
Sample records for rivals2 hakim mireau1

  1. Politik Hukum Perlindungan Hakim

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    Akbar Faisal


    Full Text Available Abstract: The independence of the judicial power is a must and an absolute guarantee given to the judge. Judges should be independent of any pressures that may disturb his contemplation in making a decision that determines one's fate. The independence of the key is not only focused on how the pressure from outside in order to judge themselves neutral decision, but also expanded the independence of a judge rules that govern self itself. Judges can not be equated with the State Civil Apparatus employees, because the position is different judges. Placement of this is not specifically regulated in the country of Indonesia. It could be argued that these ideals are still owed by the constitution of this country when compared to other law enforcement officials who already have the legality of their own profession as prosecutors, police and lawyers.Abstrak: Independensi kekuasaan kehakiman merupakan garansi yang harus dan mutlak diberikan kepada Hakim. Hakim harus independen dari tekanan manapun yang dapat mengganggu kontemplasinya dalam membuat sebuah putusan yang menentukan nasib seseorang. Kunci independensi tersebut bukan hanya tertuju dari bagaimana tekanan dari luar diri hakimnya sendiri agar putusannya netral, tetapi juga independensi yang diperluas dari sebuah aturan yang mengatur diri hakim itu sendiri. Hakim tidak dapat disamakan dengan pegawai Aparatur Sipil Negara, sebab kedudukan hakim berbeda. Penempatan inilah yang belum diatur secara spesifik dalam negara Indonesia. Dapat dikatakan bahwa cita-cita tersebut masih menjadi utang konstitusi negeri ini jika dibandingkan dengan aparat penegak hukum lainnya yang sudah memiliki legalitas profesinya masing-masing seperti Jaksa, Polisi dan Pengacara DOI: 10.15408/jch.v4i1.2621

  2. Kewenangan Komisi Yudisial dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Dalam Pengangkatan Hakim Agung

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    Diah Savitri


    Full Text Available Abstract: Judicial Commission and House of Representative Authority in choosing Judges of Supreme Court. House of Representative Authority in choosing Candidate of Supreme Court Judges as meant By the Act related to Judicial Commission and Act of the Supreme Court are not compatible with the provision as mentioned in article 24 A (3 Constitution of 1945. It was Constitutional Court through its decision Number 27/PUU-XI/2013 that revised the meaning of “to agree”. It revised also the provision that oblige of Judicial Commission to propose three Candidate Supreme Court Judge in every process carried out in Parliament. This provision is difficult to comply by the Commission therefore Constitutional Court has regulate that the Judicial Commission only nominate one candidate in every selection made. Abtrak: Kewenangan Komisi Yudisial dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Dalam Pengangkatan Hakim Agung. Kewenangan DPR untuk memilih calon Hakim Agung seperti yang dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang tentang Komisi Yudisial dan pada dan Undang-Undang tentang Mahkamah Agung ternyata tidak sejalan dengan makna persetujuan yang disebutkan pada Pasal 24A ayat (3 UndangUndang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Hal ini didasarkan dengan keluarnya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 27/PUU-XI/2013 yang mengubah ketentuan kedua Undang-Undang tersebut menjadi menyetujui. Begitu juga dengan ketentuan yang mengharuskan KY mengajukan 3 (tiga calon Hakim Agung kepada DPR untuk setiap lowongan Hakim Agung yang dalam praktiknya cukup menyulitkan, maka MK dalam putusannya mengubah kuota calon Hakim Agung yang diusulkan KY kepada DPR menjadi 1 (satu calon hakim agung untuk setiap lowongan. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v1i2.2993


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    Heni Hendrawati


    Full Text Available Penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini dilatarbelakangi oleh munculnya isu-isu negatif terkait penegakkan kode etik hakim dalam mewujudkan kekuasaan kehakiman yang bermartabat dan berintegritas. Isu-isu negatif itu antara lain terdapat fenomena tentang korupsi peradilan (judicial corruption dalam bentuk berbagai perilaku tercela (permainan kotor seperti penyuapan, transaksi perkara, calo perkara, makelar kasus (markus, pemerasan, jual beli putusan, dan sebagainya.  Padahal untuk menegakkan supremasi hukum adalah dengan menegakkan etika, profesionalisme serta disiplin terutama oleh profesi hakim. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku terhadap permasalahan yang dibahas. Jenis penelitian dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah kepustakaan (library research yang menggunakan bahan hukum primer yaitu  Undang-Undang Nomor 48 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kekuasaan Kehakiman , Surat Keputusan Bersama Ketua Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia dan Ketua Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia Nomor: 047/KMA/SKB/IV/2009 -02/SKB/P.KY/IV/2009 Tentang Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim, serta Peraturan Bersama Ketua Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Dan Ketua Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia Nomor : 02/PB/MA/IX/2012- 02/PB/P.KY/09/2012 Tentang Panduan Penegakan Kode Etik Dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim. Adapun bahan hukum sekunder berupa jurnal hukum, buku-buku, artikel hukum ilmiah  yang terkait dengan rumusan permasalahan penelitian. Sifat penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif yaitu memberikan gambaran bagaimana implementasi peraturan perundang-undangan tentang kode etik hakim untuk mewujudkan hakim yang bermartabat dan berintegritas. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah  pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach pendekatan sejarah (historical approach, pendekatan kasus (case approach.  Pendekatan perundang-undangan  terkait dengan upaya untuk mewujudkan hakim


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    Abdul Manan


    Full Text Available Pada dasarnya Pengadilan dilarang menolak untuk memeriksa, mengadili, memutus suatu perkara yang diajukan dengan dalil hukum tidak ada atau kurang jelas, melainkan wajib untuk memeriksa dan mengadilinya”. Ketentuan pasal ini memberi makna bahwa hakim sebagai organ utama Pengadilan dan sebagai pelaksana kekuasaan kehakiman wajib hukumnya bagi Hakim untuk menemukan hukumnya dalam suatu perkara meskipun ketentuan hukumnya tidak ada atau kurang jelas. Undang-Undang No. 48 Tahun 2009 Pasal 5 (1 menjelaskan bahwa “Hakim wajib menggali, mengikuti dan memahami nilai-nilai hukum dan rasa keadilan yang hidup dalam masyarakat.para hakim di lingkungan Peradilan Agama dalam mengambil keputusan terhadap perkara yang diperiksa dan diadili hendaknya mengunakan Teknik pengambilan putusan yang meliputi Tehnik Analitik, Tehnik Equatable, dan Tehnik Silogisme. The court essentially banned refused to examine, decide a case filed with no legal argument or less clear, but obliged to examine and judge ". Provisions of this chapter gives the sense that as major organs Court judge and as executor of judicial power is obligatory for the Judge to find the law in a case despite legal provisions do not exist or are less clear. Law No. 48 of 2009 Article 5 (1 explains that "Judges shall multiply, follow and understand the values of law and justice that lives within the community. the judges in the religious court in making decisions on matters that should be examined and judged using the technique of taking decisions which include Analytical Techniques, Technical equatable, and techniques syllogism.

  5. Hubungan Antara Fakta Norma, Moral, dan Doktrin Hukum Dalam Pertimbangan Putusan Hakim

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    A Salman Maggalatung


    Full Text Available Abstract: The Correlation among Facts, Norms, Moral and Legal Doctrine in Consideration of a Judge's Decision. A judge must be able to explore and understand the legal values ​​that live in the community, maintain their independence, applying legal norms with high moral, ethical and adhere to a code of professional conduct, attention to doctrine and the views of legal experts in making a decision. This research aims to identify and analyze the correlation between facts, norms, moral and legal doctrine in consideration of a judge's decision. In addition to knowing the scope of the relationship between the existing facts, norms should be used as the base, and how much influence a judge moral (law enforcement in the decision and determination of the law. This study uses a qualitative-analysis-normative juridical and sociological-empirical. Abstrak: Hubungan Antara Fakta, Norma, Moral, dan Doktrin Hukum Dalam Pertimbangan Putusan Hakim. Seorang hakim harus mampu menggali dan memahami nilai-nilai hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat, menjaga kemandiriannya, menerapkan norma hukum dengan moralitas yang tinggi, mematuhi etika dan kode etik profesi, memperhatikan doktrin dan pandanganpandangan para Ahli hukum dalam pengambilan sebuah putusan. Penulisan bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis hubungan antara fakta, norma, moral, dan doktrin hukum dalam pertimbangan sebuah putusan hakim. Ruang lingkup tulisan ini meliputi hubungan antara fakta-fakta yang ada, norma-norma yang patut dijadikan dasar, dan seberapa besar pengaruh moral seorang hakim dalam pengambilan dan penetapan hukum. Metode yang digunakan kualitatifanalisis dengan pendekatan yuridis-normatif dan sosiologis-empiris. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v1i2.1462

  6. Problematika Putusan Hakim dalam Perkara Pembatalan Perjanjian

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    Nindyo Pramono


    Full Text Available The rapid development of international business law requires judges to re-scrutinise principles of contract law in the Civil Code. Therefore, principles of good faith, protection of third-party, retroaction, and restoration to pre-contract position will be analysed to provide objectively constructive feedback for judges when hearing over request for contract annulment.  Pesatnya perkembangan hukum bisnis internasional mengharuskan hakim untuk mempelajari kembali asas-asas hukum perjanjian dalam KUHPerdata. Prinsipprinsip itikad baik, perlindungan bagi pihak ketiga, retroaktif, dan kembali ke keadaan semula akan dianalisis dalam tulisan ini sehingga memberikan konstruksi obyektif kepada hakim dalam memutus permohonan pembatalan perjanjian agar jangan sampai menimbulkan perkara baru.


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    Sri Sutatiek


    Full Text Available Abstract The Supreme Court is the last place for justice seekers. A good decisions can be a jurisprudence, though it not binding as on the Anglo Saxon countries. One of the major strategic step from The Supreme Court which already done is to improve the quality of decision is to impose the room system. Through a system of rooms, all cases that go to the Supreme Court will be reviewed by a competent judge or judges. The decisions that have been through a sequential mechanism in accordance with the provisions of the law would create a quality of justice and judgment. However, the Supreme Court, government, communities, universities, and other interested parties have to support the implementation of the system room. Key words: room systems, professionalism, decision   Abstrak Mahkamah Agung merupakan benteng terakhir tempat pencari keadilan memperoleh keadilan.  Kualitas putusannya dapat menjadi panutan dari hakim-hakim lain, meskipun tidak mengikat sebagaimana pada negara-negara Anglo Saxon. Salah satu langkah strategis utama yang dilakukan MA untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pembuatan putusan dan meningkatkan kualitas putusan adalah memberlakukan sistem kamar. Melalui sistem kamar, semua perkara yang masuk ke MA akan diperiksa oleh hakim atau hakim-hakim yang kompeten sesuai bidangnya. Putusan-putusan yang sudah melalui mekanisme yang runtut sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum akan menciptakan keadilan dan putusan yang berkualitas. Namun, Hakim Agung sebagai inti subjek dalam sistem kamar, Mahkamah Agung, pemerintah, masyarakat, perguruan tinggi, dan pihak lain yang berkepentingan perlu mendukung pelaksanaan sistem kamar. Kata kunci: sistem kamar, profesionalisme, putusan


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    Yusi Amdani


    Full Text Available The judge in deciding a case can perform all the legal interpretation is not explicitly defined in the legislation. On the basis of any decision that has been set by the judge, then the decision must be accountable. But in Decision No:04/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel, Budi Gunawan pretrial matters related to the Commission, the judge has made a legal interpretation considered contrary to the Criminal Code itself. Judge did interpretation of the Code of Criminal Procedure, on the status of Budi Gunawan as a suspect corruption. The decision has weak the authority of the Commission and the bad in the criminal justice system. Hakim dalam memutuskan suatu perkara dapat melakukan penafsiran hukum sepanjang belum ditentukan secara tegas dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Atas dasar setiap putusan yang telah ditetapkan oleh hakim, maka putusan tersebut harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Namun dalam Putusan No: 04/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel, terkait perkara praperadilan Budi Gunawan terhadap KPK, hakim telah melakukan penafsiran hukum yang dinilai bertentangan dengan KUHAP sendiri. Hakim melakukan penafsiran terhadap KUHAP, atas status Budi Gunawan sebagai tersangka korupsi. Putusan tersebut telah melemahkan kewenangan KPK dan berakibat buruk dalam sistem peradilan pidana.


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    Mursyid Mursyid


    Full Text Available Ketentuan UU Perkawinan No. 1 Tahun 1974 dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam tentang harta bersama mengatur bahwa sebelum warisan dibagi kepada ahli waris, maka harta bersama antara suami dan istri dibagi dengan cara 50% bagi suami dan 50% istri. Namun bagaimana dengan praktik pembagian harta bersama pada Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh dalam penyelesaian perkara harta bersama di Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh para apakah hakim hanya mendasarkan putusannya pada UU Perkawinan No. 1 Tahun 1974 dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam saja ataukah juga mempertimbangkan hukum Islam yang hidup dalam masyarakat Aceh. Hal inilah yang menjadi fokus kajian dari penelitian ini dengan arah utama pembahasan diarahkan pada dua pertanyaan pokok, yaitu Perkara apa saja yang ditangani oleh Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh dalam kaitannya dengan harta bersama? Dan Bagaimana ijtihad hakim dalam penyelesaian perkara harta bersama pada Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh, apakah para hakim hanya mendasarkan putusannya pada UU Perkawinan No. 1 Tahun 1974 dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam saja atau juga mempertimbangkan praktek pembagian harta bersama dalam masyarakat Aceh? Untuk membahas permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan dan metode penelitian pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk data lapangan, penulis lebih dominan menggunakan metode wawancara (indepth interview dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil Pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa Perkara harta bersama yang masuk ke Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh pada tahun 2010 terdapat 4 perkara harta bersama dari 550 perkara secara umum. Pada tahun 2011 terdapat 5 perkara harta bersama dari 815 perkara secara umum dan pada tahun 2012 terdapat 10 perkara harta bersama dari 433 perkara secara umum. Adapun Ijtihad Hakim dalam penyelesaian perkara harta bersama pada Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh didasarkan pada pada pertimbangan ketentuan tentang harta bersama yang diatur dalam UU Perkawinan No. 1 Tahun 1974


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    Muhammad Ishar Helmi


    Full Text Available Undang-Undang PPHI mengatur asas penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial dilakukan secara musyawarah mufakat, dengan berprinsip jika terjadi perselisihan antara pekerja/buruh dan pengusaha maka tahap pertama penyelesaian perselisihan tersebut diserahkan pada pihak yang berselisih (bipartit. Ketentuan Pasal 63 ayat (2 dan Pasal 67 ayat (1 huruf f Undang-Undang tersebut mengakibatkan hakim ad-hoc Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial, dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya memeriksa dan memutus suatu perkara harus mandiri dan lepas dari segala bentuk intervensi lembaga/instansi manapun menjadi terbatasi dan tidak optimal. Hakim ad-hoc Peradilan Hubungan Industrial merupakan hakim yang diusulkan oleh serikat pekerja/serikat buruh, organisasi pengusaha, juga diberhentikan secara hormat oleh serikat pekerja/serikat buruh, organisasi pengusaha tersebut. Hal ini tentunya akan menciderai sistem peradilan yang bebas, tidak memihak dan bersih yang diimpikan karena para hakim akan dikuasai oleh para pihak yang berperkara, karena keberadaan hakim diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh pihak yang akan disidangkan di peradilan hubungan industrial tersebut. PPHI (Industrial Relations Disputes Settlement Act regulates the principle of settlement of industrial relations disputes by consensus, if there is a dispute between employee/workers and employers, the first stage of dispute settlement shall be submitted to disputing party (bipartite settlement. The provisions of Article 63 paragraph (2 and Article 67 paragraph (1 sub-paragraph f of the Act shall result in the ad-hoc judges of the Industrial Relations Court, in carrying out their duties and responsibilities to examine and decide a case shall be independent and kept away from any intervention of any institution. The ad-hoc judges of the Industrial Relations Court is a judge proposed by a trade union, employers organization, also dismissed respectfully by the trade union and the employers organization. This

  11. Occult Origins: Hakim Bey’s Ontological Post-Anarchism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Greer, J.C.


    Convention concerning the beginning of Post-anarchist discourse locates its origin in Hakim Bey’s work in the 1980s; however, no commentator has sufficiently analyzed the thoroughly spiritualized anarchism upon which it is based, termed "Ontological Anarchism," nor the group that promoted it, the

  12. Allegory of the East: The pact with the Devil in Tawfiq al-Hakim

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    Roberta Tanzi


    Full Text Available 1. Scopo L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di indagare le modalità e la fenomenologia della penetrazione di un mito profondamente occidentale — come quello di Faust — nella produzione di uno tra i più noti scrittori e drammaturghi arabi del Novecento: Tawfiq al-Hakim, concentrandosi in particolare su una sua novella del 1938, Ahd al-Shaytān (Il patto col diavolo. 2. Metodologia La novella, scelta in quanto exemplum rappresentativo di una pratica corrente nella produzione dell’autore, ovvero la rifunzionalizzazione di argomenti e personaggi mitologici di varia derivazione, viene analizzata nella prospettiva di una rivisitazione della leggenda di Faust e del suo patrimonio tematico e iconografico. La sua analisi permette di rilevare le tappe di un percorso assai interessante: quello della penetrazione e integrazione di un mito dell’Occidente moderno nella tradizione araba, considerato alla luce degli effetti che l’interazione con gli elementi tradizionali e autoctoni di quel patrimonio producono sul processo di assimilazione. 3. Risultati In quest’ottica, il corpus di Tawfiq al-Hakim appare fondante, non solo in virtù della sua familiarità con la trattazione di temi mitici provenienti anche dalla tradizione occidentale, ma per gli elementi di novità ed esclusività che da quella trattazione emergono.

  13. Sex differences in the jealousy-evoking effect of rival characteristics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, P; Buunk, BP; Buunk, Abraham (Bram)


    Four studies examined sex differences in the jealousy-evoking nature of rival characteristics. Study 1, among 130 undergraduates, made an inventory of all relevant rival characteristics that were spontaneously mentioned when asked about a rival to whom one's partner might feel attracted. On the


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    Anwaruddin Anwaruddin


    menerima, memeriksa, dan memutus perkara di suatu lingkungan peradilan maka butuh pemikiran yang tenang dan jernih untuk memecahkan sebuah kasus yang ditangani tanpa melalaikan kewajibannya sebagai seorang ibu rumah tangga dan istri. Tulisan ini membahas tentang pandangan hukum Islam mengenai konsep keluarga sakinah menurut hakim perempuan Pengadilan Agama Bantul, Yogyakarta].

  15. Jealousy at work: The role of rivals' characteristics. (United States)

    Zurriaga, Rosario; González-Navarro, Pilar; Buunk, Abraham Pieter; Dijkstra, Pieternel


    The present study examined rival characteristics that may evoke jealousy in the workplace, differences between men and women in this regard, and the relationship between jealousy responses and intrasexual competitiveness and social comparison orientation. Participants were 426 male and female employees. By means of a questionnaire, participants were presented with a jealousy-evoking scenario after which jealousy responses to 24 rival characteristics were assessed. Findings showed that a rival's social communal attributes evoked highest levels of jealousy, and that, compared to men, women reported more jealousy in response to a rival's physical attractiveness. Overall, as individuals had higher scores on intrasexual competitiveness and social comparison orientation, they also experienced more jealousy in response to their rival, regardless of his or her characteristics. These findings suggest that those characteristics that are highly valued in employees may backfire when employees perceive co-workers as rivals. © 2018 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Selective attention in peacocks during assessment of rival males. (United States)

    Yorzinski, Jessica L; Patricelli, Gail L; Bykau, Siarhei; Platt, Michael L


    Males in many species compete intensely for access to females. In order to minimize costly interactions, they can assess their rivals' competitive abilities by evaluating traits and behaviors. We know little about how males selectively direct their attention to make these assessments. Using Indian peafowl ( Pavo cristatus ) as a model system, we examined how males visually assess their competitors by continuously tracking the gaze of freely moving peacocks during the mating season. When assessing rivals, peacocks selectively gazed toward the lower display regions of their rivals, including the lower eyespot and fishtail feathers, dense feathers, body and wings. Their attention was modified based on the rivals' behavior such that they spent more time looking at rivals when rivals were shaking their wings and moving. The results indicate that peacocks selectively allocate their attention during rival assessment. The gaze patterns of males assessing rivals were largely similar to those of females evaluating mates, suggesting that some male traits serve a dual function in both intra- and intersexual selection. However, males spent more time than females looking at the upper eyespots and this could indicate that the upper eyespots function more in close-up rival assessment than mate choice. © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  17. Hakim Mohammad: A Persian Military Surgeon in Safavid Era (1501-1736 CE). (United States)

    Khodaie, S-Ali; Ghaffari, Farzaneh; Zargaran, Arman; Naseri, Mohsen


    Wars and injuries have accompanied mankind throughout history. Physicians and surgeons from various civilizations made difficult attempts to manage wounds and injuries. Among various civilizations, the Persian Empires had great armies which were well equipped. One of the most important organizations in Persian troops was the military surgery. This study presents a brief biography of Hakim Mohammad (a military surgeon in Safavid era) and introduces his book, Dhakhira-yi-Kamilah. Safavid kings (1501-1736 CE) with unifying all of Persian regions and provinces reconstructed the Persian Empire. Great scholars and physicians were raised in this era. It seems that Persian physicians and surgeons were well trained in Safavid era and many of them were even employed by other countries like Ottoman Empire and India. Hakim Mohammad as a military surgeon was one of such physicians who served in Ottoman Empire for some time. He gathered his surgical experiences and others in the book of Dhakhira-yi-Kamilah. This book was written in Persian. He has mainly written about the management of wounds and practical techniques. Later, he came back to his homeland and dedicated his book to the king of Persia.

  18. PRINSIP HAKIM AKTIF DALAM PERKARA PERDATA / The Principle of Active Judge in Civil Case

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    Sunarto Sunarto


    Full Text Available Keadilan harus dengan tegas ditegakkan. Tuntutan tersebut tidak memungkinkan untuk dimodifikasi karena penegakan keadilan sangat berhubungan dengan penegakan hak. Paradigma umum dalam melihat hukum acara perdata menempatkan Hakim bersifat pasif dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya. Meskipun begitu terdapat keadaan-keadaan yang memposisikan hakim agar aktif menyelesaikan perkara perdata. Hal itu dapat terlihat pada penerapan Pasal 119 HIR pada saat Ketua Pengadilan Negeri memberikan bantuan berupa nasehat serta bantuan yang berhubungan dengan formalitas atau syarat-syarat gugatan agar gugatan dapat diterima dan memenuhi syarat-syarat formalitas gugatan kepada penggugat atau kuasanya. Selain itu, Pasal 130 HIR / Pasal 154 RBG, diwajibkan agar Ketua Pengadilan Negeri berusaha mendamaikan kedua belah pihak yang berperkara. Selanjutnya pada Pasal 132 HIR / Pasal 156 RBG, Hakim memiliki peranan aktif untuk menginformasikan kepada kedua belah pihak yang berperkara dan memberikan penjelasan kepada para pihak yang berperkara tentang adanya hak untuk melakukan upaya hukum serta hak untuk mengajukan alat-alat bukti di persidangan.   The Justice must be firmly maintained. This demand can not be modified due to it was closely related to the rights enforcement. The common paradigm in civil code perception makes judges passively work in civil cases handling. It can be seen in Article 119 HIR when the general court chief judge give a support as advice and help related to the formality or the terms of the lawsuit for the strike to be acceptable and meets the requirements of formality lawsuit against the plaintiff or attorney. Moreover, Article 130 HIR / RBG Article 154, required that general court chief judge attempted to reconcile the two parties litigant. Furthermore, in Article 132 HIR / RBG Article 156, the Judge has an active role to inform both litigants and provide an explanation to the litigants of their rights to take legal actions and the right to

  19. Distress about mating rivals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buss, DM; Shackelford, TK; Choe, J; Buunk, BP; Dijkstra, P

    This research tested the evolutionary psychological hypothesis that men and women would be most distressed about threats from rivals who surpass them on sex-linked components of mate value. Six predictions were tested in samples from three cultures, the United States (N = 208), the Netherlands (N =

  20. Evidence from a homosexual sample for a sex-specific rival-oriented mechanism : Jealousy as a function of a rival's physical attractiveness and dominance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buunk, BP; Dijkstra, P


    Among heterosexual women in particular. a rival's physical attractiveness evokes jealousy, whereas among heterosexual men in particular. a rival's dominance evokes feelings of jealousy. The present study conducted with gay men and lesbian women examined whether these sex-differentiated responses

  1. Performing Transnational Arab American Womanhood: Rosemary Hakim, US Orientalism, and Cold War Diplomacy


    Koegeler-Abdi, Martina


    The first Miss Lebanon-America, Rosemary Hakim, landed at Beirut Airport in July 1955 to start a public diplomacy tour. As an American beauty queen from Detroit visiting Lebanon, her parents' homeland, she was greeted enthusiastically by the local press and closely monitored by US government representatives. After her return to the States, she documented her experiences abroad in an unpublished memoir, entitled "Arabian Antipodes." However, this 1955 account does not just chronicle her travel...

  2. Sex differences in the jealousy-evoking nature of a rival's body build

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, Pieternel; Buunk, Abraham (Bram)

    This study among 185 college students showed that potential rivals with a relatively low waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) evoked more jealousy in women than in men. In contrast, rivals with a relatively high shoulder-to-hip ratio (SHR) evoked more jealousy in men than in women, particularly when the rival

  3. Competitive Pressure: Competitive Dynamics as Reactions to Multiple Rivals


    Zucchini, Leon; Kretschmer, Tobias


    Competitive dynamics research has focused primarily on interactions between dyads of firms. Drawing on the awareness-motivation-capability framework and strategic group theory we extend this by proposing that firms’ actions are influenced by perceived competitive pressure resulting from actions by several rivals. We predict that firms’ action magnitude is influenced by the total number of rival actions accumulating in the market, and that this effect is moderated by strategic group membership...

  4. A Study of Causes of Readmission Patients Toxicological Ward of the Loghman Hakim Hospital, in Tehran in 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Ghasempour


    Full Text Available Introduction: Readmission to hospital because of the impact on the cost and quality of hospital care and Impose an additional burden on the healthcare system, Is an important priority for hospital managers. The aim of Study Was causes of readmission patients toxicological ward of the loghman hakim hospital, Research in Tehran. Method: This is an applied cross-sectional retrospective study. Research community included Admissions in 1393 in toxicological ward of the loghman hakim hospital. Research Size based on Morgan is 300 clinical records. Sampling Method was simple randomly. Readmission in the present study in hospitalized form was more than one defined. Demographic data includes (age, gender, marital status, occupation, education and variables related to hospitalization (hospitalization Frequency, length of stay, and poisoning quality, discharge situation, referral and insurance by means of information form was extracted from records. In two level Descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage and inferential statistics (correlation chi-square test, dependent T test and Chi-square test were analyzed using SPSS21 software and hypothesis testing was done. Finding: During the study period300 readmission cases were hospitalized in toxicological ward of the loghman hakim hospital.13/4% patient was readmission. The readmission cause in 41/6% patient was related to family issues. It Can be named respectively emotional, spiritual, and addiction with regard to other topics. The total cost of treating patients was 206521754 Rials. The average cost of stay per patient 10256639 Rials, payment by patient 928136 Rials, and Subsidies health payment by health ministry was 1834370 Rials. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that, several factors may be involved in readmission to hospital patients poisons ,the most important of them can be mentioned in the four ares of family problems, emotional problems, mental problems and addiction.


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    Samsul Wahidin


    Full Text Available Supreme Court as the nation institution in nation power was the legislative power keeper. The performance in law enforcement had always to adapt the increase of society law. Here, justice was enforced based on society justice feeling. Supreme Court institution was occupied by a person, namely Supreme Judge or judge of the Supreme Court. Supreme Judge as ?God Representative? in the world had to dig and accommodate the justice value in society. In upholding the law and justice, it had to be realized that it was a simultaneous and continuous effort by integrating various components with Supreme Court and supreme judge as the concrete agent. Various components in law enforcement had to integrate in realizing the law goal which processed with space and time. Space gave a chance toward the law action, both one which fitted law and that which broke it.The processing time gave a chance to people to be creative and innovative.In another perspective, integration did not only mean to build power, especially against law violation. The effort which had to be done continuously was to keep renewing the legal source, so the component in realizing the law goal could be renewed, not merely in the meaning as the spirit and all the implications but more than that, up to date renewing had to be done continuously. It became a demand that had to be fulfilled all the time. There was no word ?finish? and there was no term ?final. Process was the form of the finalization itself. ?Mahkamah Agung sebagai lembaga negara dalam sistem kekuasaan negara adalah penjaga kekuasaan legislatif. Kinerjanya dalam penegakan hukum harus senantiasa menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan hukum masyarakat. Di sini keadilan ditegakkan berdasarkan rasa keadilan masyarakat. Kelembagaan Mahkamah Agung diisi oleh person, yaitu Hakim Agung. Hakim Agung sebagai ?wakil Tuhan? di muka bumi, harus senantiasa menggali dan mengakomodasikan nilai keadilan dalam masyarakat. Dalam menegakkan hukum dan keadilan

  6. Strategies to fight low-cost rivals. (United States)

    Kumar, Nirmalya


    Companies find it challenging and yet strangely reassuring to take on opponents whose strategies, strengths, and weaknesses resemble their own. Their obsession with familiar rivals, however, has blinded them to threats from disruptive, low-cost competitors. Successful price warriors, such as the German retailer Aldi, are changing the nature of competition by employing several tactics: focusing on just one or a few consumer segments, delivering the basic product or providing one benefit better than rivals do, and backing low prices with superefficient operations. Ignoring cutprice rivals is a mistake because they eventually force companies to vacate entire market segments. Price wars are not the answer, either: Slashing prices usually lowers profits for incumbents without driving the low-cost entrants out of business. Companies take various approaches to competing against cut-price players. Some differentiate their products--a strategy that works only in certain circumstances. Others launch low-cost businesses of their own, as many airlines did in the 1990s--a so-called dual strategy that succeeds only if companies can generate synergies between the existing businesses and the new ventures, as the financial service providers HSBC and ING did. Without synergies, corporations are better off trying to transform themselves into low-cost players, a difficult feat that Ryanair accomplished in the 1990s, or into solution providers. There will always be room for both low-cost and value-added players. How much room each will have depends not only on the industry and customers' preferences, but also on the strategies traditional businesses deploy.

  7. Jealousy in the blink of an eye : Jealous reactions following subliminal exposure to rival characteristics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Massar, Karlijn; Buunk, Abraham P.; Dechesne, Mark

    In the present experiment it was investigated whether the evaluation of rivals could be all unconscious process, engaged in automatically whenever a rival is present. To this end, participants were subliminally primed. with words relating to rival characteristics after which the), read a jealousy

  8. Individual Differences in Preventive Jealousy Determine Men's Jealousy after Subliminal Exposure to Rivals Wearing High- or Low-Status Clothes. (United States)

    Massar, Karlijn; Buunk, Abraham Bram P


    This study investigated sex differences in jealousy after subliminal exposure to rivals wearing high-status or low-status clothes. It was expected that individual differences in preventive jealousy would moderate the relationship between a rival's characteristics and jealousy. Participants (Men: n = 54, M age = 21.6 yr., SD = 3.5; women: n = 71, M age = 20.7 yr., SD = 1.9) completed a parafoveal subliminal priming paradigm as well as questionnaires about jealousy and preventive jealousy. As predicted, women were not affected by their rival's status, but women high in preventive jealousy reported more jealousy than women low in preventive jealousy. However, whereas men low in preventive jealousy reported equal amounts of jealousy after exposure to a high-status and a low-status rival, surprisingly, and contrary to the expectations, men high in preventive jealousy reported most jealousy after exposure to a low-status rival. To explain these unexpected results, threats to self-esteem were discussed.

  9. Do hospitals respond to rivals' quality and efficiency? A spatial panel econometric analysis. (United States)

    Longo, Francesco; Siciliani, Luigi; Gravelle, Hugh; Santos, Rita


    We investigate whether hospitals in the English National Health Service change their quality or efficiency in response to changes in quality or efficiency of neighbouring hospitals. We first provide a theoretical model that predicts that a hospital will not respond to changes in the efficiency of its rivals but may change its quality or efficiency in response to changes in the quality of rivals, though the direction of the response is ambiguous. We use data on eight quality measures (including mortality, emergency readmissions, patient reported outcome, and patient satisfaction) and six efficiency measures (including bed occupancy, cancelled operations, and costs) for public hospitals between 2010/11 and 2013/14 to estimate both spatial cross-sectional and spatial fixed- and random-effects panel data models. We find that although quality and efficiency measures are unconditionally spatially correlated, the spatial regression models suggest that a hospital's quality or efficiency does not respond to its rivals' quality or efficiency, except for a hospital's overall mortality that is positively associated with that of its rivals. The results are robust to allowing for spatially correlated covariates and errors and to instrumenting rivals' quality and efficiency. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  10. Threatening Men's Mate Value Influences Aggression Toward an Intrasexual Rival: The Moderating Role of Narcissism. (United States)

    Bird, Brian M; Carré, Justin M; Knack, Jennifer M; Arnocky, Steven


    Correlational research has linked low mate value (MV)--one's worth as a mating partner to members of the opposite sex--with aggression in men. In 2 experiments, we examined the effects of self-perceived MV on men's reported willingness to aggress directly toward a hypothetical mate poacher (Experiment 1, N = 60) and observable aggression toward a same-sex rival in a laboratory paradigm (Experiment 2, N = 54). In both experiments, the roles of narcissism in moderating the effect of MV condition on subsequent aggression were examined. Results of Experiment 1 indicated that men randomly assigned to the low MV condition were significantly more willing to report aggressive intention than men in the high MV condition. This relationship was moderated by narcissism such that men in the low MV condition who were also high in narcissism were the most likely to aggress. Results of Experiment 2 similarly showed that men in the low MV condition relative to the high MV condition aggressed more toward a same-sex rival when they were high in narcissism. These findings support evolutionary hypotheses surrounding the importance of self-perceived MV in directing aggressive mating efforts, as situated in the framework of threatened egotism.

  11. Rival male relatedness does not affect ejaculate allocation as predicted by sperm competition theory.

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    Melissa L Thomas

    Full Text Available When females are sexually promiscuous, the intensity of sperm competition for males depends on how many partners females mate with. To maximize fitness, males should adjust their copulatory investment in relation to this intensity. However, fitness costs associated with sperm competition may not only depend on how many males a female has mated with, but also how related rival males are. According to theoretical predictions, males should adjust their copulatory investment in response to the relatedness of their male rival, and transfer more sperm to females that have first mated with a non-sibling male than females that have mated to a related male. Here, for the first time, we empirically test this theory using the Australian field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. We expose male crickets to sperm competition from either a full sibling or non-sibling male, by using both the presence of a rival male and the rival male's actual competing ejaculate as cues. Contrary to predictions, we find that males do not adjust ejaculates in response to the relatedness of their male rival. Instead, males with both full-sibling and non-sibling rivals allocate sperm of similar quality to females. This lack of kin biased behaviour is independent of any potentially confounding effect of strong competition between close relatives; kin biased behaviour was absent irrespective of whether males were raised in full sibling or mixed relatedness groups.

  12. Experience of mating rivals causes males to modulate sperm transfer in the fly Drosophila pseudoobscura. (United States)

    Price, Tom A R; Lizé, Anne; Marcello, Marco; Bretman, Amanda


    Male responses to risk of sperm competition play an important role in sexual selection, sexual conflict, and the evolution of mating systems. Such responses can combine behavioural and physiological processes, and can be mediated through different components of the ejaculate such as sperm numbers and seminal proteins. An additional level of ejaculate complexity is sperm heteromorphism, with the inclusion of non-fertilising parasperm in the ejaculate. We now test the response to rivals in a sperm heteromorphic species, Drosophila pseudoobscura, measuring the behavioural response and sperm transfer and, crucially, relating these to short-term fitness. Males respond to exposure to conspecific rivals by increasing mating duration, but do not respond to heterospecific rivals. In addition, after exposure to a conspecific rival, males increased the transfer of fertilising eusperm, but not non-fertilising parasperm. Males exposed to a conspecific rival also achieve higher offspring production. This suggests that the evolution of parasperm in flies was not driven by sperm competition and adds to the increasing evidence that males can make extremely sophisticated responses to mating competition. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  13. Depositional model for Rival and Midale subintervals (Mississippian), north-central Burke County, North Dakota

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harris, T.L.


    The Rival and Midale subintervals (Charles Formation, Upper Mississippian), north-central Burke County, North Dakota, represent two relative sea level fluctuations. Updip (northeast), the Rival subinterval contains fine to medium-bedded and chicken-wire anhydrite with interbedded algal bindstone that was deposited on supratidal flats. Basinward (southwest), the lithology changes to oncolitic, peloidal, intraclastic grainstone/packstone that was deposited in intertidal and subtidal restricted lagoonal environments. Evaporites precipitated in the sediment of the intertidal to shallow subtidal restricted lagoonal environment. Overlying the Rival subinterval is skeletal wackestone and packstone of the lower Midale subinterval. The presence of normal-marine fauna (crinoids, brachiopods, trilobites, rugose and tabulate coral) indicates a significant relative sea level transgression occurred following deposition of the Rival. The middle and upper Midale subinterval consists of intensely burrowed dolowackestone and dolomudstone that contain a less diversified faunal assemblage. Overlying the Midale carbonates is a transitional zone of calcareous shale and dolomite that grades upward into mottled (burrowed.) and finely laminated microgranular dolomite and anhydrite. The upper Midale section represents a relative sea level regression (shoreline progradation). Updip (northeast) reservoirs produce from the Midale carbonates, which are sealed laterally and vertically by calcarous shale and microgranular dolomitic anhydrite of the Midale Evaporite. Downdip (southwest), the Rival produces from porous grainstone, which is sealed laterally by intertidal/supratidal carbonates and evaporites, resulting in a stratigraphic trap. Vuggy and intergranular porosity are the major porosity types in the Rival grainstone, and moldic and intercrystalline porosity are dominant in the Midale dolowackestone.

  14. A narrow waist versus broad shoulders : Sex and age differences in the jealousy-evoking characteristics of a rival's body build

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buunk, BP; Dijkstra, P; Buunk, Abraham (Bram)

    This study examined the role of waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and shoulder-to-hip ratio (SHR) of the rival in evoking jealousy in an adult sample of 70 men and 69 women. Women paid more attention to the rivals' waist, hips, and hair, and men paid more attention to the rivals' shoulders. Potential rivals

  15. Gender differences in rival characteristics that evoke jealousy in response to emotional versus sexual infidelity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buunk, Abraham (Bram); Dijkstra, Pieternel


    Previous research has shown that in men jealousy is evoked more by a rival's status-related characteristics than in women, whereas in women jealousy is evoked more by a rival's physical attractiveness than in men. The present study examined whether the occurrence of this gender difference depends

  16. Assessment of rival males through the use of multiple sensory cues in the fruitfly Drosophila pseudoobscura.

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    Chris P Maguire

    Full Text Available Environments vary stochastically, and animals need to behave in ways that best fit the conditions in which they find themselves. The social environment is particularly variable, and responding appropriately to it can be vital for an animal's success. However, cues of social environment are not always reliable, and animals may need to balance accuracy against the risk of failing to respond if local conditions or interfering signals prevent them detecting a cue. Recent work has shown that many male Drosophila fruit flies respond to the presence of rival males, and that these responses increase their success in acquiring mates and fathering offspring. In Drosophila melanogaster males detect rivals using auditory, tactile and olfactory cues. However, males fail to respond to rivals if any two of these senses are not functioning: a single cue is not enough to produce a response. Here we examined cue use in the detection of rival males in a distantly related Drosophila species, D. pseudoobscura, where auditory, olfactory, tactile and visual cues were manipulated to assess the importance of each sensory cue singly and in combination. In contrast to D. melanogaster, male D. pseudoobscura require intact olfactory and tactile cues to respond to rivals. Visual cues were not important for detecting rival D. pseudoobscura, while results on auditory cues appeared puzzling. This difference in cue use in two species in the same genus suggests that cue use is evolutionarily labile, and may evolve in response to ecological or life history differences between species.

  17. Intrasexual competition at work : Sex differences in the jealousy-evoking effect of rival characteristics in work settings

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buunk, Abraham P.; 't Goor, Joel Aan; Solano, Alejandro C.

    Sex differences in jealousy-evoking rival characteristics in the relationship with a supervisor at work were examined in a community sample of 188 individuals from Argentina. Among men, the rivals' social dominance and communal attributes evoked the most jealousy, followed by physical dominance.

  18. Changing me to keep you: state jealousy promotes perceiving similarity between the self and a romantic rival. (United States)

    Slotter, Erica B; Lucas, Gale M; Jakubiak, Brittany; Lasslett, Heather


    Individuals sometimes alter their self-views to be more similar to others--traditionally romantic partners--because they are motivated to do so. A common motivating force is the desire to affiliate with a partner. The current research examined whether a different motivation--romantic jealousy--might promote individuals to alter their self-views to be more similar to a romantic rival, rather than a partner. Romantic jealousy occurs when individuals perceive a rival as a threat to their relationship and motivates individuals to defend their relationship. We proposed that one novel way that individuals might defend their relationship is by seeing themselves as more similar to a perceived romantic rival. We predicted individuals would alter their self-views to be more similar to a rival that they believed their partner found attractive. Importantly, we predicted that state romantic jealousy would motivate these self-alterations. Three studies confirmed these hypotheses.

  19. Strategic wind power trading considering rival wind power production

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Exizidis, Lazaros; Kazempour, Jalal; Pinson, Pierre


    In an electricity market with high share of wind power, it is expected that wind power producers may exercise market power. However, wind producers have to cope with wind’s uncertain nature in order to optimally offer their generation, whereas in a market with more than one wind producers, uncert...... depending on the rival’s wind generation, given that its own expected generation is not high. Finally, as anticipated, expected system cost is higher when both wind power producers are expected to have low wind power generation......In an electricity market with high share of wind power, it is expected that wind power producers may exercise market power. However, wind producers have to cope with wind’s uncertain nature in order to optimally offer their generation, whereas in a market with more than one wind producers......, uncertainty of rival wind power generation should also be considered. Under this context, this paper addresses the impact of rival wind producers on the offering strategy and profits of a pricemaker wind producer. A stochastic day-ahead market setup is considered, which optimizes the day-ahead schedules...

  20. Sport fans: evaluating the consistency between implicit and explicit attitudes toward favorite and rival teams. (United States)

    Wenger, Jay L; Brown, Roderick O


    Sport fans often foster very positive attitudes for their favorite teams and less favorable attitudes for opponents. The current research was designed to evaluate the consistency that might exist between implicit and explicit measures of those attitudes. College students (24 women, 16 men) performed a version of the Implicit Association Test related to their favorite and rival teams. Participants also reported their attitudes for these teams explicitly, via self-report instruments. When responding to the IAT, participants' responses were faster when they paired positive words with concepts related to favorite teams and negative words with rival teams, indicating implicit favorability for favorite teams and implicit negativity for rival teams. This pattern of implicit favorability and negativity was consistent with what participants reported explicitly via self-report. The importance of evaluating implicit attitudes and the corresponding consistency with explicit attitudes are discussed.

  1. CODESRIA Bulletin - Vol 1999, No 1-2 (1999)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Subscription or Fee Access. Table of Contents. Articles. Negotiating Post-war Identities: Child Soldiers in Mozambique and Angola. Alcinda Honwana. Congolese Immigrants in South ... Currency and Sovereignty. Hakim Ben Hammouda. Men and Women Between the Public and Private Sphere. Penda Mbow. Book Review: ...

  2. Free-ranging male koalas use size-related variation in formant frequencies to assess rival males.

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    Benjamin D Charlton

    Full Text Available Although the use of formant frequencies in nonhuman animal vocal communication systems has received considerable recent interest, only a few studies have examined the importance of these acoustic cues to body size during intra-sexual competition between males. Here we used playback experiments to present free-ranging male koalas with re-synthesised bellow vocalisations in which the formants were shifted to simulate either a large or a small adult male. We found that male looking responses did not differ according to the size variant condition played back. In contrast, male koalas produced longer bellows and spent more time bellowing when they were presented with playbacks simulating larger rivals. In addition, males were significantly slower to respond to this class of playback stimuli than they were to bellows simulating small males. Our results indicate that male koalas invest more effort into their vocal responses when they are presented with bellows that have lower formants indicative of larger rivals, but also show that males are slower to engage in vocal exchanges with larger males that represent more dangerous rivals. By demonstrating that male koalas use formants to assess rivals during the breeding season we have provided evidence that male-male competition constitutes an important selection pressure for broadcasting and attending to size-related formant information in this species. Further empirical studies should investigate the extent to which the use of formants during intra-sexual competition is widespread throughout mammals.


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    Ismail Rumadan


    Full Text Available Semangat penegakan hukum terhadap tindak pidana korupsi yang ditengarai sebagai kejahatan luar biasa yang berakibat pada terjadinya kesenjangan sosial, ekonomi, hilangnya kepercayaan kepada pemerintah dan berbagai permasalahan lainnya yang mendorong lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 jo Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 Tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Hal yang menarik dari pembentukan UU Tipikor ini adalah adanya ketentuan pidana minimum khusus di dalam rumusan deliknya terhadap pelaku tindak pidana korupsi. Hal ini tentu berbeda dengan ketentuan pidana pada umumnya dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP yang lebih mengenal ketentuan pidana maksimum. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ketentuan pinadana minimum khusus dalam undang-undang tindak pidana korupsi dapat saja diterobos asalkan hakim memiliki legal reseningatau ratio residentiyang tepat terhadap suatu kasus korupsi dengan melihat skala besar kecilnya kasus korupsi tersebut dengan pertimbangan dan pola penafsiran dari perpektif, social-justice,  moraljustice, dan keadilan masyarakat untuk menjatuhkan putusan di bawa batas minimum pemidanaan. Penjatuhan pidana di bawah ketentuan pidana minimum khusus dalam beberapa putusan pengadilan dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa kriteria yang menjadi pertimbangan hakim menyimpangi ketentuan pidana minimum tersebut, kriteria adanya unsur kerugian keuangan negara atau perekonomian negara sebagai akibat perbuatan tiundak pidana korupsi tersebut dan kriteria peran dan kedudukan terdakwa dalam perbuatan tindak pidana korupsi. The spirit of the rule of law against corruption which is considered as an extraordinary crime that resulted in the occurrence of social inequality , the economy , the loss of faith in government and a variety of other problems that led to the birth of Law No. 31 of 1999 in conjunction with the Law No. 20 Year 2001 About Follow Corruption. The interesting thing about the formation of the AntiCorruption Act is a criminal


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    Efraim Otero Ruiz


    Full Text Available

    Palabras pronunciadas por el Académico Efraím Otero Ruiz en la ceremonia religiosa de homenaje a las cenizas del Profesor Salomón Hakim Down. Capilla de los Santos Apóstoles del Gimnasio Moderno de Bogotá, 11 de mayo de 2011.

    En ceremonia sobrecogedora, con una mezcla de luto y afecto inenarrables, hemos encomendado a Dios en espíritu las cenizas del amigo y colega que fuera a su vez el autor del aporte más importante y original contribuido por Colombia a la ciencia mundial en el siglo XX. 

    Ya voces multitudinarias, en el país y en el extranjero, han subrayado en pocos días los aspectos humanos e intelectuales de quien fue verdaderamente grande entre los grandes. Como si allí resumiesen que su nombre y apellido, Salomón y Hakim, juntaron premonitoriamente al bautizarlo los apelativos árabes de sabiduría y médico, que se unieron en cada minuto de su luminosa existencia. Sin embargo, en este momento doloroso, cabe hacernos la misma reflexión que en el siglo XII se hiciera Ibn Arabi junto al féretro de Averroes: “De un lado va el maestro y del otro van sus libros. Pero, dime, ¿sus anhelos se vieron cumplidos?” 

    Ese cumplimiento arrancó en la casa paterna, donde Don Jorge y doña Sofía, con grandes sacrificios brindaron a sus hijos lo mejor que la educación y el confort podía darles. Por eso le encantaba subrayar en el libro de Dennis Brian “Las conversaciones de los genios” -que me regaló hace 15 años- lo que dijo el Nobel Richard Feynman cuando le preguntaron cuál había sido la mejor influencia en su vida y respondió: “Mi padre. Fue él quien, desde lo más temprano de mi existencia, me dijo todo lo que sabía sobre el mundo y la naturaleza y el interés que ellos despiertan. Y lo hizo con una generosidad inigualable”. 

    Esa aliciente ternura del ambiente familiar, resumida admirablemente por la Revista Semana hace

  5. Jealousy and the Characteristics of One's Rival: A Self-Evaluation Maintenance Perspective. (United States)

    DeSteno, David A.; Salovey, Peter


    Two studies provide support for a model of jealousy based on self-evaluation maintenance theory. Greater jealousy was reported when the domain of a rival's achievements was also a domain of high self-relevance to the participant. Notes sex differences in the impact of relationship partners on domains of self-definition. (LSR)

  6. Demographic study of pituitary adenomas undergone trans-sphenoidal surgery in Loghman Hakim Hospital, Tehran, Iran 2001–2013

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    Farahnaz Bidari Zerehpoosh


    Full Text Available Background: Pituitary adenomas (PAs are abnormal benign tumors that develop in the pituitary gland. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of different types of PAs with an indication for trans-sphenoidal surgery in a well-defined population referred to Loghman Hakim Hospital during 2001–2013. Subjects and Methods: In this retrospective study, the prevalence rate and symptoms associated with pituitary mass and hormone excess in operated patients were investigated. The diagnosis was verified after retrieval of clinical, hormonal, radiological, and pathological data. Demographic data were collected in all cases. Descriptive analysis, t-test, one-way analysis of variance and Fischer exacts test were used. Results: A total of 278 patients with PAs who underwent surgical interventions were evaluated. Most of the patients were aged 40–50 years with an average of 41 ± 14. The most prominent complaint was pressure effect, which was detected in 153 cases (55.2%. At the second place, hormonal disorders were observed in 125 cases (44.8%. Type of pituitary tumors were: Prolactinomas (29.1%, growth hormone (GH-producing tumors (25%, nonfunctioning PAs (28.4%, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH-producing tumors (2.1%, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH-producing tumors (0.7%, GH/prolactin (13.6%, GH/ACTH (0.3%, and TSH/ACTH (0.3%. Fifty-seven patients presented with recurrent adenomas. Pituitary apoplexy was found in 11 patients. One case of Sheehan syndrome was recorded among these. The correlations between clinical symptoms and patients, age and sex were not significant. Conclusion: The overview of demographic characteristics in Iranian patients with PAs with surgical indication has been discussed in the present investigation. The prevalence of different types of PAs and the most common clinical symptoms have been demonstrated.

  7. Northern Elephant Seals Memorize the Rhythm and Timbre of Their Rivals' Voices. (United States)

    Mathevon, Nicolas; Casey, Caroline; Reichmuth, Colleen; Charrier, Isabelle


    The evolutionary origin of rhythm perception, a cognitive ability essential to musicality, remains unresolved [1-5]. The ability to perceive and memorize rhythmic sounds is widely shared among humans [6] but seems rare among other mammals [7, 8]. Although the perception of temporal metrical patterns has been found in a few species, this ability has only been demonstrated through behavioral training [9] (but see [10] for an example of spontaneous tempo coordination in a bonobo), and there is no experimental evidence to indicate its biological function. Furthermore, there is no example of a non-human mammal able to remember and recognize auditory rhythmic patterns among a wide range of tempi. In the northern elephant seal Mirounga angustirostris, the calls of mature males comprise a rhythmic series of pulses, with the call of each individual characterized by its tempo and timbre; these individual vocal signatures are stable over years and across contexts [11]. Here, we report that northern elephant seal males routinely memorize and recognize the unique tempo and timbre of their rivals' voices and use this rhythmic information to individually identify competitors, which facilitates navigation within the social network of the rookery. By performing playbacks with natural and modified vocalizations, we show that males are sensitive to call rhythm disruption independently of modification of spectral features and that they use both temporal and spectral cues to identify familiar rivals. While spectral features of calls typically encode individual identity in mammalian vocalizations [12], this is the first example of this phenomenon involving sound rhythm. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Analyzing the Play Shahrazad by Tawfiq al-Hakim from a Structuralist Perspective

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    Rooh allah nasiri


    Full Text Available Among different approaches of literary criticism, structuralism has a close relationship with the text because a literary work consists of sentences and expressions and the sentencesare per se composed of words. Accordingly, different branches of linguistics are considered as the best instruments for analyzing descriptive aspects of expressions and sentences. The structuralist criticism usually investigates the structure of the work itself instead of investigating affairs such as theme, sense, thought, subjective and objective dimensions. The present study is to investigate the structure of the play Shahrazad using a descriptive-analytical method. It should be noted that regarding the limited size of the article and the wide scope of the structuralist criticism, the most basic structural concepts are investigated in this play concepts such as main characters, theme, antagonists, protagonists and the setting of the play. The character of Shahrazad is the internal desires of human beings "Abd" is a black-faced lustful man "Vazir" is a kind righteous person and "Malek" is an ascetic. The interests of these characters to Shahrazad have caused an unknown relationship among them. It is this relationship that gives the characters a symbolic aspect and each of them is a symbol for continuous efforts to understand the unknowns. Tawfiq al-Hakim believes that, in the modern age, wisdom is not the guide of human beings' fate, but their lighthouse is power thirst the devil which originates form human thought and challenges the humanity of human beings in this age.

  9. Rival ecologies of global commerce: Adam Smith and the natural historians. (United States)

    Jonsson, Fredrik Albritton


    This essay explores how the defense of global commerce pioneered in the Enlightenment was tied to the improvement of the natural order. Two rival ecologies, one made by natural historians and the other developed by Adam Smith and his liberal successors, vied for intellectual precedence as well as for practical application in the metropole and the colonies. Together they constitute the beginnings of an ongoing quarrel over the environmental foundation of capitalism.

  10. Mate Choice and Copulation Frequency in the Burying Beetle Nicrophorus quadripunctatus (Coleoptera: Silphidae: Effect of Male Body Size and Presence of a Rival

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seizi Suzuki


    Full Text Available It is widely assumed that there exists a competition between males for mating and that females prefer males with elaborate male traits. Further, such traits are considered to be synonymous with high quality in terms of benefits to females. The number and duration of copulations and the frequency of mate refusal between large and small Nicrophorus quadripunctatus males were examined both for single males and for two males competing. The number of copulations was not affected by the size of the male or by the presence of a rival, but there was a significant interaction such that large males increased their number of copulations when a small rival was present. Copulation duration was not affected by male size but was shortened by a rival male. Females rejected copulation attempts of small males more often than of large males, whether the males were alone or paired with a rival. These results suggest that large males have two advantages: they win contests between males and are preferred by females.

  11. Teaching Metaphorical Extensions of Private Events through Rival-Model Observation to Children with Autism (United States)

    Dixon, Mark R.; Belisle, Jordan; Munoz, Bridget E.; Stanley, Caleb R.; Rowsey, Kyle E.


    The study evaluated the efficacy of observational learning using the rival-model technique in teaching three children with autism to state metaphorical statements about emotions when provided a picture, as well as to intraverbally state an appropriate emotion when provided a scenario and corresponding metaphorical emotion. The results provide a…

  12. Exposure to odors of rivals enhances sexual motivation in male giant pandas.

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    Xiaoxing Bian

    Full Text Available Males will alter their mating behavior to cope with the presence of their competitors. Even exposure to odors from potential competitors can greatly increase male ejaculate expenditure in a variety of animals including insects, fishes, birds and rodents. Major efforts have been made to examine males' plastic responses to sperm competition and its fitness benefits. However, the effects of competitor absence on male's sexual motivation and behaviors remain unclear, which has been proposed to be one of the causes for the poor sexual performance of some captive mammals. This study revealed that sexual motivation can be greatly enhanced in captive male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca by exposure to chemosensory cues from either one or three conspecifics males. It had been shown that potential rivals' odors increased males' chemosensory investigation behavior, as well as their observing, following and sniffing behaviors towards estrous females. Behaviors changed regardless of the number of rivals (one or three. Our results demonstrate the effects of potential competition on male giant pandas' sexual motivation and behavioral coping strategy. We anticipate that our research will provide a fresh insight into the mechanisms underlying poor sexual performance in male captive mammals, and valuable information for the practical management and ex situ conservation of endangered species.

  13. Attentional Biases toward Attractive Alternatives and Rivals: Mechanisms Involved in Relationship Maintenance among Chinese Women. (United States)

    Ma, Yidan; Zhao, Guang; Tu, Shen; Zheng, Yong


    A long-term romantic relationship can offer many benefits to committed individuals. Thus, humans possess relationship maintenance mechanisms to protect against threats from those who serve as attractive alternatives or intrasexual rivals. Many studies have indicated that romantic love can act as a commitment device to activate these mechanisms. To examine the attentional bias associated with relationship maintenance among 108 college students (49 single and 59 committed females) in China, we used a semantic priming procedure to activate mental representations associated with romantic love and then asked participants to complete a dot-probe task for the purpose of making a distinction between the engage and disengage components of attention. No significant engaging effects toward attractive faces were observed among committed females, but the following significant disengaging effects were found: when primed with romantic love, single females showed increased attention toward and difficulty in disengaging from attractive male faces, whereas females already in a committed relationship did not alter their attention, remaining as inattentive to attractive alternatives as they were in the baseline condition. In addition, committed females responded to love priming by exhibiting difficulty in disengaging from attractive rivals. The present findings provide evidence in the Chinese cultural context for the existence of early-stage attentional processes in the domain of relationship maintenance that committed Chinese females protected an ongoing relationship by not only being inattentive to attractive males who could serve as attractive alternatives, but also being more attentive to attractive females who could be potential rivals when mental representations associated with romantic love were primed.

  14. Attentional Biases toward Attractive Alternatives and Rivals: Mechanisms Involved in Relationship Maintenance among Chinese Women.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yidan Ma

    Full Text Available A long-term romantic relationship can offer many benefits to committed individuals. Thus, humans possess relationship maintenance mechanisms to protect against threats from those who serve as attractive alternatives or intrasexual rivals. Many studies have indicated that romantic love can act as a commitment device to activate these mechanisms. To examine the attentional bias associated with relationship maintenance among 108 college students (49 single and 59 committed females in China, we used a semantic priming procedure to activate mental representations associated with romantic love and then asked participants to complete a dot-probe task for the purpose of making a distinction between the engage and disengage components of attention. No significant engaging effects toward attractive faces were observed among committed females, but the following significant disengaging effects were found: when primed with romantic love, single females showed increased attention toward and difficulty in disengaging from attractive male faces, whereas females already in a committed relationship did not alter their attention, remaining as inattentive to attractive alternatives as they were in the baseline condition. In addition, committed females responded to love priming by exhibiting difficulty in disengaging from attractive rivals. The present findings provide evidence in the Chinese cultural context for the existence of early-stage attentional processes in the domain of relationship maintenance that committed Chinese females protected an ongoing relationship by not only being inattentive to attractive males who could serve as attractive alternatives, but also being more attentive to attractive females who could be potential rivals when mental representations associated with romantic love were primed.

  15. Attentional Biases toward Attractive Alternatives and Rivals: Mechanisms Involved in Relationship Maintenance among Chinese Women (United States)

    Ma, Yidan; Zhao, Guang; Tu, Shen; Zheng, Yong


    A long-term romantic relationship can offer many benefits to committed individuals. Thus, humans possess relationship maintenance mechanisms to protect against threats from those who serve as attractive alternatives or intrasexual rivals. Many studies have indicated that romantic love can act as a commitment device to activate these mechanisms. To examine the attentional bias associated with relationship maintenance among 108 college students (49 single and 59 committed females) in China, we used a semantic priming procedure to activate mental representations associated with romantic love and then asked participants to complete a dot-probe task for the purpose of making a distinction between the engage and disengage components of attention. No significant engaging effects toward attractive faces were observed among committed females, but the following significant disengaging effects were found: when primed with romantic love, single females showed increased attention toward and difficulty in disengaging from attractive male faces, whereas females already in a committed relationship did not alter their attention, remaining as inattentive to attractive alternatives as they were in the baseline condition. In addition, committed females responded to love priming by exhibiting difficulty in disengaging from attractive rivals. The present findings provide evidence in the Chinese cultural context for the existence of early-stage attentional processes in the domain of relationship maintenance that committed Chinese females protected an ongoing relationship by not only being inattentive to attractive males who could serve as attractive alternatives, but also being more attentive to attractive females who could be potential rivals when mental representations associated with romantic love were primed. PMID:26309232

  16. Pet dogs’ behavior when the owner and an unfamiliar person attend to a faux rival (United States)

    Nicotra, Velia; Pelosi, Annalisa; Valsecchi, Paola


    While dog owners ascribe different emotions to their pets, including jealousy, research on secondary emotions in nonhuman animals is very limited and, so far, only one study has investigated jealousy in dogs (Canis familiaris). This work explores jealousy in dogs one step further. We conducted two studies adapting a procedure devised to assess jealousy in human infants. In each study 36 adult dogs were exposed to a situation in which their owner and a stranger ignored them while directing positive attention towards three different objects: a book, a puppet and a fake dog (Study 1: furry; Study 2: plastic). Overall, the results of both studies do not provide evidence that the behavioral responses of our dogs were triggered by jealousy: we did not find a clear indication that the fake dogs were perceived as real social rivals, neither the furry nor the plastic one. Indeed, dogs exhibited a higher interest (i.e. look at, interact with) towards the fake dogs, but differences in the behavior towards the fake dog and the puppet only emerged in Study 2. In addition, many of the behaviors (protest, stress, attention seeking, aggression) that are considered distinctive features of jealousy were not expressed or were expressed to a limited extent, revealing that dogs did not actively try to regain their owner’s attention or interfere with the interaction between the owner and the faux rival. Finally, a differentiated response towards the attachment figure (the owner) and the unfamiliar person (the stranger) did not emerge. Differently from what reported in human infants, dogs’ behavior towards the attachment figure and the stranger interacting with the potential competitor (in this case, the fake dog) did not significantly differ: in both studies dogs paid attention to the owner and the stranger manipulating the fake dog to the same extent. In conclusion, we do not exclude that dogs could possess a rudimentary form of jealousy, but we suggest that research on this topic

  17. Adversaries and Allies: Rival National Suffrage Groups and the 1882 Nebraska Woman Suffrage Campaign (United States)

    Heider, Carmen


    In September 1882, Nebraska was the setting for a significant moment in the history of the United States women's rights movement: the two rival suffrage organizations, the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) and the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA), both held their annual conventions in Omaha. The alliance of the AWSA and the NWSA…

  18. Cognitive ability rivals the effect of political sophistication on ideological voting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hebbelstrup Rye Rasmussen, Stig


    This article examines the impact of cognitive ability on ideological voting. We find, using a US sample and a Danish sample, that the effect of cognitive ability rivals the effect of the traditionally strongest predicter of ideological voting political sophistication. Furthermore, the results...... are consistent with the effect of cognitive ability being partly mediated by political sophistication. Much of the effect of cognitive ability remains however and is not explained by differences in education or Openness to experience either. The implications of these results for democratic theory are discussed....


