar gamma-camera imaging was acquired at the earlier time point studied. Results: Radiochemical purity of the radioconjugate was higher than 99%. Biodistribution studies revealed a very fast accumulation in tumor (1.97+-0.18% ID/g, 30 min pi) with a sharply decrease at the later time point studied (0.44+-0.02% ID/g). The specificity of the radioconjugate was evaluated with blockade studies. A reduction of 45.94%, 27.73% and 36.39% was found for tumor, large and small intestines, respectively, at 30 min pi. Otherwise, a less impressive blockade was observed for tumor and small intestine (28.68% and 24.90%, respectively) at the later time point studied. Conclusion: The results provide encouraging evidence in the development of radiolabeled NT(8-13) analogues for breast cancer diagnosis. (author)

  20. Maakonnas tähistati advendiaja algust / Maire Kõrver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kõrver, Maire, 1961-


    Advendiaja alguse tähistamisest Raplas, Märjamaal, Kuimetsas ja Kaius. Rapla kirikusse olid kogunenud advendituld süütama Rapla kihelkonna valdade esindajad. Kontserdi andsid Rapla Muusikakooli õpilased. Kuimetsas ja Kaius laulis kogunenud rahvale Margus Mikomägi

  1. Ühetasandiline omavalitsus maakonna tasandil / Helir-Valdor Seeder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seeder, Helir-Valdor, 1964-


    Ilmunud ka: Eesti Eest = Za Estoniju : Izdanije objedinenija "Sojuz Otetshestva i Res Publica" 15. mai 2008, lk. 6. Maakonnad on vanimad ja kõige optimaalsemad territoriaalse juhtimise üksused Eestis, mille kujunemise aluseks on asustus ja looduslikud tingimused

  2. Jõgevamaa : Äripäev maakonnas / Merike Lees

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lees, Merike, 1976-


    Jõgevamaa edukad firmad 2006. aastal. Vt. samas: Mustvee linn tahab saada Peipsi-äärseks pealinnaks; Edukaim ettevõte juhib kohalikku edetabelit ka gasellide arvestuses; Tippsõjaväelane lööb tsiviilis alati läbi; Kliendipuudus maal sunnib pealinna tööle; Teed ja platsid nõuavad killustikku; Küsimustele vastab Jõgevamaa Põllumajandustootjate Liidu tegevdirektor Urmas Ingver. Kommenteerib Aivar Kokk

  3. Raplamaa : Äripäev maakonnas / Merike Lees

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lees, Merike, 1976-


    Raplamaa edukamad firmad 2006. aastal. Vt. samas: Rapla piimatööstus hingitseb vaikselt; Gasell käib raha järel linnas; Käibemaksuhirm toitis meditsiinitehnikaäri; Eelmise aasta käive tänaseks ületatud; Toruturu valitseja on pärit Raplamaalt; Baltimaade suurim värvitootmine asub Raplas, intervjuu ES Sadolin AS juhi Rein Reilega; Mullu võidutses puidutehas

  4. Me võime liigutada tooli / Kristina Pai

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pai, Kristina, 1967-


    Põhja- ja Baltimaade raamatukoguhoidjate kohtumisest 2013. aasta septembris Helsingis jagasid muljeid Toila raamatukogu juhataja Lea Rand, Viljandi Linnaraamatukogu lugemissaalide juhataja Veronika Raudsepp-Linnupuu, Lääne Maakonna Keskraamatukogu direktor Ilme Sepp, Võrumaa Keskraamatukogu direktor Inga Kuljus, ERÜ esimees Katre Riisalu, Tallinna Keskraamatukogu direktor Kaie Holm, Tartu Linnaraamatukogu spetsialist Maia Tammjärv, Lääne-Virumaa Keskraamatukogu direktor Kaili Õunapuu-Seidelberg

  5. Veeprojektid lähevad taas töösse / Karin Kroon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kroon, Karin


    Ilmunud ka: Oma Saar, 17. okt. 2007, lk. 4; Meie Maa, 17. okt. 2007, lk. 4; Valgamaalane, 18. okt. 2007, lk. 2; Nädaline, 18. okt. 2007, lk. 4; Vooremaa, 18. okt. 2007, lk. 2; Võrumaa Teataja, 18. okt. 2007, lk. 2; Severnoje Poberezhje, 18. okt. 2007, lk. 2; Hiiu Leht, 19. okt. 2007, lk. 2; Põhjarannik, 19. okt. 2007, lk. 2. Keskkonnaministeeriumi veeosakonna projektide büroo juhataja esitab ministeeriumi lahendused EL Ühtekuuluvusfondi abiga veemajanduse korrastamisprojektide lõpuleviimiseks. Ajal. Oma Saar ka tabelid: 1. 2000-2006 projektide lisaraha jagumine; Hangete kallinemise katmine 2008. aastal

  6. Transthyretin Ala36Pro mutation in a Chinese pedigree of familial transthyretin amyloidosis with elevated vitreous and serum vascular endothelial growth factor. (United States)

    Zou, Xuan; Dong, Fangtian; Zhang, Shuying; Tian, Rong; Sui, Ruifang


    The familial transthyretin (TTR) amyloidosis (FTA) demonstrates variable penetrance of clinical features associated with mutations in the plasma thyroid hormone-binding protein TTR gene. The purpose of this study was to assess the ocular features, to analyze vitreous and serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels, and to identify the genetic defect in a Chinese family with TTR FTA. The pedigree of interest was a three-generation family with eleven members. The primary ocular signs were vitreous opacities, beginning from the third or fourth decade, accompanied by retinal vasculitis, hemorrhages, and widespread pinpoint deposits in the peripheral retina. Two patients underwent vitrectomy with marked improvement of visual acuity postoperatively. Vitreous and serum samples for VEGF were analyzed with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Forty-eight healthy adult volunteers were enrolled as a control group for the analysis of serum VEGF. Eight subjects who underwent vitrectomy for a macular epiretinal membrane or macular hole were enrolled as control for the analysis of vitreous VEGF. Both serum and vitreous VEGF levels of patients were raised compared to that of controls. Venous blood was collected from family members and the genomic DNA was extracted. All exons and exon-intron boundaries of the TTR gene were sequenced. A previously-described pathogenic transversion in exon 2 (c.G106C, p.Ala36Pro) was identified. Within this family eight individuals were confirmed as affected. In conclusion, a Chinese family with TTR Ala36Pro associated FTA is characterized by early ocular involvement. Widespread pinpoint lesions indicate RPE lesions caused by TTR deposition. FTA is associated with increased VEGF levels, both in serum and vitreous. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Fabrication of Al/A206–Al2O3 nano/micro composite by combining ball milling and stir casting technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tahamtan, S.; Halvaee, A.; Emamy, M.; Zabihi, M.S.


    Highlights: ► Uniform distribution of alumina particles in molten Al alloy by using MMMC. ► Improvement in wettability of alumina particles with molten Al alloy by using MMMC. ► Porosity content in Al/A206-alumina composite decreased by using MMMC. ► Improvement in tensile strength of Al/A206-alumina composite by using MMMC. ► Decrease in interfacial reaction product by incorporating MMMC in semi-solid state. - Abstract: Al206/5vol.%Al 2 O 3p cast composites were fabricated by the injection of reinforcing particles into molten Al alloy in two different forms, i.e. as Al 2 O 3 particles and milled particulates of alumina with Al and Mg powders. The resultant milled powders (Master Metal Matrix Composite (MMMC)) were then added into the molten Al alloy both in semi-solid state and above liquidus temperature. Effects of powder addition technique, reinforcement particle size and casting temperature on distribution and incorporation of reinforcing particles into molten Al alloy were investigated. Morphology evolution of powders during milling, microscopic examinations of composite and matrix alloy were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was also used to determine the possible interaction between powders after ball milling process. Results showed that injection of powders in the form of MMMC leads to considerable improvement in incorporation and distribution of Al 2 O 3p in the Al206 matrix alloy leading to the improvement in tensile properties. Improvement in tensile properties is attributed to the better wetting of Al 2 O 3p by melt as well as removing microchannels and roughness on alumina particles as a consequence of ball milling process

  8. Vana hea nõukogude kvaliteet / Jaak Kilmi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kilmi, Jaak, 1973-


    SRÜ ja Baltimaade 11. filmifestivalil Anapas programmi "Avatud videoööd" koostaja muleid ja hinnanguid festivalilt. Parima meesnäitleja preemia sai Rain Simmul Nika osa eest Arvo Iho mängufilmis "Karu süda", žürii märkis ära Mark Soosaare 8-minutilise "La Paloma", "Avatud videoööde" peapreemia sai Mikk Ranna "Sääsk ja hobune". Festivali parimaks filmiks kuulutati Igor Minajevi "Kuumaastikud" ("Lunnõje poljanõ"), mille peaosatäitja Alissa Bogart sai parima naisnäitleja preemia

  9. Integration of seismic and petrophysics to characterize reservoirs in "ALA" oil field, Niger Delta. (United States)

    Alao, P A; Olabode, S O; Opeloye, S A


    In the exploration and production business, by far the largest component of geophysical spending is driven by the need to characterize (potential) reservoirs. The simple reason is that better reservoir characterization means higher success rates and fewer wells for reservoir exploitation. In this research work, seismic and well log data were integrated in characterizing the reservoirs on "ALA" field in Niger Delta. Three-dimensional seismic data was used to identify the faults and map the horizons. Petrophysical parameters and time-depth structure maps were obtained. Seismic attributes was also employed in characterizing the reservoirs. Seven hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs with thickness ranging from 9.9 to 71.6 m were delineated. Structural maps of horizons in six wells containing hydrocarbon-bearing zones with tops and bottoms at range of -2,453 to -3,950 m were generated; this portrayed the trapping mechanism to be mainly fault-assisted anticlinal closures. The identified prospective zones have good porosity, permeability, and hydrocarbon saturation. The environments of deposition were identified from log shapes which indicate a transitional-to-deltaic depositional environment. In this research work, new prospects have been recommended for drilling and further research work. Geochemical and biostratigraphic studies should be done to better characterize the reservoirs and reliably interpret the depositional environments.

