
Sample records for saada film tagasi

  1. Reisifirma tõrjub Kesklinna vanema soovi raha tagasi saada / Urmas Seaver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seaver, Urmas, 1973-


    Kesklinna vanema Erik Siiguri väitel asub Kesklinna valitsus reisikorraldajalt OÜ Helke ligi 27000 kr. kohtu kaudu tagasi nõudma, kui firma ise ei maksa, sest Helke lubas linnaosa valitsuse ametnikele Pariisis rohkem koolitust, kui hiljem pakkus

  2. SAADA: Astronomical Databases Made Easier (United States)

    Michel, L.; Nguyen, H. N.; Motch, C.


    Many astronomers wish to share datasets with their community but have not enough manpower to develop databases having the functionalities required for high-level scientific applications. The SAADA project aims at automatizing the creation and deployment process of such databases. A generic but scientifically relevant data model has been designed which allows one to build databases by providing only a limited number of product mapping rules. Databases created by SAADA rely on a relational database supporting JDBC and covered by a Java layer including a lot of generated code. Such databases can simultaneously host spectra, images, source lists and plots. Data are grouped in user defined collections whose content can be seen as one unique set per data type even if their formats differ. Datasets can be correlated one with each other using qualified links. These links help, for example, to handle the nature of a cross-identification (e.g., a distance or a likelihood) or to describe their scientific content (e.g., by associating a spectrum to a catalog entry). The SAADA query engine is based on a language well suited to the data model which can handle constraints on linked data, in addition to classical astronomical queries. These constraints can be applied on the linked objects (number, class and attributes) and/or on the link qualifier values. Databases created by SAADA are accessed through a rich WEB interface or a Java API. We are currently developing an inter-operability module implanting VO protocols.

  3. Elisabeth Rehn : parem on ise hakkama saada / Elisabeth Rehn ; interv. Priit Simson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rehn, Elisabeth, 1935-


    Soome endine kaitseminister on seisukohal, et Soome oleks pidanud NATO-ga ühinema tükk aega tagasi. Ta toetab NATO-t jätkuvalt, kuid ei tunne end samasuguse NATO entusiastina nagu 5 või 7 aastat tagasi

  4. Kuhu nüüd, Euroopa? / Timothy Garton Ash ; tõlkinud Janek Salme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garton Ash, Timothy, 1955-


    Autori arvates pole praegune Euroopa suuremeelne Euroopa, millest unistasid 1989. a. visionäärid, ning on küsimus, kas suudame tagasi saada osa tolleaegsest strateegilisest julgusest ja ajalooliselt kujutlusvõimest

  5. Füüsilise isiku tuludeklaratsioon = Income tax return for a natural person / Dmitri Jegorov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jegorov, Dmitri


    Maksu- ja Tolliameti projekt "Füüsilise isiku tuludeklaratsioon" on täienenud automaatse kontrollsüsteemiga, mis annab maksumaksjale võimaluse enammakstud tulumaks tagasi saada viie tööpäeva jooksul

  6. Voters not fazed by sleazy reputation of political leaders

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Politoloogide uuringust selgus, et Läti ühiskonda ei huvita poliitikute maine. Ventspilsi linnapea Aivars Lembergs pöördus tagasi Roheliste ja Farmerite Liitu ning loodab võita 2010. aasta parlamendivalimisi ja saada peaministriks

  7. BIG tahab pangaks saada / Annika Matson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matson, Annika, 1976-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti : Finansõ 19. jaan. 2005 lk. 2. Kiirlaenukontorina tegutsev Balti Investeringute Grupp tahab saada pangaks. Kommenteerivad Ain Hanschmidt, Loit Linnupõld, Indrek Neivelt ja Alvar Jõgeva. Vt. samas: Krista Taim. Väikeinvestor kiidab BIG-i soodsat protsenti; Kiirelt saadud laen tänini kukil ja suhted sugulastega sassis

  8. Koputa end terveks! / Ursula Zimmermann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zimmermann, Ursula


    Emotsionaalse vabaduse tehnikast (EFT) ehk koputusmeetodist, mis kasutab väga lihtsale eneseanalüüsile ja sisendusele lisaks aastatuhandeid tagasi väljatöötatud traditsioonilisi Hiina akupunktuuri punkte, et keha energiaväljas energia liikuma saada

  9. Dzhentelmenide kätsh / Hannes Sarv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarv, Hannes


    AS Alta Foods esitas Stockholmi arbitraazhiinstituudile taotluse, et saada tagasi AS-i Kalev toiduainetööstuse ja AS-i Tere omandamiseks tasutud kuue miljoni euro suurune ettemaks. Vt. samas: Tehingu kronoloogia. Küsimustele vastavad Indrek Rahumaa ja Oliver Kruuda

  10. Alma mater ootab tagasi / Triin Tabur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tabur, Triin


    Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna ja sotsiaalministeeriumi koostööna käivitunud täiendusõppeprogrammist, mille eesmärgiks on arstiteaduse põhiõppe lõpetanud, ent kliinilisest tööst eemaldunud arstid raviasutustesse tagasi tuua

  11. "Krengolm" obeshtshajet potesnit Pakistan / Irina Tokareva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tokareva, Irina


    Kreenholmi uue peadirektori Igor Poleshtshuki plaani kohaselt tuleks ettevõtte toodangu müügihinnad viia vastavusse maailmaturu hindadega, alandada tootmise omahinda tellimuste arvu suurendamisega, saada tagasi kaotatud tellijad Euroopast ja leida uusi eelkõige Venemaa turult. Ilmunud ka: Narvskaja Nedelja 13. dets. lk. 3

  12. Pärnu kunstnikud tagasi kodus / Sandra Jõgeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõgeva, Sandra, 1976-


    Pärnust pärit kunstnike näitus "Tagasi koju" Pärnu Linnagaleriis 13. augustini 2011. Kuraator Mari Kartau, kunstnikud Kaarel Kurismaa, Mari Kurismaa, Malle Leis, Marco Laimre, Maiu Rõõmus, Flo Kasearu, Elin Kard

  13. Puuskulptuurid tagasi Pärnus / Tiiu Leis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leis, Tiiu


    'Puu 98' raames Kõpu külas valminud 3 puuskulptuuri: Toomas Mitti (Tõstamaa kooli direktor) 'Ahel', Omar Tamme 'Pähklipureja' ja Pjotr Romanjuki 'Maailma neli vaadet' jõuavad Rocca al Marest tagasi Pärnusse, kus neid eksponeeritakse paar nädalat hotelli 'Victoria' ees ning antakse seejärel üle Pärnu maavalitsusele ja 'Puu 98' toetajatele

  14. RKAS loodab müügist saada 400 miljonit / Anne Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Anne, 1970-


    Riigi Kinnisvara AS on kuulutanud enampakkumise välja neljale hoonestatud kinnistule, augustikuu jooksul peaks lisanduma veel seitse objekti. Kokku loodab RKAS müügist saada pisut üle 409 miljoni krooni

  15. Bõvshii prezident Gruzii Eduard Shevardnadze : "V Gruzii oppozitsija slabaja." / Eduard Shevardnadze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Shevardnadze, Eduard


    Gruusia endine president vastab küsimustele, mida ta võiks nimetada oma peamiseks veaks pika poliitilise elu jooksul, mida peaks tegema Gruusia, et saada Abhaasia ja Lõuna-Osseetia tagasi rahulikul teel, millised on Gruusia ja Venemaa halbade suhete põhjused, kas Gruusia peaks minema Venemaa või lääne suunas

  16. 80 aastat tagasi : Veebruar 1928 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: 50aastaseks saanud heliloojast Artur Kapist, Eesti Vabariigi 10. aastapäeva tähistamisest kontserdiga 23. veebr. Tallinna Kaarli kirikus, vaimuliku muusika õhtust 24. veebr. Tallinna Jaani kirikus, Tallinna Meestelaulu Seltsi kontserdist 29. veebr. Kaarli kirikus

  17. 80 aastat tagasi : Oktoober 1926 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: kirikukontserdist Põltsamaal 10. okt., Lääne-Nigula kiriku uue oreli pühitsemisest 17. okt., laulja Aino Tamme kontserdist 31. okt. Tallinna Kaarli kirikus, kontsertidest Tartu Ülikooli Kirikus, noorte kontsert-jumalateenistusest 9. okt. Pärnu Eliisabethi kirikus

  18. 80 aastat tagasi : Mai 1928 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: Tallinna konservatooriumi IV lennu kontsert-aktusest Estonia kontserdisaalis (esinesid prof. Artur Kapi õpilased), lüürilisest tenorist Rudolf Jõksist, Tallinna Jaani koguduse laulukoori tegemistest, IX üldlaulpeo ettevalmistamisest, August Topman tegi 10. mail luterliku kiriku liturgilise komisjoni koosolekul ettepaneku asutada nelja-aastase kursusega kirikumuusikakool

  19. Narva piirkonnast võiks saada Läänemere Las Vegas / Ilja Smirnov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Smirnov, Ilja


    Ilmunud ka: Narvskaja Nedelja 31. mai lk. 5. OÜ Investment Agency projektijuht Teet Kuusmik tõstatas Ida-Virumaa arengukonverentsil mõtte, et Narvast ja Narva-Jõesuust võiks saada USA-s Nevada kõrbes asuva Las Vegasega sarnanev turismimeka

  20. Nokia ampsas tagasi suure osa kaotatud turuosast / Annika Matson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matson, Annika, 1976-


    Turu-uuringutefirma Gartner andmetel võitis mobiiltelefonide tootja Nokia turuosa tagasi juba kolmandat kvartalit järjest, kuid jääb ikkagi alla 2003. aasta neljandale kvartalile. Diagrammid: Nokia turuosa taas kosumas; Analüütikud soovitavad Nokia aktsiat enim osta

  1. 80 aastat tagasi : Detsember 1928. 1 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: 1. dets. korraldas siseministeerium Tallinna Kaarli kirikus piduliku leinajumalateenistuse neli aastat tagasi kommunistliku mässukatse ajal langenute mälestuseks, kus esinesid bariton Aleksander Arder ja tšellist Raimond Bööcke (seda tähtpäeva tuletati meelde kõikjal üle Eesti), õnnistati Põltsamaa kiriku uus vendade Kriisade valmistatud orel (orelil esines August Topman), 2. dets. Tallinna Jaani kirikus esinesid tenor Tenno Vironi, organist Herman Känd ja sega- ja meeskoor A. Biltse juhatusel, 9. dets. esines Tallinna Jaani kirikus organist Peeter Laja (nii orelil kui lauljana), Tartu Ülikooli kirikus esinesid metsosopran Paula Brehm-Jürgenson ja Tallinna Toomkiriku organist Helene Spulge, Tartu Pauluse kirikus kanti ette Beethoveni missa C-duur (esinesid Muusikalise Hariduse ja Kultuuri Edendamise Seltsi sümfooniaorkester, Miina Hermanni Lauluselts ja solistid Olga Mikk-Krull, Ludmilla Orav, Evald Laanenbeck ja F. Zwetkov, dirigent Arkadius Krull)

  2. 80 aastat tagasi : September 1928 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: Professor August Topman kritiseeris kirikumuusikat, otsustati revideerida senine lauluraamat "Vaimulikud laulud" ja kirjutada uus, Tallinna Kaarli kiriku gümnaasiumi avaaktusel laulis kooli koor Johannes Jürgensoni (Juhan Jürme) juhatusel kooli hümni, remonditi Saarde ja Sangaste kirikud, 26. sept. esines Tallinna Niguliste kirikus Magdeburgi toomkoor

  3. Rogozin võib saada Moskva esindajaks NATO juures / Ravil Khair Al-Din

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Al-Din, Ravil Khair


    Vene riigiduuma liige Dmitri Rogozini võib saada Venemaa NATO-esindajaks. Vt. samas: Mihkelson: kaks kärbest ühe hoobiga. Riigikogu EL-i asjade komisjoni esimees Marko Mihkelson nimetab kaks eesmärki, mida võib teenida Dmitri Rogozini võimalik nimetamine Venemaa NATO-esindajaks

  4. Eestlane on Euroopas sage koju tagasi tulija / Urmas Jaagant

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaagant, Urmas


    Sisekaitseakadeemia Euroopa rändevõrgustiku analüüsi kohaselt on Eesti nende kolme EL-i riigi seas, mille kodanikud enim tagasi pöörduvad. EL-i liikmesriikides suurenes 2008. a. väljaränne 13%. Eestisse sisserändajatest on ligi pooled Eesti kodanikud

  5. Res Publica lükkas tagasi Isamaaliidu ühinemisettepaneku / Mirko Ojakivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojakivi, Mirko


    Kuigi Res Publica juhid lükkasid tagasi idee ühineda Isamaaliiduga, on Res Publica valmis koostööks nii Isamaaliidu kui ka kõigi teiste erakondadega. Res Publica parlamendifraktsiooni esimehe Marko Pomerantsi arvamus

  6. Ärikultuur 15 aastat tagasi / Urve Vilk ; kommenteerinud Aku Sorainen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vilk, Urve


    Krediidipanga juhatuse esimehe Andrus Kluge hinnangul oli ärikeskkond Eestis 15 aastat tagasi mitteformaalsem, naiivsem ja spontaansem kui praegu, kõik tegelesid kõigega. Margus Alviste hinnangul on 15 aastaga muutunud tavad ja kombed, rohkem on variserlikkust, eestlaste ettevõtlikkus on vähenenud

  7. 80 aastat tagasi : Detsember 1926 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: Enrico Bossi oratooriumi "Kaotatud paradiis" esitusest Estonia Muusika Osakonna segakoori poolt Juhan Aaviku juhatusel 28. märtsil Tallinna Kaarli kirikus. Vaimuliku muusika õhtutest prof. August Topmani eestvõttel Tallinna Jaani kirikus. J. S. Bachi muusikale pühendatud õhtust 5. dets. Tartu ülikooli kirikus. David Otto Wirkhausi mälestuskontserdist Maarja Kiriku Lauluseltsi eestvõttel Pauluse kirikus 12. dets.Tartus

  8. 80 aastat tagasi : Aprill 1928 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: Händeli oratooriumi "Messias" ettekandest 1. aprillil Estonia kontserdisaalis ja 22. apr. Tartus Pauluse kirikus, Enrico Bossi kantaadi "Salomoni ülemlaul" esitusest lauluseltsi Ilo poolt 6. apr. Tallinna Toomkirikus, Suurel Reedel toimunud Tallinna Meestelaulu Seltsi kontserdist Tallinna Jaani kirikus ja Juhan Jürme kantaadi "Pärast Õhtusöömaaega" ettekandest Tallinna Kaarli kirikus, ülestõusmispühade kontserdist Tallinna Mihkli kirikus

  9. 80 aastat tagasi : November 1926 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: balti-saksa luuletaja ja muusikaarvustaja Carl Hunniuse 70. sünnipäeva tähistamisest 6. nov. Tartus, vaimulikest muusikaõhtutest 10. ja 14 nov.Tallinna Jaani kirikus, Tartu Jaani kiriku lauluseltsi koori kontserdist 7. nov. Tallinna Niguliste kirikus, Narva Meestelaulu Seltsi segakoori kontserdist 7. nov. Narva Aleksandri kirikus, Johannes Jürgensoni (Juhan Jürme) autorikontserdist 9. nov. Tallinna Tütarlastegümnaasiumis, kontserdist 21. nov. Tartu Maarja kirikus

  10. 80 aastat tagasi : Jaanuar 1928 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: Noorte Meeste Kristliku Ühing andis loengkontserte, Tallinna Kaarli kirikus tuli ettekandele A.Dvoraki "Stabat Mater" (juhatas Johannes Paulsen, esinesid Jekeli lauluselts, Estonia sümfooniaorkester ja solistid Olga Torokoff-Tiedeberg, J. Badendiesk-Inger, Arnold Vissmann ja Karl Viitol), trükist ilmus Johannes Jürgensoni (Juhan Jürme) "12 vaimulikku laulu" (kirjastajaks Tallinna Kaarli Lauluselts), 50. surma-aastapäeva puhul meenutati kirikumuusikut Johann August Hagenit, meenutati Keila muusikameest Jakob Maabergi

  11. Tarmo Kriis: Eesti majandus kukkus tagasi aastasse 2007 / Lemmi Kann ; kommenteerinud Ain Seppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kann, Lemmi


    Tööandjate keskliidu juht Tarmo Kriis esitles eelarve kokkuhoiukava tutvustamisel tööandjate prognoosi, mille järgi on Eesti majandus tagasi aastas 2007 ning maksimumtase kulude osas saabki olla sama, mis 2007. aastal

  12. Nokia võitles tagasi tükikese kaotatud turuosast / Romet Kreek, Annika Matson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kreek, Romet, 1972-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 3. nov. lk. 33. Mobiiltelefonitootja Nokia võitis kolmandas kvartalis võrreldes teise ja esimese kvartaliga tagasi mobiiltelefonide turuosa. Lisa: Nokia aktsia on saanud osta-soovitusi. Diagramm: Nokia turuosa taas üle 30 protsendi

  13. DVDD. Alar Niineväli soovitab : "Superman tuleb koju tagasi" / Alar Niineväli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niineväli, Alar


    Mängufilm "Superman tuleb koju tagasi" ("Superman Returns") : režissöör Bryan Singer : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2006. Osatäitjaid on võrreldud Richard Donneri filmi "Superman" (1978) vastavate tegelastega

  14. Põhjakeskuse tehingut ei saa tagasi pöörata / Anne Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Anne, 1970-


    Kobe Investmentsi partnerite Veljo Kuuse ja Kaire Kopli sõnul ei saa endine autoärimees Toomas Rüütmann Põhjakeskuse tehingut tagasi pöörata ning T. Rüütmann on keskuse projektist kätte saanud kordades enam raha, kui on sinna investeerinud. Vt. samas: Rüütmann väidab, et ta lasi varad arestida

  15. 80 aastat tagasi : Juuli-august 1928 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: 30. juunist 2. juulini toimus IX üldlaulupidu, Tallinna Kaarli kirikus kandis linnade ühendkoor August Topmanni juhatusel ette Händeli oratooriumi "Messias", 1. juulil esines Tallinna Jaani kirkus segakoor Suomen Laulu, 8. juulil Petseri uues lurteri kirikus toimus venekeelne kontsert-jumalateenistus Petseri kloostri- ja maakonna kooride ja 7. jalaväe rügemendi orkestri kaastegevusel, 5. aug. Rapla kirikus esines Johannes Jürgensoni (Juhan Jürme) juhatusel Tallinna Kaarli Lauluselts

  16. 80 aastat tagasi : Oktoober 1927 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: 28. okt. pidas oma peakoosolekut Eesti Koorijuhtide Ühing, 22. okt. reisis Estonia Muusika Osakonna sagakoor Soome, kontserdid olid Helsingi Üliõpilasmajas ja 23. okt. Helsingi Nikolai kirikus (esinesid ka laulja Karl Ots ja organist Paul Pressnikoff), kus juhatas Juhan Aavik, Tartu Ülikooli kirikus 16. okt. esinesid organist Joosep Aavik, laulja Alice Kopli-Wiegand ja tšellist Udu Topman, Kuusalu kirikus 2. okt. esines organist Paul Pressnikoff (kaastegevad olid sopran O. Ellermann, viiuldaja R. Sturm ja vioolamängija G. Gelts)

  17. 80 aastat tagasi : Märts 1928 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: 50aastaseks saanud heliloojast Artur Kapist ja juubelikontserdist 11. märtsil Estonia kontserdisaalis, Tallinna Jaani koguduse laulukoori kontserdist Enn Võrgu ja Rudolf Tobiase loominguga 16. märtsil Estonia teatri proovisaalis, R. Tobiase kantaadi"Johannes Damaskusest" ettekandest 19. märtsil Tallinnas Jaani kirikus, Ilo lauluseltsi koori kontserdist 25. märtsil Tallinnas Jaani kirikus (ettekandel Enrico Bossi teos "Canticum canticorum", dirigent Dionyssi Orgussaar), peakoosolekust 25. märtsil Tartu Ülikooli koguduse lauluseltsis Cantate Dominum

  18. Margus Linnamäe ostab Magnumi endale tagasi / Kadi Heinsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heinsalu, Kadi, 1966-


    Ravimifirma Magnum asutaja Margus Linnamäe ostab kolm aastat tagasi välisinvestori kätte läinud suurosaluse firmast uuesti endale. Vt. samas: Magnum sündis kaupade vahendamisest; Tänavune aasta algas Magnumil firmade ostude ja suurte investeeringutega; Suur tulevikuäri koerte-Actimeliga; Tamro juht Tarvo Vaasa: olen üllatunud; Linnamäe rahaga kerkib eakatekodu; Margus Linnamäe kinnisvarahuvid. Diagramm: Magnumi majandusnäitajad. Kommenteerib Raivo Sormunen

  19. 80 aastat tagasi : November 1928 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: 25. nov. õnnistati Pärnu Eliisabethi kiriku uus orel, kontserdi andsid organist Paul Pressnikoff ja laulja Alice Kopli-Wiegand, vaimulikul kontserdil 4. nov. Tartu Ülikooli kirikus esinesid laulja Ella Lipand, viiuldaja Voldemar Pikk ja organist Georg Pastarus, Johannes Jürgensoni (Juhan Jürme) helitööde õhtust 4. nov. Tallinna Tütarlaste Kommertsgümnaasiumis, Miina Hermanni Lauluseltsi kontserdist 4. nov. Tallinna Kaarli kirikus, soome baritoni Paavo Attila vaimuliku muusika kontserdist 11. nov. Tallinna Jaani kirikus, kirikliku talitusega tähistasid oma aastapäevi Tartu üliõpilaskorporatsionid Ugala ja Rotalia

  20. Florida ja Michigani demokraadid said hääleõiguse poolikult tagasi / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    USA eelvalimistest. USA Florida ja Michigani osariik saavad augustis demokraatliku partei kongressil siiski osaleda, kuid nende esindajate hääl läheb arvesse vaid poole eest. Barack Obama võib saada võiduks vajaliku enamuse 48 tundi pärast viimaste eelvalimiste lõppu

  1. Gräzin : Tagasi tähendab edasi / Igor Gräzin ; interv. Urmas Lauri

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gräzin, Igor, 1952-


    Europarlamenti kandideeriva Igor Gräzini arvates oleks Eestile olnud kasulik EL-i astumisega veel kaks-kolm aastat oodata. Euroopa Liit peaks tagasi minema aastasse 1957, kui ta oli vabakaubandusassotsiatsioon, see võimaldaks USA-ga konkureerida, väidab autor

  2. Ameerikast tagasi saadetud vahetusõpilane loodab õppimist jätkata Lääne-Euroopas / Birgit Püve

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Püve, Birgit, 1978-


    YFU (Youth For Understanding) kaudu Eesti vahetusõpilaseks Ameerikasse läinud Võru koolitüdruk Kertu Piller saadeti segastel asjaoludel sealt tagasi. Praegu ootab neiu lahendust õppimise jätkamiseks kas Lääne-Euroopas või uuesti Ameerikas

  3. 80 aastat tagasi : Detsember 1928. 2 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: Viljandi Koidu koori kontserdil Viljandi Jaani kirikus esitati muusikat Beethovenist Tobiase ja Türnpuni, 16. dets. Pärnu Eliisabeti kirikus hiljuti ülesseatud oreli heaks esinesid Ph. Lorenzsonn orelil ja H. Anderson tshellol ning tütarlaste gümnaasiumi laulukoor, Rakvere kirikus kandis kohalik kirikukoor ette Händeli oratooriumi "Messias" (solistideks Paula Brehm-Jürgenson, H. Kubu ja Karl Viitol, orelil Enn Võrk), 13. dets. toimus konsistooriumis liturgilise, agenda ja vaimuliku muusika komisjoni koosolek (kirikumuusikute kursuse kavaga esines August Topman), Tartu Ülikooli kiriku lauluseltsi Cantate Domino segakoor ja naiskoor esinesid jumalateenistustel Ülikooli kirikus, 13. dets. suri Tartu Jaani koguduse ja Saksa Meestelaulu Seltsi koorijuht Herman Johan Nikolai von Andrae

  4. 80 aastat tagasi : Detsember 1927 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: Pidulikul jumalateenistusel 11. dets. Tallinna Jaani kirikus kõlas Händeli oratoorium "Messias" koguduse koori, Estonia orkestri ja solistide L. Talviku, A. Kivisilla, H. Kubu ja K. Viitoli esituses (juhatas Enn Võrk, orelil August Topman), 18. dets. Tallinna Toomkirikus esinesid meeskoor ja organist A. Topman, 4. dets. Estonia kontserdisaalis tähistati Oleviste kiriku muusikajuhi Valter Sewighi 25aastast muusikalise tegevuse juubelit, kus esinesid Oleviste laulukoor ja Tallinna Saksa Meeslaulu Ühing Valter Sewighi juhatusel (esitati F. Liszti oratoorium "Legend Pühast Elisabethist"), 13. dets. korraldas Tallinna Loomakaitse Selts kontsert-jumalateenistuse Tallinna Püha-Vaimu kirikus, 11. dets. tähistati Jüri kiriku aastapäeva kontsert-jumalateenistusega, kus esinesid ühendkoorina Rae, Lagedi ja Lehmja laulukoorid (juhatas H. Mets) ja organist Paul Pressnikoff

  5. Informatsioonilise enesemääramise õigus ja jälitustegevus: isiku õigus teada saada tema suhtes tehtud jälitustoimingutest / Meeli Rondel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rondel, Meeli


    Informatsioonilise enesemääramise õiguse olemusest. Isiku õigusest teada saada tema suhtes tehtud jälitustoimingutest. Enesemääramise õiguse laienemisest juriidilisele isikule, juriidilise isiku õigustest jälitustoimingutega kogutud andmete töötlemise protsessis

  6. Miks läheb üks suur inimene lõpuks ikkagi kooli tagasi? / Agne Narusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Narusk, Agne, 1971-


    Elukestva õppe rahvusvahelise teadusuuringu, milles osales 13 riiki, tulemustest selgub, et täiskasvanud õpivad eesmärgiga teha oma tööd paremini ja saada kõrgemat palka. Selgitusi jagavad rahvusvahelise teadusprojekti Lifelong Learning 2010 (LLL2010) töögrupi liige, Tallinna Ülikooli rahvusvaheliste ja sotsiaaluuringute instituudi teadur Eve-Liis Roosmaa ja LLL2010 koordinaator, professor Ellu Saar

  7. Miks läheb üks suur inimene lõpuks ikkagi kooli tagasi? / Agne Narusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Narusk, Agne, 1971-


    Elukestva õppe rahvusvahelise teadusuuringu, milles osales 13 riiki, tulemustest selgub, et täiskasvanud õpivad eesmärgiga teha oma tööd paremini ja saada kõrgemat palka. Selgitusi jagavad rahvusvahelise teadusprojekti Lifelong Learning 2010 (LLL2010) töögrupi liige, Tallinna Ülikooli rahvusvaheliste ja sotsiaaluuringute instituudi teadur Eve-Liis Roosmaa ja LLL2010 koordinaator, professor Ellu Saar

  8. Kuulus film algversioonis tagasi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Veebruaris esilinastus Berliini filmifestivalil Sergei Eisensteini 1925.a. valminud filmi võimalikult originaalilähedaseks taastatud versioon (restaureerijad saksa filmiajaloolased Anna Bohn ja Enno Patalas)

  9. Tule tagasi, Peeter! / Jaan Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruus, Jaan, 1938-2017


    Eesti-Saksa koostööfilm "Kõrini" : režissöör Peeter Simm : operaator Rein Kotov : helilooja Sven Grünberg : osades Maarja Jakobson, Rasmus Kaljujärv, Heio von Stetten, Thomas Schmauser : Ruut Pictures (Eesti) - Saxonia Film (Saksa) 2005

  10. 80 aastat tagasi : Juuli-august 1927 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: 3. juulil toimus laulupidu Rakveres, Koidu selts korraldas 2. ja 3. juulil Viljandis laulupeo ning Pauluse kirikus esitas Koidu segakoor ja orkester Haydni oratooriumi "Loomine", 10. juulil peeti laulupäev Võrus Kandle aias ja Laiuse laulupäev, laulupäevad toimusid juulis-augustis Jõhvis, Allikul, Pärnus, Jüris, Toilas, Uue-Saaluses, Tapal, Suure-Jaanis, Äksis ja Harglas, 11. juulil Tallinna Rootsi kirikus andis vaimuliku kontserdi laulja Georg Viinamägi (orelil Paul Pressnikoff), Pärnu Issandamuutmise kiriku pidustustest 10. juulil, Tallinna Konservatooriumi viiuli- ja oreli eriala õpilased esinesid Keila kirikus, 17. juulil laulis Helme kiriku koor Karl Tuvikese juhatusel Rõuges, 28. aug. laulsid Jõhvi Mihkli kirikus bariton Jaan Thomson (orelil Paul Pressnikoff), 3. aug. avati Tallinna Kaarli koguduse vanal kalmistul (Siselinna kalmistu) Peeter Süda mälestusbüst (autor kunstnik Ferdi Sannamees), kus laulis rahvaülikooli segakoor Tuudur Vettiku juhatusel, 19. aug. lõppesid 25. juulil alanud kooliõpetajate ja koorijuhtide laulu ja muusika suvekursused Tallinnas (kursuste juhendaja Viktor Krull), 18.-19. aug. oli Rakveres köster-organistide ühingu koosolek, Tallinna Jaani koguduse laulukoor Enn Võrgu juhatusel alustas Händeli oratooriumi "Messias"õppimist, Tallinna Kaarli lauluselts valmistus vaimulikuks kontserdiks Johannes Jürgensoni koorilauludest, Artur Kapp töötas oma oratooriumiga "Hiiob"

  11. Tarantino film jõudis lõuendile / Tiia Linnard

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Linnard, Tiia, 1962-


    Tarantino filmide fänn ja kunstitudeng Maarit Murka kandis "Kill Billi" kaadreid lõuendile, et kummitama jäänud linateose painest lahti saada. Tema näitust "Umabill" saab vaadata Jõhvi kunstikooli galeriis

  12. Režissöör George Lucase loodud "Tähesõjad" elasid üle külma sõja / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Mängufilmide triloogia "Tähesõjad" ("Star Wars") esimene film esilinastus 30 aastat tagasi. Filmi tähendustest läbi aja, nõukogude tsensuurist, mis ei lubanud filmi NSV Liitu. Lisa : "Fakte "Tähesõdadest"

  13. Jack Sparrow on tagasi! / Timo Diener

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Diener, Timo


    Gore Verbinski lavastatud piraadi-triloogia teine film "Kariibi mere piraadid : Surnud mehe aardekirst" ("Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man's Chest"), peaosas Johnny Depp : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2006

  14. Emmastes heliseb jälle jõulukell / Michael Tarm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tarm, Michael


    Emmaste külas Hiiumaal lööb taas kirikukell, mille külamehed peitsid 67 aastat tagasi sõja jalust. Kalifornia firma Critical Mass Films kavatseb vändata mängufilmi Hiiumaal Emmaste kiriku kella peitmise loost

  15. Veel kaks miljonit aastat minna! / Tõnu Ojala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojala, Tõnu, 1969-


    Juuni tehnika ajaloos: 25 aastat tagasi väljus USA kosmosesond Pioneer Päikesesüsteemist. 140 aastat tagasi patentis Christopher Lathan Sholes esimese kirjutusmasina. 95 aastat tagasi võttis Henry Ford oma autotehases kasutusele koostekonveieri. 45 aastat tagasi lendas Valentina Tereškova esimese naisena kosmosesse

  16. Õhkrehvil sünnipäev / Tõnu Ojala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojala, Tõnu, 1969-


    Detsember tehnika ajaloos: 12 aastat tagasi patenteeris šoti loomaarst John Boyd Dunlop õhkrehvi. 105 aastat tagasi sooritasid vennad Wrightid maailma esimese juhitava õhulennu. 15 aastat tagasi sai kasutusvalmis GPS

  17. Kalender

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    16. september - 90 aastat tagasi (1911) sündis Võrumaal Haanja vallas orelimeister Harry Kriisa. Suri 14. VI 1976 USAs. 23. september - 75 aastat tagasi (1926) sündis tekstiilikunstnik Selma Remme. 27. september - 80 aastat tagasi (1921) sündis Tartus fotograaf Isi Trapido

  18. Estonia vormelitel täitus juba pool sajandit / Tõnu Ojala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojala, Tõnu, 1969-


    November tehnika ajaloos: 50 aastat möödus Estonia-1 esimesest võistlusstardist Leningradis Nevski ringrajal. 85 aastat tagasi sai Jacob Schick patendi elektrilisele habemeajamismasinale. 60 aastat tagasi konstrueeris Auguste Piccard batüskaafi. 10 aastat tagasi sai 77aastasest USA senaatorist John Glennist maailma vanim astronaut

  19. Hiina mõistatus : Wang-Ba ja palju muudki / Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bahovski, Erkki, 1970-


    Artikli autor annab ülevaate Euroopa Välissuhete Nõukogu tegevdirektori Mark Leonardi raamatust "What Does China Think?". Raamatu autori väide on lihtne: selleks, et aru saada maailma poliitikast, tuleb aru saada Hiinas toimuvast

  20. Eksminister jäi Citigroupis jänni / Tõnis Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Tõnis, 1957-


    USA endine rahandusminister ja Citigroupi nõukogu liige Robert Rubin teatas, et astub nõuniku kohalt tagasi ning ei lase end enam nõukogu liikmeks tagasi valida. Diagramm: Citigroupi aktsia hind ja majandusnäitajad

  1. ZIM – Kajakate eelkäija / Tõnu Ojala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojala, Tõnu, 1969-


    Oktoober ajaloos. 60 aastat tagasi tulid Gorki autotehase tootmisliinilt esimesed seeriaautod GAZ-12 ZIM. Lühidalt: 28. oktoobril 1925. a ilmus Tallinna tänavatele elektritramm. 24. oktoobril 1960 leidis Baikonuri kosmodroomil aset kosmonautika ajaloo ohvriterohkeim õnnetus. 10 aastat tagasi lõpetati klassikalise Mini tootmine

  2. Zuokas suspends his duties as party chief / Milda Seputyte

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seputyte, Milda


    Vilniuse linnapea Arturas Zuokas astus skandaali tõttu partei esimehe kohalt tagasi. Majandusminister Viktor Uspaskihh peatas uurimise ajaks oma tegevuse erakonna esimehena. Samas teatas Uspaskihh, et on nõus tagasi astuma nii ministri kui ka erakonna juhi kohalt vaid siis, kui nii otsustavad erakonnakaaslased või parlamendikomisjonid

  3. Hamas võitis Palestiina valimised ülekaalukalt / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Enamiku vaatlejate hinnangul võib islamirühmituse Hamas võit Palestiina parlamendivalimistel kustutada lootuse rahukõneluste jätkamiseks Iisraeliga. Valitsus astus tagasi, ka president Mahmud Abbas võib tagasi astuda, kui ei suuda uue valitsusega rahuprotsesside edendamiseks koostööd teha. Lisa: Vastukajasid Hamasi võidule

  4. Indiana Jones on tagasi ja näitab, kuidas käituda / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    22 mail esilinastub Steven Spielbergi järjekordne Indiana Jones'i film, kaasstsenaristiks ja produtsendiks George Lucas ja Harrison Fordiga nimiosas "Indiana Jones ja kristallpealuu kuningriik" ("Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"). Saaga varasemast kolmest filmist

  5. LHV tõukab Lõhmuse eemale / Lauri Matsulevitsh

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matsulevitsh, Lauri


    LHV Grupist eraldatakse finantsnõustamisega tegelev LHV Financial Advisory Services, mis hakkab kuuluma kaheksale partnerile. Grupi koosseisu jäetakse investeerimisteenuseid pakkuv Lõhmus, Haavel & Viisemann ning osalus pensionifonde haldavas LHV-Seesam Varahalduses. Küsimustele vastab Rain Lõhmus. Kommenteerib Rain Tamm. Vt. samas: LHV Grupp jaguneb kaheks; Lepik peab tagasi maksma 7 miljonit; Oliver Peek tahab oma raha tagasi

  6. Abhaasia muutub Venemaa Taiwaniks - kõik peale iseseisvuse / Jaanus Piirsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Piirsalu, Jaanus, 1973-


    Viisteist aastat tagasi sõjaga Gruusiast eraldunud Abhaasiast on saanud majanduslikult Venemaa osa, kogu eluks vajalik kaup tuleb Venemaalt, riigis kehtib Vene rubla ning 80% elanikest on Venemaa kodanikud. Vt samas: Kaupo Känd: vaja on usaldust; Püstol või kinzhall peab alati käepärast olema; kommenteerib ajakirjanik Fjodor Lukjanov. Gruusia Abhaasiat tagasi ei saa

  7. Edgar Savisaar : Estonian Air ja Levira tuleb erastada / Edgar Savisaar ; interv. Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Savisaar, Edgar, 1950-


    Ilmunud ka: Infopress 13. mai nr. 19 lk. 148-149. Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad prioriteete ministriametis, Vene kapitali tulekut Eesti tööstusse, Saaremaa Laevakompanii soovi saada 2006. aastal dotatsiooni tänavusega võrreldes kaks korda rohkem, geenivaramule riigi raha andmist, kust saadakse raha pensionitõusuks, miks eestlane ei taha ettevõtjaks saada. Diagrammid: Mida on riigil müüa?