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    T. V. Burchenko


    Full Text Available The aim of the research is to determine the optimal terms of the accumulation of vitamins by the organs of Geum depending on the rhythms of their seasonal development.Methods. The method for determining the vitamin C is based on the ability of ascorbic acid to change the color to blue in the acidic medium - 2,6 - dichlorophenolindophenol - to the leucoform, while ascorbic acid is oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid. Determination of vitamins A and E was carried out by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography.Results. It was found that the highest indices of vitamin A and E in the leaves of G. urbanum and G. rivale are observed in July. In the rhizomes of avens, the maximum concentration of vitamins A and E is observed in March during their intensive growth, vitamin C in January. Decrease in the supply of rhizomes of plants with vitamins A and E continues in the autumn period, while for the vitamin C it is observed in the early spring. In the inflorescences, at the beginning of flowering, G. rivale L. and G. urbanum L. are characterized by the greatest content of vitamin A; by the end of flowering, vitamins E and C are accumulated more intensively.Conclusion. The leaves of wintering plants of G. urbanum L. and G. rivale L. continue to contain vitamins A, E, C despite low temperatures under snow cover and are not subject to significant destruction. During the winter rest period, the content of vitamin C in the roots reaches a maximum. 

  20. Gender differences in the jealousy-evoking effect of rival characteristics : A study in Spain and Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buunk, Abraham P.; Castro Solano, Alejandro; Zurriaga, Rosario; Gonzalez, Pilar

    This study examines gender differences in the jealousy-evoking nature of rival characteristics in two Spanish-speaking countries (Argentina and Spain). A total of 388 Spanish students and 444 Argentinean students participated in the study. First, the cross-cultural validity of a Dutch scale

  1. Relations de Dispersion et Diffusion des Glueballs et des Mesons dans la Theorie de Jauge U(1)(2+1) Compacte (United States)

    Ahmed, Chaara El Mouez

    Nous avons etudie les relations de dispersion et la diffusion des glueballs et des mesons dans le modele U(1)_{2+1} compact. Ce modele a ete souvent utilise comme un simple modele de la chromodynamique quantique (QCD), parce qu'il possede le confinement ainsi que les etats de glueballs. Par contre, sa structure mathematique est beaucoup plus simple que la QCD. Notre methode consiste a diagonaliser l'Hamiltonien de ce modele dans une base appropriee de graphes et sur reseau impulsion, afin de generer les relations de dispersion des glueballs et des mesons. Pour la diffusion, nous avons utilise la methode dependante du temps pour calculer la matrice S et la section efficace de diffusion des glueballs et des mesons. Les divers resultats obtenus semblent etre en accord avec les travaux anterieurs de Hakim, Alessandrini et al., Irving et al., qui eux, utilisent plutot la theorie des perturbations en couplage fort, et travaillent sur un reseau espace-temps.

  2. The Effect of Simultaneous Sponsorship of Rival Football Teams

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    João Guilherme Barbosa de Amorim


    Full Text Available The present study investigated the impact of team identification and team-sponsor fit on the sponsor’s brand equity. The study’s main theoretical references are (a the Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979; (b the Schema Theory (Singer, 1968 and (c the Associative Network Theories (Collins & Loftus, 1975, both about the functioning of the human memory; and (d customer-based brand equity (Keller, 1993. Research was conducted in Porto Alegre, RS, a Brazilian city where rival football (soccer teams Grêmio and Internacional share their main sponsors, Banrisul and Unimed, since 2001 and 2002, respectively, a rare context that was previously studied only once before (Davies, Veloutsou, & Costa, 2006. The valid sample comprised 2,000 fans of both teams. The sample was non-probabilistic with equal gender and team quotas. Data analysis was performed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA; and the reliability, convergent, discriminant and nomological validity of the constructs were verified. To test the substantive hypotheses, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM using the ADF technique was applied. The empirical results suggest that, in the studied context, the sponsor’s brand equity is more influenced by teamsponsor fit than by team identification, which is different from a non-rivalry sponsorship context.

  3. Detection of shielded radionuclides from weak and poorly resolved spectra using group positive RIVAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kump, Paul; Bai, Er-Wei; Chan, Kung-Sik; Eichinger, William


    This paper is concerned with the identification of nuclides from weak and poorly resolved spectra in the presence of unknown radiation shielding materials such as carbon, water, concrete and lead. Since a shield will attenuate lower energies more so than higher ones, isotope sub-spectra must be introduced into models and into detection algorithms. We propose a new algorithm for detection, called group positive RIVAL, that encourages the selection of groups of sub-spectra rather than the selection of individual sub-spectra that may be from the same parent isotope. Indeed, the proposed algorithm incorporates group positive LASSO, and, as such, we supply the consistency results of group positive LASSO and adaptive group positive LASSO. In an example employing various shielding materials and material thicknesses, group positive RIVAL is shown to perform well in all scenarios with the exception of ones in which the shielding material is lead. - Highlights: ► Identification of nuclides from weak and poorly resolved spectra. ► Shielding materials such as carbon, water, concrete, and lead are considered. ► Isotope spectra are decomposed into their sub-spectra. ► A variable selection algorithm is proposed that encourages group selection. ► Simulations demonstrate the proposed method's performance when nuclides have been shielded

  4. Patterns of technology transfer between parent companies and subsidiaries rivals. its effect on competition; Patrones de transferencia de tecnologia entre empresas matrices filiares y rivales. su efecto sobre la competencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendi, P.; Moner-colonques, R.; Sempere-Monerris, J. J.


    This paper provides a quantitative view of the international market for technology, in which most of the transfers happen within multinational firms by means of royalty based contracts. We develop a competition model where one of the firms, partially owned by a multinational firm that holds a process innovation, has been transferred the technology. When the affiliated firm is the most efficient one in the market, a higher share implies the rival of the affiliated firm paying positive and greater royalties in more cases and so the multinational can control the intensity of competition. (Author)

  5. Rival framings: A framework for discovering how problem formulation uncertainties shape risk management trade-offs in water resources systems (United States)

    Quinn, J. D.; Reed, P. M.; Giuliani, M.; Castelletti, A.


    Managing water resources systems requires coordinated operation of system infrastructure to mitigate the impacts of hydrologic extremes while balancing conflicting multisectoral demands. Traditionally, recommended management strategies are derived by optimizing system operations under a single problem framing that is assumed to accurately represent the system objectives, tacitly ignoring the myriad of effects that could arise from simplifications and mathematical assumptions made when formulating the problem. This study illustrates the benefits of a rival framings framework in which analysts instead interrogate multiple competing hypotheses of how complex water management problems should be formulated. Analyzing rival framings helps discover unintended consequences resulting from inherent biases of alternative problem formulations. We illustrate this on the monsoonal Red River basin in Vietnam by optimizing operations of the system's four largest reservoirs under several different multiobjective problem framings. In each rival framing, we specify different quantitative representations of the system's objectives related to hydropower production, agricultural water supply, and flood protection of the capital city of Hanoi. We find that some formulations result in counterintuitive behavior. In particular, policies designed to minimize expected flood damages inadvertently increase the risk of catastrophic flood events in favor of hydropower production, while min-max objectives commonly used in robust optimization provide poor representations of system tradeoffs due to their instability. This study highlights the importance of carefully formulating and evaluating alternative mathematical abstractions of stakeholder objectives describing the multisectoral water demands and risks associated with hydrologic extremes.

  6. Comparison of indicators of the team game performance between the U.S. team and teams of his rivals at the World Championship Men 2010


    Rédli, Tomáš


    Title of thesis: Comparison of indicators of the team game performance between the U.S. team and teams of his rivals at the Wprld Championship Men 2010 Aim of the thesis: The aim of the thesis is to compare indicators of the team game performance of Team USA and its rivals. On the basis of this comparison will be a confrontation of both teams after the match and find differences in their game performance. Methods of the thesis: The main method of the thesis is quantitative analysis of 6 selec...

  7. Hakim Mudarres Zunuzi and Banu Amin on the Unity of Essence A Comparative Study

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    Maryamsaday Eizadi


    Full Text Available Tawhid (the belief in transcendent oneness or unity of divinity is the culmination of all Islamic teachings and has a special place in Islamic sciences. The unity of essence begins by the unity of existential necessity and ends in unity of existence as many theosophers and mystics suggest. This essay discusses unity of essence as understood by two Sadraean thinkers (Hakim Mudarres Zunuzi and Banu Amin according to Mulla Sadra's principles. Undoubtedly, these two theosophers have no discord as far as they speak about necessity of existence and unity of Necessary Existence. Dispute erupts when Banu voices her Sadraean sympathy with transcendent oneness of existence while Mudarres takes another position.       According to Sadra, the being which has no limitation whatsoever leaves no room for other being to come into existence and be its second or third and thus it is unique and uncountable. In this world, thus, there is no existence but one of which the rest are manifestations (Mulla Sadra, 1382, 67. This view which has been mentioned by Sadra in different positions is the very idea of individual unity of existence. It needs to be explained that in Mulla Sadra's works there are two accounts of effect: Existence in itself for something-else (relational existence Existence for something-else (copulative existence      At first sight which is thought to be elementary as compared to the second one, effect enjoys a reality and existence of its own the whole identity of which is though being related to and depended on cause and this dependency is its very essence and undetachable but the effect like the cause is counted among  beings. This is the position which is also held by Mudarres Zunuzi as to contingent beings (Mudarres Zunuzi, 1376: 357. He seem to have understood Mulla Sadra's words implying this very sense alone without presuming the possibility of a second sense. To put it otherwise, he has indeed fathomed effect's copulative

  8. Photosynthetic adaptation to light intensity in plants native to shaded and exposed habitats. [Rumex acetosa; Geum rivale; Lamium galeobdolon; Plantago lanceolata

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bjoerkman, O; Holmgren, P


    Photosynthetic adaptation to light intensity has been studied in clones of populations from shaded and exposed habitats of Rumex acetosa and Geum rivale. Clones of the shade species Lamium galeobdolon and the sun species Plantago lanceolata were also included for comparison. The plants were grown under controlled conditions at a high and a low light intensity. The capacity of photosynthetic carbon dioxide uptake at low as well as at saturating light intensities was determined on single attached leaves. As was previously demonstrated in Solidago virgaurea, clones of populations native to shaded and to exposed environments show differences in the photosynthetic response to light intensity during growth. The data provide evidence that populations of the same species native to habitats with contrasting light intensities differ in their photosynthetic properties in an adaptive manner in a similar mode as sun and shade species. 1 reference, 1 figure, 2 tables.

  9. From rivals to partners; nuclear cooperation process between Argentina and Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carasales, J.C.


    The process of rapprochement and integration with Brazil is probably the most important event of the Argentine foreign policy in the last quarter of the 20th. century. In the framework of this broad undertaking, the gradual development of a new relationship in the nuclear field has showed special and unprecedented characteristic which have aroused the international interest. This publication relates the origin and the evolution of the growing nuclear cooperation process between the two countries which until then had been rivals. The sensitive matter involved makes unexpected the speed and the success of the transition from an attempt to generate confidence and transparency in the nuclear programs of both countries to a whole complex of mandatory legal instruments and to the creation of an agency of mutual safeguard that has no precedent [es

  10. Strategies for managing rival bacterial communities: Lessons from burying beetles. (United States)

    Duarte, Ana; Welch, Martin; Swannack, Chris; Wagner, Josef; Kilner, Rebecca M


    The role of bacteria in animal development, ecology and evolution is increasingly well understood, yet little is known of how animal behaviour affects bacterial communities. Animals that benefit from defending a key resource from microbial competitors are likely to evolve behaviours to control or manipulate the animal's associated external microbiota. We describe four possible mechanisms by which animals could gain a competitive edge by disrupting a rival bacterial community: "weeding," "seeding," "replanting" and "preserving." By combining detailed behavioural observations with molecular and bioinformatic analyses, we then test which of these mechanisms best explains how burying beetles, Nicrophorus vespilloides, manipulate the bacterial communities on their carcass breeding resource. Burying beetles are a suitable species to study how animals manage external microbiota because reproduction revolves around a small vertebrate carcass. Parents shave a carcass and apply antimicrobial exudates on its surface, shaping it into an edible nest for their offspring. We compared bacterial communities in mice carcasses that were either fresh, prepared by beetles or unprepared but buried underground for the same length of time. We also analysed bacterial communities in the burying beetle's gut, during and after breeding, to understand whether beetles could be "seeding" the carcass with particular microbes. We show that burying beetles do not "preserve" the carcass by reducing bacterial load, as is commonly supposed. Instead, our results suggest they "seed" the carcass with bacterial groups which are part of the Nicrophorus core microbiome. They may also "replant" other bacteria from the carcass gut onto the surface of their carrion nest. Both these processes may lead to the observed increase in bacterial load on the carcass surface in the presence of beetles. Beetles may also "weed" the bacterial community by eliminating some groups of bacteria on the carcass, perhaps through

  11. Deep neural networks rival the representation of primate IT cortex for core visual object recognition.

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    Charles F Cadieu


    Full Text Available The primate visual system achieves remarkable visual object recognition performance even in brief presentations, and under changes to object exemplar, geometric transformations, and background variation (a.k.a. core visual object recognition. This remarkable performance is mediated by the representation formed in inferior temporal (IT cortex. In parallel, recent advances in machine learning have led to ever higher performing models of object recognition using artificial deep neural networks (DNNs. It remains unclear, however, whether the representational performance of DNNs rivals that of the brain. To accurately produce such a comparison, a major difficulty has been a unifying metric that accounts for experimental limitations, such as the amount of noise, the number of neural recording sites, and the number of trials, and computational limitations, such as the complexity of the decoding classifier and the number of classifier training examples. In this work, we perform a direct comparison that corrects for these experimental limitations and computational considerations. As part of our methodology, we propose an extension of "kernel analysis" that measures the generalization accuracy as a function of representational complexity. Our evaluations show that, unlike previous bio-inspired models, the latest DNNs rival the representational performance of IT cortex on this visual object recognition task. Furthermore, we show that models that perform well on measures of representational performance also perform well on measures of representational similarity to IT, and on measures of predicting individual IT multi-unit responses. Whether these DNNs rely on computational mechanisms similar to the primate visual system is yet to be determined, but, unlike all previous bio-inspired models, that possibility cannot be ruled out merely on representational performance grounds.

  12. Estimating greenhouse gas emissions using emission factors from the Sugarcane Development Company, Ahvaz, Iran

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    Amir Zahedi


    Full Text Available Background: Greenhouse gas (GHG emissions are increasing worldwide. They have harmful effects on human health, animals, and plants and play a major role in global warming and acid rain. Methods: This research investigated carbon dioxide (CO2 and CH4 emissions obtained from different parts of the Hakim Farabi, Dobal Khazaei, and Ramin factories which produce ethanol and yeast. Seasonal rates of CO2 at the soil surface at the studied sites were estimated from measurements made on location and at intervals with manual chambers. This study aimed to assess the production rate of GHG emissions (CH4, CO2 in the sugar production units of Hakim Farabi, Dobal Khazaei, and Ramin factories. Results: Mean concentrations of CO2 and CH4 emissions are respectively 279 500.207 and 3087.07 tons/ year from the Hakim Farabi agro-industry, 106 985.24 and 1.14 tons/year at the Dobal Khazaei ethanol producing factory, and 124 766.17 and 1.93 tons/year at the Ramin leavening producing factory. Conclusion: Sugar plant boilers and the burning of sugarcane contributed the most CO2 and CH4 emissions, respectively. Moreover, lime kilns and diesel generators showed the least carbon dioxide and methane emissions, respectively.

  13. Rivaling paradigms in psychiatric neurosurgery: adjustability versus quick fix versus minimal-invasiveness. (United States)

    Müller, Sabine; Riedmüller, Rita; van Oosterhout, Ansel


    In the wake of deep brain stimulation (DBS) development, ablative neurosurgical procedures are seeing a comeback, although they had been discredited and nearly completely abandoned in the 1970s because of their unethical practice. Modern stereotactic ablative procedures as thermal or radiofrequency ablation, and particularly radiosurgery (e.g., Gamma Knife) are much safer than the historical procedures, so that a re-evaluation of this technique is required. The different approaches of modern psychiatric neurosurgery refer to different paradigms: microsurgical ablative procedures is based on the paradigm 'quick fix,' radiosurgery on the paradigm 'minimal-invasiveness,' and DBS on the paradigm 'adjustability.' From a mere medical perspective, none of the procedures is absolutely superior; rather, they have different profiles of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, individual factors are crucial in decision-making, particularly the patients' social situation, individual preferences, and individual attitudes. The different approaches are not only rivals, but also enriching mutually. DBS is preferable for exploring new targets, which may become candidates for ablative microsurgery or radiosurgery.

  14. How Emerging Market Resource-poor Firms Compete and Outcompete Advanced Country Resource-Rich Rivals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Xin


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to comment on Professor Ming-Jer Chen’s recent publication titled “Competitive dynamics: Eastern roots, Western growth” and present an asymmetry reversing perspective on the competitive dynamics between two nonobvious, invisible or indirect competitors, namely......, how emerging market resource-poor firms compete and outcompete advanced country resource-rich rivals. Design/methodology/approach: The author first identifies an important neglect in Professor Chen’s scholarship on competitive dynamics, i.e., the neglect of the ubiquity of the less visible competition...... position, and try to avoid any direct competition with the strong incumbents. They often tactically appear to pursue different paths of development from those of the strong incumbents by focusing on particular product categories and market segments. Doing so allows the resource-poor firms to win times...

  15. Rivaling Paradigms in Psychiatric Neurosurgery: Adjustability versus Quick Fix versus Minimal-Invasiveness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Müller eSabine


    Full Text Available In the wake of deep brain stimulation (DBS development, ablative neurosurgical procedures are seeing a comeback, although they had been discredited and nearly completely abandoned in the 1970ies because of their unethical practice. Modern stereotactic ablative procedures as thermal or radiofrequency ablation, and particularly radiosurgery (e.g., Gamma Knife are much safer than the historical procedures, so that a re-evaluation of this technique is required. The different approaches of modern psychiatric neurosurgery refer to different paradigms: Microsurgical ablative procedures is based on the paradigm ‘quick fix’, radiosurgery on the paradigm ‘minimal-invasiveness’, and DBS on the paradigm ‘adjustability’.From a mere medical perspective, none of the procedures is absolutely superior; rather, they have different profiles of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, individual factors are crucial in decision-making, particularly the patients’ social situation, individual preferences, and individual attitudes.The different approaches are not only rivals, but also enriching mutually. DBS is preferable for exploring new targets, which may become candidates for ablative microsurgery or radiosurgery.

  16. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    15 oct. 2010 ... Najoua Zbiti¹,&, Tarik Sqalli Houssaini1, Hakim Hamzaoui1, Meriam Meziane2, Fouad Zouaidia3, Najat Mahassini3, Hakima Rhou1,. Loubna Benamar¹, Fatima Ezaitouni¹, Naima Ouzeddoun1, Badreddine Hassam2, Rabia Bayahia1. 1Service de Néphrologie-Dialyse-Transplantation rénale, CHU Ibn Sina, ...

  17. The rival wears Prada: luxury consumption as a female competition strategy. (United States)

    Hudders, Liselot; De Backer, Charlotte; Fisher, Maryanne; Vyncke, Patrick


    Previous studies on luxury consumption demonstrated that men spend large sums of money on luxury brands to signal their mate value to women and, thus, increase their reproductive success. Although women also spend copious amounts of money on luxuries, research focusing on women's motives for luxury consumption is rather scarce. Relying on costly signaling and intrasexual competition theory, the goal of the current study was to test whether female intrasexual competition in a mate attraction context triggers women's spending on luxuries. The results of the first experiment reveal that an intrasexual competition context enhances women's preferences for attractiveness enhancing, but not for non-attractiveness related luxuries such as a smartphone. This finding indicates that women may use luxury consumption as a self-promotion strategy during within-sex competitions, as these luxuries improve their advantages against same-sex rivals for mates. A follow-up study shows that compared to women who do not consume luxuries, women who do so are perceived as more attractive, flirty, young, ambitious, sexy, and less loyal, mature and smart by other women. These results suggest that luxury consumption may provide information about a women's willingness to engage in sex, as well as her views about other women, and consequently, her success in intrasexual competitions.

  18. The Rival Wears Prada: Luxury Consumption as a Female Competition Strategy

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    Liselot Hudders


    Full Text Available Previous studies on luxury consumption demonstrated that men spend large sums of money on luxury brands to signal their mate value to women and, thus, increase their reproductive success. Although women also spend copious amounts of money on luxuries, research focusing on women's motives for luxury consumption is rather scarce. Relying on costly signaling and intrasexual competition theory, the goal of the current study was to test whether female intrasexual competition in a mate attraction context triggers women's spending on luxuries. The results of the first experiment reveal that an intrasexual competition context enhances women's preferences for attractiveness enhancing, but not for non-attractiveness related luxuries such as a smartphone. This finding indicates that women may use luxury consumption as a self-promotion strategy during within-sex competitions, as these luxuries improve their advantages against same-sex rivals for mates. A follow-up study shows that compared to women who do not consume luxuries, women who do so are perceived as more attractive, flirty, young, ambitious, sexy, and less loyal, mature and smart by other women. These results suggest that luxury consumption may provide information about a women's willingness to engage in sex, as well as her views about other women, and consequently, her success in intrasexual competitions.

  19. Adaptive rival penalized competitive learning and combined linear predictor model for financial forecast and investment. (United States)

    Cheung, Y M; Leung, W M; Xu, L


    We propose a prediction model called Rival Penalized Competitive Learning (RPCL) and Combined Linear Predictor method (CLP), which involves a set of local linear predictors such that a prediction is made by the combination of some activated predictors through a gating network (Xu et al., 1994). Furthermore, we present its improved variant named Adaptive RPCL-CLP that includes an adaptive learning mechanism as well as a data pre-and-post processing scheme. We compare them with some existing models by demonstrating their performance on two real-world financial time series--a China stock price and an exchange-rate series of US Dollar (USD) versus Deutschmark (DEM). Experiments have shown that Adaptive RPCL-CLP not only outperforms the other approaches with the smallest prediction error and training costs, but also brings in considerable high profits in the trading simulation of foreign exchange market.


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    Mohamad Nur Yasin


    Full Text Available This research reveals three causes of authority intersection in section 55 regulation Number 21, year 2008 on sharia banking. First, the transition of Religious Court after regulation Number 33 year 2006 on the changing of regulation Number 7 year 1989 on Religious Court  is  legalized.  Second,  there  is  an  image  that  General  Court  is  more  popular  than Religious Court. Third, there is socio-political influence and particular interests within the process of formulating the regulation. Judges in Religious Court of Malang are divided into two groups in interpreting section 55 regulation Number 21 year 2008 on Sharia Banking. Firstly, those who apply historical interpretation method argue that the section gives option towards dispute resolution forum. Secondly, those who apply grammatical method stated that section 55 is a historic, because the content has been included in section 49 Regulation Number 3 Year 2006 on the changing of Regulation Number 7 year 1989 on Religious Court which has implication towards the authority reduction of Religious Court on sharia banking. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kan tiga sebab persinggungan kewenangan dalam pasal 55 UU Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 Tentang Perbankan Syariah. Pertama, adanya masa transisi bagi Peradilan Agama setelah disahkannya UU Nomor 3 Tahun 2006 Tentang Perubahan Atas UU Nomor 7 Tahun 1989 Tentang Peradilan Agama. Kedua, adanya image bahwa Peradilan Umum lebih populer dari Peradilan Agama. Ketiga, adanya pengaruh sosial politik dan berbagai kepentingan dalam proses perumusan UU Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 Tentang Perbankan Syariah. Hakim Pengadilan Agama Malang terbagi dalam dua kelompok dalam menginterpretasikan pasal 55 UU Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 Tentang Perbankan Syariah. Pertama,  kelompok  yang  menggunakan  metode  interpretasi  sejarah  berpendapat  bahwa pasal  55  muncul  untuk  memberikan  opsi  terhadap  forum  penyelesai  sengketa.  Kedua, kelompok yang

  1. El caso Ossorio durante el primer franquismo : secuestro y manipulación de la memoria rival como estrategia de control social

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    Rafael Caballero Ruano


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo abordaremos una de las estrategias más comunes del nuevo régimen franquista para consolidar el control sobre la sociedad española durante sus primeros años de existencia (1936-1955: el secuestro y/o la manipulación de la memoria de los vencidos a fin de hacerla desaparecer de la memoria colectiva. Para ello, recurriremos a la campaña de descrédito que sufre una figura representativa del bando republicano —el político democristiano Ossorio y Gallardo—, centrándonos en las razones y procedimientos más usuales del Estado para neutralizar a dicho rival. Como colofón, presentamos ciertas claves para la recuperación de la memoria individual, con especial atención a la localización de fuentes y a los obstáculos políticos de la actual coyuntura histórica.In this article we will deal with one of the most common strategies of the new Franquista regime in order to consolídate the control of spanish society during the first years of existence (1936-1953: the kidnapping and/or the manipulation of the defeated's memory to make her disappear from the collective memory. For this we will analyse to the discredit compaign of a representative figure of the republican band —the demochristian politician Ossorio y Gallardo— and the more usual state's reasons and procedures to neutralize the aforementioned rival. Finally we will present some keys for the individual memory's recuperation, especially the source's location and the politician obstacles of the present historical context.

  2. A Further Examination of Potential Observation Network Design with Mesoscale Ensemble Sensitivities in Complex Terrain (United States)


    a successful means of determining forecast error in synoptic storms (Hakim and Torn 2008), storms undergoing extratropical transition (Torn and...677. Torn, R. D., and G. J. Hakim, 2009: Initial condition sensitivity of Western-Pacific extratropical transitions determined using ensemble-based

  3. Appendix I3-1 to Wind HUI Initiative 1: AWST-WindNET-Phase 1 Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    John Zack


    This report is an appendix to the Hawaii WindHUI efforts to develop and operationalize short-term wind forecasting and wind ramp event forecasting capabilities. The report summarizes the WindNET Phase 1 efforts on the Big Island of Hawaii and includes descriptions of modeling methodologies, use of field validation data, results and recommendations. The objective of the WindNET project was to investigate the improvement that could be obtained in short-term wind power forecasting for wind generation facilities operating on the island grids operated by Hawaiian Electric Companies through the use of atmospheric sensors deployed at targeted locations. WindNET is envisioned as a multiphase project that will address the short-term wind forecasting issues of all of the wind generation facilities on the all of the Hawaiian Electric Companies' island grid systems. The first phase of the WindNET effort (referred to as WindNET-1) was focused on the wind generation facilities on the Big Island of Hawaii. With complex terrain and marine environment, emphasis was on improving the 0 to 6 hour forecasts of wind power ramps and periods of wind variability, with a particular interest in the intra-hour (0-1 hour) look-ahead period. The WindNET project was built upon a foundation that was constructed with the results from a previously completed observation targeting study for the Big Island that was conducted as part of a project supported by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and interactions with the western utilities. The observational targeting study provided guidance on which variables to measure and at what locations to get the most improvement in forecast performance at a target forecast site. The recommendations of the observation targeting study were based on the application two techniques: (1) an objective method called ensemble sensitivity analysis (ESA) (Ancell and Hakim, 2007; Torn and Hakim, 2008; Zack et al, 2010); and (2) a subjective method based on a

  4. Vitamins K1 and K2: The Emerging Group of Vitamins Required for Human Health. (United States)

    Schwalfenberg, Gerry Kurt


    To review the evidence for the use of vitamin K supplementation in clinical conditions such as osteoporosis, vascular calcification, arthritis, cancer, renal calculi, diabetes, and warfarin therapy. PubMed was searched for articles on vitamin K (K1 and K2) along with books and conference proceedings and health conditions listed above. Level I and II evidence supports the use of vitamins K1 and K2 in osteoporosis and Level II evidence supports vitamin K2 in prevention of coronary calcification and cardiovascular disease. Evidence is insufficient for use in diabetes, arthritis, renal calculi, and cancer. Vitamin K2 may be a useful adjunct for the treatment of osteoporosis, along with vitamin D and calcium, rivaling bisphosphonate therapy without toxicity. It may also significantly reduce morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular health by reducing vascular calcification. Vitamin K2 appears promising in the areas of diabetes, cancer, and osteoarthritis. Vitamin K use in warfarin therapy is safe and may improve INR control, although a dosage adjustment is required. Vitamin K supplementation may be useful for a number of chronic conditions that are afflicting North Americans as the population ages. Supplementation may be required for bone and cardiovascular health.

  5. A survey on microorganisms and their sensitivity by E-test in ventilator-associated pneumonia at Toxicological-Intensive Care Unit of Loghman-Hakim Hospital. (United States)

    Talaie, Haleh; Sabeti, Shahram; Mahdavinejad, Arezou; Barari, Behjat; Kamalbeik, Sepideh


    Hakim Hospital.

  6. Vitamins K1 and K2: The Emerging Group of Vitamins Required for Human Health

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    Gerry Kurt Schwalfenberg


    Full Text Available Objective. To review the evidence for the use of vitamin K supplementation in clinical conditions such as osteoporosis, vascular calcification, arthritis, cancer, renal calculi, diabetes, and warfarin therapy. Quality of Evidence. PubMed was searched for articles on vitamin K (K1 and K2 along with books and conference proceedings and health conditions listed above. Level I and II evidence supports the use of vitamins K1 and K2 in osteoporosis and Level II evidence supports vitamin K2 in prevention of coronary calcification and cardiovascular disease. Evidence is insufficient for use in diabetes, arthritis, renal calculi, and cancer. Main Message. Vitamin K2 may be a useful adjunct for the treatment of osteoporosis, along with vitamin D and calcium, rivaling bisphosphonate therapy without toxicity. It may also significantly reduce morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular health by reducing vascular calcification. Vitamin K2 appears promising in the areas of diabetes, cancer, and osteoarthritis. Vitamin K use in warfarin therapy is safe and may improve INR control, although a dosage adjustment is required. Conclusion. Vitamin K supplementation may be useful for a number of chronic conditions that are afflicting North Americans as the population ages. Supplementation may be required for bone and cardiovascular health.

  7. Recent advances in density functional methods, pt. 1-2

    CERN Document Server

    Chong, Delano P


    Of all the different areas in computational chemistry, density functional theory (DFT) enjoys the most rapid development. Even at the level of the local density approximation (LDA), which is computationally less demanding, DFT can usually provide better answers than Hartree-Fock formalism for large systems such as clusters and solids. For atoms and molecules, the results from DFT often rival those obtained by ab initio quantum chemistry, partly because larger basis sets can be used. Such encouraging results have in turn stimulated workers to further investigate the formal theory as well as the

  8. analytic sets and extension of holomorphic maps of positive ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    (1) (1990),. 49-100. 11. F. Forstneric, Extending proper holomorphic mappings of positive codimension, Invent. Math. 95 (1989), 31-61. 12. M. Hakim, Applications holomorphes propres continues de domaines strictement pseudocon- vexes de ...

  9. Spatial distance regulates sex-specific feelings to suspected sexual and emotional infidelity. (United States)

    Schützwohl, Achim; Morjaria, Sheena; Alvis, Shahin


    The present study investigates the hitherto neglected influence of the spatial distance between the jealous person, the partner, and a potential rival as a proximate contextual factor regulating emotion intensity. The study tested four predictions. (1) The jealousy mechanism responds with mild negative feelings at most as long as the partner is close to the jealous person. (2) The negative feelings increase when the partner is far from the jealous person but the rival is close. (3) The most uncomfortable feelings result when the partner and the rival are close together and both far from the jealous person. (4) Based on the evolutionary psychological considerations, men report stronger negative feelings than women when suspecting sexual infidelity. Conversely, women report stronger negative feelings than men when suspecting emotional infidelity. The results confirmed predictions 1 and 4. Reversing predictions 2 and 3, the close rival consistently elicited the most uncomfortable feelings. Implications and limitations of the present study are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided.


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    Muhammad Faisal


    Full Text Available There are various principles given in Indonesian Civil Code (KUHPerdata and HIR/RBg in providing legal protection on good faith purchaser, but all of these principles eventually dropped their pedestal on a judge’s verdict to decide whether or not the intention of the buyer is based on a good faith purchaser. There are also many factors that can influence the decision of a judge that can lead to different conceptions of the protection provided. In addition, the rapid development of the present law requires judges to review the general principles of law and also applying existing law theories in the making of their verdict. Permasalahan perlindungan hukum pembeli beritikad baik merupakan masalah yang cukup mendasar dalam hukum kita. Terdapat berbagai prinsip yang diberikan dalam KUHPerdata maupun HIR/RBg dalam mengupayakan perlindungan hukum pembeli beritikad baik, akan tetapi upaya-upaya tersebut pada akhirnya menjatuhkan tumpuannya pada putusan hakim untuk menilai beritikad baik atau tidaknya seseorang. Di sisi lain, terdapat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi putusan seorang hakim sehingga apabila dikaitkan dengan itikad baik, dapat menimbulkan konsepsi yang berbeda-beda terhadap perlindungan yang diberikan. Selain itu, pesatnya perkembangan hukum sekarang ini mewajibkan hakim-hakim untuk mempelajari kembali asas-asas hukum serta menerapkan teori-teori hukum yang ada dalam membuat putusannya.


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    Muhammad Faisal


    Full Text Available There are various principles given in Indonesian Civil Code (KUHPerdata and HIR/RBg in providing legal protection on good faith purchaser, but all of these principles eventually dropped their pedestal on a judge’s verdict to decide whether or not the intention of the buyer is based on a good faith purchaser. There are also many factors that can influence the decision of a judge that can lead to different conceptions of the protection provided. In addition, the rapid development of the present law requires judges to review the general principles of law and also applying existing law theories in the making of their verdict.   Permasalahan perlindungan hukum pembeli beritikad baik merupakan masalah yang cukup mendasar dalam hukum kita. Terdapat berbagai prinsip yang diberikan dalam KUHPerdata maupun HIR/RBg dalam mengupayakan perlindungan hukum pembeli beritikad baik, akan tetapi upaya-upaya tersebut pada akhirnya menjatuhkan tumpuannya pada putusan hakim untuk menilai beritikad baik atau tidaknya seseorang. Di sisi lain, terdapat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi putusan seorang hakim sehingga apabila dikaitkan dengan itikad baik, dapat menimbulkan konsepsi yang berbeda-beda terhadap perlindungan yang diberikan. Selain itu, pesatnya perkembangan hukum sekarang ini mewajibkan hakim-hakim untuk mempelajari kembali asas-asas hukum serta menerapkan teori-teori hukum yang ada dalam membuat putusannya.

  12. Recepción temprana de la teoría de la deriva continental y su competencia con las teorías rivales

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    Pérez-Malváez, Carlos


    Full Text Available In 1912 Alfred Lothar Wegener proposed the theory of the continental drift. Wegener thought that the displacement explained more paleontological and geophysical data than any other rival program. The great virtue of the drift theory resided in their great capacity of synthesis. Wegener appealed to the information provided by the Geology, Paleontology and Paleoclimatology.

    Alfred Lothar Wegener propuso la teoría de la deriva continental en 1912. Wegener ciertamente pensó que el desplazamiento explicaba mas datos paleontológicos y geofísicos que cualquiera de los programas de investigación establecidos. Desde luego, la gran virtud de la teoría de la deriva fue su gran capacidad de síntesis. Wegener recurrió a la información que provenía de la Geología, Geofísica, Paleontología y Paleoclimatología.

  13. Is Recent Warming Unprecedented in the Common Era? Insights from PAGES2k data and the Last Millennium Reanalysis (United States)

    Erb, M. P.; Emile-Geay, J.; McKay, N.; Hakim, G. J.; Steig, E. J.; Anchukaitis, K. J.


    Paleoclimate observations provide a critical context for 20th century warming by putting recent climate change into a longer-term perspective. Previous work (e.g. IPCC AR3-5) has claimed that recent decades are exceptional in the context of past centuries, though these statements are usually accompanied by large uncertainties and little spatial detail. Here we leverage a recent multiproxy compilation (PAGES2k Consortium, 2017) to revisit this long-standing question. We do so via two complementary approaches. The first approach compares multi-decadal averages and trends in PAGES2k proxy records, which include trees, corals, ice cores, and more. Numerous proxy records reveal that late 20th century values are extreme compared to the remainder of the recorded period, although considerable variability exists in the signals preserved in individual records. The second approach uses the same PAGES2k data blended with climate model output to produce an optimal analysis: the Last Millennium Reanalysis (LMR; Hakim et al., 2016). Unlike proxy data, LMR is spatially-complete and explicitly models uncertainty in proxy records, resulting in objective error estimates. The LMR results show that for nearly every region of the world, late 20th century temperatures exceed temperatures in previous multi-decadal periods during the Common Era, and 20th century warming rates exceed rates in previous centuries. An uncertainty with the present analyses concerns the interpretation of proxy records. PAGES2k included only records that are primarily sensitive to temperature, but many proxies may be influenced by secondary non-temperature effects. Additionally, the issue of seasonality is important as, for example, many temperature-sensitive tree ring chronologies in the Northern Hemisphere respond to summer or growing season temperature rather than annual-means. These uncertainties will be further explored. References Hakim, G. J., et al., 2016: The last millennium climate reanalysis project

  14. Application of Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis to Observation Targeting for Short-term Wind Speed Forecasting in the Tehachapi Region Winter Season

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zack, John [AWS Truepower, LLC, Albany, NY (United States); Natenberg, Eddie [AWS Truepower, LLC, Albany, NY (United States); Young, Steve [AWS Truepower, LLC, Albany, NY (United States); Van Knowe, Glenn [AWS Truepower, LLC, Albany, NY (United States); Waight, Ken [AWS Truepower, LLC, Albany, NY (United States); Manobainco, John [AWS Truepower, LLC, Albany, NY (United States); Kamath, Chandrika [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    This study extends the wind power forecast sensitivity work done by Zack et al. (2010a, b) in two prior research efforts. Zack et al. (2010a, b) investigated the relative predictive value and optimal combination of different variables/locations from correlated sensitivity patterns. Their work involved developing the Multiple Observation Optimization Algorithm (MOOA) and applying the algorithm to the results obtained from the Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis (ESA) method (Ancell and Hakim 2007; Torn and Hakim 2008).

  15. Spatial Distance Regulates Sex-Specific Feelings to Suspected Sexual and Emotional Infidelity

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    Achim Schützwohl


    Full Text Available The present study investigates the hitherto neglected influence of the spatial distance between the jealous person, the partner, and a potential rival as a proximate contextual factor regulating emotion intensity. The study tested four predictions. (1 The jealousy mechanism responds with mild negative feelings at most as long as the partner is close to the jealous person. (2 The negative feelings increase when the partner is far from the jealous person but the rival is close. (3 The most uncomfortable feelings result when the partner and the rival are close together and both far from the jealous person. (4 Based on the evolutionary psychological considerations, men report stronger negative feelings than women when suspecting sexual infidelity. Conversely, women report stronger negative feelings than men when suspecting emotional infidelity. The results confirmed predictions 1 and 4. Reversing predictions 2 and 3, the close rival consistently elicited the most uncomfortable feelings. Implications and limitations of the present study are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided.


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    Mr. Sulastriyono


    Full Text Available This research was descriptive research. Secondary and primary data were analysed qualitatively. The result of the research shows that mostly, the application of adat law norm and principles appear in the domain of private, contract, marital, and inheritance law. The adat law norms which are frequently used as judge considerations are the right of spouse on the matrimonial property, the guardian of a child under his mother, and the status of ex-wife as the heir of her former husband. We also identify a number of adat law principles, which include the clear (terang, cash (tunai, real (konkret and familiarity (kekeluargaan. Application of adat law is necessary owing to the normative legislative obligation. In practice, judges need to ensure that adat law norms are consistent with the applicable civil procedure. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, yaitu melukiskan fakta obyek penelitian. Data primer dan sekunder dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa norma hukum adat yang dijadikan dasar pertimbangan putusan hakim adalah istri berhak atas harta bersama, anak kecil diasuh ibu yang bercerai, dan istri adalah ahli waris mendiang suaminya. Asas hukum adat yang mendasari putusan hakim mencakup asas terang, tunai, konkrit dan kekeluargaan. Alasan hakim menerapkan norma dan asas hukum adat dikarenakan kewajiban normatif dari undang-undang dan dalam upaya membentuk yurisprudensi. Namun, praktiknya tidak mudah sehingga hakim harus melakukan harmonisasi ke dalam hukum acara positif.

  17. The effects of rival seminal plasma on sperm velocity in the alternative reproductive tactics of Chinook salmon. (United States)

    Lewis, Jason A; Pitcher, Trevor E


    Sperm competition is prevalent and intense in many animal mating systems, and is a major force driving evolution of such mating systems. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of seminal plasma on sperm velocity of male Chinook salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha), which possesses a mating system with male alternative reproductive tactics and intense sperm competition. Male Chinook salmon either adopt a small, precocious sneaking tactic (jack) or a large, dominant tactic (hooknose). To test whether the seminal plasma can effect sperm velocity amongst sperm competitors, two experiments were done whereby males were paired based upon the alternative tactic each male adopted, with the first experiment consisting of jack-hooknose pairs (N = 16) and the second experiment consisting of jack-jack and hooknose-hooknose pairs (N = 12 and 14, respectively). Within each pair, milt of each male was manipulated such that seminal plasma was removed and swapped between the males in each pair and sperm velocity was measured. Jack seminal plasma caused a significant decrease (∼11.9%) in hooknose sperm velocity while causing a significant increase in jack sperm velocity (∼7%), while alternatively, hooknose seminal plasma had no affect on sperm velocity of jack or other hooknose males. This study shows that rival seminal plasma may affect the outcome of sperm competition between males; males adopting a sneaking tactic, that spawn in a disadvantageous mating position, may be able to compensate for this deficit by being more competitive through the effects of their seminal plasma on their competitor's sperm velocity. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  18. The Competitive Causes and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction


    Simon, Daniel H.; Gomez, Miguel I.


    We conduct two studies to test three hypotheses: (1) Competition increases a firm's customer satisfaction; (2) Rivals' customer satisfaction increases a firm's customer satisfaction; (3) Rivals' customer satisfaction reduces a firm's sales. First, we use store-level customer satisfaction data from a supermarket chain. Next, we consider a range of industries, using brand-level customer satisfaction ratings from the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Results from both studies provide support...

  19. Make your enemies your allies. (United States)

    Uzzi, Brian; Dunlap, Shannon


    Rivalries in the workplace can be destructive to both personal career growth and group success. Many attempts to reverse rivalries fail because of the complex way emotion and reason operate in the building of trust. Using a method called the 3Rs, an effective leader can turn a rival into a collaborator, setting the stage for a healthy work life while driving fresh thinking within an organization. Step 1 of the method is redirection, shifting a rival's negative emotions away from the adversarial relationship. This creates an opening for Step 2, reciprocity, through which a relationship can be established. Here, the essential principle is to give before you ask--offering a rival something of clear benefit and "priming the pump" for a future return that requires little effort on the rival's part. Step 3, rationality, sets expectations of the new relationship so that efforts made using the previous steps don't come off as disingenuous. A rival is encouraged to see collaborative opportunities from a reasoned standpoint. A key advantage of the 3Rs is that the method can work to reverse all kinds of rivalries, including those with subordinates, peers, and superiors.

  20. How Third-Party CSR Evaluation Matters: Keeping Up with Rivals in CSR Performance Ratings of Korean Firms, 2011–2015

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    Eunjung Hyun


    Full Text Available Does corporate social responsibility (CSR evaluation by third-party entities (i.e., external agencies, including civic organizations affect the CSR performance of firms? This article explores the question of whether and how third-party CSR ratings change the subsequent CSR behavior and hence performance of rated firms. Combining insights from the research on ratings/rankings and a behavioral theory of firms, we hypothesize that firms with large negative CSR rating gaps—i.e., CSR ratings below the industry average—are more prone to improving their subsequent CSR behavior, and hence performance ratings, than those with small negative gaps, because of the desire to avoid being viewed as CSR laggards relative to their industry rivals. As a result, efforts are directed at enhancing CSR performance. Empirical support for this conjecture is found through random effect regression analyses of publicly listed firms in Korea that were rated by the KEJI (Korean Economic Justice Institute during 2011–2015 with respect to multiple dimensions of CSR. Further results show that the positive effect of negative CSR rating gaps on subsequent CSR ratings appears only in the firms without well-established reputations, suggesting the possibility that firms with weak reputations have stronger incentives to keep up with other industry incumbents in CSR performance ratings than their counterparts.

  1. Casanovas are liars: behavioral syndromes, sperm competition risk, and the evolution of deceptive male mating behavior in live-bearing fishes [v2; ref status: indexed,

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    David Bierbach


    Full Text Available Male reproductive biology can by characterized through competition over mates as well as mate choice. Multiple mating and male mate choice copying, especially in internally fertilizing species, set the stage for increased sperm competition, i.e., sperm of two or more males can compete for fertilization of the female’s ova. In the internally fertilizing fish Poecilia mexicana, males respond to the presence of rivals with reduced expression of mating preferences (audience effect, thereby lowering the risk of by-standing rivals copying their mate choice. Also, males interact initially more with a non-preferred female when observed by a rival, which has been interpreted in previous studies as a strategy to mislead rivals, again reducing sperm competition risk (SCR. Nevertheless, species might differ consistently in their expression of aggressive and reproductive behaviors, possibly due to varying levels of SCR. In the current study, we present a unique data set comprising ten poeciliid species (in two cases including multiple populations and ask whether species can be characterized through consistent differences in the expression of aggression, sexual activity and changes in mate choice under increased SCR. We found consistent species-specific differences in aggressive behavior, sexual activity as well as in the level of misleading behavior, while decreased preference expression under increased SCR was a general feature of all but one species examined. Furthermore, mean sexual activity correlated positively with the occurrence of potentially misleading behavior. An alternative explanation for audience effects would be that males attempt to avoid aggressive encounters, which would predict stronger audience effects in more aggressive species. We demonstrate a positive correlation between mean aggressiveness and sexual activity (suggesting a hormonal link as a mechanistic explanation, but did not detect a correlation between aggressiveness and

  2. The Long Shadow of Rivalry: Rivalry Motivates Performance Today and Tomorrow. (United States)

    Pike, Brian E; Kilduff, Gavin J; Galinsky, Adam D


    Research has established that competing head to head against a rival boosts motivation and performance. The present research investigated whether rivalry can affect performance over time and in contests without rivals. We examined the long-term effects of rivalry through archival analyses of postseason performance in multiple high-stakes sports contexts: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I Men's Basketball and the major U.S. professional sports leagues: National Basketball Association (NBA), National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), and National Hockey League (NHL). Econometric analyses revealed that postseason performance of a focal team's rival in year N predicted that focal team's postseason performance in year N + 1. Follow-up analyses suggested that the performance boost was especially pronounced when one's rival won the previous tournament. These results establish that rivalry has a long shadow: A rival team's success exerts such a powerful motivational force that it drives performance outside of direct competition with one's rival and even after a significant delay.


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    Full Text Available Om Swastiastu, Segala puja dan puji kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa / Ida Hyang Widhi Wasa karena atas anugerah Nya dapat tersusun Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 di tahun 2016. Edisi ini kembali menyajikan  beberapa artikel  yang hampir sebagian besar merupakan artikel  para mahasiswa Program Magister PPs Universitas Udayana yang merupakan salah satu prasyarat sebelum mereka menempuh ujian tesisnya, dan beberapa artikel dari para dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana. Hampir tidak terasa kita melewati tahun 2015 ini pada  penghujung  bulan ke lima.  Tentunya banyak tugas-tugas yang merupakan target yang telah kita kerjakan dan ada pula yang belum terselesaikan. Redaksi sangat bergembira karena masih tingginya antusisme para penulis yang mengirimkan artikelnya untuk dapat diterbitkan dalam  jurnal kesayangan ini.  Melalui seleksi dari para reviewer dan mitra bestari, maka redaksi dapat menerbitkan 18 artikel  pada edisi Vol. 5 No. 1 ini. Mengawali edisi ini, kami sajikan artikel Interpretasi Kerugian Dalam Tindak Pidana Pemalsuan Surat oleh Wayan Santosa, dilanjutkan dengan  Perspektif Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2011 Tentang Perumahan Dan Kawasan Permukiman Terhadap Perlindungan Hak Konsumen Dalam Jual Beli Perumahan  yang merupakan artikel dari Ni Ketut Dewi Megawati. Dilanjutkan dengan prmbahasana tentang  Pengaturan Pengalihan Piutang Dari Klien Kepada Perusahaan Factor Dalam Kegiatan Anjak Piutang  oleh Anak Agung Putu Krisna Putra dan I Made Udiana. Keberadaan Perma pada tahun 2008 telah membuat hakim memiliki peran ganda yang saling bertentangan. Dampak dari posisi dan peran ganda hakim di pengadilan merupakan akumulasi dari dokumen kasus yang masih terjadi karena jumlah hakim tidak sebanding dengan intensitas kasus yang masuk dan juga karena hakim yang mendominasi proses mediasi peradilan masih sangat jarang untuk melihat keberhasilan. Hal ini lebih dalam dapat diikuti

  4. Product Characteristics, Market Conditions and Contract Type: U.S. Department of Defense Use of Fixed-Price and Cost Reimbursement Contracts (United States)


    Empirica, 30(2), 149-161. Dijkgraaf, E.; & Gradus, R. (2008). Institutional developments in the Dutch waste-collection market. Environment and...Management responses in noncompetitive markets. Public Administration Review, 72(6), 887-900. Hakim, S.; & Blackstone , E. (2013). Cost analysis of...Hefetz, A. (2003). Rural-urban differences in privatization: Limits to the competitive state. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 21(5

  5. Metabolism of 1-fluoro-1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane, and 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-chloroethane. (United States)

    Yin, H; Jones, J P; Anders, M W


    1-Fluoro-1,1,2-trichloroethane (HCFC-131a), 1,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane (HCFC-132b), and 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-chloroethane (HCFC-133a) were chosen as models for comparative metabolism studies on 1,1,1,2-tetrahaloethanes, which are under consideration as replacements for ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Male Fischer 344 rats were given 10 mmol/kg ip HCFC-131a or HCFC-132b or exposed by inhalation to 1% HCFC-133a for 2 h. Urine collected in the first 24 h after exposure was analyzed by 19F NMR and GC/MS and with a fluoride-selective ion electrode for the formation of fluorine-containing metabolites. Metabolites of HCFC-131a included 2,2-dichloro-2-fluoroethyl glucuronide, 2,2-dichloro-2-fluoroethyl sulfate, dichlorofluoroacetic acid, and inorganic fluoride. Metabolites of HCFC-132b were characterized as 2-chloro-2,2-difluoroethyl glucuronide, 2-chloro-2,2-difluoroethyl sulfate, chlorodifluoroacetic acid, chlorodifluoroacetaldehyde hydrate, chlorodifluoroacetaldehyde-urea adduct, and inorganic fluoride. HCFC-133a was metabolized to 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl glucuronide, trifluoroacetic acid, trifluoroacetaldehyde hydrate, trifluoroacetaldehyde-urea adduct, inorganic fluoride, and a minor, unidentified metabolite. With HCFC-131a and HCFC-132b, glucuronide conjugates of 2,2,2-trihaloethanols were the major urinary metabolites, whereas with HCFC-133a, a trifluoroacetaldehyde-urea adduct was the major urinary metabolite. Analysis of metabolite distribution in vivo indicated that aldehydic metabolites increased as fluorine substitution increased in the order HCFC-131a < HCFC-132b < HCFC-133a. With NADPH-fortified rat liver microsomes, HCFC-133a and HCFC-132b were biotransformed to trifluoroacetaldehyde and chlorodifluoroacetaldehyde, respectively, whereas HCFC-131a was converted to dichlorofluoroacetic acid. No covalently bound metabolites were detected by 19F NMR spectroscopy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  6. The Density-wave Theory and Spiral Structures by Looking at Spiral Arms through a Multi-wavelength StudyHamed Pour-Imani1,2, Daniel Kennefick1,2, Julia Kennefick1,2, Mohamed Shameer Abdeen1,2, Eric Monson1,2, Douglas W. Shields1,2, B. L. Davis31Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA2Arkansas Center for Space & Planetary Sciences, Univ. of Arkans (United States)

    Pour-Imani, Hamed; Kennefick, Daniel; Kennefick, Julia; Shameer Abdeen, Mohammad; Monson, Erick; Shields, Douglas William; Davis, Benjamin L.


    The density-wave theory of spiral structure, though first proposed as long ago as the mid-1960s by C.C. Lin and F. Shu, continues to be challenged by rival theories, such as the manifold theory. One test between these theories which has been proposed is that the pitch angle of spiral arms for galaxies should vary with the wavelength of the image in the density-wave theory, but not in the manifold theory. The reason is that stars are born in the density wave but move out of it as they age. In this study, we combined large sample size with a wide range of wavelengths to investigate this issue. For each galaxy, we used wavelength FUV151nm, U-band, H-alpha, optical wavelength B-band and infrared 3.6 and 8.0μm. We measured the pitch angle with the 2DFFT and Spirality codes (Davis et al. 2012; Shields et al. 2015). We find that the B-band and 3.6μm images have smaller pitch angles than the infrared 8.0μm image in all cases, in agreement with the prediction of the density-wave theory. We also find that the pitch angle at FUV and H-alpha are close to the measurements made at 8.0μm. The Far-ultraviolet wavelength at 151nm shows very young, very bright UV stars still in the star-forming region (they are so bright as to be visible there and so short-lived that they never move out of it). We find that for both sets of measurements (2dFFT and Spirality) the 8.0μm, H-alpha and ultraviolet images agree in their pitch angle measurements, suggesting that they are, in fact, sensitive to the same region. By contrast, the 3.6μm and B-band images are uniformly tighter in pitch angle measurements than these wavelengths, suggesting that the density-wave picture is correct.

  7. Choosing Fighting Competitors Among Men: Testosterone, Personality, and Motivations. (United States)

    Borráz-León, Javier I; Cerda-Molina, Ana Lilia; Rantala, Markus J; Mayagoitia-Novales, Lilian


    Higher testosterone levels have been positively related to a variety of social behaviors and personality traits associated with intrasexual competition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of testosterone levels and personality traits such as aggressiveness, competitiveness, and self-esteem on the task of choosing a fighting competitor (a rival) with or without a motivation to fight. In Study 1, a group of 119 men participated in a task for choosing a rival through pictures of men with high-dominant masculinity versus low-dominant masculinity. Participants completed three personality questionnaires and donated two saliva samples (pre-test and post-test sample) to quantify their testosterone levels. We found that the probability of choosing high-dominant masculine men as rivals increased with higher aggressiveness scores. In Study 2, the task of choosing rivals was accompanied by motivations to fight (pictures of women with high or low waist-to-hip ratio [WHR]). In this context, we observed that the probability of choosing dominant masculine men as rivals depended on the WHR of the women. Overall, average levels of post-test testosterone, aggressiveness, and high self-esteem increased the probability to fight for women with low WHR independently of the dominance masculinity of the rivals. Our results indicate that human decisions, in the context of intrasexual competition and mate choice, are regulated by physiological and psychological mechanisms allowing men to increase their biological fitness. We discuss our results in the light of the plasticity of human behavior according to biological and environmental forces.

  8. Õpetajate erootiline kapital / Voldemar Kolga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kolga, Voldemar, 1947-


    Finantskapital, inimkapital ja sotsiaalne kapital määravad inimese professionaalse ja sotsiaalse edukuse. Londoni majanduskooli lektor Cathrine Hakim on leidnud, et edukust mõjutab ka erootiline kapital

  9. A Translational Pathway Toward a Clinical Trial Using the Second-Generation AAV Micro Dystrophin Vector (United States)


    American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy. Washington, DC May 10-13, 2017 4) Chady H. Hakim, Kasun Kodippili, Gregory Jenkins, Hsiao T. Yang...translational studies for developing an obese and diabetic ossabaw swine model of HFpEF. Regulation of Work Capacity in Cardiac Myocytes McDonald, PI 5...Fellowship (Olver, PI) 0% effort, Emter, Supervising PI American Heart Association 1/1/2016-12/31/2017 $50,000 total funding Major goals: Salary

  10. 6,6'-(1E,1'E-((1R,2R-1,2-Diphenylethane-1,2-diylbis(azan-1-yl-1-ylidenebis(methan-1-yl-1-ylidenebis(2-tert-butyl-4-((trimethylsilylethynylphenol

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    David Díaz Díaz


    Full Text Available Functionalizable salen derivative, 6,6'-(1E,1'E-((1R,2R-1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diylbis(azan-1-yl-1-ylidenebis(methan-1-yl-1-ylidenebis(2-tert-butyl-4-((trimethylsilyl ethyn-ylphenol (3, was synthesized by condensation between (1R,2R-1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diamine (2 and 3-tert-butyl-2-hydroxy-5-((trimethylsilylethynyl benzaldehyde (1 under refluxing conditions. The title compound was characterized by 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, FT-IR, high-resolution mass spectrometry, optical rotation and melting point determination.


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    Oddie Moch Ikhsan


    Full Text Available Starting from the establishment of a suspect Candidate Former National Police Chief Pol Commissioner General Budi Gunawan then apply prapradilan to the South Jakarta District Court. Because the 77 Criminal Code stated determination of the suspect is not an object pretrial. In those articles which can be handled by pretrial regulated limitative, only for legitimate or not the arrest, detention, discontinuation or termination of the investigation and prosecution of compensation or rehabilitation for a criminal case was stopped at the level of investigation or prosecution. After a single judge South Jakarta District Court partially granted the petition Sarpin Rizaldi prapreadilan BG. In his judgment, Sarpin interprets the determination of the suspect as one of the pre-trial. Judge Sarpin Ats such action under the spotlight of the Judicial Commission for the above decision. The Judicial Commission then recommended to the Supreme Court Judge Sarpin to sanctions, but the Supreme Court rejected the recommendation because they have entered the realm of the judge's decision. The formulation of the problem in this study is How Model Judicial Oversight Committee, Oversight Problems To Know judge by the Judicial Commission, the Judicial Commission How the Implementation Monitoring and Oversight How effective implementation of the functions of the Judicial Commission in supervising judges and its influence on the judicial power. The method used in this research is using normative juridical approach, the specification of the research is descriptive analytical.Based on the findings of the Judicial Commission has the concept of preventive surveillance by the repressive, namely to prevent and then are giving emphasis and contain sanctions. The Judicial Commission has the authority to give the sanction of ethics recommendations to the Supreme Court but the repressive ie without the MA recommendations, the recommendations of the Judicial Commission to be worth sia. Cooperation and there is no obvious surgical realm between the Supreme Court and the Judicial Commission.

  12. Clinical and biochemical profile of patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iqbal, M.A.; Hadi, A.; Ikramullah, A.H.


    Objective: Diabetes is a worldwide disease that has high prevalence throughout the world. It can lead to many complications if not treated properly. Major complications are Coronary Artery Disease, retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy. Adequate control of blood sugar level is the key to preventing diabetic complications. Optimal blood sugar level in diabetics can be achieved with adequate therapy and good compliance to drugs and diet. Material and Methods: Hospital based observational cross sectional study. Patients were interviewed and assessed regarding duration of diabetes, type of therapy, number of drugs, compliance to drugs, and complications due to diabetes. Results: Total study population was 200. Mean age was 54.86+ 9.84 years (24-85). Male were 69 (34.8%). Types II Diabetes was present in 184 (91.5%). Newly diagnosed diabetics were 23(11.9%). Only 15% were on Insulin therapy, 3% were on both Insulin and oral treatment and the rest were taking oral medications. Only 56.7% were good compliant to medications. Among study subjects, 12.5% were taking hakim medications/alternative therapy and 5% were on diet control, 40(20%) were taking no medications and 120 (59.7%) were taking one drug. Two, three and four drugs were taken by 34 (16.9%), 4(2.3%) and 2 (1.1%) patients respectively. Diabetic complications were present in 65(32.3%) patients. Average random blood sugar was 190 mg% with + (80.68 mg%). Adverse effects of therapy were seen in 15 patients (7.5%), hypoglycaemia was the commonest adverse effects of drugs found in 3.8% patients. (author)

  13. Indicadores tácticos asociados a la creación de ocasiones de gol en fútbol profesional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joaquín González-Ródenas


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue describir cómo son creadas las ocasiones de gol en fútbol profesional, te- niendo en cuenta indicadores tácticos ofensivos y la posición del equipo rival. 335 posesiones finalizadas en ocasión de gol durante los 16 partidos de fase elimina- toria del Mundial de futbol 2010 fueron analizadas. De cada posesión, 15 dimensiones tácticas fueron evaluadas mediante metodología observacional usando el instru- mento REOFUT. El 61,2% de las ocasiones de gol fueron creadas por ataque organizado, el 18,8% a través de contraataque y el 20,0% mediante acción a balón para- do. El ataque organizado se caracterizó por iniciarse en zonas no invasivas del rival (63,4%, con acción inicial no penetrante (62,4% y usando 4 o más pases (62,0%. El contraataque se inició en zonas invasivas del rival (71,4% con acción inicial penetrante (76,2% y usando 3 o menos pases (67,8%. Las ocasiones de gol produ- cidas por contraataques tuvieron lugar en sub-espacios más invasivos (p = 0.023 que aquellas producidas por el ataque organizado aunque para ambos la Zona Retrasa- da Rival fue donde más ocasiones de gol se produjeron (42,9% vs 36,1%, respectivamente. En las acciones a ba- lón parado destacaron los saques de esquina (49,3% y el tiro libre (44,3%. Indicadores tácticos como el tipo de ataque, el nivel de invasión sobre el rival, la penetración inicial y el número de pases deberían tenerse en cuenta en el análisis y entrenamiento del desarrollo de las po- sesiones en fútbol. Además, la zona retrasada rival es clave para la culminación de ocasiones de gol en fútbol profesional.