  10. Peipsi-äärsetel kaluritel jääb paberitega jändamist vähemaks / Madis Aesma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aesma, Madis


    Kuna Peipsi rannik on Eesti poolel jagatud nelja maakonna vahel, tuli senini Pepsi regioonis kalapüügiga tegelevatel ettevõtetel taotleda nelja püügiluba ja saata hiljem ka neli kalapüügiaruannet. 2006. aastast alates on Peipsi kant aga ühtne kalapiirkond ning püügilube taotleda ning andmeid esitada saab põllumajandusministeeriumi kalamajandusosakonna Ida-Eesti piirkondlikku keskusesse Jõgeval

  11. Co-Circulation of the Rare CPV-2c with Unique Gln370Arg Substitution, New CPV-2b with Unique Thr440Ala Substitution, and New CPV-2a with High Prevalence and Variation in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yufei Geng

    Full Text Available To trace evolution of canine parvovirus-2 (CPV-2, a total of 201 stool samples were collected from dogs with diarrhea in Heilongjiang province of northeast China from May 2014 to April 2015. The presence of CPV-2 in the samples was determined by PCR amplification of the VP2 gene (568 bp of CPV-2. The results revealed that 95 samples (47.26% were positive for CPV-2, and they showed 98.8%-100% nucleotide identity and 97.6%-100% amino acid identity. Of 95 CPV-2-positive samples, types new2a (Ser297Ala, new2b (Ser297Ala, and 2c accounted for 64.21%, 21.05%, and 14.74%, respectively. The positive rate of CPV-2 and the distribution of the new2a, new2b and 2c types exhibited differences among regions, seasons, and ages. Immunized dogs accounted for 48.42% of 95 CPV-2-positive samples. Coinfections with canine coronavirus, canine kobuvirus, and canine bocavirus were identified. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the identified new2a, new2b, and CPV-2c strains in our study exhibited a close relationship with most of the CPV-2 strains from China; type new2a strains exhibited high variability, forming three subgroups; type new2b and CPV-2c strains formed one group with reference strains from China. Of 95 CPV-2 strains, Tyr324Ile and Thr440Ala substitutions accounted for 100% and 64.21%, respectively; all type new2b strains exhibited the Thr440Ala substitution, while the unique Gln370Arg substitution was found in all type 2c strains. Recombination analysis using entire VP2 gene indicated possible recombination events between the identified CPV-2 strains and reference strains from China. Our data revealed the co-circulation of new CPV-2a, new CPV-2b, and rare CPV-2c, as well as potential recombination events among Chinese CPV-2 strains.

  12. Seismic examination for assessment of safety of location of atomic energy objects (by the example of the WWR-K reactor, Ala-Tau village)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belyashova, N.N.


    In the Republic of Kazakhstan there are 3 research reactors (the fourth one is temporarily stopped). One of the reactors in 1998 (WWR-K, situated in the Ala Tau village, nearby Almaty city) was conserved because of a number of reasons. Including the reason of the earth crust geological structure insufficient study for the ensuring the seismic safety of the reactor site location. In 1994-1996 a number of geological-geophysical studies was carried out by Kazakhstan specialists confirming the the geological-geophysical conditions in the reactor site location in view of its safety. These condition are meeting to IAEA requirements and up-to-date standards acting in Kazakhstan

  13. Перемещение частных пространств = Transporting private spaces / Тоомас Паавер ; интервьюировал Владимир Фролов

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Паавер, Тоомас, 1976-


    Tallinna linna tasuta ühistranspordist, transpordisüsteemi puudustest ja arengusuundadest. PAIK Arhitektide (Toomas Paaver, Jaak-Adam Looveer, Lauri Saar) Kristiine terminali projektist, jalgrattateedest

  14. Tuld juriidilise korrektsuse pihta / Margi Ein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ein, Margi, 1950-


    Parlamendiliikme arvates tahavad sotsiaaldemokraadid võimule saada valele tuginedes ning peavad end seadustest ülemaks. Saare vallas on sooritatud tehinguid, mis on korruptsioonivastase seadusega keelatud

  15. Pressure dependence of backbone chemical shifts in the model peptides Ac-Gly-Gly-Xxx-Ala-NH2. (United States)

    Erlach, Markus Beck; Koehler, Joerg; Crusca, Edson; Kremer, Werner; Munte, Claudia E; Kalbitzer, Hans Robert


    For a better understanding of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) detected pressure responses of folded as well as unstructured proteins the availability of data from well-defined model systems are indispensable. In this work we report the pressure dependence of chemical shifts of the backbone atoms (1)H(α), (13)C(α) and (13)C' in the protected tetrapeptides Ac-Gly-Gly-Xxx-Ala-NH2 (Xxx one of the 20 canonical amino acids). Contrary to expectation the chemical shifts of these nuclei have a nonlinear dependence on pressure in the range from 0.1 to 200 MPa. The polynomial pressure coefficients B 1 and B 2 are dependent on the type of amino acid studied. The coefficients of a given nucleus show significant linear correlations suggesting that the NMR observable pressure effects in the different amino acids have at least partly the same physical cause. In line with this observation the magnitude of the second order coefficients of nuclei being direct neighbors in the chemical structure are also weakly correlated.

  16. Eraeluline kunst / Johannes Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Johannes, 1965-


    Briti ja eesti kunstnike ühisnäitus "Private views" Rotermanni soolalaos. Eestit esindavad Mari Koort, Anu Juurak, Annika Tonts, Kiwa, Ene-Liis Semper, Inglismaad Pam Skelton. Naiste näitus naiseks olemise vaevadest. Kuraatorid Mare Tralla ja Pam Skelton. Ilmunud ka kogumikus "Päevast päeva", lk.141-143

  17. Stiilne seks / Marita Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Marita


    Raamatu "Discovering Your Couple Sexual Style" autorite Barry ja Emily McCarthy paaride seksuaalsestiili teooriast ning testist, mis aitab selgitada, millise seksuaalsestiili esindajad neljast te olete

  18. Eurooplased iseendast / Kalmer Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Kalmer


    Euroliidu laienemist tähistas Taani filmifirma Zentropa ning telekanalite Arte ja ZDF ühisprojekt "EuroVisioonid" - 5-minutilised filmid nii vanadest kui uutest liikmesriikide tuntud režissööridelt. Eestit esindas Arvo Iho "Euroflot"

  19. Lõunarannas on laagris miinituukrid / Tõnu Veldre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veldre, Tõnu


    Rahvusvahelise miinitõrjeoperatsiooni Open Spirit 2015 ajal on miinituukrid laagris Muhus Lõunaranna sadamas. Sadamast väljuvad erinevate riikide miinituukrite paatkonnad Saaremaa ja Muhu saare rannikuvetesse

  20. Two-peaked 5-ALA-induced PpIX fluorescence emission spectrum distinguishes glioblastomas from low grade gliomas and infiltrative component of glioblastomas. (United States)

    Montcel, Bruno; Mahieu-Williame, Laurent; Armoiry, Xavier; Meyronet, David; Guyotat, Jacques


    5-ALA-induced protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence enables to guiding in intra-operative surgical glioma resection. However at present, it has yet to be shown that this method is able to identify infiltrative component of glioma. In extracted tumor tissues we measured a two-peaked emission in low grade gliomas and in the infiltrative component of glioblastomas due to multiple photochemical states of PpIX. The second emission peak appearing at 620 nm (shifted by 14 nm from the main peak at 634 nm) limits the sensibility of current methods to measured PpIX concentration. We propose new measured parameters, by taking into consideration the two-peaked emission, to overcome these limitations in sensitivity. These parameters clearly distinguish the solid component of glioblastomas from low grade gliomas and infiltrative component of glioblastomas.

  1. Studies of the Ala/Val98 polymorphism of the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha gene and the relationship to beta-cell function during an OGTT in glucose-tolerant women with and without previous gestational diabetes mellitus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauenborg, J; Damm, P; Ek, J


    In pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) an increased demand for insulin is not met due to beta-cell dysfunction. An Ala/Val polymorphism at codon 98 of the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha (HNF-1alpha) gene has been associated with decreased serum insulin and C-peptide r...

  2. Järvamaa : Äripäev maakonnas / Merike Lees

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lees, Merike, 1976-


    Järvamaa ettevõtete TOP. Vt. samas: Mäo tehnoküla paneb Eestimaa südame tuksuma. Diagramm; Järva gasellid üle Eesti ilma ei tee; Käsitöö annab Vikingile konkurentsieelise; Paide MEK toodab metallkonstruktsioone; Ülemaailmne turg tagab kasvuvõimaluse; Mäo tehnopargil piire pole. Küsimustele vastab Toomas Agasild

  3. Äripäev maakonnas : Pärnumaa / Jaana Pikalev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pikalev, Jaana


    Pärnumaa edukamad firmad 2006. aastal. Vt. samas: Puuduvad töökäed tulevad kutsehariduskeskusest. Kommenteerivad Veljo Truudel, Marika Tettermann ja Tarmo Vanamõisa; Müügitulu headest kaubamärkidest; Menukuses kajastub emafirma edu; 2005. aasta edetabel; Tugeva meeskonnaga töörindel; Pärnumaa Gaselli TOPi juhib kinnisvarafirma. Küsimustele vastab Puls Brewery AS-i juht Aivo Varem

  4. Structural requirements of acylated Gly-l-Ala-d-Glu analogs for activation of the innate immune receptor NOD2. (United States)

    Gobec, Martina; Mlinarič-Raščan, Irena; Dolenc, Marija Sollner; Jakopin, Žiga


    The fragment of bacterial peptidoglycan muramyl dipeptide (MDP) has long been known for its adjuvant activity, however the underlying mechanism of this action has only recently been elucidated. It is ascribed to its agonist action on the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2 (NOD2). In spite of the pressing need for novel adjuvants for human use, this discovery is hampered, by not knowing the structural requirements underlying the immunostimulatory activity. We have investigated how minor modifications of hit compound acyl Gly-L-Ala-D-Glu derivative I modulate the molecular recognition by NOD2. A series of novel desmuramyldipeptides has been designed and synthesized leading to the identification of compound 16, in which the sugar moiety is replaced by a 6-phenylindole moiety, that exhibits the strongest NOD2 activation to date sans the carbohydrate moiety. The results have enabled a deeper understanding of the structural requirements of desmuramylpeptides for NOD2 activation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  5. Functional importance of the Ala(116)-Pro(136) region in the calcium-sensing receptor. Constitutive activity and inverse agonism in a family C G-protein-coupled receptor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anders A.; Spalding, T A; Burstein, E S


    The calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) belongs to family C of the G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily. To date 14 activating mutations in CaR showing increased sensitivity to Ca(2+) have been identified in humans with autosomal dominant hypocalcemia. Four of these activating mutations are found......, suppressed the elevated basal response of the constitutively activated Ca/1a mutants demonstrating inverse agonist activity of CPCCOEt. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the Ala(116)-Pro(136) region is of key importance for the maintenance of the inactive conformation of CaR....

