
Sample records for rocha ornamental parte

  1. Efeito da adição de resíduo de rocha ornamental nas propriedades tecnológicas e microestrutura de piso cerâmico vitrificado Effect of the addition of ornamental rock waste on the technological properties and microstructure of vitrified ceramic floor tiles

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    A. J. Souza


    Full Text Available A indústria de rochas ornamentais gera grandes quantidades de resíduos sólidos na forma de pós finos. Estes resíduos, quando descartados no ambiente, provocam impacto ambiental negativo. Foi feito um estudo sobre a influência de um resíduo de rocha ornamental nas propriedades e microestrutura de piso cerâmico vitrificado. Foi preparada uma série de massas cerâmicas contendo até 30% em peso de resíduo de rocha ornamental. Peças cerâmicas foram preparadas por prensagem uniaxial e sinterizadas entre 1190 e 1250 ºC em um ciclo de queima rápida. As seguintes propriedades tecnológicas foram determinadas: retração linear, absorção de água, massa específica aparente, e tensão de ruptura a flexão. A evolução da microestrutura e a análise de fases foram acompanhadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e difração de raios X. Os resultados mostraram que adições de até 30% em peso de resíduo de rocha ornamental causaram variações significativas na generalidade das propriedades tecnológicas da massa cerâmica de referência. A microestrutura das peças cerâmicas também foi influenciada com a incorporação do resíduo estudado. Os resultados também mostram que a substituição de feldspato sódico por resíduo de rocha ornamental nas massas cerâmicas tende a melhorar a qualidade do piso cerâmico.The ornamental rock industries generate huge amounts of solid wastes (fine powders. These wastes as disposed in the environment generate negative environmental impacts. In this work a study was done on the influence of an ornamental rock waste in the technological properties and microstructure of vitrified floor tile. A series of ceramic pastes were prepared with additions of up to 30 wt% of waste. Ceramic pieces were prepared by uniaxial pressing and sintered between 1190 and 1250 ºC using a fast-firing cycle. The following technological properties were determined: linear shrinkage, water absorption, apparent density

  2. Durabilidade de peças cerâmicas vermelhas com adição de rejeito de rocha ornamental isenta de granalha Durability of red ceramic samples with addition of ornamental rock waste free of steel particles

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    D. V. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Para avaliação da degradação acelerada em laboratório sofrida pelos corpos de prova de cerâmica vermelha com adição de rejeito de rocha ornamental isento de granalha, foi utilizado um equipamento que lixivia com água quente e fria em tempos controlados, e também, congela a amostra em até -4 ºC. Os corpos de prova cerâmicos foram confeccionados com até 10% em massa de rejeito de rocha ornamental a seco, e em seguida, umedecidos e moldados por extrusão. Os materiais produzidos foram calcinados nas temperaturas de 700 ºC, 800 ºC e 900 ºC. Após 1060 h de degradação acelerada em equipamento de laboratório, analisaram-se as propriedades cerâmicas do material. Os resultados das resistências mecânicas foram comparados através da distribuição de Weibull, antes e depois da degradação. Nota-se que o material com adição de 10% de rejeito de rocha ornamental na massa cerâmica é mais confiável quando queimada a 900 ºC após a degradação, quando comparados com as amostras sem adição de rejeito, proporcionando maior durabilidade.For the evaluation of the accelerated degradation in laboratory of red ceramic specimens with addition of ornamental rock waste free from steel particles, an equipment that leach with hot and cool water and time control, and also freezing the specimen at -4 ºC was used,. The ceramic samples were made with up to 10 wt.% of the dry ornamental rock waste, and after humidifying and molding by extrusion. The specimens were fired at 700 ºC, 800 ºC and 900 ºC. After 1060 h of accelerated degradation lab test, ceramic properties were evaluated. The results of the strength were compared for Weibull distribution, before and after degradation. The specimens with addition of 10 wt.% waste is more durable and reliable when fired to 900 ºC after the degradation.

  3. Utilização do planejamento experimental em rede simplex no estudo de resíduo de rocha ornamental como filler para obtenção de máxima compacidade Use of simplex lattice experimental design in the study of ornamental rock waste as filler to obtain maximum compaction

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    A. Z. Destefani


    Full Text Available A utilização de agregados industrializados vem crescendo ao longo dos anos para atender a grande demanda da construção civil devido ao crescimento econômico do país. O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar o planejamento experimental em Rede Simplex para avaliar o efeito da adição do resíduo de rocha ornamental como filler na composição de misturas ternárias (brita 0, pó de pedra e resíduo, que levem a máxima compacidade (densidade seca aparente máxima. Foram tomados dezesseis pontos experimentais, cujos teores dos materiais utilizados variaram de 0 a 100%. O modelo em rede simplex cúbico completo apresentou melhor ajuste aos resultados experimentais, o qual resulta em respostas estatisticamente mais adequadas para as composições estudadas. A superfície de resposta gerada indicou que a densidade seca aparente máxima de 2,0 g/cm³ foi obtida para a composição ternária: 63% de brita 0/17% de pó de pedra/20% de resíduo de rocha ornamental. Portanto, o uso de resíduo de rocha ornamental como filler em agregados para a construção civil pode ser uma alternativa viável para deposição final deste abundante resíduo de forma ambientalmente correta.The use of industrial aggregates has grown over the years to meet the great demand of the civil construction due to the country's economical growth. The aim of this work was to use the experimental design in Simplex Lattice to evaluate the effect of the addition of ornamental rock waste as filler in the composition of ternary mixtures (crushed rock 0, stone powder, rock waste, leading to maximum compaction (maximum apparent dry density. Sixteen experimental points were taken, whose contents of the used materials ranged from 0 to 100%. The complete cubic simplex model showed to best fit to the experimental results, which results in more statistically appropriated responses to the studied compositions. The response surface generated indicated that the maximum apparent dry density (2

  4. Caracterização ambiental de lamas de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais Environmental characterization of processing sludge of ornamental stones

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    Florindo dos Santos Braga


    Full Text Available As lamas de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais (LBRO são resíduos que apresentam composição química variada em função da composição das rochas, do processo de beneficiamento, dos processos de reaproveitamento de águas e lamas, das propriedades dos insumos, entre outros fatores. A caracterização e classificação das LBRO são de grande importância, principalmente para o Estado do Espírito Santo, por possuir um expressivo número de empresas do setor. Neste trabalho, são apresentados os resultados de caracterização e classificação de lamas de desdobramento e polimento de mármores e granitos, segundo a NBR 10004/2004. Todas as amostras de lamas de tear convencional e de politriz analisadas foram classificadas como Classe IIA. Percebeu-se que a identificação dos resíduos por fonte geradora permite a proposição de tecnologias limpas, como o uso de teares a fio diamantado que utilizam o mínimo de insumos e de pastilhas diamantadas metálicas isentas de elementos tóxicos, contribuindo para a melhoria das características químicas das LBRO.The sludges produced in the cutting and polishing of ornamental stones are residues with diverse chemical composition that depend on the composition of the stones, the cutting and polishing process, the processes involved in the recycling of water and sludges, among others. The characterization and classification of these resulting sludges have great importance, especially for the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil, which is an important producer of ornamental stones. In this work, the results of characterization and classification of developmental and polishing sludges were presented, according to the Brazilian standard NBR 10004/2004. All the sludge samples from the cutting and polishing equipment were classified as Class IIA. We observed that the identification of the residues according to the generation source allows the proposition of clean technologies usage, such as cutting

  5. Geology of Sierra de San Miguel area Rocha department (Uruguay)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muzio, R.; Veroslavsky, G.; Morales, E. . E mail:


    This paper is part of a regional study about Mesozoic magmatism, tectonics and sedimentation in Uruguay. As a result of the geological studies carried out in Sierra de San Miguel area (Rocha department), lithological descriptions, their stratigraphic relationships and their petrographic characterization are presented [es


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    Leandro Palombo


    Este estudo propõe um procedimento para aquisição e processamento de imagens tridimensionais de amostras de rochas reservatório obtidas por MRX. A natureza 3D dos dados obtidos proporciona novas perspectivas para a avaliação da heterogeneidade das rochas e simulação do fluxo no meio poroso. A partir da análise digital de rochas, novos estudos poderão ser realizados aplicando-se a MRX como uma ferramenta para estudos de investigação sedimentológica/diagenética, caracterização da rocha reservatório e análise/modelagem de porosidade e permeabilidade.

  7. Performance of 'Rocha' and 'Santa Maria' pears as affected by planting density

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    Mateus da Silveira Pasa


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of 'Rocha' and 'Santa Maria' pears at two planting densities. The experiment was carried out during the 2011/2012, 2012/2013, and 2013/2014 growing seasons, in one-year-old orchards (2011/2012 of 'Rocha' and 'Santa Maria' pears, trained in a central-leader system and planted in two densities (2,000 and 4,000 trees per hectare. The assessed parameters were: production per hectare, production per tree, yield efficiency, number of fruit per tree, average fruit weight, trunk diameter increment, fruit firmness, and soluble solid contents. The cumulative yield of 'Rocha' is greater at the higher planting density, whereas the yield efficiency of 'Santa Maria' increases at the lower planting density, as the trees get more mature. Trunk diameter of 'Rocha' also increases at the lower planting density. However, fruit quality parameters in both cultivars are little affected by planting density.

  8. Estudo dos efluentes gerados no processo de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais em Santo Antônio de Pádua/RJ


    Ramiris Petrilho Silveira; Vicente de Paulo Santos de Oliveira; Sérgio Luis Vieira do Carmo


    A região noroeste fluminense conta com um importante arranjo produtivo local no setor de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais e de revestimento. Essa atividade é responsável por boa parte da renda local, empregando muitas pessoas. O principal produtor da região é o município de Santo Antônio de Pádua/RJ, que possui 154 empresas (78 pedreiras e 76 serrarias). A grande atividade de extração e beneficiamento das rochas vem causando na região problemas ambientais, pois durante as etapas de produç...

  9. Ornament and object—ornament as object. Alina Payne, From Ornament to Object: Genealogies of Architectural Modernity, Yale University Press, 2012

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    Spyros Papapetros


    Full Text Available What would be the relationship between the rich historiography of ornament in the late nineteenth century and ornament’s ostensible eclipse from early twentieth-century building practice? Alina Payne’s From Ornament to Object retraces the gradual shift in interest from the endless stylistic iterations of architectural ornamentation in fin-de-siécle culture to the unornamented artifacts of architectural modernism and argues that such plain yet highly sculptural implements carry over architecture’s rhetorical function previously allotted to ornamentation. While Payne’s “genealogy” is based on a carefully crafted polarity, this review-essay underscores the implicit analogies and correspondences between ornament and object and demonstrates how Payne’s intricate historical design corroborates that ornament is an object, a highly privileged but also an enigmatic one, whose loss and periodic recovery replicate the negative dialectics between art historiography and design practice.

  10. The Distinction of Ornament and Decoration in Architecture

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    Fatemeh Ahani


    Full Text Available Ornament has been present throughout the recorded history, revealing human's aspirations, reflections and imaginations. Correspondingly, the discussion of ornament has almost uninterruptedly been a major topic for architectural discourses; one which has led to the publication of several significant texts in which ornamental practices has been addressed from a variety of perspectives. An investigation into the key architectural texts however, reveals that the absence of a certain definition of ornament and its functions in architecture as well as the interchangeable use of the terms 'decoration' and ornament as synonyms, have always been a serious obstacle to reach a clear conception of ornament nature . In this regard, the present paper attempted to distinguish between 'ornament' and 'decoration' based on a comparative analysis of the scholars’ accounts and the way the terms were employed in the architectural texts. Results indicated that the aforementioned concepts can be distinguished by means of seven criteria including components, connection, reference source, role, field of application and reference mode. According to the most referred criteria, ornament is an essential part of architecture which creates a firm bonding with its carrier and often fulfills functions more than aesthetic one .It is mostly made up of transformed motifs and evokes natural forces that originate deeply beyond or within the body of building. Decoration on the other hand, is a pleasing arrangement of real things; a suggestion of the decorous which does not have a permanent connection with its carrier. It is also purely representational, due to its reference to external matters such as mythology, religion, history, or cultural practice.

  11. Genetic Architecture of Conspicuous Red Ornaments in Female Threespine Stickleback

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    Lengxob Yong


    Full Text Available Explaining the presence of conspicuous female ornaments that take the form of male-typical traits has been a longstanding challenge in evolutionary biology. Such female ornaments have been proposed to evolve via both adaptive and nonadaptive evolutionary processes. Determining the genetic underpinnings of female ornaments is important for elucidating the mechanisms by which such female traits arise and persist in natural populations, but detailed information about their genetic basis is still scarce. In this study, we investigated the genetic architecture of two ornaments, the orange-red throat and pelvic spine, in the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus. Throat coloration is male-specific in ancestral marine populations but has evolved in females in some derived stream populations, whereas sexual dimorphism in pelvic spine coloration is variable among populations. We find that ornaments share a common genetic architecture between the sexes. At least three independent genomic regions contribute to red throat coloration, and harbor candidate genes related to pigment production and pigment cell differentiation. One of these regions is also associated with spine coloration, indicating that both ornaments might be mediated partly via pleiotropic genetic mechanisms.

  12. Sexual selection on land snail shell ornamentation: a hypothesis that may explain shell diversity

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    Schilthuizen Menno


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Many groups of land snails show great interspecific diversity in shell ornamentation, which may include spines on the shell and flanges on the aperture. Such structures have been explained as camouflage or defence, but the possibility that they might be under sexual selection has not previously been explored. Presentation of the hypothesis The hypothesis that is presented consists of two parts. First, that shell ornamentation is the result of sexual selection. Second, that such sexual selection has caused the divergence in shell shape in different species. Testing the hypothesis The first part of the hypothesis may be tested by searching for sexual dimorphism in shell ornamentation in gonochoristic snails, by searching for increased variance in shell ornamentation relative to other shell traits, and by mate choice experiments using individuals with experimentally enhanced ornamentation. The second part of the hypothesis may be tested by comparing sister groups and correlating shell diversity with degree of polygamy. Implications of the hypothesis If the hypothesis were true, it would provide an explanation for the many cases of allopatric evolutionary radiation in snails, where shell diversity cannot be related to any niche differentiation or environmental differences.

  13. The evolution of mutual ornamentation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kraaijeveld, Ken; Kraaijeveld-Smit, Femmie J. L.; Komdeur, Jan


    Many conspicuous ornamental traits in animals are expressed in both males and females. Despite this, most research has focused on sexually dimorphic ornamentation. Mutual ornamentation has often been viewed as a result of either a nonadaptive genetic correlation between the sexes or similar

  14. Mitochondrial function, ornamentation, and immunocompetence. (United States)

    Koch, Rebecca E; Josefson, Chloe C; Hill, Geoffrey E


    Understanding the mechanisms that link ornamental displays and individual condition is key to understanding the evolution and function of ornaments. Immune function is an aspect of individual quality that is often associated with the expression of ornamentation, but a general explanation for why the expression of some ornaments seems to be consistently linked to immunocompetence remains elusive. We propose that condition-dependent ornaments may be linked to key aspects of immunocompetence through co-dependence on mitochondrial function. Mitochondrial involvement in immune function is rarely considered outside of the biomedical literature, but the role of mitochondria as the primary energy producers of the cell and the centres of biosynthesis, the oxidative stress response, and cellular signalling place them at the hub of a variety of immune pathways. A promising new mechanistic explanation for correlations between a wide range of ornamental traits and the properties of individual quality is that mitochondrial function may be the 'shared pathway' responsible for links between ornament production and individual condition. Herein, we first review the role of mitochondria as both signal transducers and metabolic regulators of immune function. We then describe connections between hormonal pathways and mitochondria, with implications for both immune function and the expression of ornamentation. Finally, we explore the possibility that ornament expression may link directly to mitochondrial function. Considering condition-dependent traits within the framework of mitochondrial function has the potential to unify central tenets within the study of sexual selection, eco-immunology, oxidative stress ecology, stress and reproductive hormone biology, and animal physiology. © 2016 Cambridge Philosophical Society.

  15. 7 CFR 1437.305 - Ornamental nursery. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Ornamental nursery. 1437.305 Section 1437.305... Determining Coverage Using Value § 1437.305 Ornamental nursery. (a) Eligible ornamental nursery stock is a... ornamental nursery stock is limited to field-grown and containerized decorative plants grown in a controlled...

  16. Ornamental “borderlands”: Elisabeth Wilson and Martin Heydrich’s historiographies of “primitive” ornament

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    Priyanka Basu


    Full Text Available This article examines texts by Elisabeth Wilson and Martin Heydrich written in 1914 at the University of Leipzig on the subject of ‘primitive’ ornament. Both synopsize the history and literature of this field from its beginnings in the nineteenth century to the time of their writing. This article considers how Wilson and Heydrich represent this history and how the field’s multidisciplinary practitioners perceived its pressing problems. Above all, Wilson and Heydrich set up a number of recurring oppositions between major approaches to ‘primitive’ art and ornament, between ‘materialist’ interpretation, allied with archaeology, symbolic interpretation practiced for the most part by ethnologists, and an ‘aesthetic’ approach, pursued by art theorists and focused on the psychological will of its creators. These issues and this configuration of approaches are further examined in one of August Schmarsow’s important essays on art history and ethnology.

  17. Influence of culture on ornament of the traditional architecture in Medan (Malay Deli Sultanate) (United States)

    Nawawiy Loebis, M.; Ginting, Nurlisa; Simanjuntak, Haryanto; Jamaluddin, Fattah


    During the Dutch colonialism, Malay Deli Sultanate was dominant and big which now their superiority was destroyed by Social Revolution. At that time, Malay people live in the peak of glory and civilization resulting in their growing culture. The purpose of research is to find the influence of culture in Malay Deli ornaments as a part of Architecture. Data obtained with literatures study and observation. The data was analysed using qualitative method to describe the phenomenon occur between variables. The aim of this research is identifying any culture influences ornaments in architecture. Such as Islam influences Malay ornament on the building and ornament division between the noble and people. The research result is the culture such as language, religion have influence on ornaments in Malay Deli architecture.

  18. The function of ornaments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glaveanu, Vlad Petre


    of their manifold functions that integrates aesthetic and utilitarian, individual and social roles. Ornaments help us to identify and locate, tell or communicate, remind and organise our action, they guide our attention, express and individualise, can generate an experience, beautify as well as re......-present. These functions are illustrated with examples from a study of Easter egg decoration practices in northern Romania. In the end, the ‘meta-function’ of emergence is discussed and consideration is given to the spatial and temporal contexts of ornaments. Future opportunities for theorising ornamentation...

  19. Learners’ Mistakes or Professional Error – the Nordic Bronze Age ornaments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Heide Wrobel

    Nordic Bronze Age ornaments are known for their rich decorations, often consisting of spiral bands used as part of a variety of other decorative elements. Even a cursory examination makes it clear that these ornaments vary greatly in terms of their quality. How can this variation be explained......? Is this the result of different workshops, levels of crafting skills or perhaps even the incorporation of novice metalworkers? As part of a study on craft organization in the Nordic Bronze Age, several metal workshops were analyzed in relation to the skill of the craftsmen and the amount of time involved...

  20. Characteristics of ornamental rocks waste: application of mechanochemical concepts; Caracterizacao de residuos de rochas ornamentais: aplicacao de conceitos mecanoquimicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, J. dos; Galembeck, F., E-mail: [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP (Brazil). Instituto de Quimica


    Processing of ornamental rocks produces up to 80% weight residues which become an environmental problem. In this work, we analyzed residual powders from cutting and crushing granite Cinza Corumba, to study the influence of mechanical processes in the properties of the residues. The powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction and fluorescence, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, surface area determination and adsorption of methylene blue. The same elements and minerals are found in both powders but the powders formed during crushing contain lubricating oil residues, from the crusher. Particle shapes of the crushed powder (surface area 2.85 m2/g) are more irregular than cut powder (surface area 1.98 m2/g). Adsorption of methylene blue is lighter in the crushed powder than in the cutting powder. Thus, the powders analyzed have different surface properties. (author)

  1. O Esboço de psiquiatria forense de Franco da Rocha

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    Francis Moraes de Almeida


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta o livro Esboço de Psiquiatria Forense (1904 de Francisco Franco da Rocha (1864-1933. A obra é uma das primeiras publicações psiquiátricas brasileiras dedicadas à psiquiatria forense e apresenta uma extensa classificação das moléstias mentais proposta pelo próprio autor, com base nas classificações de Teixeira Brandão, Shüle e Krafft-Ebing, e ilustrada com exemplos de sua experiência clínica no Hospício do Juqueri, dirigido por Franco da Rocha de 1898 a 1923. O autor tem como perspectiva teórica o organicismo difuso, próprio dos adeptos da teoria da degeneração, e defende a necessidade do psiquiatra zelar pela defesa da sociedade frente aos alienados perigosos, enquanto perito na esfera jurídica.

  2. Does skull morphology constrain bone ornamentation? A morphometric analysis in the Crocodylia. (United States)

    Clarac, F; Souter, T; Cubo, J; de Buffrénil, V; Brochu, C; Cornette, R


    Previous quantitative assessments of the crocodylians' dermal bone ornamentation (this ornamentation consists of pits and ridges) has shown that bone sculpture results in a gain in area that differs between anatomical regions: it tends to be higher on the skull table than on the snout. Therefore, a comparative phylogenetic analysis within 17 adult crocodylian specimens representative of the morphological diversity of the 24 extant species has been performed, in order to test if the gain in area due to ornamentation depends on the skull morphology, i.e. shape and size. Quantitative assessment of skull size and shape through geometric morphometrics, and of skull ornamentation through surface analyses, produced a dataset that was analyzed using phylogenetic least-squares regression. The analyses reveal that none of the variables that quantify ornamentation, be they on the snout or the skull table, is correlated with the size of the specimens. Conversely, there is more disparity in the relationships between skull conformations (longirostrine vs. brevirostrine) and ornamentation. Indeed, both parameters GApit (i.e. pit depth and shape) and OArelat (i.e. relative area of the pit set) are negatively correlated with snout elongation, whereas none of the values quantifying ornamentation on the skull table is correlated with skull conformation. It can be concluded that bone sculpture on the snout is influenced by different developmental constrains than on the skull table and is sensible to differences in the local growth 'context' (allometric processes) prevailing in distinct skull parts. Whatever the functional role of bone ornamentation on the skull, if any, it seems to be restricted to some anatomical regions at least for the longirostrine forms that tend to lose ornamentation on the snout. © 2016 Anatomical Society.

  3. Micropropagação do abacaxizeiro ornamental Protocol for in vitromicropropagation of ornamental pineapple

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    Moacir Pasqual


    Full Text Available O Ananas comosus var. erectifolius, cultivar de abacaxi ornamental, tem apresentado grande interesse para paisagistas e floricultores do Brasil e do exterior, por ser uma planta ornamental tropical, exótica e rústica. A produção de plantas ornamentais a partir de técnicas de cultura de tecidos apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável para a obtenção de um grande número de plantas com qualidade genética e fitossanitária, em um curto espaço de tempo, suprindo, assim, a necessidade do mercado na aquisição de mudas com qualidade comprovada. Estudou-se a influência das concentrações de BAP (0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5 mg L-1 e ANA (0,0; 0,12; 0,24; 0,48 mg L-1 no meio de cultura MS com 0; 2,5; 5,0; e 7,5 g L-1 de ágar, visando estabelecer um protocolo para multiplicação e enraizamento in vitro de brotos de abacaxizeiro ornamental. Brotações com 1,5 ± 0,5 cm, já estabelecidas in vitro, oriundas das gemas da coroa do fruto do abacaxizeiro ornamental, foram inoculados assepticamente nos frascos. Após inoculados, os explantes foram mantidos em sala de crescimento com luminosidade em torno de 35 ìmol m-2 s-1, 26±1ºC e fotoperíodo de 16 horas. Após 45 dias observou-se que a multiplicação in vitrodo abacaxi ornamental é viável em meio MS líquido acrescido de BAP 1,5 mg L-1 e o enraizamento também em meio MS líquido, na ausência de reguladores de crescimento.The Ananas comosus var. erectifoliusis an ornamental pineapple cultivar which greatly interests Brazilians and foreign landscapers and flower producers for being an exotic and rustic tropical ornamental plant. The market demand for high quality of cuttings requires efficient methods of propagation and in this context the tissue culture stands out as a viable alternative to obtain plants with genetic and phytossanitary quality in a short time. In the present work we studied the influence of concentrations of BAP (0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 mg L-1 and NAA (0; 0.12; 0.24; 0.48 mg L-1 in

  4. Attitudes of ornamental trees and shrubs producers towards nursery production of ornamental beech cultivars in Serbia

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    Nonić Marina


    Full Text Available European beech (Fagus sylvatica L. is, along with its significance as a forest species, renowned as an ornamental species, due to its numerous cultivars. Ornamental beech cultivars are planted in various green spaces, but a small number of such trees have ascertained in Serbia. For the time being, production of beech cultivars is represented in a very small number of nurseries, with a negligible share of those seedlings in their total assortment. The aim of this research is to study the attitudes of ornamental trees and shrubs producers towards the nursery production of ornamental beech cultivars, and possibilities of its improvements in Serbia. “Door to door” survey and in-depth interviews were used as research techniques. Surveys with the representatives of 65 nurseries in Serbia (in the selected statistical region Šumadija and Western Serbia were conducted in the first stage of data collection. In the second stage of data collection were interviewed the representatives of the 10 nurseries who, during the survey, pointed out that they produce ornamental beech cultivars. Nurserymen’s attitudes suggest that there is a possibility to improve the production of ornamental beech cultivars in Serbia, with the appropriate support measures and increased interest of customers on the market, i.e. with the provision of subsidies for the production of seedlings and greater use of cultivars by utility companies in the cities of Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ТP 31041: Establishment of forest plantations to increase the afforested areas in Serbia

  5. Estudo dos efluentes gerados no processo de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais em Santo Antônio de Pádua/RJ

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    Ramiris Petrilho Silveira


    Full Text Available A região noroeste fluminense conta com um importante arranjo produtivo local no setor de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais e de revestimento. Essa atividade é responsável por boa parte da renda local, empregando muitas pessoas. O principal produtor da região é o município de Santo Antônio de Pádua/RJ, que possui 154 empresas (78 pedreiras e 76 serrarias. A grande atividade de extração e beneficiamento das rochas vem causando na região problemas ambientais, pois durante as etapas de produção muito se perde devido a técnicas rudimentares e a deficiência no tratamento dos efluentes, o que acaba gerando impactos ao Rio Pomba, onde estes são lançados. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa foi realizar um diagnóstico do uso da água no processo produtivo e a partir daí avaliar as diferentes alternativas para se ter um consumo otimizado e um tratamento dos efluentes a fim de minimizar os danos ambientais. Foram realizados alguns estudos de casos de caráter exploratório, pesquisas bibliográficas, entrevistas com proprietários, funcionários e profissionais ligadas ao setor de rochas e visitas técnicas a empresas da região. Os resultados apontam para uma falta de preparo e conhecimento técnico dos empresários e funcionários ao uso de novas tecnologias aliadas às questões ambientais no que se refere ao tratamento e consumo de água, principalmente para as pequenas empresas.

  6. Emotional ornamentation in performances of a Handel sonata

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmers, R.; Ashley, R.


    ORNAMENTATION IS ONE ASPECT OF MUSIC ASSOCIATED with emotional affect in Baroque music. In an empirical study, the relationship between ornamentation and emotion was investigated by asking a violinist and flutist to ornament three melodies in different ways to express four emotions: happiness,

  7. Holiday ornament-related injuries in children. (United States)

    Kimia, Amir; Lee, Lois; Shannon, Michael; Capraro, Andrew; Mays, Donald; Johnston, Patrick; Hummel, David; Shuman, Margot


    Holiday ornament injuries in children have not been well documented in the medical literature. Our aim was to investigate the patterns of injuries sustained from these ornaments as a first measure toward prevention. This was a retrospective cohort analysis of all patients examined in an urban pediatric emergency department over a 13-year period ending in March 2008 for holiday ornament-related injuries. Cases were identified using a computer-assisted text query followed by a manual chart review. Data collected from each chart included the child's age, sex, injury characteristics, physical examination findings, radiographic imaging, interventions, and disposition. To analyze injury rates over the years, we used a multiplicative Poisson model allowing varying exposures. Over the study period, we identified 76 eligible patients. The median age was 2 years (interquartile range, 1.17-3.3 years); 44.7% were female. Forty-three of the 76 cases (53.9%) involved ingestions: 35 were of holiday ornaments, and 8 were of light bulbs. All but one of these ornaments were made of glass. In 28%, there was an associated bleed either from the mouth or as a delayed gastrointestinal bleed. Other patients experienced lacerations (27.6%), eye injuries (5.1%), and minor electrocution injury (2.5%). Imaging was performed in 85%. A subspecialty consult was obtained in 23%, primarily addressing a foreign body ingestion or removal after skin exploration. The incidence rate has not changed over the years. Holiday ornament-related injuries primarily involve foreign body ingestions and glass-related injuries. Over half of the injuries involved small light bulbs and ornaments made of glass placed at the level a toddler can reach. Pediatricians are advised to discuss these points with families during holiday season.

  8. Nutritional requirements of freshwater ornamental fish: a review

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    Yohana Velasco-Santamaría


    Full Text Available The knowledge of nutritional requirements in ornamental fish species is essential to improve the productive development; however, the nutritional information of these species is scarce and sometimes this information is extrapolated from results obtained from non-ornamental fish species. In ornamental fish, a correct formulation of the diet improve the nutrient digestibility and supply the metabolic needs, reducing the maintenance cost and at the same time the water pollution. Inert food such as meal powder, flakes, milk powder, bovine heart and liver, tubifex worms, as well as live food including Artemia sp., rotifers and Moina have been used extensively in ornamental fish feeding with a diverse range of nutritional values and productive properties. In contrast with farmed fish, skin pigmentation is a mandatory characteristic in ornamental fish and the use of dietary supplements with carotenoids is recommended. The aim of this document is to review the specific nutritional requirements which are indispensable to improve economical and productive potential of freshwater ornamental fish.


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    Raphael Silva Tomáz


    Full Text Available A magnetita (Fe3O4 é um óxido magnético de ferro natural formado por íons Fe+2 e Fe+3. É o mais comum mineral fortemente magnético, estando presente em pequenas quantidades em quase todas as rochas e também nos meteoritos. A nanotecnologia está largamente presente em todo nosso dia a dia. É possível encontrar diferentes aplicações nas mais diversas áreas da indústria: Eletroeletrônicos, metalurgia, cerâmicos, tintas, tecidos, indústria de polímeros, medicina entre outras. Atualmente a Anglo American Fosfatos do Brasil não produz magnetita, mas possui uma produção de rejeito de 2 Mt (milhões toneladas com teores de magnetita por volta de 40%, na granulometria de 2 mm, sendo esse material enviado integralmente para a barragem de rejeito. O aproveitamento desse material, dada uma recuperação de 60%, traria um crescimento de 78,5 milhões de dólares no PIB do estado. A maior parte da produção de ferro do Brasil é feita por flotação, sendo que tal tipo de produção prejudica a utilização da magnetita, especificamente, para a produção de ferrofluidos nanomagnéticos, devido a enorme quantidade de produtos químicos, principalmente surfactantes, envolvidos na etapa de flotação. Contudo o objetivo desse trabalho é obter um concentrado de magnetita proveniente do rejeito da produção de rocha fosfática por jigagem, para que a mesma possa ser usada na produção de ferrofluidos. Os resultados da utilização do jigue como separador dos minerais são satisfatórios na produção de magnetita para ferrofluidos como coproduto da produção de concentrado de rocha fosfática.


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    Sutedi Sutedi


    Full Text Available Ornamental plants have fairly high commercial value and much sought after by various circles. The prospect is in the business of ornamental plants can be said very brilliant and profitable. Where is in the business of ornamental plants can bring about advantages not the least. The business struggled with ornamental plants can have very favorable prospects for the long term. There are an awful lot of various kinds of ornamental plants that we can choose to use as ornaments to beautify residential home. The ornamental plants can be used as indoor ornamental plants placed in homes or can also be used as outdoor ornamental plants grown in the garden. Ornamental plants while more popular community-wide information system for ornamental plant however is currently designed specifically and not many people who know the information on price and specs or type of indoor and outdoor ornamental plants so that the need for sales information system of indoor and outdoor ornamental plants-based online. With the sales information system of Indoor and Outdoor ornamental plants-based online is expected to facilitate the customers, business processes that occur in the company's units, unit – units that exist within the system a functioning production units as the unit working on/produce ornamental plants. With the utilization of the system marketing media, promoting, finding new customers, the sales process, recapitulation payment of ornamental plants, control the conditions of stock products, development and delivery of products to customers including convincing the product gets to the customer

  11. Paulo Mendes Da Rocha: entre la idea y la experiencia. Premio Pritzker 2006

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    Denise Chini Solot


    Full Text Available La consagración del arquitecto brasileño Paulo Mendes da Rocha con el premio internacional más importante de arquitectura, el Premio Pritzker, otorgado por la Fundación Hyatt de Chicago, en una época de gran diversidad de experimentaciones técnicas y formales, es una clara evidencia de lo que destaca en una obra es, ante todo, el grado de consistencia con su propio discurso. La teoría que interesa al arquitecto, sin embargo, es en la medida en que puede ser utilizada para la acción. Es el resultado de la confianza en la eficacia de la acción frente a la propia razón especulativa que la genera. Regida por leyes de geometría precisa, la forma regular de la arquitectura de Paulo Mendes da Rocha se traduce en confianza en el proyecto arquitectónico para la construcción y la reorganización del espacio urbano.


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    Yahya Abdullahi


    Full Text Available This research investigated the history of Islamic abstract vegetal ornaments and sketched their evolution to understand their creation process and innovations. We studied these ornaments regionally to identify regional variations and classified them based on tastes of patrons. Meanwhile, we analysed the formal aspects of these ornaments, including their dimension, proportion, dominant colour, material, and techniques. In addition, the study conducted detailed observations of their characteristics, such as margins, apex, thickness of stem scrolls and vents, to define their constructive elements, aesthetical properties, and design principles that reveal date, region, and styles. This research not only provides a comprehensive guide to the evolution of Islamic abstract vegetal ornaments for architectural conservation projects but also serves as a reference for the comparative and critical analysis of contemporary Islamic-inspired ornaments.

  13. Determination of radioactive materials in granite used as ornamental rocks; Determinacao de materiais radioativos em granitos utilizados como rochas ornamentais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salas, Humberto Terrazas; Barbosa, Joao Batista Santos; Murta, Clecio Campi; Rocha, Francisco de Assis [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)). E-mail:; Nalini Junior, Herminio Arias; Mendes, Julio Cesar [Ouro Preto Univ., MG (Brazil). Escola de Minas. Dept. de Geologia


    For environment quality control, either in a global or regional perspective, the determination of the radioactivity present in the minerals of rocks must be included. This control is carried out through specific analysis, applied to all geological materials used in civil architecture design and other applications (e.g. artistic). To date, the radioactivity of rocks has not been specifically studied, from which an adequate and comprehensive systematics is applied, in order to determine the radioactive minerals and their corresponding alterations. In Brazil, the industry of ornamental rocks is continually increasing at high rates, with a growing variety of rocks being commercialized locally as well as abroad. To a certain extent, the technical characterization of these rocks, through standard procedures defined by standardization institutions, is already available worldwide. However, among the petrographic properties specified for these rocks, minor or accessory minerals (less than 1%) are not adequately determined and detected. Among these components are radioactive minerals and, occasionally, carriers of precious metals, rare earths and other economically important minerals. (author)

  14. Handicap principle implies emergence of dimorphic ornaments. (United States)

    Clifton, Sara M; Braun, Rosemary I; Abrams, Daniel M


    Species spanning the animal kingdom have evolved extravagant and costly ornaments to attract mating partners. Zahavi's handicap principle offers an elegant explanation for this: ornaments signal individual quality, and must be costly to ensure honest signalling, making mate selection more efficient. Here, we incorporate the assumptions of the handicap principle into a mathematical model and show that they are sufficient to explain the heretofore puzzling observation of bimodally distributed ornament sizes in a variety of species. © 2016 The Author(s).

  15. 16 CFR 501.2 - Christmas tree ornaments. (United States)


    ... specify how the net quantity statement should be expressed, provided: (a) The quantity of contents is expressed in terms of numerical count of the ornaments, and (b) The ornaments are so packaged that the...

  16. Biotechnological improvement of ornamental plants


    Flavia Soledad Darqui; Laura Mabel Radonic; Horacio Esteban Hopp; Marisa Lopez Bilbao


    The discovery of commercial transgenic varieties of orange petunias sold in Europe and the United States although they had never reached the approved status, and the consequent recommendation to destroy them, was the trigger to discuss about biotechnological improvement of ornamental plants. Inside the restricted world of 26 vegetal transgenic species, according to the ISAAA’s reports (, there are three ornamental species: carnation, rose and the Beijing University develo...

  17. Cope's Rule and the Universal Scaling Law of Ornament Complexity. (United States)

    Raia, Pasquale; Passaro, Federico; Carotenuto, Francesco; Maiorino, Leonardo; Piras, Paolo; Teresi, Luciano; Meiri, Shai; Itescu, Yuval; Novosolov, Maria; Baiano, Mattia Antonio; Martínez, Ricard; Fortelius, Mikael


    Luxuriant, bushy antlers, bizarre crests, and huge, twisting horns and tusks are conventionally understood as products of sexual selection. This view stems from both direct observation and from the empirical finding that the size of these structures grows faster than body size (i.e., ornament size shows positive allometry). We contend that the familiar evolutionary increase in the complexity of ornaments over time in many animal clades is decoupled from ornament size evolution. Increased body size comes with extended growth. Since growth scales to the quarter power of body size, we predicted that ornament complexity should scale according to the quarter power law as well, irrespective of the role of sexual selection in the evolution and function of the ornament. To test this hypothesis, we selected three clades (ammonites, deer, and ceratopsian dinosaurs) whose species bore ornaments that differ in terms of the importance of sexual selection to their evolution. We found that the exponent of the regression of ornament complexity to body size is the same for the three groups and is statistically indistinguishable from 0.25. We suggest that the evolution of ornament complexity is a by-product of Cope's rule. We argue that although sexual selection may control size in most ornaments, it does not influence their shape.

  18. Aureobasidium pullulansas a biocontrol agent of blue mold in "Rocha" pear. (United States)

    Ferreira-Pinto, M M; Moura-Guedes, M C; Barreiro, M G; Pais, I; Santos, M R; Silva, M J


    The blue mold of "Rocha" pear caused by Penicillium expansum is an important postharvest disease which is adequately controlled by application of synthetic fungicides. In recent years, strategies like biological control have been considered a desirable alternative to chemicals. Several studies have demonstrated the potential of the yeast-like fungus Aureobasidium pullulans for control of postharvest decay of pear. A Portuguese isolate of Aureobasidium pullulans was characterized and evaluated for its activity in reducing postharvest blue mold decay of "Rocha" pear caused by Penicillium expansum. Study of optimal conditions for antagonist growth was carried out in six different culture media. The effect of four maturity stages of fruits in the development of A. pullulans was also studied. Biocontrol studies were performed with two concentrations of the antagonist (3 x 10(8) and 4 x 10(9) CFU/ml). A. pullulans growth was significantly different (P Corn Meal Agar (CMA) and Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) media which contains the higher concentration of glucose (20 mg/l). Medium resulted from fruits of the first harvest date presented lower colony diameter. Inoculation of A. pullulans at 3 x 10(8) and 4 x 10(9) CFU/ml reduced the incidence of the disease by 23 and 63%, and reduced the lesion diameter by 36 and 46%, respectively.

  19. Aspectos da geoquímica ambiental da Mina da Rocha - PR


    Nelson Luiz Schleder Ferreira


    O presente trabalho procurou analisar a disseminação dos metais pesados na drenagem, oriundos das atividades de uma empresa de mineração de chumbo localizada às margens do ribeirão do Rocha, afluente do rio Ribeira de Iguape, na divisa dos estados do Paraná e São Paulo. Foram realizadas análises para chumbo, cobre e zinco nos sedimentos de fundo (fração

  20. Ornamentation, age, and survival of female striped plateau lizards, Sceloporus virgatus (United States)

    Weiss, Stacey L.


    Individuals with greater expression of secondary sexual traits are often older and have higher survivorship than individuals with lower expression; if so, assessment of such indicator traits may provide genetic and/or direct benefits to potential mates. I examined the relationship between ornament expression, age, and survival in the striped plateau lizard, Sceloporus virgatus, a species with female-specific ornamentation that honestly signals reproductive quality. I followed a group of females from 2008 to 2013, examined ornament color and size as females aged, and compared ornamentation of survivors versus non-survivors. In addition, I explored whether other (non-ornamental) phenotypic characters predicted survival. I found that peak ornament expression (both color and size) of individual females changed year to year but appeared to be a weak signal of age due to high among-female variation in ornament expression that occurred independent of age and a non-linear pattern of change for ornament color. However, both absolute and relative ornament size did increase significantly as an individual aged and therefore may provide some age-related information such as reproductive investment, which is expected to increase as residual reproductive value declines with age. Individual survival was unrelated to peak ornament expression and to other phenotypic variables measured, providing no support for the ornament as a viability indicator and suggesting that individual survival prospects are affected by stochastic and environmental factors.

  1. Toxic ornamental plants in Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Varela Romero


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to contribute information on toxic ornamental plants in Venezuela. Information on taxonomy, common names, habit, origin, status, location, propagation and toxicology (part of the plant, effects was compiled from articles, books, catalogs, herbarium collections. A botanical analysis (taxonomy, common names, habit, origin, status, location, propagation and toxicology (part of the plant, effects was performed. The information about plant poisoning cases was requested to SIMET (Pharmacy faculty -UCV. Seventy-eight species were found in 34 families, the most important were: Apocynaceae (10 genera/12 species, Araceae (9/9, Euphorbiaceae (4/10 and Solanaceae (5/6. Genus Euphorbia was the most species rich. Most species were exotic species (79.5% and shrubs (32.1%. The entire plant (35 and latex (19 were the most toxic parts and the most frequent accidental ingestion (61.5%. Twenty cases were reported between 2009-2013, of which 80% were minors, female and urban areas. There is very little information published in Hispanic American countries

  2. Nutritional requirements of freshwater ornamental fish: a review


    Velasco-Santamaría, Yohana; Corredor-Santamaría, Wilson


    The knowledge of nutritional requirements in ornamental fish species is essential to improve the productive development; however, the nutritional information of these species is scarce and sometimes this information is extrapolated from results obtained from non-ornamental fish species. In ornamental fish, a correct formulation of the diet improve the nutrient digestibility and supply the metabolic needs, reducing the maintenance cost and at the same time the water pollution. Inert food such ...

  3. Produção de mudas de tomateiro em substratos contendo fibra de coco e pó de rocha


    Sampaio,Regynaldo A; Ramos,Sílvio J; Guilherme,Denílson O; Costa,Cândido A da; Fernandes,Luiz Arnaldo


    Com o objetivo de avaliar proporções dos resíduos fibra de coco (FC) e pó de rocha de granito (RG) como substratos na produção de mudas de tomateiro, cultivar Kada Gigante, realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação na UFMG-ICA. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por uma testemunha e seis proporções de fibra de coco (FC) e pó de rocha de granito (RG): T1 - Substrato comercial Hortimix®; T2 - 0% FC + 100% ...

  4. Mutual ornamentation, age, and reproductive performance in the European starling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Komdeur, J; Oorebeek, M; van Overveld, T; Cuthill, IC; Cuthill, Innes C.


    Ornamental traits expressed in both sexes are widespread among birds. Many studies have indicated that male ornaments develop through sexual selection. Female ornaments may be correlated effects of selection on males or have signaling functions in their own right. In the facultatively polygynous

  5. Girassol ornamental: caracterização, pós-colheita e escala de senescência Ornamental sunflower: characterization, postharvest and senescence scale

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    Gilberto Luiz Curti


    Full Text Available O girassol ornamental amplia o mercado de comercialização de plantas ornamentais no Brasil. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar uma caracterização do manejo pós-colheita e propor uma escala de senescência da cultura do girassol ornamental quanto à senescência, durabilidade das flores e referências de valores de comercialização. A produção de flores é uma atividade de alto risco pela fragilidade do produto, qualidades estéticas e as condições de produção, bem como a menor durabilidade pós-colheita do produto. Esse estudo propõe uma escala de senescência para cultivares de girassol ornamental quanto à senescência dos capítulos para atribuir diferentes remunerações e possibilidades de comercialização da cultura.The ornamental sunflower widen the market of ornamental plants in Brazil. Thus, this study aimed to present a characterization of post-harvest management and to propose a range of senescence stage of sunflower as an ornamental in relation to senescence, flower longevity and benchmark values of trade. The production of flowers is a high risk activity for the fragility of the product, aesthetic qualities and conditions of production as well as lower post-harvest durability of the product. This study proposes a range of senescence stages for ornamental sunflower cultivars as the aging of different chapters to assign salaries and marketability of the crop.

  6. Planning product quality: An example - ornamental plants

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    Kovačević Miodrag


    Full Text Available The industry of ornamental plants is a subject of quality planning. The quality plan is a document setting out the specific quality practices in ornamental plants production. That plan introduce organizational structure procedures, processes and resources needed to implement quality in life cycle of product chain. For engineers it represents a new tool.

  7. Anomalies jointing in the Laguna Blanca area (Rocha district) about of radiometric anomaly sector with thorium characteristic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lara, P.


    In the following lines are sumarized the prospection works carried out on anomalous radiometric sectors located at the Department of Rocha (Uruguay) Its toriferous feature and the likely metallogenetic model to which they are associated are also developed

  8. Ornamental Plant Breeding

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    Flávia Barbosa Silva Botelho


    Full Text Available World’s ornamental plant market, including domestic market of several countries and its exports, is currently evaluated in 107 billion dollars yearly. Such estimate highlights the importance of the sector in the economy of the countries, as well as its important social role, as it represents one of the main activities, which contributes to income and employment. Therefore a well-structured plant breeding program, which is connected with consumers’ demands, is required in order to fulfill these market needs globally. Activities related to pre-breeding, conventional breeding, and breeding by biotechnological techniques constitute the basis for the successful development of new ornamental plant cultivars. Techniques that involve tissue culture, protoplast fusion and genetic engineering greatly aid conventional breeding (germplasm introduction, plant selection and hybridization, aiming the obtention of superior genotypes. Therefore it makes evident, in the literature, the successful employment of genetic breeding, since it aims to develop plants with commercial value that are also competitive with the ones available in the market.

  9. Biotechnological improvement of ornamental plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavia Soledad Darqui


    Full Text Available The discovery of commercial transgenic varieties of orange petunias sold in Europe and the United States although they had never reached the approved status, and the consequent recommendation to destroy them, was the trigger to discuss about biotechnological improvement of ornamental plants. Inside the restricted world of 26 vegetal transgenic species, according to the ISAAA’s reports (, there are three ornamental species: carnation, rose and the Beijing University developed petunia; all of them with the same trait, a change in their colour. On the other hand, in 2014, the whole-genome sequence of carnation appeared which was the first and until now the only one among ornamental species. In this context, we review the publications from the last five years in petunia, rose, chrysanthemum and carnation. In these papers there are detailed descriptions of modification of the cascade of genes and transcription factors involved in stress situations, in different developmental stages and their regulation through different plant hormones. This knowledge will allow breeding for better and new varieties with changes in their abiotic or biotic stress tolerance, altered growth or yield and modified product quality as colour or fragrance.

  10. 7 CFR 1437.303 - Aquaculture, including ornamental fish. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Aquaculture, including ornamental fish. 1437.303... ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Determining Coverage Using Value § 1437.303 Aquaculture, including ornamental fish. (a... human consumption as determined by CCC. (2) Fish raised as feed for other fish that are consumed by...

  11. Reproduction of Bela Krajina Ornaments on Linen Fabrics by Screen Printing

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    Tatjana Rijavec


    Full Text Available Decorated Bela Krajina (White Carniolan towels called “otirači” are historical textiles, which represent an important cultural heritage of the Slovenian nation. This article presents the research of the suitability of the screen printing technique for reproducing ornaments from Bela Krajina towels, originally made with a technique called “tkaničenje”. The basic characteristics of woven fabrics, the colours of ornaments from Bela Krajina towels and the linen fabric, suitable for kitchen textiles, were analysed. Two Bela Krajina motifs were chosen for the decoration, namely a diamond and an eight-arm star. A comparison of the the colour diff erences, DE*ab , of the replica ornaments and the ornaments on the original towels made in blue and red colours showed a good match even after washing. It was confi rmed that the screen printing technique is suitable for decorating linen textiles with the original Bela Krajina ornaments, wherein the ornaments retaining their aesthetic and message values.

  12. Bony cranial ornamentation linked to rapid evolution of gigantic theropod dinosaurs (United States)

    Gates, Terry A.; Organ, Chris; Zanno, Lindsay E.


    Exaggerated cranial structures such as crests and horns, hereafter referred to collectively as ornaments, are pervasive across animal species. These structures perform vital roles in visual communication and physical interactions within and between species. Yet the origin and influence of ornamentation on speciation and ecology across macroevolutionary time scales remains poorly understood for virtually all animals. Here, we explore correlative evolution of osseous cranial ornaments with large body size in theropod dinosaurs using a phylogenetic comparative framework. We find that body size evolved directionally toward phyletic giantism an order of magnitude faster in theropod species possessing ornaments compared with unadorned lineages. In addition, we find a body mass threshold below which bony cranial ornaments do not originate. Maniraptoriform dinosaurs generally lack osseous cranial ornaments despite repeatedly crossing this body size threshold. Our study provides novel, quantitative support for a shift in selective pressures on socio-sexual display mechanisms in theropods coincident with the evolution of pennaceous feathers.

  13. Ornamental rocks prospection in Uruguay. A new database territorial management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carmignani, L.; Gattiglio, S.; Masquelin, H.; Gomez Rifas, C.; Medina, E.; Da Silva, J.; Pirelli, H.


    Here are exposed the main of the last ornamental rocks inventory and their exploitation ambiental implicances. The project was realized between the Uruguayan government (Ministry of Industries, Energy and Mining) and the economical European Community (C.E.E). a two -fold target was poursuit. The first o administrative order in the sense that results of such recensement could allow to review the ornamental rocks management in a more efficiently and realistic manner. The second of geoeconomical order permits to re-evaluate traditional ornamental rocks facilities (marbles and granites) form the marketing and either the valoration of a new generation of ornamental materials also. (author)


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    Antônio de Pádua Arlindo Dantas


    Full Text Available Os rejeitos de granito são provenientes do processo de mineração dessas rochas ornamentais para uso na indústria da construção civil. O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de blocos ou produtos acabados de rochas ornamentais, extraindo cerca de 5,2 milhões toneladas/ano. Os maiores produtores nacionais são os estados do Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais e Bahia que respondem por 80% da produção nacional. Porém o desperdício em todo o processo de desmonte destes blocos chega a incríveis 40% do total. O uso dos detritos produzidos por esta indústria na cerâmica branca poderia ser uma forma de disposição desse material, visto que estes materiais, sob forma de lama, são lançados diretamente em lagoas de decantação, terrenos baldios ou jogados em rios, sem nenhum tratamento. O presente trabalho tem como propósito principal estudar a influência que o rejeito das rochas ornamentais exerce sobre as propriedades físicas e mecânicas da cerâmica branca. Para isso, foram feitas as caracterizações das matérias-primas por fluorescência de Raios-X, difração de Raios-X, análise granulométrica, análise termogravimétrica e análise termodiferencial, elaborando-se cinco formulações (0, 10, 20, 30, 40% em peso de granito que foram queimadas em três temperaturas: 1100°C, 1150°C e 1200ºC com 60 minutos de patamar. Após a queima, os corpos-de-prova foram submetidos a ensaios de absorção de água, retração linear, porosidade aparente, massa específica aparente, resistência à flexão, microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foram obtidas propriedades tecnológicas compatíveis com os limites mínimos exigidos para a fabricação de um grês porcelanato. Palavras-chave: Rochas ornamentais. Argila caulinítica. Grês porcelanato.

  15. Scheme study of separation and concentration of heavy minerals from the black sand in Aguas dulces beach - Rocha

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mujica, H.; Marotta, L.


    This work is about a study of separation and concentration of heavy minerals from the black sand in Aguas dulces beach - Rocha. The beneficial minerals in that prospected zone are: ilmenite, zircon, rutile and monazite, associated with gangue minerals

  16. Color ornaments and territory position in king penguins. (United States)

    Keddar, Ismaël; Jouventin, Pierre; Dobson, F Stephen


    King penguins exhibit mutual color ornamentation of feathers and beak color. They breed in dense colonies and produce a single chick every 2 years. Thus, males and females must choose partners carefully to be reproductively successful, and auricular patches of males and UV coloration of beak spots have been shown to influence mate choice. Position in the breeding colony is also important to reproductive success, with pairs on the edge of the colony less successful than those in the center. We studied the mutual ornaments, individual condition, and position of pairs in their breeding colony. Males were significantly larger than females in size, body mass, and auricular patch size. Within pairs, auricular patch size of males and females were significantly correlated, and male auricular patch size and body mass were significantly associated, suggesting a link between this ornament and male body condition. Moving from the edge to the center of the colony, pairs had larger yellow-orange auricular patches, indicating a link between this ornament and settlement in higher quality territories in the center of the colony. Pairs were also less brightly brown colored on the breast and less saturated in UV color of the beak spot. Since we observed pairs that were settling for egg laying, location in the colony may have reflected aspects of pair condition, rather than later jockeying for positioning using ornaments as signals of behavioral dominance. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Anomalies jointing in the Laguna Blanca area (Rocha district) about of radiometric anomaly sector with thorium characteristic[Study of Uranium prospection in Uruguay]; Division de anomalias en el area de Laguna Blanca (Departamento de Rocha) sobre un sector radimetricamente anomalo de caracteristicas toriferas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lara, P


    In the following lines are sumarized the prospection works carried out on anomalous radiometric sectors located at the Department of Rocha (Uruguay) Its toriferous feature and the likely metallogenetic model to which they are associated are also developed.

  18. Major diseases of ornamental plants and their management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhtar, M.A.; Zakria, M.; Sohail, F.


    Major diseases of ornamental plants are caused by infections agents (biotic) or non-infectious (abiotic) agents. Infectious agents are bacteria, fungi, nematodes and virus. Non infectious agents are nutritional imbalances, environmental stresses and chemical toxicities. Grouping of the diseases has been done on symptomatology basis. Disease management in ornamental plants has been described through cultural practices, chemical and other control strategies. (author)

  19. Ascorbic acid and tissue browning in pears (Pyrus communis L. cvs Rocha and Conference) under controlled atmosphere conditions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veltman, R.H.; Kho, R.M.; Schaik, van A.C.R.; Sanders, M.G.; Oosterhaven, J.


    The relationships between storage gas composition and ascorbic acid (AA) levels, and between AA levels and the development of internal browning, were studied in 'Conference' and 'Rocha' pears (Pyrus communis L.). In both cultivars, AA levels declined under (browning-inducing) controlled atmosphere


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    Paula Regina Siega


    Full Text Available Recuperando o texto Cinema Novo e Cinema Mundial, matriz do célebre Uma estética da fome, analisamos a perspectiva anticolonial de Glauber Rocha na tese que defendeu na cidade de Gênova, em 1965, e que ficou conhecida na Europa como A estética da violência. Com uma fala cortante e provocadora, Glauber Rocha denunciava, de um lado, o desejo de primitivismo do observador europeu e, do outro, o comodismo do público brasileiro, vendo em ambos a perpetuação de uma mentalidade tipicamente colonial. Ao superar o tradicional complexo de inferioridade do intelectual brasileiro frente à arte e ao pensamento europeus, o cineasta via na estética da violên-cia a possibilidade de uma revolução cultural do terceiro mundo. Receptor das escritas de Friedrich Nietzsche, Frantz Fanon e Josué de Castro, propunha um novo ponto de vista a partir do qual interpretar as criações artísticas do subdesenvolvimento, dissociando-o das suas habituais conotações melodra-máticas para revelar a sua condição trágica.

  1. "Anything goes"?: o diálogo implícito de Paul Feyerabend com dois pesquisadores brasileiros, Maurício da Rocha e Silva e Newton Freire-Maia "Anything goes"?: the implicit dialogue between Paul Feyerabend and two Brazilian researchers, Maurício da Rocha e Silva and Newton Freire-Maia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Inácio Bastos


    Full Text Available O filósofo Paul Feyerabend e os cientistas brasileiros Maurício da Rocha e Silva e Newton Freire-Maia foram contemporâneos e viram-se às voltas com dilemas fundamentais da ciência. A proposta anarquista de Feyerabend, então embrionária, foi formulada em paralelo por Rocha e Silva, em sua crítica ao método científico. Transcorridas duas décadas, as ideias de Feyerabend parecem motivar implicitamente Newton Freire-Maia nas reflexões sobre a ciência. A teia de inter-relações das ideias desses três homens - que jamais interagiram - toca questões centrais da ciência brasileira de 1960 a 1980, período em que ela se consolida, em diálogo com a nascente reflexão sobre a ciência e o método científico no país.The philosopher Paul Feyerabend and Brazilian scientists Maurício da Rocha e Silva and Newton Freire-Maia were contemporaries and lived surrounded by the fundamental dilemnas of science. The anarchist proposal of Feyerabend, then embryonic, was formulated in parallel by Rocha e Silva in his criticism of the scientific method. Two decades later, Feyerabend's ideas seemed implicitly to stimulate Newton Freire-Maia in his reflections on science. The web of interrelationships in the ideas of these three men - who never interacted - touches on central issues for Brazilian science from 1960 to 1980, a period in which the latter is consolidated in a dialogue with the nascent reflection on science and the scientific method in Brazil.

  2. Evaluation of Aguas Dulces Black sands reserves, Rocha, Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrando, L.; Bossi, J.; Maldonado, S.; Schipilov; Campal, N.


    Black sands data in Aguas Dulces (Rocha) studied by ANCAP during 60 were reanalyzed with geological criterion in order to redefine the prefactibility of economic explotation with the present infrastructure and world market conditions.The sand deposits is limited between a high slope palaeocost and the ocean, with medium depth of 10m and 2% of useful minerals:ilmenite, rutile, monazite and zircon.Mineral reserves expressed in thousands of tons are of 3 kinds:proved (3.600), probable (5.500) and possible (16.000=.Demonstrated reserves (proved + probable) allow to estimate a value of U$S 650 million, taking in account year 2000 prices. A factory to process about 7 millions ton of raw sand needs an investment of U$S 13 million and will produce a sale of U$S 8 million per year

  3. Ornament is No Crime:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karpova, Yulia

    noted, “they don’t paint pictures, they work in production, speak of materials, textures, and constructions, but the result is still an old-fashioned decorativism, applied fancywork, [ornamental] roosters and flowers or circles and doodles.” The future material culture, as Brik saw it, would...

  4. Towards development of new ornamental plants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kuligowska, Katarzyna; Lütken, Henrik Vlk; Müller, Renate


    is one of the oldest breeding techniques that contributed enormously to the development of modern plant cultivars. Within ornamental breeding, it represents the main source of genetic variation. During the long history of wide hybridization, a number of methods were implemented allowing the evolution...... from a conventional breeding tool into a modern methodology. Nowadays, the research on model plants and crop species increases our understanding of reproductive isolation among distant species and partly explains the background of the traditional approaches previously used for overcoming hybridization...... barriers. Characterization of parental plants and hybrids is performed using molecular and cytological techniques that strongly facilitate breeding processes. Molecular markers and sequencing technologies are used for the assessment of genetic relationships among plants, as the genetic distance...


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    Akmaral Ardasher Yussupova


    Full Text Available The use of symbolism in contemporary architecture is increasingly gaining momentum, especially so in the Eastern countries currently undergoing rapid economic development. Sociologically, this phenomenon can be related to a desire to manifest a vast wealth of national art and respond to the globalisation and unification of world culture. Taking this tendency as a prompt, this study explores different ways of implementing symbolic ornaments in landscape architecture. Traditionally architecture has been defined through and judged against culturally acceptable criteria that set the norm for appropriate form and expression. Yet, technical advances have altered this process and contributed to a certain level of oblivion of traditional architectural form. Thus, the meaning of many Kazakh ornaments has been lost through time. On one hand, this paper collects historical information on the semiotics of Kazakh ornaments and on the other hand, it conducts field studies focusing on the cultural tradition of the native people in Eurasia. The study introduces the use of symbolism in landscape architecture as an aspiration for luck and prosperity which then dictates the quality of the landscape compositions. The findings show that the use of symbolic ornamentation in architecture is not bound to specific geographic areas but rather motivated by broader underlying principles. Through analytical exploration of different cultures and their use of symbols in architecture, this study identifies four main categories of architectural symbolism relating to floral, zoomorphic, geometric and cosmogonic patterns. Each nation then recognises its own identity in the semiotics of those patterns and incorporates them in the urban realm as part of its cultural legacy.

  6. Stress and welfare in ornamental fishes: what can be learned from aquaculture? (United States)

    Stevens, C H; Croft, D P; Paull, G C; Tyler, C R


    The ornamental fish trade is estimated to handle up to 1·5 billion fishes. Transportation and handling of fishes imposes a range of stressors that can result in mortality at rates of up to 73%. These rates vary hugely, however, and can be as low as 2%, because they are generally estimated rather than based on experimental work. Given the numbers of ornamental fishes traded, any of the estimated mortality rates potentially incur significant financial losses and serious welfare issues. Industry bodies, such as the Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association (OATA), have established standards and codes of best practice for handling fishes, but little scientific research has been conducted to understand the links between stress, health and welfare in ornamental species. In aquaculture, many of the same stressors occur as those in the ornamental trade, including poor water quality, handling, transportation, confinement, poor social and physical environment and disease and in this sector directed research and some resulting interventions have resulted in improved welfare standards. This review considers the concept of welfare in fishes and evaluates reported rates of mortality in the ornamental trade. It assesses how the stress response can be quantified and used as a welfare indicator in fishes. It then analyses whether lessons from aquaculture can be usefully applied to the ornamental fish industry to improve welfare. Finally, this analysis is used to suggest how future research might be directed to help improve welfare in the ornamental trade. © 2017 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.

  7. The Lifetime of Ornaments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riisberg, Vibeke; Munch, Anders V.


    In this paper we will look at contemporary use of ornament in different scale and contexts – from fashion textiles and interior objects to architecture. The lifespan of a building is different from that of a fashion dress or a plate, but with the digital area it seems like the concern...

  8. Epigrafical Ornaments In Architecture Of Uzbekistan

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    Sultanova Dilshoda


    Full Text Available Abstract Article illuminates using of artistic importance epigrafical ornamenst on architecture ofUzbekistan. Calligraphic group formed embellishment in the manner of ornament in medicine to be taken externally and in internal parts of the public buildings. The Inscription taken from Koran were executed on arabic alphabet consists of themes - religious inctructive. Using appeared In mosque from Koran and hadis in hotel of the expression of the nature. Resemblance of the inscriptions ed in interior of the hotels Buhara Samarkand and Tashkent with inscription of the dishes gives the cause to expect that probably poetry IX-X ages were in the beginning used in product decorative-aplied arts tureen plate and gradually moved to wall. Besides they were broadly used in interior of buildings the mosques mausoleum in premiseses vein of the houses and on surfaces subject decorative-aplied arts. Amongst which there are real and fantastic images animal - a phoenix dragon deer. Meet in SHerdor and Nadir Devonbegi in Samarkand in Abdulazizhan and Nadir Devonbegi. About using ornament except mausoleum of Amir Temur and Temuridov and cathedral mosque of Amir Temur appropriately was in detail describe the artistic facilities of Aksaray. Of the building process was it is important to fill am empty the surface of the dome by new artistic method. In this period by new direction was - a technology amp1082amp1091amp1085amp1076amp1072amp1083amp1100 which as raised decoration has alterred by sawing in architecture of the interior due to artistic embroidery.

  9. The Lifespan of Ornaments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Anders V.; Riisberg, Vibeke

    ? In this paper we will look at contemporary use of ornament in different scales and contexts – from fashion textiles and interior objects to architecture. The lifespan of a building is different from that of a fashion dress or a plate, but with the digital era it seems like the concern of appropriateness...

  10. Phytostabilization potential of ornamental plants grown in soil contaminated with cadmium. (United States)

    Zeng, Peng; Guo, Zhaohui; Cao, Xia; Xiao, Xiyuan; Liu, Yanan; Shi, Lei


    In a greenhouse experiment, five ornamental plants, Osmanthus fragrans (OF), Ligustrum vicaryi L. (LV), Cinnamomum camphora (CC), Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum (LC), and Euonymus japonicas cv. Aureo-mar (EJ), were studied for the ability to phytostabilization for Cd-contaminated soil. The results showed that these five ornamental plants can grow normally when the soil Cd content is less than 24.6 mg·kg -1 . Cd was mainly deposited in the roots of OF, LV, LC and EJ which have grown in Cd-contaminated soils, and the maximum Cd contents reached 15.76, 19.09, 20.59 and 32.91 mg·kg -1 , respectively. For CC, Cd was mainly distributed in the shoots and the maximum Cd content in stems and leaves were 12.5 and 10.71 mg·kg -1 , however, the total amount of Cd in stems and leaves was similar with the other ornamental plants. The enzymatic activities in Cd-contaminated soil were benefited from the five tested ornamental plants remediation. Soil urease and sucrase activities were improved, while dehydrogenase activity was depressed. Meanwhile, the soil microbial community was slightly influenced when soil Cd content is less than 24.6 mg·kg -1 under five ornamental plants remediation. The results further suggested that ornamental plants could be promising candidates for phytostabilization of Cd-contaminated soil.

  11. Male mate choice scales female ornament allometry in a cichlid fish

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    Kullmann Harald


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Studies addressing the adaptive significance of female ornamentation have gained ground recently. However, the expression of female ornaments in relation to body size, known as trait allometry, still remains unexplored. Here, we investigated the allometry of a conspicuous female ornament in Pelvicachromis taeniatus, a biparental cichlid that shows mutual mate choice and ornamentation. Females feature an eye-catching pelvic fin greatly differing from that of males. Results We show that allometry of the female pelvic fin is scaled more positively in comparison to other fins. The pelvic fin exhibits isometry, whereas the other fins (except the caudal fin show negative allometry. The size of the pelvic fin might be exaggerated by male choice because males prefer female stimuli that show a larger extension of the trait. Female pelvic fin size is correlated with individual condition, suggesting that males can assess direct and indirect benefits. Conclusions The absence of positive ornament allometry might be a result of sexual selection constricted by natural selection: fins are related to locomotion and thus may be subject to viability selection. Our study provides evidence that male mate choice might scale the expression of a female sexual ornament, and therefore has implications for the understanding of the relationship of female sexual traits with body size in species with conventional sex-roles.

  12. The Attractivity of Ornamental Plants to Some Natural Enemies of Pest

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    Fatima Ramdan Muhamed Al Kawan


    Full Text Available There are several roles of ornamental plants to environment management and human being. One of them is to attract some natural enemies of pest which more ecofriendly and specific target. Related with this role, the objectives of this study are to inventory kind of ornamental plants in the play ground, to inventory kind of ornamental plants which attract natural enemies, and to know the foreign students perception to the function of the ornamental plant species for attracting the natural enemies. This study was conducted using Visual Encounter Survey (VES method with three repetitions. The result showed that there were 5 ornamental plants in the area study as Acalypha siamensis, Osmoxylon lineare, Canna indica, Crinum asiaticum L. and Oleina syzigium. Data analysis using Community structure of Arthropods, Index of Diversity, and Index of Similarity on different area. The result Based on the average of species abundance, O. lineare is the most visited plant by animals. It was showed from range of average of species abundance which reached from 0.17 to 13.72 individu. The second one was A. siamensis which had average of species abundance 0.14 - 13.14 individu. The next plant which visited by many animals are C. indica and C. asiaticum L. The average of species abundance respectively varied from 0.43 to 12.00 individu and from 0.14 to 8.72 individu. Oleina syzigium became the least one, because the average of species abundance reached from 0.14 to 3.14 individu. Overall, the level of respondents (foreign students knowledge about the function of ornamental plants for attracting natural enemies was categorized into high Key words: Attractivity, Natural enemies, Ornamental plants

  13. ["Anything goes"?: the implicit dialogue between Paul Feyerabend and two Brazilian researchers, Maurício da Rocha e Silva and Newton Freire-Maia]. (United States)

    Bastos, Francisco Inácio


    The philosopher Paul Feyerabend and Brazilian scientists Maurício da Rocha e Silva and Newton Freire-Maia were contemporaries and lived surrounded by the fundamental dilemnas of science. The anarchist proposal of Feyerabend, then embryonic, was formulated in parallel by Rocha e Silva in his criticism of the scientific method. Two decades later, Feyerabend's ideas seemed implicitly to stimulate Newton Freire-Maia in his reflections on science. The web of interrelationships in the ideas of these three men - who never interacted - touches on central issues for Brazilian science from 1960 to 1980, a period in which the latter is consolidated in a dialogue with the nascent reflection on science and the scientific method in Brazil.

  14. Characterization of steel grit recovered from ornamental rocks waste by magnetic separation; Caracterizacao da granalha de aco recuperada do residuo de rochas ornamentais por separacao magnetica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Junca, E.; Telles, V.B.; Rodrigues, G.F.; Oliveira, J.R. de; Tenorio, J.A.S., E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Metalurgica e de Materiais; Instituto Federal de Ciencia e Tecnologia do Espirito Santo (IFES), Vitoria, ES (Brazil)


    The aim of this work is characterization of steel grit recovered from ornamental rock waste by magnetic separation. The magnetic separation was realized in three steps: first, using a high intensity wet magnetic separator, which used only the remaining magnetic field of equipment. In the second step, the magnetic material obtained in the first phase was subjected to a new manual magnetic separation using rare earth magnets. In a third step, magnetic material obtained with rare earth magnets was subjected to manual magnetic separation using ferrite magnets. After the magnetic separation, the material was sent to characterization which was obtained by chemical analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and size analysis. The size analysis showed that the concentrate range from 0,5 to 563,67 {mu}m with 4 wt.% over 100 {mu}m and content metallic iron of 93 wt%. (author)

  15. Ornamental Horticulture. Course of Study Outlines. 1975 Edition. Volume XXX. (United States)

    Wilson, Aubry

    These courses of study in ornamental horticulture for secondary and adult technical education levels are based on a 1972 Rutgers University study and are designed to accomodate occupational needs in the field of ornamental horticulture. Job titles emphasized at the secondary level are caretaker, nurserymen, flower grower, and flower salesperson;…

  16. Chronic gamma irradiation of ornamental and landscaping plants at gamma greenhouse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shuhaimi Shamsudin; Zaiton Ahmad; Affrida Abu Hassan


    Activities on chronic gamma irradiation of ornamental and landscaping plants have started since April 2010. Among plants which have been irradiated were landscaping plants such as hibiscus, canna, turnera, plumeria, amaryllis, and ornamental plants such as orchid, heliconia, cucurma and sanseviera, as well as vanilla. The main objectives at the initial stage were to develop database for optimum chronic irradiation dose and suitable experimental design for each species. The ultimate aim is to obtain new varieties of ornamental plants with flower and horticultural traits of commercial values and landscaping plants suitable for Malaysian landscape such as large and colourful flower, longer bloom period and frequent flowering. This paper discusses irradiation activities for ornamental plants in Gamma Greenhouse including preparation of samples, growing medium and screening plots, selection/determination of optimum dose and dose rate, collection of data and selection of mutants. (author)

  17. Micropropagation of ornamental plants: practical application and opportunities in Republic of Macedonia


    Velesanova, Ivana; Trajkova, Fidanka; Koleva Gudeva, Liljana


    Planting material of ornamental plants is in great demand for commercial production as well as for domestic gardens and landscaping. Good quality planting material is a basic need of growers for improving productivity. The most recent data show that 700 million plants worldwide are produced in vitro. USA, India, Israel, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil are leading countries in production of ornamental plants via in vitro propagation. Ornamental industry has applied immensely in vitro propagation ...

