
Sample records for rogers mahbub alam

  1. Pioneering the human development revolution: Analysing the trajectory of Mahbub ul Haq

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D.R. Gasper (Des)


    textabstractMahbub ul Haq's work to coordinate, establish and propagate the human development approach offers an example of effective leadership in promoting more ethical socio-economic development. This article reviews Pioneering the Human Development Revolution-An Intellectual Biography of Mahbub

  2. Isolasi Dye Organik Alam dan Karakterisasinya Sebagai Sensitizer

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    Nurussaniah Nurussaniah


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui cara mengisolasi dan karakteristik dye organik alam sebagai sensitizer. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan, isolasi dye organik alam, karakterisasi sifat optik, analisis dan menyimpulkan. Isolasi dye organic alam dilakukan untuk memperoleh sari dari bahan-bahan alam. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan alam yaitu jagung (Zea mays dan labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata. Karakterisasi optik dye organik alam dalam penelitian ini dilihat dari spektrum absorbansi yang diukur menggunakan Spektrophotometer Uv-Vis. Spektrum absorbansi dye diukur dalam kuvet optik, pada panjang gelombang 350-800 . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isolasi dye organik alam diperoleh melalui metode ekstraksi, yaitu suatu metode untuk memperoleh sari dari bahan-bahan alam. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan dengan melarutkan biji jagung (Zea mays dan daging buah labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata dalam pelarut etanol dengan konsentrasi 1:5. Karaktistik optik jagung (Zea mays dan labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata  menunjukkan panjang gelombang yaitu berada pada cahaya tampak dengan rentang panjang gelombang 350 – 500 nm.  Dengan demikian  dye  beta-karoten yang berasal dari jagung (Zea mays dan labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sensitizer dalam prototipe Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC.


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    Abdulloh Hadziq


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan identifikasi tentang konsep integrasi agama dan lingkungan alam dalam Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini di PAUD Sekolah Alam Ungaran (SAUNG Semarang dan dampaknya terhadap perilaku peserta didik. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sekolah mengintegrasikan pembelajarannya melalui sunnah kauniyah di alam sekitar serta kehidupan sosial yang dipadukan dengan ajaran Islam. Model pembelajarannya menggunakan metode integratif dengan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning. Hal tersebut didukung dengan desain kelas seperti saung, kurikulum yang memadukan sumber ajaran Islam dengan kondisi lingkungan sekitar dan kegiatan–kegiatan di luar kelas, sehingga dapat memberi dampak bagi peserta didik dalam menumbuhkan kesadaran dan kecintaannya terhadap alam.Kata kunci: Pembelajaran agama, lingkungan, sekolah alam, PAUD

  4. Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Perajin Batik Tulis Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Pemungutan Zat Warna Alam


    Prima Astuti Handayani; Catur Rini Widyastuti; Adhi Setiawan


    Seiring kemajuan teknologi zat warna alam tergeser oleh keberadaan zat warna sintetis. Penggunaan zat warna alam masih tetap dijaga keberadaannya khususnya pada pembatikan. Kain batik yang menggunakan zat warna alam memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi karena memiliki nilai seni dan warna khas, tidak bersifat karsiogenik, ramah lingkungan serta berkesan etnik dan eksklusif. Zat warna alam coklat untuk pewarnaan batik dapat diperoleh dari kulit soga tingi melalui proses ekstraksi dengan pelarut eta...


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    Fitriyah Fitriyah


    Full Text Available Zeolit terbagi menjadi zeolit alam dan zeolit sintesis, kapasitas adsorpsi zeolit alam umumnya lebih rendah daripada zeolit sintesis, sehingga untuk meningkatkan kapasitas adsorpsinya, karakter permukaan zeolit alam perlu diubah dengan melakukan proses modifikasi permukaan melalui berbagai metode, salah satunya dengan metode interkalasi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menginterkalasi zat warna xilenol orange ke dalam zeolit alam Lampung dan mengaplikasikannya sebagai elektroda zeolit termodifikasi. Melalui proses interkalasi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kegunaan dan nilai tambah dari zeolit. Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa xilenol orange (XO dapat diinterkalasikan ke dalam zeolit, hal ini dapat dilihat dari pita spektrum FTIR yang memiliki serapan pada bilangan gelombang 1383 cm-1, yaitu menunjukkan serapan dari S=O simetris dan asimetris pada gugus –SO3H,hal ini diduga karena XO memiliki gugus SO3 sehingga menyebabkan adanya serangan pada proton zeolit. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disarikan bahwa xilanol orange dapat terinterkalasi pada zeolit alam Lampung dan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai elektroda pendeteksi logam.

  6. Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Perajin Batik Tulis Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Pemungutan Zat Warna Alam

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    Prima Astuti Handayani


    Full Text Available Seiring kemajuan teknologi zat warna alam tergeser oleh keberadaan zat warna sintetis. Penggunaan zat warna alam masih tetap dijaga keberadaannya khususnya pada pembatikan. Kain batik yang menggunakan zat warna alam memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi karena memiliki nilai seni dan warna khas, tidak bersifat karsiogenik, ramah lingkungan serta berkesan etnik dan eksklusif. Zat warna alam coklat untuk pewarnaan batik dapat diperoleh dari kulit soga tingi melalui proses ekstraksi dengan pelarut etanol. Tujuan spesifik dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah perajin batik Desa Pandan Kabupaten Rembang mampu membuat zat warna batik dari alam, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dirinya sendiri, sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi metode ceramah mengenai pembuatan zat warna; metode praktek tentang proses pembuatan zat warna dari kulit soga tingi; metode tanya jawab untuk mengetahui sejauh mana peserta mampu menerima atau terlibat dalam kegiatan, dan evaluasi untuk memperoleh gambaran penafsiran dan analisis untuk memperoleh simpulan dari semua kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang sudah dilaksanakan.

  7. Carl Rogers: Body-Centered Counselor. (United States)

    Fernald, Peter S.


    C. R. Rogers' approach is examined in the context of person-centered theories of personality and counseling. Identifies similarities between Rogers' thinking and W. Reich's theories in body-oriented psychotherapy. Discusses film-recorded interview conducted by Rogers, which demonstrates his body-centered approach. (Author/JDM)

  8. Pengaruh Unsur Alam terhadap Minat Berkunjung Kembali di Mal

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    Riza Septriani Dewi


    Full Text Available Pusat perbelanjaan yang berkonsep alam dianggap lebih diminati pengunjung. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pengaruh unsur-unsur alam terhadap minat konsumen untuk berkunjung kembali. Variabel yang akan dikaji terdiri dari variabel bebas, yaitu air (diam-bergerak dan vegetasi (tanaman rendah-tanaman tinggi, dan variabel terikat, yaitu persepsi alam dan sikap berkunjung kembali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen stimulus-respon melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dengan prinsip between-subject factorial design. Simulasi gambar digital dari interior pusat perbelanjaan pada 4 kondisi sebagai kombinasi variabel tersebut di atas digunakan sebagai stimulus percobaan, di mana 4 kelompok responden, masing-masing 20 orang, akan menilai stimulus eksperimen dalam kondisi berbeda, atas dasar persepsi alam dan sikap berkunjung kembali. Data eksperimen dihitung dan dianalisa dengan statistik one-way ANOVA. Efek kombinasi variabel air bergerak dan tanaman tinggi ternyata tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap persepsi alam responden. Efek kombinasi variabel air diam dengan tanaman tinggi tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap minat responden untuk berkunjung kembali. Namun, efek kombinasi variabel air mengalir dengan tanaman rendah cenderung lebih mengundang persepsi alam yang baik dan minat berkunjung kembali. Hasil eksperimen ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rekomendasi bagi perkembangan ilmu desain dan sebagai salah satu referensi bagi desainer dan pengembang.Kata Kunci: mal; minat berkunjung; persepsi alam; perilaku konsumen.Effects of Natural Elements on Interest to Revisit a MallShopping malls with a natural concept are more attractive to visitors. This study examined the influence of natural interior design elements on client interest to revisit a mall. The assessed elements consisted of independent variables, namely water (still-standing/flowing and vegetation (ground plants/potted plants, and dependent variables, namely nature

  9. Desain Rancang Bangun Dapur Umum Portable dalam Penanggulangan Bencana Alam

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    Andi Farid Hidayanto


    ABSTRAK   Indonesia merupakan daerah rawan bencana. Memenuhi kebutuhan logistik korban dan petugas diperlukan dapur umum. Dapur umum yang ada umumnya berupa tenda peleton, bangunan yang dijadikan posko, atau mobil yang dimodifikasi. Dapur umum yang ada sifatnya darurat, seadanya dan lokasinya jauh dari lokasi bencana. Dari masalah tersebut perlu desain dapur umum untuk penanggulangan bencana alam, yang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan, baik petugas maupun korban. Dalam mendesain menggunakan metode Pahl dan Beitz dengan langkah-langkah Perencanaan dan penjelasan tugas, Perancangan konsep, Perancangan bentuk, dan Perancangan detail. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode Individual Questionnaire dan Focus Group Discussion yang hasilnya didapatkan atribut yang diperlukan dalam desain. Hasil dari penelitian berupa desain dapur umum untuk penanggulangan bencana alam yang portable, mudah dirakit dan dibongkar, dan dapat didirikan di lokasi yang beraneka kondisi, mudah dioperasikan, mampu menampung fasilitas dan kebutuhan. Desain dapur umum yang dihasilkan dalam bentuk model tiga dimensi berskala, blue print spesifikasi teknis, dan protoype.   Kata kunci: bencana alam, desain, dapur umum, portable.

  10. Carl Rogers and Me: Revisiting Teaching. (United States)

    Li, Li-Te


    Discusses connections between Carl Rogers and literacy by introducing Rogers' major contributions and by discussing the implementation of his ideas in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom in Taiwan. Explains Rogers' ideas about teachers as facilitators; learner-centered learning; and building freedom. Concludes that person-centered…

  11. Alam-Pedja sai sõsara / Martin Pau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pau, Martin, 1975-


    Laeva, Tähtvere ja Tartu valla maadel sündis ligi 18 ruutkilomeetri suurune Kärevere looduskaitseala, mille põhiväärtuste hulka kuuluvad näiteks väike-konnakotkad ja mitmed teised ohustatud liigid. Lisaks kaart: Kärevere ja Alam-Pedja looduskaitseala

  12. Roger Anthoine (1925-2015)

    CERN Multimedia


    CERN was saddened to learn of the passing of Roger Anthoine on 26 October. Roger was the first person in charge of CERN’s public relations activities, including VIP visits and the Press Office. He launched the CERN Courier and the CERN Bulletin, and even invented the role of CERN official guide.   One of CERN’s earliest staff members, Roger first established the CERN Courier as CERN’s in-house magazine, and then, when the Courier became the de-facto international journal of high-energy physics, he established the Bulletin. It is a tribute to him that both of these publications remain central to life at CERN today. But it is not only in publications that Roger left his mark. As head of the public information office almost from the start, he established the spirit of openness and transparency that still guides CERN’s public communications to this day. The Director-General has sent letters of condolence to his family. You can read mo...

  13. Membaca Pertanda Zaman (Eksploitasi Alam oleh Manusia: Sebuah Interpretasi dalam Karya Seni Patung

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    Yoga Budhi Wantoro


    Full Text Available Membaca Pertanda Zaman (Eksploitasi Alam oleh Manusia: Sebuah Interpretasi dalamKarya Seni Patung mewakili bentuk-bentuk eksploitasi alam yang dilakukan olehmanusia adalah sebuah konsep penciptaan karya seni patung sebagai ungkapanpribadi penulis dalam menanggapi, merespons, dan merasakan fenomena eksploitasiyang kebablasan. Berdasarkan observasi, ide, dan sikap kreatif, penulis mencobamenafsirkan dan merepresentasikan gejala serta bentuk eksploitasi alam tersebutdalam bahasa patung yang kaya dengan unsur bentuk, ruang, dan volume. Konsepini, menjadikan alam sebagai objek eksploitasi yang direpresentasikan dalam bentukbatu alami yang sekaligus menjadi media penulis untuk membaca pertanda zaman.Selain itu, konsep etika lingkungan seperti Biosentrime dan konsep kejawen,yaitu Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana (bhs. Jawa yang menjadi jiwa agar kelahiranpatung tersebut menjadi simbol keseimbangan antara manusia dan alam. Dalamhal ini sebongkah batu sebagai metafora dari alam dipecah, diiris, dibor, dan digesersebagai sebuah simbol bentuk eksploitasi yang dilakukan manusia terhadap alam.Kontradiksi antara manusia berteknologi dengan alam, dimetaforakan dalam prosesberkarya, yaitu dengan menggunakan peralatan mekanik ataupun mesin. Alat tersebutsebagai ekses dari perlakukan manusia terhadap alam demi kepentingan dankelangsungan hidup manusia. Sikap penulis yang tetap menghargai alam ditranformasikandalam wujud karya dengan membiarkan karakter batu tetap terjaga alamiahnya.Hasil penciptaan karya seni patung ini, selain memunculkan nilai estetik danbermakna simbolis, juga memberikan corak baru dalam seni rupa khususnya senipatung, serta memberikan ciri khas jati diri penulis dalam penciptaan seni patung. Understanding the Sign of an Era: Nature Exploitation by Human Being- anInterpretation on the Works of Sculpture. Understanding the sign of an era throughthe art of sculpture is one of writer’s expressions in interpreting the form of natureexploitation by

  14. Komposisi Kimia, Kadar Albumin Dan Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Protein Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata Alam Dan Hasil Budidaya

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    Ekowati Chasanah


    Full Text Available Khasiat kesehatan ikan gabus (C. striata telah dikenal secara luas dan saat ini C. striata telah digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri produk suplemen. Tingginya permintaan akan produk suplemen tersebut menimbulkan masalah pada ketersediaan C. striata yang sebagian besar ditangkap dari sungai dan danau sebagai tempat hidupnya. Ikan gabus budidaya dipercaya memiliki kualitas tidak sebaik ikan gabus alam.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai komposisi kimia, termasuk albumin dan potensi ekstrak protein kasar ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya sebagai antioksidan dan anti hipertensi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya memiliki kadar protein yang tidak berbeda secara nyata, tetapi berbeda pada kadar air, abu, dan lemak. Ikan gabus alam memiliki kadar lemak dan abu lebih rendah tetapi kadar air lebih tinggi dibanding ikan gabus budidaya. Ikan dari kedua sumber memiliki bagian yang dapat dimakan atau edible portion (EP sebesar 36%,dengan kadar mineral makro (Na, K, Ca dan mikro (Zn, Fe pada ikan hasil budidaya lebih tinggi dibanding kedua kelompok mineral pada ikan gabus alam. Kadar albumin ikan gabus alam lebih tinggi daripada kadar albumin ikan gabus budidaya. Namun demikian, hasil analisis asam amino menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus hasil budidaya memiliki kuantitas asam amino yang lebih tinggi daripada ikan gabus alam. Asam amino non essensial dominan adalah alanin, asam aspartat, glisin, alloisoleusin, prolin, dan glutamin, sedangkan asam amino esensial didominasi oleh leusin, lisin, dan fenilalanin. Kedua ikan gabus yang diperoleh dari tempat yang berbeda tersebut memiliki bioaktivitas sebagai antioksidan yang lemah, namun berpotensi sebagai antihipertensi (penghambat Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE dengan kekuatan 1/10 kekuatan kontrol obat hipertensi captopril.

  15. Komposisi Kimia, Kadar Albumin dan Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Protein Ikan Gabus (Channa striata Alam dan Hasil Budidaya

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    Ekowati Chasanah


    Full Text Available Khasiat kesehatan ikan gabus (C. striata telah dikenal secara luas dan saat ini C. striata telah digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri produk suplemen. Tingginya permintaan akan produk suplemen tersebut menimbulkan masalah pada ketersediaan C. striata yang sebagian besar ditangkap dari sungai dan danau sebagai tempat hidupnya. Ikan gabus budidaya dipercaya memiliki kualitas tidak sebaik ikan gabus alam.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai komposisi kimia, termasuk albumin dan potensi ekstrak protein kasar ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya sebagai antioksidan dan anti hipertensi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya memiliki kadar protein yang tidak berbeda secara nyata, tetapi berbeda pada kadar air, abu, dan lemak. Ikan gabus alam memiliki kadar lemak dan abu lebih rendah tetapi kadar air lebih tinggi dibanding ikan gabus budidaya. Ikan dari kedua sumber memiliki bagian yang dapat dimakan atau edible portion (EP sebesar 36%,dengan kadar mineral makro (Na, K, Ca dan mikro (Zn, Fe pada ikan hasil budidaya lebih tinggi dibanding kedua kelompok mineral pada ikan gabus alam. Kadar albumin ikan gabus alam lebih tinggi daripada kadar albumin ikan gabus budidaya. Namun demikian, hasil analisis asam amino menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus hasil budidaya memiliki kuantitas asam amino yang lebih tinggi daripada ikan gabus alam. Asam amino non essensial dominan adalah alanin, asam aspartat, glisin, alloisoleusin, prolin, dan glutamin, sedangkan asam amino esensial didominasi oleh leusin, lisin, dan fenilalanin. Kedua ikan gabus yang diperoleh dari tempat yang berbeda tersebut memiliki bioaktivitas sebagai antioksidan yang lemah, namun berpotensi sebagai antihipertensi (penghambat Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE dengan kekuatan 1/10 kekuatan kontrol obat hipertensi captopril.

  16. Aplikasi Zat Warna Alam Pada Tenunan Serat Doyo Untuk Produk Kerajinan

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    Dana Kurnia Syabana


    Full Text Available AbstrakIsu global akan bahan baku, proses dan produk yang ramah lingkungan semakin berkembang. Pemanfaatan serat alam non tekstil sebagai bahan baku dan penggunaan pewarnaan alam merupakan salah satu alternatif cara untuk menghasilkan produk ramah lingkungan. Tanaman doyo merupakan penghasil serat alam yang telah dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku kerajinan tenun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menerapkan proses pewarnaan alami pada tenunan serat doyo yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pencelupan panas selama 30 menit menggunakan zat warna alam seperti Tingi, Tegeran dan Jalawe dengan rasio konsentrasi 1:10 fiksasi tawas (50g/l, kapur (40g/l dan tunjung (20g/l. Hasil pencelupan pada tenunan serat doyo diuji ketahanan luntur warna terhadap sinar matahari menggunakan standar skala abu-abu. Dari pengujian diperoleh hasil bahwa ketahanan luntur warna terhadap sinar matahari pada tenunan serat doyo untuk pewarnaan Tingi dan Tegeran berada pada skala 5 (baik sekali, sementara pengunaan pewarna Jalawe dengan fiksasi kapur dan campuran kapur-tunjung berada pada skala 4-5 (baik. Dari skala hasil uji ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pewarnaan alam dapat diterapkan pada serat doyo. Kata Kunci: zat warna alam, serat doyo, uji ketahanan luntur warna terhadap cahaya AbstractGlobal issue of raw materials, processes and products that are environmentally friendly growing. Using of Non Textile natural fiber as raw material and natural dying are one of alternatives way to produce friendly products. Doyo Plant is producing natural fibers that have been used as raw material weaving craft. The purpose of this research is to apply the process of natural dyeing in an environmentally friendly woven fiber doyo. The research was conducted by immersion heat for 30 minutes using natural dyes such as Tingi, tegeran and Jalawe with concentration ratio 1:10 fixation alum (50g / l, lime (40g / l and Tunjung (20g / l. The result of dyeing woven fiber doyo tested

  17. Pengaruh Komposisi Resin Alami Terhadap Suhu Pelorodan Lilin Untuk Batik Warna Alam

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    Vivin Atika


    Full Text Available AbstrakLilin batik merupakan komponen yang penting dalam pembuatan batik warna alam. Selama ini, lilin yang beredar di pasaran adalah untuk pewarna sintetis. Lilin tersebut membutuhkan suhu yang tinggi untuk proses pelorodannya. Suhu pelorodan yang tinggi mengakibatkan warna alam menjadi luntur. Penelitian Pengaruh Komposisi Resin Alami Terhadap Suhu Pelorodan Lilin Untuk Batik Warna Alam bertujuan untuk mendapatkan komposisi lilin klowong yang sesuai untuk proses pembuatan batik warna alam. Kegiatan ini dibatasi pada penelitian komposisi lilin klowong dengan melakukan variasi berat resin alami yaitu damar matakucing, gondorukem, suhu pelorodan 60, 80, 100 ⁰C dan jenis kain katun prima, primisima. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan komposisi lilin klowong untuk  batik warna alam yang baik dengan komposisi damar mata kucing (1 bag.; gondorukem (3 bag.; kote (2 bag.; parafin (1 bag.; lilin bekas (2 bag.; dan kendal (1 bag.. Lilin batik tersebut memiliki titik leleh campuran 38 ⁰C serta jumlah lilin terlepas 80 % pada suhu pelorodan 60 ⁰C dan 100 % pada suhu pelorodan 80 ⁰C. Kata kunci: lilin klowong batik, warna alam, komposisi AbstractBatik wax is important component of natural batik making. These times, the market wax is suitable only for synthetic colorant. These wax needs higher temperature on wax removing process. High temperature wax removal process can cause the natural color to exceed. Identification of Natural Resin Composition Effect on Wax Removing Temperature For Batik Natural Dye aims to obtain suitable composition of klowong wax for natural batik dyeing process. This activity is limited to the identification of klowong wax composition by varying the natural resins weight damar matakucing, gondorukem, wax removing process temperature 60, 80, 100 ⁰C and kind of cotton cloth prima, primisima. From the results obtained good klowong wax for natural batik dyeing with material  compositions: damar mata kucing (1 pc.; gondorukem


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    F. Ferawati*


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan keefektifan pembelajaran bencana alam banjir bervisi SETS terintegrasi dalam materi IPA pokok bahasan Perubahan Lingkungan Fisik dengan media animasi dan lembar pertanyaan sebagai solusi alternatif mengatasi rendahnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap bencana alam banjir melalui pembelajaran formal sejak dini. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design dengan objek siswa kelas IV SD Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011. Hasil belajar siswa pada materi IPA, bencana alam banjir dan ketuntasan belajar dianalisis dengan uji signifikansi gain. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan siswa yang dikenai pembelajaran bencana alam banjir bervisi SETS terintegrasi dalam materi IPA dengan media animasi dan lembar pertanyaan lebih baik daripada siswa yang dikenai pembelajaran bencana alam banjir bervisi SETS terintegrasi dalam materi IPA dengan media LKS dan pertanyaan mandiri. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran bencana alam banjir bervisi SETS yang terintegrasi dalam materi IPA pokok bahasan Perubahan Lingkungan Fisik dengan media animasi dan lembar pertanyaan lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep bencana alam dan IPA.This study aims to determine the effectiveness of flood natural disasters learning based on SETS vision integrated to Science subject: Physical Environment Changes applying animation media and the question sheet as an alternative solution to overcome the lack of earlier understanding of society to flood natural disasters. Experimental research design: Control Group Pretest-posttest was used with fourth grade students of elementary school of Bandarharjo 02 academic year 2010/2011 used as the research object. Students’ learning outcomes of science: flood natural disasters topic and students’ achievement were analysed through the use of significance gain test. The results of the analysis of experimental data showed the experiment class


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    Syafa'at Ariful Huda


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the type of Herpetofauna that often appear in the area Cikamal and Cirengganis. This research was conducted in West Java precisely in Nature Tourism and Pangandaran Nature Reserve. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with field research approach (VES. Visual Encounter Survey (VES along the river and river body. The data obtained is analyzed first with the calculation of the number and calculation of the percentage of research results. From the results of this study get 2 types of herpetofauna consisting of amphibians and reptiles. Amphibians consist of a type of frog and type of bangkong. While only the type of lizard reptile found in the two locations. Amphibians and reptiles are found: Type of frog (Fajervarya limnocharis, Rana chalconata, Microdiscus sp, Hylidae, type of bangkong (Microhyla achatina, Bufonidae and Lizard Type (Spenomorphus sp.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis Herpetofauna yang sering muncul di daerah Cikamal dan Cirengganis. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jawa Barat tepatnya di Wisata Alam dan Cagar Alam Pangandaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan riset lapangan (VES. Visual Encounter Survey (VES dengan menyusuri Sungai dan badan Sungai. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis terlebih dahulu dengan perhitungan jumlah dan perhitungan persentase hasil penelitian. Dari hasil penelitian kali ini mendapatkan 2 jenis herpetofauna yang terdiri dari amfibi dan reptil. Amfibi terdiri dari jenis katak dan jenis bangkong. Sedangkan reptil hanya jenis kadal yang di temukan di dua lokasi tersebut. Amfibi dan reptil yang ditemukan yaitu: Jenis katak (Fajervarya limnocharis, Rana chalconata, Microdiscus sp, Hylidae, jenis bangkong (Microhyla achatina, Bufonidae dan Jenis Kadal (Spenomorphus sp.

  20. What Are They Doing to Carl Rogers? (United States)

    Mader, Diane C.


    Notes that recent composition textbooks have classified Carl Rogers' work as a new rhetoric or as an alternative to classical argument. Demonstrates that to portray Rogers' method as a form of argument is to misunderstand his intent and that, while Rogers and Aristotle are similar superficially, their differences are profound. (FL)

  1. Denigrating Carl Rogers: William Coulson's Last Crusade. (United States)

    Kirschenbaum, Howard


    Reviews William Coulson's assertions that Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, and he initiated the humanistic education field, that Rogers repudiated his philosophy late in life, and that they owe the nation's parents an apology. Argues that these charges are groundless and provides examples and quotations from Rogers' later writings to show how Rogers…

  2. Pra Desain Pabrik Dimethyl Ether (DME dari Gas Alam

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    Ajeng Puspitasari Yudiputri


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan data PT Pertamina (Persero, total konsumsi LPG 2008 mencapai 1,85 juta ton dan 600.000 ton di antaranya untuk program konversi. Pada 2009 kebutuhan LPG akan meningkat menjadi 3,67 juta ton dan 2 juta ton di antaranya untuk program konversi sampai akhir tahun. Namun, sumber pasokan LPG dari dalam negeri diperkirakan tidak akan beranjak dari angka 1,8 juta ton per tahun dalam beberapa tahun mendatang. Sehingga, Indonesia harus menutup kebutuhan dengan mengimpor LPG dalam jumlah cukup besar. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan bahan bakar gas lain yang mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang ditimbulkan tersebut. Dimethyl Ether (DME merupakan senyawa ether yang paling sederhana dengan rumus kimia CH3OCH3. Produksi DME dapat dihasilkan melalui sintesis gas alam. DME berbentuk gas yang tidak berwarna pada suhu ambien, zat kimia yang stabil, dengan titik didih -25,1oC. Tekanan uap DME sekitar 0,6 Mpa pada 25oC dan dapat dicairkan seperti halnya LPG. Viskositas DME 0,12-0,15 kg/ms, setara dengan viskositas propana dan butane (konstituen utama LPG, sehingga infrastruktur untuk LPG dapat juga digunakan untuk DME. Berdasarkan data Departemen ESDM pada Januari 2012, total cadangan gas alam Indonesia tercatat mencapai 150,70 Trillion Square Cubic Feet (TSCF. Berdasarkan jumlah tersebut, sebanyak 103,35 TSCF merupakan gas alam terbukti, sementara 47,35 TSCF sisanya masih belum terbukti. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, diketahui bahwa senyawa DME merupakan senyawa yang sesuai untuk bahan substitusi LPG. Dan ditinjau dari analisa ekonomi, didapatkan besar Investasi : $ 636,447,074.69 ; Internal Rate of Return\t: 20.51%; POT: 4.13 tahun; BEP : 37.36 %; dan NPV 10 year : $ 518,848,692. Dari ketiga parameter sensitifitas yaitu fluktuasi biaya investasi, harga bahan baku, dan harga jual dari produk, terlihat bahwa ketiganya tidak memberikan pengaruh yang cukup signifikan terhadap kenaikan atau penurunan nilai IRR pabrik. Sehingga pabrik DME dari Gas Alam ini layak untuk


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    Sri Hartini Hartini


    Full Text Available Pewarna alami batik diklaim lebih ramah lingkungan dan telah terbukti menghasilkan emisi yang lebih rendah. Untuk itu penggunaan pewarna alam khususnya batik sangat dianjurkan. Sebuah sentra batik Laweyan di Solo telah memulai penggunaan pewarna alam sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu. Warna yang dominan digunakan adalah warna coklat karena ciri khas batik Solo yang paling banyak menggunakan warna coklat soga. Untuk menghasilkan warna coklat di sentra tersebut banyak pilihan bahan pewarna alam yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengembangkan model pemilihan alternatif bahan alam berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria yang ada. Tahapan dalam pemilihan yaitu menggali kriteria yang berpengaruh, melakukan pembobotan kriteria dan melakukan pembobotan pada alternatif yang ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode AHP  dalam pengolahan data sehingga dapat diketahui bahan alam apa yang tepat untuk menghasilkan warna coklat sesuai dengan kriteria-kriteria yang ada. Dari hasil penelitian faktor yang berpengaruh dalam pemilihan bahan alam yaitu 4 variabel 6 kriteria dan 14 sub kriteria. Dari beberapa kriteria tersebut bahan alam yang terpilih adalah jalawe untuk menghasilkan warna coklat. Kata Kunci : batik, pewarna alam, analytical hierarchy process (AHP, laweyan, batik tulis Abstract Natural dyes of batik has claimed to be more environmentally friendly and has been known lower emissions. The use of natural dyes for batik especially highly recommended. A center of batik Laweyan in Solo has initiated use of natural dyes since a few years ago. The dominant colors used are brown because typical Solo batik are the most widely use soga brown color. To produce a brown color in the center of a large selection of natural dyes are used. During this time they are using all these ingredients. This study intends to develop a model of natural selection of alternative materials based on existing criteria. Stages in the selection criteria, namely digging influential,  weighting

  4. Carl Rogers: Reflections on His Life. (United States)

    Heppner, P. Paul; And Others


    Interviewed Carl Rogers, a prominent psychologist, about aspects of his personal life, professional contributions, significant others, and psychology in general. Includes excerpts from several letters from individuals who have known Rogers and who were asked to comment on their experiences with him. (LLL)


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    Titiek Pujilestari


    Full Text Available Pencelupan menggunakan zat warna alam pada proses pembuatan batik dilakukan berulang kali agar dihasilkan warna yang kuat. Sedangkan, penyerapan warna oleh serat kain dibatasi oleh kejenuhan serat. Pencelupan berulang tanpa memperhatikan hasil yang diperoleh dapat menambah biaya, tenaga, dan waktu proses pewarnaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pengulangan pencelupan yang optimum dalam menghasilkan warna kain batik katun yang kuat. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan media kain katun, zat warna alam tingi dan indigofera, serta bahan fiksasi kapur, tunjung, dan tawas. Pewarnaan dilakukan secara berulang masing-masing 5, 8, 11, dan 14 kali pencelupan. Fiksasi warna tingi dengan menggunakan tawas, kapur, dan tunjung dilakukan setelah proses pewarnaan. Pengujian pada kain katun batik meliputi ketahanan luntur warna terhadap sinar matahari dan pencucian, serta uji beda warna (L*a*b*. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi optimum pencelupan untuk memperoleh arah warna coklat tua/gelap menggunakan pewarna alami tingi dengan fiksasi tunjung adalah 5 dan 8 kali pencelupan, untuk tawas 11 kali pencelupan. Fiksasi dengan tunjung menghasilkan warna kain katun batik lebih tua apabila dibandingkan dengan fiksasi tawas. Perlakuan optimum dalam pencelupan menggunakan pewarna alam indigofera pada kain katun batik adalah sebanyak 8 kali pencelupan dengan hasil arah warna biru paling kuat.Kata Kunci : pencelupan, batik, warna alam, tingi, indigofera 


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    Ruby Vidia Kusumah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keragaan warna ikan clown Biak (Amphiprion percula populasi alam dan budidaya berdasarkan analisis gambar digital sebagai dasar upaya pemuliaannya. Gambar digital diambil dari koleksi ikan clown Biak Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut Lampung, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Gondol, Bali; serta pengumpul ikan hias di Denpasar, Bali menggunakan kamera digital Canon EOS 600D. Pola warna dikarakterisasi secara visual terhadap variasi strip hitam dan putih pada dasar badan oranye, jenis warna dianalisis menggunakan ImageJ 1.49s, persentase penutupan warna dilakukan dengan Adobe Photoshop CS5. Pola warna dikarakterisasi oleh strip hitam tebal, tipis, gelap, pudar, terputus, bergabung, serta strip putih normal, pelana, spot, melebar, dan terputus. Warna hitam alam dikarakterisasi oleh hue (H: 300-60º, saturation (S: 8%-56%, brightness (B: 3%-19%, sedangkan budidaya H: 300-23º, S: 9%-71%, B: 4%-20%. Warna oranye alam H: 19-33º, S: 88%-98%, B: 47%-85%, dan budidaya H: 14-29º, S: 86%-99%, B: 38%-82%. Warna putih alam H: 36-270º; S: 1%-13%, B: 66%-88%, dan budidaya H: 0-229º, S: 0%-14%, B: 55%-87%. Persentase penutupan warna badan didominasi warna oranye dengan rata-rata 45% untuk populasi alam dan 57% untuk populasi budidaya. Keragaan warna ikan clown Biak dapat diarahkan pada pembentukan strain misbar, picasso, spot (domino, dan onyx. Metode analisis gambar digital sangat potensial digunakan untuk analisis keragaan warna ikan hias.

  7. A Client-Centered Review of Rogers with Gloria (United States)

    Moon, Kathryn A.


    Carl Rogers's nondirective theory and his response style with Gloria (E. L. Shostrom, 1965) are discussed in reply to S. A. Wickman and C. Campbell's (2003) "An Analysis of How Carl Rogers Enacted Client-Centered Conversation With Gloria." Client-centered studies of C. Rogers's transcripts give context for reformulating S. A. Wickman and C.…

  8. Limbah Serutan Kayu Matoa (Pometia Pinnata) Sebagai Zat Warna Alam Pada Kain Batik Serat Selulosa


    Haerudin, Agus; Farida, Farida Farida


    Potensi limbah sumber daya alam di Indonesia hususnya limbah kayu-kayuan sangat melimpah yang selama ini belum dimanfaatkan dan belum miliki nilai jual yang sangat tinggi, salah satunya serutan kayu matoa. Pada penelitian ini mencoba melakukan ekperimen limbah serutan kayu matoa dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber bahan baku zat warna alam yang akan diaplikasikan pada kain batik serat selulosa.Tujuan dari penelitian ini ingin melihat arah warna yang dihasilkan dari ekstraksi limbah serutan kayu mato...

  9. Studi Pengaruh Jenis Dan Konsentrasi Zat Fiksasi Terhadap Kualitas Warna Kain Batik Dengan Pewarna Alam Limbah Kulit Buah Rambutan (Nephelium Lappaceum)


    Amalia, Rizka; Akhtamimi, Iqbal


    Pewarnaan kain batik dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan zat warna alami dan zat warna sintetis. Keunggulan zat warna alam antara lain lebih murah, ramah lingkungan, dan menghasilkan warna yang khas. Salah satu zat warna alam yang berasal dari limbah yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah limbah kulit buah rambutan. Kelemahan dari penggunaan pewarna alam yaitu ketahanan luntur warna dan intesitas (ketuaan) warna yang relatif kurang baik. Penggunaan zat fiksasi adalah salah alternatif untuk memecahkan ...

  10. Rogers : Hiinat ootab suur tulevik, Venemaad lagunemine / Jim Rogers ; interv. Villu Zirnask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rogers, Jim


    Investeerimisguru-maailmarändur Jim Rogers toorainetesse investeerimisest, Venemaa ja Hiina majanduslikust arengust, uue Euroopa aktsiaturgudest ning elustandardist, Türgi võimalikust liitumisest Euroopa Liiduga

  11. Behaviour of Spinner Dolphin at Sha\\'ab Samadai, Marsa Alam, Red ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    . Samadai, Marsa Alam, Red Sea. The data were collected from October 2005 until. September 2006 using surface observations. Four objectives were studied: arrival and departure time of dolphins, distribution of dolphin movements within the ...

  12. Carl R. Rogers (1902-1987): Friend, Gentleman, and Scholar. (United States)

    Van Hesteren, Frank


    Writes in memory of Carl R. Rogers. Conveys a sense of the spirit of Rogers' thinking and the kind of person he was, both in his own eyes and in the experience of those who knew him personally. Concludes with a discussion of how Rogers'"way of being" has influenced the writer's own personal and professional development. (Author/KS)

  13. Penggunaan Zat Warna Alam untuk Kulit Non Konvensional


    Kasmudjiastuti, Emiliana


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan zat warna alam pada kulit non konvensional dengan mordan yang ramah lingkungan. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi : bahan baku berupa kulit biawak, kulit ular kobra, dan kulit ikan kakap awet kering, bahan pewarna dari ekstrak larutan kayu secang, tegeran, nangka, mahoni dan tingi, bahan penyamak krom dan syntan, alum sebagai mordan serta bahan pembantu untuk penyamakan. Tahapan penelitian meliputi persiapan ekstrak larutan zat w...

  14. The assessment of ambient air pollution pattern in Shah Alam ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study implements the statistical analysis to establish the association between air pollution trends with the industrial activities in Shah Alam, Selangor. PCA used to identify most significant parameters contributing to air pollution and it sources of pollutions, whereas SPC used to determine the pattern and contribution ...

  15. Hamlet, iscenesættelse Roger Vontobel, Staatsschauspiel Dresden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kuhlmann, Annelis


    Hamlet iscenesat af Roger Vontobel, Staatsschauspiel Dresden. Gæstespil på Kronborg Slot under Hamletscenens Shakespearefestival 1.-4. august 2015......Hamlet iscenesat af Roger Vontobel, Staatsschauspiel Dresden. Gæstespil på Kronborg Slot under Hamletscenens Shakespearefestival 1.-4. august 2015...

  16. Peluang dan Tantangan Undang-undang Desa dalam Upaya Demokratisasi Tata Kelola Sumber Daya Alam Desa: Perspektif Agraria Kritis

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    Mohamad Shohibuddin


    Full Text Available Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa (UU Desa-terlepas dari terobosan politiknya dalam menggulirkan demokratisasi relasi negara-desa-memiliki keterbatasan mendasar terkait isu sumber daya alam di desa mengingat krisis agraria dan krisis ekologi yang terjadi di pedesaan. Selain tidak banyak mengelaborasi aspek-aspek penting dari isu sumber daya alam, UU Desa juga hanya memberikan kewenangan yang minim terhadap swakelola sumber daya alam desa oleh pemerintah desa serta tidak menyentuh ketimpangan akses warga desa terhadap sumber daya alam setempat. Dihadapkan pada tantangan struktural demikian, perjuangan "otonomi desa" akan sulit mendorong transformasi sosial yang berarti tanpa melibatkan upaya penataan sumber daya alam yang berkeadilan dan berkelanjutan. Pada saat yang sama, perjuangan "keadilan sosial-ekologis" akan sulit tampil sebagai agenda kolektif desa tanpa mengupayakan demokratisasi yang lebih dalam di internal desa sendiri. Tulisan ini menawarkan kerangka perjuangan "demokratisasi tata kelola sumber daya alam desa" sebagai konvergensi strategis dari dua perjuangan sebelumnya: "otonomi desa" dan "keadilan sosial-ekologis". Hal ini diupayakan melalui tiga agenda konkret yang saling terkait: penguatan kewenangan desa atas sumber daya alam setempat, demokratisasi relasi-relasi sosio-agraria di desa, dan pembalikan krisis pedesaan untuk merevitalisasi basis-basis produksi desa.Law Number 6 of 2014 on Village-apart from its political contribution in democratizing state-village relation-has a fundamental limitation on natural resource issues in the village in the light of agrarian and ecological crises. This Law offers a minor elaboration on natural resource issues and provides limited authority to the village on this field, while no reference is made to the problem of inequality in community's access to local natural resources. Confronted with such structural challenges, it is argued that "struggle for village autonomy" will

  17. Teknik Pewarnaan Agel dengan Zat Warna Alam dari Daun Jati

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    Eustasia Sri Murwati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKAgel (Corypha gebanga BL merupakan jenis tanaman yang banyak tumbuh di Indonesia dan telah dimanfaatkan oleh para perajin untuk dibuat menjadi berbagai jenis barang kerajinan bernilai ekonomis. Namun proses pewarnaan yang sering digunakan selama ini adalah pewarnaan menggunakan zat warna sintetis yang kurang ramah lingkungan. Hal ini terjadi karena masih banyak kendala dalam pewarnaan alam, salah satunya adalah warna yang didapatkan menjadi kusam. Untuk itu diperlukan penelitian teknik pewarnaan yang tepat untuk memperoleh hasil yang optimal. Daun jati dipilih menjadi bahan dasar zat warna alam karena jumlah yang melimpah di Indonesia, regenerasi yang cukup cepat dibandingkan bahan pewarna alam dari kayu, dan termasuk jenis zat warna yang memiliki afinitas besar terhadap serat selulose. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh suhu, lama perendaman, dan proses mordan yang tepat untuk pewarnaan agel dengan zat warna alam dari daun jati. Metoda eksperimental dengan tahapan; penelitian bahan baku, uji kekuatan tarik sebelum dan sesudah diwarna, diproses mordan, diwarna dengan variasi suhu (60°C, 80°C, 100°C dan waktu pencelupan 30 menit, pengujian (ketahanan luntur warna terhadap cuci, gosok, dan sinar matahari, dan ketuaan warna. Hasil pengujian ketuaan warna pada suhu 100°C didapatkan warna paling tua (penyerapan optimal dengan %T (Transmitansi terkecil, suhu 80°C %T lebih tinggi dari pada suhu 100°C, dan pada suhu 60° C %T memiliki nilai tertinggi dengan warna kurang tua. Hasil pengujian ketahanan luntur warna terhadap cuci,gosok, dan sinar matahari baik. Sesudah pewarnaan tidak menurunkan kekuatan tarik.Kata kunci: agel, daun jati, ketuaan warna, suhu,warna alamABSTRACTAgel (Corypha gebanga BL grow widely in Indonesia and has been used by craftmen as material for various kinds of valuable handicrafts. However the coloring process of agel still use the staining with synthetic dyes that are less environmentally friendly. It is caused by


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    Erlania Erlania


    Full Text Available Sumberdaya rumput laut alam yang berlimpah di perairan Indonesia merefleksikan besarnya potensi penyerapan karbon oleh rumput laut untuk mengurangi gas rumah kaca, CO2, yang merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab terjadinya fenomena perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi serapan karbon oleh rumput laut alam di kawasan pesisir Labuhanbua, Kabupaten Sumbawa, NTB dan Ujung Genteng, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Pengumpulan data lapangan berdasarkan titik-titik pengamatan yang disebar pada transek garis yang tegak lurus terhadap garis pantai; meliputi data luas tutupan, jenis, dan kandungan karbon rumput laut alam yang dominan ditemukan pada kedua lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis-jenis rumput laut yang ditemukan di kawasan pantai Ujung Genteng terdiri atas 36 spesies dan di Labuhanbua 28 spesies. Berdasarkan besarnya simpanan karbon dalam bentuk biomassa pada berbagai spesies rumput laut alam di kedua lokasi penelitian, maka Sargassum sp., Padina sp., Dictyota dichotoma, Hydroclathrus clatratus, Gracilaria sp., G. foliifera, G. salicornia, Gelidium sp., dan Turbinaria sp., merupakan spesies potensial yang berperan sebagai media penyimpanan karbon biru, dan semua jenis tersebut dapat dikembangkan melalui aktivitas budidaya.

  19. The Roosevelt years: crucial milieu for Carl Rogers' innovation. (United States)

    Barrett-Lennard, Godfrey T


    This study explores broad features of political culture and event of the 1930s and World War 2 years, viewed in relation to the emergence and rapid early growth of the new therapy of Carl Rogers. The paper traces Rogers' early professional life and examines distinctive emphases in sociopolitical thought and development during Franklin D. Roosevelt's leadership as President over the prolonged emergency of the Great Depression and the crisis of the War. The study includes a focus on the President's own outlook and style, pertinent New Deal innovations, and wartime needs. Twelve features of this larger context are discriminated as together having vital importance for the new therapy and its founder. The congruent courses of the macrocontext and of Rogers' innovation are followed to the ending of Roosevelt's life. Direct causation is not attributed, but the evidence adduced newly points to particular contours of a larger environment favorable for the expression of Rogers' values and rare ability. In sum, the author concludes that a synergy of highly conducive historical circumstance and individual exceptionality contributed to the philosophical underpinnings, attitudinal values and early momentum of Rogers' client-centered therapy.

  20. Kuidas kirjutatakse ajalugu? / Roger Chartier ; interv. Marek Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Chartier, Roger


    Kirjanduslikest tekstidest sotsiaalajaloo uurimisallikana, juhuse ja paratamatuse vahekorrast ajaloos ja Prantsuse revolutsiooni käsitlusest Pariisi õppe- ja teaduskeskuse Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales professori R. Chartier'i teostes. Varem ilm.: Tekstid, praktikad ja lugejad : intervjuu Roger Chartier'ga // Chartier, Roger. Prantsuse revolutsiooni kultuurilised lätted. - Tallinn, 2002. - Lk. 274-290


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    Agus Haerudin


    Full Text Available Mekanisme pewarnaan alam pada batik untuk kain campuran chief value of cotton (CVC membutuhkan suatu zat pengemban (Carrier  yang berfungsi membuka pori-pori serat, sehingga dapat meningkatkan daya difusi zat warna pada serat, salah satu komersial zat pengemban yang umum digunakan adalah carrier T59. Sehingga tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi  Carrier T59 pada pewarnaan alam batik kain campuran CVC, dilihat dari hasil evaluasi uji ketahanan luntur warna pada pencucian dan gosokan serta hasil uji ketuaan warna. Metode yang digunakan ekperimen variasi carrier T59 dengan dua perlakuan proses iring cuci dan tidak cuci. Dari hasil pengamatan didapatkan dimana penambahan konsentrasi carrier T59 memberikan pengaruh pada nilai uji ketahanan luntur warna terhadap pencucian, gosokan dan ketuaan warna konsentrasi carreir T59 yang paling baik pada konsentrasi 10 gram/liter. Tingkat ketuaan warna meningkat dengan ada penambahan konsentrasi carrier. Proses iring cuci dan tidak cuci setelah proses simultan tidak banyak memberikan pengaruh karena tidak ada kenaikan nilai uji yang signifikan.Kata kunci : Kain Campuran CVC, Zat Pengemban (Carrier, Zat Warna Alam, Batik. 

  2. Similarities between Prescott Lecky's theory of self-consistency and Carl Rogers' self-theory. (United States)

    Merenda, Peter F


    The teachings of Prescott Lecky on the self-concept at Columbia University in the 1920s and 1930s and the posthumous publications of his book on self-consistency beginning in 1945 are compared with the many publications of Carl Rogers on the self-concept beginning in the early 1940s. Given that Rogers was a graduate student at Columbia in the 1920s and 1930s, the striking similarities between these two theorists, as well as claims attributed to Rogers by Rogers' biographers and writers who have quoted Rogers on his works relating to self-theory, strongly suggest that Rogers borrowed from Lecky without giving him the proper credit. Much of Rogers' writings on the self-concept included not only terms and concepts which were original with Lecky, but at times these were actually identical.

  3. Pseudo q -Engel expansions and Rogers-Ramanujan type identities ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Abstract. Andrews, Knopfmacher and Knopfmacher have used the Schur polynomials to consider the celebrated Rogers-Ramanujan identities in the context of q-Engel expansions. We extend this view using similar polynomials, provided by Sills, in the context of Slater's list of 130 Rogers-Ramanujan type identities.

  4. An Analysis of How Carl Rogers Enacted Client-Centered Conversation with Gloria. (United States)

    Wickman, Scott A.; Campbell, Cynthia


    This study analyzed Carl Rogers's session with Gloria in "Three Approaches to Psychotherapy" to determine how Rogers's conversational style functioned to enact his core conditions of empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard. Rogers's conversational style was found to be congruent with his espoused theory as well as a…

  5. Tutorial Facilitation in the Humanities Based on the Tenets of Carl Rogers (United States)

    Heim, Caroline


    This article introduces a model for group facilitation in the humanities based on Carl Rogers' model for group psychotherapy. Certain aspects of Carl Rogers' reflective learning strategies are reappraised and principles, specific only to psychotherapy, are introduced. Five of Rogers' axioms are applied to the tutorial discussion model: a…

  6. What has psychotherapy inherited from Carl Rogers? (United States)

    Goldfried, Marvin R


    Rogers' classic article (see record 2007-14639-002) on the necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic change--now 50 years old--has made an indelible impact on the field. In his brief article, Rogers broke with the past, making a compelling case for the importance of subjecting our hypotheses about how therapy works to empirical test. Moreover, his emphasis on the importance of the therapy relationship is now routinely accepted as necessary, even if not sufficient for change to occur. Having moved beyond Rogers' necessary and sufficient conditions, the field of therapy now recognizes that as important as the therapy relationship might be, there are certain clinical problems that require the use of specific techniques to bring about change. Still, it is currently recognized that therapist acceptance is essential, that nondirective methods can be effective in improving client motivation, and perhaps most important, that the therapist needs to work toward the development of evidence-based interventions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  7. Graduate Education in Psychology: A Comment on Rogers' Passionate Statement (United States)

    Brown, Robert C., Jr.; Tedeschi, James T.


    Authors' hope that this critical evaluation can place Carl Rogers' assumptions into perspective; they propose a compromise program meant to satisfy the basic aims of a humanistic psychology program. For Rogers' rejoinder see AA 512 869. (MB)

  8. Classical person-centered and experiential perspectives on Rogers (1957). (United States)

    Elliott, Robert; Friere, Elizabeth


    Rogers (1957; see record 2007-14639-002) foreshadows the later development of the person-centered approach in North America and elsewhere. In this paper, the authors present contrasting perspectives on the legacy of this key paper. First, from the perspective of classical person-centered therapy, Freire describes the context for this key paper within the wider frame of Rogers' body of work and emphasizes its continuing importance and relevance. Second, Elliott offers a personal history from the point of view of a psychotherapy researcher and process-experiential therapist. These two perspectives represent two major and distinct views of Rogers' legacy from within his direct intellectual and therapeutic descendents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. Roger Mitchell : Maailma päästmine pole vaid teadlaste asi / Roger Mitchell ; interv. Silvia Lotman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mitchell, Roger


    Earthwatch Instituut on ülemaailmne organisatsioon, mille missiooniks on kaasata vabatahtlikke ja teadlasi, levitamaks säästva arengu sõnumit. Instituuti tutvustab teaduse ja hariduse osakonna direktor Roger Mitchell

  10. Penyuluhan Dan Pelatihan Teknologi Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Berbasis Kearifan Dan Sumber Daya Alam Lokal Untuk Perbaikan Tingkat Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Karangsari Wedomartani Sleman

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    Sri Handayani


    Full Text Available Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan teknologi pemanfaatan tanaman obat berbasis kearifan dan sumber daya alam lokal untuk perbaikan tingkat kesehatan masyarakat desa karangsari wedomartani Sleman. Pada akhirnya kegiatan ini akan memberikan wawasan, pengetahuan, kemampuan, dan keterampilan kepada warga terutama para remaja dan  ibu –ibu dalam memanfaatkan bahan alam di lingkungan sekitar sebagai minuman kesehatan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2016 dengan peserta kegiatan adalah remaja dan ibu-ibu PKK desa Wedomartani Sleman. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan analisis permasalahan di lapangan, diikuti oleh persiapan rancangan  pelaksanaan program, pelatihan dan sosialisasi program yang dilengkapi alat dan bahan serta sarana dan prasarana penunjang kegiatan. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan sosialisasi serta pengarahan pembuatan minuman kesehatan berbasis sumber daya alam local. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa 100% para peserta pelatihan merasakan bahwa kegiatan ini bermanfaat dan memiliki kemauan yang kuat untuk belajar hal baru. Dengan pelatihan yang berkelanjutan,diharapkan peserta memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup bahkan menunjang kebutuhan ekonomi.   Kata kunci: Tanaman obat, sumber daya alam local

  11. Disposal of toxic waste to Kualiti Alam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilfred Paulus; Nik Marzukee; Syed Abd Malik


    The mandate to manage radioactive waste in this country was given to the Radioactive Waste Management Centre, MINT as the only agency allowed to handle the waste. However, wastes which are produced at MINT also include the non-radioactive toxic waste. The service to dispose off this non-radioactive toxic waste has been given to Kualiti Alam, the only company licensed to carry out such activity. Up to now, MINT's Radioactive Waste Management Centre has delivered 3 consignments of such waste to the company. This paper will detail out several aspects of managing the waste from the aspects of contract, delivering procedure, legislation, cost and austerity steps which should be taken by MINT's staff. (Author)


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    Jadda Muthiah


    Full Text Available Patengan and Alam Endah villages located in the Rancabali District South Bandung. Both villages have identical characteristics to the region that most of the people engaged in agricultural with variations in the tourism sector. The identical characteristic make social capital comparation can be done. Differences in the two villages is contained in land tenure wich unlike Alam Endah Village that have private land tenure, Patengan Village are in state land tenure. The field research was conducted in June 2016. The depth interviews were conducted using a semi-structured questioner developed by Social Capital Assessment Tool (SCAT. Research is done by carefully observing the phenomenon using participant observation approach. Research showed that land tenure have effect on social capital (especially on trust, norm, caring and proactive action element which happened because public concern over restrictions on access to natural resources increase the value of social capital because people tend to give positive responses to avoid conflict. In contrary, a figure that have influence toward natural resources access followed by other society member makes social capital inevitable increase. Key word: Alam Endah Village, land tenure, Patengan Village, social capital  

  13. Carl Rogers during Initial Interviews: A Moderate and Consistent Therapist. (United States)

    Edwards, H. P.; And Others


    Analyzed two initial interviews by Carl Rogers in their entirety using the Carkhuff scales, Hill's category system, and a brief grammatical analysis to establish the level and consistency with which Rogers provides facilitative conditions. Results indicated his behavior as counselor was stable and consistent within and across interviews. (Author)


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    Samuel Lante


    Full Text Available Salah satu kendala utama dalam domestikasi udang windu adalah rendahnya tingkat perkawinan secara alami dalam wadah budidaya. Hal yang sama terjadi pada udang windu alam yang digunakan di unit pembenihan. Salah satu upaya untuk mendapatkan telur fertil adalah melalui inseminasi buatan (IB. Inseminasi buatan merupakan teknik mentransfer spermatofor dari induk jantan dengan cara memasukkannya ke dalam telikum udang betina. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa reproduksi udang windu betina alam pasca-inseminasi menggunakan sumber dan jumlah spermatofor induk jantan alam yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan dua tahap yaitu 1 IB menggunakan spermatofor induk jantan dari perairan Sulawesi Selatan (SS dan spermatofor induk jantan dari Aceh (SA dan 2 IB menggunakan jumlah spermatofor berbeda yaitu satu spermatofor (S-1 dan dua spermatofor (S-2 pada udang windu betina alam. Inseminasi spermatofor dilakukan pada induk udang windu betina setelah dua hari moulting. Hasil yang diperoleh pada IB tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa daya tetas telur udang windu betina alam lokal tidak dipengaruhi oleh sumber (lokasi asal udang jantan, di mana daya tetas telur relatif sama pada kedua perlakuan, yaitu 61,6% pada SS dan 61,7% pada SA. IB pada tahap kedua menunjukkan bahwa daya tetas telur fertil yang diperoleh pada S-2 sebesar 40,5%; lebih rendah dari S-1 sebesar 44%. One of the main constraints in the domestication of black tiger shrimp is very low natural mating in the tank. Similar condition have been happened in commercial hatcheries. An effort to improve the eggs fertility is through artificial insemination (AI. This study aimed to know reproductive performance of wild black tiger shrimp after insemination with different sources and numbers of spermatophore. This study consisted of two trials.The first one was AI using spermatophores of wild male obtained from two different locations, namely from South Sulawesi (SS and Aceh (SA. The second trial was

  15. A pedagogia libertaria de Carl Rogers : um estudo de suas caracteristicas


    Carlos Alberto Jales Costa


    Resumo: A partir do levantamento dos diversos movimentos pedagogia libertária do sáculo XX, o presente trabalho tenta caracterizar a pedagogia libertária de Carl Rogers. No intuito de atingir este objetivo, intentou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica, através da qual pudesse emergir o posicionamento libertário de Rogers em pedagogia e em educação. Para isto foram consultados os virios escritos de Rogers: livros, conferências, artigos de jornais, autobiografias, entrevistas. Em todos eles transpare...