  6. Kuidas jagada raha? / Margot Visnap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Visnap, Margot, 1959-


    Von Krahli Teatris toimunud avalikust arutelust teemal "Teatrite finantseerimine Eestis", osalesid teatrijuhid J. Allik, R. Põldmaa, I. Saar, P. Jalakas, minister M. Allikmaa ja teatriliidu esimees R. Oja

  7. Influencia de la autoeficacia académica y la procrastinación académica sobre el cansancio emocional de estudiantes de la Universidad Alas Peruanas, Lima, 2015


    Gutiérrez Torres, Andrés Martín


    Objetivo: determinar cuánta es la influencia de la autoeficacia académica y la procrastinación académica sobre el cansancio emocional de estudiantes de la Universidad Alas Peruanas, Lima, 2015. Metodología: se usó un diseño observacional, transversal, retrospectivo y correlacional-causal. La muestra no probabilística fue de 332 estudiantes de Psicología de una universidad privada de Lima, quienes fueron evaluados con tres instrumentos: Escala de Autoeficacia para Situaciones Académicas, E...

  8. La inteligencia emocional y la gestión educativa según los estudiantes de la especialidad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad Alas Peruanas, 2014


    Fernández Vila, Albert Luis


    La tesis que se presenta se inició con la formulación de la siguiente pregunta: ¿Qué relación existe entre la inteligencia emocional y la gestión educativa según los estudiantes de Farmacia y Bioquímica de la Universidad Alas Peruanas, 2014?, Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación existente entre la inteligencia emocional y la gestión educativa. El método de investigación utilizado fue el cuantitativo de tipo relacional y de diseño descriptivo correlacional. La población...

  9. Put k russkim Estonii / Josef Kats

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kats, Josef, 1977-


    Eesti Avatud Instituudi ja uuringufirma Saar Poll korraldatud ning Tallinna linna poolt tellitud uurimusest "Rahvussuhted ja integratsiooni perspektiivid Eestis", mis valmis üle-eestilise küsitluse põhjal

  10. Lennujaamast ja parunist puu otsas : [lugemiselamustest] / Ülar Ploom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ploom, Ülar


    Maailmaklassikast: Mark Twaini "Huckelberry Finni seiklused", Jules Verne'i "Saladuslik saar", Gabriel García Márquezi "Sada aastat üksildust", Aleksandr Erteli "Gardeninid", Italo Calvino "Parun puu otsas"

  11. Pressure dependence of backbone chemical shifts in the model peptides Ac-Gly-Gly-Xxx-Ala-NH{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erlach, Markus Beck; Koehler, Joerg [University of Regensburg, Institute of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry and Centre of Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biomedicine (Germany); Crusca, Edson [University of São Paulo, Physics Institute of São Carlos (Brazil); Kremer, Werner [University of Regensburg, Institute of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry and Centre of Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biomedicine (Germany); Munte, Claudia E. [University of São Paulo, Physics Institute of São Carlos (Brazil); Kalbitzer, Hans Robert, E-mail: [University of Regensburg, Institute of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry and Centre of Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biomedicine (Germany)


    For a better understanding of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) detected pressure responses of folded as well as unstructured proteins the availability of data from well-defined model systems are indispensable. In this work we report the pressure dependence of chemical shifts of the backbone atoms {sup 1}H{sup α}, {sup 13}C{sup α} and {sup 13}C′ in the protected tetrapeptides Ac-Gly-Gly-Xxx-Ala-NH{sub 2} (Xxx one of the 20 canonical amino acids). Contrary to expectation the chemical shifts of these nuclei have a nonlinear dependence on pressure in the range from 0.1 to 200 MPa. The polynomial pressure coefficients B{sub 1} and B{sub 2} are dependent on the type of amino acid studied. The coefficients of a given nucleus show significant linear correlations suggesting that the NMR observable pressure effects in the different amino acids have at least partly the same physical cause. In line with this observation the magnitude of the second order coefficients of nuclei being direct neighbors in the chemical structure are also weakly correlated.Graphical Abstract.

  12. Cu(II) Binding to the Peptide Ala-His-His, a Chimera of the Canonical Cu(II)-Binding Motifs Xxx-His and Xxx-Zzz-His. (United States)

    Gonzalez, Paulina; Vileno, Bertrand; Bossak, Karolina; El Khoury, Youssef; Hellwig, Petra; Bal, Wojciech; Hureau, Christelle; Faller, Peter


    Peptides and proteins with the N-terminal motifs NH 2 -Xxx-His and NH 2 -Xxx-Zzz-His form well-established Cu(II) complexes. The canonical peptides are Gly-His-Lys and Asp-Ala-His-Lys (from the wound healing factor and human serum albumin, respectively). Cu(II) is bound to NH 2 -Xxx-His via three nitrogens from the peptide and an external ligand in the equatorial plane (called 3N form here). In contrast, Cu(II) is bound to NH 2 -Xxx-Zzz-His via four nitrogens from the peptide in the equatorial plane (called 4N form here). These two motifs are not mutually exclusive, as the peptides with the sequence NH 2 -Xxx-His-His contain both of them. However, this chimera has never been fully explored. In this work, we use a multispectroscopic approach to analyze the Cu(II) binding to the chimeric peptide Ala-His-His (AHH). AHH is capable of forming the 3N- and 4N-type complexes in a pH dependent manner. The 3N form predominates at pH ∼ 4-6.5 and the 4N form at ∼ pH 6.5-10. NMR experiments showed that at pH 8.5, where Cu(II) is almost exclusively bound in the 4N form, the Cu(II)-exchange between AHH or the amidated AHH-NH 2 is fast, in comparison to the nonchimeric 4N form (AAH). Together, the results show that the chimeric AHH can access both Cu(II) coordination types, that minor changes in the second (or further) coordination sphere can impact considerably the equilibrium between the forms, and that Cu kinetic exchange is fast even when Cu-AHH is mainly in the 4N form.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salvionita BR Tarigan


    Full Text Available Oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris is one of hornbill spesies (Bucerotidae that protected in Indonesia based on Goverment Regulation No. 7/1999. The habitat of oriental pied hornbillin Resort Rowobendo Alas Purwo National Park (APNP are natural forest and mixed forest plantation. The characteristic of the bird feeding site is a fruiting tree with a thick meat with the shaped is an oval, thin rind, soft, and contain more water and has sweet taste. The characteristic for the birdresting site is a tree with dense leaf, horizontal withstrong enough branch to withstand oriental pied hornbill. The tree height is about 10-26 m and the diameters  about 29-71 cm. The nesting site characteristic the bird is a tree with diameters about ≥ 50 cm and the height is about ≥10 m. The tree has a hole, main branch that is large and fairly flat with the height of the nest from the ground level of 12-30 m. Behavior of oriental pied hornbill observed are eating, resting, calling, flying and nesting. Keywords: APNP, behavior, habitat, oriental pied hornbill

  14. Sakslased kolisid jahtide tootmise kodumaale tagasi / Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Toivo


    Saksamaa suurimaid jahitootjaid Kiel Classic lõpetas paatide tootmise Eestis, kuna firma siinne allhankepartner Saare Paat ei pidanud väidetavalt tähtaegadest kinni ning tootis viletsa kvaliteediga jahte

  15. Läbipaistva saunaga Austraalias / Sandra Jõgeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõgeva, Sandra, 1976-


    Kunstnike grupp Art Container osales Brisbane'i teatrifestivalil (4.-25. sept. 2010) interaktiivse etenduse ja saunainstallatsiooniga "Kümblejad" (autorid Tanel Saar, Erik Alalooga, Sandra Jõgeva, Janno Bergmann, Hans-Gunter Lock)