  14. Crystal structures of 2,2′-bipyridin-1-ium 1,1,3,3-tetracyano-2-ethoxyprop-2-en-1-ide and bis(2,2′-bipyridin-1-ium 1,1,3,3-tetracyano-2-(dicyanomethylenepropane-1,3-diide

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    Zouaoui Setifi


    Full Text Available In 2,2′-bipyridin-1-ium 1,1,3,3-tetracyano-2-ethoxyprop-2-en-1-ide, C10H9N2+·C9H5N4O−, (I, the ethyl group in the anion is disordered over two sets of atomic sites with occupancies 0.634 (9 and 0.366 (9, and the dihedral angle between the ring planes in the cation is 2.11 (7°. The two independent C(CN2 groups in the anion make dihedral angles of 10.60 (6 and 12.44 (4° with the central propenide unit, and the bond distances in the anion provide evidence for extensive electronic delocalization. In bis(2,2′-bipyridin-1-ium 1,1,3,3-tetracyano-2-(dicyanomethylenepropane-1,3-diide [alternative name bis(2,2′-bipyridin-1-ium tris(dicyanomethylenemethanediide], 2C10H9N2+·C10N62− (II, the dihedral angles between the ring planes in the two independent cations are 7.7 (2 and 10.92 (17°. The anion exhibits approximate C3 symmetry, consistent with extensive electronic delocalization, and the three independent C(CN2 groups make dihedral angles of 23.8 (2, 27.0 (3 and 27.4 (2° with the central plane. The ions in (I are linked by an N—H...N hydrogen bond and the resulting ion pairs are linked by two independent C—H...N hydrogen bonds, forming a ribbon containing alternating R44(18 and R44(26 rings, where both ring types are centrosymmetric. The ions in (II are linked by two independent N—H...N hydrogen bonds and the resulting ion triplets are linked by a C—H...N hydrogen bond, forming a C21(7 chain containing anions and only one type of cation, with the other cation linked to the chain by a further C—H...N hydrogen bond.


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    Djamaludin Ancok


    menggoyahkan kepercayaan masyarakat pada pemerintah. Demikian pula halnya dengan kekerasan yang hidup dalam masyarakat yang berupa main hakim sendiri dikarenakan masyarakat sudah tidak percaya pada kemampuan aparat pemerintah di dalam menegakkan hukum.

  16. Novel 1H-1,2,3-, 2H-1,2,3-, 1H-1,2,4- and 4H-1,2,4-triazole derivatives: a patent review (2008 - 2011). (United States)

    Ferreira, Vitor F; da Rocha, David R; da Silva, Fernando C; Ferreira, Patrícia G; Boechat, Núbia A; Magalhães, Jorge L


    The triazoles represent a class of five-membered heterocyclic compounds of great importance for the preparation of new drugs with diverse biological activities because they may present several structural variations with the same numbers of carbon and nitrogen atoms. Due to the success of various triazoles that entered the pharmaceutical market and are still being used in medicines, many companies and research groups have shown interest in developing new methods of synthesis and biological evaluation of potential uses for these compounds. In this review, the authors explored aspects of patents for the 1H-1,2,3-, 2H-1,2,3-, 1H-1,2,4- and 4H-1,2,4-triazole families, including prototypes being considered in clinical studies between 2008 and 2011. The triazoles have been studied for over a century as an important class of heterocyclic compounds and still attract considerable attention due to their broad range of biological activities. More recently, there has been considerable interest in the development of novel triazoles with anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet, antimicrobial, antimycobacterial, antitumoral and antiviral properties and activity against several neglected diseases. This review emphasizes recent perspective and advances in the therapeutically active 1H-1,2,3-, 2H-1,2,3-, 1H-1,2,4- and 4H-1,2,4-triazole derivative patents between 2008 and 2011, covering the development of new chemical entities and new pharmaceuticals. Many studies have focused on these compounds as target structures and evaluated them in several biological targets. The preparation of 1H-1,2,3-, 2H-1,2,3-, 1H-1,2,4- and 4H-1,2,4-triazole derivatives brings to light several issues. There is a need to find new, more efficient preparations for these triazoles that take into consideration current issues in green chemistry, energy saving and sustainability. New diseases are discovered and new viruses and bacteria continue to challenge mankind, so it is imperative to find new prototypes for these

  17. Assessment of genetic diversity among accessions of two traditional ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 11, 2011 ... Adéoti K.1, Rival A.2, Dansi A.3*, Ahohuendo B.C4, Santoni S.5, Beule T.2, Nato ... Acmella accessions although three distinct clusters could be differentiated. ..... length polymorphism (AFLP): A review of the procedure and its.

  18. MOCVD growth of transparent conducting Cd2SnO4 thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Metz, A.W.; Poeppelmeier, K.R.; Marks, T.J.; Lane, M.A.; Kannewurt, C.R.


    The first preparation of transparent conducting Cd 2 SnO 4 thin films by a simple MOCVD process is described. As-deposited films using Cd(hfa) 2 (TMEDA) (Figure), at 365 C are found to be highly crystalline with a relatively wide range of grain size of 100-300 nm. XRD indicates a cubic spinel Cd 2 SnO 4 crystal structure and the possible presence of a small amount of CdO. The films exhibit conductivities of 2170 S/cm and a bandgap of 3.3 eV, rivaling those of commercial tin-doped indium oxide. (Abstract Copyright [2004], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  19. Down the rabbit hole

    CERN Multimedia


    it was confirmed last week that the subterranean wonderlang of the physicists will not now being work until May 2008. This delay may enable their americans rivals to scoop them by finding the Higgs boson. (1/2 page)

  20. Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (The): Journal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Publisher. Contact: Professor Ihab Z. El-Hakim. Email Phone +201111224974. Fax … +202 33045060. Children's Hospital, Ain Shams University, Ramses Street, Abbassiya, Cairo 11566, Egypt. The Egyptian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology ...

  1. Two Rival Conceptions of Vocational Education: Adam Smith and Friedrich List. (United States)

    Winch, Christopher


    Examines and discusses two views of political economy: (1) the classical model of Adam Smith; and (2) the social capitalist model associated with Friedrich List. Explores two varieties of vocational education and training that emerge from a comparison of Smith's and List's ideas. (CMK)

  2. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 151 - 200 of 462 ... LA Selim, MS Zaki, HA Hussein, SN Saleem, AS Kotoury, MY Issa ... Amira Messadi, Aymen Tezeghdenti, Mouna Ben Azaiez, Hatem Ben Abdallah, ... Wael Abd Elrazek, Manal Safan, Tarek Abd El-Hakim, Hala El-Said.

  3. The 1:1 co-crystal of triphenyl(2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzylphosphonium bromide and 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-1,2-diiodoethane

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    Gabriella Cavallo


    Full Text Available The title compound, C25H18F4P+·Br−·C2F4I2, is a 1:1 co-crystal of triphenyl(2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzylphosphonium (TTPB bromide and 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-1,2-diiodoethane (TFDIE. The crystal structure consists of a framework of TTPB cations held together by C—H...Br interactions. In this framework, infinite channels along [100] are filled by TFDIE molecules held together in infinite ribbons by short F...F [2.863 (22.901 (2Å] interactions. The structure contains halogen bonds (XB and hydrogen bonds (HB in the bromide coordination sphere. TFDIE functions as a monodentate XB donor as only one I atom is linked to the Br− anion and forms a short and directional interaction [I...Br− 3.1798 (7 Å and C—I...Br− 177.76 (5°]. The coordination sphere of the bromide anion is completed by two short HBs of about 2.8 Å (for H...Br with the acidic methylene H atoms and two longer HBs of about 3.0 Å with H atoms of the phenyl rings. Surprisingly neither the second iodine atom of TFDIE nor the H atom on the tetrafluorophenyl group make any short contacts.

  4. Al Sahawa - The Awakening. Volume 4: Al Anbar Province, Area of Operations Topeka, Ramadi (United States)


    simultaneously and he had our message resonating out, including music , popular music , we had video of people dancing in the streets to the music ; it was...As Abd al-hakim Muhammad Rashid, the mayor of Had- ithah indicated, “there was no popular militia to fight the sahawa” in Hadithah as there was in the city from AQI led insurgent dominance, and 2) build Iraqi security forces, espe- cially police, along with a municipal structure and popular

  5. 2,2-Dinitroethene-1,1-Diamine

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šimková, Ludmila; Liška, F.; Ludvík, Jiří


    Roč. 15, č. 17 (2011), s. 2983-2995 ISSN 1385-2728 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP206/11/0727; GA MŠk ME09002 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40400503 Keywords : 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene * FOX-7 * DADNE Subject RIV: CG - Electrochemistry Impact factor: 3.064, year: 2011

  6. Genetic characterization of two traditional leafy vegetables ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 24, 2011 ... Adéoti, K.1,2, Rival, A.3, Dansi, A.2*, Santoni, S.4, Brown, S.5, Beule, T.3, Nato, ... ecogeographical origin and the status (cultivated or wild) of the analyzed .... ethanol 96%) were added to 200 µl of DAN solution and incubated.

  7. 1,5-Dimethyl-2-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-3(2H-one–4,4′-(propane-2,2-diylbis[1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-3(2H-one] (1/1

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    Krzysztof Lyczko


    Full Text Available The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C11H12N2O·C25H28N4O2, contains two different molecules. The smaller is known as antipyrine [systematic name: 1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-3(2H-one] and the larger is built up from two antypirine molecules which are connected through a C atom of the pyrazolone ring to a central propanyl part [systematic name: 4,4′-(propane-2,2-diylbis[1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-3(2H-one]. Intramolecular C—H...O hydrogen bonds occur in the latter molecule. In the crystal, C—H...O hydrogen bonds link the molecules into a two-dimensional network parallel to (001.

  8. The B(E2;4^+1->2^+1) / B(E2;2^+1->0^+1) Ratio in Even-Even Nuclei (United States)

    Loelius, C.; Sharon, Y. Y.; Zamick, L.; G"Urdal, G.


    We considered 207 even-even nuclei throughout the chart of nuclides for which the NNDC Tables had data on the energies and lifetimes of the 2^+1 and 4^+1 states. Using these data we calculated for each nucleus the electric quadrupole transition strengths B(E2;4^+1->2^+1) and B(E2;2^+1->0^+1), as well as their ratio. The internal conversion coefficients were obtained by using the NNDC HSICC calculator. For each nucleus we plotted the B(E2) ratio against A, N, and Z. We found that for close to 90% of the nuclei considered the ratio had values between 0.5 and 2.5. Most of the outliers had magic numbers of protons or neutrons. Our ratio results were compared with the theoretical predictions for this ratio by different models--10/7 in the rotational model and 2 in the simplest vibrational model. In the rotational regions (for 150 220) the ratios were indeed close to 10/7. For the few nuclei thought to be vibrational the ratios were usually less than 2. Otherwise, we got a wide scatter of ratio values. Hence other models, including the NpNn scheme, must be considered in interpreting these results.

  9. 4-Aza-1-azoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane–2-aminobenzoate–2-aminobenzoic acid (1/1/1

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    Hadi D. Arman


    Full Text Available A 4-aza-1-azoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane cation, a 2-aminobenzoate anion and a neutral 2-aminobenzoic acid molecule comprise the asymmetric unit of the title compound, C6H13N2+·C7H6NO2−·C7H7NO2. An intramolecular N—H...O hydrogen bond occurs in the anion and in the neutral 2-aminobenzoic acid molecule. The cation provides a charge-assisted N—H...O hydrogen bond to the anion, and the 2-aminobenzoic acid molecule forms an O—H...N hydrogen bond to the unprotonated amino N atom in the cation. In this way, a three-component aggregate is formed. These are connected into a three-dimensional network by amino–carboxylate N—H...O hydrogen bonds. N—H...N hydrogen bonds are also observed.

  10. Optically active antifungal azoles. XII. Synthesis and antifungal activity of the water-soluble prodrugs of 1-[(1R,2R)-2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-1-methyl-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)propyl]-3-[4-(1H-1-tetrazolyl)phenyl]-2-imidazolidinone. (United States)

    Ichikawa, T; Kitazaki, T; Matsushita, Y; Yamada, M; Hayashi, R; Yamaguchi, M; Kiyota, Y; Okonogi, K; Itoh, K


    1-[(1R,2R)-2-(2,4-Difluorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-1-methyl-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)propyl]-3-[4-(1H-1-tetrazolyl)phenyl]-2-imidazolidinone (1: TAK-456) was selected as a candidate for clinical trials, but since its water-solubility was insufficient for an injectable formulation, the quaternary triazolium salts 2 were designed as water-soluble prodrugs. Among the prodrugs prepared, 4-acetoxymethyl-1-[(2R,3R)-2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-3-[2-oxo-3-[4-(1H-1-terazolyl)phenyl]-1-imidazolidinyl]butyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazolium chloride (2a: TAK-457) was selected as an injectable candidate for clinical trials based on the results of evaluations on solubility, stability, hemolytic effect and in vivo antifungal activities.

  11. Substrate interactions in dehalogenation of 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloropropane, and 1,1,2-trichloroethane mixtures by Dehalogenimonas spp. (United States)

    Dillehay, Jacob L; Bowman, Kimberly S; Yan, Jun; Rainey, Fred A; Moe, William M


    When chlorinated alkanes are present as soil or groundwater pollutants, they often occur in mixtures. This study evaluated substrate interactions during the anaerobic reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated alkanes by the type strains of two Dehalogenimonas species, D. lykanthroporepellens and D. alkenigignens. Four contaminant mixtures comprised of combinations of the chlorinated solvents 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), 1,2-dichloropropane (1,2-DCP), and 1,1,2-trichloroethane (1,1,2-TCA) were assessed for each species. Chlorinated solvent depletion and daughter product formation determined as a function of time following inoculation into anaerobic media revealed preferential dechlorination of 1,1,2-TCA over both 1,2-DCA and 1,2-DCP for both species. 1,2-DCA in particular was not dechlorinated until 1,1,2-TCA reached low concentrations. In contrast, both species concurrently dechlorinated 1,2-DCA and 1,2-DCP over a comparably large concentration range. This is the first report of substrate interactions during chlorinated alkane dehalogenation by pure cultures, and the results provide insights into the chlorinated alkane transformation processes that may be expected for contaminant mixtures in environments where Dehalogenimonas spp. are present.

  12. Study of hypercharge exchange processes 0{sup -}1/2+{yields}1{sup -} 1/2+; Estudio de procesos 0-1/2+{yields}1-1/2+ con intercambio de hipercarga

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Albajar Molera, M c; Aguilar Beniter de Lugo, M.


    In this work we present a formalism for the reconstruction of the transitivity amplitudes governing the processes of the type 0-1/2+{yields}1-1/2+. The formalism uses the information contained in the decay angular correlations and takes into account the existence of mixed spin configurations in the final state 0-1/2+{yields}(0{down_arrow}, 1-)1/2+ (Author) 10 refs.

  13. Synthesis of 1-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-2-nitro-1H-imidazole-2-14C and N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-YL-2-14C)acetamide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fong, M.T.; Leaffer, M.A.


    We have prepared the 14 C-labeled analogs of NSC 261036, 1-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-2-nitro-1H-imidazole-2- 14 C, and NSC 301467, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl-2- 14 C) acetamide, for pharmacological, drug distribution, and mechanisms of action studies. The latter is an analog designed for lower toxicity and improved properties. The former is a metabolite of, and appears to be less toxic than, misonidazole. (author)

  14. Enhancement of Hybrid SPEEK Based Polymer–Cyclodextrin-Silica Inorganic Membrane for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Application

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tutuk Djoko Kusworo


      Keywords: Direct Methanol Fuel Cell, Poly(ether ether ketone, cyclodextrin-silica, sulfonation, ionic conductivity. Article History: Received January 18th 2017; Received in revised form April 21st 2017; Accepted June 22nd 2017; Available online How to Cite This Article: Kusworo, T.D., Hakim, M.F. and Hadiyanto, H. (2017 Enhancement of Hybrid SPEEK Based Polymer–Cyclodextrin-Silica Inorganic Membrane for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Application. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 6(2, 165-170.

  15. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 251 - 300 of 462 ... Manar Obada, Ashraf El-Fert, Mohamed S. Hashim, Mones Obada, ... M Essawi, H Nasr, I Mazen, K Gaafar, K Amr, M Hafez, Y Gad ... Farida El Baza, Heba Ahmed AlShahawi, Sally Zahra, Rana Ahmed AbdelHakim.

  16. Study of hypercharge exchange processes 0-1/2+→1- 1/2+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albajar Molera, M. c.; Aguilar Beniter de Lugo, M.


    In this work we present a formalism for the reconstruction of the transitivity amplitudes governing the processes of the type 0-1/2+→1-1/2+. The formalism uses the information contained in the decay angular correlations and takes into account the existence of mixed spin configurations in the final state 0-1/2+→(0↓, 1-)1/2+ (Author) 10 refs

  17. Does a hospital's quality depend on the quality of other hospitals? A spatial econometrics approach. (United States)

    Gravelle, Hugh; Santos, Rita; Siciliani, Luigi


    We examine whether a hospital's quality is affected by the quality provided by other hospitals in the same market. We first sketch a theoretical model with regulated prices and derive conditions on demand and cost functions which determine whether a hospital will increase its quality if its rivals increase their quality. We then apply spatial econometric methods to a sample of English hospitals in 2009-10 and a set of 16 quality measures including mortality rates, readmission, revision and redo rates, and three patient reported indicators, to examine the relationship between the quality of hospitals. We find that a hospital's quality is positively associated with the quality of its rivals for seven out of the sixteen quality measures. There are no statistically significant negative associations. In those cases where there is a significant positive association, an increase in rivals' quality by 10% increases a hospital's quality by 1.7% to 2.9%. The finding suggests that for some quality measures a policy which improves the quality in one hospital will have positive spillover effects on the quality in other hospitals.

  18. Duration of memory of dominance relationships in a group living cichlid (United States)

    Hotta, Takashi; Takeyama, Tomohiro; Jordan, Lyndon Alexander; Kohda, Masanori


    Animal contests are costly and tend to escalate when rivals have similar competitive abilities. Individuals that remember dominance relationships with rivals may avoid repeated agonistic interactions and hence avoid the costs of repeated escalation of contests. However, it can be difficult to experimentally disentangle the effects of memory from those of loser effects (losers behaving subordinately due to prior defeats). Here, we test whether loser effects or individual memory mediate contest behaviour in the African cichlid, Julidochromis transcriptus. We find that on days 3 and 5 after initial contests, losers display subordinate behaviour to contest winners but not to novel contestants. However, this effect disappears after 7 days, at which time losers do not display subordinate behaviour to either rival. These results show that (1) this fish can recall a previously dominant contestant for up to 5 days and (2) as no subordinate displays were shown to the novel contestant, there are no evidences for loser effects in this species. Such short-term memory of past interactions may have broad significance in social species with repeated interactions.

  19. Photochemistry of 1 and 2-(2-methylphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrows, R.D.; Hornback, J.M.


    In an attempt to synthesize partially saturated phenanthrene derivatives by an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction between a photochemically produced o-xylylene (diene) and a tethered dienophile, it was found that 1 and 2 underwent a photochemically allowed [2 + 2] cycloaddition. Irradiation of 1 gave 6-(2-methylphenyl)bicyclo[3.2.0]heptane in 86% yield. Upon irradiation of 2, a benzvalene rearrangement of 2 first took place, producing the meta isomer 2-(3-methylphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene, followed by a [2 + 2] photocycloaddition giving 1-(3-methylphenyl)bicyclo[3.2.0]heptane in 15% yield. Direct irradiation of 2-(3-methylphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene gave the same bicyclo derivative as 2 in 34% yield. Examination of the fluorescence spectra of 1 and 2 in comparison with 1-(2-methylphenyl)propene and 2-(2-methylphenyl)-1-butene, respectively, has shown that 1 may be biased toward [2 + 2] cycloaddition where 2 is not biased toward [2 + 2] photocycloization. Attempts to produce 4a-methyl-1,2,3,4,4a,9,10,10a-octahydrophenanthrene by an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction of the o-xylylene produced by irradiation of 3 will also be described

  20. 4-Aza-1-azoniabicyclo?[2.2.2]octa?ne?2-amino?benzoate?2-amino?benzoic acid (1/1/1)


    Arman, Hadi D.; Kaulgud, Trupta; Tiekink, Edward R. T.


    A 4-aza-1-azoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane cation, a 2-aminobenzoate anion and a neutral 2-aminobenzoic acid molecule comprise the asymmetric unit of the title compound, C6H13N2+·C7H6NO2−·C7H7NO2. An intramolecular N—H...O hydrogen bond occurs in the anion and in the neutral 2-aminobenzoic acid molecule. The cation provides a charge-assisted N—H...O hydrogen bond to the anion, and the 2-aminobenzoic acid molecule forms an O—H...N hydrogen bo...

  1. Crystal structures of (RS-N-[(1R,2S-2-benzyloxy-1-(2,6-dimethylphenylpropyl]-2-methylpropane-2-sulfinamide and (RS-N-[(1S,2R-2-benzyloxy-1-(2,4,6-trimethylphenylpropyl]-2-methylpropane-2-sulfinamide: two related protected 1,2-amino alcohols

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthew R. Carbone


    Full Text Available The title compounds, C22H31NO2S, (1, and C23H33NO2S, (2, are related protected 1,2-amino alcohols. They differ in the substituents on the benzene ring, viz. 2,6-dimethylphenyl in (1 and 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl in (2. The plane of the phenyl ring is inclined to that of the benzene ring by 28.52 (7° in (1 and by 44.65 (19° in (2. In the crystal of (1, N—H...O=S and C—H...O=S hydrogen bonds link molecules, forming chains along [100], while in (2, similar hydrogen bonds link molecules into chains along [010]. The absolute structures of both compounds were determined by resonance scattering.

  2. Work orientations of female returners

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Doorewaard, H.; Hendrickx, J.; Verschuren, P.J.M.


    Hakim's Preference Theory on the heterogeneity of the work-life preferences of women, and in particular its implicit assumption that a woman's preference to work or to stay at home is based on her personal choices, has frequently been criticized. Other researchers emphasize the constraining

  3. Butane-1,2,3,4-tetracarboxylic acid–1,10-phenanthroline–water (1/2/2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hong-lin Zhu


    Full Text Available The asymmetric unit of the title compound, 2C12H8N2·C8H10O8·2H2O, contains one 1,10-phenanthroline molecule, one half-molecule of butane-1,2,3,4-tetracarboxylic acid (H4BTC and a water molecule, with the complete tetra-acid generated by crystallographic inversion symmetry. Intermolecular O—H...O hydrogen bonds and π–π stacking interactions [centroid–centroid distances = 3.672 (2 and 3.708 (2 Å form an extensive three-dimensional network, which consolidates the crystal packing.

  4. CdBr2 complexes of 1,2-bis-[2-(5-H/methyl/chloro/nitro)-1H-benzimidazolyl]-1,2-ethanediols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aydin Tavman


    The complexes of 1,2-bis-[2-(5-H/methyl/chloro/nitro)-1H-benzimidazolyl]-1,2-ethanediols with CdBr 2 were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductivity, IR and NMR spectra. The ligands act as a bidentate only through both oxygen atoms of hydroxyl groups in complexes with ratio M:L=1:1 [ru

  5. TVA and its rivals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feine, P.


    The long running opposition of a group of investor-owned electric utilities to the success of the federally-owned and subsidised Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is described. The TVA provides plentiful, affordable electric power to the many economically deprived residents of the southeastern United States, but there have been continued calls, most vocally by those electric utilities who would benefit financially from its demise, for reform of the power production giant, including withdrawal of its federal subsidies. In the manner of much US political manoevering claims and counter-claims are being pursued through the courts and via television advertising in an effort to sway public opinion against the publicly accountable TVA and towards privately owned utilities in the name of ''fair'' competition. (UK)

  6. Ariane: NASA's European rival (United States)

    The successful test launch of two three-quarter ton satellites in the European Space Agency's (ESA) Ariane rocket last June firmly placed ESA in competition with NASA for the lucrative and growing satellite launching market. Under the auspices of the private (but largely French-government financed) Arianespace company, ESA is already attracting customers to its three-stage rocket by offering low costs.According to recent reports [Nature, 292, pp. 785 and 788, 1981], Arianespace has been able to win several U.S. customers away from NASA, including Southern Pacific Communications, Western Union, RCA, Satellite Television Corporation, and GTE. Nature [292, 1981] magazine in an article entitled ‘More Trouble for the Hapless Shuttle’ suggests that it will be possible for Ariane to charge lower prices for a launch than NASA, even with the space shuttle.

  7. Vol. 4(1), S/No 13, January, 2015:224-231 ISSN: 2225-8590 (Print ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    DR Nneka


    Jan 13, 2015 ... Copyright © IAARR 2014: Indexed African Journals .... It is the divine entity ..... religious framework of an alternative view of the world, a rival cosmology and a different way of ... Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria: Hambaz ...

  8. On D=2 (1/3,1/3) supersymmetric theories 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saidi, E.H.; Zerouaoui, J.; Sedra, M.B.


    Denoting by D=2 (1/3,1/3) superalgebra; the off critical symmetry of the Φ 5/7,5/7 perturbation of the C=6/7 conformal theory, we build a new superspace solution of the (1/3,1/3) - subalgebra generated by spin ±1/3 charge operators extending the usual (1/2,1/2) supersymmetry generated by spin ±1/2 charges. This solution is based on the use of two Grassmann variables instead of one parafermionic variable θ ±1/3 satisfying the cubic nilpotency condition (θ ±1/3 ) 3 =0. Known results on the C=6/7 tricritical Potts model are recovered as special features. A relation with N=2 Landau-Ginzburg models is also discussed. (author). 17 refs, 1 tab

  9. Fragrance material review on 1-(3,3-dimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)ethane-1-one. (United States)

    Scognamiglio, J; Letizia, C S; Api, A M


    A toxicologic and dermatologic review of 1-(3,3-dimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)ethane-1-one when used as a fragrance ingredient is presented. 1-(3,3-Dimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)ethane-1-one is a member of the fragrance structural group Alkyl Cyclic Ketones. These fragrances can be described as being composed of an alkyl, R1, and various substituted and bicyclic saturated or unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons, R2, in which one of the rings may include up to 12 carbons. Alternatively, R2 may be a carbon bridge of C2-C4 carbon chain length between the ketone and cyclic hydrocarbon. This review contains a detailed summary of all available toxicology and dermatology papers that are related to this individual fragrance ingredient and is not intended as a stand-alone document. Available data for 1-(3,3-dimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)ethane-1-one were evaluated then summarized and includes physical properties, skin irritation, mucous membrane (eye) irritation, and skin sensitization data. A safety assessment of the entire Alkyl Cyclic Ketones will be published simultaneously with this document; please refer to Belsito et al. (Belsito, D., Bickers, D., Bruze, M., Calow, P., Dagli, M., Fryer, A.D., Greim, H., Miyachi, Y., Saurat, J.H., Sipes, I.G., 2013. A Toxicologic and Dermatologic Assessment of Alkyl Cyclic Ketones When Used as Fragrance Ingredients (submitted for publication) for an overall assessment of the safe use of this material and all Alkyl Cyclic Ketones in fragrances. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Kualitas Layanan, Dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Toko Kopinkra-Kotama Shoes


    Pohan, Reny Asifa


    The company can perform a variety of ways to meet customer satisfaction. One of the things that can be done is to learn about and pay attention to factors that affect customer satisfaction. Some of the factors that must be considered by the company in determining the level of customer satisfaction, product quality, service quality, and price. This research was done at the store Kopinkra JL. A.R. Hakim No. 206 C Medan. The purpose of this research is to analyze on 4 assessments: 1. Effect ...

  11. Dipropyl 3,6-diphenyl-1,2-dihydro-1,2,4,5-tetrazine-1,2-dicarboxylate. (United States)

    Rao, Guo-Wu; Hu, Wei-Xiao


    The title compound, C(22)H(24)N(4)O(4), was prepared from propyl chloroformate and 3,6-diphenyl-1,2-dihydro-s-tetrazine. This reaction yields the title compound rather than dipropyl 3,6-diphenyl-1,4-dihydro-s-tetrazine-1,4-dicarboxylate. The 2,3-diazabutadiene group in the central six-membered ring is not planar; the C=N double-bond length is 1.285 (2) A, and the average N-N single-bond length is 1.401 (3) A, indicating a lack of conjugation. The ring has a twist conformation, in which adjacent N atoms lie +/- 0.3268 (17) A from the plane of the ring. The molecule has twofold crystallographic symmetry.

  12. Interplay between intramolecular and intermolecular structures of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1,2-difluoroethane


    Rovira Esteva, M.; Murugan, N.A.; Pardo, L.C.; Busch, S.; Tamarit, J.Ll.; Pothoczki, Sz.; Cuello, G. J.; Bermejo, Francisco Javier


    We report on the interplay between the short-range order of molecules in the liquid phase of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1,2-difluoroethane and the possible molecular conformations, trans and gauche. Two complementary approaches have been used to get a comprehensive picture: analysis of neutron-diffraction data by a Bayesian fit algorithm and a molecular dynamics simulation. The results of both show that the population of trans and gauche conformers in the liquid state can only correspond to the gauc...

  13. 2-[1-(Methylsulfanylnaphtho[2,1-b]furan-2-yl]acetic acid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uk Lee


    Full Text Available The title compound, C15H12O3S, was prepared by alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl 2-{1-(methylsulfanylnaphtho[2,1-b]furan-2-yl}acetate. The crystal structure is stabilized by CH2—H...π interactions between the methyl H atoms of the methylsulfanyl substituent and the central benzene ring of the naphthofuran system, and by inversion-related intermolecular O—H...O hydrogen bonds between the carboxyl groups.

  14. AMFIE

    CERN Multimedia



        We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Janine Rivals, Honoray Vice-President of AMFIE, and Mrs. Gabriele Strupp, Business Development Manager for AMFIE, will be at CERN in Geneva for a Presentation on Thursday, 13th October 2016 starting at 12:30 in the Council Chamber (Main building)  Private consultations upon appointment: Thursday, 13th October 2016 from 14:00 to 16:00 - Building 61/R-006 (Ground floor, Main building) 15:00 to 18:00 - Building 61/1-007 - Room B (1st floor, Main building) Members and colleagues who wish to meet AMFIE’s representatives for one-to-one private consultations are invited to contact Mrs. Janine Rivals(+33/6 63 58 36 62, or AMFIE's Secretariat in Luxembourg (+352/42 36 61-1 or For any request of appointment, please provide us with a telephone number. We invite you to visit regularly our website under the "Calendar" me...

  15. 2-Amino-1-(2-carboxylatoethylpyrimidin-1-ium monohydrate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christopher R. Sparrow


    Full Text Available In the title structure, C7H9N3O2·H2O, there are two formula units in the asymmetric unit. The molecule is a zwitterion, containing a quaternary N atom and a deprotonated carboxyl group, with C—O distances in the range 1.256 (21.266 (3 Å. The two independent molecules form a hydrogen-bonded R22(16 dimer about an approximate inversion center via N—H...O hydrogen bonds, with N...O distances of 2.766 (2 and 2.888 (2 Å. O—H...O hydrogen bonds involving the water molecules and additional N—H...O hydrogen bonds link these dimers, forming double chains.

  16. The Last Millennium Reanalysis: Improvements to proxies and proxy modeling (United States)

    Tardif, R.; Hakim, G. J.; Emile-Geay, J.; Noone, D.; Anderson, D. M.


    The Last Millennium Reanalysis (LMR) employs a paleoclimate data assimilation (PDA) approach to produce climate field reconstructions (CFRs). Here, we focus on two key factors in PDA generated CFRs: the set of assimilated proxy records and forward models (FMs) used to estimate proxies from climate model output. In the initial configuration of the LMR [Hakim et al., 2016], the proxy dataset of [PAGES2k Consortium, 2013] was used, along with univariate linear FMs calibrated against annually-averaged 20th century temperature datasets. In an updated configuration, proxy records from the recent dataset [PAGES2k Consortium, 2017] are used, while a hierarchy of statistical FMs are tested: (1) univariate calibrated on annual temperature as in the initial configuration, (2) univariate against temperature as in (1) but calibration performed using expert-derived seasonality for individual proxy records, (3) as in (2) but expert proxy seasonality replaced by seasonal averaging determined objectively as part of the calibration process, (4) linear objective seasonal FMs as in (3) but objectively selecting relationships calibrated either on temperature or precipitation, and (5) bivariate linear models calibrated on temperature and precipitation with objectively-derived seasonality. (4) and (5) specifically aim at better representing the physical drivers of tree ring width proxies. Reconstructions generated using the CCSM4 Last Millennium simulation as an uninformed prior are evaluated against various 20th century data products. Results show the benefits of using the new proxy collection, particularly on the detrended global mean temperature and spatial patterns. The positive impact of using proper seasonality and temperature/moisture sensitivities for tree ring width records is also notable. This updated configuration will be used for the first generation of LMR-generated CFRs to be publicly released. These also provide a benchmark for future efforts aimed at evaluating the

  17. The 1:1 adduct of caffeine and 2-(1,3-dioxoisoindolin-2-ylacetic acid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moazzam H. Bhatti


    Full Text Available In the crystal structure of the title adduct [systematic name: 2-(1,3-dioxoisoindolin-2-ylacetic acid–1,3,7-trimethyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-7H-purine-2,6-dione (1/1], C8H10N4O2·C10H7NO4, the components are linked by an O—H...N hydrogen-bond and no proton transfer occurs.

  18. (μ-Ethane-1,1,2,2-tetracarboxylatobis[tetraaquamanganese(II

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meng-Wei Xue


    Full Text Available In the centrosymmetric title molecule, [Mn2(C6H2O8(H2O8], the MnII atom is in an octahedral environment coordinated by six O-atom donors from water molecules and ethane-1,1,2,2-tetracarboxylate ligands. The crystal structure features a three-dimensional hydrogen-bonding network based on a strong and distinctive pattern of O—H...O hydrogen-bonding interactions.

  19. Felodipine-diazabicyclo 2.2.2 octane-water (1/1/1)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Solanko, K. A.; Surov, A. O.; Perlovich, G. L.


    into chains around 2(1) screw axes, while the felodipine molecules form N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds to the water molecules. The felodipine molecules adopt centrosymmetric back-to-back arrangements that are similar to those present in all of its four reported polymorphs...

  20. Near East/South Asia Report, No. 2780. (United States)


    special occasions, festivals and holidays. The Majority and Cheap Meat Several meters from the Governorate of Giza , at a government-run consumer store...are distributed in a single shipment. Muhammad ’Abd-al-Hakim, the owner of a farm near the pyramids said, "Fodder allotments are sufficient for all

  1. Women's Work-Life Balance Trajectories in the UK: Reformulating Choice and Constraint in Transitions through Part-Time Work across the Life-Course (United States)

    Tomlinson, Jennifer


    This paper examines the apparently paradoxical notion that women "choose" part-time work when it is consistently documented as being less preferential in employment terms, conditions and prospects when compared to full-time work. Forming a dialogue with Hakim's (2000) preference theory, it is proposed here that four dimensions--care…

  2. Research Article Special Issue

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jul 16, 2016 ... CASE STUDY: THE CITY OF BIRJAND'S HAKIM NAZARI STREET ... to the attention paid to the human aspect of development, having ... result of which was the appearance of the cities with congruent regional segregation, .... Such operations can be practiced for one single street or the entire network of.

  3. (2-Benzoyl-1-phenylethenolato-κ2O,O′bis[2-(1-phenyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-ylphenyl-κC1]iridium(III dichloromethane disolvate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stanislav I. Bezzubov


    Full Text Available We present here synthesis and crystal structure of a neutral IrIII complex, [Ir(C19H13N22(C15H11O22CH2Cl2 or [Ir(C^N2O^O]·2CH2Cl2, where C^N is 1,2-diphenyl-1H-benzimidazole and O^O is 2-benzoyl-1-phenylethenolate. The coordination sphere of the IrIII atom, located on a twofold rotation axis, is that of a slighlty distorted C2N2O2 octahedron, with the N atoms in a trans configuration. In the crystal, complex molecules assemble through weak C—H...π interactions in the range 2.699 (3–2.892 (3 Å. The solvent CH2Cl2 molecules reside in channels aligned along the a axis and are connected to the complex molecules by C—H...O interactions.

  4. (E-1-(2-Bromophenyl-3-(2,5-dimethoxyphenylprop-2-en-1-one

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jerry P. Jasinski


    Full Text Available The title compound, C17H15BrO3, is a chalcone with the 2-bromophenyl and 2,5-dimethoxyphenyl rings bonded at opposite ends of a propene group. The dihedral angle between the mean planes of the ortho-bromo and ortho,meta-dimethoxy-substituted benzene rings is 77.3 (1°. The dihedral angles between the mean plane of the prop-2-ene-1-one group and the mean planes of the 2-bromophenyl and 2,5-dimethoxyphenyl rings are 58.6 (1 and 30.7 (4°, respectively. Weak C—H...O, C—H...Br and π–π stacking intermolecular interactions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.650 (2 Å] are present in the structure.

  5. Synthesis and Cytotoxic Evaluation of 1H-1,2,3-Triazol-1-ylmethyl-2,3-dihydronaphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-diones

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The 1,2-naphthoquinone compound was previously considered active against solid tumors. Moreover, glycosidase inhibitors such as 1,2,3-1H triazoles has been pointed out as efficient compounds in anticancer activity studies. Thus, a series of eleven 1,2-naphthoquinones tethered in C2 to 1,2,3-1H-triazoles 9a-k were designed, synthesized and their cytotoxic activity evaluated using HCT-116 (colon adenocarcinoma, MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma and RPE (human nontumor cell line from retinal epithelium. The chemical synthesis was performed from C-3 allylation of lawsone followed by iodocyclization with subsequent nucleophilic displacement with sodium azide and, finally, the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition catalyzed by Cu(I with terminal alkynes led to the formation of 1H-1,2,3-Triazol-1-ylmethyl-2,3-dihydronaphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-diones in good yields. Compounds containing aromatic group linked to 1,2,3-triazole ring (9c, 9d, 9e, 9i presented superior cytotoxic activity against cancer cell lines with IC50 in the range of 0.74 to 4.4 µM indicating that the presence of aromatic rings substituents in the 1,2,3-1H-triazole moiety is probably responsible for the improved cytotoxic activity.

  6. Crystal structures of three 1-oxo-1,2-dihydronaphthalene derivatives: dimethyl 4-(4-methoxyphenyl-2-(4-methylphenyl-1-oxo-1,2-dihydronaphthalene-2,3-dicarboxylate, dimethyl 1-oxo-2-(pyren-4-yl-4-(thiophen-2-yl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene-2,3-dicarboxylate and ethyl 1-oxo-2-phenyl-2,4-bis(thiophen-2-yl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene-3-carboxylate

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    S. Gopinath


    Full Text Available In the title 1-oxo-1,2-dihydronaphthalene derivatives, C28H24O6, (I, C34H22O5S, (II, and C27H20O3S2, (III, the cyclohexa-1,3-diene rings of the 1,2-dihydronaphthalene ring systems adopt half-chair, boat and half-chair conformations, respectively. The carbonyl O atoms attached to the dihydronaphthalene ring systems are each significantly deviated from the mean plane of the 1,2-dihydronaphthalene ring system, by 0.6162 (12 Å in (I, 0.6016 (16 Å in (II and 0.515 (3 Å in (III. The mean planes of the 1,2-dihydronaphthalene ring systems make dihedral angles of 85.83 (3, 88.19 (3 and 81.67 (8°, respectively, with the methylphenyl ring in (I, the pyrene ring in (II and the phenyl ring in (III. In (I, the molecular structure is stabilized by an intramolecular C—H...O hydrogen bond, generating an S(6 ring motif. In the crystal of (I, molecules are linked by an intermolecular C—H...O hydrogen bond, which generates a C(8 zigzag chain running along [100]. Adjacent chains are further connected by C—H...π and offset π–π interactions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.6572 (9 Å], forming a double-chain structure. In the crystals of (II and (III, molecules are linked into chain structures by offset π–π interactions with centroid–centroid distances of 3.5349 (12 and 3.8845 (13 Å for (II and 3.588 (2 Å for (III. In (II and (III, the thiophene rings are orientationally disordered over two sites, with occupancy ratios of 0.69:0.31 for (II, and 0.528 (4:0.472 (4 and 0.632 (5:0.368 (5 for (III.

  7. Henry's law constants and infinite dilution activity coefficients of cis-2-butene, dimethylether, chloroethane, and 1,1-difluoroethane in methanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, isobutanol, tert-butanol, 1-pentanol, 2-pentanol, 3-pentanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, and 2-methyl-2-butanol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyano, Yoshimori; Kobashi, Takahiro; Shinjo, Hiroshi; Kumada, Shinya; Watanabe, Yusuke; Niya, Wataru; Tateishi, Yoko


    Henry's law constants and infinite dilution activity coefficients of cis-2-butene, dimethylether, chloroethane, and 1,1-difluoroethane in methanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, isobutanol, tert-butanol, 1-pentanol, 2-pentanol, 3-pentanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, and 2-methyl-2-butanol in the temperature range of 250 K to 330 K were measured by a gas stripping method and partial molar excess enthalpies were calculated from the activity coefficients. A rigorous formula for evaluating the Henry's law constants from the gas stripping measurements was used for the data reduction of these highly volatile mixtures. The uncertainty is about 2% for the Henry's law constants and 3% for the estimated infinite dilution activity coefficients. In the evaluation of the infinite dilution activity coefficients, the nonideality of the solute such as the fugacity coefficient and Poynting correction factor cannot be neglected, especially at higher temperatures. The estimated uncertainty of the infinite dilution activity coefficients includes 1% for nonideality

  8. Crystal structures of nitrato-(2-[2-(1-pyridine-2-ylethylidene)hydrazine]-1,3-benzothiazolo) aquacopper and chloro-(2-[2-phenyl(pyridine-2-ylethylidene)hydrazine]-1,3-benzothiazolo) copper

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chumakov, Yu. M. [Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Institute of Applied Physics (Moldova, Republic of); Paholnitcaia, A. Yu. [State University of Moldova (Moldova, Republic of); Petrenko, P. A. [Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Institute of Applied Physics (Moldova, Republic of); Tsapkov, V. I., E-mail: [State University of Moldova (Moldova, Republic of); Poirier, D. [Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quebec (Canada); Gulea, A. P. [State University of Moldova (Moldova, Republic of)


    Two crystal modifications of nitrato-(2-[2-(1-pyridine-2-ylethylidene)hydrazine]-1,3-benzothiazolo) aquacopper (I and II) and two modifications of chloro-(2-[2-phenyl(pyridine-2-ylethylidene)hydrazine]-1,3-benzothiazolo) copper (III and IV) have been synthesized and studied by X-ray diffraction. In structures I and II, the copper atoms coordinate a monodeprotonated molecule of the organic ligand, nitrate ions, and a water molecule. In crystals of I, the complexes are monomeric, whereas complexes II are linked via nitrate ions to form polymeric chains. In both structures the coordination polyhedron of the copper atom can be described as a distorted tetragonal bipyramid—(4 + 1 + 1) in I and (4 + 2) in II. These coordination polyherdra have different compositions. In structures III and IV, the metal atoms coordinate a monodeprotonated (2-[2-phenyl(pyridine-2-ylethylidene)hydrazine]-1,3-benzothiazole molecule and chloride ions. In III the complex-forming ion has square-planar coordination geometry, whereas structure IV consists of centrosymmetric dimers with two bridging chlorine atoms. It was found that nitrato-(2-[2-(1-pyridine-2-ylethylidene)hydrazine]-1,3-benzothiazolo) aquacopper possesses antitumor activity.

  9. 1,1′-(Ethane-1,2-diylbis(indoline-2,3-dione

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    Yao Wang


    Full Text Available The molecule of the title compound, C18H12N2O4, is situated on a crystallographic centre of symmetry. The molecule has a zigzag structure, with two parallel symmetry-related indoline-2,3-dione fragments linked by an ethylene group at each N atom. In the crystal, the molecules stack in columns along the b axis. There are two such columns in the structure. The molecules within each column are parallel; however, the molecules in the two columns differ in the respective orientation of the indoline-2,3-dione fragments. In one column, they are approximately parallel to (112, while in the other they are approximately parallel to (overline{1}12. The interplanar angle between the indoline-2,3-dione fragments in the two columns is 80.83 (3°. The molecules within each column are related by mutual displacement of their centres of symmetry, that is (0, ±1/2, ±1/2. The packing between the molecules is provided by weak interactions only, viz. C—H...O hydrogen bonds and π–π [centroid–centroid distance = 3.8745 (8 Å] and C=O...π interactions.

  10. Cn(1), Dn(1) and A2n-1(2) reflection K-matrices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lima-Santos, A.; Malara, R.


    We investigate the possible regular solutions of the boundary Yang-Baxter equation for the vertex models associated with the C n (1) , D n (1) and A 2n-1 (2) affine Lie algebras. We find three types of solutions with n, n-1 and 1 free parameters, respectively. Special cases and all diagonal solutions are presented separately

  11. 3-[2-(1,3-Benzothiazol-2-ylsulfanylethyl]-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one

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    Yong-Hong Wen


    Full Text Available The title compound, C12H12N2S2O2, consists of a benzothiazole group and a oxazolidin-1-one linked via a flexible ethane-1,2-diyl spacer. The benzothiazole group and the oxazolidine ring are each almost planar [with maximum deviations of 0.007 (2 and 0.044 (3 Å, respectively] and make a dihedral angle of 9.35 (10°. In the crystal structure, adjacent molecules were connected through C—H...O and C—H...N hydrogen bonds, and further extended into a three-dimensional network structure through intermolecular aromatic π–π stacking interactions in which the centroid–centroid distance is 3.590 (1 Å.

  12. Synthesis of 1-13C-1-indanone and 2-13C-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pickering, R.E.; Wysocki, M.A.; Eisenbraun, E.J.


    The synthesis of 2- 13 C-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline (5) via 1- 13 C-3-phenylpropanoic acid (1), 1- 13 C-1-indanone (2), 1- 13 C-1-indanone hydrazone (3) and 2- 13 C-3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-quinolinone (4) proceeded in 78, 96, 95, 79, and 85% individual yields respectively for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 61% overall yield of the latter from 1. (author)

  13. 4-Aminobenzoic acid–1,2-bis(4-pyridylethane (2/1

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    Fwu Ming Shen


    Full Text Available In the title compound, C12H12N2·2C7H7NO2, the 4-aminobenzoic acid molecules are linked by O—H...N hydrogen bonds to 1,2-bis(4-pyridylethane, forming linear hydrogen bonded chains parallel to [2overline{1}1]. The structure exhibits a hydrogen-bonding network involving COOH...N(pyridyl and amine and carboxylic N—H... O interactions. In addition, π–π stacking interactions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.8622 (14 Å] are also present.

  14. Acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) 1a/2a heteromers have a flexible 2:1/1:2 stoichiometry. (United States)

    Bartoi, Tudor; Augustinowski, Katrin; Polleichtner, Georg; Gründer, Stefan; Ulbrich, Maximilian H


    Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are widely expressed proton-gated Na(+) channels playing a role in tissue acidosis and pain. A trimeric composition of ASICs has been suggested by crystallization. Upon coexpression of ASIC1a and ASIC2a in Xenopus oocytes, we observed the formation of heteromers and their coexistence with homomers by electrophysiology, but could not determine whether heteromeric complexes have a fixed subunit stoichiometry or whether certain stoichiometries are preferred over others. We therefore imaged ASICs labeled with green and red fluorescent proteins on a single-molecule level, counted bleaching steps from GFP and colocalized them with red tandem tetrameric mCherry for many individual complexes. Combinatorial analysis suggests a model of random mixing of ASIC1a and ASIC2a subunits to yield both 2:1 and 1:2 ASIC1a:ASIC2a heteromers together with ASIC1a and ASIC2a homomers.

  15. Diastereoisomers of 2-benzyl-2, 3-dihydro-2-(1H-inden-2-yl)-1H-inden-1-ol: potential anti-inflammatory agents. (United States)

    Sheridan, Helen; Walsh, John J; Cogan, Carina; Jordan, Michael; McCabe, Tom; Passante, Egle; Frankish, Neil H


    The synthesis and biological activity of the novel diastereoisomers of 2-benzyl-2,3-dihydro-2-(1H-inden-2-yl)-1H-inden-1-ol is reported. The 2,2-coupled indane dimers were synthesised by coupling of the silyl enol ether of 1-indanone with the dimethyl ketal of 2-indanone. The coupled product was directly alkylated to give the racemic ketone which was reduced to the diastereoisomeric alcohols. The alcohols were separated and their relative stereochemistry was established by X-ray crystallography. These molecules demonstrate significant anti-inflammatory activity in vivo and in vitro and may represent a new class of anti-inflammatory agent.

  16. Interplay between intramolecular and intermolecular structures of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1,2-difluoroethane (United States)

    Rovira-Esteva, M.; Murugan, N. A.; Pardo, L. C.; Busch, S.; Tamarit, J. Ll.; Pothoczki, Sz.; Cuello, G. J.; Bermejo, F. J.


    We report on the interplay between the short-range order of molecules in the liquid phase of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1,2-difluoroethane and the possible molecular conformations, trans and gauche. Two complementary approaches have been used to get a comprehensive picture: analysis of neutron-diffraction data by a Bayesian fit algorithm and a molecular dynamics simulation. The results of both show that the population of trans and gauche conformers in the liquid state can only correspond to the gauche conformer being more stable than the trans conformer. Distinct conformer geometries induce distinct molecular short-range orders around them, suggesting that a deep intra- and intermolecular interaction coupling is energetically favoring one of the conformers by reducing the total molecular free energy.

  17. Amino methylation of 2-R-6-R_1-imidazo-[2.1-B]-1.3.4-thiadiazole

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saidov, D.K.; Rakhmonov, R.O.; Khodzhiboev, Yu.; Kukaniev, M.A.; Bandaev, S.


    Present article is devoted to amino methylation of 2-R-6-R_1-imidazo-[2.1-B]-1.3.4-thiadiazole. The reaction of new modifications of derivatives of imidazo-[2.1-B]-1.3.4-thiadiazoles-2-bromine-6-p-bromophenyl and 2-alkyl alkylene sulfonyl-6-phenyl imidazo--[2.1-B]-1.3.4-thiadiazole on Mannich with secondary and heterocyclic amines was studied.

  18. Ville et prostitution : rivales ou riveraines ? City and Prostitution: Rivals or Neighbours?

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    Catherine Deschamps


    Full Text Available Sous l’égide de l’Association des maires des grandes villes de France s’est tenue à Nantes, en juin 2003, la “Première rencontre française et internationale des professionnels de la ville” intitulée Les politiques urbaines face à la prosti­tution. Mobilisation des villes pour la répression de la traite aux fins d’exploi­tation sexuelle, la prévention et l’aide aux victimes. À partir des “actes” de cette rencontre, d’une enquête de terrain, d’une revue de la littérature et de la presse quotidienne française pour l’année 2003, cet article questionne la généa­logie contemporaine de l’association de la prostitution aux villes et les raisons qui, à tort ou à raison, motivent cette association. Parmi ces raisons, se cache une instrumentalisation des plus ambiguës de la “jeune prostituée étrangère”, associée à son corps défendant à l’image d’une traite mondiale, donc tenta­culaire. La rencontre nantaise est alors, à l’échelle de la ville, l’illustration, ou la répétition, de mécanismes plus généraux.Under the aegis of the Association of mayors of major French cities, the “First French and international meeting of city professionals” was held at Nantes, in June 2003, entitled Urban policies in dealing with prostitution. The mobilization of cities in the repression of slavery for purposes of sexual exploitation, prevention and aid to victims. Based on the “acts” of this meeting, a field survey, a review of the literature and the daily French press for the year 2003, this article questions the contemporary genealogy of the association of prostitution and cities, and the reasons which, rightly or wrongly, motivate that association. Among these reasons, is hidden a most ambiguous instrumentalization of the “young foreign prostitute”, associated despite herself with the image of a worldwide, and hence tentacular, slave trade. Thus the Nantes meeting is, on a city scale, the illustration, or the repetition, of more general mechanisms.

  19. (2E-3-(3,5-Dimethyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl-1-(2,5-dimethyl-3-thienylprop-2-en-1-one

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    Salman A. Khan


    Full Text Available The title compound, (2E-3-(3,5-dimethyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl-1-(2,5-dimethyl-3-thienylprop-2-en-1-one (3 was synthesized in high yield by aldol condensation of 3-acetyl-2,5-dimethylthiophene and 3,5-dimethyl-1-phenylpyrazole-4-carboxaldehyde in ethanolic NaOH at room temperature. Its structure was fully characterized by elemental analysis, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and EI-MS spectral analysis.

  20. Synthesis of [2-13C, 2-14C] 2-aminoethanol, [1-13C, 1-14C] 2-chloroethylamine, N,N'-bis([1-13C, 1-14C] 2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea(BCNU) and N-([1-13C, 1-14C] 2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea(CNU)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narayan, R.; Chang, C-j.


    [2- 13 C, 2- 14 C]2-Aminoethanol hydrochloride was prepared in good yield from Na*CN in a two step sequence by first converting the Na*CN to OHCH 2 *CN and then reducing the nitrile directly with a solution of borane-tetrahydrofuran complex. The reaction procedure was simple and the pure product could be obtained readily. Using this specifically labelled precursor, the synthesis of [1- 13 C, 1- 14 C]2-chloroethylamine hydrochloride, N-([1- 13 C, 1- 14 C]2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea(CNU) and N,N'-bis([1- 13 C, 1- 14 C]2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea(BCNU) in good yield without isotope scrambling was also reported. (author)

  1. 2-[4-(2-Chloroacetylphenyl]-2-methyl-1-(pyrrolidin-1-ylpropan-1-one

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    Dong-mei Ren


    Full Text Available The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C16H20ClNO2, contains two molecules in which the dihedral angles between the benzene ring and the plane of the amide unit are 77.4 (1 and 81.1 (1°. In both molecules, the five-membered ring adopts an envelope conformation with one of the β-C atoms as the flap. In the crystal, molecules are connected via C—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming chains along the b-axis direction. These chains are further linked by C—H...π interactions, forming a three-dimensional network.

  2. Perspectives on Globalisation and Its Structures | Hammouda ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Perspectives on Globalisation and Its Structures. Hakim Ben Hammouda. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors. OTHER RESOURCES... for Researchers · for Journals · for Authors · for Policy Makers · about Open Access · FAQ's · News · AJOL jobs · More about ...

  3. Summer Study Program in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Chaos. (United States)


    Cleopatra, periodic solutions to Galileo and perhaps chaos to Poincar. Today we often think about dynamical systems in terms o- oincae surfaces of section...P. Berge, 1983. Phys. Rev. Lett. L51, 1446 and 2345. Nadal, J.P., B. Derrida and J. Vannimenus, 1982. J. de Phys. 43, , 1561 and V. Hakim and J.P

  4. Influence of basis-set size on the X Σ 1 /2 +2 , A Π 1 /2 2 , A Π 3 /2 2 , and B Σ 1 /2 +2 potential-energy curves, A Π 3 /2 2 vibrational energies, and D1 and D2 line shapes of Rb+He (United States)

    Blank, L. Aaron; Sharma, Amit R.; Weeks, David E.


    The X Σ 1 /2 +2 , A Π 1 /2 2 , A Π 3 /2 2 , and B2Σ1/2 + potential-energy curves for Rb+He are computed at the spin-orbit multireference configuration interaction level of theory using a hierarchy of Gaussian basis sets at the double-zeta (DZ), triple-zeta (TZ), and quadruple-zeta (QZ) levels of valence quality. Counterpoise and Davidson-Silver corrections are employed to remove basis-set superposition error and ameliorate size-consistency error. An extrapolation is performed to obtain a final set of potential-energy curves in the complete basis-set (CBS) limit. This yields four sets of systematically improved X Σ 1 /2 +2 , A Π 1 /2 2 , A Π 3 /2 2 , and B2Σ1/2 + potential-energy curves that are used to compute the A Π 3 /2 2 bound vibrational energies, the position of the D2 blue satellite peak, and the D1 and D2 pressure broadening and shifting coefficients, at the DZ, TZ, QZ, and CBS levels. Results are compared with previous calculations and experimental observation.

  5. Metabolism of 1,2,3,4-, 1,2,3,5-, and 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene in the squirrel monkey

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwartz, H.; Chu, I.; Villeneuve, D.C.; Benoit, F.M.


    The metabolism of three tetrachlorobenzene isomers (TeCB) was investigated in the squirrel monkey. The animals were administered orally 6 single doses of 14 C-labeled 1,2,3,4-, 1,2,4,5-, or 1,2,3,5-tetrachlorobenzene over a 3-wk period at levels ranging from 50 to 100 mg/kg body weight (b.w) and kept in individual metabolism cages to collect urine and feces for radioassay. Approximately 38% (1,2,3,4-TeCB), 36% (1,2,3,5-TeCB), and 18% (1,2,4,5-TeCB) of the doses were excreted respectively in the feces 48 h post administration. In monkeys dosed with 1,2,3,4-TeCB, unchanged compound accounted for 50% of the fecal radioactivity. Unchanged compound accounted for more than 50% of the fecal radioactivity found in the monkeys dosed with 1,2,3,5-TeCB. The fecal metabolites were identified in both groups. No metabolites were detected in the feces of monkeys dosed with 1,2,4,5-TeCB. While the fecal route represented the major route of excretion for 1,2,3,4-TeCB, the other two isomers were eliminated exclusively in the feces. The above data in the squirrel monkey are different from those obtained with the rat and the rabbit, and demonstrate the different metabolic pathways for the isomers

  6. 1,1′-Binaphthyl-2,2′-dicarboxylic acid–urea (1/1

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    Edwin Weber


    Full Text Available In the title co-crystal, C22H14O4·CH4N2O, the 1,1′-binaphthyl-2,2′-dicarboxylic acid (BNDA and urea molecules are connected via a system of hydrogen bonds into a chiral two-dimensional polymeric structure parallel to the (001 plane. As the crystal is centrosymmetric, it consists of alternately stacked BNDA–urea layers of opposite chirality. The urea H atoms trans to the C=O group are bonded in a chelating mode [R12(6] to the carbonyl O atom from one of the carboxylic acid groups which, in turn, acts as the donor of an O—H...O hydrogen bond to another urea molecule. The [010] chains thus formed are further connected via an R22(8 hydrogen-bond motif formed between urea and the second carboxylic acid group of BNDA.

  7. Benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid–pyridinium-2-olate (1/1

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    Chua-Hua Yu


    Full Text Available The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C5H5NO·C8H6O4, contains one o-phthalate acid molecule and one pyridin-2-ol molecule, which exists in a zwitterionic form. In the o-phthalate acid molecule, the carboxylate groups are twisted from the benzene ring by dihedral angles of 13.6 (1° and 73.1 (1°; the hydroxy H atom in the latter group is disordered over two positons in a 1:1 ratio. In the crystal, O—H...O and N—H...O hydrogen bonds link the molecules into zigzag chains in [-101].

  8. L\\'hydrocephalie Chronique De L\\'adulte : A Propos De 15 Cas | Ba ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction L\\'hydrocéphalie chronique de l\\'adulte (HCA), est une dilatation des cavités ventriculaires par trouble de l\\'hydrodynamique du liquide cérébro-spinal (LCS), s\\'exprimant cliniquement par la triade d\\'Adams-Hakim. La cause peut être identifiable ou idiopathique. Objectifs L\\'objectif de notre travail est de ...

  9. Curbing insecurity with religious tolerance: A case study of Zinbe's ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Religious intolerance seems to have had its root in the creation of the Crusaders by Christians in reaction to the destruction of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem by a Fatimid Caliph named Al-Hakim. In its early days when Islam was growing like wild fire the Crusaders killed and maimed Muslims in Europe. History indicates ...

  10. Programmable shunts and headphones: Are they safe together? (United States)

    Spader, Heather S; Ratanaprasatporn, Linda; Morrison, John F; Grossberg, Jonathan A; Cosgrove, G Rees


    Programmable shunts have a valuable role in the treatment of patients with hydrocephalus, but because a magnet is used to change valve settings, interactions with external magnets may reprogram these shunts. Previous studies have demonstrated the ability of magnetic toys and iPads to erroneously reprogram shunts. Headphones are even more ubiquitous, and they contain an electromagnet for sound projection that sits on the head very close to the shunt valve. This study is the first to look at the magnetic field emissions of headphones and their effect on reprogrammable shunt valves to ascertain whether headphones are safe for patients with these shunts to wear. In this in vitro study of the magnetic properties of headphones and their interactions with 3 different programmable shunts, the authors evaluated Apple earbuds, Beats by Dr. Dre, and Bose QuietComfort Acoustic Noise Cancelling headphones. Each headphone was tested for electromagnetic field emissions using a direct current gaussmeter. The following valves were evaluated: Codman Hakim programmable valve, Medtronic Strata II valve, and Aesculap proGAV. Each valve was tested at distances of 0 to 50 mm (in 5-mm increments) from each headphone. The exposure time at each distance was 1 minute, and 3 trials were performed to confirm results at each valve setting and distance. All 3 headphones generated magnetic fields greater than the respective shunt manufacturer's recommended strength of exposure, but these fields did not persist beyond 5 mm. By 2 cm, the fields levels were below 20 G, well below the Medtronic recommendation of 90 G and the Codman recommendation of 80 G. Because the mechanism for the proGAV is different, there is no recommended gauss level. There was no change in gauss-level emissions by the headphones with changes in frequency and amplitude. Both the Strata and Codman-Hakim valves were reprogrammed by direct contact (distance 0 mm) with the Bose headphones. When a rotation component was added, all

  11. Infrared Spectra of the 10-μm Bands of 1,2-Difluoroethane and 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane: Vibrationally Mediated Torsional Tunneling in 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane (United States)

    Stone, Stephen C.; Miller, C. Cameron; Philips, Laura A.; Andrews, A. M.; Fraser, G. T.; Pate, B. H.; Xu, Li-Hong


    The 3-MHz-resolution infrared spectra of the 10-μm bands of thegaucheconformer of 1,2-difluoroethane (HFC152) and theC1-symmetry conformer of 1,1,2-trifluoroethane (HFC143) have been measured using a molecular-beam electric-resonance optothermal spectrometer with a tunable microwave-sideband CO2laser source. For 1,2-difluoroethane, two bands have been studied, the ν17B-symmetry C-F stretch at 1077.3 cm-1and the ν13B-symmetry CH2rock at 896.6 cm-1. Both bands are well fit to a asymmetric-rotor Hamiltonian to better than 0.5 MHz. The ν13band is effectively unperturbed, while the ν17band is weakly perturbed, as shown by the large change in centrifugal distortion constants from the ground state values. Two bands have also been studied for 1,1,2-trifluoroethane, the ν11symmetric CF2stretch at 1077.2 cm-1and the ν13C-C stretch at 905.1 cm-1. One of the two bands, ν11, is unperturbed and fit to near the experimental precision. The ν13vibration, on the other hand, is weakly perturbed by an interaction with a nearby state. This perturbation leads to a doubling or splitting of the lines, due to a perturbation-induced lifting of the degeneracy of the symmetric and antisymmetric tunneling states associated with tunneling between the two equivalentC1forms. For theJ,Kastates studied, the splittings are as large as 37 MHz. Combining this observation with published low-resolution far-infrared measurements of torsional sequence-band and hot-band frequencies and calculations from an empirical torsional potential allows us to identify the perturbing state as ν17+ 6ν18. Here, ν17is the CF2twist and ν18is the torsion. The matrix element responsible for this interaction exchanges eight vibrational quanta!