  16. Meta-Analysis of Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) Approach Implementation in Learning Process (United States)

    Ngabekti, S.; Ridlo, S.; Peniati, E.; Martanto, R.


    The results of tracer studies on the approach of Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) or environment exploring learning has been detected is used in eight provinces in Indonesia and studied in the learning begin primary school to college. Then, how the effectiveness of the implementation of the JAS approach in improving the learning process. This study uses…

  17. Roger Bailey takes over as head of CAS

    CERN Multimedia

    Katarina Anthony


    Established at the beginning of 1983, the CERN Accelerator School has developed to include two courses per year offered to hundreds of students from all over the world. Following the successful management of Daniel Brandt, Roger Bailey joins the newly formed Office of the Director of Accelerators and Technology (DAT) and becomes the new Head of the CERN Accelerator School (CAS).   Roger Bailey, the new Head of the CERN Accelerator School.  After 8 years of successful growth in popularity for the School, Daniel Brandt has handed on the baton to Roger Bailey. “The success of the CERN Accelerator School has been the result of a fantastic team effort,” says Brandt. “Along with my assistant - initially Suzanne von Wartburg and then Barbara Strasser - I had help from an advisory committee to decide both on the specialist topic and the venue for each workshop, and dedicated programme committees to help find the expert lecturers for the courses. Their support has ...


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    Paulo Coelho Castelo Branco


    Full Text Available Analisamos a relação de Carl Rogers com a Fenomenologia segundo uma perspectiva historiográfica que examina a ocorrência de citações e referências que ele fez a filósofos de orientação fenomenológica. As obras de Rogers foram organizadas em ordem cronológica de publicação e lidas conforme as técnicas de leitura seletiva e interpretativa. Rogers mencionou cinco filósofos de orientação fenomenológica: José Ortega y Gasset, Paul Tillich, Simone de Beauvoir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty e Martin Heidegger. Destes, somente Heidegger é efetivamente trabalhado em um texto sobre o ensino e os demais filósofos procedem de indicações e citações de outros autores. Nos livros em que Rogers referencia esses filósofos não há nenhuma discussão sobre a Fenomenologia; porém, há textos em que Rogers disserta sobre a Fenomenologia sem citar fenomenólogos. A Fenomenologia que Rogers menciona não é a filosófica, a qual ele teve ressalvas, mas é um paradigma estadunidense de ciência empírica e estudos da personalidade. A despeito disso, desenvolve-se no Brasil um movimento pós-rogeriano de orientação filosófica fenomenológica. Ponderamos, finalmente, algumas observações sobre o que distingue o movimento brasileiro daquele paradigma contatado por Rogers nos EUA.

  19. Roger Calder (1934 – 2014)

    CERN Multimedia


    Roger joined CERN’s Accelerator-Research Division in May 1963, at the beginning of the Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) project. The challenge was to evacuate the two beam pipes of about 1 km each to 10-7 Pa and to obtain a beam lifetime of 20 hours. An ultra-high vacuum system of this size and complexity required the most advanced technologies available.   Among the outstanding contributions by Roger were: the choice of turbomolecular- and ion-pumps, low outgassing rates and an all-metal system bakeable to 300°C. Still today, Roger’s name is linked to "900°C vacuum degassed stainless steel" for very low hydrogen outgassing. The unexpected dynamic pressure run-away during the ISR start-up, at only a few A of beam, was quickly identified as the "ion-induced pressure bump instability". Among Roger’s efforts to mitigate this effect, the pumping system was supplemented with titanium sublimation pumps. In a second s...

  20. Empathy, genuineness--And the dynamics of power: A feminist responds to Rogers. (United States)

    Brown, Laura S


    In this article, I discuss the points of convergence and divergence between Carl Rogers' core constructs for therapy (Rogers, 1957; see record 2007-14639-002) and the theories and practices of feminist therapy (Brown, 1994, 2007). The value of Rogers' insights about the importance of the relationship in therapy is reviewed, and the lacunae in his model arising from an inattention to issues of power and politics is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).


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    Rizka Amalia


    Full Text Available Pewarnaan kain batik dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan zat warna alami dan zat warna sintetis. Keunggulan zat warna alam antara lain lebih murah, ramah lingkungan, dan menghasilkan warna yang khas. Salah satu zat warna alam yang berasal dari limbah yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah limbah kulit buah rambutan. Kelemahan dari penggunaan pewarna alam yaitu ketahanan luntur warna dan intesitas (ketuaan warna yang relatif kurang baik. Penggunaan zat fiksasi adalah salah alternatif untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh penggunaan konsentrasi dan jenis zat fiksasi kapur, tawas dan tunjung pada proses fiksasi terhadap daya tahan luntur dan penodaan warna kain batik katun yang dicelup dengan zwa ekstrak kulit buah rambutan. Bahan yang digunakan adalah kain batik katun yang dicelup dengan ekstrak zwa kulit buah rambutan, kemudian dilanjutkan pengerjaan fiksasi pada larutan kapur dengan variasi konsentrasi 5 g/l, 25 g/l dan 45 g/l pada setiap zat fiksasi sebagai variabel bebas dan variabel terikat yaitu ketahanan luntur dan penodaan warna terhadap pencucian. Hasil uji ketahanan luntur dan penodaan warna menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan zat fiksasi tawas didapatkan nilai ketahanan luntur yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan zat fiksasi kapur dan tunjung sedangkan pada konsentrasi zat fiksasi yang berbeda menunjukkan bahwa pada penggunaan konsentrasi bahan fiksasi yang lebih tinggi (25% dan 45%, nilai greyscale dan stainingscale akan semakin baik.Kata kunci : rambutan, pewarna alam, kain, fiksasi

  2. Malcolm Knowles and Carl Rogers. (United States)

    Boyer, Dennis L.


    The aim of this paper is to examine primary concerns related to the introduction of Knowles's and Rogers's theories of adult education. Comparison of andragogy and student-centered theories includes the following areas: overview, foundations, general goals, learning principles, and teaching and learning and is followed by a summary and…

  3. Departure Roger Anthoine

    CERN Multimedia



    Remerciements et discours du D.G. H.Schopper à l'occasion du départ de Roger Anthoine (attaché de presse), qui travaillait dans la communication et quitte le Cern après 27 ans de service. Il gardait des relations avec des médias internationaux et la presse locale; remise des cadeaux: album photo avec images des musés de Genève et un radio aviation; R.A. fait un résumé de ses activités et souvenirs et remercie ses collaborateurs

  4. The Uniqueness of Similarities: Parallels of Milton H. Erickson and Carl Rogers. (United States)

    Gunnison, Hugh


    Describes the influence of the philosophy and values of Carl Rogers and Milton Erickson on the counseling profession. Reviews the person-centered approach, direction, therapeutic climate, and the influence of early experiences. Includes a reaction by Carl Rogers. (JAC)

  5. The Development and Evolution of Person-Centered Expressive Art Therapy: A Conversation with Natalie Rogers (United States)

    Sommers-Flanagan, John


    Many counselors are unaware that Natalie Rogers, daughter of Carl Rogers, has extended her father's work into the creative and expressive arts. This article includes a verbatim conversation with Natalie Rogers as she reflects on her childhood and her professional work. Person-centered expressive art therapy is an alternative to traditional verbal…


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    Murniati -


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pembuatan kain tenun ikat Sumba Timur menggunakan pewarna alam dari bagian tumbuhan. Kerajinan tersebut sudah berkembang dari semula bersifat subsisten menjadi komersial. Namun pengembangannya belum optimal dan belum mendapat dukungan secara signifikan dari para pihak terkait. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis usaha tenun ikat, meliputi  proses dan biaya produksi serta pendapatan pengrajin, jenis-jenis tumbuhan pewarna yang digunakan, permasalahan yang dihadapi pengrajin, para pihak terkait dan dukungan yang diperlukan untuk keberlanjutan dan pengembangan usaha. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga kelurahan/desa pada Bulan Februari dan Juni 2014 melalui metode wawancara, dialog dan pengamatan lapangan. Usaha kerajinan tenun ikat di Kabupaten Sumba Timur tergolong industri mikro. Tenaga kerja berasal dari anggota keluarga terutama ibu dan anak wanita. Biaya produksi dan harga jual produk (selendang, sarung dan kain sangat bervariasi antar pengrajin. Rata-rata volume kerja pengrajin 7,91 unit benang per tahun dan rata-rata pendapatan pengrajin Rp1.133.122,- per bulan. Dua jenis tumbuhan yang digunakan sebagai sumber pewarna alam utama adalah Indigofera tinctoria L. dan Morinda citrifolia L. yang dipungut dari alam. Belum ada usaha budidaya jenis-jenis tersebut secara signifikan. Produktivitas kerja pengrajin belum optimal dan bahan baku sumber pewarna alam semakin sulit diperoleh. Produk kain tenun masih terpaku pada motif dan warna atau corak tradisional sehingga segmen pasarnya terbatas. Untuk menjamin keberlanjutan dan pengembangan usaha tenun ikat di Sumba Timur, budidaya jenis-jenis tumbuhan penghasil pewarna alam sudah sangat mendesak dilakukan. Perlu pula mengenalkan jenis-jenis tumbuhan penghasil warna alternatif.  Untuk memperluas segmen pasar diperlukan pengenalan motif dan warna atau corak alternatif sehingga produknya lebih bervariasi.         Kata kunci: Tenun ikat,  pewarna alam,  pengrajin, biaya produksi, volume kerja

  7. Pengaruh Ekstraksi Zat Warna Alam dan Fiksasi Terhadap Ketahanan Luntur Warna pada Kain Batik Katun

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    Titiek Pujilestari


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKKain katun merupakan jenis kain yang terbuat dari serat kapas, mempunyai sifat mudah menyerap  bahan alami maupun kimia dan banyak digunakan untuk bahan media batik. Telah dilakukan penelitian ekstraksi pada lima jenis zat warna alam dengan menggunakan air. Variasi antara bahan pembawa zat warna dengan air adalah 1 : 6 dan 1 : 8. Fiksasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan kapur, tunjung, tawas, campuran kapur dengan tetes dan tanpa fiksasi. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan air pada ekstraksi dan bahan fiksasi terhadap ketahanan luntur warna pada kain. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ekstraksi zat warna alam dari daun indigo, daun mangga, kulit kayu nangka, kulit buah manggis dan biji buah kesumba dengan menggunakan air sebanyak 6 dan 8 bagian, memberikan hasil yang tidak jauh berbeda. Jenis zat warna alam dan bahan fiksasi yang diaplikasikan untuk pembatikan kain katun yang memberikan ketahanan luntur baik adalah: kulit buah manggis dengan fiksasi kapur, tawas dan tanpa fiksasi, biji buah kesumba/bixa dengan fiksasi tunjung dan tawas, kulit kayu nangka dengan fiksasi tunjung, daun mangga dengan fiksasi tawas. Daun indigo mempunyai ketahanan luntur warna yang baik sampai sangat baik terhadap pencucian, tetapi kurang baik sampai baik terhadap sinar terang hari. Penggunaan fiksasi campuran kapur dan tetes tebu menghasilkan ketahanan luntur warna pencucian dan sinar terang hari lebih rendah dibanding fiksasi dengan kapur. Ketahanan luntur dari kelima zat warna alam terhadap pencucian lebih baik dibanding ketahanan luntur terhadap sinar terang hari. Kata kunci: zat warna alam, ekstraksi, fiksasi, katunABSTRACTThe cotton fabric is a type of fabric made from cotton fiber, its easily absorbed material both natural and chemical, and widely used as a material for batik.Research extraction of five types of natural dyes made with a variety of colour materials carrier and the use of water is 1:6 and 1:8. Fixation of color on

  8. Carl Rogers' Alternative to Traditional Rhetoric. (United States)

    Hairston, Maxine C.

    Carl Rogers' approach to communication has implications for the rhetorician and the teacher of college composition. The qualities of respect, restraint, neutrality, and understanding, when applied to written and oral discourse, can provide an effective alternative to polemical argumentation. The detatchment and empathy of the Rogerian style is…

  9. The religious dimension of Rogers's work

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kalmthout, M.A. van


    Carl Rogers can be considered one of the best examples of a proponent of a universal psychopathology and psychotherapy. His concept of the universal has a wider scope when he considers the actualizing tendency, which is operative in individual persons, to be part of a universal force that is


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    Sopa Martina


    Full Text Available Abstract - Tourism activity has been shown to promote the growth of the economy through investment and employment opportunities. not only have an impact on the socio-economic dimension alone, but also socio-cultural dimensions even touching the physical environment. Impact on the various dimensions are not only positive but also negative impact. As one of the tourist destinations are Parks Nature White crater located Ciwidey village. The purpose of this study to determine the impact of tourism activities in the Natural Park of the White crater Ciwidey village social and economic communities. This study used a qualitative approach. Data was collected through direct observation. The results showed that tourism activities in Taman Wisata Kawah Putih positive effect in terms of the economy can increase the income of local communities, while the negative impacts in terms of the erosion of the social is the problem - the value of local community norms that tend to mimic the behavior of tourists visiting from outside the area even from abroad.   Keywords : Parks Nature, Social, Economic     Abstrak - Kegiatan pariwisata telah terbukti dapat mendorong pertumbuhan perekonomian melalui peluang investasi dan peluang kerja. tidak hanya berdampak pada dimensi sosial ekonomi semata, tetapi juga menyetuh dimensi sosial budaya bahkan lingkungan fisik. Dampak terhadap berbagai dimensi tersebut bukan hanya bersifat positif tetapi juga berdampak negatif. Sebagai salah satu daerah tujuan wisata adalah Taman Wisata Alam Kawah Putih yang terletak Desa Ciwidey. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dampak kegiatan pariwisata di Taman Wisata Alam Kawah Putih Desa Ciwidey terhadap sosial dan ekonomi di masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi secara langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kegiatan pariwisata di Taman Wisata Kawah Putih berpengaruh positif dilihat dari segi

  11. Irish nationalism and the uncanny: a reading of “The ghost of Roger Casement”


    Bolfarine, Mariana; Universidade de São Paulo


    Of the several fictional works about the Irish revolutionary Roger David Casement, none has reached the notoriety of William Butler Yeats’s poem “The ghost of Roger Casement” (1936). Roger Casement is known for acting as British Consul in Africa and in Brazil, having reported atrocities committed against the natives in these regions by imperial rubber companies. The aftermath of having witnessed the effects of such atrocities eventually turned Casement against the British Empire for which he ...

  12. Densitas Dan Jenis Pakan Burung Rangkong (Rhyticeros Cassidix) Di Cagar Alam Tangkoko Batuangus


    Mangangantung, Brayen


    Penelitian burung rangkong sulawesi sudah banyak dilakukan tetapi informasi mengenai densitas dan jenis pakannya masih sedikit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui densitas dan jenis pakan burung rangkong sulawesi (Rhyticeros cassidix) di Cagar Alam Tangkoko Batuangus, Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni-Agustus 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode garis transek (Transek Line) yang berjumlah 3 garis transek dengan panjang 2 km dan lebar transek 400 m, mula...

  13. Desain Rantai Pasok Gas Alam Cair (LNG untuk Kebutuhan Pembangkit Listrik di Indonesia Bagian Timur

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    Made Arya Satya Dharma Putra


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki gas alam yang melimpah, namun kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia untuk memanfaatkan gas tersebut untuk kebutuhan listrik di Indonesia yang sekarang sedang dalam krisis terutama di Indonesia Timur. Salah satu penyebab krisis tenaga listrik yang terjadi di Indonesia adalah tingginya nilai harga bahan bakar minyak, dimana High Speed Diesel Oil merupakan bahan bakar utama bagi pembangkit listrik di Indonesia. Gas alam cair atau Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG dapat menjadi solusi alternatif bahan bakar bagi pembangkit listrik di Indonesia.Studi kali ini bertujuan untuk pemanfaatan gas alam cair (LNG untuk kebutuhan pembangkit listrik di Indonesia Timur dengan menentukan pola distribusi LNG dengan menggunakan Blok Masela sebagai sumber LNG dan menggunakan kapal untuk mendistribusikannya. Terdapat 39 pembangkit yang tersebar di 4 pulau yaitu Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan Papua. Kapal yang digunakan untuk mendistribusikan terdapat 5 kapal dengan ukuran 2500 m3, 7500 m3, 10000 m3, 19500 m3, 23000 m3. Untuk mendapatkan rute distribusi, studi ini menggunakan metode Linear Programing dan dalam Vehicle Routing Problem. Hasil optimasi pada distribusi ini adalah rute dan kapal yang optimal / terbaik dengan biaya ekonomi yang minimal.Dari hasil penelitian ini pembangkit akan dibagi menjadi 5 cluster dimana terdapat 5 rute yang terpilih dengan menggunakan 6 kapal yaitu 5 kapal ukuran 2500 m3 dan 1 kapal dengan ukuran 7500m3. Biaya total yang diperlukan dalam mendistribusikan LNG sebesar US$ 111,863,119.15 untuk Opex dan US$ 283,967,000.00 untuk Capex. Hasil dari kajian ekonomi menunjukan bahwa margin penjualan yang terpilih adalah antara US$ 3.5 sampai US$ 3.9 dengan payback period selama 6.8 – 4.7 tahun tahun dari waktu operasi 20 tahun.

  14. Repurposing Principles and Successful Pedagogical Techniques from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood for the Early Childhood Music Classroom (United States)

    Poole, Harrison Grant


    Fred Rogers's television program, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood", connected with young children and educated them about difficult concepts for more than 30 years. The author analyzes and discusses several principles and pedagogical techniques that were used in Rogers's television program, including communicating with children,…


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    Dwi Wiji Lestari


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian pemanfaatan kulit kayu angsana (Pterocarpus indicus sebagai sumber zat warna alam untuk pewarnaan kain batik sutera. Ekstraksi ZWA dilakukan dengan pelarut air dengan variasi suhu ekstraksi 75 °C dan 100 °C. Pewarnaan zat warna alam kemudian diaplikasikan pada kain batik sutera pada kondisi pencelupan asam (pH 4 dan basa (pH 10. Mordan awal yang digunakan adalah tawas dan jirak. Diakhir pewarnaan alam dilakukan fiksasi dengan menggunakan tawas dan tunjung. Berdasar hasil penelitian, kulit kayu angsana terbukti dapat digunakan sebagai sumber zat warna alam untuk batik sutera. Ketuaan warna paling tinggi diperoleh pada pewarnaan batik sutera dengan menggunakan mordan jirek pada suhu ekstraksi 100 °C dalam kondisi pencelupan basa dengan fiksator tunjung. Arah warna yang dihasilkan adalah coklat tua pada suasana pencelupan asam dengan fiksasi tunjung, coklat kemerahan pada suasana  pencelupan asam fiksasi tawas, coklat kemerahan pada suasana  pencelupan basa fiksasi tawas dan coklat tanah pada suasana  pencelupan basa dengan fiksasi tunjung. Hasil uji ketahanan luntur warna terhadap pencucian dari sampel pewarnaan menunjukkan kualitas baik yaitu pada skala 4-5 (Baik. Study on utilizationof angsana (Pterocarpus indicus as natural dye for silk batik has been conducted. The study was aimed to determine the quality of the natural dyeing of the bark of angsana by use jirak (Symplocos fasciculata Zoll. and alum as the natural mordant. Extraction of natural dye was carried out using water by varying the extraction temperature of 75 and 100 °C. The coloration was applied to silk batik at both acid (pH 4 and basic (pH 6 impregnations. The mordant employed  were alum and jirak. The last stage was fixation using alum and ferrosulfate. Based on the results, angsana was proved to be used as a source of natural dyes for silk batik. The highest color intensity was obtained by using angsana bark extract and jirak as mordant at

  16. Optimasi Pencelupan Kain Batik Katun Dengan Pewarna Alam Tingi (Ceriops Tagal) Dan Indigofera SP


    Pujilestari, Titiek


    Pencelupan menggunakan zat warna alam pada proses pembuatan batik dilakukan berulang kali agar dihasilkan warna yang kuat. Sedangkan, penyerapan warna oleh serat kain dibatasi oleh kejenuhan serat. Pencelupan berulang tanpa memperhatikan hasil yang diperoleh dapat menambah biaya, tenaga, dan waktu proses pewarnaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pengulangan pencelupan yang optimum dalam menghasilkan warna kain batik katun yang kuat. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan media kain katu...

  17. Rogers' interviews with Gloria and Kathy revisited: A micro-analysis of the client-therapist interaction.


    Takens, R.J.


    In order to illustrate the use of the Processing Modes Scales of Sachse (1990a) two prototypical interviews of Rogers, respectively with Gloria and Kathy, were analyzed. It was hypothesized that Rogers would offer his clients high levels of 'processing proposals', and that, as a consequence, his clients would show high levels of processing, too. Indeed, Rogers' processing proposals were much deeper than normally found, as were the processing modes by the two clients involved. It also turned o...


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    Armaidy Armawi


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian inibertujuan untuk memberikan alternatif solusi terhadap upaya mengurangi dampak kerusakan lingkungan akibat ekploitasi sumberdaya alam yang dilakukan manusia melalui proses pembangunan dengan pendekatan filosofi apakah hakikat dan esensi dari manusiadan bagaimana kedudukannya di alam semesta ini? Apa yang harus dilakukan manusia untuk menjaga dan mengembangkan kehidupan diri dan lingkungannya?Penelitian merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat kualitatif. Metoda yang digunakan adalah  verstehen,interpretasi,  hermeneutika dan heuristik. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwaproses pembangunan dan upaya manusia dalam melakukan eksploitasi sumberdaya alam yang tidak rasional dan hanya mementingkan “syahwat” keserakahan dan kenikmatan (hedonisme telah memberi andil yang cukup penting dalam membentuk selera konsumtifisme. Eksploitasi sumberdaya alam berdasarkan pandangan yang individualistik-materialistik, telah menyebabkan timbulnya konflik-konflik yang berakibat pada korban manusia dan kerusakan lingkungan serta menciptakan jurang pemisah antara kesejahteraan dan kemiskinan. Oleh karena itu, dalam pembangunan diperlukan kerangka pemikiran yang bersifat antro-ekologis-filsafati (human ecology. Karena dengan kerangka pemikiran atau paradigma tersebut berbagai dimensi dapat terangkum di dalameksistensi manusia dan eksistensi lain menurut ukuran kemanusiandi dalam dirinya. Dengan demikian,apa yang dikatakan pembangunan yang berwajah insani dan lestari lingkungannya dalam pertimbangan dimensi waktu, manusia, alam serta dimensi religius dapat terbawa. Analisa dampak lingkungan dalam perencanaan pembangunan tidak cukup hanya dengan mempertimbangkan aspek teknis seperti analisa kerusakan, pencemaran dan kelestarian lingkungan, akan tetapi aspek non-teknis, yakni nilai etis yang didasarkan pada kearifan manusia dan kearifan lokal juga penting diperhatikan,agar tidak terjadi penolakan-penolakan dan konflik antarunsur ekologi

  19. 77 FR 29932 - Safety Zone; Nautical City Festival Air Show, Rogers City, MI (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Nautical City Festival Air Show, Rogers City, MI AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION... City Festival will be celebrating Calcite's 100th Anniversary. As part of that celebration, an air show... posed by the Nautical City Festival air show near Rogers City, MI, the Captain of the Port Sault Sainte...

  20. 77 FR 40798 - Safety Zone; Nautical City Festival Air Show, Rogers City MI (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Nautical City Festival Air Show, Rogers City MI AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION...; Nautical City Festival Air Show, Rogers City MI; in the Federal Register (77 FR 29932). We received no... Nautical City Festival will be celebrating Calcite's 100th Anniversary. As part of that celebration, an air...

  1. The Coconstruction of Congruency: Investigating the Conceptual Metaphors of Carl Rogers and Gloria. (United States)

    Wickman, Scott A.; Campbell, Cynthia


    The counseling session between Carl Rogers and Gloria is one of the most widely used teaching tools in the field of counselor education. This article explores a framework for investigating conceptual metaphor, which provided a useful method for understanding how meaning negotiation took place within the session as well as how Rogers and Gloria…

  2. Carl Rogers and the larger context of therapeutic thought. (United States)

    Wachtel, Paul L


    Carl Rogers' classic account (see record 2007-14639-002) of the necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic personality change is examined in light of developments in theory and practice since the time he wrote. Rogers' ideas, which diverged from and were very largely a challenge to, the dominant psychoanalytic ideology of the era in which he wrote, are considered in relation to new theoretical developments in what has come to be called relational psychoanalysis. They are also considered in light of the greatly increased influence of and substantial evidence supporting behavioral and cognitive-behavioral approaches. Points of convergence and divergence among these approaches are examined. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  3. Analisis Koefisien Absorpsi Bunyi Pada Komposit Penguat Serat Alam Dengan Menggunakan Alat Uji Tabung Impedansi 2 Microphone

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    Cok Istri Putri Kusuma Kencanawati


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Dalam perambatannya gelombang bunyi dapat di halangi dengan menggunakan suatu medium yang memiliki sifat-sifatkedap suara, sehingga energi yang ditransmisikan akan mampu dikurangi/dihambat oleh medium tersebut. Salah satumetode yang dapat dipergunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan peredaman (koefisien absorpsi suatu mediumterhadap gelombang bunyi yang datang dapat diketahui dengan menggunakan Tabung Impedansi 2 Microphone.Sedangkan sebagai mediumnya adalah panel komposit. Mengingat dalam perkembangan ilmu bahan saat ini banyak digunakan komposit dengan penguat serat alam, dan salah satu sifat yang dikaji adalah sifat akustiknya. Kajian ini lebihmenitik beratkan sifat akustik komposit berpenguat serat alam, mengingat selama ini banyak serat alam yang terbuangpercuma menjadi limbahsehingga mencemari lingkungan. Jenis-jenis serat alam yang digunakan sebagai penguatantara lain : serat serabut kelapa, serat jerami, serat batang pisang, serat nenas, serat kapuk dan serat batang kelapasawit, sedangkan frekuensi pengukuran koefisien absorpsi terhadap medium ini berkisar anatra 200 hz sampai dengan1400 hz, dengan ketebalan spesiemn uji antara 2 mm sampai dengan 4 mmdengan menggunakan metode pengujianTabung impedansi 2 mikrophone, sesuai dengan standart ISO 10534-2:1998 and American Standart forTestingMaterials (ASTM E1050-98. Dalam kajian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pada frekuensi rendah koefisienabsorpsi bahan cukup tinggi antara 0,4 sampai dengan 0,6 dan kemampuan serap bunyi ini akan menurun denganmeningkatnya frekuensi, sedangkan pengaruh ketebalan bahan juga mempengaruhi sifat akustiknya.Kata kunci: komposit, serat alam, koefisien absorpsi, tabung impedansi Abstract: In the propagation of sound waves can be prevented by using a medium that has properties soundproofed, so that thetransmitted energy to be able to be reduced / inhibited by the medium. One method that can be used to determine theability of damping (absorption coefficient of a

  4. The Application of Carl Rogers' Person-Centered Learning Theory to Web-Based Instruction. (United States)

    Miller, Christopher T.

    This paper provides a review of literature that relates research on Carl Rogers' person-centered learning theory to Web-based learning. Based on the review of the literature, a set of criteria is described that can be used to determine how closely a Web-based course matches the different components of Rogers' person-centered learning theory. Using…

  5. A Dialogue with Carl Rogers: Cross-Cultural Challenges of Facilitating Person-Centered Groups in Africa. (United States)

    Hain-Hill, Alicia; Rogers, Carl R.


    Presents brainstorming dialogue with Carl Rogers which was held in January of 1987, shortly before Rogers's death. Explores basic challenges involved in a large-scale, cross-cultural application of person-centered group work in South Africa. (Author)

  6. The Buber-Rogers Dialogue: Theory Confirmed in Experience (United States)

    Seckinger, Donald S.


    Considers a dialogue between Carl Rogers and Martin Buber and its use both in distinguishing the concept teaching from the concept therapy as a general case and specifically in differentiating existential psychotherapy from Buber's theory of instruction. (Author/RK)


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    HY. Agus Murdyastomo


    Full Text Available Pusat budaya di Yogyakarta selama ini yang lebih banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat adalah Kraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta,  tetapi sesungguhnya selain Kraton Kasutanan masih terdapat pusat budaya yang lain yaitu Pura Paku Alaman. Di Kadipaten telah terlahir tokoh-tokoh yang sangat memperhatikan kelestarian budaya Jawa khususnya seni tari tradisi. Salah satunya adalah Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Aryo Paku Alam IV, yang pada masa ia berkuasa, budaya Barat yang dibawa oleh kaum kolonialis melanda daerah jajahan. Hadirnya budaya asing tentu sulit untuk ditolak. Namun demikian denga piawainya KGPAA Paku Alam IV, justru mengadopsi budaya Barat, tetapi ditampilkan dengan rasa dan estetika Jawa, dalam bentuk tari klasik. Sehingga pada masanya lahir repertoar tari baru yang memperkaya seni tari tradisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap perkembangan seni tari di Pura Pakualaman pada masa pemerintahan KGPAA Paku Alam IV, dan hal-hal apa yang melatarbelakangi penciptaannya. Dalam rangka mewujudkan rekonstruksi ini dilakukan dengan metode sejarah kritis, yang tahapannya meliputi Pertama, Heuristik, atau pencarian dan pengumpulan sumber data sejarah, yang dalam hal ini dilakukan di BPAD DIY, dan di Perpustakaan Pura Pakualaman. Di kedua lembaga tersebut tersimpan arsip tentang Paku Alaman, dan juga naskah-naskah yang berkaitan dengan penciptaan tari. Kedua, Kritik, atau pengujian terhadap sumber-sumber yang terkumpul, sumber yang telah terkumpul diuji dari segi fisik untuk memperoleh otentisitas, kemudian membandingkan informasi yang termuat dengan informasi dari sumber yang berbeda, untuk memperoleh keterpercayaan atau kredibilitas.  Ketiga, Interpretasi yaitu informasi yang ada dikaji untuk diangkat fakta-fakta sejarahnya, yang kemudian dirangkai menjadi sebuah kisah sejarah. Untuk memperkuat interpratasi dan pemaknaan rangkaian fakta digunakan juga pendekatan budaya dalam hal ini digunakan teori akulturasi dan asimilasi. Keempat Kisah yang

  8. Research Ship Roger Revelle Underway Meteorological Data, Quality Controlled (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Research Ship Roger Revelle Underway Meteorological Data (delayed ~10 days for quality control) are from the Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic...

  9. Encountering Carl Rogers: His Views on Facilitating Groups. (United States)

    Landreth, Garry L.


    Presents Carl Rogers' views on facilitating groups, as expressed in a telephone dialogue seminar with graduate students in counselor education at North Texas State University. Discusses extended group marathons, cocounseling, nonverbal group exercises and the future of group work. (JAC)

  10. Modular relations for the Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater type functions of order fifteen and its applications to partitions

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    Chandrashekar Adiga


    Full Text Available In a manuscript of Ramanujan, published with his Lost Notebook [20] there are forty identities involving the Rogers-Ramanujan functions. In this paper, we establish several modular relations involving the Rogers-Ramanujan functions and the Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater type functions of order fifteen which are analogues to Ramanujan’s well known forty identities. Furthermore, we give partition theoretic interpretations of two modular relations.

  11. ADSORPSI POLUTAN ION DIKROMAT MENGGUNAKAN ZEOLIT ALAM TERMODIFIKASI AMINA (Adsorption of Dichromate Ions Pollutant Using Ammine Modified-Natural Zeolites

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    Eko Sri Kunarti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kromium (VI merupakan polutan logam berat berbahaya bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan oleh karena itu pengambilan ion Cr(VI dalam air penting dilakukan untuk mengatasi pencemaran lingkungan. Proses adsorpsi merupakan salah satu teknik sederhana yang dapat digunakan untuk pengambilan ion logam. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan kajian adsorpsi ion dikromat sebagai model limbah Cr(VI dalam air menggunakan adsorben zeolit alam termodifikasi amina. Penelitian diawali dengan preparasi adsorben zeolit alam termodifikasi amina. Preparasi dimulai dengan pencucian zeolit alam menggunakan akuades, kemudian refluks zeolit alam menggunakan HCl 3M. Zeolit hasil refluks selanjutnya dimodifikasi menggunakan garam ammonium kuarterner, N-cethyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB dan amina primer, propilamin (PA. Zeolit alam (Z, zeolit teraktivasi asam (ZA dan zeolit hasil modifikasi amina selanjutnya digunakan sebagai adsorben untuk adsorpsi anion dikromat. Karakterisasi adsorben dilakukan dengan mengunakan metode spektroskopi infaramerah dan difraksi sinar-X, sedangkan jumlah anion dikromat yang teradsorpsi dianalisis dengan spektroskopi serapan atom. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel zeolit mengandung mineral klinoptilolit, mordernit dan kuarsa. Struktur zeolit tidak mengalami kerusakan oleh perlakuan termal dan perlakuan kimia. Modifikasi zeolit meningkatkan efisiensi adsorpsi zeolit alam. Ion dikromat dapat teradsorpsi dengan lebih baik oleh zeolit termodifikasi amina daripada zeolit teraktivasi asam dan zeolit tanpa modifikasi, dengan kemampuan adsorpsi zeolit termodifikasi CTAB (CTAB-Z lebih besar daripada zeolit termodifikasi propilamin (PA-Z. Adsorpsi ion dikromat pada adsorben zeolit berlangsung baik dengan urutan CTAB-Z > PA-Z > ZA > Z, dengan kemampuan adsorpsi masing-masing sebesar 1,96; 1,74; 0,90 dan 0,48 mg/g. Adsorpsi anion dikromat oleh zeolit termodifikasi CTAB merupakan adsorpsi kimia (kemisorpsi dengan energi adsorpsi sebesar

  12. Roger Robinson, The Butterfly Hotel


    Doumerc, Eric


    Roger Robinson is a Trinidadian poet and performer who has been based in London for a number of years now. He has had poems published in important anthologies like The Fire People (Edinburgh: Payback Press, 1998), edited by Lemm Sissay, IC3: The Penguin Book of New Black Writing in Britain, edited by Courttia Newland and Kadija Sesay (London: Penguin, 2000), and more recently Out of Bounds – British Black and Asian Poets, edited by Jackie Kay, James Procter and Gemma Robinson (Newcastle upon ...

  13. Rogers' interviews with Gloria and Kathy revisited: a micro-analysis of the client-therapist interaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Takens, J.R.


    In order to illustrate the use of the Processing Modes Scales of Sachse (1990a) two prototypical interviews of Rogers, respectively with Gloria and Kathy, were analyzed. It was hypothesized that Rogers would offer his clients high levels of 'processing proposals', and that, as a consequence, his

  14. Rogers' interviews with Gloria and Kathy revisited: A micro-analysis of the client-therapist interaction.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Takens, R.J.


    In order to illustrate the use of the Processing Modes Scales of Sachse (1990a) two prototypical interviews of Rogers, respectively with Gloria and Kathy, were analyzed. It was hypothesized that Rogers would offer his clients high levels of 'processing proposals', and that, as a consequence, his

  15. Reassessing Rogers' necessary and sufficient conditions of change. (United States)

    Watson, Jeanne C


    This article reviews the impact of Carl Rogers' postulate about the necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic change on the field of psychotherapy. It is proposed that his article (see record 2007-14630-002) made an impact in two ways; first, by acting as a spur to researchers to identify the active ingredients of therapeutic change; and, second, by providing guidelines for therapeutic practice. The role of the necessary and sufficient conditions in process-experiential therapy, an emotion-focused therapy for individuals, and their limitations in terms of research and practice are discussed. It is proposed that although the conditions are necessary and important in promoting clients' affect regulation, they do not take sufficient account of other moderating variables that affect clients' response to treatment and may need to be balanced with more structured interventions. Notwithstanding, Rogers highlighted a way of interacting with clients that is generally acknowledged as essential to effective psychotherapy practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  16. Testing aspects of Carl Rogers's theory of creative environments: child-rearing antecedents of creative potential in young adolescents. (United States)

    Harrington, D M; Block, J H; Block, J


    Longitudinal data involving 106 children and their parents were used to test preschool child-rearing implications of Carl Rogers's theory of creativity-fostering environments (Rogers, 1954). Indices were developed for each parent and for each mother-father combination that reflected the degree to which the parents' child-rearing practices and interactions with their preschool children matched the recommendations implicit in Rogers's description of a creativity-fostering environment. The three indices of Rogers-prescribed child-rearing practices each correlated positively (rs = .38 to .46) and significantly (all ps less than .001) with a composite index of creative potential in early adolescence, 7 to 11 years later. Rogers-prescribed preschool child-rearing practices also emerged as significant antecedents of adolescent creative potential in regression/path analyses that held constant the influence of sex, preschool intelligence, and preschool creative potential. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the study are discussed.

  17. Utilizing Rogers' Theory of Self-Concept in mental health nursing. (United States)

    Hosking, P


    The work of mental health nurse is interactive in nature, the priority of which is the effective development and maintenance of a therapeutic relationship with clients. This field of nursing bases its practice on theories from many schools of thought in order to provide clients with the highest quality of care. One such theory is that of Carl Rogers whose practice as a psychotherapist was based on his Theory of Self-Concept. This paper examines the development of the Theory of Self-Concept from the works of Cooley, Mead, Allport and Rogers and relates to the therapeutic alliance between a primary nurse and a client who has been medically diagnosed as being 'depressed'. The implications for practice are considered and some of the difficulties of utilizing Rogers' theory on an in-patient unit are explored. The paper emphasizes the need for nurses to be aware of the use of such theories in order to enrich the care that clients receive. It also highlights the need for nurses to be aware of their own 'self' when working with clients, a state that can only be achieved if the nurses themselves have adequate clinical supervision and an environment which is supportive of such work.

  18. Psychotherapy: The Listening Voice. Rogers and Erickson. (United States)

    Leva, Richard A.

    The views of Carl Rogers and Milton H. Erickson are combined in this book on psychotherapy. The first section focuses on belief systems, views of man, new views of the unconscious, and a philosophy for change. Erickson and his relationship to myth, the nature of man and the goal of counseling, trance, and a radical view of the unconscious are…

  19. Motivational interviewing and the clinical science of Carl Rogers. (United States)

    Miller, William R; Moyers, Theresa B


    The clinical method of motivational interviewing (MI) evolved from the person-centered approach of Carl Rogers, maintaining his pioneering commitment to the scientific study of therapeutic processes and outcomes. The development of MI pertains to all 3 of the 125th anniversary themes explored in this special issue. Applications of MI have spread far beyond clinical psychology into fields including health care, rehabilitation, public health, social work, dentistry, corrections, coaching, and education, directly impacting the lives of many people. The public relevance and impact of clinical psychology are illustrated in the similarity of MI processes and outcomes across such diverse fields and the inseparability of human services from the person who provides them, in that both relational and technical elements of MI predict client outcomes. Within the history of clinical psychology MI is a clear product of clinical science, arising from the seminal work of Carl Rogers whose own research grounded clinical practice in empirical science. As with Rogers' work 70 years ago, MI began as an inductive empirical approach, observing clinical practice to develop and test hypotheses about what actually promotes change. Research on MI bridges the current divide between evidence-based practice and the well-established importance of therapeutic relationship. Research on training and learning of MI further questions the current model of continuing professional education through self-study and workshops as a way of improving practice behavior and client outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).



    Ruby Vidia Kusumah; Sawung Cindelaras; Anjang Bangun Prasetio


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keragaan warna ikan clown Biak (Amphiprion percula) populasi alam dan budidaya berdasarkan analisis gambar digital sebagai dasar upaya pemuliaannya. Gambar digital diambil dari koleksi ikan clown Biak Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut Lampung, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Gondol, Bali; serta pengumpul ikan hias di Denpasar, Bali menggunakan kamera digital Canon EOS 600D. Pola warna dikarakterisasi secara visual terhadap varias...

  1. ASEI-SEIR model with vaccination for dengue control in Shah Alam, Malaysia (United States)

    Tay, Chai Jian; Teh, Su Yean; Koh, Hock Lye


    Epidemiology modelling provides an understanding of the underlying mechanisms that influence the spread of dengue disease. The most common mathematical models used are the compartment models abbreviated by ASI-SIR, ASEI-SIR and ASEI-SEIR. This paper starts with a discussion of these common models, followed by the derivation of the basic reproduction number (Ro) of each model. The value of Ro in ASI-SIR model is higher than that in ASEI-SIR and ASEI-SEIR models due to the exclusion of exposed adult mosquito in ASI-SIR model. Further, sensitivity analysis on Ro indicates that natural mortality and biting rate of adult mosquito have significant effects on dengue transmission dynamics. Next, an in-house mathematical model named MOSSEIR is developed, based upon the ASEI-SEIR compartment model, in which both mosquito and human populations are considered. The mosquito population is divided into four compartments consisting of aquatic mosquito, susceptible, exposed and infected adult mosquito; while the human population is classified into four compartments comprising susceptible, exposed, infected and recovered human. MOSSEIR is then used to replicate the number of dengue cases in 2010 for Shah Alam, a capital city of Selangor with high incidence of dengue fever. Finally, effectiveness of control strategies, including mosquito breeding sites control, fogging and vaccination, are evaluated for Shah Alam. Simulation results indicate that these three control strategies can significantly reduce dengue transmission, in theory. In reality, the effectiveness of traditional control methods such as elimination of mosquito breeding sites and fogging is below expectation due to non-compliance. Therefore, the adoption of a safe, effective and affordable vaccine remains the best prospect for controlling dengue.

  2. Assessment at Al-Ameer signalized intersection in Samawa city

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    Joni Hasan


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to evaluate traffic performance of Al-Ameer signalized intersection in Samawa city, which fits with the prevailing conditions and geometric properties of the intersection. The technique of video recording has used for collection the traffic volume data for all approaches. These data are abstracted from video films. SYNCHRO 8 software was used to evaluate and analyze the intersection and choose the best suggestion. The evaluation process result showed that the intersection is operated with level of service (LOS F. By suggestion of several strategies which vary from signal optimization to geometric improvements. The best solution has been found by suggestion an overpass at the east-west direction, and the level of service has improved from (LOS F to (LOS C, this result is considered an acceptable and economical solution for the existing problems at intersection.

  3. Erickson and Rogers: The Differences Do Make a Difference. (United States)

    Lopez, Frederick G.


    Extends an earlier discussion by Gunnison (1985) of the similarities between Milton Erickson and Carl Rogers by citing several important differences in their respective counseling approaches. Briefly discusses implications of these differences to the continuing evolution of counseling theory and practice. (Author)

  4. A call for Return to Rogers' Innovation Diffusion Theory ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    On organizational characteristics, it is postulated that each of organizational readiness for change, culture, size and leader's change management style is positively related to the adoption of innovations. Gaps in the studies reviewed are highlighted. Keywords: Innovation Diffusion Theory; Everett Rogers; Adoption.

  5. Komposisi Kimia, Kadar Albumin Dan Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Protein Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata) Alam Dan Hasil Budidaya


    Ekowati Chasanah; Mala Nurilmala; Ayu Ratih Purnamasari; Diini Fithriani


    Khasiat kesehatan ikan gabus (C. striata) telah dikenal secara luas dan saat ini C. striata telah digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri produk suplemen. Tingginya permintaan akan produk suplemen tersebut menimbulkan masalah pada ketersediaan C. striata yang sebagian besar ditangkap dari sungai dan danau sebagai tempat hidupnya. Ikan gabus budidaya dipercaya memiliki kualitas tidak sebaik ikan gabus alam.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai komposisi kimia, termasu...

  6. Singular values of the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gee, A.C.P.; Honsbeek, M


    Let $z\\in\\C$ be imaginary quadratic in the upper half plane.Then the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction evaluated at $q=e^{2\\pi i z}$ is contained in a class field of $\\Q(z)$. Ramanujan showed that for certain values of $z$, one can write these continued fractions as nested radicals. We use the

  7. Field Marks of a Celebration: Roger Tory Peterson's Centennial Birthday (United States)

    Dunlap, J.; Robbins, C.S.


    A red letter day in my life was April 27, 1934, the day I first met Roger. A birding friend, Elisha Atkins, had invited Clinton Reynolds and me to dinner to meet a famous ornithologist. We would all be going on a field trip to Newburyport on the Massachusetts coast the next day. The dinner conversation revolved about a new field guide that Mr. Peterson had just completed and that would be available in a few days. I couldn?t wait to see it! I had been birding since 1930, keying out live birds with Chapman?s Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America (1912) and Hoffman?s Guide to the Birds of New England and Eastern New York (1904). Both books had extensive keys based on color, size, bill shape and season, and pictures of heads or feet of some species. Positive bird identification was a long and tedious process. The field trip the next day with Roger was memorable, not for finding any rare or unusual birds, but for learning how to identify birds to species at a single good glance. I recall asking Roger if he could find a ring-billed gull among a group of gulls resting on a roof beside the Merrimac River. He immediately said, ?No there aren?t any ring-bills there; they would be immediately apparent by their slimmer shape.? There was no need to check the foot color on each bird. While it is easy to say that Roger revolutionized field guides, I truly believe there are few people worldwide under the age of 90 who can really appreciate the difference between the old way of keying out birds and the instant recognition promoted by the Peterson system. Today we take for granted that amateurs can identify birds accurately. Monitoring bird populations by Breeding Bird Surveys, atlas studies, Breeding Bird Censuses, migration banding, and many other studies relies on it. None of these would be possible if we were still keying out live birds using books designed to identify dead birds in the hand.

  8. Elton Mayo and Carl Rogers: A Tale of Two Techniques. (United States)

    Mahoney, Kevin T.; Baker, David B.


    Compares the simultaneous emergence of Mayo's nonauthoritarian interviewing approach and Rogers' nondirective counseling approach. Examines the influence of Piaget on Mayo and reviews the Hawthorne studies. Concludes that differences in the approaches outweigh similarities. (Contains 21 references.) (SK)

  9. Piano a Rogers: Vysoce technické nás osvobodí

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Švácha, Rostislav


    Roč. 14, č. 3 (2007), s. 78 ISSN 1210-9568 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80330511 Keywords : architecture * Renzo Piano * Richard Rogers Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  10. Site suitability to tourist use or management programs South Marsa Alam, Red Sea, Egypt

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    Full Text Available Ammar MSA, Hassanein M, Madkour HA, Abd-Elgawad AE. 2011. Site suitability to tourist use or management programs South Marsa Alam, Red Sea, Egypt. Nusantara Bioscience 3: 36-43. Twenty sites in the southern Egyptian Red Sea (Marsa Alam-Ras Banas sector were surveyed principally for sensitivity significance throughout the periode 2002-2003. Sensitivity of the study area was derived from internationally known criteria, the key words of each criterion and a brief description of its use was described. The present study assigned for the first time a numerical total environmental significance score that gives a full sensitivity significance evaluation for any site to decide to select either for tourist use or management purposes. However, the results of the study still have the availability to arrange sites with respect to one criterion or only two or many of the used criteria whichever needed. Sites selected for protection are categorized as belonging to the following protected area categories: sites 7, 10 (category vi, site 18 (category ib, site 5 (category iv, sites 16, 17 (category ii. Sites selected for tourist uses are suggested to be classified into 2 categories: first category sites (sites 1, 3, 8, 11, 13, 15 which are recommended as tourist use sites with management of the sensitive resources beside non consumptive recreational activities like swimming, diving, boating, surfing, wind-surfing, jet skiing, bird watching, snorkelling, etc.; second category sites (sites 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 14, 19, 20 which are recommended as tourist use sites with both non consumptive and managed consumptive recreational activities like fishing.

  11. Remembering Roger I. Simon: A Pedagogy of Public Possibility (United States)

    Farley, Lisa; Tarc, Aparna Mishra


    This special issue of "Canadian Social Studies" is dedicated to Roger I. Simon. Simon's scholarship bequeaths to theorists, teachers, and curators across Canada and beyond a theory of education that opens up responsibilities to past and present others. The papers gathered for this special issue address many of the difficulties that he…

  12. Let’s Stop HIV Together: Jamar Rogers

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    In this podcast, singer Jamar Rogers shares his personal story in the Let's Stop HIV Together Campaign.  Created: 7/16/2012 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 7/16/2012.


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    Agus Haerudin


    Full Text Available Potensi limbah sumber daya alam di Indonesia hususnya limbah kayu-kayuan sangat melimpah yang selama ini belum dimanfaatkan dan belum miliki nilai jual yang sangat tinggi, salah satunya serutan kayu matoa. Pada penelitian ini mencoba melakukan ekperimen limbah serutan kayu matoa dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber bahan baku zat warna alam yang akan diaplikasikan pada kain batik serat selulosa.Tujuan dari  penelitian ini ingin melihat arah warna yang dihasilkan dari ekstraksi limbah serutan kayu matoa dengan melakukan beberapa perlakuan variasi suhu ekstrkasi 75°C dan 100°C dengan pelarut air, dalam suasana larutan celup pH asam 4 dan pH basa 10, serta perlakuan mordan akhir tawas 70 g/l dan tunjung 30 g/l, dari hasil ekperiment dilakukan uji beda warna (L, a, b dan uji ketahanan luntur warna pada pencucian.            Hasil uji beda warna (L,a,b pencelupan kayu matoa pada kain katun menghasilkan beda warna dengan kain standar uji dimana secara visualisasi dengan perlakuan suasana celup pH asam dengan mordan akhir tawas menghasilkan arah warna coklat sedang, dan dengan perlakuan mordan akhir tunjung menghasilkan arah warna coklat tua. Pada perlakuan suasana larutan celup pH basa dengan perlakuan mordan akhir tawas menghasilkan arah warna coklat muda serta dengan perlakuan mordan akhir tunjung mendapatkan arah warna coklat sedang. Dari hasil uji ketahanan luntur warna pada pencucian secara umum nilai yang diperoleh 4-5 dalam kategori baik.  


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    Ida Komang Wardana


    Full Text Available Kualitas induk secara fenotip dan genotif berpengaruh terhadap kualitas benih tiram mutiara yang akan dihasilkan. Penggunaan induk yang berasal dari habitat yang berbeda dalam kegiatan pembenihan diharapkan dapat menghasilkan benih tiram mutiara dengan kualitas fenotip dan genotif yang baik. Salah satu sifat yang menarik untuk dijadikan target dalam program pemuliaan tiram mutiara adalah warna mutiara yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas benih tiram mutiaram(Pinctada maxima hasil pemijahan induk alam dengan karakter nacre putih dari tiga habitat yang berbeda dan mengetahui keragaan genetik induk (F0 dan turunannya (F1. Induk yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tiram dengan karakter nacre putih dari tiga lokasi perairan (Bali, Karawang, dan Dobo serta dilakukan pemijahan dari masing-masing populasi tersebut. Keragaan genetik dari semua populasi dianalisa dengan menggunakan PCR RFLP. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa masa inkubasi telur hasil pemijahan induk alam dengan karakter nacre putih terlihat lebih lama dibandingkan dengan tiram mutiara pada umumnya. Benih yang dihasilkan pertumbuhannya bervariasi, didominasi dengan benih berukuran sedang dengan sintasan berkisar 0,4-9%. Keragaan genetik F0 dan F1 berdasarkan nilai heterozigositas, tiram dari perairan Bali menunjukkan nilai keragaman yang paling baik (0,2726. Sementara karakter nacre dari benih yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa 48% memiliki nacre putih, 24% kuning dan warna lain sebanyak 28%.

  15. The Epidemiological And Susceptibility Study Of Inpatient Blood Cultures In Amir Alam Hospital 1998 - 2000

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    Karimi Shahidi M


    Full Text Available Sepsis is one of the most critical medical emergency situations. Treatment with anti microbial drugs should be initiated as soon as samples of blood and other relevant sites have been cultured. Available information about patterns of anti microbial Susceptibility among bacterial isolates from the community, the hospital, and the patient should be taken in to account. It is important, pending culture results, to initiate empirical anti microbial therapy."nMaterials and methods: In a descriptive study during 3 years (1377-1379, microbial and anti microbial susceptibility patterns evaluated in Amir alam clinical laboratory on 2000 specimen of blood culture received from 765 hospitalized patients at Amir Alam hospital wards."nResults: 113 specimens from 77 patient (10 percent were positive for microbial growth. Enterobacter, S. aureus, S.epidermidis, Pneumococci, Ecoli, and Pseudomonas were the most common isolated etiologic agents(80 percent . The most common organism was Entenobacter in 1377, S.aureus in 1378 and pseudomonas in 1379 There were significant change in patlern of organisms, increase resistance to some important available antibiotics and change in antibiotic susceptibility pattern during three years (disc diffusion method."nConclusions: According to Results of this study due to change in pattern of organism and their antibiotic susceptibility, dynamic microbiological study provide important data for Ordering empirical and culture oriented treatment of patients with bacteremia, Sepsis, anti microbial Chemotherapy, anti microbial susceptibility empirical anti microbial therapy, microbial pattern.