  18. Plan de marketing para un vivero de planta ornamental




    [ES] Se ha realizado un plan de marketing de un vivero de planta ornamental interior en Petrés (Valencia), así como un estudio de mercado para analizar las necesidades del consumidor y proponer mejorar el posicionamiento de la empresa para finalmente aumentar las ventas de sus productos. March Cubertoret, P. (2017). Plan de marketing para un vivero de planta ornamental. TFGM

  19. Analysis of Chromosome Number in Some Allium and Silene Wild Species with Ornamental Use


    Lucia DRAGHIA; Elena Liliana CHELARIU; Culiţă SÎRBU; Maria BRÂNZĂ; Cristina SANDU MICULSCHI


    The present study analyses the number of somatic chromosomes in plant species with ornamental value, in Romanian indigenous flora, Allium (A. flavum L., A. saxatile Bieb.) and Silene (S. compacta Fischer., S. supina M.Bieb.). The biological material was identified and harvested in the South-Eastern part of Dobrogea (Tulcea and Constanţa counties), area in the South-Eastern part of Romania, situated between the Danube and the Black Sea. Individuals from two populations of Allium flavum and All...

  20. Potencial ornamental de Curcuma.

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    Ana Christina Rossini Pinto


    Full Text Available A introdução de novas espécies e de novos produtos na indústria da floricultura brasileira é de grande importância para o crescimento do setor, ampliando osortimento de produtos disponíveis, atendendo à necessidade dos produtores e consumidores por novidade, importante componente da estratégia de marketing, desenvolvendo competitividade e estimulando a comercialização, tanto ao nível de mercado interno como externo. O presente artigo discorre sobre o potencial ornamental de espécies do gênero Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae e apresenta informações referentes à botânica, à produção e à tecnologia de pós-colheita e pós-produção de algumas espécies disponíveis atualmente no mercado internacional de flores e plantas ornamentais, bem como de espécies com potencial de utilização como ornamental. Espera-se, assim, chamar a atenção de pesquisadores e produtores para o potencial do gênero e contribuir para o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento da sua produção no Brasil.

  1. Ornament Complexity Is Correlated with Sexual Selection: (A Comment on Raia et al., "Cope's Rule and the Universal Scaling Law of Ornament Complexity"). (United States)

    Holman, Luke; Bro-Jørgensen, Jakob


    Raia et al. propose that the evolution of the shape and complexity of animal ornaments (e.g., deer antlers) can be explained by interspecific variation in body size and is not influenced by sexual selection. They claim to show that ornament complexity is related to body size by an 0.25-power law and argue that this finding precludes a role for sexual selection in the evolution of ornament complexity. However, their study does not test alternative hypotheses and mismeasures antler shape allometry by omitting much of the published data. We show that an index of sexual selection (sexual size dimorphism) is positively correlated with size-corrected antler complexity and that the allometric slope of complexity is substantially greater than 0.25, contra Raia et al. We conclude that sexual selection and physical constraints both affect the evolution of antler shape.

  2. Diseases of Ornamental and Shade Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and Ground Covers. (United States)

    Nichols, Lester P.

    This agriculture extension service publication from Pennsylvania State University covers the identification and control of common ornamental trees, shrubs, and ground cover diseases. The publication is divided into sections. The first section discusses the diseases of ornamental and shade trees, including general diseases and diseases of specific…


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    Carolina Pereira Silvestre


    Full Text Available O Noroeste Fluminense é o principal produtor de rochas ornamentais do estado. Os municípios de Santo Antônio de Pádua e Italva tem na produção de rochas ornamentais a base para o seu desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Este estudo objetiva caracterizar o processo de produção de rochas, identificando e caracterizando os principais problemas e soluções adotadas para solucioná-los. A metodologia empregada consistiu na realização de trabalhos de campo nas pedreiras, serrarias e instituições diretamente ligadas ao setor; e entrevistas com representantes de diferentes segmentos deste setor produtivo. Os resultados indicam que existem cerca de 300 microempresas empregando aproximadamente 6.000 pessoas, destas somente 140 são associadas ao sindicato local. Alguns empreendimentos ilegais causam desmatamentos e descartam rejeitos em locais impróprios, causando danos ao meio ambiente. Em conjunto, instituições públicas e privadas têm adotado medidas para sanar tais problemas, entre elas: assinatura do TAC (Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta, construção da empresa Argamil e instalação de tanques de decantação. Essas ações objetivam minimizar os impactos e proporcionar um desenvolvimento sustentável a região.

  4. El modelo actual de desarrollo turístico al oeste del balneario La Paloma, Rocha, Uruguay. Tendencias, riesgos y propuestas

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    Isabel Gadino


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the development model of the Atlantic coast of Uruguay and its capacity to preserve relevant ecosystem services. The chosen study area was Playa Solari – Barra, one of the most important touristic spots of Uruguay (located in Laguna de Rocha, Rocha, Uruguay. This coastal zone has experienced important territorial changes during the last decades, with conflicts arising among traditional urban development for beaches, the recent strategies of rural-coastal tourism and natural and cultural heritage conservation strategies. The results show that the strong process of urban consolidation is negatively affecting the most important economic resources and ecosystem services in the study area, particularly those that directly promote touristic activities. For the last five years, the trend of urban development seems to point out towards an increase of the observed negative effects. Based on that evidence, this paper proposes specific strategies, particularly a new land use model, to revert negative impacts.

  5. Genetic assessment of ornamental fish species from North East India. (United States)

    Dhar, Bishal; Ghosh, Sankar Kumar


    Ornamental fishes are traded with multiple names from various parts around the world, including North East India. Most are collected from the wild, due to lack of species-specific culture or breeding, and therefore, such unmanaged collection of the wild and endemic species could lead to severe threats to biodiversity. Despite many regulatory policies, trade of threatened species, including the IUCN listed species have been largely uncontrolled, due to species identification problems arising from the utilization of multiple trade names. So, the development of species-specific DNA marker is indispensable where DNA Barcoding is proved to be helpful in species identification. Here, we investigated, through DNA Barcoding and morphological assessment, the identification of 128 ornamental fish specimens exported from NE India from different exporters. The generated sequences were subjected to similarity match in BOLD-IDS as well as BLASTN, and analysed using MEGA5.2 for species identification through Neighbour-Joining (NJ) clustering, and K2P distance based approach. The analysis revealed straightforward identification of 84 specimens into 35 species, while 44 specimens were difficult to distinguish based on CO1 barcode alone. However, these cases were resolved through morphology, NJ and distanced based method and found to be belonging to 16 species. Among the 51 identified species, 14 species represented multiple trade names; 17 species belonged to threatened category. Species-level identification through DNA Barcoding along with traditional morphotaxonomy reflects its efficacy in regulating ornamental fish trade and therefore, appeals for their conservation in nature. The use of trade names rather than the zoological name created the passage for trafficking of the threatened species and demands immediate attention for sustaining wildlife conservation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Repeat Buying Behavior for Ornamental Plants: A Consumer Profile


    Palma, Marco A.; Collart, Alba J.; Hall, Charles R.


    This paper used an electronic survey conducted in Texas to study the main factors affecting the frequency of purchase, measured in transactions per month, for ornamental plants. While we found several differences in demographic characteristics of respondents, the two major factors impacting the frequency of buying for ornamental plants were the purpose of the purchase (self use vs. gifts) and seasonality. Respondents with a college degree in the older age groups, and higher income levels had ...

  7. Produção de mudas de tomateiro em substratos contendo fibra de coco e pó de rocha Tomato seedlings production using substrates with coconut fiber and rock waste

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    Regynaldo A Sampaio


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar proporções dos resíduos fibra de coco (FC e pó de rocha de granito (RG como substratos na produção de mudas de tomateiro, cultivar Kada Gigante, realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação na UFMG-ICA. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por uma testemunha e seis proporções de fibra de coco (FC e pó de rocha de granito (RG: T1 - Substrato comercial Hortimix®; T2 - 0% FC + 100% RG; T3 - 20% FC + 80% RG; T4 - 40% FC + 60% RG; T5 - 60% FC + 40% RG; T6 - 80% FC + 20% RG; T7 - 100% FC + 0% RG. O cultivo foi feito em bandeja de poliestireno expandido com células de 3,5 x 3,5 x 5,0 cm. Foram avaliados o diâmetro do coleto, a altura da planta, o índice de velocidade de emergência, a percentagem de emergência e a massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e da raiz. Em praticamente todas as características avaliadas o substrato comercial foi superior aos substratos contendo fibra de coco e pó de rocha. Considerando-se apenas os substratos contendo fibra de coco e pó de rocha, as mudas com melhores características foram obtidas com a mistura de aproximadamente 70% em volume de fibra de coco.A greenhouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the ratio of coconut fiber and rock waste, in the tomato seedling production (cultivar Kada Gigante, in Montes Claros, Brazil. The experimental design was of randomized complete blocks with four replicates. The treatments were composed of a control and six ratios of coconut fiber (FC and rock waste (RG: T1 - Commercial Substrate Hortimix®; T2 - 0% FC + 100% RG; T3 - 20% FC + 80% RG; T4 - 40% FC + 60% RG; T5 - 60% FC + 40% RG; T6 - 80% FC + 20% RG; T7 - 100% FC + 0% RG. The cultivation was done in polystyrene trays with cells of 3.5 x 3.5 x 5,0 cm. Stem diameter, seedling height, emergency speed index, emergency percentage, root and aerial part of fresh and dry matter were evaluated. In

  8. Crawling to collapse: ecologically unsound ornamental invertebrate fisheries.

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    Andrew Rhyne

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Fishery management has historically been an inexact and reactionary discipline, often taking action only after a critical stock suffers overfishing or collapse. The invertebrate ornamental fishery in the State of Florida, with increasing catches over a more diverse array of species, is poised for collapse. Current management is static and the lack of an adaptive strategy will not allow for adequate responses associated with managing this multi-species fishery. The last decade has seen aquarium hobbyists shift their display preference from fish-only tanks to miniature reef ecosystems that include many invertebrate species, creating increased demand without proper oversight. The once small ornamental fishery has become an invertebrate-dominated major industry supplying five continents. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we analyzed the Florida Marine Life Fishery (FLML landing data from 1994 to 2007 for all invertebrate species. The data were organized to reflect both ecosystem purpose (in the wild and ecosystem services (commodities for each reported species to address the following question: Are ornamental invertebrates being exploited for their fundamental ecosystem services and economic value at the expense of reef resilience? We found that 9 million individuals were collected in 2007, 6 million of which were grazers. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The number of grazers now exceeds, by two-fold, the number of specimens collected for curio and ornamental purposes altogether, representing a major categorical shift. In general, landings have increased 10-fold since 1994, though the number of licenses has been dramatically reduced. Thus, despite current management strategies, the FLML Fishery appears to be crawling to collapse.

  9. I'm sexy and I glow it: female ornamentation in a nocturnal capital breeder. (United States)

    Hopkins, Juhani; Baudry, Gautier; Candolin, Ulrika; Kaitala, Arja


    In many species, males rely on sexual ornaments to attract females. Females, by contrast, rarely produce ornaments. The glow-worm (Lampyris noctiluca) is an exception where wingless females glow to attract males that fly in search of females. However, little is known about the factors that promote the evolution of female ornaments in a sexual selection context. Here, we investigated if the female ornament of the glow-worm is a signal of fecundity used in male mate choice. In support of this, we found brightness to correlate with female fecundity, and males to prefer brighter dummy females. Thus, the glow emitted by females is a reliable sexual signal of female fecundity. It is likely that male preference for the fecundity-indicating ornament has evolved because of large variation among females in fecundity, and because nocturnal males cannot directly assess female size and fecundity. These results indicate that female ornamentation may evolve in capital breeders (i.e. those in which stored resources are invested in reproduction) when females vary significantly in fecundity and this variation cannot be assessed directly by males. © 2015 The Author(s).

  10. Sexual ornaments, body morphology, and swimming performance in naturally hybridizing swordtails (teleostei: xiphophorus.

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    James B Johnson

    Full Text Available Determining the costs of sexual ornaments is complicated by the fact that ornaments are often integrated with other, non-sexual traits, making it difficult to dissect the effect of ornaments independent of other aspects of the phenotype. Hybridization can produce reduced phenotypic integration, allowing one to evaluate performance across a broad range of multivariate trait values. Here we assess the relationship between morphology and performance in the swordtails Xiphophorus malinche and X. birchmanni, two naturally-hybridizing fish species that differ extensively in non-sexual as well as sexual traits. We took advantage of novel trait variation in hybrids to determine if sexual ornaments incur a cost in terms of locomotor ability. For both fast-start and endurance swimming, hybrids performed at least as well as the two parental species. The sexually-dimorphic sword did not impair swimming performance per se. Rather, the sword negatively affected performance only when paired with a sub-optimal body shape. Studies seeking to quantify the costs of ornaments should consider that covariance with non-sexual traits may create the spurious appearance of costs.

  11. Mutation induction as a tool for varietal development in ornamental plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Nazir Basiran


    Although the current advancement in biotechnology has tremendously change the modern breeding approach, the induced mutation techniques is still very much in use as complementary tools. MINT experiences in using the techniques for varietal development in ornamental plants has helped to increase genetic variabilities in several ornamental plant species, produced twelve new mutant cultivars as well as developed efficient tissue culture system for six ornamental plant species as tool for in vitro mutagenesis procedures and micropropagation. The technology and expertise that have been established are ready for transfer to the horticulture industry. Sharing of capability and capacity between research institutions and private sector is one possible way by improving and maintaining long-term sustenance of the floriculture industry. (author)

  12. Feições Cársticas em Rochas Siliciclásticas no Oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil

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    Luis Eduardo de Souza Robaina


    Full Text Available Na Bacia Hidrográfica do Ibicuí, localizada na região oeste-sudoeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, ocorrem formas do terreno e mesmo associação de formas semelhantes àquelas de relevo cárstico, entretanto são produzidas por diferentes processos. Este artigo apresenta estudos desenvolvidos em feições de cavernas, típicas de relevo cárstico que se desenvolvem em rochas siliciclásticas da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná. A origem morfogenética está relacionada com a evolução e aceleração de processos erosivos associado ao fluxo subterrâneo controlados por lineamentos estruturais e estratificação da rocha sedimentar. O mapeamento e estudo destas feições podem demonstrar a extensão e diversidade das formas tipo cársticas na área e contribuir para entender o modelo evolutivo das vertentes na área de estudo.

  13. Oxidative stress and the effect of parasites on a carotenoid-based ornament. (United States)

    Mougeot, F; Martínez-Padilla, J; Blount, J D; Pérez-Rodríguez, L; Webster, L M I; Piertney, S B


    Oxidative stress, the physiological condition whereby the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species overwhelms the capacity of antioxidant defences, causes damage to key bio-molecules. It has been implicated in many diseases, and is proposed as a reliable currency in the trade-off between individual health and ornamentation. Whether oxidative stress mediates the expression of carotenoid-based signals, which are among the commonest signals of many birds, fish and reptiles, remains controversial. In the present study, we explored interactions between parasites, oxidative stress and the carotenoid-based ornamentation of red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. We tested whether removing nematode parasites influenced both oxidative balance (levels of oxidative damage and circulating antioxidant defences) and carotenoid-based ornamentation. At the treatment group level, parasite purging enhanced the size and colouration of ornaments but did not significantly affect circulating carotenoids, antioxidant defences or oxidative damage. However, relative changes in these traits among individuals indicated that males with a greater number of parasites prior to treatment (parasite purging) showed a greater increase in the levels of circulating carotenoids and antioxidants, and a greater decrease in oxidative damage, than those with initially fewer parasites. At the individual level, a greater increase in carotenoid pigmentation was associated with a greater reduction in oxidative damage. Therefore, an individual's ability to express a carotenoid-based ornament appeared to be linked to its current oxidative balance and susceptibility to oxidative stress. Our experimental results suggest that oxidative stress can mediate the impact of parasites on carotenoid-based signals, and we discuss possible mechanisms linking carotenoid-based ornaments to oxidative stress.

  14. Ornament in Contemporary Iranian Architecture (Case Study: Prominent Buildings in Tehran after the Islamic Revolution

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    Fatemeh Ahani


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the status of ornamental practices in contemporary Iranian architecture, specifically after the Islamic revolution, using a descriptive–analytical method. In this regard, the external appearances of 92 prominent buildings constructed in Tehran between 1979–2013, were examined, and their means of visual expression were analyzed. The results indicate that half of the samples lack ornament; in the others, a noticeable increase in the ornamental element size and visual complexity, as well as a significant decrease in their semantic contents (as compared with traditional ornament were observed. These are changes that mostly resulted from modernization and subsequent processes such as industrialization and rationalization, as well as the long-lasting influence of modernists’ arguments against such practices. The presence of ornament in architecture, however, is necessary due to its crucial role in increasing the visual coherence of the environment and fulfilling the human desire for order and beauty. Therefore, this paper suggests the replacement of the current dualistic model of thought, which is dominant in the profession and schools of architecture in Iran, with one that provides an opportunity for the coexistence of concepts such as ornament and structure, form and function, and the sensuous and the rational, hence providing a revitalization of ornament in contemporary architecture.

  15. Clonal evaluation of new ornamental pineapple hybrids to use as cut flowers

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    Davi Silva Costa Junior


    Full Text Available Embrapa Cassava and Fruits has developed ornamental pineapple hybrids for several categories of ornamental use including cut flowers, potted plants and landscaping. The objective of this study was to carry out a clonal evaluation of two ornamental hybrids using quantitative and qualitative morphological descriptors to recommend these hybrids as new ornamental pineapple cultivars. Twenty plants of each hybrid (PL01 and PL04 were evaluated regarding the response to floral induction as well as the stability and homogeneity of the clones in two production cycles. The descriptive statistics were calculated and analyzed to determine the genetic distance based on the Gower algorithm. Four groups were formed, two using parental data and the other two containing the different hybrids that were evaluated in the two growing cycles. In the floral evaluation, the time from field planting to harvest of the stem as a cut flower was determined to be as long as 17 months in the first cycle and 13.5 months in the second cycle for both hybrids. They were characterized as a novelty in the flower market; they showed genetic stability and homogeneity and can be recommended as new cultivars of ornamental pineapple because they exhibit satisfactory quality and meet the market requirements.

  16. Ornamental Horticulture Production Occupations. Curriculum Guide. (United States)

    Reneau, Fred; And Others

    This curriculum guide contains guidesheets for the ornamental horticulture production occupations. Each guidesheet provides a job-relevant task; performance objective, with task, performance standard, source of standard, and conditions for performance of task; enabling objectives; a list of resources; teaching activities; a criterion-referenced…

  17. Breeding Hedychium Species, Ornamental Ginger Plants with Insecticidal and Anti-Microbial Activities (United States)

    Hedychium species belong to the ginger family with great potential as ornamentals, but lodging is an impediment to this possibility, so there is a need for more compact Hedychium cultivars. Hedychium muluense (diploid) is one of the few dwarf species, but it is not ornamentally as attractive as som...

  18. Pteridine, not carotenoid, pigments underlie the female-specific orange ornament of striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus). (United States)

    Weiss, S L; Foerster, K; Hudon, J


    Indicator models of sexual selection suggest that signal honesty is maintained via costs of ornament expression. Carotenoid-based visual signals are a well-studied example, as carotenoids may be environmentally limited and impact signaler health. However, not all bright yellow, orange and red ornaments found in vertebrates are carotenoid-based; pteridine pigments may also produce these colors. We examine the contribution of carotenoid and pteridine pigments to the orange reproductive color of female striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus). This color ornament reliably indicates female mate quality, yet costs maintaining signal honesty are currently unknown. Dietary carotenoid manipulations did not affect orange color, and orange skin differed from surrounding white skin in drosopterin, not carotenoid, content. Further, orange color positively correlated with drosopterin, not carotenoid, concentration. Drosopterin-based female ornaments avoid the direct trade-offs of using carotenoids for ornament production vs egg production, thus may relax counter-selection against color ornament exaggeration in females. Direct experimentation is needed to determine the actual costs of pteridine-based ornaments. Like carotenoids, pteridines influence important biological processes, including immune and antioxidant function; predation and social costs may also be relevant. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ornamental ferns for environmental management and economic values. ... little variations in the structures of rhizome except in Phymatodes .... forms such as erect, tall, open, bushy and .... linear leaflet with acute apex and flat, glabrous lamina.

  20. Georreferenciamento e cartogrametria dos mapas da Capitania de Minas Gerais elaborados por José Joaquim da Rocha em 1778 e 1793 / Geocoding and cartometric maps in the province of Minas Gerais, drawn by José Joaquim da Rocha in 1778 and 1793

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    José Flávio Morais Castro


    Full Text Available The accuracy of historical maps is being evaluated in research Historical Cartography through the use of geospatial technologies. This research aims to apply general techniques geocoding and cartometric maps in the province of Minas Gerais, drawn by José Joaquim da Rocha in 1778 and 1793, especially the overlay layer, the displacement vector and distortions of the grid over the map current.

  1. América Nuestra: Glauber Rocha e o cinema cubano

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    Villaça Mariana Martins


    Full Text Available Este artigo é um desdobramento da pesquisa de Mestrado "Tropicalismo (1967-1969 e Grupo de Experimentación Sonora (1969-1972: engajamento e experimentalismo na canção popular, no Brasil e em Cuba", e enfoca a relação que se estabeleceu nas décadas de sessenta e setenta entre o Instituto Cubano del Arte e Indústria Cinematográficos (ICAIC e o cineasta Glauber Rocha. A relação entre o diretor do instituto cubano, Alfredo Guevara, e o cineasta brasileiro, através de correspondência mantida ao longo dos anos sessenta, culminou num período de trabalho de Glauber junto ao ICAIC, entre novembro de 1971 e dezembro de 1972. Analisamos a repercussão da obra glauberiana entre os cineastas cubanos e, de forma geral, sua participação no debate em torno do desenvolvimento do chamado Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano.

  2. Potential pest transfer mediated by international ornamental plant trade. (United States)

    Patoka, Jiří; Bláha, Martin; Kalous, Lukáš; Vrabec, Vladimír; Buřič, Miloš; Kouba, Antonín


    In recent years, the keeping of ornamental freshwater animals and plants in garden ponds has been growing in popularity. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is one of the preferred macrophytes seasonally imported mainly from South-eastern Asia throughout the world. This constitutes a secondary introduction inasmuch as the species is native to South America. Although many assemblages of aquatic invertebrates have been described as associated with this plant in the wild, there has been no research focused on their potential introduction via the international plant trade. We examined 216 specimens of water hyacinths imported for ornamental purposes from Indonesia into the Czech Republic. Numerous meio- and macroinvertebrates belonging to at least 39 species were captured. On the total number of individuals, the highest prevalence was of Tubulinea and Rotifera. Most of these were still alive and vital, including a caterpillar of the Indo-Australian invasive moth Spodoptera litura. Water hyacinths are usually placed into outdoor ponds immediately after import, which facilitates the release of non-target alien species. The present paper aims to draw attention to "hitchhikers" associated with the ornamental trade.

  3. Analysis of consumer behavior in decision making of purchasing ornamental freshwater fish (case of study at ornamental freshwater fish market at Peta Street, Bandung) (United States)

    Gumilar, I.; Rizal, A.; Sriati; Setiawan Putra, R.


    This research aim was to analyzed process of decision making of purchasing ornamental freshwater fish at Peta Street, Bandung City and Analyzed what factors are driving consumers to buy freshwater fish Peta Street. The method used in this research is case study with rating scale and rank spearman analysis. The sampling technique is the accidental random sampling method consist of 30 respondents. The consumer’s decision making process consist of five stages, namely the recognition of needs, information searching, alternative evaluation, process of purchasing, and the evaluation of results. The results showed that at the stage of recognition of needs the motivation of purchasing freshwater fish because respondents are very fond of ornamental freshwater fish, at the stage of information search, the information sources are from the print media and friends or neighborhood. At the stage of alternative evaluation, the reason consumers buy ornamental freshwater fish because the quality of good products. The stage of purchasing decision process consumers bought 1-5 fish with frequency of purchase 1 time per month. The evaluation of results of post-purchasing consumers feel very satisfied with the fish products and the price is very affordable. To observe the factors that influence purchasing motivation of consumers, spearman rank test is the method. The results showed that the quality and price of the product are the factors that most influence the purchase decision of ornamental freshwater fish with the range of student-t value 3,968 and 2,107.

  4. Combined effect of temperature and controlled atmosphere on storage and shelf-life of 'Rocha' pear treated with 1-methylcyclopropene. (United States)

    Gago, Custódia M L; Miguel, Maria G; Cavaco, Ana M; Almeida, Domingos P F; Antunes, Maria D C


    The combination of temperature and atmosphere composition for storage of Pyrus communis L. 'Rocha' treated with 1-methylcyclopropene was investigated. Fruits treated with 312 nl l(-1) 1-methylcyclopropene were stored at 0 ℃ and 2.5 ℃ in air and controlled atmosphere (CA) (3.04 kPa O2+ 0.91 kPa CO2). Fruits were removed from storage after 14, 26 and 35 weeks, transferred to shelf-life at approximately 22 ℃ and assessed for ripening and quality, symptoms of superficial scald and internal browning and the accumulation of biochemical compounds related to scald after 0, 1 and 2 weeks. Superficial scald occurred only in fruits stored for 35 weeks in air at 2.5 ℃. Levels of conjugated trienols and α-farnesene increased during the first 26 weeks in storage, remaining constant thereafter. During shelf-life, conjugated trienols were higher in fruits stored in air at 2.5 ℃. Internal browning developed in shelf-life after 26 weeks at 2.5 ℃. Pears in air at 2.5 ℃ were not able to stand a 2-week shelf-life after 35 weeks of storage, while fruits stored at 0 ℃ under CA ripened slowly after the same storage period. The retention of firmness during shelf-life of 1-methylcyclopropene-treated 'Rocha' pear can be overcome by elevating the storage temperature from 0 ℃ to 2.5 ℃, but CA is a required complement to avoid excessive softening after long-term storage. The ratio carotenoid/chlorophyll increased during storage and shelf-life, as plastids senesced. CA reduced the rate of chlorophyll loss during the first 14 weeks in storage, but its effect was reduced afterwards. 'Rocha' pear treated with 1-methylcyclopropene had a similar post-harvest behaviour during long-term storage at 0 ℃ in air or at 2.5 ℃ under CA. © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions:

  5. San Personal Ornaments from the Later Stone Age at Blombos Cave and Blomboschfontein, southern Cape, South Africa


    Vibe, Ingrid M Østby


    A critical factor that distinguishes modern humans, Homo sapiens, from animals is the ability to communicate using symbols. One example is the use of personal ornaments. People in all cultures use personal ornaments to express something about themselves, and a wide range of functions and meanings can be applied to different ornamentation. The personal ornaments from three Later Stone Age sites in the Blomboschfontein Region, southern Cape, South Africa were analysed in order to determine vari...

  6. The progress of mutation breeding for ornamental plants in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jin Shouming


    In China, research on mutation breeding of ornamental plants was begun in the late 70's. In the past decade, about 40 plant species were tested, and hundreds of useful mutants were obtained. At least 63 mutant varieties have been produced, approved and released for cultivation in rose, chrysanthemum, canna, dahlia, bougainvillea and lotus. A rapid progress in methodology and technology of induced mutation breeding has been achieved, particularly in the selection of starting material, determination of suitable exposure and irradiation dose, expression and isolation of somatic mutation etc. In the future it is necessary to develop more plant species and mutation varieties to improve the mutation breeding method and to raise the economic benefit. Along with the development of China's economy and improvement of people's living standard more and more new varieties of ornamental plants will be required. In view of the good beginning, rich germplasm resource and favorable conditions, the prospect of mutation breeding for ornamental plants in China is very encouraging

  7. Uso do residuo de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais na producao de argamassa de multiplo uso; Use of the ornamental rock waste in mortar multiple-use

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faial, Alline Silveira Ribeiro; Xavier, Gustavo de Castro; Alexandre, Jonas; Maia, Paulo Cesar de Almeida; Albuquerque Junior, Fernando Saboya, E-mail: [Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (UENF/LECIV), Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ (Brazil). Lab. de Engenharia Civil


    The municipal district of Itapemirim-ES is the largest producer of ornamental stones in Brazil. The processing of these rocks for the manufacture of floor and produces a large amount of waste approximately 15,000 tons/month, which still are responsible for damage to the environment. Aiming at the use of this waste, this paper studies experimentally the production of mortars of multiple use, making the replacement of the use of hydrated lime, widely used in the manufacture of mortars in construction, by the waste of the processing of a marble industry Itapemirim -ES. The mortar waste was characterized and evaluated by comparing performance with mortar with the addition of hydrated lime. We used a slurry with lime as a reference, ie the mixture was made of 1:1:8 (cement: waste / lime sand), where the workability and the properties of the hardened condition were evaluated and compared with the mortars made with the waste of marble. The compressive strength results showed that the waste with lime mortars were 1.6 ± 0.5 MPa and 1.4 MPa respectively ± 0.6 after 28 days of curing, two were classified as P1 (ABNT 13279, 2005), can replace the waste lime, thereby reducing the cost of manufacture of the mortar. (author)

  8. Creativity and Aggression as Ornament and Armament: Intersexual and Intrasexual Selection on Men's Mating Behaviors

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    Bin-Bin Chen


    Full Text Available In three studies, we tested the hypothesis that men respond to intersexual and intrasexual selection by facultatively choosing between weapon-like and ornament-like behaviors. In the first two studies, we manipulated intersexual and intrasexual selection by having male participants take part in a simulated dating game (Study 1 or imagine having a date (Study 2. In both studies, participants were told either that the target female would choose her date (intersexual or that male suitors would nominate one another (intrasexual. Under the intersexual selection condition, men demonstrated increased creativity levels and decreased aggression levels, whereas the opposite pattern was observed under the intrasexual selection condition. Study 3 showed that individual differences in creativity and aggression as personality traits similarly predicted intrasexual and intersexual mating strategies, respectively. These extend existing evolutionary mating research by specifying the mechanism of intrasexual or intersexual selection in shaping men's weapon-like or ornament-like situational response and personality development.

  9. O Gnaisse Facoidal: a mais Carioca das Rochas.

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    Kátia Leite Mansur


    Full Text Available The city of Rio de Janeiro is known by its natural beauties. The mountains and the sea make the city the postcard ofBrazil. The sculpture of the carioca landscape is closely related to the augen gneiss, very resistant rock to the weatheringand, for this reason, it stands out in the relief. It gives form for Sugar Loaf and Corcovado, for example. Augen gneisswas used in the construction of most of the historical buildings of the city, including museums and churches, manyof them were built in the 19th century. It was used in the sculpture of ornaments, facades and frames of doors andwindows. The exploitation of the augen gneiss was presented by Jean Baptiste Debret in his book "Voyage Pittoresque etHistorique au Brésil". A picture of quarry is presented at Morro da Glória and describes the extraction method by slavelabor. He informes that the augen gneiss is softer, less expensive and more easily exploited. It was destined, mainly, tothe parts of the buildings that should be sculpted. This rock is still present in an important event of the history of thebrazilian arts. Pedra do Sal, a stairway sculpted in the augen gneiss Downtown, was the place that African people metin the past to tell their histories, to do religious cults and to sing. In these meetings in Pedra do Sal samba was born.

  10. The prevalence of parasites in ornamental fish from fish market in Medan (United States)

    Dewi, R. R.; Desrita; Fadhilla, A.


    Parasites still become the major problem in ornamental fish as the fast grown of its trading in Indonesia. Parasites causes diseases in ornamental fish hence followed by death and reducing its appearence. In this study, the prevalence of parasites in 100 apparently healthy ornamental fishes namely Guppy (Poecilia reticulate) and Goldfish (Carrasius auratus) were determined. The method of this research used was survey in local fish market in Medan from March to May 2017 The aim of this study was to determine the parasite that infects aquarium fishes and find out its prevalence. For this purpose, ornamental fishes were examined for parasites from their skin, fin, gill and intestine using wet mount method under a light microscope. The survey result showed that parasites that infect Guppy and Goldfish were Monogenea (Dactylogyrus sp and Gyrodactylus sp) in their skin and gill, Protozoa (piscinodinium sp) in their gill and Nematoda (Capillaria sp) in abdominal cavity. Prevalence rate of parasites that attack Guppy in Medan is Dactylogyrus sp (8%), Gyrodactylus sp (14 %), Piscinodinium sp (6%) and Capillaria sp (8%). Then, prevalence rate of Capilaria sp that attack Goldfish is 4%. The conclusion of this work revealed that the prevalence rate of ectoparasite and endoparasites in ornamental fishes in Medan had the low rate as well as there was no pathological findings is observed. However, these parasites could be a harmful parasitic diseases in case there is the changes in aquarium environment and improper fish handling.

  11. Correlation between radon gas emanation and porosity in ornamental stones; Correlacao entre emanacao de gas radonio e porosidade de rochas ornamentais do Estado do Ceara, Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Azevedo, Leiliane Rufina Pereira de; Artur, Antonio Carlos; Bonotto, Daniel Marcos, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Rio Claro, SP (Brazil); Nogueira Neto, Jose de Araujo, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFC), Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). Dept. de Geologia


    This article makes correlations between levels of gas {sup 222}Rn emanation and corresponding porosity for thirteen samples of granitic rocks ornamental state of Ceara. For both determinations of physical indexes (bulk density, apparent porosity and water absorption, the levels of U, monitoring emanation of radon gas are made for a period of 25 days in confinement conditions of the samples under vacuum and petrographic studies of the characteristics rocks, with emphasis on the microfissural state. The sampled rocks provided low values of radon gas emanation between U 0,2 ppm and 13.6 ppm. The correlations between the various results show that the microporous network of the rock is determinant in the rate of emanation of radon gas, overlapping, including the influence of own levels of U present in the rocks. The results also show that the amount of radon gas emanating from the rock is small enough compared to the decay caused by the amount of {sup 238}U. The proposition of gas emanating relative to the total generated by rocks ranging between 0.4% and a maximum of 4.2%. (author)

  12. Micropropagation of ornamental species Petunia grandiflora and Dianthus chinensis x barbatus


    Velesanova, Ivana; Trajkova, Fidanka; Koleva Gudeva, Liljana


    Petunia (Petunia sp.) and pink dianthus (Dianthus sp.) are important ornamental plants which are grown on balconies, in flower gardens, parks and other during summer period. Approximately 156 ornamental species are cultivated via tissue culture in different commercial laboratories worldwide. In vitro plant culture is one of the key tools in plant biotechnology that utilizes the totipotency of plant cells. In this research the influence of different concentrations and combinations of BA, GA...

  13. Experimental stress during molt suggests the evolution of condition-dependent and condition-independent ornaments in the king penguin. (United States)

    Schull, Quentin; Robin, Jean-Patrice; Dobson, F Stephen; Saadaoui, Hédi; Viblanc, Vincent A; Bize, Pierre


    Sexual selection and social selection are two important theories proposed for explaining the evolution of colorful ornamental traits in animals. Understanding signal honesty requires studying how environmental and physiological factors during development influence the showy nature of sexual and social ornaments. We experimentally manipulated physiological stress and immunity status during the molt in adult king penguins ( Aptenodytes patagonicus ), and studied the consequences of our treatments on colourful ornaments (yellow-orange and UV beak spots and yellow-orange auricular feather patches) known to be used in sexual and social contexts in this species. Whereas some ornamental features showed strong condition-dependence (yellow auricular feather chroma, yellow and UV chroma of the beak), others were condition-independent and remained highly correlated before and after the molt (auricular patch size and beak UV hue). Our study provides a rare examination of the links between ornament determinism and selection processes in the wild. We highlight the coexistence of ornaments costly to produce that may be honest signals used in mate choice, and ornaments for which honesty may be enforced by social mediation or rely on genetic constraints.

  14. Ornamental Eudicotyledons from grasslands of Pampa biome in Rio Grande do Sul

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    Ana De Araújo Carrion


    Full Text Available The present study aims at investigating the group of Eudicotyledons native plants with ornamental potential of grasslands from the Pampa biome in the south of Brazil. The Pampa presents a high level of biodiversity; however, it requires studies related to the richness of vascular plants and its biological and ecological knowledge. The purpose of this work is to elaborate a preliminary inventory of this group of plants, analyzing the ornamental potential of each specie and indicating those that could be considered as being priorities for the purpose of sustainable use with this objective. Some grassland species were selected through the search for information in herbarium registers, national and international works about decorative plants, floristic surveys, besides the authors´ practical knowledge. Some parameters and values were associated, aiming at reducing the subjectivity of the choice. The survey resulted in a list of 177 species distributed in 36 families and 101 genera. Among these species, ten presented high ornamental potential. These data show that the richness of the grassland native ornamental flora is high, even though its use is poorly known. The use of these plants, if in a sustainable manner, can produce economic and ecological benefits.

  15. Sex-biased parental investment is correlated with mate ornamentation in eastern bluebirds. (United States)

    Ligon, Russell A; Hill, Geoffrey E


    Males typically have greater variance in reproductive success than females, so mothers should benefit by producing sons under favorable conditions. Being paired with a better-than-average mate is one such favorable circumstance. High-quality fathers can improve conditions for their offspring by providing good genes, good resources, or both, so females paired to such males should invest preferentially in sons. Ornamentation has been linked to male quality in many birds and, in support of differential allocation theory, females of several avian species invest more in entire broods when paired to attractive mates. Additionally, the females of some bird species apparently manipulate the primary sex-ratio of their broods in relation to the attractiveness of their mates. However, empirical support for a link between mate ornamentation and preferential feeding of sons (another form of biased investment) is lacking. We tested for correlations between sex-biased parental investment and mate plumage colour in the eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis), a species in which juveniles have sexually dichromatic UV-blue plumage. We found that the proportion of maternal feeding attempts to fledgling sons (versus fledgling daughters) was positively correlated with structurally coloured plumage ornamentation of fathers. Additionally, paternal feeding attempts to sons were correlated with plumage ornamentation of mothers and increased in fathers exhibiting breast plumage characteristics typical of older males. These results provide further support for the idea that parental strategies are influenced by mate attractiveness and provide the first evidence that mate ornamentation can influence parental behavior even after offspring have left the nest.

  16. Genetic engineering and sustainable production of ornamentals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lütken, Henrik Vlk; Clarke, Jihong Liu; Müller, Renate


    Abstract Through the last decades, environmentally and health-friendly production methods and conscientious use of resources have become crucial for reaching the goal of a more sustainable plant production. Protection of the environment requires careful consumption of limited resources and reduct......Abstract Through the last decades, environmentally and health-friendly production methods and conscientious use of resources have become crucial for reaching the goal of a more sustainable plant production. Protection of the environment requires careful consumption of limited resources....... This review presents the more recent progress of genetic engineering in ornamental breeding, delivers an overview of the biological background of the used technologies and critically evaluates the usefulness of the strategies to obtain improved ornamental plants. First, genetic engineering is addressed......, compactness can be accomplished by using a natural transformation approach without recombinant DNA technology. Secondly, metabolic engineering approaches targeting elements of the ethylene signal transduction pathway are summarized as a possible alternative to avoid the use of chemical ethylene inhibitors...

  17. Improvement of some vegetatively propagated ornamentals by gamma radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Das, P.K.; Dube, S.; Ghosh, P.; Dhua, S.D.


    Studies were made to induce mutations in some vegetatively propagated ornamentals like, Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Hibiscus, Acalpha, Iresine, etc. by acute as well as chronic gamma irradiation. In both the types of irradiation experiments, apart from growth reduction and various physiological anomalies in growth and leaf characters, a total of 27 somatic mutants have been isolated in Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Hibiscus, Acalypha and Iresine. Some of the mutants have been established by perpetuation over 3-5 vegetative generations while few could not be maintained on account of initially small chimeric changes of failure of regeneration of the propagable materials. However, most of the mutants hold as practical improvements and will find place in ornamental improvement programme in the country. (author)

  18. Immune activation affects chemical sexual ornaments of male Iberian wall lizards (United States)

    López, Pilar; Gabirot, Marianne; Martín, José


    Many animals use chemical signals in sexual selection, but it is not clear how these sexual traits might have evolved to signal honestly male condition. It is possible that there is a trade-off between maintaining the immune system and the elaboration of ornaments. We experimentally challenged the immune system of male Iberian wall lizards, Podarcis hispanica, with a bacterial antigen (lipopolysaccharide), without pathogenic effects, to explore whether the immune activation affected chemical ornaments. Immune activation resulted in decreased proportions of a major chemical in femoral secretions (cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol = provitamin D3) known to be selected in scent of males by females and which active form (vitamin D) has a variety of important effects on immune system function. This result suggests the existence of a potential trade-off between physiological regulation of the immune system and the allocation of essential nutrients (vitamins) to sexual chemical ornaments in male lizards.

  19. Brazilian consumption of flowers and ornamental plants: habits, practices and trends

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    Antonio Helio Junqueira


    Full Text Available The Brazilian consumption of flowers and ornamental plants reproduces the main typical conditions of developing countries, which it shares with other nations of Latin America, Asia and Africa. These include low per capita consumption rates, the centralization of purchases in a few traditional items, and the concentration of demand on dates and special occasions of the national calendar of celebrations. However, in recent decades, strong growth rates have been observed for this sector, signaling a potent and promising market for producers, wholesalers, retailers, floral designers, landscapists and other professionals working in the floral segment. This article analyzes original quantitative research data applied throughout Brazil, from 2014 to 2016, by the market intelligence firm Hórtica Consultoria and by the Union of the Retail Trade of Flowers and Ornamental Plants of the State of São Paulo (Sindiflores, revealing preferences, habits, practices and tendencies for the consumption of flowers and ornamental plants in Brazil.

  20. La cultura y la mitología en el cine brasileño de Glauber Rocha


    Silva, Ana Luiza Valverde da


    [ES]Glauber Rocha propone dos películas que reflexionan sobre la distribución social y el sistema económico vigente en el Brasil de los años 1960. Deus e o diabo na terra do sol, de 1964, se integra en el contexto de la estética del hambre y es signo del cine revolucionario, vanguardista y con una visión cinematográfica anterior al golpe militar. En cambio, Antonio Das Mortes, de 1969, nace en medio de las transformaciones desencadenadas por el movimiento Tropicália y de la represión de la li...

  1. Abrasive water jet: a complementary tool

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    Duarte, J. P.


    Full Text Available The abrasive water jet is a powerful cutting tool, whose main advantages lie in the absence of thermal effects and the capability of cutting highly thick materials. Compared with Laser, the abrasive water jet allows the cutting of a larger range of thicknesses and a wider variety of materials such as: ornamental stones, metals, polymers, composites, wood, glass and ceramics. The application of this technology has suffered an extensive growth, with successful applications in varied industrial sectors like the automotive, aerospace, textile, metalworking, ornamental stones, etc. The present communication aims at introducing the abrasive water jet as a complementary tool to laser cutting, presenting its advantages by showing some documented examples of pieces cut for different industries.

    O jacto de água abrasivo é uma poderosa ferramenta de corte, tendo como principais vantagens a ausência de processo térmico e permitir o corte de elevadas espessuras. Comparativamente com o laser o jacto de água abrasivo permite cortar uma maior gama de espessuras, e uma maior diversidade de materiais: rochas ornamentais, metais, polimeros, compósitos, madeiras, vidro e cerâmicos. A aplicação desta tecnologia tem sofrido um crescimento acentuado, existindo aplicações de sucesso nos mais variados sectores industriáis como a indústria automóvel, aeroespacial, têxtil, metalomecânica e rochas ornamentáis. Esta comunição pretende apresentar o corte por jacto de agua abrasivo como uma ferramenta de corte complementar ao corte por laser, apresentando as suas vantagens documentadas através de alguns exemplos de peças executadas para as diferentes indústrias.

  2. Molluscs for Sale: Assessment of Freshwater Gastropods and Bivalves in the Ornamental Pet Trade. (United States)

    Ng, Ting Hui; Tan, Siong Kiat; Wong, Wing Hing; Meier, Rudolf; Chan, Sow-Yan; Tan, Heok Hui; Yeo, Darren C J


    The ornamental pet trade is often considered a key culprit for conservation problems such as the introduction of invasive species (including infectious diseases) and overharvesting of rare species. Here, we present the first assessment of the biodiversity of freshwater molluscs in the ornamental pet trade in Singapore, one of the most important global hubs of the ornamental aquarium trade, and discuss associated conservation concerns. We recorded freshwater molluscs from ornamental pet shops and major exporters including non-ornamental species (e.g., hitchhikers, molluscs sold as fish feed). We recorded an unexpectedly high diversity-59 species-of freshwater bivalves and gastropods, with the majority (38 species or 64%) being from the Oriental region. In addition to morphological examination, we sequenced the DNA barcode region of mitochondrial CO1 and 16S genes to provide molecular data for the confirmation of the identification and for future re-identification. DNA barcodes were obtained for 50 species, and all but four were separated by > 3% uncorrected pairwise distances. The trade has been considered a main introduction pathway for non-native species to Singapore, and we found that out of 15 species in the trade as well as in the wild in Singapore, 12 are either introduced or of unknown origin, representing almost half of the known non-native freshwater molluscs in Singapore. Particularly prevalent are non-ornamental species: six hitchhikers on aquarium plants and six species sold as fish feed. We found that a quarter of the trade species have a history of introduction, which includes 11 known or potentially invasive species. We conclude that potential overharvesting is difficult to assess because only half of the trade species have been treated by IUCN. Of these, 21 species are of Least Concern and three are Data Deficient. Our checklist, with accompanying DNA barcodes, images, and museum vouchers, provides an important reference library for future monitoring

  3. Parasites of ornamental fish commercialized in Macapá, Amapá State (Brazil

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    Érico de Melo Hoshino


    Full Text Available Abstract This study investigated the parasites fauna of four freshwater ornamental fish species in aquarium shops of Macapá, Amapá State, in addition to survey the commercialized fish species and sanitary conditions of aquarium shops. Different native and non-native ornamental fish species were found in aquarium shops, mainly Poecilidae. We examined 30 specimens of Xiphophorus maculatus, 30 Danio rerio, 30 Paracheirodon axelrodi, and 30 Corydoras ephippifer for parasites. Of the 120 fish examined, 22.5% were parasitized by one or more species and a total of 438 parasites were collected and identified. Parasites such as: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Monogenea, undermined Digenea metacercariae, Acanthostomum sp. metacercariae, Camallanus spp., Bothriocephalus acheilognathi and Echinorhynchus sp. infected the hosts examined. Endoparasites in the larval stage showed the greatest diversity and Camallanus spp. was found in all hosts species examined. Paracheirodon axelrodi (43.3% was the most parasitized host, while C. ephippifer (6.7% was the least parasitized. Despite the low ectoparasites level, six species of endoparasites was observed, demonstrating that prophylactic and quarantine procedures were not fully adequate. Therefore, failures in prophylactic procedures on any link in the production industry of ornamental fish may cause parasite transmission to ornamental fish captured in different environments and localities.

  4. The effect of silicon foliar application on the development of Season ornamental plants. Part II: Argyranthemum frutescens 'Blazer Rose', Xerochrysum bracteatum 'Gold', Osteospermum ecklonis 'Grande Pink Blush' and Gaura lindheimeri 'Corinas Choice'


    Katarzyna Wróblewska; Regina Dębicz


    Recent research has proved that supplementary application of silicon, involved in plant tolerance against many stress factors, positively influences plant development improving the quality of ornamental plants. A two-factorial experiment involved four cultivars of ornamental plants: Argyranthemum frutescens 'Blazer Rose', Xerochrysum bracteatum 'Gold', Osteospermum ecklonis 'Grande Pink Blush', and Gaura lindheimeri 'Corinas Choice' The first experimental factor was the concentration of Actis...

  5. Early selection of elite clones of an ornamental bromeliad in vitro Seleção precoce in vitro de clones elite de uma bromélia ornamental

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    Candida Elisa Manfio


    Full Text Available Orthophytum grossiorum is a typical bromeliad from Atlantic forestry threatened of extinction. The objectives of this research were to select O. grossiorum clones with ornamental values easy to propagate in vitro, and establish in vitro propagation protocols for these clones. The project was developed in three steps: germination and in vitro selection of seedlings responsive to BAP (6-benzylaminopurine, selection of clones with ornamental values, and establishment of protocol for in vitro propagation of the selected clones. In the first step only 18.33% of plantlets germinated in vitro were responsive to BAP. These plantlets were selected and replicated in vitro several times, each replicated plantlet constituting a clone. In the second step these clones were established ex vitro and surveyed for ornamental attributes. Five out of 11 clones were selected in this step. These clones presented distinct phenotypic traits and were considered of high ornamental quality. In the third step a protocol for in vitro propagation was developed for each selected clone.Orthophytum grossiorum é uma bromélia ameaçada de extinção típica de Mata Atlântica. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram selecionar clones de O. grossiorum com potencial ornamental e de fácil propagação in vitro e estabelecer protocolo de propagação in vitro para esses clones. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três etapas: germinação e em seleção in vitro de plântulas responsivas a BAP (6-benzylaminopurine, seleção de clones com valores ornamentais e estabelecimento de protocolo para propagação in vitro dos clones selecionados. Na primeira etapa, foi observado que apenas 18.33% das plântulas germinadas in vitro eram responsivas a BAP. Essas plântulas foram selecionadas e reproduzidas em in vitro, e cada plântula selecionada e reproduzida constituiu um clone. Na segunda etapa, esses clones foram estabelecidos ex vitro e selecionados em relação aos atributos ornamentais

  6. Interspecific Hybridization within Ornamental Plants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kuligowska, Katarzyna

    commercially important genera of ornamental plants: Kalanchoë and Hibiscus. The nature of hybridization barriers hampering hybrid production was investigated during pre- and post-fertilization stages. For each genus the interspecific crosses of Kalanchoë species and Hibiscus species, abnormal germination...... and growth of pollen tubes, as well as lower frequencies of pollen tubes were observed in specific cross-combinations. Post-fertilization barriers related to endosperm development and hybrid incompatibility were also observed in Kalanchoë and Hibiscus genus, respectively. Qualitative and quantitative...

  7. Characterization of slate ornaments from Teotihuacan by nuclear and conventional techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Villa-Cordoba, T.; Lopez-Palacios, J.A.; Jimenez-Reyes, M.; Tenorio, D.


    Several ornaments named tezcacuitlapilli (coccyx-mirrors) are described and chemical analyses of raw materials (slate and pigments) were carried out by neutron activation, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and radiography. Elemental and statistical analyses revealed that three different kinds of slate were used in their manufacture. The white pigment contains gypsum while ochre, yellow and red pigments contain iron oxide. These ornaments were identified as coming from the Cave of the Sun Pyramid of Teotihuacan. An attempt was undertaken to reconstruct the contexts of their manufacture and symbolic interpretation. (author)

  8. Ornaments of Metropolis: Siegfried Kracauer and Modern Urban Culture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reeh, Henrik

    Arkitektur, byrum, idéhistorie, byhistorie, Sigfried Kracauer (1889-1966), Walter Benjamin, Georg Simmel, ornament, bykultur, Paris, Frankfurt am Main, berlin, Nice, Urban Studies, humanistiske bystudier, byplanlægning, byteori, bysociologi...


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    Full Text Available The eclectic style in the interpretative manner of the younger generation of traditional violinists, which oft en distorts the aesthetic essence of folklore creations, has determined the need for research, scientifi c reasoning and elaboration of some methods of learning the traditional ornamental instrumental style, which can be general or individual, yet specifi c to the historical Moldovan folk space. To achieve this, we consider important to identify the types of ornaments in traditional instrumental music; to delimit the interpretative particularities of ornaments in literate and folk music; to analyse the ornamentation styles of songs within the repertoire of diff erent traditional violinists, that belong to the folk space investigated in terms of the type of creation. As a model for analysing the particularities of interpreting these ornaments, we select violinists from older generations, whose repertoire and style of execution has not been aff ected by the media and technological progress.

  10. Balanço geoquímico de solos derivados de rochas básico-ultrabásicas no ambiente subtropical do Rio Grande do Sul

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    L. F. S. Pinto


    Full Text Available O balanço de massa da intemperização de solos desenvolvidos de rochas básico-ultrabásicas no Rio Grande do Sul, os menos intemperizados constatados até o presente no estado, mostrou nos horizontes superficiais uma concentração relativa mais elevada dos elementos móveis do que nos subsuperficiais, indicando a existência de descontinuidade entre eles. Tais feições, em conjunto com a mineralogia e com a morfologia dos perfis investigados, indicam a ocorrência de eventos erosivo-deposicionais em um passado pedogeneticamente recente, bem como uma contribuição importante de materiais intempericamente menos evoluídos para a composição mineral dos horizontes superficiais. Esses eventos erosivos e o rejuvenescimento superficial dos perfis explicam o pouco desenvolvimento e a semelhança química e mineralógica desses solos com os desenvolvidos de rochas básico-ultrabásicas em regiões temperadas.

  11. Ornamental comb colour predicts T-cell-mediated immunity in male red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus (United States)

    Mougeot, Francois


    Sexual ornaments might reliably indicate the ability to cope with parasites and diseases, and a better ability to mount a primary inflammatory response to a novel challenge. Carotenoid-based ornaments are amongst the commonest sexual signals of birds and often influence mate choice. Because carotenoids are immuno-stimulants, signallers may trade-off allocating these to ornamental colouration or using them for immune responses, so carotenoid-based ornaments might be particularly useful as honest indicators of immuno-compentence. Tetraonid birds, such as the red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus, exhibit supra-orbital yellow red combs, a conspicuous ornament which functions in intra- and inter-sexual selection. The colour of combs is due to epidermal pigmentation by carotenoids, while their size is testosterone-dependent. In this study, I investigated whether comb characteristics, and in particular, comb colour, indicated immuno-competence in free-living male red grouse. I assessed T-cell-mediated immunity using a standardised challenge with phytohaemagglutinin. Red grouse combs reflect in the red and in the ultraviolet spectrum of light, which is not visible to humans but that grouse most likely see, so I measured comb colour across the whole bird visible spectrum (300 700 nm) using a reflectance spectrometer. I found that males with bigger and redder combs, but with less ultraviolet reflectance, had greater T-cell-mediated immune response. Comb colour predicted T-cell-mediated immune response better than comb size, indicating that the carotenoid-based colouration of this ornament might reliably signal this aspect of male quality.

  12. Evolução da fracturação e da interacção sólido-fluido de rochas ígneas em ambiente de circulação hidrotermal


    Lopes, Sofia Alexandra Correia


    Tese de mestrado, Ciências Geofísicas (Geofísica Interna), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009 Este trabalho centrou-se no estudo da evolução da fracturação numa rocha, desde o desenvolvimento de microfracturas até à ruptura macroscópica. A caracterização deste processo foi feito com base nas medições da variação de diversas propriedades físicas e mecânicas em duas rochas ígneas, granito e basalto, sujeitos à acção térmica e/ou mecânica, com e sem circulação de fluido. Este...

  13. Male rock sparrows adjust their breeding strategy according to female ornamentation: parental or mating investment?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pilastro, Andrea; Griggio, Matteo; Matessi, Giuliano


    We investigated the relations between female quality and ornamentation and between male breeding investment and female ornamentation in the rock sparrow, Petronia petronia, a passerine in which both sexes have a yellow breast patch. Breast patch size in females was positively correlated with body...


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    Bazhenov Yuriy Mikhaylovich


    Full Text Available Ultrasonic method of generation of a stable suspension of nano-particles of titanium dioxide and the strengthening properties of the ornamental fine concrete that contains cement binders with a nano-dispersed additive constitute the subject of the research covered by the authors. Nanoparticles react with the basic chemical elements that compose the concrete and act as crystallization centres. Therefore, the concrete porosity is reduced, while physical and technology-related properties of the ornamental fine concrete are improved. The authors have proven that the application of the nano-dispersed additive that contains titanium dioxide influences the processes of the structure formation in respect of fine ornamental concretes and improves the strength, as well as the water and cold resistance of fine concretes. The improvement is attributed to the dense concrete structure and strong adhesion between cement grains and between the cement and the aggregate. This conclusion is based on the data obtained through the employment of an electronic microscope used to identify the porosity of fine concretes.

  15. The Ornamental Design of Traditional Malay Utensils (Kukuran in Peninsula Malaysia

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    Md Yusoff Zulkfli bin


    Full Text Available Woodcarving is a significant craft in Malay society that reflects the local traditions and customs. It is a manifestation of craftsmen artistic skills and intutitive ideas into a piece of wood. It is also manifestation of the creative process of imitation, denaturalization, stylization and abstraction. Historically, the Malay craftsmen have created many attractive traditional art forms and one of it is the coconut graters (kukuran. The ornamental carved kukuran is closely related to its Malay woodcarving tradition and philosophy. The aim of this paper is to illustrate this tradition of the great traditional Malay kukuran, the testiment of its time through its visual characteristics and design composition. This study presents an analysis of six kukuran, which were gathered from the state museums in Peninsular Malaysia. The discussion is focused on the formalistic and iconology aspects of the kukuran carving ornaments. The finding briefly shows the fusion of Malay concept of beauty, Malay culture and the understanding of Islam had been manifested in these domestic utensils - the ornamental kukuran

  16. “Metamorfose do espaço habitado” em função de uma nova atividade econômica: a exploração de rochas ornamentais e a valorização do solo no município de Barra de São Francisco - Norte do Espírito Santo

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    Frederico Castro Carvalho


    Full Text Available O noroeste do estado do Espírito Santo tem vivenciado um “boom” econômico impulsionado pelas atividades mineradoras relacionadas à exploração de rochas ornamentais, sendo o granito o principal responsável por toda essa dinâmica. As terras da região, em particular as áreas urbanas do município de Barra de São Francisco, têm sido alvo de forte especulação imobiliária devido aos crescentes investimentos do setor de rochas ornamentais. Esse setor tem alterado a dinâmica da cidade francisquense, outrora baseada nas atividades agropecuárias, que tinham no café conilon o pilar de sua economia, assim como a (reconfiguração espacial do município como um todo. A proposta do estudo apresentado consiste em apontar indícios e pistas para se pensar o crescimento das cidades de modo racional no uso e na ocupação dos espaços das áreas urbanas e limítrofes, com o gerenciamento planejado de políticas capazes de promoverem a participação dos atores envolvidos identificando-se os conflitos. Essas políticas devem ser compatíveis com as perspectivas envolvidas, procurando estimular atividades economicamente viáveis e que mantenham um ordenamento na apropriação da paisagem. Abstract “METAMORPHOSIS OF INHABITED SPACE” ACCORDING TO A NEW ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: THE EXPLORATION AND EXPLOITATION OF ROCKS ORMANENTAIS SOIL IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BARRA DE SÃO FRANCISCO - NORTH OF ESPÍRITO SANTO The northwestern state of Espírito Santo has experienced a ‘boom’ economic driven by mining activities related to the exploitation of ornamental rocks, granite being primarily responsible for this whole dynamic. The lands of the region, in particular the urban areas of the municipality of Barra de São Francisco, has been the subject of strong speculation due to increasing investments in the sector of ornamental rocks. This sector has changed the dynamics of the city francisquense, formerly based on agricultural activities, they had coffee

  17. Zygospore ornamentation in the genera Mucor and Zygorhynchus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schipper, Maria A.A.; Samson, R.A.; Stalpers, J.A.


    Zygospores of species of the genera Mucor and Zygorhynchus were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy. The types of ornamentation are described and compared with those of some species of other genera of the Mucorales. The possibility of grouping the species according to zygospore

  18. The Assessment of Literal Ornaments in Persian Badiâ Books from the linguistic, Phonetic and Phonologic Viewpoint


    Morteza Heidari


    AbstractThe literal rhetoric (scheme) is a most important branch of Persian language aesthetics. The purpose of the knowledge is studying and evaluating the verbal music with applying the instruments that called Ornaments. Ornament as is obvious from its name is all devices that writers using them for making their art fine. With historical skimming over Badi` books, we understand our rhetoricians have gave and dedicated useless names and titles to the literal ornaments rather than analyzing t...

  19. Total exploitation of an ornamental granite quarry

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    Taboada, J.


    Full Text Available In this paper we propose a methodology to estimate the recovery percentage for each of the products which can be obtained from the exploitation of an ornamental granite quarry: block, semiblock, masonry-transverse stone, and the smaller materials that can be used to obtain construction aggregates. This methodology ensures that quarry exploitation is exhaustive, thereby minimising the production of spoils and the consequent negative impact on the environment. The analysis is based on a detailed and exhaustive compilation of discontinuity data from the research fronts, which are then interpreted statistically and projected over the three weakness planes that are a particular feature of ornamental granite deposits. Using this information, and bearing in mind the minimum commercially viable sizes for each kind of granite, the corresponding recovery rates are calculated for each material in each plane. The results are then integrated using spatial techniques, and the result is an evaluation of quarry contents with a view to total exploitation. This methodology was applied to a quarry in the opening phase in order to carry out an a priori assessment of the economic feasibility of the quarry.

    En este trabajo se propone una metodología para estimar el porcentaje de recuperación de cada uno de los productos que se pueden obtener en la explotación de una cantera de granito ornamental: bloque, semibloque, manpostería y per piaños, y material restante destinado a la obtención de áridos. De esta manera se logra un aprovechamiento integral de la cantera, evitándose la generación de estériles y el subsiguiente impacto ambiental producido por éstos. La metodología de análisis se basa en la recopilación detallada y exhaustiva de datos de discontinuidades en los frentes de investigación, que se interpretan estadísticamente y se proyectan sobre los tres planos de debilidad propios del granito ornamental. Con esta información, y las

  20. In vitro micro-propagation of endangered ornamental plant ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The ornamental plant, Neotchihatchewia isatidea, is an endangered species of Turkey and threatened by complete extinction in the future. Therefore, in vitro multiplication of this species can be valuable for commercial production and germplasm conservation. Immature embryos of N. isatidea were cultured for initiation on ...


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    Full Text Available The work deals with Untzukul ornamental hatching wood by metal - it is the only phenomena in decoration applied art. Special attention is paid to succession of the traditions important for conservation and further development of the natural art trade of Daghestan republic.

  2. Thin Cell Layer technology in ornamental plant micropropagation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Thin cell layer (TCL) technology originated almost 30 years ago with the controlled development of flowers, roots, shoots and somatic embryos on tobacco pedicel longitudinal TCLs. Since then TCLs have been successfully used in the micropropagation of many ornamental plant species whose previous in vitro ...

  3. Induction of somatic mutations in ornamental plants by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desai, B.M.; Abraham, V.


    Improvement in some ornamental plants through induction of somatic mutations by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens viz. colchicine, EMS and DS has been attempted. Mutants of high ornamental value have been evolved, isolated and multiplied in canna, perennial portulaca, tuberose, bougainvillea, hibiscus, daisy, lilies. These pertain to changes in colour, shape and size of flower and foliage. Procedural details on induction, isolation, stabilisation of the mutants and description of the new characteristics are presented. (author)

  4. Ornamental Plants of Home Garden along the Coridor of Kopendukuh Village, Banyuwangi, East Java-Indonesia as a Basis for Ecotourism Planning

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    Maic A.L. Sihombing


    Full Text Available Home garden is a habitat for many plants species which are important in planning and management of tourism in rural area. Ornamental plants have crucial function to increase the appearance of homes and buildings through landscaping. The purpose of this study is to analyze ornamental plants species which grow in the home garden along the corridor of Kopendukuh Village as one of the potential attractions of tourism development. The observation of ornamental plants diversity was carried out at home gardens along the rural coridor of Kopendukuh Village. Totally, there are about 10 home gardens were assessed. In each home gardens, plans species were recorded and identified systematically. Qualitative analysis was performed using analysis of sociability, vitality, and periodicity. Result of the survey confirm that home garden is home of about 40 ornamental plants species. These species came from 24 family. About 59% of the ornamental species was classified as individual plant species live in small groups, 28% of ornamental plant was classified as shrubs. About 65% of are ornamental plant without flowers and seeds.  The diversity of plants in home garden needs special attention, especially in order to increase settlement visual quality. Keywords: Kopendukuh, ornamental plant, sociability, vitality, periodicity.

  5. Genetic engineering and sustainable production of ornamentals: current status and future directions. (United States)

    Lütken, Henrik; Clarke, Jihong Liu; Müller, Renate


    Through the last decades, environmentally and health-friendly production methods and conscientious use of resources have become crucial for reaching the goal of a more sustainable plant production. Protection of the environment requires careful consumption of limited resources and reduction of chemicals applied during production of ornamental plants. Numerous chemicals used in modern plant production have negative impacts on human health and are hazardous to the environment. In Europe, several compounds have lost their approval and further legal restrictions can be expected. This review presents the more recent progress of genetic engineering in ornamental breeding, delivers an overview of the biological background of the used technologies and critically evaluates the usefulness of the strategies to obtain improved ornamental plants. First, genetic engineering is addressed as alternative to growth retardants, comprising recombinant DNA approaches targeting relevant hormone pathways, e.g. the gibberellic acid (GA) pathway. A reduced content of active GAs causes compact growth and can be facilitated by either decreased anabolism, increased catabolism or altered perception. Moreover, compactness can be accomplished by using a natural transformation approach without recombinant DNA technology. Secondly, metabolic engineering approaches targeting elements of the ethylene signal transduction pathway are summarized as a possible alternative to avoid the use of chemical ethylene inhibitors. In conclusion, molecular breeding approaches are dealt with in a way allowing a critical biological assessment and enabling the scientific community and public to put genetic engineering of ornamental plants into a perspective regarding their usefulness in plant breeding.

  6. Identification of Values of Ornaments in Indonesian Batik in Visual Content of Nitiki Game

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    Chandra Tresnadi


    Full Text Available Batik is a form of visual art on textile materials produced using traditional drawing techniques originating from Indonesia. For the Javanese, batik is a traditional cloth integral to their cultural identity. Visuals on ornaments of batik cloths illustrate the life sayings and values upon which the life of the community is laid. The study focuses on identifying the values found in Indonesian batik ornaments which are adapted as visual content on the Nitiki game. The findings are then used to reconstruct the values that represent the real batik culture. This study employs the qualitative descriptive method by collecting dozens of batik ornaments on the Nitiki game, exploring the values mentioned in literature, sorting out the dominant values, and reconstructing them. The findings suggest that the values found in Indonesian batik ornaments in the Nitiki game clearly show the patterns of how traditional culture of batik survives and thrives in Indonesian society, as well as show the flexibility of batik against the current development of modern culture, including its integration as culture-based content in interactive media. This study contributes to the dissertation research on aesthetical interaction in cultural content-based game.

  7. Typological Study of Traditional Mosque Ornamentation in Malaysia – Prospect of Traditional Ornament in Urban Mosque


    N. Utaberta; S. D. M. Sojak; M. Surat; A. I. Che-Ani; M.M. Tahir


    Since the admission of Islam onto the Malay World in 16th century, the Malay culture began to grow in line with the teachings of Islam as a guide of life. Mosque become a symbol of Muslim communities, as well as the cultural values that have been adapted represent the maturity and readiness of Malay Muslim in manifest a lifestyle tradition into the community. Refinement of ornament that used to take from Hindu-Buddhist beliefs before were adopted and refined to the Islami...

  8. Tissue culture of ornamental cacti

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    Eugenio Pérez-Molphe-Balch


    Full Text Available Cacti species are plants that are well adapted to growing in arid and semiarid regions where the main problem is water availability. Cacti have developed a series of adaptations to cope with water scarcity, such as reduced leaf surface via morphological modifications including spines, cereous cuticles, extended root systems and stem tissue modifications to increase water storage, and crassulacean acid metabolism to reduce transpiration and water loss. Furthermore, seeds of these plants very often exhibit dormancy, a phenomenon that helps to prevent germination when the availability of water is reduced. In general, cactus species exhibit a low growth rate that makes their rapid propagation difficult. Cacti are much appreciated as ornamental plants due to their great variety and diversity of forms and their beautiful short-life flowers; however, due to difficulties in propagating them rapidly to meet market demand, they are very often over-collected in their natural habitats, which leads to numerous species being threatened, endangered or becoming extinct. Therefore, plant tissue culture techniques may facilitate their propagation over a shorter time period than conventional techniques used for commercial purposes; or may help to recover populations of endangered or threatened species for their re-introduction in the wild; or may also be of value to the preservation and conservation of the genetic resources of this important family. Herein we present the state-of-the-art of tissue culture techniques used for ornamental cacti and selected suggestions for solving a number of the problems faced by members of the Cactaceae family.

  9. Vascularization in Ornamented Osteoderms: Physiological Implications in Ectothermy and Amphibious Lifestyle in the Crocodylomorphs? (United States)

    Clarac, F; De Buffrénil, V; Cubo, J; Quilhac, A


    Vascularization in the core of crocodylian osteoderms, and in their superficial pits has been hypothesized to be a key feature involved in physiological thermoregulation and/or acidosis buffering during anoxia (apnea). However, up to now, there have been no quantitative data showing that the inner, or superficial, blood supply of the osteoderms is greater than that occurring in neighboring dermal tissues. We provide such data: our results clearly indicate that the vascular networks in both the osteoderms and the pits forming their superficial ornamentation are denser than in the overlying dermis. These results support previous physiological assumptions and indicate that vascularization in pseudosuchian (crocodylians and close relatives) ornamented osteoderms could be part of a broad eco-physiological adaptation towards ectothermy and aquatic ambush predation acquired by the crocodylomorphs during their post-Triassic evolution. Moreover, regressions demonstrate that the number of enclosed vessels is correlated with the sectional area of the cavities housing them (superficial pits and inner cavities). These regressions can be used to infer the degree of vascularization on dry and fossilized osteoderms and thus document the evolution of the putative function of the osteoderms in the Pseudosuchia. Anat Rec, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Anat Rec, 301:175-183, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Development of Two Intelligent Spray Systems for Ornamental Nurseries (United States)

    Current application technology for floral, nursery, and other specialty crop production wastes significant amounts of pesticides. Two different real-time variable-rate sprayer prototypes for ornamental nursery and tree crops were developed to deliver chemicals on target areas as needed. The first pr...