  12. Crystal structure of 5-{4′-[(2-{2-[2-(2-ammonioethoxyethoxy]ethoxy}ethylcarbamoyl]-4-methoxy-[1,1′-biphenyl]-3-yl}-3-oxo-1,2,5-thiadiazolidin-2-ide 1,1-dioxide: a potential inhibitor of the enzyme protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B

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    Kasi Viswanatharaju Ruddraraju


    Full Text Available The title compound, C24H32N4O8S, (I, crystallizes as a zwitterion. The terminal amine N atom of the [(2-{2-[2-(2-ammonioethoxyethoxy]ethoxy}ethylcarbamoyl] side chain is protonated, while the 1,2,5-thiadiazolidin-3-one 1,1-dioxide N atom is deprotonated. The side chain is turned over on itself with an intramolecular N—H...O hydrogen bond. The 1,2,5-thiadiazolidin-3-one 1,1-dioxide ring has an envelope conformation with the aryl-substituted N atom as the flap. Its mean plane is inclined by 62.87 (8° to the aryl ring to which it is attached, while the aryl rings of the biphenyl unit are inclined to one another by 20.81 (8°. In the crystal, molecules are linked by N—H...O and N—H...N hydrogen bonds, forming slabs lying parallel to (010. Within the slabs there are C—H...O and C—H...N hydrogen bonds and C—H...π interactions present.

  13. Deep Sky Imaging: Workflow 2 (United States)

    Schedler, Johannes

    As astrophotographers we are living in a golden age. In recent years CCD technology and the quality of amateur telescopes have reached a level of perfection, giving amateurs the chance to produce images rivaling those taken from mountaintops by large professional systems as recently as two decades ago. However hardware and good imaging location is only a part of the game. A high level of skill with image processing can offer amateurs an edge and provide a chance to compensate for the limited aperture of our telescopes.

  14. Methyl 2-Benzamido-2-(1H-benzimidazol-1-ylmethoxyacetate

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    Alami Anouar


    Full Text Available The heterocyclic carboxylic α-aminoester methyl 2-benzamido-2-(1H-benzimidazol-1-ylmethoxyacetate is obtained by O-alkylation of methyl α-azido glycinate N-benzoylated with 1H-benzimidazol-1-ylmethanol.

  15. Preparation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and trichloroethylene labelled with radioactive chlorine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smirnova, G.E.; Shalygin, V.A.; Zel'venskij, Ya.D.; Prosyanov, N.N.


    The chemical synthesis of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane is carried out. 1,2,2,2-tetrachloroethane is labelled with radioactive chlorine by chlorinating the mixture of cis-, transisomeres of dichlorethylene with elementary chlorine. Trichloroethylene labelled with radioactive chlorine is prepared by the effect of alkali alcohol solution on radioactive 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane

  16. The 2s1/22p1/2 + one photon transition in hydrogen and hydrogenlike ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelsey, E.J.


    The 2s 1 / 22p 1 / 2 + one photon transition rate is calculated and discussed for hydrogen and hydrogenlike ions. It is noted that the induced transition rather than the spontaneous transition is of primary importance since it is the basis of many of the precision Lamb-shift measurements. The lack of a calculation of the transition rate other than a heuristic nonrelativistic derivation which requires a nontrivial assumption motivates the calculation presented here based on the external field approximation to quantum electrodynamics. It is found that the heuristic answer is correct in lowest order. In this derivation we see that the 2s 1 / 22p 1 / 2 + one photon transition gives an apparent contradiction to the often-stated remark that for the electric dipole matrix element there exist three equivalent representations, the ''length,'' ''velocity,'' and ''acceleration'' forms. The difficulties of an experimental determination of this transition rate using induced transitions in hydrogenlike ions are briefly noted as well as the somewhat different case of heavy muonic atoms where the spontaneous 2s 1 / 22p 1 / 2 + one photon transition has been observed

  17. QED based on self-energy: The relativistic 2S1/21S1/2+1γ decay rates of hydrogenlike atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barut, A.O.; Salamin, Y.I.


    Within the framework of the recently advanced formulation of QED based on self-energy, we calculate the relativistic rates of the 2S 1/21S 1/2 +1γ transition in the hydrogen isoelectronic sequence for values of Z ranging between 1 and 92. We compare our results with those of Johnson (Phys. Rev. Lett. 29, 1123 (1972)) and Parpia and Johnson (Phys. Rev. A 26, 1142 (1982)) and find them to be in good agreement with both. (author). 12 refs, 1 tab

  18. 40 CFR 721.7160 - 2-Oxepanone, polymer with 4,4′-(1-methylethylidene)bisphenol and 2,2-[(1-methylethylidene)bis(4,1... (United States)


    ...-methylethylidene)bisphenol and 2,2-[(1-methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phe-ny-lene-oxy-methyl-ene)]-bi-sox-i- rane, graft... Substances § 721.7160 2-Oxepanone, polymer with 4,4′-(1-methylethylidene)bisphenol and 2,2-[(1... new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance 2-oxepanone, polymer with 4,4′(1-meth-yl-eth...

  19. Unimolecular HCl and HF elimination reactions of 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,2-difluoroethane, and 1,2-chlorofluoroethane: assignment of threshold energies. (United States)

    Duncan, Juliana R; Solaka, Sarah A; Setser, D W; Holmes, Bert E


    The recombination of CH(2)Cl and CH(2)F radicals generates vibrationally excited CH(2)ClCH(2)Cl, CH(2)FCH(2)F, and CH(2)ClCH(2)F molecules with about 90 kcal mol(-1) of energy in a room temperature bath gas. New experimental data for CH(2)ClCH(2)F have been obtained that are combined with previously published studies for C(2)H(4)Cl(2) and C(2)H(4)F(2) to define reliable rate constants of 3.0 x 10(8) (C(2)H(4)F(2)), 2.4 x 10(8) (C(2)H(4)Cl(2)), and 1.9 x 10(8) (CH(2)ClCH(2)F) s(-1) for HCl and HF elimination. The product branching ratio for CH(2)ClCH(2)F is approximately 1. These experimental rate constants are compared to calculated statistical rate constants (RRKM) to assign threshold energies for HF and HCl elimination. The calculated rate constants are based on transition-state models obtained from calculations of electronic structures; the energy levels of the asymmetric, hindered, internal rotation were directly included in the state counting to obtain a more realistic measure for the density of internal states for the molecules. The assigned threshold energies for C(2)H(4)F(2) and C(2)H(4)Cl(2) are both 63 +/- 2 kcal mol(-1). The threshold energies for CH(2)ClCH(2)F are 65 +/- 2 (HCl) and 63 +/- 2 (HF) kcal mol(-1). These threshold energies are 5-7 kcal mol(-1) higher than the corresponding values for C(2)H(5)Cl or C(2)H(5)F, and beta-substitution of F or Cl atoms raises threshold energies for HF or HCl elimination reactions. The treatment presented here for obtaining the densities of states and the entropy of activation from models with asymmetric internal rotations with high barriers can be used to judge the validity of using a symmetric internal-rotor approximation for other cases. Finally, threshold energies for the 1,2-fluorochloroethanes are compared to those of the 1,1-fluorochloroethanes to illustrate substituent effects on the relative energies of the isomeric transition states.

  20. Poly[[μ2-2,2′-diethyl-1,1′-(butane-1,4-diyldiimidazole-κ2N3:N3′](μ2-5-hydroxyisophthalato-κ2O1:O3zinc

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    Ying-Ying Liu


    Full Text Available In the title coordination polymer, [Zn(C8H4O5(C14H22N4]n, the ZnII cation is coordinated by an O2N2 donor set in a distorted tetrahedral geometry. The ZnII ions are linked by μ2-OH-bdc (OH-H2bdc = 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid and bbie ligands [bbie = 2,2′-diethyl-1,1′-(butane-1,4-diyldiimidazole], forming a two-dimensional layer parallel to the ab plane. The layers are further connected through intermolecular C—H...O and O—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional supramolecular structure. In the bbie ligand, the two C atoms in the ethyl group are each disordered over two positions with a site-occupancy ratio of 0.69:0.31.

  1. Diaqua-2κ2O-bis(μ-1-oxido-2-naphthoato-1:2κ3O1,O2:O2′;2:3κ3O2:O1,O2′-bis(1-oxido-2-naphthoato-1κ1O2,O2;3κ2O1,O2-hexapyridine-1κ2N,2κ2N,3κ2N-trimanganese(II/III pyridine disolvate dihydrate

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    Daqi Wang


    Full Text Available The title complex, [Mn3(C11H6O34(C5H5N6(H2O22H22C5H5N, is a trinuclear mixed oxidation state complex of overline1 symmetry. The three Mn atoms are six-coordinated in the shape of distorted octahedra, each coordinated with an O4N2 set of donor atoms, where the ligands exhibit mono- and bidentate modes. However, the coordination of the MnII ion located on the inversion centre involves water molecules at two coordination sites, whereas that of the two symmetry-related MnIII ions involves an O4N2 set of donor atoms orginating from the organic ligands. Intramolecular C—H...π interactions between neighbouring pyridine ligands stabilize this arrangement. A two-dimensional network parallel to (001 is formed by intermolecular O—H...O hydrogen bonds.

  2. Bis{bis[1-methoxy-2-(2-methoxyethoxyethane-κ3O,O′,O′′]sodium} 1,1,2,2-tetraphenylethane-1,2-diide

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    Mikhail E. Minyaev


    Full Text Available Crystals of the title salt, [Na(C6H14O32]2(C26H20, were grown from a tetrahydrofuran/diglyme/Et2O solvent mixture [diglyme is 1-methoxy-2-(2-methoxyethoxyethane]. The cations and dianion are separated in the crystal structure, unlike in the other three structurally characterized dialkali metal tetraphenylethylene salts. The asymmetric unit contains one [Na(diglyme2]+ cation and one half of the [Ph2CCPh2]2− dianion. The latter lies on a twofold rotation axis. C—C bond-length redistribution displays that excessive electron density of the dianion is predominantly located at the C atoms of a former double bond and at all eight ortho positions. The studied crystal was a twin, with the ratio of two major components being 0.2143 (9:0.7857 (9. The twin operation is a twofold rotation around the a axis.

  3. Fragrance material review on 1-(2,4-dimethyl-3-cyclohexenyl)-2,2-dimethylpropan-1-one. (United States)

    Scognamiglio, J; Letizia, C S; Api, A M


    A toxicologic and dermatologic review of 1-(2,4-dimethyl-3-cyclohexenyl)-2,2-dimethylpropan-1-one when used as a fragrance ingredient is presented. 1-(2,4-Dimethyl-3-cyclohexenyl)-2,2-dimethylpropan-1-one is a member of the fragrance structural group Alkyl Cyclic Ketones. These fragrances can be described as being composed of an alkyl, R1, and various substituted and bicyclic saturated or unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons, R2, in which one of the rings may include up to 12 carbons. Alternatively, R2 may be a carbon bridge of C2-C4 carbon chain length between the ketone and cyclic hydrocarbon. This review contains a detailed summary of all available toxicology and dermatology papers that are related to this individual fragrance ingredient and is not intended as a stand-alone document. Available data for 1-(2,4-dimethyl-3-cyclohexenyl)-2,2-dimethylpropan-1-one were evaluated then summarized and includes physical properties, acute toxicity, skin irritation, sensitization, and genotoxicity data. A safety assessment of the entire Alkyl Cyclic Ketones will be published simultaneously with this document; please refer to Belsito et al. (Belsito, D., Bickers, D., Bruze, M., Calow, P., Dagli, M., Fryer, A.D., Greim, H., Miyachi, Y., Saurat, J.H., Sipes, I.G., 2013. A Toxicologic and Dermatologic Assessment of Alkyl Cyclic Ketones When Used as Fragrance Ingredients (submitted for publication)) for an overall assessment of the safe use of this material and all Alkyl Cyclic Ketones in fragrances. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Synthesis of fused 1,2,4-dithiazines and 1,2,3,5-trithiazepines. (United States)

    Koyioni, Maria; Manoli, Maria; Koutentis, Panayiotis A


    Reacting (Z)-N-(4-chloro-5H-1,2,3-dithiazol-5-ylidene)-1H-pyrazol-5-amines 5 with Et2NH and then with concd H2SO4 gives 5H-pyrazolo[3,4-e][1,2,4]dithiazine-3-carbonitriles 7 in good yields (74-85%) and 6H-pyrazolo[3,4-f][1,2,3,5]trithiazepine-4-carbonitriles 9 as minor products (0-6%). Furthermore, the 1,3-dimethylpyrazole analogue 5a was transformed into the dithiazine 7a in two discrete steps, allowing the isolation of a disulfide intermediate (Z)-2-[(diethylamino)disulfan-yl]-2-[(1H-pyrazol-5-yl)imino]acetonitrile (8a). The one-pot, two-step reaction also worked with electron-rich hydroxy- and methoxy-substituted anilines. Thermolysis of the pyrazolo[3,4-e][1,2,4]dithiazines 7 gave the ring-contracted 1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]thiazole-5-carbonitriles 6 (94-100%). With active sulfur, 1,3-dimethyl-5H-pyrazolo[3,4-e][1,2,4]dithiazine-3-carbonitrile (7a) gave 1,3-dimethyl-6H-pyrazolo[3,4-f][1,2,3,5]trithiazepine-4-carbonitrile (9a), but on prolonged reaction times, it gave 5,7-dimethyl-5H-[1,2,3]dithiazolo[4,5-b]pyrazolo[3,4-e][1,4]thiazine (13). Finally, in the absence of acid, heating a solution of (Z)-2-[(diethylamino)disulfanyl]-2-[(1,3-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)imino]acetonitrile (8a) gave 4,6,10,12-tetramethyl-6H-pyrazolo[3,4-f]pyrazolo[3',4':4,5]pyrimido[6,1-d][1,2,3,5]trithiazepine-8,12b(10H)-dicarbonitrile (19) (67%).

  5. Diversity of secondary metabolites from Genus Artocarpus (Moraceae

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    Full Text Available Hakim A. 2010. The diversity of secondary metabolites from Genus Artocarpus (Moraceae. Nusantara Bioscience 2:146-156. Several species of the Artocarpus genus (Moraceae have been investigated their natural product. The secondary metabolites successfully being isolatad from Artocarpus genus consist of terpenoid, flavonoids, stilbenoid, arylbenzofuran, neolignan, and adduct Diels-Alder. Flavonoid group represent the compound which is the most found from Artocarpus plant. The flavonoids compound which are successfully isolated from Artocarpus plant consist of the varied frameworks like chalcone, flavanone, flavan-3-ol, simple flavone, prenylflavone, oxepinoflavone, pyranoflavone, dihydrobenzoxanthone, furanodihydrobenzoxanthone, pyranodihydrobenzoxanthone, quinonoxanthone, cyclopentenoxanthone, xanthonolide, dihydroxanthone.

  6. 2-[1-(1-Naphthyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl]pyridine

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    Ulrich S. Schubert


    Full Text Available In the crystal structure of the title compound, C17H12N4, the angle between the naphthalene and 1H-1,2,3-triazole ring systems is 71.02 (4° and that between the pyridine and triazole rings is 8.30 (9°.

  7. District Consolidation: Rivals Coming Together (United States)

    Mart, Dan


    District consolidation is a highly emotional process. One key to success is sticking to the facts. In Iowa, school districts facing financial difficulties or enrollment concerns do not have to move directly to consolidation. In many cases, districts begin by developing sharing agreements. These sharing agreements may start with simple sharing of…

  8. Euclid and his modern rivals

    CERN Document Server

    Carroll, Lewis


    The author of Alice in Wonderland (and an Oxford professor of mathematics) employs the fanciful format of a play set in Hell to take a hard look at late-19th-century interpretations of Euclidean geometry. Carroll's penetrating observations on geometry are accompanied by ample doses of his famous wit. 1885 edition.

  9. 2,2′-{1,1′-[Butane-1,4-diylbis(oxynitrilo]diethylidyne}di-1-naphthol

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    Wen-Kui Dong


    Full Text Available The title compound, C28H28N2O4, was synthesized by the reaction of 2-acetyl-1-naphthol with 1,4-bis(aminooxybutane in ethanol. The molecule, which lies about an inversion centre, adopts a linear structure, in which the oxime groups and naphthalene ring systems assume an anti conformation. The intramolecular interplanar distance between parallel naphthalene rings is 1.054 (3 Å. Intramolecular O—H...N hydrogen bonds are formed between the oxime nitrogen and hydroxy groups.

  10. Synthesis and crystal structures of two α-bromoamides, (2'R,1S,2S)-N(2-bromopropanoyl)-2-amino-1-phenylpropane-1,3-diol and (2'S,5S,6S)-N(2-bromopropanoyl)-5-amino-6-phenyl-2-oxo-1,3,2-dioxathiane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    English, R.B.; Liddell, R.J.; Whiteley, C.G.


    One pair of diastereomeric bromoamides, (2'R,1S,2S)- and (2'S,1S,2S)-N(2-bromopropanoyl)-2-amino-1-phenylpropane-1,3-diol have been synthesized from ethyl 2-bromopropionate and an optically active amino-diol. The crystal structures of both were determined from single-crystal X-ray analyses. Both compounds are orthorhombic with space group P2 1 2 1 2 1 with Z = 4 in a unit cell of dimensions a 22,124(5),b 12,812(5), and c 4,886(5)A and a 15,510(5), b 9,707(5), and c 9,457(5)A. The proton chemical shifts of the groups attached to the asymmetric centre C(2'), and consequently, the identification of the configuration of the molecules, were resolved with the help of high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance

  11. QED based on self-energy: The relativistic 2S1/21S1/2+1γ decay rates of hydrogenlike atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barut, A.O.; Salamin, Y.I.


    Within the framework of the recently advanced formulation of QED based on self-energy, we calculate the relativistic rates of the 2S 1/21S 1/2 +1γ transition in the hydrogen isoelectronic sequence for values of Z ranging between 1 and 92. We compare our results with those of Johnson [Phys. Rev. Lett. 29, 1123 (1972)] and Parpia and Johnson [Phys. Rev. A 26, 1142 (1982)], analytically and numerically. Although the two approaches are quite different, the formulas for decay rates are shown to be equivalent

  12. 2+1 gravity for genus >1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, J.E.; Regge, T.


    We analysed the algebra of observables for the simple case of a genus 1 initial data surface Σ 2 for 2+1 De Sitter gravity. Here we extend the analysis to higher genus. We construct for genus 2 the group of automorphisms H of the homotopy group π 1 induced by the mapping class group. The group H induces a group D of canonical transformations on the algebra of observables which is related to the braid group for 6 threads. (orig.)

  13. Design and synthesis of the superionic conductor Na10SnP2S12 (United States)

    Richards, William D.; Tsujimura, Tomoyuki; Miara, Lincoln J.; Wang, Yan; Kim, Jae Chul; Ong, Shyue Ping; Uechi, Ichiro; Suzuki, Naoki; Ceder, Gerbrand


    Sodium-ion batteries are emerging as candidates for large-scale energy storage due to their low cost and the wide variety of cathode materials available. As battery size and adoption in critical applications increases, safety concerns are resurfacing due to the inherent flammability of organic electrolytes currently in use in both lithium and sodium battery chemistries. Development of solid-state batteries with ionic electrolytes eliminates this concern, while also allowing novel device architectures and potentially improving cycle life. Here we report the computation-assisted discovery and synthesis of a high-performance solid-state electrolyte material: Na10SnP2S12, with room temperature ionic conductivity of 0.4 mS cm-1 rivalling the conductivity of the best sodium sulfide solid electrolytes to date. We also computationally investigate the variants of this compound where tin is substituted by germanium or silicon and find that the latter may achieve even higher conductivity.

  14. Design and synthesis of the superionic conductor Na10SnP2S12. (United States)

    Richards, William D; Tsujimura, Tomoyuki; Miara, Lincoln J; Wang, Yan; Kim, Jae Chul; Ong, Shyue Ping; Uechi, Ichiro; Suzuki, Naoki; Ceder, Gerbrand


    Sodium-ion batteries are emerging as candidates for large-scale energy storage due to their low cost and the wide variety of cathode materials available. As battery size and adoption in critical applications increases, safety concerns are resurfacing due to the inherent flammability of organic electrolytes currently in use in both lithium and sodium battery chemistries. Development of solid-state batteries with ionic electrolytes eliminates this concern, while also allowing novel device architectures and potentially improving cycle life. Here we report the computation-assisted discovery and synthesis of a high-performance solid-state electrolyte material: Na10SnP2S12, with room temperature ionic conductivity of 0.4 mS cm(-1) rivalling the conductivity of the best sodium sulfide solid electrolytes to date. We also computationally investigate the variants of this compound where tin is substituted by germanium or silicon and find that the latter may achieve even higher conductivity.

  15. Simple and Efficient Synthesis of Racemic 2-(tert-Butoxycarbon-ylamino-2-methyl-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylpropanoic Acid, a New Derivative of β-(1,2,4-Triazol-1-ylalanine

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    Abdelali Kerbal


    Full Text Available A simple synthetic approach to racemic N-tert-butyloxycarbonyl-2-methyl-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylalanine (5 in four steps and 68% overall yield starting from oxazoline derivative 1 is reported. This synthesis involves the alkylation of 1H-1,2,4-triazole with an O-tosyloxazoline derivative, followed by an oxazoline ring-opening reaction and oxidation of the N-protected β‑aminoalcohol by potassium permanganate.


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    V. I. Pavlovsky


    Full Text Available By the reaction of 7-bromo-5-aryl-1,2-dihydro-3H-1,4-benzodiazepine-2-ones with Lawesson reagent, 7-bromo-5-aryl-1,2-dihydro-3H-1,4-benzodiazepine-2-tiones were synthesized from which 3-arylidene-7-bromo-2-hydrazino-5-phenyl-3H-1,4-benzodiazepines were obtained by the reaction with hydrazine hydrate. The condensation of 3-arylidene-7-bromo-2-hydrazino-5-phenyl-3H-1,4-benzodiazepines with triethylorthoformate (triethylorthoacetate or formic acid (acetic acid gave 4-arylidene-8-bromo-6-phenyl-4H-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-а][1,4]-benzodiazepines. Latter were also synthesized by the reaction of 7-bromo-5-aryl-1,2-dihydro-3H-1,4-benzodiazepine-2-tiones with acetylhydrazine. 4-Arylidene-8-bromo-6-phenyl-4H-[1,2,3,4] tetrazolo[1,5-а][1,4]-benzodiazepines were obtained by the reaction of 3-arylidene-7-bromo-2-hydrazino-5-phenyl-3H-1,4-benzodiazepines with sodium nitrite.

  17. Crystal structure of (1S,2R-2-hydroxy-1,2-diphenylethan-1-aminium (S-2-azaniumylbutanedioate monohydrate

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    Isao Fujii


    Full Text Available The title diastereomeric salt, formed between 2-amino-1,2-diphenylethanol (ADE and aspartic acid (ASP, C14H16NO+·C4H6NO4−·H2O, crystallizes as a monohydrate. The 1,2-diphenylethyl group in the cation has a cis conformation, and the aspartic acid anion is in the zwitterionic form. In the crystal, the ASP anions are linked via N—H...O hydrogen bonds to form a 21 helix along the b-axis direction. The helices are linked by the ADE cations via O—H...O and N—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming layers parallel to the bc plane. There are channels in the layers that are occupied by water molecules, which link to both the anions and cations via Owater—H...O and N—H...Owater hydrogen bonds. There are also C—H...O and C—H...π interactions present within the layers.

  18. Electron impact excitation-autoionisation of the (2s2)1S, (2p2)1D and (2s2p)1P autoionising states of helium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samardzic, O.; Hurn, J.A.; Weigold, E.; Brunger, M.J.


    The electron impact excitation of the (2s 2 ) 1 S, (2p 2 ) 1 D and (2s2p) 1 P autoionising states of helium and their subsequent radiationless decay was studied by observation of the ejected electrons. The present work was carried out at an incident energy of 94.6 eV and for ejected electron scattering angles in the range 25-135 deg C. The lineshapes observed in the present ejected electron spectra are analysed using the Shore-Balashov parametrisation. As part of the analysis procedure, numerically rigorous confidence limits were determined for the derived parameters. No previous experimental or theoretical work has been undertaken at the incident energy of the present investigation but, where possible, the resulting parameters are qualitatively compared against the 80 eV results of other experiments and theory. 37 refs., 4 figs

  19. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of chromone-linked 2-pyridone fused with 1,2,4-triazoles, 1,2,4-triazines and 1,2,4-triazepines ring systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, Tarik El-Sayed; Ibrahim, Magdy Ahmed


    Three series of novel fused nitrogen heterocyclic systems such as 1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a ] pyridines (5-7 and 9), pyrido[1,2-b][1,2,4]triazines (10, 11, 13 and 15), and pyrido[1,2-b][1,2,4]triazepines (17, 18, 20 and 22) linked with a chromone moiety were synthesized from the key intermediate 1,6-diamino-(6-chloro-4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl)-2-oxo-1,2-dihydropyridine-3,5- dicarbonitrile (4) with some electrophilic reagents. The structures of the novel compounds were established by elemental analyses and spectral data. All the products were also screened in vitro for their antimicrobial activity. Compounds 7, 9 and 15 showed the highest activities when compared with the reference drugs. (author)

  20. Microwave assisted synthesis and antimicrobial activity of novel 1-[1/2-(1-Benzyl-1H-[1,2,3]triazol-4-ylmethoxy-naphthalen-2/1-yl]-3-(1-phenyl-3-aryl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl-propenones

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    Dongamanti Ashok


    Full Text Available A series of novel 1-[1/2-(1-Benzyl-1H-[1,2,3]triazol-4-ylmethoxy-naphthalen-2/1-yl]-3-(1-phenyl-3-aryl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl-propenones were design and synthesized by Click reaction followed by Claisen-Schmidt condensation under microwave irradiation and conventional heating methods. The structures of newly synthesized compounds have been established on the basis of elemental analysis, IR, 1H & 13C NMR and mass spectral data. All the compounds were screened for their antimicrobial activity.

  1. MERRA 2D IAU Diagnostic, Surface Fluxes, Time Average 1-hourly (2/3x1/2L1) V5.2.0 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The MAT1NXFLX or tavg1_2d_flx_Nx data product is the MERRA Data Assimilation System 2-Dimensional surface turbulence flux diagnostic that is time averaged...

  2. Novel routes to 1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazines and 5,6,9,10,11,11a-hexahydro-8H-pyrido[1,2-a]pyrrolo[2,1-c]pyrazines. (United States)

    Katritzky, Alan R; Jain, Ritu; Xu, Yong-Jiang; Steel, Peter J


    Condensation reactions of benzotriazole and 2-(pyrrol-1-yl)-1-ethylamine (1) with formaldehyde and glutaric dialdehyde, respectively, afforded intermediates 2 and 6. Subsequent nucleophilic substitutions of the benzotriazole group in 2 and 6 with Grignard reagents, sodium cyanide, and sodium borohydride gave 1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazines 3a-e, 4, 5 and 5,6,9,10,11,11a-hexahydro-8H-pyrido[1,2-a]pyrrolo[2,1-c]pyrazines 7a-c, 8, 9, respectively, in good yields.



    Mukti, Bangkit Suko


    Rank in the Indonesian Forced Armed are the ones to determine the grouping consisting of enlisted soldiers, NCO and officer. Both the Army, Navy, and Air Force rank of validity given the authority and responsibility in the military hierarchy. Rank higher military advocate of the judges in the military justice became public concerns regarding the independence of judges to examine and decide a case. This research aims to determine whether there is an influence rank higher legal counsel of the j...

  4. 7-{[2-(4-Hydroxyphenylmethylidene]amino}-1,3-thiazol-4-yl-2-(methoxyiminoacetyl]amino}-3-{[(2-methyl-5,6-dioxo-1,2,5,6-tetrahydro-1,2,4-triazin-3-ylsulfanyl]methyl}-8-oxo-5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic Acid

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    Ghulam Fareed


    Full Text Available Novel 7-{[2-(4-hydroxyphenylmethylidene]amino}-1,3-thiazol-4-yl-2-(methoxyiminoacetyl]amino}-3-{[(2-methyl-5,6-dioxo-1,2,5,6-tetrahydro-1,2,4-triazin-3-ylsulfanyl]methyl}-8-oxo-5-thia-1azabicyclo [4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid was prepared by condensation of ceftriaxone disodium (1 with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (2 in ethanol under reflux conditions for 3–4 h. The structure of synthesized compound was elucidated using LCMS, 1H-NMR, and CHN techniques.

  5. ライバル企業広告の比較研究


    市川, 孝一


    The purpose of this paper is to report a part of results of our social research on advertisements of rival companies.The outline of this research is as follows; 1. Content analysis of advertisements. 2. Semiotic analysis of advertisements. 3. Analysing the responses of the audiences (subjects) to the TV commercials (by using semantic differential method).I. Objects and Method of analysis of 1 & 2 * TV comercials broadcasted during June 10~16, pm. 19:00~22:00 * Advertisements of news...

  6. Drosophila melanogaster seminal fluid can protect the sperm of other males

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holman, Luke


    a different male. This study therefore provides strong evidence that seminal fluid does not kill rival sperm, and instead can actually protect them. This study also tested whether chemicals in the female reproductive tract harm sperm as in another Drosophila species, but found no evidence of this. # 3...... physiology. # 2. Seminal fluid is well-studied in Drosophila melanogaster, a species in which it has been suggested to 'incapacitate' the sperm of rival males (e.g. by killing them) and thereby provide an advantage in sperm competition. This hypothesis has been tested several times over many years......, but different studies have yielded conflicting conclusions. Here, I use fluorescent staining to directly measure the effects of D. melanogaster seminal fluid on the survival of sperm from the same male or from a rival. The results suggest that seminal fluid improves sperm survival, even if the sperm are from...

  7. Memory-dependent adjustment of vocal response latencies in a territorial songbird. (United States)

    Geberzahn, Nicole; Hultsch, Henrike; Todt, Dietmar


    Vocal interactions in songbirds can be used as a model system to investigate the interplay of intrinsic singing programmes (e.g. influences from vocal memories) and external variables (e.g. social factors). When characterizing vocal interactions between territorial rivals two aspects are important: (1) the timing of songs in relation to the conspecific's singing and (2) the use of a song pattern that matches the rival's song. Responses in both domains can be used to address a territorial rival. This study is the first to investigate the relation of the timing of vocal responses to (1) the vocal memory of a responding subject and (2) the selection of the song pattern that the subject uses as a response. To this end, we conducted interactive playback experiments with adult nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) that had been hand-reared and tutored in the laboratory. We analysed the subjects' vocal response latencies towards broadcast playback stimuli that they either had in their own vocal repertoire (songs shared with playback) or that they had not heard before (unknown songs). Likewise, we compared vocal response latencies between responses that matched the stimulus song and those that did not. Our findings showed that the latency of singing in response to the playback was shorter for shared versus unknown song stimuli when subjects overlapped the playback stimuli with their own song. Moreover birds tended to overlap faster when vocally matching the stimulus song rather than when replying with a non-matching song type. We conclude that memory of song patterns influenced response latencies and discuss possible mechanisms. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. The Potential Observation Network Design with Mesoscale Ensemble Sensitivities in Complex Terrain (United States)


    in synoptic storms , extratropical transition and developing hurricanes. Because they rely on lagged covariances from a finite-sized ensemble, they...diagnose predictors of forecast error in synoptic storms , extratropical transition and developing hurricanes. Because they rely on lagged covariances...sensitivities can be used successfully to diagnose predictors of forecast error in synoptic storms (Torn and Hakim 2008), extratropical transition (Torn and

  9. (1R,2R-N,N′-Bis(ferrocenylmethyl-1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diamine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yi Guo


    Full Text Available The title compound, [Fe2(C5H52(C26H26N2], was synthesized from a chiral diamine and ferrocenecarboxaldehyde and subsequent reduction with NaBH4. It has two chiral centers which both exhibit an R configuration. Two ferrocene groups are present in the molecular structure, with their cyclopentadienyl ring planes showing an almost perpendicular arrangement [dihedral angle 88.6 (1°].

  10. Photosynthesis-Inhibiting Activity of 1-[(2-Chlorophenylcarbamoyl]- and 1-[(2-Nitrophenylcarbamoyl]naphthalen-2-yl Alkylcarbamates

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    Tomas Gonec


    Full Text Available Eight 1-[(2-chlorophenylcarbamoyl]naphthalen-2-yl alkylcarbamates and eight 1-[(2-nitrophenylcarbamoyl]naphthalen-2-yl alkylcarbamates were tested for their activity related to the inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport (PET in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. chloroplasts. The PET-inhibiting activity of the compounds was relatively low; the corresponding IC50 values ranged from 0.05 to 0.664 mmol/L; and the highest activity within the series of compounds was observed for 1-[(2-chlorophenyl-carbamoyl]naphthalen-2-yl propylcarbamate. It has been proven that the compounds are PET-inhibitors in photosystem II. Despite rather low PET-inhibiting activities, primary structure-activity trends can be discussed.

  11. DFT, spectroscopic studies, NBO, NLO and Fukui functional analysis of 1-(1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)ethylidene) thiosemicarbazide (United States)

    Zacharias, Adway Ouseph; Varghese, Anitha; Akshaya, K. B.; Savitha, M. S.; George, Louis


    A novel triazole derivative 1-(1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)ethylidene) thiosemicarbazide was synthesized and subjected to density functional theory (DFT) studies employing B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) basis set. Characterization was done by FT-IR, Raman, mass, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopic analyses. The stability of the molecule was evaluated from NBO studies. Delocalization of electron charge density and hyper-conjugative interactions were accountable for the stability of the molecule. The dipole moment (μ), mean polarizabilty (△α) and first order hyperpolarizability (β) of the molecule were calculated. Molecular electrostatic potential studies, HOMO-LUMO and thermodynamic properties were also determined. HOMO and LUMO energies were experimentally determined by Cyclic Voltammetry.

  12. Crystal structures of the 2:2 complex of 1,1′-(1,2-phenylenebis(3-m-tolylurea and tetrabutylammonium chloride or bromide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chao Huang


    Full Text Available The title compounds, tetrabutylammonium chloride–1,1′-(1,2-phenylenebis(3-m-tolylurea (1/1, C16H36N+·Cl−·C22H22N4O2 or [(n-Bu4N+·Cl−(C22H22N4O2] (I and tetrabutylammonium bromide–1,1′-(1,2-phenylenebis(3-m-tolylurea (1/1, C16H36N+·Br−·C22H22N4O2 or [(n-Bu4N+·Br−(C22H22N4O2] (II, both comprise a tetrabutylammonium cation, a halide anion and an ortho-phenylene bis-urea molecule. Each halide ion shows four N—H...X (X = Cl or Br interactions with two urea receptor sites of different bis-urea moieties. A crystallographic inversion centre leads to the formation of a 2:2 arrangement of two halide anions and two bis-urea molecules. In the crystals, the dihedral angle between the two urea groups of the bis-urea molecule in (I [defined by the four N atoms, 165.4 (2°] is slightly smaller than that in (II [167.4 (2°], which is probably due to the smaller ionic radius of chloride compared to bromide.

  13. Liquid-air partition coefficients of 1,1-difluoroethane (HFC152a), 1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HFC143a), 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC134a), 1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoroethane (HFC125) and 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC245fa). (United States)

    Ernstgård, Lena; Lind, Birger; Andersen, Melvin E; Johanson, Gunnar


    Blood-air and tissue-blood coefficients (lambda) are essential to characterize the uptake and disposition of volatile substances, e.g. by physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling. Highly volatile chemicals, including many hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) have low solubility in liquid media. These characteristics pose challenges for determining lambda values. A modified head-space vial equilibrium method was used to determine lambda values for five widely used HFCs. The method is based on automated head-space gas chromatography and injection of equal amount of chemical in two head-space vials with identical air phase volumes but different volumes of the liquid phase. The liquids used were water (physiological saline), fresh human blood, and olive oil. The average lambda values (n = 8) were as follows: 1,1-difluoroethane (HFC152a) - 1.08 (blood-air), 1.11 (water-air) and 5.6 (oil-air); 1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HFC143a) - 0.15, 0.15 and 1.90; 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC134a) - 0.36, 0.35 and 3.5; 1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoroethane (HFC125) - 0.083, 0.074 and 1.71; and 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC245fa) - 0.62, 0.58 and 12.1. The lambda values appeared to be concentration-independent in the investigated range (2-200 ppm). In spite of the low lambda values, the method errors were modest, with coefficients of variation of 9, 11 and 10% for water, blood and oil, respectively.

  14. Ranked solutions of the matric equation A1X1=A2X2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Duane Porter


    Full Text Available Let GF(pz denote the finite field of pz elements. Let A1 be s×m of rank r1 and A2 be s×n of rank r2 with elements from GF(pz. In this paper, formulas are given for finding the number of X1,X2 over GF(pz which satisfy the matric equation A1X1=A2X2, where X1 is m×t of rank k1, and X2 is n×t of rank k2. These results are then used to find the number of solutions X1,…,Xn, Y1,…,Ym, m,n>1, of the matric equation A1X1…Xn=A2Y1…Ym.

  15. Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Novel 2,5-Diphenylindolo[2,3-e] Pyrazolo[1',5':3",4"]pyrimido[2",1"-c] [1,2,4]triazines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohamed G. Marei


    Full Text Available The formation of (E-3-{2-(2,5-diphenylpyrazolo[1,5-c]pyrimidin-7-ylhydrazono}indolin-2-ones 3 has been achieved by condensation of equimolar amounts of 7-hydrazino-2,5-diphenylpyrazolo[1,5-c]pyrimidine (1 and isatin (or isatin derivatives 2 at room temperature. The (E-products could be isomerized into corresponding the (Z-3 isomers. Reactions of the latter fused heterocyclic hydrazones towards different electro-philic reagents yielded the corresponding 3-substituted derivatives 4–7. Dehydrative cyclisation of the hydrazones 3 using phosphorus oxychloride afforded the 2,5-diphenyl- indolo[2,3-e]pyrazolo[1',5':3",4"]pyrimido[2",1"-c][1,2,4] triazines 13. The polyfused heterocyclic ring system 13 underwent electrophilic substitution reactions at position 4 rather than at position 3. The 3-bromo isomer of 17 was prepared by a sequence of reactions starting from 2,5-diphenylpyrazolo[1,5-c]pyrimidine-7(6H-thione (11. The orientation of the electrophilic attack was supported by spectroscopic and chemical evidence. Some of the synthesized compounds were found to possess slight to moderate activity against the microorganisms Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

  16. Photochemistry of 1 and 2-(2-methylphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene. [4a-methyl-1,2,3,4,4a,9,10,10a-octahydrophenanthrene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrows, R.D.; Hornback, J.M.


    In an attempt to synthesize partially saturated phenanthrene derivatives by an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction between a photochemically produced o-xylylene (diene) and a tethered dienophile, it was found that 1 and 2 underwent a photochemically allowed (2 + 2) cycloaddition. Irradiation of 1 gave 6-(2-methylphenyl)bicyclo(3.2.0)heptane in 86% yield. Upon irradiation of 2, a benzvalene rearrangement of 2 first took place, producing the meta isomer 2-(3-methylphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene, followed by a (2 + 2) photocycloaddition giving 1-(3-methylphenyl)bicyclo(3.2.0)heptane in 15% yield. Direct irradiation of 2-(3-methylphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene gave the same bicyclo derivative as 2 in 34% yield. Examination of the fluorescence spectra of 1 and 2 in comparison with 1-(2-methylphenyl)propene and 2-(2-methylphenyl)-1-butene, respectively, has shown that 1 may be biased toward (2 + 2) cycloaddition where 2 is not biased toward (2 + 2) photocycloization. Attempts to produce 4a-methyl-1,2,3,4,4a,9,10,10a-octahydrophenanthrene by an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction of the o-xylylene produced by irradiation of 3 will also be described.

  17. Remarks on surfaces with $c_1^2 =2\\chi -1$ having non-trivial 2-torsion


    MURAKAMI, Masaaki


    We shall show that any complex minimal surface of general type with $c_1^2 = 2\\chi -1$ having non-trivial 2-torsion divisors, where $c_1^2$ and $\\chi$ are the first Chern number of a surface and the Euler characteristic of the structure sheaf respectively, has the Euler characteristic $\\chi$ not exceeding 4. Moreover, we shall give a complete description for the surfaces of the case $\\chi =4$, and prove that the coarse moduli space for surfaces of this case is a unirational variety of dimensi...

  18. Fragrance material review on 1-[5(or 6)-methyl-7(or 8)-1-(methylethyl)bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-en-2-yl]ethan-1-one. (United States)

    Scognamiglio, J; Letizia, C S; Api, A M


    A toxicologic and dermatologic review of 1-[5(Or 6)-Methyl-7(or 8)-1-(methylethyl)bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-en-2-yl]ethan-1-one when used as a fragrance ingredient is presented. 1-[5(Or 6)-Methyl-7(or 8)-1-(methylethyl)bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-en-2-yl]ethan-1-one is a member of the fragrance structural group Alkyl Cyclic Ketones. These fragrances can be described as being composed of an alkyl, R1, and various substituted and bicyclic saturated or unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons, R2, in which one of the rings may include up to 12 carbons. Alternatively, R2 may be a carbon bridge of C2-C4 carbon chain length between the ketone and cyclic hydrocarbon. This review contains a detailed summary of all available toxicology and dermatology papers that are related to this individual fragrance ingredient and is not intended as a stand-alone document. Available data for 1-[5(Or 6)-Methyl-7(or 8)-1-(methylethyl)bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-en-2-yl]ethan-1-one were evaluated then summarized and includes physical properties, acute toxicity, skin irritation, mucous membrane (eye) irritation, skin sensitization, phototoxicity, photoallergy, and genotoxicity, data. A safety assessment of the entire Alkyl Cyclic Ketones will be published simultaneously with this document; please refer to Belsito et al., Belsito, D., Bickers, D., Bruze, M., Calow, P., Dagli, M., Fryer, A.D., Greim, H., Miyachi, Y., Saurat, J.H., Sipes, I.G., 2013. A Toxicologic and Dermatologic Assessment of Alkyl Cyclic Ketones When Used as Fragrance Ingredients. (submitted for publication)). for an overall assessment of the safe use of this material and all Alkyl Cyclic Ketones in fragrances. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. RASCAL Version 2.1 workbook. Volume 2, Revision 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Athey, G.F.; Sjoreen, A.L.; McKenna, T.J.


    The Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis, Version 2.1 (RASCAL 2.1) was developed for use by the NRC personnel who respond to radiological emergencies. This workbook complements the RASCAL 2.1 User's guide (NUREG/CR-5247, Vol. 1, Rev. 2). The workbook contains exercises designed to familiarize the user with the computer-based tools of RASCAL through hands-on problem solving. The workbook contains four major sections. The first is a RASCAL familiarization exercise to acquaint the user with the operation of the forms, menus, online help, and documentation. The latter three sections contain exercises in using the three tools of RASCAL Version 2.1: DECAY, FM-DOSE, and ST-DOSE. A discussion section describing how the tools could be used to solve the problems follows each set of exercises

  20. Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) induces COX-2 expression and PGE2 formation via S1P receptor 2 in renal mesangial cells. (United States)

    Völzke, Anja; Koch, Alexander; Meyer Zu Heringdorf, Dagmar; Huwiler, Andrea; Pfeilschifter, Josef


    Understanding the mechanisms of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P)-induced cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 expression and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) formation in renal mesangial cells may provide potential therapeutic targets to treat inflammatory glomerular diseases. Thus, we evaluated the S1P-dependent signaling mechanisms which are responsible for enhanced COX-2 expression and PGE2 formation in rat mesangial cells under basal conditions. Furthermore, we investigated whether these mechanisms are operative in the presence of angiotensin II (Ang II) and of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Treatment of rat and human mesangial cells with S1P led to concentration-dependent enhanced expression of COX-2. Pharmacological and molecular biology approaches revealed that the S1P-dependent increase of COX-2 mRNA and protein expression was mediated via activation of S1P receptor 2 (S1P2). Further, inhibition of Gi and p42/p44 MAPK signaling, both downstream of S1P2, abolished the S1P-induced COX-2 expression. In addition, S1P/S1P2-dependent upregulation of COX-2 led to significantly elevated PGE2 levels, which were further potentiated in the presence of Ang II and IL-1β. A functional consequence downstream of S1P/S1P2 signaling is mesangial cell migration that is stimulated by S1P. Interestingly, inhibition of COX-2 by celecoxib and SC-236 completely abolished the migratory response. Overall, our results demonstrate that extracellular S1P induces COX-2 expression via activation of S1P2 and subsequent Gi and p42/p44 MAPK-dependent signaling in renal mesangial cells leading to enhanced PGE2 formation and cell migration that essentially requires COX-2. Thus, targeting S1P/S1P2 signaling pathways might be a novel strategy to treat renal inflammatory diseases. © 2013.

  1. 40 CFR 721.8145 - Propane,1,1,1,2,2,3,3-heptafluoro-3-methoxy-. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Propane,1,1,1,2,2,3,3-heptafluoro-3-methoxy-. 721.8145 Section 721.8145 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED... significant new uses are: (i) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements as specified § 721...

  2. Object Permanence in 3 1/2- and 4 1/2-Month-Old Infants. (United States)

    Baillargeon, Renee


    Three experiments test object permanenece in 3 1/2- and 4 1/2-month-old infants, and use an impossible-possible-habituation event format. The 4 1/2-month-olds, and the 3 1/2-month-olds who were fast habituators, look reliably longer at the impossible than at the possible event. Results seriously question Piaget's (1954) claims regarding the age at…

  3. 2-(2-Oxo-1,4-dihydro-2H-quinazolin-3-yl)- and 2-(2,2-dioxo-1,4-dihydro-2H-2lambda6-benzo[1,2,6]thiadiazin-3-yl)-N-hydroxy-acetamides as potent and selective peptide deformylase inhibitors. (United States)

    Apfel, C; Banner, D W; Bur, D; Dietz, M; Hubschwerlen, C; Locher, H; Marlin, F; Masciadri, R; Pirson, W; Stalder, H


    Potent, selective, and structurally new inhibitors of the Fe(II) enzyme Escherichia coli peptide deformylase (PDF) were obtained by rational optimization of the weakly binding screening hit (5-chloro-2-oxo-1,4-dihydro-2H-quinazolin-3-yl)-acetic acid hydrazide (1). Three-dimensional structural information, gathered from Ni-PDF complexed with 1, suggested the preparation of two series of related hydroxamic acid analogues, 2-(2-oxo-1,4-dihydro-2H-quinazolin-3-yl)-N-hydroxy-acetamides (A) and 2-(2,2-dioxo-1,4-dihydro-2H-2lambda(6)-benzo[1,2,6]thiadiazin-3-yl)-N-hydroxy-acetamides (B), among which potent PDF inhibitors (37, 42, and 48) were identified. Moreover, two selected compounds, one from each series, 36 and 41, showed good selectivity for PDF over several endoproteases including matrix metalloproteases. However, these compounds showed only weak antibacterial activity.

  4. Synthesis of (+-)-[1,1'-15N2, 2'-13C]-trans-3'-methylnicotine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sirimanne, S.R.; Maggio, V.L.; Patterson, D.G. Jr.


    The synthesis of (±)- [1,1'- 15 N 2 , 2'- 13 C]-trans-3'-methylnicotine is reported. 15 N-3-Bromopyridine obtained from bromination of pyridine was formylated with nBuLi/[carbonyl- 13 C]-methyl formate. The resulting 15 n-Pyridine-3-[ 13 C-carbonyl]-carboxaldehyde was reacted with 15 N-methylamine and then the resulting Schiff's base was condensed with succinic anhydride to give (±)- [1,1'- 15 N 2 , 5'- 13 C]-trans-4'-carboxycotinine. Reduction with lithium aluminum hydride and mesylation followed by reduction with Zn/NaI gave (±)-[1,1'- 15 N 2 , 2'- 13 C]-trans-3'-methylnicotine. (Author)

  5. Assessing Possible Improvements in NATO’s Non-Strategic Nuclear Deterrence Forces (United States)


    great country .”86 Consequently, this perspective brings Moscow into conflict with any former Soviet state wishing to align with a rival great power... Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington, DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY ( 2. REPORT DATE December 2017 3. REPORT TYPE AND...Reinforcing Deterrence, 1. 6 Ibid. 7 Ibid., 7. 8 Matthew Kroenig, Toward a More Flexible NATO Nuclear Posture: Developing a Response to a Russian

  6. MERRA 2D IAU Diagnostic, Single Level Meteorology, Time Average 1-hourly (2/3x1/2L1) V5.2.0 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The MAT1NXSLV or tavg1_2d_slv_Nx data product is the MERRA Data Assimilation System 2-Dimensional atmospheric single-level diagnostics that is time averaged...

  7. Phenazine–naphthalene-1,5-diamine–water (1/1/2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Gdaniec


    Full Text Available The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C12H8N2·C10H10N2·2H2O, contains one half-molecule of phenazine, one half-molecule of naphthalene-1,5-diamine and one water molecule. The phenazine and naphthalene-1,5-diamine molecules are located on inversion centers. The water molecules serve as bridges between the naphthalene-1,5-diamine molecules and also between the naphthalene-1,5-diamine and phenazine molecules. The naphthalene-1,5-diamine and water molecules are connected via N—H...O and O—H...N hydrogen bonds, forming a T4(2 motif. They are arranged into a two-dimensional polymeric structure parallel to (10overline{1} in which the water molecule is a single donor and a double acceptor, whereas the amino group is a double donor and a single acceptor in the hydrogen bonding. These two-dimensional assemblies alternate with the layers of phenazine molecules arranged into a herringbone motif. Each phenazine molecule is hydrogen bonded to two water molecules and thus a three-dimensional framework of hydrogen-bonded molecules is generated.

  8. Neutron investigation of Ru-doped Nd1/2Ca1/2MnO3. Comparison with Cr-doped Nd1/2Ca1/2MnO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moritomo, Yutaka; Nonobe, Toshihiko; Machida, Akihiko; Ohoyama, Kenji


    Lattice and magnetic properties are investigated for 3% Ru- and Cr-doped Nd 1/2 Ca 1/2 MnO 3 . The parent Nd 1/2 Ca 1/2 MnO 3 is a charge-ordered insulator (T CO =250K). With decreasing temperature below ≅210K, these compounds are separated into two perovskite phases, that is, the long-c and short-c phases. The long-c region shows a ferromagnetic transition at T C ≅210K for the Ru-doped compound and ≅130K for the Cr-doped compound, while the short-c region shows antiferromagnetic transition at T N ≅150K for Ru and ≅110K for Cr. We discuss the origin of the enhanced T C for the Ru-doped compound in terms of the effective one-electron bandwidth W of the e g -band. (author)

  9. Magnetic anisotropy of cobalt nanoparticle 2D arrays grown on corrugated MnF{sub 2}(1 1 0) and CaF{sub 2}(1 1 0) surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baranov, D.A., E-mail: [Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg 194021 (Russian Federation); Krichevtsov, B.B.; Gastev, S.V.; Banschikov, A.G.; Fedorov, V.V. [Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg 194021 (Russian Federation); Koshmak, K.V. [Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg 194021 (Russian Federation); Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali e dell’Ambiente, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via Vignolese 905, 41100 Modena (Italy); Suturin, S.M.; Sokolov, N.S. [Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg 194021 (Russian Federation)


    Cobalt nanoparticle 2D arrays with different effective thicknesses of cobalt layer (2 nm < d{sub eff} < 10 nm) were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on CaF{sub 2}(1 1 0)/Si(0 0 1) and MnF{sub 2}(1 1 0)/CaF{sub 2}(1 1 0)/Si(0 0 1) substrates with corrugated morphology of the surface. Surface morphology analysis showed that for effective thickness of cobalt layer d{sub eff} = 5 nm the lateral dimensions of cobalt islands are about 5–10 nm and the distances between the islands differs in a half along and across the grooves. In both types of the heterostructures the shape of hysteresis loops measured by LMOKE depend on orientation of in-plane magnetic field relative to the direction of the grooves. The azimuthal dependence of coercive field H{sub c} in Co/CaF{sub 2}(1 1 0)/Si(0 0 1) structures corresponds to Stoner–Wohlfarth model's predictions, which takes into account the anisotropy of individual particles. In contrast to that, in Co/MnF{sub 2}(1 1 0)/CaF{sub 2}(1 1 0)/Si(0 0 1) structures these dependences are analogous to those predicted by the model based on account of magnetic–dipole interaction between particles which are placed in chains (chain-of-spheres-model). Possible explanations of the difference in magnetic anisotropy are suggested.

  10. Ethane-1,1,2-trisphosphonic acid hemihydrate. (United States)

    Delain-Bioton, Lise; Lohier, Jean François; Villemin, Didier; Sopková-de Oliveira Santos, Jana; Hix, Gary; Jaffrès, Paul Alain


    Ethane-1,1,2-trisphosphonic acid crystallizes as a hemihydrate, C(2)H(9)O(9)P(3).0.5H(2)O, in which the water O atom lies on an inversion centre in the space group P2(1)/c. The acid component, which contains a short but noncentred O-H...O hydrogen bond, adopts a gauche conformation. The acid components are linked by an extensive series of O-H...O hydrogen bonds to form layers, which are linked into pairs by the water molecules.

  11. Metabolism of the hydrochlorofluorocarbon 1,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane. (United States)

    Harris, J W; Anders, M W


    1,2-Dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane (HCFC-132b) is a potential substitute for some ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons and a model for other 1,1,1,2-tetrahaloethanes under consideration as chlorofluorocarbon substitutes. Male Fischer 344 rats were given 10 mmol/kg HCFC-132b dissolved in corn oil by intraperitoneal injection. An NMR assay for covalent binding of HCFC-132b metabolites to liver proteins was negative, whereas binding was observed in halothane-treated rats. Total urinary metabolites excreted by rats given HCFC-132b during the first 24 h amounted to 1.8 +/- 0.1% of the injected dose, as determined by 19F NMR. During the first 6 h, metabolites of HCFC-132b corresponding to 2-chloro-2,2-difluoroethyl glucuronide, unknown metabolite A, chlorodifluoroacetic acid, and chlorodifluoroacetaldehyde hydrate [both free and conjugated (unknown metabolite B)] were excreted in urine in the approximate ratio 100:9:3:7, respectively. Metabolite A is apparently an O-conjugate of 2-chloro-2,2-difluoroethanol; unconjugated 2-chloro-2,2-difluoroethanol was not detected in urine. The 19F NMR spectrum of metabolite B indicates the formation of a hemiacetal of chlorodifluoroacetaldehyde. Repeated exposure of rats to HCFC-132b significantly increased both the rate of chlorodifluoroacetic acid excretion and the relative fraction of the HCFC-132b dose excreted as chlorodifluoroacetic acid in urine. Incubation of HCFC-132b with rat hepatic microsomes yielded chlorodifluoroacetaldehyde hydrate as the only fluorinated product. The in vitro metabolism of HCFC-132b was increased in microsomes from pyridine-treated rats as compared with control rats, and HCFC-132b metabolism was inhibited by p-nitrophenol, indicating that the cytochrome P-450 isoform IIE1 is largely responsible for the initial hydroxylation of HCFC-132b.

  12. Performance comparison of 2-1-3, 1-3 and 1-3-2 piezoelectric composite transducers by finite element method

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    Y. Sun


    Full Text Available 1-3 type, 1-3-2 type and 2-1-3 type piezoelectric composites are three proper smart materials for the design and manufacture of ultrasonic transducers. They have been proposed in different stages but possess similar properties. Compared with the initial 1-3 type composite, 1-3-2 composite is of higher mechanical stability. Compared with 1-3-2 composite, 2-1-3 composite has lower manufacturing difficulty. In this paper, a comparative study on these three composites in terms of receiving transducer material properties is presented. Finite element method (FEM has been adopted to calculate longitudinal velocity, thickness electromechanical coupling coefficient and voltage receiving sensitivity. It is concluded that for a large aspect ratio α=1, the performance of 2-1-3 composite transducer is much better than that of 1-3 and 1-3-2 composite transducers. The thickness electromechanical coupling coefficient of 2-1-3 composite transducer is about 5.58 times that of 1-3 composite transducer and 7.42 times that of 1-3-2 composite transducer. The voltage receiving sensitivity at 2 kHz of 2-1-3 composite transducer is 13.1 dB higher than that of 1-3-2 composite transducer and 12.3 dB higher than that of 1-3 composite transducer.

  13. Interstrand cross-linking of DNA by 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea and other 1-(2-haloethyl)-1-nitrosoureas. (United States)

    Kohn, K W


    Bifunctional alkylating agents are known to cross-link DNA by simultaneously alkylating two guanine residues located on opposite strands. Despite this apparent requirement for bifunctionality, 1-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosoureas bearing a single alkylating function were found to cross-link DNA in vitro. Cross-linking was demonstrated by showing inhibition of alkali-induced strand separation. Extensive cross-linking was observed in DNA treated with 1-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea, 1,3-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea, and 1-(2-chloroethyl(-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea. The reaction occurs in two steps, an intital binding followed by a second step which can proceed after removal of unbound drug. It is suggested that the first step is chloroethylation of a nucleophilic site on one strand and that the second step involves displacement of Cl- by a nucleophilic site on the opposite strand, resulting in an ethyl bridge between the strands. Consistent with this possibility, 1-(2-fluoroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea produced much less cross-linking, as expected from the known low activity of F-, compared with Cl-, as leaving group. 1-Methyl-1-nitrosourea, which is known to depurinate DNA, produced no detectable cross-linking.

  14. 40 CFR 721.10086 - Ethane, 2-(difluoromethoxy)-1,1,1-trifluoro-. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Ethane, 2-(difluoromethoxy)-1,1,1... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10086 Ethane, 2-(difluoromethoxy)-1,1,1-trifluoro-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as ethane, 2...

  15. Bis[1-(3-cyanobenzylpyridinium] bis(1,2-dicyanoethene-1,2-dithiolatonickelate(II

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    Hai-Bao Duan


    Full Text Available In the ionic title complex, (C13H11N22[Ni(C4N2S22], the NiII ion is located on an inversion centre so the asymmetric unit contains one-half [Ni(mnt2]2− dianion (mnt2− is maleonitriledithiolate and one 1-(3-cyanobenzylpyridinium cation ([CNBzPy]+. The NiII ion in the [Ni(mnt2]2− anion is coordinated by four S atoms of two mnt2− ligands, and exhibits square-planar coordination geometry. In the [CNBzPy]+ cation, the benzene and pyridine rings are twisted with respect to the C/C/N plane incorporating the methylene C atom that links them. The crystal structure is stabilized by Coulombic interactions.

  16. 1,2-Bis(2-methoxy-6-formylphenoxyethane

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    Hongqi Li


    Full Text Available In the title compound [systematic name: 3,3′-dimethoxy-2,2′-(ethane-1,2-diyldioxydibenzaldehyde], C18H18O6, prepared from 1,2-dibromoethane and ortho-vanillin in the presence of sodium carbonate, the two vanillin units are linked via a CH2–CH2 bridge. The two benzene rings are inclined at a dihedral angle of 41.6 (5°.

  17. Crystal structure of 2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1-(5-thioxo-4,5-dihydro-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl) ethenyl]benzamide: N,N-dimethylformamide (1 : 1)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharma, P. [University of Jammu, X-ray Crystallography Laboratory, Department of Physics (India); Subbulakshmi, K. N.; Narayana, B. [Mangalore University, Department of Chemistry (India); Sarojini, B. K. [Mangalore University, Industrial Chemistry Division, Department of Studies in Chemistry (India); Kant, R., E-mail: [University of Jammu, X-ray Crystallography Laboratory, Department of Physics (India)


    The title compound, 2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1-(5-thioxo-4,5-dihydro-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)ethenyl] benzamide:N,N-dimethylformamide (1: 1), (C{sub 15}H{sub 11}N{sub 3}O{sub 2}S{sub 2} · C{sub 3}H{sub 7}NO), was synthesized, and its structure was established by spectral analysis and X-ray diffraction studies. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2{sub 1}/n with a = 10.8714(7), b = 9.0497(5), c = 19.8347(13) Å, β = 91.093(5)°, Z = 4. The crystal structure is stabilized by N–H···S, C–H···O and N–H···O hydrogen bonds. The π···π interactions are also observed between the rings.

  18. Yunus, Abu'l-Hasan ibn (950-1009) (United States)

    Murdin, P.


    Astronomer, born in Egypt, calculated trigonometric functions for use in astronomy and wrote an astronomical handbook, al-Zij al-Hakimi al-kabir, the Great Tables of Caliph al-Hakim, which contained observations made by Yunus, including 30 lunar eclipses used by SIMON NEWCOMB in his lunar theory. Yunus was also an astrologer, predicting the date of his own death in seven days' time. He made prepa...





    Analisis Penerapan Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Peningkatan Pangsa Pasar Pada PT. Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Cokroaminoto di Makassar Implementation of marketing strategy analyze on increasing market share study case PT.Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Cokroaminoto in Makassar Pratanti Ayu Astrini Mursalim Nohong Wardhani Hakim Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan strategi pemasaran mobil Toyota pada PT. Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Cokroaminoto di Makassar me...