  8. Leikki, luovuus, oivallus : pelien ja pelillisyyden mahdollisuudet instrumenttiopetuksessa


    Kaartinen, Emmi


    Kuinka saada soiton opiskelusta hauskempaa? Tämä opinnäytetyö vastaa kysymykseen sukeltamalla pelien ja pelillistetyn opetuksen maailmaan. Projekti syntyi tarpeesta saada luovuutta, improvisointia ja yhdessä oppimista tukevaa uutta instrumenttiopetusmateriaalia. Kaiken taustalla on heittäytyminen ja oman musiikin tekeminen hauskalla ja poikkeavalla tavalla. Erilaiset pelit tuovat vaihtelua ja lisäväriä soittotuntien kulkuun, rikastuttavat ja monipuolistavat sisältöä sekä innostavat musiik...

  9. Black Films and Film-Makers. (United States)

    Patterson, Lindsay, Ed.

    The development of black films and the attitudes of the film industry toward black films and black actors are some of the topics examined in this anthology of essays. Section 1, "Nigger to Supernigger," contains such articles as "The Death of Rastus: Negroes in American Films" by Thomas R. Cripps and "Folk Values in a New Medium" by Alain Locke…

  10. Asperger-nuori matkalla aikuisuuteen - vertaistuesta voimavaroja arjen haasteisiin : Viikonlopputapahtuma 13-18-vuotiaiden Asperger-nuorten perheille


    Sormunen, Mirja


    Projektina toteutettavan opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja järjestää viikonlopputapahtuma 13–18-vuotiaiden Asperger-nuorten perheille. Tavoitteena oli tarjota Asperger-nuorten perheille mahdollisuus saada vertaistukea ja tietoa Aspergerin oireyhtymästä nuoruusiässä ja nuoren aikuistuessa. Siirtymätilanteet ovat haastavia Asperger-henkilöille. Perheen on tärkeä saada tietoa ja tukea siirtymätilanteessa, kun nuori siirtyy perusopetuksesta jatko-opintoihin. Tavoitteena oli, että Aut...

  11. Nuorten seksuaaliterveystietämys : Lukiolaisten kokemuksia yläkoulun terveystiedon seksuaalikasvatuksen riittävyydestä


    Heikkinen, Noora; Latvajärvi, Paula


    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää lukion 1. luokkalaisten seksuaaliterveystietämyksiä sekä heidän kokemuksiaan yläkoulun terveystiedon tuntien seksuaalikasvatuksen riittävyydestä. Länsi-Pohjan sairaanhoitopiirin alueella raskaudenkeskeytysluvut ovat huolestuttavia, minkä vuoksi nuorten tietämystason selvittäminen on tärkeää. Tavoitteena oli saada tietoon ne seksuaaliterveyden osa-alueet, joissa nuorten tietämyksissä oli puutteita ja saada näin tärkeää tietoa opiskelijaterveydenhuoltoon...

  12. Tahaks eestlaseks saada / Erika Klaats

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Klaats, Erika, 1954-


    Vt. ka Molodjozh Estonii : Subbota Sep/2 lk. 10. Venelased panevad lapse eesti kooli, kuid ei arvesta sellega, et võõras keeles õppides ei pruugi laps koolis edukalt edasi jõuda. Lisa: Eesti koolid, kus saab õppida vene keeles

  13. Film quality in film mammography. Pt. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Friedrich, M.; Weskamp, P.; Freie Univ. Berlin


    During consideration of three film mammographic systems, the concept of signal/noise ratio is developed as a quantitative measure of film quality. The ability to recognise detail related to detail size, film blackening and exposure geometry was studied for various systems, and the quality profiles are discussed. There is a considerable difference in quality between industrial films without screens and film-screen combinations; however, exposure geometry during mammography has a considerable effect which tends to reduce the difference. Consequently, detail sizes of 200 μ to 1,000 μ (including the majority of mammographic micro-calcifications) are shown about equally well. Contrast for the lo-dose system is somewhat less than for adequately exposed industrial film. Over-exposure with the lo-dose system, contrary to industrial film, rapidly leads to unsatisfactory results. On the other hand it is often not possible to obtain an adequate exposure when using industrial film. For these reasons it is often an advantage to examine large breasts and the dense breasts of young women with a film-screen combination which requires approximately one eighth of the dose necessary for industrial film. For small or easily compressable breasts best results are obtained, using an adequate exposure by employing industril film; radiation dose it then acceptable. (orig./ORU) [de

  14. Vaatealan yrityksen liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien selvittäminen pääkaupunkiseudulla


    Monola, Katja


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli saada tietoa vaateliikkeen perustamisesta ja sen mah-dollisuuksista pääkaupunkiseudulla. Tavoitteena oli myös saada tietoa siitä, minkälaisia mah-dollisuuksia uudella yrittäjällä on ja mitä tulisi ottaa huomioon yritystä perustaessa. Työn tarkoituksena oli tuottaa tietoa omaa liiketoimintaa perustettaessa. Keskeinen teoria keskittyy uuden yrityksen perustamiseen liittyviin tekijöihin, markkinointiin sekä vaatealaa koskeviin näkemyksiin. Yrityksen perust...

  15. myCOFFEE & myBAR:n ydinsegmentin kartoitus ja tuottavuus


    Rautiainen, Hanne; Kaihola, Jenni


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli saada selville myCOFFEE & myBAR:n tuottavin asiakassegmentti tai segmentit. Lisäksi opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin, kuinka asiakkaat muuten kokevat yrityksen palvelun sekä tutkitaan asiakas- ja ostokäyttäytymistä. Työssä selvitettiin myös mahdollisia kehittämiskohteita sekä poh-ditaan, kuinka yritys voisi saada lisää potentiaalisia asiakkaita. Asiakaspalvelu on yksi markkinoinnin tärkeimmistä kilpailukeinoista. Sillä voidaan erottua kilpailijoista, ja nykyis...

  16. ”EI OIKEASSA ELÄMÄSSÄ VOI JUOSTA MIEKKA OJOSSA LOHIKÄÄRMETTÄ KOHTI”: Digipelaajien kokemus omasta hyvinvoinnistaan


    Engström, Paula


    Paula Engström. ”Ei oikeassa elämässä voi juosta miekka ojossa lohikäärmettä kohti”: Digipelaajien kokemus omasta hyvinvoinnistaan. Diak Etelä, Helsinki, syksy 2016, 57s., 1 liite. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, sosionomi (AMK). Opinnäytetyön aihe syntyi Ehkäisevä päihdetyö EHYT ry:n toiveista saada kooste vuonna 2015 toteutetun Pelaajien hyvinvointikyselyn tuloksista. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli saada selville, miten digitaalisia pelejä harrastavat nuor...

  17. Influence of film dimensions on film droplet formation. (United States)

    Holmgren, Helene; Ljungström, Evert


    Aerosol particles may be generated from rupturing liquid films through a droplet formation mechanism. The present work was undertaken with the aim to throw some light on the influence of film dimensions on droplet formation with possible consequences for exhaled breath aerosol formation. The film droplet formation process was mimicked by using a purpose-built device, where fluid films were spanned across holes of known diameters. As the films burst, droplets were formed and the number and size distributions of the resulting droplets were determined. No general relation could be found between hole diameter and the number of droplets generated per unit surface area of fluid film. Averaged over all film sizes, a higher surface tension yielded higher concentrations of droplets. Surface tension did not influence the resulting droplet diameter, but it was found that smaller films generated smaller droplets. This study shows that small fluid films generate droplets as efficiently as large films, and that droplets may well be generated from films with diameters below 1 mm. This has implications for the formation of film droplets from reopening of closed airways because human terminal bronchioles are of similar dimensions. Thus, the results provide support for the earlier proposed mechanism where reopening of closed airways is one origin of exhaled particles.

  18. Equilibrium helium film in the thick film limit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klier, J.; Schletterer, F.; Leiderer, P.; Shikin, V.


    For the thickness of a liquid or solid quantum film, like liquid helium or solid hydrogen, there exist still open questions about how the film thickness develops in certain limits. One of these is the thick film limit, i.e., the crossover from the thick film to bulk. We have performed measurements in this range using the surface plasmon resonance technique and an evaporated Ag film deposited on glass as substrate. The thickness of the adsorbed helium film is varied by changing the distance h of the bulk reservoir to the surface of the substrate. In the limiting case, when h > 0, the film thickness approaches about 100 nm following the van der Waals law in the retarded regime. The film thickness and its dependence on h is precisely determined and theoretically modeled. The equilibrium film thickness behaviour is discussed in detail. The agreement between theory and experiment is very good

  19. Tarinoita suomalaisten huippunaisuimareiden uintiuran lopettamisen syistä : Voisiko naisten uintiuria pidentää?


    Toiviainen, Suvi


    Tämä opinnäytetyö on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus suomalaisten huipputason naisui-mareiden uintiuran lopettamisen syistä. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää huipulla uineiden naisuimareiden kokemuksia uintiuransa päättämisestä ja siihen vaikut-taneista tapahtumista, tekijöistä ja henkilöistä. Tutkimuksessa on myös selvitetty naisuimareiden ideoita siitä, miten uimareiden ura voitaisiin saada jatkumaan pi-dempään. Suomalaisen huippu-uinnin kehittämisen kannalta on tärkeää saada tie-toa siitä, mite...

  20. Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media


    Anelise Reich Corseuil


    The articles here presented are representative of the debates about the various transformational aspects of film studies, fostering the discussion about the transformations and interactions between national and international narrative forms, the interrelations between film and literature, and film with other media. The critical perspectives here presented range from an emphasis on cultural materialism, dialogism, reception theory, deconstructionism, narrative studies to film aesthetics or fil...

  1. Film Reviews. (United States)

    Lance, Larry M.; Atwater, Lynn


    Reviews four Human Sexuality films and videos. These are: "Personal Decisions" (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 1985); "The Touch Film" (Sterling Production, 1986); "Rethinking Rape" (Film Distribution Center, 1985); "Not A Love Story" (National Film Board of Canada, 1981). (AEM)

  2. The Evolution of Film: Rethinking Film Studies


    Harbord, Janet P.


    How is film changing? What does it do, and what do we do with it? This book examines the reasons why we should be studying film in the twenty-first century, connecting debates from philosophy, anthropology and new media with historical concerns of film studies.

  3. Nuorisopsykiatrisessa hoitotyössä jaksaminen, kun itsellä alaikäisiä lapsia


    Kuuslehto, Marianna; Niemi, Mari


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata sairaanhoitajien jaksamista nuorisopsykiatrisessa hoitotyössä, kun heillä itsellään on alaikäisiä lapsia. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on saada tietoa, millaisena sairaanhoitajat kokevat työssäjaksamisen nuorisopsykiatrisessa hoitotyössä, kun itsellä on alaikäisiä lapsia. Tavoitteena on myös saada tietoa sairaanhoitajien työssäjaksamisen keinoista ja nuorisopsykiatrisen työn kuormittavuustekijöistä. Opinnäytetytön avulla saatavaa tietoa voidaan hyödyn...

  4. Single-layer nano-carbon film, diamond film, and diamond/nano-carbon composite film field emission performance comparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Xiaoping; Wang, Jinye; Wang, Lijun


    A series of single-layer nano-carbon (SNC) films, diamond films, and diamond/nano-carbon (D/NC) composite films have been prepared on the highly doped silicon substrate by using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition techniques. The films were characterised by scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and field emission I-V measurements. The experimental results indicated that the field emission maximum current density of D/NC composite films is 11.8–17.8 times that of diamond films. And the field emission current density of D/NC composite films is 2.9–5 times that of SNC films at an electric field of 3.0 V/μm. At the same time, the D/NC composite film exhibits the advantage of improved reproducibility and long term stability (both of the nano-carbon film within the D/NC composite cathode and the SNC cathode were prepared under the same experimental conditions). And for the D/NC composite sample, a high current density of 10 mA/cm"2 at an electric field of 3.0 V/μm was obtained. Diamond layer can effectively improve the field emission characteristics of nano-carbon film. The reason may be due to the diamond film acts as the electron acceleration layer.

  5. Process and apparatus for irradiating film, and irradiated film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A process for irradiating film is described, which consists of passing the film through an electron irradiation zone having an electron reflection surface disposed behind and generally parallel to the film; and disposing within the irradiation zone adjacent the edges of the film a lateral reflection member for reflecting the electrons toward the reflection surface to further reflect the reflected electrons towards the adjacent edges of the film. (author)

  6. Film and History. (United States)

    Schaber, Robin L.


    Provides an annotated bibliography of Web sites that focus on using film to teach history. Includes Web sites in five areas: (1) film and education; (2) history of cinema; (3) film and history resources; (4) film and women; and (5) film organizations. (CMK)

  7. Tests with films and film-screens using grid-mammography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolf, G.; Kallinger, G.


    A comparison was made between mammography using grid-technique with a film-screen-system and mammography without grid, and with film-screens and also using industrial films. The image-quality of grid mammography looks like the same than using conventional techniques and industrial films. The problem of soft tissue grid techniques lies in the dose requirements, which was more than using film-screen-techniques without grid. New and improved recording systems, which reduce radiation dose when using the grid technique were analyzed. (orig.) [de

  8. Muutunud, kuid lootuseta / Edward McBride

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    McBride, Edward


    USA presidendivalimiste kampaaniast. President Barack Obama võimalusest saada tagasivalituks, vabariiklaste kandidaatidest Rick Perryst ja Mitt Romneyst. Demokraatide tervishoiureformist ja tervishoiuseadusest

  9. Contemporary Films' Mini Course on Film Study. (United States)

    Schillaci, Peter

    This minicourse on film study can be a unit in English, in arts, or in the humanities. It can help to launch a film study course or complement an introduction to theater. Whatever form it takes, it helps to build a bridge to the student's media environment. Part one, the language of images, utilizes four films which demonstrate the basic elements…

  10. Polyether ether ketone film. Polyether ether ketone film

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suzuki, S. (Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan))


    The characteristics and the film making process of polyether ether ketone (PEEK) resin, and the characteristics and the applications of PEEK film, are described. PEEK is aromatic polyketone with super thermal resistance. Though it is a crystalline polymer of which the crystallinity is controlled to 48% in a highest degree, it has also amorphous property, thus it shows unique property. The characteristics of PEEK resin are found in thermal resistance, incombusti-bility, transparency, chemical resistance, light resistance and radiation resistance. As for the film making process, casting method by T-die is generally adopted. The general properties of PEEK film are excellent in high thermal resistance, good electrical properties, chemical resistance, hydrolysis resistance, radiation resistance and imcombusti-bility. In the application of PEEK film, new development is expected in following fields; a high performance composite, flexible print substrate with high thermal resistance, insulating tape with thermal resistance, and a general film in the nuclear energy industry. 5 figs., 5 tabs.

  11. Film “Darah dan Do’a” Sebagai Wacana Film Nasional Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arda - Muhlisiun


    Abstract A national filmsuggestived towards the ideasof nationalidentity. It can be labelled ‘national’ because the representation of national identity pertains to it. Usmar Ismail’s film was described as a national film because it presents genuine Indonesian. Through the textual analysis that discursive-performative understanding of national films can be achieved; an understanding that has become a myth in context to Usmar Ismail’s film.In order to clarified concepts of national film as well as to illustrate the discourse of national films in Usmar Ismail’s work, this analysis used JinHee Choi’s theory of national cinema. In which national film was theorized based on territorial, functional and relational factors. The findings of this analysis showed how the concept of national film in Usmar Ismail’s film actually struggles against the dominant discourse of its time particularly in terms of Usmar Ismail’s figure as a determining factor in establishing national films in Indonesia.   Keyword : National Cinema, Usmar Ismail, Darah dan Doa

  12. Asendusemadusest tulenevate õigussuhete kvalifitseerimine Eesti rahvusvahelises eraõiguses / Janeli Mänd

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mänd, Janeli


    Asendusemaduse õiguslikust definitsioonist Eesti õiguskorras, karistusseadustiku §-st 132. Lapse suhetest asendusemaga, vanemateks saada soovivate isikute ning asendusemade ja seemnerakudoonorite vahelistest suhetest

  13. American Film Genres: Approaches to a Critical Theory of Popular Film. (United States)

    Kaminsky, Stuart M.

    This book is divided into twelve sections and contains photographs from many of the films discussed. The introduction defines film genre and describes the general theories behind this book; "The Individual Film" analyzes the film "Little Caesar" as it relates to the genre of gangster films; "Comparative Forms"…

  14. Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media


    Anelise Reich Corseuil


    The articles here presented are representative of the debates about the various transformational aspects of film studies, fostering the discussion about the transformations and interactions between national and international narrative forms, the interrelations between film and literature, and film with other media. The critical perspectives here presented range from an emphasis on cultural materialism, dialogism, reception theory, deconstructionism, narrative studies to film aesthetics or fil...

  15. Film: An Introduction. (United States)

    Fell, John L.

    "Understanding Film," the opening section of this book, discusses perceptions of and responses to film and the way in which experiences with and knowledge of other media affect film viewing. The second section, "Film Elements," analyzes the basic elements of film: the use of space and time, the impact of editing, sound and color, and the effects…

  16. Screen-film mammography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Logan, W.W.; Janus, J.A.


    The development of screen-film mammography has resulted in the re-emergence of confidence, rather than fear, in mammography. When screen-film mammography is performed with state-of-the-art dedicated equipment utilizing vigorous breast compression and a ''soft'' x-ray beam for improved contrast, screen-film images are equivalent or superior to those of reduced-dose xeromammography and superior to those of nonscreen film mammography. Technological aids for conversion from xeromammographic or nonscreen film mammographic techniques to screen-film techniques have been described. Screen-film mammography should not be attempted until dedicated equipment has been obtained and the importance of vigorous compression has been understood

  17. Thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strongin, M.; Miller, D.L.


    This article reviews the phenomena that occur in films from the point of view of a solid state physicist. Films form the basis for many established and developing technologies. Metal layers have always been important for optical coatings and as protective coatings. In the most sophisticated cases, films and their interaction on silicon surfaces form the basis of modern electronic technology. Films of silicon, GaAs and composites of these materials promise to lead to practical photovoltaic devices

  18. Tagasi tulevikku / Rael Artel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Artel, Rael, 1980-


    VII Lyoni kaasaegse kunsti biennaal "C'est arrivé demain / It happened tomorrow" 18. IX 2003 - 4. I 2004. Kuraatorid Xavier Douroux, Franck Gautherot, Eric Troncy, Anne Pontégnie (Brüssel), Robert Nickas (New York)

  19. Tagasi Pariisis / Karl Rumor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rumor, Karl, pseud., 1886-1971


    Prantsusmaa sisepoliitilisest olustikust. Poliitilistest oludest 1937. aasta Euroopas, sõjameeleoludest Vahemerel, Nyloni konverentsist. Varem ilmunud: Uus Eesti 21. juuni 1937, nr. 166; 8., 13. sept. 1937, nr. 243, 248

  20. Film som kunst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Anne Ring


    Films by artists induce scholars to work across art, film and cultural history. Accordingly, this article adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the British-Nigerian artist Yinka Shonibare’s film Un Ballo in Maschera (2004). The film is grounded in Shonibare’s unique use of African-print fabric...... in conjunction with references to European cultural and political history, but the film is also – it is alleged – rooted in Black British cinema and the transnational postcolonialism which emerged in the UK of the 1980s. The article starts with a general introduction to Shonibare’s art and the colonial...... connotations of the African-print fabric, which are also central to the critique of power in Un Ballo in Maschera. Its critical agenda is then analysed and put into historical perspective by relating the film to Black British film. A comparison with the Black Audio Film Collective’s key work Handsworth Songs...

  1. BSA ahistab inimesi ja firmasid hoiatusvideoga piraatlusest / Mari Sarv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarv, Mari, 1978-


    Piraattarkvara leviku piiramisega tegelev Business Software Alliance saatis propagandafilmi sisaldava videokasseti 5000 firmasse, mille töötajate andmeid oli võimalik saada otsepostitusandmebaasist

  2. Tuulegeneraatori sündroom: infraheli mahavaikitud mõju / Sarah Laurie ; intervjueerinud Helen Arusoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laurie, Sarah


    Austraalia arst ja tuulegeneraatori sündroomi ohvreid abistava rahvusvahelise organisatsiooni Waubra Foundation tegevtirektor Sarah Laurie loodab saada tuulegeneraatori sündroomile meedikute tunnustuse

  3. Mammographic microcalcifications: Detection with xerography, screen-film, and digitized film display

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smathers, R.L.; Bush, E.; Drace, J.; Stevens, M.; Sommer, F.G.; Brown, B.W.; Karras, B.


    Pulverized bone specks and aluminum oxide specks were measured by hand into sizes ranging from 0.2 mm to 1.0 mm and then arranged in clusters. These clusters were superimposed on a human breast tissue phantom, and xeromammograms and screen-film mammograms of the clusters were made. The screen-film mammograms were digitized using a high-resolution laser scanner and then displayed on cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors. Six radiologists independently counted the microcalcifications on the xeromammograms, the screen-film mammograms, and the digitized film mammograms. The xeromammograms were examined with a magnifying glass; the screen-film images were examined with a magnifying glass and by hot light; and the digitized-film images were examined by electronic magnification and image processing. The bone speck size that corresponded to a mean 50% detectability level for each technique was as follows: xeromammography, 0.550 mm; digitized film, 0.573 mm; and screen-film, 0.661 mm. We postulate that electronic magnification and image processing with edge enhancement can improve the capability of screen-film mammography to enhance the detection of microcalcifications

  4. Filming eugenics: teaching the history of eugenics through film. (United States)

    Ooten, Melissa; Trembanis, Sarah


    In teaching eugenics to undergraduate students and general public audiences, film should he considered as a provocative and fruitful medium that can generate important discussions about the intersections among eugenics, gender, class, race, and sexuality. This paper considers the use of two films, A Bill of Divorcement and The Lynchburg Story, as pedagogical tools for the history of eugenics. The authors provide background information on the films and suggestions for using the films to foster an active engagement with the historical eugenics movement.

  5. Nuclear films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malone, Peter.


    This booklet is a resource for the study of feature films that highlight the theme of nuclear war. It provides basic credits and brief indication of the theme, treatment, quality and particular notable aspects; and a series of questions raised by the film. Seventy feature films and thirty documentaries are examined

  6. Film processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail


    The processing was made not only to show what are in the film but also to produce radiograph with high quality where the information gathered really presented level of the quality of the object inspected. Besides that, good procedure will make the film with good quality can keep the film in long time for reference. Here, more detailed on how the dark room functioned and its design. So, the good procedure while processed the film will be discussed detailed in this chapter from entering the dark room to exit from there.

  7. Tuld juriidilise korrektsuse pihta / Margi Ein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ein, Margi, 1950-


    Parlamendiliikme arvates tahavad sotsiaaldemokraadid võimule saada valele tuginedes ning peavad end seadustest ülemaks. Saare vallas on sooritatud tehinguid, mis on korruptsioonivastase seadusega keelatud

  8. Iraanis toimuvad presidendivalimised / Kalev Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kask, Kalev


    Iraanis toimuvatest presidendivalimistest. Kaheksast kandidaadist on parimad väljavaated presidendiks saada endisel presidendil Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjanil ja endisel kultuuri- ja kõrgharidusministril Mustafa Moinil

  9. Automatic film loader for X-ray spot film device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A light tight tunnel extends over the top of a diagnostic X-ray table. A film cassette is mounted for reciprocating in the tunnel between an X-ray exposure position and a position in which the cassette is unloaded or loaded with film automatically. Unexposed films are dispensed one at a time into the cassette from a feed magazine at one end of the tunnel. After exposure, the film is ejected from the cassette into a receiving magazine at the same end of the tunnel. (Auth.)

  10. Water-evaporation reduction by duplex films: application to the human tear film. (United States)

    Cerretani, Colin F; Ho, Nghia H; Radke, C J


    Water-evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films is especially important to understand the physiology of the human tear film. Secreted lipids, called meibum, form a duplex film that coats the aqueous tear film and purportedly reduces tear evaporation. Lipid-layer deficiency is correlated with the occurrence of dry-eye disease; however, in-vitro experiments fail to show water-evaporation reduction by tear-lipid duplex films. We review the available literature on water-evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films and outline the theoretical underpinnings of spreading and evaporation kinetics that govern behavior of these systems. A dissolution-diffusion model unifies the data reported in the literature and identifies dewetting of duplex films into lenses as a key challenge to obtaining significant evaporation reduction. We develop an improved apparatus for measuring evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films including simultaneous assessment of film coverage, stability, and temperature, all under controlled external mass transfer. New data reported in this study fit into the larger body of work conducted on water-evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films. Duplex-oil films of oxidized mineral oil/mucin (MOx/BSM), human meibum (HM), and bovine meibum (BM) reduce water evaporation by a dissolution-diffusion mechanism, as confirmed by agreement between measurement and theory. The water permeability of oxidized-mineral-oil duplex films agrees with those reported in the literature, after correction for the presence of mucin. We find that duplex-oil films of bovine and human meibum at physiologic temperature reduce water evaporation only 6-8% for a 100-nm film thickness pertinent to the human tear film. Comparison to in-vivo human tear-evaporation measurements is inconclusive because evaporation from a clean-water surface is not measured and because the mass-transfer resistance is not characterized. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Loodushariduse mammutkongress Colombias / Aarne Tõldsepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõldsepp, Aarne


    Sel suvel toimunud rahvusvahelisest matemaatika- ja loodushariduse kongressist Colombia ajaloolises sadamalinnas Cartagenas, mille peakorraldajaks oli 19 aastat tagasi Valgevenest Colombiasse emigreerunud professor Juri Orlik

  12. Effect of film size on drainage of foam and emulsion films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malhotra, A.K.; Wasan, D.T.


    All available theoretical analyses for the drainage of thin plane-parallel liquid films, such as those existing between two approaching liquid droplets or bubbles in the coalescence process, predict essentially the same dependence of rate of thinning of the intervening film on its size as is described by the Reynolds equation - that is, drainage time increases with the square of the film radius. Recently, the authors reported experimental data for both foam and emulsion films which showed that the measured drainage times increase with about a 0.8 power of the film radius, a value much smaller than the theoretically predicted value of 2.0. Here they present a hydrodynamic analysis to predict the experimentally observed effect of film size on the kinetics of thinning of emulsion and foam films. They extend the applicability of the Reynolds model by accounting for the flow in the Plateau borders as well as the London-van der Waals forces in the thin film phase. Their theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data on the dependence of drainage time of both foam and emulsion films on their radii

  13. Superconducting thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hebard, A.F.; Vandenberg, J.M.


    This invention relates to granular metal and metal oxide superconducting films formed by ion beam sputter deposition. Illustratively, the films comprise irregularly shaped, randomly oriented, small lead grains interspersed in an insulating lead oxide matrix. The films are hillock-resistant when subjected to thermal cycling and exhibit unusual josephson-type switching characteristics. Depending on the oxygen content, a film may behave in a manner similar to that of a plurality of series connected josephson junctions, or the film may have a voltage difference in a direction parallel to a major surface of the film that is capable of being switched from zero voltage difference to a finite voltage difference in response to a current larger than the critical current

  14. As Film Goes Byte: The Change From Analog to Digital Film Perception


    Loertscher, Miriam Laura; Weibel, David; Spiegel, Simon; Flueckiger, Barbara; Mennel, Pierre; Mast, Fred; Iseli, Christian


    The digital revolution changed film production in many ways. Until the end of the 20th century, most film professionals and critics preferred celluloid film. However, no previous empirical study compared complete narrative films recorded with analog and digital cinematography. Three short narrative films were produced with an analog and a digital camera attached to a 3D rig in order to control all optical parameters. In postproduction, a third version of a digital film was created to mimic th...

  15. As Film Goes Byte: The Change From Analog to Digital Film Perception.


    Loertscher M. L. Weibel D. Spiegel S. Flueckiger B. Mennel P. Mast F. W. & Iseli C.


    The digital revolution changed film production in many ways. Until the end of the 20th century most film professionals and critics preferred celluloid film. However no previous empirical study compared complete narrative films recorded with analog and digital cinematography. Three short narrative films were produced with an analog and a digital camera attached to a 3D rig in order to control all optical parameters. In postproduction a third version of a digital film was created to mimic the a...

  16. Tulemuslik juhtimine ebatavaliselt keerulistes haridusoludes / Andy Hargreaves, Alma Harris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hargreaves, Andy


    Haridusjuhtimise tulemustest Eestis ja Inglismaal. Artiklis otsitakse vastust küsimusele, kuidas saada häid tulemusi koolides, mis tegutsevad keerulistes kogukondlikes või demograafilistes tingimustes

  17. Konkurents on tervislik / Nigel Haywood

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haywood, Nigel, 1955-


    Suurbritannia suursaadik Eestis kirjutab Euroopa Liidu turupoliitika arengusuundadest. Kui Euroopa tahab saada tõsiselt globaalseks, peab ta saama konkurentsivõimeliseks, paindlikuks ning vähem reguleerituks

  18. Demens Film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anders Møller


    Vi vil skabe film til mennesker med demens – ikke film om demens sygdommen eller beretninger om livet og hverdagen med en kronisk lidelse. Filmene skal medvirke til at frembringe en behagelig stemning omkring og hos mennesker med demens, så hverdagen bliver så tryg som mulig. Filmene skal samtidig...... var at afgrænse og prioritere projektet, samt komme med anbefalinger omkring hvad der er vigtigt, i forbindelse med produktion af film målrettet mennesker med demens. Resultat af ekspertgruppen sammenfattes i denne rapport. Projektet gennemføres som et samarbejde mellem Retrospect Film...

  19. Ag films deposited on Si and Ti: How the film-substrate interaction influences the nanoscale film morphology (United States)

    Ruffino, F.; Torrisi, V.


    Submicron-thick Ag films were sputter deposited, at room temperature, on Si, covered by the native SiO2 layer, and on Ti, covered by the native TiO2 layer, under normal and oblique deposition angle. The aim of this work was to study the morphological differences in the grown Ag films on the two substrates when fixed all the other deposition parameters. In fact, the surface diffusivity of the Ag adatoms is different on the two substrates (higher on the SiO2 surface) due to the different Ag-SiO2 and Ag-TiO2 atomic interactions. So, the effect of the adatoms surface diffusivity, as determined by the adatoms-substrate interaction, on the final film morphology was analyzed. To this end, microscopic analyses were used to study the morphology of the grown Ag films. Even if the homologous temperature prescribes that the Ag film grows on both substrates in the zone I described by the structure zone model some significant differences are observed on the basis of the supporting substrate. In the normal incidence condition, on the SiO2/Si surface a dense close-packed Ag film exhibiting a smooth surface is obtained, while on the TiO2/Ti surface a more columnar film morphology is formed. In the oblique incidence condition the columnar morphology for the Ag film occurs both on SiO2/Si and TiO2/Ti but a higher porous columnar film is obtained on TiO2/Ti due to the lower Ag diffusivity. These results indicate that the adatoms diffusivity on the substrate as determined by the adatom-surface interaction (in addition to the substrate temperature) strongly determines the final film nanostructure.

  20. VENÄLÄINEN SOSIAALINEN MEDIA : Miten sosiaalinen media on vaikuttanut kuluttajan päätöksiin?


    Nironen, Gabriela


    Opinnäytetyö tutki venäläisen sosiaalisen median vaikutusta matkailuun. Tuloksia voi-daan käyttää venäläisille kohdistetussa sähköisessä markkinoinnissa, myynnin työkalu-na ja asiakaspalvelussa. Työn tavoite on saada oikeaa tietoa siitä, mitä kanavia kuluttajat käyttävät venäläisessä sosiaalisessa mediassa sekä ymmärtää heidän näkökulmaan matkailun asiakaspalvelua. Toinen tärkeä tavoite on saada tietoa, miten sosiaalinen media on vaikuttanut Venäjän matkailuun ja tulevaisuuden näkymiin. ...

  1. Development of neutron diffuse scattering analysis code by thin film and multilayer film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soyama, Kazuhiko


    To research surface structure of thin film and multilayer film by neutron, a neutron diffuse scattering analysis code using DWBA (Distorted-Wave Bron Approximation) principle was developed. Subjects using this code contain the surface and interface properties of solid/solid, solid/liquid, liquid/liquid and gas/liquid, and metal, magnetism and polymer thin film and biomembran. The roughness of surface and interface of substance shows fractal self-similarity and its analytical model is based on DWBA theory by Sinha. The surface and interface properties by diffuse scattering are investigated on the basis of the theoretical model. The calculation values are proved to be agreed with the experimental values. On neutron diffuse scattering by thin film, roughness of surface of thin film, correlation function, neutron propagation by thin film, diffuse scattering by DWBA theory, measurement model, SDIFFF (neutron diffuse scattering analysis program by thin film) and simulation results are explained. On neutron diffuse scattering by multilayer film, roughness of multilayer film, principle of diffuse scattering, measurement method and simulation examples by MDIFF (neutron diffuse scattering analysis program by multilayer film) are explained. (S.Y.)To research surface structure of thin film and multilayer film by neutron, a neutron diffuse scattering analysis code using DWBA (Distorted-Wave Bron Approximation) principle was developed. Subjects using this code contain the surface and interface properties of solid/solid, solid/liquid, liquid/liquid and gas/liquid, and metal, magnetism and polymer thin film and biomembran. The roughness of surface and interface of substance shows fractal self-similarity and its analytical model is based on DWBA theory by Sinha. The surface and interface properties by diffuse scattering are investigated on the basis of the theoretical model. The calculation values are proved to be agreed with the experimental values. On neutron diffuse scattering

  2. Svoboda bez granits. I bez otvetstvennosti? / Artur Kurvits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kurvits, Artur


    Rahvusvaheline organisatsioon Piirideta Reporterid avaldas iga-aastase aruande ajakirjandusvabaduse tasemest maailmas, kus Eesti asub sel aastal kuuendal kohal. Hinnangud tegelikule olukorrale viimastele presidendivalimistele tagasi vaadates

  3. Adamkus suggests that both Uspaskich, Zuokas resign posts / Milda Seputyte

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seputyte, Milda


    President Valdas Adamkus soovitas majandusminister Viktor Uspaskihhil ja Vilniuse linnapeal Arturas Zuokasel tagasi astuda, kuna nendevaheline konflikt kahjustab Leedu mainet ja julgustas poliitikutega seotud uurimist

  4. Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anelise Reich Corseuil


    Full Text Available The articles here presented are representative of the debates about the various transformational aspects of film studies, fostering the discussion about the transformations and interactions between national and international narrative forms, the interrelations between film and literature, and film with other media. The critical perspectives here presented range from an emphasis on cultural materialism, dialogism, reception theory, deconstructionism, narrative studies to film aesthetics or film genre, and can be grouped in three major interrelated areas of film studies: adaptation studies, representation and aesthetics, and film and other media. All of them enable a critical perspective as regards the fluidity of the boundaries separating film from other media, such as literature, television, DVDs, and video games, as newer narrative forms that are incorporated by film, and the transformations in terms of aesthetics and forms of representation in contemporary film and media (the transgeneric nature of film, the interrelations between national and international cinemas, and the demands for a broader perception of the overwhelming mediations of the image in our contemporary society. Moreover, the articles are inserted within recent critical debates on adaptation, digital media and national and transnational cinema (Naremore, Sobchack, Druckery and Williams. All articles combine important theoretical concerns with the analysis of specific films. Robert Stam's “Teoria e Prática da Adaptação: da Fidelidade à Intertextualidade” (“Theory and the practice of adaptation: from fidelity to intertextuality” offers a rich perspective on the issue of adaptation in its relationship with critical theory. He analyses the changing critical views on adaptation, which go from the priority given to the canonic literary text, as an origin, to a more fluid, intertextual and dialogical approach to film adaptation. Drawing from Bakhtin's concept of

  5. "Kak stat Aleksandrom Makedonskim"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Antiigiaineline suurfilm "Aleksander" : režissöör Oliver Stone : Aleksander Suure rollis Colin Farrell : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2004. Discover Channeli programmist "Kuidas saada Makedoonia Aleksandriks"

  6. God pod znakom rõbõ / Jekaterina Rodina

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rodina, Jekaterina


    Põllumajandusministeeriumi kampaaniast kalatoitude populariseerimiseks. Autor analüüsib, kuidas sobib see sama ametkonna plaanidega vähendada kalurite arvu ja kaupluses saada oleva kala sortimendiga. Diagrammid

  7. Danish independent film, or how to make films without public funding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft

    Studying independent film in Denmark is a new and interesting way to analyse power relations in Danish film productions. The sheer magnitude of Danish indiefilms is in itself a very convincing voice to be heard. Throughout the past almost two decades we have seen a developing challenge to the typ......Studying independent film in Denmark is a new and interesting way to analyse power relations in Danish film productions. The sheer magnitude of Danish indiefilms is in itself a very convincing voice to be heard. Throughout the past almost two decades we have seen a developing challenge...... known as – Danish independent film is the American director Robert Rodriguez and especially his book Rebel without a crew (1995). The book is a diary of his first successful feature film production El mariachi (1992) and, basically, here he outlines a very different do-it-yourself-method of film...

  8. Contributions of Film Introductions and Film Summaries to Learning from Instructional Films. (United States)

    Lathrop, C. W., Jr.; Norford, C. A.