  11. Crescimento de mudas de pinhão-manso em resposta a adubação com superfosfato simples e pó-de-rocha Growth of jatropha seedlings in response to single superphosphate and rock-flour fertilization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiano Barbosa de Souza Prates


    Full Text Available Pesquisas feitas com pó-de-rocha têm mostrado a potencialidade de alguns desses resíduos em promover o enriquecimento mineral de solos; prática definida como rochagem do solo. Ela visa aumentar a fertilidade do solo, proporcionar uma boa produtividade e maior sustentabilidade agrícola. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o crescimento de mudas de pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L. em resposta a adubação do substrato com superfosfato simples e pó-de-rocha. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido no período de setembro a novembro de 2007, em casa de vegetação do Instituto de Ciências Agrárias/UFMG. Os tratamentos, em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 3 repetições, corresponderam a 2 doses de pó-de-rocha (0 e 20 kg m-3 de substrato e 5 doses de superfosfato simples (1,25; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5 e 10,0 kg m-3 de substrato. Foram avaliados: altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, relação altura da planta/diâmetro do caule, número de folhas por planta, área foliar, matéria fresca e seca da raiz e da parte aérea, matéria fresca e seca total, relação matéria seca da parte aérea/matéria seca da raiz e índice de qualidade de Dickson IQD. Os resultados mostram que não houve interação significativa entre as doses de fósforo e a de pó-de-rocha aplicadas e as variáveis estudadas. A aplicação de superfosfato simples foi significativa para altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, área foliar, matéria fresca da raiz, da parte aérea e total, respondendo positivamente até a dose máxima de fósforo aplicada.Research into rock-flour have shown the potential of some of these residues in promoting the mineral enrichment of soils; a practice defined as stonemeal soil. Such practice aims to increase soil fertility and provide good productivity and greater agricultural sustainability. The present study had as objective to evaluate the growth of jatropha seedlings (Jatropha curcas L. in response to

  12. Conservation and restoration of ornamental elements

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    Carmen Rallo Gruss


    Full Text Available Intervention on a building as complex and rich in ornamentation as the Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas requires special attention as regards the restoration of all the singular elements, both inside and outside, and the different finishes and furnishings. Within this methodology of integral restoration, it is worth pointing out especially the consolidation and cleaning of the emblematic alabaster portal, the restoration of the paintings and the treatment of the different collections of tiles.

  13. Sexual selection and the function of a melanin-based plumage ornament in polygamous penduline tits Remiz pendulinus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kingma, Sjouke A.; Szentirmai, Istvan; Szekely, Tamas; Bokony, Veronika; Bleeker, Maarten; Liker, Andras; Komdeur, Jan; McGraw, K.

    Melanin-based ornaments are often involved in signaling aggression and dominance, and their role in sexual selection is increasingly recognized. We investigated the functions of a melanin-based plumage ornament (facial 'mask') in male Eurasian penduline tits Remiz pendulinus in the contexts of

  14. Frontiers of torenia research: innovative ornamental traits and study of ecological interaction networks through genetic engineering (United States)


    Advances in research in the past few years on the ornamental plant torenia (Torenia spps.) have made it notable as a model plant on the frontier of genetic engineering aimed at studying ornamental characteristics and pest control in horticultural ecosystems. The remarkable advantage of torenia over other ornamental plant species is the availability of an easy and high-efficiency transformation system for it. Unfortunately, most of the current torenia research is still not very widespread, because this species has not become prominent as an alternative to other successful model plants such as Arabidopsis, snapdragon and petunia. However, nowadays, a more global view using not only a few selected models but also several additional species are required for creating innovative ornamental traits and studying horticultural ecosystems. We therefore introduce and discuss recent research on torenia, the family Scrophulariaceae, for secondary metabolite bioengineering, in which global insights into horticulture, agriculture and ecology have been advanced. Floral traits, in torenia particularly floral color, have been extensively studied by manipulating the flavonoid biosynthetic pathways in flower organs. Plant aroma, including volatile terpenoids, has also been genetically modulated in order to understand the complicated nature of multi-trophic interactions that affect the behavior of predators and pollinators in the ecosystem. Torenia would accordingly be of great use for investigating both the variation in ornamental plants and the infochemical-mediated interactions with arthropods. PMID:23803155

  15. Complex Ornament Machining Process on a CNC Router

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    Camelia COŞEREANU


    Full Text Available The paper investigates the CNC routering possibilities for three species of wood, namely ash (Fraxinus Excelsior, lime wood (Tilia cordata and fir wood (Abies Alba, in order to obtain right surfaces of Art Nouveau sculptured ornaments. Given the complexity of the CNC tool path for getting wavy shapes of Art Nouveau decorations, the choice of processing parameters for each processed species of wood requires a laborious research work to correlate these parameters. Two Art Nouveau ornaments are proposed for the investigation. They are CNC routered using two types of cutting tools. The processed parameters namely the spindle speed, feed speed and depth of cut were the three variables of the machining process for the three species of wood, which were combined so, to provide good surface finish as a quality attribute. There were totally forty six variants of combining the processing parameter which were applied for CNC routering the samples made of the three species of wood. At the end, an optimum combination of the processed parameters is recommended for each species of wood.

  16. Chemical Resistance of Ornamental Compound Stone Produced with Marble Waste and Unsaturated Polyester (United States)

    Ribeiro, Carlos E. Gomes; Rodriguez, Rubén J. Sánchez; Vieira, Carlos M. Fontes

    Ornamental compound stone are produced by industry for decades, however, few published studies describe these materials. Brazil has many deposits of stone wastes and a big potential to produce these materials. This work aims to evaluate the chemical resistance of ornamental compound stones produced with marble waste and unsaturated polyester. An adaptation of Annex H of ABNT NBR 13818:97 standard, with reagents commonly used in household products, was used. The results were compared with those obtained for natural stone used in composite production.

  17. Patterns of divergence in the morphology of ceratopsian dinosaurs: sympatry is not a driver of ornament evolution. (United States)

    Knapp, Andrew; Knell, Robert J; Farke, Andrew A; Loewen, Mark A; Hone, David W E


    Establishing the origin and function of unusual traits in fossil taxa provides a crucial tool in understanding macroevolutionary patterns over long periods of time. Ceratopsian dinosaurs are known for their exaggerated and often elaborate horns and frills, which vary considerably between species. Many explanations have been proposed for the origin and evolution of these 'ornamental' traits, from predator defence to socio-sexual dominance signalling and, more recently, species recognition. A key prediction of the species recognition hypothesis is that two or more species possessing divergent ornamental traits should have been at least partially sympatric. For the first time to our knowledge, we test this hypothesis in ceratopsians by conducting a comparison of the morphological characters of 46 species. A total of 350 ceratopsian cladistic characters were categorized as either 'internal', 'display' (i.e. ornamental) or 'non display'. Patterns of diversity of these characters were evaluated across 1035 unique species pairs. Display characters were found to diverge rapidly overall, but sympatric species were not found to differ significantly in their ornamental disparity from non-sympatric species, regardless of phylogenetic distance. The prediction of the species recognition hypothesis, and thus the idea that ornamentation evolved as a species recognition mechanism, has no statistical support among known ceratopsians. © 2018 The Authors.

  18. Preliminary study on irradiation breeding of ornamental lotus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Xiulan; Bao Jianzhong; Liu Chungui; Cao Hong; Zhai Jianqing


    The effects of γ-ray irradiation on seeds and stems of ornamental lotus were studied. The results show that the mutation rate of seeds is higher than that of stems, and 30-60 Gy is the appropriate irradiation dose. The varieties with red or multi-color flower are more mutable than those with white flower. Two varieties were selected

  19. Geology of the Sierra de los ajos (Laguna Merin basin, Rocha, Uruguay)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morales, E.; Muzio, R.; Veroslavsky, G.


    The studied area is located between Lascano city and Sierra de los Ajos hills (department of Rocha, East Uruguay). It is represented by volcanic deposits correspondent to Puerto Gómez and Arequita Formations which are exposed as remarkable and preserved hills in areas recovered by Cenozoic sediments and wetlands. Detailed geological mapping allowed the descriptive characterization of eight volcanic facies: five coherent facies and three volcaniclastic facies. Several structural lineaments located in a constrictive framework, according to the transcurrent system represented by the northeastern portion of the Santa Lucía - Aiguá - Merín tectonic corridor (SaLAM), were identified. These lineaments (Bella Vista, India Muerta and Los Ajos) controlled the tecto-magmatic arrange in this portion of the basin, determining petrographic and structural differences in the area. Particularly, to the East of the India Muerta with structural trend Nº20 felsic lavas corrrespondent to the Sierra de los Ajos and related volcaniclastic deposits are present. On the other hand to the West, intermediate to felsic lavas occurred and no volcaniclastic deposits have been yet identified

  20. Economic significance of viroids in ornamental crops (Book Chapter) (United States)

    The economic significance of viroids in ornamental crops is less obvious than in food crops. Most serious direct impact is known for chrysanthemum stunt viroid in chrysanthemum and, to a lesser extent, for chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid in the same crop. However, the majority of viroid infect...

  1. Garden ponds as potential introduction pathway of ornamental crayfish

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    Patoka J.


    Full Text Available The private stocking of ornamental crayfish in garden ponds was discussed in previous studies, but there is a lack of detailed analysis for better understanding of this introduction pathway. The Czech Republic is one of leading EU countries in trade with ornamental crayfish and private garden ponds are popular among people. The crayfish keepers in the country were interviewed by self-administered questionnaire to gather data about principal characteristics of the keepers and detailed information about crayfish breeding that are of interest for conservation managers. Besides of releasing crayfish into garden ponds, alarming illegal behavior such as releasing of juvenile crayfish into the wild, and capturing of indigenous crayfish from wild populations, were registered. Therefore focusing on public education to increase awareness of possible unwanted consequences of crayfish release and introduction of an obligation to inform customers about hazardousness of non-indigenous crayfish species for retailers and wholesalers is recommended.

  2. Estudo da Faciologia Orgânica em Rochas Geradoras Marinhas Cretáceas do Grupo Villeta, Bacia do Valle Superior del Magdalena,Colômbia: Implicações Paleoambientais.

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    Juliana Andrade Iemini


    Full Text Available As rochas pelíticas do Cretáceo superior são asgeradoras da maior parte das reservas de petróleo naColômbia. A Bacia do Valle Superior Del Magdalena(VSM, possui afloramentos de boa qualidade e comníveis de evolução térmica, que variam desde oimaturo até o fim da “janela” de geração de óleo,tornando esta região como uma das mais propíciaspara o estudo dos processos de geração e migraçãoprimária do petróleo no Cretáceo superior. O objetivoprincipal consistiu no estudo de fácies orgânicaatravés da caracterização geoquímica e análisepalinofaciológica das rochas geradoras de petróleocretáceas do VSM numa seção aflorante (QuebradaBambuca, objetivando o entendimento do controleexercido pela evolução paleoambiental sobre opotencial gerador e as variações composicionaisda matéria orgânica a partir da integração dosdados geoquímicos e palinofaciológicos. Paratanto, foram utilizadas análises organogeoquímicas(Carbono Orgânico Total - COT e Pirólise Rock-Eval, cedidas pelo Instituto Colombiano doPetróleo ICP - ECOPETROL e palinofaciológicasem amostras das Formações Tetuan Bambuca e LaLuna, Grupo Villeta, Bacia do Valle Superior delMagdalena. As rochas dessa formação apresentamum elevado conteúdo orgânico, com valores deCOT de até 23%. As lâminas organopalinológicasforam analisadas através de técnicas de palinofácies(microscopia em luz branca transmitida e luz azul/ultravioleta incidente-fluorescência realizando acontagem dos componentes orgânicos particuladosdos grupos do querogênio (fitoclasto, palinomorfoe matéria orgânica amorfa e da determinação doÍndice de Coloração de Esporos (ICE. A analisemicroscópica revelou um predomínio de matériaorgânica amorfa. Os palinomorfos são representadospor dinoflagelados e esporomorfos, sendo osdinoflagelados os mais representativos. A matériaorgânica amorfa apresenta fluorescência amarelaa laranja. O material lenhoso representa a

  3. Ornamenting 3D printed scaffolds with cell-laid extracellular matrix for bone tissue regeneration. (United States)

    Pati, Falguni; Song, Tae-Ha; Rijal, Girdhari; Jang, Jinah; Kim, Sung Won; Cho, Dong-Woo


    3D printing technique is the most sophisticated technique to produce scaffolds with tailorable physical properties. But, these scaffolds often suffer from limited biological functionality as they are typically made from synthetic materials. Cell-laid mineralized ECM was shown to be potential for improving the cellular responses and drive osteogenesis of stem cells. Here, we intend to improve the biological functionality of 3D-printed synthetic scaffolds by ornamenting them with cell-laid mineralized extracellular matrix (ECM) that mimics a bony microenvironment. We developed bone graft substitutes by using 3D printed scaffolds made from a composite of polycaprolactone (PCL), poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), and β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) and mineralized ECM laid by human nasal inferior turbinate tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hTMSCs). A rotary flask bioreactor was used to culture hTMSCs on the scaffolds to foster formation of mineralized ECM. A freeze/thaw cycle in hypotonic buffer was used to efficiently decellularize (97% DNA reduction) the ECM-ornamented scaffolds while preserving its main organic and inorganic components. The ECM-ornamented 3D printed scaffolds supported osteoblastic differentiation of newly-seeded hTMSCs by upregulating four typical osteoblastic genes (4-fold higher RUNX2; 3-fold higher ALP; 4-fold higher osteocalcin; and 4-fold higher osteopontin) and increasing calcium deposition compared to bare 3D printed scaffolds. In vivo, in ectopic and orthotopic models in rats, ECM-ornamented scaffolds induced greater bone formation than that of bare scaffolds. These results suggest a valuable method to produce ECM-ornamented 3D printed scaffolds as off-the-shelf bone graft substitutes that combine tunable physical properties with physiological presentation of biological signals. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. ROCHA, Ana Luiza Carvalho; ECKERT, Cornelia. Antropologia da e na cidade: interpretações sobre as formas da vida urbana


    Dauster, Tania


    Antropologia da e na cidade: interpretações sobre as formas da vida urbana, das autoras Ana Luiza Rocha e Cornelia Eckert, expressa um percurso de investigação e uma linhagem que tem como fonte a antropologia urbana em inter-relações com a antropologia da imagem. O livro é um feixe de oito artigos anteriormente publicados em periódicos científicos, oriundos de estudos antropológicos e práticas etnográficas em cidades brasileiras, com foco privilegiado em Porto Alegre. Trata-se de uma obra ded...

  5. Effects of radiations on ornamental fish

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anita; Kalyankar, Amol D.; Ohlyan, Sunita; Gupta, R.K.


    Radiation is a process in which energetic particles or energetic waves travel through a medium or space. There are two distinct types of radiations: ionizing and non-ionizing. Ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays are some examples of radiation. 'Ornamental fish' is designed for aquatic hobbyists and the aquatic industry for several purposes. UV light has two primary uses in fish culture: Controlling green water and disinfecting the water supply. Many proponents of UV disinfection sometimes overlook the additional benefits relating to ornamental fish; those being that cleaner water reduces the stress on the fish by not having to fight off diseases, thus enhancing its immune system and leading to faster growth and more brilliant colors. Ultraviolet sterilizers are often used in aquaria to help control unwanted microorganisms in the water. UV radiation also ensures that exposed pathogens cannot reproduce, thus decreasing the likelihood of a disease outbreak in an aquarium. Despite of these benefits, the ill-effects of radiations cannot be ruled out. Ultraviolet Radiation-induced DNA Damage is seen in the skin of the Platyfish Xiphophorus. Higher radiation doses may cause the gastrointestinal syndrome that leads to defects of the intestinal mucosa barrier with successive contamination of musculature. Exposure to UV radiation can kill the fish and induce sublethal effects in embryos, larvae and adults. The change in skin includes irregularity of skin surface, epidermal oedema, necrosis etc. Irradiation may badly influence the textural attributes of fish muscle. (author)

  6. Development of soda-lime glasses from ornamental rock wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Babisk, Michelle Pereira


    During the ornamental rocks production, among other steps, one saw the rock blocks in order to transform them into semi-finished plates. In this step, expressive amounts of residues are generated, which are not properly discharged in nature, without any programmed utilization. The residues of silicide rocks present, in their compositions, oxides which are raw materials employed to fabricate soda-lime type glasses (containing SiO_2, Al_2O_3, CaO, Na_2O and K_2O). On the other hand the residues of carbonatic rocks are constituted of glass net modifier oxides, like CaO and MgO. In this work it was developed four types of soda-lime glasses using ornamental rock residues, where the glasses compositions were adjusted by adding sand, as silica source, as well as sodium and calcium carbonates as sources of Na_2O and CaO, respectively. The obtained glasses were characterized by means of Archimed's method for densities measurements, microstructure by using optical and electronic microscopy, phases by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), hardness by Vickers indentation, spectroscopy (UV/VIS), and hydrolytic resistance according to ISO 719. The XRD analyses confirmed the compositions total vitrification, where the greened aspect of the samples was due to the presence of the iron oxides. The produced glasses properties were compared with those of commercial glasses aiming their industrial employment. The main difference between the produced glasses and those commercials varied primarily regarding the amount of carbonates incorporated. The results showed that the ornamental rocks residues may be used as raw materials for glasses fabrication, and they found a useful economic destination rather than discharge which promotes undesirable environmental impact. (author)

  7. Evaluation of mistletoes ( Tapinanthus sp ) on the ornamental plants ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Samples of the ornamental plants and trees were collected during the survey in 2001 and were identified in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria herbarium. The severity and incidence of the parasite were determined by differential host test and the number of infected stands, were expressed in percentage of total stands sampled ...

  8. Convenience of Statistical Approach in Studies of Architectural Ornament and Other Decorative Elements Specific Application (United States)

    Priemetz, O.; Samoilov, K.; Mukasheva, M.


    An ornament is an actual phenomenon of the architecture modern theory, a common element in the practice of design and construction. It has been an important aspect of shaping for millennia. The description of the methods of its application occupies a large place in the studies on the theory and practice of architecture. However, the problem of the saturation of compositions with ornamentation, the specificity of its themes and forms have not been sufficiently studied yet. This aspect requires accumulation of additional knowledge. The application of quantitative methods for the plastic solutions types and a thematic diversity of facade compositions of buildings constructed in different periods creates another tool for an objective analysis of ornament development. It demonstrates the application of this approach for studying the features of the architectural development in Kazakhstan at the end of the XIX - XXI centuries.

  9. Produção de girassol ornamental com uso de águas salobras em sistema hidropônico NFT Production of ornamental sunflower with use of brackish waters in NFT hydroponic system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marlo P Maciel


    Full Text Available Plantas de girassol ornamental 'Sol Vermelho' foram cultivadas em hidroponia com o objetivo de avaliar o uso de águas salobras sobre seu rendimento e qualidade da inflorescência. As águas salobras foram usadas para preparar a solução nutritiva e repor as perdas por evapotranspiração. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente aleatorizado com cinco níveis de salinidade da água: 1,51; 2,56; 3,86 e 6,19 dS m-1, obtidos pela adição de NaCl na água doce local (0,47 dS m-1 que também foi usada como testemunha. Cada tratamento foi repetido quatro vezes e cada parcela (com quatro plantas foi construída para simular um sistema independente da técnica do fluxo laminar de nutrientes (NFT. Observou-se uma redução linear causada pelo aumento da salinidade da água sobre a altura das plantas, o diâmetro do caule e a massa da matéria seca da parte aérea. Tanto a altura da planta quanto o diâmetro do caule foram reduzidos em 3,2% e a massa de matéria seca da parte aérea foi reduzida em 5,78% (dS m-1-1, para cada acréscimo unitário da salinidade da água (dS m-1. Por outro lado, a salinidade da água não afetou o tamanho do capítulo do girassol e não foram registrados sintomas de toxicidade causados pela salinidade. Esses resultados sustentam a viabilidade técnica do uso de águas salobras para produção hidropônica de girassol ornamental.Plants of ornamental sunflower 'Sol Vermelho' were grown under hydroponic conditions aiming to evaluate the effects of use of brackish water on its yield and inflorescence (capitulum quality. The brackish waters were utilized to prepare nutrient solution and to replace water due to evapotranspiration loss. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized experimental design with five levels of water salinity: 1.51; 2.56; 3.86 and 6.19 dS m-1, obtained by addition of NaCl to local fresh water; this fresh water (0.47 dS m-1 was also studied as control treatment. Each

  10. How sexual selection can drive the evolution of costly sperm ornamentation (United States)

    Lüpold, Stefan; Manier, Mollie K.; Puniamoorthy, Nalini; Schoff, Christopher; Starmer, William T.; Luepold, Shannon H. Buckley; Belote, John M.; Pitnick, Scott


    Post-copulatory sexual selection (PSS), fuelled by female promiscuity, is credited with the rapid evolution of sperm quality traits across diverse taxa. Yet, our understanding of the adaptive significance of sperm ornaments and the cryptic female preferences driving their evolution is extremely limited. Here we review the evolutionary allometry of exaggerated sexual traits (for example, antlers, horns, tail feathers, mandibles and dewlaps), show that the giant sperm of some Drosophila species are possibly the most extreme ornaments in all of nature and demonstrate how their existence challenges theories explaining the intensity of sexual selection, mating-system evolution and the fundamental nature of sex differences. We also combine quantitative genetic analyses of interacting sex-specific traits in D. melanogaster with comparative analyses of the condition dependence of male and female reproductive potential across species with varying ornament size to reveal complex dynamics that may underlie sperm-length evolution. Our results suggest that producing few gigantic sperm evolved by (1) Fisherian runaway selection mediated by genetic correlations between sperm length, the female preference for long sperm and female mating frequency, and (2) longer sperm increasing the indirect benefits to females. Our results also suggest that the developmental integration of sperm quality and quantity renders post-copulatory sexual selection on ejaculates unlikely to treat male-male competition and female choice as discrete processes.

  11. Botryosphaeriaceae associated with the die-back of ornamental trees in the Western Balkans. (United States)

    Zlatković, Milica; Keča, Nenad; Wingfield, Michael J; Jami, Fahimeh; Slippers, Bernard


    Extensive die-back and mortality of various ornamental trees and shrubs has been observed in parts of the Western Balkans region during the past decade. The disease symptoms have been typical of those caused by pathogens residing in the Botryosphaeriaceae. The aims of this study were to isolate and characterize Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with diseased ornamental trees in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Isolates were initially characterized based on the DNA sequence data for the internal transcribed spacer rDNA and six major clades were identified. Representative isolates from each clade were further characterized using DNA sequence data for the translation elongation factor 1-alpha, β-tubulin-2 and large subunit rRNA gene regions, as well as the morphology of the asexual morphs. Ten species of the Botryosphaeriaceae were identified of which eight, i.e., Dothiorella sarmentorum, Neofusicoccum parvum, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Phaeobotryon cupressi, Sphaeropsis visci, Diplodia seriata, D. sapinea and D. mutila were known taxa. The remaining two species could be identified only as Dothiorella spp. Dichomera syn-asexual morphs of D. sapinea, Dothiorella sp. 2 and B. dothidea, as well as unique morphological characters for a number of the known species are described. Based on host plants and geographic distribution, the majority of Botryosphaeriaceae species found represent new records. The results of this study contribute to our knowledge of the distribution, host associations and impacts of these fungi on trees in urban environments.

  12. Viruses of ornamentals emerging in Florida and the Caribbean region (United States)

    Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) has been reported in common weeds including American black nightshade and jimsonweed in Florida and/or Puerto Rico. Experimental host range studies demonstrated that TCSV and/or GRSV can also infect ornamentals including petunia, brugmansia and garden impatiens. ...

  13. Técnica, arte y temas fundamentales de la existencia. Consideraciones sobre el discurso de Paulo Mendes da Rocha

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    Maria Isabel Villac


    Full Text Available El enfoque de este documento tiene como objetivo discutir la relevancia de la técnica y del arte en el discurso en la arquitectura de Paulo Mendes da Rocha. Examina los textos del arquitecto, comprometido con la praxis y discute la “técnica” a la luz de la importancia que asume en la configuración de la arquitectura y de su dependencia a un programa de vida inherente a la humanidad. La dimensión del “arte”, por su parte integrada a la vida, es observada como la que siempre garantiza la condición inaugural de la obra y la prolongación de las características inherentes a los procesos ordinarios de la vida cotidiana. El argumento del texto se hace a partir de las palabras del arquitecto, considerando las memorias del proyecto, las clases impartidas, los testimonios y las entrevistas publicadas. Defiende la posición de que las especulaciones y la ética que revela el discurso son miembros de un “cuerpo del conocimiento” inherente a el “modus operandi” del proyecto. Para aquellos que conocen o se acercan a la obra, el amparo de las palabras del arquitecto explica que el saber de la arquitectura está en la discusión de un horizonte que implica al sujeto, a la humanidad y al mundo que construye. Este arco intencional, que se revela en el trazado individual de la obra, se ampara en racionalidad y enseña que la espacialidad es una condición y un valor de la vida, un discurso y una acción histórica interdependientes a la sensibilidad artística de la naturaleza humana. Para la comprensión de la arquitectura de Paulo Mendes da Rocha, que aspira ser la expresión de la objetividad como designación “radical” de la técnica, es necesario retroceder a los textos del arquitecto comprometido con la praxis e involucrado directamente con la producción de los sentidos de la arquitectura. El discurso revela que: en la “naturalidad inclusiva” de la dimensión estética se establece la mediaci

  14. The function of female and male ornaments in the Inca Tern: evidence for links between ornament expression and both adult condition and reproductive performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Velando, A.; Lessells, C.M.; Marquez, J.C.


    Inca Terns Larosterna inca are medium-size seabirds that breed along the Peruvian and Chilean coast. They are monogamous and both sexes incubate and contribute to chick provisioning. The sexes are similar in appearance and have elaborate ornaments, including a long white moustache of feathers and

  15. Ornament induced complications in snake bites: Revisiting the "Do it RIGHT" approach. (United States)

    Mallik, Subhendu; Singh, Sudipta Ranjan; Sahoo, Sangeeta; Mohanty, Manoj Kumar


    Limb adorning ornaments (LAO) can exacerbate the local effects of envenoming in case of venomous snake bite. Cultural presuppositions do inhibit victims from removing symbolically/ritually important jewelry even under circumstances that might increase the dangers of envenoming-induced gangrene formation. The recommendation to remove the LAO is usually skipped in guidelines and if at all included the very real hazard is uncommonly documented. We observed 14 cases of snake bite with LAO on the bitten limb with minimal to severe local complications. The possible reasons were discussed with recommendations of proper and timely methods of removal of these ornaments. We suggest inclusion of this concept of 'Remove' in the recommended first aid methods of the guidelines/protocols.

  16. Nitrogen use efficiency as a tool to evaluate the development of ornamental cacti species

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    Karina Gonçalves da Silva


    Full Text Available Nitrogen efficiency, along with associated indexes, is a widely used tool for assessing nutritional status in agricultural species. However, this parameter is not used in studies with ornamental plants, especially epiphytic cacti species. In particular, we know very little about the potential response of ornamental cacti to N absorption and use. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate N use efficiency (NUE, along with its associated parameters, in three species of ornamental cacti under nitrogen nutrition. To accomplish this, Rhipsalis baccifera, Rhipsalis paradoxa and Hatiora salicornioides were fertilized by Hogland and Arnon nutrition solution modified and enriched with urea in the concentrations of 0, 33.3 or 66.6 mM N during 180 days. At the end of the experiment, efficiency indexes were calculated. Efficiency parameters varied according to species. R. baccifera presented the greatest dissimilarity among the species, with highest uptake efficiency (NUpE, but lowest use efficiency (NUtE and biomass conversion (BCE. R. paradoxa presented high values for NUE, NUtE, BCE and physiological efficiency (NPE at concentrations of 33.3 mM N, suggesting greater investment in biological processes with lower supply of N. H. salicornioides had the highest averages in most parameters measured. Our results show that these indexes provided important comparative baseline information on nutritional status and investment strategy, thus serving as a suitable analytical tool to increase knowledge about this group of ornamental plants.

  17. Potencial ornamental de acessos de pimenta

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    Leane Fialho de Melo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial ornamental de dez acessos de pimenta Capsicum spp. procedentes da Coleção de Germoplasma da Universidade Federal do Piauí, Brasil. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, no Departamento de Fitotecnia, do Centro de Ciências Agrárias, no município de Teresina, Piauí, obedecendo ao delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. Na caracterização morfoagronômica dos acessos, conforme orientação do Bioversity International, utilizaram-se os seguintes descritores qualitativos e quantitativos para o gênero Capsicum: forma da folha, hábito de crescimento da planta, antocianina no nó da planta, posição da flor, cor da corola, cor do fruto no estado intermediário e maduro, forma do fruto, forma do ápice do fruto, textura da epiderme do fruto, comprimento do fruto, comprimento do pedicelo, persistência do fruto maduro e altura da planta. Dentre os dez acessos avaliados, sete foram considerados com potencial ornamental: CGC-06 (C. chinense, CGC-07 (C. chinense, CGC-11 (C. annuum var. glabriusculum, CGC-23 (C. chinense, CGC-36 (C. annuum var. glabriusculum, CGC-59 (C. annuum var. glabriusculum e CGC-67 (C. annuum var. glabriusculum. O CGC 11 apresentou estética mais harmoniosa, com flores eretas, as quais são de fácil percepção; frutos eretos e vistosos e folhas de formato lanceolado.

  18. Advancement of mutation breeding on ornamental plants in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Handayati, W.


    Along with the increasing demand of ornamental plants in Indonesia and the change of consumers preference, Indonesian breeders have released 102 varieties in the last 5 year. However, the resulted varieties were not enough to substitute the imported varieties. A breeding method for a new variety was carried out through induced mutation. Many researches have been conducted in Indonesia, but these activities have not been comprehensively designed to create the potential genotypes that ready to be released as new superior varieties. Commonly, these activities were still in the stage of basic researches about the type and the most effective dose or lethal dose (LD 50 ), the sensitivity of both the plants cultured in-vitro and in-vivo to mutagen; and genetic or phenotypic diversity due to the mutagen treatments. Chrysanthemum and rose were the most of the ornamental plants that had been conducted. Some mutants have been released as new national superior varieties namely Julikara, Rosanda and Rosmarun (mini rose); Rosma (cut rose) and Mustika Kania (chrysanthemum). (author)

  19. Socially selected ornaments and fitness: Signals of fighting ability in paper wasps are positively associated with survival, reproductive success, and rank. (United States)

    Tibbetts, Elizabeth A; Forrest, Taylor; Vernier, Cassondra; Jinn, Judy; Madagame, Andrew


    Many animals have ornaments that mediate choice and competition in social and sexual contexts. Individuals with elaborate sexual ornaments typically have higher fitness than those with less elaborate ornaments, but less is known about whether socially selected ornaments are associated with fitness. Here, we test the relationship between fitness and facial patterns that are a socially selected signal of fighting ability in Polistes dominula wasps. We found wasps that signal higher fighting ability have larger nests, are more likely to survive harsh winters, and obtain higher dominance rank than wasps that signal lower fighting ability. In comparison, body weight was not associated with fitness. Larger wasps were dominant over smaller wasps, but showed no difference in nest size or survival. Overall, the positive relationship between wasp facial patterns and fitness indicates that receivers can obtain diverse information about a signaler's phenotypic quality by paying attention to socially selected ornaments. Therefore, there are surprisingly strong parallels between the information conveyed by socially and sexually selected signals. Similar fitness relationships in social and sexually selected signals may be one reason it can be difficult to distinguish the role of social versus sexual selection in ornament evolution. © 2015 The Author(s). Evolution © 2015 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  20. Survivorship of adult Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) feeding on indoor ornamental plants with no inflorescence. (United States)

    Qualls, Whitney A; Xue, Rui De; Beier, John C; Müller, Günter C


    The international trade of lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana [Asparagaceae]) is responsible for certain introductions of the exotic species Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in California and the Netherlands. Understanding the association of this species with lucky bamboo and other ornamental plants is important from a public health standpoint. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of indoor ornamental plants as sugar sources for adult A. albopictus. If exposed to D. sanderiana, bromeliad (Guzmania spp. hybrid [Bromeliaceae]), Moses-in-the-cradle (Rhoeo spathacea [Commelinaceae]), 10 % sucrose solution, and a negative water control as the only nutrient source, adult female A. albopictus mean survival time was 12, 7, 6, 15, and 4 days, respectively. Mean survival times for adult males were not significantly different (P > 0.05) from the females and were 10, 7, 6, 14, and 3 days, respectively. Combined male and female survival times were not significantly different on lucky bamboo compared to survival times on a 10 % sucrose control. Based on our findings, A. albopictus can readily survive long enough to complete a gonotrophic cycle and potentially complete the extrinsic incubation period for many arboviruses when only provided access to lucky bamboo plants or possibly other common ornamentals. Vector control professionals should be aware of potential in-home infestations and public health concerns associated with mosquito breeding and plant tissue feeding on ornamental plants.

  1. Substrate and fertilizer rate comparison for commercial ornamental ginger production (United States)

    Hedychiums (ornamental gingers) belong to the Zingiberaceae family and have showy and fragrant flowers, which are used in leis and perfumery. Hedychium plants are mostly free of major diseases and pests and the essential oils of some species have been found to have insecticidal, antibacterial, and a...

  2. Impact of biogas slurry fertilizer on growth, quality and biochemical characteristics of ornamental lettuce 'Biscia Rossa'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiaxiang, J.; Khalid, M.; Hong, Z.; Leqi, Y.; Dongqin, T.; Danfeng, H.


    Biogas slurry is a good source of plant nutrients and substituting chemical fertilizers with biogas slurry not only achieve resource utilization of slurry, but also reduce the amount of fertilizer. The present study investigated the influence of different ratios of biogas slurry fertilizer (BSF) on the growth, yield and quality characteristics of ornamental lettuce 'Biscia Rossa'. Results revealed that BSF significantly (p<0.05) improved the growth of ornamental lettuce on treatment with Z1 fertilizer; the plant height was increased by 12.66% and 16.75%, while leaf area was improved by 19.97% and 42.03%, in comparison with control group. The improvement in yield of ornamental lettuce was noted in varying degrees by BSF. The highest dry and fresh weights were observed in case of Z1 treated lettuce plants. The fresh weight was 33.52%, 44.77%, 43.96% and 49.04% higher than that of other 2 fertilizers and 2 control groups, respectively. Whereas the dry weight was 2.7 and 3.17-times greater than that of two control groups. The biogas slurry irrigation also considerably improved the quality of ornamental lettuce. Moreover, it was observed that vitamin C, anthocyanin, soluble sugar and protein were higher than that of control groups. Contrarily, the BSF led to decrease in nitrate-nitrogen content in ornamental lettuce. (author)

  3. Characterization of ceramic ornaments of a theatre-like incense burner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez-Valenzuela, R.; Lopez-Palacios, J.A.; Jimenez-Reyes, M.; Tenorio, D.; Catano, G.


    Thirteen Teotihuacan-style ornaments of an incense burner were studied. Ceramic pastes, pigments and mica were analyzed by neutron activation, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Elemental (Sc, Cr, Fe, Co, Rb, Cs, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu, Hf, Th and U) and statistical analyses of ceramic-body data showed that these pieces were made from the same raw material, which is chemically different from the fine orange ceramic of Teotihuacan. Montmorillonite and the classical components of sand were the minerals identified in the ceramic pastes. The white pigment contained calcium, titanium and aluminium, the yellow pigment was ocher, and the red pigment was a mixture of red ocher and cinnabar, the binder of the pigments being clay. Exoskeletons of diatoms and locust ootecs were found in the pigments. Mica was identified as biotite, identical with that coming from Monte Alban Oaxaca. We wish to undertake a historical reconstruction of these ornaments based on archaeometric and literature data. (author)

  4. Evaluation of Ornamental Flowers and Fishes Breeding in Bushehr Urban Wastewater Using a Pilot Scale Aquaponic System

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    Ali Agharokh


    Full Text Available In this study, 24 species of aquaponically grown ornamental flowers and 10 fish species were used. The purpose of the study was to put urban wastewater into economic use in an attempt to reduce contaminate loads in coastal waters through biological treatment. Certain chemical parameters of pond water such as EC, temperature, DO, pH and TDS were measured on a daily basis while parameters such as salinity, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, TSS, chloride, sulphate, potassium, carbonate, etc. were measured on a monthly basis. It was found that Petunia hybrida, Verbena hybrida, Ficus sp., Phinix sp., and Conokarpus sp. as the ornamental flowers and Serresalmus natlerei and Junit sp. in the ornamental fish group had the highest adaptability to life and growth in urban wastewater.

  5. New and improved ornamental plants for a world of environmental stresses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seibert, R J


    Ornamental plants serve several useful functions, among them beautification of the environment and oxygen production. The strengths and advantages of a large number of plant species and varieties are discussed. Resistance to pollution damage, when known, is discussed.

  6. The effect of silicon foliar application on the development of Seasonal ornamental plants. Part I: Sanvitalia speciosa 'Sunbini', Verbena 'Patio Blue' and Portulaca umbraticola 'Duna Red'

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    Regina Dębicz


    Full Text Available Silicon is known as an element stimulating plant immunity and resistance to unfavorable conditions. Additional treatment with silicon may also cause a positive change in plant performance, improving the quality of ornamental plants. In the years 2009-2010, a two-factorial experiment was conducted involving three cultivars of seasonal ornamental plant species: creeping zinnia Sanvitalia speciosa 'Sunbini', vervain Verbena 'Patio Blue', and purslane Portulaca umbraticola 'Duna Red'. The first experimental factor was the concentration of Actisil preparation being an equivalent of 60, 120, and 180 mg Si×dm-3, applied three times by spraying, the second one was the type of medium: peat substrate and peat substrate with sand. The experiment proved the beneficial effect of fertilization with silicon on plant development of Verbena and the number of shoots of all examined plant species. The higher concentrations of Actisil were applied, the higher number of shoots the plants developed. Plants treated with Actisil also produced a higher number of buds and flowers or inflorescences featuring an increased diameter. Plants cultivated in peat substrate flowered better.

  7. Delonix regia Rat. (Gulmohar) is a highly ornamental tree largely ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Delonix regia Rat. (Gulmohar) is a highly ornamental tree largely cultivated on roadsides and in gardens for its beautiful foliage and scarlet red (lowers. Gulmohar trees in full bloom and new leaves dominate other flora in summer months. The infusion of flowers is used in bronchitis, asthma and malaria.

  8. Action of ethylene, 1-methylcyclopropene and silver thiosulfate in two developmental stages of potted ornamental pepper(


    Paula Cristina Carvalho Lima; Milena Maria Tomaz Oliveira; Wellington Souto Ribeiro; Lucas Cavalcante Costa; Fernando Luiz Finger


    The species of Capsicum genus have great genetic variability with enormous potential for marketing as ornamental potted plants. The exposure at ethylene induces various deleterious responses during plants life cycle, but there are few studies on how the ethylene affects early developmental stages of these ornamental plants. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of the application of ethylene and ethylene inhibitors, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and silver thiosulphate (STS) in two ea...

  9. Conspicuous carotenoid-based pelvic spine ornament in three-spined stickleback populations—occurrence and inheritance

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    CR Amundsen


    Full Text Available Reports on reddish carotenoid-based ornaments in female three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus are few, despite the large interest in the species’ behaviour, ornamentation, morphology and evolution. We sampled sticklebacks from 17 sites in north-western Europe in this first extensive study on the occurrence of carotenoid-based female pelvic spines and throat ornaments. The field results showed that females, and males, with reddish spines were found in all 17 populations. Specimens of both sexes with conspicuous red spines were found in several of the sites. The pelvic spines of males were more intensely red compared to the females’ spines, and large specimens were more red than small ones. Fish infected with the tapeworm (Schistocephalus solidus had drabber spines than uninfected fish. Both sexes had red spines both during and after the spawning period, but the intensity of the red colour was more exaggerated during the spawning period. As opposed to pelvic spines, no sign of red colour at the throat was observed in any female from any of the 17 populations. A rearing experiment was carried out to estimate a potential genetic component of the pelvic spine ornament by artificial crossing and rearing of 15 family groups during a 12 months period. The results indicated that the genetic component of the red colour at the spines was low or close to zero. Although reddish pelvic spines seem common in populations of stickleback, the potential adaptive function of the reddish pelvic spines remains largely unexplained.

  10. Diagnóstico socioeconômico, ambiental e produtivo da atividade apícola em municípios da microrregião de Catolé do Rocha-PB

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    Damião Pedro da Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo realizar um diagnóstico socioeconômico, ambiental e produtivo da atividade apícola em municípios da Microrregião de Catolé do Rocha-PB. Para realização do estudo foram aplicados questionários com 55 apicultores, sendo levantados  dados referentes aos aspectos sociais, ambientais, econômicos e da produção de mel. Observou-se que são do sexo masculino, idade média de 49,5 anos, 3,6 pessoas por residências. Pouco mais de 94% tem a apicultura como atividade secundária, 63,63% é natural de Catolé do Rocha-PB, 78,19% residem no município e demais nas cidades adjacentes. 85,45% são casados e deste total 43,64% tem de 1 a 2 filhos, 61,8% tem seus apiários localizados em Catolé do Rocha e 38,2% em outros municípios, 36,36% estão na atividade a mais de 20 anos, 72,3% utiliza a mão-de-obra familiar, 63,6% participaram de cursos para iniciar a atividade apícola, 47,27% trabalha com apicultura para obter renda extra, com 65% dos entrevistados cooperados e 50,9% mencionaram que a importância da apicultura para região é econômica e ambiental. Já 100% dos apicultores afirmaram que o futuro das próximas gerações depende da proteção ao meio ambiente. Cerca 63,6% fazem uso de alimento artificial. Em relação à produção de mel os 55 apicultores possuem 4.847 colmeias, com média de 88 colmeias/apicultor. A produção média foi de 14 kg de mel/colmeias em 2,0 coletas/apicultor/ano, com intervalo médio de 130dias entre coletas o que gerou uma produção média em 2012 de 3.985 kg de mel/apicultor. A maior produção em 2012 foi alcançada entre os apicultores migratórios com 35.240 kg de mel/apicultor. A queda na produção de mel na Microrregião de Catolé do Rocha-PB aconteceu em decorrência da estiagem no ano de 2012, que não ultrapassou 400 mm, refletindo em perda de enxames devido à escassez na produção de floradas, fonte natural de alimentos.

  11. Susceptibility of ornamental pepper banker plant candidates to common greenhouse pests (United States)

    Susceptibility of four potential ornamental pepper banker plant candidates [Black Pearl (BP), Explosive Ember (EE), Masquerade (MA), Red Missile (RM), and a commercial pepper cultivar Blitz (BL)] were evaluated against three common greenhouse pests - Bemisia tabaci, Polyphagotarsonemus latus and Fra...

  12. Seasonal foreign bodies: the dangers of winter holiday ornamentation. (United States)

    Trout, Andrew T; Towbin, Alexander J


    Foreign bodies, whether ingested, aspirated or retained in the soft tissues, are a particular hazard to pediatric patients. Ornamentation associated with the winter holidays is an uncommon source of foreign bodies in children, and many of these foreign bodies have a distinct appearance on imaging. Knowledge of these appearances and the unusual features of winter holiday foreign bodies might facilitate their identification.

  13. Retardation of hypocotyl elongation of ornamental and vegetable seedlings by ultraviolet irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bae, E.; Inamoto, K.; Doi, M.; Imanishi, H.


    Seedlings of cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L), ornamental kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephara), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were irradiated by a UV-B lamp (fluorescent sun lamp) or a three-band fluorescent lamp (control) for 72 hr just after sowing. Hypocotyl elongation was repressed by all species during the irradiation with UV-B. The retarding effects of UV-B persisted when these seedlings were placed in dark or a greenhouse with 30% shade after irradiation. The most effective timing of UV-B irradiation for cosmos and ornamental kale seedlings was from 48 hr to 72 hr after sowing, when the seedlings were rapidly increasing their surface area to UV-B

  14. Application of wood chips for soil mulching in the cultivation of ornamental grasses

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    Henschke Monika


    Full Text Available A mulch is a layer of material applied to the surface of the soil. Mulching plays an important role in the maintenance of green spaces. Organic materials are still sought for the preparation of mulches. Recently interest in wood chips has grown. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of mulching with pine and birch chips on the contents of phenolic compounds in the soil, as well as on the growth and flowering of ornamental grasses – Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth. Lag. ex Griffiths, Panicum virgatum L. and Pennisetum alopecuroides L. The content of phenolic compounds in the soil steadily increased from spring to autumn. Mulching led to a substantial increase in the level of phenolic compounds. In the first year of cultivation more phenolic compounds were released by chips of pine than birch, while in the second year this difference did not occur. Mulching had a negative impact on the growth and flowering of ornamental grasses, especially in the first year of cultivation. Ornamental grass sensitivity to the substances released from mulches decreased with the age of the plants and was dependent on the species – Bouteloua gracilis was found to be particularly sensitive.

  15. The changing role of ornamental horticulture in alien plant invasions. (United States)

    van Kleunen, Mark; Essl, Franz; Pergl, Jan; Brundu, Giuseppe; Carboni, Marta; Dullinger, Stefan; Early, Regan; González-Moreno, Pablo; Groom, Quentin J; Hulme, Philip E; Kueffer, Christoph; Kühn, Ingolf; Máguas, Cristina; Maurel, Noëlie; Novoa, Ana; Parepa, Madalin; Pyšek, Petr; Seebens, Hanno; Tanner, Rob; Touza, Julia; Verbrugge, Laura; Weber, Ewald; Dawson, Wayne; Kreft, Holger; Weigelt, Patrick; Winter, Marten; Klonner, Günther; Talluto, Matthew V; Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina


    The number of alien plants escaping from cultivation into native ecosystems is increasing steadily. We provide an overview of the historical, contemporary and potential future roles of ornamental horticulture in plant invasions. We show that currently at least 75% and 93% of the global naturalised alien flora is grown in domestic and botanical gardens, respectively. Species grown in gardens also have a larger naturalised range than those that are not. After the Middle Ages, particularly in the 18th and 19th centuries, a global trade network in plants emerged. Since then, cultivated alien species also started to appear in the wild more frequently than non-cultivated aliens globally, particularly during the 19th century. Horticulture still plays a prominent role in current plant introduction, and the monetary value of live-plant imports in different parts of the world is steadily increasing. Historically, botanical gardens - an important component of horticulture - played a major role in displaying, cultivating and distributing new plant discoveries. While the role of botanical gardens in the horticultural supply chain has declined, they are still a significant link, with one-third of institutions involved in retail-plant sales and horticultural research. However, botanical gardens have also become more dependent on commercial nurseries as plant sources, particularly in North America. Plants selected for ornamental purposes are not a random selection of the global flora, and some of the plant characteristics promoted through horticulture, such as fast growth, also promote invasion. Efforts to breed non-invasive plant cultivars are still rare. Socio-economical, technological, and environmental changes will lead to novel patterns of plant introductions and invasion opportunities for the species that are already cultivated. We describe the role that horticulture could play in mediating these changes. We identify current research challenges, and call for more

  16. Hidrogeologia e hidroquímica dos aquíferos fraturados associados às rochas vulcânicas ácidas no Município de Carlos Barbosa (RS

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    Taison Anderson Bortolin


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta o estudo hidrogeológico e hidroquímico dos aquíferos fraturados que formam o Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral (SASG e que estão associados a rochas vulcânicas ácidas. A região de estudo compreende parte da área do município de Carlos Barbosa, localizado na região nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir do inventário e cadastramento de poços tubulares existentes na região, do levantamento e interpretação de dados geológicos e hidrogeológicos, além da coleta e análise de amostras de água de poços tubulares que estão em funcionamento e são utilizados pela companhia de abastecimento CORSAN. Os resultados obtidos permitiram evidenciar que a maioria dos poços apresenta profundidade de até 150 metros com vazões médias que variam de 5 a 20 m³ h-1 , localizados em zonas de média e alta densidade de fraturas, as quais possuem orientação preferencial para noroeste. Quanto à hidroquímica, as águas que circulam por esses aquíferos são do tipo bicarbonatadas cálcicas ou magnesianas, predominando as águas bicarbonatadas mistas e cálcicas, apresentando pequenas variações quanto à concentração dos íons e suas razões iônicas. Essas características hidroquímicas são típicas de águas que circulam por estruturas de rochas vulcânicas ácidas e indicam um baixo tempo de residência, sendo as concentrações variáveis com as profundidades das entradas da água


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    André Luiz Carvalho da Silva


    Full Text Available DOI 10.12957/tamoios.2012.5084RESUMO A Fortaleza de Santa Cruz, magnífico exemplo da arquitetura dos tempos da chegada dos europeus ao nosso continente, começou a ser construída por volta de 1555 na entrada da Baía de Guanabara (Niterói, RJ com blocos de gnaisse facoidal local. De modo geral, rochas empregadas em construções em ambientes litorâneos e urbanos são expostas ao sal marinho, bem como, aos poluentes CO2, S e N e, em decorrência disso, os processos relacionados ao intemperismo podem causar danos consideráveis a essas construções. Na Fortaleza de Santa Cruz foram identificados diversos tipos de crostas (negra, de sal, orgânica, “flowstones” e estalactites como produtos do intemperismo. A intensidade dos processos é diferente nos três pavimentos que compõem a Fortaleza, levando a níveis distintos de deterioração dos blocos de rocha, em função da circulação, teor de umidade e de sal no ar em cada pavimento. Palavras-chaves: intemperismo; rochas ornamentais; crosta negra; dissolução.ABSTRACT The Santa Cruz Fort, a magnificent example of architecture at the time of arrival of the Europeans to our continent, began to be constructed at about 1555 at the entrance of the Guanabara Bay (Niterói, RJ with local blocks of augen gnaiss. In general, rocks employed in constructions in coastal and urban environments are exposed to sea derived salts and pollutants such as CO2, S and N and, as consequence of that, weathering related processes can cause considerable damage to these constructions. In the Santa Cruz Fort, various types of crusts (black, salt, organic, flowstones and stalactites have been identified as weathering products. The intensity of such processes is different in the Fort’s three main floors and that leads to distinct deteriorations levels of the blocks of rock in each floor, a function of air circulation, humidity and salt content.Keywords: Weathering; building stones; black crust; dissolution. 

  18. Improvement of some ornamental plants by induced somatic mutations at National Botanical Research Institute

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, M.N.


    Research work on improvement of some ornamental plants by induced somatic mutations has been in progress at the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, since 1964. The methods of treatments with gamma rays, detection, isolation and multiplication of induced somatic mutations have been given for Bougainvillea, Chrysanthemum, perennial Portulaca, rose and tuberose. During the last 15 years, a total of 38 new cultivars of different ornamentals evolved by gamna induced somatic mutations have been released. They include Bougainvillea 1; Chrysanthemum 28; perennial portulaca 6; rose 1 and tuberose 2. Descriptions of the original cultivars and their gamma induced mutants are given along with other pertinent details. (author)

  19. Mutual ornamentation, sexual selection, and social dominance in the black swan

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kraaijeveld, K; Gregurke, J; Hall, C; Komdeur, J; Mulder, RA

    We investigated the adaptive significance of a sexually monomorphic ornament in the black swan Cygnus atratus. Both sexes grow curled feathers on their wings (range 7-22 curled feathers per wing), which are displayed prominently in a range of social interactions. The number of curled feathers

  20. Mini-DNA barcode in identification of the ornamental fish: A case study from Northeast India. (United States)

    Dhar, Bishal; Ghosh, Sankar Kumar


    The ornamental fishes were exported under the trade names or generic names, thus creating problems in species identification. In this regard, DNA barcoding could effectively elucidate the actual species status. However, the problem arises if the specimen is having taxonomic disputes, falsified by trade/generic names, etc., On the other hand, barcoding the archival museum specimens would be of greater benefit to address such issues as it would create firm, error-free reference database for rapid identification of any species. This can be achieved only by generating short sequences as DNA from chemically preserved are mostly degraded. Here we aimed to identify a short stretch of informative sites within the full-length barcode segment, capable of delineating diverse group of ornamental fish species, commonly traded from NE India. We analyzed 287 full-length barcode sequences from the major fish orders and compared the interspecific K2P distance with nucleotide substitutions patterns and found a strong correlation of interspecies distance with transversions (0.95, pbarcode. The proposed segment was compared with the full-length barcodes and found to delineate the species effectively. Successful PCR amplification and sequencing of the 171bp segment using designed primers for different orders validated it as mini-barcodes for ornamental fishes. Thus, our findings would be helpful in strengthening the global database with the sequence of archived fish species as well as an effective identification tool of the traded ornamental fish species, as a less time consuming, cost effective field-based application. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Ornament induced complications in snake bites: Revisiting the “Do it RIGHT” approach (United States)

    Mallik, Subhendu; Singh, Sudipta Ranjan; Sahoo, Sangeeta; Mohanty, Manoj Kumar


    Limb adorning ornaments (LAO) can exacerbate the local effects of envenoming in case of venomous snake bite. Cultural presuppositions do inhibit victims from removing symbolically/ritually important jewelry even under circumstances that might increase the dangers of envenoming-induced gangrene formation. The recommendation to remove the LAO is usually skipped in guidelines and if at all included the very real hazard is uncommonly documented. We observed 14 cases of snake bite with LAO on the bitten limb with minimal to severe local complications. The possible reasons were discussed with recommendations of proper and timely methods of removal of these ornaments. We suggest inclusion of this concept of 'Remove’ in the recommended first aid methods of the guidelines/protocols. PMID:27843867

  2. Ornament induced complications in snake bites: Revisiting the “Do it RIGHT” approach

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    Subhendu Mallik


    Full Text Available Limb adorning ornaments (LAO can exacerbate the local effects of envenoming in case of venomous snake bite. Cultural presuppositions do inhibit victims from removing symbolically/ritually important jewelry even under circumstances that might increase the dangers of envenoming-induced gangrene formation. The recommendation to remove the LAO is usually skipped in guidelines and if at all included the very real hazard is uncommonly documented. We observed 14 cases of snake bite with LAO on the bitten limb with minimal to severe local complications. The possible reasons were discussed with recommendations of proper and timely methods of removal of these ornaments. We suggest inclusion of this concept of 'Remove' in the recommended first aid methods of the guidelines/protocols.

  3. Interactions between insect pollinators and the ornamental tree, Tecoma stans (L.

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    K.H. Jonathan


    Full Text Available Tecoma stans (Bignoniaceae is a native of Central America but occurs throughout tropical latitudes due to cultivation as an ornamental; in India it is also normally cultivated as an ornamental tree. The plant has two anthesis schedules in a day - one during 0500-0800hrs and another during 1500-1700hrs. Different species of bees and wasps collect pollen and nectar from the flowers during daylight hours, while hawk moths collect nectar during the 0530-0700hrs and 1630-1830hrs periods. The flowers are an important source of pollen and/or nectar for these insects, and all facilitate pollination. The nectar contains three common sugars: hexoses, glucose and fructose, and it is also a source of three essential amino acids: lysine, histidine and threonine, and eight non-essential amino acids: glycine, serine, proline, arginine, glutamic acid, cystine, cysteine and alanine. With these floral rewards, T. stans sustains pollinator populations in areas where it is cultivated.

  4. Propaganda and Philanthropy: The Institute Bento da Rocha Cabral, the Lisbon Site of Biochemistry (1925-1953). (United States)

    Carneiro, Ana; Amaral, Isabel


    This paper focuses on the internal organization and dynamics of the Institute Bento da Rocha Cabral (IRC) in Lisbon, a privately-funded institution devoted to biomedical research, from the particular vantage point of its laboratory of biochemistry; in particular, the process through which the institution turned from medically-related to chemically-related research in the period spanning from 1925 to 1953. The history of the IRC raises interesting questions regarding the social politics of science as it materialized the desire of leading physicians of the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon to create proper physical facilities for medically-related scientific research. We argue that the process which led to the creation of the IRC coincided with the gradual professional and political ascendance of physicians in Portuguese society initiated in the late nineteenth century, and is closely associated with Portuguese republicanism and the process of Lisbon becoming the scientific capital.

  5. Evaluation of Air Pollution Tolerance Index of Plants and Ornamental Shrubs in Enugu City: Implications for Urban Heat Island Effect

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    Full Text Available The study compared the air pollution tolerance indices (APTI of five plant species and five ornamental shrubs in Enugu Urban Center. Laboratory analysis was performed on the four physiological and biological parameters including leaf relative water content (RWC, ascorbic acid (AA content, total leaf chlorophyll (TCH and leaf extract pH. These parameters were used to develop an air pollution tolerance index. Factor analysis and descriptive statistics were utilized in the analysis to examine the interactions between these parameters. Vegetation monitoring in terms of its APTI acts as a \\'Bioindicator\\' of air pollution. The study also showed the possibility of utilizing APTI as a tool for selecting plants or ornamental shrubs for urban heat Island mitigation in Enugu City. The result of APTI showed order of tolerance for plants as Anacarduim occidentale (23.20, Pinus spp (22.35, Catalpa burgei (22.57, Magifera indica (23.37, and Psidum guajava (24.15.The result of APTI showed increasing order of sensitivity for ornamental shrubs from ixora red (14.32, yellow ficus(12.63, masquerade pine(12.26, Tuja pine(11.000,to Yellow bush(10.60. The APTI of all the plants examined were higher than those of ornamental shrubs. Thus suggesting that plants in general were more tolerant to air pollution than ornamental shrubs. The ornamental shrubs with lower APTI values (sensitive were recommended as bioindicator of poor urban air quality while plants with high APTI values (tolerant are planted around areas anticipated to have high air pollution load. The result of this current study is therefore handy for future planning and as well provides tolerant species for streetscape and urban heat island mitigation.

  6. The Development of a Plant Risk Evaluation (PRE) Tool for Assessing the Invasive Potential of Ornamental Plants


    Conser, Christiana; Seebacher, Lizbeth; Fujino, David W.; Reichard, Sarah; DiTomaso, Joseph M.


    Weed Risk Assessment (WRA) methods for evaluating invasiveness in plants have evolved rapidly in the last two decades. Many WRA tools exist, but none were specifically designed to screen ornamental plants prior to being released into the environment. To be accepted as a tool to evaluate ornamental plants for the nursery industry, it is critical that a WRA tool accurately predicts non-invasiveness without falsely categorizing them as invasive. We developed a new Plant Risk Evaluation (PRE) too...

  7. Natural transformation in plant breeding - a biotechnological platform for quality improvement of ornamental, agricultural and medicinal plants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lütken, Henrik Vlk; Hegelund, Josefine Nymark; Himmelboe, Martin


    Compactness is a desirable trait in ornamental plant breeding because it is preferred by producers, distributors and consumers. Presently, in ornamental plant production growth of many potted plants is regulated by application of chemical growth retardants, several of which are harmful to both...... (rol)-genes rolA, rolB, rolC and rolD among 18 ORFs, into the plant genome. Infection of plants by A. rhizogenes induces hairy roots, from which shoots containing rol-genes can be regenerated. Natural transformation with A. rhizogenes reveals very promising results in several plant species and can...... be useful in a broader range of application than ornamental breeding. One important aspect of this technology is that the hairy roots can be used directly in the selection proceß as a primary indicator of a succeßful transformation. Thus the technology avoids use of undesired antibiotic resistance marker...

  8. Rocha com espodumênio como fundente para massas cerâmicas tradicionais Spodumene rock as a flux for traditional ceramic bodies

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    S. R. Bragança


    Full Text Available Investigou-se a atuação de uma rocha com espodumênio como fundente em massas cerâmicas, analisando-se sua reatividade com outras matérias-primas, como quartzo e caulim. Primeiramente, caracterizou-se petrograficamente o pegmatito de onde se extrai esse fundente. Posteriormente avaliou-se o comportamento de moabilidade, fundência e deformação piroplástica da rocha com espodumênio. Analisou-se então sua influência nas propriedades tecnológicas finais das peças, principalmente em relação à temperatura de queima, às fases e à microestrutura. Comparou-se a gresificação com outros fundentes comerciais como a albita e o feldspato. O espodumênio mostrou maior capacidade de reduzir a temperatura de gresificação das peças que os fundentes tradicionais, promovendo a densificação por fluxo viscoso.A spodumene rock was used as a flux in ceramic bodies, analyzing its reactivity to other raw materials such as quartz and kaolin. The petrology properties of the pegmatite (parent rock from which the flux is extracted was characterized. The grindability, fluxing strength and pyroplastic deformation of the spodumene rock were investigated. The influence on technological properties of the final pieces, mainly in relation to the firing temperature, phases formation and microstructure were also further analyzed. The firing behavior to other commercial flux such as albite and feldspar were then compared. The spodumene rock was considered an effective flux, capable of reducing the firing temperatures of the tested bodies by viscous flow.

  9. Application of mycorrhizas to ornamental horticultural crops: lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) as a test case

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Ornamental crops are high-cash crops, grown under greenhouse conditions in semi-arid regions in Israel where a reduction in the native population of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is expected due to routine soil disinfection. The application of AMF inoculum to the soil has been shown to be effective at improving plant growth and enhancing plant resilience to abiotic and biotic stresses. One of our aims is to introduce mycorrhizal application to ornamental crops, and a test case is presented here for two cultivars of lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum), one of the major ornamental crops grown in Israel. Several different methods of AMF application and their effects on growth, yield and vase life were examined in lisianthus grown in two different semi-arid locations in southern Israel. AMF enhanced lisianthus growth and yield, especially when introduced to the growth medium during seeding and to the pit hole during planting. Significantly enhanced growth and yield parameters included flowering stem length (58 {+-} 0.7 and 65.1 {+-} 0.7 cm for control and AMF treated, respectively) and number of flowering stems per square meter (73 {+-} 9 and 106 {+-} 6 for control and AMF treated, respectively); positive but non-significant effects were recorded on stem weight, number of flowers per stem and vase life of cut flowers. Yield enhancement was recorded under both low and regular phosphorus conditions. Although not significant, higher resilience against two pathogenic fungi was also recorded following AMF inoculation (23 {+-} 13 and 41 {+-} 10 surviving plants for control and AMF treated, respectively). Hence, AMF is suggested to be a useful growth amendment for promotion of lisianthus commercial production, and may potentially be applied to additional ornamental crops. (Author) 23 refs.

  10. A female melanin ornament signals offspring fluctuating asymmetry in the barn owl

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roulin, A; Ducrest, AL; Balloux, F; Dijkstra, Cornelis; Riols, C


    Sexual selection theory predicts that males advertise quality by displaying extravagant ornaments. By contrast, whether phenotypic variation in females has a signalling function remains an open question. Here, to our knowledge, we provide the first evidence that a female plumage trait can signal

  11. Naturalization of ornamental plant species in public green spaces and private gardens

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mayer, K.; Haeuser, E.; Dawson, W.; Essl, F.; Kreft, H.; Pergl, Jan; Pyšek, Petr; Weigelt, P.; Winter, M.; Lenzner, B.; van Kleunen, M.


    Roč. 19, č. 12 (2017), s. 3613-3627 ISSN 1387-3547 R&D Projects: GA MK(CZ) DG16P02M041 Keywords : climate change * ornamental plants * invasioins Subject RIV: EF - Botanics OBOR OECD: Ecology Impact factor: 2.473, year: 2016

  12. The evolution of honest communication: integrating social and physiological costs of ornamentation. (United States)

    Tibbetts, Elizabeth A


    Much research on animal communication has addressed how costs such as social costs or physiological costs favor the accuracy of signals. Previous work has largely considered these costs separately, but we may be missing essential connections by studying costs in isolation. After all, social interactions produce rapid changes in hormone titers which can then affect individual behavior and physiology. As a result, social costs are likely to have widespread physiological consequences. Here, I present a new perspective on the factors that maintain honest signals by describing how the interplay between social costs and physiological costs may maintain an accurate link between an animal's abilities and ornament elaboration. I outline three specific mechanisms by which the interaction between social behavior and hormones could favor honest signals and present specific predictions for each of the three models. Then, I review how ornaments alter agonistic behavior, agonistic behavior influences hormones, and how these hormonal effects influence fitness. I also describe the few previous studies that have directly tested how ornaments influence hormones. Finally, opportunities for future work are discussed. Considering the interaction between social behavior and physiology may address some challenges associated with both social and physiological models of costs. Understanding the dynamic feedbacks between physiology and social costs has potential to transform our understanding of the stability of animals' communication systems. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. All rights reserved. For permissions please email:

  13. The Bird in the Corner of the Painting: Some Problems with the Use of Buddhist Texts to Study Buddhist Ornamental Art in Thailand


    McDaniel, Justin


    Despite the prevalence of ornament and decoration in Buddhist monasteries in Thailand, as an art form, ornament has been almost entirely ignored in favor of the study of narrative and didactic art and literature. In this paper, I approach the subject of temple ornament (focusing primarily on the use of decorative birds) in Thai Buddhism through the lens of Affect Theory. As scholars of this approach emphasize that to study affect is to study “of accumulative beside-ness.” It is the study of a...

  14. Fabricação de lã de rocha a partir da escória da produção de ligas FeSiMn Manufacture of mineral wool from slag of ferroalloy production FeSiMn

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    G. F. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Este trabalho visou o estudo da produção de lã de rocha utilizando escória da produção de ligas de ferro silício manganês. O resíduo em questão possui características químicas que indicam a possibilidade de adição deste resíduo em formulações de lãs minerais. Procedeu-se a fusão da escória em um forno elétrico a arco, em escala de laboratório. A escória foi fundida e vazada na temperatura de 1450 ºC em um recipiente com água, visando um resfriamento brusco e com isso uma aproximação do método de produção das lãs de rocha. Amostras da lã de rocha produzida foram caracterizadas por técnicas de análise química, difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e análise térmica diferencial sendo que, os resultados obtidos foram comparados aos valores encontrados na literatura. Os resultados encontrados mostram que a reciclagem dos resíduos para a produção de lãs de rocha é promissora, pois o reaproveitamento da escória de ferro silício manganês permite a transformação destes resíduos em subprodutos através da incorporação dos resíduos na produção de lã de rocha, que possui amplo mercado como isolante térmico, acústico e inibidor de propagação de chamas.This study aimed to investigate the production of rock wool using slag from the production of ferrosilicon manganese alloys. The waste in question has chemical characteristics that indicate the possibility of adding this in formulations of mineral wool. There has been melting the slag in an electric arc furnace in laboratory scale. The slag was melted and poured at a temperature of 1450 ºC in a container with water, aiming at a rapid cooling and thus an approximation of the method of production of rock wool. Samples of rock wool produced were characterized by techniques of chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and differential thermal analysis is that the results were compared to those found in the

  15. Ornamental fish goldfish,Carassius auratusand related parasites in three districts of West Bengal, India

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    Mukti Chanda


    Full Text Available The lucrative business of ornamental fish culture in West Bengal (Mainly in three districts-Howrah, North and South 24 Parganas are facing loses due to the invasion of different ecto- and endo-parasites. The present study shows that the ornamental fish (Goldfish - Carassius auratus are mainly affected with ecto-parasites like Ichthyophthirius sp., Dactylogyrus sp., Gyrodactylus sp., Argulus sp. and endo-parasites like Procamallanus sp. and Cucullanus sp. The intensity of infection is high in case of Ichthyophthirius sp. and the intensity of the infection is high in summer months when the temperature is high or moderately high. In cooler months the intensity of the infection is lower as because the parasites are unable to breed or scarcity of food particles.

  16. Mutation breeding in ornamental plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Datta, S.K.


    Full text: Mutation induction produced a large number of new promising varieties in ornamental species. 37 new mutants of Chrysanthemum and 14 of rose have been developed by mutations and released for commercialisation. The mutations in flower colour/shape were detected as chimeras in M 1 V 1 , M 1 V 2 , M 1 V 3 generations. The mutation frequency varied with the cultivar and exposure to gamma rays. Comparative analysis of original cultivars and their respective induced mutants on cytomorphological, anatomical and biochemical characters are being carried out for better understanding of the mechanism involved in the origin and evolution of somatic flower colour/shape mutations. Cytological analysis with reference to chromosomal aberrations, chromosome number, ICV, INV and DNA content gave no differences between the original and mutant cultivars. Analysis of florets/petal pigments by TLC and spectrophotometric methods indicated both qualitative and quantitative changes. (author)

  17. Modelos de investigación del mercado español y del plan de marketing estratégico para la Pera Rocha portuguesa


    Vieira Jordao, José de Sousa


    Se trata del análisis de las preferencias del mercado español sobre la Perla Rocha, un pera genuinamente portuguesa, para el diseño de un plan de marketing estratégico al final. En el presente estudio, en un intento de aportar información al respecto, en primer lugar, se presenta la justificación y objetivos del trabajo; seguidamente se desarrolla un cuadro conceptual y un conjunto de hipótesis, de que resulta la metodología aplicada en la investigación empírica. Tras ofrecer una visión panor...

  18. Identification of Meloidogyne species associated with uptall ornamentals plants in Costa Rica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solano-Gonzalez, Stefany; Esquivel-Hernandez, Alejandro; Molina-Bravo, Ramon; Morera-Brenes, Bernal


    Nematodes species of the genus Meloidogyne associated with upland ornamental plants were identified. Ten ornamental species in a commercial nursery were sampled in San Isidro, Heredia, Costa Rica between 2011-2012. Morphometric measurements of the stylet length, the trail length, and the hyaline region of J_2s as well as perineal patterns of egg-carrying females were used for identification, Genomic DNA was extracted from single J_2s and molecular analyses were performed by amplifying the intergenic region between cytochrome oxidase subunit II of the COII and the long subunit of the ARN ribosomal genes by PCR-RFLP. Combining these methods allowed identification of five species of nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne (M. arenaria, M. hapla, M. hispanica, M. incognita and M. javanica), and new restriction enzyme patterns were reported for M. hapla and M. javanica using AluI. Additionally a preliminary report of M. hispanica was described by sequencing the 28S and 18S regions. (author) [es

  19. Genetic diversity in a collection of ornamental squash (Cucurbita pepo L.

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    Mladenović Emina


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is collecting and preserving of unique Cucurbita pepo germplasm in Serbia. This study also describes the intraspecific variation of C. pepo within twenty germplasm accessions. Conservation work aimed to develop a representative core collection of C. pepo germplasm, to guide future studies and breeding of its ornamental use. A wide range of C. pepo germplasm was collected from diferent parts of the world. Nineteen variables were recorded in 20 varieties to determine the overall degree of polymorphism and to detect similarities among them. Qualitative traits of fruit such is shape, color and texture, showed immense variation. Coefficient of variation were highest for fruit length, fruit weight and number of fruits per plant (CV=56.69161.32%, while they were the lowest for leaf length (CV=20.65%. Morphological characterization is need to facilitate the use of C. pepo varieties in breeding work. Based on the PCA results, 20 accessions of squash are separate in five groups. Those groups are unique in qualitative and quantitative traits. Knowledge of genetic divergence among varieties is essential for breeding.