  20. Ion chemistry of 1H-1,2,3-triazole. (United States)

    Ichino, Takatoshi; Andrews, Django H; Rathbone, G Jeffery; Misaizu, Fuminori; Calvi, Ryan M D; Wren, Scott W; Kato, Shuji; Bierbaum, Veronica M; Lineberger, W Carl


    A combination of experimental methods, photoelectron-imaging spectroscopy, flowing afterglow-photoelectron spectroscopy and the flowing afterglow-selected ion flow tube technique, and electronic structure calculations at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of density functional theory (DFT) have been employed to study the mechanism of the reaction of the hydroxide ion (HO-) with 1H-1,2,3-triazole. Four different product ion species have been identified experimentally, and the DFT calculations suggest that deprotonation by HO- at all sites of the triazole takes place to yield these products. Deprotonation of 1H-1,2,3-triazole at the N1-H site gives the major product ion, the 1,2,3-triazolide ion. The 335 nm photoelectron-imaging spectrum of the ion has been measured. The electron affinity (EA) of the 1,2,3-triazolyl radical has been determined to be 3.447 +/- 0.004 eV. This EA and the gas-phase acidity of 2H-1,2,3-triazole are combined in a negative ion thermochemical cycle to determine the N-H bond dissociation energy of 2H-1,2,3-triazole to be 112.2 +/- 0.6 kcal mol-1. The 363.8 nm photoelectron spectroscopic measurements have identified the other three product ions. Deprotonation of 1H-1,2,3-triazole at the C5 position initiates fragmentation of the ring structure to yield a minor product, the ketenimine anion. Another minor product, the iminodiazomethyl anion, is generated by deprotonation of 1H-1,2,3-triazole at the C4 position, followed by N1-N2 bond fission. Formation of the other minor product, the 2H-1,2,3-triazol-4-ide ion, can be rationalized by initial deprotonation of 1H-1,2,3-triazole at the N1-H site and subsequent proton exchanges within the ion-molecule complex. The EA of the 2H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl radical is 1.865 +/- 0.004 eV.

  1. Crystal structures of three co-crystals of 1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane with 4-alk-oxy-benzoic acids: 4-eth-oxy-benzoic acid-1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1), 4-n-propoxybenzoic acid-1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1) and 4-n-but-oxy-benzoic acid-1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1). (United States)

    Tabuchi, Yohei; Gotoh, Kazuma; Ishida, Hiroyuki


    The crystal structures of three hydrogen-bonded co-crystals of 4-alk-oxy-benzoic acid-1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1), namely, 2C9H10O3·C12H12N2, (I), 2C10H12O3·C12H12N2, (II), and 2C11H14O3·C12H12N2, (III), have been determined at 93, 290 and 93 K, respectively. In (I), the asymmetric unit consists of one 4-eth-oxy-benzoic acid mol-ecule and one half-mol-ecule of 1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane, which lies on an inversion centre. In (II) and (III), the asymmetric units each comprise two crystallographically independent 4-alk-oxy-benzoic acid mol-ecules and one 1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane mol-ecule. In each crystal, the two components are linked by O-H⋯N hydrogen bonds, forming a linear hydrogen-bonded 2:1unit of the acid and the base. Similar to the structure of 2:1 unit of (I), the units of (II) and (III) adopt nearly pseudo-inversion symmetry. The 2:1 units of (I), (II) and (III) are linked via C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming tape structures.


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    syaiful annas


    Full Text Available This paper will discuss the implementation of payment of  iddah and mut'ah in the divorce (raj’i. Judges often faced  a problem between text and context. Their decision imposes on men pays iddah and mut'ah life as a right for his ex-wife, but it was not implemented as the judge's decision, so that women tend to be disadvantaged ones, although the formal law can be prosecuted fiat execution, but it is not easy for a woman, sometimes the cost of iddah and mut'ah charge is not comparable with the cost of carrying out the execution, not to mention ex-husband who went (fuzzy away unnoticed after divorce statement. Therefore the necessary of a legal breakthrough to provide legal certainty for the rights of womens through the judge's decision, with consideration argumentative primarily to determine a living payout time of iddah And mut'ah. In this paper will be described legal reasons in court as legal considerations which contains elements of juridical, sociological, philosophical in decision   [Tulisan ini hendak mendiskusikan bagaimana pelaksanaan pembebanan pembayaran nafkah iddah dan mut’ah dalam perkara talak (raj'i. Seringkali hakim dihadapkan pada problematika antara teks dan konteks. Adanya putusan yang membebankan terhadap laki-laki membayar sejumlah nafkah iddah dan mut’ah sebagai hak bagi mantan istri, akan tetapi tidak dilaksanakan sebagaimana putusan hakim, sehingga perempuan cenderung dirugikan, meskipun secara yuridis-formil dapat dituntut fiat eksekusi, tetapi tidak mudah bagi pihak perempuan, karena kadang biaya pembebanan nafkah iddah dan mut’ah tidak sebanding dengan biaya melaksanakan eksekusi, belum lagi problem mantan suami yang pergi tanpa diketahui lagi keberadaannya setelah pengucapan ikrar talaknya. Oleh karena itu perlu terobosan hukum guna menjamin hak perempuan tersebut melalui putusan hakim dengan pertimbangan yang argumentatif terutama untuk menentukan masa pembayaran nafkah iddah dan mut’ah tersebut. Dalam

  3. Crystal structure of (E-3-(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl-1-(1-hydroxynaphthalen-2-ylprop-2-en-1-one

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    Dongsoo Koh


    Full Text Available In the title compound, C21H18O4, the C=C bond of the central enone group adopts an E conformation. The dihedral angle formed by the benzene ring and the naphthalene ring system is 6.60 (2°. The methoxy groups on the benzene ring are essentially coplanar with the ring; the C—C—O—C torsion angles being 1.6 (2 and −177.1 (1°. The hydroxy group attached to the naphthalene ring is involved in an intramolecular O—H...O hydrogen bond. The relative conformation of the two double bonds in the enone group is s-cisoid. In the crystal, weak C—H...O hydrogen bonds link the molecules into chains propagating along [010].

  4. 1-[3-(2-Nitrophenyl-5-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-1-yl]ethanone

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    Huan-Mei Guo


    Full Text Available The title compound, C17H15N3O3, was prepared from 1-(2-nitrophenyl-3-phenylprop-2-en-1-one and hydrazine. The dihedral angle between the benzene and phenyl rings is 74.55 (2°. The pyrazoline ring is in a slight envelope conformation with the C atom bonded to the phenyl ring forming the flap. In the crystal structure, weak intermolecular C—H...O hydrogen bonds connect molecules into chains along [100].

  5. 4-(Prop-2-yn-1-yloxybenzene-1,2-dicarbonitrile

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    Yee Jan Chin


    Full Text Available In the title compound, C11H6N2O, the complete molecule is generated by the application of crystallographic twofold symmetry (the molecule is disordered about this axis. The prop-2-yn-1-yl residue is slightly twisted out of the plane of the benzene ring [C—O—C—C torsion angle = 173.1 (3°] and is orientated away from the nitrile substituents. In the crystal, supramolecular chains along the a axis, arising from C—H...N interactions, are connected into stacks along the c axis by π–π interactions between the benzene rings [centroid–centroid distance = 3.6978 (6 Å = length of the c axis].

  6. Precise optical Lamb shift measurements in atomic hydrogen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weitz, M.; Schmidt-Kaler, F.; Haensch, T.W.


    The 1S ground-state Lamb shift in atomic hydrogen has been measured to an accuracy of 1.3 parts in 10 5 by directly comparing the optical frequencies of the 1S-2S and the 2S-4S,4D two-photon transitions. The result, 8172.82(11) MHz, agrees with the theoretical prediction of 8172.94(9) MHz and rivals measurements of the 2S Lamb shift as a test of QED for a bound system. A comparison of the 2S-4S and 2S-4D intervals yields a 4S Lamb shift of 131.66(4) MHz

  7. 1-(2-Chlorobenzyloxy-3-[1,2,3]triazol-1-yl-propan-2-ol Derivatives: Synthesis, Characterization, and DFT-Based Descriptors Analysis

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    Eloisa Román-Maldonado


    Full Text Available A novel series of 1-(2-chlorobenzyloxy-3-[1,2,3]triazol-1-yl-propan-2-ol derivatives was designed and synthesized using copper catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition in the key step. Theoretical investigation of molecular and electronic properties by means of global and local reactivity indexes of the synthetized compounds was carried out, using DFT (Density Functional Theory at PBEPBE/6-31++G⁎⁎ level.

  8. Densities, excess molar volumes, and refractive indices of 1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane and 1-alkanols binary mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Hayan, M.N.M.; Al-Bader, Maher A.M.


    Densities, excess molar volumes, refractive indices, and changes in refractive index on mixing for (1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane + 1-pentanol, or 1-hexanol, or 1-heptanol, or 1-octanol, or 1-decanol) have been determined at T = 293.15 K and at T = 303.15 K. The excess molar volumes and changes in refractive index have been fitted to Redlich-Kister polynomials. The effect of the chain length of the 1-alkanol on the excess molar volume and the change in the refractive index of its mixtures with 1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane are discussed. In addition, the refractive indices are compared with calculated values using mixing rules proposed by several authors, and a good agreement is obtained

  9. Densities, excess molar volumes, and refractive indices of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and 1-alkanols binary mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Hayan, M.N.M.


    Densities, excess molar volumes, refractive indices, and changes in refractive index on mixing for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane + 1-pentanol, or 1-hexanol, or 1-heptanol, or 1-octanol, or 1-decanol have been determined at T = (293.15 and 303.15) K. The excess molar volumes and changes in refractive index have been fitted to Redlich-Kister polynomials. The effect of the chain length of the 1-alkanol on the excess molar volume and the change in the refractive index of its mixtures with 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane was discussed. In addition, the refractive indices were compared with calculated values using mixing rules proposed by several authors, and a very good agreement was obtained

  10. Genetic polymorphisms of cytochrome P450-1A2 (CYP1A2 among Emiratis.

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    Mohammad M Al-Ahmad

    Full Text Available Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2 is one of the CYP450 mixed-function oxidase system that is of clinical importance due to the large number of drug interactions associated with its induction and inhibition. In addition, significant inter-individual differences in the elimination of drugs metabolized by CYP1A2 enzyme have been observed which are largely due to the highly polymorphic nature of CYP1A2 gene. However, there are limited studies on CYP1A2 phenotypes and CYP1A2 genotypes among Emiratis and thus this study was carried out to fill this gap. Five hundred and seventy six non-smoker Emirati subjects were asked to consume a soft drink containing caffeine (a non-toxic and reliable probe for predicting CYP1A2 phenotype and then provide a buccal swab along with a spot urine sample. Taq-Man Real Time PCR was used to determine the CYP1A2 genotype of each individual. Phenotyping was carried out by analyzing the caffeine metabolites using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC analysis. We found that 1.4%, 16.3% and 82.3% of the Emirati subjects were slow, intermediate and rapid CYP1A2 metabolizers, respectively. In addition, we found that 1.4% of the subjects were homozygote for derived alleles while 16.1% were heterozygote and 82.5% were homozygote for the ancestral allele. The genotype frequency of the ancestral allele, CYP1A2*1A/*1A, is the highest in this population, followed by CYP1A2 *1A/*1C and CYP1A2 *1A/*1K genotypes, with frequencies of 0.825, 0.102 and 0.058, respectively. The degree of phenotype/genotype concordance was equal to 81.6%. The CYP1A2*1C/*1C and CYP1A2*3/*3 genotypes showed significantly the lowest enzyme phenotypic activity. The frequency of slow activity CYP1A2 enzyme alleles is very low among Emiratis which correlates with the presence of low frequencies of derived alleles in CYP1A2 gene.

  11. Improved high-voltage performance of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode with Tris(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) phosphite as electrolyte additive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Long; Ma, Yulin; Li, Qin; Cui, Yingzhi; Wang, Panpan; Cheng, Xinqun; Zuo, Pengjian; Du, Chunyu; Gao, Yunzhi


    Tris(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) phosphite (TTFEP) is investigated as an electrolyte additive to improve the electrochemical performance of LiNi 1/3 Co 1/3 Mn 1/3 O 2 cathode at high operating voltage (4.6 V). Charge/discharge measurements demonstrate that TTFEP is effective to improve the cycling stability and rate capability of LiNi 1/3 Co 1/3 Mn 1/3 O 2 cathode. The capacity retention of LiNi 1/3 Co 1/3 Mn 1/3 O 2 /Li cell with 1% TTFEP-containing electrolyte reaches up to 85.4% after 100 cycles at 0.5C (1C = 160 mA g −1 ), while that of the cell with the baseline electrolyte (1 M LiPF 6 in EC/DMC electrolyte) only remains 74.2%. Moreover, the discharge capacity of the cathode with 1% TTFEP-containing electrolyte could maintain around 112.0 mAh g −1 at 4C. Based on the characterization of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), a protective interphase film formed on the cathode surface can be found due to the preferential oxidation of TTFEP, which inhibits the electrolyte decomposition and mitigates the cathode structural destruction, leading to the improved electrochemical performance of LiNi 1/3 Co 1/3 Mn 1/3 O 2 cathode at high voltage.

  12. MERRA 2D IAU Ocean Surface Diagnostic, Single Level, Time Avg 1-hr (2/3x1/2L1) V5.2.0 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The MAT1NXOCN or tavg1_2d_ocn_Nx data product is the MERRA Data Assimilation System 2-Dimensional ocean surface single-level diagnostics that is time averaged...

  13. Novel 2,3-Dihydro-1H-pyrrolo[3,2,1-ij]quinazolin-1-ones: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation

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    Malose J. Mphahlele


    Full Text Available Herein we describe the synthesis and evaluation of a series of novel 2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolo[3,2,1-ij]quinazolin-1-ones for in vitro cytotoxicity against three human cancer cell lines as well as for potential antimalarial activity against the chloroquine-sensitive strain 3D7 of Plasmodium falciparum. The title compounds were prepared via PdCl2-mediated endo-dig cyclization of 2-aryl-8-(arylethynyl-6-bromo-2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H-ones. The latter were prepared, in turn, via initial Sonogashira cross-coupling of 2-amino-5-bromo-3-iodobenzamide with aryl acetylenes followed by boric acid-mediated cyclocondensation of the intermediate 2-amino-3-(arylethynyl-5-bromobenzamides with benzaldehyde derivatives. The 2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolo[3,2,1-ij]quinazolin-1-ones 4a–k were evaluated for potential in vitro cytotoxicity against the breast (MCF-7, melanoma (B16 and endothelioma (sEnd.2 cell lines. All of the compounds except 4h and 4i were found to be inactive against the three cancer cell lines. Compound 4h substituted with a 4-methoxyphenyl and 4-fluorophenyl groups at the 3- and 5-positions was found to exhibit significant cytotoxicity against the three cancer cell lines. The presence of phenyl and 3-chlorophenyl groups at the 3- and 5-posiitons of the pyrroloquinazolinone 4i, on the other hand, resulted in significant cytotoxicity against vascular tumour endothelial cells (sEnd.2, but reduced activity against the melanoma (B16 and breast cancer (MCF-7 cells except at higher concentrations. The 2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolo[3,2,1-ij]quinazolin-1-ones 4a–l were found to be inactive against the chloroquine sensitive 3D7 strain of Plasmodium falciparum.

  14. New Synthesis, Structure and Analgesic Properties of Methyl 1-R-4-Methyl-2,2-Dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-Benzothiazine-3-Carboxylates

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    Liliana Azotla-Cruz


    Full Text Available According to the principles of the methodology of bioisosteric replacements a series of methyl 1-R-4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxylates has been obtained as potential analgesics. In addition, a fundamentally new strategy for the synthesis of compounds of this chemical class involving the introduction of N-alkyl substituent at the final stage in 2,1-benzothiazine nucleus already formed has been proposed. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and X-ray diffraction analysis it has been proven that in the DMSO/K2CO3 system the reaction of methyl 4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxylate and alkyl halides leads to formation of N-substituted derivatives with good yields regardless of the structure of the alkylating agent. The peculiarities of NMR (1Н and 13С spectra of the compounds synthesized, their mass spectrometric behavior and the spatial structure are discussed. In N-benzyl derivative the ability to form a monosolvate with methanol has been found. According to the results of the pharmacological testing conducted on the model of the thermal tail-flick it has been determined that replacement of 4-ОН-group in methyl 1-R-4-hydroxy-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxylates for the methyl group is actually bioisosteric since all methyl 1-R-4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxylates synthesized demonstrated a statistically significant analgesic effect. The majority of the substances can inhibit the thermal pain response much more effective than piroxicam in the same dose. Under the same conditions as an analgesic the N-methyl-substituted analog exceeds not only piroxicam, but more active meloxicam as well. Therefore, it deserves in-depth biological studies on other experimental models.

  15. MERRA 2D IAU Diagnostic, Vertical Integrals and Budget Terms, Instantaneous 1-hourly (2/3x1/2L1) V5.2.0 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The MAI1NXINT or inst1_2d_int_Nx data product is the MERRA Data Assimilation System 2-Dimensional vertical integral that is Instantaneous single-level at the native...

  16. (3-Benzoyl-1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-olato-κ2O,Obis[2-(2-pyridylphenyl-κ2C1,N]iridium(III

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    Kaijun Luo


    Full Text Available The title compound, [Ir(C11H8N2(C17H19O2], has an octahedral coordination geometry around the IrIII atom, retaining the cis-C,C,trans–N,N chelate disposition of the two 2-phenylpyridine ligands. The chelate rings are nearly mutually perpendicular [the interplanar angles range from 85.48 (17 to 89.17 (19°]. The two 2-(2-pyridylphenyl ligands are approximately planar, with the plane of the phenyl ring being inclined to that of the pyridine ring by 2.3 (3 and 5.1 (3° in the two ligands. The interplanar angle between the phenyl ring in 3-benzoyl-camphor and the IrO2C3 chelate ring is 35.5 (2°.

  17. Atomic structure of CaF2/MnF2-Si(1 1 1) superlattices from X-ray diffraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alcock, Simon G.; Nicklin, C.L.; Howes, P.B.; Norris, C.A.; Kyutt, R.N.; Sokolov, N.S.; Yakovlev, N.L.


    X-ray reflectivity and non-specular crystal truncation rod scans have been used to determine the three-dimensional atomic structure of the buried CaF 2 -Si(1 1 1) interface and ultrathin films of MnF 2 and CaF 2 within a superlattice. We show that ultrathin films of MnF 2 , below a critical thickness of approximately four monolayers, are crystalline, pseudomorphic, and adopt the fluorite structure of CaF 2 . High temperature deposition of the CaF 2 buffer layer produces a fully reacted, CaF 2 -Si(1 1 1) type-B interface. The mature, 'long' interface is shown to consist of a partially occupied layer of CaF bonded to the Si substrate, followed by a distorted CaF layer. Our atomistic, semi-kinematical scattering method extends the slab reflectivity method by providing in-plane structural information

  18. Casanovas are liars: behavioral syndromes, sperm competition risk, and the evolution of deceptive male mating behavior in live-bearing fishes [v3; ref status: indexed,

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Bierbach


    Full Text Available Male reproductive biology can by characterized through competition over mates as well as mate choice. Multiple mating and male mate choice copying, especially in internally fertilizing species, set the stage for increased sperm competition, i.e., sperm of two or more males can compete for fertilization of the female’s ova. In the internally fertilizing fish Poecilia mexicana, males respond to the presence of rivals with reduced expression of mating preferences (audience effect, thereby lowering the risk of by-standing rivals copying their mate choice. Also, males interact initially more with a non-preferred female when observed by a rival, which has been interpreted in previous studies as a strategy to mislead rivals, again reducing sperm competition risk (SCR. Nevertheless, species might differ consistently in their expression of aggressive and reproductive behaviors, possibly due to varying levels of SCR. In the current study, we present a unique data set comprising ten poeciliid species (in two cases including multiple populations and ask whether species can be characterized through consistent differences in the expression of aggression, sexual activity and changes in mate choice under increased SCR. We found consistent species-specific differences in aggressive behavior, sexual activity as well as in the level of misleading behavior, while decreased preference expression under increased SCR was a general feature of all but one species examined. Furthermore, mean sexual activity correlated positively with the occurrence of potentially misleading behavior. An alternative explanation for audience effects would be that males attempt to avoid aggressive encounters, which would predict stronger audience effects in more aggressive species. We demonstrate a positive correlation between mean aggressiveness and sexual activity (suggesting a hormonal link as a mechanistic explanation, but did not detect a correlation between aggressiveness and

  19. Islamic Family Law Enactment 1987 (No. 3 of 1987), 20 May 1987. (United States)


    This Islamic Family Law Enactment of Pahang, Malaysia, is based on the model of the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territory) Act, 1984 (Annual Review of Population Law, Vol. 11, 1984, Section 250). It differs from that Law in the following major respects: 1) marriages between Muslims and non-Muslims are prohibited; 2) a wali Hakim (special guardian appointed by the Sultan) is authorized to consent to marriage if the wali (guardian) of the bride unreasonably withholds consent; 3) the grounds for divorce are fewer (failure to maintain and cruelty being omitted), although there is a general provision allowing divorce for any ground that is recognized as valid by Islamic law; 4) a son is to be maintained until the age of 15, not 18; and 5) a religious court, rather than a civil court, may order a putative father to maintain his illegitimate child. full text

  20. MERRA 2D IAU Diagnostic, Radiation Surface and TOA, Time Average 1-hourly (2/3x1/2L1) V5.2.0 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The MAT1NXRAD or tavg1_2d_rad_Nx data product is the MERRA Data Assimilation System 2-Dimensional surface and TOA radiation flux that is time averaged single-level...

  1. (E-2-((4R,5R-5-((Benzyloxymethyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-ylbut-2-ene-1,4-diol

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    Carlos R. Carreras


    Full Text Available The synthesis of (E-2-((4R,5R-5-((benzyloxymethyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-ylbut-2-ene-1,4-diol by a one-step reduction of the appropriate 2-substituted butenolide is reported. Product characterization was carried out by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, MS, elemental analysis and optical rotation.

  2. [N,N-Bis(2-aminoethylethane-1,2-diamine](ethane-1,2-diaminenickel(II thiosulfate trihydrate

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    Beatrix Seidlhofer


    Full Text Available The title compound, [Ni(C2H8N2(C6H18N4]S2O3·3H2O, was accidentally synthesized under solvothermal conditions applying [Ni(en3]Cl2 (en is ethane-1,2-diamine as the Ni source. The asymmetric unit consists of one discrete [Ni(tren(en]2+ complex [tren is N,N-bis(2-aminoethylethane-1,2-diamine] in which the Ni2+ cation is sixfold coordinated within a slightly distorted octahedron, one thiosulfate anion and three water molecules. In the crystal, the complex cations, anions and water molecules are linked by an intricate hydrogen-bonding network. One C atom of the tren ligand, as well as one O atom of a water molecule, are disordered over two sites and were refined using a split model (occupancy ratios = 0.85:15 and 0.60:0.40, respectively.

  3. Internal rotation for predicting conformational population of 1,2-difluorethane and 1,2-dichloroethane

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Venâncio, Mateus F. [Laboratório de Química Computacional e Modelagem Molecular, Departamento de Química, ICEx, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Campus Universitário, 31.270-901 Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Dos Santos, Hélio F. [Núcleo de Estudos em Química Computacional (NEQC), Departamento de Química, ICE, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Campus Universitário, Martelos, Juiz de Fora, MG 36036-330 (Brazil); De Almeida, Wagner B., E-mail: [Laboratório de Química Computacional (LQC), Departamento de Química Inorgânica, Instituto de Química, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Campus do Valonguinho, Centro, Niterói, RJ CEP: 24020-141 (Brazil)


    Highlights: • Contribution of internal rotation to Gibbs free energy estimated using the quantum pendulum model. • Theoretical prediction of conformational population of 1,2-difluorethane and 1,2-dichloroethane. • The predicted populations are in excellent agreement with experimental gas phase data available. • QPM model account for low vibrational frequency modes effect on thermodynamic calculation. • Caution is needed when the RR–HO approach has to be used in conformational analysis studies. - Abstract: The contribution of internal rotation to the thermal correction of Gibbs free energy (ΔG) is estimated using the quantum pendulum model (QPM) to solve the characteristic Schrödinger equation. The procedure is applied to theoretical prediction of conformational population of 1,2-difluorethane (1,2-DFE) and 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCE) molecules. The predicted population for the anti form was 37% and 75%, for 1,2-DFE and 1,2-DCE respectively, in excellent agreement with experimental gas phase data available, 37 ± 5% and 78 ± 5%. These results provide great support to the use of the QPM model to account for the low vibrational frequency modes effect on the calculation of thermodynamic properties.

  4. Synthesis and two-electron redox behavior of diazuleno[2,1-a:1,2-c]naphthalenes. (United States)

    Ito, Shunji; Nomura, Akiko; Morita, Noboru; Kabuto, Chizuko; Kobayashi, Hirokazu; Maejima, Seiko; Fujimori, Kunihide; Yasunami, Masafumi


    The Diels-Alder reaction of di-2-azulenylacetylene with tetraphenylcyclopentadienone afforded 7,8,9,10-tetraphenyldiazuleno[2,1-a:1,2-c]naphthalene in one pot via autoxidation of the presumed 1,2-di-2-azulenylbenzene derivative. In contrast, a similar reaction of bis(1-methoxycarbonyl-2-azulenyl)acetylene with tetraphenylcyclopentadienone gave the 1,2-di-2-azulenylbenzene derivative. The following cyclodehydrogenation reaction of the benzene derivative with iron(III) chloride afforded diazuleno[2,1-a:1,2-c]naphthalene 6,11-bismethoxycarbonyl derivative. The redox behavior of these novel diazuleno[2,1-a:1,2-c]naphthalenes was examined by cyclic voltammetry (CV). These compounds exhibited two-step oxidation waves at +0.22 to +0.71 V upon CV, which revealed the formation of a radical cation and dication stabilized by the fused two azulene rings under the electrochemical oxidation conditions. Since the 1,2-di-2-azulenylbenzene derivative was oxidized at higher oxidation potentials (+0.83 and +1.86 V), the fusion of the two azulene rings to naphthalene increased electron-donating properties because of the formation of a closed-shell dicationic structure. Formation of the radical cation was characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy under the electrochemical oxidation conditions, although no evidence was obtained for the presumed dication under the conditions of the UV-vis spectroscopy measurement.

  5. Involvement of IGF-1 and MEOX2 in PI3K/Akt1/2 and ERK1/2 pathways mediated proliferation and differentiation of perivascular adipocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Ping; Kong, Feng; Wang, Jue; Lu, Qinghua; Xu, Haijia; Qi, Tonggang; Meng, Juan


    Perivascular adipocyte (PVAC) proliferation and differentiation were closely involved in cardiovascular disease. We aimed to investigate whether phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways enhance PVAC functions activated by insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1) and suppressed by mesenchyme homeobox 2 (MEOX2). In this study, PVACs from primary culture were cultured and induced to differentiate. Cell viability assays demonstrated that IGF-1 promoted PVAC proliferation and differentiation. However MEOX2 counteracted these IGF-1-mediated actions. Flow Cytometry revealed that IGF-1 increased S phase cells and decreased apoptosis; however, MEOX2 decreased S phase cells, increased G0–G1 phase cells, and promoted apoptosis. During PVAC proliferation and differentiation, IGF-1 activated PI3K/Akt1/2 and ERK1/2 signaling pathways, upregulated the expression of these signaling proteins and FAS, and increased PVAC lipid content. In contrast, MEOX2 constrained the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and Akt1/2 protein, down-regulated these signaling molecules and FAS, and decreased PVAC lipid content. Instead, MEOX2 knockdown enhanced the ERK1/2 and Akt1/2 phosphorylation, augmented the expression of these signaling molecules and FAS, and increased PVAC lipid content. Our findings suggested that PI3K/Akt1/2 and ERK1/2 activation mediated by IGF-1 is essential for PVAC proliferation and differentiation, and MEOX2 is a promising therapeutic gene to intervene in the signaling pathways and inhibit PVAC functions. - Highlights: • IGF-1 activated PI3K/Akt2 and ERK1/2 pathways to mediate PVAC proliferation and differentiation. • The expression of ERK1, ERK 2, PI3K, Akt1 and Akt2 showed different change trends between PVAC proliferation and differentiation. • MEOX2 effectively expressed in PVAC, increased early and late cellular apoptosis, and inhibited its proliferation. • MEOX2 depressed PVAC differentiation and FAS expression

  6. Involvement of IGF-1 and MEOX2 in PI3K/Akt1/2 and ERK1/2 pathways mediated proliferation and differentiation of perivascular adipocytes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Ping, E-mail: [Department of Cardiology, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, No. 247, Beiyuan Road, Shandong, Jinan 250033 (China); Kong, Feng; Wang, Jue [Central Laboratory, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, Shandong, Jinan 250033 (China); Lu, Qinghua [Department of Cardiology, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, No. 247, Beiyuan Road, Shandong, Jinan 250033 (China); Xu, Haijia [Department of Cardiology, Wendeng Central Hospital of Weihai City, Shandong, Weihai 264400 (China); Qi, Tonggang [Central Laboratory, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, Shandong, Jinan 250033 (China); Meng, Juan [Department of Cardiology, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, No. 247, Beiyuan Road, Shandong, Jinan 250033 (China)


    Perivascular adipocyte (PVAC) proliferation and differentiation were closely involved in cardiovascular disease. We aimed to investigate whether phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways enhance PVAC functions activated by insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1) and suppressed by mesenchyme homeobox 2 (MEOX2). In this study, PVACs from primary culture were cultured and induced to differentiate. Cell viability assays demonstrated that IGF-1 promoted PVAC proliferation and differentiation. However MEOX2 counteracted these IGF-1-mediated actions. Flow Cytometry revealed that IGF-1 increased S phase cells and decreased apoptosis; however, MEOX2 decreased S phase cells, increased G0–G1 phase cells, and promoted apoptosis. During PVAC proliferation and differentiation, IGF-1 activated PI3K/Akt1/2 and ERK1/2 signaling pathways, upregulated the expression of these signaling proteins and FAS, and increased PVAC lipid content. In contrast, MEOX2 constrained the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and Akt1/2 protein, down-regulated these signaling molecules and FAS, and decreased PVAC lipid content. Instead, MEOX2 knockdown enhanced the ERK1/2 and Akt1/2 phosphorylation, augmented the expression of these signaling molecules and FAS, and increased PVAC lipid content. Our findings suggested that PI3K/Akt1/2 and ERK1/2 activation mediated by IGF-1 is essential for PVAC proliferation and differentiation, and MEOX2 is a promising therapeutic gene to intervene in the signaling pathways and inhibit PVAC functions. - Highlights: • IGF-1 activated PI3K/Akt2 and ERK1/2 pathways to mediate PVAC proliferation and differentiation. • The expression of ERK1, ERK 2, PI3K, Akt1 and Akt2 showed different change trends between PVAC proliferation and differentiation. • MEOX2 effectively expressed in PVAC, increased early and late cellular apoptosis, and inhibited its proliferation. • MEOX2 depressed PVAC differentiation and FAS expression

  7. Fragrance material review on 1-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)pent-1-en-3-one. (United States)

    Scognamiglio, J; Letizia, C S; Api, A M


    A toxicologic and dermatologic review of 1-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)pent-1-en-3-one when used as a fragrance ingredient is presented. 1-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)pent-1-en-3-one is a member of the fragrance structural group Alkyl Cyclic Ketones. These fragrances can be described as being composed of an alkyl, R1, and various substituted and bicyclic saturated or unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons, R2, in which one of the rings may include up to 12 carbons. Alternatively, R2 may be a carbon bridge of C2-C4 carbon chain length between the ketone and cyclic hydrocarbon. This review contains a detailed summary of all available toxicology and dermatology papers that are related to this individual fragrance ingredient and is not intended as a stand-alone document. Available data for 1-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)pent-1-en-3-one were evaluated then summarized and includes physical properties data. A safety assessment of the entire Alkyl Cyclic Ketones will be published simultaneously with this document; please refer to Belsito et al. (Belsito, D., Bickers, D., Bruze, M., Calow, P., Dagli, M., Fryer, A.D., Greim, H., Miyachi, Y., Saurat, J.H., Sipes, I.G., 2013. A Toxicologic and Dermatologic Assessment of Alkyl Cyclic Ketones when used as fragrance ingredients. Submitted for publication) for an overall assessment of the safe use of this material and all Alkyl Cyclic Ketones in fragrances. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. 1-[(Oxiran-2-ylmethyl]-3-phenyl-1,2-dihydroquinoxalin-2-one

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    Nadeem Abad


    Full Text Available The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C17H14N2O2, consists of two independent molecules differing mainly in the orientations of the phenyl and oxirane substituents. In the first molecule, the dihedral angle between the dihydroquinoxaline ring system and phenyl ring is 28.4 (2° and the N—C—C—O torsion angle is 87.8 (5°; corresponding data for the second molecule are 23.1 (2 and −85.6 (5°, respectively. In the crystal, offset π-stacking interactions between the dihydroquinoxaline moieties form oblique stacks, which are connected into layers parallel to the bc plane by C—H...O hydrogen bonds and C—H...π(ring interactions. Additional C—H...π(ring interactions tie the layers together. The model was refined as a two-component twin.

  9. 40 CFR 721.3248 - Ethane, 1,2,2- trichlorodifluoro-. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Ethane, 1,2,2- trichlorodifluoro-. 721... Substances § 721.3248 Ethane, 1,2,2- trichlorodifluoro-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as ethane, 1,2,2-trichlorodifluoro- (CAS No...

  10. Coexpression of voltage-dependent calcium channels Cav1.2, 2.1a, and 2.1b in vascular myocytes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Ditte; Friis, Ulla G; Uhrenholt, Torben R


    Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels Cav1.2 (L type) and Cav2.1 (P/Q type) are expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and are important for the contraction of renal resistance vessels. In the present study we examined whether native renal VSMCs coexpress L-, P-, and Q-type Ca2+ currents...... microscopy revealed expression of both channels in all of the smooth muscle cells. Whole-cell patch clamp on single preglomerular VSMCs from mice showed L-, P-, and Q-type currents. Blockade of the L-type currents by calciseptine (20 nmol/L) inhibited 35.6+/-3.9% of the voltage-dependent Ca2+ current......-type and P-type channels inhibited 58.0+/-11.8%, and simultaneous inhibition of L-, P-, and Q-type channels led to blockade (88.7+/-5.6%) of the Ca2+ current. We conclude that aortic and renal preglomerular smooth muscle cells express L-, P-, and Q-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in the rat and mouse....

  11. Elimination mechanisms of Br2+ and Br+ in photodissociation of 1,1- and 1,2-dibromoethylenes using velocity imaging technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hua Linqiang; Zhang Bing; Lee, Wei-Bin; Chao, Meng-Hsuan; Lin, King-Chuen


    Elimination pathways of the Br 2 + and Br + ionic fragments in photodissociation of 1,2- and 1,1-dibromoethylenes (C 2 H 2 Br 2 ) at 233 nm are investigated using time-of-flight mass spectrometer equipped with velocity ion imaging. The Br 2 + fragments are verified not to stem from ionization of neutral Br 2 , that is a dissociation channel of dibromoethylenes reported previously. Instead, they are produced from dissociative ionization of dibromoethylene isomers. That is, C 2 H 2 Br 2 is first ionized by absorbing two photons, followed by the dissociation scheme, C 2 H 2 Br 2 + + hv→Br 2 + + C 2 H 2 . 1,2-C 2 H 2 Br 2 gives rise to a bright Br 2 + image with anisotropy parameter of -0.5 ± 0.1; the fragment may recoil at an angle of ∼66 deg. with respect to the C = C bond axis. However, this channel is relatively slow in 1,1-C 2 H 2 Br 2 such that a weak Br 2 + image is acquired with anisotropy parameter equal to zero, indicative of an isotropic recoil fragment distribution. It is more complicated to understand the formation mechanisms of Br + . Three routes are proposed for dissociation of 1,2-C 2 H 2 Br 2 , including (a) ionization of Br that is eliminated from C 2 H 2 Br 2 by absorbing one photon, (b) dissociation from C 2 H 2 Br 2 + by absorbing two more photons, and (c) dissociation of Br 2 + . Each pathway requires four photons to release one Br + , in contrast to the Br 2 + formation that involves a three-photon process. As for 1,1-C 2 H 2 Br 2 , the first two pathways are the same, but the third one is too weak to be detected.

  12. 2-(1,3-Dioxoisoindolin-2-ylacetic acid–N′-[(E-2-methoxybenzylidene]pyridine-4-carbohydrazide (1/1

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    Shaaban K. Mohamed


    Full Text Available In the title 1:1 cocrystal, C10H7NO4·C14H13N3O2, molecules are linked by intermolecular C—H...O, N—H...O and O—H...N hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional network. In addition, π–π stacking interactions [with centroid–centroid distances of 3.5723 (19 and 3.6158 (18 Å] are observed.

  13. (+-Chlorido[(1,2,3,4-η;κP2′-2′-diphenylphosphanyl-2-diphenylphosphoryl-1,1′-binaphthyl]rhodium(I methanol monosolvate

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    Hans-Joachim Drexler


    Full Text Available In the title complex, [RhCl(C44H32OP2]·CH3OH, the RhI ion is coordinated by a naphthyl group of a partially oxidized 2,2′-bis(diphenylphosphanyl-1,1′-binaphthyl (BINAP ligand in a η4 mode, one P atom of the diphenylphosphanyl group and one Cl atom. The P=O group does not interact with the RhI ion but accepts an O—H...O hydrogen bond from the methanol solvent molecule.

  14. Synthesis of (R,S)-[2,3-13C2]-1-(1'-methyl-2'-pyrrolidinyl)propan-2-one; {(R,S)-[2',3'-13C2]hygrinePound right bracePound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abraham, T.W.; Leete, Edward


    2-Ethoxy-1-methyl-5-pyrrolidinone (1) was reacted with ethyl [3,4- 13 C 2 ]-acetoacetate (2) in the presence of TiCl 4 to give ethyl [3,4- 13 C 2 ]-2-(1'-methyl-5'-oxo-2'-pyrrolidinyl)-3-oxobutanoate (3) in 85% yield. Decarboethoxylation of ethyl [3,4- 13 C 2 ]-2-(1'-methyl-5'-oxo-2'-pyrrolidinyl)-3-oxobutan-oate (3) was accomplished using NaCl and H 2 O in DMSO to give (R,S)-[2,3- 13 C 2 ]-1-(1'-methyl-5'-oxo-2'-pyrrolidinyl)propan-2-o ne (4) in 91% yield. Protection of the ketone as a ketal (ethylene glycol, H + ), followed by reduction of the amide to the amine using LiAlH 4 and subsequent deprotection of the ketal gave (R,S)-[2,3- 13 C 2 ]-1-(1'-methyl-2'-pyrrolidinyl)propan-2-one ((R,s)-[2', 3'- 13 C 2 ]Hygrine) (8) in 78% yield. (61% overall yield from ethyl [3,4- 13 C 2 ]acetoacetate). (Author)

  15. 3-Methyl-1-(prop-2-en-1-ylquinoxalin-2(1H-one

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    Youssef Ramli


    Full Text Available In the molecule of the title compound, C12H12N2O, the quinoxaline ring is planar with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.007 (15 Å. The dihedral angle between the quinoxaline and propenyl planes is 82.1 (2°. The crystal packing is stabilized by offset π–π stacking between the quinoxaline rings [centroid–centroid distance = 3.8832 (9 Å].

  16. 1-(4-Bromobenzoyl-2-phenylpyrrolidine-2-carboxamide

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    Vahan Martirosyan


    Full Text Available In the title compound, C18H17BrN2O2, which is a potential human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, the pyrrolidine ring exhibits an envelope conformation. In the crystal structure, intermolecular N—H...O hydrogen bonds [N...O = 2.861 (3 Å] link the molecules into centrosymmetric dimers.

  17. Toxicology, occurrence and risk characterisation of the chloropropanols in food: 2-monochloro-1,3-propanediol, 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol and 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol. (United States)

    Andres, Susanne; Appel, Klaus E; Lampen, Alfonso


    Great attention has been paid to chloropropanols like 3-monochloro-1,2-propanediol and the related substance glycidol due to their presence in food and concerns about their toxic potential as carcinogens. The other chloropropanols 2-monochloro-1,3-propanediol, 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol and 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol have been found in certain foods, but occurrence data are generally limited for these compounds. 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol has the most toxicological relevance showing clear carcinogenic effects in rats possibly via a genotoxic mechanism. The dietary exposure to 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol is quite low. Calculated "Margins of Exposure" values are above 10,000. It is concluded that the 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol exposure is of low concern for human health. The toxicology of 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol has not been adequately investigated. Its toxicological potential regarding hepatotoxic effects seems to be lower than that of 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol. Limited data show that 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol occurs only in trace amounts in food, indicating that exposure to 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol seems to be also of low concern for human health. The dietary 2-monochloro-1,3-propanediol burden appears to be lower than that of 3-monochloro-1,2-propanediol. An adequate risk assessment for 2-monochloro-1,3-propanediol cannot be performed due to limited data on the toxicology and occurrence in food. This article reviews the relevant information about the toxicology, occurrence and dietary exposure to the chloropropanols 2-monochloro-1,3-propanediol, 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol and 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. 1-(1-Hydroxy-9H-carbazol-2-yl-3-methylbut-2-en-1-one

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthias Zeller


    Full Text Available The title compound, C17H15NO2, was prepared as one of two products of the AlCl3/POCl3-catalysed reaction of 9-carbazol-1-ol with 3,3-dimethyacrylic acid. It crystallizes with two crystallographically independent molecules, A and B, which are virtually superimposable but not related by any translational or other pseudosymmetry. Both independent molecules are almost planar [r.m.s. deviations from planarity = 0.053 (1 and 0.079 (1 Å in A and B, respectively] and contain an intramolecular O—H...O hydrogen bond. Each type of molecules is connected via pairs of N—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming centrosymmetric A2 and B2 dimers which are, in turn, arranged in offset π-stacks extending along the a-axis direction. The offset of the dimers and the tilt angle of the molecules allows the formation of alternating C—H...π interactions between A and B molecules of parallel stacks.

  19. C1-2 arthrography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chevrot, A [Service de Radiologie B, Hopital Cochin, 75 - Paris (France); Cermakova, E [Service de Radiologie B, Hopital Cochin, 75 - Paris (France); Vallee, C [Service de Radiologie B, Hopital Cochin, 75 - Paris (France); Chancelier, M D [Service de Radiologie B, Hopital Cochin, 75 - Paris (France); Chemla, N [Service de Radiologie B, Hopital Cochin, 75 - Paris (France); Rousselin, B [Service de Radiologie B, Hopital Cochin, 75 - Paris (France); Langer-Cherbit, A [Service de Radiologie B, Hopital Cochin, 75 - Paris (France)


    One hundred patients with the following conditions were studied: cervical pain or neuralgia without radiographic changes, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylarthritis and diverse conditions. The technique consists of lateral puncture of the posterior aspect of the C1-2 joint with a 20-gauge needle under fluoroscopic control, arthrography using 1 ml contrast medium, and a 1-ml long-acting steroid injection subsequently. The articular cavity has an anterior and a posterior recess. Sometimes the posterior recess is large. In 18% of cases the contralateral joint also opacifies. C1-2 arthrography appears to be an efficient and safe technique for the treatment of upper cervical pain due to C1-2 articular disorders. (orig.)

  20. C1-2 arthrography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chevrot, A.; Cermakova, E.; Vallee, C.; Chancelier, M.D.; Chemla, N.; Rousselin, B.; Langer-Cherbit, A.


    One hundred patients with the following conditions were studied: cervical pain or neuralgia without radiographic changes, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylarthritis and diverse conditions. The technique consists of lateral puncture of the posterior aspect of the C1-2 joint with a 20-gauge needle under fluoroscopic control, arthrography using 1 ml contrast medium, and a 1-ml long-acting steroid injection subsequently. The articular cavity has an anterior and a posterior recess. Sometimes the posterior recess is large. In 18% of cases the contralateral joint also opacifies. C1-2 arthrography appears to be an efficient and safe technique for the treatment of upper cervical pain due to C1-2 articular disorders. (orig.)

  1. Solid solutions on the base of CuCr2Se4 and CUsUb(1/2)Insub(1/2)Crsub(2)Sesub(4)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smirnov, S.G.; Rozantsev, A.V.; Kesler, Ya.A.; Gordeev, I.V.; Tret'yakov, Yu.D.


    The CuCr 2 Se 4 interaction with Cusub(1/2)Insub(1/2)Crsub(2)Sesub(4) for determining the fields of solid solutions existence and studying their crystallochemical properties is investigated. Solid solutions of the (1-x)Cusub(1/2)Insub(1/2)Crsub(2)Sesub(4)xxCuCrsub(2)Sesub(4) are prepared, two limited regions of solid solutions of spinel type at 0 <= x <= 0.2 and 0.8 <= x <= 1 are determined. X-ray radiography investigation of synthesized solid solutions is carried out. It has been found that at 0 <= x <= 0.2 solid solutions are crystallized in the ordered spinel structure F anti 43m

  2. Sigma-1 receptor agonists directly inhibit Nav1.2/1.4 channels.

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    Xiao-Fei Gao

    Full Text Available (+-SKF 10047 (N-allyl-normetazocine is a prototypic and specific sigma-1 receptor agonist that has been used extensively to study the function of sigma-1 receptors. (+-SKF 10047 inhibits K(+, Na(+ and Ca2+ channels via sigma-1 receptor activation. We found that (+-SKF 10047 inhibited Na(V1.2 and Na(V1.4 channels independently of sigma-1 receptor activation. (+-SKF 10047 equally inhibited Na(V1.2/1.4 channel currents in HEK293T cells with abundant sigma-1 receptor expression and in COS-7 cells, which barely express sigma-1 receptors. The sigma-1 receptor antagonists BD 1063,BD 1047 and NE-100 did not block the inhibitory effects of (+-SKF-10047. Blocking of the PKA, PKC and G-protein pathways did not affect (+-SKF 10047 inhibition of Na(V1.2 channel currents. The sigma-1 receptor agonists Dextromethorphan (DM and 1,3-di-o-tolyl-guanidine (DTG also inhibited Na(V1.2 currents through a sigma-1 receptor-independent pathway. The (+-SKF 10047 inhibition of Na(V1.2 currents was use- and frequency-dependent. Point mutations demonstrated the importance of Phe(1764 and Tyr(1771 in the IV-segment 6 domain of the Na(V1.2 channel and Phe(1579 in the Na(V1.4 channel for (+-SKF 10047 inhibition. In conclusion, our results suggest that sigma-1 receptor agonists directly inhibit Na(V1.2/1.4 channels and that these interactions should be given special attention for future sigma-1 receptor function studies.

  3. [Hydrogen bis(1,2,4-triazole] 1,2,4-triazolium bis(3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate 1,2,4-triazole disolvate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ming-qiang Qiu


    Full Text Available The title compound, C2H4N3+·[H(C2H3N32]+·2C7H5O6S−·2C2H3N3, consists of two types of 1,2,4-triazole monocation, one protonated at the 2-site lying across a twofold axis and the other protonated at the 4-site with the H atom disordered over a center of symmetry, a 5-sulfosalicylate anion and a neutral 1,2,4-triazole molecule. The component ions are linked into a three-dimensional network by a combination of N—H...O, N—H...N, O—H...O, O—H...N, C—H...O and C—H...N hydrogen bonds. In addition, benzene–benzene π–π interactions of 3.942 (2 Å [interplanar spacing = 3.390 (2 Å] and C—O...π (3.331 Å interactions are observed.

  4. N=1,2 supergravities in 2+1 dimensions as Chern-Simons theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Miao.


    In this letter we report the results on the explanation of the Lagrangians of 2+1 supergravities as graded Chern-Simons terms, which are derived from inspiration of Witten's recent work on exact solvability of 2+1 Einstein gravity. Further implications will be considered elsewhere. (author). 8 refs

  5. Crystal structures of 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octan-1-ium 4-nitrobenzoate dihydrate and 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane-1,4-diium bis(4-nitrobenzoate: the influence of solvent upon the stoichiometry of the formed salt

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    Aina Mardia Akhmad Aznan


    Full Text Available The 1:1 co-crystallization of 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO with 4-nitrobenzoic acid in ethanol–water (3/1 gave the salt dihydrate C6H13N2+·C7H4NO4−·2H2O, (1, whereas from methanol, the salt C6H14N22+·2C7H4NO4−, (2, was isolated. In (1, the cation and anion are linked by a strong N—H...O hydrogen bond, and the carboxylate anion is close to planar [dihedral angle between terminal residues = 6.83 (9°]. In (2, a three-ion aggregate is assembled by two N—H...O hydrogen bonds, and the carboxylate anions are again close to planar [dihedral angles between terminal residues = 1.7 (3 and 5.9 (3°]. Through the intervention of solvent water molecules, which self-assemble into helical supramolecular chains along the b axis, the three-dimensional architecture in (1 is stabilized by water–DABCO O—H...N and water–carboxylate O—H...O hydrogen bonds, with additional stability afforded by C—H...O interactions. The global crystal structure comprises alternating layers of water molecules and ion pairs stacked along the c axis. In the crystal of (2, the three-ion aggregates are assembled into a three-dimensional architecture by a large number of methylene–carboxylate/nitro C—H...O interactions as well as π–π contacts between inversion-related benzene rings [inter-centroid distances = 3.5644 (16 and 3.6527 (16 Å]. The cations and anions assemble into alternating layers along the c axis.

  6. Bis(μ-2-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxybutanedioatobis[diaquamanganese(II]–1,2-bis(pyridin-4-ylethene–water (1/1/2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    In Hong Hwang


    Full Text Available The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Mn2(C6H6O72(H2O4]·C12H10N2·2H2O, contains half of the centrosymmetric Mn complex dimer, half of a 1,2-bis(pyridin-4-ylethene molecule, which lies across an inversion center, and one water molecule. Two citrate ligands bridge two MnII ions, and each MnII atom is coordinated by four O atoms from the citrate ligands (one from hydroxy and three from carboxylate groups and two water O atoms, forming a distorted octahedral environment. In the crystal, O—H...O and O—H...N hydrogen bonds link the centrosymmetric dimers and lattice water molecules into a three-dimensional structure which is further stabilized by intermolecular π–π interactions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.959 (2 Å]. Weak C—H...O hydrogen bonding interactions are also observed.

  7. Study of TiO2(1 1 0)-p(1x1), p(1x2) and p(1x3) surface structures by impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy (ICISS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asari, E.; Souda, R.


    The surface structure of TiO 2 (1 1 0)-p(1x1), p(1x2) and p(1x3) were studied using impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy (ICISS). We found that (i) the height of bridging oxygen for the p(1x1) is comparative to that of bulk structure, (ii) the p(1x2) surface has the added Ti 2 O 3 unit rows proposed by Onishi et al. and also the oxygen atoms rows between Ti 2 O 3 unit rows and (iii) the p(1x3) surface is constructed with the same added Ti 2 O 3 unit rows as that in the p(1x2) surface, but the bridging oxygen rows exist between the Ti 2 O 3 unit rows

  8. Involvement of IGF-1 and MEOX2 in PI3K/Akt1/2 and ERK1/2 pathways mediated proliferation and differentiation of perivascular adipocytes. (United States)

    Liu, Ping; Kong, Feng; Wang, Jue; Lu, Qinghua; Xu, Haijia; Qi, Tonggang; Meng, Juan


    Perivascular adipocyte (PVAC) proliferation and differentiation were closely involved in cardiovascular disease. We aimed to investigate whether phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways enhance PVAC functions activated by insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1) and suppressed by mesenchyme homeobox 2 (MEOX2). In this study, PVACs from primary culture were cultured and induced to differentiate. Cell viability assays demonstrated that IGF-1 promoted PVAC proliferation and differentiation. However MEOX2 counteracted these IGF-1-mediated actions. Flow Cytometry revealed that IGF-1 increased S phase cells and decreased apoptosis; however, MEOX2 decreased S phase cells, increased G0-G1 phase cells, and promoted apoptosis. During PVAC proliferation and differentiation, IGF-1 activated PI3K/Akt1/2 and ERK1/2 signaling pathways, upregulated the expression of these signaling proteins and FAS, and increased PVAC lipid content. In contrast, MEOX2 constrained the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and Akt1/2 protein, down-regulated these signaling molecules and FAS, and decreased PVAC lipid content. Instead, MEOX2 knockdown enhanced the ERK1/2 and Akt1/2 phosphorylation, augmented the expression of these signaling molecules and FAS, and increased PVAC lipid content. Our findings suggested that PI3K/Akt1/2 and ERK1/2 activation mediated by IGF-1 is essential for PVAC proliferation and differentiation, and MEOX2 is a promising therapeutic gene to intervene in the signaling pathways and inhibit PVAC functions. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Volatility study of [C1C1im][NTf2] and [C2C3im][NTf2] ionic liquids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rocha, Marisa A.A.; Ribeiro, Filipe M.S.; Schröder, Bernd; Coutinho, João A.P.; Santos, Luís M.N.B.F.


    Highlights: • Vapor pressures of [C 1 C 1 im][NTf 2 ] and [C 2 C 3 im][NTf 2 ] ionic liquids are reported. • [C 1 C 1 im][NTf 2 ] presents higher enthalpy and entropy of vaporization than expected. • The high volatility of [C 2 C 3 im][NTf 2 ] is a result from its asymmetric character. -- Abstract: Vapor pressures of 1,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, ([C 1 C 1 im][NTf 2 ]) and 1-ethyl-3-propylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, ([C 2 C 3 im][NTf 2 ]) ionic liquids were measured as a function of temperature using a Knudsen effusion apparatus combined with a quartz crystal microbalance. Enthalpies and entropies of vaporization were derived from the fitting of vapor pressure and temperature results to the Clarke and Glew equation. [C 1 C 1 im][NTf 2 ] presents a higher enthalpy and entropy of vaporization than the neighboring members of the series. The enthalpy of vaporization of [C 2 C 3 im][NTf 2 ] lies in between the asymmetric and symmetric ionic liquid series, reflecting a decrease in the electrostatic interactions due to a decrease of the charge accessibility between the ionic pairs when the methyl group is replaced by an ethyl group. The obtained higher volatility of [C 2 C 3 im][NTf 2 ] arises from its asymmetric character, leading to an higher entropic contribution that compensates the enthalpic penalty. The border conditions ([C 1 C 1 im][NTf 2 ], [C 2 C 1 im][NTf 2 ] and [C 2 C 2 im][NTf 2 ]), topology ([C 2 C 3 im][NTf 2 ]) and symmetry/asymmetry of the ILs effect were evaluated and rationalized based on a comparative analysis of the thermodynamic properties, enthalpies and entropies of vaporization

  10. Stable Sheave Moduli of Rank 2 with Chern Classes c 1 = -1; c2 = 2; c3 = 0 on Q3

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. D. Uvarov


    Full Text Available In this paper we consider the scheme MQ( 21; 2; 0 of stable torsion free sheaves of rank 2 with Chern classes c1 = -1, c2 = 2, c3 = 0 on a smooth 3-dimensional projective quadric Q. The manifold MQ(-1; 2 of moduli bundles of rank 2 with Chern classes c1 = -1, c2 = 2 on Q was studied by Ottaviani and Szurek in 1994. In 2007 the author described the closure MQ (-1; 2 in the scheme MQ(21; 2; 0. In this paper we prove that in MQ(21; 2; 0 there exists a unique irreducible component diferent from MQ (¡1; 2 which is a rational variety of dimension 10.

  11. Perception of risk and benefit in patient-centered communication and care


    Hakim, Amin


    Amin HakimHealthcare Consulting, Staten Island, NY, USAAbstract: There has been an increase in the adoption of patient-centered communication and accountable care that has generated greater interest in understanding patient perception of risk and benefit (PPRB). Patients find complex medical information hard to understand, resulting in inaccurate conclusions. Health behavior models describe the processes that individuals use to arrive at decisions concerning their own care. Studies have shown...

  12. Analisis Pemasaran Ayam Ras Pedaging di Pasar Tradisional Kota Medan


    Fachri, Yusrizal


    130306044 YUSRIZAL FACHRI, 2017. “Analisis Pemasaran Ayam Ras Pedaging di Pasar Tradisional Kota Medan”. Dibimbing oleh ARMYN HAKIM DAULAY dan NEVY DIANA HANAFI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik lembaga pemasaran, bentuk saluran, fungsi pemasaran, dan menganalisis nilai tambah di lembaga-lembaga pemasaran ayam ras pedaging di pasar tradisional Kota Medan pada April sampai Mei 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang didapatkan dari observasi dan waw...

  13. (2E-1-(3-Chlorophenyl-3-(4-chlorophenylprop-2-en-1-one

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jerry P. Jasinski


    Full Text Available The title compound, C15H10Cl2O, is a chalcone with 3-chlorophenyl and 4-chlorophenyl substituents bonded at the opposite ends of a propenone group, the biologically active region. The dihedral angle between mean planes of these two chloro-substituted benzene rings is 46.7 (7° compared to 46.0 (1 and 32.4 (1° in similar published sructures. The angles between the mean plane of the prop-2-en-1-one group and the mean planes of the 3-chlorophenyl and 4-chlorophenyl rings are 24.1 (2 and 29.63°, respectively. While no classical hydrogen bonds are present, weak intermolecular C—H...π-ring interactions are observed, which contribute to the stability of crystal packing.

  14. MERRA 2D IAU Diagnostic, Land Only States and Diagnostics, Time Average 1-hourly (2/3x1/2L1) V5.2.0 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The MAT1NXLND or tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx data product is the MERRA Data Assimilation System 2-Dimensional land surface diagnostic that is time averaged single-level at the...

  15. 2-[(1-Benzamido-2-methoxy-2-oxoethylamino]benzoic Acid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alami Anouar


    Full Text Available The carboxylic α,α-diaminoester 2-[(1-benzamido-2-methoxy-2-oxoethyl amino]benzoic acid is obtained by N-alkylation of methyl α-azido glycinate N-benzoylated with 2-aminobenzoic acid.

  16. Biodegradation of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) by using Serratia marcescens NCIM 2919. (United States)

    Grewal, Jasneet; Bhattacharya, Amrik; Kumar, Sumit; Singh, Dileep K; Khare, Sunil K


    A solvent tolerant bacterium Serratia marcescens NCIM 2919 has been evaluated for degradation of DDT (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane). The bacterium was able to degrade up to 42% of initial 50 mg L -1 of DDT within 10 days of incubation. The highlight of the work was the elucidation of DDT degradation pathway in S. marcescens. A total of four intermediates metabolites viz. 2,2-bis (chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethane (DDD), 2,2-bis (chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethylene (DDE), 2,2-bis (chlorophenyl)-1-chloroethylene (DDMU), and 4-chlorobenzoic acid (4-CBA) were identified by GC-Mass and FTIR. 4-CBA was found to be the stable product of DDT degradation. Metabolites preceding 4-CBA were not toxic to strain as reveled through luxuriant growth in presence of varying concentrations of exogenous DDD and DDE. However, 4-CBA was observed to inhibit the growth of bacterium. The DDT degrading efficiency of S. marcescens NCIM 2919 hence could be used in combination with 4-CBA utilizing strains either as binary culture or consortia for mineralization of DDT. Application of S. marcescens NCIM 2919 to DDT contaminated soil, showed 74.7% reduction of initial 12.0 mg kg -1 of DDT after 18-days of treatment.

  17. Fluorine Substituted 1,2,4-Triazinones as Potential Anti-HIV-1 and CDK2 Inhibitors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammed S. I. Makki


    Full Text Available Fluorine substituted 1,2,4-triazinones have been synthesized via alkylation, amination, and/or oxidation of 6-(2-amino-5-fluorophenyl-3-thioxo-3,4-dihydro-1,2,4-triazin-5(2H-one 1 and 4-fluoro-N-(4-fluoro-2-(5-oxo-3-thioxo-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1,2,4-triazin-6-ylphenylbenzamide 5 as possible anti-HIV-1 and CDK2 inhibitors. Alkylation on positions 2 and 4 in 1,2,4-triazinone gave compounds 6–8. Further modification was performed by selective alkylation and amination on position 3 to form compounds 9–15. However oxidation of 5 yielded compounds 16–18. Structures of the target compounds have been established by spectral analysis data. Five compounds (5, 11, 14, 16, and 17 have shown very good anti-HIV activity in MT-4 cells. Similarly, five compounds (1, 3, and 14–16 have exhibited very significant CDK2 inhibition activity. Compounds 14 and 16 were found to have dual anti-HIV and anticancer activities.

  18. Structure of intruder band in "1"1"9"-"1"2"9Xe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, H.P.; Chakraborty, S.; Tiwary, S.S.


    Xe isotopes in A∼130 mass region are known for their variety of structural phenomena, such as, unexpected signature splitting, signature inversion, γ-vibration etc. These phenomena are associated to axialy asymmetric shape. The triaxial shape in Xe nuclei are expected to originate due to the availability of prolate driving low-Ω πh_1_1_/_2 orbital and oblate driving high-Ω νh11/2 orbital near Fermi surface. The observed experimental E (4"+)/E (2"+) value (∼2.5) also support the γ-soft nature of these nuclei. Interestingly, both proton and neutron alignments have been observed in νh_1_1_/_2 band in "1"1"9"-"1"2"5Xe and neutron alignment dominates. In "1"2"9Xe, proton alignment reported to dominate. It is also supported by TPRM calculations, although, there are no significant change in the neutron orbitals. Whether this change in the alignment is occurred at N=75 or 73 is not known. Therefore, it is interesting to understand the status of the neutron and proton alignment in "1"2"7Xe, which are not studied well. Hence, in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of "1"2"7Xe was carried out using "1"2"2Sn("9Be, 4nγ) fusion-evaporation reaction at 48 MeV using INGA facility at Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. Details of the analysis and results will be discussed during the conference. (author)

  19. 1,2-bridged quadricyclanes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hart, H.; Cheng-Tai Peng


    The readily available benzodihydropentalene 6 and dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate react to give norbornadiene diester 8, with a three-carbon bridge from C 1 to C 2 . Irradiation of 8 gives the corresponding C 1 -C 2 bridged quadricyclane diester 9, a new ring system. Diester 9 is quite stable, reverting to 8 with a tsub(1/2) of 30 min at 170 0 C. The corresponding diacid 11, also prepared, reverts to its norbornadiene precursor at a considerably lower temperature, possibly as a consequence of acid catalysis. (author)

  20. DOE-2 supplement: Version 2.1E

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Winkelmann, F.C.; Birdsall, B.E.; Buhl, W.F.; Ellington, K.L.; Erdem, A.E. [Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (United States); Hirsch, J.J.; Gates, S. [Hirsch (James J.) and Associates, Camarillo, CA (United States)


    This publication updates the DOE-2 Supplement form version 2.1D to version to 2.1E. It contains detailed discussions and instructions for using the features and enhancements introduced into the 2.1B, 2.1C, 2.1D, and 2.1E versions of the program. The building description section contains information on input functions in loads and systems, hourly report frequencies, saving files of hourly output for post processing, sharing hourly report data among program modules, the metric option, and input macros and general library features. The loads section contains information on sunspaces, sunspace modeling, window management and solar radiation, daylighting, trombe walls, fixed shades, fins and overhangs, shade schedules, self shades, heat distribution from lights, the Sherman-Grimsrud infiltrations method. terrain and height modification to wind speed, floor multipliers and interior wall types, improved exterior infrared radiation loss calculation, improved outside air film conductance calculation, window library, window frames, and switchable glazing. The systems section contains information on energy end use and meters, powered induction units, a packaged variable volume -- variable temperature system, a residential variable volume -- variable temperature system, air source heat pump enhancements, water loop heat pump enhancements, variable speed electric heat pump, gas heat pumps, hot water heaters, evaporative cooling, total gas solid-desiccant systems, add on desiccant cooling, water cooled condensers, evaporative precoolers outside air economizer control, optimum fan start, heat recovery from refrigerated case work, night ventilation, baseboard heating, moisture balance calculations, a residential natural ventilation algorithm, improved cooling coil model, system sizing and independent cooling and heating sizing ratios. The plant section contains information on energy meters, gas fired absorption chillers, engine driven compressor chillers, and ice energy storage.