  16. Variantes polimórficas Ala513Pro y Gly972Arg del gen IRS-1 no se asocian a la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en un grupo de la población cubana The Ala513Pro and Gly972ARg polymorphous variants of IRS-1 gen are not associated with type diabetes mellitus in a group of the Cuban population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Miguel Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es una enfermedad heterogénea y multifactorial, que está determinada por factores genéticos y no genéticos. El sustrato 1 del receptor de la insulina (IRS-1 cumple una función fundamental en la transmisión de la señal insulínica, por tanto sus variantes génicas constituyen blancos importantes en el estudio de la susceptibilidad genética a esta enfermedad en las diferentes poblaciones. Objetivo: explorar el papel de las variantes polimórficas Gly972Arg y Ala513Pro del gen IRS-1 en la susceptibilidad genética de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en un grupo de la población cubana. Métodos: se determinó la frecuencia de los polimorfismos Gly972Arg y Ala513Pro del IRS-1 en 499 ciudadanos cubanos, con un índice de masa corporal entre 22-30, con edades comprendidas entre los 40 y 70 años: de ellos 272 (54,5 % diabéticos y 227 (45,5 % no diabéticos. Resultados: la frecuencia del alelo Pro513 fue baja (1,2 % y similar para ambos grupos (1,1 % vs. 1,3 % para el grupo de diabéticos y el grupo control, respectivamente. La frecuencia del polimorfismo Gly972Arg fue de 16,2%, superior a la reportada para la mayoría de las poblaciones estudiadas. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la frecuencia del alelo Arg972 entre el grupo de diabéticos y el grupo control (15,4 % vs. 17,3 %, ni cambios en los niveles de glucemia e insulinemia asociados a la presencia del alelo polimórfico Arg972. Conclusiones: en este grupo de sujetos de la población cubana, las variantes polimórficas Ala513Pro y Gly972Arg del gen IRS-1 no participan en la etiología de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2.Introduction: the type 2 diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous and multifactor disease determined by genetic and no-genetic factors. The substrate 1 of insulin receptor (IRS-1 has a fundamental function in transmission of insulin signal, thus its genic variants are significant targets in study of genetic susceptibility to

  17. Animaalne antimagnetism / Mari Laaniste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laaniste, Mari, 1977-


    Rahvusvaheline grupinäitus "Loomakari" Tallinna Kunstihoones kuni 12. aprillini. Kuraator Sandra Jõgeva, kujundaja Tanel Saar. Lühidalt Jenni Juulia Wallinheimo, Kjetil Kauslandi ja Loore Emilie Raavi töödest

  18. Radikaalsus muuseumi kaitsva teki all / Mari Sobolev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sobolev, Mari, 1968-


    Rotermanni soolalaos avatud Marco (Marko) Laimre isiknäituse "Küsimused ja vastused" puhul 13. IV toimunud konverentsist. Johannes Saare, Eha Komissarovi, Hanno Soansi, Anders Härmi ja Mari Sobolevi ettekannetest

  19. Vene elu hõng Pilistvere rehealuses / Margot Visnap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Visnap, Margot, 1959-


    Pilistvere rehehoones etendunud Ain Saviaugu kirjutatud ja lavastatud suvetükist "Rasputin". Suvelavastuse tõi välja Põltsamaa Teater Ellunäod koos professionaalsete näitlejatega. Nimiosas Indrek Saar

  20. Eesti majandusreformide B-proovi tulemused / Mikko Lagerspetz

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lagerspetz, Mikko, 1963-


    Raamatuarvustus: Towards a normal stratification order : actual and perceived social stratification in post-socialist Estonia / Ellu Saar (ed.). Frankfurt am Main [etc.] : Lang, 2011. (Baltische Studien zur Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaft ; 19)

  1. Las competencias genéricas del estudiante y la influencia en su nivel de emprendimiento en la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Alas Peruanas – Filial Tacna


    Eyzaguirre Mazuelos, Néstor Guido


    La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la influencia de las competencias genéricas del estudiante sobre su nivel de emprendimiento en la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Alas Peruanas – Filial Tacna, en el año 2013; para lo cual, se trabajó con una muestra de 150 estudiantes de las 03 Escuelas Profesionales; se encontró que existe una relación directa y significativa entre los indicadores de las competencias genéricas del estudiante y los indicadores de ...

  2. Uso de las tics en la enseñanza del inglés y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios de la Universidad Alas Peruanas 2015


    Rodas Paredes, Ysabel Misela


    El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar cómo influye el uso de las Tics en el nivel del rendimiento académico del idioma inglés de los estudiantes de la Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Mecánica de la Universidad Alas Peruanas filial Arequipa. La población estuvo conformada por 455 estudiantes, tanto varones como mujeres, del primer al noveno ciclo de la referida carrera profesional. Para la obtención de los datos usamos una encuesta referida al uso de las Tics por parte de lo...

  3. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a d-Ala:d-Ser ligase associated with VanG-type vancomycin resistance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weber, Patrick; Meziane-Cherif, Djalal; Haouz, Ahmed; Saul, Frederick A.; Courvalin, Patrice


    The VanG d-alanine:d-serine ligase was crystallized in complex with ADP and diffraction data were collected at 2.35 Å resolution. Acquired VanG-type resistance to vancomycin in Enterococcus faecalis BM4518 arises from inducible synthesis of peptidoglycan precursors ending in d-alanyl-d-serine, to which vancomycin exhibits low binding affinity. VanG, a d-alanine:d-serine ligase, catalyzes the ATP-dependent synthesis of the d-Ala-d-Ser dipeptide, which is incorporated into the peptidoglycan synthesis of VanG-type vancomycin-resistant strains. Here, the purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of VanG in complex with ADP are reported. The crystal belonged to space group P3 1 21, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 116.1, c = 177.2 Å, and contained two molecules in the asymmetric unit. A complete data set has been collected to 2.35 Å resolution from a single crystal under cryogenic conditions using synchrotron radiation

  4. Tom ja Anni said suureks / Kairit Tsäro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tsäro, Kairit, 1974-


    ETV staažikas lastesaade "Saame kokku Tomi juures" lõpetab. Saate produtsent Margus Saar, Anni - Maria Soomets ja postiljon Eedi - Kalju Orro, vaatavad tagasi viiele aastale ja meenutavad saatekülalisi

  5. Autopsia : [arvustatakse eelmises Marduses ilmunud originaaljutte ja tõlkeid] / Karen Orlau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Orlau, Karen, pseud., 1975-


    Arvustatavad jutud: Smith, Clark Ashton. Öised koletised; Kalevipoeg, pseud. Purpurvalgus; Brown, Molly. Valel ajal; Belials, Veiko. Kunagi. Kuskil. Eikuskil; Lindsay, David. Swaylone'i saar; Hargla, Indrek. Obernoni apokrüüf

  6. Moodne aeg käib alla / Valner Valme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valme, Valner, 1970-


    Arvustus: Beigbeder, Frédéric. Armastus kestab kolm aastat : romaan / prantsuse keelest tõlkinud Anti Saar. Tallinn : Varrak, 2008 ; Cusk, Rachel. Arlington Park / tõlkinud Kersti Unt. Tallinn : Varrak, 2007

  7. Kliiniline kapitalism ja naise neim / Vaapo Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Vaapo, 1945-


    Tutvustus: Kõiv, Salme. Reet Tammiku. Tallinn : Eesti Raamat, 2011 ; Kalda, Katrin. Eesti romaan / tõlkinud Anti Saar. Tallinn : Varrak, 2011 ; Zola, Émile. Saak / tõlkinud Kaja Riesen. Tallinn : Eesti Raamat, 2011

  8. Noortalunik üllatas õpetajaid raamatuga / Silvia Paluoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paluoja, Silvia, 1956-


    Täna annab MTÜ Eesti Noortalunikud juhatuse liige Karel Tölp Audru Keskkoolile üle paarkümend põllumajandust käsitlevat raamatut, seega on trükis tema vahendusel jõudnud maakonna igasse keskkooli ja gümnaasiumi. Raamatu pealkiri on ́ђجEU Enlargement, discovering the Agriculture of the new Member Statéђح, trükise on välja andnud Euroopa noortalunike organisatsioon (CEJA) Euroopa Komisjoni toetusel. Vestlusest K. Tölbiga

  9. 80 aastat tagasi : Juuli-august 1928 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: 30. juunist 2. juulini toimus IX üldlaulupidu, Tallinna Kaarli kirikus kandis linnade ühendkoor August Topmanni juhatusel ette Händeli oratooriumi "Messias", 1. juulil esines Tallinna Jaani kirkus segakoor Suomen Laulu, 8. juulil Petseri uues lurteri kirikus toimus venekeelne kontsert-jumalateenistus Petseri kloostri- ja maakonna kooride ja 7. jalaväe rügemendi orkestri kaastegevusel, 5. aug. Rapla kirikus esines Johannes Jürgensoni (Juhan Jürme) juhatusel Tallinna Kaarli Lauluselts

  10. Marutaudi eest hoiatavad sildid külvasid hirmu / Risto Mets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mets, Risto


    Rahvusvahelises noorte militaarlaagris Baltic Guards osalenud noorkotkad ja kodutütred kinnitasid Saare-Pala-Kodavere piirkonda jääva Sõõru metsa puudele valeinformatsiooniga sildid, mis hoiatasid huntide seas leviva marutaudi eest

  11. Ehe : patt või püha? / Tanel Veenre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veenre, Tanel, 1977-


    Muljeid ehtekunstinäituselt "Palve. Puudutus. Patt" Tallinna Kunstihoone galeriis. Rein Metsa, Arseni Mölderi, Kristi Saare, Bruno Lillemetsa, Kärt Marani, Lilian Linnaksi, Kaie Partsi ja Adolfas Shaulyse töödest

  12. Memento soovib Kuressaarde rajada Kaastundeseina / Evely Aavik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aavik, Evely


    Eesti Õigusvastaselt Represseeritute Liit Memento plaanib Kuressaare kesklinna rajada Kaastundeseina ning jäädvustada sellel valdade kaupa kõigi Saare maakonnast 1941. ja 1949. aastal Siberisse küüditatute nimed

  13. Võrõpajev s "Eiforijei" / Dmitri Titorenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Titorenko, Dmitri


    Tänavune Veneetsia filmifestival toimub 30. augustist 9. septembrini. Venemaad esindavad kolm mängufilmi : Ivan Võrõpajevi "Eufooria" (põhiprogrammis), Boriss Hlebnikovi "Svobodnoje plavanije" ( programmis "Horisondid"), Pavel Lungini "Saar" lõpetab festivali