  20. Induced Polyploidy in Diploid Ornamental Ginger (Hedychium muluense) Using Colchicine and Oryzalin (United States)

    The ploidy level of H. muluense, a diploid (2n = 2x = 34) and dwarf ornamental ginger species, has been determined and is reported for the first time. Oryzalin and colchicine were successfully used to induce polyploidy in Hedychium muluense in vitro. Embryogenic cell lines were treated with oryzalin...

  1. Integrating invasive species policies across ornamental horticulture supply chains to prevent plant invasions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hulme, Philip E.; Brundu, Giuseppe; Carboni, Marta; Dehnen-schmutz, Katharina; Dullinger, Stefan; Early, Regan; Essl, Franz; González-moreno, Pablo; Groom, Quentin J.; Kueffer, Christoph; Kühn, Ingolf; Maurel, Noëlie; Novoa, Ana; Pergl, Jan; Pyšek, Petr; Seebens, Hanno; Tanner, Rob; Touza, Julia M.; Van Kleunen, Mark; Verbrugge, Laura Nicoline Halley


    1.Ornamental horticulture is the primary pathway for invasive alien plant introductions. We critically appraise published evidence on the effectiveness of four policy instruments that tackle invasions along the horticulture supply chain: pre-border import restrictions, post-border bans, industry

  2. Hospitability of ornamental and medicinal plants to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita race 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco José Carvalho Moreira


    Full Text Available The correct identification of species and genus of nematodes that affect a particular culture is of great importance to form a quantity of information that will be useful to laboratories for diagnosis and control of these pathogens. Because of the increase in the production of ornamental and medicinal plants in the of Cear. á State, the agricultural importance of the genus Meloidogyne and the scarcity of information on the hospitability this pathogen in these species, in that it was to evaluate the susceptibility testing of 30 species, and 20 ornamental (Antirrhimum majus, Gazania ringens, Carthamus tinctorius, Bryophyllum cayicinum, Ceasalpinia pulcherrima, Thumbergia alata, Petunia hibryda, Exacum affine, Catharanthus roseus, Opuntia sp., Sansevieria trifasciata, Asparagus densiflorus, Hibiscus mutabilis-roreus, Impatiens balsamiana, Celosia spicata, Antirrhimum sp., Dianthus chinensis, Zinnia elegans, Tagetes patula, Capsicum annuum and 10 medicinal (Peumus boldus, Ocimum gratissimum, Mentha arvensis var. piperascens, Mentha x Vilosa, Plectranthus amboinicus, Ocimum bassilicum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Cymbopogon citratus, Lippia alba, Cymbopogon winterianus. The test was conducted in a greenhouse, of the Phytosanitary Sector, Department of Plant Science, Federal University of Ceará. The inoculation was conducted with 4,000 eggs/J2 for pot. Evaluation of the plants gave to 60 days after inoculation. Evaluated is the reaction of the plants, measuring up: number of galls and eggs, egg mass index, reproduction factor and reduce the reproduction factor. From these variables it was classified the reaction of plants to the nematode by means of five criterions. Of ownership of the results, it was verified that of the ornamental plants only species T. patula didn’t presented galls in your root system. Concerning medicinal species M. vilosa, C. citrates, L. alba, C. winterianus and P. boldus showed no galls in their root systems. Thus, concluded


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    Musa A. Taysumov


    Full Text Available Abstract. The aim of the research is to summarize the scattered information about the types of decorative flora of the Chechen Republic and adjacent territories; to identify highly resistant ornamental plants for cities and settlements of the North Caucasus and other territories of Russia. Discussion. Currently, in a variety of botanical gardens of the North Caucasus grows a large number of decorative plant species, widely used in green construction. However, not all species posses the quality to sufficient resist unfavorable conditions of the changed abiotic and biotic environment. Among the studied, the most valuable and promising for widespread introduction are the species of more than 122 taxa, the decorative effect of which is preserved throughout the year with no signs of aging. Many examples of the targeted use of herbs, tree species, lianas, bulbous plants were cited in the research. We give a large list of Caucasian species for growing on lawns, flowerbeds, flower gardens, alpine and stony mountains, roadsides and parks, urban parks, squares and alleys as a type of gardening. Their decorative properties, vitality, durability, life form and other bio-ecological features, attitude to abiotic factors (soil conditions, illumination, temperature, soil and atmospheric humidification conditions, etc. were taken into account. Conclusion. We give a large list of ornamental species and various planting techniques of specific species are introduced in conditions of Chechnya and its adjacent territories as well as the methods of implementing in the landscaping practice in other (middle and northern regions of Russia.

  4. Consumers’ and Retailers’ Attitudes Towards a Mexican Native Species of Aztec Lily as an Ornamental Plant

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    Yesica Mayett-Moreno


    Full Text Available The use of native ornamental plants in urban landscapes and ornamental consumers’ designs is one strategy to preserve biodiversity. Sprekelia formosissima (L. Herb., known as Aztec lily (ALY, is one of the nearly 4000 species of native ornamental plants of Mexico. However, its domestic market is not yet developed and is virtually unknown. The objectives of this study were to: (1 compare consumers’ and retailers’ knowledge of ALY, and (2 to identify potential clusters of consumers and retailers based on their knowledge and preferences, such that marketing of the ALY could be best tailored to different market segments, leading to its sustainable commercialization. There were 464 interviews conducted in four nurseries in Mexico. Results showed only one consumer knew about the ALY; additionally, we found different behaviors in consumers and in retailers: those not interested in the ALY, but when they know it is Mexican they will acquire it; those interested no matter the ALY origin, and those who dislike the ALY because it is Mexican. Those answers suggest that improving consumers/retailers knowledge about this native flower could lead to a sustainable commercialization in Mexico, helping to ensure its conservation as well.

  5. Phytophthora ×stagnum nothosp. nov., a New Hybrid from Irrigation Reservoirs at Ornamental Plant Nurseries in Virginia (United States)

    Yang, Xiao; Richardson, Patricia A.; Hong, Chuanxue


    A novel Phytophthora species was frequently recovered from irrigation reservoirs at several ornamental plant production facilities in eastern Virginia. Initial sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of this species generated unreadable sequences due to continual polymorphic positions. Cloning and sequencing the ITS region as well as sequencing the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase 1 and beta-tubulin genes revealed that it is a hybrid between P. taxon PgChlamydo as its paternal parent and an unknown species genetically close to P. mississippiae as its maternal parent. This hybrid has some diagnostic morphological features of P. taxon PgChlamydo and P. mississippiae. It produces catenulate hyphal swellings, characteristic of P. mississippiae, and chlamydospores, typical of P. taxon PgChlamydo. It also produces both ornamented and relatively smooth-walled oogonia. Ornamented oogonia are another important diagnostic character of P. mississippiae. The relatively smooth-walled oogonia may be indicative of oogonial character of P. taxon PgChlamydo. The new hybrid is described here as Phytophthora ×stagnum. PMID:25072374

  6. A mechanism of extreme growth and reliable signaling in sexually selected ornaments and weapons. (United States)

    Emlen, Douglas J; Warren, Ian A; Johns, Annika; Dworkin, Ian; Lavine, Laura Corley


    Many male animals wield ornaments or weapons of exaggerated proportions. We propose that increased cellular sensitivity to signaling through the insulin/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) pathway may be responsible for the extreme growth of these structures. We document how rhinoceros beetle horns, a sexually selected weapon, are more sensitive to nutrition and more responsive to perturbation of the insulin/IGF pathway than other body structures. We then illustrate how enhanced sensitivity to insulin/IGF signaling in a growing ornament or weapon would cause heightened condition sensitivity and increased variability in expression among individuals--critical properties of reliable signals of male quality. The possibility that reliable signaling arises as a by-product of the growth mechanism may explain why trait exaggeration has evolved so many different times in the context of sexual selection.

  7. Identification and Control of Common Insect Pests of Ornamental Shrubs and Trees. (United States)

    Gesell, Stanley G.

    This agriculture extension service publication from Pennsylvania State University introduces the identification and control of common ornamental insect pests. For each of the insects or insect groups (i.e. aphids) identified in this publication, information on host plants, pest description, and damage caused by the pest is given. Also a calendar…

  8. Aportación al estudio palinológico de la flora ornamental de la ciudad de Granada (España)


    Díaz de la Guardia Guerrero, Consuelo; Blanca López, Gabriel; Nieto, Rosa Mª


    Se estudian los caracteres polínicos de 23 especies pertenecientes a la flora ornamental de la ciudad de Granada, utilizando microscopía óptica y microscopía electrónica de barrido, indicando su posible incidencia alergógena. The pollen characters of 23 species, representing the flora ornamental from the city of Granada (Spain), are studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy to determine allergenic incidence.

  9. Free Radical Exposure Creates Paler Carotenoid-Based Ornaments: A Possible Interaction in the Expression of Black and Red Traits (United States)

    Alonso-Alvarez, Carlos; Galván, Ismael


    Oxidative stress could be a key selective force shaping the expression of colored traits produced by the primary animal pigments in integuments: carotenoids and melanins. However, the impact of oxidative stress on melanic ornaments has only recently been explored, whereas its role in the expression of carotenoid-based traits is not fully understood. An interesting study case is that of those animal species simultaneously expressing both kinds of ornaments, such as the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa). In this bird, individuals exposed to an exogenous source of free radicals (diquat) during their development produced larger eumelanin-based (black) plumage traits than controls. Here, we show that the same red-legged partridges exposed to diquat simultaneously developed paler carotenoid-based ornaments (red beak and eye rings), and carried lower circulating carotenoid levels as well as lower levels of some lipids involved in carotenoid transport in the bloodstream (i.e., cholesterol). Moreover, partridges treated with a hormone that stimulates eumelanin production (i.e., alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone) also increased blood carotenoid levels, but this effect was not mirrored in the expression of carotenoid-based traits. The redness of carotenoid-based ornaments and the size of a conspicuous eumelanic trait (the black bib) were negatively correlated in control birds, suggesting a physiological trade-off during development. These findings contradict recent studies questioning the sensitivity of carotenoids to oxidative stress. Nonetheless, the impact of free radicals on plasma carotenoids seems to be partially mediated by changes in cholesterol metabolism, and not by direct carotenoid destruction/consumption. The results highlight the capacity of oxidative stress to create multiple phenotypes during development through differential effects on carotenoids and melanins, raising questions about evolutionary constraints involved in the production of multiple

  10. Free radical exposure creates paler carotenoid-based ornaments: a possible interaction in the expression of black and red traits.

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    Carlos Alonso-Alvarez


    Full Text Available Oxidative stress could be a key selective force shaping the expression of colored traits produced by the primary animal pigments in integuments: carotenoids and melanins. However, the impact of oxidative stress on melanic ornaments has only recently been explored, whereas its role in the expression of carotenoid-based traits is not fully understood. An interesting study case is that of those animal species simultaneously expressing both kinds of ornaments, such as the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa. In this bird, individuals exposed to an exogenous source of free radicals (diquat during their development produced larger eumelanin-based (black plumage traits than controls. Here, we show that the same red-legged partridges exposed to diquat simultaneously developed paler carotenoid-based ornaments (red beak and eye rings, and carried lower circulating carotenoid levels as well as lower levels of some lipids involved in carotenoid transport in the bloodstream (i.e., cholesterol. Moreover, partridges treated with a hormone that stimulates eumelanin production (i.e., alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone also increased blood carotenoid levels, but this effect was not mirrored in the expression of carotenoid-based traits. The redness of carotenoid-based ornaments and the size of a conspicuous eumelanic trait (the black bib were negatively correlated in control birds, suggesting a physiological trade-off during development. These findings contradict recent studies questioning the sensitivity of carotenoids to oxidative stress. Nonetheless, the impact of free radicals on plasma carotenoids seems to be partially mediated by changes in cholesterol metabolism, and not by direct carotenoid destruction/consumption. The results highlight the capacity of oxidative stress to create multiple phenotypes during development through differential effects on carotenoids and melanins, raising questions about evolutionary constraints involved in the production of

  11. Managing the marine aquarium trade: revealing the data gaps using ornamental polychaetes. (United States)

    Murray, Joanna M; Watson, Gordon J; Giangrande, Adriana; Licciano, Margherita; Bentley, Matt G


    The marine aquarium industry has great potential to generate jobs in low-income coastal communities creating incentives for the maintenance of a healthy coral reef, if effectively managed. In the absence of current monitoring or legislation to govern the trade, baseline information regarding the species, number and source location of animals traded is missing despite being critical for its successful management and sustainability. An industry assessment to establish the number and provenance of species of ornamental polychaetes (sabellids and serpulids) traded was undertaken across UK wholesalers and retailers. Six geographical regions exporting fan worms were identified. Singapore contributed the highest percentage of imports, but of only one worm "type" whereas Bali, the second largest source, supplied five different worm "types". Over 50% of UK retailers were supplied by one wholesaler while the remainder were stocked by a mixture of one other wholesaler and/or direct imports from the source country. We estimate that up to 18,500 ornamental polychaetes (16,980 sabellids and 1,018 serpulids) are sold annually in the UK revealing a drastic underestimation of currently accepted trade figures. Incorrect identification (based on exporting region or visual characteristics) of traded animals exacerbates the inaccuracy in market quantification, although identification of preserved sabellids using published keys proved just as inconclusive with high within-species variability and the potential for new or cryptic species. A re-description of the polychaete groups traded using a combination of molecular and morphological techniques is necessary for effective identification and market quantification. This study provides the first assessment of ornamental polychaetes but more importantly highlights the issues surrounding the collection of baseline information necessary to manage the aquarium trade. We recommend that future management should be community based and site

  12. Managing the marine aquarium trade: revealing the data gaps using ornamental polychaetes.

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    Joanna M Murray

    Full Text Available The marine aquarium industry has great potential to generate jobs in low-income coastal communities creating incentives for the maintenance of a healthy coral reef, if effectively managed. In the absence of current monitoring or legislation to govern the trade, baseline information regarding the species, number and source location of animals traded is missing despite being critical for its successful management and sustainability. An industry assessment to establish the number and provenance of species of ornamental polychaetes (sabellids and serpulids traded was undertaken across UK wholesalers and retailers. Six geographical regions exporting fan worms were identified. Singapore contributed the highest percentage of imports, but of only one worm "type" whereas Bali, the second largest source, supplied five different worm "types". Over 50% of UK retailers were supplied by one wholesaler while the remainder were stocked by a mixture of one other wholesaler and/or direct imports from the source country. We estimate that up to 18,500 ornamental polychaetes (16,980 sabellids and 1,018 serpulids are sold annually in the UK revealing a drastic underestimation of currently accepted trade figures. Incorrect identification (based on exporting region or visual characteristics of traded animals exacerbates the inaccuracy in market quantification, although identification of preserved sabellids using published keys proved just as inconclusive with high within-species variability and the potential for new or cryptic species. A re-description of the polychaete groups traded using a combination of molecular and morphological techniques is necessary for effective identification and market quantification. This study provides the first assessment of ornamental polychaetes but more importantly highlights the issues surrounding the collection of baseline information necessary to manage the aquarium trade. We recommend that future management should be community

  13. Heat treatment of processing sludge of ornamental rocks: application as pozzolan in cement matrices

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    J.G. Uliana

    Full Text Available The sector of ornamental rocks produces significant volume of waste during the sawing of the blocks and demand to find ways to recycle, given its environmental impact. Considering the possibilities of use of industrial by-products as mineral admixtures, aiming at sustainable development in the construction industry, this paper aims to study the performance of the processing sludge of ornamental rocks and grinding after heat treatment, based on their potential application as partial substitute for cement. The residue was characterized, cast and milled to produce glassy material. Was analyzed the mechanical performance and pozzolanic activity with partial replacement of cement by waste in natural condition and after heat treatment in mortars for comparison. The results were promising, so it was possible to verify that after heat treatment, the treated waste is presented as a material with pozzolanic characteristics.

  14. Diplomonad flagellates of some ornamental fish cultured in Thailand

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    Boonkob Viriyapongsutee


    Full Text Available The study on diplomonad flagellates infection in some ornamental fishes in the family cichlidae i.e., angelfish(Pterophyllum scalare, oscar (Astronotus ocellatus, blue mbuna (Labeotropheus fuelleborni and the family osphronemidaei.e., Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens revealed that this parasite infected three out of four ornamental fish species,angelfish, oscar and blue mbuna. The highest infection was recorded in angelfish (90% followed by oscar (75.4% and bluembuna (61%, respectively. Identification of diplomonad flagellates from angelfish by means of morphological studies underlight and electron microscopes indicated that the parasite was Spironucleus vortens. The 14–days LD50 of S. vortens inangelfish was 2.99x103 cells. Histopathological changes of infected angelfish revealed granulomatous liver, numerousnumbers of melanomacrophage in the spleen and inflammation of the intestine. Susceptibility study of S. vortens to goldfish(Carassius auratus, guppy (Poecilia reticulata and platy (Xiphophorus maculatus indicated that they were resistant toartificial infection. In vitro examination of the growth inhibition assay of S. vortens indicated that dimetridazole and metronidazolewere effective in inhibiting parasite growth after 48 hrs exposure at concentrations of >4.0 μg/ml and >6.0 μg/ml,respectively. Magnesium sulfate at a concentration of >60 mg/ml inhibited the parasite growth after 72 hrs exposure. In vivoexamination of the dimetridazole efficiency on S. vortens infection indicated that dimetridazole at 4.0 μg/ml provided thehighest efficiency which could be used for treatment of spironucleosis in angelfish.

  15. Identification of Meloidogyne species associated with upland ornamentals plants in Costa Rica.

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    Stefany Solano-González


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to identify nematodes species of the genus Meloidogyne associated with upland ornamental plants. We sampled ten ornamental species in a commercial nursery in San Isidro, Heredia, Costa Rica between 2011-2012. Morphometric measurements of the stylet length, the tail length, and the hyaline region of J2s, as well as perineal patterns of egg-carrying females were used for identification, Genomic DNA was extracted from single J2s and molecular analyses were performed by amplifying the intergenic region between cytochrome oxidase subunit II of the COII and the long subunit of the ARN ribosomal genes by PCR-RFLP. Combining these methods allowed identification of five species of nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne (M. arenaria, M. hapla, M. hispanica, M. incognita and M. javanica, and new restriction enzyme patterns were reported for M. hapla and M. javanica using AluI. Additionally, a preliminary report of M. hispanica was described by sequencing the 28S and 18S regions.

  16. Histopathological study on parasites in freshwater ornamental fishes in Iran


    Nematollahi, A.; Jaberi, S.; Helan, J. Ashrafi; Sheikhzadeh, N.


    During March 2012 through February 2013, 100 freshwater ornamental fishes in 22 species from some aquarium fish shops were examined. Specimens were dissected and tissue samples consisted of liver, kidney, spleen, heart, intestine, ovary, brain and eye were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin and sections were provided and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Periodic Acid-Schiff, Giemsa and acid-fast staining (Ziehl-Neelsen). At present study six species of protozoans consisting of Eimeria spp. Cr...

  17. Gênese de solos derivados de rochas ultramáficas serpentinizadas no sudoeste de Minas Gerais Genesis of soils formed from ultramafic serpentinized rocks in southwestern Minas Gerais (Brazil

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    Pablo Vidal-Torrado


    Full Text Available Os solos derivados de rochas serpentinizadas ou serpentinitos constituem um grupo especial de solos em toda superfície terrestre. De caráter ultramáfico, ou seja, rochas com mais de 70 % de minerais máficos (ferromagnesianos, os serpentinitos apresentam uma mineralogia pobre em sílica e escassa em Al, sendo, no entanto, muito enriquecida em Mg. São poucos os estudos sobre a morfologia, mineralogia, gênese e classificação dos solos desenvolvidos de tais rochas. Em ambiente tropical úmido no sudoeste de Minas Gerais, na zona do greenstone belt do Morro de Ferro, em superfícies geomórficas jovens, três perfis de solos representativos dessa paisagem sobre rochas serpentinizadas foram caracterizados por meio de descrições macro e micromorfológicas, análises granulométricas, químicas e por mineralogia de raios X das frações argila e silte. Complementarmente, para acompanhamento da alteração geoquímica dos horizontes do solo, foram feitas microanálises das seções delgadas por EDRX. Os solos foram classificados como Chernossolo Háplico Férrico típico, Cambissolo Háplico eutroférrico léptico e Neossolo Regolítico eutrófico típico e, embora situados num clima que favorece o rápido intemperismo, do ponto de vista morfológico e mineralógico, mostraram-se similares aos solos derivados de rochas serpentinizadas das regiões subtropicais e temperada. No processo de formação de solo, a evolução da trama segue a seguinte seqüência: alteração da rocha ® trama frâgmica ® trama porfírica com cavidades ® trama porfírica aberta por coalescência de cavidades. O processo de argiluviação é evidente e se dá em dois estádios distintos: argiluviação primária, que ocorre nas fendas e cavidades que se formam por alteração de rocha, e argiluviação secundária, verificada na porosidade mais aberta e evoluída da coalescência das cavidades. Os solos apresentam mineralogia pouco comum para solos tropicais, com

  18. Treatment and Remediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soils Using Selective Ornamental Plants


    Liu, Rui; Jadeja, Rajendrasinh N.; Zhou, Qixing; Liu, Zhe


    Pot-culture experiments were carried out to assess the phytoremediation potential of 14 ornamental plants in weathered petroleum-contaminated soil, which was collected in the Shengli Oil Field, one of the biggest oil fields in China, by examining their impact on the degradation potential of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) and its composition. Results showed Gaillardia aristata, Echinacea purpurea, Fawn (Festuca arundinacea Schreb), Fire Phoenix (a combined F. arundinacea), and Medicago sa...

  19. Out of Africa: modern human origins special feature: additional evidence on the use of personal ornaments in the Middle Paleolithic of North Africa. (United States)

    d'Errico, Francesco; Vanhaeren, Marian; Barton, Nick; Bouzouggar, Abdeljalil; Mienis, Henk; Richter, Daniel; Hublin, Jean-Jacques; McPherron, Shannon P; Lozouet, Pierre


    Recent investigations into the origins of symbolism indicate that personal ornaments in the form of perforated marine shell beads were used in the Near East, North Africa, and SubSaharan Africa at least 35 ka earlier than any personal ornaments in Europe. Together with instances of pigment use, engravings, and formal bone tools, personal ornaments are used to support an early emergence of behavioral modernity in Africa, associated with the origin of our species and significantly predating the timing for its dispersal out of Africa. Criticisms have been leveled at the low numbers of recovered shells, the lack of secure dating evidence, and the fact that documented examples were not deliberately shaped. In this paper, we report on 25 additional shell beads from four Moroccan Middle Paleolithic sites. We review their stratigraphic and chronological contexts and address the issue of these shells having been deliberately modified and used. We detail the results of comparative analyses of modern, fossil, and archaeological assemblages and microscopic examinations of the Moroccan material. We conclude that Nassarius shells were consistently used for personal ornamentation in this region at the end of the last interglacial. Absence of ornaments at Middle Paleolithic sites postdating Marine Isotope Stage 5 raises the question of the possible role of climatic changes in the disappearance of this hallmark of symbolic behavior before its reinvention 40 ka ago. Our results suggest that further inquiry is necessary into the mechanisms of cultural transmission within early Homo sapiens populations.

  20. Calonectria spp. causing leaf spot, crown and root rot of ornamental plants in Tunisia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lombard, L.; Polizzi, G.; Guarnaccia, V.; Vitale, A.; Crous, P.W.


    Calonectria spp. are important pathogens of ornamental plants in nurseries, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. They are commonly associated with a wide range of disease symptoms of roots, leaves and shoots. During a recent survey in Tunisia, a number of Calonectria spp. were isolated from

  1. Calonectria spp. causing leaf spot, crown and root rot of ornamental plants in Tunisia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lombard, L.; Polizzi, G.; Guarnaccia, V.; Vitale, A.; Crous, P.W.


    Calonectria spp. are important pathogens of ornamental plants in nurseries, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. They are commonly associated with a wide range of disease symptoms of roots, leaves and shoots. During a recent survey in Tunisia, a number of Calonectria spp. were isolated from

  2. Interaction of insecticide and media moisture on ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) attacks on ornamental trees (United States)

    Exotic ambrosia beetles, particularly Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky) and Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford), are among the most economically damaging pests of ornamental trees in nurseries. Growers have had few tactics besides insecticide applications to reduce ambrosia beetle attacks but rec...

  3. Determinación de Glifosato mediante inmunoensayo enzimático (ELISA en el Paisaje Protegido Laguna de Rocha y su entorno, Uruguay.

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    Daniela Nardo


    Full Text Available En el entorno de la Laguna de Rocha se ha visto incrementada la superficie dedicada a las actividades agrícolas con un mayor uso de plaguicidas, entre ellos el herbicida glifosato, usado en cultivos de soja principalmente. Mediante la utilización de técnicas de inmunoensayo enzimático (ELISA, se investigó la presencia de glifosato en la Laguna y algunos de sus afluentes en dos momentos específicos de tiempo. Se detectó glifosato en 27 de las 28 muestras estudiadas. Muestras positivas por ELISA fueron confirmadas por cromatografía iónica. El método ELISA demostró ser una herramienta de screening adecuada para determinar la presencia de glifosato en agua.

  4. First report of scuticociliatosis caused by Uronema sp. in ornamental reef fish imported into Brazil

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    Pedro Henrique Magalhães Cardoso

    Full Text Available Abstract Scuticociliatosis, which is caused by an opportunistic ciliate protozoan, is responsible for significant economic losses in marine ornamental fish. This study reports the occurrence of Uronema sp., which was found to be parasitizing three species of marine reef fish imported into Brazil and maintained in quarantine: Vanderbilt’s Chromis (Chromis vanderbilti, blue-green damselfish (Chromis viridis, and sea goldie (Pseudanthias squamipinnis. During the quarantine period, some fish presented with behavioral disorders and hemorrhages and ulcerative lesions on the body surface. Histopathological analysis showed hemorrhages, inflammation comprising mononuclear and granular cells in the skeletal muscle, and necrosis of the skin and the secondary lamellae of the gills, and parasites were also observed in the renal capsule. The absence of transboundary measures available to prevent the occurrence of ornamental fish diseases is also discussed.


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    Daniela Bărbuceanu


    Full Text Available The observations carried-out in 2008 to ornamental trees and shrubs from parks of ADP Pitesti conducted to identified of the follows pests species: Macrosiphum rosae (L., Aphis spiraephaga Müll., Cinara cupressi Buckton, Hyphantria cunea Drury, Oxycarenus lavaterae (F.. Cinara cupressi and Oxycarenus lavaterae are mentioned for the first time in Romania. Cinara cupressi was noticed on an imported Abies nordmanniana specimen in a park from this city. O. lavaterae, a Mediterranean species from Tilia sp., currently it is expanding his area in northern regions. We recommend carefully monitoring of imported ornamental plants, because they can be infested and open ways to invasion for the pests with devastated potential.

  6. The Ornamental Design of Traditional Malay Utensils (Kukuran) in Peninsula Malaysia


    Md Yusoff Zulkfli bin; Md Zain Dzul Haimi bin; Saniman Hamidon bin


    Woodcarving is a significant craft in Malay society that reflects the local traditions and customs. It is a manifestation of craftsmen artistic skills and intutitive ideas into a piece of wood. It is also manifestation of the creative process of imitation, denaturalization, stylization and abstraction. Historically, the Malay craftsmen have created many attractive traditional art forms and one of it is the coconut graters (kukuran). The ornamental carved kukuran is closely related to its Mala...

  7. Ornaments in radiation treatment of cultural heritage: Color and UV–vis spectral changes in irradiated nacres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marušić, Katarina; Pucić, Irina; Desnica, Vladan


    Cultural heritage objects that are radiation treated in order to stop their biodegradation often contain ornamenting materials that cannot be removed. Radiation may produce unwanted changes to such materials. Nacre is a common ornamenting material so this is an attempt to assess the impact of gamma-radiation on its optical properties. Two types of nacre (yellow and white) were obtained from a museum and subjected to different absorbed doses of Co-60 gamma irradiation under the same conditions. The radiation induced changes of nacres color were investigated with fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS). Colorimetry in CIE Lab space revealed that in both nacres the lightness shifted to darker grey hues at high doses while the color component's (red, green, yellow and blue) behavior depended on the nacre type. Observable changes occurred at doses much above the dose range needed for radiation treatment of cultural heritage objects that are often ornamented with nacre. In UV–vis reflectance spectra of samples irradiated to high doses carbonate radical anion absorption appeared. - Highlights: • Radiation induced changes of nacres color were investigated with FORS. • Nacres darken at high doses while the color component depends on the nacre type. • Observable changes occurred at larger doses than needed for cultural heritage. • For samples irradiated to high doses carbonate radical anion absorption appeared.

  8. Sexual selection on land snail shell ornamentation: a hypothesis that may explain shell diversity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schilthuizen, M.


    Background: Many groups of land snails show great interspecific diversity in shell ornamentation, which may include spines on the shell and flanges on the aperture. Such structures have been explained as camouflage or defence, but the possibility that they might be under sexual selection has not

  9. Prevalence of Centrocestus formosanus Metacercariae in Ornamental Fish from Chiang Mai, Thailand, with Molecular Approach Using ITS2. (United States)

    Wanlop, Atcharaphan; Wongsawad, Chalobol; Prattapong, Pongphol; Wongsawad, Pheravut; Chontananarth, Thapana; Chai, Jong-Yil


    The prevalence of Centrocestus formosanus metacercariae was investigated in ornamental fish purchased from a pet shop in Chiang Mai, Thailand, including Carassius auratus (goldfish), Cyprinus carpio (Koi), Poecilia latipinna (Sailfin Molly), Danio rerio (Zebrafish), and Puntigrus tetrazona (Tiger barb). The parasite species was identified by the morphology of worms as well as by a molecular approach using ITS2. The results showed that 50 (33.3%) of 150 fish examined were infected with the metacercariae. The highest prevalence was found in C. auratus (83.3%), and the highest intensity was noted in C. carpio (70.8 metacercariae/fish). The most important morphological character was the presence of 32-34 circumoral spines on the oral sucker. The phylogenetic studies using the rRNA ITS2 region revealed that all the specimens of C. formosanus in this study were grouped together with C. formosanus in GenBank database. This is the first report on ornamental fish, C. carpio, P. latipinna, D. rerio, and P. tetrazona, taking the role of second intermediate hosts of C. formosanus in Thailand. Prevention and control of metacercarial infection in ornamental fish is urgently needed.

  10. The effect of silicon foliar application on the development of Season ornamental plants. Part II: Argyranthemum frutescens 'Blazer Rose', Xerochrysum bracteatum 'Gold', Osteospermum ecklonis 'Grande Pink Blush' and Gaura lindheimeri 'Corinas Choice'

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    Katarzyna Wróblewska


    Full Text Available Recent research has proved that supplementary application of silicon, involved in plant tolerance against many stress factors, positively influences plant development improving the quality of ornamental plants. A two-factorial experiment involved four cultivars of ornamental plants: Argyranthemum frutescens 'Blazer Rose', Xerochrysum bracteatum 'Gold', Osteospermum ecklonis 'Grande Pink Blush', and Gaura lindheimeri 'Corinas Choice' The first experimental factor was the concentration of Actisil preparation being an equivalent of 60, 120, and 180 mg Si×dm-3, applied three times by spraying, while the second one was the type of medium: peat substrate and peat substrate with sand. Actisil had a beneficial effect on the number of lateral shoots in all plants. The highest number of buds and inflorescences was determined in Xerochrysum and Osteospermum plants sprayed with 0.3% Actisil, and 0.2% Actisil in case of Argyranthemum and Gaura. The effect of medium type on plant growth depended on plant species. Argyranthemum and Osteospermum plants cultivated in the medium with sand showed inhibited growth, although medium type did not affect the growth of Xerochrysum.

  11. Gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters of ornamental bromeliads

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    Karina Gonçalves da Silva


    Full Text Available Gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence are widely used in physiological and ecological studies; however, few studies have used these techniques with ornamental plants. This study tested the potential contribution of gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence to evaluate the water and nutrients uptake by the tank and root system of epiphyte bromeliad Guzmania lingulata. For this purpose, we conducted an experiment with different water regime and another with different concentrations of nitrogen. The experiments were: 1 - Watering: Control (application of water into Tank and Root, Tank (watering into Tank, Root (watering Root and Drought (water suspension during the 90 days of experimentation and 2 - Nitrogen: Plants fertilized with Hoagland and Arnon nutrient solution exclusively into Tank or Root with nitrogen concentrations of control and 2.62 or 5.34 mM N applied as urea. The Fv /Fm ratio allowed comparing the treatments between experiments, demonstrating that Root and Tank both have the capacity to maintain G. lingulata photosynthetic activity and growth, while Drought treatment (water suspension was the limiting factor for energy conversion efficiency of PSII. However, gas exchange was more permissive as a parameter for comparing treatments in the nitrogen experiment, providing important information about the general aspects of the photosynthetic process in the watering experiment. Both gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence can support the evaluation of G. lingulata physiological status and can be useful tools in ornamental horticultural studies.

  12. Acclimatization and growth of ornamental pineapple seedlings under organic substrates

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    Ronan Carlos Colombo


    Full Text Available The in vitro propagation techniques are commonly used to produce ornamental pineapple seedlings in commercial scale, aiming to attend the growers with genetic and sanitary quality seedlings. However, the choice of the ideal substrate is essential for the acclimatization and growth stage of the seedlings propagated by this technique, since some substrates can increase the seedling mortality and/or limit the seedling growth due to its physical and chemical characteristics. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the acclimatization of ornamental pineapple [Ananas comosus (L. Merr. var. ananassoides (Baker Coppens & Leal] on different substrates. Seedlings with approximately seven centimeters, obtained from in vitro culture, were transplanted into styrofoam trays filled with the following substrates: sphagnum; semi-composed pine bark; carbonized rice husk; sphagnum + semicomposed pine bark; sphagnum + carbonized rice husk; and semi-composed pine bark + carbonized rice husk. Each treatment was replicated five times using 10 plants. At 180 days, there were evaluated the following variables: survival percentage, plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, largest root length, and shoot and root dry matter. The substrate semi-composed pine bark + carbonized rice husk presented the lowest mean (62% for survival percentage. The semi-composed pine bark and semi-composed pine bark + carbonized rice husk treatments presented significant increments in some evaluated biometric characteristics. The semi-composed pine bark is the most favorable substrate for the A. comosus var. ananassoids acclimatization.

  13. Phytotoxicity of the combination of some insecticides and fungicides on the ornamental species Petunia sp.

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    Renata Bažok


    Full Text Available In the production of ornamental plants, it is often necessary to combine plant protection products (PPPs for simultaneous pest control. The use of a combination of PPPs often leads to phytotoxicity. The aim of this study was to determine the phytotoxicity of the combination of fungicides (azoxystrobin and cyprodinil + fludioxonil and insecticides based on abamectin and thiomethoxam on the ornamental plant Petunia sp. The PPPs are used at recommended and double doses. Based on the damage, phytotoxicity indices were calculated. Petunia plants are sensitive even when PPPs are used in recommended doses. Combinations of the both insecticides with the combined fungicide based on cyprodinil and fludioxinil can be advised to protect petunias only if one applies the recommended doses. All combinations of insecticides with a fungicide based on azoxystrobin should not be applied because there is a serious risk of phytotoxicity.

  14. Un apéndice ornamental a Reyes en el ms. M1 de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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    de Azcárraga, M. J.


    Full Text Available The analysis of the ornamental masorah of folio 158a of Manuscript M1 allows the author to correct and improve the description made by Ch. D. Ginsburg in his introduction to the Bible. The author indeed agrees on the identification of the text as a masoretic appendix to the books of Kings. However, the beginning and the contents of the manuscript must be revised. Ginsburg describes only one of the four lists of the appendix, namely the one dealing with the differences between Eastern and Western recensions; the other three lists are the following: sedarim, peseqim, and words vocalized with patah, which are exceptional because they are pausal forms.

    El estudio detallado de la masora ornamental del folio 158a del manuscrito M1 me ha permitido corregir y puntualizar la descripción que hace de este folio Ch. D. Ginsburg en la Introducción a su Biblia. Por una parte, estamos de acuerdo en que se trata de un apéndice masorético a los libros de Reyes, pero no lo estamos en lo que se refiere al sitio donde comienza, ni al contenido total del mismo. Ginsburg sólo describe una lista de las cuatro que contiene, la de las diferencias entre los textos orientales y occidentales; las otras tres son: sedarîm, paseqîm y palabras vocalizadas con patah, que constituyen una excepción por estar en pausa.

  15. Quantifying the trade in marine ornamental fishes into Switzerland and an estimation of imports from the European Union

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    Monica V. Biondo


    Full Text Available Millions of marine ornamental fishes are traded every year. Today, over half of the known nearly 4000 coral reef fish species are in trade with poor or no monitoring and demand is increasing. This study investigates their trade into and through Switzerland by analyzing import documents for live animals. In 2009, 151 import declarations with attached species lists for marine ornamental fishes from non-EU countries totaled 28 356 specimens. The 62% of the fishes remaining in Switzerland, comprised 440 marine species from 45 families, the rest transited to EU and non-EU countries. Despite the recognized large trade volume for the European region, due to bilateral agreements, no data is collected for imports from the EU. However, inferred data shows that more than 200 000 marine ornamental fishes could be imported into Switzerland every year and an unknown quantity re-exported. As biggest import region, it is therefore safe to assume, that the European region is importing at least as many marine ornamental fishes as the US. There is no adequate data-collecting system known to be in place in any country for monitoring this trade. The EU Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES to monitor animal diseases could be adjusted to gather compulsory information for the EU and Switzerland. More than half of the species imported into Switzerland are not assessed by the IUCN and therefore marked as ‘not evaluated’ on the Red List. Overall, 70% of all known coral reef fish species have not been evaluated. If coral reef fishes are threatened or endangered due to large, possibly unsustainable numbers traded, it may be rational to monitor the trade in these species through the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES.

  16. Does Sexual Selection Influence Ornamentation of Hemipenes in Old World Snakes? (United States)

    Andonov, Kostadin; Natchev, Nikolay; Kornilev, Yurii V; Tzankov, Nikolay


    In the present study, we investigated and documented the morphology of the male copulatory organs (hemipenes) in fifteen wide-ranging snake species. The species represent four families (Boidae, Colubridae, Lamprophiidae, and Viperidae) and ten genera. We applied the same preparation techniques for all species, successfully everting and expanding the organs completely. The detailed description of the general morphology of the male copulatory organs was based on 31 specimens. Our data were compared with published observations and we point out some incorrectly described details in previous investigations. We provide the first description of the hemipenial morphology for three ophidian species (Elaphe sauromates, Telescopus fallax, and Malpolon insignitus). In addition to the morphological characteristics of the hemipenes presented in the research, we propose the adoption of a standardized index describing the hemipenial proportions. The immense variation in hemipenial morphology presupposes its dynamic evolution, but we suggest that many of the significant structures observed here may have escaped previous researchers due to differing methodologies. Some of the highly ornamented morphologies that we describe are consistent with a locking mechanism during copulation. However, other morphologies may relate to the variety of mating behaviors observed. As a result, we propose that sexual selection is the major driver affecting the hemipenial ornamentation in snakes. Anat Rec, 300:1680-1694, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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    Narathid Muakrong


    Full Text Available Populations of F1, F2 and BC1F1 were formed from an interspecific cross between green-flowered Jatropha curcas and red-flowered J. integerrima (dwarf type to observe for segregation in flower colors and to select for ornamental segregants. The crossing to produce F1 and BC1F1 was successful only when J. curcas was used as the female parent. The suitable time for crossing was between 08:00 – 13:00 o’clock with fruit setting rate of 65-78%. The F1 segregated into white- and pink-flowered plants. While flowers of the F2 population segregated into nine different colors, viz. light green, green, white, very light pink, light pink, pink, deep pink, very deep pink, and red. When J. curcas was backcrossed by a pink-flowered F1, its BC1F1 progenies segregated into green, light green, white, very light pink and light pink flowers. While another set of BC1F1 progenies obtained from a white-flowered F1 parent segregated into green, light green, and white. The segregating progenies in both sets showed smaller plants than jatropha and bore colorful flowers suitable for ornamental purpose. Six plants were chosen and registered at Kasetsart University and the Thai Department of Agriculture as commercial cultivars, ‘Kamphaeng Saen 1’ to ‘Kamphaeng Saen 6’.

  18. A Natureza e a gênese das Minas do Sul nos livros de André João Antonil e Sebastião da Rocha Pita

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    Francisco Eduardo de Andrade


    Full Text Available Este artigo trata do sentido cosmológico da Natureza, em voga na época das representações do barroco (séculos XVII e XVIII, quando aplicado ao contexto novo da América portuguesa com o descobrimento das Minas de ouro. Dois autores da Bahia foram significativos das primeiras visões de Natureza e da sociedade das Minas do ouro: André João Antonil e Sebastião da Rocha Pita. Ambos produziram obras sobre a gênese do espaço minerador, buscando, de algum modo, integrá-lo a uma história providencial da colonização portuguesa. Para isso, investiram em temas e imagens que, além de condicionados por evidentes interesses políticos e econômicos dos plantadores do litoral, refletem os vínculos discursivos dos coloniais eruditos.This work deals with the cosmological sense of the Nature, which has been intensively studied at the time of baroc representations (17th and 18th centuries, applied to the Portuguese America new context of gold mines discoveries. Two authors from Bahia were very important to the early views on the Nature and on the society in gold mines: André João Antonil and Sebastião da Rocha Pita. Both have made studies about the genesis of the mining space in such a way to integrate it in an opportune history of the Portuguese colonization. To do this, they dealed mainly with subjects and images which reveal discourse links of colonial wise persons, and also which were influenced by political and economical interests of the coastal farmers.

  19. Interaction of Insecticide and Media Moisture on Ambrosia Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Attacks on Selected Ornamental Trees. (United States)

    Frank, Steven D; Anderson, Amanda L; Ranger, Christopher M


    Exotic ambrosia beetles, particularly Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) and Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), are among the most damaging pests of ornamental trees in nurseries. Growers have had few tactics besides insecticide applications to reduce ambrosia beetle attacks but recent research has shown that attacks may be reduced by maintaining media moisture below a 50% threshold thereby reducing flood stress. We compared the efficacy of managing media moisture and insecticide applications for reducing ambrosia beetle attacks on three ornamental tree species in North Carolina. During trials in spring 2013 and 2015, flooded Cornus florida and Cornus kousa were heavily attacked despite sprays with permethrin, but nonflooded C. kousa or C. florida were not attacked. In spring 2015 trials, both nonflooded and flooded Styrax japonicus were heavily attacked regardless of permethrin applications. Although ethanol emissions were not measured, the apparently healthy nonflooded S. japonicus trees may have been exposed to an unknown physiological stress, such as low temperature injury, the previous winter, which predisposed them to beetle attack. However, ethanol levels within host tissues were not measured as part of the current study. X. crassiusculus (75%), Xyloborinus saxesenii Ratzburg (13%), and X. germanus (9%) were the most abundant species collected in ethanol baited traps deployed in 2015, while X. crassiusculus (63%) and X. germanus (36%) were the predominant species reared from attacked trees. Results indicate that managing media moisture levels at or below 50%, and maximizing tree health overall, may provide significant protection against Xylosandrus spp. attacks in flood intolerant tree species. © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  20. Production of oil palm empty fruit bunch compost for ornamental plant cultivation (United States)

    Trisakti, B.; Mhardela, P.; Husaini, T.; Irvan; Daimon, H.


    The aim of this research was to produce the oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) compost for ornamental plant cultivation. EFB compost was produced by chopping fresh EFB into 1-3 cm pieces, inserting the pieces into basket composter (33 cm W × 28 cm L × 40 cm H), and adding activated liquid organic fertilizer (ALOF) until moisture content (MC) in the range of 55-65%. During composting, the compost pile was turned every 3 days and the MC was maintained at 55-65% range by adding the ALOF. The compost processed was then mixed with sand and rice husk with a ratio of 1:1:1; 1:3:1; 1:0:1 and was used as a potting medium for planting some valuable ornamental plants i.e. cactus (cactaceae), sansevieria, and anthurium. Composting was carried out for 40 days and the compost characteristic were pH 9.0; MC 52.59%; WHC 76%; CN ratio 12.15; N 1.96%; P 0.58%; and K 0.95%. The compost-sand-husk rice mixture can be used as a growing medium where the best ratio for cactus, sansevieria, and anthurium was 1:3:1; 1:1:1; and 1:0:1, respectively.

  1. Ornament induced complications in snake bites: Revisiting the ?Do it RIGHT? approach


    Mallik, Subhendu; Singh, Sudipta Ranjan; Sahoo, Sangeeta; Mohanty, Manoj Kumar


    Limb adorning ornaments (LAO) can exacerbate the local effects of envenoming in case of venomous snake bite. Cultural presuppositions do inhibit victims from removing symbolically/ritually important jewelry even under circumstances that might increase the dangers of envenoming-induced gangrene formation. The recommendation to remove the LAO is usually skipped in guidelines and if at all included the very real hazard is uncommonly documented. We observed 14 cases of snake bite with LAO on the ...

  2. She Wore a Flower in Her Hair: The Effect of Ornamentation on Nonverbal Communication. (United States)

    Stillman, JeriJayne W.; Hensley, Wayne E.

    Six waitresses in a restaurant of a large midwestern city agreed to participate in a study of the nonverbal effects of ornamentation. The hypothesis was that diners would leave larger tips for a waitress who wore a flower in her hair than for the same waitress without a flower. During the four nights that data were collected, the waitresses…


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    SASS Ludmila


    Full Text Available The paper examines geometrical ornaments from ancient mosaic.We studied the geometric generation by using Computer Aided Graphics for three examples of ancient mosaic: a mosaic of Ancient Corinth, a mosaic of the sacred geometry Flower of Life (exposed in the National Museum of Israel and a mosaic of fortress Masada - Israel. The technique of drawing ancient mosaic is recomposed using computer aided graphics. A program has been developed that can help draw a petal-type arc (semicircle of the mosaic that is the Byzantine church of Masada. Based on these mosaics, other variants of aesthetic images in monochrome or black and white and polychrome were drawn, all of which can be materialized in decorative art to embellish various surfaces: walls, floors, pools, fountains, etc.

  4. Mutant breeding of ornamental trees for creating variations with high value using Proton Beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, H. J.; Lim, J. H.; Woo, S. M.; Hwang, M. J.; Pyo, S. H.; Woo, J. S.


    It is necessary to induce the improved strains of ornamental plants with more disease-resistant and useful for landscape or phytoremediation. Mutation breeding has played an important role in crop improvement, and more than 2,000 mutant cultivars have been released. For the induction of mutation, gamma rays and X-rays are widely used as a mutagen. Proton beam had higher energy than -ray and worked with localized strength, so that proton-beam radiation could be valuable tool to induce useful strains of ornamental plants. Proton ion beam irradiation was used to induce a useful mutant in rice, chrysanthemum, carnation, and so on in Japan. Also, proton ion beam was used to select a useful host strain, in polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), a member of biodegradable plastic, could be overproduced in Korea. Therefore, we surmise that the effects of proton beam is different from those of gamma rays and X-rays, and we expect proton beam to be a new mutagen. This research was conducted to investigate the proton-beam radiation sensitivity and seed germination rate of the various ornamental plants like as Albizia julibrissin, Ficus religiosa, Rhus chinensis, Sorbaria sorbilfolia and Spiraea chinensis, to survey the quantitative characteristics of proton beam induced strains. To induce the variants of ornamental plants, seeds were irradiated at the dose of 0∼2kGy of proton beam at room temperature. Proton beam energy level was 45 MeV and was irradiated at dose of 0∼2kGy by MC-50 Cyclotron. After irradiation, to assess the effects of proton beam on radiation sensitivity and morphological changes of the plants and the seed germination rate were analysed. By the proton beam radiation, the germination rate decreased at the higher dose. The other hand, the germination rate of Rhus chinensis increased the dose higher, so that it need to investigate the germination rate over 2kGy radiation. The effects of mutation induction by proton beam irradiation on seeds in Lagerstroemia indica were

  5. Mutant breeding of ornamental trees for creating variations with high value using Proton Beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwon, H. J.; Lim, J. H.; Woo, S. M.; Hwang, M. J.; Pyo, S. H.; Woo, J. S. [Phygen Co., Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    It is necessary to induce the improved strains of ornamental plants with more disease-resistant and useful for landscape or phytoremediation. Mutation breeding has played an important role in crop improvement, and more than 2,000 mutant cultivars have been released. For the induction of mutation, gamma rays and X-rays are widely used as a mutagen. Proton beam had higher energy than -ray and worked with localized strength, so that proton-beam radiation could be valuable tool to induce useful strains of ornamental plants. Proton ion beam irradiation was used to induce a useful mutant in rice, chrysanthemum, carnation, and so on in Japan. Also, proton ion beam was used to select a useful host strain, in polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), a member of biodegradable plastic, could be overproduced in Korea. Therefore, we surmise that the effects of proton beam is different from those of gamma rays and X-rays, and we expect proton beam to be a new mutagen. This research was conducted to investigate the proton-beam radiation sensitivity and seed germination rate of the various ornamental plants like as Albizia julibrissin, Ficus religiosa, Rhus chinensis, Sorbaria sorbilfolia and Spiraea chinensis, to survey the quantitative characteristics of proton beam induced strains. To induce the variants of ornamental plants, seeds were irradiated at the dose of 0{approx}2kGy of proton beam at room temperature. Proton beam energy level was 45 MeV and was irradiated at dose of 0{approx}2kGy by MC-50 Cyclotron. After irradiation, to assess the effects of proton beam on radiation sensitivity and morphological changes of the plants and the seed germination rate were analysed. By the proton beam radiation, the germination rate decreased at the higher dose. The other hand, the germination rate of Rhus chinensis increased the dose higher, so that it need to investigate the germination rate over 2kGy radiation. The effects of mutation induction by proton beam irradiation on seeds in Lagerstroemia

  6. MITTELEUROPA, ÁFRICA, PARÍS: KUPKA O LA VÍA ORNAMENTAL DE LO MODERNO / Mitteleuropa, Africa, Paris: Kupka or the ornamental route of the modern

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    María Teresa Méndez Baiges


    Full Text Available RESUMEN. La obra de František Kupka (Opocno, Bohemia oriental, 1871-Puteaux, París, 1957, uno de los principales pioneros de la pintura no objetiva, es la materialización de una vía a la abstracción que pasa por la inspiración y reivindicación del ornamento. Se trata de una vía poco transitada por el "relato ortodoxo de la modernidad", que procede de la peculiar forma de entender la abstracción que se dio a principios del siglo XX en el centro y en el este de Europa, y que, gracias a emisores como el propio Kupka, acabaría anidando en el corazón de las vanguardias, en París, en torno al año 1912. Descansa en la idea de que la noción moderna de abstracción emerge del discurso teórico sobre el ornamento durante la edad contemporánea, y configura así el mapa de otra modernidad que va siguiendo, en este caso, el itinerario vital y estético de Kupka, desde su Bohemia natal a la mítica Viena fin de siècle, y de aquí, a su desembarco en París como destino definitivo, dejándose impregnar asimismo por estímulos procedentes de culturas no europeas, como la islámica, o ajenos a la alta cultura, como los folclóricos. Ésa es, en parte, la sustancia de la que está hecha lo moderno. Por eso este viaje, como aquí se explica, parece imprescindible para la configuración de alternativas a la lectura canónica de la modernidad. SUMMARY The work of Frantisek Kupka (Opocno, Eastern Bohemia, 1871-Puteaux, Paris, 1957, one of the main pioneers of non-objective painting, is the fruition of a route to abstraction through the inspiration and vindication of ornament. It is a route little travelled by the "orthodox story of modernity", and comes from the peculiar way of understanding abstraction that occurred at the beginning of the XXth century in central and eastern Europe. Thanks to proponents such as Kupka it would end up nestling in the heart of the avant-garde in Paris, in around 1912. It resides in the idea that the modern notion of

  7. Public Perception on Calligraphic Woodcarving Ornamentations of Mosques; a Comparison between East Coast and Southwest of Peninsula Malaysia

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    Ahmadreza Saberi


    Full Text Available Woodcarving ornamentation is considered as, a national heritage and can be found in many Malaysian mosques. Woodcarvings are mostly displayed in three different motifs, namely floral, geometry and calligraphy. The application of floral and geometry motifs is to convey an abstract meaning of Islamic teachings to the viewers. However, the calligraphic decorations directly express the messages of Allah almighty or the sayings of the prophets to the congregations. Muslims are the main users of mosques as these are places for prayers as well as other religious and community activities. Therefore, the assessment of users’ opinion about this type of decoration needs to be investigated. This paper aims to evaluate the perception of two groups of mosque users on the calligraphic woodcarving ornamentations from two regions, namely the East Coast and Southwest of Peninsula Malaysia. As Arabic is not the primary language in Malaysia, it would be interesting to find out how much of the calligraphic ornamentation is recognised and understood by the mosque users. The quantitative approach and questionnaire survey were adopted to fulfil the objectives of the study through convenient sampling where 420 questionnaire surveys were distributed at eight selected mosques. A total of 408 respondents amongst users completed and returned the survey forms. The mosques were chosen based on the abundance and diversity of calligraphy woodcarving elements found in the prayer hall. The Mann-Whitney U-test was conducted to find out the differences between the two groups of respondents. Ability of reading and understanding the Arabic scripts, the aesthetic values, the function, appropriate location and finally the desirability of scripts were assessed and compared between the participants of North East and Southwest of Peninsula Malaysia. The results showed that respondents of two areas in Malaysia had different opinions about this traditional sacred ornamentation in mosques

  8. Classification of grass pollen through the quantitative analysis of surface ornamentation and texture. (United States)

    Mander, Luke; Li, Mao; Mio, Washington; Fowlkes, Charless C; Punyasena, Surangi W


    Taxonomic identification of pollen and spores uses inherently qualitative descriptions of morphology. Consequently, identifications are restricted to categories that can be reliably classified by multiple analysts, resulting in the coarse taxonomic resolution of the pollen and spore record. Grass pollen represents an archetypal example; it is not routinely identified below family level. To address this issue, we developed quantitative morphometric methods to characterize surface ornamentation and classify grass pollen grains. This produces a means of quantifying morphological features that are traditionally described qualitatively. We used scanning electron microscopy to image 240 specimens of pollen from 12 species within the grass family (Poaceae). We classified these species by developing algorithmic features that quantify the size and density of sculptural elements on the pollen surface, and measure the complexity of the ornamentation they form. These features yielded a classification accuracy of 77.5%. In comparison, a texture descriptor based on modelling the statistical distribution of brightness values in image patches yielded a classification accuracy of 85.8%, and seven human subjects achieved accuracies between 68.33 and 81.67%. The algorithmic features we developed directly relate to biologically meaningful features of grass pollen morphology, and could facilitate direct interpretation of unsupervised classification results from fossil material.

  9. Levantamento da flora apícola em municípios da microrregião de Catolé do Rocha-PB

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    Carlos Alberto de Lima e Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo realizar um levantamento sobre a flora apícola em municípios da microrregião de Catolé do Rocha-PB. O levantamento dos dados foi realizado através da aplicação de 55 questionários, onde foram levantados dados sobre os aspectos sociais, ecológicos e da flora, com apicultores dos municípios de Brejo dos Santos, Catolé do Rocha, Jericó e Riacho dos Cavalos-PB. Os resultados mostraram que os apicultores entrevistados são todos do sexo masculino, tem em média meio século de idade, com 3,6 habitantes/residência. Para a manutenção do pasto apícola 96% evitam queimadas e desmatamentos, sendo que 52,7% dos apicultores informaram que a polinização das culturas é a principal contribuição dada pelas abelhas, garantindo a manutenção dos ecossistemas vegetais. Para o fornecimento de água dos apiários 29% informou que utilizam água de poços e açudes. Em relação aos estratos da vegetação de caatinga, foram identificadas 33 famílias, 78 gêneros e 107 espécies. Para as famílias botânicas, constatou-se que do total 17 são arbóreas, 10 arbustivas e 17 herbáceas, onde a Fabaceae apresentou o maior número de espécies, seguida pelas Anacardiaceae, Euforbiaceae e Rubiaceae, respectivamente.Destacando que todos os entrevistados reconhecem a existência das espécies Alfazema (Hyptis suaveolens Salzm R. Braga, Angico (Anadenanthera calubrina Vell. Brenam, Aroeira (Myracrodron urundeuva Fr. All., Jitirana-branca, roxa e lilás (Ipomoea bahiensis Willd., Jurema preta (Mimosa tenuiflora Wild. Poiret, Marmeleiro (Croton sonderianusMüll. Arg., Mufunbo (Combretum leprosumMart.. O conhecimento das espécies apícolas do bioma caatinga e sua época de floração garante uma apicultura sustentável. Existe a necessidade de estudos relacionados aos estratos da vegetação nativa, uma vez que as herbáceas é quem garante a produção na época das chuvas, sendo este o estrato menos estudado. Normal 0 21

  10. Avaliação do fosfato de rocha com baixo teor de flúor na alimentação de eqüinos em crescimento Evaluation of rock phosphate with low fluorine level in diets for growing horses

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    Mauro Dal Secco de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Utilizaram-se 18 potras com idade média de 11 meses e peso vivo médio de 250 kg, alimentadas com 3 dietas contendo fosfato bicálcico (FB; 50% de fosfato bicálcico mais 50% fosfato de rocha de Tapira (BT e fosfato de rocha de Tapira (FT, incorporados ao concentrado (1,5% do peso vivo/animal/dia e ao sal mineralizado (50 g/animal/dia. O nível médio de flúor nas dietas FB, BT e FT foi, respectivamente, de 53,0; 90,0 e 184,0 ppm. O consumo diferenciado de fluoreto nas diferentes dietas não acarretou efeitos sobre os parâmetros ganho de peso, perímetro torácico, perímetro do joelho e perímetro da canela. Os animais que receberam a dieta contendo exclusivamente fosfato de rocha apresentaram menor aumento de altura na cernelha (1,27cm quando comparados àqueles que receberam dietas contendo fosfato bicálcico (1,55 e 1,30cm.Eighteen fillies of Brasileiro de Hipismo breed with initial age between 9 and 12 months and 250kg of average weight were used in a complete block design, during a five-month trial to evaluate the use of three different inorganic phosphorus sources. The sources were dicalcium phosphate (FB, half and half dicalcium phosphate/Tapira rock phosphate mixture (BT and Tapira rock phosphate (FT. They were added to a basal concentrate, given at the rate of 1.5% of average body weight and to a mineralized salt, of which 50 g/animal was offered daily. The mean fluoride level (concentrate plus salt in diets FB, BT and FT was 53, 90 and 184 ppm respectively. The mean monthly withers height gain was 1.55 (FB, 1.30 (BT and 1.27cm (FT and there was a significant difference between FB and FT diets.

  11. Pseudomonas, Pantoea and Cupriavidus isolates induce calcium carbonate precipitation for biorestoration of ornamental stone. (United States)

    Daskalakis, M I; Magoulas, A; Kotoulas, G; Catsikis, I; Bakolas, A; Karageorgis, A P; Mavridou, A; Doulia, D; Rigas, F


    Bacterially induced calcium carbonate precipitation from various isolates was investigated aiming at developing an environmentally friendly technique for ornamental stone protection and restoration. Micro-organisms isolated from stone samples and identified using 16S rDNA and biochemical tests promoted calcium carbonate precipitation in solid and novel liquid growth media. Biomineral morphology was studied on marble samples with scanning electron microscopy. Most isolates demonstrated specimen weight increase, covering partially or even completely the marble surfaces mainly with vaterite. The conditions under which vaterite precipitated and its stability throughout the experimental runs are presented. A growth medium that facilitated bacterial growth of different species and promoted biomineralization was formulated. Most isolates induced biomineralization of CaCO3 . Micro-organisms may actually be a milestone in the investigation of vaterite formation facilitating our understanding of geomicrobiological interactions. Pseudomonas, Pantoea and Cupriavidus strains could be candidates for bioconsolidation of ornamental stone protection. Characterization of biomineralization capacity of different bacterial species improves understanding of the bacterially induced mineralization processes and enriches the list of candidates for biorestoration applications. Knowledge of biomineral morphology assists in differentiating mineral from biologically induced precipitates. © 2013 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  12. Bromeliad ornamental species: conservation issues and challenges related to commercialization - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v34i1.7314

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    Darcy Mitchell


    Full Text Available Bromeliads grow almost exclusively in the New World tropics and subtropics, mainly in South America in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (ca. 1200 species. Within the last few decades, their beautiful shapes and colors, low maintenance and easy adaptability to small gardens have brought bromeliads into worldwide use as ornamental plants. While the ornamental bromeliad trade could make significant contributions to household economies in rural areas, the trade may represent a significant threat in some of the bromeliad biodiversity hotspot countries such as Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia. This paper presents an overview of production volumes, analysis of the Brazilian bromeliads trade chain – at the state, national and international levels – and recommendations to address development and conservation challenges.

  13. Action of ethylene, 1-methylcyclopropene and silver thiosulfate in two developmental stages of potted ornamental pepper(

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    Paula Cristina Carvalho Lima


    Full Text Available The species of Capsicum genus have great genetic variability with enormous potential for marketing as ornamental potted plants. The exposure at ethylene induces various deleterious responses during plants life cycle, but there are few studies on how the ethylene affects early developmental stages of these ornamental plants. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of the application of ethylene and ethylene inhibitors, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP and silver thiosulphate (STS in two early development stages (seedling or initial flowering of potted ornamental peppers of the cultivars ‘Calypso’ and ‘MG 302’. Cultivar ‘MG 302’ showed intermediate sensitivity to ethylene, while the cultivar ‘Calypso’ showed complete abscission of leaves when exposed to 10 µl of ethylene for 48 hours in both development stages. Plants treated with 1-MCP showed similar durability to control for both varieties and developmental stages, and the treatment with 1-MCP + ethylene was beneficial only for ‘MG 302’. STS was the most efficient substance in delaying the ethylene, wherein at stage 1 there was no leaf abscission and at stage 2 had much reduced leaf abscission occurred, regardless the cultivar. Treatment with STS + ethylene was efficient only at stage 1 for ‘Calypso’ and at stage 2 for ‘MG 302’. According to the data, cultivars showed different levels of sensitivity to ethylene, ‘Calypso’ is very sensitive and ‘MG 302’ showed intermediate sensitivity. Regardless the cultivar, STS treatment significantly blocked the ethylene action in both development stages and the use of 1-MCP was less efficient

  14. The importance of the marine ornamental reef fish trade in the wider Caribbean

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    A.W Bruckner


    Full Text Available The marine ornamental fish trade began in the 1930s in Sri Lanka,spread to Hawaii and the Philippines in the 1950s,and expanded to a multi-million dollar industry in the 1970s with fisheries established throughout the tropical Pacific,Indian and Atlantic Oceans.Currently,45 countries supply global markets an estimated 14-30 million fish annually,with an import value of US$28-44 million.The largest suppliers are Indonesia and the Philippines,followed by Brazil,Maldives,Vietnam,Sri Lanka and Hawaii.In the tropical Western Atlantic,16 countries have export fisheries, including the U.S.(Florida and Puerto Rico.The the world ’s largest buyer,followed by the European Union and Japan.The global trade consists of over 1400 species of reef fishes,of which only about 25 are captive bred on a commercial scale.Damselfish,anemonefish, and angelfish constitute over 50%of the global volume; butterflyfish, wrasses,blennies,gobies,triggerfish,file-fish,hawkfishes,groupers and basselets account for 31%of the trade,and the remaining 16%is represented by 33 families.The most important fishes from the Caribbean are angelfish (six species, seahorses (two species, royal gramma, jawfish,queen triggerfish,redlip blenny,puddingwife,bluehead wrasse,and blue chromis.The Caribbean currently supplies a small percentage of the global trade in marine ornamental species,but ornamental fisheries in this region represent important emerging industries.It is critical that effective ornamental fishery management plans and regulations are developed and enforced,and fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data are collected and utilized in decision making processes to ensure sustainable ornamental fisheries throughout the region.El comercio de peces marinos ornamentales se inició en la década de 1930 en Sri Lanka y se extendió a Hawai y Las Filipinas en la década de 1950.Posteriormente se convirtió en una industria multimillonaria cuando,en la década de 1970,se

  15. Identification of sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers linked to the red leaf trait in ornamental kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala). (United States)

    Wang, Y S; Liu, Z Y; Li, Y F; Zhang, Y; Yang, X F; Feng, H


    Artistic diversiform leaf color is an important agronomic trait that affects the market value of ornamental kale. In the present study, genetic analysis showed that a single-dominant gene, Re (red leaf), determines the red leaf trait in ornamental kale. An F2 population consisting of 500 individuals from the cross of a red leaf double-haploid line 'D05' with a white leaf double-haploid line 'D10' was analyzed for the red leaf trait. By combining bulked segregant analysis and sequence-related amplified polymorphism technology, we identified 3 markers linked to the Re/re locus. A genetic map of the Re locus was constructed using these sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Two of the markers, Me8Em4 and Me8Em17, were located on one side of Re/re at distances of 2.2 and 6.4 cM, whereas the other marker, Me9Em11, was located on the other side of Re/re at a distance of 3.7 cM. These markers could be helpful for the subsequent cloning of the red trait gene and marker-assisted selection in ornamental kale breeding programs.

  16. Inhibition of ethylene response by 1-methylcyclopropene in potted ornamental pepper

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    Fernando Luiz Finger


    Full Text Available In the face of great potential of 1-MCP in blocking ethylene action, this study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of 1-MCP on ethylene action and extend the post-production of ornamental peppers Capsicum annuum potted plants. Ornamental pepper cultivar Calypso shows complete abscission of leaves when exposed to 10µL L-1 ethylene. By exposing plants to ethylene, significant drops on a, b and total chlorophyll were found at the end of the treatment. Nevertheless, no changes on leaf total carotenoid were observed after the treatment with ethylene. When the plants were treated with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP, followed or not by treatment with ethylene, contents of a, b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid remained unchanged. Control plants showed no changes in chlorophylls or carotenoid contents after 48 hours from moving the pots from greenhouse to indoor conditions illuminated with white fluorescent light. The 1-MCP was able to prolong the post production shelf life, by inhibiting the abscission of leaves. Plants treated with 1-MCP, followed by ethylene had 38% accumulated leaf abscission, after 18 days of post production life, similar to control plants. After the same period, plants treated only with 1-MCP had 22% leaf abscission. The 1-MCP partially blocked ethylene and induced leaf abscission. Regardless which treatment was applied during post production life, there was a continuous decrease on leaf chlorophyll content beyond 18th day. Thus, 1-MCP was effective in preventing leaf abscission even in the presence of ethylene, avoiding deleterious effects of ethylene by blocking its receptor sites.

  17. Male ornamentation and within-pair paternity are not associated with male provisioning rates in scarlet rosefinches Carpodacus erythrinus

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Schnitzer, J.; Exnerová, A.; Poláková, Radka; Vinkler, Michal; Tomášek, Oldřich; Munclinger, P.; Albrecht, Tomáš


    Roč. 17, č. 2 (2014), s. 89-97 ISSN 0873-9749 Institutional support: RVO:68081766 Keywords : Carotenoid-based ornamentation * Extra-pair paternity * Feeding effort * Parental care Subject RIV: EG - Zoology Impact factor: 1.000, year: 2014

  18. Composting of wine industry wastes and their use as a substrate for growing soil less ornamental plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carmona, E.; Moreno, M. T.; Aviles, M.; Ordovas, J.


    To study the process of composting of grape marc and test the resulting compost as a substrate for the cultivation of ornamental plants, six composting processes, with mixtures of dealcoholised grapevine marc and grape stalk (DM + GS) in a 1:1 ratio (v:v), were carried out in Seville (Spain) between 2000 and 2006. The duration of the composting ranged between 20 and 24 weeks in the Spring-Summer season. Weekly, temperature, pH, EC, N-NO{sub 3}{sup -} and N-NH{sub 4} +, were measured. The maximum temperatures reached values of 65-73 degree centigrade at a depth between 40 and 80 cm. The compost had a slightly alkaline pH, slightly salinity, high organic matter and total nitrogen contents. The final compost chemical composition in total elements showed values in the same range as those corresponding to plant material, except for Fe. The distribution in the size of the particles gives way to a total porous space that is close to the one considered as optimal in a substrate for soil less cropping. Pore size distribution showed a prevalence of big pores that produces unbalance in the water-air ratios, resulting in a material with a good aeration but with low water retention. The composts were tested as substrates for four ornamental species: geranium, petunia, carnation and gerbera. The results suggest that compost has no limiting characteristics for its use as a medium for the cultivation of ornamental plants in container, and can replace conventional substrates, such as peat and coconut fibre. (Author) 35 refs.

  19. Haste makes waste: accelerated molt adversely affects the expression of melanin-based and depigmented plumage ornaments in house sparrows.

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    Csongor I Vágási


    Full Text Available Many animals display colorful signals in their integument which convey information about the quality of their bearer. Theoretically, these ornaments incur differential production and/or maintenance costs that enforce their honesty. However, the proximate mechanisms of production costs are poorly understood and contentious in cases of non-carotenoid-based plumage ornaments like the melanin-based badge and depigmented white wing-bar in house sparrows Passer domesticus. Costly life-history events are adaptively separated in time, thus, when reproduction is extended, the time available for molt is curtailed and, in turn, molt rate is accelerated.We experimentally accelerated the molt rate by shortening the photoperiod in order to test whether this environmental constraint is mirrored in the expression of plumage ornaments. Sparrows which had undergone an accelerated molt developed smaller badges and less bright wing-bars compared to conspecifics that molted at a natural rate being held at natural-like photoperiod. There was no difference in the brightness of the badge or the size of the wing-bar.These results indicate that the time available for molt and thus the rate at which molt occurs may constrain the expression of melanin-based and depigmented plumage advertisements. This mechanism may lead to the evolution of honest signaling if the onset of molt is condition-dependent through the timing of and/or trade-off between breeding and molt.