    An exploratory study of the contribution to learning of typical introductory and summarizing sequences in instructional films underlined the need for further experimental work to determine what kinds of introductory and concluding sequences are most useful in promoting learning from films. The first part of the study was concerned with film…

  9. Films and dark room

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail


    After we know where the radiographic come from, then we must know about the film and also dark room. So, this chapter 5 discusses the two main components for radiography work that is film and dark room, places to process the film. Film are structured with three structured that are basic structured, emulsion and protection structured. So, this film can be classified either with their speed, screen and standard that used. The process to wash the film must be done in dark room otherwise the radiographer cannot get what are they inspected. The processing of film will be discussed briefly in next chapter.

  10. ANALISIS SUDUT PANDANG KAMERA (Studi kasus: Film Jelangkung dan Film The Ring 1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Listia Natadjaja


    Full Text Available Horror movie is one of the strengths of Indonesian film industry; however it is not so popular in the International market. Thus%2C an analysis is needed to determine what the strengths are of another horror movie that has achieved global recognition. This analysis trie s to examine film angles that could be one of the important factors in audio visual in creating horror movies. The Ring 1 is chosen as a comparison to Indonesian horror movie. The Ring 1 has the most world recognition%2C and it has been re-made by Korean and American horror movie makers. Jelangkung is chosen because it is the pioneer of horror movies in Indonesia and has inspired other movies in the same genre. Both films are analyzed from the camera angle aspect which gives the horror effect. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Film horor merupakan salah satu kekuatan perfilman layar lebar di Indonesia.%2C akan tetapi film horor Indonesia kurang dapat menyebar di pasaran Internasional. Oleh karena itu%2C suatu analisis diperlukan untuk mengetahui apakah kekuatan-kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh film horor negara-negara lain yang banyak digemari masyarakat global terutama dari sudut pandang kamera yang merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam menciptakan kesan horor pada suatu film. Film The Ring 1 dipilih sebagai pedoman perbandingan film horor Indonesia%2C karena film The Ring 1 adalah film horor yang sangat banyak diminati oleh masyarakat di seluruh dunia%2C bahkan telah diremake oleh Korea dan USA. Film Horor Indonesia yang dipilih adalah film Jelangkung yang pertama kali muncul pada film layar lebar dan menjadi cikal bakal munculnya banyak film layar lebar di Indonesia dengan genre yang sama. Analisa kedua film ini ditinjau dari sudut pandang kamera yang dapat menampilkan kesan horor. horror movie%2C camera angle%2C Indonesia%2C Japan.

  11. Electrochromic nanocomposite films (United States)

    Milliron, Delia; Llordes, Anna; Buonsanti, Raffaella; Garcia, Guillermo


    The present invention provides an electrochromic nanocomposite film. In an exemplary embodiment, the electrochromic nanocomposite film, includes (1) a solid matrix of oxide based material and (2) transparent conducting oxide (TCO) nanostructures embedded in the matrix. In a further embodiment, the electrochromic nanocomposite film farther includes a substrate upon which the matrix is deposited. The present invention also provides a method of preparing an electrochromic nanocomposite film.

  12. Defining Documentary Film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juel, Henrik


    A discussion of various attemts at defining documentary film regarding form, content, truth, stile, genre or reception - and a propoposal of a positive list of essential, but non-exclusive characteristica of documentary film......A discussion of various attemts at defining documentary film regarding form, content, truth, stile, genre or reception - and a propoposal of a positive list of essential, but non-exclusive characteristica of documentary film...

  13. Film Noir Style Genealogy


    Rietuma, Dita


    Annotation for the Doctoral Work Film Noir Style Genealogy (The Genealogy of the Film Noir Style) The doctoral work topic Film Noir Style Genealogy encompasses traditionally approved world film theory views on the concept of film noir and its related cinematographic heritage, and an exploration of its evolution and distinctive style, including – the development of film noir in the USA, Europe, and also in Latvia, within the context of both socio-political progression and the paradigm of m...

  14. ZnO film deposition on Al film and effects of deposition temperature on ZnO film growth characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Giwan; Yim, Munhyuk; Kim, Donghyun; Linh, Mai; Chai, Dongkyu


    The effects of the deposition temperature on the growth characteristics of the ZnO films were studied for film bulk acoustic wave resonator (FBAR) device applications. All films were deposited using a radio frequency magnetron sputtering technique. It was found that the growth characteristics of ZnO films have a strong dependence on the deposition temperature from 25 to 350 deg. C. ZnO films deposited below 200 deg. C exhibited reasonably good columnar grain structures with highly preferred c-axis orientation while those above 200 deg. C showed very poor columnar grain structures with mixed-axis orientation. This study seems very useful for future FBAR device applications

  15. Õhuke piir väärikuse ja demagoogia vahel / Tiago Marques

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Marques, Tiago


    Vastukaja art. Vooglaid, Varro. Ajas edasi, tsivilisatsiooniredelil tagasi // Postimees 20. veeb. 2007, lk. 15. Portugalis korraldatud rahvahääletusest abordikeelu kaotamiseks ja abordi olemuse eiramisest

  16. Insurance bankruptcy creates political storm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hoolimata peaminister Algirdas Brazauskase nõudmisest, keeldus Leedu kindlustusinspektsiooni juht Edvinas Vasilis-Vasiliauskas oma kohalt tagasi astumast, kuna soovib viia lõpule kindlustusseltsi Ingo Baltic pankrotiprotsessi

  17. Kaadrid otsustavad kõik / Jarno Laur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laur, Jarno, 1975-


    Noored Mõõdukad taotlesid neli aastat tagasi valimisliitude kaotamist Riigikogu valimistel ja toetavad praegugi Eesti poliitika selgemaks muutumist, kuid see peaks toimuma loomulikul teel, mitte sunniga

  18. Science Fiction on Film. (United States)

    Burmester, David


    Reviews science fiction films used in a science fiction class. Discusses feature films, short science fiction films, short story adaptations, original science fiction pieces and factual science films that enrich literature. (EL)

  19. Thin Film Microbatteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dudney, Nancy J.


    Thin film batteries are built layer by layer by vapor deposition. The resulting battery is formed of parallel plates, much as an ordinary battery construction, just much thinner. The figure (Fig. 1) shows an example of a thin film battery layout where films are deposited symmetrically onto both sides of a supporting substrate. The full stack of films is only 10 to 15 (micro)m thick, but including the support at least doubles the overall battery thickness. When the support is thin, the entire battery can be flexible. At least six companies have commercialized or are very close to commercializing such all-solid-state thin film batteries and market research predicts a growing market and a variety of applications including sensors, RFID tags, and smarter cards. In principle with a large deposition system, a thin film battery might cover a square meter, but in practice, most development is targeting individual cells with active areas less than 25 cm 2 . For very small battery areas, 2 , microfabrication processes have been developed. Typically the assembled batteries have capacities from 0.1 to 5 mAh. The operation of a thin film battery is depicted in the schematic diagram (Fig. 2). Very simply, when the battery is allowed to discharge, a Li + ion migrates from the anode to the cathode film by diffusing through the solid electrolyte. When the anode and cathode reactions are reversible, as for an intercalation compound or alloy, the battery can be recharged by reversing the current. The difference in the electrochemical potential of the lithium determines the cell voltage. Most of the thin films used in current commercial variations of this thin film battery are deposited in vacuum chambers by RF and DC magnetron sputtering and by thermal evaporation onto unheated substrates. In addition, many publications report exploring a variety of other physical and chemical vapor deposition processes, such as pulsed laser deposition, electron cyclotron resonance sputtering, and

  20. One-step aerosol synthesis of nanoparticle agglomerate films: simulation of film porosity and thickness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maedler, Lutz; Lall, Anshuman A; Friedlander, Sheldon K


    A method is described for designing nanoparticle agglomerate films with desired film porosity and film thickness. Nanoparticle agglomerates generated in aerosol reactors can be directly deposited on substrates to form uniform porous films in one step, a significant advance over existing technologies. The effect of agglomerate morphology and deposition mechanism on film porosity and thickness are discussed. Film porosity was calculated for a given number and size of primary particles that compose the agglomerates, and fractal dimension. Agglomerate transport was described by the Langevin equation of motion. Deposition enhancing forces such as thermophoresis are incorporated in the model. The method was validated for single spherical particles using previous theoretical studies. An S-shape film porosity dependence on the particle Peclet number typical for spherical particles was also observed for agglomerates, but films formed from agglomerates had much higher porosities than films from spherical particles. Predicted film porosities compared well with measurements reported in the literature. Film porosities increased with the number of primary particles that compose an agglomerate and higher fractal dimension agglomerates resulted in denser films. Film thickness as a function of agglomerate deposition time was calculated from the agglomerate deposition flux in the presence of thermophoresis. The calculated film thickness was in good agreement with measured literature values. Thermophoresis can be used to reduce deposition time without affecting the film porosity

  1. Ümberrivistumine mitte ainult paremal / Ivari Padar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Padar, Ivari, 1965-


    Eesti poliitikamaastikul toimuvast. Sotsiaaldemokraatlikust Erakonnast võib saada vasaktsentristlik koondav jõud, mis tõmbab endasse näiteks Res Publicas, Rahvaliidus ja Keskerakonnas pettunud liikmeid ja valijaid

  2. Saame tuttavaks Per Magnusson / Joosep Tikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tikk, Joosep


    Rootsi tasemel neli tärni kolmevõistluse rajameistri ning tehnilinse delegaadi koolitusest 11.-12. mail Koordi tallides eelkõige neile, kes soovivad saada tehnilisteks delegaatideks ja rajameistriks

  3. Robot-salamander näitab maismaaloomade arengut / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Teadlased on valmistanud salamandrisarnase masina, mis ühendab bioloogia robootikaga ja võimaldab uurida seda, kuidas esimesed tetrapoodid - neljajalgsed selgroogsed - ronisid sadu miljoneid aastaid tagasi maale elama

  4. Uued lahendused kliendisuhete halduses / Michael Stimson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Stimson, Michael


    Autor kirjeldab klienditeeninduse parandamist kliendihaldustarkvara Microsoft Dynamics CRM kasutamise abil. Skeem: Täiustatud teeninduskogemus. Lisa: Kliendihaldus algas kümmekond aastat tagasi; CRM aitab lahendada riigiasutuste probleeme

  5. Solzhenitsõni teekond Putini Venemaale / Udo Uibo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uibo, Udo, 1956-


    Ajalehes The Times Litterary Supplement ilmunud Zinovi Ziniku artiklist Aleksandr Solzhenitsõni loomingust, mis ilmus aasta tagasi kogumikus The Solzhenitsyn Reader. New and essential writings 1947-2005

  6. Britid tahavad euroliitu põhjalikult muuta / Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bahovski, Erkki, 1970-


    Suurbritannia lükkas Euroopa Liidu eelarvekava tagasi. Riigi konkurentsiminister Barry Gardineri hinnangul tasub põhiseaduse lepingu kriisi ajal alustada arutelu, kuhu liit liigub. Lisa: Barry Gardiner

  7. Kas poliitiline fair play on võimalik? / Juhan Kivirähk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivirähk, Juhan, 1957-


    Sotisoloog Juhan Kivirähk valimiskampaaniatest, presidendi valimise korrast. Mis saaks siis kui valimised läheksid tagasi Riigikokku? Diagrammid: Valijameeste ja rahva soosikud ; Rahva eelistused ajas

  8. Riikide murd(u)mine Euroopas : Kosovo / Ahto Lobjakas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lobjakas, Ahto, 1970-


    Kosovo iseseisvumine kui pretsedent võib saada innustuseks nii separistidele kui ka vähem autonoomsetele vähemustele, sest kinnitab, et territoriaalse terviklikkuse printsiip ei pruugi olla murdumatu

  9. "Alfa-gerlz" rvutsja k vlasti / Ivan Lebedev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lebedev, Ivan


    Naiste osast USA akadeemilistes ringkondades, majanduselus ja poliitikas. Esmakordselt võib saada USA presidendiks naispoliitik, Hillary Clintonit toetab üle 40 % demokraatidest. Vt. samas: Toimik: USA mõjukad naised

  10. Jagamismajandus / Tomio Geron

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Geron, Tomio


    Uus, populaarsust koguv majandusmudel, kus vara omanikud kasutavad digitaalseid arvelduskontosid, et saada tulu juba olemasolevatelt asjadelt, ja tarbijad rendivad asju eraisikutelt selle asemel, et neid osta või rentida

  11. Fin de regne / Sophie Pedder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pedder, Sophie


    Prognoosid Prantsusmaa 2007. aasta presidendivalimisteks, suurema tõenäosusega võib uueks presidendiks saada paremtsentristliku Rahvaliikumise Liidu kandidaat Nicolas Sarkozy. Vt samas: Matthew Glendinning. All Blacks Bleuside vastu

  12. Myanmari aitab üksnes aeg / Mihkel Mutt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutt, Mihkel, 1953-


    Myanmaris (Birmas) toimunud buda munkade meeleavaldusest, hunta tegevusest ja suhetest Hiinaga. Autori hinnangul võib valitsev diktatuur aru saada muutuste paratamatusest ja hakata riiki Hiina kombel ülaltpoolt reformima

  13. Latvian government in double jeopardy with EU, Latvijas Gaze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Läti soovib saada Euroopa Komisjonilt ajapikendust gaasituru liberaliseerimiseks 2010. aastani ning lubab sel juhul sõlmida Latvijas Gaze'ga kokkuleppe, et viimane loobuks gaasitarnete ainuõigusest Lätis

  14. Punapäisest iludusest saab Itaalia parempoolsete päästja / Tõnis Erilaid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erilaid, Tõnis, 1943-


    Peaministrikohalt taandunud Silvio Berlusconi on väitnud, et Itaalia parempoolsete parteide ühendajaks võib saada Michele Vittoria Brambilla, kes äsja registreeris uue Vabaduspartei (Partito della Liberta)

  15. Films--Too Good for Words. A Directory of Nonnarrated 16mm Films. (United States)

    Parlato, Salvatore J., Jr.

    A nonnarrated film is one that communicates pictorially on the strength of its visual unity, continuity, and coherence without relying on narration or dialogue. This directory lists 1,000 such 16mm films, mostly curriculum-oriented educational films, in three main parts. The first part describes films under subject headings such as the arts, other…

  16. Esmalt saab raha Gildi fond / Piret Reiljan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reiljan, Piret, 1983-


    Gild Arbitrage on Bulgaaria kinnisvaraprojektidesse investeerinud üle 100 miljoni krooni investorite ja võlausaldajate raha, kuid sealsete projektide realiseerimisel saab esimesena raha tagasi Gildi enda kinnisvarafond EEREIF

  17. Ksenofoobia kui rahvuslik uhkus / Tanel Mazur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mazur, Tanel, 1971-


    Eestlaste võõrastekartusest. Autori hinnangul oleme olukorras, kus vaid sadakond aastat tagasi ise koloonia staatusest vabanenuna peame hakkama käituma samaväärselt postkoloniaalsete suurriikidega

  18. Kaks hõbekeelset kannelt helisemas taas ... / Liina Saarlo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saarlo, Liina, 1974-


    Eesti regilaulukogude "Vana Kannel" 9. ja 10. osa ilmumise puhul vaadatakse tagasi sarja ilmumise ajalukku - Jakob Hurda esimestest kogudest ja nende koostamispõhimõtetest alates, visandatakse ka tulevikuplaane

  19. Parliament refuses pensions to apparatchiks / Rokas M. Tracevskis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tracevskis, Rokas M.


    Leedu parlament lükkas tagasi seaduseelnõu pensionide tõstmise kohta Teise maailmasõja veteranidele, kes olid Nõukogude okupatsiooni ajal kõrgetel kohtadel kommunistlikus parteis ja julgeolekuteenistuses

  20. ESK aastakoosolek / Priit Aruvald

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aruvald, Priit


    Eesti Sihtkapital Kanadas pidas 27. aprillil 2005 oma koosolekut Toronto Eesti Majas, esitati aruanded, räägiti rahalistest toetustest, stipendiumidest, uuest tegevuskavast. Esimeheks valiti tagasi Lia Hess

  1. Jaanus Kukk : "Za teatr otvetshaju ja!" / Jaanus Kukk ; interv. Nikolai Karajev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kukk, Jaanus


    7. jaan. kutsus Vene Teatri nõukogu teatri juhi Irina Ossinovskaja ametist tagasi ja nimetas uueks juhiks Jaanus Kuke. Teatrijuht oma plaanidest. Kommenteerivad Irina Ossinovskaja ja Mihhail Tshumatshenko

  2. Briti ajakirjanik sai Moskvast hundipassi / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Briti ajalehe Guardian Moskva-korrespondent Luke Harding saadeti kodumaale tagasi. Guardian peab põhjuseks seda, et Harding mainis Wikileaksist artikleid kirjutades, kuidas USA diplomaadid peavad Putini Venemaad maffiariigiks

  3. Buy, Borrow, or Steal? Film Access for Film Studies Students (United States)

    Rodgers, Wendy


    Libraries offer a mix of options to serve the film studies curriculum: streaming video, DVDs on Reserve, and streaming DVDs through online classrooms. Some professors screen films and lend DVDs to students. But how do students obtain the films required for their courses? How would they prefer to do so? These are among the questions explored using…

  4. Framing Persoalan Indonesia Melalui Film Dokumenter Model Direct Cinema (Studi Pada Film-film Dokumenter Terbaik, Program Eagle Award Competitions Di Metro TV)


    Styo Wibowo, Novin Farid


    FRAMING PERSOALAN INDONESIA MELALUI FILM DOKUMENTER MODELDIRECT CINEMA(STUDI PADA FILM-FILM DOKUMENTER TERBAIK, PROGRAM EAGLEAWARD COMPETITIONS DI METRO TV)Frames Indonesia Issues Through Direct Cinema DocumentaryFilm On Television (Framing Analysis of the 3 Best Documentary Film, Eagle AwardCompetitions Program at Metro TV)Novin Farid Styo WibowoJurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu PolitikUniversitas Muhammadiyah MalangEmail : TThe research disc...

  5. Food fair provides global stage / Ella Karapetyan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karapetyan, Ella


    2013. aastaks loodab Eesti maailma suurima põllumajandusmessi Grüne Woche partnerriigiks saada. Põllumajandusminister Helir-Valdor Seeder kohtus 30. jaanuaril lõppenud messi raames ka teiste riikide põllumajandusministritega

  6. Big Mac arvestab raha ostujõudu / Harli Uljas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uljas, Harli


    The Economist võrdleb maailma valuutade suhestamiseks Big Mac'i burgeri hindu 120 riigis, kuna see meetod võimaldab saada ülevaate riikide elanikkonna tegelikust ostujõust. Tabel: Hamburgeri standard

  7. Leedu "investeeringute tsaar" konkurentsivõime teenistuses / Kitty Kubo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kubo, Kitty


    Leedu visioon on saada aastaks 2020 piirkonna suurimaks regionaalseks innovatsioonikeskuseks rõhuasetusega teadmusmahukatel teenustel, nagu finants-, tervishoiuteenused, IT jms. Leedu aktiivsest tegevusest välisinvesteeringute hankimisel, suurematest välisinvesteeringutest

  8. Uniformly irradiated polymer film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fowler, S.L.


    Irradiated film having substantial uniformity in the radiation dosage profile is produced by irradiating the film within a trough having lateral deflection blocks disposed adjacent the film edges for deflecting electrons toward the surface of the trough bottom for further deflecting the electrons toward the film edge

  9. Film in concert



    From the very beginning of cinema, music always played an important role in the history of filmmaking. Nonetheless, film music is judged by critics as a kind of low-grade art form. However, the majority of film score composers enjoyed a classical education and composed as well for the silver screen as for the concert hall. Film music also has its roots in the musical era of romanticism. Therefore, symphonic film scores can be regarded as program music in a broader sense. These scores were inf...

  10. Triivides tulevikus = Drifting in the future / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Eksperimentaalsest arhitektuurist kirjutamise vormist arhitektuurifiktsioonist. Pedro Gadanho koostatud fiktsiooni-bookazine'ist "Scenarios and Speculations" (Beyond no. 1 ; Amsterdam : Sun, 2009), mis tahab tuua tagasi arhitektuuriteksti kirjutamise ja lugemise naudingu

  11. Sakslased ja venelased vahetavad trofeekunsti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Breemeni linna ametnikud on otsustanud tagastada Venemaale Tsarskoje Selo kuulsast Merevaigutoast pärineva mosaiigi. Saksamaa saab tagasi 101 graafilist lehte ja akvarelli. Kunstikogu kadus Breemeni muuseumist 1945. a.

  12. USA dollar langes eile alla 12 krooni / Andris Feldmanis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Feldmanis, Andris, 1982-


    Odavast dollarist kaotavad Eesti ettevõtjatest dollaritsooni eksportijad, võidavad importijad. Skeem: Dollari kurss tagasi 90ndate aastate keskpaiga tasemel. Vt. samas: Tõnis Oja. Ameerikale nõrk dollar meeldib

  13. Kak sdelat iz slona voronu / Margarita Golovanova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Golovanova, Margarita


    25 aastat tagasi valmis NSV Liidus esimene plastiliinist nukkudega animafilm "Plastiliinist vares" ("Plastilinovaja vorona") : režissöör Aleksandr Tatarski : kunstnik-lavastaja Igor Kovaljov : helilooja Grigori Gladkov

  14. Vipsi ABC Grupp teatas kavatsusest börsile minna / Anne Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Anne, 1970-


    Kaubanduskontsern ABC Grupp maksis tagasi 97,2 mln. krooni eest võlakirju, juhatuse esimehe teatel kasutab ettevõtte meeskond saadud kogemusi naasmaks tulevikus avaliku ettevõtte staatusesse juba aktsiaemitendina

  15. Maailmakuulus kirjandusteoreetik Uku Masingust / Vincent B Leitch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leitch, Vincent B


    Refereering ameerika professori Vincent B. Leitchi 25 aastat tagasi ajakirjas Journal of Baltic Studies avaldatud artiklist "Usuline nägemus uuemas luules. Uku Masing võrdluses Hopkinsi ja Eliotiga"

  16. Quality of YBCO thin films grown on LAO substrates exposed to the film deposition - film removal processes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blagoev, B; Nurgaliev, T [Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee, 1784 Sofia (Bulgaria); Mozhaev, P B [Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117218 Moscow (Russian Federation); Sardela, M; Donchev, T [Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois, 104 South Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 (United States)], E-mail:


    The characteristics are investigated of high temperature superconducting YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7} (YBCO) films grown on LaAlO{sub 3} (LAO) substrates being exposed a different number of times to YBCO film deposition and acid-solution-based cleaning procedures. Possible mechanisms of degradation of the substrate surface quality reflecting on the growing YBCO film parameters are discussed and analyzed.

  17. Evaluation and mitigation of potential errors in radiochromic film dosimetry due to film curvature at scanning. (United States)

    Palmer, Antony L; Bradley, David A; Nisbet, Andrew


    This work considers a previously overlooked uncertainty present in film dosimetry which results from moderate curvature of films during the scanning process. Small film samples are particularly susceptible to film curling which may be undetected or deemed insignificant. In this study, we consider test cases with controlled induced curvature of film and with film raised horizontally above the scanner plate. We also evaluate the difference in scans of a film irradiated with a typical brachytherapy dose distribution with the film naturally curved and with the film held flat on the scanner. Typical naturally occurring curvature of film at scanning, giving rise to a maximum height 1 to 2 mm above the scan plane, may introduce dose errors of 1% to 4%, and considerably reduce gamma evaluation passing rates when comparing film-measured doses with treatment planning system-calculated dose distributions, a common application of film dosimetry in radiotherapy. The use of a triple-channel dosimetry algorithm appeared to mitigate the error due to film curvature compared to conventional single-channel film dosimetry. The change in pixel value and calibrated reported dose with film curling or height above the scanner plate may be due to variations in illumination characteristics, optical disturbances, or a Callier-type effect. There is a clear requirement for physically flat films at scanning to avoid the introduction of a substantial error source in film dosimetry. Particularly for small film samples, a compression glass plate above the film is recommended to ensure flat-film scanning. This effect has been overlooked to date in the literature.

  18. Spectator's trust as an indicator of film authorship: Is Vinterberg a film auteur?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Pol, G.


    In this article, the Trust Model is presented as a new theory to tackle the old film theoretical problem of distinguishing film directors from film auteurs. The model proposes that in certain films, the spectator becomes problematically engaged to the fiction and to certain characters. During the

  19. Getting into Film. (United States)

    London, Mel

    This book describes the various aspects of the film industry and the many jobs related to filmmaking, stressing that no "formula" exists for finding a successful career in the film industry. Chapters provide information on production, writing for film, cinematography, editing, music, sound, animation and graphics, acting and modeling, the "unsung…

  20. The Sponsored Film. (United States)

    Klein, Walter J.

    For public relations professionals and would-be sponsors of films, this book provides guidelines for understanding the film medium and its potential as a persuasive force in industry, government, organizations, and religious orders. For filmmakers, it brings together practical information needed to survive in the sponsored-film industry and to…

  1. Hans Teiv : mina sellel kohal igavuse üle ei kurda / Hans Teiv ; interv. Heli Salong

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teiv, Hans


    Saare maavanema kohusetäitja ja kandidaat Hans Teiv hindab oma võimalusi saada ametisse kinnitatud, räägib oma tegevusest maavalitsuse osakonnajuhataja ja maakonna juhina ning tutvustab Saaremaa arenguvisioone

  2. Tüüakas briti intellektuaal / Sirje Rank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rank, Sirje, 1966-


    Suurbritannia praegusest rahandusministrist Gordon Brownist võib saada Tony Blairi järel järgmine peaminister. CV: Gordon Brown. Vt. samas: Kuningas Midase maagia hajub: Browni puudutus ei muuda kullaks

  3. AS Tallinna Sadam loobub miljonitest / Kadi Heinsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heinsalu, Kadi, 1966-


    Kütusetransiidiga tegelev rahvusvaheline kontsern United Terminals NV on püüdnud saada luba Muugale toorõli ladustamise terminaali ehitamiseks. Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti, 30. sept. 1998, lk. 5

  4. Oh seda Eesti elu! : väljavõte Eesti Ekspressi kõige kummalisematest uudistest aastal 2002 : Rahvusraamatukogu ostis 1000 dollari eest tasuta raamatu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    RR tellis USA firmalt Rector Press raamatu "Estonian Companies Handbook 2001", selgus, et tegemist on AS Connectuse kirjastatava eestikeelse kataloogiga "KOMPASS Eesti TOP Firmad 2001", mida oleks võinud saada tasuta

  5. Muuga joodab Venezuela naftaga Valgevene tehaseid / Anne Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Anne, 1970-


    Venezuela toornaftat veetakse Valgevenesse Muuga sadama kaudu. Riia sadam loodab suurema osa Venezuela nafta transiidist endale saada, samas peaks sadam selleks tegema mitmeid töid, nt. süvendama akvatooriumi

  6. Valimisaktiivsus viib sihile / Piret Hartman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hartman, Piret


    Sotsiaalhoolekande seadusesse on sisse viidud muudatused, millest tulenevalt arvestatakse abiraha saamisel tudengid vanematega ühte leibkonda. Antud tingimuse tõttu kaob pea 10000 üliõpilasel võimalus majanduslikku abi saada

  7. Hindi tagandamine võib viia võimukoalitsiooni lagunemiseni Kohtla-Järvel / Erik Gamzejev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gamzejev, Erik, 1967-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 26. sept. lk. 1. Keskerakonna soov saada endale Kohtla-Järve linnapea ametikoht võib viia Keskerakonna ja endiste Res Publica liikmete vahel sõlmitud koalitsiooni lagunemiseni

  8. Shvedõ pugajut juzhan, a nas uspokaivajut

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rootsi totaalkaitseinstituudi (FOI) teadlaste ettekande kohaselt võib Venemaa saada üheks ebastabiilsuse koldeks maailmas oma sisekonfliktide tõttu, Hiinat ähvardavad siserahutused, Põhja-Euroopa võib vaadata tulevikku suhteliselt rahulikult.

  9. Lithuania manages to steer clear of IMF loans

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Leedu peaministri Andrius Kubiliuse sõnul saab Leedu finantssüsteem rahvusvahelistel finantsturgudel kindlust juurde, mis tähendab, et riik võib hakkama saada ilma IMF-i abita. Peaminister eelarvepoliitikast

  10. Mida lapsevanem koolilt ootab? / Eda Heinla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heinla, Eda


    Artikkel põhineb uurimusel, mille eesmärgiks oli saada ülavaade lapsevanemate ootustest koolikeskkonnale kui laste oskuste kujundajale ja loovate võimete arendajale, aluseks elanikkonna küsitlus "Eesti 1998"

  11. Ceramic Composite Thin Films (United States)

    Ruoff, Rodney S. (Inventor); Stankovich, Sasha (Inventor); Dikin, Dmitriy A. (Inventor); Nguyen, SonBinh T. (Inventor)


    A ceramic composite thin film or layer includes individual graphene oxide and/or electrically conductive graphene sheets dispersed in a ceramic (e.g. silica) matrix. The thin film or layer can be electrically conductive film or layer depending the amount of graphene sheets present. The composite films or layers are transparent, chemically inert and compatible with both glass and hydrophilic SiOx/silicon substrates. The composite film or layer can be produced by making a suspension of graphene oxide sheet fragments, introducing a silica-precursor or silica to the suspension to form a sol, depositing the sol on a substrate as thin film or layer, at least partially reducing the graphene oxide sheets to conductive graphene sheets, and thermally consolidating the thin film or layer to form a silica matrix in which the graphene oxide and/or graphene sheets are dispersed.

  12. Solid thin film materials for use in thin film charge-coupled devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lynch, S.J.


    Solid thin films deposited by vacuum deposition were evaluated to ascertain their effectiveness for use in the manufacturing of charge-coupled devices (CCDs). Optical and electrical characteristics of tellurium and Bi 2 Te 3 solid thin films were obtained in order to design and to simulate successfully the operation of thin film (TF) CCDs. In this article some of the material differences between single-crystal material and the island-structured thin film used in TFCCDs are discussed. The electrical parameters were obtained and tabulated, e.g. the mobility, conductivity, dielectric constants, permittivity, lifetime of holes and electrons in the thin films and drift diffusion constants. The optical parameters were also measured and analyzed. After the design was complete, experimental TFCCDs were manufactured and were successfully operated utilizing the aforementioned solid thin films. (Auth.)

  13. [Application of biodegradable plastic film to reduce plastic film residual pollution in Chinese agriculture]. (United States)

    Yan, Changrong; He, Wenqing; Xue, Yinghao; Liu, Enke; Liu, Qin


    Plastic film has become an important agriculture production material in recent years. Over the past three decades, the amount and application area of plastic film have increased steadily, and in 2014, which are 1.4 million tons and more than 180 million hm² respectively. It plays a key role for ensuring the supply of agricultural goods in China. Meanwhile, plastic film residual pollution becomes more and more serious, and in some regions, the amount of plastic film residues has reached over 250 kg/hm². In part of the Northwest region, soil structure of farmland has been destroyed by plastic film residues and then crop growth and farming operations were suppressed. It is recognized as a good choice to replace plastic film with biodegradable plastic film, an effective measure to solve the plastic film residue pollution. Now, it is in a critical stage of study and assessment of biodegradable plastic film in China and fortunately some biodegradable plastic films show effects in the production of potatoes, peanuts and tobacco. Overall, a series of challenges has still been faced by the biodegradable plastic film, mainly including improving the quality of biodegradable plastic products, such as tensile strength, flexibility, improving the controllability of rupture and degradation, enhancing the ability of increasing soil temperature and preserving soil moisture, and to satisfy the demand of crops production with mulching. In addition, it is essential to reduce the cost of the biodegradable film and promote the application of biodegradable film on large-scale. With the development of biodegradable plastic technology and agricultural production environment, the application of the biodegradable film will have a good future.

  14. IAEA film library

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Most of the scientific and technical films shown during the Second Geneva Conference for the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy were donated to IAEA by the producing countries at the end of the Conference. They will form the basic stock for the Agency's loan service intended to provide atomic energy institutions in Member States with film material. A detailed catalogue of the films, classified according to subject and giving conditions of loan or purchase, is now being prepared. In addition to this, information on all films produced in Member Countries dealing with the peaceful uses cf atomic energy is being assembled. The documentary information contained in the films in IAEA's possession relates to the following subjects: national programmes; nuclear physics; accelerators; plasma and fusion; reactors (power, research, material testing and experimental); prospecting and mining; ore dressing; metallurgy; production of fuel elements; treatment of irradiated fuel elements; protection against radiation; detection and counting; uses of radiation in medicine, biochemistry, agriculture and industry; industrial application of nuclear explosions. Most of the commentaries are in the language of the producing country. A few films are available in a choice of two languages. The films donated to the Agency total 82, two of which have been produced in Canada, 13 in France, one in India, one in Romania, one in Spain, 14 in the United Kingdom, one in the Union of South Africa, 47 in the United States of America and two in the USSR: they are mostly illustrations of papers presented at the Second Geneva Conference. In arranging for the circulation of scientific and technical films IAEA wishes to help meet some of the training and information needs of Member States. It is hoped that all organizations producing films on the peaceful uses of atomic energy will entrust copies to the IAEA with a view to their widest possible circulation. In the meantime, the Agency's films have been given

  15. IAEA film library

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Most of the scientific and technical films shown during the Second Geneva Conference for the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy were donated to IAEA by the producing countries at the end of the Conference. They will form the basic stock for the Agency's loan service intended to provide atomic energy institutions in Member States with film material. A detailed catalogue of the films, classified according to subject and giving conditions of loan or purchase, is now being prepared. In addition to this, information on all films produced in Member Countries dealing with the peaceful uses cf atomic energy is being assembled. The documentary information contained in the films in IAEA's possession relates to the following subjects: national programmes; nuclear physics; accelerators; plasma and fusion; reactors (power, research, material testing and experimental); prospecting and mining; ore dressing; metallurgy; production of fuel elements; treatment of irradiated fuel elements; protection against radiation; detection and counting; uses of radiation in medicine, biochemistry, agriculture and industry; industrial application of nuclear explosions. Most of the commentaries are in the language of the producing country. A few films are available in a choice of two languages. The films donated to the Agency total 82, two of which have been produced in Canada, 13 in France, one in India, one in Romania, one in Spain, 14 in the United Kingdom, one in the Union of South Africa, 47 in the United States of America and two in the USSR: they are mostly illustrations of papers presented at the Second Geneva Conference. In arranging for the circulation of scientific and technical films IAEA wishes to help meet some of the training and information needs of Member States. It is hoped that all organizations producing films on the peaceful uses of atomic energy will entrust copies to the IAEA with a view to their widest possible circulation. In the meantime, the Agency's films have been given

  16. Film: Genres and Genre Theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bondebjerg, Ib


    Genre is a concept used in film studies and film theory to describe similarities between groups of films based on aesthetic or broader social, institutional, cultural, and psychological aspects. Film genre shares similarities in form and style, theme, and communicative function. A film genre...

  17. "Surmaeelsed kogemused" võivad olla vaid uni / Alo Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Alo


    Surmasuust tagasi pöördunud inimeste kogetud valgusaistingud ja kehast lahkumise illusioonid võivad olle põhjustatud unelaadsest seisundist. Lexingtoni Kentucky ülikooli neuropsühholoogi Kevin Nelsoni uuringutest

  18. Kosovo peaminister sai Haagi tribunalilt sõjaroimasüüdistuse / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Kosovo peaminister Ramush Haradinaj astus ametist tagasi, kuna Haagi tribunal esitas talle ametliku süüdistuse sõjakuritegudes 1998.-1999. aasta kodusõjas. Lisa: Kosovo Vabastusarmeest parteijuhiks ja peaministriks

  19. Hansapank tunnistas oma viga / Aivar Reinap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reinap, Aivar, 1968-


    Kui aastaid tagasi müüs Hansapank talle kuulunud Eesti suurima kindlustusseltsi Eesti Kindlustus konkurentidele Sampo grupist, siis praegu pank tunnistab oma kunagist viga ja on otsustanud naasta varakindlustusturule

  20. Kaisi kimbutav õlavalu sundis eestlasi turniiri katkestama / Ann Hiiemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiiemaa, Ann


    Nädal tagasi maailmameistrivõistlustelt viienda koha rannavõrkpallurid Kristjan Kais ja Rivo Vesik olid Kaisi õlavalu tõttu sunnitud Austrias Klagenfurtis toimuva Grand Slami etapi pooleli jätma

  1. Meteor Film Recording with Digital Film Cameras with large CMOS Sensors (United States)

    Slansky, P. C.


    In this article the author combines his professional know-how about cameras for film and television production with his amateur astronomy activities. Professional digital film cameras with high sensitivity are still quite rare in astronomy. One reason for this may be their costs of up to 20 000 and more (camera body only). In the interim, however,consumer photo cameras with film mode and very high sensitivity have come to the market for about 2 000 EUR. In addition, ultra-high sensitive professional film cameras, that are very interesting for meteor observation, have been introduced to the market. The particular benefits of digital film cameras with large CMOS sensors, including photo cameras with film recording function, for meteor recording are presented by three examples: a 2014 Camelopardalid, shot with a Canon EOS C 300, an exploding 2014 Aurigid, shot with a Sony alpha7S, and the 2016 Perseids, shot with a Canon ME20F-SH. All three cameras use large CMOS sensors; "large" meaning Super-35 mm, the classic 35 mm film format (24x13.5 mm, similar to APS-C size), or full format (36x24 mm), the classic 135 photo camera format. Comparisons are made to the widely used cameras with small CCD sensors, such as Mintron or Watec; "small" meaning 12" (6.4x4.8 mm) or less. Additionally, special photographic image processing of meteor film recordings is discussed.