  1. Synthesis of 9H-Indeno [1, 2-b] Pyrazine and 11H-Indeno [1, 2-b ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Synthesis of 9H-Indeno [1, 2-b] Pyrazine and. 11H-Indeno [1, 2-b] Quinoxaline Derivatives in. One-step Reaction from 2-Bromo-4-chloro-1-indanone. S. Jasouri1,2, J. Khalafy1,*, M. Badali2 and R.H. Prager3. 1Department of Chemistry, Urmia University, Urmia 57154, Iran. 2Daana Pharmaceutical Co., P.O. Box 5181, Tabriz ...

  2. Critical role of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 2 (S1PR2) in acute vascular inflammation. (United States)

    Zhang, Guoqi; Yang, Li; Kim, Gab Seok; Ryan, Kieran; Lu, Shulin; O'Donnell, Rebekah K; Spokes, Katherine; Shapiro, Nathan; Aird, William C; Kluk, Michael J; Yano, Kiichiro; Sanchez, Teresa


    The endothelium, as the interface between blood and all tissues, plays a critical role in inflammation. Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a bioactive sphingolipid, highly abundant in plasma, that potently regulates endothelial responses through interaction with its receptors (S1PRs). Here, we studied the role of S1PR2 in the regulation of the proadhesion and proinflammatory phenotype of the endothelium. By using genetic approaches and a S1PR2-specific antagonist (JTE013), we found that S1PR2 plays a key role in the permeability and inflammatory responses of the vascular endothelium during endotoxemia. Experiments with bone marrow chimeras (S1pr2(+/+) → S1pr2(+/+), S1pr2(+/+) → S1pr2(-/-), and S1pr2(-/-) → S1pr2(+/+)) indicate the critical role of S1PR2 in the stromal compartment, in the regulation of vascular permeability and vascular inflammation. In vitro, JTE013 potently inhibited tumor necrosis factor α-induced endothelial inflammation. Finally, we provide detailed mechanisms on the downstream signaling of S1PR2 in vascular inflammation that include the activation of the stress-activated protein kinase pathway that, together with the Rho-kinase nuclear factor kappa B pathway (NF-kB), are required for S1PR2-mediated endothelial inflammatory responses. Taken together, our data indicate that S1PR2 is a key regulator of the proinflammatory phenotype of the endothelium and identify S1PR2 as a novel therapeutic target for vascular disorders.

  3. 49 CFR 173.115 - Class 2, Divisions 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3-Definitions. (United States)


    ... substances of Class 8, PG I are forbidden from transportation in an aerosol container. (7) Flammable... 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3—Definitions. (a) Division 2.1 (Flammable gas). For the purpose of this subchapter, a flammable gas (Division 2.1) means any material which is a gas at 20 °C (68 °F) or less and 101.3...

  4. Crystal structure of 1-(2,4-dimethylphenyl-2-(4-trimethylsilyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-ylethanone

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. B. Venkatesh


    Full Text Available The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C15H21N3OSi, contains two molecules with similar conformations (r.m.s. overlay fit for the 20 non-H atoms = 0.163 Å. The dihedral angles between the planes of the 1,2,3-triazole and 2,4-dimethylbenzene rings are 27.0 (3 and 19.5 (3°. In the crystal, molecules are linked by very weak C—H...O and C—H...N hydrogen bonds to generate [100] chains. The chains are cross-linked by C—H...π interactions.

  5. Synthesis of 6-Substituted 2-Pyrones Starting from Renewable Resources: Total Synthesis of Sibirinone, (E)-6-(Pent-1-en-1-yl)-2H-pyran-2-one, and (E)-6-(Hept-1-en-1-yl)-2H-pyran-2-one. (United States)

    Dobler, Daniel; Reiser, Oliver


    An atom-economic reaction sequence to 6-substituted 2-pyrones was developed starting from furfuryl alcohol, a renewable resource made from bran or bagasse, and aldehydes, utilizing a thermal rearrangement of cyclopentadienone epoxides as key step. Derivatives bearing a hydroxyalkyl side chain could be enzymatically resolved, providing access to enantiomerically pure 2-pyrones, or converted to alkenyl-substituted 2-pyrones such as naturally occurring sibirinone, (E)-6-(pent-1-en-1-yl)-2H-pyran-2-one, and (E)-6-(hept-1-en-1-yl)-2H-pyran-2-one.

  6. Analogues of the muscarinic agent 2'-methylspiro[1-azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane-3,4'-[1,3]dioxolane]: synthesis and pharmacology. (United States)

    Nordvall, G; Sundquist, S; Glas, G; Gogoll, A; Nilvebrant, L; Hacksell, U


    A number of tetrahydrofuran analogues of 2'-methylspiro[1-azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane-3,4'-[1,3]dioxolane] (1) have been prepared with the aim to obtain information about the relative importance of each of the oxygens in 1 for efficacy and for selectivity. In addition, the dimethyl and desmethyl analogues of 1 were prepared. The new compounds were compared to cis- and trans-1 with regard to their ability to displace (-)-[3H]-3-quinuclidinyl benzilate ((-)-[3H]QNB) from muscarinic receptors in cerebral cortex, heart, parotid gland, and urinary bladder from guinea pigs. Functional studies were made on isolated guinea pig bladder and ileum. The new compounds exhibited both lower affinity and efficacy than cis-1. A conformational study was performed, and the effects of steric and electronic factors on the biological activity of the compounds are discussed.

  7. Atmospheric chemistry of n-CxF2x+1CHO (x = 1, 2, 3, 4)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hurley, M. D.; Ball, J. C.; Wallington, T. J.


    Smog chamber/FTIR techniques were used to study the atmospheric fate of n-C(x)F(2)(x)(+1)C(O) (x = 1, 2, 3, 4) radicals in 700 Torr O(2)/N(2) diluent at 298 +/- 3 K. A competition is observed between reaction with O(2) to form n-C(x)()F(2)(x)()(+1)C(O)O(2) radicals and decomposition to form n-C(x...... to the atmospheric chemistry of n-C(x)F(2)(x)(+1)C(O) radicals and their possible role in contributing to the formation of perfluorocarboxylic acids in the environment....

  8. sl(2)-1/2 and the triplet model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ridout, David


    Conformal field theories with sl(2) -1/2 symmetry are studied with a view to investigating logarithmic structures. Applying the parafermionic coset construction to the non-logarithmic theory, a part of the structure of the triplet model is uncovered. In particular, the coset theory is shown to admit the triplet W-algebra as a chiral algebra. This motivates the introduction of an augmented sl(2) -1/2 -theory for which the corresponding coset theory is precisely the triplet model. This augmentation is envisaged to lead to a precise characterisation of the 'logarithmic lift' of the non-logarithmic sl(2) -1/2 -theory that has been proposed by Lesage et al.

  9. Polarity driven morphology of CeO2(1 0 0) islands on Cu(1 1 1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stetsovych, O.; Beran, J.; Dvořák, F.; Mašek, K.; Mysliveček, J.; Matolín, V.


    Thin ceria films supported by metal substrates represent important model systems for reactivity studies in heterogeneous catalysis. Here we report the growth study of the polar CeO 2 (1 0 0) phase as part of a mixed CeO 2 (1 1 1)–CeO 2 (1 0 0) thin film supported by Cu(1 1 1). The two ceria phases grow on different areas of the substrate, what allows a reliable growth characterization of the CeO 2 (1 0 0) islands on Cu(1 1 1). Scanning tunneling microscopy measurements reveal CeO 2 (1 0 0) to grow in the form of highly dispersed three dimensional (3D) islands on a CeO 2 (1 0 0) interfacial layer. The CeO 2 (1 0 0) islands exhibit a 2 × 2 surface reconstruction. The presence of the surface reconstruction together with the highly dispersed growth of CeO 2 (1 0 0) islands corresponds to the requirement for compensation of the surface dipole moment on the CeO 2 (1 0 0). CeO 2 (1 0 0) islands are further characterized by reflection high energy electron diffraction yielding their epitaxial relations with respect to the Cu(1 1 1) substrate. The growth of well characterized CeO 2 (1 0 0) islands supported by Cu(1 1 1) represents a starting point for developing a novel template for structure-related reactivity studies of ceria based model catalysts.

  10. N-(5-Benzylsulfanyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl-2-(piperidin-1-ylacetamide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. S. Ismailova


    Full Text Available The title compound, C16H20N4OS2, was synthesized by the reaction of 2-benzylsulfanyl-5-chloroacetamido-1,3,4-thiadiazole and piperidine in a 1:2 ratio. The planes of the acetamide and 1,3,4-thiadiazole units are twisted by 10.8 (4°. The thiadiazole S atom and the acetamide O atom are syn-oriented due to a hypervalent S...O interaction of 2.628 (4 Å. In the crystal, molecules form centrosymmetric dimers via N—H...N hydrogen bonds. These dimers are further connected by C—H...O interactions into (100 layers.

  11. 75 FR 38589 - Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Venice: Canaletto and His... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice: 7072] Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: ``Venice: Canaletto and His Rivals'' SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of the following... exhibition ``Venice: Canaletto and His Rivals,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the...

  12. Amateuring in Music and Its Rivals (United States)

    Regelski, Thomas A.


    With its focus on reason and science, the 18th century began a history of increased specialization. As a result, professional degrees and certificates eventually came to define and control practices that had once been the domains of amateurs. By the end of the 19th century, many practices of lay enthusiasts had been pushed aside; where they were…

  13. Kekava taken over by rival producer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Valdavalt vene päritolu Läti ärimeestele kuuluv haldusfirma Kopfonds ostis enamusosaluse Läti juhtivas kanalihatoodete tootjafirmas Putnu Fabrika Kekava. Kopfondsile kuulub ka Kekava senine konkurent Lielzeltini

  14. When teammates are viewed as rivals: a cross-national investigation of achievement goals and intrateam moral behavior. (United States)

    Boardley, Ian D; Jackson, Ben


    This research aimed to (a) determine whether mastery and intrateam performance achievement goals predicted prosocial and antisocial teammate behavior, (b) explore whether effects of intrateam performance goals were mediated by moral disengagement, and (c) examine whether any effects (Study 2 only) were moderated by cohesion. In Study 1, team athletes (N = 282) from Australia completed questionnaires assessing the aforementioned variables. Structural equation modeling indicated that prosocial teammate behavior was positively predicted by mastery approach goals, and negatively predicted by mastery- and intrateam performance avoidance goals, whereas antisocial teammate behavior was positively predicted by intrateam performance-approach and -avoidance goals; these latter effects were mediated by moral disengagement. In Study 2, team athletes (N = 452) from the United Kingdom completed a measure of cohesion in addition to the Study 1 instruments; the analyses largely confirmed the Study 1 findings. However, the undesirable effect of mastery-avoidance goals on prosocial behavior seen in Study 1 was only apparent in Study 2 when individuals held strong perceptions of team cohesion. In sum, this investigation makes a novel contribution to the literature on team functioning in sport, being the first to explore how athletes' normative goals relative to their teammates might shape effective interaction processes.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haniah Ilhami


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to identify the interpretation of syiqaq as a legal reason in divorce lawsuit and its procedural law implemented by the Religious Courts in Yogyakarta. This is an empirical normative research, using the literature research method and field research through Focus Group Discussion (FGD. This research found that syiqaq is interpreted as a specific form of an endless quarrelling which caused danger for either husband or wife. In practice, judges combine procedural law in divorce lawsuit based on syiqaq into the procedural law in other legal reason. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interpretasi syiqaqsebagai alasan gugatan cerai oleh hakim dan praktek hukum acara penyelesaian perkara perceraian dengan alasan syiqaqyang diterapkan pada Pengadilan Agama di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif empiris, menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan melalui kegiatan Focus Group Discussion (FGD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa syiqaqdiinterpretasikan sebagai perselisihan dan percekcokan antara suami istri yang telah menimbulkan bahaya mengancam baik pada para pihak. Dalam prakteknya, hakim menggabungkan proses acara penyelesaian perkara perceraian dengan menggunakan alasan syiqaqke dalam proses beracara untuk perkara yang menggunakan alasan perselisihan terus menerus.

  16. Tetrel, Chalcogen, and Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonds in 2-((2-Carboxy-1-(substituted-2-hydroxyethylthio Pyridin-1-ium Chlorides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Firudin I. Guseinov


    Full Text Available Reaction of 2-chloro-2-(diethoxymethyl-3-substitutedoxirane or 1-chloro-1-(substituted -3,3-diethoxypropan-2-one with pyridine-2-thiol in EtOH at 25 °C yields 3-(diethoxymethyl-3-hydroxy-2-substituted-2,3-dihydrothiazolo[3,2-a]pyridin-4-ium chlorides, which subsequently, in MeCN at 85°C, transforms into ring-opening products, 2-((2-carboxy-1-(substituted -2-hydroxyethylthiopyridin-1-ium chlorides. The tetrel (C···O and chalcogen (S···O bonds are found in the structures of 5 and 6, respectively. Compound 6 is also present in halogen bonding with a short O···Cl distance (3.067 Å. Both molecules are stabilized in crystal by tetrel, chalcogen, and multiple charge-assisted hydrogen bonds.

  17. 2-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl-N-(1,5-dimethyl-3-oxo-2-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-4-ylacetamide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. Narayana


    Full Text Available In the crystal structure of the title compound, C19H17Cl2N3O2, the molecules form dimers of the R22(10 type through N—H...O hydrogen bonding. As a result of steric repulsion, the amide group is rotated with respect to both the dichlorophenyl and 2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-4-yl rings, making dihedral angles of 80.70 (13 and 64.82 (12°, respectively. The dihedral angle between the dichlorophenyl and 2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-4-yl rings is 48.45 (5° while that between the 2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-4-yl and phenyl rings is 56.33 (6°.

  18. (1R,2R,3R,4R,5S-2,3-Bis[(2S′-2-acetoxy-2-phenylacetoxy]-4-azido-1-[(2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazonomethyl]bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert McDonald


    Full Text Available In the title compound, C38H29N7O12, the five-membered ring adopts an envelope conformation in which the `flap' is cis to the cyclopropane group. This conformation is similar to those of other bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane analogues for which crystal structures have been reported. The absolute configuration of the stereogenic centers on the cyclopentane ring, as determined by comparison with the known configurations of the stereogenic centers in the (2S-2-acetoxy-2-phenylacetoxy groups, is 1(R, 2(R, 3(R, 4(R and 5(S. An intramolecular N—H...O hydrogen bond is present.

  19. Emissions in potassium vapour under 4S1/2-7S1/2 two-photon nsec excitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pentaris, D.; Chatzikyriakos, G.; Armyras, A.; Efthimiopoulos, T.


    The two-photon excitation of 4S 1/2 -7S 1/2 transition of potassium atoms is studied. Several coherent emissions and processes are possible, such as parametric four-wave (PFWM), parametric six-wave (PSWM) mixing and competition with the stimulated hyper Raman (SHRS) and the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE). The radiations at the transitions 6P 3/2,1/2 -4S 1/2 , 6S 1/2 -4P 3/2,1/2 and 5P 3/2,1/2 -4S 1/2 are emitted only in the forward direction (indicating a parametric process), while the radiation at the transition 4P 3/2,1/2 -4S 1/2 is emitted in the forward and in the backward direction, indicating an ASE process.

  20. Excess molar volumes and viscosities of (1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane + 1-alkanols) at T = (293.15 and 303.15) K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Hayan, M.N.M.; Abdul-latif, Abdul-Haq M.


    Density and viscosity measurements for binary mixtures of (1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane + 1-pentanol, or + 1-hexanol, or + 1-heptanol, or + 1-octanol, or + 1-decanol) at T = (293.15 and 303.15) K, have been conducted at atmospheric pressure. The excess molar volumes V E , have been calculated from the experimental measurements, and the results were fitted to Redlich-Kister equation. The viscosity data were correlated with the model of Grunberg and Nissan, and McAllister four-body model. The excess molar volumes of (1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane + 1-pentanol, or + 1-haxanol, or + 1-heptanol, or + 1-octanol) had a sigmoidal shape and the values varied from negative to positive with the increase in the molar fraction of 1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane. The remaining binary mixture of (1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane + 1-decanol) was positive over the entire composition range. The effects of the 1-alkanol chain length as well as the temperature on the excess molar volume have been studied. The results have been qualitatively used to explain the molecular interaction between the components of these mixtures

  1. Crystal structure of 5-{4'-[(2-{2-[2-(2-ammonio-eth-oxy)eth-oxy]eth-oxy}eth-yl)carbamo-yl]-4-meth-oxy-[1,1'-biphen-yl]-3-yl}-3-oxo-1,2,5-thia-diazo-lidin-2-ide 1,1-dioxide: a potential inhibitor of the enzyme protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B). (United States)

    Ruddraraju, Kasi Viswanatharaju; Hillebrand, Roman; Barnes, Charles L; Gates, Kent S


    The title compound, C24H32N4O8S, (I), crystallizes as a zwitterion. The terminal amine N atom of the [(2-{2-[2-(2-ammonio-eth-oxy)eth-oxy]eth-oxy}eth-yl)carbamo-yl] side chain is protonated, while the 1,2,5-thia-diazo-lidin-3-one 1,1-dioxide N atom is deprotonated. The side chain is turned over on itself with an intra-molecular N-H⋯O hydrogen bond. The 1,2,5-thia-diazo-lidin-3-one 1,1-dioxide ring has an envelope conformation with the aryl-substituted N atom as the flap. Its mean plane is inclined by 62.87 (8)° to the aryl ring to which it is attached, while the aryl rings of the biphenyl unit are inclined to one another by 20.81 (8)°. In the crystal, mol-ecules are linked by N-H⋯O and N-H⋯N hydrogen bonds, forming slabs lying parallel to (010). Within the slabs there are C-H⋯O and C-H⋯N hydrogen bonds and C-H⋯π inter-actions present.

  2. X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y sex chromosome systems in the Neotropical Gymnotiformes electric fish of the genus Brachyhypopomus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adauto Lima Cardoso


    Full Text Available Several types of sex chromosome systems have been recorded among Gymnotiformes, including male and female heterogamety, simple and multiple sex chromosomes, and different mechanisms of origin and evolution. The X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y systems identified in three species of this order are considered homoplasic for the group. In the genus Brachyhypopomus, only B. gauderio presented this type of system. Herein we describe the karyotypes of Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus and B. n. sp. FLAV, which have an X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y sex chromosome system that evolved via fusion between an autosome and the Y chromosome. The morphology of the chromosomes and the meiotic pairing suggest that the sex chromosomes of B. gauderio and B. pinnicaudatus have a common origin, whereas in B . n. sp. FLAV the sex chromosome system evolved independently. However, we cannot discard the possibility of common origin followed by distinct processes of differentiation. The identification of two new karyotypes with an X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y sex chromosome system in Gymnotiformes makes it the most common among the karyotyped species of the group. Comparisons of these karyotypes and the evolutionary history of the taxa indicate independent origins for their sex chromosomes systems. The recurrent emergence of the X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y system may represent sex chromosomes turnover events in Gymnotiformes.

  3. Layered P2-Na 2/3 Co 1/2 Ti 1/2 O 2 as a high-performance cathode material for sodium-ion batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sabi, Noha; Doubaji, Siham; Hashimoto, Kazuki; Komaba, Shinichi; Amine, Khalil; Solhy, Abderrahim; Manoun, Bouchaib; Bilal, Essaid; Saadoune, Ismael


    Layered oxides are regarded as promising cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries. We present Na2/3Co1/2Ti1/2O2 as a potential new cathode material for sodium-ion batteries. The crystal features and morphology of the pristine powder were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The cathode material is evaluated in galvanostatic charge-discharge and galvanostatic intermittent titration tests, as well as ex-situ X-ray diffraction analysis. Synthesized by a high-temperature solid state reaction, Na2/3Co1/2Ti1/2O2 crystallizes in P2-type structure with P6(3)/mmc space group. The material presents reversible electrochemical behavior and delivers a specific discharge capacity of 100 mAh g(-1) when tested in Na half cells between 2.0 and 4.2 V (vs. Na+/Na), with capacity retention of 98% after 50 cycles. Furthermore, the electrochemical cycling of this titanium-containing material evidenced a reduction of the potential jumps recorded in the NaxCoO2 parent phase, revealing a positive impact of Ti substitution for Co. The ex-situ XRD measurements confirmed the reversibility and stability of the material. No structural changes were observed in the XRD patterns, and the P2-type structure was stable during the charge/discharge process between 2.0 and 4.2 V vs. Na+/Na. These outcomes will contribute to the progress of developing low cost electrode materials for sodium-ion batteries. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Non(anti)commutative N = (1,1/2) supersymmetric U(1) gauge theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araki, Takeo; Ito, Katsushi; Ohtsuka, Akihisa


    We study a reduction of deformation parameters in non(anti)commutative N = 2 harmonic superspace to those in non(anti)commutative N = 1 superspace. By this reduction we obtain the exact gauge and supersymmetry transformations in the Wess-Zumino gauge of non(anti)commutative N = 2 supersymmetric U(1) gauge theory defined in the deformed harmonic superspace. We also find that the action with the first order correction in the deformation parameter reduces to the one in the N = 1 superspace by some field redefinition. We construct deformed N = (1,1/2) supersymmetry in N = 2 supersymmetric U(1) gauge theory in non(anti)commutative N = 1 superspace

  5. Competición intrasexual en el trabajo : diferencias sexuales en celos y envidia en el trabajo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buunk, Abraham P.; Zurriaga, Rosario; Gonzalez, Pilar; Castro-Solano, Alejandro

    From an evolutionary perspective, this article deals with sex differences in jealousy and envy evoking rival characteristics in a work setting and their relationship with intra-sexual competition. The sample consisted of 114 employees from various professional fields The rivals evoked more jealousy

  6. Effect of sulfur dioxide inhalation on CYP2B1/2 and CYP2E1 in rat liver and lung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guohua Qin; Ziqiang Meng [Shanxi University, Taiyuan (China). Institute of Environmental Medicine and Toxicology


    Sulfur dioxide (SO{sub 2}) is a ubiquitous air pollutant, present in low concentrations in the urban air and in higher concentrations in the working environment. In this study, we investigated the effects of inhaled SO{sub 2} on the O-dealkylase of pentoxyresorufin (PROD) and p-nitrophenol hydroxylases (p-NP) activities and mRNA levels of CYP2B1/2 and CYP2E1 in the lung and liver of Wistar rats. Male Wistar rats were housed in exposure chambers and treated with 14.11 {+-}1.53, 28.36 {+-} 2.12, and 56.25 {+-} 4.28 mg /m{sup 3}SO{sub 2} for 6 h/day for 7 days, while control rats were exposed to filtered air in the same condition. The mRNAs of CYP2B1/2 and -2E1 were analyzed in livers and lungs by using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results showed that the PROD activities and mRNA of CYP2B1/2 were decreased in livers and lungs of rats exposed to SO{sub 2}. The p-NP activities and mRNA of CYP2E1 were decreased in lungs but not in livers of rats exposed to SO{sub 2}. Total liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 (CYP) contents were diminished in SO{sub 2} -exposed rats. These results lead to two conclusions: (1) SO{sub 2} exposure can suppress CYP2B1/2 and CYP2E1 in lungs and CYP2B1/2 in livers of rats, thus modifying the liver and lung toxication/detoxication potential, and (2) the total liver microsomal CYP contents were diminished, although the activity and mRNA expression of CYP2E1 in rat livers were not affected by SO{sub 2} exposure.

  7. On a directed variation of the 1-2-3 and 1-2 Conjectures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barme, Emma; Bensmail, Julien; Przybyło, Jakub


    In this paper, we consider the following question, which stands as a directed analogue of the well-known 1-2-3 Conjecture: Given any digraph D with no arc uv verifying d+(u) = d¯(v) = 1, is it possible to weight the arcs of D with weights among ⟨1; 2; 3⟩ so that, for every arc uv of D, the sum of...

  8. Identification of the 1s2s2p 4P5/2-->1s22s 2S1/2 magnetic quadrupole inner-shell satellite line in the Ar16+ K-shell x-ray spectrum (United States)

    Beiersdorfer, P.; Bitter, M.; Hey, D.; Reed, K. J.


    We have identified the dipole-forbidden 1s2s2p 4P5/2-->1s22s 2S1/2 transition in lithiumlike Ar15+ in high-resolution K-shell x-ray emission spectra recorded at the Livermore EBIT-II electron-beam ion trap and the Princeton National Spherical Tokamak Experiment. Unlike other Ar15+ satellite lines, which can be excited by dielectronic recombination, the line is exclusively excited by electron-impact excitation. Its predicted radiative rate is comparable to that of the well-known 1s2p 3P1-->1s2 1S0 magnetic quadrupole transition in heliumlike Ar16+. As a result, it can also only be observed in low-density plasma. We present calculations of the electron-impact excitation cross sections of the innershell excited Ar15+ satellite lines, including the magnetic sublevels needed for calculating the linear line polarization. We compare these calculations to the relative magnitudes of the observed 1s2s2p-->1s22s transitions and find good agreement, confirming the identification of the lithiumlike 1s2s2p 4P5/2-->1s22s 2S1/2 magnetic quadrupole line.

  9. Order-disorder reactions in the ferroelectric perovskites Pb(Sc/sub 1/2/Nb/sub 1/2/)O/sub 3/ and Pb(Sc/sub 1/2/Ta/sub 1/2/)O/sub 3/. 2. Relation between ordering and properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stenger, C G.F.; Burggraaf, A J [Technische Hogeschool Twente, Enschede (Netherlands)


    The ordering of the trivalent and pentavalent cations in the pervoskites Pb(Sc/sub 1/2/Nb/sub 1/2/)O/sub 3/ and Pb(Sc/sub 1/2/Ta/sub 1/2/)O/sub 3/ can be varied by suitable heat treatments. The degree as well as the kind of order strongly affects the character of the FE ..-->.. PE phase transition. A spatially homogeneous disorder leads to a diffuse phase transition whereas a hybrid crystal with a nonhomogeneous disorder shows a sequence of two FE ..-->.. PE transitions.

  10. Toronto's 2-1-1 healthcare services for immigrant populations. (United States)

    Cortinois, Andrea A; Glazier, Richard H; Caidi, Nadia; Andrews, Gavin; Herbert-Copley, Mary; Jadad, Alejandro R


    Although access to information on health services is particularly important for recent immigrants, numerous studies have shown that their use of information and referral services is limited. This study explores the role played by 2-1-1 Toronto in supporting recent immigrants. The study objectives were to (1) understand whether 2-1-1 Toronto is reaching and supporting recent immigrants and (2) gain a better appreciation of the information needs of this population group. A phone survey was conducted in 2005-2006 to collect information on 2-1-1 users' characteristics and levels of satisfaction. Survey data were compared (in 2006) with census data to assess their representativeness. To achieve Objective 2, semistructured qualitative interviews were conducted and analyzed in 2006-2007, with a subset of Spanish-speaking callers. Recent immigrants were overrepresented among 2-1-1 callers. However, the survey population was substantially younger and had higher levels of formal education than the general population. Health-related queries represented almost one third of the total. The survey showed very high levels of satisfaction with the service. Many interviewees described their first experiences with the Canadian healthcare system negatively. Most of them had relied on disjointed, low-quality information sources. They trusted 2-1-1 but had discovered it late. Results are mixed in terms of 2-1-1's support to immigrants. A significant percentage of users do not take full advantage of the service. The service could become the information "entry point" for recent immigrants if it was able to reach them early in the resettlement process. Proactive, community-oriented work and a more creative use of technology could help. Copyright © 2012 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. All rights reserved.

  11. Magnetism of Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4+δ (n = 1,2,3)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishida, T.; Koga, K.; Kanoda, K.; Takahashi, T.


    The normal-state dc susceptibility χ dc of the Bi 2 Sr 2 Ca n-1 Cu n O 2n+4+δ (n=1, 2, 3) pellet is of the order of +10 -7 emu/g. A large Curie-Weiss component is found in χ dc and the ESR spin susceptibility χ ESR of the pulverized 2201, 2212 and 2223 samples but it almost disappears by annealing. The relative magnitudes of χ ESR to χ dc for the annealed powders are dissimilar among the three phases: ESR of the 2201 sample is silent, χ ESR of the 2212 phase has almost the same magnitude as χ dc and χ ESR of the 2223 phase is appreciable but smaller than χ dc . (orig.)

  12. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of 1-methyl-2-piperidinemethanol, 1-piperidineethanol, and 2-piperidineethanol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Cabral, Joana I.T.A.


    The standard (p o =0.1MPa) molar enthalpies of combustion, Δ c H m o , for the liquid compounds 1-methyl-2-piperidinemethanol, 1-piperidineethanol, and 2-piperidineethanol, were measured by static bomb calorimetry, in oxygen, at T=298.15K. The standard molar enthalpies of vaporization, at T=298.15K, of these three liquid compounds were determined by Calvet microcalorimetry. -Δ c H m o (l)/(kJ.mol -1 )Δ l g H m o /(kJ.mol -1 )1-Methyl-2-piperidinemethanol4598.3+/-1.868. 22+/-0.711-Piperidineethanol4595.2+/-1.764.18+/-0.812 -Piperidineethanol4566.2+/-1.375.24+/-0.52 These values, were used to derive the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the compounds, at T=298.15K, in their liquid and gaseous phase, respectively. The derived standard molar enthalpies of formation, in the gaseous state, are analyzed in terms of enthalpic increments and interpreted in terms of molecular structure.

  13. Observation of the hadronic transitions χb1,2(2P)→ωΥ(1S)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cronin-Hennessy, D.; Park, C.S.; Park, W.; Thayer, J.B.; Thorndike, E.H.; Coan, T.E.; Gao, Y.S.; Liu, F.; Stroynowski, R.; Artuso, M.; Boulahouache, C.; Blusk, S.; Dambasuren, E.; Dorjkhaidav, O.; Mountain, R.; Muramatsu, H.; Nandakumar, R.; Skwarnicki, T.; Stone, S.; Wang, J.C.


    The CLEO Collaboration has made the first observations of hadronic transitions among bottomonium (bb-bar) states other than the dipion transitions among Υ(nS) states. In our study of Υ(3S) decays, we find a significant signal for Υ(3S)→γωΥ(1S) that is consistent with radiative decays Υ(3S)→γχ b1,2 (2P), followed by χ b1,2 (2P)→ωΥ(1S). The branching ratios we obtain are B[χ b1 (2P)→ωΥ(1S)]=(1.63 -0.31-0.15 +0.35+0.16 )% and B[χ b2 (2P)→ωΥ(1S)]=(1.10 -0.28-0.10 +0.32+0.11 )%, in which the first error is statistical and the second is systematic.

  14. The integrable quantum group invariant A2n-1(2) and Dn+1(2) open spin chains (United States)

    Nepomechie, Rafael I.; Pimenta, Rodrigo A.; Retore, Ana L.


    A family of A2n(2) integrable open spin chains with Uq (Cn) symmetry was recently identified in arxiv:arXiv:1702.01482. We identify here in a similar way a family of A2n-1(2) integrable open spin chains with Uq (Dn) symmetry, and two families of Dn+1(2) integrable open spin chains with Uq (Bn) symmetry. We discuss the consequences of these symmetries for the degeneracies and multiplicities of the spectrum. We propose Bethe ansatz solutions for two of these models, whose completeness we check numerically for small values of n and chain length N. We find formulas for the Dynkin labels in terms of the numbers of Bethe roots of each type, which are useful for determining the corresponding degeneracies. In an appendix, we briefly consider Dn+1(2) chains with other integrable boundary conditions, which do not have quantum group symmetry.

  15. The integrable quantum group invariant A2n−1(2 and Dn+1(2 open spin chains

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael I. Nepomechie


    Full Text Available A family of A2n(2 integrable open spin chains with Uq(Cn symmetry was recently identified in arXiv:1702.01482. We identify here in a similar way a family of A2n−1(2 integrable open spin chains with Uq(Dn symmetry, and two families of Dn+1(2 integrable open spin chains with Uq(Bn symmetry. We discuss the consequences of these symmetries for the degeneracies and multiplicities of the spectrum. We propose Bethe ansatz solutions for two of these models, whose completeness we check numerically for small values of n and chain length N. We find formulas for the Dynkin labels in terms of the numbers of Bethe roots of each type, which are useful for determining the corresponding degeneracies. In an appendix, we briefly consider Dn+1(2 chains with other integrable boundary conditions, which do not have quantum group symmetry.

  16. Electronics Industry Study Report (United States)


    nearest rival, Korea’s Samsung , by a factor of 2:1 with more than $30 billion in sales and $7.5 billion profit in 2004, although Intel has been losing...firms, conversely, have built their reputations and sales volume on lower end commodities. Korea’s Samsung , and Germany’s Infineon, for example, are...facilities in China, Costa Rica, Ireland, Israel, Malaysia , and the Philippines.14 Texas Instruments has over 15,000 employees in production

  17. 2,3-Dibromo-3-(2-bromophenyl-1-(3-phenylsydnon-4-ylpropan-1-one

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    Balakrishna Kalluraya


    Full Text Available In the title compound [systematic name: 2,3-dibromo-3-(2-bromophenyl-1-(5-oxido-3-phenyl-1,2,3-oxadiazol-3-ium-4-ylpropan-1-one], C17H11Br3N2O3, the oxadiazole ring is essentially planar, with a maximum deviation of 0.003 (1 Å. The –CHBr–CHBr– chain and bromophenyl ring are disordered over two sets of sites with a refined occupany ratio of 0.756 (5:0.244 (5. The central oxadiazole ring makes dihedral angles of 54.07 (11 and 13.76 (18° with the attached phenyl and the major component of the bromo-substituted benzene rings, respectively. The dihedral angle between the major and minor components of the bromophenyl rings is 13.4 (5°. In the crystal structure, molecules are connected by C—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming [010] ribbons.

  18. Age-Dependent Human Hepatic Carboxylesterase 1 (Ces1) and Carboxylesterase 2 (Ces2) Postnatal Ontogeny (United States)

    Human hepatic carboxylesterase 1 and 2 (CES1 and CES2) are important for ester- and amide- bond containing pharmaceutical and environmental chemical disposition. Despite concern regarding juvenile sensitivity to such compounds, CES1 and CES2 ontogeny has not been well characteriz...

  19. Propane-1,3-diaminium–2-carboxypyridine-6-carboxylate–pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid–water (1/2/2/8

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    Hossein Aghabozorg


    Full Text Available The title proton-transfer compound, C3H12N22+·2C7H4NO4−·2C7H5NO4·8H2O or (pnH2(pydcH2.2(pydcH2·8H2O, was obtained by the reaction of pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (pydcH2 and propane-1,3-diamine (pn in aqueous solution. Both neutral and monoanionic forms of the diacid are observed in the crystal structure. The negative charge of two monoanions is balanced by the dicationic propane-1,3-diaminium species. In addition, considerable π–π stacking interactions between the aromatic rings of the (pydcH− and (pydcH2 fragments [with centroid–centroid distances of 3.5108 (11–3.5949 (11 Å] are observed. The most important feature of this crystal structure is the presence of a large number of O—H...O, O—H...N, N—H...O, N—H...N, C—H...O and C—H...N hydrogen bonds, with D...A ranging from 2.445 (2 to 3.485 (3 Å. These interactions as well as ion pairing and π–π stacking connect the various fragments into a supramolecular structure.

  20. Excitation mechanisms of 2s1/2-2p3/2 and 2p1/2-2p3/2 transitions in U82+ through U89+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Decaux, V.; Beiersdorfer, P.; Osterheld, A.


    A model based on detailed calculations of the electron-impact excitation of n = 2 electrons in the Li- to Ne-like uranium ions was developed to interpret and explain measurements on EBIT (Electron Beam Ion Trap). While only considering the direct excitation process provided a good model for the electric dipole (El) transitions, it was necessary for the magnetic dipole (Ml) spectrum to include various additional excitation processes in the model. In particular, the model was expanded to include electron-impact excitation of n = 3 levels followed by radiative cascades. Moreover, excitation by the ionization of 2s 1/2 , 2p 1/2 , and 2p 3/2 electrons and by radiative capture of beam electrons into excited levels was added. The new model demonstrates that the dipole-forbidden lines are almost exclusively produced by indirect excitation processes

  1. Residual stresses in 2 1/4Cr1Mo welds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fidler, R.; Jerram, K.


    Two separate investigations, initiated in an attempt to explain the large amount of residual stress scatter previously observed in the weld metal of eighteen nominally identical thick-section 2 1/4Cr1Mo butt welds, are described in this paper. The first examined the detailed surface residual stress distributions in 2 1/4Cr1Mo manual arc circumferential butt welds in 80mm and 100mm thick 1/2Cr1/2Mo1/4V steam pipe. High residual stresses were found in the regions of overlap between adjacent weld beads, with low values in virgin weld metal. The second utilised single pass manual metal arc bead-in-groove welds to investigate the effects of preheat and weld metal composition on weld metal residual stresses. In four weld metals, mild steel, 1/2Cr1/2Mo1/4V, 1Cr1/2Mo, and 2 1/4Cr1Mo, the residual stresses were very similar, becoming less tensile (or more compressive) with increase of preheat, while the residual stresses in the fifth weld metal (12Cr) were significantly different, being compressive and less affected by preheat. In both investigations the effects have been described in terms of the basic metallurgical phenomena occurring in the weld metal. (author)

  2. A Short Discussion of Crisis Management – Practical Experience with the 2006 Electoral Campaign in the Czech Republic

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    Tomáš Zdechovský


    Full Text Available The rival candidate – directly or through a “third person” – attacks, parodies or mocks the rival and his or her services, trying to persuade voters of the exclusivity of his or her own products. Negative campaigns fabricate situations which have not occurred, pointing out the weaknesses of the rival and trying to draw voters’ attention to them. During the Senate campaign in autumn 2006 for constituency No. 44, Chrudim, Petr Pithart had to face repeated media attacks (in Chrudimský deník by Chrudim businessman Ivan Hoffmann. What can be learned from Pithart’s defense.

  3. Bis[1-methoxy-2,2,2-tris(pyrazol-1-yl-κN2ethane]nickel(II bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate dihydrate

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    Ganna Lyubartseva


    Full Text Available In the title salt, [Ni(C12H14N6O2](CF3SO32·2H2O, the NiII cation is located on an inversion centre and is coordinated by six N atoms from two tridentate 1-methoxy-2,2,2-tris(pyrazol-1-ylethane ligands in a distorted octahedral geometry. The Ni—N distances range from 2.0594 (12 to 2.0664 (12 Å, intra-ligand N—Ni—N angles range from 84.59 (5 to 86.06 (5°, and adjacent inter-ligand N—Ni—N angles range between 93.94 (5 and 95.41 (5°. In the crystal, inversion-related pyrazole rings are π–π stacked, with an interplanar spacing of 3.4494 (18 Å, forming chains that propagate parallel to the a-axis direction. Intermolecular O—H...O hydrogen bonds are present between water molecules and trifluoromethanesulfonate anions.

  4. Dual ferroic properties of hexagonal ferrite ceramics BaFe_1_2O_1_9 and SrFe_1_2O_1_9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kostishyn, V.G.; Panina, L.V.; Timofeev, A.V.; Kozhitov, L.V.; Kovalev, A.N.; Zyuzin, A.K.


    Dual ferroic properties of a strong magnetism and large ferroelectricity have been observed in barium BaFe_1_2O_1_9 and strontium SrFe_1_2O_1_9 hexaferrite ceramics. The samples were fabricated by a modified ceramic technique from highly purified raw materials with addition of boron oxide allowing the control of grain size and enhancement of bulk resistivity. Whereas the samples of PbFe_1_2O_1_9 fabricated by the same technological method did not have sufficient electric resistivity to support an electric field and did not exhibit the ferroelectric properties. The structure of the samples examined by X-ray diffraction is consistent with a single hexagonal phase. The grains are randomly oriented with the average grain size of 300–400 nm coated with boron oxide. The magnetic properties are characterised by standard ferrimagnetic behavior with the Neel temperature of about 450 °C. Large spontaneous polarization was observed with the maximal values of 45–50 μC/cm"2 under an applied electric field of 100–300 kV/m. A strong coupling between magnetic and electric ordering was confirmed by measuring the magnetoelectric (ME) parameter and magnetodielectric ratio. These ME characteristics are more advanced than those for well-known room temperature multiferroic BiFeO_3. Furthermore, by applying an electric field, the manipulation of magnetization in the range of up to 9% was observed, which is even greater than in some substituted hexaferrites with a non-collinear magnetic structure. The obtained results on electrical polarization are similar to the values reported for the corresponding hexaferrites sintered by polymer precursor technique. This suggests a promising potential of M-type hexaferrite ceramics in devices utilizing magnetoelectric coupling. - Highlights: • Ba(Sr)Fe_1_2O_1_9-hexaferrites show large room-temperature multiferroic properties. • Small addition of B_2O_3 increases the hexaferrite resistivity by 4 orders of magnitude. • Large spontaneous

  5. Characterization studies of 1-(4-cyano-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-1-pyridyl)-3-(4-cyano-1,2-dihydro-1-pyridyl) propane formed from the reaction of hydroxide Ion with 1,3-Bis-(4-cyano pyridinium)propane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fiori, Simone; Schuquel, Ivania T.A.; Meyer, Emerson; Hioka, Noboru; Silva, Idelcio N. da; Politi, Mario J.; Catalani, Luiz H.; Chaimovich, Hernan


    The aqueous alkaline reaction of 1,3.bis(4.cyanopyridinium)propane dibromide, a reactant constituted of two pyridinium rings linked by a three.methylene bridge, generates a novel compound, 1-(4-cyano-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-1-pyridyl)-3-(4-cyano-1,2-dihydro-1-pyridyl) propane. The reaction pathway is attributed to the proximity of the OH. ion inserted between two pyridinium moieties, which occurs only in bis(pyridinium) derivatives connected by short methylene spacers, where charge-conformational effects are important. (author)

  6. 5-[(3-Fluorophenyl(2-hydroxy-6-oxocyclohex-1-en-1-ylmethyl]-6-hydroxy-1,3-dimethylpyrimidine-2,4(1H,3H-dione

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    Assem Barakat


    Full Text Available 5-[(3-Fluorophenyl(2-hydroxy-6-oxocyclohex-1-en-1-yl-methyl]-6-hydroxy-1,3-di-methylpyrimidine-2,4(1H,3H-dione 3 was synthesized via a multicomponent reaction. The Aldol–Michael addition reactions of N,N-dimethylbarbituric acid, cyclohexane-1,3-dione, and 3-fluorobenzaldehyde in aqueous solution gave the product in high yield. The molecular structure of the compound was confirmed by spectroscopic methods and X-ray crystallography. The title compound (C19H19FN2O5·H2O crystallizes in the Monoclinic form, P21/c, a = 7.8630 (5 Å, b = 20.0308 (13 Å, c = 11.3987 (8 Å, β = 104.274 (3°, V = 1739.9 (2° Å3, Z = 4, Rint = 0.117, wR(F2 = 0.124, T = 100 K.

  7. Perovskites Ba/sub 2/Bsub(1/2)sup(I)Bsub(1/2)sup(III)Tesup(VI)O/sub 6/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roller, H; Kemmler-Sack, S [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Lehrstuhl fuer Anorganische Chemie 2


    Compounds of composition Ba/sub 2/Bsub(1/2)sup(I)Bsub(1/2)sup(III)Tesup(VI)O/sub 6/ with Bsup(I) = Li, Na; Bsup(III) = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Ho, Yb, Y, In, Sc crystallize in a cubic 1:1 ordered perovskite structure. The vibrational spectroscopic investigations show, that more species of TeO/sub 6/ octahedra are present in the lattice.

  8. In vitro characterization of gE negative bovine herpesvirus types 1.1 (BHV-1.1 and 1.2a (BHV-1.2a Caracterização in vitro de herpes vírus bovino tipos 1.1 (BHV-1.1 e 1.2a (BHV-1.2a gE negativos

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    Fernando R. Spilki


    Full Text Available This study aimed the in vitro growth characterization of a previously constructed Brazilian bovine herpesvirus 1.2a with a deletion in the glycoprotein E gene (BHV-1.2a gE-. The plaque sizes, penetration and growth kinetics of the Brazilian BHV-1.2a gE- were studied and compared with the parental virus, as well as with a BHV-1.1 gE- recombinant derived from an European BHV-1.1 strain. No statistical differences were observed between the gE- recombinants and the respective parental viruses penetration assays were performed. When single step growth curves were studied, no statistical differences were observed between gE- and parental viruses. However, it was observed that both gE- viruses were excreted from cells in significantly higher titres at 11 hours post infection in comparison with parental viruses. No statistical differences were observed when plaque sizes of parental viruses or gE- viruses we analyzed separately in each cell type. However, both gE- recombinants displayed a significantly reduced plaque areas on three different cell cultures, in comparison with parental viruses, indicating that the lack of gE had the same effect on both BHV-1 subtypes, manifested by a restricted cell-to-cell spread in infected cells.O presente estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização das propriedades de crescimento in vitro de uma amostra brasileira de herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2a que apresenta uma deleção no gene que codifica a glicoproteína E (BHV-1.2a gE-. Os tamanhos de placa, cinética de penetração e cinética de multiplicação do vírus BHV-1.2a gE- foram estudados e comparados com o vírus parental, bem como com um vírus BHV-1.1 gE- recombinante, o qual é derivado de uma amostra européia de BHV-1.1. Em termos de cinética de penetração, não foram observadas diferenças significativas quando comparados os vírus gE- com os parentais. A determinação da cinética de multiplicação não demonstrou diferenças significativas entre os

  9. Perovskites Ba/sub 2/Bsub(1/2)sup(I)Bsub(1/2)sup(III)Usup(VI)O/sub 6/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roller, H; Kemmler-Sack, S [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Chemie


    Compounds of type Ba/sub 2/Lisub(1/2)Bsub(1/2)sup(III)Usup(VI)O/sub 6/ and Ba/sub 2/Nasub(1/2)Bsub(1/2)sup(III)Usup(VI)O/sub 6/ are formed with Bsup(III) = La, Nd, Sm, Gd, Y, In as red to reddish brown perovskites. They are for Bsup(III) = La, Nd and Sm polymorphic. With Bsup(III) = La both HT-forms crystallize cubic. In the Li series the HT-modifications with Bsup(III) = Nd, Sm are monoclinic (a < c/..sqrt..2 < b) and in the Na series rhombic (c/..sqrt..2 < a < b); the corresponding Gd, Y, and In compounds have the same structure. The transformation HT ..-->.. TT is reversible. The TT modifications crystallize monoclinic (a < b < c/..sqrt..2). Unlike the HT forms an increase of c and a decrease of a and b is observed, the cell volumina rested nearly unchanged. The origin for the transformation are order disorder phenomena.

  10. Synthesis of dimethyl-1,1 guanylguanidine-{sup 14}C-2,4 (dimethyl-1-1 biguanide) hydrochloride; Synthese du chlorhydrate de dimethyl-1,1 guanylguanidine {sup 14}C-2,4 (dimethyl-1-1 biguanide)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herbert, M; Pichat, L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A description of the synthesis of dimethyl-1,1 guanylguanidine-{sup 14}C-2,4 hydrochloride passing through the {sup 14}C{sub 2} dicyandiamide. The overall yield with respect to Ba{sup 14}CO{sub 3} is 38 per cent. (author) [French] Description de la synthese du chlorhydrate de dimethyl-1,1 guanylguanidine {sup 14}C-2,4 par l'intermediaire de la dicyandiamide {sup 14}C{sub 2}. Le rendement global par rapport a {sup 14}CO{sub 3}Ba est de 38 pour cent. (auteur)

  11. Electronic properties of in-plane phase engineered 1T'/2H/1T' MoS2 (United States)

    Thakur, Rajesh; Sharma, Munish; Ahluwalia, P. K.; Sharma, Raman


    We present the first principles studies of semi-infinite phase engineered MoS2 along zigzag direction. The semiconducting (2H) and semi-metallic (1T') phases are known to be stable in thin-film MoS2. We described the electronic and structural properties of the infinite array of 1T'/2H/1T'. It has been found that 1T'phase induced semi-metallic character in 2H phase beyond interface but, only Mo atoms in 2H phase domain contribute to the semi-metallic nature and S atoms towards semiconducting state. 1T'/2H/1T' system can act as a typical n-p-n structure. Also high holes concentration at the interface of Mo layer provides further positive potential barriers.

  12. 2-(2-Chlorophenyl-2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H-one

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    Ming-Jian Li


    Full Text Available The title compound, C14H11ClN2O, was synthesized by the reaction of 2-chlorobenzaldehyde and 2-aminobenzamide in an ionic liquid. The pyrimidine ring adopts a skew-boat conformation and the two benzene rings make a dihedral angle of 87.1 (1°. In the crystal, N—H...O and C—H...N hydrogen bonding links the molecules along b.

  13. Regioselectivity in the Thermal Rearrangement of Unsymmetrical 4-Methyl-4H-1,2,4-triazoles to 1-Methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazoles

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    Per H.J. Carlsen


    Full Text Available The rearrangement of 4-methyl-3,5-diaryl-4H-1,2,4-triazoles to the corresponding 1-methyl-3,5-diaryl-1H-1,2,4-triazoles showed regioselectivity comparable to that observed for the alkylation of 3,5-diaryl-1H-1,2,4-triazoles. This lends support to a proposed mechanism for the rearrangement that involves consecutive nucleophilic displacements steps.

  14. Pneubotics - Membrane-Based Robotics for Remote Material Handling, Phase II (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — We have invented a new class of robotics, called `Pneubotics', that rival current manipulators in payload and reach at 1/10th the weight. Our technology leverages...

  15. Pneubotics - Membrane-Based Robotics for Remote Material Handling, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — We have invented a new class of robotics, called `Pneubotics', that rival current manipulators in payload and reach at 1/10th the weight. Our technology leverages...

  16. Crystal structure of tetrabutylammonium bromide–1,2-diiodo-3,4,5,6-tetrafluorobenzene–dichloromethane (2/2/1

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    Jasmine Viger-Gravel


    Full Text Available The crystallization of a 1:1 molar solution of 1,2-diiodo-3,4,5,6-tetrafluorobenzene (o-DITFB and tetrabutylammonium bromide (n-Bu4NBr from dichloromethane yielded pure white crystals of a halogen-bonded compound, C16H36N+·Br−·C6F4I2·0.5CH2Cl2 or [(n-Bu4NBr(o-DITFB]·0.5CH2Cl2. The compound may be described as a quaternary system and may be classified as a salt–cocrystal solvate. The asymmetric unit contains one molecule of solvent, two o-DITFB molecules, two cations (n-Bu4N+ and two crystallographically distinct bromide ions [θI...Br-...I = 144.18 (1 and 135.35 (1°]. The bromide ion is a bidentate halogen-bond acceptor which interacts with two covalently bonded iodines (i.e. halogen-bond donors, resulting in a one-dimensional polymeric zigzag chain network approximately along the a axis. The observed short contacts and angles are characteristic of the non-covalent interaction [dC—I...Br = 3.1593 (4–3.2590 (5 Å; θC—I...Br = 174.89 (7 and 178.16 (7°]. It is noted that iodine acts as both a halogen-bond donor and a weak CH hydrogen-bond acceptor, while the bromide ions act as acceptors for weak CH hydrogen bonds and halogen bonds.

  17. Synthesis of enantiomerically pure thiocrown ethers derived from 1,1'-binaphthalene-2,2'-diol

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stock, H. Thijs; Kellogg, Richard M.


    Synthetic methodology is given for the preparation of two different types of thiocrown ethers from optically pure 1,1'-binaphthalene-2,2'-diol (10). The conceptually simplest approach starts from optically pure 10 itself, which is alkylated (4 equiv of K2CO3 in DMF at 110 degrees C) with

  18. Synthesis of 9H-indeno [1, 2-b] pyrazine and 11H-indeno [1, 2-b] quinoxaline derivatives in one-step reaction from 2-bromo-4-chloro-1-indanone


    Jasouri, S.; Khalafy, J.; Badali, M.; Prager, R.H.


    The reaction of 2-bromo-4-chloro-1-indanone with 2,3-diaminomaleonitrile, benzene-1,2-diamine and 4-methylbenzene-1,2-diamine in glacial acetic acid gave 8-chloro-9H-indeno[1,2-b]pyrazine-2,3-dicarbonitrile, 1-chloro-11H-indeno[1,2-b]quinoxa-line and 1-chloro-7-methyl-11H-indeno[1,2-b]quinoxaline, respectively, in good yield.

  19. A coordination polymer of CdII with benzene-1,3-dicarboxylate and 1,4-bis[1-(2-pyridylmethylbenzimidazol-2-yl]butane

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    Wei-Ping Zhang


    Full Text Available The title CdII coordination polymer, catena-poly[[{1,4-bis[1-(2-pyridylmethylbenzimidazol-2-yl]butane}cadmium(II]-μ-benzene-1,3-dicarboxylato], [Cd(C8H4O4(C30H28N6]n, was obtained by reaction of CdCO3, benzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (H2btc and 1,4-bis[1-(2-pyridylmethylbenzimidazol-2-yl]butane (L. The CdII cation is six-coordinated by an N2O4-donor set. L acts as a bidentate ligand and btc anions link CdII centers into a chain propagating parallel to [010].

  20. (2E-3-(4-Chlorophenyl-1-(4-hydroxyphenylprop-2-en-1-one

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    Jerry P. Jasinski


    Full Text Available In the title compound, C15H11ClO2, the dihedral angle between the mean planes of the chlorobenzene and hydroxybenzene rings is 6.5 (6°. The mean plane of the prop-2-en-1-one group makes an angle of 18.0 (1° with the hydroxyphenyl ring and 11.5 (1° with the chlorophenyl ring. The crystal packing is stabilized by intermolecular O—H...O hydrogen bonds, weak C—H...O, C—H...π and π–π stacking interactions [centroid–centroid distances = 3.7771 (7 and 3.6917 (7 Å].

  1. Intolerance of sexy peers: intrasexual competition among women. (United States)

    Vaillancourt, Tracy; Sharma, Aanchal


    Intrasexual competition among males of different species, including humans, is well documented. Among females, far less is known. Recent nonexperimental studies suggest that women are intolerant of attractive females and use indirect aggression to derogate potential rivals. In Study 1, an experimental design was used to test the evolutionary-based hypothesis that women would be intolerant of sexy women and would censure those who seem to make sex too readily available. Results provide strong empirical support for intrasexual competition among women. Using independent raters, blind to condition, we found that almost all women were rated as reacting negatively ("bitchy") to an attractive female confederate when she was dressed in a sexually provocative manner. In contrast, when she was dressed conservatively, the same confederate was barely noticed by the participants. In Study 2, an experimental design was used to assess whether the sexy female confederate from Study 1 was viewed as a sexual rival by women. Results indicated that as hypothesized, women did not want to introduce her to their boyfriend, allow him to spend time alone with her, or be friends with her. Findings from both studies are discussed in terms of evolutionary theory. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Multiple anion...π interactions in tris(1,10-phenanthroline-κ(2)N,N')iron(II) bis[1,1,3,3-tetracyano-2-(2-hydroxyethyl)propenide] monohydrate. (United States)

    Setifi, Zouaoui; Domasevitch, Konstantin V; Setifi, Fatima; Mach, Pavel; Ng, Seik Weng; Petříček, Vaclav; Dušek, Michal


    In the ionic structure of the title compound, [Fe(C12H8N2)3](C9H5N4O2)2·H2O, the octahedral tris-chelate [Fe(phen)3](2+) dications [Fe-N = 1.9647 (14)-1.9769 (14) Å; phen is 1,10-phenathroline] afford one-dimensional chains by a series of slipped π-π stacking interactions [centroid-to-centroid distances = 3.792 (3) and 3.939 (3) Å]. The 1,1,3,3-tetracyano-2-(2-hydroxyethyl)propenide anions, denoted tcnoetOH(-), reveal an appreciable delocalization of π-electron density, involving the central propenide [C-C = 1.383 (3)-1.401 (2) Å] fragment and four nitrile groups, and this is also supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations at the B97D/6-311+G(2d,2p) level. Primary noncovalent inter-moiety interactions comprise conventional O-H...O(N) and weak C-H...O(N) hydrogen bonding [O...O(N) = 2.833 (2)-3.289 (5) Å and C...O(N) = 3.132 (2)-3.439 (2) Å]. The double anion...π interaction involving a nitrile group of tcnoetOH(-) and two cis-positioned pyridine rings (`π-pocket') of [Fe(phen)3](2+) [N...centroid = 3.212 (2) and 3.418 (2) Å] suggest the relevance of anion...π stackings for charge-diffuse polycyanoanions and common M-chelate species.

  3. Synthesis of some novel 4-aza-tricyclo[ 2,6 ]undecane-3,5,8-triones from 2-trimethylsilyloxy-1,3-cyclohexadiene and 1-methoxy-1,3-cyclohexadiene

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    Hosapalya Thimmaiah Srinivasa


    Full Text Available The synthesis and characterization of nine novel Diels-Alder cycloadducts: the 4-aza-tricyclo[ 2,6] undecane-3,5,8-triones using 2-trimethylsilyloxy-1,3-cyclohexadiene and 1-methoxy-1,3-cyclohexadiene is reported. The isolated yields of the pure cycloadducts range between 75 to 95%.

  4. Nucleoli in human early erythroblasts (K2, K1, K1/2 cells). (United States)

    Smetana, K; Jirásková, I; Klamová, H


    Human early erythroid precursors classified according to the nuclear size were studied to provide information on nucleoli in these cells using simple cytochemical procedures for demonstration of RNA and proteins of silver-stained nucleolar organizers. K2 cells with nuclear diameter larger than 13 microm and K1 cells with nuclear diameter larger than 9 microm corresponding to proerythroblasts and macroblasts (large basophilic erythroblasts) mostly possessed large irregularly shaped nucleoli with multiple fibrillar centres representing "active nucleoli". K1/2 cells with nuclear diameter smaller than 9 microm corresponding to small basophilic erythroblasts were usually characterized by the presence of micronucleoli representing "inactive nucleolar types". On the other hand, a few K1/2 cells contained large nucleoli with multiple fibrillar centres similar to those present in K2 cells and thus appeared as "microproerythroblasts". The nucleolar asynchrony expressed by the presence of large irregularly shaped nucleoli with multiple nucleoli (active nucleoli) and ring-shaped nucleoli (resting nucleoli) in one and the same nucleus of K2 or K1 cells was not exceptional and might reflect a larger resistance of these cells to negative factors influencing the erythropoiesis. The intranucleolar translocation of silver-stained nucleolus organized regions was noted in K2 cells and might indicate the premature aging of these cells without further differentiation. More studies, however, are required in this direction.

  5. 26 CFR 1.381(c)(2)-1 - Earnings and profits. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Earnings and profits. 1.381(c)(2)-1 Section 1.381(c)(2)-1 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Insolvency Reorganizations § 1.381(c)(2)-1 Earnings and profits. (a) In...

  6. Polarity driven morphology of CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0) islands on Cu(1 1 1)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stetsovych, O., E-mail:; Beran, J.; Dvořák, F.; Mašek, K.; Mysliveček, J., E-mail:; Matolín, V.


    Thin ceria films supported by metal substrates represent important model systems for reactivity studies in heterogeneous catalysis. Here we report the growth study of the polar CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0) phase as part of a mixed CeO{sub 2}(1 1 1)–CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0) thin film supported by Cu(1 1 1). The two ceria phases grow on different areas of the substrate, what allows a reliable growth characterization of the CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0) islands on Cu(1 1 1). Scanning tunneling microscopy measurements reveal CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0) to grow in the form of highly dispersed three dimensional (3D) islands on a CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0) interfacial layer. The CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0) islands exhibit a 2 × 2 surface reconstruction. The presence of the surface reconstruction together with the highly dispersed growth of CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0) islands corresponds to the requirement for compensation of the surface dipole moment on the CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0). CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0) islands are further characterized by reflection high energy electron diffraction yielding their epitaxial relations with respect to the Cu(1 1 1) substrate. The growth of well characterized CeO{sub 2}(1 0 0) islands supported by Cu(1 1 1) represents a starting point for developing a novel template for structure-related reactivity studies of ceria based model catalysts.

  7. Private regulation to appropriate value from design innovations : Implications for anti-trust policy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gemser, G.; Jacobs, D.


    Co-operative ventures among rivals are looked upon in general with suspicion by antitrust authorities. In this paper, we position ourselves in the school of thought that evaluates collusive behavior among rivals with the Schumpeterian concept of dynamic competition in mind rather than the concept of

  8. Value poaching: framing the same values for competing political ends

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nelson, T.E.; Lecheler, S.; Schuck, A.R.T.; de Vreese, C.H.


    Previous research has established that rival issue frames that target competing values can lead public opinion in different directions. This article examines rival frames that target the same values but for competing political ends. We report on an experiment (N = 503) that examines the framing of a

  9. Ab initio Study of Alkyl-oxonium Cations CnH2n+1OH2+, n=1,2,3,4

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francis F. Muguet


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Within the framework of the itinerant radical model, the solvated electron in liquid alcohols is understood as an itinerant alkyl-oxonium ROH2. radical. As a first step in the investigation of those radicals, this study deals with the optimization of related ROH2+ alky-oxonium cations: CnH2n+1OH2+,n=1,2,3,4. The structures were optimized at the MP2/6-31G**++ level with the help of the GAMESS ab initio package. Optimized structures are reported for the following cations: MethylOxonium; EthylOxonium; 1-PropylOxonium, 2-PropylOxonium and 1-ButylOxonium, 2-ButylOxonium, IsoButylOxonium, TertButylOxonium. Optimized geometries are displayed with the help of the ChemApp Java applet. Vibrational frequencies and ZPEs have been computed, and visual depictions of expected experimental IR spectra have been simulated with the help of Lorentzian functions.