  20. Early upper paleolithic shell beads at Üçağızlı Cave I (Turkey): technology and the socioeconomic context of ornament life-histories. (United States)

    Stiner, Mary C; Kuhn, Steven L; Güleç, Erksin


    Ten early Upper Paleolithic layers in Üçağızlı Cave I (41-29 uncalibrated ky BP) on the Hatay coast of southern Turkey preserve a rich and varied record of early Upper Paleolithic life, including the production and use of large numbers of shell ornaments. This study examines shell bead production, use, and discard in relation to site function and the diversity of on-site human activities. Four factors are expected to contribute to variation in the ornament assemblages, one environmental and three behavioral. The behavioral factors relate to winnowing for quality as a function of distance from the raw material source, changes in the size of user groups, and symbol standardization. The accumulation rates for shell beads, bones, and stone tools paralleled one another through time, indicating that ornament discard followed the pulse of daily life at this site. All stages of manufacture and use are well represented in each assemblage, and half or more of the ornaments show evidence of extended use. Changes in the local marine environment do not explain much of the variation in the assemblages, pointing instead to behavioral causes. The richness of shell types that were collected as raw material correlates to greater exploitation of edible marine shellfish and greater occupation intensity. Much of this variation in the ornament raw material was eliminated during the manufacture stage, almost certainly reflecting the influence of cultural norms. A focus on basket-shaped shells changed remarkably little over thousands of years, despite significant changes in other domains of technology. This last result suggests that beads were the most irreducible and conservative elements of more complex design traditions. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    André Carlos Silva


    Full Text Available O revestimento interno dos moinhos vem tomando maior proeminência devido à sua influência direta na eficiência de moagem e pelo alto custo agregado relacionado ao seu tempo de operação. Uma vez que o desgaste do revestimento não é uniforme, foi realizado o acompanhamento do desgaste do revestimento interno do moinho de bolas (SAG 4,87 x 6,09 m da empresa Vale Fertilizantes S.A. Unidade Catalão-GO. Tal moinho trabalha com rocha fosfática e o monitoramento se deu através de um dispositivo prático visando à determinação do comportamento do desgaste do revestimento ao longo de toda a extensão do moinho, desde a alimentação até a descarga, bem como a variação em um único perfil de uma placa do revestimento. Observou-se que o desgaste não é uniforme tanto ao longo do moinho quanto em um mesmo perfil, indicando que o maior desgaste ocorre nos primeiros e últimos 1,5 metros, com valores muito próximos. Na alimentação do moinho o desgaste específico foi de 0,60 g/t, na descarga de 0,63 g/t e no do centro do moinho de aproximadamente 0,55g/t.

  2. Recidiva criminal em 100 internos do Manicômio Judiciário de Franco da Rocha

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    Moscatello Roberto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Verificar a ocorrência de comportamento criminal recidivo em uma população de internos do Manicômio Judiciário de Franco da Rocha. MÉTODOS: Cem internos de um Manicômio Judiciário em cumprimento de medida de segurança foram entrevistados, sendo todos do sexo masculino e com idades variando de 26 a 80 anos. Os diagnósticos preencheram critérios da CID-10, e os delitos cometidos foram verificados segundo o Código Penal Brasileiro. RESULTADOS: Dos 100 internos avaliados, 41% cometeram um crime, e 59% cometeram mais de um crime. As psicoses esquizofrênicas foram os diagnósticos mais freqüentes nos internos que cometeram um crime e naqueles que cometeram mais de um crime. Os diagnósticos retardo mental e transtornos de personalidade seguiram em freqüência nos que cometeram um crime. Transtornos de personalidade e retardo mental foram os diagnósticos que seguiram em freqüencia nos que cometeram mais de um crime. CONCLUSÕES: As psicoses esquizofrênicas predominaram nos internos avaliados. Crimes contra a vida foram mais comuns entre os que cometeram um crime, enquanto crimes contra o patrimônio predominaram entre os que cometeram mais de um crime.

  3. Morphological and hematological studies of Trypanosoma spp. infecting ornamental armored catfish from Guamá River-PA, Brazil

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    Rodrigo Y. Fujimoto


    Full Text Available A total of 281 specimens of freshwater armored ornamental fish species (Leporacanthicus galaxias, Lasiancistrus saetiger, Cochliodon sp., Hypostomus sp., Pseudacanthicus spinosus, Ancistrus sp. and Rineloricaria cf. lanceolata were captured at the hydrological basin of Guamá River, Pará, Brazil. The infection by Trypanosoma spp. was inspected. The morphological and morphometric characterization of the parasites and the hematological parameters were determined. Leporacanthicus galaxias and Pseudacanthicus spinosus presented 100% infection prevalence, and the other species showed a variable prevalence of infection. The parasites showed clearly different morphotypes and dimensions, and probably belong to different species. The hematological response to the infection varied with the host. Cochliodon sp. showed no differences between infected and not infected fish. In other species several modifications on some hematological parameters were found, but apparently without causing disease. It is emphasized the possibility of introduction of the parasites in new environments due to the artificial movements of these ornamental fish.

  4. Induction of somatic mutations in some vegetatively Propagated ornamentals by gamma radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Das, P.K.; Ghosh, P.; Dube, S.; Dhua, S.P.


    Attempts were made to produce mutations in some vegetatively propagated ornamentals by acute and chronic gamma irradiation. Rooted cutting of Chrysanthemums and dormant bulbs of Dahlias were exposed to 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 2.0, 3.0 kR of acute doses respectively. In chronic irradiation, potted plants of Bougainvillea, Hibiscus, Allamanda, Achania, Jasminum, Chrysanthemum were exposed to several dose rates at different isodose arcs in the gamma field. Isolated mutants are being vegetatively multiplied and some of them have already been stabilized as pure forms. (M.G.B.)

  5. Método para avaliação da potencialidade ornamental de flores e folhagens de corte nativas e não convencionais.

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    Elisabeth R. Tempel Stumpf


    Full Text Available Para garantir o êxito no mercado de novos produtos da Floricultura, é preciso estabelecer critérios objetivos de escolha das características ornamentais desejáveis. Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor e validar um método para a avaliação do potencial ornamental de plantas nativas e não-convencionais, para uso como flores e folhagens de corte. A partir de uma planilha de avaliação especialmente elaborada para tal fim, foi testado o grau de potencialidade ornamental de 11 espécies nativas do Rio Grande do Sul, resultante do somatório das notas dadas para cada uma das dez características escolhidas por sua importância para a arte floral e para o mercado. Para a validação da eficácia do método, foi efetuada uma pesquisa de opinião on line. Andropogon bicornis, Baccharis articulata, B. usterii, Eryngium ebracteatum, E. eriophorum, E. sanguisorba, Hypericum connatum, Limonium brasiliense, Myrsine umbellata, Schinus lentiscifolius e S. terebinthifolius receberam pontuação superior a 70 pontos, sendo categorizadas como de alta potencialidade ornamental. A eficácia da escolha destas espécies com base em atributos estéticos visuais ficou comprovada nos resultados obtidos pela aplicação da planilha e posteriormente validados pela pesquisa de opinião. Os resultados indicam que o método aqui proposto é uma ferramenta eficaz para avaliar o grau de potencialidade ornamental de flores e folhagens de corte nativas e não-convencionais

  6. Utilization of Integrated Geophysical Techniques to Delineate the Extraction of Mining Bench of Ornamental Rocks (Marble

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    Julián Martínez


    Full Text Available Low yields in ornamental rock mining remain one of the most important problems in this industry. This fact is usually associated with the presence of anisotropies in the rock, which makes it difficult to extract the blocks. An optimised planning of the exploitation, together with an improved geological understanding of the deposit, could increase these yields. In this work, marble mining in Macael (Spain was studied to test the capacity of non-destructive geophysical prospecting methods (GPR and ERI as tools to characterize the geology of the deposit. It is well-known that the ERI method provides a greater penetration depth. By using this technique, it is possible to distinguish the boundaries between the marble and the underlying micaschists, the morphology of the unit to be exploited, and even fracture zones to be identified. Therefore, this technique could be used in the early stages of research, to estimate the reserves of the deposit. The GPR methodology, with a lower penetration depth, is able to offer more detailed information. Specifically, it detects lateral and vertical changes of the facies inside the marble unit, as well as the anisotropies of the rock (fractures or holes. This technique would be suitable for use in a second stage of research. On the one hand, it is very useful for characterization of the texture and fabric of the rock, which allows us to determine in advance its properties, and therefore, the quality for ornamental use. On the other hand, the localization of anisotropy using the GPR technique will make it possible to improve the planning of the rock exploitation in order to increase yields. Both integrated geophysical techniques are effective for assessing the quality of ornamental rock and thus can serve as useful tools in mine planning to improve yields and costs.

  7. Do ornaments, arrival date, and sperm size influence mating and paternity success in the collared flycatcher?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Edme, A.; Zobač, P.; Opatová, Pavlína; Šplíchalová, P.; Munclinger, P.; Albrecht, Tomáš; Krist, M.


    Roč. 71, č. 1 (2017), č. článku 3. ISSN 0340-5443 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP506/12/2472 Institutional support: RVO:68081766 Keywords : Mating success * Extra-pair paternity * Differential allocation * Sexual ornament * Sperm size Subject RIV: EG - Zoology OBOR OECD: Zoology Impact factor: 2.185, year: 2016

  8. Mutant breeding of ornamental trees for creating variations with high value using proton beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yim, Jae Hong; Woo, Seong Min; Hwang, Mun Joo; Pyo, Sun Hui [Phygen, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Kwon, Hye Jin [Environmental-Friendly Agriculture Research Institute, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Woo, Jong Suk [Cheonan Yonam College, Cheonan (Korea, Republic of)


    This research was conducted to investigate the proton-beam radiation sensitivity and seed germination rate of 18 ornamental plants and to survey the quantitative characteristics of proton beam induced strains. To induce the variants of ornamental plants, seeds were irradiated at the dose of 0{approx} 2kGy of proton beam at room temperature by 45 MeV MC-50 Cyclotron. After irradiation, to assess the effects of proton beam on radiation sensitivity and morphological changes of the plants and the seed germination rate were analysed. The effects of mutation induction by proton beam irradiation on seeds in Lagerstroemia indica and Ligustrum obtusifolium were investigated. Irradiation with proton beam at the dose of 750Gy induced mutants in leaf length, leaf width, internode length, plant height, leaf color, autumn leaves and plant width in each strains. According to a principal component analysis, the induced strains were divided into three groups. Promising strain(strain 25) for commercial varieties was selected Lagerstroemia indica. It was analysed that strain 25 showed the highest genetic dissimility from original species. The strain 25 had red leaf edge and maintained autumnal tints till late fall. So, we try to promote a patent registration of the strain 25 as a new caltivar 'Bulkkot'

  9. Mutant breeding of ornamental trees for creating variations with high value using proton beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yim, Jae Hong; Woo, Seong Min; Hwang, Mun Joo; Pyo, Sun Hui; Kwon, Hye Jin; Woo, Jong Suk


    This research was conducted to investigate the proton-beam radiation sensitivity and seed germination rate of 18 ornamental plants and to survey the quantitative characteristics of proton beam induced strains. To induce the variants of ornamental plants, seeds were irradiated at the dose of 0∼ 2kGy of proton beam at room temperature by 45 MeV MC-50 Cyclotron. After irradiation, to assess the effects of proton beam on radiation sensitivity and morphological changes of the plants and the seed germination rate were analysed. The effects of mutation induction by proton beam irradiation on seeds in Lagerstroemia indica and Ligustrum obtusifolium were investigated. Irradiation with proton beam at the dose of 750Gy induced mutants in leaf length, leaf width, internode length, plant height, leaf color, autumn leaves and plant width in each strains. According to a principal component analysis, the induced strains were divided into three groups. Promising strain(strain 25) for commercial varieties was selected Lagerstroemia indica. It was analysed that strain 25 showed the highest genetic dissimility from original species. The strain 25 had red leaf edge and maintained autumnal tints till late fall. So, we try to promote a patent registration of the strain 25 as a new caltivar 'Bulkkot'

  10. Improvement of grafting procedures for the ornamental species: I. Picea pungens Engelm. var. glauca Regel

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    Ioan Blada


    Full Text Available In order to get ornamental trees for landscaping, Colorado blue spuce (Picea pungens Engelm. var.glauca Regel scions were grafted on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L. Karst. rootstocks. An original double-side-veneer grafting method was applied in five experimental or basic variants. The plastic tapes and the ecological Ceraltin wax developed by the Research and Development of Bio-stimulators (CCDB BIOS Cluj were tested. In addition, two controls in which the classic raffia and the traditional hot wax and the classic side-veneer-grafting method were used. The obtained results, expressed in percents, were transformed in arcsin square root of percent values, and then a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA was used. Highly significant (p < 0.001 statistical differences were found between all grafting variants, including controls. The Duncan test proved that original double-side-veneer grafting method and the new developed materials, i.e. plastic tapes and the ecological Ceraltin wax have contributed in getting a better grafting success compared to the controls.Thus, the double-side-veneer grafting method and the two grafting materials are highly recommended to be used in getting grafted Colorado blue spuce ornamental trees.


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    Osman Gulsen


    Full Text Available Turkey is in the middle of major continents, Africa, Asia and Europe that creates considerable diversity. Many plant species are endemic to Turkey and the members of Boraginaceae family is one of the most important among them. For years, we are evaluating/observing Heliotropium greuteri H. Riedl, named as ‘yoghurt otu’ and affiliated to the Boraginaceae family. Heliotropium greuteri, seen as extensively in Kayseri region, has fragrant flowers and quite long flowering period. It has good ornamental characteristics because of long flowering period up to four months, showy plants with white and green colors, fragrant flowers, and considerable drought tolerance. They also attract honeybees, especially during poor vegetation as at the end of summer and in the first half of fall season. They can be used as cover plant in parks, home gardens and road sides. It can be successfully used in open areas as well as under trees (semi-shaded. Especially they can produce healthy plants at the borders where they are often exposed to drought stress. Overall, this species has desirable ornamental characteristics and can be alternative for landscaping.

  12. Differential effects of endoparasitism on the expression of carotenoid- and melanin-based ornamental coloration.


    McGraw, K J; Hill, G E


    The striking diversity of sexual dimorphisms in nature begs the question: Why are there so many signal types? One possibility is that ornamental traits convey different sets of information about the quality of the sender to the receiver. The colourful, pigmented feathers of male birds seem to meet the predictions of this hypothesis. Evidence suggests that carotenoid pigmentation reflects the nutritional condition of males during moult, whereas in many instances melanin pigmentation is a relia...

  13. Downy mildews on ornamental plants and their control. (United States)

    Skrzypczak, C


    Among downy mildews occurring on ornamentals in Poland the most dangerous are downy mildew of rose and downy mildew of German statice (Tartarian statice). Downy mildew of rose caused by Peronospora sparsa Berk. is a serious threat to commercial cultivation of cut roses, especially grown under plastic tunnels. Peronospora statices Lobik casual agent of German statice downy mildew can causes the total losses in the second year of statice cultivation more than 70%. Both pathogens are very difficult to control. Effectiveness of azoxystrobine, cymoxanil + famoxate, mancozeb, phosethyl aluminium, phosethyl aluminium + fenamidone, propamocarb in the control of P. sparsa and P. statices was presented. In the control of statice downy mildew none of tested compounds was able to control satisfactory the pathogen. Relatively the best results were obtained with mixture of fenamidone (88 microg/cm3) and phosethyl AL (1334 microg/cm3). In the control of rose downy mildew, the best results were obtained with phosethyl Al at concentration 1600 microg/cm3.

  14. Offspring sex ratios in relation to mutual ornamentation and extra-pair paternity in the Black Swan Cygnus atratus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kraaijeveld, Ken; Ming, Ma; Komdeur, Jan; Mulder, Raoul A.

    In sexually dichromatic birds, females may adaptively adjust the sex ratio of their offspring prior to hatching in relation to male ornamentation, for example, by producing more sons when paired to a highly attractive partner. However, to our knowledge no studies have investigated offspring sex

  15. Can mycorrhizal inoculation stimulate the growth and flowering of peat-grown ornamental plants under standard or reduced watering?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Püschel, David; Rydlová, Jana; Vosátka, Miroslav


    Roč. 80, Aug 2014 (2014), s. 93-99 ISSN 0929-1393 R&D Projects: GA MŠk 1M0571 Institutional support: RVO:67985939 Keywords : ornamental plants * arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi * beat-based substrate Subject RIV: EF - Botanics Impact factor: 2.644, year: 2014


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    Eduardo de Aguiar do Couto


    Full Text Available Airports consume significant amounts of water which can be compared to the volume consumed by mid-size cities, thus practices aimed at reducing water consumption are important and necessar y. The objective of this study was to assess the reuse potential of sewage effluent produced at a mid-size international airport for nursery irri gation. The sewage treatment system consisted of a facultative pond followed by a constructed wetland, which were monitored during one hydrological year a nd the parameters COD, pH, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus and Escherichia coli we re analyzed. Removal efficiencies of 85% and 91% were achieved for C OD and solids, respectively. Removal efficiencies for ammonia nitrogen a nd total phosphorus were 77% and 59%, respectively. In terms of E. coli concen tration, the treated effluent met the recommendations by the World Health Organization for reuse in irrigation with the advantage of providing high levels of residual nutrient. The ornamental species Impatiens walleriana was irrigated with treated sewage effluent and plant growth characteristics were evalua ted. The experiment showed that reuse can enhance plant growth without signi ficantly affecting leaf tissue and soil characteristics. This study highlighted th e importance of simple technologies for sewage treatment especially in count ries which still do not present great investment in sanitation and proved that effluent reuse for landscape irrigation can provide great savings of water and financial resources for airport environments.

  17. Characteristics of ornamental rocks waste: application of mechanochemical concepts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, J. dos; Galembeck, F.


    Processing of ornamental rocks produces up to 80% weight residues which become an environmental problem. In this work, we analyzed residual powders from cutting and crushing granite Cinza Corumba, to study the influence of mechanical processes in the properties of the residues. The powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction and fluorescence, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, surface area determination and adsorption of methylene blue. The same elements and minerals are found in both powders but the powders formed during crushing contain lubricating oil residues, from the crusher. Particle shapes of the crushed powder (surface area 2.85 m2/g) are more irregular than cut powder (surface area 1.98 m2/g). Adsorption of methylene blue is lighter in the crushed powder than in the cutting powder. Thus, the powders analyzed have different surface properties. (author)

  18. Search of Xylella fastidiosa in plants with symptoms of chlorosis and leaf scorch present in ornamental areas in the university district and nearness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pacheco Acevedo, Maria Jose


    The presence of Xylella fastidiosa is detected in plants considered as hosts of urban ornament with characteristic symptoms, present in gardens in the area of the university district and around in the area. Urban ornamental plants are identified with suggestive symptomatology of infection by X. fastidiosa in gardens of urban areas. Plants are classified according to the presence or absence of symptoms. In the study were gathered 97 samples, belonging to 29 vegetable species with symptoms of chlorosis on leaves, leaf scorch, delay in the development and loss of foliage. The identified plants are screened by techniques of ELISA, and immunofluorescence for the detection of X. fastidiosa. Xylella fastidiosa is isolated from urban ornamental plants. The isolates of Xylella obtained, are characterized phenotypic and molecularly. The performance of two standardized immunological techniques are compared for the serological detection of Xylella fastidiosa. The presence of X. fastidiosa is detected, using the DAS-ELISA technique on 48 of the 97 processed samples, corresponding to 46,1% of the samples. Parallely, the samples processed using the IFA technique, have detected the presence of X. fastidiosa in the same proportions [es

  19. A connection between the Neoproterozoic Dom Feliciano (Brazil/Uruguay) and Gariep (Namibia/South Africa) orogenic belts – evidence from a reconnaissance provenance study •

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Basei, M.; Frimmel, H.; Nutman, A.; Preciozzi, F.; Jacob, J.


    A provenance study of Neoproterozoic siliciclastic successions in the stratigraphically and tectonically lowermost and uppermost parts of the Pan-African Gariep Belt (Stinkfontein Subgroup and Oranjemund Group, respectively) in southwestern Africa, as well as in the Rocha Group of the Punta del Este Terrane (Dom Feliciano Belt) in Uruguay, revealed that the Oranjemund and Rocha Groups can be correlated and most likely formed in the same basin. Thus the Rocha Group is considered to represent the fill of the westernmost part of a re-activated Vendian Gariep Basin. The lower parts of the Oranjemund and Rocha Groups reflect erosion of mafic rocks, whereas the upper parts are derived from a predominantly felsic source area. Oceanic islands of within-plate geochemistry in the immediate vicinity were the most likely source of the mafic input into the lower part of the Oranjemund Group, with most of the other sediments derived from a passive continental margin, i.e. the western margin of the Kalahari Craton. Age spectra obtained by U-Pb SHRIMP analyses of detrital zircon grains from the Stinkfontein Subgroup (Port Nolloth Group), the Oranjemund Group and the Rocha Group are very similar, except for a lack of the youngest age group around 600 Ma in the Stinkfontein Subgroup. In all three units, zircon grains of 1000 – 1200 Ma dominate, with a further peak in the age distribution between 1700 and 2000 Ma. These ages compare well with the pre-Gariep basement geology in southwestern Africa, where the former age range corresponds to magmatic and high-grade metamorphic activity in the Mesoproterozoic Namaqua-Natal Belt and the latter to an extensive Palaeoproterozoic Andean-type volcanic arc (Richtersveld Terrane). Comparable ages are conspicuously absent in the basement of the Rio de la Plata Craton in South America. Derivation of the Rocha Group sediments from a similar source as the contemporaneous Oranjemund Group sediments is therefore suggested. The most likely source of

  20. Controle de plantas daninhas na produção de mudas de plantas ornamentais Weed control in ornamental plant seedling production

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    F.C.L. Freitas


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia do oxyfluorfen no controle da brilhantina (Pilea microphylla na produção de mudas de plantas ornamentais. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, no esquema fatorial 3 x 7, com três repetições. Um dos experimentos foi constituído por mudas de três espécies de plantas ornamentais - copo-de-leite (Zantedeschia aethiopica, estrelítzia (Strelitzia reginae e palmeira-australiana (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana - e sete doses de oxyfluorfen (0, 24, 72, 144, 216, 288 e 360 g ha-1 pulverizadas em área total, e o outro, pelas mesmas espécies e sete concentrações de oxyfluorfen (0,00000 0,00036, 0,00072, 0,00144, 0,00288, 0,00576, e 0,01152% do i.a., aplicadas em pulverização dirigida à brilhantina, sem atingir as folhas das mudas de plantas ornamentais. Cada unidade experimental foi constituída de um vaso com uma muda de planta ornamental, infestado com brilhantina. Aos 15, 30 e 60 dias após aplicação do herbicida (DAA, foram realizadas avaliações visuais de toxidez nas plantas ornamentais e controle de brilhantina. Para aplicação em área total, os vasos com plantas de palmeira-real-australiana demandaram doses mais elevadas do herbicida, devido à maior área foliar desta espécie por ocasião da aplicação, promovendo o "efeito-guarda-chuva". Ainda nessa modalidade de aplicação, verificaram-se sintomas de intoxicação, considerados leves, nas mudas de plantas ornamentais, porém mais evidentes nas plantas de palmeira-australiana. Em aplicação dirigida, não houve interação entre fatores, espécie e concentração do herbicida, nem diferença no comportamento do herbicida entre as espécies para as características avaliadas. Não se observou intoxicação nas plantas ornamentais em nenhum dos tratamentos avaliados, na aplicação dirigida. Verificou-se controle eficiente de brilhantina, acima de 90%, a partir das doses de 300, 320 e 340

  1. Comments about Yozgat Bascavusoglu Mosque and Ornaments(YOZGAT BAŞÇAVUŞOĞLU CAMİİ VE SÜSLEMELERİ ÜZERİNE DÜŞÜNCELER

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    Oğulcan Avcı


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada, 19. yüzyılın başında Çapanoğlu Süleyman Bey’in başçavuşu Halil Ağa tarafından Yozgat ilinin merkezinde inşa edilmiş Başçavuşoğlu Camii’nin mimarisi ve süslemeleri incelenmiştir. Başçavuş Halil Ağa’nın Çapanoğlu sülalesinin emrinde olması onu önemli bir kişi kılmaktadır. Söz konusu yapı ile ilgili Rüçhan Arık, Hakkı Acun gibi araştırmacılar çalışmalar yapmıştır. Yapı, Yozgat iline hâkim bir noktaya konumlandırılmış ve külliyenin bir parçasıdır. Külliyede yer alan yapılardan cami, çeşme, hamam sağlam olmasına rağmen, medrese günümüze gelememiştir. Külliyenin en önemli yapısı camidir. Yapı Batılılaşma döneminin hemen hemen tüm özelliklerini taşımaktadır. Yapının dış cepheleri oldukça sade olmasına rağmen iç kısmı yoğun şekilde süslenmiştir. Cami’nin kalemişi süslemeleri bitkisel ve geometrik motifler ile mimari ögeler ve doğadan manzaralar içeren duvar resimlerinden oluşmaktadır. Bitkisel süslemeler genellikle farklı çiçek türlerini içermektedir. Duvar resimlerinde cami, değirmen, medrese, köprü gibi farklı yapı türleri görülmektedir. Bu yapı türlerinin hayalî manzaralar değil, dönemin Yozgat tasvirleri olduğu düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca yapıdaki ahşap, maden ve alçı süslemeler de çok yönlü irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yozgat, Başçavuşoğlu Camii, kalemişi, Batılılaşma, Osmanlı Abstract: In this study, it is studied architecture ornaments in Bascavusoglu Mosque built by Halil Aga who was master-sergeat of Capanoglu Süleyman Bey center of Yozgat province in early 19. Century. Halil Aga was personage beacuse he worked under Capanoglu family. The mosque in point was studied by researchers such as Rüçhan Arık, Hakkı Acun. The mosque is centrally located in Yozgat and in social complex. Some of buildings in this social complex are solid but madrasah is not

  2. Ethylene, 1-methylcyclopropene and silver thiosulfate on the post-production of ornamental pepper

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    Paula Cristina Carvalho Lima

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Species from Capsicum genus are used for different purposes and in more recent years as ornamental potted plant. Despite the increased commercial importance, there are only a few studies on the environmental factors affecting the post-production shelf life of these ornamental plants. The presence of ethylene induces various responses on potted peppers, reducing the shelf life of sensitive cultivars. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of ethylene and the inhibitors of ethylene action, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP and silver thiosulfate (STS on the shelf life of potted 'Calypso' and 'MG 302' peppers. Cultivar 'MG 302' showed intermediate sensitivity to ethylene action, while the cultivar 'Calypso' showed complete abscission of leaves when exposed to ethylene. In both cultivars, treatment with STS + Ethylene presented symptoms of phytotoxicity in plants, while treatment with 1-MCP + Ethylene was effective in delaying senescence and abscission for the cultivar 'MG 302', while cultivar 'Calypso' showed abscission similar to control plants. Plants treated with STS showed the longest durability when compared to the other treatments, about six days for 'Calypso' and 18 days for 'MG 302'. Nevertheless, plants treated with 1-MCP also exhibited good shelf life, about six days for 'Calypso' and nine days for the 'MG 302'. Although the treatment with STS was more efficient on the plants shelf life, did not completely block the action of ethylene and exhibited some phytotoxicity, while the treatment with 1-MCP had good efficiency without inducing any toxicity.

  3. Micropropagation of ornamental Prunus spp. and GF305 peach, a Prunus viral indicator. (United States)

    Kalinina, Anna; Brown, Daniel C W


    A micropropagation approach was developed for nine ornamental Prunus species, P. americana, P. cistena, P. glandulosa, P. serrulata 'Kwanzan', P. laurocerasus, P. sargentii, P. tomentosa, P. triloba, P. virginiana 'Schubert', commercially important in North America, and GF305 peach, commonly used for Prunus virus indexing. The micropropagation cycle based on proliferation of vegetative tissues includes establishment of tissue culture through introduction of shoot meristems in vitro, shoot proliferation, root induction and plant acclimatization steps and can be completed in 5 months. A meristem sterilization protocol minimized bacterial and fungal contamination. Multiple shoot formation in ornamental Prunus was obtained through the use of 1 mg l(-1) 6-benzyladenine. For GF305 peach, alteration in the sugar composition, fructose instead of sucrose, and addition of 1 mg l(-1 )ferulic acid had a significant impact on the shoot proliferation rate and maintenance of long-term in vitro culture. Rooting and plant acclimatization conditions were improved using a two-step protocol with a 4-day root induction in indole-3-butiric acid (IBA)-containing media with consequent 3-week root elongation in IBA-free media. One-month incubation of rooted shoots in a vermiculite-based medium resulted in additional shoot and root growth and provided better acclimatization and plant recovery. The micropropagation approach can be used for maintenance of the clonal properties for Prunus spp. as well as a protocol to support meristem therapy against viral infection.

  4. Trichodina nobilis Chen, 1963 and Trichodina reticulata Hirschmann et Partsch, 1955 from ornamental freshwater fishes in Brazil

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    ML Martins

    Full Text Available In the present work Trichodina reticulata and T. nobilis (Ciliophora: Trichodinidae are morphologically characterised from ornamental freshwater fish culture in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The prevalence of infection and a list of comparative measurements are discussed. We examined "southern platyfish" Xiphophorus maculatus (n = 35, "goldfish" Carassius auratus (n = 31, "guppy" Poecilia reticulata (n = 20, "sailfin molly" Poecilia latipinna (n = 6, "beta" Betta splendens (n = 2 and "spotted headstander" Chilodus punctatus (n = 1. After being anesthetised in a benzocaine solution, fishes were examined for parasitological evaluation. A total of 51.57% fishes were parasitised by Trichodina spp. Carassius auratus was the most parasitised species, followed by X. maculatus and P. reticulata. Beta splendens, C. punctatus and P. latipinna were not parasitised by any trichodinid species. Two species of Trichodina were collected from the skin of fish: T. nobilis was found in C. auratus, P. reticulata and X. maculatus and T. reticulata was only observed in C. auratus. The importance of adequate handling in ornamental fish culture are also discussed.

  5. Exumação das Rochas Mantélicas no Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo, Oceano Atlântico Equatorial, e sua Implicação na Possível Geração de Hidrocarbonetos Abiogenéticos por Serpentinização

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    Akihisa Motok


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta a exumação das rochas mantélicas no Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo, Oceano Atlântico Equatorial, e sua implicação na possível geração de hidrocarbonetos abiogenéticos por serpentinização. Na zona de falhas transformantes de São Paulo, observam-se duas condições tectônicas contrastadas para exumação do manto: Distensão no centro de espalhamento amagmático e compressão ao longo da cadeia de transpressão. No fundo do oceano, as rochas ultramáficas do manto exumado reagem quimicamente com a água do mar gerando energia térmica e hidrocarbonetos abiogenéticos, o fenômeno denominado serpentinização. O espalhamento amagmático com a formação de megamullion ocorre ao longo dos segmentos inter-transformantes da cadeia meso-oceânica. As rochas ultramáficas são originadas no manto superficial e possuem serpentinização avançada e deformação plástica pouco expressiva. Os porfiroblastos de olivina apresentam fraturamento rúptil. Por outro lado, a cadeia de transpressão ocorre ao longo do trecho da falha transformante em que a direção da falha e o movimento relativo das placas são oblíquos. Devido à discordância direcional, o movimento transcorrente gera o esforço de compressão perpendicular à falha. Este esforço levanta o manto profundo subjacente a partir da profundidade de deformação dúctil até a superfície da Terra. A cadeia de transpressão no Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo, denominada Cadeia de Brachiosaurus, é o único exemplo confirmado exumação do manto acima do nível do mar no Oceano Atlântico. As rochas do manto têm serpentinização pouco expressiva e deformação plástica extremamente desenvolvida, apresentando textura milonítica. Os porfiroclastos e a matriz apresentam tanto o fraturamento rúptil quanto a deformação plástica.

  6. Arte e política no cinema de Glauber Rocha: uma análise do filme Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol

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    William Vaz de Oliveira


    Full Text Available This article discusses the relationship between art and politics in the kinematics of Glauber Rocha focusing on the work ―Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol‖ Creator of the Cinema Novo in Brazil, Glauber proposes a system that portrays the reality through national a quasi-socialist realism. Hunger, poverty and religion become constant in the works of the moviemaker, in addition to showing a Brazilian culture strongly marked by African customs. Emerged in the late '50s, early '60s, his Cinema Novo was characterized by the search for a language and a truly Brazilian cinematic technique, which should depict all our limitations and our entire underdevelopment, thus seeking to overcome them, trying to approximate the cinematic art of the public. His movie Deus e o Diabo na terra do Sol for instance, highlights this prospect of a purely national cinema.

  7. Impact of exogenous salicylic acid on growth and ornamental characteristics of calendula (Calendula officinalis L. under salinity stress

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    Bayat H.


    Full Text Available Application of salicylic acid (SA as a phytohormone has been increased due to resistance to stresses such as salt stress. Pot experiments were conducted to determine the effect of exogenous salicylic acid application on growth and ornamental characteristics of calendula grown under salt stress and greenhouse conditions. For this purpose a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design was conducted with 3 levels of SA (0 (control, 1, 2 mM and 3 levels of NaCl (0, 100 and 200 mM with 4 replications. At flowering stage, SA was applied with spraying two times in two week intervals. NaCl was also applied as drench (200 ml per pot in two day intervals. The results showed that salinity decreased the growth, Chlorophyll reading values, flower number per plant and flower diameter. However, foliar applications of SA resulted in greater root, shoot and total dry weight, plant height and leaf area of calendula plants under salt stress. The highest chlorophyll reading values was obtained from 2.00 mM SA application in all NaCl treatments. Salinity decreased number of flower per plant and flower diameter as ornamental characteristics; however SA increased them under salinity stress. Plants treated with 1.00 mM SA had the highest flower diameter at 100 and 200 mM of NaCl. Electrolyte leakage increased by salinity, however foliar application of SA significantly reduced electrolyte leakage under salt stress. Based on the present results, foliar application of SA treatments can ameliorate the negative effects of salinity on the growth and ornamental characteristics of calendula plants.

  8. Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation – a Non-GMO Platform For Developing Compact Ornamentals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lütken, Henrik Vlk; Hegelund, Josefine Nymark; Lauridsen, Uffe Bjerre

    of these compounds are potentially harmful to both the environment and human health. A new non-GMO molecular breeding strategy, as opposed to both the application of chemical growth retardants and conventional molecular breeding is Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation. In this method, the soil borne...... for transformations, plants produced via this approach are not considered as GMOs in the European Union and Japan. We have developed an optimised Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation platform useful for a wide range of ornamentals. Kalanchoë was the starting point and the effect of the rol-genes has now...

  9. Geophysical methods as a tool for improving our knowledge of ornamental rock deposits and their exploitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Espín de Gea, A.; Reyes Urquiza, M.; Gil Abellán, A.


    The ornamental rock sector, particularly the investigation of deposits, is not readily given to the incorporation of new technologies. The Marble Technology Center (CTM) has made advances in this sector with the implementation of geophysical techniques able to obtain subsurface information. There are still a few outcrops and active quarries where joint geophysical techniques have been applied sufficiently to obtain a three-dimensional model of the study area. The application of geophysics and more specifically, ground penetrating radar, electrical tomography and seismic refraction, when conducting research of a reservoir or outcrop, is only slightly aggressive to the environment, allowing a real knowledge of the characteristics before beginning the more aggressive work, as is the case when conducting surveys and test pits which can subsequently complement the data obtained. This makes it possible to gain a good idea of the quality of the reservoir thus allowing optimization of resources, both financial and environmental beforehand. Several studies conducted by the CTM illustrate the benefits brought by the application of these geophysical techniques as well as the weaknesses within the characteristics of the extraction sites and ornamental rock outcrops. [es

  10. Eficiência e efeito residual de biofertilizantes de rochas com PK e enxofre com Acidithiobacillus em alface Efficiency and residual effect of PK rock biofertilizers with sulfur and Acidithiobacillus on lettuce

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    Rita de Cássia Matias de Lima


    Full Text Available Entre agosto e novembro de 2005 foi realizado um experimento em campo, com dois plantios consecutivos de alface (cv. Grand Rapids, em solo do Cariri cearense, visando avaliar a eficiência da fertilização com biofertilizantes de rocha fosfatada (BP e potássica (BK, em comparação com os fertilizantes minerais superfosfato simples(SFS e cloreto de potássio (KCl. Os fertilizantes minerais foram aplicados nos níveis recomendados com base na análise de solo para alface (SFS e KCl, e os biofertilizantes em três níveis (BP1 e BK1 metade da recomendação; BP2 e BK2 nível recomendado e BP3 e BK3 uma vez e meia o recomendado para SFS e KCl, e o tratamento controle (P0K0 sem aplicação de P e K. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 5², com quatro repetições. Os resultados demonstraram que o desempenho dos biofertilizantes com P e K foi equivalente ao dos fertilizantes minerais, especialmente com aplicação no nível BP2BK3. No segundo cultivo ficou evidenciado o efeito residual para produtividade da alface (biomassa fresca da parte aérea, altura, número de folhas, avaliação comercial e acumulação de P e K na parte aérea. Os resultados sugerem que os biofertilizantes de rochas com P e K podem ser usados como alternativa a fertilizantes minerais.Production of rock biofertilizers is a practical process with reduction of energy consumption and increasing nutrients availability in soils. To evaluate the agronomic efficiency and the residual effect of P rock biofertilizer (PB and potash rock (KB, compared to simple superphosphate (SSP and potassium chloride (KCl, a field experiment with two consecutive lettuce crops (cv. Grand Rapids was carried out in a soil at Cariri (Ceará, Brazil, from August to September 2005. The mineral fertilizers were applied in the levels recommended for lettuce (SSP and KCl, and the biofertilizers in three levels (PB1 and KB1 half of recommended levels; recommended levels

  11. Female mate choice and the potential for ornament evolution in túngara frogs Physalaemus pustulosus


    Michael J. RYAN, Ximena E. BERNA, A. Stanley RAND


    The potential for ornament evolution in response to sexual selection rests on the interaction between the permissiveness or selectivity of female preferences and the constraints on male development of signaling related traits. We investigate the former by determining how latent female preferences either exaggerate the magnitude of current traits (i.e. elaborations) or favor novel traits (i.e. innovations). In túngara frogs, females prefer complex mating calls (whine-chucks) to simple calls (...

  12. A new horned dinosaur reveals convergent evolution in cranial ornamentation in Ceratopsidae. (United States)

    Brown, Caleb M; Henderson, Donald M


    Ceratopsid (horned) dinosaurs are an iconic group of large-bodied, quadrupedal, herbivorous dinosaurs that evolved in the Late Cretaceous and were largely restricted to western North America [1-5]. Ceratopsids are easily recognized by their cranial ornamentation in the form of nasal and postorbital horns and frill (capped by epiossifications); these structures show high morphological disparity and also represent the largest cranial display structures known to have evolved [2, 4]. Despite their restricted occurrence in time and space, this group has one of the best fossil records within Dinosauria, showing a rapid diversification in horn and frill morphology [1]. Here a new genus and species of chasmosaurine ceratopsid is described based on a nearly complete and three-dimensionally preserved cranium recovered from the uppermost St. Mary River Formation (Maastrichtian) of southwestern Alberta. Regaliceratops peterhewsi gen. et sp. nov. exhibits many unique characters of the frill and is characterized by a large nasal horncore, small postorbital horncores, and massive parietal epiossifications. Cranial morphology, particularly the epiossifications, suggests close affinity with the late Campanian/early Maastrichian taxon Anchiceratops, as well as with the late Maastrichtian taxon Triceratops. A median epiparietal necessitates a reassessment of epiossification homology and results in a more resolved phylogeny. Most surprisingly, Regaliceratops exhibits a suite of cranial ornamentations that are superficially similar to Campanian centrosaurines, indicating both exploration of novel display morphospace in Chasmosaurinae, especially Maastrichtian forms, and convergent evolution in horn morphology with the recently extinct Centrosaurinae. This marks the first time that evolutionary convergence in horn-like display structures has been demonstrated between dinosaur clades, similar to those seen in fossil and extant mammals [6]. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights

  13. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) Combined with Soil Solarization for Root-Knot Nematode Control in Vegetable and Ornamental Crops in Florida (United States)

    Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) combined with soil solarization continues to be evaluated for management of plant-parasitic nematodes in vegetable and ornamental crops in Florida. ASD combines organic amendments and soil saturation to stimulate microbial activity and create anaerobic conditions...

  14. Male sexual ornament size is positively associated with reproductive morphology and enhanced fertility in the stalk-eyed fly Teleopsis dalmanni

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    Chapman Tracey


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Exaggerated male ornaments and displays often evolve in species where males only provide females with ejaculates during reproduction. Although "good genes" arguments are typically invoked to explain this phenomenon, a simpler alternative is possible if variation in male reproductive quality (e.g. sperm number, ejaculate content, mating rate is an important determinant of female reproductive success. The "phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis" states that female preference for male ornaments or displays has been selected to ensure higher levels of fertility and has driven the evolution of exaggerated male traits. Females of the stalk-eyed fly Teleopsis dalmanni must mate frequently to maintain high levels of fertility and prefer to mate with males exhibiting large eyespan, a condition-dependent sexual ornament. If eyespan indicates male reproductive quality, females could directly increase their reproductive success by mating with males with large eyespan. Here we investigate whether male eyespan indicates accessory gland and testis length, and then ask whether mating with large eyespan males affects female fertility. Results Male eyespan was a better predictor of two key male reproductive traits – accessory gland and testis length – than was body size alone. This positive relationship held true over three levels of increasing environmental stress during the maturation of the adult accessory glands and testes. Furthermore, females housed with a large eyespan male exhibited higher levels of fertility than those with small eyespan males. Conclusion Male eyespan in stalk-eyed flies is subject to strong directional mate preference and is a reliable indicator of male reproductive quality – both because males with larger eyespan have bigger accessory glands and testes, and also as they confer higher fertility on females. Fertility enhancement may have arisen because males with larger eyespan mated more often and/or because

  15. Sodalite Cancrinite Nepheline Syenite of Mendanha Massif, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Called Commercially Blue Guanabara Granite, and its Origin from Deuteric Metasomatism

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    Akihisa Motoki


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta observações de campo, descrições petrográficas e considerações genéticas do sodalita cancrinita nefelina sienito, chamado comercialmente de Granito Cinza Azul Guanabara, que se encontra na zona de contato sudoeste da intrusão alcalina félsica de Mendanha, RJ. Esta rocha ornamental ocorre ao longo do eixo central de um dique sienítico com 15 m de largura. A cor macroscópica em rocha total é caracterizada por saturação baixa (S=5~7 e clareza média (B~62. A cor de minerais opacos tem clareza relativamente alta (B~28. O feldspato alcalino é comumente alterado em muscovita. Os feldspatóides são presentes nos espaços intersticiais do arcabouço de feldspato alcalino. O anfibólio e biotita são alterados em minerais opacos e vermiculita, apresentando pseudomorfo. Os minerais acessórios são magnetita primária e titanita. Existe uma significativa quantidade de carbonatos com quantidade modal de 6,8%, constituindo agregados de forma irregular ou preenchendo espaços. A cor macroscópica dos agregados de feldspatóides varia de azul profundo para azul claro de acordo com o teor relativo de sodalita. A sodalita e cancrinita são originadas de nefelina e foram formadas através de metassomatismo deutérico do fluído rico em Cl

  16. Detection of Tospoviruses in Ornamental Plants in Hobby Gardens and Landscaping Areas in Adalar District of Istanbul Province

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    Fatma Şafak


    Full Text Available This study was conducted in order to detect Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV, Irish yellow spot virus (IYSV and Impatients necrotic spot virus (INSV in ornamental plants growing in hobby gardens and landscaping areas in Adalar district (Büyükada, Heybeliada, Kınalıada and Burgazada of Istanbul province between 2015 and 2016. During the surveys carried out in that district, the samples were collected from both simptomatologically suspicious ornamental plants and the plants which did not show any symptoms. All of the collected samples (n=150 were firstly tested by Double Antibody Sandwich (DAS ELISA and none of the samples were found to be infected with TSWV and INSV. The samples detected to be positive with IYSV by ELISA tests were then used in RT-PCR studies. At the RT-PCR using the IYSV-465c; IYSV-239f primer pair, a band with a size of 240 bp was observed for Pittosporum tobira and Hydrangea macrophylla. Therefore, the presence of IYSV infection in Adalar was also confirmed molecularly.

  17. Excavating the Role of Aloe Vera Wrapped Mesoporous Hydroxyapatite Frame Ornamentation in Newly Architectured Polyurethane Scaffolds for Osteogenesis and Guided Bone Regeneration with Microbial Protection. (United States)

    Selvakumar, M; Pawar, Harpreet Singh; Francis, Nimmy K; Das, Bodhisatwa; Dhara, Santanu; Chattopadhyay, Santanu


    Guided bone regeneration (GBR) scaffolds are unsuccessful in many clinical applications due to a high incidence of postoperative infection. The objective of this work is to fabricate GBR with an anti-infective electrospun scaffold by ornamenting segmented polyurethane (SPU) with two-dimensional Aloe vera wrapped mesoporous hydroxyapatite (Al-mHA) nanorods. The antimicrobial characteristic of the scaffold has been retrieved from the prepared Al-mHA frame with high aspect ratio (∼14.2) via biosynthesis route using Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) extract. The Al-mHA frame was introduced into an unprecedented SPU matrix (solution polymerized) based on combinatorial soft segments of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), poly(ethylene carbonate) (PEC), and poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), by an in situ technique followed by electrospinning to fabricate scaffolds. For comparison, pristine mHA nanorods are also ornamented into it. An enzymatic ring-opening polymerization technique was adapted to synthesize soft segment of (PCL-PEC-b-PDMS). Structure elucidation of the synthesized polymers is established by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Sparingly, Al-mHA ornamented scaffolds exhibit tremendous improvement (175%) in the mechanical properties with promising antimicrobial activity against various human pathogens. After confirmation of high osteoconductivity, improved biodegradation, and excellent biocompatibility against osteoblast-like MG63 cells (in vitro), the scaffolds were implanted in rabbits as an animal model by subcutaneous and intraosseous (tibial) sites. Improved in vivo biocompatibilities, biodegradation, osteoconductivity, and the ability to provide an adequate biomimetic environment for biomineralization for GBR of the scaffolds (SPU and ornamented SPUs) have been found from the various histological sections. Early cartilage formation, endochondral ossification, and rapid bone healing at 4 weeks were found in the defects filled with Al-mHA ornamented

  18. Conspicuous female ornamentation and tests of male mate preference in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus.

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    Daniel Shane Wright

    Full Text Available Sexual selection drives the evolution of exaggerated male ornaments in many animal species. Female ornamentation is now acknowledged also to be common but is generally less well understood. One example is the recently documented red female throat coloration in some threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus populations. Although female sticklebacks often exhibit a preference for red male throat coloration, the possibility of sexual selection on female coloration has been little studied. Using sequential and simultaneous mate choice trials, we examined male mate preferences for female throat color, as well as pelvic spine color and standard length, using wild-captured threespine sticklebacks from the Little Campbell River, British Columbia. In a multivariate analysis, we found no evidence for a population-level mate preference in males, suggesting the absence of directional sexual selection on these traits arising from male mate choice. Significant variation was detected among males in their preference functions, but this appeared to arise from differences in their mean responsiveness across mating trials and not from variation in the strength (i.e., slope of their preference, suggesting the absence of individual-level preferences as well. When presented with conspecific intruder males, male response decreased as intruder red throat coloration increased, suggesting that males can discriminate color and other aspects of phenotype in our experiment and that males may use these traits in intrasexual interactions. The results presented here are the first to explicitly address male preference for female throat color in threespine sticklebacks.

  19. Conspicuous female ornamentation and tests of male mate preference in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). (United States)

    Wright, Daniel Shane; Pierotti, Michele E R; Rundle, Howard D; McKinnon, Jeffrey S


    Sexual selection drives the evolution of exaggerated male ornaments in many animal species. Female ornamentation is now acknowledged also to be common but is generally less well understood. One example is the recently documented red female throat coloration in some threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations. Although female sticklebacks often exhibit a preference for red male throat coloration, the possibility of sexual selection on female coloration has been little studied. Using sequential and simultaneous mate choice trials, we examined male mate preferences for female throat color, as well as pelvic spine color and standard length, using wild-captured threespine sticklebacks from the Little Campbell River, British Columbia. In a multivariate analysis, we found no evidence for a population-level mate preference in males, suggesting the absence of directional sexual selection on these traits arising from male mate choice. Significant variation was detected among males in their preference functions, but this appeared to arise from differences in their mean responsiveness across mating trials and not from variation in the strength (i.e., slope) of their preference, suggesting the absence of individual-level preferences as well. When presented with conspecific intruder males, male response decreased as intruder red throat coloration increased, suggesting that males can discriminate color and other aspects of phenotype in our experiment and that males may use these traits in intrasexual interactions. The results presented here are the first to explicitly address male preference for female throat color in threespine sticklebacks.

  20. Geophysical methods as a tool for improving our knowledge of ornamental rock deposits and their exploitation; Los métodos geofísicos como herramienta de mejora para el conocimiento y aprovechamiento de los yacimientos de roca ornamental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espín de Gea, A.; Reyes Urquiza, M.; Gil Abellán, A.


    The ornamental rock sector, particularly the investigation of deposits, is not readily given to the incorporation of new technologies. The Marble Technology Center (CTM) has made advances in this sector with the implementation of geophysical techniques able to obtain subsurface information. There are still a few outcrops and active quarries where joint geophysical techniques have been applied sufficiently to obtain a three-dimensional model of the study area. The application of geophysics and more specifically, ground penetrating radar, electrical tomography and seismic refraction, when conducting research of a reservoir or outcrop, is only slightly aggressive to the environment, allowing a real knowledge of the characteristics before beginning the more aggressive work, as is the case when conducting surveys and test pits which can subsequently complement the data obtained. This makes it possible to gain a good idea of the quality of the reservoir thus allowing optimization of resources, both financial and environmental beforehand. Several studies conducted by the CTM illustrate the benefits brought by the application of these geophysical techniques as well as the weaknesses within the characteristics of the extraction sites and ornamental rock outcrops. [Spanish] El sector de la roca ornamental, y más concretamente la investigación de los yacimientos, es poco dado a la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías. El Centro Tecnológico del Mármol (CTM) avanza en este sector con la utilización de técnicas geofísicas capaces de obtener información del subsuelo. Existen todavía pocos afloramientos y canteras activas donde se hayan aplicado técnicas geofísicas de manera conjunta y con la intensidad suficiente como para obtener un modelo tridimensional de la zona estudiada. La aplicación de diversas metodologías geofísicas, y más concretamente georadar, tomografía eléctrica y sísmica de refracción, a la hora de realizar la investigación de un yacimiento o

  1. Use your eyes - metallographic versus superficial traces of the crafting of Bronze Age ornaments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Heide Wrobel

    and superficial archaeological examinations can be used to understand prehistoric craft. Furthermore, it will show that with an intensive knowledge about previous scientific investigations the superficial traces preserved can reveal a great amount of information and could talk for themselves. Taking as an example...... the early and middle Bronze Age bronze ornaments from North Germany, superficial traces of the metal crafting process, visible with the naked eye, will be compared with metallographic images. The aim of this presentation is to give an overview over the crafting traces everybody could see (with a bit...

  2. Comparative study of ornamental granite cleaning using femtosecond and nanosecond pulsed lasers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rivas, T., E-mail: [Dpto. Ingeniería de los Recursos Naturales y Medioambiente. E.T.S. Ingeniería de Minas, Universidad de Vigo, 36200 Vigo Spain (Spain); Lopez, A.J.; Ramil, A. [Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas. Campus de Esteiro. Universidad de A Coruña 15403 Ferrol Spain (Spain); Pozo, S. [Dpto. Ingeniería de los Recursos Naturales y Medioambiente. E.T.S. Ingeniería de Minas, Universidad de Vigo, 36200 Vigo Spain (Spain); Fiorucci, M.P. [Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas. Campus de Esteiro. Universidad de A Coruña 15403 Ferrol Spain (Spain); Silanes, M.E. López de [Dpto. Ingeniería de los Recursos Naturales y Medioambiente. E.I. Forestales. Universidad de Vigo, Campus Pontevedra. 36005 Pontevedra Spain (Spain); García, A.; Aldana, J. R. Vazquez de; Romero, C.; Moreno, P. [Grupo de Investigación en Microprocesado de Materiales con Laser. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Salamanca, 37008 Salamanca Spain (Spain)


    Granite has been widely used as a structural and ornamental element in public works and buildings. In damp climates it is almost permanently humid and its exterior surfaces are consequently biologically colonized and blackened We describe a comparative analysis of the performance of two different laser sources in removing biological crusts from granite surfaces: nanosecond Nd:YVO{sub 4} laser (355 nm) and femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser at its fundamental wavelength (790 nm) and second harmonic (395 nm). The granite surface was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, attenuated total reflection – Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and profilometry, in order to assess the degree of cleaning and to characterize possible morphological and chemical changes caused by the laser sources.

  3. Comparative study of ornamental granite cleaning using femtosecond and nanosecond pulsed lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivas, T.; Lopez, A.J.; Ramil, A.; Pozo, S.; Fiorucci, M.P.; Silanes, M.E. López de; García, A.; Aldana, J. R. Vazquez de; Romero, C.; Moreno, P.


    Granite has been widely used as a structural and ornamental element in public works and buildings. In damp climates it is almost permanently humid and its exterior surfaces are consequently biologically colonized and blackened We describe a comparative analysis of the performance of two different laser sources in removing biological crusts from granite surfaces: nanosecond Nd:YVO 4 laser (355 nm) and femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser at its fundamental wavelength (790 nm) and second harmonic (395 nm). The granite surface was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, attenuated total reflection – Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and profilometry, in order to assess the degree of cleaning and to characterize possible morphological and chemical changes caused by the laser sources.

  4. Zoneamento das forrageiras cultivadas nos estabelecimentos rurais do município de Catolé do Rocha, PB

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    Patrícia da Silva Costa


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se identificar as espécies que compõem o suporte forrageiro nos estabelecimentos rurais do município de Catolé do Rocha-PB, e as técnicas de manejo adotadas para manutenção das pastagens. Foi aplicado um questionário composto de 25 perguntas, dividido em duas partes. As propriedades escolhidas para a amostragem foram o Sítio Catolé de Baixo, Mapirunga, Boa Água, Cajueiro, Bom Nome e Capim Açú. Os dados de cunho social dos entrevistados mostraram que 100% são do sexo masculino, com idade variando entre 24 a 70 anos, sendo que 82,35% dos entrevistados residem na zona rural. Foi observado que os mesmos trabalham com agropecuária e menos de 90% são casados com 3 a 4 filhos, onde 80% da mão de obra utilizada na propriedade são de base familiar.  Do total de produtores 94,11% são proprietários de terras e 5,88% posseiro, com área total dos estabelecimentos variando de 1,5 a 50ha, ou seja, 80% das propriedades tem área inferior a 10ha e 20% tem área maior que 10ha e menor que 100ha. Todos os entrevistados cultivam alguma espécie forrageira em áreas que variavam de 1,0 a 23,5 ha e preservam área com vegetação nativa. As principais forrageiras cultivadas nas propriedades são cactáceas, gramíneas e leguminosas. Os sistemas de criação que predominam são extensivo e semi-intensivo. Os animais que utilizam as pastagens são equinos, muares, bovinos e ovinos em sistema de pastejo. Dentre as espécies de maior produção e adaptada o sorgo e a palma são as mais produtivas e resistentes. é de grande importância incentivar a conservação de forragem, seja por meio da ensilagem ou fenação, com o objetivo de diminuir a utilização de alimentos concentrados. Os produtores têm conhecimento das espécies que são mais produtivas e adaptadas às condições de semiaridez da região. Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE

  5. Bromeliad ornamental species: conservation issues and challenges related to commercialization=Espécies ornamentais de bromélias: conservação e desafios relacionados a sua comercialização


    Darcy Mitchell; Raquel Rejane Bonato Negrelle; Adilson Anacleto


    Bromeliads grow almost exclusively in the New World tropics and subtropics, mainly in South America in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (ca. 1200 species). Within the last few decades, their beautiful shapes and colors, low maintenance and easy adaptability to small gardens have brought bromeliads into worldwide use as ornamental plants. While the ornamental bromeliad trade could make significant contributions to household economies in rural areas, the trade may represent a significant threat in...

  6. Ornamental fish in pet stores in Greece: a threat to biodiversity?

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    Full Text Available The aquarium trade has been recognized as an important pathway for the introduction of invasive species around the world. This study investigates the availability of ornamental fish species in ten large-size, centrally positioned aquarium stores that control a large share of imports and the Hellenic market chain, and aims to provide a provisional checklist on the aquarium fish trade in Greece. For each recorded species, additional data concerning various aspects (e.g. natural environment, native range, established as aliens, conservation status and threats to humans were collected from Fishbase, IUCN red list and the scientific literature. Overall, 326 fish species belonging to 64 families were reported according to the store labels. The majority of the species recorded were freshwater (66%, originating mainly from South America and Asia, while most of the marine species (26% had primarily an Indo-Pacific native distribution. Among the freshwater fishes, Cichlidae and Cyprinidae were the dominant families with 64 and 27 species, respectively, while the family Acanthuridae dominated within the marine fishes with ten species. The vast majority of both freshwater and marine species (>90% were tropical. Concerning the presence of alien species, 62 ornamental species have been established outside their natural range, with 22 of them positively confirmed as aliens in the European waters. Moreover, 25 species were listed in the critically endangered (CR, endangered (EN and vulnerable (VU categories of the IUCN red list. Even more surprisingly, for 192 species recorded, data were missing to assign their conservation status or had not been assessed at all. Finally, the majority of the species (84% were harmless to humans. However, 35 species (11% were recognised as potentially harmful (i.e. venomous, ciguatera poisoning, traumatogenic and two were found to be poisonous if consumed. In conclusion, the aquarium fish sector in Greece is practically

  7. Artificial porous stone from of ornamental rock waste adaptable for civil construction and heritage restoration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Durán Suárez, J.A.; García Casco, A.


    The technique of volumetric reintegration in severely deteriorated stone materials is of major importance for the restoration of architectural heritage. In using mortars for restoration it is important to control aspects such as the colour and textural similarity in relation to the adjacent stone, minor or equal strength and equal or greater porosity/permeability with respect to the original stone. This latter aspect is of particular complexity because the percentage distribution of pore-size ranges should not differ from that of the original stone material. The invention patent (with numbers of publication ES2187245 A1 and B1 16. 06. 2004), owned by the University of Granada, allows the production of excellent porous stones for decorative work in construction and mortar for restoration of stone materials with controlled porosity. Both materials consist of ornamental rock waste, so that a particular recycling purpose is given to this type of material which is difficult to reuse. In this paper we present the manufacturing process of these artificial stones and porous mortars with decorative and restorative purposes, from the controlled mixture of aggregates of ornamental rocks, organic and inorganic binders and generators of porosity. Once the curing and hardening has been done it is worth noting that one of the most important aspects of the product is the generation of a complex connected porous system as a result of the incorporation of crushed expanded polystyrene, which is activated after hardening through the application of organic solvents. [es

  8. Imaging-based logics for ornamental stone quality chart definition (United States)

    Bonifazi, Giuseppe; Gargiulo, Aldo; Serranti, Silvia; Raspi, Costantino


    Ornamental stone products are commercially classified on the market according to several factors related both to intrinsic lythologic characteristics and to their visible pictorial attributes. Sometimes these latter aspects prevail in quality criteria definition and assessment. Pictorial attributes are in any case also influenced by the performed working actions and the utilized tools selected to realize the final stone manufactured product. Stone surface finishing is a critical task because it can contribute to enhance certain aesthetic features of the stone itself. The study was addressed to develop an innovative set of methodologies and techniques able to quantify the aesthetic quality level of stone products taking into account both the physical and the aesthetical characteristics of the stones. In particular, the degree of polishing of the stone surfaces and the presence of defects have been evaluated, applying digital image processing strategies. Morphological and color parameters have been extracted developing specific software architectures. Results showed as the proposed approaches allow to quantify the degree of polishing and to identify surface defects related to the intrinsic characteristics of the stone and/or the performed working actions.

  9. Don Álvaro Sánchez de Ávila, tenente de Rocha Forte, o la nobleza gallega bajomedieval en la transición hacia la modernidad

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    Sánchez Sánchez, Xosé M.


    Full Text Available The low-medieval crisis and the changes that the feudal system suffered from inside, from 14th century is clear in all social classes of the medieval Galicia, developing each of them its own adjustment strategies in order to survive. In the case of the nobility there are several moves in practice, from the fusion with urban oligarchies by matrimonial ways to the apprppriation of charges of the concejo. The present article centres its attention in one of the main figures of the nobilty of Galicia in 15th century: Álvaro Sánchez de Ávila. He was the tenente of the castles of Rocha Forte and A Barreira, the main knight of Santiago’s archbisphoric and he exemplifies perfectly the figure of the noble in the transition of the medieval period to the Modernity: mentality, social standing and relationship with other members of its environment. Our study deepens in its figure, its activity and all its implications from a social perspective, supported on a solid documentary sources base.

    La crisis bajomedieval y los cambios que el sistema feudal sufría desde dentro a partir del siglo XIV se deja sentir en todas las clases sociales de la Galicia medieval, desarrollando cada una de ellas, sus propias estrategias de adaptación y supervivencia. En el caso de la nobleza, varias son las maniobras puestas en práctica, desde la fusión con las oligarquías urbanas por vías matrimoniales a la patrimonialización de cargos concejiles. Sobre esta base, el presente artículo centra su atención en una de las principales figuras nobiliarias de la Galicia del siglo XV: Álvaro Sánchez de Ávila. Tenente de las fortalezas de A Rocha Forte y A Barreira, hombre fuerte del arzobispado de Santiago, ejemplifica a la perfección la figura del noble en la transición del período medieval a la Modernidad, en cuanto a mentalidad, posición social y relación con otros miembros de su entorno. Nuestro estudio profundiza en su figura, su actividad y todas sus

  10. Monthly Levels and Criteria Considerations of Nutrient, pH, Alkalinity and Ionic Variables in Runoff Containment Basins in Ornamental Plant Nurseries. (United States)

    Triplicate water samples were collected monthly from 9 waterways (8 recycling containment basins (RCBs) and 1 stream) on 4 commercial ornamental plant nurseries from February to July, and from 1 RCB and nursery from April to October. Four RCBs, one per nursery, were actively utilized as an irrigatio...

  11. Fresh from the Ornamental Garden: Hips of Selected Rose Cultivars Rich in Phytonutrients. (United States)

    Cunja, Vlasta; Mikulic-Petkovsek, Maja; Weber, Nika; Jakopic, Jerneja; Zupan, Anka; Veberic, Robert; Stampar, Franci; Schmitzer, Valentina


    Morphological parameters (size, weight, color), the content of sugars, organic acids, lycopene, β-carotene, and phenolics were determined in hips of Rosa canina (RCA), Rosa sweginzowii (RSW), Rosa rugosa (RUG), and selected ornamental Rosa cultivars Fru Dagmar Hastrup (FDH), Repandia (REP), Veilchenblau (RVB), Aloha (RAL), Bonica (BON), and Golden Gate (RGG). Although traditionally used RCA hips contained the highest amount of cyanidin-3-glucoside (83 μg/g DW) and were the reddest (h° = 17.5), they did not stand out in other analyzed parameters. RGG climber had the biggest hips (8.86 g), which also contained highest sugar levels (50.9 g/100 g DW). RAL stood out as the cultivar rich in organic acids (33.9 g/100 g DW), mainly because of high quinic acid content (17.6 g/100g DW). FDH and RSW hips were characterized by particularly high ascorbic acid levels (4325 mg/100 g DW and 4711 mg/100 g DW). Other ornamental cultivars contained low amounts of ascorbic acid compared to the analyzed species. The phenolic profile was species/cultivars-specific. The greatest diversity of phenolic compounds was detected in RUG and FDH hips (55 and 54 different tentatively identified compounds with HPLC/MS). Flavanols represented the main phenolic class in most of the investigated species/cultivars and RGG hips contained the highest amount of catechin and proanthocyandin derivatives (15855 μg/g DW). Altogether RAL hips contained the highest quantity of phenolics (44746 μg/g DW) mainly due to high levels of hydrolysable tannins compared to other species/cultivars. Although small, hips of BON and REP were most abundant regarding β-carotene and lycopene content, respectively. © 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

  12. Induced mutation and in vitro culture techniques for the genetic improvement of ornamentals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lapade, Avelina G.; Veluz, Ana Maria S.; Marbella, Lucia J.; Rama, Manny G.


    Mutation breeding using cobalt-60 ( 60 Co) gamma radiation coupled with tissue culture techniques is undertaken for genetic improvement of foliage ornamentals (Dracaena sp. and Murraya exotica L.) and cutflowers (Chrysanthemum morifolium and orchids; Vanda sanderiana, Dendrobium Pattaya Beauty and Phalenopsis schilleriana). Gamma radiation (10-30 Gy) induced chlorophyll mutations and several morphological changes in D. sanderiana. For D. godseffiana, irradiated cuttings resulted in reduction of leaf size and chlorophyll mutations. Reduction in height was observed in the M 2 generation of Murraya exotica L. irradiated at doses ranging from 10 to 30 Gy. The dwarf Murraya mutant was multiplied through the use of seeds and presently 116 plants are commercially available and are ''test marketed'' to the public. Tissue culture technique was used to induce mutation and as a means of micropropagation in two ornamental crops (orchids and chrysanthemum). Effects of different doses of gamma radiation on callus induction from nodal sections of chrysanthemum grown in Murashige and Skoog's (MS) with naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and benzyl adenine (BA) were studied. Micropropagation of irradiated and unirradiated chrysanthemum using MS basal medium is presently being studied. Whorling and changes in leaf color were observed at 10 Gy and doubling of leaf growth at the node at 20 Gy for vegetatively generated V 3 plant. In orchids, irradiation of immature embryo with gamma rays ranging from 5 to 10 Gy increased the percentage of germination in Dendrobium Pattaya Beauty and P. schilleriana. Protocorms of Vanda sanderiana irradiated at 10 Gy and grown in Knudson C medium developed into plantlets that are bigger and more vigorous than those irradiated at 20 GY and from the control plant. A decrease in seedling height was observed with increasing dose of gamma radiation. (Author)


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    Walney Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available As argamassas colantes têm grande emprego na construção civil, com isso este trabalho pretende avaliar a utilização de resíduos de britagem de rochas calcárias nas argamassas colantes, devido à sua grande utilização para fixar revestimentos cerâmicos sobre substratos. Além da caracterização de uma argamassa colante à base de resíduos, também se viu uma preocupação quanto à utilização de arisco na formulação da mesma, caso muito frequente em Mossoró e região. Assim, começou-se um trabalho de levantamentos bibliográficos, estudos dos materiais e formulação de traços, a fim de demonstrar novas modalidades de argamassas colantes, regidas pelas normas técnicas, que a venham contribuir para um amplo campo de materiais que antes eram desperdiçados. Sempre levando em conta questões financeiras de forma a que esta venha não só reduzir desperdícios, que iria ocupar localidades, já ou prestes a serem desmatadas, onde se poderia ser utilizadas para outros fins, no caso das já desmatadas, ou trazendo novas fontes de rendas mesmo com a conservação da mata original. Mas também, a questão de redução de custos que se vem a partir do momento em que se trabalha com um material amplamente abundante o que o torna de custo mais acessível, entrando ai dados de custo-benefício.Deve-se ressaltar que toda formulação dessas argamassas são feitas de maneira a atender o mercado consumidor, em alternativas bem pensadas desde a escolha dos materiais a serem utilizados até os traços a serem trabalhados, onde destacamos suas escolhas pelas características regionais e já utilizadas na localidade em empresas que por aqui constam. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: argamassa colante, resíduo de britagem, propriedades.

  14. Invasive ornamental fish: a potential threat to aquatic biodiversity in peninsular India

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    J.D.M. Knight


    Full Text Available Alien fish find their way into newer habitats and ecosystems opportunistically. Once in a new habitat, these species try to occupy empty niches and compete with native species. An alien species becomes invasive wherever it has a competetive advantage over native species. Ecology of aquatic invasive alien species is rather poorly understood as most attention has been on invertebrates as that which spread through ballast water. Invasive alien species of fish that have taken advantage of the aquarium trade are emerging as the most important threats to fragile aquatic habitats. Regulations to this trade are rather weak and there is a general lack of data on the ecological impact of alien fish species despite the fact that a third of the world’s worst aquatic invasive species are aquarium or ornamental species.

  15. Evaluation of Drought Stress Thresholds in Ornamental Barberry (Berberis thunbergii cv. Atropurpurea Shrub in Mashhad Condition

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    Reyhane Setayesh


    this regard, drought stress tolerance thresholds of ornamental barberry plant in Mashhad landscape were evaluated. Materials and Methods: In order to determine the qualitative and quantitative drought stress tolerance thresholds of ornamental barberry (Berberis thunbergii plant an experiment was conducted basis on randomized complete block design with three replications in Plant Production Complex of Mashhad Municipality. Treatments included; 100, 80, 60, 40, and 20% of culculated water requirements based on evaporation pan data. Two years old plants with similar size were transplanted from pots to field in 16 March 2012. Treatments were applied after establishment in 28 April and sampling was arranged in 6 August, 23 August, 6 September, and 7 October. During the growing season, the evaporation level was daily measured from pan Class A. In each sampling two plants sampled randomly from each plot for measuring the plant height, highest branches, number of branches, fresh and dry weight, dry mater percentage, irrigation water use index and freshness index. Results and Discussion: Results showed that with increasing severity of drought stress plant height of barberry reduced significantly, but there were no significant difference between 100 and 80% of water requirement treatments. The highest branches reduced by diminishing water application volume but there were no significant difference among 100, 80 and 60% of water requirement application. The maximum of branch number was observed at 60 percent water requirement, however, there were no significant difference between 100 and 60% of water requirement treatments. The number of branches in 60% was 26% lower than 80% of water requirement. Therefore, application of 60% water requirement with 23 branches per plant produced highest branch number. The highest and lowest plant fresh weight was measured in 100% and 20% water requirement application, respectively. Application of 60% of water requirement produced statistically

  16. Detection and identification of globally distributed mycobacterial fish pathogens in some ornamental fish in India. (United States)

    Shukla, Shubhra; Sharma, Rolee; Shukla, Sanjeev Kumar


    Mycobacteriosis is a progressive disease of a wide range of wild and captive, marine and freshwater fish species. Conventional detection of fish Mycobacteria is based on histopathology, culture, and biochemical characteristics. The present study analyzed the occurrence of Mycobacteria in clinically ill ornamental fish of different species, from different places of India. In first group, 60 fish were examined for presence of granulomatous inflammation and acid-fast bacteria. Thirty-eight (63.34 %) fish were positive for granulomatous inflammations. Presences of acid-fast bacteria were detected in 27 (45 %) fish having granulomatous inflammation and in two (3.33 %) fish without granulomatous inflammation. In total, AFB were found in 29 (48.34 %) of the 60 fish examined. In second group, 20 fish having granulomatous inflammation, 12 (60 %) samples were positive using Ziehl-Neelsen (Z-N) staining and 11 (55 %) of them were culture positive. Eight (40 %) samples were Z-N negative but two (10 %) of them were culture positive. In total, 13 (65 %) of the 20 examined fish were culture positive. On the basis of biochemical tests and 16S rRNA sequencing, 13 isolates were identified: five as Mycobacterium fortuitum, five as Mycobacterium gordonae, and three as Mycobacterium chelonae. In comparison of two decontamination methods, 2 % HCl treatment was better than 4 % NaOH treatment. Mycobacteria recovery from decontaminated samples was significantly high on Lowenstein-Jensen medium compared to Middlebrook 7H11 agar and Stonebrink (SB) media. The disease is transmissible from fish to fish and also from fish to human, so the significance of Mycobacteria in ornamental fish should not be overlooked.