  2. DiSC aitab käitumist parandada / Ain Kivesti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivesti, Ain


    DiSC testi abil on võimalik saada ülevaade personaalsetest käitumishoiakutest ning vastavalt olukorrale on võimalik harjumuspärast reageerimisstiili radikaalselt muuta. Kommenteerivad Jorma Sarv ja Paavo Pilv

  3. Põhja-Korea tuumakriisis saavutati läbimurre / Kalev Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kask, Kalev


    Kuuepoolsel läbirääkimisel sõlmitud leppe järgi lubab Põhja-Korea sulgeda vaidlusaluse Youngbyoni tuumajaama, kus valmistatakse väidetavalt plutooniumi, peatingimuseks saada vastutasuks suures koguses elektrienergiat

  4. Inimgeograafid aitavad Tartu linna nutikaks muuta / Rein Ahas ; intervjueerinud Merilyn Säde

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ahas, Rein, 1966-2018


    TÜ geograafide, Tartu linnavalitsuse, Tartu Smart City Lab-i ja Rakvere Targa Maja koostöös osaletakse Euroopa Liidu suurprojektis SmartEnCity, mis aitab Tartul energiatõhusamaks ja nutikamaks saada

  5. McCainiga hakkab rinda pistma Obama / Hendrik Vosman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vosman, Hendrik


    USA demokraatide presidendikandidaat Hillary Clinton ei söandanud oma allajäämist Barack Obamale tunnistada. Lisa: Obama ja McCaini seisukohad. Vt. samas: Hillary Clinton võib saada asepresidendi kandidaadiks

  6. Esiterroristi perekonna mitu palet - kurikuulsa sugulase tume vari / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Osama bin Ladeni elust ja perekonnast. Vt. samas Osama vennatütar laulab ja poseerib Ameerika ajakirjadele; Osama poeg tahab Briti alamaks saada. Lisad: Suguselts; Osama bin Laden; Aafriklanna oli Osama seksiori

  7. Бизнесмен: ЭР могла бы стать центром медицины / Аделе Пао

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Пао, Аделе


    Horizon Pulp & Paperi omaniku, Singapuri ärimehe Sonny Aswani kinnitusel peaks Eesti mõtlema, kuidas saada Läänemere ümbruse meditsiinikeskuseks, ka võiks siia rajada konverentsi- ja näitusekeskuse

  8. Joonestamine lõimib õppeaineid / Peeter Sokolov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sokolov, Peeter


    Joonestamine seob endaga kujutava geomeetria, insenerigraafika, matemaatika, füüsika, tugevusõpetuse ja veel palju õppeaineid. Kuna joonestamise CAD-i programmid on interdistsiplinaarsed, aitab joonestama õppimine aru saada ka teistest õppeainetest

  9. Põllumajanduslike väikemajapidamiste struktuuri uuring, 2004 = Structure survey of agricultural small units, 2004 / Eve Valdvee, Andres Klaus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valdvee, Eve, 1975-


    2004. aastal Statistikaameti korraldatud põllumajanduslike väikemajapidamiste struktuuri uuringu tulemustest. Analüüsi eesmärgiks oli saada andmeid ettevõtete struktuuris toimunud muutustest aastatel 2001-2004. Tabelid. Diagrammid

  10. Omavalitsustel jääb oma õiguste kaitseks vaid kohtutee / Kajar Lember

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lember, Kajar, 1976-


    Rahvaliidu hinnangul tuleb omavalitsustel pöörduda kohtusse, et saada hinnang, mil määral on valitsus piiranud omavalitsuste õigusi, andes omavalitsustele kohustusi, vähendades samal ajal eraldisi riigieelarvest

  11. Juhan Parts : Eesti saab uued ministrid paari-kolme nädalaga / Juhan Parts ; interv. Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Res Publica esimees Juhan Parts tunnistab Reformierakonna ja Rahvaliiduga peetavate võimukõneluste takerdumist päevaprobleemidesse, kuid loodab aprilli esimeseks pooleks valitsuskoalitsiooni kokku saada. Vt. samas: Parts kohtus Rüütliga

  12. Eurost on saanud dollari tugev konkurent kiiremini kui arvati / Erik Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aru, Erik


    USA majandusprofessorite Jeff Frankeli ja Menzie Chinni arvutuste kohaselt võib eurost saada dollari asemel rahvusvaheline valuuta 2015. aastal. Kolumnist Wolfgang Münchau hinnang. Lisa: USA majandussurutis vähendab rahavooge. Diagramm

  13. Demens Film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    I forbindelse med opstarten af Demens Film projektet har der været nedsat en ekspertgruppe, som er kommet med en række anbefalinger omkring film til mennesker med demens. Anbefalingerne skal bruges i de næste faser af projektet. Deltagerne i ekspertgruppen var sammensat af en bred gruppe...... fagpersoner inde for forskellige fagområder. Læs mere om gruppens anbefalinger og sammensætning af ekspertgruppen i den kort rapport som er offentlig tilgængelig. Læs Ekspertgruppe anbefalingerne til Demens Film projekt....

  14. Effect of diffraction and film-thickness gradients on wafer-curvature measurements of thin-film stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Breiland, W.G.; Lee, S.R.; Koleske, D.D.


    When optical measurements of wafer curvature are used to determine thin-film stress, the laser beams that probe the sample are usually assumed to reflect specularly from the curved surface of the film and substrate. Yet, real films are not uniformly thick, and unintended thickness gradients produce optical diffraction effects that steer the laser away from the ideal specular condition. As a result, the deflection of the laser in wafer-curvature measurements is actually sensitive to both the film stress and the film-thickness gradient. We present a Fresnel-Kirchhoff optical diffraction model of wafer-curvature measurements that provides a unified description of these combined effects. The model accurately simulates real-time wafer-curvature measurements of nonuniform GaN films grown on sapphire substrates by vapor-phase epitaxy. During thin-film growth, thickness gradients cause the reflected beam to oscillate asymmetrically about the ideal position defined by the stress-induced wafer curvature. This oscillating deflection has the same periodicity as the reflectance of the growing film, and the deflection amplitude is a function of the film-thickness gradient, the mean film thickness, the wavelength distribution of the light source, the illuminated spot size, and the refractive indices of the film and substrate. For typical GaN films grown on sapphire, misinterpretation of these gradient-induced oscillations can cause stress-measurement errors that approach 10% of the stress-thickness product; much greater errors occur in highly nonuniform films. Only transparent films can exhibit substantial gradient-induced deflections; strongly absorbing films are immune

  15. Film-thickness and composition dependence of epitaxial thin-film PZT-based

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nguyen, Duc Minh; Dekkers, Jan M.; Vu, Hung Ngoc; Rijnders, Augustinus J.H.M.


    The transverse piezoelectric coefficient e31,f and mass-sensitivity were measured on piezoelectric cantilevers based on epitaxial PZT thin-films with film-thicknesses ranging from 100 to 2000 nm. The highest values of e31,f and mass-sensitivity were observed at a film thickness of 500–750 nm, while

  16. Development of Anti-Insect Microencapsulated Polypropylene Films Using a Large Scale Film Coating System. (United States)

    Song, Ah Young; Choi, Ha Young; Lee, Eun Song; Han, Jaejoon; Min, Sea C


    Films containing microencapsulated cinnamon oil (CO) were developed using a large-scale production system to protect against the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella). CO at concentrations of 0%, 0.8%, or 1.7% (w/w ink mixture) was microencapsulated with polyvinyl alcohol. The microencapsulated CO emulsion was mixed with ink (47% or 59%, w/w) and thinner (20% or 25%, w/w) and coated on polypropylene (PP) films. The PP film was then laminated with a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film on the coated side. The film with microencapsulated CO at 1.7% repelled P. interpunctella most effectively. Microencapsulation did not negatively affect insect repelling activity. The release rate of cinnamaldehyde, an active repellent, was lower when CO was microencapsulated than that in the absence of microencapsulation. Thermogravimetric analysis exhibited that microencapsulation prevented the volatilization of CO. The tensile strength, percentage elongation at break, elastic modulus, and water vapor permeability of the films indicated that microencapsulation did not affect the tensile and moisture barrier properties (P > 0.05). The results of this study suggest that effective films for the prevention of Indian meal moth invasion can be produced by the microencapsulation of CO using a large-scale film production system. Low-density polyethylene-laminated polypropylene films printed with ink incorporating microencapsulated cinnamon oil using a large-scale film production system effectively repelled Indian meal moth larvae. Without altering the tensile and moisture barrier properties of the film, microencapsulation resulted in the release of an active repellent for extended periods with a high thermal stability of cinnamon oil, enabling commercial film production at high temperatures. This anti-insect film system may have applications to other food-packaging films that use the same ink-printing platform. © 2018 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  17. Australian Film Studies. (United States)

    Breen, Myles P.

    Although Australia had a vigorous film industry in the silent film era, it was stifled in the 1930s when United States and British interests bought up the Australian distribution channels and closed down the indigenous industry. However, the industry and film study have undergone a renaissance since the advent of the Labor government in 1972,…

  18. Radiochromic film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Zhiyong


    Radiochromic film dosimetry was developed to measure ionization irradiation dose for industry and medicine. At this time, there are no comprehensive guideline on the medical application, calibration method and densitometer system for medicine. The review gives update on Radiochromic film dosimetry used for medicine, including principles, film model and material, characteristics, calibration method, scanning densitometer system and medical application

  19. P-type CuxS thin films: Integration in a thin film transistor structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nunes de Carvalho, C.; Parreira, P.; Lavareda, G.; Brogueira, P.; Amaral, A.


    Cu x S thin films, 80 nm thick, are deposited by vacuum thermal evaporation of sulfur-rich powder mixture, Cu 2 S:S (50:50 wt.%) with no intentional heating of the substrate. The process of deposition occurs at very low deposition rates (0.1–0.3 nm/s) to avoid the formation of Cu or S-rich films. The evolution of Cu x S films surface properties (morphology/roughness) under post deposition mild annealing in air at 270 °C and their integration in a thin film transistor (TFT) are the main objectives of this study. Accordingly, Scanning Electron Microscopy studies show Cu x S films with different surface morphologies, depending on the post deposition annealing conditions. For the shortest annealing time, the Cu x S films look to be constructed of grains with large dimension at the surface (approximately 100 nm) and consequently, irregular shape. For the longest annealing time, films with a fine-grained surface are found, with some randomly distributed large particles bound to this fine-grained surface. Atomic Force Microscopy results indicate an increase of the root-mean-square roughness of Cu x S surface with annealing time, from 13.6 up to 37.4 nm, for 255 and 345 s, respectively. The preliminary integration of Cu x S films in a TFT bottom-gate type structure allowed the study of the feasibility and compatibility of this material with the remaining stages of a TFT fabrication as well as the determination of the p-type characteristic of the Cu x S material. - Highlights: • Surface properties of annealed Cu x S films. • Variation of conductivity with annealing temperatures of Cu x S films. • Application of evaporated Cu x S films in a thin film transistor (TFT) structure. • Determination of Cu x S p-type characteristic from TFT behaviour

  20. Thin film processes II

    CERN Document Server

    Kern, Werner


    This sequel to the 1978 classic, Thin Film Processes, gives a clear, practical exposition of important thin film deposition and etching processes that have not yet been adequately reviewed. It discusses selected processes in tutorial overviews with implementation guide lines and an introduction to the literature. Though edited to stand alone, when taken together, Thin Film Processes II and its predecessor present a thorough grounding in modern thin film techniques.Key Features* Provides an all-new sequel to the 1978 classic, Thin Film Processes* Introduces new topics, and sever

  1. Film Music. Factfile No. 8. (United States)

    Elsas, Diana, Ed.; And Others

    Organizations listed here with descriptive information include film music clubs and music guilds and associations. These are followed by a representative list of schools offering film music and/or film sound courses. Sources are listed for soundtrack recordings, sound effects/production music, films on film music, and oral history programs. The…

  2. Film boiling heat transfer and vapour film collapse for various geometries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jouhara, H.I.; Axcell, B.P.


    Full text of publication follows: Film boiling heat transfer has application to the safe operation of water-cooled nuclear reactors under fault conditions and it has been studied using nickel-plated copper specimens in transient and steady state experiments. In the transient tests the specimens were held in a water flow; in the steady state investigation a specimen was mounted in an essentially quiescent pool of water. The transient investigation was conducted on two spheres with different diameters, two cylindrical specimens of different lengths in parallel flow, a short cylinder in cross flow and two flat plates with different lengths. The heat transfer coefficient, vapour film thickness (which was estimated from the heat transfer coefficient) and heat flux followed a similar behaviour with changing experimental conditions for all specimens studied. The heat transfer coefficient increased and the vapour film thickness and heat flux decreased as the specimen temperature decreased. As the water subcooling increased the heat transfer coefficient and the heat flux increased while the vapour film thickness decreased. The water velocity was found to have little influence on the film boiling heat transfer results except for the short cylinder in cross flow. The sphere diameter was found to affect the heat transfer results; the heat transfer coefficient and the heat flux were larger, for the larger sphere. No significant effect of the cylinder length on the heat transfer data was observed. However, the heat transfer coefficient was higher (and the average vapour film thinner) for the longer plate than for the shorter plate. Three vapour/liquid interface types were observed namely: 'smooth', 'rippled' and 'turbulent' depending largely on specimen and water temperatures. For all specimens, the maximum heat transfer coefficient, minimum heat flux and minimum film boiling temperature, occurring just before vapour film collapse, were found to increase as the water subcooling

  3. Antikken på film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krasilnikoff, Jens


    Review af forskning om den græsk-romerske oldtid på film. Dertil en skitse til videre arbejde med antikken på film ud fra et historiefagligt og kulturhistorisk udgangspunkt.......Review af forskning om den græsk-romerske oldtid på film. Dertil en skitse til videre arbejde med antikken på film ud fra et historiefagligt og kulturhistorisk udgangspunkt....

  4. Lars von Triers film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lisbeth Overgaard


    Afhandlingen undersøger Lars von Triers filmæstetik, som den kommer til udtryk i spillefilmene fra perioden 1984-2007. Afhandlingen analyserer de enkelte films stil, virkningsstrategi og betydningsdannelse.......Afhandlingen undersøger Lars von Triers filmæstetik, som den kommer til udtryk i spillefilmene fra perioden 1984-2007. Afhandlingen analyserer de enkelte films stil, virkningsstrategi og betydningsdannelse....

  5. Film sheet cassette

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A novel film sheet cassette is described for handling CAT photographic films under daylight conditions and facilitating their imaging. A detailed description of the design and operation of the cassette is given together with appropriate illustrations. The resulting cassette is a low-cost unit which is easily constructed and yet provides a sure light-tight seal for the interior contents of the cassette. The individual resilient fingers on the light-trap permit the ready removal of the slide plate for taking pictures. The stippled, non-electrostatic surface of the pressure plate ensures an air layer and free slidability of the film for removal and withdrawal of the film sheet. The advantage of the daylight system is that a darkroom need not be used for inserting and removing the film in and out of the cassette resulting in a considerable time saving. (U.K.)

  6. Thin films for precision optics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araujo, J.F.; Maurici, N.; Castro, J.C. de


    The technology of producing dielectric and/or metallic thin films for high precision optical components is discussed. Computer programs were developed in order to calculate and register, graphically, reflectance and transmittance spectra of multi-layer films. The technology of vacuum evaporation of several materials was implemented in our thin-films laboratory; various films for optics were then developed. The possibility of first calculate film characteristics and then produce the film is of great advantage since it reduces the time required to produce a new type of film and also reduces the cost of the project. (C.L.B.) [pt

  7. Venezuela paneb kokku regionaalset energeetikaliitu / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Venezuela pealinnas toimus organisatsiooni Petrocaribe kolmas tippkohtumine. Petrocaribe, mis liidab peamiselt Kariibi mere riike ja tegeleb energeetikaküsimustega, algatas 2 aastat tagasi Venezuela president Hugo Chavez. Organisatsiooni kuulub 16 riiki

  8. Edgar Savisaar: see oli meie põlvkonna ime / Edgar Savisaar ; intervjueerinud Aarne Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Savisaar, Edgar, 1950-


    Eesti taasiseseisvumisele olulist rolli mänginud tollane rahvarinde liider Edgar Savisaar annab hinnangu 20 aastat tagasi moodustatud Balti ketile, Vabadussõja mälestusmärgile Tallinnas, Eesti majanduse hetkeseisule

  9. Kot v pogone za Dzherri poimal 7 "Oskarov" / Jekaterina Zhivova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zhivova, Jekaterina


    Hollywoodi stuudio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer populaarseim animasari "Tom & Jerry" sai alguse 65 aastat tagasi filmiga "Kass saab saapad" ("Puss Gets the Boots"), loojateks Joseph Barbera (1911) ja William Hanna (1910-2001)

  10. Jaak Adamson - ainuke Eesti kodanik Slovakkias / Anneli Ammas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ammas, Anneli, 1962-


    Maalikunstnik lahkus Eestist 23 aastat tagasi. Elab Alam-Tatrates väikeses külakeses. Kastellaanimaja galerii näitus "Lahtilagunemine. Lennufragmendid" on inspireeritud Slovakkia eraldumisest Tšehhi küljest

  11. Paul Krugman: välisvaluuta külge klammerdumine pole jätkusuutlik / Paul Krugman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Krugman, Paul, 1953-


    Valik 2008. aasta Nobeli majanduspreemia laureaadi Paul Krugmani vastuseid New Yorgi välisajakirjanike pressikeskuse briifingul "Kas depressioonimajandus tuleb tagasi?" esitatud Slovakkia, Lõuna-Aafrika, Austraalia ja Austria ajakirjanike küsimustele

  12. Kreeka nõuab brittidelt Parthenoni marmorit / Jürgen Tamme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamme, Jürgen


    Kreeka president Karolos Papoulias nõuab tagasi Briti Muuseumi valdusesse kuuluvaid Elgini marmorkujusid. 2500 aasta vanused skulptuurid ja reljeefid pärinevad Parthenoni marmortemplist, mis asub Ateena kohal kõrguval Akropolisel

  13. EELK Rootsi praostkonnal oli sinod / Ants Anderson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anderson, Ants, 1933-


    22. - 23. aprillini 2006 Stockholmi Eesti Majas, esindatud olid kõik seitse aktiivset kogudust. Esitati aruanded ja valiti tagasi senine nõukogu. Maie Martinson esines teoloogilise ettekandega. Sinodi lõpetas jumalateenistus

  14. Thin-film photovoltaic technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhattacharya, R.N. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (United States)


    The high material and processing costs associated with single-crystal and polycrystalline silicon wafers that are commonly used in photovoltaic cells render these modules expensive. This presentation described thin-film solar cell technology as a promising alternative to silicon solar cell technology. Cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin films along with copper, indium, gallium, and selenium (CIGS) thin films have become the leaders in this field. Their large optical absorption coefficient can be attributed to a direct energy gap that allows the use of thin layers (1-2 {mu}m) of active material. The efficiency of thin-film solar cell devices based on CIGS is 20 per cent, compared to 16.7 per cent for thin-film solar cell devices based on CdTe. IBM recently reported an efficiency of 9.7 per cent for a new type of inorganic thin-film solar cell based on a Cu{sub 2}ZnSn(S, Se){sub 4} compound. The efficiency of an organic thin-film solar cell is 7.9 per cent. This presentation included a graph of PV device efficiencies and discussed technological advances in non-vacuum deposited, CIGS-based thin-film solar cells. 1 fig.

  15. Film selection in medical radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bor, Dogan


    Importing of medical imaging films is the responsibility of Turkish Red Croscend, but some institutions have currently started to import their own films. Because of the different resources in individual departments throughout Turkey, a general purpose medical film is imported by Turkish Red Croscend. This kind of film has the advantage to tolerate some technical faults related to the exposure, dark room and processing conditions and still reveals the necessary image quality. In addition to general purpose film, many companies produce special used films which improve some film characteristics in order to have a better image. The initial results of a project already started by Turkish Atomic Energy Authority showed that some other technical reasons prevent obtaining films with optimum quality. The film is the last step of diagnostic procedure and not only gives necessary clinical information, but also visualizes all the problems related to the lock of the calibration of X-ray system and dark room processing conditions. Because of these reasons, many people hold the film responsible for every technical problem. During the selection of the best film among the different companies, institutions have to fulfill some prerequisites at the beginning and than evaluate the quantitative results obtained from measurements according to their clinical purposes. It is the subject of this paper to show how to use film parameter as a comparison to different types of films measured with light sensitometry method. The dark room and processing problems which adversely effect the results are also given. The requirements for the best film selection both for general and special purposes are also evaluated. The extent of this paper is limited only to films using radiology and does not cover the types used in other imaging areas

  16. Religion og film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvithamar, Annika; Eskjær, Mikkel Fugl


    Artiklen søger at stipulere en ramme for analyse af religion og film. Dels ved at række ud over den blotte konstatering af tilstedeværelse af religiøse elementer i film, dels ved at anslå en række temaer, der kan anvendes til analyse af sådanne film (individualisering, (de-)sekularisering, banal...

  17. High-quality AlN films grown on chemical vapor-deposited graphene films

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen Bin-Hao


    Full Text Available We report the growth of high-quality AlN films on graphene. The graphene films were synthesized by CVD and then transferred onto silicon substrates. Epitaxial aluminum nitride films were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering on both graphene as an intermediate layer and silicon as a substrate. The structural characteristics of the AlN films and graphene were investigated. Highly c-axis-oriented AlN crystal structures are investigated based on the XRDpatterns observations.

  18. Alar Laneman siirdub USA-sse kaitseatašeeks / Holger Roonemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roonemaa, Holger


    Brigaadikindral Alar Lanemanist võib saada Eesti kaitseatašee USA-s. Endise kaitseministri Jürgen Ligi sõnul oli A. Laneman osaline mitmetes juhtimisvigades ning neist ühe puhul kestab senini kriminaalasi

  19. Kerry läheb lööma Bushi Valgest Majast / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    John Kerry kindlustas enda nimetamise demokraatide presidendikandidaadiks, ta on võitnud 30 osariigis toimunud eelvalimistest 27s. Asepresidendikandidaadiks võib saada tema senine rivaal John Edwards. Vt. samas: Tõeline võitlus on algamas

  20. Itaalia ajakirjanik palus Leeduski laste kätte relvi / Evelyn Kaldoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldoja, Evelyn, 1980-


    Itaalia fotoajakirjanik Tomaso Clavarino, kes üritas Eestis saada fotolavastust relvadega kodutütardest, soovis ka Leedus, et esmaabikursusel osalenud lapsed tema pildi tarbeks relvad haaraksid. Fotoreportaaž avaldati Hollandi uudisteportaalis De Correspondent

  1. Kui tasuta peab olema tasuta kohustuslik haridus? / Nele Parrest

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parrest, Nele, 1978-


    Põhiõiguse saada tasuta kohustuslikku haridust ja koolikohustuse kui põhikohustuse seostest. Põhiseaduse §-s 37 sätestatud tasuta kohustusliku hariduse piiridest ja sisust. Hariduspõhiõiguse rahvusvahelisest ja põhiseaduslikust taustast

  2. Morten Kirckhoff / Morten Kirckhoff ; interv. Oksana Kostina

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kirckhoff, Morten


    Maailma üks hinnatumaid internetiturunduse gurusid ütleb, et tähtis pole mitte kulutada suuri summasid reklaamikampaaniatele, vaid uurida sihtrühma, et teada saada, kuidas selle tähelepanu äratada

  3. Tõnu Post : põllumehed, ajame suuri asju ikka koos! / intervjueerinud Silja Lättemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Post, Tõnu, 1963-


    Eesti Põllumeeste Keskliidu uueks presidendiks valitud Tõnu Post peab kõige olilusemaks tootjate koostööd ja ühistegevust, et oma nõudmisi jõulisemalt esitada ning toodangu eest paremat hinda saada

  4. "Kuleshov on Film": A Spectator-Centered Film Theory. (United States)

    Curran, Trisha

    This paper describes some of the theories of cinematography of Soviet film theorist and filmmaker Lev Kuleshov. It points out that for him, film was communication portraying people's activities emanating from the environment. It explains that he was especially interested in audience response, particularly that of the proletariat, and that he felt…

  5. Radiochromic film dosimetry. Considerations on precision and accuracy for EBT2 and EBT3 type films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dreindl, Ralf [Medical Univ. of Vienna/Vienna General Hospital (Austria). Dept. of Radiooncology; EBG MedAustron GmbH, Wiener Neustadt (Austria); Georg, Dietmar; Stock, Markus [Medical Univ. of Vienna/Vienna General Hospital (Austria). Dept. of Radiooncology; Medical Univ. of Vienna (Austria). Christian Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research for Radiation Oncology


    Gafchromic {sup registered} EBT2 film is a widely used dosimetric tool for quality assurance in radiation therapy. In 2012 EBT3 was presented as a replacement for EBT2 films. The symmetric structure of EBT3 films to reduce face-up/down dependency as well as the inclusion of a matte film surface to frustrate Newton Ring artifacts present the most prominent improvements of EBT3 films. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of EBT3 films, to benchmark the films against the known EBT2-features and to evaluate the dosimetric behavior over a time period greater than 6 months. All films were irradiated to clinical photon beams (6MV, 10MV and 18MV) on an Elekta Synergy Linac equipped with a Beam Modulator MLC in solid water phantom slabs. Film digitalization was done with a flatbed transparency scanner (Type Epson Expression 1680 Pro). MATLAB {sup registered} was used for further statistical calculations and image processing. The investigations on post-irradiation darkening, film orientation, film uniformity and energy dependency resulted in negligible differences between EBT2 and EBT3 film. A minimal improvement in face-up/down dependence was found for EBT3. The matte film surface of EBT3 films turned out to be a practical feature as Newton rings could be eliminated completely. Considering long-term behavior (> 6 months) a shift of the calibration curve for EBT2 and EBT3 films due to changes in the dynamic response of the active component was observed. In conclusion, the new EBT3 film yields comparable results to its predecessor EBT2. The general advantages of radiochromic film dosimeters are completed by high film homogeneity, low energy dependence for the observed energy range and a minimized face-up/down dependence. EBT2 dosimetry-protocols can also be used for EBT3 films, but the inclusion of periodical recalibration-interval (e.g. once a quarter) is recommended for protocols of both film generations. (orig.)

  6. Radiochromic film dosimetry: considerations on precision and accuracy for EBT2 and EBT3 type films. (United States)

    Dreindl, Ralf; Georg, Dietmar; Stock, Markus


    Gafchromic® EBT2 film is a widely used dosimetric tool for quality assurance in radiation therapy. In 2012 EBT3 was presented as a replacement for EBT2 films. The symmetric structure of EBT3 films to reduce face-up/down dependency as well as the inclusion of a matte film surface to frustrate Newton Ring artifacts present the most prominent improvements of EBT3 films. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of EBT3 films, to benchmark the films against the known EBT2-features and to evaluate the dosimetric behavior over a time period greater than 6 months. All films were irradiated to clinical photon beams (6 MV, 10 MV and 18 MV) on an Elekta Synergy Linac equipped with a Beam Modulator MLC in solid water phantom slabs. Film digitalization was done with a flatbed transparency scanner (Type Epson Expression 1680 Pro). MATLAB® was used for further statistical calculations and image processing. The investigations on post-irradiation darkening, film orientation, film uniformity and energy dependency resulted in negligible differences between EBT2 and EBT3 film. A minimal improvement in face-up/down dependence was found for EBT3. The matte film surface of EBT3 films turned out to be a practical feature as Newton rings could be eliminated completely. Considering long-term behavior (> 6 months) a shift of the calibration curve for EBT2 and EBT3 films due to changes in the dynamic response of the active component was observed. In conclusion, the new EBT3 film yields comparable results to its predecessor EBT2. The general advantages of radiochromic film dosimeters are completed by high film homogeneity, low energy dependence for the observed energy range and a minimized face-up/down dependence. EBT2 dosimetry-protocols can also be used for EBT3 films, but the inclusion of periodical recalibration-interval (e.g. once a quarter) is recommended for protocols of both film generations. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier GmbH.

  7. Radiochromic film dosimetry. Considerations on precision and accuracy for EBT2 and EBT3 type films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dreindl, Ralf; Georg, Dietmar; Stock, Markus; Medical Univ. of Vienna


    Gafchromic registered EBT2 film is a widely used dosimetric tool for quality assurance in radiation therapy. In 2012 EBT3 was presented as a replacement for EBT2 films. The symmetric structure of EBT3 films to reduce face-up/down dependency as well as the inclusion of a matte film surface to frustrate Newton Ring artifacts present the most prominent improvements of EBT3 films. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of EBT3 films, to benchmark the films against the known EBT2-features and to evaluate the dosimetric behavior over a time period greater than 6 months. All films were irradiated to clinical photon beams (6MV, 10MV and 18MV) on an Elekta Synergy Linac equipped with a Beam Modulator MLC in solid water phantom slabs. Film digitalization was done with a flatbed transparency scanner (Type Epson Expression 1680 Pro). MATLAB registered was used for further statistical calculations and image processing. The investigations on post-irradiation darkening, film orientation, film uniformity and energy dependency resulted in negligible differences between EBT2 and EBT3 film. A minimal improvement in face-up/down dependence was found for EBT3. The matte film surface of EBT3 films turned out to be a practical feature as Newton rings could be eliminated completely. Considering long-term behavior (> 6 months) a shift of the calibration curve for EBT2 and EBT3 films due to changes in the dynamic response of the active component was observed. In conclusion, the new EBT3 film yields comparable results to its predecessor EBT2. The general advantages of radiochromic film dosimeters are completed by high film homogeneity, low energy dependence for the observed energy range and a minimized face-up/down dependence. EBT2 dosimetry-protocols can also be used for EBT3 films, but the inclusion of periodical recalibration-interval (e.g. once a quarter) is recommended for protocols of both film generations. (orig.)

  8. [Oral films as perspective dosage form]. (United States)

    Walicová, Veronika; Gajdziok, Jan

    Oral films, namely buccal mucoadhesive films and orodispersible films represent innovative formulations for administration of a wide range of drugs. Oral films show many advantageous properties and are intended for systemic drug delivery or for local treatment of the oral mucosa. In both cases, the film represents a thin layer, which could be intended to adhere to the oral mucosa by means of mucoadhesion; or to rapid dissolution and subsequent swallowing without the need of liquid intake, in the case of orodispersible films. Main constitutive excipients are film-forming polymers, which must in the case of mucoadhesive forms remain on the mucosa within the required time interval. Oral films are currently available on the pharmaceutical market and could compete with conventional oral dosage forms in the future. oral cavity oral films buccal mucoadhesive films orodispersible films film-forming polymers.

  9. Kolmel Läti ekstremistil õnnestus Ikla piiripunktis Eestisse siseneda / Ravil Khair Al-Din

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Al-Din, Ravil Khair


    Ikla piiripunktist saadeti tagasi Läti fashismivastase komitee liige Eduard Gontsharov, kes tahtis tulla toetama pronkssõduri teisaldamise vastast protestiaktsiooni. Tema sõnul ühendab Eesti valitsus pronkssõduriga eestlasi venelaste vastu

  10. Na takom tele hot rai risui / Jekaterina Kondakova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kondakova, Jekaterina


    Peterburis toimunud ilufestivalil "Neeva kaldad" (Nevskije berega) saavutas nominatsioonis kehakunst esikoha Tallinna Stiili- ja Meigikooli jumestuskunstnik Maria Rõuk. Autor kommenteerib oma tööd teemal "Tagasi Eedenisse". 2 värvifotot

  11. Elu pole seal, kus on kool, vaid kool on seal, kus on elu / Toomas Reinpõld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reinpõld, Toomas, 1960-


    Tänapäeval hoiab elu maal vaid töökohtade olemasolu ja normaalset toimetulekut võimaldav sissetulek. Lapsed tulevad maale tagasi siis, kui sinna asuksid elama noored inimesed. Maakoolide sulgemisest

  12. Tom ja Anni said suureks / Kairit Tsäro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tsäro, Kairit, 1974-


    ETV staažikas lastesaade "Saame kokku Tomi juures" lõpetab. Saate produtsent Margus Saar, Anni - Maria Soomets ja postiljon Eedi - Kalju Orro, vaatavad tagasi viiele aastale ja meenutavad saatekülalisi

  13. Portugalist sai euroala äärel uus kriisikolle. Varjutab ELi Ülemkogu / Sirje Rank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rank, Sirje, 1966-


    Portugali peaminister José Sócrates astus tagasi, kuna opositsiooniparteid ei toetanud tema kokkuhoiukava. Analüütikute hinnangul vajab Portugal eelarvepuudujäägi vähendamiseks umbes 80 miljardit eurot

  14. Ministry prepares to buy back rail company / Kairi Kurm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kurm, Kairi


    Eesti valitsuse teatel on tehtud ettepanek osta tagasi 66 protsenti Eesti Raudtee osalusest. Omaniku Edward Burkhardt'i ja Eesti poliitikute seisukohad. Kommenteerivad: Agu Uudelepp, Toomas Raag, Meelis Atonen, Margus Tsahkna, Eiki Nestor

  15. KIK pikendas Sonda laenu tagasimaksmist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 19. aug. lk. 3. Sonda vald, mis nurjunud keskkonnaprojekti tõttu peab tagasi maksma 11,7 miljonit krooni, sai keskkonnainvesteeringute keskuselt laenu tagasimaksmiseks aega kümme aastat

  16. Parliamentarians call for resignation of Finance Minister / Monika Hanley

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanley, Monika


    Opositsiooni kuuluv erakond Uus Aeg leiab, et Läti rahandusminister Atis Slakteris peaks ebakompetentsuse tõttu tagasi astuma. Poliitikute arvates, ei ole Slakteris piisavalt aktiivselt püüdnud riigi finantsprobleeme lahendada

  17. Elina Reinold: "Laulmine - see tõesti pole minu ampluaa" / Aigi Viira

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viira, Aigi


    Näitleja, kes mängib peaosa Urmas Lennuki lavaloos "Koidula", lavastaja Andres Dvinjaninov. Esietendus 29. juunil Tartus Jaama 14 pargis. Lisaks ülevaade "Elina Reinoldi teatritoimimised" ja tutvustus "Koidula vaatab tagasi"

  18. Evolution of optical constants of silicon dioxide on silicon from ultrathin films to thick films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cai Qingyuan; Zheng Yuxiang; Mao Penghui; Zhang Rongjun; Zhang Dongxu; Liu Minghui; Chen Liangyao, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Photonic Structures, Ministry of Education, Department of Optical Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 (China)


    A series of SiO{sub 2} films with thickness range 1-600 nm have been deposited on crystal silicon (c-Si) substrates by electron beam evaporation (EBE) method. Variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE) in combination with a two-film model (ambient-oxide-interlayer substrate) was used to determine the optical constants and thicknesses of the investigated films. The refractive indices of SiO{sub 2} films thicker than 60 nm are close to those of bulk SiO{sub 2}. For the thin films deposited at the rate of {approx}1.0 nm s{sup -1}, the refractive indices increase with decreasing thickness from {approx}60 to {approx}10 nm and then drop sharply with decreasing thickness below {approx}10 nm. However, for thin films deposited at the rates of {approx}0.4 and {approx}0.2 nm s{sup -1}, the refractive indices monotonically increase with decreasing thickness below 60 nm. The optical constants of the ultrathin film depend on the morphology of the film, the stress exerted on the film, as well as the stoichiometry of the oxide film.

  19. Evolution of optical constants of silicon dioxide on silicon from ultrathin films to thick films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai Qingyuan; Zheng Yuxiang; Mao Penghui; Zhang Rongjun; Zhang Dongxu; Liu Minghui; Chen Liangyao


    A series of SiO 2 films with thickness range 1-600 nm have been deposited on crystal silicon (c-Si) substrates by electron beam evaporation (EBE) method. Variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE) in combination with a two-film model (ambient-oxide-interlayer substrate) was used to determine the optical constants and thicknesses of the investigated films. The refractive indices of SiO 2 films thicker than 60 nm are close to those of bulk SiO 2 . For the thin films deposited at the rate of ∼1.0 nm s -1 , the refractive indices increase with decreasing thickness from ∼60 to ∼10 nm and then drop sharply with decreasing thickness below ∼10 nm. However, for thin films deposited at the rates of ∼0.4 and ∼0.2 nm s -1 , the refractive indices monotonically increase with decreasing thickness below 60 nm. The optical constants of the ultrathin film depend on the morphology of the film, the stress exerted on the film, as well as the stoichiometry of the oxide film.