  16. Modelling of PM10 concentration for industrialized area in Malaysia: A case study in Shah Alam (United States)

    N, Norazian Mohamed; Abdullah, M. M. A.; Tan, Cheng-yau; Ramli, N. A.; Yahaya, A. S.; Fitri, N. F. M. Y.

    In Malaysia, the predominant air pollutants are suspended particulate matter (SPM) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). This research is on PM10 as they may trigger harm to human health as well as environment. Six distributions, namely Weibull, log-normal, gamma, Rayleigh, Gumbel and Frechet were chosen to model the PM10 observations at the chosen industrial area i.e. Shah Alam. One-year period hourly average data for 2006 and 2007 were used for this research. For parameters estimation, method of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) was selected. Four performance indicators that are mean absolute error (MAE), root mean squared error (RMSE), coefficient of determination (R2) and prediction accuracy (PA), were applied to determine the goodness-of-fit criteria of the distributions. The best distribution that fits with the PM10 observations in Shah Alamwas found to be log-normal distribution. The probabilities of the exceedences concentration were calculated and the return period for the coming year was predicted from the cumulative density function (cdf) obtained from the best-fit distributions. For the 2006 data, Shah Alam was predicted to exceed 150 μg/m3 for 5.9 days in 2007 with a return period of one occurrence per 62 days. For 2007, the studied area does not exceed the MAAQG of 150 μg/m3

  17. On the enduring and substantial influence of Carl Rogers' not-quite necessary nor sufficient conditions. (United States)

    Farber, Barry A


    Carl Rogers' 1957 paper (see record 2007-14639-002) is arguably the most successful of his many attempts to clarify and render testable the ideas behind client-centered therapy. While each of the conditions that Rogers postulated has been linked to positive therapeutic outcome, taken together they have never been conclusively proved (nor disproved) to be either necessary or sufficient for positive outcome. Nevertheless, the overriding "take-home" message in this classic paper--that the therapist's attitude and caring presence is critical for therapeutic success--is one that has had virtually unparalleled influence in every segment of the psychotherapeutic community. Clinical and theoretical innovations in the psychoanalytic community serve as examples of the following proposition: that Rogers' concepts, while accepted more than ever by a remarkably wide variety of psychotherapists, remain essentially unacknowledged as originating with him or in the tradition of humanistic and client-centered therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  18. Conference on Representation Theory, Number Theory and Invariant Theory: on the Occasion of Roger Howe’s 70th Birthday

    CERN Document Server

    Kim, Ju-Lee; Zhu, Chen-Bo


    This book contains selected papers based on talks given at the "Representation Theory, Number Theory, and Invariant Theory" conference held at Yale University from June 1 to June 5, 2015. The meeting and this resulting volume are in honor of Professor Roger Howe, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, whose work and insights have been deeply influential in the development of these fields. The speakers who contributed to this work include Roger Howe's doctoral students, Roger Howe himself, and other world renowned mathematicians. Topics covered include automorphic forms, invariant theory, representation theory of reductive groups over local fields, and related subjects.

  19. Astarabadi and Alame Majlesi’s Faith Studies and the Mullasdra’s Impression on Alame’s thoughts

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    S. Mahdi Emamijomeh


    Full Text Available Ekhbarigari doctrine, was founded by Astarabadi in 11th century of Hejirah As we will explain that he had a special theory in faith that Alame found it a very interesting subject to work on. We should know, Allame showed that he had the knowledge in faith studies from Astarabad ’s theories but without all the ambiguities in them, he tried to work on making his theories clearer and more correct.   So we can differenciate between Astarabadi and Allame’s theories in faith study and name the allame’s theory as a very special theory in Isfahan Ekhbarigari doctrine, but the most important thing that we try to discuss in this article is proving that Mullasadra has a very important part in balancing and moderating the Allame’s theories. So for saying and proving all these things we should start from a summary of the Astarabadi’s theories .

  20. ALAM/CLAM and some applications of computer algebra systems to problems in general relativity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Russell-Clark, R.A.


    This paper is divided into three parts. Part A presents a historical survey of the development of the system, a brief description of its features and, finally, a critical assessment. ALAM and CLAM have been used in many problems in General Relativity; the vast majority of these belong to a set of standard calculations termed ''metric applications''. However, four large non-standard applications have been attempted successfully and these are described in Part B. CAMAL is the only other system which has been used extensively for work in relativity. CAMAL has played an important role in two research projects and details of these are given in Part C


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    Judith Duque Camargo


    Full Text Available En este ensayo la autora reflexiona acerca de su experiencia como terapeuta centrada en la persona, la cual denomina como un «caminar de la mano» con seres humanos que se encuentran confusos. Antes de señalar los principales aspectos de su abordaje para interactuar con sus consultantes, realiza una síntesis del proceso de desarrollo de la psicoterapia de Carl Rogers y reflexiona acerca del enfoque rogeriano, en el cual predomina la relación significativa entre el terapeuta y el paciente como elemento central de cambio.

  2. Person-Centered Expressive Arts: An Alternative Path to Counseling and Education. An interview with Natalie Rogers


    Laura Guadiana Martínez


    In this interview, Natalie Rogers PhD, expounds on how art and expression serve personal and group growth in Person Centered Expressive Arts Therapy. Adding to the legacy of her father Carl Rogers, creator of the Person Centered Approach, she describes the interweaving of her experiences as a therapist and woman, and how she afforded extra room in the process for intuition, creativity, emotions and the fascinating exploration of the human experience. Using modeling, sculpting, dance, p...

  3. Over grafting donor site | Rogers | East and Central African Journal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    East and Central African Journal of Surgery. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 14, No 2 (2009) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register. Over grafting donor site. AD Rogers, AK ...

  4. Arthur Roger Thatcher's contributions to longevity research: A Reflexion

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    Jean-Marie Robine


    Full Text Available Arthur Roger Thatcher, CB, died in London on February 13, 2010, at 83 years of age. He was actively engaged in demographic research until his death. One of his last papers, The Compression of Deaths above the Mode, is published in this volume of Demographic Research (Thatcher et al., 2010. Roger signed the copyright agreement for the paper on January 24, just a few weeks before his death. Another contribution will appear in a forthcoming monograph entitled Supercentenarians (Maier et al., 2010. In this note, we, the co-authors of his Demographic Research paper, will briefly review his remarkable research accomplishments. Roger Thatcher was born in Birmingham in 1926. He worked for 26 years as a statistician in several national government offices. Later, he served as Registrar General for England and Wales, and was Director of the Office of Population Censuses and Survey (OPCS from 1978 to 1986. A short description of his professional career up to his retirement can be found in Population Trends (1986. He had a long-standing affinity for the history of actuarial sciences and statistics in England, taking particular interest in the early years of the Statistical Society of London, and helping to compile extracts from its 1830s Proceedings (see Boreham et al., 1988 and Rosenbaum, 2001. He published a historical abstract (1970 of British labour-force statistics back to 1886. Thatcher was also a scientist with broad interests, publishing papers in a wide range of fields, such as archaeology, mathematics (number theory, and cosmology (1972, 1973 and 1982.

  5. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal status of plant species in the peat swamp forest of Setia Alam Jaya, Sebangau, Central Kalimantan


    Suciatmih Suciatmih


    In order to describe the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) status of plants growing on peat soil, a study was carried out inthe peat swamp forest of Setia Alam Jaya in Sebangau, Central Kalimantan. Out of 146 plant root samples belonging to 48 plantspecies from 25 families examined, all plants colonized by VAM fungi namely 14 (29.2%) high level, 32 (66.7%) medium level, and 2(4.1%) low level respectively.

  6. "The Tower in Red and Yellow": Using Children's Drawings in Formative Research for "Alam Simsim," an Educational Television Series for Egyptian Children. (United States)

    Montasser, Alyaa; Cole, Charlotte; Fuld, Janice


    Provides examples from a study of six test segments of the television series "Alam Simsim," the Egyptian "Sesame Street," to illustrate how a systematic analysis of children's artwork can be used with other research tools to gain feedback from children. Shows how formative research is used to bring children into the production…

  7. Estimating the Permittivity of Rogers 4003C Substrate at Low Frequencies for Application in a Superdirective First-Order Probe for SNF Measurements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kim, Oleksiy S.


    The bulk permittivity of Rogers 4003C substrate is estimated in the lower UHF frequency band by comparing the simulated and measured return loss for a bandpass filter based on a coplanar waveguide and a capacitively loaded loop. The obtained value, which deviates from that specified by Rogers at ...... GHz, is subsequently utilized for accurate design of a new light-weight superdirective first-order probe for spherical near-field (SNF) antenna measurements at low frequencies.......The bulk permittivity of Rogers 4003C substrate is estimated in the lower UHF frequency band by comparing the simulated and measured return loss for a bandpass filter based on a coplanar waveguide and a capacitively loaded loop. The obtained value, which deviates from that specified by Rogers at 10...

  8. Social Interest and the Core Conditions: Could It Be that Adler Influenced Rogers? (United States)

    Watts, Richard E.


    Presents primary source documentation highlighting the similarities between Alfred Adler's social interest construct and the counselor-oriented core conditions of Carl Rogers. Implications of the similarities are discussed. (Author)


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    Try Susanti


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti hubungan antara kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy dan prestasi akademik siswa pada sekolah menengah. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 37 orang siswa sekolah tahun akademik 2014/2015 yang dipilih dengan teknik total sampling. Pengukuran kepercayaan diri (self – efficacy menggunakan skala The Teacher Efficacy Scale, sedangkan pengukuran prestasi siswa menggunakan nilai rata-rata rapor siswa. Analisis data menggunakan korelasi product moment.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy diri siswa memiliki hubungan dengan prestasi akademik siswa pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam terpadu (Biologi.  Semakin tinggi kepercayaan diri (self efficacy siswa, semakin tinggi prestasi mereka, sebaliknya semakin rendah kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy siswa maka semakin rendah prestasi akademik mereka pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam (Biologi.   Kata kunci: Self Efficacy, Prestasi, Siswa                 Abstract   [Relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement in science subjects  (Biology].The aim of the study was to  investigate the relation between self-efficacy  and academic achievement in high school students. In this study, 37 students in the academic year 2014/2015 were selected by means of total sampling. To measure self efficacy, The Teacher Efficacy Scale  was used. To measure achievement score grade point average (school report in classes was used.  To analyze data product moment correlation analysis was used.  Analysis of data revealed that self –efficacy are correlated with academic achievement in Biology. The higher the students' self efficacy, the higher the student achievement in science subject (Biology. Conversely, the lower the students' self-efficacy, the lower the learning achievements of students in science subjects (Biology.  Keywords: Sel -f Efficacy, Achievement, Student

  10. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal status of plant species in the peat swamp forest of Setia Alam Jaya, Sebangau, Central Kalimantan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suciatmih Suciatmih


    Full Text Available In order to describe the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM status of plants growing on peat soil, a study was carried out inthe peat swamp forest of Setia Alam Jaya in Sebangau, Central Kalimantan. Out of 146 plant root samples belonging to 48 plantspecies from 25 families examined, all plants colonized by VAM fungi namely 14 (29.2% high level, 32 (66.7% medium level, and 2(4.1% low level respectively.

  11. Grains of Truth: A Rumination and Poem for Roger Simon (United States)

    Leggo, Carl


    In this article, the author, a professor, muses over his educational life and the troublesome times he faced. He remarks that he was glad to have had wise voices who could call him to other possibilities, visions, and stories. Roger Simon was one of the most important wise voices he heard, and this sustained the spirit of his work. While many…


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    Titiek Pujilestari


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKPenelitian pemanfaatan limbah perkebunan kelapa sawit dan kakao sebagai bahan pewarna pada batik bertujuan untuk menggali sumber daya alam limbah perkebunan yang belum dimanfaatkan dan mencoba bahan baku baru untuk pewarna batik. Limbah perkebunan cangkang kelapa sawit dan kulit buah kakao merupakan sisa hasil proses pengolahan yang tidak termasuk dalam produk utama yang dianggap berpotensi menjadi beban pencemaran lingkungan jika tidak dikelola dengan baik. Kegiatan ini dibatasi pada pengambilan zat warna dari cangkang kelapa sawit dan kulit buah kakao dengan memakai pelarut air dan pelarut organik. Zat warna alam yang diperoleh digunakan sebagai pewarna pembatikan pada kain katun dan sutera. Fiksasi dilakukan dengan tiga jenis fiksator yaitu tawas, kapur dan tunjung. Pewarnaan dilakukan pada kain katun dan sutera dengan sistem celupan dingin sebanyak enam kali. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap ketahanan luntur warna akibat pencucian dan gosokan, arah dan beda warna. Hasil pengujian ketahanan luntur warna terhadap pencucian dan gosokan rata-rata menunjukan hasil cukup sampai baik sekali (3-5. Nilai kelunturan warna terhadap pencucian pada kain katun dengan pewarna cangkang kelapa sawit lebih baik daripada kulit buah kakao. Arah warna cangkang kelapa sawit menunjukkan warna coklat muda sampai coklat tua, sedang kulit buah kakao memberikan arah warna abu-abu sampai coklat tua. Pembacaan uji beda warna diperoleh rata-rata warna berada pada daerah antara kuning ke merah. Kata Kunci: cangkang kelapa sawit, kulit buah kakao, warna alam, batik  ABSTRACTUtilization of plantation waste as batik dyes research aims to explore the plantation waste potential asraw materials for batik dyeing. Plantation waste of palmkernel shell and cocoa fruit peel are side products of the main process thatbecome environmental pollution if not managed properly. This activity is restricted to making dyes from palmkernel shells and cocoa fruit peel by using water

  13. Kas Roger Federer suudab Rafael Nadali alistada ka Pariisis? / Maarja Värv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Värv, Maarja


    Prantsusmaa lahtiste tennisemeistrivõistluste eel on paljude jaoks suurim küsimus, kas maailma esinumber Roger Federer suudab lõpuks võita ka Roland Garros' esikoha ning astuda sammu suure slämmi suunas. Vt. samas: Maret Ani põhiturniirile ei pääsenud

  14. Otto Rank, the Rankian circle in Philadelphia, and the origins of Carl Rogers' person-centered psychotherapy. (United States)

    deCarvalho, R J


    Otto Rank's will therapy helped shape the ideas and techniques of relationship therapy developed by the Philadelphia social workers Jessie Taft, Virginia Robinson, and Frederick Allen in the 1930s. Rank's work and these ideas and techniques in turn strongly influenced the formulation of Carl Rogers' person-centered psychotherapy. This article compares and contrasts will, relationship, and person-centered approaches to psychotherapy and discusses the social factors--primarily the professional conflicts between a male-dominated psychiatry and female social workers over the independent practice of psychotherapy--that were crucial in the dissemination of Rank's psychological thought and the early popularity of Rogers.

  15. Roger Caillois dans les impasses du Collège de Sociologie


    Bridet , Guillaume


    International audience; Roger Caillois in the Collège de Sociologie’s ImpassesBataille, Leiris, and Caillois aimed for an activist sociology, the latter becoming an ardent defender of an elitist conception of society’s redemption through its producers of ideas – a conception both the war and the evolution of his fellow colleagues were to render completely obsolete.

  16. Education for the 1980s and Beyond: An Interview with Carl Rogers. (United States)

    Robinson, Edward H., III


    Presents an interview with Carl Rogers regarding education today and what it could be in the future. Discusses topics including politics and power, free choice versus conservatism, censorship, facilitators of learning, knowledge children need in today's world, and the changing society as it relates to humanistic education. (BH)

  17. HUTAN DALAM KEHIDUPAN MASYARAKAT HATAM DI LINGKUNGAN CAGAR ALAM PEGUNUNGAN ARFAK (Forest In Hatam Community Live On Arfak Mountains Natural Reserve Environment

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    Susan Trida Salosa


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pegunungan Arfak adalah suatu wilayah dengan keunikan tersendiri di wilayah Propinsi Papua Barat. Wilayah ini didominasi oleh gunung-gunung yang tinggi dan ekosistemnya adalah ekosistem daerah pegunungan dan alpin, serta mengingat keunikan flora, fauna dan lingkungannya, maka wilayah ini ditetapkan sebagai Cagar AlamPegunungan Arfak. Wilayah Pegunungan Arfak ditempati oleh suku besar Arfak yang salah satu sub sukunya adalah sub suku Hatam. Hutan merupakan bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat Hatam. Terbentuknya kabupaten-kabupaten pemekaran secara tidak langsung akan berakibat terhadap kelestarian jenis yang ada di cagar alam. Analisis SWOT yang digunakan dalam studi ini dimaksudkan untuk merumuskan strategi-strategi yang memungkinkan untuk mengakomodasi kepentingan masyarakat dan menjaga kelestarian cagar alam. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kampung Anggra dan Apui di Distrik Minyambouw pada bulan Juni 2013. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa hutan sangat berperan dalam kehidupan masyarakat terutama dalam mengaplikasi nilai budaya dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Strategi yang tepat untuk menjaga kelestarian hutan dan mengakomodasi kepentingan masyarakat diharapkan agar didasarkan pada kearifan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan hutan. ABSTRACT Arfak Mountains is a region with its own uniqueness in the Province of West Papua. This region is dominated by high mountains with particularities of flora and fauna in ecosystems of mountain and alpine. Therefore, it is designated as a Natural Reservation of Arfak Mountains. Arfak Mountains region is occupied by a large tribe of Arfak which is Hatam is one of its sub-tribe. Forests are part of Hatam people's lives. Establishment of districts expansion will indirectly result in the preservation of species in natural reservation. SWOT analysis used in this study is intended to look at the potential strategies in accomodating people interest and preserving the natural reservation. The study was conducted in villages of

  18. Experiences of nursing students of Evidence-Based Practice Education according to Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Model: A Directed Content Analysis. (United States)

    Pashaeypoor, Shahzad; Ashktorab, Tahereh; Rassouli, Maryam; Alavi Majd, Hamid


    Evidence based practice (EBP) education is essential in promoting of clinical care, but an effective educational strategy for teaching EBP in nursing faculties is not available. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of nursing students of EBP Education according to Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Model. This qualitative study was carried out using a directed content analysis method and purposeful sampling. Data were collected until saturation by fourteen semi-structured face-to-face individual interviews and two focus group discussions with nursing students from two nursing faculties in Tehran, Iran. Rogers' Model was used in this study. Data were classified into five themes and 11 categories according to the Rogers's Model. Themes and main categories were knowledge (educational enrichment, new strategy for education), persuasion (internalization of education, improvement of motivation), decision (acceptance, use in the future), implementation (objectivity, consolidation of learning) and confirmation (learning and teaching, achieving a goal, self-confidence). EBP Education, based on the teaching strategy of Rogers's Model, leads to an improved EBP learning. All the necessary steps for a better education of it are included in this educational approach which can be used to teach any new subject like EBP.

  19. Xabier Itçaina, Antoine Roger, Andy Smith, 2016, Varietals of Capitalism: A Political Economy of the Changing Wine Industry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ponte, Stefano


    Book review of Varietals of Capitalism: A Political Economy of the Changing Wine Industry by Xabier Itçaina, Antoine Roger, Andy Smith (2016). Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 266 p.......Book review of Varietals of Capitalism: A Political Economy of the Changing Wine Industry by Xabier Itçaina, Antoine Roger, Andy Smith (2016). Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 266 p....

  20. El discurso político de la congresista Edith Nourse Rogers en el inicio de su carrera

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    Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio


    Full Text Available Edith Nourse Rogers fue una mujer con un impacto significativo en la historia moderna de los Estados Unidos, cambiando para siempre la vida de muchas mujeres por medio de la creación de un cuerpo femenino dentro del ejército, así como por su defensa de los derechos de los veteranos de guerra. El objetivo principal es el de analizar la contribución a la política estadounidense de la congresista Rogers, desde un punto de vista histórico y de género, a través de sus discursos oficiales en la década de 1930 en las diferentes elecciones a las que se enfrentó. La conclusión que obtendremos es que la señora Rogers siempre manifestó púbicamente su preocupación por el bienestar de los habitantes de su distrito electoral, el quinto distrito de Massachusetts. Además, se granjeó el voto femenino reconociendo la labor que las mujeres estaban desarrollando.

  1. Struktur Vegetasi Kawasan Hutan Alam dan Hutan Rerdegradasi di Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo

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    Andi Kusumo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Hutan Tesso Nilo merupakan kawasan dengan tingkat keanekaragaman tanaman berpembuluh dan merupakan habitat bagi satwa terancam punah yaitu harimau sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae dan gajah sumatera (Elephas maximus sumatranus. Kawasan ini tidak luput dari kegiatan perambahan dan di konversi menjadi perkebunan dan permukiman. Pembukaan lahan hutan akan mengakibatkan rusaknya fungsi hutan dan mengakibatkan musnahnya berbagai jenis flora dan fauna. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh perambahan hutan terhadap strukur vegetasi kawasan hutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan menggunakan sampling vegetasi petak dalam jalur dilokasi hutan alam dan hutan terdegradasi akibat perambahan. Hasil dianalisis untuk mengetahui kelimpahan vegetasi, indeks nilai penting dan indeks keanekaragaman (Shannon-Wiener. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perambahan hutan mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan pada struktur vegetasi. Perambahan mengakibatkan penurunan jumlah kelimpahan vegetasi, nilai keanekaragaman, dan dominansi jenis (indeks nilai penting baik pada tingkat semai, pancang, tiang dan pohon. Kata kunci: Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo, struktur vegetasi, perambahan ABSTRACT Tesso Nilo forest is an area with a greater diversity of vascular plants and habitat for an endangered species, namely the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae and the Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus. This area was not spared from encroachment and conversion to plantations and settlements. Forest clearing will cause damage to forest functions and lead to the extinction of various species of flora and fauna. The purpose of this study was to determine the consequences caused by the encroachment of the structure of forest vegetation. The method used was a survey by sampling vegetation plots in the path of the location of natural forests and forests degraded due to encroachment. The results were analyzed to determine the


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    Anjang Bangun Prasetio


    dan 3:1 dengan jumlah ulangan masing-masing sebanyak enam kali. Sebagai kontrol, ditambahkan juga perlakuan non transfeksi (non transgenik yaitu tanpa penyisipan gen GFP maupun RFP. Pengamatan dilakukan sejak perkembangan zigot mulai dari penghitungan derajat penetasan (HR dan sintasan larva (SR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah dilakukan transfeksi tidak memperlihatkan pola yang jelas dari setiap perlakuan, namun secara umum tidak berbeda signifikan dengan kontrol non transgenik. PCR pada embrio dan larva menunjukkan hasil positif di mana DNA teramplifikasi pada ukuran sekitar 0,6 kb untuk beberapa ulangan. Dari hasil yang diperoleh ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa metode transfeksi efektif digunakan untuk transfer gen ikan cupang alam, wild betta (Betta imbellis.


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    Diah Sunarsih


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA dengan model pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe inside outside circle untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kognitif dan menumbuhkan kemampuan komunikasi ilmiah siswa yang valid materi peristiwa alam. Uji coba skala terbatas dilakukan di SDN 02 Ambowetan. Uji coba skala luas kelas eksperimen SDN 01 Ambowetan VA, sedangkan kelas kontrol SDN 01 Ambowetan VB. Desain uji coba penelitian ini nonequivalent control group design. Prosedur pengembangan dan penelitian dikembangkan mengacu model pengembangan Dick dan Carry terdiri 4 tahap yaitu define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Hasil penelitian diperoleh pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menerapkan model pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe inside outside circle berupa silabus, RPP, bahan ajar, lembar tes formatif, lembar observasi kemampuan komunikasi ilmiah, dan angket respon siswa valid, efektif, dan praktis diterapkan dalam pembelajaran IPA kelas V sekolah dasar materi peristiwa alam. Perangkat pembelajaran valid dengan nilai skor validitas akhir 3,43. Perangkat pembelajaran efektif terlihat peningkatan hasil uji N-gain menunjukkan hasil 0,50 pada klasifikasi tingkat sedang dan prosentase kemampuan ilmiah kelas eksperimen hasil sebesar 82%. Kriteria praktis dari nilai angket menunjukkan respon siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol (73% > 67 %.Purpose of this study is produce device the learning cooperative learning type inside outside circle to improve cognitive ability students and foster communication skills scientific a valid on material natural events. Trials limited scale in the SDN 02 Ambowetan. Trials wide scale for experimental class in the SDN 01 Ambowetan 5A, while the control class SDN 01 Ambowetan 5B. Design wide scale nonequivalent control group design. Procedures the development and developed research Dick and Carry consisting of 4 stage define, design, develop, and disseminate


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    Gina Pezzano de Vengoechea


    Full Text Available Carl Rogers denominó a su enfoque psicológico «Psicoterapia centrada en el cliente» y se asocia a la Psicología Humanista, que dignifica y valora el esfuerzo de la persona por desarrollar sus potencialidades. En esta ponencia se describen las ventajas y alcances de este enfoque, así como las limitaciones que muestra su empleo en medios socioeconómicos en desventaja. De igual manera, se analizan las enseñanzas más significativas de este psicoterapeuta acerca de las relaciones entre los individuos.

  5. Sotsiaalne ettevõtlus lahendab murekohti / Mervi Raudsaar, Roger Evans ; intervjueerinud Merilyn Merisalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raudsaar, Mervi, 1975-


    TÜ ettevõtluskeskuse kaasabil loetakse kevadsemestril Tartu ülikoolis, Eesti maaülikoolis, Tallinna ülikoolis ja EBS-is inglise- ja eestikeelset õppeainet "Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse alused". Loenguid loevad TÜ majandusteaduskonna ettevõtluse assistent Mervi Raudsaar, külalisprofessor Roger Evans Šotimaalt ning Margarita Sokolova Heateo Sihtasutusest. Ainekursus valmib koostöös Heateo Sihtasutuse ja EASiga

  6. Dialectic thinking as a means of understanding systems-in-development: relevance to Rogers's principles. (United States)

    Wilson, L M; Fitzpatrick, J J


    This paper explores the dialectical noncausal category of determination as a method of explaining human development and examines its relationship to Rogers's principles of homeodynamics. The relationships among determinism, causality, and lawfulness are discussed, and the categories of determination are reviewed.

  7. Nutritional composition of Polyrhachis vicina Roger (Edible Chinese black ant

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    Yucui Ren


    Full Text Available Edible black ant (Polyrhachis vicina Roger is a traditional edible insect species in China. It has been used as a functional ingredient in various tonics or health foods. This study determined the nutritional composition of the black ant, which included minerals, amino acids, superoxide dismutase (SOD, Vitamin E, and total acid. Supercritical CO2 fluid extraction was used to extract the organic compounds. The compounds were identified and quantified by GC-MS. Results showed that the ant powder contained 77000 IU/100g of SOD, 56.6g/100g protein, 9.0g/100g fat, 13.2g/100g volatile oil, 6.0g/100g moisture, 1.6g/100g total acid and 6.3g/100g ash. There were 18 amino acids, of which, glutamic acid, glycine, aspartic acid, alanine, leucine, proline and tyrosine were predominant. Among the 16 minerals, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Mn and Zn were predominant. More than 20 organic components were identified, the main ones were 9-octadecenoic acid, ethyl oleate, cholesterol and n-hexadecanoic acid. Six of the compounds found, i.e. hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester, linoleic acid, ethyl oleate, oleic acid and cholesta-3, 5-diene, have not been reported previously. The results indicate that P. vicina Roger is rich in nutrients and is a potential ingredient for health food.

  8. PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS PROSES BUDIDAYA KARET ALAM DENGAN PENDEKATAN GREEN PRODUCTIVITY: STUDI KASUS DI PT. XYZ (The Increase of Natural Rubber Plantations Productivity with Green Productivity Approach: a Case Study at PT. XYZ

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    Marimin Marimin


    Full Text Available Indonesia is the second largest natural rubber producer in the world with 28% of the total world production in 2010. In line with the growth of the world’s automotive industry, the needs of natural rubber as a complementary synthetic rubber products will also increase. The main objective of this research was to find the best alternative strategy to increase the productivity of the natural rubber plantations through the green productivity (GP approach. The case study was conducted at PT. XYZ, a private company which runs the plantation and processing of natural rubber businesses. The material flow analysis was performed to identify the seven green wastes. The best alternative strategy was determined by using the  analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP model developed into several improvement scenarios. The measurement of  the alternative strategy performance was rated as the future Green Productivity Index (GPI and compared with the value of current GPI, which had been calculated in the PT. XYZ, as the case study. The results of this research was  able to provide the best productivity improvement strategy, the level of company’s productivity which has been achieved, and the productivity levels of the implementation of the strategy chosen. Keywords: aHP, green productivity,  green wastes, natural rubber, green productivity index, latex   ABSTRAK Indonesia merupakan negara kedua penghasil karet alam terbesar di dunia dengan produksi sebesar 28% dari total produksi dunia di tahun 2010. Sejalan dengan bertumbuhnya industri otomotif dunia, kebutuhan karet alam sebagai produk komplementer karet sintetik akan turut mengalami peningkatan. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan alternatif strategi terbaik pada peningkatan produktivitas proses budidaya karet alam melalui pendekatan konsep Green Productivity (GP. Studi kasus dilakukan di PT. XYZ, perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dibidang usaha perkebunan dan pengolahan karet alam. analisis

  9. Byron G. Rogers Federal Building Harvests Daylight and Super Savings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Case study describes how the Byron G. Rogers Federal Building replaced existing T12 and T8 luminaires with LED dedicated troffers with advanced controls. Together these measures cut lighting energy use by nearly 60% in the 18-story, 791,000-square-foot facility. The new lighting control system provides automated dimming of lights down to 0% output when daylight provides adequate light levels. The project earned GSA an award for exemplary performance from the Interior Lighting Campaign in 2016.

  10. Where Were the Whistleblowers? The Case of Allan McDonald and Roger Boisjoly. (United States)

    Stewart, Lea P.

    Employees who "blow the whistle" on their company because they believe it is engaged in practices that are illegal, immoral, or harmful to the public, often face grave consequences for their actions, including demotion, harassment, forced resignation, or termination. The case of Allan McDonald and Roger Boisjoly, engineers who blew the…

  11. Steve Rogers' Character in Captain America: the First Avenger as a Representation of Hard Working Value in Traditional American Values




    Film is one of the most popular media which often elevates social values of a society. One of American social values is shown in Captain America: The First Avenger. Captain America: The First Avenger clearly portrays Steve Rogers' character as the representation of the hard working value of the Traditional American Values. In this film, Steve Rogers represents the hard working value by depicting the six characteristics of hard worker. The first characteristic of hard worker that is depicted b...

  12. Kuraator ilust ja väest / Roger Pierre Turine ; tõlk. Tamara Luuk, interv. Teet Veispak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Turine, Roger Pierre


    Roger Pierre Turine'i kureeritud aafrika kunsti näitus "Ilu ja vägi" Rakvere Kesklinna galeriis kuni 27. IX. Näitusel eksponeeritakse osa Kadri ja Sven Viirese Ghanas, lobide maal tehtud reisifotodest

  13. Improving Energy Conservation Using Six Sigma Methodology at Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (FSKM), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam


    Nur Hidayah binti Mohd Razali; Wan Mohamad Asyraf


    Electrical consumption is increasing rapidly in Malaysia due to the sustenance of a modern economy way of living. Recently, the Vice Chancellor of University Technology MARA, Tan Sri Dato? Professor Ir Dr Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar has shown a great deal of concern regarding the high electrical energy consumption in UiTM?s main campus in Shah Alam. This study seeks to evaluate the factors that contribute to high electrical energy consumption in the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (FS...

  14. Feeling our way into empathy: Carl rogers, Heinz Kohut, and Jesus. (United States)

    Goodman, G


    Throughout their academic careers Carl Rogers and Heinz Kohut developed two contrasting definitions of empathy that influenced the ways in which both men sought to help their clients cope with emotional suffering. These two different understandings of empathy are contrasted to each other and finally compared with the understanding of empathy demonstrated in the teachings and actions of Jesus. It is hoped that through studying these ancient religious narratives we might be able to recover a deeper meaning of empathy.

  15. Penelitian Nilai Beban Pencemaran Pada Beberapa Ekstrak Zat Warna Alam

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    Kun Lestari


    Full Text Available Zat Pewarna Alam (ZWA akan direkomendasikan sebagai pewarna yang ramah baik bagi lingkungan maupun kesehatan, disebabkan karena kandungan komponen alaminya mempunyai nilai beban pencemaran yang rendah, mudah terdegradasi secara biologis dan tidak beracun. Pernyataan tersebut perlu diyakinkan kebenarannya. Telah dilakukan pengujian terhadap ekstrak pekat (0,75-1,00° Be dari 13 jenis sumber ZWA dari beberapa daerah di Indonesia yaitu: bakau, secang. sonokeling. bayam, markisa. bengkirai, nangka, pinus, kruing, kara benguk, tingi, tegeran dan mengkudu. Bahan pencemaran dinyatakan terhadap nilai BOD5, COD dan kandungan Fe (besi dalam ekstrak pekat yang telah tersimpan selama ±12 bulan. Dari hasil pengujian terlihat bahwa kadar BOD5 dan COD dari 13 jenis ekstrak ZWA mempunyai nilai 1700 mg/l. Tujuh jenis ekstrak ZWA yaitu ekstrak dari kayu nangka, kayu pinus. kayu kruing, kulit kara benguk, kulit kayu tingi, kayu tegeran dan akar mengkudu mempunyai nilai BOD5 dan COD 1000 mg/l, sedangkan ekstrak kulit batang bakau, kayu secang, kayu sonokeling, kayu buyam, kulit buah markisa dan kayu bengkirai mempunyai nilai BOD5 dan COD antara 1100 - 1700 mg/I. Dibandingkan dengan beban pencemaran yang diakibatkan oleh limbah cair pada pencelupan batik menggunakan zat warna sintetis (ZWS seperti Indigosol yang mempunyai nilai BOD5 = 3.053 mg/I, COD = 10.230 mg/I, dan Naphtol yang mempunyai nilai BOD5 = 5.411 mg/I, COD= 19.921 mg/I maka beban pencemaran ekstrak pekat ZWA masih jauh lebih kecil. Melihat perbandingan COD/BOD5 (=1,3-1,6, beban pencemaran ekstrak pekat ZWA dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam golongan air limbah rumah tangga (COD/BOD5 (2.Zat Pewarna Alam (ZWA akan direkomendasikan sebagai pewarna yang ramah baik bagi lingkungan maupun kesehatan, disebabkan karena kandungan komponen alaminya mempunyai nilai beban pencemaran yang rendah, mudah terdegradasi secara biologis dan tidak beracun. Pernyataan tersebut perlu diyakinkan kebenarannya. Telah dilakukan

  16. The Two Nursing Disciplinary Scientific Revolutions: Florence Nightingale and Martha E. Rogers. (United States)

    Koffi, Kan; Fawcett, Jacqueline


    The purpose of this essay is to share Kan Koffi's ideas about scientific revolutions in the discipline of nursing. Koffi has proposed that the works of Florence Nightingale and Martha E. Rogers represent two scientific revolutions in nursing as a learned discipline. The outcome of these two scientific revolutions is a catalyst for critical disciplinary and paradigmatic debate about the universal conceptualization of nursing's distinctive professional and scientific knowledge. © The Author(s) 2016.

  17. Teaching, the Legal Education and Carl Rogers Assumptions: A Case Study in a Private University

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    Leonardo José Peixoto Leal


    of examination lawyers and tenders, existing today a new vision called "legal education crisis" in Brazil. According to Carl Rogers (1972, the main role of the teacher is not only to teach but to help the student to learn. This idea has been legitimized internationally since the publication of the UNESCO Report (Delors, 1998, when it pointed out that "learning to know" constitutes one of the pillars of contemporary education. Rogers (1972, in the 1960s,  drew up a list of 10 assumptions implicit deeply rooted among teachers, paradigms that should be addressed by teachers The methodology used was literature and documents with a qualitative approach in the case like an argument from Case Study, considering the Master in Law and the experiences of the Monitoring and Group Study Program. It concludes that the critical evaluation is important in the formation of the legal profession, because the legal education needs to renew itself, from a teaching practice centered learning.

  18. Integrating the Beliefs of Dewey, Lewin, and Rogers into a Rationale for Effective Group Leadership. (United States)

    Grove, Richard W.


    Presents a rationale for effective group leadership grounded in John Withall's articulation of selected beliefs of John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, and Carl Rogers. Teachers and administrators need more and better preparation in collaborative inquiry. Knowledge and skills in collaborative inquiry should undergird the successful functioning of groups of…

  19. Carl Rogers's Life and Work: An Assessment on the 100Th Anniversary of His Birth (United States)

    Kirschenbaum, Howard


    This article summarizes the life and work of America's most influential counselor and psychotherapist, Carl Rogers. He developed the client-centered, person-centered approach; popularized the term client; pioneered the recording of counseling cases; conducted landmark research on counseling and psychotherapy; and was a leader in the humanistic…


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    Erma Primanita Hayuningtyas


    Full Text Available Pemberian hormon pertumbuhan rekombinan (recombinant growth hormone/rGH dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan. Pemberian rGH yang berasal dari ikan kerapu kertang (rEIGH diharapkan meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan cupang alam (Betta imbellis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi performa pertumbuhan ikan cupang alam (Betta imbellis yang telah diberi rGH ikan kerapu kertang (rEIGH melalui perendaman dan pakan alami. Pemberian rGH dilakukan melalui perendaman dengan dosis yang sama 1,5 mg/L pada larva umur lima hari. Kejut salinitas pada 20 ppt selama 90 detik dilakukan sebelum direndam dalam 100 mL larutan rGH selama satu jam. Pemberian rGH dilanjutkan setelah satu minggu menggunakan pakan alami yang sudah diperkaya rGH dengan dosis 0; 0,3; 3; dan 30 mg/L; serta kontrol tanpa perlakuan. Setiap perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Pakan alami yang digunakan meliputi nauplii Artemia, Moina, cacing Tubifex, dan bloodworm yang diberi secara bertahap mengikuti bukaan mulut, dengan frekuensi pemberian dua kali sehari. Pemberian pakan rGH dilakukan dua kali dalam seminggu pada hari senin dan kamis dan diberikan pada pagi hari saja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan kombinasi terbaik adalah pemberian rGH melalui perendaman 1,5 mg/L yang dikombinasikan dengan oral dosis 3 mg/L air. Laju pertumbuhan ikan cupang yang dihasilkan sebesar 5,54% dan rataan bobot akhir 1,03 ± 0,26 g atau sekitar 2,4 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontrol (P<0,05. Pemberian rGH melalui perendaman saja sudah dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan cupang alam tetapi akan lebih baik jika dikombinasikan dengan pemberian rGH melalui pakan alami dosis berkisar 0,3-3 mg/L. The used of recombinant growth hormone (rGH for wild betta fish could enhance growth performance. The use of rGH of giant grouper fish (rEIGH is expected to enhance the growth performance of wild betta fish. The aim of this study is to determine the performance of wild betta fish treated with the


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    Sukarman Sukarman


    Full Text Available Kualitas warna ikan klown hasil budidaya lebih rendah dibandingkan tangkapan alam, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, namun belum ada data ilmiah sebagai dasar untuk melakukan perbaikan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis dan mengevaluasi kualitas warna ikan klown (Amphiprion percula hasil tangkapan alam dibandingkan dengan hasil budidaya. Kualitas warna diukur pada dua zona: zona-I kulit berwarna oranye antara insang dengan band warna putih pada tengah badan dan zona-II adalah bagian kulit warna oranye antara band putih tengah badan dengan band warna putih pada pangkal ekor, dengan parameter nilai L* (lightness, a* (redness, b* (yellowness, C (chroma, H (Hue. Analisis total karotenoid (TC dilakukan pada kulit kedua zona, sirip pektoral, sirip dorsal, sirip kaudal, dan serum darah. Analisis kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT dilakukan pada kulit dan sirip untuk mengonfirmasi jenis karotenoid dalam kulit dan sirip. Data kualitas warna dianalisis menggunakan t-test, hubungan kualitas warna dengan TC dianalisis dengan regresi sederhana, dan analisis deskriptif untuk hasil KLT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas warna ikan klown tangkapan alam lebih baik dibanding budidaya, didukung oleh tingginya total karotenoid pada kulit zona-I, kulit zona-II, sirip pektoral, sirip dorsal, sirip kaudal, dan serum darah berturut-turut 51,64; 51,24; 136,40; 124,37; 194,18 mg/kg; dan 2,2 mg/mL; pada ikan hasil budidaya berurut-turut 2,5; 3,5; 8,45; 10,01; 23,43 mg/kg; dan 0,8 mg/mL. Hasil KLT menunjukkan bahwa jenis karotenoid pada kulit dan sirip ikan klown adalah astaxanthin, serta satu jenis karotenoid diduga zeaxanthin. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka perlu ditambahkan pigmen karotenoid, dan prekursor pigmen lainnya melalui pakan untuk ikan klown budidaya. The color quality of cultured clownfish is not as good as the wild one. However, it’s influenced by several factors. However, but there is not enough scientific data to be used as the basis


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    Laeli Kurniasari


    penggunaan zeolit sebagai adsorben uap air. Proses pengeringan dengan menggunakan zeolit sebagai adsorben ini memungkinkan operasi pengeringan dilakukan pada suhu rendah sehingga sesuai untuk bahan yang tidak tahan panas. Zeolit alam merupakan salah satu alternatif bahan adsorben. Akan tetapi zeolit ini harus diaktivasi terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan zeolit dengan kemampuan adsorpsi yang tinggi. Proses aktivasi pada zeolit akan merubah rasio Si/Al zeolit, polaritas serta afinitas zeolit terhadap air dan meningkatkan pori-pori zeolit Adsorpsi zeolit alam dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu dengan NaOH dan dengan panas. Pada aktivasi dengan NaOH, zeolit dicampur dengan NaOH 0,5-2N selama 2 jam pada suhu 60-900C. Sementara pada aktivasi fisis, zeolit dipanaskan pada 200-5000C selama 2-5 jam. Untuk mengetahui perubahan struktur pori zeolit maka dilakukan analisa SEM dan untuk mengetahui kemampuan adsorpsi zeolit maka dilakukan analisa daya adsorpsi zeolit terhadap uap air pada berbagai suhu dan berbagai kelembaban relatif. Hasil menujukkan bahwa pada aktivasi dengan NaOH diperoleh kondisi aktivasi terbaik adalah NaOH 1N pada pemanasan 700C dengan daya adsorpsi 0,171 gr uap air/gr adsorben. Sementara untuk aktivasi dengan panas, kondisi aktivasi terbaik adalah pemanasan 3000C selama 3 jam dengan daya adsorpsi 0,137 gr uap air/gr adsorben.

  3. Person-Centered Expressive Arts: An Alternative Path to Counseling and Education. An interview with Natalie Rogers

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    Laura Guadiana Martínez


    Full Text Available In this interview, Natalie Rogers PhD, expounds on how art and expression serve personal and group growth in Person Centered Expressive Arts Therapy. Adding to the legacy of her father Carl Rogers, creator of the Person Centered Approach, she describes the interweaving of her experiences as a therapist and woman, and how she afforded extra room in the process for intuition, creativity, emotions and the fascinating exploration of the human experience. Using modeling, sculpting, dance, painting, music, etc. she created a model which furthers the person’s genuine expression and self knowledge. She sketches a profile of a facilitator who takes special care in creating an ambience where s/he not only does not judge the work, person, experience or results, but is on the contrary, empathetic and acceptant of the person and her experiences. Lastly, she discusses the applications of this approach to traditional educational settings, as well as some of the key training issues.


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    Syafwan Syafwan


    Artikel ini merupakan intisari dari penelitian yang dilaksanakan di sebuah wilayah yang pernah diusulkan kepada UNESCO sebagai salah satu warisan budaya dunia tentang kebertahanan rumah gadang yang terdapat di wilayah budaya Alam Surambi Sungai Pagu, Kabupaten Solok Selatan, Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Fenomena ini unik, karena kontradikitif dengan fenomena umumnya di wilayah-wilayah lain di Minangkabau, di mana terdapat kecendrungan rumah gadang makin lama makin punah sebagai dampak perubahan sosio-kultural pada masyarakat Minangkabau. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan naturalistik. Penelitian ini menemukan enam faktor penyebab fenomena kebertahanan rumah gadang di wilayah ini, yaitu 1 faktor menegakkan harkat, martabat dan kehormatan kaum dan gelar kepenghuluan yang melekat pada kaum, 2 faktor merantau, 3 faktor asas patah tumbuh hilang berganti, 4 faktor lokal jenius “mangguntiang sibak baju”, 5 faktor lokal jenius “balah pinang” dan 6 faktor kawasan destinasi wisata. Kata Kunci: warisan dunia, budaya, kebertahanan, rumah gadang.

  5. Essential and toxic elements in foods of dietary intake from Shah Alam, Selangor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suziana Ismail; Zaini Hamzah; Abdul Khalik Wood


    There is growing concern all over the world on health-related problems due to the foods consumed by the people. One of the area is the human exposure to metals (essential as well as toxic) which can be studied using a various techniques. Variety of daily food samples collected from various food outlets in a different area were studied. The selected foods were collected from various restaurant and food stalls around Shah Alam, Selangor. The chosen sets, including breakfast, lunch and dinner, were blended together, dried, and analyzed for its elemental contents using neutron activation analysis (NAA technique. The results show a variation of elemental contents in relation to the type of foods studied. The Na ranges from 0.91 to 4.1%, K ranges from 1.65% to 3.35%, Ca ranges from 1.03 to 21.39 ppm, Zn ranges from 11.32 to 18.49 ppm, Co ranges from 0.10 to 0.19 ppm, Mn ranges from 0.12 to 0.55 ppm, Cr ranges from 0.52 to 1.06 ppm and As ranges from 0.25 to 0.92 ppm. (Author)

  6. Interview with Guillermo Arrévalo, a Shipibo urban shaman, by Roger Rumrrill. Interview by Roger Rumrrill. (United States)

    Arrévalo, Guillermo


    Roger Rumrrill, a journalist headquartered in Lima, Peru who is a noted expert on the Peruvian Amazon, interviewed Guillermo Arrévalo, a Shipibo urban shaman in Pucallpa, who utilizes ayahuasca in curing rituals. Sr. Arrévalo comments on the phenomenon known as drug tourism, where urban men and women provide tours for foreigners, for a price, to experience drug-induced mystical experiences in urban settings like Iquitos and Pucallpa, Peru, as well as in Brazil, Bolivia and Ecuador. Arrévalo distinguishes between folkloric shamanism and touristic practices which are currently in vogue and, in his opinion, are the result of people trying to resolve personal problems. Arrévalo sees a spiritual and psychological crisis in Europe and North American society. The Shipibo shaman laments the misuse of toxic plants as additives to the ayahuasca potion and the damage that these plants cause to the unsuspecting tourist who doesn't really get his money's worth from shamans without experience, people who are liars and cheats and who don't have the capacity, the preparation or the boldness to do the work.

  7. Tiede ja tutkijan sosiaalinen vastuu : Joseph Ben-Davidin, Roger Sperryn ja Knut Erik Tranøyn käsitykset tieteestä ja tutkijan sosiaalisesta vastuusta


    Karppela, Lasse


    Science and the Scientist's Social Responsibility. Joseph Ben-David's, Roger Sperry's and Knut Erik Tranøy's Views of Science and the Scientist's Social Responsibility The aim of the study was to investigate, whether or not there is any connection between Jewish sociologist Joseph Ben-David's, American neuroscientist Roger Sperry's and Norwegian philosopher Knut Erik Tranøy's views of science and views of the scientist's social responsibility. The sources of information were their writin...

  8. Lo spett-attore: il teatro partecipato di Roger Bernat

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    Carmen Pedullà


    Full Text Available The company FFF (The Friendly Face of Fascism guided by the director Roger Bernat is situated in the context of contemporary participative theatre. Beginning its activity in Barcelona in 2008, the company represents the emblem of Catalan interactive theatre and allows to reconsider, through meaning and forms, the shades connected to interactive paradigm. The disappearance of professional actors in the FFF's shows introduces a new figure, the spect-actor: he has to create the show in a particular typology of theatre which is named as of efervescencia, with social and political, as well as scenic, peculiarities. This essay, without exhaustive pretension, attempts to rough out the role and the position of the spect-actor in scenic context. This element allows to lend another face to participative paradigm.

  9. Roger Long’s gut-strung keyboard instruments and Thomas Barton’s harpsichord stringing


    Rowland, David


    In 1720 Pepusch signed an inventory of the Duke of Chandos’s instruments that included a gut-strung harpsichord by a ‘Mr Longfellow of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge’. The maker was in fact Roger Long, Fellow and later Master of Pembroke Hall (now Pembroke College), Lowndes Professor of Astronomy, but also a keen musician and maker of astronomical, musical and other instruments. Long’s commonplace book in Pembroke’s library contains valuable information about gut and wire harpsichord stringing fr...

  10. Integrating mobile devices into nursing curricula: opportunities for implementation using Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation model. (United States)

    Doyle, Glynda J; Garrett, Bernie; Currie, Leanne M


    To identify studies reporting mobile device integration into undergraduate and graduate nursing curricula. To explore the potential use of Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation model as a framework to guide implementation of mobile devices into nursing curricula. Literature review and thematic categorization. Literature published up until June 2013 was searched using EBSCO, PubMed, and Google Scholar. The literature was reviewed for research articles pertaining to mobile device use in nursing education. Research articles were grouped by study design, and articles were classified by: 1) strategies for individual adopters and 2) strategies for organizations. Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation theory was used to categorize reported implementation strategies. Fifty-two research studies were identified. Strategies for implementation were varied, and challenges to integrating mobile devices include lack of administrative support and time/funding to educate faculty as well as students. Overall, the use of mobile devices appears to provide benefits to nursing students; however the research evidence is limited. Anticipating challenges and ensuring a well laid out strategic plan can assist in supporting successful integration of mobile devices. Crown Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Optimalisasi Peran Kodim Dalam Penanganan Tanggap Darurat Bencana Alam Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Ketahanan Wilayah (Studi Di Kodim 0613/Ciamis Jawa Barat

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    Ito Hediarto


    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Optimalisasi Peran Komando Distrik Militer 0613/Ciamis Dalam Penanganan Tanggap Darurat Bencana Alam Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Ketahanan Wilayah.Penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, yang dilakukan terhadap 10 orang, yaitu Komandan, Staf dan anggota Kodim 0613/Ciamis, selain itu juga melalui observasi serta studi pustaka untuk diperoleh data lalu dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan jawaban bahwa Kodim 0613/Ciamis dapat berperan maksimal dalam menangani tanggap darurat bencana alam di Kabupaten Ciamis Jawa Barat. Kegiatan dilakukan melalui  pengkajian secara cepat dan penentuan status terhadap lokasi kerusakan dan sumber daya, penyelamatan atau evakuasi dan perlindungan kelompok rentan, pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar, serta pemulihan kondisi darurat.Kegiatan pengkajian cepat dilakukan bila ada informasi bencana di wilayah Ciamis, dengan segera informasi tersebut diolah, penyelamatan atau evakuasi dilakukan oleh Kodim 0613/Ciamis setelah terjadi bencana dan bekerjasama dengan BPBD Kabupaten Ciamis, pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar dilakukan oleh Kodim 0613/Ciamis dalam rangka melaksanakan program tanggap darurat bencana, pemulihan kondisi darurat dilakukan kerjasama antara aparat TNI, Polri, dan masyarakat serta pemerintah daerah. Keberhasilan Kodim 0613/Ciamis dalam menangani tanggap darurat memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap situasi kondisi sosial di Kabupaten Ciamis, dan berimplikasi terhadap ketahanan wilayah Kabupaten Ciamis yang meliputi ketahanan idiologi, ketahanan politik, ketahanan ekonomi, ketahanan sosial budaya dan ketahanan pertahanan keamanan.Untuk lebih mengoptimalkan  peran dari Kodim 0613/Ciamis dalam menangani tanggap darurat, maka perlu diciptakan mekanisme yaitu Dandim diberikan peran yang lebih besar dalam mengambil tindakan saat tanggap darurat. Bupati dapat menunjuk Komandan Kodim sebagai komandan posko

  12. A biomechanical comparison of the Rogers interspinous and the Lovely-Carl tension band wiring techniques for fixation of the cervical spine. (United States)

    Brasil, A V; Coehlo, D G; Filho, T E; Braga, F M


    The authors conducted a biomechanical study in which they compared the uses of the Rogers interspinous and the Lovely-Carl tension band wiring techniques for internal fixation of the cervical spine. An extensive biomechanical evaluation (stiffness in positive and negative rotations around the x, y, and z axes; range of motion in flexion-extension, bilateral axial rotation, and bilateral bending; and neutral zone in flexion-extension, bilateral axial rotation, and lateral bending to the right and to the left) was performed in two groups of intact calf cervical spines. After these initial tests, all specimens were subjected to a distractive flexion Stage 3 ligamentous lesion. Group 1 specimens then underwent surgical fixation by the Rogers technique, and Group 2 specimens underwent surgery by using the Lovely-Carl technique. After fixation, specimens were again submitted to the same biomechanical evaluation. The percentage increase or decrease between the pre- and postoperative parameters was calculated. These values were considered quantitative indicators of the efficacy of the techniques, and the efficacy of the two techniques was compared. Analysis of the findings demonstrated that in the spines treated with the Lovely-Carl technique less restriction of movement was produced without affecting stiffness, compared with those treated with the Rogers technique, thus making the Lovely-Carl technique clinically less useful.

  13. Rare models: Roger Casement, the Amazon, and the ethnographic picturesque. (United States)

    Wylie, Lesley


    In 1910 Roger Casement was sent by the British government to investigate the alleged humanitarian abuses of the Peruvian Amazon Company in the Putumayo, a disputed border zone in North West Amazonia. Casement brought more than verbal and written testimony back to London. On 26 June, some six months after he returned from the Amazon, Casement collected two Amerindian boys - Omarino and Ricudo - from Southampton docks. This paper will reconstruct the brief period that these young men spent in Britain in the summer of 1911 and assess, in particular, to what extent they were treated as 'exhibits' by Casement, who not only introduced them to leading members of the British establishment but also arranged for them to be painted and photographed following contemporary ethnographic conventions.