  17. Methods for growth regulation of greenhouse produced ornamental pot- and bedding plants – a current review

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    Bergstrand Karl-Johan I.


    Full Text Available Chemical plant growth regulators (PGRs are used in the production of ornamental potted and bedding plants. Growth control is needed for maximizing production per unit area, reducing transportation costs and to obtain a desired visual quality. However, the use of PGRs is associated with toxicity risks to humans and the environment. In many countries the availability of PGRs is restricted as few substances are registered for use. A number of alternative methods have been suggested. The methods include genetic methods (breeding and crop cultivation practices such as fertigation, temperature and light management. A lot of research into “alternative” growth regulation was performed during the 1980-1990s, revealing several possible ways of using different climatic factors to optimize plant growth with respect to plant height. In recent years, the interest in climatic growth regulation has been resurrected, not least due to the coming phase-out of the plant growth regulator chlormequat chloride (CCC. Today, authorities in many countries are aiming towards reducing the use of agrochemicals. At the same time, there is a strong demand from consumers for products produced without chemicals. This article provides a broad overview of available methods for non-chemical growth control. It is concluded that a combination of plant breeding and management of temperature, fertigation and light management has the potential of replacing chemical growth regulators in the commercial production of ornamental pot- and bedding plants.

  18. The Assessment of Literal Ornaments in Persian Badi’ Books from the linguistic, Phonetic and Phonologic Viewpoint

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    Morteza Heidari


    Full Text Available AbstractThe literal rhetoric (scheme is a most important branch of Persian language aesthetics. The purpose of the knowledge is studying and evaluating the verbal music with applying the instruments that called Ornaments. Ornament as is obvious from its name is all devices that writers using them for making their art fine. With historical skimming over Badi` books, we understand our rhetoricians have gave and dedicated useless names and titles to the literal ornaments rather than analyzing the musical beauties of language. The author has used a historical method and content analysis approach in his research. The sampling kind in this research is stratified sampling; i.e. the Persian Badi` books and linguistic and phonetic books from two old and new classes with regarding indicative criteria have been analyzed.  The author’s essential problem in this article is replying to the question:How the literal ornaments can be analyzed with scientific and measurable principles?In this article the ornaments below are evaluated:Movashshah, Moamma, Mosahhaf, Khifa, Motazalzel, Raqta, Mo`jam, Tanafor, Hazf, Moqatta`, Movassal, Vase` osh-shafatayn, Vasel osh-shafatayn, Heja, Touzi` (Tekrar (Hamhorufi, Hamsedayi, Tekrar-e Heja, The natural relationship between letters and words with theme of poem.The author has reported his findings in below items:1.      The impact of Arabic language and its phonetic rules in Persian Badi` books is very remarkable and sometimes caused faults of Persian writers.2.      The examples that mentioned as samples of literal ornaments are very rare and exceptional.3.      The musical repetition of phonemes and sounds and the concepts associated from them is the only reason of beauty of literal ornaments.4.      In translating the foreign ornaments to Persian has not been used enough accuracy.5.      Occasionally, in explaining the repetition ornament

  19. A cilevirus infects ornamental hibiscus in Hawaii (United States)

    Melzer, Michael J.; Simbajon, Nelson; Carillo, James; Borth, Wayne B.; Freitas-Astúa, Juliana; Kitajima, Elliot W.; Neupane, Kabi R.; Hu, John S.


    The complete nucleotide sequence of a virus infecting ornamental hibiscus (Hibiscus sp.) in Hawaii with symptoms of green ringspots on senescing leaves was determined from double-stranded RNA isolated from symptomatic tissue. Excluding polyadenylated regions at the 3′ termini, the bipartite RNA genome was 8748 and 5019 nt in length for RNA1 and RNA2, respectively. The genome organization was typical of a cilevirus: RNA1 encoded a large replication-associated protein with methyltransferase, protease, helicase and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase domains as well as a 29-kDa protein of unknown function. RNA2 possessed five open reading frames that potentially encoded proteins with molecular masses of 15, 7, 62, 32, and 24 kDa. The 32-kDa protein is homologous to 3A movement proteins of RNA viruses; the other proteins are of unknown function. A proteome comparison revealed that this virus was 92% identical to citrus leprosis virus cytoplasmic type 2 (CiLV-C2), a recently characterized cilevirus infecting citrus with leprosis-like symptoms in Colombia. The high sequence similarity suggests that the virus described in this study could be a strain of CiLV-C2, but since the new genus Cilevirus does not have species demarcation criteria established at present, the classification of this virus infecting hibiscus is open to interpretation. This study represents the first documented case of a cilevirus established in the United States and provides insight into the diversity within the genus Cilevirus. PMID:23732930

  20. A cilevirus infects ornamental hibiscus in Hawaii. (United States)

    Melzer, Michael J; Simbajon, Nelson; Carillo, James; Borth, Wayne B; Freitas-Astúa, Juliana; Kitajima, Elliot W; Neupane, Kabi R; Hu, John S


    The complete nucleotide sequence of a virus infecting ornamental hibiscus (Hibiscus sp.) in Hawaii with symptoms of green ringspots on senescing leaves was determined from double-stranded RNA isolated from symptomatic tissue. Excluding polyadenylated regions at the 3' termini, the bipartite RNA genome was 8748 and 5019 nt in length for RNA1 and RNA2, respectively. The genome organization was typical of a cilevirus: RNA1 encoded a large replication-associated protein with methyltransferase, protease, helicase and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase domains as well as a 29-kDa protein of unknown function. RNA2 possessed five open reading frames that potentially encoded proteins with molecular masses of 15, 7, 62, 32, and 24 kDa. The 32-kDa protein is homologous to 3A movement proteins of RNA viruses; the other proteins are of unknown function. A proteome comparison revealed that this virus was 92 % identical to citrus leprosis virus cytoplasmic type 2 (CiLV-C2), a recently characterized cilevirus infecting citrus with leprosis-like symptoms in Colombia. The high sequence similarity suggests that the virus described in this study could be a strain of CiLV-C2, but since the new genus Cilevirus does not have species demarcation criteria established at present, the classification of this virus infecting hibiscus is open to interpretation. This study represents the first documented case of a cilevirus established in the United States and provides insight into the diversity within the genus Cilevirus.

  1. Public Perception on Calligraphic Woodcarving Ornamentations of Mosques; a Comparison between East Coast and Southwest of Peninsula Malaysia


    Ahmadreza Saberi


    Woodcarving ornamentation is considered as, a national heritage and can be found in many Malaysian mosques. Woodcarvings are mostly displayed in three different motifs, namely floral, geometry and calligraphy. The application of floral and geometry motifs is to convey an abstract meaning of Islamic teachings to the viewers. However, the calligraphic decorations directly express the messages of Allah almighty or the sayings of the prophets to the congregations. Muslims are the main users of mo...

  2. Integrative taxonomy of the ornamental 'peppermint' shrimp public market and population genetics of Lysmata boggessi, the most heavily traded species worldwide. (United States)

    Baeza, J Antonio; Behringer, Donald C


    The ornamental trade is a worldwide industry worth >15 billion USD with a problem of rampant product misidentification. Minimizing misidentification is critical in the face of overexploitation of species in the trade. We surveyed the peppermint shrimp ornamental marketplace in the southeastern USA, the most intense market for peppermint shrimps worldwide, to characterize the composition of species in the trade, reveal the extent of misidentification, and describe the population genetics of the true target species. Shrimps were bought from aquarium shops in FL, GA, SC, and NC. We demonstrated, contrary to popular belief (information from dealers), that the most heavily traded species in the market was Lysmata boggessi , an endemic species to the eastern Gulf of Mexico, and not Lysmata wurdemanni . Importantly, only when color pattern or genetic markers in conjunction with morphological traits were employed, was it was possible to unequivocally identify L. boggessi as the only species in the trade. The intensity of the market for peppermint shrimps in the USA has led to L. boggessi being the most traded species worldwide. Misidentification in the shrimp aquarium trade is accidental and involuntary, and is explained by remarkable similarity among congeneric species. Using sequences of the 16S-mt-DNA marker, we found no indication of population genetic structure in the endemic L. boggessi across  550 km of linear coast. Therefore, this species can be considered genetically homogeneous and a single fished stock. Still, we argue in favor of additional studies using more powerful markers (e.g., SNPs) capable of revealing genetic structure at a finer spatial-scale. Our results will help advance management and conservation policies in this lucrative yet understudied fishery. Future studies of other ornamental fisheries will benefit from using an integrative taxonomic approach, as we demonstrate here.

  3. Most ornamental plants on sale in garden centres are unattractive to flower-visiting insects. (United States)

    Garbuzov, Mihail; Alton, Karin; Ratnieks, Francis L W


    Gardeners and park managers seeking to support biodiversity in urban areas often plant ornamentals attractive to flower-visiting insects. There is a huge diversity of garden plant varieties, and some recommendations are available as to which are attractive to insects. However, these are largely not based on rigorous empirical data. An important factor in consumer choice is the range of varieties available for purchase. In the UK, garden centres are a key link in the supply chain between growers and private gardens. This study is the first to determine the proportions of flowering ornamentals being sold that are attractive to flower-visiting insects. We surveyed six garden centres in Sussex, UK, each over two days in 2015, by making 12 counts of insects visiting patches of each ornamental plant on display for sale that was in bloom. To provide a consistent baseline among different locations, we brought with us and surveyed marjoram ( Origanum vulgare ) plants in pots, which are known to be attractive to a wide range of flower-visiting insects. The attractiveness of plant varieties to insects was then expressed in two ways: the absolute number and relative to that on marjoram ('marjoram score'), both per unit area of plant cover. In addition, we noted whether each variety was recommended as pollinator-friendly either via a symbol on the label, or by being included in the Royal Horticultural Society's 'Perfect for Pollinators' list. Furthermore, we compared the attractiveness of plants that are typically grown for more than one year versus only one year. We surveyed 59-74 plant varieties in bloom across the six garden centres. In each garden centre, the distributions of variety attractiveness were highly skewed to the right, with most varieties being relatively unattractive, and few varieties highly attractive to flower-visiting insects. The median attractiveness of varieties with a recommendation was 4.2× higher than that of varieties without. But, due to the large

  4. Greenhouse energy use in 2011. Tomato, cucumber and ornamental plants; Energianvaendning i vaexthus 2011. Tomat, gurka och prydnadsvaexter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Persson, Joergen [Jordbruksverket, Joenkoeping (Sweden)


    During the past decade, Swedish greenhouse cultivation has seen a continual structural and energy use transformation. As the number of holdings and the cultivated area has decreased, energy use has been reduced, streamlined and has changed character. The present report is a description of the current energy use pattern in the Swedish greenhouse business, as well as an overview of changes since 2002. The focus lies on the - from an area perspective - major branches: tomato-, cucumber- and ornamental plant cultivation. Between 2002 and 2011, the number of Swedish commercial greenhouse holdings has been reduced by 40 %, while the cultivated area has decreased by 12 %. During the same period, energy consumption for cultivation has been reduced from about 1,2 TWh to just over 0,6 TWh. The relatively large decrease in energy consumption as compared to cultivation area, signifies an increased energy efficiency. For the entire greenhouse cultivation, energy consumption was reduced from 371 to 215 kWh per square meter during the 2002-2011 period. For the specific branches, the decreased amounted to 21 %, 54 % and 58 % for tomato-, cucumber and ornamental plant cultivation, respectively. The use of various energy sources exhibited a distinct alteration between 2002 and 2011. The share of fossil fuels decreased from 77 % of the total energy consumption in 2002, to 43 % in 2011. Meanwhile, the share of biofuels increased from 5 % to 37 % of the energy used. Tomato- and cucumber cultivation exhibited a biofuel share of 55 % and 56 %, respectively, while the use of biofuels in the cultivation of ornamental plants reached 31 %. Holdings exhibiting different energy source use profiles also exhibited some general differences regarding cultivation branch, geographic location, greenhouse size and use of materials. Even as the change in direction towards a higher share of biofuels in the energy mix appears clear, changes on a holding level are more complex. While 95 holdings increased

  5. A América Latina em um Projeto: Glauber Rocha e a produção do filme A Idade da Terra/Glauber Rocha’s Latin America: an Latin American intergration’s Project in the moviethe age of the Earth (1980)


    Brandão, Quezia Silva; Universidade de São Paulo - FFLCH Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social; Pereira, Wagner Pinheiro; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IH-UFRJ)


    Resumo: Este artigo objetiva realizar uma investigação acerca da produção cinematográfica A Idade da Terra (1980), dirigida por Glauber Rocha, pensando as representações da América Latina construídas pelo filme, síntese representativa do projeto político-cultural concebido pelo cineasta brasileiro. Partindo da análise da trajetória do cineasta dentro do Movimento do Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, o filme será compreendido para além de uma inovação estética de cinema, como um projeto teórico para...

  6. Radiological hazard indices and elemental composition of Brazilian and Swiss ornamental rocks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    El Hajj, T.M. [Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL), Pocos de Caldas, MG (Brazil); Silva, P.S.C.; Santos, A., E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Gandolla, M.P.A. [Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Lugano (Switzerland); Dantas, G.A.S.A.; Delboni Junior, H. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil)


    The objective of this paper was to evaluate the radiological risk index of ornamental rocks sold both in Brazil and Europe and to correlate their radioactive content with their chemical composition. The {sup 238}U, {sup 232}Th and {sup 40}K mean values were 62 ± 65, 122 ± 111, 1126 ± 516 Bq kg{sup -1} for Brazilian and 93 ± 59, 70 ± 67 and 1005 ± 780 Bq kg{sup -1} for Swiss samples, respectively. The radiological index: radium equivalent, external hazard index, absorbed dose rate in air, annual gonadal equivalent dose, annual effective dose equivalent, and excess lifetime cancer risk for Brazilian and Swiss samples were calculated. The main contribution for the radiological indices observed was the radionuclide {sup 232}Th, which is associated with REE, Br, Hf, Na, Rb, Sb and Zr in the rock matrix. (author)

  7. Characterization of steel grit recovered from ornamental rocks waste by magnetic separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Junca, E.; Telles, V.B.; Rodrigues, G.F.; Oliveira, J.R. de; Tenorio, J.A.S.


    The aim of this work is characterization of steel grit recovered from ornamental rock waste by magnetic separation. The magnetic separation was realized in three steps: first, using a high intensity wet magnetic separator, which used only the remaining magnetic field of equipment. In the second step, the magnetic material obtained in the first phase was subjected to a new manual magnetic separation using rare earth magnets. In a third step, magnetic material obtained with rare earth magnets was subjected to manual magnetic separation using ferrite magnets. After the magnetic separation, the material was sent to characterization which was obtained by chemical analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and size analysis. The size analysis showed that the concentrate range from 0,5 to 563,67 μm with 4 wt.% over 100 μm and content metallic iron of 93 wt%. (author)

  8. Petrologia do Gabro José Fernandes e sua relação temporal com o magmatismo mesozoico toleítico e alcalino no arco de Ponta Grossa 


    Vidyã Vieira de Almeida


    O Gabro José Fernandes é um corpo com cerca de 3 km², representante do magmatismo alcalino da Província Magmática Paraná-Etendeka na região do Arco de Ponta Grossa. A intrusão está encaixada em rochas metassedimentares proterozoicas do Grupo Votuverava e apresenta considerável variedade litológica definida por rochas gabróicas, em parte cumuláticas, cortadas por diques alcalinos. A intrusão foi datada em 134.93±0.16 Ma pelo método U-Pb TIMS em zircão. Um dique de basalto com alto TiP-Sr apres...

  9. The effects of venting and decompression on Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens in the marine ornamental aquarium fish trade

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    Emily S. Munday


    Full Text Available Each year, over 45 countries export 30 million fish from coral reefs as part of the global marine ornamental aquarium trade. This catch volume is partly influenced by collection methods that cause mortality. Barotrauma in fish resulting from forced ascent from depth can contribute to post-collection mortality. However, implementing decompression stops during ascent can prevent barotrauma. Conversely, venting (puncturing the swim bladder to release expanded internal gas following ascent can mitigate some signs of barotrauma like positive buoyancy. Here, we evaluate how decompression and venting affect stress and mortality in the Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens. We examined the effects of three ascent treatments, each with decompression stops of varying frequency and duration, coupled with or without venting, on sublethal effects and mortality using histology and serum cortisol measurements. In fish subjected to ascent without decompression stops or venting, a mean post-collection mortality of 6.2% occurred within 24 h of capture. Common collection methods in the fishery, ascent without decompression stops coupled with venting, or one long decompression stop coupled with venting, resulted in no mortality. Histopathologic examination of heart, liver, head kidney, and swim bladder tissues in fish 0d and 21d post-collection revealed no significant barotrauma- or venting-related lesions in any treatment group. Ascent without decompression stops resulted in significantly higher serum cortisol than ascent with many stops, while venting alone did not affect cortisol. Future work should examine links in the supply chain following collection to determine if further handling and transport stressors affect survivorship and sublethal effects.

  10. A radiological study of some ornamental stones: the bluish granites from Extremadura (Spain

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    D. Pereira


    Full Text Available In the area of Trujillo (Extremadura, Spain we have found a variety of striking bluish and secondary yellow granites outcropping within the Plasenzuela pluton. They are all quarried under different names and are characterized by leucocratic minerals in which a bluish phosphate is dispersed throughout the rock. Their physical and mechanical properties make these granites a perfect option for most applications as ornamental rocks. Within the pluton the radiological background is fairly homogeneous, with no significant differences between the gamma ray fluxes of the different facies. U (6.4 ± 0.51 ppm, Th (2.9 ± 0.47 ppm and K2O (4.32 ± 0.26% contents determined in the laboratory by gamma-ray spectrometry from representative samples are in good accordance with fast in situ measurements carried out with the same technique and also with conventional chemical analysis. Estimated activities for K-40, Ra-226 and Th-232 were, on average, 1022 ± 36 Bq kg−1, 84 ± 9 Bq kg−1 and 6.8 ± 1.6 Bq kg−1. On the basis of these results, the I index of EU technical document 112 was determined, with an average result of 0.66 ± 0.03. This suggests that the rock can be used with no restrictions for all types of construction purposes. Striking differences were observed between the blue facies and the yellow facies in radon exhalation tests from crushed material (0.03 Bq kg−1 vs. 0.20 Bq kg−1. Since both granites have similar uranium contents (6.3 ppm and 6.5 ppm, respectively, these results can probably be explained in terms of important differences in the mineralogical distribution of this chemical element, radon emanation being enhanced in the yellow facies. However, due to the ordinary use as ornamental stone, the yellow facies does not present a radiological risk in terms of excess effective dose due to internal exposure to radon.


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    Daniela Bărbuceanu


    Full Text Available The observations carried-out in 2008/2010 to ornamental plants from parks and greenhouses of ADP Pitesti relieve 12 species of thrips. One species of them, Frankliniella occidentalis was identified in greenhouses on Rosa sp., Dianthus sp. and Zantedeschia sp. In parks, the thrips species belong to 12 species, dominated by Frankliniella intonsa. All of them are polypfagous and divided in two throphic levels: primary and secondary consumers. The thrips species are mentioned for the first time in Romania on this host plant. In greenhouses are necessary intensive chemical treatments and methods of cultural hygiene to limit the F. occidentalis populations.

  12. Optimizing sealed transports of small ornamental fish

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    Rui Esteves da Silva


    Full Text Available This is a report on multiple simulated long-term transports of small ornamental fish inside plastic bags. The species involved were Diplodus sargus, Gobius paganellus, Gobiusculus flavescens, Lepadogaster lepadogaster and Lipophrys pholis. The objective of such simulations was moving the maximum bioload possible while ensuring 100% survivorship, ultimately resulting in savings for the end-receiver. Transports were simulated over 24, 48 and 72 hours, with increasing animal bioloads per bag. Half of the trials were performed with “regular” saltwater while the other half involved seawater buffered with Amquel ®, sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, with the objective of keeping ammonia low and pH similar to initial baseline values. At the end of each trial, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and ammonia were analized and the survival rate calculated and recorded. L. lepadogaster endured the highest bioloads at 100% survivorship (i.e. up to 30 g / L, which is not surprising given the intertidal nature of this species. D. sargus exhibited mortalities with bioloads as low as 3,23 g / L, which echoes its predominantly pelagic nature and relatively lesser ability to endure confinement. The three remaining species showed varying degrees of tolerance to increasing bioloads in transport: L. pholis, also an intertidal species, handled up to 20 g/L over 72 hours, while G. paganellus handled up to 7 g/L over 72 hours, and G. flavescens (a predominantly pelagic species could deal with no more than 6 g/L up to 72 hours.

  13. Uso do residuo de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais na producao de argamassa de multiplo uso

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faial, Alline Silveira Ribeiro; Xavier, Gustavo de Castro; Alexandre, Jonas; Maia, Paulo Cesar de Almeida; Albuquerque Junior, Fernando Saboya


    The municipal district of Itapemirim-ES is the largest producer of ornamental stones in Brazil. The processing of these rocks for the manufacture of floor and produces a large amount of waste approximately 15,000 tons/month, which still are responsible for damage to the environment. Aiming at the use of this waste, this paper studies experimentally the production of mortars of multiple use, making the replacement of the use of hydrated lime, widely used in the manufacture of mortars in construction, by the waste of the processing of a marble industry Itapemirim -ES. The mortar waste was characterized and evaluated by comparing performance with mortar with the addition of hydrated lime. We used a slurry with lime as a reference, ie the mixture was made of 1:1:8 (cement: waste / lime sand), where the workability and the properties of the hardened condition were evaluated and compared with the mortars made with the waste of marble. The compressive strength results showed that the waste with lime mortars were 1.6 ± 0.5 MPa and 1.4 MPa respectively ± 0.6 after 28 days of curing, two were classified as P1 (ABNT 13279, 2005), can replace the waste lime, thereby reducing the cost of manufacture of the mortar. (author)

  14. Ornamental Marine Species Culture in the Coral Triangle: Seahorse Demonstration Project in the Spermonde Islands, Sulawesi, Indonesia (United States)

    Williams, Susan L.; Janetski, Noel; Abbott, Jessica; Blankenhorn, Sven; Cheng, Brian; Crafton, R. Eliot; Hameed, Sarah O.; Rapi, Saipul; Trockel, Dale


    Ornamental marine species (`OMS') provide valuable income for developing nations in the Indo-Pacific Coral Triangle, from which most of the specimens are exported. OMS culture can help diversify livelihoods in the region, in support of management and conservation efforts to reduce destructive fishing and collection practices that threaten coral reef and seagrass ecosystems. Adoption of OMS culture depends on demonstrating its success as a livelihood, yet few studies of OMS culture exist in the region. We present a case study of a land-based culture project for an endangered seahorse ( Hippocampus barbouri) in the Spermonde Islands, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The business model demonstrated that culturing can increase family income by seven times. A Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) analysis indicated good collaboration among diverse stakeholders and opportunities for culturing non-endangered species and for offshoot projects, but complicated permitting was an issue as were threats of market flooding and production declines. The OMS international market is strong, Indonesian exporters expressed great interest in cultured product, and Indonesia is the largest exporting country for H. barbouri. Yet, a comparison of Indonesia ornamental marine fish exports to fish abundance in a single local market indicated that OMS culture cannot replace fishing livelihoods. Nevertheless, seahorse and other OMS culture can play a role in management and conservation by supplementing and diversifying the fishing and collecting livelihoods in the developing nations that provide the majority of the global OMS.

  15. Clinical presentation and outcome of Sri-Lankan Ornamental Tarantula Poecilotheria fasciata spider bite: a case report

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    NP Dinamithra


    Full Text Available We report on a 19-year-old boy with visible muscle spasms admitted to the hospitals 24 hours after spider bite. He was treated effectively with intravenous calcium gluconate followed by oral calcium supplements and made a full recovery 48 hours after the incident. Although no specific treatment exists in Srilanka, it has been suggested that calcium supplements may be beneficial to relieve the muscle spasms. Our patient made a full recovery with calcium supplements suggesting the treatment with calcium is beneficial in relieving the pain and muscle spasms caused by Sri-Lankan Ornamental Tarantula Poecilotheria fasciata.

  16. Growth and fecundity of fertile Miscanthus × giganteus ("PowerCane") compared to feral and ornamental Miscanthus sinensis in a common garden experiment: Implications for invasion. (United States)

    Miriti, Maria N; Ibrahim, Tahir; Palik, Destiny; Bonin, Catherine; Heaton, Emily; Mutegi, Evans; Snow, Allison A


    Perennial grasses are promising candidates for bioenergy crops, but species that can escape cultivation and establish self-sustaining naturalized populations (feral) may have the potential to become invasive. Fertile Miscanthus  ×  giganteus , known as "PowerCane," is a new potential biofuel crop. Its parent species are ornamental, non-native Miscanthus species that establish feral populations and are sometimes invasive in the USA. As a first step toward assessing the potential for "PowerCane" to become invasive, we documented its growth and fecundity relative to one of its parent species ( Miscanthus sinensis ) in competition with native and invasive grasses in common garden experiments located in Columbus, Ohio and Ames, Iowa, within the targeted range of biofuel cultivation. We conducted a 2-year experiment to compare growth and reproduction among three Miscanthus biotypes-"PowerCane," ornamental M. sinensis , and feral M. sinensis -at two locations. Single Miscanthus plants were subjected to competition with a native grass ( Panicum virgatum ), a weedy grass ( Bromus inermis ), or no competition. Response variables were aboveground biomass, number of shoots, basal area, and seed set. In Iowa, all Miscanthus plants died after the first winter, which was unusually cold, so no further results are reported from the Iowa site. In Ohio, we found significant differences among biotypes in growth and fecundity, as well as significant effects of competition. Interactions between these treatments were not significant. "PowerCane" performed as well or better than ornamental or feral M. sinensis in vegetative traits, but had much lower seed production, perhaps due to pollen limitation. In general, ornamental M. sinensis performed somewhat better than feral M. sinensis . Our findings suggest that feral populations of "PowerCane" could become established adjacent to biofuel production areas. Fertile Miscanthus  ×  giganteus should be studied further to assess its

  17. Resultados preliminares da pesquisa no sambaqui sob rocha Casa de Pedra, São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Dione da Rocha Bandeira

    Full Text Available Resumo A baía da Babitonga possui um patrimônio arqueológico riquíssimo, constituído por um conjunto numeroso de sambaquis, relacionados a pescadores-caçadores-coletores pré-coloniais. O projeto em desenvolvimento volta-se para um sambaqui localizado sob uma gruta no litoral leste de São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brasil: o sambaqui sob rocha Casa de Pedra. O sítio apresenta camada arqueológica de 38 cm de espessura e área de 27 m2, e vem sendo escavado desde 2015, com rebaixamento em níveis artificiais de 5 cm de profundidade, em 30 setores de 1 x 1 m. A matriz é composta predominantemente por fragmentos ósseos de ictiofauna e por material conquiológico. Foram encontrados ossos humanos esparsos, alguns queimados, nas primeiras camadas. Osso humano e conchas a 3 cm e 20-25 cm de profundidade apresentaram datação de 4.460 ± 30 e 5.470 ± 30 anos AP, respectivamente. Porém, datações do sedimento da base do sítio apresentaram 4.330 ± 700 e 5.670 ± 850 anos AP, levando-nos a questionar a origem da matriz arqueológica e a sua posição em contexto temporal. Nas paredes internas da gruta, verificaram-se pinturas rupestres, que, após resultados mais concretos, poderão ser o primeiro registro no estado deste tipo de manifestação associada a sambaquis.

  18. Review and key for the identification of parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of aphids infesting herbaceous and shrubby ornamental plants in southeastern Europe

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kavallieratos, N. G.; Tomanović, Ž.; Petrović, A.; Janković, M.; Starý, Petr; Yovkova, M.; Athanassiou, CH. G.


    Roč. 106, č. 3 (2013), s. 294-309 ISSN 0013-8746 Grant - others:Ministry of Education , Science, and Technology of the Republic of Serbia(RS) III43001 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : Aphidiinae * ornamental * herbs Subject RIV: EG - Zoology Impact factor: 1.174, year: 2013

  19. Sexual ornamentation and parasite infection in males of common bream (Abramis brama): a reflection of immunocompetence status or simple cost of reproduction?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ottová, E.; Šimková, A.; Jurajda, Pavel; Dávidová, M.; Ondračková, Markéta; Pečínková, M.; Gelnar, M.


    Roč. 7, č. 4 (2005), s. 581-593 ISSN 1522-0613 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/04/1128; GA ČR(CZ) GP524/03/P108 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60930519 Keywords : cost of reproduction * immunocompetence * sexual ornamentation Subject RIV: EG - Zoology Impact factor: 1.614, year: 2005

  20. Nutrient uptake from liquid digestate using ornamental aquatic macrophytes (Canna indica, Iris pseudacorus, Typha latifolia) in a constructed wetland system (United States)

    Ediviani, W.; Priadi, C. R.; Moersidik, S. S.


    Indonesia has implemented energy recovery from organic (food) waste by anaerobic digestion method, but the digestate was commonly treated only by composting, and still as a separated treatment (not integrated into a resource recovery system). Whilst not getting any pretreatment, the digestate was disposed to the environment and then act as a pollutant. Yet it contains nutrients which could be recovered as a nutrient source for plants. The study was about how ornamental aquatic macrophytes could uptake nitrogen from liquid digestate in a constructed wetland method. Canna indica, Iris pseudacorus, and Typha latifolia were the experimented ornamental aquatic macrophytes used to uptake the nutrient (nitrogen—N) from liquid digestate. The study showed that the highest N uptake was done by C. indica (25.1%) which has the highest biomass increment as well (80.5%). Effluent quality improvement also shown by N removal by C. indica (68.5—76.4% TN), I. pseudacorus (61.8—71.3% TN), and T. latifolia (61.6—74.5%). This research proved that C. indica has the performance for the N uptake, best N removal efficiency, with a great growth rate as well. This system using C. indica could also improve the water quality of the effluent and add the aesthetic of environment.

  1. Skin lipids of the striped plateau lizard ( Sceloporus virgatus) correlate with female receptivity and reproductive quality alongside visual ornaments (United States)

    Goldberg, Jay K.; Wallace, Alisa K.; Weiss, Stacey L.


    Sex pheromones can perform a variety of functions ranging from revealing the location of suitable mates to being honest signals of mate quality, and they are used in the mate selection process by many species of reptile. In this study, we determined whether the skin lipids of female striped plateau lizards ( Sceloporus virgatus) can predict the reproductive quality of females, thereby having the potential to serve as pheromones. Using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, we identified 17 compounds present in skin lipids of female lizards. Using principal component analysis to compare the skin lipid profile of receptive and non-receptive females, we determined that an uncharacterized compound may allow for chemical identification of receptive mates. We also compared extracted principal components to measures of female fitness and reproductive qualities and found that the level of two 18 carbon fatty acids present in a female's skin lipids may indicate her clutch size. Finally, we compared the information content of the skin lipids to that of female-specific color ornaments to assess whether chemical and visual cues transmit different information or not. We found that the chroma of a female's orange throat patch is also related to her clutch size, suggesting that chemical signals may reinforce the information communicated by visual ornamentation in this species which would support the "backup signals" hypothesis for multiple signals.

  2. Histopathology and culturable bacteria associated with "big belly" and "skin nodule" syndromes in ornamental Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens. (United States)

    Dong, H T; Senapin, S; Phiwsaiya, K; Techatanakitarnan, C; Dokladda, K; Ruenwongsa, P; Panijpan, B


    The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) is one of the popular aquarium ornamental fish in the global trade. Large numbers of ornamental fish farmed in central Thailand suffered from two common syndromes; preliminarily named skin nodule syndrome (SNS) and big belly syndrome (BBS): they showed noticeable clinical signs of abnormal appearances resulting in depressed saleability. Since very few specifics are known about causative agents of these syndromes, this study aimed at investigating histopathological features and culturable bacteria associated with these fish infected in the process of farming. Histopathologically, SNS fish consistently exhibited necrosis and severe melanization in the muscles and multiple internal organs. Whereas BBS fish exhibited either typical granulomas or tissue damage associated with acid-fast stained bacteria and Gram negative bacteria, respectively. Six different Gram negative bacterial species were recovered from BBS fish while 23 bacterial species belonging to 14 genera were recovered from fish suffering from SNS. Most of the culturable bacteria are new to betta fish and some of them are known to be marine bacteria, suggesting possible entry route via a contaminated live feed, commercial Artemia shrimp. The true causative agents of these syndromes remain unclear. However, histopathological changes and existence of a wide range of bacteria associated with the naturally diseased fish suggest involvement of multiple bacterial infections. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Spatial distribution of fifty ornamental fish species on coral reefs in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. (United States)

    Khalaf, Maroof A; Abdallah, Mohamed


    The spatial distribution of 50 ornamental fish species from shallow water habitats on coral reefs were investigated using visual census techniques, between latitudes 11-29°N in the Red Sea, in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, and in the adjacent Gulf of Aden in Djibouti. One hundred eighteen transects (each 100×5 m) were examined in 29 sites (3-8 sites per country). A total of 522,523 fish individuals were counted during this survey, with mean abundance of 4428.2 ± 87.26 individual per 500 m² transect. In terms of relative abundance (RA), the most abundant species were Blue green damselfish, Chromis viridis (RA=54.4%),followed bySea goldie, Pseudanthias squamipinnis (RA= 34.7), Whitetail dascyllus, Dascyllus aruanus (RA= 2.6%), Marginate dascyllus, Dascyllus marginatus (RA= 2.0),Red Sea eightline flasher Paracheilinus octotaenia (RA=1.0),andKlunzinger's wrasse, Thalassoma rueppellii (0.7%). The highest number of species (S) per 500 m² transect was found on reefs at the latitude 20° in Saudi Arabia (S=21.8), and the lowest number of species was found at the latitude 15° in Djibouti (S=11.11). The highest mean abundance (8565.8) was found on reefs at latitude 20° in Saudi Arabia and the lowest mean abundance (230) was found on reefs at latitude 22°, also in Saudi Arabia. Whereas, the highest Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index was found in reefs at the latitude 22° (H`=2.4) and the lowest was found in reefs at the latitude 20° (H`=0.6). This study revealed marked differences in the structure of ornamental fish assemblages with latitudinal distribution. The data support the presence of two major biogeographic groups of fishes in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden group and the group in the northern and central Red Sea. Strong correlations were found between live coral cover and the number of fish species, abundance and Shannon-Wiener Diversity indices, and the strength of these correlations varied among the reefs. A

  4. Spatial distribution of fifty ornamental fish species on coral reefs in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

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    Maroof Khalaf


    Full Text Available The spatial distribution of 50 ornamental fish species from shallow water habitats on coral reefs were investigated using visual census techniques, between latitudes 11−29°N in the Red Sea, in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, and in the adjacent Gulf of Aden in Djibouti. One hundred eighteen transects (each 100×5 m were examined in 29 sites (3−8 sites per country. A total of 522,523 fish individuals were counted during this survey, with mean abundance of 4428.2 ± 87.26 individual per 500 m² transect. In terms of relative abundance (RA, the most abundant species were Blue green damselfish, Chromis viridis (RA=54.4%, followed by Sea goldie, Pseudanthias squamipinnis (RA= 34.7, Whitetail dascyllus, Dascyllus aruanus (RA= 2.6%, Marginate dascyllus, Dascyllus marginatus (RA= 2.0, Red Sea eightline flasher Paracheilinus octotaenia (RA=1.0, and Klunzinger’s wrasse, Thalassoma rueppellii (0.7%. The highest number of species (S per 500 m² transect was found on reefs at the latitude 20° in Saudi Arabia (S=21.8, and the lowest number of species was found at the latitude 15° in Djibouti (S=11.11. The highest mean abundance (8565.8 was found on reefs at latitude 20° in Saudi Arabia and the lowest mean abundance (230 was found on reefs at latitude 22°, also in Saudi Arabia. Whereas, the highest Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index was found in reefs at the latitude 22° (H`=2.4 and the lowest was found in reefs at the latitude 20° (H`=0.6. This study revealed marked differences in the structure of ornamental fish assemblages with latitudinal distribution. The data support the presence of two major biogeographic groups of fishes in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden group and the group in the northern and central Red Sea. Strong correlations were found between live coral cover and the number of fish species, abundance and Shannon-Wiener Diversity indices, and the strength of these correlations varied among the

  5. The first initiative of DNA barcoding of ornamental plants from Egypt and potential applications in horticulture industry. (United States)

    O Elansary, Hosam; Ashfaq, Muhammad; Ali, Hayssam M; Yessoufou, Kowiyou


    DNA barcoding relies on short and standardized gene regions to identify species. The agricultural and horticultural applications of barcoding such as for marketplace regulation and copyright protection remain poorly explored. This study examines the effectiveness of the standard plant barcode markers (matK and rbcL) for the identification of plant species in private and public nurseries in northern Egypt. These two markers were sequenced from 225 specimens of 161 species and 62 plant families of horticultural importance. The sequence recovery was similar for rbcL (96.4%) and matK (84%), but the number of specimens assigned correctly to the respective genera and species was lower for rbcL (75% and 29%) than matK (85% and 40%). The combination of rbcL and matK brought the number of correct generic and species assignments to 83.4% and 40%, respectively. Individually, the efficiency of both markers varied among different plant families; for example, all palm specimens (Arecaceae) were correctly assigned to species while only one individual of Asteraceae was correctly assigned to species. Further, barcodes reliably assigned ornamental horticultural and medicinal plants correctly to genus while they showed a lower or no success in assigning these plants to species and cultivars. For future, we recommend the combination of a complementary barcode (e.g. ITS or trnH-psbA) with rbcL + matK to increase the performance of taxa identification. By aiding species identification of horticultural crops and ornamental palms, the analysis of the barcode regions will have large impact on horticultural industry.

  6. Transcriptome Sequence Analysis of an Ornamental Plant, Ananas comosus var. bracteatus, Revealed the Potential Unigenes Involved in Terpenoid and Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis


    Ma, Jun; Kanakala, S.; He, Yehua; Zhang, Junli; Zhong, Xiaolan


    Background Ananas comosus var. bracteatus (Red Pineapple) is an important ornamental plant for its colorful leaves and decorative red fruits. Because of its complex genome, it is difficult to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in the growth and development. Thus high-throughput transcriptome sequencing of Ananas comosus var. bracteatus is necessary to generate large quantities of transcript sequences for the purpose of gene discovery and functional genomic studies. Results The Anana...

  7. Acute toxicity and histopathology in ornamental fish amazon bluespotted corydora (Corydoras melanistius exposed to formalin

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    Rudã F.B. Santos


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the acute toxicity of formalin and histopathological effects on the Amazon ornamental fish, bluespotted coridora (Corydoras melanistius. A randomized design was used, with ten concentrations of formalin (40% (0, 3, 6, 12, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250mg.L-1 with four replicates and five fish per container (3L in static system for 96 hours. The moribund fish were killed and fixed in 10% formalin to proceed the histopathological analysis of gill, liver and kidney. At the end of this experiment the following mortality rates (% were obtained in increasing order of exposure: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65, 85, 100, 100 and 100%. The lethal concentration 50% (LC50-96h (I estimated was 50.76 mg.L-1 with regression of y = 0.51x, and r² = 0.80. Further, in higher concentrations morphological changes as gill hyperplasia, with filling of interlamellar spaces, disorganization of liver arrangement, and necrosis in kidney were observed. In this study, the formalin can be considered slightly toxic to bluespotted corydora, and cause morphological changes when exposed to high concentrations. The use of formalin to treat of ornamental fish in the inner river of capture with wrong concentration can provoke negative environmental and biological effects.O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a toxicidade aguda de formalina e os efeitos histopatológicos para o peixe ornamental amazônico corredora bicuda (Corydora melanistius. Foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado; com dez concentrações de formalina 40% (0, 3, 6, 12, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200 e 250mg.L-1, com quatro repetições e cinco peixes por recipiente de água (3 L em sistema estático durante 96 horas. Os peixes moribundos foram mortos e fixados em formol 10% procedendo à análise histopatológica das brânquias e do fígado. Ao final desse experimento, obtiveram-se as seguintes taxas de mortalidades em ordem crescente de exposição (%: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65, 85

  8. Architecture for Direct Model-to-Part CNC Manufacturing

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    Gilbert Poon


    Full Text Available In the traditional paradigm for Computer Numerical Control (CNC machining, tool paths are programmed offline from the CNC machine using the Computer-Aided Design (CAD model of the workpiece. The program is downloaded to the CNC controller and the part is then machined. Since a CAD model does not exist inside the CNC controller, it is unaware of the part to be machined and cannot predict or prevent errors. Not only is this paradigm labor intensive, it can lead to catastrophic damage if there are errors during machining. This paper presents a new concept for CNC machine control whereby a CAD model of the workpiece exists inside the controller and the tool positions are generated in real-time by the controller using the computer's graphics hardware without human intervention. The new concept was implemented on an experimental lathe machine specifically designed to machine complicated ornamental wood workpieces with a personal computer. An example workpiece was machined and measured using a 3D camera. The measured data was registered to the CAD model to evaluate machining accuracy.

  9. Phosphorus availability of rock phosphates as compared with feed-grade phosphates for swine Disponibilidade de fósforo em fosfatos de rocha em comparação à de fosfatos bicálcicos para suínos

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    Luiz Waldemar de Oliveira Souza


    Full Text Available One hundred ninety two swine were used in a trial to assess the relative bioavailability of phosphorus (RBP in six phosphate sources. Phosphates were three feed grade phosphates (FP, two made in Brasil, and one USA made, and three rock phosphate samples (RP originated from two mines sites in Brasil, and one mine site in Israel. Levels of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine in RP were 29, 12 and 1.7% (RP source 1, 33, 14 and 1.4% (RP source 2, and 30, 14 and 3.6% (RP source 3, respectively. Pigs were fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet (18% CP, 0.95% Lys, 0.75% Ca, 0.37% P or the basal diet with 0.15% P from a standard purified grade calcium phosphate (SP, or with 0.15% P from experimental FP or RP. Each diet was fed to six pen replicates of four pigs per pen for 35 days (14.4 to 39.9 kg. Weight gain (WG, feed/gain (FG, plasma P (PP, bone ash (BA, and breaking strength of metacarpals and metatarsals (BS-MM and femurs (BS-F were improved by phosphorus addition. However, performance and bone parameters were depressed by RP, as compared to FP dietary supplementation. WG, BA, BS-MM and BS-F were regressed to P added, and slope-ratios were calculated to assess RBP in the FP and RP sources. The average bioavailability of P in the FP and RP sources, relative to SP, were 89 and 49% (WG, 112 and 49% (BA, 78 and 28% (BS-MM, and 101 and 52% (BS-F, respectively. Low animal performance and bone strength related to toxicity should be expected if rock phosphates are used to feed pigs.Cento e noventa e dois leitões foram usados em um experimento para avaliar a biodisponibilidade relativa do fósforo (RBP em seis fontes fosfáticas. As fontes foram três fosfatos de uso em nutrição (FP, dois fabricados no Brasil e um nos Estados Unidos, e três amostras de fosfatos de rocha (RP, originados de duas minas brasileiras e uma mina situada em Israel. Os níveis de cálcio (Ca, fósforo (P e flúor (F nos fosfatos de rocha foram 29, 12 e 1,7% (fonte RP 1, 33, 14 e 1

  10. Salinity on the germination of seed and index of germination speed of three ornamental species

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    Marcos Vieira Ferraz


    Full Text Available Salinity is a factor that interferes on seed germination in most species. The objective of this work was to study the effects of different concentrations of NaCl on the emergence and vigor of Petunia x hybrida hort. Vilm E. ex., Torenia fournieri Lind and Tagetes patula L. seedlings. The experimental design was entirely randomized with five treatments (five concentrations of NaCl: zero, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mM and four replications of 50 seeds, for each species. The seeds were germinated in germitest paper at the alternating temperature of 20-30°C. Emergence (% and Emergence Rate (ER were performed daily until 14 days. Salt stress caused negative effects on the emergence and vigor on seedlings of these three ornamentals species.

  11. Reconhecimento fotogeológico de parte do grupo açungui Photogeological reconnaissance of part of the açungui group

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    Adolpho José Melfi


    Full Text Available A finalidade do presente trabalho foi efetuar um reconhecimento fotogeológico na parte sul do Estado de São Paulo, para a obtenção de um mapa base para futuros trabalhos de detalhe. Foram utilizadas fotografias aéreas e mosaicos do Instituto Agronômico do Estado, na escala de 1:25.000. Os critérios utilizados na fotointerpretação foram: 1 a erosão diferencial, que, com exceção das áreas peneplanizatlas, constituiu o principal critério de identificação das diversas litologias; 2 o padrão de drenagem, refletindo a situação estrutural da rocha subjacente; 3 as relações texturais, importantes na distinção de tipos litológicos particulares, que apresentam padrões especiais de texturas. A geologia da área acha-se representada por rochas metamórficas, as quais predominam tôda a região, com exceção na sua parte leste e norte, onde se acham recobertas por sedimentos cenozóicos e os da Bacia do Paraná, respectivamente. Com relação às rochas metamórficas, nota-se um crescente aumento no grau de metamorfismo de oeste para leste.As estruturas, de um modo geral, possuem direção NE ou E-NE, compreendendo falhas principais, a forma dos corpos graníticos, as linhas de cristas e os padrões das intercalações. Os traços de fratura seguem direção paralela à xistosidade, havendo também, um sistema conspícuo de direção NW, mais recente e associado em determinadas regiões, a diques de diabásio. Os mergulhos dos elementos planares são quase sempre para NW, enquanto que os eixos das dobras apresentam caimento «plunge» para NE. Devido à tendência regional das estruturas, pode-se sugerir que o esfôrço principal que provocou os dobrameutos do Grupo Açungui foi proveniente de NW, tendo havido uma zona estável e rígida ao lado E ou SE. O Grupo Açungui teria, então, constituído um miogessinclinal, cujo diastrofismo produziu dobras inclinadas em direção ao antepais. Os granitos, interpretados como resultado da

  12. Pre shipping dip treatments using soap, natural oils, and Isaria fumosorosea: potential biopesticides for mitigating the spread of whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) invasive insects on ornamental plants (United States)

    The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyodidae) is an invasive insect pest affecting different crops including vegetables, fruits, cereals, and ornamentals. The efficacy of some products such as commercial soap, natural oils and Preferal® (based on the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea ...

  13. Distribuição espacial de formações superficiais geneticamente associadas a rochas siliciclásticas – Planalto Do Espinhaço Meridional (Mg - Brasil / Spatial distribution of genetically superficial formations associated with siliciclastic rocks - Plateau of Southern Espinhaço (MG - Brazil

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    Patrícia Mara Lage Simões


    Full Text Available A área de estudo que se situa na borda oeste do Planalto do Espinhaço Meridional, na qual predominam as rochas siliciclásticas que integram unidades geológicas diversas, observaram-se dois tipos distintos de padrões de distribuição da formação superficial, linear e zonal. Este trabalho objetiva analisar essa distribuição espacial das formações superficiais de trecho do Planalto do Espinhaço Meridional localizado no alto curso do Rio Pardo Pequeno (MG, discutindo o papel exercido pela organização litoestrutural na espacialidade dessa cobertura pedológica. Para executar tal investigação foram produzidos mapas de distribuição espacial das formações superficiais, mapa de estrutura geológica, e perfis topográficos e geológicos. As formações superficiais verificadas na área de estudo apresentam uma distribuição espacial essencialmente conduzida pelas características do arcabouço estrutural e litológico da região. A distribuição linear relaciona-se às feições estruturais, como: falhas, falhas de empurrão, alinhamentos, anticlinais e sinclinais. Já as formações zonais são influenciadas pelas diferenças entre a resistência das diversas rochas aos processos intempéricos. O estudo das características das formações superficiais e suas associações com os aspectos litoestruturais são essenciais para compreender a configuração geomorfológica do alto curso do Rio Pardo Pequeno.

  14. Geographic distributions and ecology of ornamental Curcuma (Zingiberaceae) in Northeastern Thailand. (United States)

    Khumkratok, Sutthira; Boongtiang, Kriangsuk; Chutichudet, Prasit; Pramaul, Pairot


    The genus Curcuma is a very important economic plant. Members of this genus were used as food, medicine and ornament plants. The objectives of this study were to examine the geographic distributions and ecological conditions in the natural habitats of Curcuma in Northeastern Thailand. Species diversity was examined using the line transect method. Ecological conditions of the species were examined using a sampling plot of 20 x 20 m. A total of five species were found including Curcuma angustifolia Roxb., C. alismatifolia Gagnep., C. gracillima Gagnep., C. parviflora Wall. and C. rhabdota. These species were in an altitudinal range between 290 m and 831 m above sea level. Four species (C. angustifolia, C. alismatifolia, C. gracillima and C. rhabdota) were distributed in open gaps in dry dipterocarp forest. One species, C. parviflora was found in the contact zone between dry dipterocarp and bamboo (Gigantochloa sp.) forest. C. rhabdota was found only in a habitat with high humidity and shading along the Thailand-Lao PDR border. Significant ecological conditions of the natural habitats of these Curcuma species were identified. Altitude is the most important factor when determining the geographic distributions of these Curcuma species in Northeastern Thailand.

  15. Micropropagation of Crataeva adansonii D.C. Prodr: an ornamental avenue tree. (United States)

    Tyagi, Purnima; Sharma, P K; Kothari, S L


    In this chapter, we describe multiplication of the superior and elite tree of Crataeva adansonii using plant tissue culture techniques. An ornamental and avenue tree, it is not available in abundance because of poor seed germination and seedling establishment. It reproduces in nature by root suckers, but that restricts its distribution to very limited areas. Efficient procedures are outlined for plant regeneration through direct shoot bud formation, indirect organogenesis, and somatic embryogenesis through callus formation. Different explants were utilized for separate pathways of regeneration. Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium containing 3 mg/L BA and 0.05-0.1 mg/L NAA is most effective in direct induction of axillary buds from nodal explants and shoot tips. Adventitious shoots developed from leaves on MS medium containing 3 mg/L BA and 0.1 mg/L NAA. De novo shoots were obtained from the anthers on MS medium supplemented with 3 mg/L BA. Somatic embryos developed on half strength MS medium containing 0.1 mg/L 2, 4-D. Roots were induced at the cut ends of shoots on MS basal medium devoid of growth regulators. The plantlets were then transferred to pots.

  16. Research on basal stem rot (BSR) of ornamental palms caused by basidiospores from Ganoderma boninense. (United States)

    Lim, H P; Fong, Y K


    Basidiospores were isolated from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma infecting oil palms from an estate in Johor and from ornamental palms (including oil palms) from Singapore. The spores were then germinated to obtain homokaryotic mycelia. Based on clamp connection formation in paired hyphal fusions, tester strains were identified from the homokaryons isolated. Compatibility tests were then carried out using these testers to determine the relatedness of the homokaryotic Ganoderma isolates, both from Johor and from Singapore. Results from the compatibility tests showed that Ganoderma from both locations belong to the same species, while the Ganoderma isolates from Singapore share some common alleles. The pathogenicity tests carried out on Chrysalidocarpus lutescens seedlings using inoculum growing on rubber wood blocks showed that dikaryotic mycelia can cause basal stem rot infection.

  17. Alternative potassium source for the cultivation of ornamental sunflower

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    Sabrina Thereza dos Santos Torqueti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Brazil is dependent on importation of fertilizers, especially the potassics. Rocks and minerals that contain nutrients have a potential for use in agriculture as fertilizer, especially those of slow solubilization and that exhibit residual effect. In this context, the objective was to assess the feasibility of glauconite rock as potassium source for the cultivation of ornamental sunflower. The experiment was conducted under controlled conditions arranged in an entirely randomized design, in a 4x4 + 4 factorial scheme, with four replicates and one plant per plot. Four glauconite-based fertilizers were used as a potassium source: fine grained glauconite, fine grained organo-mineral glauconite, coarse grained glauconite and coarse grained organo-mineral glauconite, in four doses, as well as an additional treatment with four doses of KCl, the principal conventional source of the nutrient. The height of the flower stalks, the diameter of the stem and floral capitulum, the number of cultivation days and post-harvest durability were evaluated. The application of KCl yielded the production of flower stems with greater height and larger capitulum diameter in relation to the supply of glauconite. Among the glauconite based fertilizers, the fine grained organo-mineral product provided the best flower charateristics. The postharvest commercial durability of the flower stalks was higher in plants that received the glauconite and fine grained organo-mineral glauconite. The fine grained organo-mineral glauconite surpasses all other alternative sources of potassium in relation to the agronomic characteristics evaluated.

  18. 'Brasileirinha': cultivar de abóbora (Cucurbita moschata de frutos bicolores com valor ornamental e aptidão para consumo verde 'Brasileirinha': an ornamental bicolor squash (Cucurbita moschata cultivar for immature fruit consumption

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    Leonardo S Boiteux


    Full Text Available 'Brasileirinha' é uma cultivar de abóbora (Cucurbita moschata com frutos bicolores que foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de disponibilizar um produto diferenciado devido ao aspecto ornamental e a composição nutricional de seus frutos. Esta cultivar foi selecionada na geração F7, sendo obtida via cruzamentos convencionais entre um acesso de frutos bicolores, provavelmente devido à presença de um alelo do gene B, e a cultivar Mocinha (com frutos imaturos de cor verde uniforme. A característica peculiar da cultivar Brasileirinha é a produção de frutos com casca apresentando uma marcante coloração bicolor (coloração amarela na região proximal e verde na posição distal dos frutos. A polpa apresenta coloração amarela-esverdeada em frutos colhidos imaturos e, à medida que o fruto amadurece, intensifica-se uma coloração alaranjada. Beta-caroteno e luteína são os principais carotenóides presentes em frutos para consumo verde. Em frutos em completo estádio de maturação (polpa laranja intensa verifica-se a acumulação de beta-caroteno e alfa-caroteno (precursores da vitamina A em torno de 243 mg g-1. A cultivar Brasileirinha tem apresentado boa resistência de campo a diferentes raças de oídio (Podosphaera xanthii. Esta cultivar é preferencialmente recomendada para consumo como abobrinha verde (no estádio de fruto imaturo e para fins ornamentais (frutos em todos os estádios. Uma opção é o uso de frutos jovens em conservas. A cultivar Brasileirinha é recomendada para plantio em todas as tradicionais regiões produtoras do país. O sistema de produção para esta cultivar tem sido o mesmo adotado para outros tipos de abóboras.'Brasileirinha' is a squash (Cucurbita moschata cultivar developed by Embrapa Vegetable Crops, with a appealing ornamental appearance and carotenoid composition of its fruits might provide raw material for the development of value-added products targeting new market niches. This cultivar is an F7

  19. Evaluation of genetic variability in micropropagated propagules of ornamental pineapple [Ananas comosus var. bracteatus (Lindley) Coppens and Leal] using RAPD markers. (United States)

    Santos, M D M; Buso, G C S; Torres, A C


    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the genetic variability in micropropagated plantlets of ornamental pineapple, after the fourth period of subculture. The basal culture medium consisted of MS salts, vitamins, 3% sucrose, liquid formulation, supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) at concentrations of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/L. The addition of BAP influenced the occurrence of genetic variation revealed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Of a total of 520 primers tested, 44 were selected and amplified; 402 monomorphic bands (97.2%) and 18 polymorphic bands (2.8%) resulted among regenerated plantlets. The polymorphic fragments were produced by 12 primers (OPA-01, OPA-20, OPB-01, OPB-19, OPC-19, OPF-13, OPL-17, OPM-13, OPP-16, OPT-07, OPV-19, and OPX-03). Among the primers that identified polymorphism, OPA-01, OPA-20, OPB-19, OPC-19, OPL-17, OPP-16, and OPX-3 each showed, one polymorphic band and OPF-13 amplified a maximum of three bands. In this study, the RAPD technique was effective in showing the occurrence of somaclonal variations that occur during the micropropagation process of ornamental pineapple cultivation in BAP-supplemented medium, and it is possible to detect the presence of genetic variation in early stages of plant development.

  20. Caracterização de Passiflora mucronata Lam.: nova alternativa de maracujá ornamental

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    Laura Maria Molina Meletti


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a família Passifloraceae possui ampla diversidade genética devido ao elevado número de espécies nativas, entretanto, o valor ornamental da família ainda é praticamente inexplorado. Passiflora mucronata Lam. é uma das espécies nativas que integram o Banco de Germoplasma de Maracujazeiros do Instituto Agronômico (IAC, que estão sendo caracterizadas para fins ornamentais, em condições de campo, objetivando sua utilização comercial. Foram avaliados desenvolvimento vegetativo, época de florescimento, período de antese, compatibilidade, viabilidade polínica, produção de frutos, comportamento germinativo e longevidade das sementes. As flores de P. mucronata são brancas, fosforescentes e têm antese noturna, atraindo mariposas e morcegos. A viabilidade polínica permaneceu elevada (75,8%, desde a antese (18h00min h até a manhã seguinte. A espécie mostrou-se autoincompatível. A polinização cruzada resultou em frutos ovoides, com 14,82g de peso médio, 4,59cm de diâmetro longitudinal por 2,73cm de diâmetro equatorial. A casca do fruto é delgada, amarelo-canária quando totalmente maduro. A polpa apresentou pouca suculência, sem aroma característico, mas sabor agradável. As sementes são achatadas, de coloração marrom-enegrecida, com dormência quando recém-colhidas, o que pode ser superado efetivamente com armazenamento em câmara fria e seca mais choque térmico, associados. A longevidade das sementes foi de cerca de um ano. Os acessos avaliados de P. mucronata evidenciaram se tratar de uma planta de vigor vegetativo intermediário, tolerante ao frio, com intenso florescimento, que se estende por um longo período do ano. Em função destas vantagens adicionais, pode ser utilizada como planta ornamental, uma alternativa dentro do grupo das trepadeiras indicadas para cercas vivas ou caramanchões.

  1. Vegetative Regeneration Capacities of Five Ornamental Plant Invaders After Shredding (United States)

    Monty, Arnaud; Eugène, Marie; Mahy, Grégory


    Vegetation management often involves shredding to dispose of cut plant material or to destroy the vegetation itself. In the case of invasive plants, this can represent an environmental risk if the shredded material exhibits vegetative regeneration capacities. We tested the effect of shredding on aboveground and below-ground vegetative material of five ornamental widespread invaders in Western Europe that are likely to be managed by cutting and shredding techniques: Buddleja davidii (butterfly bush, Scrophulariaceae), Fallopia japonica (Japanese knotweed, Polygonaceae), Spiraea × billardii Hérincq (Billard's bridewort, Rosaceae), Solidago gigantea (giant goldenrod, Asteraceae), and Rhus typhina L. (staghorn sumac, Anacardiaceae). We looked at signs of vegetative regeneration and biomass production, and analyzed the data with respect to the season of plant cutting (spring vs summer), the type of plant material (aboveground vs below-ground), and the shredding treatment (shredded vs control). All species were capable of vegetative regeneration, especially the below-ground material. We found differences among species, but the regeneration potential was generally still present after shredding despite a reduction of growth rates. Although it should not be excluded in all cases (e.g., destruction of giant goldenrod and staghorn sumac aboveground material), the use of a shredder to destroy woody alien plant material cannot be considered as a general management option without significant environmental risk.

  2. Symbolic Meaning of the Ornamental Diversity of Cirebon Batik Pegajahan

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    Komarudin Kudiya


    Full Text Available Cirebon Batik Pegajahan is the result ofthe creative process, feeling, intention, also long thought of people who have expertise in interpreting the condition of people‘s behavior of Cirebon (palace, which was then adapted into a form of art and culture of batik fabric through a process of creativity of the craftsmen. This Batik Pegajahan grows and develops within the community of (palace Cirebon, including: Kasepuhan Palace, Kanoman, Kacirebonan, and Keprabonan. This study will explain the symbolic narrative contained in Pegajahan Cirebon batik decoration. The discussion is based on the systematic symbolic visual elements of the Pegajahan batik decoration which is based on the teachings ofthe Tarekat Syattariyah attitudes and behavior of (palace Cirebon society, form of local wisdom that is reflected in the symbolic-aesthetic elements. The research used descriptive—analytic method and ethnography, in describing the symbolic narrative found in Batik Pegajahan Cirebon, The results are in the form ofvisual data complete with symbolic narratives in Batik Pegajahan Cirebon, which represents behavior of (palace Cirebon people significantly; so it can be used as reference for further research in the reconstruction, reproducing, and formulating such ornaments as the basis for designing or guidance for the people of batik (palace Cirebon in particular. Keywords: Symbolic Narratives, Decoration of Batik Pegajahan and Tarekat Syattariyah

  3. Effects of the Use of Ornamental Plants and Different Substrates in the Removal of Wastewater Pollutants through Microcosms of Constructed Wetlands

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    Luis Carlos Sandoval-Herazo


    Full Text Available The high costs involved in treating wastewater are problems that developing countries confront, mainly in rural areas. Therefore, Constructed Wetlands (CWs, which are composed of substrate, vegetation, and microorganisms, are an economically and ecologically viable option for wastewater treatment in these places. There is a wide variety of possibilities for substrates and ornamental plants that have not yet been evaluated to be implemented in future CW designs. The goal of this study was to evaluate the process of adaptation and removal of wastewater pollutants in CW microcosms using different terrestrial ornamental plants (Lavandula sp., Spathiphyllum wallisii, and Zantedeschia aethiopica. Those plants were sown in two types of substrate: red volcanic gravel (RVG and polyethylene terephthalate (PET. CWs with vegetation reduced 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5 by 68% with RVG substrate and 63% with PET substrate, nitrates 50% in RVG substrate and 35% in PET substrate, phosphates 38% in RVG substrate and 35% in PET substrate, and fecal coliforms 64% in RVG and 59% in PET substrate. In control microcosms without vegetation, reductions were significantly lower than those in the presence of plants, with reduction of BOD5 by 61% in RVG substrate and 55% in PET substrate, nitrates 26% in RVG substrate and 22% in PET substrate, phosphates 27% in RVG substrate and 25% in PET substrate. Concerning fecal coliforms 62% were removed in RVG substrate and 59% in PET substrate. Regarding the production of flowers, Lavandula sp. did not manage to adapt and died 45 days after sowing and did not produce flowers. Spathiphyllum wallisii produced 12 flowers in RVG and nine flowers in PET, while Zantedeschia aethiopica produced 10 in RVG and 7 in PET. These results showed that the use of substrates made of RVG and PET is a viable alternative to be implemented in CWs. In addition, the reuse of PET is an option that decreases pollution by garbage. The plants

  4. History in the making: the ornament of the Alhambra and the past-facing present

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    Lara Eggleton


    Full Text Available This article examines the impact of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century European perspectives on the development of Alhambra scholarship. An Islamic palatine fortress built near the city of Granada during the Nasrid period (1232-1492, the monument has undergone substantial transformations under Christian occupation, and through its ‘rediscovery’ by foreign visitors in the nineteenth century. The fragmentation of its surfaces through a variety of Romantic and modernizing frameworks served to dislocate its decorative forms from their historical and architectural contexts, leading many historians to discuss its designs in relation to previous periods and traditions. The pervasive view of the Nasrid period and its art as ‘past-facing’ would postpone a critical consideration of the ornament of the Alhambra on its own formal and ideological terms. Only in recent decades has this position been challenged and the monument discussed in terms of its regional specificity and its multiple periods of production and reception.

  5. The Prevalence of Cryptocaryon irritans in wild marine ornamental fish from Vietnam (United States)

    Van, K. V.; Nhinh, D. T.


    Wild-caught ornamental marine fish from NhaTrang (Khanh Hoa) and Ha Long (Quang Ninh) in Vietnam were examined over the three sampling batches corresponding to the spring, summer and autumn times for the prevalence of Cryptocaryon irritans. Out of a total of 211 fish (15 species), 143 (67.7 %) were found to be infected with the mean intensity of 7.67 parasites per field of view (x4 magnification). The prevalence of C. irritans in fish caught during the spring (91.0 3% on average) was significantly higher than that of the fish caught during the summer (39.29 %). A wide variation in the prevalence of the parasite was shown among the fish species. The highest prevalence and intensity of the infection occurred in Plataxteira, Diodon holocanthus, Paracanthurus hepatusat 100 % of infection and density of 12 parasites/field of view (x4 magnification) while and the lowest prevalence of C. irritans appeared on Rhinecanthus aculeatus, Zancluscornutus, and Zebrasoma veliferum with less than 50% of fish infected. Clinical signs of fish infected of C. irritans showed such as tiny white spots on skin, gills, and fins; ragged fins, changes in skin colour, cloudy eyes and increase mucus production.

  6. The influence of growth retardants and cytokinins on flowering of ornamental plants

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    Anna Pobudkiewicz


    Full Text Available Growth retardants are applied in order to obtain short and well compact plants. They usually inhibit stem elongation, but also can influence the flowering of plants. The aim of cytokinin application is to obtain well branched plants without removing the apical meristem. Cytokinins usually increase the number of axillary shoots but also can influence flowering. Growth retardants and cytokinins can affect flower size, pedicel length, number of flowers, flower longevity, abortion of flower buds and number of days from potting plants to the first open flower. Flowering of growth retardant and cytokinin treated plants might depend on the method of growth regulator used (foliar spray or soil drench, plant species or even a plant cultivar, but in the highest degree it depends on the growth regulator rate used. These growth regulators, when are applied at rates appropriate for height and habit control, very seldom influence flowering of ornamental plants, but applied at high rates can delay flowering, diminish flower diameter or flower pedicel length and also can decrease the number of flowers per plant. In cultivation of bulb plants, growth retardants, used at very high rates, also cause abortion of flower buds.

  7. Morphological and physiological features of the species Asimina triloba (L. dunal, introduced as an ornamental plant in Baia Mare (Maramureş county, Romania

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    Beatrice SZILAGYI


    Full Text Available Tree species Asimina triloba (L. Dunal, is native to North America. In the area of origin is cultivated, both as food species because the edible fruit, and as ornamental species. Ornamental value derives both from decorative flowers, that open in early spring, and because habitus species. The species is demanding from slightly acidic soils (pH 5.5 to 7.0 and well drained. Seedlings are susceptible to heatstroke and need areas of the sun, but since the second year, vegetate well in bright light conditions [27]. Optimum climate is temperate to subtropical one. The species exhibits unique quality traits for a temperate fruit that are similar to other fruit in the Annonaceae family, including cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill., sugar apple or sweetsop, (A. squamosa L., soursop (A. muricata L., custard apple (A. reticulata L., and atemoya (A. squamosa X A. cherimola, all of which are tropical [2].This study follows the behavior of the species, in particular conditions of the Baia Mare and its surroundings. In this area a fewindividuals were introduced, in order to diversigy the range of species of ornamental plants. In Baia Mare, topoclimate is specifically depression, sheltered by mountains, more atenuated as temperature and winds, than in surrounding areas. As a result ofclimatic conditions, chestnut Castanea sativa, grows in good conditions in Baia Mare. Instead, the area is heavily polluted,especially at ground level. Pollution by heavy metals is a historical being generated by the mining industry.The introduction and use of a new plant species into a new area involves: 1. easy to obtain seed; 2.- maintaining the crown shape habitus and and leaf shape and size, respectively; 3 – determination of optimal physiological parameters. Therefore have been performed, the following experimental determinations: 1. - germination of seed obtained in the particular conditions of the Baia Mare; 2. - some morphomtric characteristics of leaves, in the juveniles

  8. Phytophthora niederhauserii sp. nov., a polyphagous species associated with ornamentals, fruit trees and native plants in 13 countries. (United States)

    Abad, Z Gloria; Abad, Jorge A; Cacciola, Santa Olga; Pane, Antonella; Faedda, Roberto; Moralejo, Eduardo; Pérez-Sierra, Ana; Abad-Campos, Paloma; Alvarez-Bernaola, Luis A; Bakonyi, József; Józsa, András; Herrero, Maria Luz; Burgess, Treena I; Cunnington, James H; Smith, Ian W; Balci, Yilmaz; Blomquist, Cheryl; Henricot, Béatrice; Denton, Geoffrey; Spies, Chris; Mcleod, Adele; Belbahri, Lassaad; Cooke, David; Kageyama, Koji; Uematsu, Seiji; Kurbetli, Ilker; Değirmenci, Kemal


    A non-papillate, heterothallic Phytophthora species first isolated in 2001 and subsequently from symptomatic roots, crowns and stems of 33 plant species in 25 unrelated botanical families from 13 countries is formally described here as a new species. Symptoms on various hosts included crown and stem rot, chlorosis, wilting, leaf blight, cankers and gumming. This species was isolated from Australia, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom and United States in association with shrubs and herbaceous ornamentals grown mainly in greenhouses. The most prevalent hosts are English ivy (Hedera helix) and Cistus (Cistus salvifolius). The association of the species with acorn banksia (Banksia prionotes) plants in natural ecosystems in Australia, in affected vineyards (Vitis vinifera) in South Africa and almond (Prunus dulcis) trees in Spain and Turkey in addition to infection of shrubs and herbaceous ornamentals in a broad range of unrelated families are a sign of a wide ecological adaptation of the species and its potential threat to agricultural and natural ecosystems. The morphology of the persistent non-papillate ellipsoid sporangia, unique toruloid lobate hyphal swellings and amphigynous antheridia does not match any of the described species. Phylogenetic analysis based on sequences of the ITS rDNA, EF-1α, and β-tub supported that this organism is a hitherto unknown species. It is closely related to species in ITS clade 7b with the most closely related species being P. sojae. The name Phytophthora niederhauserii has been used in previous studies without the formal description of the holotype. This name is validated in this manuscript with the formal description of Phytophthora niederhauserii Z.G. Abad et J.A. Abad, sp. nov. The name is coined to honor Dr John S. Niederhauser, a notable plant pathologist and the 1990 World Food Prize laureate. © 2014 by The Mycological Society of America.