  20. Fabrication of nitrogen-containing diamond-like carbon film by filtered arc deposition as conductive hard-coating film (United States)

    Iijima, Yushi; Harigai, Toru; Isono, Ryo; Imai, Takahiro; Suda, Yoshiyuki; Takikawa, Hirofumi; Kamiya, Masao; Taki, Makoto; Hasegawa, Yushi; Tsuji, Nobuhiro; Kaneko, Satoru; Kunitsugu, Shinsuke; Habuchi, Hitoe; Kiyohara, Shuji; Ito, Mikio; Yick, Sam; Bendavid, Avi; Martin, Phil


    Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films, which are amorphous carbon films, have been used as hard-coating films for protecting the surface of mechanical parts. Nitrogen-containing DLC (N-DLC) films are expected as conductive hard-coating materials. N-DLC films are expected in applications such as protective films for contact pins, which are used in the electrical check process of integrated circuit chips. In this study, N-DLC films are prepared using the T-shaped filtered arc deposition (T-FAD) method, and film properties are investigated. Film hardness and film density decreased when the N content increased in the films because the number of graphite structures in the DLC film increased as the N content increased. These trends are similar to the results of a previous study. The electrical resistivity of N-DLC films changed from 0.26 to 8.8 Ω cm with a change in the nanoindentation hardness from 17 to 27 GPa. The N-DLC films fabricated by the T-FAD method showed high mechanical hardness and low electrical resistivity.

  1. Ferroelectric ultrathin perovskite films (United States)

    Rappe, Andrew M; Kolpak, Alexie Michelle


    Disclosed herein are perovskite ferroelectric thin-film. Also disclosed are methods of controlling the properties of ferroelectric thin films. These films can be used in a variety materials and devices, such as catalysts and storage media, respectively.

  2. Eesti firma pääses Euroopas olulisse start-up-programmi / Ilmar Kahro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kahro, Ilmar


    Euroopa start-up-firmade programm Seedcamp kutsus Eesti firma Pipedrive osalema üritusel Mini Seedcamp. Üritusel osalejad valiti rekordarvu kandideerijate hulgast, võitjad võivad saada kutse Seedcampi nädalale. Pipedrive'ist

  3. SEB-l luhtus taas Poola panga ülevõtmine / Tõnis Arnover

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arnover, Tõnis, 1952-


    Rootsi SEB oli sunnitud loobuma 47,5% Poola panga (BOS) aktsiatest, sest tal ei õnnestunud Poola valitsuse sekkumise tõttu enamusaktsiapakki endale saada. Vt. samas: SEB uus juht võttis Saksa panga pihtide vahele

  4. Buskerudi maavolikogu aitab osta tekke ja generaatoreid / Silvia Paluoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paluoja, Silvia, 1956-


    Buskerudi maavolikogu esimees Tor Ottar Karlsen külastas Pärnut, et saada ülevaade maakonna tormikahjustustest ning andis maavanema kohusetäitjale Toomas Kivimäele üle 180 000 krooni suuruse abi

  5. Võssheje obrazovanije kak nisha Estonii / Stein Skjorshammer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Skjorshammer, Stein


    Autor analüüsib Eesti võimalusi tagada endale koht juhtivate kõrgharidust pakkuvate riikide hulgas, saada hariduse eksportijaks, arendades haridust üheks tähtsamaks nishiks, et tagada jätkusuutlik kasv

  6. T-algebra - samm drillist edasi / Rein Prank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Prank, Rein, 1949-


    Õpiprogrammist T-algebra, mille andis Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudi töörühm üle Tiigrihüppe sihtasutusele ja mis võimaldab õpilastel saada kiiresti tagasisidet lahenduste õigsuse kohta

  7. Wall Streetilt Eestisse / Heidit Kaio

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaio, Heidit, 1971-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 11. detsember lk. 8-9. Perefirma Unicom omanikel Lorraine Steveninil ja Frank McMahonil on õnnestunud Eestis ja Lätis saada endale linnadega 10- või 15-aastased lepingud

  8. Production functions of Estonian banking 1995-2002 / August Aarma, Jaan Vainu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aarma, August, 1948-


    Analüüsi tulemusena järeldavad autorid, et erinevatel kliendigruppidel on panga suhtes erinevad ootused, nad vajavad erinevat informatsiooni ja erinevad analüüsimeetodid võimaldavad saada erinevat liiki informatsiooni. Tabelid

  9. Important considerations for radiochromic film dosimetry with flatbed CCD scanners and EBT GAFCHROMIC[reg] film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lynch, Bart D.; Kozelka, Jakub; Ranade, Manisha K.; Li, Jonathan G.; Simon, William E.; Dempsey, James F.


    In this study, we present three significant artifacts that have the potential to negatively impact the accuracy and precision of film dosimetry measurements made using GAFCHROMIC[reg] EBT radiochromic film when read out with CCD flatbed scanners. Films were scanned using three commonly employed instruments: a Macbeth TD932 spot densitometer, an Epson Expression 1680 CCD array scanner, and a Microtek ScanMaker i900 CCD array scanner. For the two scanners we assessed the variation in optical density (OD) of GAFCHROMIC EBT film with scanning bed position, angular rotation of the film with respect to the scan line direction, and temperature inside the scanner due to repeated scanning. Scanning uniform radiochromic films demonstrated a distinct bowing effect in profiles in the direction of the CCD array with a nonuniformity of up to 17%. Profiles along a direction orthogonal to the CCD array demonstrated a 7% variation. A strong angular dependence was found in measurements made with the flatbed scanners; the effect could not be reproduced with the spot densitometer. An IMRT quality assurance film was scanned twice rotating the film 90 deg. between the scans. For films scanned on the Epson scanner, up to 12% variation was observed in unirradiated EBT films rotated between 0 deg. and 90 deg. , which decreased to approximately 8% for EBT films irradiated to 300 cGy. Variations of up to 80% were observed for films scanned with the Microtek scanner. The scanners were found to significantly increase the film temperature with repeated scanning. Film temperature between 18 and 33 deg. C caused OD changes of approximately 7%. Considering these effects, we recommend adherence to a strict scanning protocol that includes: maintaining the orientation of films scanned on flatbed scanners, limiting scanning to the central portion of the scanner bed, and limiting the number of consecutive scans to minimize changes in OD caused by film heating

  10. Characteristics of ITO films with oxygen plasma treatment for thin film solar cell applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Yong Seob [Department of Photoelectronics Information, Chosun College of Science and Technology, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Eungkwon [Digital Broadcasting Examination, Korean Intellectual Property Office, Daejeon, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of); Hong, Byungyou [School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Cheoncheon-dong, 300, Jangan-gu, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Jaehyoeng, E-mail: [School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Cheoncheon-dong, 300, Jangan-gu, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of)


    Graphical abstract: The effect of O{sub 2} plasma treatment on the surface and the work function of ITO films. - Highlights: • ITO films were prepared on the glass substrate by RF magnetron sputtering method. • Effects of O{sub 2} plasma treatment on the properties of ITO films were investigated. • The work function of ITO film was changed from 4.67 to 5.66 eV by plasma treatment. - Abstract: The influence of oxygen plasma treatment on the electro-optical and structural properties of indium-tin-oxide films deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering method were investigated. The films were exposed at different O{sub 2} plasma powers and for various durations by using the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system. The resistivity of the ITO films was almost constant, regardless of the plasma treatment conditions. Although the optical transmittance of ITO films was little changed by the plasma power, the prolonged treatment slightly increased the transmittance. The work function of ITO film was changed from 4.67 eV to 5.66 eV at the plasma treatment conditions of 300 W and 60 min.

  11. Host thin films incorporating nanoparticles (United States)

    Qureshi, Uzma

    The focus of this research project was the investigation of the functional properties of thin films that incorporate a secondary nanoparticulate phase. In particular to assess if the secondary nanoparticulate material enhanced a functional property of the coating on glass. In order to achieve this, new thin film deposition methods were developed, namely use of nanopowder precursors, an aerosol assisted transport technique and an aerosol into atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition system. Aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition (AACVD) was used to deposit 8 series of thin films on glass. Five different nanoparticles silver, gold, ceria, tungsten oxide and zinc oxide were tested and shown to successfully deposit thin films incorporating nanoparticles within a host matrix. Silver nanoparticles were synthesised and doped within a titania film by AACVD. This improved solar control properties. A unique aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition (AACVD) into atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (APCVD) system was used to deposit films of Au nanoparticles and thin films of gold nanoparticles incorporated within a host titania matrix. Incorporation of high refractive index contrast metal oxide particles within a host film altered the film colour. The key goal was to test the potential of nanopowder forms and transfer the suspended nanopowder via an aerosol to a substrate in order to deposit a thin film. Discrete tungsten oxide nanoparticles or ceria nanoparticles within a titanium dioxide thin film enhanced the self-cleaning and photo-induced super-hydrophilicity. The nanopowder precursor study was extended by deposition of zinc oxide thin films incorporating Au nanoparticles and also ZnO films deposited from a ZnO nanopowder precursor. Incorporation of Au nanoparticles within a VO: host matrix improved the thermochromic response, optical and colour properties. Composite VC/TiC and Au nanoparticle/V02/Ti02 thin films displayed three useful

  12. Film models for transport phenomena with fog formation: The classical film model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwers, Jos; Chesters, A.K.


    In the present analysis the classical film model (or film theory) is reviewed and extended. First, on the basis of a thorough analysis, the governing equations of diffusion, energy and momentum of a stagnant film are derived and solved. Subsequently, the well-known correction factors for the effect

  13. Film models for transport phenomena with fog formation: the classical film model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwers, H.J.H.; Chesters, A.K.


    In the present analysis the classical film model (or film theory) is reviewed and extended. First, on the basis of a thorough analysis, the governing equations of diffusion, energy and momentum of a stagnant film are derived and solved. Subsequently, the well-known correction factors for the effect

  14. Family Porn - the zodiac-film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorsen, Christian Isak


    This article addresses the highly popular Danish Zodiac films, a series of six films made between 1973 and 1978. What was extraordinary about the films was their combination of traditional popular comedy and hard-core porn. Analysing the films� combination of comedy and pornography from a histori......This article addresses the highly popular Danish Zodiac films, a series of six films made between 1973 and 1978. What was extraordinary about the films was their combination of traditional popular comedy and hard-core porn. Analysing the films� combination of comedy and pornography from...

  15. Film studies the basics

    CERN Document Server

    Villarejo, Amy


    Film Studies: The Basics is a compelling guide to the study of cinema in all its forms. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to take account of recent scholarship, the latest developments in the industry and the explosive impact of new technologies. Core topics covered include:   The history, technology and art of cinema Theories of stardom, genre and film-making The movie industry from Hollywood to Bollywood Who does what on a film set   Complete with film stills, end-of-chapter summaries and a substantial glossary, Film Studies: The Basics is the ideal introduction to those new to the study of cinema.

  16. Pyrolyzed thin film carbon (United States)

    Tai, Yu-Chong (Inventor); Liger, Matthieu (Inventor); Harder, Theodore (Inventor); Konishi, Satoshi (Inventor); Miserendino, Scott (Inventor)


    A method of making carbon thin films comprises depositing a catalyst on a substrate, depositing a hydrocarbon in contact with the catalyst and pyrolyzing the hydrocarbon. A method of controlling a carbon thin film density comprises etching a cavity into a substrate, depositing a hydrocarbon into the cavity, and pyrolyzing the hydrocarbon while in the cavity to form a carbon thin film. Controlling a carbon thin film density is achieved by changing the volume of the cavity. Methods of making carbon containing patterned structures are also provided. Carbon thin films and carbon containing patterned structures can be used in NEMS, MEMS, liquid chromatography, and sensor devices.

  17. Ellipsometry of anodic film growth

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, C.G.


    An automated computer interpretation of ellisometer measurements of anodic film growth was developed. Continuous mass and charge balances were used to utilize more fully the time dependence of the ellipsometer data and the current and potential measurements. A multiple-film model was used to characterize the growth of films which proceeds via a dissolution--precipitation mechanism; the model also applies to film growth by adsorption and nucleation mechanisms. The characteristic parameters for film growth describe homogeneous and heterogeneous crystallization rates, film porosities and degree of hydration, and the supersaturation of ionic species in the electrolyte. Additional descriptions which may be chosen are patchwise film formation, nonstoichiometry of the anodic film, and statistical variations in the size and orientation of secondary crystals. Theories were developed to describe the optical effects of these processes. An automatic, self-compensating ellipsometer was used to study the growth in alkaline solution of anodic films on silver, cadmium, and zinc. Mass-transport conditions included stagnant electrolyte and forced convection in a flow channel. Multiple films were needed to characterize the optical properties of these films. Anodic films grew from an electrolyte supersatuated in the solution-phase dissolution product. The degree of supersaturation depended on transport conditions and had a major effect on the structure of the film. Anodic reaction rates were limited by the transport of charge carriers through a primary surface layer. The primary layers on silver, zinc, and cadmium all appeared to be nonstoichiometric, containing excess metal. Diffusion coefficients, transference numbers, and the free energy of adsorption of zinc oxide were derived from ellipsometer measurements. 97 figures, 13 tables, 198 references.

  18. Personnel photographic film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keirim-Markus, I.B.


    Technology of personnel photographic film dosimetry (PPD) based on the photographic effect of ionizing radiation is described briefly. Kinds of roentgen films used in PPD method are enumerated, compositions of a developer and fixing agents for these films are given [ru

  19. Hämarad tehingud kurnavad riiki / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Bulgaarias lokkab kuritegevus ja korruptsioon. Opositsioon on algatanud viimase kahe aasta jooksul eri põhjustel viiel korral umbusaldushääletuse organiseeritud kuritegevusega seotuses kahtlustatava koalitsioonivalitsuse vastu. Aprillis astus tagasi siseminister Rumen Petkov

  20. Mitmenäoline reformatsioon: 500 aastat hiljem / Juhan Kreem

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kreem, Juhan, 1971-


    Reformatsiooni 500. aastapäeva eel sellele tagasi vaadates mõjutavad 16. sajandi nägemist ja mõistmist aja jooksul peale kasvanud uued tähendused ja muutunud perspektiivid, vaatepunktid ja seisukohad

  1. HIV-ravim võis saastuda tehases / Agnes Kuus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuus, Agnes


    Keemiliselt saastunud HIV-ravimi Viracept sattumine Eestisse on vähetõenäoline, kuid ohutuse huvides korjatakse kõik ravimid patsientide käest tagasi ning asendatakse ravimifirma kulul. Lisa: HIVi ravi

  2. Viimane korrus Pariisis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tantsijanna korter 19. sajandil ehitatud maja seitsmendal korrusel Pariisis. Kokku on ehitatud viis väikest korterit, viis aastat tagasi ehitati keerdtrepi keskele lift, üks Pariisi pisemaid. 6 värv. vaadet

  3. Kuhu lähed, Eesti kõrgharidus? / Peeter Kreitzberg, Katri Raik, Viive Ruus ...[jt] ; üles kirjutanud Raivo Juurak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vestlusringis diskuteeriti küsimuse üle, kas kõrgharidus on ühiskonnas toimunud kiirete muutustega kaasa läinud ning kuidas haridusparadigma muutumisele kaasa aidata. Samal teemal arutleti ka 19 aastat tagasi

  4. Riik maksab raudtee eest 2,35 miljardit / Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Toivo


    Baltic Rail Service müüb 66% Eesti Raudteest riigile tagasi. Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister Edgar Savisaare, BRS-i nõukogu esimehe Edward Burkhardti seisukohti. Lisa: Laar uut erastamist ette ei võta

  5. Jõgeval näeb taas kino / Silja Paavle

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paavle, Silja, 1976-


    Kultuuriministeeriumi programmi "Kino tuleb tagasi" ja linna enda rahadega on Jõgeva linna kultuurikeskuses taas võimalik kvaliteetselt kino näidata. Vastava esmaklassilise tehnika tõi kohale Music Center OÜ. Osteti see Itaaliast

  6. Kõik hea saab kord otsa / Krista Kumberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kumberg, Krista, 1959-


    Arvustus: Rowling, J. K. Bard Beedle’i lood / ruunikirjas algteosest tõlkinud Hermione Granger, inglise keelest tõlkinud Krista Kaer. Tallinn : Varrak, 2009 ; Benedictus, David. Tagasi Saja Aakri Metsa. Tallinn : Fookus Meedia, 2009

  7. Väetiserinne tõotab hoogsaid ülevõtmisi / Romet Kreek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kreek, Romet, 1972-


    Maailma suurim väetisetootja Potash Corp. Of Saskatchewan lükkas tagasi maailma suurima kaevanduskompanii BHP Billitoni 39 mld. dollari suuruse ülevõtmispakkumise. Liituda võivad Venemaa potasetootjad Silvinit ja Uralkal

  8. European Comission on hold, Udre out / Aaron Eglitis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eglitis, Aaron


    Euroopa Komisjoni president lükkas komisjoni hääletuse edasi. Itaalia volinikukandidaat Rocco Buttiglione astus tagasi, Läti eurovolinikuks saab Ingrida Udre asemel tõenäoliselt endine minister Andris Piebalgs

  9. Obrazovaniju na russkom bõt / Valentin Zvegintsev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zvegintsev, Valentin


    Riigikogu lükkas tagasi seaduseelnõu, mis nägi ette vene gümnaasiumite ülemineku eestikeelsele õppele 2007. aastal. Arvamust avaldavad Tõnis Lukas, Ljudmilla Orlova, Urmas Paet ja Isabella Riitsaar

  10. Sõjafilmid riisusid festivalil koore / M. P.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    M. P.


    Tribeca filmifestival New Yorgis : parim mängufilm Argentiina lavastaja Tristan Baueri "Blessed by Fire" ; Deborah Scrantoni dokumentaal "War Tapes" sai ühe auhindadest. Festivalile pani viis aastat tagasi aluse Robert De Niro

  11. Quantitative film radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devine, G.; Dobie, D.; Fugina, J.; Hernandez, J.; Logan, C.; Mohr, P.; Moss, R.; Schumacher, B.; Updike, E.; Weirup, D.


    We have developed a system of quantitative radiography in order to produce quantitative images displaying homogeneity of parts. The materials that we characterize are synthetic composites and may contain important subtle density variations not discernible by examining a raw film x-radiograph. In order to quantitatively interpret film radiographs, it is necessary to digitize, interpret, and display the images. Our integrated system of quantitative radiography displays accurate, high-resolution pseudo-color images in units of density. We characterize approximately 10,000 parts per year in hundreds of different configurations and compositions with this system. This report discusses: the method; film processor monitoring and control; verifying film and processor performance; and correction of scatter effects

  12. More than films and dragon awards

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Redvall, Eva Novrup


    This article discusses how the largest film festival in the Nordic countries, the Göteborg International Film Festival (GIFF), is much more than a setting for bringing quality films to local audiences.With retrospectives, an extensive programme of seminars and master classes, a film lab for upcom......This article discusses how the largest film festival in the Nordic countries, the Göteborg International Film Festival (GIFF), is much more than a setting for bringing quality films to local audiences.With retrospectives, an extensive programme of seminars and master classes, a film lab...

  13. Radiographic film orientation in radiotherapy dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suchowerska, N.; Davison, A.; Drew, J.; Metcalfe, P.


    Since the discovery of x-rays, film has been used as a detection medium for radiation. More recently radiographic film has become established as a practical tool for the measurement of dose distribution in radiotherapy. The accuracy and reproducibility of film dosimetry depends on photon energy, processing conditions and film plane orientation. The relationship between photon energy, processing conditions and film dosimetry accuracy has been studied. The role of film plane orientation is still controversial. The current work aims to clarify the effects film plane orientation has on film dosimetry. Poster 205. (author)

  14. Oxide ultrathin films science and technology

    CERN Document Server

    Pacchioni, Gianfranco


    A wealth of information in one accessible book. Written by international experts from multidisciplinary fields, this in-depth exploration of oxide ultrathin films covers all aspects of these systems, starting with preparation and characterization, and going on to geometrical and electronic structure, as well as applications in current and future systems and devices. From the Contents: Synthesis and Preparation of Oxide Ultrathin Films Characterization Tools of Oxide Ultrathin Films Ordered Oxide Nanostructures on Metal Surfaces Unusual Properties of Oxides and Other Insulators in the Ultrathin Limit Silica and High-K Dielectrics Thin Films in Microelectronics Oxide Passive Films and Corrosion Protection Oxide Films as Catalytic Materials and as Models of Real Catalysts Oxide Films in Spintronics Oxide Ultrathin Films in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Transparent Conducting and Chromogenic Oxide Films as Solar Energy Materials Oxide Ultrathin Films in Sensor Applications Ferroelectricity in Ultrathin Film Capacitors T...

  15. Uppunud lasti päästmine hüvitab riigile miljoneid / Ulvar Käärt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Käärt, Ulvar, 1982-


    Kindlustusfirma Fortis Corporate Insurance kavatseb hakata üles tõstma uppunud Runner-4 olevat alumiiniumilasti. Lasti ülestõstmisel on Eestil lootust saada peale Peterburi arbitraazhikohtu määratud hüvitise veel lisasummasid

  16. Inflation spins out of control / Aaron Eglitis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eglitis, Aaron


    Läti inflatsioonitase jõudis 7,6 protsendini, mis võib saada takistuseks euroga liitumiseks 2008. aastal. Läti keskpank süüdistab valitsust vales rahapoliitikas ja on soovitanud kasutusele võtta inflatsioonivastane strateegia

  17. Pärast impeeriumi / Emmanuel Todd ; tõlk. Merle Maigre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Todd, Emmanuel


    Autor analüüsib USA ja Euroopa suhete arengut, tsivilisatsioonide kokkupõrget ning tõdeb, et Ameerikal puudub igasugune võime saada headuse impeeriumiks. Vt. samas: Emmanuel Todd (1951). Art. autori lühitutvustus

  18. Dengi Jevrosojuza - v regionõ

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Regionaalminister Siim-Valmar Kiisler allkirjastas määruse, mis võimaldab Tallinnal ja teda ümbritsevatel omavalitsustel, samuti Kohtla-Järvel, Jõhvil Tartul, Pärnul ja Narval saada toetusi EL-i regionaalse arengu fondilt

  19. ...Da ne sudimõ budete / Karen Drambjan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Drambjan, Karen


    Autor analüüsib, millised on võimaliku vene parteide kandidaadi Georgi Bõstrovi võimalused saada valituks Euroopa Parlamenti. Vt. ka Mihhail Petrov. Tjomna voda v oblatsehh, Vesti Dnja 2. juuni 2008 lk. 4

  20. Mobile cities : the tram and the uses of urban space / Ossi Naukkarinen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Naukkarinen, Ossi


    Vaadeldakse erinevaid linnu läbi trammiliikluse. Analüüsides inimeste liikumisviise ja -võimalusi linnas võib saada ettekujutuse, milliseid väärtusi ja tegevusi hinnatakse, missugust elu soositakse või ei

  1. Putini liberaalne imperialism / Hillar Padu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Padu, Hillar


    Ilmunud ka: Meie Maa : Teisipäev Autori hinnangul kavatseb Venemaa saada majanduslikult üliriigiks, võitlus energia- ja energeetikaressursside pärast hoogustub, külm sõda on meedias juba ulatuslikku kajastamist leidnud

  2. Eesti ei poolda täielikku põhjatraalimise keelustamist / Sander Silm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Silm, Sander, 1970-


    Greenpeace Nordicu merespetsialisti ja rahvusvahelise valitsusvälise organisatsiooni "Deep Sea Conservation Coalition" esindaja külaskäigust Eestisse, et saada siinse valitsuse tuge Greenpeac'i algatusele keelata põhjatraalimine kõigil maailma meredel

  3. USA president näeb Ukrainat ja Gruusiat alliansi liikmetena / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    USA president George W. Bush toetab Ukraina ja Gruusia püüdlusi saada NATO liikmesuse tegevuskava (MAP), Prantsusmaa ja Saksamaa on neile riikidele MAP-i andmise vastu. Riikidest, kellele on NATO valmis andma liitumiskutse

  4. JeS uravnivajet grazhdan i negrazhdan / Jevgenija Garanzha

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garanža, Jevgenija, 1979-


    "Hallide" passide omanikud ja kolmandate riikide kodanikud, kes elavad alaliselt Eestis, võivad pärast EL liitumist saada võrdsed õigused liidu liikmetega vaba liikumise ja tööhõive küsimustes

  5. Tarantino on tagasi / Timo Diener

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Diener, Timo


    Filmiprojekt "Grindhouse", mis koosneb Robert Rodrigueze retroõudukast "Planet Terror" ja Quentin Tarantino 70-ndatest inspireeritud õudusfilmist "Surmakindel" ("Death Proof") : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2007. Pikemalt Tarantino filmist

  6. Saladus on tagasi / Jaak Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Jaak


    Kogupere ulmefilm "E.T. - sõber kaugelt" ("E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial") : režissöör Steven Spielberg : Ameerika Ühendriigid 1982. Restaureeritud ja paari omal ajal välja jäetud stseeniga täiendatud uusversioon

  7. 60 aastat tagasi / Enn Sarv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarv, Enn, 1921-2008


    Eesti Vabariigi Rahvuskomitee tegevusest Teise maailmasõja lõpuperioodil, 1944. aasta sõjategevusest Eestis ja suurest põgenemisest Läände ning metsavendlusest. Lisad: prof. J. Uluotsa kõne 19. augustil 1944 : kokkuvõte ; Eesti Vabariigi Rahvuskomitee pöördumine : Talllinnas, 1. augustil 1944. a. ; Eesti Vabariigi Rahvuskomitee : korraldus nr.1 ; Eesti Vabariigi Rahvuskomitee : korraldus nr. 2

  8. Edasiminek tagasi astudes / Villu Reiljan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reiljan, Villu, 1953-


    Ilmunud ka: Za Narod nov. lk. 2. Keskkonnaminister Villu Reiljan on ministriametis vastu pidanud kolm umbusaldamise katset, kuid praeguse olukorra tõttu Maa-ametis on ainus võimalik lahendus tagasiastumine ning minister naaseb Riigikokku

  9. Tagasi puu otsa! / Tanel Veenre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veenre, Tanel, 1977-


    Puu otsa ehitatud ja puudel rippuvatest majadest. Üle 60 San Francisco kunstniku koostöös sündinud Steampunk Tree House, Takashi Kobayashi loodud puumaja, Toronto arhitektuuri- ja disainiülikooli tudengi Lukasz Kosi disainitud 4TreeHouse, Tom Chudleighi disainitus "Vaba hinge sfäärid", 02 Sustainability Tree House, Romero Studiosi ja Baumraumi puumajad

  10. Eesti kunst Ühendriikidest tagasi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    31 I andsid korraldajad ülevaate 2000. a. USA-s New Yorgis, Washingtonis, Chicagos, Houstonis ja Los Angeleses eksponeeritud näitusest "Baltic Art Exhibition", kus Eestit esindasid 15 skulptorit ja maalikunstnikku. Näituse korraldamise idee autor Hamid Ladjevard.

  11. 90 aastat tagasi Pikas Hermannis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    12. detsembril 2008 möödus 90 aastat sinimustvalge lipu püsivast heiskamisest Pika Hermanni torni. Selle auks korraldati Riigikogu ja Eesti Lipu Seltsi poolt Toompea lossi aias riigi- ja rahvuslipu pidulik austamistseremoonia

  12. Teenager vaatab tagasi / Karin Hallas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hallas, Karin, 1957-


    Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseumi asutamisest ja kümneaastasest tegevusest. Arhitektuurimuuseum asutati 1. I 1991. a. Initsiatiivgruppi kuulusid Karin Hallas (tulevane direktor), Krista Kodres ja Mart Kalm. 7. VI 1996. a. avanäitus Rotermanni soolalaos

  13. Film beyond boundaries: film, migrant narratives and other media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anelise Reich Corseuil


    Full Text Available The articles here presented are representative of the debates about the various transformational aspects of film studies, fostering the discussion about the transformations and interactions between national and international narrative forms, the interrelations between film and literature, and film with other media. The critical perspectives here presented range from an emphasis on cultural materialism, dialogism, reception theory, deconstructionism, narrative studies to film aesthetics or film genre, and can be grouped in three major interrelated areas of film studies: adaptation studies, representation and aesthetics, and film and other media. All of them enable a critical perspective as regards the fluidity of the boundaries separating film from other media, such as literature, television, DVDs, and video games, as newer narrative forms that are incorporated by film, and the transformations in terms of aesthetics and forms of representation in contemporary film and media (the transgeneric nature of film, the interrelations between national and international cinemas, and the demands for a broader perception of the overwhelming mediations of the image in our contemporary society. Moreover, the articles are inserted within recent critical debates on adaptation, digital media and national and transnational cinema (Naremore, Sobchack, Druckery and Williams. All articles combine important theoretical concerns with the analysis of specific films. Robert Stam's “Teoria e Prática da Adaptação: da Fidelidade à Intertextualidade” (“Theory and the practice of adaptation: from fidelity to intertextuality” offers a rich perspective on the issue of adaptation in its relationship with critical theory. He analyses the changing critical views on adaptation, which go from the priority given to the canonic literary text, as an origin, to a more fluid, intertextual and dialogical approach to film adaptation. Drawing from Bakhtin's concept of dialogism

  14. Shanghai and Globalization through the Lens of Film Noir: Lou Ye’s 2000 Film, Suzhou River

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hongwei Lu


    Full Text Available In the 1990s, the film industry in China decentralized with the bankruptcy of the state-owned studio system. Privatized independent film companies took over where the government had left off and a more independent film culture emerged. Although obstacles such as political censorship, financial pressures, and Hollywood infiltration were still in the way for Chinese filmmakers, privatization of the film industry was under way. As a result of this process, new film productions of controversial subject matter came into being. In 1998 one of China’s first independent film production companies—Dream Factory—was founded. Dream Factory’s first production, in association with Berlin-based German producer Philippe Bober, was the 'Suzhou River, 'directed by its founder Lou Ye'.'1 The 2000 film, though winning prizes at international film festivals such as the Rotterdam Film Festival and the Paris Film Festival, has been banned by the Chinese government since its production.

  15. thin films

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    microscopy (SEM) studies, respectively. The Fourier transform ... Thin films; chemical synthesis; hydrous tin oxide; FTIR; electrical properties. 1. Introduction ... dehydrogenation of organic compounds (Hattori et al 1987). .... SEM images of (a) bare stainless steel and (b) SnO2:H2O thin film on stainless steel substrate at a ...

  16. Into films

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tan, Ed S.; Doicaru, Miruna M.; Hakemulder, Frank


    Most film viewers know the experience of being deeply absorbed in the story of a popular film. It seems that at such moments they lose awareness of watching a movie. And yet it is highly unlikely that they completely ignore the fact that they watch a narrative and technological construction. Perh...

  17. Demagnetization in photomagnetic films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pajerowski, Daniel M., E-mail: [NIST Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 (United States); Hallock, Scott J. [NIST Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 (United States); Winston Churchill High School, Potomac, Maryland 20854 (United States)


    We present a model for demagnetization in photomagnetic films, and investigate different regimes for the magnetizing process using finite element analysis. It is found that the demagnetizing factor may depend strongly upon the high-spin fraction of the film, and the specifics of the dependence are dictated by the microscopic morphology of the photomagnetic domains. This picture allows for facile interpretation of existing data on photomagnetic films, and can even explain an observed photoinduced decrease in low-field magnetization concurrent with increase in high-spin fraction. As a whole, these results reiterate the need to consider demagnetizing effects in photomagnetic films. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Finite element methods are used to examine demagnetization in photomagnetic films. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Under the right conditions, photomagnetic films may show a photoinduced decrease. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Demagnetization in photomagnets will be important to consider in possible devices.

  18. Student film clinches top prize in film competition


    Elliott, Jean


    Virginia Tech senior Tim Leaton earned the top prize in the widely acclaimed Film Your Issue (FYI) competition - an eight-week paid internship at Disney Studios in Los Angeles. Leaton's one-minute film, "Orphans in Africa," won the nationwide contest, an initiative to encourage young Americans, age 18 to 26, to engage in social issues and add their voices to the public dialogue.

  19. Heritage film set : the protection and care of historic filming locations


    Flynn, Clare


    Taking part in filming can offer considerable benefits to the historic properties involved, including increased visitor numbers, public awareness, and funding that can facilitate the ongoing care and conservation of the featured properties. However, film shoots are also intrusive events that introduce serious threats to the historic built fabric of these properties. This dissertation will investigate how the conservation integrity of heritage sites and properties is maintained when film shoot...

  20. Film Censorship Policy During Park Chung Hee’s Military Regime (1960–1979 and Hostess Films

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Molly Hyo Kim


    Full Text Available Park Chung-hee’s military government (1960-1979 purportedly used film censorship to distract the public from political consciousness by controlling political materials in films while condoning censorship control on sexual content. As a result, the production of soft-core adult films soared and became popular among Korean audiences. One such film genre that thrived during this period, so-called hostess films (prostitute films, is worthy of attention for the films’ foregrounding issues of class, poverty and other social issues that the state censorship board heavily regulated. In viewing such dynamics between state censorship and film, this article aims to unravel the questions of how the state was willing to turn a blind eye to the explicit sexualization of women in hostess films when film censorship was at its peak and why the social and political aspects of this group of films about female sexual workers were not considered socially relevant by the censorship board, through scrutinizing the interplay between Park’s state censorship and hostess films. Furthermore, it offers an analysis of a hostess film, The Rose that Swallowed Thorn (Cheong, 1979, as a case study to show how it strategically orchestrates visual and thematic elements to circumvent censorship enforcement.

  1. Organic Photovoltaic Devices Based on Oriented n-Type Molecular Films Deposited on Oriented Polythiophene Films. (United States)

    Mizokuro, Toshiko; Tanigaki, Nobutaka; Miyadera, Tetsuhiko; Shibata, Yousei; Koganezawa, Tomoyuki


    The molecular orientation of π-conjugated molecules has been reported to significantly affect the performance of organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs) based on molecular films. Hence, the control of molecular orientation is a key issue toward the improvement of OPV performance. In this research, oriented thin films of an n-type molecule, 3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylic Bisbenzimida-zole (PTCBI), were formed by deposition on in-plane oriented polythiophene (PT) films. Orientation of the PTCBI films was evaluated by polarized UV-vis spectroscopy and 2D-Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. Results indicated that PTCBI molecules on PT film exhibit nearly edge-on and in-plane orientation (with molecular long axis along the substrate), whereas PTCBI molecules without PT film exhibit neither. OPVs composed of PTCBI molecular film with and without PT were fabricated and evaluated for correlation of orientation with performance. The OPVs composed of PTCBI film with PT showed higher power conversion efficiency (PCE) than that of film without PT. The experiment indicated that in-plane orientation of PTCBI molecules absorbs incident light more efficiently, leading to increase in PCE.

  2. Radiochromic film dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soares, Christopher G.


    The object of this paper is to give a new user some practical information on the use of radiochromic films for medical applications. While various aspects of radiochromic film dosimetry for medical applications have been covered in some detail in several other excellent review articles which have appeared in the last few years [Niroomand-Rad, A., Blackwell, C.R., Coursey, B.M., Gall, K.P., McLaughlin, W.L., Meigooni, A.S., Nath, R., Rodgers, J.E., Soares, C.G., 1998. Radiochromic dosimetry: recommendations of the AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group 55. Med. Phys. 25, 2093-2115; Dempsey, J.F., Low, D.A., Mutic, S., Markman, J., Kirov, A.S., Nussbaum, G.H., Williamson, J.F., 2000. Validation of a precision radiochromic film dosimetry system for quantitative two-dimensional imaging of acute exposure dose distributions. Med. Phys. 27, 2462-2475; Butson, M.J., Yu, P.K.N., Cheung, T., Metcalfe, P., 2003. Radiochromic film for medical radiation dosimetry. Mater. Sci. Eng. R41, 61-120], it is the intent of the present author to present material from a more user-oriented and practical standpoint. That is, how the films work will be stressed much less than how to make the films work well. The strength of radiochromic films is most evident in applications where there is a very high dose gradient and relatively high absorbed dose rates. These conditions are associated with brachytherapy applications, measurement of small fields, and at the edges (penumbra regions) of larger fields

  3. US/Russian Joint Film Test (United States)

    Slater, Richard


    A joint U.S./Russian film test was conducted during MIR Mission 18 to evaluate the effects of radiation on photographic film during long-duration space flights. Two duplicate sets of film were flown on this MIR mission: one set was processed and evaluated by the NASA/JSC Photographic Laboratory, and the other by the RKK Energia's Photographic Laboratory in Moscow. This preliminary report includes only the results of the JSC evaluation (excluding the SN-10 film which was not available for evaluation at the time this report was written). The final report will include an evaluation by JSC of the SN-10 film and an evaluation of the test data by the RKK Energia. ISC's evaluation of the test data showed the positive film flown was damaged very little when exposed to approximately 8 rads of radiation. Two of the three negative films were significantly damaged and the third film was damaged only moderately.

  4. Film Censorship Policy During Park Chung Hee’s Military Regime (1960–1979) and Hostess Films


    Molly Hyo Kim


    Park Chung-hee’s military government (1960-1979) purportedly used film censorship to distract the public from political consciousness by controlling political materials in films while condoning censorship control on sexual content. As a result, the production of soft-core adult films soared and became popular among Korean audiences. One such film genre that thrived during this period, so-called hostess films (prostitute films), is worthy of attention for the films’ foregrounding issues of cla...