  14. Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Anak Usia Dini di Sekolah Alam Exelentia Pamekasan Madura

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    Eva Nikmatul Rabbiyanti


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui pola pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Pada UsiaDini di Sekolah Alam Excelentia Pamekasan Madura, termasuk kelebihan, dan kelemahannya. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran bahasainggris di PAUD SAE Pamekasan menggunakan dua pola pembelajaran yaitu: 1 Bahasa Inggris sebagai media/materi pembelajaran dengan menggunakanaktivitas Indoor maupun outdoor, seperti: songs, story tellings, project, question and answer, games, brainstorming, group discussion, dengan pendekatannatural approach, total physical response, audio lingual method. Aktivitas pembelajaran tersebut dibantu dengan media flashcards, realia, audio visual,worksheet dan lain lain. 2 Bahasa Inggris sebagai media instruksi dalamsemua mata pelajaran dan aktivitas yang dilakukan sehari-hari di SAE Pamekasan. Kelebihan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di PAUD SAEPamekasan adalah: a Situasi dan lingkungan belajar yang menyenangkan, b Fasilitator yang memiliki keterampilan cukup baik, c Jumlah peserta didikyang terbatas/kelas kecil, d Lengkapnya sarana dan prasarana yangmendukung pembelajaran, e Materi yang menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami, f Tidak ada pekerjaan rumah, g Peran serta orang tua dalamproses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang cukup baik. Kelemahannya adalah: aPenggunaan Bahasa Ibu (bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam proses pembelajaran, b Pronunciation fasilitator yang terkadang tidak sesuaidengan ejaan dan pelafalan yang benar, c Pencampuran jenjang pendidikan dalam satu lokasi pembelajaran yang membuat sesama siswa salingmengganggu konsentrasi.

  15. A recepção do pensamento de Roger Bastide no Brasil

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    Maria Lúcia de Santana Braga


    Full Text Available O artigo trata da recepção do pensamento de Roger Bastide no Brasil durante quase duas décadas, de 1938 a 1954. Bastide, como professor, pesquisador e pensador, estabeleceu relações diversas com seus contemporâneos e alunos. Aqui, com objetivo de compreender o impacto e a importância das idéias bastidianas no País, analisaremos as relações estruturadas com quatro ex-alunos e cientistas sociais brasileiros: Antônio Cândido, Florestan Fernandes, Gilda de Mello e Souza e Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz.

  16. Widening the clinical spectrum of Pitt-Rogers-Danks/Wolf-Hirschhorn syndromes

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    Juliana F. Mazzeu


    Full Text Available Chromosomal rearrangements involving partial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4 and partial duplication of the short arm of chromosome 8 have been described both in Pitt-Rogers-Danks syndrome (PRDS and Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS, the former being considered a milder phenotype of the latter. We describe a patient with partial deletion of chromosome 4 and partial duplication of chromosome 8 documented by array-comparative genomic hybridization (Array-CGH. In addition to the typical features of PRDS, the patient exhibited some clinical signs (genital hypoplasia, radioulnar synostosis and mesomelic limb shortness infrequently, or never previously, reported in PRDS. These findings broaden the spectrum of anomalies generally associated with these syndromes.

  17. Diálogo "interessantíssimo": Roger Bastide e o Modernismo

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    Peixoto Fernanda


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é examinar as várias faces do diálogo travado entre Roger Bastide e os modernistas, destacando Mário de Andrade como interlocutor privilegiado. Seguindo um roteiro de coloração modernista, Bastide se aproxima do país - das artes, da literatura, do folclore -, revê as leituras de Mário de Andrade sobre o barroco e o Aleijadinho e, fundamentalmente, compartilha as formulações do líder modernista sobre a "autenticidade" da cultura brasileira. Procura-se argumentar que através da interlocução com o modernismo Bastide define o seu lugar como intérprete estrangeiro da sociedade e da cultura brasileiras.

  18. Meta-analysis of Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS Approach Implementation in Learning Procces

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    S. Ngabekti


    Full Text Available The results of tracer studies on the approach of Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS or environment exploring learning has been detected is used in eight provinces in Indonesia and studied in the learning begin primary school to college. Then, how the effectiveness of the implementation of the JAS approach in improving the learning process. This study uses meta-analysis-data in the form of descriptive exploratory qualitative. Data was taken from the various thesis, and research faculty in the last 10 years. Data analysis was performed by calculating the percentage of the same findings for similar problems. The results showed a wide range of studies using different methods and approach such as qualitative descriptive, quasi-experimental, PTK and R and D to produce evidence that the approach JAS effective when applied in teaching, especially teaching biology in a variety of teaching materials. Various studies have shown the approach JAS managed to increase learning outcomes, can differentiate learning outcomes between treatment and control groups in which the treatment group had a mean score higher. Models/strategies/methods centered learning students are very relevant to implementation approach JAS making it seem more real, like a model of cooperative learning, think pair share, strategy role-playing, the investigation group, learning cycle 5e, hands-on activity, and so on, making it possible to continuously assessed and developed in the paradigm of competency-based curriculum developed.


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    Kartika Musbyarini


    Full Text Available 800x600 Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";} The general objective of this research was to analyze the correlation between life style with health status of Sumber Alam’s Drivers in Purworejo District, Central Java. The research was conducted using cross sectional study design from July through August 2009 in PO Sumber Alam Purworejo District. Sample was chosen by simple random sampling which resulted 67 drivers. Almost all the samples (91% had smoking habit and all of the samples had no habit on alcohol drinking. More than half (58.2% had excersice habit. The physical activity levels in work day was higher than that in holiday  (p   Key words : life style, nutritional status, and health status

  20. Wall-crossing, Rogers dilogarithm, and the QK/HK correspondence

    CERN Document Server

    Alexandrov, Sergei; Pioline, Boris


    When formulated in twistor space, the D-instanton corrected hypermultiplet moduli space in N=2 string vacua and the Coulomb branch of rigid N=2 gauge theories on $R^3 \\times S^1$ are strikingly similar and, to a large extent, dictated by consistency with wall-crossing. We elucidate this similarity by showing that these two spaces are related under a general duality between, on one hand, quaternion-Kahler manifolds with a quaternionic isometry and, on the other hand, hyperkahler manifolds with a rotational isometry, further equipped with a hyperholomorphic circle bundle with a connection. We show that the transition functions of the hyperholomorphic circle bundle relevant for the hypermultiplet moduli space are given by the Rogers dilogarithm function, and that consistency across walls of marginal stability is ensured by the motivic wall-crossing formula of Kontsevich and Soibelman. We illustrate the construction on some simple examples of wall-crossing related to cluster algebras for rank 2 Dynkin quivers. In...

  1. Availability, Sustainability, and Suitability of Ground Water, Rogers Mesa, Delta County, Colorado - Types of Analyses and Data for Use in Subdivision Water-Supply Reports (United States)

    Watts, Kenneth R.


    The population of Delta County, Colorado, like that in much of the Western United States, is forecast to increase substantially in the next few decades. A substantial portion of the increased population likely will reside in rural subdivisions and use residential wells for domestic water supplies. In Colorado, a subdivision developer is required to submit a water-supply plan through the county for approval by the Colorado Division of Water Resources. If the water supply is to be provided by wells, the water-supply plan must include a water-supply report. The water-supply report demonstrates the availability, sustainability, and suitability of the water supply for the proposed subdivision. During 2006, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Delta County, Colorado, began a study to develop criteria that the Delta County Land Use Department can use to evaluate water-supply reports for proposed subdivisions. A table was prepared that lists the types of analyses and data that may be needed in a water-supply report for a water-supply plan that proposes the use of ground water. A preliminary analysis of the availability, sustainability, and suitability of the ground-water resources of Rogers Mesa, Delta County, Colorado, was prepared for a hypothetical subdivision to demonstrate hydrologic analyses and data that may be needed for water-supply reports for proposed subdivisions. Rogers Mesa is a 12-square-mile upland mesa located along the north side of the North Fork Gunnison River about 15 miles east of Delta, Colorado. The principal land use on Rogers Mesa is irrigated agriculture, with about 5,651 acres of irrigated cropland, grass pasture, and orchards. The principal source of irrigation water is surface water diverted from the North Fork Gunnison River and Leroux Creek. The estimated area of platted subdivisions on or partially on Rogers Mesa in 2007 was about 4,792 acres of which about 2,756 acres was irrigated land in 2000. The principal aquifer on Rogers

  2. Carta de Roger Guggisberg a Alain Guy. Ginebra, 30 de noviembre de 1993


    Guggisberg, Roger


    1 p. -- Roger Guggisberg, director literario de Fundación Simón I. Patiño. Éditions (Ginebra, Suiza), da las gracias a Alain Guy por su carta de 30 de octubre, acompañada de numerosos anexos; y siente no haber podido coincidir con él en Ginebra con ocasión de su visita. Asimismo acusa recibo de la "importante" reseña que la Sra. Comesaña ha publicado en la revista de filosofía de la Universidad de Zulia (Venezuela). Valora mucho las páginas que Eudaldo Forment ha consagrado al pensamiento,...

  3. Carl Rogers' Responses in the 17th Session with Miss Mun: Comments from a Process-Experiential and Psychoanalytic Perspective. (United States)

    Gundrum, Monica; Lietaer, Germain; Van Hees-Matthijssen, Christiane


    Reproduces the transcript of one of Carl Rogers' filmed therapeutic sessions with Miss Mun, followed by an empirical and clinical-qualitative analysis. Five task oriented processes are examined in detail: the evocative impact of reflections of feeling; empathic affirmation as a marker of intense vulnerability; focusing reflections; working with…

  4. Micrometeorological data for energy-budget studies near Rogers Spring, Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Nye County, Nevada, 1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nichols, W.D.; Rapp, T.R.


    The data were collected at two sites near Rogers Spring for use in energy-budget studies beginning in 1994. The data collected at each site included net radiation, air temperature at two heights, dew- point temperature at two heights, windspeed at two heights, soil heat flux, and soil temperature in the interval between the land surface and the buried heat-flux plates

  5. Continuity and Discontinuity in Casabella and Spazio. The 1950's architecture magazines directed by Luigi Moretti and Ernesto Nathan Rogers

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    Orsina Simona Pierini


    However, the impact is quite different: with Luigi Moretti, his iconic  architecture, while rarely published in the journal, nonetheless remains in  the back of our minds. In contrast, Rogers, ever the educator, seems to  have entrusted the pencil to his young, up-and-coming contributors.


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    Guring Briegel Mandegani


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKKertas seni merupakan kerajinan tangan dengan bahan dasar berbagai macam tanaman berserat. Serat pisang abaka, serat jerami dan serat padi telah mampu diolah menjadi kertas seni secara mandiri tanpa bahan perekat tambahan. Selama ini industri kertas seni yang ada sebagian besar menggunakan bahan baku pelepah pisang raja, pisang abaka, jerami, serat padi dan sebagainya. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya peningkatan keanekaragaman bahan baku, di antaranya dengan memanfaatkan material dari rumput laut maupun limbah rumput laut limbah pewarna alam tekstil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakter kertas seni yang terbuat dari limbah pewarna alam dari rumput laut Sargassum sp. dan Ulva serta kombinasinya dengan material serat pisang abaka. Bahan baku pelepah pisang abaka dan limbah rumput laut diolah dengan cara pencacahan dengan ukuran 2-3 cm, direbus dengan soda api selama 2 jam, kemudian disaring dan didinginkan. Bahan kemudian saling dikombinasi dan dijadikan pulp menggunakan mesin blender. Pulp kemudian dicetak dan dianalisis secara fisik. Limbah rumput laut jenis Sargassum sp. dan Ulva dalam keadaan murni (100% tidak dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan produk kertas seni, dikarenakan kandungan selulosa yang masih di bawah 40% sehingga kertas yang dihasilkan dari proses pencetakan bersifat rapuh, mudah sobek dan tidak rekat antara satu dengan yang lain. Sedangkan kertas dengan campuran serat pisang abaka, menghasilkan kualitas kertas seni dengan kekuatan fisik yang lebih baik daripada kertas seni murni dari rumput laut Sargassum sp. dan Ulva. Kata Kunci: kertas seni, rumput laut, Sargassum sp., Ulva, pisang abaka  ABSTRACTPaper art is a craft that uses a wide variety of fibrous plants. Abaca, straw and rice fibers can be processed into paper art independently without additional adhesive material. During this time, the existing art paper industries use many raw materials such as banana, abaca, etc., Therefore, it is

  7. Processed CTD and Water Sample Data from Research Vessel Roger Revelle, Expedition RR1214, in the NE Pacific in November 2012 (NCEI Accession 0156228) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Expedition RR1214 by research vessel Roger Revelle was primarily a transit from French Polynesia to the US mainland. However, a small scientific program was...

  8. Quality of life among residents in a sub-urban area. Case study: Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. (United States)

    Leh, Oliver Ling Hoon; Mahbot, Norseha Mohd; Asma Aqmalina Hadzaman, Nur; Azyyati Marzukhi, Marlyana; Abdullah, Jamalunlaili


    Along with the sub-urbanisation, people working in urban can stay in the sub-urban areas. Sub-urban housing areas provide cheaper and larger houses and more greenery environment. However, the residents are required to travel in longer distance. The effect on Quality of Life (QOL) due to the migration to sub-urban areas may not be positive even with the better environmental quality and lower direct housing cost. Puncak Alam, a new sub-urban area in Selangor, Malaysia had been chosen as the study area to examine the change of QOL among the residents after they moved into the study area. Through a questionnaire survey, the satisfaction of residents on the various aspects/indicators of QOL were examined. Through the statistical analysis, it is found that slightly more than half of the respondents felt that the QOL was dropped after they were moved to the study area. The sub-urban area did provide better quality for their residents. It had increased respondents’ satisfaction on most of the indicators in the aspects of economic, social and physical. However, due to the decreasing of satisfaction in job opportunities, family life, social activities, safety, and transportation system, most of the respondents were felt that their QOL were dropped.

  9. Entre a potência e o poder: Walter Benjamin e Roger Caillois

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    Susana Scramim


    Full Text Available A escrita fragmentária empenhada por Benjamim em "Seqüência em Ibiza" e os aforismos do Oráculo Manual y Arte de Prudencia de Gracián  indicam o esboço de uma reflexão sobre o poder na obra de Benjamin a qual se materializará como limiar entre a forma e o informe, entre a autonomia e auto-implicação, entre a obra e a des-obra. Essa reflexão se torna aguda  no impacto provocado em Benjamin pela a leitura  de L´ariditè que Roger Caillois publica juntamente com outros ensaios, em 1938, no Colégio de Sociologia em Paris.

  10. Dennis Goulet

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D.R. Gasper (Des)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ The human development approach emerged in the late 1980s in response to the negative effects of structural adjustment programmes applied to countries in the South. Led originally by two South Asian scholars, Mahbub ul Haq and Amartya Sen, in cooperation with a large

  11. Clients' narratives in psychotherapy and therapist's theoretical orientation : an exploratory analysis of Gloria's narratives with Rogers, Ellis and Perls


    Moreira, Paulo; Gonçalves, Óscar F.; Matias, Carla


    The therapist’s theoretical orientation has been shown to impact the psychotherapy process. However, less is known about the extent to which the therapist’s orientation may impact clients’ narratives. This exploratory study analysed clients’ narrative production in psychoptherapy, when interacting with different therapists. The data consisted of transcripts of Shostrom’s videotaped therapy sessions between the client Gloria and the therapists Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls and Alb...

  12. Review: Devan Pillay, Gilbert M. Khadiagala, Prishani Naidoo and Roger Southall (eds, New South African Review 4: A Fragile Democracy – Twenty Years On (2014

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    Ian Taylor


    Full Text Available Review of the edited volume:Devan Pillay, Gilbert M. Khadiagala, Prishani Naidoo and Roger Southall (eds, New South African Review 4: A Fragile Democracy – Twenty Years On, Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2014, ISBN 9781868147632, 380 pp.

  13. Roger Williams’s Unintentional Contribution to the Creation of American Capitalism

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    Casey Pratt


    Full Text Available This paper argues that in attempting to protect the religious life from the sullying influence of worldly affairs, Roger Williams participated, albeit unintentionally, in creating the economic conditions that led to the birth of American capitalism. Although Williams argued for a separation of church and state, he did so not in the interest of defending economic liberty, but instead to preserve the sanctity of the church against the frequent immorality that seemed to him required in worldly governance. Questions of pricing and wages, lending and interest—issues that would until Williams’s intervention have been handled by the church in terms of Aquinas’ just price theory—fell outside of the church’s purview according to the new model described by Williams. The result was the creation of an “amoral” public space where the effective separation between spiritual and material concerns led to a kind of free-by-default economic marketplace. This paper traces the development and inadvertent consequences of this essentially theological idea as it took shape in the colonial era.

  14. The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change: Reactions to Rogers' 1957 article. (United States)

    Samstag, Lisa Wallner


    Carl Rogers' article (see record 2007-14639-002) on the necessary and sufficient conditions for personality change has had a significant impact on the field of psychotherapy and psychotherapy research. He emphasized the client as arbiter of his or her own subjective experience and tested his hypothesized therapist-offered conditions of change using recorded sessions. This aided in demystifying the therapeutic process and led to a radical shift in the listening stance of the therapist. I briefly outline my views regarding the influence of the ideas presented in this work, describe the intellectual and cultural context of the times, and discuss a number of ways in which the therapist-offered conditions for psychological transformation are neither necessary nor sufficient. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  15. Speech Rehabilitation For 10 Alaryngeal Patients Using Tracheoesophageal Puncture And Prosthesis Insertion In Amir Alam And Imam Khomeini Hospitals 2002-2003

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    M.T. Khorsi Ashtiani


    Full Text Available Background and Aim: Total laryngectomy following laryngeal cancer has many sequelae , that loss of voice is the most important of them. Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP and prosthesis insertion has evolved into the most widely used and accepted technique for vocal rehabilitation. Materials and Methods: 10 patients that underwent TEP in Amir Alam and Imam Khomeini hospitals from Feb. 2002 through Nov. 2003; were included in this study. Prosthesis insertion in 4 patients is primary and in 6 patients is secondary; and all patients are men. Results: The age of patients was between 50 to 70. 90% of patients had history of cigarette smoking and 10% of them had history of drinking alcohol. Salivary leakage was seen in 30% of patients that was improved with conservative management. Fluency of speech in 30% of patients and intelligibility of speech & voice quality in 40% of patients is good. Conclusion: We could conclude that TEP has less complication & better speech results of other vocal rehabilitation methods. Carefully selection of patients & size of prosthesis has important role in results of TEP.

  16. Comparison of Three Methods of Planting Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus in Varamin

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    P. Jafari


    Full Text Available In order to determine the best method of planting for two varieties of watermelon in Varamin (Charleston Gray and Mahbube through the three methods of planting (direct sowing of seeds, germinated seeds and transplanting of seedlings, a factorial experiment was conducted as a randomized complete block design with 4 replicates during two years (2007-2008 at the Agricultural Research Center, Varamin. The results indicated that planting methods and cultivars had significant effects on all traits including fruit yield, fruit weight and fruit yield of first cutting. Al though the method of transplanting resulted in fruit maturation of 14 days earlier than the direct planting, the mean fruit yield in this method was significantly lower than other methods. Among the various methods of cultivation, the highest mean yield was obtained from the using germinated seed with 30890 kg ha. In the germinated seed method, average fruit weight was significantly higher than the other two methods. The highest number of fruits per plant and the lateral branches were produced in the transplanting method but due to the low weight of fruit, it had the lowest fruit yield per hectare. The highest concentrations of dissolved solids in the fruit (8.2% were obtained in direct planting. Mahbube cultivar with 28,310 kg ha-1 of fruit yield, out yielded the Charleston Gray cultivar with 26250 kg ha-1. For the latter cultivar, first cutting yield and mean fruit weight were also superior compared to the cultivar Charleston Gray. Considering the significant interaction of cultivar and planting methods, maximum fruit yield (31750 kg ha-1 in this study was achieved with Mahbube cultivar when planted with germinated seed method. The results showed that seed germinated seed method is advantage ous compared with the other methods of planting.

  17. Roger Hayward and the Invention of the Two-Mirror Schmidt (United States)

    Bell, T. E.


    Roger Hayward (1899-1979), now virtually unknown, was a multitalented architect, scientific illustrator, and optical inventor. Remembered primarily for illustrating Scientific American magazine's Amateur Scientist column between 1949 and 1974, he also illustrated more than a dozen textbooks in optics, physics, geology, oceanography, and chemistry, several of which became classics in their fields. He designed façades with astronomical themes for major buildings in Los Angeles, California, and sculpted mammoth, realistic models of the moon for Griffith Observatory, Adler Planetarium, and Disneyland. Throughout his life, he recreationally painted watercolors and oils that at least one critic likened to the work of John Singer Sargent. Hayward is least known as an optical designer, yet he made significant contributions to the DU spectrophotometer that established the multimillion-dollar company Beckman Instruments. During the pre-radar days of World War II at Mount Wilson Observatory, Hayward invented a classified Cassegrain version of the Schmidt telescope especially adapted for nighttime infrared aerial photography, plus extraordinarily simple machines that allowed inexperienced soldiers to grind, polish, and test accurate aspheric Schmidt correcting plates at speeds compatible with mass production - and later received U.S. patents for them all. This paper, drawn in part from unpublished letters between Hayward and Albert G. Ingalls, will feature little-known images of Hayward's work.

  18. Nutritional and fatty acid profiles of sun-dried edible black ants (Polyrhachis vicina Roger

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    Duo Li


    Full Text Available Determination of the nutritional composition of sun-dried edible black ants (Polyrhachis vicina Roger cultivated in Zhejiang and Guizhou Provinces, China, was carried out. The Zhejiang and Guizhou ants contained 31.5% and 41.5% protein, 15.7% and 15.9% lipid, and 25.4% and 26.4% fibre respectively. Monounsaturated fatty acids were the most predominant fatty acids (71.472.7% of total fatty acids found in both ant samples, followed by saturated fatty acids (23.825.5% and polyunsaturated fatty acids (3.13.7%. A significant amount of n-3 fatty acids was detected: 87.4 mg/100g and 145.6 mg/100g in Zhejiang and Guizhou ants respectively. Phosphorus, iron and calcium were the main minerals found in the ant samples. A small amount of selenium was also found.

  19. "The most important technique …": Carl Rogers, Hawthorne, and the rise and fall of nondirective interviewing in sociology. (United States)

    Lee, Raymond M


    In the 1940s, interviewing practice in sociology became decisively influenced by techniques that had originally been developed by researchers in other disciplines working within a number of therapeutic or quasi-therapeutic contexts, in particular the "nondirective interviewing" methods developed by Carl Rogers and the interviewing procedures developed during the Hawthorne studies. This article discusses the development of nondirective interviewing and looks at how in the 1930s and '40s the approach came to be used in sociology. It examines the factors leading to both the popularity of the method and its subsequent fall from favor. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Specialized hybrid learners resolve Rogers' paradox about the adaptive value of social learning. (United States)

    Kharratzadeh, Milad; Montrey, Marcel; Metz, Alex; Shultz, Thomas R


    Culture is considered an evolutionary adaptation that enhances reproductive fitness. A common explanation is that social learning, the learning mechanism underlying cultural transmission, enhances mean fitness by avoiding the costs of individual learning. This explanation was famously contradicted by Rogers (1988), who used a simple mathematical model to show that cheap social learning can invade a population without raising its mean fitness. He concluded that some crucial factor remained unaccounted for, which would reverse this surprising result. Here we extend this model to include a more complex environment and limited resources, where individuals cannot reliably learn everything about the environment on their own. Under such conditions, cheap social learning evolves and enhances mean fitness, via hybrid learners capable of specializing their individual learning. We then show that while spatial or social constraints hinder the evolution of hybrid learners, a novel social learning strategy, complementary copying, can mitigate these effects. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Prevalence of Methicillin and Vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization in nasopharynx; Amir-Alam hospital, 2005

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    Hasibi M


    Full Text Available Background: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most common causes of nosocomial infections with high morbidity and mortality rate. Traditionally, methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus has been considered a major nosocomial pathogen in healthcare facilities, but in the past decade, it has been observed emerging in the community as well. Informations regarding hospital microbial colonization could be an important step for prevention of nosocomial infections. Our objective was clarifying the prevalence of methicillin resistant and vancomycin resistant staphylococcus aureus colonization in nasopharynx. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was carried on 106 patients and nursing staff of surgery and hemodialysis wards in Amir-Alam hospital from April 2005 to July 2005. The samples were collected from nasal region of cases using cotton swab by two experienced technician and were sent to laboratory for culture and antibiogram. Results: Twenty six (29.5% out of 106 cases were nasopharyngeal carriers of staphylococcus aureus. Eight cases (7.5% had methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. The most frequent colonization rate was seen in hemodialysis nursing staff and in all of them methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus was reported. Carrier rates in hemodialysis patients were twice compared to surgery ward patients. The interesting point was that no sample of vancomycin resistant staphylococcus aureus was isolated. Conclusion: Prevalence of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus colonization seems to be increased; therefore proper management for controlling this problem is mandatory. The results of the present study suggest that the prevalence of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus infections is higher than was expected in Iran and vigorous preventive strategies should therefore be taken to stop the growth of this major health problem.

  2. Propaganda, Literature and a Television Mini-Series: Representations of Roger Casement in Germany, 1916-2016

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    Fergal Lenehan


    Full Text Available A fairly extensive German-language tradition of depicting Roger Casement exists that has, until now, not been surveyed by cultural historians. Three distinct strands of Casement representation dominate, and often intertwine: 1 Casement as an international humanitarian, 2 Casement as an extreme Irish nationalist, and 3 Casement as a gay martyr. These narratives have been highly dependent on the socio-political context and the needs of the creators. Thus Casement has been depicted as a rabid Irish nationalist within German anti-British propaganda texts during World War One and Two, but also as an international humanitarian who practiced a liberationist nationalism during the years of the democratic Weimar Republic, while the Casement story has in addition been mined to humanise gay men in post-War West Germany.

  3. Translation and Creative Writing: An Interview with Professor Margaret Rogers

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    Ruzbeh Babaee


    Full Text Available Introduction This interview was conducted with Emerita Professor Margaret Rogers with the aim of providing a brief but informative summary of the relationship between translation and creative writing. Emerita Professor Rogers is in the Centre for Translation Studies, School of English and Languages, University of Surrey, UK. She is also the founder of Terminology Network at the Institute of Translation and Interpreting in the UK. Professor Rogers introduced creative writing into the translation curriculum some 10 years ago at her own university.   The Interview   RB[1]: Do you believe in a theory of translation? MR[2]: There are many ways of trying to understand and, where we can, explain translation in all its guises, loci and times. To talk about ‘a theory’ in this context doesn’t help much. There are many different approaches to the academic study of translation: rather simply put, the particular approach which we choose to adopt may depend on our object of study (e.g. literary translation or specialised translation, what we want to find out about this (e.g. are we interested in product or process, in a historical or contemporary perspective, what resources we have available (e.g. a fully funded research team or a solo effort and so on. Many projects are interdisciplinary—this has long been recognised—and translation scholars are becoming much more resourceful in identifying, adopting and adapting relevant approaches from intersecting disciplines such as comparative literature, cultural studies, history, linguistics, philosophy, psychology and sociology. Some scholars are now advocating a problem-based approach. In any research project it is important to establish how the problem/phenomenon/issue which has been identified as the focus of the study can be tackled. For this, in an empirical study a method is crucial: in translation studies this is rarely something that can be picked off the shelf and is often a contribution to the

  4. Remedial investigation work plan for Chestnut Ridge Operable Unit 4 (Rogers Quarry/Lower McCoy Branch) at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant includes - 800 acres near the northeast comer of the reservation and adjacent to the city of Oak Ridge (Fig. 1-1). The plant is a manufacturing and developmental engineering facility that produced components for various nuclear weapons systems and provides engineering support to other Energy Systems facilities. More than 200 contaminated sites have been identified at the Y-12 Plant that resulted from past waste management practices. Many of the sites have operable units (OUs) based on priority and on investigative and remediation requirements. This Remedial Investigation RI work plan specifically addresses Chestnut Ridge OU 4. Chestnut Ridge OU 4 consists of Rogers Quarry and Lower McCoy Branch (MCB). Rogers Quarry, which is also known as Old Rogers Quarry or Bethel Valley Quarry was used for quarrying from the late 1940s or early 1950s until about 1960. Since that time, the quarry has been used for disposal of coal ash and materials from Y-12 production operations, including classified materials. Disposal of coal ash ended in July 1993. An RI is being conducted at this site in response to CERCLA regulations. The overall objectives of the RI are to collect data necessary to evaluate the nature and extent of contaminants of concern, support an Ecological Risk Assessment and a Human Health Risk Assessment, support the evaluation of remedial alternatives, and ultimately develop a Record of Decision for the site. The purpose of this work plan is to outline RI activities necessary to define the nature and extent of suspected contaminants at Chestnut Ridge OU 4. Potential migration pathways also will be investigated. Data collected during the RI will be used to evaluate the risk posed to human health and the environment by OU 4.

  5. MODEL PENGELOLAAN LINGKUNGAN TAMAN WISATA ALAM GUNUNG MEJA MANOKWARI PAPUA BARAT (Model Environmental Management of Meja Mountain Natural Manokwari West Papua (Model Environmental Management of Meja Mountain Natural Manokwari West Papua

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    Natalsen Basna


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Model pengelolaan lingkungan hutan Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja mencapai lingkungan keberkelanjutan apabila aspek ekologis, ekonornis, dan sosial budaya yang dinarnis diperlukan suatu konsep model lingkungan yang permanen dalam pengelolaannya. Model lingkungan adalah perwakilan sebuah objek dalam bentuk aktual atau situasi rill yang ditentukan secara sadar dan terencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan (i menganalisis model sistem blok, (2 mengontruksi model rekayasa struktur hutan tanaman lokal campuran sebagai pengedalian lingkungan masa kini, (3 mengonstuksi model arahan lingkungan pengelolaan wisata alam yang berbasis bisnis konservasi.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah memadukan sumber informasi lingkungan dari data penginderaan jauh, peta tematik, sistem informasi geografis (SIG, dan survei lapangan. Populasi sampel mengenai kerusakan lingkungan dipilih dari peta satuan lahan sesuai dengan liputan citra lansat thematic mapper (TM atau enhanced thematic mapper (ETM seluruh kawasan dan survei lapangan.Hasil penelitian, adalah (1 perumusan model berdasarkan kondisi permasalahan yang terdiri atas model sistem blok berdasarkan blok daerah datar, daerah tangkapan air satu atau daerah dengan kerapatan hutan yang tinggi, blok kerapatan sedang atau daerah tangkapan air dua, blok daerah pernanfaatan dan blok rehabilitasi; (2 mengontruksi model rekayasa struktur hutan tanaman lokal campuran untuk pengendalian lingkungan masa kini berdasarkan stratifikasi tajuk; dan (3 menginstruksi model arahan pengelolaan lingkungan wisata alam yang berbasis bisnis konservasi berdasarkan pada pengembagan jalur pariwisata dan model pengembangan bisnis konservasi. ABSTRACT Model environmental management of forests Meja Mountain Natural Park has achieved thenvironmental aspects of sustainability where ecological, economic and socio-cultural dynamic. At present a concept model of the environment, that can be permanently implied in its management is

  6. Vegetasi Habitat Komodo dalam Bentang Alam Riung dan Pulau Ontoloe di Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Willem Amu Blegur


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini mengkaji vegetasi habitat komodo dalam bentang alam Riung dan Ontoloe. Ekosistem karst mendominasi di Riung dan Ontoloe. Lokasi kajian merupakan taman nasional yaitu CA Wolo Tado, CA Riung dan TWAL 17 Pulau. Taman nasional ditetapkan pada tahun 1992 dan 1996. Pembakaran sabana di hutan sabana atau savanna woodland dengan skala kecil menjaga ketersediaan sabana di Pulau Besar, Flores. Sabana tersebut merupakan sumber makanan bagi pakan komodo yaitu rusa (Cervus timorensis. Sebaliknya, di Pulau Kecil atau Ontoloe tidak ada pembakaran sabana berskala kecil. Secara khusus, penelitian ini, mempelajari: a tipe ekosistem penyusun bentang alam Pulau Besar dan Pulau Kecil; b cacah jenis, densitas dan growth form vegetasi habitat; c kualitas ἀsiko kimia tanah yaitu temperatur, tekstur, pH, NO3, NH4,  PO4, K tersedia; udara yaitu temperatur dan salinitas air ekosistem hutan bakau. Data dikoleksi dengan  kuadrat plot dengan bantuan transek. Ukuran plot pada ekosistem hutan bakau, hutan ekoton dan hutan legong 20mx20m dengan ulangan 4x. Sedangkan  padang rumput yang jarang pohon, ukuran plot 100mx100m dengan ulangan 4x. Data dicuplik berupa: cacah jenis, densitas dan growth form penyusun vegetasi.  Data ἀsikokimia  tanah, udara dan air dicuplik di bawah kanopi dan gap kanopi. Hasil yang diperoleh tipe ekosistem habitat di Pulau Besar lebih banyak daripada di Pulau Kecil yaitu ekosistem hutan bakau, hutan ekoton, hutan sabana, dan hutan legong. Cacah jenis, densitas dan growth form di Pulau Besar juga lebih tinggi daripada di Pulau Kecil. Hal ini merespon tekstur tanah, kadar NO3, kadar NH4 dan temperatur. Pada Pulau Kecil, ditemukan ancaman dengan densitas yang cukup tinggi per 4 ha yaitu sapling L. glauca 179 individu, A. lebbeck 353 individu dan semak L. camara 169 individu. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa pembakaran hutan sabana dengan skala kecil menjaga ketersediaan sabana di Pulau Besar, sehingga komodo akan terlindungi.   This study

  7. Mortality and length of therapy in soft tissue infections, Sina and Amir-Alam Hospitals (1989-99

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    Geranpaieh L


    Full Text Available Introduction: Necrotizing soft tissue infections are one of the most dreaded infections in human and result in a very high rate of mortality. The treatment of these infections must be very aggressive and consists of radical debridement of all necrotic tissue accompanied by appropriate antibiotics. Materials and methods: This study was undertaken to assess the mortality rate, the time from diagnosis to cure, and some of the parameters which may affect mortality in our patients. In this descriptive, retrospective study first files from patients attended by necrotizing soft tissue infections including Fournier's gangrene or disease, gas gangrene, hemolytic streptococcal infections, myonecrosis, necrotizing fascitis and related subjects in Sina and Amir-Alam hospitals from 1989 to 1999 were studied. Data were extracted and analyzed by SPSS. Results: The total number of cases was 36. The median age was 47.69 years. Seven of the patients were female. The median time from onset to cure was 10 days. The most common site affected was the perineum and the most common etiology was perianal abscess. Diabetes mellitus was the underlying disease mostly observed. Half of the patients had received inappropriate treatments. In this group mortality was higher. Conclusion: It is crucial that general practitioners be acquainted with the diagnosis of necrotizing soft tissue infections so that patients are referred immediately to surgical centers. In our referral center the mortality was acceptable but it can be lowered further. The sex, sites of infection, underlying disease and etiologies in our patients were similar to patient in other countries except for alcoholism. It appears that data in foreign texts can be attributed to Iranian patients.


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    Rafles Tampubolon


    Full Text Available The research entitled “ Study on Macrozoobenthos Community in the Waters of the River Air Perikan Pagar Alam Municipality”, was conducted from November 2007 until March 2008. The aims of the research: to know about composition, density, diversity index, dominancy index, and similarity index, which based on the different microhabitat types. Sampling was carried out on November 2007. Five sampling stations were determined by survey method and the Purposive Sampling method was used at each sampling point to find stony, gravel, sandy and leaf pack area as a different microhabitat substrate. Twenty one orders (Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Diptera, Plecoptera, Collembola, Hemiptera, Odonata, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Megaloptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, Decapoda, Plesiopora, Tricladida, Amphipoda, Isopoda, Mesogastropoda, Ctenobranchiata, Eulamellibranchiata, and Rhynchobdellida which are consisted of 70 families and 151 genera were identified from four types of substrates on each sampling station. According to this research, station 4 has the highest in composition (80 genera, and the lowest one at station 1(33 genera. The highest abundance was 12589 ind./m2 found in the station 5, and the lowest one was in the station 1 approximately 880 ind./m2. For the diversity index value, station 3 was the highest (3.1 and the lowest one was station 5 (1.9. The Dominancy index was found in station 5 at the sandy substrates was approximately 0,8 index, which dominated by Tubifex sp. There were differences species composition on each station.

  9. Arima and integrated arfima models for forecasting air pollution index in Shah Alam, Selangor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Ying Siew; Lim, Ying Chin; Pauline, Mah Jin Wee


    Air pollution is one of the major issues that has been affecting human health, agricultural crops, forest species and ecosystems. Since 1980, Malaysia has had a series of haze episodes and the worst ever was reported in 1997. As a result, the government has established the Malaysia Air Quality Guidelines, the Air Pollution Index (API) and Haze Action Plan, to improve the air quality. The API was introduced as an index system for classifying and reporting the ambient air quality in Malaysia. The API for a given period is calculated based on the sub-index value (sub-API) for all the five air pollutants, namely sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), ozone (O 3 ), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter below 10 micron size (PM 10 ). The forecast of air pollution can be used for air pollution assessment and management. It can serve as information and warning to the public in cases of high air pollution levels and for policy management of many different chemical compounds. Hence, the objective of this project is to fit and illustrate the use of time series models in forecasting the API in Shah Alam, Selangor. The data used in this study consists of 70 monthly observations of API (from March 1998 to December 2003) published in the Annual Reports of the Department of Environment, Selangor. The time series models that were being considered were the Integrated Autoregressive Moving Average (ARIMA) and the Integrated Long Memory Model (ARFIMA) models. The lowest MAE, RMSE and MAPE values were used as the model selection criteria. Between these two models considered, the integrated ARFIMA model appears to be the better model as it has the lowest MAPE value. However, the actual value of May 2003 falls outside the 95% forecast interval, probably due to emissions from mobile sources (i.e., motor vehicles), industrial emissions, burning of solid wastes and forest fires. (author)

  10. Continuidad y discontinuidad : las revistas de arquitectura de Luigi Moretti y Ernesto Nathan Rogers en el Milán de la década de 1950

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    Orsina Simona Pierini


    Por tanto, sus éxitos son muy distintos: en el caso de Moretti la mente seguía la fascinación de sus arquitecturas, casi nunca publicadas en la revista, pero muy presentes por su fuerza icónica, mientras que en al caso del profesor Rogers, el legado parece confiarse a un lápiz, tan distinto del de sus amigos y alumnos.

  11. Underway measurements of surface partial pressure of CO2 during the R/V Roger Revelle Cruise in the Indian Ocean on CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography Section I06S_2008 (Feb. 5 - March 14, 2008). (NCEI Accession 0163185) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0163185 includes chemical, meteorological, optical, physical and surface underway data collected from ROGER REVELLE CLIVAR Cruise in the Indian Ocean...

  12. The Eco-Behavioral Approach to Surveys and Social Accounts for Rural Communities: Exploratory Analyses and Interpretations of Roger G. Barker's Microdata from the Behavior Setting Survey of Midwest, Kansas in 1963-64. (United States)

    Fox, Karl A.

    The concept of behavior settings--the environments shaping individual behavior--was originated by Roger Barker in 1950 in connection with his community surveys in a small Kansas town, code-named Midwest. This book seeks to provide rural social scientists with an understanding of Barker's eco-behavioral approach and proposed adaptations of it to…

  13. Empatia e redução fenomenológica: possível contribuição ao pensamento de Rogers

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    Virginia Moreira


    Full Text Available The concept of empathic understanding holds a key position in the psychotherapy of Carl Rogers, the psychotherapist aims to capture the feelings and personal meanings that the client is living. This article aims to explore possible contributions that phenomenological reduction, as understood by Merleau-Ponty, can provide to the therapist´s experience of being empathic. Humanistic phenomenological clinical practice has shown that the use of the concept of phenomenological reduction has much to contribute to psychotherapy. We conclude that the phenomenological reduction shows up as a resource that, used in phenomenological psychotherapy, allows the psychotherapist to put brackets to personal and theoretical contents, with the purpose of seeking to penetrate the lived world of the client, understanding it with empathy.

  14. Pra Desain Pabrik Substitute Natural Gas (SNG dari Low Rank Coal

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    Asti Permatasari


    Full Text Available Substitute Natural Gas (SNG merupakan campuran gas hidrokarbon dengan sifat mirip seperti gas alam yang dapat diproduksi dari gasifikasi dengan bahan baku berupa batubara atau biomassa. Gasifikasi adalah proses perubahan bahan baku padat menjadi gas. Dengan mengubah bahan baku padat menjadi gas, maka material yang tidak diinginkan yang terkandung di dalam bahan baku tersebut seperti senyawa sulfur, karbon dioksida dan abu dapat dihilangkan dengan menggunakan metode tertentu sehingga dapat dihasilkan gas bersih yang disebut dengan syngas. Syngas yang memiliki kandungan utama CO dan H2 kemudian dikonfersi menjadi SNG yang berupa metana (CH4 melalui proses metanasi sehingga menghasilkan produk utama berupa CH4. SNG merupakan suatu bahan bakar baru yang dapat digunakan industri untuk menggantikan gas alam. Permintaan gas alam masa mendatang diperkirakan akan tumbuh cukup pesat terkait dengan upaya industri untuk beralih ke gas untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap BBM. Gas alam dan minyak bumi sebagai salah satu sumber daya alam memiliki manfaat yang sangat banyak dalam menunjang berbagai sektor kehidupan manusia. Banyaknya manfaat dari sumber daya alam gas alam menyebabkan banyaknya kebutuhan akan gas alam di dunia, dimana kebutuhan tersebut terus bertambah setiap tahunnya. Padahal gas alam yang selama ini banyak dimanfaatkan berbagai sektor di Indonesia sifatnya tidak terbarukan (non renewable serta cadangannya diperkirakan akan menurun. Pemerintah harus menggalakkan pengembangan sumber energy alternative pengganti gas alam dan minyak bumi sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden nomor 5 tahun 2006. Salah satu energi potensial yang dapat menggantikannya adalah SNG dari batubara. Indonesia memiliki cadangan batubara dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak. Wilayah Indonesia diketahui memiliki potensi endapan batubara yang sangat luas. Data dari Pusat Sumber Daya Geologi (2006 menyebutkan bahwa wilayah Sumatera Selatan memiliki jumlah cadangan batubara kualitas

  15. Quadrillages labyrinthiques: l’échiquier Caillois. Centenaire de la naissance de Roger Caillois, sous la direction de Valeria Emi Sgueglia et André-Alain Morello


    Gardini, Michela


    Il volume si presenta come un omaggio per il centenario della nascita di Roger Caillois (1913) e raccoglie saggi di autori diversi in onore del celebre critico. Come suggerito dal titolo, l’opera di Caillois a cui tutti gli autori fanno riferimento è Cases d’un échiquier del 1970, un’opera mosaico presa come simbolo della molteplicità della ricerca epistemologica di Caillois. In apertura, dopo l’articolo introduttivo di André-Alain Morello (Une des récompenses de la rêverie, pp. 9-13), Enzo ...

  16. Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb Sebagai Pewarna Alam Kain Batik Sutera, Katun, dan Rayon

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    Sofyan Sofyan


    Full Text Available Gambier (Uncaria gambir Roxb. is one of main commodities in West Sumatra Province where most of the products are exported in raw gambier form. Many benefits that can be derived from gambier, but there is no diversify of this product. The research was aimed to use gambier as natural dyes in batik fabric and to see the quality of the batik that had been dyed. The study was conducted by varying the type of fabric (silk, cotton, and rayon and the type of mordant or color fixer namely lime (CaO, alum (Al2(SO43, and ferous salt (FeSO4. The fabrics which had been dyed were tested color direction, color fastness of washing, light, rubbing, moreover acid and alkaline perspiration. The results showed that the color direction was brownish with different color darkness depending on the type of mordant used. The results of testing on color fastness were good to excellent averagely. In term of the type of fabric, from the three types of fabric used, silk gave the best result in terms of color fastness of washing and perspiration of acid and alkaline with average test results was good to excellent (scale 4-5. The use of different types of mordant had not given significant effect on testing of color fastness to light and rubbing. ABSTRAKGambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb. merupakan salah satu komoditi unggulan Provinsi Sumatera Barat dimana hampir sebagian besar produknya diekspor dalam bentuk gambir mentah. Sangat banyak manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari gambir, namun belum ada hilirisasi produk ini di dalam negeri. Tujuan penelitian adalah menggunakan gambir sebagai pewarna alam pada kain batik dan melihat kualitas kain batik yang telah diwarnai. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memvariasikan jenis kain (sutera, katun, dan rayon dan jenis mordan atau pembangkit warna yaitu kapur (CaO, tawas (Al2(SO43, dan tunjung (FeSO4. Kain yang telah diwarnai dilakukan pengujian arah/beda warna, ketahanan luntur warna terhadap pencucian, sinar, gosokan, dan keringat asam dan basa

  17. Chemical, physical, and other data collected using bottle casts from NOAA Ship DAVID STARR JORDAN, ROGER REVILLE, and NEW HORIZON as part of the California Cooperative Fisheries Investigation from 1996-08-07 to 1997-04-19 (NODC Accession 9800118) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Chemical, physical, and other data were collected from NOAA Ship DAVID STARR JORDAN, ROGER REVILLE, and NEW HORIZON from August 7, 1996 to April 19, 1997. Data were...

  18. Effect of the decommissioned Roger open dump, João Pessoa, Brazil, on local groundwater quality

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    Giulliano de Souza Fagundes


    Full Text Available Throughout 45 years (1958-2003 the solid wastes from João Pessoa were disposed off in the former Roger’s open dump, which is situated adjacent to the mangrove at the sides of Sanhauá river, intensifying environmental problems and threatening the health of people living nearby. Between 1999 and 2003 the decommissioned open dump received wastes from the cities of Cabedelo and Bayeux. Several environmental impacts result from this inadequate disposal of solid wastes, including the pollution of groundwater nearby the former Roger´s open dump, which is the major point of investigation of this paper. The water quality of 6 wells situated in the region of influence of the open dump were monitored. Results have shown that the groundwater near the open dump cannot be drunk by the population without previous treatment, since it has some parameters of water quality in discordance with Brazilian legislation concerned with drinking water. Results have also shown that the level of pollution is higher in the wells closer to the open dump.

  19. E-commerce adoption in Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises Practitioner Firms: A revisit on Rogers' model

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    Full Text Available The current climate of business necessitates competitions that are often tough and unpredictable. All organizations, regardless their size and scope of operation, are facing severe competitive challenges. In order to cope with this phenomenon, managers are turning to e-commerce in their respective organizations. The present study hinges upon exploring and explaining the different dimensions of the adoption of e-commerce among Small and medium enterprises, based on the Five Factors of Diffusion of Innovation Model derived by Rogers. In this study, however, we employed the survey methods. A questionnaire was distributed to 1,200 managers and employees in the manufacturing, service and agricultural sectors by email; with a response rate of 10%. The results gleamed from this study posits that relative advantage is influential vis-à-vis e-commerce adoption. Trialability and Observability factors affect the level of confidence of management, which in turn, influences e-commerce adoption. Meanwhile, the existing culture of a company affects the resistance of employees, which in turn negatively effects the e-commerce adoption, while complexity does not significantly influence the e-commerce adoption.

  20. Downstage migration after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer: the reverse of the Will Rogers phenomenon? (United States)

    Fokas, Emmanouil; Liersch, Torsten; Fietkau, Rainer; Hohenberger, Werner; Hess, Clemens; Becker, Heinz; Sauer, Rolf; Wittekind, Christian; Rödel, Claus


    Downstaging after neoadjuvant treatment is increasingly used as a prognostic factor and surrogate endpoint in clinical trials. However, in recent trials of neoadjuvant 5-fluorouracil-based chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer, downstaging did not translate into a benefit with regard to either disease-free survival (DFS) or overall survival. By analyzing the 10-year outcome data of the German CAO/ARO/AIO-94 phase 3 trial, the authors demonstrated that significantly fewer patients had poor prognostic features (eg, ypT3-4, ypN1-2) after preoperative 5-fluorouracil-based chemoradiotherapy. Nevertheless, these patients with International Union for Cancer Control stage II disease were found to be at a higher risk of developing distant metastases and had poorer DFS compared with patients with corresponding TNM tumor (sub)groups in the postoperative treatment arm, whereas patients with International Union for Cancer Control stage III disease demonstrated a nonsignificant trend toward a worse outcome after preoperative treatment. Overall, DFS remained identical in both treatment arms. Thus, "downstage migration" after neoadjuvant treatment resembles the reverse of the Will Rogers phenomenon and therefore may not be a reliable endpoint for long-term outcomes. © 2015 American Cancer Society.

  1. Alamethicin permeabilizes the plasma membrane and mitochondria but not the tonoplast in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Bright Yellow) suspension cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Matic, S.; Geisler, D.A.; Møller, I.M.


    remained intact, as indicated by an unaffected tonoplast proton gradient. Low-flux permeabilization of plasma membranes and mitochondria at moderate AlaM concentrations was reversible and did not affect cell vigour. Higher AlaM concentrations induced cell death. After the addition of catalase that removes...... concentrations. Possible uses and limitations of this method for plant cell research are discussed.......The ion channel-forming peptide AlaM (alamethicin) is known to permeabilize isolated mitochondria as well as animal cells. When intact tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Bright Yellow-2 cells were treated with AlaM, the cells became permeable for low-molecular-mass molecules as shown by induced leakage...

  2. Roger Bastide: a construção do social na fronteira das disciplinas. A doença mental como campo de estudo

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    Everardo Duarte Nunes


    Full Text Available O artigo trata das contribuições de Roger Bastide (1898-1974 para o campo da loucura e da doença mental, recuperando seus trabalhos em psiquiatria social, psicanálise, psicologia e sociologia das doenças mentais. Destaca o caráter interdisciplinar desses trabalhos, marca dos estudos de Bastide também presente em outros temas como religião, arte, literatura. O trabalho apresenta dados biográficos e o legado de Bastide para o campo da sociologia da saúde/doença. Analisa a obra de Bastide à época da sua produção e aspectos atuais da sociologia das doenças mentais.

  3. Comments on the analysis interpretation by Rogers and Latendresse regarding samples coming from the Shroud of Turin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bella, Marco [Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Roma, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma (Italy); Garlaschelli, Luigi [Department of Chemistry, University of Pavia, Via Taramelli 10, 27100 Pavia (Italy); Samperi, Roberto, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Roma, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma (Italy)


    Highlights: • A paper by R. Rogers supported the presence of an “invisible mending” on the Turin Shroud. • We have shown that no mass spectrometry evidence supports this pseudoscientific theory. • M. Latendresse commented on our work, but wrongly assigned a key spectrum. • The two samples underwent different treatments, making them non-comparable. • No evidence of any kind (chemical or instrumental) supports this pseudoscientific theory. - Abstract: The presence of a “invisible mending” has been proposed as an explanation for medieval radiocarbon dating measurements made on the Shroud of Turin. Here we show that the chemical analysis which was to support this theory is not consistent, and no scientific data confirm these speculations. Specifically, the samples of the Shroud image fibers underwent a different cleaning procedure with regards to those allegedly belonging to the medieval mending. There is no reliable indication of the supposedly diagnostic compounds (e.g. gum Arabic, pentoses). The only detectable difference between the samples is the presence of a compound with an aliphatic chain which cannot be identified more in detail, e.g. as sebum.

  4. William Blake's Treatment of Nature in His Selected Poems


    Ningrum, Suriati


    Di dalam skripsi ini, saya menganalisis perlakuan-perlakuan atau sikap Blake terhadap alam. Perlakuan-perlakuan yang ditemukan di dalam puisi-puisi Wlliam Blake.; “Spring”, “The Lamb”, “The Tiger”dan “Night”. Beberapa perlakuan yang saya analisis di dalam skripsi ini adalah berhubungan dengan simbol-simbol alam. Tujuan saya dalam menganilisis skripsi ini adalah untuk menafsirkan dan mengidentifikasi perlakuan-perlakuan Blake terhadap alam. saya menafsirkan bahwa dalam puisi-puisi Blake yang t...

  5. Dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, alkalinity, temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using Alkalinity titrator, CTD and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the Indian Ocean from 2009-03-20 to 2009-05-15 (NODC Accession 0108075) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0108075 includes discrete sample and profile data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the Indian Ocean from 2009-03-20 to 2009-05-15. These data include...

  6. Dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using Alkalinity titrator, CTD and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the Indian Ocean and Southern Oceans from 2007-02-04 to 2007-03-17 (NODC Accession 0108119) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0108119 includes discrete sample and profile data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the Indian Ocean and Southern Oceans (> 60 degrees South) from...

  7. Dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using Alkalinity titrator, CTD and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the South Pacific Ocean and Southern Oceans from 2005-01-09 to 2005-02-19 (NODC Accession 0108095) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0108095 includes discrete sample and profile data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the South Pacific Ocean and Southern Oceans (> 60 degrees South)...

  8. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the Philippine Sea from 2016-05-19 to 2016-05-28 (NCEI Accession 0157249) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0157249 includes Surface underway, chemical, meteorological and physical data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the Philippine Sea from 2016-05-19 to...

  9. Dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, alkalinity, temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using CTD, bottle and other instruments from the ROGER REVELLE in the South Pacific Ocean from 1997-10-20 to 1997-11-24 (NODC Accession 0116068) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NODC Accession 0116068 includes chemical, discrete sample, physical and profile data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the South Pacific Ocean from 1997-10-20 to...

  10. Dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, alkalinity, temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using CTD, bottle and other instruments from the ROGER REVELLE in the South Pacific Ocean from 1997-12-02 to 1998-01-03 (NODC Accession 0116136) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NODC Accession 0116136 includes chemical, discrete sample, physical and profile data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the South Pacific Ocean from 1997-12-02 to...

  11. Water temperature data collected from water temperature logger at 5 locations in Narraganset Bay by Roger Williams University is support of the grant entitled "Could Diseases of Blue Mussels affect commercial culture in the Northeast?" from 2015-05-21 to 2015-12-09 (NCEI Accession 0162404) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains water temperature measurements. Data were collected at 5 Narraganset Bay locations: Arnold Point, Roger Williams University Dock, Dyer Island,...