  9. Influences of air pollution on the growth of ornamental tree species-particularly with reference to SO/sub 2/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, T W


    For the purpose of detecting resistance to air pollution, particularly SO/sub 2/ contamination, six ornamental tree species were selected, i.e., Ginkgo biloba, Larix leptolepis, Pinus rigida, Syringa dilatata, Hibiscus syriacus, and Forsythia koreana. The sensitivity was observed and analyzed on the basis of the area ratio of smoke injury spot to the total leaf area. According to the results, the decreasing order of SO/sub 2/ sensitivity by species could be arranged as follows: (1) Hibiscus syriacus, (2) Ginkgo biloba, (3) Forsythia koreana, (4) Syringa dilatata, (5) Larix leptolepis, and (6) Pinus rigida. In general, Hibiscus syriacus and Ginkgo biloba can be grouped as the most resistant ones and Larix leptolepis and Pinus rigida as the weakest ones and Forsythia koreana and Syringa dilatata as the intermediate. Due to the sprouting ability and the formative ability of adventitious buds, the recovery from the SO/sub 2/ fumigation was prominent in Hibiscus syriacus, Syringa dilatata and Forsythia koreana. The differences in the smoke spot color were recognized by species, namely, dirt brown in Syringa dilatata, brilliant yellow brown in Pinus rigida and Ginkgo biloba, whitish yellow in Hibiscus syriacus, and red brown in Forsythia koreana. In the case of Ginkgo biloba and Larix leptolepis, the younger leaves were more resistant to SO/sub 2/ than the old ones. The sulfur content of leaves showed that on the basis of %/dry weight, broad-leaved species contained the higher amount of sulfur than the coniferous species. 15 ornamental tree species which have been growing in Seoul city were sampled from the 19 air polluted spots. The elucidated were the heavily polluted regions and the lightly polluted regions. The SO/sub 2/ absorbing capacities by species are explained in the text. 17 references.

  10. Camellianols A-G, Barrigenol-like Triterpenoids with PTP1B Inhibitory Effects from the Endangered Ornamental Plant Camellia crapnelliana. (United States)

    Xiong, Juan; Wan, Jiang; Ding, Jie; Wang, Pei-Pei; Ma, Guang-Lei; Li, Jia; Hu, Jin-Feng


    Seven new naturally occurring barrigenol-like compounds, camellianols A-G (1-7), and 10 known triterpenoids were isolated from the twigs and leaves of the cultivated endangered ornamental plant Camellia crapnelliana. According to the ECD octant rule for saturated cyclohexanones, the absolute configurations of camellianols D (4) and E (5) were defined. The backbones of the remaining new isolates are assumed to have the same absolute configuration as compounds 4, 5, and harpullone (12). Compounds 2, 3, 9, 10, 13, and 16 exhibited inhibitory effects on the protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) enzyme, with IC 50 values less than 10 μM.

  11. Folk Phenomenology and the Offering of Teaching (United States)

    Rocha, Samuel D.


    This article will move in five parts. It begins with some priming notes on the relationship between philosophy of education and curriculum theory. Then it rehearses a collage of selected passages from a recent book, "Folk Phenomenology: Education, Study, and the Human Person" (Rocha, 2015a). Then the author works in a more speculative…

  12. Light and scanning electron microscopic studies of Myxobolus indica n. sp. and a report of three Myxozoan (Myxosporea: Bivalvulida parasites of cultured ornamental goldfish, Carassius auratus L. for the first time in India

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    Mandira Saha


    Full Text Available The ornamental fish industry is an economically viable sector in India which suffers from different ectoparasitic infestations, including the myxozoan parasites. An icthyoparasitological survey of myxozoan infections in ornamental fish farms in India revealed the presence of four myxozoan parasites belonging to the family Myxobolidae, in the genera Myxobolus and Thelohanellus. The myxozoan spores were small to large, spherical to ellipsoidal in size. The plasmodia measured 0.5–3.0 mm in diameter with disporic pansporoblasts and mature spores. During the survey the authors identified for the first time in India, three previously described species, namely, M. mehlhorni, T. nikolskii and T. batae; and one new species M. indica n. sp., all infecting the ornamental goldfish, Carassius auratus. The present study thus reports a new host, and a new locality for T. batae and M. mehlhorni. The description of T. nikolskii is the first record found in India. The spore of M. indica n. sp. measures 5.8 ± 0.2 × 4.1 ± 0.5 μm in size, having two equal shaped pyriform polar capsules measuring 4.1 ± 0.4 × 2.7 ± 0.6 μm. The results from a combination of light and scanning electron microscopic observations along with a comparison with closely related species were incorporated here. Molecular data is needed to complete the description of the new species.

  13. Camallanus maculatus n. sp. (Nematoda: Camallanidae in an ornamental fish Xiphophorus maculatus (Osteichthyes: Poeciliidae cultivated in São Paulo State, Brazil Camallanus maculatus n. sp. (Nematoda: Camallanidae em peixe ornamental Xiphophorus maculatus (Osteichthyes: Poeciliidae cultivado no estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    M.L. Martins


    Full Text Available The present study describes Camallanus maculatus n. sp. (Nematoda: Camallanidae from Xiphophorus maculatus (Osteichthyes: Poecilidae collected in an ornamental fish farm in São Paulo State, Brazil. Thirty-three out of 40 examined fish were parasitized (82% prevalence with mean intensity of 2.8 (1-20. Male specimens were 3,500µm total length and females 7,100µm total length, provided with orange-brown buccal capsule and two developed tridents. Males showed two unequal spicules, gubernaculum absent and females with vulva situated in the middle of the body. The main characteristics were the sleekly longitudinal ridges in the buccal capsule in both sexes, enlargement at the anterior end of the smaller spicule, the number of genital papillae, longer muscular and glandular portion of esophagus and round tail in female.Descreve-se Camallanus maculatus n. sp. (Nematoda: Camallanidae em Xiphophorus maculatus (Osteichthyes: Poecilidae capturado em uma piscicultura ornamental no estado de São Paulo. De 40 peixes examinados, 33 estavam parasitados (prevalência de 82% cuja intensidade média foi de 2,8 (1-20. Os machos apresentaram 3.500µm e as fêmeas com 7,100µm de comprimento total, providos de uma cápsula bucal laranja-castanho e dois tridentes. Observaram-se machos com espículos desiguais, gubernáculo ausente e fêmeas com vulva situada na metade do corpo. As principais características foram as estrias longitudinais lisas em cada valva da cápsula bucal em ambos os sexos, o espículo menor com alargamento na extremidade anterior, o número de papilas genitais, as porções muscular e glandular do esôfago longas e a cauda longa e arredondada na fêmea.

  14. Ethnomathematics Exploration of the Toba Community: Elements of Geometry Transformation Contained in Gorga (Ornament on Bataks House) (United States)

    Ditasona, C.


    Gorga is an ornament known to the Batak community. As one of the works of art that poured in the form of carvings, gorga become icons for batak society. Long before the Batak people knew formal education, they had made gorga. This is evidenced through several historical sources. Gorga not only contains the value of art but also has a mathematical element. There are many mathematical principles used in the process of making gorga. The principle of geometry transformation is very prominent in the gorga motifs. This article is an ethnomathematics research that will discuss how the thinking process in making gorga. Observations and interviews with the gorga craftsmen (pande) are conducted to find out how the principles of rotation, translation, dilation and reflection are used in making gorga motifs

  15. Na Bahia Setecentista, um pioneiro do abolicionismo? In eighteenth-century Bahia, a pioneer of abolitionism?

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    OFM Fr. Hugo Fragoso


    Full Text Available No ano de 1992, foi republicado por Paulo Suess Etíope Resgatado, de autoria do Pe. Manuel Ribeiro Rocha. Tratava-se de obra raríssima, pois, quanto consta, só havia em todo o Brasil um único exemplar, na Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Já vinha eu fazendo pesquisas em torno do Pe. Ribeiro Rocha, a quem costumava qualificar de "pioneiro do abolicionismo" no Brasil. Com a reedição de Etíope Resgatado, tomei conhecimento da leitura de Paulo Suess, numa direção quase totalmente contrária. Para este, Ribeiro Rocha não passaria de um simples "reformista", que nada acrescentara de ideia libertária ao problema da escravidão negra. Aliás, essa tinha sido a tese de Ronaldo Vainfas e José Honório Rodrigues, que veem na obra de Ribeiro Rocha mais um exemplar do "pensamento escravista", que apenas condenava, como o faziam todos os homens de Igreja, os excessos e barbaridades da escravidão negra. Todo este nosso trabalho se orienta, portanto, na direção de uma leitura "abolicionista" do Etíope Resgatado, embora admita as evidências claras de "concessões" feitas por Ribeiro Rocha à situação escravocrata de seu tempo.In 1992, there was republished by Paulo Suess "Etíope resgatado", written by Father Manuel Ribeiro Rocha. It was very rare work, because, as stated, there was a single copy in the National Library of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. I had, at this point, already started a research about the Father Ribeiro Rocha, whom used to be described as "a pioneer of abolitionism" in Brazil. With the reissue of "Etíope resgatado", I took notice about Paulo Suess lecture, in an almost completely opposite direction. According to Suess, Ribeiro Rocha was nothing more than a simple "reformer" who had added nothing to the problem of libertarian idea of black slavery. Incidentally, this was the thesis Vainfas Ronaldo and Jose Honorio Rodrigues argued, who saw the work of Ribeiro Rocha another copy of "slavery thought" which only condemned

  16. Isolation and characterization of a J domain protein that interacts with ARC1 from ornamental kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala). (United States)

    Lan, Xingguo; Yang, Jia; Cao, Mingming; Wang, Yanhong; Kawabata, Saneyuki; Li, Yuhua


    A novel J domain protein, JDP1, was isolated from ornamental kale. The C-terminus of JDP1 specifically interacted with ARC1, which has a conserved role in self-incompatibility signaling. Armadillo (ARM)-repeat containing 1 (ARC1) plays a conserved role in self-incompatibility signaling across the Brassicaceae and functions downstream of the S-locus receptor kinase. Here, we identified a J domain protein 1 (JDP1) that interacts with ARC1 using a yeast two-hybrid screen against a stigma cDNA library from ornamental kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala). JDP1, a 38.4-kDa protein with 344 amino acids, is a member of the Hsp40 family. Fragment JDP1(57-344), originally isolated from a yeast two-hybrid cDNA library, interacted specifically with ARC1 in yeast two-hybrid assays. The N-terminus of JDP1 (JDP1(1-68)) contains a J domain, and the C-terminus of JDP1 (JDP1(69-344)) contains an X domain of unknown function. However, JDP1(69-344) was required and sufficient for interaction with ARC1 in yeast two-hybrid assays and in vitro binding assays. Moreover, JDP1(69-344) regulated the trafficking of ARC1 from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane by interacting with ARC1 in Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts. Finally, Tyr(8) in the JDP1 N-terminal region was identified to be the specific site for regulating the interaction between JDP1 and BoARC1 in yeast two-hybrid assays. Possible roles of JDP1 as an interactor with ARC1 in Brassica are discussed.

  17. Use of tetrazolium (TTC, Germ's and greenhouse plant emergences methods for testing seed vigour of selected ornamental plant species

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    Roman Hołubowicz


    Full Text Available In the years 1996-1997 the experiments were carried out on methods to investigate seed vigour of tassel flower (Amaranthus caudatus L., sand pink (Dianthus chinensis L., babies' breath (Gypsophila elegans M.B., sweet pea (Lathyrus odorathus L., African marigold (Tagetes erecta L. and zinnia (Zinnia elegans Jasq.. The main goals of this research were to specify conditions for accelerated ageing (AA of the seeds of a few selected ornamental plant species and to choose the most appropriate methods for their seed vigour evaluation in the laboratory and greenhouse conditions. All used in the experiments seeds came from the commercial seed lots from Polish seed company. Evaluation was carried out on the seed samples with high and low vigour. The latter ones were received through subjecting the seed samples to AA, i.e. by placing them in 100% relative humidity (RH at 44°C, except African marigold-at 42°C, in the darkness and keeping them for 144, 88, 100, 48, 72 and 72 hours, respectively. The tested seed vigour estimated methods included the Germ's method, the 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazoilum chloride (TTC method and the test of plant emergences in the greenhouse. The high vigour seeds samples were used as a check. The Germ's method was found to be useful to evaluate sand pink, babies' breath and African marigold seed vigour, whereas the TTC method was found to be suitable for vigour evaluation of sand pink, babies' breath and zinnia. At present stage of our knowledge about seed vigour, the plant emergences in the greenhouse method was found to be the best for evaluation of seed vigour of tassel flower, sand pink, babies' breath, sweet pea and zinnia. It is reasonable to combine a few methods of seed vigour evaluation for ornamental plant species.

  18. 3D Scan of Ornamental Column (huabiao Using Terrestrial LiDAR and Hand-held Imager

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    W. Zhang


    Full Text Available In ancient China, Huabiao was a type of ornamental column used to decorate important buildings. We carried out 3D scan of a Huabiao located in Peking University, China. This Huabiao was built no later than 1742. It is carved by white marble, 8 meters in height. Clouds and various postures of dragons are carved on its body. Two instruments were used to acquire the point cloud of this Huabiao, a terrestrial LiDAR (Riegl VZ-1000 and a hand-held imager (Mantis Vision F5. In this paper, the details of the experiment were described, including the differences between these two instruments, such as working principle, spatial resolution, accuracy, instrument dimension and working flow. The point clouds obtained respectively by these two instruments were compared, and the registered point cloud of Huabiao was also presented. These should be of interest and helpful for the research communities of archaeology and heritage.

  19. Interview with Helge Kragh

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm


    Interview done by Gustavo R. Rocha, in Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science, ISSN 2526-2270......Interview done by Gustavo R. Rocha, in Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science, ISSN 2526-2270...

  20. Assessment of LED Technology in Ornamental Post-Top Luminaires (Host Site: Sacramento, CA)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tuenge, Jason R.


    The DOE Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium has evaluated four different LED replacements for existing ornamental post-top street lights in Sacramento, California. The project team was composed of the City and its consultant, PNNL (representing the Consortium), and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. Product selection was finalized in March 2011, yielding one complete luminaire replacement and three lamp-ballast retrofit kits. Computer simulations, field measurements, and laboratory testing were performed to compare the performance and cost-effectiveness of the LED products relative to the existing luminaire with 100 W high-pressure sodium lamp. After it was confirmed the LED products were not equivalent to HPS in terms of initial photopic illumination, the following parameters were scaled proportionally to enable equitable (albeit hypothetical) comparisons: light output, input wattage, and pricing. Four replacement scenarios were considered for each LED product, incorporating new IES guidance for mesopic multipliers and lumen maintenance extrapolation, but life cycle analysis indicated cost effectiveness was also unacceptable. Although LED efficacy and pricing continue to improve, this project serves as a timely and objective notice that LED technology may not be quite ready yet for such applications.

  1. Invasion risks posed by ornamental freshwater fish trade to southeastern Brazilian rivers

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    André Lincoln Barroso de Magalhães

    Full Text Available A model was developed to assess the risk of invasion of ornamental non-native fishes to six rivers in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, with focus on species popularity. Thirty-nine aquarium shops, in six cities, were visited monthly from January to December 2007. In each city, fish species were identified, and their biology and invasion history information was obtained from the literature. We calculated the annual frequency of occurrence and average number of specimens monthly available in stores. Quarterly water temperature and dissolved oxygen data from 1997 to 2007 were obtained for the Velhas, Muriaé, Uberabinha, Sapucaí-Mirim, Doce and Todos os Santos Rivers from public databases. The invasion risk of each species was assessed through a model comprising nine parameters grouped in four variables: (i Invasiveness (thermal and dissolved oxygen ranges, diet, parental care or fecundity, (ii History of invasions (establishment, (iii Propagule pressure (commercial success, comprising annual frequency of occurrence and number of specimens available monthly at stores, and (iv Invasibility (water temperature and dissolved oxygen in the target river compatible with the species ranges. Of the 345 ornamental fish species for sale, 332 are non-native to either Minas Gerais (n = 151 or Brazil (n = 194. Based on the proposed cutting values, in particular the compatibility between species and recipient thermal ranges, five ornamental non-native species (Cyprinus rubrofuscus, Carassius auratus, Xiphophorus hellerii, Poecilia reticulata, and P. latipinna can potentially invade the Velhas and Muriaé Rivers, four species (Cyprinus rubrofuscus, Carassius auratus, X. helleri, and P. reticulata the Uberabinha River, four species (Cyprinus rubrofuscus, Carassius auratus, X. maculatus, and P. reticulata the Sapucaí-Mirim River, three species (Carassius auratus, X. hellerii, and P. reticulata the Doce River, and three species (Cyprinus rubrofuscus

  2. Microstructural variation of vitrified floor tile incorporated with granitic rock waste; Variacao microestrutural de piso ceramico vitrificado incorporado com residuos de rocha granitica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souza, A.J.; Holanda, J.N.F., E-mail: ajsouza@uenf.b [Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (LAMAV/CCT/UENF), Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ (Brazil). Lab. de Materiais Avancados. Grupo de Materiais Ceramicos


    The ornamental rock industry from Northwest Fluminense generates huge amounts of wastes in the form of a fine powder. These wastes are deposited in nature without any care about environmental degradation, which can cause damage to public health, pollution of the natural water sources, and silted banks of rivers. In addition, they also can to affect the landscape aesthetically. In this work was used a granitic rock waste from Santo Antonio de Padua-RJ. This waste is rich in alkaline oxides, which promote the formation of liquid phase and assist the densification of traditional ceramics. The ceramic bodies with up to 47.5% granitic rock waste were pressed at 50 MPa. The ceramic pieces were fired at 1250 deg C. The evolution of sintered microstructure was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results showed that the granitic rock waste influences significantly the microstructure of the sintered ceramic bodies. (author)

  3. Aplicação da técnica de simulação para análise da superposição de ondas sísmicas geradas em desmonte de rocha pela dispersão dos tempos de retardo utilizando o método de Monte Carlo


    Klen, André Monteiro


    Este trabalho é resultado de um estudo através de simulação baseada no Método de Monte Carlo, da relação que existe entre a dispersão dos tempos de retardo dos acessórios de iniciação e elementos de retardos de superfície com o excesso de vibração provocado pela superposição de ondas sísmicas em atividades de desmonte de rocha por explosivo em lavra a céu aberto. As conclusões foram desenvolvidas a partir dos resultados gerados pela simulação de diferentes planos de fogo, constituídos por ret...

  4. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectra revealing the inter-cultivar differences for Chinese ornamental Flos Chrysanthemum: a new promising method for plant taxonomy

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    Heng Zhang


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Flos Chrysanthemi, as a part of Chinese culture for a long history, is valuable for not only environmental decoration but also the medicine and food additive. Due to their voluminously various breeds and extensive distributions worldwide, it is burdensome to make recognition and classification among numerous cultivars with conventional methods which still rest on the level of morphologic observation and description. As a fingerprint spectrum for parsing molecular information, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS could be a suitable candidate technique to characterize and distinguish the inter-cultivar differences at molecular level. Results SERS spectra were used to analyze the inter-cultivar differences among 26 cultivars of Chinese ornamental Flos Chrysanthemum. The characteristic peaks distribution patterns were abstracted from SERS spectra and varied from cultivars to cultivars. For the bands distributed in the pattern map, the similarities in general showed their commonality while in the finer scales, the deviations and especially the particular bands owned by few cultivars revealed their individualities. Since the Raman peaks could characterize specific chemical components, those diversity of patterns could indicate the inter-cultivar differences at the chemical level in fact. Conclusion In this paper, SERS technique is feasible for distinguishing the inter-cultivar differences among Flos Chrysanthemum. The Raman spectral library was built with SERS characteristic peak distribution patterns. A new method was proposed for Flos Chrysanthemum recognition and taxonomy.

  5. Efficient micropropagation of highly economic, medicinal and ornamental plant Lallemantia iberica (Bieb.) Fisch. and C. A. Mey. (United States)

    Ozdemir, Fethi Ahmet; Yildirim, Mehmet Ugur; Pourali Kahriz, Mahsa


    Lallemantia iberica (Bieb.) Fisch. and C. A. Mey is high valued annual ornamental and medicinal plant from Lamiaceae family that prefers dry sunny hillsides, roadsides, slopes, and fallow fields over an altitude of 500-2150 m. It bears beautiful white flowers and bloom from April to June each year. This study reports L. iberica micropropagation using cotyledon node explants isolated from 15-day-old in vitro regenerated plantlets. The cotyledon node explants were cultured on MS medium containing 0.50, 1.00 plus 2.00 mg/L BAP, 0.00, 0.01, and 0.02 mg/L NAA. Maximum shoot regeneration was noted on MS medium containing 0.50 mg/L BAP. Well-developed micropropagated shoots were rooted on MS medium containing 1.00 mg/L IBA. The rooted plants were easily hardened in the growth chamber and acclimatised in greenhouse.

  6. İthâl Ev Hayvanları Ve Süs Bitkilerinin Çevreye Etkileri / The Negative Effects Of Imported Ornamentals And Pets On Environment

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    Ahmet Uludağ


    söz konusu tehdidin büyüklüğüne ve önemine dikkat çekilmektedir. The Negative Effects Of Imported Ornamentals And Pets On Environment Ornamentals improve environment outdoor and contribute our health, prospect and creativity indoor. Open areas and green corners that are planned well have positive impact on cities and their dwellers. Pets and companion animals have important role as friend of human, which can create a special atmosphere for owner, increase social life and help education of kids. Urbanization which has occurred in parallel to migration from rural areas to cities with industrialization era imposed a grey life style surrounded with concrete, glass and pavement. A person who is emigrated from villages himself or his parents tried to fulfill his desire of nature via growing ornamentals and having pets. Turkey has experienced the same cases. Due to the desire of being different, increasing effect of media, and effective marketing technique, new exotic ornamentals and pets have replaced usual common ones. Rising demand to the exotic plants and animals increased import, production, and retail marketing, which can increase the risk on environment due to these creatures. Those species that live in other places than their origins and have negative effect on biodiversity, human activities or health are described as invasive alien species (IAS. Ornamentals and pets escape to wild or release to wild, which can become IAS. There are legal documents and code of conducts in some countries. Unfortunately there are no legal documents enough including quarantine on IAS in Turkey. In order to control IAS, the impact of IAS should be determined nationwide and awareness should be created from policy makers to ordinary citizens. Getting attention on importance and magnitude of IAS problem caused by ornamental plants and animals by using second hand data was aimed in this paper.

  7. Identification of host fruit volatiles from domestic apple (Malus domestica), native black hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii) and introduced ornamental hawthorn (C. monogyna) attractive to Rhagoletis pomonella flies from the western United States. (United States)

    Cha, Dong H; Yee, Wee L; Goughnour, Robert B; Sim, Sheina B; Powell, Thomas H Q; Feder, Jeffrey L; Linn, Charles E


    The apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella, infests apple (Malus domestica) and hawthorn species (most notably the downy hawthorn, Crataegus mollis) in the eastern USA. Evidence suggests that the fly was introduced into the western USA sometime in the last 60 years. In addition to apple, R. pomonella also infests two species of hawthorns in the western USA as major hosts: the native black hawthorn (C. douglasii) and the introduced ornamental English hawthorn, C. monogyna. Apple and downy hawthorn-origin flies in the eastern USA use volatile blends emitted from the surface of their respective ripening fruit to find and discriminate among host trees. To test whether the same is true for western flies, we used coupled gas chromatography and electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and developed a 7-component apple fruit blend for western apple-origin flies, an 8-component black hawthorn fruit blend for flies infesting C. douglasii, and a 9-component ornamental hawthorn blend for flies from C. monogyna. Crataegus douglasii and C. monogyna-origin flies showed similar levels of upwind directed flight to their respective natal synthetic fruit blends in flight tunnel assays compared to whole fruit adsorbent extracts, indicating that the blends contain all the behaviorally relevant fruit volatiles to induce maximal response levels. The black and ornamental hawthorn blends shared four compounds in common including 3-methylbutan-1-ol, which appears to be a key volatile for R. pomonella populations in the eastern, southern, and western USA that show a preference for fruit from different Crataegus species. However, the blends also differed from one another and from domesticated apple in several respects that make it possible that western R. pomonella flies behaviorally discriminate among fruit volatiles and form ecologically differentiated host races, as is the case for eastern apple and hawthorn flies.

  8. Abutilon ornamental (Abutilon sp. - Malvaceae mostrando pústulas de Synchytrium australe Pustules on stems, leaves and pods of ornamental abutilon (Abutilon sp. caused by Synchytrium australe

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    Mário Barreto Figueiredo


    Full Text Available Plantas de abutilon recebidas para análise fitopatológica pelo Instituto Biológico, São Paulo, Brasil mostrando como sintomas pústulas semelhantes a ferrugem (Uredinales sobre folhas e caule foram estudadas para determinar o agente causal. Numerosos esporângios amarelos característicos de fungos zoospóricos pertencentes à Ordem Chytridiales foram encontrados no interior de galhas superficiais. Com base no estudo de KARLING (1955, o patógeno foi identificado como Synchytrium australe Speg. O material foi herborizado e armazenado no Herbário Micológico do Instituto Biológico sob o número IBI/SP 11975. Esta foi a primeira constatação desta espécie no Brasil.The genus Abutilon includes a large number of ornamental species with nice foliage and flowers. The different species are known under several common names as Indian mallow, China jute, butterprint, etc. Plants of abutilon received for phytopathological analysis by the Instituto Biologico, São Paulo, Brazil showing curious rust like symptoms (pustules on leaves, stems and pods were studied to determine the causal agent. Numerous yellow sporangia characteristic of zoosporic fungi belonging to the Order Chytridiales were found within the superficial intact galls. Based on KARLING (1955 paper the pathogen was identified as Synchytrium australe Speg. The voucher material was saved and settled in the Mycological Herbarium of the Institution under the number IBI/SP 11975. This was the first report of the occurrence of this species in Brazil.


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    Ercilia Socorro Souza Soares


    Full Text Available O setor de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais vive um crescimento bastante significativo no contexto mundial. Através deste estudo propõe-se apresentar uma análise qualitativa relativa aos impactos sobre os meios físicos e antrópicos gerados nos processos produtivos das empresas de beneficiamento de pedras ornamentais no município de Manaus. Contudo há uma grande problemáticano processo de corte, polimento e acabamento das matérias primas como o mármore e o granito, pois geram grandes quantidades de resíduos tais como a poeira e a lama, formados neste beneficiamento e descartados de maneira inadequada resultam em impactos ambientais significativos, uma vez que eles contribuem para a acumulação e dispersão prejudiciais no ar, água e solo de partículas sólidas. Os dados obtidos servem como alerta ao poder público e aos geradores para atentarem quanto ao cumprimento da legislação que versa sobre a destinação final sanitariamente adequada dos resíduos sólidos, além de expor a necessidade de políticas educacionais e ambientais nesses processos de trabalho. The ornamental stone processing industry is experiencing significant growth in the global context. Through this study aims to present a qualitative analysis of the impacts on the physical and anthropogenic resources generated in the production processes of ornamental stone processing companies in the city of Manaus. However there is a big problem in the process of cutting, polishing and finishing of raw materials such as marble and granite, because they generate large amounts of waste such as dust and mud, formed in the processing and discarded inappropriately result in significant environmental impacts since they contribute to the accumulation and damaging dispersal in air, water and soil solids. The data serve as a warning to the government and the generators to heed as to comply with the legislation that deals with the disposal of solid waste sanitary appropriate, in

  10. Cupriavidus metallidurans biomineralization ability and its application as a bioconsolidation enhancer for ornamental marble stone. (United States)

    Daskalakis, Markos I; Magoulas, Antonis; Kotoulas, Georgios; Katsikis, Ioannis; Bakolas, Asterios; Karageorgis, Aristomenis P; Mavridou, Athena; Doulia, Danae; Rigas, Fotis


    Bacterially induced calcium carbonate precipitation of a Cupriavidus metallidurans isolate was investigated to develop an environmentally friendly method for restoration and preservation of ornamental stones. Biomineralization performance was carried out in a growth medium via a Design of Experiments (DoE) approach using, as design factors, the temperature, growth medium concentration, and inoculum concentration. The optimum conditions were determined with the aid of consecutive experiments based on response surface methodology (RSM) and were successfully validated thereafter. Statistical analysis can be utilized as a tool for screening bacterial bioprecipitation as it considerably reduced the experimental time and effort needed for bacterial evaluation. Analytical methods provided an insight to the biomineral characteristics, and sonication tests proved that our isolate could create a solid new layer of vaterite on marble substrate withstanding sonication forces. C. metallidurans ACA-DC 4073 provided a compact vaterite layer on the marble substrate with morphological characteristics that assisted in its differentiation. The latter proved valuable during spraying minimum amount of inoculated media on marble substrate under conditions close to an in situ application. A sufficient and clearly distinguishable layer was identified.

  11. On the issue of drought-tolerant ornamental woody plants the Black Sea coast (near Sochi

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    Karpun Yuriy Nikolaevich


    Full Text Available The summer-autumn drought, when rainfall in July - September, less than 200 mm, a significant limiting factor for ornamental woody plants of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In the region under dry periods are irregular, the study of their impact on plants is problematic and delayed for many years. The last drought was in 2015, when the three months fell only 87 mm of rainfall. In the last days of the dry period were examined 501 views and intraspecific taxa belonging to 112 genera, bushy evergreen shrubs and trees, as the most vulnerable. Evaluation of drought resistance was evaluated according to our 3-point system, and the results were analyzed in the context of consolidated floristic regions. The results showed adequate drought tolerance, not less than 65 %, cultivated in the region of evergreen shrubs and bushy trees mainly from East Asia and the Mediterranean. Among the species that are recommended for mass plantings, for the pre-emptive use of landscaping and street-resistant plants 67-80 %. All this ensures stability and high decorative plants ofSochi city.

  12. Nest ornamentation by female spotless starlings in response to a male display: an experimental study. (United States)

    Polo, Vicente; Veiga, José P


    1. The use of behavioural traits by females in signalling condition has been practically ignored in evolutionary theory. However, females may also exhibit ornaments and behavioural displays, although less elaborated than those of males. 2. In this study we suggest that the carrying of feathers by spotless starlings Sturnus unicolor Temminck females to decorate the nest represents an elaborated and costly behaviour that is displayed in response to a courtship male behaviour: the carrying of nest green plants. 3. By experimentally increasing the amount of green plants in the nests, to give the appearance that highly attractive males defended them, we induced females to increase their feather carrying rates. 4. The amount of feathers carried to the nest was correlated to female reproductive experience and laying date, two variables correlated with female body condition. These results suggests that this behaviour may work as an honest indicator of female quality. 5. We conclude that male carrying plants and female carrying feathers can be viewed as two sex-specific functionally related signalling behaviours involved in mutual courtship or status signalling.


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    Full Text Available El artículo presenta el estado del arte de los procedimientos de corte empleados en la transformación de roca ornamental, principalmente, disco con segmentos de diamante, hilo diamantado y los telares. En todos ellos, una reducción en el espesor de corte, repercute de forma directa en la rentabilidad. Se presenta una herramienta novedosa, con un espesor de corte la mitad del mejor conseguido en herramientas convencionales: una sierra de cinta sobre la que se sueldan segmentos de diamante. Se construyen los primeros prototipos, se realizan pruebas de corte y se estudian las características del corte realizado. En una segunda parte se revisan los estudios que existen en la actualidad sobre la medición de fuerzas de corte en granito con herramientas convencionales, y se monitoriza una máquina prototipo de sierra de cinta. Se estudian las fuerzas de corte para este nuevo proceso de corte, se mide la fuerza tangencial, y la fuerza de avance, bajo diferentes condiciones de trabajo.

  14. Iridovirus disease in two ornamental tropical freshwater fishes: African lampeye and dwarf gourami. (United States)

    Sudthongkong, Chaiwud; Miyata, Masato; Miyazaki, Teruo


    Many species of ornamental freshwater fishes are imported into Japan from all over the world. We found African lampeye Aplocheilichthys normani and dwarf gourami Colisa lalia suffering from an iridovirus infection just after being imported by tropical fish wholesalers from Singapore. African lampeye were cultured on the Indonesian Island of Sumatra and dwarf gourami were cultured in Malaysia before export. Diseased fishes displayed distinct histopathological signs of iridovirus infection: systemic appearance of inclusion body-bearing cells, and necrosis of splenocytes and hematopoietic cells. Electron microscopy revealed viral particles (African lampeye:180 to 200 nm in edge to edge diameter; dwarf gourami: 140 to 150 nm in diameter) in an inclusion body within the cytoplasm of inclusion body-bearing cells as well as in the cytoplasm of necrotized cells. Experimental infection with an iridovirus isolate from African lampeye (ALIV) revealed pathogenicity of ALIV to African lampeye and pearl gourami Trichogaster leeri. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products from ALIV and an iridovirus isolate from dwarf gourami (DGIV) using iridovirus-specific primers were indistinguishable. The nucleotide sequence of PCR products derived from ALIV (696 base pairs) and DGIV (701 base pairs) had 95.3% identity. These results indicate that ALIV and DGIV have a single origin.

  15. Brotações adventícias de abacaxizeiro ornamental sob o efeito de benzilaminopurina, ácido naftalenoacético e períodos de subcultivo Adventitious shoot of ornamental pineapple under benzylaminopurine, naphthalene acetic acid and subculture period effect

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    Maria do Desterro Mendes Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da adição de benzilaminopurina (BAP, em combinação com o ácido naftalenoacético (ANA, e dos períodos de subcultivo, na formação de brotações in vitro de abacaxizeiro ornamental. O meio básico líquido consistiu de sais minerais MS e vitaminas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 6x2x4, com seis concentrações de BAP (0, 0,125, 0,25, 0,5, 1 e 2 mg L-1 e duas de ANA (0 e 0,1 mg L-1, e quatro períodos de subcultivo (30, 60, 90 e 120 dias. Os explantes consistiram de brotações individuais de 1 cm de comprimento, oriundas da cultura in vitro. A formação de novas brotações foi observada em meio suplementado com BAP, em todos os períodos de subcultivo. O maior número médio de brotos por explante foi obtido em meio com a concentração de 1,2 mg L-1 de BAP e 120 dias de subcultivo.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of benzylaminopurine (BAP additions, in combination with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA, and of subcultures periods on in vitro shoot formation of ornamental pineapple. The basal liquid medium consisted of MS salts and vitamins. The experiment was a completely randomized design, in a factorial arrangement 6x2x4, with six concentrations of BAP (0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, e 2 mg L-1 and two of NAA (0 and 0.1 mg L-1, and four subculturing periods (30, 60, 90 e 120 days. The explants consisted of individualized shoots with 1 cm length from in vitro cultures. Shoot formation was observed in medium supplemented with BAP in all subculturing periods. The greatest average number of shoots per explant was obtained with BAP concentration of 1.2 mg L-1 and 120 days of subcultive.

  16. The Effects of Terminalia catappa L. Leaves Extract on the Water Quality Properties, Survival and Blood Profile of Ornamental fish (Betta sp Cultured

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    Rudy Agung Nugroho


    Full Text Available This research aimed to determine the phytochemicals content of Terminalia catappa leaves extract (TCL and its effects on the survival and blood profiles of ornamental fish (Betta sp Ninety fish were randomly assigned into six triplicates groups and reared in various concentration of TCL: 0 (control, 125, 250, 375, 500, 625 ppm for 30 days. Temperature, Dissolve oxygen (DO, and pH were monitored during the trial. After 30 days, survival, Red Blood Cells (RBC, White Blood Cells (WBC, haemoglobin (Hb, lymphocyte, and total protein serum (TPS were analyzed. Based on the phytochemicals test, saponin, triterpenoid, quinon, phenolic, tannin, and flavonoid were detected on the TCL. Temperature and DO were not affected by any concentration of TCL. The lowest pH (5.05 was found in fish medium immersed with 625 ppm of TCL. Adding TCL above 375 ppm resulted in significantly higher survival, RBC, and Hb. The highest WBC was found in fish immersed with 625 ppm whereas the lowest lymphocyte was found in fish immersed with 375 of TCL. However, immersing any various concentration of TCL did not affect on the TPS. In summary, immersing TCL above 375 ppm is beneficial to enhance survival, RBC, WBC, and Hb of Betta sp.How to CiteNugroho, R. A., Manurung, H., Saraswati, D., Ladyescha, D. & Nur, F. M. (2016. The Effects of Terminalia catappa L. Leaves Extract on the Water Quality Properties, Survival and Blood Profile of Ornamental fish (Betta sp Cultured. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 8(2, 240-247.

  17. Notes about the Palais des Machines of 1889 in Paris: space, structure and ornament

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    Oscar Linares de la Torre


    Full Text Available The Palais des Machines of the Paris Universal Exposition of 1889, designed by the architect Charles Louis Ferdinand Dutert (1845-1906 and the engineer Victor Contamin (1840-1893, is undoubtedly an icon of the 19th century architecture: its powerful spatiality, its portentous structure and its straightforward tectonics have rightly received high praise by critics and architects from the second half of the 20th century. However, critical tradition and historiography from the end of the last century have frequently offered a biased interpretation of this work, aimed at underlining certain architectonic values for then presenting them as a direct product of the author’s will. The aim of this article is to explain, altogether and with maximum transparency, how the conjunction between certain circumstantial issues and the will/ability of both authors made possible the construction of one of the most important works of the nineteenth-century architecture. To achieve this, the three most celebrated architectural aspects of the building are analysed: the huge scale of the central space, the particular structural system chosen and the uneven usage of ornament.

  18. Improvement of grafting procedures for the ornamental species: II. Abies concolor [(Gord. & Glend. Lindl

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    Ioan Blada


    Full Text Available The achieved results concerning the grafting silver-fir - Abies concolor [(Gord. & Glend. Lindl] scions on white-fir (Abies alba Mill. rootstocks are reporting in this article. The double-side-veneer grafting method and the plastic tape and the ecological CeraltinŽ wax were applied in four experimental variants. The side-veneer-grafting method and the classic materials, such as raffia and the hot wax were used at the two controls involved in this experiment. The grafting success expressed in percents, were transformed in arcsin square root of percent values, and a two-way analysis of variance was performed. Highly significant (p < 0.001 statistical differences were found between grafting variants, including controls. The Duncan Multiple Range Test showed that the four experimental grafting variants were highly significantly (p < 0.01 be-tter than the two controls. The grafting success of the best experimental variant has surpassed the two controls by 129 and 153%, respectively. Consequently, the double-side-veneer grafting method, the new developed plastic tape and the ecological CeraltinŽ wax have contributed to this grafting success owing to which they are recommended to be used for grafting silver-fir ornamental trees.

  19. Portuguese Ornamental Stones - Identity and Cultural Heritage around the World (United States)

    Lopes, Luis


    Portugal has established itself as an independent state on October, 5th 1143 being confined to the south-eastern tip of Europe, with sealed land access to the rest of the continent by the others Iberian Peninsula kingdoms, enemies at the time who did not accept Portuguese autonomy. From the fourteenth century, the history of Portugal reports a period of epic discoveries. New commercial maritime routes have been established. Those routes sailing around Africa, passing through India, drove Portuguese people to Macao and Timor. To the East other routes reach the South American continent. Besides commercial interest, and because the church also financed these trips, they had the mission to evangelize the native peoples that were found. In every formed captaincies, over 29 actual countries, numerous churches, hospitals and fortifications were built. Combining a long tradition and mastery of monumental stone building and stonemasonry, which dates back to the Roman Period, Portuguese were able to combine the need to provide ships stability, using already worked stone as ballast. When arrived to these remote locations, quickly and with few local resources, could erect towering and admirable structures that still prevail today. Most of these regions were colonized and gave rise to independent countries in the 70's of the 20th Century, in some of them Portuguese is the official language and these constitutes the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). This work shows that in addition to the language, traditions, customs, and architecture, there's also a very rich Portuguese Natural Stones monumental heritage building record, which constitutes a very strong link that binds this so special community. References Casal Moura, A., 2000. Granitos e Rochas Similares de Portugal, Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, Lisboa, ISBN 972-98469-5-2. 179. Casal Moura, A.; Carvalho, C.; Almeida, I.; Saúde, J. G.; Farinha Ramos, J.; Augusto, J.; Rodrigues, J. D.; Carvalho, J.; Martins

  20. Development of management policy for the marine ornamental fish and invertebrate fishery in Puerto Rico: A case study

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    M.P Hardin


    Full Text Available In recent years the collection of tropical marine organisms for the aquarium trade has become perceived as an activity with an unsustainable history as well as obvious potential for rehabilitation through resource-based fisheries management and consumer-oriented product certification.In the case of Puerto Rico, collection of ornamentals has existed for decades,though unregulated due to a weak fisheries law dating from the 1930 ’s.The new Fisheries Law 278 of 1998 enabled new regulatory approaches for marine ornamentals, which were met with serious challenges rooted in (1an information gap concerning the fishery regarding participant numbers,collection methods and export volumes,and (2the absence of consultation of fishers by agency regulators.The information gap led to worst-case assumptions of impact by regulators,and a closure of the fishery, which set the stage for threatening personal confrontations and lawsuits,the latter leading to de facto resource management by judicial order.To redress these issues and move management back into the arena of science and public policy,regulators have initiated a three-phase program: (1characterize fisher numbers, methods and exports,(2describe populations and biology of commercial species,and (3propose appropriate fisheries management approaches.This paper describes only the first phase of this program.En años recientes,se ha llegado a percibir la captura de organismos marinos tropicales para el comercio de acuario como una actividad poco sostenible,pero a la vez,con potencial de rehabilitarla por medio del manejo del recurso y la certificación del producto para el consumidor.En el caso de Puerto Rico,la recolección de especies ornamentales ha existido durante décadas y ha sido poco regulada a causa de la débil ley sobre pesquerías existente desde la década de 1930.La Ley 278 de las Industrias Pesqueras de 1998 incluyó nuevas regulaciones para los organismos marinos ornamentales.Las regulaciones

  1. Morfologia e classificação taxonômica de neossolos e saprolitos derivados de rochas vulcânicas da Formação Serra Geral no Rio Grande no Sul Morphology and taxonomy classification of neossolos and saprolites derived from volcanic rock of the Serra Geral formation in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Fabrício de Araújo Pedron


    Full Text Available Os Neossolos Litólicos e Neossolos Regolíticos são solos pouco estudados no Brasil devido ao seu baixo potencial relativo de uso. Esse fato se reflete em dificuldades na execução da sua descrição morfológica no campo, principalmente no que se refere aos contatos entre solo, saprolito e rocha, e na sua classificação no Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos. Nesse sentido, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: contribuir na definição morfológica dos contatos entre solo, saprolito e rocha dessas classes de solos no campo; gerar dados sobre a camada saprolítica e testar a sua inclusão na subordem dos Neossolos Litólicos e Neossolos Regolíticos; e avaliar os atributos diagnósticos e classes disponíveis no sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos para a classificação dos Neossolos Litólicos e Regolíticos derivados de rochas vulcânicas da Formação Serra Geral no Rio Grande do Sul. Foram analisados cinco perfis dispostos em uma litoclimossequência. Os contatos foram identificados pelo uso do teste de escavação com a pá reta, associado à análise do fraturamento do saprolito e às classes de intemperismo propostas neste trabalho. Os contatos referentes à presença de camada saprolítica encontrados nos perfis não são contemplados no sistema brasileiro. Foram propostos atributos diagnósticos para a classificação dos Neossolos Regolíticos, sugerindo-se a troca do termo "Regolítico" por "Saprolítico". Também foram sugeridas novas classes para o terceiro nível categórico, considerando informações como posição do contato saprolítico, resistência à escavação e grau de fraturamento do material. Os atributos diagnósticos e as classes propostas permitiram uma classificação mais adequada dos Neossolos derivados de rochas vulcânicas, no Rio Grande do Sul.The soil types Neossolos Litólicos (Leptosols and Neossolos Regolíticos (Regosols have been poorly studied in Brazil, due to their relatively

  2. Genetics and fine mapping of a purple leaf gene, BoPr, in ornamental kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala). (United States)

    Liu, Xiao-Ping; Gao, Bao-Zhen; Han, Feng-Qing; Fang, Zhi-Yuan; Yang, Li-Mei; Zhuang, Mu; Lv, Hong-Hao; Liu, Yu-Mei; Li, Zhan-Sheng; Cai, Cheng-Cheng; Yu, Hai-Long; Li, Zhi-Yuan; Zhang, Yang-Yong


    Due to its variegated and colorful leaves, ornamental kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) has become a popular ornamental plant. In this study, we report the fine mapping and analysis of a candidate purple leaf gene using a backcross population and an F 2 population derived from two parental lines: W1827 (with white leaves) and P1835 (with purple leaves). Genetic analysis indicated that the purple leaf trait is controlled by a single dominant gene, which we named BoPr. Using markers developed based on the reference genome '02-12', the BoPr gene was preliminarily mapped to a 280-kb interval of chromosome C09, with flanking markers M17 and BoID4714 at genetic distances of 4.3 cM and 1.5 cM, respectively. The recombination rate within this interval is almost 12 times higher than the usual level, which could be caused by assembly error for reference genome '02-12' at this interval. Primers were designed based on 'TO1000', another B. oleracea reference genome. Among the newly designed InDel markers, BRID485 and BRID490 were found to be the closest to BoPr, flanking the gene at genetic distances of 0.1 cM and 0.2 cM, respectively; the interval between the two markers is 44.8 kb (reference genome 'TO1000'). Seven annotated genes are located within the 44.8 kb genomic region, of which only Bo9g058630 shows high homology to AT5G42800 (dihydroflavonol reductase), which was identified as a candidate gene for BoPr. Blast analysis revealed that this 44.8 kb interval is located on an unanchored scaffold (Scaffold000035_P2) of '02-12', confirming the existence of assembly error at the interval between M17 and BoID4714 for reference genome '02-12'. This study identified a candidate gene for BoPr and lays a foundation for the cloning and functional analysis of this gene.

  3. Vínculos para la gestión: dinámicas socio-institucionales y perspectivas para el manejo integrado de la pesca artesanal en Laguna de Rocha (Uruguay

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    Ximena Lagos Miranda


    Full Text Available El área protegida Laguna de Rocha es un importante sitio para la conservación de la biodiversidad del Uruguay y alberga una de las comunidades de pescadores artesanales más antiguas del pais. En el marco del Manejo Costero Integrado, este trabajo analiza las dinámicas y vínculos socio-institucionales en el area protegida, en su trayectoria de conformación y en torno a la pesca artesanal del lugar. Asimismo, se discute como estos procesos y las características del sistema de gobernanza, permiten evaluar las capacidades del sector para el desarrollo de instrumentos de gestión integrada, tales como la certificación de pesquerías. La conformación del área protegida muestra un proceso de innovación socionstitucional que permitió la consolidación de una red de actores robustecidos para su gestión. El sistema de gobernanza del área, los vínculos de alta intensidad y los aprendizajes de 20 años de experiencias en torno a la conservación del área, potencian las capacidades para promover un proceso de certificación pesquera adecuado al contexto local. Sin embargo, las mayores limitantes se encuentran en la falta de voluntad a nivel gubernamental para politicas de largo plazo, debilidad en los mecanismos de comunicación y el desconocimiento del potencial de este tipo de instrumentos.

  4. Espectroscopia de refletância e emissividade de rochas fosfáticas ígneas e sedimentares do centro-oeste do Brasil : estudos de caso nos depósitos de Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG), Rocinha e Lagamar (MG) = Reflectance and emissivity spectroscopy of igneous and sedimentary rocks from Midwest Brazil: case study of the Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG), Rocinha and Lagamar deposits


    Emanuel Amorer Hernández


    Resumo: A pesquisa compreende estudos sobre a assinatura ultraespectral e multiespectral de fosfatos de origem ígnea e sedimentar contidos, respectivamente, nos depósitos de Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG) e Rocinha-Lagamar (MG), centro-oeste do Brasil. Medidas de reflectância e emissividade (focadas na faixa de 8-12µm) foram analisadas em conjunto com dados de Difração de Raios X e Fluorescência de Raios X visando a determinação da mineralogia e quimismo das rochas envolvidas nas áreas de estudo...

  5. Effects of CaCl2 solutions to alleviate drought stress effects in potted ornamentals Salvia splendens and Ageratum houstonianum

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    Agata Jędrzejuk


    Full Text Available Bedding plants are often subjected to soil water deficit – either after planting and/or during the market chain. Methods to alleviate the negative water stress effects are sought for to preserve ornamental values of plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of two bedding plants, Ageratum houstonianum Mill. and Salvia splendens Sellow ex Scult., to water stress and treatments with calcium chloride aimed to alleviate drought effects. Plants were subjected either to 45 days of periodical stress (five cycles when watering was off for 5 consecutive days, followed by four cycles on for 5 consecutive days or 10 days of radical drought (complete water withdrawal. On the first day, before the onset of drought, plants were watered with 0.5% Ca or 1% Ca w/v as a solution of calcium chloride (5 g or 10 g Ca per 1 dm3 of the growing substrate. The similarly Ca-treated but routinely watered plants provided controls to evaluate the water shortage effects. Plant height, inflorescence length/number, leaf number, leaf area (in Salvia splendens only, aboveground plant part weight, and root weight (in Salvia splendens only as well as leaf relative water content (RWC were measured at the beginning and at the end of the experiments. Water withdrawal during 10 days of growth (radical drought reduced by half RWC in leaves of withering Salvia splendens and Ageratum houstonianum plants. Its effects on the growth parameters were less pronounced and mitigated by Ca applications. Also in the periodically stressed plants of both species, RWC and most growth parameters were reduced by water shortage but Ca applications alleviated the negative stress effects.

  6. Rendimento da alface e atributos químicos de um Latossolo em função da aplicação de biofertilizantes de rochas com fósforo e potássio Lettuce yield and chemical attributes of an Oxisol by application of biofertilizers from phosphate and potash rocks

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    Rita de Cássia Matias de Lima


    Full Text Available A produção de biofertilizantes a partir de rochas é um processo prático que reduz o consumo de energia e aumenta a disponibilidade de nutrientes no solo. Realizou-se um experimento em campo, para avaliar a eficiência e o poder residual de biofertilizantes de rochas com fósforo (BP e com potássio (BK mais enxofre inoculado com Acidithiobacillus, aplicados em diferentes doses, para comparação com os fertilizantes minerais superfosfato simples (SFS e cloreto de potássio (KCl, no rendimento da alface (cv. Crespa-Grand Rapids, em dois plantios consecutivos, e em alguns atributos químicos do solo (pH, Ca, Mg trocável, P e K disponível. Nos dois ciclos houve efeito dos biofertilizantes BP, BK, e dos fertilizantes solúveis SFS e do KCl no rendimento da alface. Os melhores resultados no 1º ciclo foram com os tratamentos SFS700 BK90, SFS700 BK60, e no 2º ciclo com BP700 BK90, SFS700 BK60, e com SFS700 BK90. Observou-se efeito residual quando aplicados os tratamentos BP1050 BK90 No pH do solo não houve efeito dos biofertilizantes, aplicados em mistura com húmus de minhoca, e verificou-se significativo aumento no P e K disponíveis no solo, especialmente para P no 2º ciclo. Concluiu-se que os biofertilizantes de rochas com P e K, em mistura com húmus de minhoca, podem ser usados como alternativa a fertilizantes minerais solúveis.Production of rock biofertilizers is a practical process which reduces energy consumption and increases nutrients availability in soils. A field experiment was carried out applying phosphate biofertilizer (PB and potash biofertilizer (KB from rocks plus sulfur with Acidithiobacillus, applied in different rates, comparing with the mineral fertilizers simple superphosphate (SFS and potassium chloride (KCl, on yield of lettuce (cv. Crespa-Grand Rapids, in two consecutive crops and in soil chemical attributes (pH, and available P and K. A control treatment was added without P and K (P0K0. In the two consecutive

  7. Screening for drought tolerance in cultivars of the ornamental genus Tagetes (Asteraceae

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    Raluca Cicevan


    Full Text Available Drought tolerance was evaluated in twelve cultivars of three ornamental Tagetes species (T. patula, T. tenuifolia and T. erecta. A stress treatment was performed by completely stopping watering of plants maintained in controlled greenhouse conditions. After three weeks, several plant growth parameters (stem length (SL, fresh weight (FW and water content (WC, photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids (Car, osmolytes (proline (Pro, glycine betaine (GB and total soluble sugars (TSS, an oxidative stress maker (malondialdehyde (MDA and antioxidants (total phenolic compounds (TPC and total flavonoids (TF were measured. Considerable differences in the evaluated traits were found among the control and drought-stressed plants. Drought stress generally caused a marked reduction in plant growth and carotenoid pigments, and an increase in soluble solutes and oxidative stress. For most cultivars, proline levels in stressed plants increased between 30 and 70-fold compared to the corresponding controls. According to the different measured parameters, on average T. erecta proved to be more tolerant to drought than T. patula and T. tenuifolia. However, a considerable variation in the tolerance to drought was found within each species. The traits with greater association to drought tolerance as well as the most tolerant cultivars could be clearly identified in a principal components analysis (PCA. Overall, our results indicate that drought tolerant cultivars of Tagetes can be identified at early stages using a combination of plant growth and biochemical markers.

  8. Isolation and Properties of Floral Defensins from Ornamental Tobacco and Petunia1 (United States)

    Lay, Fung T.; Brugliera, Filippa; Anderson, Marilyn A.


    The flowers of the solanaceous plants ornamental tobacco (Nicotiana alata) and petunia (Petunia hybrida) produce high levels of defensins during the early stages of development. In contrast to the well-described seed defensins, these floral defensins are produced as precursors with C-terminal prodomains of 27 to 33 amino acids in addition to a typical secretion signal peptide and central defensin domain of 47 or 49 amino acids. Defensins isolated from N. alata and petunia flowers lack the C-terminal domain, suggesting that it is removed during or after transit through the secretory pathway. Immunogold electron microscopy has been used to demonstrate that the N. alata defensin is deposited in the vacuole. In addition to the eight canonical cysteine residues that define the plant defensin family, the two petunia defensins have an extra pair of cysteines that form a fifth disulfide bond and hence define a new subclass of this family of proteins. Expression of the N. alata defensin NaD1 is predominantly flower specific and is most active during the early stages of flower development. NaD1 transcripts accumulate in the outermost cell layers of petals, sepals, anthers, and styles, consistent with a role in protection of the reproductive organs against potential pathogens. The floral defensins inhibit the growth of Botrytis cinerea and Fusarium oxysporum in vitro, providing further support for a role in protection of floral tissues against pathogen invasion. PMID:12644678

  9. People-plant relationships in an office workplace

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Jane Dyrhauge; Sønderstrup-Andersen, Hans Henrik Krogh; Müller, Renate


    , explorative, and inductive case-study design, the study provides an example of how a cross-disciplinary unit engaged in administrative office work at a Danish institution applied ornamental plants. The results document that ornamental plants are an integrated part of the workplace. The employees used......The study presented in this article represents an initial attempt to generate indepth information about how ornamental plants in real-life office workplaces interact with workplace characteristics, thus influencing working environment and well-being of the employees. Using a qualitative.......g., size, species and condition), and characteristics of the individual employee (e.g., personal experiences, preferences, and values)....

  10. Simulação de fraturamento hidráulico usando elementos finitos de elevada razão de aspecto com acoplamento hidromecânico


    Cleto, Pedro Rogério [UNESP


    A técnica de fraturamento hidráulico é amplamente utilizada na indústria petrolífera para aumentar a permeabilidade da rocha-reservatório numa região próxima ao poço e permitir a extração, e consequente produção, de hidrocarbonetos armazenados em seus poros. Primeiramente a rocha é perfurada criando-se um poço e então injeta-se fluido a uma pressão suficientemente alta para fraturar a rocha. A injeção contínua de fluido permite que as fraturas se propaguem pelo reservatório, formando ass...

  11. The Dora-Maira Unit (Italian Cottian Alps): a reservoir of ornamental stones locally and worldwide employed since Roman age (United States)

    Borghi, Alessandro; Cadoppi, Paola; Antonella Dino, Giovanna


    The Dora-Maira is a geological unit belonging to the Penninic Domain of the Western Alps (NW Italy), which covers over 1000 km2 from the Susa to the Maira valleys, in the inner part of the Cottian Alps. It consists of different superposed complexes made of micaschists, fine-grained gneisses, quartzites, impure and dolomitic marbles, metabasites and various types of orthogneisses deriving from metamorphic transformation, during alpine orogeny, of a Palaeozoic upper continental crust and its Mesozoic carbonate cover. Thanks to the presence of different varieties of rocks, the Dora-Maira Unit can be considered as a reservoir of ornamental stones, locally employed, since Roman age, for military and religious buildings. Furthermore, these materials were used in Piedmont region for the construction of important historical palaces (17th and 18th centuries). Several varieties of gneisses, quartzites and marbles, exploited in the past and up to now, come from the Paleozoic basement. The most famous variety of gneiss is the so called "Luserna stone", a leucocratic gneiss characterized by a mylonitic fabric deriving from highly differentiated granitoids of Permian age. The first traces of Luserna Stone exploitation arise to the medieval age in the Pellice Valley). This material was widely employed in Turin, from Savoia kingdom period up to know. The very peculiar and precious application of Luserna stone were: Royal Palace and Venaria Reale Palace, Mole Antonelliana. Recently, it has been employed for the construction of Turin Metro stations (launched in 2006). Other varieties of orthogneisses, not yet exploited, are: Borgone and Vaie Stones, Villarfocchiardo and Cumiana Stones. They were used for the realization of the columns characterising the façade of several churches in Turin and in the piers of different bridges over the Po River. Another gneiss variety, with dioritic composition, is the Malanaggio Stone employed in the Fenestrelle Fortress. As for the palaeozoic

  12. The biology and in vitro propagation of the ornamental aquatic plant, Aponogeton ulvaceus. (United States)

    Kam, Melissa Yit Yee; Chai, Li Chin; Chin, Chiew Foan


    Aponogeton ulvaceus Baker (Aponogetonaceae) is a commercially important ornamental aquatic plant species with traditional medicinal uses. Due to the low survival rate of seedlings, propagation by conventional means has been met with many difficulties. In this study, botanical aspects of A. ulvaceus were examined with regards to the morphology, anatomy and physiology of the plant and an efficient protocol for its in vitro propagation using immature tuber explants has been established. The existence of glandular trichomes on the leaves was discovered and the occurrence of circumnutation in A. ulvaceus has been demonstrated. Immature tuber segments with meristems were cultured on MS medium supplemented with various combinations (0, 1, 2, and 3 mg/L) of BAP and NAA for callus induction. The highest percentage of callus production (100 %) was obtained in two different treatments: 1 mg/L BAP and 3 mg/L NAA, and 2 mg/L BAP and 3 mg/L NAA. For shoot and root organogenesis, the combination of 1 mg/L BAP and 1 mg/L NAA was shown to be significant for A. ulvaceus regeneration when compared to control, which yields a mean shoot and root number of 22.50 and 29.50 respectively. The current protocol is the first reported successful establishment of in vitro clonal propagation of A. ulvaceus .

  13. Role of combined use of classical induced mutation breeding and biotechnology in development of new flower colour/form in ornamentals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Datta, SK.


    In floriculture trade there is always demand and necessity of new and novel ornamental varieties. Flower colour is one of the most important component of novelties. Induced somatic mutation techniques by using ionizing radiations and other mutagens have successfully produced quite a large number of new promising varieties (50 Nos.) in different ornamental (Bougainvillea, Chrysanthemum, Hibiscus, Rose, Tuberose, Lantana depressa etc.) plants by bringing about genetic changes at Floriculture Section, National Botanical Research Institute, India. For inducing novelties in flower colour of different plants the technique of selection of proper type/state of plant material for experiment, suitable dose, detection of mutation at right stage of development, isolation and multiplication of chimeric tissue have been standardised. The capability of the technique is well understood from significant number of new varieties developed via direct mutation breeding in already adapted, modern genotypes and enriched the germplasm. The mutations in flower lour/shape were detected as chimera in M1v1, M1v2, M1v3 generations. The mutation frequency varied with the cultivar and exposure of gamma rays. The main bottleneck of mutation breeding is that the mutation appears as chimera. When the entire branch is mutated, mutants can be isolated through conventional propagation techniques while small sectorial mutation in the floret cannot be isolated using existing conventional techniques. Therefore, many new flower colour/shape mutants are lost due to the lack of a suitable propagation technique. By applying biotechnological technique on the same mutagen treated gamma rays population a novel tissue culture technique hasbeen standardised to regenerate plants directly from such mutated sectors (ray florets) of Chrysanthemum. A number of somatic flower colour/shape mutants have been developed in Chrysanthemum by using this in vitro technique. Combination of classical mutation breeding and

  14. El Alhambresco: constitución de un modelo estético y su expresión en la tradición ornamental moderna


    Raquejo Grado, Tonia


    dimensión estética del alhambresco o "moorish style" en el Reino Unido a través de los estudios de Owen Jones de su Plans Elevations, Sections and Details of the Alhambra (1842-45) y de su Grammar of the Ornament (1856). Anticipándose a su tiempo Jones introdujo nuevas ideas en la percepción de la forma y color que pudieron anticipar estudios de la psicología de Gestalt así como experiencias de la Bauhaus y la abstracción. Dejando una importante huella en la teoría del arte y diseño de princ...

  15. In silico prediction of ErbB signal activation from receptor expression ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Annals of biomedical engineering 35 1012-1025. Machado D, Costa RS, Rocha M, Ferreira EC, Tidor B, Rocha I 2011 Modeling formalisms in Systems Biology. AMB Express 1 45. McCabe Pryor M, et al. 2015 Orchestration of ErbB3 signaling through heterointeractions and homointeractions. Mol Biol Cell 26 4109-4123.

  16. Introduced pathogens found on ornamentals, strawberry and trees in Finland over the past 20 years

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    A. LILJA


    Full Text Available The comparative ease and speed of international trade and travel have enabled or enhanced the spread of pests around the globe. For example, trade in ornamental plants has bolstered the spread of alien Oomycetes such as pathogenic species of Phytophthora. To date, four Phytophthora species have been identified in Finland: P. cactorum on Fragaria x ananassa, Betula pendula and Rhododendron spp., P. plurivora on Rhododendron spp. and Syringa vulgaris, and P. pini and P. ramorum on Rhododendron spp. The ascomycete Colletotrichum acutatum, which was listed as a quarantine pathogen by the European Union until 2009, was introduced in 2000 and can survive in plant debris over two winters in Finland. Positive PCR results have also been obtained from bait plants grown in soil collected from locations where diseased Fragaria x ananassa plants had earlier been destroyed. In the mid-1990s, there was an epidemic of foliar rust caused by the Asian basidiomycete Melampsoridium hiratsukanum on Alnus glutinosa and A. incana. Recently, two ascomycetes that have been introduced are Dothistroma septosporum (responsible for red band needle blight on Pinus sylvestris and Chalara fraxinea (causing ash decline on Fraxinus excelsior.;

  17. Hydric properties of some iberian ornamental granites with different superficial finishes: a petrophysical interpretation

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    Rojo, A.


    Full Text Available Some physical properties of three ornamental granites with different superficial finishes (polished, sawn and flamed were quantified by standard tests. These granites are commercially known as Rosa Porrino, Rosavel and Blanco Alcazar. The determined properties were: density, open porosity, water absorption, capillarity, evaporation, vapour absorption and water vapour permeability. The values of the hydric properties in the studied granites fundamentally depended on their textural characteristics, mainly grain size, micro cracking network and open porosity, and, to a lesser extent, on their superficial finish.

    El estudio analiza las diferencias en el comportamiento hídrico de tres granitos con diferentes acabados superficiales: pulido, corte de sierra y chorro de fuego. Estos granitos se comercializan con los nombres de Rosa Porrino, Rosavel y Blanco Alcázar. Las propiedades determinadas han sido: densidad, porosidad abierta, absorción libre de agua, absorción de vapor de agua, absorción de agua por capilaridad, evaporación y permeabilidad al vapor de agua. Los valores de las propiedades hídricas determinadas dependen fundamentalmente de las características texturales: tamaño de grano, microfisuras y porosidad abierta y, en menor medida, de los acabados superficiales.

  18. Precambrian terranes of African affinities in the southeastern part of Brazil and Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Basei, M.A.S; Junior, Siga; Harara, O.M; Preciozzi, F; Sato, K; Kaufuss, G


    The interest in correlating terranes at opposite margins of the South Atlantic Ocean reflects a natural curiosity of both researchers who work in the eastern South-America and who study southwestern Africa. On a large scale scenario the geology of this region is characterized by a central portion composed of Neo proterozoic-Cambrian belts (Dom Feliciano, Kaoko, Damara, Gariep, Saldania) having on each side old gneissic-migmatitic terrains on both continents (Luis Alves, Rio de La Plata, Kalahari and Congo). In South America the Neoproterozoic Dom Feliciano Belt (DFB) predominates in the eastern part of the region and is internally organized according to three different crustal segments characterized, from southeast to northwest, by a Granite belt (deformed I-type medium to high calc-alkaline granites and alkaline granitoid rocks; a Schist belt (volcano-sedimentary rocks metamorphosed from greenschist to amphibolite facies and intrusive granitoids), and a Foreland basin (anchimetamorphic sedimentary and volcanic rocks), the latter situated between the Schist belt and the Archean-Paleoproterozoic foreland. Despite discontinuously covered by younger sediments, the NS continuity of these three crustal segments is suggested by similar lithotypes, structural characteristics, ages and isotopic signature, as well as by the gravimetric data. The Major Gercino, Cordilheira, and Sierra Ballena shear zones are part of the major NE-SW lineaments that affect all southern Brazilian and Uruguayan Precambrian terrains. They separate the Dom Feliciano Schist Belt (supracrustal rocks of the Brusque-Porongos and Lavalleja groups), to the West, from the granitoids of the Granite belt, to the East. The shear zones are characterized by a regional NE trend and a resultant oblique direction of movement where ductile-brittle structures predominate. It is here postulated, as discussed later on, that this lineament separates terranes that are geologically, geo chronologically and isotopically

  19. El puente de la Rocha en Santiago de Compostela: ampliación de dos a cuatro carriles de circulación del puente existente en el km 67 de la CN-550 de la Coruña a Santiago y Tuy

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    Barbosa Ayúcar, José Antonio


    Full Text Available The need to continue the widening of the roadway of the CN-550 on the New Access to Santiago de Compostela up to the town limits of Milladoiro implied an important action on the existing masonry works. In these conditions, the La Rocha Bridge, with a bidirectional 7 m roadway of a total 10 m width, had to be extended to obtain the new cross section of the four carriageways, median strip and pavements. The bridge was widened adding a 6 m-wide deck to the existing platform on either side. The deck was made of prestressed precast beams and compression slabs. Prestressed concrete pier heads and metal struts were arranged as decks supporting elements which transfer forces originated by new loadings on the piers. The adopted solution made it possible to maintain the vehicle and pedestrian traffic but for four days, during which the pier heads were placed. The resistance scheme of the old bridge arcade was not altered. The new bridge was integrated into the pre-existing surroundings, preserving the local architectural heritage.

    La necesidad de continuar la duplicación de calzada de la CN-550 en el Nuevo Acceso a Santiago de Compostela hasta el límite municipal de Milladoiro, implicaba una importante actuación sobre las obras de fábrica existentes. En esta situación, el puente de La Rocha, con una calzada bidireccional de 7 m y anchura total de 10 m, necesitaba ampliarse hasta 22 m para obtener la nueva sección transversal de 4 carriles, mediana y aceras. El ensanchamiento del puente se ha conseguido añadiendo por ambos lados, a la plataforma existente, un tablero de 6 m de anchura, formado por vigas pretensadas prefabricadas y losas de compresión. Como elementos sustentantes de los tableros se disponen cabeceros de hormigón pretensado y tornapuntas metálicos, que transfieren las solicitaciones originadas por las nuevas acciones a las pilas. Con la solución adoptada, se ha conseguido mantener el tráfico rodado y peatonal a

  20. Inovação tecnológica como agente de redução de impactos ambientais da indústria de rochas ornamentais no estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    Romeu Silva Neto

    Full Text Available A indústria de rochas ornamentais da região noroeste fluminense constitui um arranjo produtivo local de grande importância econômica. Entretanto, as empresas fazem uso de técnicas rudimentares em seus processos produtivos, o que causa sérios problemas ambientais e de competitividade. Cientes de que a principal dificuldade enfrentada por esta indústria está relacionada com a ausência de tecnologias, governo, universidades e organizações da sociedade civil têm tentado desenvolver e difundir tecnologias. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa é identificar e descrever os fatores que impedem a difusão de tecnologia neste arranjo produtivo. Foram realizados múltiplos estudos de caso de caráter exploratório, descritivo e explicativo, nos quais foram utilizadas múltiplas fontes de evidência, tais como revisão bibliográfica, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com empresários e profissionais do setor, além de visitas técnicas a empresas locais. Os resultados apontam para dificuldades na difusão dessas tecnologias, especialmente para as pequenas empresas, tais como baixa qualificação de empresários e trabalhadores, resistência a mudanças dentro das empresas, e dificuldade de articulação, já que, atualmente, existe disponibilidade de recursos financeiros e apoio institucional para a inovação.