  5. Government rejects TeliaSonera's $1 billion offer for Lattelecom, LMT

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Läti valitsus lükkas tagasi TeliaSonera pakkumise omandada 1 miljardi dollari eest telefonioperaator Lattelecom ja mobiilioperaator LMT. USA investeerimisfirma Blackstone peab läbirääkimisi omandamaks 49 protsenti Lattelecomist

  6. Põhja-Eesti pankrannik ei saa UNESCO maailmapärandiks / Tiia Linnard

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Linnard, Tiia, 1962-


    Vt. ka Severnoje Poberezhje 8. juuli. Keskkonnaministeerium võttis tagasi UNESCO maailmapärandi komiteele esitatud avalduse kanda Põhja-Eesti pankrannik maailmapärandi nimekirja, kuna eelinfo kohaselt jääks taotlus rahuldamata

  7. "Ma sinna istutaks need lilled punased..." : [luuletused] / [Ptshelovodova, Nadezhda] Muš Nadii ; tlk. Arvo Valton

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Muš Nadii, pseud., 1976-


    Sisu: "Ma sinna istutaks need lilled punased..." ; "Ei kõik hinged tõuse taevasse..." ; Kuum öö ; Kas tunned ; Ojamaa ; Magnoolia ; 24.02.2005 ; Päike vaatab tagasi. Luuletused paralleelselt udmurdi ja eesti keeles

  8. Venezuela tõusis presidendi sotsialismikursi vastu üles / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    Venezuelas toimunud rahvahääletusel lükati tagasi president Hugo Chavezi ettepanekud, mis puudutasid põhiseaduse muutmist. President peab seda vaid ajutiseks tagasilöögiks. Lisa: Tudengid ja meedia riigipea vastu

  9. Ilmumised ja mediteerimised / Bill Viola ; interv. Harry Liivrand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viola, Bill


    Bill Viola videoretrospektiiv Stedelijk Museumis, Rijksmuseumis, New Metropolises jm. Amsterdamis 29. novembrini. H. Liivrand Bill Violast ja tema loomingust. B. Viola oma videokunstist praegu ja 25 aastat tagasi, mil tema alustas, mõjutustest loomingule.

  10. Ot "Printsessõ Alissii" k "Hrabromu Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    Tallinna muusikateater Väike Ooper jõudis tagasi Moskva külalisetendustelt, kus Eesti Saatkonnas esitati Boriss Kisseljovi lasteooper ""Printsess Alicia". Sügisel valmistub lasteteater lavale tooma helilooja uut ooperit "Julge Rikki-Tikki- Taavi"

  11. Külaseltsist turismiseltsiks / Anneli Kana

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kana, Anneli


    13 aastat tagasi Saku vallas Metsanurme külas asutatud külaselts MTÜ Metsanurme, mille tegevus aastatega on loonud Metsanurme ümbrusest hinnatud vabaaja veetmise koha ning selts on asunud pakkuma ka turismiteenuseid

  12. Kadrioru loss / Kadi Polli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Polli, Kadi, 1973-


    Londonis tegutsenud šveitsi maalikunstnikust Angelika Kauffmannist (1741-1807), tema loomingust, väliskunstimuuseumis olevatest maalidest "Ilu, juhitud Mõistlikkusest, tõrjub meelepahaga tagasi Meeletuse ahvatlusi" ja "Ilu, juhitud Mõistlikkusest, pärjatud Täiuslikkusest".

  13. Kas minna õppekogunemisele ja lasta kodutalu põhja? / Rein Raudvere ; kommenteerinud Kaul Nurm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raudvere, Rein, 1955-


    Vajadusest muuta kaitseväeteenistuse seadust, et põllumehi ebasobival ajal kordusõppustele ei kutsutaks. Varem vabastas taluseadus põllumeestest reservväelased õppekogunemistest, kuid 2 aastat tagasi tunnistati vastav säte kehtetuks

  14. Veneetsia biennaali uued juhid / Maria-Kristiina Soomre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soomre, Maria-Kristiina, 1978-


    Veneetsia biennaali senine president Paolo Barratta ja biennaali komitee astusid tagasi. Uueks biennaali presidendiks on määratud Franco Bernabe. 2003. a. kunstibiennali eest vastutavaks saab ilmselt kunstikriitik Robert Hughes (s. 1938 Austraalias)

  15. :) sai 25-aastaseks / Kristjan Port

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Port, Kristjan


    USA-s asuva Carnegie Melloni ülikooli professor Scott E. Fahlman saatis 25 aastat tagasi maailma esimese emotsionaalse ikooni seoses elektroonilises vestlusgrupis hargnenud teemaga huumori ja sõnumi sõbralikkuse vahendamise piiratusest online-keskkonnas

  16. Juhtimiskonsultant: Q Vara saneerimiskava kui õudusunenägu / Anne Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Anne, 1970-


    Võlgades Q Vara küsib võlakirjainvestoritelt nelja-aastast armuaega ning õigust maksta laenud tagasi siis, kui neile kinnisvara müügist raha laekub. Vt. samas: Q Vara võlausaldajad kannavad kaotusi

  17. Tallinna-Tartu maantee ehitamine jälle kännu taga kinni / Piret Pert

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pert, Piret


    Riigikogu lükkas tagasi SDE fraktsiooni esitatud otsuse eelnõu, milles nähti ette Tallinna-Tartu maantee ehitamine neljarealise eraldatud sõidusuundadega maanteena. Jarno Laur, Ivari Padar maantee väljaehitamise vajalikkusest

  18. Amazoni majandusseis seni arvatust kehvem / Kaja Koovit

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koovit, Kaja, 1968-


    Nädalapäevad tagasi kiitles internetikaubamaja esimest korda kasumisse jõudmisega, kuid majandusseisu lähemal uurimisel selgub, et ettevõttel ei pruugi olla piisavalt varasid oma kohustuste täitmiseks

  19. Hõbetuvi kaenlas, Big Apple kiviga visata / Tiit Merisalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Merisalu, Tiit


    Leipzigi 40. rahvusvahelisest tõsielu- ja animafilmide festivalist, kus konkursiprogrammis oli ka Priit Tenderi "Gravitatsioon" ning panoraamis Mark Soosaare "Lõpetamata lugu "Estoniast"", Riho Undi "Tagasi Euroopasse" ja Priit Pärna klipp "State of Dependence"

  20. Tony Blair - edukas ja ebasoosingus / Tõnis Arnover

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arnover, Tõnis, 1952-


    Tony Blairil saab suvel Suurbritannia peaministri kohal täis kümme aastat, kui ta erakonnakaaslaste korruptsiooniskandaali tõttu varem tagasi ei astu. Vt. samas: CV; Gordon Brown astub varjust välja

  1. Meisternäitleja / Jaan Tooming

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tooming, Jaan, 1946-


    Tuuakse esile meisternäitleja tunnuseid ja ollakse tänulik Eesti Muusikaakadeemia Kõrgema Lavakunstikooli 21. lennule, kellega oli rõõm koos teha G. B. Shaw "Tagasi Metuusala juurde" 5. osa "Mõtte piiridele"

  2. High-throughput characterization of film thickness in thin film materials libraries by digital holographic microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lai Yiuwai; Hofmann, Martin R; Ludwig, Alfred; Krause, Michael; Savan, Alan; Thienhaus, Sigurd; Koukourakis, Nektarios


    A high-throughput characterization technique based on digital holography for mapping film thickness in thin-film materials libraries was developed. Digital holographic microscopy is used for fully automatic measurements of the thickness of patterned films with nanometer resolution. The method has several significant advantages over conventional stylus profilometry: it is contactless and fast, substrate bending is compensated, and the experimental setup is simple. Patterned films prepared by different combinatorial thin-film approaches were characterized to investigate and demonstrate this method. The results show that this technique is valuable for the quick, reliable and high-throughput determination of the film thickness distribution in combinatorial materials research. Importantly, it can also be applied to thin films that have been structured by shadow masking.

  3. High-throughput characterization of film thickness in thin film materials libraries by digital holographic microscopy. (United States)

    Lai, Yiu Wai; Krause, Michael; Savan, Alan; Thienhaus, Sigurd; Koukourakis, Nektarios; Hofmann, Martin R; Ludwig, Alfred


    A high-throughput characterization technique based on digital holography for mapping film thickness in thin-film materials libraries was developed. Digital holographic microscopy is used for fully automatic measurements of the thickness of patterned films with nanometer resolution. The method has several significant advantages over conventional stylus profilometry: it is contactless and fast, substrate bending is compensated, and the experimental setup is simple. Patterned films prepared by different combinatorial thin-film approaches were characterized to investigate and demonstrate this method. The results show that this technique is valuable for the quick, reliable and high-throughput determination of the film thickness distribution in combinatorial materials research. Importantly, it can also be applied to thin films that have been structured by shadow masking.

  4. Thin Cu film resistivity using four probe techniques: Effect of film thickness and geometrical shapes (United States)

    Choudhary, Sumita; Narula, Rahul; Gangopadhyay, Subhashis


    Precise measurement of electrical sheet resistance and resistivity of metallic thin Cu films may play a significant role in temperature sensing by means of resistivity changes which can further act as a safety measure of various electronic devices during their operation. Four point probes resistivity measurement is a useful approach as it successfully excludes the contact resistance between the probes and film surface of the sample. Although, the resistivity of bulk samples at a particular temperature mostly depends on its materialistic property, however, it may significantly differ in the case of thin films, where the shape and thickness of the sample can significantly influence on it. Depending on the ratio of the film thickness to probe spacing, samples are usually classified in two segments such as (i) thick films or (ii) thin films. Accordingly, the geometric correction factors G can be related to the sample resistivity r, which has been calculated here for thin Cu films of thickness up to few 100 nm. In this study, various rectangular shapes of thin Cu films have been used to determine the shape induced geometric correction factors G. An expressions for G have been obtained as a function of film thickness t versus the probe spacing s. Using these expressions, the correction factors have been plotted separately for each cases as a function of (a) film thickness for fixed linear probe spacing and (b) probe distance from the edge of the film surface for particular thickness. Finally, we compare the experimental results of thin Cu films of various rectangular geometries with the theoretical reported results.

  5. Film, Neuroaesthetics, and Empathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grodal, Torben Kragh; Kramer, Mette


    The article analyzes the link between film viewing and human 'ultra-sociality' (Boyd and Richardson 1998), describing how empathy is supported by mirror resonances but also modified by appraisal mechanisms and how emotions are communicated, It further discusses how 'attainment' to film builds...... on mother-child communication and also how film genres of attachment use such attainment, especially by means of close-ups of human faces and shot-reverse shots. Finally it deals with how films boost development of cognitive and emotional intelligence...

  6. Atomic-Layer-Deposition of Indium Oxide Nano-films for Thin-Film Transistors. (United States)

    Ma, Qian; Zheng, He-Mei; Shao, Yan; Zhu, Bao; Liu, Wen-Jun; Ding, Shi-Jin; Zhang, David Wei


    Atomic-layer-deposition (ALD) of In 2 O 3 nano-films has been investigated using cyclopentadienyl indium (InCp) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) as precursors. The In 2 O 3 films can be deposited preferentially at relatively low temperatures of 160-200 °C, exhibiting a stable growth rate of 1.4-1.5 Å/cycle. The surface roughness of the deposited film increases gradually with deposition temperature, which is attributed to the enhanced crystallization of the film at a higher deposition temperature. As the deposition temperature increases from 150 to 200 °C, the optical band gap (E g ) of the deposited film rises from 3.42 to 3.75 eV. In addition, with the increase of deposition temperature, the atomic ratio of In to O in the as-deposited film gradually shifts towards that in the stoichiometric In 2 O 3 , and the carbon content also reduces by degrees. For 200 °C deposition temperature, the deposited film exhibits an In:O ratio of 1:1.36 and no carbon incorporation. Further, high-performance In 2 O 3 thin-film transistors with an Al 2 O 3 gate dielectric were achieved by post-annealing in air at 300 °C for appropriate time, demonstrating a field-effect mobility of 7.8 cm 2 /V⋅s, a subthreshold swing of 0.32 V/dec, and an on/off current ratio of 10 7 . This was ascribed to passivation of oxygen vacancies in the device channel.

  7. Former health care vice minister sentenced / Rokas M. Tracevskis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tracevskis, Rokas M.


    Leedu endise tervishoiu aseministri Arturas Skikase kohtuotsusest seoses altkäemaksu võtmisega. Arturas Skikas tunnistas üles, et soovis saada verekeskuse direktori käest 5800 eurot. Tervishoiuminister Algis Caplikas jääb ametisse

  8. Põllumehed peavad hakkama kadakaid lugema / Heino Laiapea, Merike Pitk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laiapea, Heino, 1951-


    Euroopa Liidu pindalatoetust võib saada maale, kus kasvab 50 puud hektari kohta või põõsaste all on vähem kui 50 % karjamaast. Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet tõhustab põllumaade kontrolli

  9. Kaameraga taldrikusse ja kaugemale / Katrin Press

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Press, Katrin


    Taani väikelinnas Vejles 2015. aasta sügisel toimunud rahvusvahelisest toidufotofestivalist, mis ühendas fotokonkursi, seminarid, töötoad, näitused ja võimaluse kolleegide seltsis aega veeta ning omavahel tuttavaks saada

  10. Programma intensivnoi diagnostiki semeinõhh otnosheni / Irina Krot

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Krot, Irina


    Intensiivse diagnostika programmist, mis annab võimaluse välja tuua ka nn õnnelike perede psühholoogilised probleemid, ning autor arvab, et nimetatud programm võiks saada psühhoteraapia läbiviimise juhendiks praktikas

  11. Underwater 3D filming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Rinaldi


    Full Text Available After an experimental phase of many years, 3D filming is now effective and successful. Improvements are still possible, but the film industry achieved memorable success on 3D movie’s box offices due to the overall quality of its products. Special environments such as space (“Gravity” and the underwater realm look perfect to be reproduced in 3D. “Filming in space” was possible in “Gravity” using special effects and computer graphic. The underwater realm is still difficult to be handled. Underwater filming in 3D was not that easy and effective as filming in 2D, since not long ago. After almost 3 years of research, a French, Austrian and Italian team realized a perfect tool to film underwater, in 3D, without any constrains. This allows filmmakers to bring the audience deep inside an environment where they most probably will never have the chance to be.

  12. Film-thickness dependence of structure formation in ultra-thin polymer blend films

    CERN Document Server

    Gutmann, J S; Stamm, M


    We investigated the film-thickness dependence of structure formation in ultra-thin polymer blend films prepared from solution. As a model system we used binary blends of statistical poly(styrene-co-p-bromostyrene) copolymers of different degrees of bromination. Ultra-thin-film samples differing in miscibility and film thickness were prepared via spin coating of common toluene solutions onto silicon (100) substrates. The resulting morphologies were investigated with scanning force microscopy, reflectometry and grazing-incidence scattering techniques using both X-rays and neutrons in order to obtain a picture of the sample structure at and below the sample surface. (orig.)

  13. Effect of micro-patterned fluorine-doped tin oxide films on electrochromic properties of Prussian blue films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Kyuha; Kim, A-Young; Park, Ji Hun; Jung, Hun-Gi; Choi, Wonchang; Lee, Hwa Young; Lee, Joong Kee


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • PB-based ECD employed micro-patterned FTO electrode was fabricated. • Effect of interface morphology on electrochromic characteristics was examined. • Electrochromic properties were enhanced by employing a patterned interface. - Abstract: The effect of interface morphology on electrochromic characteristics was examined for an electrochromic device (ECD). Micro-patterned fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) films were fabricated using a photolithography process. Prussian blue (PB) films were then deposited on the patterned FTO films. The surface areas of both PB films and FTO films were increased by patterning. ECDs were assembled using patterned PB/FTO films as the electrochromic electrode, bare FTO films as the counter electrode, and an electrolyte containing LiClO 4 salt. The increased effective surface area of the patterned PB/FTO electrode boosted the mobility of ions at the interphase between the electrolyte and PB electrode, and the electron transfer between PB films and FTO films. As a result, electrochromic properties such as transmittance and response time were significantly improved by employing the patterned FTO films as the transparent conductive oxide layer of the electrochromic electrode

  14. [Spectroscopic study on film formation mechanism and structure of composite silanes-V-Zr passive film]. (United States)

    Wang, Lei; Liu, Chang-sheng; Shi, Lei; An, Cheng-qiang


    A composite silanes-V-Zr passive film was overlayed on hot-dip galvanized steel. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) and radio frequency glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (rf-GD-OES) were used to characterize the molecular structure of the silanes-V-Zr passive film. The mechanism of film formation was discussed: The results show that the silane molecules are crosslinked as the main film former and inorganic inhibitor is even distributed in the film. The fitting peak of 100.7 eV in XPS single Si2p energy range spectra of the composite silanes-V-Zr passive film and the widening and strengthening of the Si--O infrared absorption peak at 1100 cm(-1) indicate that the silanes were adsorbed on the surface of zinc with chemical bond of Si--O--Zn, and the silane molecules were connected with each other by bond of Si--O--Si. Two characteristic absorption peaks of amide at 1650 and 1560 cm(-1) appear in the infrared spectroscopy of the composite silanes-V-Zr passive film, and a characteristic absorption peak of epoxy groups at 910 cm(-1) disappears in the infrared spectroscopy of the passive film. The results indicate that gamma-APT can be prepared through nucleophilic ring-opening of ethylene oxide in gamma-GPT molecule to form C--N covalent bonds. The rf-GD-OES results indicate that there is a oxygen enriched layer in 0.3 microm depth of the composite silanes-V-Zr passive film. Moreover, ZrF4, ZrO2 and some inorganic matter obtained by the reaction during the forming processof the composite silanes-V-Zr passive film are distributed evenly throughout the film. According to the film composition, the physical processes and chemical reactions during the film forming process were studied by using ATR-FTIR. Based on this, the film forming mechanism was proposed.

  15. Fire resistant films for aircraft applications (United States)

    Kourtides, D. A.


    Alternative sandwich panel decorative films were investigated as replacements for the polyvinyl fluoride currently used in aircraft interiors. Candidate films were studied for flammability, smoke emission, toxic gas emission, flame spread, and suitability as a printing surface for the decorative acrylic ink system. Several of the candidate films tested were flame modified polyvinyl fluoride, polyvinylidene fluoride, polyimide, polyamide, polysulfone, polyphenylsulfone, polyethersulfone, polybenzimidazole, polycarbonate, polyparabanic acid, polyphosphazene, polyetheretherketon, and polyester. The films were evaluated as pure films only, films silk-screened with an acrylic ink, and films adhered to a phenolic fiberglass substrate. Films which exhibited the highest fire resistant properties included PEEK polyetheretherketon, Aramid polyamide, and ISO-BPE polyester.

  16. Predicting film genres with implicit ideals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew McGregor Olney


    Full Text Available We present a new approach to defining film genre based on implicit ideals. When viewers rate the likability of a film, they indirectly express their ideal of what a film should be. Across six studies we investigate the category structure that emerges from likability ratings and the category structure that emerges from the features of film. We further compare these data-driven category structures with human annotated film genres. We conclude that film genres are structured more around ideals than around features of film. This finding lends experimental support to the notion that film genres are set of shifting, fuzzy, and highly contextualized psychological categories.

  17. Predicting film genres with implicit ideals. (United States)

    Olney, Andrew McGregor


    We present a new approach to defining film genre based on implicit ideals. When viewers rate the likability of a film, they indirectly express their ideal of what a film should be. Across six studies we investigate the category structure that emerges from likability ratings and the category structure that emerges from the features of film. We further compare these data-driven category structures with human annotated film genres. We conclude that film genres are structured more around ideals than around features of film. This finding lends experimental support to the notion that film genres are set of shifting, fuzzy, and highly contextualized psychological categories.

  18. Thin-film solar cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aberle, Armin G.


    The rapid progress that is being made with inorganic thin-film photovoltaic (PV) technologies, both in the laboratory and in industry, is reviewed. While amorphous silicon based PV modules have been around for more than 20 years, recent industrial developments include the first polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar cells on glass and the first tandem solar cells based on stacks of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon films ('micromorph cells'). Significant thin-film PV production levels are also being set up for cadmium telluride and copper indium diselenide.

  19. Film Scriptwriting: A Practical Manual. (United States)

    Swain, Dwight V.

    Dealing with both documentary and feature films, this book is a guide to using particular tools and procedures in developing ideas and concepts for writing film scripts. Part one deals with the factual, or documentary, film and discusses the proposal outline, film treatment, sequence outline, shooting script, and narration writing. Part two…

  20. Fabrication and Film Qualification of Sr Modified Pb(Ca) TiO3 Thin Films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naw Hla Myat San; Khin Aye Thwe; Than Than Win; Yin Maung Maung; Ko Ko Kyaw Soe


    Strontium and calcium - modified lead titanate (Pb0.7 Ca0.15 Sr0.15 ) TiO3 (PCST)thin films were prepared by using spin coating technique. Phase transition of PCST was interpreted by means of Er-T characteristics. Process temperature dependence on micro-structure of PCST film was studied. Charge conduction mechanism of PCST thin film was also investigated for film qualification.

  1. Professor Camillo Negro's Neuropathological Films. (United States)

    Chiò, Adriano; Gianetto, Claudia; Dagna, Stella


    Camillo Negro, Professor in Neurology at the University of Torino, was a pioneer of scientific film. From 1906 to 1908, with the help of his assistant Giuseppe Roasenda and in collaboration with Roberto Omegna, one of the most experienced cinematographers in Italy, he filmed some of his patients for scientific and educational purposes. During the war years, he continued his scientific film project at the Military Hospital in Torino, filming shell-shocked soldiers. In autumn 2011, the Museo Nazionale del Cinema, in partnership with the Faculty of Neurosciences of the University of Torino, presented a new critical edition of the neuropathological films directed by Negro. The Museum's collection also includes 16 mm footage probably filmed in 1930 by Doctor Fedele Negro, Camillo's son. One of these films is devoted to celebrating the effects of the so-called "Bulgarian cure" on Parkinson's disease.

  2. Process for forming thin film, heat treatment process of thin film sheet, and heat treatment apparatus therefor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, S.


    The invention provides a process for forming a magnetic thin film on a base film, a heat treatment process of a thin film sheet consisting of the base film and the magnetic thin film, and an apparatus for performing heat treatment of the thin film sheet. Tension applied to the thin film sheet is substantially equal to that applied to the base film when the magnetic thin film is formed thereon. Then, the thin film sheet is treated with heat. The thin film sheet is heated with a given temperature gradient to a reactive temperature at which heat shrinkage occurs, while the tension is being applied thereto. Thereafter, the thin film sheet to which the tension is still applied is cooled with substantially the same temperature gradient as applied in heating. The heat treatment apparatus has a film driving unit including a supply reel, a take-up reel, a drive source and guide rollers; a heating unit including heating plates, heater blocks and a temperature controller for heating the sheet to the reactive temperature; and a heat insulating unit including a thermostat and another temperature controller for maintaining the sheet at the nonreactive temperature which is slightly lower than the reactive temperature

  3. Use of buffy coat thick films in detecting malaria parasites in patients with negative conventional thick films. (United States)

    Duangdee, Chatnapa; Tangpukdee, Noppadon; Krudsood, Srivicha; Wilairatana, Polrat


    To determine the frequency of malaria parasite detection from the buffy coat blood films by using capillary tube in falciparum malaria patients with negative conventional thick films. Thirty six uncomplicated falciparum malaria patients confirmed by conventional thick and thin films were included in the study. The patients were treated with artemisinin combination therapy at Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Bangkok, Thailand for 28 day. Fingerpricks for conventional blood films were conducted every 6 hours until negative parasitemia, then daily fingerpricks for parasite checks were conducted until the patients were discharged from hospital. Blood samples were also concurrently collected in 3 heparinized capillary tubes at the same time of fingerpricks for conventional blood films when the prior parasitemia was negative on thin films and parasitemia was lower than 50 parasites/200 white blood cells by thick film. The first negative conventional thick films were compared with buffy coat thick films for parasite identification. Out of 36 patients with thick films showing negative for asexual forms of parasites, buffy coat films could detect remaining 10 patients (27.8%) with asexual forms of Plasmodium falciparum. The study shows that buffy coat thick films are useful and can detect malarial parasites in 27.8% of patients whose conventional thick films show negative parasitemia.

  4. "ja see juhtub uuesti... " : [luuletused] / [Mesikepp, Indrek] fs

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    fs, pseud., 1971-


    Sisu: "kuulates neid luuletajaid..." ; "pesin dushi all munni..." ; "ma nägin igavaid maju..." ; "Krakovi gestaapo majas..." ; "kui Londonis purskaks vulkaan..." ; patrioot ; "jõudsin tagasi linnast..." ; "tehakse tehakse kirjandust..." ; "söön kuulekalt kaalikat..."

  5. Mart Viisitamm kulutab maine upitamiseks 100 000 krooni kuus / Eve Heinla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heinla, Eve, 1966-


    Pärnu linnavõim maksab iga kuu 58 000 krooni erafirmale Passion mainekujundusteenuse eest ning lisaks üle 50 000 krooni linna avalike suhete töötajate palgaks. Vt. samas: Reform: Viisitamm astugu tagasi!

  6. Adidas ja Nike - nina vastu nina / Mikk Salu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salu, Mikk, 1975-


    Spordikaupade tootja Adidas ostab Reeboki 3 miljardi euro eest. Adidase ja Reeboki ühinemisse suhtub skeptiliselt Puma, selle tegevjuht Jochen Zeitz lükkab tagasi kuuldused Nike'i ja Puma võimaliku ühinemise kohta

  7. Möödus 170 aastat Jakob Hurda sünnist / Sirje Semm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Semm, Sirje, 1950-


    Juulikuu lõpupäevadel meenutati nii Tartus kui ka Põlvas 170 aastat tagasi Himmaste külas Lepa talus sündinud ja 67 aasta vanusena Peterburis surnud kirikuõpetajat ja rahvaluuleteadlast Jakob Hurta

  8. Raha tahab ringlusesse / Ralf-Martin Soe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soe, Ralf-Martin


    Skype asutajate ettevõte Ambient Sound Investment paigutab üha enam raha uutesse ettevõtetesse välismaal, sest Eestis napib ideid. Vt. samas: Skype asutajad võivad firma eBaylt tagasi osta. Diagramm: Investeeringud

  9. Suri fetishismi isa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    New Yorgis suri kunstnik ja koomiksite joonistaja, pärastsõja-aegse Ameerika bondage-erootika illustraator Eric Stanton. Paar aastat tagasi avaldas Saksa kirjastus Taschen Stantoni elust ja loomingust raamatu, mille toimetas erootikafotograaf Eric Kroll

  10. Edukus jättis eurost ilma / Sirje Rank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rank, Sirje, 1966-


    Euroopa Komisjon lükkas Eesti ja Leedu taotlused eurotsooniga liitumiseks tagasi. Küsimustele vastab Taani majandusprofessor Niels Thygesen. Diagramm: EL-i riikide majanduskasv. Vt. samas: Eurotsooni praeguste liikmete jaoks on reegleid ümber kirjutatud

  11. Muusikamaailm : "Musica Nova" avataktid Helsingis. "Towards the Millennium" lõpusirgel. "Sõda ja rahu" kuulsatel lavadel / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    3.-11. märtsini Heslingis toimuvast uue muusika festivalist "Musica nova". S. Rattle"i kümme aastat tagasi algatatud kontserdiseeriast "Towards the Millennium". S. Prokofjevi ooperi "Sõda ja rahu" taaslavastustest Pariisis ja Peterburis

  12. Riigikohus saatis eksametniku süüdimõistmise teisele ringile

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Riigikohus tühistas endise tehnilise järelevalve ameti asejuhi Egon Hirvsoo süüdimõistmise pistisevõtmises ja ASi Jupiter Plus pistiseandmises ning saatis süüasja tagasi uurimiseks Harju maakohtusse

  13. Lasnamäe linnaosavanem laenu tagasimaksega hädas / Eve Heinla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heinla, Eve, 1966-


    Lasnamäe linnaosavanem Oleg Rebane käendas oma firmale Truck & Bus Sales võetud 2,3 miljoni krooni suurust laenu Rahvusvaheliste autovedajate assotsiatsioonist, kuid ei suuda seda nüüd tagasi maksta

  14. Heteroepitaxial growth of SiC films by carbonization of polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films on Si

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Goloudina S.I.


    Full Text Available High quality single crystal SiC films were prepared by carbonization of polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films on Si substrate. The films formed after annealing of the polyimide films at 1000°C, 1100°C, 1200°C were studied by Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electon microscopy (TEM, transmission electron diffraction (TED, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM. XRD study and HRTEM cross-section revealed that the crystalline SiC film begins to grow on Si (111 substrate at 1000°C. According to the HRTEM cross-section image five planes in 3C-SiC (111 film are aligned with four Si(111 planes at the SiC/Si interface. It was shown the SiC films (35 nm grown on Si(111 at 1200°C have mainly cubic 3C-SiC structure with a little presence of hexagonal polytypes. Only 3C-SiC films (30 nm were formed on Si (100 substrate at the same temperature. It was shown the SiC films (30-35 nm are able to cover the voids in Si substrate with size up to 10 μm.

  15. Representasi Perempuan Dalam Film (Analisis Semiotika Representasi Perempuan Dalam Film “Fifty Shades of Grey”)


    Aviomeita, Friska


    This study entitled "Representation of Women In Film ( Roland Barthes Semiotics Analysis In the film Fifty Shades of Grey ) " . The purpose of this study to find out how women are represented in the film " Fifty Shades of Grey " by denotation , connotation and myths . Film has always influenced and shaped the public based on the contents of the message behind it. Messages or values contained in the film may affect the audience. In this study, researchers used several theorie...

  16. Films from the Couch: Film Theory and Psychoanalysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Sangro Colón


    Full Text Available   Different disciplines have contributed to weaving a theory of psychoanalysis in the cinema: ranging from the loans from anthropology and experimental psychology, to proposals belonging to the specific sphere of film theory, such as Filmology, Text Analysis or Feminist Theory in films. In all cases, the aim is to establish a relationship between the significance structure that governs the cinema and psychology, so as to confirm that the cinema’s system of representation is modelled on our unconscious psychological apparatus, as was explained by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, among others. The arrival of psychoanalysis in film thought forges the idea that considers the cinema as an auxiliary psychological device capable of making us subjects and submerging us in the emotions in play in the conflicts proposed by any audiovisual story.

  17. Predictors of Horror Film Attendance and Appeal: An Analysis of the Audience for Frightening Films. (United States)

    Tamborini, Ron; Stiff, James


    Analyzes the appeal of horror films. Develops a model that finds that important factors in the horror film's appeal are the audience's desire to experience the satisfying resolutions and to see the destruction usually found in these films and the sensation-seeking personality traits of audience members for these films. (NKA)

  18. Texture control and growth mechanism of WSe{sub 2} film prepared by rapid selenization of W film

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Hongchao [State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083 (China); Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Industry Corporation Limited, Ganzhou 341300 (China); Gao, Di; Li, Kun; Pang, Mengde; Xie, Senlin [State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083 (China); Liu, Rutie, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083 (China); Zou, Jianpeng [State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083 (China)


    Highlights: • We present a highly efficient method for preparing WSe{sub 2} film by rapid selenization. • The W film phase composition has little effect on WSe{sub 2} film orientation. • W film density is a critical factor that influences the WSe{sub 2} orientation. • A growth model was proposed for two kinds of WSe{sub 2} film textures. - Abstract: The tungsten diselenide (WSe{sub 2}) films with different orientation present unique properties suitable for specific applications, such as WSe{sub 2} with a C-axis⊥substrate for optoelectronics and WSe{sub 2} with a C-axis // substrate for electrocatalysts. Orientation control of WSe{sub 2} is essential for realizing the practical applications. In this letter, a WSe{sub 2} film has been prepared via rapid selenization of a magnetron-sputtered tungsten (W) film. The influence of the magnetron-sputtered W film on WSe{sub 2} film growth was studied systematically. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy were used to evaluate the morphology, microstructure and phase composition of the W and WSe{sub 2} films. The substrate temperature has a significant effect on the W film phase composition, but little effect on the WSe{sub 2} film orientation. The WSe{sub 2} orientation can be controlled by changing the W film microstructure. A dense W film that is deposited at low pressure is conducive to the formation of WSe{sub 2} with a C-axis⊥substrate, whereas a porous W film deposited at high pressure favors the formation of WSe{sub 2} with a C-axis // substrate. A growth model for the WSe{sub 2} film with different texture has been proposed based on the experimental results. The direction of selenium (Se) vapor diffusion differs at the top and side surfaces. This is a key factor for the preparation of anisotropic WSe{sub 2} films. Highly oriented WSe{sub 2} films with a C-axis⊥substrate grow from the dense W film deposited at low pressure because Se vapor

  19. Properties of Chitosan-Laminated Collagen Film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera Lazić


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to determine physical, mechanical and barrier properties of chitosan-laminated collagen film. Commercial collagen film, which is used for making collagen casings for dry fermented sausage production, was laminated with chitosan film layer in order to improve the collagen film barrier properties. Different volumes of oregano essential oil per 100 mL of filmogenic solution were added to chitosan film layer: 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mL to optimize water vapour barrier properties. Chitosan layer with 0.6 or 0.8 % of oregano essential oil lowered the water vapour transmission rate to (1.85±0.10·10–6 and (1.78±0.03·10–6 g/(m2·s·Pa respectively, compared to collagen film ((2.51±0.05·10–6 g/(m2·s·Pa. However, chitosan-laminated collagen film did not show improved mechanical properties compared to the collagen one. Tensile strength decreased from (54.0±3.8 MPa of the uncoated collagen film to (36.3±4.0 MPa when the film was laminated with 0.8 % oregano essential oil chitosan layer. Elongation at break values of laminated films did not differ from those of collagen film ((18.4±2.7 %. Oxygen barrier properties were considerably improved by lamination. Oxygen permeability of collagen film was (1806.8±628.0·10–14 cm3/(m·s·Pa and values of laminated films were below 35·10–14 cm3/(m·s·Pa. Regarding film appearance and colour, lamination with chitosan reduced lightness (L and yellowness (+b of collagen film, while film redness (+a increased. These changes were not visible to the naked eye.

  20. Surnukuur oli täis laste laipu / Aadu Hiietamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiietamm, Aadu, 1954-


    Kenya presidendivalimiste järgsetes kokkupõrgetes võis surma saada kuni tuhat inimest, kelle hulgas on ka naisi ja lapsi. President Mwai Kibaki ja opositsiooniliider Raila Odinga on asunud otsima võimalusi poliitilise kriisi lõpetamiseks

  1. Kitman haarab uusi turge ja tegevusvaldkondi / Margit Aedla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aedla, Margit, 1970-


    Eesti kapitalil põhineva kaubandussisustust tootva AS-i Kitman arengust. Ettevõtte juhatuse esimees Ilo Rannu peab edukuse põhjusteks paindlikkust ja tootedisaini, eesmärgiks on saada lähiaastatel täislahendust pakkuvaks sisustusettevõtteks

  2. Eesti kool on kohaliku kogukonna alustala / Ede Schank Tamkivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schank Tamkivi, Ede, 1980-


    Üle nädala San Mateos ja Berkeleys koos käiv eesti kool annab San Francisco Bay Area eesti lastele võimaluse saada kodumaast eemal viibides veidi emakeelset haridust ja suhelda teiste omaealistega eesti keeles

  3. Säästumarketi-punt tahab edu korrata ehituskaubaga / Andres Kärssin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kärssin, Andres, 1971-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 19. märts lk. 5. Säästumarketi endised omanikud on saanud enamuse OÜ-s Ehitus Service. Eesmärk on arendada välja kauplustekett ja saada liidriks ehituskauba jaeturul

  4. Handbook of thin film technology

    CERN Document Server

    Frey, Hartmut


    “Handbook of Thin Film Technology” covers all aspects of coatings preparation, characterization and applications. Different deposition techniques based on vacuum and plasma processes are presented. Methods of surface and thin film analysis including coating thickness, structural, optical, electrical, mechanical and magnetic properties of films are detailed described. The several applications of thin coatings and a special chapter focusing on nanoparticle-based films can be found in this handbook. A complete reference for students and professionals interested in the science and technology of thin films.

  5. [Psychopathology and film: a valuable interaction?]. (United States)

    van Duppen, Z; Summa, M; Fuchs, T


    Film or film fragments are often used in psychopathology education. However, so far there have been very few articles that have discussed the benefits and limitations of using films to explain or illustrate psychopathology. Although numerous films involves psychopathology in varying degrees, it is not clear how we can use films for psychopathology education. To examine the advantages, limitations and possible methods of using film as a means of increasing our knowledge and understanding of psychiatric illnesses. We discuss five examples that illustrate the interaction of film and psychopathology. On the one hand we explain how the psychopathological concepts are used in each film and on the other hand we explain which aspects of each film are valuable aids for teaching psychopathology. The use of film makes it possible to introduce the following topics in psychopathological teaching programme: holistic psychiatric reasoning, phenomenology and the subjective experience, the recognition of psychopathological prototypes and the importance of context. There is undoubtedly an analogy between the method we have chosen for teaching psychopathology with the help of films and the holistic approach of the psychiatrist and his or her team. We believe psychopathology education can benefit from films and we would recommend our colleagues to use it in this way.