  12. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the Indian Ocean and Southern Oceans from 2016-02-08 to 2016-03-15 (NCEI Accession 0157333) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0157333 includes Surface underway, chemical, meteorological and physical data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the Indian Ocean and Southern Oceans...

  13. Signature of MoU between CERN and Australian Collaboration for Accelerator Science (ACAS); Roger Rassool, ACAS Director; Mark Boland, ACAS Deputy Director; Jean-Pierre Delahaye, CLIC Project Leader; in the presence of Rolf Heuer, Director-General and Emmanuel Tsesmelis, Adviser for Australia

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Signature of MoU between CERN and Australian Collaboration for Accelerator Science (ACAS); Roger Rassool, ACAS Director; Mark Boland, ACAS Deputy Director; Jean-Pierre Delahaye, CLIC Project Leader; in the presence of Rolf Heuer, Director-General and Emmanuel Tsesmelis, Adviser for Australia

  14. In the Footsteps of Roger Revelle: Seagoing Oceanography for Middle School Science (United States)

    Brice, D.; Foley, S.; Knox, R. A.; Mauricio, P.


    Now in its fourth year, "In the Footsteps of Roger Revelle" (IFRR) is a middle school science education program that draws student interest, scientific content and coherence with National Science Standards from real-time research at sea in fields of physical science. As a successful collaboration involving Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Naval Research (ONR), National Science Foundation (NSF), San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE), and San Marcos Middle School (SMMS), IFRR brings physical oceanography and related sciences to students at the San Marcos Middle School in real-time from research vessels at sea using SIO's HiSeasNet satellite communication system. With their science teacher on the ship as an education outreach specialist or ashore guiding students in their interactions with selected scientists at sea, students observe shipboard research being carried out live via videoconference, daily e-mails, interviews, digital whiteboard sessions, and web interaction. Students then research, design, develop, deploy, and field-test their own data-collecting physical oceanography instruments in their classroom. The online interactive curriculum encourages active inquiry with intellectually stimulating problem-solving, enabling students to gain critical insight and skill while investigating some of the most provocative questions of our time, and seeing scientists as role- models. Recent science test scores with IFRR students have shown significant increases in classes where this curriculum has been implemented as compared to other classes where the traditional curriculum has been used. IFRR has provided students in the San Diego area with a unique opportunity for learning about oceanographic research, which could inspire students to become oceanographers or at least scientifically literate citizens - a benefit for a country that depends

  15. Using Carl Rogers' person-centered model to explain interpersonal relationships at a school of nursing. (United States)

    Bryan, Venise D; Lindo, Jascinth; Anderson-Johnson, Pauline; Weaver, Steve


    Faculty members are viewed as nurturers within the academic setting and may be able to influence students' behaviors through the formation of positive interpersonal relationships. Faculty members' attributes that best facilitated positive interpersonal relationships according to Carl Rogers' Person-Centered Model was studied. Students (n = 192) enrolled in a 3-year undergraduate nursing program in urban Jamaica were randomly selected to participate in this descriptive cross-sectional study. A 38-item questionnaire on interpersonal relationships with nursing faculty and students' perceptions of their teachers was utilized to collect data. Factor analysis was used to create factors of realness, prizing, and empathetic understanding. Multiple linear regression analysis on the interaction of the 3 factors and interpersonal relationship scores was performed while controlling for nursing students' study year and age. One hundred sixty-five students (mean age: 23.18 ± 4.51years; 99% female) responded. The regression model explained over 46% of the variance. Realness (β = 0.50, P < .001) was the only significant predictor of the interpersonal relationship scores assigned by the nursing students. Of the total number of respondents, 99 students (60%) reported satisfaction with the interpersonal relationships shared with faculty. Nursing students' perception of faculty members' realness appeared to be the most significant attribute in fostering positive interpersonal relationships. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Seisuslikud kohtud : talurahvakohtud / Ilmar Rebane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rebane, Ilmar, 1907-2001


    Mõisniku kohus ja kodukari, adra- ehk haagikohus, sillakohus, mõisakohus, asehalduskord, alam-maakohus, alam- ja ülemkorrakohus, vallakohus, kihelkonnakohus, kihelkonna politseikohus, mõisapolitsei, kogukonnapolitsei, kreisikohus, ülem-talurahvakohus. Lisatud väljavõtteid regulatiivist "Iggaüks"


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    Adi Waluyo


    Full Text Available Negara Indonesia adalah negara maritim yang memiliki banyak pulau baik yang bernama maupun yang belum bernama. Salah satunya adalah pulau Raas Madura, dimana pulau ini memiliki sumber daya alam yang melimpah di sepanjang garis pantainya. Dibalik melimpahnya sumber daya alam tersebut masih terdapat masyarakat yang sebagian besar prasejahtera. Pemanfaatan yang berlebih (over exploitation dan krisis ekonomi yang menyebabkan terjadinya persaingan untuk memperoleh sumber daya alam yang tersisa sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya degradasi sumber daya alam. Sistem pengelolaan wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil yang secara terpadu yang dapat mengatisipasi terjadinya degradasi sumber daya alam tersebut. Upaya ini harus didukung oleh pemerintah untuk memberikan kesejahteraan mayarakat di darah pesisir di pulau-pulau kecil. Kata kunci : sumber daya alam, Over exploitation, degradasi, pengelolaan terpadu MODELLING OF COMMUNITY BASED INTEGRATED COASTAL AND SMALL ISLAND MANAGEMENT (CASE STUDY OF RAAS ISLAND SUMENEP DISTRICT MADURA Indonesia is a maritime nation consists of small islands. One of them is the Raas island of Madura. This island has abundant natural resources along its coastline however most of the population lives under the poverty line. Over exploitation of fisheries resources and economic crisis caused competition to obtain the remaining of natural resources resulting in the degradation of natural resources. Integrated coastal and small island management is expected to prevent the degradation. This effort should be supported by the government in order to provide prosperity for the coastal community.Key words : natural resources, over exploitation, degradation, integrated management

  18. Dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, alkalinity, temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using Alkalinity titrator, CTD and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean from 2007-03-22 to 2007-05-01 (NODC Accession 0110791) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0110791 includes discrete sample and profile data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean from 2007-03-22 to 2007-05-01....

  19. An Analysis of Environmental Dimensions Affected in Adoption of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles: A Study in Shah ALAM Industrial AREA, Selangor

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    Siron Rusinah


    Full Text Available The aim of the study is to identify the perceptions of respondents on environmental dimensions hat affected in adoption of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The study was conducted at Shah Alam industrial areas of Selangor, Malaysia, with the number of respondents are 120 respondents with various job positions that related with engineering and automobiles industry. The findings of the research shows that the dimensions of HFCV Internal Environmental total score of the items statement is 3.40 with the percentage of agreement in implementation is 3.72 percent, HFCV Environmental Information Systems shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.63 with the percentage of agreement on use to great extend is 42.5 percent, HFCV Cooperation with Customers shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.81 with the percentage of agreement on implementation is 44.2 percent. The findings on HFCV Eco Design shows that the total score of items statement is 4.02 with the percentage of agreement on implementation is 42.3 percent, HFCV Environmental Organizational Culture shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.37 with the percentage of agreement is 34.2 percent, HFCV Environmental Leadership shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.34 with the percentage of agreement is 48.2 percent. HFCV Proactive Green Innovation shows that the total score of items statement is 4.10 ahead of automobile got the highest mean score of 4.32 with the percentage of agreement is 41 percent. HFCV Environmental performance shows that the total score of the items statement is 3.87 with the percentage of agreement is 39 percent and the last environmental dimensions was HFCV Environmental Risks shows that the total score of the item statement is 4.00 with the percentage of agreement is 40 percent

  20. Senyawa Flavonoida, Fenil Propanoida dan Alkaloida


    Sovia Lenny


    06003489 Sebagian besar senyawa organik bahan alam adalah senyawa-senyawa aromatik. senyawa-senyawa ini tersebar luas sebagai zat warna alam yang menyebabkan warna pada bunga, kayu pohon tropis, bermacam-macam kapang dan lumut termasuk zat warna alizarin, oleh Sovia Lenny

  1. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Barometric pressure sensor, Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the South Pacific Ocean and Southern Oceans from 2005-01-06 to 2005-02-19 (NCEI Accession 0144243) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0144243 includes Surface underway data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the South Pacific Ocean and Southern Oceans (> 60 degrees South) from...

  2. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the Andaman Sea or Burma Sea, Bali Sea and others from 2016-02-08 to 2016-09-22 (NCEI Accession 0160548) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0160548 includes Surface underway, chemical, meteorological and physical data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the Andaman Sea or Burma Sea, Bali Sea,...

  3. Beblabadan Bahasa Bali Dalam Perspektif Ekolinguistik

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    I Gusti Ngurah Adi Rajistha


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan (1 kategori gramatikal dari leksikon alam yang digunakan dalam beblabadan, (2 konstruksis sintaksis dari beblabadan yang mengandung leksikon alam, dan (3 tiga dimensi praksis sosial dari beblabadan. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari buku Basita Paribasa karangan W. Simpen AB. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah berupa frasa dan klausa. Hasil analisis disajikan dengan menggunakan metode formal dan informal. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, ada tiga temuan dalam analisis ini yaitu (1 kategori gramatikal dari leksikon alam dalam beblabadan adalah verba seperti mabawang (berlaku sebagai bawang dan nomina seperti jaka (pohon enau; (2 Konstruksi sintaksis dari beblabadan (metafora yang mengandung leksikon-leksikon alam tersebut antara lain frasa nomina seperti base wayah (seperti daun sirih tua, frasa verba seperti mabawang putih (seperti bawang putih, dan klausa seperti ental magulung (daun lontar digulung; dan (3 dimensi praksis sosial dari beblabadan (metafora ditunjukkan oleh pola-pola acuan tertentu.

  4. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, alkalinity, temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using CTD, bottle and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the North Pacific Ocean from 2005-06-17 to 2005-07-17 (NCEI Accession 0163194) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0163194 includes chemical, discrete sample, physical and profile data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the North Pacific Ocean from 2005-06-17 to...

  5. ROGER a potential orbital space debris removal system (United States)

    Starke, Juergen; Bischof, Bernd; Foth, W.-O.; -J., J.; Günther

    The previous activities in the field of On Orbit Servicing studied in the 1990's included in partic-ular the capability of vehicles in GEO to capture and support satellites (mainly communication satellites) to enable repair and continuation of operations, and finally the controlled transfer the target into a permanent graveyard orbit. The specific capture tools for these applications were mostly based on robotic systems to capture and fix the target under specific dynamic constraints (e.g. slowly tumbling target) without damage, and to allow the stabilization, re-orientation and potential repair of the target and subsequent release or transport to the final disposal orbit. Due to the drastically increasing number of debris particularly in the Low Earth Orbits (SSO) the active debris removal is now necessary to counteract to the predicted debris production cascade (Kessler Syndrome), which means the pollution of the total sphere in low earth orbit and not only the SSO area. In most of the debris congresses it was recommended to start removal with the still integrated systems as soon as possible. In the case of large debris objects, the soft capture system can be replaced by a simpler and robust system able to operate from a safe distance to the target and flexible enough to capture and hold different types of targets such as deactivated and/or defective satellites, upper stages and big fragments. These nominally non -cooperative targets might be partially destroyed by the capture process, but the production of additional debris shall be avoided. A major argument for the commercial applications is a multi-target mission potential, which is possible at GEO because the transfer propellant requirement to the disposal orbit and the return to the orbit of the next potential target is relative low (orbits with similar inclination and altitude). The proposed ROGER system is designed as a spacecraft with rendezvous capabilities including inspection in the vicinity of the

  6. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from underway - surface observations using Barometric pressure sensor, Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer and other instruments from the ROGER REVELLE in the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean from 2007-03-22 to 2007-04-28 (NODC Accession 0108120) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NODC Accession 0108120 includes biological, chemical, meteorological, physical and underway - surface data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the Bay of Bengal and...

  7. Estudos citogenéticos em formigas neotropicais do gênero Gnamptogenys Roger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ectatomminae Cytogenetic studies in Neotropical ants of the genus Gnamptogenys Roger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ectatomminae

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    Davileide S. Borges


    Full Text Available Foram caracterizados os cariótipos de três espécies neotropicais do gênero Gnamptogenys Roger: Gnamptogenys striatula Mayr, Gnamptogenys sp. e Gnamptogenys annulata Mayr, coletadas em Viçosa (Minas Gerais e Ilhéus (Bahia. O número cromossômico de G. striatula nas duas localidades foi 2n=34, com fórmula cariotípica 2K=24M+10A. Em Gnamptogenys sp., o número cromossômico foi de 2n=46 (fêmea e n=23 (machos, com a fórmula cariotípica 2K=18M+28A. O número cromossômico de G. annulata foi 2n=68 com a fórmula cariotípica 2K= 6M+62A. Esse tipo de estudo complementa outros estudos iniciados por nosso grupo sobre a citogenética das formigas poneromorfas (sensu Bolton e poderá contribuir no melhor entendimento da evolução das formigas deste grupo considerado primitivo.Studies on the karyotypes of three Neotropical species of the genus Gnamptogenys (Ectatomminae, Ectatommini have been carried out: Gnamptogenys striatula Mayr, Gnamptogenys sp. and Gnamptogenys annulata Mayr, collected at Viçosa (Minas Gerais, Brazil and Ilheus (Bahia, Brazil. The chromosome number of G. striatula was established from individuals taken in colonies from both localities was 2n=34, with the karyotype formula 2K=24M+10A. In Gnamptogenys sp., the chromosomal number was 2n=46 (females and n=23 (males, and its karyotype formula was 2K=18M+28A. The chromosomal number of G. annulata was 2n=68 with the karyotype 2K= 6M + 62A. This study complements THOse carried out by our research group on cytogenetics of the poneromorph ants (sensu Bolton and would contribute to the better understanding of the ant evolution in this group considered primitive.

  8. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Barometric pressure sensor, Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the Indian Ocean, South Pacific Ocean and others from 2007-02-04 to 2007-03-16 (NCEI Accession 0144252) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0144252 includes Surface underway data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the Indian Ocean, South Pacific Ocean, Southern Oceans (> 60 degrees South)...

  9. Simulasi Pengaruh Kandungan CO2 dalam Gas Umpan terhadap Reforming dan Shift Converter Sistem Pabrik Amoniak

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    Jefry Yusuf


    Full Text Available Perubahan produksi dan pangsa pasar gas alam domestik maupun global mempengaruhi suplai terhadap pabrik pupuk-amoniak baik dari sisi jumlah, komposisi maupun harga. Kondisi ini memungkinkan pabrik amoniak menerima jenis gas alam berat kaya dengan CO2 (raw gas maupun gas alam  ringan minim CO2 (treated gas. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan analisa pengaruh perubahan  komposisi gas alam terutama kandungan CO2 dengan variasi 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 dan 50% vol terhadap operasional reforming dan shift converter sistem pabrik amoniak-2 PT. PI Mexisting dengan metodelogi simulasi mengggunakan Aspen HYSYS V8.0. Untuk memproduksi amoniak dengan jumlah yang sama, hasil studi menunjukkan penambahan CO2 dalam gas umpan akan meningkatkan pressure drop sistem, laju pembentukan komponen hidrogen turun sementara konsumsi energi bertambah di reforming, beban katalis shift converter dan beban feed gas compressor meningkat. Kandungan CO2 sebesar 7% vol masih mungkin diaplikasikan, mengingat ada batasan beban peralatan.

  10. KAJIAN KONSERVASI Pinus merkusii strain Tapanuli DI SUMATERA

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    Hendi Suhendi


    Full Text Available Di Indonesia, Pinus yang tumbuh secara alami hanyalah Pinus merkusii di Sumatera yang terdiri dari strain Tapanuli, strain Kerinci dan strain Aceh. Berdasarkan persebarannya, strain Tapanuli tidak banyak dijumpai karena tercampur dengan jenis-jenis kayu daun lebar. Secara alami, strain Tapanuli ditemukan di Cagar Alam Dolok Sipirok dan Cagar Alam Dolok Saut. Dalam bentuk hutan tanaman, strain Tapanuli dibuat oleh masyarakat atau rakyat dengan anakan alam dan diambil secara cabutan di Tegakan Benih Dolok Tusam, dan sekarang sudah habis ditebang karena digantikan oleh tanaman kopi. Di wilayah kerja Dinas Kehutanan Propinsi Sumatera Utara hampir tidak pernah didapatkan informasi tentang keberadaan strain Tapanuli. Konservasi in situ dalam bentuk Cagar Alam perlu dilengkapi dengan konservasi ex situ. Sebagai langkah awal konservasi, terlebih dahulu perlu dikaji permudaan alamnya. Di samping itu, analisis kebijakan berkaitan dengan pentingnya eksplorasi dengan metode sensus pada semua kawasan konservasi di Sumatera perlu dipertimbangkan, dan pertemuan formal antar pengambil kebijakan di Departemen Kehutanan perlu direkomendasikan

  11. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Journal of Chemical Sciences. Sayed Alam. Articles written in Journal of Chemical Sciences. Volume 116 Issue 1 January 2004 pp 29-32 Full Papers. Synthesis and studies of antibacterial activity of pongaglabol · Sayed Alam Zakaria Sarkar Azizul Islam · More Details Abstract Fulltext PDF. Pongaglabol ...

  12. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, alkalinity, temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using Alkalinity titrator, Barometric pressure sensor and other instruments from ROGER REVELLE in the Indian Ocean and Southern Oceans from 2008-02-04 to 2008-03-17 (NODC Accession 0108118) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0108118 includes discrete sample and profile data collected from ROGER REVELLE in the Indian Ocean and Southern Oceans (> 60 degrees South) from...

  13. Accelerating progress on the road to safer sports: based on remarks of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in the Neurosurgical Society of America (NSA) medal lecture. (United States)

    Goodell, Roger; Batjer, H Hunt; Ellenbogen, Richard G


    Roger Goodell was invited by the Neurosurgical Society of America (NSA) to give the keynote speech as the NSA Medalist 2013. As President of the NSA, and Co-Chairs of the National Football league's Head Neck and Spine Committee, we provided the introduction for Goodell. He was cited for his tireless advocacy on behalf of professional and student athletes. We noted that the National Football League has been a world leader in funding traumatic brain injury research and a catalyst for safety in youth and professional sports. Mr Goodell's national leadership in thinking and acting boldly on the subject of traumatic brain injury prevention and treatment was the primary motivation for awarding him the NSA medal. What follows is a transcript of his NSA Medal Lecture to the Neurosurgical Society of America.

  14. Bacteria, plankton, and trace metal, and other data from bottle and CTD casts in the Antarctic from the NATHANIEL B. PALMER and ROGER REVELL in support of the US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study / Antarctic Environments Southern Ocean Process Study (JGOFS /AESOPS) from 1996-10-17 to 1998-03-15 (NODC Accession 0000504) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Phytoplankton and other data were collected in the Antarctic from the NATHANIEL B. PALMER and ROGER REVELL from 17 October 1996 to 15 March 1998. Bottle data include...

  15. Dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, temperature, salinity and HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE collected from discrete sample and profile observations using Alkalinity titrator, CTD and other instruments from the KA'IMIKAI-O-KANALOA, KILO MOANA and ROGER REVELLE in the North Pacific Ocean and Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument from 2002-07-01 to 2003-08-21 (NODC Accession 0108077) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NODC Accession 0108077 includes chemical, discrete sample, physical and profile data collected from KA'IMIKAI-O-KANALOA, KILO MOANA and ROGER REVELLE in the North...

  16. Sadhana | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Sadhana. S S Alam. Articles written in Sadhana. Volume 34 Issue 2 April 2009 pp 235-241. Sequential Bayesian technique: An alternative approach for software reliability estimation · S Chatterjee S S Alam R B Misra · More Details Abstract Fulltext PDF. This paper proposes a sequential Bayesian approach ...

  17. Práticas docentes na Saúde: contribuições para uma reflexão a partir de Carl Rogers

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    Eliana Silva Cassimiro de Araújo

    Full Text Available O trabalho do profissional da área da saúde depende da qualidade técnica e da interação pessoal que institui. Sua formação deve oferecer subsídios para que o egresso utilize características humanistas ao exercer sua prática profissional. Esta pesquisa, realizada com o aporte teórico de Carl Rogers, objetivou verificar a presença da concepção humanista nas práticas educativas dos professores da área da saúde de uma universidade em MG. Optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa, com pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo. A coleta dos dados procedeu-se por meio de um questionário aplicado a 41 docentes de 05 cursos da saúde. De forma singela, verificou-se a presença de propostas humanistas: nos Projetos Pedagógicos dos cursos, que defendem um ensino centrado no estudante com professores facilitadores e aprendizagem significativa; e nas práticas pedagógicas docentes, delineadas na forma como o professor articula o conteúdo, avalia, planeja, interage com os alunos e utiliza as estratégias de ensino.

  18. Paruman Tapakan Barong dalam Ritual Tapak Pertiwi

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    I Wayan Dana


    Full Text Available Paruman Tapakan Barong on Tapak Pertiwi Ritual. Ritual tapak pertiwi siklus pelaksanaan ritual tahunandalam perhitungan kalender Bali, diselenggarakan terpusat dalam Paruman Tapakan Barong di Pura Natar SariApuan. Pelaksanaan ritual ini dihadiri oleh berbagai bentuk tapakan barong yang datang dari berbagai daerah sewilayah Bali Tengah yang memperoleh kekuatan pasupati di Pura Natar Sari Apuan. Aktivitas ritual ini bermaknamenyatunya kekuatan dewa sebagai simbol (purusa dengan dewi pertiwi simbol (pradana. Pertemuan keduaunsur kekuatan suci itu melahirkan gerak kehidupan, menyucikan alam semesta dari segala pengaruh negatif yangmengancam hidup dan kehidupan umat manusia di alam semesta ini. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat Hindu di Balimenghadirkan berbagai bentuk ritual keagamaan untuk menghormati menyatunya energi alam positif dan negatifdalam beragam wujud, termasuk ritual tapak pertiwi.

  19. STUDI PENGARUH JUMLAH PENGUNJUNG TERHADAP KEANEKAAN JENIS DAN KEMELIMPAHAN BURUNG DI KAWASAN WISATA ALAM KOPENG (Study on Effect of Visitor Number to The Species Variety and The Abundance of Birds in Kopeng Natural Tourism Area

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    Retno Nur Utami


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian yang dilakukan di Kawasan Wisata Alam (KWA Kopeng ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah pengunjung terhadap keanekaan jenis dan kemelimpahan burung di KWA Kopeng; mengetahui keanekaan jenis dan kemelimpahan burungterhadap tingkat kepuasan pengunjung; serta untuk memberikan arahan pengelolaan pengunjung berdasarkan hasil penelitian. Pengamatan burung dan pengunjung dilakukan dengan metode point count. Titik pengamatan dipilih secara representatif menggunakan teknik random sampling. Berdasarkan peta kawasan hutan wisata dan pengecekan lapangan dilakukan pembagian lokasi titik pengamatan sebanyak 21 titik. Titik pengamatan berbentuk lingkaran dengan radius 20 m, kemudian titik-titik pengamatan yang telah terpilih dipetakan dan didokumentasikan untuk memudahkan pengamatan pada periode berikutnya. Waktu pengamatan adalah selama dua (kali hari Minggu. Hari Minggu dipilih atas pertimbangan kemudahan perjumpaan dengan pengunjung. Selain dilakukan pengukuran terhadap variabel-variabel terpilih (dalam rangka memperoleh data primer, juga dilakukan pengumpulan data sekunder yang meliputi data kondisi umum lapangan dan sistem pengelolaan kawasan. Data primer yang terkumpul selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan model regresi linier sederhana dan korelasi peringkat Spearman, masing-masing untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah pengunjung (variable bebas terhadap keanekaan jenis burung dan jumlah kemelimpahan burung (variabel-variabel bergantung; dan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara variabel keanekaan jenis burung maupun variabel kemelimpahan burung dengan variabel kepuasan pengunjung. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa jumlah pengunjung tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap keanekaan jenis dan kemelimpahan burung di Kawasan Wisata Alam Kopeng; terdapat korelasi yang negatif antara keanekaan jenis dan kemelimpahan burung dengan tingkat kepuasan pengunjung.   ABSTRACT The aims of this research were to know the effect of the

  20. Daya Dukung Jalur Pendakian Bukit Raya Di Taman Nasional Bukit Baka Raya Kalimantan Barat


    Toto Aryanto; Hartuti Purnaweni; Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati


    ABSTRAK Adanya upaya penyelamatan hutan dan peningkatan nilai manfaatnya, pada saat ini mulai dilakukan pemanfaatan jasa lingkungan, salah satunya melalui kegiatan pariwisata alam. Taman Nasional Bukit Baka Bukit Raya sebagai kawasan konservasi telah dimanfaatkan sebagai kegiatan pariwisata alam dan salah satunya adalah pendakian Bukit Raya. Selain memilki dampak positif, kegiatan pendakian juga memiliki dampak negatif jika tidak memperhatikan daya dukung lingkungan jalur pendakian itu se...

  1. Recursos vegetais usados por Acromyrmex striatus (Roger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae em restinga da Praia da Joaquina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil Vegetable resources used by Acromyrmex striatus (Roger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae in sand dunes at Joaquina Beach, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil

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    Benedito C. Lopes


    Full Text Available Foram amostrados 400 ninhos de Acromyrmex striatus entre 1997 e 1998, nas dunas da praia da Joaquina, Florianópolis, SC, para a verificação do material vegetal trazido para o ninho. Estas formigas usam partes de 50 espécies de plantas dispostas em 22 famílias, sendo as principais, representantes de Compositae, Gramineae e Leguminosae. Nesta última família, Stylosanthes viscosa foi a espécie mais utilizada nos dois anos de amostragem. Acromyrmex striatus corta matéria vegetal fresca, bem como se utiliza de material vegetal já caído, podendo, então se comportar como cortadeira ou como uma espécie oportunista.A total of 400 nests of Acromyrmex striatus (Roger, 1863 was evaluated between 1997 and 1998 at the dunes of the Joaquina Beach, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, in order to determine the vegetable substrate brought back to the nests. These ants use some parts of 50 plant species in 22 botanical families, being Compositae, Gramineae and Leguminosae the principal ones. In this last family, Stylosanthes viscosa Swartz was the most herbivored species in the two years samplings. Acromyrmex striatus cut fresh vegetables, as well as use decayed materials, being then a true leaf-cutter ant or a opportunistic ant.


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    Yuliusman Yuliusman


    Full Text Available ADSORBENT SELECTION FOR CO ADSORPTION USING LANGMUIR ISOTHERMIC ADSORPTION MODEL. The objective of this research is to choose the adsorbent that can be applied to decrease toxicity level and to purify fire smoke. In case of fire, toxicity level is high due to carbon monoxide. Adsorbent is chosen based on its ability to adsorb carbon monoxide using volumetric method in constant temperature. Materials to be tested are natural zeolite, active carbon, TiO2, CuO, MgO. Due to existence of organic and mineral polluters, natural zeolite needs to be activated prior to adsorption test using fluoride acid (HF, chloride acid (HCl, ammonium chloride (NH4Cl and followed by calcination process. Result shows that activation of natural zeolite can increase Si/Al ratio and surface area. According to Langmuir adsorption model obtained, adsorption capacity of active carbon and natural zeolite are the highest. At 1 atmospheric pressure, adsorption capacity are 0.0682 mmol/g for active carbon, 0.0464 for activated natural zeolite with particle size of 400 nm, and 0.0265 mmol/g for activated natural zeolite with particle size of (37-50 μm. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memilih adsorben yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk menurunkan tingkat racun dan menjernihkan asap kebakaran. Pada kasus kebakaran tingkat racun asap disebabkan tingginya kandungan karbon monoksida. Proses pemilihan adsorben dilihat pada kemampuan adsorben mengadsorpsi karbon monoksida, yang dilakukan dengan metode volumetrik pada temperatur konstan. Material yang diuji adalah zeolit alam, karbon aktif, TiO2, CuO, MgO. Zeolit alam banyak terdapat pengotor baik organik maupun mineral, oleh karena itu sebelum dilakukan uji adsorpsi, zeolit alam terlebih dahulu diaktifasi menggunakan larutan asam florida (HF, asam khlorida (HCl dan larutan amonium khlorida (NH4Cl, dilanjutkan dengan proses kalsinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktifasi zeolit alam dapat meningkatkan rasio Si/Al dan luas permukaan

  3. What Risk? (edited by Roger Bate) (United States)

    Behrman, E. J.


    Roger Bate, Ed. Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford, UK. 329 pp. Cloth (1997): ISBN 0-7506-3810-9. 56.95. Paper (1999): ISBN 0 7506 4228 9. 29.95. A train carrying radioactive waste had begun its trip in New York and was close to its destination in California. As it stopped, the engineer called to a bystander, "Congratulations." "What for?" said the man. "You get to die. We calculated that each person along the route would receive one-millionth of the lethal dose of radioactivity. No one has died yet and you are the millionth person." "But I have received only one-millionth of the lethal dose." "That doesn't matter, it's a question of statistics." (This story is paraphrased from Rockwell's piece in The Scientist, March 16, 1998, p 7.) What Risk? contains 15 chapters (by 19 authors) arranged in five categories: methodology, science, science policy, commentaries, and perception. It deals in different ways, broadly speaking, with the problems raised by this anecdote. It would make a splendid textbook for high-school students or college undergraduates for a course dealing with pitfalls in extrapolation, unexpected variables, the proper use of statistics, political correctness and absolute safety, evaluation of the scientific literature, and the interplay of science and politics. Each article has an extensive reference list. Among the specific risks discussed are asbestos, benzene, environmental (secondhand) tobacco smoke, dioxin, ionizing radiation, and carcinogens. Some general principles emerge. (i) Since all organisms have repair mechanisms against environmental damage, there are thresholds for all damaging agents. Therefore, extrapolation from high dose rates to very low levels does not make sense. (ii) Doses and dose rates should not be confused. (iii) There are very large species differences in response to damaging agents. (iv) Unrecognized variables lurk everywhere. (v) The costs of enforcing demonstrably false standards are huge. Here are some illustrations. Nilsson

  4. Taxonomy of the ant genus Proceratium Roger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae in the Afrotropical region with a revision of the P. arnoldi clade and description of four new species

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    Francisco Hita Garcia


    Full Text Available The taxonomy of the genus Proceratium Roger is updated for the Afrotropical region. We give an overview of the genus in the region, provide an illustrated identification key to the three clades (P. arnoldi, P. stictum and P. toschii clades and revise the P. arnoldi clade. Four new species from the P. arnoldi clade are described as new: P. sokoke sp. n. from Kenya, P. carri sp. n. from Mozambique, and P. nilo sp. n. and P. sali sp. n. from Tanzania. In order to integrate the new species into the existing taxonomic system we present an illustrated identification key to distinguish the seven Afrotropical species of the P. arnoldi clade. In addition, we provide accounts for all members of the P. arnoldi clade including detailed descriptions, diagnoses, taxonomic discussions, distribution data and high quality montage images.

  5. KUASA DI WARIS: EKSPLOITASI KELAS UNTUK MEMPEREBUTKAN SUMBERDAYA ALAM (Power of Waris: Class Exploitation for Struggle to Obtain Natural Resources

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    Amilda Amilda


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Thesis ini mengkaji konflik kelas antara kelas dominan (Waris dan masyarakat Kubu dalam mengakses sumberdaya alam. Penelitian ini mempertanyakan mengapa konflik kelas yang mengeksploitasi masyarakat Kuhu masih terus dilakukan. Thesis ini dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan data yang didapat dari wawancara tidak terstruktur dengan orang Kubu dan Waris. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa proses eksploitasi ini terjadi oleh karena klaim orang Waris terhadap tanah. Orang Kubu harus memberikan sebagian dari produk kayunya kepada Waris sebagai bentuk pembayaran pada Waris yang memiliki anak. Orang Kubu berusaha melawan eksploitasi ini dengan menyudutkan orang Waris secara moral dan menrhangun perlawanan dalam bentuk penyelundupan kayu dan penjualan kayu pada pihak lain. Proses perlawanan ini nrembentuk sejarah eksistensi orang Kuhu. Proses eksploitasi antar kelas ini terus berlanjut karena mereka saling membutuhkan. Orang Waris membutuhkan orang Kubu untuk mencukupi kebutuhan mereka, sementara orang Kubu berkepentingan untuk menjaga identitasnya dengan melakukan perlawanan   ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the inter-classes conflict between the waris as the dominant class, and the Kubu People as the subordinate one in their struggle to obtain the access to natural resources. The research is based on the question of why does the class conflict that exploited the Kubu by the waris is still maintained. This thesis is based on a qualitative research, and the data were obtained by using the unstructured interview with the Kubu and the waris. The result of the research shows that the relationship of exploitation between waris and Kubu is based on the claim of the land from the waris in which the Kubu got their income from that so-called waris land. Kubu people have to give a part of their woods-product to the waris as a payment for the protection. Such exploitation happened because the market economic system has widely use in woods product. Kubu People

  6. Walton: Building a Global Brand Through Internationalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rana, Mohammad Bakhtiar; Tarikul Islam, Mohammad; Dholakia, Nikhilesh

    and internationalisation in the generations that had followed him. Alam has led the internationalisation of the Walton brand since the creation of Walton in 2007, and its recent strategic expansion – the establishment of a subsidiary in Stuttgart, Germany – left him poised to expand Walton’s reach to both EU...... whether Walton could really compete with leading international brands, given its limited managerial talents and incremental innovation, and establish itself as a true global brand in near future. In early 2000, the management of RB group, comprising five brothers including Alam, realised......On August 28, 2015, Ashraful Alam, Managing Director of Rizvi and Brothers (the RB Group, precursor to Walton HIL) was flying from Dhaka to Frankfurt to attend the International Trade Fair. In the plane, he began thinking about his veteran grandfather, who had sown the seed of entrepreneurship...

  7. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, temperature, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway and time series observations using Bubble type equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement, Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer and other instruments from the NATHANIEL B. PALMER and ROGER REVELLE in the South Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean from 1994-11-01 to 1998-04-30 (NODC Accession 0112324) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NODC Accession 0112324 includes Surface underway, chemical, meteorological, physical and time series data collected from NATHANIEL B. PALMER and ROGER REVELLE in the...

  8. Geochemical and Radiological Characteristics of Harvested Rainwater and Surficial Soil in El-Alamein-Alam El-Rum area, Western Mediterranean Coastal Zone, Egypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Sayed, S.A.; Ramadan, A.A.; Salama, M.H.; Diab, M.


    This study deals with investigating the geochemical and radiological properties of surficial soil and harvested rainwater in Al-Alamein-Alam El-Rum area located in the western Mediterranean coastal zone of Egypt. Forty five water and soil samples were investigated. The surficial soil has heterogeneous physical, chemical and radiological properties and the texture was dominated by sand clayey loam and sandy loam. The salinities were varied from non-saline (EC=1.25 dS/m) to strongly saline (EC=38 dS/m) and the pH ranged from slightly alkaline (7.6) to strongly alkaline (8.95). The major part of soil samples has chemical composition dominated by Na + and Cl - ions and occasionally Mg2 + and SO 4 2 - ions indicating the existence of different chemical facies. The radioactivity level indicated the dominance of 40 K followed by 226 Ra and 232 Th radionuclides and the average radioactivities in the surficial soil samples were 16.59, 11.75, 290.80 and 1.79 Bq/kg for 226 Ra, 232 Th, 40 K and 137 Cs, respectively. The heterogeneity in major ion and radioactivity concentrations were attributed to the variation in chemical and radionuclide compositions of the exposed rocks in the area where the soils are originated. The harvested rainwater is fresh (EC ranged from 0.24 to 0.83 dS/m) and has alkalinity nature varied between slightly alkaline (pH=7.27) and alkaline (pH=8.69). Its chemical composition was prevailed by Na + and HCO 3 - ions and sometimes Ca 2+ and/or Mg 2+ and SO 4 2 - ions reflecting the presence of various hydrochemical facies. It shows the same trend of radionuclide dominance of soils ( 40 K > 226 Ra > 232 Th). The radioactivity concentrations in harvested water samples were 19, 1.01 and 14.0 Bq/l for 226 Ra, 232 Th and 40 K, respectively, while the water samples have 137 Cs concentrations under the detection limit and the water rocks interaction is the main reason causing the variation in major ions and radionuclide concentrations. The obtained chemical and

  9. The use of Impact-Echo and Spectral-Analysis-of-Surface-Waves methods for the concrete investigation of Rogers Dam spillway structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olson, L.D.; Sack, D.A.; Chan, Y.F.; Gilmore, R.T.; Christy, J.T.; Dumont, M.F.


    IE and SASW NDT methods were employed to investigate the concrete conditions of the Rogers Hydro Station's concrete spillway. The results showed that the surface gunite/shotcrete on the majority of the piers and walls was delaminated from the interior sound concrete and that there was a significant amount of sound concrete in the interior cores of the piers and walls. The NDT results correspond well in general trend with those of the concrete coring performed in 1988 and 1991; however, because of the greatly varying concrete conditions and additional concrete deterioration since 1988 when the majority of the horizontal cores were taken, a direct point-per-point comparison cannot be made. The NDT results correspond well with the as-found conditions on Pier 1 and on the east abutment wall except that the deep degradation (SASW results) conditions on the west face of Pier 1 did not exist. The highly deteriorated nature of the concrete could have contributed to the lower wave velocities. The cracking conditions below the demolition line were not verified. Some of the IE echoes could have been caused by the boundary conditions, in view of the highly fractured nature of the surface concrete/shotcrete and the very low strength and deteriorated concrete at the construction joints


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    José Carlos Marques


    Full Text Available Em 1961, o pensador francês Roland Barthes (1915-1980 publicou o texto “Le sport et les hommes”, a partir de uma encomenda do canadense Hubert Aquin, que realizava um documentário com o mesmo título. O artigo oferece uma análise semiológica sobre a tourada na Espanha (a qual o próprio Barthes não sabe se a inclui na categoria de esporte, o automobilismo nos Estados Unidos, o ciclismo na França, o hóquei no gelo no Canadá e o futebol na Inglaterra. Longe dos termos técnicos das ciências do esporte e do linguajar acadêmico canônico, Barthes procura analisar os significados e a importância que o esporte assumiu na sociedade de massas do século XX, buscando interpretações e correlações entre a prática esportiva e as necessidades vitais do homem na contemporaneidade. Nossas reflexões procuram contrapor a contribuição barthesiana às obras seminais de dois outros autores europeus que, anos antes, propuseram uma leitura original sobre o esporte: são os casos de Johan Huizinga e o livro Homo Ludens (1938, e de Roger Caillois e Os Jogos e os Homens (1957.

  11. Desain Pabrik Synthetic Gas (Syngas dari Gasifikasi Batu Bara Kualitas Rendah sebagai Pasokan Gas PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja

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    Toto Iswanto


    Full Text Available Menurut data dari Kementrian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM tahun 2013, cadangan gas bumi Indonesia saat ini sebesar 170 TSCF dan akan habis dalam kurun waktu 59 tahun, dengan estimasi tidak ada peningkatan atau penurunan produksi. Di lain pihak, industri-industri kimia di Indonesia, semisal industri pupuk, sangat mengandalkan pasokan gas alam sebagai bahan baku pupuk maupun sumber energi. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi industri pupuk dewasa ini adalah kurangnya pasokan gas alam untuk proses produksi. Di PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja misalnya, kebutuhan gas alam rata-rata untuk proses produksi amonia dan urea mencapai 225 MMSCFD. Namun, pasokan gas dari Pertamina selalu kurang dari jumlah tersebut. Karena selalu berulang, maka hal ini akan mengganggu kinerja PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja sebagai garda terdepan pertahanan pangan nasional bersama petani. Salah satu jenis sumber daya alam yang potensial mengganti dan atau mensubtitusi pemakaian gas alam adalah Synthetic Gas (Syngas. Syngas merupakan gas campuran yang komponen utamanya adalah gas karbon monoksida (CO dan hidrogen (H2 yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam proses pembuatan zat kimia baru seperti metana, amonia, dan urea. Syngas dapat diperoleh dari proses gasifikasi batu bara dimana batu bara diubah dari bentuk padat menjadi gas. Batu bara yang merupakan bahan baku pembuatan syngas jumlahnya sangat melimpah di Indonesia. Menurut data dari Kementrian ESDM tahun 2011, total sumber daya batu bara di Indonesia diperkirakan 119,4 miliar ton, dimana 48%-nya terletak di Sumatera Selatan dan 70% deposit batu bara di Sumatera Selatan tersebut adalah batu bara muda berkualitas rendah. Deposit batu bara terbesar di Sumatera Selatan terletak di Kab. Muara Enim yang letaknya tidak terlalu jauh dengan PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja. Ditambah lagi dengan adanya PT Bukit Asam sebagai produsen terbesar batu bara di Kab. Muara Enim tentu akan mempermudah pasokan batu bara

  12. Sampel Susu Formula dan Praktik Pemberian Air Susu Ibu Eksklusif

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    Tuti Nuraini


    Full Text Available Cakupan pemberian air susu ibu (ASI eksklusif di Kota Pagar Alam, tahun 2011 sekitar 43% tergolong rendah. Sebaliknya, pemberian susu formula meningkat tiga kali lipat dari 10,3% menjadi 32,5%. Iklan susu formula telah menyentuh bidan swasta dan puskesmas melalui pendekatan produsen susu formula dan pemberian susu formula secara gratis kepada ibu menyusui. Penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui determinan kegagalan praktik pemberiaan ASI eksklusif di Kota Pagar Alam Provinsi Sumatera Selatan ini menggunakan desain studi unmatching kasus kontrol. Populasi adalah seluruh ibu yang mempunyai bayi berusia 7 _ 12 bulan. Penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode proportional random sampling. Variabel terikat praktik adalah pemberian ASI eksklusif, variabel bebas adalah pemberian sampel susu formula. Ibu yang mendapat sampel susu formula dan yang tidak mendapat dukungan tenaga kesehatan berisiko 3,67 dan 4,2 kali lebih besar untuk tidak memberikan ASI eksklusif. The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in the City of Pagar Alam in 2011 was by 43%. Advertising of infant formula has reached privately practicing midwives or health centers. The approach from infant formula manufacturers to midwives in health centers is by providing free milk formula to nursing mothers to be distributed under the pretext of promotion. The objective of this study is to analyze the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding practice failures in the City of Pagar Alam of South Sumatra Province. The population study with an unmatched case-control design was conducted in the City of Pagar Alam. The population was all breastfeeding mothers who had babies in the city of Pagar Alam of South Sumatra Province. The research subjects are breastfeeding mothers who had babies aged 7 - 12 months who selected with proportional random sampling method. The variables of the study included the dependent variable, i.e, the practice of exclusive breastfeeding, the independent variable, i.e, promotion of


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    Ira Irawati


    Full Text Available Daya saing wilayah menunjukkan kemampuan suatu wilayah menciptakan nilai tambah untuk mencapai kesejahteraan yang tinggi dan berkelanjutan dengan tetap terbuka pada persaingan domestik dan  internasional. Pengembangan wilayah di kota-kota dan kabupaten-kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi  Tenggara merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan daya saing tersebut, walaupun  dalam pengembangannya  menghadapi permasalahan-permasalahan yang antara lain disebabkan oleh kurang berkembangnya sumber  daya manusia yang diakibatkan oleh rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan rendahnya kualitas hidup  masyarakat serta kurangnya prasarana dan sarana untuk menunjang kesejahteraan masyarakat.  Perbandingan relatif tingkat daya saing antar kota kabupaten tersebut; berdasarkan 3 (tiga variabel yaitu  tingkat  perekonomian daerah,  ketersediaan  infrastruktur  dan  sumber  daya  alam,  serta  ketersediaan  dan kualitas sumber daya manusia; dilakukan untuk melihat sejauh mana daerah-daerah tersebut memiliki  keunggulan  untuk  mengatasi  persamalahan-permasalahan  dalam pengembangan wilayahnya. Kata kunci: Pengembangan Wilayah, Daya Saing. Abstract The competitiveness of the region demonstrated the ability of an area to create added value to achieve a high and sustainable prosperity to remain open to domestic and international competition. Development areas in the cities and districts in Southeast Sulawesi is an effort to enhance the competitiveness, even in the face of development issues among others caused by the lack of development of human resources caused by low levels of education and poor quality of life and the lack of infrastructure and facilities to support the welfare of the community. Comparison of the relative level of competitiveness between the city districts; based on 3 (three variables, namely the level of the regional economy, the availability of infrastructure and natural resources, as well as the availability and quality of human resources

  14. On the uniqueness of static perfect-fluid solutions in general relativity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beig, R.; Simon, W.


    Following earlier work of Masood-ul-Alam, we consider a uniqueness problem for nonrotating stellar models. Given a static, asymptotically flat perfect-fluid spacetime with barotropic equation of state ρ(p), and given another such spacetime which is spherically symmetric and has the same ρ(p) and the same surface potential: we prove that both are identical provided ρ(p) satisfies a certain differential inequality. This inequality is more natural and less restrictive that the conditions required by Masood-ul-Alam. 30 refs. (Authors)





    Natural resources of forests is one of the natural wealth that has a very strategic value. Although these natural resources belong to the category potential of renewable natural (renewable), the management of the natural wealth of this should really be done in a wise, prudent and professional. The purpose of this study to determine the public perception of forest management at Natural Tourism Park (1WA) Penelokan and formulate a strategy of community-based naturalresource conservation in the ...


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    Full Text Available Natural resources of forests is one of the natural wealth that has a very strategic value. Although these natural resources belong to the category potential of renewable natural (renewable, the management of the natural wealth of this should really be done in a wise, prudent and professional. The purpose of this study to determine the public perception of forest management at Natural Tourism Park (1WA Penelokan and formulate a strategy of community-based naturalresource conservation in the 1WA Penelokan. Public perception of the spread of the questionnaire obtained by the method of purposive sampling. Further identification of internal and internal factors to formulate conservation strategies by u sing SWOT analysis. The results showed people's perception about the functioning of 1WA Penelokan stated that forests have many functions (multiple functions. Public perception of management policies that 1WA Penelokan community does not know the regulations related to forest management. Public Perception of Institutional Management in Penelokan 1WA stated that they are not part of forest management institutions. Public perceptions of the Rights and Obligations of Civil Society in the Management of 1WA Penelokan society have the perception that forests are publicly owned assets (common property. Community-based conservation strategy that is obtained by optimizing the management of natural resources Penelokan 1WA -based society, optimizing the ecological functions of 1WA Penelokan with community involvement, empowering communities to preserve 1WA Penelokan, optimize community participation in natural resource management 1WA Penelokan, improve education and socialization programs related institutions to the community, improve coordination among stakeholders in the management of 1WA Penelokan, improve the quality of the human resources about the function of 1WA Penelokan, socialize legislation to improve environmental quality, coordinate the relations between stakeholders to pressure changes in the function of forests, increase socialization and coordination to reduce damage forest environments, improve the quality of human resources management agencies in providing socialization and counseling, and optimize the role of stakeholders to suppress the loss of forest land.

  17. Evaluation of the nature, origin and potentiality of the subsurface Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous source rocks in Melleiha G-1x well, North Western Desert, Egypt

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    Mohamed M. El Nady


    Full Text Available The present work aims to evaluate the nature and origin of the source rock potentiality of subsurface Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous source rocks in Melleiha G-1x well. This target was achieved throughout the evaluation of total organic carbon, rock Eval pyrolysis and vitrinite reflectance for fifteen cutting samples and three extract samples collected from Khatatba, Alam El Bueib and Kharita formations in the studied well. The result revealed that the main hydrocarbon of source rocks, for the Middle Jurassic (Khatatba Fm. is mainly mature, and has good capability of producing oil and minor gas. Lower Cretaceous source rocks (Alam El Bueib Fm. are mature, derived from mixed organic sources and have fair to good capability to generate gas and oil. Kharita Formation of immature source rocks originated from terrestrial origin and has poor to fair potential to produce gas. This indicates that Khatatba and Alam El Bueib formations take the direction of increasing maturity far away from the direction of biodegradation and can be considered as effective source potential in the Melleiha G-1x well.


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    Sukarno Sukarno


    Full Text Available Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM sains di tingkat SMP bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS dan menanamkan Penguasaan Konsep Sains (PKS. Oleh karena itu, KBM sains harus memberikan peluang untuk mengembangkan KPS dan PKS secara bersama-sama dan tidak terpisahkan. KBM sains berbasis Kegiatan Eksplorasi Lingkungan Alam di Sekitar Sekolah (KELASS dianggap mampu memberikan ruang yang luas untuk mengembangkan KPS siswa dan PKS. Oleh karena itu, penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat pelaksanaan KBM sains berbasis KELASS dan implikasinya terhadap KPS dan PKS siswa. Data hasil wawancara, observasi dan tes menunjukkan bahwa faktor pendukung KBM sains berbasis KELASS adalah sarana dan prasarana (indoor dan outdoor yang memadai. Sedangkan kendala utama bagi para guru sains adalah tidak adanya bahan ajar sains yang berorientasi pada eksplorasi lingkungan alam sekitar sekolah untuk mengembangkan mahasiswa KPS dan PKS. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikembangkan bahan ajar sains yang dapat mempermudah guru sains dalam melakukan KBM sains berbasis KELASS.   Kata kunci:    eksplorasi lingkungan alam di sekitar sekolah, keterampilan proses sains, penguasaan konsep sains

  19. An existential criterion of normal and abnormal personality in the works of Carl Jung and Carl Rogers

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    Kapustin, Sergey A.


    Full Text Available This article is the third in a series of four articles scheduled for publication in this journal. In the first article (Kapustin, 2015a I proposed a description of a new so-called existential criterion of normal and abnormal personality that is implicitly present in the works of Erich Fromm. According to this criterion, normal and abnormal personalities are determined, first, by special features of the content of their position regarding existential dichotomies that are natural to human beings and, second, by particular aspects of the formation of this position. Such dichotomies, entitatively existent in all human life, are inherent, two-alternative contradictions. The position of a normal personality in its content orients a person toward a contradictious predetermination of life in the form of existential dichotomies and necessitates a search for compromise in resolving these dichotomies. This position is created on a rational basis with the person’s active participation. The position of an abnormal personality in its content subjectively denies a contradictious predetermination of life in the form of existential dichotomies and orients a person toward a consistent, noncompetitive, and, as a consequence, onesided way of life that doesn’t include self-determination. This position is imposed by other people on an irrational basis. Abnormality of personality interpreted like that is one of the most important factors influencing the development of various kinds of psychological problems and mental disorders — primarily, neurosis. In the second article (Kapustin, 2015b I showed that this criterion is also implicitly present in the personality theories of Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler, although in more specific cases. In the current work I prove that this criterion is also present in the personality theories of Carl Jung and Carl Rogers, where it is implicitly stated in a more specific way. In the final article I will show that this criterion

  20. Aktualisasi Diri Siswa dalam Proses Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Budi Pekerti Berdasarkan Perspektif Carl R. Rogers

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    Herly Janet Lesilolo


    Full Text Available This study aims to examine the application of self-actualization of students according to Carl, R. Rogers in the teaching and learning process of Christian Religious Education and Character Based on the curriculum 2013. Background of research problem is the teaching and learning process of Christian Education and Character Budi Pekerti Based on the 2013 curriculum in the fourth grade of school Basic has not developed self-actualization of students. Teachers have not helped students develop themselves, know themselves as unique human beings and help students realize the potentials that exist within students. As a result students are not critical and sensitive to social reality and have not been able to direct themselves in solving a problem. The objectives of the research are: (1 to describe the way of learning of students who self-actualize in teaching and learning process of PAK and morality based on curriculum 2013, (2 to describe the role of teacher so that students can mengatualisasikan self-learning process of PAK and Budi Pekerti based on curriculum 2013, 3 describe the teaching and learning process of PAK and Budi Pekerti based on the 2013 curriculum that self-actualizes students. The results showed, (1 Students become active learners, students develop thinking skills, communicate, act, and be virtuous; Students seek answers with their own student efforts based on correct facts; Students and teachers show the mutual relationships meet the needs because teachers and students have different roles in the PBM. (2 Teachers are not patronizing, teachers build trust between students and teachers, students with students, teachers invite students to participate, teachers do not patronize, do not restrict students looking and finding, independent of other students pouring ideas. (3 The learning process from the students 'experience, whether cognitive, attitudes, or skills, develops students' courage and skills, active interactional relationships

  1. Human Development in Romania: A Comparative Approach to Identifying Shortcomings

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    Robert STEFAN


    Full Text Available Following the research carried out by the economist Mahbub ul Haq, derived from the studies of Amartya Sen on human capabilities, in 1990, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP published its first Human Development Report. It introduced the notion that development of a country is not merely equal to economic growth, but has the ultimate purpose of enriching human life by expanding people’s choices. Thus, Human Development seeks to reveal the fundamental role of human life: that of reaching its full potential. Even after 28 years since the fall of communism, the political environment in Romania continues to be unsopportive of proper development. This study seeks to identify the shortcomings of the primary dimensions of Human Development in Romania and hopefully make a firm and rhetorical call to action.