  10. (2-Formyl-6-methoxyphenolato-κ2O1,O2(perchlorato-κO(1,10-phenanthroline-κ2N,N′copper(II

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhi-Yong Wu


    Full Text Available In the title molecule, [Cu(C8H7O3(ClO4(C12H8N2], the CuII ion is five-coordinated by two N atoms [Cu—N = 1.995 (3 and 2.022 (3 Å] from a 1,10-phenanthroline ligand, two O atoms [Cu—O = 1.908 (2 and 1.927 (2 Å] from an o-vanillin ligand and one O atom [Cu—O = 2.510 (3 Å] from a perchlorate anion in a distorted square-pyramidal geometry. Three O atoms of the perchlorate anion are rotationally disordered between two orientations, with occupancies of 0.525 (13 and 0.475 (13. In the crystal structure, two molecules related by a centre of symmetry are paired in such a way that the phenolate O atom from one molecule completes the distorted octahedral Cu coordination in another molecule [Cu...O = 2.704 (2 Å].

  11. Calculation of parity violating effects in the 62P/sub 1/2/-72P/sub 1/2/ forbidden M1 transition in thallium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neuffer, D.B.


    Calculations are presented of the E1 amplitude expected in forbidden M1 transitions of Tl and Cs if parity is violated in the neutral weak e-N interaction, as proposed in a number of gauge models, including that of Weinberg and Salam. Valence electron wave functions are generated as numerical solutions to the Dirac equation in a modified Tietz central potential. These wave functions are used to calculate allowed E1 transition rates, hfs splittings, and Stark E1 transition ampitudes. These results are compared with experiment and the agreement is generally good. The relativistic Tl 6 2 P/sub 1/2/-7 2 P/sub 1/2/ M1 transition amplitude M is also calculated, and corrections due to interconfiguration interaction, Breit interaction, and hfs mixing are included. The parity violating E1 amplitude E/sub PV/ is calculated and a value for the circular dichroism in the Weinberg model delta = -2.6 x 10 -3 is obtained. Parity violating effects in other Tl transitions are discussed. Contributions to the M1 amplitude for the forbidden Cs 6 2 S/sub 1/2/-7 2 S/sub 1/2/ and 6 2 S/sub 1/2/-8 2 S/sub 1/2/ transitions and to the Cs 6 2 S/sub 1/2/ g-factor anomaly from relativistic effects, Breit interaction, interconfiguration interaction, and hfs mixing are calculated, and it is found that this current theoretical description is not entirely adequate. The parity violating E1 amplitude E/sub PV/ for the 6S/sub 1/2/-7 2 S/sub 1/2/ and 6S/sub 1/2/-8 2 S/sub 1/2/ transitions is evaluated. With a measured value M/sub expt/ and the Weinberg value Q/sub W/ = -99, a circular dichroism delta = 1.64 x 10 -4 for the 6 2 S/sub 1/2/-7 2 S/sub 1/2/ transition is found

  12. Efficient Routes to Pyrazolo[3,4-e][1,2,4]triazines and a New Ring System: [1,2,4]Triazino[5,6-d][1,2,3]triazines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamad Mohamed Al-Matar


    Full Text Available Arylhydrazonomalononitriles 1a,b react with phenylhydrazine to yield amidrazones 2a,b that cyclize to give 2-aryl-5-phenylhydrazono-2,5-dihydro-[1,2,4]-triazine-6-carbonitriles 5a,b upon reaction with dimethylformamide dimethylacetal (DMFDMA. Refluxing 5a,b in glacial acetic acid resulted in the formation of the pyrazolo-1,2,4-triazines 6a,b. Compounds 6a,b were also formed upon treatment of 3-amino-4-phenylhydrazono-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-ones 7a,b with DMFDMA. Reacting these triazinyl arylhydrazononitriles 5a,b with hydroxylamine hydrochloride in ethanolic sodium acetate afforded amidrazones 8a,b that are readily cyclized in refluxing dimethylformamide into [1,2,4]triazino[1,2,3]triazines 10a,b.

  13. Recombination-activating gene 1 and 2 (RAG1 and RAG2) in flounder

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Aug 26, 2016 ... Xianlei Wang1 2 Xungang Tan1 Pei-Jun Zhang1 Yuqing Zhang1 Peng Xu1. Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao 266071, China; National Oceanographic Center, 88 Xuzhou Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, ...

  14. (Acetylacetonato-κ2O,O′bis[5-methoxy-2-(naphth[1,2-d][1,3]oxazol-2-ylphenyl-κ2C1,N]iridium(III

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuan-Yuan Zhou


    Full Text Available In the title compound, [Ir(C18H12NO22(C5H7O2], the Ir atom is O,O′-chelated by the acetylacetonate group and C,N-chelated by the 2-arylnaphth[1,2-d]oxazole groups. The six-coordinate metal atom displays a distorted octahedral geometry. Intramolecular C—H...O hydrogen bonds occur. In the crystal, intermolecular C—H...O hydrogen bonds link the molecules into columns parallel to the b axis.

  15. 1-[2-(2-Methoxyphenylaminoethylamino]-3-(naphthalene-1- yloxypropan-2-ol May Be a Promising Anticancer Drug

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    Tomoyuki Nishizaki


    Full Text Available We have originally synthesized the naftopidil analogue 1-[2-(2-methoxyphenylaminoethylamino]-3-(naphthalene-1-yloxypropan-2-ol (HUHS 1015 as a new anticancer drug. HUHS1015 induces cell death in a wide variety of human cancer cell lines originated from malignant pleural mesothelioma, lung cancer, hepatoma, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, and renal cancer. HUHS1015-induced cell death includes necrosis (necroptosis and apoptosis, and the underlying mechanism differs depending upon cancer cell types. HUHS1015 effectively suppresses tumor growth in mice inoculated with NCI-H2052, MKN45, or CW2 cells, with a potential similar to or higher than that of currently used anticancer drugs. Here we show how HUHS1015 might offer brilliant hope for cancer therapy.

  16. Bis[2-(1,3-benzothiazol-2-ylphenyl-κ2C1,N][1,3-bis(4-bromophenylpropane-1,3-dionato-κ2O,O′]iridium(III

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sung Kwon Kang


    Full Text Available The title complex, [Ir(C15H9Br2O2(C13H8NS2], lies about a crystallographic twofold rotation axis passing through the IrIII atom and the central C atom of the bis(bromophenylpropane-1,3-dionate ligand. The IrIII atom adopts a distorted octahedral geometry coordinated by two N atoms in the axial positions, and two C and two O atoms in the equatorial plane. The dihedral angle between the two thiazole ring systems in the complex is 77.45 (10°.

  17. Isolation and Characterization of Plantaricin Produced by Lactobacillus plantarum Strains (IIA-1A5, IIA-1B1, IIA-2B2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. I. Arief


    Full Text Available Bacteriocins produced by Indonesian lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum IIA-1A5, IIA-1B1, IIA-2B2 were purified and characterized. Plantaricin W gene had been successfully amplified from all strains. This amplicon showed the expected 200 bp size of plantaricin W gene. This bacteriocins purified from L. plantarum IIA-1A5, IIA-1B1, and IIA-2B2 were named plantaricin IIA-1A5, IIA-1B1, and IIA-2B2. Purification by cation exchange chromatography increased the purity (fold and activity of plantaricins. Purity of plantaricin IIA-1A5 was increased by 3.13 fold with specific activity 13.40 AU/mg. Plantaricin IIA-1B1 had 2.98 fold purity with specific activity 5.12 AU/mg, while purity of plantaricin IIA-2B2 was 1.37 fold with specific activity 7.70 AU/mg. All plantaricins could inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Bacillus cereus, and Staphylococcus aureus. Plantaricins could be digested by trypsin. Stability of plantaricins at 80 oC for 30 min and at 121 oC for 15 min were affected by type of plantaricin and species of pathogenic bacteria. Generally, plantaricin IIA-1A5 was better as antimicrobial agent than plantaricin IIA-1B1 and plantaricin IIA-2B2.

  18. THE BEATLES 2.1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Steen Kaargaard


    Blog-essay publiceret på følgende web-adresse:ærk-og-værklyd......Blog-essay publiceret på følgende web-adresse:ærk-og-værklyd...

  19. 2,3-Bis(2-chlorobenzylnaphthalene-1,4-dione

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seik Weng Ng


    Full Text Available The title disubstituted naphthalene-1,4-dione, C24H16Cl2O2, has the two chlorobenzyl substituents related by a non-crystallographic twofold rotation axis, generating a chiral conformation; both enantiomers are present. The two chlorobenzene rings are nearly perpendicular to the fused ring system, making angles of 88.8 (1 and 77.5 (1° with it.


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    Lucky Endrawati


    Full Text Available Case of domestic violence had increased every year, this is caused by people have a paradigm that domestic violence is privat domain. Even though, domestic violence be regulated by domestic violence elimination Act number 23 in 2004, but the victim often don’t recognize justice. In common law jurisdictions concentrate on judges, whose opinions contain masses of reasoning. In civil law jurisdictions, they focus more on the writings of jurists, both because their works are regarded as important evidence of what the law is, and because court judgements are much less elaborate in their ratiocinations, judge legal reasoning used Act priority, specially Act for Domestic Violence Elimination. So, that reasons for use progressive law approach

  1. Rekonstruksi Kebebasan Hakim dalam Memutus Perkara Pidana Berbasis Hukum Progresif


    Hasibuan, Safni Kholidah; ', Erdianto; Indra, Mexsasai


    As the evolution continues to grow from the scientific side, the idea to establish the existence of jurisprudence to be, True science is also growing. It should be noted carefully that in taking legal action or law enforcement then, law enforcement does not solely work only to see the law in its foundation as the rule of law only, but also should build on the foundations of other, more important, the bases were formulated by Radbruch law as a fundamental value, namely,certainty,justice,andexp...

  2. VizieR Online Data Catalog: L1157-B1 DCN (2-1) and H13CN (2-1) datacubes (Busquet+, (United States)

    Busquet, G.; Fontani, F.; Viti, S.; Codella, C.; Lefloch, B.; Benedettini, M.; Ceccarellli, C.


    IRAM NOEMA observations of DCN(2-1) and H13CN(2-1) towa brightest bow-shock B1 of the L1157 molecular outflow. All data cubes are provided in fits format smoothed to a velocity resolution of 0.5km/s. (2 data files).

  3. Synthesis of 1-Methyl-3-oxo-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylic Acid Methyl Ester

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    Gil Valdo José da Silva


    Full Text Available A simple and efficient method for the preparation of 1-methyl-3-oxo-7- oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-2-carboxylic acid methyl ester (1 is described. The first step is a highly regioselective Diels-Alder reaction between 2-methylfuran and methyl-3-bromo- propiolate. A remarkably difficult ketal hydrolysis reaction was effected by treatment with HCl, a simple reagent that was shown to be more efficient, in this case, than commonly used more elaborate methods.

  4. Improved wavelengths for the 1s2s3S1-1s2p3P0,2 transitions in helium-like Si12+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armour, I.A.; Myers, E.G.; Silver, J.D.; Traebert, E.; Oxford Univ.


    The wavelengths of the 1s2s 3 S 1 -1s2p 3 P 0 , 2 transitions in He-like Si 12+ have been remaesured to be 87.86 +- 0.01 nm and 81.48 +- 0.01 nm. The use of Rydberg lines for the calibration of fast beam spectra is discussed. (orig.)

  5. RSCAT_LEVEL_2B_OWV_COMP_12_V1.1:1 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This dataset contains the RapidScat Level 2B 12.5km Version 1.1 science-quality ocean surface wind vectors. The Level 2B wind vectors are binned on a 12.5 km Wind...

  6. Identifikasi Secara Serologi Galur Virus Flu Burung Subtipe H5N1 Clade 2.1.3 dan Clade 2.3.2 pada Ayam Petelur (SEROLOGICAL IDENTIFICATION OF AVIAN INFLUENZA STRAIN VIRUS SUBTYPE H5N1 CLADE 2.1.3 AND CLADE 2.3.2 FROM LAYER

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aprilia Kusumastuti


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to know avian influenza (AI infection in field by using serology test in threemarketing area of AI vaccines. Haemagglutination inhibition methode was used in this test. There werefour antigen strains of AI subtype H5N1 clade 2.1.3 (AIstrainA/Chicken/West Java/PWT-WIJ/2006, AIstrain A/Chicken/Garut/BBVW-223/2007, AI strain A/Chicken/West Java-Nagrak/30/2007, and AI strainA/Chicken/Pekalongan/BBVW-208/2007 and 2 antigen strains of AI subtype H5N1 clade 2.3.2 (AI strainA/duck/Sukoharjo/BBVW-1428-9/2012 and AI strain A/duck/Sleman/BBVW-1463-10/2012 was used inthis study for HI test. The result presents that 93,33% chicken farms in three marketing area of PT. SanbioLaboratories have positive antibody titre to AI subtype H5N1 clade 2.1.3. This titre may be obtained fromAI clade 2.1.3 vaccination. From 15 samples, 92,86% are positive to AI subtype H5N1 clade 2.3.2A/duck/Sukoharjo/BBVW-1428-9/2012 and 92,31% are positive to A/duck/Sleman/BBVW-1463-10/2012 evenwithout AI clade 2.3.2 vaccination. This antibody titre may be obtained from AI clade 2.1.3 vaccine crossprotection or field infection.

  7. Freud-2/CC2D1B mediates dual repression of the serotonin-1A receptor gene. (United States)

    Hadjighassem, Mahmoud R; Galaraga, Kimberly; Albert, Paul R


    The serotonin-1A (5-HT1A) receptor functions as a pre-synaptic autoreceptor in serotonin neurons that regulates their activity, and is also widely expressed on non-serotonergic neurons as a post-synaptic heteroreceptor to mediate serotonin action. The 5-HT1A receptor gene is strongly repressed by a dual repressor element (DRE), which is recognized by two proteins: Freud-1/CC2D1A and another unknown protein. Here we identify mouse Freud-2/CC2D1B as the second repressor of the 5-HT1A-DRE. Freud-2 shares 50% amino acid identity with Freud-1, and contains conserved structural domains. Mouse Freud-2 bound specifically to the rat 5-HT1A-DRE adjacent to, and partially overlapping, the Freud-1 binding site. By supershift assay using nuclear extracts from L6 myoblasts, Freud-2-DRE complexes were distinguished from Freud-1-DRE complexes. Freud-2 mRNA and protein were detected throughout mouse brain and peripheral tissues. Freud-2 repressed 5-HT1A promoter-reporter constructs in a DRE-dependent manner in non-neuronal (L6) or 5-HT1A-expressing neuronal (NG108-15, RN46A) cell models. In NG108-15 cells, knockdown of Freud-2 using a specific short-interfering RNA reduced endogenous Freud-2 protein levels and decreased Freud-2 bound to the 5-HT1A-DRE as detected by chromatin immunoprecipitation assay, but increased 5-HT1A promoter activity and 5-HT1A protein levels. Taken together, these data show that Freud-2 is the second component that, with Freud-1, mediates dual repression of the 5-HT1A receptor gene at the DRE. © 2010 The Authors. European Journal of Neuroscience © 2010 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  8. Vector coherent state representations of SO5 contains SU2 + SU2 contains U1 + U1 and SO5 contains U1 + U1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Feng


    VCS representations of SO 5 contains SU 2 + SU 2 contains U 1 + U 1 and SO 5 contains U 1 + U 1 are discussed. Reduced matrix elements for SO 5 contains SU 2 + SU 2 are derived. The multiplicity of a weight for SO 5 is determined by using the K-matrix technique

  9. (2,4-Dioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylato-κ2O4,O5(4-oxido-2-oxo-1,2-dihydropyrimidine-5-carboxylato-κ2O4,O5bis(1,10-phenanthroline-κ2N,N′yttrium(III dihydrate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zilu Chen


    Full Text Available In the title compound, [Y(C5H2N2O4(C5H3N2O4(C12H8N22]·2H2O, the YIII ion lies on a twofold rotation axis and exhibits a distorted square-antiprismatic coordination geometry. It is chelated by two 1,10-phenanthroline ligands, a 2,4-dioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate monoanion and a 4-oxido-2-oxo-1,2-dihydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate dianion. The H atom involved in an N—H...N hydrogen bond between the 1,2-dihydropyrimidine units has half occupancy and is disordered around a twofold rotation axis.

  10. Ethyl 2-{4-[(1,5-dibenzyl-2,4-dioxo-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-1,5-benzodiazepin-3-ylmethyl]-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl}acetate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hind Jabli


    Full Text Available The reaction of 1,5-dibenzyl-3-propargyl-1,5-benzodiazepine-2,4-dione with ethyl azidoacetate in the presence of copper sulfate pentahydrate and sodium ascorbate leads to the formation of the title regioisomer, C30H29N5O4, which features a phenylene ring fused with a seven-membered diazepinyl ring. The latter ring adopts a boat conformation (with the methyltriazolylacetate-bearing C atom as the prow and the fused-ring C atoms as the stern. The benzyl groups connected to the diazepinyl ring jprotrude from the sides; the methyltriazolylacetate substituent occupies an axial position.

  11. (+-{1,2-Bis[(2R,5R-2,5-diethylphospholan-1-yl]ethane-κ2P,P′}(η4-cycloocta-1,5-dienerhodium(I tetrafluoridoborate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Schulz


    Full Text Available The title compound, [Rh(C8H12(C18H36P2]BF4, exhibits a rhodium(I complex cation with a bidentate bisphosphine ligand and a bidentate η22-coordinated cycloocta-1,5-diene ligand. The ligands form a slightly distorted square-planar coordination environment for the Rh(I atom. An intramolecular P–Rh–P bite angle of 83.91 (2° is observed. The dihedral angle between the P—Rh—P and the X—Rh—X planes (X is the centroid of a double bond is 14.0 (1°. The BF4 anion is disordered over two positions in a 0.515 (7:0.485 (7 ratio.

  12. PRRT2 controls neuronal excitability by negatively modulating Na+ channel 1.2/1.6 activity. (United States)

    Fruscione, Floriana; Valente, Pierluigi; Sterlini, Bruno; Romei, Alessandra; Baldassari, Simona; Fadda, Manuela; Prestigio, Cosimo; Giansante, Giorgia; Sartorelli, Jacopo; Rossi, Pia; Rubio, Alicia; Gambardella, Antonio; Nieus, Thierry; Broccoli, Vania; Fassio, Anna; Baldelli, Pietro; Corradi, Anna; Zara, Federico; Benfenati, Fabio


    See Lerche (doi:10.1093/brain/awy073) for a scientific commentary on this article.Proline-rich transmembrane protein 2 (PRRT2) is the causative gene for a heterogeneous group of familial paroxysmal neurological disorders that include seizures with onset in the first year of life (benign familial infantile seizures), paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia or a combination of both. Most of the PRRT2 mutations are loss-of-function leading to haploinsufficiency and 80% of the patients carry the same frameshift mutation (c.649dupC; p.Arg217Profs*8), which leads to a premature stop codon. To model the disease and dissect the physiological role of PRRT2, we studied the phenotype of neurons differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells from previously described heterozygous and homozygous siblings carrying the c.649dupC mutation. Single-cell patch-clamp experiments on induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons from homozygous patients showed increased Na+ currents that were fully rescued by expression of wild-type PRRT2. Closely similar electrophysiological features were observed in primary neurons obtained from the recently characterized PRRT2 knockout mouse. This phenotype was associated with an increased length of the axon initial segment and with markedly augmented spontaneous and evoked firing and bursting activities evaluated, at the network level, by multi-electrode array electrophysiology. Using HEK-293 cells stably expressing Nav channel subtypes, we demonstrated that the expression of PRRT2 decreases the membrane exposure and Na+ current of Nav1.2/Nav1.6, but not Nav1.1, channels. Moreover, PRRT2 directly interacted with Nav1.2/Nav1.6 channels and induced a negative shift in the voltage-dependence of inactivation and a slow-down in the recovery from inactivation. In addition, by co-immunoprecipitation assays, we showed that the PRRT2-Nav interaction also occurs in brain tissue. The study demonstrates that the lack of PRRT2 leads to a hyperactivity of voltage

  13. PRRT2 controls neuronal excitability by negatively modulating Na+ channel 1.2/1.6 activity (United States)

    Fruscione, Floriana; Valente, Pierluigi; Sterlini, Bruno; Romei, Alessandra; Baldassari, Simona; Fadda, Manuela; Prestigio, Cosimo; Giansante, Giorgia; Sartorelli, Jacopo; Rossi, Pia; Rubio, Alicia; Gambardella, Antonio; Nieus, Thierry; Broccoli, Vania; Fassio, Anna; Baldelli, Pietro; Corradi, Anna; Zara, Federico


    Abstract See Lerche (doi:10.1093/brain/awy073) for a scientific commentary on this article. Proline-rich transmembrane protein 2 (PRRT2) is the causative gene for a heterogeneous group of familial paroxysmal neurological disorders that include seizures with onset in the first year of life (benign familial infantile seizures), paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia or a combination of both. Most of the PRRT2 mutations are loss-of-function leading to haploinsufficiency and 80% of the patients carry the same frameshift mutation (c.649dupC; p.Arg217Profs*8), which leads to a premature stop codon. To model the disease and dissect the physiological role of PRRT2, we studied the phenotype of neurons differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells from previously described heterozygous and homozygous siblings carrying the c.649dupC mutation. Single-cell patch-clamp experiments on induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons from homozygous patients showed increased Na+ currents that were fully rescued by expression of wild-type PRRT2. Closely similar electrophysiological features were observed in primary neurons obtained from the recently characterized PRRT2 knockout mouse. This phenotype was associated with an increased length of the axon initial segment and with markedly augmented spontaneous and evoked firing and bursting activities evaluated, at the network level, by multi-electrode array electrophysiology. Using HEK-293 cells stably expressing Nav channel subtypes, we demonstrated that the expression of PRRT2 decreases the membrane exposure and Na+ current of Nav1.2/Nav1.6, but not Nav1.1, channels. Moreover, PRRT2 directly interacted with Nav1.2/Nav1.6 channels and induced a negative shift in the voltage-dependence of inactivation and a slow-down in the recovery from inactivation. In addition, by co-immunoprecipitation assays, we showed that the PRRT2-Nav interaction also occurs in brain tissue. The study demonstrates that the lack of PRRT2 leads to a hyperactivity of

  14. Evaluation excitation functions for "2"8Si(n,p)"2"8Al, "3"1P(n,p)"3"1Si, and "1"1"3In(n,γ)"1"1"4"mIn reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zolotarev, K.I.


    Cross section data for "2"8Si(n,p)"2"8Al, "3"1P(n,p)"3"1Si and "1"1"3In(n,γ)"1"1"4"mIn reactions are needed for solving a wide spectrum of scientific and technical tasks. The excitation function of "2"8Si(n,p)"2"8Al reaction refers to the nuclear data involved in fusion reactor design calculations. The "2"8Si(n,p)"2"8Al reaction is interesting also as the monitor reaction for measurements at fusion facilities. Activation detectors on the basis of the 31P(n,p)31Si reaction are commonly used in the reactor dosimetry. The "1"1"3In(n,γ)"1"1"4"mIn reaction is promising regarding reactor dosimetry application for two reasons. First, due to the "1"1"4"mIn decay parameters which are rather suitable for activation measurements. Half-life of "1"1"4"mIn is equal to T_1/_2 = (49.51 ± 0.01) days and gamma spectrum accompanying decay has only one line with energy 190.27 keV and intensity (15.56 ± 0.15)%. Second, the "1"1"3In(n,γ)"1"1"4"mIn reaction rate may be measured by using one activation detector simultaneously with the "1"1"5In(n,γ)"1"1"6"mIn reaction. Preliminary analysis of existing evaluated excitation functions for "2"8Si(n,p)"2"8Al, "3"1P(n,p)"3"1Si and "1"1"3In(n,γ)"1"1"4"mIn reactions show that new evaluations are needed for all above mentioned reactions. This report is devoted to the preparation of the new evaluations of cross sections data and related covariance matrixes of uncertainties for the "2"8Si(n,p)"2"8Al, "3"1P(n,p)"3"1Si and "1"1"3In(n,γ)"1"1"4"mIn reactions.

  15. Dissociative properties of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane obtained by computational chemistry (United States)

    Hayashi, Toshio; Ishikawa, Kenji; Sekine, Makoto; Hori, Masaru


    The electronic properties and dissociative channels of the alternative to the CCl2F2 (CFC-12) refrigerant, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) with a low global warming potential (GWP, 1430), were revealed by computational chemistry. The results show that CF3 + and CHF2 + ions are mainly produced by ionization. The CF3CH2 + ion is produced by ion pair formation and by direct ionization in the energy region higher than approximately 15 eV, but also in small amounts by the ionization of the dissociated CF3CH2 radical. This information is useful for etching process engineers in leading-edge semiconductor manufacturing.

  16. Thermal conductivities of (ZrxPu(1-x)/2Am(1-x)/2)N solid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishi, Tsuyoshi; Takano, Masahide; Akabori, Mitsuo; Arai, Yasuo


    The thermal conductivity of Zr-based transuranium (TRU) nitride solid solutions is important for designing subcritical cores in nitride-fueled ADS. Some results have been reported concerning the thermal conductivities of (Zr,Pu)N. However, there have been no experimental data on the thermal conductivities of Zr-based nitride solid solutions containing MA. In this study, the authors prepared sintered samples of (Zr x Pu (1-x)/2 Am (1-x)/2) N (x=0.0, 0.58, 0.80) solid solutions. The thermal diffusivity and heat capacity of (Zr x Pu (1-x)/2 Am (1-x)/2) N solid solutions were measured using a laser flash method and drop calorimetry, respectively. Thermal conductivities were determined from the measured thermal diffusivities, heat capacities and bulk densities over a temperature range of 473 to 1473 K. The thermal conductivities of (Zr 0.58 Pu 0.21 Am 0.21 )N and (Zr 0.80 Pu 0.10 Am 0.10 )N solid solutions were found to be higher than that of (Pu 0.5 Am 0.5 )N due to the high thermal conductivity of ZrN as the principal component, although they were lower than that of ZrN due to the impurifying effect of the transuranium elements. Thus, the thermal conductivities of (Zr x Pu (1-x)/2 Am (1-x)/2) N solid solutions increased with increasing ZrN concentration. Moreover, in order to help to promote the design study of nitride-fueled ADS, the thermal conductivity of the (Zr x Pu (1-x)/2 Am (1-x)/2) N solid solutions were fitted to an equation using the least squares method. (author)

  17. Cs_7Sm_1_1[TeO_3]_1_2Cl_1_6 and Rb_7Nd_1_1[TeO_3]_1_2Br_1_6, the new tellurite halides of the tetragonal Rb_6LiNd_1_1[SeO_3]_1_2Cl_1_6 structure type

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charkin, Dmitri O.; Black, Cameron; Downie, Lewis J.; Sklovsky, Dmitry E.; Berdonosov, Peter S.; Olenev, Andrei V.; Zhou, Wuzong; Lightfoot, Philip; Dolgikh, Valery A.


    Two new rare-earth – alkali – tellurium oxide halides were synthesized by a salt flux technique and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The structures of the new compounds Cs_7Sm_1_1[TeO_3]_1_2Cl_1_6 (I) and Rb_7Nd_1_1[TeO_3]_1_2Br_1_6 (II) (both tetragonal, space group I4/mcm) correspond to the sequence of [MLn_1_1(TeO_3)_1_2] and [M_6X_1_6] layers and bear very strong similarities to those of known selenite analogs. We discuss the trends in similarities and differences in compositions and structural details between the Se and Te compounds; more members of the family are predicted. - Graphical abstract: Two new rare-earth – alkali – tellurium oxide halides were predicted and synthesized. - Highlights: • Two new rare-earth – alkali – tellurium oxide halides were synthesized. • They adopt slab structure of rare earth-tellurium-oxygen and CsCl-like slabs. • The Br-based CsCl-like slabs have been observed first in this layered family.

  18. Hierarchical domain structure of lead-free piezoelectric (Na{sub 1/2} Bi{sub 1/2})TiO{sub 3}-(K{sub 1/2} Bi{sub 1/2})TiO{sub 3} single crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luo, Chengtao, E-mail:; Wang, Yaojin; Ge, Wenwei; Li, Jiefang; Viehland, Dwight [Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 (United States); Delaire, Olivier [Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 (United States); Li, Xiaobin; Luo, Haosu [Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 215 Chengbei Road, Jiading, Shanghai 201800 (China)


    We report a unique hierarchical domain structure in single crystals of (Na{sub 1/2}Bi{sub 1/2})TiO{sub 3}-xat. %(K{sub 1/2}Bi{sub 1/2})TiO{sub 3} for x = 5 and 8 by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A high density of polar nano-domains with a lamellar morphology was found, which were self-assembled into a quadrant-like configuration, which then assembled into conventional ferroelectric macro-domains. Studies by high resolution TEM revealed that the polar lamellar regions contained a coexistence of in-phase and anti-phase oxygen octahedral tilt regions of a few nanometers in size. Domain frustration over multiple length scales may play an important role in the stabilization of the hierarchy, and in reducing the piezoelectric response of this Pb-free piezoelectric solid solution.

  19. Casein Kinase 2 Is a Novel Regulator of the Human Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide 1A2 (OATP1A2) Trafficking. (United States)

    Chan, Ting; Cheung, Florence Shin Gee; Zheng, Jian; Lu, Xiaoxi; Zhu, Ling; Grewal, Thomas; Murray, Michael; Zhou, Fanfan


    Human organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs) mediate the influx of many important drugs into cells. Casein kinase 2 (CK2) is a critical protein kinase that phosphorylates >300 protein substrates and is dysregulated in a number of disease states. Among the CK2 substrates are several transporters, although whether this includes human OATPs has not been evaluated. The current study was undertaken to evaluate the regulation of human OATP1A2 by CK2. HEK-239T cells in which OATP1A2 was overexpressed were treated with CK2 specific inhibitors or transfected with CK2 specific siRNA, and the activity, expression, and subcellular trafficking of OATP1A2 was evaluated. CK2 inhibition decreased the uptake of the prototypic OATP1A2 substrate estrone-3-sulfate (E3S). Kinetic studies revealed that this was due to a decrease in the maximum velocity (Vmax) of E3S uptake, while the Michaelis constant was unchanged. The cell surface expression, but not the total cellular expression of OATP1A2, was impaired by CK2 inhibition and knockdown of the catalytic α-subunits of CK2. CK2 inhibition decreased the internalization of OATP1A2 via a clathrin-dependent pathway, decreased OATP1A2 recycling, and likely impaired OATP1A2 targeting to the cell surface. Consistent with these findings, CK2 inhibition also disrupted the colocalization of OATP1A2 and Rab GTPase (Rab)4-, Rab8-, and Rab9-positive endosomal and secretory vesicles. Taken together, CK2 has emerged as a novel regulator of the subcellular trafficking and stability of OATP1A2. Because OATP1A2 transports many molecules of physiological and pharmacological importance, the present data may inform drug selection in patients with diseases in which CK2 and OATP1A2 are dysregulated.

  20. Electronic and ionization spectra of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene, FOX-7. (United States)

    Borges, Itamar


    Singlet, triplet and ionized states of the energetic molecule 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene, known as FOX-7 or DADNE, were investigated using the symmetry-adapted-cluster configuration interaction (SAC-CI) ab initio wave function. The 20 computed singlet transitions, with 2 exceptions, were bright. The most intense singlet transitions were of the n₀→π type-typical of molecules having nitro groups. Fast intersystem crossing (ISC) from the 1¹A, 2¹A and 8¹A bright singlet transitions is possible. Other feasible ISC processes are discussed. The computed singlet and ionization spectra have similar features when compared to nitramide and N,N-dimethylnitramine molecules, which have only a nitro group. The ionization energies of the first 20 states have differences in comparison with Koopmans' energy values that can reach 3 eV. Moreover, the character of the first ionized states, dominated by single ionizations, is not the same when compared with the character resulting from application of Koopmans' theorem.

  1. Study of epitaxial lateral overgrowth of semipolar (1 12 2) GaN by using different SiO2 pattern sizes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Ki-Ryong; Lee, Jae-Hwan; Han, Sang-Hyun; Yi, Hye-Rin; Lee, Sung-Nam


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • We examine comparative studies of semipolar ELO-GaN film. • Semipolar ELO-GaN film was grown by three step growth method. • The achievement of smooth surface morphology of semipolar ELO-GaN. • The crystal and optical properties was significantly improved by ELO process. - Abstract: We investigated the growth mode and the crystal properties of lateral epitaxial overgrowth (LEO) semipolar (1 12 2) GaN by using the various SiO 2 pattern sizes of 6, 8, 10 and 12 μm with the window width of 4.0 μm. By using three-step growth technique, we successfully obtained the fully-coalescenced semipolar (1 12 2) LEO-GaN films regardless of the SiO 2 pattern sizes. However, the coalescence thickness of LEO-GaN film was decreased with decreasing SiO 2 pattern size, indicating that the coalescence of semipolar (1 12 2) GaN was easily formed by decreasing the pattern size of SiO 2 mask. The full width at half maximums (FWHMs) of X-ray rocking curves (XRCs) of LEO-GaN films decreased with increasing SiO 2 pattern size. In the pattern size of 4 × 10 μm, we achieved the minimum XRCs FWHM of 537 and 368 arc s with two different X-ray incident beam directions of [1 12 − 3] and [11 0 0], respectively. Moreover, the photoluminescence bandedge emission of semipolar (1 12 2) GaN was 45 times increased by LEO process. Based on these results, we concluded that the LEO pattern size of 4 × 10 μm would effectively decrease crystal defects of semipolar (1 12 2) GaN epilayer, resulting in an improvement of the optical properties

  2. 1 CFR 456.2 - Organization. (United States)


    ... 1 General Provisions 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Organization. 456.2 Section 456.2 General Provisions MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES NATIONAL CAPITAL PLANNING COMMISSION (FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REGULATIONS) § 456.2 Organization. The Commission is the central planning agency for the Federal Government in...

  3. Crystal structure of 2,2′-({[2-(tritylsulfanylbenzyl]azanediyl}bis(ethane-2,1-diylbis(isoindoline-1,3-dione

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulrich Flörke


    Full Text Available In the structure of the title compound, C46H37N3O4S, the planes of the two isoindoline units make a dihedral angle of 77.86 (3°. The dihedral angles between the benzyl plane and the isoindoline units are 79.56 (4 and 3.74 (9°. The geometry at the S atom shows a short [1.7748 (17 Å] S—Cbenzyl and a long [1.8820 (15 Å] S—Ctrityl bond and the C—S—C angle is 108.40 (7°. N—C bond lengths around the azane N atom are in the range 1.454 (21.463 (2 Å. he crystal packing exhibts two rather `non-classical' C—H...O hydrogen bonds that result in stacking of the molecules along the a as well as the b axis and give rise to columnar sub-structures.

  4. Ring opening of 2-aza-3-borabicyclo[2.2.0]hex-5-ene, the Dewar form of 1,2-dihydro-1,2-azaborine: stepwise versus concerted mechanisms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Holger F. Bettinger


    Full Text Available The ring opening of the Dewar form of 1,2-dihydro-1,2-azaborine, 2-aza-3-borabicyclo[2.2.0]hex-5-ene (3 is investigated by theoretical methods by using multiconfiguration SCF (CASSCF and coupled cluster theory [CCSD(T] with basis sets up to polarised quadruple-zeta quality. The title compound was previously reported to form photochemically in cryogenic noble gas matrices from 1,2-dihydro-1,2-azaborine (4. Four reaction paths for the thermal ring opening of 3 to 4 could be identified. These are the conventional disrotatory and conrotatory electrocyclic ring-opening pathways where the BN unit is only a bystander. Two more favourable paths are stepwise and involve 1,3-boron–carbon interactions. The lowest energy barrier for the isomerisation reaction, 22 kcal mol−1, should be high enough for an experimental observation in solution. However, in solution the dimerisation of 3 is computed to have a very low barrier (3 kcal mol−1, and thus 3 is expected to be a short-lived reactive intermediate.

  5. Synthesis, Spatial Structure and Analgesic Activity of Sodium 3-Benzylaminocarbonyl-1-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazin-4-olate Solvates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Igor V. Ukrainets


    Full Text Available In order to obtain and then test pharmocologically any possible conformers of the new feasible analgesic N-benzyl-4-hydroxy-1-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide, its 4-O-sodium salt was synthesized using two methods. X-ray diffraction study made possible to determine that, depending on the chosen synthesis conditions, the above-mentioned compound forms either monosolvate with methanol or monohydrate, where organic anion exists in the form of three different conformers. Pharmacological testing of the two known pseudo-enantiomeric forms of the original N-benzylamide and of the two solvates of its sodium salt was performed simultaneously under the same conditions and in equimolar doses. Comparison of the results obtained while studying the peculiarities of the synthesized compounds spatial structure and biological properties revealed an important structure-action relationship. In particular, it was shown that the intensity of analgesic effect of different conformational isomers of N-benzyl-4-hydroxy-1-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide may change considerably: while low active conformers are comparable with piroxicam, highly active conformers are more than twice as effective as meloxicam.

  6. UV observations of blue stragglers and population 2 K dwarfs. Final Technical report, 1 July 1984-30 June 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carney, B.W.; Bond, H.E.


    Blue stragglers are stars, found usually in either open or globular clusters, that appear to lie on the main sequence, but are brighter and bluer than the cluster turn-off. Currently, two rival models are invoked to explain this apparently pathological behavior: internal mixing (so that fresh fuel is brought into the stellar core); and mass transfer (by which a normal main sequence star acquires mass from an evolving nearby companion and so moves up the main sequence). The latter model predicts that in the absence of complete mass transfer (i.e., coalescence), blue stragglers should be binary systems with the fainter star in a post-main sequence evolutionary state. It is important to ascertain the cause of this phenomenon since stellar evolution models of main sequence stars play such a vital role in astronomy. If mass transfer is involved, one may easily exclude binaries from age determinations of clusters, but if mixing is the cause, our age determinations will be much less accurate unless we can determine whether all stars or only some mix, and what causes the mixing to occur at all

  7. Dissociative adsorption of CCl 4 on the Fe 3O 4(1 1 1)-(2×2) selvedge of α-Fe 2O 3(0 0 0 1) (United States)

    Adib, K.; Mullins, D. R.; Totir, G.; Camillone, N.; Fitts, J. P.; Rim, K. T.; Flynn, G. W.; Osgood, R. M.


    The surface reactions of CCl 4 with the Fe 3O 4(1 1 1)-(2×2) selvedge of naturally occurring α-Fe 2O 3(0 0 0 1) single-crystals have been investigated using synchrotron X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD). CCl 4 was found to dissociate on the Fe 3O 4 surface at 100 K producing chemisorbed Cl and adsorbed CCl 2. TPD shows that the large majority of the dissociatively adsorbed CCl 2 fragments extract lattice oxygen and desorb as phosgene at >275 K. However, the XPS spectra show no evidence for the formation of surface-bound phosgene, at 100 K, indicating that its formation involves two steps. The first step, dissociation, is spontaneous at 100 K, whereas the second, oxygen atom abstraction to form phosgene, requires thermal excitation. Cl chemisorption yielded two separate species, the mono- and dichloride terminations of surface iron sites. The identification of these two surface terminations is based on the coverage dependence and the surface temperature history of their Cl 2p 3/2 peak intensity. For example, heating to >450 K allows the monochloride to transform into iron dichloride, indicating Cl adatom mobility at these temperatures.

  8. Radio-immunoassays for glucagon-like peptides 1 and 2 (GLP-1 and GLP-2)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Orskov, C; Holst, J J


    Gene-sequencing studies have shown that the glucagon precursor contains two additional glucagon-like sequences, the so-called glucagon-like peptides 1 and 2 (GLP-1 and GLP-2). We developed radio-immunoassays against synthetic peptides corresponding to these sequences. Antisera were raised in rabb...

  9. On the simultaneous Pell equations x 2 - (4m 2 - 1)y 2 = y 2 - pz 2 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Let m be a positive integer, and let p be an odd prime. By using certain properties of Pell and quartic diophantine equations with some elementary number theory methods, we prove that the system of equations x2 - (4m2 - 1)y2 = 1 and y2 - pz2 = 1 has positive integer solutions (x, y, z) if and only if p ≡ 7(mod 8) and m = 1/4 ...

  10. 2,7-Diphenyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b]benzothiophene, a new organic semiconductor for air-stable organic field-effect transistors with mobilities up to 2.0 cm2 V(-1) s(-1). (United States)

    Takimiya, Kazuo; Ebata, Hideaki; Sakamoto, Katsuhiro; Izawa, Takafumi; Otsubo, Tetsuo; Kunugi, Yoshihito


    Vapor-deposited thin films of a newly developed sulfur-containing heteroarene, 2,7-diphenyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene (DPh-BTBT), were used as an active layer of OFETs, which showed excellent FET characteristics in ambient conditions with mobilities of approximately 2.0 cm2 V-1 s-1 and Ion/Ioff of 107.

  11. An electrochemical study of the systems Li1+-xV2O4 and Li1-xVO2 (0≤x≤1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Picciotto, L.A.; Thackeray, M.M.; Pistoia, G.


    Electrochemical properties of the systems Li 1±x V 2 O 4 (0≤x≤1), Li 1-x VO 2 (0≤x 2 O 4 is reversible, which confirms that lithium may be cycled, topotactically, in and out of the Li 1+x V 2 O 4 spinel structure. Delithiation of the LiV 2 O 4 spinel is irreversible; during this process the vanadium ions migrate through the oxide layers. This results in a defect rocksalt phase, which can, in turn, be relithiated by a different mechanism. Lithium extraction for the layered compound LiVO 2 yields a structure similar to the delithiated LiV 2 O 4 product. The spinel-derived compounds Li 1 +-x/V 2 O 4 (0 -3 Ω -1 cm -1 at x=0 and 10 -6 Ω -1 cm -1 at x=1. Lithium diffusion rates in Li 1±x V 2 O 4 samples increase with lithiation from D=4x10 -10 cm 2 /s in LiV 2 O 4 to D=6x10 -8 cm 2 /s in Li 2 V 2 O 4 . Intermediate values of D are obtained in the delithiated compound Li 0.28 V 2 O 4 and in the layered oxide LiVO 2 ; significantly lower values of D, viz. 1x10 -11 cm 2 /s and 4x10 -11 cm 2 /s , are found in the spinels LiMn 2 O 4 and Fe 3 O 4 respectively. 28 refs.; 5 figs.; 1 table

  12. Mixed cryoglobulinemia-associated Sjögren's syndrome leading to spontaneous rupture of the kidney: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haddiya I


    Full Text Available Intissar Haddiya,1 Hakim Hamzaoui,1 Zitouna Alhamany,2 Fatime-zohra Berkchi,1 Hakima Rhou,1 Loubna Benamar,1 Naima Ouzeddoun,1 Rabea Bayahia1 1Department of Nephrology-Dialysis-Renal Transplantation, Ibn Sina University Hospital, Rabat, Morocco; 2Department of Pathology, Rabat Children's Hospital, Ibn Sina University Hospital, Rabat, Morocco Background: Spontaneous rupture of the kidney is uncommon and is mainly caused by renal tumors. Only a few cases are caused by vasculitis. We report here the first case of spontaneous rupture of kidney resulting from mixed cryoglobulinemia. Case presentation: A 44-year-old man presented with sudden onset of fever, acute pulmonary edema, left flank abdominal pain unassociated with trauma, and rapidly progressive renal failure requiring dialysis. Computed tomography of the abdomen revealed a large perirenal hematoma of the left kidney. During conservative surgery, the patient underwent renal biopsy that showed renal vasculitis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis with intracapillary microthrombi. Tests were positive for mixed cryoglobulinemia caused by Sjögren's syndrome. The patient was better after immunosuppressive therapy, with the disappearance of clinical symptoms and the recovery of baseline renal function. Conclusion: We report on this case and discuss a possible link between spontaneous rupture of kidney and mixed cryoglobulinemia-associated Sjögren's syndrome. Keywords: mixed cryoglobulinemia, Sjögren's syndrome, spontaneous rupture of kidney, renal hematoma, Wünderlich syndrome

  13. 2-([1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-c]quinazolin-2-yl-alkyl-(alkaryl-, aryl--amines and their derivatives. (3Н-quinazolin-4-ylidenhydrazides (1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-ylalkyl-(alkaryl-, aryl-carboxylic acids: features of synthesis, modification and ant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu. V. Martynenko


    Full Text Available The combination of different «pharmacophore» components in one structure connected via «linker» functional groups is one of the major and justified approaches for the synthesis of new biologically active substances. In this area (3Н-quinazoline-4-ylidenhydrazides (1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-іsoindol-2-yl-alkyl-(aralkyl-, aryl-carboxylic acids are the most interesting compounds. They contain quinazoline and іsoindole fragments united through аlkyl, аlkaryl and аryl groups and furthermore can be used for the synthesis of new heterocycles. Aim: The purpose of this work is to find antimicrobial and antifungal agents among (3H-quinazolin-4-ylidenehydrazides (1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl-alkyl-(alkaryl-, aryl-carboxylic acids and their fused derivatives and to establish physical-chemical properties of these compounds and to correlate «structure – activity relationship» for structure optimization. Methods and results. The study of microbiological activity was conducted by disco-diffusion method on Mueller-Hinton agar on the following strains of microorganisms: gram-positive cocci (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Enterococcus aeruginosa, E. faecalis ATCC 29212, gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa PSS27853, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, facultative anaerobic gram-negative bacteria (Klebsiella pneumoniaе and fungi (Candida albicans ATCC 885653. Conclusion. The protected aminoacids were used to synthesize unknown (3H-quinazolin-4-ylidenehydrazides (1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydroisoindolo-2-yl-alkyl-(alkaryl-, aryl-carboxylic acids in the reactions of nucleophilic substitution for the first time. While new [1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-c]quinazolin-2-yl-alkyl-(alkaryl-, aryl-- isoindol-1,3(2H-diones were received by heterocyclization of the last. Structure and identity have been confirmed by elemental analysis, physical and chemical methods (1H NMR spectroscopy, mass-spectrometry. Analysis of the results of microbiological study shows, that

  14. Crystal structure of 2-((1E-{2-[bis(2-methylbenzylsulfanylmethylidene]hydrazin-1-ylidene}methyl-6-methoxyphenol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enis Nadia Md Yusof


    Full Text Available In the title compound, C25H26N2O2S2, the central CN2S2 atoms are almost coplanar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0058 Å. One phenyl ring clearly lies to one side of the central plane, while the other is oriented in the plane but splayed. Despite the different relative orientations, the phenyl rings form similar dihedral angles of 64.90 (3 and 70.06 (3° with the central plane, and 63.28 (4° with each other. The benzene ring is twisted with respect to the central plane, forming a dihedral angle of 13.17 (7°. The S2C=N, N—N and N—N=C bond lengths of 1.2919 (19, 1.4037 (17 and 1.2892 (19 Å, respectively, suggest limited conjugation over these atoms; the configuration about the N—N=C bond is E. An intramolecular O—H...N hydrogen bond is noted. In the crystal, phenyl–methoxy C—H...O and phenyl–phenyl C—H...π interactions lead to supramolecular double chains parallel to the b axis. These are connected into a layer via methyl–phenyl C—H...π interactions, and layers stack along the a axis, being connected by weak π–π interactions between phenyl rings [inter-centroid distance = 3.9915 (9 Å] so that a three-dimensional architecture ensues.

  15. Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of [Co(L2](ClO42 (L=1,3-bis(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl-2-oxapropane

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tavman Aydin


    Full Text Available The reaction of 1,3-bis(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl-2-oxapropane (L with Co(ClO42•6H2O in absolute ethanol produces di[1,3-bis(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl-2-oxapropane-k2N,N’]cobalt(IIdiperchlorate chelate complex ([Co(L2](ClO42, 1. The complex 1 was characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic moment, molar conductivity, thermogravimetric analysis, FT-IR, UV-visible, mass spectrometry, and its solid state structure was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. According to the thermogravimetric analysis data, there is no any water coordinated or uncoordinated in 1 as well as elemental analysis. The complex 1 has 1:2 M:L ionic characteristic according to the molar conductivity. In the complex, the distances between the cobalt and the ethereal oxygen atoms (Co1-O2: 2.805(3; Co2-O1: 2.752(2 Å show the semi-coordination bonding and the Co(II ion is six-coordinated with a N4O2 ligand set, resulting in a distorted octahedron.

  16. A 4Σ1/2-X2Π1/2 transition in the electronic spectrum of the CuS molecule

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lefebvre, Y.; Delaval, J.M.; Schamps, J.


    The (0-0) band of a new 4 Σ 1/2 -X 2 Π 1/2 transition has been observed in the hollow cathode emission spectra of the CuS molecule. Rotational analysis provides the following molecular constants (in cm -1 ) for the D 4 Σ 1/2 state: T 0 = 23112.88; B 0 = 0.17453; p 0 = 0.858; p 0j = 3.3x10 -6 ; D 0 = 0.11x10 -6 . Pulsed dye laser fluorescence experiments confirm the general diagram of the observed CuS electronic states. (orig.)

  17. Is Current US Counterinsurgency Doctrine Applicable to Lebanese Hizballah and the Taliban? (United States)


    Taliban, What We’ve Heard, US Embassy Islamabad, 26 January 1995. 140Gerald Bourke , “Kabul Rivals Join Forces as Taliban Strikes Hard” Guardian 27...Report on Middle East Affairs 28, no. 6 (2009):35-36. Magazines/Journals Bourke , Gerald. “Kabul Rivals Join Forces as Taliban Strikes Hard.” Guardian

  18. Solidification of Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2Oy and Bi2Sr1.75Ca0.25CuOy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holesinger, T.G.; Miller, D.J.; Viswanathan, H.K.; Chumbley, L.S.


    The solidification processes for the compositions Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O y (2212) and Bi 2 Sr 1.75 Ca 0.25 CuO y (2201) were determined as a function of oxygen partial pressure. During solidification in argon, the superconducting phases were generally not observed to form for either composition. In both cases, the solidus is lowered to approximately 750 degree C. Solidification of Bi 2 Sr 1.75 Ca 0.25 CuO y in Ar resulted in a divorced eutectic structure of Bi 2 Sr 2-x Ca x O y (22x) and Cu 2 O while solidification of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O y in Ar resulted in a divorced eutectic structure of Bi 2 Sr 3-x Ca x O y (23x) and Cu 2 O. Solidification of Bi 2 Sr 1.75 Ca 0.25 CuO y in O 2 resulted in large grains of 2201 interspersed with small regions containing the eutectic structure of 22x and CuO/Cu 2 O. Solidification of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O y in partial pressures of 1%, 20%, and 100% oxygen resulted in multiphase samples consisting of 2212, 2201, some alkaline-earth cuprates, and both divorced eutectic structures found during solidification in Ar. For both compositions, these latter structures can be attributed to oxygen deficiencies present in the melt regardless of the overpressure of oxygen. These eutectic structures are unstable and convert into the superconducting phases during subsequent anneals in oxygen. The formation process of the 2212 phase during solidification from the melt was determined to proceed through an intermediate state involving the 2201 phase

  19. Altered expression of hyaluronan, HAS1-2, and HYAL1-2 in oral lichen planus. (United States)

    Siponen, Maria; Kullaa, Arja; Nieminen, Pentti; Salo, Tuula; Pasonen-Seppänen, Sanna


    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is an immune-mediated mucosal disease of unclear etiology and of unresolved pathogenesis. Hyaluronan (HA) is an extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan involved in inflammation and tumor progression. However, its presence in OLP has not been reported. We therefore aimed to study the immunohistochemical expression of HA, its receptor CD44, hyaluronan synthases (HAS1-3), and hyaluronidases (HYAL1-2) in OLP. The presence of HA, CD44, HAS1-3, and HYAL1-2 was studied by immunohistochemical methods in 55 OLP and 23 control oral mucosal specimens (CTR). The localization, intensity, and differences of the epithelial expression between OLP and CTRs were analyzed. HA and CD44 were found on cell membranes in the epithelial basal and intermediate layers in CTR and OLP specimens. The HA staining intensity was stronger in the basal layer of the epithelium in OLP than in CTRs (P < 0.001). HAS1 (P = 0.001) and HAS2 (P < 0.001) showed stronger staining in the basal and weaker staining in the superficial (P < 0.001) epithelial layers in OLP than in CTRs. The immunostaining of HAS3 was low in both OLP and CTRs. Positive HYAL1 and HYAL2 staining were mainly found in the basal and intermediate epithelial layers, and their intensities were significantly increased in OLP, except HYAL 2 in the intermediate epithelial layer. HA, HAS1-2, and HYAL1-2 have altered expression in OLP compared to CTRs and may therefore have a role in OLP pathogenesis. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Structural and electrical properties of (1-x)(Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3-xPb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 solid solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J.-K.; Yi, J.Y.; Hong, K.S.


    Structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of (1-x)(Na 1/2 Bi 1/2 )TiO 3 -xPb(Mg 1/3 Nb 2/3 )O 3 (NBT-xPMN) solid solution have been investigated. An addition of PMN into NBT transformed the structure of sintered samples from rhombohedral to pseudocubic phase where x is larger than 0.1. In calcined powders, however, the intermediate structure were observed between rhombohedral and cubic phases near x=0.1. The formation of solid solution between NBT and PMN modified the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of NBT to be suitable for high temperature dielectric and piezoelectric material. With increasing the content of PMN, the temperature-stability of ε r (T) increased and the high temperature dielectric loss decreased. In addition, the piezoelectric property of NBT-xPMN was enhanced, for the decrease of coercive field and conductivity promoted the domain reversal under the high electric field of the poling process

  1. Density of Na2O-Li2O-SiO2-B2O3 Molten Slag at 1 803-1 873 K

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    XIAO Feng; FANG Liang


    The density of three kinds of molten slags was measured by modified sessile drop method at 1 803-1 873 K. The density of molten slag is found to decrease with increasing temperature. The temperature coefficients of Na2O-Li2O-SiO2 and Li2O-SiO2-B2O3 slag are smaller than that of Na2O-B2O3 slag. The molar volume of slags increases with increasing temperature.

  2. (Benzyl isocyanide-κC1chlorido(2-chloro-3-dimethylamino-1-phenylprop-1-en-1-yl-κ2C1,Npalladium(II

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana C. Mafud


    Full Text Available In the title compound, [Pd(C11H13ClNCl(C8H7N], which crystallized in the chiral space group P212121, the PdII atom is coordinated by two C atoms, a Csp2 atom of the 2-chloro-3-dimethylamino-1-phenylprop-1-en-1-yl ligand and a Csp atom from the benzyl isocyanide ligand, as well as an N atom of the ligand and a Cl atom, in a square-planar geometry. In the complex, there is a short C—H...Cl hydrogen bond and a C—H...π interaction. In the crystal, molecules are linked via C—H...Cl hydrogen bonds, forming chains along the a-axis direction.

  3. Epitaxial growth of lithium fluoride on the (1 1 1) surface of CaF 2 (United States)

    Klumpp, St; Dabringhaus, H.


    Growth of lithium fluoride by molecular beam epitaxy on the (1 1 1) surface of calcium fluoride crystals was studied by TEM and LEED for crystal temperatures from 400 to 773 K and impinging lithium fluoride fluxes from 3×10 11 to 3×10 14 cm -2 s -1. Growth starts, usually, at the steps on the (1 1 1) surface of CaF 2. For larger step distances and at later growth stages also growth on the terraces between the steps is found. Preferably, longish, roof-like crystallites are formed, which can be interpreted by growth of LiF(2 0 1¯)[0 1 0] parallel to CaF 2(1 1 1)[ 1¯ 0 1]. To a lesser extent square crystallites, i.e. growth with LiF(0 0 1), and, rarely, three-folded pyramidal crystallites, i.e. growth with LiF(1 1 1) parallel to CaF 2(1 1 1), are observed. While the pyramidal crystallites show strict epitaxial orientation with LiF[ 1¯ 0 1]‖CaF 2[ 1¯ 0 1] and LiF[ 1¯ 0 1]‖CaF 2[1 2¯ 1], only about 80% of the square crystallites exhibit an epitaxial alignment, where LiF[1 0 0]‖CaF 2[ 1¯ 0 1] is preferred to LiF[1 1 0]‖CaF 2[ 1¯ 0 1]. The epitaxial relationships are discussed on the basis of theoretically calculated adsorption positions of the lithium fluoride monomer and dimer on the terrace and at the steps of the CaF 2(1 1 1) surface.

  4. Experimental infection of clade 1.1.2 (H5N1), clade (H5N1) and clade (H5N6) highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in dogs. (United States)

    Lyoo, K S; Na, W; Phan, L V; Yoon, S W; Yeom, M; Song, D; Jeong, D G


    Since the emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in Asia, the haemagglutinin (HA) gene of this virus lineage has continued to evolve in avian populations, and H5N1 lineage viruses now circulate concurrently worldwide. Dogs may act as an intermediate host, increasing the potential for zoonotic transmission of influenza viruses. Virus transmission and pathologic changes in HPAI clade 1.1.2 (H5N1)-, (H5N1)- and (H5N6)-infected dogs were investigated. Mild respiratory signs and antibody response were shown in dogs intranasally infected with the viruses. Lung histopathology showed lesions that were associated with moderate interstitial pneumonia in the infected dogs. In this study, HPAI H5N6 virus replication in dogs was demonstrated for the first time. Dogs have been suspected as a "mixing vessel" for reassortments between avian and human influenza viruses to occur. The replication of these three subtypes of the H5 lineage of HPAI viruses in dogs suggests that dogs could serve as intermediate hosts for avian-human influenza virus reassortment if they are also co-infected with human influenza viruses. © 2017 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  5. 4-Methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxylic Acid. Peculiarities of Preparation, Structure, and Biological Properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Igor V. Ukrainets


    Full Text Available In order to determine the regularities of the structure–analgesic activity relationship, the peculiarities of obtaining, the spatial structure, and biological properties of 4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxylic acid and some of its derivatives have been studied. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis, it has been proven that varying the reaction conditions using alkaline hydrolysis of methyl 4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxylate makes it possible to successfully synthesize a monohydrate of the target acid, its sodium salt, or 4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine. The derivatographic study of the thermal stability of 4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxylic acid monohydrate has been carried out; based on this study, the optimal conditions completely eliminating the possibility of unwanted decomposition have been proposed for obtaining its anhydrous form. It has been shown that 4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine is easily formed during the decarboxylation of not only 4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxylic acid, but also its sodium salt, which is capable of losing СО2 both in rather soft conditions of boiling in an aqueous solution, and in more rigid conditions of dry heating. The NMR spectra of the compounds synthesized are given; their spatial structure is discussed. To study the biological properties of 4-methyl-2,2-dioxo-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine-3-carboxylic acid and its sodium salt, the experimental model of inflammation caused by subplantar introduction of the carrageenan solution in one of the hind limbs of white rats was used. The anti-inflammatory activity and analgesic effect were assessed by the degree of edema reduction and the ability to affect the pain response compared to the animals of control groups. According to the results of the tests performed, it has been found that after intraperitoneal injection

  6. Synthesis and characterization of the 1.1 adducts of copper(1) halides with bidentatate N,N-bis(benzophenone)-1,2-diiminoethane Schiff bases: Crystal structures of [Cu(bz2en)2][CuX2](X=Br,l) complexes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kia, Reza; Mirkhani, Valiollah; Harkema, Sybolt; van Hummel, G.J.


    1:1 adducts of N,N′-bis(benzophenone)-1,2-diiminoethane (bz2en) with copper(I) chloride, bromide and iodide, [Cu(bz2en)2][CuX2] (X = Cl, Br, and I), have been synthesized and the structures of the solid bromide and iodide adducts were determined by X-ray crystallography from single-crystal data. The

  7. Synthesis, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory activities of novel 2-[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-substituted-5-thioxo-1,2,4-triazolin-1-yl] acetic acids, 2-[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-substituted-5-thioxo-1,2,4-triazolin-1-yl]propionic acids and related derivatives. (United States)

    Al-Deeb, Omar A; Al-Omar, Mohamed A; El-Brollosy, Nasser R; Habib, Elsayed E; Ibrahim, Tarek M; El-Emam, Ali A


    The reaction of 3-(1-adamantyl)-4-substituted-1,2,4-triazoline-5-thiones 3a-g with sodium chloroacetate, in ethanolic sodium hydroxide yielded the corresponding N1-acetic acid derivatives 4a-g. The interaction of 3a-g with ethyl 2-bromopropionate in acetone, in the presence of potassium carbonate, yielded the corresponding N1-ethyl propionate derivatives 5a-g, which upon hydrolysis with aqueous sodium hydroxide afforded the corresponding propionic acid derivatives 6a-g. Similarly, the reaction of 3-(1-adamantyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazoline-5-thione 7 with sodium chloroacetate in ethanolic sodium hydroxide yielded the corresponding N1-acetic acid derivative 8. On the other hand, the reaction of 2-(1-adamantyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazoline-5-thione 9 with sodium chloroacetate yielded the corresponding S-acetic acid derivative 10. Compounds 4a-g, 5b, 5c, 5g, 6a-g, 8 and 10 were tested for in vitro activities against a panel of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and the yeast-like pathogenic fungus Candida albicans. Several derivatives produced good or moderate activities particularly against Bacillus subtilis. In addition, the in vivo anti-inflammatory activities of these compounds were determined using the carrageenin-induced paw oedema method in rats. Compounds 4a, 4b, 4e, 4f, 6f, 6g and 10 produced good dose-dependent anti-inflammatory activities.

  8. High sensitivity cavity ring down spectroscopy of N_2O near 1.22 µm: (II) "1"4N_2"1"6O line intensity modeling and global fit of "1"4N_2"1"8O line positions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tashkun, S.A.; Perevalov, V.I.; Karlovets, E.V.; Kassi, S.; Campargue, A.