  14. V Moskve vrutshenõ premii "Nika"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kuulutati välja Venemaa filmiauhinna "Nike" võitjad : parim vene mängufilm Pavel Lungini "Saar" ("Ostrov"), parim dokfilm Jevgeni Tsõmbali "Zoshtshenko ja Olesha. Kaks portreed ajastu interjööris"

  15. Kõiki reegleid rikkudes-vendade Sõnajalgade juhtum / Antti Oolo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oolo, Antti, 1967-


    Vendade Sõnajalgade tegevusest Saaremaal, kus nad tegelevad tuuleenergia ja kinnisvaraäriga ning konfliktidest Saare maavalitsuse kui ka konkurentidega firmast Beta-Est Holding. Vt. samas: Seadusemuudatus välistab tulevikus ärikeelu rikkumise

  16. Microstructural features associated with the effect of temperature on the dimensional stability of an automotive Al-A319 alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo F. Lopez


    Full Text Available In this work an automotive Al-A319 was given a solid solution heat treatment (T4 at 753 K (480 °C for 4.5 hours and an ageing treatment (T7 at 513 K (240 °C for various times up to 3.0 h. The alloy in the T4 condition was dilatometrically tested at various temperatures in order to measure its relative dimensional changes. It was found that the dimensional changes are due to both, alloy thermal expansion and nucleation and growth of second phases. In addition, in the T7 condition the alloy strength and ductility were determined as a function of ageing times. Ageing promoted alloy strength but at the expenses of a rather poor alloy ductility (down to 1%. Apparently, Cu rich intermetallic phases and regions provided a brittle path for fracturing. In particular, microstructural characterization using high resolution transmission electron microscopy indicated that not all the Cu in the matrix was dissolved during the T4 treatment. Hence, after ageing (T7 these Cu-rich regions seemed to coarsen into spherical particles.

  17. Obtención de modelo matemático para el desarrollo del perfil del ala de una aeronave. // Obtaining a mathematical model for the development of the profile of the airship wing.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Cabrera Pedroso


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo está dirigido a brindar un modelo matemático que permita el cálculo y determinación de una funciónanalítica para la obtención del perfil de un ala de geometría simétrica y variable de una aeronave con el empleo de métodoscomputacionales. En el artículo se analiza los métodos para la elaboración de sistemas de cálculo basados en modelosmatemáticos obtenidos en MATLAB 7.0 e implementados con el software LabVIEW 6.0 a través de programas de diseñosasistidos por computadoras en AUTOCAD (AUTOLISP. Los diferentes tópicos abordados dan a los interesados una ideaglobal del desarrollo de esta tecnología computacional y su aplicación a ramas de la mecánica, así como la metodologíaseguida para obtener el perfil aerodinámico de un ala. También se exponen aspectos generales del empleo de la funciónAUTOLISP y el código fuente del programa diseñado.Palabras claves: perfil de alas, modelos matemáticos, AutoCAD, AutoLISP, medición experimental.__________________________________________________________________________Abstract.This article was carried out to obtain a mathematical model that allows the calculation and determination of an analyticfunction of symmetrical geometry profile and variable. In the article it is analyzed the methods for the elaboration ofsystem of calculations based on mathematical models obtained with the software language LabVIEW 6.0 and it is used todeveloping the program attended by the computers AUTOCAD (AUTOLISP. The approached topics give to the interestedparties a global idea of the development it gives this technology and their application to branches of the mechanicalspecialties, as well as the followed methodology to obtain the aerofoil profile of a wing. General aspects are also exposedof the employment of the function AUTOLISP and the source code on the sketch program.Key words: Wing profiles, mathematical models, AutoCAD, AutoLISP, experimental measurement.

  18. Retalho em ilha de tubarão: uma técnica cirúrgica reconstrutiva de defeitos localizados na área nasal alar/perialar. Um procedimento simples Shark island pedicle flap for repairing of basal cell carcinoma localized in nasal ala-perialar region: a simple procedure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marisa C André


    Full Text Available O Carcinoma Basocelular é a neoplasia cutânea mais frequente. Os autores descrevem uma técnica realizada unicamente num tempo operatório para correção de defeitos na asa do nariz após excisão tumoral. Esta técnica simples permite a correção cirúrgica de defeitos nesta localização possibilitando a reconstrução da anatomia local e a preservação das unidades cosméticas, sem a necessidade de enxertoBasal Cell Carcinoma is the most common skin cancer. We describe a single-staged technique for correction of nasal ala defect after the excision of a basal cell carcinoma. This technique allows correction of surgical defects of the ala rebuilding the original anatomy, maintaining cosmetic units, without need for a graft

  19. 2005. aasta arhitektuurivõistlused

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tulemused: Viljandi Metsakalmistu kabel: I - Andres Lember (Male Arhitektid); Tartu Vabaduse sild: I - Stanislav Shulman, Oleg Samohhin (Peterburi, Transmost); Tartu Mõisavahe kvartali hoonestuskava: I .- Ott Kadarik, Villem Tomiste, Mihkel Tüür (Kosmos); Seewaldi ala planeerimine: I - Jüri Martson, Rasmus Reinolt, Ivo-Martin Veelma (Lokomotiiv); Rotermanni kvartali arhitektuurivõistlus: I - Kosmos; aasta betoonehitis 2004: Ülemiste hotell Tallinnas, Martin Aunin; Lasnamäe Jumalaema kirik: I - Oleg Zhemtshugov (AB Z-Projekt), Nikolai Djatko, Jevgeni Kolomenkin; Pärnu vanalinna ja rannapiirkonna tänavakaubanduse inventari ja jäätmejaamade kujundus: I - Peeter Varrak; Kihnu sadamaala planeerimise ja hoonestamise ideevõistlus: I - Siiri Vallner, Kaire Nõmm, Helina Lass, Anna-Liisa Unt (Kavakava); Narva kolledzhi uus hoone: I - Katrin Koov, S. Vallner (Kavakava) ja Indrek Peil (Head Arhitektid); Randvere algkooli hoone: II - Inga Raukas (Arhitektuuriagentuur); Tartu Toomemäe valgustuse ja arhitektuursete väikevormide ideevõistlus: II - K. Koov ja Heidi Urb (Kabvakava) ning Maarja Kask, Ralf Lõoke, Karli Luik (Salto); Metsakalmistu arhitektide kalmeala: I - M. Kask, R. Lõoke; Skoone bastioni ideevõistlus: I - M. Kask, R. Lõoke, K. Luik (Salto); Mahtra talurahvamuuseum: I -Tomomi Hayashi, Hanno Grossschmidt; parim eramu 2004-2005: metallmaja Tabasalus, Muru & Pere; Tallinna loomaaia läänevärav: I - I. Raukas, Monika Löve, Oliver Soomets; parim puitehitis 2005: Naba lasteaed Pirital, arhitektid Vahur Sova, Lauri Saar, sisearhitekt Mari Tosmin; Pae karjääri revitaliseerimine: III - Veronika Valk, Kerli Raamsalu

  20. Kunstikriitiku professionaalne paranoia ja selle ravi / Alvar Loog

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loog, Alvar, 1975-


    Vastulause raamatu "20. sajandi mõttevoolud" (Tallinn ; Tartu : Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus, 2009) arvustusele: Saar Johannes. 20. sajandi mõttevoolud : kogu talveks lugemist ja magamist. Eesti Päevaleht, 2009, 25. sept., lk. 12-13

  1. Umberto Eco : olemise piire kombates / Marina Grishakova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grišakova, Marina, 1961-


    Arvustus: Eco, Umberto. Eilse päeva saar / tõlkinud Merike Pau. Tallinn : Eesti Raamat, 2003 ; Eco, Umberto. Baudolino / itaalia keelest tõlkinud [ja järelsõna:] Ülar Ploom. Tallinn : Varrak, 2003

  2. Bali - ekspertide kohtumispaik ja turistide paradiis / Sirje Virkus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virkus, Sirje, 1956-


    10.-19. märtsini 2000 viibis TPÜ sotsiaalteaduskonna infoteaduste osakonna juhataja dotsent Sirje Virkus Bali saarel Indoneesias UNESCO ekspertide kohtumisel, et valmistada ette raamatukogude automatiseerimise koolituspakett arengumaadele. Bali saare loodusest ja balilaste elukorraldusest

  3. Naise võim Bermudas : kubjas kukutati / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Suurbritanniale kuuluva Bermuda saare parlamendivalimised vallandasid sündmuste ahela, mis võivad muuta asumaa poliitikat. Ametist tagandati peaminister Jennifer Meredith Smith ja uueks peaministriks sai senine tööminister William Alexander Scott

  4. Networks / Tiia Johannson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Johannson, Tiia, 1965-2002


    11.-25. IV Kanadas Newfoundlandi saare pealinnas St. Johnis toimunud meediakunstifestivalist "Networks" alapealkirjaga "A Placeless Space". Kuraator Andrea Cooper. Pikemalt Liz Pickardi installatsioonist "Museum of the Mind". Virtuaalse ruumina kasutati virtuaalmaailma "OnLive Traveller"

  5. Koalitsioon ei plaani linna juhtimises muudatusi / Ester Vilgats, Eno-Gerrit Link

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vilgats, Ester


    Pärnu koalitsiooninõukogu sõnul pole põhjust linnapea Mart Viisitamme, abilinnapea Simmo Saare ja koalitsiooninõukogu esimehe Vello Järvesalu välja vahetamiseks, kuna kedagi pole süüdi mõistetud

  6. Veneetsia'99 / Ando Keskküla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Keskküla, Ando, 1950-2008


    Veneetsia biennaali Eesti komitee valis Veneetsia biennaalile Eestit esindama Johannes Saare kunstiprojekti "Vesivärav", millesse on kaasatud kunstnikud Jüri Ojaver ning Peeter Pere ja Ando Keskküla "Vaadete anatoomia", mida autor tutvustab.