  2. VALUASI EKONOMI BIODIVERSITY KARS: STUDI KASUS VALUASI EKONOMI KAWASAN KARS MAROS, SULAWESI SELATAN (Economic Valuation of Karst Biodiversity: A Case Study of Karst Region in Maros, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Gustami Gustami


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Studi ini bertujuan untuk menghitung nilai ekonomi total dari kawasan kars Maros Sulawesi Selatan. Studi berlokasi di Taman Wisata Alam bantimurung, Cagar Alam Karaenta, dan Taman Wisata Alam Gua Pattunang. Kegiatan ini merupakan kerjasama Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Collaborative Environmental Project in Indonesia (CEPI dengan melibatkan Staf Bapedal Regional III Makassar, Pemda Maros, Universitas Muhammadiyah dan Universitas Hasanuddin Ujung Pandang. Pendekatan biaya perjalanan adalah yang pertama dikaji untuk menghitung nilai guna langsung dari kegiatan rekreasi. Penghitungan nilai tidak langsung keberadaan kawasan kars beserta hutannya yang didasarkan pada nilai dari fungsinya sebagai sumber air dan pencegah terjadinya banjir dan longsor. Nilai preservasi kawasan kars yang dinilai dengan menghitung keinginan membayar pengunjung untuk konservasi kupu-kupu dan kumbang,perbaikan lingkungan terutama yang berkaitan dengan kebersihan, keindahan dan kesejukan dengan jumlah kunjungan pertahun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, nilai ekonomi total yang terdiri dari nilai guna langsung, nilai guna tidak langsung serta nilai bukan guna (non use value yang berupa nilai preservasi adalah Rp. 639,556,607,830,-. Walaupun kenyataannya masih banyak nilai ekonomi lain yang belum dikaji, namun studi ini telah mengungkapkan sebagian nilai ekonomi kawasan kars yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sekitar ataupun masyarakat di luar yang mengunjungi kawasan ini untuk menikmati fenomena “kars tropika klasik” Maros.   ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to assess total economic values of karst region in Maros, South Sulawesi, spesifically at Taman wisata alam Bantimurung, Cagar alam Karaenta, and Taman Wisata Alam Gua Pattunuang. This activity was a joint project between the Ministry of Environmental Republic of Indonesia and the Collaborative Environmental Project in Indonesia (CEPI involving staff of BAPEDAL Regional III, Makassar, local government of

  3. The Large, the Small and the Human Mind (United States)

    Penrose, Roger; Longair, Malcolm; Abner Shimony, With; Cartwright, Nancy; Hawking, Stephen


    Foreword Malcolm Longair; 1. Space-time and cosmology Roger Penrose; 2. The mysteries of quantum physics Roger Penrose; 3. Physics and the mind Roger Penrose; 4. On mentality, quantum mechanics and the actualization of potentialities Abner Shimony; 5. Why physics? Nancy Cartwright; 6. The objections of an unashamed reductionist Stephen Hawking; 7. Response Roger Penrose; Appendix I: Goodstein's theorm and mathematical thinking; Appendix II: Experiments to test gravitationally induced state reduction.

  4. PEMETAAN ASET PENGHIDUPAN PETANI DALAM MENGELOLA HUTAN RAKYAT DI KABUPATEN GUNUNGKIDUL (The Farmer Livelihood Asset Mapping on Community Forest Management in Gunungkidul District

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    Silvi Nur Oktalina


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Petani dalam mengelola sumberdaya alam memerlukan aset. Aset penghidupan petani (sumberdaya manusia, sumberdaya alam, finansial, fisik dan sosial sangat berpengaruh terhadap pencapaian tujuan penghidupan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur level aset penghidupan yang digunakan petani dalam mengelola hutan rakyat. Pendekatan penelitian dengan survei di 6 desa di Kabupaten Gunungkidul yaitu Nglanggeran, Katongan, Dengok, Sodo, Girimulyo dan Jepitu. Jumlah responden di setiap desa 30 orang, sehingga total responden adalah 180 petani. Penentuan responden dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara random. Teknik skoring dengan pembobotan digunakan untuk mengukur level aset yang digunakan petani dalam mengelola hutan rakyat berdasarkan pada Multicriteria Analysis (MCA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani hutan rakyat di zona Batur Agung (bagian utara Gunungkidul menggunakan aset berdasarkan prioritasnya yaitu aset sumberdaya manusia, sosial, sumberdaya alam, fisik dan finansial. Urutan penggunaan aset petani di zona Ledok Wonosari (bagian tengah adalah aset sosial, sumberdaya manusia, finansial, fisik dan sumberdaya alam. Bagi petani di zona Pegunungan Seribu prioritas penggunaan aset adalah aset fisik, finansial, sosial, sumberdaya manusia dan sumberdaya alam. ABSTRACT Farmers manage natural resources require asset. Farmer livelihood assets (human resources, natural resources, financial, physical and social greatly affect to the achievement of the livelihood objectives. The objective of this study is to measure the level of livelihood assets used by farmers in managing community forests. Data collected by survey in 6 village in Gunungkidul i.e. Nglanggeran, Katongan, Dengok, Sodo, Girimulyo and Jepitu village by interviewing 30 respondents each village, so the total respondents are 180 respondents. Weighted scoring technique used to measure the level of assets used by farmers in managing community forests based on Multicriteria Analysis

  5. Representatives of the Abbruzzo Region, Italy

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loïez


    Photo 01 : Prof. Roger Cashmore, director for Collider Programmes and Dr Vito Domenici, Member of the Abruzzo Regional Government Photo 02 : Prof. Roger Cashmore and Dr. Vito Domenici Photo 03 : Prof. Roger Cashmore, Dr. Vito Domenici and Dr Chiara Mariotti, DELPHI physicist

  6. Nonlinear stability, bifurcation and resonance in granular plane Couette flow (United States)

    Shukla, Priyanka; Alam, Meheboob


    A weakly nonlinear stability theory is developed to understand the effect of nonlinearities on various linear instability modes as well as to unveil the underlying bifurcation scenario in a two-dimensional granular plane Couette flow. The relevant order parameter equation, the Landau-Stuart equation, for the most unstable two-dimensional disturbance has been derived using the amplitude expansion method of our previous work on the shear-banding instability.ootnotetextShukla and Alam, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 068001 (2009). Shukla and Alam, J. Fluid Mech. (2010, accepted). Two types of bifurcations, Hopf and pitchfork, that result from travelling and stationary linear instabilities, respectively, are analysed using the first Landau coefficient. It is shown that the subcritical instability can appear in the linearly stable regime. The present bifurcation theory shows that the flow is subcritically unstable to disturbances of long wave-lengths (kx˜0) in the dilute limit, and both the supercritical and subcritical states are possible at moderate densities for the dominant stationary and traveling instabilities for which kx=O(1). We show that the granular plane Couette flow is prone to a plethora of resonances.ootnotetextShukla and Alam, J. Fluid Mech. (submitted, 2010)

  7. Editorial introduction. (United States)

    Gelso, Charles J


    Introduces the special section in the current issue of Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. This section contains a reprint of Carl R. Rogers' (1957) seminal paper on the necessary and sufficient conditions for constructive personality change, as well as 11 reaction papers from some of the best psychotherapy theoreticians and researchers of our time. The reaction papers address the impact of Rogers' paper on the field of psychotherapy in general and therapy of the commenter's persuasion in particular, limitations of Rogers' viewpoints, the most important and enduring aspects of Rogers' theoretical statement, and how Rogers' ideas may exhibit themselves directly and indirectly in the current psychotherapy scene. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  8. Latin American Social Medicine and the Report of the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health

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    Full Text Available In October 2008 the Latin American Social Medicine Association (ALAMES organized an international workshop entitled “The Social Determinants of Health.” Representatives of ALAMES’ seven regions participated in discussions of the various consultative papers prepared by the working groups of the WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health as well as the Commission’s final report. The workshop considered how ALAMES should respond to the work of the Commission. In this paper we summarize the main points outlined in the position paper prepared by the Organizing Committee1 as well as a synopsis of the main contributions made by each of the workshop’s study sections.


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    Marhendra A.V.H.


    Full Text Available This research aims to determine the company's strategy in order to maintain the company's performance as a result of import cattle quota restriction. The policy of import cattle restriction imposed by the Indonesian government certainly has a significant impact on cattle importing companies, especially PT Karunia Alam Sentosa Abadi (KASA, Lampung - Indonesia. PT Karunia Alam Sentosa Abadi (KASA enforces various-new business strategies to maintain the company performance from quota import policy. The results of the study show that there are several strategies applied by the company such as Volume to Performance Strategy, Average Daily Gain (ADG improvement, Marketing Network Evaluation, Leasing Company Facilities, and Daily Workforce Reduction.

  10. The 2009 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting: Roger Y. Tsien, Chemistry 2008. (United States)

    Tsien, Roger Y


    American biochemist Roger Tsien shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Martin Chalfie and Osamu Shimomura for their discovery and development of the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). Tsien, who was born in New York in 1952 and grew up in Livingston New Jersey, began to experiment in the basement of the family home at a young age. From growing silica gardens of colorful crystallized metal salts to attempting to synthesize aspirin, these early experiments fueled what would become Tsien's lifelong interest in chemistry and colors. Tsien's first official laboratory experience was an NSF-supported summer research program in which he used infrared spectroscopy to examine how metals bind to thiocyanate, for which he was awarded a $10,000 scholarship in the Westinghouse Science Talent Search. Following graduation from Harvard in 1972, Tsien attended Cambridge University in England under a Marshall Scholarship. There he learned organic chemistry --a subject he'd hated as an undergraduate-- and looked for a way to synthesize dyes for imaging neuronal activity, generating BAPTA based optical calcium indicator dyes. Following the completion of his postdoctoral training at Cambridge in 1982, Tsien accepted a faculty position at the University of California, Berkeley. There he and colleagues developed and improved numerous small molecule indicators, including indicators fura-2 and indo-1. In 1989, Tsien moved his laboratory to the University of California at San Diego, where he and his colleagues developed the enhanced mutant of GFP as a way to devise a cyclic AMP (cAMP) sensor for use in live cells. They initially engineered molecules to take advantage of the conformational change that occurs when cAMP binds to protein kinase A (PKA). By labeling one part of PKA with fluoroscein and another with a rhodamine, they hoped to detect Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), which would occur when the two molecules were in close proximity. The initial experiments

  11. Cantonese versus Canadian Evaluation of Directive and Non-Directive Therapy. (United States)

    Waxer, Peter H.


    Examined differences between Canadian and Cantonese university students who read transcripts of Carl Rogers and Albert Ellis counseling sessions and rated these counselors on directiveness, forcefulness, repetitiveness, sensitivity, politeness, and willingness to see either Ellis or Rogers. Found Canadians more willing to see Rogers than Chinese…

  12. In the Footsteps of Roger Revelle: a Partnership between SIO, ONR and Middle School Science Students (United States)

    Brice, D.; Appelgate, T. B.; Foley, S.; Knox, R. A.; Mauricio, P.


    Now in its seventh year, “In the Footsteps of Roger Revelle” (IFRR) is a middle school science education program that draws student interest, scientific content and coherence with National Science Standards from real-time research at sea in fields of physical science. As a successful collaboration involving Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), National Science Foundation (NSF),Office of Naval Research (ONR), and San Marcos Middle School (SMMS), IFRR brings physical oceanography and related sciences to students at the San Marcos Middle School in real-time from research vessels at sea using SIO's HiSeasNet satellite communication system. With a generous grant from ONR, students are able to tour the SIO ships and spend a day at sea doing real oceanographic data collection and labs. Through real-time and near-realtime broadcasts and webcasts, students are able to share data with scientists and gain an appreciation for the value of biogeochemical research in the field as it relates to their classroom studies. The primary impact on these students is an appreciation of ocean science as it relates to their lives. Interaction with scientists and researchers as well as crew members gives students insights into not only possible career paths, but the vital importance of cutting edge oceanographic research on our society. With their science teacher on the ship as an education outreach specialist or ashore guiding students in their interactions with selected scientists at sea, students observe shipboard research being carried out live via videoconference, Skype, daily e-mails, interviews, digital whiteboard sessions, and web interaction. Students then research, design, develop, deploy, and field-test their own data-collecting physical oceanography instruments in their classroom. The online interactive curriculum encourages active inquiry with intellectually stimulating problem- solving, enabling students to gain critical insight and skill while investigating some of

  13. Dr. David Syz, State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Switzerland

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loïez


    Photo 01: Dr. David Syz (left) with Professor Roger Cashmore, Research Director for Collider Programmes.Photo 02: Dr. David Syz signing the VIP visitors' book, with Prof. Roger Cashmore.Photo 03: Dr. David Syz signing the VIP visitors' book.Photo 04: Handshake between Dr. David Syz (left) and Prof. Roger Cashmore.

  14. Temporal Variation of Ambient PM10 Concentration within an Urban-Industrial Environment (United States)

    Wong, Yoon-Keaw; Noor, Norazian Mohamed; Izzah Mohamad Hashim, Nur


    PM10 concentration in the ambient air has been reported to be the main pollutant affecting human health, particularly in the urban areas. This research is conducted to study the variation of PM10 concentration at the three urban-industrial areas in Malaysia, namely Shah Alam, Kuala Terengganu and Melaka. In addition, the association and correlation between PM10 concentration and other air pollutants will be distinguished. Five years interval dataset (2008-2012) consisting of PM10, SOX, NOX and O3 concentrations and other weather parameters such as wind speed, humidity and temperature were obtained from Department of Environment, Malaysia. Shah Alam shows the highest average of PM10 concentration with the value of 62.76 μg/m3 in June, whereas for Kuala Terengganu was 59.29 μg/m3 in February and 46.61 μg/m3 in August for Melaka. Two peaks were observed from the time series plot using the averaged monthly PM10 concentration. First peak occurs when PM10 concentration rises from January to February and the second peak is reached in June and remain high for the next two consecutive months for Shah Alam and Kuala Terengganu. Meanwhile the second peak for Melaka is only achieved in August as a result of the transboundary of smoke from forest fires in the Sumatra region during dry season from May to September. Both of the pollutants can be sourced from rapid industrial activities at Shah Alam. PM10 concentration is strongly correlated with carbon monoxide concentration in Kuala Terengganu and Melaka with value of r2 = 0.1725 and 0.2744 respectively. High carbon monoxide and PM10 concentration are associated with burning of fossil fuel from increased number of vehicles at these areas.

  15. Kosmologis Tetabuhan dalam Upacara Ngaben

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Nyoman Cau Arsana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini difokuskan pada dua hal, yaitu: (1 mendeskripsikan hubungan musik dan ritual melalui penggunaan tetabuhan dalam upacara ngaben dan (2 menemukan aspek-aspek kosmologis tetabuhan dalam upacara ngaben. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif etnomusikologis dipadukan dengan konsep agama dan filsafat bunyi yang tertuang dalam lontar Prakempa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang sangat erat antara tetabuhan dan upacara ngaben yang teraplikasi lewat penggunaan tetabuhan dalam prosesi upacara ngaben. Penggunaan tetabuhan dalam upacara ngaben berkaitan erat dengan aspek-aspek kosmologis. Suara yang dijadikan dasar dari nada-nada gamelan Bali adalah suara (bunyi yang keluar dari alam. Suara tersebut digabungkan menjadi sepuluh suara yaitu panca suara patut pelog dan panca suara patut slendro yang menyebar ke seluruh penjuru alam. Tetabuhan dalam upacara ngaben, melalui jalinan nada-nada merupakan manifestasi dari pemujaan kepada ista dewata sebagai cermin konsep keseimbangan mikrokosmos, makrokosmos, dan metakosmos.   Penelitian ini difokuskan pada dua hal, yaitu: (1 mendeskripsikan hubungan musik dan ritual melalui penggunaan tetabuhan dalam upacara ngaben dan (2 menemukan aspek-aspek kosmologis tetabuhan dalam upacara ngaben. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif etnomusikologis dipadukan dengan konsep agama dan filsafat bunyi yang tertuang dalam lontar Prakempa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang sangat erat antara tetabuhan dan upacara ngaben yang teraplikasi lewat penggunaan tetabuhan dalam prosesi upacara ngaben. Penggunaan tetabuhan dalam upacara ngaben berkaitan erat dengan aspek-aspek kosmologis. Suara yang dijadikan dasar dari nada-nada gamelan Bali adalah suara (bunyi yang keluar dari alam. Suara tersebut digabungkan menjadi sepuluh suara yaitu panca suara patut pelog dan panca suara patut slendro yang menyebar ke seluruh penjuru alam. Tetabuhan dalam upacara ngaben, melalui jalinan nada

  16. Oxidation and reduction of pyridine nucleotides in alamethicin-permeabilized plant mitochondria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansson, F.I.; Michalecka, A.M.; Møller, I.M.


    method to permearbilize mitochondria and study the highly branched electron-transport chain in potato tuber (Solanum tuberosum) and pea leaf (Pisum sativum) mitochondria. We show that AlaM permeabilized the inner membrane of plant mitochondria to NAD(P)H, allowing the quantification of internal NAD......M-treated mitochondria was much higher than what has been previously measured by other techniques. Our results also show a difference in substrate specificities for complex I in mitochondria as compared with inside-out submitochondrial particles. AlaM facilitated the passage of cofactors to and from the mitochondrial...... environment not only in plant mitochondria but also in other membrane-enclosed compartments, such as intact cells, chloroplasts and peroxisomes....

  17. Prinsip Kehati-Hatian di Bidang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dalam Peraturan Daerah Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi Maluku

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    La Ode Angga


    Full Text Available Prinsip Kehati-Hatian di Bidang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dalamPeraturan Daerah Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi Maluku bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakekat prinsip kehati-hatian dalam Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah di Provinsi Maluku.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap azas-azas hukum, kaedah-kaedah hukum dalam arti nilai (norma peraturan hukum konkrit dan sistem hukum.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekaan filosofis (philosophicalapproach, pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach, pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa prinsip kehati-hatian dalam Perda RTRW Provinsi Maluku No. 16 Tahun 2013 dilakukan pencegahan secara dini, pencegahan antisipatif, kehati-hatian (Prudential Principles terhadap perlindungan dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam dan lingkungan hidup serta penataan ruang. Filosofis pengaturan prinsip kehati-hatian dalam Perda RTRW Provinsi Maluku bahwa mengingat fungsi ruang sebagai tempat manusia dan makhluk hidup lain, melakukan kegiatan, dan memelihara kelangsungan hidupnya, pada dasarnya ketersediaannya tidak tak terbatas. Berkaitan itu untuk mewujudkan rencana tata ruang wilayah Provinsi Maluku yang aman, nyaman, produktif, dan berkelanjutan perlu dilakukan rencana tata ruang wilayah yang dapat mengharmonisasi lingkungan alam dan lingkungan buatan  mampu mewujudkan keterpaduan penggunaan sumber daya alam dan sumber daya buatan, serta dapat memberikan perlindungan terhadap fungsi ruang dan pencegahan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan hidup akibat pemanfaatan ruang. 

  18. The Tree in Pythagoras' Garden (United States)

    Mack, John; Czernezkyj, Vic


    This geometrical account of primitive Pythagorean triples was stimulated by a remark of Douglas Rogers on a recent paper by Roger Alperin (Alperin, 2005). Rogers, in commenting on this paper, noted that Fermat in the 17th century had posed a challenge problem on Pythagorean triples that suggested he knew how to construct a sequence of them,…

  19. Recovery Act Hospital Alteration Project at Naval Air Station Jacksonville (United States)


    QMAD Quantitative Methods and Analysis Division RLF Rogers Lovelock & Fritz, Incorporated SE Southeast SF Square Feet SOW Statement of Work TMA TRICARE...Finally, the contractor, Rogers Lovelock & Fritz, Incorporated, reported the recipient information required by the Recovery Act. What We Recommend...contractor, Rogers Lovelock & Fritz, Incorporated (RLF), reported the recipient information required by the Recovery Act. Planning: Initially, Project


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    T. Dicky Hastjarjo


    pelajari mental (mind/kesadaran dengan memakai metode eksperimen sebagai metode fisiologi/ilmu alam, sehingga pada masa lalu istilah psikologi eksperimen dengan psikologi fisiologi dapat saling dipertukarkan (Hilgard, 1987

  1. Collection d'entretiens avec des chercheurs participant à des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Nicaragua). Ritesh Kumar Wetlands International - South Asia (India). Muhammad Shah Alam Khan Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan). Osvaldo Girardin


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    Koeri Ulinuha


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah buku teks ekonomi SMA kelas X yang digunakan di Kabupaten Semarang sudah memenuhi standar kelayakan isi buku teks ekonomi menurut BSNP. Dan manfaat penelitian ini dapat memilih dan mempertimbankan dalam memilih buku teks pelajaran untuk refrensi belajar baik pihak siswa, guru dan pihak sekolahPenelitian ini dilakuakan terhadap isi buku teks pelajaran yang dianalisis secara kualitatif. Sehingga penelitian ini disebut penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik penelitian yang di gunakan adalah adalah teknik triangulasi. Analisis buku teks ekonomi untuk SMA kelas X melibatkan 5 orang penilai, yaitu 5 guru ekonomi. Dari 5 SMAN yang mengunakan buku teks pelajaran ekonomi dengan pengarang Alam S. dan penerbit Esis. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan lembar penilaian buku teks ekonomi dari BSNP dan menggunakan teknik wawancara terhadap dua guru ekonomi untuk memperkuat hasil dari penilaian dari buku teks ekonomi kelas X.Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini berupa hasil penilaian yang berupa skor penilian dan hasil wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku ekonomi SMA Kelas X karangan Alam S. yang digunakan di Kabupaten Semarang sudah memenuhi standar kelayakan isi menurut BSNP. Buku teks ekonomi untuk SMA Kelas X karangan Alam S. dapat digunakan sebagai sumber belajar dalam pembelajaran ekonomi di SMA kelas X. Selain itu, perlu diadakan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk menganalisis buku teks ekonomi lain yang digunakan di Kabupaten Semarang.. The purpose of this research was to know whether textbooks high school economics class X used in Semarang Regancy already meet the standards of eligibility of the contents of the textbook economics according to BSNP. Analysis of economic text books for high school classes X involves 5 persons appraisers, i.e. 5 economics teacher. From 5 SMAN using textbook economics lessons with author and Publisher Alam S. Esis.. Data collection techniques

  3. Task-shifting Using a Pain Management Protocol in an Emergency Care Service: Nurses' Perception through the Eye of the Rogers's Diffusion of Innovation Theory. (United States)

    Hadorn, Fabienne; Comte, Pascal; Foucault, Eliane; Morin, Diane; Hugli, Olivier


    It has been shown that over 70% of patients waiting in emergency departments (EDs) do not receive analgesics, despite the fact that more than 78% complain of pain. A clinical innovation in the form of a pain management protocol that includes task-shifting has been implemented in the ED of a university hospital in Switzerland in order to improve pain-related outcomes in patients. This innovation involves a change in clinical practice for physicians and nurses. The aim of this study is to explore nurses' perceptions on how well this innovation is adopted. This descriptive correlational study took place in the ED of a Swiss university hospital; the hospital provides healthcare for the city, the canton, and adjoining cantons. A convenience sample of 37 ED nurses participated. They were asked to complete a questionnaire comprising 56 statements based on Rogers's "Diffusion of Innovation" theory. Nurses' opinions (on a 1-10 Likert scale) indicate that the new protocol benefits the ED (mean [M] = 7.4, standard deviation [SD] = 1.21), is compatible with nursing roles (M = 8.0, SD = 1.9), is not too complicated to apply (M = 2.7, SD = 1.7), provides observable positive effects in patients (M = 7.0, SD = 1.28), and is relatively easy to introduce into daily practice (M = 6.5, SD = 1.0). Further studies are now needed to examine patients' experiences of this innovation. Copyright © 2016 American Society for Pain Management Nursing. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. A System Dynamics Approach for Information Technology Implementation and Sustainment (United States)


    mass media in nature, or (2) originating from either local or cosmopolite sources (Rogers, 1995). Mass media channels are a means of transmitting...interpersonal channels are more important at the persuasion stage in the innovation-decision process (Rogers, 1995). Cosmopolite communication channels...are those from outside the social system of study” (Rogers, 1995:196). Interpersonal channels can be either local or cosmopolite , whereas mass media

  5. X-36 in Flight near Edge of Rogers Dry Lake during 5th Flight (United States)


    This photo shows the X-36 Tailless Fighter Agility Research Aircraft passing over the edge of Rogers Dry Lake as the remotely-piloted aircraft flies over Edwards Air Force Base on a June 1997 research flight. The NASA/Boeing X-36 Tailless Fighter Agility Research Aircraft program successfully demonstrated the tailless fighter design using advanced technologies to improve the maneuverability and survivability of possible future fighter aircraft. The program met or exceeded all project goals. For 31 flights during 1997 at the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, the project team examined the aircraft's agility at low speed / high angles of attack and at high speed / low angles of attack. The aircraft's speed envelope reached up to 206 knots (234 mph). This aircraft was very stable and maneuverable. It handled very well. The X-36 vehicle was designed to fly without the traditional tail surfaces common on most aircraft. Instead, a canard forward of the wing was used as well as split ailerons and an advanced thrust-vectoring nozzle for directional control. The X-36 was unstable in both pitch and yaw axes, so an advanced, single-channel digital fly-by-wire control system (developed with some commercially available components) was put in place to stabilize the aircraft. Using a video camera mounted in the nose of the aircraft and an onboard microphone, the X-36 was remotely controlled by a pilot in a ground station virtual cockpit. A standard fighter-type head-up display (HUD) and a moving-map representation of the vehicle's position within the range in which it flew provided excellent situational awareness for the pilot. This pilot-in-the-loop approach eliminated the need for expensive and complex autonomous flight control systems and the risks associated with their inability to deal with unknown or unforeseen phenomena in flight. Fully fueled the X-36 prototype weighed approximately 1,250 pounds. It was 19 feet long and three feet high with a wingspan of

  6. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Author Affiliations. Sayed Alam1 Zakaria Sarkar2 Azizul Islam2. Department of Chemistry, Bangladesh Institute of Technology, Rajshahi 6204, Bangladesh; Department of Chemistry, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh ...

  7. Ärge põletage toiduvilja! / Heiki Raudla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raudla, Heiki, 1975-


    13.-15. märtsini Alam-Saksimaal Papenburgis toimunud energiakultuuride kasvatamisele pühendatud kongressil esitasid teadlased, ettevõtjad ja poliitikategelased oma pildi, millises suunas peaks bioenergia tootmine ja kasutamine arenema

  8. Jaak Adamson - ainuke Eesti kodanik Slovakkias / Anneli Ammas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ammas, Anneli, 1962-


    Maalikunstnik lahkus Eestist 23 aastat tagasi. Elab Alam-Tatrates väikeses külakeses. Kastellaanimaja galerii näitus "Lahtilagunemine. Lennufragmendid" on inspireeritud Slovakkia eraldumisest Tšehhi küljest

  9. Research Article Special Issue

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 10, 2017 ... Malaysia. 2Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor,. Malaysia ... could be developed and applied in industry. Keywords: ..... Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 2010,.

  10. The Roles and Identification of Innovators and Linkers in the Technology Transfer Process. (United States)


    major source from which the question was derived: ( I ) Earlier adopters are more cosmopolite than later adopters (Rogers & Shoemaker . p. 189). ~2...Earlier knowers of an innovation are more cosmopolit e than later knowers (Rogers & Shoemaker, p. 108). (3) Opinion leaders are more cosmopolite conclusion is based on 13 studies. 77 percent of which favor the general statement Rogers & Shoemaker. p. 3 S . Cosmopoliteness is defined as


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    Fikri Nazarullail


    Full Text Available This study aimed to describe the community development through ecotourism program. This study used a qualitative research method with case study approach, and using data analysis interactive model. The results showed that the background of the emergence of ecotourism programs is to look at the natural potential that can be used as travel, ecotourism gave the changes to their economic advancement. Ecotourism development stages starting from identification of empowering agents to exploit the potential of nature into ecotourism activities that can empower local communities. The principles that appear on ecotourism are: (1 natural-based, (2 ecological value, (3 an insight into the environment, (4 the benefits to the local community, (5 the appeal and visitor satisfaction. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui program ekowisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan menggunakan analisis data model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa latar belakang kemunculan program ekowisata adalah dengan melihat potensi alam yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai wisata, ekowisata meberikan perubahan terhadap adanya peningkatan ekonomi. Tahapan pengembangan ekowisata dimulai dari identifikasi agen pemberdayaan untuk memanfaatkan potensi alam menjadi kegiatan ekowisata yang dapat memberdayakan masyarakat lokal. Prinsip-prinsip yang muncul pada ekowisata tersebut, meliputi (1 berbasis alam, (2 nilai ekologis, (3 wawasan lingkungan hidup, (4 manfaat bagi masyarakat lokal, dan (5 daya tarik dan kepuasan pengunjung.


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    Agus Aan Jiwa Permana


    Full Text Available Setiap saat Indonesia mengalami ancaman bencana alam. Hal ini sudah dibuktikan dengan adanya bencana alam yang beruntun menimpa negara ini. Mulai dari tsunami, gunung meletus, banjir, tanah longsor, dan gempa. Dengan adanya hal-hal semacam ini, terpikirkan bagaimana caranya untuk melakukan pencegahan awal agar dampak kerugian material dan korban yang ditimbulkan dapat lebih diminimalisir. Misalnya saja bencana tanah longsor sering terjadi di Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Hal ini terjadi karena penambangan dan minimnya daerah tangkapan air sehingga menjadi penyebab maraknya kasus-kasus longsor di Kulon Progo baik karena aktivitas penambangan yang dilakukan legal atau ilegal. Khusus daerah yang menjadi sasaran penambangan emas di Yogya adalah Kecamatan Kokap. Sehingga menyebabkan banyak kejadian tanah longsor di daerah tersebut. Dengan kondisi daerah yang sering mengalami bahaya longsor, nampaknya perlu dikembangkan sebuah sistem informasi geografis yang dapat membantu dalam manajemen resiko bencana tanah tanah longsor yang terjadi di Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Sehingga nantinya jika sistem ini dapat dikembangkan, dapat membantu melakukan analisis resiko dari dampak bencana tanah longsor di era cyber seperti saat ini. Lokasi yang menjadi titik rawan bencana, diharapkan dapat dideteksi dan hasilnya dapat dianalisis untuk kepentingan lebih lanjut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sudah dapat menghasilkan peta bahaya longsor dalam tiga kategori yaitu tinggi, sedang, dan rendah.   Kata-kata kunci: Tanah Longsor,  Bencana Alam,  Sistem Informasi Geografis.

  13. Islamic eco-cosmology in Ikhwan al-Safa’s view

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    Muhammad Abdullah Darras


    Full Text Available This research aims to describe the root cause of ecological crisis happening atthe moment in terms of the cosmological-metaphysical views, by doing researchon the thoughts of a classical Muslim philosophical scientist group in 10th centuryAD called Ikhwan al-Safa’. To the author, Ikhwan al-Safa’ has a clear idea inviewing the universe holistically and intact as it is. Actually, this non-reductiveview was the typical main feature of medieval Islamic classical thought. However,the main reason of choosing the works of Ikhwan al-Safa’, especially their magnumopus Rasa>’il Ikhwa>n al-S{afa’> , in the research is that Ikhwan al-Safa’ has puta lot of attention on the “wisdom of universe” in the ontological and epistemologicalstructure of knowledge that were developed in their work. With the mainconcepts such Love of Universe and Soul of Universe, Ikhwan al-Safa’ have givena holistic vision about the wisdom of the universe and the wisdom of the environmentitself.Pengkajian dalam artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan akar masalah terjadinyakrisis ekologi yang terjadi saat ini dengan berangkat dari titik pijak berdasarkanperspektif kosmologis-metafisik. Yakni dengan melakukan penelitian terhadappemikiran kosmologi kelompok keilmuan-filosofis muslim klasik abad ke-10 Myang bernama Ikhwan al-Safa’. Bagi penulis, Ikhwan al-Safa’ memiliki pemikiranyang jernih dalam melihat alam semesta. Yakni melihat alam secara holistik dan utuh sebagaimana adanya. Sebenarnya pandangan khas yang non-reduktif inimenjadi ciri utama pemikiran klasik Islam abad pertengahan. Namun pemilihanpenelitian terhadap pemikiran Ikhwan al-Safa’ –terutama dalam karya magnumopusnyaRasa>’il Ikhwa>n al-S{afa>’ ini, lebih disebabkan karena kelompok ini bagipenulis, telah menaruh perhatian yang sangat kuat terhadap “kearifan alam”dalam struktur ontologis dan epistemologis keilmuan yang dikembangkan dalamkarya mereka. Dengan menguraikan beberapa konsep utama

  14. Research Article Special Issue

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 10, 2017 ... Malaysia ngineering, UniversitiTeknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, ... contamination due to activities such as processing, combustion and disposal of fossil fuels ... plant, in the atmosphere and even in food [17].


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    Titiek Pujilestari


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKTumbuhan pembawa warna mengandung senyawa kimia yang berbeda beda baik jumlah maupun jenis senyawanya. Senyawa-senyawa dominan pembawa warna mempunyai ketahanan tertentu pada berbagai kondisi suhu . Suhu ekstraksi zat warna alam dari tumbuhan mempengaruhi arah warna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa kimia dan arah warna kayu secang dan gambir. Ekstraksi zat warna alam dilakukan pada berbagai variasi suhu pemanasan yaitu 50 oC, 75 oC, 100 oC dan perendaman dalam alkohol selama 7 (tujuh hari pada suhu kamar. Zat warna alam yang diperoleh diaplikasikan untuk pewarna batik pada kain katun dan sutera. Arah warna ditentukan melalui fiksasi menggunakan tawas, kapur dan tujung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu ekstraksi berpengaruh pada senyawa kimia zat warna alam kayu secang dan gambir.  Jumlah senyawa zat warna alam pada kayu secang semakin berkurang seiring dengan peningkatan suhu ekstraksi.  Pada gambir jumlah senyawa zat warna paling banyak diperoleh pada suhu ekstraksi 75 oC. Senyawa zat warna dominan pada kayu secang adalah cyclohexanone sedang pada gambir  adalah methyl 3,4 dideutero 3 nonenoate 3. Arah warna kayu secang merah sampai merah kecoklatan dan pada gambir warna kecoklatan sampai coklat tua.ABSTRACTColor bearing plant contains chemical compounds that vary both the number and types of compounds. Compounds dominant color carriers having different resistance at various temperature conditions. The temperature of the extraction of natural dyes from plants affects the direction of color. This study aims to determine the content of chemical compounds and direction color of Caesalpinia sappan Linn and Uncaria gambir. Extraction of natural dyes made at various heating temperature is 50 ° C, 75 ° C, 100 ° C and soaking in alcohol for seven (7 days at room temperature. Natural dyes obtained is applied to dye batik on cotton and silk. Directions color is determined by fixation using alum, lime and

  16. POTENSI “IKAN MURAI AIR TAWAR” (Gymnothorax polyuranodon SEBAGAI IKAN HIAS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Musa


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya akan potensi sumberdaya alam hayati termasuk di dalamnya ikan-ikan air tawar, payau, dan laut yang prospeknya dikembangkan sebagai komoditas yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Ikan murai air tawar (Gymnothorax polyuranodon merupakan salah satu spesies ikan yang sebarannya cukup luas di Indonesia. Dalam siklus hidupnya ikan murai ini hidup di air tawar, payau dan laut. Corak warna coklat kekuningan dengan bintik hitam bulat yang tidak teratur pada kepala seperti pita-pita yang warnanya memanjang yang lengkap serta bentuknya yang mirip ular menyebabkan ikan murai ini juga dijadikan ikan hias. Tiga kali koleksi ikan murai di alam telah dilakukan di Sungai Lasusua, Sulawesi Tenggara pada September 2008, Oktober, dan November 2009.

  17. Evaluation of Speech Recognition of Cochlear Implant Recipients Using Adaptive, Digital Remote Microphone Technology and a Speech Enhancement Sound Processing Algorithm. (United States)

    Wolfe, Jace; Morais, Mila; Schafer, Erin; Agrawal, Smita; Koch, Dawn


    Cochlear implant recipients often experience difficulty with understanding speech in the presence of noise. Cochlear implant manufacturers have developed sound processing algorithms designed to improve speech recognition in noise, and research has shown these technologies to be effective. Remote microphone technology utilizing adaptive, digital wireless radio transmission has also been shown to provide significant improvement in speech recognition in noise. There are no studies examining the potential improvement in speech recognition in noise when these two technologies are used simultaneously. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential benefits and limitations associated with the simultaneous use of a sound processing algorithm designed to improve performance in noise (Advanced Bionics ClearVoice) and a remote microphone system that incorporates adaptive, digital wireless radio transmission (Phonak Roger). A two-by-two way repeated measures design was used to examine performance differences obtained without these technologies compared to the use of each technology separately as well as the simultaneous use of both technologies. Eleven Advanced Bionics (AB) cochlear implant recipients, ages 11 to 68 yr. AzBio sentence recognition was measured in quiet and in the presence of classroom noise ranging in level from 50 to 80 dBA in 5-dB steps. Performance was evaluated in four conditions: (1) No ClearVoice and no Roger, (2) ClearVoice enabled without the use of Roger, (3) ClearVoice disabled with Roger enabled, and (4) simultaneous use of ClearVoice and Roger. Speech recognition in quiet was better than speech recognition in noise for all conditions. Use of ClearVoice and Roger each provided significant improvement in speech recognition in noise. The best performance in noise was obtained with the simultaneous use of ClearVoice and Roger. ClearVoice and Roger technology each improves speech recognition in noise, particularly when used at the same time

  18. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (United States)

    ... medical attendees. Your input is critical to future programming as we plan the 2018 ASDS Annual Meeting, ... 2017 recipients were Murad Alam, MD, MBA; Seemal R. Desai, MD; Jeffrey S. Dover, MD; George J. Hruza, ...

  19. Knowledge and attitudes of dentists toward shortened dental arch ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Aug 3, 2015 ... about dentists' opinion regarding function, esthetic, and comfort in patients with SDA. ... Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University Technology MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia ..... J Public Health Dent 1992;52:102‑10.

  20. Kritik al-Ghazali terhadap Kekekalan Alam

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    Sahidi Mustafa


    Full Text Available The concept of the creation of universe offered by Neo-Platonism philosopher such as al-Kindi, al-Farabi, and Ibnu Sina are philosophical concept existed and came as an early moment of development of Islamic philosophy interrelated to God, ultimately about his Existence and Characteristics. One of the topics is how God created the universe. According to al-Farabi and Ibnu Sina, God created this universe by way of emanation in order to prevent Himself from the new attitudes. Consequently, universe has eternal feature (qadim as God as well, in the case of everything overflowed from qadim is also qadim. Al-Ghazali refuted this theory because it contradicted with al Qur’an’s thought which clearly explained that God created the entire universe. The universe should not qadim and it means that God existed in the first, and then created universe later as we know today. On the contrary, in the view of Muslim philosopher, the universe should be qadim because God created it from all eternity. For them, it is impossible that God existed by Himself without any creation before. God, according to them is impossible to be changed, so that is impossible as well if God changed from did not create yet before and then creates. Al-Ghazali persistently opposed the concept of eternity. Al Ghazali saw if this universe is qadim so it is impossible that universe created by God. The concept of qadim will led to the conclusion that universe born by itself, it was not created by God. This critique has been written by al-Ghazali in Tahafut al-Falasifah. This paper will present the concept of eternity which was discussed by al-Farabi and Ibn Sina and al Ghazali’s critique toward it as well.

  1. Research Article Special Issue

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 10, 2017 ... r and Mathematical Sciences, UniversitiTeknologi MARA, Shah Alam, ... Students consider mathematics and statistics is the same. ..... [10] Nor A C M, Zamalia M, Nor A M G. Application of Raschmeasurement model in.

  2. Synthesis and antibacterial profile of novel azomethine derivatives ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    3, Banjara hills, Hyderabad, India, 3Universiti Teknologi MARA. (UiTM), Faculty of Pharmacy, Puncak Alam Campus, Selangor D.E, Malaysia ... Results: The structures of azomethine were in full agreement with their spectral data. Among all ...

  3. Pohhozh li Konstantin Raikin na Erkjulja Puaro? / Sergei Ursuljak, Konstantin Raikin ; interv. Elga Lõndina

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ursuljak, Sergei


    Režissöör S. Ursuljak ja näitleja K. Raikin Venemaa viieosalisest teleseriaalist "Poirot' ebaõnn", mille aluseks oli Agatha Christie jutustus "Roger Ackroydi mõrv" ("The Murder of Roger Ackroyd")

  4. Genetics Home Reference: FG syndrome (United States)

    ... MJ, Hoo JJ, Jones KL, McKeown C, Moeschler JB, Raymond FL, Rogers RC, Schwartz CE, Battaglia A, ... E, Huddleston L, Clark RD, Jones KL, Moeschler JB, Opitz JM, Morford J, Simensen R, Rogers RC, ...

  5. Arahan Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Pantai Nepa Berdasarkan Preferensi Pengunjung Kecamatan Banyuates Kabupaten Sampang

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    Tadaki Santoso Hasegawa


    Full Text Available Kecamatan Banyuates, Kabupaten Sampang, memiliki kawasan wisata pantai Nepa, yang terdiri dari 6 potensi wisata di 3 desa, yakni wisata alam pantai Nepa, wisata alam hutan kera Nepa, makam petilasan Raden Segoro, wisata arung laut, wisata budaya Rokat Tase’, dan wisata buatan waduk Nipah, di Desa Batioh, Desa Nepa, dan Desa Montor. Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif, yang digunakan untuk mencapai sasaran pertama analisis potensi wisata, sasaran kedua analisis preferensi pengunjung, hingga sasaran terakhir merumuskan arahan pengembangan kawasan wisata pantai Nepa berdasarkan preferensi pengunjung. Rumusan arahan pengembangan kawasan tersebut menghasilkan arahan pengembangan berupa penyediaan, perbaikan, pemeliharaan, dan peningkatan akses prasarana dan sarana pariwisata, peningkatan kesadaran terhadap kelestarian lingkungan dan sikap masyarakat terhadap pengunjung dengan nilai-nilai sapta pesona, penambahan jenis atraksi wisata, penyediaan akomodasi, peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat, dan promosi kawasan, untuk setiap potensi wisata.

  6. Moral Islam dalam Membangkitkan Etos Ekonomi Umat

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    M Rahmat Effendi


    Al-Qur’an menganjurkan kita untuk menggunakan sumber kekayaan alam. Al-Qur’an merangsang akal kita, mengarahkannya kepada pandangan dunia yang dikelilingi oleh alam yang diciptakan untuk dimanfaatkan oleh manusia. Al-Qur’an juga menjelaskan bahwa memanfaatkan semua itu terfokus dalam dua hal: Pertama, ilmu atau sains yang berdiri di atas fondasi rasio dan akal budi. Melalui akal budi ini, Allah membedakan manusia dari hewan. Kedua, bekerja; Ilmu tidak bermanfaat kalau tidak dipraktekkan dengan bekerja. Bekerja dibutuhkan bukan hanya sekali waktu, tetapi terus menerus. Bekerja dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan sesuatu yang terbaik dan untuk mencapai karunia Allah. Bekerja di dalam Islam adalah suatu kewajiban bagi mereka yang mampu. Tidak dibenarkan bagi seorang muslim berpangku tangan dengan alasan “mengkhususkan waktu untuk beribadah” atau bertawakal kepada Allah. Tidak dibenarkan pula bagi seorang muslim bersandar pada bantuan orang lain sedangkan ia memiliki kemampuan.

  7. Clinician, Society and Suicide Mountain: Reading Rogerian Doctrine of Unconditional Positive Regard (UPR

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    Chinedum Amadi


    Full Text Available Carl Rogers has become a legendary personage in the mental health field. Rogers (1957 “has been cited in the literature over a thousandtimes, in professional writings originating in 36 countries” (Goldfried, 2007, p. 249. Clinicians in the behavioral health field (psychiatry, socialwork, counseling and psychology are exposed to his teachings about human behavior. Of all the ideas propagated by Rogers, the conceptof unconditional positive regard (UPR has been elevated to the level of a doctrine (Schmitt, 1980. What then is unconditional positive regard?How can clinicians be faithful to the demands of unconditional positive regard in the face of other competing realities such as threat of suicideor terrorism? This paper seeks to discuss the impossible nature of Rogers' UPR, highlighting its inherent linguistic contradiction. Sincepsychotherapy is culturally normative, the doctrine of unconditional positive regard negates this fundamental principle. In this article, the authortakes a critical look at the influence of American philosophy of education on Rogers – he was a product of his culture. Furthermore, this paperasserts that clinicians are guided by societal norms or “conditions” which regulate clinical practice, including unconditional positive regard(Gone, 2011.

  8. 3 FI :LU S :_U4 ~- Z )~f

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    supplies, a successful offensive under Genl. Rommel was ..... Halfway House, Alam Barghut and the coast- al plain. Orders were .... Boxes established to protect the rear of the Gaza'a. Line, ..... of drawing the Allied armour to the north while the ...

  9. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Guthikonda Nagaraju, School of Physics, University of Hyderabad,. Hyderabad, India. Haldar Sudip Kumar, Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata, India. Jagtap B N, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India. Jain Jinesh, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Mississippi, USA. Jane Alam Mohammad, Aligarh Muslim ...

  10. Simple 3-D stimulus for motion parallax and its simulation. (United States)

    Ono, Hiroshi; Chornenkyy, Yevgen; D'Amour, Sarah


    Simulation of a given stimulus situation should produce the same perception as the original. Rogers et al (2009 Perception 38 907-911) simulated Wheeler's (1982, PhD thesis, Rutgers University, NJ) motion parallax stimulus and obtained quite different perceptions. Wheeler's observers were unable to reliably report the correct direction of depth, whereas Rogers's were. With three experiments we explored the possible reasons for the discrepancy. Our results suggest that Rogers was able to see depth from the simulation partly due to his experience seeing depth with random dot surfaces.

  11. Analysis of Search Engines and Meta Search Engines\\\\\\' Position by University of Isfahan Users Based on Rogers\\\\\\' Diffusion of Innovation Theory

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    Maryam Akbari


    Full Text Available The present study investigated the analysis of search engines and meta search engines adoption process by University of Isfahan users during 2009-2010 based on the Rogers' diffusion of innovation theory. The main aim of the research was to study the rate of adoption and recognizing the potentials and effective tools in search engines and meta search engines adoption among University of Isfahan users. The research method was descriptive survey study. The cases of the study were all of the post graduate students of the University of Isfahan. 351 students were selected as the sample and categorized by a stratified random sampling method. Questionnaire was used for collecting data. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 16 in both descriptive and analytic statistic. For descriptive statistic frequency, percentage and mean were used, while for analytic statistic t-test and Kruskal-Wallis non parametric test (H-test were used. The finding of t-test and Kruscal-Wallis indicated that the mean of search engines and meta search engines adoption did not show statistical differences gender, level of education and the faculty. Special search engines adoption process was different in terms of gender but not in terms of the level of education and the faculty. Other results of the research indicated that among general search engines, Google had the most adoption rate. In addition, among the special search engines, Google Scholar and among the meta search engines Mamma had the most adopting rate. Findings also showed that friends played an important role on how students adopted general search engines while professors had important role on how students adopted special search engines and meta search engines. Moreover, results showed that the place where students got the most acquaintance with search engines and meta search engines was in the university. The finding showed that the curve of adoption rate was not normal and it was not also in S-shape. Morover


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    Asiani Abu


    didnginkan larutan ekstrak ini siap digunakan sebelum dicelup, dilakukan proses Mordanting yaitu bertujuan agar penyerapan zat warna alam terhadap bahan sutera meningkat, serta menghasilkan kerataan dan ketajaman warna yang baik Pencelupan dengan zat warna alam biasanya dilakukan dengan berulang-ulang dan difikzer untuk mendapatkan warna yang diinginkan.Melakukan fiksasi (fikser adalah untuk mengunci warna alam pada kain sutera.  Proses pengunci warna (fiksasi dilakukan agar zat warna alam yang terserap pada bahan sutera  memiliki ketahanan luntur yang baik. Ada 3 jenis larutan fixer yang  digunakan yaitu tunjung (FeSO4, tawas, atau kapur tohor (CaCO3.Warna yang dihasilkan pada kelima jenis tumbuhan tersebut adalah Rambutan Nephelium Playantha Coklat Muda Ketepang Terminalis Catappa Coklat Krem Mangga Roystonea regia Kuning Alpukat Persia americanadah Merah Mudah Mengkudu Morinda citrifolia Merah.Kata Kunci: pewarna alam tumbuhan, sutera,  ektrak,  mordanting,  fiksasi

  13. ST Microelectronics

    CERN Document Server

    Patrice Loïez


    Photo 01 : Prof. Roger Cashmore, Research Director for Collider Programmes, Dr Salvatore Castorina, Corporate Vice President, DSG, Prof. Gigi Rolandi, CMS Tracker Project Manager. Photo 02 : Dr Salvatore Castorina signing the Guest Book. Photo 03 : Prof. Roger Cashmore, Dr Salvatore Castorina.

  14. Didn't Roger That

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pogrebnyakov, Nicolai; Maldonado, Edgar A.


    . The empirical analysis was performed on a dataset of 999,243 messages from 997 Facebook pages of US police departments in 2009—2016. Messages were classified into four categories based on their utilitarian or hedonic nature: emergency preparedness, emergency response, post-emergency and user engagement. Three......, these results suggest a need for an explicit study of the link between social media messages and situational awareness, and indicate a need for practitioners to revisit social media practices....

  15. Kundetilpasset masseproduktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bukh, Per Nikolaj


    Anmeldelse af Do you want to keep your customers forever, B. Joseph Pine II, Don Peppers & Martha Rogers, Harvard Business Press.......Anmeldelse af Do you want to keep your customers forever, B. Joseph Pine II, Don Peppers & Martha Rogers, Harvard Business Press....

  16. The Kinetics and Dynamics of Elementary Gas-Phase Reactions (United States)


    Philip James Alam Hasson Sarah Wright Kevin Hickson Delphine Chastaing Peter Barnes Simon Beach Paul Barrass David Carty Alejandra Paramo ...Ghana Professor Richard Palmer University of Birmingham, UK Ms Alejandra Paramo University of

  17. Prantslased otsisid eestlaste juurest virmalisi / Henry Schmidt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schmidt, Henry


    XI Põhjamaade kultuurifestival "Les Boréales" Prantsusmaal Caenis kutsus peakülaliseks Eesti. Eesti kunsti esindanud Raivo Kelomees Tartu Kõrgema Kunstikooli ja Jaan Toomik EKA üliõpilastega näitasid oma videokunsti, Liina Siibi näitus oli Alam-Normandia kunstikeskuses

  18. Quantitative determination of alliin in dried garlic cloves and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    chromatography. Nasir A Siddiqui*, Ramzi A Mothana and Perwez Alam. Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, PO Box 2457, Riyadh ... Methods: A direct high-performance thin-layer chromatographic (HPTLC) method was developed to ... and medicinal plant which possesses several.

  19. Sakslaste natura on etem / Viio Aitsam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aitsam, Viio, 1955-


    Erametsaliidul külas olnud Saksa metsandusspetsialistid jagasid siinseile oma kogemusi. Alam-Saksimaa Weser-Emsi piirkonna põllumajanduskoja metsanduseksperdi Alexandet Rosenbergi ja Erametsaliidu juhatuse esimehe Jaanus Auna arvamustest. Lisa: mõningaid meetmeid Eesti metsade Natura elupaigatüüpide säilitamiseks

  20. Ethnic Minorities and the Politics of Identity in Iran

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elling, Rasmus Christian; Saleh, Alam


    their discussions with others. Here, Alam Saleh, Lecturer in Middle Eastern Politics, University of Exeter, and Rasmus Christian Elling, Assistant Professor of Iranian Studies, University of Copenhagen, introduce each other's recent books on ethnic minorities, identity and nationalism in post-revolution Iran...

  1. Values, vision, proposals and networks: using ideas in leadership for human development : The approach of Mahbub ul Haq

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D.R. Gasper (Des)


    textabstractLeadership is a matter that social scientists often are ambivalent about, but is important in knife-edge' situations and when people choose direction within wide-open possibilities. "Good leaders" need contexts that stimulate and discipline them, good "followers"/ collaborators, and

  2. Molecular phylogenetic reconstruction and localization of the (TTAGG)n telomeric repeats in the chromosomes of Acromyrmex striatus (Roger, 1863) suggests a lower ancestral karyotype for leafcutter ants (Hymenoptera). (United States)

    Pereira, Tássia Tatiane Pontes; Dos Reis, Ana Caroline Coelho Corrêa; Cardoso, Danon Clemes; Cristiano, Maykon Passos


    Chromosome counts and karyotype characterization have proved to be important features of a genome. Chromosome changes during the diversification of ants might play an important role, given the diversity and success of Formicidae. Comparative karyotype analyses on ants have enriched and helped ant systematics. Among leafcutter ants, two major chromosome counts have been described, one frequent in Atta Fabricius, 1804 (2n = 22 in all Atta spp. whose karyotype is known) and the other frequent in Acromyrmex Mayr, 1865 (2n = 38 in the majority of species whose karyotype is known). The main exception is Acromyrmex striatus (Roger, 1863), which harbors a diploid chromosome set of 22. Here we describe the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with telomeric probes with (TTAGG) 6 repeats to describe the telomere composition of A. striatus and to recover potential interstitial non-telomeric signals that may reflect fusion events during the evolution of leafcutter lineage from 38 to 22 chromosomes. Further, we reconstruct the ancestral chromosome numbers of the leafcutter clade based on a recently proposed molecular phylogenetic hypothesis and phylogenomic tree. Distinct signals have been observed in both extremities on the telomere chromosomes of A. striatus . Non-telomeric signals have not been retrieved in our analysis. It could be supposed that the low-numbered karyotype indeed represents the ancestral chromosome number of leafcutters. The phylogenetic reconstruction also recovered a low chromosome number from the diverse approaches implemented, suggesting that n = 11 is the most likely ancestral karyotype of the leafcutter ants and is a plesiomorphic feature shared between A. striatus and Atta spp.

  3. Subject Characteristics and Preferences for Different Approaches to Psychotherapy: A Multivariate Study (United States)

    Helweg, Gregory C.; Gaines, Lawrence S.


    Selected personality variables, sex, age, interpersonal values, and educational level, were examined as antecedents to preferences for a nondirective (Carl Rogers) or directive (Albert Ellis) therapist. Individuals who preferred the Ellis presentation proved to more dogmatic and externalized than individuals preferring the Rogers presentation.…

  4. The Person-Centered Approach to Peace. (United States)

    Whiteley, John M.