    In a recent work (Karlovets et al., 2016 [1]), we reported the measurement and rovibrational assignments of more than 3300 transitions belonging to 64 bands of five nitrous oxide isotopologues ("1"4N_2"1"6O, "1"4N"1"5N"1"6O, "1"5N"1"4N"1"6O, "1"4N_2"1"8O and "1"4N_2"1"7O) in the high sensitivity CRDS spectrum recorded in the 7915–8334 cm"−"1 spectral range. The assignments were performed by comparison with predictions of the effective Hamiltonian models developed for each isotopologue. In the present paper, the large amount of measurements from our previous work mentioned above and literature are gathered to refine the modeling of the nitrous oxide spectrum in two ways: (i) improvement of the intensity modeling for the principal isotopologue, "1"4N_2"1"6O, near 8000 cm"−"1 from a new fit of the relevant effective dipole moment parameters, (ii) global modeling of "1"4N_2"1"8O line positions from a new fit of the parameters of the global effective Hamiltonian using an exhaustive input dataset collected in the literature in the 12–8231 cm"−"1 region. The fitted set of 81 parameters allowed reproducing near 5800 measured line positions with an RMS deviation of 0.0016 cm"−"1. The dimensionless weighted standard deviation of the fit is 1.22. As an illustration of the improvement of the predictive capabilities of the obtained effective Hamiltonian, two new "1"4N_2"1"8O bands could be assigned in the CRDS spectrum in the 7915–8334 cm"−"1 spectral range. A line list at 296 K has been generated in the 0–10,700 cm"−"1 range for "1"4N_2"1"8O in natural abundance with a 10"−"3"0 cm/molecule intensity cutoff. - Highlights: • Line parameters of two new "1"4N_2"1"8O bands centered at 7966 cm"−"1 and at 8214 cm"−"1. • Refined sets of the "1"4N_2"1"6O effective dipole moment parameters for ΔP=13,14 series. • Global modeling of "1"4N_2"1"8O line positions and intensities in the 12–8231 cm"−"1 range. • 5800 observed of "1"4N_2"1"8O line positions

  9. Determination of the 1s2{\\ell }2{{\\ell }}^{\\prime } state production ratios {{}^{4}P}^{o}/{}^{2}P, {}^{2}D/{}^{2}P and {{}^{2}P}_{+}/{{}^{2}P}_{-} from fast (1{s}^{2},1s2s\\,{}^{3}S) mixed-state He-like ion beams in collisions with H2 targets (United States)

    Benis, E. P.; Zouros, T. J. M.


    New results are presented on the ratio {R}m={σ }{T2p}( {}4P)/{σ }{T2p}({}2P) concerning the production cross sections of Li-like 1s2s2p quartet and doublet P states formed in energetic ion-atom collisions by single 2p electron transfer to the metastable 1s2s {}3S component of the He-like ion beam. Spin statistics predict a value of R m = 2 independent of the collision system in disagreement with most reported measurements of {R}m≃ 1{--}9. A new experimental approach is presented for the evaluation of R m having some practical advantages over earlier approaches. It also allows for the determination of the separate contributions of ground- and metastable-state beam components to the measured spectra. Applying our technique to zero-degree Auger projectile spectra from 4.5 MeV {{{B}}}3+ (Benis et al 2002 Phys. Rev. A 65 064701) and 25.3 MeV {{{F}}}7+ (Zamkov et al 2002 Phys. Rev. A 65 062706) mixed state (1{s}2 {}1S,1s2s {}3S) He-like ion collisions with H2 targets, we report new values of {R}m=3.5+/- 0.4 for boron and {R}m=1.8+/- 0.3 for fluorine. In addition, the ratios of {}2D/{}2P and {{}2P}+/{{}2P}- populations from either the metastable and/or ground state beam component, also relevant to this analysis, are evaluated and compared to previously reported results for carbon collisions on helium (Strohschein et al 2008 Phys. Rev. A 77 022706) including a critical comparison to theory.

  10. Chemistry of CCl 4 on Fe 3O 4(1 1 1)-(2 × 2) surfaces in the presence of adsorbed D 2O studied by temperature programmed desorption (United States)

    Adib, K.; Totir, G. G.; Fitts, J. P.; Rim, K. T.; Mueller, T.; Flynn, G. W.; Joyce, S. A.; Osgood, R. M.


    Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) was used to study surface reactions of Fe 3O 4(1 1 1)-(2 × 2) sequentially exposed, at ˜100 K, to vapor-phase D 2O and CCl 4. Previous TPD and XPS results have indicated that in the absence of D 2O, CCl 4 dissociatively adsorbs on Fe 3O 4(1 1 1) producing chemisorbed Cl and CCl 2. Subsequent heating of the surface results in abstraction of lattice iron and oxygen atoms and causes them to desorb as FeCl 2 and OCCl 2, respectively. This study shows that when this Fe 3O 4 surface is exposed only to D 2O, TPD measures a rich surface chemistry with multiple desorption events extending as high as ˜800 K, indicating dissociative adsorption of D 2O on the Fe 3O 4(1 1 1) surface. After sequential exposure to D 2O and then CCl 4, the production of FeCl 2 and OCCl 2 from adsorbed CCl 4 is suppressed, indicating that D 2O fragments block the surface reactive sites.

  11. Thermogravimetric analysis, kinetic study, and pyrolysis-GC/MS analysis of 1,1'-azobis-1,2,3-triazole and 4,4'-azobis-1,2,4-triazole. (United States)

    Jia, Chenhui; Li, Yuchuan; Zhang, Shujuan; Fei, Teng; Pang, Siping


    In general, the greater the number of directly linked nitrogen atoms in a molecule, the better its energetic performance, while the stability will be accordingly lower. But 1,1'-azobis-1,2,3-triazole (1) and 4,4'-azobis-1,2,4-triazole (2) show remarkable properties, such as high enthalpies of formation, high melting points, and relatively high stabilities. In order to rationalize this unexpected behavior of the two compounds, it is necessary to study their thermal decompositions and pyrolyses. Although a great deal of research has been focused on the synthesis and characterization of energetic materials with 1 and 2 as the backbone, a complete report on their fundamental thermodynamic parameters and thermal decomposition properties has not been published. Thermogravimetric-differential scanning calorimetry were used to obtain the thermal decomposition data of the title compounds. Kissinger and Ozawa-Doyle methods, the two selected non-isothermal methods, are presented for analysis of the solid-state kinetic data. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to study the pyrolysis process of the title compounds. The DSC curves show that the thermal decompositions of 1 and 2 are at different heating rates involved a single exothermic process. The TG curves provide insight into the total weight losses from the compounds associated with this process. At different pyrolysis temperatures, the compositions and types of the pyrolysis products differ greatly and the pyrolysis reaction at 500 °C is more thorough than 400 °C. Apparent activation energies (E) and pre-exponential factors (lnA/s -1 ) are 291.4 kJ mol -1 and 75.53 for 1; 396.2 kJ mol -1 and 80.98 for 2 (Kissinger). The values of E are 284.5 kJ mol -1 for 1 and 386.1 kJ mol -1 for 2 (Ozawa-Doyle). The critical temperature of thermal explosion (T b ) is evaluated as 187.01 °C for 1 and 282.78 °C for 2. The title compounds were broken into small fragment ions under the pyrolysis conditions

  12. Characterization of Human Disease Phenotypes Associated with Mutations in TREX1, RNASEH2A, RNASEH2B, RNASEH2C, SAMHD1, ADAR, and IFIH1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Crow, Y.J.; Chase, D.S.; Schmidt, J.L.; Szynkiewicz, M.; Forte, G.M.A.; Gornall, H.L.; Oojageer, A.; Anderson, B.; Pizzino, A.; Helman, G.; Abdel-Hamid, M.S.; Abdel-Salam, G.M.; Ackroyd, S.; Aeby, A.; Agosta, G.; Albin, C.; Allon-Shalev, S.; Arellano, M.; Ariaudo, G.; Aswani, V.; Babul-Hirji, R.; Baildam, E.M.; Bahi-Buisson, N.; Bailey, K.M.; Barnerias, C.; Barth, M.; Battini, R.; Beresford, M.W.; Bernard, G.; Bianchi, M.; de Villemeur, T.B.; Blair, E.M.; Bloom, M.; Burlina, A.B.; Carpanelli, M.L.; Carvalho, D.R.; Castro-Gago, M.; Cavallini, A.; Cereda, C.; Chandler, K.E.; Chitayat, D.A.; Collins, A.E.; Corcoles, C.S.; Cordeiro, N.J.V.; Crichiutti, G.; Dabydeen, L.; Dale, R.C.; D'Arrigo, S.; De Goede, C.G.E.L.; de Laet, C.; De Waele, L.M.H.; Denzler, I.; Desguerre, I.; Devriendt, K.; Di Rocco, M.; Fahey, M.C.; Fazzi, E.; Ferrie, C.D.; Figueiredo, A.; Gener, B.; Goizet, C.; Gowrinathan, N.R.; Gowrishankar, K.; Hanrahan, D.; Isidor, B.; Kara, L.; Khan, N.; King, M.D.; Kirk, E.P.; Kumar, R.; Lagae, L.; Landrieu, P.; Lauffer, H.; Laugel, V.; La Piana, R.; Lim, M.J.; Lin, J.P.S.M.; Linnankivi, T.; Mackay, M.T.; Marom, D.R.; Lourenco, C.M.; McKee, S.A.; Moroni, I.; Morton, J.E.V.; Moutard, M.L.; Murray, K.; Nabbout, R.; Nampoothiri, S.; Nunez-Enamorado, N.; Oades, P.J.; Olivieri, I.; Ostergaard, J.R.; Perez-Duenas, B.; Prendiville, J.S.; Ramesh, V.; Rasmussen, M.; Regal, L.; Ricci, F.; Rio, M.; Knaap, M.; Orcesi, S.; Rice, G.I.


    Aicardi-Goutières syndrome is an inflammatory disease occurring due to mutations in any of TREX1, RNASEH2A, RNASEH2B, RNASEH2C, SAMHD1, ADAR or IFIH1. We report on 374 patients from 299 families with mutations in these seven genes. Most patients conformed to one of two fairly stereotyped clinical

  13. Liquid effluent FY 1996 program plan WBS Revision 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Liquid Effluents Program supports the three Hanford Site mission components: (1) Clean up the site, (2) provide scientific and technological excellence to meet global needs, and (3) Partner in the economic diversification of the region. Nine Hanford Site objectives have been established for the Hanford Site programs to accomplish all three components of this mission.

  14. Liquid effluent FY 1996 program plan WBS Revision 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Liquid Effluents Program supports the three Hanford Site mission components: (1) Clean up the site, (2) provide scientific and technological excellence to meet global needs, and (3) Partner in the economic diversification of the region. Nine Hanford Site objectives have been established for the Hanford Site programs to accomplish all three components of this mission

  15. Incidência de fumonisina B1, aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2, ocratoxina A e zearalenona em produtos de milho Occurrence of fumonisin B1, aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in corn products

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciane Mie Kawashima


    Full Text Available Levantamentos de ocorrência de micotoxinas em alimentos foram realizados nas últimas duas décadas nas regiões Sudeste e Sul do Brasil. Levantamentos em alimentos comercializados em outras regiões têm-se limitado a aflatoxinas em amendoim e castanhas do Brasil. O presente trabalho pesquisou a presença de fumonisina B1, aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2, ocratoxina A e zearalenona em 74 amostras de produtos a base de milho adquiridas no comércio da cidade de Recife, PE, durante o período de 1999 a 2001. Fumonisina B1 foi determinada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção por fluorescência e as demais toxinas foram determinadas por cromatografia em camada delgada. Fumonisina B1 foi encontrada em 94,6% das amostras em concentrações variando de 20 a 8600 µg/kg. Apenas 5 amostras continham aflatoxina B1 e o teor máximo encontrado foi 20 µg/kg. Duas amostras ultrapassaram o limite de 20 µg/kg para a somatória das aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2 (farinha de milho pré-cozida com 21,5 µg/kg e quirera (xerém com 23,3 µg/kg. As aflatoxinas G1 e G2, ocratoxina A e zearalenona não foram detectadas em nenhuma das amostras. Todas as amostras contaminadas com aflatoxinas também apresentaram fumonisina B1.Research concerning the presence of mycotoxin in food has been conducted in the Southwest and South regions of Brazil over the last two decades. Research in other regions has been limited to aflatoxin in peanuts and Brazil nuts. The aim of this work is to study the presence of fumonisin B1, aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in 74 samples of corn products acquired in shops and food markets in the city of Recife (PE from 1999 to 2001. Fumonisin B1 was determined by high performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence was detected. The other toxins were determined by thin layer chromatography. Fumonisin B1 was found in 94.6% of the samples in levels from 20 to 8600 µg/kg. Only 5 samples contained

  16. Poly[dibromidobis[μ-1-(pyridin-4-ylmethyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole-κ2N:N′]cadmium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiu-Zhi Xu


    Full Text Available The title coordination polymer, [CdBr2(C8H8N42]n, arose from a layer-separated diffusion synthesis at room temperature. The title compound is isotypic with the I and Cl analogues. The Cd atom, located on an inversion center, is coordinated by two bromide ions and four N atoms (two from triazole rings and two from pyridyl rings in a distorted trans-CdBr2N4 octahedral arrangement. The bridging 1-(4-pyridylmethyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole ligands are twisted [dihedral angle between the triazole and pyridine rings = 72.56 (13°], affording a two-dimensional 44 sheet structure in the crystal.

  17. Main metabolites of 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-[1'-(5'-p-nitrobenzoyl-2',3'-isopropylidene)-alpha, beta-D-ribofuranosyl]-1-nitrosourea and 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-(2',3', 4'-tri-O-acetyl-alpha, beta-D-ribopyranosyl)-1-nitrosourea in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Madelmont, J.C.; Moreau, M.F.; Godeneche, D.; Duprat, J.; Plagne, R.; Meyniel, G.


    The metabolism of two glycosylnitrosoureas, 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-[1'-(5'-p-nitrobenzoyl-2',3'-isopropylidene)-alpha, beta-D-ribofuranosyl]-1-nitrosourea (RFCNU) and 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-(2',3',4'-tri-O-acetyl-alpha, beta-D-ribopyranosyl)-1-nitrosourea (RPCNU), has been investigated in the rat. With the label on the carboxyl moiety of RFCNU, we have shown that hydrolysis of the 4-nitrobenzoyl ester occurred to a large extent in vivo; 4-nitrobenzoic acid and its glucuronide were the major urinary metabolites. Two other minor metabolites and their glucuronides were identified as 4-aminobenzoic acid and 4-acetamidobenzoic acid. With the label on the chloroethyl moieties of RFCNU and RPCNU, we have shown that chloroethanol was a major degradation product of this alkylating part of the molecule. The concentration of chloroethanol in plasma vs. time has been determined. In urine, four metabolites derived from alkylated glutathione, namely thiodiacetic acid and its sulfoxide, N-acetylcarboxymethylcysteine, and N-acetylhydroxyethylcysteine, have been identified

  18. Stereoisomerism and muscarinic receptor agonists: Synthesis and effects of the stereoisomers of 3-[5-(3-amino-1,2,4-oxadizol)yl]-1-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pombo-Villar, E.; Wiederhold, K.-H.; Mengod, G.; Palacios, J.M.; Supavilai, P.; Boddeke, H.W.G.M.


    The preparation and the biological activities of the four stereoisomers of 3-[5-(3-amino-1,2,5-oxadiazol)yl]-1-azabicyclo [2.2.1]heptane are described. The most potent stereoisomer, 3a, has the 3R,4R configuration, and in vitro activities in (pD2(% efficacy): ileum 8.8 (87%), hippocampus 9.8 (116%)


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    The preparation and the biological activities of the four stereoisomers of 3-[5-(3-amino-1,2,4-oxadiazol)yl]-1-azabicyclo [2.2.1]heptane are described. The most potent stereoisomer, 3a, has the 3R,4R configuration, and in vitro activities in (pD2(% efficacy): ileum 8.8 (87%), hippocampus 9.8 (116%)

  20. Toxicological evaluation of the flavour ingredient N-(1-((4-amino-2,2-dioxido-1H-benzo[c][1,2,6]thiadiazin-5-yloxy-2-methylpropan-2-yl-2,6-dimethylisonicotinamide (S2218

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Donald S. Karanewsky

    Full Text Available A toxicological evaluation of N-(1-((4-amino-2,2-dioxido-1H-benzo[c][1,2,6]thiadiazin-5-yloxy-2-methylpropan-2-yl-2,6-dimethylisonicotinamide (S2218; CAS 1622458-34-7, a flavour with modifying properties, was completed for the purpose of assessing its safety for use in food and beverage applications. S2218 exhibited minimal oxidative metabolism in vitro, and in rat pharmacokinetic studies, the compound was poorly orally bioavailable and rapidly eliminated. S2218 was not found to be mutagenic in an in vitro bacterial reverse mutation assay, and was found to be neither clastogenic nor aneugenic in an in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus assay. In subchronic oral toxicity studies in male and female rats, the NOAEL was 140 mg/kg bw/day (highest dose tested for S2218 sulfate salt (S8069 when administered as a food ad-mix for 13 consecutive weeks. Furthermore, S2218 sulfate salt demonstrated a lack of maternal toxicity, as well as adverse effects on fetal morphology at the highest dose tested, providing a NOAEL of 1000 mg/kg bw/day for both maternal toxicity and embryo/fetal development when administered orally during gestation to pregnant rats. Keywords: Flavours with modifying properties, S2218, FEMA GRAS, Subchronic toxicological evaluation, Genetic toxicological evaluation, Developmental toxicity evaluation

  1. The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Binds to E2F1 and Inhibits E2F1-induced Apoptosis (United States)

    Marlowe, Jennifer L.; Fan, Yunxia; Chang, Xiaoqing; Peng, Li; Knudsen, Erik S.; Xia, Ying


    Cellular stress by DNA damage induces checkpoint kinase-2 (CHK2)-mediated phosphorylation and stabilization of the E2F1 transcription factor, leading to induction of apoptosis by activation of a subset of proapoptotic E2F1 target genes, including Apaf1 and p73. This report characterizes an interaction between the aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor (AHR), a ligand-activated transcription factor, and E2F1 that results in the attenuation of E2F1-mediated apoptosis. In Ahr−/− fibroblasts stably transfected with a doxycycline-regulated AHR expression vector, inhibition of AHR expression causes a significant elevation of oxidative stress, γH2A.X histone phosphorylation, and E2F1-dependent apoptosis, which can be blocked by small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of E2F1 expression. In contrast, ligand-dependent AHR activation protects these cells from etoposide-induced cell death. In cells expressing both proteins, AHR and E2F1 interact independently of the retinoblastoma protein (RB), because AHR and E2F1 coimmunoprecipitate from extracts of RB-negative cells. Additionally, chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicate that AHR and E2F1 bind to the Apaf1 promoter at a region containing a consensus E2F1 binding site but no AHR binding sites. AHR activation represses Apaf1 and TAp73 mRNA induction by a constitutively active CHK2 expression vector. Furthermore, AHR overexpression blocks the transcriptional induction of Apaf1 and p73 and the accumulation of sub-G0/G1 cells resulting from ectopic overexpression of E2F1. These results point to a proproliferative, antiapoptotic function of the Ah receptor that likely plays a role in tumor progression. PMID:18524851


    Extensive biodegradation of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was demonstrated by disappearance and mineralization of [14C]DDT in nutrient nitrogen-deficient cultures. Mass balance studies demonstrated the form...

  3. U (1 ) -symmetric infinite projected entangled-pair states study of the spin-1/2 square J1-J2 Heisenberg model (United States)

    Haghshenas, R.; Sheng, D. N.


    We develop an improved variant of U (1 ) -symmetric infinite projected entangled-pair states (iPEPS) ansatz to investigate the ground-state phase diagram of the spin-1 /2 square J1-J2 Heisenberg model. In order to improve the accuracy of the ansatz, we discuss a simple strategy to select automatically relevant symmetric sectors and also introduce an optimization method to treat second-neighbor interactions more efficiently. We show that variational ground-state energies of the model obtained by the U (1 ) -symmetric iPEPS ansatz (for a fixed bond dimension D ) set a better upper bound, improving previous tensor-network-based results. By studying the finite-D scaling of the magnetically order parameter, we find a Néel phase for J2/J1place at J2c2/J1=0.610 (2 ) to the conventional Stripe phase. We compare our results with earlier DMRG and PEPS studies and suggest future directions for resolving remaining issues.

  4. Suppression of hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) by YC-1 is dependent on murine double minute 2 (Mdm2)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lau, C.K.; Yang, Z.F.; Lam, C.T.; Tam, K.H.; Poon, R.T.P.; Fan, S.T.


    Inhibition of HIF-1α activity provides an important strategy for the treatment of cancer. Recently, 3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-2'-furyl)-1-benzyl indazole (YC-1) has been identified as an anti-HIF-1α drug in cancer therapy with unclear molecular mechanism. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the effect and mechanism of YC-1 on HIF-1α in a hepatocellular carcinoma cell line under hypoxic condition, which was generated by incubating cells with 0.1% O 2 . The phenotypic and molecular changes of cells were determined by cell proliferation assay, apoptosis assay, luciferase promoter assay, and Western blot analysis. YC-1 arrested tumor cell growth in a dose-dependent manner, whereas it did not induce cell apoptosis. Hypoxia-induced upregulation of HIF-1α was suppressed by YC-1 administration. YC-1 inhibited HIF-1α protein synthesis under normoxia and affected protein stability under hypoxia. YC-1 suppressed the expression of total and phosphorylated forms of murine double minute 2 (Mdm2), whereas this inhibitory effect was blocked by overexpression of Mdm2. In conclusion, YC-1 suppressed both protein synthesis and stability of HIF-1α in HCC cells, and its inhibitory effects on HIF-1α were dependent on Mdm2

  5. Effects of Al content and annealing on the phases formation, lattice parameters, and magnetization of A lxF e2B2 (x =1.0 ,1.1 ,1.2 ) alloys (United States)

    Levin, E. M.; Jensen, B. A.; Barua, R.; Lejeune, B.; Howard, A.; McCallum, R. W.; Kramer, M. J.; Lewis, L. H.


    AlF e2B2 is a ferromagnet with the Curie temperature around 300 K and has the potential to be an outstanding rare-earth free candidate for magnetocaloric applications. However, samples prepared from the melt contain additional phases which affect the functional response of the AlF e2B2 phase. We report on the effects of Al content in samples with the initial (nominal) composition of A lxF e2B2 , where x =1.0 , 1.1, and 1.2 prepared by arc-melting followed by suction casting and annealing. The as-cast A lxF e2B2 alloys contain AlF e2B2 as well as additional phases, including the primary solidifying FeB and A l13F e4 compounds, which are ferromagnetic and paramagnetic, respectively, at 300 K. The presence of these phases makes it difficult to extract the intrinsic magnetic properties of AlF e2B2 phase. Annealing of A lxF e2B2 alloys at 1040 °C for 3 days allows for reaction of the FeB with A l13F e4 to form the AlF e2B2 phase, significantly reduces the amount of additional phases, and results in nearly pure AlF e2B2 phase as confirmed with XRD, magnetization, scanning electron microscopy, and electronic transport. The values of the magnetization, effective magnetic moment per Fe atom, specific heat capacity, electrical resistivity, and Seebeck coefficient for the AlF e2B2 compound have been established.

  6. Synthesis and superstructure of La sub(2/3) (Mg sub(1/2)W sub(1/2))O/sub 3/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torii, Y [Government Industrial Research Inst., Nagoya (Japan)


    A new perovskite La sub(2/3)(Mg sub(1/2)W sub(1/2))O/sub 3/ having an orthorhombic multiple-cell was synthesized. The lattice constants were a = 7.8157(5) A, b = 7.8344(6) A and c = 2 x 7.9067(6) A. The superstructure was found to be due to a NaCl-type ordering of B ions as well as an ordering of A-site vacancies.

  7. Crystal structures of 2-methoxyisoindoline-1,3-dione, 1,3-dioxoisoindolin-2-yl methyl carbonate and 1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo[de]isoquinolin-2-yl methyl carbonate: three anticonvulsant compounds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fortune Ezemobi


    Full Text Available The title compounds, C9H7NO3, (1, C10H7NO5, (2, and C14H9NO5, (3, are three potentially anticonvulsant compounds. Compounds (1 and (2 are isoindoline derivatives and (3 is an isoquinoline derivative. Compounds (2 and (3 crystallize with two independent molecules (A and B in their asymmetric units. In all three cases, the isoindoline and benzoisoquinoline moieties are planar [r.m.s. deviations are 0.021 Å for (1, 0.04 and 0.018 Å for (2, and 0.033 and 0.041 Å for (3]. The substituents attached to the N atom are almost perpendicular to the mean planes of the heterocycles, with dihedral angles of 89.7 (3° for the N—O—Cmethyl group in (1, 71.01 (4 and 80.00 (4° for the N—O—C(=OO—Cmethyl groups in (2, and 75.62 (14 and 74.13 (4° for the same groups in (3. In the crystal of (1, there are unusual intermolecular C=O...C contacts of 2.794 (1 and 2.873 (1 Å present in molecules A and B, respectively. There are also C—H...O hydrogen bonds and π–π interactions [inter-centroid distance = 3.407 (3 Å] present, forming slabs lying parallel to (001. In the crystal of (2, the A and B molecules are linked by C—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming slabs parallel to (10-1, which are in turn linked via a number of π–π interactions [the most significant centroid–centroid distances are 3.4202 (7 and 3.5445 (7 Å], forming a three-dimensional structure. In the crystal of (3, the A and B molecules are linked via C—H...O hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional structure, which is consolidated by π–π interactions [the most significant inter-centroid distances are 3.575 (3 and 3.578 (3 Å].

  8. Scutellarin inhibits cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 1A2 (CYP1A2) in rats. (United States)

    Jian, Tun-Yu; He, Jian-Chang; He, Gong-Hao; Feng, En-Fu; Li, Hong-Liang; Bai, Min; Xu, Gui-Li


    Scutellarin is the most important flavone glycoside in the herbal drug Erigeron breviscapus (Vant.) Hand.-Mazz. It is used frequently in the clinic to treat ischemic vascular diseases in China. However, the direct relationship between scutellarin and cytochrome P450 (CYP450) is unclear. The present study investigated the in vitro and in vivo effects of scutellarin on cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP 1A2) metabolism. According to in vitro experiments, scutellarin (10-250 µM) decreased the formation of 4-acetamidophenol in a concentration-dependent manner, with an IC₅₀ value of 108.20 ± 0.657 µM. Furthermore, scutellarin exhibited a weak mixed-type inhibition against the activity of CYP1A2 in rat liver microsomes, with a K(i) value of 95.2 µM. Whereas in whole animal studies, scutellarin treatment for 7 days (at 5, 15, 30 mg/kg, i.p.) decreased the clearance (CL), and increased the T(1/2) (at 15, 30 mg/kg, i.p.), it did not affect the V(d) of phenacetin. Scutellarin treatment (at 5, 15, 30 mg/kg, i.p.) increased the AUC(0-∞) by 14.3%, 67.3% and 159.2%, respectively. Scutellarin at 30 mg/kg also weakly inhibited CYP1A2 activity, in accordance with our in vitro study. Thus, the results indicate that CYP1A2 is inhibited directly, but weakly, by scutellarin in vivo, and provide useful information on the safe and effective use of scutellarin in clinical practice. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  9. Synthesis and Electronic Properties of Fluoreno[2,1-a]fluorenedione and Fluoreno[1,2-a]fluorenedione. (United States)

    Hacker, Allison S; Pavano, Mauricio; Wood, James E; Immoos, Chad E; Hashimoto, Hannah; Genis, Sam P; Frantz, Derik K


    The [2,1-a]- and [1,2-a]-isomers of fluorenofluorenedione have been synthesized via intramolecular Friedel-Crafts acylations. DFT calculations indicate that the [1,2-a]-isomer adopts a twisted, helical C 2 -symmetric structure and that its protonated form is the thermodynamic product of the Friedel-Crafts acylation in hot sulfuric acid. Absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry measurements provide experimental estimations of frontier molecular orbital energy levels, which are reported and discussed.

  10. Crystal structures of CCa2CuO5 and CSr1.9Ca1.1Cu2O7 refined from single crystal data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kopnin, E.M.; Matveev, A.T.; Salamakha, P.S.; Sato, A.; Takayama-Muromachi, E.


    Single crystals were grown for new layered oxycarbonates CCa 2 CuO 5 and CSr 1.9 Ca 1.1 Cu 2 O 7 at 6 GPa using a belt-type apparatus. Their crystal structures were determined using single crystal X-ray diffraction data with R1(wR2)=0.0294(0.0659) and 0.0199(0.0457) for CCa 2 CuO 5 and CSr 1.9 Ca 1.1 Cu 2 O 7 , respectively. These phases crystallize in the space group P4/mmm (No. 123), Z=1 with a=3.8157(1) Angst, c=7.1426(3) Angst for CCa 2 CuO 5 and a=3.8753(1) Angst, c=10.6765(5) Angst for CSr 1.9 Ca 1.1 Cu 2 O 7 . In contrast to CSr 2 CuO 5 , no ordering in the orientation of the triangular CO 3 groups was revealed in CCa 2 CuO 5 and CSr 1.9 Ca 1.1 Cu 2 O 7

  11. Impact of FDA-Approved Drugs on the Prostaglandin Transporter OATP2A1/SLCO2A1. (United States)

    Kamo, Shunsuke; Nakanishi, Takeo; Aotani, Rika; Nakamura, Yoshinobu; Gose, Tomoka; Tamai, Ikumi


    To understand interaction of drugs with the prostaglandin transporter OATP2A1/SLCO2A1 that regulates disposition of prostaglandins, we explored the impact of 636 drugs in an FDA-approved drug library on 6-carboxyfluorescein (6-CF) uptake by OATP2A1-expressing HEK293 cells (HEK/2A1). Fifty-one and 10 drugs were found to inhibit and enhance 6-CF uptake by more than 50%, respectively. Effect of the 51 drugs on 6-CF uptake was positively correlated with that on PGE 2 uptake (r = 0.64, p < 0.001). Among those, 5 drugs not structurally related to prostaglandins, suramin, pranlukast, zafirlukast, olmesartan medoxomil, and losartan potassium, exhibited more than 90% PGE 2 uptake inhibition. Inhibitory affinity of suramin to OATP2A1 was the highest (IC 50,2A1 of 0.17 μM), and its IC 50 values to MRP4-mediated PGE 2 transport (IC 50,MRP4 ) and PGE 2 synthesis in human U-937 cells treated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (IC 50,Syn ) were 73.6 and 336.7 times higher than IC 50,2A1 , respectively. Moreover, structure-activity relationship study in 29 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs contained in the library displayed inhibitory activities of anthranilic acid derivatives, but enhancing effects of propionic acid derivatives. These results demonstrate that suramin is a potent selective inhibitor of OATP2A1, providing a comprehensive information about drugs in clinical use that interact with OATP2A1. Copyright © 2017 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Integrable deformations of the Gk1 ×Gk2 /Gk1+k2 coset CFTs (United States)

    Sfetsos, Konstantinos; Siampos, Konstantinos


    We study the effective action for the integrable λ-deformation of the Gk1 ×Gk2 /Gk1+k2 coset CFTs. For unequal levels theses models do not fall into the general discussion of λ-deformations of CFTs corresponding to symmetric spaces and have many attractive features. We show that the perturbation is driven by parafermion bilinears and we revisit the derivation of their algebra. We uncover a non-trivial symmetry of these models parametric space, which has not encountered before in the literature. Using field theoretical methods and the effective action we compute the exact in the deformation parameter β-function and explicitly demonstrate the existence of a fixed point in the IR corresponding to the Gk1-k2 ×Gk2 /Gk1 coset CFTs. The same result is verified using gravitational methods for G = SU (2). We examine various limiting cases previously considered in the literature and found agreement.

  13. Integrable deformations of the Gk1×Gk2/Gk1+k2 coset CFTs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Konstantinos Sfetsos


    Full Text Available We study the effective action for the integrable λ-deformation of the Gk1×Gk2/Gk1+k2 coset CFTs. For unequal levels theses models do not fall into the general discussion of λ-deformations of CFTs corresponding to symmetric spaces and have many attractive features. We show that the perturbation is driven by parafermion bilinears and we revisit the derivation of their algebra. We uncover a non-trivial symmetry of these models parametric space, which has not encountered before in the literature. Using field theoretical methods and the effective action we compute the exact in the deformation parameter β-function and explicitly demonstrate the existence of a fixed point in the IR corresponding to the Gk1−k2×Gk2/Gk1 coset CFTs. The same result is verified using gravitational methods for G=SU(2. We examine various limiting cases previously considered in the literature and found agreement.

  14. Discovery and widespread occurrence of polyhalogenated 1,1'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyrroles (PDBPs) in marine biota

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hauler, Carolin; Martin, René; Knölker, Hans-Joachim; Gaus, Caroline; Mueller, Jochen F.; Vetter, Walter


    Polyhalogenated 1,1′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyrroles (PDBPs) are halogenated natural products (HNPs) previously shown to bioaccumulate in marine mammals and birds. Since their discovery in 1999, six hexahalogenated and a few lesser halogenated congeners have been identified in diverse marine mammal samples. Here we report the identification of 17 additional hexahalogenated PDBPs in the blubber extract of a humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) from Queensland, Australia. Thirteen of these new PDBPs were also detected in an Australian sea cucumber (Holothuria sp.). Additional samples were also tested positive on several new PDBPs, including an Australian venus tuskfish (Choerodon venustus) as well as a white whale (Delphinapterus leucas) and a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) from the Northern Hemisphere. GC/ECNI-MS-SIM quantification of the molecular ions was carried out with the help of synthesized standards. The sum concentration of PDBPs was 1.1 mg/kg lipid in the humpback dolphin and 0.48 mg/kg lipid in the sea cucumber. -- Highlights: •Polyhalogenated 1,1′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyrroles (PDBPs) are natural products. •17 New hexahalogenated PDBPs were identified in marine biota from Australia. •A humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) contained 1.1 mg/kg lipid PDBPs. •New PDBPs were also detected in marine mammals from the Northern Hemisphere. -- Detection of new polyhalogenated 1,1′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyrroles indicates a higher toxic risk of these halogenated natural products in the marine environment than previously known

  15. Quasi-1D s=1/2 antiferromagnet Cs2CuCl4 in a magnetic field

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coldea, R.; Tennant, D.A.; Cowley, R.A.


    than the field (similar or equal to 8 T) required to fully align the spins, are observed to decouple the chains, and the system enters a disordered intermediate-field phase (IFP). The IFP excitations are in agreement with the predictions of Muller et al. for the 1D S = 1/2 HAF, and Talstra and Haldane......Magnetic excitations of the quasi-1D S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet (HAF) Cs2CuCl4 have beer measured as a function of magnetic field using neutron scattering. For T Fields greater than B-c = 1.66 T, but less...... for the related l/r(2) chain (the Haldane-Shastry model). This behavior is inconsistent with linear spin-wave theory....

  16. Enhancement of electrochemical performance of LiNi_1_/_3Co_1_/_3Mn_1_/_3O_2 by surface modification with MnO_2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, Xin; Cong, Li-Na; Zhao, Qin; Tai, Ling-Hua; Wu, Xing-Long; Zhang, Jing-Ping; Wang, Rong-Shun; Xie, Hai-Ming; Sun, Li-Qun


    LiNi_1_/_3Co_1_/_3Mn_1_/_3O_2 is successfully coated with MnO_2 by a chemical deposition method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) results demonstrate that MnO_2 forms a thin layer on the surface of LiNi_1_/_3Co_1_/_3Mn_1_/_3O_2 without destroying the crystal structure of the core material. Compared with pristine LiNi_1_/_3Co_1_/_3Mn_1_/_3O_2, the MnO_2-coated sample shows enhanced electrochemical performance especially the rate capability. Even at a current density of 750 mA g"−"1, the discharge capacity of MnO_2-coated LiNi_1_/_3Co_1_/_3Mn_1_/_3O_2 is 155.15 mAh g"−"1, while that of the pristine electrode is only 132.84 mAh g"−"1 in the range of 2.5–4.5 V. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) curves show that the MnO_2 coating layer reacts with Li"+ during cycling, which is responsible for the higher discharge capacity of MnO_2-coated LiNi_1_/_3Co_1_/_3Mn_1_/_3O_2. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) results confirmed that the MnO_2 coating layer plays an important role in reducing the charge transfer resistance on the electrolyte–electrode interfaces. - Highlights: • MnO_2 coated LiNi_1_/_3Co_1_/_3Mn_1_/_3O_2 cathode material is synthesized for the first time. • MnO_2 offers available sites for insertion of extracted lithium. • The preserved surface and crystal structures results in the improved kinetics.

  17. Comparative pathology of pigs infected with Korean H1N1, H1N2, or H3N2 swine influenza A viruses. (United States)

    Lyoo, Kwang-Soo; Kim, Jeong-Ki; Jung, Kwonil; Kang, Bo-Kyu; Song, Daesub


    The predominant subtypes of swine influenza A virus (SIV) in Korea swine population are H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2. The viruses are genetically close to the classical U.S. H1N1 and triple-reassortant H1N2 and H3N2 viruses, respectively. Comparative pathogenesis caused by Korean H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2 SIV was evaluated in this study. The H3N2 infected pigs had severe scores of gross and histopathological lesions at post-inoculation days (PID) 2, and this then progressively decreased. Both the H1N1 and H1N2 infected pigs lacked gross lesions at PID 2, but they showed moderate to severe pneumonia on PID 4, 7 and 14. The pigs infected with H1N1 had significant scores of gross and histopathological lesions when compared with the other pigs infected with H1N2, H3N2, and mock at PID 14. Mean SIV antigen-positive scores were rarely detected for pigs infected with H1N2 and H3N2 from PID 7, whereas a significantly increased amount of viral antigens were found in the bronchioles and alveolar epithelium of the H1N1infected pigs at PID 14. We demonstrated that Korean SIV subtypes had different pulmonary pathologic patterns. The Korean H3N2 rapidly induced acute lung lesions such as broncho-interstitial pneumonia, while the Korean H1N1 showed longer course of infection as compared to other strains.

  18. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of 1-[2-(5-Nitro-1H-indol-2-ylphenyl]methylpyridinium Chloride

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John B. Bremner


    Full Text Available In the course of studies on hybrid antibacterials incorporating 2-aryl-5-nitro-1H-indole moieties as potential bacterial NorA efflux pump inhibitors, the compound 1-[2-(5-nitro-1H-indol-2-ylphenyl]methylpyridinium chloride (2 was synthesized and structurally characterized. This pyridinium chloride salt crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21/c with the following unit cell dimensions: a 10.274(3 Å, b 13.101(4 Å, c 13.439(4 Å, b 107.702(7°, V 1723.2(9 Å3, Z (f.u. = 4; R1 = 0.048, and wR2 = 0.13. Of interest in the single crystal X-ray structure is the (intramolecular disposition of the pyridinium plane over the indole heterocyclic residue [interplanar dihedral angle 17.91(4°].

  19. Crystal structure of bis(1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octan-1-ium thiosulfate dihydrate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gorgui Awa Seck


    Full Text Available The crystal structure of the hydrated title salt, 2C6H13N2+·S2O32−·2H2O, contains a centrosymmetric cyclic motif of eight hydrogen-bonded molecular subunits. Two DABCOH+ cations (DABCO = 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane are linked to two water molecules and two thiosulfate anions via O—H...N and O—H...O hydrogen bonds, respectively. Two other water molecules close the cyclic motif through O—H...O contacts to the first two water molecules and to the two thiosulfate anions. A second pair of DABCOH+ cations is N—H...O hydrogen bonded to the two anions and is pendant to the ring. Adjacent cyclic motifs are bridged into a block-like arrangement extending along [100] through O—H...O interactions involving the second pair of water molecules and neighbouring thiosulfate anions.

  20. A 2-1-1 research collaboration: participant accrual and service quality indicators. (United States)

    Eddens, Katherine S; Alcaraz, Kassandra I; Kreuter, Matthew W; Rath, Suchitra; Greer, Regina


    In times of crises, 2-1-1 serves as a lifeline in many ways. These crises often cause a spike in call volume that can challenge 2-1-1's ability to meet its service quality standards. For researchers gathering data through 2-1-1s, a sudden increase in call volume might reduce accrual as 2-1-1 has less time to administer study protocols. Research activities imbedded in 2-1-1 systems may affect directly 2-1-1 service quality indicators. Using data from a 2-1-1 research collaboration, this paper examines the impact of crises on call volume to 2-1-1, how call volume affects research participant accrual through 2-1-1, and how research recruitment efforts affect 2-1-1 service quality indicators. t-tests were used to examine the effect of call volume on research participant accrual. Linear and logistic regressions were used to examine the effect of research participant accrual on 2-1-1 service quality indicators. Data were collected June 2010-December 2011; data were analyzed in 2012. Findings from this collaboration suggest that crises causing spikes in call volume adversely affect 2-1-1 service quality indicators as well as accrual of research participants. Administering a brief (2-3 minute) health risk assessment did not affect service quality negatively, but administering a longer (15-18 minute) survey had a modest adverse effect on these indicators. In 2-1-1 research collaborations, both partners need to understand the dynamic relationship among call volume, research accrual, and service quality and adjust expectations accordingly. If research goals include administering a longer survey, increased staffing of 2-1-1 call centers may be needed to avoid compromising service quality. Copyright © 2012 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Characterization Results for the L(2, 1, 1-Labeling Problem on Trees

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhang Xiaoling


    Full Text Available An L(2, 1, 1-labeling of a graph G is an assignment of non-negative integers (labels to the vertices of G such that adjacent vertices receive labels with difference at least 2, and vertices at distance 2 or 3 receive distinct labels. The span of such a labelling is the difference between the maximum and minimum labels used, and the minimum span over all L(2, 1, 1-labelings of G is called the L(2, 1, 1-labeling number of G, denoted by λ2,1,1(G. It was shown by King, Ras and Zhou in [The L(h, 1, 1-labelling problem for trees, European J. Combin. 31 (2010 1295–1306] that every tree T has Δ2(T − 1 ≤ λ2,1,1(T ≤ Δ2(T, where Δ2(T = maxuv∈E(T(d(u + d(v. And they conjectured that almost all trees have the L(2, 1, 1-labeling number attain the lower bound. This paper provides some sufficient conditions for λ2,1,1(T = Δ2(T. Furthermore, we show that the sufficient conditions we provide are also necessary for trees with diameter at most 6.

  2. Comparative pathology of pigs infected with Korean H1N1, H1N2, or H3N2 swine influenza A viruses


    Lyoo, Kwang-Soo; Kim, Jeong-Ki; Jung, Kwonil; Kang, Bo-Kyu; Song, Daesub


    Background The predominant subtypes of swine influenza A virus (SIV) in Korea swine population are H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2. The viruses are genetically close to the classical U.S. H1N1 and triple-reassortant H1N2 and H3N2 viruses, respectively. Comparative pathogenesis caused by Korean H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2 SIV was evaluated in this study. Findings The H3N2 infected pigs had severe scores of gross and histopathological lesions at post-inoculation days (PID) 2, and this then progressively decrease...

  3. Crystal structures of salen-type ligands 2-[(1E-({1-(3-chlorophenyl-2-[(E-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino]propyl}iminomethyl]phenol and 2-[(1E-({1-(4-chlorophenyl-2-[(E-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino]propyl}iminomethyl]phenol

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    A. Gayathri


    Full Text Available The title compounds, C23H21ClN2O2, differ from each other only by the position of the Cl atom on the corresponding benzene ring: meta relative to the central sp3 C atom for (I and para for (II. In (I, the hydroxyphenyl rings are almost parallel, the dihedral angle between the mean planes being 9.2 (2°, but in (II, the relative position of the ring is different, characterized by a dihedral angle of 48.5 (1°. Compound (I features intramolecular O—H...N and intermolecular C—H...O hydrogen bonds, while in (II, intramolecular O—H...N, C—H...N hydrogen bonds and weak intermolecular C—H...π interactions are observed. Compound (I was refined as an inversion twin.

  4. The status of CENDL-2.1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qichang, Liang; Tingjin, Liu; Zhixiang, Zhao; Baosheng, Yu; Tong, Liu; Zhengjun, Sun [Chinese Nuclear Data Center, Beijing, BJ (China)


    CENDL-2.1 contains evaluations of neutron reaction data for 68 elements or isotopes from {sup 1}H to {sup 249}Cf in the neutron energy range from 10{sup -5} eV to 20 MeV. It is the modified version of CENDL-2. The comparison of the CENDL-2 and CENDL-2.1 are given.

  5. Inducible targeting of CNS astrocytes in Aldh1l1-CreERT2 BAC transgenic mice [version 1; referees: 2 approved

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    Jan Winchenbach


    Full Text Available Background: Studying astrocytes in higher brain functions has been hampered by the lack of genetic tools for the efficient expression of inducible Cre recombinase throughout the CNS, including the neocortex. Methods: Therefore, we generated BAC transgenic mice, in which CreERT2 is expressed under control of the Aldh1l1 regulatory region. Results: When crossbred to Cre reporter mice, adult Aldh1l1-CreERT2 mice show efficient gene targeting in astrocytes. No such Cre-mediated recombination was detectable in CNS neurons, oligodendrocytes, and microglia. As expected, Aldh1l1-CreERT2 expression was evident in several peripheral organs, including liver and kidney. Conclusions: Taken together, Aldh1l1-CreERT2 mice are a useful tool for studying astrocytes in neurovascular coupling, brain metabolism, synaptic plasticity and other aspects of neuron-glia interactions.

  6. Enrichment of variations in KIR3DL1/S1 and KIR2DL2/L3 among H1N1/09 ICU patients: an exploratory study.

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    David La

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Infection by the pandemic influenza A (H1N1/09 virus resulted in significant pathology among specific ethnic groups worldwide. Natural Killer (NK cells are important in early innate immune responses to viral infections. Activation of NK cells, in part, depend on killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR and HLA class I ligand interactions. To study factors involved in NK cell dysfunction in overactive immune responses to H1N1 infection, KIR3DL1/S1 and KIR2DL2/L3 allotypes and cognate HLA ligands of H1N1/09 intensive-care unit (ICU patients were determined. METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS: KIR3DL1/S1, KIR2DL2/L3, and HLA -B and -C of 51 H1N1/09 ICU patients and 105 H1N1-negative subjects (St. Theresa Point, Manitoba were characterized. We detected an increase of 3DL1 ligand-negative pairs (3DL1/S1(+ Bw6(+ Bw4(-, and a lack of 2DL1 HLA-C2 ligands, among ICU patients. They were also significantly enriched for 2DL2/L3 ligand-positive pairs (PVA, P=0.024, Pc=0.047; Odds Ratio:2.563, CI95%:1.109-5.923, 3DL1*00101 (Ab>VA, PSTh, P=0.034, Pc=0.268, and 3DL1*029 (Ab>STh, P=0.039, Pc=0.301. Aboriginal patients ligand-positive for 3DL1/S1 and 2DL1 had the lowest probabilities of death (R(d (R(d=28%, compared to patients that were 3DL1/S1 ligand-negative (R(d=52% or carried 3DL1*029 (R(d=52%. Relative to Caucasoids (CA, two allotypes were enriched among non-aboriginal ICU patients (NAb: 3DL1*00401 (NAb>CA, P<0.001, Pc<0.001 and 3DL1*01502 (CA1/S1, 2DL2/L3, and 2DL1 had the lowest probabilities of death (R(d=36%, compared to subjects with 3DL1*01502 (R(d=48% and/or 3DL1*00401 (R(d=58%. CONCLUSIONS: Specific KIR3DL1/S1 allotypes, 3DL1/S1 and 2DL1 ligand-negative pairs, and 2DL2/L3 ligand-positive pairs were enriched among ICU patients. This suggests a possible association with NK cell dysfunction in patients with overactive immune responses to H1N1/09, leading to

  7. Synthesis and coordination chemistry of 1,1,1-tris-(pyrid-2-yl)ethane. (United States)

    Santoro, Amedeo; Sambiagio, Carlo; McGowan, Patrick C; Halcrow, Malcolm A


    A new synthesis of 1,1,1-tris(pyrid-2-yl)ethane (L), and a survey of its coordination chemistry, are reported. The complexes [ML2](n+) (M(n+) = Fe(2+), Co(2+), Co(3+), Cu(2+) and Ag(+)), [PdCl2L] and [CuI(L)] have all been crystallographically characterised. Noteworthy results include an unusual square planar silver(i) complex [Ag(L)2]X (X(-) = NO3(-) and SbF6(-)); the oxidative fixation of aerobic CO2 by [CuI(L)] to yield [Cu2I(L)2(μ-CO3)]2[CuI3] and [Cu(CO3)(L)]; and, water/carbonato tape and water/iodo layer hydrogen bonding networks in hydrate crystals of two of the copper(ii) complexes. Cyclic voltammetric data on [Fe(L)2](2+) and [Co(L)2](2+/3+) imply that the peripheral methyl substituent has a weak influence on the ligand field exerted by L onto a coordinated metal ion.

  8. Diaqua[N,N′-bis(2-pyridylmethylenepropane-1,3-diamine]manganese(II dibromide–aquabromido[N,N′-bis(2-pyridylmethylenepropane-1,3-diamine]manganese(II bromide–dibromido[N,N′-bis(2-pyridylmethylenepropane-1,3-diamine]manganese(II (1/2/1

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    In-Chul Hwang


    Full Text Available There are three different MnII complexes in the asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Mn(C15H16N4(H2O2]Br2·2{[MnBr(C15H16N4(H2O]Br}·[MnBr2(C15H16N4]. In the neutral complex, the Mn2+ ion is six-coordinated in a distorted octahedral environment by four N atoms of the tetradentate ligand N,N′-bis(2-pyridylmethylenepropane-1,3-diamine (bppd and two bromide ligands. In the two cationic complexes, the Mn2+ ions are also six-coordinated in similar environments, but one Mn ion is coordinated by four N atoms of bppd, one Br atom and one O atom of a coordinating water molecule, whereas the other Mn ion is coordinated by four N atoms of bppd and two O atoms of water ligands. The complexes with two coordinated Br atoms or two H2O ligands are disposed about a twofold axis through Mn and C atoms with the special positions ({script{1over 2}}, y, 0 and (0, y, {script{1over 2}}, respectively. The compound displays intermolecular O—H...Br hydrogen bonding. There are intermolecular π–π interactions between adjacent pyridine rings, with centroid–centroid distances of 3.822 and 3.833 Å, and a C—H...O interaction is also present.

  9. Social context-dependent modification of courtship behaviour in Drosophila prolongata. (United States)

    Setoguchi, Shiori; Kudo, Ayumi; Takanashi, Takuma; Ishikawa, Yukio; Matsuo, Takashi


    Induction of alternative mating tactics by surrounding conditions, such as the presence of conspecific males, is observed in many animal species. Satellite behaviour is a remarkable example in which parasitic males exploit the reproductive investment by other males. Despite the abundance of parasitic mating tactics, however, few examples are known in which males alter courtship behaviour as a counter tactic against parasitic rivals. The fruit fly Drosophila prolongata shows prominent sexual dimorphism in the forelegs. When courting females, males of D. prolongata perform 'leg vibration', in which a male vibrates the female's body with his enlarged forelegs. In this study, we found that leg vibration increased female receptivity, but it also raised a risk of interception of the female by rival males. Consequently, in the presence of rivals, males of D. prolongata shifted their courtship behaviour from leg vibration to 'rubbing', which was less vulnerable to interference by rival males. These results demonstrated that the males of D. prolongata adjust their courtship behaviour to circumvent the social context-dependent risk of leg vibration. © 2015 The Author(s).

  10. Aquachlorido{6,6′-dimethoxy-2,2′-[ethane-1,2-diylbis(nitrilodimethylidyne]diphenolato-κ2O1,N,N′,O1′}cobalt(III monohydrate

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    Jianxin Xing


    Full Text Available The title compound, [Co(C18H18N2O4Cl(H2O]·H2O, contains a distorted octahedral cobalt(III complex with a 6,6′-dimethoxy-2,2′-[ethane-1,2-diylbis(nitrilodimethylidyne]diphenolate ligand, a chloride and an aqua ligand, and also a disordered water solvent molecule (half-occupancy. The CoIII ion is coordinated in an N2O3Cl manner. Weak O—H...O hydrogen bonds may help to stabilize the crystal packing.

  11. Thermochemistry of the reactions of PH +2 ( 1A 1) and PH +2 ( 3B 1) with CO. A G2 molecular orbital study (United States)

    Esseffar, M.; Luna, A.; Mó, O.; Yáñez, M.


    The Gaussian-2 (G2) theoretical procedure, based on ab initio molecular orbital theory, is used to study the potential energy surfaces corresponding to gas phase reactions between PH +2 singlet and triplet state cations with carbon monoxide. Important differences between singlets and triplets, both regarding their bonding and their stabilities have been found. The most outstanding result is that, although the first 3B 1 excited state of PH +2 is only about 20 kcal/mol above the 1A 1 ground state, the singlet global minimum of the [H 2, P, C, O] + potential energy surface lies 61 kcal/mol below the triplet global minimum. This is so because, in general, triplet state cations are ion—dipole complexes, while the singlets are covalently bound species. In agreement with experimental evidence, only the formation of the adduct is exothermic, while all processes yielding PO or PC containing species as well as the proton transfer reaction, are strongly endothermic. Estimates of the heats of formation of H 2PO + and HCP species are given.

  12. {1-[1-(2-Hydroxyphenylethylidene]-2-(pyridin-2-yl-κNhydrazine-κ2N′,O}{1-[1-(2-oxidophenylethylidene]-2-(pyridin-2-yl-κNhydrazine-κ2N′,O}nickelate(II nitrate hemihydrate

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    Sarr Mamour


    Full Text Available The 2-hydrazinopyridine precursor has been widely used to prepare ligands of various kinds by condensation with carbonyl compounds. These types of ligands are suitable for synthesizing novel transition metal (II complexes with interesting magnetic properties. In this context we have synthesized the ligand 1-(2-hydroxyphenyl-2-ethylidene-2-(pyridin-2-ylhydrazine (HL which was used in the preparation of the mononuclear title complex, [Ni(C13H12N3O(C13H13N3O]NO3·0.5H2O. As a result of the presence of HL and L in the [{Ni(HL(L}]+ unit, the complex appears to be a supramolecular dimer composed of the Δ(− and Λ(− optical isomers, which are linked by strong hydrogen-bonds. As well as the dimer generated by two mononuclear [{Ni(HL(L}]+ cations, the asymmetric unit also contains two nitrate anions and one water molecule. Each Ni atom is coordinated to two ligand molecules by a nitrogen atom of the pyridine ring, an imine nitrogen atom and a phenolic oxygen atom of one of the ligand molecules and a phenolate oxygen atom of the other organic molecules. The environment around the cation is a distorted octahedron. The basal planes are defined by the two nitrogen atoms of the pyridine rings and the two phenolic oxygen atoms of the ligand, the apical positions being occupied by the azomethine atoms. The O atoms of one of the nitrate ions are disordered over two sets of sites in a 0.745 (9:0.255 (9 ratio. In the crystal, the dimers are linked by numerous hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional framework.

  13. Human safety and pharmacokinetics of the CFC alternative propellants HFC 134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) and HFC 227 (1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane) following whole-body exposure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Emmen, H.H.; Hoogendijk, E.M.G.; Klöpping-Ketelaars, W.A.A.; Muijser, H.; Duistermaat, E.; Ravensberg, J.C.; Alexander, D.J.; Borkhataria, D.; Rusch, G.M.; Schmit, B.


    HFC 134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) and HFC 227 (1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane) are used to replace chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in refrigerant and aerosol applications, including medical use in metered-dose inhalers. Production and consumption of CFCs are being phased out under the Montreal

  14. Interaction of photoactive cis(CO)-trans(I)-Ru-(4,4‧-dicarboxylate-2,2‧-bipyridine)(CO)2I2 with anatase (1 0 1) surface (United States)

    Haukka, Matti; Hirva, Pipsa


    The coordination of cis(CO)-trans(I)-Ru(4,4‧-dicarboxylate-2,2‧-bipyridine)(CO)2I2 on an anatase (1 0 1) surface was investigated using a computational density functional method. The adsorbate is able to interact with the anatase surface by one or two carboxylate substituents of the bipyridine ligand. Three of the studied coordination modes involved a single carboxylate as the binding group, including monodentate (1M), bidentate chelating (1BC) and bidentate bridging (1BB) modes. The possibility of monodentate binding via both carboxylate groups in (2M) was also studied. The results showed that the multidentate binding is clearly preferred over monodentate coordination. The stability of the modes increased in the order 1M, 1BC, 1BB and 2M. The flexibility of the bipyridine ligand was found to be the key factor in the binding via two carboxylate groups.

  15. Interaction between ALDH2*1*1 and DRD2/ANKK1 TaqI A1A1 genes may be associated with antisocial personality disorder not co-morbid with alcoholism. (United States)

    Lu, Ru-Band; Lee, Jia-Fu; Huang, San-Yuan; Lee, Sheng-Yu; Chang, Yun-Hsuan; Kuo, Po-Hsiu; Chen, Shiou-Lan; Chen, Shih-Heng; Chu, Chun-Hsien; Lin, Wei-Wen; Wu, Pei-Lin; Ko, Huei-Chen


    Previous studies on acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) focused on drinking behavior or alcoholism because the ALDH2*2 allele protects against the risk of developing alcoholism. The mechanism provides that the ALDH2 gene's protective effect is also involved in dopamine metabolism. The interaction of the ALDH2 gene with neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, is suggested to be related to alcoholism. Because alcoholism is often co-morbid with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), previous association studies on antisocial alcoholism cannot differentiate whether those genes relate to ASPD with alcoholism or ASPD only. This study examined the influence of the interaction effect of the ALDH2*1*1, *1*2 or *2*2 polymorphisms with the dopamine 2 receptor (DRD2) Taq I polymorphism on ASPD. Our 541 Han Chinese male participants were classified into three groups: antisocial alcoholism (ASPD co-morbid with alcohol dependence, antisocial ALC; n = 133), ASPD without alcoholism (ASPD not co-morbid with alcohol dependence, antisocial non-ALC; n = 164) and community controls (healthy volunteers from the community; n = 244). Compared with healthy controls, individuals with the DRD2 A1/A1 and the ALDH2*1/*1 genotypes were at a 5.39 times greater risk for antisocial non-ALC than were those with other genotypes. Our results suggest that the DRD2/ANKK1 and ALDH2 genes interacted in the antisocial non-ALC group; a connection neglected in previous studies caused by not separating antisocial ALC from ASPD. Our study made this distinction and showed that these two genes may be associated ASPD without co-morbid alcoholism. © 2010 The Authors, Addiction Biology © 2010 Society for the Study of Addiction.

  16. Thermodynamic properties of CuCr2S4 solid solutions in Cusub(1/2)Msub(1/2)Crsub(2)Ssub(4) (M - Ga, In)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Titov, V.V.; Kesler, Ya.A.; Shelkotunov, V.A.; Gordeev, I.V.; Tret'yakov, Yu.D.


    By means of an adiabatic calorimeter and quartz dilatometer for CuCr 2 S 4 in Cusub(1/2)Msub(1/2)Crsub(2)Ssub(4) (M-Ga, In) temperature dependences of heat capacity are determined. The contribution of various components into heat capacity is estimated, thermodynamic parameters of magnetic transformation are calculated

  17. Optogalvanic transients in the 1s2,4→2p1,3 excitations of radio frequency neon plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yao, X.; Kumar, D.; McGlynn, S.P.


    The optogalvanic effects (OGE) induced by pulsed laser excitation of Ne 1s 2,4 →2p 1,3 transitions in a low power, ∼30 MHz radio frequency Ne discharge at ∼5 Torr are described. The polarity (sign) of the OGE signal is controlled by perturbations of the 1s j populations. The steady state 1s 4 population is ∼10 1 times larger than the 1s 2 population and the OGE signals for 1s 4 →2p 1,3 excitations are correspondingly stronger than those for 1s 22p 1,3 excitations. The plasma temperature is found to be ∼1000 K. The excitations 1s 2,4 →2p 3 are more efficient at signal production than the 1s 2,4 →2p 1 excitations, which is contrary to prediction. The OGE signals are consequences of: (1) perturbation and reequilibration of the metastable 1s 3 and 1s 5 populations; (2) radiatively trapped 1s 21 S 0 photons; and (3) collisionally induced 1s 2 , 1s 4 ↔1s 3 , 1s 5 energy transfer. The OGE signal components, both the ionization and photoacoustic constituents, are temporally coincident only when the immediate causative agents are trapped photons. When otherwise produced, the photoacoustic part is delayed relative to the ionization component by the time required for the acoustic wave to travel from the locus of excitation to the sensitive region(s) of the plasma. copyright 1999 American Institute of Physics

  18. Protonation of 1-alkyl-2-allyllithium-0-carboranes and 1-methyl-2-allylmaonesium chloride-0-carborane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanova, N.N.; Kazantsev, A.V.; Zakharkin, L.I.


    The ratio of 1-alkyl-2-allyl and 1-alkyl-2-propenyl-0-carboranes generated in protonation of 1-alkyl-2-lithium allyl-0-carboranes with various protolytic agents in ether, THF and liquid ammonia depends on the nature of protolytic agent and solvent. The rat:o of these allyl and propenyl isomers is also affected by steric effects of the protolytic agent and 0-carborane nucleus

  19. 1,4-Disilacyclohexa-2,5-diene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tibbelin, Julius; Wallner, Andreas; Emanuelsson, Rikard


    2,3,5,6-Tetraethyl-1,4-disilacyclohexa-2,5-dienes with either four chloro (1a), methyl (1b), or trimethylsilyl (TMS) (1c) substituents at the two silicon atoms were examined in an effort to design rigid compounds with strong neutral cross-hyperconjugation between π- and σ-bonded molecular segments......). Furthermore, 1,4-disilacyclohexadiene 1c absorbs strongly at 273 nm (4.55 eV), whereas 1a and 1b have no symmetry allowed excitations above 215 nm (below 5.77 eV). Thus, suitably substituted 1,4-disilacyclohexa-2,5-dienes could represent novel building blocks for the design of larger cross...

  20. Comparison of cortical activation during Mahjong game play in a video game setting and a real-life setting


    Fujimori, Satomi; Terasawa, Koji; Murata, Yuki; Ogawa, Kishiko; Tabuchi, Hisaaki; Yanagisawa, Hiroki; Terasawa, Saiki; Shinohara, Kikunori; Yanagisawa, Akitaka


    The purpose of this study was to compare the hemodynamic changes that occur during Mahjong game play in virtual and real-life settings. Fourteen healthy right-handed men (average age ± standard deviation; 36.7 ± 14.9 years) played: 1) a Mahjong solitaire game on a video console against virtual rivals; 2) a Mahjong game against human opponents without conversation; and 3) a Mahjong game against human opponents with conversation. We measured oxygenated hemoglobin concentration at 44 locations o...