  7. Rahvas palkab 101 töötajat / Tarmo Pikner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pikner, Tarmo


    Saare Maavalitsuse arengu- ja planeeringu osakonna juhataja Tarmo Pikneri sõnul on piirkondlike erinevustega arvestamine meie riigi seadusandluses enam kui puudulik. Igal Riigikogu liikmel peaks olema ette näidata tema panus Eesti riigi seadusloomesse

  8. Ruhnu saarele hakkab lennutama Saksa firma / Mehis Tulk, Andres Sepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tulk, Mehis, 1967-


    Ilmunud ka: Meie Maa 9. nov lk. 1. Riigihankekonkursi Pärnu-Ruhnu-Kuressaare lennuliini teenindamiseks võitnud Saksa firmaga Luftverkehr Friesland Brunzema und Partner KG sõlmib Saare maavalitsus avaliku teenindamise lepingu neljaks aastaks. Kaart

  9. Pop / Mart Kalvet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalvet, Mart, 1975-


    Heliplaatidest: Phlox "Rebimine + voltimine", The Bees "Octopus", Feist "The Reminder", Led R "Led the R Out", Erinevad esitajad "Muusika filmile "Jan Uuspõld läheb Tartusse"", Mikk Saar "See on see", Mark Ronson "Versions"

  10. Eckhard Mostekit üllatasid Hiiumaa korras koolid / Harda Roosna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roosna, Harda


    Juuni algul tutvus Hiiumaa koolidega Saksamaa Rügeni saare Gingst regiooni kooli direktor E. Mostek. Vestlusest tutvumisringi kaasa teinud SA Tuuru konsultandi Matti Lüsiga ja Hiiu maavalitsuse haridus- ja kultuuriosakonna juhataja Ermo Mäeotsaga

  11. Maavanem ähvardab põhikooli liitmisotsuse kohtusse anda / Ahto Jakson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jakson, Ahto


    Saare maavanem Toomas Kasemaa ähvardab Kuressaare linnavolikogu poolt veebruari lõpus vastu võetud Kuressaare põhikooli liitmisotsuse anda halduskohtusse, juhul kui volikogu ei vii otsust ettenähtud aja jooksul vastavusse haldusmenetluse seadusega

  12. Tööpuudus hiilib kikivarvul Võrumaale / Arved Breidaks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Breidaks, Arved, 1975-


    Võrumaal on töötute arv eelmise aastaga võrreldes tõusma hakanud: mullu suvel maakonnas registreeritud 3,9%-line töötuse määr asendus tänavu juuli lõpus 5,4%-lise töötusega. Lisa: Töötus Võrumaal. Vt. samas: Kuidas iseloomustate olukorda Võrumaa tööjõuturul? Vastavad Martin Arula (AS Toftan), Kaido Mäesalu (AS Suwem), Meelis Munski (AS Semuehitus), Indrek Klampe (OÜ Selista Ehitus), Andres Visanpuu (Võru TÜ)

  13. Novõi vantovõi most võderzhit i sverhtjazholõje gruzoviki / Urmas Tooming

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tooming, Urmas


    Tallinnas Lasnamäel Smuuli teed Suur-Sõjamäe tänavaga ühendama hakkavast vantsillast. Üldprojekti autor K-Projekt, silla projekteerija EstKonsult. Kommenteerivad projektijuht Aivar-Oskar Saar ja insenerehitusdivisjoni direktor Arno Elias

  14. Kui suurt aktsia- või osakapitali on vaja?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Äriseadustikus sätestatud äriühingu netovarast. Koostatud ettekande põhjal, mille advokaadibüroo Luiga Mody Hääl Borenius advokaat Marko Saar pidas 31. jaanuaril toimunud seminaril "Dividendid, omakapital ja maksud"

  15. Suur ülevaatenäitus tirib eesti kunsti paigalseisust välja : neli tugevat kuraatoriprojekti pakuvad midagi iga põlvkonna kunstimaitsele / Ants Juske

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juske, Ants, 1956-2016


    Tallinna Kunstihoones Toomas Vindi kureeritud "Deja vu", Kunstihoone galeriis Peeter Alliku kureeritud "Naturalism", Rotermanni soolalaos Johannes Saare kureeritud "Aids kultuuris", Tartu Kunstimajas Reet Varblase kureeritud "Eneseksjäämine. Väikesed rollimängud 21. sajandiks"

  16. Effects of hydrostatic pressure on the electron g|| factor and g-factor anisotropy in GaAs-(Ga, Al)As quantum wells under magnetic fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porras-Montenegro, N; Duque, C A; Oliveira, L E; Reyes-Gomez, E


    The hydrostatic-pressure effects on the electron-effective Lande g || factor and g-factor anisotropy in semiconductor GaAs-Ga 1-x Al x As quantum wells under magnetic fields are studied. The g || factor is computed by considering the non-parabolicity and anisotropy of the conduction band through the Ogg-McCombe effective Hamiltonian, and numerical results are displayed as functions of the applied hydrostatic pressure, magnetic fields, and quantum-well widths. Good agreement between theoretical results and experimental measurements in GaAs-(Ga, Al)As quantum wells for the electron g factor and g-factor anisotropy at low values of the applied magnetic field and in the absence of hydrostatic pressure is obtained. Present results open up new possibilities for manipulating the electron-effective g factor in semiconductor heterostructures.

  17. Saare jonniga idealist / Lemmi Kann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kann, Lemmi


    Maxima OÜ tegevjuhist Margus Pärnast. Lisad: Elulugu; Tasub teada. Kommenteerivad: TOP Auto juhatuse esimees Felor Pärnpuu, Sales-Star ASi juhatuse esimees Tiina Aas, psühhiaater Jüri Ennet ning ASi Mobec müügijuht Kaido Sumberg. Vt. samas: Karmi käega õppejõud Pärn

  18. DVD "El monje" / Kalmer Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Kalmer


    Õuduspõnevik 18. saj. elanud Matthew Gregory Lewise romaani "Munk" järgi : stsenaristid Luis Bunuel, Jean-Claude Carriere : režissöör Adonis Kyrou : peaosas Franco Nero : Prantsusmaa - Itaalia - Lääne-Saksamaa 1973


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanto Santosa


    Full Text Available Population of bulls in the world is decreasing to 80%. On Java and Bali, the habitat of the species has declined by about 20% and 30% respectively (IUCN 2003. In Java, especially in Alas Purwo National Park, the decreasing population of bulls is caused by hunting and degradation of habitat. The estimation of growth bulls population in APNP is increase. The size of population in the beginning is 588 individuals the rate of growth is 0.093 and carrying capacity of habitat is 4772 individuals. The population will reach the carrying capacity by the year of 2126. The pattern of spatial distribution of bulls in APNP based on analysis of chi-square test is grouped (2hit>220.025. The pattern of distribution in low-land forest and platation forest is randomized (20.9752hit20.025, meanwhile it is grouped in coastal forest ecosystem. The pattern of distribution in each type of ecoystem is influenced by the factor of resources (feedings, water, and salty water and predation factor

  20. Eesti on valmis startima Veneetsiasse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sorose Kaasaegse Kunsti Eesti Keskusel on valminud kataloog eesti kunstnikest 48. Veneetsia biennaalil. 10. VI avatakse Veneetsias Palazzo Querinis Ando Keskküla, Jüri Ojaveri ja Peeter Pere ekspositsioon, mida kureerisid Sirje Helme ja Johannes Saar

  1. Kontsert

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Kammerkooride Liidu kontsert "Mart Saar 125 ja Ester Mägi 85" 17. märtsil TÜ aulas, anglo-eesti jazzkvintett 16. märtsil Vanemuise Kontserdimaja jazzisaalis ja Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor 22. märtsil Jaani kirikus

  2. Kirjandusteosed läbisid esimese sõelumise / Inna Grünfeldt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grünfeldt, Inna, 1961-


    Virumaa selle aasta kirjandusauhinnale kandideerivad Ave Alavainu "Minekulaulud", Toomas Haugi "Troojamäe tõotus", Enn Nõu "Mõtusekuke viimne kogupauk", Olavi Ruitlase "Kroonu", Olivia Saare "Humalapuu", Indrek Hargla "French ja Koulu" ja Eevi Taeli "Lapse silmadega Narvast"

  3. Energeetiliselt autonoomse maakonna projekti toetab ka Briti saatkond / Raivo Sihver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sihver, Raivo


    Briti saatkonna esindaja Liis Plato ja Põlva maavanem Urmas Klaas allkirjastasid pilootprojekti "Energeetiliselt autonoomne maakond". Teise etapi käigus läbiviidavat uurimistööd toetab Eesti Briti saatkond 150 000 krooniga

  4. Turist ei hooli maakonna piiridest ja otsib elamusi / Eevi Kuht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuht, Eevi, 1943-


    Märtsis moodustati uus sihtasutus Põhja-Eesti Turism, kuhu kuuluvad Lääne-, Ida-Virumaa, Harjumaa, Järva- ja Raplamaa, sihtasutusele palgatakse tegevjuht. Põhja-Eesti turismikonverentsil andsid oma nägemuse turismi edendamisest SA Virumaa Muuseumid juhataja Ants Leemets ja Sillamäe sadama nõukogu esimees Tiit Vähi

  5. Effect of fatty acid-binding protein 2 Ala54Thr genotype on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors after a high-polyunsaturated fat diet in obese patients. (United States)

    de Luis, Daniel; Aller, Rocio; Izaola, Olatz; Sagrado, Manuel Gonzalez; de la Fuente, Beatriz; Conde, Rosa; Primo, David


    It has been found that the expression of fatty acid-binding protein 2 messenger RNA is under dietary control. The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of Thr54 polymorphism in the FABP2 gene on weight loss and secondarily in cardiovascular risk factors and serum adipokine after an enriched polyunsaturated fat hypocaloric diet in obese patients. A sample of 111 obese patients was analyzed. The enriched polyunsaturated fat hypocaloric diet during 3 months' intervention consisted of 1459 kcal, 45.7% carbohydrates, 34.4% lipids, and 19.9% proteins. The distribution of fats was as follows: 21.8% saturated fats, 55.5% monounsaturated fats, and 22.7% polyunsaturated fats. Level of significance was P fat mass (-3.1 ± 3.5 kg), and waist circumference (-3.3 ± 2.1 cm) decreased. In carriers of the Thr54 allele, body mass index (-1.9 ± 1.6 kg/m(2)), weight (- 4.7 ± 1.4 kg), and waist circumference (-3.9 ± 3.7 cm) decreased. These changes were significantly higher in the carriers of the Thr54 allele than noncarriers. Only in the carriers of Thr54 allele, total cholesterol levels (-11.4 ± 20.6 mg/dl), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (-5.4 ± 10.6 mg/dL), insulin (-2.6 ± 3.4 MUI/L), and the level of homeostasis model assessment for insulin sensitivity (-0.9 ± 1.7 U) decreased. Carriers of Thr54 allele have a better metabolic response than obese carriers with Ala54Ala genotype, with a decrease of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, insulin levels, leptin levels, and homeostasis model assessment for insulin sensitivity.