    This article introduces a special issue of the journal dedicated to Carl Rogers' person-centered approach to peace. Background work leading to the special issue is reviewed and a brief overview of Rogers' accomplishments in psychology before his death in 1987 is included. (NB)

  5. Phenotypic plasticity of mesenchymal stem cells is crucial for mesangial repair in a model of immunoglobulin light chain-associated mesangial damage. (United States)

    Herrera, Guillermo A; Teng, Jiamin; Zeng, Chun; Xu, Hongzhi; Liang, Man; Alexander, J Steven; Liu, Bing; Boyer, Chris; Turbat-Herrera, Elba A


    Mesangiopathies produced by glomerulopathic monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains (GLCs) acting on the glomerular mesangium produce two characteristic lesions: AL-amyloidosis (AL-Am) and light chain deposition disease (LCDD). In both cases, the pathology is centered in the mesangium, where initial and progressive damage occurs. In AL-Am the mesangial matrix is destroyed and replaced by amyloid fibrils and in LCDD, the mesangial matrix is increased and remodeled. The collagen IV rich matrix is replaced by tenascin. In both conditions, mesangial cells (MCs) become apoptotic as a direct effect of the GLCs. MCs were incubated in-vitro with GLCs and animal kidneys were perfused ex-vivo via the renal artery with GLCs, producing expected lesions, and then mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were added to both platforms. Each of the two platforms provided unique information that when put together created a comprehensive evaluation of the processes involved. A "cocktail" with growth and differentiating factors was used to study its effect on mesangial repair. MSCs displayed remarkable phenotypic plasticity during the repair process. The first role of the MSCs after migrating to the affected areas was to dispose of the amyloid fibrils (in AL-Am), the altered mesangial matrix (in LCDD) and apoptotic MCs/debris. To accomplish this task, MSCs transformed into facultative macrophages acquiring an abundance of lysosomes and endocytotic capabilities required to engage in phagocytic functions. Once the mesangial cleaning was completed, MSCs transformed into functional MCs restoring the mesangium to normal. "Cocktail" made the repair process more efficient.

  6. Molecular phylogenetic reconstruction and localization of the (TTAGGn telomeric repeats in the chromosomes of Acromyrmex striatus (Roger, 1863 suggests a lower ancestral karyotype for leafcutter ants (Hymenoptera

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    Tássia Tatiane Pontes Pereira


    Full Text Available Chromosome counts and karyotype characterization have proved to be important features of a genome. Chromosome changes during the diversification of ants might play an important role, given the diversity and success of Formicidae. Comparative karyotype analyses on ants have enriched and helped ant systematics. Among leafcutter ants, two major chromosome counts have been described, one frequent in Atta Fabricius, 1804 (2n = 22 in all Atta spp. whose karyotype is known and the other frequent in Acromyrmex Mayr, 1865 (2n = 38 in the majority of species whose karyotype is known. The main exception is Acromyrmex striatus (Roger, 1863, which harbors a diploid chromosome set of 22. Here we describe the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH with telomeric probes with (TTAGG6 repeats to describe the telomere composition of A. striatus and to recover potential interstitial non-telomeric signals that may reflect fusion events during the evolution of leafcutter lineage from 38 to 22 chromosomes. Further, we reconstruct the ancestral chromosome numbers of the leafcutter clade based on a recently proposed molecular phylogenetic hypothesis and phylogenomic tree. Distinct signals have been observed in both extremities on the telomere chromosomes of A. striatus. Non-telomeric signals have not been retrieved in our analysis. It could be supposed that the low-numbered karyotype indeed represents the ancestral chromosome number of leafcutters. The phylogenetic reconstruction also recovered a low chromosome number from the diverse approaches implemented, suggesting that n = 11 is the most likely ancestral karyotype of the leafcutter ants and is a plesiomorphic feature shared between A. striatus and Atta spp.

  7. Aerobic methanotrophic communities at the Red Sea brine-seawater interface

    KAUST Repository

    Abdallah, Rehab Z.


    Abdallah RZ, Adel M, Ouf A, Sayed A, Ghazy MA, Alam I, Essack M, Lafi FF, Bajic VB, El-Dorry H and Siam R (2014) Aerobic methanotrophic communities at the Red Sea brine-seawater interface. Front. Microbiol. 5:487. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00487

  8. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    symmetric. pp 317-329. Exact travelling wave solutions of the (3+1)-dimensional mKdV-ZK equation and the (1+1)-dimensional compound KdVB equation using the new approach of generalized (′/)-expansion method · Md Nur Alam M Ali Akbar ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    increase in the production of poultry meat at a reasonable cost (Alam et al., ...... 36(4): 537-541. Taggart MA, Figuerola J, Green AJ, Mateo R, Deacon C, Osborn D, ... selenium, lead and copper levels in the livers and bones of five waterfowl ...

  10. Kõik kuninganna lapsed / Ian Buruma ; tõlkinud Külli-Riin Tigasson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Buruma, Ian


    Monarhia on sageli populaarne vähemuste hulgas, Hollandi kuninganna Beatrix ei tõmba piire oma alamate seas nende rahvuse või usu põhjal. Aristokraatlik tava seista kõrgemal natsionalismi väiklusest võib olla parim argument, miks monarhia säilitamist toetada

  11. Data visualization of temporal ozone pollution between urban and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... this study was conducted with the aim to assess and visualize the occurrence of potential Ozone pollution severity of two chosen locations in Selangor, Malaysia: Shah Alam (urban) and Banting (sub-urban). Data visualization analytics were employed using Ozone exceedances and Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

  12. Genetic variability of South African fiscal shrikes ( Lanius collaris ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Rogers' (1972) mean genetic distance (D) was 0.094, and Nei's (1978) mean unbiased genetic distance was 0.019. A phenogram (unweighted pair group method) and a phylogenetic tree (distance Wagner network), both based on Rogers' (1972) distance, showed some degree of geographical subgrouping. The high ...

  13. Year-Round Monitoring of Contaminants in Neal and Rogers Creeks, Hood River Basin, Oregon, 2011-12, and Assessment of Risks to Salmonids.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Whitney B Hapke

    Full Text Available Pesticide presence in streams is a potential threat to Endangered Species Act listed salmonids in the Hood River basin, Oregon, a primarily forested and agricultural basin. Two types of passive samplers, polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS and semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs, were simultaneously deployed at four sites in the basin during Mar. 2011-Mar. 2012 to measure the presence of pesticides, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs. The year-round use of passive samplers is a novel approach and offers several new insights. Currently used pesticides and legacy contaminants, including many chlorinated pesticides and PBDEs, were present throughout the year in the basin's streams. PCBs were not detected. Time-weighted average water concentrations for the 2-month deployment periods were estimated from concentrations of chemicals measured in the passive samplers. Currently used pesticide concentrations peaked during spring and were detected beyond their seasons of expected use. Summed concentrations of legacy contaminants in Neal Creek were highest during July-Sept., the period with the lowest streamflows. Endosulfan was the only pesticide detected in passive samplers at concentrations exceeding Oregon or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency water-quality thresholds. A Sensitive Pesticide Toxicity Index (SPTI was used to estimate the relative acute potential toxicity among sample mixtures. The acute potential toxicity of the detected mixtures was likely greater for invertebrates than for fish and for all samples in Neal Creek compared to Rogers Creek, but the indices appear to be low overall (<0.1. Endosulfans and pyrethroid insecticides were the largest contributors to the SPTIs for both sites. SPTIs of some discrete (grab samples from the basin that were used for comparison exceeded 0.1 when some insecticides (azinphos methyl, chlorpyrifos, malathion were detected at concentrations near or

  14. The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change. (United States)

    Rogers, Carl R.


    Presents reprint of original work published in 1957 in "Journal of Consulting Psychology" in which Carl Rogers takes one small segment of theory of psychotherapy, of personality, and of interpersonal relationships; spells it out more completely; and explores its meaning and usefulness. Rogers examines psychological conditions necessary and…

  15. From Being Non-Judgemental to Deconstructing Normalising Judgement (United States)

    Winslade, John M.


    Beginning with Carl Rogers' exhortation for counsellors to be non-judgemental of their clients, this article explores the rationale for withholding judgement in therapy, including diagnostic judgement. It traces Rogers' incipient sociopolitical analysis as a foundation for this ethic and argues that Michel Foucault provides a stronger…

  16. Fermentation potentials of Zymomonas mobilis and its application in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 13, 2010 ... rate and lower biomass (Rogers et al., 2007; Jeffries,. 2005; Rogers et al., ... above experiments were performed twice with three repeats. Sweet potato material and ..... design trends and integration opportunities. Bioresour. ... Eckert CA, Frederick Jr. WJ, Hallett JP, Leak DJ, Liotta CL, Mielenz. JR, Murphy R ...

  17. 75 FR 43809 - Airworthiness Directives; Piper Aircraft, Inc. PA-28, PA-32, PA-34, and PA-44 Series Airplanes (United States)


    ... Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), Barry Rogers, Bruce Chien, and Harry Cook commented that... Absorbed by Piper John Witosky, Thomas McIntosh, Claude Dalrymple, Jr., M. Hefter, and George Haffey..., Barry Rogers, Matt Gunsch, Thomas McIntosh, and four other commenters stated that the FAA needs to...

  18. List of participants

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    List of participants. Abbas Sohrab, BARC, Mumbai, India. Achary S N, BARC, Mumbai, India. Acharya Prashant G, JMS College, Ahmedabad, India. Aggarwal S K, BARC, Mumbai, India. Agrawal Ashish, BARC, Mumbai, India. Alam Md Sayem, AMU, Aligarh, India. Alamelu D, BARC, Mumbai, India. Aldona Rajewska, IAE ...

  19. Eestimaa aadlimehest seikleja reis Egiptusesse ja Nuubiasse / Sergei Stadnikov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Stadnikov, Sergei, 1956-


    Alexander von Uexküll rändas koos prantsuse oreintalisti Théodore-Antoine-Lopez de la SaiteTrinité de Lessepsiga. Nad jõudsid üsna kaugele Alam-Nuubia sügavusse. Esimese eestimaalasena nägi Alexander von Uexküll Abu Simbeli templeid

  20. Chemical control of blossom blight disease of sarpagandha caused ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 20, 2010 ... Chemical control of blossom blight disease of sarpagandha caused by Colletotrichum capsici. R. S. Shukla, Abdul-Khaliq and M. Alam*. Department of Plant Pathology, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Council of Scientific and Industrial. Research, P. O. CIMAP, Lucknow–226 015, India.

  1. (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) in wheat

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tuoyo Aghomotsegin


    Jan 4, 2017 ... 2007; Zhang et al., 2008; Li et al., 2011; Alam et al.,. 2013; Quijano et al., 2015; ..... structure of the eastern US w heat pow dery mildew population. Plant. Dis. ... Collinearity-based marker mining for the fine mapping of Pm6, a ...

  2. and Three-Photon Absorption Properties of PRODAN based chemo ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Solvent dependent One-, Two- and Three-Photon Absorption. Properties of PRODAN based chemo-sensors. Md. Mehboob Alam, Mausumi Chattopadhyaya. Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta, 92 A.P.C. Road, Kolkata - 700009,. India. CONTENTS. 1) Optimized coordinates of all the systems in Gas phase and ...

  3. Memberdayakan Masyarakat Lewat Penyiaran Berita Bencana Alam

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Nadhya Abrar


    Full Text Available In reporting natural disaster, the press should empower audiences. How the press should shape the news in order to empower audiences? Departure from literatures review, this article suggests several guidelines, namely: (i pushing audiences thinking creatively; (ii avoiding “news maker authorities”; (iii avoiding influence of bureaucrat and foundation institution; (iv creating discourses carefully; (v explaining risks after having natural disaster; and (vi helping audiences define fear feeling correctly.

  4. Empathy: Implications of Three Ways of Knowing in Counseling (United States)

    Clark, Arthur J.


    From a humanistic orientation, Carl Rogers (1964) described 3 ways of knowing with reference to empathic understanding: subjective, interpersonal, and objective. In the context of a threefold perspective of knowledge, the author expands on Rogers's conception of empathy. As a consequence of a conceptual change in the direction of empathy,…

  5. 78 FR 54755 - Extension of Port Limits of Indianapolis, IN (United States)


    ... INFORMATION CONTACT: Roger Kaplan, Office of Field Operations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, by phone at (202) 325- 4543, or by email at . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background In a... area of Indianapolis, Indiana. This is a no-cost administrative measure and CBP will not need...

  6. Social Media Analytics: A New Approach for Cyberspace Enabled Understanding of Operational Environments (United States)


    analytics, Hsinchun Chen, Roger HL Chiang, and Veda C. Storey, “Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact,” MIS Quarterly 36...Roger H. L. Chiang, and Veda C. Storey. “Business Intelligence and Analytics: From Big Data to Big Impact.” MIS Quarterly 36, no. 4 (December 2012

  7. 78 FR 8179 - Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations (United States)


    .../dnr/water/7359.htm Town of Medaryville Town Hall, 409 East Main Street, Medaryville, IN 47957. Town of... City Hall, 12260 South Diamond Lake Road, Dayton, MN 55327. City of Eden Prairie City Hall, 8080... 55373. City of Rogers City Hall, 22350 South Diamond Lake Road, Rogers, MN 55374. City of St. Bonifacius...

  8. Inside the World of the Soviet Professional. (United States)

    Rogers, Carl R.


    Reports on a fall 1986 journey of Carl Rogers to the U.S.S.R. during which Rogers conducted lectures and workshops on humanistic psychology. Elaborates on workshop sessions with Russian psychologists and therapists. Concludes with general observations about what the workshops may have accomplished and on the Soviet lifestyle in general. (BR)

  9. Conducting a Technology Audit (United States)

    Flaherty, William


    Technology is a critical component in the success of any high-functioning school district, thus it is important that education leaders should examine it closely. Simply put, the purpose of a technology audit is to assess the effectiveness of the technology for administrative or instructional use. Rogers Public Schools in Rogers, Arkansas, recently…

  10. A Corps of Naval Strategists. (United States)


    p. 284. 6 4 Igor H. Ansoff , Roger P. Declerck and Robert L. Hayes, From Strategic Management, (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1976) p. 39-40. 65 III...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983. Ansoff , Igor H., Declerck, Roger P. and Hayes, Robert L., From Strategic Management, New York: John Wiley and

  11. Cean air and clear responsibility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rogers, K.C. [Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Buffalo, NY (United States)


    This paper is the text of the address given by Commissioner Kenneth C. rogers, USNRC, at the 23rd DOE/NRC Nuclear Air Cleaning Conference. Mr. Rogers reviews the regulatory approach to the subject, discussing the requirements of 10CFR20 and ALARA principles. A discussion of the talk follows the text.

  12. Characteristics of the Self-Actualized Person: Visions from the East and West. (United States)

    Chang, Raylene; Page, Richard C.


    Compares and contrasts the ways that Chinese Taoism and Zen Buddhism view the development of human potential with the ways that the self-actualization theories of Rogers and Maslow describe the human potential movement. Notes many similarities between the ways that Taoism, Zen Buddhism, and the self-actualization theories of Rogers and Maslow…

  13. Anirban Mukhopadhyay: Examining migration and adaptation in deltas

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Following master's degrees in marine science and remote sensing and GIS, Anirban completed his PhD in multi-hazard coastal vulnerability modeling. His last project was ... Shah Alam Khan est professeur à la Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology et directeur de l'Institute of Water and Flood Managemen.

  14. Jahan et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2015) 12(4):134 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nusrat Jahan 1, Md. Asiful Islam 2, Fahmida Alam 2, Siew Hua Gan 2* and Md. Ibrahim Khalil 1, 2*. 1 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh,. 2 Human Genome Centre, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, ...

  15. Berlusconist saab seadusi väänates jälle "puhas poiss" / Ülle Toode

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toode, Ülle, 1969-


    Itaalia parlamendis hääletatakse seadusemuudatuse üle, mille vastuvõtmise korral peatuksid peaminister Silvio Berlusconi korruptsiooniprotsessid, samuti seaduse üle, mis annaks immuniteedi neljale riigi kõrgemaile poliitilisele juhile - presidendile, peaministrile, parlamendi alam- ja ülemkoja esimeestele. Lisa: Berlusconit süüdi mõistetud ei ole

  16. Inde | Page 72 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The collection covers three critical dimensions of making evaluation matter in development processes and change in South Asia: context, methods, and use. ... Shah Alam Khan est professeur à la Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology et directeur de l'Institute of Water and Flood Management de cet ...

  17. Taking Care of Business: Bridging the Skills Gap (United States)

    Gatewood, Algie


    This brief article describes how Alamance Community College, a mid-sized community college sandwiched between two of North Carolina's largest metropolitan markets in Raleigh-Durham and Greensboro-Winston-Salem, has developed several new study programs and initiatives to better service business and industry. Among other things, Almanac has…

  18. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Alam M N see Banerjee A K. 643. Arvind. Quantum entanglement and quantum compu- tational algorithms. 357. Quantum entanglement in the NMR imple- mentation of the Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm. L705. Atkinson David. Bell's inequalities and Kolmogorov's axioms. 139. Baheti K see Khanna R K. 755. Balachandran A P.

  19. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Journal of Chemical Sciences. Mausumi Chattopadhyaya. Articles written in Journal of Chemical Sciences. Volume 126 Issue 4 July 2014 pp 1217-1226. Ab initio study of solvent-dependent one-, two- and three-photon absorption properties of PRODAN-based chemo-sensors · Md Mehboob Alam Mausumi ...

  20. Case Studies of Predictive Analysis Applications in Law Enforcement (United States)


    Management, December 2, 2006, 12– 15; Whiting, “Predict the Future-Or Try, Anyway.” 59 Hsinchun Chen, Roger HL Chiang, and Veda C. Storey, “Business...Roger HL Chiang, and Veda C. Storey. “Business Intelligence and Analytics: From Big Data to Big Impact.” MIS Quarterly 36, no. 4 (2012). http

  1. Blooms of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense in the Gulf of Maine: Investigations Using a Physical-Biological Model (United States)


    M. R., 1983. 25 years of algal growth kinetic, a personal view. Botanica Marina 26, 99-112. Eppley, R. W., Rogers, J. N., McCarthy, J. J., 1969. Half...kinetic, a personal view. Botanica Marina 26, 99-112. Eppley, R. W., Rogers, J. N., McCarthy, J. J., 1969. Half-saturation constants for uptake of

  2. PENGELOLAAN ADAPTIF PEMANFAATAN BUAH HITAM (Haplolobus monticola Blumea ETNIS WANDAMEN-PAPUA (Adaptive Management Utilization of Black Fruit (Haplolobus monticola Blumea Ethnic Wandamen-Papua

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antoni Ungirwalu


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kajian ekologi budaya bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik lingkungan ekologi dan sosial-budaya masyarakat adat etnis Wandamen-Papua dalam mengkonstruksi pengelolaan sumberdaya alam adaptif untuk pemanfaatan buah hitam (Haplolobus monticola Blumea sebagai salah satu dasar pertimbangan penting bagi penyusunan kebijakan pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan di Papua. Pengelolaan sumberdaya alam adaptif buah hitam dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik sosial budaya etnis Wandamen yang memiliki pola kepemilikan dan penguasaan sumber daya alam (SDA meliputi: tanah, perairan, dan hutan. Masing-masing dalam lingkungan wilayah adatnya yang bersifat komunal, dibentuk dari pola kekerabatan dengan tipe Iroquois dan diwariskan melalui sistem patrilineal. Struktur sosial etnis Wandamen-Papua bersifat askriptif dalam kemajemukan sosial-budaya (banyak sub-etnis, namun dalam perkembangnnya hanya sub-etnis Wamesa yang memiliki kearifan lokal tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan buah hitam yang dijumpai pada tipologi habitat ekologi, meliputi: hutan alam, hutan sekunder, dan kebun-pekarangan. Konstruksi etnoekologi pemanfaatan SDA buah hitam bagi etnis Wandamen memiliki enam wujud, yaitu sebagai sumberdaya lokal, pengetahuan lokal, nilai lokal, teknologi lokal, mekanisme pengembilan keputusan lokal, serta solidaritas kelompok lokal.   ABSTRACT Study of cultural ecology aimed to describe the characteristics of the ecological factors and socio-culture of indigenous ethnic of Wandamen-Papua in constructing the adaptive management of natural resources for the use of black fruit (Haplolobus monticola Blumea that is necessary for policy-making of the sustainable forest management in Papua. Adaptive management of natural resource of black fruits depend mainly on the characteristics of social culture of Wandamen ethnic. The management have a pattern of ownership and control of Natural Resources (NR i.e.: soil, water, and forests. They are the customary territory on the

  3. 76 FR 43603 - Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations (United States)


    .... Hawaii: Hawaii (FEMA Docket No.: B- Unincorporated areas January 3, 2011; The Honorable William P. May 10, 2011 155166 1191). of Hawaii County (10- January 10, 2011; Kenoi, Mayor, Hawaii 09-3793P). The Hawaii Tribune- County, 25 Aupuni Herald. Street, Hilo, HI 96720. North Carolina: Alamance (FEMA Docket No.: B...

  4. R B Misra

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Sadhana. R B Misra. Articles written in Sadhana. Volume 34 Issue 2 April 2009 pp 235-241. Sequential Bayesian technique: An alternative approach for software reliability estimation · S Chatterjee S S Alam R B Misra · More Details Abstract Fulltext PDF. This paper proposes a sequential Bayesian ...

  5. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Pramana – Journal of Physics; Volume 69; Issue 3. Computation of triple differential cross-sections with the inclusion of exchange effects in atomic K-shell ionization by relativistic electrons for symmetric geometry. S Dhar M R Alam. Research Articles Volume 69 Issue 3 September 2007 pp 387-394 ...

  6. Eichhornia crassipes

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    chromatography, before and after treatment of the root biomass with mineral acid and organic solvent. .... From thermodynamics, the adsorption free energy, ∆Ga, is given by: R a. K. RT ..... Khan MR, Mozumder SI, Islam A, Prasad DMR, Alam MM (2012). ... Steele DF, Moreton RC, Staniforth JN, Young PM, Tobyn MJ, Edge S.

  7. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Afifi, A. Vol 10 (2008) - Articles Behaviour of Spinner Dolphin at Sha\\'ab Samadai, Marsa Alam, Red Sea, Egypt Abstract · Vol 3, No 2 (2006) - Articles Clinical Fact of Rectal Duplication with gastric heterotopy. Abstract · Vol 5, No 1 (2008) - Articles Trichobezoar with small bowel obstruction in children: Two cases report

  8. Corruption and the Body Politic in Post-Colonial Ghana: A Re ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Corruption has been an important subject of analysis by social scientists for many years (Bayley 1966; Huntington 1968, 1990; Gould 1980, 1989; Ali 1985; Crowder 1987; Kimenyi 1987; Alam 1989; Mbaku 1991; Couch et. al. 1992 etc.). In the 1960s, however, two major events rekindled interest in the study of corruption, ...

  9. Ilves urges closer ties while in Austria / Ella Karapetyan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karapetyan, Ella


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilvese ametlik visiit Austria Vabariiki 22.11.2010 - 24.11.2010. Eesti riigipea pidas kõne Austria Majanduskojas Eesti-Austria majandusfoorumil, kohtus Alam-Austria Liidumaa parlamendi presidendi Hanz Penz'i ning Austria presidendi Heinz Fischeriga. Presidentide kohtumisel räägiti EL-i laienemispoliitikast, energiajulgeoleku probleemidest, Euroopa naabruspoliitikast ja idapartnerlusest

  10. Forest stand dynamics of shortleaf pine in the Ozarks (United States)

    David R. Larsen


    Much has been written on the management of shortleaf pine in the Ozarks (Brinkman et al. 1965, Brinkman 1967, Brinkman and Smith 1968, Seidel and Rogers 1965, Seidel and Rogers 1966). In large portions of the Ozarks, shortleaf pine does not grow in pure stands but rather in mixes with various oak species. These mixes present unique challenges in finding the set of...

  11. 2777-IJBCS-Article-Roger Ponka

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Evaluation nutritionnelle de quelques ingrédients entrant dans la formulation ... entrant dans la formulation alimentaire des poules pondeuses et porcs. ..... augmentent la palatabilité par rétention de la ... nucléiques, le mucus, les substances.

  12. Kummaline maag / Roger Pierre Turine

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Turine, Roger Pierre


    Peeter Mudistist ja tema loomingust 1990. a. kunstniku ja tema loominguga esmakohtumise ja nüüd Tallinna Kunstihoones avatud Peeter Mudisti näituse 'Valguses on kood' põhjal. Näitusele kaasatud : Jaan Koorti 'Abikaasa portree' (1916), Raul Meel, kes koos Ly Lestbergi ja Jaan Toomikuga esitab video ja fotoseeria. Kunstniku arkaadiaotsinguist


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    Susyadi Susyadi


    ABSTRAK Reaktor daya kecil modular (SMR memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibanding reaktor daya besar konvensional. Dengan disain yang lebih sederhana dan terintegrasi, penerapan hukum alamiah untuk sistem keselamatannya dan biaya modal yang rendah, reaktor ini sangat cocok untuk dibangun di Indonesia. Salah satunya disain SMR yang sedang dikembangkan menerapkan gaya penggerak alami untuk sistim pendingin primernya. Dengan disain seperti itu, adalah sangat penting untuk memahami implikasinya terhadap aspek keselamatan pada seluruh kondisi operasi. Salah satu yang perlu diinvestigasi adalah kecelakaan kehilangan air umpan (LoFW. Pada studi ini, dilakukan analisis kinerja thermal hidrolik SMR yang menggunakan sistim pendinginan primer sirkulasi alam saat kecelakaan LoFW. Tujuannya adalah untuk menginvestigasi karakteristik aliran sistem primer saat kecelakaan LoFW dan untuk memastikan apakah aliran sirkulasi alam cukup untuk memindahkan panas dari teras guna menjaga kondisi tetap aman selama kecelakaan tersebut. Metoda yang digunakan adalah dengan merepresentasikan sistem reaktor ke dalam model-model generik program RELAP5 dan melakukan simulasi numerik. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa setelah kejadian pemicu dan trip reaktor, pada sisi primer laju alirnya berfluktuasi secara signifikan dan temperatur pendinginnya menurun secara bertahap sedangkan  pada sisi sekunder kondisi uap berubah menjadi uap jenuh. Laju alir turun dari ~711 kg/detik menjadi ~263 kg/detik sebelum kembali naik lagi pada t=~46 detik. Saat laju alir di titik terendah, temperatur pusat bahan bakar dan fluida pendingin adalah sekitar  ~565 K dan  ~554 K, yang menujukkan bahwa temperatur bahan bakar masih jauh di bawah batas disain dan temperatur fluidanya juga berada di bawah titik saturasi. Keadaan ini menunjukkan bahwa saat transien kedua parameter utama termohidrolik reaktor tetap dalam kondisi yang dapat diterima sehingga dapat disimpulkan  bahwa saat  kecelakaan kehilangan air umpan, SMR

  14. Common misconceptions and future intention to smoke among secondary school students in Malaysia. (United States)

    Caszo, Brinnell; Khair, Muhammad; Mustafa, Mohd Habbib; Zafran, Siti Nor; Syazmin, Nur; Safinaz, Raja Nor Intan; Gnanou, Justin


    The prevalence of smoking among secondary school children continues to remain unchanged over the last 3 decades even though awareness regarding the health effects of smoking is increasing. Common misconceptions about smoking and parental influence could be factors influencing future intentions to smoke among these students. Hence, we looked at the common misconceptions as well as student perceptions about their future intention to smoke among Form 4 students in Shah Alam, Malaysia. This study was conducted by distribution of a questionnaire developed as part of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey to Form 4 student in 3 schools at Shah Alam. Prevalence of smoking (current smokers) was 7.5%. Almost half of the children came from families where one or both parents smoked and a third of the parents had no discussion regarding consequences of smoking with them. A large number of students were classified as "triers" as they had tried smoking and were unsure of whether they would not be smoking in the future. Contrary to our expectations, students generally felt smoking did make one feel more uncomfortable and helped one to reduce body weight. Most students seemed to be aware of the ill-effects of smoking on health. They felt they had received adequate information from school regarding the effects on smoking on health. Our study showed that even though Form 4 students in Shah Alam were knowledgeable about ill-effects of smoking and were taught so as part of their school curriculum, the prevalence of smoking was still high. Students in the "trier group" represent a potential group of future smokers and strategies targeting tobacco control may be aimed at tackling these vulnerable individuals. Efforts are also needed to help educate secondary school children about common misconceptions and dispel myths associated with cigarette smoking.

  15. Tentang Manusia Dalam Tembang Palaran Dhandhanggula Nyi Tjondrolukito: Kajian Filsafat Sangkan-Paran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agung Pramujiono


    Full Text Available Perspektif filsafat sangkan-paran dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis manusia dalam tembang Palaran Dhandhanggula Nyi Tjondrolukito (PDNT yang mencakup apa dan siapa manusia, bagaimana hendaknya manusia berperilaku dalam hidup, dan apa sebenarnya tujuan hidup manusia. Secara materialistik, manusia terbentuk atas unsur-unsur yang sama dengan unsur alam, yaitu api, angin, tanah, dan air yang dilambangkan dengan warna merah, kuning, hitam, dan putih. Secara spiritual, sebagai siapa, manusia terdiri atas empat unsur yang dilambangkan dengan empat warna tersebut. Keempatnya merupakan sedulur papa manusia yang merupakan hawa nafsu manusia yang melengkapi rasa/ruh yang bersemayam dalam manusia. Berkaitan dengan perilaku hidup, hendaknya manusia memiliki keimanan, ketawadukan, kesungguhan, dan mampu menjaga keselarasan dengan alam, keseimbangan jagad cilik yang ada dalam dirinya dengan jagad gedhe yang berupa alam semesta. Sebagai bagian akhir, manusia harus menyadari tujuan hidupnya. Abstract: The Sangkan Paran philosophical perspective can be employed to analyze human beings in the traditional Javanese song Palaran Dhandhanggula Nyi Tjondrolukito (PDNT covering who and what human matters are, how they should behave and achieve their goals in living their lives. Materialistically speaking, on one hand, a human being is composed of elements that are similar to the natural elements, namely, fire, wind, soil, and water that are symbolized by red, yellow, black, and white color. Spiritually speaking, on the other hand, human beings are believed to be composed of the four natural elements. Those elements are considered to be the four “siblings” of human beings. They constitute their passions that enrich their souls. In relation to behavior, human should have faith, loyalty, persistence, ability to keep in harmony of the “small world’ within themselves and “the gigantic world”, that is the whole universe. Last but not least, they should be aware


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    Azizul Khakim


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK ANALISIS KESELAMATAN TERMOHIDROLIK BULK SHIELDING REAKTOR KARTINI. Bulk shielding merupakan fasilitas yang terintegrasi dengan reaktor Kartini yang berfungsi sebagai penyimpanan sementara bahan bakar bekas. Fasilitas ini merupakan fasilitas yang termasuk dalam struktur, sistem dan komponen (SSK yang penting bagi keselamatan. Salah satu fungsi keselamatan dari sistem penanganan dan penyimpanan bahan bakar adalah mencegah kecelakaan kekritisan yang tak terkendali dan membatasi naiknya temperatur bahan bakar. Analisis keselamatan paling kurang harus mencakup analisis keselamatan dari sisi neutronik dan termo hidrolik Bulk shielding. Analisis termo hidrolik ditujukan untuk memastikan perpindahan panas dan proses pendinginan bahan bakar bekas berjalan baik dan tidak terjadi akumulasi panas yang mengancam integritas bahan bakar. Code tervalidasi PARET/ANL digunakan untuk analisis pendinginan dengan mode konveksi alam. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa mode pendinginan konvekasi alam cukup memadai dalam mendinginkan panas sisa tanpa mengakibatkan kenaikan temperatur bahan bakar yang signifikan. Kata kunci: Bulk shielding, bahan bakar bekas, konveksi alam, PARET.   ABSTRACT THERMAL HYDRAULIC SAFETY ANALYSIS OF BULK SHIELDING KARTINI REACTOR. Bulk shielding is an integrated facility to Kartini reactor which is used for temporary spent fuels storage. The facility is one of the structures, systems and components (SSCs important to safety. Among the safety functions of fuel handling and storage are to prevent any uncontrolable criticality accidents and to limit the fuel temperature increase. Safety analyses should, at least, cover neutronic and thermal hydraulic calculations of the bulk shielding. Thermal hydraulic analyses were intended to ensure that heat removal and the process of the spent fuels cooling takes place adequately and no heat accumulation that challenges the fuel integrity. Validated code, PARET/ANL was used for analysing the

  17. Wanted: Low-Income High Achievers (United States)

    Fischer, Karin


    This article deals with issues of community-college transfers of students from Alamance Community College to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This article discusses the involvement of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation in the issue of community-college transfer. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, based in Lansdowne, Va., near Washington,…

  18. Development of somaclones in sugarcane genotype BF-162 and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 21, 2012 ... Baksha R, Alam R, Karim MZ, Paul SK, Hossain MA, Miah MAS,. Rahman ABMM (2002). In vitro Shoot Tip Culture of Sugarcane. (Saccharum officinarum) Variety Isd 28. Int. Quarterly J. Biotech. 1: 67-72. Brisibe E, Miyake AH, Taniguchi T, Maeda E (1994). Regulation of somatic embryogenesis in long-term ...

  19. Virtual Reality Simulator Developed Welding Technology Skills (United States)

    Yunus, Faizal Amin Nur; Baser, Jamil Abd; Masran, Saiful Hadi; Razali, Nizamuddin; Rahim, Bekri


    The purpose of this study was to identify the suitability of VR welding simulator application towards CBT in developing welding skills upon new trainees at the Centre of Instructor and Advanced Skills Training (CIAST) Shah Alam Selangor and National Youth Skills Institute (IKBN) Pagoh Johor. The significance of the study was to create a…

  20. The Pattern of Soviet Conduct in the Third World. Review and Preview. Part 4 (United States)


    shoe is now on the olner foot. H recent study by Jan Navous and Michael Marrese arrives at tne conclusion that, in 1980 dollars, the U.S. suosicizec...particularly Abdulhafiz Abdurabbuh for his article in Akhbar al- Alam-i Islami, "Communist Terror against Islam". -- MSE, 3/1977, pp. 18-20, "A biased

  1. On necessity and sufficiency in counseling and psychotherapy (revisited). (United States)

    Lazarus, Arnold A


    It seems to me that Carl Rogers (see record 2007-14639-002) was far too ambitious in trying to specify general conditions of necessity and sufficiency that would be relevant to the entire spectrum of problems and the diverse expectancies and personalities of the people who seek our help. Rogers' position and orientation almost totally overlook the array of problems under the rubric of "response deficits" that stem from misinformation and missing information and call for active correction, training, and retraining. Rogers also paid scant attention to problems with significant biological determinants. Nevertheless, as exemplified by his seminal 1957 article and many other articles and books, Rogers made major contributions within the domain of the therapeutic alliance. Today, the scientific emphasis looks at accountability, the need to establish various treatments of choice, and the need to understand their presumed mechanisms. Treatment efficacy and generalizability across different methodologies are now considered key issues. The efficacy narrowing and clinically self-limiting consequences of adhering to one particular school of thought are now self-evident to most. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  2. Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri dari Tinja Orangutan Penderita Gangguan Gastrointestinal (BACTERIAL ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION IN FAECES OF ORANGUTAN WITH GASTROINTESTINAL DISTURBANCE

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    Michael Haryadi Wibowo


    Full Text Available Orangutans are among protected animals by the law. One of orangutans’ main health problems isgastrointestinal disease due to bacterial infection. Microbiological data of causative agent of illness inorangutan still not much reported scientifically. This research aim was to identify causative agent ofbacterial infection on gastrointestinal disorder in orangutan isolated from stool samples. The sampleswere collected from Yayasan Konservasi Alam Yogyakarta and Borneo Orangutan Survival, Semboja,Kalimantan Timur. Fresh fecal samples were collected using sterile swab and put them into a steriletransport media. To achieve pure cultures, bacterial isolation was performed by using plate streaking onselective media. Gram stain was done to confirm the cell uniformity and morphology. Bacterialidentification was performed according to Bergey’s Manual Determinative Bacteriology on some biochemicalcharacters to determine the isolated bacteria. The result showed that three bacteria were identified fromstool samples orangutan from Yayasan Konservasi Alam Yogyakarta, i.e.: Citrobacter amalonaticus,Providensia rustigianii, and Proteus mirabilis. Meanwhile, three bacteria, which were Klebsiella planticola,Enterobanter agglomerans and Escherichia coli, were also identified in samples taken from Borneo orangutan.


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    Wisnu Jatmiko


    Full Text Available Paper ini akan membahas tahap awal (prototipe pengembangan jaringan komunikasi-robot multihop terdistribusi, yaitu suatu aplikasi yang diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan pada lingkungan yang minim infrastruktur dan fasilitas komunikasi. Pada bagian awal paper disebutkan kondisi yang dapat menerapkan aplikasi jaringan komunikasi multihop ini, yaitu pada daerah bencana alam yang mengalami kerusakan sarana komunikasi, pada daerah terpencil karena faktor alam yang sulit untuk diadakan fasilitas komunikasi, ataupun daerah berbahaya untuk didatangi manusia ataupun kawasan konflik dan peperangan. Salah satu karakteristik yang diharapkan dari aplikasi ini adalah proses penyebaran informasi secara cepat dan mudah, bahkan walaupun tidak tersedia infrastruktur memadai sebelumnya. Selain itu, sistem ini bersifat terdistribusi sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan beberapa keuntungan, baik saat diimplementasikan maupun kinerja di lapangan nantinya. Paper ini kemudian membahas pengembangan algoritma penyelesaian masalah, yang dilanjutkan dengan verifikasi dan analisis pada level simulasi perangkat lunak. Selanjutkan, algoritma ini diterapkan pada level simulasi perangkat keras dengan menggunakan modul robot Lego Mindstorm NXT. Untuk penyederhanaan masalah, pada tahap ini lingkungan yang digunakan masih bersifat statis dan terbatas sebagai salah satu asumsi.


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    Krishna Djaya Darumurti


    Artikel ini menganalisis isu filosofis tentang konsep kekuasaan diskresi pemerintah. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa teori hukum alam lebih memadai dibandingkan teori positivism yuridis dalam menjustifikasi dasar filosofis kekuasaan diskresi pemerintah. Dengan kekuasaan diskresi yang dimiliki, pemerintah adakalanya dapat bertindak menyimpangi undang-undang atau asas legalitas. Oleh karena itu, supaya terlegitimasi, tindakan demikian memerlukan justifikasi filosofis yang memadai. Teori hukum alam menjustifikasi kekuasaan diskresi pemerintah dengan mengajukan klaim bahwa diskresi adalah tuntutan hukum yang lebih tinggi dari hukum positif. Abstract This article analyses the philosophical issue of the concept of discretionary power of the government. It is argued that natural law theory is better than legal positivism theory to justify the philosophical underpinning of the discretionary power of government. By its discretionary power, the government sometimes can take an action contrary to laws or legislation or principle of legality. To be legitimate, this action needs sufficient philosophical justification. Natural law theory justifies discretionary power of government by claiming that discretion is the demand of the higher law that is higher than the positive law.

  5. Comments on "The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change.". (United States)

    Silberschatz, George


    This commentary describes the impact of Carl Rogers' classic article (see record 2007-14630-002) on the field of psychotherapy in general and on control-mastery theory and research in particular. The relevance of Rogers' model in the current psychotherapy literature and debates is addressed as are some of the limitations of the model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

  6. Social Entrepreneurship and Mobilisation of Social Capital in European Social Enterprise - (Korean translation)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hulgård, Lars; Spear, Roger


    Korean translation of ”Social Entrepreneurship and Mobilisation of Social Capital in European Social Enterprise”, with Roger Spear. In Marthe Nyssens (ed.) Social Enterprises: between Market, Public Policies and Community. London: Routledge.......Korean translation of ”Social Entrepreneurship and Mobilisation of Social Capital in European Social Enterprise”, with Roger Spear. In Marthe Nyssens (ed.) Social Enterprises: between Market, Public Policies and Community. London: Routledge....

  7. A new Cd(II)-containing ionic liquid: Synthesis, characterization and ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Wormald P and Morris R E 2004 Nature 430 1012. 16. Seddon K R 1997 Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 68 351. 17. Huddleston J G, Visser A E, Reichert W M, Willauer. H D, Broker G A and Rogers R D 2001 Green Chem. 3 156. 18. Reichert W M, Holbrey J D, Vigour K B, Morgan T. D, Broker G A and Rogers R D 2006 Chem.

  8. A heat pump coupled to geothermal probes for heating and cooling of a small to medium sized enterprise; Pompe a chaleur sur sondes geothermiques pour chauffer et refroidir une PME. Installation de chauffage et de climatisation des bureaux et des ateliers de l'entreprise Roger Seematter SA a St-Legier

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luthi, M.; Seematter, R. [Roger Seematter SA, St-Legier/Vevey (Switzerland)


    The new building of Roger Seematter SA near Vevey, southwestern Switzerland, contains workshops and offices having a useful floor area of about 1100 m{sup 2}. Space heating and cooling is provided by a reversible water-water heat pump coupled to vertical geothermal probes. The estimated heating power amounts to 27-30 kW, the estimated cooling power during summer 21 kW. Three vertical geothermal probes of 150 meters length are used as heat source in winter and are also used for recharging the ground in summer. The energy efficiency of the installation was monitored from October 2002 to June 2004 yielding a coefficient of performance of the heat pump lying between 3.7 and 3.9, and a coefficient of performance for the whole system of 3.2 to 3.4. The investment cost for the whole system amounts to CHF 193'000, the investment for a conventional heating system with an oil-fired boiler would have been CHF 105'000.


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    M.K. Herliansyah


    Full Text Available Kemakmuran suatu bangsa tergantung pada kemampuannya memanfaatkan sumbersumberalam dan mengembangkan serta memproduksi suatu produk. Bahkan kemampuanmengembangkan serta memproduksi suatu produk merupakan komponen terpentingpenentu tingkat kemakmuran ekonomi suatu bangsa. Bukti-bukti telah menunjukkan banyakbangsa-bangsa di dunia yang miskin sumber alam, tetapi memiliki tingkat kemakmuranyang tinggi karena keunggulannya dalam kemampuan mengembangkan serta memproduksiproduk-produk baru dan unggul.

  10. Attitudes toward Learning about and Working with Computers of Students at UiTM (United States)

    Hashim, Rugayah; Mustapha, Wan Narita


    The purpose of this study was to assess the attitudes toward learning about and working with computers of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam students. Attitudes were studied in an attempt to ascertain factors such as anxiety, confidence, liking and, usefulness at the university level. A total of 300 students at various stages of education…

  11. Surprise and Deception in the Early War Years, 1940-1942 (United States)


    second plan was tu be a iariation of the "Haversack Ruse". The terrain around the Alam Haifa ridge contained an area known as the Ragil depression, which...encountered the soft sands of the Ragil . His armored vehicles were mired in the sand and made easy targets for the RAF fighters. For three days, the

  12. Preoperative diagnosis of hydatid cyst of the breast: a case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 12, 2013 ... Preoperative diagnosis of hydatid cyst of the breast: a case report. Ali Alamer1,& ... of cases have been diagnosed post-operatively with no complete radiology workup. ... It׳s challenging to differentiate it from other tumors. Only few ... in the bone, 1.5% in spleen, 1% in the muscle, and 0.5% in brain. [2].

  13. Microstructure and oxidation performance of a γ–γ ′ Pt-aluminide ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    examined and its cyclic oxidation performance at 1100 °C in air is ... mechanical properties of the alloy (Alam et al 2010a). In ... enhances the adherence of the alumina scale and, thereby, .... ture of coatings in as-coated condition: (a) γ–γ ′ coating and (b) ..... ture corrosion (eds) D R Holmes and A Rahmel (London:.



    Suwaib Amiruddin


    Nelayan tradisional memiliki karakteristik ketergantungan terhadap kondisi alam dan hasil tangkapan yang diperoleh. Selain itu ketergantungan terjadi pula pada aspek permodalan dan jaringan sosial pemasaran. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi karakteristik nelayan tradisional, proses dan jaringan sosial pemasaran antar kelompok dan jaringan sosial pemasaran melalui Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Informan penelitian adalah pemilik modal, pemil...

  15. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    6 août 2015 ... Galasso L. Lipomas of corpus callosum. Neuroanatomy. 2009;. 8:39-42. Google Scholar. 2. Alam A, Ram S, Sahu S. Lipoma of the corpus callosum: diagnosis using magnetic resonance imaging. MJAFI. 2006;. 62:299-300. PubMed | Google Scholar. 3. Bagdatoglu H, Ildan F, Doganay M, Goçer I, Cetinalp E ...

  16. The Science of Unitary Human Beings in a Creative Perspective. (United States)

    Caratao-Mojica, Rhea


    In moving into a new kind of world, nurses are encouraged to look ahead and be innovative by transcending to new ways of using nursing knowledge while embracing a new worldview. "We need to recognize that we're going to have to use our imagination more and more" (Rogers, 1994). On that note, the author in this paper explicates Rogers' science of unitary human beings in a creative way relating it to painting. In addition, the author also explores works derived from Rogers' science such as Butcher's (1993) and Cowling's (1997), which are here discussed in light of an artwork. A painting is presented with the unpredictability, creativity, and the "dance of color and light" (Butcher, 1993) is appreciated through comprehending essence, pandimensionality, and wholeness. © The Author(s) 2015.


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    Miska M. Amien


    Full Text Available Immanuel Kant denied metaphysical thought. According to Kant, men are not able to understand the nature of something but phenomena. So also in terms of the universe, men can not attain the nature of universe but phenomena that rose from universe. In this context, Kant denied traditional cosmology. However, Kant develops his own cosmology. He talks about the origin of cosmos. Although the origin of cosmos can not retrace clearly, but it is able to understood by nebular theory. Kant explained space and time base on epistemological principles. Space and time are an image in human mind, they rose in the same time, and the other things came later.

  18. Diplomasi Bencana Alam Sebagai Saran Meningkatkan Kerjasama Internasional


    Herningtyas, Ratih; Surwandono, Surwandono


    This paper aims to examine how the issue of disasters in Indonesia can be modified into a positive social capital to solve social, economic, political and social culture's problems in disaster prone areas. Indonesia is very vulnerable to natural disasters. Some of the latest and most destructive natural disasters are the earthquake followed by tsunami that hit Aceh Indonesia on 2004, earthquake hit Yogyakarta and Central Java earthquake on 2006 and volcanic eruption of Mount Merapi Yogyakarta...


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    wahyudi isnan


    Rp75.000 diperoleh penerimaan sebesar Rp18.230.700.000. Nilai kesediaan membayar rata-rata dari pengunjung adalah sebesar Rp118.032, dengan harga tiket masuk sebesar Rp75.000 maka, rata-rata pengunjung akan mendapatkan surplus konsumen sebesar Rp43.032. Jika yang diinginkan oleh pengelola adalah kenaikan jumlah penerimaan, maka harga tiket masuk dapat dinaikkan menjadi Rp75.000.

  20. State of Pharmacy Education in Bangladesh | Alam | Tropical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The current state of pharmacy education in Bangladesh and identification of the current gaps in terms of manpower development for the pharmaceutical sector are described in this paper. Information for the preparation of this paper was obtained from documents and interviews of stakeholders drawn from regulatory, ...

  1. Khazana Warna berdasarkan Alam dan Budaya Nusantara (2

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    Mita Purbasari


    Full Text Available More than any other element of design, color has the ability to makes us aware of what we see, for nothing has meaning without color. Color naming tries to describe color of objects surrounding us. The physiology of the eye and how light imparts color to objects, as well as the psychological and cultural factors involved in perception. These factors in turn affect whether an artist chooses to use local, optical, or arbitrary color. The color defines our world. Just like the previous paper, this research uses quantitative and qualitative methods to describe the color names and color names of the new proposed based on the audience choice. Data collected will be used as a proposal of naming colors in Indonesian language that uses the unique natural and cultural riches of Indonesia itself.  

  2. Bencana Alam Tak Terhindarkan: Sebuah Tinjauan Pariwisata Nias


    -, Suparwoko


    Indonesian  tourism was grief due to the Bali bombing on October 12, 2002. The tsunami on December 2004 also made the Indonesian tourism was sorrow. The Aceh tsunami devastating some regions of Aceh and North Sumatra had killed more than 125.000 people. The sad feeling from the disaster was not overyet; however, the earthquake in Nias, North Sumatra, was happened just several months after the Aceh tsunami. Because of the Nias victims were more than 500 people, this Nias disaster was proposed ...

  3. Penggunaan zat warna alam untuk kulit non konvensional


    Emiliana Kasmudjiastuti


    The objective of this experiment was to apply the natural dyes for non conventional leather with mordant environmental friendly. This research used lizard skins, cobra skins and kakap fish skins from dried preservation; woods extract of secang, tegeran, nangka, mahoni and tinggi; chrome and syntan as tanning agent; alum as mordant and material additives for tanning. The methods of this research were preparation of solution extract, tanning and testing. The principles of dyeing with the natura...

  4. Penggunaan zat warna alam untuk kulit non konvensional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emiliana Kasmudjiastuti


    Full Text Available The objective of this experiment was to apply the natural dyes for non conventional leather with mordant environmental friendly. This research used lizard skins, cobra skins and kakap fish skins from dried preservation; woods extract of secang, tegeran, nangka, mahoni and tinggi; chrome and syntan as tanning agent; alum as mordant and material additives for tanning. The methods of this research were preparation of solution extract, tanning and testing. The principles of dyeing with the natural dyes used natural dyes withoud mixed dyestuffs and mordant environtment friendly. The research results showed that the natural dyes from secang woods, tegeran woods, nangka woods, mahoni woods and tingi bark were acid dyes with pH of 4 – 5 and they could be applied on lizard skins, cobra skins and kakap fish skins. The natural dyes from mahoni woods had superior acid resistance (sulphate acid, formic acid and acetate acid, the value was 4/5 (grey scale and also they had the dry and wet rub fastness which were better than those of natural dyes from secang, tegeran, nangka, and tinggi.

  5. Images of Inherited War: Three American Presidents in Vietnam (United States)


    from his notorious Tuesday Lunches to his un- dulating bombing campaign to what he did and did not permit the military to do—reveals his deep-rooted...Americans voted—with television replacing the old-fashioned hand-shaking and convention format. Moreover, Nixon staffer and biographer Roger Morris a personal challenge from Hanoi, Moscow, Beijing, the Cambodian rebels, the Vietcong, and his critics at home. Roger Morris said Nixon be- lieved

  6. Analisis Usaha €“ Usaha Pemasaran dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Volume Penjualan Produk Batu Alam (Kasus Usaha Dagang Batu Alam Kota Pekanbaru)


    ", Ruzikna; Muslia, Arini Muslia


    The study aimed to : (a) evaluate the bussiness marketting and sales volume effect on Natural Stones Product, and (b) evaluate the constraints on marketting the natural stones Product. The study used qualitative and describtive approach, till no requirement on hypothesis testing. Data collecting was conducted by proposing the quesioner, interview, and observation to bussinessmen of the natural stones product of Pekanbaru. The result, concluded the busssiness marketting on sales natural stones...

  7. Client-centred therapy, post-traumatic stress disorder and post-traumatic growth: theoretical perspectives and practical implications. (United States)

    Joseph, Stephen


    In practice it is not unusual for client-centred therapists to work with people who have experienced traumatic events. However, client-centred therapy is not usually considered within texts on traumatic stress and questions have been raised over the appropriateness of client-centred therapy with trauma survivors. The present study shows how, although he was writing well before the introduction of the term 'post-traumatic stress disorder', Carl Rogers provided a theory of therapy and personality that contains an account of threat-related psychological processes largely consistent with contemporary trauma theory. Rogers' theory provides the conceptual underpinnings to the client-centred and experiential ways of working with traumatized people. Furthermore, Rogers' theory provides an understanding of post-traumatic growth processes, and encourages therapists to adopt a more positive psychological perspective to their understanding of how people adjust to traumatic events.

  8. Modularly Integrated MEMS Technology (United States)


    Letters, Vol.80, No.20, pp.3706-08, 2002. [3.9] N. R. Zangerberg, J. Fage- Pederson , J. L . Hansen, and A. N. Larsen, “Boron and Phosphorus diffusion in...on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission. Acknowledgement Tsu-Jae King, Roger T. Howe, Sanjay Govingjee, Nils...the GRADUATE DIVISION of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Committee in Charge Tsu-Jae King, Chair Roger T. Howe Sanjay Govindjee

  9. Career guidance for Social Justice in Neo-Liberal Times

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Rie; Skovhus, Randi Boelskifte; Sultana, Ronald

    SIMPOSIO 16. Career guidance for Social Justice in Neo-Liberal Times (English) Ronald Sultana (Coord.), Tristram Hooley (Coord.), Rie Thomsen, Peter Plant, Roger Kjærgård, Marcelo Afonso Ribeiro, Randi Boelskifte Skovhus and Tron Inglar......SIMPOSIO 16. Career guidance for Social Justice in Neo-Liberal Times (English) Ronald Sultana (Coord.), Tristram Hooley (Coord.), Rie Thomsen, Peter Plant, Roger Kjærgård, Marcelo Afonso Ribeiro, Randi Boelskifte Skovhus and Tron Inglar...

  10. Statutory Restrictions on the Position of Secretary of Defense: Issues for Congress (United States)


    Military Policy, Post-War Military Policy, H. Rept. 1765, 78th Congress, 2nd Session. 25 Roger R. Trask and Alfred Goldberg , The Department of Defense 1947...Although the United States has utilized a variation of Truman’s proposed system of military governance for the past 60 years, there was, at the time...Feickert, CRS Specialist in Military Ground Forces. 33 Roger R. Trask and Alfred Goldberg , The Department of Defense 1947-1997: Organization and

  11. Les changements climatiques et l'urbanisation menacent les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    5 sept. 2014 ... Cette perception correspond-elle aux données scientifiques ? Shah Alam Khan. Dans les quatre villes étudiées, on observe effectivement de réels changements dans les précipitations annuelles, mais pas nécessairement une diminution. À Gurgaon, il y aurait diminution selon l'opinion générale, ce qui ...

  12. Kajian Dampak Perubahan Garis Pantai Terhadap Penggunaan Lahan Berdasarkan Analisa Penginderaan Jauh Satelit Di Kecamatan Paiton, Kabupaten Probolinggo Jawa Timur


    Prameswari, Siti Rahmi; D. S, Agus Anugroho; Rifai, Azis


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak Perubahan garis pantai terhadap Perubahan lahan pesisir di Kecamatan Paiton dalam jangka waktu 16 tahun dengan menggunakan analisa penginderaan jauh satelit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif yakni metode penelitian ilmiah yang sistematis terhadap bagian-bagian dan fenomena serta hubungan-hubungannya yang berkaitan dengan fenomena alam sedangkan metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling Method yaitu ...

  13. Pemanfaatan Limbah Tanaman Rambutan sebagai Pupuk dan Sirup di Kelurahan Ngadirgo Mijen Semarang


    Dzakiy,, M. Anas; Sulistyoningsih, Mei; Ristanto, Sigit; Rakhmawati, Reni; Handayani, Diana Endah


    Indonesia memiliki potensi sumberdaya alam yang sangat melimpah tetapi keberadaannya belum mampu dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Kelurahan Ngadirgo Mijen Semarang memiliki potensi tanaman rambutan yang melimpah tetapi ironisnya masih banyak masyarakat yang hidup dibawah garis kemiskinan. Tujuan dari IbM ini meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat Ngadirgo melalui optimalisasi pemanfaatan tanaman rambutan. Program IbM meliputi brainstorming enterpreneurship dan strategi mengoptimalisasi poten...