  6. Film dosimetry in conformal radiotherapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Danciu, C; Proimos, B S [Patras Univ. (Greece). Dept. of Medical Physics


    Dosimetry, through a film sandwiched in a transverse cross-section of a solid phantom, is a method of choice in Conformal Radiotherapy because: (a) the blackness (density) of the film at each point offers a measure of the total dose received at that point, and (b) the film is easily calibrated by exposing a film strip in the same cross-section, through a stationary field. The film must therefore have the following properties: (a) it must be slow, in order not to be overexposed, even at a therapeutic dose of 200 cGy, and (b) the response of the film (density versus dose curve) must be independent of the photon energy spectrum. A few slow films were compared. It was found that the Kodak X-Omat V for therapy verification was the best choice. To investigate whether the film response was independent of the photon energy, response curves for six depths, starting from the depth of maximum dose to the depth of 25 cm, in solid phantom were derived. The vertical beam was perpendicular to the anterior surface of the phantom, which was at the distance of 100 cm from the source and the field was 15x15 cm at that distance. This procedure was repeated for photon beams emitted by a Cobalt-60 unit, two 6 MV and 15 MV Linear Accelerators, as well as a 45 MV Betatron. For each of those four different beams the film response was the same for all six depths. The results, as shown in the diagrams, are very satisfactory. The response curve under a geometry similar to that actually applied, when the film is irradiated in a transverse cross-section of the phantom, was derived. The horizontal beam was almost parallel (angle of 85) to the plane of the film. The same was repeated with the central ray parallel to the film (angle 90) and at a distance of 1.5 cm from the horizontal film. The field size was again 15x15 at the lateral entrance surface of the beam. The response curves remained the same, as when the beam was perpendicular to the films.

  7. Radiation grafting on natural films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacroix, M.; Khan, R.; Senna, M.; Sharmin, N.; Salmieri, S.; Safrany, A.


    Different methods of polymer grafting using gamma irradiation are reported in the present study for the preparation of newly functionalized biodegradable films, and some important properties related to their mechanical and barrier properties are described. Biodegradable films composed of zein and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) were gamma-irradiated in presence of different ratios of acrylic acid (AAc) monomer for compatibilization purpose. Resulting grafted films (zein/PVA-g-AAc) had their puncture strength (PS=37–40 N mm −1 ) and puncture deformation (PD=6.5–9.8 mm) improved for 30% and 50% PVA in blend, with 5% AAc under 20 kGy. Methylcellulose (MC)-based films were irradiated in the presence of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) or silane, in order to determine the effect of monomer grafting on the mechanical properties of films. It was found that grafted films (MC-g-HEMA and MC-g-silane) using 35% monomer performed higher mechanical properties with PS values of 282–296 N mm −1 and PD of 5.0–5.5 mm under 10 kGy. Compatibilized polycaprolactone (PCL)/chitosan composites were developed via grafting silane in chitosan films. Resulting trilayer grafted composite film (PCL/chitosan-g-silane/PCL) presented superior tensile strength (TS=22 MPa) via possible improvement of interfacial adhesion (PCL/chitosan) when using 25% silane under 10 kGy. Finally, MC-based films containing crystalline nanocellulose (CNC) as a filling agent were prepared and irradiated in presence of trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TMPTMA) as a grafted plasticizer. Grafted films (MC-g-TMPTMA) presented superior mechanical properties with a TS of 47.9 MPa and a tensile modulus (TM) of 1792 MPa, possibly due to high yield formation of radicals to promote TMPTMA grafting during irradiation. The addition of CNC led to an additional improvement of the barrier properties, with a significant 25% reduction of water vapor permeability (WVP) of grafted films. - Highlights: • Irradiation of zein

  8. Engineering Graphene Films from Coal (United States)

    Vijapur, Santosh H.

    Graphene is a unique material with remarkable properties suitable for a wide array of applications. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a simple technique for synthesis of large area and high quality graphene films on various metal substrates. Among the metal substrates, copper has been shown to be an excellent support for the growth of graphene films. Traditionally, hydrocarbon gases are used for the graphene synthesis via CVD. Unconventional solid carbon sources such as various polymers and food waste have also shown great potential for synthesis of graphene films. Coal is one such carbon enriched and abundantly available unconventional source. Utilization of coal as a carbon source to synthesize large area, transparent, and high quality few-layer graphene films via CVD has been demonstrated in the present work. Hydrocarbon gases are released as products of coal pyrolysis at temperatures ≥400 °C. This study hypothesized that, these hydrocarbon gases act as precursors for the synthesis of graphene films on the copper substrate. Hence, atmospheric pressure CVD and low temperature of 400 °C were utilized initially for the production of graphene films. These conditions were suitable for the formation of amorphous carbon (a-C) films but not crystalline graphene films that were the objective of this work. The synthesized a-C films on the copper substrate were shown to be uniform and transparent with large surface area. The thickness and surface roughness of the a-C films were determined to have typical values of 5 nm and 0.55 nm, respectively. The a-C film has >95 % optical transmittance and sheet resistivity of 0.6 MO sq-1. These values are comparable to other carbon thin films synthesized at higher temperatures. Further, the a-C films were transferred onto any type of substrate such as silicon wafer and titanium foil, and can be utilized for diverse applications. However, crystalline graphene films were not produced by implementing atmospheric pressure CVD and low

  9. Effect of micro-patterned fluorine-doped tin oxide films on electrochromic properties of Prussian blue films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Kyuha [Center for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, A-Young [Center for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791 (Korea, Republic of); Department of Material Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-701 (Korea, Republic of); Park, Ji Hun; Jung, Hun-Gi; Choi, Wonchang; Lee, Hwa Young [Center for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Joong Kee, E-mail: [Center for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791 (Korea, Republic of)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • PB-based ECD employed micro-patterned FTO electrode was fabricated. • Effect of interface morphology on electrochromic characteristics was examined. • Electrochromic properties were enhanced by employing a patterned interface. - Abstract: The effect of interface morphology on electrochromic characteristics was examined for an electrochromic device (ECD). Micro-patterned fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) films were fabricated using a photolithography process. Prussian blue (PB) films were then deposited on the patterned FTO films. The surface areas of both PB films and FTO films were increased by patterning. ECDs were assembled using patterned PB/FTO films as the electrochromic electrode, bare FTO films as the counter electrode, and an electrolyte containing LiClO{sub 4} salt. The increased effective surface area of the patterned PB/FTO electrode boosted the mobility of ions at the interphase between the electrolyte and PB electrode, and the electron transfer between PB films and FTO films. As a result, electrochromic properties such as transmittance and response time were significantly improved by employing the patterned FTO films as the transparent conductive oxide layer of the electrochromic electrode.

  10. One Film, or Many?: The Multiple Texts of the Colonial Korean Film "Volunteer"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaekil Seo


    Full Text Available Until recently, studies on films from colonial Korea in the Japanese empire had to rely primarily on secondary texts, such as memoirs, journal and newspaper articles, and film reviews. The recent discovery of original film texts from archives in Japan, China, Russia, and elsewhere and their availability on DVD format, prompted an important turning point in the scholarship. However, juxtaposing these newly released DVD versions with other archival sources exposes significant differences among the existing versions of texts. For instance, a newly discovered script reveals that important segments are missing in the recently released DVD version of the propaganda film "Volunteer." There also exist important discrepancies in the dialogue among the original film script, the actual film version, the synopsis, and the Japanese subtitles. Some of the Korean-language dialogue, which might be interpreted as exhibiting some ambivalence toward Japanese imperial policies, was completely silenced through strategic omissions in the Japanese-language subtitles targeting Japanese audiences. Some Japanese-language translations of the script also exhibit drastic changes from the original Korean-language dialogue. Piecing together such fragmented and fraught linguistic dissonance found in the colonial archives, we can conjecture that viewers from the colony and the metropole of "Volunteer" may have consumed very different versions of the film. This article aims to examine the significance of such dissonance, which has only recently become audible in so-called films of transcolonial coproduction.

  11. Plasma-polymerized SiOx deposition on polymer film surfaces for preparation of oxygen gas barrier polymeric films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inagaki, N.


    SiOx films were deposited on surfaces of three polymeric films, PET, PP, and Nylon; and their oxygen gas barrier properties were evaluated. To mitigate discrepancies between the deposited SiOx and polymer film, surface modification of polymer films was done, and how the surface modification could contribute to was discussed from the viewpoint of apparent activation energy for the permeation process. The SiOx deposition on the polymer film surfaces led to a large decrease in the oxygen permeation rate. Modification of polymer film surfaces by mans of the TMOS or Si-COOH coupling treatment in prior to the SiOx deposition was effective in decreasing the oxygen permeation rate. The cavity model is proposed as an oxygen permeation process through the SiOx-deposited Nylon film. From the proposed model, controlling the interface between the deposited SiOx film and the polymer film is emphasized to be a key factor to prepare SiOx-deposited polymer films with good oxygen gas barrier properties. (author)

  12. Film Editing Handbook; Technique of 16mm Film Cutting. (United States)

    Churchill, Hugh B.

    Designed to help the film student with the complexities of 16mm film cutting, this handbook catalogs the mechanical procedures of both picture and sound cutting and supplies step-by-step explanations of these procedures. Because the handbook was organized so that it could be used while working at the cutting bench, common cutting problems and…

  13. Volta tehas peitis saksa sõjavangide läkitust / Andri Maimets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maimets, Andri, 1979-


    Kunagise Volta suurtehase tsaariaegse peakontori remonditööde käigus tuli päevavalgele kaks ajaloolist kirja, millest vanema olid enam kui pool sajandit tagasi seina taha peitnud II maailmasõjas vangi langenud sakslased

  14. Ladina-Ameerika Juudas jääb edasi Colombia riigipeaks / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Colombias valiti presidendiks tagasi Alvaro Uribe, kes on edukalt võidelnud nii tavakuritegevuse kui ka uimastikaubanduse vastu, samuti on tal olnud edu vasakpoolsete partisanirühmituste tegevuse likvideerimisel või kontrollimisel. Lisa: Konservatiivide masendav üleolek

  15. MPs vote to investigate PM Brazauskas' family business / Milda Seputyte

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seputyte, Milda


    Leedu parlament hääletas uurimiskomisjoni loomise poolt, mis hakkab uurima peaminister Algirdas Brazauskase perekonna äritegevust. Peaminister on varem teatanud, et ei anna tunnistusi, kui selline komisjon luuakse ning võib isegi tagasi astuda

  16. Odna prostaja plastilinovaja skazka pro voronu / Nadezhda Guzheva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Guzheva, Nadezhda


    Kirjanik Eduard Uspenski meenutab, kuidas 26 aastat tagasi valmis NSV Liidus esimene plastiliinist nukkudega animafilm "Plastiliinist vares" ("Plastilinovaja vorona"), mille värsid tema kirjutas : režissöör Aleksandr Tatarski : helilooja Grigori Gladkov

  17. Geneetiliselt muundatud? / Epp Petrone

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Petrone, Epp, 1974-


    Ameerikas on geneetiliselt muundatud toitu kasvatatud 20 ja ulatuslikult toodetud kaheksa aastat, ning juba mõni aeg tagasi kadus kontroll selle üle, mis supermarketites müüdavast tavatoidust on GMO-vaba ja mis mitte

  18. Repliik / Ene Pajula

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pajula, Ene, 1950-


    Õpilaskodude foorumist ja õpilaskodudest, mis on loodud kodanikualgatuse korras ja nende inimeste tunnustamise vajadusest, tänu kellele meil on kakskümmend kaheksa õpilaskodu, kus elule tagasi võidetud saab nii mõnigi laps

  19. Bagatellid : maailm / Mirjam Tally

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tally, Mirjam, 1976-


    Lahkus Luciano Pavarotti. CD-plaat tähistas 25 aasta juubelit. Claudio Abbado on muusikamaailma suuremast saginast pisut tagasi tõmbunud. Robot mängib löökpille. Ooperikardinate taga: läbipõlenud lauljad

  20. Free-standing graphene films prepared via foam film method for great capacitive flexible supercapacitors (United States)

    Zhu, Yucan; Ye, Xingke; Tang, Zhonghua; Wan, Zhongquan; Jia, Chunyang


    Recently, graphene films have always attracted attention due to their excellent characteristics in energy storage. In this work, a novel graphene oxide (GO) film with excellent mechanical properties, whose thickness was regulated simply via changing the concentration of the surfactant, was successfully prepared by foam film method. After chemical reduction, the reduced GO (rGO) films have excellent electrical conductivity of ∼172 S cm-1. Moreover, the supercapacitors based on the rGO films exhibit satisfied capacitive performance of ∼56 mF cm-2 at 0.2 mA cm-2 in 6 M KOH aqueous solution. Meanwhile, the flexible all solid state supercapacitors (FSSCs) based on the rGO films also show great volumetric capacitance of ∼2810 mF cm-3 at 12 mA cm-3 (∼1607 mF cm-3 at 613 mA cm-3) with polyvinyl alcohol-KOH gel electrolyte. Besides, after 10000 cycles and continuously bent to 180° for 300 times, the volumetric capacitance of the FSSC remains at 81.4% and 90.4% of its initial capacitance value, respectively. Therefore, the free-standing rGO films prepared via foam film method could be considered as promising electrode materials for high performance flexible supercapacitors.

  1. Quantitative analysis of tear film fluorescence and discomfort during tear film instability and thinning. (United States)

    Begley, Carolyn; Simpson, Trefford; Liu, Haixia; Salvo, Eliza; Wu, Ziwei; Bradley, Arthur; Situ, Ping


    The purpose of this study was to test the association between tear film fluorescence changes during tear break-up (TBU) or thinning and the concurrent ocular sensory response. Sixteen subjects kept one eye open as long as possible (MBI), indicated their discomfort level continuously, and rated ocular sensations of irritation, stinging, burning, pricking, and cooling using visual analog scales (VAS). Fluorescence of the tear film was quantified by a pixel-based analysis of the median pixel intensity (PI), TBU, and percentage of dark pixels (DarkPix) over time. A cutoff of 5% TBU was used to divide subjects into either break-up (BU) or minimal break-up (BUmin) groups. Tear film fluorescence decreased (median PI) and the percentage of TBU and DarkPix increased in all trials, with the rate significantly greater in the BU than the BUmin group (Mann-Whitney U test, P film thinning best explains decreasing tear film fluorescence during trials. This was highly correlated with increasing ocular discomfort, suggesting that both tear film thinning and TBU stimulate underlying corneal nerves, although TBU produced more rapid stimulation. Slow increases in tear film hyperosmolarity may cause the gradual increase in discomfort during slow tear film thinning, whereas the sharp increases in discomfort during TBU suggest a more complex stimulus.




  3. Olympic Training Film Profiles. Volume III. (United States)


    Approximately 250 instructional films are described in Volume Three (1970-1971) of this review. After an introduction which considers film discussions from the instructor's point of view and offers some ideas for conducting a film showing and ordering the films, profiles of the films are presented grouped under such areas as management…

  4. Nopal cactus film (United States)

    Toxqui-López, S.; Olivares-Pérez, A.; Fuentes-Tapia, I.; Conde-Cuatzo, María. G.


    Nopal mucilage potentially has certain properties required for the preparation biofilms which can be used as holographic replication recording medium. In this study, mucilage from nopal was extracted and characterized by its ability to form films under different concentration with polyvinyl alcohol. The transmission holographic diffraction gratings (master) were replicated into nopal films. The results showed good diffraction efficiencies. Mucilage from nopal could represent a good option for the development of films to replication holographic, owing to; its low cost and its compatibility with the environmental.



    Wijaya, Haris


    The developing of film industry has brought us into a complexity of art and business. If the first movie audiences were delighted to see that it was possible to record a moving scene on film; today we debate the desirability behind every movie, rather than just the possibility of capturing an image. Film has already become entertainment tool and communication media with quite powerful effect to influence people at the early 20th century. The problem that happens now is there are not many wome...

  6. Gammel Sherlock Holmes-film fundet - igen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Palle Schantz


    Om genfunden af en forsvundet Sherlock Holmes-film fra 1911, produceret af Nordisk Films Kompagni......Om genfunden af en forsvundet Sherlock Holmes-film fra 1911, produceret af Nordisk Films Kompagni...

  7. Fiction Film Dialogue vs Documentary Film Dialogue: Genre Peculiarities of Translation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Вера Евгеньевна Горшкова


    Full Text Available The article gives an analysis of the film dialogue translation depending on the genre peculiarities of a spoken word medium, i. e. of a fiction film and of a documentary. The latter is traditionally disregarded by linguists and translators due to an established opinion that it lacks an overt literary aesthetic component. Thus it makes a documentary much easier to translate and its text gets closer to the information text the translation dominant of which is to render its information component. The article analyses an universal character of image-sense applied to different cinematographic genres. This thesis is demonstrated with examples from fiction and documentary film dialogues such as The Artist, Il y a longtemps que je t’aime, Espionne pendant la seconde guerre mondiale translated into French and Russian. It is highlighted that particular verbal components/utterances quite often get especially crucial in the context of the film dialogue increasing its poetic function and creating a complete image-sense. Such lexical units as personal pronouns «ты» and «вы» (you as the 2nd person singular in Russian and the 2nd person plural, respectively have no small share in the above process as their adequate translation contributes to the audience's integral perception of the film as an aesthetic phenomenon. It is postulated that a documentary that deals with «the creative elaboration of the reality» has a lot in common with a fiction film in the regard of its compliance with the director's intention, the presentation of the sequence of events and their respective interpretation in the film. In this regard the adequate rendering of the image-sense of a documentary is especially vital in the analysis of events separated in time. That supposition can be backed up by a translation project carried out on the material of the film dialogue translation of the documentary «Espionne pendant la seconde guerre mondiale» from French into Russian.

  8. A „Hybrid“ Thin-Film pH Sensor with Integrated Thick-Film Reference


    Simonis, Anette; Krings, Thomas; Lüth, Hans; Wang, Joseph; Schöning, Michael J.


    A reference electrode fabricated by means of thick-film technique is deposited onto a silicon substrate and combined with a thin-film pH sensor to a “hybrid†chip system. To evaluate the suitability of this combination, first investigations were carried out. The characteristics of the thin-film pH sensor were studied towards the thick-film Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Measurements were performed in the capacitance/voltage (C/V) and constant capacitance (Concap) mode for different pH ...

  9. Soap Films as 1D waveguides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emile Olivier


    Full Text Available Laser light is injected in a free standing horizontal draining soap film through the glass frame sustaining the film. Two propagation regimes are clearly identified depending on the film thickness. At the beginning of the drainage, the soap film behaves as a multimode-one dimensional optofiuidic waveguide. In particular, we observe that the injected light creates a bottleneck in the film and part of the injected light is refracted leading to whiskers. At the end of the drainage where the film thickness is below 1μm, there is a strong selection among the various possible optical modes in the film, and part of the light is defiected. This leads to a self selection of the mode propagation inside the film.

  10. Thermogravimetric analysis of fuel film evaporation

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    HU Zongjie; LI Liguang; YU Shui


    Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was compared with the petrochemical distillation measurement method to better understand the characteristics of fuel film evaporation at different wall tem- peratures. The film evaporation characteristics of 90# gasoline, 93# gasoline and 0# diesel with different initial thicknesses were investigated at different environmental fluxes and heating rates. The influences of heating rate, film thickness and environmental flux on fuel film evaporation for these fuels were found. The results showed that the environmental conditions in TGA were similar to those for fuel films in the internal combustion engines, so data from TGA were suitable for the analysis of fuel film evaporation. TGA could simulate the key influencing factors for fuel film evaporation and could investigate the basic quantificational effect of heating rate and film thickness. To get a rapid and sufficient fuel film evaporation, sufficiently high wall temperature is necessary. Evaporation time decreases at a high heating rate and thin film thickness, and intense gas flow is important to promoting fuel film evaporation. Data from TGA at a heating rate of 100℃/min are fit to analyze the diesel film evaporation during cold-start and warming-up. Due to the tense molecular interactions, the evaporation sequence could not be strictly divided according to the boiling points of each component for multicomponent dissolved mixture during the quick evaporation process, and the heavier components could vaporize before reaching their boiling points. The 0# diesel film would fully evaporate when the wall temperature is beyond 250℃.

  11. The comparative evaluation of film-screen combinations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Gyung Ja; Choi, Syng Kyu


    This study was to compare the quality of image by different screen and film combinations. Using the sensitometer measured the speed and average gradient of blue sensitive films and orthochromatic films. The films was combined with rare earth screen LR, Lm, LF and conventional screen OM, OH, XOR, OKa and exposed the stepwedge to impulse 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 15, 24, 38, 60 and measured the density. The following results were obtained: 1. The density of film and film-screen combinations showed significant difference, then in film-screen combinations was significantly different by the screens than films. 2. The speed of blue sensitive films was little different, the TMG of orthochromatic films producted high speed, and the AX films was high average gradient. 3. The relative speed of film-screen combinations showed significant difference, and was high in the OKa of the conventional screens and in the LR of the rare earth screens, especially that of LR screen in the combination with blue sensitive films was high. 4. The average gradient of film-screen combinations showed no significant difference, and was high in the OKa screen and LR/OG combination, and that of OKa/AX combination was highest. 5. The latitude of film-screen combinations showed significant difference by screens, and was high in the LM screen in combination with blue sensitive films and in the OM screen in combination with orthochromatic films. 6. The subject contrast of film-screen combinations showed significant difference by screen, and was high in the LR screen in combination with blue sensitive AX film and orthochromatic TMG film.

  12. Glimmering Utopias: 50 Years of African Film Flimmernde Utopien: 50 Jahre afrikanischer Film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cassis Kilian


    Full Text Available The history of African film began in the 1960s with the independence of the colonies. Despite all kinds of political and economic difficulties, numerous films have been made since then, featuring wide-ranging processes of consolidation, differentiation and transformation which were characteristic of post-colonial sub-Saharan Africa. However, these feature films should not merely be viewed as back references to specifically African problems. The glimmering fictions are imagination spaces. They preserve ideas about how the post-colonial circumstances should be approached. Seen from this perspective, the history of African film may be studied as a history of African utopias. Die Geschichte des afrikanischen Films begann mit der Unabhängigkeit in den 1960er Jahren. Seitdem sind trotz aller politischen und ökonomischen Probleme zahlreiche Filme entstanden. Sie geben umfassende Konsolidierungs-, Differenzierungs- und Transformationsprozesse wieder, die für das postkoloniale subsaharische Afrika charakteristisch waren. Die Spielfilme sollten allerdings nicht nur als Rückschau auf spezifische Probleme Afrikas interpretiert werden. Diese flimmernden Phantasien stellen Imaginationsräume dar; in ihnen sind Ideen enthalten, wie den Bedingungen der postkolonialen Gesellschaften begegnet werden könnte. Aus dieser Sicht heraus könnte die Geschichte des afrikanischen Films auch als Geschichte afrikanischer Utopien erforscht werden.

  13. Discovery in Film, Book Two. (United States)

    Gordon, Malcolm W.

    Approximately 80 16 millimeter (16mm) short films are reviewed in this introduction and guide which attempts to be comprehensive in touching the major areas and styles of 16mm films now being produced. An attempt is made to describe as carefully as possible the style and content of each film and suggest ways in which the films might be used. Films…

  14. TeliaSonera tahab Balti riikides enamusosalust / Annika Matson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matson, Annika, 1976-


    Hollandi investeerimispanga ING analüüsist Eesti Telekom AS-i kohta ja TeliaSonera strateegilisest eesmärgist saada enda valdusesse enamusosalus kõigis Balti riikide telekomiettevõtetes. Diagramm: TeliaSoneral on enamusosalus hetkel vaid Leedu Telekomis

  15. Terve Maa uueks loomine / Mark Williams

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Williams, Mark


    Rohelise liikumise asutaja Stewart Brandi hinnangutest kliimamuutustele, tuumaenergeetikale jt rohelise mõtteviisiga seotud mõistetele. S. Brandi arvates tuleb kriitiliselt hinnata vasakpoolsete roheliste arusaami ning aru saada, et ökoloogiliste muutuste puhul tuleb muuta ka kindlakskujunenud mõttestampe

  16. Alcohol producers battle illegal market and shadow economy / Alina Lisina

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lisina, Alina


    Läti alkoholimüük on vähenenud ja selle põhjuseks võib olla salaalkoholi tarbimine. Läti valitsus alandab aktisiimaksu, et vähendada salaalkoholi tarbimist ja saada riigieelarvesse lisaraha. Alkoholitootja Latvijas Balzams majandustulemustest

  17. Uudised : Viis ameerika tipporkestrit Kölnis. Schuberti konkurss Grazis. "Kreeka passioon" Londonis. Riccardo Muti tuleb New Yorki? / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Kölni uue muusika triennaalist, sealsetest esinejatest. IV rahvusvahelisest konkursist "Franz Schubert und die Musik der Moderne". B. Martinu ooperi "Kreeka passioon" esietendusest Londoni Kuninglikus Ooperis. R. Mutist võib aastal 2002 saada New Yorgi Filharmoonia Orkestri peadirigent

  18. Naiste staatus meie meeles ja igapäevases keeles / Ülle-Marike Papp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Papp, Ülle-Marike


    Autor leiab, et inimõiguste sisu on viimase 50 aasta jooksul muutunud ja meie noorel ühiskonnal on raske aru saada, et eksisteerivad naiste inimõigused, mida järjekindlalt rikutakse patriarhaalse ühiskonnakorralduse, mitte konkreetsete meeste poolt

  19. Lahtimuukimata tume energia / Dennis Overbye

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Overbye, Dennis


    Salapärase tumeda energia avastamisest on möödas kümme aastat, ent teadmatus, millega on tegu ja kuidas seda üldse teada võiks saada, ajab teadlased endiselt meeleheitele. Lisaks joonis: Laiali kihutavad galaktikad

  20. TiVo heitlus elu pärast / John Gartner ; tõlk. Peeter Peetersoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gartner, John


    Peale interaktiivse salvestusseadme TiVo turuletulekut 1997. aastal ei ole ettevõte vaatamate toote headusele suutnud saavutada ootuspäraseid müügitulemusi ega saada suurt kasumit. Artiklis tutvustatakse ettevõtte heitlusi partnerite otsinguil ja edu saavutamisel

  1. Juhi eetiliste otsuste mõju organisatsiooni töötajate käitumisele / Virve Siirde

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Siirde, Virve


    Bibliogr. lk. 110. - Kokkuvõte ingl. k. lk. 110. Organisatsiooni juhid loovad oma eetiliste otsuste põhjal tingimused, mis aitavad töötajatel aru saada eetilistest väärtustest ning kujundada õiget, oodatavat käitumist

  2. Dosimetric characterization of GafChromic EBT film and its implication on film dosimetry quality assurance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuss, Martina; Sturtewagen, Eva; Wagter, Carlos De; Georg, Dietmar


    The suitability of radiochromic EBT film was studied for high-precision clinical quality assurance (QA) by identifying the dose response for a wide range of irradiation parameters typically modified in highly-conformal treatment techniques. In addition, uncertainties associated with varying irradiation conditions were determined. EBT can be used for dose assessment of absorbed dose levels as well as relative dosimetry when compared to absolute absorbed dose calibrated using ionization chamber results. For comparison, a silver halide film (Kodak EDR-2) representing the current standard in film dosimetry was included. As an initial step a measurement protocol yielding accurate and precise results was established for a flatbed transparency scanner (Epson Expression 1680 Pro) that was utilized as a film reading instrument. The light transmission measured by the scanner was found to depend on the position of the film on the scanner plate. For three film pieces irradiated with doses of 0 Gy, ∼1 Gy and ∼7 Gy, the pixel values measured in portrait or landscape mode differed by 4.7%, 6.2% and 10.0%, respectively. A study of 200 film pieces revealed an excellent sheet-to-sheet uniformity. On a long time scale, the optical development of irradiated EBT film consisted of a slow but steady increase of absorbance which was not observed to cease during 4 months. Sensitometric curves of EBT films obtained under reference conditions (SSD = 95 cm, FS = 5 x 5 cm 2 , d = 5 cm) for 6, 10 and 25 MV photon beams did not show any energy dependence. The average separation between all curves was only 0.7%. The variation of the depth d (range 2-25 cm) in the phantom did not affect the dose response of EBT film. Also the influence of the radiation field size (range 3 x 3-40 x 40 cm 2 ) on the sensitometric curve was not significant. For EDR-2 films maximum differences between the calibration curves reached 7-8% for X6MV and X25MV. Radiochromic EBT film, in combination with a flatbed

  3. Morphological Influence of Solution-Processed Zinc Oxide Films on Electrical Characteristics of Thin-Film Transistors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hyeonju Lee


    Full Text Available We report on the morphological influence of solution-processed zinc oxide (ZnO semiconductor films on the electrical characteristics of ZnO thin-film transistors (TFTs. Different film morphologies were produced by controlling the spin-coating condition of a precursor solution, and the ZnO films were analyzed using atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, and Hall measurement. It is shown that ZnO TFTs have a superior performance in terms of the threshold voltage and field-effect mobility, when ZnO crystallites are more densely packed in the film. This is attributed to lower electrical resistivity and higher Hall mobility in a densely packed ZnO film. In the results of consecutive TFT operations, a positive shift in the threshold voltage occurred irrespective of the film morphology, but the morphological influence on the variation in the field-effect mobility was evident. The field-effect mobility in TFTs having a densely packed ZnO film increased continuously during consecutive TFT operations, which is in contrast to the mobility decrease observed in the less packed case. An analysis of the field-effect conductivities ascribes these results to the difference in energetic traps, which originate from structural defects in the ZnO films. Consequently, the morphological influence of solution-processed ZnO films on the TFT performance can be understood through the packing property of ZnO crystallites.

  4. Silent Film in the German Classroom. (United States)

    Caldwell, David

    In addition to using films in the German classroom to introduce students to German culture and history, it is important to show and study the film as film. This procedure emphasizes the importance of the film as a part of creative arts in Germany and demands student participation in observation and discussion. Many German silent films are…

  5. Direct-current substrate bias effects on amorphous silicon sputter-deposited films for thin film transistor fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jun, Seung-Ik; Rack, Philip D.; McKnight, Timothy E.; Melechko, Anatoli V.; Simpson, Michael L.


    The effect that direct current (dc) substrate bias has on radio frequency-sputter-deposited amorphous silicon (a-Si) films has been investigated. The substrate bias produces a denser a-Si film with fewer defects compared to unbiased films. The reduced number of defects results in a higher resistivity because defect-mediated conduction paths are reduced. Thin film transistors (TFTs) that were completely sputter deposited were fabricated and characterized. The TFT with the biased a-Si film showed lower leakage (off-state) current, higher on/off current ratio, and higher transconductance (field effect mobility) than the TFT with the unbiased a-Si film

  6. Magnetic anisotropies in SmCo thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, K.


    A systemic study of the deposition processes and magnetic properties for the Sm-Co film system has been carried out. Films of Sm-Co system with various magnetic anisotropies have been synthesized through sputter deposition in both crystalline and amorphous phases. The origins of various anisotropies have been studied. Thermalized sputter deposition process control was used to synthesize Fe enriched Sm-Co films with rhombohedral Th 2 Zn 17 type structure. The film exhibited unusually strong textures with the crystallographic c axes of the crystallites aligned in the film plane. A large anisotropy was resulted with easy axis in the film plane. A well defined and large in-the-film-plane anisotropy of exceptionally high value of 3.3 x 10 6 erg/cm 3 has been obtained in the amorphous SmCo films by applying a magnetic field in the film plane during deposition. It was found that the in-the-film-plane anisotropy depended essentially on the applied field and Sm concentration. For films not synthesized through thermallized sputtering, the easy axis of the film could reoriented. A perpendicular anisotropy was also presented in the film synthesized through thermallized sputtering deposition. A large in-plane anisotropy was obtained in films deposited above ambient temperatures. It was concluded that the surface induced short range ordering was the origin of the in-the-film-phase anisotropy observed in amorphous film deposited in the presence of a magnetic field. The formation mechanism was different from that of the short range ordering induced by field annealing. The perpendicular anisotropy was shown to be growth induced. Large in-plane anisotropy in amorphous films was resulted form partial crystallization in the film. Both the formation of growth induced structure and partial crystallization in the film prevented the formation of the pair ordering and decreased in-the-film-plane anisotropy

  7. Intermetallic semiconducting films

    CERN Document Server

    Wieder, H H


    Intermetallic Semiconducting Films introduces the physics and technology of AшВv compound films. This material is a type of a polycrystalline semiconductor that is used for galvanomagnetic device applications. Such material has a high electron mobility that is ideal for generators and magnetoresistors. The book discusses the available references on the preparation and identification of the material. An assessment of its device applications and other possible use is also enumerated. The book describes the structures and physical parts of different films. A section of the book covers the three t

  8. X-ray film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arndt, U.W.; Gilmore, D.J.; Wonacott, A.J.


    The performance of film as an X-ray detector is discussed and its behaviour is compared with that of a perfect Poissonian detector. The efficiency of microdensitometry as a method of extracting the information recorded on the film is discussed. More emphasis is placed in the precision of microdensitometric measurements than on the more obvious characteristic of film speed. The effects of chemical fog and background on the precision of the measurements is considered and it is concluded that the final limit to precision is set by the chemical fog. (B.D.)

  9. Radiation grafting on natural films (United States)

    Lacroix, M.; Khan, R.; Senna, M.; Sharmin, N.; Salmieri, S.; Safrany, A.


    Different methods of polymer grafting using gamma irradiation are reported in the present study for the preparation of newly functionalized biodegradable films, and some important properties related to their mechanical and barrier properties are described. Biodegradable films composed of zein and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) were gamma-irradiated in presence of different ratios of acrylic acid (AAc) monomer for compatibilization purpose. Resulting grafted films (zein/PVA-g-AAc) had their puncture strength (PS=37-40 N mm-1) and puncture deformation (PD=6.5-9.8 mm) improved for 30% and 50% PVA in blend, with 5% AAc under 20 kGy. Methylcellulose (MC)-based films were irradiated in the presence of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) or silane, in order to determine the effect of monomer grafting on the mechanical properties of films. It was found that grafted films (MC-g-HEMA and MC-g-silane) using 35% monomer performed higher mechanical properties with PS values of 282-296 N mm-1 and PD of 5.0-5.5 mm under 10 kGy. Compatibilized polycaprolactone (PCL)/chitosan composites were developed via grafting silane in chitosan films. Resulting trilayer grafted composite film (PCL/chitosan-g-silane/PCL) presented superior tensile strength (TS=22 MPa) via possible improvement of interfacial adhesion (PCL/chitosan) when using 25% silane under 10 kGy. Finally, MC-based films containing crystalline nanocellulose (CNC) as a filling agent were prepared and irradiated in presence of trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TMPTMA) as a grafted plasticizer. Grafted films (MC-g-TMPTMA) presented superior mechanical properties with a TS of 47.9 MPa and a tensile modulus (TM) of 1792 MPa, possibly due to high yield formation of radicals to promote TMPTMA grafting during irradiation. The addition of CNC led to an additional improvement of the barrier properties, with a significant 25% reduction of water vapor permeability (WVP) of grafted films.

  10. Neftetranzit vozvrashtshajetsja / Viktoria Jürmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jürmann, Viktoria


    Moscow Timesi teatel tühistas kontsern Rossiiskije zheleznõje dorogi Eesti-suunalise naftatoodete veo piirangud. Eesti Raudtee andmeil on vedude maht 35% väiksem kui aasta tagasi, Venemaa eitab poliitilist tegurit naftavedude vähenemises

  11. Enneolematud ja pärasttulematud indiviidid / Tiiu Leis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leis, Tiiu


    Chaplini kunstikeskuses ja Pärnu mudaravilas avatud autopotreede näitusest 'Ma tunnen end paremini', lähemalt Ene-Liis Semperi videointallatsioonist 'Edasi-tagasi', John Coplansi, Pedro da Cruzi ja Kärt Putki töödest

  12. Tõnu Anton kahtlustab linnaisasid omakasu jahtimises / Tõnu Anton, Andres Kõiv, Ando Hagel ; interv. Ulis Guth

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anton, Tõnu, 1942-


    Võru linnavolikogu opositsiooni kuuluv keskerakondlane Tõnu Anton kritiseerib sotsiaalabitalituse ruumide remondirahade kasutamist ja kahtlustab linnavalitsust riigihangete käigus raha kõrvaldamises. Linnapea Ando Hagel ja abilinnapea Andres Kõiv lükkavad süüdistused tagasi

  13. Norra teadlane: "Breiviki tegu on erakordne, kuid ideed mitte." / Lars Gule ; intervjueerinud Krister Kivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gule, Lars


    Intervjuu Oslo Ülikooli teaduri, äärmuslusküsimuste eksperdiga äärmuslusest Norras, debatist Anders Behring Breivikiga Internetis, Breiviki manifestist ja massimõrvast, teaduri suhtumisest islamisse ja mitmekultuurilisusesse ning tema seotusest terrorismiga 34 aastat tagasi

  14. USA juhtivpoliitik sai süüdistuse pettuses / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA Kongressi vabariiklaste juht Tom DeLay astus ametist tagasi, kuna Texase osariigi Travise maakonna kohus esitas talle süüdistuse seotuse eest Texase valimiskampaania rahastamisskeemiga. Esindajatekoja uueks vabariiklaste juhiks sai Missouri osariigi kongresmen Roy Blunt

  15. Muusikakirjastus "edition 49" - edukas Saksa-Eesti ühisfirma : Mozarti aasta omanäoline tähistamine / Meeli Bagger

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bagger, Meeli, 1958-


    1992. aastal asutatud muusikakirjastus vaatab tagasi tehtud tööle. Mandoliinimängija Detlef Tewes ja kitarrist Boris Björn Bagger töötlesid Mozarti teoseid mandoliinile ja kitarrile ning salvestasid selle CD-le

  16. Lennart Meri turns down Rüütel's invitation

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ekspresident Lennart Meri lükkas tagasi president Arnold Rüütli kutse osaleda taasiseseisvumispäeva pidulikel üritustel, selgitades oma kirjas, et on alati olnud selle tähtpäeva tähistamise vastu

  17. Päev, mil muutus maailm / Paul A. Goble

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Goble, Paul Alan, 1949-


    Autor analüüsib terrorirünnakute toimepanekut viis aastat tagasi USA-s. Tema hinnangul olid need geniaalselt kavandatud, kuid bin Laden ei saavutanud nendega nii kiiret mõju, kui oli lootnud. Bin Ladeni kolm eksimust

  18. Kolm aastat koostööd / Liina Sobak, Marta Makarevitš

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sobak, Liina


    Kolm aastat tagasi käivitatud Jõgeva Ühisgümnaasiumi, Saksamaa Landsbergi Gümnaasiumi ja Soome Valkeala Gümnaasiumi Euroopa Liidu haridusprogrammi Socrates koolide koostööle suunatud allprogrammist Comenius rahastatavast kolmeaastasest keskkonnaprojektist "Elav vesi"

  19. Ion beam assisted film growth

    CERN Document Server

    Itoh, T


    This volume provides up to date information on the experimental, theoretical and technological aspects of film growth assisted by ion beams.Ion beam assisted film growth is one of the most effective techniques in aiding the growth of high-quality thin solid films in a controlled way. Moreover, ion beams play a dominant role in the reduction of the growth temperature of thin films of high melting point materials. In this way, ion beams make a considerable and complex contribution to film growth. The volume will be essential reading for scientists, engineers and students working in thi

  20. Teaching Culture Through Films

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Cultural teaching is an issue which is associated with complexity and paradox and also it is a big challenge for faculty. Teaching culture through films has become an important way of cross-cultural teaching This paper focuses on the reasons for teaching culture through films, the value and how it works. And finally it leads out the prospects of cultural teaching through films.