  6. Lükati suusasild / Alar Just

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Just, Alar


    2005. a. oktoobris Tallinnas Pirital avatud puidust Lükati suusasilla projekteeris AS Resand (Ragnar Pabort, Alar Just) ja ehitas AS Järelpinge Inseneribüroo Aivar-Oskar Saare juhtimisel. Liimpuitdetailid valmistas AS Liimpuit. 6 värv. ill

  7. "Ekspeditsioon Wunderlich" = "Expedition Wunderlich" / Carl-Dag Lige, Hannes Praks ; kommenteerinud Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lige, Carl-Dag, 1982-


    Näitus "Ekspeditsioon Wunderlich" Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseumis. Autorid Katrin Talvik, Merilin Tee, Sabine Suuster, Martin Saar, Karl Taul, Alden Jõgisuu, Tõnu Lensment, Aadam Kaarma, Cael-Dag Lige, Hannes Praks. Näitus on Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ja Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseumi ühisprojekt

  8. Maskid ja rollid Tallinna Kunstihoones / Pille-Triin Männik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Männik, Pille-Triin


    Tallinna XII graafikatriennaali Johannes Saare kuraatorinäitusest "Sündmus. Kujutis. Teisik" Tallinna Kunstihoones ja selle galeriis. Anu Juuraku peegelruumist, surma (A. Savadov, M. Mamsikov), armastuse (L. Gorlova) ja igapäevaste maskide (K. Gelzis, H. Weselius) teemast.

  9. Vabastav raamat kosmilisest totaalsusest / Kaido Floren

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Floren, Kaido


    Arvustus: Strugatski, Arkadi, Strugatski, Boriss. Asustatud saar / tlk. Kalle Käsper ja Gohar Käsper-Markosjan. Tln: : Varrak, 1999. Vastukaja : Käsper, Kalle, Käsper-Markosjan, Gohar. Elementaarne, Watson! // Eesti Päevaleht : Arkaadia (2000) 15. jaan., lk. 10

  10. Enam kui pool eestlastest peab Rüütli otsust õigeks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Arnold Rüütli otsust mitte sõita 9. mail Moskvasse peab õigeks 61 protsensti eestlastest ja kõigest 6,1 protsensti mitteeestlastest. Kommentaarid Tartu Ülikooli politoloogiaosakonna teadurilt Vello Pettai'lt ja sotsioloog Andrus Saar'elt

  11. Ehitusmaailma stipendiumid / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Ehitusmaailma kaupluseketi omanik AS "Fanaal" jagas kolmandat korda välja stipendiumid ehitus-, arhitektuuri- ja restaureerimisala üliõpilastele. Stipendiumi said: Mati Raal (EKA), Andrus Räämet, Eero Tuhkanen (TTÜ), Priit Lõhmus, Mauro Ilves, Maidu Saar (EPÜ)

  12. Midigraafika Linnagaleriis / Piret Pert

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pert, Piret


    Pärnu Linnagaleriis 28. juulini avatud rahvusvahelise väikegraafika näitusest "Midigrafik II". Leedu kunstniku Mikolajus Vilutise, Anu Kalmu, Helje Eelma-Saare, Sirje Eelma, Ülle Marksi ja Jüri Kassi tööde valjapanekust

  13. Viimane kangelane sünnitab esimese inimese : Johannes Saar ajastu vaimust moodsates kangelaskujutistes / Johannes Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Johannes, 1965-


    Rahvusvahelisest teemanäitusest "Viimane kangelane" Rotermanni soolalaos. Pikemalt ukraina kunstnik Arsen Savadovist, vene kunstnik Vladislav Mamõshev-Monroest, ajastukohaste kangelaste otsimisest. Ilmunud lühendatult ka kogumikus "Päevast päeva" pealkirjaga "Viimane kangelane", lk. 152-158

  14. In vivo wide-field multispectral dosimeter for use in ALA-PpIX based photodynamic therapy of skin (United States)

    LaRochelle, Ethan P. M.; Davis, Scott C.; de Souza, Ana Luiza Ribeiro; Pogue, Brian W.


    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) for Actinic Kertoses (AK) using aminoluvelinic acid (ALA) is an FDA-approved treatment, which is generally effective, yet response rates vary. The origin of the variability is not well characterized, but may be related to inter-patient variability in the production of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). While fiber-based point probe systems provide a method for measuring PpIX production, these measurements have demonstrated large spatial and inter-operator variability. Thus, in an effort to improve patient-specific dosimetry and treatment it is important to develop a robust system that accounts for spatial variability and reduces the chance of operator errors. To address this need, a wide-field multispectral imaging system was developed that is capable of quantifying maps of PpIX in both liquid phantoms and in vivo experiments, focusing on high sensitivity light signals. The system uses both red and blue excitation to elicit a fluorescent response at varying skin depths. A ten-position filter wheel with bandpass filters ranging from 635nm to 710nm are used to capture images along the emission band. A linear least-square spectral fitting algorithm provides the ability to decouple background autofluorescence from PpIX fluorescence, which has improved the system sensitivity by an order of magnitude, detecting nanomolar PpIX concentrations in liquid phantoms in the presence of 2% whole blood and 2% intralipid.

  15. Vene filmi veidrused / Arvo Pesti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pesti, Arvo, 1956-2010


    Tallinnas ja Narvas peetud II vene filmide festivalist. Filmidest: "Mängides ohvrit" ("Izobrazhaja zhertvu", rezh. K. Serebrennikov), "Saar" ("Ostrov", rezh. P. Lungin),"Vokaalsed paralleelid" ("Vokalnõje paralleli", rezh. R. Hamdamov), "Uss" ("Zmeja", rezh. A. Muradov), "Vabalangemine" (rezh. B. Hlebnikov)

  16. Lasteaed ja lihtsad asjad : lasteaed "Naba" Pirital = Kindergarten and Simple Things : the NABA Kindergarten at Pirita / Vahur Sova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sova, Vahur


    Projekteerija: Teigar.Sova.Arhitektid. Autorid: Vahur Sova, Lauri Saar. Sisekujundaja Mari Tosmin. Konstruktor Tõnu Peipman (Inseneribüroo Peipman). Projekt: 2001-2003, valmis: 2004-2005. Ill.: 4 värv. välis- ja 2 sisevaadet, I korruse plaan

  17. Ruhnu sadama sissesõidutee saab lõpuks ohutuma märgistuse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ruhnu piirivalvekordoni ülem Rainer Sosi pöördus veeteede ameti poole, et viimane paigaldaks õnnetuste ärahoidmiseks Ruhnu saare lähedale nn Ringsu rabasse korraliku poi. Aastate jooksul on selles paigas mitmeid aluseid karile sõitnud

  18. Veevärk laiendab haaret / Monika Puutsa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Puutsa, Monika


    Kuressaare Veevärk OÜ ja Veemaailm INC sõlmisid lepingu vee- ja kanalisatsioonitorustiku rajamiseks ja uuendamiseks linna 24 tänaval, mis on esimene etapp Saare maakonda hõlmavast Ühtekuuluvusfondi veemajanduse projektist. 80% ulatuses rahastab projekti EL

  19. Küpros sattus mereväebaasi plahvatuse tagajärjel kriisi / Martin Rits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rits, Martin


    Juunis juhtunud Evangelos Florakise mereväebaasi plahvatus viis Küprose tõsisesse poliitilisse ja majandusliku kriisi. Välis- ja kaitseminister astus tagasi ning riigi krediidireiting on langenud. Enam kui poole saare elektrist tootnud Vassiliko elektrijaam on seiskunud. Kaart

  20. Tõusevad toimetulekupiir ja töötutoetus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Valitsuskabinet kiitis heaks sotsiaalministri ettepaneku tõsta toimetulekupiir 900 ja töötutoetus 1000 kroonini. Vt ka Vooremaa 12. Sep. 2006, lk. 4, pealkiri kujul : Toetused suurenevad. Sama ka Vooremaa : Saare Valla Teataja 11. nov. 2006, lk. 2

  1. Sallivus - äraootav teineteise talumine? : eestlaste ja eestivenelaste vastastikuse kuvandi loomise strateegiad / Saale Taul

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Taul, Saale


    Sallivuse tüüpidest modernses ühiskonnas. Integratsiooni Sihtasutuse ja OÜ Saar Poll poolt 2000. a. tehtud integratsioonimonitooringu kvantitatiivsel andmestikul tuginevast uuringust, kus süvaintervjuude abil uuriti eestlaste ning eestivenelaste identiteeti. Lisatud katkendid intervjuudest ja selgitavad skeemid