  1. Decomposição in situ de folhas senescentes de pereira (Pyrus communis L. cv. Rocha In situ decomposition of pear (Pyrus communis L. cv. Rocha senescent leaves

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    C. Neto


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a variação da perda de peso e a contribuição das folhas senescentes de pereira (cv. Rocha para a restituição de azoto (N ao solo através da técnica dos sacos de decomposição in situ, colocados em Outubro de 2003 à superfície do solo dum pomar situado no Cadaval (Oeste de Portugal. Os sacos contendo folhas senescentes colhidas em pereiras com um ano de plantação e fertilizadas com três níveis de N (0, 10 e 40 kg N/ha, foram recolhidos em Dezembro de 2003, Janeiro, Fevereiro, Maio, Julho e Outubro de 2004 e Março de 2005. No mesmo pomar enterraram-se, em Outubro de 2003, 12 cilindros de PVC, contendo à superfície folhas senescentes de pereiras com três anos de plantação e fertilizadas com 40 kg N/ha de adubo enriquecido com 10% de átomos de 15N. Os cilindros foram recolhidos em Janeiro, Março, Junho e Novembro de 2004. Determinouse a variação do peso e os teores de N total e enriquecimento em 15N nos resíduos, e nas amostras de terra avaliaram-se os teores de N “total”, N-inorgânico e carbono (C orgânico, bem como os nitratos potencialmente lixiviados e adsorvidos em resinas de troca aniónica, em cada data. A decomposição in situ das folhas senescentes das pereiras ‘Rocha’ jovens variou significativamente com a fertilização azotada após 506 dias. As folhas provenientes da modalidade 0 kg N/ha apresentaram menor peso residual (21% do inicial e menor teor de N (44% do teor inicial de N comparativamente com as folhas resultantes das modalidades adubadas com N, no final do período em estudo. Padrão idêntico de comportamento verificou-se na decomposição in situ das folhas das árvores com três anos, colocada à superfície do solo dos cilindros de PVC enterrados. A mineralização do N destas folhas levou à disponibilização do N para as árvores no início do abrolhamento e a partir de Junho, não se tendo observado lixiviação do N mineral produzido.The weight loss of one year-old

  2. Viabilidade técnica e econômica de argamassas de revestimento produzidas com incorporação de resíduos de rochas ornamentais

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    Luís Gustavo Fiorese Vinco

    Full Text Available Resumo Na atualidade, além do desenvolvimento econômico, tem-se a questão do desenvolvimento sustentável, pelo qual se busca não apenas a redução de custos, mas também a redução dos impactos ambientais gerados pela construção civil. Uma das formas de redução desses impactos é através de medidas mitigatórias no que diz respeito ao resíduo do corte de rochas ornamentais (RCRO gerado no processo de fabricação de chapas. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a adição do RCRO em teores de 50%, 100% e 150% em relação ao volume de cimento na produção de argamassas para revestimento. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios laboratoriais de retenção de água e consistência, massa específica, resistência à compressão e à tração. Analisou-se também a aplicação em obra e o custo de produção das argamassas. Além disso, foi proposto um processo de mistura para utilização do resíduo in natura. Os resultados apontam uma melhora nas propriedades avaliadas, tanto no estado fresco quanto endurecido, para todos os traços. Em obra, os traços com adição de 100% de RCRO mostraram melhores resultados. Com relação aos custos houve diminuição em todos os traços com a adição de RCRO. Por fim, o processo de mistura proposto mostrou-se eficiente para uso do resíduo in natura.

  3. Induced mutations in ornamental plants by 'in vitro' irradiation of Petunia hybrida meristems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez-Jimenez, J.


    In recent decades it has been observed that for the induction of mutation in ornamental plants we can obtain better results when the plants are irradiated in vegetative state and even better 'in vitro' that when its are irradiated 'in vivo'. In this work the possibilities are showed to avoid the best use of a new biotechnology: the gamma irradiations on the meristem 'in vitro'. A tissue culture method was described for the best vegetative propagation of Petunia hybrid hort through morphogenesis induction of meristem. These were planted in the Murashige and Skoog's basic medium added with BAP and ANA. The pH was adjusted to 6.5 prior autoclaving at 121 Centigrade degree and 1.1 Kg/ cm 2 for 15 minutes. Latter the meristem of plantules in immature and mature physiology stated were irradiated with gamma ray doses ranging from 1.0 at 10.0 Gy. The meristem were then subcultived aseptically with the following results: 1) The immature stage was higher radio sensibilities. 2) The LD 50 for the matured plants was to ranged from 1.0 at 9.0 Gy. and immature 1.0 at 8.0 Gy. 3) The better doses was at 7.5 Gy. 4) The meristem gamma irradiation at 7.5 Gy. showed in the first culture: the adventitious bud induced and the multi meristem formation. 5) In the second cultured the results reveals the 'variegadas' plants formations and the new purples flowers. (Author)

  4. Solid-state fermentation of rice straw residues for its use as growing medium in ornamental nurseries (United States)

    Belal, Elsayed B.; El-Mahrouk, M. E.


    This work was conducted at a private nursery in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate to investigate the bioconversion of rice straw into a soil-like substrate (SLS) by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Trichoderma hazianum and the possibility of using rice straw compost in ornamental nurseries as a partial or total replacement of coconut peat (CP) and vermiculite (V) in the growing medium. The results showed that rice straw could be treated better by aerobic fermentation. The authors used five mixtures as follows: (1) Control (CP+V at 1:1 v/v), (2) SLS (100%), (3) SLS+CP (1:1 v/v), (4) SLS+V (1:1 v/v), and (5) SLS+CP+V (1:1:1 v/v/v). Data were recorded as seedling height, no. of leaves, shoot fresh and dry weights, root length and root fresh and dry weights in order to assess the quality of both transplants of Althea rosea (hollyhock) and Calendula officinalis (scotch marigold). Hollyhock seedlings grown in medium containing a mixture of SLS+CP+V displayed quality traits similar to those recorded from the control treatment, while scotch marigold seedlings in the same medium followed the control medium in quality.

  5. Micropropagation of an Exotic Ornamental Plant, Calathea crotalifera, for Production of High Quality Plantlets

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    Shahril Efzueni Rozali


    Full Text Available A successful protocol was established for micropropagation in two selected varieties of exotic ornamental plants, Calathea crotalifera. The effects of different sterilization techniques, explant type, and the combination and concentration of plant growth regulators on shoots induction were studied. The axillary shoot buds explants sprouted from rhizomes in soil free conditions showed high induction rate of shoots with lowest contamination percentage when treated with combination of 30% (v/v NaOCl, 70% (v/v ethanol, and 0.3% (w/v HgCl2. In the present study, the highest number of multiple shoots was obtained in MS basal medium supplemented with 3.5 mg/L 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP, 1.0 mg/L 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA, 3% sucrose, and 6 g/L plant agar for both varieties and was used as multiplication medium. Microshoots were highly induced when the young shoot bud explants were incised longitudinally prior subculture. Chlorophyll analysis was studied to test the effects of activated charcoal and L-glutamine on reduction of necrosis problem. The maximum roots induction was recorded on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/L 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA compared to indolebutyric acid (IBA. The complete regenerated plantlets were successfully acclimatized in the soilless medium under greenhouse condition. This is the first report of rapid mass propagation for C. crotalifera.

  6. Micropropagation of an exotic ornamental plant, Calathea crotalifera, for production of high quality plantlets. (United States)

    Rozali, Shahril Efzueni; Rashid, Kamaludin A; Taha, Rosna Mat


    A successful protocol was established for micropropagation in two selected varieties of exotic ornamental plants, Calathea crotalifera. The effects of different sterilization techniques, explant type, and the combination and concentration of plant growth regulators on shoots induction were studied. The axillary shoot buds explants sprouted from rhizomes in soil free conditions showed high induction rate of shoots with lowest contamination percentage when treated with combination of 30% (v/v) NaOCl, 70% (v/v) ethanol, and 0.3% (w/v) HgCl2. In the present study, the highest number of multiple shoots was obtained in MS basal medium supplemented with 3.5 mg/L 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP), 1.0 mg/L 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 3% sucrose, and 6 g/L plant agar for both varieties and was used as multiplication medium. Microshoots were highly induced when the young shoot bud explants were incised longitudinally prior subculture. Chlorophyll analysis was studied to test the effects of activated charcoal and L-glutamine on reduction of necrosis problem. The maximum roots induction was recorded on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/L 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) compared to indolebutyric acid (IBA). The complete regenerated plantlets were successfully acclimatized in the soilless medium under greenhouse condition. This is the first report of rapid mass propagation for C. crotalifera.

  7. Comparative Evaluation of Anthelmintic Activity of Edible and Ornamental Pomegranate Ethanolic Extracts against Schistosoma mansoni

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    Doaa A. Yones


    Full Text Available Due to the development of praziquantel (PZQ schistosomes resistant strains, the discovery of new antischistosomal agents is of high priority in research. This work reported the in vitro and in vivo effects of the edible and ornamental pomegranate extracts against Schistosoma mansoni. Leaves and stem bark ethanolic extracts of both dried pomegranates were prepared at 100, 300, and 500 μg/mL for in vitro and 600 and 800 mg/kg for in vivo. Adult worms Schistosoma mansoni in RPMI-1640 medium for in vitro and S. mansoni infected mice for in vivo tests were obtained from Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt. In vitro activity was manifested by significant coupled worms separation, reduction of motor activity, lethality, and ultrastructural tegumental alterations in adult worms. In vivo activity was manifested revealed by significant reduction of hepatic granulomas number and diameter, decreased number of bilharzial eggs in liver tissues, lowered liver inflammatory infiltration, decreased hepatic fibrosis, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS expression. Ethanolic stem bark extract of edible pomegranate exhibited highest antischistosomal activities both in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, pomegranate showed a good potential to be used as a promising new candidate for the development of new schistosomicidal agents.

  8. Basic language metaphor "man - animal" as style forming means of the ornamental prose of B. Poplavsky (on the example of the novel "To Home from the Heaven'

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    Lugovaya Nika Vyacheslavovna


    Full Text Available The article deals with the metaphor as an integral component of the ornamental prose. It is assumed that the paths based on the similarity of the compared concepts mean in a literary text the presence of not only common knowledge, but also the copyright implications of that destination singled out and decrypted. It takes into account the cognitive theory, according to which the metaphor is one of the fundamental ways of modeling reality. It creates a picture of the object, and promotes the formation of a certain style of thinking about it. Analysis of the novel by B. Poplavsky «To Home from heaven» with regard to these theoretical premises (regulations allows to see that the basis of the artistic world lies in the basic linguistic metaphor "man - animal", which includes a number of sub-fields: the name of animal species; the habits and actions of the animals; body parts of animals, as well as words with seme ‘beast’, ‘animal’, ‘cattle’. Implementation metaphor generates numerous «animal» metamorphosis of female images and transformation taking place with the main character. Metaphorical transformation corresponds to the complex relationships of the characters with Tanya and Katya on the background of his spiritual quest. The basic metaphor and its implementation are updated by the author’s intent, helping to reveal the philosophical idea of the novel.

  9. Evaluation of Selected Ornamental Asteraceae as a Pollen Source for Urban Bees

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    Wróblewska Anna


    Full Text Available Offering more floral resources for urban bees can be achieved by growing ornamental bee plants. The aim of the present study was to evaluate selected Asteraceae (Calendula officinalis ‘Persimmon Beauty’ and ‘Santana’, Centaurea macrocephala, Cosmos sulphureus, Dahlia pinnata, Tagetes patula, Tithonia rotundifolia, and Zinnia elegans as pollen sources for pollinators. Under urban conditions in Lublin, SE Poland, the investigated plants flowered from late June to the end of October. The mass of pollen produced in florets and capitula was found to be species-related. The highest pollen amounts per 10 florets (10.1 mg as well as per capitulum (249.7 mg were found for C. macrocephala. The mass of pollen yielded by a single plant depended on both the pollen mass delivered per disk florets and the proportion of disk florets in capitulum, and the flowering abundance of the plants. A single plant of D. pinnata and a single plant of T. rotundifolia each produced the largest pollen mass. Mean pollen yield per 1m2 of a plot ranged from 6.2 g (Z. elegans to 60.7 g (D. pinnata. Pollen grains are tricolporate, with echinate exine, medium or small in size. They can be categorised as oblatespherical, spherical, and prolatespherical. The principal visitors to C. macrocephala, C. sulphureus, and C. officinalis were honey bees, whereas bumble bees dominated on T. rotundifolia and D. pinnata. A magnet plant for butterflies was Z. elegans. Among the investigated species, D. pinnata, C. macrocephala, and T. rotundifolia were found to be the most valuable sources of pollen flow for managed and wild bees.

  10. Document notion and the image file appropriation in the contemporary documentary essay A noção de documento e a apropriação de imagens de arquivo no documentário ensaístico contemporâneo

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    Consuelo da Luz Lins


    Full Text Available The existing image appropration – in different audiovisual productions – is intensified and diversified. This article briefly recaptures ideas and authors already developed before in order to attain more specifically to the discussion of a fundamental notion of document, that allows us to approach th gestures of some New History historians to the modus operandi of certain cinema essayists: Harun Farocki (Arbeiter verlassen die Fabrik, Susana de Sousa Dias (48 e Eryk Rocha (Rocha que voa.A apropriação de imagens já existentes em diferentes produções audiovisuais se intensifica e se diversifica. Esse artigo retoma brevemente idéias e autores já trabalhados anteriormente para se ater mais longamente à discussão de uma noção fundamental para pensarmos a retomada de imagens de arquivo: a noção de documento, que nos permite aproximar o gesto de alguns historiadores da nova história ao modus operandi de certos ensaístas do cinema: Harun Farocki (Operários ao sair da fábrica, Susana de Sousa Dias (48 e Eryk Rocha (Rocha que voa.

  11. Distribution of the horticultural plants in togo according to decorative parts and medical value

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radji, R.; Kokou, K


    In Togo, more than six hundred species of horticultural plants were identified belonging to approximately 59% of Dicotyledons (49 families, 145 genera and 315 species) and 37.37% were monocotyledons. Pteridophytes and gymnosperms accounted for less than 6%. The spectrum of morphological types indicated that herbs accounted for 55%, while trees and shrubs were 15%. More than 50% of the species of this flora were exotic. The species distributions were made according to their decorative parts and their place of use. Across the country, 55 plantings were recorded and unevenly distributed in cities. Apart from their ornamental use, these plants were used for feeding, traditional and industrial cosmetics in psychotherapy, horticultural therapy and in traditional and conventional medicine preparation. In this study, 79 species from 39 families are reported as medicinal plants. The Apocynaceae and Fabaceae (6 species), the Euphorbiaceae and Liliaceae (5 species), the Arecaceae and Verbenaceae (4 species) were the best represented families. (author)

  12. When mothers make sons sexy: maternal effects contribute to the increased sexual attractiveness of extra-pair offspring. (United States)

    Tschirren, Barbara; Postma, Erik; Rutstein, Alison N; Griffith, Simon C


    Quality differences between offspring sired by the social and by an extra-pair partner are usually assumed to have a genetic basis, reflecting genetic benefits of female extra-pair mate choice. In the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), we identified a colour ornament that is under sexual selection and appears to have a heritable basis. Hence, by engaging in extra-pair copulations with highly ornamented males, females could, in theory, obtain genes for increased offspring attractiveness. Indeed, sons sired by extra-pair partners had larger ornaments, seemingly supporting the genetic benefit hypothesis. Yet, when comparing ornament size of the social and extra-pair partners, there was no difference. Hence, the observed differences most likely had an environmental basis, mediated, for example, via differential maternal investment of resources into the eggs fertilized by extra-pair and social partners. Such maternal effects may (at least partly) be mediated by egg size, which we found to be associated with mean ornament expression in sons. Our results are consistent with the idea that maternal effects can shape sexual selection by altering the genotype-phenotype relationship for ornamentation. They also caution against automatically attributing greater offspring attractiveness or viability to an extra-pair mate's superior genetic quality, as without controlling for differential maternal investment we may significantly overestimate the role of genetic benefits in the evolution of extra-pair mating behaviour.

  13. Farming with rocks and minerals: challenges and opportunities

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    Peter Van Straaten


    Full Text Available In many parts of the world food security is at risk. One of the biophysical root causes of falling per-capita food production is the declining quality and quantity of soils. To reverse this trend and increase soil fertility soil and plant nutrients have to be replenished. This review provides a literature survey of experiences of using multi-nutrient rock fertilizers for soil fertility enhancement from temperate and tropical environments. Advantages and limitations of the application of rock fertilizers are discussed. Examples are provided from two successful nutrient replenishment projects in Africa where locally available rock fertilizers are used on highly leached acid soils. The potential of combining organic materials alongside rock fertilizers in soil fertility replenishment strategies is stressed.Em muitas partes do mundo a segurança alimentar está em risco. A raiz de uma das causas biofísicas da queda da produção alimentar per capita é o declínio da qualidade e quantidade de solos. Para reverter essa tendência e aumentar a fertilidade, ambos solo e nutrientes para as plantas precisam ser repostos. Este artigo aborda uma pesquisa bibliográfica de experiências na utilização de rochagem com multi-nutrientes para intensificação da fertilização do solo em ambientes temperados e tropicais. As vantagens e as limitações na aplicação de pó de rocha são discutidas. São apresentados dois projetos bem sucedidos de substituição de nutrientes na África, onde as rochas disponíveis no local são utilizados em solos ácidos altamente lixiviados. É enfatizado o potencial da combinação de materiais orgânicos juntamente com pó de rocha nas estratégias de reposição da fertilidade dos solos.

  14. Chemical attributes of an Argisoil of the Vale do São Francisco after melon growth with phosphate and potash rocks biofertilizers Atributos químicos de um Argissolo do Vale do São Francisco após cultivo de melão com biofertilizantes de rochas fosfatada e potássica

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    Newton P Stamford


    Full Text Available Fertilizer application may promote significant changes in soil reaction and on the availability of important nutrients for plants. The utilization of rock biofertilizers is a practical process that reduces energy consumption and increases nutrient availability in soils. In a field experiment, the effect of biofertilizers produced with phosphate and potash rocks plus Acidithiobacillus inoculation were evaluated on the chemical attributes of an Argisoil from the São Francisco Valley, Pernambuco State, Brazil, after melon cultivation. The experiment was arranged in a factorial 3²+2 scheme in randomized block design, with four replicates. Two sources of P biofertilizer (PB and K biofertilizer (KB were applied in the same doses recommended for simple superphosphate (SS and potassium chloride (KCl, and in doses which corresponded to two and three times the recommended ones. Additional treatments were carried out (soluble fertilizers (SS and potassium chloride KCl, applied in the recommended dose, and control treatment with no addition of P and K (P0+K0. Biofertilizers reduced soil pH and higher available P and K values were obtained when higher doses of biofertilizers (PB and KB were applied. Mg content increased when KB biofertilizers were applied in higher rates, probably due to the solubilization of Mg present in the biotite. The rock biofertilizers with Acidithiobacillus may be recommended as an alternative to soluble fertilizers by the residual effect in nutrient availability, especially in sodic soils or in limed acid soils.A aplicação de fertilizantes pode promover mudanças na reação do solo e na disponibilidade de nutrientes importantes para as plantas. A produção de biofertilizantes a partir de rochas é um processo prático que reduz o consumo de energia e aumenta a disponibilidade de nutrientes no solo. Em experimento de campo foram avaliados os efeitos de biofertilizantes produzidos com rochas, além do enxofre elementar inoculado

  15. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia - Dissertações Defendidas 1998 - Mestrado - Instituto de Geociências - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

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    rocha. − Estudo de uma ocorrência de rocha azul, onde existe uma pedreira paralisada de rocha ornamental, para delimitação e verificação das relações de contato com a encaixante. − Mapeamento de detalhe da pedreira e estudo do método de lavra e dos problemas existentes. Com base nesse estudo, elaborar proposta de adequação do processo de lavra, levando em conta o conhecimento geológico, para minimizar os problemas e aumentar a produção, o aproveitamento e a rentabilidade, com vista a viabilidade do empreendimento. Nome: Carlos Alfredo Becker Amaral Título: Opalas de Pedro II (Estado do Piauí, Brasil. Caracterização Gemológica Orientador: Maria do Carmo Bustamante Junho 114 Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ Volume 21 / 1998 Resumo: No dia a dia dos laboratórios gemológicos, as gemas são identificadas, distinguidas de suas sínteses e de gemas tratadas; sé então elas podem ser classificadas e avaliadas. Especialmente nas etapas de identificação, distinção de sínteses e tratamentos, os gemólogos examinam os exemplares e comparam os resultados obtidos com referências produzidas pelos pesquisadores da gemologia científica. As conclusões do gemólogo prático são, portanto, diagnósticos por inferências e, como tais, requerem: (1 modelos adequados e (2 emprego adequado destes modelos, ou seja: tirando-se conclusões apenas até onde os modelos permitem. Através de observações e medições de propriedades gemológicas de 129 exemplares lapidados, perfazendo 1.288 ct de opala preciosa, comum, de fogo, sintética e imitação de opala; mais 522g de opalas preciosas e comuns, parte com rocha matriz aderente e, ainda, 5.565g de rocha matriz, parte com opala preciosa aparente, o presente trabalho apresenta uma síntese das propriedades gemológicas das opalas preciosas oriundas de Pedro II, estado do Piauí, permitindo comparações com opalas preciosas de outras regiões e imitações de opalas preciosas fabricadas de vidro

  16. Parasitological and histological analysis of a new species of the genus Thalohanellus and description of a myxozoan parasite (Myxosporea: Bivalvulida from cultured ornamental goldfish, Carassius auratus L.

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    Mandira Saha


    Full Text Available An ornamental fish parasitological survey of West Bengal, India during the year 2014–16 revealed that goldfish, Carassius auratus, was the most susceptible species for myxozoan infestation. This communication revealed the presence of two myxosporean species belonging to the genera Myxobolus and Thelohanellus. Although myxozoan infestation has been determined by isolating small to large, spherical to ellipsoidal plasmodia up to 0.5–2.5 mm were filled with disporic pansporoblasts and mature spores. M. ichkeulensis and one new species T. dipaki n. sp. have been isolated infecting the ornamental goldfish (Carassius auratus for the first time in India. In the present study, new host, and new locality for M. ichkeulensis have been reported. The description of M. ichkeulensis is being considered as a first report from India. Spore of T. dipaki n. sp. measures uniquely 13.99 ± 0.60 × 9.82 ± 0.60 μm in size, having a one globular pyriform polar capsule measuring 7.45 ± 0.62 × 5.91 ± 0.39 μm. The severity of newly isolated myxozoan infestation has also been assessed by the histopathological changes of fins of the hostfish. A combination of light and scanning electron microscopic observation along with its severity of infestation, comparison of same and closely related species has been incorporated to identify the new species. The paper deals with the diversity, distribution and taxonomic descriptions of new and known myxozoan species along with new host, locality records and incidence of infestation.

  17. Risco do uso do eletrocautério em pacientes portadores de adornos metálicos Risk of the use of electrocautery in patient with metallic ornaments

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    Cristina Toledo Afonso


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A eletrocirurgia é tecnologia conhecida há longo tempo que, atualmente, tem adquirido cada vez mais destaque. Apesar disso, ainda apresenta vários riscos quanto à sua utilização. Várias lesões podem ser causadas por eletrocautérios, sendo as queimaduras a complicação mais frequente. Nem sempre existe a cooperção do paciente frente a medidas preventivas. MÉTODO: Revisão da literatura pertinente em função de questionamento jurídico de paciente que se negou a retirar seus ornamentos no início de procedimento cirúrgico, já estando ela na sala de operações. CONCLUSÃO: É essencial o conhecimento dos fundamentos da eletrocirurgia, seu uso correto, equipamento seguro, monitoramento constante e investigação imediata diante de quaisquer suspeitas, para minimizar o risco de acidentes em paciente com adornos metálicos, e a cooperação do paciente na obediência das medidas preventivas de acidentes deve ser obrigatória.INTRODUCTION: Electrosurgery technology is known in a long time ago, and has gained increasing prominence. Nevertheless, it still presents many risks as to its use. Several lesions can be caused by electrocautery, and burns are the most frequent complications. There is not always patient's cooperation regarding preventive measures. METHOD: Review of relevant literature on the basis of legal questioning of a patient who refused to remove their ornaments at the beginning of surgery, being already in the operating room. CONCLUSION: It is essential to have the knowledge of the fundamentals of electrosurgery, its correct use, safety equipment, constant monitoring and immediate investigation to minimize the risk of accidents in patients with metal ornaments, and patient cooperation in obeying the preventive measures of accidents should be mandatory.

  18. The Variation of Oncidium Rosy Sunset Flower Volatiles with Daily Rhythm, Flowering Period, and Flower Parts

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    Yi-Tien Chiu


    Full Text Available Oncidium is an important ornamental crop worldwide, and in recent years, the characteristics of the flower aroma have become a concern for breeders. This study used headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS analysis of the volatile compounds to study the aroma characteristics of Onc. Rosy Sunset. A total of 45 compounds were identified, with the major compound being linalool. Onc. Rosy Sunset had the highest odor concentration from 10:00 to 12:00 and lowest from 20:00 to 24:00. The inflorescence emitted the highest quantities of volatile compounds during stages 3–6, which then decreased with the aging of the flowers. In Onc. Rosy Sunset, the sepals and petals were the major parts for the floral fragrance emission, in which linalool content was the highest, whereas the lip and column had a different composition of major volatile compounds, of which benzaldehyde, β-myrcene, and β-caryophyllene dominated.

  19. Penerapan Ornamen Sebagai Ciri Budaya Tionghoa pada Chinese Restaurant di Jakarta

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    Polniwati Salim


    Full Text Available Chinese restaurants are obviously connected to Chinese culture for it holds a great importance and is even the core point of creating art. The art would be based upon the aesthetic contents which contain symbolic meaning in Chinese philosophy. In a typical chinese restaurant the connection between tradition and art is represented in the form of ornaments that acts functionally and has specific unique characteristics. This study was conducted by qualitative method with survey, interview, and documentation of the ornaments in chinese restaurant. This study aims to introduce and enrich the knowledge, as the ornaments stand for showing the identity of chinese culture in chinese restaurant. The aesthetical theory about the art of design and the implementation of chinese ornaments took part in the study as well. Result of the study shows that the chinese restaurant observed has implemented the interior and applied the ornaments well in showing chinese identity. Besides, the materials used for furniture and interior elements have given the nuances of Chinese culture. Study concludes that the aesthetic atmosphere of the interior of Dian Xiao Er Restaurant is calm, peaceful, and relaxing like sitting in a modest diner. The dynamics that was created is something impressed repetitive yet not boring 

  20. Detection of Mycobacterium marinum in clinically asymptomatic Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens from ornamental fih shops in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand

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    Anucha Sirimalaisuwan


    Full Text Available Objective: To detect Mycobacterium marinum (M. marinum infections in healthy Siamese fighting fish from ornamental fish shops in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Methods: Mycobacterium spp. were isolated from 380 internal organs of healthy Siamese fighting fish using Löwenstein-Jensen and Middlebrook 7H10 culture media. A 924-bp DNA fragment from mycobacterial 16S rRNA was amplified and digested with BanI and ApaI restriction enzymes to yield unique restriction patterns for each mycobacterial specie. Results: Thirty-five mycobacterial isolates (8.42% were recovered from 380 Siamese fighting fish; 21 isolates (5.5% and 11 isolates (2.29% were identified as M. marinum and Mycobacterium chelonae, respectively. Conclusions: The results demonstrated the presence of M. marinum zoonotic bacterial pathogens in healthy Siamese fighting fish, and underlined the infection risk to humans of not only exposure to infected fish, but also when they manipulate clinically asymptomatic fish.

  1. 76 FR 25299 - Notice of Petitions by Firms for Determination of Eligibility To Apply for Trade Adjustment... (United States)


    ...-Apr-11 The firm manufactures industrial Brookings, SD 57006. and commercial metal machinery parts and... ornamental furniture. They also manufacture freestanding and perimeter store fixtures. [[Page 25300

  2. Determination of dose ranges of gamma rays to induce specific changes in three ornamental species

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez J, J.


    In order to confirming the possibility of to settle a dose range that takes place directly and not at random, a specific effect independently of the species that is were produced several similar organisms to three ornamental species took place via meristems cultivation: Petunia hybrid, Impatiens walleriana and Sprekelia formosissima, same that were irradiated in an irradiator Gamma cell 220, to different dose: 0, 3.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 and 20 Gy. Later on, of the plants treated via in vitro the subsequent generations were obtained until the M 4 . To determine the DL 50 and the possible good doses, the survival parameters, development, morphogenesis and height were evaluated during 8 weeks, interpreting based on them, the possible physiologic and genetic alterations induced by the radiation. The established DL 50 were: 7.5 Gy (Petunia), 19.0 Gy (Impatiens) and 12.0 Gy (Sprekelia). Based on the DL 50 of each species, a range of coincident dose settled down that produces a similar effect in the three species: a range of DL 23 to the DL 50 induces and alteration in the cytokinins production affecting directly in the leaves number, buds and plants taken place by meristem, also a range of DL 32 - DL 50 impacts in the auxins production altering to the radicule system. However, when being superimposed the dose is considered that the investigation should continue. (Author)

  3. Investigation of thysanoptera populations in Hungarian greenhouses

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    Orosz Szilvia


    Full Text Available Studies were performed on sweet pepper and on weeds in their surroundings from 2005 to 2007 in the Jászság region, on different vegetables and ornamentals from 2015 to 2016 throughout Hungary, and on some indoor ornamental plants in Budapest and Kecskemét in 2017. These studies were carried out in greenhouses. The main objectives of this work was to clarify the consistency of Thysanoptera populations in these greenhouses and, secondly, as part of the official monitoring of Thrips palmi Karny and Thrips setosus Moulton, the study also focused on the first appearance of these pests in Hungary. An important additional aim was to determine which reservoirs were significant in the risk of Thysanoptera species transmitting tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV. Regarding the surveys conducted, the most frequent Thysanoptera species present in large numbers during the investigation period in every greenhouse was Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande. Also, a significant amount of Echinothrips americanus Morgan was found on ornamentals in southern Hungary, whereas on indoor ornamental plants only Hercinothrips femoralis O. M. Reuter was found.

  4. Cytogenetic analysis of Baryancistrus xanthellus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae: Ancistrini, an ornamental fish endemic to the Xingu River, Brazil

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    Larissa A. Medeiros

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Baryancistrus xanthellus is a species from the Ancistrini tribe known commonly as "amarelinho " or "golden nugget pleco". It is one of the most popular and valued ornamental fishes due to its color pattern. Also, it is an endemic species from the Xingu River occurring from Volta Grande do Xingu, region where the Belo Monte Hydropower Dam is being built, to São Félix do Xingu. The current study aimed to cytogenetically characterize B. xanthellus . Results point to the maintenance of 2n=52, which is considered the most common condition for the tribe, and a single nucleolus organizer region (NOR. Mapping of the 18S rDNA confirmed the NOR sites, and the 5S rDNA was mapped in the interstitial position of a single chromosome pair. The 18S and 5S rDNA located in different pairs constitute an apomorphy in Loricariidae. Large blocks of heterochromatin are present in pairs 1 and 10 and in the regions equivalent to NOR and the 5S rDNA. Data obtained in this study corroborated with the currently accepted phylogenetic hypothesis for the Ancistrini and demonstrate evidence that the genus Baryancistrus occupies a basal position in the tribe.

  5. Ornamental Exterior versus Therapeutic Interior of Madagascar Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus: The Two Faces of a Versatile Herb

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    Naghmeh Nejat


    Full Text Available Catharanthus roseus (L. known as Madagascar periwinkle (MP is a legendary medicinal plant mostly because of possessing two invaluable antitumor terpenoid indole alkaloids (TIAs, vincristine and vinblastine. The plant has also high aesthetic value as an evergreen ornamental that yields prolific blooms of splendid colors. The plant possesses yet another unique characteristic as an amiable experimental host for the maintenance of the smallest bacteria found on earth, the phytoplasmas and spiroplasmas, and serves as a model for their study. Botanical information with respect to synonyms, vernacular names, cultivars, floral morphology, and reproduction adds to understanding of the plant while the geography and ecology of periwinkle illustrate the organism’s ubiquity. Good agronomic practices ensure generous propagation of healthy plants that serve as a source of bioactive compounds and multitudinous horticultural applications. The correlation between genetic diversity, variants, and TIA production exists. MP is afflicted with a whole range of diseases that have to be properly managed. The ethnobotanical significance of MP is exemplified by its international usage as a traditional remedy for abundant ailments and not only for cancer. TIAs are present only in micro quantities in the plant and are highly poisonous per se rendering a challenge for researchers to increase yield and reduce toxicity.

  6. Evaluation of anti-arthritic potential of the methanolic extract of the aerial parts of Costus speciosus

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    Shruti Srivastava


    Full Text Available Objective : Costus speciosus Koen. (Keu, Crape ginger, an ornamental plant, widely distributed in India is traditionally used as astringent, aphrodisiac, purgative, anthelmintic, depurative, febrifuge and expectorant. The plant is also used in rheumatism, dropsy, urinary diseases and jaundice. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the anti-arthritic activity of the methanolic extract of the aerial parts of Costus speciosus (CS in experimental animal models. Materials and Methods: The powdered drug was subjected to successive solvent extraction, with solvents in increasing order of polarity to obtain the methanolic extract of the aerial parts of the plant. CS was evaluated for anti-arthritic action by Freund′s adjuvant induced arthritis test in adult Albino rats (150-200 gm. Rats were injected 0.1 ml of complete Freund′s adjuvant into the planter region of the left hind paw. Statistical analysis was performed using One way analysis of variance (ANOVA followed by Bonferonni test. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results : The methanolic extract of CS in doses of 400 and 800 mg/kg showed 75.50% and 68.33% protection against increase in paw edema, respectively. CS showed dose-dependent action in all the experimental models. Conclusion : The present study indicates that CS has significant anti-arthritic properties.

  7. Aplicações de Técnicas Geofísicas na Parte Emersa da Baía de Guanabara

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    Paula Lúcia Ferrucio da Rocha


    Full Text Available This paper presents the application of the geophysical techniques on twoinvestigations around of Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro. The first one was carriedout in the area of the Petroflex, a petrochemical industry, located at Campos Elíseosarea in the bank of the bay and the second one at Ilha do Fundão, one of the islandslocated in Guanabara bay. According to Anjos et al.. (2001 the research at Petroflex area was part of thecompany Social Project: “Conheça seu Manguezal” (Knowing your mangrove. For thisresearch the geophysical survey was applied within the industrial park in order to identifysolid waste contamination (rubber, plastic and metal barrels. The Ground PenetratingRadar (GPR technique was used with the RAMAC/MALA equipment. The study areaconsists of clay and sands deposited in marine conditions, which are frequently contami-nated by salt water. In general, the GPR results obtained in both media, clay material andsediments saturated with salt water are not satisfactory. However the results obtained in thePetroflex area were good. The stratigraphic sequence in the area is the following, from topto bottom: The first bed is a clay landfill, the second bed is formed by dark marine clay, andthe third bed is composed of fine-grained sand with marine shells. The surveys originatedsections with average depths of 14 m and average velocity of 70 m/µs. The results showedtwo physical discontinuities within the second bed (marine clay, which possibly representa Pleistocene platform exposition, described in the literature as Guanabariana Regression.It was also possible to identify anomalies within the first bed (clay landfill represented bysignal attenuation, and the others identify waste deposits, where the presence of burieddrums was verified. Such work has demonstrated the success of GPR applicability even toclay soil contaminated by salt water. The Ilha do Fundão where the second investigation took place, according toRocha et al

  8. National ornament and the imperial masquerade

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    Nóra Veszprémi


    Full Text Available Review of Rebecca Houze, Textiles, Fashion, and Design Reform in Austria–Hungary before the First World War: Principles of Dress: Rebecca Houze’s book is a thoroughly researched and original study of the impact of design reform on textile production and fashion in Austria-Hungary in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century which centres its argument around the Bekleidungsprinzip (“principle of dress” put forward by Gottfried Semper. It discusses the role of newly founded applied arts museums, industrial exhibitions, the concept of “house industry,” and the upsurge of interest in folk crafts in this process, while also placing a strong emphasis on the role of women as producers of textiles. One of the main virtues of the book is its wide scope which manages to investigate endeavours informed by different and sometimes opposed national and imperial interests in their complicated interconnectedness. It is a pity that this broad perspective is narrowed down in the second part of the book which focuses on with turn-of-the-century Vienna and does not deal with modernist tendencies in Hungarian design. Nevertheless, this part of the book also provides a fascinating discussion of its own subject, and the monograph as a whole is a valuable contribution to its field of study.

  9. The role of the microfissuration of the rock matrix in the abrasion resistance of ornamental granitic rocks (United States)

    Rodríguez-Rey, Angel; Sanchez-Delgado, Nuria; Camino, Clara; Calleja, Lope; Ruiz de Argandoña, Vicente G.; Setien, Alexia


    The microcrack density and the abrasion resistance of five ornamental granites (Albero, Gris Alba, Mondariz, Rosa Porriño and Traspieles) from Galicia (NW Spain) have been quantified as part of a research aimed to interpret the cuttability of the rocks in relation to the petrophysical properties of the rock matrix. Large blocks from the quarries have been cut with an industrial saw and the microcrack density and the abrasion resistance have been measured in two surfaces: H, parallel to the cut surface; T, perpendicular both to the cut surface and the cutting direction. Both planes are perpendicular to the rift plane, as it is known in quarry works. The microcrack density has been quantified following an stereological procedure applied to polished sections imaged under scanning electron microscopy. The magnification of the images allowed the study of microcracks as narrow as 2 microns in aperture. The density has been quantified in terms of length of microcrack traces per surface unit so possible anisotropies of the microcrack network could be detected. The obtained values are in the typical range for this type of rocks although the Traspieles granite shows a higher value due to its weathering degree (H: 5.11, T: 5.37 mm/mm2). The values measured in the two surfaces (H and T) are quite similar in four of the rocks; only the Albero granite shows a marked anisotropy (H: 2.76 T: 3.53 mm/mm2). The abrasion resistance of the rocks has been measured following the european standard EN 14157:2004 using the capon method. The rocks can be classified in two groups according to their abrasion resistance. Rosa Porriño, Gris Alba and Mondariz granites are the more resistant to abrasion with values around 16-17 mm. Albero and Traspieles granites are less resistant with values higher than 19 mm. The results show a good correlation between the microcrack density and the abrasion resistance. As can be expected the rocks with high microcrack density show low abrasion resistance. The

  10. Desarrollo de un Protocolo de propagación in vitro de Geranium chilloense Wild. ex Kuth. Y Lupinus pubescens Benth. Para la obtención de plantas completas, para la primera etapa de restauración de las quebradas de Quito


    Benavides Silva, Thaly Gabriela; Córdova Muñoz, Adriana Isabel


    Geranium chilloense Willd. ex Kunth known as geranio de los Chillos, is an ornamental plant, native of Los Andes it can be found in a wild way in the ravines of the Metropolitan District of Quito and it is part of the history of the native flora of Quito since has been described from the Alexander Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland expedition in 1802. Lupinus pubescens Benth, also known as Ashpa chocho or Allpa chocho, is an herbaceous, native and ornamental plant due to the beauty of his flowers, de...


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    Yu. V. Plugatar


    Full Text Available The article provides the data on creating information system (IS for stocktaking and handling the ornamental woody and herbaceous plants at the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens (NBG on the basis of a database (DB and a geographic information system (GIS for addressing the problems related to the preservation of biological diversity and sustainable development of the territory.The DB is being created on the basis of a relation model using of an analytic language and a graphic method of displaying the model “object – property – relation” using International Transfer Format (ITF for coding standard fields. For formation of web maps, the electronic layers are exported to the web-GIS on the NextGIS Web platform and configured into the thematic web maps.The information on the infological DB model has been provided. Functions to be performed by the IS and its final components have been described. The IS will make it possible to assess the current status of the NBG’s collection funds and plan the collection policy aimed at rehabilitating of plants’ gene pool and enriching the cultivated flora at the Southern Coast of Crimea. 

  12. Desenvolvimento de cultivares de antúrio IAC como plantas de vaso no norte do Paraná Performance of Anthurium's cultivars as an ornamental vessel plant in northern Paraná

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    Lúcia Sadayo Assari Takahashi


    Full Text Available O gênero Anthurium Schott. (Araceae compreende mais de 600 espécies. Todas são ornamentais e se destacam pela beleza da folhagem. A espécie Anthurium andraeanum Lind. tem a preferência dos consumidores como planta ornamental devido ao tamanho e colorido de suas espatas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento, em vaso, de cinco cultivares de A. andraeanum em Londrina, Norte do Paraná. As cultivares 'Parakanã', 'Terena', 'Apalai', 'Ianomami' e 'Rubi' foram produzidas por meio de micropropagação e selecionadas pelo Instituto Agronômico (IAC. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em estufa tipo arco com 80% de sombreamento obtido por tela de polipropileno de cor preta. Foi plantada uma muda por vaso plástico com volume de quatro litros usando como substrato fibra de coco tipo 80. A avaliação do desempenho comparativo foi iniciada, a partir do transplante das mudas. O comprimento do pecíolo, o número de folhas, a largura e o comprimento das espatas e o comprimento da haste floral foram avaliados mensalmente. Houve aumento na altura e no número de folhas das plantas nos três anos de cultivo. As cultivares 'Parakanã', 'Rubi', 'Terena' e 'Apalai' floresceram e tiveram maior desenvolvimento vegetativo sendo recomendadas para o cultivo em vasos no Norte do Paraná.The genus Anthurium Schott. (Araceae comprehends more than 600 species. All species are ornamental and are distinguished by the beauty of their foliage. The Anthurium andraeanum Lind. has the preference of the public as an ornamental plant because of the color and size of its spathes. The objective of this work was to evaluate of five cultivars of A. andraeanum, as vessel plant, in the northern region of Paraná State. The cultivars 'Parakanã', 'Terena', 'Apalai', 'Ianomami' and 'Rubi' produced by micropropagation by Instituto Agronômico (IAC were analyzed. The study was conducted at greenhouse with 80% of shade given by a black colored polypropylene screen. One seedling

  13. Quantification of porosity evolution from unaltered to propylitic-altered granites: the 14C-PMMA method applied on the hydrothermal system of Lavras do Sul, Brazil

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    Everton M. Bongiolo


    Full Text Available This work is an application of the 14C-Polymethylmethacrylate method to compare the porosity evolution between unaltered and propylitic-altered granites, using samples from Lavras do Sul region, Brazil. This method, when coupled with optical and electronic petrography has the advantage over other methods to provide the quantification and identification of total and local porosity of rocks. From petrographic observations, different kinds of porous zones were identified and quantified (microfractures, grain boundaries, alteration of minerals, etc. Results show that unaltered granites have 0.5 to 0.6% porosity and propylitic-altered ones have 1.7 to 1.8% porosity, even between samples with different textures. Porosity of altered rocks increases mainly due to higher porosity of neoformed chlorite, calcite, sericite and microfractures. Field observations show that later phyllic alteration halos are wider in equigranular than in porphyritic granites, which could not be explained by different original porosity between those rocks. The observed differences of phyllic halos diffusion were controlled by structural and fluid/rock ratio variations between the equigranular and porphyritic granitic facies during the later hydrothermal stage.Este trabalho é uma aplicação do método 14C-polimetilmetacrilato na comparação da evolução da porosidade entre granitos não alterados e propilitizados, utilizando amostras da região de Lavras do Sul, Brasil. Este método, quando associado a análises por petrografia ótica, eletrônica e processamento digital de imagens tem a vantagem de fornecer, além da porosidade total, a quantificação e identificação da porosidade em locais específicos das rochas. A partir da petrografia foi possível identificar e quantificar os diferentes tipos de poros presentes nas rochas (microfraturas, limites de grãos, alteração de minerais, etc. Os resultados mostram que granitos não alterados têm porosidade de 0,5 a 0,6% e

  14. On climate adaptability of nine species of Adiantum ornamental ferns in 34 provincial capital cities,China

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    CHEN Yunhui


    Full Text Available Adiantum malesianum,A. myriosorum,A. capillus-junonis,A. capillus-veneris,A. caudatum,A. davadii,A. deentulum,A. edgeworthii and A. erythrochlamys are nine ornamental ferns of the family Adinataceae,with potential application prospect in the aspect of urban landscape and greening construction.To understand their climatic adaptation characteristics in 34 provincial capital cities in China,so as to provide the guidance for their cultivation.Based on 11 current biological climate data in RCP45CO2 emissions scenario,and 694 occurrence records in China,records,MaxEnt model and Arc Gis9.3 software were applied to quantitatively predict the potential distribution ranges of these nine fern species in China.The results show a quietly differences among the nine fern species in their climatic adaptation in 34 provincial capital cities.A. malesianum,A. myriosorum,A. capillus-junonis,A. capillus-veneris,A. deentulum and A. edgeworthii are more suitable grow in southwest China including Southeastern Sichuan,Chongqing,Yunnan,Guizhou,with wider potential distribution ranges;A. malesianum,A. capillus-junonis,A. capillus-veneris and A. caudatum have higher climatic adaptability in Southern China;Adiantum myriosorum,A. capillus-junonis,A. capillus-veneris,A. davadii and A. edgeworthii have higher climate adaptability in Central China;The potential distribution ranges of A. capillus-junonis and A. edgeworthii cover the north area of Beijing,Tianjin and Shijiazhuang,with their combined climate suitability index reaching as high as 0.60.

  15. Micropedologia da alteração em perfis de solos com B textural na região de Lavras, Minas Gerais

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    M. P. C. Lacerda


    Full Text Available Na região de Lavras (MG, foram selecionados perfis de solos com horizonte B textural para a avaliação micropedológica dos processos de alteração e investigação de características de evolução pedológica vinculadas ao material de origem. Os solos com horizonte B textural foram selecionados para tal estudo, dado seu grau de evolução que permite avaliar características herdadas da rocha original. Foram escolhidas classes de solos com B textural, desenvolvidos em relevo ondulado a forte ondulado, a partir de materiais geológicos litoquimicamente distintos: Perfil 1 - Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, originado por alteração de rochas do domínio geológico Granito de Itutinga; Perfil 2 - Argissolo Vermelho eutrófico, desenvolvido a partir de rochas do domínio geológico Diorito do Rosário; e Perfil 3 - Chernossolo Argilúvico férrico, desenvolvido a partir de rochas do domínio geológico Greenstone-belt de Lavras. Ao longo dos perfis de alteração selecionados, realizaram-se análises petrográficas dos fácies rocha fresca e rocha alterada, bem como análises micromorfológicas dos fácies alterito, de transição e sólum. Para avaliar os processos de alteração, observaram-se as reações de alteração e feições texturais, com auxílio da difração de raios-X com vistas em identificar a mineralogia da fração argila, numa discussão envolvendo material de origem versus processos de alteração pedogenética, possibilitando estabelecer a ordem de destruição dos minerais primários. A evolução dos processos de alteração ao longo dos perfis mostrou-se diretamente vinculada à textura, composição química e mineralógica dos materiais originais, refletindo-se nas características micromorfológicas e composição mineralógica dos horizontes que compõem cada perfil, especialmente o horizonte diagnóstico - B textural.

  16. A verified spider bite and a review of the literature confirm Indian ornamental tree spiders (Poecilotheria species) as underestimated theraphosids of medical importance. (United States)

    Fuchs, Joan; von Dechend, Margot; Mordasini, Raffaella; Ceschi, Alessandro; Nentwig, Wolfgang


    Literature on bird spider or tarantula bites (Theraphosidae) is rare. This is astonishing as they are coveted pets and interaction with their keepers (feeding, cleaning the terrarium or taking them out to hold) might increase the possibility for bites. Yet, this seems to be a rare event and might be why most theraphosids are considered to be harmless, even though the urticating hairs of many American species can cause disagreeable allergic reactions. We are describing a case of a verified bite by an Indian ornamental tree spider (Poecilotheria regalis), where the patient developed severe, long lasting muscle cramps several hours after the bite. We present a comprehensive review of the literature on bites of these beautiful spiders and conclude that a delayed onset of severe muscle cramps, lasting for days, is characteristic for Poecilotheria bites. We discuss Poecilotheria species as an exception from the general assumption that theraphosid bites are harmless to humans. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. A PCR-based genotyping method to distinguish between wild-type and ornamental varieties of Imperata cylindrica. (United States)

    Cseke, Leland J; Talley, Sharon M


    Wild-type I. cylindrica (cogongrass) is one of the top ten worst invasive plants in the world, negatively impacting agricultural and natural resources in 73 different countries throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, New Zealand, Oceania and the Americas(1-2). Cogongrass forms rapidly-spreading, monodominant stands that displace a large variety of native plant species and in turn threaten the native animals that depend on the displaced native plant species for forage and shelter. To add to the problem, an ornamental variety [I. cylindrica var. koenigii (Retzius)] is widely marketed under the names of Imperata cylindrica 'Rubra', Red Baron, and Japanese blood grass (JBG). This variety is putatively sterile and noninvasive and is considered a desirable ornamental for its red-colored leaves. However, under the correct conditions, JBG can produce viable seed (Carol Holko, 2009 personal communication) and can revert to a green invasive form that is often indistinguishable from cogongrass as it takes on the distinguishing characteristics of the wild-type invasive variety(4) (Figure 1). This makes identification using morphology a difficult task even for well-trained plant taxonomists. Reversion of JBG to an aggressive green phenotype is also not a rare occurrence. Using sequence comparisons of coding and variable regions in both nuclear and chloroplast DNA, we have confirmed that JBG has reverted to the green invasive within the states of Maryland, South Carolina, and Missouri. JBG has been sold and planted in just about every state in the continental U.S. where there is not an active cogongrass infestation. The extent of the revert problem in not well understood because reverted plants are undocumented and often destroyed. Application of this molecular protocol provides a method to identify JBG reverts and can help keep these varieties from co-occurring and possibly hybridizing. Cogongrass is an obligate outcrosser and, when crossed with a different genotype, can produce

  18. Growth of jatropha seedlings in response to single superphosphate and rock-flour fertilization


    Prates, Fabiano Barbosa de Souza; Lucas, Camila dos Santos Gonçalves; Sampaio, Regynaldo Arruda; Brandão Júnior, Delacyr da Silva; Fernandes, Luiz Arnaldo; Junio, Geraldo Ribeiro Zuba


    Pesquisas feitas com pó-de-rocha têm mostrado a potencialidade de alguns desses resíduos em promover o enriquecimento mineral de solos; prática definida como rochagem do solo. Ela visa aumentar a fertilidade do solo, proporcionar uma boa produtividade e maior sustentabilidade agrícola. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o crescimento de mudas de pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.) em resposta a adubação do substrato com superfosfato simples e pó-de-rocha. O experimento foi instalado ...

  19. Caracterização dos granulitos e migmatitos da região de Alfenas, MG


    Elisa Levatti Alexandre


    Na região de Alfenas, MG, em perfil de norte para sul, a seguinte sucessão de associações de rochas é observada: i) migmatitos, gnaisses e rochas ultramáficas afetados intensamente por zona de cisalhamento; ii) granulitos aluminosos de alta pressão; iii) conjunto de granada granulitos, máficos e félsicos, com lentes ou veios de charnockito e hornblenda-biotita granito, formados por fusão in situ e; iv) unidade de diatexito com paleossoma de hornblenda-biotita gnaisse e granulit...

  20. Genetical Studies On Haploid Production In Some Ornamental Plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Haploid are plants with a gametophytic chromosome number and doubled haploid are dihaploids that have undergone chromosome duplication. The production of haploid and doubled haploid (DHs) through gametic embryogenesis allows a single-step development of complete homozygous lines from heterozygous parents, shortening the time required to produce homozygous plants in comparison with the conventional breeding methods that employ several generations of selfing. The production of haploid and DHs provides a particularly attractive biotechnological tool, and the development of haploidy technology and protocols to produce homozygous plants has had a significant impact on agricultural systems. Nowadays, these bio technologies represent an integral part of the breeding programmes of many agronomically important crops. There are several available methods to obtain haploid and DHs, of which in vitro anther or isolated microspore culture are the most effective and widely used (Germana Maria 2011). Tissue culture techniques, particularly short-term culture procedures such as shoot-tip culture and regeneration from primary explants, have been proposed as methods for obtaining large numbers of plants identical to the plant used as an explant source( Evans et al., 1984). Nicotiana spp. are one of the most important commercial crops in the world ( Liu and Zhang, 2008). Nicotiana alata is member from family solanacea, it is ornamental plant and the diploid cells contains 18 chromosomes. Nitsch (1969) reported the first production of haploid plants through anther culture and regeneration of plants of Nicotiana alata, For these reasons they have been considered to suitable candidates for model species in somatic cell genetics research( Bourgin et al., 1979). Radiobiological studies on plant tissues in culture may provide information on the cell growth behavior, radiosensitivity and the induction of mutations. The radiosensitivity of plants and calli can be manifested mostly in three

  1. The myth of Troy in Lope de Vega’s Drama Writing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frédéric Serralta


    Full Text Available A meaningful sample of the short allusions to the myth of Troy in the plays of Lope de Vega enable one to part into relief how numerous they are and the part they play in the dramatist’s writing both an ornamental and sometimes a functional point of view.

  2. Punta del Este terrane : a better knowledge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.; Sanchez Bettucci, L; Basei, M.


    Field Punta del Este (TPE) is constituted by a series of gneisses and migmatites formed in the range of 1000 and 900 Ma, and have been intensely reworked during Rio Doce orogeny (ca. 600-500 Ma). This cortical segment represents high-grade metamorphic terrain, correlatable with complex gneiss Southwest Africa, particularly with Kibariáno Belt - Namaqualanos recognized in the southwestern portion of Africa (Namibia). U-Pb zircon ages in tonalite granitoids indicate values ​​between 1000 and 900 Ma and were interpreted as indicating the time of generation of these rocks. This should also be the age of high-grade metamorphism that affected a large part of the gneissic rocks of the region. Moreover, the anatectic related mobilized leucosomes ages of migmatites gave ca. 520-540 Ma, indicating that the metamorphic conditions (overlapping) during the Rio Doce orogeny reached at least the amphibolite facies. The metasedimentary cover TPE occurs in the vicinity of the towns of La Paloma Rocha. These are represented by a siliciclastic metasedimentary sequence represented by Rocha Formation. Despite the poly phase deformation and low grade metamorphism affecting this training, primary structures are common such as stratification plano-parallel, cross-bedding, hummock y and massive levels with gradational stratification

  3. Detecting the influence of ornamental Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea in invasive populations of Berberis thunbergii (Berberidaceae) using AFLP1. (United States)

    Lubell, Jessica D; Brand, Mark H; Lehrer, Jonathan M; Holsinger, Kent E


    Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii DC.) is a widespread invasive plant that remains an important landscape shrub represented by ornamental, purple-leaved forms of the botanical variety atropurpurea. These forms differ greatly in appearance from feral plants, bringing into question whether they contribute to invasive populations or whether the invasions represent self-sustaining populations derived from the initial introduction of the species in the late 19th century. In this study we used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to determine whether genetic contributions from B. t. var. atropurpurea are found within naturalized Japanese barberry populations in southern New England. Bayesian clustering of AFLP genotypes and principal coordinate analysis distinguished B. t. var. atropurpurea genotypes from 85 plants representing five invasive populations. While a single feral plant resembled B. t. var. atropurpurea phenotypically and fell within the same genetic cluster, all other naturalized plants sampled were genetically distinct from the purple-leaved genotypes. Seven plants from two different sites possessed morphology consistent with Berberis vulgaris (common barberry) or B. ×ottawensis (B. thunbergii × B. vulgaris). Genetic analysis placed these plants in two clusters separate from B. thunbergii. Although the Bayesian analysis indicated some introgression of B. t. var. atropurpurea and B. vulgaris, these genotypes have had limited influence on extant feral populations of B. thunbergii.

  4. Assessing the Pathogenic Ability of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum (Ralstonia solanacearum Phylotype I from Ornamental Rosa spp. Plants

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    Napoleon N. A. Tjou-Tam-Sin


    Full Text Available Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum (Ralstonia solanacearum phylotype I isolates found in stunted, yellowing, and wilted ornamental rose (Rosa spp. were assessed for their pathogenic ability in two rose cultivars (cv. “Armando” and cv. “Red Naomi” and in four solanaceous crops: tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. “Money Maker”, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. “White Burley”, eggplant (Solanum melongena cv. “Black Beauty” and sweet pepper (Capsicum annum cv. “Yolo Wonder”. Significant differences were observed in susceptibility between the two rose cultivars as well as between the two modes of inoculation performed. The cultivar “Armando” was significantly more susceptible than cultivar “Red Naomi,” exhibiting higher disease severity and incidence. Similarly, stem inoculation after wounding was found to be significantly more effective than soil drenching, resulting in higher disease severity. Additionally, a temperature dependency in susceptibility was observed for both cultivars irrespective of the mode of inoculation, however, this was significantly more pronounced upon soil drenching. The solanaceous crops all showed to be susceptible to the R. pseudosolanacearum isolates originated from the Rosa spp. plants. Furthermore, both rose cultivars were able to harbor symptomless infections with other R. pseudosolanacearum and R. solanacearum isolates than those isolated from rose. Our results clearly demonstrated that latent infections in a rose cultivar such as cv. “Red Naomi” do occur even at temperatures as low as 20°C. This latency poses high risks for the entire floricultural industry as latently infected Rosa spp. plants are propagated and distributed over various continents, including areas where climatic conditions are optimal for the pathogen.

  5. LEDs light spectrum effect on the success of fragmentation and growth of the leather coral Sarcophyton spp.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Chambel


    Full Text Available The increasing demand for soft corals is reflected on the high attention of the scientific community during the last decades, with several studies focus on production techniques and optimization of coral husbandry (Schlacher et al., 2007;Sella and Benayahu, 2010. However, coral culture success is influenced by the interaction of different factors, such as water movement, temperature, nutrients, heterotrophic feeding and light conditions (Rocha et al., 2013a. Light plays a key role in the growth, reproduction and physiology of scleractinian corals that host phototrophic symbionts and it has been found that the photoresponse of corals is species-specific. Several studies have already focused on the effects of irradiance on coral and its algal symbionts (Osinga et al., 2011. Although, only a few works have investigated the role of the spectral quality of light on coral photobiology, physiology and growth (Rocha et al., 2013b. In the present study, we hypothesize that light spectrum can influence the growth performance of scleractinian corals when exposed at identical intensities of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR. To test our hypothesis we evaluated the effect of contrasting light spectra with an identical PAR of 70 ± 10 μmol quantam−2.s−1emitted by T8 fluorescent lamps (used as a control treatment and three different colours of Light Emitting Diode (LED, white, blue and red. It was evaluated survival and growth rates of Sarcophyton spp., an important scleractinian coral in the marine aquarium trade and for the bioprospecting of marine natural compounds. Replicated coral fragments were obtained from two mother colonies and were exposed to the four types of light spectrum for a period of 30 days. At the end of the experiment period, the results showed 100% of survival in coral fragments, and specific growth rate (SGR of 0,055 ± 0,09 %/day in control group and 0,091 ± 0,019 %/day, 0,210 ± 0,031 %/day and 0,380 ± 0,245 %/day in

  6. Rochas-mater da "terra roxa"

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    M. Gutmans


    Full Text Available Physico-chemical and mineralogical studies of the soils of the São Paulo State by the Soil Division of The Agronomical Institute proved the existence of different violet soils in South-Brasil and its origin from basaltic rocks. The Brasilian denomination "terra roxa" is already many times translated to "red soil", which is inexact, because the colour "roxa" corresponds to "violet" in English. We must insist on the perfection of Brasilian expression, which gives the shortest and the best characteristic of the true violet soil, derived through the decomposition of basalts and diabases in the São Paulo State. The term "red soil" originated much confusion, because there are in this state many "red soils" of different origins, but the true violet soil is quite unique. The violet colour of this soil appears very beautifully on the clean fields above the diabase hills at the distance of some hundreds of meters. In the state of complete dryness the violet soil becomes coffee brown, but never gets a red colour. The violet soil is the best soil of South America, on the contrary the red soils, which are mostly lateritic, are bad soils. Some exceptions, do exist, of course. The basalts produce laterites and other red soils of better qualities. With the purpose to contribute to the study of the violet and the red soils the present essay was made, describing the basic rocks of South-Brasil, as mother rocks of soils. The basic monograph of Djalma Guimarães "Magmatic Province of South-Brasil" (5, many times mentioned in the petrographic literature, definitively established the principal types and the mineral-components of triassic basic rocks in South-Brasil. We have found some varieties of basic rocks, not ye

  7. Mineralogia, inclusões fluídas e gênese de esmeraldas das jazidas de Chivor, Coscuez, Muzo, Pacho e Yacopi, Colômbia


    Fernando Heli Romero Ordóñez


    As jazidas de esmeralda da Colômbia estão localizadas na parte central da Cordilheira Oriental, nas regiões do Guavio e do Território Vásquez-Yacopí. Estas mineralizações de idade terciária, estão localizadas em rochas sedimentares marinhas de idade cretácea inferior, pertencentes às unidades estratigráficas Calizas del Guavio e Lutitas de Macanal, ambas situadas na região do Guavio, e às unidades Rosa Blanca e Paja localizadas no Território Vásquez-Yacopí. As características de posicionament...

  8. Petrologia e geoquimica do deposito vanadifero da Fazenda Novo Amparo, associado ao complexo mafico-ultramafico Rio Jacare, Bahia


    Edilene Pereira Gomes


    Resumo: O Complexo Rio Jacaré, situado no interior do Estado da Bahia, trata-se de um conjunto de rochas máfico-ultramáficas com cerca de 40km de extensão por 1km de largura, possuindo a mais importante reserva de magnetita vanadífera do país. Geotectonicamente, o Complexo Rio Jacaré situa-se ao longo de uma grande zona de falha, sendo limitado por entidades geológicas bastante distintas: a oeste representada por vulcânicas que compõem parte da Seqüência Vulcano-Sedimentar Contendas Mirante e...

  9. Remediation and reclamation of soils heavily contaminated with toxic metals as a substrate for greening with ornamental plants and grasses. (United States)

    Jelusic, Masa; Lestan, Domen


    Soils highly contaminated with toxic metals are currently treated as waste despite their potential inherent fertility. We applied EDTA washing technology featuring chelant and process water recovery for remediation of soil with 4037, 2527, and 26 mg kg(-1) of Pb, Zn and Cd, respectively in a pilot scale. A high EDTA dose (120 mmol kg(-1) of soil) removed 70%, 15%, and 58% of Pb, Zn, and Cd, respectively, and reduced human oral bioaccessibility of Pb below the limit of quantification and that of Zn and Cd 3.4 and 3.2 times. In a lysimeters experiment, the contaminated and remediated soils were laid into two garden beds (4×1×0.15 m) equipped with lysimeters, and subjected to cultivation of ornamental plants: Impatiens walleriana, Tagetes erecta, Pelargonium×peltatum, and Verbena×hybrida and grasses: Dactylis glomerata, Lolium multiflorum, and Festuca pratensis. Plants grown on remediated soil demonstrated the same or greater biomass yield and reduced the uptake of Pb, Zn and Cd up to 10, 2.5 and 9.5 times, respectively, compared to plants cultivated on the original soil. The results suggest that EDTA remediation produced soil suitable for greening. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Profiling the Fatty Acids Content of Ornamental Camellia Seeds Cultivated in Galicia by an Optimized Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion Extraction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Garcia-Jares


    Full Text Available Camellia (genus of flowering plants of fam. Theaceae is one of the main crops in Asia, where tea and oil from leaves and seeds have been utilized for thousands of years. This plant is excellently adapted to the climate and soil of Galicia (northwestern Spain and northern Portugal where it is grown not only as an ornamental plant, but to be evaluated as a source of bioactive compounds. In this work, the main fatty acids were extracted from Camellia seeds of four varieties of Camellia: sasanqua, reticulata, japonica and sinensis, by means of matrix-solid phase dispersion (MSPD, and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC with MS detection of the corresponding methyl esters. MSPD constitutes an efficient and greener alternative to conventional extraction techniques, moreover if it is combined with the use of green solvents such as limonene. The optimization of the MSPD extraction procedure has been conducted using a multivariate approach based on strategies of experimental design, which enabled the simultaneous evaluation of the factors influencing the extraction efficiency as well as interactions between factors. The optimized method was applied to characterize the fatty acids profiles of four Camellia varieties seeds, allowing us to compare their fatty acid composition.

  11. Profiling the Fatty Acids Content of Ornamental Camellia Seeds Cultivated in Galicia by an Optimized Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion Extraction (United States)

    Garcia-Jares, Carmen; Sanchez-Nande, Marta; Lamas, Juan Pablo; Lores, Marta


    Camellia (genus of flowering plants of fam. Theaceae) is one of the main crops in Asia, where tea and oil from leaves and seeds have been utilized for thousands of years. This plant is excellently adapted to the climate and soil of Galicia (northwestern Spain) and northern Portugal where it is grown not only as an ornamental plant, but to be evaluated as a source of bioactive compounds. In this work, the main fatty acids were extracted from Camellia seeds of four varieties of Camellia: sasanqua, reticulata, japonica and sinensis, by means of matrix-solid phase dispersion (MSPD), and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) with MS detection of the corresponding methyl esters. MSPD constitutes an efficient and greener alternative to conventional extraction techniques, moreover if it is combined with the use of green solvents such as limonene. The optimization of the MSPD extraction procedure has been conducted using a multivariate approach based on strategies of experimental design, which enabled the simultaneous evaluation of the factors influencing the extraction efficiency as well as interactions between factors. The optimized method was applied to characterize the fatty acids profiles of four Camellia varieties seeds, allowing us to compare their fatty acid composition. PMID:29039745

  12. Liquid Nitrogen (-196°C effect under pollen of some cultured or ornamental species

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    Sabina GLIGOR


    Full Text Available The criopreservation involve the stock of the vegetal material at low temperatures (-196°C in liquid nitrogen, in thermal conditions in which the division of cells and metabolic processes slow down, thus that the samplings may be conserved for long periods without suffering any genetic modifications. This stock technique is applied till present only on 80 vegetal species, keeping their seeds and vitrocultures preponderantly; researches were made regarding the maintenance of pollen in liquid nitrogen.The mature pollen, able to resist a higher degree of desiccation, may be conserved at low temperatures, without criopreservation. It was made researches on criopreservation of rise, maize, wheat, roses, sun flower and soy pollen. Our study purpose was to follow the impact of liquid nitrogen (-196°C about on viability of some cultured and ornamental species. The designed time of criopreservation it was 30 minutes and 7 days, using the TTC (tripheniltetrazole chloride method which allows testing the viability of vegetal material based on dehydrogenase activity.It was observed at Petunia hybrida species, that the pollen viability was low - in relevance with the witness represented from the pollen which was not resigned to the nitrogen liquid treatment - between percentage limits of 3.5-8%, in the case when the vegetal material was submersed 30 minutes in liquid nitrogen and 7.5-14.5% 7 days at (-196°C. The submersing of Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora species at 7 days, determined a low viability with 11.53%. The following two studied species Cucurbita and Hosta were proved to be the most resistant at submersing and maintenance in liquid nitrogen. The most affected pollen was Campsis radicans species. At Datura stramonium species was observed 2.59% a low viability of pollen, after 30 minutes of liquid nitrogen treatment, was 19.56%, after 7 days of submersing, the most pollen granules losing completely their viability.

  13. Red and Blue Light Effects during Growth on Hydraulic and Stomatal Conductance in Leaves of Young Cucumber Plants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ieperen, van W.; Savvides, A.; Fanourakis, D.


    Many horticultural crops (food and ornamental) are produced year-round in greenhouses at high latitudes, where the limited availability of natural sunlight restricts plant production during large parts of the year. To enable year-round plant production supplemental light is necessary to enhance

  14. Residue age and tree attractiveness influence efficacy of insecticide treatments against ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (United States)

    Management of ambrosia beetles in ornamental nurseries relies, in part, on treatments of insecticides to prevent beetles from boring into trees emitting stress-induced ethanol. However, data on residual efficacy of commonly used pyrethroid insecticides is warranted to gauge the duration that trees ...

  15. Plant morphological and development responses to light quality in a horticultural context

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ieperen, van W.


    Many horticultural crops (food and ornamental) are produced year-round in greenhouses at high latitudes, where the limited availability of natural sunlight restricts plant production during large parts of the year. To enable year-round plant production supplemental light is necessary to enhance

  16. Grenvillian age magmatism in the Southern Espinhaço Range (Minas Gerais): evidence from U-Pb zircon ages.


    Chaves, Mario Luiz de Sá Carneiro; Silva, Márcio Célio Rodrigues da; Scholz, Ricardo Augusto; Babinski, Marly


    Este trabalho descreve a primeira possível ocorrên¬cia in situ de uma rocha vulcânica datada no período Grenvilleano (~ 1,4 – 1,0 Ga) na Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, com idade máxima de deposição em ca. 1,16 Ga. A amostra Vul-1A, intrusiva no Com¬plexo Basal arqueano, possui estrutura brechoide, formada por clastos de xistos, formações ferríferas (FFs), rochas vulcânicas e granitoides, em matriz vulcânica muito fina a média, petrograficamente de natureza básica com tendência alcalina, defin...

  17. Ocorrencia de mercurio na Bacia do Rio Iguaçu, Estado do Parana, Brasil


    Rafael Andre Belotto Plawiak


    Resumo: A anomalia geoquímica de mercúrio em sedimento de corrente da bacia hidrográfica do rio Iguaçu, Estado do Paraná, delimitada por um levantamento prévio de geoquímica regional, foi investigada através de determinações das concentrações do metal em rochas, solo e sedimento fluvial. O rio Iguaçu está inserido no contexto geológico da Bacia do Paraná e a porção correspondente ao alto vale, no município de Curitiba e vizinhanças, compreende rochas gnáissico-migmatíticas do embasamento cris...

  18. Contribuição à Gênese do Depósito Primário Polimetálico (Sn, W±, Zn, Cu, Pb) Correas, Ribeirão Branco (SP)


    Cláudio Luiz Goraieb


    O depósito primário polimetálico (Sn, W, Zn, Cu, Pb) Correas, situa-se em terrenos pré-cambrianos da Faixa Ribeira, na porção sul do Estado de São Paulo. Dados geológicos obtidos em etapas de mapeamento e sondagem, juntamente com estudos petrográficos, geoquímicos, isotópicos e de inclusões fluidas, apontam para a relação espacial e genética de mineralização com rochas graníticas muito fracionadas (topázio-muscovita-albita granitos) do Maciço Correas. Essas rochas, ligeiramente peraluminossas...

  19. Management of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by growing petunia hybrida (l.) mill. as an ornamental plant in saudi arabia - a case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qarawi, A.A.; Mridha, M.A.U.; Alghamdi, O.M.


    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) regarded as ubiquitous soil fungi which help in improving plant growth under harsh conditions. Petunia hybrida is one of the most favorite ornamental plants growing all over the Riyadh city of Saudi Arabia. In the present study, we would like to highlight the Petunia as a mycotrophic plant for the management of mycorrhizal fungi under field conditions. Roots along with rhizosphere soils of P. hybrida were collected from various sites in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to study AM colonization and biodiversity of AMF. The data obtained in this study indicated that P. hybrida is a very highly mycotrophic plants, and all the samples produced very high colonization with mycelium, vesicles, coiled hyphae and arbuscules. The significant variation was found with the occurrence of mycelium and vesicles among the locations but in case of arbuscules more or less same range of occurrence was found. Only different species of Glomus were observed in all the locations. Glomus showed diversity in all the locations as indicated by the Shanon Diversity Index. As the P. hybrida is a highly mycotrophic plant, so this plant may be grown under harsh condition of Saudi Arabia to manage the plant growth under different stresses viz., water stress, saline soils and heavy metal toxicity conditions. (author)

  20. Efficacy of management tools for control of Phytophthora plurivora leaf spot of Rhododendron, 2014 (United States)

    This study was conducted as part of the IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture program to evaluate fungicides and biopesticides for management of leaf spot of Rhododendron caused by Phytophthora plurivora. The experiment was conducted by treating two-year old Rhododendron plants with fungicides on September 2...