  14. Behavior and Attitudes under Crisis Conditions: Selected Issues and Findings. (United States)


    Behavior, and the Intervening Variables." The American Sociologist, 4, 29-34 (1969). Farace , Richard V., Kenneth L. Villard. and L. Edna Rogers, "Family...crisis couldn’t happen here. Farace , Villard and Rogers (1972:12-13) illustrate the point: Another situation which helps support the idea that "those...Effect! the Accident at Three Mile Island; ’Findings to Date,"’ U.S. Nuc Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC. (1980). Farace , Richard V., Edna L

  15. Study and Design of High G Augmentation Devices for Flight Simulators (United States)


    Dana Rogers in the modeling of grayout, Dr. Ralph Goldman in the matter of localized skin heating and cooling, and Dr. Emilio Bizzi in the area of...Temperature on Human Tolerance to +Gz Ac- celeration," Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 33, No. 4:418-420, Oct., (1972). 5. Anderson, B., Saltzman , H.A...Correspondence, National Atro- nautics and Space Administration, June (197E). 270. Young, L., Unpublished Notes of Meeting with Dana Rogers, (1978). 271

  16. Hispanoamericanos en Londres a comienzos del siglo XIX

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    Manuel Ortuño Martínez


    Full Text Available Durante las primeras décadas en del siglo XIX en Londres coincidieron los exiliados liberales procedentes de España y los patriotas insurgentes de las provincias de América. Desde Miranda a Rocafuerte, pasando por Bello, Alvear, Moreno, Sarratea, Teresa de Mier, Palacio Fajardo, Irisarri, Belgrano, los Fagoaga y Alamán, buscaban el apoyo de la Gran Bretaña y el reconocimiento de la independencia, que se retrasó hasta 1824. Con ellos convivió en Londres Xavier Mina el joven liberal radical español que luchó en México contra el absolutismo de Fernando VIIDuring the three first decade of the xix Century in London the Spanish Liberal exiles were living among the insurgents patriots coming from Spanish America, From Miranda to Rocafuerte through Bello, Alvear, Moreno, Sarratea, Teresa de Mier, Palacio Fajardo, Irisarri, Belgrano, the Fagoaga's and Alamán, all of them were seeking for the United Kingdom support and recognition to their Independence, finally arrived at 1824. The yound radical liberal Xavier Mina was there before he goes to México to fight against the Ferdinand VII absolutism.

  17. Distribution ozone concentration in Klang Valley using GIS approaches (United States)

    Sulaiman, A.; Rahman, A. A. Ab; Maulud, K. N. Abdul; Latif, M. T.; Ahmad, F.; Wahid, M. A. Abdul; Ibrahim, M. A.; Halim, N. D. Abdul


    Today, ozone has become one of the main air pollutants in Malaysia. The high ozone precursor concentrations have been encouraging the ozone production. The development of the Klang Valley, Malaysia has many types of physical activities such as urban commercial, industrial area, settlement area and others, which has increased the risk of atmospheric pollution. The purpose of this paper is to determine the spatial distribution between types of land use and ozone concentration that are occurred in the year 2014. The study areas for this paper include Shah Alam, Kajang, Petaling Jaya and Port Klang. Distribution of ozone concentration will be showed via spatial analysis tools in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approached and the types of land use will be extracted using Remote Sensing technique. The result showed 97 ppb (parts-per-billion, 10-9) and 161 ppb recorded at Port Klang and Shah Alam respectively that are mainly represented by the settlement area. Therefore, the physical land use need to be monitor and controlled by the government in order to make sure the ozone production for daily per hour will not exceed the regulation allowed.

  18. Wi-Fi and GSM Based Motion Sensor for Home Security System Apllication (United States)

    Huzaimy Jusoh, Mohamad; Jamali, Muhammad Firdaus Bin; Zainal Abidin, Ahmad Faizal bin; Asari Sulaiman, Ahmad; Fahmi Hussin, Mohamad


    The Wi-Fi and GSM based home security system is a system designed to reduce the high rates of crimes in most personal housing. The overall project consists of three major parts; the input part that consists of sensors, the software part that operates the entire hardware structure, and the output part, which consists of camera, alarm system, and micro secure digital (SD) data storage card. It is based on the principle of infrared radiation generated by a human body heat which trigger the passive infrared (PIR) sensor. The microcontroller processes the received signal, then trigger the buzzer alarm, camera and alerts the home owner through an SMS. Once triggered, the camera will capture the image of the intruder and the image will be saved in SD card. As alert to the user (away), the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) will send the Short Message Service (SMS) from the device to the user's mobile phone. The image will be sent to Dropbox data cloud storage via Wi-Fi for further clarification. The prototype was successfully developed, tested and has been installed at residential area in Taman Cahaya Alam, Section U12, Shah Alam, Malaysia.

  19. Pengaruh Muhammad Haqqi al-Nazilli (m. 1884 terhadap Amalan Keagamaan Masyarakat Melayu

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    Wahyu Hidayat Abdullah


    Full Text Available Muhammad Haqqi al-Nazilli (m. 1884 merupakan salah seorang tokoh ulama Islam yang penting pada abad kesembilan belas. Walaupun berasal dari Turki, beliau telah menghabiskan kebanyakan usia dan kerjayanya sebagai seorang ilmuwan yang berdomisil di Mekah dan terkenal sebagai pakar dalam bidang ilmu hadis dan tasawuf. Selain aktif mengajar, beliau turut menghasilkan sejumlah karya keagamaan yang penting dalam bahasa Arab. Secara khasnya, adikarya beliau bertajuk Khazinah al-Asrar Jalilah al-Adhkar memainkan peranan yang penting terutama sekali dalam kalangan pelajarnya yang berasal dari Alam Melayu. Ia merupakan karya berasaskan hadis Nabi SAW mengenai kelebihan dan fadilat ayatayat al-Quran dan ibadat-ibadat lain. Walau bagaimanapun, tidak banyak yang diketahui mengenai tokoh ini dan karyanya. Justeru, makalah ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan mengenainya dengan lebih mendalam. Selain membincangkan aspek biografi dan hasil karya Muhammad Haqqi dari perspektif sejarah, kertas ini terfokus untuk menganalisis metodenya dalam penilaian dan penerimaan hadis berdasarkan karyanya Khazinah al- Asrar dan pengaruhnya terhadap sesetengah amalan keagamaan masyarakat Melayu. Dapatan kajian mengetengahkan sikapnya yang mengharmonikan pandangan ulama hadis dan tasawuf dalam aspek penerimaan hadis yang memberikan kesannya terhadap amalan keagamaan masyarakat Islam, terutamanya di Alam Melayu.


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    Riskan Effendi


    Full Text Available Eusideroxylon zwageri T et B yang dikenal dengan ulin termasuk salah satu jenis pohon asli pulau Kalimantan. Kayu besi Borneo ini telah digunakan oleh suku asli Kalimantan sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu terutama pada rumah tradisional seperti Betang di Kalimantan Tengah dan Lamin di Kalimantan Timur. Sampai sekarang pemanfaatan ulin mencakup atap, lantai, kerangka jendela, jembatan, patung, ornament di depan bangunan tradisional dan kantor, turus tanaman merica dan lain-lain. Sayangnya penyebaran dan potensi di hutan alam menurun secara signifikan terutama pada tiga dekade belakangan ini dikarenakan pembalakan yang berlebihan dan kurang efektifnya penegakan hukum. Kepedulian dunia terkait dengan kelestarian jenis ini ditunjukkan melalui masuknya jenis ini dalam CITES. Berbagai pertauran juga diterapan oleh pemerintah pusat dan daerah untuk menjaga kelestariannya. Makalah ini mencoba menyajikan beberapa aspek terkait dengan Eusideroxylon zwageri I yaitu penyebaran di alam, potensi, pemanfaatan kayu ulin, pengadaan bibit dan penanaman, masalah dan kebijakan yang diperlukan. Kebijakan tersebut meliputi penanaman ulin di hutan adat, hutan lindung, taman nasional dan areal bekas tempat tumbuh aslinya.  Kewajiban menanam jenis pohon asli termasuk Eusideroxylon zwageri pada sebagian areal hutan tanaman industri (HTI dan hutan tanaman lainnya untuk meningkatkan biodiversitas perlu didorong oleh pemerintah.

  1. Dampak Kepariwisataan terhadap Erosi di Kawasan Wisata Kaliurang

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    Sofiudin Nurmansyah


    Full Text Available Impact of Tourism on Soil Erosion in Tourist Area of Kaliurang Tourism is one alternative of non timber based forest managements however, tourism activities will impact on the tourist areas, both biophysically and socially. The purpose of this research was to study the factors influencing soil erosion rate in tourist area, and to examine the effect of tourist characteristics, e.g. visiting characteristics and tourist activities on erosion rate. The erosion prediction was carried out at tourist areas including Hutan Alam (Natural Forest, Taman Bermain Anak (Play Ground, Taman Wisata Alam (Natural Tourist Park, and Kali Kuning Camping Ground. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE model was applied. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between factors influencing soil erosion rate (rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, slopes, vegetation and conservation practices and erosion. The research resulted that tourism significantly impacted on erosion at Play Ground, Natural Tourist Park 1, and Kali Kuning Camping Ground, except at Natural Tourist Park 2. The correlation analysis showed that all of the factors influencing soil erosion rate positively affected erosion. The results also showed that the tourist characteristics which influence erosion rate were tourists' visiting characteristics and their activities.

  2. Distribution ozone concentration in Klang Valley using GIS approaches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sulaiman, A; Ab Rahman, A A; Abdul Maulud, K N; Abdul Wahid, M A; Ibrahim, M A; Latif, M T; Abdul Halim, N D; Ahmad, F


    Today, ozone has become one of the main air pollutants in Malaysia. The high ozone precursor concentrations have been encouraging the ozone production. The development of the Klang Valley, Malaysia has many types of physical activities such as urban commercial, industrial area, settlement area and others, which has increased the risk of atmospheric pollution. The purpose of this paper is to determine the spatial distribution between types of land use and ozone concentration that are occurred in the year 2014. The study areas for this paper include Shah Alam, Kajang, Petaling Jaya and Port Klang. Distribution of ozone concentration will be showed via spatial analysis tools in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approached and the types of land use will be extracted using Remote Sensing technique. The result showed 97 ppb (parts-per-billion, 10 -9 ) and 161 ppb recorded at Port Klang and Shah Alam respectively that are mainly represented by the settlement area. Therefore, the physical land use need to be monitor and controlled by the government in order to make sure the ozone production for daily per hour will not exceed the regulation allowed. (paper)

  3. Perancangan Media Informasi Tentang Safari Poo Paper Bagi Pengunjung Bali Safari and Marine Park


    Liang, Nikita; Kurniawan, Daniel


    Bali Safari and Marine Park, bagian dari Taman Safari Indonesia, berada pada baris depan perlindungan satwaliar di Indonesia dan berperan aktif dalam USAha penyelamatan satwa Indonesia dari kepunahan. Sebagai kebunbinatang terkemuka di Indonesia, Bali Safari and Marine Park memanfaatkan koleksi satwanya untuk berbagiilmu pada khalayak luas melalui program-program berbasis edukasi, konservasi, riset, dan rekreasi alam. Salahsatu program konservasi yang ada ialah pemanfaatan kotoran gajah untuk...

  4. Pre-Deployment Handbook: Afghanistan (post 2014) (United States)


    rainfalls. MAJOR CITIES Northern Plains 107 Mazar-e-Sharif (pop. 300,000+). Mazar-e-Sharif ( Tomb of the Chosen One) is named for its...League (Rabitat al-Alam al-Islami) and Egyptian -based Muslim Brotherhood (Jamaat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin). TAXATION AND STATE-BUILDING...Shia practice of venerating saints and constructing tombs over prophet’s graves are seen as heretical ‘polytheistic’ innovations by Salafists. In

  5. Tingkat Kesadaran dan Kepedulian Konsumen terhadap Environmental Values yang Menentukan Efektivitas Green Marketing


    Saragih, Rintan


    Kesadaran dunia terhadap lingkungan mulai bergema dan menjadi pusat perhatian seiring adanya Perubahan iklim akibat pemanasan global yang membuat cuaca tidak menentu dan banyaknya bencana alam. Salah satu biang utama masalah lingkungan adalah household product yang menyebabkan penumpukan sampah, pembuangan limbah kimia, pemborosan energi listrik dan gas buangan alat elektronik seperti AC dan kulkas turut andil dalam menipiskan lapisan ozon. “Green Marketing” kemudian menjadi alternatif strate...

  6. Bridging the Economic Development Gap: Establishing a Practical Military Expeditionary Economics Continuum (United States)


    The Military Expeditionary Economics Continuum Stage of Emergency Grants Savings Plans Microcredit Soft Loans...Transformation:Assessing and Improving the Impact of Microcredit ." Microcredit Summit Meeting of Councils. Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire:, 1999...Jahangir, M., and Alam Chowdhury. "Poverty and Microfinance: An Investigation into the Role of Microcredit in Reducing the Poverty Level of Borrowing

  7. Senyawa Organik Dalam Air Minum

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    Sri Soewasti Soesanto


    Full Text Available Kadar zat   organik   yang berlebihan dalam  air  minum  tidak diperbolehkan karena selain menimbulkan warna, bau dan  rasa yang tidak  diinginkan, juga mungkin bersifat toksik baik secara langsung maupun setelah bersenyawa dengan zat lain yang ada.Zat organik yang ada dalam air minum dapat berasal dari alam atau sebagai dampak dari kegiatan manusia.

  8. Urgensi Pengaturan Disclosure Requirements sebagai Syarat Aplikasi Hak Paten dalam Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Genetik di Indonesia


    Cendhayanie, Rara Amalia


    Sumber daya genetik (SDG) merupakan salah satu bagian dari sumber daya hayati (biological resources) dimana SDG mempunyai peranan yang penting sebagai fondasi yang pada intinya untuk menjamin keberlangsungan hidup umat manusia. Keberadaan Negara berkembang salah satunya adalah Indonesia dengan berbagai kekayaan alam dan potensi lainnya seperti SDG menjadi salah satu perhatian penting di tingkat Internasional khususnya dalam hal ini pemanfaatan SDG untuk berbagai kepentingan, yang kian meningk...

  9. Pengaruh Intensitas Cahaya Terhadap Kandungan Klorofil-a Dan -C Zooxanthellae Dari Isolat Karang Lunak Zoanthus SP.


    Sayekti, Sundari; Harpeni, Esti; Muhaemin, Moh


    Terumbu karang sangat sensitif terhadap Perubahan alam, salah satunya seperti peningkatan intensitas cahaya. Intensitas cahaya akan mempengaruhi pigmen klorofil-a dan –c alga simbion zooxanthellae yang hidup di dalam jaringan karang, sebab intensitas cahaya memiliki peranan penting dalam proses fotosintesis pada zooxanthellae. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intensitas cahaya terhadap kandungan klorofil -a dan -c pada zooxanthellae. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Agust...



    Iis Nurhayati


    Pendidikan anak usia dini merupakan pendidikan yang menentukan terbentuknya kepribadian anak. Dalam hal ini maka diperlukan berbagai rangsangan untuk membentuknya. Banyak cara yang dilakukan dalam  memberikan rangsangan pada anak usia dini salah satuya melalui pendekatan berbasis alam seperti permainan tradisional. Permainan tradisional bukan sekedar permainan yang bertujuan menghibur anak-anak, tapi juga bersifat mendidik serta berfungsi membantu anak-anak dalam membentuk karakter. Kondisi l...

  11. Discrimination of several Indonesian specialty coffees using Fluorescence Spectroscopy combined with SIMCA method (United States)

    Suhandy, D.; Yulia, M.


    Indonesia is one of the important producers of several specialty coffees, which have a particularly high economic value, including Civet coffee (‘kopi luwak’ in Indonesian language) and Peaberry coffee (‘kopi lanang’ in Indonesian language). The production of Civet and Peaberry coffee is very limited. In order to provide authentication of Civet and Peaberry coffee and protect consumers from adulteration, a robust and easy method for evaluating ground Civet and Peaberry coffee and detection of its adulteration is needed. In this study, we investigate the use of fluorescence spectroscopy combined with SIMCA (soft independent modelling of class analogies) method to discriminate three Indonesian specialty coffee: ground Peaberry, Civet and Pagar Alam coffee. Total 90 samples were used (30 samples for Civet, Peaberry and Pagar Alam coffee, respectively). All coffee samples were ground using a home-coffee-grinder. Since particle size in coffee powder has a significant influence on the spectra obtained, we sieved all coffee samples through a nest of U. S. standard sieves (mesh number of 40) on a Meinzer II sieve shaker for 10 minutes to obtain a particle size of 420 µm. The experiments were performed at room temperature (around 27-29°C). All samples were extracted with distilled water and then filtered. For each samples, 3 mL of extracted sample then was pipetted into 10 mm cuvettes for spectral data acquisition. The EEM (excitation-emission matrix) spectral data of coffee samples were acquired using JASCO FP-8300 Fluorescence Spectrometer. The principal component analysis (PCA) result shows that it is possible to discriminate types of coffee based on information from EEM (excitation-emission matrix) spectral data. Using SIMCA method, the discrimination model of Indonesian specialty coffee was successfully developed and resulted in high performance of discrimination with 100% of sensitivity and specificity for Peaberry, Civet and Pagar Alam coffee. This research

  12. Al-Isyârât al-Kauniyyah fi al-Hurûf al-Muqatha’ah Awâili al-Suwar ‘Inda Thanthawi Jauhari

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    Ilham Habibullah


    Full Text Available Muslim scholars have different views about the meaning and interpretation of the letters of Muqatha'ah in the Qur'an. This issue also received special attention from the orientalists, as they saw that the letters of Muqatha'ah belonged to the deficiency of the Qur'an. According to Thanthawi Jauhari the different views among Muslim scholars includes three points: first, the letters need not be interpreted because the real meaning of Muqotha’ah is only Allah knows (Mutasyâbihât; second, the letters have related meaning to Asma Allah SWT or related to the names of surah in al- Qur'an; third, the letters are codes containing messages to read the Greatness of Allah SWT in this universe. That is the reason why according to Thanthawi "alif lâm mîm" has a close correlation with "alam taro", that alif lâm and mîm lead to verses that read "alam" which are both derived from the lâm and mîm alif letters. This paper discusses about the third point, which is exploring the meanings of the letters of Muqhata'ah that related to this universe according to Thanthawi Jauhari. Namely all the verses that discuss about alam (nature, such as geography and astrology referring to "alif lâm mîm". Thanthawi tries to bring his interpretation to the current reality, that the letters of muqhata'ah are symbols of all modern science, such as psychology, military, organization and political science. But of course Thanthawi is very observant and careful in relating the verse that according to the Muslim scholars are included in the mutasyâbihât discussion, so Thantawi always tries to provide clear evidence. But Thanthawi insists that the verses in the Qur'an have a very dominant scientific message or Isyârât.

  13. Feminist film studies 40 years after ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’, a triologue


    Laura Mulvey; Anna Backman Rogers; Annie van den Oever


    Forty years after the publication of her seminal essay ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ in Screen, Laura Mulvey, together with Anna Backman Rogers, has edited Feminisms: Diversity, Difference, and Multiplicity in Contemporary Film Cultures, which is the latest instalment of The Key Debates series. NECSUS invited Laura Mulvey and Anna Backman Rogers to join Annie van den Oever, editor of NECSUS and series editor of The Key Debates, in a ‘triologue’, which in part reflects and re-empha...

  14. Validating the Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-Management (PETS), a patient-reported measure of treatment burden, in people with diabetes


    Rogers,Elizabeth; Yost,Kathleen; Rosedahl,Jordan; Linzer,Mark; Boehm,Deborah; Thakur,Azra; Poplau,Sara; Anderson,Roger; Eton,David


    Elizabeth A Rogers,1,2 Kathleen J Yost,3 Jordan K Rosedahl,3 Mark Linzer,4 Deborah H Boehm,5 Azra Thakur,5 Sara Poplau,5 Roger T Anderson,6 David T Eton3 1Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 2Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 3Department of Health Services Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA; 4Department of Medicine, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 5Minneapolis M...

  15. Tropical-Cyclone Flow Asymmetries Induced by a Uniform Flow Revisited (United States)


    of about 500 m in Hurricanes Allen (1980) and Hugo (1989) by Zhang et al. (2011a). In Hugo , maximum K-values were about 110 m2 s−1 beneath the eyewall...region of intense Hurricanes Allen (1980) and Hugo (1989). Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 1447-1462. Zhang JA Rogers RF Nolan DS and Marks FD. 2011b On the...Dept. of Meteorology, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA & NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division ∗Correspondence to: Roger K. Smith, Meteorological

  16. Iron bacterial phylogeny and their execution towards iron availability in Equatorial Indian Ocean and Coastal Arabian Sea

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Rajasabapathy, R.; Mohandass, C.; VijayRaj, A.S.; Madival, V.V.; Meena, R.M.

    -264. Edwards K.J., W. Bach, T.M. McCollom and D.R. Rogers. 2004. Neutrophilic Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria in the Ocean: Their Habitats, Diversity, and Roles in Mineral Deposition, Rock Alteration, and Biomass Production in the Deep-Sea. Geomicrobiol. J. 21: 393...-404. Edwards K.J., D.R. Rogers, C.O. Wirsen and T.M. McCollom. 2003. Isolation and characterization of novel psychrophilic, neutrophilic, Fe-oxidizing chemolitho-autotrophic α- and γ -Proteobacteria from the deep sea. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69: 2906...

  17. Targeting Tryptophan Catabolism: A Novel Method to Block Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis (United States)


    Negative Breast Cancer Nicholas C. D’Amato1, Thomas J. Rogers1, Michael A. Gordon1, Lisa I. Greene1, Dawn R. Cochrane1, Nicole S. Spoelstra1, Travis G...cancer progression. Biochim Biophys Acta 2013;1833:3481–98. 10. Kamarajugadda S, Stemboroski L, Cai Q, Simpson NE, Nayak S, Tan M, et al. Glucose...4664. Published OnlineFirst September 11, 2015.Cancer Res Nicholas C. D’Amato, Thomas J. Rogers, Michael A. Gordon, et al. Metastasis in Triple

  18. 2342-IJBCS-Article-Ngueguim Jules Roger

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    4Institut de la Recherche Agricole pour le Développement (IRAD), Yokadouma, Cameroun. 5Departement ..... définition, le premier quartile, d'une série ordonnée ..... le site. Structure de population. Les structures de population présentent la répartition des arbres en fonction de leur taille dans un peuplement. Ces outils sont.

  19. 986-IJBCS-Article-Dr Niebie Roger

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    basilicum L. sur le rendement d'extraction, la composition chimique de l'huile essentielle et son pouvoir ... parfumerie cosmétique et pesticides (Darrah, ...... Protective effect of basil (Ocimum ... composition and antimicrobial properties.

  20. 986-IJBCS-Article-Dr Niebie Roger

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    activité antioxydante des extraits de basilic. En effet, après 23 jours de .... d'un appareil du type Clevenger pendant 3 heures. Lors de la distillation, l'huile ... conservée dans des flacons en verre ambré hermétiquement fermés et conservés au.

  1. Now & Then: Roger Whitmore, Police Officer. (United States)

    Barnes, Sue; Michalowicz, Karen Dee


    Discusses police officers' use of mathematics when reconstructing an accident scene; and the history of algebra, including al-Khwarizmi's works on the theory of equations, the Rhind Papyrus, a Chinese and an Indian manuscript on systems of linear and quadratic equations, and Diophantus'"syncopated algebra." (10 references) (EK)

  2. 2772-IJBCS-Article-Roger Houechene Ahouansou

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Comparative study of some physical properties of the shea kernels in the shea parks in .... ground in a RETCH mill for three minutes. ... shape, the size fixing was achieved from the ... Figure 1: Geographic characteristics of the study zones.

  3. Three Psychotherapies Examined: Ellis, Rogers, Perls (United States)

    Stoten, J.; Goos, W.


    This study uses Bales' Interaction Process Analysis (I. P. A.) to identify significant process elements in counselling and psychotherapy. For this purpose, the film "Three Approaches to Psychotherapy" was analysed. (Editor)

  4. 2299-IJBCS-Article-Roger Niebié

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1Département Substances Naturelles/IRSAT/CNRST, 03 BP 7047 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso. 2 Laboratoire de Chimie Organique et de ... 2000) ainsi que les risques de maladies cardio- vasculaires (Riccioni, 2009). La production ... obtenus par séchage naturel à l'ombre au laboratoire pendant sept (07) jours, soit à.

  5. 2298-IJBCS-Article-Roger Niebié

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nord du Burkina Faso ont fait l'objet d'une étude comparative de leurs teneurs en polyphénols totaux et de leurs activités antioxydantes en fonction du système de solvant et du type d'extraction. Les teneurs en polyphénols totaux ont.

  6. 2343-IJBCS-Article-Ngueguim Jules Roger

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    4University of Ngaoundéré, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological ... de Paris (MNHN) and the Service d'Action Culturelle of France Embassy in ..... management may allow plantations to ... JRN initiated the research project, did the data ...

  7. Sampling the Cloudtop Region on Venus (United States)

    Limaye, Sanjay; Ashish, Kumar; Alam, Mofeez; Landis, Geoffrey; Widemann, Thomas; Kremic, Tibor


    studied (Alam et al., 2014; Kumar et al., 2014) Acknowledgements Mr. Ashish Kumar and Mr. Mofeez Alam were supported by the Indo US Forum for Science and Technology (IUSSTF) as S.N. Bose Scholars at the University of Wisconsin, Madison as Summer interns. We are grateful for the guidance support provided by Dr. Kristen Griffin and Dr. Daniel Sokol, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Corporation. References Alam, M., K. Ashish, and S.S. Limaye. Aerodynamic Analysis of BlimPlane- a Conceptual Hybrid UAV for Venus Exploration. Accepted for publication, 2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, 1-8 March 2014. Ashish, K., M. Alam, and S.S. Limaye, Flight Analysis of a Venus Atmospheric Mobile Platform. Accepted for publication, 2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, 1-8 March 2014. Landis, G.A., A. Colozza, C.M. LaMarre, Atmospheric flight on Venus. NASA/TM—2002-211467, AIAA-2001-0819, June 2002

  8. Service - Tradition - Change: A History of the Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1975-1999 (United States)


    remembered, "and the environmentalists would get up and play guitar and do folk songs, ’The Corps of Engineers March,’ and things like that." At that...requirements was very important."s ’$ officers. According to Rogers, in 1998 "we received our highest scores on questions related to making the customer...a part of the team and involving them in our work for them." These scores reflected "the " E results of good customer care. ven so, Rogers was

  9. Visit of Lord Sainsbury of Turville, Minister for Science, United Kingdom

    CERN Multimedia

    Laurent Guiraud


    Photo 01: Debbie Morgan explains the complexity of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker to Lord Sainsbury; Roger Cashmore (left), Director for Collider Programmes, and Shaun Roe look on. Photo 04: Lord Sainsbury (second from right) hears about preparations for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC from ATLAS spokesman Peter Jenni (right). With the Minister are CERN Director-General Prof. Luciano Maiani (left) and Roger Cashmore. Photo 07: Lord Sainsbury pictured between Prof. Luciano Maiani (left) and Peter Jenni. Photo 08: Lord Sainsbury (right) with Prof. Luciano Maiani.

  10. Pelayanan Tiket Domestik Dan Fasilitas Kemudahan Pada PT.Indonesia Air Asia Station Medan


    Ridha Hafny S.


    Dengan di dukukung potensi sumber daya alam di Sumatera Utara banyak kita temukan objek – objek wisata. Wisatawan dari dalam maupun luar negeri dapat menikmati indahnya corak kebudayaan. Wisatawan dari dalam maupun luar negeri umumnya mengambil jarur singkat dengan menggunakan alat angkutan udara. Sebagai pelopor Low Cost Carrier, Indonesia AirAsia menjadi pilihan semua kalangan yang akan bepergian menggunakan transportasi udara. Walaupun beberapa pelayanan dikurangi akan tetapi tergant...

  11. 7 CFR 1005.51 - Class I differential, adjustments to Class I prices, and Class I price. (United States)


    ... KY BELL 21013 0.50 KY BOURBON 21017 0.40 KY BOYLE 21021 0.40 KY BREATHITT 21025 0.70 KY BRECKINRIDGE... WOODFORD 21239 0.40 NC ALAMANCE 37001 0.30 NC ALEXANDER 37003 0.45 NC ALLEGHANY 37005 0.45 NC ANSON 37007 0... 37073 0.20 NC GRAHAM 37075 0.45 NC GRANVILLE 37077 0.30 NC GREENE 37079 0.40 NC GUILFORD 37081 0.30 NC...

  12. Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tawas Terhadap Ketuaan Dan Ketahanan Luntur Warna Pada Pencelupan Kain Sutera Dengan Zat Warna Gambir


    Suheryanto, Dwi; Haryanto, Tri


    Zar warna gambir diperoleh dari hasil ekstrak tanaman gambir yang merupakan saah satu tanaman komoditi ekspor unggulan Sumatera Barat yang memberikan devisa cukup besar dengan prospek pengembangan yang cukup baik. Zat warna gambir adalah zat wama alam jenis mordan-dye dan tidak tahan terhadap garam yang dipakai dalam pencucian. Ketahanan luntur warna terhadap pencucian memegang peranan penting dan sebagai penentu kualitas produk batik. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas hasil celupan zat warna gamb...

  13. Physical Fitness and Metabolic Profile among Malay Undergraduates of a Public University in Selangor Malaysia


    M. Emad; M. Kandiah; W. K. Lim; M. Y. Barakatun-Nisak; A. Rahmat; S. Norasruddin; M. Appukutty


    This study investigated health-related components of physical fitness consisting of morphological fitness (body fat % or BF %; Body Mass Index or BMI; and waist circumference or WC), metabolic fitness (blood glucose, lipid profiles and haemoglobin) and aerobic capacity (VO2max). This crosssectional study involved 324 undergraduates recruited voluntarily by systematic random sampling from a public university in the city Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia. The respondents’ aerobic capacity was measur...

  14. Le CRDI en Indonésie

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    l'État dans l'île de Java. Soutenu par le CRDI, l'institut Lembaga Alam Tropika Indonesia. (ou LATIN) a conçu un modèle de cogestion des forêts qui met à contribution les collec- tivités et le gouvernement dans trois dis- tricts. Ainsi, les agriculteurs disposent d'un meilleur accès aux ressources de la forêt. Évaluation des ...

  15. Hubungan Eksekutif Dan Legislatif Dalam Penetapan Perda APBD Tahun 2014 di Kabupaten Barru




    2014 INTISARI RESKY SRI RAMADANI, Nomor pokok E121 10 105, Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Jurusan Ilmu Politik Pemerintahan, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin, menyusun skripsi dengan judul : ???HUBUNGAN EKSEKUTIF DAN LEGISLATIF DALAM PENETAPAN PERDA APBD TAHUN 2014 DI KABUPATEN BARRU??? di bawah bimbingan Dr. H. A. Samsu Alam, M.Si dan Dr. Nurlinah, M.Si Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana keterkaitan eksekutif dan legisl...



    Eko Dini Danafi; Djoko Winarso; Rahadi Swatomo; Ahmad Fauzi; Ida Masnur; Iwan Kurniawan; Nurina Titisari


    Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) adalah satwa endemik Jawa dan Bali. Populasi lutung Jawa semakin mengalami penurunan dan masuk kategori satwa yang dilindungi. Penurunan populasi lutung jawa dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam penyakit yang diperparah dengan tingginya tingkat stres pada satwa. Javan Langur Center yang berlokasi di Cangar, Batu merupakan salah satu tempat untuk merehabilitasi lutung Jawa sebelum dilepasliarkan ke alam. Javan Langur Center terdiri dari tiga kandang yaitu k...

  17. Penggunaan Karet Alam pada Pembuatan Apron untuk Mesin Pemintalan


    Luftinor, Luftinor


    The Research aims to increase the use of natural rubber in the textile industry especially is ring spinning machine, the research done by varying the amount of apron manufacture of natural rubber (SIR 20), synthetic rubber (SBR), and filler materials (carbon black) in 3 levels of each treatment each 25 phr, 50 phr and 75 phr, obtained nine kinds of rubber compounds. The nine kinds of vulcanized rubber compounds to obtain finished goods apron, next physics test. Physical properties test result...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sulastriyono Sulastriyono


    Full Text Available Conflict resolution of natural resources management is considered to be based on adat institutions when a conflict is resolved by adat law justice system in an adat forum by applying adat norms. Government, adat law community, and the private sector parties must be serious in empowering adat institutions. The seriousness of the government towards the recognition of adat intitution is outlined in the legislation. The seriousness of the adat law community is shown by receiving critically and carefully various new values that are good for strengthening the social life of the next community. The position and status of members of adat law communities are not only as a passive recipient of the local culture, but also as an actor, creator, and innovator agents of adat institutions. Members of adat law communities as active subjects carry out innovation and revitalization of adat institutions in order to adjust to the challenges of the times. The seriousness of the private sector is manifested in the willingness form of consultation with members of adat law communities to understand the feelings of the heart and the willingness of members of adat law communities.

  19. Khazana Warna Berdasarkan Hasana Alam dan Budaya Nusantara (1

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    Mita Purbasari


    Full Text Available Using colors for designing purpose is become an important part of designer, such as graphic designer, interior, product, least but not last for architect and artist. Like humans, color need to have a name to identify according to its character, psychology and emotional effect. This research applied the qualitative and quantitative method to give a brief description about color’s name and propose new color naming which based on character, nature, and imagery it evokes. This research will use quantitative and qualitative methods to describe the color names and color names of the new proposed based on the audience choice. Data collected will be used as a proposal of naming colors in Indonesian language that uses the unique natural and cultural riches of Indonesia itself.  


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    Hariman Satria


    Dalam ius constitutum SDA, paling tidak pertanggungjawaban pidana korporasi diatur oleh lima undangundang. Pertama UU perikanan dan kehutanan memiliki rumusan yang sama bahwa korporasi sebagai pembuat–pengurus dipidana. Kedua, UU perkebunan, korporasi sebagai pembuat–korporasi dipidana. Ketiga, UU lingkungan hidup, korporasi sebagai pembuat–korporasi dan orang yang memberi perintah dipidana. Keempat, UU minerba, korporasi sebagai pembuat–pengurus dan korporasi yang dipidana. Tegasnya ada inkonsistensi dalam pengaturan pertanggungjawaban pidana korporasi di sektor SDA sehingga menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum.

  1. Penelitian pemanfaatan lateks alam iradiasi pada pembuatan sepatu kanvas

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    Murwati Murwati


    Full Text Available The aim of the research is to applicate irradiation natural latex as cement material for sole and foxing of convas shoes. The process of shoe manufacturing is carried out using steam vulcanization system. Shoe production is tested their cemented strenght consisting of cemented strength testing of sole to canvas, and foxing testing to canvas. The result of cemented strength of canvas shoes Li compared with sulphuric vulcanization latex LA based on SNI -12-0172-1987, Canvas shoes for general purposes, proved that cemented strength of sole to canvas shoes Li = 10.660 N/6 mm is lower compared with canvas shoes LA. Cemented strenght of foxing to canvas shoes Li = 11.892 N/6 mm is higher compared with canvas LA. Cemented strength result to all testings of canvas shoes Li fulfills specification of SNI-12-0172-1987, Canvas shoes for general purposes, in addition irradiation natural latex can be used as cemented material in shoes manufacturing.

  2. Alam Semesta dalam Persepektif Al-Qur’an dan Hadits

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    Heru Juabdin sada


    Full Text Available Al-Qur'an is a book of guidance. Allah revealed her to explain to the people the things that can not be understood by human reason, as the essence of faith and rituals of the foundations of ethical and legal useful to regulate the social interaction between human beings. The Qur'an also speaks of the universe, which includes everything that is in the heavens and the earth. Even more than a thousand verses that speak of it to prove the power, knowledge, and infinite wisdom of the creator who is capable of creating eliminate and restore the original natural kebentuk keep this feast.                Her light will continue to burn for millions of years without outages, this is a result of the interaction of atoms in the star's known the term "process of fusion of atomic nuclei". Nature is now expanding. If we want to see his origin, should we go back to the past until we find the first material. This material has a very high energy intensity that makes the crisis, the first material that later exploded and turned into clouds of smoke. From the cloud of smoke that God created a vortex that collects a number of matter and energy around the center of gravity (vortex. Collection of materials and energy that accumulates in him until the power of His celestial body formed into multi-faceted.                Big Bang Theory, which by empirical science is regarded as a fact, only a theory. An indication of this is already in the Koran 1400 years ago. This makes the Qur'an as a pioneer of this theory and provides a solid foundation for the Big Bang theory as a fact for their instructions in the Koran. On that basis, the universe was first a solid material (still -bersatu period, then the material is exploded (the period of separation, and then turned into a puff of smoke (smoke period. Scientists empirical claim that nature turns into a cloud of dust, while the Koran says, "Then, he headed to the sky and the (sky was still in the form of smoke, and He said to it and to the earth, 'Come both of you, according to my commandments with obedient or forced. 'They said,' We came obediently. ' "(Fushshilat: 11.


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    Faleh Setia Budi


    Full Text Available Phosphate rock containing P2O5 can be used as raw material of phosphate fertilizer. Phosphate rock canbe found in many areas in Indonesia, but its P2O5-content is relative low. In this research, phosphate rockfrom Rembang (P2O5-content 11.37% is used as raw material for phosphate fertilizer production byacidulation process using phosphoric acid solution. Operation variables are phosphoric acid concentration(10, 20, 30, 40 %-vol, spraying model of phosphoric acid solution (one hole and many holes, andspraying position of phosphoric acid solution (end, centre, end & centre. The result shows that theincrease of phosphoric acid concentration is proportional to P2O5-content in phosphate fertilizer withhighest P2O5-content in the amount of 18.29%. One-hole spraying model and end-position spraying giveshighest phosphate fertilizer yield in amount of 169.5 grams.

  4. Wrox SharePoint 2010 SharePoint911 three-pack

    CERN Document Server

    Klindt, Todd; Mason, Jennifer; Rogers, Laura; Drisgill, Randy; Ross, John; Riemann, Larry; Perran, Amanda; Perran, Shane; Sanford, Jacob J; Stubbs, Paul; Caravajal, Steve


    The Wrox SharePoint 2010 SharePoint911 Three-Pack combines the contents of three full e-books written by the experts from SharePoint911.  That's over 1800 pages of hands-on advice from Todd Klindt, Shane Young, Laura Rogers, Randy Drisgill, Jennifer Mason, John Ross, and Larry Riemann, among others. In Beginning SharePoint 2010: Building Business Solutions with SharePoint (ISBN 978-0-470-61789-2) by Amanda Perran, Shane Perran, Jennifer Mason, and Laura Rogers, readers learn the core concepts, terminology, and features of SharePoint 2010. In Professiona

  5. The Military Family: A Selective Bibliography. (United States)


    1975 K8 iittle. Roger W ., ed. Handbook of Military Instituit ions. Beve rly 1iII s , CA: Sage, 1971. 607 1. UA 10 .1123 l.ittle, Roger W., ed. A...Program Management ." Commanh r.; Digest 18: entire issue, September 11, 1975 "CHAMPUS Complexitis Explained by ROA Sui-gt.n." CO),. Ialrrv G. Becker...lluaiv 1973 ’Missing Pilots’ Chi ldren Rece iv,, VA Schl Aid." Air Iorce ’lit:; l’ 1I, 1971 ’Mission: Financial Planning." (apt. Lvle R. Me tzlor and 2d

  6. Feminist film studies 40 years after ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’, a triologue

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Mulvey


    Full Text Available Forty years after the publication of her seminal essay ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ in Screen, Laura Mulvey, together with Anna Backman Rogers, has edited Feminisms: Diversity, Difference, and Multiplicity in Contemporary Film Cultures, which is the latest instalment of The Key Debates series. NECSUS invited Laura Mulvey and Anna Backman Rogers to join Annie van den Oever, editor of NECSUS and series editor of The Key Debates, in a ‘triologue’, which in part reflects and re-emphasises the topics publicly discussed during the Feminisms symposia.

  7. Rancang Bangun Robot 6WD Dengan Sensor Gas TGS2600 Menggunakan Metode Wall Following Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Made Arya Budhana


    Full Text Available Intisari— Perkembangan teknologi khususnya dibidang robotika saat ini sangat pesat, Salah satu bentuk aplikasi dari teknologi robotika yang erat kaitannya dengan sistem kontrol adalah wheel mobile robot. Beberapa metode dapat dilakukan untuk mendistribusikan gas alam salah satunya dengan pipa. Distribusi gas alam dengan menggunakan pipa sering mengalami kendala kebocoran yang disebabkan usia dari pipa distribusi yang sudah cukup tua. Untuk mempermudah pemantauan pipa gas yang berada di bawah tanah digunakan robot 6 WD (wheel drive yang memiliki 6 roda dan penggerak pada setiap rodanya untuk mengatasi medan yang berat. Pergerakan dari robot 6 WD mengacu pada sensor ultrasonik SRF HC-SR04, metode ini dinamakan wall following. Sensor gas tipe TGS dari figaro dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui adanya kebocoran gas  pada pipa atau tidak. Selain itu, robot ini juga dilengkapi dengan kamera untuk mengirim gambar kerusakan pipa pada user agar dapat segera dilakukan perbaikan. Arduino Mega 2560 digunakan sebagai otak pada robot 6 WD yang bertugas untuk mengolah data yang masuk dan memberikan instruksi pada robot 6WD. Pengiriman data dari robot 6 WD pada pengguna meliputi, data sensor gas, data sensor kompas, data sensor jarak dan gambar kerusakan pada pipa. Seluruh data dapat dilihat pada GCS (Ground Control Station.   [TRUNITIN CHECK 20%, 26042017

  8. Functionalization of Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Optoelectronic Devices And Components (United States)


    pristine single and multiwalled carbon nanotubes as different stacking layers in bulk heterojunction solar cells,” M. Alam Khan, Michio Matsumura and M. O...Phys. Lett. 102, 051904 (2013). 13. “Synthesis of iron pyrite nanocrystals utilizing trioctylphosphine oxide ...O. Manasreh, IEEE Electron Device Letters (Submitted). 20. “Characteristics of p-ZnO/n-GaN heterojunction photodetector,” Abla Al-Zouhbi, N. S

  9. Beliefs and perception about mental health issues: a meta-synthesis


    Choudhry, Fahad Riaz; Mani, Vasudevan; Ming, Long Chiau; Khan, Tahir Mehmood


    Fahad Riaz Choudhry,1 Vasudevan Mani,2 Long Chiau Ming,3,4 Tahir Mehmood Khan5 1Psychology Department, Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash University Malaysia, Sunway City, Selangor, Malaysia; 2College of Pharmacy, Qassim University, Buraidah, Al-Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; 3Vector-borne Diseases Research Group (VERDI), Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences CoRe, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam; 4Brain Degeneration and Therapeutics Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, Un...

  10. Health & Life: A tribute to the late Edmundo Granda Ugalde

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    Zaida Betancourt


    Full Text Available At the initiative of several Ecuadorian organizations – the National Council of Health (CONASA, the University of Cuenca, the National University of Loja, and the National Council of Higher Education (CONESUP – and with the collaboration of both the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO and the Latin American Social Medicine Association Social (ALAMES, we are publishing the selected writings of Edmundo Granda as well as a volume of tributes.

  11. Implementation of MEE (Madical, Education, Eco-Tourism): a Strategy for Collaborative Forest Management in Meru Betiri National Park


    Santoso, Budi; Manan, Abdul; Kurniawan, Andik


    Global issues of greenhouse effect include the depletion of the ozone layer and the increases surface temperature. Response to these issues is attempted to empower and enhance the role of community participation in sustainable and equitable forest resource management. Since 1993, Indonesian NGO Konservasi Alam Indonesia Lestari (KAIL) starts empowering the forest buffer community with MEE (Medical, Education, Ecotourism) site model. Purpose of this paper is to describe the model of MEE in emp...

  12. Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tawas terhadap Ketuaan dan Ketahanan Luntur Warna pada Pencelupan Kain Sutera dengan Zat Warna Gambir


    Dwi Suheryanto; Tri Haryanto


    Zar warna gambir diperoleh dari hasil ekstrak tanaman gambir yang merupakan saah satu tanaman komoditi ekspor unggulan Sumatera Barat yang memberikan devisa cukup besar dengan prospek pengembangan yang cukup baik. Zat warna gambir adalah zat wama alam jenis mordan-dye dan  tidak tahan terhadap garam yang dipakai dalam pencucian. Ketahanan luntur warna terhadap pencucian memegang peranan penting dan sebagai penentu kualitas produk batik. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas hasil celupan zat warna gamb...

  13. (Components in Music-Culture)


    Sunarto, -


    Seorang filsuf wanita dari Amerika Serikat, Susanne K. Langer, pernah berucapbahwa, musik telah mampu merasuk ke dalam umat manusia setua umurmanusia di bumi ini. Musik telah membentuk suatu buaya tersendiri di anaraseni-seni yang lainnya. Ia hadir di setiap saat dalam suatu budaya di mana punbudaya itu tumbuh. Ada semacam universalitas: di mana ada budaya di situ pulamusik bereksistensi. Rangkaian yang membentuk komunitas dalam musik itusendiri hadir sebagai sebuah harmonisasi dari alam yang...

  14. Analisis Potensi Habitat dan Koridor Harimau Sumatera di Kawasan Hutan Lindung Bukit Batabuh, Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, Provinsi Riau

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oki Hadian Hadadi


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pulau Sumatera adalah surga bagi keanekaragaman hayati, tapi surga ini sedang terancam oleh berbagai tekanan dari aktivitas manusia dari konversi hutan, pembukaan lahan yang tidak terkendali untuk perkebunan, perambahan dan perburuan liar. Saat ini, hutan alam di Sumatera berada di bawah tekanan kuat yang mempengaruhi pada kondisi ekosistem dan keanekaragaman hayati di dalamnya. Situasi yang sama juga terjadi di pulau besar lainnya di Indonesia, yaitu Papua, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatera, dan Jawa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Teknologi Penginderaan Jauh digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi tutupan lahan dan bentang alam berdasarkan genesis. Sementara teknologi GIS digunakan untuk menilai kesesuaian habitat harimau sumatera dan untuk menentukan potensi daerah untuk pengembangan koridor habitat untuk mempertahankan konektivitas antara dua blok hutan dipisahkan oleh jalan di daerah. Lokasi penelitian adalah Bukit Batabuh Hutan Lindung. Hasil penelitian menegaskan bahwa daerah penelitian ini cocok untuk mempertimbangkan sebagai habitat Harimau Sumatera, tetapi berfungsi sebagai habitat koridor saja dan tidak dianggap sebagai habitat inti, karena wilayahnya yang hanya mampu menampung kurang dari dua harimau. Namun demikian, mengingat lokasi strategis daerah ini sebagai hubungan antara dua kawasan lindung yaitu Rimbang Baling dan Taman Nasional Bukit Tigapuluh, wilayah ini sangat penting untuk dilindungi. Degradasi kesesuaian habitat terjadi pada kisaran 2002 - 2013 dengan indikasi pengurangan kawasan hutan alam yang berdampak langsung pada kondisi ekosistem di daerah. Keberadaan jalan memisahkan blok hutan Bukit Batabuh di daerah memberikan kontribusi yang terhadap tekanan tinggi kerusakan lingkungan. Lokasi potensial untuk membangun koridor habitat adalah lokasi di mana masih ada tutupan vegetasi yang relatif padat. Hutan alam di sepanjang jalan yang memisahkan hutan Bukit Batabuh telah

  15. Level up! the guide to great video game design

    CERN Document Server

    Rogers, Scott


    Want to design your own video games? Let expert Scott Rogers show you how! If you want to design and build cutting-edge video games but aren't sure where to start, then the SECOND EDITION of the acclaimed Level Up! is for you! Written by leading video game expert Scott Rogers, who has designed the hits Pac Man World, Maximo and SpongeBob Squarepants, this updated edition provides clear and well-thought out examples that forgo theoretical gobbledygook with charmingly illustrated concepts and solutions based on years of professional experience. Level Up! 2nd Edition has been NEWLY EXPANDED to

  16. Talking about Life (United States)

    Impey, Chris


    Preface; Part I. Introduction Timothy Ferris, Iris Fry, Steven Dick, Ann Druyan, Pinky Nelson, Neil Tyson, Steve Benner and William Bains; Part II. Earth Roger Buick, Lynn Rothschild, John Baross, Joe Kirschvink, Andrew Knoll, Simon Conway Morris, Roger Hanlon and Lori Marino; Part III. Solar System Chris McKay, David Grinspoon, Jonathan Lunine, Carolyn Porco, Laurie Leshin, Guy Consolmagno and Peter Smith; Part IV. Exoplanets Alan Boss, Geoff Marcy, Debra Fischer, Sara Seager, David Charbonneau and Vikki Meadows; Part V. Frontiers Jill Tarter, Seth Shostak, Ray Kurzweil, Nick Bostrom, Paul Davies, Martin Rees, Ben Bova and Jennifer Michael Hecht; Reading list; Glossary; Index.


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    Hepi Hapsari Handayani


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan negeri yang besar baik dari segi luas wilayah, jumlah penduduk, sumberdaya alam dan budaya. Untuk membangun negeri Indonesia yang besar dan strategis tersebut, diperlukan perencanaan yang didukung data dan informasi spasial yang lengkap, up to date, andal serta dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Undang-Undang Informasi Geospasial (UU IG  bertujuan untuk menjamin ketersediaan dan akses IG yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan serta mewujudkan kebergunaan dan keberhasilgunaan IG melalui kerjasama, koordinasi, integrasi, dan sinkronisasi. UU ini mendorong penggunaan IG dalam pemerintahan dan kehidupan bermasyarakat dengan menggunakan referensi tunggal (single reference yang mencakup Informasi Geospasial Dasar (IGD dan Informasi Geospasial Tematik (IGT. Pemetaan partsipatif adalah publik bersama-sama atau terlibat dalam proses pengumpulan data dan analisis terkait problem dan isu di sekitar mereka melalui identifikasi dan penggambaran fitur geospasial dengan menggunakan piranti dan teknologi pemetaan. Pemetaan partisipatif semakin memberi ruang yang lebar terhadap komunikasi dua arah antara pemerintah dan masyarakat, dan juga antarpemangku kepentingan pada daerah pengembangan. Pemetaan   partisipatif  adalah   pemetaan   yang  dilakukan oleh  kelompok masyarakat  mengenai tempat / wilayah di mana mereka hidup. Karena masyarakat yang hidup dan bekerja di tempat itulah yang memiliki  pengetahuan mendalam mengenai wilayahnya. Jadi,  hanya mereka yang bisa  membuat peta secara lengkap dan akurat mengenai sejarah, tata guna lahan, pandangan hidup, dan harapan masa depan. Manfaat pemetaan partisipatif bagi masyarakat adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran seluruh anggota masyarakat mengenai hak-hak mereka atas tanah dan sumber daya alam.Peta bisa  digunakan sebagai media negosiasi dengan pihak lain,   karena dengan peta tersebut menjadi jelaslah bagaimana wilayah itu dimanfaatkan oleh  masyarakat dan siapa saja yang berhak atas

  18. Air dan Konflik: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan

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    Hary Jocom


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Secara perhitungan teknis, antara ketersediaan air dan kebutuhan air per kapita mencukupi di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, namun permasalahan aksesibilitas yang menyebabkan terjadinya kekeringan dibeberapa wilayah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Kolbano dan Kualin, Kab. TTS bertujuan pembuktian teori Homer-Dixon dan Gleick tentang konflik berbasis sumber daya alam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwapertama, ketidakadilan akses terhadap sumber daya air tidak menimbulkan konflik antar masyarakat, dan kedua, tidak terjadi migrasi besar dari wilayah langka air ke wilayah lain. Faktor yang melandasiadalah adanyanilai-nilai budaya yang masih dipercaya dan dijaga, sehingga mampumenciptakan harmoni sosial. Temuan empirik ini menjadi sebuah penemuan teori baru dari pengembangan teori Homer-Dixon dan Gleick yang menyatakan bahwa kelangkaan sumber daya alam/air menimbulkan konflik, namun tidak terjadi dalam konteks masyarakat di Kec. Kolbano dan Kualin, dan wilayah lain di Kab. TTS.   Kata kunci: Kelangkaan air, konflik, sumberdaya air, sumber daya alam ABSTRACT In technical calculations, between water availability and water demand per capita is sufficient in Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS East Nusa Tenggara province, but the problem of accessibility caused drought in some areas. This research was conducted in the District Kolbano and Kualin, Kab. TTS aims at proving the theory Homer-Dixon and Gleick about natural resource-based conflicts. The results showed that the first, inequality in access to water resources does not generate conflicts between communities, and second, there was no major migration of water-scarce region to region. Factors underlying is their cultural values ​​are still believed and guarded, so as to create social harmony. These empirical findings into a discovery of a new theory of the development of the theory of Homer-Dixon and Gleick stating that the scarcity of natural resources

  19. The Awareness of Baba Nyonya Food amongst Culinary Arts Students in Management and Science University


    Ahmad R. Albattat; Liyana Asmara; Nur Aainaa Bakri; Nur Syazwani Norzaman


    Baba Nyonya food is a wonderful combination of Malay and Chinese cuisine with influences from Indonesia, Thailand, India, Holland, Portugal and England. Nyonya food presents the unique identity which combined culture and heritage, adapting ingredients and recipes. The purpose of this study is to find out awareness among Culinary Art students in the Management and Science University (MSU), Shah Alam about Baba Nyonya food, and to identify the uniqueness of Baba Nyonya’s food. In this study, re...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefi Herda


    pemilik perusahaan. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pasokan kayu gaharu pada bulan November 2015 sampai Agustus 2016 mengalami kekurangan bahkan kekosongan pasokan. Faktor yang menghambat ketersediaan pasokan yaitu faktor alam dan vaksin atau obat yang disuntikan ke pohon gaharu. Hasil panen yang didapat dari satu pohon gaharu sebanyak 5 kg per pohon dengan asumsi sekali panen mencapai 10 pohon gaharu dengan jumlah total kayu gaharu sebanyak 50 kg.