  2. Lionsi asepresident kiitis Eesti "lõvisid" / Marika Milve

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Milve, Marika, 1968-


    Lions klubi Eestis. Vt. ka Meie Maa "Lionsite maailma-assotsiatsiooni teine asepresident Augustino Solivo külastas Saaremaad" 8- juuni, lk. 1, Oma Saar "Augustino Soliva: tavaliselt oskavad inimesed võtta, kuid ei oska anda" 7. juuni, lk. 3

  3. Rahvusvaheline naer läbi pisarate kunstihoones / Riin Kübarsepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kübarsepp, Riin, 1978-


    Näitus "Halb nali" Tallinna Kunstihoones, kuraator Johannes Saar. Eksponeeritakse Nathalie Djurberg'i (Rootsi), Peter Finnemore' (Wales), Ivars Gravlejs'i (Läti), Tsui Kuang-Yu (Taiwan), Marko Mäetamme (Eesti), Jüri Ojaveri (Eesti) jt. kunstnike töid

  4. Küprose president ootab Türgilt inimõiguste täitmist / Tassos Papadopoulos ; interv. Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Papadopoulos, Tassos


    Eestis viibinud Küprose president ei ole vastu Türgiga liitumiskõneluste alustamisele, ta loodab Euroopa Liidu abile saare ühendamisel. Intervjuus käsitletakse veel Euroopa Liidu põhiseaduslikku lepet, Eesti - Küprose suhteid. Lisa: Tassos Papadopoulos. Kaart

  5. Occupational radiation exposure in nuclear medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gloebel, B.; Muth, H.; Keller, K.D.; Hector, G.; Lehnen, H.


    In a large hospital (University Hospital, Homburg/Saar, 2000 beds) the use of radionuclides was determined with the aim of a balance of the radionuclide flow through the clinic and the resulting radiation exposure for the persons involved. (author)

  6. Nädal pildis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kabala laulupäevast 31. juulil. Juuli lõpul osales üle Lõuna-Järvamaa veerandsada 1.-10. klassi õpilast käsitöö ja muusikalaagris "Käsa-Musa" Õisu lasteaias, kus õpiti laule Tea Saare juhendamisel

  7. Association of the SOD2 polymorphism (Val6Ala and SOD activity with vaso-occlusive crisis and acute splenic sequestration in children with sickle cell anemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabela Cristina Cordeiro Farias


    Full Text Available The SOD2 polymorphism Val16Ala TàC influences the antioxidative response. This study investigated the association of the SOD2 polymorphism and superoxide dismutase (SOD activity with vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC and acute splenic sequestration (ASS in children with sickle cell anemia (SCA. One hundred ninety-five children aged 1-9 years old were analyzed. The TC and CC genotypes were associated with lower SOD activity compared with the TT genotype (p=0.0321; p=0.0253, respectively. Furthermore, TC/CC were more frequent in patients with VOC or ASS (p=0.0285; p=0.0090, respectively. These results suggest that the SOD2 polymorphism associated with low SOD activity could be involved in SCA physiopathology.

  8. Kingiks kaunimale soole / Christel Karits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karits, Christel, 1966-


    Naistepäeva tähistamise kontsertidest: Francis Goya 06. 03 Pärnu kontserdimajas, 08. 03 Estonia kontserdisaalis ja 10. 03 Vanemuise kontserdimajas; Naistepäevagala (Maarja & Koit, Tallinna Kammerorkester, Meelis Tauk, Mihkel Mälgand, Petteri Hasa, Andrus Rannaääre, dirigent Jüri-Ruut Kangur) 05. 03 Vanemuise kontserdimajas, 06. 03 Estonia kontserdisaalis ja 07. 03 Pärnu kontserdimajas; "Meestelt naistele" (Alen & Repriis, Vello Orumets, Jassi Zahharov, Andres Dvinjaninov 06. 03 Vanemuise kontserdimajas, 07. 03 Estonia kontserdisaalis, 09. 03 Jõhvi kontserdimajas; "Diplomaatilise noodid" raames "Sulle üks laul" (Daniel Bonilla-Torres, Kristo Käo, Jüri Aarma 08. 03 KuMu auditooriumis; Mõisaromantika kaunitele daamidele (Ooper-kvartett, Jüri Aarma) 10. 03 Vihterpalu mõisas

  9. Photoaffinity labeling of opiate (enkephalin) receptor of rat brain plasma membranes with 125I(D-Ala2, p-N3-Phe4-Met5)-enkephalin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yeung, C.W.T.


    A photoreactive (D-Ala 2 , p-N 3 -Phe 4 -Met 5 )enkephalin derivative was prepared, iodinated with carrier free 125 I and then purified by high performance liquid chromatography. The purified radioactive photoprobe was monoiodinated at the amino terminal tyrosine residue. This radioactive photoprobe was used to photoaffinity label plasma membranes prepared from rat brain, spinal cord and cerebellum. The photolabeled plasma membranes were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. A 46,000-daltons band was specifically photolabeled in the plasma membranes of brain and spinal cord but not in the plasma membranes from cerebellum. The photolabeling of this band was inhibited by peptides related to enkephalin by not but substance P or gastrin tetrapeptide. These data demonstrate that the labeled 46,000-daltons band is a protein of the opiate (enkephalin)receptor

  10. Sinine Laguun - sinine pärl mustade laavaväljade embuses / Riina Luik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luik, Riina, 1962-


    Islandi loodusest, geisritest ning kuumaveeallikatest ja nende kasutamisest saare kütteallikatena ning spaaturismis, täpsemalt Sinise Laguuni nimelise termaaljärve juurde ehitatud ülimoodsast sama nimelisest kompleksist, kus on nii spaa, restoran, kliinik psoriaasihaigetele, kui ka konverentsikeskus

  11. Vladimir Panov : obvinenija nado dokazõvat / Vladimir Panov ; interv. Jana Toom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Panov, Vladimir, 1941-


    Pistisevõtmises süüdistatud Tallinna endine abilinnapea Vladimir Panov vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad viieaastast kohtuprotsessi ning Äripäeva ja meedia suhtumist talle esitatud süüdistusse. Kommenteerivad: Tarmu Tammerk, Andrus Saar, Edgar Savisaar

  12. Tööjõu liikuvus Euroopa Liidus / Tereza Nesterko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nesterko, Tereza


    Tööjõu mobiilsusest Euroopa Liidus ja Eestis. Konsultatsioonifirma PricewaterhouseCoopers poolt 2002. aastal läbi viidud Euroopa tööjõu mobiilsust käsitleva uuringu tulemused ja uuringufirma SaarPoll poolt Eestis korraldatud küsitlusuuringust

  13. Vanadusest infantiilsuseni / Teet Veispak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veispak, Teet, 1955-


    Aprillikuu näitustest Tallinnas. Pikemalt Reet Varblase kureeritud näitusest "Homo grandis natu" Tallinna Kunstihoones, Jaan Paavle ja Tanel Saare näitustest Draakoni galeriis, Külli K. Kaatsi ja Daniele Mosca väljapanekust "Salajased aiad" Kunstihoone galeriis

  14. Graafika müstiline olemus / Kiwa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiwa, pseud., 1975-


    Tallinna XII graafikatriennaali näitustest "Muutuv kujund" Rotermanni soolalaos ja Johannes Saare kureeritud "Sündmus. Kujutis. Teisik" Tallinna Kunstihoones ja selle galeriis. M. Ratnikshi. S. Griersoni, E. Bzheskase, L. Laganovskise, J. Boiko, A. Tali, A. Juani töödest

  15. 11. IV avati Draakoni galeriis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tanel Saare (sünd. 1979) näitus "Gott und huhn episode IV: seed shower". Eksponeeritakse väljavõtteid aktsioonidest aastatel 2000-2004 Turus, Nürnbergis, Berliinis, Lohusalus ja Soulis. Osa aktsioone toimus koos rühmitusega Non Grata

  16. Muuseum - market? Bach või Meie Mees? / Valner Valme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valme, Valner, 1970-


    28. septembril 2005. a. Rüütelkonna hoones toimunud avalikult arutelult muuseumi koha ja funktsiooni üle tänapäeva ühiskonnas. Vestlusringis Jaak Kangilaski, Rein Raud, Eha Komissarov, Merike Lang, Johannes Saar, Anders Härm, Sirje Helme jt

  17. Eesti harrastusfilm võitis esikoha

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinna V rahvusvahelise amatöörfilmide festivali peaauhind jagunes nelja filmi vahel, millest üks oli Eesti "Elevanti nägema" (tegijad Sandra Dürdorth, Maureen Apel, Kalev Saar, Leon Shamis). Teised võitjad olid Austria (2 filmi) ja Soome

  18. Pilistvere rehehoones tapetakse Rasputin / Kaarel Aluoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aluoja, Kaarel


    7. aug. Pilistvere vanas rehehoones esietendunud Ain Saviaugu kirjutatud ja lavastatud suvetükist "Rasputin". Suvelavastuse tõi välja Põltsamaa Teater Ellunäod koos professionaalsete näitlejatega. Nimiosas mängib näitlejast riigikogulane Indrek Saar

  19. Rasputin - lugu rahva latvade juurimisest / Kati Murutar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Murutar, Kati, 1967-


    7. aug. Pilistvere vanas rehehoones esietendunud Ain Saviaugu kirjutatud ja lavastatud suvetükist "Rasputin". Suvelavastuse tõi välja Põltsamaa Teater Ellunäod koos professionaalsete näitlejatega. Nimiosas mängib näitlejast riigikogulane Indrek Saar

  20. Pilistvere vana rehe all päästetakse Venemaad / Krista Valdvee

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valdvee, Krista, 1978-


    7. aug. Pilistvere vanas rehehoones esietendunud Ain Saviaugu kirjutatud ja lavastatud suvetükist "Rasputin". Suvelavastuse tõi välja Põltsamaa Teater Ellunäod koos professionaalsete näitlejatega. Nimiosas mängib näitlejast riigikogulane Indrek Saar