  1. "Koolitants" kutsub noori ka sel hooajal / Liisi Seil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seil, Liisi, 1971-


    Festival "Koolitants", mille tänavune moto on "Tants toob naeru näole!", püüab sel aastal hakkama saada kolmandiku võrra väiksema eelarvega. Kokkuhoiu mõttes jäetakse ära piirkondlikud voorud

  2. Mis on Eesti hariduse eesmärk? / Enn Vatter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vatter, Enn


    Autori arvates ei suudeta valimiseelsetes vaidlustes kokku leppida eelistusis hariduselus. Autor küsib, mis kooli- ja haridustemaatikas peaeesmärk ning mis on alameesmärgid, mis enne peaeesmärgi saavutamist on vaja kätte saada

  3. Süüdistus Sifi firma vastu / Inge Rumessen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rumessen, Inge


    Endel Sifi firmat OÜ Rasmusson süüdistatakse omavolilistes ehitus- ja lammutustöödes Bekkeri sadamas. AS Balti Baas ja OÜ Rasmusson vahelise tüli kronoloogia. E. Siff ja Vene naftagigant Onako soovivad saada sadama omanikuks

  4. Ion beam-based characterization of multicomponent oxide thin films and thin film layered structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krauss, A.R.; Rangaswamy, M.; Lin, Yuping; Gruen, D.M.; Schultz, J.A.; Schmidt, H.K.; Chang, R.P.H.


    Fabrication of thin film layered structures of multi-component materials such as high temperature superconductors, ferroelectric and electro-optic materials, and alloy semiconductors, and the development of hybrid materials requires understanding of film growth and interface properties. For High Temperature Superconductors, the superconducting coherence length is extremely short (5--15 Angstrom), and fabrication of reliable devices will require control of film properties at extremely sharp interfaces; it will be necessary to verify the integrity of thin layers and layered structure devices over thicknesses comparable to the atomic layer spacing. Analytical techniques which probe the first 1--2 atomic layers are therefore necessary for in-situ characterization of relevant thin film growth processes. However, most surface-analytical techniques are sensitive to a region within 10--40 Angstrom of the surface and are physically incompatible with thin film deposition and are typically restricted to ultra high vacuum conditions. A review of ion beam-based analytical methods for the characterization of thin film and multi-layered thin film structures incorporating layers of multicomponent oxides is presented. Particular attention will be paid to the use of time-of-flight techniques based on the use of 1- 15 key ion beams which show potential for use as nondestructive, real-time, in-situ surface diagnostics for the growth of multicomponent metal and metal oxide thin films

  5. NMR characterization of thin films (United States)

    Gerald II, Rex E.; Klingler, Robert J.; Rathke, Jerome W.; Diaz, Rocio; Vukovic, Lela


    A method, apparatus, and system for characterizing thin film materials. The method, apparatus, and system includes a container for receiving a starting material, applying a gravitational force, a magnetic force, and an electric force or combinations thereof to at least the starting material, forming a thin film material, sensing an NMR signal from the thin film material and analyzing the NMR signal to characterize the thin film of material.

  6. NMR characterization of thin films (United States)

    Gerald, II, Rex E.; Klingler, Robert J.; Rathke, Jerome W.; Diaz, Rocio; Vukovic, Lela


    A method, apparatus, and system for characterizing thin film materials. The method, apparatus, and system includes a container for receiving a starting material, applying a gravitational force, a magnetic force, and an electric force or combinations thereof to at least the starting material, forming a thin film material, sensing an NMR signal from the thin film material and analyzing the NMR signal to characterize the thin film of material.

  7. Surface Modification of Solution-Processed ZrO2 Films through Double Coating for Pentacene Thin-Film Transistors (United States)

    Kwon, Jin-Hyuk; Bae, Jin-Hyuk; Lee, Hyeonju; Park, Jaehoon


    We report the modification of surface properties of solution-processed zirconium oxide (ZrO2) dielectric films achieved by using double-coating process. It is proven that the surface properties of the ZrO2 film are modified through the double-coating process; the surface roughness decreases and the surface energy increases. The present surface modification of the ZrO2 film contributes to an increase in grain size of the pentacene film, thereby increasing the field-effect mobility and decreasing the threshold voltage of the pentacene thin-film transistors (TFTs) having the ZrO2 gate dielectric. Herein, the molecular orientation of pentacene film is also studied based on the results of contact angle and X-ray diffraction measurements. Pentacene molecules on the double-coated ZrO2 film are found to be more tilted than those on the single-coated ZrO2 film, which is attributed to the surface modification of the ZrO2 film. However, no significant differences are observed in insulating properties between the single-and the double-coated ZrO2 dielectric films. Consequently, the characteristic improvements of the pentacene TFTs with the double-coated ZrO2 gate dielectric film can be understood through the increase in pentacene grain size and the reduction in grain boundary density.

  8. Music as word: Film music - superlibretto?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ćirić Marija


    Full Text Available The aim of his paper is to prove that film music can be understood as authentic narrative force: film music as word / discourse and its superlibretto status. Superlibretto is the status of music in a film which is constructing its own (aural reality and is narrating, speaking its own text which creates a wholesome film meaning. The existence of superlibretto is substantiated by fundamental theoretic concepts of film music and practically proven by analyses of examples taken from the opus of Serbian film composer Zoran Simjanović.

  9. Selective inorganic thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Phillips, M.L.F.; Weisenbach, L.A.; Anderson, M.T. [Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (United States)] [and others


    This project is developing inorganic thin films as membranes for gas separation applications, and as discriminating coatings for liquid-phase chemical sensors. Our goal is to synthesize these coatings with tailored porosity and surface chemistry on porous substrates and on acoustic and optical sensors. Molecular sieve films offer the possibility of performing separations involving hydrogen, air, and natural gas constituents at elevated temperatures with very high separation factors. We are focusing on improving permeability and molecular sieve properties of crystalline zeolitic membranes made by hydrothermally reacting layered multicomponent sol-gel films deposited on mesoporous substrates. We also used acoustic plate mode (APM) oscillator and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor elements as substrates for sol-gel films, and have both used these modified sensors to determine physical properties of the films and have determined the sensitivity and selectivity of these sensors to aqueous chemical species.

  10. Conceiving Landscape through Film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farsø, Mads; Munck Petersen, Rikke


    This article shows how the media of film can be integrated, explored and can add value to architectural design studios and practice. It elucidates how film may offer an alternative position in architecture, where landscapes and cities are thought, planned and developed in closer relation...... to their spatial and sensory effects on humans. It underscores that the film camera can work as a kind of amplifier of how we, with our bodies, perceive space and project space. In the “Landscape Film” Studio at University of Copenhagen the film medium was tested as a combined registration and design tool...... for a new Nature Park south of Copenhagen. The final studio films and designs show how resonate recordings of sound, time and a bodily presence may simulate an Einfühling that inspires an alternative architecture of relations: the ambient, the changeable and the volatile. They also emphasize that an ability...

  11. The Possibility of Film Criticism. (United States)

    Poague, Leland; Cadbury, William


    Examines the role of critical language in film criticism. Compares and contrasts Monroe Beardsley's philosophy on film aesthetics with the New Criticism. Outlines some of the contributions Beardsley has made to the study of film criticism. (KM)

  12. Application of a tablet film coating model to define a process-imposed transition boundary for robust film coating. (United States)

    van den Ban, Sander; Pitt, Kendal G; Whiteman, Marshall


    A scientific understanding of interaction of product, film coat, film coating process, and equipment is important to enable design and operation of industrial scale pharmaceutical film coating processes that are robust and provide the level of control required to consistently deliver quality film coated product. Thermodynamic film coating conditions provided in the tablet film coating process impact film coat formation and subsequent product quality. A thermodynamic film coating model was used to evaluate film coating process performance over a wide range of film coating equipment from pilot to industrial scale (2.5-400 kg). An approximate process-imposed transition boundary, from operating in a dry to a wet environment, was derived, for relative humidity and exhaust temperature, and used to understand the impact of the film coating process on product formulation and process control requirements. This approximate transition boundary may aid in an enhanced understanding of risk to product quality, application of modern Quality by Design (QbD) based product development, technology transfer and scale-up, and support the science-based justification of critical process parameters (CPPs).

  13. Surface Properties of a Novel Poly(vinyl alcohol Film Prepared by Heterogeneous Saponification of Poly(vinyl acetate Film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seong Baek Yang


    Full Text Available Almost general poly(vinyl alcohol (PVA films were prepared by the processing of a PVA solution. For the first time, a novel poly(vinyl alcohol (PVA film was prepared by the saponification of a poly(vinyl acetate (PVAc film in a heterogenous medium. Under the same saponification conditions, the influence of saponification time on the degree of saponification (DS was studied for the preparation of the saponified PVA film, and it was found that the DS varied with time. Optical microscopy was used to confirm the characteristics and surface morphology of the saponified PVA film, revealing unusual black globules in the film structure. The contact angle of the films was measured to study the surface properties, and the results showed that the saponified PVA film had a higher contact angle than the general PVA film. To confirm the transformation of the PVAc film to the PVA film, 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction measurements, differential scanning calorimetry, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy were employed.

  14. Electrical initiation of an energetic nanolaminate film (United States)

    Tringe, Joseph W.; Gash, Alexander E.; Barbee, Jr., Troy W.


    A heating apparatus comprising an energetic nanolaminate film that produces heat when initiated, a power source that provides an electric current, and a control that initiates the energetic nanolaminate film by directing the electric current to the energetic nanolaminate film and joule heating the energetic nanolaminate film to an initiation temperature. Also a method of heating comprising providing an energetic nanolaminate film that produces heat when initiated, and initiating the energetic nanolaminate film by directing an electric current to the energetic nanolaminate film and joule heating the energetic nanolaminate film to an initiation temperature.

  15. Plagiaatorist Saksa minister andis alla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Saksamaa kaitseminister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg astus plagiaadiskandaali tõttu tagasi. Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg on veebilehe GutenPlag Wikia andmetel pea sõna-sõnalt ilma viitamata teistelt autoritelt maha kirjutanud viiendiku oma doktoritööst

  16. Sama vana rumalus / John Kay ; tõlk. Erik Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kay, John


    Autor meenutab juhtumit Inglise legendaarse Lloyd'siga paarkümmend aastat tagasi, kui Lloydsi sündikaatide üksteiselt edasikindlustuse ostmine viis selle kindlustusturu peaaegu kokkuvarisemiseni. Ta leiab, et uue aastatuhande struktureeritud laenuturud on korranud Lloyd'si juhtumit

  17. Riik võib esitada Eesti Raudteele kahjunõude / Mirko Ojakivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojakivi, Mirko


    Valitsus pidi 2005. aastal tagastama 60% PHARE abist, mis oli ette nähtud Tapa ümbruse raudtee kordategemiseks. Tõenäoliselt nõutakse summa tagasi Eesti Raudteelt. Eesti Raudtee selgitus. Lisa: Rööbaste mahapanek ja audit

  18. Venemaa ahvatleb ja hirmutab juustutootjaid / Katre Pilvinski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pilvinski, Katre


    Estoveri tütarettevõte Põltsamaa Meierei Juustutööstus saatis Venemaale esimese koorma juustu suurjaemüügiketile Lenta. Teised juustutootjad on Venemaa-ekspordi kasvatamisel poliitiliste riskide tõttu ettevaatlikud. Vt. samas: Eksporditoetus kadus aasta tagasi

  19. Suigu lapsed poseerivad Inglismaa pereajakirjas / Veste Roosaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roosaar, Veste, 1960-


    Inglismaal Bornemouthi kunstiinstituudi lõpetanud fotograaf Katrina Tang tegi koos stilisti Natalie Chestermaniga pildiseeria "Tagasi kooli", mis tutvustas Inglismaa moodi eesti laste seljas. Tang pildistas Suigu lapsi, kellede pilte võib näha Inglismaa ajakirja Junior septembrinumbris

  20. Bagatellid : Maailm / Nele-Eva Steinfeld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinfeld, Nele-Eva


    Muusikasõnumeid maailmast: Grammy auhindadest klassikalise muusika valdkonnas. Sony plaadifirmal kaks uut artisti - pianistid Lang Lang ja Simone Dinnerstein. Skandaal Salzburgi Lihavõttefestivali ümber. Yundi salvestab Chopini sooloteosed. Tenor Rolando Villazon sai hääle tagasi

  1. Paldiski sadam viis Onistari omanikud tülli / Sirje Niitra

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niitra, Sirje, 1948-


    Paldiski Sadamate AS-ist 51% omav offshore-firma Tintrade Ltd andis kohtusse pankrotiavalduse Onistari vastu, nõudes tagasi alkoholitehasesse investeeritud 42,5 mln krooni. Vt. samas: Peeter Raidla. Tintrade'i taga peitub kolm kütuseärimeest

  2. Täna kell 19.30 avatakse reisisadama endises politseimajas...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ranna-ala arenguvõimalusi tutvustav näitus "Tagasi mere juurde. Mereõhk teeb vabaks", linnadevahelise projekti "Grands Travaux" osa. Väljapaneku on koostanud Tallinna linnavalitsusse ja AS Tallinna Sadam tellimusel disainibüroo ZiZi & YoYo

  3. Reipus, rõõm ...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    rõõmu ja reipust oli täis York University Burton auditoorium 12. mail, kui 27 aastat tagasi Siina Kasekambi ja Annely Riga asutatud rütmilise võimlemise klubi RITMIKA oma traditsioonilise kevadesinemisega üles astus

  4. Eesti kultuur XXI sajandi künnisel / Rein Veidemann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veidemann, Rein, 1946-


    Eesti kultuuri käsitlemisest tekstina, eesti kultuurist üldisemalt 20. saj. lõpus ja 21. saj. alguses. Sisaldab Hando Runneli luuletust "Ei taha mina tagasi ei tea mis kuldseid aegu..." ja Paul-Eerik Rummo luuletust "Con affetto"

  5. Radiochromic film and polarization effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, P.K.N.; Cheung, T.; Butson, M.J.; Cancer Services, Wollongong, NSW; Inwood, D.


    Full text: A new high sensitivity radiochromic film has been tested for its polarization properties. Gafchromic HS film has been shown to produce a relatively small (less than 3%) variation in measured optical density measured at 660nm wavelength when the light source is fully linear polarized and the film is rotated through 360 deg angle. Similar variations are seen when the detector is linearly polarized. If both light source and detector is linearly polarised variations in measured optical density can reach 15% when the film is rotated through 360 deg angle. This seems to be due to a phase shift in polarised light caused by the radiochromic film resulting in the polarised light source becoming out of phase with the polarised detector. Gafchromic HS radiochromic film produces a minimal polarization response with varying angle of rotation however we recommend that a polarization test be performed on a densitometry system to establish the extent of its polarization properties before accuracy dosimetry is performed with radiochromic HS film. Copyright (2004) Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine

  6. Den danske independent film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    at producere film, og derved er filmproduktion potentielt gjort tilgængelig for en større gruppe personer som både afsender og modtager. For det fjerde implicerer diskussionen af de to film også genre- og stilmæssige spørgsmål om dansk filmkultur, fordi indiefilmen både i film og uden for filmene italesætter...

  7. Introduction to Film Making. (United States)

    Davis, Robert E.

    This booklet is intended for teachers who are now teaching units in film production as part of a program in communication or who wish to begin work with filmmaking in such a program. The first section is intended to serve as a brief introduction to film theory, while a major portion of the rest of the booklet is devoted to film projects which may…

  8. Renaissance of the Film. (United States)

    Bellone, Julius, Ed.

    The post-World War II period was one of the liveliest in the history of the cinema. This is a collection of 33 critical articles on some of the best films of the perd. Most of the essays explicate the themes and symbols of the films. The essays deal with these films: "The Apu Trilogy,""L'Avventura,""Balthazar,""Blow-Up,""Bonnie and Clyde," Citizen…

  9. Short-film Festival at the Globe

    CERN Multimedia


    Get out your diaries and prepare to be star-struck as the Globe of Science and Innovation meets the silver screen! The CERN "Open Your Eyes Films" film-making club is organising a festival of short films entitled CinéGlobe from Thursday 8 to Saturday 10 November. On the Thursday and Friday, you’ll be able to watch 47 short films free of charge in the Globe of Science and Innovation at various times of the day. The short films to be screened come from 21 different countries and have been selected from among 1400 entrees! All film genres will be represented : comedy, drama, animation, documentaries, experimental films, etc. Members of the public will even be able to vote for their favourite film: the audience’s favourite will be awarded a "Coup de coeur" award. An awards ceremony to honour the films that have received most votes will be held on Friday evening in the Globe of Science and Innovation. The Golden CinéGlobe for bes...

  10. Contact angles in thin liquid films III. Interaction forces in Newton black soap films

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feijter, J.A. de; Vrij, A.

    The interaction parameters of Newton black soap films stabilized by NaDS, as derived from contact angle experiments, have been interpretated in terms of the structure and the interaction forces in the films. From the film thickness and the difference between the surface excess of the salt in the

  11. Olympic tõotab jätkuvat tõusu / Armin Karu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karu, Armin, 1965-


    Olympic Casino suuromanik Armin Karu vastab lugejate küsimustele. Vt. samas: Raivo Sormunen. Olympicust võib saada kalleim börsifirma. Diagramm: Olympic liigub turuväärtuselt juba Tallinna börsi kalliduselt teise firma kannul

  12. Sõjakas Hamas loodab Palestiinas võimupirukast suure tüki võtta / Kaarel Kaas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaas, Kaarel, 1978-


    25. jaanuaril Palestiinas toimuvatest parlamendivalimistest. Lähis-Ida Konsultatsiooniinstituudi poolt avalikustatud avaliku arvamuse uuringu andmetel võib islamiliikumine Hamas saada pea pooled parlamendi saadikukohtadest, võimupartei Fatah toetus on vähenenud ja ta saaks 59 kohta. Lisa: Valimiste võtmekujud

  13. Proshtshanije s Jassirom Arafatom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Iisraeli peaminister Ariel Sharon teatas, et Yasser Arafati surm võib saada pöördepunktiks Lähis-Idas. Egiptuse pealinnas Kairos valmistutakse Afaratiga hüvastijätu tseremooniaks. Palestiina Vabastusorganisatsiooni uueks juhiks valiti Palestiina endine peaminister Mahmoud Abbas

  14. Lasteaiakohta pole - mine maale! / Annika Poldre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poldre, Annika


    Lastekaitse Liidu pöördumisest õiguskantsler Allar Jõksi poole, et saada hinnangut olukorrale, kus omavalitsused ei täida kohustust lastevanemate ees lasteaiakohtade osas. Poliitikute arvamusi. Omavalitsuste kulutustest lasteaedadele. Tabel: Eestlastest sündinud lapsi aastate kaupa; Aastad (lasteasutuste kohta)

  15. Antarktika-retk vajab 30 miljonit / Mirko Ojakivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojakivi, Mirko


    Vt. ka Vesti Dnja 3. mai, lk. 4. Kui Mart Saarsool ja teistel Antarktika-ekspeditsiooni ettevalmistajatel õnnestuks saada ligi 30 miljoni krooni, siis saaks Eestist kolme aasta pärast üks 30 riigist, kellel on lõunamandril oma uurimisjaam

  16. Tõuge Balti aktsiaturgude taassünniks / Ilja Nassonov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nassonov, Ilja


    Autori hinnangul näitab TeliaSonera tehtud pakkumine Eesti Telekomi ostmiseks investorite huvi taastumist Balti majanduse vastu ning sellest võib saada katalüsaator, mis tõstab 2010. aastal päevakorda mõne Eesti riigiettevõtte avaliku aktsiaemissiooni

  17. Äripäev surub end naisteajakirjade turule / Krista Taim

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Taim, Krista


    Äripäev hakkab välja andma naisteajakirja Dilemma, lootes saada viiendiku reklaamiturust. Diagramm: Naisteajakirjade reklaamituru jagunemine. Vt. samas: Dilemma hakkab ilmuma kaheksa korda aastas; Eesti Päevaleht ja Eesti Meedia hakkavad tasuta ajalehte välja andma

  18. Valve Pillesaare luulet / Valve Pillesaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pillesaar, Valve


    Sisu: "Credo"; "Oli päevi, täis vabastavat ägedat äikest..."; "Pilved on madalad..."; "Tahaksin laulda kevadest..."; "Loojus punane päev..."; "Kevade!..."; "Oli palju, millest mõtlesime..."; "Tahan lahti saada...". Samas artikkel autori kohta, lk. 386-390

  19. Tanel Padar osaleb dokumentaalfilmis / Verni Leivak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leivak, Verni, 1966-


    USA plaadi- ja filmitootjafirma "insite" teeb filmi maailma noortest muusikutest "Rock the Planet", kes kommertsile lõivu maksmata hakkama püüavad saada. Üheks tegelaseks on režissöör eales Linton valinud ka Tanel Padari

  20. Miljonäriks teeb miljonäri mõtteviis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Raamatu "Teie finantsisiksus: mis see on ja kuidas sellest kasu saada" autor Kathleen Guerney: "Kindlad inimtüübid on raha teenimisel ja kogumisel alati edukamad". Diagramm: Miljonäride arv Põhja-Ameereikas ja Euroopas vara suuruse järgi

  1. Rahvatantsuharrastus paguluseestlaste hulgas ja selle roll eestluse säilimisel / Iivi Zajedova, Eha Rüütel, Angela Arraste, Kalev Järvela

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Artikkel toetub Saksamaal pagulaseestlaste hulgas läbi viidud uurimusele, mille eesmärgiks oli intervjuude kaudu saada pagulaseestlaste kogemuslik tagasivaade eesti rahvatantsurühmade tekkimisele ja arengule ning seda mõjutanud teguritele Saksamaa Liitvabariigis pärast Teist maailmasõda

  2. Riik kärbib kultuuriraha : ära jääb lavastusi ja näitusi / Allar Viivik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viivik, Allar


    Rahandusministeeriumi plaani järgi väheneb 2009. a. kultuurieelarve 8,35%, kultuuriminister Laine Jänese sõnul tuleb läbi saada 455 miljonit krooni väiksema summaga. Teatrite ja muuseumide kokkuhoiukavadest. Lisa: Minister ennustab kultuurile vaeseid aegu

  3. Liive: USA põlevkivi on palju parem kaevandada / Jan Jõgis-Laats

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõgis-Laats, Jan


    Eesti Energia ostis USA Utah' osariigis paiknevate põlevkivimaardlate omanikfirma. Põlevkivi on seal lihtsam kätte saada kui Eestis, samas ei ole sealne põlevikivi õlitootmise seisukohalt Eesti omaga päris võrreldav. Lisa: Tehas Utah' mägedesse

  4. Rare Earth Oxide Thin Films

    CERN Document Server

    Fanciulli, Marco


    Thin rare earth (RE) oxide films are emerging materials for microelectronic, nanoelectronic, and spintronic applications. The state-of-the-art of thin film deposition techniques as well as the structural, physical, chemical, and electrical properties of thin RE oxide films and of their interface with semiconducting substrates are discussed. The aim is to identify proper methodologies for the development of RE oxides thin films and to evaluate their effectiveness as innovative materials in different applications.

  5. The combat film : the death and rebirth of an American film tradition


    Greve, Henrik Havdal


    Abstract This thesis analyzes how four popular combat films produced by Hollywood portray and interprets important events in American history. The films exemplify how American cinema has varied in its portrayal of the American army in relation to both the perspectives of the film makers and widely held attitudes toward war and American foreign policy. In regard to social attitudes, militarism has been an instrument to create support for war. The term describes a process where a societ...

  6. Film in Education: This Worked For Me. (United States)

    Breen, Myles P.

    Several techniques for teaching film appreciation to adults are discussed, including the use of audio cassettes, instructional films, silent films, and film dissection. Included are the techniques, philosophy, and content of a seminar on the short film, in which the short film is viewed as a variant of a short story, a pop song, a joke, and a…

  7. Geoflicks Reviewed--Films about Hawaiian Volcanoes. (United States)

    Bykerk-Kauffman, Ann


    Reviews 11 films on volcanic eruptions in the United States. Films are given a one- to five-star rating and the film's year, length, source and price are listed. Top films include "Inside Hawaiian Volcanoes" and "Kilauea: Close up of an Active Volcano." (AIM)

  8. "Space slitter" for film or tape (United States)

    Johnson, W. H.


    Device cuts film or tape into strips by guiding film in channel under cutting blades. Device is operated by lifting pressure bar to insert blades into film. Film is then pulled through blades. Cutter has potential uses in advertising, commercial art, and publishing fields.

  9. Improvement of physical properties of IGZO thin films prepared by excimer laser annealing of sol–gel derived precursor films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsay, Chien-Yie; Huang, Tzu-Teng


    Indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) transparent semiconductor thin films were prepared by KrF excimer laser annealing of sol–gel derived precursor films. Each as-coated film was dried at 150 °C in air and then annealed using excimer laser irradiation. The influence of laser irradiation energy density on surface conditions, optical transmittances, and electrical properties of laser annealed IGZO thin films were investigated, and the physical properties of the excimer laser annealed (ELA) and the thermally annealed (TA) thin films were compared. Experimental results showed that two kinds of surface morphology resulted from excimer laser annealing. Irradiation with a lower energy density (≤250 mJ cm −2 ) produced wavy and irregular surfaces, while irradiation with a higher energy density (≥350 mJ cm −2 ) produced flat and dense surfaces consisting of uniform nano-sized amorphous particles. The explanation for the differences in surface features and film quality is that using laser irradiation energy to form IGZO thin films improves the film density and removes organic constituents. The dried IGZO sol–gel films irradiated with a laser energy density of 350 mJ/cm 2 had the best physical properties of all the ELA IGZO thin films. The mean resistivity of the ELA 350 thin films (4.48 × 10 3 Ω cm) was lower than that of TA thin films (1.39 × 10 4 Ω cm), and the average optical transmittance in the visible range (90.2%) of the ELA 350 thin films was slightly higher than that of TA thin films (89.7%). - Highlights: • IGZO semiconductor films were prepared by laser annealing of sol–gel derived films. • Surface roughness and resistivity of ELA samples were affected by energy density. • The ELA 350 IGZO film exhibited the best properties among all of ELA IGZO films. • Transmittance and resistivity of ELA 350 films are greater than those of TA films

  10. Improvement of physical properties of IGZO thin films prepared by excimer laser annealing of sol–gel derived precursor films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsay, Chien-Yie, E-mail:; Huang, Tzu-Teng


    Indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) transparent semiconductor thin films were prepared by KrF excimer laser annealing of sol–gel derived precursor films. Each as-coated film was dried at 150 °C in air and then annealed using excimer laser irradiation. The influence of laser irradiation energy density on surface conditions, optical transmittances, and electrical properties of laser annealed IGZO thin films were investigated, and the physical properties of the excimer laser annealed (ELA) and the thermally annealed (TA) thin films were compared. Experimental results showed that two kinds of surface morphology resulted from excimer laser annealing. Irradiation with a lower energy density (≤250 mJ cm{sup −2}) produced wavy and irregular surfaces, while irradiation with a higher energy density (≥350 mJ cm{sup −2}) produced flat and dense surfaces consisting of uniform nano-sized amorphous particles. The explanation for the differences in surface features and film quality is that using laser irradiation energy to form IGZO thin films improves the film density and removes organic constituents. The dried IGZO sol–gel films irradiated with a laser energy density of 350 mJ/cm{sup 2} had the best physical properties of all the ELA IGZO thin films. The mean resistivity of the ELA 350 thin films (4.48 × 10{sup 3} Ω cm) was lower than that of TA thin films (1.39 × 10{sup 4} Ω cm), and the average optical transmittance in the visible range (90.2%) of the ELA 350 thin films was slightly higher than that of TA thin films (89.7%). - Highlights: • IGZO semiconductor films were prepared by laser annealing of sol–gel derived films. • Surface roughness and resistivity of ELA samples were affected by energy density. • The ELA 350 IGZO film exhibited the best properties among all of ELA IGZO films. • Transmittance and resistivity of ELA 350 films are greater than those of TA films.

  11. Chemical Annealing of Zinc Tetraphenylporphyrin Films: Effects on Film Morphology and Organic Photovoltaic Performance

    KAUST Repository

    Trinh, Cong


    We present a chemical annealing process for organic thin films. In this process, a thin film of a molecular material, such as zinc tetraphenylporphyrin (ZnTPP), is exposed to a vapor of nitrogen-based ligand (e.g., pyrazine, pz, and triazine, tz), forming a film composed of the metal-ligand complex. Fast and quantitative formation of the complex leads to marked changes in the morphology and optical properties of the film. X-ray diffraction studies show that the chemical annealing process converts amorphous ZnTPP films to crystalline ZnTPP•ligand films, whose porphryin planes lie nearly parallel to the substrate (average deviation is 8° for the ZnTPP•pz film). Organic solar cells were prepared with ZnTPP donor and C 60 acceptor layers. Devices were prepared with and without chemical annealing of the ZnTPP layer with a pyrazine ligand. The devices with chemically annealed ZnTPP donor layer show an increase in short-circuit current (J SC) and fill factor (FF) relative to analogous unannealed devices, presumably because of enhanced exciton diffusion length and improved charge conductivity. The open circuit voltages (V OC) of the chemically annealed devices are lower than their unannealed counterpart because of enhanced polaron pair recombination at the donor/acceptor heterojunction. A net improvement of 5-20% in efficiency has been achieved, after chemical annealing of ZnTPP films with pyrazine. © 2012 American Chemical Society.

  12. Realistic absorption coefficient of ultrathin films (United States)

    Cesaria, M.; Caricato, A. P.; Martino, M.


    Both a theoretical algorithm and an experimental procedure are discussed of a new route to determine the absorption/scattering properties of thin films deposited on transparent substrates. Notably, the non-measurable contribution of the film-substrate interface is inherently accounted for. While the experimental procedure exploits only measurable spectra combined according to a very simple algorithm, the theoretical derivation does not require numerical handling of the acquired spectra or any assumption on the film homogeneity and substrate thickness. The film absorption response is estimated by subtracting the measured absorption spectrum of the bare substrate from that of the film on the substrate structure but in a non-straightforward way. In fact, an assumption about the absorption profile of the overall structure is introduced and a corrective factor accounting for the relative film-to-substrate thickness. The method is tested on films of a well known material (ITO) as a function of the film structural quality and influence of the film-substrate interface, both deliberately changed by thickness tuning and doping. Results are found fully consistent with information obtained by standard optical analysis and band gap values reported in the literature. Additionally, comparison with a conventional method demonstrates that our route is generally more accurate even if particularly suited for very thin films.

  13. Flexible Ultra Moisture Barrier Film for Thin-Film Photovoltaic Applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    David M. Dean


    Flexible Thin-film photovoltaic (TFPV) is a low cost alternative to incumbent c-Si PV products as it requires less volume of costly semiconductor materials and it can potentially reduce installation cost. Among the TFPV options, copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) has the highest efficiency and is believed to be one of the most attractive candidates to achieve PV cost reduction. However, CIGS cells are very moisture sensitive and require module water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of less than 1x10-4 gram of water per square meter per day (g-H2O/m2/day). Successful development and commercialization of flexible transparent ultra moisture barrier film is the key to enable flexible CIGS TFPV products, and thus enable ultimate PV cost reduction. At DuPont, we have demonstrated at lab scale that we can successfully make polymer-based flexible transparent ultra moisture barrier film by depositing alumina on polymer films using atomic layer deposition (ALD) technology. The layer by layer ALD approach results in uniform and amorphous structure which effectively reduces pinhole density of the inorganic coating on the polymer, and thus allow the fabrication of flexible barrier film with WVTR of 10-5 g-H2O/m2/day. Currently ALD is a time-consuming process suitable only for high-value, relatively small substrates. To successfully commercialize the ALD-on-plastic technology for the PV industry, there is the need to scale up this technology and improve throughput. The goal of this contract work was to build a prototype demonstrating that the ALD technology could be scaled-up for commercial use. Unfortunately, the prototype failed to produce an ultra-barrier film by the close of the project.

  14. Horror films and psychiatry. (United States)

    Friedman, Susan Hatters; Forcen, Fernando Espi; Shand, John Preston


    Horror films have been popular for generations. The purpose of this article is to illustrate psychiatric conditions, themes and practice seen in horror films. Horror films often either include psychiatrists as characters or depict (Hollywood's dangerous version of) serious mental illness. Demonic possession, zombies, and 'slasher' killers are described, as well as the horror genre's characterizations of psychiatrists. © The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 2014.

  15. Music as word: Film music - superlibretto?


    Ćirić Marija


    The aim of his paper is to prove that film music can be understood as authentic narrative force: film music as word / discourse and its superlibretto status. Superlibretto is the status of music in a film which is constructing its own (aural) reality and is narrating, speaking its own text which creates a wholesome film meaning. The existence of superlibretto is substantiated by fundamental theoretic concepts of film music and practically proven by analyses...

  16. Cellulose triacetate, thin film dielectric capacitor (United States)

    Yen, Shiao-Ping S. (Inventor); Jow, T. Richard (Inventor)


    Very thin films of cellulose triacetate are cast from a solution containing a small amount of high boiling temperature, non-solvent which evaporates last and lifts the film from the casting surface. Stretched, oriented, crystallized films have high electrical breakdown properties. Metallized films less than about 2 microns in thickness form self-healing electrodes for high energy density, pulsed power capacitors. Thicker films can be utilized as a dielectric for a capacitor.

  17. TLÜ auhinnad Vadile, Rauale ja Grigorjevale

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinna ülikooli kirjandusauhinna võitis algupärandite kategoorias Urmas Vadi "Tagasi Eestisse", tõlke kategoorias Rein Raua tõlge Dante Alighieri teosest "Vita Nova" ja ajakirjanduses ilmunud lühipublikatsioonide kategoorias Sveta Grigorjeva Vikerkaares ilmunud luuletuste eest

  18. Nokia lõi tulemustega pahviks / Annika Matson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matson, Annika, 1976-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 2. veebr. lk. 29. Mobiiltelefonide tootja Nokia neljanda kvartali käive ja kasum tõukasid aktsia tõusule ning võideti tagasi ka turuosa. Diagramm: Aasta tagusele tasemele Nokia aktsial veel pikk tee

  19. Kuhu kadusid Palestiina liidri Yassir Arafati miljardid dollarid? / Roula Khalaf, Stephen Fidler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Khalaf, Roula


    IMF-i hinnangul suunati aastatel 1995-2000 Palestiina omavalitsuse eelarvest kõrvale üle 898 miljoni dollari, omavalitsus on tagasi saanud 799 miljonit dollarit. Ülevaade Palestiina liidri finantstehingutest. Lisad: Kui palju Arafatil üldse raha oli?; Otsapidi telekomis

  20. Keelekontakti mõju eesti sihitiskäänete kasutamisele / Martin Ehala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ehala, Martin, 1963-


    Analüüsitakse eesti keele sihitise käändevaliku varieerumist, et välja selgitada, milline osa on selles eesti keelt mitte emakeelena rääkijatel, ning kas see mõju ulatub ka tagasi emakeelsete keelekasutajateni